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CALHOUN, BOOK AND JOB PBINTKB, FOBT ST. 1886. mm, ^« ^JkSi W^ I > ■%i^;i:' ^-^ CONSTITUTION, ^: BY-LAWS AMD ■:$ STANDING RULES AND ORDERS Of .THE ^ .3 ^* BRITISH COLUMBIA ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. VKTORIA, B. 0.: WM. A. CALHOUN, HOOK AN^) JOH PKINTER, FORT ST. 410 ijjjjpiiii «ni|» ,a::i.1h m $'«i»! M > OJ rjl cn I Ik 5$ I ■« J % o o CO CO O O CO o (/> OG p N ^^ ^v^StK 3 <='*^ < h ui o CO S '-J Q "^^ ^^?! •mtlH >• < h UJ QC O lU CO B. C. St. Geortre's Society. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE T. Section 1. This Society ^hall bo oallofl and known as ^'The British Columbia Saint (loorjre's Society." It is designed to be, and is, a benevolent an 1 social organiza- tion, and its special mirposes are: Tiie bringing togetiier of Englishmen for their mutual biMielit and support; and the maintenance of the British connection. 1st. To create and maintain a fund for charitable pur- poses, and to relieve sick im(^ destitute members. 2nd. To cultivate social intercourse and to promote tlie intellectual recreation and improvement of its members. 8rd. To purchase and own real estate and other prop- erty as may be ne(;essary for the purpose of the Society. ^^ A pTke^rincipal place of business of the Society sHairb2t&TfifJ«^>^ Victoria. fc?> B tf^J^Rt'TiiSSsB.g, CONSTI'llTTION. AliTKJLK 11. 8ECT10N 1. All English born subjects of the Queen, and all sons of English parents, or of an English parent, who j are British subjects, and have attained the age of eighteen years, shall be eligible for membership. Sec. 2. Any person, duly qualified, desiring to become a member of this Society shall be proposed and balloted for in tlie manner prescribed in the By-Laws; and any person who shall liave been once balloted for and rejected, shall not again be proposed for membership within three months from the iate of such rejection. ARTICLE III. Section I. Each person on admission shall pay such entrance fee and monthly dues as shall be prescribed in the By-Laws, and all funds arising therefrom, or from donations, shall, after the current expenses have been paid, be devoted solely to the objects declared in Article I. ARTICLE IV. Section 1,— The elective officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary and five directors, an Auditor and a Physician. All of said officers shall be residents of the City of Victoria, or within five miles thereof, and the four first mentioned shall be members of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V. Section 1. The regular meetings of the Society for the transaction of business shall be held on the day prescrib- ed by the By-Laws, and at such other times as the Presi- dent shall deem necessary. ('()XSTrrrTM)N. Skc. '2. 'Vvi\ m('iMl>ers sliall (.•(Histilutc m (Hioiiiin. Hi:c .'i. Tho annual nu'ctin^ of tlu* Society si'all Im* held on the day of the monthly meeting iinniediatcly precodinjr St. Georj^c's Day every year, at whieh meeting!: the election of ottlcers shall take place. The election shall he hy hallot, and shall he decided hy i plurality of votes for each otticer. In case of an eciuali.v of V(»tes the casting vote vshall he given hy the l*res. u'lit or piesiding officer. Sec. 4. The otlicters of the Society shall iiold otiice for one year, and until their successors are elected an<l have <pialirted. AKTICLK VI. Section 1. The ]*resident shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and he ex-offlcio Prtsident of the Moard of Directors. He shall strictly enforce the i)rovlsions of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Standing Rules of Order, and shall see that all officers and committees perform their respective duties. He shall sign all laws, resolutions, and orders i)assed as adopted hy the Board of Directors. He shall neither make nor second any motion or resolution, or take part in any