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 OTCfllPWB LlllflGE, 
 THE CHIPP|,w.,4Ad,AN8, 
 THE OTAWJS, rOTAWiM]fb,a„oicO!(ftlINs 
 By the Rev. Frederic iaraffa 
 K0M.« C.XHOUC M:ssroK.nv .mo.^ x„. otc^pwk Ikou«.. 
 7« t'>^ celebrated Lexicographer -Tohnson: "He that 
 ' undertakes to compile a Dictionary, undertakes that, .vh ch 
 ;;. comprehends the Ml extent of h. de.,n. he know^ hln . 
 able to perform Yet his labors, though deficient, may be 
 useful; and wath the hope of this inferior praise he must incite 
 his activity, and solace his weariness " 
 aries of cu;!,zcd languageB; but by far more bo in tejard (o .. 
 w::;r °' "" '"*"" '"-'"'"««' »"" "- •■■»- --'-'" ■•: 
 tbe olr' ''' ',° "" """ "'■ ""'' ''■■°"'<=''8''. the first Dtetionarv of 
 the Otcb.pwe language ever published. The compilation of it , a, 
 coat me several years of assiduous labor; aud Ll I ,„us, ao 
 knewledge that it is yet very defective and impe fe , , ,„, " 
 BKler .. as next to impossible te make such a Lrk perfec t 
 once, in the first edition. perfect at 
 In order to understand this Dictionary and make a „r,ct,e-,l 
 use of ,t, the Otch.hwe Grammar onght'to be first .JT 
 l;ec,al.y the f.r..„„„ „y «„,,„,„„,? aid tb 1 ^ ll ^^ 
 Jeris- because you will find in this Dictionary only some tl e 
 forme, substanfnes and verbs, as examples affZ Xl v , 
 may form others yourself, according to.he Kulcsoxplaine, „ 
 urammar. ' '"mru m mo 
 « 18 always pronounced like a in father 
 iike r III net. 
 • I've I in /loc. 
 •• K ,., . • 
 like n 111 />r>«p, 
 I he olhcr consonants l.avc the English sound. 
 rferstood. \8- Vi« L/ ^^I'^^^Sf-^, ^"d the /.,«,;„;,, is un- 
 ^- Verbs ending in ouian, endamawa, cnda<ros etc m. , 
 end in en.nUan, emnda^nafva, -« J.... etc ■ wh'.r ' 
 always expressed in this Dictionarv F i t' J' "'' 
 ^^■-»W..„..rf, it i/«oft. ^ ^ ^' ^'^^■^"^«A'«'«^^. or, ... 
 The unipersonal verbs ending in a vnw,.l i 
 which means, or ^it^^^v^oua^o-..^.. i Z' * . or magak. 
 - nou.cr vets ^TT^'T'""'"°"""^"'"'-" 
 substantive. As' Trfn. , 7 " represents the 
 For this reason nl.. ,' ^ "^^ ^' ^^^h k G or K 
 5). In regard to*the Second Port T >,n * 
 relates t„ a .„ J«.„,„" i" r^'J r^"" V° '•^"•"'' ">a. whatever « 
 As: I have largo fee, J a "a ta, "fir l""' m""""""' 
 I--k for a„ that „„der the s„h:a:.te .FooTr''^ "'^'' "^^ 
 10. Mind the same in regard to verh« Th. i- .• ' 
 a verb and modifying it are tot" r ^^/"^^^^'^^^ relating to 
 T 1 1 'v"'h "> are to be found under fhnf v.«,u * 
 I look angry; I bok strange, etc 7'^;^ ^'• 
 verb ''Look." ^ ' -^^'^^^ ^^^"rs under the 
 fin. sigfiifi(!s fiuimnfr, i 
 inanimate. <i^^^ (^tohipwe (iranuuar 
 active Ncrl) nnnnate. 
 active verb tnnnttnatp. 
 communicative vf>rb. 
 dimimitive sub-staiitive. 
 for iii.st.-iiice. 
 l're(|ueiitative verb. 
 ill some instances. 
 numeral verb, 
 neuter verb. 
 personifying vorb. 
 participle and substantive, 
 participle, substantive and adjective 
 reciprocal verb. 
 unipersonal verb. 
 tbird indefinite person. • 
 the third person like the fir«t 
 To n,d,oae the tl.ird person «i„g. :,res. of .etive verl,. „„,„,„,,, 
 the begnmmg of the verb is give,,, and then tl,e termination' 
 o wabaman. '-ans. 
 a. V. 
 a. V. 
 f. i. 
 (in.s. in.) " 
 interj. " 
 n. or num. " 
 num. V, " 
 n. V. 
 pers. V. 
 p. s. 
 p. s. a. 
 r. V. 
 ind. p. 
 p. 1. 
 p. -/ ; 
 3. p. -0; 
 I f 
 To >^.o, the third p„,„„ .(„,. p,„, „f „„i,„ ,„,,^ _ 
 ml' H """■''"'■ ""'»■ "" '«'»''"""« "«1 "-e end of it i, 
 F. signifies, in J>encli. 
 in the Canadian dialect of the Frenc", 
 in German. 
 in Latin, 
 in Illyrian, 
 in Ottowd or Ota a. 
 in Algonquin. 
 For the Second Part see notice on page 423. 
 F B. 
 has only one sound in the Otchip- 
 we language, that is, the open clear 
 faT^ ° « '" the E,.gli^h won 
 'VnT u \ ''"''^ " '« 'Ji'fioult for an 
 n Fm^l i" 'k* ''"' '°""''' 'because 
 in l<>ngl sh It has no less than eig/d 
 'lirtiTcnt sounds.* Hut still if i« 
 Winers 01 Otcliipwe works have 
 even invented a purlicular type to 
 express this letter when it is to I e 
 pronounced, (as they say.) likJ« 
 n *««,&«,, etc. But th.s is entire 
 y incorrect. Once more: The 
 letter a has invariably one and the 
 ^m. sound in all the Ot2K ipwe 
 wonLs that contain it ; that is the 
 sound ofain./„Mer,W^"; etc " 
 u7^J^ letter is sometimes inserted 
 in verbs which signify repetition 
 ;^r.clmng,ngofplace; as ^X 
 «;.;«, he goes from one place tot^- 
 other ; instead of haba-ija.-Anofch 
 2'yncwag they h.v. difleTent 
 and frequent disease., instead of 
 ortar, kwean; the vessel goes in 
 different directions ; wherever thJ 
 ^feersmnn pleases he steers if - 
 ^Vhe„ (,., verb to which a i.. pre- 
 -.vrd. hr:Mns with an,,, the letter, • 
 ■Mi'sorted between the two a/ as 
 * ABA 
 '^home'"^i"-\-^"™=^=»'ni". ^^t 
 trfoH; ^''"''^^ ^u''- ««• ^ untie s. 
 th. for him or to him; 3. n. od ab 
 Abaan (nind) a. v. ,„. j unfj^ . 
 w?/h'""'L ^'"¥> ■''• ^ *■«• i open It 
 with a key, I unlock it; 3 p ' </ 
 "6...; p. amb..ang. '^' "'^ 
 *4 ^>!^,2r '"^I'y ^°""''« has A T 
 Ababikaifj^de, or-magad, u v it ,. 
 opened, unlocked ;V«4.i^;;i' 
 Ababtkaiganike, (niud) n% I make 
 wi'^**!' ^"'"^^ «• ""■ ««• I open 
 with a key some an. obj.; 3. pld 
 Abadad u. y. it is u.seful, serviceable 
 benehcial; d. a,a..^«A. '^'^^''■' 
 Abadis, (^ina) n V.I am useful,.! 
 P-' •• p. aia..sid. 
 Ahadjia, (nind) a. v. an. I make use 
 o some an. obj.; he does me s?,^ 
 vices, IS useful to me; .) p \li 
 ^t>Mp ; p. aiabadjiad. ■ 
 Abadjuchigan, s. an. any an. obiect 
 that i.< useful ; pl.-aj. ' ^^^^ 
 Ahadjitchigan, s. any useful in. ob- 
 ject, anything useful, serviceable ; 
 pi. -an. 
 Abadjiton, (nind) a. v. in. I make ose 
 of It, I profit by it, it is useful to 
 me ; 3. p. od in...; p. aia..tod. 
 Ahadjitowin, s. the use of s. th., the 
 iict of using, 8. th. 
 Jhngamisnn, {nind) a. v. in. I warm 
 it a little, (liquid ;) 3. p. od ah... ; 
 p. eb...ang. 
 Ahaigade, ox-magad, u. v. it is untied, 
 loosened ; p. aiab..deg, or-m.ai,ak. 
 Abnigas, (nind) n. v. I am loosened, 
 untied ; 3. p.-o; p. aia.sod. 
 Ahdj, 8. lodge-pole ; pi. abajin.. 
 Abnjiiak, a. an. rafter; pi. -og. 
 Ahnkamase, (nind) n. v. I take a warm 
 foot-bath (after the Indian fashion;) 
 •». p.-o ; p. eb..ssod. 
 Aha\ama$swa, (ninrf) a. v. an. I give 
 hira a warm foot-bath; 3. p. cd 
 ab..wan; p. eh. .wad; imp. abaka- 
 A'l'ikiganes, (nind) n. v. I warm my 
 lireast ; 3. p.-o ; p. eh. nod. 
 Ahnkinindjlwas, (nind) n. v. I quicken 
 .ir warm my hands ; [F. je me de- 
 gourdia les mains;] 3. p.-o; p. 
 Abikisideg, (nind) n. v. I quicken or 
 warm niy feet; 3. p.-o; p. eb...sod. 
 A'^imiba'o. (nind) n. v. I turn round, 
 running; 3. p. i. ; p. aiab..tod 
 Ahumigabaw, (nind) n. v. I turn. 
 standing ; 3. p. -i. ; p. aiab..wid. 
 Ahamigabawitan, (nmd) a. v. in. I 
 turn towards it, standing ; 3. p. od 
 nb... ; p. niab..lang. 
 Ahamignbitnvja, (tund) a. v. a?/. 1 turn 
 towards him, standing; 3. p. od 
 ab..wnn ; p. ainh..wad. 
 Abamisse, (nind) n. v. I turn round, 
 Hying ; 3. p. 1. ; p. aiii..ssed. 
 Ahamitifiweia sibi, u. v, the river 
 make.s a turn ; p. aiab..iag. 
 Ahamodjiv>an, w. v. the water turns 
 round, (at the foot of a ra^id ;) p, 
 Abamoianimad, u. v. the wind Hies 
 round ; [F. le vent rafale ;] p. aiab.. 
 Ahanab, (nind) n. v. I look behind; 
 3. p. -i.; p. aiahanahid. 
 Aj.banabama ; (nind) a. v. an. I look at 
 him behind me ; 3. p. od ab..n ; p. 
 Ahanabandan. (jiind) a. v. in. I look 
 at it behind me; 3. p. od ah... ; p. 
 Abunikwe, s. female slave ; maid , 
 Abnnini, s. male slave ; servant ; pi. 
 Abaodjigan, s. reel; [F. de'vidoir ;] 
 pi. -an. 
 \ Abaodjige, (nind) n. v. 1 unwind from 
 a reel; 3. p. 1.; p. aiab..ged. 
 Abandon, (nind) a. v. m. ] "unwind it 
 from a reel; 3. p. odab...; p. aia- 
 Abaskkobinsan, (nind) a. v. in. I warm 
 it a little, I make it tepid, (liquid ;) 
 3. p. od ah... ; p. abash. .sgang. 
 Abnshkobite, ox-magad, u. v. it is a 
 little warm, tepid, (liquid;) p. 
 ehash..t,eg, ox-mngak. 
 Abate, (nind) n. v. I run there, to 
 some place ; 3. p. 1. ; p. ehat,d. 
 Abawa, (nind) a. v. ««. I untie or 
 loosen him, I unswaddle (a child ;) 
 I unharness (a beast;) 3. p. od 
 abawan ; p. aiab/iwad; imp. aba. 
 Ahawa, ox-magad, u. v. it is warm 
 mild weather, soft weather, thaw- 
 weather ; p. aidbawag, ox-^naguk. 
 Abawas, (nind) n. v. f begin to feol 
 warrr, I am no more cold ; 3. p. -o; 
 p. aia...'>od. 
 Ahta, (nind) a. v. an. 1 give him the 
 lie, I convince him ; [F. je le de- 
 mentis;] 3. p. od ahean; p. aiabead. 
 Aheidiwin, s. conviction. 
 Abibidon, (nind) a. v. m. i draw out 
 the threads of it, (stuff;) 3. p. U 
 ah... ; p. nin..dod. 
 Abidekamig, adv. surely, certainly, 
 Abiding, num. adv. once. 
 Abiginc, {nind) a. v. an. I unfold 
 some an. object ; 3. p. od ah..nan , 
 p. aia..nad; imp. ahigin. 
 Abiginan, (nind) a. v. m. 1 unfold it, 
 3, p. od ab... ; p. aia..nang. 
 Jang. ' ^■°^''^' '"'' 9iiabi. 
 Al>ijwa {nind)a.v.an. friporun- 
 M 1/i ''"T "''■ °W^ot; od abijwan; 
 }'■ a'aimd ; imp. abijwi. 
 .:^6|,«,,aA««e,s.a«. beaver.skin;pl 
 Ahinass, 8 the place in a lod^e or 
 house allotted to a family d1„^ 
 iT;/. ^^ ^'"^ '""*=''- cruelly; 3. p 
 o.mag gi-abindamaican vi ikiv 
 Abi'uii., inind) n. v. S. Abindiin^ 
 ^to^rf' <"'"'^^ "• ^- I am getting 
 aia..tod. ' ' ' ^- P- 0^ «6-. ; p. 
 chiw-'"/^ <"'"'''"■>■ I play Ihpi 
 ^«" ,; alinodjiing m i,ii^„, v„ 
 speaks like a nhilH . rL/V?'^ li<^ 
 working : 3 n l • n a • ' """> 
 -^«*.,f»« „'•;.■;• *r„,y fee,, 
 from a profounrl WllJ: i ^^^kf 
 speaks 1 ke a chi^ . '^^ ^T'^ l^^ 
 9(Juiieci , p. aia..kag, ot-mairtii- ' 
 ^ibmsoma, (nind) a v an iL,.. 
 J; p. orf ab..man; p. ata ma/f ' 
 «. despise it, (wit'h ev 1 words ) 3 
 , perfectly 3°ri'^^'^' ^ «^»^« 
 I r-'i^ysensUcaf/eSmg"; 
 A/nntwadtg, (ntnd) n v t 
 aia..sid. '' ' P- -^ •■ p. 
 Ahisiweniayad, u. v it nn,v.i, 
 revives ;1 ^,-«,.:^:^ " ^">^J^«n^ it 
 n^y senses, (after \^i,uingT.?7 
 J •J; ..P a%a..danq. ^ '' ' P- 
 ifeTcJ^S''-^---^ console 
 AUnu-imfe, (nind) n. v. I consolp «n 
 lace, encourage • ^ n ,""'"*'' ?o- 
 oak. ' P- ^^f^-deg, ox-ma- 
 Akskobidjigade, or-ma^ad u v it i. 
 Ahit&nana, (nind) a. v. an- I kill him 
 almost, (I kill him half;) 3. p. od 
 iih..n; p. aia.-nad ; imp. ahitonaj. 
 Mitoi^hMne, ox-magad, u. v. it is half 
 full, (a bag or sack ;) p. aia..mg, 
 AhM;nh'id(m, {nind) a. v. in. I looj<en it, ' 
 untie It : 3. p. odah... ; p.aitth.. d/xl. 
 Aind-oku, or-ma<iad, u. v. it gets 
 loose, untied, it loosens; p. aiu.. 
 htij, or-maffnh. 
 Ahi.nb>n,ii, {nind) a. v. nn. I untie him, 
 deliver him ; 3, p. r>d ah..n ; p. aia.- 
 iind ; imp. ahuhm... 
 AhM-ofiMi', or-magail, u. v. it loosens 
 or unties ; being thrown, or falling ; 
 p. a/a.. cm/, or-magaJc. 
 A}>Mhjt(t, {mild) n. v." I get loose, un- 
 iind; 3. p. 1.; p. aiu. .(ad. 
 AhL-nctt, {nind) a. v. aih. I warm him; 
 3, p. r '. aftimvan ; p. elnsivad ; imi). 
 Ahifu, adv. \vdU ; aiahita, half each. 
 Ahitun., Udnd) a. v. in. 1 inhabit it, I 
 dwell or live in it, (house, lodge, 
 etc.;) 3. p. fd ah... ; p. ehitam/. 
 Ahit(i.(malai, half a bottle, a pint. 
 Aliiiutihikad, u. v, it is midnight ; p. 
 A^'tfawa, {nind) a. v. an. I dwell in 
 liim ; 3. p. lid ah..n ,- p. eh. .ad. 
 Ahitdn'O'iam, adv. halfway across a 
 river, lake, etc. 
 Ah/fa niamadjiiv,sdv. halfway, (goim; 
 up a mountain or hill.) 
 A'itawihxna, adv. halfway, (going 
 from one place to another.) 
 Ahitawis, {nind) n. v. I am a half 
 breed, (half white man and half 
 Indian; 3. p. -i; p. aiah..sid. 
 Ahlfawmag, adv. half a barrel. 
 Ahifchiha, (v.iiid) ii. v. I rise from 
 the dead ; 3, p. 1. ; p. aia..had. 
 Ah)'t,'hi}i(ta, {nind) a. v. an. 1 raise 
 him from the dead ; 3. p. aJ ab..n; 
 p. aia..ad. 
 AhitcMmidis, (niiid'^ r . I raise my- 
 self from the dea . , 3. p. -o ; p. 
 AJiiti'hihawin; s. resurrection. 
 Abifchihawini-gijiijad, s. day of resur- 
 n.;t(mf, (nind) n. v. I arrive at half- 
 ^vay ; 3. p. 1. ; p. (iiu...ml. 
 AhitoHse, or ~mur/ad, u. v. it comes or 
 arrives to the middle ; p. aia..m/, 
 or~maf/ak.—T\}\s word is also nsed 
 for Wednesday, which is the mid- 
 dle of the week. Dagdmi aiaM- 
 tiimetjin, every Wednesday'. 
 Alntotchipidon, {nind) a. v. in. I tie 
 or bind it in the middle; 3. p. ,./ 
 ah... ; p. aia.-d'fxl. 
 AldMvhipi)ta,(nvnd) a. v. an. 1 tie or 
 bind some fin,, object in the mid- 
 dle ; 3. p. fd al,..n ; p. uia-.ndd . 
 imp. (d>..pij. 
 Alnwin, s. habitation, mansion, room; 
 Aho, in compositions, signifies lifjuul. 
 It is used when the first part of tlie 
 composed word ends in a conxo- 
 ntint ; as : Mandaminaho, corn- 
 son p; {mamhimin, Indian corn. ) 
 loto^haho, milk; (totosh, female 
 breast.)— But when the first part 
 of the composed word terminate.^ 
 in a vowel, the word vaho is used 
 instead of ^(/w.—S. Wah/>. 
 AhxlMfivaje, {nind) n. v. I put a blan- 
 ket or coat over me in the wrong 
 way, inside out; 3. p. 1. ; p. aia.. 
 Ahfdina, {nind) a. v. an. I turn it 
 over, inside out, (a marten-skin, 
 etc.;) 3. p. (>d (d)..n ; p. aifu.nad. 
 Ahfdinan, {nind) a. v. in. I turn it 
 over, (a coat, etc.;) 3. p. od ah... : 
 p. nin-.ttiuj. 
 Ahdi»Uma, {nind) a. v. an. I put it 
 in the wrong way, (some an. obj. 
 as mmhwe, a handkerchief; 3. p. 
 (d. ah..n; p. aia.. ad. 
 AhfdjMfm, {nind.) n. v. I have down- 
 hanging lipi ; 3. p. )[. ; p. aia..don<i. 
 Ahndjii/wanitise, {nind) n. v. I t\im- 
 ble over head ; |G. ich mache eineu 
 Burzelbaum ;] 3. p. 1. ; p. aia..,o(d. 
 Ahoiawe, s. young beaver between 
 two and three years ; pl.-j/. 
 Ahoiaweiugifi , s. young otter'betvveen 
 two and three years old ; pl.-?<w/. 
 AhodMn, {nind) a. v. in. I put it on 
 in the wrong way, inside out, (a 
 etc.;) 3. p. od ah... ; p. 
 cuat, shirt 
 AhwdviiM, {jund) n. V. Alq. I roist 
 r '^;'- 'P'^' =' '*'^k with a 01^00 
 Ahcatchi,janaJn)c,s. gridiron; nl.-^« 
 ^W.;/«w;i,s „;,. roasted e^; if S 
 dian corn ; pl.-wy. ' "' '" 
 Abwatim'e, (nvid) n. v. I roast it, 
 ear (or ears) of Indian corn;! p 
 ing,3. p. l.;p.ehw..w,,l. 
 Alwen umd) a. X. in. I roast it ; 3. 
 Ahweuan, {nind) a. v. a«. I roast 
 some«,,. Ob,, (afish, etc.;)3.p 
 odah...-y.efm'ed. (V. Con ) ^ 
 Ahwe>wulj, (ni>yj) „.' v. my hands 
 are sweating ; 3 u 1 ■ r. .;/ 7-> 
 ^'Wf«</e, {nind) n. v. my feet are 
 ^/'6.../6V,,,_s. sweat, perspiration. I 
 vJ/wwv/..;;*, s. dim. a frying-pan with 
 a short handle ; pl.-«,i. ^ ^^^ '"'^ 
 ^^'Wi, s. paddle ; pf.-^. 
 uliriV^f''''^^!^-^'-^"'^- I fasten 
 It hook It (a Cham, etc.;) 3. p. «/ 
 tal •) fj^'^^"^'*' ^" '^"^^'^ (of nie- 
 ^/</7,^Wjc>;i,"(n2Vj^) a. v.in. I hook 
 t,3 p.OrtJ... ;p.,,/..^,^ 
 yuecai ,j p. (d..stny. 
 AdwjdmamshmsiU, (nind) n. v. I am 
 lundered to continue my journey 
 wi h hTn!l ""'' ^ ^° somewhere 
 with him in a canoe or boat ; 3. p , 
 Adawaa,vi, (nind) n. v. I embark 
 (vvith somebody;) 3 n 1 ■ n w. 
 a?i^, ' '• ' P- "*«•• 
 Adihoeiijan, s. rudder ; pi. -»„ 
 .W^;W (;«VOn.v. lam'steer- 
 ing, J p 1 ;p. a2a_ 2. 
 him"' 1''''^'^ ^- '■ «''• ^ overtake 
 him ; fig. 1 e.,ual him ; 3. p. U 
 Adiman, s, snow-shoe string ; pi -«„ 
 It , J. p. fjd ad... ; p. edindanci. 
 Mv^ohan s «,,. tale, fai,le ; L.-au 
 AduoJce,{mnd)n... I tell a tale ;3: 
 P; i- , p. ed..ked. 
 Aduol-ewin, s. tale-telling. 
 AduoUwinim, s. tale-teller, pl.-?„a,/ 
 Adtssawamhi, s. a kin.l of lari i 
 grassdioper, locust; [F. cigaTe';i 
 Admige (ninJ) I, y. I dye, color ; 
 //•. P; ^-iP- edumged. 
 Adumjewii,amig, s. dyer's shop, dv*.- 
 fiouse ; pl.-o?i, f> }^ 
 ^'l^^gewin, s. dyeing, business and 
 occupation of a dyer 
 Adimgewimm, s. dyer ; pl.-^vm. 
 »onie berries are animute in Ot- 
 chipwe, as : Muhvimin, raspberry; 
 OAh^sma^ vmhwiminag, the rasn- 
 hemes are ripe, (are colored.) 
 Adzsso, 3. p an.it is dyed, (some ««. 
 ot)j.) p. edusod.— Wewemadiisoaw 
 moshm, this handkerchief is wen 
 .4^//;!^, or-7waj7(/c?, u. v. it is ripe, (an 
 ^mmmate berry, etc.) p. ediU,/, or 
 -nagah-Odeimin^^ adite, odiimi- 
 ncm aditewan, the strawberry is 
 (Toloredo '^^^"'^"'^ ^'^ "f-. 
 ^^&, or-wa^a^, u. v. it is dyed. 
 Manxlanwa:bo^anadik, this blanket 
 AGA -8 
 Adjdoise, (n/W) n. v, I am lame ; 3. 
 Adjthi, yan, n. a small hook; fF 
 agrafe J p|. -an. ' ^ 
 AdjtmjweAnuul) n. v. I fasten with 
 Adnhidm, imnd) a, v. m. \ fJA it 
 ^ means of a smaJI hook; 3. p 
 ^mfopm, 8. an. crane-potato, (a 
 '^'^AfoTu^i"^^ ?■ ^- ^''^^ I take it 
 .t'^ r „ J; "^ u* •'^"'' « ''°«'^' I hook 
 Mjigxoml.ji^an, s. hook to catch or 
 tl -i" " '" ^^^'^^""^ sturgeon ; 
 Mjigtea4ijige, {nind) n. v. I take or 
 catchwith a hook, I accroach ;S 
 P-,I.; p. aia..ged. 
 catch him with a hook, I hook him 
 I accroach him; 3. p^rfj.™^^ 
 ^^W.,(W)a V. an. I speak of 
 millet ;] ^\,-wag. *■ 
 Addptnci^m^^n, s, table-cloth; pi -on 
 ^^am;^ adv. on the other Vde oPa 
 Shore ^; ^v^'^-' °1 t^'' "PP'^sit^ 
 the o'fhT/^i'^'^ ^^^^mmt. on 
 tW?i ^'^i^"'® °^the preat sea, 
 ;^^i«, m Europe. S.KitcMa^cll 
 ^.^|wAe, (^i„^) n V. I am small, lit- 
 Atfoshtulis, {m,Kl)n. v. I make my- 
 self small, little 3. p. -^/p J S 
 •peaKing, 3. p. .^; p. eg..mod. 
 him shame I make him ashamed 
 by my words ;[ dishonor him "3 
 p. oda<f..n; p. ^.o..jnad. 
 Aga,e, m composition signifies .mail, 
 StT/' "• '• '' '«/'"*■. (thread, 
 string, etc. 1 p. ^y..„a>f-. 
 'SSH' '•?•":':; 'tis fine, (sew- 
 mgsilk;) p.r(/..std. 
 °$J- °f metal ; 1 p. e(/../tah -OsaJn 
 stone or a piece of silver:) p. ^^ 
 t-^dZlt'''' '""'''''^^ ^ '^^■ 
 Aganadm, {nM) a. v. an. I T>akP 
 some «,,. obj. narrow or narrower! 
 1 straiten it; p. eg..ad. 
 Agassadfa, or^niagad, u. v. it is nar- 
 row; p. eg..a^, or -magal: -Pin- 
 dzgcvy egasmdeag tshhlmidemin,^, 
 go in through the narrow gate 
 M^JldnaUJcnd,^.^. H i/narVow, 
 S^T^f ' ^- P- '"'■ it is nar- 
 row, (obj. of stone or silver;) n 
 Agassademo miJcana, the path or trail 
 is narrow ; p. <.pr..,,^;^. 
 Agafsadengive, {nind) "n. v. I have a 
 smallface; 3.p. l.;p.^,/..^^,^. 
 AgasmdestnahagisHog, senibti, etc. n 
 V. 3. p., the board, the ribbon, etc ' 
 IS narrow; ^.eg..std. 
 Agamcuhton., {nind) a. v. in. I makr 
 It narrow, or narrower, 1 straiteii 
 It, ^.V-odag...; ^. eg.. tad. 
 Aga^sahvaiawes, {nind) n. v S a; 
 gatttWfg. ■ ' • ^- "■<- 
 Agaesate. or -ma^ad, u. v. it is small, 
 (house, room;)p. eg..teg, ox-maml. 
 AgaBsat<m,{nind) a. v. 4. I mak'e it 
 small, or I make it smaller ; 3. n.A 
 od ag...: p. eg.. tod. *^ 
 Agassendagos,{nind) n. v. I am con- 
 sidered insignificant, I am insigni- 
 fic-.nt, little ; 3. p. -i; p. e^..,ii. 
AGA 9 
 Acatfetulpu'a<], «. v. it is consuiered 
 n»,gn,fH.nnt i, is insignificant Ji- 
 'le; p. eg..wak. 
 p- fg..aiuj. •'■■■■ 
 Ag<menim\ ( nind) n. v i h-ivp 
 {nimble thoughts of mysell; I a,; 
 like a chid ;(L. hmiiliat se sici.t 
 parvulus.) --'"-ui 
 ittle of hirn, I consider him insig- 
 nihcant;3 p. o</«.,..,, . 5 
 Aga,,e>nmowin., 8. hinnble thoughts 
 humiliation, hnmility 
 heart; 3. p. i.; „. ^^/..<,rf. 
 Agauidjan^, (nind) ,i. y. I have i 
 small nose ; 3 p. 1.; p. .,^..„^rf. " 
 mouth; 3. p. I.; x,. ,,n..,Um,j. 
 mmtfr'"- "'•r;'""/'"A it has a small 
 mouth, a small opening,^ a bottle, 
 Agas,ujad, u. v. it is small, or nar- 
 row, (cotton, linen, etc. , p. ,•<. Tk 
 Agamde, (nind) n. v. ] have •, 
 kerchief IS small ; p. ,,,..,,v. 
 ^j7a^W6,7rfa.w«,0,vW,i,.v. I have 
 U smaller l,^ cutting •i;r3^'?:'Sj 
 o^..., p. *g..dan(}. 
 Agmsikona, (nind') a. v. ««. | n^.K. 
 some an. obj. smaller by cutting 
 smalneck;.?. p. ];;p. JJ^'', 
 ^ffo^nminagad, n. v.' ^it t small 
 r (some globular obj.) p. .^ „„;. 
 small. ™"«ket-bal!8 are very 
 ^ifaynin„g/d aw opin n. v. 3. p. this 
 •otat,o,8.small,p%y..„a P-'^'« 
 • f/«Mm, ,,. V. ,t is ainall; p. .nas^inn 
 smau, p. eq..nak. 
 Agam,uHhe. {nmi) n. v. I have a 
 «mallhead;3. p. I.;p. 'j^^^^ « 
 «n.allarm;.3.p.i.;p.,^.y/^^ "" 
 ^""","»«. n- V. pi. we are a few n 
 number, our number is smal^ n 
 small hand; 3. p. I.; p. ^^y y,/ 
 j;.y a small snout, (an'imal!);:;!!? 
 there js a sn.all ,loor, <fr n'amnv 
 floor J ffg...o or-TOrtP-a/t. 
 Agnsstnde, (nnid) n. v I have <» 
 small foot; :?.p/i.; p. eg drd 
 ^^f ''■^''/""''^) "• V- I am ashamed ; 
 dishnnn ,,"'*''''' ^'"^ ashamed, 1 
 dishonor him ; .3, p. orf a^..« ;' p. 
 Agatchiiwc (nind) n. v. I cause sham,- 
 (to somebody ;) 3. p. 1. ; p. ,„ ,„ ' 
 ^^';^ni^rnagad, u' v. it tanf es or 
 brings shame; p. f^..^«;^, 
 ^ nil, shy, timid; 3. p. -i- n ^p- /••,/ 
 laity, shyness. 
 AHA 10 
 Aitntrhifugos, (niml) n. v I jiin 
 ashaincj of sprnkirii,', nnwilliiiL^ 
 to sprak Ix'forn poopl,; ; :i. p. -t ; „ 
 Agalrhiian, {niml) a. v. in. f nrn 
 aslmmodof it;;j. p,o,ia/r...;p. a' 
 AKatclnlawa, (nind) a. v. «„. I am 
 asharnr.l hefore him ; 3. p. od ag..n- 
 ]>■ rt;..wu(l. ' 
 Affatr/u(nn, (i.ind) a. v. in. I brinif it 
 to shamo, I .lishonor it • 3 „ „,/ 
 flff- ; p. Cf(../o(i. ■ ' ■ 
 Ai^a/r/iiwadi.,, (ninil) n, v. s. Agatrh- 
 Agate Inwadisiwin, s. &'. Agatchis/,. 
 '^ishl'""''' ^"""^^ "■ ^- ^- ^^-"''''■^'■ 
 Agatrndafrofi, (niml) 11. v. my coMdnrt 
 IS .sl.am.-ln , .•onsi,l,.r(>,i shamolul, 
 tlJshoiio,a!)le, de-spisabio ; 3. ij —i ■ 
 Aga/rndagw>,d,u.\. it is shainenil 
 n Ks consi.i.Mc.l shamoful, despisn- 
 Agatindagwakamig, .ulv. sIiatiK^fullv 
 Agatcndau, {nind) a. v. in. I aiii 
 asl,am(>(lol,t;3.p.«,/«^...;p 4'" 
 dang. ' *•■■ 
 ^,;v//ou/w«, («,//,/) a. V. „n. I am 
 a*<hame(l of him (in mv tlioiiLTlits ;) 
 -J. p. ry(/ atr„n . p ^. ,,„,„/ 
 ^s^./r«,/,,/,,s.,(;,/;,,/)r. V.I am ashamed 
 beh)rt. mvs.'lf;3. p..o;p.r^r..,W. 
 lil'th'*'' '• '''"^'' ^^'^i-^^ly; very 
 Agumihav-as, {nind) r. v. ( put my- 
 self nmler a shelter, in rauiy 
 wrather;3. p..o;p.,^:..,o,/. "^ 
 ^,e-rt/m/wwv/.vo//-j/i, s. shelter against 
 rain ; nmhrclLi. -'bo"!--!. 
 Agamidammva, {nind) a. v. ««. I can- 
 not oinam it from liim, altliouffh I 
 endeavor, [cannot prevail upon 
 rcgS' '''""''''■ ^-''^ '''■'' -^ 
 Agmcddan, (nind) a. v. in. I cannot 
 1 ave ,t, although I wish and en- 
 Agmrddis {nind) „. v. f am crazy 
 '^^^"lish ; 3. p. ./ .. p. aia..sid. ^ 
 Aguwad_na,{rn>.d) a. v. an. I cau8« or 
 Amu-udjiidis, {nind) r. v. f make 
 <lama|roloniysf.|lhydrinkinLr;3 1, 
 Asmntii, adv. behind, 
 ■^g'hranapi, adv. soon.as soon as pos- 
 siouiy. .s. l-^iingaog. 
 Aguwu/e, or- w(«^r,„/, „. v. there is 
 Miadovv ; p. ,^r,_/,^^ ovmagak. ^ 
 Agawatcon, s. parasol ; umi,rclla ; 
 pi. — (/;/. ' 
 Agairnlc.shunon,{nind) n. v. lam in 
 ""- --^ '■'")«•;:). p. -0 ; p. e.?../W. 
 AKumUcskin, (nind) n. v. i make 
 shadow with my body ; 3. p 1 ,, 
 Agawatr.shkagou, {nind) p. v. it cov- 
 <^rs me with its shadow ; 3 n od 
 Aga,ra/e.'<h/cani, {nind) n. v. I make 
 shadow (wjsli my body,) I ?ver^ 
 ^l^«/r^r./,Avo/ («»•„,/) a. V. w. [cover 
 t with my sJuidow, [ overshadow 
 It ; 3. p. 0^/ «.^... ; p. f^..^„,^ 
 Agairatcshfcawa, {nind) or nind aga- 
 mt c.^hkamawa, a. v. w/t. Icoverliim 
 with my shadow, I ove.shadov^ 
 ; lam m his light, I cover his 
 "g-ht , 3. p. od afr..n; p. cg..wad 
 Agawates.'<r hineshi, n.\', 3. p the 
 Aga,cates:<e or-magad, u. v. it makes 
 •'^liadovv,(acloud, etc.;)p.,™ 
 Agan-a/amn minkwad, n. v. the cloud 
 throws Its shadow ; p. eg..sing.- 
 fe. AgaH'ates.sc, or-magad 
 Agavigamig, adv. behind the island 
 under the cover of the island 
 Agminnagos, (nind) n. v. [ look bet- 
 ter, or appear better, than I am, 1 
 am fallacious, deceiving ; 3 p -i • 
 p. eg..sid. ^ ' 
 Jl ill 
 Afr'nnnr,ff,rn,l u.y. ,t j, .IrreiviriKT, 
 litllanous.it looks hrttor than it IS- 
 A!«'wi.s, {„inil) n. V. f ^ain nothinsr, 
 n.akn nothing, f.y what I am ,io. 
 Ap.nn.'^hka, (nimi) „, v. S. A-ravifn 
 ag,an/,^(«,W)n.v. IworkiM va ■ 
 tion linmc-iitcliintrcol.l ' 
 Agim.s 0/1. snow-shoe ; t.l.-„,r 
 Apu>,a hn>,d) a. V. «„. f connt him 
 I P"t him m the number ; :j ,, " / 
 Agnaak, s. ^/«. ash-treo ; pi. -7,v,fi- 
 -'HhoPs'^^^''f "• ^■. ^ "' =^ke sifow. 
 "Iiops ; .1 p. I. ; p. aM../.VYi, 
 ^?"«»/.-Wi„, s. tfie art of makimr 
 "^oMiirr^ «-v'^^y««.a.v.,„,. I lace 
 or fill a sriow-shoo ; p. fshldmml 
 Agrmo,sr imnd) n, v. f wnl iwiu, 
 ^|i«/«/Mm;,,/)a.v. i«. icountit; 
 . J- P- W/ rtjr .. . „. f„ ,,,,„ ' 
 3. p w/ rt„ .. . ,, g„ 
 Agwda,,; {nimi) n v. I cipher I 
 r?"^-'<^""nt;--M'.-cr?P 4.! 
 Agindas^oHigan, s. cipher, figure ; 
 Agindassohiigc, (,nnd) n. v. / cipher 
 I number, ivvruefiiures; 3/?'r: 
 ^g»:«./«....,«y,,.s. cipher ;nnmbering 
 *«. !5. Agmdassnhiiee 
 Agmdjigade, or-mngad, „. v it is 
 ^A'"'t-^^«^'f"'"'- s. countingfcensus 
 ^- V- -0 , p. eg. .sod. 
 Agnhidjignu, s. nirfaiii ; p|. ..„„ 
 ^fofn'Jji8nmgU,,s.v^lU.o Un cnrtain,. 
 ngoi'ij '''-"' ''• '^••""'^'' ""!■• 
 A^<>f".'<,(nlnd) U.V.I have a plaster 
 ^f;"t''"'--'"".4'«^.n.v.iti. hnn- ,h. 
 't l'nn,..s; ,Usnp 8omevvh."e ' 
 I^.jn.,u. somewhere; 3. p. fl''^: 
 to H. til. ; p. ,y..^,„,,,. "^^ 't 
 ?S'"SJ'?' %">^n'l of narrow 
 '■i(/»!f'r,aH>, iniml) a. v. an. I sew some 
 «/^ ohjert to s. th. ; ;,. p. «/ """J^ 
 i'.ioiiwa.x,, (;,,W) n.'v.'^I am sewing 
 one object to another; 2. ^7>Til 
 AiMiwc, (rmHl) n. v, lam hanging m, 
 persons; 3. p. I. ^ ^ ' 
 Agojiwewin, s. S. Aqonidiwin. 
 os' r'?" y- ^ ^''''•k or cleave 
 n, I stick some an. obj. to s. 
 til. , J. p. odag..n\ p. eg.. sad. 
 I seal 
 ^iWliirat^an, (nmi) a. v. in 
 'I ; 1 htick it to s. th. ; .'J. 
 «fA.._; |). e,i..av,>. —Aooliwamin ,.u> 
 miMimwan, seal this letter 
 ■i'MiwuMuian, H. aiiv thiiu 
 ••If^aves or sticks to, se 
 water; paste. 
 'ipoHwa^Kifiai,, {ni„d) n. v 
 ••ealed-j. p. .,,. ,,.,^...„rf_ 
 11. V. 
 pasted ; p. «y..,.V,/, or- 
 't is sealed 
 ZT ' ^- ■'*-"• ^ f'""' «*'»' with- 
 in an> .„;rrav,„^ of ll«„res or let- 
 paste,.), p. l.;p. ,v/.,w 
 nim, 1 ses! some, a>i. ohj. 3. p or/ 
 so'ile,!", r .''^•;''^''''^'''"'"-^«^""'^'"«'. they 
 s>o.ilc(| I ho stone. ^ 
 T!'' ^Vi^ "• ^- ^ ="» 0" the 
 ace o( the water, [in 
 'Hi[>n^'wavclHmabi, [m.mi) n. v. I am 
 a canoe or 
 « hi. .r with a !,ne and hook in , 
 :anot orl.n«t;.3. p. j.;p.,,,./J 
 A,o>n,,nn, s. harhor, port,' haven ; 
 Agua, A,mika, Ot. S. Gun, Gonika 
 -^g-na uu.<l) a.v. «;,. I han,. him 
 up- I hail- up ..omo an. obj.; I ni,t 
 it lip somewhere, or on s. th • '/ n 
 -ig>'>Mkme s. a virf:in whom' the pa- 
 g^a.. I,Khan.s place on an elevated 
 M-afiold and present to the Great 
 Spirit, m order to obtain a prosper- 
 ous success II, war. 
 Agonumuwa, {nind) a. v. an. I ban- 
 "i- lay It upon him; 3. p. „</ ,„,..,,;. 
 p. c<i..U'ad. ' ' 
 Agoraussab, (ru»d) n. v. I hang or 
 spread a net on a pole to dry ; 3. d 
 -^ ;y.eg..hid. ^' 
 Jgonidis, ^niiid) r. v. I hang myself- 
 ''i-V-~o;p. cq.Md. ' 
 A'jonuUu'i-mihrf, s. gallows ; \A.~,m 
 Ago.iuhwin, s. hanging, hangiaan's 
 work, e.xncution of a criminal. 
 'W"»'ii"i><hn, s. hangman, execu- 
 tioner; \)\.-wag. 
 A(/'muri,'/Hi,i>ii, (nind) n. v. 1 don't 
 '<'lie\e what is said. Icmitradict in 
 thoughts, I am incredulous; 3 p 
 J- ; |). am. .dang. 
 Ai/min ii iidatnowui, s. unbelief, 
 tliought or thoughls contrary to 
 what i.s said, contradiction in 
 thoughts, incredulity- 
 I Aimnintndiinm, (nind,) c. v. we con- 
 tradict each other, we dispute, ar- 
 giifi; p. ai\u/..didjif/. 
 \ Agonu,tadiwin, n. dis'pute, contradic- 
 Agmwe(ad!n,(nind) r. v. I contradict 
 ni^Mdf; 3. ],.-„; p. aia..du(xl. 
 AgunivitiKje, {nind) n. v. S. Jiionwc- 
 A;/,nur,fa,,c.y/d; (nind) n. v. I use to 
 contradict, to gainsay, to disobey ; 
 d. p.~i ; p. aia..kid. 
 Agcm;.vita<iixhliwin., s. bad liabit of 
 gain«!iying, of diNobcyinc. 
 Aiianwetayecnn, s. S. Agonmtamo- 
 Agmwdam.{,t;nd)n. v. I contradict 
 1 gainsay ; I disobey ; f deny ; I am' 
 I incredulous; 3. p. J.; p. aia..tu>w. 
 I ^liionwetammnn. s. contradiction, 
 gainsaying ; disobedience. 
 A^mwdnn, {niiul) a. v. in. I contra- 
 dict It, I don't believe it ; 3. p. „d 
 «,',•...; p. aui..u/ig.~Nind (uionnvldit 
 iir hidndjimowin, 1 contradict that 
 news, J don't lielieveit. 
 Agonwifaica.inind) a. v. an. Icon- 
 tradict him. I gainsay him ; I diso- 
 bey him, 3. p. od a<i..n; p. «/«.. 
 A,iof~H-mvcwaslif:, s. herb of Venus. 
 Ago^rtig/ranron, s. helmet ; pL~un. 
 Agost hintuhi, n. v. 3. p. the bird is 
 resting on... ; p. cooml. 
 Agoskuna, { nind) a. 'v. an. I am afraid 
 and anxious about him, (he is in 4 
 dangerous situation ;j 3. p. cd aa.. 
 n ; p. eg..nad. 
 Agod-aniditi, [nind) r. v. i am afra'd, 
 anxious, (about some .nislortune* 
 "Mi>M i . 
 AgoHH, inind) n. v. I fear, I am afraid; 
 J- P- 1. ; p. egofkid. 
 fmoz.nff; [u. angofroreu ;J p. ./ 
 '^iH'fu^tt • ^^-^r?''"/. "• V. there 
 p. aiaj..de</, or-^maoak: 
 o,U^onho water;:,, p. orf «,..., p. 
 ^thrsh^fr':?^^ "• ^- ' '^"'"'^ -^'os^ to 
 J.p.orfay .p. ^<7.. 
 ofakplM;""' V'^'^it(''q"i^)out 
 Of a kettle or other vessel 3. p. orf 
 Amvnbime, or~7>ia(fad, u. v. it is 
 >urnt (something that was ^oked 
 r obf Tr-'^r- "•^•3-P some 
 burnt ^; "^ ^ ]''' '^'te of being 
 iJurnt; p. c^..«^. ^ 
 A<Jwabilcidewij>ogwad, u. v. it has the 
 taste of beitig burnt ; p. eq.ltali 
 ^l/^aAtl-wo mfe^^y^^^^ n. V. 3. p the 
 bread, s burnt; p. e<7..,«^. P" '^^ 
 ^'tr^^^'T'^' ^'^'■'^) ^- ^'- ««• I burn 
 ^x7 ag..n ; p. eci..nad. ' 
 "rf a7..«; p. (.^..M,arf. ' P- 
 ^nina.) a. v. an. I acciisp him( her^ 
 lJ-- petit crapot ; pi. -wa„. ^ ' 
 Aywugohaga, ov-mocui, n. v it i, 
 that tobacco is mouldy ; p eo sd 
 Agu'mogon, n. v. 3.^ p ff hVf , 
 >l,L^v, "L'J-^ P- '^.'7-"'^/- 
 U/t. obj ; p. cg..wal\ ' 
 mS-lVr, •P-"'^'''=^'ty;(a«.obj. 
 Jiierai,; p. c(f..tng. •" 
 I r^V. '''"''^•<'"^'^';)P• 
 wa.mmga)v^, v. the lloo is mo?^. 
 rfy. (or other objects of wood Tn 
 '^9- gag, ox-maqal. '' ^' 
 Agtoagwjshi, (pVon, agwanoshi) n v 
 n P" .^'^ mouldy, (sor^e a«. obi ^ 
 mvamnshiwag gate oinnuj ; the 
 are mnf.l'r"';'>''^"^' t1,e p-itatoeS 
 are mouldv also. 
 It IS mouldy; also, it is rusty ; p 
 '^f^""<f"if<i, untu/)u.v. I «wna t..j 
 .1i^t>n.,./.n,„l, („,•„.!) „. V furnva to 
 ^l'<•«l">^^WMlki,,^o„thei." J 
 ■".•p.;i/../W, • •'• 
 "■^r"'/"^"'- ""'"'/' "-v. Icomn tu 
 tl^|»; Kliorr out ..( t|„. watiT ; .'I. p. 
 ^r.i'T! •••*•,••• ^"•;'- '■?/••''"'/• 
 ■xliorr. I .s,u| to fliosi.'.Vr, 
 .im-nia^Mu,, u. v. it ..oinf-H to 
 "'"'If. It i.s .Irivn. t.nvanis 
 .1<lii,n,„,,le, at ,na„,i,l, n. v. * it in 
 »i'\\Vi\ t<i s,. th • n ,„ ,1 . 
 nuujnk. ' '• '''■•''"''' "' 
 '^■r.'irr'' "•.^•••'•i-. •tissrw..,i to 
 ». 111.. (r/;/._ohj.) p. ,.,r..^W. 
 ;•"• rtr.. wi.a. , ,;av,> . '.i^ ; ";:' 
 I.; \Kf,i..>rul. ' • 
 (with fi hlarikct, t'tc .', ;). „ i • u 
 -fw,vV/r«, (;,/,,,/) a. V. an. I cover 
 -A^/i/vt/-«////,/,,v,v,,, „. V. ,,• sticks'tothfi 
 groiiihl; p. ,v/...s.,V^/. 
 Agicakultiat,, (niml) a. v. //, [ lift it 
 "P with a lover; 3. p. ,./ * ' ';, 
 A<mil:ity(ii\/n/i, s. Ipvcr ; pi -an 
 «. th. with a lever ; 3. p. ].; ,,. ,^.': 
 A;>i/'fl/i</rt?m, (;iw</) n. V. a?i I lift 
 upsome<,«. ol,j.withaIever;3.n 
 AijinU-omn xu v. it sticks to some 
 wooden object ; p. ,y..s;,,„. 
 A(fii'ah(,iwa, [mud) a.' v. a/i. S Sa^. 
 A(/ir«/i««>,, («,W) a. V. ,•«. I cover if 
 J. p. o</ atj.., ; p. «v/..rt,iy. 
 A</wanal)au'aa, {nifid) n. v. I put iny- 
 uf the 
 I jiiit 
 »«ll iiiuler aHhelier, in ruin; 3. n 
 -" ; p. f>/..i,(hf. ' 
 ^!f'''">>'>''<'>rr, i ,,a,d)». y. Urn xmAt-r 
 ;«J-Mter.n. ra.n;3.p.i.;p. r-/.. 
 \>Jii',„Hn,,ndt, or m„<jad, ii. v. it i. 
 '•"v«'r...| i p. r;/..,/,y,or uuojnk. 
 A,'///v//,«,>,.», ,,,/,,,/, „ ,. , ,„„eov. 
 <re.l; » p. «,-p. r,/...v«,/. 
 •^i'lra/udoiirr/,/,!/,, ». cover 
 l'<'vv.ler-pnM ol a smiii; | F. 
 ne;| pi.-,,;;. ' 
 ■\i/iranyak,ra», Oihul) r. v. , ,„u 
 .'">'••■'"" r«i,nrk..shelter,.,.rJu 
 •'• P- o ; p. r,i.,i,i,d. 
 ■\<ni'u>HiiH,hfa,s„iri„, rf. hark-sliolter 
 inrainyweather;;,/. „,,"•'""• 
 ./'/''•«M<i.v.v,^„/W,n.v. (nnloa.lara- 
 "•'•'. l.oat, etc. ; 3. p. „; p. ,„.",, j 
 •'('"'"""•'"'""•"', N. iinloa.iiiiir. ' 
 ./f/"v//u;.;/v/ (,„Wi a. V. „,,. [ cover 
 l"m;IHothe or,lres,him; Tp 
 "iV mouth Home «//. ol.j. ; 3 „ ,"/ 
 ;;.;/;;;;';;-''«. I take toi.aeco nlX 
 JilWimindan, (nhid) a. > . U. \ put it 
 '"mymouth;3.p.„J„j,.... ,";" 
 •1inf<[nn'^ljm ^ an. quid of tobac 
 ^f ;"""'<''>'>. (w/W) n. V. I put or 
 take m my mouth; 3. p. 1.; p.,;..; J 
 n|>, lH'a.i,( with a blanket, hamlker- 
 chief ,Vc.)3.p.-o.-p. ,y..,.„,/. 
 1 '"'/l T''''''.^'''";'^^"- ^- ""• I cover 
 hib head with a handkerchief, &c • 
 ^fA'Vf(i<A>/!,, (nhul) a. v. ,Vi. I convey 
 It to the shore from the lake, li 
 canoe a log, &c.) 3. p. oj ,,„. .. , 
 <'(/.. dod. ' ■ I 
 A</wa6,na, {uind) a. v. an. I bn-ntrhwn 
 ashore from a canoe or boa., o.: (av 
 back; 3. p. od a<,..n; p. .^..^^J. '^ 
 some an. obj. to the sliore from the 
 ■\, (. 
II rain ; .1. p. 
 . I am niiilcr 
 !>• J. ; p. f'j.. 
 . >!• V. it in 
 ^- i am cov. 
 over of tlit> 
 [K. Hatli- 
 r- V. I |nit 
 i'«'r, iiiruiii, 
 iiiloiiil It ra- 
 ." p. fil..a<)d. 
 "'• I rover 
 ''I'll ; ."). p. 
 II'. iiijivann. 
 «• 1 put in 
 • ; .'J. p. ml 
 ^rna ni'/ul 
 'CO in iny 
 in. I put it 
 '••■; p. f</.. 
 of tobac- 
 • I put or 
 ;p. ^(/..,/f,/. 
 ''. I cover 
 . handker- 
 'It: I cover 
 liiof, &.C.,' 
 ; imp. (uj- 
 I convey 
 lake, (a 
 / ihj. ,: ji, 
 U, o.i lay 
 I coivejr 
 from the 
 A<,wa„„<lan, {nhul) n. v. /«. J hrinir it 
 kMt e or pot Homething to „„t ; a 
 P— «/ (>. fi/ivaim,!. ' 
 •■'H^Nomr.,,,. ol,i.„„,. t|,..M '^ 
 Anwa.s,U..n,{nmd) a. v. m. j take it 
 out ofa canoe, vessel, &c;;n:„;l 
 ". •' p. od ti(/...; n, CO. tnd TU.^ 
 It from the fire," (w,.obi.) "'''' 
 •tKatW^-/- ^'^""'« out of 
 outside, externally, "^ 
 Aitwatching niud ata, or, amvatrhin^ 
 ./i, ? i" '"? "monthly llowings ^''^ 
 ^(^^fffr^'^fajffcm, out of the^fort, S 
 outofaves8el,kettle, &c. .'J. p o3 
 upper floor of a house); pi —n^ 
 <«MOf ,tVe. ; .J. p. „d,l4/.,n: D. ft/ 
 ''umUof;r'^''f'^^"-^-^'»-' throw 
 >y..innj. * "y-" ' »'• 
 ■VS r^/W) a. V. ,m. I clothe him 
 1 ' Kive bun Hothes already ma e' 
 •"•/•lotbmK materials; xl Z Z' 
 ^'•^j'S'/"- ^^'-'"'idoi^inn. Ainvulau,,. 
 Tii::t:r"- ^y-^^^/^^'. a.;z. 
 pro.de for „,y own clothmra 
 lar Jsh'aw? ''"' ^°'"^"' ^•^"^ » 
 Ter-f ;i1^'"t"# ^^ 'y'"^ "' the wa- 
 theij :?'. i ^'^Z' being .partly in 
 wie water, 3. p. 1,; p. eg„i,^. 
 Joi^^'^o'"' ^P"' it in the water 
 ^f^mndjona^an, a. float for a net: pi. 
 Jm>fngoss,s a kind of small squirrel- 
 [C. Suisse;] ...-^. '^ "*"'' 
 J^tww,^eJt;«a, («W) a. V. an. Iblin,.- 
 lolded,3. p.—o;p.eQ..sod. 
 atr^:-!,,';"" «-^ ^he .nd.an 
 Affwinirweon, or ayiim^/weUson, s. veil • 
 pi. — (/«. ■ ' 
 Agwimie animosh, n. v. 3. p. the doc 
 IS piKsmg. '' 
 AgwitawLshima, (^ninC) a. v. a^i. s 
 -imitawisMon, ( nind) a. v. ««. I put 
 It on a pile, I pile it up • 3. p.%,^ 
 a^...;p. aia..dod. ^ 
 Agwitchmjei.gcn, s. andiron : pi. an 
 Agivttchu-vleshvmon, (nmd) n. v. I put 
 my feet on s. th., sitting : 3. p.-o • 
 p. eg. .nod. B , o. p. 0, 
 Am'iichisideshimonowin, s. foot stool • 
 pl-aw. ' 
 AgwitoiaUhuMn, n. v. 3. - it is piled 
 up (si ver or stone;) p. eg..ing. 
 Agmioiahhssin, n. v. it is piled up 
 {m(''ta\,tn.)p. eg..sin(f. 
 AgwUon {nind) a', v. in. I clothe it: 
 •?; P- odag ..; p. egwitod.—DehendA 
 Jtged apttcin weWeni od aqwitonan 
 i^'cftgomH Mliganixg ; the Lord' 
 splendidly clotheth the flowers of 
 the field. 
 Agwitoshimag, {^nind) a. v. an. pi I 
 pile up some an. objects; 3. p. od 
 ag..n; p. eg..mad. ^ 
 Agwti.)shi?iog, n. v. 3. p. pi. they are 
 ^.fl'^P' .(««• o^'J-) P- eg..sUngig.~ 
 AiicM niHwa nahaqin&agoq aqwi- 
 tos/miog oma; great many boards 
 are piled up here. 
 Agwitossidonan, {nind) a. v. in. pi 
 1 pile them up, {iji. objects:) 3. p. 
 odag...;p.eg..tod. ' ^ 
 Agwttostinon, u. v. pi. they are piled 
 cp, (tw. objects;) p. eg..ssinqin. 
 AgwUmane, {nind) n. v. T put s. th 
 OaCKjd. p. l.;p. ^^ ,j^ 
 Agwimn, s. any vestment, clothes, 
 clothing; pl.-aw. 
 Aia, {nind)n. v. I am, I exist ; 3. p. 
 '• ; p. etad. *^ 
 Aiad, 6. an., being, any an. object ; 
 nl. mam.—KitcU aiaa, a great, 
 large, big being, (used both of per- 
 sons and animals. ) mtchiaiaaq, 
 fJE P«"«ns; also, great noble 
 ^!f.n.'.y.''"»S being, (human or 
 ^gaw'wA, bad wicked being ; pl.-a^. 
 Aiaa. This word is also used wh^ 
 one endeavors to recollect the 
 name of a person, (or any other 
 a«. object.) When you ask an 
 indmn: Awenen gor-iUicd iw ?Who 
 said that ?-If he does not remem- 
 ber imme.hately the name of the 
 person who said it, he will say 
 Aiaammr^ldto, aiaa (fn order 
 to gain tune to recollect the name.) 
 Aiabe, u. the male of animals, (quad- 
 rupeds,) not of birds; pl.-^.^^ 
 Atabiwaian. s. an. the skin of a male 
 quadruped; pl.-a^. 
 Atahiwegin, s. skin of a male quad- 
 ruped of the largest kind, as moose, 
 buffalo, etc.; pl.-o„. 
 \Atalmiwinged, p. s. a. consolator, 
 consoling, comforting person ; pi 
 AidUta, half etich.—Aiahita H pad 
 -«™'^ «". ni4lji; my friend, we 
 shall have each half of that. 
 AtaUtawim, p. s. a. a half-breed 
 man or woman ; p\.~ng. 
 Aiddjimigoim,{nind)x\.v. S. Wato- 
 Aidgonwctang, p. s. a. gainsayer, in- 
 credulous person, disobedient per- 
 son ; pl.-jig. 
 Aidjagm^ssi, {nind) n. v. I stagger 
 inwalking;3. p. l.;p. eiV..<^. ' 
 Atajawendam, {nind) n. v. I change 
 my mind of en, I am inconstant ; 
 J- p. 1. ; p- eiaj.,aftg. 
 ^yml^am, Crdnd) n. v. S. /aia 
 ^-(yj/^^.rf-««5;, s/ctispute. conten- 
 .i/«l-^J p. «. a. sick person, patient; 
 J.iam4^ u. V. there is, it is ■ n 
 ^i7' ^^''"^^ ^- ^- *■«• I have it ; 3 p 
 ^^a/"/j, the change of ^/ic//. 
 ^i^'iywammdam, (ni>ul) n v. I en- 
 deavor ; I pay attention; 3.P ! 
 direct my care aUattintion to it 
 f p. «i a*... ; p. eia?i..ann 
 ^^mfwametuma, (mnd) a. v an I 
 recommend him kth./nthouglus 
 commerfd him to do s. th "or to" 
 Ljhave 2n a certain manned 3 n 
 it 3 n / •*' ^P^y attention to 
 .f^«w/.,,«^ („jV,d) n. V. 1 lea,, now 
 ■*• P- i' , P- tia..itd. ' 
 ^^^nilim, or-magad. u v it,«i.o 
 ^taitihi„.,ta<fed. p. s. a onp wJ.« 
 ^^^n,tke.an.amie-dihadmrwwin s an 
 Unctent and repeated saS;-) pi: 
 Munimitagos, (nm) n. v. I n,aL-p „ 
 -;^a^^>/ the change oiAr^^' *' 
 Aianmenindisod, p. s. a a /pn^nH 
 f'erson, a penitent pVj^'P""*'"^ 
 ■hamcmiitdisossig, p s. a an nnr. 
 Ata^mm,idmi, {ni,ul) a. v. ««. freo 
 I. gmf It often; 3. p odai ■^' 
 eias..d(jd. ^ ■ V- oa at... , p. 
 Mmamna, {nmd) a. v. an freo 
 J gird hmi ofton • 3 n ^' •^' 
 ^W«, («*/«2) a. ;,,;,. f^^gj^. 
 I ^^rr/r^^t «0'"e an. oW. ; aS' 
 ;tand hi n^ a Sle.'some wSs" 
 (he speaks a strange language ) 
 J' p. <xl ,u..n : p. eia wnJ^ '■' 
 upbraids^ne/J n* ^/'^^l^'^^^- 
 2'^l^mn ; thy letter sS m« 
 AIE 18 
 Aiwwiidim.in, (nind) com. v. we 
 Nco (1 OIK) another, we reprimand 
 eacli otliei ; y. t-ia..di(i:,iq. 
 AiamKJhnn, s. sooldinir/reprirnand- 
 i»ir, (of several porsons.) 
 Atdwin, s. existence ; mino aiannn, 
 coinjortahle existence, welfare ; 
 kapije mino a/'awm, eternal wel- 
 tare. Match!, aiawin,, miserable 
 existence, misery ; ka<m.' inaMi.i 
 aiawm, eternal misery'. ' 
 ^rnwin., 3. scoldinLS reprimand. 
 dzau'iuv, Uiiiul) n. v. [ am scoldinK, 
 reprimanding; .^ p. 1.; p., =,-„..„,^5; 
 AJdimin {nind) com. v, s. Idiniin. 
 Au/coaade, [mnr/) n. v. am tired in 
 my legs; 3. p. 1. ; p. eU-.Jt'.j. 
 Aie.Jcmdi8, {nind) r. v. I tire niyself 
 ! cause to myself fatigue ; 3. p.-,> • 
 p. cf.e..s(jd. o , , , 
 Aichmike, {nind) n. v. I feel tired m 
 my arm or arms ; 3. p. 1. ; p. ,i,„ 
 Aickonikewina, {nind) a. v. an. I tire 
 his arm or arms ; 3. p. ed ai..n ; p. 
 eic.nad. ^ 
 Airkonikeminigon, {nuid) pers. v it 
 tires my arm or arms ; 3. p. od ai. .: 
 P- cie..god. ' 
 Av'konindji, {nind) n. v. I feel fa- 
 tigue m my hand or hands ; 3. p 
 i-ip. eie..rd. ' ^ 
 Aid'os {nind) n. v. I am tired, fa- 
 tigued ; 3. p.-i; p. ,,,>Xm-^. 
 AKkosm, {nind) a', v. an. I tire him ; 
 i molest him; 3, p. od aie..n ; p. 
 Aickositon, {nivd) a. v. in. I tire it ; 
 'i. p.od ai... , p. eu'..tod.-mndaie- 
 kosit<m niiaw nnokiiun ; I tire my 
 body, (myself,) working. 
 AtakoMWDi, 3. fatigue, weariness 
 Ateli^waruwi, (wind) n. v. I breathe 
 with dithoulty; 3. p.-o; p. dek.. 
 Aiihriq,, (^niml) a. v. an. I molest 
 him,iatisue him; 3. p. odaia..>i; p. 
 <iie.,ad. ^ 
 Akkwiwi, {nind) n. v. I am tired of 
 carrying or packing on n;v back ; 
 3. p. l.;p. C2^',.V7V. 
 An 3. thing, _a,iy in. ob,rot; pi, aiin. 
 -Anntcn attn, siindrv things 
 Anns, little thing, pi. -rm. ' 
 Ai/wiah, bad contemptible thinir ol 
 -nn. t" 1 '■ 
 Aii. This word is also employr ) as 
 a help to recollect the name of some 
 ^nnmnatc ohjecl. So when you 
 a«k : \\ etimM,. iw ! What is that ' 
 -the person asked ( if he does not 
 immediately recollect the name of 
 the thing. ^, will say: Ausa....i This 
 gi- ;* him some seconds of time to 
 recollect the name of the ohiect ) 
 -When one wants to gain time to 
 recollect the name of a place, he 
 will say: Jnn,j sa... 
 AinnMnovam, (nind) n. v. I sleeu 
 wuh open eyes; 3. p. 1.; p. ein.. 
 Aimilji>Hlis,{ni,ii)T.y. S.Inndiind.i.<, 
 Atnawa ymnd) a. v. a7i. I ape"or im- 
 itate him; [F. je le contrefais ;l 
 J. p. od a>n..n; p. eitiawad. 
 Azndapidon, {mnd) ^,y.in. I bind 
 Arndafma, {mnd) a. v. an. I b'nd 
 him well ; 3. p. od ai..n; p. ein.. 
 Had. '^ ' 
 Aindina, {nind) a. v. an. I hold him 
 well; .h p od al.an; p. eindinad. 
 Afndman,{mnd)ai.y. in. I hold it 
 well ; 3. p. od at...; p. ein..an(r. 
 Aindjissitckirade, or -magad, It is 
 put hrmly; level; it is established ; 
 y.ein..dsa, or -nuK/ak. 
 Amdjissiton, {nind)'a. v. in. J settle 
 It, 1 establish it, I confirm it, con- 
 c ude It, consolidate it, I put it lev- 
 el, right; 3. p. ad ain..; p. ein..tod. 
 Aininamaxva,{nind) a. \.an. I beckon 
 him, wjnk him ; 3. p. od ain.Ji; p. 
 em.. road. 
 Aim/like, {nind) n. v. I beckon with 
 my hand, (arm/) I wink; 3. p. I.- 
 p. nn..ked. 
 Aiodjiifade, or—mat/aJ, u. v, it i* 
 iiseu, made us of;' p. cii)..deg, or — 
 Aiodjvje, {nl,id) n. r. 1 make use; 
 3. p. 1 ; p. 
 'ijiiilain.t •sin II V ,t 1 
 ■ihcirshi, s. crab, crawfish • nl V I 
 go the other; they come and 
 ^W, a/-«W, in compositions, sioni- 
 "es rro.9,s-zw^ or iruvcrsi/w to th\ 
 opposite side or shore 7a river 
 oft ^'5"- ^^ ^''"d^« also to the 
 fn r/"-^^'"""P'^^ '» some oftlie 
 lollovving words.) ^ 
 ^m(ntnd)n.y. I cross a river 
 hai,&c., macanoo, l.oat&c 3' 
 P■«;;«.'^;ao,• p. a*3;Wao^^. 
 4y'?«'««, (nind) a. v. «.,,. j cross him 
 ■-{;<«/-««/., (mV.<?) a. v., >^. /ero^s or 
 '<jawadaga, imnd) n. v T crn« , 
 nver&c, swimming, I sv^to 
 .. ^'' *''^- ' 3 p.-o,- p. awj..^.orf 
 shore ^'''''"^"•'«» the opposite 
 -im^aaameosse, -nuui) n. t. f wade 
 side of the earth. ^* ^^'P^'"" 
 •i?(M'antlawe, (nind) n v t « 
 :*• P- ' , p. ma;. .wed. * ' 
 <Src in o ''""^e>ed across a river 
 «c. m a canoe or hn-^t ■ r, . .'^' 
 '^^A or-~,naaal: ' P" "'^'-'•• 
 overfro,u th^opp<^si "e sho p ^''^^ 
 canoe or boat ^^ ^"® ^"oi^e m a 
 ^'Ijawaodju/as, {nind) n. y j a^^ ,. 
 ried or conveyed ^across' :"^i^- 
 Ajawaodjige, {nind) n. v.. T crf,« , 
 convey people over a r ver w 
 a boat, &c. ; s n i "^'^r- .*c. m 
 ,.&c., inacanoe&c "*"'"' '-^'^e. 
