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J9 Boyia Famav. ,...,... 4 .rv> . . 3 TiaattaJOaptior ^Stewp^ ) -^ Almanae ;^ .^ . i ..... f to Jfl r§4vji|g!B^ $aq|^i if i ; 31 M|jerological4^«^e8,AclJto|8 C<^m9»ton«rfor?n^ ) j|l J» il^|(Biif «o«ev)epi$ of F .a ilic Bwa^i. . . . ; . . : j ** *** ^ Jioilr. ...V;.jp.:..) ; .q |a4t9«4rMfetagi..;.u 82 Obnquefit. ,, sl Dcpaxaneai . V • • ;. ^21 22 Btonis . . . «'^ . „ j^ ..... .1. 23 Bepartm^C . .[, 23 24 .... *.^.^. . .^" .,Jfi5 27 •-if -T -, ... * f ■'^™'<»*i" , 34, *« Sim a Eisi^Unal 4Dttoiif4)terColoiilM m ■ii'i« »^ » U« MUMMofa In indung the ealeulations of v^ Moon't^ AM inaaver^tttly ,a^i2», Instead of dedu ' them-T^s.ft'^li' »itt. Tile ewor is therefi may B^.^alll^'^CioiMctect 1^ subtradtihg firj do in e^ohfMe) 7 hbnirti and 2 tninutit '^ for every Mdoii->.thna: the timfti Sh. 18a. p.ir. ;-~«nd tiie same #Ni||||^. : -'^ ' •' •; '^ '•'-" , rd: .*i 'J I y *L^'^ ■' ' — ~' ^f . y&Mim^' » PRELIMINARY NOTES. Suiday Letter... — C Golden Number '. 6 Epact ....!... 14 AnnoMundi 5850 Septuagesima Sunday Jan. 31 Ashmdnesday Feb. 17 Good Friday April 2 Easter Da^. April 4 Queen's Birthday. . . . May 24 Ascension Day (Hofy Thursday) May J4 Whit Sunday 2» Trinity Sunday....... 30 Corpus CSiristi June S Queen's Accession .... 20* Prince of WalesBirthday Nov. 9 Advent Sunday 28f lExplanatoTS iSotftes. The " Meteorological .Averages" heretofore inserted at the top of each page of the AlmaniM are now inserted in a concise table (at p. 17) and are to be understood as the mtan of the Compiler's observa- tions for a period of 11 Yeory —those ior England bemg for 6 years.. In the " Chronological Calendar" the «ven7» printed m Italics are to be understood as wad. Calenliarium for 1847. (Sundays in each month.) 12 08 08 6S 8S IZ 9S QZ fS So SS IS OS 61 81 it 91 yi ^l 81 SI IT 01 6 8 I 9 Q f 8 S I ^ J8 1 1 a, 1 1 < UJ < Pn A s «■§ 85 3 3 £ «» o . tar- a^ ^ Eclipses. In the year 1847 there will he J our eclipses, iiva of the Sun and two of the Moon. I. — A partial Eclipse of the Moon on the 31st March, visible in N ewfoundland as follows : — Middle of the Eclipse 5.35 p.m. Last contact with Shadow. . , 6.38 " Last contact with Penumbra 8.14 " n. — A total Eclipse of the Sun on the 14th April, but not visible in this country. Hi.— A ^tial Eclipse of the Moon on tlie 24 th September, butjnot visible in this Island. lYV'-^^ni^ular Eclipse of the Sun,but invisible inNewfoundland. . , it '** V\ ■'■ i m '%»>, •JA'-'' fe, ♦iic- - V 0!'} If) jV Latitude 47=» 33* ^2" Nofffr Longitude (Meridian of Halifax) 10' 52' 31" Eait. Longitude (Meridian of Greenwich) 62=' 45* 30'* West. Magnetic Variation (1»28) 28* 44* 0" Westeriy* » ' • ntil u '^^■ ^&e i&ogal ;|famns cf €[rcat SBdtaln. :'^, »■■ > THE QUEEN. Alexandrina Victoria, bom May 24, 1819; married to Prince Albert Francis Augustus Charles Emanuel, of 8axe Cobur$ir and Ootha, Feb. 10, 1840, and has issue : — 1st. Victoria Adelaide Maria Louisa, Princess Koyal of England, bom 21st Nov., 1840; 2nd. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall, bom 9th Nov., 1841 ; 3rd. Princess Alice Maude Marj% bom 26th Aprils 1843; 4th. Alfred Ernest Albert, born 6th Atigust, 1844.r 6th^ Piincess Helena, bom 25th May, 1846. THE queen dowager. Adelaide Amelia Louisa Teresa Caroline, widow of King William IV., sister of the reigning Duke of Saxe Meiuingen, born August 13, 1792. ROYAL PRINCES AND PRINCESSES. Ernest Augustus (King of Hanover) Duke of Cumberland, bom June 5, 1771 ; married May 29, 1815, to Frederica Carolina Sophia, daughter of the Duke of Mecklenburg Strelitz, and widow of Frederick William, Prince of Solms Braunfels, born March 2, 1778; — Issue, George Frederick, bom May 27, 1819. Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge, bom Feb. 24, 1774; married May 7, 1818, to Augiista, Wilhelmina Louisa, daughter of the Landgrave of Hesse, born July 25, 1797 ; — Issue, George William, bora March 26, 1819; Augusta Caroline, bom July 19, 1822: married May, 1843, H.S.H. the Duke of Mecklenburgh Strelitz ; Mary Adelaide, Nov. 27, 1833. Mar}', Duchess of Gloucester, bom April 25, 1776. , HER majesty's MOTHER. Victoria Maria Louisa (Princess ^owagcr of Lcinengen) Duchess of Kent, widow of Edward Duke of Kent, and sister df^ the King of the Belgians, born August 17, 1766. First Lord of the Treasury The Rt. Hon. Lord J. BusselL Lord Chancellor Lord Cottenham. Chancellor of the Exchequer Rt. Hon. Charles Wood. President of t^e. Council Marquis of Lansdowne. Privy Seal ... Earl of Minto. { Home — .... Sir George Grey. Secretaries of State | Foreijjn Viscount Palmerston. ( Colonies. ..... Earl Grev. First Lord of the Admiralty. ....... Lord Auckland. Master Central of the Ordnance. . . . Marquis of Anglesey. President of the Board of Con^ol . . Sir John Hobhoiise. President of thiB Board of IVade . . Earl of Clarendon. Secretary at Wax Rt. Hon. Fox Maule. Treasurer of the Navy and Paymas- ) -n. tt rr, Tt -mt ^ ter of the Forces ? . . . . J ^*- ^^^^ ^' ^' Macaulay. Field Marshal Com. the Forces. . . . Duke of Wellington. [The above form the Cabittetl\ Pojstmaster General. . ; Marquis of Clanricarde. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Lord Campbell. Woods and ForestJs,. Viscount Morpeth. - Vice-president of the Board of Trade Hr. Milner Gibson, Master of the Mint y v* ... Rt. Hon. R. L. Shiel. Secretary of the Admiralty G. R. Ward, Esq. Joi»t Secretarie, of Treasury { ^olTpSr V^" Home Under Secretary Sir W. Somerville. Foreign ditto Rt. Hon. E. J. Stanley. Colonial ditto. Mr. B. Hawes. Attorney General John Jervis, Esq. Solicitor General David Dundas, Esq. Judge Advocate General Chas. Buller, Esq. Lord Advocate of Scotland Rt. Hon. A, Rutherford, ;U Q v*, THE .QUEEN S HOUSEHOLD. Misl^ss of the Robes Duchess df Sutherland- Lord Chamberladn Earl Spencer. Lord Steward Earl Fortescue. Master of the Horse. Duke df Norfolk. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Earl of Besborough. Lord Cbahcellor Rt. Hon. M. Brady. Secretaiy for Ireland. Rt. Hon. H. Labduchere. I^antiafs, 31 Sdss. V 1 4t a THE MOON'S CHANGES* Full Moon ......... w . 1st day 6hk 13xn. aft. Last Quarter........... 0th " lOh. 11^. aft New Moon ............ l-7th " 4h. Iftqi* mpm. First Quarter 23rd " 7h. 48to. aft Full Moon 31&t ** llh. 6^. tnom. Apogee . . .w . . 6th day, 9.30 ait Perigee ...... 18th day, 6.30 aft bAts. F. Sa. H M. Tu. W. 6 Th. 1 F. 8 Sa. 9 lil 10 M. 11 Tu.12 W.13 th.l4 F. 15 Sa.16 8 17 M. 18 ru.19 Th.^1 F. 22 Sa.23 l| 24 M.25 Tu.26 W.27 Th.l^ F. 29 Sa.30 8 31 t yinate St^NDAtA AND RS- MARKABLE DATS. sun's JDE- OLINAXION. Circumcision ASTRONOMICAl VmS^OVOSXA AKD ANNlVi£lt8ABI£S,Op HISTORICAL SVEiTTS. 2fdSun< ,J£"f';LLf,li; ' ^Epiphany, Old X- [mas day. Ist Sunw aft. Fpi- [phaiiy. 2d Sun. att JElpipk del ^un. silt !l^pipk. Conversion of ^t. [Paul; KingChasi.I Martyr Septuajg^e^a i«9. «.»^' 22.57.18 ^1.47 {45.49 39.24 92.32 25.12 17.27 9.15 0.37 21^1.33 3kl0 21.50 U. 6 20.69.58 48.25 36.29 24. 9 11.27 19.53.22 44.54 31. 6 16.54 2.21 18.47.29 32.15 16.42 0.48 17.44.36 28.53 B iTlst LoetUIxgigkduft n||l 2. Supreme VouHmd^under presetfU Charter^ 1826. 4. Sun rises 7h. 54m^ 5. Duke of Yorkii 1827/ 6. Twelfth day. 7. Clock ««j^. Sun 6' 21". 8. Sun rises 7h4 4Bbi.« 10. Abp. Laud 6U 1046. 11. SunM<9 4h. ^4m. 12. Lavaterd. 1801. 13. C. J. FoxH740. 14. Ed.HaUey(rfl74i ! 16. :BattleofCorunnalBK>' 17. Gen. t^ssembfy und^ peatiU CotutituKon og4 1843. ii' 19. Clock 6e/: sun 9' 40". 20. Ind.ofU.State$'pro.l783 21. Sun rieef 7fa. ^m.; ^i 23. W. Pitt d 1606. Uoi- Kent rf 1820. 24. Fred, the Gt 4> 1712*,; 25. R. Bums 6 17o9. iZ'^r 27. Sun sets 4h. 48m. 28. Peter the Great d 1724^^ 29. George III. d 1820.. ^ 30. Great 6uns triv. 1330. 3L The Pretender d 1788. Clockfr^. sun. 13'42". 6 jpeiJhiaii), 28 Bags. THE MOON'S CHANGES. Xii mc.i .rif> x^h ii'.l '!■.' '^ ,;. : X Apogee..'.* 3d day Oh. 30m. morn. Perigee 16di ^* 4h. 30m. mom. DAtS; ASTKOMOMICAL PHENOMENA AND ANNIVERSARIES Ot HISTORICAL EVENTS. Tu. 2 Th. 4 ^' J] Sa; 6 * -I. M.- 6- Tu, W.1 171.11 F. 12 Sa.131 St ^'^ M. 15 Ttr.l8 "WVlT Th.l8. F. 19 Sa.20' IS 21 M.2^ Tu.23 w:i4 Th.25 ^UNOAYS AND RE- MARKABLE DAYS. sun's DE- CLINATION. Purification. Agatha. , 1 Jr >• io i .