dehate, while in the chair. He shall inspect and announce the result of the balloting or other voting by the Society. He sha'l be ex-officio a member of all committees. Sec. 2. The Vice-President, or in case of his absence, one of the Directors, in case of the absence or disability of the President, shall exercise the same power and au- thority and perform the same duties as the President. ARTICLE VII. Section 1. T^he Secretary shall attend all meetings of Nv,' a 1 CONSTITUTION. H tile Society and of the Board of Directors, unless excused, and shall keep correct minutes of all the proceedings at such meetings; shall record all resolutions and orders in a book to be kept solely for that [)urpose; shall preserve a register of tiie names of the members, and keep a correct individual account therewith; shall collect and pay over to the Treasurer all monies due tl»e Society; and shall be responsible for the safe keeping of all books and papers belonging to the Society, except those of the Treasurer. He shall furnish each newly elected member with a copy of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order, and a (Certificate of his Election. He shall certify all accounts and records under the direction of the Board of Directors, and shall countersign all orders on the Treasurer, signed by the President, or Chairman of the Board of Directors. He shall pay over to the Treasurer all monies within one week after the receipt thereof, and keej) a correct account of all receipts and expenditures. His books shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Directors. He shall make reports of his accounts at such times as may be designated by the Society or the Board of Directors. He shall, whenever directed by the President, give the members and Board of Directors proper notice of general or special meetings. He shall perform the duties of Cor- responding Secretary, shall preserve all records, and be responsible for the same. He shall also perform such other duties as may be required from him by the Presi- dent or the Board of Directors, Sec. 2. The Secretary shall furnish the Auditor with a balance sheet at least one week pi'evious to the annual meeting. CONSTI 11 TION. AUTULK VI 1 1 I Section 1. Tlie Treasurer sliall lake charge ol' all monies aiul securities belonging to the Society. He sliall make payments agreeable to the written order of the President, countersigned by the Secretary. Keep a cor- rect account of all receipts and expenditures, and report the same at the monthly meetings of the Society. He shall deliver to his suc^cessor, within one week of his election, the balance of funds, the books, papers, and all other property belonging to the Society in his possession. Sec. 2. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be re<iuired to give bonds in the amount of $500 each to the satisfac- tion of the Directors, ARTICLE JX. Section 1. The Board of Directors shall ni'^et for business at least once in each month. A majority of the Board must be present to form a quorum for the trans- action of business. Sec. 2. Tlie Board of Directors shall appoint a relief committee of three, who shall receive and entertain all applications for relief and decide upon their merits. In all urgent cases of sickness or distress they may adminis- ter immediate relief to any member of the Society in good standing, but shall not expend more than ten dollars in « any one case, without first reporting to and obtaining the sanction of the Board of Directors. Sec. 3. No member of the Society shall be entitled to relief until he has been a member for at least six months. CONSTITUTION. 