 Ajwwaona, {nind) a.'y. an. S -/-^ 
 ^^jamanigos, {nind) n v r o-»f 
 selfcrossedovera^iVei- L?' T" 
 i employ somebodv to t'^kp I ^''■' 
 ^er, 3. p.— «. ; p. aiij..sid 
 ^ sau across a river, bay, &c - -t 
 4^'^''"''^^?^ s. an. beech-tree ■ nl * .• 
 Ajaw&mm, s. beech— n,,/ 1' P'-~~¥- 
 ^.;a?/'.«ttv;^, 8. dim. dagger nl . 
 omrVblh-^!! the SrSiTSl 
• 1 
 ! n 
 m tlie other side.) — There is al- 
 wayts ii possessive pronoun before 
 tliis word ; ns : Nindajawiffad, my 
 other leg ; lid ajawioad, thv other 
 leg, &c. 
 Ajum-(fwasKhwan, (nind) n. v. I 
 jump or leap to the opposite side 
 of s. th. ; 3. p.— i ; p. ain}..nid. 
 ApHniaanii, ntildhwan, u. v. the ves- 
 sel tac^s about ; p. aiaj-vig. 
 Ajdwiniky s. the other arm. — This 
 and the two following words arc 
 always preceded by a possessive 
 JJa/rimfulj, a. the other hand. 
 Ajawisid, s. the other foot, (the oppo- 
 site foot.) *^' 
 Aj<iti'/-fi</ma>i,(ni/id) a. v. in. 1 pour 
 it in another vessel ; 3. p. od aj...; 
 p. <iitij..a>uj. 
 Ajawi-wahaiHj, adv. the day after to- 
 morrow. —The same as awmsiva- 
 halt (J. 
 Ajc, oV waje, at the end of verbs, al- 
 ludes to the human skin; as: Nin 
 makdtewaji, I have a black skin. 
 JSin (lijibaje, I feel itchings on mv 
 skni ; etc. 
 Ajt, in composition, signifies going 
 hack or backwards; [F. h recu- 
 lons.] (Examples in some of the 
 following words.) 
 AJeh, (iimdYin. v. I move back- 
 wards,! sitting ; 3. p.-i ,• j>.ejebld. 
 Ajibato, (nind) n. v. I run back- 
 wards ; 3. p. 1 . ; p. ejebatod. 
 Ajehidon, {nind) a. v. in. I move 
 It backwards; 3 p.odaj...; p. «... 
 dod. •' 
 Ajebiiia, (nind) a. v. an. I move him 
 ba< kwards, (any an. obj.) 3. p. od 
 aj..n ; T^.ej..nad; imp. ajebij. 
 Ajebinan, (nind) a. v, in. S. Ajebi- 
 don. -' 
 Ajehoian, s. oar ;[F. rame;] pL— an. 
 A^eboiatMK s. pi.— wi. S. Ajeboian. 
 Ajehoianeiab, s. oar— strap"; pi.— m. 
 4J^bou',inind) n. v. I row in a canoe 
 or boat; 3. e.l.;p. ejeboied 
 bad doing, I render him evil for 
 evil; 3. p od aj..n; p. aiaj..uad. 
 Ajebihaan, (mnd) a. v. in. I pay it 
 back ; J avenge it ; 3. p. od aj... p. 
 nia)...ang. ■' ' 
 Ajigabaw, {nind) n. v. I step back ; 
 •'•P- !• ;p. ej..wid. 
 Ajegandina,(7,ind)a. v an. I thrust 
 or push him back ; 3. p. od ni n • 
 V- ep.nad; imp. ajegandin. ' 
 Ajegandinan,(nind) a. v. in. I thrust 
 or push It back ; 3. p. od a,-...; p 
 Ajmtve, (nind) n. v. I go back again, 
 pas, J J. p. 1. ; \i.ejegiwed. 
 Ajedibaamawa, {nind)B. v. an. I pay 
 kirn back; also, I avenge on him a 
 Ajiiadjim, (nind) n. v. I repeat old 
 sayings, old news, etc. ; 3 ?_i . 
 V-fj-mod. ' ^' 
 Ajeiadjimowin. s. repeating old sav- 
 ings, old traditions; pi A„ ^ 
 Ajeiash, (nind) n. v. I am driven 
 backwards or back again by the 
 vyind; 3.p.— i; x>.e)..id 
 AjeioK^m, u. v., it is driven back- 
 wards or back again by the wind • 
 p. ej.-smff. ' 
 Ajena, (nind) a. v. an. I give back 
 again some a?i. obj. 1 return it ; 3 
 P- odaj..n; ji.ejcnad. 
 AJ6namawa, (nind) a. v. an. I eire 
 him back s. th. i return it to him ; 
 ^. p. od aj„n; p. ej...wad. 
 A)nian, {nind) a. v. in. I give ifc 
 back again, I return it ; 3! p. <d 
 (^.)--'> p. ejeTiajif/, 
 Ajeosse-(7iindj n. v. I walk back- 
 wards , [F . je marche a reculons ;1 
 J. p. J. ; p.f.jeossed. 
 AJisse, (nijid) n. v. I slide back ; I 
 J^j^^'^'-eWsejS.p. l.;p,e^, 
 AJesse. OT-magad, u. v. it slides or 
 goes back or backwards : p. ejesseo 
 ox-magak. ' ^ "^'^^^i'' 
 \Ajessexoin s. backsliding; relaxa- 
 j tion ; relapse. 
 I -iif'>(»i»d)n. V. I move backwards, 
 drawback;3 p. l.;p. ,-,<„rf. 
 Ajt'akokijnnul) n. v. I make a step 
 I backwards ; 3. p. 1. ; -„ ejMd. 
 \i ^ 
 m • 
 rrom timi I ,iraw back from him • 
 ^ J- P- od nj..n ; p. el wad ' 
 ^jeundon, ('nind)\:'~ I lead or 
 tonve^ ,t back ; 3. p. oJ ' • V ""^ 
 ^J'^ioina, Iniml) a. v an T lo- i 
 4'. .ijJv. 0^ s. Javjun, 
 ^/tt/,<-<io4a/nowi,i, a. reven<re vpn 
 geance. cvpii^e, ven 
 AHd'iwaa, (nind) a. v «« I ,„„„ 
 him(evil"for Pvin f\ "^^P^^ 
 ajaj..ad ' P' '''' «>•"' P 
 Ajnlawama, {nind) a. v «« r ro 
 .?:/>^<^J-n; y,. au,J..mad. 
 </«7(y. ^ ' ■'• I'- ^- i P- «?a<7.. 
 ^idiiatuf, s. a;,, cross ; pl.-o^ . 
 answer's"- 3 "V" "r"' disrespectful 
 4/-^^«a, {nhul) a. v. «,. j withstand 1 
 "w>..««^ ^ ' J- p. «i a^..w; p. 
 ijed. ' P* ^•' iJ- aia.. 
 Ajidemej^hk, (nind) n. v f use .n 
 bad a,.Hwofs, to Linsai -i V^'''* 
 ma. .kid. gainsay , 3. p.-t; p. 
 Ajide/iil-th (nind') n v t „. 
 with cros^edirms I ? "'•"*"« 
 I, go anolher: 3. p. ^1 Zl' 1 
 "^STiS^'^'r-y. five 
 contradict, dispute- T mvt i ^' 
 spectfulariswefs Tl.'plfoaSr 
 ^jidewidaraowin, s. eainsavin-r i; 
 respectful ans^e^fpu'r^'^^^ 
 ^^^{ra/i€fm, adv. halforpartof 
 P- «*■«;■.. a«^. '*&"n,J-p.oda;...; 
 ' ' la 
 -'0/<//./;/,v.vr, (/,;W) n. V. I fall back- 
 >vanls, I fall on my back : .'j. n l • 
 p. ata}..srcl. ' 
 Ap,,!,ljls,c or- magaJ, n. v. it falls 
 backwards -p amj...rff, ox-mamtk. 
 4iuahkisnt,, u. V. it IS Jull, bhmt, it 
 'foes not cut well, (steei-too! ;) n. 
 Ajhhhi, H. mud, mire, dirt. 
 dnshlcivamilca, ox-maqad, w. v. if i« 
 "iir3' at thn bottom,' (a river, etc.) 
 Ajishkiirika, or-ma^ad, u. v. it is 
 nmkly, miry ; p. et/.I-ar/, ox-77iam/r. 
 Apjvn, or-magad, n. v, it is dull, blunt, 
 It does not cut ; p. ejiwa^j, ox-ma- 
 Miwaaain, u. v. S. AjnaUkissin. 
 -pm-i, adv. Ot. S. lu-idi. 
 Ajodma, {nind) a, v. an. I unite 
 with hmi; 3. p. „d aj..n; p. rj.. 
 mad. ■' ^ •' 
 Aioyan,_s. bridge ; warf ;pl.-a.w. 
 Ajognnd-adc, ox-'magad, u. v. there is 
 a bridge made ; a warf ; p. aiaj..deq, 
 AjogmiL, {uM) n. v. I make a 
 bncige; a warf; 3. p. 1.; ^, aiaj.. 
 Ajogc {nind) n. v. I cross a river 
 wa king on a bridge, I walk over a 
 bridge;3. p. l.;p. «/^-^^,^. 
 Ajogetandau^c, {nind) n. v. S. Am- 
 Ajondu, adv. Of. S. Oma. 
 Ak, as end-sy liable of substantives, 
 sigmiies handle, or a piece of wood 
 toracertam use; as: TcMgatai- 
 Qnnak, broom-stick, {tcldgataiqan, 
 broom.) Awitiiak, handle of a spear 
 {amt, spear.) Wakaiganak, a log 
 tor a house wakaigan, house. >- 
 Instead o ak, they sometimes use 
 a%. S. Atig. 
 »'«. I burn 
 . ; p. e/-.. 
 AJca ! adv. where? 
 Ai-akanakidc, ox-magnd, u. v. it 
 burns to coal, it is burnt to coal, it 
 J/'J^ ' ^' '^••'^'^' °'-'"«- 
 Akaka7iaJiis^ (nind). n. v. I burn to 
 coal, entirely; 3. p. -o; p. ek..»od. 
 Akakannkixon, {nind) n. v 
 it to coal ; 3. p. <xi ak 
 Akaknnnki/fwa, {nind) a. v. an. I burn 
 sonir ,/n. obj. to coal ;:}. p. ,,,/ ak.. 
 " ; p. rk..irud ; imp. ak..f>r!. 
 Akakanaff, ox-magnd, u. v, it is con- 
 v.-rtod ir.to coal ; p. ck.Jeg, ox-inn- 
 AKnkanjr, s. coal, charcoal ; also, red- 
 hot coals ; (G. Glnth.l 
 Akakanjrhirc, (nind i n. v. I am roast- 
 ing s. th. on red-hot cual.s ; 3. n I ■ 
 p. ck..wcd. ■' 
 Aknkanjchrrn. (nind) a. v. in. I roast 
 It ou red-hot coals; 3.p.r^ak..., 
 p. fik..}c,'d. 
 Akakan'y.hcnnn, {nind) a. v. an I 
 roa.st some an. obj. on red-hot 
 coals ; 3. p. nd ak... ; d. ck..ivcd. { V. 
 Conj. ) " ^ 
 .ikakanjcka, ox-mnpad, u. v. there are 
 coals; there are' red-hot coals : n. 
 ek..kag, ox-magak. 
 .ihikanjeJcan, s. place where thev 
 burn (or make) charcoal ; pl.-^«. ' 
 Akakanicke, {nind) n. v. I make 
 (burn) charcoal; 3. p. 1.; p. ek.. 
 Akakanjckewin, s. charcoal-man'!* 
 trade and business. 
 Ahikanjckewin.ini, s. charcoal-man ; 
 Aknhanjewan, u. v. S. Akakanjeka. 
 Akahtnjeivanftin, or akaka.fijtvnki, b. 
 coal pit-coal ; [F. charbon de tcrrs, 
 Ak<ikanjewaf.K?nika, ox-magud, u. \. 
 \ there is pit-coal, there is a pit-coal 
 mine ; p. ck..kag, ox-magak. 
 Aknhanjiwnfsdnikan, s. pit-coal mine. 
 Akakanjewamnikewinini, .s. a miner 
 in a pit-coal mine ; Y>\--irag. 
 Akal'MnjcwigMmg, s. coal-liou.se ; pi- 
 Akahvidjifih, s. fisher, (animal ;) pi. 
 ag. ' 
 Akahoitox7iimag, (nind) a. v. an. pi. 
 b. Agwitoshimag. 
 Akahfitf/skin^ig, n. v. 3. p. pi. S. A 
 ■iLiJ^mtox^inori, ii. v. pi. ,s. Am-itr.^- 
 ■11 rum. ^-njtii(<m- 
 -Uamawa, (nind) a. v. an. T lurk 1 
 he .n wau for him. in amluKh' -3 
 p. <,(i ak\.,i ; p. el:. wad. 
 -d-nrnawewi,,, s. I„rkin-. 
 Akamtqts, (iiMd^ „. v' ■//„ « n 
 '">nu, or 0,d,nmta: '^^ ^^ ^'" 
 -//•r^Wrtrwry, .s. a,>. a kind of biff root 
 growing in the water : pi -", ' 
 -Tr"-' ^'''"^'^ "• ^- 1 vvatdi • I lurk 
 nu. .narnbush;3. p.i.:;,:X);: 
 JW™, s. watching; lying in am- 
 '1)l-lt^f"'"'' ^^'»'^^""^"' sentinel ; 
 oTtZ' ^T"^^ ""■ '■ ««• I look 
 out for hun, Iexpecthim;3.p. ot^ 
 .Ihmahandan, (nmd)n. v. I look out 
 oHhe lir.k.nd:|C. dubluis;]pl. 
 Alnwanma, or~m.agad, u. v. there i<! 
 mulerbusl, of the fi -kind.TsJmi 
 ^•onntry , farm ; soil, ground. 
 f r if in "hp"'"''- l^^'*""^' i» the 
 tartii, in the ground. 
 -^/•t.(//-/»o«/;^-aa«y/, deluge. 
 -iX;^. s. an. kettle ; pi _,,/, p,. KcUi 
 o.gnes made their kettles of earth 
 a bad old kettle. -iKticnsh 
 Ahkodjiu'an, u. v. there is a violenf 
 aud^dan,erous wluripool ; p .T' 
 Ak%kokviViu, s. biazier'.. tr„A^ 
 cupation/kett'-ramKi^^'^ ''•^- 
 AktkQkcuinhd. s. brazier If «tf il 
 hSd'""' '• ^''■'''^ ''"«' on iHe 
 '/a;;^r:^;U^-th, there, 
 ^^ww/ s. old man ; pl.-,Vt^ 
 inar;3.p.-,-,.p/,^, „J«'"«n^i«i 
 .ftor/./«,n,^, s. earth-house hibi*-, 
 tion under rroun,! • fi ' "'^"^'"■ 
 house ; pi.- J^"""^' ' '^'^O' rcot- 
 -'/^ (in the change «j?'o 1 TKi„ 
 is never n«f.,i i • « "is word 
 prcrixed Tct ^^"1'^' »' i« always 
 prcnxed to a verb, and .siffnifi<« 
 ^^j-^VW..;,,^, since your arn: 
 Akvkolmiayanihe, {nvul) n. v I T,|.,f 
 ,si8iiif,es a legginl. "'""«■ »"''«" 
 tncotage.j "■'""ing , [i-. 
 ''^t'^*:- <-"""0 n. V. I am of a certai, 
 Ss a "ai?L"l. ^^^-^^^^^ «*4 ho 
 ^SKoiS^).SiT. I have pai.1 
 <uak..dcd. ^ ■ P' 
 ^<Mj^.^«^,vn« 8. pain in the bowels, 
 Ai-of>Ala(fon, [nuid) ,,. v. it comes 
 harfl upon me, it is hoavy to me. 
 it tires mo, molests me ; 3. n od 
 My,sAh,mr, (nind) a. v. an. I tire 
 h ,n'.-. ^"r-^'nP ■n'^--') I molest 
 MmM-og, (Mt«//-, n. v. I am fired 
 (carrying a load or park ;) 3. p.-,>; 
 • ikr^iM; (Kind) n. v. I am sickly, 
 Aiosil-ns (nuid, n. v. f. I tdgn to l,e 
 sick, I dissomhie sickness : 3. n 
 -^; p. aia..st)(l. * 
 '^fm^'ini'"''-'^ '•.''•'■«• f have pain 
 fZv T.'' "'";'",»*«^' part of my 
 f '™'''«/^'«« >^"id akodn, 1 have 
 leadache. (pain in my head . ) M- 
 tiu/unnind al-osiiiim, I have tooth- 
 ache, (pain in my teeth.) 
 Ak^csimgos, (niud) n. v, j look sick, 
 1 have a sickly appearance: 3. p 
 ^-^ ; p. atak..sid. * 
 Akosinagosfmn, sickly appearance. 
 ^«/'^;«««, (;„„,/; a. V. an. I have pain 
 (in some animate part of my body 
 A P- '^f ah,d)iato ; p. aiahlsM. TV 
 J^onj. I i^'^/^, totoshim iwul ahmnan, 
 siQfi,) [a female speaking.] ^Ym 
 f"toshi»ia(/ nind aJcosinaq, I have 
 pam in my breast, (on both sides ) 
 ■^'('■sungamig, s. hospital, infirmary 
 Pi. -on. •" 
 ^llnnwm,s. the height of a person, 
 bi^s stature.— J/j: mandan. nind 
 aKonwtn, this is my height, my 
 stature. ■' 
 Alommn,, s. sickness, infirmity, di- 
 sease ; pl.-«w, 
 Ah.siwin nin Won, or ahmwin, mn. 
 bi-mimwe, I infect a place', I brin- 
 a sickness to a place. ° 
 Akogsin, u. v. it is of a cert^n length- 
 p. ehynncf.— Pagwana nin kiken- 
 <tan tm nagamon ekom'nq, I know 
 by heart that whole hymn, ( as long 
 as It is.) ^ ^ 
 M-oirwani^ („i„fr^ n. v. i am well 
 «rmr,la„d dangerous; 3 p _,- ' 
 Ota. .Kid. I • '. p. 
 .ikwd, ot~mng„d, u. v. it is of such 
 "l^nffth; p.ebrag. or-ma^«] - 
 '"' ^f«v?y mn wnkuitjan ; nairntrk 
 r„'; ''^7,r?'.'/''7'' -^ My i.o«ri« so 
 long; IS thine longer^ 
 -Ikn-ah, (nind) n. v. I can see from 
 y»V>7w nind nhrah, I can see (only) 
 t'ighted, myops. 
 \\'a.smnij„I akwnh, I can see from 
 a great distance, from far, 1 am 
 'ar.aighted, long-sighted. ' 
 whhTI' ^'"¥^ "• ^- I l^reath. 
 vith fatigue. I can hardly breathe 
 nJ ''""""'^ ^•J'--"' P-*f-' 
 Staircase ;pl.-fl;,. ' "'"'rs, 
 Akwandawe, (nind) n. v. T ascend a 
 Ahvandnwehafo, (ni<,d) ii. v. I as 
 cend a ladder or stircase running 
 1 run up stairs ; .3. p. 1. ; p. ^^ /.3' 
 ■■lhm>j, (>nnd) (pron. n/nS atZ;^ 
 f h J- ""\^shing with a spear, (on 
 tne ice ;) I .im spearing fish : 3 n 
 i- ; p. fkwawad, (pron. ekoivad.) 
 A^-we. Akmm. Akweseno. Ahve^en- 
 ^in';iOf.)S. Ihvc. Ikwew it 
 wesens. Ikweiensiw. 
 AkwendavHiganama, {nind) a v. an 
 I I hurt him by striding; 3. p. «i 
 Ahrendamia, (nind) a. v. an. I hurt 
 him, I cause him pain in some 
 part of the body ; 3. p. od ah.n; p 
 ma.. ad. ' ^' 
 AkwendamiA'i'e, {nind) n. v. I hurt ■ 
 3. p. 1. ; p. aia..wed. 
 Akwiwi, (nind) n. v. I am tired, (from 
 working;) lam exhausted; 3. p 
 1- ; p. ehviwid. 
 Aniadadem, (nind) n.v. I weep awa- 
 king; 3. p.-fl; p. em. .mod. 
 Amadina, (nind) a. v. an. I awake 
 him, I wakn him up, I roiisp him 
 from slcnp ; ;). p. r^{ am..,, ; „. ^m 
 Amnfljia, (niml ) a. v. an. S. Unn- 
 lit,/ a. 
 AnuuIJiJdna, (nind) a. v. „„. | waiie 
 him lip by puilin^or pushing him' 
 ,'• P-'^iam:.n; p. cm..)nut 
 Amaijus^, inifu^^ „. y. 1 awake : 3. 
 p. 1. ; p. fm..sfd. 
 Awudihr,', ( „/„,!, „. V. 1 ascend a 
 mountam, I cr„ up on a mountain ; 
 •'• p. 1. ; p. niam..>r,ul. 
 Awmljiwihaf,,, ( ,nn<l , n. v. I run un 
 on a mountain;:}, p. 1. ; p. <„•,,,„.. 
 Amm/Ji,j!ffjw,t, (ni,id) a. v. an. \ 
 awako him briskly, I rouse him 
 lip \ .\. p. ,„l ,tm..„ ; p. a /'am.. /if.,'. 
 Am,if/jt>rm>ffe, ( nuxl ) n. v. 1 ^o up 
 on a mountain, or hill, carryinir « 
 th. on my .shoulder: 3. p. i • „' 
 aham..ijed. ' ' ' 
 Amadjiimmnie, (mfid) n. -. I ao up 
 on a hill or mountain, oarrvlne a 
 pack on my back ; 3. p. ] • „ 
 Amadwre'ra, (nind) a. v. an T 
 awake him by making noise-' 3' 
 p. w/ a7n..n; p, em.. wad ; imp." 
 amnfhvf\t'fia\ ' 
 '^inatmKsimi, aninmshyVi.y 3 p the 
 dot,' i.sruttinjr; p. «/«..«,;,/. 
 Amanim, (nind) n. v. I am alarmed, 
 frightened, by s. th. I heard ; 3. p. 
 -0; p. I'ntanimd. 
 Amanis.<iowin,, s. alarm, frijjht. 
 Amano.wawe.'is;, n. v. ;i. p'. the ani- 
 mal IS ruttinj,'; p. aiam...wd. 
 Amasika, {nind) n. v. 1 .iwake; 3. p 
 1-; p. emasikad. 
 Ammca, {nind) a. v. an. I i.i^'liten 
 him, or I frighten an animal, [F je 
 1 efiarouche ;] 3. p. od am..n; p.'^i- 
 amawad. ' 
 Amhe! ambcssa ! amies snno! amha- 
 stno! uiteij. well ! come ! come on! 
 Amide.ramide, or— mag ad, u. v it 
 overflows boiling; p. aiam..deg, or 
 -ningak. " 
 Amidegamiv) akil; n. v. 3. p the 
 kettle ovrrllowN, (what is boiling 
 in It overflows;; p. „,-,„;i,..vorf. 
 Ami gigo, n. V. 3. p. the fish in spaw- 
 mmr; p. ^mid. 
 yo inrf beaver; pl.-fl^. 
 AmiMawai, s. an. beaver-fur; pi — 
 og. ' •^ ■ 
 Am;k„gan s. beaver'.s bone ; pl.-a, 
 Amikfiirrndn, Heaver-Island, iii Lak» 
 I Miehi(,'an, 
 i'^n/win''';' •"': ^«^ar^'■-duc•k, (a kind 
 I Ot wild duck;) p|.-^;r. 
 Amiko.wu; s. beaver's tail; also ami- 
 Arnikwagis, {nind) n. v. 1 live like a 
 heaver;3. p.-i;p. ^/,,..,„V/_ 
 Amikn'aj, s. hole (not Iodide) of a 
 beaver; \A.-an. b ; u 
 Amthvdndag,s. an. small white pine- 
 tree; [G. epinette blanche;] pl.-o» 
 Am,lcun.sh, n. beaver's lodge; n\.~ar>' 
 A?no, s. bee ; wasp ; humble-bee ; nf 
 amofjf. ' '^ ■ 
 Amn-himidr, s. wax. 
 Amndnm /d>'-?m.t.mhpancndii,/an: n 
 wax-candle, wax-taper; pi, -071 
 Amn-himide-ims.iakwanmdjifanK s 
 thin wa.x-taper ; [R b;>ngic fil^e'; 
 <-!. Wachsstock.J ' 
 ^lm(i^, [nind) n. v. I am cancerous, 
 1 have a cancer; .3. p. am„g<> ■ p. 
 Anio-gidbakmad, s. honey. 
 -Iwuvr, (w/fl//) a. v. «;;. I e^t g„^^ 
 a«. obi.; 3. p. (idamwan;n. finiwad- 
 imp. amwi. ' 
 Ann, {nind) n. v. I have s. th. stick- 
 in- in my throat, fa bone, a Hsh- 
 bone, &c.)3. p. ando; p. endod. 
 AnafranaM, s. fern ; [III. praprot;] 
 -l/w/-, s. a small gray bird; pl.-r-*. 
 Ana.{; adv. at all events, however it 
 turns out; [F. en tout cas.] 
 AnM-an, s. mat, floor-mat; [F. natte-1 
 pl.-«w. '-■ 
 Anahmaskh s. rush for mats, ( floor- 
 niats;HO. Binse;]pl.-,;;,. '^ °°' 
 Annkaneiab, s. a little cord used in 
 platting mats; pl.-i«. 
; I 
 VNA 26 
 •i'iat;.t. p. I.; i>. en..h,l. 
 iA-g''' ■'■ ""• «^'»-'^r««<l. biscuit; 
 AnukomHM, s. ««. cracker ; pl.-ajr 
 A>u,hr„,, „. clond; pi.-,,,.. ' *" 
 ^"™''' »• V. it is cloudy; p. ai- 
 Am, anami, in compositions, siij. 
 Anam.mh,]u,u;iH., adv. under tlie table 
 neaUi"' '*''^" "'"''''''' ^''""^''^'''.under- 
 A,utmajiUk, adv. under the rock, or 
 niidcr a rock. 
 ''devils """^' *"■ '"''"' ''^°''*' "^^ "'- 
 Amimakamig, adv. under f,'round 
 .ifutnMhwir adv. under the surlare 
 ot theearlli, under jtfround 
 Anitm<>i,ilau, (ninil) a. v. w. [ have 
 su.sjuciuns thoujjlits towards s. th 
 I Rusp<.ct oracv-use itui my (/Mifr/u!. 
 01 some fault or defect : 3. p. od 
 an...; 0. ,',i..a/,ff. ' ^ 
 Andvunima, (mnd) a. v. a/i. I sus 
 I'ect or accuse him in my t/ioug/it,, 
 o some f, .,t, I have suspicfo ,« 
 tl.ouRhtsagamsthimj.-J. p.';,,/^,, 
 "; !'. en.. mad. 
 AmmtmUge, {nind) n. v. I say mass 
 lur.somel,ody;;j. p. l.;p.«,J /_ 
 Ana7ne.s.ika^ („ind) r. v. Isay mas.s 
 lor myscll; 3. p.-„; p. ,„„,J 
 Anam^',.dkau-a, {nind) a. v. an. Isav 
 -■'"'";"7'^ ('''"'/) n.v. Isay mass; 
 •'' P- 1.; p. en. led. ' 
 Anainessih'-adopou'in, s. altar • nl _ 
 an. ^ t • 
 Anamemlcr^adoimcviigm , s. altar- 
 cloth; pl.-OM. 
 Amnm'.^.s;h€-agw!,win. , s. mass-vest 
 ment, especially the chasuble; pi.- 
 '^■mri':T^''"''f ''"'^«" ' «• missal, 
 mass-book; pl.-an. 
 A'laiMg^d,,!-;,!,,,. maMs; p|._„„ 
 •■''''[""■";("'"'/) n. v. [pray; lama 
 •!'"!""f'"A"'", iidv under the bed 
 h!'" '?'"'"'''•'"""= water, under 
 the surffice of the water. 
 heart '"''" '"''>« bottom of the 
 Anamii-himoM^emh,, {n!nd)n. v. i>l 
 we walk HI procession ; p. ,'n..^,-diiL . 
 "^"pl-ff^'^'"''' '• «'""J'iy. sabbath; 
 ^//<m-w/A'W, u. V. it is Sundav; p. 
 e erv s„?h'''''^ '''''''''■'''^<>'>'''^'''. 
 t»try hunday. 
 A^uino-vhjs, {ni„d) n. v. f. I am an 
 hypocrite, feigning or dissemhlinK 
 rdig.on a,id p,ety ; .3. p.-„ . ,,. ^,^_ 
 Anindichtxiririn. a. hypocrisy 
 Ajnrmrc^'ii-iHawadJum, s. 'church- 
 banner; pl.~a/t. 
 Anainii-ma^inaigaH, s. prayer-book' 
 pi. -(//;. ' 
 Aiiamiimina^ , s. an. pi. rosary, 
 Ixiads. ■" 
 Anamu'inuHuj nind aqimaq, I sav thfi 
 rosary. * ■ 
 Anamihnbiihe, iniml^ n. v. I am 
 makmg a rosary; 3. p. l. ; p. ^.. 
 AnamU-minlkwadjujan, s. chalice- 
 pl.-a/i. ' 
 .-l/ia?///t-/i/,|/awrw, (or nammowm ) 
 s. religious song, hymn; ].|.-a;i ^ 
 Anamie-naiimjataivemlammvin, s. re- 
 ligious meditation ; pI.-«// 
 .■b;aw/J-/i/J«,,V7<7>i, s. Christian mar- 
 riage. Sacrament of Matrimony 
 Anannt-nominidnpin, s. Extreme — 
 Anamii.pa^idinigan, s. religious ofl'- 
 , enng; cluirch-tilhes; pl.-,^«. 
 \A,uimie.pa,jidinlge, [ nhul) \\ y 
 1 pcrlorm a religious offering ; also 
 'i mans ; [>. 
 rny; I urn a 
 the hcil. 
 ater, iiiuler 
 ttom ol tlic 
 trf) n. V. |)|, 
 •• i'ii..t<f(ljin, 
 i.i,'iouH pro- 
 f, sabbath; 
 ■Sunday; p. 
 • I am an 
 -" ; p. en.. 
 yer-book ; 
 '■• rusary, 
 i say the 
 V. I am 
 • ; p. €71.. 
 'in, s. re- 
 ian mar- 
 treine -^ 
 ions olj'- 
 II. T. 
 s; also, 
 to the chiircli and the clt!ri,'y ; ;». 
 p. J.; p. eu..iii'(I. 
 Anami4'-/i(igiJ iniiji uin , ». ^-cliirions 
 ollerini!. the act of otlbring orKiv- 
 iiiK in ri'li.j:J„„H respect; the payinir 
 Anamu-nitiaaiuluuiioin. .l»amie-ni.- 
 gaantl,i,jfi, {^v. S. Si<jaa>idaJiwin. 
 '^Kjaniuliiire, &LC. 
 A/iaini'^tHmatca, ( nind) n. v.'an. 1 
 pray (or him ; 1 bless him ; 3. p. 
 Oil n>>..>i; p. m..irnj. 
 Annmiitaii., {/lindi a. v. in. I bless 
 it ; ,]. p. (Ill ,1/)... ; p. en..taii<j. 
 Anatnhiivra, [ ulnil) a. v. ,ni'. I pray 
 for him, 1 bless him, (^ any <iii.o\)\. /; 
 also, I adore him ; ;). p.' od an..n ; 
 |). i'))..w(uL 
 AixiiuUwahi), .s. holv water, l)Ie.«ised 
 Anamicw(ifii/,s. an. cros.s ; pi. otj, 
 A/iamiiW(iti(ji,/in, a small cross ; pi. 
 Ana)nu-iri(J><je, (nhal) n. v. J am' 
 married accordiii;,' to the rules ol' 
 the Church; ;}. p. i. ; p.,;/,..,,.,,/. ' 
 Anamit-ivul iij,'))!] iivli)., s. Christian ' 
 marriage, according: to the rules 
 and rites of the (Jhurch. ' 
 Atiti.mlc-nulol-aiC(i,{i,ti>d'\ a. v. an.: 
 J keep society or company with I 
 him in reliirions resp(Tt, ; 3. p. rw/ j 
 ii»..n; [.. <n..ira,i. 
 A»a»iu-iru/oly(Iii(Hni it, , ( »?'»d) com. j 
 V. wo are in conipanv togetlier in 
 refrard to reIi;:ion, we are in the 
 (Jomrminiunol Saint.-^ ; p. e>i..dlil-\ 
 Anamn'-iHd iilod ad Mrhi., s. Commn- ' 
 nion of Syints. i 
 Anam/'i'i'/t/a/n/'i;, s. house of prayer 
 church, diap'el. temple ; pi.— ,>/,,.' '| 
 AntrinirwH.'<i»i//iif,,n.s, s. dim. small ' 
 church, chaiiel; pi.— ^r;?. 
 ^wa;;wV'/v'«, s. praver; relisrion ; pi.- 
 — an. ' ■ 
 Mamiemn'Wei)djinanind, p. s. a a 
 person killed (or religion's sake, 
 thAt is, a Martyr ; pi.—;///. i 
 Anamikaf/e, i/u'/id.) n. v. F "salute • I i 
 make 'my farewell-visit ; [F.' je i 
 /amne»ndimi.x;i3.p. 1; p.,. ;i.. „,.,/. 
 — iMakav.' mn h>-nna,nikai)c, '/,/u 
 l)ii-it mauj'n,),,; \ come to make 
 my farewell-visit, belore 1 start 
 AnannUi^irm, s. compliments. «roe- 
 tui|Lj,_ salutation, w)Wr. 
 An(u,i>ht<io>ri„,». compiimonts, uree- 
 tiug, salutation, n-c'iued. 
 lieinark. In the iimunciation of the 
 U- Virgin we see these two .-iahi- 
 tations, one ,i,,i,le (by the AiiRel 
 and the other muivid (by the \) 
 Virgin.^ Consequently Wfs'have to 
 say : Anjun <d anamihaiiewin, thf 
 salutation ol \.\\v. Angel ;' and : KiU 
 rhitwa Mori,- id nnamika,i<>unih, the 
 salutation of S. Mary.-'l'he sam« 
 IS the case with great many other 
 words ot this description ; as • Jii- 
 haanwijewin. and dihuainamwin, 
 payment. Ihhnl.t),i)ijtw,nn\n\ dilni. 
 konmoiim, .judgment; &o.. (S 
 (-)tchi[). {irammar. Formation tjf 
 substantives. ) 
 A/ia.iaika,: , i>iind) a. v. in. I salut« 
 it ; .1. p «/ an...; p. (n..ttnf,.— M,ul 
 anannkan anamii-wlnamlii >rafxu 
 ov>iahan,luinili,; I salute the church 
 when 1 see it. from far. 
 Anamikun-a. ( nhid ) a. v. an. I salutj> 
 him, I greet him ; T hwk or send 
 him my compliments, my gree- 
 ting ; 3. p. nd an../). ■ p. en. .wad. 
 Aimnuhdndimin, ( nind ) com. v. wb 
 salute each other ; p. ,n..d>dii(f. 
 Anaiiukodadin'i, 3. iiul.p. vvheirthey 
 salute each other, New-vear's day. 
 Anamikudud/,iviN, s. mutual saluta- 
 tion, salutation of several to seve- 
 ral persons. 
 Ana/ni:na, (nind) a. v. an. I expre;*". 
 in 'Con/.s' my suspicion auainsi hin/' 
 1 accuse him of s. th. ; 3. p. vJ 
 (Ol..!),; p. onamhnad. 
 An-uiiiiniakak, adv. under a barrel 
 bo.K, chest, &c. ' 
 .iniimiiut, adv. underneath, inward- 
 !v, in the body. — Keiabi an^imind 
 aiahaii ninijii'ifx, api n-ehonid o^.-i- 
 Ijaiiui. .My son was yet inwardly, 
 ( 111 my body,) when his lather died. 
 .Ifiumindan, (nind) a. v. in.. I ex- 
 "'; "n ■; p. en..(ino. '^ 
 the il„,„h. '" '^^ ^""-'^ 
 cion, I siiHpect or accuse. 3. I, J . 
 under b..ar,l« ; „„d,, ^h. fir ""' 
 uie floor o( n hoiiHe. 
 >r«'J/|. H. rin^r or brncHft worn bv 
 t:;;;:;!:rir;7-;'- '■'■"■''■ 
 gazf) on the .^tars ) '^^^ 
 are stars it is starry; „, f,. /.,„, 
 shaped. • 't is siar- 
 ^rffr;;:4;;''"'- '*"''' ^'-' -«- 
 Anarn,lj!, s. ««. p^arl ; p|.— ^ 
 m(W,,:^-."il. •^- I-"' i ) p. 
 '■?««;V / adv. when ? 
 ^l-'awahaim ^,nmi^ a. v. «;,. r de 
 sp-iir o( hiin, bv his appearance" 
 (oi a sick person, &c ) 'f^f «/ 
 3'/-7.'/L.''y '"vappea'ran" 
 . •'• P- ' , p. man, .sill. 
 •Anjnvahamttuimvad, u. v. it is de 
 An,,>'-c^n,,,,jl (nind) n. v. s A, ■, 
 ■' ii»!i""V"'' '>'W) n. V. 1 am ..f 
 Httl, ' ' ■ * t \>- aiu... 
 '.otcons,H,.rel"Jf„r': "'J^r'^''. 
 «/</v,.,,4' ' ' ''■ ^' "'»••• /p. 
 Anaoemljl,,, (i,i„d) n. v. ] abi,w!,m 
 ^r la,.abieto,ioitornot;j. p 
 0, p. oiun..viod. ^' 
 /-";^:p -.•?"'«,:'., ■?'«•'■" 
 Annwewifiimnead, n v if ,i« 
 It rails , p. aia.MuL 
 Auwis.<te, Oiiml) n. v I am cr^.r 
 ^yeaker, worse, in' a sK 'o'f 
 Amwi.,se,or-magad, u. v. it decav,' 
 It perishes; d aia .p« «, '?' 
 Amwitagoa (mud) n. v. my voi7e i«. 
 ■ T" I . >— 
 voicr wp«k, low ; 3. p. odan..n,' p. 
 am.. wad. 
 Aiinwito, (nintl) n. v. I am unable to 
 walk, ( (rorn starvalion, etc. :) 3 n 
 I. ; !>. nil. .tod. ' 
 And, andj, in compositions, signifies 
 rhuriec, alteration, reitrratimi. ( Kx- 
 ninp es in some of the followinc 
 words. ^ " 
 Aiuhh, (nmd) n. v. I clian«e seats. I 
 fit down flsewhere ; 3. p.-i. • „ 
 Andnhhh, (tiind) n. v. I am K«"ttinc 
 othyr teeth; 3. p. 1. ; p. „,\,.,fj, 
 AnduAi, (mud) n. v. I go to live in 
 nnother country or place, I move to 
 nnothL-r country or place ; 3. p. 1, • 
 p. lUandakid. ' 
 Andakmne, (nivd) n. v. I put other 
 shoes on, I chitnge shoos, or 1 put 
 them on in anotiier way; 3. p. ]. • 
 p. uia..ntd. ' ' 
 Andanam, (nmd) n. v. I breathe oth- 
 erwise, my res[iiration changed, (a 
 sick person:) 3. p.-o; \uaia..mod. 
 AtuiapidoH (nmd) a. v. in. I bind or 
 tie It again, or otherwise ; 3. od 
 <i»— ; p. aian..dod. 
 Aitdapifia, {nind)a. v. an. I tie again 
 or otherwise, some «n. object ; s' 
 p.odan..n; p.aian..nad. 
 Andapis, (nind) r. v. I girdle myself 
 otherwise ; [ take another girdle or 
 belt ; 3. p.-o ; p. aian..sod. 
 Andaxte, n. v. 3. p. it is changing fur 
 getting new fur, new hair, (an anii 
 maljj p. aiandawed. 
 Andeh, s.cr^vi; ^\.-wa<j. Andekom, 
 young crow, pl.-a^. 
 Andii &i\M.ii.Tandl? 
 Aiidj, or minuwaandi, adv. of new 
 again, &nce more, ather wise. 
 ^yuljin, {nind) a. v. an. I change 
 hnn, I change 8omea«. obi. I make 
 It otherwise ; 3. p. od cidjian: p. 
 Andjinia,(mMl) n.v. I am changed 
 1 am otherwise than before ; 3 p 
 i- ; p. aia..iud. ' 
 Andjihian, (nind) a. v. in. I write it 
 once more, I transcribe it, I copy 
 It; aleo, I write it otherwise, I 
 chanije it; 3. p. od an...; i,. aia.. 
 antj. ' 
 Andf,hiigan, 8. copy, duplicate, tran- 
 ■crint ; altered writing ; pl.-</;/. 
 Anduhii(/d, (nind) n. v. I copy, I tran- 
 scribe ; I write otherwise : 3. p. l. ; 
 p. aia..(f'd. ' 
 Andji^nmadis, (nind) n. v. I live or 
 behave otherwise, I changed my 
 iKe, my conduct, I turned ; 3. p.l 
 i ; p. auin..tiid. 
 Andji-limadinwin.K. changed life or 
 conduct, conversion. 
 Aiidjigml^, OT-nuig(id,,\i. v. or and- 
 jilchigtufe, oi-miuiud, u. v. it is 
 changed, altejod, made otherwis« 
 p. aui..deti, OT-magak. 
 Andjif/ns, iuind) n. v., or nifid uiul- 
 jitchtimH, n. V. 1 am changed, alter- 
 ed ; 3. \^.~„; p. aian..eod. 
 .1>idjtr/<',(7ii/,d)n. V. I change a lodge, 
 T make it otherwise or elsewhere • 
 3. p. I. ; \).aian..f/cd. ' 
 Avdjijiwebisivoin, s. changed be 
 AndjiJc, (nind) n. v. lam with child, 
 I ani pregnant ; 3. p.-o; p. endjihui. 
 AMJikwanaie, (niiul)n. v. I change 
 clothes; 3. p. I.; p. aian..ied. 
 Andjikimnaiewi<jami(j^ s. change- 
 house, or changing. house ; pl.~an. 
 Andiimik, s. she-bearer, bearing 
 young ones ; pl.-wag. 
 Andjinagos, (nirul) n. v. 1 appear 
 different, changed, 3. p.-t; y.aia.. 
 Andjinagosia, \niml) a. v. an. I give 
 hun another appearance, I make 
 him look otherwise ; 3. p. od an. 
 n ; p. aiad..ad. 
 Andjivagosiwin, s. changed appear- 
 Andjinagwad, u. v. it appears differ- 
 ent, changed ; p. aian..wak. 
 Andjinagwi (nind) n. v. I appear 
 changed, I take another appear- 
 ance ; 3. p.-o; p. aian..wiod. 
 Andji7i(t</wia,(nind) h. V. an. I make 
 hun appear changed, (a person, or 
 any an obj.) 3. p. a an..n; p. aia.. 
 Andjinagwiidif, (nind) r. v, 1 give »o 
 ^n^^na^mUi.o..n, s. Transfi.ura- 
 P- a,an..tod. ""^^'^e , 3. p.^^/.. 
 ■^nr/Jine, (nind)n v t i 
 fified. '"• J'' 1- , p. atand- 
 Andjtnig, (nind) n. v T-nm v 
 another name o A V i ^'^"^ 
 fl'w^. "''■••' P- «?<?«.. 
 change his name, I ..ivp hi^„" ' 
 my name, T taVeLVjC' ^^"^^ 
 ■^ndjtntHs, (nind) n. v 1 h«vo 
 or otherwise,: p/:fc^«-'hero, 
 Missttm, {nind; a. v. S I lav it 
 elsewhere, or otherw,sr;-p/j?i;;: 
 ^«^7V<^«./-a, {nind) or, n/,^ «^_^v^^. 
 «»•:«; p. ««..,„,;. """ • -i- 1'- '»* 
 '^^?Vr;"' """"■''•''■ "■ - S. 
 reform it; 3. ,S'" otherwise. J 
 tod. ' ^■^'^'^'^-'P-aiafidJi. 
 A'idjim'nmwin, s. S ><«,/;• •/ 
 ■'i>iiah)hran, s a cf;,.i- ,„ ^. 
 (/•I . "'' '; ''• hnok to stir with- 
 Aneah>ku^e,{ni7ui)n. v I stir ,„) 
 ^ IS m the kettle; 3 n 1 • n "^ '"'^''l' 
 ^-''fV^'. («,?;«<;?) n. V. I stir s th ,• 
 boihnginakettIe;3 PI .'""''' 
 wed, ^ '• . p. €71.. 
 passes away, vanishes- n- ' '* 
 '^>Hroa,{nind)n. v „„ i >^ ^ 
 bring him to notlS /n f"^" ^^'"' 
 some other ««oJf/STn?'"' 
 dngoqane, {nind) n. v. I am «.» • ■ 
 my bones: 3. n ] i r, ,^^'^ '« 
 I am bought tiniothinri piS: 
 away, ,t finisnes^ per "shes- C?" 
 Angotaimwa, {nind) a. v. a,i. I take , 
 o/!(,raways.th. froinhirn, Ibrini?' 
 to nothmgor abolish s. th. belonsT- i 
 fvcul. -Dehemmiian, anuotamawu- . 
 hm ou^h^aindikln, Lmd, lake a- 
 way from me (pardon me) what I I 
 liave done. i 
 Aiinotchigade, ox-maqad., u. v it i« I 
 taken down taken o«'; it is abolish- ' 
 cu, p. aia.Jea, ox-maqak. 
 AMsoton yimul)'^. v. i,i \ brine it 
 A7i()wahama, {nind) a. v. an. I Iorp 
 ^.ghtolhim, he disappears to me 
 J. \^.<>dan..u; p. en.. mad. 
 Snl't'': ^^"^^ "• "• '''■ Hose 
 sigl.tolit.u disappears to me; 3. 
 ^*^wahandji(,e,{nind')n. v. I am los- 
 ing sight of some object ; 3. n 1 • 
 p. en..ged. ' * ' 
 Am/wdniasg, adv. certainly, to be 
 sure, surelv. 
 An<jzi'amendav>..Amfwd7nenddu. Ana- 
 wmiismma. AnifWanuniidis. Ani- 
 frannma. Atufwamman. Anawl- 
 mttagos. Amjwwmitaoosiwin. — 
 &. Atamwamendam. Aiangwamen- 
 aan. Aia-gwamenimu, &c. 
 Anmwnikun, {nmd) a. v. in. I am 
 devoted to It, zealous for it ; 3 n 
 <>dan...; p. aia..wn^. ' ^' 
 Angwamiha'm, {nijidj a. v. a>i. 1 am 
 S ' ^' '^«'^-'*' P- «*«^^- 
 4nqu'anago8,(nind}i,. v. I disappear: 
 Av^wanagwad, u. v. it disappears ; 
 p. en..wah. ^^ ' 
 '^ITIZ'V- "'\- ^P'^'^^ of alluvi- 
 OU.S woorf on the beach of a lake, 
 Hoodwood; p\.-oq. ' 
 Angwassagolca, or~mai,nd, u. v. there 
 "^/t/ui^ compositions, signifies in 
 Juture, henceforth. It marks goinq 
 on, approachinq Urv:ards... Ninqal 
 ani-Utimagu, henceforth I will bP 
 poor and miserable. Ki and In, i 
 haladcm, you shall starfe. ('R , S" 
 ■\mh, s. an. elm-tree; pX.-iJ- > 
 Medina, ox-nmoad, ,,. v. there is i 
 I ffP'^^^^^^tofahillormoSL- 
 I 'P-«n..nag,ox~maanh 
 I Amhegahaw, {nind) n. v. I lean on 
 o-s.de.standi4 3.p.4'ri'«" 
 ^/«//«-?V7, ox~magad, n. v. it is lean 
 Amhtkamiga, ox-m.agad; u. v there 
 «ansingground,(fnclined ground 
 ^^-mng ground,-) p. .n...,a^,?;!!:,J^: 
 Anibe'kwen, (nind) n. v. I incline inv 
 head on one .<-ide'- 3 n .-• ' ^^ '9/ 
 one siae, 3. p. l.j p. enibessed. 
 Ambesse,ox~magad, u. v. it is lp,n 
 ""pl^!;/' '• elm-grove, elm-ibrest ; 
 Anihmiin, s. barberry ; [F. vinette 
 .^MA s. leaf of a tree or plant • 
 also tea )n leaves ,• pl.-aL^'''"^ • 
 Ambu/iabo, s. tea. 
 .^J«.W^...s.a„. tea-kettle. 
 ^^pS!*"'"''''*"'''"'"*' «• tea-spoon, 
 -'^'^^^haho.onagans, s. cup or saucer; 
 Anihi.shika, or~mayad, u. v. there art- 
 leaves; p. .„../,«^, or-,/w^ J'' 
 A7n/mkika„g,in the shrubs, in the 
 bushes, among leaves 
 trei', elm-bark; pl.-«irt^. 
 ANI 32 
 ^^««Jm.-«, s. a pea; pi. anid)i,niriau, 
 -ini.gimd<i, (,„W) y. a. a«. J take 
 '■ini-(nijuin,(nifid)^.y.in. I take if 
 ^nl.,jweHl, (nind) n. v, I turn fo 
 '^'^hm-fmibaw, (nind) n. v. I turn 
 to another side, standing ; 3 n!^ 
 '^& ^f ¥^ ^^- "• ^ abandon, I 
 Amjitarma, Uiml) a. v. «„. i make 
 y s. th., 3. p. od an..n; p. am.. 
 -Anil-amcm, s. suspenders rfor 
 It s trans ated, in writing. 
 Amka7iotahujan, s. translation ver 
 «on, (written;) pl.-a„."°"' "^^ 
 ^nikatMitahttge, {nind) n. v. I trans- 
 ^Mlanotahiffemnini, s. a man that 
 makes a written translation or ve? 
 «0B, translator; pi.— y-a^. ^"^ 
 Mdkanotaye, {nind) n. v. I reue-^t 
 what another says! I interpretTa 
 P; !•; p. aia..(jed. ' 
 ^wirr?^^*""'' '•• interpretation, 
 nork^ or occupation of an inter! 
 ^'2^'^[«9e'^>^ini, s. interpreter; pi. 
 ^«*Wa„, {ni,^) a. v. in. I inter. 
 Pretit, (a sermon, a letter, &c.) 3 
 .1^-odan..; ^.aia..tan<i. 
 ^mkamtadpyade, ox-ikujad, u. v 
 U IS .interpreted, translated, orally 
 p. «^tf ..J^<7, ox~nuu/aL ^ ' 
 AnU-anotau-a, (nind) a. v. an. I re- 
 peat h.s words, I interpret him; 3. 
 P-od an,..n; p. aia..wad. 
 &""'. ""'T'^'' '^his word signi- 
 fies futurity m succesion; also, « 
 continued succesion from' ancient 
 times ; some object, an. or in., fol- 
 lowing m siiccession.-(rV-^ilaV^. 
 mkc~himaduMjig; those who shall 
 live in future succession, thn future 
 generations. Od aimike-on^heian 
 his grand-children of future rene' 
 rations. Nind amke-mmis7>lni,» 
 my great grand-father. 
 Amkemawci, (nind) a. v. an. I let s 
 th. come to him from hand to hand : 
 .J. p. 0(1 an. .7i; p. man. .wad. 
 chief;''^'R'" '**'°"'' chief, under. 
 AnAhedhuje, (nind) n. v. I succeed, 
 I fo low m succession, I am the 
 ne^lfollowing;3,p. l.;p.„,v,«..9,<^. 
 ^mUfs/ikiU/cwin, s. succeeding, suc- 
 cession. ^' 
 dnikesM-au'it, (nind) a. v. an. I fol- 
 low him in succession, I succeed 
 nini, 3. p. od an..n; p. uia..wad. 
 dmkessm, u. v. it follows, it is ne.'tt 
 alter this; p. aia..6i,u,.~Aianikc^. 
 Sim odena, the next town or village. 
 Amketchi^jade, oT—magad. u. v. it is 
 lengthened out, there is an addi- 
 tion made, an eking piece; p. aian.. 
 aeg, or — m<ujalc. 
 Anikctchigan, s. additiou, ekin? 
 piece; pi .—a«. '="'"« 
 Amkefm, (?iind) a. v. in. I lengthen 
 AnikoMdjigan, s. a string tied to ano 
 ther, in order to lenghten it: pi — 
 an. ' ^ 
 Anikohidjigan, s. «». great grandson 
 ur great grand-daughter, great 
 grand-child; pi. aniUWjiganag , 
 the children of grand-children. The 
 grand-cluldren of grand-children 
 and their great grand-children, are 
 likewise all called anikoUdjiganaQ 
 «y their great grand-parents. 
 ^mkohidoii, inind) a. v. in. I tie an^i a • 
 string to another, to have a g eate? f T*'''^"'*'^' »• German language 
 Jength; 3 p. od an...; p. Ja^Z] ^'^^'^-^nda^, (mnd) n. v. f U",\^ 
 Amkonn,uMk, ox-^agad, u. v. ther • ^^J""^'*'^' '» '"X mind; 3 p 1^ 
 IS a company, a society; p. S ' /i «^"««^- ' <^- P. L, 
 deg 0T~7,icMah. ~ This word has ^'^«'2.'*' ('^^■''^) a. v. an I makp him 
 been formed after the French word '"^^'•' ^ t^rnient h?^ • 3^ ^'^5 
 „e« com?? M«a wile." ™ ««••»; p. a«a..a<f ' "^^ ?• <'» 
 ..^, „. ',^i.yuK,.~ lius word has 
 been formed after the French word 
 , ,en comtn unaute." 
 AniJcominodetvimin, {nind) n v nl- 
 we associate, we form a societv 
 a company; p. aian..wUjig ^' 
 Amlcomimdewiwin, 3. society, com 
 pany, association. ^' 
 an..n; p. aia..ad. 
 AnhnidaM (nind) n. v. I drag (n 
 i'^-).^^^^/'-eat difficulty: 3. S \ •' 
 Ammidafm, {nind) a. v. an. I make 
 Amleoton, {nind) a. v. in. S ^wV-fcc ''™'="'ty; 3. p. odi 
 IZ- .'i ^^b"«ted from a.«wJ/"''.!"«^^^'3-P.-o;p.«.-«..S|.'"^- 
 uS/a^ f b7d?aLl^li' also|^--^.3-.thunder,thunderbolt; 
 person, calling him .,dog." 
 Anima s. a German; pi.— ^•«/^~This 
 word comes from the French MU 
 mmd --The Indians also call a 
 fr'omZ/^'^'^'"'''''' ^'"^'^ cornel 
 ironi JJutcarmny as the German« 
 are improperly called in some™a'"s 
 of this country.-I say, imoromrlu 
 because the Dutc7, Ind the Sr-' 
 mans are two different nations 
 Ammad, u. v. it blows, the wind 
 blows, in a certain m'anner,or?n 
 'uch a direction; p. aia^j„i4/"' 
 Anrmad u. v. it is painful, unhappy 
 horrible; p. «e«,i^-;«.ai. ^^■^' 
 ^nl"f,l''^"'^"'^' ^'^^'^) "• ^- 1 go along 
 on the ice; 3. p._<,; p. ,^..|^^;'^°& 
 /I/U7««W^a^, u. V. there is trouble 
 difficulty; p. aia?i..ga]c. ' 
 Animahimigis, (tund) n. v. I havf 
 somed.fficultUiness;3 p 1 n 
 «w «,/, (Anfmad, painful," difi: 
 ^^TtT£T^''T''.' ^- difficult or 
 troublesome business. 
 A'Hmahu,e. s- a German woman; pi. 
 -^S'fl"'^' i"^>^) n- V, IspeakGer- 
 Animikihag s. /lea-herb.; [C. herbe 
 <Jlapuce];pl.-o;i. L*- nerbe 
 AnimihiJca, ox-magad, u. v. it thiin 
 t?-^^'"'^' '^'«'"«. the e is a 
 thunderstorm; p. en..lcag, or^a 
 AnimiMwan, u. y, S, Animim-a. 
 ^hwif'r'*''^"'.^^' "• thundercloud 
 black heavy cloud ; pl.-o;^. ' 
 "^itS^T ^'"'"'^^ "• ^'^ I turn, 
 standing, 3. p. «-,• p. ^^..^i-iiZ. 
 A'umikogabawHan, (nind) a, v. «« 
 diS"; 3 nO"'^ '''''''^'^' ". Stan: 
 ^«im%aia,«;tte?<)a, {nind) a! v «« 
 "iny, S. p. ot? «;^..7^,; p. en..ivad. 
 Animikman, {nind) a. v. in.. I turn 
 It over, upside down; 3. v Id 
 an...; p. en..afig. ' ' P" ^<* 
 Animikonigade, or -mar7ff<?, u. v it 
 IS turnea over, upsiae down; p 
 en..deg, or -magah " vn, p. 
 Animikom, {nind) n. t. I fall to thp 
 ffround on th« face; 3. p. 1 • p 
 Animikowehina, {nind) a, v. an I 
 down; 3. p. od an„n; ij.en.nccd. 
 Animikowebinan, (nind) a. v. in I 
 ovanhrow it upside down ; 3.p.od 
 an... ; p. cn..aHg. 
 Aniviikuruhin, (nind) (pron. nind 
 ammikoahin.) n. v. 1 am lying on 
 mybelly;3.p. l.;p.e„..j„^. « 
 AnimikioiasidoH, (nind) a. v. t„ 
 ipioa. nind animikossidon;) s' 
 Animiktvis,in,xx. t. (pron. animikos. 
 wi,)U lies upside down: p. en. 
 smg. ' * 
 Animima, {nind) a. v. an. I trouble 
 or annoy him with my words: I 
 reprimand hiip with hard worcfs : 
 J p. orf «7j..;i, ; p. aia. .mad. 
 Anmm, (mnd) u. v. I suflFer, I am Va 
 distress, m misery : 3. n. ~i • n 
 aia..sid. *^ ' P" 
 Animishka, (nind) n. v. I go alone 
 m a canoe, boat, etc. ; 3. p. 1. : p* 
 Animisiwin^B. suffering, misery, dis- 
 Ammitagos, (nind) n. v. I make a 
 speech, a harangue; also, I am 
 troublesome with my words, I an- 
 noy with my reproaches ; 3. p.-"- 
 p.cua..sid. ^ o. p. I, 
 Anxmitagossitviii, s. speech, har- 
 angue ; also, troublesome speak- 
 ing, hard reproach. 
 Ammitawa, (nind) a. v. an. it an- 
 noys me to hear him, (speaking o 
 me or some other person;) 3. p orf 
 flrZ '^ff' T'"" ""««'' I make suf- 
 fer my body (myself.) Krd anv>ni. 
 heLrt "' " "'"^''»' ''"'^■^f n^y 
 ^nJWoAy Iji, s. 0<. dog ; v,\.~i„f, 
 Aninu)sh,8.dog; pl.^a,/! ^ 
 Amnioshiw, (mnd)n. v". I am a dog ; 
 3. p.-i ; p. en.Mid. 
 Ammwewe.shin, (nind) n. v. I gni 
 beard going on, or away ; 3. n ]• 
 Animwewidam, ( nind) n. v. S. Anim 
 Aninf avd. what 7 how ? what i. the 
 uiatter ' 
 Anind pron. some, an. and in 
 Antn dossing ? adv. how often ^ 
 ^niwtft f adv. where ? 
 ^~"* endassohinaian ? how many 
 Ar' r ?' '^°" caught in thy net ^ 
 —f^in bejigobina, nin nijohina, nin 
 mtdassobnia ashi beiig : 1 caucht 
 one, two, eleven fishes ^ 
 ^«m eiula.sso-dibaigane(f ? what time 
 iJit r what o'clock is it? 
 Antn epitatihikak? what time is it? 
 (m the night.) 
 ^"?" ^pitch-gijigak f what time is it ? 
 (in the day.) 
 Aningwana, adv. certainly, to be 
 sure. ■' " "o 
 Anini, s. Ot. man, male : pl.-^ag. 
 Antn iw ? adv. which ? v^hat ? 
 Aniniwapi ? adv. when ? 
 ^"»« wmj* ? adv. how much ? how 
 Ani-miagosM, ox-magad,M. v. eveninff 
 18 approaching, it is getting late : p 
 ent-onagoshig, or— magak. 
 Amsh, interj. why, well. 
 Anish, adv. 0<. S. Anishd. 
 Anishd, adv. for nothing; vainly 
 without reason, without necessity! 
 only for the purpose of... 
 Anisha dash, conj. but. 
 Anisha-ikitowin, s. lie. 
 Anisha-mendamoivin, s. imagination 
 Anisha mnd ikit, I tell lies. 
 Anisha nin ividigema ikwe, I keep a 
 concubine. ^ 
 Anisha nin widigema inini, 1 am a 
 Anishd nin windigendimin, com v 
 we live together in concubinage. 
 r. anisha ivadigendidjig . 
 Anishd-^oidigendiwin, a. concubin- 
 Anishima, (nind)a. v. an. I discour 
 age hira, dissuade him to do s. th 
 or to go somewhere, 1 make him 
 give up; 3. p. o(Z an..n ; p. aia.. 
 A»i.shi>inbe, s. mm, (human being, 
 mao, woman or child • U T i,«» x 
 also, Indian ,• pi __' '^ ^ ^- "'"oo ;) 
 ^nis/iinabe-bimadit, (nind)nT /,»• }. 
 Jiving; 3 p_/. ^"'^lan mode of 
 mode on"ving'^ '"" ^^'^'°» »' 
 ganroiigi^. ""^"*' *• ^»dian pa 
 the Indian; 3 nZ>^ * ^ P'^^ 
 squaw,- pi-/- ^"'*'*" ^o'nan, 
 '1"dtntT'p^4'^.^)- V.I speak 
 languag^\"p."':r;.r ^'^ ^"^'- 
 ^itS^^-o'^'- •• Indian l.n- 
 ^pL^«*^-^'-«'»- Indian Agent; 
 the Indian cha'rJcS \ am hli'^" 
 Indian T hn,.« ^„ i- ' "* 'I'^e an 
 'ne, uy magical influence. 
 caused by .ZSy, (accJJdfn^T 
 ^nig/iinabeivia, ( nintf \ . 
 e«..a(/. ^ > a- p. o<; an..« ; j,. 
 ting, a writinrf^' .: ^'J''"" ^ri- 
 guage "'"^ '" ^^« Indian Jan- 
 wmeinlndian,-3.p. i.;p;;J 
 ^^angua|e!%?fti^rf„,\he India,. 
 myself man • 3 -.!!• ^ v. I make 
 'give an I„dia„ ni,*"",? ''/ •• 
 Tsod ^"^^''" "^^^ ' 3- p.-. •• p. 
 iS^lS^S'' ^- ^^'^ --^^^' I- 
 dance after the I'ncfianfihion^-: 
 f • , p. en-.tnod. 
 AmsMrvdheuisUmowin, •. Indian 
 Anishinabeivismi, u. v. it is in Indian 
 in the Indian language, (a letter, a 
 oook, etc.)Yi. en..8ing. 
 A nishinabeudsdUm, ( nind ) a . v. i« I 
 make it in Indian, I write it in the 
 Indian language ; 3. p. od an... ; p. 
 en. .tod. ' ^ 
 Anishinabmoiwin., s. humanity, hu- 
 man nature. —Debmimdnang Jems 
 gt-odapman o Mje-Manitmciwi- 
 ningktd amshinabemwininan ; the 
 Ijorrt Jesus took into his divinity 
 our humanity. 
 Aninhwm ? adv. why ? what ? what 
 IS that ? what is the reason ?— This 
 word always implies a reproach.— 
 Aimhwin Ukendandwan iw f— 
 What? you don't know that? 
 Anu'hwm bi-ijaesiwan UUnoamad- 
 vm ? Why don't you come to 
 school ? 
 Anissab, {nifid) n. v. I have no fire in 
 my house or lodge ; 3. p.-i ; p. en., 
 bid. *^ 
 Anissdho, s. any kind of soup not sea- 
 AnissaboJce, {nind) n. v. I make poor 
 thin soup without any seasoning : 
 3. p. 1.; Y).en..lced. 
 Anissddis, {.nind) n. v. I am sober 
 (not drunk now;) 3. p.-^; p enJ 
 Aiiiumdviiwin, s. sobriety, the state 
 of a person after having been 
 Anvisate, or-^mngad, u. v. there is no 
 fire in the house or room: p. eti..tco, 
 or-magak. '' 
 Anissendam, {nind) n. v, I calm my- 
 self, I am appeased, I don't care ; 
 3- p. l-;p. aia..an.g. 
 Anissisdn, or anissassin, u. v. it eva- 
 porates, it exhales ; p. aia..in^. 
 Anit, spear ; pj. a7iitin. 
 Ani-Uhikad, u. v. night is approach- 
 ing ; p. enitihikaJc. 
 Anitiiah, a. tie handle or stick of a 
 spear ; pl.-o**. 
 Aniw, aniwi, pi on. S. Jniw, 
 AmwiaAmnd) a. v. an. I precede 
 mm; I surpass him, beat him ; 3. 
 p. od an..« ; p. cniwiad. 
 Aniwigima, {nind) a. v. an. I over- 
 crow him ; I grow faster than he : 
 d. p. od an..n ; p. en..mad. 
 Amwtgindan, {nind) a. v. in. I over- 
 growit;3... .^a,,... ;p. en..an<i. 
 —J\tn gt ■■^/■j^ujiudan nin haUs. 
 tlcawagan, i -, ^- e overgrown my 
 coat, (it IS now .o small for me. ) 
 Amtvuhima, (nind) a. v. an. 1 put too 
 I much of it, ( an. oh^., jmiia, silver; 
 sembd,s\\k, etc.) 3. p. od an..n ; p 
 en,. mad. ^ 
 Animehkan, (nind) a.\.in. I pre- 
 cede It ; I overcome, surpass, beat 
 It; J. p. od an... ; p. en..anq. 
 Amwuhkawa, {nind) a. v. an. S 
 Anitvisktawa, (nind) a. v. in. S. Biso- 
 Aniwissaichige, {nind) n. v. I put too 
 niuch of s. th. 3. p. 1.; p. cn..ged. 
 Amu'use, {mnd) n. v. I am supernu- 
 merary ; 3. p. 1. ; p. en..sed. 
 Aniwisse, ox--magad, u. v. there is too 
 much of it, it is superabundant, 
 supernumerary ; p. en..s€q, or-ma- 
 Anim'ssiton, {nind) a. v, in. I put too 
 much of it; 3.j>.odan...-/p. en., 
 Anitntm, {nind) a. v. in. I precede 
 It, I surpass it ; 3. p. od an... \ p. 
 Anjeni.s. Angel; pi.— ^, or -wag— 
 Kttchz Anjeni, Archangel. 
 Anjenigijigad, s. S. Nijogijigvd. 
 An;jeniiv,{^nind) n. v. 1 am an Angel; 
 3. p. — i ; p. aid..wid. 
 km, conj. though,. although ; aiami. 
 Anoganama, {nind) a. v. in. I wound 
 him, striking ; I stab him ; 3. p. (,d 
 (m..n ; p. aia,i..mad. 
 Anokddan,{nind) a. v. in. Imakeuse 
 of it ; 3. p. od an... ; p. en..ang. 