<■' > . Sexageisjma. *theQueen&Princd [Albert m. 1840. ;> Quihquagesima.-^ [St. Valentine. Shrove Tu^sdily. Ash Wednesday. ' 1st 8.1U1. hi leht. .;,'voi i^ in ; . ,■.• . j^t^l^tthias. Sa.27|' fi 28 2d. Sun. in Lent. S 17.11.13 16.54. 7 36.41 18.57 0.57 15.42.40 24. 8 5.19 14.46.15 26.56 l23 13.47.35 27.34 7.20 12.46.53 2^.14 5.23 11.44.20 23. 7 1,43 10.40; 8 „: 18.24 9:56.31 34.28 12.17 8.49.58 27.31 4.57 1. Sunriw* 7h. 31irj, 2. Candlemas Day, : ''' 3. Hate iiw. at Paris 14561. 5. Sirllobert Peel i 1788. 6. Clock be/, sun 13' 51". 8. Marv Queen of Scots fteM.*1587. 9. Bp. Hooper burnt 1555. 10. Suiji sets 5h. 7ra. 11. Hops first used in Eng- land 1525. 12. Lady Jane Grey beh4» 1555. 14. Captain Cook k 1779. Battle oflF Cape St. Vin- cent 1797. 15. Clock bef. mn If 26'V 16. Sun rises 7h. 8m. : 17. B.lSodeiyJounde^SOQ 18. Martin Luther d 1^546,, 19. Sun seta 5h. ^Im,' ~ , 20. D.Garrickfe 1710. ■ 21. Torbau Church cons. 1841. Lanterns »np.890 23. Sir J. Reynolds d 1792. 24. 1). Cambridge 6 1774. 25. Sir C. Wren rf. 1725. 26. Bonaparte's escape firom Elba, 1816. 27. Clock6c/:sunl3'2♦^•■ 28. Sun me» 6h. 46m. r' THE MOON'S CHANGES. Last Quarter 2d day 6h. 39m. morn. New Moon 10th " 8h, 9m. mom. FirstQuarter.,..r '/.:,. 17th" Oh. 41m. iridrh. Full Moon. ... .... . . 23rd « Oh. 11m. aft. *^^' Apogee 2d day 5h. 30m. aft. Perigee.... 16th " 2h. 30m. aft. Apogee.... 29th « 9h. 30m. aft. Vuf'i IXiYS. SUNDAY.S AND RE- MAUKiliBLE DAYS. sun's de- clination. ASTRONOMICAL PBENOMENA AND ANNIVERSARIES OF HISTORICAL EVENTS/ « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8 M. Tu W. til. F. Sa. li M. Tu. 9 M\ 10 Th.ll F. 12 Sa. 13 ^ 14 M. 15 Tu.l6 W.17 Th.l8 F.;19 Sa.26 li 21 M. 22 Tu.23 W.24 Th.25 f. 26 Sa:27 ^28 St. David. 3d. 3un. in Lent.^ . li; .flu aui-' . • ¥^ 4th Si^^t in Lent. St. Patrick. 5th. Sun, in Lent. ••r ^nn. B.V.Mary. P. George of Cam- abridge 6 1819. Qth Sun. in Lent >I. 29i [$»aim Sunday. Tu.30.-Y, .,,, ■:,^^r.... , W.31 j^^\^^s^ . ^. 7.42,16 1. Spectator comm. 1711. 19.28 ; 2. Sun rwe* 6h. 39m. ' . rll' , 6.56.33|3. Clock^.8unl2'14"..r p- (.138.33! 4. Penn's treaty with this 10.28 Indians 1681. * ^ 5.47.17 6. Sun«rf«;5h*60nl. ' .K ,> 24. 1 7. LordCollingwookli/18il0 . ;t?;-|; 0.41 8. Sir W. Chambers d[n9« 4.37.17 9. Ilizzio a»*M. 1566. li 13.53; 10. MailCoachese«fa&;179l 3.60.19| 11. Sunnm 6h. 19mi r .->'. 26.45 12. ChelseaHospitdl/^ttnit 3. 9 «dl682.. : i 11 2.39.31 14. Adm. Byng shot lf757t 15.51! 16. Lord Berner-srf 1682;; 1.52.10 17. Clock bef. sun 8' 38"^! !' 28.28j 18. Sir R. Walpole d 174& 4.44 19. Sun»ef» oh. 58m.' \ .u i 0.42 20. Sir L Newton d 1?27# i S 17.20 21. Abp.Cranmer6ttmll536 N . 6.21 22. Sun n>e»6h.6m. Equal , 30. 2 day and night. ■■.:.'>■. Oia 53,42 24. Q. Elizabeth rf 1603.. IT ! - 1.17.20 25. Lady Day. : ij .'J 40.35 26. Vanbrugh r/ 17261.V: .,,-, 2. 4.29] 27.. Peace of Amiens >1S0^ HaffaeU( 61.27 3.14.51 38.11 4. 1.28 29. Clock bef. sun 4' 59"Ai '' 31. Allied Sovereigns enter Paris 1814. SuniTiiet 5h, 51m. ti; 8 japrtl^ 80 Bags. THE MOON'S CHANGES. "IMI Quarter, 8th day 6h, 57m. aft. NeW Moon. 16th " 9h, 62m. morn. First Quarter 22d " Oh, 39m. aft. FuU Mpon 30th " 4h. 66m. aft. Fetrigse 14th day 2h. 30m. mom. Apogee 26th " 9h. 30m. mom. A DATS. SUNDAYS AND ft£- sun's de- ^1 ■ ! MARKABLE DATS. clination. ■i Th. 1. , ■ V > N 4.24.39 i t F. 2 Good Friday. 47.46 I 8ai 3 6.10.48 ; 8 4 Easter Day. 33.45 M. 6 EiUder Monday. 66.36 Til. 6 Easter Tuesday. 6.19.20 w: 7^ 41.59 Th. 8. 1, 4.30 P. 9 26.65 ■; Sa.lO " ' .: 49.11 5 m-'U: Ut3un. aft. Easter 8*11.21 t M,12 [Low Sunday, 33.22 I TiivlS (' - ■ '■ .: 66.14 l{ W.14 9.16.68 ii Th»16 '.' 38.32 lj F; 16^ 69.57 L Sa,17 10.21.12 p »il8' 2d Sun. aft. Easter 42.17 ¥ M.19 Alphege. 11. 3.11 ? Tuv20 ' ■ ' , 23.54 1 W.21 44.26 Th,22 12.4.46 F. 23 St. George^ 24.54 Sa. 24 44.50 0026 SdSun^ aft. Easter 13. 4.34 M;2e> [St M4rk. * 24. 4 1 Tu.2T I ■ . . 43.21 1 Wv28 ■■•■■.•■• 14.2.25 1. ThV29 , ■ . ' • ■ ■ 21.15 i F. 30 39.51 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA AND ANNIVERSARIES OF HISTORICAL EVENTS. 2. Battle of Copenhagen 1801. Bishop Heber 4 1826. 3. Needles first made in England 1546. 4. Clock 6e/: sun 3' 9". 6. Sun rises 5h. 3m. 6. lsta6f/.ofBonapartel81<^ 9. Lord Bacon d 1626. 10. Sun sets 6h. 39m. 11. Geo. Canning 6 1770. 12. LordIlodney'8tm;^178a' 13. R;C.Emancipationl8^9^ 14. Clock bef. sun 0' 22"i'i; 15. Sun rtses 5h. 14m. 16. Battle of CuUodenl 747. 17. Dr,FraniaindI790;.'' 18. Percussion powdert/tvw 1803. 19; Lord Byron d 1824. 20. Spanish Fleet desi by. Blake 1567. ' ; 21. Bishop Heber b 1783/4 22. Sun «eto6h. 66m. ^ 23. Sha^peare > 1664, ceiPorn828. Sir J. Iteynolds d 1723. 18. Sun rises 4h. 26in. Hampden k 1643. 19. Pite at St, John's 1819. 21. Union of England and Scotlandl906. H.Bwms d 1796. 22. Bat of Salamanca 1812. 23. Gibraltar taken 1704. 27. 1st Lord Bp. of JsTjld. aip. 1839. , ,V 28. Sun«/»71i.34m. ::'.. 29. Clockte/bUue'lO":^ w l! August) 31 Bas»» TKE MOON'S CHANGES. Last Quarter 3d day 4h. 30m. aft. New Moon 11th " 3h. 69m. mom* First Quarter 19th " 8h. 82m, mom. Full Moon .......... 26th " 9h. 40m. mom. Apogee. . . . 15th day Oh. 30m. mom. Perigee.... 27th " 3h. 30m. mom. DAY?. StINDATrS AND RE- MARKABLE DATS. sun's de- clination. 9 I. W. Th. F. 8a. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 S 8 M. 9 %.10 W.ll Th.l2 F. 13 Sa. 14 li Id M. 16 Tu.l7 W.18 Th.l9 F. 20 8^.21 » 22 Jil. 23 tu.24 •W.25 Th.26 F. 27 Sa.28 il 29 M. 30 Tu.31 9tiiSun.aft.Trinity. [Xr. Johnson d 1784. 14. M. Malte Brun << 1826, 15. Isaak Walton d 1683. 16. ^lock ajt. sun 4' 17", Cromwell fUc. Protector 16A3. 18. Sun rises 7h. 50m. 19. Tycho Brahe b 1546. 20. Thomas Gray d 1724. 21. Shortest day, 23. James It. fled from Rochester 1688. 24. PeaeewithUnitedStates 1814. 25. Sir I. Newton 6 1642. Sir M. Hale rf 1676. 28. Boyle d 1706. 30. Sun rises 7h. 50m. 31. W.Gifford<efore the mes in 6. lUisnlng Sbobmigns ofiBttYope. AKRAKGED ACCORDINO to the date of their ffUCOESSIOV. '(I sovereigns. 1 GeorgeWilliam,Prince of Lippe- ) Schambur^ j 2 Leopold, Prince of Lippe Betmold 3 Bernard, Duke of Saxe Meiningen 4 Gunther, Prince of Schwartz- ) burgh-Rudolstadt ) 6 George, Prince of Waldeck 6 Maria Louisa, Duchess of Parma. . 7 Francis VI., Duke of Modena 8 William, King of Wurtemburg. . 9 George, Grand Duke of Meek- ) lenburghStrelitz j 10 Leopold, Duke of Anhault-Dessau 11 Henry, Prince of Reuss^Schleiz . . 12 WiUiamII.,EIectorofHesse-Ca8sel 13 Henry, Prince of Beuss-Ebers- ) dorf-Lobenstein j 14 Charles Louis, Duke of Lucca 15 Leopoldn.,GrandDuke of Tuscany 16 Louis, King of Bavaria 17 Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia. . 18 Maria II. da Gloria, Queen of Portugal 19 Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Saxe Weimar 20 Augustus, Grand Duke of 01- denburgh 21 Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden. . 22 Louis II., Grand Duke of Hesse ) Darmstadt ) 23 Louis Philip, King of the French 24 Henry, Duke of Anhalt-Coethen . . 25 Ferdinand II., King of the Two | Sicilies ) 26 Pope Gregory XVI 27 William, Duke of Brunswick. . . . 28 Charles Albert, King of Sardinia. . 29 Leopold, King of Belgium 30 Anthony Frederic, Prince of Ho- ) henzollem Sigmarigen j 31 Otho, King of Greece 32 Isabella IL, Queen of Spain 33 Alexander, Duke of Anhalt- ) Bemburgh ) 34 Joseph, Duke of Saxe-Altenburgh 36 Ferdinand L, Emperor of Austria date of succession 1787 Feb. 13 1802 April 4 1803 Dec. 24 1807 April 28 1813 Sept. 1814 May 30 1816 June 8 1816 Oct 30 1816 Nov. 6 1817 AugustO 1818 April 7 1821 Feb. 27 1822 July 12 1824 Mar. 13 1824 June 8 1825 Oct. 13 1825 Dec. 1 1826 May 2 1828 June 14 AGE AT TIME OF ACCESSION^ 2 Years. 