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The superficial deposits, those materials which, resting indiffer- ently on the worn beds ot the Cretaceous and Laramie, form the actual surface of the district now undei' description, are so largely those of the glacial age that to describe them is practically to outline the history of that very interesting period. In general the older rocks are deeply mantled with these deposits, and it is seldom, except in the neighbourhood of the mountains, that these appear, save in the deep Influence of «l liver-valleys. The superficial deposits have, in fact, not only grea*^^ly modified the apj)eapance of the county as a whole, but have given character to, and impressed a general uniformity on, the nature of its soil. The general characters of the several deposits of the glacial period are, however, so similar, that it will not be necessary to enter in great detail into the description of localities. One of the most striking features, indeed, of the glacial deposits of the North-we?t is their extraordinary persistence and similarity of character over immense areas. Compared to their vast extent their thickness is almost infinit- isimal, yet they everywhere characterize the surface in uninterrupted continuity for hundreds of miles. As a part of the discussion of the superficial deposits of the plains as Previous notea a whole, in connection with the Boundary Commission exploration, i <>" ^''^o'a'tJon' {Page in original report, 139 o) Pre-irBicial condition of the country. Old and new river cb mnols. General thick- ness of drift. Table of deposits. Quartzit^i 8nin«r!a belcw boulder-clay. 2 NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. have already given such facts as came under observation in the immediate vicinity of the 49th parallel, and while the greater know- ledge of the distinct now obtained enables much to be tdded to these desci'iptions, it does not alter them in their main features.* The pre-glacial aspect of the county has been much rougher and more diversified than that which it at present presents. It must have been for a very long time in the later Tertiary periods subjected to denudation, and deeply marked by rain and rivers. The glaciating agents have doubtless planed off many of these irregularities, and the surface has besides been deeply buried in its deposits, to which the gen- eral name of drift has been applied in the preceding parts of this report. These have been laid down in greatest thickness in the pre-existing hollows and low tracts, and the general effect has been a filling up of the asperities, and the production of wide aveas of almost perfectly level prairie. That this has been the case is evidenced by the fact that while some of the higher plateaus and ridges are but scantily covered with drift, the thickness shown in many of the river sections is over two hundred feet. Whatever the courses of the pi-e-glacial rivers (and there is no evi- dence that they departed widely from the present Avest-to-eaat system of drainage) the new streams which began to form channels for them- selves when the glacial conditions had passed away, certainly did not follow the old beds. Thia is shown by the fact that while in some cases almost the entire height of the scarped banks along the streams is formed of Cretaceous and Laramie rocks, in others these banks are altogether composed of drift deposits, the base of which lies even lower than the present river-bed. As a rough estimate of the importance of the drift deposits in the district, it may be stated that in the region east of the Porcupine Hills, they probably average at least one hundred feet in thickness. The following is a list, in descending order, of the supei'ficial deposits developed in the region under discussion : — Stratified sands, gravels and silts. Upper boulder-clay. Interglacial deposit with peat. Lower boulder-clay. Quartzite shingle and associated beds. Besting immediately on the surface of the Cretaceous and Laramie, in a number of widely separated localities, is a deposit of well rolled pebbles or shingle, consisting for the most part of hard quartzites, and * See Quart* Joum. Geol. Soo., Nov., li^75, and Geology and Resources of the 49th Parallel. 1875. (140 C) L v^' DAWSON.] SUPERFICIAL DEPOSITS. 3 derived entirely from the PaliDozoic rocks of the Eocky Mountains.* Limestone is occasionally found in this bed near the mountains, but the shingle as a whole has evidently been subjected to such prolonged wear while on its eastward course, that this and other soft materials have been altogether ground down before attaining any very great distance f''om the place of origin. The pebbles are seldom more than a few inches in diameter, and are often very uniform in size, forming a closely packed bed, in which the stones are arranged with their longer axes parallel to the plane of deposit. This quartzite shingle bed has been observed on the Old Man Eiver Distribution of below Fort MacLeod, in several places. It is entirely wanting on theshitiKie. upper part of the St. Mary Eiver, appearing for the fii'st time at a point six miles from its mouth. It may be seen on the Belly, on the right side of the valley near the trail-crossing at Coal Banks, and in several other places on its lower course, as at Big Island bend, the north-west angle of Drift-wood bend, and in the north bank opposite Wolf Island. At the last-mentioned locality it is associated with stratified sand and clay beds, a circumstance not elsewhere observed. The section here is as follows, in descending order : — FHEIT. 