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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA d partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. y errata >d to nt ne pelure. ipon d 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 6 6 ^ ** T. JOHN, ^'B. \, J. ac A. MoMILDpi^JV PRINCE WILLlIk STREET, 1864. -^? • ^-i lUIDIES: Audit Office Pafro Aj?riculturc, Prov, Board of Albert County Albert MininK Company • Auricultural Society, St. Jolm-*- Alumni Society of iTnivurrtity • • • Bapti.st Education Society " Convention Banks BuildiuR Society Bible Society Base Ball Club Barristers and Attornies Circuit Courts Court of Divorce *' •' Vice Admiralty *• for Trial of Piracy Crown Land Department Collegiate School Cartatfc, Rates of, St. John Charlotte County Carleton ** Chronological Eras Cycle.^ Church England Youni? Men's So Curling Club Church of England '* Rome " Scotland Congregational Ministers Christians Cemetery (Jomi)any Caledonian Mining Company ••• Consuls Chamber of Commerce Carleton Literary Association ■•• Executive Council Education, Provincial Board of • Eclipses for 1864 Equation of Time Equinoxes and Solstices Early Closing Association European and N. A. Railway • • • Fire Department. St. John Ferriage, Rates of, St. John Fish Market, Dues, St. John Free Christian Baptist Church- •• Fredericton, City of Festivals Female Reform Society Great Britain, Royal Family " Ministry Grammar School, St. John Gloucester County Gas Light Company Gymnasium Gleanings from Old Newspapers • House of Assembly Harbour Master's Fees, St. John Hackney Coach Fares ** Hand-cart Men Holidays Hospitals King's County Kent *• Legislative Council 41 41 • 71 • JK •101 •10„ • 4." • H-. . 115 • 1>S •101 •10-' •]0<) • ;«) • ;^T • ;i7 • .'57 . 40 . 4.". . 54 • m . (K' . M . M •KK! • 104 • 7<) • 1 1 . 81 . 81 . m . 1J9 • KX) .100 .la'? . 34 . 4U . 13 . 15 . 15 .104 .10i5 . 49 . .54 . 82 . 60 . 14 .KM . s:\ 33 . 45 . 6i) . 98 .KX) .128 . :io . 51 . 5;^ . 53 . 14 . ^ . 65 . 68 . 35 Vtadras School '.lount Alison Wesleyan College ••• '* " Ladies' Academy ••• Market Tolls. Saint John Vfothodist (Wesleyan) Church Militia Manufm-turing Company, St. John* Vlt'clianic's Institute Mationic Body Northumberland Count> Natural History Society Orphan Asyhim "M-anare Associalibn • Provincial Secretary's Department- l't)st Oflice ** " Money Orders Police, Saint Jolin Presbyterian Church of N. B. I'iu'nomeua of the Planets Patents. List of, New Urunswick-*- Queen's Countj Kevenuc Department Receiver (Jcneral's Department ••• Rates of Pilotage. Saint .f ohn Restigouche County Roads and Distances .Supreme Court ♦ Saint John City Signals, Saint .John- Slippjige Rates of Saint John 52| Suspension Bridge, Rates of Toll' Saint Croix Agricultural Society- •• Saint Stephen's Rural Cemetery •-• Staflof the Army Sun bury <-'ounty Saint John County •• Training Schools, Saint John Teacher's Institute, Saint John Co- Telegraph Company Tract Societj Total Abstinence Society Tariff of Duties Tobacco fulture Sabbath School Association Signs of the Zodiac Suspension Bridge Company South Bay Boom <'ompany 5.3 • 631 • GSl • 841 - 63| • 5.51 • 4-A ■ 4.'il • 961 •lOll ■loal ■ii.')! .12.-) 1 .1021 • 14| • 97 - 9S| Society, Library 101 Saint Andrew Society 104 Saint (George " 104 Saint Patrick's " 104 Sons of Temperance 114 University 42 Union Ironworks 72 Victoria Coal Mining Company •••• W Water Supply Co. of St. John 4» Wharfage Rates of St. John 52 Weighing Machines, (rates at Public) ^^ I Westmoreland County 0*) 1(5 99 fobn '^1 138 • 44 nn College ••••44 Acatlemy • ••• 45 jhn M Church 78 84 my, St. John^' 97 m^f nt> 67 ely ^^^ lOli 114 4 Dcpnrtnicnt- • -^^Ifl urs ^**8 5( oVn.u- "■/ lanctH \\ Urunswick-'- •'•'♦ » * t •■•< ►opartmcnt •••• ■♦' int John •'>1 701 19 M] 4fl .50 int John W liitcsofToll---- ^^ ural Society 63 1 Cemetery •••• C3 84 63| • 551 nt John 4«' [Saint John Co-. 4! 96! 101 iety 10=5 11.') 12.'. iation 10'^ • 14 )mpany 97 104 104 104 114 42 e» Martell, Bayer, and othw BtAXMKS, in eases and in wood, rlntage 1S49 and 1800 ; Jameson's celebrated Irish Malt Whmkkt, (5 years old) ; Superior Scotch Malt.WaiSKir, (Glenury Malt <^ Aqua) ; Granada and Old Jamaica Rinc ; Hoi- landr GnriTA; Deroashire Perry, (in pint bottles) ; Onianesa' XXX Poatit, in quart and pint bottlee, in prime oimdition. Ch»blw> BidldJMg, A Warehome 14 Water at., St. Johu, y. B. IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN GOLD & SILVER WATCHES & JEWELLERl ^, OHAIN0, I DUTT0N8, I GUARDS, I LOCKETS, I RINOS, r BROOCHES, STUDS, BRACELETS, KEYS, DROPS, CHARMS, I PINS, I CLASPS, | SEALS, | BRELOGUES. Mlviv, Mm W,UU& ^mtU ^ i&i\\Ux}i, Tablo ATeaSpooDM,' Knivoa and Forka, Urns nnd Walters, Kettles and Pots, Mugs And Rattloii, VIniilgrcttt'H, Tea & ColTfo Sotfl, Butter KnivcH, Pencils and PickH, Tlilmhlos * SliiMflH, Fruit A, Pie Knives, Napkin Uing«i, Cttkc Baskets, Snuff Boxes, Pitclicrp, Bouquet Uoidet-S. tmm% mmmm, mmm a\mjdj mmum '» Binisia. BKorocco and other Leather Bag-s, Fortemon- nj^es and Purses, Papier AKaehe, Vearl and Fancy Wood Work, China and Parian Vases and Ornaments, Jet fpoodt and Fans, Beads, Indian and Oerman Bead Work, Sporting and Oame BSaterial, FOR OUT AND IN-DOOR AMUSEMENTS. Moersohaunt and Fancj Pipes and Cigar Holders, Maslcal and Optical Instruments, FSOnSRAFinC STOBK AND CHEHIGAIS. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS AND MATERIALS. Wait, Sooth. XaU> BiuiVtug, Oloth. Shoe. Watoh. Plate. ■tOTOi Hearth. Bannttter. Whitewash, and Send) AND ALL KINDS OF SHELL, RUBBER, lYORY AND HORN COMBS. Tobacco FoQohes, Looking Olaoscs, Shoo Locos, Cigar Cases, Hooks and Eyes, Braces and Belts, Thennometers, Dress Buttons, Needles, Shoo Thread, Cavo Hoops, Tapes. miov 80A»«, SAtt on. vnanrvBUT ah a avavsosBaT SKEI.ET01V SKIRTi. Swikets, Bird Cages, Canes, Wax, Kid, Cloth, Cliina, and MOod Dolls, Enamelled Iron ami "^ Block Tin Ware. SILK, ALPACCA, AND COTTON UMBRELLAS, SAINT JOHN, N.B. # i■%. ,* ;s. *. flktfO FORTES AND MELODEONS S-OH HiRE AND EXCHANGED..., The Music Department is constantly supplied with the latest and most fashionable Sheet and Book Music. Pianos tuned and repaired and carefully moved. ^ A. LAXmiLLIAED, '^ :^ '^ ^'^ V |iairo iortc Slepairer, t^c. IQP* Mr. L. would intimate that he has received a large supply of Piano Forte materials of the hest- description, and is prepared to manu- facture or repair Pianos in the very best style and finish. 9 SHEFFIELD HOUSE'; 5 MARKET SQUABE, SAINT JOHN, N. B. imFortations. BJieil BiQLi ENHLtSi MWEIkS.ElT, Newest designs and most fashionable Styles in Brooches, Bracelets, Finger Rings, Cuff Pins, Locketkf, Ear Rings, Gold Chains, Vest do., Necklets, Seals, Keys, Vest Hooks, &c., &c. SILVER AND PLATEB JEWELRY m GREAT VARIETY. SILVER AND ELEGTRD-FLATEII WARE of every description, such as Tea and Coffee Services, Salvers, Cake and Froit Baskets, Card Receivers, Butter Coolers, Sugar Baskets, Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, Tea, Table & Dessert Knives, Forks, and Spoons, &C', &c s. Wu^i ^utUf §imtt mA ^vm%fmt €'mtm ' IM GRGA^T TARIETY. A beautiful assortment of Toilet and Mantel Ornaments, in the most A Large assortment of Rosewood and Ebony Work Boxes, with a variety of Fittings — Ladies' and Gents' Rosewood and Morocco Dress- ing Cases, with Plain and Silver Fittings, Writing Desks, Microscopes, Drawing Instruments, Stereoscopes with a large variety of views ; Lu- bin's, Coudray's, and Cleaver's EXTRACTS, Pomades and Toilet Re- quisites ; Guns. Pistols, Fishing Rods, and a complete assortment of -'r- SHOOTING ANB FISHING TACKLE, Watches in Gold and Silver Cases, with all the modern improvements. A large variety of Clocks, from the cheapest to ihe best description in use, suitable for Churches, Public Building, School and House use. in a varloty of Stylea and Material. A large assortment of Fancy aad Plain French Willow Baskets, Rubber Ft Balls, Eng- lish, French, and Qermain The above, with a groat variety of unenuracrated ai'ticles arc offorcd at very reasonable prioei. Also— The Celebrated Franklin Sewing Machine. I RICHARD TUOMSON. ' * «#-A ^Ml W^- f» N*^ Sl*^: r-«^-'? 10 fc '-f.yfc -H'r^f-r ■A. -^^ '^i^K No.« fiUPIBfiAL SitLl^eNdS prince: WILLIAM STREET, J.XT«4.lt "J MLK MERCERS, HABIRDASBBRS, ^ &C., &C., &C. .1 IMPORTERS or 2 i, ./ . j« *-. ■1 i. In Silks, Vilvets, Ribbons, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Gents' furnishing Goods, Laces, Bonnets, Mantles, Flowers, Fuys^ Hoop Skirts, &c., &c., &e. "With a l*r«e Mswrtmcnt of -^^idA S.'^/^. ^.-S^^ In addition to the general assortment usually found in large Housefe*, i this Establishment pays particular attention to the iimroFAGTiniiif^ of TA&xn.'BMr And this department will always be found replete with the latest and / choicest novelties from the 8 f V liMlliOW Amu PARlfSI iiiAR&irr». ■^'"^ M^-"^ **■ "" '^ ^ Of a!l kinds, and patterns for the various kindar of work. .^ P. S. Persons visiting the eity wotQd find it to their advantage to pnrchasie in this establishment. ; ,sf*n , «**■ lAAi ■AAAAl THB « • NEW BRUNSWICK # I FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD lit* BEING BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, AND THE 27th OF THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA, • CONTAINING • : ' ECCLESIASTICAL AND PROVINCIAL DEPARTMENTS, ' A LIST OF THE OFFICERS OF NEW BRUNSWICK MILITIA, r THE ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS, r ^ AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. THK ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS HAYS BEEN PREPARED KXr'RBSSLY FOR THIS ALMANAC •• BY MR. ALFRED MILLS, • OF THIS CITY. ST. JOHN, N. B. J. &, M#IILLAN, 78 PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, 1864. •^l"V^WN^^FP^^^^^P*^"'»^^^^»'*'^^»^»«^W^^^^i"WW«»^»V^^*^^^^*'»^^W»^ t •^ /. ^ 4t* I i rir-- > \'',j ^ O f »^'i. >* i i •? ij A > i » /* ;♦■' iM '..'■* ,.> •S.i.H. LX,^ , 'i i Y; ' ^,^»i^2#im(ira .'.-■ i>^aii|^ j ) %-i » nnaj »! f «iii-<^»l I ^l .-J i. r '^ II , ECLIPSES IN THE YEAR 1864« ^^ 'e .^ivy There will be two Sclipaes in this year, both of the Sun. I. An Eclipseof the Sun on Thursday, May 5th, invisible in New Bruns- wick. This Eclipse will be visible in the greater part of North America west of 80<> W. Longitude, the North Pacific Ocean, part of Asia, and part of Australia. II. An Annular Eclipse of- the Sun, on Sunday Oct. 30th, fhvisible in New Brunswick. This Eclipse will be visible at the Cape of Good Hope, in the whole of South America, and in part of North America south of 35^ N. Latitude. '.,,.. / i^riT PHENOMENA OP THE PLANETS FOR 1864. January 2, Ij (^ (i ; 5, ^ ^^ <§ ; 6, 9 c^ ® ; -^ ^ 6 C » 4, h d C > 7, Ij ($ <^ ; 15, ( Perigee ; 22, enters ^i Autumn com- mences; 23, 9 (j \i ; 28, C Apogee; 29, $ (5 C* 0 Opposition ; ^ Descending Node ; ^ Ascending Node. Venus ( 9 ) will be Morning Star till July 17, the Evening liltar during the rest of the year. 13 14 'i i\ 'S ;''i SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. M Aries, head ; ^ Taurus, neck ; n Gemini, arms ; gs Cancer, breast ; S(^xjeo, heart ; trjj Virgo, belly; ^ Libra, reins; TT\^ Scorpio, secrets; / Sagittarius, tiiighs ; Vj Capricornus, kneca ; StS Aquarius, legs ; ♦ X Pifces, feet, anil «>*. -sjH ]f. - i'!:>t< nA .1 x.- i ..„, , , *;» CHRONOLOGICAL ERAS. V .i-^ ^ iTi «;The ^flbar 1864 is the 6577th of the Julian Period. V The year 5626 ef the Jewish Era commences on October 1, 1864. i Ramadan (month of Abstinence observed' by the Turks) commences on February 9, 1864. > The year 1281 of the Mohammedan Era commences on June 6, 1864. , CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. Golden Number SjDominical Letters. .' C. B. Epact 22 1 Roman Indiction 7 Solar Cycle 25| Julian Period 6577 ^ .(>S FIXED AND MOVEABLE FESTIVAI>S, &c., &c. Epiphany « Jan. 6 Septuagp^sima Sunday.... << 24 Q^inquagesima,^hroy.8un. Feb. 7 Ash Wednesday ........ " 10 1st Sunday in Lent « 14 ^Saint Patrick Mar. 17 Pulm Sunday " 20 Annunciation '. . . « 25 Good Friday " 25 | .?^ 25 New Year's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Saint George's Day, Queen's Birth Day, Queen's Accession, Saint Jolin's Day, Queen's Coronation, J^c^aelmas, U. Hi January 1 March 17 April 23 May 24 June 20 June 24 June 28 Sept. 29 Saint Andrew's Day. Nov. 30 Christmas Day, Dec. 25 Christmas Holidays, i^hv, Dec. 26 - V Dec. 27 Ash Wednesday, «, ; <»?}»■» Feb. 10 Good Friday, March 25 Easter Moilday, March 28 Easter Tuesday, ._, .^fur9h 29 15 !cr, breast ; ), secrets ; rius, legs ; 1864. ' iroences on c 6, 1864. , :^. c.B. 6577 f &c. .♦u . May 1 « 5 <( 15 (( 22 i( 2C .. June 20 ) <> 24 0. Sept .29 . . Nov. 27 « 30 .. Doc. 21 ■•• i*- 25 •• i.g»>^ * s iC ,i •< *i Nov. 30 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Feb. 10 March 25 March 28 .5l«r<^29 EQUATION OF TTME FOR 1864. rOK THE MERIDIAN OF QREBNWIOQ. . Jan. Feb. Mar. ^_ ©s. m. 8. Apl. ©s. m. 8. May ©F. m, 8> ,JUNE ©F. tn, 8> .lULY ©s. ni. 8> Aua. ©s. m. 8. ! Sep. ©F. m. 8. Oclp. ©P. m. 8. Sep. ©F. m. 8. Dec. >> < p ©s. © 8. ©F. /w. *. m. 8. m. ». 1 3 38 13 49 1229 3 49 3 6 2 26 3 34 6 1 17 1020 1618 10 35 2 4 6 13 67 12 17 3 31 3 12 2 16 3 45 6 67 «0 36 1048 1619 1011 3 4 34 14 4 12 4 3 13 3 18 2 6 3 66 6 52 55 11 6 1618 947 4 6 2 14 10 1160 2 56 3 24 1 66 4 7 6 47 1 14 1124 10 17 923 6 5 29 14 16 1137 2 38 3 30 1 46 4 18 6 41 134 1142 1615 868 G 5 56 14 21 1122 2 21 3 34 1 35 4 28 5 35 164 1169 1612 8 33 7 6 22 14 24 U 8 2 4 3 38 1 24 4 38 5 !28 2 14 1216 16 9 8 6 8 6 48 14 28 10 53 1 47 3 42 1 12 4 47 5 20 2 35 12 33 16 4 7 40 9 7 14 14 30 10 38 1 30 3 45 1 1 4 56 5 12 2 65 1249 15 59 7 13 iO 7 39 14 31 10 22 1 14 3 48 49 5 6 6 3 3 16 13 6 1553 645 U 8 3 14 32 10 6 57 3 49 37 5 13 4 64 3 37 13 20 1546 618 12 8 27 14 32 9 60 42 3 51 25 5 20 4 44 3 58 13 36 1538 5 60 13 8 50 14 31 9 33 26 3 62 12 5 28 4 33 419 13 49 15 30 6 21 14 9 12 14 29 9 16 11 3 52 S 6 34 4 22 440 14 3 15 20 4 52 15 9 34 14 27 8 59 F 4 3 52 13 5 40 4 11 6 1 J416 15 10 4 23 16 9 55 14 23 8 42 19 3 61 26 6 46 3 68 6 22 14 29 1459 354 17 10 16 14 20 8 24 33 3 49 38 5 51 3 46 6 44 14 41 1447 825 18 10 35 14 16 8 6 47 3 47 61 6 56 3 32 6 5 14 62 14 34 3 55 19 10 54 14 10 7 48 1 3 46 1*4 6 3 19 6 26 15 3 14 20 236 20 11 12 14 3 7 30 1 13 3 42 1 17 6 3 3 5 6 47 1^13 14 6 16S 21 11 30 13 67 7 12 1 26 3 38 1 30 6 6 2 60 7 8 15 22 13 60 iSff 22 11 46 13 49 6 54 1 38 3 34 1 43 6 9 2 35 7 29 16 31 13 34 060 23 12 2 13 41 6 35 1 60 3 30 1 66 6 10 2 19 7 60 15 39 13 17 039 24 12 17 13 33 6 17 2 1 3 24 2 8 6 12 2 4 811 15 47 13 S 5 25 12 32 13 23 668 2 12 3 19 2 21 6 12 1 47 8 31 15 58 12 41' 035 26 12 45 13 14 6 39 2 22 3 13 2 34 6 12 1 31 8 51 15 59 i^zi t 1 '4 27 12 68 13 3 621 2 31 3 6 2 46 6 12 1 14 911 16 4 12 9 IM 28 13 10 12 52 5 2 2 41 2 59 2 68 6 11 56 9 31 16 9 1141 3 4 29 33 21 12 41 4 44 2 49 2 81 3 10 6 9 38 951 16 12 112(a 3 33 30 13 31 • • • • 4 26 2 67 2 43 3 22 6 7 20 10 10 16 15 10 69 3 2 31 13 41 • • 4 7 • • • ■ 2 34 • ■ • ■ 6 4 2 • • • • 1617 • • « • 3 31 When the Sun is Slow the Equatl'u is to be added to Apparent Timf » when Fast, to be subtracted from it. ,„v.<-- *> ,'-%♦.> a..,'-., l.^^ ,«^*, EQUINOXES AND SOLSTICES. — MEAN TIME AT ST. JOHN. Winter Solstice, enters VJ, Winter beg. Dec. *22, 1863, at 3h. 43in. M« Vernal Equinox, " enters «V>» Spring « Mar. 20, 1864, " 3h. 46m. •* Summer Solstice, " enters 25, Summer " June 21, " " Oh. 38in. « Autumnal Equinox " enters -t, Autumn " Sept. 22, " « 2h. 52m. Afi Winter Solstice, " enters VJ, Winter " Dec. 21, " " 8h. 39m. M. 5* it I. rf it 16* .1 U6HT HOUSES. > Board of Comm'utUmera for the several Light Houses in the Bay of Fundy, — Hon. S. L. Tilley, Charles Walters, James Steadman, G. L. Hatheway, and John McMillan. R. W. Crookshrank, Esq., Secretary ; George W. Smith, Accountant. CapB Sable Seal Island Light. — The first Light in approaching the Bay of Fundy, is on the South Point of the Seal Island. This is a plain white Light, elevated about 80 feet above high water mark, and may be ^en in -approaching the Island from any point of the compass. A very dangerous rock, under water, but tpon which the sea always breaks, called Blonde Rock, lies about 3^ miles S. by W. by compass, from the Light House. Between this rock and the Island, there are some dangers — the ground is rocky throughout, and large vessels, therefore, ought not to attempt passing between them. Brier bland Light, — In advancing up the Bay, the next Light is situ- ated on Brier Island, about half a mile N. E. from the N. W. point thereof. A plain white light. Dighy Gut Light* — The next light on the coast of Nova Scotia is placed on the west side of Digby Gut — ^from Brier Island North Eastward. The coaat is very bold and not indented ; the Light is therefore chiefly intended as a guide into Digby Basin. A white Light. Gannet Rock Light* — This Light is intended to warn vessels of their ap- proach to a very dangerous range of shoales and ledges, which extend from the Old Proprietor to the Seal Islands* off Machias, a distance of about twenty miles. It is a flash light — white — twenty seconds dark and forty light in each minute. The Light Houfie is painted in stripes, vertical, black and white. * Bearit^s and Distances by Compass from tlie Gannet Rock Light House. The Light bears from the Light house on Brier Island, N.N. | W. 22 miles. From the Gannet Rock to the Old Proprietor E. ^ 8. distance 7 miles. From the Gannet Rock to the Black Reck, off White Head Island, N. E.^E. 7miles. .I'n :■■ ^ :^t ; • ; r: ^i ■ From the Gannet Rock to the South West Head of Grand Manan, N. N. W. 6^ miles. From the Gannet Rock to the Northernmost of the Murr Ledges, N.W. J N. 2^ miles. .>*>;. >a a l i •;in.'; . » > i- • To the Southermost of ditto, called St. Mary's Ledge, W. S. W. 2 miles. From the Gannet Rock to Machias Seal Island, W. and by N. ^ N. 13 miles. NoTB. — Between the Northermost and Southermost of the Murr Ledges, there is a range of dangerous rocks and shoals, many of them always above water, and which extends Westward from the Light House about four miles ; from this range, farther Westerly, about six miles from the Gannet ■Light, 4ies a dangeroua breaker called the Bull. This may be avoided by keeping t}iree remarkable headlands near the S. W. end of Grand Manan, open. From Bri^ Island Light to the Old Proprietor, N. and by W. i W. 18| miles. it^K .:;** '- "tvtt'?^* •?3 trf. IT To 4< (( <( Cape Enrage, - « o / // Lat. 46 14 20 N. " 45 15 00 " " 44 67 40 " " 46 3 50 •« 44 30 40 " 44 30 3 » 45 4 10 " 45 19 33 " 45 36 00 " // Long. 65 " 65 3 50 W. Var. 16 30 W. (( . « 2 36 66 53 55 66 27 4 66 42 50 67 6 10 67 4 00 66 31 55 64 46 40 « it « (I 16 30 16 20 16 30 16 20 16 20 16 20 16 30 16 50 (( ' M BOADS AKD DISTANCES. From Saint John to Fredericton by Saint John to Shepody. the Nerepia Road. Miles. Baldwin's (Y'rkshirc tiiv). 4 Walters. „rj»-r,Vi- ^10 Bouglas Arms Inn, 4 Burton's, 8 French Village, (Dcbou's) Drummond's, M'Manus*, Dorman's, Slicpody Meeting Houwo. 1 •_. 30 12 12 12 13 Bradley's, ^.. 6 Howell's, ^^"^ .,2 * Total, 79 . Darby Gillan's, ^ ''7 Saint John to Halifax, (N. S.) Geary, (Wm. Smith's,) 7 Oromocto, 7 Fredericton, 11 — 65 Tor ry burn, ■ • Wright's, -«V».4ii^H Hammond River Bridge, ' ^^ ' 7 On the East aide of the River. Hampton Ferry, i^-^ - • - ''• i T^rryburn, 7 Hay's, H Gondola Point, •*'*• 9 Finger Board, (Baxter's,) 4* Kingston, 4 Roache's, 10 Head of Bellisic, * 14 Shock's, _ . uci :i^A, 2 Washademoac, 19 M'Monagle's, - "•' . i-' T ! Jcmseg Ferry, c-.«a (f , — • ! Sheffield, (TiUey's^ 13 To Sussex Vale, 46 I Widow Perley's, 8 Fredericton, 12—86 Pftrtage, (M'Leod's,) Steves', 11 - 18 ^ 1 — Nixon's, 12 :- ! Less by the Nerepis Road, 21 Bend, (Lewis',) 12 Saint John to Saint Andrews. \ Lakefield, (Bryne's,) 9 To Bend Petitcodiac, Vi Alushquash, (Tilton's.) 6^ Memramcook, (Charters',) 16 Clements', 6 Dorchester> (Hickman's, 8 M'Gowan's, •8 .''rjf .'ftUiWAniT- \ Pennfield, (M'Carl's,) 13 To Dorchester, 118 i Magaguadavic, (Douglas',) 3^ Sackville, ^ ,i;..i,.4.^ ..u ■:: 4 ' Bocabec, (Mrs. Boyd's,) 10 Tanli araar. 5 Saint Andrew's, 10 Amherst, 10 Total, 65 Total, 137 Saint John to Martin's Head Power's, (Spruce Grove Inn) U4 To Cody's, 11 Purdy's, (West Chester Inn,) 17 Beatty's. 9 Mrs. Fraser's, (Folly Village,) 19^ Quaco, ;;,;,., u Truro, 16 Melvin, or Fuller's Beach, G Pollock's, 16 Big Salmon River, 3 Woodward's, 14 Little Salmon River, 5 Shultz's, 12 Martin's Head, 4 Dartmouth, 18 ■ -^ ' Total, « * ' Total to Halifax, 264 i f i : 20 Bend Petileodiac to Hiehibucto. Bhediac, (Sinith'f,) 18 Lennan'g, 1 Cocaign« Bridge, 8 Little Buctouchc, (Smith'*,) 9 Big Buctovcho, (Keswick'H, 3 Harris', 7 Richibucto, 8 Chatham Ferrj, Newcastle, 11 5 Total, 48 Richibueto to 'Miramiehi, 12 10 12 6 To Rankin's, Bay du Yin, (Dieken's.) Black River, (M'Beath's, Chatham, Total, 40 Chatham ioBathurst, {Bay ChaUur \\ To Goodfellow's, Carrauthers', Forcin's, Lee's, Court House, 6 11 12^ 9i 9 Total, 48 Bathurat to Campbellton. Little Rock, (Rainey's,) Belledune, (Ohalmer's,) Nash's Creek, (Harvey's,) Dalhousie, (Michau's, Maple Grove, (Robertson's,) Campbellton, (Murray's,) 10^ 9i 13i 18^ 7 9 Total, 67| BathwMt {by Cam'UUton)io Ne'saatk* To Bass River, 6 Janeville, 6 New Bandon, 8 Grand Ause, 8 Caraquette Ferry, 8 Caraquette, (Blackhall's) 7 Pokemouche Ferry, 6 Little Tracady Ferry, 12 Big Tracady Ferry, ^ 3 Tabusintac Ferry, 12 Burnt Church, (Logic's,) Id Oak Point, 8 Total, 130 Fffdericton to Miramichu To Taymouth's (Plant's,) \^ M'Leod's, 8 Boiestown, M'Kay's,) 17 Nelson's, 13 DeCantlinc's, ' ;, 10 Bergen's, 7 Coghlin's, 9 Jaiiine's, u 6 Parker's, 7 Wilson's Point, •B Newcastle, t 4 , Chatham, 6 Total, 109 Frederieton to Quebec. To Long's, ,.16 Marshall's, 8 Half-way house, (Howe's,) 7 Guion's, 3 Poquoic River, 4 Eel River, (Jones',) 12 Woodstock, 12—62 Victoria, 10 Buttermilk Creek, . 13 Kerr's, 9 River de Chute, > . 8 Tobique, , .: 13 Restook, 3 Grand Falls 18—73 Grand River, 13 Kelly's, 11 Madawaska, Little Falls, 14 Degle, Lake Temiscouta, 23 Portage, LaBellc's, 18 Rivere du Loup, 36 Kamouraska, , , ,., 18 Saint Ann, /i ' '■ jj Riviere Quelle, 33 Saint Thomas. 15 Saint Joseph, 18 Point Levi, Quebec, 13-323 ToUl, 367 . 11 5 Ul, 130 t'cAt. lli 8 17 • 13 10 7 9 ti • 7 ' •8 4, ' « Ul, 109 yec. • 16 • 8 ) 7 3 4 12 12- -62 10 13 ; 9 8 \ 12 3 ) IS- -73 IS 11 14 22 18 36 18 22 f 23 15 18 12-222 Iflt Month. JAmVAM^TT, 1864. 81 Days. Ul, 357 PftKSiDiKT WiLLrAUS Myi '' thf chiet end and object of educating the farmer ia to teach him to aubordinato himsell, »nd all animal and vefet able life around him, to thoae inexorable laws, moril and phyaical, the violation of which meeta with switi '^etributipri." Again, " afarmer.ahoiild be a chemist, «o far as a comprehension of the principles which aflect his daily life and practice is concerned. He need not be an analytic chemist, but he should be familiar with those laws, the observance of which is indispensable to safety and success, and defying which is destruction Last Quarter, 2nd day, 3 hours, 16 minutes, morning, S. E. New Moon, 9th " 3 " 22 ♦• " N. E. First Quarter, 15th " 6 " 42 " afternoon, N. W. Full Moon, 23rd <• 5 " 39 '• «< E. Last Quarter, 3 1 St " 7 " 53 _^ *• N. E . tt D M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 D W Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat 8U RlMAaKADLB SVEXTB. Kings College instd. 1829 1st Gnl.Asmbly., St. John, 2d Sun. aft. Chrms. [1786 £arthquake,Canada, 166^ Epiphany Allen Ramsey died 1755 Bat. ofNow Orleans 1815 1st Sunday aft. Epiphany Pny. Post Es. in Eng.1840 Lavater died 1801 Old New Years Day Gt. Fire in St. John 1837 British Muiieumopd. 1759 Battle of Corunna 1809 2nd Sunday aft. Epiphany B. Franklin born 1.706 House of Corns. Est. 1265 U. S. Independ.Oct. 1783 Treaty of Paris 1783 Lord Byron born 1788 Duke of Kent died 1829 Septuagesima Princess Royal m^^rd. 1858 Circuit Court op. Sunbury Audubon died 1851. Peter the Great died 1725 Swedenborg born 1689 Martyrdom of Charles Ist Sexageaima Una Risos. n. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7_ 21 M. 45 45 45 45 45 44 44 44 44 43 4.3 42 42 41 41 40 39 38 37 37 36 35 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 Sun Sots. M. 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 50 52 53 55 57 58 59 8'tiDcc. 8. 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 3 58 52 46 40 33 26 18 10 2 53 43 33 23 12 1 50 38 26 13 46 33 19 4 49 34 19 3 46 30 M'H. Place. reins reins reins seer. seer. thigs thigs knee knee legs legs feet feet head head neck neck neck arms arms brest brest brest h'art h'art belly belly belly reins reins seer. Aloon RiHes. n. M. mom 15 1 2 3 4 5 19 24 32 40 43 6 40 Sets 6 48 8 7 9 22 10 36 11 47 morn 57 2 3 4 4 5 2 5 2 64 39 rises 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 morn 11 H. M. 3 45 47 6 29 39 9 35 10 23 U 12 11 18 59 1 2 3 4 5 40 21 7 1 7 6 27 7 46 8 47 9 88 10 19 10 55 11 31 12 1 18 39 1 11 1 46 2 23 3 9 4 9 Ki"? ,:i - li lll!;^ 2nd Month. nuMnrAmv, 1864. 29 Days. Thb Application op Peruvian Guano to the Soil. — An amateur farmer sowed a large heap of finely pulverized Peruvian Guano on his well-prepared tobacco field last spring. A light warm shower followed the sowing. The next day, when he went to set out the plants, he was astounded at the strong scent of the carbonate of ammonia now going off to the atmosphere. Of course the guanoed portion of the field gave no sign afterward of extra vegetation. Mr. W. said that his head was so full of horses at that time that he entirely forgot the directions to mix the guano with plaster or dry muck, and to harrow it undet as fast as it was sown. But he is so much of a practical chemist that he has learned from his blunder to have greater faith in*the fertilizing power of guano. New Moon, 7th day, 1 hour, 45 minutes aftcrmoon. S. W. First Quarter, 14th " 9 " " morning. N. E. Full Moon, 22nd " " 37 " afternoon. E. D. kD M W 1 Mo 2 Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 8u 8 Mo 9 Tu 10 W li Th 12 Fri 13 Sat 14 Su 15 Mo 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 Fri 20 Sat 21 Su 22 Mo 23 Tu 24 W 25 Th 26 Fri 27 Sat 28 Su 29 Mo Remabkablb Etsnts. Hilary Term begins Howard born 1726 Sir R. Peel born 1788 Queen Anne born 1665 Quinquagesima Siege of Milan 1853 Shrove Tuesday - Ash Wednesday London Bridge burnt 1662 Massacre of Glencoe 1691 1st Sunday in Lent. St. [ Valentine. National Debt com. 1500 Battle of Eupatoria 1855 Luther died 1546 Florida ceded to U.S.1821 Gough's vet. Goojerat 1849 2nd Sunday in Lent Washington born 1732 Sir Josh. Reynolds d. 1792 Saint Mathias Sir C. Wren died 1823 Kemble died 1823 • 3 3rd Sunday in Lent Sun Sun S'8 De. Moon M'li Rises. H. M. Sets, n. M. E . rises. Place 1 o > H. M. 7 26 5 2 17 13 1 16 seer. 7 25 5 3 16 57 2 21 thigs 7^24 5 5 16 39 3 23 thigs 7 22 5 7 16 21 4 22 thigs 7 21 5 8 16 3 5 16 knee 7 20 5 9 15 45 6 13 knee 7 18 5 11 15 26 sets. leg 7 17 5 12 15 7 6 55 leg 7 15 6-14 14 48 8 12 feet 7 14 5 15 14 29 9 28 feet 7 12 5 17 14 10 10 43 head 7 11 5 18 13 50 11 60 head 7 9 5 20 13 30 morn. neck 7 8 5 21 '3, .10 55 neck 7 7 5 22 12 49 1 56 arms 7 6 5 24 12 29 2 61 arms 7 4 5 25 12 8 3 39 brest 7 2 5 27 11 47 4 20 brest 7 5 28 11 26 4 57 brest 6 58 5 30 11 4 riser. h'art G 57 5 31 10 43 4 58 h'art 6 55 5 32 10 21 5 57 belly 6 54 5 33 9 59 6 56 belly 6 52 5 35 9 37 7 58 belly 6 60 5 36 9 15 8 59 rems 6 48 5 38 8 53 10 2 rems 5 46 5 40 8 30 11 6 seer. 6 44 5 42 8 8 morn. seer. 6 42 5 43 7 46 10 seer. o 7 8 9 32 1 18 191 10 10 10 48 11 36 noon I 39 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 18 68 42 32 34 62 12 8 20 9 11 9 65 10 32 11 11 12 5 36 6 13 44 21 681 45 1 46J ■FP 22 29 Days. -An amateur juano on hit >wer followed iants, he was now going off field gave no head was so ctir>n8 to mix del as fast aa| le has learned i er of guano. n. S. W. N. E. . E. M'li ,H. W. Place P. M. seer, thigs thigs thigs kneel knee l«g ! leg feet feet head head neck neck arms arms brcst brest brest h'art h'art belly belly I belly > I reins S reins seer. seer. seer. 5 32 7 1 8 18 9 19 10 10 10 48 11 36 noon 39 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 18i 581 421 32 1 34: 62 12' 8 20 9 11 9 55 10 32 11 6 11 36: 12 6 13 44 1 21 1 68 2 45 3 461 I 3rd Month. MARCH. 1864. .31 Days. Fattenixo Cattle in Winter, if one has a good barn cell.ir, may he done upon pumpkins. We put eight waggon-loads of our best pumpkins into the cellar, and piled up a dozen loads more in a sheltered place, covering them with straw, and they did good service in feeding milch cows and fattening beef in a open winter. Toward the last, our beef was fed on cut hay and barley meal ; and many who saw it thought better seldom seen, dead or alive. Many farmers have had more pump- kins wasted than would suffice to fatten two or three head of cattle. ^ ^ Last Quarter, 1st day, 8 hours, 48 minutes, morning, S. W. New Moon, 7th ^'11 "35 " evening, N. First Quarter, 15th "1 "' 43 " morning, N. W. Full Moon, 23rd '• 6 «' " " W.> D M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Last Quarter, 30th 56 <( evening, E. D W Tu W Th Fri Sat 8U Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat 8U Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Rkmarkabli Events. Queen Circuit opens John Wesley died 1791 Fire in New Orleans 1853 Hon. G. Ludlow 1st mayor [of St. John 1786 4th Sunday in Lent B.«fcF.Bible So.estab.l804 Swedenborg born 1689 Rizzio assassinated 1566 N. S. Wales discov. 1606 Dean Swift born 1667 Chelsea Hospital fd. 1632 5th Sunday in Lent Admiral Byng shot 1757 Duchess of Kent d. 1861 Saint Patrick Sterne died UdeS • Nankin taken 1853 Sunday before Easter Day and Night equal Queen Elizabeth died 1603 Good Friday Easter ' Abercrombie died 1811 Acadia and Canada ceded [to France 1632 Bethoven died 1827 | Sun 8un S'sDe. Moon M'» H- W. Rises H. M. Sets H. M. 8 N Rises. H.*M. Place p. M. ' H. M. 6 41 5 44 7 22 1 11 thig 6 3 6 39 5 45 6 59 2 10 thig 6 38 6 37 5 47 6 36 3 3 knee 7 68 6 35 5 49 6 13 3 50 knee 9 1 6 34 5 50 5 50 4 31 leg 9 51 6 32 5 51 5 27 5 9 leg 10 31 6 30 5 52 5 3 5 44 feet 11 19 6 29 5 53 4 40 sets feet 12 3 6 27 5 55 4 16 8 15 head 18 6 25 5 56 3 53 9 28 head 5t 6 23 5 57 3 29 10 ,38 neck 1 36 6 21 5 59 3 6 11 43 neck 2 18 6 19 6 2 42 morn arm 3 6 6 17 6 1 2 1« 41 arm 4 2 6 15 6 3 1 55 1 33 arm 5 9 6 13 6 4 1 31 2 18 brest 6 26 6 11 6 5 1 7 2 56 brest 7 36 6 9 6 6 44 3 30 h'art 8 36 6 8 6 7 20 3 58 h'art 9 22 6 6 6 8 4 4 28 h'art 10 6 4 6 9 27 rises belly 10 36 6 2 6 10 51 5 50 belly 11 9 6 6 12 1 15 6 52 reins 11 42 5 58 6 14 1 38 7 65 reins 12 13 5 56 6 15 2 2 8 56 reins 24 5 54 6 16 2 25 10 3 socr. 1 1 5 52 6 17 2 49 11 4 seer. 1 42 5 50 6 19 3 12 n orn thig 2 31 5 48 6 21 3 36 3 thig 3 29 5 46 6 22 3 59 59 neek 4 43 5 46 6 23 4 22 1 46 neck 6 13 23 'l 1 1 i t • I ! . 1 4th Month. APBJOb, 1864. 30 Days. Mock, applied unmixed to the Soil, serves a valuable purpose as a fertilizer, especially on lands deficient in vegetable matter. Let all who can, detail their experience on the subject ; it is one which should be urged upon farmers. , ^^,^ ,^ , j,„ ■ ' i . PuBPAUiNO Fire-wood in the Fall is urged because it is a leisure time with the farmer. Not often, so far as my experience goes. Get j up your wood in the winter, enough to last a ; fear ; saw and split in 1 spring, before you can do field work, is my advice in the matter. New Moon, 6th day, 9 hours, 25 minutes, morning, N. E. First Quarter, 13th " 7 «' 45 '« evening, S. W. Full Moon, 21st " 8 " 55 " 8. E. Last Quarter, 29th « ♦« 10 " morning, £. D D Sun 8un S'8Dec. Moon M'8. H. W. M W Remarkable Events. Rises. H. M. Sets. H. H. N. o / Rises. Place p. x. n H H. M. 1 Fri Prof. Wilson died 1864 5 43 6 24 4 4.1 2 28 le^ 7 36 2 Sat Battle Copenhagen 1801 5 41 6 25 5 8 3 6 leg 8 89 3 SU Ist Sunday after Easter 5 39 6 26 5 31 3 41 feet 9 29 4 Mo Goldsmith died 1774 5 37 6 27 5 64 4 10 feet 10 13 5 Tu Income Tax Act 1845 5 35 6 28 6 17 4 44 head 10 48 6 W Napoleon senttoElbal814 5 34 6 30 6 40 Sets head 11 36 7 Th Prince Leopold born 1853 5 32 6 31 7 2 8 16 neck 12 21 8 Fri (9) Lord Bacon died 1626 5 30 6 32 7 25 9 23 neck 36 9 Sa Strm. Sebastopol com. 1829 5 29 6 34 7 47 10 27 neck 1 31 Ifll •au 2nd Sunday after Easter 5 27 6 35 8 9 11 22 arms 1 57 11 Mo London Bridge burnt 1759 5 25 6 36 8 31 morn arms 2 40 12 Tu America discovered 1492 5 23 6 38 8 53 11 brest 3 28 13 W 5 21 6 40 9 15 63 brest 4 25 14 Th Peace with France 1814 5 19 6 41 9 36 1 28 h»art 5 32 15 ,Fri Mutiny at Spithead 1797 5 17 6 43 9 58 1 58 h'art 7 11 16 Sat Battle of Culloden 1746 5 15 6 44 lO 19 2 28 h'art 7 48 17 SU 3rd Sunday after Easter 5 13 6 45 lO 40 2 63 belly 8 40 18 Mo Fire Windsor Forest 1785 5 11 6 46 U 1 3 18 belly 9 26 19 Tu Shakspeare died 161$ 5 10 6 47 U 22 3 45 reins 10 4 20 W Spanish Fleet dest. 1657 5 9 6 48 il 42 rises reins 10 41 21 Th Odessa bombarded 1854 5 8 6 49 12 3 6 48 reins 11 18 22 Fri Duke df Sussex died 1843 6 7 6 50 12 23 7 52 seer. 11 45 23 Sat Saint George 5 5 6 52 12 43 8 54 seer. 7 24 SU 4th Sunday after Easter 5 3 6 53 13 2 9 57 thig 49 25 Mo Saint Mark 5 ] 6 54 13 22 10 53 thig 1 32 26 Tu David Hume born 1711 4 59 6 56 13 41 11 44 knee 2 20 27 W (26) Sir E. Coote d. 1783 Butler bern 1812 4 58 6 57 14 morn knee 3 14 28 Th 4 56 6 58 14 19 28 knee 4 23 29 Pri War with France 1803 4 55 6 69 14 38 1 6 legs 6 48 30 Sat 4 53 7 1 14 56 1 41 leg 7 7 5th M Sta twice i Cur it is qi jucicst Leave it. Tl winter. N F F Lj D D M W 1 SU Mo 3 Tu 4 W 5 Th 6 Fri 7 Sat 8 SU 9 Mo 10 Tu U W 12 Th 13 Fri 14 Sat 15 SU 16 Mo 17 Tu 18 W 19 Th 20 Fri 21 Sat 32 SU 33 Mo 24 Tu 25 W 26 Th 27 Fri 28 Sat 39 SU 30 Mo 31 Tu mt^t ■Kn^->* jrpose as a Let ali who li should be 5th Month. ' XIKA7, 1854. 31 Days. Staggers in Cattle. — Give a teaspooaful of pulverised camphor twice a day. It will cure in every case if attended to in time. Curing Hay. — A correspondent says, '* I usually cut my grass before it is quite ripe. Cut, and get it into the barn the same day. The juciest I put over head, or at the edges. Do not pack down much. Leave a load on the wuggon a short time, and scatter some salt upon it. The liay is seldom hurt, but looks green and fresh through the winter." New Moon, 5th day, 7 horrs, 50 minutes, evening, N. W. 1 First Quarter, 13th " I " .57 " " E. Full Moon, 21st '« 9 •♦ " " N. W. Last Quarter, 28th ♦' 4 " .59 " «' N. W. 1) D 8un Sun S'h Dec. .Moou M's H. W. M w Rkmarkable Events. Rises. n. M. Sets. U. M N. Rises. Place. p. w. o ^ n. M. II. M. 1 SU 5th Sunday after Easter 4 52 7 2 15 14 2 12 feet 8 13 2 Mo (1) Prince Arthur b. 1850 4 51 7 3 15 32 2 43 feet 9 8 3 Tu 4 50 7 4 15 SO 3 13 head 9 53 4 W Siege ofQucbcc raised 1776 4 48 7 5 16 7 3 45 head 10 31 5 Th Ascension 4 47 7 7 16 24 4 22 neck 11 19 6 Fri Gold fd. in Australia 1851 4 46 7 8 16 41 sets neck 12 4 7 Sat Insurrect. ut Madrid 1848 4 44 7 9 16 58 9 10 ^ras 19 8 SU Sunday after Ascension 4 43 7 10 17 14 10 3 arms 56 9 Mo Clocks introduced 1638 4 42 7 11 17 30 10 47 brest 1 36 10 Tu St. John Circuit Court op. 4 40 7 12 17 46 U 25 brest 2 U 11 W Lord Chatham died 1778 4 38 7 14 18 1 12 brest 2 56 12 Th Malt Duty imposed 1667 4 37 7 15 18 16 morn h'art 3 42 13 Fri William Tell died la.54 4 36 7 16 18 31 0»28 h'art 4 35 14 Sat Turner born 1755 4 35 7 17 18 46 55 belly 5 40 15 SU Whit Sunday 4 34 7 18 19 1 21 belly 6 46 16 Mo S \ ' 4 33 7 19 19 14 1 48 belly 7 61 17 Tu ' ,-■ ■ -w' " '■ ■■ ' "4: ^^_ 4 32 7 20 19 27 3 13 reins 8 45 18 W Napoleon dec. Emp, 1804 4 31 7 21 19 40 2 39 reins 9 32 19 Th ■ f . ^' 4 31 7 22 19 53 rises seer. 10 17 20 Fri r , • 1 1.' 4 30 7 23 20 6 6 44 seer. 10 59 21 Sat 1st steamer at Frdton.1816 4 29 7 24 20 18 7 46 seer. 11 40 22 SU Trinity Sunday 4 28 7 25 20 30 8 46 thig 12 20 23 Mo Capture of Kertch 1855 4 27 7 26 20 41 9 39 thig 39 24 Tu Queen Victoria born 1819 4 27 7 27 20 .52 10 28 knee 1 23 25 W Princess Helena born 1846 4 26 7 28 21 3 11 7 knee 3 8 26 Th Ven. Rede died 735 4 25 7 29 21 13 U 44 leg 2 59 27 Fri Fd. st.Mec.Insti.laid 1840 4 24 7 30 21 23 morn leg 3 57 28 Sat 4 23 7 31 21 33 17 feet 5 13 29 SU 1st Sunday after Trinity 4 22 7 32 21 42 46 feet 6 33 30 Mo Pope died 1744 4 22 7 33 21 51 1 16 head 7 47 31 Tu Dr. Chalmers died 1847 42 1 7 34 22 1 47 head 1 y 'i " , i 25 ^.i .:i 1^ .:>. 6th Month. JirXTSa, 1864. 30 Days. ^ Hots ix Horses. — A friend informs us that he has found feeding the- horses once a week on a mess of potatoes an effectual remedy. , ^ ,, Sowixo Giuss Sked in tue Fall, if done early — as soon as the first i of September — will succeed first rate. The young grass must have time to get rooted before winter. This we have tried to our satisfac- tion, and would prefer September seeding in all cases were not other work then so hurrying, and a drouth often to be feared. We shall seed some 15 acres of oats this spring — and in the fall also, if it does not! prove successful. j 1 New Moon, 4th day, 7 hours, 16 minutes, morning, E. j First Quarter, 12th "^ 7 " 24 « " N. E. i Full Moon, 19th '• 6 " 30 " evening, S. E. • Last Quarter, 26th " 9 »« .9^ " morning, W. D D Sun dUD S'8 Dec. Moon M'8 H. W. M W Remarkabi.r Events. RispR. H. M Sets. n. M. N. Rises. Place p. M. . _ ' U. M. H. M. 1 W 4 20 7 35 22 8 2 21 neck 9 34 2 Th Gordon Riots 1780 4 20 7 36 22 16 2 57 neck 10 18 3 Fri Mutiny at Necnuch 1857 4 19 7 37 22 23 3 38 arms 10 52 4 Sat Battle of Magenta 1859 4 19 7 37 22 30 Sets arms 11 40 5 SU 2nd Sunday after Trinity 4 19 7 38 22 37 8 41 arms 1 6 Mo Battle of Stony Creek 1813 4 18 7 38 22 43 9 22 brest 37 7 Tu MvHiny at Jullundur 1857 4 18 7 39 22 49 10 brest 1 13 8 W King Kbt. Bruce died 1329 4 18 7 39 22 54 10 30 h'art 1 48 9 Th 7 Bishops St. to Towerl688 4 18 7 40 22 59 10 58 h'art 2 24 10 Fri Sydenham Palace op. 1854 4. 18 7 41 23 4 11 22 h'art 3 2 U Sat Saint Barnabas 4 17 7 41 23 8 11 47 bellv 3 45 12 SU 3rd Sunday after .Trinity 4 17 7 42 23 12 morn belly 4 37 13 Mo Dr. Arrfold died J842 4 17 7 42 23 15 12 reins 6 42 14 Tu Trinity Term begins 4 17 7 43 23 18 39 reins 6 55 15 W No real night 4 17 7 43 23 21 1 6 reins 8 4 16 Th 4 16 7 43 23 23 1 39 seer. 9 3 17 Fri Wesley born 1703 4 16 7 44 23 24 2 19 seer. 9 55 18 Sat Battle of Waterloo 1815 4 16 7 44 23 26 rises thig 10 41 19 SU 4th Sunday after Trinity 4 17 7 45 23 27 7 29 thig 11 27 20 Mo Access, of Qn.Victor. 1837 4 17 7 45 23 27 8 21 knee 12 9 21 Tu Machiavelli died 1527 4 17 7 45 23 27 9 4 knee 27 22 W 4 17 7 46 23 27 9 44 leg 1 9 23 Th Battle of Solfcrino 1859 4 18 7 46 23 26 10 18 leg 1 41 24 Fri Saint John Baptist 4 18 7 46 23 25 10 51 feet 2 38 25 Sat 4 19 7 46 23 23 11 19 feet 3 33 is SU 5th Sunday after Trinity 4 19 7 46 23 22 11 51 head 4 40 27 Mo Cawnpore Masgacre 1857 4 20 7 46 23 19 morn head 6 28 Tu Qo. Victoria crown'd 1838 4 20 7 46 23 16 19 neck 7 20 29 W Saint Peter 4 21 7 46 23 13 57 neck 8 24 .30 Th Battleof Pultowa4709 4 22 7 46 23 9 1 37 neck 9 18 2A J umnr iii rnrr' -r - r"" — 30 Days. feeding the- Jy. as the first must have >ur satisfac- e not other e shall seed it docs not N. E. S. E. M'8 u. w. Place p. M. H. M. neck 9 34 neck 10 18 arms 10 52 arms 11 40 arms 1 brest 37 brest 1 13 h'art 1 48 I'art I'art )elly )elly reins reins reins seer. seer. thig thig knee knee leg leg feet feet head head neck neck neck 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 24 2 45 37 42 55 4 3 9 55 10 41 11 27 12 9 27 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 41 38 33 40 20 24 18 7th Month. XVZi-S'. 1864. 31 days. Thk Babombter is a truly valuable instrument, and evc^y farmer will do well to have one. The '• signs of the sky," however, are not to be despised, as read by an experienced eye. ^^ ttllr Thb Profits of Farming are often underrated. Because a man can- not show a pile of hard cash at the end of the year it does not follow that he has made nothing at farming. If he had kept an expense account of the items outside his farm business, it would have shown him " where the money goes," little by little, very likely. New Moon, 3rd day, 8 hours, minutes, afternoon, N. W. First Quarter, 11th "11 «* 27 " " W. Full Moon, 19th " 2 '• 12 •* morning, S. W. Last Quarter, 25th " 4 " 22 " afternoon, N. D D M W 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 SU 4 Mo 5 Tu 6 W 7 Th 8 Fri 9 Sat 10 SU 11 Mo 12 Tu 13 W 14 Th 15 Fri 16 Sat 17 SU 18 Mo 19 Tu 20 W 21 Th 22 Fri 23 Sat 24 SU 25 Mo 26 Tu 27 W 28 Th 29 Fri 30 Sat 31 SU Remarkable Evemtr, Sun Rises. Battle of the Boyne 1690 Sir R. Peel died 1850 6th Sunday after Trinity U. S. d. Independent 1776 French take Algiers 1830 Boston settled 1630 Havelock's mrh.Cawnpore Edmund Burke died 1797 BayChalcur discov'd. 1854 7th Sunday after Trinity Kings & Alb.Cir.Court op, William Pen died 1718 Bastile destroyed 1789 8th Sunday after Trinity Mutiny at Hyderabad 1857 WestmorclandCir. Crt. op. Cholera at St. John 1831 . m ■ ' 9th Sunday after Trinity Saint James , .. Revolution in France 1830 Fire in St. John 1845 10th Sunday after Trinity H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 M. 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Sun Sets. 6(M7 S'ffDcc. N. M. 45 45 45 44 44 44 43 43 42 42 42 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 5 1 56 51 45 39 33 26 19 11 3 55 46 37 28 18 8 57 46 35 24 12 47 34 21 7 53 39 25 10 Moon Riues . H. M. 2 24 3 13 sets 7 59 8 31 9 1 9 27 9 52 10 16 10 42 11 11 8 39 morn 13 56 1 44 2 43 rises 7 8 40 16 8 50 9 22 9 53 10 25 10 .59 11 38 morn 20 1 8 2 3 2 57 M's. H. W Place. F. M. p. M. K. M. arms 10 2 arms 10 38 brest 11 16 brest 12 4 h'art 16 h'art 47 h'arl 1 19 belly 1 ^2 belly 2 25 bellv 3 3 reins 3 49 reins 4 46 seer. 6 2 sccr. 7 24 thig 8 36 thig 9 37 knee 10 28 knee 11 13 legs 11 57 legs 13 feet 52 feet I 33 feet 2 17 liead 3 8 head 4 8 neck 5 19 neck G 53 arms 8 3 arms 8 58 brest 9 42 brest 10 20 87 Plow Dreper ! Yes ! den't be afraid of going too low with the ^plow. Try the experiment at least, if you are not satisfied on the subject. WiNTBR Care of Dahlias. — As soon as the frost has killed the stalks take up the bulbs, leaving them attached to the crown of the plant, as thoM that break off are worthless. Dry them in the sun a few days, protecting them from wet or frost, and then put them in a cool dry pl«Qe in the cellar. As extreme cold weather comes on protect them, as>y«« Would potatoes, from freezing. No danger of their being destroyed by rats or mice, us neither ever touch them. 8th Month. /LUaVST, 1864. 31 Days. N«W Moon, 2nd day, 10 hours, 10 minutes, morning, S. £. First Quarter, IQth ** 1 « 33 « afternoon, 8. E. Full Moon, 17th " 9 " 12 « " N.W. Last Quarter, 24th " 1 « 40 " morning, E. D D M W 1 Mo 2 Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 SU 8 Mo 9 Tu 10 W 11 Th 12 Fri 13 Sat 14 SU 15 Mo 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 Fri 20 Sat 21 SU 22 Mo 23 ru 24 w 25 Th 26 Fri 27 Sat 28 SU 29 Mo 30 Tu 31 W RBMAKKABLB £v£NT8. Columbus d. America 1498 Charlotte Cir. Court opens Sir R. Arkwrightd. 