1829 May 21 46 M 1830 Mar. 30 40 U 1830 April 6 53 it 1830 Aug. 9 1830 Aug. 23 57 52 M 1830 Nov. 8 21 «• 1831 Feb. 2 1831 April 25 1831 AprU 27 1831 July 21 65 25 42 41 (f it u 1831 Oct. 17 46 tt 1832 Oct. 5 1833 Sept 29 17 3 u 1834 Mar. 24 29 it 1834 Sept. 29 1835 Mar. 2 45 42 6 3 13 23 22 36 36 37 2 32 43 26 6 46 M M <« M U U U M U l« ^1»^* — SV-CaKoM^wtM li 21 tt u tt tt tt tt tt tt tl 2 (( ^ tt 5 tt H tt 1 tt tt ml ) KEIGN. H^f&tmoi tie ODibil CSof^ernivien^v 2i,t$8(9, CDIergg, (a. Governor, Vicer Admiral, and Conmiander-in-Chief : Iff f i i '^ 't'^'^ :' Private Secretary : i .) .:iofl A'i./l ZHXH Administarator af the Goyemment : Lieut-Col. LAW, K.H., Cofinmanding the Troops. Private Secretary to Hfe Honor, RICHARD LAW* Colonial SecretiitY tuid Cile^k of Gotindl i Hoii, f Aivpes qBQ^DY. , - 1 V, f . ^ Cobnial Secjetary's Office : felerks, JOSEPH TEMPLEMAN, CHRISTOPHER A YRE. Office-Keeper, VALBNtll^E BO:^^, U^m^^^.l, HOWSON. — . — J. ■ ; ' ■ ■ ' •■ ' c ".-Wu .tdl Colonial Treasurer, Hon. iPATJliCfe MORRIS. Surveyor-General, 'Hoirl. J:' I^SOAD. !:■ I [By Act 6 & 6 Vic. cap. 120, foi-ain^idinif the Constitution, of tHcJ Government, the functions of the «liit6 Es^Utive .€ounci|i, :wera abolished, and the Members constituted a Lpi^^l^tive Cpv^cil, and assigned to sit and vote with the RepreXentativ^s of th^ Peoj^le 'in one House, under the name of the Gi^n^i^aIj Asi^fiiStBLYj ihsd aiwv Executive Council wasj in coiiseqiiende^ s\rom in 6n the 27th Sept., 1841. By Act 9 & 10 Vic. Cap. 4d, it wa^ further continued in ib#c6 for one year, viz. to Ist September, 1847. 1 The Hon. JAMES CROWDY (Speaker of the General Assembly, Colonial Secretary.) f , WILLIAI^ T^OM^S. t PATRICK MORRIS (Colonial Treasurer.) f WM. BlCKFORD ROW (Q. C.) t JOSEPH NOAD (Sur>'eyorGetfera]L) BRYAN ROBINSON (Q. CA THOMAS BENNETT. ROBERT JOB; ? THOMAS RIDLEY. LAWRENCE =0'3RIEN. WALTER GRmVE. ' The A'J;T0RWY q3E;i^BR4L.t tt tt tt tt tt tt it tt tt It u .)>5 ,( Thoi« Member* of the Executive Council marked f ; And, Hon. C. F. BENNETT% " JAMES TOBIN*, « JOHN KENT*, Hon. H. A. EMERSON, (H.&L Solicitor General,) " JOHN STUART. iSencval ^»»mibls^ [tXECTED DECEMBER, 1842.:! I I ■ tt Speaker, Hon. JAMES CROWBT (Colonial Secretary .> am ISLECTORAL OISTBICTS. A CHon. L. O'BRIEN, (M. E. C.)t St. John^s ! J. V. NUGENT, • (R. J. PARSONS. § /Hon. THOMAS RIDLEY, (M. E. C:>t ^ 4V Ti 5 JOHN MUNN, t Conception Ba J j ^ PRENDERGAST, • V EDMUND HANilAHAN. IWnity Bay — THOMAS B. JOB. *![ BonaviBta— ROBERT CARTER, RJ^. • f Fogo— JOB N SLADE. t * Feixyland- TH(»fAS GLEN. • i>i ♦• .1 fi* Ttr-^ (JOHN DILLON, f Placentia and St. Mary's | ^j^^^ MORRIS. Burin — CLEMENT BENNINO. Fortune Bay— Hon. BRTfAN ROBINSON, (M.E.C., Q. C.) 0FFIC£IIS Of TB£ GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Usher of the Black Rod — JOSEPH TEMPLEMAN. . aerk — R. R^WAKEHAM. Assistant Clerk — R. HOLDEN^ SoUcitor — H. W. HOYLES. Sergeant-at-Arms — ELIAS WENDELL. Doorkeeper — G. ANDERSON. Under-ditto — PHILIP BROWN. Messenger — VALENTINE BORN. Under ditto POWElt * Governors of Savings' Bank. f Justices of the Peace. § £kcte4 June, 1843, vice Carson, dec. [} Elected Oct., 1816, vice Barney, dec. 'T II I mf iii.j II • Customs* Bfj^artmint. /; Collector, Hon. JAMES M. SPEARMAN. Landing and TiJo Surveyor, GEORGE BAYLY. w ufn,- „„^ «a-»„i,. - ( GEORGE J. HAYWARD, Wai^m and ftmchers [ qaWExV MELLERSH. Ist Clerk and Warehouse-keeper, JAMES BAYLY. -2nd Clerk, PERCIVAL HINPMARSH. 3rd Clerk, GEORGE BENNETT. 4th Clerk, J. R. MULLINGS. T «.lro« i ^' FURNEAUX, Lockers j p jj.j. jg SUB-COLLECTORS AT THE OUTPOBTS. Twillingate ~ SAMUEL PROWSE. Trinity — ROBERT BAYLY. Carbonear — DONALD BETHUNE. Harbour Grace — Sub-collector & Warehouse-keeper, E.E.BROWN. Brigus — JOSHUA GREEN. Perryland*- ROBERT CARTER. Placentia — W. G. BRADSHAW. ' Burin — T. BIRKETT. Little Bay — THOMAS E. GADEN. OFflCESS OF THE COLONIAL REVENUE. r Landing Waiter, E. L. MOORE. St. John's Tide Surveyor, WILLIAM LILLY. (Clerk to Collector, JOHN CANNING. Fogo — Sub-collector, JAMES M. WINTER. jGreeuspond— Ditto, LORENZO MOORE. La Poile — Ditto, THOMAS READ. ' ' ' Lamaline — Ditto, JAMES WINTER. Bay Bulls — Preventive Officer, JOHN L. McKIE. St Mary's — Ditto, H. MURCH. a Chief Justice, Assistant Judges, | SUPREME COURT. Hon. THOMAS NORTON. A. W. tfES BARRES, JAMES SIMMS. .n Attorney General, The Hon. E. M. ARCHIBALD, Solicitor General, " H. A. EMERSON. Queen's Counsel, « ,W. B. ROW, Hon. B. ROBINSON. Chief Clerk 6b Regr. of Supreme & C, C. Courts, J. H. DAWSON. « «' N. C. Court, JOHN STARK. « « « S. C. Cowt, GEORGE SIMMS. Crier 6f SuJ)rfeme Court »nd Tipstafli JAMES J^AMBARDi ^ I VI [.fy At Ul ii ■\ i 'ill 24 LAW DEPAIlfilENT— coxTixuED. BARRISTERS OF TJlE SUPREME botJRT— ST. JOtt^% Hon. ATTOtlNEY GE?fERAL, " SOLICITOR GENERAL, « W. B. ROW; Q.C. " , p. liOBINSON, Q.C. CV SIMMS', R. R. WAKEHAM, G. H. EMERSON, THEOPHILUS STEWART, H. W. HOYLES, F. B. T. CARTER, J. S. STEVENS, JAMES SIMMS, Jr. R. R: W. LILLY, P. F. LITTLE, HARCQURT MOONEY. HARBOUR GRACE, A. MAYNE, R. ANDERSON, J. HAYWARD, High Sheriff, BENJAMIN G. GARRETT. ^,fi T. ^. (JOHN STEVENSON, Northern District. i iJeputies, ^ PATRICK MORRIS, Southern District. MASTERS IN CHANCERY. Hon. B. ROBINSON, Q. C, G. H. EMERSON, C. SIMMS, i '^ /ViCE-ADMIRALTY COURT. .j{. Judge, The CHIEF JUSTICE for the time lleing. Registrar, P. W. CARTEH. Maishal, CHRISTOPHER AY^E. ; iJi-M NOTARIES PUBLIC. CHARLES SIMMS, M.q. Hon. W. B. ROW. Q.C. ROBERT ROBEIITSJ .WAJ^i;^41^I, JOHN BOYD, -i*:;^ :in,jr„,. .; Hon. BRYAN ROBINSON, Q.C. G. H. EMERSON, HUGH W. H0YLE3, THE0PHILU3 ST]i:WARt» ROBERT PRGWSE, ' ^ ^ • > ^ G. F. BOWN, ' • ''''-'^ KVJJX HENRY D^yjERpU^, '-' '■;■';/ y^OUTrPORTS. ■ ,:,H:j.ij.j vonoHu^^ irbour-Grace ^ Ajjiiilia1«r jiRYSDAL^, ll ITAlrWl^to.. Carbonear^T.iNEWJjlIyL. :„ . . ' :; ' * Ferryland—R()BE]^^ C*AllTl2B. u : Twyiiijg^^r-TflO>US >I, LYTIE, JOHN ]?EYTON. Purin- WILLIAM KOOPER. ^ ^ F. B. CARTER, PETER ROGERSON, W. J. WARD. JAMES SIMMS, Jr. R. R. W. LILLY, STEPHEN J. DANIEL, K. McLEA, Jr. EDWARD MORRIS, H. C. WATTS, . . . G. J. HOGSETT. ''''^' ''&'■■ r'S. r. :-,.,>■• NEY. it), '•'•rnfh.iU ■ui SIMMS, ^dol .jP 'liiiii'i./,. i RSON, , Jr. )ANIEL, IRIS, . '.( r. S5 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. The I^ord Bishqp of Newfoundland (including the. Bevmiidiiil Right Rev. EDWARD FEILD» D.D. r u>kI Late Felioto of Queen' a CoUege, Oxford, 18i4. i,l OHAPtAlNS TO THE BISHOP. Hev. T. F. H. BRIDGE, M.A., Rev* C. BLAGKMAN, M. A, DEA>fERY OF AVALON. Rural Dean of Avalon, Ecclesiastical Commissaiv and Vicar-Gene- ral to the Bishop, Rev. T. F. H, BRIDGE, M.A. Rector of St. John's, Rev. T. F. H. BRIDGE, M.A. I^linister of St, Thomas's Church, l^v. C. BLACRMAN, M.A. C Rev. H. TUCKWELL, V « B. JONES, ^ ----^ Out-Harbours of St. John's Mission < '* F. W. TREMLETT, ^^' J " G.ALI)INGTON,Pouclf I « 0. ROUSE. [Cove,,^'^ Harbour Grace, Rev. JOHN CHAPMAN. Carbonear, Rev. J. C. HARVEY, 7 Bay de Verds and Grates Cove, Rev, J. RQBlEJ^'^S. : ,^ .,y Bay Roberts, R6v. R. LOWELL, A.M. ^ Ny-o^i^- >^I-tminW Port-de-Grave, Rev. J. VICARS. Bishop's Cove and Island Cove, Rev. J. KINGWELL. ^-- Spaniards Bav and Now Harbour, Rev. W. H. TAYLOR."' Brigus, Rev. 'GEORdE B. CARTERr"^ Belle Isle, and South Shx)re of Conception Bay, Rev. B. FLEET. Fei-rylarid, Hev. H. ^. p^MlLTON, ^B.,,. , ., j, 1, ^jj. Burin, (vacant.) , ■.';^' ,'r. ,'l'.'' , ■ri->.,<\ ^.^^,.;^ ^^,. Harbour Beaufet, Islja ^o'f Valfen, fyc., ' Rev. :>y. , JETOES. Harbour Britafn, Fortune Bay, (vactmt.) ' The Burgees and S.W. Shore, llov. M. BLACKMORE. St. George's Bay, Rev. W. MEKK. ^^ ■ .. Bellorum, Rev. T. B, POLDEN. ^"^ ■ Hermitage fiay. Rev, J. MARSHALL, DBANfiRY OF TRINITY. Rural Dean of Trinity and Ecclesiastical Commissary of Northern /! A J .Division, (vacant.)" Trinity, (vacant.) : ^■ English Hai'bour, Salmon Cove, ^c., (vacant.) Heart's Content, ^dW Cove, fyc, Rev. H. LlND. Catalina, Rev. W. NETTEN. ^ ^ Bonavista, Rev. T. M, WOOD. ^^ .^^ ,..,,,;, ^ King's Cove, Rev. B.. SMITH. ....,;, -.ir^^ 'U ^. , 'u JGieeh«|>ond,,Rev; J.GILQHRISt, A.ti. ,;rf • ;,!"=! Twillingate, Rev. THOMAS BOONE, n'jafkri^f/ • Cape Shore, Rev. E. A. SALL -'^^^^'^^i' -> Fogo, Rev. W. J. HOYLES. > . ' ;; - > L m THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. Principal, Rev. C. BLACKMAN, A.M. Lecturer in Divinity, Bev. II. TUCKWELL. Lecturer in Classical Literature, Rev, B. JONES. Mr. KINGWELL, /Mr. KING Students and tay Readers, I " a^bAYLY?' ( « T.* W. BLACKMAN, B.A. ./. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. Head Master, Rev. H. TUCKAVELL, Assistant do. Rev. B. JONES. i- :i NEWFOUNDLAND CHURCH SOCIETY. '■■X '% Pati-on, President, Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP. Vice-Presidents, The RURAL DEANS. ., Treasurer, Hon. WILLIAM THOMAS. Honorary Secretary, The Rev. T. F. H. BRIDGE, A.M. 1^ .