1. Pale yellowish-grey, more or less perfectly stratified W^lfTs^^nd boulder-clay, about 100 2. Purplish, finely-bedded sandy clay, with thin layers of ironstone and a lignite bed eighteen inches thick. A few Laurentian pebbles near the base 8 3. Unstratified boulder-clay, holding stones up to 2' 6'' diameter 15 4. Stratified yellowisli and brownish-yellow sands, with a few stone^^ some of which are Laurentian 15 5. Fine pale purplish-grey clay 4 6. Stratified yellowish sands 6 7. Quartzite shingle deposit, without Laurentian fragments, becoming clayey and full of derived fragments from, underlying rocks at base (about) 15 8. Cretaceous shales and sandstones with eroded surface (to water) 10 173 On the section formed by the Bow Eiver, the quartzite shingle is ^"ingie wi Bow seen in a number of places. It was first recognised at a point a few ^"^g ^^ "^ ^®®' miles above Highwood Eiver, where it has a thickness of fifteen feet, * There is no admixture of Laurentian or Huronian material, to which an eastern or north- eastern origin would have to be assigned. It is possible that a portion of the quartzites and associated rocljs may have been oriRinally derived from portions of the Rocky Mountains range far to the north, but in the absence of any evidence to that efifect, and in view of the fact that the lithological characters— even some of a peculiar and expectional kind— found in the pebbles of the shingle, are precisely those of the rocks of the mountains to the west, it is most probable that they have been thence derived. (141 o) 4 NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. and is near tho wator-lovol. Below the Highwood it was scon at ono- place near the lower end of Pino Canon at an elevation of sixty foot above the river. At a point, a few miles above the Arrow-wood Creeks, it has a thickness of tiftoon to twenty feet, the base being about twenty feet above the water, and the summit < :ipped by ton to fifteen feet of hard boulder-clay. About three miles above the Blackfoot Crosp'^g it is again well shown. Its existence was also suspected at several points below the Blackfbot Crossing, but could not be proved owing to the extensive slides which have occurred in the banks. It was also I'ocognized by Mr. McConnell at several placoi"* on the Eed Deer River within the limits of the map. shin'ie"^ The Origin of the quartzite shingle is a question of groat interest^ but at the same time a very difficult one. It at first appeared to be certain that it must have been biought eastwaid from the mountains by rapid streams, of a date immediately preceding the glacial period, and that it must either still occupy the channels of these, or have been spread abroad in some wide body of waters into which they flowed. Miocene The discovory in the Cypress Hills, in 1883, by Mr. McConnell, of an extensive Miocene formation, the greater part of which is composed of precisely similar shingle more or less cemented together by calcareous matter, must now, however, be taken into account. It is possible that this formation which now caps the high plateau known as the Cypress Hills, at one time spread much more widely, and that its gravels have been re-arranged and spread over the neighbouring plains hy pre-glacial streams as denudation proceeded, and further, that these Miocene beds may have supplied much of the quartzite material which enters largely Two sources of i^i^o the composition of the boulder-clay and its derived deposits. The supply. fj^g|.^ however, that exactly similar quartzite gravels^can be traced up into the foot-hills, in the valleys of some of the streams, forming a thin layer beneath the boulder-clay, where there is no evidence whatever of the existence of any Miocene beds, tends to prove that a poi'tion, at least, of the quartzite gravels here referred to, have been derived imme- diately fi'om the mountains, in times just preceding, or marking the initiation of, the glacial period. The question is one admitting of much additional investigation. Irregularity in The level of theso prc-glacial gravels, often differs very consider- distribution of , , , . ^ ° * , . . , , , ,, , shingle. ably in the river sections, as compared with the water-level oi the modern rivers. The gravels, however, tend generally to characterize the lower parts of the district, and are, for example, quite wanting along almost the entire course of the St. Mary. They are by no means universally spread even in the parts of the district which they char- acterize, a fact which may be due either to an original irregularity in distribution, or to their subsequent partial removal and mingling with (142 c) i DAWSON.] SUPERFICIAL DEPOSITS. 