 Anol-ddjigan, s. merchandise, goods, 
 AncMna, {nind) a. v. an. I make use 
 of some an. obj. ; 3. p. od an..n ; p. 
 enokanad ; imp. anokaj. 
 r««l-,.:»W!clB*!J-»«,«j,.~ —« 
 AnoJcasoicin, s. tool, instrument ; p] 
 act, J. p. l.;p. ^,;j,^.^-^^ 
 A.noH, (mnd) n. v. I order some 
 work, I put him to work ; 3. p. nd 
 dav •^tr'^' '• ^"'•^^"^g-day, week. 
 ^nvUciijigad, u. V. it is a workine- 
 ^/wW^<u. y.p. it is working, 
 « IS doing work ; p. en..qalc.~I)e. 
 ^^ok! ') •'"7^ great work here. 
 ^noUn,(mnd) a, v. ew. I order it to 
 ordered a coat to be made f^r him 
 ordef brtt!''"'' '^'^if^'^^o-inan, I 
 AnoHnan, {nind) a. v. an. I order 
 some«;2.obj.tobemade: 3. p oi 
 keules?''^'^'"'^ "^"^'^' y°" ^^'J^^ 
 AnoHtarjan, s. hireling, male or fe 
 male servant ; pl._a<7. 
 Amkitage, {nind) n. v.' I serve, lam 
 m service, I work for somebody^ 
 A^noUtagehve, or anoTcitagewihwe, s 
 female servant or waiter, servant- 
 girl, chamber-maid : pl.J.^ ^"' 
 nSn^'"''^';-'^'^^*^«' «tate, occu- 
 pation, condition, of servants. 
 AmUtage^v^mn.^, s. male servant or 
 waiter, valet, footrian ; pI.-SL 
 I work for it, take care of't; 3 p' 
 Anokuas, {nind) r. v. I serve mvself 
 work tor myself; 3. p.4 p ^Imd 
 An<^i^garnig, s. working house ; 
 Anokiwin, 3. work InKr., . * 1 
 business ; pi.™' ^^^°'' trade, 
 Amkiwinagad, u. v. there is work • 
 p. en..gak. '^'^ ' 
 Amkiwinini, a. workman, laborer • 
 ^ tradesman ; pl.-?i;a^. ' '""O'^r , 
 -y^wn-xia, adv. S. J\'(maia 
 Anona inifid) a. v. a». I hire or em- 
 ^hirf/7' ^- person employed or 
 W tor some work or service • 
 Andm; nind anmam, my hired 
 person, (man or womanf) S 
 anmiamag, my hired persons !2 
 I ---^-. his hired p^rsoZVpe^ 
 A/umawa (nind) a. v. an. I wound 
 him (shooting;) 3. p. -JSr' 
 Arwmge, {nind) n. v. I hire people • 
 ^-^|,.^^V, s. em'ployi, ser. 
 -^^rf^rW^e, s. ot. s, Ijinihasaioin 
 ^«o «««;. s. S. Anoiitagan 
 Anotck <idy. of different kinds of all 
 kinds, several, divers. sundrV " 
 Anotch gego daielmetang,l\ a 
 credulous superstitioS^ 'person j 
 Anotch ijiwebidwm, a. miscondurt 
 misdemeanor, bad habits! '' 
 Ansa?mn, {nind) n. v. I sieh • 9 n 
 ~o;p.aia..7nod. s",j. p. 
 Ansapin^an, {nind) a. v in d1 
 Anmptnug, {nmd) a. t, an. pi. I bind ' 
 them together, {an. obi.) 3. p. od 
 ans-an;y.en..nacl. ^ 
 Anman, s breech-cloth worn by In- 
 . «Jians;[F. brayer;]pl._an. 
 Jnnff, s. a kind of wild duck, saw- 
 bill ,• [C. betsie ;] pl.-^a^. ' 
 JnmmM', s. herb on the bottom 1 
 rivers, etc.; pi. —a/;,. 
 AfimeJicm, (uind) a. v. in. I omit it 
 I pass n over, (by mistake :) 3. p' 
 f^ OM...; i>. aia...cfw. 
 Afmvekaiva, (nmd) a. v. an. I pass 
 him over, I miss him in the tSad ■ 
 •i. p. od an..n ; p. am. .toad. 
 Anmetcu/man, (nind) a. v. an I 
 leave it out, (a thread in weav^ne-) 
 3. p. wia«,...; p.aia..an.<i. 
 Anmvetagtnigade, or— maqad, w. v. it 
 IS woven with holes in it ; p. aia.. 
 Anmttagimge, (nind) n. v. I leave 
 threads out in weaving : 3 n 1 • 
 p. a%a..qed. ' ^' ' ' 
 AmwmiAon, {nind.) a. v. in. I .arrv 
 or convey it further than I ought : 
 Anm'ewina (nind) a. v. an. 1 carry 
 or convey him further than I ought: 
 3. p. od an..n; p. aia..7iad; imp. 
 Anwdhammis, (nind) n. v. S. Mand- 
 Anwdhikisdn pa^hJcieigan, u v the 
 gun misses fire ; p. aian..inq. I 
 Anwakam, adv. often. I 
 .^w^'a^a, (mW/) n. V. 1 finish, I cease: 
 •>. p. 1. ; p. emi'atad. 
 Anwatamn, s. the ending or finish- 
 ing of a work or of an action. 
 Anwatzn,M V. it is calm, the wind 
 doesnotblow;p. e„„.^ViY7. 
 AimawmeiasM-a. or-magcul u. v. the 
 high sea is over, the waves are an- 
 Amveh, {mud) n. v. J rest, I" repose ; 
 J. p.-«; p. atanweUd. 
 Anu'ebia, {nind) a. v. an. I make him 
 ^if, i'- ^' P" "'^ ^''^■••'* '■ P- aia-ad. 
 Anwebtwtn, s. rest, repose. 
 Anwebmirmijigad, s. day of rest, 
 &abbath-day, Sunday; pl.-art. 
 AnwiUirinigijigad, u. v. it is Sab- 
 t-ath, Sunday, restmg-day ; p. en.. 
 Anu'endagos, {nind) n. v. I am wor- 
 thy of renroach, my behavioi ia 
 reproachable ; 3. p. /; p. aia..ml. 
 Anwendam, {nind) n. v. I despair, I 
 giveup;3. p. 1.; p. aja. ' 
 Anwendan, (nind) a. v. in. S. Ana- 
 wend an. 
 Anwenima, (nind) a. v. an. I find 
 lauit with him, I reprimand him, 
 1 blame and reprove his conduct, 
 his behavior ; 3. p, od Qn,.n ; p. 
 am.. .mad. ' i v 
 Anu-minilu. {nind) r. v. I find fault 
 with myself, I reprove my con- 
 duct, my doings, I reproach to my- 
 self; I repent, I am contrite; I 
 convert myself; 3. p.-^ ; ^. aia.. 
 A^menindisowin, a. reproach made 
 to one's self; repentance, contri- 
 tion ; conversion. 
 A7itcesMm, {nind) n. v. I rest or re- 
 pose lying down; 3. p.-^; p. ^.. 
 ^nwi 8. musket-ball, bullet ; pi — « 
 Anutkadjigan, a. bullet-mould ; pi. 
 — an. ^ 
 Anwike (nind) n. v. I am making or 
 moulding balls or bullets ; 3. p! i • 
 p. en... Iced. ' 
 Anmns, s. dim. shot ; [G. Schrot ;1 
 pi. anwinmn, shot. 
 Apal, (nind) n. v. I am sitting on s. 
 th.; 3. p.— ^• ; p. epabid. 
 Apafnn, {nind) a. V. in. I am sit- 
 ting on it ; 3. p. cd ap...; p. cpa- 
 Apahimn, s. any thing to sit on it 
 chair, stool, bench, pew ; pi.— ««.' 
 Apabfrnddan, (nind) a. v. in. I sea- 
 son it, (something to eat ;) 3. p. 
 od ap...- p. ep..ang. 
 Aj>ab(nvade, oi—mmad, u. v. it is 
 seasoned ; p. ep..deg, or—maqak. 
 Apabowan, s. any object to season 
 victuals with. 
 Apahmcana, (nind) a. v. an. I season 
 It, (some an. eatable object ;) 3. p. 
 odap..n',i), ep..nad. 
 ^/'rtrWo*) n. V. 3. p. it is .eatoned, 
 ZT%''"^'i^ °- "• I «"«on vic- 
 tuals , 3. p. 1. J p. ^^.,w^^. 
 'X«^'";*^"'?' ^ seasoning victual.. 
 Ap<ujmlat>hka, or-mauad, u. v. the 
 «ea beats the waveUeat, against 
 'dpaffada^Afratrng %ma^,the waves 
 are beating against a. th. 
 " aXS**';^"'"""^^"'^' >^ •« b««ting 
 -■lpu{iudjusitamawa, {nind) a. v. a« 
 I throw It upon him, I lay it to his 
 Si 'il™oP"'*'^'*°'i''"; I accuse 
 him of It; 3. p. orf «^..«,. p. ep..w<uL 
 -iFmadjmitawa, (nind) a. y.an. S 
 ^pagadjiwelaog, {nind) n. v. the wa- 
 ves beat against my canoe and 
 carry me away; 3. p.-o; y>- ep..g,>d.. 
 Apagandmgan, or apagandaigaLh, 
 fc. nan; pi._a„^ Qr — ,^ 
 •J- P- ^; p. ep..ged. 
 -4;^a<7an<^ai>iWft, s. thrashing 
 ^i'^ff'^-ndnigewinini, s. thrasher; pl.- 
 '^^Snt^''\{T''^^^-^- "conies 
 upon me ; it throws me down • 3 
 ApagasiJcaioa, (nhid) a. v. an. I come 
 down upon him ; I fall up^n JTm 
 "own, 3. p. od ap..n; p. e» wrd 
 KcTr r^"^ ^•■*'^' Sd Wows 
 m a certam direction ; p. c^..^^;;,. 
 caf ^T'; ^'""'^^ "• ''• ^ throw, I 
 cast, 3. p. l.;p.ep..tml, 
 'ipyfna, (nind) a. v. an. I throw or 
 cast him somewhere ; 3. p X^ 
 «; p. epaginad; imp. aW?y -^•■ 
 ^Sifi ^""'"^l/- ^- I throw or preci- 
 pitate myself somewhere jftake 
 j ;«5'««to8omeplace;3.p.-o,^.. 
 ■^pagitadimin, (nind) c. v. we throu, 
 Apagitckigoik, or— magad, u v it is 
 thrown or cast somewhere p 1 
 deg, ot-magak. ' P" *^" 
 X^'??^ 'f '^■"f ' -tow. 
 "ig, d. p. 1.; p. ep..ged 
 ""iX^i^S^V '''■or nind apa. 
 guan, I throw it somewhere • / n 
 Apaidtmin, (nind.) c v^we fi; 
 ourselves toeethpr o^ ^'■°'^ 
 fJiaf ic '•"setner somewhere 
 ^^oaAdrfe, or-m««.«d, u. V. it is cover 
 deg, ot-magak ^' -^" 
 Apak6dji<fan, s. aw. shingle • nl „„ 
 Apakodjigan rooi, the^co^efctf 
 a lodge or house; ^\...an 
 Ap<ikodjiffe,ini9ul) v. n. I'am cover 
 ^Sfi^'n'^r^^ "■ ^- ^^- I ^ni cov- 
 ering It, putting a roof to it • 3 n 
 ^od<tp...-^.ep..dod. '""'•^•P- 
 ^/'aWaw, s. aa. weed or bark 
 smoked with tobacco *^ 
 ^^«^W, («tV«i) n. V. Ismooke weed 
 (or bark) witJi tobacoo ; 3 pi 
 p. ep..ged. ' ^' ■'• ' 
 ^Pjdvveshkwai, s. rush for mats; pi. 
 Ap^hvei, s. an. mat, lodge-mat; pl.- 
 '^^a^nfe '• ''y-™."^t, any thing 
 eaten with some other thing. 
 I eat 8. th. 
 APE 40 
 Apdiuljiije, (nind) n. v 
 w,th.,.th.;3. p. l.;p. 
 Apat^jngm, (nM) a. v. t«. I eat it 
 with« ,h.;3.p.^/ap....,,.,^. / 
 UuluiHtndjvjen; J cut a rabbit, 
 ami turmpa with it. 
 Apatuljijcmn, {nind) a. v. a«. I eat 
 some an. objoct with s. tli. ; 3 n 
 a>? «^)...; ).. .;.,/.</.- H'«a;, ;£ 
 »w^;wi, or, lcoko»h nind a,nwa, pak- 
 tojHjan uanh ndnd npan<lii„Aian 
 or. „2nm<j nind apMuljigenko. I eat 
 •neat or I eat' pork/ amll lea 
 with it!'" "' ""'' ^ ""^^ J'°'*'"^« 
 Aj>,inr/i,,/,m, (niful) n. v. I fall some- 
 where; 3. p. 1.; p. r/;..i^/. 
 Apnm/imn., u. v. it falls somewhere' 
 p. ep.aiiij. ' 
 Amsmgnkidjait., s. tol)acco-iuice in 
 the pipe or pipe-stem. 
 4""*':'.'- («^W) n. V. I have a bad 
 ominous dream, (droaminj; of 
 death,,&c.)3.p.l. p.„,-ri;„^,J* 
 unlucky dream; pl.-a». 
 Aj'toish oxapedaxh, adv. These two 
 adverl)s express a wi*,n, desire or 
 reques , and correspond exactly to 
 the Latin ntmam.~Ape(,ish waiha 
 (yi-dmumlmwwad; 1 wish thev 
 would soon come here: PL. utinnm 
 pra>.sto advenirent.] ^ "* 
 >l;"t?«r/«, Ot. be it so, I wish it would 
 be so. 
 Apimmon, {niml) a. v. in. I rely on 
 It, 1 put my confidence in it, I trust 
 toit orinit;3. p.o<Z«;,...; p. ^ 
 mnud.-Win ,,,0 nihwaUwin od 
 apemmon, he relies on his own 
 Apinimman, {nind) a. v. an. I relv 
 on him, I place mv hope and 
 conhaence in him, I trust in him; 
 ^,- JV,<^^i'-.- p. epenimod. (V. 
 '-on.i;) Dehendjigcd ni)id apUchi 
 apniimman, 1 put my whole con 
 fidence in the Lord. 
 Apammxcin, s. reliance, confidence, 
 trust, hope. ' 
 Apcnindis, {nind) r. v. I rely on my 
 ««lf, I put confident in myself; 
 '^•T>-o.;p. ep..god. 
 Apiy adv. when. 
 Apidanis, {nind) n. v. I sojourn, I 
 «tay.nsomeplacn;3.p.-,;; p. V 
 «<^. - Ga-apidanisMn WawiiaU. 
 ■»on<j nihtnamj, ni-niho au> inhii ; 
 that naan died during my stay in 
 Detroit last summer. 
 Apinanaju-asson, s. the upner part 
 01 a moccasin ; [C. hausse de sou- 
 Jier;J pl.-aa. 
 A2n^Jems gijujong fjad, Ascension- 
 ^fto'nl" P°'"'ff«-«t'-ap. packing, 
 sirap; pl.-aw. " 
 Aptkan, s. an. a kind of snake ; nl - 
 047. ' » '• 
 d^d Tcitchitwa Marie giji^ona eiad 
 Assumption of the B. V. Mary ' 
 Apikweiawegivdnson , s. collar of a 
 coat, &c.; pl.-ffl». 
 ApikweMm, {nind) n. v. I have my 
 head resting on s. th. lying down 
 I lay my head on s. th. [L. reclino 
 caput;! 3. p.— 0/ p. ep..mod. 
 veshimc ~ - ' ' 
 Apikweshimon, s. cushion, any thine 
 put under the head in lyingdown 
 pl.-a/j. ' 
 Adikweshimm, {nind) a. v. »«• I lay 
 my head on it, or I put it under my 
 head, in lying down; 3. p. od ap .. 
 p.ep..mod. ^ ' 
 ijnhweehimcman, {nind) a. v. an I 
 fay my head on some au. object, 
 in lying down ; 3. p. o^ ap.. ; n. 
 Apvne, adv. always, ever since, in- 
 cessantly, always the same, with- 
 out interruption ; done, gone. 
 Apmgwfigan, s. the middle orn&. 
 i^ented part of a moccasin; pl.-aw 
 Apts/itm, {nind) n. v. I am lying on 
 s th.; 3. p.-o; p. ep..nwd. 
 A2)isMmm., s. any thing to lie down 
 upon, bed;pl...fl.w. 
 Apishimon.,{nind)&. v. in. I am ly- 
 ing on it; 3. p- od ap...; p. ep..mod. 
 Aptfiktmonag, s. an. pi. the boards of 
 a floor; the little cedar-branches 
 on the floor of a lodge. 
API 41 
 Apuhinwndk, n. an. board for a floor; 
 ApUhi»uman, (,nn,f) n. v. an. I am 
 lying on some an, obi,; S.p.odan,- 
 Apishimonifim, a. carpet for a floor- 
 pi. --o/i.. ' 
 Apishinumikadan, (nind) a. v. in T 
 lOflge j, 3. p. or/ a/>...; p. ^y^.^y,,, 
 upon, ( hranchos, mats, &c. ) ; 3 n 
 "'fap-n;p.ep..n,ad. ^ ^^ 
 Aiyi^krmomh, (nind) n. v. I am ore- 
 paring a place to lie down upon • 3 
 p. 1.; p. ep..ke(t ' ' 
 Apu'/imomkodadis , (nind) r v r 
 prepare to myself a place to lie 
 .tr&T' ('^^'^-•-' -^«. a 
 Apuhkdgagi, j. mag-pie; [G. Elsterl 
 \>\.-wag. '^ 
 Apishkamonan. onageh, {nind) a. v 
 mvkni""'"' P'^'^^ 3f bark under 
 p. ep-mod. ■ z' . 
 ApimdsUuyin, s. footstool; pl...a« 
 Apv^ika, {niiul) n. v. I am on the way 
 Ap%m.ka, imnd) n. v. I walk as quick 
 as[can;3.p.l.;p.,^..^«,;, 'J"''='' 
 A2mika, ox-rtMgad, u. v. it is com- 
 \\\% on; p. ep..kaq, ox-niaqak. 
 Apissa, or..mrUml n. v. it is of a 
 dark, hvid, bfack-blue color; p 1 
 '^ir'A^T'^^ "• ^' I have a livid 
 °'/"l^-blue eye, (or eyes,) (from 
 "^Jff'f'e, {nind) n. v. I am dark- 
 blue, I have a livid dark-blue spot 
 (or spots,) from a blow or fall -^3' 
 P: i-; p. ep..ued. ' ' 
 Apissahik, s. black-lead, for polish- 
 Apiasabihuhka, or-^agad, u. v. it is 
 Am->,.nT :^ P' j//'"*«ir. or-magak. 
 "ark-blue, (f,om a blow or fall;) 
 . •^: P; 1.; p. >^p..jed. '' 
 AMfn,H.AIg. violet: p|.-„ 
 hlue color; p. f pigging. 
 CM'''/'"^^ »• "^^ 1 have a 
 dark-blue face, from a fall or blow- 
 •'; P; 1.; p. ep..wed. 
 ^^'fj' (nin^), r^.y. I am of a dark- 
 blue or livid color; 3. p. -^. ,, 
 ^i'lST''' 5- '"''• thin broad long 
 cinL r^''^'' '" *^« hottom of a 
 canoe; pl.^ag. 
 tit' rZ '"'"^^' «• V. it is of a cer- 
 iSw,"-'*"' v"" °' ''"^Sht, it is so 
 How high ,8 your house ?-It Is i 
 Apitagtndati, (nind) a. v. in. I esti- 
 mate or value it at..., I put its price 
 at..., (tn. obj.) 3. ,). orf ap..; p 
 Ajntakdmig, adv. at a certain depth 
 grlml.^''""''' ''^ '^""1' ""'*^^ 
 Apitandjige, (nind) n. v. Ispe^wl so 
 much time in eating; I eat as long 
 as...; J, pi.; p, ep..ged.—Emtan- 
 (lji$ed mshime, nind apUandjiqe 
 gazf mn; 1 spend as much time m 
 eating as my brother does; (I eat 
 as long as ray brother.) 
 Apttdodon, (nmd) a. v. m. I tie it 
 down, with a knot; [F. j#. I'attacho 
 avec un noeud;] ^.p.'odap...; p. 
 Apitch,ad\. during, as long as, all 
 the time; as much as: (in the 
 Change, emtc?i^.) Ged-apitch-aiaidn 
 mna, as long as I sHall, remain 
 Here, Ua-apUch-akoeid, during his 
 sickness, or, all the time he was 
 ^1a^' "' -"^"J"^' "• »• it is of euch 
 i*'^'',P- "i^^^-jA"!/. or -moffui-.-Anin 
 epttihagwakaiyant od^ta^ dTc — 
 {' ;'^«-, How far .« the houie^Mhe 
 U m^ If*"':"'' i« tlurty ...iles d,s 
 lil Weruhihain,,. tui Ji_ 
 where I come from, is Z 
 from here to Montreal 
 far as 
 A}Htohi (mnd) n. v. I am prepahmr 
 i con emplate or intend to doW: 
 'iptUAt, adv. much, very much vsrv 
 per ectlv. entirel'y. eJ,";eS;ivreT' 
 XXil «'^*'»«'^'«ly. extremely, 
 aDaoluteiy; for ever '' 
 •^riMn ba/Mdjia, (riind) a. v. an i 
 : est roy or annihilate /omea^obj. 
 ^*/'f/c'/it hamuljUon,, {nind) a. v. ,'« 
 i destroy or annihilate it (^;j. Ob? 
 ''^"'^'f'- .'/"'"'. («iWj n. v; I come 
 \:^e-)T: ^''''''y^ (S°-Sn 
 .4^>/A./ie r«^/a (,jjr,^x 
 ; p. aia. 
 the place entir-ly: 3. n 
 Apitchinana, {nind) a. v. «« T kill 
 hunentirelyV 3/p. ^aLl n 
 out, J. p. ^,. p. a,tt..J*a[. 
 cWoT/Jfrf'*^' «^\late, at the 
 ApUchviJiima, {nind) &. v an 1 Ipt 
 him fall tpbieg/ound T'p. <3 
 Aptichtsh\ (nind) n. v. I fall to the 
 ground stumbling. I fall" hard 3 
 P; I., p. ata..shing. ' 
 Ajntchtta, (nind) n. v. I am occuDied 
 Apitchi-widige, {nind) n. v. i am 
 aUer thf Indian fashion;) 3. n 1 
 P; (iiaji.MoJ. " »^" '■• 
 ApHihi-wi'di,jcnm, {nind) a. v. a« f 
 am married to her, (or to him,) 'in 
 « lawful manner, permanently- 3 
 V-f>d a;: n; p. aiap..mad. 
 ApHcht.HUU<j,,idaa, (nind) a. v. an. 
 1 join hiiu m marriage lav;fullv 
 , f^r'.fet,me;3.p.«^a/..n;p:«7^y: 
 ApitcAi-widufmdimin, (nind) c v 
 fwfhf!. '"*"'*'' together lawfully^ 
 for Iifetm.e; p. «««. .diUjiff. ^ ' 
 ^^''f'i'-]'^Wfndi^in, 8. lawful mar- 
 "age /or lifetime. 
 ApiU'hiwin. s. preparation. 
 Apntcudagm^^nimhn. v. I am worth, 
 J'o#, 1 am precious, valuable; 3 u 
 AptUndatnvad, u. v. it is worth: ht- 
 c/uajHUndagwad, it is precious, 
 valuable; p. c^..M;a^.. 
 Apitendam, {nind) n. v. I value or 
 'ietj1an.imvd)H...in. \ esteem 
 It, value It, I appreciate it; 3 „ 
 odap...: p. ep.Jang. ' ' 
 -^gm«/i, ( W) n. V. S. Apitmindix. 
 Apittnima, {nind) a. v. an. I esteem 
 or relpect him/ I apprecilte'hTm™ 
 J. p. «i a^..ra; p. ep..mad. 
 ApiUmmpnan, ^nind) or, «m(i rfe- 
 apitemmunan, a. v. a/j. I esteem 
 tnyselfashighashim; Iput'm'^ 
 self equal to him in my estimation; 
 Con') "^■■■' P" ^P^^'^'^-^'^C'i- (V. 
 myself; 3. p. -0; p. g^..«,<;. 
 much 3. p. ^; p. ep.Md.—Geqa 
 ywah dasso dilaksdodjigan apt 
 hundred pounds. 
 Apitinigwad, u. v. it weighs so 
 much. V' ep wah-Amn mimic 
 ganl~-M,dasso dibaUshkodjigan la 
 apxtinmwad. How much weighs 
 your cloak ?-It weighs ton pouids! 
ASH 43 
 Apitu,(nind) n. v. I am of lae: I 
 ani of such an age; 3. p. -»•; n" ' i. 
 iJTage """" "^'*'^'' *'* '"''f 
 ^p«fc«v, (nt/Ki) n, V. I speak aa loud 
 aa..., or I speak is loud as I can; 
 ■«■ p. I.; p. ep..wed.-EpiUnoe,M na- 
 ffatiuxia, let us sing loud, or as loud 
 as we can. EpUoweian nirul api- 
 /o'^«. I speak as loud as you. ' 
 A}>,tw^eedjiu'an, u. v. it sounds in 
 nn.^'r""*':'^^^" '?.'»'. (run. 
 »ing water, or a waterfall;) p. ej, . 
 w<J/t mtchuuujo apitwnoedjiwan, 
 T '/>^t^'owcdnwavg; the river I .aw 
 yesterday has (he same sound (in 
 Us course,) ns tms here. 
 A^ndi H. an. poplar, aspen-tree ; nl 
 anaduj. > j ••• 
 Asiidika, or-magml, u. v. there are 
 I.o|)lar.tree.s ; p. e,..ka4j, or^mmah. 
 Miidd-ang, s. Poplar Point "^ 
 A^h, or iash, end-ayUnble in verbs, 
 signihes smini/, coming with the 
 W. or agitated byit; as- AV^ 
 hjiia^h, I sail fast. Bahdmn>,hilc 
 f sailing about. mS3 '.m 
 thrown or driven by the wTnd 
 to pat F fooJ u , . * '^'^^ him 
 visLns- q^ ^""/ '*^'^« himpro- 
 '^a'T^t' ^'"7"') «• ^' ^«- J feed it ; 
 ^' Vod..ash...- p. e,h..an.j-mnd 
 i:^fw ■"•'■^'"' ' '■^^^ 'nv'body 
 A.hand,s, {mnd) r. y. | feed mvself ; 
 keep boarders ; 3. p. I.; p. ,,i[ 
 ^'iaXi'l'u '• ^ 7°'"?" ^hat gives to 
 eat that keeps hoarders , boarding- 
 ■uTafJ'"- hostess, landlady; pi.-!. 
 hotT irn '• boarding.'hiusT 
 note! , mn ; pl.-o/j. ' 
 Ashangeuin, s. givinj,^ to eat, feeding 
 ine hollfi '^l^'T""" °f^ b'3 
 Jng-house or hotel. 
 Ashan{,iivinini, a. a man that civea 
 S 'h"o;e!'"'L'*?^ boarding'h'oole' 
 lord;p/.:.„,^4'"-'""«-"»'"«^ '•"<»- 
 ^*A*«j (nin/i) a. v. „;,. I incite him 
 CO evil; I seduce him by mv bail 
 ;»mple;3. p,eW«,A,vJ;'J?S 
 Ashidaan,imna)a y.iu. I stick it 
 10 8. th.; 3. p. od ash...- p ..i 
 Aahuldkwaan, (mnd) a. v. in. I hoi,? 
 ^'st'ffioT'fr' '; ""y'^*"^ <hat 
 ^sticks to 8. th. ; also, a seal, pl.- 
 A.9hidjiHwagaige, (nind)n.\. I stick 
 s.th.tosome other thing; I seal; 
 •^- P- 1. ; p. enh..ifed. 
 [C. bossu ;] pl.-fl.«. ' 
 Ashman^/, s. bastard -loon ; p\.-iraa 
 Aslnnnngwana ! strange! curious' f 
 don t know what to think of it. " 
 Asln wernmgi adv. although, even if 
 ^isnic, or a.,hH, in compositions, sijrni- 
 Hes raw fresh ,iew. (Examples in 
 some of the following words ) 
 A.hka :>t the end of a u. v., alludes 
 to the ?/-ai;e* on a lake or sea; as- 
 lUamanga^ka, the sea is hiffh' 
 Anwaweweiashkn, the waves are apl 
 peased. Kljhceweiathka, there is 
 a loud roaring of the sea, of the 
 Ashkdhwa, ox-magad, u. v. there is 
 green wood, or standing wood ; p 
 eiih..wag, or-niagak, 
 Ashkakwa-onagij, s. a gut of the 
 A.shkanddn, ( nind) a. v. in. I eat it 
 raw ; 3. p. od ash... ; p. esh.-ang. 
 : fUl 
 ASH 44 
 maUerTaT',' ^"""^ arid full" of 
 ^«M«<r« s. an., green skin of an ani- 
 '^iood't'JT'^^ n- V. I chop green 
 AMxl i^mnd) „. V. I eat law ; 3. p. 
 -f^ .• p. eslikihud. ^ 
 Ash/ciha(/ad, u. v. the leaves C of trees 
 an^ bushes) are budding /p. .T 
 ^'f.fT'' !; ^'■'^"^ skin of a large 
 Ashlil'oman, s. lead 
 ^*MiJo;«aM*an, lead-mine ; pl-a,* 
 •^f'^'f oww'i^^-e, (we/id) n. v. I make 
 aad. I produce lead, I workTn a 
 Asfi/akmmmkewm,a. work, business 
 occupation, of a miner in a E 
 '^leid'Z?^^^'^'''^*' «• '"inerin a 
 leaa-mme ; pl.-^ag. 
 ?i«V;i ashkima. 
 AshMmaneiah, s strings of leather for 
 biche ;] pl.-em. 
 4»A/tiA«e (,nn<^) n. v. I lace or fill 
 «nowshoes;3. p. i.;p. ,,A^5^,^i' 
 ft^n ?'*' '• ^'*' ^"^It' occupa- 
 r-on, A a person lacing or filling 
 snowshoes. "uing 
 AshUa manu.yiwiiass, this meat 
 here s raw. Asmnm tc/^an, the 
 turnips are raw. ' 
 ^.v«^-i/i n. V. 3. p. it is raw, (an. obi ) 
 hsh IS raw Ashkmog ogLopi^^ 
 these potatoes are raw. HI. 6oni 
 raw to me, I fmd it tastes raw ; 2 
 P- od ash... ,■ p. esL.an^. "^"^'-j 
 \ rti^n'ri^'f^ "•.^- ^'^^ »' tastes 
 fi^hl^?'^^'^'"'' ?'" ^'>' I «n^ this 
 I hsh tastes raw, it tastes raw to me 
 t^TT'f 't'^'^^'^ «t«- "w- 
 meat or fresh meat, raw fish nr 
 fresh fish (not salted,) etJ^ ""' 
 Ashkonawis, (nind) n. v, Alo S 
 .i*/l^or^. Ashkolelcan. Ashkoteke. Ash- 
 fcouwfo. AM-watch ; Ot.~S M 
 Ashonkawa, {nind, a. v. a;i, I fall 
 Ashotaganama, {nind) v. a. an. I 
 atrike some fl. obi. putting it on,, 
 in. , p.esh..mad. 
 Ashotagananddji, (nini) v. a in I 
 strike It, putting it on 8. th ?.•/ 
 ofi? «sA... ; p. esh..anff. ' ^ 
 Ashotakdmi^ina, {nind) a. v. an r 
 keep him on the ground; 3.p J 
 a^h..n; p. esh-.nad. ^ 
 Ashotakamiginan, {nind) &. v. in. I 
 , ^eep It down on the ground ; 3. p 
 od ash...; p. esh.-ang. ^ 
 1 put him down on the ground ; 3. 
 .P- odash..n; p. esh..mad. 
 AshotakamigissUon, {nind) a. v. in 
 i put It down on the ground : 3. n' 
 , od ash...; p. e8h..dod. ' ' 
 Ashotataigan, s. anvil, or any taing to 
 strike s. th. on it ; pl.-a/ "^ '° 
 Ashotatatge, {nind) n. v. I put some 
 object to strike s.th. on it: 3. p.T 
 p. esh..ged. ^ ' 
 Ashotchishwa, (nind) a. v. an. I nut 
 him underneath, under s. th.; 3. p. 
 od ash..n; p. esh..wad. 
 Ashotchishin, (nind) n. v. I am un- 
 derneath ; 3. p. 1.; p. esL.ing. 
 Asho^hissin, u. V. it is underneath- 
 under s. th.; p. esh.-sing. 
 Ashotchissitchigan, s. foundation, ba- 
 sis ; pl...a«. ' "" 
 Ashotclmntchiganabik, s. foundation- 
 stone ; pi. --on. 
 Ashotchksiton, {mnd) a. v. m. I put 
 It underneath, under some object- 
 3.P. odasA...',n.esh..(od. 
 Ashowma, (nind) a. v. an. I observe 
 him, I mistrust him ; 3.i>.od ash.. 
 n; p. eth.-nad. 
 Ashwdmanus, {nind) n. v. I am in 
 S ^ ^^^ «"emy; 3. p. -o ; p. esh.. 
 Ashwi,(nind)n.v. I am armed, I 
 guard myself ; 3. p. ashwio ; p. eah- 
 Ashmihandan, {ndnd)a. v. in. I euard 
 myself against it ; 3. p. od ash...: 
 p. esh.-ang. ' 
 Ashwilcawa, (ni/id) a. v. an. I guard 
 myself against him ; 3. p. od ash.. 
 ^i ; p. cm.. Wad. 
 Ashwiwin, s. arms or weapon of a 
 warrior; pi.— ««. 
 Asikawa, (nind) a. v. an. I go to 
 meet him ; 3. p. od as..n ; p? es.. 
 wad. , f ^ . 
 Ai-inm-am, (nind) n. v. I slumber, I 
 am half asleep, I doze : 3. p. 1. : n 
 Askig,s: seal ; [F. loup-marin ;] pi... 
 a/f. '-^ *^ 
 AsM-gwaian, s. an. seal's skin : nl .- 
 Ad-nwm, (nind) n. v. I am ambiti- 
 0U8 ; 3, p.-i ; p, aia..sid. 
 Assa, (nind) a. v. «w. I put or place 
 him somewhere ; 3. p. od assdn ; 
 V-cssad; imp. ashi. 
 As^nh s. an. net, fish-net : pl.-.^ 
 ^/'"'fdb s. thread , twine ; yarn.' 
 Aimlahike, (nind) n. v. I makp 
 ^«sa.y«&wc^e«,s. linen 
 "^mS'^'^'^l^"-^- I ^-^ netting, 
 S ^^"^*' ^- P- ^-5 P- ''**•• 
 "^nef?""*' '■ ^"^'"^ ^°^ 'na'^ing 
 "^pSr^"' '• 'P'"'^'' ("et-maker;) 
 Asmia-es'hiwassab, s. «». spider's 
 web, cob-web ,-p!...«ff. 
 Astakkcwzn, s. netting, making nets 
 u4m&MA, s. an. an old bad net ; pi... 
 ^s&*t*' s reed ; [F. rosean ; G. 
 Schilfrohr ;] pl.-^o,^. 
 s"S% ^* '"°*'' °" *^® ^'^'*^- 
 Aemmdbandimin,(nind) c. v. we are 
 together face to face, we are con- 
 fronted ; p.aia.-didjig. 
 Assana, or-^nagMd, u. v. it is settled 
 down, pressed down; [P. c'est 
 loule ;J p. etsam^g, or-magalc. 
 Assanago, s. gray squirrel ; pl.-<7. 
 Assanagonaga, ox-magad, u. v tno 
 snow IS hard, settled down : p. ess.. 
 gag, OT-^agah ' ^ 
 Asswndnig, s. Ot. S. Ininatio. 
 Assanashhnadm, (nind) a. v m I 
 press It down, in a vessel : 3. p. 'ah 
 Jssdnashkine, or-manad, u. v. it is 
 prf ssed down, in a vessel : p. ess 
 neg, ox-magah ^ 
 Assdndjig, (nind)n. v. 1 put s th 
 somewhere in order to keep and 
 conserve it, or to hide it ; 3. p.-o • 
 p. ess..god. ^ ' 
 Assdndjirjmi, s. a place where s. th. 
 IS kept and conserved, or hidden " 
 pl.-ara. ' 
 AssdndJigon,(nind)&. v. in. I put it 
 somewhere to kee^. or hide it : 3. 
 V- odass...;Tp.ess..f/fd. 
 Assdndjignnan, (nind) a. v. an. I put 
 some aw. obj. somewhere to keep 
 or hide it ; 3. p. oil ass... : p. ess. 
 god. (V. Conj.j 
 Assaw(ln,s. an, arrow with an iron 
 point or head ; pl.-a^^.-S. Pihvale. 
 AssiXwe, s. goldfis>i; [C. i.e.chande ;] 
 Assilcadan. [nind) a. v. in. I dress it, 
 1 tan It, an in. s! an ; 3. p. <dass...: 
 p. e^s..ang.-PijiUweginnind .use- 
 kadan, 1 am tanuing an ox-hide. 
 Assekcde, or-magad, u. v. it ia 
 dressed or tanned, (in. skin ;) p, 
 ess..d:j, or-magah 
 Afise^ana, (nind) a. v. an. I dresr or 
 tan It, an an. skin ; 3. p. <.4 a^s..n \ 

 ASS 46 
 Agsekaso, n. v. 3 
 tanned! (;.Vsi;iE-;)V^^;7;;^°r 
 S ' ''""'"^ ' 3. p. 1. ; p. esee 
 ^s^eUmgamig, s. tan-house, leath- 
 er-manufactory ; pi.-,,;, ' *"'" 
 A.?«ma s. a«. tobacTo ; snuff. 
 iat,iory , i^i.-oti, 
 Asse^na-rmm, s.tobacco-box; snuff- 
 dtourneau ; ;] pi._«,^. 
 ^mgmak, s. starlingf (bird O TF 
 iST't'^'/; ^ '^"^^ "^ade of the 
 i^nner bark of the linden-tree ; pi ! 
 ^b£*of \t'f\ "• ^- ^ ««ft«» the 
 bar, of thehnden-tree, by boiling 
 ^«««, s aji. stone, pebble ; pl.-i; 
 Amm,^i the end of verbs signihes 
 wind • a. ■«''w°' '^^^^"'^'^ by the 
 fTi ' A " r^*^«*«Wi- It comes with 
 the wind, It IS driven this way by 
 the wind. Wehdsein, it is thrown 
 l^oskkohagassin, the leaves (of a 
 tree) are agitated by the wind 
 S TpLif ""' ^'^'^ ^'^ "^ ""t to sink 
 A^^ZiOmm^ s. Stone-Siou ; a kind 
 ol S ou-Indian ; pi. «,,. ' 
 ^^.*/w/l'«, oi-^««ya^, u. V. there are 
 stones it IS stony, full 01 stones^ 
 p..m'..^a,/, or-;;w./ai.. ' 
 Assimkadc, ox-nuiaad., u. v. it is 
 made 01 stone ; iT is paved with 
 !^-.. =;;;;. r.ro; 
 -4*«mi;w, s. an. small little stone ps 
 S« / S'OHM, It IS full of liltle 
 ^^^ V V- ess.,/cag, or—ma- 
 Ammw, {nind) n. v. 1 am stonP T 
 become stone^I am petrifiedTs'p' 
 came stone ; p. m..ang. 
 ' Assini^adjiw] \. Sky Moun- 
 Assim-wiihaigan, s. stone-buildin? • 
 stone-built fortress, pi.- J^ ^ ' 
 ^sstm-waJcaigewin, s.masonry, worK 
 trade or occupation of a ma^^n 
 Assmz^ahaigewiniai, s. mlson; pl- 
 Mdpmigan,, s. 0^!. scissors ; u\.-un 
 Asstssawemm, s. sand-cherry -Tc 
 cerisseagrappe;]pl.^J'^' ^^• 
 ing with my head on s. th I lav 
 Assotchibidjigan, s. girth ; or a ribbon 
 around a hat ; [F. sang e -1 nl ./^f 
 port It, putting i prop, i p/op' ^'j 
 Asswa]cwmg„de, ox-magadU- v. it is 
 ^»«ivahwaigan, or asawahwaiqanah a 
 prop, support, (made of w6od :) nl" 
 -an, OT-on. ^'^ 
 A»swakwaige, {nind) n. v. I am prop- 
 pysupportmg.-a.p. l.jp.a^j;. 
 kmnaAnind) a. v. an. (pron. nind 
 *Wa,) I support him with my 
 hands : 3. p. orf n^x « • r. „^ 
 A.w«;«/,«:f7(,;i, (.;jj;;j^) a. v. u. I gird if 
 /■V-^iass...;Y>.es8..dod. ' 
 Asswapma, {nind) a. v. a/t, I gird 
 him ; 3. p. od ass-.n ; p. ess..nad : 
 imp. asawapij. 
 AsswaeUn, {nind) or, tiz-'/j^ asswishir 
 n. V. I am leaning on some object"; 
 J- p. l.;p. ata..8hing. ' 
 ^-.wi-awa 7 W) a. v". an. I support 
 hun, I hold him upright ; 3. p! od 
 ass..n; p. aia..wad. 
 AtaMkana, {nind) a. v. an. I cast 
 lots for some an. obj.; 3. p. od at.. 
 .,^J.P- ^'f-noe? ; imp, atadikaj. 
 Atadi-nummigan, s. an. piayinff- 
 card ; pl.-apr. i- / "s 
 AttUimin, {nind) c. v. we put in to- 
 gether ; we are gambling, playing 
 at cards or at some other interest- 
 ed game ; we cast lots : we are 
 bettm-g ; p. etMUjiq. 
 Atadiwigamig, s. play-house, plav- 
 mg-house. ' ^ ^ 
 AttUiwin, s. interested game : card- 
 playing ; bet, wager. 
 Atiige, {niml) n. v. I put it : I play 
 an interested game, as card play 
 (considered in itself, or in regard 
 to one person only ; in regard to 
 Sir"" '"^^^"^ ''^^^^-' 
 ^Ko?ffo7aTare,:^cf^-'" ^ 
 Alaz,i ! interj. aha ! ha ! ah .'-used 
 by men orboys only, to express 
 joy, surprise; impatience, fear • 
 anger, indignation. ' ' 
 Af ma {nind) a. v. an. I sell him s. 
 tn. ; d. p od at..n ; p. et..mad. 
 Atamadis {mnd) r. v. I Jay or store 
 u up for me, 1 am laying up a 
 treasure; [L. thesamizo mihi;l 
 3. p.-o; p. et..8od. '■■ 
 Atandika>dan, {nind) a. v. in. I caat 
 lots- for it; 3. p. U at...- p. " 
 ang. ' ^ • 
 ing for money; I bet ; 3. p. i.; p. 
 Atagm, {mud) a. v. in. I put it in I 
 put it at stake, I play for it ; 1 bet 
 It, (m obj.)3. p. od at...; p. et- 
 Atigenan, {nind) a. v. an. I put at 
 stake some «;.. obj. ; I play lor it, 
 (him, her;)! bet It, (him, her;) 3. 
 p. od at... ; p. ctcujed. { Y. Coni. ) 
 Atageti mamahisimn, {nind) i in- 
 oculate with the cow-pox. S 
 Atimwin, s. card-playing, or the 
 playing of any interested game ; 
 Atdndiwin, s. commerce, trade, traf- 
 fie, buying and seUing! 
 Ataas, {nind) n. v. I put things up I 
 8toreup;_3. p.-c,;p.,^^,J. "P* ' 
 Atasson, (mnd) a. v. in. 1 put it up 
 somewhere to keep and conserve 
 It, I store it up ; 3. p. od at... ; p. 
 etassod. ' ^ 
 Atdssanan, {nind) a. v. an. I store up 
 eod. (y. Con}.)~Mbiwa p^eji. 
 ganan od atdssonan, he stores up 
 much flour. ^ 
 Ataasoioigamirj, s. store-house, ware- 
 house ; p\.-on. 
 Atdssowin, s. place where to put or 
 teep s. th„ larder, pantry, etc.; pi 
 -an. ^ 
 Atassowinini, s. storer ; pl.-waw 
 Atawd, (nind) a. v. an. I put or ^et 
 hims. th.;lbethim;3.p.oda^..^,• 
 p. ctawad. 
 Atawdgan, s. in. or aii. any thine- 
 given to a trader in exchange for 
 nf' ?°"ds, especially fur or skins 
 01 wild animals ; pl.-a„,, or-a^^. 
 Atdmima, {nind) a. v. a>i. I borrow 
 ofhim- Itrade with hi a, buying 
 8. th. of hun, or selling him s. th ■ 
 J. p. odat..n; p. et..mad. 
 Atawd mamaHmvi7i, {nind) I inocu- 
 late him with the cow-pox. 
 '■■ :h 
 ATC 48 
 Atdwange, (nind) n. v. I borrow : 3, / 
 p. I, ; p. etawanged. I 
 Mawan^en, (nind) a. v. in. I borrow 
 « , J. p. od at...; p. etawanqed. 
 Atawawfenan, {nind) a. v. an. I bor- 
 row aomea^. object; 3. p. c?d «<...; 
 p. etawanged. ' 
 '^hlT^'fi^' («^) n. V..I am in a 
 S borrowing ; 3. p.-t; p. et.. 
 Atawav^eahliwin, s. bad habit of bor- 
 rowing always. 
 Atawangewin, s. borrowing. 
 t'ttr'^I'i"^^ "• ^- I f«" back- 
 wards, I fall on my back : 3. ^ i ■ 
 p. aidtawa-esed. ' *' 
 ^M"'^tr <^f ^) n- ^- I sell, 1 trade, I 
 Atawe, (mnd) n. v. I have no fuel, 
 Ataw^tmsinaigan, a. tradinj-license: 
 Atawen, {m,id) a. v. in. I eell it. I 
 dispone of it ; 3. p. .da^...; p. ,^^. 
 Atawenan, {nind) a. v. an. I soil 
 iiim, (her, it,) some an. obj., I dis- 
 pose of him, (her, it;)i'p. ,,d 
 at..., J), etawed. 
 Atawtwigamig, s. house of com- 
 merce of trade, trading-house, 
 store ; pl.-a«. 
 Atawewin, s. market, commerce, tra- 
 traffic °'' ^'^^"P^tio"' trade, 
 Atawewinini, s. trader, merchant, 
 Btore-xeeper ; pl.-«'a^/. 
 Atutmsdn, s. cord of Wood ; x>\.~an. 
 Atchab, s. bow-string ; pl.-^V(, 
 Atchigaie, 0T-t7iagad, u. v. it is put, 
 placed • p. etck..deg, ox-magak. 
 AUhm, {mnd) n. v. I put s. th. at 
 stakeasaprize;3. p. i.;,^,.^e<i. 
 Atclivgewin, s. putting at stake s. th.; 
 also, the prize put at stake : pi. 
 —wn. *^ 
 AtcUgwananish, (n/nd) n. v. I am 
 under a shelter, (in rain ;) 3. p.-i; 
 p. etch..shid. 
 Atchikina, {nind) a. v. an. I make 
 an enclosure or a park around him. 
 I fence him in ; 3. p. o<i at..n • d 
 amt..nad, Pijiki lin ^atcht 
 ^na, I will fence (he cow in. 
 AtcUkinan, (nind) a. v. in. I sepa- 
 rate It, putting a pauition in : I 
 make an enclosure ; .^. p. od at... • 
 p. ata..ang. ' 
 Atchikinigade, or-magad, u. v. there 
 IS a partition; an enclosure, a park- 
 p. aiat..deg, ox-magak. 
 AtcUhinigan, s. partition or separa- 
 tion of rooms in a house; also, en- 
 closure, park ; pl.-^», 
 AtcMnis, (nind) n. v. I am shy, I 
 tear ; 3. p.-i ; p. etchinisid. 
 Atchisidebison, s. the foot-board of 
 the Indian cradle ; pl.-aw. 
 Atchisidebison bimibaigmg, or, tessa- 
 inng, stirrup. 
 AtcJiitakisse, (nind) n. v. I fall down 
 headlong;3. p. l.,.p.e^..serf, 
 Mchitanw, s. squirrel : pl.-^. 
 Atchitchab, (nind) n. v. sfAwassab. 
 AtcJutchaii, adv. aside, away. 
 AtchltcUkana, adv. Ot. suddenly, all 
 at once. ^ 
 Atchitching?msse, (nind) n. v. I fall 
 on my face ; 3. p. 1. ; p. etch..sed. 
 Ate, ox~magad, n. v. the fire or can- 
 dle goes out ; p. aiateg, ox-?naqah 
 Ate, ox-magad, n. v, it is, there is : 
 p. eteg, ox~magdk. 
 Atean, (nind) a. v. in. I quench it 
 extinguish it, put it out, (fire or a 
 candle, etc.) 3. p. od dteau; p. aid- 
 teang. ^ 
 Ateli, Xnind) n. v. I am sober again, 
 (alter having been drunk;) 3. p. 
 i^-:,l>- a^dte1)id. ^ 
 Atebiwin, s. soberness, the state of 
 not being drunk. 
 Ateifjan, s. extinguisher ; pl,-a». 
 Ateige, (nind) n. v. I quench or ex- 
 tinguish, (fire, etc.;) 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Ate^Mn, (nind) n, v. S. Atehi. 
 Jitig, at the end of some compound 
 words, signifies wood, tree, stick 
 stead.— When the first part of the 
 composition ends in a vowel, iali^f, 
 OTwatig, 18 annexed; as: Aitdi. 
 latig, cross ; anamiewatig, cross. 
 -«V." '^'"'^^^^' [F. caribou;] pi. 
 Atikam, s. young raindeer; pl.-a^ 
 Atil-a7yieg, s. white fish; pl.-'«L.^' 
 Atm, s. sinew, nerve, ; pl.-m •' 
 XT\^- ""'■ "^'■^^ "I- sinew with 
 the flesh on it ; pl.-.,^,. 
 a rough ; 3. p. i. ; p. ,^..^,^ « 
 Atwah, {nind) n. v. I put up or con- 
 serve provisions, victuals ; 3 n 
 Atwalcogabmv, (aind) n. v I Ipqn 
 against s. th., standing: 3. pi 
 p. aiat..wid. ^' "P- *' 
 ^t-"'*^""f ''' .''""'^) a. V. an. T put 
 hiHM her, H,) there to lean agaS 
 s til 3. ^.odat.ji; p. aiat..mad. 
 Atwm/mmn {nind) n. v.; 3. p.-«. S 
 Awadinisne, {ni>ui) n. v. I am fetch 
 ;ng or carrying wU for fueTftJ" 
 ^•i p. aia..sed, ' ^" 
 Awadjidahia, {nmd) a. v. ara. I ma'ce 
 ^cSJf """' " ^°"-eyance in a 
 se ?• -in " ^ carnan:e for my- 
 S; ui. in It, back-basket ; (G. Butte 
 Tragkorb;]pl.-«„. ' L^- -"""e, 
 rytTr''^'' ^"i!^ "• ^- I am car. 
 "^Sn?f'^'^'"'^)^-^- «''• lam ■ 
 ^inf -I'T'' ^'^''^^^ »• ^- I am carry- 
 ings. th.lnabasket,etc.;3.p.L• 
 Awadon, {nind) a. v. in.. I carry it or 
 convey It on a carriage or sleigh; 3 
 ^■fato...-^ ^.aidwadod. ^ ' 
 of wS -'.f^''^^' ^"''^^'^^ P"«onei- 
 01 war , also, domeet fc or tamed 
 animal or bird ; pl.-a^. '^"'^"^ 
 Atwassidcm, (nind) a. v. «V<. I u.,t it I j "'""."" or oira ; pl.~ag. 
 there to lean against s. th.; 3.'p"^^ ^^^''-'t f ^\^- ^■•, ^'^^ ^ «"«Iave 
 ut...; p. ma. dad. mm. i fr^i^f v,,,„ i:]._ 
 Aw,_ {nind) n. v. I am ; 3 
 .0 . ,' ' "^ "'" > J- p. axai • n 
 aiawid. ^ ' i^- 
 Aw, pron. that, this. 
 ^^m,(m-«Z)a v.«^i. I ,nake use of 
 ^omenn. obj.; 3. p. od awan l 
 aiawad.-Nin wir-awa ki Jiil-ini 
 I want to make use of youHx' 
 "'se'^ve^t'lfr' ^'''■''^^ "• ^- I make 
 several trips in a canoe or boat 
 fetching or carrying s.th.; 3. p...: 
 p. atan'..sod. ^ ' 
 Awadass, {nind) n. v. I am fetnhing 
 oroarrymo s.th.inacarnage;"! 
 P--'>; p. aia..sod. ' 
 Awadassini, (nind) n. v. I am carrv- 
 him ; I treat him like a 
 farv,V * "'""■' ■""" ""^^ a slave ; I 
 tame an animal or bird, or I keep a 
 amedamma orbird;3.p.o^«£,'^ 
 n; p.mv..nad. 
 Awahinigm, {nind) p. v. it makes 
 me a slave, it enslaves me ; 3. p 
 odaiv...: \x^jod.~Baiadowinod avli- 
 ^mfi?rf '' H'^^^ ••• ^- I enslave 
 ^nml' , "''''''' myself the slave of 
 somebody, or something ; 3. p.^ • 
 p. tw..md. ^ ' ^^ ' 
 -f 'mto«^, (,„>,^) n. V. I am a slave, 
 a prisoner of war, a captive ; 3. p.- 
 »; p. ew..tvid. "■ 
 Aivahdniwin, or awalanidiwin. s 
 slavery, captivity, state and condi- 
 tion 01 a slav«. 
 AwaJrtnan, („,„d) a. v. a,,.. I tame it 
 Awan, s. fog, ruist. 
 ^^amim„4),.lan.. Tea?;,. 
 ««. oh,, on a carriapo or sleigh ; j 
 ^w"i!^'f' "'*''• P"n>oselv,8fubhon,. 
 ly, contrary to a piohihition. 
 ^w?a«,j.it.,w,, or-w/ff^/flrt', n. v it i^ 
 ™«(.v,Urainsa Jittle ; n. .,, "j, 
 ^tt.«*,(«i/^./)n. V.I warm myself, 3 
 AwoMbi, (nml) n. v. 1 collect or 
 gather tho sap of maple trees in 
 ^w-w/s. at the the end of someneuter 
 a child or children. JV.V.^taC 
 J P'vo birth to a child. nJIZTso 
 slie ffivos suck to a child SS' 
 *^as.o he ( she ) scolds in r .gard to" 
 ^;rS. "^'^'- ^^ ^^yon, the 
 ^^r«.v.v,„/„;;,, a,iv. on the other side of 
 a river, lake, etc. The same as 
 Arcassaui adv. further 
 Awassal-i, or r,w«..,,«r^//«,.adv. beyond 
 the mountain, on the other side of 
 a mountain or hill.-.l,,vA,,l^,^l": 
 been beyond the Rocky Mountains 
 sny, vyild ; p. ewassdsui. 
 4?W*,.f?,yi-a;„,, (/Wm/) n. V. I sro 
 •^- p. i-,i\(!W..a/n/. 
 or iT""'^' *[^''- ^'^'""'^ t'»« house 
 or lodge, on the other side of it. 
 Awanstsn, « burbot (fish;) pl.-^ 
 , .. , beKlt'r- ^'^^ 'he summer 
 ^"^'lasr'"^"'"''""-''' "''''• ^'"^ fall before 
 ^«„,^, adv. the day after to- 
 ^Zfrl^aY^'"' ^- «'*■ I "l^en him to 
 somebody, or to s. th.: .3. p oU 
 '^fim-en., pron. whoever, whosoev- 
 that who walks there?-! don't 
 know who. 
 Awekana, (niml) a. v. an. S. Awta 
 without a possessive pronoun. 
 fffMl awema, my brother, or my 
 sister -A male will say, nin< Lml 
 ^na, my sister, (whether younger 
 sayf ':,•/?'" he,-)buta'ieiS 
 uJh:t^ ""''''"''' "'y BROTHER, 
 I ihe ) ^'"""^^'^ '^^ ^l'*^^ tiian 
 Awiaen ? pron, who i* 
 Awe>nmu,^nmd)^. v. an. I suppose 
 to be him; 3. p. orZ ««•..„; p ,^! 
 Arocnishe, s. a young beaver under 
 two years old; [C. avolat ,] pi ! 
 Awes,n, s. animal, beast ; pl.-^W 
 Awesst-amendamo/rn,. s. instinct 
 sagacity of an animal. '"^""'^l' 
 A>mumdn, s. a?i. animal's skin 
 hide ; pl.-a(/. ' 
 An'vtchiga7i, s. comparison ; repre- 
 sentation ; paral)le. ^ 
 ^^rt'tc/iu,c,(nuul) n. v. I makp a ror. 
 resentatioii of «. th • I mat ^* 
 <tia..<jnl. ^ > >'• p. i.,p 
 p. w/ <ifi...- p. aia.Med ( V Pm., 
 there M^..J , ^^^ ^^°P wood 
 ^m,mon. Ot. i. Aw. 
 nun, .i p ryfi? a?wa«; p. ervia/l 
 wind ' ^ "'^ "'^«' P- ««'i- 
 ^of 'somo"-otT'"'''°'?y' ^^'"^ Person 
 « u>), I ^^'/ ^^y of myself to be 
 Sa f?'' V"'"^*^"'' '" b° this 0? 
 tnat I trans/jrm myself- T r. J, 
 aTo'yi;'?T,««5«f yourself. -'- 
 be? ""^ '^'^ yo" pretend t<, 
 ver-pfeces?)^''"- ('"oneyrsil- 
 . .^y^-^-P'^-'P-ewnwed. 
 4w..J<«,«, a. blacksmiU,, Lith, pi. 
 -^ »»'"«-«•»&, s ' bla?k™it),'< 
 "i ] ;: 
 Some words which are not found under B, may be looked for under P. 
 ^ff-,. particle, (The Chamje of jBi^.) 
 rSuhn, a. papa, father. 
 BaM-, in compositions, signifies fio- 
 t'luj or mom7i(/ about, from one place 
 to another; as : Jesus nisso hihon 
 gi-baba-<jagikwe; Jesus preached 
 three years in different places, 
 (went from place to place preach- 
 ing.) JiabiUlajimje, he (or she) 
 speaks ill of people in different 
 places, (he (.she) goes from place 
 ■ to place backbiting people. ) p. 
 hcba-... ' 
 Jiahl-amdil, (nin) n. v. I live or stay 
 in different places, changing often- 
 3. p. I., p. bcb.Jad. 
 liabu-akoslika. {iiin) n. v. I tire or fa- 
 tigue mysell traveling about: 3. n 
 l.;p.beb..ad. ^' 
 Bahd-danis, {nin) n. v. 1 move about, 
 I rove, 1 change often my place of 
 residence; ^.Y>.r, I). $d)..ml. 
 Labagicaajigicc, (nm) n. v. I take off' 
 the bark from a tree which I cut 
 down; 3. p. 1.; p. Wn.wrf. 
 hahayiU, {nm) n. v. I am drinking 
 liquor in several places; 3. p. 1 • 
 p. bcb.Md. ' 
 BaMijita, {nin) n. v. I bustle about 
 (t. .le tracapse;)3. p. 1; p. beK.taJ. 
 MabiU-awtn, s. godfather; sponsor 
 at baptism; also, my adopted father- 
 p.. -ag. There is always a pos- 
 sessive pronoun prefixed to this 
 word; mn hahaihiwiv, ki babaika- 
 tvin, obaiiaxkawinan, »&c.; mv, thv 
 his godfather, &c. ^' ^' 
 ^ab^inode {nin) n. v. S. BaUmode. 
 JiabatitdLkwanagiM aw mdtuj, this 
 tree has ni,any branches. ' 1 
 Jl(ih(1mada.ga{nin)n.\. lam swim- 
 m)ngabout;3. p. l.;p. if/,..,/,.^. 
 MabAmadagan, {nin) n. v. "l walk 
 ™t in the water; 3. p. ~i; p. beb.. 
 Jiabi)madis,{nin)n. v. Itravel about; 
 3. p. -<; p. 6ci..syV/. 
 Ji(d>ihnadid-wa<jtikwad, s. travelinir 
 axe; p|. -on. " 
 ■Babihnadidwin, s. vo"age, travel* 
 peregrination. ' 
 Jiubumadjim, {nin) n. v. I tell s. th. 
 in different places, I go from place 
 to place to tell it; 3. p. -o; p. fej.. 
 B<thamadjimo-masinaiga7i, s. news 
 l'ai)er; pi. -an. 
 ■BabamadJimov:in,s. the telling of a 
 story or news in different places; 
 news, story, report, rumor that is 
 going round. 
 £abi\madiklji<mde, or -inagad, u. v 
 it is noised out, rumored about ; p.' 
 b(b..d(fi, or -^nntiak. 
 JJabomojaatn, (';,7w) n. v. lam going 
 about m a cnnoe, near the shore- 
 ^3. p. 1.; p. li(h..ang. ' 
 ■Bahuma»/t, {nin) n.' V. I am sailine 
 about; 3. p. -i; p.. beb..«/iid. 
 -Babnrnassin, u. v. it is driven about 
 by the wind; p. bcb-sina. 
 Bdbamatdiiliiyan, s. a] kite made of 
 japer; pl.-«w. 
 Babamatawe, {nin) n. v. I pedle, I 
 carry goods about for sale; 3. p. 1; 
 p. oeb(tmataiC(d. 
 ■Babamatmrtinn, s. pedling, pedlei's 
 trade or occupation. 
 Habamatawncinini, s. pedler • fF 
 colporteur;] pl.-w-o^. 
 Babamerulagos, (nin) n. v. they nav 
 ■Bafiainendaywad, u. v affpnUr,^ 
 tention, I care; :i. p. j • n La J'^nendam. ' 
 >famcnUamadimii (uLc v sy^^ J^fdmindan, {nin) a, 
 turn niir ot>-..,»:_.. ,^ •^""yi-' v. We hlLm.„n^l„,. ^ ' 
 , -. ■• .. lo driven hy 
 '' (in a high sea ;) p. 
 my sister. ' ' "' 
 Jlabanmidamoivm, s. attention carP 
 Mabamemldn, {nin) a. v S f n,.' 
 attention to it, / ,, ■ J j?' / P"> 
 for it ■ '1 n 7' ^ '"I'lH It, I care 
 lor It , J p. „ l)^^f,^ ^^ 
 IS m.ndeci, considered, take"; care ' 
 J^abumendjigas, (nm)n. v. I am talc 
 en care of, attention; is paid ?« me 
 Jiabam^mina, {nin) a. v. an, J nnv 
 liim z-),^^ -^ I „ '^ -*■ '■^'^f ijotice of 
 iHmJher. It;) 3. p. . baL.n; p. beb 
 Miniemndzs, {nin) r. v. I turn mv 
 a entiontomyselUcaretrX- 
 Mlamihaa, {nin) a. v. «;». i rn^^,^ 
 - - -^ 3. p. .,. p. ,,-ont, j --T-Sg^g^,^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 ■Babdniibinm, u. v shn«ror» r 
 Babumi>idam, {nin) n. v. S 7^-, 
 fdndrulan, {nin} a. v m « a. 
 f-ut,(abi;d:-L^)j %«y"i^ 
 JiabCwiitarn, {nin) n. v 1 o1)pv t n. 
 Si:'-"' ''■*».■ ^•i.?rp'.w''.' 
 J^fa>mtawa., {nin) a. v «;. T nh. 
 lum,.I listen to him Vdo whnM ^ 
 askM grant his pe";itionrhTs'; ay': 
 the waves '■- ■ • - 
 beb..a>ig. ■- ^ 
 Mhamosse, {nin) n. v. I walk fm,.. 
 Jiabanadis {nin) n. v I am !„.;„ 
 Mabanadj, adv. dangerously losing 
 ll1:riTt"'^^'^t^ ^'•'^o "• V. / go 
 ^^Bi '.' 
 to lioar what they are saymg ; 3. 
 !'•-'; p. heb..w/d. 
 ^inMnaiidotamage, (nm) n. v. 1 beir 
 mend.cate, ask alms ; 3. p. 1 • p 
 fi<tha>umii,tama^fy,in «. beffffarv 
 mendicity. BB^'y^ 
 naha>iamt(u,os, {nind) n. v. I am dPH- 
 pairod ol, by my speaking, (for in- 
 stance a sick person by liis (eeblo 
 /.ahufumawa, {,m>) a. v. ««. I des- 
 pair of him, of hie recovery, by his 
 vota",3. p. o hah..n; p. M^mk 
 nahajnjima, {mn.) a. v. an. 1 laufrh 
 with him; 3. p. Ja5..;i ; ;;. J^J.. 
 /ia/mp?ns,e, (nm) n. v. I walk or 
 runfastfS.p. l.;p.?.,i..j,,rf. 
 Maha.jnndtge, (m„) n. v. I go from 
 hoiise to house; 3. -p. 1. ; ■p. M>.. 
 Mkhdmn^we, (nin) n. v. I have a gay 
 smiling countenance .- 3. p. 1. ; n 
 beb.Mtd. ' ' ^ ' 
 Mmnis, (nin) n. v. T am joking, 
 dr()Ilihg:3.p.-;;p.j,j,.,,^.J ^' 
 Jiahaptmdage. Jiahdpt,u>dagmm. 
 Jialainnodan. Hahd/dnodawa.-B 
 Bafimdaqe. Bdpinodagmm. Ha 
 pmodan. Bapinodawa,- 
 Mte. The duplication of the 
 first syllable in the above four 
 words, and in many others, does 
 not change their signification ; it 
 merely denotes a repetition or re- 
 Iteration of the same act. So, nin 
 />fl;jzwoto signifies, I ridicule it ; 
 and, mn hahdpmoddn, I ridicul-^^ it 
 often; «kc, 
 B(Adpinm, (nin) n. v. I am telling 
 drolleries, little jokes and tricks, 
 to make people laugh ; 3. p. 1. ; p.' 
 oeb..wed ' r > i 
 Babdwasse ox-^agad, u. v. a clear 
 pnce of land, a clearing or a lake, 
 IS seen through the woods: fC. on 
 voit un eclairci ;] p. hei..seg, or- 
 Bahawidju-ndmin, (nin) c. v. wo 
 accompany oachcfhergoingabout, 
 vve go about together ; p. h,b..dui. 
 liaUividjt^nditvin, h. going about to- 
 „^T '^'/ f""tual accompaniment. 
 JMiham-f/jura (mn) a. v. „n. I go 
 about with him. I accom],nny him 
 p. Mj.Avad. 
 Bahedjwnum, (nin) n. v. S. Bahi- 
 I Jiahegihtdandji^e, (nin) n. v. I eat 
 JlalMadts (nin) n. v. i am slow, 
 ^iull, in doing 8. th. ; 3. p.-^ ; p. 
 ben.. Bid. ' ^ 
 Babegihulimwin, s. dulness, slow- 
 ness, in doing s. th 
 JioUna^, a little better, a little more. 
 ■hahmdee, {mn) n. v. I am peevish, 
 siilky; passionate ; 3. p. i. ; p. j^-^ 
 Bahigodeeu'in, peevishness ; passion- 
 ate temper. 