(^ Jin. 1 1: II ll!l !• i > ROMAN CATHOLIC. District of St. John's, i^^^' f'^f t ^^™^^' ^^'^^^ Exteiiding from Petjy j^^^ j ^^rAiCTAL, ;[- Harbour to Ferryland, ( j^^^, _ O'DONNELL. ^ Portugal Cove, Rev. P. O'CONNOR. T»of • f P Ti • ( Very Rev. D. MACKIN, V.G. District of Brigus j j^^^,^ ^ O'KEEFE, Harbour Main. (Very Rev. C. DALTON, District of Harbour Grace { Rev. J. CUMMING, ( Rev. JAMES GLEESON. District of Northern Bay, Rev. B. DUFFY. ■n';«f.,Vf nPiTin^'- r«^n f Rev. T. WALDRON, District of Kings Cove J j^^^ j gcANLAN. District of Tilton Harbour, Rev. P.WARD. District of Bay Bulls, Rev. P. CLEARY. District of Ferrvhnd f ^®^'- ^' MURPHY, Fermeuse. JJistrict ot 1 errylana l^^^, RYAN, Ferryland. District of Trepassey, Rev. O'NEIL. ' District of St. Mary's, Rev. K. WALSH. District of Placentia, Rev. P. NOWLAN, Rev. W. FORISTAL. District of Merasheen, Rev. E. TROY. T\'a*^' ^ ^f n ' i Rev. M. BIRNIE, D.8tnet of Burm I j^^^. jyj CULLEN. ..■^^T-jKnti'^SJtm- -i^-Ttti^iSM 0f -^iiibiH;tff. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. St AndreVs Church, St. John*i, (racatt.) Mmisterof the COXGREGATIONAL CHURCH, at ^i. JohnV* Rev. D. D. EVANS. . \mx^i^ WESLEYAN MISSIONARIES. •I Rev. R» Williams, St. John's, (Chairman of the Newfoundland Dislriet.) " J. BREWSTER, Assistant to ditto. > " A. NIGHTlNGALE.^upemumdrarv. ^' W. FAULKNEK, Harbour Gi«ace. ' t « J. SNOWBALL^ Carbonear. " T. ANGUIN, Blackhead. « JAMES NORRIS, Island Cove* « G. ELLIDGE, Port-de-Grave. « J. S. ADDY, Brigus. " J. INGHAM, Bonavista. " S. W. SPRAGUE, Burin. «' J. ENGLAND, Trinitj-. " J. S» PEACH, Green Bay. LAYMEN LICENSED TO CELEBRATE MARllUGIil, '\ [Under Colonial Act 3, Wm. 4. cap. 10.] W. G. BRADSHAW, J.P., Placentia. W. SWEETLAND, J.P., Bonavista. J. TILLY, J.P., Hants Harbour. T. E. GADEN, J.P., Harbour Britain. J. PEYTON, J.P., Twillingate. H. BUTLER, J.P., LamaUne. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS OF N.S. SOCIETYi Rev. T» F. H. BRIDGE, 5l.A. m ',' i.|^ii H \^l Commandant, P. IffT. Lieut.-Cql B. LAW, |^.H., Commanding Koyal Newfoundland Companies. Fort-MajoT, Lieutenant MASON^ |l.N,C. ,,,; ' Assistant Commissary General, T. C. WEIR. Deputy Assistant Commissary General, W. ROBINSON. ROYAL AKTILLERY. F liieut-Colonel Commanding, H. R. WRIGHT. Leutehants : R. W. BRET'TINGHAM, O. ROTTON. • • • ' "": — ~: ./^.vK ROYAL ENGINEERS. FLieut.-Col.Commanding, A. W. ROBE. Lieut., C. R. BINNEY. ROYAL NEWFOUNDLAND COMPANIES. 1*.W. Lieutenant-(!jolon6l Commanding, ROBERT LAW, K.H.y ( W. BINDON, Maior.^ ; v Captains, R. SAUNDERS. (h. b. chambers, ■ ,] k w. mason. ''"^'''v- " J. NICHOLS, 'ff ^, ., IW. JENKINS, ■ ' HiiOV ,J. GILLESPIE, 'W. S. BOLD, — MARRIOT. t'W. J. COEN, Ensigns, M. PETRIE; ( One vacant. Acting Pa}'master, Lieutenant W. S. BOLD. Adjutant, and Acting Quarter-Master, Lieut. W. JENKINS/ Surgeon, I. P, PINK, Assistant ditto, J. C. MARTIN. Agent, Sir i. KlUKLA^t), Knt., 80, Pall Mall, London.^ Lieutenants, (■ ■ ', f CIVIL Dti»AR^MENTS CF THE ARMY. GaiTison Chaplain, Rev. C. BLACKMAN, A.M. Deputy Ordnance Storekeeper and barrack Master, G. WD»rTE^.' Ordnance Clerk, NOEL HANMER. IJ.'i J. Clerk of the Works, J. BAKfe^. Resnective Officers ( ^o^^^a^ding R^^al Engineer. , ' of the Ordnance i Commanding Officer of Royal Artillery. ot the Urdnance, (^ j^^p^ Ordnance Storekeeper. Commissariat Issuer, J. STICKLEY. Ditto Conductor, J. THOMPSON. NoTEi — P. denotes Peninsula; W. Waterloo. 29i COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OP HER MAJESTTS I^LEEt, on the West India and North Am^can stfitioQr ,j'i^ Vice-Admiral Sir F. W. AUSTEN, K.G. B. J ban Comtoodore at Jainiik, Captain DANIEL PRINCf.; ^'^•^ ... / :UI :,.t iMiscellaneous. '!'■<, J i;" k J. ..cr;:') - POST OFFICE. Post Master, WILLIAM L. SOLOMON. Assistant, Miss E. SOLOMO!^. Occasional ditto, on arriTal of Mails, E. WINTON.'" '"'^ Her Majesty's Mails for the North American Colonies and the United States are conveyed in Steam Packets, (hen^after named), which sail from Liverpool for Halifax and BOSTON TWICE in each of the months of April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November^and once in those of Decem- ber, January, February, and March. The Mails are made up in London on the 3d and 18th of the former named months, and on the 3d of the latter, (except when those days fall on a Simday, then on the Monday), and the Steamers start from Liyeipool on tho day foUowmg, immediately on the arrival of the Mails. On the average, the outward passage occupies about twelve, and the homeward ten and a-half days. The average course of the Post between England and this colony is from 40 to 42 days. , NAMES OF STEAM-PACKETS, AND THEIR COMMANDERS. Britannia . Caledonia . Acadia . . . Cambria . . , HlBERNIA. . Captain JOHN HEWITT, E. G. LOTT, WILLIAM HARRISON, •« C. H. E. JUDKINS, ALEXANDER RYRIE. i^iiri (t 11 The charge for Passage (including Provisions, except Wines, &c.) to Boston or Halifax, is 38 guineas. Steward's Fee, 1 guinea. The Newfoundland Mails are conveyed to and from Hali&3^ by the Royal Mail Steam-packet Unicorn, Captain MEAOHEIfc, (except in the months of January, February, and Marcik, when they may be conveyed in a sailing vessel.) The Steamer leaves Halifax for St. John'^s immediately after the arrival of the homeward bound Mail (from Boston), and after remaining there seventy-two hours from the time of arrival, proceeds back to Halifax wim ihe return Mails, calling at Sydney, C.B. On the average the P^^h^ c^cuUtions (corned fiom the Liverpdol Standard andbeliifeired^tabe iKscurately wooded) of tlie comparatiye distances between Nefw York and Bristol, and New York and Liverpool; and also bejt^eei^ Boston {»i>d Liverpool, via Hall|ax» m^y be valuable to such persons as may be desiroiis of comparing' the length of th© passages respectively outand home, of the transatlantic steam-shipa running between those ports. ^ , .> - FBOM 30SION TO HA^LIFAX. MILES. From Boston Wharf to Cape Ann 36 « Cape Ann to Cape Sable (course N. 78 deg. E.) . . . 222 " Cape Sable to Sambro L^ght (N. 65 deg. E.) Ill « Sambro to Halifax. 18 r .■'.:■"'. .]'.''. 387 FROM HAMFAX. T(\ .LIVERPOOL. From Jiajifi^x Wharf to Sambro. ,18 " Sambro to Cape Oear (N. 79 deg. E.) 2207 huK '"jfiCapfc Clear to Tuakar. .-. . . ; . . . , 135 I'jjiii*^ Tuskar to Holyhead . ..... ; 99 >!0' .f^;; Holyhead to. LiverpooL; ... . . . .i.*. 74 .liiijjju/- ,■■'!■''. .i'WjT. ,vrK ,ifi(i/'. ■•^m mU '\'i fl:: ——2524 -irr'j')o( [ 'i< Total £r6m Boston to Liverpool, via Halifax . . ,.,; . 2911 irr (jll jF)* ' I FROM NISW YORK TO BRISTOL. ' ' '^Sioiti'^ewf^rk to Cape Gear (N, 79 deg. 30 min. E.) . . 27^4 ,1 o i u Cape, clear, to Lundy Island<3. 85 deg. E.) ...... 182 ' ' -.. Wy blana to AupWage, King-^^d J^^ iJiiB ,OY!OvrJ Jijo !FR0M NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. '^ri6m Nc% Yo^k to Cape Clear ,...;.. ; , .;..... 2764 " Cape XJtear to Liverpool, as abbvd . ; . VV\ I '. . . . :' : .299 —7-3053 FROM HALIFAX TO J^IVERPOOL, »ia ST. JOflN'S NEWFOUNDLAND. From Halifax to Cape Race (N. 76 E.) . . . . . . ..,.::„;.. . . 513 " Cape Race to St. John's 55 " St John's to St. l)avid'8 Head (N. 82 E.) 1860 « St: David^s Head to Liverpool 200 Total i^pm Halifax to Liveipool, via St. John's 2628 < - ^ St. John's to Sydney, O.B. ......... i 354 Sydney to Halifax : . . . . : : .'.^^; rV. 235 ■'''Takib^; therefore, the direct course in eec'i cise, as by tne calcu- 'kitiobs giveh> T^e have the following results ; — "The voyage from'New York to Liverpoor is 43 nailes longer than ?rom New York to Bristol. From New York to Liverpool is longer ^ihah froni Halifax to the same port by 529 miles. From New York to S^ing's-road, near Bristol, where the Great Western anchors, is 99 miles fui'ther than from Boston, via Halifax, to Liverpool ; and that the voyage from laverpool to Halifax, via St. John's, is only 104 miles longer than the direU passage. 31 S2 )! . i' ;! I i| ! t m n m ;,ii! I'i pi ^^^- j !