8 AKTKM.K X. Section 1. Tlic {iimiial celebration of this Society sluili take place on St. Oeorge's Day, wlien the members may dine together, or commemorate tiie flay in such manner as may be deemed most advisabh' by the Com- mittee of arrangements to be appointed for that purpose, or as near thereto as the Directors may jtp[)oint. AllTTCVLE XI. SiocTiOiN I. The Society shall ena(;t By-Laws for its government, and it shall be competeht for the Society to alter, amend, or reject, any such By-Laws, or any pro- vit^^ion of this (constitution, by a two-thirds vote, atiuorum being present, in the manner provided in the By-Laws. But no alterations or amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws shall be made without one month's notice hav- ing been givin, and a copy of such proposed alterations or amendments having been posted in the Society's room for at IcMst four weeks. ARTFCLK Xll. Section 1. That ten per cent, of the net inc(nne of this Society be aj)propriat(Ml in forming a fund for the relief of su<*h Knglish people as may be in distress within its jurisdiirtioji, who are not mcMubers, and have not had the o])portunity of becoming such. AHTICLK XIIl. Section 1. Immediately after the adoption of the the Constitution an election for olticers shall be held, and the ot11c(M's then elected shall continue in ort1(^e until the annual met^ting in issy. N' ^ i I BY-LAWS. SECTION T. The Mont lily Meeting of the Soeiety shall be held on the first Friday of every month, or such other time as may be appointed by the Directors, and notice of all monthly meetings shall be i)ublished in one or more of the Vic- toria daily papers, or notice may be given in such other manner as the T)irectors may determine. SECTION II. Each person on admission as a member of this Society, who may be resident within a radius of five miles from Victoria, shall paj^ into its treasury five dollars per an- num, in adv^ance, or fifty cents per month, in advance, and every member residing elsewere shall pay into the treasury five dollars per annum, in advance. Any member residing within a radius of five miles of Vic- toria, who sLall neglect for six months to pay such dues, shall be stricken from the roll of active member- ship. But any member so stricken from the roll of ac- tive membership shall, upon resuming payment of dues, be restored thereto from the date of such resumptioti of payment; provided, that whenever the Board of Direct- ors shall be satisfied that anv worthv member of the ffi HY-LAWB. 10 Society Ih unable to pay the monthly dues hereinbefore prescribed, it shall have the power to remit such dues from time to time, and such members shall continue to be regarded as in good standing, SECTION TIT. Any member who shall be in arrears for dues for more than three months, shall be ineliftl!:le for office, and if in arrears for six months, shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting, except in case of remission of fees, as here- inbefore provided. SECTION IV. On the payment of Fifty Dollars by any member, he shall be released from all further payment of dues, and shall be constituted a Life Member of the Society, and any person donating fifty dollars to the Society's funds, who may not be a member, shall be enrolled as a Life Member, provided always, that no ordinary member shall be entitled to life membership until he has paid all arrears of subscription as such ordinary member. SECTION V. All monies received for life membership, together with all donations, unless such donations are made for a speci- fic purpose, shall be paid into and form a portion of the general fund of the Society. SECTION VI. Nominations for membership must be made at a meet- ing, and upon motion the same may be at onoe acted M BY-LAWS. n \i[H)ii. All t'lt'i'lions sliul! bv l).v balloi, ;in(l ono lu'galivi* V(»U' in i!V(M*y five votes cast shall Uv surtU'ioni to reject tlie eanditlate. SECTION VIl. All applications for lueinbership shall he aeconipaiiit^d with an entrance fee ol Sli 50, which shall he returned to the ap|)licant in the event of his not l)ein^ elected; but all members si<j:ninjr the roll on or before the tirst day of Ai)ril, IHSG, shall