 Baldijomahahi, s. a kind of big toad; 
 Bahigwntagad, u. v. it is spotted or 
 dotted; also, it is coarse, (stuff;) 
 p. beb..gak. ^' 
 JiaUjagenddn, (nin) a. v. in. I notice 
 It, 1 see It, in going by; 3. p. obab...\ 
 p. beb..ang. ' 
 Bahijdgenima, (nin) a. v. an. 1 noti- 
 ce or see him in going by ; 3. p. 
 bab..n; p. hch..mad. 
 BaUhmip^em, s. an. small pearl ; 
 pi. babilcomigensag, small pearls' 
 worn round the neck. 
 Bahihmiinagad, u. v. it is globulous 
 or globular; p. UK.gaJc.-Mashkihi 
 oehik^mnagak, pills. 
 Bdbikominagisi, n. v. 3. p.-S. Biko- 
 mill agin. 
 Babimiwidadimin, (nin) c. v. we 
 carry the load or pack of one an- 
 ther ; fin. we forbear with each 
 other; [L. alter alterius onera por- 
 tamus;] p. beh..didjig. 
 BaUmiwidawa, (nin) a. v. an. I car- 
 ry s. th. for him ; also, fig., I fo.-- 
 bear with him, I have patience 
 3- p. obah..n; p. /*/>, 
 with him ; 
 Jial,uw„hd'U'u (nin) n. v. I am Biioot- 
 mn with bow ami arrows: ;j. u. i. • 
 II. IxtK.wcd. f ' ^ 
 Hahimwaxtdn, (nin.) n. v. I am throw- 
 niff atones; 3 ,,.!,■ p. M..*W 
 Lafmiu^^e (nm) „. v. I stagger; 3. 
 naUndimmjan, s. an. raft ; pl.-a« 
 nahtndamuianilce, {nm)n. v. I maiie 
 a raft to cross a river on it ; 3 n 
 I', p.lwh..l-ed. ^ 
 linhlx/uuiiAnin) n. v. I move about 
 oneurth;3.p,l.;p. /,i..^i,/._yj: 
 ennb -^^^ '^ "^' ''^''P'^ "''^"» 0" 
 Jiafjiihagishhiira, {nin) a. v. a^ I 
 J. p. cirtJ.. 
 move about with him 
 n; p. heb..wad. 
 Jiixhishhitawa, {nin) a, v. an. I list- 
 en to him with distraction, (sleep- 
 ing, or otherwise distracted;) 3 
 P'/bah..n; p.bek.wad. 
 Jkibishkwendam, (nin) n. v. I lose 
 my senses (my recollection) from 
 time to time, fainting ; also, I am 
 not attentive in listening to a ser- 
 mon or discourse, I am distracted; i 
 Jiahsibt, (mn) n. v. I belch, winds 
 come up from my stoinac ; 3. p. 1 • 
 p.haia..hid. .^-p- i., 
 BaUsi^ahman, {nin) a. v. in. S. 
 J itibakwaan. 
 £<iiismndibe, {nin) n. v. I have cur- 
 ledha,r;3. p. l.,-p.^,,j..5g^. , 
 J^abmgmmdjiwadj, {nin) n. v. my 
 hands are benumbed bv cold • 9 
 P--i;p.heh..djid. ' 
 £abtsi,miilewa(lj {nin) n. v. my feet 
 are benumbed by cold ; 3. v.~i • 
 p. beb..djid. ^ ^ V- I, 
 Babmkawagan, s.coti, jacket, frock 
 lor men; a kind of waistcoat worn 
 by squaws and halfbreed women. 
 [C. mantelet;] pl.-^. 
 Bahmne, adv. after it was done or 
 baid too late,-^a^M/„, nin gi-mih- 
 wendan, I remembered too late 
 Sd?" '• '^' ^^' ^^'^^^^ done «; 
 cha,, p ^ J- ^- [K JO me 
 n; p. b(h..ad. ' " 
 Mcawnn, n. v. p|. they are small 
 [m. objects;) p. b^bitoagin ' 
 Jiidnmg, (nin) n. v. I have smnll 
 "nhs (hands, feet, dec ) 3 P '" 
 ^ftTn'V't '-^J^haveamail 
 legs, J. p. ].;p, , „,,^f^l 
 Bahmtgauje,{^nm)n. v. 1 ,nake small 
 notches or incisions in maple-tree 
 7 «"Rar-making;) 3. p J • '' 
 beb..ged. i'- H- > p. 
 liabiwijinimin, {nin)n. v. pi. we ars 
 «n.^ (««. Objects ;) p^s;^ 
 arms, 3. p, \.,:^.beb..ked. 
 JJahtwmmdjc, {nm) n. v. I have 
 small hands: 3. p. ]. • ^ hA v!f 
 B^d>iu,i.Mam^ {nl) n,' l\ *f "fetve 
 stnall footsteps o^ traces behind 
 me, m walking ; 3. p. 1. ; p S 
 BabiwishUvjigwe, [nin) n. v. I havp 
 small eyes; 3. p. 1. ; p. j,j.. J« 
 ieet,3. p. 1. ; p. beb..ded. 
 Babitciiawage, {nin) n. v. I havP 
 Babwedana, {nin) a. v. a«. j blow 
 -Badagmig {nin) pass. v. I am c 
 pressed by the night-mare ; 3.T 
 hadagona; p. bedagmind. ^' 
 Badagoshkan, {nin) a. v. «„ T on 
 * See JVote at Agassigadti 
 •r -U 
 nn. 1 op- 
 l>- o bad..n 
 [I -if .:. 
 I ^ 
 li is- 
 BAG 5q 
 Jiad(uinM-awa, {nin) a v , 
 proNH him, 1 crush hirn, 
 niyHell upon him ; . 
 I>. btd..wad, 
 Mudayomdes, (nm) n. v. I burn mv 
 /oot putting u on «omo h«t object! 
 Maduiahnmn,inm) a. v. in. a. 8 
 Madukahrdwa, {nin) a. v. an. Ot 
 ». ^asmgakwuwa. 
 syllables or m the middle of the 
 r7n1' .''^"'^y '"""''* °' fees or cJ 
 piants; or some reference to Jeav 
 es ; as : J/^rnvtba,/, among leaves 
 iixunhaga, tiie leaves on the trees 
 are comuig forth. GoMoJm/aJn 
 the leaves tremble or shake by the 
 ^W/JwIiV*. («/n^ n. V. I am not 
 drunk, I am sofjor; 3. p.-."; p. J,^. 
 Mcujakadisiwin, s. soberness; fill 
 tresnost.] ' •• 
 liiujumme, {nin) n. v. mv cheek i« 
 -^roilen, (or, my cheeks are swoll 
 en,; J. p. i.,- p. baiu,j..wed. 
 JiuijaManvje, {ninYn. y. ^y jaw is 
 swollen, (my jaws are swollen 
 V,, V; ^> P- ba-ta..nai '' 
 J^'lgidenaniwe, {nin) n. v. my tongue 
 8 swollen,- 3, p. 1; p. bciiJ.weP 
 J^c'lgtdj,)m, {nin) n.y. my nose is 
 swollen; 3,1.1.; p. 6^,..../J°««»« 
 J^<^gidon, {nin) n. v. my mouth is 
 swollen;3.p l.;p.i„4X"i ' 
 J^'hHiade, {nin) n. v. my iL i. 
 swollen, (or, my leg« ar'e sw'ol ! 
 eii,j3.i). l.;ix]>a'ia..ded. 
 Mag'Kjondagan, {nin) n. v. my throat 
 •s swo len; 3. p. i.;p. haialglZ 
 Sfyu/o.sAhnj,gwe, {nin) n. v. my eye 
 IS -swollen, (my eyes/are swollen 
 Mdgmdzbe, {nin) n. v. 
 swollen; 3. p. i • ' 
 JSUginmce, {nin) 
 swollen; 3. p. 1., p. 
 Bhyimlce, {nin) n..v. my arm is 
 .wollen (my arn^s are'swoUen 
 ^ my head is 
 ) p- baia..led. 
 "• ■ niy face is 
 p. haia.wed. 
 ^'hmndji, {nin) n. v. my hand i. 
 5woilen,(myhUl, ar^swollen) 
 r,^- V-,^y V- fma..id. '' 
 ^%».T/4, («»,) n V. I am swollen: 3. 
 P- r ;,P- l""<hi'<kid ' ' 
 JiUmhuvin, 8. swelling, tumor 
 I^i^gi^^de, (nin) n. v my foot is 
 swolen,(myfeetareswillin; " 
 ^''^'Kitawage, (nin) n. v. mv etr i, 
 p. i., p. bai<i..ged. ' 
 fcnl'r""^"''' "• V. it is shal- 
 low nof deep, (a river, lake &c) 
 p. baiihju'ag or -wayaX; ^ 
 //Wzd«, («,Vi)a. v.%„. I mend i. 
 by sew.ng a p/ece to it, I pSd U ' 
 ^«£^^'a<W, (,„v.) ,1. v/l mend 
 s^oes by sewing a meceon.'l patch 
 them, 3. n. -o; p. W.^,,^ ' *' 
 7eT-T.V («'«)»• V. I mend a 
 rs;iL-'\''*'i'-^^"'^- (The same 
 as, nmbagwdwa agsdb. ) 
 ■^»S'^vadjtna{nin) a. v. a «. I rip him 
 i take his entrails out; 3. i o 
 •^Sftf^'(«^>f)n. V.I mend or 
 -^«f«'^z>a..,s. patch, piece; pi. -a„. 
 ^agivctige, {nin) n. v. I am natrln„n 
 or mending cUes,&c^ 3 pT- 
 P- beg..ged. ' * ^'J 
 £agu>ilige,Hn, «. mending, patching. 
 ?.''r"' 1'""^ ": ^- I"^end or patch 
 Waonod. ^ ' P" '"'/• 
 ■Bamoatigweia sibi, u. v. the river i^ 
 shallow; p. baiag..iag. ' 
 patch some an. object; 3. p « 
 %..r.; ^.beg..wad; imp. 6«<7,„r-_^ 
 5»n »w*Aw;m higoshJca, nirlwiba. 
 T^T "J .^^^"dkerchief is torn. 
 Iwilmendit, bysewingapieco 
 MgwnxUa, or -mngnd, u. v. tlu. 
 waves brofik 0.1 a shailow plac. 
 torn ,%"^'- '.''?"'='""• the bot- 
 Zr ^f/""^'"'' ^v« 1^'" too near tlm 
 Eo&.'^' '*'•""« ^"^ '°'''^'' t'^e 
 Jifaiil.iiiw,,hi,id, p. s. a. s.iuier 
 transsrosHor; pi. -»V '"""'^'^' 
 cuser, pi. -y,y. 
 Jiaidtfij jonun, s. raisin. 
 JiaMtimgaded, p. >,. a. wood-louse 
 m. "pcHl (rmllepedes;) pi. /^ s' 
 ^t'iV\ f '''• "' '^^ ^«'"« time, just 
 at that tune. "' 
 J^ajihal,ja8, (ni,i) n. v. I am stabbed- 
 I am speared; 3. p. -.,; p.h'j..,od. 
 JianhXwaAnhi) a. v. a;^. I «tab hi, • 
 f spear him; 3. p. o bai-.n; p. hej 
 Majidebadon, (nm) a. v. in. I make 
 It so full that is flows over, I fill it 
 ^o^overfl„w;3. p. .6«;...,.'p. mI! 
 £ajidibl or -magad, u. v. it is under 
 water, (a piece of ground, a ponn 
 &c.,) It IS overflowed; p. be), bin 
 ox -macule. ^ wj..oig, 
 Bamdjlwaii sihi, u. v. tlie river is 
 high It flows at full banks: it 
 overflows; p. /;<y-..«;j^. 
 Bajidindan {nm) a. v. in. I prefer 
 It; J. V-oha)...',T^.lej..daiig. 
 Bapidinima, (nin) a. v. an. I prefer 
 turn; 3. p. baj..n; p. bej..?)ml 
 Bajinma, {nin) a. v. an. I put him 
 in da^jger of being killed, ofpe- 
 nshing in some manner; 3. p. o 
 f>aj:n: p. bej..nad; imp. bajinaj. 
 Suf;Sf''^ "• ^; I come near being 
 killea, I am in danger of perishing, 
 of being lost, drowned, of dying of 
 a^erum sickness, &c.; 3./. if p, 
 glad to Be saved, to nave escaped 
 the danger of being killed, or of 
 ail in the endeavor to have it; 3 
 Bakndi, {nin) n. v. I am hungry I 
 ,/,••'• P; !•) P- bekaded. 
 Bakadem,,{nin) r. v. f make myself 
 «utrer hunger I make myseffSs 
 ,/; Pr"; P- W-..«W. ' 
 Bahidim,{nin)xx.y. I weep or cry 
 being hungry f weep of hunge 
 /, ; I'; " '^i P- ^tkademod,- ■ 
 ^akadenodan, (nin) a. v. t/i. I hunL'- 
 er afteHt, I long after it, I Sre 
 "ardently; 3. n..5«,..:.VTr 
 danrjm gumako-bimadiiiwin: bles- 
 sp'f are they that hunger after 
 vnS'""""' '• *'^"^''''' famine, star- 
 vation, want of provisions. 
 Jiakadeunnagad, u. v. there is fa- 
 S^' "^'''■' starvation; p. hek.. 
 ^«-{-am« (^i,i) a. V. a„. I cut 
 Uirough with my teeth some an. 
 Ob)., 3. p. o bak..7i; p. bek..mad. 
 nnnfh/'!!-- "''^^'-wise, differently; 
 another thing. ' ' 
 BakHfiMl, u. V. it is another thing, it 
 IS different; p. bekanak. ^' 
 Bakandan, {hin) a. v. in. I cut it 
 through with my teeth; 3. p. " 
 bak...;p. beh.ang. ^ 
 Bakandjig((de, or -magad, u. v. it is 
 J^aUnenim, {nin) n. v. I am divided 
 m my thoughts, in my mind: 3. p. 
 -0, p. bek..mod. ^ 

 ■SaHnenmdte, (nin) i. v. I am ^i 
 mS Lr ' "■ '-J »* tnoihe, 
 ^akun-tMotawe, (nm) n. v. I am m 
 J-roperiy I rnake mv firo pIsp 
 where, not in the ImL- (as thp' 
 f «'«^"«. («'.Vi) n. V. I am of 
 ano her branch ofthe road or trSil 
 |C. .)e foin-che; 3. p. 1 • v. fcfej ' 
 -ga^ea^e, adv. aside. ' ^ 
 ouSte^'"V"- ^- r «tep aside, 
 out of the road or trail- i c; .- . ' 
 ■Sa/l-caabau'ttaiva, (nm) a. v. „« I 
 s ep out of the road oi- trail, to Sve 
 BaUgama, s. separation of a lake 
 where a Jake is divided in two 
 l^anches by a projecting 1 iT 
 Bajrecramani/, in a' p/ace where 
 theiT IS a separation of a Jake 
 £fetdzmtn, (nm) c. v. we seoarate 
 orr-^rL^'Stj'- "^ '^^'-^ s 
 ocner, p. bek..didnq. 
 sonJr'"' '■ «^P^^«tion of per- 
 Bal:U'ana, adv. on the way-side 
 Bakemo mikana, u. v. the road 
 splUs,separates, divideslp.a' 
 ^a^e*Ma«w, («i«) a. v. mi. I leave 
 him, quit him, I separate from him 
 I repudiate her. (him-\T^ ' 
 Bakcshhodadimin, {nin) c. v. we 
 separate from each other, esne 
 cially married j.eopJe, v^^^Sl 
 BalceshUdadiuin, s. separation di 
 vorce, repudiation. ^ ' ^^' 
 HakePujucia dU, u. v. the river di 
 ;' W:!'/''"" '"'"--= ''Set 
 ■/'«/fewe„a, („m) a. v. ^.- , t ithdraw 
 from him, depart fr Tx^Z 
 another roacf- ^ ,i a 7 ^® 
 ^fitoinan, {nin) a. v. w. j denart 
 from It, withdraw from it, I St [t 
 away. 3 p. 5«^. . j,";^^.' J"' »* 
 ^«vfwm, f«j„,) n. V. h. Bake ^' 
 Sr ja ",• - ^ ^« into the 
 water, (to bathe or to fetch s ^\^ 
 ^akolnbato, (nin) n. v. 1 run into ih. 
 ^"f '^^^'^«?'^^«'«^, {nin) n. v. I jump 
 -'^fobiiia, (nin) a. v. «„. j i^^nch or 
 P"t him in the wate .jStly 
 ^a person or any an. c.,.) fp o 
 '>oJc..n;^.lek..nad. '' ' ^° 
 put It in the water sliehtlv 3 n 
 launched a vessel yesterday. 
 bakoUninajuwa, {nin) a. v. a^ i bid 
 Ji";/«'" th. water, I make him 
 go in the water; 3, p « hnJ, «• !! 
 hS !^, ^"■'"•>:"l>"'majawa; I will 
 LjJsoUsti, or -magad, u. v. it slides 
 or falls in the water; p. beh..see, or 
 BakohiweUna, (nin) a. v. an. I throw 
 him m the water; 3. p. o lah.nx p. 
 Bakobiwebinan, (ram) a. v, in. I throw 
 It in the water; 3. p, olah...; p. 
 Bakobiwehinidis, {nin) r, v. ^ throw 
 myself in the water; 3. p. -o; n 
 oek..sod. ' ■ 
 BakwdhideUna, (nin) a. v. an. I pull 
 him a tooth out; 3. p. obaJc..7i: p. 
 Bakumhidebidji^an, s. tooth-pincors: 
 If- davier;] pf. -an. 
 Bakwd'kohidon,{nin) a. v. an. I pull 
 It out; 3. p. o halc...-^. heh.dod. 
 Jiakwakohma, Uiin) a. v. ati. I pull 
 some a/i. obj. out; 3. ^.ohak.:?i] 
 p. bek..nnd; imp. -biJ. — Jingu>a- 
 kons nin hahvahohina, I pull a 
 young- pine-tree ont. 
 Bahoukot<'Mhihehid,m,{ni>i) or, wm 
 oakwdh/tokihikaginan, a. v m I 
 pull it out with the root, I root it 
 out; 3.i>.ohak...; p.heL.dod, or, 
 oek..ang. ' 
 BakwUkotc/uhHehina, (nin) or, 7ii« 
 hakwdkotch'ihikagina, a. v. ^,j. j 
 I pull some an. obj. out with the 
 root; 3. p. o hah.n; p. heh..nad. 
 Makwan, s. fruit of the vinegar-tree- 
 pi. -an. ' 
 Bahvanatig, or, hakwanimij, s. vin- 
 egar-tree; [C. vinaigrier;] pi. -^, 
 or, -m. 
 B amend amadimin, (nin) c. v. S. 
 Baham endamctdimin. 
 Bamendamawa, (nin) a. v. an. S. 
 Bamendan. Bamenima.—S. Baha- 
 m^ndan. Bahammima. 
 Bamid, (ni?h) a. v. an. I take care of 
 nim, I support him, I clothe and 
 leed him; 3. p. obamian,; p. he- 
 mtad. ^ 
 Bamiidi^ (nin) r. v. I take care of 
 myself, I support myself; 3. p.-o • 
 p. hem.. sod. *^ ' 
 BamiidUowin, s. self-support. 
 Bamiidiwin, s. support, care of some- 
 body, sustenance. 
 Bamiiwe, (nin) n. v. I take care (of 
 a person or persons,) I give sup- 
 port, sustenance; 3. p. ].; p. he- 
 Bamikan, (nin) a. v. in. T have it in 
 charge, I take care of it; Z.p.o 
 Bamikawa, (nin) a. v. an. I have 
 some an. obj. in charge, I take 
 care of him, (her, it;) 3. p.,. -«.. 
 m; p. hem. .wad. 
 Bamihodadis, {nin) r. v. S. Bamii- 
 Bamiskwaigadeg sagdiga?i, s. screw: 
 [that is, a turned or twisted nail 1 
 Bamttagan, s. servant, wai^ r; pi 
 -ag. '^ 
 Bamitdge, (nin) n. v, 1 serve, I am 
 in service ; 3. p. 1. ; p. hem..ged. 
 /iamitagekwe, s. female servant 
 maid-servant, servant-girl ; pl.-e- ' 
 Barmtdgewin, s. service, state a.id 
 condition of a servant. 
 Bamitdgeivlnini, s, irale-servant 
 servant ; pl.-wag. ' 
 Biunitan, (nin) a. v. in. I serve it, 
 I labor m it or for it ; 3. p. o ham^ 
 tan; p. bsmifang. 
 Bamitasikan, (nin) a. v. m. S. Ba- 
 Bamitasikawa., (nin) a. v. an. S. 
 Bamitawa, (nin) a. v. an. I serve 
 him, I am his servant; 3. p. o bam. 
 n; p. hem.. toad. 
 Bamitow, (nin) a. v. in. I take care 
 of It, I support it ; 3. p. oham... ; 
 V-^bemttod.— Weweni hi bamUon, 
 mtaw, you take well care of mv 
 body, (of me.) 
 Banadn, (nin) a. v. in. I miss it, I 
 don't hit it, (shooting or throwing 
 at it ; ) 3. p. o ban... ; p, henaang. 
 Bannhama, inin) a. v. an. I lose sight 
 of him; 3. p. o ban..n; p. ben..mad. 
 Bandhandan, (nin) a. v. in. I lose 
 sight of it ; 3. p. ban... ; p. ben., 
 ang. ^ 
 P-lc^M ' " '« «P«"ed, lost ; 
 SKloreci Jost ' 3 t^ ,"" ' / ^"' ^O"" 
 lost , r ^ "* .' '■'•^- " IS cons 
 1.0' S. til. or snm„l,„.i..., „ ' 
 ''K.:ii--,^„';S- -3' -impair 
 Jianadenddn, (nin) a. v «. t ,) 
 ■^(tnndui/vin, s In^^ . • 
 ,,tion;ciamnat/oa '' '"""'" P« '"''i- 
 other «rob T^ 'l''^'" "'•'^ny 
 p. Se«..«,/ i^^«", 3. p. o Ja;i.,;,; 
 loss/datnaS rnin • \f^"''"§^ o^' 
 destruction ' ^' ^^'""ation ; 
 -^a«a4;V^^., (,„V.) n. V. I make 
 foU^wmg';;^^^-^'-|^?«f ''«<'■''« of this and the 
 f o«M,n. the «m7,t^fenri-lt 
 damage to people: 3. p. 1.. p. j^ 
 -", p. ben. .sod. *= ' "^- P- 
 f, any way rdating to h!m ^":!' 
 los fp Is iT'^"'^' d^^troyed 
 P- 5e/l.. «.,<?. -^ "' ^°S^ ' 3. p.-<,; 
 J^madjitchige, (nm) n v t 
 damage, I am vvlcf ^" ^ '^ause 
 destroyi'ng s th r h1-^' '^"^'^"^ "' 
 I ruin, destroy, lose ;/ r !- ^ ^ "' 
 1^ waste it • 3 n f / ' ^ "'Ssipate 
 tod. ' "^•P-^'^««-,-pJ^«.. 
 -are, o?^Jsc"^p\-'„ - J-ds my 
 , cape a snare : 3 V, !; . T/? °'" ®,^- 
 angf. ^ ""an..., p. ^gj,j _ 
 -Banasikawa, (nin) a v «» J h„ ■ 
 or crush him • { n , a ^ ^^^^^^ 
 Banifjak masinaigan, clean paper 
 (that is, white, not written paper.' 
 Bamjawan, s. slice of dried smoked 
 venison ; pl.-aw. 
 Banikona, (mn) a. v. an. I miss him 
 in my trap, he avoids my trap, or 
 escapesoutofit;3. p.,>Jara..» p. 
 hen..nad; imp. hanikoj. ^ 
 Baiiikos, {urn) n. v. 1 avoid or es- 
 cape a trap, I was almost caught 
 in a trap ; 3. p.-,;,- p. hemkosod. 
 Banina {7mi) a. v. a>t. I let some 
 an. ohi. fall to the ground, I drop 
 It, It escai)es my hands ; 3. p. o ha- 
 ninan; p. heninad ; imp. hanin. 
 Jiunman, (^mn) a. v. in. I let it fall, 
 I drop It; 3. p. oJmn...; p. heni- 
 nang. ^ 
 Banishkwatagan, s. Alg. mask ; pi. 
 -an. ^ 
 Bamshkwatacie, {nin) v. n. 4h I 
 take a mask, I mask myself; 3 n 
 1. ; p. hen.. (fed. ' 
 L'unitam, (mn) n. v. I don't under- 
 stand well what I hear; 3. p. l • 
 p. hemtami. ' 
 Biinitdn, (nin) a. v. m. I don't un- 
 derstand It, (although I hear a 
 confusedsound;)3. p. «?,«„... ;p 
 Banitawa, (nin) a. v. an. I don't un- 
 derstand him well, (although I hear 
 him talking;) 3. p. oUn..n; p. 
 Iien..wad. '■ 
 Ban.san, (nm) a. v. in. I broil or 
 grill It; 3. p baman; p. lensana. 
 Bamwa, (nm) a. v. an. I broil or 
 grill somea/i. obj.; 3.p.oban..n: 
 V- benswad; imp. bansioi. 
 BapAmn) n. v. I laugh, I smile ; 3. 
 V-bapt; Yt.haidpid. 
 Bapia (nin) a. v. an. I laugh at 
 jiim, 1 smile at him friendly, kiiid- 
 ly ;_3. p. o bapian; p. haidmad. 
 Bapytma, (mn) a. v. an. I revile 
 nn^a'- P- '?^""«/ p. baia..mad. 
 Baptnma, (nm) a. v. an. I ^peak to 
 him urgently, commanding him : 
 Bapytndan, {nin) a. v. in. I command 
 it^u^gently;3.p. .Ja^,..;p.J,^,. 
 Bamnendam, (nin) n. v. I rejoice in 
 tlioughts;3.p.i.;p.ja,«J /" 
 Bapincndamona, (nin) a. v. cm. I 
 make him rejoice in thoughts ; 3. 
 p. p bap..n ; p. baia..nad. 
 Bamnendamoivin, s. rejoicing, ioyfu! 
 thoughts, joy. fa'J j ' 
 Bdpinmim, {nin) n. v. I rejoice, I 
 am joyful, gay, glad: 3. p.-,,; 'p. 
 baia..mod. ' ^^ ' f 
 Bdpinenimpa, (nin) a. v. an. I make 
 hun rejoice, I make him gay, glad, 
 joylu ; 3_. p. o bap..n ; p. baia..ad : 
 imp. bapinenimo. 
 Bapmemmawin, s. joy, rejoicing, 
 pleasure, gayness, merriment. 
 Bapt7iism>agan, s. an. eminent dan- 
 ger, peril, dangerous thing; nl.-ao 
 Mapmoaage, (nin) n. v. I scorn ; I 
 waste • 3. p. l. ; p. baia..qed. ' . 
 ixipinodagemtn, or ba^imdamawin, 
 scorning, derision, mockery, 
 scoffing ; wasting, spoiling. 
 Bainnodan, (ni,i) a. v. in. I laugh at 
 It, 1 ridicule It, mock it, deride it ; 
 Bdpinodawa, (nin) a. v. a/n. I laugh 
 at him I deride or ridicule him! I 
 mock him ; I waste some an. obi.; 
 f p. bajh.n ; p. baia..wad. 
 BapiHlu or babdinsh, adv. This word 
 always occurs connected with an 
 adverb of negation, /(:«, kawin, keqo: 
 and IS euiployed to give an addi- 
 tional lorce to the negation or pro- 
 hibition.-ira«.*Vi baplsh^ no," not 
 at all. Jiego bapish ijaken wcdi : 
 don't go there at all. ' 
 BnpisM-Anin) n. v. I like too much 
 to laugh, I am in a habit of laueh- 
 mg always ; 3. p.-*; p. laia..Md. 
 Bapitammnniken, (nin) a. v in I 
 expose it to laughter, I make' it 
 ?,T"'|i^.5 3.p..>%/...;p.Ja*V.. 
 icea.—K% bapttanKni'iniken kid am- 
 yourwoT. '"'^' P'°P^^ ^'^"^'^ ^' 
 Bapitamowinikinan, (nin) a. v an 
 I ma?ie some an. ob). ridiculed • ;]' 
 p. o bap... ; p. laia..hd. (V. Conj j 
. i'^k'' 
 whiaiinft' chastisement, 
 winpp.ng, scourging, flageiiation, 
 £ashanjen'a, (nm) a. v. an. 1 whin 
 f '"',«c«"'-se him, chastise lum'^ 
 "M«, imp. hashame. 
 Jiashir,w(ulu, {nvi) „. y. I am r« 
 P- ies..a)i(j. ^ ""'^■■- ' 
 boSS water S'^'l'l^y^f ^ ^'^'^ 
 *o«'«*.9«,a, a. van) TJTt'''- 
 pouring l^oilingwate/o" him?' 
 person «r any oWS.Sj^i'?: ^3^ 
 ^1Sf'^"''''-^^"'='''f«r Weeding; 
 BasUkivtuje, {ni,i) n. v. I let blooH 
 I^bieed^^somebo^dy; 3. "^T^l^ 
 ^SSSf"""' " blood-letting, 
 ^ff'f,?ir)=^-^-«^^-^ bleed 
 S -^al^ ;; ■• " ^ l*-^' ^ become 
 ^Sfv'"h''^'^f' ^"'") "• V. I have 
 ««cky hands, (from pitch, tnc) 
 p. baHmamad. • -J- p. 1. , 
 /Ai*.«,;,^,,,V,, s. the act of drying «. 
 ^«**a«, {nm) a. v. <„. I dry it • 3 
 on1n"l "'"'*' '• P°l^ t« hang a net 
 tr Vr^''''"^p'«"«;)3.p j 
 Karir^"'-^' ^ am'JSfnf 
 "'na s. th. round h s head "\ v, \ 
 Jiamhveh<s, (mn) v. v. J put or tie 
 ^assikwehison, s. anv thina. f,- ^ 
 jound the head aSJ^K^^^J-^ 
 *.....?...rimv'-ji;jr--'^ ' p- 
 jasnmdpakwejigan, s. «,„. flour 
 ^"^*"«^'"V ^- «'*• sunflower -rF 
 tournesoi,-]pl._«^. ^"^ ^ ^^^ 
 r'ob/Ti'- /• ''''■ ' ^^y «ome 
 Zk ^■' ^' «*«*«^''««; p. 6«^•a«- 
 ^'ato-. This particle, prefixed to 
 verbs or substantives, gives them 
 a^signification which ^Spts^lS 
 nmni2!*"*' ""'"^S, damage. (Ex 
 amples^ ^n some of the Llol^ 
 Sata-dodaoe, (nm) n, v. I do wron,r 
 people, I sin a'gainst eomeSyf 
 ■ti'ifa-dodagemagad, u. v. it is doina 
BAT 63 
 Mjofewaho UicM bala-dodagema. 
 Rad, firewater causes much evil 
 (^vrong, damage, sin.) "' 
 I'lffr^ (;a>,) n. V. I do wrong, 
 mm sm, I seduce him into sin; 3. 
 Jiaadowm,, s. sin, bad action, fault 
 vice, transgression, crime ; pi _' 
 Baladowinens, a. dim. small sin 
 venial s.n, slight fault or trans- 
 gression ; pi. -a;^. "' "^"^ 
 Jiata.gijwe, (nm) n. v. I speak sin- 
 ful wicked words ; I blaspheme; 
 ■^Ma.f/uwtwin, s. sinful speaking- 
 blasphemnig. *^ "'^'"t , 
 Sataidis, (nin) r. v. I hurt, dama<re 
 orwrong myself ; Ism;' 3. p.-o.' 
 p. bam.. sod. y " > 
 Bata-ijiweUd, u. v. it is sinful, it is 
 wicked, wrong; p. /w^..^,^..'"^^ 
 -Uata.yiwebis, {nin) n. v. I sin 1 am a 
 sinner, I ain wicked ; s! p,-/ n 
 Bata-inwehuiwm, s. sin, sinfulness 
 Jiatainad, u. v. there is much of it • 
 p. mia..nak. ' 
 Bata-i>idmdJnm) n. v. def. Isin ; p 
 baiatadigid. ' ^' 
 Bata-in^nkam, {nin) n. v. I have i 
 sinfulthought, or sinful thought. 
 I^ata4)iendamowin,s. sinful thoughts 
 sinful thmking;'pl.-a;,. ^ 
 ™""' "-J-;^- P- there is much of 
 also''''h. i'' '^^^^^'^ numerous; 
 ^i '. ••."?. ^ '^'■ge family. P 
 there is much money here. Batrd- 
 inVrmfr"?'/- '•■^"^''^^ «^e ""- 
 this In', •*/'''''' "^ anuhinabe, 
 this Indian has a numerous fam- 
 ^S'n"v''i.^^'''^^ ""■' ''*■"■ ^'«^«^'«- 
 «i'«, n. V. pi., wearemgreatnum 
 ber, we are numerous. 3. p. ni 
 ^--y. or *«,«,,,,«,. j^,p;: 
 Batajitwa, {nin) n. v. I commit a 
 ^>fed action, a misdeed, n.i 
 I p. hma. .wad. ' ' -l* ^■' 
 ^«g^^-«..^. misdeed, crime, bad 
 ^tS^I' ^"''^> ^.- ^- «'^- I accuse 
 nim, 1 give testimony against him 
 I condemn him by my testimony j 
 Baiangc, (mn)n. v. I accuse, I give 
 testimony to conviction, o con! 
 halm of accusing; 3. p.-,-; p. ja,-a.. 
 Jiatangewin, s. accusation, testimo 
 ^"y f ,^™V<^tion, to cond^mnarn" 
 ^«to, («eM) r. V. I hurt myself i 
 Bataahin, n. v "? r. ..^.^ 
 JlMastmn, ,. inHrmity, the hurlinj 
 .njurms o, ,aml„, of one's Sf: 
 BatasKin, u. v if i« in „ 
 difficult UitionTsLZ?^; 
 SSl/^'^ '- ^^^-^ --T; p! 
 V^a<!«^.,Ou.0n v.rsinin^o.^.;3. 
 P- i-; p. baiatawed. 
 Bate, OT-magad, u. v. it is dry ; p 
 Batigigo, s. dried jHsh ; pl.-^-fl^ 
 Jialtmin, s. a dry whortleberry; pl.- 
 Batiniishimin B dry apple; pl.-^^ 
 Jialemiass, dried meat. ^' 
 BaLinad, u. v. S. JJataiimd. 
 BaUm,n.x.3 V- S. JJataini, 
 Batimgadc, n. v. 3. p. it has many 
 teet. an insect, called millepedes 
 lerwurrn ;] p. batatiuogaded. 
 B£B 64 
 Bawann, (nin^ a v. in. I knock it off 
 with a etick, wild rice;) also, I 
 JjmmTji<]an, 8. dream; pi. -an. 
 JiawadngeAnin) n. v. I dream : 3 
 P- l.;p. beiv..(jed. ' 
 Ji<iw,ii<ja7, or Jmraiganalc, s. a stick 
 .fi««'««m,v,a^, 8. a kiiid of wild cher- 
 ry ; pl.-aw. 
 y^'ai''aimmanagawa,>j, s. a wild cher 
 Ty-trcb ; in.~i?i 
 ent' pS'"' ^""''«"«' in differ- 
 ^seSf^lf ^- '• "• *'"^"^'«^' P««- 
 senger ; pl.-^;;*^. 
 Bebumihaigod hebeji<jmanjm, p. s a 
 one who is carried^'ini Arriage j 
 Jieidmmmjod bebejv, oganjm, p. s. a 
 man nl^ ''"r • ' .^ "''"^' ^ Norse- 
 man , p\.~gotljt(, be, ... 
 J^ibanamlofamagM, , . s. a. one that 
 /v' ■ - ' -• "- I Sn? n/ ''-^^^"S, beggar, men- 
 J^(wana, {nin) a. v. an. I dream of /.'i"^^"'.' .P'--A'A 
 /iavyina.(nm)a. v. «;j. I .strike off 
 thednstliom]t,(a„. obj.;) 3. p „ 
 mnbawegma, I shake off the dust 
 Irom my handkerchief. 
 J^oAvegman {nin) a. v. /,,. j shake off 
 thedustlromit;3. p..b««....;p. 
 new.. ail g. ' ^ 
 /iawenid'in, (fii/i) n. v. t M] „„h 
 hurtmyseif;3.p. l.;p.j;^%?;"^ 
 Jken ofl; p. ,,,;,,,^^ ;4^« 
 [Or. Spassvogel ;) pl._y4 
 on? ""'"• ««'"e. alfew;oneby 
 B^^yhogmjl s. horse, (animal with 
 o«< hoot, that IS, uncloven hoof; 
 J^<^eSigvguMlnahciiqm, or 6.'6fn. 
 rJ^njt.bimhvan, s.' curry-comb, 
 horse-comb ; pl.-«„. 
 Jifprnvijlmtwunm, s. oats, (prop- 
 erly, horse-nce.) 'Vf'^P 
 Bcbejjgoga>,jini»hlmormg, the horse 
 B'i(wmd<,Umon,(ni,A n v t r1.o1, „V")?eback. 
 off the dust or snow from my S' ^'^^'^"C""J''''' «• ^'ini. colt, filly; pi. 
 3. p.-,,,- p. hoc. .nod. 
 Mmdeshimonowin, s. any thine to 
 wipe the leet on ; pl.-„;,.^ "^ ^'^ 
 oft he dust oi my feet against h?m ; 
 Ji^hpigoganji-onapiscwm, s. harness 
 of a horse; pl.-a^. 
 ^'^^I'J^^'^ff^^ijl-ofow, s. horse-tail.-S. 
 J^ffiigoganjm'tgamm, s. stable for 
 horses, (horse.house;)pl.-o^i. 
 „. ,-.,.^.. ..r--, ^uu 1. 1 I Jp}J>ogavjiwinw, s. horse-dung. 
 /A/«'*^«f/, (pron. Baoting,) Saut ^?';^,T!7««;«-;f ««"*ma?J, s. the mane 
 lie Sainte Marie- fSnh.f iw , „°/ ^ "orse, f horse-hair.) 
 Rapids.) '"'' ^^^'"' ^^'y^P^^'^^l^. adv. near together, near one 
 ' another, thickly .-BfbesJw nin da- 
 mtn, we _ live near together. lie- 
 Bnwuig, (Vnm.baoiiq,) rams in n I 7?//!^-^^' ^^•'^'■'.''■''°"«^;) pl-o^ 
 "ver ; [F. rapide, saut 1 ^ '^ l'^'^^;!.'/^^'*".;/"^;^, s. horse-du 
 ™"- -i^^o^^,) Saut rfc^e:^'^?«r'^'f- the 
 ^Zwfr:. ('«>0 or, .«•« J««;,W6,-.v/. 
 Arawa, a. v. an. I shake him off 
 (any ««. obj.) 3. p. o Ja^.™ • p' 
 Bamwehtmn, (nin) or, nin baiviwc 
 buhJcan,a.y.in. I shake it off; 3 
 V-obaw...;Y>. hew..(nig. ' ' 
 Bibala^i, adv. separately, different- 1 
 oestio am-atewan odetiawan: there 
 are villages all long at short dis- 
 tances from each other. 
 Bebthnmg, adv. djfferently.-A'aicw* 
 Oebiktnong nmd inenimassin, I 
 don t think them different, ( i doi/t 
 esteem them differently, but alike, 
 without respect of persons.) 
 (^I'y'djuaii, fittle children.- ml 
 l^J^'l^^m oidm,,, small potatoes 
 month of April- /f A ^"v'he 
 breaking Zn.) ^'''" '""vvshoe- 
 liJloiia^ 7'npositions, signifies 
 tTfnUr. (Examples in some o: 
 the following words.) 
 ny thoughts and resolutions^'/ i" 
 „r, ^-'V- ''(tied end ana. ' I />■■'"' . 
 S'ZrtV '• -^'^wliness of 27aT:\f-'?'°"«J«""dingto 
 adollai - 
 J^^jufwammg, adv. always in th« 
 --place,- always The^t 
 Jifjup'i u. V. 'it grow,s slowly • n 
 5^rf;mi«,(„^V,)n V.I eat slowly; 3. 
 Bedjiw, (nm) n. v. I am slow in mv 
 Sf>^^cinin)n. v I walk slowly ; 
 tfy«y num. one; a certain : the oth 
 ^'■-■l^^^f' ^fifisem, a certain boy 
 .^.9«i/ ^mt/fc, thy other arm ^ 
 etc -.,«. /T- '' "^ handkerchief, 
 ''"', a Dianket was given tn mo 
 and to him a handkerchief '""' 
 /^WvW«^^.< u. V. it Ks consid- 
 are considered ah oni and the 
 ^'i'rf,^«"'''(''''*^"- v.fhaveal 
 wav« .iV ' ^""* ' n- V. 1 have al- 
 sTSi 'i'^r.T'in^^Uamcon. 
 yn,..ad, one of the t^f (.. S.^.l the -e ^^-g L a. 
 B!iJ:-l '^-'■••■'^ i P- ^---«'5- ' EhSf """'^■^■"■' «• the same 
 Bejufukam, i^nl»;) „. v. I am alone in thn ^L^' ""'.'^ ^"'l conformity of 
 a;^noeorboat; 3. p. I., p.^." Sj-"'' -»t'-nts,concUf 
 Bmpo»»-«o^, a, an, one.-This word Hiil'!.' i^^^' ""'''^y* 1"'etly, gently, 
 al udes to a f,M«/o„, object as nulcV'''''-'- '''°P ' ''"^on ! not^so 
''^_;'TiirMiiriiiiifMmMiiMii h 
 ■Bihadu, {mn, n. v, I am quiet, still, 
 mild, meeK forbearing ; patient in 
 contradictions, ( M),7AMi< «w/#TjW: ) 
 3. p.-i; p. haie..sid. ' 
 Bekadisiwin, s. tranquillity, still and 
 quiet behavior, mildness, meek- 
 ness ; patience. 
 Behadom {nm) n. v. I speak low, 
 (not loud;) 3. p. 1.; p. baie..wcd. 
 Jfeica nm kotagendam, n. v. i am pa- 
 tient in sufferings^ in sickness, la- 
 bor, persecution. 
 Behanin h.tagis. BeU nin kota- 
 D^,..; ^^^'^' "''''> hitagendam. 
 Jsekamsul, p. s. a. anothsr one, 
 Mkish, adv. at the same time. 
 Bikominagak kashhdhikaigan, s. pad- 
 lock, (round lock.) 
 Bimddagad, p. s. a. one that swims, 
 a swimmer; ^\-jig. 
 Bejnddawahid, p. s. a. one that 
 squints, a squinter ; pl.—^Va. 
 Bemddisid, p. s. a. one that lives 
 somebody; \>\.-bemaiisidii<j, peo' 
 pie, folks, the world. 
 Bemihatod, p. s. a. one that runs, a 
 runner;, pi.— ^V/7. 
 Bimidekadeg pdshkisigan, s. cara 
 bine. S. Btmzdckade.— This sig 
 mfies properly: "Greased gun."— 
 They call it so, because they al- 
 ways grease the stuffin which the 
 ball is wrapped ud, be/pre they 
 ram it into the barrel of the car 
 Bimiged, p. s. a. one living in a 
 house or lodge, an inhaoitant ; pi 
 Bemigiididjig, pi. neighbors in a vil 
 lage, etc, 
 Beinomigad hehejigoqanjin, p. s. a. one 
 that is carried by a horse, a rider ; 
 bem..djig heh... 
 Bemossesaig, p. s. a. one that does 
 not walk, a lame person, unable to 
 walk, a cripple ; \)l.-og. 
 Benadjit(d od ai:man, p. s. a. one 
 that wastes his things, a spend- 
 thrift, squanderer, prodigal per- 
 son; pi. hcnadjitodjig od aiimi- 
 Bingot,{nvn)n.v. lam drj ,not wet; 
 3. p.-i ; p. haiengoaid. 
 Bengwakamiga, u. v. the ground or 
 soil 18 dry; p. haicgag. 
 Bi7igwan,M. v. it is dry; p. haiena- 
 Wang. " 
 Bingwanam, (nin) n. v. my throat 
 IS dry, 1 am thirsty ; 3. n.-o : p. 
 bate.. mod. . 
 BiehiMa, {nin) a. v. an. I marK it, 
 {an. obj.) I maKe marks or figures 
 on it ; 3. p. obeJ..n: P- baie..ad. 
 JiisHbian, {nin) a. win. 1 make 
 marks or figures on it; 3. p. o bej...: 
 p. haie..ang. 
 Beshibiige, (nin) n. v. I marK, I 
 make marKs, on a. th.; 3. p. 1. ; n, 
 Bcshigaigan.B. a thing to mark with, 
 a scratch-awl, a graver, etc ; pi.- 
 an. ^ 
 Beaho, adv. near, nigh, close by. 
 Bishudjia, { vhi) a. v. an. I draw nigh 
 him, I apprcdch him, I come to 
 him ; 3. p. o bcsh..n ; p. baie..ad. 
 Bishodjiton, {nin) a. v. in. I draw 
 nigh it, I approach it, come to it ; 
 3. p. o besh... ; p. baie..tod. 
 Bis ho nin tatoki, I make a short 
 step ; bebesho nin takoki, or, hesho 
 mntatakoki, I make short steps 
 in walking.— S. Wassaniu takoki. 
 Jieshonkagon, {nin) p. v. it comes 
 near me ; 3. p. o besh... ; p. baie.. 
 Beshosikan, (nin) a. v. in. I come 
 near it; 3. p. o besh...; p baie.. 
 Beshoxikawa, (nin) a. v. an. I come 
 near him, I approach him ; 3. p. o 
 besh..n ; p. baie.. wad. 
 Beshowad, u. v. it is near, close by • 
 p. baieshowak. ' 
 Beshowendr wad, u. v. it is consid- 
 ered near , p. baic.wak. 
 Beshowendun, (nin) a. v, in. I think 
 it is near, I hnd it near, (walking 
 from one place to another); 3. p. 
 obesh...; p. baie. .dang. 
 Besika (nin) n. v. I walk, navigate 
 or travel slowly; 3. p. 1.; p. baie- 
BIB 67 
 I^atn^/- «^- -alking, alow 
 ^.7.%, U,-^)n. V.I grow very slow. 
 ^1r:v^;-"^^°^«'-y slowly; 
 ^iSf -T; ^""'^ ?• y- ^ ^"^ worth ' 
 ^tWr/"?^"-^-''^- I think lit-! 
 tK h • ^'"/'^ ^- ^- ««• ^ think lit- 
 tie of hun, I esteem him little: 3 
 otwitaxjos, {nin) n. v. ther mistni^f 
 Jnistrust, I make nought of thp 
 speaking I hear; 3. p J Am -n 
 nim with mistrust, I mistrusf hi« 
 speaking, i don't bel?eve wlmf I 
 hear him say, I doubt of it 3d 
 -"«■ • Ihis particle is prefixed tn 
 mnog, come here to sins-. ^ 
 £h as end-syllable in some neuter 
 verbs signifies, filled with Sor 
 mtZ'^ ''t '^■'^^ ^^ ^^?«./, as ? 
 ^eot&t, he drank enouffh. gLj,: 
 •J:.), he falls being drunk. mSt 
 g^h^, he is gay and joyful in fifj 
 intoxication ; etc. ^ '^'^ 
 5^J«j-.)n. v.Iwait;3.p.j,„,p. 
 ^dTI**?'^' "-v. it is thin, (met.1) 
 fu>emn, this frying.^ iTt^i 
 ^p£*?f'sf,r'^r"'«' «^^-'^'^ thi. 
 piece ot silver, this stone is thin 
 5.^i^,aW^W.. s. aucti^^^^^^ 
 Bibilg'a^awe, (nm) n. v. I amsellina 
 BtbcMigad, u . v. it is thin, ( wood • ) d 
 /c'nagm, thy cradle isTervthin 
 iVofe The difference between thi, 
 B^agigui^n. V. 3.p. it is thin ^a 
 b^rdj or some silk-stuff,-; p.%1': 
 Bibjihodan, {nU) a. v. in. I make 
 It thin, (or thinner,) by cJS 
 „?/P-''6'*..-;p.6eJ..aV ^' 
 Bibajtkona, {nia) a. v a;,. I mak,. 
 cutting • 3. p. obib..n • p. beh nod- 
 imp i^ia^ik^.-BibaAjawnal 
 bagmagons, cut that shingle thTn- 
 Bibilgima (nin) a. v. av*. Jcall him 
 with a loud voice. mnbibLima 
 IZTTT"''^'"'^^- ^ P»hlish^'E 
 Dans of marriage m the church. 
 3 r^^r- ^"^n^P- ^- it calls me; 
 3- P-pbtb...; p. beb..qod.~mnwL 
 B^^^ginfan (nin) a. y. in. I call it : 
 Ij'Obib..; p. beb..ang.~0 6ib' 
 mndanmbomn, he calls death 

 l' r1^/' 
 k -f 
 pleii. (on both sidea of the head :) 
 „?.• P-.l> Pb«b..wfrf. '' 
 B*Mfft,he,(mn)n. v. it tinirJ-j in 
 ,,7*- ?"JOP- beb..ml. 
 t>iba<ium(fa, ox~ma<in<l, n. v the 
 ^oor .s thin ; p. Seh.:ja.j, or-ma 
 ■HihayusaniH. n. v. 3. p. it is thin 
 voice ; publication oi the bans of 
 inamagfc in the church. 
 /'»W/«m, («/;i) n. V.I raise the 
 ber nfTh^'P' '"^iicating the num- 
 t)er of the rncrnies killed. 
 />*W, kiss mo, or, ki.ss him ; (in the 
 . .j^neuage of children.) 
 /nbuiei-u7nate, ox~^nagad, «. v. (he 
 Ji'ihineshlinc, ox~niaoa(h u. v. it is 
 not pressed down. Oil. rahlo ) p 
 last winter ; minmva tclii bib Jo 
 iiextwniter; W^d^^or bebunri^^ 
 in winter. JV%«(, ixbon, narTbi 
 l>!»>., mnhmo bibon ; three years 
 five years, ten years. ^ 
 ^'^'^l^md, 11. V. year; p. ^,A,,.a<7a/J-. 
 -This word is always preceded 
 by a number or adverb ; as : AnZ 
 f^daMo-Uhonagah cl-o-aiaiun mm ' 
 How many years hast thou been 
 / /•"•'?■""' ^''^■■^hwasso hihma- 
 gad eko-aimdn WikivcdomfAhaye 
 now been eight years at'L'Anse 
 Ji>hom,gu, (nm) n. v.-This verb is 
 only used in connexion with a 
 number or adverb, to denote the 
 age of a person ; as : Anin evdal 
 *o.hthonugmtav:\ How many years 
 ^^^onagts m.hme dash mida,m 
 Uhomgm; I nm twenty years 
 7?^ • •T''. "'•>' '^'■"^'^•^^ t^» years I 
 Bibonuh, imnj n. v. I winter, I am 
 '".""y wmtcr-quarter; I spend the 
 winter-season m a certaiA place : 
 f- V-r] ; P- *'•*.. trf. • 
 thbopuhmagad, u. v. it winters, it 
 remains or lies somewhere over 
 \ esse will he here over w/nter 
 (It will winter here.) '' 
 quane^"'"' '• ^'"^ering ; winter- 
 ^'w,'m:rA"' f- '"*• winter-skin, 
 wint.-r-fur; Y>\.~ag. ' 
 flTJ^'^T"' «• winter-path, 
 wheie they use to walk only in 
 the winter-season;) pi „ ^ "' 
 m .s com»^^ //„•« «.«3,, a/,^roai. 
 ^.''/- (E.xamples m some of the 
 jollowing words.) "® 
 ^:.'f,«*'''««' (.«^>0 a. V. av. I see him 
 Jhdahmi, u. V. it begins to dawn 
 /ndudagai; ^nin) n. v. I am coming 
 on the ice; 3. p.-o ; p. bod. J ^' 
 JMm, («.•.,) n. v.'i'come weep- 
 yi.^W/m,(„,,)„.^.j eometotell 
 ^- 111., 1 bring a news or story ; 3. 
 V-»; p. bud.. mod. ^ ' 
 I JUdadjlnK.tngr, ^mn) n. v. I come to 
 ' pP-PJe-th.,--3.p.l/p.Tj! 
 ""loS"^'" 9 ^'"■'^■' ^.7- ^■'*- 1 '^«'"«' 
 10 tell it ; 3. p. bi(?...; p. b«rf.. 
 Jyidadjimof.nra. ( nirA a. v. «„ i 
 Ji2dadj,mou:in, s. report, news 
 brought m ; pl.-„.«. ' ' "e^s 
 JMagtmosse, (nm) „. v. j ,^ ^.^^^ 
 i?l ^""wshoes : 3. p. 1.; p. had.. 
 Bidaginan, (nm) a. v. in. I bend it 
 towards me, (wood;) 3. p. oJ,W... 
 p. bat/. .ang. ' 
 ^'i«fr,w«u.«,V,«/70 a. v. fm. Ibrin? 
 hims.th.; 3.p.oMd..n;p.bad 
 wad. ' "*'• 
wind is com 
 BID 69 
 JSiddniniad. u, v. the 
 ing; p. had..mak. 
 jBiddgh, (tiin) n v f «,« 
 before the wmdp 3. p.^jp'^jE 
 ■Siddsa, (nin) n. v. I bring : 3 p j; 
 oMustnn, a vessel is coininir. 
 ,;fr"' ^"""^ "• '• ""• «• ^'^«'^«- 
 ■Bidihissu, u V. a shower of rain is 
 coming,- p. ha..m,/. '^'" '^ 
 Jiidikwnkone, OT-magml, u. y thp 
 iTk^T^ '"-l' ''"'■ ^ S'ye him or 
 It, ( t>ome a/i. obj. ) 3. n. o hiJ,n„„ ■ 
 JJidinamawa, (nm) a. v. an. I give 
 hunoritto^im, intohishaifd 
 3.p.obid..n;p.brid..wad. ' 
 00).; J. p. „ 6,^., badinana. 
 Bvhpo,or->na<fad,vi. v. a snow-storm 
 BidjamhUnin) or, i^-an^M n. v 
 ^rSm^^.'''■''^"• "• / "^°"^« here 
 Jitdjibt imago, nmfmss. v. I re- 
 y-oadnhamaunnd. ' 
 Midnbtde, ox~magad. u. v. it comes 
 «l'dmgorflying,it8lides;p S' 
 ^^2t^ism, s. letter re«m</, pi._ 
 ■Bidjibuo binesht n. v. 3. p., the bird 
 slides through the air; p bad s^ 
 £tdiuiabi (nm) n. v. i come heS* 
 brought hither; p^a./.Vor^'^ 
 come here : 3 n l • ^ i • , 
 Ji-uhinnsawe, {ni>i) n. v I an,o„ i 
 ^^"/'^'^^awa, (mw) a. V. an 1 nn.i 
 or shove it somewhere: 3 n ' 
 „^fi,-',p.bad..(od. '•*•?■« 
 fciu:"r*/'rK.^-^-p-' the bird 
 -B^W or-ma,.«^, „., it flies hi- 
 Wiiass, (nin) n. v. I carrv a lonH 
 before hand to a plac^wLtherl 
 BidonMi) a V. in. I bring it ; 3 
 Bidondan, {nin) a. v in r hrin . 
 on mv back, on my caJPyinff-stf^n 
 or portage-stran • ■'o "^^'^^V ,? "ap 
 \Bidweiae, in compositions, alludes to 
 I fSl^inll3.'f '"-""-fthf 
 BfO 70 
 JiiduMwthato, («w) n. v. I am heard 
 Bid^vewfdjiwan, u. v. the running of 
 a stream is heard, or tlio rapid* of 
 a 8 roamaro heard ; p. bad..wang. 
 £tdweive,hvn, Mn) n. v. I an, hen^l 
 oomingon;3.p. |.;p.i«^.,,- ;' 
 coinuig hither speaking ; 3. p.-i • I 
 BUwevttawa, (nm) a. v. an. I hoar 
 him coming hither speaking: 3. n 
 O hid. .ill n h.t.l a„„J *' '^ 
 Htdweivulavi, («*/*) n.v. I come hero 
 speaking; 3. p. 1.; p. 6od..a//«. 
 /?»«/'a^mi/««, („,V») a. v. an. 1 wait 
 fhLkS"' '".""y thoughts, I am 
 thinking on his arrival; 3. p. o hi 
 n] ji. baen\.nuid. 
 Bi-ijinis, (,nn) n. v. I have or brinir 
 with me, (somebody ot s. th. ) 3 
 winbijuhio mn H-y,mi, nin bi- 
 gMts.si ■ I don't come alone, (or 
 with nothing,) I bring with me 
 (some person, or some other obi. 
 Bi^i^ma {nin) a. v. an. I cause 
 him to bring some an. obi. aionij 
 WUhhim; '3.p.obi-ff..n;\,.ba-. 
 Bi-giaidmngad, u. v. it comes with 
 It brings along with it.. ; p. ha^'' 
 gak.-Ktt,mm'in hi-qigmtnagad hi- 
 UmagMum, hiagitouin gaie : la- 
 ziness brim/s along with it poverty 
 and suflenng. ' 
 Bi-<misin,{nin) a.v.m. 1 bring it 
 along with me, I come with it ; 
 Jit-gigmnan,{7iin) a. v. an. I have 
 him along with me, I come along 
 With him, (anya«. obi.) 3. p. S 
 bt.:;'p.ha..gigisid{Y. Cnnj.) 
 Jiigisawah, (mn) n. v. I cannot see 
 well, I have weak eyes, dim eyes; 
 JUguaivinam, {nin) n. v. S. Bigisa 
 -Bigisawinm, {nin) a. v. in. I can- 
 not see it well ; 3. p. o hig... ■ p, 
 bag..ang. -y > f 
 £tgi»atoi„auvi, (mn) a. v. an. I cah. 
 ^.T""' i'^'^K "• "• ^ '^"'ne back 
 I Uf'huljvjnde, i)r~magnd, u. v. it in 
 torn; it is taken down, (a bnild- 
 Utgvbidjigan, or higobodjigan, a. anv 
 thing to tear with; nisoT a plough; 
 a harrow; p|.-a„. ' "**"' 
 B.gohidJignHo, n. v. 3. p. it ja torn, 
 {an oh].)Yi]bag.'.f"(iJ 
 ■l^igobtdjige, (nin) n. v. I tear 
 B,aob,d.m, (nin) a. v. ,1 *i tear it • 
 nnkoi|down. I break it d^wn! 
 I ("l'»'.'d>ng.&c.) I break or trans.' 
 ! gross it, (a commandment ;) 3. p 
 obtg...;^ubag..d,d ^ 
 Btgobmu, (nin) a. v. an. I tear some 
 imp. bigohij. " ' 
 />'M<.dimt', (nin) n. v. I have torn 
 leggings; 3. p. 1. ; p. ^a^..^grf.* 
 Bzgode, or-mogad, u. ^.''biqwade,) 
 breaks m two, burning, It burns 
 or^SLf J" ''^ '"•^^''«' P H^'^-^! 
 Jiigognndma, («m) a. v. an. (or, nin 
 butwagananm,) I break it by strik 
 i V- 
 , .■ .-,;■ ...^. , / X III can 
 ing It, (an. obj.)3. p. o 
 bag.. mad. 
 Bigngarimidan, {nin) a. v. fn (or 
 mnbtgwagavavdan.) I break' it by 
 «trikin«u, I shatter it to piecfes 
 ^SeTq''i"r.^ "•/• ^ J^^«' torn 
 Clothes, 3. p. ].; p. bag..ied. 
 BigomAnin) a. v. an. I break some 
 "''; °^-'- '"to pieces ; 3. p. J/rJ 
 ashamagwa abimdi,iag : J Break 
 * Note. In some of the followiiiB- wnr.i. 
 there ought to be wa or tc,, insf ead nf^ i.? 
 he second syllable; bat as o "s ^r he'art 
 m^ronmincing, we put it also in writinT^ 
 Very often wa and m' are proaoto'J^S';^*- 
 BiyotMH, (Hin) a. v. in. I breaii it t« 
 Ji^/nne^hm Jnin) n. v/l bTeuk' v 
 '•anoe ; I shipwreck; 3. p. 1 • „ 
 '^itin ' ^"'"^ "• "' ^- ^^'""'•■ 
 AW,i/», (or hitjwighm) n. v. 3 n t 
 .reaks,fu||,,,gtotheground, a.. 
 /ii^joMa, imn)xu v. I break down 
 r am hroU. ruined ;1 am pui out 
 o. powor, , a,.w.„o;;d'K^! 
 fice 3. |>. l.;p.6rtj,o«A/{W. 
 ft . ' "'■-^«''«:«<'. u- V. it breaks, 
 't IS broke.., ruined; torn: p. hag 
 umdownAbreaksomeJ.obi . 
 iimman, nin Ln-IngoMawa gal 
 « * mo,Awem ; f broke this wafch^ 
 .md I tore my handkerchief. ' 
 limmt>,, ror, blowu^m,) u. y. it 
 breaks falbng Jown to the ground- 
 BigwaaaAnin) a. v. in. I break it • 
 Ihgwajcwa, {urn) a. v. an I tear his 
 p. W..«mrf; imp. J/^,/,^// ^ ' 
 /hgwakdnngaan hitigat^Anin) a v 
 nf; ^^'^^^ '^ "'^^'i «^ garden, I 
 CX" "'''•^•'''^^'••■'•^ 
 li^gwalcamvjaigade, ot-maqad, u. v 
 the soil or ground is broTen up, it 
 '8 ploughed or hoed; p. haghes 
 Bigwakamigaige, {nin) n. v. I breaK 
 up the ground or soil, I plough 1 
 Jlo;gh;7l.-a: ^"""' ^'"^' « 
 „i? u ^ plough , or I maKe 
 P oughs, I am a ploughmaKer a 
 «'•' . lamigi.,ufjigf^ {nin.) n. v I 
 wiinuio toeth, (n..y «/i. obi ) 'J n 
 /iigmimldnA,nm)(i.v. in [tear it 
 with the teeth ; 3. p. I JV .7 P 
 'xig.aug. ^ * • ' P- 
 /iigwawa, (vm) a. v. an. I breaK 
 «ome an. ol.j. ; „ i,;^..; ' "j^""* 
 BigweUmauiul n. v. there arS bran. 
 Ches; p. /;rt,/..^„^ "^"" 
 Ifra'S?:'*" "*'''^^' "'^ '^«« has 
 M-gwikah {nin) n. v. ] turn this ' 
 -fij. Am-nioekab. " 
 Bi-gwekigalaio, {nin.) n. v. I tuni 
 S "L«y^f ?'^^%; 3. p.-i; p. j^" 
 l^M.-^- Am-gwekigahaw. ^ 
 .aiJinp (a;i. ob).) p. W.j:«<7. 
 ^^Mm«.(,«,V/,)a.v.a... (^or «t» 
 fv,vo«Atma,) I break it to p.ecTs 
 by iettin. It fall down. Lf.obj j 
 B%-v)aAn-m)ix.y. I come : 3. p l • 
 P- oatjad. ' *^ ' 
 Jii^jfgikah, {nin) n. v. I put my 
 s^'f nearer here, sitting ; 3. p J- 
 p. h<t..\iid. s , o. p. «., 
 ^Inm^' ('^'''■«).";^- I <*mehere for 
 some reason ; 3. p. 1 • n b^ ,W 
 «<]W.-- ire^(;ne«. hatnikaian f Whv 
 doest thou come here ? (What is 
 the reaso* of thy coming?) 
 ^^^Vbti, in compositions, signifies 
 l?£:r/r^- (Examples insS 
 01 the Ibiiawing words.) 
A ii- 
 ig ggw.tateas i ^ aBba». 
 ' ill 
 ■ I 
 BIM t2 
 Mj^dhato, iMn) n. v. I run round 
 -»«>, ' ' *^, (;««) n. V. I :valk round, 
 1 describe a cfrcle in walking ;? 
 p.l.,-p. hfij..sed. *" 
 Jitnhn8S6hi,>eski, the bird flies round 
 describes a circle. 
 ^wb<?«r/d«,, (,„Vi) a. V. i«. I think 
 Mjibefdma, (nin) a 
 always on him ; 3 
 Hhhiidee. ( 
 V. an. 
 p. b 
 I think 
 '-n; p, 
 £ip\ymee, {nin) n.y.Ot, I feel an 
 inclination to vomit .- a n i " ' 
 ^- P- 1- ; p. 
 inclination to vomit ; 
 tie;.. fid. ' 
 -Syiw, 3. lynx; pl.-rt^. 
 ^ijiwata>i,s.an. lynx-skin ; pl.-ao 
 £tjtu'e,(mn)n. v. I bring a Sio^i 
 pearl; pl.-a^. 
 Mikanimagad, u. v. it is round, of a 
 globuiouslormjp. bf/?-..^a^. ' 
 tZTV^'^'r-KV- "is round 
 or globulous, (an. obj.) p. h,/c..sid 
 JnkwaJcwa, or -magad, u. v. there is 
 fp Tn.^1: °^trees standing together; 
 ■^n Sf '"'t \'- cP'^ ^"'^^^ Point, 
 (1^ Anse, Lake Superior.) At that 
 t'oint, to or Irom that Point, £i. 
 Mmaadmi mi^ajia^ (nin) a. v. in T 
 follow a road, path, trail; 3, p. o 
 ^t?««amfl« (r.m) n. v. I pass by in 
 a^canoe singing; 3. p. 4 p. ,^J^^." 
 Bimawmog hinessiwag, n. v. pi. the 
 birds are together-^by tror ps, by 
 gangs; p. bmaffl/?io(^;"(> ' ' 
 Simaan, (nin) a. v. in. I take oflfthe 
 ■®',~rt '"'"l*- "■ "•■ I f"'"" his 
 track, 1. p. „ bnn...B; p. hem..nad. 
 p. hem..nod. '•'j-J-p.-o, 
 Jiimadad,xxv. it is living, it is alive- 
 ^^^^dagak, (nin)n. v. I walk on the 
 Mmadauuih, (nin) n. v. I look ohli 
 £imadisumgad u. v. it lives; p. hem.. 
 n-i ' . '-"^o^nvuyuu u. V. u lives; p b^m 
 £xlconi,gens, s. an. a kind of small r>^''*:.- • • 
 , pearl; pl.-a^. °' ""^^^^ Bimadmwin, s. life. AW,>e- bv„,„^y 
 liikmiinairad. u. v. if i« ..„„,, „r_ stwm, life everlastin/i.„;:*„ ' 
 7i!^ J- '^? ?\erlasting, eterinty. 
 £-madpa, (nm) r. v. i ^^^^ j^j^^ 
 I give him life, I "ave him, IviS 
 cate or ymfyhim; 3. p. '^ Jf;; "' 
 V-iemadjiad. ^ ■>oim..n, 
 ^lHf1fH''''/^"^> '■•^- I '"^ke my- 
 self live, I conserve or safe my 
 "l^iZ'A'H''- ""■ I give life, 
 . saveiiie; 3. p bem..wed. 
 Jitmadjitamadis, (nin) r. v. I m^'ke 
 ivetomeorformes.th., thatis 
 I conserve or save it to me; 3 p' 
 ^imndjitamadison, (nin) a. v in T 
 make It live to me or for me," I con- 
 ' prs.ir''^''"^^'^''^-^^-- 
 ^imadjitamadisonan, (nin) a. v «« 
 oi)J.,3. p. o6*m...; p. hem..sod. (V. 