( 'lip fill ^4Dommte9lon^d of public ^ouxts%. V COLONIAL BUILDING. Hon. J. CROWDY, Chairman, " T. BENNETT, « W. THOMAS, " W. B. ROW, « P. MORRIS, Clerk, J. W. CROWDY. Architect, JAMES PURCELL. Inspector, P. KOUGH. Hon. R. JOB, « X. O'BRIEN, THOMAS GLEN, M.G.A., P. M"< Secretary, HARCOURT MOONEY. FOR SUPERINTENDING REPAIRS OF GOVERNMENT HOUSE, &c. Hon; J. CROWDY, ) " W. THOMAS, M.E.C. « t. O'BRIF^, ' R. CARTER, Esq., M.G.A.. J. B. BULLEY, Hon. P. MORRIS, " L. O'BRIEN, PILOTS- T. WILLIAMS, N. STABB. TABLES OF RATES OP riLOTAGE IN AND OUT OF THE PORT OF ST. JOHN'S. On Merchant Shipping. Vessels under... " From... « It (I u II TONNAGE. NEW. 80 100 1 £2 80 to 130 100 to ISO 2 10 130 to 180 150 to 200 3 180 to 230 200 to 250 3 5 230 to 300 250 to 300 3 10 Upwards 300 300 4 Coasting vessels half the ahove in proportion to tonnage. Her Mqjeity*s Ships of Wat. Under 6th Rate £2 10 4th, 5th, and 6th Rates ; . ... . . . 3 10 Ships •f the Jane, M, 2nd, and 3rd Rates 5 OLD. RATE OF PILOTAGE, CURRENCY. Q s$ COMMISSIONERS QF PUBLIC BOARDS-CcoiCTiNCED.] BOARD OP CONTROL—COF ROADS, &c.] THOMAS ROW, RICHARD HOWLEY. Hon. T. BENNETT, Chairman, J, B. BULLEY, Secretary, H. P. THOMAS, Surveyor and Inspector, W. MAGILL. RELIEF OF THE POOR. Rev. T. F. H. BRIDGE, Rev. D. D. EVANS. Rev. R. WILLIAMS, Rev. J.FORRISTAL. COMMISSIONERS OF LIGHT HOUSES. Hon. T. BENNETT, Chairman, H. P. THOMAS, Hon. T. RIDLEY, Cape Spear, T. CANTWELL. Fort Amherst, P. ROCHE. Hon. P. MORRIS, N. STABB. A. SHEA, Secretary. keepers: Harbour Grace Island, R. OKE. Cape Bonavista, J. WHITE. TABLE OF LIGHT DUES. Sd. per Ton on all vessels entering any Port or Harbour of the Colony, except Coasting and Sealing Vessels; but not to be levied more than twice in any one year. COASTING AND SEALING VESSELS. Of 90 Tons and upwards £1 per annuih. Of 60, and under 90 Tons. 15 « " Under GO Tons.... 10 (( (( DESCRIPTION OF THE LIGHTS. Fort Amherst.— This is a Stationary Light, on the SouUlem head of the entrance of St. John's harbour. Cape Spear.— This is a powerful Revolving Light, burning at an elevation of 275 feet above the level of the sea, and showing a brilliant flash at intervals of one minute. In clear weather it may be seen firom sea, in any direction, at the distance of thirty-five miles. Harbour Grace. — This is a powerful Fixed Lijdht, situate on " Harbour Grace Island," in Conception Bay, extending Epstwardly or seaward, in a direction by Compass from North to South West. Bonavista. — ^This light revolves every two minutes, showing a red and white flash alternately ; and is elevated 150 feet above the level of the sea. St. Peter's.— a Light House has been erected by the French Government on " Galantiy Head," near Cape Noir. The Light is a fixed one. It bums at an elevation of about 210 feet above the level of the sea. . It may be seen (in passing by the S.) from W.N. W. to N.N.E., at the distance of 18 or 20 mues in clear weather. In passing by the N., it is shut in by high land from N.N.E. to W.N.W. It is in contemplation to erect a Light House on Cape Pine. «l I ''^ i' I m '^ .' !i ; i' ' [li » if lit ri :'l ( 1., ii ■•«*« S4 ^Wctr« of tje seberal IBUctoral iWstdcts. ST. JOHN'S. /;hr'l8TIPEJf DIARY MAGISTRATES. jf }7'\ P. W. CARTER. St, John's C. SIMMS, St. John's P. DOYLE, St. John's J. L. MoKIE, Bay BuUs. PETER McBRIDE, Hon. WALTER 0RIEVE. T. B. JOB, M.G.A. Hou. L. O'BRJl^. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE/ Hon. T. BENNETT, " R. JOB, N. GILL, R. CARTER (R.N.), M.a.A. Clerk of the Pewe and Coroner, A. HOGSETT.r Coroner (Bay Bulls.), M. WILLIAMS. ; High-constable, J. FINLAY. Gaoler, JAMES FERGUS. Medical Attendant on Gaol, E. KIELLEY. /T. WILLIAMS, W. MAGILL, T * *T>- 1,1 ^T?- 1, ) J- PITTS, A. GRAHAM, Inspectors of Pickled Fish j3 dWYRE, W. McPHERSON, V J. CURTIS, Jr., Portugal Cove. Assayer of Weights and Measures, J. FINLAY. District Surgeon, Dr. CARSON. ■ , , '" General Supervisor of Streets, I.iettt: R. CARTER, R;N.,M.4A. BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. JAMES DOUGLAS, Chairman, Hon. PATRICK MORRIS, ". JOSEPH NOAD, « C. F. BENNETT, « JOHN KENT, « BRYAN ROBINSON, « ROBERT JOB, " LAWRENCE O'BRIEN, NICHOLAS GILL, Hon. WALTER GRIEVE, CHARLES SIMMS, JOHN HARDINO, PATRICK KOUGH, SIMON MORRIS, M.G.A. PATRICK MULLOWNEY, JOHN O'MARA, PATRICK L. POWER, DAVID REID. : . . THOMAS GLEN, M.G.A. Surveyor, T. BYRNE. Inspector, EDWARD TOBIN. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. PROTESTANT. The Rev. T. F. H. BRIDGE, Rev. '' ^'^ -" • « 'RICHARD WILLIAMS, « D. D. EVANS, Hon. W. B. ROW, H. P. THOMAS. ROMAN CATHOLIC. The Rev. JOHN FORRESTAL, Hon. P. MORRIS, « JOHN KENT, " L. O'BRIEN, J. DILLON, M.G.A. PATRICK KOUGH, R. HOWLEY. '. • i «4^ * The Members of Her Majesty's Council, . and the Judges of the Supreme Court, are all in the Commission of the Peace for the Central, Nort/tem, and Southern districts of the Island. 35 luDISTBICT OF ST. JOHN'S— continued. DIRECTORS OF ST. JOHN'b HOSPITAL. Hon. R. JOB, Chairman, W. RICHARDS, Vice-President, Hon. T. BENNETT, " W. GRIEVE, « JOHN STUART, « L. O'BRIEN, DUGALI) McKEIXAR, . N. STABB, Surgeon, EDWARD KIELLEY. Secretary, A. SHEA. .... ■ "■ vf.r. DIRECTORS OF LUNATIC ASYLUM. B. SCOTT, J. BARRON, P. McBRIDE, ^^,.,, R. HOWiEY, •;;/,L^Vr' W. WARREN, Jr. ^ ' ^' THOMAS ROW, -'HtAI THOMAS ALLEN. TRUSTEES OF BOTANIC GARDEN. Hon. W. THOMAS, . J Hon. JOHN STUART. '^ .\. .n' DISTRICT OF CONCEPTION BAY. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES. Harbour-Grace, T. DANSON, R, J, PINSENT, Carbonear, J. POWEIi, , . Brigus, c. COZENI^. . •./^j;;; JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. J. STARK, R. BROAVN, JOHN MUNN, M. G. A. NICHOLAS MOLLOY. W. STIRLING, , J. GREEN, R. PACK, R. RANKIN, T. HUTCHINGS, Clerks of the Peace { Harbour-Grace, A. MAYNE, uerks 01 tne reace j ^^^^^^ ^y rj, gxENTAFORD. C Harbour-Grace, J. STARK. Coroners, J Brigus, J. GREEN. " , ' (Western Bay, W. BENNETT. High Constable, A. WEBBER. Gaoler, RICHARD BRACE. Medical Attendant on Gaol, W. STIRLING. Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, J. GREEN, (Brigus.) * / / Harbour-Grace — Sul>collector and Acting Warphouse- rn^fnmc ) keeper, E. E. BROWN, i^ustoms j Brigus— Sub-coUector, J. GREEN. \,CarbQ»^ar— ditto, D. BETHUNE. "f ;vf (Harbour-Grace, H. STOWE, Inspectors ofPickled Fish J Carbonear, SIMON LEVL . « (Brigus, G. BURSELL, 4 DISTRICT OF CONCEPTIOX BAY— coktwued. BOARDS O^ ItOAD COMMISSIONERS. Ilarboiir-Main (from Ilolyrood to Salmon Cove Bridge)— . / JOHN MURPHY, C, Holyrood PETER EZEKIEL, PATRICK STRAPP, JAMES WOODFORD, JOHN BYRNK. Brigus (Salmon Cove Bridge to Spaniard's Bay Gut Bridge) — JOHN LEAMON, C. NATHANIEL MUNDEN, JAMES HEARN, JAMES KEEPING, JAMES CORMACK. Harbour-Grace — ANDREW DRYSDALE, C, 1). GREEN, R. HANRAHAN, F. LYNCH, M. GOSS, Harvev Street: J. L. 1»RENDERGAST,. R. J. PINSENT, W. STIRLING. Carbonear (South Side Main Road to Spout Cove)- THOMAS GAMBLE, C, W. W. BEMISTER. JOHN MACARTHY, JOHN RORKE, WILLIAM BROWN, JOHN CASEY, 0. FORWARD. Western Bay (Spout Cove to Main Brook)^- WILLIAM BENNErr, C, DAVID BRANSFIELD, JAMES PENNY, RICHARD RANKIN, HENRY THOMPSON. Main Brook to Bay-de-Verds — THOMAS HUTCHLSTGS, C, O'NEILL, MOORE, RICHARD RANKIN. BOARDS OF EDrCATION. (? Brigus— PROTESTANT. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Rev. G. B. CARTER,^ Very Rev. D. MACKIN, Rev. J. S. ADDY, Dr. MOLLOY, ROBERT BROWN, R. MACKEY, JOHN LEAMON, JOHN MURPHY, W. S. MILLS, PATRICK STRAPP, JOSHUA GREEN, RICHARD MANDEVILLE, WELLS. Rev. E. O'KEEFE. ■■ r'^ d H ' J - 37 DISTKICT OF CONCEPTION BAY-»-co»tisU£D. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Harbour Grace — PROTESTANT. Rev. JOHN CHAPMAN, " GEORGE KLUDGE, Hon. T. IIIIJLEY, M.G.A. WILLIAM STIRLING, R. ANDERSON, ALFRED MAYNE. ROMAN CATHOLIC. V^ry Rev. C. DALTON, DANIEL GREEN, ROGER HANRAHAN, WILLIAM CORMACK, ARTHUR THOMEY, PATRICK DEVEREUX, F. LYNCH. Carbonear — PROTESTANT. Rev. J. C. HARVEY, « J. S. ADDY, « W. H. HAMILTON, " JAMES ENGLAND, W. W. BEMISTER, JOHN RORKE, EDWARD PIKE. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Rev. B. DUFFY, ED. HANRAHAN, M.G.A. JAMES POWER, JOHN McCarthy, Dr. WRIGHT, Rev. JAMES GLEESON» WILLIAM BROWN. COMMISSIONERS OF GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. Harbour Grace— Hon. THOS. RIDLEY, M.G.a. JOHN MUNN, M. G. ^ J. L. PRENDERGASl, M.G.A. W. STIRLING, ALFRED MAYNE, DANIEL GREEN, W. DONETHY. Professor, J. T. RODDICK. Carbonear — ED. HANRAHAN, M.G.A. VMES POWER, JOHN McCarthy, V\ W. BEMISTER, Dr. WRIGkT, JOHN RORKE, THOMAS GAMBLE. Professor, A. O'DONAVAN. DISTRICT OF TRINITY BAY. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE— B. SWEETLAND. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. W. KELSON, J. REGAN, J. QUINTZ, J. TILLY, J. IVLEW, R. OLLERHEAD, A. RACKET, F. K. HEPBURN, A. BREMNER, W. R. GILL. ss DISTRICT OF TRINITY BAY— coNTlNtTED, m 1 1 !! I 'i ^ jr.!' i'4 i !■■:; ;,( ' ^ 11 11'^ * 11! lii^'i Clerk of the Peace R. BAYLY. Coroner, B. SWEETLAND. Gaoler, C. GRANGER. Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, B. SWEETLAND. SuD-eollector of Customs, R. BAYLY. (Trinity, J. HART. Inspectors of Pickled Fish j Hants Harbour, M. TILLY* (Hearts Content, J, WISEMAN., BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Old Perlican (from Grates Cove to Hani's Harbour)— STEPHEN MARCH, C JOHN COLLINS, THOMAS COOPER, S. RENDELL. Heart's Content (from Hant's Harbour to Heart's Delight)— GEORGE AYRE, JOHN BEMISTER. JOHN KELLAND. ROBERT OLLERHEAD, C, RICHARD UNDERHAY, MOSES MOORES, JOHN HOPKINS, Trinity Bay North — W. STONEMAN, C, I ROBERT BAYLY, W. GILL, WILLIAM PENNY. F. K. HEPBURN, j Road from New Harbour to Dildo Cove — CHARLES NEWHOOK, | ANDREW HACKET. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Trinity Bay North— PROTESTANT. Rev. J. NORIIIS, F. K. HEPBURN, A. BREMNER, W. KELSON, B. SWEETLAND, R. BAYLY. ROMAN CATnOLIC. Rev. J. SCANLAN, M. BRINE, JOHN MURPHY, P. MURPHY, JOHN EAGAN, JOHN POWER. Trinity Bay West (Protestant) — Rev. H. LIND, R. OLLERHEAD, J. HOPKINS, R. UNDERHAY, C. NEWHOOK, J. WISEMAN, JOHN BEMISTER. Trinity Bay South (Protestant) Rev. H. LIND, Rev. J. INGHAM, STEPHEN MARCH, WILLIAM MEADOWS, GEORGE AYRE, JOHN TILLY. 39 DISTRICT OF BONAVISTA BAY. STIPENDIARY MAQISTE4TE, W. SWEETLAND. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. .t t?. MIFFLEN, N. SMITH, . J. COX, J. T. OAKLEY, W. BROWN, J. SKELTON, J. WINTER, M.D. T. WILLS, LORENZO MOORE, JOSEPH SHEARS, J. STEWART, D. CANDOW. Clerk of the Peace, T. GAYLOR. Coroner, Dr. J. WINTER, (Greenspond.) 3^eputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, T. GAYLOR. Sub-collector of Colonial Revenue, L. MOORE, (Greenspond.) ( T. GAYLOR, Bonavista. Inspectors of Pickled Fish < N. SMITH, Greenspond.. (j. CONNORS, King's Cove. Keeper of Light House on Cape Bonavista, J. WHITE. BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Bonavista to Catalina— WILLIAM SWEETLAND, C, JOSEPH SHEARS, ARCHIBALD ARNOTT, ALEXANDER BREMNER. .\m. Bonavista to King's Cove- JAMES STEWART, WILLIAM BROWN. ARCHIBALD ARNOTT, C. WILLIAM SWEETLAND, JOSEPH SHEARS, / In and through King's Cove — JAMES STEWART, WM. BROWN, JAMES LAWTON. Keels to Broad Cove — THOS. WALLEY, JAMES CONNORS, JOHN MURPHY. Greenspond — '■ J. WINTER, M.D., THQS. WILLS, NATHANIEL SMITH. Salvage — - JAMES OLDFORD, FREDERICK LASH. Tickle Cove to Main Line from King's Cove — ♦ D. CANDOW, J. SKEFFINGTON. Tickle Cove to Open Hall — D. CANDOW, J. SKEFFINGTON, T. FEWER. Tickle Cove— D. CANDOW, J. SKEFFINGTON. 40 DISTRICT OF BONAVISTA BAY— Continued. ''.I l!i 'J ! I .Id ((II m m 18 i«l!i V. It m m Ell' -M- |.ji I. mm BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Cape Freels to Cobbler's Island — JOHN RIDOUT, W. HANDS, R. VINCENT. Flower Island and Fool's* Island— J. SPURRELL, W. KANE. Swain's Island — T. BISHOP, J. WINSER, W. TILLER. Deer Island— J. PICKETT, C, FELTHAM. Flat Island— J. PIKE, J. SANSON. Barrow Harbour and towards Salvage— WM. LANG, WM. DOYLE, H. WILLS. Broad Cove to King's Cove — LARKIN, RYAN. Plate Cove to Trinity Bay — p. CANDOW, J. SKEFFINGTON, W. PALMER. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Bonaviata Bay North — (Protestant) — Rev. J, GILCHRIST, JOHN WINTER, M.D. THOMAS WILLS, NATHANIEL SMITH, Boaavitto Bay South J. T. OAKLEY, WILLIAM DYER, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. PROTESTANT. Rev. T. M. WOOD, Rev. THOMAS ANOUIN, JOSEPH SHEARS, ARCHIBALD ARNOTT, JAMES SAINT, JAMES STEWART, DAVID CANDOW. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Rev. T. WALDRON, WILLIAM HARTERY, JAMES CONNORS, MICHAEL MURPHY, JOHN RYAN, JOHN MURPHY, JOHN SULLIVAN. DISTRICT OF FOGO. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE, J. PEYTON, (Twillingate.) JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. S. LAWLER, J. MARTIN, J. BELL, Clerk of the Peace, A. A. PEARCE. Coroner, WILLIAM STIRLING, Jr., M.D. Sub-collector of Customs, S. PROWSE, (Twillingate.) J. SLADE, M.G.A. S. PROWSE. ,i>4.- 41 DISTRICT OF FOGO— CONTINUED. liltto of Colonial Revenue, J. M. WINTER, (Fogo.) Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, JOHN PEYTON. Inspectors of Pickled Fish { J; '^q^j^ZI TwSngate. BOARDS OF ROAD C0MMIS91ONKR8. Twillingate — ■ J. SLADE, M.G.A., S. PROWSE, JOHN PEARCE. Fogo^ — STEPHEN LAWLER, J. M. WINTER, P.BURKE. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. PHOTESTANT. Rev. THOMAS BOONE, Rev. WM. MARSHALL, JOHN SLADE, M.O.A. JOHN PEYTON, J. COLBORNE, SAMUEL PROWSE, J. YOUNG. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Rev. P. WARD, JOHN BRINE, JOHN BURKE, PATRICKBURKE, PATRICK DWYRE, J. FITZGERALD, N. FITZGERALD. Rev. W. J. HOYLES, STEPHEN LAWLER, JAMES M. WINTER, THOMAS HUMPHREYS, Fogo (Protestant) — JOHN BENNETT, JOHN FREKE, Sen. GEORGE E. RIDOUT. DISTRICT OF FERRYLAND. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE, ROBERT CARTER Njslio;?-' JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. P. WINSER, I A. GOOD RIDGE, J. AY. SAUNDERS, j M. MORRY. Clerk of the Peace, H. G. CLOW, *' '^ Coroner, (vacant.) Gaoler, F. GEARY., tcn^Iio greio^nen Sub-collector of Customs, R. CARTER. Deputy Surveyor, of Crown Lands, R. CARTER. BOAJIDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Bay Bulls to La Manch THOMAS AVERY, JAMES CAREW. MICHAEL COADY, C. MICHAEL BRINE, Sen. THOMAS DRISCOLL, Ferryland (La Manche to Renewse)-— M. BRAZIL, E. POWER. M. MORRY, C, JAMES H. CARTER, NORRIS, Renews to Trepassey — J. W. SAUNDERS, C, A. GOODRIDGE, OWEN O'NEILL, Trepassey to Renews — G. SIMMS, a, G. DUTTON, J. DEVEREUX. 42 '^■ DISTRICT OF FERRYLAND— coxTixuED. i W! 'M 11 I' < Iff 1 BOARDS PROTESTANT. Rev. H. H. HAMILTON, KOBEllT CARTER, MATTHEW IKORRY, J. H. CARTER, J. W. SAUNDERS, A. GOODRIDGE, P. P. LeMESSURIER. Bay Bulls- Rev. P. CLEARY, M. 'WILLIAMS, M. COADY, W. DENN, OP EDUCATION. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Rev. J. MURPHY, MICHAEL DEVEREUX, J. DOYLE, J. CASIIIN, R CONDON, H. O'NEILL, PHILU' JACKMAN. -(Roman Catholic) — MICHAEL DRISCOLL, J. BLACKLER, T. DRISCOLL. A. CHAMBERS, W. LUSII, PATRICK HOGAN. DISTRICT OF PLACENTIA AND ST. MARY'S. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES. F. L. BRADSHAW, Placentia. H. MURCH, St. Mary's. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. G. SIMMS, J. MURPHY, R. F. SWEETMAN, W. G. BRADSHAW, aerk of the Peace, L. COLLINS. Coroner, (vacant.) Gaoler, L, COLLINS. Sub-collector of Customs, W. G. BRADSHAW. Preventive Officer of Customs, H. MURCH, St. Mary's. / T. WALSH, Placentia. T«o«nnf,..p«fp;«vi.^T7ok W. LeMESSURIER, lyleofValen Inspectors of Pickled Fish ^j gjjjjA, Little Placentia. \E. HENNESSEY, Merasheen. BOARDS OP ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Barren Island — ALEXAN]:>ER CHAMBERS, C, RICHARD MACKAY. NICHOLAS COADY, Merasheen— A. CHAMBERS, C, JOHN MOVELLE, E. HENNESSEY. Presque to Oliver's Cove — A. CHAMBERS, C, J. MASTERS, T. LENNARD. Isle of Valen — A. CHAMBERS, C, G. LeMESSURIER, P. LENNARD. Great to Little Paradise — JOHN POWER, JOSEPH GOLDSWORTHY. 43 DISTRICT OF PLACENTIA and ST. MARY'S— continued. BOARDS OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Woody Island — A. CHAMBERS, C, LEVI ANDREWS, R. WALSH Oderin — THOMAS COLLINS, NELSON BAILEY. Great Placenda to Distress Cove — LUKE COLLINS, C. W. O. BRADSIIAW, PATRICK HOGAN, J; RIELLEY, (Herring Bay.) Great to Little Placentia and Pond Head — JAMES MURPHY, JOHN RIELLEY, ALEX. BURKE. St. Mary's Harbour (Holyrood and Point La Haye) — WILLIAM LUSH, ROBERT KENT, WILLIAM FEWER. Harbour Buffett — JAMES BUTLER, THOMAS E. COLLETT. Harry Cove Point and Path from Limber Grass to Harry Cove— G. CURTIS, MICHAEL DENN, EDWARD QUIGLEY. To open a road firom Branch to Distress Cove- Branch. T. NASH, N. POWER, J. ENGLISH. Distress Cove. J. DUFFY, W. WALSH, J. CONWAY. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Placentia — 1»110TESTANT. Rev, WM. JEYNES, F. L. BRADSHAW, W. G. BRADSHAW, WILLIAM TAYLOR, THOMAS E. COLLETT, ALEX. CHA]^IBERS, G. LEMESSURIER. ROMAN CATHOIJC. Rev. PELAGIUS NOWLAN, R9V. W. FORRISTAL, JOHN RIELLEY, JAMES FURLONG, PATRICK HOGAN, I ANTHONY WHELAN, JOHN RIELLEY, Herrin^r Bay. St. Mary's (Roman Catholic) — Rev. K. WALSH, JOHN WALSH, THOMAS PHELAN, JAMES FAGAN, WILLIAM BURKE, MICHAEL FAGAN, MICHAEL MURRAY^ TRUSTEES OP COMMERCIAL SCHOOL AT GREAT rLACi:^:Tl.V. Rev. P. NOWLAN, F. L. BRADSHAW, PATRICK HOGAN. Master, M. KELtY. Average number of Scholars, 30. 44 J'i, i !.;.!' ^ DISTRICT OF Burax. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES. W, HOOPER, Burin, f H. BUTLER, Lamaline. J. BLACKBURN, Grand Bank. T JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. C. BEXNINO, J. THORJ^, JAMES MORAN. Clerk of the Peace, EDWARD MORRIS. Coroner, (vacant.) Gaoler, E. GLYNN. Sub-collector of Customs, T. BIRKETT. Sub-collector of Colonial Revenue at Lamaline, I. WINTER, Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, W. HOOPER. I T. DARBY, Burin. Inspectors of Pickled Fish J I. K. MOORE, St. Lawrence. ^ (G. H. EVANS, Grand Bank. BOARDS OF Road COMMISSIOA'ERS. Burin — EDWARD MORRIS, C, CLEMENT BENNING, THOMAS DARBY, JOHN MARSHALL, JOHN POWER, JOSHUA FALLE. Grand Bank and neighbourhood — JOHN PATTEN, JAMES HICKMAN. ED. EVANS, C, GEORGE LAKE, St. Lawrence to Lamaline, and from Great to Little St. Lawrence- JOHN THORN, HENRY SLANEY. Lamaline — H. BUTLER, J. PITMAN, R. CAKE. COMMISSIONERS FOR THE ERECTION OP A BREAKWATER. At Fortune. GEORGE LAKE, JOHN SNOOK, THOMAS ROGERS, JAMES HANDLEN, JOHN KEATING, JOHN SPENCE. At Graad Bank. JOHN PATTEN, JOHN HICKMAN, sen. JAMES HICKMAN, GEORGE FORSEY, sen. WM. EVANS, (planter.) HENRY NICOLLE. BOARDS OF EDUCATION. PROTESTANT. THOMAS DARBY, PHILIP HOLLETT, WILLIAM HOOPER, WILLIAM EVANS, RICHARD FALLE, JAMES MORAN. h' ROMAN CATHOLIC. Rev. MICHAEL BERNEY. CLEMENT BENNING, EDWARD MORRIS, JOHN POWEH, PATRICK MORRIS, HENRY SLANEY, MATTHEW MARSHALL. 4d [Founded in 1806.] Patron, President, Hon, J. KENT. Vice President, K. HQWLEY. First Assistant, B; 'O'DWY^R. Second Assistant, P. F. UriLEn Treasurer, P. KOUGH. Se.rettfry, J. KAVANAGH. if T /, Chairman 0^ A. Sthobl; L. MACASSEY. Chairman of Review, G. HOG^ETT. , ChaiVmari of Charity, M. DEALY. ' Secretary O. A. School, F. BOYLE. .il/.:in [Elected. ITtih Februaily, 1846J ; r DORCAS SOCIETY. President'and "iPreasurer, Mrs. EVAINS. Secretary, Mrs. RO(>£RfeON'. Dispenser, Mrs. C. WINTON, ^ niMBCHAMGS' SoaETY. President, T. MAHER. Vice-president, V. MERCHANT. First Assistant, J. POWER* Seqond Assistant, E. KENNEDY. FirBt Treasurer, JOflN COADY. Second Treasurer, Third Treasurer, A. aUIRK. Secretary, E. DELANEY. BRITIJSH. SOCIETY.^ ,. President, J. K. ^MOOPiE. Vice-President, ED. WARRENir)?! Treasurer, C. RANKIN. Secretary, J. R^DIiE. i 1:7/ Medical Attendant, Dr. CARSON. NATIVES* SOaETY. President, A» SHEA, First Vice-President, H. W. HOYLES^ Second Vice.President, 0.> fli DUNSCOMB. - / - Treasurer, T. G. MORRY. Chaiitaan of Charity, P. DUGGAN. Chairman of Review and Correspondence, H. B. THOMAS. Secretary, P. H. CARTER. Assistant Secretary, N. GILL, Jr. , , . < [Elected June, 1846.1 • St.-^GfebilGE'S SOCIETY. /(>• President, J. CLIFT. Senior Vice-President, G. J. HAYWARD. Vice-President, R. PRO>WSF. Treasurer, Hon. W. THOMAS. Secretary, G. CLAPP. Chairman of Committee of Charity, ^ :;^'^r;:ifflect^ d June, 1846^^, :^ , ■. .'-!'^" : ' ; . . ^ . ^ ^ ' • -SdottlSH: SOCIETY.' ^ 'fwmr^^''^ President, Hon. W. GRIEV?:. Vice president, Hon. J. STUART. Trefsur3r, A. MILimY. Secretary, J. McWILLIAM. w; Medical Attendant, Dr. CARSON. If. 'Ai , Chairman of Committee pf Charity, T. GLEN, M;G.A.« /.!<':<' . 47 TRIOTTY BENEFIT CLUB. [Instituted 1838:] ' ./fi-HuiiU.'j President, W. 11. GILL. Secretary, K. BAYLEY. Treasurer, W. KELSON. Stewards, S. A GENT Si^V. JilURPHY. Total Number of Members, 100. ,,■;,,., , '[. > ' .../I/ OUT Jf .ftuH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.' |Establi8l>ed, : J«in. 1842.]-. Patron, :a Officers Etected Jtouar}', 1846 : President* Hon. P. MORRIS. '• ;:IH[IJ.' M /Hon. L. O'BRIEN, v T> 1 f \ JAMES CLIFT, Vice-Pre^4euts c. #MMS, i, : / • , I MICHAEL ALLEN. Treasurer, Hon. R. JOB. Secretary, J. TEMPLOEMAN. Directors of Museum — Hon. J. NO AD, E. L. MOORE. •)■'. ' 1 Hon. ATTORNEY GENERAL, Hon. SOLICITOR GENERAL, Hon. W. B. ROW, Q.C. C. SIMMS, R. R. WAKEHAM^ Hon. B. ROBlNSOxV, Q.C. G. H. EMERSONj H. W. HOYLES, LAW SOCIETY. 1 : i J I ^M :l F. B. T. CARTER. ^'' J. HAYWARD, J. S. STEVENS, J. SIMMS, Jr. R. IV W. HLLYk> W. GR^EN, (ofHalifex,N.S.) H. MOONEY* P. F. LITTLE. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE-ST. JOHN'S. •r [Elected August, 1846.] President, Hon. W. THOMAS. Vice-Presidents— Hon. W. GRIEVE, Hon. W. B. ROW. Treasurer and Secretary, R. PROWSE. Hon. T. BENNETT, « J. STUART, B. SCOTT, P. McBRIDE, T. B. JOB, M.G.A. Hon. L. O'BRIEN, J. B. HliTTON, G. T. BROOKING, ii .!.*. FOREIGN CONSULS RESIDENT IN THE COLONY. Spain A. HOGSETT, (V.C.>V -..^ , U -;.w,^; Prussia B. SCOTT, (C.) ' ^ United States.. S. G. ARCHIBALD, (Consular Agent.) ,1/ l'. ('■'"^i' ; 46 ASSOCIATION OP UNDERWRITERS— ST. JOIIX'S. Chairman, Hon. R. JOB. Treasurer, Hon. W. GRIEVE. Committee — P. McBRIDE, R. HOWLEY, Hon. J. STUART, « L. O'BRIEN, D. McKELLAR, R. PROWSE, W. WARREN, Jr. Hon. W. THOMAS, « C. F. BENNETT, Agent, JOHN BOYD. Commissioners — R. HOWLEY, R. PROWSE. purveyor, J. B. BULLEY. Assessors — r P. McBRIDE, Hon. L. O'BRIEN,, W. WAI^REN, Jr, BRANCH BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, [Opened for business February, 1837.] Local Directors: Hon. R. JOB, P. McBRIDE, J. B. HUTTON, G. T. BROOKING, p Manafi^r^ A. MILROY. Accountant, W. LASH. i i Teller, G. H. COWAN. 'ma \M 8^. JOHN'S GAS LIGHT COMPANY. ; [Incorporated by Act of Legislature, 1844.] ■ Directors — President, the Attorney General, Vice-ditto, Hon. L. O'BRIEN. Hon. W. GRIEVE, C. AYRE, Treasurer and Secretary, E. L. MOORE. ^toFilpof*! R. O'DWYER, B. SCOTT, JOHN O'MARA. l'{):i ST. JOHN'S WATER COMPANY. [Incorporated by Act of the Legislature, 1846!.] Directors elected May, 1846: Hon. W. THOMAS, « C. F. BENNETT, " W. GRIEVE, " JOHN KENT, Treasurer, A. MILROY. Igecretary, W. J. WARD. Hon. J. STUART, « fi. JOB, G. T. BROOKING. 4d WITU DAYS OF PUBLICATION. ST. JOHN'S. Royal Gazette, Tuesday. Public Li^doer, Tuesday and Friday. Times and Gkneral Commercial G.izette, "Wednesday and Sattirday. Newfoundland Patriot, "VVedncsday. Newfoundlander, Monday and Thursday. Star and Newfoundland Advocate, Thursday. Morning Post, Tuesdiiy, Thursday, and Saturday. Morning Courier, Wednesday and Saturday. CONCEPTION BAY. Carbonear Sentinel, Tiiesday. Weekly Herald and Conceptpj^^Bai Advertisb^, Wednesday. ^ai)le of (!DoIontaI Buttcs. Payahle on Goods and Metxhandise Imported into Nerdfbfundland aver and above the Imperial Duties payahle thereon. (By Act 9 Vict^ cap. 1.) articles imported* •— • '•••. ^ * ,*'* •• Vl Wines — (in bottles . . . AH other Wines Brandy and Gin Rum and Whiskey Apples oait J^e^t ,.,.,,« .^ . . Bread..: .;........;...;:■. Butter ,. . Coals Bastard Sugar ...... .,j.(«v;. 4>n. ... -rlOUr .'If :^ i*fVV'« •'*^*t,;*:' * > •-• • • *•• • • • iVXOlclSScS } 9 • f • •;•;*< 1,^ !**'*)•?■••.■' f ? ■ • -f 25134 338728 19872 358600 ■ ,■ . ^"'' 2 518 ......17/ 1 1 Jf'^^^y^"^! British ■ Guernsey ) I Gibraltar.... " 5 i 633 7877 350 8227 1 . 1 i M 1 Malta " 1 Zante « 1 ■„ ' ..'liiU* Ml ■ France Foreign ■ «• •„ ( British ■ SP^'''^-"i Foreign Of"' 02 14634 8374 8374 VIM r > t> Ail 39 3162 ^ p B Portugid . . British 56 7^20 8818 8818 ■ Egyft..:.. " » Nap es " '■• '2 2^ 235 23$ \biurM ■ Sardinia. . . " 1^7 113 iia u f'n;}[ I HomanStates " i^ ■■;.'