1792 Dr. Coombc died 1858 Prince Alfred born 1 644 llth Sunday after Trinity Canning died 1837 Ashburton Treaty 1842 Assembly limtd. 4ys. 1842 Gcorgj 4th born 1762 fiatlle of Blenheim 12th Sunday after Trinity Napoleon born 1769 N. B. estb. a Province 1784 Great fire in St. John 1839 Printing invented 1437 Rivr. St. Lawrence d. 1535 Wellesley quits India 1805 13th Sunday after Trinity W. Hastings died 1818 Madras Schools incor. 1819 St. Bartholomew James Watt died 1819 Prince Albert born 1819 Battle of Dresden 1813 14th Sunday after Trinity Sir C. Napier died 1863 Retigouche Cir. Court op. Bunyan died 1662 RiRcs. M. 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 7 U7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 8uii Set8. M. 22 21 19 18 16 15 13 11 10 8 7 6 5 3 1 59 57 55 53 52 50 49 47 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 33 8'tiDec N. 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 44; 10 11 26! 10 49 8 11 33 50 i morn 27 1 27 2 35 rises 6 45 7 20 32 13 55 36 171 571 38! 18! 58 1 38! 9 17110 57:11 36111 1 5 morn 54j 54 7 53 8 27 9 2 39 21 8 58 33 11 50 28 1 52 2 49 3 47 4 48 rerns reins seer. seer. seer. thig thig knee knee legs legs feet feet head head neck neck arms arms arms brest brest h'art h'art belly H. W. p. M. H. 10 11 12 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 12 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 o ■ J 9 9 10 11 M. 55 43 15 21 51 23 55 31 14 8 22 49 14 17 11 57 39 19 34 15 48 46 44 59 21 34 3* 18 55 28 r.''i-i 28 9th Month. MBfTSMMBBLf 1864. 30 Days. Farmbrr, Plant Applb Orchards ! — If any farmer, sayi the Country GmtUmany who has had for 20 years a good orchard of graOed apple trees, properly selected for market, and in tolerably faTourabIc portions of the country, has kept an account of the annual avemgt product of his trees for that time, he will find they have netted him fifty dollars per acre a year. This remark applies to such orchards a<| havBlMd no care. Those which have received good cultivation have d(^)e bttttr. Why then cultivate whole farms, at hard labour, for a net proceed of five dollars per acre ? Why not plant orchards ? New Moon, 1st day, 1 hour, 44 minutes, morning, N. E. First Quarter, 9th " 1 " 26 «« " W. Full Moon, 15th " 4 " 45 « «« E.. Last Quarter, 22nd " 2 " . 30 " afternoon, N. W. New Moon, 30th " 6 " 19 " «« W. M W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu W Th Fri Rrmakkablb Evcnts. Q. Vic. Ist v. Scotland 1842 Great fire in London 1666 N.styleadpt. inG.B.1752 !5th Sunday after Trinity French rem. frm. N. S. 1 755 Gloucester Cir. Court op. Hannah More died 1833 Montreal sur. lo Brit. 1766 Indust Ex. St. John 1851 16th Sunday after Trinity NorthumberlandC.Crt. op. Wellington died 1852. New York surrend. 1776 Fahrenheit died 1736 17th Sunday after Trinity Victory of Alma 1854 Sir Walter Raleigh b. 1552 Saint Matthew Princess Augusta d. 1840 i Aaron Burr born 1757 18th Sunday ofter Trinity Philadelphia taken 1777 Kent&Garleton C.Crt.op. Battle of Maranthon 1790 Saint Michael Saint James Sun Riies 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 42 43 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56- 57 5 58 59 1 3 Sun Sets H. M. 6 32 6 30 6 28 6 26 6 24 6 22 20 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 59 5 58 5 56 5 54 5 52 5 50 48 46 44 42 40 39 36 S'aUe N S 6 45 22 38 6 16 5 53 31 8 45 22 59 36 13 50 a? 4 1 40 I 17 64 30 7 16 40 1 3 1 27 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 Moon M's H. W. Sets Place p. m. II. M. 6 6 7 7 8 26 51 18 belly belly reins 45ireins HJreins 8 50 seer. 9 10 11 30 19 13 morn 16 1 26 2 41 rises 5 47 22 57 35 17 1 seer. thig thig knee knee legs legs feet feet head head neck neck arms 50 13 37 6 6 7 8 9 9 54 1 arms 10 46: arms 11 45|brc8t mornlbrest 42 h'art 42 1 •2 3 4 5 41 39 39 39 h'art h'art belly belly reins H. M. 11 48 12 19 28 56 29 7 50 43 51 18 47 8 56 9 50 10 38 11 20 12 1 2 2 3 4 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 66 40 25 19 23 40 55 54 8 43 23 9 58 10 32 11 6 S9 10th Month. OOTOBBB., 1864. 31 Davs. Trbatmknt ok Hkns. — Two flocks of hens were compared. One laid eggs almost all the time, the othor laid scarcely any. On examining their treatment the following differences were found to exist : the former had a warm cellar to roost in during winter , tlie latter roosted in a stable whore the wind blew in. 'i'ho former had a fine place in an open cellar for scratching amoi^g ashes, lime, and earth ; tiio latter scratched in the manure heap, or in the stable where the cows were put out. The for- rtier had plenty of good water, with milk, &c., the others had no drink but what they could find. — Rural American. *f D D M W 1 Sat 2 su 3 Mo 4 Tu 5 W 6 Th 7 Pri 8 Sat 9 SU 10 Mo 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14 Fri 16 Sat 16 SU 17 Mo 18 Tu 19 W 20 Th 21 Fri 22 Sat 23 SU 24 Mo 25 Tu 26 W 27 Th 28 Fri 29 Sat 30 SU 31 Mo First Quarter, 8th day, 11 hours, 13 minutes, morning, E. Full Moon, 15th " 1 " 51 " " 8. W. Last Quarter, 22nd " 7 " 3 " '« S. W. New Moon, 30th " 11 " * 4 «* " 8. Remarkable: Etents. 1st strar. on Hudson 1807 19th Sunday after Trinity Petrarch died 1374 Sir John Remin died 1821 Peace with U. S. 1783 Gt. fire at Miramichi 1825 N.W. passage discov. 1850 20th Sunday a.'- r Trinity Columbus discv. American f land 1 192 Brock killed 1812 William Penn born 1B44 Cathedrl.F'ton fd.laid 18 15 21st Sunday after 'J'rinity Burgoync surrcnd. 1777 Saint Luke Cornwallis surrend. 1781 Battle of Navarino 1827 Battle of Trafalgar 1805 22nd Sunday after Trinity Edict Nantes revokd. 1685 Philadelphia settled 1682 Hogarth died 1764 Captain Cook- born 1728 Saint Simon & Saint Jude Fire at Tow.. London 1841 23rd Sunday after Trinity Hallow Eve Sun Sun S'bDc. Moon M's Rises Sets H. M. s. Hcts. Place H.M. o ' H. M. 6 4 5 34 3 23 5 49 reins 6 5 5 33 3 47 6 21 reins 6 6 5 31 4 10 6 52 seci". 6 7 5 29 4 33 7 31 seer. 6 9 5 27 4 66 8 16 thig 6 10 5 25 5 19 9 9 thig 6 11 5 23 5 42 10 6 knee 13 5 21 6 5 11 11 knee 6 14 5 20 6 28 morn k^ec 6 15 5 18 6 51 22 legs G 16 5 10 7 14 I 34 legs G 18 5 14 7 3G 2 48 feet G 20 5 12 7 59 4 6 feet G 21 5 11 8 21 rises head 6 22 5 9 8 43 6.27 head G 23 5 8 9 5 6 6 neck 6 24 5 G 9 27 G 52 neck 6 25 5 4 9 49 7 43 arms 6 27 5 2 10 11 8 36 arms 28 5 10 32 9 36 brest 30 4 59 10 .'S4 10 34 brest G 32 4 57 11 15 11 32 brest G 33 4 55 11 36 morn h'art G 35 4 64 11 57 32 h'art 6 36 4 52 12 18 1 31 belly 6 37 4 51 12 38 2 30 belly G 38 4 49 12 59 3 28 belly 6 40 4 48 13 19 4 28 reins 6 41 4 46 13 39 sets reins 6 4S 4 45 13 58 4 48 seer. 6 46 • 4 44 14 18 6 31 seer. p. M.. H. M. 11 63 1 36 10 49 32 3 23 4 6 7 26 50 18 8 30 9 29 10 16 10 .59 11 41 12 22 38 21 4 51 3 43 4 45 57 6 1 46 27 5 7 8 8 9 10 4 10 41 11 12 17 6 BE 30 H. M. 11 63 1 35 1 10 1 49 2 32 3 4 5 "/ 23 26 50 18 8 30 9 29 10 16 10 59 U 41 12 23 38 1 21 2 4 2 51 3 43 4 45 5 57 7 5 8 1 8 46 9 27 iO 4 10 41 11 17 12 5 nth Month. JI^VSXBSa, 1864. 30 Day«. Cabk mohk for books, and pictures. Don't keep a solemn parlor, into which you go but once a month with tho parson or sewing society. Hang arounil your walls pictures which shall tell stories of mercy, hope, cour- age, faith, and charity. Make your living room the largest and moat cheerful in the house. Let the place bo such that when your boy has gone to distant lands, or even when.perhaps, ho clings to a single plank in the lonely waters of the wide ocean, the thought of the still homc« stead shall come across the desolation, bringing always light, hope, and love. First Quarter, 6th dav, 7 hotirs, 29 minutes, afternoon, 8. W. Full Moon, I3lh '' 1 " 9 " " N. Last Quarter, 2Ut " 2 " 53 " morning, E. New Moon, 29th " 2 " 53 '• . «« B. D D M VV 1 Tu 2 W 3 Th 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 STJ 7 Mo 8 Tu 9 W 10 Th 11 Fri 12 Sat 13 SU 14 Mo 15 Tu 16 W 17 Th 18 Fri 19 Sat 20 SU 31 Mo 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 25 Fri 26 Sat 27 SU 28 Mo 29 Tu 30 W Remarkable Events. 1 Sun I !:?un jS'sDe. I Rises Sets I S. .Moon Sets. M'fl H. Place r. All Saints " '- ' • Rebellion in Canada 1838 Acre stormed 1840 Gunpowder -Plot 1605 24th Sunday after Trinity Battle of rippecanoe 1811 Milton died 1674 Prince of Wales bo. 1841 E.Tcl.St.Johnj . I 42 It 37| 41 39 28 37 35 34 33 32 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 21 14 15 15 15 16 16 10 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 I9j20 18 20 18 20 17 20 17 20 16 2] lbl21 15.21 14121 14121 56 j 15! 33| 52 10 27 45 I 2! 19! 35 521 8' 231 38 53 1 81 22 1 36 1 50! 3I 161 29! 4ll 52 4i 15 25' 35 j 45 II. M. I 6 14|thig 4lthig O'thig 4!knre knee legs legs feet 7 8 9 10 11 11 20 morn 33 1 45 1 feet j 2 58jhead rises headi M. II. 1 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 3 57!neck|l0 4 41 5 28 6 22 neck'll arms|l2 arms: 7 19|arms| 8 19jbrest' 9 20 brcst' 10 20|h'art' 11 lOjh'art' morn 'belly' 18lbelly' 1 2 3 4 5 6 17' belly 17.rems 17 reins! 18' seer. I 20'8ccr. |lO 22 'seer. 11 sets jthig :ll 5 52|thig I M. 16 66 36 19 8 6 20 43 1 3 65 41 23 6 21 37 20 3 52 52 1 8 i 54 37 19 48 3 HI ! ' I I .11 » I r!;il! ; if Mi lii m 12th Month. DBOBMBIUL, 1804. 31 Days. MuvB TOWARD A BETTEU LiFK. Do not kccp your boys corn^shcUing in the long winter evenings. Make the farm a place that your sons and daughters cannot help loving. Cultivate the trees — they arc God's messengers. Don't say you care nothing for looks. You cb care, else why did you build that two-story house, with blinds, and a cupola into which you never go. Or why did you, years ago, carefully brush your coat, And pull up your shirt collar, when you were starting on a Sunday evening to visit the good woman who now shares your home. First Quarter, 6th day, 3 hours, 10 minutes, morning, N. W. Full Moon, 13th '• 2 " 48 " " W. Last Quarter, 2l8t '« 12 " 39 " « E. New Moon, 28th «« 4 «• 67 " afternoon, 8 W. U D dun Sun S'sDe. Moon M's u. w. M W Rbhahkablb Evknts. Rises Seta S. Sets Plane p. M. II. M. II M. o ' II. M. H. M. 1 Th Battle of Austerlitz 1805 7 26 4 14 21 54 6 64 knee 44 2 Fri Qn. Dow. Adelaide d. 1849 7 27 4 14 22 3 8 2 knee 1 2] 3 Snt Bomb, of Barcelona 1812 7 28 4 13 22 12 9 13 legs 2 C 4 6 SU 2nd Sunday in Advent 7 29 4 13 22 20 10 24 legs 2 5*? Mo 7 30 4 13 22 27 11 35 feet 3 46 Tu Rebels dcf. nr.TorontoI837 7 31 4 13 22 35 morn feet 4 60 7 W Loyola died 1555 7 32 4 12 22 41 46 head 6 9 8 Th 7 33 4 12 22 48 1 67 head 7 32 9 Fri Milton horn 1608 7 34 4 12 22 53 3 9 head 8 41 10 Sat 7 35 4 12 22 69 4 i 9! neck 9 37 11 SU 3rd Sunday in Advent 7 36 4 13 23 4 rises neck 10 24 12 Mo Cromwell m. Protectr.1653 7 37 4 13 23 8 4 10 arms 11 7 13 Tu Council of Trent 1545 7 38 4 13 23 12 5 4 arms 11 48 14 W Washington died 1799 7 39 4 13 23 16 6 3 brest 1 15 Th Izaak Walton died 1683 7 40 4 13 23 19 7 6 brest 37 16 Fri Mirabeau died 1789 7 40 4 13 23 21 8 5 h'art 1 13 17 Sat Bomb, of Sebastopol 1854 7 41 4 13 23 23 9 6 h'art 1 48 18 SU 4th Sunday in Advent 7 42 4 14 23 26 10 5 h'art 2 24 19 Mo Turner died 1851, agd. 76 7 42 4 14 23 26 11 4 belly 3 5 20 Tu Louis Napoleon pro. 1848 7 43 4 14 23 27 morn belly 3 64 21 W VictoriaCourt op.[St.Thos. 7 43 4 15 23 27 5 reins 4 66 22 Th 1st Amb'dor at Delhi 1614 7 43 4 15 23 27 1 4 reins 6 6 23 Fri 7 44 4 16 23 {26 2 4 reins 7 17 24 Sat Peace with U. S. 1814 7 44 4 16 23 25 3 5 seer. 8 19 25 SU Christmas Day 7 45 4 17 23 24 4 6 seer. 9 12 26 Mo Saint Stephen 7 45 4 18 23 21 5 7 thig 9 58 27 Tu Saint John Evangelist 7 45 4 18 23 19 6 5 thig 10 43 28 W Holy Innocents 7 45 4 19 23 16 sets knee 11 26 29 Th Coleridge born 1772 7 45 4 20 23 12 6 47 knee 12 14 30 Fri Pretender died 1756 7 45 4 21 23 8 6 59 legs 30 31 Sat 7 44 4 22 23 4 8 12 legs I 11 .^2 31 Days. n-ahclling your sons ' arc God's t care, eUe upola into >rush jour , a Sunday N.W. W. E. S W. •tl M'8 lane H. W. P. M. nee ;nee eg 8 egs cct 'eet lead lead lead jeck leck irms irms >rc8t )re8t 'art 'art 'art >elly )elly H. M. 44 1 ai 2 C 2 51 3 45 4 50 6 9 7 32 8 41 9 37 10 24 11 7 11 48 1 37 1 13 1 48 2 24 3 5 3 54 reins 4 65 reins reins seer. seer. thig thig knee knee legs legs 6 6 7 17 8 19 9 12 9 58 10 43 U 26 12 14 30 1 11 1 a'i »': 'A OBEAT BSITAIN ASD ntELAITD, THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. ViCTOBiA, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ; ^nly daughter of His late Koyal Highness, Edward Duke of Kent» and Vie. >ria Duchess of Kent, daughter of> Francis, Duke of Saxe Cobourg; bom le 24th May, 1819 ; succeeded to the Throne on the decease of her Uncle, ^illiam IV., Juno 20th, 1837; Proclaimed Juno 21st, 1837; Crowned June Uh, 1838; Married February 10th, 1840, to Field Marshal His Royal [ighness Prince Albert Augustus Charlco Emanuel Prince of Sazo Cobourg id Goiha, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, dec, dec, dk;c., ^ho died at Windsor Castle, December 14th, 1861. Issue, — Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa (Princess Royal,) bom NoTember |l8t, 1840, married January 25th, 1858, H. R. H., Frederick William Prince Prussia. Albert Edward (Prince of Wales), born November 9th, 1841, married 10th [arch, 1863, Alexandra, Princess of Denmark. Alice Maud Mary, born April 25th, 1843, married July 1st, 1862, H. R. H. frince Louis 'of Hesse. Alfred Ernest Albert, born August 6th, 1844. ; i' # - : . •»*>?!* Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 25th, 1846. ^ ' -^fii. Louise Caroline Alberta, born March 18th, 1848. < ■'"' Arthur William Patrick Albert, born May 1st 1850. Leopold George Duncan Albert, born April 7th, 1853. Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, born April I4th, 1857. The Queen*a Cousins : — George V..King of Hanover, born May 27th, 1819. [George Duke of Cambridge, born March 26th, 1819. Princess Augusta (Duchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz), born July 19th 1822. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth, born November 27th 1833. » Uii BRITISH MINISTRY. IFirst Lord of the Treasury, Viscount Palmerston. IChancellor of the Exchequer, Right honorable W. E. Gladstone* ■Foreign Secretary, Earl Russell. iHome Secretary, Sir George Gray. ' IColonial Secretary, Puke of Newcastle. \ ' ' ■Secretary for India, Sir Cba^rles Wood. First Lord of the Admiralty, Duke of Somerset ^ ' ' ^ B. ^ '• ' 1 1 ! M I , \^ i Lord Chancellor, Lord Wtftbury. PrMident of the Council, Earl Granville. Privj Seal, Duke of Argjle. Postmaater General, Lord Stanley, Alderley. Preaident of the Board of Trade, Right hononrable M. Gibson. President of Poor-Law Board, Right honorable C. P. Villirrs. Duchy of Lancaster, Right honorable E. Cardwell. ^ ^ . . Not in the Cabinet. ' Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Earl of Carlyle. • ''^ •?>n* Secretary for Ireland, Sir Robert Peel. Attorney General, Sir W. Atherton. : , . • Solicitor General, Sir R. Palmer. Attorney General for Ireland, Thomas O'Hagan. Solicitor General for Ireland, A. Lawson. Secretaries of the 'JVeaaury, Mr. Brand, F. Peel. Secretary to the Admiralty, Lord Clarence Paget. Civil Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. Whitbrcad. Lord Advocate, Mr. MoncreilF. Judge Advocate General, Mr. Headlam. Vice President of Privy Council for Education, Mr. Lowe. Lords of the Treasury, Mr. Hugessen, Sir William Dunbar, Lieut, (^ol. Luke White, ^^r ,., ,^ jvin i; V >. A i 41. 1 he Royal Hoxtsehold, i r.;.i:r / wl> i ,fl Lord Steward, Lord St. Germans. ...... ,.v n : " ' Lord Chamberlain, Viscount Sydney. Master of the Horse, Marquis of Ay Isbury. uiM't.:^\ "[ i.yS\ Master of the Buckhounds, Earl of Bessborough. i^^i/ el ^^f ««i>!> Mistress of the Robes, Duchess of Wellington. '. nt . > t;iii c . i 't I <• ' >r » )'i .«i«^l,fina t«J». NEW BRUNSWICK. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. V 1 1 tM -Y., Uy SEAT OF GGTGIINMKNT Fn£»KHICT03(. His J&xcellency Hon. Arthur Hamilton Gordon, Lieutenant Governorj and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, dec, dec, &r.. Felix Jas. Henry Skene, and David Wilson, Esquires, Private Secretarit'sj to the Lieutenant Governor. Harry Moody, Esquiie, and Lieutenant Colonel Charles Drury, Provinrialj Aides-de Camp. •'^^-'^ EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. ' - - Hon Samuel L. Tilley, Fredericton. Hon George L. Hatfibway, FUon. Hon William H. Steves, Hillsbdgh. jHon John McMillan, Bat hurst. Hon Charles Walters, Saint John. Hon William Et Perley, Suubury. Hon Peter Mitchell, Newcastle. Hon James Steadman, Aloncton, Hon John M. Johnson, Newcastle. F. A. H. Stratton, Clerk. rr HI rr . i % ' <»' ' I '' ►ar, Lieut. (3oI. .•■ . ' ..J •! •iu LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The Honoiablo William Black, Presi- Hon William H. Odoll, Frederiehn dent, Hon D. Wark, Hon John Himcoe Saunderi», Provi. Hon W. H. StcrcB, Hional President. Hon Amo8 E. Botsford, Hon Edward B. Chandkt Hon John Robertson, Saint John. Hon William B. Kinncar, St. John. Hon George Minchin, Hon Kobert L. Hazen, Saint John. Hon John ^arl, Hon Charles Harrifon, ,, . , Hon Peter Mitchell, Hon James Davidson, Hon Charles Perley. n» Hon J. H. Ryan, Hon William Hamilton, Hon William Todd, Hon Alex. McL. Seeley, Saint John, Hon Francis Rice, Hon John J. RobinsoQi ■ », i » OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL George bolsford, Clerk. Edward W. Miller, Clerk Asiist. Beverly R. Jouett, Usher of BIk. Rod Rev. John M. Brookoi P. D. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. County oj York. — John C. Allan, Speaker, Charles Fisher, Georgo L. Hatheway, and Hiram Dow, Esquires. County of Saint John. — John W. Cudlip, John H. Gray, Charles N. •Skinner, and Timothy Warren Anglin, Esquires. County of Westmorland. — Albert J. Smith, Esquire, Hon. James 8tca«l. man, Amand Landry, and William J. Gilbert, Esquires. -^ .^a\ County of Charlotte. — Arthur H. Gilmore, G. 8. Grimmer, James Boyd, und James G. Stevens, Esquires. King's County. — Edwin A. Vail, Waller B.Scovil,and George Ryan, Esqs. Queen's County. — John Ferris, and Samuel H. Gilbert, Esquires. County of Sunbury. — William E. Perlcy, and John Glazier, Esquires* County of Carleton. — William Lindsay, and David Munroe, Esquires. County of Northumberland. — Hon. John M. Johnson, Geo. Kerr, Edward Williston, and Robinson Crocker, Esquires. County of Kent. — Francis M'Phelim, and Lestook, P. W. DesBrisay, Esqs. County of Gloucester. — Robvt Young, and John Mehan, Esquires. County of Restigouche. — Hon John McMillan and John Montgomery, Esqs. County of Albert. — Abner R. M'Lelan, and Reuben Stiles, Esquires. County of Victoria. — B. Beveridge, and John Costigan, Esquires. ^ City of Saint John. — Hon. S. L. Tilley, and Hon. Charles Wf.tt^rs. ' OFFICERS OF THE CROWN. Hon. John M. Johnson, Attorney General. Hon. Charles Walters, Solicitor General. William Wright, Esq., Advocate General. Hon. Samuel L. Tilley, Provincial Secretary. t;;'^ t-s! Hh m-'fS 86 • ! !tr ! r-'iii • I Hon. John M'Millan Surveyor General. . Hon. James Stcadman, Post Master General. Hon. G. L. Hatheway, Chief Commissioner of Board of Works. Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Receiver General and Prov. Treasurer. Thomaa R. Robertson, Esquire, Deputy Receiver General, Fredericton. John R. Partelow, Esquire, Auditor General. John A. Street, Esquire, Hon. William B. Ki'nnear,4Jon. E. B. Chandler, Hon. Robert L. Hazen, John W. Weldon, James W. Chandler, George Kerr, John H. Gray, T). Shank Kerr, A. R. Wetmorc, Charles Duff, and A. J. Smith Esquires, Queen's Council. . OrnCERS OF the house of ASSEMBLY. Cbarlef P. Wetmore, Esquire, '^lerk. , Ge«rg« J. Biiss, Esquire, CI«rk Assistant. Abraham T. Coburn, Esquire, Sergeant at Arms. Rev. Ct Costtff, A.M., Chaplain. fi }/ r'', C Briscoe, Esq. ,-..,.... »i~s. j . «./j Collecting Clerk, Henry Whiteside, Esq. Clerks, Jas. T. Uanford. John Sandall, Geo. Matthews, and Geo. F. Keans. Waiters and Searchers, Richard M Longpaid, and Stephen £ Gerow, Tide Survei/or, "WiWiam lioyer, ,t.: „ Warehouse Lockers, W J B Martcr, James Mitchell, Wm. Dudne, John Fitzpatrick, ani Henry Coffee, DEPUTY TREASURERS. \ Dorchester. John Hickman, Esq. \Ak>ncton,'J»mt^» Robertson, Jr, Esq, ! Hillsborough, W Wallace, Esq, Caraquet, James G C Blackball, Esq, I //arwy, James Brewster, Esq. »»* Shippegan, P J N Dumaresq, Esq, Fredericinn. T R Robertson, Esq, 'I'aas ICampbelltown, C Botsford, Esq, iDalhousie, D Stewart, Esq, \Bathursf: Francis Mehan, Esq, \Newca.stk, R Sutton, Esq, \Chafham, J T Williston, Esq, lichibucto, Henry Livingston, Esq, hictouche, Robert Douglass, Esq, Shidiuc, Hon J Hannington, hie Verie, Edward Wood, Esq, VSackville, James Dixon, Esq, Y^orfh Jagging, Rufus Oile, Esq, Woodstock, Henry E Dibblee, Esq, Tobique, Francis 'I'lbbits, Esq, Grand Falls, Michael Curran, Esq, Edniunston, Vital Hebert, Esq. ••^•' St Andrew's, D W Jack, Esq, St Stephen, John Grimmer, Esq, : St George, A J Wetracro, Esq, ' Campo Belh, James E DUon, Esq, (.I -l! i! I..I 1 ) !■; 38 COMPTROLLERS OF CUSTOMS AND NAVIGATION LAWS. St John, WillUm Smith. Campbelltoion, C Botsford, Dalhousie, D Stewart, Bathurat, Francis Mehan, Caruquet, Jamrs U (J Blackwell, Shippegatit P J N Dumareaq, HewcoMtUt R Sutton. Chatham, J T Williston, . Riehibucto, Henry Livingston, BuctouchCf Robert DougUuB, Shediac, Hon D Hannington, Sackville, James Dixon, North Joggins, Rufus Cole, " " Dorchester. John Hickman, Mnndon, James Rol)ertson, Jr. Hillsborough, W Wallace, Harveif, James Brewster, ji^/o St Andrew's, D W Jack, ts.v ■:m'iti St Stephen, John Grimmer, Campo Hello, James E Dixon, ^fy ^ in PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. Hon 8 L Tilley, Provincial Secretary ; Robert Fulton. Esquire. Assistant Secretary; J Woodford Smith, Esquire, Clerk; George N Babbitt, Clerk. «-'$ «»»!} .?-, la // •••^ •*" *''«'«'«?t' ' m.'' fu. ri t..i POST OFFICE DEPABTMENT. ^ v ia tt'iJi Hon. James Steadman, Postmasteb General.' Post Office Dpt'ment Fredejrj^|9n« Andover, Baie Verte, Bathurat, , Bend, Buctouche, '*•*"**■* ' Campbellton, Campo Bello, Canterbury, ' Caraquet, Carlcton, Chatham, Dalhousie, Dorchester, Edmunston, FrederictoB . Gagetown. Grand Fall*, Grand Manan, Harvey, ^t'•f1' 'M n«v James Hale, William Paisley, W. H. Smithson, Peter Markey, William Beveridge, James Sutherland, Helen Waitt, Joseph Crandall, C J Smith, James Harvie, Louisa Moses, C £ Grosvenor, Juste Hache, James R Reed, James Caie, Isabella Caie, J H LaBillois, C B Godfrey, J T Hodgson, A S Phair, H J Thome, WF Bonnell, William ClifTord, J Lakeman, J M3tevfn0| '-jTV \ I ■fiv«*'I., Secretary, Accountant, Clerk. Messenger, Postmaster, do. Postmistress, Postmaster, Do. Do. Postmistress, Postmaster, Do. Do. • ..i-_fe aa.*.'!: i- Assistant, Postmaster, Do. Do. Do. Assistant, Postmaster, Do. Do. Do. Do. ^l ,,*lI .^f?i 39 [ LAWS. [ton, y, »le, n, n, Jr, ner, Dixon, ){yj T. iire, Assifitant bbilt, Clerk. IL. lit. r, ler, ess, ler, •;»■* ■ii^r-, -r' » •! 'ess, er, ler, 5 ter, S :li> <" .■ti;-'.t Hillsbdrough, «9/tr , Kingston, Memramcook, Milltown, ^ Mouth of Nerepis, Newcastle, ' . Oromocto, Ossekeag, Ricbibucto, Sackville, Salisbury, Shediac, I> Sheffield, tSpringfield, ISaint AndrewH, |Saint George, Saint John, Saint Martins, Saint Stephen, Sussex Vale, Ipham Vale, rpper Mills, Woodstock, H^S < ml if *. it R E StMves, Samuel Foster, S C Charters, George Hilt%, JMNase, Jamea Johnston, J R M'Fherson, George Flewelling, S B Heth6rington, C Milner, JSTrites, ' ^^' ' T B Hannington, C J Burpae, Malcom King, ^ G F Campbell, ' Gideon Knight, John Howe, H C Frink, Thomas B Allen, 1 F M'Guirk, James Woodrow, M J Potter, ^.. , ^y John Leetch, i Edward Nugent, ID A Rose, !h M'MonagIc, j W Fowler, j Charlotte M Robinson, I Jamea G rarer, ▲XD 333 Wat OrFicsa. .TAW :.:,■}>* J> *!/ LETTER RATES. Poatmaater. ' Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. - Do. ho. Do. Do. Do. ' '* 1st Clerk, ^ • 2nd do. ' 3rd do. 4th do. ... 5lh do. Office Keeper, Postmaster, Do. Do. Do. Postmistress. Postmaal^,. r M" lit - !'-•** i Letters forwarded via Halifax to England, or from England vi|i Halifax, |er Cunard steamer, are charged 6d. sterling per ^ oz , or 13§ cents. ^. -.^ • REGlSTRATfON. v^»i4 ^wHwwi -ifM^d i The system of registration is applicable to all description 'of lettera without ^tinction, whether they contain articles of value or not. It also applies to ircels. The charge, in addition to pestag^^ is 10 cents. — ~ t ji ': Its i> .Ji»4 3 PARCELS. Parcels closed at tffe ends an'l sides can be 8<>hl by mail, throughout the [rovince, at a ntte of 25 cents, per lb. The weight of each parcel is not to cceed 3 lbs., nor the size to exceed 1 foot in length or breadth, or 6 inshes thickness. The parcel must not contain any glass, liquid, nor any sub- ince liable to do injury to the mail, under the penalty of a forfeiture of the ^rcel if discovered. The parcel is not to contain any writing. Registration % f b 1 1 i ; j io fee 5 cents. Parcels roust be pre>paid by stampe. The sender, by writing his name on the outside, can have the parcel returned in case of failtre to reach the person addressed. ' NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. ^'^''!am!C' New8pai)ers published in the Province, as well as transient papers, are for* warded through the Provinces, and to England (via Halifax), free of postage. If sent to Englanu by way of the United States, the postage (2 cents.) is collected at their destination. NEWSPAPERS BY MAIL FROM ENGLAND OR THB;. : « UNITED S'l'ATES. If by way of Halifax, per Cunard steamer, free. l)y way of the United States, 2 cents, each on delivery, being the Americn transit charge. BOOKS, PERIODICALS, PUBLICATIONS, PRINTED . • . MATTER, &c. .. -i. ^ The above pass through the Post-office at the rate of I cent per oz. Printed circulars, m unsealed envelopes, not exceeding ^ oz., are charged 1 cent, each, and must be pre-paid. POSTAGE STAMPS. ' Postage stamps arc provided at the respective values of I cent; Scents, for ordinary Provincial letters; 10 cents for United States irate ; 12^ cents., per Cunard steamer, via Halifax ; 17 cents., via United States for England. During the week ending 25th July, 1862, 18,363 letters passed through the Post-office in the city of St. John, N. B., and 49,636 newspapers. CROWN LAND DEFABTMENT. Hon John McMillan, Esquire, Surveyor General, Robert Gowan, Esquire, Chief Clerk and Accountant, , T O'Conner, Draughtsman, ^ A Lockwood. A Sibbald. C R Gregory, Assistant Draughtsmen, • Wm C Whittiker, Accountant,^ Thomas Sweade, Messenger. ,11 « ( i*y LOCAL DEPUTIES FOR THE SALE OF CROWN fcANDS " RssTioovcHF. — David Sadler, Dalhousie, Gluucsstbr — Hon James Davidson, Oak Point; James Buttimore, Sal- mon Beach ; Chris. McManus, IJathurst, NoRTHUMBF.HLAivi) — Hon James Davidson, Oak Point; William Parker, Derby ; John G G Layton, Chatham, Kritt — Robert Douglas, Buctouche; John Little, Richibucto, Wkstmorland — Philip Palmer, Sackville; Samuel S Wilmot, Salisbury;] John Cutler, Moncton, , by writing A feiltre to tert, trtfor- i of postage. (2 centf.) it THE f the United j rge. ■'•"•" »ITED per oz. ., are charged cent ; 6 centi. e; \H centi.. for England, massed through ipapere.^ ^.„ r. imen, rN fcANDS Buttimore, Sal- William Parker, ucto, ilmot, Salisbury; ^ _v AtBKBT— John R RusBcll, Hopewell, j.^^wS il?mi-^R A I .-^'sfcrn^W St Jouh — Joseph B Whipple, OwAnLOTTK— Pat'k Curren, St Stephen; John A. McCalluin> St George. * Kings — George W McCready, Sussex Vale, . QuEKNs — Robert Snell, Grand Lake; Samuel M Starkey, Johnstone; James Kerr, Gngetown Road, Sales for Sunbdrt aivu York — At the Crown Land Office, Cablrton — James R Hartley, WondHiock, Victoria— C E Beckwitb, Gsand Falls. .U^iTADUUd SEIZING OFFICERS FOR THE PROVINCE OF- N. BRUNSWICK Under the Act of Assembly, Reviled Statutes, Vol. 1, Title 3, chap. 12. David Sadler, Dalhousie, Chris. McManus. Bnthunt, James Buttermore, Salmon Beach, James Davidson, Oak Point, Alex K McDougall, " ' ' John G G Lay ton, Chathum, »' * William Parker, Derby, James Ji Price, Ludhtw, -- John Litile. Richibucto, Robert Douglas, Buctouche, Philip Palmer, Sackville, Samuel S. Wilmot. Salisburi/, Jonas Cutler, Monefon, John R Rusflell, HitpewelU Joseph B Whipple, St John, FCGoddard, jjehn A McCallum, St George, Patrick t-urran, St Stephen Geo W McCready, Sussex Vale, Samuel M Starkey, Johnston, ^ ; Robert Snell, Grand Lake, Samuel Mahood, New Jerusalem, Jixnies Kerr. Gagetown Road, James A Maclauchlan. Kingseleart Beverley R Jouett, St Marys, Patrick Campbell, " Thomas Ramsey, « Peter Wood, Manners Sutton, Alfred Whitehead, Canterbury, John Davidson, Dumfries, James R Hartley, Wwdstock, -^ - Hugh M G Garden, ♦« ^«^ Francis E Bcckwith, Grand Fa/li, Charles E Beckwith, «•"■ - OFFICE OF AUDIT. ... ir . . ...,,;*^f?* i f S5J T Hon John R Partelcw. Auditor General; James Johnson, Chief Clerk ; — ———, Assistant Clerk. '^'i ^ '^ RW4i».t«*«».* ■•H} :\i RECEIVER GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. B Robinson. ERquire, Receiver General ; Thomas R Robertson, Esqaire, [Deputy Receiver General. -/ -^* PROVINCIAL BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, ./j ^r^r^*: Officers — Hon A E Botsford, Chairman ; Robert Jardino, Esquire, Vice [Chairman ; James G Stevens, Esquire, M P P.. Secretary and Treasurer. Members — Hon A E Botsford, M L C. ^ Robert Jardine, Andrew Bar- Jarie, Richard Sutton, Fievite Theniaull, Silas Raymorid, Samuel L Peters, "ivquires, Hon David Wark, M L C. William Napier. James G Stevens, M P., John Glasier, M P P., John W Reid, Abner R McLell^ii, M P P., leary E Dibble, Esquires. 1 » i i i i : J i ' / l';i i 42 Appointed bj the Government-^Hon Charles Perley, M L C, Hugh Me Monagle, J A Beckwith, Esquires. Appointed by the Board — George Kerr, Enquire, M P P. ^ '*^' ExKcrTivE Committee (for 1863)—- The Chairman of the Board, Vice Chairman, the Secretary, J. A Beclcwith, George Kerr, Esq., M> P> Pm John Glasier, Esq . M. P' P> ,«i.^u:5 EDUCATIONAL DI7ABTMENT. I UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. 'Xi:i< ' r-.i TISITOR ON BEHALF* or HEH MAJKSTT. ^' ' His Excellency The Honorable Aiithub Hamiltox G»»nno5^, C M 0., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, dec &c &e. " . ,. CORFORATIOX AXO MEMBERS OF SENATE. Wiliiatn Brydone Jack, D C h.. President ; Hon Lemuel Allan Wilmot, Hon iSimcoe Saunders, Hon William B Kinnrar, Hon John Robertson, Hon; David Wark, MaUhew M'Lcod, Esquire, Boyle T. avers. Enquire, M. D.j Stephen H. Hitchings, Esquire. Reoistrar aud Treasurer — Edward H. Wilmot. Esquire, A M. ACADEMICAL FACCLTT. Pre8Iuk»t of THE Unitkrsitt — Williain Brydone Jack, D C L. Professor or Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, ams AsTROffOMtj —William Brydone Jack, D C L. Professor of Classical Literature, and Histort — George Mont- gomery Campbell, A M. Profxssor of Chbmistbt akd Natural Scisitce — Luring W Baileyj A.M. ,. , Professor of Mohebx Laifouaoes and Litkratcrr — J Marshal] D'Avrayt Esquire. examiners for degrees. * ReT. Charles Coster, A M. ; Rev Cbairles Le^, A M. ; Rot John M firookcj D D. ; Rev Charles Spurden. D D, • Librarian— -John S Brookfield. ' .•> '^^-'. PROVINCIAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, dec.— Under the Act of| 21st Vic. can. 9. Board of EnucATiON—- The Lieutenant Governor or Administrator ofl thu Government for the time being; the Executive Council; and the Chidj Saperintendent of schools. ' Cbbtf SutXRiMTENnENT ov ScHooLs — John Bennot, Esq. :'^ »*('*'i^^' Cx.iBK OK Assistant — George Thompson. .. ,-.w.^..J nrfn". ,. 43 ider the Act ofl Administrator oil il; andtheChi«t| LnsPKCTORii, viz.— Edmund Hillyer Duval, St. John, for the Eastern Dia> trict, viz. Uouniiea of King's, Westmorland, and Albert: Daniel Morrison, Uarleton St. John, for the Southern Dinlrict, viz. 8t. John, Charlotte, and Queen's Counties; Edward C. Freeze, Fredericton, for the Western District, viz. York, Salisbury, Carleton, and Victoria Counties; Thomas W. Wood Richibucto, Kent, for the Northern District, viz. Northumberland, Kent, GIou-, cester, and Hesligouche Counties. It .._;■ C^ The Parish School 'J'erms close Slst March, and 30th Scptemtter, immediately after which »• Returns" should bo made to the Education OfRce. All papers or communication^ for the Board of Education, or for the Ofllco of Education, may be addressed .l\r ,5 ; «« Education Office," Fredericton. 1 I.};' ^i.'.i '*>n TRAINING AND MODEL SCHOOLS. ST. JOHN. ^^ Provincial Training and Model Schools. Hazen and Coburg Street, Saint John N. B., Wiilinm Mills. Matter; Marianne Duval, 7 eacher in Female Department ,- John Mills, Teacher in Model or Practising School. The Terms commence January 17, April 11, August I. Octoder 24. Each candidate fur admission, is required to make a written application, ta present a certificate of good moral character from a clergyman, and to pass a satis, factory examination in the common branches, viz : — Spelling, Defining, Reading, Arithmetic, Writing, Grammar, and Geography. All candidates are required to present themselves at the School-room at nine o'clock, A. M., of the first day of the Term ; for only in very tpeeial casos is any one entitled to pn examination for admission after that day. ,T Males are required to be at least 18 years of age, and females at least Iff. Candidates are expected to bring their ordinary school books. All letters should be prepaid to ensure attention. . * Examinations for Licenses are held in the last week of each Term. '^^ The Trained Teacher, upon obtaining Licence, and securing an engage- I men! in the Parish school service, is entitled to *• Board allowance" while [attending Training School at the rate of $2 per week, not exceeding $24. > Application for « Board allowance to be made at the Education Office," accompanied by Trustees certificate of bonafide engagement, and entrance ipon service. Plans of school house and furniture, to be bad upon application at the ^duration office. .'-.i-. 'I .U' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. . Ik ji •. : Head Master, George Roberts, A. M. Esquire ; Classical and Mathemalical [asters, George Roberts, A. M>> and Charles Coster, A M. ; French Maater, [he Profeaaor of Modern Languages in King's College ; English and Writing lastor, David M«in. 44 t 1^ ■in |5 ! I ) '■ ' 4 , .... MADRAS SCHOOL. ; .. The Governor and IVustca of Ihe Madras Schwd in New Bruntwick .- — The Lieutentnt Governor; the liOid Bishup of the Diocese ; the Mrnibert of Hfr Mtjesty'a Council; the .luilgn of the AJminilty ; the :S|)fukrr of the House of AsHemhIy ; the Mnyor atui Recorder ol Saint John ; tho Rertor nml UhurchwarJens of Trinity Church, Saint John; lo^Mther with tlie Rvv. WiIIi«m Donnid, D. I>., Frederick A Wiggiiii, W Wright Enquire*, and Rov W. Scovil. C. W. Wcldon, Esquire, C'lcrfc, W. Wright, Esquire, Treasurer. , THE MOUNT ALLISON WESLEYAN COLLEGE, » Sackvillb, N.B. BOARD OF GOVERNORS. .. . /% "Rw. C. De Wolfe, D.D., (President). " T. H. DaTies, A. Picknrd, D.D., < «, p'^eA}! . »» >» »» J. Allison, A.M., ,ji\ E. Botterdl, J. R. Narraway, A.M., lohn Brewster, Charles Stcwiirt, Rev. J. MciMurray, (Secretary), M. Wood, Esq.. (Tr ^rer), H. B. Allison, ' Stephen Ft ^«q., H JT o W. H. Harrison, Esq., .i*'j««»\'i>-^ Hon. C. Young, LL.D., A. R. M'Lelian, Esq., M.P.P., John Starr, Esq. ; ' "'.:' FACULTY. t 't^ «*«■' II (it.i L »tiiiai! V ■»...• The Rev, Humphry Pickard, D.D., President and Vrofesaor of Logic and Mortd PhUomphy. ' -H,rv\m i.^i The Rev. Charles De Wolfe, D.D., Professor of Theohgy, ^-f. Thomna Pickard, Esq., A.M., Professor of Mathematics, Nuiurai Philo- sophy^ Afttr nnmy, iSfC. The Rev. John AlJi»on, A.M., Professor of KhtioriCf Mental PhilosQphy, and German. David Allison, Esq., A.M., Professor of Greek, Political Economy. Jj^e, The Rev. George S. Milligan, A.M.. Professor of Latin and Hebrew. Mr. James )R. Inch, Teacher of French. '' "^ * '^ ^»' «« * »•* JffawmiMer* ( 1862 )-~The Rev. S. Humphry, A.M., thp Rcr. W: T.| Cardy, and George Kin?, Esq., A.B. < Onaduatea ( 1862 )— Josiah W" ood, A.6., and Howard Sprague, A.B. THE MOUNT ALLISON ACADEMY, SACKVILLE, N.B. Z^'. Board or Imstr'uctioh and Government, (Male Branch). - Principal— The Rev. H. Pickanl, D.D. ' " '' ' ' Teacher of Mathematics, ^e. ^H 3 ? *li>3 — P'of- Thos. Pickard. '** Greek, 4-c. ' • — " David Allison. ;x ». » i^ffj^ ^p \ i «M«f*^ l- K ,i- _ y, Q s^ Milligan. p^:iiad^ » French, i^e. -"'*'* ^ **' ' '^ — Mr. J. R. Inch. ^niwl! » Penmanship, Book Keeping, i^e. — Mr. Joseph Dixon. 45 'Ttacher of l^ocal and Imtrumtntal Mubi'c — Prof. S. O. 8|»«ncer. L. W. C. Fulton, a Thaddeus HodgHon. Aisitiant ItachetB -^ ^ '• ^ ^^ ' ^^ '? «<^,| ?^'- ^' ^- ''-"'^°"' *"^ Steward — Mr. JohnTovrse. ■til - THU mount ALLISON LADIES' ACADEMV. The Rnv. John AlIiHon, A.M., Principul. 4. . . Mm. M. LouiHa Allison, A.M., Preceptreti. FACULTY. Rev. J. AllisVvJ7^ Miss Laura C. Knight, Assistant Teacher of Language*, ^^Pir '* '-'I Miss Maggie Burbige, Assistant Teacher of Mathematia* Miss Margaret A. M'Leod, Assistant Teacher of French and English Branches. Miss Jane E. Miller, Teacher of Oil Painting, Water Colours, 4rc., 4re., 4'C. Mrs. Corinne A. Kingsbury, Teacher of Instrumental and Vocal Muiie. Mr. 8. O. Spencer, Prtfessor of Organ, Piano, and Vocal Music. NEW BRUNSWICK BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY, rouNiiBii 1. D. 1836. »U OFFICERS FOR 1862-63. * »^\'J President—nev. I E Bill, ^ Vice Presidents — Hon W B Kinnear, Re? ds. Samuel Robinson, and A D Thompson. TVeasurcr — Solomon Horsey, Esquire. Secretary—Rev J C Hurd, M D. Committee— 'Rev C Spurden, D D. ; Messrs W 8 Estey, John T Smitli, William Sewell, C L Hartt, Asa Coy, Richard H Phillips. A D Yerxa, John Ferris, M P P., O W Hoben, £ Lunt, T McHenry, C D ETtrett, John Fisher, Hon J. Steadraan, Hon W H Steeves, Hon A M'L Soely, A. M. GiU more, M. P. P , N. S. Demill ; Revds. P. O. Reei, T. W. Crawley, A. M. E. C. Cady, A. M., E. Clay, M. D., together with the Officera of the ^ociotj. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE.— ST. JOHN COUNTY. ^ John Bonnet, Esq., Presdt., ex. officio. J. E. N. Holder, Recording Sec*y- J. Jj. Mclnnis, Senior Vice Presdt. Mich'l DonoYon, Correepond'g " Jas. MulhoIIand, Jnnior Vice Presdt. Jas. Ritchie, Tretsyrer. . ,. - ,.. ^.Ml rv SAINT JOHN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, ^^ Jas. Patterson, L.L.D., Senior Classical Masjler, Edward Manning, English Master. Jas. Hutchinson, A. M., Junior Classioal Master.. „ti. ^^^^.i .•t3-?j.-v!;;"'.,fejL .-'yu,} '/ /v.su'--^ '^fimK *»' p'ts^jHt'^ #l^#kl ■ 'I ' i'l ' hi Mil lii! li 46 , a. .'e L I (juY OF SAINT JOHN. Queen's Ward — John R Smith, Duke's Warrf— John Wi'.aot;, Jr. Sidney Ward — Bartholemew Cox- eter, Guy's Ward — Samuel L nritain, Brook's Ward — Joseph O'Brien, Wellington W«rrf— Elisa S Flaglor, Albert W«r! i Deputy — Robert Forsyth. ^ -. i. ^ « , ^ • * « CoUecter of Tells — Joh^ Forsyth. vV Vititing Physician — George J Harding, M D. . ^ , Liemsed Auctioneers — Thomas Hanford, W D W Hubbard, C^eorge A Lockbart, Cudlip &. Snider, John V Thurgar, George Stewart, Edmund Ma* bar, Richard 8eely. Pwrt iVanoEm^^Thomas M Smith, George Thomas, J W M Irish, Charles ATIiiaucblan, Michael M'Carthy, Zebedee Ring, A-ugustus Quick, William IfMfitt, William Doclne, John D Purdy, Le^'i H Waterhouse, James U ^omu, Duncan Robertson, Thomas York, John Lloyd, William Firth, dharlea H fisUbrooks, George A Lockhart, Timothy M'Cart|[iy, John M'Grath William H Harrison. ' • ^ .-.,;...,,.. . : : - Air6or AlM^er— Daniel Hatdeldr Harbor Inspector — John Murray. P«7o/t — ^John Reed, George Thotaas, John Spears, James Keed, Thomas Vaughan, John ScoU, Samuel Rutherford, George E. Mulherrin, Richard Cline, Edward J. Fletcher, Henry Thomas, George W. Thring, Daniel Mul- henin, William Lahey» James M'Partland, Duniel Daley, Charles Taylor, John Sherrard, Patrick Traynor, Charles Daley, William Hatfield, Michael Oarrity, James Murray, John Mills, James Doyle, R. Thomas, Bernard Mul- lin, Lewis -Bennett, John Sproule. Light House Keeper at Partridge Island, A. Reed, at the Beacon, James Lane ; Steam Whistle, James. Wilson, Engineer. vrV'^.*/:i '^M-^rrr^ nT iT )eacon, James '^*i«VV Cummissiomrs to stttle ditputes relative to Dockage and Wharfage Joseph Fairwoatiier, Willliam Wright, and Won. O. Smith. City Surveyors — Robert U. Minnette, Hard Petera, Joseph B. Whipple, Henry F.* Perley. Asseaaora of Taxes — Ch'arles A. Everitt, Francis G. Jordan, Seth Wheton Cuiledort — M. McAnulty, Collector of Wharfaga and Slippage at the Market Slip; Daniel Donavon, Collector of Slippage at Union Street Thomas Fairwealher, Collector of Slippage at North Slip ; Bernard McDer- mottt, Collector of Wharfage at Charlotte Street Wharf; P. Besnard, Col- lector of Wharfage and Slippage at Rodney Wharf; M. McAnulty* Collector uf Anchorage ; A. C. 0. Trrntowsky, Collector of Slippage at Sydney Mar- ket Slip; J. Dunham, ditto at Market Slip Guy> Ward; J.Dunham, ditto at Ship Slip ; J. Dunham, ditto at Market Slip Brook's Wark. Weigh Masters, Haymarket and Bnuselh Streets — Francis McDevitt. North Slip — George W. Gerow. Sydney Market Slip — James Clarke. Carleton — Isaac 0. Beatty. W. H. A. Keans, Superintendent Flour Inspectors. Thomas Rankin, Umpire under Flour Ordinance. iNSPECTons AND Wetghf"*! OF Flouu AND Mkal. — John Humbert* John Berry man, John Robson, Hpnry Leavett, James Clark, John Clarke* James Bustin. Ane^'^'J i^ ,*.<4^irt, — .H,';4**i v^n"' G AUGERS or Wines, &c. — Jaraes Stewart, Edwin N. Stewart, GADORns AND S&ARCHEAs OF OiL. — Samuel Gillosple, James Peacock, William ThomsoQ. Weighers of Coal and Measurers of Salt. — W. H. A. Keani, Superintendent of Weighers of Coals and Measurers of Salt / Francia IVil- son, Robert Riley, James Cullinan, Wm. J. Lockhart, John Jackson, WHliam Thompson, John M'Gourty, Alex. B. Lockhart, John Riley, Francis M'DeTttt Patrick, Mahoney, William Potts, David W. Riley, Albert, D. Wilson. IwspxcTORS OF PrcKLKD FisH. — William Thomson, Osorgo YuuHg, Tfaos. Day, John Trecarten, Andrew Hamm, .tames Celwell. James Stackboiise, Jr., David Nice. Cullers of Dried Fisu. — Samuel Gillespie, George Young, Wil|iam Thomson Inspectors OF Firkwood Bark drc. — John Robinson, Market Slip; John Paul, Lower Cove ; Stephen Gerow, North Slip ; Patrick Collins, Rail- way ; Joseph Dunham, Carleton. - ' Sealer of WKioHts and Measures. — C. P. Betts. ^ Superintendent of Carts, i ^r • » * ^ j i ,. - i ^ T\ > No appomtment made, a J ?. i . • * Superintendent of Drats, ^ '^'^ , , Pound Keeper, Eastern Side of the Harbor — William Woodstftck. . ) Pound Keeper, Western Side of the Harbor- — William Cronk. ^ | ' Hog Reete on the Eastern Side of the Harbor — James Du£^. 