be chart(M' members, and shall not bo charged the enl.ance fee. 8E(rrioN vnr. The funds of the Society shall be paid monthly into some chartered bank in tlie name of the President and Treasurer of the Society. SECTION IX. The President, (or in his absence the AMce-President), shall direct the Secretary to convene a Special (k'neral Meeting of the Society, upon requisition (stating the pur- pose thereof) from any five members in good standing, and the Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Directors, either by direction of the President, /, in his absence, the Vice-President), or upon the requisition of two members of the Board of Directors. SECTION X. The hour of meeting shall be 8 o'clock, p. m., between the months of March and October, (exclusive), and 7:80, p. m., between the months of September and April, (ex- clusive); and if, at the expiration of thirty minutes after the hour of meeting, a quorum be not present, the meet- ing shall forthwith adjourn. Hi! HY-LAWS. 12 SECTION XI Every mt'iiibor, when speaking ut any meeting of the Society, shall address the presiding ottleer, and when called to order by him, shall innnediately take his seat; but he may a])peal from such order, jind a majority of the members ma; reverse it. SECTION XII. Ii. debate, no member shall be personal in his remarks, nor shall religious or political topics be introduced. SECTION XIII. All motions, if required by the Chair, shall be made in writing, and read by the mover at his seat before moving the same. SECTION XIV. The Society may elect to honorary membership any person who shall have rendered eminent services to the Society, and who is, or has bee n, distinguished by benevo- lence in the Province of British Columbia, or in any part of the British Empire; but not more than ten honorary members shall exist at the same time. SECTION XV. The Board of Directors shall determine the compensa- tion to be paid to the Secretary. SECTION XVI. In case of the death, absence, or resignation, of any officer, the Board of Directors shall call a meeting of the Society within thirty days thereafter, for the election of a duly quiilified person to fill the unexpired term of such / BY-LAWS. 18 )fflce, and if, from any cauao whatever, no election is lield It such meeting, it sliall be the duty of tlic Hoard of JDirectors to convene another meeting, at which an elec- [tion sliall take place. SECTION XVTI. The monthly dues of each member shall commence on the first day of the month in which he is elected. SECTION XVIII. These By-Laws and the Constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the Society, a quorum being present. Notice of proposed alterations, amend- ments, or additions, shall be given in writing at a meeting of the Society and may be voted upon at the regular meeting following, or at a special meeting to be convened by the President, or acting Vice-President, for that purpose. in T Mi\- STANDING RULES AND ORDERS, ORDRF? OK nrSINESS. 1. Roll Call. 2. Readin<^ Minutes. 8. Colleetioii of Dues. 4. Proposals fov Membership. 5. Candidates Balloted for. 6. Report of Board of Relief. 7. Report of Board of Directors 8. Report of Treasurer. 9. Report of Secretary. 10. Report of Physician. 11. Report of Conimittees. 12. Deferred Business. 13. New Business. 14. Adjournment. PREROGATIVES AND DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT. 15. The President shall preserve order and decorum, may speak to questions of order in preferance to other members, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society by any two members. 16. He shall have a general direction of the hall. He shall have the right to call any member to perform the duties of the Chair, but such substitution shall not ex- tend beyond an adjournment. .,/ ! i (it in si re ai P I b a STANDING HULKS AND OHDKRS. Ifi 17. There shall bo such Standing- ('ominitteos appoint- ed by the Chair as the Society shall, from tiin? to time, (ietermine, and the members thereof shall hold oftice dur- ing the pleasure of the President. 