 ■Bimadjitamawa, (nin) a. v. «« i 
 make it live to him, I conserve or 
 saveit to hiraor forhim;3.p 
 bm..«; p. hem..wad. ^ 
 Mmadjiton, {nin) n. v. I make it 
 Jive, that is, I conserve or save it 
 from destruction; 3. p. o him. . d 
 hem.. tod. ^' 
 Mmdgimosse, (nin) n. v. I past by 
 walkmg with snowshoes 3. p i 
 f.hem.sed. f ■> 
 Bimdjaam,(nm) n. v. S. Jijodiwaam 
 Jhmajagamf,{nin) n. v. S. Jijodiwe. 
 Jiimdkost mifuf, n. v. 3. p. S. £{. 
 Bimakwa, or -rnagcul, there is a for- 
 est wooas; p hcm..ag, or -maf/ak. 
 — Wasmivech hiinakwa, the forest 
 IS far off there. 
 HimahcaaN, {^nui) a. v. in. I twist 
 or squeeze it with a stick; 3. p o 
 him...:, p. ham..an<j. 
 -/5m(l^wa/.s. twisted wood; rc du 
 boistors;] pi. -on. 
 Mmukwaujan, s. stick used for twist- 
 ing or squeezing; pi. -nn. 
 Bimnkisaise, {nin) a. v. 1 twist with 
 a stick, I squeeze; 3. p. 1.; p. ham., 
 Jhmilkwajiwe, {nin) n. v. I pass by 
 in a canoe, or boat; 3. p. I.; p. hem 
 Bimdkwamo, or -mcujad, u. v. a piece 
 of wood iieswi J^igh, (not oii the 
 ground; p. hem.,mog, or -magnk 
 Jiimakwamoim, (nin) a. v. in. I put 
 a piece of wood somewhere elevated 
 from the ground; 3. p. o him,..: n 
 hem.. tod. > ^ f- 
 MmdkwHwa, {nin) a. v. an. I twist 
 or squeeze some an. obj. with a 
 stick; 3. p. f> bm..M; p. hem..wcuh 
 imp. himakwti.—Mmakwd. aw wa- 
 washkesliiwaian,; squeeze this deer- 
 Mmahwishima, {nin) a. v. an. (pr 
 mnhimakoshima,) I put or lay it 
 somewhere, (a piece of wood, an )• 
 3. p. ohim..n; p. hcm..mad.~Na. 
 hagissag nin himakwisfiima wedi, 
 1 lay a board there. 
 Mmakwishin, n. v. 3. p. pr. himako- 
 shin It IS lying there; p. hem..tng. 
 — JMabagzasag wedi himaha>ighin, 
 a board IS lying there. 
 Btmahwismi, u. y. (pr. himalcosam,) 
 Jt is there, (piece of wood:) n. 
 Bimakwisaitmi, (nin) a. v. in. (pr 
 btmahmiton,)lpiii or lay it there' 
 P- hem..tod. ' 
 HcmamoAljiwe, (nin) n. v. I walk on 
 the summit or on the ridge of a. 
 mountain; [C. je marche sur ledos 
 wX' '"""'^^'"^d 3- p. 1.; p. hem., 
 Bimamo mikana, u. v. the road pas- 
 ses...; p hemamog.—Mi ima hema- 
 mog mtkanu, the road pisses there. 
 BimandaweJuin) n. v. I walk over 
 a log elevated from the ground; 3 
 P- i-; p. oem..wed. 
 Bimnsh, (mn) n. v. I am sailing- 3 
 \yi;p.hemashid. ' 
 .fiimasMwin, s. sailing. 
 Bimdian, u. v. it floats down-stream 
 by the cuirent; p. hematann. 
 Bimate.pan Bimateiqe. Bimateiqt. 
 magad. Btmateigewin.—^. GaU 
 kaltigan. Gashkatitgc. Gashkatii- 
 gemaga/l . Gashkateigewin . 
 Bimawanidiwag awessiiag, n. v pi 
 the beasts (or animals) are together 
 by troops, by gangs; p. hsmawmi- 
 dutjzg. .S. Bimaamog... 
 Bwii: prefix giving to verbs the ac- 
 "^ZV^ ''^''''fsoinQ iy> or passing 
 trough a place or places. (Ex- 
 amples^ in some of the following 
 Bimibagina assema, (nm) a. v an 
 I twist tobacco; p. W.«a<^. ' 
 Jitmibagimgan, s. an. twisted tobac- 
 Bindhaigo (nin) pass. v. I am made 
 to pass by running; I pass by riding 
 on horseback or on a carriay^e- 3 
 p. himthaa; p hemihaind. ' 
 Bunihato, (nin) n. v. I pass by, xuxi- 
 mng;3. p.l.;p,be«i..^y^. ^ 
 Btmihatowin, s. run. 
 Bimihigina, (nin) a.' v. an. I squeeze 
 It, (a/i stuff;) 3. p. o him..n; n. 
 ham.. ad. ' 
 Bimihiginan, (nin) a. v. in. I squeeze 
 It, Omen, &c.) 3. p. ohim...; p. 
 oam..ang. *^ 
 ^M^mi0e(nin)n.y. I squeeze; 
 -^fmibodjtffan, s. plough; p| an 
 oem..s«d. ^' ^' P- 
 or drag it alone: 1 n«.. uJ'l^.^"^ 
 Perly.my heart turns:) 3 n ? •»- 
 ^afn..ed, or ham..iad. "^'P'^-'P- 
 Simideeos^cinin) n. v T fppj „,^ t 
 oam...sed. P' '•> P- 
 J^imid^.jdhosiaan, a. castor-oiJ «o 
 purging medicine, ''^^^"'^•o^'. as a 
 greased; p. bm..4o;i:gJfc^.'« 
 ^imidewadjiw, s. Mount Olivet 
 Bimidiwan, u. v. it is greasv f.',n „f 
 grease; p. hem..ang. ^' ^"" ''^ 
 ordrarn^r/^-''-,^- ^^aw ^"^^^^^wa/^, u. v. it 
 hem..ang. - - 
 ■Bimidabdnd, (nin) a. v. a« T Hr^,., 
 or drag him'aloni; I pass b/S^ 
 rying him on a sleigh: 3^n' „■ .^ T' '"••t" '""^'««*««. 
 '■ it. put grease o^i ^-o'-i^-^g^^ase 
 •j"'6 mm on a sleigh: 3 n n n- . , . ' J^" "^'*'«^««. 
 ^ltk;'^'7r'^'^'--y woven 
 ^imt-daffwishin, (nin) n. v. I arrive 
 Kt tn:: ' ^- ^^^^^'-'^^ -fiar. 
 ^imidal-miffan, s. sail-vard- 1.1 
 f- Pattern for the meshes in S' 
 Z f •"'*^' P'- -^'^' ("-^h-pau 
 A^^rf^e^,, (^,V,) n. V. I grease- 
 J' l?-^-iP-hem..Qed. ^grease, 
 I am dirthV'Slt "•g'rea'se-Tr'^-' 
 P- »em..sid. fe'tase, j. p. _j. 
 -Bmiidma, {nin) & y an ThnU 
 ««• obj. oblionp vT u.*°™« 
 obliquelyj's. l ol'im -K i^ " 
 a/j^.; ^ ootm..., J), hem.. 
 £imidjuMma, (nin) a. v. «« r nnf if 
 boat,) 3. p. -^; p. bm..zd. ''nJ^fi^.?imdon, {nin) a.y.i^ r „„. 
 imidased, s. ff^,. h»r .<• I ^ ^'^''fss, 1 put it obliquely: (V\l 
 le mets de travers -^ ^Z^i-^ 
 „anobique or timed e^g^f^]!"*' 
 boat;) 3. p. -i; p. be^..jrf. 
 -^miae, s. grease, fai, oil. I -^'"'«?;'w;«^aA>«;arf, s. hoe,' axe wiT} 
 ■Bifnidjitmdon, (nin) a. v. in. I carry 
 it obliquely, awry; 3. p. oUm...: 
 Bimig, (.nin) n. v. I work or embroid- 
 er with porcupine quills; 3. p. -i; 
 p. hamigid. 
 Bvmigdbawimin, (nin) n. v. pi. we 
 are standing round, (around some- 
 body or s. th. ) p. hemigabwwidjig, 
 bystanders; (L. circumstantes.) 
 . 3im\ge, (nin) n. v. I live with others 
 in a village or town; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 bemdged. PI. hemigedjig, those liv- 
 ing in a village or town. 
 Mmigeidimin, (nin) com. v. we live 
 together in a village or town, we 
 are neighbors; p. hemigeididjig, 
 neighbors. '' ^^ 
 Bimigemin, (nin) n. v. pi., we live 
 in a village, (not in the woods, in 
 the wilderness;) p. lemigeihjig.' 
 Bimi-ija. {nin) n. v. I pass bv, or I 
 come throngh, a place, in going to 
 another place; 3. p. 1.; p. Urai- 
 Btmikawdde, or -tnagad, u. p. there 
 are tracks or vestiges, footsteps, 
 (of a person or animal;) p. Jem 
 deg., or -magah. 
 Bi?nika?ve,(nin)n.v. there are my 
 tracks, my footsteps, thev show, 
 (on the snow, in mud, etc.)"3. p. 1 • 
 p. hem..ioed. "' 
 Bimihaweuin, s. vestige, track, foot- 
 step; pi. -an. 
 Bimimdssamawa,(nin)&. v. )m. I am 
 jealous towards him; 3. p. obim..n- 
 p. ham.. wad ' 
 Bim'imisdge,(nin) n. v. I amjealous- 
 3. p. 1.; p. harn..ged. ' 
 Bimina, (nin) a. v. an. I twist him- 
 3. p. hi..n; p. bnminad. ' 
 Bimxndjikawa, (nin) a. v. an. I run 
 after him, I pursue him: ,•=(. n o\ 
 l>tm..n; p. hem. .wad. 
 Biminahvdn, s. rope, cord; line- dI 
 -an. ' ^ ' 
 Bitninakwanens, s. dim. small rord 
 line, string; pi. -an. 
 Btminahwamlce, (nin) n. \ I „-v« 
 cords, ropes, &c., I f,.Ti a *-...-, 
 maker; 3. p. l.;9.h€m..h€d. 
 Btminahwanikewin, u: trade, work 
 occupation, of a ropemaker. ' 
 ■^'"^'nahwandkewmini, s. ropemaker; 
 Biminan, (nin) a. v. in. I twist if 3 
 J-oMm...;p.Uminang. ' 
 BtnH-ntbitnhhanan, (nin) a. v. in 
 pl. I go from one thing to another; 
 3.. p. oUm...; p. hem.:can<,.-~Ka- 
 Inna walanjanan o hindlihiU^h. 
 Bimi-niUtesihawag, (nin) a. v. an 
 pl. I pass from one person to ano- 
 tw(^ '■T-^"y ''"• °''i- to ano- 
 iner,) S.ji.ohm..wan; p. hem..wad. 
 Btmznigadamoa, (nin) a. v. an I 
 make him carry s. th. on his shouL 
 <ler, J. p. o hzm..n; p. hem..ad. 
 Bimimgaddn, (nin) a. v. in. I carrv 
 hem..ang. ' ^* 
 Biminigan, s. auger: pl. -an. 
 Bimmigdna, (nin) a. v. an. I carry 
 on my shoulder some an. object; 
 3. p. o hm..n; p. hcm..nad. 
 Bimtmaandl-, s. barrow carried c.i 
 the shoulder; (F. brancard;) p 
 -on. '' ^ 
 Biminigans. s. dim. gimblet; pl.-a„. 
 Bimimge, (mn) n. v. I carry on mv 
 shoulder; 3. p. 1.,. p. fte;;,..^^^. ^ 
 Btmmik, cubit, elbow. This word is 
 always preceded by a number; as • 
 J\ isso htminih th ree cu bits ; nij'. 
 fanadnm, hmiml; twenty cubits 
 Btmwhmiimnin, (nin) or, nin hirn.i. 
 (dcimmmm., n. v. pl. we are many 
 together; p. hem..nodjig, or -hem.. 
 Bimip<^, Qr-ma{iad, u. v. the snow 
 stot.-.. passes by ; p. hemipog, or 
 Bimishkd, (nin) n. v. I go to some 
 !' i"- . in a canoe, boat, etc., I 
 1. vpI m a canoe, etc.; 3. p. 1.; n 
 oe'n..kad. *^' 
 Bimishhnwin, s. traveling by water 
 navigation, (not sailing.) 
 Bti: iskhamnagad, u. v. there is 
 navigation (on a river.) it is navi- 
 gable ; p. hem.. gat 
 ■ I ; * 
 • -Mi 
 ^imtei, 8. eel ,• pl^ap. 
 -BimtskodiaH, s. snail ; pi _« 
 SMoaadeaUn, (nm) n. v. I distorf 
 ^£t?ri/Tl "•-!>- my 
 /.;t P; " *w«..w; p. ham..nad. ^^ 
 bam..aj ' 3- P- «*««*...; p. 
 -BtrnMost'desAzn, {nm)n. v. I distort 
 or dislocate my foot ■ 3 n i • 
 BimisTcota, {nin) n. v. I turn round ■ 
 grindstone turns well ' 
 -mcujak ' ^' ""'"^■■'CiJi or 
 iam..tod. ^ '*••• ' P- 
 SimuhoweUna, (nin) a. v. «« j f n^ 
 round briskly Wa«obT- 3 o 
 ^a^/»..a«^ ^' 3- P- ^ *«'«••• i p. 
 ^a'Sr' "r^^^'^- »• V. it turns 
 Bimukwaigan, s. sSew-Sf j p]. 
 Bimiskwaige, {ni>i) n. v T am 
 BtMewin, s. flight, flying 
 n?" P- ^- ) p. befn..med. ' 
 ■^tmtwane, {nvA n. v. T carrv « i« a 
 or pack on m/back iSt}?^^ 
 Dortairp a^►or, ' P"CK with a 
 portage-strap, or carrying-strap ■ 
 b..»..»,-p.b.»..„/'"'°'" '-P-o 
 Ji'mu,an„n. s. ihe load „, pack car 
 bm..i '^''^ ' ^- P- « bm..^; p^ 
 ^^/«wm«, (nin) a. v. a«, j carrr 
 nun with an arrnw •< r> ""V ^' 
 bm.1'4" "'*'"' '•P-''^"^-".' P- 
 "^rf^' (■'^*''>-v.l creep, I crawl- 
 3-P- I. ,-p. bw^«;. ^' ^' 
 £tm6degos, (nin.) n. v. I camp from 
 distance todistance, (going through 
 the woods m winter from one place 
 to another;) 3. p.-j ; p.hem..sid. 
 Mmodegosiwin., s. the traveling of 
 an Indian family from camp to 
 camp througli the woods in win- 
 Bvmdjigan, a. aim, mark or tarcet I 
 of an archer; pl.-a/i. " I 
 Bimodjigc, {nin) n. v. I shuot witli ' 
 anarrow;3. p. l.;p. Jc^..^^^. I 
 Mmoma, {nin-) a. v. an. I carry him 
 on my back ; 3. p. o Um..n ; p. he- 
 mnnacl. ^ 
 JiiTm/mdums, {nin) n. v I carry 
 somebody on my back, a child ; 
 J. p.-o; p. hem.. sod. 
 Jitmomigo, {nin) pass. v. 1 am car- 
 ried on the back of somebody ; I 
 ride on horscjback ; 3. p. himoma ; 
 p. bemonnnd.—Mn bmmnio, he 
 carries me on his back. Behmgo- 
 ganji nm. himomw. a horse carries 
 me on his back, I ride on horse- 
 back. Jieh'JigngonJin u Inmom/. 
 gon, he rides on horseback. 
 Mmondaa, {nin) a. v. am. \ give him 
 8. th. to carry on his back, f make I 
 him carry s. th.; fig. I lay it to his 
 charge, I impute it to him. T lay 
 the iault of it upon him; 3. p. o' 
 dim. .71 ; p. hem..ad. 
 Mimondom, (nin) n. v. I carry s th 
 on my back ; 3. p. 1. ; p. 6cm..««./." 
 Btmondan, {mn) a. v. in. 1 carry it 
 on my back ; 3. p. o Mm... ■ p. bJm 
 ang. ' 
 Mm:,jshUda?i>an, s. bomb ; pi -an. 
 Mtnoskogm aw mitig, n. v. 3. p. this 
 tree is twisted, it cannot be split • 
 p. oem../iid. 
 Bfnwsse, {nin) n. v. I walk, I pass 
 \}y',3.j,.l.-p.be,nossed. I 
 -mn>x)ssewzn, s. walk, march, gait. 1 
 iiimossiwinagad, u. v. there is walk- 
 ingjp. hfm..gak.—KitcU lime 
 tewmagadnongnm, mino bimoss..' <.. 
 nagad da.s7i ; there is much walk- 
 ing to day, but there is sood waik- 
 JUmwdgan, s. a wounded person : 
 Bimwdgarm, (nt«) n. v. I am woun- 
 ded ; 3. p.-*;p. 6eOT..wZ. 
 Mimwagania, (nin) a. v. an. I wound 
 mm ; 3. p. o Um..n ; p. bem..ad. 
 J.tniuyaniigc, ^nin) n. v. I wound, 
 inflict a wound or wounds ; 3. p 
 , ]-\V- bcm..ged. ^ 
 Bmiwnguniigewin, s. wounding, in- 
 I dieting wounds. ^ 
 I Bunwdganrigowin, s. wound; v>\.-an. 
 i JHinwaganiw, {nin) n. v. I am a 
 wounded person, I am wounded ; 
 ■i. p.-j ; p. hc>n..wid. 
 Btnurdfisin, {nin) n. v. I throw a 
 stone ; 3. p.-e ; p. hem..ing.~Frea. 
 nam/nu'ndsin. ' 
 Bimwaminna, Onin) a. v. an. (pr. 
 bwmsznaa.) I stone him, I throw 
 stones at him; 3. p. ohtni..n: p. 
 hem. .ad. ' ' 
 Bim'ra.-<Kinai'je, {ni?i) n. v. (pr, hi- 
 niomnaige. Ithrow stones at some- 
 body, I stone people ; 3. o. 1. • n 
 hem .ged. ' ' ' ' 
 Bimwa'turu-e, {nin) n. v. I shoot at 
 j a mark with bow and ;!irows ; 3 
 P- 1. ; p. heni..wed.—S. (^odankwe. 
 ^linnwiive, {mn) n. v. I am heard 
 I inakinj,' noise, in passin- by ; 3. n. 
 1- ,■ p. hem,.. wed. ■ ^ ; r 
 Bimicemeslnn., {nin) n. v. I am heard 
 pass]ngby;3. p. 1. ;p. b««i../«., 
 JJimwewulam, {nin) n. v. I am heard 
 talking, in passing by ; 3. p. 1. • p. 
 hem..anci. ^ ^ 
 Bind ! interj. lo ! behold ! now ' 
 Jirnn {nin) a. v. an. I bring him 
 with me ; 3. p. « hinan ; p. hdnad. 
 mna. This word signifies nothing 
 by Itself, and is never used alone, 
 but always in connexion with a 
 number, where it signifies how 
 many hshes have been caught in * 
 a net or several nets; as: Anin 
 mdcmoUnatan? How many fishes 
 ''V^t,'^"". caught in thy net (or 
 nets .0— A'irt hejigohind, nin nijo- 
 oina, nm mdamAyina, nin midm- 
 ^ohma aslii hejig, aM nij, etc., 
 ?njtana nin da^suhina aM nanan. 
^ J 
 P- ha..nadtd.. '' ' ^- ?' « *«• 
 tity. '^eiiavior, puruy, cbas 
 5 J- ^ ''¥ '^•^^» the ^ai 7 3 p- 
 w cm..., p. bm..anq... ' ^- 
 f\.-m '"^' '•'«: harrow,- 
 ^«feri-';|>ie^. (water or | ^t^SSr- £^ ■■£7''-^* 
 fen..t«</. n.S-P-l.^p. o(lJ,elreeaiy„',?'J.'°<'lM'M 
 ben..kad. "''^ °" ' 3- p. 1.; p. 
 comes off falls nrt- V ' ''^^ ^kin 
 mv th«„~i.x_ / "• \. 1 change 
 my thoughts or mv, ^/,cl^an?e hair- '-j n i . 7 ^' ^ ^ose my 
 D ] • r> ; '"y ""nd often • "l /?.•„ •'■ P* ^- P- len..wed ^ 
 ^^aige,{nin) ny J ^^,, iet 4lJ fire ■ q n ^1i^^ ^- ^- *'''• I 
 dam of 'a beaver in JH^'^^ '^^ I ^'^'7. ' ^' " ^•- P- ^.. 
 oHhe rees aTj o'ff ^'""^^^^6! 
 of October ^^''^"' '^^ '"onth 
 him, I come to fe^Vh h-^ '^'"^ ^^^ 
 him away (a Dersnn "' ^° '^'^^ 
 ««• obj.) 3 D ^„ f" °'^"y other 
 ' -^wVimpl'ki'l-'^^'P-^- 
 Jiinamkwe, (nin) n v t i 
 k^g, or-maaak. ^^^ ' P' ^^•• 
 V. -'""5 uuin 1 
 At^, or-magaJk. 
 ' -^y^wa*, (7i«;«) ,1. v_ T am «!.. 
BIN 79 
 ^indskka, {nin) n. v. S. jBinds. 
 Jimassawagendam, {nin) n. v. I often 
 ^''if/V^/r"^^*^. u. V. it is clean, 
 neat (a house, a room, etc.) p 
 aust oft, 3. p. o hn...;jp. ben. 
 Binaweigan, s. brush : p\.~an. 
 Jimawe>ge, (nin) n. v. f brush; 3. p 
 }•, p. ben,..ged. ^ 
 |m^, 8. partridge; pl.-wa^. 
 . Jiinebag, s. partridge- ^ 
 l^af;p:-o;i; (akindofln- 
 i?wmw, s partridge- f dian tea. 
 berry ; pi. -a» ; J 
 ^*»£*A2;, s. a »ma« bird ; pl-ia^. s 
 BmeshiwanashUd,^. tail of a small 
 oira ; pl.-^/i. 
 ^:mai/sr;7i.!.r- '"''" ^^ ^ 
 -B«/ie«Si, s. a Large b'ird ; pl.-^a^ 
 BinesdwahAnii) n. v/l^am sftting 
 like a bird; 3. p.-^; p. ben..m 
 -Bmesszwanaskkid, s. tail of a laVire 
 bird ; pl.-i;?,. "'*''' 
 Btuessiiviciwan, s. a;^. feathers of a 
 large bird ; pl.-a^. °' ^ 
 cX ^'•/"'"''^ "■ \^ *"^ ^°>d, I feel 
 cold , J. p-i ; p. bangedjid. 
 /*t/i», m compositions, signifies cZeaw 
 ^i^r'- (^-^"^Ples in some of 
 the following words.) 
 Bxma, (nm) a. v. «». I dean him 
 »'*, p. baniad. 
 BznUee (nin) n v I have a clean 
 ^Xt"?'^' ^- '^'^^-^^^ °f heart, 
 ^Su'fft "• \ 'K'' ^'^«"' (cloth, 
 stult, paper;)p. Sdm^aifc. 
 , obj. of ailh, etc. ) p. ban..dd, 
 Btmigade, or-^agad, u. v. it is 
 cleansed; p. 6«,,..rf,^,or-maA 
 ^i/m^o,(«e;,)n. VI am cleansed; 
 ^- P--«; p. ban..sid. 
 Binimgos, (nin) n. v. I have a clean 
 appearance; 3. p.-^" ; p.ban.sd 
 Bmmagoszwin, s. clean appearance 
 Bimnagwad, u. v. it has a clean an-" 
 pearance ; p. Ja«..^«^. ciean ap- 
 ^m.;^... (.«,„) n. V. I have a clean 
 harids , 3. p. 1.; p. Ja^^..^^. 
 i^t«/«, imn) n. v. f am clean, neat • 
 ^^^f^f^/''^^- til'. "ntil,asfaras,up 
 ^i'i':^^/, in compositions, signifies 
 Binishi-angoshJca, {nin) n. \ I break 
 down entirely, 1 come to nothing ; 
 J- P 1.; p.ban..kad. ^' 
 Jimiskz-anooshkamaqad, u. v if 
 breaks cfown entirely it comes to 
 nothing at all; p. J^;:.^^.'"""^*" 
 J^trmsfa-dagtvishin, {7iin)n. v. I come 
 hereonmyownaccount;3.D 1^ 
 p. oan..zng. h- i-, 
 Binishigiru'igad, u. v. it comes ^nm 
 duces) by itself, sponJaTeou's y" 
 without beir^g sown or planted by' 
 anybody ; p. ban...gaL ^ 
 myself, on my own account, (with- 
 out being ordered or otherwW n 
 Binishi-kiherMn, {nin) a. v. in [ 
 know It myself, Without beingTold 
 Sm r/^^^^'f' \ "■ '^^ i accuse 
 ^imjalsdy, I calumniate him • 3 
 J-pbin..m- p.ban..m'id. ' 
 Bzinshkan, {nin) k. v. in. I make it 
 fa from Its place; 3. 06m...; p ' 
 ('an..ang, ^ 
 BIN 80 
 Smishham, (mn) a. v. an. I make 
 lall somea.. obj. from its pW 3 
 leei, J. p. ].j p. hani.ded. 
 B„mih,i, adv. without reason un 
 provoked ; spontaneously, on oJs 
 own account.-B^>«V/X■,i ^ ZSa- 
 &?/*- ^''"'.'■"''^"•^""p'-o- 
 •nylhing eponlaneouslv (on hk 
 «w^. account, wi.hou. fc/™a.t 
 I oor ,; p. ban:.,ja<j, or-maaaJc " 
 ( a floor T'l ^'^'""K^: ^- "*• ^ clean it, 
 _(,dII00r,)J. ,. ohiu...; yuban f^„l 
 wsipid, t has no laste, (of Victu- 
 als,; p. bail. .kill, . 
 Oi«mi^o</«;ftrf, u. V. j«,. obi. it is in 
 B«V!^wiM;(ffl ,. any little thinir that 
 falls m the eye, mote jpu"*;''*' 
 Ton^ik'^'^'''' "• ^- ®- ^^■■^'^<*«- 
 B«-»ar/aaw, (ww) n. v. I come onf nf 
 someplace; 3 p. 1.- nTf^"'*"^ 
 him-T """".''■ >■"• oeJongmgt( 
 Lord, make clean my heart ' 
 iJi^w^c/j, {tun) a. v. «« r ^l.o 
 cleanse or purify i -i" n ?^"' 
 ^jns, (a deer, a stag, etc.) p. 6^/.. 
 Bi/i»in, (nin) n. v I lnv« - fi, • 
 P--<* J p. &tt/«*W<i "yeye,j 
 Bi*a/t, adv. quiet, still. 
 ^ «i""*'?"'^"''' "• ^- «t is quiet • it 
 stops. It ceases : n bei //«! 7 ' 
 "uSt"' '■"''■'''=''■ '""^u'iii'y. 
 now rapidly.) 
 Bw«M<,,u.v. it is still and quiet fin 
 \hmmndam, {nin) n. v. I am auiet 
 i., p. ors..a/t(/. ' ^ 
 gm and quiet; 3. p. 1.,- p. i^f 
 Bwa/iWiW^,,, 8. tranquillity still 
 Xofof^S-' P-'cefuftispSi' 
 ^2T«f/^' s little narrow string of 
 oneather-C.de ]a.babiche,fpK 
 Bishoailidon, (nin) or, 7ie« Je,;^^.^. 
 "^ishellit, 3.p.„j„^._.p^^^y_ 
 Si, '''''' ^- ''• "''■ 1 Pe'^J. pare or 
 £4 W^^"■•^^^^P•''^^^^••ip• 
 Bifiagiyijwa, (n-ln) a. v. ««. S. Fa- 
 afth.Ti- '^'^^ or Other parts 
 *", ^'i^^o'^y.'" sickness ;) 3. p. 1 
 BMujiwlagos, (nm)n.v. lam fair 
 •J. p. ^ , p. besh..tiid. 
 ^^i«hi(iend(n/o.siwin, s. beautv fair 
 ness; glory, splendor. '' '^'"^ 
 ^iMge,,,iuyw,u]., u. V. it is l,eautiful 
 ^Meiulagtci, (nin) n. x f drps^ 
 «plenduly, gloriously; 3 p _.„ -T 
 (iish..wtod. • I'- o « p. 
 p. «6i.v/....;j ; p. l,f,.;^..„,^. 
 I'-is/nijentma, (nin) a. v. «„ I honor '' 
 lUsAu/wddud, n. V. it is impure un 
 BAsA*^mn/(^a.//'eV«, (,,eVj)n. v. 1 tell an 
 gu;.^ unchaste stoiv; a. p J! ^p" 
 H^Jj^.J^W.,s. impure story 
 i^is/ng/radendam, (nm) n. ^. I have 
 impure uncha.ste tl/oughts 3 p 
 I., p. D€sh..an(,. ' '^' 
 Bw/<%«^(«/t««;«w,,«v:;, 8 unchaste 
 thought impure thinking. ^'''' 
 iHshgmuhs, {nm) n. v. I am an 
 ';haste, nnpure/licentiousjs.p- 
 c. p. besn..sid. ^' 
 )^«/«Vwirf/ in compositions, alludes 
 ;"^,^'ti''^'.(E^amT,lesin some I 
 Of the following words.) 
 u ■ L ' .J ,'' "^''A'-w^y p. be«h ad 
 pi^lngwddoilam. ^ '• v. ». 
 wadodamowin. ouiag. 
 unchastely or impurely ; 3 p^ f * 
 «^W.(;.<7TOm, s. unchaste 
 tai/ing, unchaste impure word ; 
 ^^Mgmidj niwtbi^, (nin) j hehave 
 : "iVt-T'^'-^ am unchaste, in':: 
 ";*'^T''«''y-V*"'^Am-«'m, s. impure 
 };;;';av|or^ - --'-t, uncl^iTy! 
 "'sf'^gwadj.i.^,ula?,mvin, s. S R." 
 llSd"'"'-^""'"'' '• ^- Gagibadji. 
 ^i>ildgw,Hlodam,{nin) n. v. 1 com 
 m.t unchaste impure actions; S.^] 
 tii''<ldgii'adadanti,wln,, s. i,npure un 
 chaste action ;pl.-«,«. ^"'^ "»• 
 lave an impure dream : 3. p i • 
 ^ishigiodwjna, {7iin) a. v. a^ t 
 iy" L"V?'™^H^>""^h?ste^ 
 B/..//^-owa,„«, («,Vi , a. v. an. I mis« 
 nm (in shooting at:) 3. p. ;a^ 
 ii<'M-ongwu,k, i^nin, n. v. I get 
 asleep 1 iail asleep , 3. p.-V^J^ 
 ^os sigiu„f,_they,can\eemen"o 
 sflTot?/''"-^"''^';'- ^^ it '^'^ lost 
 sight of, It IS out of sight, it can 
 be seen no more ; p. l>rsk..>vaL 
'■ 'SUM^^'hi 
 i I 
 > ■- 4 . 'm 
 K J.r,.,. 
 Jiisikwanaip (»i„\ » 
 'Iresam'yseir 3"'' '"r^^^'^r-^ 
 ■BmnndiH, Liiw)\> v 1 «'J^; ^; 
 t'loughtleas i n, . "" frivolous, 
 prudent behuv or 00 .T ""'!, ""' 
 Jiwiskadendam, {nm n v r k 
 inv sen*jp»j ,, v"^"*, n. v. 1 have 
 n> sense, .ga.n, , after fainting;) 
 Rill J.' P- '"■^■■■^ung. " ^' 
 member n.^eJl/na;ovVu'p,aUri 
 ^istskeiidjigc ( rn-ii\ n ,• t 
 well- 1 '""' well, I know him 
 JiZka 'or J: " *'/••'* ' P- fx^'-mad 
 [Fc-esT^llf'f'"-^-/' '« bent; 
 ^^«b. adv. again, returning, back 
 ^!-~^-(«^)n. V.I return runn. 
 p. hetikahid. ^' ' P' ^-i 
 ing hammer; pl.-a„. *''' "^«'- 
 StTV^^h"- '^^ «"» "vet. 
 i^^^arf««;a, L"'^) «• V. ;«. I rivet 
 some an. obi ■ 1 r. « u ■ »»vci 
 ^b... «.,, r.'^^^^^^ p. 
 linage the fire blaU Jame up 
 Mane, or-m.gad, u. v. S. £iska. 
 Bukaneanishkote, ^nin) a. v. in S 
 Btskaneiasdn ishkote, u. v. the fire 
 Wa^zes up by the wind ; p^ VJ! 
 «?/?«'«», I en/tmdle it, 1 inflame it; 
BIS 83 
 •1- P; O his... ; p. be«..o«// .Bi»kn 
 /bldeij- I A^o '«"i^««, U IS bent, 
 i?^W< «,>«;,;,, elbow cub.-t • fF 
 "irtn-DarK, folded together tn ra. 
 >-ch.bl E r"o\Kfe''^^ <* ^-a!] 
 pl.-(m. '-'""fe'i^LO. casseau;] 
 p. J^*..a;^;. P '-' "^- P- '^ **«••• ; 
 ^SfT^' ?^^)"-- I «"i folding; 
 ^\»ogesUn,{nin]xi. v. J fall of„^u 
 ling over s. th.: 3 n i ' t,™^" 
 mg. ' P- ^- ' P- 5e*.. 
 Bm,.ideahiwin, s. stumbling 
 linr-stone. **'*' *• ««• stumb- 
 ^nTfi:\V''«««'^of«omeu.v, ,i„ 
 nines the manner «/' ,^»' • ' »" 
 «^V;/.v.v„, the rain P.;^ ''"^ '•^«'^«- 
 sonfh • VoAz 1 . ^on'es frorn the 
 «out^,„AiT^„Az.«a, the rain ceait 
 ««.^, or-wa^a/fc. ^ ' P' *«*• 
 into 8„,alliiecel 7- crush ■?/' 
 small pieces, to powder • 3 n "" 
 li^ssayUjancsUn, (nm) I brpnt „ 
 nose, falling on it- 3 n 1 ^^V'^ 
 ..%. ""-j-i- p. 1.; p. ba«« 
 bma^r>;j. ' P '^'^s-ad ; imp. 
 1.0 t 
 "" 136 
 - 6" 
 U Hi 1.6 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (7116) 872-4503 

 MMagod dhik, n. v. 3. p. the kettle 
 IS profitable, it holds much : d. 
 oassagomd aJcik. 
 Rismowan, u. v. it is profitable ; it 
 holds much, (a bag, a vessel;) 
 p. oas8..(>ng, ' 
 Bmcmvawe, n. v. 3. p. it has a thick 
 and Drohtable fur, (animal:) p. 
 Bigsaigade, or-magad, u. v. it is brok- 
 en to shivers, to small pieces : p. 
 nag8..deg, or-magaJc. 
 fUssaigas, (mn) u. v. I am bro/fcen to 
 pieces, (a person or any other an. 
 obj. ) 3. p.-fj; p. bass. .god. ' 
 h'tusakamtgnan. ctM, (nm) oxnin his- 
 mJcarmgzhidati aki, a. v. in. I brea/fc 
 the g-round into small pieces, 
 1 till, hoe, piouHh it; harrow it : 3 
 p. iihus... : p. \mts..ang... 
 fima^amigihodjigan, or iiumkamvii- 
 buljtgnn, s. pioiigh ; harrow ; p'l.- 
 an. S. Jimdkuwi, kitvklbmdkwat,. 
 /.mnkamtgibodrige , {nm; cr nm 
 btssakomigihuljige, n. v. I brea/fc 
 the ground to small pieces, that is, 
 I plough, I harrow; 3. o. 1. : n 
 haf<.<i..ged. * ' ' 
 J:u.'<(immns, s. an. a small little 
 stone, especially on the beach ol' 
 a laA-e; pi -«^. 
 ^Ugxagdninsihi, or -magad, u. v 
 there are little stones, "(especiallv 
 on the beach of a la/l-e;) •.. htm., 
 hag, or-m agak. 
 J-Jm-au-a, (mi,,) -d. V. an. I crush or 
 break to small pieces some an. 
 obj.; 3. p. o husaican;p, bmeawad: 
 imp. busd. 
 J^'i-f-mfagad, u. v. it is fine, (stuff, 
 clothing material ;) p.h(m..gak 
 t>matagtsi, n. v. 3. p. it is fine. (an,. 
 stuff, sil/{;;)p. ha^i-..kid. 
 fiind, in compositions. S. Jiism, in 
 /ikdbidjigade, or-i 
 . „ ,or-~magad, u. v. it is 
 torn to small pieces; ^.ba^s..deg, 
 i^mihidon, hiifi) a. v. in. I breaifc it 
 into small pieces in my hands. 1 
 crumble it: ;j. p. obm...; p. bass., 
 -3tssthtigade, or-7nagad, u. v it is 
 written with small letters, orprint- 
 ed m small type ; i>. bas8..de^ , or 
 -magak. "" 
 £issibiigan, s. small writing, or 
 prmt. * ' 
 Bis&ibime, (mn)n. v. I write with 
 small letters; 3. p. 1.; p. hass..ged. 
 Bissibina, (nin) a. v. an. I crumble 
 some an. obi, I breai-it into small 
 pieces with my hands ; 3. p o 
 btss..n;p. b<m..nad.~Nm. bis.sthma 
 pah'fjtgan. I crumble bread. 
 Z r'"!^' "•■ ^i ^- P- ''^ has a fine 
 lur; p. bass.. led. 
 Bmihode, ot- magad, u. v. it i.s 
 ground; p. bass..deg, -x~rnagak. 
 M'isnbi,djnjan , s. an. grind-mill, 
 fiour-mill; p .-„^; also, corn-meal. 
 L'v. gamme;] 
 Bissihodjvjanabik,^. an. mill-stone ; 
 Jiustbodmuns , s. dim. a,i.. coffee- 
 mill ; pl.-rt^. 
 Bl'<dhodJigas,{nin in. v. 1 am ground 
 or crushed to powder ; 3. v>.-o ■ n 
 bass. .sod. * ' ^' 
 BhsihoJjige. hiln.) n. v. 1 am grind- 
 ing, 1 /eep a fiour-mill a going : 3. 
 inssthndjigHviniid, s. miller, /{'eeper 
 or proprif tor of a Hour-mill : nl - 
 wug. ' 
 Bit<si\)od(.n, {win) a. v. i„. I grind it; 
 3. p. (, hiss.. ; p. bass..il(,u. 
 Jiusibona, a. v. an. 1 grind some an 
 Ob). ; 3. p. ,; bui<..n ; p. bass..nad : 
 imp. bisstboj. 
 Bissiboso, n. V. 3. p. it is ground, ( „« 
 ob|.)p. has.-<..s(,d. 
 Btssigaau, {nin) a. v. in. I split it 
 into fine small pieces, (wood) ; 3, 
 P- obi.ss...:,-y).bas.s..ung. 
 Bzssigai^e, {nin) n. v. f chon wood 
 into small sticks, (for a small 
 stove;) 3. p. l.;]Kha.^.s..gcd. 
 Jyinstgaissdn, s. split wooti for fuel ■ 
 pi. -aw. ' 
 Bisstgdifse, {nin} n. v. I split wood 
 into fine pieces; 3. p. 1.; ^.bass.. 
 -...; p. b....,4^: ;: J.-l^^ my head aga.nst s. th.; „. 
 cedar V^ni- ^'"'' "f'J-"?^>*''f-. 
 0"J;) p. m.f.9..,?o^/. '^ 
 small flakes; p. J^.„,^,,^, ^^^^^^^ 
 BiHsitdcjos. \ni,i) n. v I insnlf r ,. 
 'nsultin.^o. aL.sive anS^e "'a' 
 P--«,- p- *«•«.. -wZ. '.^"'»oe, J. 
 V*"'^f'«'. ('">') n. V. Thearinsultinir 
 orabnsive language ; 3. p/ 
 suited by his ^„,,, r^ee .'i^.^- 
 edmhearingh.staikingTa p! 0" 
 (>m..w;p. J,,^i..,„^; 
 "'• P- !•, p. f>ef^ft..<jed. 
 P- 'jp. het..in.,j. 
 ^Sf raSS- ^'^'f ) "• ^- I knock 
 ;*■ P- 1-, p. oet..i)uj. 
 £itako8hiii, n. v "in it t^ i 
 ^r; 'r;it',s,:•i."£;„t' 
 »>?■-,•' I^- M..ing. ' 
 Tt?"';,"- ^-^V""^'^-?. strikes : 
 iiie canoe strikes (touches^ th 1 
 ff/ound, a rock, &c '"''^^^^ **"' 
 ^■^^><^>gihodeie<jwasHon, s. drawer. • 
 -^'..".^o.^n.,,,,;, ,.i„sulta„jury,affront /jfr-^' I"'" ^«^^-«'^- ' ^" 
 ^''f «'''('"'*) n. v/l have wSrf'^''^«'''^'««.(^««)a.v.«;, 1 mak 
 fyps, I cannot Sep woii . o _ ''> him angrv. or nff«.^ 7,71^ ™''>: 
 p.-» ; 
 fyps, I cannot see 
 p. heswalid. 
 angled m a cord ; 3. p. i. ; p. j,,.. 
 ■^wthtloo^^'^'^^f • ",'• ^- '^ i« ««d 
 t e ?t Z'l^'"''^ ?• ^- ^'^^ I bine or 
 o o?^..., p. bes..d'xl. ^ 
 Buwaona, (nin) a. v. an. I tie some 
 <^'^obj. with a loon: 3 n "aI?'?^ 
 Ti.„^ ' \"'<-n) n. V. I am anirrv 
 1 Keen anorer nr mr,,,^ . i ^'o')- 
 "^fadt'sTotf V '• ^"^^••' ^«n<^or, 
 ^fi, s^ foam '' '"'"P"'"' ""patience. 
 Bitewanam, ( nin) n v 1 f^„ 
 <-u., o. p. 1.^ p },et..inn. 
 ^nock my forehead LgalisJsah' 
 •'• P' ^-j p. oet..ing. 
 r,.:.p- °} P- iat..sod. 
 Brw 86 
 £it,>. 111 compositions, signifiesrf^/MJ/c. 
 [ Examples in some of the foUow- 
 injr words.) 
 Bitobig, 8. pond,-pl,-o;i, 
 £itoyii'ndan,{rdn)i. v. in. I line it 
 doub.<! It, some arlic.'e oOclothing;) 
 Jittmcade, OT-magad, u. v. it is lin- 
 ed ( doubled ;) p. hat..deg, or-ma- 
 gak. ' 
 £iUHru<adjioan, a. lining, doubling : 
 [)' . doublure. 1 
 BtUxjwadjige, (nin) n. v. I am lining 
 (soine article of clothing;) 3. p. 1 ; 
 p. oat..ged. 
 Bitngwana, {mn) a. v. aw. Iliqe some 
 an. obj. (silk-stuff:) ,3. ^'.o^it.M; 
 p. baL.nad; imp. iitogi'aj'. *• 
 }ht<>awass,m, s. S. Bilogwadjigaiu 
 Jiitolmm, {nin) n. v! I have two 
 pair of shoes on ; 3. p. I.; p. lat.. 
 Bitohwanaiej (wm) n. v. I have a 
 double suit of clothes on ; 3 p, 1 ■ 
 p.bat..ied. ' 
 -Bitm, (nin) a. v. in. I wait for it, I 
 await It ; 3. p. o bitm ; p. batod. 
 Jitwabik, iron ; metal ; pi. biwabikm., 
 pieces of iron, or iron tools or im- 
 BiwaMJco-Uwibodjigm, a. filings, lile- 
 Biwahikolcan, a, iron-mine, or mine: 
 pi .-AM. 
 Bwi'abiholce, (mn)n.\.l work iron, 
 or other metal ; I am mining, work- 
 ing m a mine; 3. p. 1.; p. bew.. 
 Biwabih>]ceivin, s. trade, work, oc 
 cupation, of a miner, mining busi- 
 Biwabikokewinini, a. miner ; p\.-^mq 
 Biwabiko-migwan, s. an. steel-pen ; 
 pl.-ag. ^ ' 
 Biwabiko-mikana, a. rail-road, (iron- 
 road ;) pl.-a^i". ^ 
 Biwdbiko-nabikwan, s. iron vessel • 
 pl.-ara. ' 
 Btwabikofis, a. dim. wire, (small 
 iron;) pi. biwabihmsan, small 
 pieces of iron, small iron imple- 
 Btwahko-mgahiginigan, or, biwdbi- 
 ko-mgibidjigan, or, biwabiko-tako- 
 OKJjtgan, s. iron chHin; iron fetters: 
 Btwabiko-sibi, s. Iron-River, (r,ak« 
 Superior. ) 
 Biwabiko-tcMman, .s. iron boat : d1 - 
 an. ' '^ 
 Biwabiko-wadjiw. s. Iron-Mountain, 
 ^ Lake Superior. ) 
 Btwabikwakik, a. an. iron pot : fC 
 marmite ;] vA.-oq. 
 Biwai. S. Obvvai. 
 Btwan, 11. V. the snow is driven by 
 tho wind, sj.ow-storm, snow-drift ; 
 p. onwang. 
 Biwnnag, a. an. flint ; p\.-og. 
 Biwandjigan, .s. crumb ; pi -a«. 
 Btwikodamagan, a. shaving, wood 
 shaving, (thin slice of wood pared 
 ott trom a board in planing it ;) pi. 
 -an. ^ 
 Biwibndjigan, a. saw-dust. * 
 Btwide, s. a stranger who arrives to 
 a place, visitor, comer ; pl.-^, 
 Bt-mJJiwa, (nin) I come here with 
 liim. I accompany him hither ; I 
 bring him along with me ; 3. p. o 
 oi..n ; ■p.ba..wad. 
 BiwidonArt^n a. v.m. I crumble it; 
 J. p. b%...\ p. bavndod. 
 Btm-gaan.,{nin)&. v. in. I cut or chop 
 It into small pieces, into chips : 3 
 Btmgade, (mm) n. v. I have a small 
 ieg ; 3 p. 1. ; p. baw..ded.~Yreq. 
 nin babzivigade, I have small legs. 
 Bimgatgan, a. small piece of wood, 
 chip ; pl-an. 
 Biwigaige, {nin) n. v. I make chips: 
 3. p. ].; p.baw..ged. 
 Btwigaisse, {nin) n. v. I am chop. 
 ping .-ood into small pieces ; 3. n 
 Biimgane, {nin) n. v. freq. nm babi- 
 ■d>tgane, I have small bones (in my 
 body;) 3. p. I.; p. baw..ned; or, 
 Biwyigan, a. a little piece remaining 
 alter cutting a coat or any other 
 article of clothing, remainder, 
 shred ,• [F. retaille ;] pl.-an. 
 BiwihjdaTi, {nin) a. v. U. I cut it I 
 take off purees; 3. p. o Uic...; ,. 
 hau'..an(i. ' i 
 Mwikoiljigan, 8. shavii.g, vvood-shav- 1 
 infr; pJ.-aw. i 
 mwikona, {nin) a. v. ««. lent sotne • 
 a«.oI)j.; 3. p. iw...,i • p. ia«>.. ! 
 nod. ' "^ I 
 /iiwi/ta, (nin) a. v. aw. I cruiiiile I 
 some ^i. obj.- ^ p. „ Uwinan; p.' 
 ^tw>o, u. V. the snow begins to I 
 coyer the ground; p. hawipog. 
 nimshtma,{nm) a. v. an. I disperse 
 It, put It Ui disorder, (a;i. obi.) 3 
 p.«Jie^'..w;p. Jaw..„ia^. 
 mwtshJca pahwe^igan, n. v. 3. p. the 
 bread breaks or crumbles ; p. law.. 
 kiig. — S. Jiiwisse. 
 mwisse pahwejigan, n. v. the bread 
 crmnbres into small pieces and 
 (alls to the ground ; p. hawused... I 
 tiimsmijtgan, e. a gun-cap, powder ' 
 in the pan of % gun ; [F. amorce;] i 
 JiiwMdnn, (^nm) a- v. in. I disperse I 
 It; I put It in disorder; 3. p «' 
 tnw... ■ p. la<w..dod. 
 Biwissidm pashkisigan, (nin) a v 
 ^- I put powder in the pan of a 
 gun, or a cap, I prime a gun ; p. 
 oaw..dod. ^ ' ^ 
 Biwissin, u. V. it is dispersed, it is in 
 disorder; amongst one another ; p 
 bavnssing.—KaKna nind aiiman 
 btmsnnm, all my things are in 
 BiunweUna. (nin) a. v. an. I throw 
 or strew it about, I scatter it. dis- 
 perse it,(ow. obj.) 3.Ta.ohiw..n; 
 p. hew..nad ; imp. hnv.Mn. 
 BtmweUnm, (nin) a. v. in. I strew 
 It, 1 throw It about, scatter it ; 3 
 Jinnwehiniaade, or-muqad, u. v. it is 
 dispersed, strewed, scattered ; p 
 bew..deg. or-maaak. ^ 
 Bimwehinige, (n{n) n. v. I disperse, 
 Jtjew, scatter ; 3. p. i.; p.^^^.. 
 Solo, little pain, little wound, (ui the 
 language of children.) ^ 
 Ji»logidji^a%gan. .. little synngt 
 niade of wood or (in ; pl.-a«. '^ 
 £odadanAmn) a v..".. I blow it • 
 7) •^V\P^^'^-'\V.hva..ang. 
 ModadjUjan, s. a thing to blow m 
 ^^rfo^^^y^, (mvO n. V. 1 am blowing; 
 JiodadnsUa, (nin) n. v. my belly ,« 
 an. ' V^- 
 BndadjishKtawe. ini,i) n. v. 1 blow 
 the fire with bellows ; 3. p 1 " , 
 BodaMve, (nin) n. v. I i,n fall in a 
 hole orve.sel;lput:ual4r:f 
 p. 1-, p. lwa..wed. 
 Ji'ddhwen, (nin) a. v. *,. I p^ it „, 
 ^£:J«°/^«f«Uletitgorn 3 
 ofod. . ; p. Wa. wed. ' ' 
 ^orfaiM;«|<m r«m) a. v. an. I nut it 
 or let ,t /all,inahole orvesse' 
 (^«Jobj.) 3. p. olod...;^.S.' 
 Boddkwesse, (nin) n. v. I fal' or slide 
 JifKlahwesse, o\~magad, u. v it falla 
 iJdj'. ^'^'"^'*' P- ^'<idanad; imp. 
 ^«Jd«Xi;« (^^) „. V. I am swollen, 
 all my body ,s swollen up; H 
 Bodawan, s. chimney, fire-place ; pi - 
 an. ' *^ 
 £odawe, (nin) n. v. I make fire, 1 
 bu^ld a fire ; 3. p. i. ; p. j^J^. 
 BocJa«-m.(mV.)a. V ,-.«. Iburn it as 
 £odawenan, (nin) a. v. an. I burn 
 Bejtgwatw nalagissa^ nin gi-loda- 
 wemn ; I Burnt up a fioard. ^ 
 i?^<7«^, (ntn) n. v. I fart ; 3. p..»; p. 
 mvagidrd. ^ ' '^ 
 Sdgidiwin, s. fart, farting 
 ■J«/o/ good day '[F.bonjour.l 
 nay, [I.._,eluisouhaite le "boii 
 to a half ox part of s. th. (Exam- 
 tZ, "'"" "' "■« '°>'°»'"e 
 JioluiJcamMme, (nin) n. v. / brealc 
 Ii.r^ "^^ foot ; 3. p. 1,^, 
 JiokoWon, (nin) a. v. vv,. I break it 
 JiokohMu, inin) a. v. ««. { break 
 '•; p. hwa.jnid. 
 ^o^«re«„,s oi.ehalforpart ofth,. 
 Milage or town. 
 hi<j, ox-7nu(iaL '^ 
 /i«%«rfe,(..;..,n.v.Ihave a broken 
 J>okoj,adr.kin, {nm) n. v. /break my 
 fef '''"' ^n) "• v.V break hi.s 
 nfr,'^;^" ^^"'^'••''' P- ''^'^'«"«'«rf ; 
 imp. hokogadeic. ' 
 Mokoi-ajentm, (nm) a. v. ««. j break 
 taiife, etc.) 3. V.om...;p.h>,a.: 
 Jiokonigan s. a broken branch to in- 
 ciu^at,. theroadinthewoods-pl.- 
 to maik the road in the woods; 3. 
 P- i.; p. hwa..qfd. ' 
 atm V ^''t ^ "■ \ ^^^-"^ ^ broken 
 atm 3'^r;^'^H"- y- ^breakmy 
 / break a board in two ; 3. p. ohot 
 BoTtoshin nin tchiman, {nin) a. v. m 
 /break my canoe ; 3 p. hok • n 
 BoUshkan. {ni„) a. v. in. /break it 
 liol-mKkawa, (nin) a v «« /■ u , 
 bone 3. n 1 -V ; ^- -^ break a 
 Tn ' ?,P'«''^e. n fragment 
 break it off, (an ohl ^\ '• V')^ 
 /f-'/r/. or-w,/y„/.' I wood,) IX hwah. 
 or hunchbac';ed ?F T^''''^^' 
 «"'•] 3.p.-/o, 3 i i-' '"'7'^?■ 
 ^ofeLr'^' of cloth, or of any 
 ouier clothmg materiai. ^ 
 ^olweniaoad, u. v. branches or lit- 
 when « °" ^'^^ ^^°""^ break, 
 t^^r u Pf^'^" or animal goes 
 through the woods; p. ^^ 
 fS'; K,;i!i r-a' j^r; tzs. \ tr^^^. -j" »".«. »« ^r 
 xow/, (m;j ) n. V. I recover irom rnv i 
 fear or fr.glu ; 3. p. I.; p. hcamed. 
 Jion or bom, in corni)ositions, sigtii- 
 /les fint»hing, ceasing, stopping, or 
 the end of 8. th. (Examples in 
 some of the following vvor-ls. ) 
 dnw?*"''' ^'"''^^ '^^ ^- '»■«• l' let him 
 fcsr "'''■'• p'" ''"••'*' p- 
 lownonarope; 3. p. oZ»w...; n. 
 owa..anij. ' ' . !'• 
 i>?</«.aW>V««, «. the lino o( a net 
 vvitii a lieavy stone, to kr.-p .steady 
 ^he net, to anchor it; anchor; pi.-. 
 J^<'jMjf'jc, (uhi) n. V. r cast an- 
 Clor .J. p. ].;p.h>oa..ged. 
 honakadon, {nin) a. v. ,1 [ anchor 
 It, (a vessel, boat, etc.) 3. p. 
 £onakana, [nU) a. v. an.. 1 anchor 
 get our mutual offences ; p. hwan. 
 mutual pardon. 
 Jii'memndiivin, s. 
 Boni. S. ^o«, 
 Bi-mia, {nin) a. v. a». I let him alone. 
 /desist from lum; 3. p. c> brmta^; 
 p. bunt mad. ' 
 B6ni.uliira>i, u. v. it is the end ol 
 the world ; p. Ucani-aHwamt. 
 Bmi hin<;hi n. V. 3. p. the bird 
 a ight^ on a branch, ( or somewhere 
 else;)p.A»'«;MV/. (LCcnj.) 
 B(mi,jtdetadimin,{n{n) com. v we 
 forgive each other ; p. lwan..did- 
 Bonigidetadiwin, s. mutual forgett- 
 ing of offences, forgis:eness. 
 ^;S:Sf"^'r'tt) "-3 I forget 
 It. (a net, «,waA;) 3. p. />o;t../> • p. 
 bwa..nad. imp. bonakai. 
 J>onam,n.v.3.p. she lays eggs, (a 
 hen, or any other female bird; p 
 hwanang. (ll.Conj.) ^^' 
 Boniinimad, u. v. the wind goes 
 flown, dies away, ceases blovvinc-; 
 P- owa..mak. ' 
 Bonilshka, OT-magad, u. v. the sea 
 runs down, the waves cease to rise 
 It becomes calm ; p. hicanashkagl 
 Bone^Mlam, {ni,i) n. v. I cease to 
 think on s. th.;I fo-get ; 3. p. 1 • 
 p. woanendang. '^ ' 
 Bonindamawa, {nin) a. v. wn. I for- 
 hn' \^\- {."^'^'"'fe' to him, I forget 
 how he behaved, what he did, what 
 he said, etc., 1 forgive him; 3. p. 
 ^onendammvin, s. forgetting, for- 
 g'.veness, pardon. 
 Bonendan^ {nin) a. v. in. I forget it, 
 forgive It, I cease to think on it ; 3 
 V- ohon...;^, bwancndang. 
 Bonemma {nin) a. v. an. I forget him 
 I cease to th-ink on him, (a person 
 or any other a/i. obj.) 3. p. o bw*.. 
 '>i ; p. Dwan..mnS. 
 Bonemndimin, {nin) c. v. we for- 
 forgive; 3. p. 1. 
 otferices, "I 
 hivan . .gcd. 
 Bonigidkagewin, s. pardon or for- 
 giveness granted. 
 Bonigidetagos, {nin) n. v. I am for- 
 given; 3. p.-i- p. hwan..sid. 
 Bomguietagowm, s. pardon or for- 
 giveness received. 
 Bonigiditaiva, {nin) a. v. an. I for- 
 give nun ;. 'J. p. o/w...,, ; p.livan.. 
 Bonima, {nin) a. v. an. I let him 
 alone I don't spoak anymore to 
 iiim; S. p. bmiman\p. hwanimad. 
 Bontnagos, {nm) n. v. I cease to ap- 
 pear, to be seen, I disappear; 3. p 
 -^•■,\<.bma..sid. ' 
 Boninagioad, u. v. it ceases to 
 M'ar^"' " ''^'^PP^^''^ = P- ^wa',.. 
 Bonindag, {nin) pass. v. he alights 
 upon me he descends upon me, 
 (a bird, &c.) 3. p. hmindawa; p 
 bwamndawind. ^ 
 Bonindawa, {nin) a. v. an. I alight 
 upon him, i descend upon him 
 come upon him ; 3. p. lrm..n ; p! 
 bwa..wad. ~~ WenijishU-Manitoo 
 gt-bomndazoanJesusan apt oa-siaa- 
 and,ttwimind ; the Holy Ghost des- 
 cended (alighted, came,) upon Je- 
 sus, after hia baptism. 
BOS go 
 ^reThfr»ri^"--l cease to 
 ^- P' I; p. hwdnUad. ^' 
 -Bonitchigade, OT-^„gad, u. v it i, 
 let alone, it is given un • « * ;d 
 JSdniton, (tun) a v »v t 
 letita one Ile^'ithp ii ''^°'^' ' 
 't; I give it un i ' ^'^^"'"^ ^'om 
 &c • 3 n ^ ^P' ' abandon a babit, 
 ■Bdnwiwidam, (nin) n v r 
 speaking- 1 n i -^ x ' ^ ^ease 
 ■DOS, (^nm) n. v. T pmhoru . t ^' 
 honrH . Q V . e'libark ; I go on 
 Board , 3. p. hoH ■ , . i,^asM. 
 «JT\ • " *^°'»Po«"ions. signifies 
 j,^- P- ^v p. Owa^.Med. ' 
 -Bosanffwam, (nin) n. v I slppn r,r« 
 ound y (i^ ^"ed witf sTeeK 
 o. p. I., p. bwa..anq. ^'' 
 ^bS ^f '^pLV- ^""- ^ '"^l^e him em- 
 ob[ 3 n ^'■^°'' ship some a« 
 netrat^witWreasP fl!'^'^' P?" 
 pl.-^ ^'"'' of large turtle ; 
 ^mS""!?*^^^' or-^a^a^, u. v it is 
 made deep, it is deep^ LI' a ' 
 ^£'^3 ^r^l ^' ^- *''^- I "lake it 
 I bid him embark ', 2. ^. obo» n- 
 canoe, boat, vessel A-p • t 
 ,f "y'f."^"*"' «• JoatJing, shiDDinir 
 shipped. ,t is on board ; p Ji" 
 JiontcMga^o, n v. 3. p. it is shipp- 
 ^r'^"?' C'^^'^) a. V. ^■«. I ship if 3 
 bS' '• '""'^^'kation, going on 
 J^a^cktur, (anammal,-yp.i^^.. 
 BosmaUtewegin, s. black cloth 
 ^o«^.c<^e;»«, („e-^)a. v. an? I throw 
 him m a canoe, boat &c (^^^ 
 son ors^ ^^^.^^ a^&c (aper- 
 barkhimbyforce; 3.p VjiT" 
 ^omeUnan, {nin) a. v. in T thrn«. 
 It in a canoe, boat, &c 3 n 
 £o^-wehn^ade, or-^a^ad, u. v. it is 
 4&^S^'^::;rv1 am thrown 
 owaa..sod. ' ^ ' P- 
 ^f f t/*' Z^^'^)"- V. in. I stamp if 
 pKj: " ^"- "^°''ar7 stamper; 
 ^otdgana, {nin) a. v. an. I stanm 
 some m. obi. 3 d « W « \f 1 P 
 -5o%«W, 8 pestle ;pl.^. 
 ^J^e(„M n.v I'ftamp, (corn, 
 £o^mhhwanaJo, s. C^^.'^s. ^«w^«. 
 ■^ofc,sa»i. button: pl.-*a<7 
 ^itR ^^ "■ V- I am slow at 
 worj£, 3. p.-i; p. bwaimmid. 
 an. I cannot pre- 
 Bwdina, (nin) a. v. „„. ^ tnimoi 
 vail upon him, I cannot make 
 come, or go, or do s. th. ; 3. p. o 
 bwdman ; p. bwaidmad. 
 -Bwan, 8. Siou Indian ; pl.-aff 
 Bwanawi {nin) n. v. I cannot, (go 
 somewhere, or do s. th.) 3. p.-o • 
 p. bwaidnawiod. ' 
 Bwdnawia, {nin) a. v. an. I can do 
 nothing with him, or with it, (an 
 obj.) he does not listen to me, not 
 obey me ; 3. p. o hwa..n ; p. bwaia 
 ad. ^ 
 Bwdnawito,{nin) n. v. I cannot, I 
 am feeble, weak; 3. v. 1.; p. hwaid- 
 Bwdnawiton, (nin) a. v. in. I can do 
 nothmg with it, I cannot make it, 
 1 cannot do it ; I cannot get it ; 3 
 p. obwa...; p. hwaia..tcd. 
 £wanawitowin, s. weakness, inca- 
 Bwdnihwi', s. a squaw of the Siou 
 tribe; i>\.~g. 
 Bwdnim, ( nin) n . v. I speak the Siou 
 language ; 3. p.-^ ; p. bwaidnimcd. 
 Jiwammou-in, s. Siou langnage. 
 £wd7mhtigwan, s. scalp of a Siou 
 Indian; pl.-cwi. 
 £waoma (ntn) a. v. an. I can hardly 
 carry him on my back, or it, {an. 
 ODj., J. p. fl hwaomen; p. bwaia- 
 Bwaonddn, {nin) a. v. in. I can 
 hardly carry it on my back ; 3. p 
 obwa...; p. hwaiaondang. 
 £wdwane, {nin) n. v. I carry a heavy 
 load, a heavy burden on my back; 
 J- P- 1.; p. bwaiawantd. 
 BwdwiUdm, {nin) a. v. in. I cannot 
 draw It; I caifnot tear ir, (it is too 
 S"^ ^' ^' " ^'^'" ' P' ^'^*<^- 
 Bwdwibina, ,nin)ti. v. an. I cannot 
 draw him, (a person, or some other 
 a«. obj.) 3, p. bwa..n; p. Irwaia.. 
 Bwdwidon, {nin) a. v. m. I cannot 
 carry it away ; 3. p. o hwa... ; p. 
 owatawidod. '^ 
 Bwdwina, {nin) a. v. an. I cannot 
 lilt him up (a person, or some 
 other an. obj.) 3. 'p. o bwa..n ; p. 
 Bwdwinan, {nin) a. v. in. I cannot 
 im It up; 3. p. ohwa... ; p. hwdia.. 
 ang, ^ 

 the ConjusT. i„ ,|,„ p,' ""^o- ( See 
 7)/r /.. • X Grammar.) 
 not stop hire Ts onT"' '^"" ^o-"*' 
 '^Mai'JSZt''^' 1^-'-, the 
 I have been «n ,,? f' "^ ^^^ here 
 these cases )^ ^"-^^ '^ "««(! i„ 
 „P- dchandah ^'^ ''^^PectabJe ; 
 respectable, I in „ T' ^ ^"^ 
 siderecl) respectatll''°"^^'i i'^^ 
 '»«i'4« /->*^«?/or ««rf^, T. 
 3. p. 
 sidered) respeclabl 
 ae')..sid. ■ '- f • I , jj. 
 J^fctndendagwcid, u. v if i, ,^ -^ 
 ered respebtahip if i ^ consid- 
 P- deh..S ' " •' i-espectable; 
 teem. '^'^'"'^ . s. respect, es- 
 ".esteem it ;Tp^2''^f'-espect 
 «Pect or est;^mhL ,•''"■ ^ x'' 
 ''' P- dei..mad? ' ^- P- "^ dab.. 
 'lU'ckrespi/aton-a";''' ^ ''"T^ '^ 
 ^ndntahi, (ni/i) n i- t i 
 '^f</..J2y. *' "^- ' -^^ p. 1. ; p. 
 ^ff ^- p. ./'Sr"« ^««'' it works 
 ^speed, activity '*'' ^^Pe^^Uion. 
 J>ad,bnba?na, (um) n v 
 serve him, watch him i .*"i ^ «''■ 
 him, to see vvl af h '?' ^ '""'^ "Pon 
 or to say: 3 » l^^i' fi^'''"^ to do 
 ^fj^i^a'idan, (nin) ^. V ,•„ , , 
 serve jt, watch if r i I ' ^ ob- 
 P'- corn IS spiittina^ nr I ^- P- 
 ^open, (in boili^n^ ^^^ J""' '.'^ 
 ^^go, in compositionV • "^^^^ 
 itW (Examnle.in'^'^*^ '''^' 
 ^foliowinrCrr '''""''^'he 
 IS some; p/^;J;y'-''^«'««, there 
 others; 3. p. i., p. degdaiad. 
 Vagdata, or~tnapad, v. v it ig . 
 Dag^datva, (n<«U. v. an. I lav him 
 n^ip. deg,.u'{td. •' 
 Oagogdhaw, (nin) I stand some- 
 where umong others; 3. p.4 p 
 lhi'j,>gahawUmva, {nin) a. v. «,, i 
 stand with him, or near him " 3 
 Oagomma, {nin) a. v. an. I put him 
 in t1,e number, I count him^amon" 
 Oagmm^an, {nin) a. v. k /putu 
 in the „un.ber, I count it aln" 
 other thmgs; 3. V-.odag.,.; p. ^,^..t 
 I>ag6gnna, {nin) a. v. an. I swallow 
 some^n. obj. among another thing- 
 ■i-\xodag..n; p. deg..nad.-OdH 
 >>■>■" ilt^lagogonagi-minikweiiinnifd: 
 Iva'ter ^ ^^ "^^^'^ ^ "^'^"^ 
 Ihigogondan, {nin) n. ••. /;,. I s^al- 
 low It among some other thin^ or 
 things ; 3. p o dag...; p. deg..ang. 
 DagoJromdts,* {nin) r. v. \ put myself 
 HI the number, I count myself a- 
 nc<mn {mn) a. v. ««. 1 put some 
 an. obj. among another object, and 
 iMgondn, {nin) a. v. ;». I p^f j^ 
 ;iTtn; .%"«ther object, and U it 
 Dagoni, {ntn) n. v. I die amonff 
 others;3. p.l.;p.rf,.o;,,^. ^°"8^ 
 ^'W^^Oade, or -magad, u. v. there 
 is..m, It IS mixed with...; p. ^^go- 
 rf^'(7,, or -magak.-Sisibahwad da- 
 \ gmtgadc, there is sugar in. A'a 
 with^'r no ardent liql^or mixed 
 verbs, and rfaj/M,arf, at the end oi 
 some umpersonal verbs, allude to 
 being ammdertd or thought such 
 and such; as : Nin jingeLagZ I 
 natuu .--j^rt^e«,/rt^M;a<i it is con- 
 sidered hateful, or, it is hateful? 