'rS Hoo Reete on the Western Side of the Harbor — ^^Win. Cron|p. ^. .^ Fence Viewer. — Thomas Coram. ''^' " 'r'"« *».,, ti Mm m # RATES OF WHARFAGE. Eatahtiahed by Act 5, Vict, cap, 49, in the City-of Saint John and Pariah • of Portland. For every Decked Vessel, or Woodboat, of the MPirthen of 40 tons and under, 30c. per day ; above 40 tons, and under 50, 35c. ; above 50 and under 60, 40c. ; above 60, and under 70, 45c. ; above 70, and under 80, 50c. ; above 80, and under 90, 5.5c. ; above 90, and under 100, 60c. ; above 100, and under 120, 70c.; above 120, and under 150, 80c.; above 150 and under 180, 90c.; above 180, and under 200, $1 under 220, $1 under 260, $1 under 300, $1 under 340, $1 under 380, $1 10; 30; 50; 70; 9C; 450, $2 25 ; above 450, and under 500, ditional 50 tons. above 230, and under 240, .$1 20; above 260, and under 280, $1 40; above 300, and under 320, .$1 60; above 340, and under 360, $1 80 above 380, and under 400. $2 ; above 400, and under Ji^3 50 ; and 25c. for every ad- above 200, and above 240, and abdVe 280, and above 320, and above 360, and ♦»?? r m'j Oj S'UP's RATES OF SLIPPAGE AT THE CORPORATION SLIPS. All Decked VeEsels, same rates as for Wharfage ; Woodboats, and all other Boats, or undecked Vessels, having standing Masts, and all Scows, and not lying at the wharves on either side of Slips, to pay the following rates : Woodboats of sufficient burthen to carry 10 Cords of Wood, or under, 60c. ditto ditto upwards of 10 Cords, and not more that 15, $1. ditto ' ditto upwards of 15 Cords, and not more than 20, $i 50. ^ ditto ditto upwards of 20 Cords, $2. The above to be paid each trip, and if any such Vessel remains over six days, an additional duty to be paid of from 50c. to $1 daily, according to the burthen. Other Boats and Vessels without decks, and having fixed or standing masts, and all Scows, to pay 30c. each trip and 30c. additi(/nal per day, if suffered to remain over three days. RATES OF FERRIAGE ACROSS THE HARBOUR OF ^ " SAINT JOHN. Foot passengers; 4c. ; Children under twelve years; 2c. ; Horse 5c. » Oi, or other large animals, 5c. ; Elephant or Camel, 25c. ; single Waggon not loaded, 4c. ; single waggon, with horse and one man, 10c. ; single waggon, with horse, load and man, 12c.; double waggon, not loaded, 12c.; double waggon, with horses and man, 15c. ; double waggon, with horses, load and man, 25c. ; barrel, 2c. ; bag containing two bushels, 2c. ; firkin, keg, or box of the same size, 2c. ; cask of lime, 4c. ; pipe, hogshead, or puncheon, whether in waggon, cart, sled, or other vehicle or not, except containing molasses, vinegar, rice, or sugar, I5c. ; every cwt. of iron, steel, or copper, whether in waggon, cart, or other vehicle or not, 2c.— Carts, sleds, druys, and carriages, same as waggons. m RATEH OF TOLLS FOR CROSSING THE SAINT JOHN SUSPENSION BRIDGE. For every foot passenger, (excepting children under five years of age), 4c.; horse, mare, geMing, mule, ohs, ox, cow, or other large animiil, 7c. each; elephant or camels, 50c.; carriagcR, sleigh, waggon, cart, sled or other vehicle, drawn by one horse or beast of draught with one person, with or without load, 13c., horse or beast of draught, more than one, with a carriage or other vehicle, 7c. each ; sheep, calf, hog, or goat, Ic. .f^^^i <.^j; 4 I .*U< > RATES AT THE PTJBL.IC WEIGHING MACHINES. t Every load not exceeding One Thousand Pounds Weight, One Shilling; and One Penny for every additional Hundred Weight; payable, half by the seller, and half by the purchaser, - ¥i H.ut* ' HACKNEY COACH PARES. For conveying one passenger from any public stand to any part of the City, or from any one part of the City to any other part thereof, 20c. ; and for every passenger exceeding one, 10c. additional; and if any driver, of any Carriage or other vehicle, shall be detained at any place by any pass- enger, or shall make any agreement for carrying any passenger by the hours, he shall be entitled to ask, and receive the following'rates, viz : — For any time «»► BUtJ «J 1P»H m»WW JiV^T^f! »M^\i I." ff.-f >■•-*=.,--- nil. . 't I- »"iv ^ 's"^ ■■■'■»* Kf ' 54 i I I') i'.l) FISH MARKET DUES. {', »5 I ^.l'\,-\\ I • For every Salmon, 3c.: Codfish, Pollock, Bass, or Shad, each Ic. ; HallU but, not exceeding 20 lbs. 2c. ; exceeding 20 lbs. and for every 20 lbs. 2c. ; every Lobster, Ic. ; dozen of Haddock, 3c. ; every 100 of Gaspcrcaux, Alcwives, Herrings, or other small fish, 3c. ,r ^'^ .■}!'» Time for Going THRouan thb Falls — (near Saint John). — The Falls are level or still water at or about three and a half hours on the fluod, and about two and a half on the tbh, so that they are passable four times in twent^z-four hours, about ten or fifteen minutes each time. No other rule can bo given, as much depends on the floods in the River Saint John, and the time of high water or full sea, which is often hastened by high winds, and in proportion to the height of them. RATES OF CABTAOE IN SAINT JOHN. h ■:■■} r.i: ARTICLES AND WEIGHT DISTRICTS. l8t. 2d. 3d 4th. 5th. f c. Far a load of Wood. (Quarter of a Cord), For a load of Coals, (Half a CtiHldrnti), For a load cont tiaiiiK 15 bu'hels of Gr.iin. Salt, PoratoRs, or any utber articles measured at loading or unloading, ex cept Coals. ..-.----. For a pipe of Wine, Gin, or Brandy, and housing within thtt door of the first floHr. - - . - . For a puncheoii of Rum, or a tierce of Sugar, from 7 to 10 cwt., and housing. - - •- For a puiieheon of Molasses, a hogshead of Sugar, of 10 ewt. or upwards, or a hogshead of Tobacco, and hou!>ing. For a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried Fish, of 15 cwt. or a common load of household Goods, and storing. ---.--.-.- For a load of Shingles, Ifoop Poles, Heading, Staves Treenails, Smoked Fiab in boxes, Salmon in kits, Ury Goodh or a load of any other articles not herein mentioned, or a hogshead of Lime, or a hogshead or crate of Earthenware, or two tierces of Gartbenware, a hogshead of Dried Fish, two tierces of Coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding I? cwt. or a load containing 6 bbls. Flour, or 5 bbls. Sugar, Fish. Beef, Pork. Turpentine, or Cider, or half a ton of Iron, or the same Quantity of Cordage, in coil not exceeding 4 cwt or a load of any articles not herein mentioned. For a 64 gallon cask of Wine, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of Sand, Gravel, or Stones, or a load of 4 bbls. of any Spirituous Liquor or Molasses For Cables and Cordage, in coils above a cwt. or if to coil, per ton, or if for Hay loose, per ton. . - . - For Hay, screwed, per ion, - - - . . For Bricks, per thousand, - • • - - ° . For Lumber, per thouBand feet, . • . . . For the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, ---•----._ 13 35 17 60 30 40 25 15 20 00 50 80 60 10 f c, 15 28 20 63 33 43 28 18 23 I 05 54 85 65 13 # c. 16 30 22 65 35 45 30 20 95 1 10 57 90 70 15 20 33 2.') 66 37 48 33 23 28 ! 15 60 95 75 18 ♦ c. 23 35 28 70 40 50 35 I .on; .».!*. . . ,i 25 30 1 20 04 1 00 80 90 The Fint District to comprise all that part the City between the south line of Pond street and north line of Duke street, which lies to the west- 66 ward of the Ea^t line of Mill street, Dock street, and that part of Prince William street situated between the north line of the brick buildings for- merly belonging to William Tyng Peters (northward of the Market Square) and the north line of Duke street, and including King street, to the wcst« ward of the west line of Germain Street. Second Dhirict to comprise all that part of the City between the north line of UnioiT street and South line of Saint James* street, wh'icB lies with-, out or beyond the First District, to the Westward of the east line of Char- lotte street. Third D'uttrie.t to comprise all that part of the City, which«lics without or beyond the Second District, to the westward of the east line of Sidney street. Fourth District to comprise all that part of the City lying without or beyond the Third DiMrict, to the westward of the East line of Carmarthan street. Fifth District to comprise all that part of the City lying without or be- yond the Fourth District. .. ,i ' ;' h -1- J CITY AND COUNTY OF ST, JOHN. Justices of the Mayor s Court — The Mayor and Recorder. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum — The Mayor and Recorder, Thomas R. Jones, J:imes Miiligan, Samuel Seeds, Frederick P. Robinson, James Quinton, Joseph Coram, Aaron Alward, Thomas M'Lauchlan, and Charles Clerk. Justices of the Peace — Lauchlan Donaldson, Geo. Anderson, G. C. Car- man, Hugh Sharkey, Hy. Gilbert, Robt. Payne, Archibald Menzirs, Chas. Ward, Hon. John Robertsoi., W n. U. Street, Daniel Leavitt, Jas. Brown, Wm. Leavitt, Saml. Strange, Jas. Gallagher, John Wishart, Robert Keltic, L. H. De Vcber, William Hawks, Mo^es Vernon, G. A. Lockhart, William Parks, W O. Smith, Alexander Lockhart, JaQies Travis, Joseph Fairwea- ther, Robert Douglas, Francis Ferguson, F. A. Wiggins, Peter Besnard, James Olive, N. S. Demill, George Carviil, John Humbert, S. K. Foster, Francis Ruddick, J. F. Goddard, T. O. Crookshank, Joseph Beatteay, Alexander Balloch, B. J. Underbill, C. D. Everitt, Robert Jardine, Robert Bowes, James Olive, 3d, Robert Salter, J. W. M. Irish, Alexander M'Tavish, T. E. Millidge, D. J. M'Laughlan, John Doherty, J. S. Parker, John Foster, David Collins, J. C, Littlehale, Robert Robertson, Chr«rles Ketchum, James Quinton, Henry Garbutt, Snmuel Clark, William Seoul- lar, G. V. Nowlin, James Dunn, W. H. A. Keans, James Robinson, Moses Tuck, Thomas Trafton, John >VfcI^achIin, J. D. Lewin, G. E. Fenety, John Stevens, Samuel Carson, Stephen Gerow, G. E. Snider, T. W. Daniel, W.H.Adams, Charles Mcrritt, Robert Robertson, William Thom- son, Thomas Hilyard, James Flewwelling, John Fisher, Thos. M'Avity. High Sheriff— J amea A. Harding, Esq. Cierk of the Peace — Hon. William B. Kinnear. Coroner — William Bayard, Esquire, M.D. > ) "1 r^*.'«i#*^» %- ♦?• J** I ' ' If" 11 f ill 60 *>/' "*■* -. icCounty Treamrer — William Mackay, Esquire. i'A Auditor of Coun'y Account* — R. Sands Armstrong, Esq. •■^Jndgeof Probates— fion.'W.'^ Kinnear. Registrar of Dccdn and Wills and Hegialrar of Probates^ W. Chipman Drury, Ei^u4rc. Commiassioners for taking Affidavit* in the Supreme Court — Hon. Wm« B. Kinnear, Robert Fraser Hazen, William Wright, Peter Stubs, H. N. H* Lugrin, J..M. Robinson, Hun. R. L. Hazen, William Jack, Duncan Robertson, David S. -Kerr, John H. Gray, James W. Peters, Robertson Bayard, Williara R. M. Burtis, Edward B. Peters, Charles Duff, James J. Kaye, Andrew R. Wetmore, G«^orge F. Rouse, Charles Doherty, B. Boyd Kinnear, J. G. Campbell, R. S. Armstrong, Hon. Charles Watters, George Bliitch, W. C. Drury, D. B. Stevens, Henry W. Frith. Benjamin L. Peters, Charles W. Stockton, George G. Gilbert, jr., S. R. Thomas, Lewis Almon, Charles W. Weldon, Alexander Ballentinc, William P. Dole, Thomas T. Harford, W. H. Tuck, William W. Street, William Wedderburn, A. W. Savary, James R. Macshano, C. N. Skinner, G. Sidney Smith, John A. Wright, T. Gray Morritt, Frederick E. Barker, and W. M. Jarvis, Esqs. Commissioner for Solemnizing Marriage — Gehardus C. Carman, Esq. Inspector of Schools — D. Morrison, Esquire. Trustees of Schools, City of Si. John — John Sears, George Blatch, and M. H. Peters, M.D. -/ = w-... Commissioners for the . Management of the Free School at Si. John, uncon- nected with the Madras Board — Rev. James Quinn, James Gallagher, Esq. Commissioner of Indian Reserves, under Act 7, Vic. e. 45 — Dr. William Bayard. M Commissioners of Sewer.s — Charles Drury and Bradford Gilbert •"■^ .mCommissioners Jor the Bay of Fundi/ and River Saint John, under the Act 13 Vice 26, relating to Steumboats — Isaac Woodward and Charles W. Wardlaw, Esquires. Commissioners nf the Alms House, Work House, and Infirmary — G. O. Carman^ James Gallagher, William O. Smith, John Owens, and William Hawkes, Esquires. Physician — G. E. S. Keator, Esq., M.D. Keeper — William Cunningham. ' , " Surveyors of Lumber for the County — Sha'drach Holly, Edward H. Foster, Samuel Reynolds, Andrew Stevenson, William Woodworth, Robt. Campbell, Clayton Scott, James Reed, Gilbert J. Mayer, James F. Ellis, Gilbert Jordan, Stephen L. Stevens, William Lynch, Edward Estey, Wm. M. Balcom, Joseph Maher, James M'Leon, Edwin Kierstead, Abraham S. Evtabrook, John Hipley, James Holly, James Crawford, William Cunard, William G. Morrison, John Morrison, Moses E. Cowan, EzcUiel Jordan, William Bowdcn, David M'Clellan, William D. Shaw, Joseph Horncastle, John Collins, Charles P. Baker, George J. Wbelpley, Thomaa E. Jowlor, and Henry Graham. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas — Third Tuesday in March, and first Tuesday in June, September and December. 57 PARISH OF PORTLAND. \ k ^<.\^^'■'i-%■ Police MagUtrate — Robert Payne, Esq. Silting Magistrate — James Travis, Esq. Commiaiionert of Police — John Duncan, Moses Tuck, and Georgo £. Snider, Esquires. •; , , .^^^^jj Town Clerk — Jacob R. Pidgeon. Pound Keepers — Hugh Morrisey, Davidson Munroc, Thomas M'Gutre, and Edward Hayes. Hog Reeves — James Johnson, Thomas M'Guire, Edward Lowell,^ and Hugh Morrisey. ' ^„ , Assessors — Richard Dalton, William A. Moor, and Richard Seely, jr. Constables — Jessee Purdy, James Johnson, Andrew F. WilliamB, ^nd W. A. Moore. Fence Viewers — Hugh Morrisey, James Owens, Michael O'Mahoney, and John Gallivan. Field Drivers — Hugh Morrisey, Michael 'McClusky, Thomas Morrison, and James Johnson. ^j *; i^ „,^j i ^^i,„^j Clerk of the Market-'Andrevr F. Williams. Road Commissioners — Thomas Dlil'^ Joseph Ruddock, and Thomas Jordan. Commissioners for Expending Public Grants — Robert Nelson and Thos. • Jordan. Jievisors of Electoral Lists — Cyprian £. Godard, John Morrison, and George McKce. Trustees of Sclfols — A. G. Estabrooks, Gilbert Jordan, and Robert ^wini?. - , .,w.'<%..i Collector of Rates — Charles Wilson. Auditors of Parish Accounts — Richard Dalton, William A. Moore, and Thomas Dale. '] j) ;. r % PARISH OF SIMONDS. M.> U~-';:?tt«J^: Commissioners of Highways and to Expend By Road Grants — Arthur M'Lean, William Mackin, and John Moore, jr. Town Clerk — Thomas Bowes. * Assessors of Taxea- Thomas Bowes, James Barber, and John Evans. Revisors of Electoral Lists — Robert Bowes, Robert B. Douglas, and James Cunningham. Co/if-c/or o/ 7bx«— John Johnston. « v' ^^">W*. i Hng Reeves — Edward Halsall, Richard Daley, Dennis Conolley, Kayes M'Brme, John Barrett, Joseph Higgins, Daniel M'Devitt, Thomas Gra- ham, Daniel Desmond, Thomas M'Ardle, John M'Avay, and William Richmond. Fence Viewers — Michael M'Namee, Thomas Garnett, James Cunning- ham, John L. Bean, George Moore, William Dalley, Hugh Regan, Benj. Stackhouee, James Bryden, sen., Thomas Davidson, and Wm. 'J'hompson. Pund Keepers — James Higgins, William Douglas, John Russel, W. W. Douglas, George Moore, James M'Cormick, John Barrett, Thogaas Graham, James Robertson, Michael Doolan, C. M. W«;oton, Gordon Irwin, Robert Moore, James Mullen, and James Browm ,,. iii i li iiii II :| !F1 58 m n Surveyors of Highways — George Ennis, William BcDJamin, Charles Wade, William Bean, Robert Moore, Jampf M'Guire, John Gillit, John Moore, Robert Kerr, Owen M'Guire, and Thomas Dewar. Surveyor of Highways — Joseph Bowes, Horace Bunker, James Brydeh, Robert Marchhanks, James Davidson, sen., James R. Howard, Richard McDonald, William Mills, William Murphy, Andrew M'Gowan, James M'Cormick, Hugh Ryan, sen., Benjamin Stackhouse, Thomas Bowes, James M'Ghee ( Mispec ), William M'Manus, Robert Riggs, Robert Wal lace, John O'Brien, James A. Bowes, George Scott, Edward Murphy,- Thomas M'Ardle, Henry Graham, Robert M'Geach, Richard Evans. James Higgins, M. M Namee, James Barber, Joseph Wood, George M'Parlane Francis Cain, Hugh Lynch, Thomas RadclilT. Charles M'Manus, William* Warwick, Solomon Lochree, Edward Bayle, Andrew Hunter, Peter Sullivan, Wm. Daley, Solomon Stanley, Robert M'Ardle, James Stewart, Andrew Moore, C. M. Wooton. Constables — William Hannah', John Maxwell, George Moore, Thomas Boyle, John Carney, W. W. Douglas, Robert Moore, James Brown, Geo. Snider. • Trustees of Schools — James Barber, ^ohn Evans, James Dunn. r:>l ^ ;':'."l'«iV»..-|A»^ PARISH OF. LANCASTER. Commissioners of Highways — James Hunter, Hugh Johncton, and M. P. Balcom. Hog Reciss — Charles Morrison, J^imes Shanes, James Crocket, John Lee, and Michael Curby. Surveyors of Dams — T. K. Donally, James A. Balcom, and John McCauley. Assessors of Rates— George Clark, G. C. Carman, M. A. Wall, i-^" "^' ' Constables — James Orr, John Dunham, John Carroll, John Monahan, Anthony Thompson, James Shanes, John Earley. ~ Collector of Bates — J. L. Lord. . Commissioners for Expending Legislative Cr«/i/«— James Heavy, M. P. Balcom, George Coster * Fence Viewers — James Heavy, R. Avery, Wm. Boggs, Revisors — Wm. Cunningham, James Robinson, George Coster, J. L. Knight. Trustees of Schools — B. Lingley, Wm. Ellman, J. E. Knight, . ^v.^j^,-^ Town Clerk—C. H. DeForest. »i \\ Surveyors of Highways — John Hargraves, John Cairoll, C. H. DrPoi-fitt, Wm. Clark, K. Bradley, E. Stapleton, Samuel Cunningham, Wm. Wilson, James Tiner, Daniel McLauchlan, John Murray, John Grrnc3, Dennis Morris, George T. Robertson, George S. Baker, Wm. Boggs, Alex. Law, John Mann, John Earley, Wm. Irvin, James Heavy, Michael Downing, James Reed, L. Mills, W. Balcom, Wm. Fiewwelling, John Mcftaren, Wm Olive, jr. Daniel Campbell. Surveyor of Wood — Richard Avery. Pound Kfcpers — Wm. Boggs, John Casey, Clayton Scott, John War- wick, Joseph A Balcom, James Heavy. 59 PARISH OF SAINT MARTIK8. CoTutabkt-^John E. Brown, Hiram Moshcr. Commitaionert — Philip Moshcr, Edward McBride,«nd Edward Brown. Commiasiohers for Expending Bye-Road Money — Philip Mosher. CoUeetor of Rates — Daniel Brown. Town Clerk — Reuben Uradshaw. Fence Viewers — Edward Brown, Edward Nugent, John Mci'oy, Wm. McAfee. Clerk of the Market — Reuben V. Bradshaw. Hog Reeves — John Fownea, James O. McDonald. Boom Masters — Robert B. Patterson, Israel Moslier, Henry Handron. Surveyor of Dams — Robert B Patterson. Surveyor of Grindstones — Jacob H. Mosher. Assessors of Rales — Wm. Ruddick, James H. Moran, and Phillip Mosher. District No. >» 11 11 »» n 11 ••■«» ■ it .i »» . . >» It 11 11 11 11 11 11 .;^ - Surveyors of Highways 1 Henry Carlton, 2 Richard 'Vuflk, 3 Ed. Foster, 4 Samuel Daley, 5 Samuel Brown, 6 Robert Charlton, 7 James Berry, 8 Simon Floyd, 9 Simeon Vaughan, 10 Edward Nugtut, 11 Joseph Carson, 12 James E. Brown, 13 James Kingston, U Wm. Floyd, 15 Roliert Floyd, 16 John Kennada, 17 Robt. M'Cutchion, 18 Stephen Sullivan, 19 Richard Hosford, 20 Francis Porter, 21 Valentine Harding, » »» II »» ti 11 1* >» 11 11 »» 11 1> 11 11 11 11 23 James Sands, 24 James Love, 25 John Simonds, 26 George Duncan, 27 George Dimock, 28 John Dunlop,jr. 29 Andrew Scott, 30 Michael Doherty, 31 James Henry, 32 Henry Handran, 33 David Floyd, 34 Samuel Brown, 35 Philip Welsh, 36 Israel Moshcr, 37 Robert Hamilton, 38 Samuel Shoaklin jr. 39 Francis Charlton, 40 Thos. Armstrong, 41 Francis Laecy, 42 John McColough, 43 Thos. Levesingston, 44 James Clark, 22 Thomas Love, Field Driver — Daniel Malony, Timber Driver — Henry Handran. -, Measurer of Wood — Hiram Mosher. Trustees of Schools — Wm. Ruddick, Alexander Lockbart, and Robert B. Patterson. Revisors o/JSfec^(>r^— Alexander Lockhart, W, A. Lockbart, Ed, Nujjcnt, w^ • M . i« k CITY OF FREDERICTON. MEMBERS A^D OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. * William H. NEEnnAM, Esquire, Maj/or. JoiiM L. Marsh, Esquire, City Clerk. ALDRRMBK. "^ .famrn M'CnUHlnnd, Epquire, Duncan A. M'Kenzie, Esquirp, Elijuh Cliirk, Esquire, D. S. M'PhcrHon, Esquire, .u^,. Robert Wiley. Esquire, Christopher Broderick, Esquire, Thomas Dowlinj?, Esquire, Robert Mitchell, Esquire, . »)j5<.>F Alexander N. Ulock, Esquire, James Angew, Esquire, Wellinglon WHtd. 5 St. Ann's Ward. i Carlcton Ward. > Queen's Ward. > King's Ward. t AKSESSORH. .AH.Kti' Mr. Alex. M'Causland, Mr^Solomon Denton, Mr. John Richards. Mr. James Burchill, Mr. Enoch O. Bradley. / y.iil^i*\ Mr. Alex. Cumming Mr. John Richards Mr. Alex. M'Killigan Mr. Robert Baxter Mr. Mich. O'Connor Mr. Robert Wallace Mr. John Fleming City Treasurer & Alius House CointnisEioner. City Auditor. i ' City Marshall. Road Master, Wharfinger, & Harbour Master. City Surveyor. , Clerk of Markets and Weigher of Hay. Almshouse Keeper. ?i >j t FIHS ItKFAnTMCNT. v»'« Martin Mackay. Chief Engineer; Charles Wilson and Robert White, Assistants. — Andrew B. Duncan, Captain. — William Anderson, „ — Charles Moffit, — John M'Carty, „ — John E. O'Neill, Hook and Ladder Company, H. Fairweather, Captain. I. Albany II. Caledonian III. Phoenix IV. Hibernia V. Wellington COUNTY OF YORK. \,r««' ' Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas : Hon. John Simcoe Saunders, J<»hn Allen, John Robinson, George Minchin, William H. Odcll, James A. M'Lauchlan, and James S. Beek, Esquires. Justices of the Peace : John S. Saunders, John Allen, John Robinson, George Minchin, W, H. Odell, James A. M'Lauchlan, John T. Smith, Ja»i §t Beck, Thos. Jone^, Wirjt Dj^vidson, Patrick Campbell, Jas. Miles, «1 iiHEioner. UossCurrio, Adam D. Allan, Geo. Garden. L. B. Kainsford, Geo. Chcyiir, Willinm J. Drdrll, Thomns Gill, Richnrd Haynr, Georffe CIcinf nls, Allan M'Lcan, Thomas Pirknrd, Thomas R. Kohortson, Aaa Coy, Isatic Kilburn, Edward Simondu, Fn'diMick W. Hathewsy, Charles M'PherMon, Georpfc Morehouse, G. L. Hath«jway, Irn InRrnham, jr., Spafibrd J. Barker, Bcvcrloy A. Robinson, Benjamin Ycrxa, Boniamin Goodsppcd, James Fairlie, Isratd Smith, Wm. C.Joslin, Enoch Dow, John Ii. Grant, Edwd. Pidgeon, J. Mac Donald, Andrew Calder, Saral. Fox, Joh. Pirkard, Thos. Murray, TIidr. L. Si^unoni, Jamoa McLaggan. Thomas C. Atherton, Williiim R. Bustin, Calvin L. Goodnpeed, John M'Into:di. Robert Foreman, John S. Elh good, John Ilea, junior, Moses Hillman. Hczoklah Cronckhite, J^^hn Guiou, Thomas Temple, Hui?h M'Kay, Benson Smith, Thorn isllcrbcrt, TiOwi« H. HcustiH, Jeremiah Christy, John S. Barker, Thomns Stewart, Mnrtin Mockay, Samuel A. Akerley, Joseph II. Dykeman, William C. Brov^-n, George W. Knox, Alexander ^'nody, Matthew Graham, Samuel Frnser Grosvcnor, William Brown, (Southampton ), Geo. Nevcrs, Wm. Gibson, John S. Patterson, Henry Rogers, Thos. Davis, Wm. Whitehead, Constan- tine Conolly, Archbd. McLean, Wm. Jamieson.Geo. Lester, John A. Beck- with, Patrick Selvagp, Wm. Guibu, and Thos. F. Saunders, Esquirop. High Sheriff: W. A. M'Lean, Esquire. Deputy Sheriff : Charles Brannen. ' '* •"' ' '"* Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas : George J. Dibblee, Esquire. Surrogate: George F. H. Minchin, Esquire. Registrar of Probates : Francis A. H. Slratton, Esquire. ' Registrar of Deeds and Wills : John T. Smith, Esq. Coroners: George Morehouse, Judah Hammond, John Marshall, Thos. Brown, and S. D. McPherson, Esquires. Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court : Hon. J. S. Saunders. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court : Hon. J. A. Street, George J. Dibblee, Hon. Charles Fisher, W. H. Needham, George F. H. Minchin, W. H. Odell, George Botsford, Francis A. H. Sfn tton, John C. Allen, George N. Segee, Jas. P. Wetmore, Janaes Fraser Bcton, Edward H. Wilmot, Edward W. Miller, B. C. Friel, John J. Eraser. John L. Marsh, James Taylor, John Kirhy, Charles B. Fisher, Henry B Ranis- ford, jr., George Todd, George F. Gregory, and A. Rankin Bedell, Esqs Licensed Auctioneers: Samuel A. Akerley, Joiieph Myshrall, Thomas R, Barker, Thomas W, Smith, Jeremiah Staples, Thomas Douglas, and Patrick M'Manus. • Inspector of Schools: Edward C. Freeze. Terms of the General Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas : First Tuesday in January and second Tuesday in June. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas : Third Tuesday in March and second Tuesday in October. PRBDERICTON SOCIETY OF ST. ANDUKW. President — Dr. Jack, President ; 1st Vice President — Mr. A. McLean ; *.Jnd Vice President — J, J. Eraser; Treasurer- — Robert Fulton, Esq. ; Secre* f »r 1[! ■i 62 ML'NICIPALITV OF VOUK. Warden — Janieit Henry ; Secretary and Trca»urci — Henry B. Kainuford, jun. ; Auditor — JumeH 8. Bock. CouNCiLLOHS. — Kingsclcar — ThonniH B. Dunpliy, ficorffc N. Riwlun. Manners Sutton, William Greive, Solomon Vail ; Prince William — James Henry, Thomas Brown ; Dumfriet* — John S. Ellepfood, Matthew (iilman ; Canterbury — Robert Hohinson, DariuH DickenHon ; Houlhampton — Charlen Bartlett, Thomao C. Athcrton ; QuoenKhury — James Swate, John Caver- hill ; Douglas— Charles McGibbon, David Pugh ; Stanley — Bernard Elliott, William Clarkstin ; St. Marys — Thomas Barker, James McLopgn^ ; New Maryland — George Ball, Samuel R. Noson, COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE. ?»f*. i«f » ■• JusTiCKs uv I^cKRion CuuHT OF CoMMON Pleas. — Rubvrt Thoiusun, Patrick Clinch. James W. Chandler, Thomas Burton Abbott, and Charles R. Hatboway, Esquires. , JusTicKs OF THE Pkack. — Robcrt Thompson, Patrick Clinch, James W. Chandler, Tristram Moore, Charles R. Hatheway, David Mowatt, Wilford Fisher, Abraham J. Wetmore, Cochran Craig, Gcorgo M»Kay, David A. Rose, John J. Robinson, James W. Street, James Boyd, R. Watson, J. Griinrmer, John Farmer, Jumcs Brown, D. Gilmour, Isaac Knight, Archibald McCallum, Jacob Young, Robcrt M. Todd, Juhn Campbell, Henry Webber, W^illiam Thomson, John Carlyle, .Malcolm Mealy, Francis Hibbert, Claudius Mcssinett, Jeremiah Scott, Peter Morrison, George Hiltz, Patrick Curran, David Sullivan, Wm. H. CheHcy, Bartholomew R. Fitzgerald, Geo. Fountain, John C. Messinett, Hugh Lud^ate, John Marks, Nlnian Lindsay, George V. Knight, Augustine Bancroft, John A Hcnev, John Mann, jr., Charles Bradley, Samuel MTarlane, Thonuis Barry, John E. Moore, Thomas Cotterei, Henry Stiles, Gideon Prescott, William K. Reynolds, Isaac Justicon, James Russell, jr., Zachariah Chipmnn, Hugh Cullinan, James Murchie, George B. Allwood, G. S. Grimmer, Timothy Crocker, Thomas Fraser, Thomas Robinson, Thomas B. Wilson, John McLeod, Magnus Green, Alexander McDermott, George Maxwell. George Dick, Robert Stevenson, Charles M. Gove, George Allen, Nathan Smart, Rex. N. King, Robert McLellan, James Smart, Adam W. Smith, and Timothy Rierdon, Esquires High Sheriff — Thomas Jones, Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — W^ellington Hatch, Esq. Surrogate — George J. Thomson, Esquire. i Judge of Probates. — James W. Chandler, Esquire. „ , . '• . Registrar — George D. Street. Esquire. , '..^ - r 7., r Registrars of De«;ds and Mills — Harris H. Hatch, Esquire. County Treasurer — Daviu W. Jack, Esq. Commissioners for taking AfBdavits in the Supreme Court — James W. Chandler, Esquire, and all other Attorneys in the County. Notaries Public— W. M'Lean, C. R. Hatheway, George D. Street, S. H. Whiilock, C. W. Wardlaw. Thos. Wilson, Esqrs. Inspector of Scboola — D, Morrison, Esquire. "^ f t; .Mj : "f*, . , « 03 Commiflttionerfl undor the Aliiconding Debtor'* Act — Chnrl«tR. Mothflway, iSamuul H. Wlullock, Patrick Clinch, Daniel Mowatt, Saml. 8. Love, Etqi. i Coroners — David A. Roho, Kohort Thom.^on, Wm. T. Hone, and John H. Stovonson, Esquires. Marine Hospital Commiiisioiicrs — (', £. 0. llathcway, St, Andrews ; Zachariah Chipmaii, 8t. Stephonii ; Jamns Campbell, St. George. Comiuidsioncr fur relieving distressoj Indianu — S. 8. Govo, M.D. AsHiAtant Etuigration '^)frictir — Thomas Jonoti. Visiting Physician, Quarantino Island — N. D. G. Parker, M.D. Auctioneers — John H. Rose, Arthur II. Gilmour, John M'Lauchlan, Israel J. Hanson, George 8. Grimmer, George U. Allward, George F. Campbell, Thomas Watt, Richard Dyer, James Campbell, James Bolton, CUudius McBsinett, and Mark Young. Tkrms of the Gsxchai., 8emsion8 and Commox pLKAS.-~Second Tuesday in April and third Tuesday iit September. .^ix u. «i. AniiiTioKAL Tehms of tiik Commox PtKAs. — Second Tue^'day in Ju'y and December. « Chaklotte CouNTr .\nuicvLTCHAL HSociETT. — Robert Stev nson, President; Hy. S. Hitchings and James Russell, Vice Presidents* J. .W Bradford, Treasurer ; Alexander T. Paul, Secretary. ^ g^,. •JI0\ ,'J>^ ». -rl i^' = .? !• ">■'■ THE ST. CROIX AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, At St. Stephen, in the County of Charlotte. Vice Presidents, :Av James G. Stevens, Esquire, M.P.P., President. Robert King, junr., Esquire, Nathan Smart, Esquire, Joseph II. Maxwjeil, Esquire, David Brown, Esquire, Robert Watson, Esquire, ;♦ 'It: Secretary. Treasurer. ^ ») ' THE ST. STEPHEN RURAL CEMETERY, At Saint Stephen, Charlotte County, Incorporated 1866. F. H. Todd, Esquire, President ; David Brown, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer ; Jas. G. Stevens, M.P.P., Z. Chipnian, Goo. A. Boardman, Henry F. Eaton, P. M. Abbot, and S. H. Hitchcns, '>:^uire8. Directors; Mr. Samuel Almond, Superintendent. . COUNTY OF suNBnnY.^.^,,«u. Justices of the Inferior Court of Comrror yieaa — John S. Snand«M, Nathaniel Hubbard, Thomas Harrison, Calvin L. Uathnway, Roi^ert D. Wilmot, and Benjamin S. Bailey, Esquires. Judticcit of the Peace — John S. Saunders, Nathaniel Hubbard, Tho* rnas Harrison, Calvin L. Hatheway, Rubcrt D. Wilmot. Benjamin S. Bailey, Charles Hazen, William Hoyt, John Peabody, Thomad N. Gilbert, Wni. Burke, Enoch Luiit, Thomas Hnrlt. jr., William ScoulUr, Thomas H. Smith, John Glazier, Moses Coburn, George Morrow, Thomas 0. Miles, William Estabrooks, Charles Tracey, Charles J. Bailey, Reuben • tL 64 \i Hoben, Stephen P. Estabrooks, Charles Brown, Jehn Simmonf, A. C. Plummer, Charles Burpee, Thomas A. Beekwith, Kobert Linton, Thomas Wright. Henry P. Bridges, Isaac Taylor, James Mitchell {of the Quorum ), and Martin Adams, Esquires. High Sheriff — James S. White, Esquire. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — George Bliss, Esquire. Surrogate — William J. Gilbert, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Nathaniel Hubbard, Esquire. Receiver of Royalty for Sunbury and Queen's — John Maynard. Inspector of Schoolfi — Edward C. Freeze. Coroner* — Gcrhardus Clowes, Moses H. Coburn, Frederick Secley, Thos. Turney, John R. Seely, and Henry Rees. Auctioneers — George C. Nevers, Thomas A. Beckwith, John S. Covtrt, Willium Burpee, and T. B. Coburn Burpee. Terms oi tbo General Sessions and Common Pleas — Second Tuesday In January and Third Tuesday in June. Additional Terms pf the Cjjfljmon Pleas — Third Tuesday in March and October. » / »->' QUEEN'S COl^TY. ' Justices of th« Is^feriok Court of Commow Plias. — Hon. Harry Peters, William Foshay, Hon. John Earle, John M'Lean, Ebonezer L. Burpe, Thomas P. Hewlett, George W. Hohcn, Charles Keith, and Thomas Harrison, Esquires. Justices or the Peace. — Harry Peters, *Wm. Foshay, John Earle, Thos. T. Hewlett, John M'Allister, Lewis M'Donald, John M'Leun, Jos. B. Perkins, Robert Golding, Wm. Murray, Charles Keith, Geo. W. Hoben, Ebenezer L. Burpee, Thos. Harrison, Joseph Coy, J. Samuel Hewlett, Gideon D. Bailie, James Ingledew, Charles P. Wetmore, Thomas Murray, J. R. Earle, John Goldfinch, Daniel Smith, Isaac M'Lean, Gilbert Perry, James Slip, jr., Charles E. Langan, David Phillips, William F. Bonnell/ John Curry, David Ebbett, Alexander Casf*, Benjamin Bowie, Joshua Calkins, David Furguson, Jessie Clark, Joseph F. Estabroqks, Thomas Coosey, John Palmer, James Poiley, William Malone, George Elkins, Francis Wood, Walter Butler, John J. West, Thomas W. Carpenter, James Toole, ( of the Quorum ), and Isaac B. Bonnell, Esquires. High SherifT— J«hn Palmer, Enquire. Judge of Probates — Nathan H, DeVeber, Esquire. ^ Registrar — James R. Curry, Esquire. Registrar of Wills and Deads — Hon. Harry Peters. Receiver of Royalties for Queen's and Sunbury — John Maynard, Esquire. Inspector of Schools — Daniel Morrison, Esquire. Coroners— John Earle, Thomas T. Hewlett, R. T. Babbitt, George W.. White, John Murphy, Thomas M. Tilley, and Adam Strong, Esquires. Auctioneers — William T. Bonnell, David Ferguson, Edward Simpsoa (Gagetown), John Armstrong, William Hogshaw ( Petersvilie), James T. Tool, Jamea Starkey, Butler S. Thorne, James Pearson (Johnston), Isaac 65 I, A. C. Thomas Hiorum ), lire. ley, ThoB. S. Covtrt, Tuesday in !Vf arch and Ion. Harry }0nezdr L. id Thomas larle, Tho«. B. Perkins, jcnezer L. D. Bailie, arle, John Slip, jr., ry, David •*urguson, ner, James utter, John and Isaac d. Esquire. eorge W.. uires. SimpsoR James T. on ), Uaac T. Vanward, William Golding ( Wickham), Walter 8. ButUr (Canning), and Lawrence O'Leary. COMMISSIONEBS FOR TAKIIVa SpECIAL BaILB IV SCPRIXB COUBT.-* Hon. H. Peters ( Gagetown ), Hon. John Earlc ( Canning ). £. L. Burpe, Esquire (Chipmaii), Charles Keith, £«quire ( Brunswick ),Jamea Ingledew, Esquire ( Johnston ). . • ; ^ • COMMISSIONRRS FOR TAKITTO AfFIDATITI IN THE SuPRBKB CoURT. Hon. H. Peters, John J. Millidge, Esquire (Gagetown \, Hon. John Earle ( Canning ), Ebenezer L. Burpe, Esquire, John Goldfinch, Eaqaire, Isaac C. Burpe, Esquire (Chipman, ) Charles Keith, Esquire ( Brunswick ), Thomas Murray, Esquire (Johnston), Joseph B. Perkins, Esquire ( Peterarille ), John Curry, Esquire (Upper Gagetown ). Terms of Gritsral Sbssioits aitd Commov Plbas^ — Fourth Tuesday in January and June (Jury Terms), and Fourth Tuosday in April and October. • • - - r ■ •' '?■■_ ^i-. . i- < *f.?,i=i. .'v* -».'..-:.j^ »'. .,/■'." . ;V ,-/,;. • •■ ^ '/.full" •■•"'*''> ^-^w^few'ft* KING'S COUNTY. i.fff Justices of thb In!?erior Court of Common Pleab.—- Thomas Beer, Justus S. Wetmore, John C. Vail, Esquires. Justices of the Peace. — Thomas Beer, Justus S. Wetmore, Henry A. Scovil, John C. Vail, A. C. Bfanson, John Barberie, Ebenezer Smith, Isaac Haviland, Samuel Foster, John Wightman, John Brittain, James Brittain, Hon. John H. Ryan, Charles W. Stockton, John C. Price, Elits 8. Wetmore, John Hagarty, Robert M'CuIly, William Freeze, jr., Samuel Kallett, Craven Longstroth, Matthew M'Leod, Ellas S. Freeze, Duncan M. Campben, Isaac A. Dodge, Samuel Henderson, Weeden Fowler, John L. Wilmot, James Lake, Elijah A. Perkins, William Pycwell, Walter B. Scovil, Charles C. Stewart, James Fbirweather, James W. Nowlan, Samuel Foster, John H. Wright, J. D. M. Keator, Robert S. Foster, John M'Leod, jr.. Nelson Arnold, William Pearson, William A. Stockton, William B. M'Keel, William M'Leod, Charles Gray, Philo. M. Raymond, Nathaniel Belyea, William Buchanan, John O. Dann, James COt^son, Henry Fowler, David Hatfield, Zebulon Connor, George H. Wallace, James A. Fenwick, William Coates, John M*Arthur, William Keith, James L. Flewwelling, John Erb, John M'Intyre, Daniel M'Lachlan, John Urquhart, William S. Teakles, Robert Morrison, William Baskin, T. Oliver Arnold, John C. Godard, William Deniston, Joseph D. Baxter, Jabez E. Titus, George Flewwelling, George Barnes, Datid M'KeniAfe, Henry Piers, jr., (ufthe Quorum ), and Wiiliam Scoular, Esquires. High Sheriff— Samuel N. Freeze, Esquire. Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Edward Betts Smith, Esquire. Judge of Probates — Edward B. Smith, Esquire. *^*J .isn- .1 . uttA^Q Registrar of Deeds and Wills, and Registrar of Probates— J. C Vail, Esquire. Coroners.— Isaac Haviland, Sylvester Z. Earle, A. C. Evanion, James Wetmore, Adino Paddock, jr., and Obadiah Purdy, Esquires. Commissioners for taking Hail and Affidavits in the Supreme Court.— 11 n ,< *ft .'i!i' 66 ' a John C. Vail, A. (3. Evanson, Samuel Hallctt, C. W. Stockton, Hon. John H. Ryan, John C. Price, Samuel Foster, James A. Roevc, and James W. Nolan, Esquirefl. Issuer of Marriage Licences — E. B. Smith, Esquire. Commissioner for Solemnizing Marriage — John C. Vail, Esquire. Receiver of Crown Debts, under Act 7 Victoria, c. 36— Edward B. Smith, Esquire. Auctioneers E. S. Freeze, D. Sheck, William H. White. Elijah A. Perkins, Samuel Freeze, Jamea Lake, Gilbert Titus, Gilford Cou- gle, Benjamin Sproul, Abraham Johnston, jr., William Keith, James E. Fryers, Isaac Pearson, Jeremiah D. Mabee, Joseph D. Baxter, Joseph Belyea, T. G. Barnes, W. M. Teakles, Samuel Gosline, Noah Keath, William A. Stockton, J. M'Naught, Thomas Mathewson, J. Sharp, Bt L. Crawford, G. Downey, D. M. Johnson, James W. Nowlan, G. H. Wallace, Douglas Fairweather, and Samuel Foster. Trustees of Grammar School— Rev. W. E. Scovil, Rev. W. W. Walker, and J. C. Vail, Esquire. Teaeher of Grammar School — George Walker. InspectorofSchooIs— Edmund H.Duval. " "^ * ' '-»'-' County Treasurer— John Flewwelling, Esquire. ' '•' TiRMS or THi Gbniral SissioHS AMa Common Plias.- Fiist Tuesday in March and third Tuesday in Octobei% Additional Tirkb or thi Common Plbas.— First Tuesday in May and January. 'i nc^>;. .?••;« i\is.-:t^ The Probate Court for King's County ia held at the Court House on the first Tuesday in every month, except the month of March, and for that ^fnrnith m thf Monday next before th> first Tuesday, COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. *^ "^ ^ tin- JusTiOis OF THE INFERIOR CouRT OF CoMMON Pleas. — William Wilsoii, Joha Chapman, and Joseph Avard, Esquires. JuBTiOBi or THB Pracb — Amos E. Botsford, William Wilson, John Chapman, Joseph Avard, Philip Palmer, Daniel Hanington, John Tren- holm, George Oulton, George Pittfield, Samuel Black, Phillip Chapman, Charles Dixon, T. E. Smith, Rufus Col, Thomas Keillor, Joseph Chapmaft, C. Dickson, John Carey, Alex. Munroe, James Anderson, Alex. Wright, Peter McSweeney, William Steadman, jr., Jonas Cutler, David Murray, Thomas Cochran, Silvanus Minor, Michael S. Harris, Jesse L. Bent, William Allen, Reuben Chase, Ephraini Raworth, Amand Landry, Silas C. Charters, Abraham Jonos, Hugh McMonagle, Samuel S. Wilmot, David Boyd,. Moses Jones, Charles Cahill, Thomas Gamble, James Dickson, Joseph Bleakney, Thomas Brown, Silas D. Copp, Israel Steves, John JReed, Thomas Carter, Warren Price, Rufus Chappell, John S- Barnaby, Isaac AUwood, John Reid ( Bay de Vcrte ), Frank Gallaghw. Pollett Gallang, John S. Trites ( of the Quorum ), and Robert Madison, Bsquireir. 'j-^iic t~- itfc.. ton, Hon. oevc, and I ^T • *l lire. iJdward B. lite. Elijah Iford Cou- itht James 0. Baxter, lUne, Noah n, J. Sharp, wlan, G. H. W. Walker, list Tuesday in May and House on iht and for that .)li M" .Vk- liam Wilson, Wilson, John , John Tren- .ip Chapman, eillor, Joseph nderson, Alex. Cutler, David arris, Jesse L- mand Landry, uel S. Wilmot, amble, James , Israel Steves, ppell, John S. ink Gallagh*. bert Madison, 07 High SherifT— Blair Botsford, Esquire. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Chas. E. K^app, Esquire. Surrogate — Hon. Edward B. Chandler. Registrar of Probates — Charles E. Knapp, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — William Bttckhouse, Esquire. Coroners.— Andrew Weldon, John Crandall, Jacob Wortman, Zachariah Tingley, and Henry Livingstone, Esqs. Commissioner for taking Affidavits in the Suprf a^q Co«irt^>Daniel L. Hannington, Esquire. .;>:/i >^k«j'/ Inspector of Schools — Edmund H. Duval, Esq. Auctioneers — William Lawrence, Ebenezer L. Cowling, Robt. Atkinson, Ichabod Steves, Joshua Wood, J. W. Chapman, Robert flallett, Hugh M'Monagle, Robert Atkinson, and Robert Moffat. TsBMs OP THE General Sessions and Common Plbas. — Third Tuesday in June and November. Additional Terms of the Common P^lbas. — First Tuesday in April and second Tuesdayi in September. . 1 .>t^f ^^i,}! COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. .X%' JusTiCBSOP THE INFERIOR CouRT OF CoMMON Pleas. — Georgo Kerr, Johii Nesmith, Peter Mitchell, John M. Johnson, Richard Sutton, and Willhiia i. Fraser, Esquires. Justices of the Peace. — George Kerr, John T. Williston, Richard Hutchinson, Peter Mitchell, Alex!.nder Goodfellow, Donald M'Kay, Robert Doak, Thomas C. Allan, Alexander M'Laggan, Thomas W. Underhill, William Letson, James W. Hierlihy, John M'Donald, JaVed Tozer, John Porter, Roderick M'Leod, Peter Morrison, Thomas Willoughby, James L. Price, Alexander Fraser, jr., Donald M'Naughton, Miles M'Millan, John M'Allister, jr., Johm M'Doug.ald, Richard Sutton, George Johnston, Wm. J. Fraser, Alexander Loudon, William Muirhead, Robinson Crocker, John Bengali, John Harley^ William Parks, G|9orge E. Letson, John M'Rae, Hiram Freeze, Robert Noble, William A. Black, George Whitney, William Russell, John Haws, John Williston, Louis Robicheau, James A. Fierce, Robert T. Miller, Samuel Lapthorne, John Fallen, Burk Archibald, Jamea B. Johnston, William W. Kelley, Michael M'Kendrick, John Lawlor, William Dickens (of the Quorum), and Alexander K. A. M*Dougall, I Esquires. * High Sheriff — James Mitchell, Esquire. "T '«; Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Samuel Thomson, Esq. County Treasurer — Moses M. Sargeant, Esquire. , .^^j,,, ..^^ i Surrogate — William Wilkinson, Esquire. tX Registrar — Daniel Ferguson, Esquire. v Registrar of Deeds and Wills — John Lawler, Esquire. Coroner*- Stafford Beeson, Martin Cranney, Allan A. Davidson, Robert |B. Wasson, Edward Rogers, John M'Leed,and William O'Brien, Esqs. Inspector of Schools— T. W. Wood, Esquire. Commissioners for taking Affidartts in the Supremo Court — PatticK iWatt, Richard Davidson, and William Park, Esquires. .if-iir^i \l ,;!'i 68 Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage — Alexander Goodfellow, Donald M'Kay, and Robert Doak, Esquires. Issuer of Marriage Licenses — James L. Price, Esquire. Seizing Officer of Hay cut on Crown Land — William Parker. Auctioneers — Robert T. Miller, John Lawlor, William J. Fraser, Wm. Letson, DetIs P. Howe, Alexander Fraser, Alexander Morrison, James Brinnen, Alexander Marshall, John Fish, Jabez B. Snowball, John Mackie, and Robert Blake. Tkbms or THB General Sebsionb and Common Pleas. — Secoad Tuesday in January and July. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas. — First Tuesday in May and October. Revenue Officers — Chatham — Deputy Treasurer, John T. Wiliiston ; Landing Surveyor, J. C. E. Carmichael ; Waiter, Searcher, and Locker, Martin Cranney.— Newcastle — Deputy Treasurer, Richard Sutton ; Waiter, Searcher, and Locker, David WithTerall. Barristers, Attornies, and Notaries Public. — JVl?M;ca«//e-^Edwjird Wil- iiston, Allan A. Davidson, and Samuel Thomson, Esquires. — Chatham- George Kerr, Hon. J. M. Johnson, Wm. Wilkinson, and David Fe.guson, Esquires. Commissioners for Taking Bail in the Supreme Court. — Newcastle— Patrick Watt, Richard Davidson, William Park, Esquires. — Chatham— John McDougall, Esquire. "■ - iViiuii COUNTY OF KENT. i'<< •■> Justices or the Inferior Court or Common Pleas.