■■ ■ Tuscany. { p^rei^ m Denmark . . British 1 13G 1028 1028 546.;, •! 21 3280 28440 26i4(» i .,:.:ii M. Belgium. . . " 214 34 34 h'Uilbi'Al i Hamburg | p ^ H Port'g'ese I British 46 7065 107 66973 6p6 6697a .65a '.■won ijmibi > H Colonies S Foreign 149 218 21S .>-.-^o]r ■ BritishN. ) British ■ America j Foreign 48t 43094 7^263 20064 9532t ;...■;■.} Hi.-.. 1 ^l'ss' B"" 10 1070 851 14 865 . / H Unit. States '* 104 11944 137426 1^426^ i\ H ditto Foreign 19 2869 ' 27344 27344 fit ;:-,■; H T> M ( British ■ ^^^«- (Foreign 1 m ■ .4 ■45 ■ 1 \ ■ ^m^}'^' \ British ^B American > t^ ■ „ ■ Colonies. ( ^«;^\S" 39 1 'Ml 20 i. 32 :.".M-;:a2 ^B Spanish i British 15 2052 1'6302 16302 lation.)' ^B AV. Ihdies Foreign 19 2286 10034 10034 H Danish ) -n,.;.- i, ■ W.Indies ! ^"^^'^ 1 116 , 966 966 's.) ■; H Totals .... rii3o~ "n2lri29~ 422710 347297 770016 1 1 it 5^ ^bsttdct of ti)e ^ratre of t^c Mmif tefeWISG THE TONNAGE, &C. EMPLOYED, AND THE RELATIVIT VALUE OF THE EXPORTS, DISTINGUISHING FOREIGN GOODS. TROM GOODS OF BRITISH PRODUCE AND MANUFACTURE. [Year ended 6th January ^ lSi5.] OUTWARDS. I'- ii ! 1^ 5 1 Countries for which Vesseki ■ ' Exports^ (Value in Pounds Stg.) die VesselsCleared.. No* Tonnage. British | Foreign f Totals?. United ) British ; Kingdom j Foreign 119 lo7b7 375144 692 37d8;J6 f S:s:r/l»"t"^' 3 428 3034 ,, ,i 3034 Gibraltar.. " 8 1113 lf694 -- 11694 Malta « 2 200 2498 249» Zante " 1 142 1795 179^ France Foreign 3 313 4164 4164 «««;« i British Spain.... fp^. Portugal. . . British $1 6618 64217 ' . 54217 3« 4690 62243 52243 76 10270 129071 129071- Eg}pt " Nap es . . . . " 1 68 660' 660^ 10 1285 17831 17831 Sardinia. ... " 1 llomanStates " 10 1222 14823 14823> Tustany. | p^^^^ 6 5 950 566 9962 6158 1 9952: 615« Denmark . . British r ■ Belgiiim. . . " , ., '' .\i Hamburg | ^J^.^ • Port'g'esD ) British 1 71 550 1 ■ 550 Colonies 1 Foreign '■• V BritishN. Britisn 513 53478 54228 7429 61657 America Foreign 16 2233 BritishW Indies. Biitish 62 8357 69511 772 70283 U. States ] « 26 2917 7974 7974 ditto j Foreign 3 583 542 22 564 Brazils.. ( 5"^'^!^ ( Foreign 30 5859 4761 (^ 47610 1 232 1500 1500 , FrenchN. \ p.. j^ American } t;,""." Colonies. ) ^""'^'Sr^ 56 1 1244 20 2070 47 2070 47 Spanish ) British W.Indies \ Foreign 2 306 5674 ■ ■ 6674 1 148 iooo 1000 Danish j W.Indics ) . T Britisli "ioi'5 ] ~ 1 19099 otals 873990 891n5 1 882905 r » r^!W«--|r->'-»iiw»?5: 53 XATlVir G00l>8> is Stg.) Totals. a75^36 3034 11694 249» 1795 41G4 54217 52243 129071 660^ 17831 1482» 9952: 6t5« 550 6165T (9| 70283 7974 564 '^B 47610 1500 2070 47 , 1 6674 « 1000 9 1^ lacttitn, Shiewing the number of Registered Vessels that Entered and Cleared at the Port of St. John's, distinguishing the Countries from or for which they Entered or Cleared, in each month during the six years ending 1844. MONTHS. January . . . . February . . .is#^ u , .,; i . March .". \ . .:..':. April May June July August September October November December Totals COUNTRIES. United Kingdom British Colonies Foreign Europe " West Indies. . . . tJnited States Coast- ways Totals YEARS. 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 77 78 73 86 94 99 19 13 19 33 27 35 137 161 147 157 160 166 178 192 160 184 169 160 425 487 486 478 621 610 363 424 426 436 446 441 190 179 235 233 248 229 305 280 296 312 319 345 333 357 333 372 375 383 304 347 333 330 340 395 230 215 255 221 251 257 102 144 124 140 130 127 2663 2877 2886 2982 3070 3147 186 238 225 209 230 603 665 649 790 795 252 263 268 282 294 75 56 71 61 70 65 140 102 119 135 1482 1515 1571 1521 1546 2663 2877 2886 2982 3070 203 873 301 62 125 1583 3147 ©utfit for t|£ Seal ;fftsjerg, From the Port of St. John's, in each year since 1830, inclusive. Years. Vessels Tons. Men 1 Years. Vessels Tons. 1 92 6198 1985 1839 76 6447 118 8046 2678 1840 75 6190 153 11462 3294 1841 72 5965 106 8665 2964 1842 74 6035 125 11020 2910 1843 106 9625 120 11167 2912 1844 121 11088 126 11425 2855 1845 126 11863 121 10648 2940 1846 141 13165 110 9300 2826 - 882905 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 N.B. A pretty accurate estimate of the number of seals taken in each year may be drawn from the number of seal skim exported. — ^e ntxt page. Men. ~2029 2058 2078 2054 3175 3777 3895 4470 h 4 i t| iFimji ii ill h ' *■■ 1 ,'f jsiiypii 54 (a^ompnrntibf fttaumcnt Of the QuantityandValueof the Staple Articles of produce exported in the tears 1838, '39, '40, '41, '42, '43, '44, and '45. DriedFish Oils. SI. Skins Salmon. Heii'ings. Qtls. Gallons, No. Tierces. 4,408 Barrels. a838... 724,515 2,173,674 375,361 15,276 »• 1839.. 865,370 2,224,262 437,501 2,922 20,806 .^ 1840.. 915,795 3,206,583 631,385 3,396 14,686 Si 1841.. 1,009,725 2,673,574 417,115 3,642 9,965 1 1842.. 1,007,980 2,262,031 344,683 4,715 13,839 ^ 1843.. 936,202 3,111,312 651,370 4,058 9,649 > 1844.. 852,162 3,605,868 685,530 3,753 13,410 11845.. 1,000,333 2,219,301 352,202 3,545 20,903 £ £ £ £ £ ri838.. 484,649 249,428 30,474 13,310 10,723 1839.. 508,157 245,269 46,336 11,692 13,840 1840.. 576,245 305,197 39,408 12,939 9,036 i 1841 . . 605,014 266,832 29,961 12,302 6,361 -M^ 1842.. 561,950 233,313 23,200 13,678 7,119 > 1843.. 532,194 335,975 40,497 12,216 4,570 ■' 1844.. 482,480 315,690 39,648 11,945 6,665 U845.. 596,990 243,646 40,123 12,794 11,234 Comparatibe Sbtatrment Of the Total Colonial Revenue and Expenditure in the years 1844-5, 1845. cS /Imperial Customs Duties.... £5540 15 8 § ) Colonial Duties 49522 8 2 t ) Light Dues 1715 13 11 (^ \ From other sourtes 2949 11 £59728 8 9 Expenditure £62703 18 7 1844. £5375 19 3 49931 7 1666 1 8 2702 14 £59676 1 9 £66379 5 6 I' I §bi)ip9 ^ttilt (n Ae (2Dolonp. 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 No Tons 31 1659 33 1683 32 1563 24 1192 25 1281 32 1607 I," ! S>6ip» 0 O o Cattle. t^» r-» >■? :c f- O I- O © I- o so «0 05 >o c» ;o Cm O U 9 O Horses. Hay and Fodder. Oats and otherGrain. Potatoes. li-H OO i-t CI W5 CO I- ■^ (M O t- It- Oi_i-* y-* 2 %-i oo 1- CO >o © S 00® Ttt (M C5 2 i-^fN gc a e .-I ao «o O 00 w _l— I wo >5 »o ^ 00 eo Jt" © t-r r- I— «0 !>■ rH JH CD© « >0 >0 © 05 « >0 -^ ,00 (N OT W5 CO 00 ^ Tt< »0 (M 0« rH (M OS 1-1© lO 00 »o I-* © © 00 1-H C^l : CO CO CM — rH © © 00 (N O »H "^ © Tt* 00 t-co No. Sealing Vessels. No. of Schools. No. Dwelling-houses. ^! o I— » Si Chapels. RomanCatholics. § 100 It-H_ Meeting-houses, i*^ Dissenters. ,© CO W »-H t- 1-1 Church es. Episcopalians. Tfl T-< »0 >o I- o u o <1 a Increase per cent. Fe males. ' © rH CO rtt r- 00 ICN © ».0 X --H © (M © I- © © rH ■ © t^ J^J rH 00 CO O C? C5 « CO C--I i-< CO CO i-t 1-* O I- « CO rH rH CI rH X I- >0 © t- © rH rH rH CI © 05 XX© d CO Ttl CO CJI rH CI rH rH rH rH l^ C5 © CO rH CO X «3 © I- © X TtH t^ CI t- X © rH X © © I- © »0 Tt^ rH CO TtH Tf< CO CO CI CO CJ CO rH rH © CO CI »o X -H X 1-- »o X -^ X © CO © CI rH r- X © CO CI CI rH t- O CI »o © I— © CO CI CI rH rH Males. © d rH X X © CO ■^ ^O © CO CO CI X t- X t^ CO © CI CO CI CI CO Tt< >0 I— 4* i~- ws CO !■- X CI rH rH en o 'B .a p TTi .^ fl 5 fi G cj +J ■ ,ctt O H P3 F^ # Ph . (3 S O P4 «M O V M ei 0) .a O © I (H s .a CO CO GO (3 -13 r-« P §^ P4 V i-H O CO U • rt ./ ^ it »■ PIOM THE EARIjfWll' PERIQIX (^ Tl'HICH TUtKt ARE ANT AV^ THENTid BECORbs iJf J^E SECRETAtt'8 OFFICE. i78»-91.;..!Miabwike. lt92-93 ling. H9^m.. . .: Sir 4* Waltece. l|9t-»9. . . . liito.'W.Wfildegrave. lSOO-1 ... mr.C*M.Pole. -^102-3 .... Gambier. l804-e . . ; 1^ E. Gower. 1807-9 .... Kolloway. 1819-12.; V , ^Sir. J. PuckwOTth. • tii3-lH:.:TSiifBLl3f. Keats. 1816-17..:. Kdkmore. 1818-25 .. , . Sir. C Hamilton. . 182fi=*34 .. . . 8£^ T/ Cotatrane. 1831-41.... ^iftfcscfltt-. 1R41:46! . . Sfr ^oha 1 J749 Ro^ey. ' 1750-52 Drake. 1753-54. Bonfov. 1755-66...... Ddrriri. 1757-69...... JEdwarda. JIBO... ...J J^eWi, It 1761-63 .!^?e8. 1764-68.... .'PaUuifer. 1769-71. 'Hon* J. Byron^ 1772^74 rSto&ham. 1775..... ..^Daff. 1776-78 fcSMdniaffii. 1^79-84. . . . . i !!flili4rds. 1782-85. i ^Can^l)ell 1786-88 1 Elliott. m- #resentCo^ern^s of i|e ot|lt ^^ ^overnop-Qen^ the Et Hon. th^ ]garl of ELGIN and K.i^4bdike. Xileut-Oovernor-^X^ieut-Gen. SJb: f dsi^ HAXtYET, k.C.B. & K.C.H* lieu *?, emdr.^^Ir W. Hi C^ €t>££Blito]itE. EDWARD'S ISMKD. Liettt.-Gftyeraor-^Sir pEJfRY VERfi Huntley, J T