5 tho /fonoi'Jil substance of tlio drift of the j^laciul period. No glaciated stones wore anywhere found in these gravels, find the line between them and tho boulder-clay is usaally a perfectly distinct one. The only section which shows u blending with the base of the bouldcr-cIay is that already quoted at Wolf Island, apart from which the shingle might be legarded as a deposit refei-able to the last stage of the Tertiary.* The boulder-clay, which constitutes by far the most important Tho boulder- member of the tlrift doi)Osits, is very variable in thicl^ness, having in some places a volume of nearly two hundred feet, while in othe?"s it is quite thin. It presents the usual characters of this deposit, being, as a rule, a hard sandy clay, containing a vaiiabie and often very considera- able proportion of Laurentian and Huronian eri-atics, mingled with fragments of quartzites from the Rocky Mountains, and sandstone blocks from the Cretaceous or Larumie. The mass of its tiner components, however, usually appears to have been derived from the l»eds underly- ing it at no great distance, and has been formed of these materials ploughed up jmd kneaded together. In consequence of this circum- colour, stance its colour varies considerably, ranging from dark blackish- or bluish-gre}'- to lighter tints of the same, and often becoming yellowish- gre; or fawn-coloui*ed, especially wliere weathered. On th(^ St. Mary, it was observed to have in some places a distinctly reddish tint, duo to the colours of the neighbouring reddish cla^'s of the Willow Creek sub- division of the Laramie. Where shown in good sections, it is generally lowtfriJii'rts, divisible into an upper and lower part, the latter being more compact, and though not without strati tication planes, showing them in a less marked manner, while the former is, as a rule, not only more distinctly stratified but also less compact. This feature is specially well shown on the BellyRiver below Coal Banks, and between the upper and lower boulder-clays the i-emarkable sedimentaiy deposits, described in a succeeding paragraph, here occur. The bouldei"-clay, from its massive character, frequently weathers in Distribution. • Since the above was written, Mr. .T. B. Tyrrell, in the CDurse of the geological examination of the country north of the Red Deer River, hn.s found gravels or incoherent conglomerates cap- ping the Hand Hills, precisely like those of the Cypress Hills. These have yielded no fossils but there can be little doubt that they are like those of the Cypress Hills, of Miocene age. This • -discovery appears to show that tho Miocene shinglo-beds may have been much more widespread and important than previously supposed, though but occasional remnants of them, capping the higher plateaus, are now found. It may even be, that in the distribution of the quartzite gravels above described as underlying tho boulder-clay, we have a general definition of the area of the Miocene formation, the immediately pre-glacial gravels having resulted from its waste, and accu- mulated in the valleys of streams which ran through the old Miocene area. It must still, how- ; -ever, be admitted that similar gravels underlie the boulder-clay near the mountains, and that these have probably no connection with the denudation of Miocene beds, but have been derived -directly from the mountains. The question of the mode of transport of so great a quan- tity of coarse gravel to such a great distance from its source in the mountains, and its deposition on ^ the soft beds of the plains in Miocene times, without any evidence of ice action, is a very difficult «ne. (143 0) : Int.crglacial beds. Section at Drift-wood Bond. Intei'glaeial peat. 6 NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. rivoi'-cliffrt into prihimatic uiul columimr Ibi-ms, and it is thin deposit which is concerned in most of tko houvy land-slides which occur along the val- leys of the st reams. It may be regarded as entirely covering by far the larger part of the surface of the district, but on approaching the base of the mountains is replaced by morainic accumulatiotjs due to local glaciers. Certain tracts characteri/ed by the presence of a great thick- ness of boulder-clay have already been alluded lo in the general descrip- tion of the river sections, it .usts often directly on the Cretaceous and Laramie rocks, oven in the immediate neighborhood of localities where the intei'vening shingle deposit was observed well developed, and its base is often below the level of the water, oven in the deeper river- valleys. The intercalated finer beds, above alluded to, are well shown in the section at Wolf Island (p. 141 c). They are seen also in a number of places on the Belly between Wolf Island and Coal Banks, and the body of water in which they were laid down must have been a very extensive one. On the east side of Drift-wood bend, seven miles west of Woir Island, the following section occurs : — FEET. 1. Boulder-clay, with traces of stratification, to top of bank .... 