— George Pagan, John Bowser, L. P. W. Des Brisay, and Thomas W. Bliss, Esquires.. Justices cf the Peace. — George Pagan, David Wark, John Bowser, L. P. W. Des Brisay, Wm. Hanington, David McAlmon, Francis McPhelim, William S. Caie, Germain White, Ruebcn Johnston, Lawrence McLaren, Albert B. Smith, James Burns, James Girvan, Terence Curran, John Jardine, jr., John Robertson, Henry Peters, jr., Henry Livingston, John Brait, John Sheridan, Horatio Smith, Lewis 3* Allain, Charles Gosselin, Luke Johnson, Fabian D'Aigle, Amant Bourgeois, sen., James Lucas, Alexander McWilliam ( of the Quorum), and Stephen Briggs, Esquires. High SherifT— -James McPhelim, Esq. Cferk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Charles JySayrt^, Esq. Surrogate — James A. James, Esq. , . . vtr t s. Registrar—Charles J. Sayre, Esquire. * .,^ ^ . Registrar of Deeds and Wills — George Pagan, Esquire. Coroners — Lawrence McLaren, M.D., and Horatio B. Smith, Esquires. Inspector of Schools — T. W. Wood, Esq. Commissioners for taking Bail and Affidavits — John Bowser and L. P. W. Des Brisay, Esquires. Notary Public — John Bowser. , ' ^ Auctioneers — John Bowser, Joseph Wetmore, Henry Livingston, Richard McLauchlan, Edward Robson, John L. Dwyer Wm. Raymond, William J. Keswick, Rufus S. Chandler, Richard Sutton, jr., Jacob Ferguson, and John Whetcn. «d Teacher of Grammar Sphool— C. T. Pittblad. Vice Consul — Sweden & Norway— Robt. Hutchinson, Esq.. Richibucto. — John Bowser, '* fiuctouehe ({ r :»•-...». -.'--j-j; ■ COUNtY OF GLOUCESTER. . Justice* of the Inferior Court of Cammoti Pka8 — William Napier, John Ferguson, and James Young, Esquires. Juiticea of the Peace — William Napier, John Ferguson, James Toung Perry, J. N. Dumares, John Richey, John Doran, Robert Robinson, Francis Ferguson, Samuel L. Bishop, John Chalmers, John Walsh, Michael Rivers, William Taylor, Joseph Sewell, Hugh A. Caie, John Meahan, George Smith, John O'Brien^ Charles Meahan, James Smith, Robert Brown, Robert Young, Robert Nixon, William Davidson, William Molley, James G. C. Blackball, William End, Hilurion Ache, Francis Alexandre, Alexander Campbell, John Tolsy, Matthew Parrott, Andrew D'Arcy (of the Quorum ), and Samuel Miller, Esquires. i/i^A. SAmJf— Benjamin W. Weldon, Esq. ' "»' Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolbt and Clerk of the Jnfenor Court of Common Pleas — Theophilus Des Brisay, Esquire. Surrogate — Henry William Baldwin, Esquire. . ,' ' Registrar of Probates — D. Gustavus M'Lauchlan, Esq. i'^ •» Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Henry Williams Baldwin, Esq. ' Coroners — John M'Kenna, and D. Gustavus M'Lauchlan, Esquires. Inspector of Schools — T. W. Wood. Licensed Auctioneers — Francis Alexandre, William Taylor, Robert Young, Henry Williams Baldwin, and Benjamin W. Weldon. Principal of the Ghrammar School — John Sivewright, Esquire. Barristers and Attomies practising — William End, Theo. Des Brisay, and D. Gustavus M'Lauchlan, Esquires. Commissiorfers for Solemnizing Marriage — William Napier, and James Young, Esquires. President of the Agricultural Society Stunuel L. Bishop, Esquire. Secretary — William Napier, Esq. Terms of the General Sesnons and Common Pleas — First Tuesday in January and first Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas— Tint Tuesday in April and last Tuesday in October. COUNTY OF CARLETON. Justice*, of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas — John Dibblee, John Bedell, and Joseph Harvey, Esquires. Justices of the Peace — John Dibblee, John Bedell, Joseph Harvey, Josiah Brown, Abraham M. Garden,^. Upton, Paul M. Bedell, Ohas. Perlcy, R. D. Beardsley, S. Estabrooks, Charles Conncll, J. A. Phillips, James Lockwood, George Clowes, Joseph Burpee, Zephaniah Mills, Leonard^ R. Harding, George L. Raymond, James R. Tupper, William J. Baird, Matthew L. Phillips, Abner Bull, Joseph Rideout, Jarvis Estey, MieWl M'Guirk, James Kelley, Stephen G. Burpee, William Hay ward, Bilt^tmin 70 #; ^i !;■ L. Richardson, Murphy Giltarson, WiHiam S. Nevers, John Bubar, John Holland Esty, Calvin Churchill. William Gray/ Robert Hemphill, Robert Hay, Robert A. Hay, William Lindsay, Richard S. Bull, Anthony Kearney, George M'Donaugh, Alexander Kirkpatrick, Charles 8h«a, James Jordan, Edwin R. Parsons, William Forrest, John Burt, Hugh Cowperthwaite, Amos Dickenson, Elisha Shaw, Hamilton Yerxa, Samuel Dickenson, Cornelius Connolly, John Bennett, Richard S Clark, James Ebbett, Wm. Dell Estey, Isaac S. Carvili, William Reed, Seth Squires, Isaiah B. Ride* out, Alexander Hawthorn, George Millberry, George Wade, George Squires, William B. Tompkins, George Thomas Hartley, Warren C. Bull (0/ the Quorum ), and John Thomas Allan, Esquires. « •;. .t-^ High Sheriflf— Fred. R. Jenkins Dibblee, Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and Issuer of Marriage Licenses — A. Nelson Garden, Esq. Surrogate — Lewis P. Fisher, Esq. . , ^, <•.■., . - .«• k^^^^ Registrar of Probates — D. L. Dibblee, Esq. . ' a. ;» •• Registrar of Deeds 5 ad Wills — Augustus Bedell, Esq. . v* Notary Public — Lewis P. Fisher, Esq. . ' *,. ' Inspector of Schools — jSdward C. Freeze. Coroners — George Stickney, George West, John Bedell, Wm. Connell, Charles Upton, and William L. Drier. Commissioners for ti king Special Bails and AiTidavits in the Supreme Court — John Bodell, George L. Raymond. Practising Attornies — A. N. Garden, L. P. Fisher, D. L. Dibblee, George Connell, James Edgar, and William M. Connell. Auctioneers — Allanson Payson, James H. Jaques, W. T. Lathern, and James Robertson. Commissioner under the Absconding Debtors' Act — J. Dibblee. U»A COUNTY OF RESTIGOUCHE. ■r-ifj^j-y' AX hjis Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas — John Montgomery, D. Stewart, Arthur Ritchie, Adam Ferguson, and William Hamilton, Esqs. Justices of the Peace — John Montgomery, D. Stewart, Adam Ferguson, Arthur Ritchie, Archibald Ramsay, William Hamilton, William S. Smith, John Ultican, John M'Nair, John Cook, jr., John M'Millan, John Duncan, John M'Millan, jr., John Gillies, Robert Ferguson, David Ritchie, Alex. C. Des Brisay, Charles Murray, Patrick Doyle, John H. Pride, Allan Andrew, Donald M'Alister, William Hamilton the 2nd, Asael Welle, George Moffat, John M'Lauchlan, Patrick Doyle, John Murchy, Alexander Laing, and Archibald McKenzie, Esquires. High Sheriff— John L. Barberie, Esq. ,, Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Andrew Barberie, Esq. Surrogote — Chipman Botsford, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Probates — Andrew Barberie, Esq. Inspector ofSchools — T. W. Wood. , ,,.^. Supervisor of Roads — John M'Millan, Esq. Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court— Dugald Stewart, Esquire. 71 bar, John IK Robert Kearney, >s Jordan, erth^aite, ickensun, lett, Wm. 1 B. Ride- le Squires, ill {of the i Issuer of r-.. '.'.'-•' ■•"'"■ '■■•_,'.* ;. • r . ■ *. •.■> • J • m. Connell, le Supreme L. Dibblce, athern, and )lee. i\ Xi ^'?'" tgomery, D. ilton, Esqs. m Ferguson, nm S. Smith, 5hn Duncan, itchie, Alex. Pride, Allan \8ael Wells, y, Alexander jerie, Esq* n .' : igald Stewart, Issuer of Marriage Licenses — A. Burberie. Esquirt^. *•,*■* " ^ "*^ Commissioners under the At>scondinff Debtors' Act — Dugald Stewart, and Archibald Rtunsay. Coroners — Hugh Montgomery, James S. Morse, and John U. Campbell, Esquires. Fish Wardens — John Duncan and Alexander Cook. • ' Teacher of the Grammar School — Crawford Hutchinson. Auctioneers — John U. Campbell, Charles Murray, David Sadler, Wm. Montgomery, and John Phillips. County Treasurer — Donald Stewart, y, „, ._ , ..1. ...,,- t-- j Resjtiqocchk Agricultural Socikty. — A. Barberie, fjsq., Pre'sldeiil; Hugh Montgomery and Adam Ferguson, Esqs., Vice Presidents ; Wm. S. Smith, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas — First Tuesday in January, and Second Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of the Common Pleaa — Stcond Tuesday in April and October. ' ' : "J. ' ii^'iiofll .TU'>r**V COUNTY OF ALBERT. ,,,,,,.;/ Uunuu^ Justices of the Inferior Court of^Common Pleas — Hon. E. B. Chandler John Smith, Peter M'Lellan, James Brewster, John Lewis, Hon. W. H. Steves, and George Calhoun, Esqs. Justices of the Peace — Hon. E. B. Chandler, John Smith, Peter M'Lelan, James Brewster, John Lewis, W. H. Steves, George Calhoun, Eiisha Peck, George Steves, Enoch Stiles, Edward Stevens, J. S. Colpitis, Robert Wright, Isafft Gross, John Wallace, Edward Steves, James Rogers, Levi Wells, John A. Reed, Hiram Edgett, Ezra Steves, James Ryan, Wmt 8. Hopper, jr., John Barchard, A R. Chapman, Jannes Horseman, Thomas Colpitt, Lewis E. Steves {of the Qtwrum ), and Amos P. Bliss, Esquires. High SherifT— Joseph S. Reed. Esq. Keeper of f he Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and. Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas—Samuel G. Morse, Esq. . -••""'-"'-• t;--"-M>- ^tr,%i^ Surrogate— M. B. Palmer, Esq. ' '"^^ ^ '^ ;,:* f'' ' '^f **' Registrar of Probates— Samuel G. Morse, Esq.' " ^'"""^ n^nitbuj Registrar of Deeds and W^ills— George Calhoun, Esquire. ^♦'*'-'^* ^'** Coronera — J. 8. Reed, W. J. Lewis, and W. C. Trites, Esq. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court— George Calhoun and Eiisha Peck, together with the Attomies. Barristers and Attornies residing at Hopewell — S. G. Morse, M. B. [Palmer, T. B. Moore, and C. A. Peck. Inspector of Schools— Edmund H. Duval. "'ilW} 3HT Teacher of the Grammar School— B a mford W. Dufly. Auctioneer — Lewis E. Steves. .; ,,,. Commissioner for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court at^Hope- {well — George Calhoun, Esq. Commissionew of Sewers, under Act 22 Vict., c. 53, for Draining lerman Town Lake— Agreen Tingley, jr., Thomas W. Kinne, and lichael Kicver. j<*i>?t v*?*!!^? ?*. iflT t^t?S,#U Ill 12 I I i 1 Term of the Albert Circuit Court — Second Tuesday in July. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas — Fourth Tuesday in June and second Tuesday in November. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas — Second Tuesday in March, and second Tue sday in Spetember. .«rr hi COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Picas — Leonard R. Coombs, Benjamin Bcveridge, Charles A. Hammond, Francis Riee, and Peter C. Amireaux, Esquires. Justices of the Peace — Leonard R. Coombs, Benjamin Beveridgc, Chas. A. Hammond, Peter C. Amireaux, Vital Tibideau, Francis Rice, Antoinc Bellefleur, James Bishop, Barnabas Armstrong, Joseph Hebert, Thomas Finn, Rsgiste Theriault, Pruden Gagnon, Stephen Glasier, Walter Brit, Michael Kirltn, Henry Baird, William Clifford, William Hallett, VVrilliani Hartt, Abraham C. Hammond, Punderson H. Bcardsley, Hilaire Le Vasseur, Flaurent Fournier, John Hartt, Roderick M'Lean, James Grew, Rosamond Violette, Joshua D. Gibcrson, Joseph Cyr, Vital Hebert, Bcnj. Beveridge, Francis Tibbits, ( of the Quorum ), and Ezektcl Hutchinson, Esquires. High SherifT— James Thompson. «. Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace, and of the Inferior Court of | Common Pleas — William T. Wilmot, Esquire. ^Surrogate— William M. M'Lauchlan, Esquire. ^ '^ •"*> "" Registrar of Probates, Deeds and Wills— William Hartt. ' Coroners — John Emerson, Francis Tibbits, and William Clifford. J Seizing Officer— Charles E. Beckwith. Uepiity Treasurer — Michael Curran, Grand Falls ; Francis Tibbeti, Tobique ; and Vital Hebert, Edmundston. . Inspector of Schools — Edward C. Freeze. Terms of General Sessions and Common Pleas? — Secoi^ Tuesday in { January and First Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of the Common Pleas — Second Tuesday in March] and second Tuesday in October. ^■f'*f»-^l Itt ifc\i«i^: «»■•» ECCLESIASTICAL DEPABTMENT. >"•'■■■ '^ V-*' * .Milt THE UNITED CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND IRJBLAIfP, Diocese of Fredericion. <.>,,..,.-,.. . ,,T^e Right Reverend John Medley, D.D., Lord Bishop of Fredericton. Chaplains — Revds. J. W. D. Gray, D.D., and Samuel Bacon. ihjjiim* Domestic Chaplain — Rev. John B. Medley. iiNI ,fi(ttri)i . *y j^e Cathedral Church, Fredericion, d.m»i:.l «*«! Dean — The Lord Bishop of Fredericton* ''^^ ^'-^"^ 78 Canons ( Honorary ) — Revdi . Frederick Coster, J. W. D. Gray, D.D., tad William Harrison. Sub-Dean — Rev. Charles 8. Medley. Assistant Ministers — Rcvds. John B. Medley, Charles S. Medley, and Charles G. Coster. CLERGY IN THE SEVERAL RURAL DEANERIES. ^^ • ^ 1. Deanery of Fredericion. /,*-' i-. ;♦>*•! Rural Dean — Reverend Charles Lee. - , John Black, Rector of Kingsclear. r - Charles G. Coster, Chaplain to the Forces and Assistant Minister of tha Cathedral. Theodore E. Dowling, Missionary at Douglas. ,. Thomas Harten, Missionary at Canterbury. / 'Ti^L' mj William Jaffrey, Missionary at St. Mary^s and Stanley. 'J"-^ /;, '.,''u Charles Lee, Rector of Fredericton. John B. Medley, Chaplain to the Bishop and Assistant Minister of the Cathedral. Charles S. Medley, Sub-Dean of the Cathedral and Missionary at New Maryland. Henry Pollard, Rector of Maugerville and Burton. 2. .Deanery of St, John. • • " '**^ Rural Dean — Reverend J. W. D. Gray, D.D. ;; ."^ John Armstrong, Rector of Victoria. s'n;: I William Armstrong, Rector of St. James's. // vt George M. Armstrong, Rector of St. Mark's. Frederick Coster, Canon of Christ Church, Fredercton, and Rector of Carleton. Walter J. Covert, Missionary at Lancaster. ?'^t ,«-•' ^^^H .^^vaiBci William H. DeVeber. Rector of St. Paul's, Portland. -'^ *^ James W. Disbrow, Chaplain to the Provincial Penitentiary; ^ I. W. D. Gray, D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Fredericton, and Rector. of St. John. William Harrison, Canon of Christ Church, Fredericton, and Rector of Portland. , George N. McNutt, Curate of St. John. h' H William Scovil, Chaplain to the Provincial Lunatic Asylum. , ,<-]«vr> George Schofield, Rector of Simonds. -— j,t%'.4oii ^iifc -tl. It) .«) Maurice Swabey, Curate of St. Mark's. . w' sj'^'i'^ W ' 'Wti'/ Abraham Wood, retired Missionary, St. John. > X S, Deanery of Kingston. « v nl Rural Dean — Rev. William E. Scovil. . t, rj .fJi Charles P. Bliss, Rector of Sussex. *? f \fr^^«i*»IM .i J. S. Hanford, Missionary at Upham. i^ w;»« f^^. ? >. /. Christopher Milner, retired Missionary, Westfield. ti*> o»iiT 4 James Neales, Rector o/ Gagetown. : (**r A, David W. Pickett, Missionary at Greenwich and Wkkhato. u%^^ II 74 ¥,.P 1 Y.< 'iiiry<\'t Theophilui Ritchey, Missionary nt Petersville. George Rogers, Mirisionary at Springfield. W. E. Srovil, Rector of Kingston. Richard Simonds, Missionary at Studbolm. Edtnuud A. Warneford, Rector of Norton. William W. Walker, Rector of Hampton. David J. Wetmore, Missionary, Kingston. Edward 8. Woodman, Missionary at Westfield. 4. Deanery of St. Andrew's, ^, Rural Dean — Rev. Shefliington Thompson, LL.D. George T. Carey, Rector of Grand Manan. William Q. Ketchum, Rector of St. Andrew's. .. \j' John M'Givern, Rector of St. George's. ^^ '^ Edward S. Medley, Curate of St. Stephen's. Ronald 8. Smith, Curate of St. Andrew's. Skeffington Thomson, LL.D., Rector of St. Stephen's. ^' J. Sedgfield Thomson, Rector of St. David's. ,^ J«hn S. Williams, Missionary at Campobello. ,. ,. 6. Deanery of Woodstock. Rural Dean — Reverend S. D. Lee Street. RoberliC. Nelson, Curate of Woodstock. ^ « 8. D. Lee Street, Rector, Woodstock. W. Henry Street, Missionary at Tobique and Grand Falls. Charles F. Street, Rector of Prince William and Dumfries. H. W. Tippet, Rector of Queensbury. -MiP > ^i^uk^^„' > :M* 1'»;c/ 6. Deanery of Chatham. Rural Dean — Reverend S. Bacon. Samuel Bacon, Rector of Chatham. Wm. Gruden, Missionary at Blockville and Nelson. N. Allen Coster, Missionary at Richibucto and Welford. James Hudson, Missionary at Glenelg, Newcastle, &c. 7. Deanery of Shediac. Rural Dean — Rev. G. S. Jarvis, D.D. Donald M. Bliss, Rector of Westmoreland. William M. Boyer, Rector of Moncton. .'*' George 8. Jarvis, D.D., Rector of Shediac. G. Goodridge Roberts, Rector of Sackville and Dorchester. Alfred H. Weeks, Missionary at Buctouche and Cocaigne. '«tA*»f! r. In connection with the Church of Englnnd the principal Association it the Diocesan Church Society. Its objects are as follow : — L Missionary Visits to places where there is no settled Clergyman, and aid to new and poor Missions. 3. The establishment of Divinity Scholarships at King's College, Freder* ictan ; and assistance, where necessary, to those who may be under preparation for the Ministry, especially Sons of Clergymen. 1 ) »<1>iUi. I ■If- J r:^)'- » i-irie ■«/ AsHOciation \t ergyman, and ollc^o, Frcder- may be under 8. Aid to Sunday and othar Schools in which Church principlei are taught, and the training and encouraging of Schoolmaaters i|nd Cate- chists. 4. The supply of such Books and Tracts as are on the Catalogue of the Society for Prometing Christian Knowledge, and none other. 6. Aid to the Building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels. 0. Aid to the building of Parsomigo Houses. 7. The creation of a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of Clergymen who are poor ; and towards the education of the children of such Clergymen ; and towards the making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity. 8. The creation of a fund for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy. 9. Aid to the Endowment Fund in particular parishes. Income of the Society for the year ending May 1, 1863, $6,489 81c. EXPENDITURES. >! 1. Contingencies • . • $ 209 63 3. Missionary Salaries - - 4701 01 3. Education of Sons of Clergy • 146 64 4. Salaries of Officers • m « 200 00 6. Churches - - - . 160 00 6. Parsonage Houses - . * • • • • • 7. Widows and Orphans • 276 00 8. Bonks . 400 00 9. Miscellanies - 60 00 $6,1.')2 28 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. Patron — His Excellency the Honorable Arthur Hamilton Gordon » Lieutenant Governor of the Province of New Brunswick. President — The Right. Rev. John. Lord BiHliop of Fred«ricton< ViOB PnKBiDENTB — The Honourable Judjie Botsford ; the Honourable Neville Parker, Master of the Rolls ; the Honorablfi John S. Saunder* ; Frederick A. Wiggins, Esquire ; H. Bowyer Smith, Esquire ; Colonel John Robinson ; The Honorable S. L. Tilley. Treasurer — William J. Bedell, Esquire. Auditors — W. H. Scovill Esq ; C. H. F^irweather, Esq. Loan Committee — Frederick A. Wiggins, Esquire ; William Wright, Esquire, William Jack, Esquire. Seorbtaby — The Reverend William Q. Ketchum, M.A., St. Andrews. Exkcutivb Committek — J. C. Allen, and W. Carman,- Fredericton ; S. D. Berton, L. H. DeVeber. G. S. DeForest, Wm. Davidson, St. John ; T. W. Daniel, H. W. Frith. R. F. Hazen, and W. Jack, St. John ; Hugh Moore and S. R. Miller, Fredericton ; B. L. Peters, St. John ; George Roberts, Fredericton ; J. M. Robinson, St. John ; Honorable J. A. Street, Fredericton ; G. D. Street, Saint Andrews ; Woodford Smith, St. Mary's ; Edward Simonds. Fredericton : J. V. Thurgar, St. John ; J. Wilkinson, Fredericton ; W. Wright and Honorable J. W. Weldon, St. John ; and R. D. Wilmot, Belmont. --^T.c'F "-^Ife; ■**■ i»ii-r-*«»-»jf# »jr • ^^ 15':' i» 1u h.:. J *} |tr» 'it'j DIOfllBI or BAINT JOHN, MCW BBUNBWICK. ? '.' '«i. Right R«Y. John Sweeny, D. D., Buhop of Saint John. Rer. Jttnti Pciierion, Rev. William Foley, ReT. Patrick Farrell, Rev. Francis Swift, Rev. Jamei A. McGourty, Subdeacon, City of Saint John. Very Rev. Jamns Quinn, V. O., Carleton, St. John. Rev. Richard Vereker, Saint Andrew's. Rev. J. C. McDevitt, Fredericton. Rev. Patrick Holahan, do. * '^ "^ Rev. E. J. Dunphy, Saint Stephen. ' R^v. John Quinn, Saint George. Rev. L. O. Regan, Petersville, Queen's Co. Rev. Thomas Connolly, Woodstock. Rev. M. L. Hiver, Saint Bruno, Madawaska. Rev. M. Sweron, Saint Lucy. Rev. J. J. Nugent, Chipman, Qnccn's Co. Rev. James Vereker, Sussex Vale. Rev. W. Aylward, Quaco. - Rev. John C. Murray, Moncton. 5 > , . ^, Rev. F. X. Lafrance, Memramcook. Rev. A.Gosselin, Shcdiac. Rev. F. Babinean, do. ,'» ,-f |. 4V5... V Rev. H. Berthe, Buctouche. Rev. Michael J. Donnelly, Buctouche. R«v. William McManus, Kingston, Kent Co. DIOCI8B or CHATHAlf, N. B. Right Rev. James Rogers, D. D., Bishop of Chatham. Rev. Dougald S. McDonald. Chatham. Very Rev. Michael Egan, V. G., Nelson. Very Rev. Joseph M. Pacquet, V. G., Caraquet. Rev. Ferdinand Gauvreau, Tracadie. Rev. Hugh McGuirk, St. Basil, Madawaska. ■Rev. Michael Meloy, Bathurst. Rev. Joseph Pelletier, Kouchibouguacis. Rev. John A. Mooney, Shipagan, Gloucester. Rev. Samuel O'Sullivan, Ee! River, Restigouche. Rev. James Patterson, Bartibouge, Miramichi. Rev. John J. O'Leary, Renous, Miramichi. it^STITUTIONS. Madawaska Female Academy / under the care of the Sisters of Charity. SupiriortsSt Sister Mary Augusta. Saint MichaeVs Male Academy y Chatham. h-' Pruident, Rev. D. S. McDonald. Mr. Thomas Caulfield, Professor of Mathematici* Mr. William Morrissey, " " English. . Mr. William Varrelly, " " Greek and Ltiin, Mr> Stanislaiis Doncet, " " Freneh*^^ ,kk r' i-'***^ *-' • ^ .A {!:»;. «tJi,i-^! 1 The the City o'clock. The of the fo Rev. If »> 77 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW BRUN8WICK, In connection with the Church of Scotland. Moderator of Synod, Rev. J. Alliater Murray. Cierk, '^ " Rer. John M. Brooke, t). D. ■"i. %'^U Preabytery of Saint John, Clork, Rev. Wm. Donald, D. D. Su Pauls Church, Fredcricton, Rev. John M. Brooke, D. D. Grepnock " St. Andrews, Rev. John Ross. VVhittier's Ridge Church, St. Patrick, Rev. John Rosa. St Andrew's Church, St John, Rev. Wm. Donald, D. D. ' ^V Rothsay " Rothsay, do. do. ^^ St. John " Richmond, Rev. James Kidd, A. M. St. Andrew's " Woodstock, Rev. Henry J. McLardy, B. A. St. James " Northampton, do. do. St. Mary's " Nashwaak, Rev. Pctor Kcay, A. M. Stanley, and Boiestown, do. do. McDougall Settlement, and Shediac, Rev. James Mackie, Missionary. Presbytery of Miramichi, Clerk, Rev. Wm. Henderson, P. D. St. James Church, Newcastle, Rev. Wm. Henderson, D. D. , Red Bank, " do. do. , St. Andrew's " Chatham, Rev. Charles S. Ogg, A. M. f do. " Glenclg, do. do, ^ do. " Tabusintae, Rev. James Murray. Burnt " do. do. do. Presbyteru of Reatigouche, Clerk, Rev. Wm. Murray, M. D. St. Andrew s Church, Campbelltown, Rev. James Steven, Flatlands dec, - • do. , do. St. John's Church, Dalhousie, Rev. Wm. Murray, A. M. Maple Green, - do. do. St. Andrew's Church, New Richmond, Rev. John Wells, A. M. St. Luke's Church, Bathurst, Rev. James Allister Murray. New Bandon dec, • do. do. « M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Rev. Angus McMasters, Moderator* Rev. James Bennett, Clerk. The next ordinary meeting of Synod, will be held in Calvin Church in the City of Saint John, on the Third Wednesday in June 1864, «t 7 o'clock, P. M. The Synod of the Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick, is eomposed of the following Four Presbyteries, viz :— Presbytery of Saint John. Rev. James'Bennett, Saint John Presbyterian Church, City of St. John. ■ Neil McKay, " David's William Alves, A. M., (clerk) Calvin " " " o# Wm. Elder, A. M., St. John. wftt^rvPri. ,* . >» »> Rev. »» » »> Rer. Rev. Rev, » If >» »-rrr ■ 78 James Baird, A. M., 1st. Presbyterian Church, Carleton, (St. John.) Andrew Donald, Campbell Settlement, King's Countj. Levris Jack, Springfield, Kings's County. James Gray, A. M., Norton 6c Sussex, Kings's County. GeoTgt Brown, Missionary to Nerepis &> Golden Grove, St. John Co. J. Irrin Dunlop, do. Shediac 6c adjoining stations, West- morland County. Preabytery of Saint Stephen, ^ ^ ;• .. John Turnbull, St. James, Charlotte County. Wm. Millan, Bocabic 6c Wawing, - do. * - Pregbytety of York. Alexander Smith, (clerk) Prince William, York County. Alexander Sterling, Fredericton, - - do. James Salmon, Woodstock, Carleton County. "-■ Charles Gordon Glass, A. M., Woodstock, Carleton County. , Robert Moodie, Missionary to Glassville 6c vicinity, do. Pf esbyttry of Miramiehi. James Law, A. M., Richibucto, Kent County. ' James Fowler, (clerk) Kouchibouguac, 6c Bass River Kent Co. Thomas G. Johnston, Blackville, Nothumberland Caunty. Angus McMastcrs, New Mills, Restigouche. Thomas Nicholson, Campbellton, do. WESLEYAN METHODIST CONNECTION OR CHURCH • Of Eastern British America Charfw D DeWolf, D. D., President. Thomas H. Davies, Co- Dffc^a/c. If f 3 ohn McMuTTAyt Secretary. ' >.*^/i// HALIFAX DISTRICT. Halifax, John S. Addy, John Lathern ; Henry Pope, Ist. and Arthur McNntt, Supernumararies. Conference Office, John McMurray, Book Steward and Editor. Dartmouth, Joneph G. Angwin. Musquodoboit Harbour, Robert Taylor. Middle Musquodoboit, John J. Teesdale. Lunenburgh, James Buckley, Andrew Gray; John Marshall, Super- numerary. New Germany, Samual B. Martin. Windsor, James England, Humphry P. Comporthwaitc ; F. Smallwood, Supernumerary. Newport, William Smithson. ' ' Kempt, Richard Johnson. " "' • Maitland, Joshua Jordan, who takes a Circuit under the direction of our Conference, but is at the disposal of tho Missionary Committee. One to be sent. William Smithson, Chairman. James England, Fin. Secretary. fy ;St.John.) t. John Co. Dns, WcBt- ,^1 ,^'', "i unty. Kent Co. ity. L URCH and Arthur tor. lall, Super- ISmallwood, lirection of littce. One 41 retary. . ' - - ST. JOHN DISTRICT. -^ ' *'^ -'n^^^^.< ! 1 St. John South, Matthew Richey, D. D., Jame« R. Narraway, A. M., A. W. Nicolson ; William Temple and John B. Broi^vnell, Supcrnuma'ries. St. John, North, Ingham Sutcliffe. i h>.»« .iTM?i-»i}« '.3 St. John, West, Hezekiah McKeown, Job Shcnt«n. St. Andrew's, Frederick W. Moore. St. David's, George B. Payson. St. Stephen, Robert A. Temple. . .; >■ * Mill Town, Thomas Augwin. ^ * Sussex Vale, i Duncan D. Currie. Grand Lake, and Canaan, J John A. Moaher, who is under brother Currie's Superintendance. - .t -TiMjVjMtqjir? v :i !• . i Greenwich, David B. Scott. ^/v'^ vv.yv, »{ v* VU Vi*ujtlf- Kingston, Leonard Gaetz. » .. • . -. ^ Upham, Jas. R. Hart, to e3(change once a quarter with St. John, Nor^l^ M. Richey, D. D., Chairman. R. A. Temple, Financial Secretary. TRURO DISTRICT. , jV;'; :;;;y,u H^^^^ Truro, Alexander B. Black. > v,.:.-? ,1 .'i*lK .^d ■ Vo«T.#iJ Jacksonville, Stephen F. Huestis. U ,'v..ir*^'!J- !';«rs«Y I! f I >/ Florenceville, Alex. 8. Tuttle. The brethren S. F. Huestis and Tuttle to exchange, each, ence a quarter, with brother Wilson. AndoTer, David Le Lacheur. Naahwaak, George Harrison. Gagetown. and Burton, Thomas W. Smith, John J. Colter. Miramichi, William W. Perkins, Wm. H, Heartz. Bathurst and Dalhousie, Isaac N. Parker. , William Wilson, Chairman. Thomsis W. Smith, Financial Secretary, SACKVILLE DISTRICT. Sackville, Edmund Botterell ; John Snowball, Michael Pickles, William T. Cardy, Supernumeraries. Mount Allison Wesleyan Educational Inttitutionif. H. Pickard, D. D., President of the College, &c. . C De Wolfe, D. D., Professor of Theology, (President of the Conference) J. Allison, A.M., Professor of Mental Philosophy, dtc, and Principal of the Ladies' Academy. G. S. Milligan, A.M., Professor of Latin, 6cc. Studenit in Theology—R. M. Smith, J. McC. Fulton jind R. O'B. Johnson. Point-de-Bute, Charles Stewart. ' ' >' ' ' - * ' ' Baie-de-Verte, William Alcorn. Moncton. George M. Barratt ; William Allen and Stephen Humphrey, A.B., Supemwnerariet. Dorchester and Shediac, George Butcher. Hopewell, Robert Wilson. . \ ' ' '!'•-' • •• * Coverdale, B. J. Johnson. j •?. - Richibucto, Douglas Chapman. Amherst, Alexander M. DesBrisay. • ^ -yav ./iv , Parrsboro', John Read, Elias Slackford. Edmund Botterell, Chairman. Alexander M. DesBrisay, Financial Secretary. ANNAPOLIS DISTRICT. Annapolis, Christopher Lockhart, R. Wasson. Bridgetown, Thomas H. Davies ; George Miller, Supernumerary. ' Wilmot, Richard Weddall ; Joseph F. Bent, Supernumerary. Aylesford, William McCarty. Horton, Henry Daniel, Wesley Colpitts. ^i .- '.' CornwalUa (East), James G. Hennigar. '■^''^ ' • • • -* "* -^ ' ' Oorawallis (West), Richard Smith. Digby, James Taylor. Digby Neck, C. W. T. Dutcher, to exchange occasionally with brother Taylor. . Thomas H. Davies, Chairman. James Taylor, Financial Secretary. LIVERPOOL DISTRICT. Liverpool, Joseph Hart, Joseph 8. Coffin. Yarmouth, John Prince, W. C. Brown. * Anit »f . t! 81 '•; 'Jl" "^ Barrington, Elias Brcttlc. One wanted. ■ .i.'i:;'l Shelburne, James Burns. '> ' ;' N. E. Harbour, F. H. W. Pickles. - v Port Mouton, Isaac Thurlow. Mill Village, Thomas Smith. George Johnson, Chairman. Petite Riviere, George Johnson. Joseph Hart, Financial Secretary. ■->' •' -: NEWFOUNDLAND DISTRICT. ' aA St. John's, Paul Prestwood, C. Ladner ; Adam Nightingale, Supem'y. Harbour Grace, James Dove. Carbonear, J. Winterbotham, J. Goodison. • ; ^ Brigus, Thomas Harrison. * • . • < .'. Port-de-Grave, Joseph Pascoe. > *' , > .. Black Head, John S. Peach. ' • • V. ! .- Island Cove, W. E. Shcnstone. " -^ Old Perlican, John Waterhouse. Hant's Harbour, Joseph Sutcliffe. r ' i . , '^, Trinity, Joseph Gaetz. '' '/ ' '1 * / Bonavista, Charles Combcn, Jabez Rogers. . ,,, , ^»^ Twillingate, James A. Duke. \ Burin, S. T, Teed. /' ' . v" , Grand Bank, John S. Phinney. , ^ •, , MISSIONS. ■..Ai ■-..^yA ?■ y Labrador, supplied in Summer by J. Goodison. Petites, John Pike. Channel, T. D. Hart. Exploits, Burnt Island, A. W. Turner. Fogo and Change Island, Thomas Fox. ' ; Green's Pond, John Alien. J. 8. Peach, Chairman. James Dove, Financial Secretary. Bermuda ( in connection with the Halifax district, ) Robert Duncan, Frederick Harrison, W. W. Percival. /. n^^tnvii ra ■vi; CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Sheffield, Rev. Robert Wilson. .» Keswick, Rev. G. Sterling. .f ,'(' .; St. John, Rev. J. R. Sanderson. '= r. / .': . .. St. Stephen, Rev. Charles G. McCulIy. '«■■ . » .- '»:.•{'. CHRISTIANS, OR DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. Christian Church, Duke Street, St. John, N. B., Pastor, Elder W. S. Patterson. Deer Island — Pastor, Elder A. Greenlaw. Keswiek, York Co. — Elders J. & H. Boone. ir I- 82 FREE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. Samual Hartt, Jucksontown ; Rev. Ezekiel Sipril, and G. W. Orser, Wakefield; Rev. Charles M'Mullin, Brighton; Rev. Edward Wayman, and Wm. M. Knollin, Studliolm ; Rev. W. E. Pennington,^ Westmorland, Rev Benjamin Merritt, arid Thomas Conner, Hampstead ; Rev. Peter Mallock, Alexander Taylor and Freeman Babcock, Campobello , Rev. Joseph Noble, Cornwallis, N. S. ; Rev. Ezekiel McLcod, Fredericton ; Rev. Jacob Hunter, Douglas ; Rev. John Perry, St. John ; Rev. Wm. Donney, Salisbury ; Rev. G. A. Hartley, Cjirleton ; Rev. Robert French, Kars ; Rev. John Mckenzie, Jerusalem ; Rev. Elijah Sisson, and Stephen Currey. Tol)ique ; Rev. John Wallace, Coverdale ; Rev. Robert Dobson, North River; Rev. Wm. Kinghorn, Nashwasis; Rev. C. Doucett, Knowlesville; Rev. J. T. Parsons, Woodstock ; Rev. J. N. Barnes, Grand Manan. Licensed to Preach — Samuel Donney, Thomas Vanv^art, Jarvis Shaw, and William Brown. Organ — The Religous Intelligencer, published at Saint John. OFFICERS OF THE BAPTIST COVENTION OF NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK AND P. E. ISLAND, FOR 1863-4. Pre.ndent—nev. I. E. Bill. . • . . -^ v,i;!-: Vice-Presidents-^iions. W. B. Kinnear, J. M. Johnson, Revs. Dr. Top- per, W. Chipman, S. Robinson, C. Randall. Secretaries — For Nova Scotia : S. B. Kempton, For New Brunswick : Rev. T.Todd. Treasurer — B. Douglas, Esq. '"•''- Board of Directors — Rev. A. D. Thomson, A, S. Hunt.Dr. Pryor.N.Vidito, J. Davis, A. Martell, E. C. Cady, J. Walker, J. Miller, D. M. Welton, W. Coleman. J. A. Smith, W. G. Parker, D. W. C. Dimock, G. F. Miles, Jas. Parker, D. Crandall, and Brethren J. W. Nutting, J. Fisher, E. Heus- tis, J. Ring, Asa Coy, G. Govell, W. Cummings, A. McKenzie, Esquires. Board of Governors of Acadia College — Ex-officio Officers : Rev. Dr. Cramp, President ; Hons. J. W. Johnston, and W. B. Kinnear, Revs. W. Burton, G. Armstrong, A.M , Jas. Parker, D. W. Welton, A.M., S. W. DeBlois, A.M., J.Davis, A.D.Thomson, S.Robinson, I. E. Bill, A. S. Hunt, A.M., Dr. Spurden, G. F. Miles. J. A. Smith, Dr. McN. Parker, N. S. Demill, Esq., Mahew Beckwith, Esq., ^^'v S. W. DeBlois, A.M., Secretary ; J. W. Barss, Esq., Treasurer. Board of Foreign Missions — Rev. G. Armstrong, Chairman ; Dr. Tup- per. Secretary; J. Wheclock, Esq., Treasurer; Revs. W. G. Parker, I.E. Bill. Jas. Parker, I. V/allace, A. Stronach, S. Robinson, N. Vidito, J. L. Read, W. H Porter, S. Wheelock, Esq., Hon. A. McL. Seely, and A. Dodge, Esquire. • NEW BRUNSWICK BAPTIST HOME MISSIONARY BOARD. Officeus for 1863-4. President: Rev. Samuel Robinson, * - . Vice Presidents: Revds. C. Spurden, D.D., L E. Bill, J. Rowe, J. A. Smith, W. A. Coleman, J. H. Huijhes, A.D. Thomson, and T,W. Saunders. 8t V. Orser, A^ayman, Lmorland, ev. Peter llo, Rev. ton ; Rev. Donney, :ar8; Rev. 1 Currey. )n, North )wle8ville ; an. ▼is Shaw, iblished at SCOTIA, •3-4. s. Dr. Tup. Brunswick : w.N.ViJito, VS^elton, W. . Miles, Jas. r, E. HeuB- , Esquires. i : Rev. Dr. r, Revs.W. L.M., S. W. .Bill, A. S. cN. Ptrker, Blois, A.M., :M;i 1 ; Dr. Tup- arker, I.E. idito, J. h' d A.Dodge, BOARD. Rowe, J. A. '.Saunders, Corrtsponding Secretary : Rev. E. C. Cadj, A.M. Recording Secretary : James £. Marsters. Treasure^: C. D. Everett. Auditor : Hon A. McL. Seely. Executive Board: Messrs. F. A. Cosgrovc. J. S. May, E.J. Barteau, Jonathan Titus, Alexander Siine, George D. Godsoe, A. W. Maetcrs.John Smith, J. O. Beattie, Z. G. Gabel, Reuben Lunt, John Harding, John Fisher, and John J. Wright, with the Officers of the Society alid Minis- ters connected with the two Associations. LIST OF ORDAINED BAPTIST MINISTERS IN NEW BRUNS- WICK. Samuel Bancroft, Butternut Ridge ; David Blakcncy, Salisbury; Thomas Blakeney, Caledonia ; W. H. Burnham, Salisbury ; David Crandal, Spring, field; Nathanial Cleveland, Alma; W. A. Coleman, Dorchester; V. A. Crandal, Elgin ; W. A. Corey, SpringBeld ; W. T. Corey. New Canaan ; Patrick Duffy, Hillsborough ; J. E. Filiamore, Upper Coverdale; J. 'J\ Gold- roop. Lower Coverdale; James Herritt, Butternut Ridge; J. H. Hugbes, Hillsborough ; James Irving, Hopewell ; Thomas Lockey, Cambridge ; Donald McPhail, Buctouehe ; L. H. Marshall, Hopewell; Alexander Mutch, Gondalo Point ; A. B. McDonald. Hampton Ferry ; James Newcomb, Mono- ton ; W.Pulcifer, Hillsborough ; John Rowe, St. Martains ; J.A.Smith, Hillsborough ; Peter Spragg, Springfield ; George Sealy, Salisbury ; Titus Stone, Sussex , Caleb Spragg, Lower Coverdale ; G. W. Springer, Jemseg ; Thomas Todd, Sackville ; James Trimble, Elgin ; W. A. Troop, Springfield ; James Wallace, Ceverdale ; Abel Washburn, St. Martins ; I. E. Bill, Saint John; George Burns, Macnaquack; Judson W. Blakeney, ; Joseph C. Blakeney. Carleton ; W. H. Burnham, ; E. C. Cady, A, M., Portland ; T. W. Crawley, A. M., St. Andrews; G. R. Cdmpbpll, Lower Woodalock; G. Estabrooks, Simond« ; Wm. M. Edwards, Blisbfield ; William Harris, Keswick ; W. L. Hopkins, PennfieW ; J. C. Hurd. M. D., Fredericton ; J.G.Harvey, Woodstock; Benjamin Hughes, Saint George ; Edward Hickson, .A. B., Bathurst; B. Jewett, Tobique; Isaac Lawrence, Kingsclear; E. M'Innis, CarletAn ; D. OuthouHe/Dumfries; Samuel Robin- son, St. John ; P. #. Rees, Maugerville ; Jarvis Ring, St. John ; T. W. Saunders, Prince William; C. Spurden. D. D.. Fredericton; James Tizer, Biistfville ; A. D. Thompson. St. Andrews; J H. Tuppor. Queensborough ; Thomas Todd, Sackvil^ ; H. Vaughan, A.M., St. John ; James Walker, 55i. George; E. Webb,Tferepis; John WilKams, Presqueisle. I STAFF OF THE ARMT, SSRTIXa IN TBB PHOVIWCE OF NPW BHUJTSWICK, UNDER Lieutenant General Sir Wm. Fen wick Williams, Bart., K.*C. B., Co«- manding Her Majesty's Troops in British North America. Major General H. Doyle, Commanding Her Majesty's Troops in NoTa /: ■ " Scotia and New Brunswick. ' i.^' Colonel J. A. Cole, 15th Kegt. Commanding H!cr Majesty's Troops in New Brunswick. Garrisoiis — Saint John, Lieut. Col. Gricrson, 15th Commanding; Lieut. T. B. Jor/,8, (H. V. 4th Foct.) Town Major. Fredericton.— Col. J. A. Cole, 15th Regt. Comn-ianding. CKAPfAiNs. — Frfdericton, Rev. Mr. Coster; St. John, Rev. W. Armstrong. Co^ii^iisvti.tiAT Dkpautment. — Saint John, Assistant Commissary Gene, ral Wixril, Deputy Assistant Commissary General Estridgc. Fredericton, Assi^tait Coryi'nisHary General E. J. McMahon, J. Hudson, Issuer; H. Mar- shal., OiSce Keeper. MiiiTART Sto:ie Depahtment. — Saint John, J. Gray, Esquire, Assist. ant Military c5toro keeper ; James Emerson, Storehouseman ; Frederick Harri. son, Armourer; James Elsdon, Office Keeper. Barrack Department. — Saint John, J. Gray, Esquire, Barrack Master; J. Burr, Barrack Sergeant. • Fredericton, George Priestly, Esquire, Barrack Master ; Johm Edwards, Barrack Sergeant. Saint Andrews, A. White, Barrack Sergeant. RoTAL Engineer Department. — Saint John, Col. Gray, District Royal Engineer ; Edward Lloyd, Clerk ; Mr. Grant, Clerk of Works. . - <»•»> iraw BRVirswiCK ihilztz^. ■'* STAT^F. ' "" - , ■ ^ - His Excellency the Hon. Arthur H. Gordon, C. M. G. Commander-in-chit'f, Uth Sept. 1861. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas M. Crov i or, Adjutant fTcieral, 1st July, 180?. Major Charles C. Pye, Deputy Adjut ^t General, L u Jan., 1863. Lieutenant Colonel William B. Robtnson, (Queen's Njw Brunswick Ran- gers) Quarter Master General, 8th June, 1863. Lieutenant Colonel Wm. T. Baird, (ist Batt. Carleton Co.) Deputy Quar- ter Master General, 8th June, 1863. Captam Harry Moody, Aide-de-Camp, 26th October, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel Chas. Drury, Provincial Aid-de-Camp, 26th Oct., 1861. Lieutenant Colonel the Hon. Lemuel A. Wilmot, (ift Batt. York County) Judge Advocate General, 6th Aug. 1834. • [An asterisk {*) prefixed to a name denotes an Officer of Volunteers.] 85 NEW BRUNSWICK YEOMANRY CAVALRY. 3., Co»- in Nota J in Now g; Lieut. . A. Cole, Lrmstrong. lary Gene- redericton, ; H. Mar- ire, Assist, rick llarri- fck Master; e, Barrack A. White, Irict Koyal er-in-chit'f, July, 18^^. swick Kan- puty Quar- Oct., 1861. ,rk County) unteers.] Lieutenant Colonel. Robert James, 29 May, 1860. Captaina. Alex. Buchannan, 13 July, 1840. Ralph Hiddle, 2 Dec. 1845. George A. Bedell, 16 Feb. 1846. William Golding, 7 Sept. 1847. ITeury P. Troadwell, 17 Oct. 1848. Ward C. Drury, 20 Mar. 1854, Bcv. Robinson, (York Lt. Dragoon.) [24 July, 1856. John Saunders, 29 May, 1860. Edward W. Miller, 20 Aug. do Lteutenmnta. Daniel Hatfield, 5 June, 1833. William Woodcock, 13 July^l840. John Young, do do Thomas Cotterell, 20 do do W. F. Dibblcc, 16 Feb. 1846. H. McMonagle, T. 'W. Carpenter, Charles M. Bridges, 10 Sept. do 7 do 1847. 17 Oct. 1848. William Pywell, 6 Jan. 1851. William Segee, 30* May, 1860. Comets. John Gillis, (8 Lt.) 6 June, 1832. G. Bliss Upham, 16 Feb. 1846. George Baird, 7 Sept. 1847. James W. Hamilton, 17 Oct. 1848. Thomas Nutter, (2 Lt.) 6 Jan. 1851. Joshua A. Scribner, do do George S. Smith, 20 Mar. 1864. Henry C. Saunders, do do Spencer B. Phatr, do do John H. Reid, 29 May, 1860. Quartermasters. Walter Lyon, 21 Aug. 1838. John McBeath, 17 Mar. 1840. James Libbee, 20 July, do James J. M. Scovil, 21 June, 1842. John Ryan, 10 Sept. 1846. Samuel Akerley, 14 Oct. 1847. Surgeon. Charles Gem, 17 June, 1848. NEW BRUNSWICK REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Lieutenant Colonel. Richard Hayne, 28 Feb. 1838 Majors. S. K. Foster, 10 Aug. 1848 Lie'-t. Coh 6 Dec. 1859 Ckarles J. M lick, do do Captain*. William T. R:«e, James F. Berton, John C. Alien, Thomas B. Wilson, J. Missinett, John R. Marrrhall, •G. H. Pick, Rich-rd Simonds, J. C. E. Carmichael, 27 Mar. 1860 •John McLachlan, 17 April, do •B. Lest-r Meters, 24 Mar. 1861 •>far'.iT H.Peters, 11 July, 1862 ^Samuel H. Thomson, 14 Nov. do •Frederick L. Knox, 24 do do •Enock W. Chestnut, 8 Dec. do 8 April, 1834 23 July, 1841 24 do do 4 April, 1852 10 Aug. 1«48 6 Dec. 1869 5 Jan. 1S60 6 do do First Lieutenants. B. Millikin, 2 July, 1829 J. Campbell, Henry Frye, Robert Reed, •Robert R. Sneden, •George E, Thomas, 8 April, 1843 6 Dec. 1837 11 Aug. 1848 14 Nov. 1859 do do G. P. Thompson, 6 Dec. do R. J. Leonard, do do •E. 8. Wetmore, do do W, Rogers, 4 Jan. 1860 James Edgar, 7 Feb. do W, Skillen, do do Elijah Parson, 27 Mar. do •James Quinton, 27 June, do Lt. St. John Co., 28 Oct. 1847 1«»01 Alexander Mitchell, •W. J Shannon, i*W. F. Deacon, l*V. M. McLachlan. I* W.J. McCordack. [•Edward Simpson, 25 Mar 13 April, do 28 do do 18 Sept. 186fi 19 do do 24 Nov. do (•George C. Peters, 17 April, il863 86 Seeond Lieutenants. William Ross, William Andrews, Bernard C. Friel, Charles H. Connell, Robert Sweet. Jnmcs Moore, Samuel G. Andrews, 10 Sep. Edwin R. Russell, 11 do 10 Oct. 1833 8 April, 1834 30 Oct. 1845 10 Aug. 1848 13 do do 2 May, 1849 do do James McCaull, 12 do do W.Paisley. . 18 April, 1865 Francis Smith, 6 Dec. 1869 *FrB. W. Lansdown, 3 Jan. 1860 Edward D. Watts, 7 Feb. do Thomas E. Gillespie, 27 Mar. do •John N. Taylor, 13 April, 1861 * Roger Hunter, 33 April, •John M. Straton, 14 do ♦Charles F. Hoben, 20 do •JohftSimonds, 27 do 2d Lt. St. John Co^ 20 April, •Edward Jones, 27 do Adjutant. John Mount, cup. 20 Sept. Paymaster. F. A. Wiggins, cap. 20 Sept. Quartermanier. E. B. Peters, 1st Lt. 30 Mar. Assistant Surgeons, he Baron Botsford, 30 Oct. Stephen Smith, M.D., 7 Feb. 1861 1863 do do 1846 1863 1859 1849 1841 1845 1860 WESTERN DISTRICT Captain. John E.Boyd, 5 July, 1862 MILITARY Ef^GINEERS. Lieutenants. H. F. Perley, 5 July, 1863 John C. McKean, 5 July, 1863 SAINT .lOHN VOLUNTEER BATTALION, Lieutenant Colonel. , Jno. Robertson, 12Aug. '63. Major. Captain. R, W. Crookshank, jr. 20 March, 1860. Charles R. Ray, 27 .Juno, '60 J. R. Macshane, 8 July, '62 J V. Thurarar jr. 11 July '62 Henry Millett, 8 Dec. do. John S. Hall, 30 July, do. Lieutenant. Ab'hara Maiareo, 28 Mar. '60 Robert Rynd, 23 May, do VVm. H. Scovil, 2ii June, do F. S. C. Burpee, 15 May '61 J.K. Gallajfher, lODpc. do I EnHiflni*. John Mylo3. 14 Mar. 1860. 6. F. Rouse, "I on m«.. a<\ 2n5J. Lieut. / -^ ^^'^^ ^^ do do. Thos. Sullivan,) 2nd. Lieut, j John Tinor. 23 May, do M'l W. Mahcr, 28 June, do Pan'lL.Mullin.lODec. '61 M'l McDonough, 29 Aug'62 Samuel Punlop, 29 Oct. do Chfts. Campbell, 27 July do Adjutant. R. W. Crookshank. '. , ... YORK COUNTY MILITIA, No. 1, FIRST BATTALION. Lieutenant Colonel. Lom'lA. Wilraot. 1 Jan '63 Major. Captains. Jas. S. Beek, 1 Aug. 1818 do do do do C. McPheraon, 17 Dec. Jas. P. Wetmore, 19 do Charles Brannen, 20 do Alex. Gumming, 21 do J.P. MoLiiuchlan. 22do „.. S. D. McPherson. 