 JJiigosm (nin) or, nin dago,twa, a, 
 v.aa. I put some an. obj. amonir 
 other things, not mixing it; 3! 
 p. ^>f%..M; p. degoiBod.—Ninda. 
 gos6a o>na nin moshwem; I put mv 
 h3l::;ci;s..'"" ■■"-«»"■" 
 Bayotm, {nin) a. v, in. I put it there 
 wT,r,i"'''"o°^>'=^''' '^^^'nixing it 
 gofocf.~Mn dagoton oma nin ma- 
 sinaigan; I put here my book 
 among other books. 
 ^gW/m, (ne«) a. v. an. I name 
 him amongst other words I pro- 
 T^^?d^ ^^^^i by him, by 'his 
 name ;) 3. p. dag..n- p. dea nod 
 Dagomndau, {nin) a. v.' IfnZe 
 bvT.1Ti'"'!f""^^«^d8, (I swear 
 by It ) 3. j>.o day...; p. dcg..ang. 
 others or amongst others: 3% -/• 
 p. degivalnd. ^' ' >. 
 Dagwaddn {nin) a. v. In. I sew it in 
 suchanlace; ^. ^. o dag...; ^. en- 
 dagumfang. EnLian nin ga-da- 
 gu-adanan hd aiiman; I will sew « 
 thy things (clothes) in thy house • 
 Dagwama, {mn) a. v. an.; p. deg..ad. 
 »• JpanJjigenan. ^ 
 Dagwand, {nin) a. v. an. I sew 
 some a«. obj. in such a place; 3. 
 p. daa...n-.p. end..nad. 
 JJaj/wanddn, (niti) a. v. in. S. Apan- 
 ajigen. ^ 
 Daawdndjige, {nin) n. v. S. Apan- 
 djige. ^ 
 Dagwass, {nin) n. v. I am sewing in 
 a certain place; 3. p.-o/ p. enda- 
 ^«", orsom.i other an. obi . •? 
 u comes; p.Xli- """"«»' 
 to some piac"3n"^' ''""*'' 
 -Off. person, unbeliever; pi 
 they dance ^] . f '^ ^^ere 
 tliey fou" ht W ^^ P'*<=^ where 
 ^«;?A», wm) n. V J drink • .• 
 tain p acp- 1 n - \''""'^,"» a cer 
 yesterday. "P*""' ""^ day 
 at if- "1 „ "^'"b.such a thing, I air ni; .'"^'^s.; s>. Anikaman,. 
 ^^jik'odadimin, (ntn\ ^ ,. 
 ahout some work S .\ "^^ "*« •«» 
 tain pluS^ wn 'i/'"^''" '" » «"" 
 such i place wi "^ '^^^'''''^^ '" 
 enrh AML ' ^® """o occupied at 
 him 1 bacS. t' ' 'Pf"' '" "' 
 JJmndimin, {nin) com v ,. 
 of each other- wfi^li: •n''j?P«'a'' 
 traction, backbiti^t ^*' .'^etrac 
 lu.nniutiop "'"^' ^'^''''e'-- ca- 
 Hajmdjigade, or -majra,/, u v it i. 
 V- (ndajiiad. ^ ' •^- P' ^-J 
 stay all nio-ht ? at • • '"*t thou 
 pied about soL;;^^obW?"3\ 
 * "t . — "i^ 3"'ne rt;t. object- ^ 
 „«r«a]waysabo„,7SJ""'-'*' """■ 
 --V .„v ii-n- < -r. ■ , .Stretch 
 "Pread it out on the L.r n^'*;^ * 
 ground, &c., („r X'l "" t^« 
 obi ^ 4 n * J • " '"y hands, (^aa 
 fy--., p. d€j..a,ng. ^ " 
 endanid! '""<="'•*• P- ^ani/ p. 
 Danadem, (nin) n v IX; 
 dan.. mod. P'^"' ^^ P- "CJ p. m- 
 I>andkamigi8 {nin.) n. v. I do s th 
 'n a CRrtan place- I nl-?, "" 
 where- ^ v> 1- „ ' . P'^^^ ^ome 
 i'anakt, (nin) n. v T livo i», 
 P- Wirfawa/fcirf. '' "^-P- ^-T 
 JJandHde, or -«ia^a<;, u v it hnmo 
 in such a olarp- n J "burns 
 in impurity ' '^'''oulivest 
 « place «; country ''^''^'" 
 iving in 
 ^rrT't"^ C«m)n.v.rtalk;3. 
 I _'^'ace, J. p , p endanisid. 
 ^«Hws S. iViWanV,,. 
 ^a«jmWw. 9. god-daiiihter- nl 
 -uff. There it always a possessive 
 pronoun prerixed to^his'^ioXl" 
 l^nusikazvin, mv god-daughter 
 7^f '^ • '^l?*«'f*'*' 'i^y god-daulhter 
 od^nmikawinan, his god-dlugh: 
 ure.aii that one has or posaesspa 
 P- 1-, p. end.wed.—Pindia Hnn. 
 mwewag, they are heard fnside' 
 people that are outs/de, out of 
 Banweividam, (nin) n, v. I speak r 
 g.e myself heaid, in VSin' 
 napmamdirmn,, (nin) com. v*: we are 
 JJamnanidiwm, s. sl.iu^diter or niur 
 cfer of several persons. """'* 
 JJapinca, {nin) a. v. aw r maV» k- 
 J'cmimm, (mn) n. v. pi. we arp in 
 a certain nurnier. in ^suchaTum"' 
 persons, or other an. objects.)— 
 -K' ffa laeAncad nind (minim „„ 
 m potatoes were so rnant '^I 
 ^"'X.W'^^'SheU, shield: pL-<,. 
 a~tfrrS!"'^"''''^''^' '^'^ «^i^^d °f 
 ^X"«^' ^d^- every tune, as often 
 interpoJation-wordof tirOtViio 
 we numbers,) signifies norSS 
 £tc.! ' ' "'•^^"'"^ da6sohi:..Y. 
 iianci ul, (in number ovt-r n-up- 
 teen) For less than twenty see 
 ^oianenind;. Nmoban7n\:^l 
 Damibidman, (mn) a. v. in. pi I 
 tH) so many together, (in rfum 
 bers over nineteen ;) 3 p odan 
 l'£'[onana^nniJ, I tie thirty-fvvo 
 sef v'-'^v"'^"'' than twenty^ 
 see .Y>johdonan. Nu,6bidonan, 
 Da>iii6Um, (nin) n. v. 1 r-.fr-h o„ 
 . ^, .^ ' •^- P-. 1-; p. etidassohinad 
 Shertl.,'' P"^ •-'^^^^ ""Ss 
 tl- u " "'»etcen, to denote 
 the number of fi.hes caughuS a 
 net. or in snT/..oi „„.,. . *"&"•■ m d 
 net, or m sevorai nets 
 na mn dassohina; ni,,irnidanafL 
 *oUm; I caught twenty fishes it 
 nsnesin his net,(nets.) ^ 
 DassoUnag, {nin) a. v. an. pi r hp 
 «omany ««.obects tog^t eV r n 
 numbers over n/neteen.)-Fo 'l^ " 
 J)aseoi6nikan. ■<o many times both 
 feenWF'^ """"''«" over nine- • 
 A^-\^^^^ 'e«« "'an twenty, see 
 hSfeTTin '' "r^ ''^^^' or 
 i-L ? '«A^" numbers over nine- 
 Indin nt ^ ^'"^^^* "'^'■e Where the 
 ■Indians are encamped.— For less 
 »»«</ mssogamig, etc. * 
 ■Uasyisumagis, {nin) n. v.-I am so 
 j^^'^^^agts. Nusonwusioaais etc 
 Da,sogu-an so many, d^s -This 
 word 13 always preckied^i her by 
 the adverb ^n^^? how? how much? 
 days ' "^^^'^ *h"« twenty 
 ^SvT -T^^l' ^ "• i* i« «« "any 
 "ays , p. (;«</«6.v..^a/t.— This verb 
 IS always preceded either by the 
 htherth"'"'' °^ ^y « ""'"ber 
 nigner than nineteen.— J«/«z<,a,-,-„ 
 jodnoss • It is already thirty davl 
 since myfather started. ^ ^^^ 
 ^^aogwanagis {nm) n. v. I am so 
 f'tner bj the adverb atiin? ; or bv 
 a number higher than nineteem^ . 
 ^Mn endmsogivanaqisid Ushtmfi 
 ■Dassogwanmd, {nin) n. v. I am ab 
 This ^n i ^•~* ' P- ^ndass..did.~ 
 1 his verb IS put after a num- 
 ber higher than nineteen to 
 encc, as. Gi~nm1jawagjila,7m. 
 ^imidana dash ta-d(momvan,mdi- 
 /^-•«g ; they started this morning, 
 and they will be gone (or absent) 
 thirty days.-When the number of 
 the days of absence is under 
 twenty, they will say, for instance, 
 Dassolcamin, him) n. v. we are so 
 many in a canoe or boat, (when 
 the number is over nineteen :) 3 
 p. ^assoiamy ■ p. endmmTcan^-ki. 
 —JS9jtana mn daseohamin; nfjUv 
 na nmdassokamin anhi nisswi ; we 
 «re twenty in the canoe; we 'are 
 wenty-three in the canoe.-For 
 Datisoka, {nin) or, ni,i U-dassoka, n. 
 V. 1 come with my whole family 
 or with my ^v hole band ; p. endal- 
 sokad.—Emgokwiniidn, nm U-das 
 wka, I come with iny whole fami 
 ly, or,_with my whole band. 
 JJimommag, so many round globu 
 ar objects, (in numbers higher 
 than nineteen. )~Nissimidanadm. 
 somtnag mislnminag asM niwin, 
 thuty.four apples.-For numbers 
 under twenty, see Nijommag. Nk- 
 somimg, etc. "y -itw 
 Dasmna.'inm) a. v. an. 1 catch him 
 matrap itraphim;3.p.oda.«. 
 iMii , p. dassonad; imp. dassoj. 
 Dassonaa, so many janoes, boats, 
 etc. (in numbers higher than 
 nineteen.) iVi}te;»* dassmaq tchi- 
 manan nm wabandanan : I see 
 twenty canoes.-For numbers un- 
 Bmsoncujan, s. trap; snare; pU 
 ^^lonijmn, so many pieces, (of 
 nineteen. )~Nissi;nidana dassoni- 
 od/iiag, thirty pieces offish were 
 given to the children to eat -fS? 
 numbers under twenty, see Niio- 
 mgan. N-monigan, etc. ^ 
 Da^mntk, so many fathoms rir. 
 numbers over nineteen. S£ 
 dassomk ashi nanarv, twentylvj 
 fathoms—For numbers und« 
 twenty, see iW/-^a-. Nusonik 
 Daasomndj, so many inches rin 
 numbers higher than nineteen C 
 Foi. numbers under twenty s^ 
 Mjonmdj. NissonindJ, etc ^' 
 J)assos, (nm) n. v. J ^^ trapped I 
 am caught under somethSfth'a 
 fel upon me, (a tree, a rock, etc) 
 JJassoshk, so many breadths of cloth 
 or other stuff, Jn numbers higher 
 ler"trn'/''"-'^r^«^ ""'"f'^rS- 
 Jiassdshkin, so many bags full (in 
 nmnbers over nineteen. )l-iVil:,}i" 
 ruil of potatoes.— For numbf-r^ 
 S upoL^hn'""^" '^ " *h- ^hat 
 Dassos^ag, so many 'barrels or 
 o7e?'ni^Pt°''V'"/ (in numbe?J 
 over nineteen. }-Nijtana daasossaa 
 pakwejigan nind uiawaTlSi 
 twenty barrel, of flour-Fo? 
 numbers less than twen v see nJ 
 jossag. Nissossag, etc. ^' ^'" 
 Sone^S' ti '"^"y^bjects of metal, 
 stone, or glass, (m numbers over 
 J<mnan ogi-minan ; he gave him 
 fifty dollars.-For numbers ui ler 
 twenty, see mjwaUk. SS' 
 i)me.ai«^a^,u v.itis_of3omanv 
 ? P; f'^-ifoA ,• (m numbers 
 than twenty, see Nijwaiagad. 
 ayiMm «, n. v. pi. we are of so 
 numbers over nineteen. yMutana 
 fhoT^"''""'^•^^" 6i«^ii«n 
 kinds SrT '^f t^*^"ty different 
 tiserm- "P™^?" under twen- 
 ^mSl' '° '"^•"y hundreds, (in 
 numbers over nineteen which aro 
 P"^^<«rey^e number hSndred 
 —Jytjiana dcmwak, twenty h i- 
 ared ; nusnmidana damwak, thirtv 
 hundred etc.-For numbers un- 
 tirey^'P"'i?.^f«^« the number 
 hundred, see NijwaJc. Numalc, 
 DasswaJcoinmin, {nvn) n. v nl wp 
 numbers under twenty, put before 
 the number huncired.^'see Si 
 ho8^mm. mm-akosimm, etc 
 Dassivahmdm, u. v. nl fh«L . 
 «o many hundred Vob'^'p;i^ 
 <^mah,aUn,{m numbir's ^oA^er 
 P t7'pfe"b^Je"trnu"£ 
 DaTOZv^'o^^an, so manv spans fin 
 numbers over nineteen. )Si a 
 -Foi n, 'r"*y "P^"« «f "bbon. 
 — J^ or numbers under twenty see 
 (in numbers over nineteen.)-iVa/^«- 
 mzshptnunan ; fie boul^ht forty 
 boards.-For numbers under t von^ 
 ty. see Nywatu,. Numvatiq, etc 
 Dasm^ff so many objects •^Kstui}. 
 Cloth, (in numbers over nineteen. ) 
 -D/afumnlana dassweg waboianan 
 od aianan aw ataweivinim- that 
 jnerchant has fifty blanS.'-Fo 
 numbers under twenty, see Nil 
 v>eg. Nismeg, etc. -^ 
 Dasm'iwan, so many pair, coudIp- 
 yoke; sets; (in nLbeJs hTgC 
 oxen. iMsmmidana dasmeivan ma- 
 iaZT^ ''"'■T' ^^ has thi. ty 
 twen/v ''•"l^>""'"hers under 
 twenty,^ see iVe;e.e«.«.. i^.W- 
 ^v'Tiy nf °'' ^*" '^f «^««a5, n. 
 wardo qP ""^ ^y^"' I h;ok up. 
 wards , 3. p.-t ; p. d^ -^^ j^ P 
 hT/'"'?'- ^""t"^ "• ^- I lift up my 
 head and incline it backward? ; 3 
 P--«; V-daiat.Mid. ' 
 ■^tlrL^ P^^icle which is prefixed to 
 ^erbs or numbers in order to si?- 
 nity, enmgh,sufficienth, auHe • at- 
 famnnin f f A.^•. AS I cion't 
 Deb, debt m compositions, signifies 
 mffictentb,, enough. (Examples in 
 some of the following woX) 
 Debaamaged, p. s, a. payer; pl.-,/^ 
 i)^6aJ, («tra) n. v. I have ronm 
 enough, (in sitting;) 3 p -J T 
 D^SaJ, («m) n. V. I see from such a 
 distance; 3 p.-«; p. ^«,-,^rf,,^^ 
 , Wassa nmdehab, I see from iar 
 Jlani not short-sighted.) 
 Dibohama (nin) a. v. an. I se^ him 
 or, I can see him, from such a dis- 
 tance ; 3. p. odeb..n; p. daie..mal 
 Debabamnagos, (?wi) n. v. I can be 
 seenfrom... I am visible from such 
 ad,stance;3 p.-,;p. ^,;,-^..J 
 nebabammag?rad, u. v. it can be 
 seen, or, u is visible from such a 
 distance; p. daieb..u'ai: 
 JJebabandan. (mn) a. v. m. J see it 
 or can sec it, from such a distance! 
 -i-Podeb...; p.daie..ang. 
 Dihagcinm,{nin) n. v. I ainsatisded 
 contented, I think I have enouch 
 3. p.-o ; p. dukb..mod. ' 
 JJehaiyed, p. s, a. one who measures 
 measurer; pl.-//y. ' 
 DihdiHumhm, {nui) n. v. I talk 
 enuii-h; 3. p. l.:p. dai€..ong. 
 Dtbiun, adj. Ot. right. Nin debani- 
 nilc, my right arm: nin bebani- 
 ^'fffii-J, my right hand. 
 lJebaolciAnin.)n. v. 1 give to all, (in 
 a^istnbutioa;)3.p. 1.; p. ^;4. 
 Dtbama, {nia) a. v. an. I give also 
 to him, (in a distribution;) 3. n 
 odeb..n; p. daie..nad. ^' 
 JJebashkme, or-tnagad, u. v. there is 
 room enough in it, it holds, it con- 
 nV'ln ^'^/y "Ejects;) p. daie..n,^,, 
 inakak; that box contains much, 
 (holds much.) ' 
 DebaahJdnemin, {nin) n. v. pi we 
 can all go in, there is room enough 
 lor lis,- pi. daie..nedjig.~'ri;, J^. 
 oa^hkinenim inia anamiewigami- 
 •^Zf'u^"u '' Som for us all in 
 that church. 
 Uebcndamj, p. s. a. proprietor, mas- 
 ter, mistress; pl.-^j^."^ 
 Ueb^ndjigcd, p. s. a. Lord ; master, 
 mistress ; proprieto,- ; pl.-wV. 
 Dtbtnun, {nin) or, nin delmdam, n. 
 satisn.?? ■"#''' ^ ^'" contented, 
 satisned ; 3. p.-o, or, 3. p. 1. ; p 
 daze..>nad, or, daui..ang. 
 J^tbenmiawin, s. contentedness. 
 ^^em«^e<; p.s. a. S. Bebendjiged. 
 ^f^M'un)^.v. an. I coniexAn, 
 i make him happy, satisfy him, / 
 five him sufficiently; 3. p. ode- 
 I'ebibi, {nin) n. v. I diank enough 
 I am hUed with liquor; 3. p. if S' 
 -t'e'iiJt, or-magad, u. v. it holds, con- 
 tains, (hquid ;) p. daiebibL or 
 -nianah.^iatchi panqi debibi iv 
 'yrnodai; that bottle holds (con^ 
 tains) very little. ^ 
 Dibibinan, (nin) a. v /« f ,..,f i •, 
 wit^h my Lnc/, I tVke^hiiyS'lt' 
 3- p. o rf^5... ; p. daie..ang ' 
 Debiina, {nin) a. v. a/i T fnii .u 
 mt^om. What that man is elUn; 
 of me, is true indeed; but whaf 
 that woman tells of me, is nSt 
 Debina, {nin) a. v. an. I reach him 
 with my hand or otherwise ) 3- 
 V-odeb..n;p.dai..nad. ^'''^^^' 
 ^fl<^lAnin) a. V. i«. j reach it ; 
 I>ebts. {nin) n. v. I have enough I 
 am contented, I am happy; 3 f:/ 
 p. datebisid. ^ ' 
 ^f'J^kan, (nil) ^v. an. I c^nunt 
 it on easily, ,t fits me well, (a 
 a boot,) also, 1 read it; 3. p. « 
 BebLshkodadindn, ^nin) c. v. we 
 reach one another; p. A^eV.../^^.^ 
 Debuiwin, s. happiness, sufficiency 
 abundance, plenty. ' ' 
 I put everywhere; 3. p. i •%,' 
 daie..ged. ■ ' i • 
 iJibissaUm, {nin) a. v. ^re. I put 
 enough of It, I procure enough of 
 V- ^- .V-0 deb... ; p. daie..t,)d..~ 
 Minm-debusatonan mashhossiwan ■ 
 1 will procure hay enough, (for 
 the whole winter.) " , ^ . 
 Debisse, {nin) n. v. I am sufficient 
 I can do it, I can afford it ; 3. p.' 
 r-j p. datebissed. 
 Debisse, er-magad, u. v. it is suffi- 
 cient, enough, it suffices ; p. daie- 
 bisscg, or^nagak. 
 /mmn, {ninyn. v. I ate sufficient- 
 ')',, / aril saturated { 3. p.-«* • n 
 'l<iie..md. ' ^' 
 Dfhsinia, {nln) a. v. an. /make 
 l»m_eat^ sufficiently, /satiate 
 •um ; 3. p. deh. 
 « ; p. diiie..ud. 
 Mmiiwrn, a. saturity, the state 
 oHiaving eaten enongh. 
 I>fliumJnin) n. v. /can bo heard 
 ./speak oud enough to be hear,: 
 /hbttumvad, u. V. it can be heard it 
 . sounds loud enough to be heard 
 l'M'H/'<>h ine bell can be heard 
 lure , 3 p o deh... ; p. daielntana. 
 IhUtawa {nin) a. v. «V /hear hZ 
 I'ere, (he speaks loud enough) 3 
 imhhwavd nmnibaw mimmmyiql 
 |2«W,- /stand at the door i 
 tlje^church, but stUl / hear the 
 f>rhUnr>^{nU)n.x.in. / satisfy it, 
 /make u contented, happy ; 3. p. 
 ; p. dauMt<>d.-~Nm dibit 
 » deh 
 innde dasmw fneno-dod^milnZ ■ 
 /nmkomy heart contented as oi- 
 ton as /act well, (as 7 do good.) 
 Jhbiwan^, {mn) n. v. / carry all at 
 3«''»«"«t"p;3.p. l.;p!^',,^'; 
 lHhiwdina, {nhi) a. v. an. /throw 
 some <^,obj. to such a distance^ 
 nehtwtibviu,, {nin.) a. v. in.. /*' row 
 It to such a distance, aave 
 strength enough to thlow it so 
 1)^,: ; ^- f '^'''- ' !'• ''^wh..anrf. 
 I>ebwe {mn) n y. / tell the truth 
 ,,.,• P-. • ! P- (fatebwed. 
 Ihhwetindagos. {nin) n. v. /am ve- 
 fr^'^'^Hf ' / ^'," considered as tel- 
 Img the truth; 3. p.-ej p. rf,«v.. 
 nehxvciendagwad, u. v. it 18 true 
 ..yvuii,., u. Y. 11 11 
 IS considered as truth : p 
 , it 
 Uemeiendam, (nin) or, nin ddbwM,. 
 f,«"», n. V. I believe, (in mv 
 18 true , J. p. 1. ; p. dme..an<j. 
 DH,weiend„mov:in, or. dehutendamo- 
 mn, s. belief, hiith. 
 Dihu,iiendan, {nin) or, nin debween- 
 rfa/i,a.v.«M. I believe in it, I think 
 ;t^;jtrue;3.p. .d,/,..;j,,/^,,.,.'; 
 J'ibxueienima, {nin) or, nin d.hwcfni- 
 ma, a. v. «„. j j,eiievo in him J 
 believe m his existence ; 3. p'o 
 fleb.M ; Y>. daie..mad. ^ 
 />fc/«y.,,(,„v.) or, nindehccuuje, 
 "• V- I speak the truth, I am heard 
 Bl":aking the truth; 3. 4; P 
 date. .bid. ^ ' P' 
 ^^chya,josiwi,i a. veracious speak- 
 ing, truth-telling. 
 th nk he IS telling the truth; 3 ,, 
 />deb..n;p.dair..mad. * 
 ^;'7"''^'"«;(.7>i;". V. 1 believe what 
 Dt,wetan,{nin) ». v. in. I believe it, 
 nu^anng It;) 3. p.. ,.,...,,, ,„- 
 ^hu^^"n"\^'""''^- ''• <"'■ ^''^'fieve 
 , /believe what he says, /obey 
 lfeJm'i,emn ^^. v. its sound is heard 
 self heard Irom a certain distance; 
 f- p. 1. ;p. f/a?f^..„/;y. 
 J'ehwewtn, a. truth. 
 i>t'jwe>'wm«,,f,,/, u. V. it is true, it is 
 the truth ; p. daicnak. 
 23""'"'"^'"^' "■ ^- ^' ^^^^^i- 
 Dilriveviini^msinaiifan, s. certifi- 
 ^ m;s;;)7!r'''"''^i'^p^'-"f 
 Dehvewiniwati, u. v it is the truth ; 
 p. dai€..ang. ' 
 De-dashimin. {nin) n. v. pi. we are 
 in sufficient number ; 3. p. di~ 
 dashtwag; p. daie-dashidjig . 
 racious speak- 
 Le-dasdn, u. v. there is just enouifh 
 of 2t, It 18 sufficient ; p. duU-das- 
 Dide, a. pipa, father ; nia dide, mv 
 papa. ' ' 
 Dii, {nin) n. v. my heart is.. ; 3 p 
 l._; p. datied.—mn mino-dee Cor 
 mn vwmee,) my heart is noiid • 
 nm matchi-dee, {matvMhe,) my 
 heart ,s wicked. Mi eji-dceiCin, 
 niy heart is so. ' 
 ^^^■■i'u"^?-''- ^'»?ke his heart 
 mtnodUa; nin maMiUcca; /make 
 hishe.yt pood; /make his K 
 make my henrt like thy heart. 
 nic.hhi, {nm) or, uind iji dcesMa, 
 n.v. my heart is affbcteVlin a cer- 
 tain manner, is filled with certain 
 ^usil,a <ji~nuMadn~dees]i]ca : his 
 heart was suddenly affected with 
 anger, (filled with anger.) 
 ni~gijta (m,i) a. v. an. /finish it 
 .«''. oh,.) /have time eno" gh o 
 Dc-mjdon (mu) a. v. in. I finish it, 
 1 have time enough to finish it: 3 
 p. o de- .- p. daii-..t,Kl. Mn L~ 
 (li-gmffmnmigmn umitmdn; I will 
 finish to-day what / am making 
 (I have time enough to finish it.) 
 DenvgeshM, p. s. a. habitual slan- 
 (leifT, detractor, calumniator j pi. 
 Dejmged, p. s. a one who speaks ill 
 of somebody, (without a habit of 
 ^ioing so,) slanderer ;pl.-;^V °^ 
 Dcnaniw, s. tongue, f hdre is al- 
 ways a possessive pronoun pre- 
 fixed to this word ; as ; Mn dlna- 
 nm, my tongue ; Udinaniiv, thy 
 tongue, etc. ' •' 
 I>inimiigon,{nin\ per. v. the water 
 comes under me, (in a camp after 
 a ra,n ^ 3 ^ deii...; p. dale ood 
 Detchmen, s. S. Animd ^ 
 sSnifipf' '^/"'S '" «^0'npositions. 
 \Dewalnde, (?iin) n. v. I have tooth- 
 ache ; 3. ^,. 1. ; p. daie..ded 
 mwMctvtn, a. tooth-ache. 
 JJ^wah^mn, (nin) n. v. I have pain 
 mthe breast; 3. p. 1.; p. daiitm- 
 Piwidec, {nin) n. v. I fee] paii in 
 my heart, my heart is oppressed 
 cramped ; 3. p. J. ; p. daiiwideed. 
 niwvmde, {mn) n. v. I have pain in 
 'ny. leg;3. p. ].; p. daie.dcd. 
 J)iwtyane, (nin) n. v. 1 have pain in 
 I ;',%^^<^nes;3. p. l.;p. Ja;^..,,^,/. 
 ni'mhvc, {mn)n.x. I have head- 
 ache;.!, p. 1.; ]y.daie..wed. 
 IMnnhvemg,, (nin) n. v. I have head- 
 ache from too much heat; 3. p.-w 
 p. date. .sod. 
 Diwihveivin, s. head-ache. 
 Uewunke, {nin) n. v. I have pain in 
 myarm;3. p. l.;p.rfa^v../^^(^. 
 nmnmndn, {nin) n. v. 1 have pain 
 in my hand; 3. p. \.;p. dnieJjid. 
 Dm'unhoan. {nin) n. v. I have pain 
 inmyback;3. p. l.;p. ,/,„-c..a,,y. 
 Dewtnde, {nm) n. v. I have pain in 
 myf„pt;.3.p. i.;p.,7„,-,../lrf. 
 inhaaH {mn)\\. v. 1 survey, (I mea- 
 |J-retheearth;)3.p. l.;V.r/.Aa«- 
 JMaahwin, s. survey, surveying, 
 Rcometry. -^ •" 
 DihaaMtoinini, s. surveyor, gcome- 
 ler ; pi.- wag. 
 Dihaamddim; 3. ind. p. they pay to- 
 Rether, a payment. 
 JJihaamdding, when they pay to- 
 gether, the time of a payment. 
 ntlmamadtwin, s. payment made, or 
 received, by several together. 
 Utbaammje, {nin) n. v. I pay people; 
 J recompense ; I return, repay ; 3. 
 P- 1. , p. del..ged. 
 JMbaamageivin, s. payment or reward 
 given to somebody, 
 Dihaa7nagos, {nin) n. v. I receive 
 payment, I am paid; 3. p.-«; p. 
 den.. end: ' 
 Dihaamagomn," s. payment or re- 
 ward received by somebody. 
 See Remark, in article Anamikageuin. 
 maamarva, 'nin) a. v. an. I pay 
 I S..I, T'""^ "^ '■^'^ompense him; 
 ^>«W f«/«)a v.;«,. I pavit, or 
 nihahnhko^jigan. s. balance, acaln 
 stno vard ; also, a pound ; pl.-a"' 
 Dzhah,sh]codm(mn)ti. v. «r«. I weigh 
 i?e6a^t*^&/2«, (««;«) a. V. an. I weigh 
 obi '^ ^*\P'"'^°?' ""^ '^"V «^'>«'- ^n. 
 Dihahowe^gan, s. cover of a l.ettle : 
 \>i'~an. ' 
 A7.«V^/e« („,v.) n. v. I tell, I nar- 
 onii'n, I telU th. of hmt, (Lw 
 e IS, or what he did, etc.) 3 p. 
 UiMjMage^ {nin) n. v. I am tel- 
 Dibddoddr, (nm) a. v. «;i. I tell it 
 r.w '""\'\ ^ •i"'^&« him ; 3. 
 ^V- d,L.,i ; p. cleb..ad. 
 vaTb'.f -T,'? ^'"'^ of measure, as, 
 ^»«'(^fr,)a.v.t;.. I measure 
 soZT"' ^r>^) "• ^- '^^^ I measure 
 some a« obj.; 3. p.odib...; p. J^- 
 Ja/.7^^. (V. Conj.) '^^ 
 suWnJ**"' '• '"^^^"rement, mea- 
 Dihaigid,swan, s. «;j. watrli, clock 
 «*«</mA^a Ae;,Aa, hesika. nagash- 
 deh..lccd. ' !'• ^- ) P- 
 I>i-haigisisswanil-ewm, g. work or- 
 curm.on or business of a watch." 
 inaker, clock or watch manufac- 
 DihaigmsswaniJceinnini, s. watc^- 
 rnaker; ])!.-wv/7. ^^■ 
 />/Wm«n, s. bushel, (measuring 
 vessel contamingaUhelOpl? 
 ho„se.common:hall;p].oJ. . 
 ^^«;vmyt«i«;i, s. judgment, court. 
 Dihakmmade, or~ma^„d, u v. it s 
 ^f"^l^'^ms, ni>,)V V. itindergo 
 ^"'l^^^igi-gyiimh s. day of judg- 
 r>ilaUnu,iu'igarmg, s. S. i)»&a/ton*- 
 Dihahonigewin, s. judgment, made 
 orprouopnced; law, justice. G««a5 
 BilaUnnjiwimni, s. judge, justice 
 of the peace, magistrate ; pLicag. 
 Dthakanigmvin, s. judgment 7(;wZ/r- 
 gcme or received. 
 Dihdkmiwe,(nin)n. v. &c. S. 2?/ia. 
 bofiige, etc. 
 ^«faivme;w,m'm, s. S. Dibalconigewin. 
 ^ibakoniwewtni-apabiwin , a. iude-- 
 ment-seat, tribunal; pl.4„. 
 Bibamern7n, {nin) n. v. I moderate 
 myself, I put myself on a certain 
 rule; 3. p.~o; p. deb. .mod. 
 Dtbando, {nin) n. v. I make a vow : 
 •J- P- l.jp. debandod. 
 nini, s. watch- 
 Dihandmi, (nin) a. win, I fulfil a 
 vow; 3. p. o (lib... ; p. deh.dod. 
 Dihandomn, e. vow ; sacrifice, offer- 
 1 tl nr * til .■ ti 
 iiig; pl.-a/t. 
 Dibaonun, s. measure of a canoe • 
 f\.-an. ' 
 Dihawu, (ret/0 a. v. an. I pay for 
 some «n. obj. ; 3. p. o rfA..«: p. 
 deh..w<jul; imp. f//i«. '^ 
 Dihcmlagos, {ni>i) n. v. T have a n as- 
 ter ; [L. subpotestate constitutus 
 ^ sumj] 3. p.-e; p. fZ<>J..5t,i. 
 numidarnoa, {nin) or, nin dUicndn- 
 damoa, a. v. an. I make him mas- 
 ter of s. th. ; 3. p. o dib..n; p. deb.. 
 J^ibendamnna, {nin) a. v. a«. imp. ! 
 dtbendum/r;. S. Dibendamoa. \ 
 ihlmulamoiiiHis, {nin) r. v. I make ' 
 myself master of s. th. ; f usurp s i 
 th.; I appropriate s. th. to me ; 3 ' 
 P--'v; p. deh..{tod. 
 Dibenddn, {nin) a. v. in. 1 am the 
 proprietor of it, the master of it 
 I possess it ; 3. p. o bib... : p. </«' 
 Dibendass, (nin)n. v. I have proper- 
 ty, I possess, I am proprietor ; 3 
 \->.-o; p. deb. .ml. 
 Dihendasmwin, s. property, posses- 
 sion: treasure. 
 mUndjiife, [nin)n. v. I am master, 
 lord; 3. p. 1.; ^.deb..ged. 
 Dibendju/ewin, s. domination, mas- 
 tery. « 
 DiUmma, {nin) a. v. an. I am his 
 master, his proprietor ; I possess 
 him, (a person, or any other an. 
 obj. ) .3 p.odib..n; p. deh..7nad. 
 Jhhenindu,{mn) r. v. I am my own 
 master, I am free and independ- 
 ent; 3. p.-o; p. deb..s(d. 
 Dibinindisowin, s. liberty, freedom, 
 Dibeninge, {nin)n. v. S. Bibendjiae. 
 JJibeivagendam, {nin) n. v. I reflect 
 consider:3. p. l.;p. rfeA..a„^ ' 
 Uibewagendan, {nin) a. v. in. ? con- 
 sider u, I reflect upon it; 3. p. o 
 d»6...; p. deb..ang. ^ 
 Dtbewagenim, {nin) n. v. I reflect 
 upon myself ; 3. p.-c; p. deb..mod. 
 Dibewa^fenima, {nin) a. v. an. A re- 
 /lect unon him, i consider him; 3 
 JJtbctvagemndis, {nin) r. v. S. DiK, 
 Dibinikama, {nin) a. v. an. J meas- 
 , ure some an. obj. by the fathom; 
 3. p. dtk.n; p. deb. .mad. 
 JJihMikarulan, {nin) a. v. in. I mea« 
 "re it by the fathom; 3. p is . 
 Bihinilcandjige, {nin) n. v. I meas- 
 ure by the fathom (with my aTmsK 
 . Dtbmuidan, {nin) a. v. in. I settle 
 I ;^;'-rangeit;3.p.o^,-j....pS.« 
 ^jff^:;^^(«?«)a.v.a«. I arrange 
 or settle him; 3. p. odib..n;%. 
 deb..nail.\\mv.dibowa). ^ 
 DzUwi, {mn) n. v. I arrange, I sett- 
 Dibowewin, s. jury 
 Dtmiianilce, {nin) n. v. I dig deep ; 
 3. p. 1.; p. dem..lced. ^ ' 
 JJwunangan. s. shoulder. There ^a 
 IZV^ f possessive pronoun pre 
 fixed to this word ; ^s:Nindimi. 
 nangan, my shoulder; o diminm. 
 gan. his shoulder, &c. 
 Dimttigwcia nbi, or, dimitigtoeiama- 
 gad, u. V. the river is /eep ; p 
 dem..iag, or. dem..gaTc. 
 mno, dinoivan, like, equal, m. obj. 
 a^<» rf«;io, or, r>t<; dim/wa, o«e like 
 his here. Ow dinowan, several 
 like this one. Onmv dinowan, se- 
 yeral objects like these here. 
 Dtnong, in the same thing ; na^ab 
 dfnong, always in the same thing 
 Dodadtmm, {nm) com. v, we do to 
 each other we treat each other ; 
 p. dwadadtdjtg.-Mqjag mino dodd- 
 diwag, they treat each other al- 
 ways well. Kego wiha matchi do- 
 dadikegon, never do evil io one 
 Dodndiwin, 8. mutual treatment. 
 Bodage, (nin) n. v. I do s. th. to so- 
 mebody; 3. p. 1.; p. aidodaged. 
 Dodancmagiul pers. v. it does ; n 
 end..i,ah.-Kitcki matchidodatrema. 
 gad lahkoteivaho; ardent liquor does 
 much evil. ^ 
 Doddgmi, {nin) p. v. it does me. ii 
 (UujiHi.-BaUtdowm nin matchi do 
 dagon, sin does me evil. 
 Dodam {nin) n v. I do, I commit 
 j.'^'V' l-;p- endodang. 
 Vodainoa, {nin) a. v. an. I make him 
 tlo 8. th., or commit some action 
 J. p. odod..n;p. erul..ad. 
 Vodanmvin, s. act, action, deed, 
 doing; pi.-fl/j. ' ' 
 Btddii, {nin) a. v. mj. I do or cause 
 s. th. to some i«. obj. 3. p. ododan: 
 V-endodang.-O matchi dodan wi- 
 I himselfo'"'' "'' '" '" '°'^' ^'^ 
 I>od(u, {nin) or, nin dUadU, r. v T 
 do It to myself, I cause it to my- 
 self, I bring It upon me ; 3. p.-J- 
 Dodawa, {nin) ^. v. an. I do it to 
 him. 1 treat him; I cause it to him 
 Howa like equal, a/,. obj.-iW;^ rf,,. 
 wa, Join dowa, win dowan: one like 
 myse f, thyself, himself.' mnd<t 
 ^oaghn d<rwan wind-.,an;seye 
 "P'ke myself, thyself, hinself- 
 Mnawtnd down, JcLwa ZTawi- 
 nawa dowan ; one like ourse ves 
 Zr'l''' 'h^-^selves. iTeCS 
 dowag, hmawadowarj, rvinawa do- 
 wan; several like ourselves, your- 
 selves, themselves. ^ 
 mil* K egg 
 \JhJ^nfT^^ ^^1 only r>;., sound 
 111 he Otchipwe language, which 
 m he English word me(. 
 Adverbs (ieuotuig affirmaticm.) 
 ^^wann'^ "'*'' ^'^I^''^ ^^»^^ « litt- 
 ^fiffff'!'P-«- a- one who dyes, dy- 
 er, [P. tejntuner;) y>\.~ji,j. ^ 
 ^ftfoin, I'- Pl- tilings that are ripe 
 (all kinds of berries.) ^ ' 
 ^'nof'ttf'^' P'.'- ^-Z*^^- 0"e wlio is 
 ^j- S. NaUnj. ^' 
 £jashawehagisid assema, tobacco in 
 square pieces ; [C. du tabac quar" 
 ^Jf^edp s. a. he that slides back 
 backslider; fig., ^ho gives up re.' 
 Iljisidehawe, {nind) n. v. the tracks 
 of both my feet appear ; 3 ni 
 ml . fi, o'l ''^ abridgment of s.th. 
 ^[fo.^'tr"^fn ^ ''tone's 
 Uu-ow far, [G. einen Steinwurf 
 Mo.d6slcwa,dng, the length of an el- 
 bow a cubit, fa foot and a half ^ 
 eho-doshwaning • two cubits t«^ 
 cubits, twent/c'ubits loSg! ' ''"| 
 ^^^■j^a:^gatchinfi, num. ninthly ; the 
 Mo-mnaninf/, num. fifthly; the fifth 
 --(bor the rest see Otch. Gram' 
 berO* ^' ^'"^'""^ ^""'■ 
 Moml, p. as he is long, his length 
 pl~iu' ^' ^' "^" *^ '""^' '*^ '^"S'*'^ 
 ^W. p. a. as it is large, its extent; 
 Emikwrn s. large wooden spoon 
 spoon; pl.-a^i. ^ """' 
 £>iuhodnens, s. dim. tea-spoon • nl - 
 an. ' ^ 
 ■Endbandang, p. s. a. one who dreams 
 dreamer; pl.-«y. ' 
 IJndhadammg y. a. neg. in. useless, 
 being good for nothing; pl.-i.;^. ' 
 I JinaJ>adm.m^, p. a. neg. an. useless 
 unprohtable person, or other an. 
 being ; pl.-^;,,. 
 ^nahgu adv. S.Mndawatch. Mano 
 Jlaiamtad, p. s. a. one who pravs, a 
 Christian ; pl,-;?'^, ' ' 
 Miamia.wig, p. s. "a. w^^. one who 
 does not pray, a pagan, heathen - 
 pl.-Of/. ~ ' 
 Enamtekasod, p. s. a. one who feigns 
 religion, an hypocrite ; pl.-jM. 
 Enamietawad Kije-Maniton, adorer 
 ofGpd; pl.-^/iT. 
 Jimmtetmrnd masininm, adorer of 
 idols; pl.-/y>. 
 Enange ha, adv. yes certainly, doubt- 
 less, undoubtedly, 
 Endpinadm,inind)ti. v. »n. Ida- 
 mage or injure it; 8. p. o(i <,„...,. 
 p. aun..dod. 
 Endsaamahnun, p. before me, (sitt^ 
 tng ;) enassamoMian, before thee 
 endssafnabid, before him, etc. 

 EN I 
 BnAMarntgahawiiAn , p. bpfcre me, 
 Ura/k/,«,y; , enamimi^jahaiHian, he- 
 him oir' *"*"*'"'"»Va*««"<^, before 
 ^WaMamAlw, p. before me, In mv 
 presence ; endseamid, before him, 
 JSndxmmimagak, p. before somethinir. 
 /.//.««*«wmAt/m«, p. before me, ( h,. 
 *»ih) enaumminhinan, before thee, 
 EndKsaminhhiHJiflweiiln , p. before 
 fnJr^' ""''^'"»MdinJi<jwed, be- 
 lore his eyes, ('tc. 
 Snaommunnff, p. befoie something, I 
 ^//<W p. 8 he who stays; or, where 
 e stays h.s habitation hi's dwel- 
 ling, his lodge, his house, his home. 
 ^nihigog, p. what there is. 
 L>ulaiu>i, 1). .s. my howie, my dwell- 
 ."R, my'l.ahu.uion, my lodjin/!- 
 J^iulaum, thy home, etc 
 hndajt - /;««•«>«««»«; mekatewiLa- 
 >uue, where the priest puts on Ws 
 church-vestme. s, or saoerdotal 
 gHrments, sacriuy! vestr^ ^"*^' 
 Lnd,M, ]) himself and all his fa- 
 ^"•'yj,7'''^l^J'«t there is of some 
 j;«_, that is^all the money there is 
 EmhisUi^n, n. myself and all my fa- 
 nily, all tUe who belong To me 
 E,ula.mig p. all what there is of it 
 the whole of it. '^ "* u, 
 |/irf(w.vd-. (The Change o{ Basso ^ 
 Mda,s6.gyi„ah, every day, daZ- 
 Endasso-tihildk, every night iSi7 
 Endogwen, I don't know^ ' ^ '^• 
 ^\go, 8. ant, emmet; pl.-^. 
 ■fyf'!lfl%«tro»giy; much; loud. 
 Mtgokoden<1n, from all my heart- 
 empoJcodeetm, from all thy heart • 
 J^'^^gokodeed, from all his heart, etc 
 ^l^^^f""**"'";"' P- "'y whole hou^ 
 sehold my whole family ; eniqoko- 
 ikwund, his whole household etc 
 -ffnwo^^,;,,^. ^r, enigokwimng, p. 
 heap *'*'''"' "^ "• "'^ ^^f^"'^ 
 S'iijvkwndfsxing, p. <^s it is wiH« 
 'ho whole width' of it "'®' 
 Enigokwag aki, as wide as the earth 
 IS, everywhere on earth. 
 EnujokHHujamigcig, or -^nigokogafni- 
 t/'fy. adv. in the whole world 
 Enujdu'iyamig, s. ant's hill: pi. -,«, 
 him,(mamHo^;)3.p. od ^,i„„; p. 
 ( paddling in a canoe, or sailing;) 3 
 E/iimia, (nind) a. v. an. I surnans 
 hirn. beat him; 3. p. odeTS" 
 at*'n,,ad, ' ^ 
 Eninuiwe, {nind) n. v. I surpass: 3. 
 P; 1-; p. aien..vofd. 
 Emmuhkaiva, (nind) a. v. an T 
 outgo or outruu him, I arrive be- 
 tore lum; I surj)ass him walking 
 ,7J""»'»ff;3.p.^ie«..„; p.„J5 
 Eninajaond, p. s. a. one who is sent 
 a messenger; pi. -;«V/. 
 ^, «m/t^;/M affirm, 1 say yes. 
 i'^nt-onnmhig, towards evening. 
 b.m Uhkak, towards nigh 
 nrpft ' /p^''- '"''^'•ably, middling, 
 lich ^^' ^ P'ls^ablement; G. ziem 
 Erwkid, p. s. a. who orders s. th. to 
 be done, who gives work, employ- 
 er; pi. -j/jj^. ' ■' 
 Mokid p s.a. he who works, work- 
 man, laborer; pi. -;7j7. 
 Enokum\j p. s. a. neg. he who does 
 network, idl 3 lazy person, slug- 
 gard; pi. og. » 
 I^noinnd, p. s. a. one that is employ- 
 ed todos. th., an employed per- 
 son, hirehng, mercenary; pi. -^io. 
 ■tpangishtniog, p. west, Occident, s^- 
 Epitao, p. a. as it is thick, the 
 thickness of some in. obj.; pi. -in. 
 EpitaUmuf p. so deep in the ground. 
 deep in the ground. ^ 
 fi/<^rA. (The Change of ipUrh.) I 
 with all 
 Epitching, ad> strongly, 
 force. ' 
 «* it JB high, its 
 as we apeak, 
 Epitig»inq, p 
 Kpitoweng, 3. ind 
 -Eshanged matcM mashkikL p. « . 
 Bshkam, adv. more and more. CEt- 
 "Itt^^usi^f ""^' more and „,ore. 
 tJshkam nin. pakakados, I am gett-m.^ 
 I«an. poor, more and more. *= 
 hshkmn m,i winin, I am getting fat 
 more and more. *" 
 EMampangi, less and less, decrea- 
 sing, (more and more litt e ) 
 tcWT'"'- h"--" fof cattle, dee'r' 
 txc.j pi, -ag. < 
 il~a>u' ^^^•'=""«'-'- [F. tranche;] 
 Eshkatidaming, p. what is eaten raw 
 cucumber, melon; pi. -in. ^^' 
 M7/.«^, p. s. a one who eats raw 
 an Esquimau Indian; pl.-/i;;. ^' 
 mhmeg, or, eshkossermi^, p. a 
 remainder, remnant; pi. 4 P' *" 
 Bshhoessmg, p. a. the last in. obi. in 
 a range or row; pi. -tVi. ''• '" 
 r.X^.".o' .] Spaniard; i,|. -^,„ "^ 
 ^*^a.o*u«, s. Spanish' worna^. pi. 
 EJlca,nanissongin. S. ^. Wama- 
 Xi p!.' -'i;."'^^' f«- Z-ke; in. 
 ^M.orCTfa, .^hell;ov8ternl 
 |*;*a^«. wildcat Sots, 
 of the 
 ^Kntfssimig, made o( L!. J ^*; 
 porcelain or^chrnatare "^^' °^ 
 ^'tf, adv. only. 
 ^W'i mamakimnin, p. « a 
 ' ". some of the moltll'ST 
 JStawagam adv. on both bZII J o 
 river, lake, bay, &c. ^^^ ''^ ^ 
 f '«""?"' adv. on both sides. 
 Et^^cdasse, {nind) n. v. I have both 
 if*'^''*!^. 8- both arms. ''^• 
 Mawimndj, s. both hav^io • i . 
 hands w'lth both haS'''"'°'^ 
 ^fawtsid, a. both feet 
 Mkaridiwin, s. Eucharist. 
 * t 
 Oa- or md: This ,,nrticlo is used 
 inthohrst and second persons of 
 tho f.Uuro tonso, and in the purti- 
 cipJes of the past tense. fS the 
 ConjiiR. in Otch. Grani.J 
 1 ()int, Jiake .Siijjerior. 
 V. I land; 3. p. l.j,, 
 Gabn, (ni:i) u 
 Gahiishiim, (nin) a. v. an. I |,„t 
 soinea/^ohj. to the fire in some 
 vessel, to cook; 3. p. « r/«?>..«; p. 
 gill.. mail. ' 
 Githntm, Oim) a. v. /«,. I put it to 
 the hre m some vessel, to cook; 3 
 V-f>g(ih...\\,.g,'hcfod. ' ■ 
 Gahntchxjade, or ma,/«</, u. v. it is 
 put to the fire in a vessel, to cook' 
 \^-9eh..deg, or -^maiiaJc. ' 
 Uahafchujaso, n. v. 3. p. some an. 
 Ob) IS put to the fire in a vessel, to 
 cook; p. ^^^..toJ. ' 
 Oahau,,{r,in)n.v. S.JVibaw. 
 Irnbcmia, (nin) a. \.an. S. Niba- 
 Gabtiwiton, {nin) a. v. in. S. Niba- 1 
 Wit on. 
 Gabish, {nin) n. v. I camp, encamp; I 
 Gabishiwin, a. the act of campinir- 
 camp, encampm«iat, pi. -«;j. "*' 
 (rohewin,, s. landing place, landing: 
 GiKjahulj^ adv. much. 
 Gagaienis, (nin) n. v. lamcunninp. 
 artful, crafty; 3. p. -4: p. gcg..8id 
 GagaieniHwin, s. 
 Gdgdtulawa* {nin) a 
 cunning, .artful 
 ▼. an.freq. I 
 NOTE. Most of the verbs beeinninff with 
 aaffo, are frequentative verbs denotinVn 
 repetuion or reiteration of the ',ame acf o? 
 alluding to more than one object xCa?! 
 marltod here with the iyllabe/rV? 
 push him repeatedly; .3. ]uooao.M' 
 I). gaiag..wa,l: imp. gaganda. ' 
 Gagamlmima, (nii^ a. C. an. I )iav« 
 a malicious joy over his irrief or 
 'Innaffo, (in thoughts;) 3. n. o 
 g<ig..n; p. geg..viad. * 
 Gngiindini-odahimcnK, s. a«. wheel- 
 Kdrren,J [A.-ag. 
 ^iigdndjia, {nin) a. v. an. frea. S. 
 Ongnndjhjuhu {nin) n. v. aw. /m,. 
 ^ft. Oaga.idnitawcn- 
 i>»gnndi,gidenm, {nin)is. v. an.freq 
 1 express a malicious joy over hi^ 
 gnel or damage, I sa^, it is right 
 hat this or that happened to him 
 L^'. ich bm schadenfroh;! 3. n o 
 gag..n; p. geg..mad. ^ ^ 
 Oagandjujitag,', {nin) u.x.freq T 
 am expressmg a malicious joy over 
 the grief or damage of soinebody; 
 (ragnndmiawea, {nin) a. v. an. I ir- 
 I !^^'^^^ """) I provoke or excite him 
 Oagdtidjinaweidiwin, a. malicious 
 provocation to anger 
 GagdnrMwaie, n. v. 3. p.freq. its fur 
 or hair is long, (of an animal;) p. 
 Gagamjdamadis, {nin) r. v./reo. S 
 Oaganodamage, {nin) n. v. frtq I 
 pray or speak foi somebody repe- 
 atedly, 1 intercede ; 3. p 1 ■ d 
 geg-ged. F .p. 
 Gaganodamagewin, a. intercession. 
 (raganodamawa, {nin) a. v an 
 freq. I pray or speak for him rep.' 
 eatedly, I intercede for him; 3 p 
 osag-ni,'p.ge.^..wad. *" 
 s. malicious 
 ■<fagdn.Hifuh, (nin) n. v. frfo, T h„v 
 nre tnlkinfr tofffirhpV T ' ■ ""^ 
 j«aloi»s frequently; 
 •»■ P- ^ n>- (/ft/.-i/ed. 
 am envioun; 
 ^V""<''/ma, (nm)a. V. «« />.„ i 
 . iJeij..dMii,j. 
 <f<mn6nidin-m, a. conversntion 
 (^"'/nmnttulji, (nin)n. x.freu I havf. 
 lun^: haruis or firiirers- 1?^ r 
 against it/ 1 gainjy iV-' " '^'^'^ 
 W,«;,,„„,^. („,•„) a. v.««. I exhort 
 ^^a{7««.wn«„, s, enconraginc in 
 citmo, mstigr.tion. ** ^' 
 (xagu.^^nrie, {nin) n. v. I exhort en 
 him, ("hpr;')'^ { p„vv him- -i „ 
 ^z' Jh/«,r,y, adv. aho fro.juentati^ 
 „rT^'-> a long wllileete y 
 long While every time. 
 (^a,jaweHhk, (nin) n. v.fren I am in 
 ("fnii,<vaami-a, or -^t/i' r"-^' 
 here are ice-b^nks on t^} e s .'..p 
 C. il y a ,les bourUillons p t^' 
 Gagihadad, u. v. it ia foolish stu„i,l 
 '"prudent, irrational. aSuc ' ' 
 ;ha_3te,,mpuclent,m.pure;7. ;,;':: 
 ";; 'l'»"8ht; i,„p„,e tho„5ht, pi 
 Oagthadisnvin, s. foolishness im 
 prudence, stupidity, absmdu; m' 
 beeility, Ignorance; friro fous^nes^" 
 Oagthadjxhwe, s. unchalte impudent 
 woman, strumpet, Avhore ^ost" 
 tute, fornicatress, adultres^; ph'^ 
 Gagibddjinini, s. unchaste impudent 
 man, whore-monger, tornicator, 
 a'lulterer; pi. -way. 
 GayibdJjitchifje, {niii) n. v. I act or 
 behave foolishly; 3 m. I.; \>. qe-:. 
 Gagihanayasl-.c,:, {nin) n. v I 
 stammer;3. p. l.;p. ^e^.,^,^. 
 (Tagtbamguskicetagos, \nm) n. v. S. 
 aagibd^itagos, {nin) n. v. I speak 
 loohshiy, imprudently, absurdly: 
 1 speak unchastely, indecently; 3. 
 p. -t; p. yeg..sid. 
 Oagibasitagosiwin, s. imprudent, 
 foolish, absurd talking; fjvolous 
 impure, indecent talking. 
 (rogzbati-itawa, {nin) v. a. an. Ilisten 
 to him with the impression that 
 he speaks foolishly, absurdly: 3. p 
 Omibasoma, {nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him stupid, foolish; I debauch or 
 corrupt him, (her) into evil impure 
 conduct or lewdness; 3. p. ogaQ.,n: 
 p. geg..mad. ^ a n i 
 Gagihidjane, {nin)n. v. my nnce is 
 slopped, obstructed,(catching cold, 
 bagibidjauttagos, {nin) n. v. I speak 
 through the nose ; 3. p.-* ; p. geg.. 
 iragibingwe, (nin) n. v. my eyes are 
 shut, lam blind; 3. p. 1.; p. ycff. 
 wed, ■ V b 
 GagiUngwea, {nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him blind, I blind him ; 3. p. ooaa 
 ,;" ;.,P- geg..ad. -^ ''' 
 Gagzbi.n<rwebina, {nin) a. v. an I 
 bhndfold hiin ; 3. p. o gaQ..n ; p. 
 geg_..nad. ^ ^ 
 Gagibinfwebis, {nin) n. v. I am blind- 
 ^folded ; 3. p.-o ; p. geg.. sod. 
 Gagilmgwchi.somin, {nin) n. v. pi 
 we play huodm;in's blind,- [F. nous 
 jouons an colin-maillard ; G. wir 
 spielen bliiide Kuh. blinde Maus I 
 Gagibingivebisowin, s. hoodman's 
 blind, (a play in which one blind- 
 folded seeks to eaten another.) 
 Gagibingwekux, a small kind of 
 mole, a little animal that lives and 
 works under ground ; pl.-^^. 
 Gagibingivewin, s. blindness. 
 Gagibishf, {nin) n. v. my ears arc 
 stopped, shut, 1 am deaf: 3. p 1 • 
 V- geg..rd. "' 
 Ga^ibkhebina, {nin) a. v. an. I stop 
 him both ears, I stop up both his 
 GaoiUshelinidis, ynin) r. v. I stop 
 bujh iny ears up; 3. p.-.; p. geg]. 
 Gagibishelcas, {nin) n. v. I feign or 
 simulate deafness; 3. p.-o: p. JJ 
 Gagibishewin, s. deafnass. 
 Gtigidis, {nin) n. v. I am sensible, 
 delicate (weak of constitution, 
 Gagidisiwin, s. delicacy, bodily sen- 
 sibility, weakness of constitu- 
 Gagidjia, (nin) a. v. an. I appease 
 .,9"?\;.3-P- gag..n ; p. gaia..ad. 
 Gag^dJ^gonewe, {nin) n. v. my throat 
 IS sore ; 3. p. 1.; p. gaia..wed. 
 (ragidowe, {nin) n. v. I mourn, I la- 
 > J. p. ].; p. gaia. 
 mer.t, I "wail; 3. p. ] 
 Gagigijwa, {nin) a. v. an. 1 cut oiT 
 what is spoiled, {an. obi.) 3. p. ^ 
 ^gag..7i] p. geg,. wad. 
 Gagiglkodan, {nin) a. v, in. I cut off 
 what is spoiled, {in. obi.) 3. p. o 
 ffag.. ■,p.gcg..ang. 
 Gagigikona, {nin) a. v. an. I cut off 
 what IS sjjoiled, {in. obj.)3. p. o 
 gag..n ; p. geg. .ad. 
 Gagiginag, {nin) a. v. an, pi. I pick 
 them out, I select them, {an. obj.) 
 3. p. gag..n ; p. geg..nad.~Nin 
 gagigmag mishiminaq, opiniq\ \ 
 pick out apples, potatoes,(the good 
 '^nesj the rotten ones, etc.) 
 Gagiamanan, {nin) a. v. in. p\. I 
 pick them out or ^^elect them, (in. 
 obj.) 3. p. o gag...; p. geq..anq.— 
 Mn gagiginanwn anindjiminan, \ 
 pick out pens. 
 (fdgigit {nin) n. v. freq. I £ .n sneak 
 ing, talking, conversing 3. T-o- 
 p. yaia..tnd. e. «j. p. o , 
 contracted 3 u i ""„ ^ ^'". ^^'»& 
 (^agHdndiwin, s. mutual exhortation 
 or exhortation gwen to several per 
 O^giUnge, (nin) n. v. I am exhort 
 mg, recommending; 3 t, f „ 
 (-«^/^^«;., ('iwOn. V.I preach: 3 n 
 ^«g*/t«.c/i«,e, s. a female preacher- 
 LF precheuse ;J pl._o. ^ '^"^^ner , 
 tr<7rA^/[we'-OTa6Wia«:r/a;i, s. sermon 
 book ; any book contamingreTJ" 
 ousmstructionsjpl.-,,;,. ^'^^'&»- 
 ^g7_i^v^.v,.,^a/»,(m>0a. v. m. j preach 
 It 3. p. gag... ; p. geg..aJ. 
 tS'-'U'T'^^ preach his'doc' 
 U IS preached; p. ^,^..^,^;,r-.J 
 <^agikweioin, s. preaching sermon 
 'raginiidon, {„in) n. v. freq I mnr 
 m.r u-a.nst somebody ; 3.^p^ ^f 
 ^'igiimdomwin, s. murmur „^ 
 plaint, not heard TvTh« ' ^°"'" 
 against whom it is .^^^^ P«^-^«» 
 Oaginau>hhl; {nin) n v. freo i 
 (^aghi^ljidaan, (nin) a « .■ i 
 Wa,„bes gercte pT?? "'"' 
 aea. 'J 'P'^-jP-^ey.. 
 Cfagipinindji, (nin) n ,r 
 cracked, cWpped; J Ti f""' ^^« 
 ^«P!it(inthesffnf' ^•"^'^k, 
 or pacify him I moi u ■ ' ^PPeaso 
 console nvse?f • 3 r,^ ^^^''^'^ ""■ 
 sod. • ' ^- P--«' P- ^«'a.. 
 "^S^g^^^-^^^n-v, I am prudent, 
 ^agttawendam, (nin) n. v I hav« 
 wise prudent' tUgits I' pS^';^ 
 gam.. dang. ' «'-H- i-, P- 
 ^^{/'*^iy^damm, (nin) a. v. «« t 
 make him wisp • q v/ ^ 
 verbs a^-'eVut^r/vtbf '"r/ '"" 
 several cfacL'm on 'inirtl'"' "racked, or I 
GAG 112 
 Oagiiawendamomn, e. prudence, 
 Gagitawigij've, (nin) n. v. an. i speak 
 prudently, wisely ; 3. p. 1 .; p. gaia.. 
 Gdgilaww, (ni)i,) n. v. S. Gagitrnv. 
 Gagitchi, (nin) n. v. I take off my 
 shoes or boots, my socks, stock- 
 ings or nippes ; 3. p. 1.; p. gegitch- 
 GatjUchia, (nin) a. v. an. I take off 
 his shoes, etc. ; 3. p. o gw .n : p. 
 Gayiweshha, or-^mgad, n. v. it goes 
 hack and forwards, it shakes ; p. 
 gt'g..kag, ox-magak. 
 Ga-godaakwed, p.'s. a^ he who shoots 
 (or has shot) at a mark j a marks- 
 man. S. Godaakwe. 
 <T(mi3dnagwiitchishHwesse, {nin) n. 
 V. I sink in mud, or in a swampy 
 or boggy place ; 3. p. 1.; p. geg.. 
 Gagwdnissag... These syllables are 
 connected in many instances with 
 substantives, verbs or adverbs, and 
 uni)ly the idea of terrible, fright- 
 Jul, ahmiinahle, hidous, etc. ( Ex- 
 amples in some of the following 
 txagwdnissagad, u. v. it is frightful, 
 horrid _; p. gea..gah. 
 GagwdniMaga<lem.{nin) n. v, I weep 
 bitterly, horribly ; 3. p.-o; p. qeg., 
 iTogwdnissagakamig, adv. horribly, 
 frightfully, GagwaniasagaJcamig ej- 
 lurhah, frightful news or acci- 
 Gagwdnissagendagos, {nin) n. v. I am 
 frightful, formidable, horrid : hate- 
 abominable : 3 
 p.-t; v-geg.. 
 Gagwdnissagendagos'iwin, s 
 horror, enormity. 
 Gagwanissagendagwad, u. v. it is 
 horrible, frightful ; abominable, 
 hateful ; p. geg. .wok. 
 Gagwdnissagenddn, {nin) a. v. in. 
 I abhor it, hateit : 3. i).ogag„.:p 
 j Gawcamsmgenima, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 abhor him, hate him ,• 3. p. o gua . 
 ' « ; p. geg. mad. 
 Gagwdni^isagimad. u. v. there is an 
 enormous or a frightful quantity of 
 It ; p. geg-nalc. 
 GagwnnUsagindgos, {nin)v\. v. I look 
 frightful, /have a horrible appear- 
 ance ; 3 p.-i; p. geg. .sid. 
 Gagu'dnifti'aginagwad, u. v. it has a 
 frightful, horrible appearance ; p. 
 Gagwdnissaffinindji, {nin) n. v I 
 have abominable hands; 3. p. 1,; p 
 geg. .id. 
 Gagwdnusagin-orrvin, {nin) or, vin 
 gagivamssaginimin, n. v. pi there 
 is an enormous or frightful number 
 of us ; p. geg..nodJig. 
 Gugwdnissagis, {nin) n. v. I am 
 frightful, etc. 3. p.-t; p. geg.., sid. 
 Gagwdnismginkkonidis, {nin) r. v. I 
 strike or hurt myself frightfully ; 3. 
 p.-o 5 p. geg.. sod. 
 Gagtved, ox-gagwidj, in compositions, 
 signifies asking, examining, prr/v 
 ing. { Examples in some of the fol - 
 Lowing words.) 
 Gagwedakadan, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 sound it with a sounding lead ; 
 Gagwedakaajigan, s. sounding lead 
 or plummet ; pl.-aw,. 
 Gagwcd<xkadjige, {nin) n. v. I am 
 sounding with a sounding lead ; 3, 
 p. l.\^.gfg..ged. 
 Gagwedaktige, {nin) n. v. I am 
 sounding with a pole;3. p.l. ; v.gcg.. 
 Gagwedibendagos, {nin) or, nin ga<]- 
 ■wedibendjigas, n. v. I am tempted, 
 I have temptations ; 3. p,-i ; p. 
 geg. .sid. 
 Gagwedibeiv^jige. {nin) or, nin gag- 
 wedibeninge, n. v. I tempt, I intice; 
 .?. p. l.;p.geg..ged. 
 Gagivedibendjigewin, or, gagwediien- 
 ingewin, s. temptation ; pl.-a«. 
 Gagwidibmima, {nin) a. v. an. J 
 tempt him, intice him ; 3. ?. ogay . 
 ">■ P- geg.. mad. 
 •^- J'- '^'Aw. • n , -l reel It; 
 ^-ragu-idjihce, (nU) n. v I trv •. 
 [1^(1. .Wi'd. ""Jt.J. p. l.jp. 
 a race with Im'n on foot . 3 „ " 
 race on foot • \ n 1 . ^ '^"^ a 
 '.i»v^ ,'":;;J ?^™' «-'- 
 Gaqwedjima, (nm) a. v «« r ..1 
 .In. „^"^^""n' ^ question him • 
 P-,'Ay..rTOi/. ' '^' l>- gag...- 
 wrestle with hi.,, f'**' '^'- ''«• ^ 
 ^'•rpasshi 3 'V'-"''''''^""".? to 
 wad. ' ■^'•"i""J-n;V' geg.. 
 Gn[l>cidir<-^ i„U) n V T =,,1 r • 
 <J<'<J..Wtd. ^''--11, J. ]). 1,; p, 
 I'lfbrmation • pj "2 '^^' 1"estion, 
 pass in speakiriE. nr 1 7 '? ^° ^ur- 
 "/passc-ofh^/iiraspeeei 7*« 
 suri^asses others t "1"''" '^''° 
 <Iebatirig,-pj.i\7^y'^ speak.ng or 
 [o intimidate ,Sn /fjf !'-''' ^^'!". 
 ill"! fear, I thrr".'t„ ^ ^° '"^ke 
 ing, menace; p] ', ^^''^'^^'aten- 
 ^-«;i. ' ^- Schreckbild ;] pj. 
 -ag. '^•'*™- a young gull; pi. 
 (-raiashhivdwan « rr„i]' 
 • "^- 'Jelore, formerly, before 
 _i?'lv- IS 
 lliis time, in olden times; [L. 
 (iaidtchinini, s. Blacicfoot Indian ; 
 [C. un Piodnoir ;] pl.-^/rw. 
 iyaiiityitwawin, s. tlic Old Testa- 
 (r'didt-ijit/vainni-maJcdk, Ark of the 
 (/'(lit. ci)nj, and; also. 