4U 2. Finely stratified, pale-grey sand, with irrejrular lenticular masses of soft ironstone, a few inches thick 15 3. Brownish-grey, earthy, sandy clay, distinctly stratified, with carbonaceous layers, which in places become impure lig- nite ; small selenite crystals and concretions. 3' or more (variable.) • 3 4. Grey, fine sand with ironstone concretions, (like No. 2) . . . . 15 5. Massive boulder-clay with large stones and bould' rs, some- times distinctly glaciated. Laurentian and qnarteite fragments (to foot of bank) 80 153 Four miles further up the Belly, at the north-west angle of Drift- wood bend, the same beds are again shown, but the carbonaceous layers have here coalesced to form a distinct bed, about a foot thick, of imper- fect lignite or indurated peat. A specimen collected here has been examined by Mr. C. Hotfmann. It is very strongly acted on by caustic potash, affording a dark-brown liquid. On analysis by the method adopted for the Cretaceous and Laramie fuels it yielded the following results : — Hygroscopic water 7*74 Volatile combustible matter 23-13 Fixed Carbon 2205 Ash 4708 100 -00 (144 c) fecT L DAWSON,] SUPERFICIAL DEPOSITS. *f In the approximate oquality ot'voluiile combu8til)lo matter and fixed carbon, and its percentage of water (vvlion allowance is made for the largo proporti(m of ash) this material resembles a poor lignite or good quality of peat. Overlying the boulder-clay are wide-spread stnititied deposits, the PoposUs . over I villi? distribution of which assists materially in giving uniformity to the boulder-clay, tracts of level plain. It is, indeed, quite exco|)tional t '-^d the surface soil consisting of bouldor-elay disintegrated in place, r i ' s occurs only on the slopes of plateaus, or in hollows formed by Ueiiudation. That the beds overlying the bouldor-cIay have not been merely formed by its re-arrangement in water without the addition of new material, is indi- cated 1)y the fact that in many places erratics much larger than those chararterizing the boulder-clay of the locality are found strewn over the surface of the country.- The beds observed in river sections and elsewhere to ovorlio the boulder-clay are generally gravels or sands below and sandy or clayey loams above. The latter form the subsoil over most of the region, and are generally rather pale brownish- or yellowish-grey in colour. Along the base of the Eocky Mountains, moraines, in a more or less ,'i["t"if,'j'„fshed degraded condition, are al>undant, and evidently due to considerable local J.'["'" oou'der- glacioi's which debouched from the present valleys of the range. The material of these moraines, when seen in section, ditfers considerably from the boulder-clay proper, not only in the fact that the included fragments are entirely of Rocky Mountain, or local origin, but in its greater degree of hardness, the greater roughness and angularity of the stones, and so far as observed the complete absence of bedding. On . .e Waterton River, moraine material of this kind was fii-st seen Moraines near about ten miles from the base of the mountains. West of the i-iver, for some miles below the lake, a ridge which has evidently been a lateral moraine of the Waterton Lake glacier, occurs ; and several hills of the same character, with large blocks derived from the mountains protrud- ing from and scattei'cd over them, are found about the lower end of the lake and opposite the valley of tl ) South Kootanie Pass. For about thirty miles north wai'd along the base of the range, moraines are of constant occurrence, and can easily be recognized owing to the sparsely wooded character of the foot-hill belt in this region. Each little valley now giving issue to a brook, has formerly contained a glacier, and the old lateral moraines, sometimes still very well preserved, run off from the base of the mountains lnvC spurs. The Bow River valley in correspondence with the large area of Bow valley , • . •! . j^ -^ .1 111 , . „ . glaciers. mountains tributary to it, appears to have held a glacier of larger size than any elsewhere originating in the mountains in this district. In several places some miles up the pass the rocks bear traces of heavy (145 0) ^iij NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. ii! Terraces nnd planes of denudation. Highest terraces. Terraces in Bow Valley. Terraces in the mountains. Laurontianand Huronian boulders. Western limit. glaciation, and at " the Gap " the limestone is deeply grooved and fluted by the passage of ice. Near and above Morley, portions of lateral moraines of this glacier project thi-ough lerraces of later date as ridges, parallel to the direction of the valley. Between Morley and Calgary on the Bow, a deposit more closely resembling boulder-clay than true morainic matter was observed in several places, but the stones in it are entirely those of the mountains or sandstone blocks from the underlying beds. Terraces are prominent features in some parts of the rivej'-valleys in this district, but are generally clearly due to the action of the river itself at a former period. The extensive tracts of almost perfectly level prairie which occur, afford