30 May'61 *Edvv. Simonda, 10 Dec. do *John L. Marah, do do H. Fairwoather, CCavalry Troop) 20 April, 1863. John Riohardd, 8 Sept. '63 Martin Mackay, do do Richard P. Winter, do do (Thomas Dowling, do John J. Fraser, do II, B. Rainetbrd.jr do Lieutenant-^. John F. Peters, 20 Sf pt. (I. IX Ketchum, 11 Feb. J. D. Rain3ford,13June Aaa II. Coy. do James Taylor, 20 Dec. Wva. H. Murray, do J. McOausland, 30 May Geo, F, Gregory, 8 Sop. Alex. McKilligan, do John Wiley, do. James R. Gordon, do Adol'sG. Bockwith, do Ensiiina. Henry Butter, 13 June, Geo. S. Winter, do dojJohn W. Brayley. do do James S. Conner, do doiJohn L. Smith,' do I John T. Murray, do '47|Jas. McAlpino, 10 Jan. 'ol John Thoma?, 30 May, '5.3 Alexander Block, do do'C'ons'tine Conolly, do '59,Wm. C. Lee, 4 Feb. do *Robert Dnvies, 4 Oct. ;6r*DaTid Wilson, 15 Aprir63 'i**^! A(liutant. do^* James C. Cartar, 3 Feb. '63 do! D ^(j! Faymaster. ^Q Asa Coy, cap. 18 June^ '49 I Surgeon. '53 Geo. M. Odell. 13 June '53 do' do do do do '60 '61 do do '62 do 87 il, 1861 o 1863 o do o do ril, 1846 1863 pt. 1859 ■pt. 1849 lar. 1841 IS. )ct. 1845 'eb. I860 uly, 1863 ily, 1863 Ldo do. ay, do ,28 June, do n. 10 Dec. '61 gh.29Aug'62 p, 29 Oct. do 11. 27 July do |a}it. ank. . V- |ley. do do ler, do do J.' do do liy, do do Y 10 Jan. '60 1 30 May. '61 kck, do do ally, do do ; 4 Fob. '62 [s, 4 Oct. do "i.lSAprirCS W. 3 Feb. '63 118 June; '49 13 June '53 No. 1.— Second Battalion. Lieittenant ColnncJ. John Allen, 21 May, 1821 Col. 13 Jan. '62 Major, W. Davidson. . 8 Sept. '34 CaiitoiiiH. Georgo Lonff, 2 Feb. '29 W. 0. Joslin, 3 do do Jamos Miles. 2 April '32 John Barker, 20 Sent. ';30 J. Hammond, 6 ao '34 D. Phillips, 8 do do JohnYerxa, 10 do ';« Enoch Dow, 11 do do Daniel Parent, 12 do do James Jones, 14 do do Jacob MoKean, 11 Oct, '47 Jeremiah Cristy 12 do do J, H. Brewer, 10 July. ')30 Lif.utenantfi. B. Burtt, 21 Sept. '30 GeorKc Fox, 24 do do Thomas Parent, 9 do '34 James Cliff, 11 do '38 Benj. Wheeler, 14 do do Robert Kilburn, 16 do do David Dow, 17 do do John Davidson, 16 Feb. '39 Asa Dow, 17 do do James Nelson, 3 April '41 Joseph 0. Allan, 14 do do Wm. H.Allen. 10 July '60 William Jones, 6 July Charles Lona, 15 Feb. J. S. Klligood. 16 do T. B. Wheeler. 18 do K.W, Ilainslbrd, ]9do Jamos Parolit, 20 do- Matthew Phillips, 21 do Thomas Friwer, 2;^ do Wm. Kilburn, 13 April Elijah Milos, 15 do Joseph Parent. 16 flo James Brown 17 do Z'dco V. Estcy, 10 Oct. Benj. Burt. 10 July. Adjutant, Geo. G. Fraser, 1 Sept. PayinaRter. cap. 28 Aug. Thos. Jones, cap. 13Apl. Quarter manter. D. Parent, ens. 3 July, Surgeon W. Caverhill. 16 April, '29 '39 do do do do do do '41 do do do •47 '60 '63 '63 '41 '.33 '32 No. 1.— Third Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel, Captains. Ross Currie, 12 Deo. 1828 Goo. Clements, 14 do do L. Campboll, 15 do do J.McGibbon, 12 June- '30 F. Campbell. S do '36 Aroh. MoLciin, 10 Sept. Jojin Mi'Hcan. IH May, Goorffc Novcrs. 8 Mar. Wm. Dayton. 11 Feb. Lieuh-nuntH. Wm. Stirling. 8 June, Jacob Brown, 19 do John McLean, 20 May. Wneat Williams, 4 Apl. Thos. Wright, jr. 5 do A.-Couperthwaito, 6 do John Burpe, 8 do P'tor McFarlane, 7 Mar, Samuel Estcy, 8 do Milos McMillan. 10 Feb William Clapton, 11 do J'miah Staples, 25 Aprl Wm. McFarlane, do EnnignH. Alex. Donald. 4 April, '42 Frederick Estoy, 5 do do Samuel Clayton. 6 do do William Piokard. 7 do do Robert Waugh. 9 do do F. P. Robinson, jr.25Jly'48 Edward Pidgeon. 7 Mar. '49 David McGibbon, 8 do do George Jacob, 10 Feb. '51 Joseph Conroy, 11 do do Abel Pond. 12 do do J'vis McGibbon. 25 Apr. '60 Adjutant. T, Wright, capt. 20 May. '37 '38 '40 '49 '51 '36 •.•J6 '40 •42 do do do '49 do •57 do '60 do SAINT JOHN CITY LIGHT INFANTRY.— No. 3. Lieutenant Colonel. John Robertson, 2 July, '60 Major. Thos. W. Peters. 2 July, '60 Captains. H.N. H.Lugrin,30May'33 W. D. W. Huljbard, 16 Apr. 1838. G. Hutchinson, 17 Apr. '38 W. 0. Smith. 27 Juno. '40 John W. Smith, 3 Sept. '451 T. McAvity. 14 Aug. '48 1. iWLCAVUy. 1* Aug. Jas. Maofarlane. 2 Jnne '60 LieutenaiUa. Geo. Thomas, 25 July. '41 Geo. Hutchinson, jr. 26 do Wm. Howard, 4 Sept. '45 Wm. F. Smith. 5 do do Thos. A. Paddock. 15 Oct.47 Wm. H. Adams, l8 do do Arch. Rowan. 2 June. '60 J. B. Kemp, do do C. N. Skinner, 12 Deo. do' Jas. McNamara, 10 do '61 Ensigns. J. W. Cudlip, • 1 Sept. '35 C. McL. Gardner, 4 Aug, '41 James Gerow. jr. 15 Oct.'47 Kerr Ferguson, 25 Mar. '61 Adjutant. D. B. Stevens. 17 Aug. '63 capt. 12 Dec. '60 Quartermaster. Saml. L. Tilley, It. 16 Oct.43 ,**.! ■-'. 10 Henry P. Otty, 17 Feb. '4C; Wm. N. Smith, 11 Sept. '49l . •< i SAINT JOHN'CQUNTY MILITIA— No. 5. Kteutrnant Culoncf. Arch, jyioiizios, 1 Jan. '63 Major, Robert Payne, 4 Aug. '63 Ilurd Peters, 28 do do Captains. Thos. Cunard, 21 Oct. '43 WilHm Parks, 22 do do Jas. Flev/ welling, 23 do do JohnQuinton, 26 Sep. '46 I). H. Anderson, 27 do do R. Whiteside, jr. 28 do do D. L. Dykeman. 26 Oct. '47 John F. Godard, 27 do do Wm, Cunard. 10 . iily, '(50 W. 11. A. Kcans, 5 Aug. '03 LinutenantM. J. Stephens, W. U. Travis. F. Jordan, Robert Cunard, John Ansley, (J. V. Nowlin, James Howard, E. C. Snyder, 31 Aug. '46 Thos. Parks, 26 Oct. '47, T.G.Fairweathcr,28 Aug'50' Geo. J. Chubb, 17 Fob. '00 27 Oct. 2.5 do '33 14 do *a" If) do '3^' 22 do '4;; 24 do do 25 do do Wm. Allingham, llMar'iV) Robert Aitkins, 10July,do EiiHtgns, Robert Stevens, :iO Nov '38 Aaron Ua.stings, 27 Oct. '47 Chas. S. Simw. 10 July. '60 Adjutant, C. M. Anderson, capt. 28 Oct. 1847. Pai/mastet'. G, Matthew, cap.30 Aug'30 QnavtermaHtfr. W. Scammell, cap. 16 Ap'33 QUEEN'S NEW BRUNSWICK RANGERS.~No. 6. Lieutenant Colonel John H. Gray, 20 Mar. '54 Major. W. B. Robinson, 10 Deo '61 Q. M. G. & 1. C; 8 June, '63 Captains. Wm. R. Sentill. 27 May,'46 Wm. M. Jonlan. 29 do do A.G.Crookshank, 18 Feb'47 Robert Parker. 19 Sep. '48 Edward Sentill, 14 Jan. '50 F. P. Robinson, 19 Jun«'60 Lieutenantt. Thos. Dewer, jr. 2 Jane '46 John Jordan, 3 do do John 0. J. Sentill. 4 do do R. W. Ball, 18 Feb. '47 John Foater, 19 Sept. '48 James Brown, 21 do do Alex. Brown, 22 do do R. P. Sentill, 14 Jan. '50 R. B. Pattison, 15 do do C.T. Street, 13 do do En»iffn9, W.deV.Aiian,2U.21Feb'46 John Parker, 22 do do .Tohn Johnston, 20 Sep, '48 Robert Bowes, 21 do do Wm. H. Fownos. 22 do do David Vaughan. 14 Jan '50 Daniel Mosniei , 15 do do Daniel Robertson 16 do do Robert B. Street, 4 Nov. do Thomas Davidson. 6 do do Robert R. Allan, 7 do do David McBrine. 10 June'60 Geo. H. Perley, 10 Dec. '61 Adjutant. John Evans. 1 July. '63 capt. 20 Dec. '62 Paj/maater. J. R. Partelow. cap. 24 Nov 1826. Quartermaster. T. Stevens. 30 Aug. '30 Surgeon. Q. J. Harding, 1 Jan. '32 SUNBUBY COUNTY MILITIA.-No. 7. Major. {George Nevers, 2 do '40 G. H.N. Harding. 13 Feb'60 W. Estabrooks, 23 Aug. '43 Oaptainn. Jerem. Smith, 11 Sept Charles Clowes, 1 do Nath'l Hubbard, 23Aug'43 Thomas Nason, 10 Sep. '46 Hezekiah Hoyt, 11 do do Step. P. Estabrooks, 12 do John S. Brown. 18 do '48 Arch. C. Plummer, 25 Nov 1851 Reuben Hoben, 13 Feb. '60 Chas. B. Barker, do do Jas.Kirkpatrick.27 Mar.do C. J. Burpee. 23 May. do Wm. B. Perley. 9 June, do ♦Benj. J. Bailey. 14 Feb. '63 Zieutenanta, ThoB. H. Smith. 12 Sep. '38 Aaron Hartt, 11 Sept. oio '38t J. C. Seeley. 18 do '48 '40|Chas. J. Bailey. 19 do do Charles Currey. 20 do do J. Calvin Tapley, 21 Sep'48 Step. Burpee, jr. 25 Nov'51 Geo. T. Harding. 13 Feb '60 J. A. Hubbard. do do William Harrison, do do James Nutter, 27 Mar. do William Upton. 13 June'do William E. Hoyt, do do *R. D.Wilmot,jr.l4Feb 63 Ensigns. Saml. Smith. 10 Sept. '38 Wm. Gilbert, 23 Aug. '43 James Sealy. jr. 18 Feb. '48 Henry Dewitt, 19 Sept. do John Covert. 20 do do James Miller, 22 do do Charles Burpee, 25 Nov '51 Wht'hd Barker, 13 Feb. '60 Geo A- TredMf ell, do do John Allen, « 27 Mar* do I. B. Davidson, 13 June, do David W. Smith, do do Thos. Nicholson, 25 Oct. do *Patk. Coleman, 14 Feb. '63 Adjutant. Jame Lunn, 27 Mar. '60 Paymaster. T. 0. Miles, cap. 1 Jan. '49 Quartermaster. Hanford Brown, 27 Mar '60 • Surgeon. Edwin Cougle. M.D. 18 Feb 1860. *DouJ Jame J S.UnJ S.Bal 89 2 do do 4 do do er. iFo'/. 10 llMar'OO OJuly.do «) Nov '38 27 Oct. '47 ) July. '60 capt. 28 !30Aug'30 Hter, p.l6Ap';W , 4 Nov. do )n, do do I, 7 do do ,10June'60 10 Dec. '61 iJuly, '63 20 Dec. '62 cap. 24 Nov anttr, 30 Aug, '30 CUARKOTTE COUNTY MILITIA. -No. 8. >n. 1 Jan. '32 20 do do 22 do do B, 25 Nov '51 r, 13 Feb. '60 ill, do do 27 Mar* do ,13 June, do th, do do m, 25 Oct. do n, 14 Feb. '63 27 Mar. '60 1 Jan. '49 rn, 27 Mar '60 M.D.18Feb Pint Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel, James Boyd, 1 March, '44 Major. •J. n.Whltlook,20Nov'6L' Captainii. James Stinson, 7 May, '41 8amual Getty. 27 June, '40 John Parkinson, 28 do do Henry Hitohings. 29 do do C. W. Wardla\f,l8 Apr. '5,'^ John Treadwell, do do *T. J,Sandford,29JuIy,'61 fjinUenantH, S'l H. Whitlock, 6 Dec. '37 Wm. Maloney, 5 April, '42 John Bradford. 28 June, '46 Nath. Treadwell, do do Edw. Ploauant, 27 Sept. '48 Hy. Hitchings. 13 June, 'SJi ♦Owen Jones, 29 July, '01 *John Smith do do Thomas McVey, do do John Lochary, do do Ensigns. * Alex. Gilman, 14 May, '41 Geo. Hitohings, 28 Juno '40 James Russell, 29 do do Isaac Snodgrass, 27 Sop. '48 Thos. T. O'dell, 13 June.'53 Geo. F. Stickney do do Abra. Berry, 18 April, '65 *Benj. R. Steven8,13 Oct.'62 jf Adjutant. Paymaater. Kobt. Stevenson, 18 AprI, 1865. Quartermaster. W. Whitlock, cap. 5 Apr '42 Surgeon. S. T. Gove, M.D. 4 Apr. '48 Aasiatant Surgeon. J. F. Stevenson, 29 Jly. '61 No. 8. - '39 •61 '60 '60 '60 '60 WESTMORLAND COUNTY MILITIA.— No. 9. First Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel. Captains jl), Hannington. 22do doiChas. Lockhart. 28 do do I Alex. Cain. 2:i do do' J. S. Trites.CT 11 Nov. do '.J. N. Chapman. 15 Nov. '40 Lieutenants, John StultJi, 18 do dojS. Wcldon, 8 May. '28 James Beatty. 19 May. '28 John Scott. 19 do doR. Dobson, 24 do '33 S. Underwood, 28 July, '32 John Welling, 26 Feb. '44 R. D. Chapman, 10 Nov '40 S. Babinot, 30 do do David Boyd, 27 do do' James Welling 20 do do IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT.3) <_ % A ^\^ 1.0 I.I 121 |25 2 1^ I 2.0 1.8 1-25 1.4 1 1.6 ^ 6" ► V] VI W > % '> ^ ■V' 7 /^ /S^ / y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. US80 (716) 872-4503 PF* 90 .lacol) TrifcH, 21 do r ifiia Smit:!i, 23 do Vrorl. Wollitig, 28 Fob. Dav 0- Blaktnoy, 29 do do;T. T Mmtin Beek, 3 Mar. Thos. Steadman, 4 do Jas. Robortsqu, 24 Jan J. NolBon, 19 May. Z. Lutz, 17 do Qcorgo Cochran, 21 do J. Wollinsjr. 18 Nov. Edw. Smith, 27 Feb. Wm. n. Smith. 28 do Vrod. Batemvm, 29 do Alox. McGhie, 1 Mar. John Jones', 4 do Stephen Gildert, 5 do Mart Wortman, 6 do Merritt Harris, 7 do Jo8. B. LeBlanc, 8 do Thad. Thibidoau 9 do C. A. Robnrtson. at Jan '60 A(ijutant, Bis. Botsford. cap.l2 Jly'42 Qtinrtenna^ter. J. Steadman. cap. 14 Juo'46 Surgeon. C.H.Thcal,M.D.16Nov'40 Attiatant Surgeog Thos. C. Sharp, 16 Nov.'40 63 '46 do Charlo? Thibidoau. do doChaj?. B. Wells, 20 Mar. '60 do Ja.". Maxwell, 3 April, '40 _ AiUutant^ '44:llenry Ogdcn, 1 July, '41 io'T. T. Chapman. 18 Feb. '46 dojWin. BarnoH, 14 June, '17 doiChi'los Dixon, 15 do do •(50 E.B. Chandler, jr. 10 Scp'40 IW. n. Chapman. 10 Jly '50 h do do 'CO Blair Bot«ford, 25 Aug. capt. 17 Feb. Paumnnter. J. Allison, cap. 22 .Tunc do '28 Robert Bowncr, 11 do '29 Gay Silver. 20 Mar. '33 '40 '44 do do do do do do do do do LievtenantH. David Taylor, 2 July, Otho R. Sayre, C. Palmer. N Buhner, S. C. Oulton, J. S. Chapman, 22 do Geo. N. Buhner. 23 do ChriH. Richardson 17 June 1847. Wm. Smith, 16 July, '49|Robt. Co Stp^. Truoman. 17 do do^Thos 4 do 12 do 18 Feb. 21 do No. 9. — Second Battalion /tieutennnt. Colonel. A. E. Botsford, 1 Jan. 'S2 Mtv'or. George Oulton,, 15 Apr. '44 Captains. R. B. Chapman. 22 Juno'SS Thomas Cochran. 23 do do t» ALBERT '41 do '42 '46 do do do Alex Qtiartermdrter. . Uobb. It. 10 Sop. '49 No. 9.— Third Battalion. Captaint. John Avard. 1 June, '31 John Trenholm. 2 do do John Copp^ 1 July, 41 Wm. Raworth. 21 June. '46 Thos. Chapman, 22 do do Alex. Munro, 14 do LietdenanU. Liffy Allan, 1 June, J. Downing, 2 do *^ ■ - 18 May, 2July, Copp, Oulton, '47 '31 do '82 '41 Jotmlli'ikman, 10 Sep. dolJohn Raworth, ^ June '46 Jo*. L. Moore. 13 Fob. '60 John Wells, 22 do do John F. Taylor, do do John Copp, jr. 14 do '4< James Murray 17 do do C. T. Prescott, 12 July, do Angus McQueen, 20 Mar do En9ign», Benj. Wells, 28 Sept. '32 Jos. White, 20 Aug. '36 Crane Charters, 5 April '40 James Cassidy, 8 do do .Jonas Taylor, 9 do do Geo. Cochrane, 10 do do Rob. Trenholm, 21 Aug.'43 Nat. Lowerson. 18 do '46 Caleb Read, 14 June, '47 Charles Barnes, 15 do do C. D. Chapman, 16 Jly. '49 Silas D. Copp, 10 Sep. do '32 do '41 '46 do '47 COUNTY Lieutenant Colonel. Captains. D. Stocves, 24 April. •John Beatty, 1 July, Wm, Gross, 22 Juno, Patrick Sinclair 23 do '.39 '41 '46 Rufus Palmer, 25 do Geo. Russ§ll, 10 June, Licutenantt, Elias Pock, 10 June, Chas. Robinson, 27 do '33 '46 do' Joshua Jones, 29 May. *47 Step. B. Weldon, 26May'47|W. H. Steeves, 30 do do Elieha Stevens, 27 do dolWm. Carlisle, 16 July, '49 R. D, Chapman, 16 July'49 Wm. Brewster, 17 do do Wm. McKay, 18 do do'J.L. B. Steeves, 10 Apr.'60 Elisha Turner, 19 do doElishaPeck, 25 do do John Wallace, 10 Apr. '60 Elisha S.Stecves, 10 Jne.do Enfiignt Wm. Morris, 19 May, BenJ. Allan, 20 do Rich. Johnson, 3 July, Bill Raworth, 21 June, Adam Avard 22 do Alph. Goodon, 14 do Jac. Silliker, cor. 12 Jly do Adjutant. J. Chapman, cap. 26 Jly. '30 Pnvmci»ter. Edwin Oulton, 21 June '40 Quartermanter. C. Allan, It. 30 May, '31 //If MILITIA.— No. 10. En«ign». Michael DuSy, 25 Apr. '2» W. Cleeveland, 23 June '46 Harris Calhoun, 25 do do Lewis Steeves, 26 May, *47 Gor. D. Steeves, lOAgr. '60 Sam. P' Rogers, 25 do do Gil. B. Smith. 10 June, '60 Adjutant. , Dan. M. Clark, cap. 12 Jly. 1847. Qnmrtfnixatter. Jas. Rodgers, It. 6 July.MO do do NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA- No. II. t*i First Battalion. LietUenant Colonel. Alex. Fraser, 5 Sept. Majors. Jas. McDonald. 8 Mar. '39 Rod'ok MeLeod 15 Aug '40 '37 Alcx.Goodfellow, 6 Apr'26 M. Cranny, 29 June. '30 Louis Robichaud,20do '36 Rich. Hutchison, 26 Apr'39 Daniel Keith, 16 Aug. '40 -Caleb MoCulley. 17 do do John McLeod, 12 June. '43 David .Johnston. 30 May '46 D. MoNaughton, 1 Jne. do John Porter, 2 do do Jamoe Johnsoa . 14 Nov.'dO Wm. Wm. J.B. S ) I 91 • Mar. 'GO Veb. '46 June do 3 Sop. '49 Charles Stewart. IS do doi Major- ittalion. t. June, '31 2 do do July. ;« L June, '46 22 do do 4 do '47 June, '31 do do % May, '32 2 July. '41 ll Juno '46 22 do do 14 do '47 2 July, do [9 May, 20 do 8 July, 1 June, 2 do 14 do r.lSJlydo p;26Jiy.'30 21 June 40 inter. ,„, 30 May, '31 25 Apr. ;35 23 June '4b , 25 do do 26 May. '47 ,10Agr.'60 , 25 do do 10 June. '60 tnt. ,. » oap.l2 Jly. natter. t. 6 July.'40 iy, 17do do 1^ June. '43 -,n. 30 May '46 on. 1 Jne. do 2 do do m.l4Nov.'30 Alex. Fraaar. 17 do do Robt. Jardine. 23Aprl J.M.Johnson. 24 Feb. '601 Captains. •Geo. H.Russell, 29 Apr,'63Georjro Kerr. 15 Fob. LietUenanta. iJohn Harley, 1 Aug. W. Carman. 9 April. '26 Roland Crocker. 4 Jly George Wiliiston. 25 do '39 ■ " Dug'Td McDonald. 26 do do Asa Perley, 28 do do Jamos Miller, 17 Aug. '40 G. Lcston, 11 June, '42 Peter Gray, 13 do do Wm. McLeod. 20 May. '46 Wm. Russell, 91 do do Alex. Russell. 1 June do Alex. Morrison, 4 do do Pat. Brophey, 17 April Dudley Perley, 18 do Alex. McRae, 19 do M. McNaughlen, 21 do Alex. Lowilown, 22 do Cha?. Marshall, 23 do Alex. McDonald, 15 do do Xor'n Oampbell, 16 do do ♦Danl. Ferguson, 24 Fob. '60 '50 do do do do do J. Carruthor/20 June, '30 Wm. Lobban, 13 do '4l Hugh McLean, 1 do llobert Loggic, 12 do Alox. Loggic, 13 do do Alex. Fenton, 16 do do Win. A- Lotson, 2do '46 Wm. Dickens 5 do do Dav. Goodfollow, 5 Mar'47 Kobt. Uamilton.l7Apr.'5(j Wm. Muirhcad, 19 do do Wm. Innis, 17 Nov. ,Ao J. B. Snowball. 30 Aug. '63 Adjutant. Jam us Russell, 16 Sop- '6.'i capt. 16 Nov. "oO Quartermaater. William Gordon, 6 Jan '51 ens 3 June, '4.'^ No. 11. — Second Battalion.* Lieutenant Colonel. JaredBetts, 25 Oct- 'GO A A. Davidson. 14 Nov Alex- Ferguson, do Robert Forsyth, do Richard Sutton, do Duncan McTavish do Robinson Crocker, do Lieutenanta. Robt. McKay, 4 July, James Fieh, 14 Nov- Edw. R. Whitney, do EMward Rogers, do William Parker, do James Fleet,* do F, p. Ilendorson, do Thomas Vanstone, do Samuel Travis, do D- W- Davidson, do Rich'd Daviddon, do fJntigiM John Flett, 7 Aug- W.C- Harley, 11 Nov. William Wilson, do '4.'i|Chris'nhcr Parker do '61 I '39| '4(> •48 '59 do do do: do do, '48' '59 do do do do do do do do do MBj'ort- T.W. Underbill, 13 May'46 Alex- McLaggan.lSSep'iS Captaina. Robt- Wasson. 30 June. '4S Nath. Underbill, 28 Jly. do John Pond, 1 Sept- '46 John Docantlin. 2 do do Jas- McLaggan, 18 do do Wm. M- Salter, 14 Jan. '50 James Fowler, 6 do '60 Lieutenanta. J. S. Mitchell. 1 Sept- '46 Moses Pond, 9 Mar- '47 iT- W- Underbill, jr .30 do Rob. K- Doak, 8 Nov. '48 Peter Harris, 14 Jan- '50 John Scofleld. 6 do '60 Wm T- iJuderhill, do do Matthew Bergip, do do Martin Burko, do do Enaigna, • ; . dolWm- Mason, jr do do do do do Bbenozer McKay, Edinund Clark, David Sommers, James Lcddin, tlobt p. Whitney, do Joseph Chaplain, do Ailj'utant. E. Wiliiston. 23 April, capt- 10 Aug. Quartrrmanter. Potor Mitchell, 21 May, Surgeon- J- Thompson, 20 June, No. II.— Tt.ird Battalioi Lieutenant Colonel. Wm. Salter, lil July, •16 '59 do do do do do' do, do do do •61' '42 '41 '40 '44 Patrick Bergin, 10 Mar. '47 Aaron Hovey, 4 do '48 James Doak, 8 Nov. do Alex.Vandcrbeek, lOdodo Thos- Weaver, 14 Jan, '.50 Jokn Farley, 29 Oct- '53 Wm McLaggan, 6 Jan- '60 John Mersereau, do do Thomiis Porter, do do Wm. O'Brien, do do Wm- Whalin, do do • Adjutant. Abel Pond, cap- 30 June'45 Paymaater. Jas. L- Price, cap- 9 Mar '47 Quartermaater. Wm- McKay, cap. 10 Jly '50 Surgeon. Staf. Benson.MD. 9 Mar'47 Aaaiatant Surgeon. W.A-Thora8on,M.D.6Jan 1860. t.%^- RESTIGOUCHE COUNTY.— No. IS. Lieutenant 9olonel- Adam Ferguson, 24 Nov Major. A. McPherson, se- 6 Aug Captavia. Rob- Ferguson. 11 Mar- J- Montgomery, 12 do Dugald Stewart, 8 do Chip. Botsford 28Jau- Cbas. Murray, 6 Mar. *Wm.S. Smith, 4 Aug- o< ■63 '37 do do '47 '60 '62 Lieutenanta- Robert Jardine, 29 Jan- 47 Mic'el Ferguson, 30 do do John Cook, 3 Feb- do John Robertson, 4 do do John Ferguson, 8 Nov- '48 John Porter, 6 Mar- '60 Robert Sinclair, do do Arth- Ritchie, jr. 4 Aug '62 Enaigna- John Ultican, 27 Jan. '47 Jas- S- Morse, 30 do do Peter Stewart, 1 Feb. do do do do •48 •62 Neil Cook, 2 do John McKinnon 4 do John Duncan, jr- 5 do J. McLauchlan, 9 Nov ♦W.M.Caldwell, 4 Aug Adjutant- And- Barberie, 14 July, capt. 27 Jan Quartermaater. Arch. Ramsay, It. 6 Feb'47 Surgeon. R. R- Carter,M.D.19 M»r'39 '63 '47 12 IP ! f ^ GLOUCESTER COUNTY MILITIA— No. 13. Firit Battalion. No. 13.— Second Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel. John Ferguson, 1 Jan. '63 Caj}tain$. Chris. MoHanua, 20 Feb '50 James Paul, 21 do do John Chalmers, 8 July, '63 Theop. DeflBrisay. do do James G. Diok. do do Oeorffe Smith, 17 do do Lieutenant*. Anthony Rainio. 16 Jly.'47 John Miller, 20 Feb. '50 John T. Carter, 21 do do Jos. Morrison, 8 July, '63 Enaiont' Fred. Commeau, 13 Sep.'^ John McKenna. 19 Feb. '50 John O'Brien, 22 do do A(i)'utant. i). 0. MoLauchlin. 14 Jly'63 capt. 8 do do Chi}tainii. James Youni?, 10 Nov. *40 Joseph Sewell, 12 do do Thomas Kerr, 13 do do Robt. Robertson, 15 do do HughA. Caie, 16 do do Wm. Taylor, 2 June, '48 John Kerr, 3 do do J.G. C. BlaoichalUdo do Lieutenantt' A. Campbell, 28 Jan. '27 Robt. Young, jr. 17 Nov'40 David Ferguson, 19 do do Wm. Uixon. 2 June, '48 James Kerr,* 3 do . do 42 Rich. Dawson, jr. 4 do do Paschal Landry, 6 do do Stanislaus Legere, 7 do do J ■ S. Blanohard. 8 do dr> Dovile Robichaud* 11 do do James Scott, 12 do do Barnabie Sowell. 13 do do Ennioiu, Wm. Louisier, 12 Nov. '40 Wm. Drysdale, 14 do do Edw. Hixon, 2 June, '48 Wm. Kerr, 3 do do Wm- Eddjr, sen. 4 do Israel Tario, 5 do Eugene Landy, 7 do „ Tranquil Blanohard, 8 .^ Adam Sutherland. 9 do .„ Adjutant. J. Mcintosh, cap. 24 De '61 Paymatttr- H. W. Baldwin, cap. 1 ' ar 1832. Quartermatter. John Ritchie, 15 May, '20 Surgeon. S. L. Bishop, 9 Nov. 'M KENT COUNTY MILITIA.— No. 14. First Battalion. Mcu'or. J. W. Weldon. 13 Nov. '50 Cantaine. W. Fitigerald, 2 April, '40 Alex. McMiohael, 17 do '5U John Main. 18 do do Robt- McAlmon, 19 do do L.P.W.DesBri3ay,22do do Wm. S. Caie, 23 do do Wm. MoWilliam. 24 do do Peter Moterall, 25 do do John Miller, 13 Nov. do *Chas. J. Sayre, 2 May, '62 Lieutenant*. J. M. Wathen, 17 April,'50 Jas. A. James, 20 do do James Girvan, 21 do do T. H. Richard.son, 22 do do Henry L. Dwyer, 23 do do SB-Uetherington, 24 do do James Frasor, 25 do do James Cameron, 26 do do Robert Graham, 27 do do *T. W. Dibble, 2 May, '62 Eneignn. John Clare, 26 May 'as R. Hutchinson, 17 Apr. '50 Alex. Roxboroug 20 do do Edward Powell, 21 do do Martin Mooney, 24 do do John Brait, 24 do do Zidor Barriot, 26 do do Edward Walker, 27 do do Caleb Richardson, 1 Deo'62 ddJtUant. Quartermaster. J. G. Laytvn, it 17 Apr'SO^j Surgeon. L. Molsaren. 17 April, '50 I No. 14.— Second Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel. Captain*. W. Hannington,26May,'31 Robt. Dysart, 9 Aug. do Jacob Gesner, 22 Got. '38 Thomas Assineau, 23 do do John Sheridan, 10 Feb. '51 Thomas Coates, 13 do do Horatio B. Smith.44do do Lieutenante. T. Bttshea, 24 May, '31 Gideon Smith, 16 do '41 Louis Allan. 11 do '43 Mariner Hieks. 10 Feb. '51 Albert M. Smith, 11 do do Cornelius Turner, 13 do do Rob. Douglas, 14 do do Bmeigna. - Thibideau. 25 May, '.31 John Burke, jr. 23 Oct '."» Peter White, 13 Oct. do Robert Hicks, 13 Feb. 'ol Israel Hicks, 14 do da A^juiarU. A. B. Smith, cap. 28 May '31 Quartermatter. KING'S COUNTY MILITIA.-No. 15. First Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel. Just. S. Wetmore, 25Oct'60 Cnptainit- T. Botswick, 25 Oct- '28 Joa. A Lyon, 1 June, '33 John Wright, 5 Nov. do Abm. D. Mabee. 10 Aug'48 W. P. Flewelling.lldo do Thos. Johnston, 10 June '50 Lieutenant*. I Emian*. Israel H. Foster, 10 Sep '.'W'Cs. L Richards, 28 Mar, '41 Wm. B. McKcel, 30 .Uy. '42iThos. Wallis, 30 July, '42 Wm. C Smith, 1 Sept. '46 Ja-s. W. Brittain, 1 Sep. •4<> James B- Lyon, 3 do do Saniuol Foster, 3 do do Phil. P. Dann, jr. 10 Aug'48 Dav.P. Wetmore,10Jne'60 James A. Haslett, do do Thos. Elston, 25 Oct. do W. A. Williams, 8 Nov. do Guy N. Smith. 4 do do Jcr. D." Mabec, 10 Aug. '48 T; B. Whelpley, 7Jan. 'ol E. S. Wctmore.lOJune'iK) Robert W. White, do do T. R. W.Cc R. Sl John John J. An Robei Thos Jas. Willi, *Johii 98 Abm- MoCann. 25 Oct. do Ja«. A- Williams, 8 Nov do Jdjutant. D. Wetmore, cap. 1 May '27 Quarterma liter- John Price, It. 25 Nov. '39 No. 15.— Second Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel' Oliver B- Couglo, 11 Feb'')! Captains. Geo. A. Morton, 30 May.'46 Wm. Coates. 1 Jung, do Win. Johnston, 3 do do Lieutenants. Thoa. Pearson, 1 June '16 John Perloe, 2 do do Smith Chapman, 3 do Robt. J. MoCully. 4 do Oliver Arnold, 5 do (}eorge H- Ryan, 7 do Saml. C. Price. 8 do Ensigns- Jacob Hall, 6 Sept- '41 Wm. Pearson, 29 May. '4G Wm. Hayward, 30 do Rich. Burgess, 3 June, J. N. Price 4 do Thos. Keith. 6 do Ephr. Chambers, 6 do Isaac Coates, 11 July, do Adjutant. Peter J. Cougle, 25 Aug '63 It. 18 do do Paymasfpr. » J. Foshay, cap. 22 June, '33 Quarteriiutater Robt. R. Vail, 12 April '47 do do do do do do do do do do Siirfffon. Edwin A. Vail. 19 June '38 No. 15.— Third Battalion Lieutenant Colonel- And. C Otty, 8 May, 'G2 Ca])t(tins- John Hendricks, 5 Apr. '48 Major. Wm.n. White, 11 Jly, '63 Caiitains. Saml, Spragg, 18 May, '82 Geor. Spragg, 6 July, '40 Wm. McGregor. 22 June'46 W. B. Scovil, 4 April, '48 Z. Davii), 5 do do Wm. Langstroth, 3Sep.'(>;iJo83ofilillie.s, 1 Aug. '49 Jas. D. M. Keator, 4 do do Jo.sh. C Upham, 4 do do .Vich. P. Wiinamake. do And. Stevenson, 7Scpt. '(53 Jud. M. B^owler, 8 do do Lieutcnants- AIox. Campbell, 7 Apr. '48 Wra. Dcnnistoun, 1«} do do Robt. S. Purve:*, 4 Sep. 'm Henry Hallett, 7 do do Ensigns- John Keys, 21 Juno, '40 How. Dixon, cor- 15 Apr'51 Adjutant Allen C Otty, cap. l.Sop'63 Paymaster- R. S. Matthews, cap. 2 June 183.5. Quartermasters E- S. Wetmoro,lt.25 Aug'28 Dav. H. Fowler, 15 Apr'51 Surgeon S. Z. Earle, 4 Apr- '48 Assistant Surgeon S- Z. Earlc, jr. 4 do do E'win A. Barberie, 20 Jly'dS Licutenants- John Case, 16 June, '41 Wm. Ketchum, 2 do '42 Donald Mahoney. 6 do do Wcdin Wetmore, 1 Aug. '49 .\lcx. Burnett, 2 do do T. A. Davis, 3 do do Ensigns. John Morrison, 3 July, '41 Don- Bohannon. 8 Nov. do David Drew, 8 do do Wm. Crabbe, 2 June, '42 Isaac Crawford, 31 Jly, '49 David Hatfield. 2 Aug. do Caleb Fairweather, 4 do do Adjutant- A. English, cap. 25 Aug '28 Paymaster- 0. Hallett, cap. 4 Apr- '48 Quartermaster. Isaac Raymond, cap. SJun* 1842. Surgeon. , No. 15.— Fourth Battalion. C Wilson, 12 June, '28 Lieutenant Colonel- Assistant Surgeon. A. C Evanson, 4 April. '40[Tho3. C Sharp, 31 July,'49 QUEEN'S COUNT V MILITIA.— No. 16. Firit Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel- s' H, Gilbert, 1 Jan- Captains- T. R. Wetmore, 11 Sep. W. Colwell, 11 Aug. R.Smith, Jr. 20 do John Currie, 5 Oct. John J. Millidge. 1 Sep J. Armstrong, 18 Aug Robert Smith, 20 do Thos Graham, 7 Sept. Jas. Kinslow, S do William Pcnnery, 10 do *Johu lIani.son, 15 Aug '63 '26 ';i4 do ':i5 '40 '50 do do '62 LiiuffuantH. J. H. Devebcr, Thos. Golding, John Gaunuu, Asa Smith, Francis Woods, Thos Harrison, Rich. Graham, 21 Auff '3:^ 20 do '34 2 do 5 do 18 do li) do '10 '42 •45 do 7 Sept. '50 '33 do '45 do Saml- Mahood, .10 do do Jos- B. Perkins 12 do do H- J, Duvernct, 6 Jan. '60 *.Jame3 Moore, 15 Aug. '62 *John C- Clowes, 26 Jan. '63 Ensigns- Jas- E. Smith, 21 Aug George Fox, 23 do Wm. Burgess, 19 Aug, Richard Fowler, 20 do Wra Quinn, 7 Sept. '50 Joshua Dykeman, 8 do do George Golding, 9 do do William Peters, 10 do do Alex. Quinn, 13 do do Ja^- Deveber, 21t.6 Jan'60 Adjutant- John W. Travis, 21 O^H- '62 eapt. N. B. A., 27 Mar. '60 Paymaster. N. H. Deveber, 24 Aug. '29 Quarteriiiaster. W. F. Bonnell, cap. 31 Aug 18.36. Surgeon. Harry Peters, M.D- 8 Nov. 1848. No. 16.— Second Battalion. Major. John Earl, 6 Jan. '51 Captains. Ne'miah Bolyea, 12 Aug'34 John Pearson, 6 July, '41 Peters Cox, 13 Aug. 'UJ Eben. L. Burpee, 14 do do Charles Keith, 19 do '45 John Starkcy, 20 do do Robt. Yeamans, 10 do John Farris, 8 Jan. And-M. Tong, 1 May, R. P. Yeamans, 10 July, do Thos. Davis, 3 May* '61 Lieutenants. Lauch. McLean. llJune'23 D. Carmichael, 5 July, '41 John McGregor, 7 do do Andrew Barton, 13Aug.'43 '48 '51 (JO ^ Francis Fulton, 15 do do Wm. Porry. 19 do '46 John Socord, jr. 20'do do Bcnj. Keith, 21 do do Qeorsre Carrie, 10 do '48 ■John Gunter, 6 Jan. '51 Donald McDonald, 7 do do Charles Cox, 8 do do Konry Qoldnnch, 9do do John Cochran, 10 do do David Fowler, 11 do do Wm. Thompson. 1 May '60 94 William Binney, do C. J. Bailey, ,10 July. Enaigna. Eph. Briggs, 27 July, James MuUin, 11 Aug. Wm. Vincent, 6 July, Thomas Wasson, 9 do Allen McLean, 13 Aug John Starkoy, 15 do Allen McDonald, 20 do John Mullin jr.* 21 do Abraham Bailey, 11 do do do •31 •34 •41 do '43 do '45 do '48 Isaac Bnrpe. 12 d« do John Cole, 13 do do Qeo< McDonald, 7 Jan. '51 James McAfee, 8 do do William Black, 9 do do Abr'm Wiggins, 10 do do Coles Jas Belyea, 11 do do Donald MoPheo. 1 May, '60 Thomas Keys, do do £beneierBarpee,10Jly do Old- D. Baily, cap. 6 Jan- do CARLETON COUNTY MILITIA.— No. 17. Lieutenant Colonel. Wm. T. Baird, 1 Jan- Cantaint. Leon. Harding, 9 Sept. Ivory Kilburn, 24 Jan- •ThoB. L. Evans. 9 Fob. Lieutenants. Robert A . Hay. 29 May,'42 Q. L- Raymond,' do do Anth. Kearney, 6 Sept Levi Estabrooks, 7 do Charles Clarke, 12 do JohnJ.Uoyt, 21 Jan- *Gco. Strickland, 9Feb.'63 Enaigng' Jarvis Estey, 6 Sept. '47 Frederick Bull, 28 Aug.'48 Wm. Lindaa}', 29 Apr. '52 J no Broaddtroet,24 Jan. '6<) Andw. Currie, jr. 4 Apr- do *John Fisher, jr. 24 July, '63 '63 •49 '60 •63 '47 do '49 •60 A'Uutant. C. W. Raymond, 25 Aug' 48 capt.9Feb. '63 P»um»«ter' J. D.Kotchum, It. 20May'50 QvArter matter. E. M. Triiesdale, It- 20 May AatiHtant Surgeon S. Woodford,M. D. 23 Apr 1861. No. 17.— Second Battalion. Lieutenani Colonel. Jas R. Tapper, Uan- '03 Vaptains. C. MoLauchlan, 11 May,^32| Mur. Giberson, 25 Sep. ^37 John Nicholson, 16 Jan '42 Henry Baird, 10 Oct. '47 Jonas Fitzhorbort, l2dodo Chars. Upton, 26 Aug ^48 Jere. Tompkins, 5Nor'50 Robert Kerr, 6 do do Lieuten^ntt. Holland Estey. 17 Auif '43 Joa. A. Phillips, 10 Oct. '47 James Kearney, 12 do do Jacob Jewett, 26 A\ig. ^48 John Qiberson, 27 do do Dell. Estey, 10 Sept. ^49 Enngnt' Henry Lewis, 14 Oct- '47 Samuel Neveni. 16 do do Wm.Crandlemur, 17 do do David Raymond, 19 do do Thos. Wakeham, 9 Mar. '49 Samuel Giberson, 10 do do Adjutant. R. Woodward, cap. 28 Sep 1837. Paymcuter. John Balloch, 5 Nov. '50 ^ capt. 11 Oct. ^47 ^ujartermaeter Burpe, It. 5 Nov. S.G. »p. 50 VICTORIA COUNTY MILITIA.-No. 18. '46 '37 do 38 Lieutenant Colonel L. R. Coombs, 16 Feb. tJajptaina Joseph Hobert, 30 Sep. Simon Hebert, 1 Oct Eiisha Sisson, 2S Feb. Vital Thibideau, 6 Apr.'40 Benj.Beveridge, 19 J an. '42 Wm.T. Wilmot, 25Jly.^43 Jas Bishop, 14 Aug. do W. M. MoLauchlan. 16 Feb 1843^ Rosam. Violette. 18 do do Regis Theriault, 26 Aug do Benoni Theriault, 27 do do Francis Tibbitts- 28 do do Lieutenantt. A. L. Coombes, 16 Feb. '46 James Smith, 18 do do A. W.Rainsford,130cf47 Wm. Kilburn. 14 do do Adam B«ird, 25 Aug. '48 Enoch Baker, 26 do do John T. Hodg.9on, 27 do J. Martin, jr. 28 do J. Costigan, 4 Apr. Ensignt, Chriatopher Cyr, 18 Feb'46 Antoia Hudon, 10 do do Thomas Canady, 21 do do MaGlorie Albert, 27 Aug'48 Vital Hebert, 26 do do do do '60 Vital Martin, . 27 do d John Amireaux, 28do d* Josh. D. Giberson, 7 Mar' 49 Wm. Morehouse. 8 do do Duncan Reed, lO Sept- do Michael Curran, do do Nathanial Price. 4 Apr '60 Mio^l H. Clifford, 25 Feb'62 Wm- Miller 2 May, do Paymaster. P.C Amireaux.cap.29 Sep. • 1837 Q.ttarterma»ter. Edw. Akerley, If 2 Mar^47 Surgeon. J.C Pinguet, 16Feb. ^46 The Militia List is corrected tojthe end of September, 1863, but a« many errors must still exist on account ef the length of time that has elapsed sinci the last publication, it is particularly requested that Officers noticing omiss* ions or Aistakes will communicate with the Officers C9mmanding Battaliont, who will forward the corrections to Head Quarters. i 1 12 d« 40 13 do do 7 Jan. '51 8 do do 9 do 40 10 do do i, 11 do do ,1 May. '60 do do ©.lOJlydo If. ,p. 6 Jan- do laU. IT^Uif 43 ,, 10 Oot. '47 ft l^do do 26W'i« . 27 do do 10 Sept. '49 "•u Oct. '47^ ». 16 do do ttur. 17 do do ira, 9Mar. 4y son, 10 do do tant. I, cap. 28 Sep rtkov. ;5o t»t. 11 Oct. '47 master t. 5 Nov. '50 27 do d «. awo dj rson, 7 Mar* 49 186, 8 do do 10 Sept. do Ian, do do lice. 4 Apr '60 tord.25Feb'62 1 2 May, do faster- ix,cap-29Sep. Irmatter. |y, If 2 Mar'47 '^6 Feb. '46 but as many 'lapsed sincft ^ticing omiss- BattalioM, 95 BANKS. !n BANK OP BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, Established in 1836 — Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1810. Paid-up Capital, Ono Million Sterling. Head Office — London, England. V ' '' Court of Directors in London : I.*) IIbnrt Barnswall, Robert 'Carter. James Joon Cvmmijis, Alexander Oillespis, Thomas H. Brookino, W. R. Chapman, \ Francis Lb naKTon, John B. Elin, John Ranrino, William (."hapman, Oliver Farrer, Thomas II. Milner. Secretary in London — Charlks McNab. Head Office in the Cohniet — Great Street, James Street, Montreal. „", General Manatee* — Thomas Paton. Inspector — Jamf > Riddbll. SAINT JOHN BRANCH. Local Board : Hon. John Robertson, J. V. Thukoar, &. Bkvbrly I^obinson. Manager : R. R. Grin0ley. Accountant : Henry Jack. u4.rTi< Discount days : Wednesdays and Saturdays. ^^ >^ "■ . Branches and Agencies. .»v Canada: * London, Walter Watson, Mngr. Brantford, J. C. Geedes, „ Dundas, — , Agent. Ottawa, A. C. Ketty, It «»« Quebec, F. W. Wood, Manager. Montreal, Angus C. Hooper, Toronto, Samuel Taylor, Kingston, O. F. Smith, Hamilton, George Taylor, Nova Scotia : Halifax, S. N. Binney, Manager. Vancouver's IsLD.: Victoria, J. G. Shepherd, ,. Foreign Agencies ^ R. C. Fergusson, F. H. Grain, and J. Smith; 34 Pine St. Merchants* Bank. Provincial Bank of Ireland and Branches. National Bank of Scotland and Branches. < .^.^ ^. .» v,i Manchester and Salford Bank. ; *^ Royal Bank of Liverpool. iti ...«»>■ I »r.U > Birmingham: Birmingham Town and District Bajnk. ,>| ; j^ . Pabib: Marcuard, Andr^ dc Co. WxiT Indies : Colonial Bank and Branchef . i . AiTBTRALU : UniOH Bank of Australia and Branches^ /,i}>i.*»!R r «>» JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. NEW BRUNSWICK TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ( Line Leased to the American Telegraph Company.) President : R. Jardine. Secretary and Superintendent : D. B. Stevens. Directors : R. Jardine, Edward Sears, J. Dutican, R. Reed, and G. £• Morton, Halifax. Si w, T. W. ibert. [8HBD 1834. ican, James n. A. Mcli. R.L.Hazen. )unly. lorelanJ. Rov. William H. DeVebcr, en K. Foster, ft H. , . ., P^^ l« PrinceM, RitcW« ijiiiim. ^^,,^,,.^ , Supcrmtendenl; for Ntw Bruiwwie|i: P* ^. Stovipf. i ,^j i i i«L The following it the present tariff of prtcee for trtnniiill&tt li^ ^^^^f* over this line, from St. John to tb« prinoipal placet in the rroTincoand the United States. , 'it 'i ISCJ Portland, M« Fredericton, N.B. ...t.... $0 13 Moncton, Woodstock, Sbediac, Chatham, Sackville, Pictou, Annapolis, Liverml, Windsor, Yarmonth, Sydney, ft f» tt If N.8. »» »» C.B. 15 SO 90 45 25 It 810 TO 90 IK) 8t. John's, N.r.J... 8 9|0 Qaebec, Montreal, Kings,ton, Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, Calais, Eastpon, Bangor, Bath, C.G. ** c.w. »« »» t» Me. 80 1 00 i.ao to )o 1 80 90 40 46 80 »» t» n tt i» It It tt tt • • ••'•It •• ■nv tt •.?<• $0 85 40 40 80 80 50 50 80 50 80 M 1 05 80 , ^ 130 ,Mji'>-i»i ',',;;',^, 'l'- 80 Inte. a|i.'I'.]:;:'. 105 WashinclQn. DXV.. :.:... t 1^ E. MiadUas, Midilik, Wisoasidl, BnuMNiriok* Belfast, itoekport, tenuitoii, r^^kiirt, Boston, XawffBMu ^rar Bednva, Spiingsno, ', ••••»^.* New York, if. Y. , . . ', , . , . ft ft ft »t ■ ... [ot)7t£iHi,frB.r.. . ] . . . 78 )m:pany. ny.) lecd, and G. E- SAINT jfo^H 9^WXdtfrii0ii^ t^^MMKt. rWiWttdMiitif>88^0ai^<. Jii.> *^:i»BiH i. .ii^x.^. , Ofl^atiiailea Bomb -^ 90, PdM» WilBui BtiMlb < i^. : .}«aa Frtiidsiitl i^hft amillk. ^ .'^( . ,vti'- 1>.'. ^ . v ' ^/ '!lv^ Secretary and Salesmaii— 2S. Q. Gabal. .••^ihrprdf Directors^ Janes Robioeoa, Jdlia Anastroof, TktMMa R. Jmim, mA J«Iui IT.StantMi. i.'.oua '/ti iUJtir^ »; 1-' i SAINT JOHN ^^;p£;f^ON Jl^ipOl COMPANY. Dirfictor ^Secretary lb )ir^tpr.^l)i.\ ^^'^iiJSi^ t. J. 'X4&ib. «^. Wiioi; »>. r) — ^^JilNT JQHp GAS LIQ^T COMPANY, „ •^^Wi??aSLcf A»M i«rkftr'«tHi^KT.-l Capital— ^fHo^.ntS'. * ^ » PMuident— John M. Walker ; Recrelary— Robert Britain ; Dircctori— R. Sardine, James G. LalrtOn, William Jack, William 8mith, George Carvill, '0. jr. Mittaochlin. UWION IRON WORKS COMPANT. ' "^'^J^' 1^ ♦♦!!!,, Incorporated hy Act of Assembly. ^ .wm^hi* ^ fi- .. . CapiUl— $60,000, with power to increaie 200 shares. «{><>•• ^ ^ . Oflb* at Wocks^Straight Shore. •• " E. Fisher, Pruident. Arch'il. McLean, Secretary. St. JOHN PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT .. •■;. FUND.' .. .;,^;; , lacorporaicd by Act of il}fi*roTincial. Legislature, lOth Vic, dhap."^^! ;:. Trustees with i|f«Bt at the' tioard : Edward Allison, Thomas McAvjIjJnJ Richo {fklid Hurd Peters, Esquires. I ,^ p^. President: Isaac Woodward, Bequire, Mayor. ' ' f^ -^ jM ♦•#5^1 ;.^ vice President : John Magee,,£i8quire, merchant. I ^nn^, ^. Directors : John Smith, Esquire, Charles Ktrkpatrick, J^squire, Davidi Miller, Esquire, M.D., (xfiortfu. W. Smith, Esquire, and William M. Jfirvii,! .jBMuire, barristerfatvlaw..^ ' > j,-- ; '<^i«.m, to 8p.m.: ;• " Ti..p7]U,^ 'iijsician— r CAL Presii Botsforc and Gee Presid Iweather ; and Hen Preside forge G J^JfT^^OHIf,i^yRAL CEMfilJEIWf. COMPANY. OFFICE ^9 PSUrCE ynil^fAM STRK£T. Prerident—R. JanAine/'fiiq. ; Stecutaly ^Oid Tr^surer— G. Sidney Smi^ Eaq.; SuptlvaUMldtati-^okn AihiiM ; Dieectora^W. Parks, W.Jack, Ji Pettingeil, W. G. Lawton, W. H. Adams, James Reed; Baqsu, Hon. A. McI Seely, L. Donaldson, S. P« Qi^iobd, Gfaairle9^raiiy/ tmd WilUa«v Thomi Ef^uires. ■■'^■f • ^ m,,"..^. •,* .^.,., ,•„-..,. SOUTH BAY BOOM COMPANY. ,n^nsi'' mdm hM* .»^a{. ti aeittoa , CW/a^$40.000. Inconorated by Act of Assembly* !i. J. Robirtidn; Fi-ederick A.'Wilrgihs, F>am;i^ Fer£U« H Lawton, Geo. L. Lovett, John, C^lem^n, Eiquires. ^^' ^, ' * [Hon. S.I ^; Hon. . «*c/ Comn yor Gener 'iitant. same #• 00*^ •'' ; Director*— R. Georgo Catvill, ... ii '■ ■ Ij'itir. 3 ••15 karos. cretary, ^■^^' '' VESTMENT ^ic, Chap. 83 CALEDONIA Ml.Ttlio AJfb MANCFAtfi^lStttoMPANY. M>ti^ opricv — 7 PBiirctii stbibt. — CapiM — $480,000. " * * '} Preiident— William Jack; Soeretary—Jamai Barber; Direetort—La Btfo4' ^ Botaford, Edward Allison, Alex. Jardine, William Smitl), John H. Hardiof , and George F. Everett. VICTORIA COAL MINING COMPANY. urricE — 7 princrm btrkkt. — Capital — $150,000. Preiident— William D«vidaoii ; Secretary and Treapurer— 'Georg* B^ t^air- weather ; Directors— Hon. John Robertson, John V. Thurgar, Jamaa Hvri^ isnd Henry Horton. ALBERT MINING COMPAMY. '* OFPICE— TILT05*« AiLi!T^Capi7a^-$ 120,000 »»'♦ ^ *'•*' President — George Gilbert, Jr. ; Secretary— William Ellman ; Directora — leorge Gilbert, Jr., Bradford Gilbert, Henry Gilbert, Jr., Thomas Gilbert, homa. McAvi.*'! ««'••«' V.nhoffoftn. f / 1 ifJto « . i ^ \ ^ Ti^« - 4 HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. GENERAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL. Waterloo Street. President— Wm. Bayard, M. D. ; Directors — W. Henry Scovil, R. W. ^roekshank, John McLaughlin ; S«0rit«iy«-pj^||n: Ansley. Office 8J Prince l^'in. Street. k *l^ kPli MARINE HOSPITAL. LOCATED AT I. O W X B COVE. L, Esquire, Daviil i^iUiam M. Jartii,| ate GenemV, lhcnr»t,Xuc6(li)|Q^^^j^jj^j^^^y,__j^lj^ Y^j^^j^ C^r^an. John Wiahart, Wm. CRSP f.^^tTiftiioinasVaughan, Charles McLaughlin, Wm. Doherty, T. A^. SmUb» an4 ,fiuii|,hn McGrath, Esqs. ; Sepretaicy and^Treaonretr-Chairl^a Ward, Eeq,}^ r Jhytician---Le Baron Botisfordi ^ ^,^,« . ^ t.-.* ,, / t*^ iPANY. I i,fi^d^,>1 PROVINCIAL LUNATIC ASYLUM. •-' ^, ..._ '*' «^'«^'^^'XOCATEn IH THU PAVTSB OP LAlTCASTXR. », ,, ^ G. Sidney SiniM CommtBsioneri. . .•r' i il ^kt, W. ^'J^'J^Hon. S. L. Tilley, Provincial Seeretaty ; Hon* C. Watters, SoKeitor Gent. k, Hon*A>Mci|^. ^^^^ James Steadmen,Po«/- Afcw/er General ; Hon. G. L. Hathaway, Uef Commisnoner of the Board of Public Works ; Hon. J. McMillan, Sur» )l(nr General; Robert W. Cookshank, Secretary; George W. Smith, Ac-. mtant. Office, Custom House Building. ,^^ ^^ i,t*i ^^Mwt*bii I ,, PROVINCIAL PENITBNTIARY.>ir,jMM*fla.xi«ttlrr!?A LOCATED Iir THE PARISH OP SIMOKDt. (The same Board of Commissioners have been appointed as at the PrcK « [cial Lunatic Asylum.) ^ -t C0MMI882ONERS OF LIGHT H0U8BS. .-. \ .. «# (The same as Provincial Lunatic Asylum*) FilUaRiThomto [d Treasurcr--S rir/Bctors- — Hon. »nct^Fer|^8onf' .a [If I 1% i. R. Oi4d«Ub Bfl^'VBitaa 8|«Im CMwal Omi'I for tbf Bcitish Coloniei. Jm^Ol^^J^III^^E^ United SutM Couul f«r Sfinl John and MmnHmmitf 8t. 0«erg«. OoMft N. Portor, 8t. Stephen. • U. 8. CMitular Agente. .i f B. L. Chadboorilt iSC' Daaiel PerfiffpJC^tliap»ad Miremichi.^ fidir|rd AHfajfi flin ForiQfueee Conaul General for New Brunswick. aIHRjR rfllMhrmLE%, mi^tn C^iiiaMn New Bmn^ick. Itti 'Oonsuhi^ Afeitt; Bhedite. ' Oeorge Canrill, Eeq., Coneul for France, Saint John. -' John McDoufall, Franeh Consular Avent at Miramichi. John W. Cndlfa|» Vico Consul, Saint John, Sweden and Norway. Robineon Crocker, do. do. do. do. dai tit"*!.. . _ Miramichi, Rfclil^e. Sd^It; do. Shediae, do. dp., EMIGRANT AGENCIES. - Robert Shives, Esauire, Government Emifralien Asent for New Bruns- wick ; Thomas JoyH^Bfqjiire, A«ii|^i|i BvniitnliA Ak^nt at St Andrews. Tho Dsput/ Treasursni at th|B othor Pprts of the Province act as Emigrsnt Agents. •• * *• •' "' v^' '-' ,W ft »l«*^:rf* f WM 6 ^•is < SOCIKTIES. CHAMBE/^ OF CPMM^CE. 8 r • I ir e'^ w i & l i i W a t n a a t . fti^\ U ml 'I. ,.' hi'"' Tn^lfi&L mniMmii, Odft'TheJei T.^. Ilii P>»iJeiH---L^Donal4»y Bfcfe ; '^'^•^^•^^''^t^^f^l^ *„^tff*^*'^ iMit ^fOo^Mftr— H6)i. JdhH, Rul»»rt9on, Ifrifflain Wi^bt J. V. ^iej: ind Jelb Dbncan, Eof nlrMi ; Members of Bowd of Arbiuation—Z. i^rflr^eofgi K^eod, W. Pnrke, Robert Jardin%' y^i^Minm INN||«X3«fr«li JOiai W. Nicholson. W. W. Tnrnbnll, W. J. Lfivrt^n, Ali^RI^ ^^^^f ^JP- M^ McUan, and 8. D. Barton, EsquM " ... THE SOenn OV UNOBRWIUTBRS for MARINE RISKS .., .. c. ^' George «tjm«sl,Acorei(^^ A Committee of management IS elected ai'the^ Quarterly Meetings of the Underwriters, held at the Office of the Secretarv^ in the months of January, April, July, and October, and -meet every business day at noon. . SAINT JOHN GYMNASIUM. ' / ' , President— John V. Tbaitar Esq. ; Vice-President— John W. Cudlip, Esq Director*— John V. Thurgar, J. W. Cudlip, Robert Barnes, John M. Robin- aan, C. F. Kinnear, R. R.^llilndley, and B. Lesiar^Peteili^ Biiquiits. Preside |U..D.; 101^ •h CuloDie*. I John and tr Agenti. Brunawick. ^(»ick. orway. do* ,. ■>»■■; r N«w Brun«- t 8t Andrews. i •• Emigrant 1,7/ !t»^-''- r. ' ' Hip; Secretary dhil,Ro1>9VtMn, \rtl|ht. J. V. J«ibl DiiBcan, • l^eod, "W. Vr. Nicholaon, McLean, and [NB RISKS OllH,^> ■• Meetings of the itha of January. )n. W.CudUp,Eiq John M. Robin- i^uirta. ' ' 8AINT JOHN MSCHANICb' INttTITUTC. • it The Muieum hee of late been largely inertMed by the collection of mine* rati and birds of the Natural Hiatory Society. President— Isaac Woodward ; Vioe-Preeideota— Wn. F. Smith, O. H. Lawrence ; Corresponding Secretary_W. H. A. Keana ; Recording Socre- (gry — W. F. Bunting; Treasurer — fleorge KutehiAson, Jr.; Diieetaro— .Samuel Jordan, G. Murdoch, A. GUmour, fi. Brood, ht, Pat^iyon, Hard Peters, f. Corroack. W. P. Dole, J. Allan, W. K. Reynold^ J. W. Uw- rence, and H. B. Crosby. SAINT JOHN SOCIETY LIBRARY. The Library now contains about four thouaand TolnaMc of hos^ boai^jlff the current numbers of all the leading reviews and magaxinea pv^Uahod in England and the United States. Library open from 3 to 4 p. m. dally. o r r I c a n a . President— L Woodward ; Vtto.Pfesident— Hurd PeUrs ^ SecrtUnr aa|| Treasurer— J. R. Ruel ; Librarian— -ET C. Walker ; Committee— G. B. 8mi*.h, ind W. M. Jarria, SAINT JOHN AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Patron — Hon. Judge Parker; Preaident— Dr. Waddell, M, D.; Vieo- Presidents — Jamee Davidson, Robert Bowes; Tioasurer— John Duncan; Recording Secretary — Jamea Barber; Correaponding Secretary — D. 0. Stevena ; Dtreotora — R. Jardino, Thomaa Datidaon, John Afmatrong, Arthur McLean, Robert Douglas, Keyes McBrien, Richard Thompaon, Simeon Jonea, ind Lawrence Donovan. * Meets at Long room, Ritchie's building, Prlnceae street, on the laet Thura- dsy of each month. ' ^ NEW BRUNsWtCK AUXILIARY HipLE SOCIETY. * ^ Preeident— The Hon. Judge f arkor ; Vice-Pfeeident— Hofi, W^ B. Kin- near, and Hon. Neville Parker ; Treisnrar— William Seejy, itSso. ; Secim,^ tarfes— JAmea Patorebn, LL. D., and Iton.'S. L. TlUey; Coniq^w of Di- rectors— L. B. Botsford, M. D., Messrs. l^hn W^hart, Nathan j). Deaftl), ^ George A. Lockhart, W. J. Starr, Edward Seara, D. jilVI^IiaviC^PfyHomlAi,, NcL. Seely, John Armstrong, William Girvifi, ^ J. Undeill^in,, W. K. tUjf, Qsldk, T. B. Barker, John Fisher, James Logan^ JamM Smith, T. W.Daniel. ' . Robert Sheraton, Jdhn Fraser, H. W l^rith,' John Boyd, J. M. RpbiiMipii^ J. V. Troop. For Portland. — Messrs. John Duncan, Jam^s f^lewolI|nf» Moffs Tuck Robert Ewinng. Depository — The store of Messrs. DeVeber, Prince William Street. SAINT JOHN RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. . DBrosiTOBT— 78 rniRCB wijf.i.ixii stukit. President— Hon. A. McL. Seejy ; Correaponjdiiw Sec|y— Jaa»fa Fatersop* \Uu D. ; Recording Sec'y— Geo. ^. Whitney ; Treaaures^JplinJ'caa^Ki t, -I}' > ?