 ''''J<tg<-< {nin) n. v. I eat much and 
 last ; 3. ]). 1.; p. (jniajatjid. 
 duiaijtns, s. cat, jhuss;' pi.-rt_r/. 
 <7(dtii/i7ia, or matjad, n. v. 'it is the 
 sunnnit of a hi)[ or mountain ; j). 
 (j(l..)ia<i, o)-i/iiii/(d: 
 (iohuljiwrhafo, (nin.) n, v. T run 
 <lown.hill;:j. p. \.;i). (jck-.tod. 
 (idkikijan. {nin) a. v. in. 1 rip it up, 
 I unstitch it ; 3. p. o qalc... ; p. gai- 
 Udkikijh-a, {nin) a. v. an. I rip some 
 nn. ol)J.; 3. p. n fr(d\.n ; p. yaia.. 
 ?'•<■/(/; imp. (j(d-i/:ij/ri. 
 (^(ilikiMa. 'ox~)n'(ma<l. n. v. it is 
 ripped up, unstitched; p. (/aiu..hi</, 
 (i<dina'nixdl-o.4, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 sJiell a corn-ear ; 3. \^. <, gal\.u; p. 
 gilink'inad ; imp. <jdkin,. 
 (idiltirinini, s. Galilean ; \\.-'wa(j. 
 iianuUIJ, {nin) n. v. I am daiicnig 
 with a scai[) in my hands, in order 
 to receive some presents ; 3. p.-^; 
 p. (ituwiljitl. 
 G((nM<ljin<i(la!ca, {nin) a. v. an. 1 
 come to him dancing' with a seal]). 
 from him ; 3. ] 
 ). (/ 
 to receive s. th 
 (/am../. ■ p. )j(m..ira<L 
 <Ta>//d(IJitci/i',s. Indian dance with a 
 Ga/naniti(jw(iafj. s. p. Fort Willinm. 
 on Lake Sujierior.— S. Jfancdi/- 
 Gd/niil, p. s. a. desi^rter; pl.-/)V/. 
 Gntnitdira/Kjaga/nag. s. p.' Sandy 
 Lake. — H. JSlitu/ra/njagama. 
 (ranalicndan. (nin) a. \'. in. 1 allow 
 it, 1 ai)prove, permit, suft'er it ; 3. 
 1). 'ja/i... ; p. (j€ii..a'>}g. 
 (•'aiiah »(IJi(/c, {hin)n. v. I approve, 
 allow, ])ermit; 3. p. 1. ; p. ge/i..(i((i: 
 Ganabcnivia, {ni,' ) a, v. an. T let 
 ndate ; pi. 
 V. an. I look 
 him do, I permit him, allow him ; 
 3. J). o,jan..n; p. ijin..viad. 
 (ianaldtuwa, {/lin) a. v. an. 1 have 
 patience and forhear with him, 
 when he oHends me with his unmh). 
 3. p. (ja.n.,n ; p. gm.,ivad. 
 Ganade/ii/na, {nut) a. v, aii. Alg. S, 
 Gdna(j, or, i/ilnainarjak, p. s. a. shar[); 
 pointed ; the edge of a tool.— S, 
 <ia/ia(/C, adv. at least. 
 Gan(uidawi.'<, {urn ) n. v. I am in jj^ooti 
 health, I have no inlirmity on me; 
 3. J).--/; p. (jen..ml. 
 Gand/idaivisi/cin, s. pood health. 
 Go/idiiinc, adv. for the last time. 
 Ga/iuMmge, {nin) n. v. I make com- 
 mandments, regulations : 3. p. l. 
 p. <j(ii..<jed. 
 Ga/idm/itiewi/i, s. 
 regulation, precepl 
 -a /I. \ 
 at him; 3. p. o<jan..n; ji. ^en..7nad. 
 G(inau-uhanda/i, {nin) a. v. '///. I 
 look at it ; 3. p. o yan... ; p. <nn.. 
 Ganawdhn/idis, {nin) r. v. I look at 
 inyself ; 3. \^.-o ; p. (j('n..f<oL 
 G (I n amili)n(,<mif..sn; ,fJii, s. a hird that 
 looks at the sun, a bittern; |F. bu- 
 tor ; Ci. Rohrdommel;] \)\.~ia(/. is. 
 Gunawindna, {ni/i) a. v. an. I eoni- 
 niit s. th. w his care, I intrust it 
 to liim ; 3. p. o gan..n ; p. gtn..i'd. 
 Ga/iatcendama.'i, {nin) r. v. 1 con- 
 serve to myself; 3. p.-o ; ^.<jin.. 
 Ganawcridamason, {nin) n. v. in. I 
 keep it for myself, 1 reserve it to 
 mo ; 3. J). gan... ; p. (jm..f;(id. 
 Ga/uwcnda/nantnia/i, {n'i/i) a. v. an. 
 I conserve some an. obj. to me: 3. 
 p. (/an... ; p. (jcn..K(d. (V. Conj.) 
 GunaHr'udainaH'a, (niti) a. v. art. I 
 keej) or conserve it for him ; 3. p. 
 (jan..n ; p. (/en. .wad. 
 Ganawcndamo'na, {?ii/i) a. v. an. S. 
 G anaivmdamowin, s. conservation. 
 ^/j^/^,/w«m«, („/„,) a. V. an. I keen 
 •■■m conserve h/,n, talccoo 
 !'* ,(porson or any other «..a,j? 
 'M/«c/, ,,an,IJ in con.po.sitions, «ig„i. 
 ,, ','• '■■1 !'• i:tnu..(/r(l. 
 a pole to push a canoe "or boat • 
 (randiiHig.', (mn) n. v. f nolo f « p^ 
 ^'Wmm, (;,/;,, a. V. ««. I push him 
 ;W '"^■^'•''•''''''••^'■'•P.^«i«.. 
 1 tr.rust in some cm. oh].; 3. „ ' 
 Gdndhan, (nm) a. v. in. I push it 
 ^l'oveit,tWtiti„,.3.p i;« '*: 
 (Va«,?/;,/^a;j -g. draught-board • fF 
 /iainier ;] pl.-«,^. "-'"'jLi-. 
 .'5. <^a(jamlmi~odahanensl 
 (randimge. {nin) n. v. I push • I 
 at nun, mocking or despising'S 
 ^-y;t«. («^;.) a/v. a.,:"-! incite 
 p. o 
 J'<m, r push him to 9. »h • -> 
 <!'i»-->»;V..iaia..ad. ' ' 
 ''^indjdMidimiv, (ni,i\ « v ni , 
 (randjhiajnwa, {nm) a. v. ,,„ i .,,,,,1 
 nin down or away, pushinj^ him • 
 6'«..,y)vr.7.//.„.,, („/,,, a. V. «•/,. I throw 
 Winndjimowinini. J"J'^-^^- 
 Gn-»imim.-Hkendan<i, p. . a he wl,n 
 knew the future, a- Jophe-tpl.!:J; 
 Oanodmnaioa, ijrn,) a. v. «,,. gee 
 '/"'" •■'•'••^■'*- J speak to 
 't. Jnddrcssit ; ;j. p. ^ ' '*!" ° 
 gen. .ant/. ^ j m... , ji. 
 to each other; p. qaxnididn? 
 sen, J p ,,; p^^/e,^..j,o^/_ > 
 t'ummidmmu s. speaking (0 each 
 other, conversation ^ '^'' 
 '-^'"""t^wwa, (7i?"yi) a.'v «« I i.„„, 
 him back from s h. bv wb.f V 
 amtd,„ h,m;rp;;;e?,(hhnS/ 
 er, hunts-man, sports-man ; nl -- 
 ,;«i7. ' ■ 
 Gdpama, {iiiti) a. v. an. I scrancli 
 some a/^ ol)j. ; 3. p. ogap..n; p. 
 gaiu..mad. ' 
 Gapandan, (nni) a. v. in. I scrnnch 
 It ;3. p. oyap... ■ p. fjaia..ang. 
 Gdpina, [nm) a. v, ««. I crush or 
 crumb some au. ohj. witli my lin- 
 gers; 3. p. 0(fiq>inan.; p. quiapinad: 
 mip. (jaiitn. 
 GdjHnan,{nv).)n. win.. \ crush or 
 crumlj u wiih my lingers; 3. p. 
 gap... ; p. gaia..ang. 
 Gajman, {nm) a. v". in. I burn it a 
 little, I parch it ; 3. p gup... ; p. 
 gam..a>w. —Mii, gayisan makute- 
 mas/ikikiwaho, I burn cofiee. 
 Gapisige, (nm) n. v. I parch : 3. p. 
 ^l.;_p. gaia..gcd. 
 Gdpmcag manddininag, (nin) a. v 
 an. I parch corn; 3. p. ogapimmn: 
 p. gam. .wad. ' 
 Gapwewema, {nin) a. v. an. S. Gd- 
 Gapwewendan, (nin) a. v. m. S. Ga- 
 Gasaga^kwadjinieJcag, Leech-Lake : 
 [O. Lac de la sangsue.] S. Sagask- 
 Gasfil-aan,{nm) a. win. I cut Or 
 pierce it with difficulty ; 3. p. 
 gus/i.,. ; p.gcshkaanq. 
 Ga.^hkuanagtku'e, ( nm) n. v. I am 
 takmg oil cedar-bark, I decorticate 
 cedar-trees ; 3. p. L ; p. gesh.wed. 
 oasld-aain, u. v. it freezes over, or 
 It IS frozen over, (a lake, a river! 
 cue.) p. ge.M-ading. 
 Gashl-adino-gidss, s. an. the freez- 
 ^ing moon, the month of November. 
 Ga.yhkakoku'elgan, s. spattle to stir 
 sugar m sugar-making ; pl.-a„. 
 Gushkalcwaige, {nin) n. v. I scrape 
 a bark ; 3. p. 1. ; p. gaia..ci€d. 
 Gttshkamegiraige, (nin) n. v. I scrape 
 atish, I fake away his slime; 3. 
 p. L; p. gala..ged. 
 Gashkaode, or-magad, u. v. it is tied 
 with a knot; p. ge;h..deg,ox-ma<iak. 
 ha«hka<;don,{nin) a. \. in. I tie it 
 . geah. 
 drd. ' ^ 
 GaMaona, {/'in) a. v. an. I tie some 
 ««.ob,i. withaknot; 3. p. o qash.. 
 n ; p. gr^/t..7uid ; imp. gaM-udi. 
 GaskkaoM), n. v. 3. p. it is timl with 
 a knot, {an. obj.) p. ge,,h..ml. 
 ham-afaigan, s. spinning wheel. 
 GaMatcige, {nin) n. v. 1 twist, I 
 spin; 3. p. 1. ■,p.get<h..ged. 
 trati/iknteigennigad, n. v. pers. , it 
 spuis; p. g,xh..gak. 
 Gashkateigewin, s. spiiming. 
 GaM-awa, {nin) a. v. an. I take off 
 some ««. obj. 3. p. oga.'<h..n; p. 
 goshkawod ; imp. gashhtw. — Xin 
 gashkawa cmagek^ take oif the bark 
 ot a cedar-tree. 
 Gashkia, {nin) a. v. a7i. I prevail on 
 him, I win him, I overcome him, I 
 gain hun over; 1 earn or gain some 
 a/i. obj. ; 3. p. gashkian ; p. gesh- 
 Ga8hkihddan,(nin) a. v. in. I shave 
 J^\^,-.t ,^^«*''*-- ; P- g<'^h..ang. 
 hashkihadpgan, s. razor; p\.-an. 
 Gashkihana, {nin) n. wan. I shave 
 him ; 3 p. ogasL.n ; p, gesh..nad ; 
 imp. ga.xhkihaj. 
 Gai-hklhd6,{)iin) n. v. I shave; 3. p.- 
 o; p. gesh..sod. 
 Gashkilmmwigamig, s. barber-shon ; 
 pl.-ow. ^ 
 Gashhihafiowin, s. shaving, barber's 
 trade, occupation, business. 
 Gashkihasaivinini, s. barber; \)\.^vag. 
 Gatshkiiivis, {nin)n. v. I have power' 
 I am powerful, 1 prevail; 3. p.-^'- n' 
 ge.^h..sid. '^ 
 Gaskkiewisilandan,{nm) a. v. in I 
 have power over it ; 3. p. ogasA.'.. ; 
 p. qesh..ang. 
 G ashkkwitsikatva, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 have power over him; 3. v-oga'sh.. 
 n\p.gesh..tvad. ^ 
 Gashkiewisimugad, u. v. it is power- 
 ful; it prevails; p. gesh..gak'. 
 (Ta(<hkiewi^iwin,s. power, authority. 
 Gashkigon, { nin) n. v. I sew a canoe'; 
 3. p.-o ; p. gesh..nod. 
 Gashkigu'ddamawa, (nin) a. v. afi. I 
 seamstress. "'^ ^"^ » 
 GaMigwa.s,omnini, s. tailor; ,,1 _ 
 GashUna, (nin) a. v. «;i. i c^n lif^ 
 hjm up, (a perion or an/ot?^r i f 
 work • ■? ^ 1 . -' ^ ; ^ ^'" able to 
 Where ie^:^- 4-;^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 toinysel ■ 3 I ' ^''^^"^^ s. th. 
 Co.ij.) ^"^^'-'P. i/'•.v/^.m/. (V. 
 5"", rprocureitto ,^;S'/^«^ 
 "'y Jahor, i is o™''^''' procured 
 .'^ct, i„.n^,^'at!.\,Tantrr '"y ^^^- 
 or obtained by laLr •' '"^'"^'^ 
 <-'nd shoos; thev«r« ?.'^ '^ •'^^t 
 have two a Z^^o t'-'^^'^^^'''^'^= I 
 ". 1 acquire it- 9 n , , 
 gesh.ged. ''"^- '^'- '' gash.. 
 acquisition. '^^'^mng, gaining, 
 Gashkitchiaewinhil ov, ■ 1 
 tain, acquire if- ^ ' ^^^"' o^" 
 ^^'*'"^f"««e. (««•«) n. V Icarrvf},. 
 whole of it- -1 n 1 J '"® 
 ^<«/.^'/«vK (t^; 'etc^-S^'*.^11^- 
 V. it brings 
 ^■- «■«. I earn 
 •)• p. 
 a. V. aTj. J 
 Cuiihkiwina, {riin) a. v. ««, I can 
 name liiin;y. p. o ga^h..,,.; p. ^pi/,.. 
 Ga»rtkiwindan,{nin) a. \. in. lean 
 naiiit! 11, • 3. p. yusli...] p. ,,egk.. 
 Gas/doma, {niii.\ a. v. ««. I carry 
 hiiii on my l.acK, (a porson or any 
 otiior ail. obj.) 3. p. o <ia<<li..n; p. 
 GaM-ondaii, {nw) a. v. <//. I am able 
 to carry it on my back; 3. p. o 
 (jank.,.^ ]). gen/i.-aittj. 
 Gdshimlm(jwc,(iiin) n. v. iamthirs- 
 'y-J ='■"/''■>',• 3. p. 1.,- p. yaia..wed. 
 — o. J\ihu//we. 
 'Jad-ambaijwewin, s. {nihairwewiii,') 
 thirst. '^ 
 Gdska/Mn, ()n/i) n. v. I speak low 
 not loud; J whisper: 3. p.-^- n' 
 Gdskanasotaica, (nin) a. v. an I 
 whisper to him, 1 s|)eak close'to 
 nis ear; 3. p. o (jus-.u; p. (/aia.. 
 Gdd-ashum,{/ii/i.)a. v. in. I scrape 
 erate,rubit;3. p. „^.a,,...; p.«^,«..' 
 ang. *' 
 Gdghmhi/t/e, {nin) n. v, I scrape, 
 prate; 3. p. \.;^.r,ain..ri<d. 
 {jrankashinidji, ». nightingale; pi - 
 iaij. ^ ' 
 Gaskashhca, (nin) a. v. an. I scrape 
 or rul) some nn. obj.; 3. p. o gas.. 
 11', }). iiuta.Mad; imp. gaskaskd. 
 .anckatai, s. a dry skin; \)\.-ag. 
 Ga/'kihaga, or-^mar/ad, u. v. tlie 
 leaves of a tree niake noise beiii"- 
 ^dry; p. gaia..gag,ox-magak. 
 y-TUskihagasum, u. v. the wind moves 
 the dry leaves of a tree; p. gaia. 
 Gajkide-gigo, s. dried fish, smoked 
 fish; \)\.-iag. 
 Gaskidi-gigo'ike, {nin) n. v. I dry or 
 smoke fish; 3. p. 1.; p. gaia..kcd. 
 (j-askide-wnass, s. half-dried or 
 smoked meat. 
 Gaskide-wiiassike, {nin) n. v. I dry 
 or smoke meat a little; 3. p. 1.; p 
 gaia..kcd. ^ 
 ' Gd^k>gin,H. dry skin of a large quad 
 riip(!d;p|.-^wi. " * 
 Gddimn. s. bombasin, a kind of 
 slight woolen stntf. 
 GaMmiw, {nin)n. v. S. Guskidi- 
 Gd.skimn, {nin) a. v. in. I d*ry it in 
 smoke; 3. \). o gas...; p. gaia.. 
 ang. •' 
 Gddisigc, {nin)n. v. I dry in smoke; 
 J. p. J.; p. gaia.,(fcd. 
 Gadivra, {nin) a.' v. an. F dry sotne 
 an. oW\. II, smoke; 3. p. „ gas..n,; 
 V.gnia..wad; imp. gad-mci. 
 Ua-xktwag, GadiwiimH. S. GadiiU 
 Gddioc, ox-mamid, u. v. it bnzzes, 
 makes a sliirht noise; [F. il ga- 
 zouil!c;J |). gaia..w,g, or-magak. 
 (ru.s-kweive, or-magad, u. v, there is 
 glazod frost or rime on the ground; 
 lI- . il y a du verglas;] p. gaia..weg, 
 Gdi<.iuil,nn'adaiva, {nin) a. v. an. S. 
 Gd.ssiahawad(/n, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 wash it clean, I clean it by wa.sli- 
 ing_; 3. p. o gans...; p. qaia.'.dod. 
 Lratinahaivana, {nin) a. v. in. I wash 
 h:.m clean, ( wash away his stains; 
 J. p.ogas,'>..n;p.gaia..nnd. 
 Crasnahawe, {nin)n. v. I wash clean 
 I wash away filth, stains; I 
 cleanse; 3. p. 1.; p. gaia..tved. 
 Lrassiahawe, ox-magad, u. v. it is 
 washed away, it "is cleansed; p. 
 gaxa.Meg, ox^nagak. 
 Gdmahantcn, {nin) n. v. T wash it 
 clean, washing away its stains; 3. 
 p. ogass...; -p. gaia. .wed. 
 Gdsdamadimin, {nin) com. v. we 
 pardon each other; p. gaia..didjig. 
 Gamamadiivin, a. )ardo'n of several 
 Gdssiamage, {nin) n. v. I blot out, I 
 efface; I pardon; I absolve; I re- 
 mit; 3. p. 1.; p. gaia..ged. 
 Gassiamag€wi7i, s. blotting out, ef- 
 facing; pardon; remission; absolu- 
 Gdssiamaiva, (nin) a. v. an. I blot 
 him out s. th.; I absolve him; I 
 II of a large quad 
 asin, a kind of 
 I. V. S. Gdskidi- 
 pardon him; remit him; 3 p 
 ga_,.s..,r, p. (/am..mu/.~Ga%-; 
 v^shin nm .natchi doilammnnan, 
 JJ,-b,iuiniian! Lord! blot out mv 
 iniquities. ' 
 Gaman, (nin)ji. v. in. I blot it out, 
 i wipe ,t oil; 3. p. ,, ,jas,ian; „ 
 G«.WWa«,(,„V0a. V. «*. I blot out 
 or strike out sonioUunir that is 
 written; 3. p. „ .....fp/ ,i-«:! 
 Gnssibiigan, s. India rubber. 
 Gdmhiwn, ( «m) a. v. an. I blot out 
 or strike; out his name that is writ- 
 ten; .1 p. „ y,ts..fi; p. ,jaia..wad. 
 lyasmnkide, ox-m-uiad, u. v. it is 
 cleansed or piirllied by* fire 13 
 gai(i..dc</. or-mui/al: ' ^ ' 
 Gamiai-L; {niit,) 'n. v. I am puri/icd 
 by iire;_ 3. p.-o; p. gain.. .sod. 
 (ramiakisou'in, s. purifying byfirp- 
 purgatory. ^ b 3 ure, 
 G('mii'ijadc, or~mafrad, u. v it jg 
 blotted out, efTacod; pardoned; re- 
 mitted; p. {/aia .de<i, or-maaak. 
 GassiKjan, s. dish-olout, or anv 
 thing to wipe with; ]A,-an. 
 G(:ssitka,ox-„uujad, u. v. it becomes 
 blotted out, effaced, it etifaces it- 
 self; p. guiasnhuj, ox~maqak. 
 Gassinaganc. (nin) n. v." I wine 
 Gussingweodis, (nin) r. v. I wioe mv 
 face;3.p.-o;p, ,^v,..,,^_^'P«'"y 
 Gassi?igwam,(nin)a. v. an. I wipe 
 us face; 3. p o gas..n', p. gal^^ 
 wad; imp. gussinqivi. ^ ^ 
 GassznsiUngwe, {nin) n. v. I wine 
 my tears; 3. p. ].; ^«/«..,,,^_ ^'I'^ 
 irassmnhingweivaJjiin) a. v »« T 
 wipe his tears; 3. p. o gas n-\ 
 gaia..wad] imp. qas..gwe. " ' ^' 
 ^^-^a(nln) a v. «« I wipe 
 wad: imp. gLuSt ' ^' ^*"'" 
 ffamwa. (nin) a. v. an. I wipe him 
 (any an. obj.;) 3. p, gi n-n 
 gammwad;V^, gLi^"'-''' P* 
 (Tatchihia, (nin) a. v. an. I tempt | 
 P-i/cnadnadiunp.gatin: '^ '' 
 Gatiniwe,inin)n.v. I take care of 
 a physician, practising midwifery 
 I*- accoucheur;! i>i.-wae. 
 Gamiahonmljhjacfe, or~niagad, u v 
 cutdow^.'r"" ^"^'' ^^^^« tre«« 
 cute own, p.j/cu;..t/cj7, or-/y;«««/t 
 GMihimuljigc, {nin) n. v. I cut 
 downtrees;3.p. l.;p.j^,,^. £"' 
 G^'lfh (/«;0n. V. I freez-etofica h, 
 I starve with cold; 3. p.-V- n "" 
 wadjid. I'- h P- ge- 
 Gawugmaga, or-magad, u. v, the 
 snow 18 frozen, is-'hard; p. J^ 
 gag, or-magak. ' ^ '' 
 TrTr ''''^^J^ "• ^- 3- p. the tree 
 IS cut down; p. gew..sod. 
 T\T''T:'' ^''^"'^ "• ^- I cut down 
 a birch-tree, to take the bark off 
 /oracanoe;3.p. l.;p. ,,e.,yj' 
 .aumsse {nin) n. v.' 1 a4 feEg 
 trees; 3. p. L; p. ^ew..«e(Z. ^ 
 Gawakados, {nin) 1 am extremely 
 ^?;^'^ff y, s. a k-nd of ash-tree; 
 [C.fr^ne piquant;] pl.-^-;i; 
 Gawakowchma, {nin) a. v. an, I 
 overthrow or overturn some long 
 GawakoweUnan, {nin) a. v, in I 
 overturn some longer, obi.: 3, 'n 
 gaw...', ^. gew..any. '' 
 liat is mad, 
 Oawdhv(n\/e,(nin) n. v, 1 fell treos; 
 3. p. l.;p. <jew..(jcd. 
 Qdwama, (/n'n) a. v. an. 1 am jeal- 
 0U8«f hmi, (hor;) 3. p. oga.Jr, p. 
 Gawaind, (nin) a. v. an. I throw 
 hitn (lovvii biting him; W. p. om..n; 
 p. (jura mad. 
 Gaicanad, u. v. it falls, bninj,' rotten, 
 (a stick or post that stood up; ^ it 
 decays, (clothing;) p. ,jewa»al: 
 hawiDiadapined, p. s. a. he that is 
 lunatic, a lunatic; pl.-//</ 
 GaxiJaiiadisid, p. s. a. he ihi 
 a fool; y^l.-jig. 
 Gawatmndam, (tim) n. v. I starve to 
 death, I die from hunger; :j. p, ].• 
 p. (Jew.. da /Iff. 
 Gairanundainoivm, s. starvation, 
 death Irom hunger. 
 Gawiish, (nin) n. v. I fall by the 
 wind, the wind throws iiic down; 
 3. p.-«; p. gcwdshid. 
 GawaMwehid, p. s. a. a drunken 
 person; pl.-Ji<f. 
 GamiMwihuhhid, p. s. a. liabitual 
 drunkard, confirmed drunkard; nl. 
 -Jig. , 
 Gawamdjiwamj, Mon; . cal River, 
 Lake Superior. 
 Gawdann, n. v. it falls by the wind, 
 the wind throws it down; p. gew 
 Gawdwu 7)utig, (jitti,) a. v, an. I fell 
 or cut down a tree; 3. p. o gaiv. n; 
 p. ijcwdwad; imp. gated. 
 Gdwe, {nin) n. v. 1 am jealous; 3. p. 
 1.; p. (jnidived. 
 Gaiceia, or-magad, u. v. it is lean- 
 ing, inclined; p. gewiiag, or-ma- 
 gaf:.~S. Navjekide. 
 Gdwcndam, {nin) n. v. I have jealous 
 thoughts; 3. p. 1.; p. gaia..ang. 
 Gdwcmma,{mn) a. v. I have jealous 
 thoughts towards him, (her;) 3. p. 
 ga..n; p. gaia..mad. 
 Gdwcshlc, {nin)n. v. I am too jeal- 
 ous; lam in a habit of being jeal- 
 ous; 3. \).-4; p. gaia..hid. 
 Gawetamawa, {nin) or, niii gdwe- 
 tawa, a. V. an. 1 am jealous for 
 him, instead of him; 3. p. ogaw.. 
 «; f. gaia..iid. 
 G dweivin, B.jea\ouny. 
 Gaii'i, in compositions, signifies 
 tuvd)li)ig,/,i////i,/ ,1(111 ». { Examiiles 
 in some of the lollowing words.) 
 Gnuia, (nin) a. v. an. S. Gawi^h- 
 Gawiln,(nin) n. v. I fall down, be- 
 Hig drunk; 3. j). 1.; p. gewihid. 
 Ga-vuiigal, p. s. a. iiev'vly married 
 person; pl.-y'A/. 
 GawigiiaAmn) n. v. I lower and 
 become bent by old age; 3. p. 1,; 
 p.; gcw..h(d. 
 Gaiiind, {nin) a. v. an. I capsize 
 soinea;;. obj.; 3. p, o gawinanti). 
 geuy/u/id; imp. gumn. 
 Gawindn,{>nn) L v. in. I capsize 
 It, I make it fall; 3. \). u gamuan; 
 p. giwinung. 
 Gdaiiidimin, {nin) com. v. we are 
 jealous towards one another; p. 
 Gdwindiuiny s. jealousy. 
 GaicingwuKh, {nin) n. v. I fall into 
 a profound sleep ; 3. p.-*; p. gtw.. 
 GavjinMm, {nin) n. v. I lie down, I 
 go to bed ; 3. p.-o; p. geUK.od. 
 Gati'iMa, or-magad, u.'v. it leans, 
 It vyill fall • p.(/cw..lag, or-nuK/ak. 
 Gamshkan, {nin) a. v. in. I make it 
 fall down ; 3. p. o gaiv... ; p. (icw.. 
 G(i!(is7d-aica, {nin) a. V. an. I make 
 him fall down ; 3. ]>. o guw..n ; p. 
 j/c/r..vad ; imp. gunit.7tkaiv. 
 Ga-H'i&sagant^, p. s. a. pepper, (a 
 thing that is bitter.) 
 Gaivisst, {nin) n. v. I fall down ; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. gewisscd. 
 Gau-i/inc, or -magad, u. v. it falls 
 down ; p. gcwisscg , or-magak. — 
 Akwandawagan gi-gnmnse, wukai- 
 gan ta-gnwiiigernagad ; the ladder 
 fell down, the house will fall down. 
 Gawitamawa, {nin) or, nin gatcita- 
 ira, a. v. an.. I prostrate myself 
 before him, I fall down before him; 
 3. p. gan..n ; p. gcw.M'ad, 
 T lower and 
 age; 3. p. 1,; 
 Gau'Um, (nin) a. v. in. S. Oawish- 
 Oawiwebaog,(nin) n. v. the waves 
 f , u. ^^ "''^"' (sta'^ling on the 
 beach;) 3. p.-«; p. g,>w..god. 
 U*^, (jedr-, particle flenoting the fu- 
 ture tense. (See the Conjug. in 
 utch. Grammar.) 
 Oehakwaiyasod, p. a. a. prisoner ; pi. 
 Gebmewelijiwcd, p. s. a. S. Gibing, 
 Oiga, adv. almost, nearly ; about. 
 (xejmudamaycd , j,. s. „. h,, ti,.^t 
 speaks for somebody, or in favor 
 of seinobody, intercessor : pl.-i/,/ 
 &'\T^''- '.'"'^''y' ultim'utolyfat 
 las . at length ; by little and little. 
 ,7n1' "i )'• T^""^'^' ^'""^y^ tlonbtiess, 
 taitli ^^ ^ ^' '''^ ^^' "' ^'■"'^'' '='''■ 
 Ge-gi^. "s. Gigi-. 
 Gegihadiskl, p. s. a. a stupid foolish 
 person ; unchaste impure person • 
 l!i?'/'^V^^'''''''"V«i/'''''««/.sitZ, a block- 
 head ;[F.ungro3 beta.] 
 Gembingwed, p. s. a. a blind person : 
 pl.-;^y. " ' 
 Geimshcd, p. s. a. a deaf person : 
 Lregihwed, p. s. a. a preacher ; dI - 
 GeginawishJcid, p. s. a. a liar : pi - 
 Gegmmoishlcid mashUUwhiini, a ly- 
 ing doctor, quackdoctor ; [F. char- 
 Geginawichlcid niganadjimmvimid . 
 a lying prophet, false prophet. 
 brego, adv. something. 
 Gegwedibeningcd, or, gegioedihendji- 
 ged, p. s a. he that tempts, a tern- 
 pter inticer; pl.->^. 
 <rc^a<Z p. s. a. old person; ]^\.neldcl. 
 m, old people. ' -> I 
 Gima. adv. S. A?wa. ' 
 GemodishJcid,^. s. a. he who uses to 
 steal, a thief, a robber : pl.-;V^. 
 Genawendang uhlioandem anahiic. 
 wST"^' ^^^''^*^' ^'^^^°" ' tf'- 
 Genawetiimad aiakosimdjin, mtke of 
 [F. inlirniier, infir- 
 a sick person 
 Genawenimad Icl-oaJian, swine-herd 
 Genawcnimud piJiHimn, herdsinan! 
 Angel ^"•^''"*' '"^ fe'»"'li"n 
 ^^f'"'""('"^ («"i) n. V. I am sitting 
 Julll\^ "'^•'■"r'y "V'^-h room in 
 sitting 3. p.-i;p. ^a,V..ftjV. 
 Oex/iawii'aK, {nin) a. v. in. T put it 
 on with ease, it is large for me, (a 
 coa, hoots, etc.) 2.^.o ye... v 
 Genhawisk-a, or-maqnd, u. v. it is 
 loose, untied ; p. gaii. lag, or~ma- 
 gnk'. > 
 Gmka, adv. S. SisiU. 
 Gi»nkiujr, (nin) n. v. I arrive in due 
 G'issil'm, {nin) a. v. in. I come to 
 It before it goes away, T find it yet. 
 arriving; I arrive at ft in due time 
 J. p. ges...-, p. gaie..ang.-Kin ki- 
 gessikun iMcote-naUhoan-. I found 
 the steamboa't yet there when I 
 ^•■"^'fl' (I arrived there before 
 she started.) 
 Ghidkawa, (nin) a. v. an. I come to 
 him, or reach him, before he goes 
 away or dies, I find him yet when 
 1 arrive; I arrive at it in due time; 
 J-.P. o gcs..n ; p. gaie..wad.- Weivi?j 
 inn mad in n'i-gc«,ihi/vii(/ aw aia- 
 icoml ■ 1 start immediately, I wish 
 to findyet alive that sick person. 
 rszn gt-gcssilcawa hm ; I found yet 
 thy father there when I arrived. 
 (:^emhma, {nin.) a. v. an. I come to 
 him in good time, (to give him as- 
 sistance in distress, in starving, 
 etc.) 3. p o gcs..n ; p. gcs..nad. 
 Gete, mg. old, ancient, former. This 
 word IS always followed by a sub- 
 stantive; as : Gete madnuigan, an 
 old book. Gete anishinaheg , the 
 ancient Indians. 
 GeU-Kitioan, Old Field, (C. Vieux 
 Desert.) Name of an Indian vill- 
flt W IjIli* ^ 
 (leli'-h'Uiijfniiwimni, a. an Imlian of 
 Uiil Fifld ; \A.-iviiii. 
 Oir~, imrticic or prolix siKnifyiiiR tlio 
 pnMt Icnso. (H. Coiijug. ofutcliiji- 
 wo Grummar,) 
 Oiii, (ntn) a. v, an. I nscapo out of 
 liiH haiKlH ; 3. p. otjiui/ : p. ,/(i(i,/. 
 Olliuan, [nin ) a. v. i,,. 1 Ntoj! it ; [V. 
 10 lo bouclii; ;] 3, p. (xjiJmun ; p. f/^- 
 OihabU-itiija)), s. tovor of a licttlc ; 
 pl.-a/)_. S. Ptifl(t<jiritJitit!ij(tn: 
 Oihah>ii<jan, s. S. {Jiliahikaiijan. 
 G-ihailiii, u. V. it frenzes ovn'r, or, is 
 frozen over, (lake, river, etc.) p. 
 Gi/juijawaiijan, s. dam. causeway ; 
 Ciihaiianuugc, {nin) n. v. I am mak- 
 ^ing a dam ; 3. ji. 1. ; p. ij,},..,,,,!. 
 (rilxit/o//,', or ~m,ii/iid, w. v! i^ han.ifs, 
 spread out, (a 'vail, a curtain ;) p. 
 (j)'h..ii,(i, ox-niiuiak. 
 Giha<jo<IJi(iaii., p. "a curtain in a liouse 
 or lodire, instead of a partition, 
 (especially for sick persons ;) pl.- 
 GihafjiMljigc, {nin) n. v. I am hanf^. 
 inij up a curtain for a partition; 
 ^3. p. 1.; p. (f,h..(jeil. 
 Gihdlijnn., 8. stopper, in loading a 
 gun; pl.-an. 
 Gihdige, {nin) n. v. I put a stopper 
 in a gun, loading ; 3. p. 1. ; p. geh.. 
 Gihfihra, ox-mnKad, u, v. the wood 
 or forest is thick ; p. geh..wag, or- 
 Gilmhv(ta)imwa,(7i,{n) a. v. an. I shut 
 it to hun or against him ; 3, p. o 
 (/ib.j, ; p. (jch..w(id. 
 Gihul-ii'cutn, {nin) a. v. in. I shut it, 
 I stop it, I obstruct or bar it, 3. p. 
 ogi:. \\xgch..ang. 
 Oibakwatgc^n, s, stopper, cork; cover 
 of a box, etc., \A.-an, 
 Gibakwaigas, {nin) n. v. I am a pri- 
 soner, I am shut up, imprisoned ; 
 3. p.~o; p. gel). .sod. 
 Gibakwaodiwigamig, s, prison, jail ; 
 Gihdicwaiva, {nin) a, v, an. I shut 
 him up, I imprison him ; 3. n, n 
 f/tb..Tf.i). gfb..irad; imp. (/ibakwa. 
 Otbnniikann mm, u. v. the inoiiih of 
 the river is shut up, is filled with 
 J_)ebbles; p. g,b..an,i, 
 aibutdwangitan mgi, u. v. the mouth 
 of the river is fdled or shut up 
 with sand; n. gt'b..nn<j. 
 Oihairu, {nin) a. v. an. I shut him 
 up in a hole ; I stop the hole of a 
 kettle; 3. p. v gib..n ; p. ycbawad ; 
 unp. gibd. 
 Iribindatn, {nin) n. v, I have much 
 sorrow ; also, I have much [)ain 
 from sickness ; 3. p. 1. ; t,. gehaid- 
 Gibindammin, s. sorrow, afllictioii. 
 Gihcndamia, {nin) a. v. aw. S. Gib- 
 Gibendamishkagon, {nin) pers. v. it 
 causes me miich sorrow, affliction: 
 3.p.oj/«?,... ;p. y^/,..,/orf. 
 OtbcndamiM-awa, {mn) a. v. an. J 
 cause him much sorrow ; 3. p. o 
 ^ib..n \ p. gib..v'ad. 
 Gibidiibison^ B. waistcoat, vest; (a 
 vestment that stops or presses the 
 heart;) pl.-a?t. 
 Gibidiean tnukak, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 bottom a barrel, I put the head or 
 the bottom of a barrel in ; 3. p. o 
 (fib...; p. gcb..ang. 
 Gibidjane, (n^n) n. v. my nose is 
 stopped, I caught a cold ; [F. je 
 sujs enrhume';] 3. p. 1.; p. gcb..ncd . 
 Gibid(mena,{7iin) a. v. an'. I stop 
 his mouth, I muzzle him ; 3. p. o 
 (Hf^_--n', p. geb.Mad. 
 Gibijigiwziieshka, {nin) n. v. I have 
 the dysury, difficulty in making 
 urine; 3_. p. ].; p. geh..kad. 
 Gihijigiivineshkaivin, s. dysury. 
 Gibikinigadan, [nin) a. v. in. I make 
 a partition in it, (in a house;} 3. p. 
 o gib...; p. geh..ang. 
 Gibikinigade, or-magad, u. v. there 
 is a middle-wall, a partition ; p. 
 p. geb..deg, oi-^nagak. 
 Gibikinigan, s. a. middle-wall, par- 
 tition; pl.-rt;i. 
 GiUkinige, {nin) n. v. 1 make a midd 
 rrow, afHictioii, 
 . V. an. S. Gift- 
 Irwall or partition; .1. p. 1.; i,, 
 (,'i7n'ntii;hiiiii'r, ( ni,,.) n. v. I am hanK- 
 liifT por.^oiiH ; J. p. I. J p. ,j,h„we,L 
 GihlnvweUjiw,ium, s. business or oc- 
 ciipatioii of fi ImnKmnn. 
 (iiUniw.hljiirnn'nhii, .•^. Imngnian ; 
 [('. Hcluirlriclitor;] {A.-wny. 
 Oihiniireh'iin, ( n/'n.)ii. v. tin. I strant;- 
 Ifi or rlii)k(. liini vvifli a cord ; 1 
 luint; luni ; 3. [>. o gi7,..„, ; ,,.</(?,.. 
 (rihiniii'i'hiiiiib's^ [„!n ir. v. [ strangle 
 inysolf witli a cord; I hm\s myself; 
 ^- y--ii; i>. (f(7>..fi(/tl. 
 G'ihihciiYhisj/iin) n. v. I am strans 
 ioti or choked witli n cord: 3. ».-«; 
 Ji. (IiK..>«kI. 
 Gihiiuiir)ia,{nin) a. v. n«. I strangle 
 hnn with my hands, I su (locate 
 hnn; ^. x>. <> ijih.,n ; p. geh..nad ; 
 inip. (/ihine/rej. 
 GihiuiJuljin. ( ?i.in) n. v. I stop s th 
 Willi my hand ; 3. p.-^'; p. tjeh..md. 
 (•ihtKhihiiiaAnm) a. v. an. I stop 
 cue o( his ears ; 3, p. o qih..n : p. 
 (jrh.:n(uL imp. <iihishehin'. 
 Gilthhihiiadh, {win) r. v. I stop one 
 of my ears; 3. p.-o; p. gth..,od. 
 Gifnf>hhi(/c, tmn) n. v. I am in the 
 way or passage of somebody, I 
 encumi'^er or obstruct the way or 
 passage; 3. p. 1. ; p. t/,h..</ed. 
 GiMM-un, ( mn) a. v. in. I encumber 
 It, I obstruct It, (a passage, a door, 
 &c. ) 3. p. o gih... ; p. (jeK.anq. 
 Oilnxhkawa, {nin) a. v. an. I 'am in 
 his way, I obstruct his way oi pas- 
 sago ; J \xogib..n; p. m^u.ad 
 Gih-fan, (nin) n. t. I bleed at the 
 'i"se;3. p. l.;p.fffMan!/. 
 (iihitamgamiina, (nin) a. \. an I 
 irialve hiin tileed i)y a blow on the 
 ""«";:i. I'. '-.////..«; p. y^A.. „,«,/, 
 G'f>tfun,.s/uni,{ni>i) .i, v. I blepil at 
 GiMn/i'fi{/fi, (nin) n. v. 
 f'ars is stopptui, 3. p. 
 Gihifaivuf/fofli,, («j„)r. y. I stop one 
 one of my 
 ^; p. (jfh.. 
 Gihishvc, {nin) n. v. I am hoarse, I 
 cannot speak loud; 3. p. 1 • p 
 {/ek.wed. ' 
 Gihisl-wewin, s. hoarseness. 
 Gihimujadn, {nin) a. v. in. I shut 
 It, (a box, etc.) 3. p. o qib... ; p 
 (/''/>.. anf/. '' ' 1 
 Gibissnuaje, {nin) n. v. I am constip- 
 ated, 1 am costive; 3.;p. P.; p. fjch.. 
 .rihissagajmin. s. costiveness, con- 
 stipation; [G. Verstopfing.] 
 01 my ears; 3. p.wv p. _,^,/,..,,/ 
 hihdawaaaru, {nin) a. v. an. I stop 
 oneolliis ears; .3. p. o ./*?>..« • p' 
 >f</>..trnd; imp. (jikitaivagr. 
 Gihiton, (ni,,) a. V. in. I stop it, I 
 OMy>ra^,^t, s. pants, pantalooim 
 breeclics; pl.~ri;;. 
 Gihndmicpina, (nin) a. v. ^n. I tie 
 up his month; 3. v. o gih-.n : u 
 !/rf>..vad ; imp. gihodmepi). ^ 
 Giho,j,c(idan, {nin) a. v. in. I sew it 
 together; 3. p ogih... ; p. yeh..anq. 
 Gihogwana, {mn) a. v. an. I sew 
 some a«. obj. together; 3. p. „ 
 ^{nh..n;]i.(/(lK.nad. ' 
 Gihumn, (nin) a. \.in. I bake it 
 stew it; 3. p. o gih...; p. gelomng. 
 (ribimgan, or gihimgamkan, s. stew- 
 nig oven ; iA.~an. 
 GilwKigan-akil, s. an. stew-kettle 
 stew-pot; \)l.-o//. 
 Gifmwa, {nin) a. v. an. /bake or 
 stew some an. obj. ; 3. p. o qil>..n . 
 jj. getHLVvad; imp. gihoswi. 
 Gihwdgamisfihi, or-jnagad, u. v. the 
 water shuts up. (as in the Red 
 bea in the days of Moses.) P. geb 
 Mg, or-viagalc. 
 Gibwandhavjuna, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 drown him, 1 suffocate him in the 
 water; 2. \^. o gih..n ; \>. geb..nad: 
 Gibwanubhsh. s. a heifer, or any 
 young animal between two and 
 four years old; pl.-ar/. 
 Gibwanam, (nin) n. v. I stop mv 
 breath, I stifle myself; 3. p. -o; iL 
 I am , 
 Gihwandtnahawe, (vin,) n. v. 
 drowned; 3. p. 1.; p. geh..wed. 
 Gihwananuis, {win) n. v. I am stifled 
 by smoke; 3. p. -o; p. geh..sod. 
 Gihwanamoshkaiva, {niii) a. v. aw. I 
 suffocate him. stifle him, strangle 
 him; .3. p. o (jih..n, p. (jcb..wad. 
 Gihwanad, s. kite, hawk; pi. -g. 
 Gihicandjal-ivawlis, (nin) r. v. l 
 button myself up, I button my 
 coat, &c.; 3. p. -o; p. geJj..sod. 
 Gidumawa, (nin) a. v. an. I eat up 
 s.th. belonging to him; 3. p. o 
 gi(l..n; p. ged.Mad, 
 Gidamogon^\nin\\>exs. v. it eats me 
 up; 3. p. ogid...; p. gcd..(iod. 
 Gidamwa, {nin} a. v. a/i. 1' eat some 
 (ui. obj. all up; 3. p. o gU..n; p. ge- 
 damwad', imp. gutanim. 
 Giddn, {nin) a. v'. in. 1 eat [or drink] 
 it all up; I consume it; 3. p. o gi- 
 dan; p. geda/ig. 
 Giddnawe, {nin) n. v. I consume all; 
 3. p. 1.; p. gcd..w(d. 
 Gidns, as end-syliabe in composi- 
 tions, signiHes anger, angry; as: 
 iYiVi mddjigvldfi, t begin to be 
 arigry. iVm adgidjigidds, 1 go out 
 with anger. 
 Gidiiilcah/gadtshin, {nin) n. v. my 
 leg is dislocated; 3. p. 1.; p. gcd.. 
 Gidiskahmiheskin, {ri'i) n. v 
 arm is dislocated; J. p. 1.; p 
 Gidisl'aioniketa, {nin) n. v. my arm 
 is dislocated; 3. p. 1.; p. ged..tad. 
 Gidishihmindjishin, {nin) n. v. my 
 hand [or finger] is dislocated; 3. p. 
 1.; p. eed..ing. 
 Gidinlcako' igancMa, {nin) n. v. my 
 hip is dislocated, I am lame; 3. p. 
 1.; p. gcd.-kad. ' 
 Gidiskalcosideshin, {nin) n', v. my 
 foot is dislocated; 3. p. 1.; p. ged.. 
 Gidiskia, {nin) a. v. an. I escape out 
 of is hands; also, I get him out of 
 s. th., 1 make him escape, I deliver 
 him;. 3. p. o gid..n; p ged. .ad. 
 Cidiskiidis, {nin) r. v. I get myself 
 . my 
 out of s. th.'; I escape; 3. p. -o; p. 
 gcd.. Slid. 
 Giiliakiiive, {nin) n. v. I escape; 3. 
 p. l-;_p. gcd.. wed. 
 Gid tfikini n<ljiliina, {7iin) a. v. an. I 
 take witli force or briskly from 
 him some object which he holds 
 in his hand or hands; 3. j). ogid..n; 
 \). gfd..n.ad; imp. gidinkmuuljihij, 
 Gidigkinindjina, (nin) a. v. \tn. I 
 take s. th. out of his hand or 
 hands, not briskly; 3. p. o gid..n; 
 p. ged..nad; imp. gid.Ajin. 
 Gidjdhaodis, {n^i) r. v. I pluck my 
 eye out; 3. p. -o; p. geii..8id. 
 Gidjdldwa. {nin) a. v. mi. I pluck 
 luni an eye out; 3. p. o gid..n; p. 
 ged. .toad] imp. gidjahd. 
 GidjdliMn, {ni'n) n. v. I hurt my 
 eye, falling to the ground; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. ged.. ing. 
 GidjiUna, {nin) a v. an. I hurt him 
 touching his wound; 3. p. ogid..n; 
 p. god .nad; imp. gidjibij. 
 Gidjigdhikad, u. v. it is veined or 
 veiny, full of veins, [a stone;] p. 
 Gidjigassagad, u. v. it is veiny, 
 undulated, [wood;] p. ged. .gal. 
 Gidjikas, (riin) n. v. I don't want to 
 go, I refuse to go, I remain; 3. p. 
 -o; p. ged. .sod. 
 Gidjim, {nin) n. v. my evil, er my 
 sore, increases, when I speak or 
 cough; 3. p. -()\ p. gadjimod. 
 Gidjinindji/m, _{?dn) a. v. an. S. 
 Gidonagisse, {nin)n. v. I fall in the 
 water out of a canoe, boat, &ic.; 
 3. p. 1.; p. ged..scd. 
 Gidonagisse, "^or -m.ga/1, u. v. it tails 
 in the water out of a canoe, &c.; 
 p. ged..seg, ox-magak. 
 Gidmve, {nin) n. v. S. Gidjini. 
 Gigaiawes, (nin) n. v. I am of a 
 slim slender size; [G. ich bin 
 schlank;] 3. p. -4; p. (feg..sid. 
 Gigakisine, (nin) n. v. t liave stock- 
 ings or socks and shoes or boots 
 on; [F. je suis chausse';] 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Gigan^, s. Ot. virgin; pi -icag. 
 I am a virgin 
 Gigai iow, (nin) n. v. 
 3. J). -i;p. qag..v}id. 
 (Hnatimmn, s. a splinter in the 
 hand or foot; \>l.-i„i. 
 G'ffcitimre, (inn) n. v. I draw out a 
 splintor;3. p. l.,-p.,/e,/..„,.,^. 
 ('i<nncv<fam,<ja, or -mamid, u. v. 
 tliere is a peninsula: p. seiu.nak 
 Giffe,ivi7i)n.v. niy wound heals 
 lip; 3. p. J.; p. ffd,/ed. 
 (■yjHt. ^nia) a. v! an. I heal his 
 wound; J. p. or/iijean: p. naaead. 
 T~n 'Vf^mposilions, signifies 
 uuth, tm/cther jvifk; as: Gujla>/im 
 flt-pn,auie ivahnganwq; he came 
 in the house witii his snow-shoes 
 on [More examples in some of the 
 toMowing words.] I 
 (-ri<jihiiiiudi.s. ndv. alive. I 
 Gigibingwmh, [ni/i) n. v. I am 
 sleepy, drowsy; 3. p. -i; p. gacf..id. 
 Gimhw,nrasmwtn, s. drowsihess, 
 Giffine,{?n»)n.v. I die with...: 3 
 p. ].; p. gayiiicd. 
 Giginen, {nin) a. v. in. I die with it: 
 3. p. gt,/...; p. gaained.—ICadinui 
 ta-kohmto hdchi batadoivin ^mal 
 ned\ he who dies with a mortal 
 sin, will suffer eteriidUy. 
 Gxainenan, {nin) a. v. an. I die with 
 him; 3. p. o gig...; i,. gagined. (V. 
 (ri^iiiib, {nin.) n. v. S. Gigine. 
 Gi.jtnw, (nin) n. v. i am born 
 vvith. ;3. p. -*;_p. gag..gU.-Ka. 
 kiua ki gi-U-gtgznigimin hatado- 
 ?««; we were all born with a sin. 
 GigiM-age, {nin) n. v. I carry in me 
 or onmes. th.; I am in a family 
 way; 3. p. I.; p. geg..ged. 
 Gigishkan, {nin) a. v. in. I carry or 
 wear it on me or in me, I have it 
 in me, (m my body or soul:) 3. p. 
 'ig^g--;"^. geg..ang. ^ 
 Gigtshkaioa, {nin) a. v. an. I carry 
 some an. obj. on me or in me; 3. p. 
 \pff-n; p. geg..ivad.~Nin gigi- 
 sMawa aUmtdji, I am in a family 
 way, (with child.) ^ 
 Gnjiiia, {nin) a. v. an. I .uajte him 
 have or brin? some ««. obj. with 
 ""."'■'• P-'^i''r/-«;p-i7«'/..a<;. 
 GtgtnUngu-ai, adv. with tears. 
 Gtgisihingwehap, {nin) n. v. J lautrh 
 with tea.r« /n ^ eyes 3. p "f^. 
 Gvjisijnagad, u. v. it comes with 
 "brings or has along with it- 'n' 
 ki^vmagzmom, laziness Tom.n 
 with poverty. ^"mts 
 Gi^isiiu {nin) a. v. in. I come with 
 It I bring or have It along with^ne; 
 Gt'lisinan.{nin)^.y.an. I brine or 
 have some ««.dbi. with me Ip' 
 Of/ .^...;_p. gagisid. [V. Coni.l ^ 
 Gujit Amn)n.x. J speak, I talk- I 
 make a speech, a Lrangue 3 n 
 ymto; p. gagitod. ^ ' ' P' 
 ther with the soul, body and soul 
 Telt^r:^"'^"'''- I^^akehirl; 
 speau, 3. p. o gtg..n; p. gaq..ad 
 Gtgttomagad, u. v. pers. It speaks- 
 p. gag gak.-KUchi ^veweni\,S• 
 n^agad mandan masinaigaSJiL 
 book speaks very well 
 Gigitcivigamvj, s. a house where 
 speeches are delivere.l, or councTs 
 held; council.house; pi. -on 
 Gujitoivin, s. speaking; talkincr dis- 
 course; council; pi. -««! ^' 
 Gicjo, s. fish; pi. -iag. 
 Gigo-bimide, s. fish-oil 
 ingwith a drag-net. 
 Gigmka, ox -mag ad, u. v. there is 
 plenty offish; p., ^.,..,«,,t'!:^'! 
 (^i^obceXnm)v^. v. J am fishing; 3. 
 Gtftdlcewin, s. iishery, fishing. 
 Gtg</ik6mnini, s. fisherman • nl ' 
 -wag. ' ' 
 Gi</m)igamig, fieh-s(ore; pi. -w. 
 (rtgowigan, s. fish-bone; pi. _««. 
 Giigivishim, {nin.) n. v. I fast; 3. p. 
 -<>! !'• (Jit.. mod. 
 (riuiwu/dmo-yijigad, s. fast-day; pi. 
 (J{i(jwuJdino(jiii(jad, \i. v. it is a fast- 
 (lay; ]>. gn..<jal: 
 (lihjwiskimuinn, s. fast, fasting. 
 Kilcki (/ii.(/n'uh?'ini>/rm, lent. 
 <rt-iM-wa-a)iamiajiji<jak, after Sun- 
 day, Monday. 
 <ji-i-tihhm-nawalcwc<j. afternoon, in 
 the afternoon. 
 Uiiwe, {nin) n. v. I escape; 3. p. 1.; 
 ]}. (jaiwcd. 
 (iijitkona, (nin) a, v. an. I pronounce 
 a judgment or sentence over him; 
 3_. p. ()m'j..n; Yi.gaj..nad. 
 iiijainaajiwc, {ni/ij n. v. I arrive at 
 the summit of a mountain; 3. p. 
 ^•j !'• gaj'Med. — S. Paga^ndmad- 
 jiivc. , 
 (rijande, or -niagad, u. v. it has the 
 color of ripeness, (some i)i. berry;) 
 p. gtijandvg, or -'/migak, 
 Oijanso, n. v. 3. p. it hat ..le color 
 of ripeness, (some ««. berry or 
 fruit;) p. giyansod. — Gijansowag 
 ogow mi.sMmlnug, these apple's 
 liave the color of r'ipness, they look 
 (jiJasMiohih, or -magad, u. v. it is 
 a little warm, half warm, [liquid;] 
 p. gaj..icg, or -magalc. 
 (liJeiiJam, {nin) n.'v. I determine 
 or decide upon, 1 resolve, 1 firmly 
 purpose; 3. j). 1.; p. gajendang. 
 (iyendapKntdn, s. resolution, deter- 
 mination, firm purpose. 
 (iijenind)i^, [nin) r. v. I resolve 
 upon, I make up my mind; 3. p. 
 "(i: p. gaj..s6d. 
 Gijia, {nin) a. v. a7i. I make some 
 an. obj., 1 finish it; 3. p. o gijian; 
 p. gajiad. 
 Gijil), in compositions, signifies 
 itching, [Examples in some of the 
 following words.] 
 (rijihaje, {nin) n. v. I feel itchings 
 on my skin, I am itchy, mangy; 3. 
 .P;.,l-; V-gej-Jed- 
 (yijtbajeinnj s. itching, itch on the 
 skin;[F. utmangeaison.] 
 UijiUgadf, {nin) n. v. it itches me 
 in niy leg; 3. p. 1.; p. gej..ded. 
 Gijihindihe, (nin) n. v. I ieol itc"liing 
 on my head; 3. p. 1.; p. gt'j..hed. 
 (rijihiiiindji, (nin) n. v. I have 
 Itching in my hand; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Gijd)iuikr, {nin) n. v. I feel itching 
 iiiiny arm; 3. p. 1,; p. gvj..l-ed. 
 Gyihis, {nin) n. v. it Itches me, / 
 have itchings; 3. p. -i; ]>. gtgihin/^l. 
 Gijihkhligivane, {nin) n. v. a. Giji- 
 Gijibiside, (nin) n. v. /have itching 
 inmy foot; 3. p. 1.; p. grj..d(d. 
 Gijilmiwin, s. itching. 
 Giiide, or -nunjad, u. v. it is cooked, 
 done; p. gajidek, or-magah, 
 Gijig, s. day; sky, firmament; 
 Gljig, {nin) n. v. / am adult; ripe; 
 .J. p. -z'; p. gajigid. 
 Gijigad, s. day; pi. -on, 
 Gijigad, u. v. it is day; p. gajigak. 
 Gijujiido-masinaigan, s. day-paper, 
 calendar; pi. -an. 
 Gijigasdgewag {imitnikig,) n. v. 3. 
 i). ' pi. there are uninterrupted 
 lightnings, making the night al- 
 most as liglit as the day. 
 Gijigafc, or -magad, u. v. it is light, 
 moon-light; p. gaj-.taj, or-magak. 
 Gijigutesse, or -maguJ,\i. v. it shines 
 forth suddenly;' p. gaj..scg, or 
 Gijigi, n. v. 3. p. it is ripe, {an obj.) 
 as : Opin gijigi, misliinvin gijigi; 
 the potato is ripe, the apple is ripe. 
 P. gajigiil.—S. Gijig. 
 Gijigin, u. v. it is ripe, {in. obj.) as: 
 Manomin g/Jigin, ichiss gijigin; the 
 wild rice is ripe, the turnip" is ripe. 
 — P. gajiging. 
 Gijiginiba, {nin)\i. v. /sleep in the 
 day-time; 3. p. 1.; p. ga^j..ad. 
 Gigik, a. an. cedar, cedar-tree; pl.- 
 Gytknn, {nin) a. v. in, S. Gijiton, 
 Gtjikandag, s. an, cedar-braiich; pl.- 
 Gijikashkimod, s. bag or sack of 
 cedar-bark; pl.-ara. 
 Oijihawa, {nin) a. v. an. I hurt him 
 ialhng upon him; 3. p. o gij..n^ p. 
 <jej..wud, ^ '' ' *^ 
 Qijikeiix, s. dim. an. a small cedar- 
 tree; a lnth,-pl.-rtr/. 
 Ginhtmnci nind a,jirahvdu<arj, I lath, 
 (I nail on little cedars.; "^ ' 
 f'^Mmid,', or~mar/ad, u. v. it is 
 'hjiUH, 8. cedar-forest; cedar- 
 ■swamp; pl.-^,,„;i. | 
 <.i/ih>.s, ^nin) n. v. I ^et hurt l)v i 
 carrying too heavy a load; 3. p.-o; I 
 ''?^/?^u.r, s. grown girl, adult; pi. 
 (rijihvew, {nin) n. v. J am a grown 
 (iijimagad, u. v. it is ripe; p. gaj.. 
 Oijljw, u. \. it snowed enough- n 
 6i(>*>^w*, u. V. it is ripe, (m. fruit;) 
 l^.gajzsstmj. ' 
 (i'jimitchu/ade, ox~magad, u. v it is 
 iinished, done,placed there;p. nai 
 (l<g, ox-magal-. '' '' 
 Gmssitchiye, {nin) n. v. I finish 
 (doing or placing s. th.) 3. p. i .■ p.' 
 gaj..ged. ' '^ 
 GijUa, {nin) n. v. I finish, I accom- 
 ^plish;3.p. l.;p.gajitad. 
 irij/ftia, {nm) a. v. an. I make him 
 limsh or accomplish s. th.; 3. p o 
 'JiJ.-n;p. gajitaad. 
 (rijitage, {nin) n. v. I am making s. 
 th. lor people; 3. p. l.;j>. gaj..ged. 
 (rmfazdu, {nm) or, ninqijitas,r. v. 
 1 make myself finish' or accom- 
 plish s. th.; 3. p.-o; p. gaj.., sod. 
 hijitamuica, {nin) or, nin qijitaiva 
 Gijweicin, s. sj-eaking, talking; pi. 
 Gikd {nin) n. v. lam very old: 3. 
 P- !•; v.gd-ad. ' 
 Gilaan.awa, {nin) a. v. an. 1 make 
 himmark8,(onatrail, etc.;i3. p. 
 ogtL.n; p. gaJc.ioad. 
 Gihih, B. JJi-iji-giJcah. 
 (•ilod, in compositions, signifies 
 grave; rcxjicctaUe. ( i-ixiinipies in 
 some of the following words ) 
 Gtkudendagos, {nin)r\. v. I am con- 
 SKleiedreypectaljle; grave, serious; 
 Gikudmdmn, {nin) n. v. I have 
 grave serious thoughts; 3. p. 1 • n. 
 gtlc.ung. ^ ""^ 
 Gihiditi, inin) n. v. I am grave, se- 
 nous; 3, p.-i; Y.gclc..>-L ' 
 Gikndiitwm, s. grave serious com- 
 GiladJ, {nin) n. v, I am cold, I ieel 
 GUad/imndjncadJ, {nin) n. v. my 
 hands are cold; 3. p.-l . yak.. 
 Gi/cadjisidewadj, {nin) n. v. myfeet 
 are cold; 3. p.-/; p. qak..djid. 
 Gikadjitaioagewadj, {nin'^ n. v. my 
 — " are cold; 3. p.-V; p. gaL. 
 or sack of 
 a. V. an. I make it for him or to 
 liim; 3. p g/J..n; p. gaj..wad. 
 G\litchtgade, ov~maqad, u. v. it is 
 made, it is constructed, finished; 
 P;.i?«;..%, or-magal: 
 Gmton,(ni7i) a. v. in. I make it; I 
 Guioe,{nin)xx.y. 1 talk, I speak; 
 ■3. p. 1.; V-(/<iJwed. ' 
 Gikadjiwin, s. cold felt in the body 
 Irom cold weather. 
 Gihtma, {nin) a. v. ««. I scold cr 
 rebuke him; 3. p. o gih.n: p. 
 gukamad. ^ 
 Gikanarnule, or-mac/ad. it smokes, 
 (in a house or lodge;; p. yah.deg, 
 or~magah. ' 
 Gikananioti, {nin) n. v. it smokes in 
 my house, or lodge; 3. p.-o; p. 
 ffat.sod. ^ 
 Gikcnamoma, (nin) a. v. an. I make 
 smoke around him, I make him be 
 in the smoke; 3. p. o gik..n:p. qah. 
 Gikanadn, {nin) a. v. in. I scold it, 
 I speak ill of it; 3.p. o gih..; p. 
 gak..ang.—0 gikandun anami^wig- 
 (m2^,hescolds the church, (speaks 
 ill of It.) 
 (hliiiuHint'n, (ni'n) ooni. v. wo qiiar- 
 n-l wiih ciiclioilicr; [u ijak-dUi;,,. 
 (iikinuh'wliiy s. (iiiarrel, disDuti'. 
 (M-aihjc (nvi^u. v. 1 quarrel, brawl 
 Iamiil),awl,>r; ;j. p. J.; p. ^^^L. 
 Giki(nH('^n'ii, s. quaireliiiL', brawl- 
 Gikti'n'iJuin, (/if',;) n. v. I (juarrcl 
 G/kairUaimwii)., s. altercation 
 quarrol, wraiii,'linj,s dispute. 
 (rikdirin, s. very old atfe. 
 (ri/.-ih/i;r<>, (;///;) „. y. I add writiiiiT 
 I write some more; 3. n. 1.; p. ,,ak. 
 (ji-ti. •' 
 <jif.-i'in,{ii///)n. V. I weep much: n. 
 \>--"l !'• 'Jdkiiiiotl. 
 Gikim:iiii.i,ul,', {/,/■/ ) n. v. my lo"- is 
 sleeping, benumbed, torpid: £ v 
 I.;]). </nl:Jed. 
 Gil!iii,()ili(ik(', (/iin) n. v. my arm is 
 benumbed; ;}. p. ].; p. gakj-ed. 
 (:rik-/m(inf/i-,nih/,(^/im)n. v. my hand 
 ^is benumbed;;), p. l.;p. ffak..i,l. 
 Lrik/inniih^iniii) n. v. [ am benumb- 
 ed; ;j. p.-/: p. <jah..sid. 
 GikiinnniKhlc. {'uin.) n. v. my foot is 
 benumbed;;}. ]>. \.;i^. „ak..ile,L 
 (rtknnamsiinn, s. numbness: [F. 
 Gik/ssifon..{nm)i\. v. vi. I add to 
 s. th.; ;). p. fl,jlk...; p. ffah.tixl. 
 Gimab, {mn) n. v. 1 look in a steal- 
 thy manner, unperceived; I spy 
 ^out: 3. p.-y; y. gainahld. 
 Gvndbama, {>im)ti. v. an. I look at 
 hmi unperceived, in a stealthy 
 manner; 1 spy him out; 3. ^.ogim,. 
 n; p. (jam. .mad. 
 Gimaha/klan, (nm) a. v. in. I look 
 at it, or see it, in a stealthy man- 
 ner; 3. p. ogim...; p. qam..an<j. 
 Gtmi, (nin) n. v. I 'desert, I run 
 away, I go somewhere secretly; 3. 
 p. l.;p. gamid. 
 Gtmia, (nin) h. v. an- I make him 
 desert; 3. p. o gimian; p. gamiad. 
 (,/mnIon, (nm) n. v. (/•/•m. >,in gn,fi. 
 mill,, I),,) ! mnrnuir ay:aiiist sonie- 
 I'ody, not b(>jn!jr hoard by him; 3. p- 
 1.; (). g<im,liloiiij, 
 Gjmini,/Jii,,,ui,, s. illeq;itiinate child, 
 (got in a it^altiiy manner,') a child 
 outot wedlock, bastard; pl.~rt,/. 
 Giminidji, {nin) n. v. I got a child 
 out i)t wedlock, ;in a stealthy 
 maimer;) I i)ring lorlh a bastard; 
 3. p. 1.; p. f^am..i,i. 
 Glmiiiiira, {nin) a. v. an. I touch 
 hnn m a stealthy manner without 
 his knowing it; 3. p. <jin..n\ p. 
 gam.. wad. ^ 
 Grimitawa, {nin) a. v. an. I hear 
 nm secretly, in a stealthy manner, 
 he does not know tliat I "hear him 
 1 overhear him; 3. p. ,jim..n; p.' 
 Gimiman, u. v. it rains; p. qe7ni- 
 Gim.iwanaam.,{nm} n. v. 1 travel in a 
 canoe or boat in rainy weather; 3. 
 p. ].; p. g{'m..ang. 
 Gimiiranajio, s. rain-water. 
 Gimura.nih<)s,{iun) n. v. I embark or 
 start in a canoe or boat in rainy 
 ^weather; 3. p.-^; p. gem..isuL 
 Gimiwaniton, (nin) a. y.in. I make 
 rain, I cause rain; 3. p. gim...:]\ 
 Gimiwanosse, {nin) or, nin gimiwa- 
 nishht, n. V. I walk in rainy 
 weatlier;3.p. \.;\). gcm..cd. 
 (rtmi'vin, 8. desertion. 
 Gimud,{nin)n. v. I steal, I purloin; 
 I take away s. th. and make use of 
 it without permission, although 
 not with the intention of keeping 
 it; 3. p.-^; p. gemodkl. 