evidence of water action of some duration, and may be regarded as wide terraces. The eastern face of the Porcu- pine Hills appears from a distance to be viery distinctly terraced, but this aspect was found to be due to the outcrop of the nearly hoi'izontal sandstone beds. On approaching the mountains, howerei', true terraces of a more significant character present themselves in many places. Terraces in the entrance to the South Kootanie Pass at a height of about 4,400 feet have already been described in mj" Boundary Commis- sion report. In the valleys of Mill and Pincher Creeks, and those of the Forks of the Old Man, east of the actual base of the mountains, wide tei-- races and terrace-flats are found, stretching out from the ridges of the foothills, and running up the valleys of the various streams. Actual gravelly beaches occasionally mark the Junction of the terraces with the bounding slopes, and they have no connection with the pj-esent streams, which cut through them. The level varies in dift'erent local- ities, but the highest observed as well characterized attains an eleva- tion of about 4,200 feet. In the Bow Valley near Morley, and thence to the foot of the mountains, similar terraces are found which are quite Independent of the modern river ; and in the wide mouth of the valley of the Kan- anaskis Pass a series of terraces wei-e seen from a distance, which must rise to an elevation of at least 4,500 feet. In the Bow and Crow Nest Passes, within the first range of the mountains, terraces are in many places well developed, but as local conditions, such as the stoppage of these valleys by transverse glaciers, may account for the existence of water at the elevations they mark, they do not possess so much interest as those above described. The occurrence of Laurentian and Huronian fragments in vast num- bers as erratics over the district now described, at such a greot distance from the nearest points of outcrop of the parent rock, and at elevations so considerable, is a matter of much interest. The westei-n limit of the Laurentian and Huronian drift may be said to reach the base of the (146 c) DAWSON.] SUPERFICIAL DEPOSITS, 9 Eocky Mountains, in the vicinity of the 49th parallel, for fragments of these rocks were found on the Waterton Kiver two miles below the lake, within three miles of the actual edge of the Pabvozoic rocks, and at an elevation of 4,200 feet. Northward, on the head waters of the Old Man, Laurentian drift is found, though sparingly, as far west as the mill on Mill Creek, at a height of 3,800 feet, and a single Lauren- tian boulder was seen about half a mile west of Garnett's, near the trail leading to the Crow Nest Pass, at a height of about 4,200 feet. I did not, however, observe any Laurentian drifton the North Fork of the Old Man, and it is probable that it is absent or nearly so in the district sheltered by lihe higher parts of the Porcupine Hills. On the Bow Eiver no Laurentian oi* Hui'onian erratics were seen west of Calgary, and even after their first appearance they are very scarce for some distance. As the height of the Bow River at this point is only about 3,300 feet, the western limit of the Laurentian drift cannot conform strictly to any contour-line of the present surface of the country. South of the 49th parallel, the country travelled over fi-om Fort P'"iJ^;}epo8''8 Benton, on the Missouri, by the MacLeod trail, is all more or less Montana, thickly strewn with Laurentian erratics. South of the Marias River, the stones were observed to be chiefly quartzites of var^'ing colours and doubtless of Rockj'' Mountain origin, but with these are mingled in larger or smaller proportion, granitic, gneissic and schistose Laurentian rocks, and these occur equallj'^ in the I'iver-valleys and on the highest portions of the plains crossed by the trail. There is also, however, particularly in the vicinity of the Missouri, a proportion of granite boulders wiMi flesh-purple felspar and bluish, rather opalescent quartz, which I did not recognise as Laurentian, and which maj^ be derived from some not far remote mountain region. North of the Marias the conditions continue similar, and are, in fact, practically identical with those of the region more especially treated in this report. In this entire distiict there is no possibility of confounding theNocrj;staiiino Laurentian and Huronian erratics with those from the Rocky Moun- mountains. tains, which do not attbrd any granitic or gneissic rocks or crystalline schists. The actual heights at which Laurentian and Huronian erratics are Great elevation found are in some instances very great. A few of the more striking a|,d'Huronian cases may be noted. The heights given are probably trustworthy to '''"'""*'°^" within fifty feet, having been worked out by comparison with the regular barometric observations at Fort Benton, which have been kindly supplied by General Hazen. — At the summit of the high ridge forming the southern continuation of the Porcupine Hills, which is crossed by the road between Fort MacLeod and Pinchor Creek at an (14*7 0) 10 NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. No drift on 8ummit of Rooky Spring Plateau. i elevation of 4,390 feet, Laurentian stones were found, though not abundant. In 1883 several indubitable Laurentian boulders, represent- ing three varieties of g)*anitic and gneissic rocks, were found ahout twenty miles north of the i9th parallel, at an elevation of 5,280 I'eet. They occur on the summit of a high ridge, which is evidently of morainic origin, within a few miles of the Palaeozoic rocks of the mountains, but for the reasons elsewhere givea they can not have been derived from these mountains, and their origin must be sought with that of those so numerous at lower levels, to the east or north- east. This is the highest point at which Laurentian boulders have been found in the district. Numerous similar erratics are found on the high country near the Milk Eiver, and between that stream and the St. Mary Eiver, about the intersection of the 49th parallel and 113th meridian, at an elevation of about 4,200 feet. A few miles south of the 49th parallel, on the MacLeod-Benton trail, the Rocky Spring plateau is crossed. The south-eastward front is a steep escarpment facing a comparatively low plain, and is very thickly strewn with Laurentian and Huronian erratics as though it had at one period constituted a shore-line. Northward, the plateau slopes gradually down from its greatest elevation of 4, 176 feet. The highest point of the plateau, crossed by the trail, is, for a mile or more, quite without drift deposits or erratics, but before any considerable descent is made to the north, erratics become abundant, though not large, and much resemble the remains of au old beach deposit. The height of the Laurentian drift here is about 4,100 feet. From othei- observations it is certain that this elevation does not constitute the limit in height of the Laurentian material, and it seems possible that the summit of this plateau was occu- pied by a snow-field during glacial times which prevented the accumu- lation of the deposits elsewhere found. The Three Buttes, forming isolated high summits in the centre of a iru^s^mifs^^"*^^^^® plain, offer peculiar facilities for the determination of the highest points attained by the glaciating agent and Laurentian erratics. Much more time might profitably be employed in the investigation of the facts here than I was able to spare. In 1881 an examination of the western flanks of the West Butte, however, proved that Laurentian boulders of small size, with cream-coloured limestone resembling that of the Winnipeg basin, are abundant at an elevation of 4,600 feet, while the highest observed Laurentian fragments attained a height sixty feet greater. Vei-y large boulders were noted in a few places in the district. A remarkable group of these, composed of Huronian quartzites, occurs near the lower part of the Waterton Eiver, and it is notable generally that some of the heaviest boulders are found not far from the western (148 c) OAW Erratics on Occasional great size of boulders. I [oAwsoN.] SUPERFICIAL DEPOSITS. 11 limit of the Lauretitian and Huronian drift. One of these erratics is 42X40X20 feet, a second 40X30x22, and both are partly bm-ied in the soil. The height of this point was not exactly determined, but must be between 3,200 and 3,300 feet. In common with all the larger boulders of the district these are surrounded by a shallow saucer-like depression, caused by the pawing of the butt'alo, and their angles are worn quite smooth and glossy by the rubbing of these animals upon them. While the main river-valleys whether on the area of the plains or in the Post-glacial foot-hills and Porcupine Hills, evidence very considerable post-glacial erosion, the general surface of the plain country east of the Porcu- pines seems to have suffered very little in this respect since the waters, (which under any hypothesis must have covered it at least at the close of the glacial period), left its surface. In the numerous lakes and pools occupying shallow depressions and without defined outlet, in the entire absence over considerable areas of drainage channels, and their general infrequency, evidence appears to be given that the rainfall of the eastern portion of the district hus been continuouslj^ very small since the glacial period. Wherever the surface has locally been con- siderably lowered by denudation, gi-eat numbers of bouldei'S appear, and their comparative rarity over great portions of the plains can be due only to the persistence of the finer surface covering since glacial times. Theoretical conclusions as to the mode of glaciation of this district Mode of • 111 1 (jlaciationof have, as tar as possible, been excluded from the foregoing summaiy of the Groat the facts. Apart from the local glaciers of the Eocky Mountains, it is evident that it has been accomplished by some agent moving westward or south-westward from the Laurentian axis which bounds the region of the Great Plains to the east. This agent has carried with it great quantities of Laurentian and Huronian material, which in the vicinity of the 49th parallel reaches at its extreme