>■ J.' t!|! ^1 .*^ •: III 4'' , 102 ^ THE ASSOCIATED ALUMNI OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Pathox. — His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor The Hon. AnHHirm H. Goudow, C. M. G., D. C. L., ■^ '^^f cBuwciL. '' '■ .;» .' "Ir „-^;v President^Rev. W. Scovi!, U. A. Vice Presidents — Hon. Charlei Fisher, B. A. ; Rev. Chas. G. Coster, Y'^' * Hurd Peters, Esq., 0. E., M. A. Members without office — Rev. Jas. W. Disbrow, M. A. ; Rev. George S. Milligan, M. A. ; Rev. Henry J. McLardy, B. A. ; George Roberts, Esq., M.A. ; Wjx). P. Dole, Esq., B. A. ; G. E. S. Keator, M. D., B. A. ; John A. Wright, |;sq., B. A. . Secretary and Treasurer — Frederick £. Barker, Esq., M. A., B. C. L. >: ■ This society was organised on the I4th of May 1863, among th^' graduates or the L'niversity for the purpose of promoting its interests, cultivating a friendly feeling among the Alumni, and establishing a prize for competition among tho undergraduates. Its affairs are managed by a Council consisting of the OfTicers ef the society-— the President and Vice Presidents, who aie members ex.officio — and seven other members. There are two regular meetings of the society during tho year, one, the Encoenia meeting, is held at the University on the evening proceeding the day of the Enccenia ; the other is held at Saint John, on the second Thursday in January. The Alumni prize^for the present year, is a geld medal, which will be presented' to the Author of the best latin translation of the fifteenth letter of Junius, at the Enccenia of 1864. • . ''"*V? 78*4.1 ?f*« SAINT JOHN PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM. ,^^|,^ LOCJLTEU IX CAIIMARTHKK STRKKT, COEKKR OF ST. 3LT*.Xfk STBKRT. Incorporated by Act (if Aaselhbly paued 13/A Aprilf 1863. To provide a home for destitute ofphans, without distinction of sector colour, and to apprentice them to approved masters or mistress. Board of Directors. — 7 laymen who are chosen annually from subscribers of one dollar or upwards, together with ail pr^testant clergymen in the city, who are likewise subscribers. Board of J^irectors for the present year. — President — W. Parks, Esq. ; Secrietary — Rev. Geo, M. Armstrong ; Treasurer — John Fraser ; T. W. Dan iel, W. G. Lawton, James Horsfall, W. Girvan, Esquires, James Pater> The children are under tho superintendence of a matron who is account^ able to a board of lady directors, who have to provide for the requirements of the children by soliciting donations from the public generally. SAINT JOHN SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. Meets 2nd Tuesday of every month alternately, at the Sabbath School * rooms of each denomination belonging to the Association. President — Hon. W. B. Kinnear; Vice-President -— Archibald Rowan; Secretary— R. Welsh, '-■ ' v v/^ crs, F NEW , Arhhttr Iter, V«A' » George S. )erU, E«q.i A.; John 3. C. L. rj graduates uUivaiing a competition il consisting its, who aie two Tegular sting, is heW a; the other The Alumni ented* to the iuB, at the JM. .V BTBSKT. |863. / in of sector subscribers in the city, |Psrks, Esq.; iser; T. W. I James Pater- |o is account- luirements of ION. Ibbath School Ibald Howan; d SAINT JOHN TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. .. f, President— Nathan S. Demiil; Vice-Presi(]eDt#--%Iohn Humbert, W. R. M. Burtis, L. H. Watcrhouse, John Fraser, R. Robertson, G. A. Lockbart, Jos* Fairweather, W. H. A. Keans; Treasurer — J. R. Marshall ; Secretary-rJas. Gerow; Executive Committee— W. Hewitt, Z. Ring, J. Ansley, J, F. Mail- ers, B. E. Lockhart, T. McHcnry, T. C. Humbert, ('. A. Everett, S, J^ Aker- Icy, W. K. ReynoliTs, J. Fisher, C. D. Everett. . ""' "; SAINTj^MALACHPS TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. (^Re-organised in the Oity of St. John, yowmber, IHG2.) President— The Very Rev. James Quinn, V. G.*; Vicc-iPresidcnt— 'fhoixias Kelly, Esq. ; Secretary — Mr. John Kenneally ; Treasurer — Mr. John life Gourty. And a committee consisting of sixteen mcmSer^.. ' ^ [^ ■ The Soci«Jty has for its object the advancement of the causes of*total absti- nence, and holds public meetings for that purpose, in St. Malachi*- 'Jlifirch, Sidney Street, on the first Sunday in each month. Lecturers arc ..ellyered on these occasions, the pledge administered, and members enrolled.. '*''^ " CHURCH OF ENGLAND YOUNG MEN'S SOCIET/.^^ President— H. W. Frith, Esq.; Vice-Presidents— W. M. Jarvi« ;«ijil; C. H. Fairweather, Esqs. ; Corresponding Secretary — G. A. Hafnilto.r .1).; Recording Secretary— R. Brookes Peters ; Librarian — Stanley Hoy; .Stand- ing Comnaittee — G. W. Whitney, Thomas Patton, James M. Grant . Trea- tfUOt'-^C. Kiikpatrick, Esq. THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Patkox — His Excellency the Hon. Arthur Hamilton Goldon, C. M. G., Lieutenant Governor, &c., &c. President — Lo Baron Botsford, Esq., M, D: ; Vice-President — William Jack, Es^; Treasnror — Edward Allison, Esq.; Recording Secretary— R. Peni»ton ^arr, Esq.; Corresponding Secretary — Henry W. Frith, Esq.; <;urator — Geo. F. Matthew, Esq. ; Librarian — Robert Britain, £sq« ; iJbuncil —Robert BritisiR, Esq., Dpctor Hamilton, Doctor Preston. * Museum and Library Rooms, at Mechanics' Institute building*^ *^ '''^^* CARLETON LITERARY ASSOCIATION. '"^' '"^ President — Henry Leonard ; Vice-President — John V. Ellis ; Secretary — Richard N. Kiiighl ; Treasurer— * Joseph Coram. Rooms — Masonic Hall, Carleton. Meets Tuesdav evening of each week. .-<»»t,'.'' ^^^i *u«...,, , .14 SAINT JOHN YOUNG MEN'S LITERARY ASSOCIATION. H H nooMs ru hitcuik's iruiLnrNO, phixc£ss sthkk^.'^ Meets Friday evening in eich week, for debate, dcclamatiort, Ac. First Friday in each nouth for business purpps«i«f . : i^. iV; i / President — llobert Thomson ; Vice-President — .fphct R. McLp^ii ; Secre- lary— John Hardepbrook ; Treasurer— T. F. Slark^j, 9t^»P!*'^'?®^* SiS*' l^' ! i [''* '464 SAINT Jofik YOlf^G'WfiN^S J^ARLY CliOSING AND MUTUAL IMPR0VBM18NT ASSOCIATION. Prefid«nt— 4obB Boyd, l^aq. ; Yice.PretidvDU — M. LindMy, S. J> Arm- ^r/^g{ Corratponfiinf fiiecreUiy — Robert S^ott; Recording Secretary— l)atalJ Kelly ; Treasurer—- J. D. Underhill; (librarian — James, Seeds ; Au« ditor— J. G. I^orbes; Committee of Mfinagement — Messrs, Puddington, Chamberlain, and Bottorell ; Chaptain — Rev. S. R. Jolly. rBMAt;E REFORM SOCIETY. *'''^A^» r.rr- IIOAJID pF DIBXCTOftS FO» 18 6 3. i! President — Rev. WilMam Armstrong; Vice-Presidents •— ReT. William ^ l)onald ; D. D., John MeMorran, Eso. ; Treasurer —John Boyd, Esq. ; iSecre* tary — R^t. A. McL. Staveley ; Gentleman's Committee — ^J. Paterson, LL. B. 9i^nuel Bcrton^ Esq., Robert Sears. Esq., J. Eledon, George |^, — with -the 'mioistem of the di^rent denominations. : ki !> - ,^ Ladies Committee, — President — Mrs. R. W. Crookshank ; YicerPresidenUi — Mrs. John Gillis, Mrs. Wm. Thomson ; Secreury — Mrs. Willis^ Trea. e«rer...Mrs. Sla?ely ; House Stewards — Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Mrs. Bradley. Mrs. J. R. Narraway, Mr*. G. M. Armstrotog, Mrs. James Lawton, Mri. pro(Ashank, Mrs; Rainsford Wetmore, Mrs. Henry Robinson, Miss Belnpore, Mias McLeod, Mrs. Beek, ,,,,y.. -.i ,,»iii :•,.'.,. ^-'t . I -;,aii »- i%^. SAINT ANDREW'S SOCIETY. ' ntulrt^t^^ Meets qnar^rly, first Thorwlsy of the quarter, at Stubb'a Hotiil. ' President— -Lauehlan Donaldson ; Vice-President — Henry lack ; Treasarer — P. Robertson Inches ; Seci^etary — Wm. Wedderhurn ; Committfoe of Chanty-- R. Criukshank, Wm. Mackay, Robert Shives; Chaplain — Rev. Wm. Donald, D. I^ ; Marshal— Wm.M. B. Firth. w.l r:7f ■nvH t)..^, 8.\INT GEORGE'S SOCIBTY.j ,. i„t„*} )M Meets quarterly, first Wedaesday of the quarter, at Waverley Heiise. ;.. ^ATmoir.. — His Elxc^lleney the Lieutenant Governor; .President— Wm. i Wright, Esq. ; Viee-President— J. A. Harding, Esq. ; Secretary— G. Clown Carman, Esq.; Treasurer— G. Sidaey Smith, Esq. ; (vhariUble Committee- Rev. W. Scmril T. W. Darnel, and W. G. Lawton, Esqs. ; Chaplain— Kef. Wm. Scovil ; Auditors— G. E. Snider, W. H. Adams. , ^ , - . y^f,^rf.^ r -tiKi ,BA.INT PATRICK'S SOCIETY., „.}^ i^Mp.,Yj^ ., PresKdent-^ohn Magee; Vice-President— -John W. Nicholson; Seen* tary — James McNichol, Jr.; Treasurer — Robert McAfee, Jr; Committee of | Charity — John Boyd, M. McAnulty, M. McDonough ; Chaplain— Rev. W. Harrison. SAINT ANDREW'S SOCIETY CURLING CLUB. iifnt'i President— Robert Thomson ; Secretary — James G. Forbes. SAINT JOHN BASE BALL CLUB. "y«*^ '**'.*.* i^i4enl— 6eo^ 8. lieferest^,. Yice.Preddent— i^tepben S.ltall fiacre. 'iiiry — P. R( In the Summer season two trains pass daily each way between the termini* From Moncton, 93 miles from St. John, travellers are conveyed daily, by four-horse coaches, 1 00 miles to Truro, and thence, 64 miles^ by railway tt^ Halifax, Nova Scotia. ,[ During the Summer, steamers running from Shediac, in connection wit|^^ the railway, convey passengers and freight to the Northern portioiijof I^j|Y^^ ^ Brunswick, to Canada, and to Prince Edward's Island. The passen|(er fare is 2 cents, per mile for first class, and about twti- , thirds of this amount for second class. ^ i-,-^ .>■ i. I STEAM COMMUmCATION FROM ST. JOHN^i N^W BRUNSWICK. ^ TO PORTLAND AND BOSTON— By steamers on every Mond^^^* lind Thursday morning. TO Windsor and HALIFAX--By steamer every Tuesday and ( JFriday evening, connecting with steamers to and from Porit'ahd ai^^|. iBoston, fqrmini^ a through line of travel, by steamers and r^ilwty, fro^ iHalifax to an points in the Cafiadas and the United States. TO FR^BDEIitlCTON—B very morning at nine o'clock^ and alternate evenings at six o^clock; connecting with steamers to Woo6stbck, nhd'l^^ Itage and railway, via Houl^cm and Bangor, forming an inland linfe of;. wel to all point^in the United Slates and Canada. TO NEW VORK, BOSTON, PORTLAND, ST. JOHN, AND ^ )ALAIS^ — Through route from Aroostook, Presque Isle, Hottlton anit^' ^oodstock, via the New Brunswick and Canada Railway, and Intiii'^'|' kationiil' Steamship Company. Trains leave the Hou!*on ahd Woodsteck^"^ lermintkii fbr St/Andre^s, to connect with steamer for Portland, Boston;*^ iclMlson ; Secre* < < f r ; Comtnittet of |t. John, ind Calais, iplain — Rev. W •?h' •H'^/ a^ii*.; ILUB. Forbes. ;•>»]/ .iohn ni v/i-'j ' S. Hall J Secre. |t; Committee o(| incia Collins. *sd; w.r^' i^i .f FERRY BOATS. - ^ The Ferry is leased from the Qlorporation, for the space of ten years, frum. ' iy lOtb, 1860, by John McS?reeney. Dennis Coughlani Superintendent. '\ One boat runs at a time, and returns at night to the Eastern Side. ^ Rons from the Ferry Landing, foot of Princesa Street, on tbe eaat' side, t6^ ney Sti^, Uarleton, except at lew wpter, spring (ides, w^et| theyoy ^ ^ n art Ii^j^ at Sand Poiat. " ' \ , ^ 106 r ' : HJ I- ' li •if. 5 ■< J ROLL or BAltRI81%ll8 AND ATTORNEYS, <' ^ ^ ' [Obskrve. — Those whose naine^ are printed in Italics are nut actually practising in the Provinoet] ' ^hose marked thus • are Notary Publics. '"•**« "» '- NAMES. ;j f . i. f ^ James Sftannon Morse, Hon. John Simcoe Saunders, Hon. John Ambrose Street, Hon. Wm. Boyd Kinneaf, Alfred Lock Street, Hon. Edw. Barron Chandler, George William Oleary, William End, Charles P. Wetmore, •George J&rvis Dibble,' '•^^ »*^ William Wiley, •Robert Frver Hazen, John Wesley Weldoji; O I! I William Wright, A. B., >|^:)|V William Carman, •Peter Stubs, ' ;?T.4.*5t. Horatio Nelson Hicks Lugrin, John M. Robinson, . Timothy Robert Wetmore, B. C. L. Edward Betts Smith, Andrev^, Barbarie, K.' « Samuel Hallett Whitlock, James Watson Chandler, George Kerr, Hon. Robert Leonard Hazen, Richard Sands, ^i ^^, Richard Carman,, ? ^^;>,>.^ .. Charles Fisher, A. B., j, iy ^ j » Thomas Smith Sayre, ,t • wi' n Richard Milton Andrew, William Hazen Needham, William Jack, > George F. H. Minchin, Abraham Nelson Garden, *^ " George Dixon Street, John Clarke Hall, . , >, , ^ Chipman BoUford, "'^ ' ' ** ' Samuel Gay Morse^ Robert Barry Diekiy, Duncan Robertson, Admitted Attorney. 19 Fb. 1814 18 do '17 32 do '17 18 May, '19 II Oct. '20 do do ,21 10 do '22 20 Feb. '23 11 Jly. '23 18 Oct. '23 17 Jly '24 16 Oct. '24 21 May, '26 16 Jly. '25 15 Oct. '25 25 Feb. '20 do do 10 May, '28 14 Jly. '28 18 Oct. '28 do do 18 July, '29 16 Oct. '29 17 do do do do 17 July, '30 16 Oct. '30 6 Feb. '31 15 Oct. '31 5 May, '52 8 do '32 13 Oct. '32 do do 6 Feb. '33 12 Oct. '33 • ••••••••• 18 Oct. '34 do do 7 Feb. '36 do do Admitted Bai-rister. '14 '19 '19 '23 do '23 '24 25 '25 '25 19 Feb. 18 do 14 Oct. 24 May, do 14 Oct. 12 do 17 Feb. 14 July, 19 Oct. 17 July, '26 20 Oct. '26 21 May, '27 16 July, '27 5 Feb. '28 10 July, '28 18 Oct. '28 10 May, '30 16 July, '30 14 Oct. '30 5 Feb. '30 16 July, '31 16 Oct. '21 9 Feb. '39 18 Oct. U Oct. 17 do 10 do 6 Feb. '34 15 July, '34 8 May, '34 9 Feb. '35 16 Oct. '34 16 July, '36 15 Oct. '35 10 July, '34 9 Feb. '37 do do 7 Feb. '36 9 Feb. '87 Residence. '33 '32 do '33 Nova Scotia. Fredericton. do Saint John. St. Andrews. Dorchester. Saint John. Bathurst. Gagetown. Fredericton. Riv. de Chute. Saint John. ^o do Fredericton. Saint John. do do Gagetown. Kingston K.C Dalhoiisie. St. Andrews. do* Chatham* Saint John. Nerepis. Chatham. Fredericton. Dorchester. St. Andrewa. Fredericton. Saint John. Fredericton. Woodstock. St. Andrew!. Nova Scotia. Camp'lltown. Hopewell. Nova Scotia. | Saint John. •^*- ot actually Residence. *! 107 ROLL OF BARRISTERS.— Continued. MlD NAMES. William Samuel Sands, •William Hunter Odell, A. B. Stephen H. Hitchings, Thomas Burton Abbott, *"**, Christopher Milner, - '* "^ Darid Shank Kerr, Edward Williston. David Lewis Dibblee, A. B. William Minn Hoffman, Hon. John Hami^n Gray, A. B., Jnmes While Peters, A. B. * Bliss Botsford, Robertson Bayard, Wellington Hatch, William Thomas Wilmot, A. B. George Botsford, Charles Edward Millidge, William Botsford Chandler. Thomas Burton Wilson, ^ Charles Edward Beardsley, John D. Kinnear, Jonathan McCultet/, ^' John McMaJum, •Charles Waller Wardlaw, *Martin Bent Palmer,. 'Francis A. H. Straton, ^*' »» John Campbell Allen, Hon. John M. Johnson, Junr., James Stanley Morse, Theophilus Desbrisay, ' ' ^^^ Samuel J. Scovil A. B., ^t William R. M. Burtis, ' ^Edward B. Peters, A. B., James Fraser Berton» A. B., »¥ *Charles l)uff, WilUamTyng Peters, '" Andrew C. Black, * James A.. Harding, »^ I *Allan A. Davidson, »<>> James Peters Wetmore, S**' >.^ Thomas T. Wyer, rOustamts R. Jarvis. A. B., Mattes J. Kaye, Admitted Attorney. 9 May, '35 18 July, '35 do 17 Oct. do do do '36 do do 6 Fob. '36 do do do do do do 11 Feb. '36 18 June, '36 do do 16 Oct. '36 do do 11 Feb. '37 do do 17 June, '37 do do do do 14 Oct. '37 do do 10 Feb. do do do '38 do 13 Oct. '38 do do '39 do do do 9 Feb. do 15 June, '39 12 Oct. '39 8 Feb. '40 do do do do 13 June, '40 17 Oct. '40 do do do do 4 Feb. do do do do do '41 do Admitted Barrister. 10 Oet. '39 8 Feb. '38 12 Oct. '37 do do do do do do- 8 Feb. '88 1 1 Feb. '87 8 Feb. '38 9 do '37 do do 14 June, '38 do do 7 Feb. '39 12 Oct. '37 1 1 Feb. '37 7 Feb. '39 3 Feb. *42 14 June, '38 7 Feb. '39 14 Oct. '37 19 Oct. '39 13 June, '40 6 Feb. '40 15 Oct. '40f do do do do 4 Feb. '41 do do 11 Juntt/40 14 Oct. '41 4 Feb. '41 do do 3 Feb. '42 16 June. '42 13 Oct. '42 do do do do do do do do 3 Feb. '49 9 Feb. '43 ReKidence. Londoft. Fredericton. Si. Stephen. Dorchester. Sainf John, ^ewctstle. Woodstock. Nova Scotia. Saint John. do Moncton. Saint John. St. Andrews. Grand Falls. Fredericton. Nova Scotia. St. George. St. Andrews. Woodstock. Nova Scotia, do St. .\ridrews. Hopi well. Freilericton. do ' Chatham^ Rcsttgouehe. Batbursh Saint John. do Saint John. Fitederieton. Saint John. do Scotland. Saint John. Newcastle. Fredericton. St Andrews. Toronto. Saint John. 108 ^ ROLL OF BARRISTERS—Continaed. If ! •| NAMES. K .1;' .s St \ */^t^^9W R* Wetoiore, Vflwaid H. WiluMt, A. M., G«(Mrg« Cooidlf ., Awinm W. ^ainiford, G«m^ F* RoM«e, •iiewU P. FWier. Qhur\M Poherty, Hampbraj T. Giibtrt, *D. Boyd Kinnear, ThftiDM C. ChaprntQ, W. M. McLauchlan, A. B., *John G. Campbell. , c^ . Wiltiam Jamaf Gilbert, Thonuu F. S, Street, A. B., *Aealiia L. P«|iner, Jamei Steadnan, ti r fti 'George OUj, . Boberi Pnrktr, Junr., r* Albert J. Smithy WelliDgton Cameren, >.Jame9 OdeUf^A. B.y . ^\ .. •Thodiae W. Bliaa, . f *Jaine« A. JairiMa, .lAichard 8. AtiMtroAg, : Editard W. Miller, > Beroand C. Friel, Dottgiaa B. Steirena, *Smhm/ B, Vmridaon, Jdbi Btnry PMir, •Hob. Cbariti Watten, JanoiBe G. Stetene, , .Ototgt Jtnttt .^Sainael Robc^ Tbamaen. Albert T. D. JtftElm6n, *0cMMrfe Blateb, Tbomaa B. Mbore, :,l WilUam 1. Gilbert. Barnes R. Cmly, .« AUzaiidbr idifeiiiaon Paal, WiMiMB Hetfry Hathaway, Wohi Ck^rMn Dirury, A, B. .«:'*^ ■I ftS Ji*<% ay .is»« ,t 5 Admitted Attorney. 10 June, '41 U Oct, '41 do do do do 3 Feb. '4S do do 18 June, '43 13 Oct. '42 do do 9 Feb. '43 de do do do do do 3 Feb. '43 12 Oct. '43 do do I 8 Feb. '44 I do do 13 June, '44 10 Oct. '44 6 Feb. '46 do de do de do do 7 do do 13 June, '46 16 Oct. '45 do do do do ido de do do do do do do 5 Feb. '46 do do do do do do do do do do II June, '46 15 Oct. '46 do do de do Admitted Bairlfter. '42 '43 '44 do 16 June, '42 12 Oct. '43 13 do 12 Oct. 8 Feb. do 17 June, '44 13 Oct. '42 13 Oct. '43 6 Feb^ ^46 do do do do 8 Feb. '44 6 Feb. '45 16 Oct. 10 Oct. '46 '44 6 Feb. '46 do '46 do do 15 Oct. do 4 Feb. '47 do do 6 Feb. '46 17 June, '48 8 Feb* '47 10 June, '47 14 Oct. '47 do do do do do do do do do do do do 3 Feb. '48 do do do do do *»"• Dorchealer. ^ Wooditock. 61 Doicheater. loj Monclon. 6 Hampton. ioj Canada. ,7' Dorchester. lo St,««o'g«' ,61 Cailtdfi' :8 lUehibtteto. r7 ■ ^ )d* 7 9ailit.JP**"' ^7 Fredfricton. Idol . "^, do SiMitJohn. do Caii^W**- do Aa>^i^<»^ do SaiatJo**"' I do 8t,St»<»hen '48 CofGHop*] do JSaint John- do Sutaex* do Saio^ J^^"! do Hop»wtH. do Mtttgef^*^^'^ '48 CanninS* '48 St. Andrei 14q\ Saint John] '471 do •i^< f< •}•■<■ t % Koil bt^ikMBiiw^^^SL. NAMBS. Henry B^R^I^ion, A, B,, Johu^Jonifiiim, Junr., George Skel^ngten Grimmer, •Heuiy W. Ffith, Hon* Pet«r Mitchell^ Charles Wesley Stockten, William Wilkinson, 'George G. Gilbert, Junr., A. B Samuel H. Gilbert, Edward Jackt *B. Lester Peters, ^ . •Frederick C. K. Frith, John Simond9,, * Daniel Ferguson, Edward B. Chandler, Junr., James Fraser, John C. .Winslow, Whliam W. Street, A. B., ib^ Hpitehinson, iMea Fraser, fmee Sirteif A. if^ '\0. f?rny. A, B^ fAlnien, TVS MacLauch^o* ^ Weldon, A. M J^ii Gairlen. AW^nder Ballentine, •mi^PeUrt, A. 0., W^ftiin £. Dele, A. B., ;^L#^' -- ' The^kiTdwn .f •» Admitted AttetMf. 16 Oct '46 16 do do! 13 4 Feb. '47 ....v.-sf*' do doioif*:3i» 10Jnne,'47 ISlon^Hj^ do 4*^ 14 Oct. '47 do do do do do do do do do do 3 Feb. '48 do do 12 Oct. '48 10 Feb. '49 14 Aprl. '49|...^» 7 Feb. '60 13 Oct 1 Feb. m 13 June, ''^ Oct. '60 Ijil 1 do do 13 June '50 do do do do Oct. '^ do do d« f^o do do i ^ do U Jane, 'f>l Oct. '61 7 Feb. '68 do do 10 June, '61 de do H ?eb. 'W 10 Apr'i'M 1« /nne»/jl STOet. <% 10 Jnne^ Oct. '61 June, do Oct. '62 wnien<^ Hanfoni, A.B., I Aprl. '63 John Lptl^ep Marsh, Junr. A. B., • do do Jambs Taylor, Junr., i 19 Oct. '63 •WUUam Henry Tuck, | ^ do *Oharlfei S. Say re, i Feb. '64 Geo^F^erickHill, " : ' Aprl. '64 Josi}ihr4tUe Moore, ! do '66 •WiKn^Wedderburn, Feb. '66 Joseph B. Feck, Oct. '66 Heptwell. 11 W^^' J:! PIP^ i . 1 : t -J t .. 1 ROLL ^F BARRISTERS.— Continuea. ^n IK-»^- NAMES./ . . , Admitted Attorney. WiUiam Merrilt Wright, •^frmWilliam Savary, A. B, «ltlMt R. Mftcihtne, *Cht«lM E. Knapp, ' ' ^ChlfltiN. Skinn*r, »* *^ Jdm Khrby, A. »., - ^ ^ vr %»* M ; •GMigv Sidney Smith, A. B., Duiitl N. Hannington, BMijanin R. Stevenson, A. B., *H«liry Bartlett RaiMfortJ, •Johnf Atfffttctnf Wright, A. B., Amo» BoUford Chandler, ThomflMGray Merritt. . 'Frtderidc Eustace Barker, A. M., •Frtdmek P. Robinson, T. Wetmore Dibbl<^, A. M., Charles Allison Peck, * William Munson Jarvis, CKistaTas H. Beardsley, '^*' * '♦'^ WWiam H. Scovil, Junr., GMfrgoTodd, . • -^" •John Qhitlon Clifford, >^ ThbBiai-A. Welling, *•• HfidfKwrd L. Wetmore, A. B., Mte«i«l^ Wilson, • WUliam M. Connell. L. L. B., •0m(|!« {^.Gregory, •AVRalikin Bedell, „. '^ *Jiai^sagtr, TlidiiMi^olly, •William Coltbrook Perlef, ^ihrter Btsnwrd, Jutir^ ChiHes W. Cole, * Chi^s A. Holstead, !^ CW0|M e! King, A. B., TL ddrtfijf Robinson, A. B., Hm^ C. Barbarie, Cbi(ries H. B. Fisher, Ob«rlM; H. Chandler •1> ^» Cdeb Xiehardson. L«ivfl'Ai9broaeMUIs,. Fiaiklti^i^ Morton, ,' Lfiftllliio* T. 8w«eny, k ' H dft .ltd-: Oct. do do Feb. June, do Oct. '57 do do '68 '58 do do '61 do do '62 do do do '63 Jttne, *fi9 do do Aprl. '60 do do do do June, '60 do do Oct. do . Feb. Aprl. do ^ Oct. do do do Aprl. June, '63 do cio do do do do 9 Feb. '63 20 Oct. '68 June, do do do do do do 10. Oct. ''do 19 Oct. do do do do 01 '63 do do do do do do '61 do '63 do do do do Admitted Darriflter. ^t. '59 do »68 do '60 '60 '59 •69 do Feb. June, do Oct. June, '61 do '60 do '62 do '61 do do June, '61 Oct. '62 Feb. '62 June, '63 Apr'l, '63 % • • •••••• •- ...a.... ■?* ,a**l d Residence. Saint John. Digby. Saint John. Dorchester. Saint John. Fredericton. Saint John. Dorchester. St. Andrews, Fredericton. Saint John. Nova Scotia, Saint John. do do Riohibucto. Hopewell. Saint John. do do Fredericton. Grand Falls. St. Stephen. Bqrchester. Wbodstock. FredericioB. Tobique. Woodstock. Saih( John. do do porcbestor. ]|lonctf»)). , Saipt John. '.. do D^lbousie. Riohibucto. [ Monctoq. Fr^doriifeton. Residence. Saint John. Digby. Saint John. Borchecter. Saint John. Fredericton. Saint John. Dorchester. St. Andrews, Fr«dericton. Saint John. Nova Scotia. Saint John. do do Richibucto. Hopewell. Saint John, do do Fredericton. Grand Falls. St. Stephen. Dorchester. Wbodstock. Fredericton. Tobique. Wbodatock. Sain( John. do do DorchM^' >Ionct9in. Saint John. do Dalhouiiie. Richibucto. do '^Monctom. 'Frqdfiricton. .1 n ^>»^ i!i' • . iAB^ 7..A1 THE LAW SOCIETY OF SAINT ,JpSPf, .J ,,«k.» HI Vresfdent— Hon. J. W. Weldon, Q.C.; Yie«-PNiMini--Hoii. OhUka* Walters, Solicitor General ; Treasurer — G. Sidney Smith, Esq. ; SecraMrf-*" W. M. JarvisjEsq. ; Committee — Wm. Jack, Chaa. Dufft Q.C., A. Rainaf*rd Wetmore, Q. C. Esquires. ; Council — The Comiqittae with the O0ice-|ieareraa . form the Council ; Rooms — Second flat, Ritchie's Building. ^ . yr \'^ ^^^^ Ancient and .Honorable Fraternity of Free and \ ^ :Z^r Accepted MaeonB. ,. .. : "provincial GRAND LODGE OF NEW BRUNl^^lbfe ^ ^ ' , A|ex$inderl3alloch» Esquire,* . . .Provincial Grand Mmstet. ■ M .H Robert T. Clinch Deputy Provincial Grand Mastei*^a«4 B. Lester Peters, Senior Grand Warden. . mmImImmM Edwin J. Wetmore, . . ..« Junior Grand War^epj^,, H im jblMtKf' Rev. Charles P. Bliss,. ..Grand Chaplain. jf .<) yaHuit 'tl Douglas B. Stevens, Grand Treasufer. * ^^ WillUto P. Bunting, Grand Secretanr. ' 'N^r* *^^ ^*W» John V. Ellis, Senior Grand Deaeoifi * '*'♦'" f **J George E. Hooke, .»v* .Junior Grand Deacon. *^*-''-'> ^ ^ ^ Edwin J. Everett, * • t .* vr^'^^'P'd Director otCexpfapxujfBstmy John R. jSmilh, ., Grand Sword Beardr; John McAlister, Grand Pursi^vfint. ' ^^ „< , John Boyer Grand Tylen , ^^^ . ^, , , , t^mmu'i* .,v Grand Stewards. ^* ^-^wj ^fy^%, *! ^JiflnelT. Steves, ^> ■ JanMwNjviM. .^.^^ ^ Joseph S. Clark. , ; . Charles U. Hai|ford|. ^ ;. m ar* !* -^f Henry Littehale. "" * Meets onlke first Wedne^sday in March, June, Septet^ber iil^ 'pleliinck- ber, at the MiMonic Hall, Princess Street, St. John. " ^" /' '' '. ' ; * Albion toUge, No. 570, English Registry. — Meets on the iBirst Fffid^ in - each month in the Masonic Hall, Saint John. — B. Lester Patjen,-W* jM^f Thos. M. Itced^ S. W. ;T*. A. D. Forster, M. D., J. W. ; W?Di* S. lijaiyip,.,. Secretary. ' ■■'■'-■'■'■ * .; . .^ ^^^^^ Satnt John* a Lodge, No. 632, E. R. — Meets on the first TuAsdftyin ^irfi month at the ^Masonic Hall. Princess Street, Saint John.— Wxa^Wfi44*'' hum, W. M.; Wm. S. Berton, S. W.; John D. Short, J. W,; Ma|^P^ Dole, Secretary. ' " " ' - *'» ' ' * 8u3sex Lodge, No. 705, E. R. — Meets on the Thursday oja or ^f^ f^uik . full moon, at Dorchester, Westmorland County .-.-Israel Hi .DavidM}% W. '- M. ; Elijah Ayre, S. W. ; John H. Bronnell, J. W. ; Wm. Hickman; Sec^. Sitint Mu^k^s Lodge, No. 705, E. R.-^Meets on tlie fii^st Wediof^r m^~ each month at ^aint Andrews, Charlotte Cpun^y. — J^berk.S* Allaii, vf.g M. ; Robt. Glenn, S. W. ; Geo. P. Stickndy, J. W. ; Jarvis 8. Law, Sec*7. w ; IE '' i; t k- Mmon'f Mm. No, 794, E. V~M^*^ <» ^^« ^''^ Tuciday after each Ibir moon. At HlPlhtdmieliM n«defl, Alexander MacPhenion, ^riiMii Union im Union Loigt, iVo. 767, E. R.— Meets on the fint Thursday in tMililMillr, irtlli MiJbiiie Hali; Carleton, Saint John^Sacg ent 6. Little- bftle, W. M. ; Ridlifd TT. Knti^t, i^. W. ; Gilbert J. Mayes, J. W. ; Chan Ketchum, Secretary. .>.. ♦..i^u Ujdjijtn JUAe, Ik, 770, B. R^^Meeta on the aecond Tuesday in each month at' Cfiflon/King'a County .-^. V. C. Wttmore, W. M. ; O. E. FUwoIlinf, S. W.; D. Pl^etottre, J. "W. ; Daifd J. Wetmore, Sec*y. C^fMMi Uim, •fPtrikmd, Jia, 780. E. lU-Mfets on the third Thursday im 0Ml^'*aita; ttt m iTMohie itiJl. l^aint John.— Thomaa H. Keohan. W. M.; RobMl MwUMli^a' W/r WUKam Rnrtie. J. W.; loseph, H. t 5? WMMm* Lttjgi, ilh| til. IL R.r-He«tfl on the first Wednesday in each SMMlh at Wo«Mfek*Vjni A, C^QO&tf ^-Wm. T, DiMlee, W. M. ; Jas. 1. HartUy, 8. W.; 8«»ga'|^)lji^t^/J. W. ; itugh l^flfan, Sf^^j, Saint Gmtget ^^^B^ ^ tl9» JL R^— If eoU on the irtt Tueaday iii Mch mMith at fjiiiiijKiiiitlT'hnilMti County*— James BUton, W. M. ; D. J. WttmoM, iil^liiMk iMwA, J. W. ; DominifllwMillftani, SM:*y. Orftrtrifirigrffciy^fftf^Jt-lMoota on the W'edn^f r e>n or after Mch foU moM. ^ik ttAiQp m,Hittkm>ta; Kiiif'b Oo^MiyJ^IVpam Oily. W. M.; HmmffWUm^n^W;', JMhttA C. UpHate/ J;W.;X» A. WaBMaakar.0Mmlai|?^'^ * ^ JDM ImCm, Mk 9f7, K R.— Maota on the llrat Thuraday after each Ml aoonaOIfBcio^mMi^BlBfe W. M. ; JphiX. IttiM«i 8. W. ; WIUia»C.Jadl«fWW;7*L?Cowlint,8ecretai3rT^ ^'A R^~M#fto on tha filim Tl|!|ira4«y in each _ipfl9tto (S^n^F^Aiidf^ \Kf ttart, W. M.; 4ai^ E. Coburn^lTW.; Ifiram Mara» J, W.; William McL«l- MMMMbft Ab* 066, E. VL — Meets on the first Tiiesd^ in each miriilVfil'*mHOroO|h/':^Ibart Cou%.^Rufus Palmer, W. M.; John I^aSft 8. W.; Samuel G. Morse, J. W. ; Charles Kelsey, Secretary. Ik, 1110, E. I^— Me^ts on the first T\ in each ; D^yid nji 118 after etch , M. V ^^^^ icPhenton, 1 ■ ■♦" ■■ huriday in It 8. LitUe- W. ; Chan- lay in each M. ; O. E. re, 8ec*y« rd Tbuiaday H. Keohan, ; loieph H. ■day in each »an, S^'j* iTuevday in Ron, W. M. ; imEMi. 8f5*y. Kon or after aftor each ladi^ in each cretary. ^ndTueeday aioii,:W.U; ^hfiaipn.fiecy. Uadaj in each .iTjv'Tlymat krcit Sec y» leaday in eaeh Zetland Lod^e, No, 1188, E. R.~Meetf on the third Wednoeaarln tacli month at Shcdinc, Westmorland County^— Thotbala Irvinf, W. M. : Sanil. McKrnn, S. W. ; Aaron Sproul, J. W. ; Duncan S. Harper, 8ecretar>'. Zion Lodge, No. 1267, E. R.— Meets on the Wednesday preceding thvh full moon, at Sussex, King's County. — Jos. H. Littlehale, W. M.; Georgo<> Ryan. 8. W. ; William D. Aitken, J. W. ; Chas. P. Bliss, »ecV • «•«'■ Saint John's Encampment, Knighta of the Tewip/e.-— (Holding of the Grand Priory of Scotland.) — Meets on the second Wednesday in February, • April, June, August, October and December, at the Masonic Hall, Baint John. — B. Lester Peters, £. Cooimandcr ; John Frost, I/ieut. Comiqi^opd- or ; Edward B. Peters, Mareschal ; John V. Ellis. Recorder. Carleton Royal Arch Chapter^ No, 47, 8. R. — Meets on the third Wed" nesdav in each month at the Masonic Hall, Saint John.— B.Lefte|.Petera, Principal Z. ; John V. Ellis, Principal H. ; Thomas A. D. Pprater, Princi*,. pal J. ; William P. Bunting, Scribe E. ; George £. Hooke, Seribo N. -'^ Frederieton Royal Arch Chapter, No. 77, 8. R. — Meets at the Masonic Hall, Frederieton. — Robert Gowan,''Principal;Z. ; John Richards, Principal H. ; Nehemiah 8. Hooper, Principal J. ; William Paisley, Scribe £•; JlMi« . ; ? cJ Hibemia R, A. Chapter, No, 318, 1.R.— St. Andrews, Charlotte County. A. W. Smith, Ist Principal; J. McConbuy, 2nd Principal; Alez> McMao- ter, 3d Principal ; John Clarke, 1st Scribe ; 8. Getty, Snd 84iribe; «« i^' -'• / ' . I I- i\ m i 114 Hitemwn Emeampment, K. T. and K. A/.— St. Andrewi, Charlotte Oo. —A. W. Smith, O. C; John Clark, C. G. ; J. McConbuy, W.; W. Milli- fan, Rooorder. Hihemia Lon^e, iVo. 301, I. U. — Mocta on the second Tuesday in each month at the Masonic Hall, Saint John. — James McNicholl, jr., W. M. : James Mullin, S. W.; Wra. McNichol, J. W. ; Jas. T. Hall, Secretary. JUibemia Loedge, No. 318. T- U., Ht. Andrews, Charlotte County. — W'm. Doak, W. M.; A. W. Smith, tJ. W. ; Jumcs Cuthbertson, J. W.; T. T. Odell, Secretary. Sutiem Lodgi^Ho. 397, 1. R. — Meets on the Arst Monday after each full moon, at Saint Stephen, Charlotte County. — H. A. Hiltz, W. M. ; C. H. Whitney, 8. W.; E. £. Emmersen, J. W.; S. C. Swett, Secretary. Letnifer Lodge, No. 847, I. R.-— Meets on tho first Monday in each month at Judge Ritchie's building. Saint John.— Edward Willis, W. M. ; Stephen Smith, S. W. ; John Flood, J. W. ; A. Dover, Secretary. Rojfol Order of Scotland, — Grand Lodge of H. U. M. and R. C— Robt. W. Crookshank, P. O. M. ; John Willis, sonV, Deputy P. G. M. ; James McNiehol, aen'r, S. G. M.; Abram Magee, J. G. W.; Edward Willis, P. G. Secretary. ^ l?jcilui'>t Hi' i^oYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION. ^'*^*'" ' , aEAKS louai or hxw beukswick. S. H. Gilbert. Esq., M. P. P., G. Mm. ; C. £. Godard, Esq., Sr. D. G. M. George Simpson, Jr. D. G. M. ; W. H. Anderson, Jr. D. G. M. ; James H. Jacques, Jr. D. G. M. ; Robert Wiley, G. T. ; Robert Hall, D. G. T. ; Edw. Simpson, Q. Sec. ; Daniel Gray, D. G. S. ; J. Steeples, D. G. S. ; James H. Tapper, G. Chaplain ; Thomas Todd, D. G. C. ; John Miles, G. L. ; George Todd, A. G. L. ; J. W. Travis, G. D. of C,; Wm. Tower, Sir Herald Knight at.Arms ; James McNichol, President of Grand Committee ; T. B. Wheeler, A. Brown, B. 8. Babbit, J. Cerbit, Grand Committee. Ther« are 148 Lodges who hold their meetings in the Province, of which ten meet in the city and county oi St. John. GRAND DIVISION OP NEW BRUNSWICK SONS OF TEMPER. n^. ,|* ANCE. .^ ^H a .:■ oFFiCKms fok 1863. Rev. J. C. Hurd, No. 2, Fredericton, Grand W. Patriarch ; C. N. Skin- ner, No. 20, St. John, Grand W. Associate ; W. H. A. Keans, No. 9. St. John, Grand Scribe ; C. D. Everett, No. 5, St. John, Grand Treasurer ; Rev. N. M'Kuy, No. 14, St. John, Grand Chaplain ; R. T. Babbit, No. 134, Gage- town, Grand Conductor; J. A. Inches, No. 1, St. Stephen, Grand Sentinel. ^^•frif.,- BKJPBXSX1ITATITK8 TO KATIOVAI. DIVIBIOK. f^.-:Vi Ofttnd Worthy Pairittrehs.-^kw^ Coy, S. L. Tilley, James Johnson, Thos. W. Bliss, W. R. M. Burtia, James Steadman,* Charles A. Everett, Rev. R. M hi lotte Oo. V. MUli- f in each , W. M.: rcUry. v.— >^/ m. r each full A.\ C.H. lary. y in each b, W. M. ; C— Roht. M.; Jamea ard Willis, •»» <(*;i Ir. D. ©• M. ; James H. ST.; Edw. L. ; George irald Knight B. Wheeler, |ce, of which XBMPBR- C. N. Skin- Is, No. 9, St. saiurer ; Rev. |o. l84.G«g«- land Sentinel. >hnian,Thos. Brett, Rev. R. ;*116 Alder Temple, Wiltlam Wedderburn, Stephen K. Foster, Oacar D. Wetmore. Grand Worthy Patriarr.h.-^Htf, J. (J. Hurd. «tfe Pa$t Grand Wartht^ Atmeiatet — Richard Seely, Robert Salter, Hon. H. Peters, Rev. Samuel Itobinnon, John Franor, Samuel D. McPherson, Jwtas S, Wetraofe, Alftxsnder P. MiU»r. ICrnry Webber. Grand 'Worthy AtM^ifitt! — Charloi N. Skinner. - ^^ j,. . i. Grand Scribe. -W. H. A. Ktans. ^ . Office, Old PoRt Ortice builJing, PrinrcNi strcrt, St. John. V, NEW BBXJNSWICE TABIFF- it TABLE or DUTIES. ,' u srxcipic. »9Tir. Axes, each, 3 lbs. weight, and upwards 90 30 Candles of all kinds ^except Sperm and Wax) per lb 02 Candles, Sperm and Wax, per lb ' 06 Cider, per gallon 05 CofTee, per pound 0%^ Fruit, dried (except produce of the United States of America), pr. lb. 02 Leath^HSole — Upper Leather, Harness and Belt Leather, por lb. . 04 — Sheep Skins, tanned or dressed, per dozen 60 — Calf Skins, tanned, per dozen 1 20 Malt Liquors of every description (not being aqua vita, otherwise charged with duty) whether in bottles or otherwise per gallon . . * 10 Molasses and Treacle per gallon 02 Soap, costing less than 10 cents per lb., per lb 01 Spirits and Cordials, viz. : Alcohol, par gallon. . . . ,. vi • 35 Brandy, per gallon 80 Run, per gallon 3ft Gin alid Whiskey, per gallon 60 Sugar refined, in loaves, per lb 02^ All other kinds cf refined or white Bastard Sugar, or Sugar Candy, per pound ^ 02 • Brown, or Muscovado, or Clayed, and any other kind of Sugar not refined, per pound 0I:| Tea (except Green) per lb 04 GuBpawd«r, Hyson, Young Hyson, Twankay, and other Green Teas, per pound *. . ; . ' 08 Tobacoo, manufactured (except Snufifand Cigars), per pound .... 04 Wines costing two dollars per gall 4 And on every hundred dollars of the true and real vidua of all m ^i Wines; in addition 13 50 u 116 \-x . On the following articlM, f«r every hundred dolUri of the trtie and real talue thereof, viz. : . PUTT. Anchore ; Canvai ; Cordage ; Chain Cables, and other Chains .... $1 00 Cotton Warp; Copper and Patent Metals, in sheets, bars, bolts, and scraps 1 00 Felt, in rolls or sheets ; Foreign Hides, green, dried, or salted (oxoapt the produce of the United 8t^es of America) I 00 Fire Clay, Bricks and Tilesonadu of Fire Clay 1 00 Iron in bolts, bars, plates, sheets ; Fig Iron 1 00 Railway Rails and Chairs ; Oakum I 00 Saili and Rigging for new Ships ; Sheathing Paper 1 00 8ilk Plush for Hatters' purposes ; Block Tin ; Tin Plates 1 00 Lead, in pig or sheets ; Zinc, yi pig or sheets 1 00 Bar and sheet Steel ; Brimstone, crude and roll 1 00 Sulphuric Acid ; Muriatic Acid ; Chloride of Lime 1 00 Soda Ash ; Copperas ; Alum ; Phosphorus 1 00 Prussiats of Potash ; Carboys ; Nitre and Sa^petre 1 00 - On the following articles, for every one hundred dollars of the true ..nd real value thereof, viz. : :, \^ _x V ., ,.,j4 * . -sJ^^^ ^--- duty. Qoots and Shoes, o( whatever material, and parts of the same .... $15 00 Leather Maoufacturea , 15 00 Chairs and prepared parts of or for chairs *. . . 15 00 Clocks, wheels, machinery, and materials for clocks 15 00 Household Furniture (except baggage, apparel, household eflfocts, H- working tools and implements, used and in use of persons or^^ fi.' families arriving in this Province, if used abroad by them, and not intended for any other person or persons, or for sale) 15 00 Looking Glasses ; Oranges and Lemons ; Brushes 15 00 Hats and Hat Bodies ; Piano Fortes ; Snuff and Cigars 15 00 Carriages, Waggons, Sleighs, and other vehicles, and parts thereof. . . 15 00 Veneer and other Mouldings ; . . . -15 00 Frames for Pictures and Looking Glasses , 15 00 Wooden Wares of all kinds ; Matches ; Corn Brooms 16 00 And all Agricultural Implements, and parts thereof (except Spades, ^ ShoveU, Scythes, and Reaping Hooks 15 00 Trunks ; Valiaes ; Portmanteaus 15 00 Iron Caatlnga, viz. : Cooking,, Close, Box, and Round Stoves, and parts thereof, except Square Stoves, designated as Canada *^i-''i &i. StoTM. : 16 00 Apparatus. f<|r Cooking Steves ; Franklin Stoves 15 00 Register Unites ; Fire Frames, and pdrts thereof. 15 00 Kitchen Ranges and Boilers ; Cast Iron Furnaces, and parts thereof 15 00 117 rtie and real V. , and • • • • altcd I 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 1 I 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 e true ^nd real IICTT. . .. $15 00 ... IS 00 ... 15 00 ... 15 00 i effects, loiit or m, end irtof . . Spades, vee, and L/anada • ••••• thereof 15 00 15 00 15 00 16 00 ■15 00 15 00 16 00 15 00 15 00 16 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 'A^ •U1^^li^df, Vai^iiy ^n^diM nofhorcin otherwiaa , . charged with ])utjrt.«90 not If^ff^a^er 4oclfii^ to be free from Duty, for every ono hundred dollan of the true and real value thereof. 13 60 TABLE OF liXEJMPtlO^S. IS P Baggage, Apparel, i^ouaehold Efibcta, Working Toole, and Impl^fljients used and in use of families arrivib^ in this Province, if usod abroad by !^em, and not intended for apy other person, or persons, or for sale ; Mooks, printed ; Carriages of Craimllers, properly such, and not ifeitouded fo^ sale ; Coins aqi^ Bullion; Corn Broom Brush ; Grain not malted ; Flour^Meal, and Breadstuds of all kinds ; Rice ground and i^nground ; Eggs and Poul- try ; Manures of all kinds ; ' ifish of ^11 kinds ; i>roduct of fish and all other creatures living in the water ^ ralm Oil ; Plants, Shrubs, and Trees ;^.Fire. wood ; Printing Paper, Types, Pi.uiuig Presses, and Printers' Ink ; Bags ; ,Old Rope and Junk ; ^alt of all kinds ; Sails and Rigging saved from vessels wrecked ; Soap, Grease and Tallow ; Butter ; Cheese ; Lard ; Timbeiihnd Lumber of all kinds, round, hewed, and sawed, unmanufactured in whole or in part ; Lines and Twines , Shoo Thread and Boot Webbing ; Animals of all kinds ; Fresh, Sfnoked, Salted, and Cured Meats ; Cotton Wo»l ;' Cotton Batting ; Seeds and Vegetables ; Undried Fruits, the pro* duce of the United States of AnifBrica ; Furs, Skiqs, or Tails, undressed ; Stone or Marble in its crude or unwrought state ; £llate. Ores of Metals of all kinds; Coal; Pitch ; ^ ']('ar ; Turpentine i Ashes ; Pelts; \i(ool ; Bark ; Gypsum, ground or uiiground { Hewn, wrought, or i^nwrought Burr or Grindstones ; Dye Stufis ; Flax, flehip, Manila, and Tow, unmajBjifac* tured; Unmanufactured, Tobaci^ ; lUjjiin ; Horus ; HiiSes ; the produce of the United Stf te; of^^nMiiea ; 'iyilia and Chalk. . . it'^^-ir- ^ /^^ , tn' igditiqii l«i ^« ordimiy ff^MIVf^ ,• d«^ M.tl^^ V cent, ia tmfoaed for RaJl#^y .pt^iiaaea ^ attGoo4s, lifaits, iidlt^handise, e:^cfpt ^wtain articles, belfeg the growth |nd prodiico of the ITnited States of i^merica, namely :>~Graii|, Flour, pofl BjnJMidslQffb of all kindt ; \f nittiils of all kinds ; Fresh, Smoked, a^d Salted Iff sits ; CpUon WooU See^s a/ad Yegetfblea ; Undried Fruits; Fish o^all kin^ ; Products of, Fish and all. other^rea- tures living in the wfter ; Foulibry and.lUggs ; Hides, Fufs ; Skins or |piils, undressed ; Stone or Marble) in its crude or unwrohght state ; Slate ;,'^ut- ter; Cheeae ; TsUow ; Lard; Horns; Manures; Ores of Metals of* all kinds ; Cm| \ P|eb ; l|'ar ; Turpentine ; Ashes ; Timber and Lunk^r ot all kinds, roMAd^ Mwed, add sawed ; unmaBufffC|ufe<1 in whole or in pi^rt ; Firewood ; Plants, Shrulity and Treea ; Pelts ; Wood ; Fish Oil ; ftice ; Broom Coiou and Bark ; ^jrpsum, ground or unground ; Heifn, or wrought or unwrou^t Burr or (grindstones ; Dye Stuffs, Flax, Hemp, a>ad Tow, unmanufactured ; unmanu?actured Tobacco ; Rags. Aq^exoept Bpggage, Apparel, £t4>Viaehoid Eilecta, the Working Tools and l|iplemeiit2 used and in use of 0^rMns or families arriving in the Provtece, iruaed abroad fa|y them, I and oo|.uilendfd for any other pfrson or persons, m for sale ; Ind Carriagea ' ot ISivtellen,' hot intended for sale. ; :; ^ m Il • I •VOA •pu«| •BUOIDJA •jCjnqnng •unof 'jg B^uaon^ s.Saix •?u©3i •ia^saanoiQ •dnoiitqo •ao)9ixvQ ~»joqiy S P <>w •A O t^QOlO O 38 1 00 o eg •" o> — o eVgf SI Si •MM Ml Slli ■ l» I I ■ i ■ ■ e«e» 3§ n 9* )•<* (O o IS' *10« go—- sfsf n $« 0) tn ■am o> •» 00 o n 01 «» « si S25JS 0>IC« ODI 00 1- is 5*5 « * » * 01 m s &i<-. eo«9 odOO o p s ft (4 ef m »- «n n n i 8 u 8 S «> sssssss' §g 8 I f* (4 ■^ H ♦* O 3 q^jA ..'r-'i ■ a ji ft so J J.2 g *!« ftM fl s a M g 8 o I- 3 O H •2 l^a^ c^a- 00 w o XI o D9 888888888 F^ 06 rH<^ oo 88888 8 8 li^' ^ o a S S 60 O OS m'2 ili^si|l|.l B 1 CO 2^ ^ ■ S >« sboflj wsV ■■Jih '\p> «»■»">' 6 April 1836 | 29 March 1853 ^ 14 July 1854 ^ 9 July 1855 .„.,y Cairns, William Revolving brick press Clayton, Henry Manufacture of bricks Craig, George Sawing wood in bevelled form r,»qtT Clenkard, Hy. R. Improvement in 2nd anchor shackle ' Cato,Mill6r,&Co. Improvement in ships' knees , Cotton, Reub. P. Carleton air-tight cook stoves • f^iT-. Colaman, James Rheumatic and,horse liniment .:..^jid October 1859 Cashing, Andre Hooks for gang saws > ^ifJ^u^ ;.\»»i»tif« ^^ ^^J" ^®^® 22 May 1857 7 Septem. 18fr7 22 July 1859 Cole, Andrew H. Plumb anfl level,, Cushing, Andre Saw table 5 No rem. 1860 22 March 1861 l9May 1856„j,i^ 6 July 1835 ^ 16 August 185S i^ 9 Decern. 1866 ^ Deering, William Hay and cotton press. -j,^ y^ih'M4-\^i ^^ ^*J ^^^^ Davis, David L. Elastic railway bearings ,y ,,j jitT.nii*K^^ ^"^7 ^'^"^ Davis, Frankford Planing saw ^_ ,^^_ ,n* ^ju^itj. ^^^ I*cbry. 1860 Dickie, David M. Rotary harrow !*Z^^^'^t \iMiir'i- , : ^"^ May 1861 Furbish, Webber Horse power fttikti ^*ij«iflv»' ^ March 1839 Fraser, J. W. Hydrophoric machine Fowlis, Robert Apparatus for decomposing coal, &.c. Farmer, Moses G. Electric telegraph Flewelling and ■> Horse hay rake ^nii^t^^t sJiJsibvs 3 ^pril 1861 Fairweather 5 -^ -ju^'it^^in »i** Gesner, Abraham Mastic pavement tasim^.vtr Ditto Kerosene, Ac, from coal^a,,',, £,.,^ Gilbert, Sam. H. Mowing machine •^,^, „i lam^ ,f^ Gilmour, George 2nd anchor Shackle ' ki^fiw Ditto Messenger shackle and block Guilford, Hy. P. Horse hay rake Gray, And. G. Supporting Knd working ships' yards 20 July 1869 Ditto Spiral and lever gear for ships' pumps 25 Novem. 1861 \ »l fi 'A i j^e 4 Novem. 1851 4 March 1854 6 March 1854 22 May 1867 25 May 1867 20 April 1859 a a T T r T r Hawley, George Shingle machine 10 Novem. 1851 x ' ! ;i SXM9B* ^' 12a n II 'A iMTKNTiovi. Airy m r I'M- f.»4i •M. DAT! OP PATRNT • 29 June 1868 vjj 13 October 18^9 6 Decern. 1860 Aug.*6l,Feb.'62 5Febry. 1869 "^ 6 April 1863 4 October 1868 19 April 186X "•' 21 June 1841 ^'^ 21 Pebry. 1861 26 Febry. 