18. The President, or CUiairman for the time bein^, shall sign all minutes that shall have been declared cor- rect by a vote of the Society. ORDIJK AND J>ECORUM. 19. If any member, in speaking or otherwise, trans- gresses the Rules of the Society, the President shall, or any member may, call to order, in which case the mem- ber so called to order shall iimnediately sit down, unless permitterl to ex])lain, and if called to order by a member, such member shall immediately state the point of order. If the point of order he sustained by the Chair, the mem- ber shall not he allowed to proce^ed, but if it is not sus- tained, then he shall l)e permitted to go on. No discus- sion of a ([uestion of order shall be allowed, unless an appeal be taken from the decision of the ('hair. 20. When two or more members shall rise at once, the l*resident shall name the member who has tlie floor. MOTIONS. 21. No motion shall be del)ate(J until the same be sec- onded, and <listinctly announced by the President, and, if desired by the President or nKjmbers. it shall be reduced to writing, and V)e read by the Secretary before the same shall be dehated. A motion or re«5olution mav be with- drawn at any time before amenduKmt or de<'ision. witli the consent of the mov(»r and seconder. 22. A motion to adjourn, or to tix the time lo which the Society shall adjourn, shall always be in ord<'r, (ox- 'i^i*:*;' STANDING KULE8 AND 011DKK8. 16 cept when a ineiuber is on the Hoor), and shall be taken without debate. 23. When a (juestion is under debate no motion shall be received but to adjourn; to lay on the table; for the previous question; to postpone to a day certain; to com- mit or amend; or to postpone indefinitely; whicli several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are named, but the two first shall be decided without de- bate, and all incidental questions of order arisinj^ after the motion is made for the previous question, (whether on appeal or otherwise), shall be decided without debate. 24. The previous question shall only be put when de- manded by three or more members. 25. No motion or proposition upon a different subject from that under consideration shall be admitted as an amendment, but a substitute covering the same matter shall be deemed and held to be an amendment, and be treated in all respects as such. 26. At the next stated meeting succeeding tliat on which a final vote on any question has been taken, said vote may be reconsidered on the motion of any member, provided notice of intention to move such reconsideration shall have been given at the meeting when such final vote was taken by three members voting with the minor- ity, but it shall not be in order to move a reconsideration at the same meeting at which such final vote was taken. Said motion for reconsideration shall have precedence over every other motion, except a motion to adjourn. 27. No Standing Rule of the Society shall be rescinded or changed, except by a vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers present at such meeting. OFFICERS. President, M. W. T. DRAKE. Vice-President, JAMES FELL. Secretary, CHARLES MORTON. Treasurer, WALTER SHEARS. Auditor, WM. McNISH. Physician, t)R. E. A. PRAGER. directors: C. E. REDFERN, EDWIN JOHNSON, ELI HARRISON, Sen., JOHN J. AUSTIN, H. E. CROASDAILE. LIST OF iMEMBERS. A. Austin, J no. J. Andrews, R. B. Allen, Edward Andrews, James Allatt, F. R. Argall, Frank 1 ■ MEMBERS. 