limit a point over 700 miles distant from the nearest exposures of the parent rock, and to an eleva- tion moi-e than twice as great as that attained by any part of the Laurentian area. To explain this latter fact it seems now almost cer- tain that we must assume that the western region was, in glacial times, relatively to the Laurentian area more depressed than at present. As ' I have elsewhere, in the publications before referred to, discussed at some length the question whether a glacier or floating ice best accounts for the facts, it is not here proposed to recapitulate the a -guments. Two theories only, however, seem tenable. Etilier a great confluent glacier, occupying the Laurentian highlands or passing over them from the Hudson's Bay region, stretched continuously to the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, or such a glacier, extending but a limited distance (149 c) 12 NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. !i!i SiKnificanco of old drainage channels. l:i *l: from highlands, supplied numerous and massive icebergs which floated in a great inland sea occupying the present position of the plains. I still believe that the latter supp(»sition best accounts for the facts of the glaciation and glacial deposits of the plains. 1 would, howevei-, point out one circumstance which seems to give some colour to the former hypothesis. This is the existence of a number of wide, old, abandoned water-channels, which may be supposed by this theory to have carried the drainage of the county, and water produced by the melting of a great glacier of the kind implied, round its front at different periods in its retreat. The existence of these I ari unable otherwise satisfactorily to explain, ex ^pt on the supposition c considerable relative changes of level of different parts of the district in post-glacial times. Mr. Warren Upham has lately traced a number of such channels in Dakota (hypothetical!}^ extending his reasoning also to western Manitoba), for which he accounts by the first-mentioned or great-glacier theory. ■Great couides. In the southern part of the district of the present report, and par- ticularly in the country south of the Belly River, great old channels of the kind above referred to are displayed in a very striking manner in Verdigris, Etzi-kom, POrkow-ki, and Chin Coulees and their tributaries. These resemble old river-valleys long disused and now carrying little or no water. I am inclined to regard rhem as a portion of the earliest drainage system of the plains, out ined at the time at which the waters which distributed the stratified m 'crials overlying the boulder-clays first subsided, and when the lainluii of the I'egion was considerably greater than at present. That these first channels have not, in the par- ticular part of the region nowrefei-red to, continued to be the drainage- channels of the country, is perhaps in part due to the much greater depth and importance rapidly attained by the valleys carrying copious and perennial streams derived from the mountains. In the entire obliteration of the original south-eastward slope of the valleys of Verdigris and Pa-kow-ki Coulees, and other peculiar cii'cumstances referred to, in a previous part of this report (p. 14 c) in connection with their present aspect of Milk Eiver, as well as in several local details respecting the relations of the present drainage and the old channels, we appear to find evidence of a greater amount of elevation of the southern as compared with the northern part of the district.* So far as it has affected these old drainnge-channols this must have occurred in immediately post-glacial times, and may have been a continuation of the same process which has resulted in the present much greater elevation of erratics in the southern as compared with the northern part of the region. • See also Geology and Resources of the 49th Parallel, p. 264. (150 c) Their probable origin. ■Greater post-glacial elevation to the south. I awson] superficial DEPOSITS. 13 Unless explained by relative ditterences in level during the glacial pei'iod, such as those above suggested, between the Bow River country and that near the 49th parallel, the absence of Laurentian erratics, over the region west of Calgary can only be accounted for by the existence of Rocky Mountain glaciers of sufficient size in this region to fend off the eastern glaciating agent. It is not improbable that such glaciers obtained, and if they can be proved to have existed, it would also prove, in the most convincing way, the approximate con- temporaniety of action of the glaciating agents of the Rocky Mountains and Laurentian region. It is certain, however, that the glaciers of the mountains had somewhat decreased before at least the final period of dispersion of Laurentian eri-atics, for these have been found overlying distinct morainic material of Rocky Mountain origin. That the elevation of the western as compared with the eastern partPryof «f.8i"eat of the, plains, was relatively much less in glacial times than at present, wostem region seems a reasonable supposition, but