1863 'jkn. ff H^Il^ WMhioff^Q Stump eztr«etor . .yv,Sv<))>*^ Hunt, Edward Mew mode of trettioy rteint Hamilton, T. L. Design : ornament for atove Hai&tworth, W. 2 Improvement in ships* windlasses Hyslop/Johh H. Washing Machine I rh v^i. Holt, Jtmes Circular s«w^ gang Kennedy, J*, A. Improved hydrant Khow4ton, SitTid Improved capstih Laho,'Z«ila8 * ' Thrashing machine Lake,^ Jimfet ' Bran duster Lamb, iHloitias Snow pldugh •» * ».^.j. .w«. McLmlan, R.N.B. Ready guide f. planing timber to be sawn 1 Aug. 1863 Matthew, Ckeio. ^ Improved i^intlhg ink ♦ *'* ••*'^' * ^^ m J«»n« IS^^ Mace, Jblm A.' ' N«w mode of takiftg ambrotypes M'Callaia, D.'C. New mode of bridge builditig MbAleer, Miehael Improvem^t in steam boilers Nagy. Datii« ^ New form df ciii «^*"«'^- ' «» tl> r? * Pitt, Richard ' ' Improved rudder Pochin, H. Dftvis New mode of treating resins, Sec, Price,' iohn * ' Design for shirt boirioinf Piper; llnotilc Method of preserving "fish, ^. ' '*' Quinttin; Joif ft A pparatui i&t #armifig buildiift gs Rice,liir^ Shingle iBiichfnif * ^' " " Robwn, Thos. (2) Fog bell tt^t^/ov Ross^iiilln '«'*- ' ^Artificial slate ^«*^^ i^MU ti« mt<^ Roblpi Jdlfii' Reefing anA ftfrlitig iiiti "^ ''^*-'^^ Robbltti,^ bilhj. Imp-oved pump fo^ m^ " -' RoftiWn, W; B* Improvement in ships' virihdlasses Rac^ *1^m. YLfi Improvement in lamps ^ '*^ ' ^ Stapiii, dolite "■ Self-holding plankihf e^rew Spurr,' 20 July 1^68 Trl«M^Yb6s.T.^MBelf.workiiigchum •/'?/ 4Novem. 1869 IM: ';|^r, % PATHMT. 1868 ler 1859 X. I860 ,Feb.'62 . 1868 1868 C^ icr 1868 il 1861 el84l "^ py. 1861 ry. 1863 ;. 1853 e 1857 '*• t.l857 '"; y 1860''"- ^^ y 1863 jry. 1856 t)ry. 1856 tdber 1869 ;uBt 1861 i^ber 18iB3 ly 1869 ihe 1835 il,Aog.'69 :em. 1861 jefai. 1868 ti«» W68 biy. 186« W 1««9 ' -ril#m;i854 yy lif66 •' i(^st 1867 tgttgt 1867 iguct 1867 [y 1858 arcti 1^59 iiy 186fe '^•^ tdber 1883 [trcH 1863 iril 1868 tern. 1863 ily 1843 - tyl8*i»! Dffust 1866 'ty I86t "''" lly IIJ^ eill. 18^9 Hta^i} NAMU. i^qi TKu IKVUTIOVI* 3iU -s^^rfltmlMPilTI Off PATiNT. Tomlinson, Jos. Improvement in suspeBMOo brl49<>> 98 Ja»n«>yl861 Tborne^ Jtf. 8. ImproTementJui:«hip>' windl«eM«. UniierhUlt J. D. Saw filing awichine >; ^ >. Watts, Wm. Potatoe digger Whyte, Li|ther C. Improved water wheel . i ,»„ ^ ^ Willar^, Asa Butter n^ad^ine ' y, « Woodman, A. Y. Electric telegraph apparatus "'.^'^ Wycoff, Arcaloas Pump borer "^^ * Wilkinson, John Diflbrential power tr«i« . i?i nil nj ii»!>- .)',-»-! •fij'i 1. The Lieutenant Governor is authorised to grant Letters Patent t61ny applicant for a term not exceeding fourteen years, giving to ^htm atid his representative the exclusive right to make, use and vend any fkvm ifvtntbn or ^iacovery. By act of assembly, 85 Vie* cap« 83, it is pBoviiikd, *«,|Jnit,the *< fees to be paid by a foreigner on Letters Patent, shall bei the same. int all <« cases and no more than those now charged to British siik|ee^ i^oyided «* .that the Gevf rument of tl^i; county of ifj|Hch V>g|^ forfignerfAf ^. inbi4>i^*nt M.ahflljnot ^i||c;rimi«ate agfinst the ^fi^^^t^uts of tliif .Prpvioi^.'f. .TIMs statute was passf^ to reciprocMo with< % .#iBiil|Hr enai;tme^V <|f ^% >yuil^d States, approved March 2, 1861. Formerly o// foreigners were ch||jgf4 in this Province far bighjl^r! fees on Patentf th^ vf;9^e. charged. ttJP>iitis|i sub- jects ; now, all jipplieai)ts.^^o mftter of what natippelit^f, UA^^^r the Voeye condition, are placed upon an equal footing. In Canada, an ipftUqiu| for^a Patent is required to be a British subject, and * refident of that f^roviuce at the time of his appli^tien, and in Nova Scotia iueh Appllieabt must oe a British subject, and have t>^n a rerident there twelve months prior to the date of his petition. 2. The appUcaiijt ^us| ^ate fin kw petition the nat«ra pf hie iATeqtiwi, and thpt it has,iiqt been known or uijed by otheri pri^r tff hii,4iimYe<3rt.aAd is i|ot then in puUicier ^mmon use in this Praviace, 'J^Kt aiiipU9U olthe petjitiennr uin^t be verififd en oatl^.to the best of the uppiiMuCs ^\mft Ai»7 person laMng a falsfi;:0«th, qr JUwduQg a fiiiM a^raiati^n iu rtfenn^ to patent matter is subject to iiui|«i such punisfaMEUfiit Mvpe«iWB|i,cAqfiet«dff wilful ocj^rrupt j^giwy fure JIfble te^ Bk ac^ Ig Vi^ Miy^2Ji O^^l »»»« same persons who are iuthonsed to tak^ the acf^uQWiedgmenis or proofs of ¥l m§.. tho execution of deeds [see Ist vol. Rev. Statutes, p.p. 286, 387] are aulhorised to administer the oaths required from applicants for patents, residing Imv* or in foieif n coHntries. 8. The potition with an aeeurata description of the invention is to be filed in the 8ecrelarv*s office. A mode), when the ease admits of it, must also be lodged. ' • ^ -"yTufy- n'jiuu-'* .mW *iit^ h .4. . Ifsny person entitled to a patent hero dies before tho same is granted, hie executor can apply for it,, for tho benefit of the estate ; the oath- in such cas0 ie tailed to suit the circumstances. S. PatoBta may issue in the name of any assignee of an inventor, for any V. discovery made in this Province. * ''''6. Ftiiria^gn patents may i«8ue to any assigtoee in New Brunsvrick, upon a ptoper isaignment thereof. >«i"ti* •• «» un a'»/y7(, tnl u-rtii.>H'.:<^- 7. Where -an inventor has obtained a patent in any other country for hi« invention, and a patent is granted in tlus Province for tho same discovery, tho last patent shall expire with the first one. 9, Whtroany person shall improve upon an invention, he obtains no right to the eriginal invention, neither has the original inventor any right to the improvement. .^. . ^, ^^^^ ''..,> 9. All patents are originally in whole or in part. Assignnients tniisi Ite recorded in the Secretary's ofilice, within three months from date of execution Uiereof^ ,.,•.,, "f! 10* if patentee without fraud claim for any material part, which he has not imwnted, his patent u still valid for so much^as is really his own, if it is distinguishable from the part patented withoul ' riglit. In such case 9 dis- dainmr must he filed in the Seeretai^r's oflke, and will form part of the «rigind apecifieation. v '^^ 11. 'If i potumiBtt makt^s an IrM^rovemetit, he can have a description of the sa^eannexed to bis original rfj^'ifficlition. The Provincial Secretsiry then OBffifies the time of ahnexttig, when il has the same effect as an original patent.' '• '■'■ ^ ■' ' < ^ ' ' '^' t >^' 13V>to**^ '^^fl*^ « iM-^rtofiJX^Jii^yijvlii yeard'f^r^khy original design of art oi'tirnanient, or of a manufactufa, or of the printing any asaKjiiai. . li, Patents granted in England subsfiquent t,q, 3rd May, 1653, and extending t9 t^e^ colonies, ar^ of no forco here, until cqpied of original spepifi. cations and drawings are filed, and duplicates of niodelii are lodged in Secre* tary's office. (This provision is virtually inoperative, as the Cvmmissionor ^ Patents in England h8A8^ p. 73. ] 8udli Oommissibner has th^'poWer to exttfnd Eng< Krfi Patitfla to lllii Golonfes, under the antii<»rity of an Imperial dnttctnki^nt, 15«iid te VietoHa,>.8d, 8<« 18. We are not tfware, boWevfcri that this po#l$r bm evefbeen exere{s«d so far as N#w Brunswick is concerned. .^'^' IB/' t;o.*^« ents niu«t ^^« 8 of execution ^hich he his it own, if »t is »ch case 9 ^^ paft of the jeription of the iecretaty then as an original v«iL year* for tt\y the printing [ay, 1853, anJ original specifi- )dged in Secre- end ihe granw tntee'b Manual. to exttfnd Eng- erial *Ba«rti^n». rovWi that this jieerned. ceiled tinder his hY^d, shall be evidence in all eourtt, and anj person may obtain a copy of any aueh document, on payment of feee. 16 « If any person shall in any way infringe on the right of any patentee, « be shall forfeit three times the actual damage occasioned by such eflenfe, i( to be recovered with costs in the Supreme Court/' : " t ^ 17. The law provides for the disposal of an application for a Patent, . where it apparently interferes with another application then pending. The < proceetegB in such casea are complicated, dilatory, and expensive, and it ia not likely they will ever be resorted to. See 1 Bey^ Statutes p.^, 300, 801. j CAVCAT. ' f> **«■}* * ^"^* • '•'«•» 18. «< Any person making a discovery or invention^ and desiring further i >• time to mature the same, may file in the Secretary'* ofiica a catxat, •' setting forth its purpose, its principle, and distinguished characteristics, '< praying that his rights may be protected, the cavxat aball ||b filed in the •> Secretary's office, preserved in secrecy, and be in force one year. If appli- ^ " cation be made within the year by any person for a Patent, which appa- '< rently will interfere with the rights of the party filine the catiat, the " Secretary shall deposit the description, specification, and drawings of the '« applicant in his office, preserving secrecy, and give notice of the application " by mail of otherwise, to the person filing the cavrat, who within three ^ •> months after receiving such notice, shall file his description, specifications, . " and drawings, or the catxat shall be void." , 19. All patents shall be void, if the patentee shall not within three yeara after the granting thereof, establish in this Province the manufacture of, or \ introduce the article, improvement, or composition of matter for which the same was granted. By 23 Vic. cap 41, upon good cause ahewn, the Lieut. ; i Governor is empowered to grant a further time, net to exceed threo years, to > the patentee, wherein to introduce his invention, from the expiration of the j first three years. This enactment applies to all future Letters Patent. .<«i 20. Any person affixing to any article the name, or a fraudulent simi- larity of the name of any patentee of such article without his consent, or the words •< patent," « patentee," or ** Letters patent," or words ef similar a import, on any unpatented article, for the purpose of deceiving the public, is '. liable to a penalty of $100, one half to be paid to the Provincial treasurer, the other, to tho prosecutor, ewsn^i i»i^ .«»*y /j •!<.r*4*ti»»t^ *ij| w i*j»*i 21. Patentees must stamp or affix on each patented article offered for sale, or on the package containing it, the date of the Patent, under a penalty of $20, for each offence. **' 22. Where a defendant in an action relies on a previous invention, he must give notice thereof with his plea, and must state (he names and resi- Idences of his witnesses. If judgment pass for the defendant in such case, I the patent becomes void. Whenever a plaintiff fails in his action on the ground that his specification or claim embraces more than thit to wlich he is entitled as first inventor, and it shall appear that the defendant had' used any part of the invention truly specified and ctaimed as specified and claimed 81 new, the Court may make such order as (0 costs as ihall be equitable. '"'*' 121 I ' * m ■■ P'' n h i\ iS \i\ Ir 33.^ No fMtion can bf sufU^d fof mj od«Ac« recocoiMd by U|« Pftlfot law. baltM the sailtae if coraihehced ivi||)|n fip monthi fiAtr thf luiowMf* •! the o||en^e committed. If a British eubject, a f^nignniknitf^^'nti^w^M^^ 1 (above^ pay- able to government ... . ''"i..\'-' '....'' ...i$,21 50 If a foreigner, hot Ihtie entitled .... .... 40 00 FiMtiti a ca^N«t •' *''i\ ^.m.^^ii.^ . ;. „ ..... .,.a . «^ 00 A itibHiMBt'itepreTenent . . . . * "''. ;;.:^ ,;. ... 1^ 00 On r«;litoiitfdPpMairtdhfabrr«iider of oM patent 16 00 Application for a deeign .... ~ .'.'.' 13 00 CofllMcfpaMfM da flle^ for over 100 word! '*^\VJr' .... 00 40 IUeMi|l^aM|Wi^ifts,todll^^ri)apeHiBliteiceeUing300wordf.. 00 40 Ef*yiiaffltidftilpiw#ftfda: .v:\ .\.': " ..*: -:\:: oo «-j Copfiie'of dMvhlte iiM iabdelb per agreement AtteM*^^fninir<^^filrLiM»ilft»#,'«ii%Vilty patent i«e«ed,frfm 9 95 •'^•f!*,a3teei«J|'td'c^ U'.* .- «« #...«. Thj tteil^ KaiM^tfve goVVnmente ;— ^. ,' ^,„ jVl f * ' VKITIB ILIMODOX. rAjSi'. On reoeiTinspetition . . . .' OnttioUdneTintih^ioA to proceed On eealing Letters patent At or bef«re expiration of third yeiir •■■MlV-t iterliqg. #i fi?"^..^ f • • • • f • • • e , , ^... 6 6 . , . • « ., . .... " w »» At or * fore expiration bf eitttitiVkw . . ..^ '^^'^ . . * ' : . . . 80 On warrant of law officer for LetAM'bateht '''* *^' ' ^: . . On ^rtmaift Of pk^nietft of fee itlfi^d yrH^thl year . ... .... 6 10 Onitiertiflciti'6f^^nMlit'ftfreeir)ffiYbfieTeiilit»«^.. ....30 Patento iMlAvilriyhiy #rdkbt6^iif t!f6 Unit^nEMgdolkn for U yeara. Palentf are granted for 16 yeara on- payment in advance of £4 aterling ananally«t Tbi eaet of a patent i^idudlai^ ilrit yikr'atal and agency <;harges i«jei;i'lSf-alirlUig;--- .;' " ' • '• -.v^.^^.s^, ■ V ■'*<-.': vvi^Tas aTATia. ■ "*- -''-.-r-'fr Patents are granted for 17 years. No renewal. Georemopent fecM 936< Th^inj^ihky ts^of y#fr Bt^ ^ are the onlr.BqtishNort^,, American colonVt8,,woqwn take oat pa^entsin the United siftes, upon the jianie terms as Ameri^n citizens. m-mi—' . ■ * BSLOIUX. '» Patents are graiited for 2Q. years at an aniiui|l t^f commencing at |^ francs and increasing 1 6 {ranea annnally i ' ^ u ,^m^mm ^^ It ** Patents are gragte^ for any i)uml»Br of yeajre not jBxceeding, 15. Whole cost £19 Ip 0^^^ ,.< j;^^ jy, , g^., ly ,g ,^„^^ ^j(g yj^j^, n»5,i »^ ,mii In pr ■60 ox-c| m $21 50 40 00 f 0^ 00 l(f 00 16 00 1« 00 00 40 00 40 ■ 00 «0 9 35 - ^.^ -• it coantriet •terliDg. ,#'6 5 6 '-:' 6 0b ^vi«4o '/: 80 6 *. . 10 .. «0 r £4st«rUDg int Um $36^ ^J» ,Aiiiericaii leiwmetefms. ngat to francs g iW" Wbole '.I'm ill <•»•» MISCELI,A]ffEQTn9 :i^r BAVIRIA. Patents are granted for 15 years. Cost £21 jO 0#^ The coat of a patent for one year with right to extend to 15 ia £34 0*. ec 1 nusHiA. httn* The cost for a patent for 6 years and Agency is £95 0. "" "* •• • > *^ CAKADA. ^** None but a resident British subject can take out a patent in Canada. ^ Term 14 years. Government fee $20. i , .t ? i *nf . ., , * v Al irovA scoTn. ' The applicant for a patent must bo a British subiect, and have rasidad 13 " months in the ProTince. Government fee $4. W^m 14 years. ♦" ' J***^^^ .,. . ■< ,j, tfc.j- '-ii* '»g n m x *-0i»| *«> iuiail jili m »%•••*<• ♦¥#!! ►*w 4j.'*»»»'^ '-■' ^-^ ^* ^ Fhrporfl/^ of tit SeedStd. " ^^^:',:':;^^ We have generally prepared the seed bed in the fall by heavy manuriii^ plowing; in deepi and leaving the bed in a rough state till the/foUowuaf t.^^ spring. As soon as the frost is out of the ground spade the bed pver, f**'!)>li< the purpose of bringing the manure to the aurface and thoroughly mixing with the soilt at the same time clearing put all roots of weeds and grass. '«f Aftel^levelling the bed we make the soil as compact as possible, either by rolling with d he^vy roller or tramping with the feet. We then rak^ ., thesurfacei lightly with a fine tooth garden rake, and sow thff seed, rakipf j " lightly to •over it, and then roll or tramp it again. * . ,.'« r ,,:L.> / hr.ttii Thie seed is so very small, being smaller than mustard seedf that it is better to mix it with dry muck or ashes before sowing, as it is more evtfilj^ ; distributed on the bed. We sow about as thickly as in sowing cabbagO^ <<,, seed in the garden. The bed is treated precisely an a bed in the garden, in<>^,, weeding, &c. y^. When the plants have three or four leaves, which should be about the middle sf May, on a rainy day we sow on about two quarts of fine guano per square rod, being particular to sow on the gutino while it rains, for i^ the sun comes out soon after it is sown, there is danger of blirning the *" leaves. Bj U'l jfiy^ iii^ Preparation of the Ground. m*>mi In preparing the ground for setting out the plants, we think it best to " harrow in the manure, which should be fine compost. We use from 40 to^ 60 ox-cart loads per acre — (th6 ox-cart load is about 35 bushell.^ ->«,?»**»»# I s f il lfi«' The Und boing manurod and well harrowed, we set the teeth of our marker 3| feet apart, and mark it out one way. W« then raise a ridge about 6 inches high by turning two furrows together with a horse plow. Tho ridges being nade, we mark acroes them, making the marks 2^ feet apart. We have generally used some special manure in the hills for the purpose of giving the plant a start. We have tried Peruvian guano, about 300 to 600 pounds per acre ; castor pomace, from 300 to 3000 per acre, and the L6di Company's poudrette 2 to. 4 barrels per acre. .* nil ^ 1 »"» ^ The guano and castor pomace it is necessary to sow on the marks, or in a furrow made for the purpose, before making the ridges ( thus being directly over the guano oi^jpiace), as so large a quantity placed in the hills would destroy the plant. We like the poudrette best, as we can place that in the hills without injury to the plant. Wo also think the poudrotte gives the best tobacco. We make the hills at each intersection of the marks, with a hoc, spntting them lightly, thus making the hills 3^ by 2^ feet. We set the plants from the 5th to the 15th of June, (choosing if possible a rainy or damp day for the purpose,) though I have seen very handsome crops raised set us late as July 4th. - t * InuetB injurious to the Crop. Some years we have been greatly troubled by cut worms, for which reaion we have been in the habit of plowing in a green crop, cither rye or clover, which feeds the worms, and consequently they do uot eat the tobacco so badly. The cut worm usually finishes its work of destruction by July 4th, up to which Ume, when a rainy day comes, all hands turn out and set over the plants miasing. The green, or tobacco worm proper, commences operating about July 1st. We often find the eggs ( of the miller, which produces the worm,) on the under side of the leaf : they are about the size of a large pin's head, and a light pea green colour. The miller flies by night and is rarely seen. I have never seen but twj» in the seven years we have raised tobacco. The head looks very much like an owl's; the body is grey in colour, about IJ inches long, and the wings when spread extend about 3 inches from tip to tip. The green worm is a constant source of annoyance from its first appearance until the tobacco is cut. We sometimes have to go over the ground every day for worms, though in some seasons once a WQek will suffice. ' '^ '*"'':; ' - -'"•■■w~ . Cultivafion, Harvestings 4rc. The tobacco will not grow much until it is hoed, as the ground becomes hard, and must be well stirred to give the root a chance to start. There is an advantage in setting the plants on a ridge, for thay are not so apt to be covered with dii*t by the horso hoe, or by a heavy shower. We generally hoe as often as we can, but rarely more than 3 times, unless the ground is very weedy, which should not be the case in good farming. The cost of production varies greatly with the seasons, as when we have a (Jry aaason we bavo to water the plants and cover them with a little' cut th of our at a ridge orse plow, ks 2 j feet i« purpose lut 300 to e, and the arkB, or in thuR being iced in the Us without ; tobacco, oc, apntting g if possible r handsome , for which jither rye or aot eat the y 4th, up to set over the : about July the worm,) i pin's head, rarely seen. >bacco. The iir, about 1} 1 from tip to from its first go over the week will ind becomes \t. There is so apt to be ^e generally the ground Ihen we have a little' cut 427 hay to prevent the sun from schorching th«io The pah leaiion was very favourable, there having been so much damp weather n out er t|^ time that we did not cut or water a plant on 4^ acres. After the tobacco is set the labour is about double what it is <- corn. T have never made an exact calculation of the expense of raisiht, tobacro,, but for myself I can say I would rather take care of an acreof toSicco than two acres of corn. The lar.a which will produce 3000 pounds of tobacco per acre will not produce over 70 bushels of shelled corn, which shows n large dificrencc in favor of tobacco. About tno middle of August the tobacco is in bldesom. We then go over the field and break off the tops, taking ofTabout 4 or ft leaves with the top, according to the size of the plant. In about a week a sucker starts at the junction of each loaf with the stalk. These must be taken off before cutting as, if left on, it la very inconvenient to handle the tobacco. We generally commence cutting about the tenth of Septoniber, for tiy that time most of it is ripe, and if it stands afler it is fully ripe it will often rust. The rust is in spots on the leaf and injures the quality. We commence cutting in the morning after the dew is off, and let it lay for a while to wilt, being careful not to let it long enough to get sunburnt. After being wilted enough to handle without breaking the leaves, it is placed in a cart or waggon and drawn to the curing house, which is goner- ally a shed or rough building, which may be shut up close or opened tfi let in air. The best buildings arc about 34 or 36 feet wide, and as loVig as convenience may dictate — 36 feet allowing of three 12 feet rails across the building. We hang from 26 to 35 plants oh a rail according to size. The butt of the stalk is placed against the rail, and the twine passed around it, the twine being crossed on top of the rail between every tw<« plants, as they are placed on alternate sides. The rails are about 20 inches - apart, allowing room for a good circulation of air, which is absolutely necessary, as without it the tobacco will sweat on the poles, and is lost. > In about sfx: weeks or two months the tobacco is suflliciently cured to strip. After it is well cured the first damp day we open every door and window to let in the air, for it is necessary to have it damp to keep it from breaking, i^s j-c-* «;!.• 4. { .G»: ouul .■s^to-v. v,if"A When it is taken from the poles it is placed in a (Mle, a double tier, the tips lapping about 6 inches or 1 foot, butts evenly laid and closely Pa^l^'^d to prevent drying. ^^ If nojt dan^p it may lay so for several days without injury, but it requires close watehing to. prevent it from heating. We divide it after stripping, into three kinds, called wrappers, seconds, and fillers. The wrappers ire the choicest leaves, the seconds have many imperfect kdves, and britig about hatf the price of wrappers, the fillers are the poorest leaves, atid bring about ono*third the price of wrappers. When the leaves aro stripped fffooy the stalk about a dozen leavca are put together and at leaf coUed around the butts, which makes a hand. As a general thing the moiie particular we are in assorting tlie better price we get. I have aeon a really nice lot of tobaccQ sold for a small price for want of care in assorting. I l^hink we have averaged IS cents a pqund for wrappers, 7| cents ^r h ' lis Mcoodt, ftnJ ccnU for fillf ri during the Beven ycari we hav« rtiMil tobaeco, and the weight would tTeragn 1500 pounds per t^croi though we iharo niied 9200 pounds on on* acre and aold it for 80 centa per pound for the drat aaalitv. ', In iiucn a yield a« the above there would not bo over 300 pounda of the ^rat fiul.MCOod qualities both together. . , ..y,p -;.'^ .„,..*;!' ,;,.^. AiUir atripping it is evenly packed in piles, (keeping Ctie various quaruies aeparate* of courae.) butts out and tips lapning n very little, throe or four , iyncheil perliaps. We do not case it but sqll to dealers who dor Ttit rase ,ia maae of merchantable soft pine boards, and it* about il^ feet long, by 2^ wide and i^ deep. About 400 pounds of tobacco is put in each case by . miBMui of a aerew. In a few days after casing the sweating process com- menees. During some stages of this process a person not ucquaiuted with it were ho to examine the tobacco would sny it was worthless, being perfectly soft and apparently rotten. I have often seen the outside of the case so hot as to draw the pitch from knots in the boards. The tobacco must go through this process before it is manufactured, to give it the nccessory nnish. . »» . ,. ..r GLEANIlSGS FKOM OLD NEWSPAPERS^-, R§yal GAzette, October 18, 1785. — Some time since was launched at Qrimroas, on the river St. John, a ship of 300 tons burthen called the New Brunswick ,- and on Saturday last was launched on the same river, distant about 40 miUs from this city, a brigantino of about 150 tons burthen. We are assured by a gentleman of veracity, that the goodness of their timbers ( being aill white oak) and the workmanship on them, cannetbe exceeded in . any of the now States of America. ilo^yo/ G^a2«//«, June 3, 1780.— 'The Corporation having purchased two fire eoigine^ lor tha uao of Uie city, and have directed one to be keep'd ti the . Macket plaee, Upper Cove, the other at the Market place, Lower Ceve. n \ \ Thfee who incline to join the two Engine Companies will leave their names ^ith Mr. Munson Jarvis, and Mr. John Cotvill, Merchaitfs. Royal Gazette, June 20, 1786.— On Saturday last 22 sail of veaieli'ltrere riding M anchor in the harbor of this city. Royal Gazette^ August 1, 1786. — Last Sunday morning preached in the ^Churc^ of this city, the Rev, Mr. Bisset, lately arrived from iJngland, and in the eTeningt Mesara. Moor and Gibbons, of the people cooioionly called ^^Quakers, the former from New Jersey, and lb« latter from Pea^lyania, to whj^h places they mean to return after they huve finished their religious visits iff this country. The whole gave great satisfaction to crowded audieocea. • • #Diya/ Gaxeite^ August 8, 1786. — Yesterday his EtceUency Governor ^GiaiietMi ombairked on board Ike Brisk, sloop of war, and aailed for West, ■morcland ; #ep«rteaya his ex Boj^al Gazette, August 23, 1786.— Arrived on Sunday tMi|iiiritc(^l)i;^cy GeTcimor C^.fl^on, after an aWnce of thirteen days from tl^oityt during Hrbich 'dole be has visited the County of Westmoreland, and walked across 129 i&v« raiMil though wc r pounil for indi of tlie ut qualitic* o« or four ' Thf ca«o long, by ^ ich caic by roccM coin- aiutcd with ilc«8, being Uide q|| thv ifactured, to PER8. launched at lied the New river, distant irthen. We their timberi ) exceeded in I ■ . ' :! ' Drcha«od two kef fu'd at the r C«ve. ill leave their its. vesaela were I » 1 ii -J li ' ' .,.: . r ..,•1 eached in the iglandi and in onionly culkJ ^eat^lyania, to religious visits audiences, incy Governor tiled for West. tCxc^Ubncy city, dUTing Walked across the country from thence te Pleasant valley along the intended road. Hia Eicellency waa two nights in the woods hut net with fowe r obataelas to hia rout than ha expected. Wa are told, that ha waa anuch pleased with tba Country through which he passed, and that ha waa particularly gratiAad ia the content and induitry, that so generally prevails in that part of tba Province. We hear that from an actual experiment made, at the • Halt Uprings at Pleasant Valley, in the parish of Springfield, (Sussex 1), it appcara that from two po nds of the water (troy weight) there was obtained ona ounce 6 drama and 12 grains of good salt, and that there is great rea^n to expect that a decided advantage may be derived to this Province from these springe. Royal Gazette, Oct. 24, 1786 —Those gentlemen, who wish and intend Xm encourage the Rf^. Mr. Jantea Prater, to settle in this city, are raqueated la meet at the Coflbe house tomorrow evening precisely at 7 o'clock. It ia expected every person thue inclined will not fail to attend, that it may ba linown with certainty what aalary can be promised to Mr. Fraur. Royal Gazette, Nov. 7, 1786.— In consequence of the appointment of the Right Honorable Lord Dorchester, to be Governor and Commander in Chief of British America, the late Governors have received from England new Commissions yippointing them Lieutenant Governors, etc. And we hear from Prederirton that the Commission appointing our worthy Governor, Lieutenant Governor, ander his noble brother, was read on the 30th of Octo- lier, and that immediately aAerwards he took the usual oaths. Royal Gazette, Dec. 12, 1786.— Charity Sermon.— On Christmas day a Charity Sermon will be preached by the Rev. Mr. Bisset, after which there will be a collection made for tho poor. Royal Gazette, January 9lh, 1787. — Now in the press and will be pub> lished on Saturday next, the pleasure and advantage of Brotherly Unity, a Sermon, preached before the Right Worshipful Master, Wardena, and Brethren of the 54th Regimental Lodge of free and accepted Masona, in the Parish Church of Saint John, on December 26, 1786, by George Biaiat, .\.M., Rector of St. John, and MisaiO' iry from the Saciety for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parte. Royal Gazette, June 5th, 1787.— Church of Scotland. Whereas tba Rev. James Fraser, has returned to this city, a meeting of the Membera of that Church, ar*^ encouragers of the Gospel, is requested at the Coffee House, on Wednesday £vening the 6th instant at 6 o'clock, on business of iraportanoa. Royal Gaztite, Dec. 18th, 1787.— At a Court of General Quarter Sessiona of the Peace held at the City Hall of this City on the fourth instant Silaa Slutt was indicted for a felony, convicted, and sentenced to receive thirty§ff A f'*i*t\'j'u{ ff't if- ^ip* ■ifl*. ^-t->*? nOXDft 432 % ^yi^ 6tmov9 Attacbiient to Smokinot— The following ia a curious cue of extreme fondBessibr smoking in a very poor and very old man. In the year 1810, there died in Dartford workhouse, aged 106, one John Gibson. He had been an inmate of the house for ten years, and till within two months of death used daily to perambulate the town. His faculties were entire to the last He was so much attached to smoking, that he request* ed his pipe, together with his walking'stick, might be placed in his coffin, wlMch request was complied with. AsTLUii FOR Dbstitutb Cat8. — Of all the curious charitable institutions in the world, the most curious probably is the Cat Asylum at Aleppo, Which is attached to one of the mosques there, and was founded by a mis* Mithropic old Turk, who being possessed of large granaries, was much an. neyed by n^ts and mice, to rid himself of which he employed a legion of cats, who so effectually rendered him service, that in return he left them a sum in th^ Turkish funds, with strict injunctions that all destitute and sickly cats should be provided for, till such time as they took themselves off again. In 1846, when a famine was ravaging in all North Syria — when scores of poor people were dropping down in the streets from sheer exhaus- tion and want, and dying there by dozens per diem before the eyes of their well-to-do fellow creatures, men might daily be encountered carrying away sack loads of cats to be fed up and feasted on the proceeds of the last will and testament of that vagabond old Turk, whilst fellow creatures were per- mitted to perish. . ',' , ' ' SklF'Nocrishmbnt. — That animals may sometimes be kept alive for a '.long time solely on nourishment supplied from their own bodies, is evident Irom the fact that after a great fall of earth on one occasion froni the cliff mt Dover, which buried a whole family, a hog was found alive five months and nine days after it had thus been buried! It weighed about seven score when the accident happened, and had wasted to about thirty pounds, but was likely to do well. i^'f* RiHoivo tut Chanoks. — It is curious to note the number of changes which may be rung on different peals. The chahges on seven belts are 5,040t on twelve 479,001,600, which it would take njnety-one* years to ring at the r^te of two strokes in a second. The changes on fourteen bells could not be rung through at the same rate in less than 16,576 ycfan ; and upon four-and-twenty, they would require more than 117,000 billions of ^J' ExTRAORftiNA"^Y Prost.— As Rn iustaucc of great rarity ^rt Eftglir^d of "'^he severity of a frost, it is worth notice, that in January, 1808, the rain . froze as it fell, and in London the umbrellas were so stiffened that they could not be closed. Birds had their feathers frozen so that they could not {fly, and many were picked up as they lay helpless on the ground. Charactrr Indicated by the Ears. — According to Aristotle, large cars "^'^^re indicative of imbecility; while small ones announce madness. Ears '^Which are flat, point out the rustic and brutal man. Those of the fairest promise, are firm and of midling size. Happy the man who boasts of square ears ; a sure indication of sublimity of soul and purity of life. Such, according to Suetonius, were the ears of the Emperor Angustus. 183 rious case of nan. In the lohn Gibson. . within two acultiea were it he request* in his coffin, le instiUiUona n at Aleppo, ided by a nais- ivas much an- ed a legion of he left them a destitute and themselves off Syria— when 1 sheer exhaus* le eyes of their carryiixg away oif the l^st will tiirenwere per- ,, ,(, in 1,/^. lept alive for a dies, is evident 1 froin the cliff ive five months d about seven t thirty pounds, >er of changes seven bells are ty-one.' years to n fourteen bells 6T5 yffa» ; ttn«l ,000 biUions of in England of 1808, the rain Bencd that they t they cottld net [round. ^ Btotle, large ears madness. Ears le of the fairest who boasts of y of life. Such, ^stus. FftKircH AssioKATS.— TBKiR ohioiv. — In the year 1789, at the com m^ncement of the grei^t Revolution in France, Tallyrand proposed in the National Assembly a confiscation of all church property to the service of the state. The Abbe Maury opposed this project with great vehemence, but being supported by Mirafa«au, it received the ssnction of the Assembly by an itnmt^nse majority on the 2nd of November. The salaries fixed for the priest* hood tvere small, and moreover were not sufllciently guaranteed ; whence orijrinated much misery- to all 6lasses of priests, from the archbishops down to the huhtble cures; ahd is monastic institutions were treated in the same way, monks and nuns were suddenly placed in precarious circumstances regarding the means of subsistance. Here, however, an unexpected difiiculty sprang up; the Kationol' Assembly were willing to sell church property, but buyers were WAntiag; conscience, prudence, and poverty combined to lessen the number of those willing to purchase ; and thus the urgent claims of the treasury could not be satisfied. Applications for loans were not responded to ; taxea had been extinguished ; voluntary donations had dwindled almost to nothing.; and 400,000,000 of livrcs were necessary for the vast claims of the year 1700. The municipalities of Paris and other cities sought to ameli* orate thestate of afiairs by subscribing for a certain amount of church property, endeavouring to find privates purchasers for it, and paying the receipts into the national exchequer. This, however, being but a very partial ture lor the enormity of the evils, the National Assembly fell upon the expedient of creating state paper or bank notes, to have a forced currency throughout the kingdom. Such was the b^th of the memorable assignnts. Four hundred millions of this paper were put In circulation; and a decree was passed that chnrdi property to that amount should be held answerable far the assignats. loKORAjrcE AMD Fkar. — In the year 1713, Whiston predicted that the comet would appear on Wednesday, 14th October, at 5 minutes past 5 in the morningt and that the world would be destroyed by fire on the Friday follow- ing, His reputation was high, and the comet appeared. A number of per- sons got into boats and bargei on the Thames, thinking the water the safest place. South Sea and India Stock fell. A captain of a Dutch ship threw all his powder into the river, that the ship might not be endangered. At noan« ailer the comet had appeared^ it is said- that more than one hundred daymen were fi^ried over to Lambelb, to request that (ffoper prayers might be prepared, there being none in the church service. People believed that the day of judgment waa at band, and actc4ieome on this belief, more as if some temporary evil was to be expected. There was a prodigious run on ^e bank, and Sir Gilbert Heathcote, at that time the head director, issued orders to all the fire offices in London, requiring them to keep a good look out, and have a particular eye on the Bank of England. Food of Animals. — Linneus states the cow to eat 27G plants, and to re' fuse 818 ; the geat eats 449, and declines 126 ; the sheep takes .387, and rejects 141 ; the horse likes 252, and avoijis 212 ; but the hog, more nice in its provirion than any of the former, eata but 72 plants, and rejects 17 It .' I III: { U PI •wf ki' n Pdsinoir iM 8LiKPiMa< — It is better to go to sleep on the right tide, for then the iton^iich is Tery much in the position of a bottle turned upside down, and the contents of it ere aided in passing out by gravitation. If one goes to sleep on the left side ; the operation of emptying the stopach of its contents is more like drawing water from a well. After going to sleep, let the body take its own position. If you sleep on your hack, especially soon after a hearty meal, the weight of the digestive organ«, and that of the food, resting on the great vein of the body, near the back bone : compresses it, and arrests the flow of the blood, more or less. If the arreat is partial the sleep is disturbed, and there are unpleasant dreams. If the meal has been recent and ^earty, the arrest is more decided : and *ht various sensations such as falling ever a precipice, or the pursuit of a wild beast, or other impending danger, and the desperate effort to get rid of it arouses us and sends on the stagnating blood ; and we wake in a fright, or trembling, or perspiration, or feeling of exhaustation, according to the 'degree of stagnation, and the length and strength of the efforts made to escape the danger. But when we ar«i not able to escape the danger,' when we do fall over the precipice, when the tumbling building crushet us, what then ? That i» death ! That is the death of those of whom it is said, when found lifeless in the morning — " That they were as well as they ever were the day before ; " and often it is added, ** and ate heartier than com- ' mon !" This last, as a frequent cause of death to those who have gone to bed to wake no more, we give merely as a private opinion. The possibility r^of its truth is enough to deter any rational man from a late and hearty meal. This we do know, with eertainty, that waking up in the night with painful diarrhoea, of cholera, or bilious cholic, ending in death in a very short time, is properly traceable to. a large meal. The truly wise will take the safe^ide. For persons who eat three times a day, it is amply sufficient to make the last meal of cold bread and butter and a cup of some warm '' drink. ^^ one can starve on it, while a perkeverahce in the habit soon begets a vigorous appetite for breakfast, so promising of a day of comfort. pRorKR USE OF ExBRCiSK. — ^Thosc who are able can scarcely take too much exercise of any kind, so that it is kept within the bounds of fatigue. Walking, riding, rowing, fencing, and various games, as fivef, tennis, cricket, dtc, are all to be recommended to those who are able to enjoy them. Horse exercise is particularly beneficial when it can be borne, partly from the exhilirating effect of rapid motion on the spirita, but principally by f he (complete circiflation of the blood it leads to, by the gentle exercise of voluntary inspiration it inducts. Reading aloud and singing, when not carried to excess, are moat bear' Acial exercise, and can be practised by the most infirm. They tend to I produce deep inspiration, equal expansion of the lungs, and give freeexcesi of nir to the smaller divisions of the air passages, thereby decarboniiing the blood noore rapidly. The lungs, diaphragm, and walls of the chest are | gently but freely exercised, and the air tubes are free from obstruction. Like all other organs, those of respiration acquire power by exercise, and | ^•^that which at first produces breathlessness is soon performed almost un* ^consciously, and without fatigpe. In all these cases, and in all gymnastic I exercises, care must be taken not to hurry the circulation so as to product | •ither breathlessness or muscular fatigue. 135 ght udc, for irned upttde iTitaiion. If th« tUipach ^r going to 1 your hack, t organi, and ,e back bone : If tho arreat eaina* If the led : and *hc •uit of a Wild [D get rid of it It in a fright, :ording to the flTorta made to dinger,- when uihei ui, what em it is aaid, »ll aa they ever •tier than com- hare gone to The posaibility ate and hearty the nigbtwith eatb in a very r wiae will take imply aufficient 1 of some warm the habit soon day of comfort. ] larcely take too unda of fatigu«> s ftvef, tennis, e able te enjoy ; can be borne, the apiriti, but eada to, by the , are moat beae- They tend to I give free excess >y deearboniiing I of the cheat ai* | rom obatruction. by exerciae, and rmed almoat un- in all gymnaitic •o aa to produce 8ia Isaac Newtor's tahtr for Farmiro. — When Newton had reach> c(l liis fineenth year, he was called from the school at Grantham, to take charge of his mother's farm. He was thus frequently sent to Gruntham market, says Timbs. to dispose of grain and other agricultural produce, which heweTcr, he generally left to an old farm servant who accompanied him, and Newton made his way to the garret of the hnu^e in which he had lived, to amuse himself with a parcel of old books left there ; and afterwards he would entrench himself on the wayside between Woolsthor|)e and Grantham, dc> vouring some favorite author till the companion'a return from market. And when hia mother sent him into the fields to watch the sheep and cattle, he would perch himself under a tree, with a lK>ok in his hand, or shape models with his knife, or watch the movement of an undershot water-wheel. One of the earliest scientific experiments which Newton made was in 1658, on the day of the great storm, when Cromwell died, 'and when he himself had just entered his sixteenth year. Newton's mother was now convinced that her son was not destined to be a farmer; and this, with hii uncle finding him under a hedge, occupied in the solution of a muthematical problem, led to his being again sent to Grantham, and then to Trinity College, Cambridge, which thence become the real birth-place of Newton's geuiuei. , ^, Cure ak» Pkevkrtior or the Potato Rot. — Mr. H. Pcn-'yer, of I'nlon county, Illinois, published, in the St, Lmuis Republic, hxn experience And success in prever.ting the potwto rot. He had tested his preventive for four years with perfect success, while others in the same field who neglected it; lost their errtire crop. It is asserted, also, that the root in nearly double the size. The remedy is as follows : — <' Take one peck of fine salt, an^l mix it thoroughly with half a bushel of Nova Scotia plaster or gypsum, (the plaster is the best ;) and immediately after hoeing the potatoes tho second time, or just as the young potatoes begin to set, sprinkle en the main vines, neit to the ground, n tablespoonful of the above mixture to each hill, and he sure to get it on the uiain vines, as it is found that the rot {Hroceeds from the sting of »n insect in the vine ; nnd the mixture, coyiing in contact with the vine, kills the effect ef it Itefore it reaches the potato/' 8oAr Si'iia ren GintD^MNG Puhpomks. — A correspondent of the Cottage Garden says he once unod with con^plete success soap and water freely ad- ministered to a row of celery which was in a fair way of being devoured by maggot, and ho has no doubt that it would be equally succeasful with onions. At every house where there is a garden, he recommends that the soap-suds shsuld ho saved for this and similar purposes, such as to destroy slugs, dec, about the roots of soa.kale, &c. A solution of soft soap applied with a paint> er's brush to apple tr.ees, is a cheap and speedy way of getting quit of the American hug. He has also completely cleared in the same way his morrlla cherry trees of the filthy insect with which Ihey are invxriahly infested. It is far more effectual than syringing, it l>eing so difficult to hit the whole of the under aide of the leaf with the syringe or garden engine. Whereas the paint brush reaches every part, and a woman or boy will soon do a number ef trees. , _...,-„■„._ , -; _ ^ , : I n. 1 u i ; i ■ \ * : :■■. 