1 B • ■ • Brooks, Win. H 7 Barnett, A. W. I Barker, R. Brown, R. H. I Bolton, W. B. Bales, J. C. I Bloomfield, C. P. Beaumont, Wm. I Brady, H.J. Buckett, Wm. ■ Beauchaiiip, R. •■ Booth, Geo. W. ■ Braund, Charles Beswick, Abel I Bovill, E. M. Barnsley, John ■ Braden, John • Beesley, George 8. I Brocklehurst, J. 8. Berridge, George 1 Beanlands, Arthur C H Cooley, H. Crowther, John 1 Currall, W. D. Churtou, Arthur 1 Cudlip, T. H. Collister, W. H. R i Cogan, H'y Cowper, Wni. H. Clay, Samuel Cowling, Wm. Crowther, Georgt^ Collister, R. Collison, Benjamin Carson, John Croasdalle, H. E. Croft, Wm. Carne, Fred'k, Sen. Collis, Ed. Creeden, John D Duval, J. M. Drake, B. H. T. Dexter, Robert Dickinson, Ed. Dale, David Davie, A. E. B. Drake, M. W. T. Davie, Theodoro Dearberg, T. J. Davis, Thos. J. Davey, Frederick Dewsnap, Joseph Denny, Wm. Dews, J. i El^ MEMBKJ{8 10 I R Elwyn, ThoP. Fairbrothei', George Fuilerton, W. F. Flevvin, Thomas Flewin, John Fell, Jame* Flewin, Wm. H. Goodwin, O, H. Godding, Robert Gribble, Henry Goodaere, L. Green, A. A. Gowen, Charles Gowen, George N. Harman, Thomas Harrison, J. B. Harrison, Wm. Harrison, S. G. Harrison, Eli, Sen. Haynes, Wm. Horton, R. J. Harrison, Eli, Jr. Humphreys, T. B. Hart, J. J. Hilton, Squire Holmes, W. E. Hett, J. R. Heathorn, Wm. G Klford. Wm. I Fleti'her, O. Far re 11, H. Field, Wm. Fish, Thomas Fitzstubbs, N. Fisher, James Green, R. E. Gaydon, H'y Gray, Sanuiel Gray, E. J. (-Gardiner, C. Gabriel, Ed. Goepel, P. D. Huxtable, W. H. Harman, Phillip Horth, C. W. Harrop, John Holmes, Arthur Howard, J. T. Hughes, J. H. Harding, Fred'k J. Hayward, Charles, Sen. Haigh, B. G. Hammond, Wm. Harrison, Wm. Hep worth, J. Humber, M. 't d mmm -<» HniLrhos, Wm. HicUs. Robert Rlscocks, K. H. Hulchisou. .]. W. In\V()()<l, F. JjK'kson, Wrn. Jackson, .Jolin Johnson, Kdwin Jonunitl, W. 8. Jmv, Gcorpe, Jr. Koeler, U. KnijLrht, .1. W. Lan^lcy, George F. Longliurst, Jarvis Lan?:ley, A. J. r.aws, G. H. Mclntosli, J. MeCandlish, J. Martin, G. B. Marrion, A. Moss, James MeNish, Wni. Mills, S. P. Martin, J. K. Morton, Oh a?. MallnndMine, F. MFMHKKS I or mi Hiiniher, L. I lawton, John Ha v« lock, N. Xicli Sort Nit' Nut 0U1< Jackson, Robert E. Jenkitis, C. F. Jesse, F. W. James, Joseph Jones. W. A. D. King, S. E. B. Kent, J. 0. C. Laar^ler, M. Loveil, J. B. Lv'ggatt, (!. J. Maynard, J. Meilor, Frodk. Malhindaine, Ed., Sen. Mallandaine, E., Jr. Morlev, C. March, .). Man sell, H'y Morrison, C. F. Mi t ton, S. G. Matthews, J. S. )hn s. bert E. F. ih . D. B \. Ed., Sen. E., Jr. F. ^. MKMnEHS. N Xicliolles, .loiin Xorlhcott, W. \V. Xicholson, IFy Xuttall, U. W. Oldcrsluiw, A. Powoii. a. Pnu'gor, E. A. Fjirtrid^'o, T. J. Perkins, W. H. S- Pluninier, R. Phillips, C. J. Ptiuline, F. Panloe, Charles l^)oley, C. E. Parker, John Porter, James Pascoe, Ed. Redfern, C. E. Richards. F. G., Sen. Roy craft, H. B. Kobinson, W. C. Rutland, H'y Salmon, E. J. Sheppard, H. W. Saville, J. Storey, Thomas Salmon, H. L. O Niebl, Win. Xevvman, G. A. Neavcs. C Xorris, W. G. Pagden, Cliarles Phimmer, R. J. Phillips, George Pamplct, Thomas IMcdger, Tl. Pearse, R. W. Phillips, Alex. Penketh, R. Piiillil)s, Stanley Pickering?, J. F. Paine, Fred. Phillips, R. Rnymur, J. L. Roberus, Ed. Renwick, Wm. Roberts, W. W. Richards, J. R. A, Stanley, Charles Smith, Arthur Shaw, Thomas Summers, F. Smith, Geo. K 21 Iti li! 22 MEMBERH • S Bhenrs, Walter Raunderp, F. J. Prnith Robert Stevens, F. T. Spratt, Joseph Savage, R. W. Sorge, Enrico Smith, J. S. Shotbolt, T. Stewart, J. H. Staniuird, J. 8. Stevens, John Shaw, Andrew Sluggett, John Shakespeare, N. Smith, John Skinner, E. M. Saunders, W. H H. Spencer, E. W. X Seriven, Austin Trickoy, Wm. Thomson, Georg3 Thomas, J. Taylor, Crispin Te{)gue, Wra. Tippins, W. J. Turtle, Thomas V Vigor, E. S. vr Wickrns, R. Wolfenden, R. Worsfold, J. K. Winter, G. W heller, A. Wright, Wm. Wood, Wm. A. Walls, J. P. Wilson, Thomas Woollacott, P. Wilson, Charles Wagg, Edwin Wilson, H. C. Webb, Chiis. Watt, W. Whitstone, A. Walker, F. G. Walker, H. G. Wriglesw^orth, J. Wagg, J. W. Whitmarsh, W. J. Williams, George Wilson, Wm. Y Winch, F. K. Young, Wm. F.J . T. W. H. •hn ohn n W. H H ustin jreorga M spin .J. R. m. P. 3. A. G. r leorge MWiJIf 1 I ■■■« «■■! ■■«awji V-i III. •■I',"