must bo regarded no longer as merely an hypothesis, for the position of the interglacial materials in the boulder-claj'' offers a strong positive argument in its favoui'. It must be supposed that these beds, from their finely stratified character and I evidences of tranquil deposit, were laid down, not along the gradually J retreating edge of a lake, but ip the bottom, and at depths not very pianc (/■ ' considerable. This being the case, the deposits give us the means of deposits. recognizing a surface — that of the lake bottom — which was at least proximately horizontal during the interglacial period at which they were formed. From Wolf Island to Coal Banks, the two points furthest apart at which the deposits were observed, is a distance of forty-five miles in a direct line, on a bearing of about S. 70" W. The height above the river of the deposits at the former locality is seventy feet, at the latter, one hundred and five feet, giving a slope eastward of 0'77 feet per mile in addition to that of the present river bed. The l.'itter may be assumed as indicating that of the present surface of th3 country, as a whole. The elevation of the beds in the intermediate Drift wood bend seution is about ninety-six feet, but the locality is onl* about six miles westward on tho same line, and the resulting slope per mile is 4*3 feet, in addition to that of the river, in the same easterly direction, a rate of fall locally much greater than that above determiiied for the whole distance. The rate of fall of the Belly River, by its course, between Coal Banks and its mouth, is G'8 feet to the mile, but on the line above defined (which is that of its general direction) between Wolf Island and Coal Bank, 12 feet to the mile. Adding the general slope previously ascertained for the intercalated beds, we find their eastward inclination to be 12'77 feet to the mile. (151 c) 3 14 NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. Distribution of placer gold. OeneraKeast- The general eastward slope of the plains from the base of the moun- j'lains^produoed tains to that of the Laurentian region at Lake Winnipeg is about 5 feet times.'***'"' to the mile, but the elevation increases more rapidly westward and in the region now considered ; and if the intercalated beds referred to were again brought bad: to horizontal ity, the plains between the mouth of the Belly Kiver and Coal Banks would become nearly hori- zontal also.* V Besides the effect of the glaciation of the country on its soils an>^ general features, a further result of economic importance in coruection with this period is the distribution of gold. Dr. Selwyn in 1874t expressed the belief, based on an examination of the country near Edmonton, that the gold found in the rivers of the Great Plain.' has been derived from the Laurentian and Huronian region to the east, and not from the Rocky Mountains. The facts met with in the district now reported on conclusively pi'ove the correctnens of the above state- ment. In favourable spots on all the streams of which the banks and beds show abundance of Laurentian and Huronian drift, fine gold may be obtained, while beyond the edge of this drift in the immediate vicinity of the mountains, I have never been able to detect a " colour." It would be premature to state positively that none of the streams in tlfki mountains yield gold. It is .possible that local auriferous deposits may occur, though from the nature of the rocks so far observed in the eastern ranges, not very ])robable. The genei*al auriferous character of the rivers of the plains depends, however, on the distri- bution of gold, usually in a very tine state, which has been derived from the old crystalline rocks of the Laurentian and Huronian. In the Bow and Belly district no systematic attempt has yet been made to work the placer deposits on the rivers. ♦ In tlie region west of the Missouri, the present inclined posif'on of the Pliocene beds shows that since the time of their disposition that part of the region in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains has been greatly elevated. It may well bo that the eastward slope of the portion of the plains here treated of may have been produced as a result of the same great movement, and if so the facts above recorded would assign it a date subsequent to that of the glacial period. t Report of Progress, 1773-74, p. 58. L (152 c) iiiiitliiiMiiiiw.i O _ r — "3- — t , ■ Upper boulder-olay 100' > — !5l(p!l»..«llM||p,',,v ,^ o « — O — °_. ■ • o — 6 . -r, Upper boulder-olay 40', Purplish sandy clay with iron- stone and lignite 8' Lower boulder-olay 15' Yellowish & brownish sands 15' Purplish olay 4' Yellowish sands 6' Quartzite shingle 15' Cretaceous shales lO" Water level > Q- Q « m - . ^ . - - »_ - ., a o .' • - — 4 Grey sandi with ironstone 15' Brovmish sandy olay, carbonaceous layers 3' Grey sand, with ironstone 1 Lower boulder-olay 80' Section at Wolf Island (p. 141 o.) Section on east side Drift-wood Bend (p. 144 0.) SECTIONS ON THE BELLY RIVER ILLUSTRATING RELATIONS OP UPPER AND LOWER BOULDER-CLAYS, INTBRGLACIAL DEPOSITS AND QUARTZITE SHINGLE.