186 .fi *»t !mwJ HOUSE-HOLD RECEIPTS. ^^ ntit^wA Method of Cleaning Paper-hangingti.-^Cut into eight half qimrterii a hrjjc loaf, two days old ; it must neither be newer nor staler. With one of those pieces, after having blown off all the dust from the paper to be ('leaned, by r^aeanfl of a good pair of bellows, begin at the top of the rcom, holding the crust in the hand, and wiping lightly downward with the crumb, nbout half a yard at each stroke, till the upper part of the hangings is completely cleaned all around, Thfn go round again, with the sweep, ing stroke downwnrds, always commencing each successive course a little higher than the upper stroke had extended, till the bottom be finished. This operation, if carefully performed, will frequently make very old paper look almost equal to new. * ■ '^' ' - f— To Clean Paint. — IVever use a cloth, but take off the dust with a little long-haired brush, after blowing off the loose parts with the bellows. With care, paint will look well for a long time, if guarded from the influence of the sun. When soiled, dip a sponge or a bit of flannel into soda and water, wash it off quickly, and dry immediately, or the soda will eat off the color. Some persons use strong soap and water, instead. When the wainscot requires scouring, it should be done from the top downwards, and the water be prevet .?d from running on the unclean parts as much as possible, or marks will be made which will appear aftor the whole is finished. One person should dry with old linen, a-? fast as the other has scoured off the dirt, and washed off the soap. Tit give to ttoards a beautiful appearance. — After washing thorn very nicely with soda and warm water and a brush, wsMh them with a very large spongo and clean water. Both times observe to leave no spot untouched; and cloan straight up and down, not crossing from board to ooard ; then dry with clean cloths, rubbed hard up and down in the same way. The floors should not be often wetted, but very thoroughly whon done ; and once a week dry>rubbed with hot sand and a heavy brush the right way of the boards. The sides of stairs or passages on which are carpets or ^^or-uloths, should be washed with sponge instead of linen or flannel, and the edgey will not be soiled. Different sponges should be kept for the above two uses ; and those and the brushes should be well washed when done with, :»nd kept in dry places. Composition that will effectually prevent Iron, Steel, ifC, from rUiting. — This method consists in mixing, with fat oil varnish, four-fifths of well rectified spirits of turpentine. The varnish is to be applied by means of a sponge ; and articles varnished in this manner will retain their metallic brilliancy, and never contract any spots of rust. It may be applied to copper, and to the preservation of philosophical instruments ; which, by being brought Into con* ta(^t with water, are liable to lose their splemlor, and become tarnished. ' An easy way to clean Plate. — A flannel and soap, and soft water, with proper rubbing, will clean plate nicely. It should be wiped dry with a good, fiized piece of sofl leather. ^ev quan care Was Oi ounc rag Oi with the ing O^ and leav< if no 1«7 f qunrterii a . With one B paper lo be of th« rcom, ltd with the the hangings h the sweep- lourie a little \ be flnished. rery old paper It with a little cllow«. With le influence of oda and water, t off the color. B from the top ; unclean parts pear aftor the . p.? fast as the .■■*• ling thorn very ih a very large pot untouched ; to L>oard ; then e way. ily when done ; brush the right or 4oor*<^'^^^''> and the edges the above two rhen don« with, from rutting.— I of well rectified ins of a sponge; ic brilliancy, and tpper, and to the irbaght into con* tarnished. soft water, with dry with a good. Making Beth. — CIobc or press bedsteads are ill adnptcd for young pcr- iions or invalids; when their use is unavoidable, the brd-cloths should be displaced every morning, and left for a short time before they are shut up. The windows of bed-rooms should bo kept open for some hours every day, to carry off the aflluvia from the bed-cloths ; the brd should also be shaken up, and the clothes spread, about, in which state the longer they remain, the better. The bed being made, the clothes should not be tucked in at the sides or foot, as that pravpnts any further purification taking place, by the cool air passing through them. A warming.pan should be chosen without holes in the lid. About a yard of moderately-sized iron chain, made red hot and put into the pan, is a simple and excellent substitute for coals. .« To Detect Dampneaa in Beds. — Let the bed be well warmed, and imedi- ately after the watmitig-pan is taken out, introduce between the sheets, in an inverted position, a clean glass goblet ; after it has remained in that situation a few minutes, examine it; if found dry and not tarnished with steam, the bed is perfectly safe ; and vice versa. In the latter case, it will be best to sleep between the blankets. ^ ',-.,t.o ^*. ♦f ,ftff Btteh-tret Leaves. — ^The leaves of the beech-tree, collected at autumn, in dry weaiber, form an admirable article for filling beds for the poor. The smell is grateful and wholesome ; they do not harbor vermin, are very elastic, and may be replenished annually without coat. ^ To clean Looking-glasses. — Keep for this purpose' a piece of sponge, a cloth, and a silk handkerchief, all entirely free from dirt, as the least grit will scratch the fine surface of the glass. First, sponge it with a little spirit of wine, or gin and water, so as to clean off all spo>'B; then, dust over it powder-blue, tied in muslin, rub it lightly and quic' .y off with the cloth, and finish by rubbing it with the silk handkerchir'. Be careful not to rob the edges of the frameis. Th remove Ink-spols firom Mtahogany^-^Drop on the spots a very small qtianti^ of spirits of salt; rob it with a feather or piece of flannel, taking care not to let the spirit reach the fingers or clothes ; in four or five minutes, wash it off with water. Or, mix a teaspoonful of burnt nium, powdered, with a quarter of an ounce of oxalic acid, in half a pint of cold water ; to be used by wetting a rag with tl; $ad rubbing it on the ink spots. Or, crumple a piece of blotting-paper, so as to make it firni,^ wet it, and with it rub thtfe ink-spot firmly and briskly, when it Will diiappear; and the white mark from the operation may be immediately removed by rubb- ing it with a cloth. Or, Dilute i a teaspoonful of oil of vitrol with a large spoonful of water, and touch thto part with a feather; watch it, for if it atays too long, it will leave a white mark. It is, therefore, better to rub it quickly, and repeat if not qoit'e removed. w^- 188 r POST OFPICE MONET ORDERS, ^^.w ■ < 'u, . On and after the Ist November, 1863, the following Pott Officra are authorized to issue and pay Monej Orders (under directionti of the Post* maHter GvnernI,) for any sum not exceeding in any one Order $100: namely : ^ Andover, Edmundston, Sackvil}^, ^^^ Baie Vertc, Fredericton, Salisbury, ♦ -^jm^p . Bathurst, Gagetown, . . Shediac, . Beml of Peticodiac, Grand Falls, Sheffield, ^^ ^ Buctouche, Harvey, Saint Andrew*, ^\ '"^^ Campbelltown, Hillsborough, Saint George, **^ * '"♦ ' Canterbury, Newcastle, Saint John, \,^*^- Caraquet, Oromocto, Saint Stephen, , YUtu Chatham, Ossekeag, Sussex Vale, ,^^.; ^^, Dalhousie, 'Richibucto, Woodstock. Dorchester, When Money Orders exceeding $100 in aggregate amount, are issued in one day and to the same person, by one or more Offices upon another Office, the Postmaster of the Office drawn upon (if necessary,) may delay the pay of such Orders for six days. All Money Orders shall be drawn upon Printed Forms supplied by the Post Office Department ; and no Order will be vaPd or payable unless given upon the regular Printed Forms. * * *» The Commission to be charged for Money Orders shall be as follows: — On orders not exceeding $10 five cents. Exceeding $10 and not exceed* ing $20, ten cents. Exceeding $20 and not exceeiing $30 fifteen cents. Exciteding $30, and not exceeding $40 twenty ce its. Exceeding $40, and not exceeding $50 twenty 'five cents. ExceeJing $50 and not ex. ceeding $60 thirty cents. Exceeding $60, and not exceeding $70 thirty- five cents. Exceeding $70, and not exceeding $80 forty cents. Exeeed* ing $80, and not exceeding $90 forty>five cfinte. Exceeding $90, atid not exceeding $100 fifty cents. ,i '^f,y? 'uitih ui iiij^rct nr Orf^O T-ilt/nVj: t- iUl.N .:-■- «•■ " ■■«»T »^«ii ,lO j^^^^^^ Lloyds' Agents for New Brunswick. jnu H. P. STURDEE, Saint Johk. ^ WM. WHITLOCK Sawt |Andm:wi ,x'^.. L. P. W. DmBRISA V, Richibucto. Mm^. W.BALDWIN, Bathumt. * GILMOUR, RANKIN A CO Miramichi. 13fl ;. T'S THE ^- ,;-^ It Offices are I of the Post- Order $100: ;» I '■■'' ewf, ■ * nt, are iMUed upon another y,) may deity rpplied by the ayable unless as flbllowa: — id not exceed- ) fifteen cents, xceeding $40, 30 and not ex> ng $70 thirty, nts. Exeeed- % |90, and not ■ ,iO Ick. ^- LINT JoBM. AIST JASDHllWI lOHIBUCTO. ▲THUBST. IRAKXCai* SACKVILLE, NEW BRUNSWICK. < Parents havinjr Sons to be educated, and Young Men, who are wisely intending to seek for themselvea^ the benefit of a good education, are requested to notice that a thorough course of study, both Acadennic and Collegiate, either partial or complete, may be prosecuted under m«s< advantagtous circumstances at Mount Allison: --a.-^x. Sackville, 'being a quiet country village, pleasant and remarkably healthy, easv of aecess and yet sufficiently removed from most of the occasions of distraction, temptation, and danger for the young, which so abound in cities and larger towns, is a most suitable pliice for educational institutidna. V «' The Academy and College Buildings are, in extent and adaptation to the purposes for which they have been erected, incomparably superior to any other in the Eastern Provinces of British America. The general plan, and all the regulations, domestic and disciplinary, as well as scholastic, in both institutions, are those which have been ascertained, by sufficient trial, to be best calculated to promote the comfort and facilitate the improvement of Students. Adequate pvnvision is made ibr thoroughly teaching all the branches of Science and Literature which are included in the curricula of the best conducted educational institutions in Great Britain and America. The United Faculty of the Associated Institutions, Academy ( male branch,) and College, includes eleven competent instructors, viz. : — six Professora, one Tutor, two Teachers, and two Assistant Teachers, each duly qualified for the work of instruction in his respective department. Students completing the prescribed College curriculum and passing ^ the required examinations, will receive the usual University Degrees. Students belonging to the Academy have the privilege of attending any of the College Classes and Lectures for which they are prepared. ^" The Academic Year consists of three Terms of 14 Weeks each : the first of tohich begins the last Thursday of July; the second^ the. first Thursday of November; and the thirds the second Thursday of February. Cf* The expenses for Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, &c., and Tuition ( in all branches except Music ) in the Academy are from $1 10 to $130 ; and in the College* from $130 to $150 per Annum. Fbr further information send for a copy of the ** Mount Allison Gazette.** m 1 ,; J ( I > V I ^W 140 & 01HI PITENT S ft T t *t f ^r'frmi -5 k BlRMi^Tj&ji M MrW* ^-'r 4r- Office, No. 13, (Wiggma' ^IdJTI^CItJ Prince William'^JStreet, ni diS, .; • , ^M Uf-jtlo,,;''-!? «^ \'\^\ »»/ ; ui r^ yj f '^^luO <5d# > ? Having several works relating to the Patent Laws of England, France, the United States, and British North American Colonies, Mr. S. is prepared to give any information required in connection with the Patent Laws of these countries. (U '■» •>-n^'#i*4iV »V 44^4- -♦jfi?yy. Insu of, prei AG Capita S)OJ Ii'& lit f*4W»iis».i' jaK»foA .'i iU tins ;-;otrr- I and the charge is ruDswick k>n agjent S' f.if"^''.!.''^ Laws of sh North give any e Patent ^i 141 Oil r «• L y ARCTIC FliE liSUiAiOi 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL. $500,000, •9 * J. MILTO^ iSMlTjk, President V, SILYOU, Secretary. The above Company inanres from Loss or Damage by Fire al description of Property at current rates of premium. Losses T>< 9 ^'' N0TAR7 PUBLIC. Insurance effected on Hulls, Cargoes, and Freight, at moderate rates of. premium. AGENT for the Arctic FikB Insurance Co. or New York,. Cj^h Capital $500,000. Losses paid in New Brunswick funds.' * vsio • i-i !» r 142 mmi Grngfasi©; •^» '3 PTft. .817, I»rinoe ^WiUlam. ^t-. i>y .Xfv ST. JOHN, N. B. ■*^ IMPORTER m BWTiSH, FOREIGN, ANB AMERiCAN DRY GOODS, !MW[Li, lOiSOMi, FILiWlEli. MANTLES,- PARASOLS, SILKS, VELVETS, COBOnRIIS, HOSIERY, COkSETS, COLLARS. DRESS GOODS, CARPETS. mwm, immm, mms, imm mmtm. .- . GRAPES, MUSLINS. •'^•.«*-^* FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS. ft A TTTfiPtRTfl BEDTICKS, SHEETINGS, COTTON WARPS. Towellings, White CottonSi Grey Gottons< ' ^ OIL CLOTHS. QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, TABLE COVERS. SMAI.L WABKS.- ' '** Together with every other article generally found in a ^^^^ DBT GOODS ESTABLISHMENT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. X ■ti^^ 0^ fCAN " BODRBS, •t TS. t HS. ^ARPS. /OttonS' COVERS. in a tENT, 148 i. ii€HiiOSf)i r SAW 9 UNION STREET, ' NEAR DOCK STREET, Has* always oa hand and is constantly* manufactur- ing every descriptrun of Saws, and warrants them equal to any in the country. FOR SALE AT LOW FBICES. JMRWOODBURN BRAGG'S BUILDING, *^ CORNER OF STREETS, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBR0TTP1S» FERRIOTYPES, Ac, Ac Old Daguerreotypes, Restoredi Cepied, and Enlarged, '■■■''^'^■>**'Sf^r^«i»^'«^-v^^i s^i^>^>^» ^•liafM* €iy HD^ « ^«^ f f '.■4. J. R. W. 8p.^ ^'^-.iHfli HUNTEi, : . AGiikT Tor Ihe Sale of the Illustrated Works isi by The London ^Printing and Publishing Company. 146 ■ • •S-li '.• . J-ttk AND POBLISflWG 0^ > 4- ^ »vv /^^# * SOUTH OORWER OP I ; * ^ ^*!/^ y iF^lilMCE WILLIAM ST. ^ MARKET 8Q. y All kiids of Plain and Onameital I» R, I IV T I TV <3i, 9VCH A8 POSTERS, HAJJD- BILLS, BUNKS, BUSINESS, WEDDING & VISITING CARDS* SHOP-BILLS. CIRCULAH8. BILLS OF FAKE. DONE ON REASONABLE TERMS AND AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. WILLIAM M. WRIGHT. ^-^^' IkAWT^H &Y&S Star XHf OUTERS OF DRY GOODS, Are constantly receiving by Steamers LACES, CRAPES, VELVETS. y*fT ' S'^ifis^ a>^jas3 ^'Qisms. ^n GLOVES, HOSIERY, LINENS, PRINTS. ^,,;,, FI^ASriVEIiS, BI^ANKSTSy COVlVTERFAIfES. IXToollen Cloths and Veatiiiirf . 'tim^iu^-i AND BVBrV article USUALLY KIEPT IN ,DEY GOOD STOEBS, VRftOIWO > 8U; WHOtESALB AND RETAIL. whici embrj! Mm confidei commed 147 1 CARDS' RTEST M. WRIGHT. era s. 'ftlNTS. Ibpt in r- T J.V' r CLOTfflNG WAREHOUSE, , vj I No. 88 KING STREET, .^ .,■» ■..«»• .,■ : «l* •• » ..-, . _„ IMPOKTBR OP --™,_ ,.. BKKTISH AND FOREIGN CLOTHS, iats, (|aps, iirunl^s, furnishing ^oods, itt 1. . Alwaya on hand a Large AMortment of ' '^ ' ^ ''^ CENTS' READY-MADE CLOTHING. ■I- nr*- J3» JU..<^V. JbCiJEJL JtH-fcC^ f» .lil^ (SVOOSSSOE TO 8. L. TZLLET,) ■ •>)■ No. 85 King Street, Saint Jobn, N. B. «• «j . % ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Respectfully invites the attention of the Public, to his which will be found the largest of the kind in the City, embracing every article usually kept in a Drug and Medicine Store, together with a full supply of DYE 8TUFP8, AC. . j Besides many Idading STAPLE ARTICLES, required by General ^ Dealers throughout the Country. or Buyers would do well to call and examine my Stock, as, I am confident that the prices, quality, and variety will be a sufficient re- commendation. T. B. BABEZB. ii2 148 .wMimu ^»-,^H FAWIERS. Hq>, @@ PHmo® Wlfiitcci Str@@t, ST.JOP,N.B. ^^""^ 1^ ^ ••■ '*\-'l ^^A^^ v> . V #. .iS4&#if » S-«»:''S -ftS .0l^ .ff !1f ',]■ -.5 .. f^ ii\ Th^ Proprietor offers for ,SaIe , PATEISiTiWfeDlOlNESj OyE STMFFSj PHOTOGRAPHIC CHMICAL8 AND ALBUlffiN PAPElt; SPICES; '■■■^\^i'-'' ARTISTS' M'aTE RIALS;' .?, ,^'' '%'6l£.i:1r AND NURSERY ARTICI^ES ; ' - * •'•D'''" ;.f ■, , . -^o., Ac. ■; .;) ■■■ .;•'■ ' 'V None but the most reliable articles ever used in making up Prescriptions, the Public may rest fissured that tvery matter entrusted to this establish- ment will be faithftilly performed r«%ardle^3 of profit^' \*^*'-« X"*^» a»b:r«:i PRICES WILL BE MODERATE. . ^ „ « , 41"/ ■ :- - ' r. . , ■-■■■■• f*' • r.>}\ %Z -^ The Foor will be dealt with on very ea§y ttrwA, ..WvBi* NQyombAt 18fi3. .i>3if«6f!S«n, . i ■ am 5RS. V i 9 '-ii»-j IPICES; I, Mt reacriptionB, is estaibilish- .1 Ji:i*ffii4BU-.i'' 149 t^5 >\3..iAaci u;''. ^ ;^ ^'T>>n«iAi; ■?»%'' 1 j mir iQ® nCPOKIXR ft IXBAOat IN rl pTk ,w»^*y^^>.'^ 'v -y*'"!^ ry-'i C[RO€£RIES^' •If i'"..'j I), Il i i) '1 160 ^SV S" ?'!£> 'lot' ■■T WILLIAM SMALL 'r 9 (SCCCHSIOI TO WAIIBR TI8DALE k ION.) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN mttUM fl ^Mw W A n E HOUSE-KEEPING, FARMERS AND BUILDERS are- WliE CUTLEit Sit '9 i'HiES, STEEL, AND IWIA RUBBEB, & LBAll BGLtM tSPf 9 tm I um m ^ I. .'" Siteet. 151 Cfitlna^ QSas8> acid iartfifiesiware c-% f'T* rr t V--. a!!« ^(DM, sr, i&< \jti p. CLEMENTSON ,w:i.i^»JUAv ' Has constantly on hand a kkmt STOCK of the following ■^^\kiii^l.'WM ■:cv^iS Dinner Sets, Breakfast Sets, "•11 '.''■** •'.' ;» ■ Tea Sets, . .- itt^eyt tC^i^itaiiliii Ulotary I^ever eiAip^oiyid), BHiN^LE, Treenail, plug machines, ^c, BARK MILLS, OVEN AND FURNACE MOUTHS, ^ JeLOWHS, FAWNER WHEELS, TRUCK AND BARROW .ir.^j t r- * ^/f.. -^ ^ WHEELS, Ac, ^c, •'•^^'''- Blacksmith work, IRON & BRASS TURNING, & PLANING; GEAR WHEELS CUT, Hiifi^il^tiiisrliM* \corerlng Steam B6itri^ The above Establishment having been recently enlarged and stocked with Tools i)^ the latest improved kinds, the proprietftrt bt% lo assiire'the public that all orders entrusted to them will be promptly and faithfully N. B^3B6^MM^M ^^^^ oijrjiAimi^ Mills Und Factories, also second'liandBCflLEiSd. 158 i Wlt®Io9ib and ^tttail 82, PRINCE WILLIAM, and ^ . 50, g:^main streets. ■,---*» ^,*r^»>-», ?TOOff ON HAND PURE AND RICH COKFEGTIQirS OI* 3B7SEY VA&IETY, And daily making additions. Manufactured by myself frpm best materials* li^hole- sale Orders accompanied with a Remittance promptly attended to. CHEAP AS AIVT OTHER HblJSE IlV THE TRADE. W. WR AGG, Propiietx^r, , 82, PRINCE WILLIAM ST. L n M B E B J^WA L E R , 1 & a REED'S POINT WHABFvSt. JOHN, N. b. "^ ^' ( Boston istejuyttaa^IiMiAljDirO ~ PXKE. ' AI«|i^ i^1fjrL£TX£8. ' ^ 5-8, 1, 1|, IJ, 2, 2i, J8, 4, Inches, c"'''.*'!' , NEW AND REFUSE, >^ ,, PLANED FLOORING BOARDS, ^.^ With a good assortment of Siding Clapboards, Rift and Sawn ; Pine, Spruce jL|ii4, Cedar Shingles, Laths, Palings, Strapping, CiS^ar Posts, &cc. i't 1 I'l i jMu »mm 9F i.ujMijmip^cFi' k9 apip:%. % ? ^ yi »'M ni ^ , ••¥ 164 S. K. & @. L. (Foster. MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS IN ,- 3*r V I! i a^ij.^ BOOTS, SHOES, &BXJBBEBS, TT;.Trj _ RING STREET, SAINT JOHN. N. B,'^^ i^ ▲BASS I'OUSfCt, fis lillPOaTKR OP <^ iUrt JPttt, ^ajtf i^pn lE^nw, iegliaftir iirnU* « PCN HVX MARBLE MANTM2 PIECES, Ac, Ac. WJIftBKO^KI tt, 90, ABU 81 WATBR ■tmaBV. 8QI# Ain» mLl. CASTIiVC^S M40E T^ OMNSR. 165 3BS, B. &. Oi : "T ^ 3 Li brim ^v^u* , Ac* , aaiJ. & J. HBGAN, M as PRINCE WILLIAM STREET,, lUlH ( Opposite caiarcli Sur^et,) IMPORTERS OF ■ 1 ^Mllt't «* ^ilV^iv'AT^ ■***;; J«**»»> or EVERY DESCRIPTION. ,H>l ii>^.» ■A«a uife tMiZ M^ mmmi IVo. 19 IVORTH HUJIRET W0ARF, JIA*? T. JOH®,M. B. .•*m/ '^ ft.. D^er m Flour, meal, Feed, Prowislpns, Molasses/ Sugrar^ and Groceries g'^^iierally. ". •■ i k. .. ''^4^ '167 ) It May, and ihed it with o offor IDBRS tr»l local)ont 1^0 «fitt>f of choiceit' the NSMORE. RP» I'tf .fji'-;*! f t ') ti 0. 1 i -^ .^ iii^^ IIV 1811. ' n 0, tj^ >ro¥lilpn§) PROF 1^ 60 •J. )PKigTORS. OF im iV. .?^. <3!0 UlflER, and WHOLESfALit anii IdFTAIL I'GAIjGRS, SCHOOL BPOBIS jBJfX) SXATIOVjBl&T PRINTIPm;* BOdKBlNmNG, AWD PAFK1? IDLING, Executed in Superior Stjie and at very mode, ite pricet nm^m'w^mmim^. .•5 f^l 2 ~ OS OS 1^ (0 !,i'.r-'T ' » The fikibsciiber keeps constantly on hand all kinds of ' - BRASS WORK, SHIP WORK, and STEAM WORK. nm. 4 m^mi Mrnrn mm^ JO] .,.- »lj',> , .< PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED Tp AT. MODERATE CHARQE8. I t168 5 JP H CB.ir I X,,.,^^ .4.^.1.1 titi0ier WABEH0V8E. ■*^^-:, >Jf^ I. & A. M'MILLAN, Mo. TS, PrlBce William St., S9 VT S9 S 2 SI SS S3 Sd SI ii«»i ' I • UPPLlBB AT 1,&WB«T RATES. f A Urgf Mtartnunt always on haad, and ordera promptly executfil.] Bnf llih, Amerioan and Foreign Books Impoitad to Order. 1^ In coni •ttf "521 net f ERS £8. •V-'' 159 '■^ fitti':^-* •9 .^R^»e^i t**M|J'' 4S f fttltf IM# ia0lt, §0l)^ »»l gmq f niutmg/ Executed in the host ittylc, and upoo reasonable terms. ^IJP^t V** BOOK-BINDING, In all it« branches, carefully attended to. Pirticafar attt^ntion iztten to thft re-bindiItg OF oIjB books. I- .-...- BIMI B®m$ [^ilEi T® ^MY PMTitK] 3i»1» '^^ '^ And Qiau.> up in the best manner. ■r >mptly •'^•^^^•^'l '•''^»*' CIRCULATIBTO UBBiABT. r»;^J ii Books In connection with this Estahiiiihiner.t is in-^e*i«f)»ive CiRCtLATiNa LiBftART, to which .NvW lioukh jirf l»;Mniar constantly ad led. ■f ," .^'5 Prize Artists^ and Account Book Pencils, A» Manufactured in the luternatioual Exhibition 1863. c «1 ;t P • on ®^ « I o o< •Mi IQ S f I o < a a> cr *^ & a ■s •4 e *4 9 01 f» HP w o a » a HI Thr general complaint that a really good Pencil, equal to the original Cumberland Lead of thirty years ago, cannot be obtained, has becomo universal. This fact has induced Mr. B. S. Cohen to dovotc his attention to the consolidation of the powder and fragments of Pure Cumberland Lead (hitherto laid aside as almost useless), and he has at length succeeded in producing a Pencil which combines all the valuable qualities of the origin- al Plumbago. The Lead of each Pencil is formed of a continuous slip, and is therefore equal throughout in brilliancy of tone and depth of color. ..A. '.»; » •-i' ^ '/(• I h & A. Mo IfiO 5 «.iQvo«v«| SAIIVT JOHIV, W. B. encils, i03- o ti » P< p. 6 *4 ««■■» &©• O b^ •^ TO xn o 1^ 5 ^ o « I 9 9 *•" % [to the original ^d, has hecomo attention to the fmberland Lead Ih succeeded m ts of the origin- land is therefore hoHN, W. B. FELLOWS & Co, €a ISf 9 9 ST. JOM, M. B., Would respectfully inform ihe Public that they have resumed the BUSINESS OF CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS' 'at the. old stand, Foster^s Corner, King Street, and respectfully solicit their patronage. The stock has heeti selected by Mr. James Fellow^t in the markets of Lcm^ony Glasgow, Paris, and other places, so that every precaution has been used to obtain I goods of the very best quality, and having been bought from first hands, peculiar advantages may be expected I by purchasers. Being deeply impressed with the responsibility attached Ito preparing Prescriptions, only the purest Drugs and Pharmaceutical preparations of the London, Edinburgh^ and Dublin Colleges of Physicians will be used for that [purpose. ' ^ J Prices will be found as low as is consistent .with the tmployraent of Genuine Medicines. Wholesale customers supplied on the most equitable ' lerms. : II 11 5 Hb C^M caMHUttiu Foster's OonMr^ Bmmt JoliB, ST. B. SiTlLiiUl or DRUGS, DYES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, SEEDS, PATENT MEDICINES, BOTANICAL MEDICINES, SURGICAL, AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS, TOILET AND NUR- SERY REQUISITES, BRUSHES, ENEMAS, &c., &c. I>i*it8f» and OltexuLieals : JBrugo Eris AIMS Barbadoes Cape Sacrotrine v Autim Crude Black Ai^liAtto Spanish AMer\ic Acid Acetic Glacial Aromatic Benzoic Citric Gallic Acid Pyrogallio ' Muriatic PruMic Flttorie Lactic Nitric Oxalic Phosphoric Pyroligneous Biilphartc Tannic Tartaric Vilarianic AoMilina Aether Acetic Butyric Clilwrie Sttlphoric Nitroa SpiriU Alotthol Altt^ Ammonia Carbonate Muriate Ambergris Amyline Acet Antimony Comp. Powder et Pot. Tart. Aqua Auranti Anethi Calcis Flor. Sambuc Laur. Ceraci Lavand Cologne Rote Arrowroot Bermuda Barbadoes Tar ^ Bacc. Capsicum Cassia Juniper Pimento Balsam Canada Copaiba Peru Tola Benxole Biilmnth Metallic Trisnit Bole Armenia Butter of Cocoa Brunswick Green Catechu Chrome Green Caitfeine FISLIiOWfl lb C«w« €ImmM% FMter*s CJmMM*; bnift Csle Chloride Cslcii Photph Camphor Cantharides Capaulea Poppy Copaiba Copaiba and Cubeba Charcoal Animal of Wood Carmine ClOTOi Caator Beavera Cera Alba, White Wax Japan Flava, Yellow Wax Cerate Turnera Spermaceti Baailicon Cerium Oxalate Cetaceum ChirayitoB Chloroform CiTit Cobalt. (Fly Poiaon) Collodion lodiaed Colocynth Confection of Rosea of Senna Aromatic Canella Bark Caaearella Bark Caaaia Bark Cinchona or Peru^vian Bark Cuaparia Cert Aaranti Pomgranite Mazerion White Oak Saaaafiraa Cream of Tartar CreoBOte Chalk Fiench Prepared Predpitated French Ground Cudbear Copper Solphate Chrome Yellow Drop Black Decoction of Aleea •f BachQ of Saraaparilla Ergot Ergotine Esaence of M uak VanUla Frangipann[ Jodcey ClnlT Orange Flower Rondeletia f Extract Patchouli Aconite Aloea 8oc. Aqua. Avthem BeUadon Cannab Indie Catechn Cinchon Flav Colehie Aeet Conft Mac Cotyledon Umb Digetalia ElaterilAng FelBqvIa Gentian Glycyrrh«B Logwood in Boxes Ilumuli Hyosciam JalapcB Res Lactncarium ■ Matico Moneaia Opil prr Rhattany Rhei Compound SaraaparOla Saraaparilla CompDmi Stramonium Taraxici Uva Urai Valerian Ergot Fluid Ferri Sulphnrat Reduced by Hydrogen WEMALiOWH Sc C^o., Cheailttif, Foster^*)! Comer, St. JoliB, M. B. Ferri Acetate Ammon Chlor Citras c Strychnia c Quinine Hypophosphate Iodide Lactate Limat Oxid Magnetic Per Oxid Hydrate Phosphate Sulphate Valerianate c Quinine Filtering Paper Flor Anthem Arnica Orange -\ Rose Elder Fol Aconiti Buchu Conu Digetal v^ . Hyosciam Matico ' Senna E. I. Tinnevelly Alexandria UvaUnii Fruit Essences Pear Pine Apple Strawberry Raspberry Lemon Vanilla Galls Glycerine, Price*s Gold Chleride Oxid Grains Paradise Gum Arabic (varieties) Powdered Ammoniac AssafoBtida BeBcoin Baphorbiuni Gum Galbanum Gamboge Guaiacum Elemi Shellac Mastic Myrrhoe Opium Turkey Sagapenium Scammony Virgin Styrax Liquid Tragicanth (varieties) Glue Scotch . Buffalo White Infusions all kinds concentrated Iodine Kesublimed Bromide Chloride Isinglass Cooper's Russian Jalapine Indigo Kermes Mineral Kousso Herb Leptandron LaCtucarium Lamp Black Lapis Calamine Lard Prepared Lead Acetate Pure Sugar of Nixey's Black Iodide Nitrate Red Wbite Liniment Camphorated of Opium Soap Inglis Lint Liquor Ammonia Fort Arsen Ch,or Calcis Chlor Calcis Morphine Mur Hyd* Arsen. et Hyd. OpaSed. FEIiliOWS ft. €0.« Chemlstiy Foster'Ki "Corner, St. JobB, IV. B. Hyd. Liquor Plumbi. 8. Acet PotR»s Litharge Litmus Paper Lupuline Mace Magnes Bi Carb Calcined Pond Carbonate Citrate Fluid Sulph Manganese Oxid Citrate Iodide Manna Flake Monesia Mellis Morphine Acet ' Muriate Sulphate Musk Tenquin Mustard Black Ground Mercury Acetate Amnion Chlor. Bi Chloride ' Bin Iodide Bin Oxid Bi Sulph Chlor. Howards Iodide Nitros. Oxid Oxid Sub Nitrate Sulph Sulph c Sulph c Cretoe c Magnes Moss Iceland Irish Madder Naptha Rect. Nickel (Nitrate Nicotine Nux Areca Myrlstica Nux Vomica Oil Wormwood Almonds Bitter Almonds Dill Seed Anise Seed Chamomile Orange Bergamot Cajuput Carraway Cloves Cinnamon Citronella Cognac Copaiba Coriander ' Croton , Cubebs Male fern Fennel Geranium French Cod Liver (Newfoundland) Juniper Cherry Laurel Lavander English Petals Lemon Peppermint Spearmint Nutmegs Orange Flower Olives Sweet Com Origanum Patchouli Palm Cocoanut Pennyroyal Rhodium Castor cold drawn filtered Rosmary Rue Savin Sassafms Amber Turpentine Verbena i • Hi fl Oil of Wintergreen Otto of Rom Ozymel Squilli Verdegri* Pepiin Fenian Insect Powder Phosphorus Pit Aloes and Myrrh Coloe Co Galban Co Hydrarf Rhei Co Saponis Co Scilto Co Pepper Cnbebs Cayenne Long Black . ^ White Pimento Pitch Bnrgand Podophillaine Plasters Blister Galban Co Diachylon Strengthening Oxycroe Mercury Opium Lead Potass Acetate Bi Carbonate Bi Chromate Bi Sulphate Borotartarate Bromide Carbonate Chlorate Chloride Cyanide Fus Fusa Iodide Nitrate Prussiate Sulphate Sulphuret Tartarate Potash in Tina Quinine Sulph Iodide S Resin Black Yellow White Rouge Jewellers Root Aconite Marshmallow Alkanet 8< Angelica Calamus Calumbo ■ Colchicum 1 Tumeric Powder 1 Gentian 1 So ' Liquorice 1 Hellebore White 1 Black 1 Ipacacuhana 1 Orris Jalap Powder Mazerion Pareira Brave Pyrethrium Rhattany „ Rheubarb Cjiina Fine Turkey Jamaica Sarsaparilla Spo Squills Spii Senega Root Virginia Snake Carolina Pink ' ^ Dandelion Tormental Valerian Ginger African Stiy Jamaica Ground in Boxes Sun Snuff Black and Brown Suli Sugar of Milk Sago Pearl '■ Sal Peunella Santonine Syni Secale Cornutum Seidlitx Powders Seeds Anise Dill ^ Cardamomum VB1XOW8 It C0.9 ClMOilfltiy Foster'* ConMr* §t« Jolm, If* B. n Boxes rn Saedi Carraway Colchicum Coriander Fennel Foenugreek f'lax Bantonica Staphitagra Soap Brown Windaor 4 kinds Skin 3 kinds Honey 3 kinds Glycerine 3 kinds Fancy in variety Castile Soda Acetate Ash Bi Borate, ilorax Bi Sulph BiTart Carbonate Chlorate Hypo Sulph Phosphate e Ammonia et Potass Tart BiCarli Howards Sulphate Sponges in variety Spirits of Nitre Ether Sulph Comp Ammon Aromat Foetid Juniper Comp^ Rosmary Wine Rectified Strychnine pure powder Chrystalized Samaeh Sulphur lodid Precipitated Sublimed Roll Syrup Orange Iron Citrated Iron dt Quinine Lemon Poppies Syrup Buckthorn Raspberry Sarsaparilla Rheubarb Aromat Squills ^ Tolu Violets Ginger Vanilla \ Pineapple Tin Chiystols Tamarinds Tapioca Turpentine Venice Terra Japonica Tincture of Aconite Aloes Aloes and Myrrhce Amice Assafcetidv Orange- Tolu Balsam Belladonna Benzoin Comp Buchu Calumbo - Camphor Spanbh Flies Cayenne Cardamonium Castor Catechu Kino Chiretta Peruvian Bark Colchicum Conium Cubebs Digetalis Iron Muriated Galls Gentian GuaiacuDi, and 43 otibsra Tonquin Beans Tow Vanilla Bieans Vermillion Veratria Wine of Colchicum PEl4M>WS & Co., MerclianiM. Ffiiitcr'ii Corner, St. John, .1. B. Antimony Opium Khubarli Woml Red ♦ Lor FuMtic Hypcrnip Zinc Acct Chloride lodid Oxid 8ulph Valeria nntf FELLOWS & Co. ARK r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A (J E N 'I' S For the foliowing PATEWT 1»IKDIC11¥ES, Bull's King of Pain Anderson's Pilla Allen's Hair Restorative Zylohalsamuni PlaHlefM Atwoud's Bittrrs Brown Jumaica Ginger Bronchael Troches Extract Valerian Blistering Tissue Ba toman's Drops Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Vermifuge Buchan's Hungarian Balsam Sugar Coated Pills Vegi'tiiitle Skin Ointment CiMicentratcd Essence Burnet's Tooth Wash Cocaine Kalliston Flavouring Extracts Barry's 'I'ricopherous British Oil (Bctton's) Sarsiiparilla Brandreth's Pills Blacking Paste Black Lead (Nixey's) Bristol's Sarsaparilla Blair's Liquid Rennet Benzoline Bond's Marking Ink R. & L. PERRY &Co*«., OF LONDON, BALM OF SYRIACUM For Mental and Bodily Decay, Ac, &c. Concentrated Detcrsiv<^ Essence Sugar Coated Copailxi and Cubebg^^j.^ i,y|, ofntment Capsules Worm Tea Purifying Specific Pillu Buffon'a Vermin Exterminator Dr. Buchiin's Vegetable Pills Brunswick Black « Concentrated Vegetable EsscnceQ^j,„,p ^^j p^i^ xjHp^ « Vegetable Skin Ointment Catarrh Sinuff Hoofland's German Bitters . Camphor Ice Down's Elixir for Coughs, &c. q^u Qroam Hard's Farmaccous Food for infants^mig^jg Pulmonary Balsam Drake's Plantation Bitters c„j i^jvcr Oil (Newfoundland) — — o Cleriugh's Tricopherous PATENT MEDIOINES,^^|p';^;^;'«Coprita''" ^'''"'^"" &;c., &c. Ayers' Cherry Pectoral Sugar Coated Pills Sarsaparilla AUon's Liniment Copaiba and Cubebs Clark's Female Pills Court Plaster Cement Diamond Collodion rner. V£l4LO%¥(^ Si, €€>., CheiiilMlM. FoAtei'M Corner, St. John, K. II. PS rs 1 Pills in Ointment Essence xlrncts rminator Isam undland) us owders Gubebs Collodion Iodised Cuticle (Judd's Liquid) Charcoal Concrete Costar's Rat Ex term in a tor Corbet's Sarsapnrilla Calkin's Sea Sick remedy Cachon Aroiuatise (Huopcr's) Cephalic SnuflT Chest Protectors, all sorts Chlorodine (J. CuIIis Browns) Clark's Essence Rennet Cockle's Pills Carey's Cough Cure Clark's Bitter« Chalk Balls (Hlmnd's) (Hnul'H) Condums Cleaver's Soaps Pomades Dalby's Carminative Depilatory Powder Devine'g Pitch I.ozcngrs Down's Elixir Dillon's Heave Cure Davis's Pain Killer DeGrath's Electric Oil Dalley's Pain Extractor Dnboy's Rat Exterminator Dead Shot (Perry'fi) Davis's Wild Cherrv and Tar Dinneford's Magnesia Horse Hair Gloves Dubarry's Rcvalenta Dutch Drops Drake's Plantation Bitters Catawba Bitters Extracts of Lemon Vanilla Rose Bitter Almond Cloves Cinnamon, and all other Hooper's Pills En d« Cologne J M. V. ^ Ditto in wicker Ede's Perfumes Diamond Cement Etfervescent Citrate of Magnesia EsHenre of Rennet Feeding Buttles Friiir's Balsam Fuller's Earth Toilet Powder Pet ridge's Balm of 1000 Flowers Fitche's Heart Corrector Fly Paper, German Lightning Poison Frthnestock'H Vermifuge Fellown' DvHpi pMi:i Bitters Woria Luzenges Speedy Relief Bnlsnm Liverwort Tooth Ache Drops Golden Ointment Juniper Compound French Perfumery Graham's Psin Bradicator Godfrey's Cordial Gardner's Balsam Liverwort . Gilmnn's Hair Dye Glove Cleaner Glue, Spalding'i: Gourard's Lilly White Grafenbury Pills Gold Beater's Skin Gould's Pin Worm Syrup Guerlain's Shaving Cream Glenn's Tooth Paste Tooth Wash Gardner's Rheumatic Compound Granular Citrate of Magnesia ' Hanney's Rondclcti.t Hard's Farinaceous Food Holloway's Pills and Ointment kind^ Eye Salve (Fellows') Ellis's Willow Charcoal Eagle, Mount Tripoli Eau de Cologne Julich's Platz Gautier Hutchin's Bitters Hoofland's German Bitters Hageman's Benzine Hooper's Cachous Hart's Extract for Fits Hypophosphates, Winchester's Hunt's Liniment FBIiliOWS It Co., Chemltti, V»iew*u Coraor, St. Jolm, If. B. Hay'f Liniment Harlaem Oil HalMv'i Forest W ine Houghton't Pepein Hurd'a Hair Restorer Hampton's Tincture HobeoMck'e Worm Syrup HoTey's Charcoal Paate Hutching'e Hair Dye Heimatreet*i Hair Coloring Hewea' Nerve and Bone Liniment Jayne'a Vermifuge Alterative ' Expectorent Carminative Sanative Pilli Hair Tonic Johnson's Liniment ' Indian Dyspepsia Pilla Indelible Ink, Kidder's Payson's Bond's Letchford's Hagoman's India Rubber Nipple Shields Rings Breast Pumps Syringes James' Fever Powder Judson's Family Dyes Worm Tea Mountain Herb Pills Keating's Cough Lozenges Kidder's Liniment Cordial Kennedy's Medical Discovery Salt Rheum Ointment Leary's Albion Liniment Langley's Bitters Lyon*8 Magnetic Powder Kathairon Locock's Pulmonic Wafers Lubin's Perfumes Lozenges, all kinds Laird's Bloom of Youth Labarique's Solution of Soda Laville's Gout Liquor Lewis's Perfumery Mechi's Magic Strops Morrison's Pills Morse's Cordial Indian Root Pills MeClintock's Alterative Tonic Mixture Dyspepsia Elezir Rheumatic Liniment Mixture Cholera Preventive Diarrhoea Cordial Pectoral Syrup Moffat's Pilla Bitters Marchesci Catholicon McMunn's Elixir Opium Mustang Liniment McLean's Vermifuge Pills Merchant's Gargling Oil McAllister's Ointment Morehead'a Magnetic Plaster Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrop - Noble's Invigorating Balm Norton's Chamomile Pills Night Lights Nixey's Black Lead Oxford Washing Pads Oagood's Cholagogue Ointments of all kinds Oiled Silk Oxiey's Jamaica Ginger Parr's Life Pills Pike's Powders for Fits Pink Saucers Puffs and Boxes Powell's Balsam of Aniseed Plantain's Capsules Perry's Dead Shot Parson's Rat Exterminator Phalon's Hair Dye Invigorator Plasters, all kinds Perry's Balm Syriacum X>etersive Essence Sugar Coated Capsules Purifying Pills Riggs' Military Soap Rimmell'a Benzoline Perfumes 1 C € 8 8 8 ( St w Da Ba let mmw. m. Joki^ IV. JB. are Slexir Liniment Mixtare BTeniite Jordiftl rrup atter tg Syrop is Rinimell*s Toilet Vinefar Roche's Embrocation Rondelitia Rouge for Jewellere Cosmetique Rowland'a Macaeaar Oil Odonto Kalrdor Richardaon*s Bitten Rogera Liverwort and Tar Redding'* Russia Salve Radway's Ready Relief Resolvent R. rills Rosmary and Castor Oil Robinson's Silver Soap Roses Rheumatic Compound Sharp's Horehound and Aniseed Stoughton's Bitters Sanford's Invigorator Steers' Opodeldoc Smiths' Sugar Coated Pills Sehenk's Mandrake Pilb Stafford's Olive Tar Shaker Ei tract Valerian Sancho Panza Bar Soap Swain'a VemiAige Panacea SeidleiU Powders Salt of Ijemons Scot's Pills SnuiT Maccaboy Scotch Irish Sponge Bags Spruce Essence Sosodont Toilet Powder Turiington's Eye Water Tobias Venetian Liniment Townsend's Sarsaparilla Tousey's Master of Pain Upham's Pile Electuary Velpau's Cankerine Wood's Hair Restorative Wilson's Neuropathic Dropt Dysentery Cordial Composition Magnesia Winer's Canadian Vermifuge Youatt's Condition Powders Fellows & 6®. Witt Contract for Fumuhing New Drug Stitret with Drawert, RoitUt^ ^Cm computet at emrt notice and on reasonable Istumi seed ator ice apsules V Having made arrangements with the first Seedsmen in London, and t|tf Stock being entirely new and fresh, we can confidently recommend every article in the list We would direct especial attention to our Stock of Turnips, Mangold Wurtzel and Carrots, as we have devoted the utmost care to their selection. IFeai — Barlieet. David O'Rourke Early EmpercMr Isherwood's Railway Beck's Gem Second Crap, Bishop's Early Dwarf Harrison's Glory Burbridge's Eclipse Bedman*s Imperial "^ f*£IS GERMAN BITTKRS Witt give you a good Appetite^ will give you Strong Healikv Neroeot wiS gioe you Bruk ana Energetic Feelings, will enable you to Sleep WM, oful will poiiHvely prevent YeUow Fever, BilUmu Fevtry ife. Those suffering from BROKEN DOWN AND DELICATE CON- 8TITUTION8, from whatever cause, either in Male or Female, will find in HOOFLAND'8 6BRMAN BITTERS. « Remedy that will reston them to their usual health. Such has been the case m thousands of in- stances, and a fair trial is but required to prove the assertion. '■•r* PEXIiOWS 4c Co., Cliemiste, l^uster's Comer, St. Johii, N. B. RACT. )x, C. Jtck- i\\ Diseuiei [ Liver Dii- tee HOOF- n the mouth st get up eo % dizsinew :ca«ioiiall]r • B ! Do you n1 Doyott empty*? D« and look un timeg 1 Do lou can go to [of the time 1 IT life » bur- THE KID- tDERBD BATE CON- Ule, will find i will reetore lueande of in- HOOFLANPm In T01III9 or Aged, iMIli #r f^einide, Are ipe^ily remotfed, and the ptiUm ft^i^tA to Health. Thoie suffering from MARASMUS, watting away, #i(ti scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in a very short time ; one bottle in such cases, will have a most surprising effect. PARENTS Having suffering children as above, and wishing to raisf them, will notar regret the day they commenced with these Bitters. I.ITERARY MEN, STUDEBTTS, And those working hard with their brains, should always keep a bottle ISi HOOFLAND'S BITTERS near them, as they will find much benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not depressing. IT IS NOT A UaVOB STIHXILAIIT, And leaves no prostration. SEE THAT THE SIGNATURE OF "C. ilf. JACKSON" IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EACH BOTTLE. PRICE PER BOTTIiE V5 CElffTS, OR HAI.Ii' DOZ. FOR #4 00. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its place, but •end to us, and we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manufactory, Succeif or to €. M. JACKSOIV Bl €)0., QJ^ For Sale by Druggists and Dealers in every totvn in the United States. ;v'^-#'^' K- ^m. *\^' --^s^: ij^^^^'^^m^i ^ ai»JSigrBMeb ■flicw «an?e« •# *0 i#. notified i. ^M CONCiJTf ATE ^ foil «iii«^«i« ^^] Oxford lil^JUo^it^ftl^ ^, -iPv, ^:0'f*ft'7^^-^f^'i s:si_ ^Ji. ^^ eon' t^-^- L'4 ,3 ■t1 E J -m-m' '1®^-. :>^iBJ^5a^^Kfe.\;4&^!-it^« -^^ F@p til© Y©®p @f @MP L@pdl 41®S4 1864. Jrt?l. i^e6. Mrtr. lApril May \June o 3 4 lOjll 1718 24 25 31 1 8 o 12 p W i t-i ■ W ' « Eh ,^ xn 6 13 7 14 15 21122 28 1 29 I 61 7 1314 20|21 27' 28 3| 4 1011 17 18 24 25 li 2 8i 9 15:16 22,23 29^30 5 6 1213 19:20 2627 19i20 26 27 2 3 910 16;i7 23,24 I ' l! 2 8| 9 1516 22 23 29 30 5| 6 1213 19'20 26127 1! ^ 7' 81 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 I I 4' 5' 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 I I 3 4 5 10 11 12j 17 18 19 24 25 26! 31 : i ll 2 7 8' 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 4 11 18 25 li 8 15 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 '^ ! ^-"3 4 01 00 28'29 11 18 9 10 1617 23 2-J 25 30 1864. g io July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 'Dee. 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 4 11 18 OQ 5 12 19 25 26 1 2 8| 9 1516 2112223 Q pq 6 13 OS 7 14 2021 27 28 28 29 30 4 5 6 11 12 13 18|19 20 25 26 27 2 3; 4 91011 1617118 23 24 25 30 31! ! 1 6: 7 8i 13 14 15 20 21 22! 27 28 29: I 4! 5 6 jllil2!l3| il8|1920 '25!26i27! 1011 17:18 24125 "1 7 8 14|l5 21I22 28'29 I 51 6 1213 1920 2627 2 3 9|10 16jl7 23|24 30| I 1 7i 8 14115 2l|22 28i29 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 f r\ 26 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 H 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 o o 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 28 29 12 19 25 26 11 18 9 10 16 23 30 17 24 31 ^Jm^>^. u ■i^;{*'#kS':^'-^ \ ! -■^/ L4 W h ,^ A :