 Ginwdad. u. v. it is hidden, it is 
 a secret, a mystery; p. aonMiak. 
 Gtmodadjim, {nin) n. v. I tell s. th. 
 secretly; 3. p.-^; p. gi'm..m()d. 
 Gtmodndjimiitawa, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 tell him s. th. secretly; 3. p. ogim.. 
 >i', p. gem. .wad. 
 GimodawIJigc, (nin) n. v. I eat in a 
 stealthy manner; 3. p. 1 ; p. gem.. 
 ins; p. ge7ni- 
 Gimodima, {nin) a. v. an. I steal s 
 IIS knowledge and formission: 3 
 o if Si;;/ I'*'*'' '^ """J fnake use 
 o'. It witliout pennission; 3. n o 
 gmi ; p (jemixkiL ( V. Con i ) 
 Mb.t of stealing, I am thievish, I 
 am a habitual ihiei': 3. n.-i r, ' 
 ^'dpI^^K'"^'^' '• ^""««' «bode or 
 den of thieves; pl.-ow. [L. sne- 
 lunca latronuin.] ^ 
 ^'womlnMr'Sv 'v'^^""& ^^ thievish 
 woman; [O. Diebinn;] pl.-«. 
 ^^^'»"<^!""f'^ 8. stealing theft. 
 irimodiwm, 8. any in. object stolen: 
 ""sSS^pi!-:;, "^' '•"^ ««• «^^j-^ 
 6r^im«.//- iidv in a stealthy manner 
 ITIth •^''^"^'^«'i"ely, Vivatefy; 
 in a hidden manner. ' 
 Gimoiljthana, {nin) a. v. an. I leave 
 him in a stealthy manner, I go 
 Sl[°'" him without his l^nowl 
 tiifec, J. \), o gtm„n: p. aem un/l' 
 imp. gimodjik^aj. ^ 9em..nw[l, 
 Gvmodm^e, (nin) n. v. J speak se- 
 Ser.T'T"^'^' '» 'hidden 
 manner, also, I use a parable; 3. p. 
 Gimodmoewin, s. secret hidden 
 speaking; parable; pl.-a«. ^" 
 Sir' ^"''^^ ^' "• ^'^^ s- ^- 
 Otmositawa, (nin) a. v. an. S <?* 
 Oim,or-maffad, u. v. it is sharp- it 
 "8 pointed, an iron tool;)p./J^" 
 or~maguk. ^ S^^ixig^ 
 Gimamadan (nin) a. v. in. I forbid 
 It, 1 rebuke it; :j. p. ^ oin ■ n 
 ^i^tnhtch,gamtyaie, fnd dashgor- 
 ^f'Mchi-amtmtimniq', Jesus re- 
 buked the winds and' the sea, and 
 there was a great calm. 
 Gmaamddim, 3. irui. p. one is for 
 bidden; IF. on P«f ,iif„ "k? n '^'^■ 
 W<iden; fF.'on esrda,;;iu.r '"'" 
 «t/i.v.(«'m)r.v. /forbid it to 
 myself; 3. p.-,.; p. ^g„..,,,^ 
 Omaamnge, (nin) n. v. i forbid J 
 prohibit; 3. p. 1.; p. ^^.J/'^' ^ 
 Gmaamagemagad, u. v. pers. it for- 
 j;;;^«jalso, ni8forbidden;p.j,J. 
 'tddaS."'^' '• I"-°hibition, for- 
 fj'amag^nvin, s. any thing forbid- 
 uei), J)l.-aM. 
 hirn,ihinderhimtodo8.th.-3 n 
 f;g*n..n;p.gen..wad. '^' 
 Ginaamawitdan, {nin) a. v. m S 
 Gtnaammlan. ' 
 Ginahawcinin) n. v. iam hindered 
 by rain, (to start, or to do s. th.) 3 
 p. i-;y.gen..wcd. ' 
 Zil % ^"^"^ "• ^- ^have sharp 
 teeth;3. p. l.;p. ^^^..^^^ H 
 (nnaindea, ox-^naqad, u. v. it has 
 ot^k^f"^' P-i««-'«^, or-maS 
 tooi;jp. ,7a«,..7Y,^_ 
 GtnagUji {nin) n. v. /am ticklish, 
 leux,]3. p. l.:p.j/e«..«a. 
 ^t««^M^ma, (n*«) a. y.an. /tickle 
 mm, d. p (/m..«,; p.^m..raad. 
 G^nagirui, (nin) a. v. ««. S. (^V««. 
 Ginaginiwe, {nin) n. v. /.ickle;3r 
 gf «J7^'': ("*■" » "• V. S. ^m^«zi/jj. 
 Gmagi,kUgwa7ie, {nin)n. v. S. &«V». 
 Gimgmmn, or ginagiaiwewin. a. 
 .Sickling, titillation. 
 Ginagitawagchina, (tim) n. v. nn. I 
 tickle liis'pnrs; 3. p. o gm..n; p. 
 Oina^jiiairngoirln, a. itching of the 
 (rinan/ikaJ, ti. v. it cuts, it has a 
 sharp t'djjo, (a plant or herb;) p. 
 Ginau'isfd; {niu) n. v. Si GagiiM- 
 Ginawuihkia, (ntu) a. v. an. I make 
 him toll a lio; 3. p. o <jin../i; \). 
 GinawiM-itaii, {niii) a. v. in. I con- 
 sider as a lio what I hear; 3. p. o 
 Gvuin'u/d'kawd, (nin) a. v.. an. I 
 hear hini, or list(>n to him, with 
 the impri'ssion that he is telling a 
 lie, (or lies;) 3. p.o gm..n; \).gen... 
 Gindahii/i/ia, ()iiJi) a., v. an. i clip 
 some a/i. ohjoct in s. th.; 3. p. o 
 giii..n; \).tjiii..ii(iil. 
 Gviddbioi/i'a/i, i^/ii/i) a. v. in. I dip it 
 in s. th.; 3. ]i. o <iin...; \i.gen:.ang. 
 GiiuidhHjiiiujatle, oi-magad, u. v., 'it 
 is dipiH'd in s. th.; p. gen..deg, or- 
 GiiuiahUjin'ujas'ii^ n. v, 3. p.. it is 
 dipped in 's. th. {an. obj.) p. gen- 
 Ginddiawamjaan, {nin) a.. \. in, I 
 ■ink it in thr sand ; 3. p. o gin...; p. 
 Ginddiawaiuunva, {nin) a. v.an..] 
 sink f^ome an. oh,i. in the sand; 3, 
 ]).o gin..v; p. or»..irad. 
 Gtnddiaivangu'k'i. or-magad, u. v. 
 it sinks ift'the ^and ; p. gen. .tag, or 
 Ginddkamigaan. {>./u.) a., v. i?i. I 
 sink it in the ^iround; 3. p. ogin...; 
 p. qen..avg. 
 Gtn^dl-amigaigc, {nin) n. v. I sink 
 s. th. in tile gruinu!;3. p. l;p. gen., 
 Gindakamigaira. {nin) a. v. an. I 
 aink somea^. i>b;rct in tl e ground; 
 3. p. gin..n; p. fcn..U'ad 
 Ginadl-amuji^^hl-Q .{ nin) n. v. S. Gin- 
 dck^tnigaige. j 
 Gindakmni/jinld-ii, or-magad, u. v. it- 
 sinks in the ground ; p. gen,.kag, 
 Gi^iddkivnigiohkoile, or-magad, ti. v. 
 S. (tindakamigifi/ika. 
 Gindnnhka, or -magad, n. v, it is load- 
 ed much, it sinlts (hnip in the wa- 
 ter, (a vessel, canoe, etc.) p. gen . 
 kag, or-magak. 
 <finddii'agrmest!i',{nin) n. , . ' 'nk in 
 the snow ; 3. p. 1.; p. geti .. . 
 Gindjihaiwrt, {ii/n) n. v.I run away 
 for safety ; 3. p. 1.; p. gm..ired. 
 Gindjidaan, {nin) a. v. 'in. I thrust 
 it in s. th.; 1 press it down, (some- 
 thing contained in a vessel ;) 3. p. 
 o gin... ; p. gen..aiig. 
 Gmdjidadjige, {nin) or, nin gindji- 
 daige, n. v. I press down ; 3. p. J.; 
 p. iien..gfd. 
 Gindjida'igade, or-magad, or giridji'- 
 datljigadc, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 pressed down, (in a vessel ;) p. 
 gm..dfg, or-maqak. 
 Gindjidanam, {iivi) n. v. I have a 
 iieavy oppressed respiration ; 3. p; 
 --*•' ; p. gen.. mod. 
 GindjidaMma, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 thrust in, or press down, some an, 
 object, (in a vessel ;) 3, p. o gin.. 
 71 ; p. gen..m'ad. 
 Gindjid^asse. {nin) n. v. I fall in; 3. 
 p. \.; p. ge)i..sed. 
 GindJidanMon, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 thrust it in, or press it down 3. p. 
 o gin... ; p. oen..dod, 
 Gindjiddtra, {nin) &. v. an. I press 
 down, or thrust in, some an. obj.; 
 3. p. fl grin..n ; p. gen.. wad. 
 Gindjidawi, {nin) n. v. I press in, I 
 strive to get in through the crowd; 
 3. p. 1.; p. gen..wid. 
 Ginihig, s. snake, serpent ; pl.-o^. 
 Ginehigajagaai, s an. tne skin of a 
 serpent/' pi .-a^. 
 Ginehigonini, s. a Snake Indian ; pi. 
 Ginehigwaian, s. an. S. Ginehigo- 
 Ginehigwaj, s. hole of a- serpent or 
 snake ; pl.-aw: 
 Ginibi, in compositions, signifies 
 '.riiuHiaOf'. ( mii^ null. ■' ■ 
 Ginouaqad, 11 v i/ t iV ^ •■~'^- 
 ^,boat,?essele[c ;'!;;Vr"'''' 
 ^'^'^""^^^ or-magad, uXift'lnn. 
 (.1 house, a lodge, etc \ n . ^' 
 Otnmhy,M mnhd, u. v i n ♦• 
 *<rf. ^' ^««-obj.)p. gen.. 
 de,j, ox-maqalc.' 
 (rvwnike, ( ' 
 ('inonindn, (nm)n Z ih' 
 Sn :7i"--/->, lam 
 J^^ slender bW/3. p. 1.1 p'^;r 
 moant?rh;7r^|;?;^,^';."'lef , arms, etc. are 
 •ne of these Um%l'^a°vl^n^2e1^ ' 
 ''rSSfS;'!';- -'tis ion,, u 
 ""T"'""'^" '- ''• « ^«"^ a^row ,. p,. 
 Jong, a„. obi.) .1 n^;f,f ^*^"''t 
 O'lnwamhig, (nin) n „ f"' 
 Oock, (wciiTan )"/ p^^.^-- « J«nff 
 s^«/. '' "-^^ P'ffen.. 
 ^^.W««.-4P(ej-^ .^^V^rdTa'^^.- 
 Ginwdnmve, n. v 3 n if ), 
 Jong, /lenSn it •• f/^'^ke it 
 P-^^/17/^afcrf. "'3-p.Oi^m...; 
 Ginwiaisi moshwe, n. v 3 n »», 
 Ginwingtve, {nin) n. v. /have along 
 face ; 3. p. 1.; p. gen.,wed. 
 Giosse, {mn) n. v. /go a hunting; 
 3. p, l.;p. gaossed, 
 Giossewin, s. hunting. 
 Giotsewin, s. hunting-district ; pl.- 
 an. This word is always preced- 
 ed by a possessive pronoun ; as : 
 Nin giossewin, ki gioeseivin, ogion- 
 sewin ; my, thy, his hunting-dis- 
 Gipuhm, {nin) n. v. my lips are 
 cracked, or chapped or sore ; 3. p. 
 l.;p. gajndong. — The freq. is, nin 
 gagipidon ; p. geg..ong, 
 GiptdoneiaB, {nin) n. v. my lips are 
 cracked or sore by too much heat; 
 3. p.-o ; ^. (jap. .sod. 
 Gipidoimvadj, (nin) n. v. my lips 
 are cracked or sore from cold ; 3. 
 p.-«; p. gap,.djid, 
 Gipigade, {nin) n. v. my leg 
 cracked, chapped ; 3. p. 1. ; 
 gap.-dcg.—S. Gagipigade, etc.* 
 G'ipingwe, {nin) n. v. my face 
 cracked, is chapped; 3. p. 1.; 
 gap.. wed. 
 Gipinindji, (nin) n. v. my hand is 
 cracked ; 3. p. 1.; p. gap.. id. 
 Gipiside,{nin) n. v, my foot is crack- 
 ed ; 3. p. 1.; p. gap..ded. 
 Ginhkahagwe, {nin) n. v. / tuirst 
 much; 3. p. l.;p. gash..W€d.—S. 
 GishJcamgwewin, a. ardent thirst. 
 Gishhabagwenodan, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 thirst aYter it, / desire it ardently ; 
 3. p. o gish... ; p. gash..ang. 
 GishHkivandjigepijiki, n. v. 3. p. the 
 ox (or cow) browses, it eats little 
 branches or browses ; p. gesh.. 
 G'ishMshe, s. bitch ; pl.-%. S. No- 
 Gishpinadaganiwan, u. v. it is a 
 thing that is bought ; p. gash., 
 Gishptnadagan, a. an. ware, mer- 
 chandise, any an. obj. that may be 
 bought ; pl.-«^. 
 ♦See Note to article Gagipigade. 
 Gishpinadagan, a. in. merchandise, 
 ware, any in. obj. that may be 
 bought ; pl.-ara. 
 Gishpinadamadis, r. v. /buy for my- 
 self; 3. p.-o ; p. ga8h..sod. 
 Gidhpinndamadi.son, {nin) a. v. in. 1 
 buy it for myself or to myself ; 3. p. 
 gish...; p. gash. .sod. 
 Githpinadamadisonaii, {nin) a. v. an. 
 1 buy some an- obj. to myself ; 3. p. 
 ogish... ; p. gash.. sod, (V^ConJ.) 
 ijishpinadamaiva, {nin) or, nin gish- 
 pinadawa, a. v. an. 1 buy it for him; 
 /buy it of him ; 3. p. o gish..n ; p. 
 g.:sh..tvad ; imp. githpinaj. 
 (i'lshpinadjigade, oi-magaa, u. v. it is 
 bought, purchased ; p. gash..deg, 
 Gishpinadjigas, {nin) n. v. I am 
 bought ; 3. p.-o ; p. gash. .sod. 
 Gishpinadji(fe, (nin) n. v. / am buy- 
 ir\g;3.p.'l.;p. gash..ged. 
 Gislipinadon, {nin) a. v in. I buy it, 
 purchase it ; 3. p. ogish...; p. gash.. 
 Gishfdnage, {nin) n. v. S. Gishpin- 
 Gtshphiana, (nin) a. v. an. I buy 
 some an. object ; 3. p. o gish.n ; p. 
 gash..nad ; imp. gish/pinaj. 
 Gisidehona, {nin) a. v. aM. ' S. Gisis' 
 Gidkan, {nin) a. v. in. I take it olf, 
 (clothing ;) 3. p. o gisikan; p. gad- 
 Gisikwanaic, {nin) n. v. 1 strip, I un- 
 dress myself; 3. p.l. ; t^i. gas. .ied. 
 Gisil-wmiaiehina, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 strip or undress him ; 3. p. o ^is..n ; 
 p. </as..nad ; imp. gisihvanatcUj. 
 Guilcwanaichinidts, {nin) r. v. 1 un- 
 dress myself ; 3. p.-o ; p. gas. .sod. 
 Gisikwanaiiwin, s. undressing, strij)- 
 Gisuamawa,{nin) a. v. an. I cook for 
 him ; 3. p. gis..n ; p. gas.. wad. 
 Gisisan, {nin) a. \.in.\ cook it, bake 
 it ; 3. p. gis... ; p. gatisang. 
 Gisisehve, {nin) n. v. I am cooking ; 
 3. p. 1.; p. gas. .toed. 
 Gisisehwcwin, s. cooking, cookery. 
 that mav be 
 k'. S. Gishpin- 
 V. an. I cook for 
 Gulso, n. V. 3. n it ia «„-.i j 
 bread. '^ i^«'{-«W««. baked 
 Gm«..8a„ sun; moon, month ; pi. 
 -^£- Todistmginsh the moon f^orn 
 ^ or hUhjtnss, night-sun. ^ ' 
 *^Ts'Tn hpf rt"' "• ^- ^- P- the moon 
 Quarter /'' ^r-ft^""' ">■ '"her last 
 quarter ; p. atahitawmd. 
 Gisis, ani-hahoisi, n. v. 3. p. the 
 moon IS deciming, p. enithwl 
 Gims ani-mitehaUkid, n. v. 3 n th*. 
 moon IS growing, increasing; p 
 Gisiss iM-waiassige, n, v. 3 p thn 
 moon does not shine any more 
 GmW «,So n. V. 3. p. the sun Cor 
 moon) dies, that 'is, is eclLed 
 there ,s an eclipse; p. ^J,^/P'^''' 
 Gmsmagad, u. v. This word nev- 
 er occurs alone ; it is always con- 
 nected with a number, and signl 
 fies a cer am period o/months.- 
 Glssioohidm, (ntn) a. v. in 
 d(Ml. S Qitohiyolndon 
 Ling, cookery. 
 ■\j- -Y ."""" I'^^'iuu ui n 
 u'i,hv,u\n oma ; it is already three 
 months smce I arrived here 
 G^^sswagis, {mn ) n. v. This ' word 
 s always connected with a num- 
 ber, and signifies the age of some 
 an., obiect m months ; 3.%.-^-.-!?X 
 «6/«w/;/i nano gimsu'ogisi. : this 
 child is five months old. 
 Om.«5 wdwiiesi, n, v. 3. p. the moon 
 IS round, that is. it is fiVll moon ;p 
 Gmswa, (nin) a. v. an. I cook or 
 bake some a;i. object; 3. p. ,,e7W I 
 }>• ffamwad, imp. oisimt. ' 
 lodge''^' a'l^- m the back of a 
 ^rowff T'n^r ^ "• ^- ' ""^ ««r- 
 Gtsmuendamda, (nin) af v. a^i.'l giyp 
 or cause him sorrow; 3. p. o aufn' 
 p. gess..ad. v-"yi^a..n, 
 8. sorrow, afflic- 
 1 p. ga*s.. 
 'c'tmgwakman, {nin) a. v. «» • r, 
 .r ' ^'?u^ *■ ^- ^«- ^ ''raw it out 
 Gttaigan, a. gun-worm, (to draw the 
 Gitawa'inin) a. v. a;i. I draw some 
 ««. object out of s. th.;3.r,.ooii. 
 f^an; p. getawad ; imp. ^^^aw;. ^ 
 itl',/f"'^^'T> ^•^•«^*- ^draw 
 Gilchiganuhwad, u. v. there are small 
 curled clouds in the sky ; fF le 
 GUchtganejan wiidsg, (nin) a. v. in. 
 1 take off the flesh from the bones; 
 CrUchuianejwa, (nin) a. v.an I take 
 h.s flesh off fU his boS; 3 p 
 ogU..n;p get.wad; imp. -jwi!'' ^ 
 GitchunUh'i^anesU, s. a small bird 
 that flies close to the ground: pi. 
 —tag. ' '^ 
 Gitchigdndamawa, (nin) a. v. an I 
 fThV?* ^"'^'"^ or to him," or 
 s. th. belonging to hin.; 3. p. n 
 fftt..n; p. get. .wad. ^ 
 GitchtgoUdon, (nin) a. v. in. I draw 
 i out-1"'^-'V""^*°"t'^pS 
 GitchigoUna, {mn) a. v. an. I draw 
 Kff.T °^J-?»tof«-th., I pull 
 It out, 3 p. o^4^..7i; p. get..nad. 
 Gttchtgwahmwn, {nin) a, v. in I 
 draw It out, [obj. of wood:] 3. p! 
 <>|^fV4!*i«anaiewa„a<7, s. a«. pi. hul- 
 led corn ; [F. du bl^ lessiv^.l 
 Gttcht]cwanaiesige,{nin) n. v. lam 
 hulling corn; 3. p. 1.;^. getch..ged. 
 Gttchtkiva,iaii8wa^ tnandaminag, 
 (mn) a v. m. pi. I hull corn; p 
 get.. wad. ' ^ 
01 w 
 (HtchiminatjiahlaHf {nin) a. v. in. 
 I tread it "out, instead of thrashing, 
 [in. ubj. I 3. p. o git.,.; p. (jet. .any, 
 Git^himiniieaigan, b. flail, or any 
 thing to thrash out grain; pi. -an. 
 Gitrhiminagaifje, {nin) n. v. I am 
 thrashing; W. p. 1.; p. (jet..ged. 
 Giti'himinagi»hknu-a, {r.in) a. v. an. 
 I tread it out, [an, obj.] 3. p. u 
 (fif..n; p. get,, wad, 
 tt/'fchnvakwane, (nin) n, v. I take 
 my hat otl; 3. p. 1.; p. gat,.ned. 
 (iUchhcthina, {nin) a. v. an, I throw 
 out some an, obj.: 3. p. o gif.,n; p. 
 (rUchiwehinan, {nin) a. v. in. I throw 
 it out; 3. p. git,..; i>. yet..ang. 
 Gitina, {mn) a. v. an, S. Gitawa. 
 (litinan, {nin) a. \. in. S. Gitaan. 
 (ritvaadis, {nin) n. v. I ramble; 1 am 
 a vagabond; 3. p. -i; p. guwaadi- 
 .yid, vagabond. 
 Giwaadidwin, s. rambling; vagrancy 
 (riwddendagwad, u. v. it is doubtful; 
 p. gaicwah. 
 Giieadenda7n, {nin) n. v. I doubt; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. gaw,.ang, 
 Giwdaendamcmin, s. doubt, doubtful 
 thought; ])\.-an. 
 Giwanddapine, {nin) n. v. I am 
 insane by intervals, I am a lunatic; 
 3. p. 1.; p. gdw.,ned. 
 Gitvanadapinewin, s, insaneness by 
 Giwcjiddis, (nin) n. v. I am insane, 
 mad, I am a fool; 3. p. -i; p. gaw.. 
 Giwanadisiivin, s. madness. 
 Giwanim, (nin) n. v, I tell a lie; 3. 
 p. -o; p. gawanimod. 
 Giwanima, {nin) a. v. an. 1 tell him 
 a lie, I belie him; 3. p. o giw,.n; p. 
 gate. .mad. 
 Giwanimowin, s. lying; lie, false- 
 hood; pi. -an. 
 Giwdsh-ahinodji, s. orphan; pi. -iag. 
 Giwashis, {nin) n. v, I am a poor 
 orphan; I am alone, I have no rel- 
 atives, 3. p. -i; p. gaw..sid. 
 Giwashito, {nin) n.y. S. Giwashis. 
 GiwashJcwe, {nin) n. v. I am giddy; 
 [G. ich bin schwindelig;] 3. p 1.; 
 p. gaw..tved. 
 Guiaehirwebi, {ninj n. v. I am giddy 
 from drinking, I am drunk, intox- 
 icated; 3. p. 1.; p. gaw..hid. 
 GiiraMu'<bia,{nin) a. v. an. I in- 
 toxicate him; 3. p. ogiw..n:]). 
 gaw. .ad. 
 Givaslihviliishk, (nin) n. v. 1 am in 
 a iiahit of grftitig drunk, 1 #m a 
 habitual drunkard; 3. p. -i; \i.gau'., 
 Giu'finhhcelishlagemagad, or, gi- 
 washkivMmagad , u. v. it uses to 
 intoxicate; it intoxicates; p. gaw., 
 GiirasJihcfh'shl-agon, or, nin gi- 
 ■ivaMwchiigon, {nin) pers. v. 'it 
 intoxicates'nie, it makes me drunk; 
 3. p. giir...\ \\ gaw. .god. 
 GiwaMwdiishlia, {niu) a. v. an. I 
 make a complete drunkard of him; 
 3. p. giw..n; p. gaw. .ad. 
 GiwaMivehiMium, s. the bad ha- 
 bit of getting drunk, habitual 
 Giwaihku'diwin, a, drunkenness, in- 
 toxication, the state of being 
 Giwaahhweliwinitagos, {nin) n. v. I 
 speak hke a drunken person; 3. p. 
 -e; p. qaicaid. 
 GiivashhvidinoKe, {nin) n. v. /turn 
 round till I get giddy, (as children 
 do in playing;) 3. p. 1.; p. gaw.. 
 Giwashhviganama, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 stun him, I make him giddy, by 
 striking; 3. p. o giw..n; p. gaw. .mad. 
 Giwanhlcwp.iendam, {nin) n. v. I have 
 confused thoughts, I am bewil- 
 dered; 3. p. 1.; p. gaw..ang. 
 GiwasMweiendamia, {nin) a. v. an, 
 /bewilder him; 3. p. o gito,,7i; p. 
 gaw.. ad. 
 Giwashkivekos, {nin) n. v. / am 
 made giddy, or dizzy, by some ob- 
 ject that fell upon me; 3. p. -o; p. 
 gaw. .sod. 
 Gwashhwenos, {nin) n. v. /become 
 giddy by smelling s. th.; 3. p. -o\ 
 p. gaw. .sod. 
 (iiimshhvid, (nin) n. n. v. /become 
 guldy from heat; 3. p.-o; p. f/aw.. 
 gOii. *^ 
 O iivathkweshtn, (nin) n. v. / am 
 made gid.ly, or dizzy, by falling; 
 J. J). J.; p. gaic.hui. 
 Oiwashkwcu'm,a. giildiness, vertiuo 
 dizziness. ' 
 Giwe, {nin) n. v. I return, I go back 
 asain, I go home; 3. p. 1.; p. gaw. 
 Gim, (nin)n. v. I return in a canoe 
 or lioat; 3. p. ffitveo] p. gaweod. 
 Gtwe. S. /i««¥. 
 Oiioihato,(niu)n.v. I return run- 
 ning: 3. p. 1.,; p. gaw..tod. 
 Gtwihbi/n, u. V. It is after the middle 
 of the winter, the winter is on its 
 decline, on its return from where 
 It came; p.gaw..(mg. 
 Gzwidin, s. north; ilorthwind. Gi- 
 wedmong, in the north, from the 
 north, to the north. 
 Giwedinaamog (animihg), n. v. 
 3. p. pi. it thunders in ihe north. 
 Giwidinahwad, u. v. the clouds 
 come from the north; p. gmc-wah. 
 (jtwedtmUssa, u. v. the rain comes 
 from the north; p. gaw.. sag. 
 Giweoom, {nin) n. v. I turn round 
 with a canoe or boat; 3, p. -o; p. 
 gaw.. mod, 
 Giweiahowe, (nin) n. v. I return home 
 with s. th. to eat, coming from an 
 Indian fe&^t; 3. p. 1,; p. gaw. .wed. 
 Gnvetassam gisi»s, n. \. 3. p. Alg. 
 the sun is on his decline, it is in 
 the afternoon; p. gaw..ang. 
 Ghceie/ulam, {mn)'n. v, I think to 
 return, I think on my going home 
 ^again; 3. p. 1.; p. gaw..ang. 
 LrtweH, (nin) n. v. I move back 
 again to my own country, I return 
 to my native place; 3. p. 1.: p 
 gawcTcid. ' ^ 
 Giweinagad, pers. v. it goes back 
 again, it returns; p. garc.qak. 
 Otwenajawa, a. v. an. I bid him go 
 home, I send him back again; 3. 
 I). giw..n; ^. gaw. .wad: imp. ai- 
 wenaja. ' x- y 
 GitveniUn, u. v. it is after the middle 
 of the summer, the suinraer is o» 
 Its (loclinc, on its return; p. gaw.. 
 Giweodon, {nin) a. \ . in. I take it 
 or convey it back again in a canoe 
 or boat; 3. j). o giw...- p. gaw..d<xl. 
 Oiwedna, (nin) n. v. an. I take or 
 convey hack again .some an. object 
 in a canoe or boat; 3. p. o gfw..n- 
 p. gaiv..nad; imp. giwmj. ' 
 GiwcMainugad, u. v. it returns: p. 
 Oiu'ewldon, {nin) a. v. in. I carry it 
 back again, I return it; 3. n, o 
 j/iw...; p. gauK.dod. 
 Giwewina, {nin) a. v. an. I carry 
 back again some an. object, I lead 
 or conduct back again' some an. 
 ob).; 3. p. giw..n; p. gaw..nad: 
 imp. giwavij. 
 Giwidiman, a. Detour, (place.) 
 Giwidcwa, {nin) n, v, I go around a 
 point in a canoe or boat; 3. p. -o; 
 p. gawidewa(jd. 
 Giirine, {mr.) n. v. I am dying; 3. p. 
 l.;p. gaivined. 
 Giwif,{nin) V. n. I am an orphan; 
 ^ p. -i; p. gawisid. 
 in ' 
 Gtwtta, in compositions, signifies 
 round, mrroxinding. [Examples in 
 soine of the follo\virl:r words.] 
 Giwitaam, {nin) n. v. I go around a 
 point or bay in a canoe or boat; 3. 
 3. p. 1.; p. gawilaung. 
 Giwetalmto, {nin) n. v". I run around 
 s. th.; 3. p. 1.; p. gaw. .tad. 
 Giwitalimin, {nin) n. v. pi. we are 
 sitting around, m a circle; p. ga- 
 Giwitalitawanan^ {nin) a. v. an. pi. 
 vve are sitting around him in a 
 circle, we surround him sitting; p. 
 p. gmv..ivadjig. 
 Gtwitagdbaieitago, (nin) pass. v. 
 they stand around me, I am sur- 
 rounded by them; p. gaw.,wind. 
 Giwitaaahawitawanan, (nin) a. v. 
 an. pi. we surround him standing; 
 p. gaio..wadHg, 
 Giu4tai,'abaiV2tc}dgade, or -magad, 
 u. V. it is surrounded by persons 
 «r other living beings standing 
 nronnd it; p. (jaw..(hg,ot -magak. 
 (itwitaiafmmui/. (nin) a. v. an. pi. I 
 look round iitthcrti. 
 * > iu'itniiihilciiiiijan, a. wall around a 
 (ortress; pi. an. 
 ifiwitninjuijame, (nin) n. v. I walk 
 around a hay; 3. \\. 1 ; p. ijaw..vutl. 
 (limtdianikadau, hii/o) a. v, in. 1 
 dig a ditcii arouna it; 'i.^.o gim...\ 
 p. i^nnK.anij. 
 *.'iirit(li,inik-[uniy (n!n) a. v.an. I dig 
 a ditch around him: 3. p. ogiw..n; 
 p. <jaw..vad. imp. kaj. 
 Gi'iittiii, adv. round, around, all 
 round, in the environs. 
 GiwU<ikami(j, adv. round in the 
 (i iicitdkini^ade, or -magad, u. v. it 
 is cncloNod or encircled with 
 pickets or palisades, it is compass- 
 ed round; p. (jaw..de(/, ox -im<jak. 
 Giiritakinigan, s. enclosiire, palis- 
 ades, (of a fort, etc.) pi. -an. 
 Giivita-mitchikanakohidun, {nin) a. 
 V. in. I fence it in all round; 3. p. 
 o giw...; \^.yaw..dml. 
 Giicitaosi;i:,(nin) n. v. I walk around 
 8. th.; 3. p. ].; j). gau..8ed. 
 Giwitashim, (mn) n. v. I dance 
 around s. th.; 3. p. -o; p. gaw.. 
 Giwitashka, {nin) n. v. I go round; 
 [F. je fais le tour;] 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Giivitafihkagon, {nin) pars. v. it 
 surrounds me, compasses me, 3. p. 
 gill'...; p. gaw..gnd. 
 Giwitanhkan, {nin) a. v. in. I go 
 around it; 3. p. o giw...; p. gaw.. 
 Giwitashkawa, (nm) a. v. an. I go 
 around some M. obj.; 3. p. o 
 giw..n; p. gaw.. wad. 
 Giwitoise, n. v. 3. p. it flies around 
 s. th.; p. gaw..»ea. 
 Giwitatigiveia sibi, u. v. the river 
 turns round (or back again) in its 
 course; p. gaw. .lag. 
 Go, or igo, {go, after a vowel; igo, 
 after a consonant;) particle which 
 conveys the idea of affirm.atioa or 
 assurance; or to express /««/; as: 
 iVitngim igo, just now. Kinawa go 
 ki d'i-ijain, just you ought to go. 
 Goiiaaktte,(nin) n. v. I shoot at a 
 mark, at a target; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Gi'idatiK, 8. frock for women; petti- 
 coat; pi. -a»: 
 Gddji-, in compositions, signilics 
 iLinaif, trial, e.rpcrime»t.{ Examples 
 in some of the following words.] 
 Gddjia, {nin) a. v. an. I try him, 
 I essay or try any an. obj.; 3. p. 
 ogt'dJ^an•, ^). gwedjiad. 
 Godjiew, {mn) n. v. I strive, I try; 
 3. p. -j; p. gwe..u'id. 
 Godjit^viihodan, {nin)&. v. in. I prove 
 it, try it; 3. p. o god...; p. gwe..ang. 
 (rodjiiu'inada/ra, (nin) a. v. an. J 
 trv him; 3, p. ogod..v; \i.gu'e..wad, 
 Gdiljicwisiwin, s. experiment, proof, 
 trial; pi. -an. 
 Giidji-kikcndan, {nin) a. v. in. I ex- 
 amine it, try it; 3. p. o god...; p. 
 Gadji-kikenima, {nin) a. v. an. I ex- 
 amine him, try him; 3. p. o god..n; 
 p. qwe..mad. 
 Godji-nagam, {nin) n. v. I sing for 
 a prool; 3. p. -o; p. gwe..mod. 
 Godjinike, {nin) n. v. I feel the 
 pulse; 3. p. ].; p. gwc.ked. 
 Godjinikena, {nin) a. \. an. I feel 
 his arm; 3. p. o aod..n; p. gue..natL 
 Godjipidan, inin) a. v. in. I try or 
 e.\amine it oy the taste, I taste it; 
 3. p. o god...; p. gwe..ang. 
 Gndiipwa, {nin) a> v. n. I try some 
 an. obj. by the tastf 1. p. ogod..n'f 
 p. give. .wad; imp. sodjipwi. 
 Godjiskweiahigina, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 feel his pulse, {oskweiah, his vein;) 
 3. p. ogod..n: p. gwe..nad. 
 Godjiton, {nin) a. v. in. I try it; 3. 
 p. ogod...; p. gwedjitod. 
 Gogaam gigo, n. v. 3. p. the fish 
 leaps up, over the surface of the 
 water; p. gwaguana. 
 Gdgi, {nin) n. v. I dive; 3. p. 1.; p, 
 Gogina, {nin) a. v. an. I dip him iii 
 tae viater'fS.p.o gog^Ji\i;).gwa.^ad^ 
 (iiwinan, (nin) a. v. i». I dip it in / 
 tho w"*"" 'J - ■ 
 vater/ 3. p. o gog..\ ^gwa 
 (JyL,r.,(nin)n.v. I glj.le, slip or 
 lali HI tho water; 3. p. i.: p. ^wa- 
 Gogiwinini, a. diver; [F. plongeur.l 
 pi. -//'«(/, ' " ' 
 Ookohna, or-niaffad, ii. v. it is roll- 
 inc;, (canoe, boat, etc.) p. qwr. 
 waij, or-mu(juk. 
 Golcwiuleiulayoa, (nin) n. v. I am 
 consKlnrrd worthy; respectable; 
 J. p. -I ,• p. gife.Ma. 
 (Jokicadeuda,iwad, u. v. it is consid- 
 ered rcKi)ectahle ; p. gwcwak. 
 Uoi;wadi'/n/(m, ( ni/i) a. v. in. I esteem 
 It, rospect It ; 3. p. o <jok... : p. 
 Gokii'adfnim (niii,)n. v. ; 3. •).— o.- 
 S. Go/.inidenindix. 
 Gokwudrnirna, {niii) a. v. an. I res- 
 pect him, esteem him ; 3. p. omk . 
 n\ ^. give.. ad. 
 Gokwadenimlu, (nin) r. v. I esteem 
 myself too much, I am haughty, 
 prouAp. i>.-o; p. ffwcsod. 
 (rokwadenindiaomn, s. pride, hauirh- 
 Gokwadu, (nin) n. v. I am worthy, 
 respectable ; 3. p.-j ; p. gwe..sid. 
 (ronin or, gomaminik,M\\. middling. 
 -ISihiwa na kid aianan masinai- 
 ganan ?- Goma 7ninik. Hast thou 
 many books ^-Middling. 
 Gomd minik, adv. for a time ; [L ad 
 Gorndpi, adv. some time, by-and-by. 
 G(,»ia/>i ningad-aia ima ; I will" 
 remain here for some time, (not 
 long. ) Gmnapinin ga-inadja\ 1 will 
 start by-and-by. 
 Gon, s. an. snow. 
 G<ma,{nin) a. v. an. I swallow some 
 an. obi. ; 3. p. o gonan ; p gwenad. 
 Uonababog, (mn) n. v. I capsize in a 
 rapid, (my canoe or boat oversets 
 in the rapids of a river ;) 3. n.-o : 
 p. gw€..g()d. / I ) 
 Gonahishka, (nin) n. v. I capsize, my 
 canoe, boat, etc., is overturned, it 
 oversets ; 3. p. 1. ; p. gwe..kad. 
 Omdnaan, 8. throat; [F. gorge ] 
 Gondahimigisaan, a. gulf abyss, (ef. 
 tect.-d by the sinking down of the 
 ground ;) pl.-a«. 
 Gotulnkamigiw^, or-^nagad, u. v. the 
 ground Hinks down, (and cirects 
 Jllijar''^"'^'^ p. (/«'.....;/ or- 
 i^ondan, (nin) a. v. in. I swallow it; 
 J- I'. " gondan ; p. gtrcndang. 
 <\onda,hkwei, a. windpipe ; [F. gosier.l 
 Umdmote, ox-magad, u. v. it enters 
 or penetrates in the llesh; p. qwtn- 
 ditmg, OT-magak. ^ 
 Gimdjiaade, or -magad, u. v. it is 
 wi* '' "P; P- 'jx'cdeg, or-wja- 
 V.ondjige, (nin) n. v. I am swallow- 
 ing;.3. p. \.',Y>.gwe..ged. 
 Mngwawa,(nin)&.y,. an. I thrust 
 himaway;.3.p.«^,^..„. p^ 
 wad; imp. gongwa. 
 (ioni(/e, adv. S. (hmima. 
 GOmka, or-magad, u. v. there is 
 snow; p. gwanikag, or-^nagak. 
 X *' "■ ^'" ^' ^W«'«'^"'"«^a- 
 Gmima, adv. perhaps, may be ; or 
 (yonwapon, (nin) a. v. in. 1 won't eat 
 it, I abstain from it ; 3. p. o am • 
 p. gwe..(jd. •' ' 
 Gmwdponan, (nin) a. v. an. I won't 
 eat some an. obj., I abstain from 
 It; .J. p. o gm...; p. <nt'e..ijd. 
 Gmwapowin, s. abstinence. 
 Off mm, (nin) n. v. I go into the 
 inland, in the woods, in a canoe, 
 on a river; 3. p. 1.; p. gtvtpaang. 
 i^opamo mtkana, u. v. the road leads 
 into the woods ; p. gwepamog. 
 Gopngrma, (nin) ^v.an. I despise 
 him, (with wortfe,) I have a low 
 Idea ot him, or of his abilities ; 3. 
 p. ogi,p..n\ p. gtva..mad. 
 Gopasmdan, (nin) a. v. in. I despise 
 It, I contemn it ; 3. p. o goi)... ■ p 
 git'a..any. '■ 
 Gopasondis, (nin) r. v. I despise my- 
 self; 3. p.-r); p. gwa..8od. 
 Gopasonge, (nin] n. v. I dispise, con- 
 temn; 3. p. l.;p.gjva..ged. 
8S^'-*X iiSSSiSSI^^BaBSE^^^^ 
 •Gopi (nin) n. v. I go into the woods, 
 in the .interior, inland ; 3. p. 1. ; p. 
 Gapiwidon, (nin) a. v. in. I carry or 
 convey it up from the lake-shore ; 
 3. p. o gop...; p. gv^c.dixl. 
 Gopiwina, (nin) a. v. an. 1 carry or 
 convey himupfrom the lake-shore, 
 from the beach; 3. p. o gop..n ; p. 
 Gop, {nin) n. v. I move to some other 
 place, I decamp ; 3. p. god; p. give- 
 Gosahi, (nin) n. v. I sink, I go to the 
 bottom; 3. p 1.; p. gwesahid. 
 Gosahiinagad, u. v. it sinks, it goes 
 to thf bottom; p. gwes.,(jah. 
 Gofhd. This word cannot be given in 
 Knglish. It signifies that a repe- 
 tition is made, or that somethmg 
 which is told, is known. The In- 
 dians also will use it sometimes 
 in requesting you for something.- 
 Ki gi-wi)idamoninimu'aha7i goi:kd ; 
 I had told it to you repeatedly. — 
 Mimnaigari gosha ; I request you 
 for a book. 
 Goidiima, (nin) a. v. an. I respect 
 him, dread him .; 3. p, o gosL.u; p. 
 Goskitve, (nin) n. v. 
 p. m'e..>ved. 
 Goshi/reM', (nin) n. v. I am timid, 
 timorous, fearful;, 3. p.-e; p. gwe.. 
 Gvshhic, {nin) a, v. an. I surprise 
 him, I make him shrink or start 
 back ; 3. p. <3 goshhmn ; p. give. ad. 
 Goskl'ohagmnn , ii. v. the leaves 
 tremble, f.re a{,/iated by the v,rind; 
 p. qi"e..ing. 
 Goshkol-a, (ni?i) n. v. I shrink or start 
 I fear; 3. p. i.; 
 back, I am surprised .; 3. p. 1. ; p. 
 GosManugos. {nin) n. v. I have a 
 curious' ridiculous appearance ; 3. 
 p-» ; p. gu'e..sid. 
 Goslikonaives, {nin) n. v. S. Goshh- 
 Goshlr/ngwash, (nin) n. v. I awake 
 starting up ; [F. je me reveille en 
 8ursaut;J 3. p.-i; p. gw€..id. 
 GosJil-rtfi^ {nin) n. v. I awake, I wake 
 up ; 3. p.-i/ p. gwtihl-omi. 
 GoMmia, (nin) a. v. an. I make him 
 wake up ; I awake him ; 3. p. o 
 gOfik..n; p. gwe..ad.-S. Amadina. 
 Goshhwse, {nin) n. v. I start up by 
 surprise: 3. p. 1. ; p. gxce..sed. 
 Goahhme, ox-magail, u. v. it tremb- 
 les, shakes, quakes ; p. gwcMij, 
 Gofihhraicohidon , (nin) a. v. in. I 
 shake it, I make it tremble ; 3. p. 
 godh... ; p. gwe..dod. 
 Goskhmlvhina, (iiin) a. v. an. 1 
 shake him, (any an. obj.) 3. p. o 
 gof:h..7i; p. gwc.nad. 
 GoM-walrixhl-a, or-?nagad, u. v. it 
 shakes, it trembles ;' p. gu'c.Tcaq, 
 GoMwahiMan, {nin) a. 
 shake it ; 3. p. o go&h... ; 
 GdfM'U'alofJihiiva, (nin) a. 
 shake some an. obj.; 3. p. o gof:h,.n; 
 p. (/we. .wad. 
 GiA'f/iht'alrme, or-magad, u. v. it sha- 
 ^ kes ; p. gice..fieg, or~rnagal: 
 Goahhvawadendam, {nin)n. v. Gosh- 
 Goshhvairadis, (nin) n. v. /am me- 
 ^. in. 1 
 p. gwe,. 
 V. an. 
 lancholic. pensive; 3. p.-j, p. 
 Goskkwendum, (nin) n. v. i am sur- 
 prised in my thoughts, in my mind; 
 3. p. 1.; ]). gwc.ang. 
 Goshlcwtose, (nin) n. v. /stagger ; 3, 
 p. ].; p. gwe..iied. - Freq. nin gosh- 
 GosM'wefaJcoH, (nin) n. v. /make a 
 step out of the trail ; 3. p. 1, ; p. 
 gives7i..lcid.-Y\\e. fnq. verb of it is, 
 nin gosMoKhlcwftahdci, /miss often 
 my trail, stepping aside, (f. i. a 
 drunken person.) 
 G ma,{ni7h) &. v. an. /make him 
 move to some other place ; 3. p. 
 o gosian; p. gwesiad. 
 GoKil-an, (mn) a. v. in. I try it whe- 
 ther it fits me, ( a coat, a shoe, etc. ) 
 3. p. gos. .. ; p. gwesiJcang, 
 /make him 
 place ; 3. p. 
 Oosikaton, (71m) a. v. an. I try it, 
 (a gun, etc.) 3. p. v gos...; p. owe.. 
 I dread it, 
 .. ;p. gwes- 
 The child- 
 Gostwin, s. removal, decamping, mov- 
 ang from one camp to another. 
 Ntnoo aoiiwin, the distance from 
 one Indian camp to another. 
 Gossd, hiin) a. v. an. I fear him, I 
 am afraid of him ; 3. p. gossan : 
 p. gwessad; imp. goahi. 
 (Jossidimin, (nin) com. v. we fear 
 each other; ^. awe.. did jig. 
 Gossidiivin, s. fear (of several per- 
 sons.) '^ 
 Gossigov, pers. v. it is afraid of me : 
 3. p. gcssigon; p. gwessigod. 
 (rossitaganes, {nin) n. v. 1 am fear- 
 ed; 3. p.-«; p. awe..sid. 
 Oossitawa,{niii) or, nin gossitama- 
 tva, a. V. an. I am afraid for him ; 
 3. p. o gos..n ; p. awe.. wad. 
 Crossttawendan, {mn) a. v. in. I fear 
 it, in thoughts ; 3. p. goss... : p. 
 Oo8sitawenima, {nin) a. v. an. I fear 
 him, in thoughts ; 3. p. qos.-n ; p 
 Gossiton, {nin) a. v. in. 
 I respect it; 3. p. gos 
 Gold; the same as goshd. 
 ren who cannot yet f„„..„uw.c 
 gosAa, will say gotd ; and grown 
 persons say it imitating the child- 
 ren. They will not pronounce it 
 so in serious and grave speaking. 
 Gotadj, {nin) n. v. I fear; I apprehend 
 danger, (especially from enemies;) 
 3. p.-«; p. gio€*(tdjid. 
 Gotadjigmies, {nin) n. v. I am feired, 
 dreaded, 1 am formidable ; 3. p -i • 
 P. gm..sid. 
 Gotadjishh, {nin)x\. v. I am too easi- 
 ly frightened, I am too fearful ; 3. 
 p.-t; p. gwe..kid. 
 Gotadjiivm, s. fear,- dread, fright, 
 alarm, apprehension of danger 
 (especially from enemies.) 
 Gotama, {mn) a. v.' an. I taste some 
 a«. obj., I swallow a little of it; 
 3. p. got.n ; p. gtv€..7nad. 
 Gotamaiiddn, { nin ) or, nin gotamand- 
 Jtton, a. V. in. I tried it, I know 
 It by experience ; 3. p. got... ■ p. 
 gwet..atig, or, gwet..t(jd. 
 Gotimawa, {nin) a. v. an. I fear s. 
 th. belonging or relating to him, 
 inregardtohim;3. p. o«c/^.7j; p. 
 GotamigosAnin) n. v. I am dread - 
 lul, frightful; 3. p.-* ; p. gwet.sid. 
 Gotdmigosiwin, s. dreadful power. 
 Gotdmigwab, {nin) n. v. I gaze or 
 look on dreadfully, I have alright- 
 ful look; 3. p.-«; p. gwe..bid. 
 hotamzgwabama, {?iiti) a. \ an I 
 look at him frightfully; 3. p. o aot.. 
 n; p. (/ivc.mad. 
 Gotamv/u'ahandan, {nin) a. v. in I 
 look at it frightfully ; 3. p. got...; 
 p. gwcang. " ' 
 Gotdmij/wad, M. v. it is frightful, 
 dreadful ; there is a gi eat storm 
 a gale ; p. awe. wale. 
 Gotamigwcndagon, {nin) n. v, I am 
 to be feared, I am horrible, f'ight- 
 M, formidable ; 3. p. -i ; p. gwe.. 
 G(dami(]wendaqwad, u. v. it is to be 
 feared, it is awful, horrible • p 
 gice..wal. ^' 
 Gotdmigwenim. {nin) n. v. I am ar- 
 rogant, I think myself high, power- 
 ful, dreadful; 3. p.-o ; p. (/we..m6d. 
 b-otamtgivewe, or-magad ,' n v. it 
 makes a frightful noise ; p. owe ' 
 weg, or-magak. "^ 
 Gotdn, {nin} a. v. in. I fear it, I am 
 afraid of it ; 3. p. gotan : p. owe- 
 tang. ' ' y 
 Gotand4in, {nin) a. v. in. T taste it. 
 Iswallow a little of it; 3. p. got.. ■ 
 p. gwcang. '' 
 Gotdiwndan, {nin) a. v. in. I dread 
 it, in thoughts ; 3. p got... : p. 
 Gltdnmdagos, {nin)n. v. I am dread- 
 ed, I am thought dreadful ; 3. p.- 
 '*; p. gwet..sid. 
 Gotdnendagtvad, u. v. it is dreaded, 
 It IS considered dreadful ; p. owe., 
 wak. '' 
 Gotdiienima, (m'n) a. v. an. I dread 
 him, in thoughts; 3. p. ogot..n ; p. 
 ijwe. .mad. 
 Gotdnis, (nin) n. v. I am timid, ti- 
 morous, I keep far off", by fear ; 3. 
 p.-i ; p. gwcsid. 
 O'otddnagos, (nin) n. v. I look fright- 
 ful, I have a dreadful appearance, 
 (being disfigured by blows or ac- 
 cident;) 3. p.-i; p. gwcsid. 
 Ontdsinagwad, u. v. it looks fright- 
 ful, (disfigured) p. gwe..wak. 
 Gotasinagwia, {nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him look frightful,(disfiguring him 
 by ill treatment, by blows ;) 3. p. 
 got..n; p. gwcad. 
 Gctasinagwit'on, ( ni/i ) a. v. in. I make 
 it look frightfully; 3. Tp.ogot... ; p, 
 Gotasmna, (nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him afraid by what I am telling 
 him ; 3. p. got..n ; p. gwe..mad. 
 Gotina, (nin) a,, v. an. I weigh some 
 an. obj. in my hand, not on a bal- 
 lance ; [F. je le soupfese ;] 3. p. o 
 gotinan; p. gwe..nad. 
 Gotinan., (nin) a. v. tw. I weigh it 
 in my hand, not on a ballance ; 3. 
 p. gotinan ; p. gwe..ang. 
 Goiue ! g&wingish ! interj. strange! 
 lo ! already ! 
 Gioahaabowe, (nin) n. v. I draw broth 
 or soup out of a kettle; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Gwabangan, s. scoop-net; [C. puise;] 
 Gwa}>aam,{nin)n.\, I draw, (wa- 
 ter, etc.) [F. je puise ;] :;. p. 1. ; 
 p. grvaidbaang. 
 G-ivabadn, (nin) a. v. in. 1 draw it, 
 (water, etc., out of s. th.) 3. p. 
 gwa... ; p gtvaiabaang. 
 Gwdbdwa gigo, (nin) a. v. an. I draw 
 a fish (or fishes) out of the water 
 in a small net ; [0. je puise du 
 poisson ;] 3. p. o gwa..n ; p. gwai.. 
 wad] imp. givabd. 
 Gwdbaibi, (nin) n. v. I draw water 
 of a fountain, a river, etc.; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. gieai-hid. 
 Gwdbaigan, s. any vessel to draw 
 water or any other liquid with ; 
 [F. puiaoir;] pi. -aw. 
 Gwahai<je, (nin) n. v. I draw water, 
 etc.; 3. p. 1. ; p. gwai..ged. 
 Gwabandan, (nin) a. v. in. S. Gu'a- 
 Gwaidh, &dv . and adj. just, justly, 
 straight, right, upright, well, cer- 
 tain, certainly, precisely, perfect, 
 perfectly, exact, exactly. 
 Gwaiah dibddjimoivin , or, gwaiak- 
 wddjitnowin, s. true statement or 
 report, sincere avowal. 
 Gwaiak joniia, a. an. ready money, 
 Givaiak nin himadis, or, nin gwaiako- 
 bimadis, n. V. I live upright, I lead 
 a just and honest life ; 3. p.-i ; p. 
 Gwaiak nin dibadjim, or, nin gwai- 
 akivadjim, n. v. /make a true re- 
 port, /confess or declare openly, 
 sincerely; 3. p. -o; p. give. .mod. 
 Gwaiako-bimaaisiwin, s. upright ho- 
 nest life, christian justice, probity, 
 uprightness, honesty. 
 Gwaiakokwen, {nin) n. v. /hold my 
 head straight up ; 3. p.-i; p. gwe.. 
 Gwaiakomotawa, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 make a road straight for him ; 3. 
 p. ogwa..n', p. gwe. .wad. 
 Gwaiakoshka, {nm) n. v. /walk on 
 the road that is straightest, on the 
 short-way; 3. p. 1.; p. gwe..kad. 
 Gwaiakoshka, or-magad, u . v. it goes 
 right, straight ; p. gwa..kag, or- 
 Gwaiakosse, (nin) n. v. I walk 
 straight ; I live or act justly and 
 honestly ; 3. p. 1. ; p. gwe..sed. 
 Gwaiakosst, or-magad, u. v. it goes 
 right, straight , it is just and right , 
 p. gwe..8(g, ox-magak. 
 Gwaiahmin, u. v. S. Gwaiakosse. 
 Gwaiakota, (nin) n. v. I straighten 
 myself, I stand up straight; 3. p. 
 1. ; p. gw4..tad. 
 Gwaiakotagos,{nin) n. v. I am heard 
 right, I speak right, correctly ; 3. 
 p.-*' ; p, gwe..sia. 
er liquid with ; 
 Owaiakotwn, inin) a. v. in. I hear it 
 right, correctly ; 3. p. o ffwa... ; p. 
 give. .any. 
 iJwaialcotaway (nin) a. v. an. I hear 
 him right, correctly ; 3. j). o gwa.. 
 n ; p. gwcwad. 
 GwaiakotcMgade, ox-magad, u. v. it 
 is made straight, even', it is 
 straightened ; p. gwe..de(j, ox-ma- 
 (rivaiakotchige, {nin) n, v. I make 
 straight, I straighten ; 3. p. 1. ; p. 
 Gwaiahoton,, {ni/i) a. v. in. I make it 
 straight and just, I straighten it, I 
 hx it riglit, arrange it; 3. p. ogwa...: 
 p. (jwe-.tod. 
 Gwalak'/ive, {nin) n. v. I speak right; 
 just ; 3. p. 1.; givcwed. 
 Gwaiakwendagwud, u. v. it is con- 
 sidered or known to he right and 
 just, it is right ; p. gwe..wak. 
 Owiiakwcnilam, {nin) n. v. I have 
 just and right thoughts, I think 
 ri.sht ; 3. p. 1. ; p. gwe..ang. 
 Gicaialcwendamowin, s. right and 
 just thought ; concord. 
 Gwaiahmulan, {nin) a. v. in. I think 
 it is just and right; 3. p. o gwa...; p. 
 Gwaiakwenima, {nin) a. v. an. 1 
 think or consider some an. obj. 
 right and just ; 3. p. o gwa..n ; p. 
 Gwaiakwissidon, {nin) a. v. in. /put 
 it right, horizontally; 3. p. ogiva...; 
 p. givc.dod. 
 Gwdkwdpigafi, a. any vessel used in 
 throwing the water out of a canoe 
 or boat ; pl.-a«. 
 Gwdkwdpiget {nin) n. v. I throw 
 the water out of a canoe or hoat ; 
 3. p. 1.; p. gwaia..ged. 
 Gwam, as end-syllable of some neu- 
 ter verbs, relates to sleeping ; as .• 
 JVtn tawan,ongu>am, /sleep with my 
 mouth open. Nin lingengwam, I 
 sleep too much. Ainahingwam, he 
 sleeps with his eyes open, or with 
 open eyes, etc. 
 Gwan, {gon.) This word signifies 
 day ; but it is never used alone ; it 
 occurs always connected with a 
 number, or with the interpolation- 
 word (Zfwso. (S.Otch. Gram., Car- 
 dinal numbers, Remark 4.) 
 Gwanagad, u. v. This verb is al- 
 ways connected with a number, 
 or with dasso ; and signifies a cer- 
 tain number of days ; as : Nan<>- 
 gwanagad jaigioa eko-dagwi^hindn ; 
 It is five days since / arrived. 
 Gwanagis, {.nin) Xi. v.; 3. p. gwanur- 
 gisi. This verb always occurs with 
 a number, or with dnfiso ; and sig- 
 nifies the age of an an. object, ex- 
 pressed in days; as: Jangasti- 
 gwanaginiaw ahinodji; this child is 
 nine days old. 
 GwanagodjwM'iwaga, or-magad, u. v. 
 it IS muddy, miry; p. gwaia..gaq, or 
 Gwanntch, adj. fair, fine, beautiful, 
 pretty, handsome ; good ; useful. 
 Gwandtchiw. {nin) n. v. /am fair, 
 beautiful, handsome; good, useful; 
 3. p. i ; p. gwe..U'id. 
 Gwandtehiwan, u. v. it is handsome, 
 beautiful, fine ; good; useful ; gwe.. 
 GivandMiiwin, s. beauty, fairness • 
 usefulness. ' 
 Gwanwadjia, {nin) a. v. an. Ot. S. 
 Gwash, as end-syllable in verbs, al- 
 ludes to deep, sleeping, as : Nin 
 goeJikongwash, I awake jumping up 
 Nin gi^jiM}igwash, I am sleepy, 
 Gwdshkaivad, adv. much, plentiful, 
 plenty oi...— Gwashkawad anishi- 
 naheg, plenty of /ndians. Gcwash- 
 kawad masinaiganan, plenty of 
 Gwaskkwandaon, s. crutch ; -p\.-an. 
 Q^vdshkwan, {nin) n. v. /leap, spring, 
 jump ,• 3. p. -i ; p. gwaia..md. 
 Gwashhvanjenan ishkote, (nin) a. 
 in. I let fall fire to the grourn.. 
 3. p. giva... ; p. gwai..ang. 
 G-wdshkwanodage, {nin) n. v. / jump 
 upon somebody; 3. p, 1.; p.gwaia. 
K •^■mam^^u-*fss^^ 
 ^washhvanodan, (nin) a: v. in I 
 J^ump on it; 3. p. ogim...-y'p. gwaia. 
 Gwashhcnnodnwa, {tim) a. v an I 
 jump on hini>(a person or any oth- 
 er an. object ;) 3. p. o gwcc.n ; p. 
 (iwashhwashUnadon, (nin) a. v. in. 1 
 nil It With a heap, not overrunning: 
 3. p. o g>va. . . ; p. g,vala. .doil. 
 GmMara^Mme, ox-magad, u. v. it is 
 tilled with a heap, not overrunning' 
 (iwaahkwashkwanihike, s. the veia of 
 the heart. 
 OwashkwtlahilcMse, (nin) n. v /re 
 bound, falling on metal or stone; 
 -i-P-l-ip. (;fwaia..seiL 
 ^washkweiahiktsse, or-mamd, a. v 
 1 rebounds, falling on metal or 
 stone ; p. owaia..se<j, or-mnr/ak. 
 0-washkwcs, (nin) n. v. /am iealoua 
 at work, smart at work or walking 
 quick ; 3. p.-^. ,. p. ^,,«,-^.., ,Vi. ^' 
 ^was/ikweskm, (nin) n. v. I rebound 
 or spring up, falling ; 3. p. 1 • p. 
 givam..in^. ^ ' '^ 
 Qwashkwesuvm, s.zeal ; smart expe- 
 ditious working, 
 Gwashkwessin, u. v it rebounds fall- 
 ing ; p. gu'aia..ing. 
 ^ivawahanowc, (nin) n. v. I have hol- 
 ^-TWik, or gwehi, in compositions, sig- 
 nihes turmnri round, turning aver. 
 { Examples m some of the follow- 
 ing ^ords.) 
 Gwikab, (nin) n. v. I turn round, sit- 
 n -i^i ■?•. i?-"* ' P- gwaiekabid. 
 ^ekahikuhima,(nin) a. v. an. I turn 
 It over, (a stone, or silver ;) 3. p o 
 gwe. . ;i ; p . gwaie. . mad. 
 Gwmhikmidofi, (nin) a. v. in. I turn 
 itovor, (some in. obj. of iron or 
 glassy) 3. p. a gwe... ; p. gwaie.. 
 Gwekabitawa, (nin) a. v. an. I turn 
 round towards him or frojn him 
 S"^ » ^- P- ff^e..n; p. gwaie.'. 
 Q^vckdnimad, u. v. the wind comes 
 !)■'''". another direction, it turned; 
 It shifted ; p^gwaie..mak. 
 Gwekendam, (.nin)n. v. /change my 
 mind,my thoughts, I turn them in- 
 to another direction ; 3. p. I,, u 
 gwaie.. ang. 
 GweM,(nin)n. v. /turn ; 3. p. l.; n. 
 gwaiekid. "^ ' ' 
 Gwikia, (nin) a. v. an. I turn over 
 some an. obj. ,- 3, p. o gwekian ; p. 
 gwatekiad, ^ 
 Gwekigabaw, (nin) n. v. / turn 
 u 'd ^'^"''"^S: ,-3. p.-i; p. gwaie.. 
 Gwekigahawitawdi (nin) a. v, an. I 
 turn towards him or from him. 
 standing ,• 3. p. o gwe..n ; p. gwaie... 
 GiveHgi7ia, (nin) a. v. an. 1 turn it, 
 (object of silk, senibd, an.) 3. p o 
 Gwekigman, (ni}i) a. v. in. I turn it, 
 (in. object of stuif or clothing ;) 3. 
 p.ogwe... ; p. gwm..ang. 
 (jrwekigwadan, (nin) a. v. in. I sew 
 It on the other side ; 3. p. o owe • 
 'p.gwaie..ang. "' 
 Givekigwana, (nin) a. v. an. I sew 
 some a«. obj. on the other side : 
 6. p,ogwe..n; p. gwaie.. nod. 
 Crwektkwen, (nin) n. v, I turn my 
 head round; 3. p.-i; p. gu,aie.. 
 Givehina, (nin) a. v. an. I turn some 
 an. oh]. ; 3. p. ^M'e..n ; p. givaieki- 
 Gwekinamawa, (nin) a. v. an. I turn 
 It for him ; 3. p. o gwe..n\ p. gwaie.. 
 Gwekinan, (nin) a. v. in. I turn it 
 over or round ; 3. p. „ gwek... : d» 
 giva..ang. ' ' *^ 
 Gwekinigadc, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 turned ; p. gwaie.. deq, or-magak. 
 ^wektoagis, (nin) n. v. /lurn round 
 briskly, / throw myself round ; 
 3. p.-o ; p. gwa..sod. 
 Gwekishima, (nin) a. v. an. I turn 
 him, when he is lying, (a person of 
 any other an. obj, ;)3. p,ogwe..n;, 
 p.gwa..mad. ^ ' 
 Gwehshtn, {nin) n. v. /turn round, 
 lying; 3. ji. 1.; ^.(fwa..iruj. 
 i:xiveH$s(vdpgan, s. an. thin pan-cake : 
 [G crepe ;] pl.-ajr. 
 (^wektss(uljige, {nin) n. v, /am frv- 
 mpr thin pan-cakes ; [C. je vire des 
 crepes;] 3. p. 1.; ^«.a^•g.^^. 
 {xwekixszdrm, {nin) a. v. i«. / turn 
 itover orround;3.p. offw^... ,-n 
 GittfKwM, u. V. it turns, it is chang-^ 
 ed^ into... ; p. (jtiraieNssing.—M 
 imnawamgosiwin ta-gweiu-mi tcU 
 ^sfikendanunvmiwang; thy iov will 
 be changed into mourning. 
 Gwihta, {nin) n. v. I turn round, 
 (sitting, standing or lying:) 3. n, 
 ^••,^-gu'aicMtad. " ^ 
 Gwehtan, {nin) a. v. in. I turn to- 
 wards \t or from, it ; 3. p. o owe... ; 
 p. gwaiekitang. '' 
 Grwekiim,{nin^ a. v. in. I turn it ; 3 
 V-ogwen.; i).giva..tcd. 
 UivehweniUta, {nin) n. v. S. lUihish- 
 Gwenatch ; S, Gwanatch. 
 Gmnddsse^, p. s, a. camphor. S 
 Gicengou'ia, s. a kind of owl ; [F. 
 sorte de chouette, [bois-pourri -l 
 Gwenihilddon, (nin) a. v. in. I over- 
 throw it, (a table, etc. ) 3. p. ogwe.- 
 GwinMdna, {nin) a. v. an. I over- 
 throw some an. obj. ; 3. p. /> awe. 
 Gwetch. This word is used with I 
 kawin, or kego, to signify, rot 
 much ; as : Kawin gwetch anoMs- 
 n; he does not work much. Ke- 
 go gwetch wissokawaJcen aw oshUn- 
 awe: don't much keep company 
 with that young man. 
 Ihi8 word may also signify, just, 
 properly -a*: Gwetch enrnvmi- 
 f^rien\ what thou just wilt of me, 
 (that I should do.) 
 Gwigwingwao bHii, n. v. 3. p the 
 partridge is shaking his wings, 
 (making a hollow noise, like dis- 
 tant thunder ;) p. ^^^..o^;. 
 Gtcwwingwaowatig; s. the tree on 
 which the partridge is shaking his 
 wings ; pl-m. " 
 Gwinawi, in compositions, signifies 
 dottltwg, not knowing ; loss. (Ex- 
 amples m some of the followinir 
 words.) * 
 Gwiiiawi-ab, (nin)n. v. I don't know 
 where to be, where to live ; 3. xy.-i; 
 p. gwan-.id. ^ 
 Gwinawi-dodam, {nin) n. v. \ don't 
 know what to do; 3. p. 1.; p. g^an.. 
 Gwinawi-dodatoa, {nin) a. v. an I 
 don't know what to do for him,'or 
 J^^aV-^" P- '^ 9^'i-n; p.gwan.. 
 '""}(*•— fi^n gmnawi-dodawa aw 
 atakomd ; I don't know what to do 
 lor this sick person, (how to treat 
 Gmnawi.inendam,{nin) n. v. I doubt, 
 1 don t know what to think, I am 
 perplexed ; 3. p. 1.; ^.^an..ang. 
 Gwinam-wabama, {mn) v & an I 
 cannot see him, cannot find him ; 
 3._p. ogwt.n;.Y,. g^mn-mad. 
 I^wmawz-wabandan, {mn)a.\ in I 
 cannot see it, I cannot find it ; 3 p 
 ocrwin...; p. gwa..ang. 
 Givmgwaage, s. wolverine : TC. car- 
 cajou ;] pi. -jy. 
 bruyigwati, u. v. there is a trembling 
 of the ground from a cause above 
 ground, thunder, etc. 
 Givingivi.'>hi, a kind of small magpie- 
 ^pl.-wa^. ""^ ' 
 Owinohi, {nin) n. v. I cannot find 
 water ; 3. p. 1.; j^gwanobid.. 
♦a m 
 Haw! interjection, halloo ! hurrah 
 well ! 
 HuM ! interj. hey ! hear ! 
 jHiw/interj. halloo! 
 /.—This vowel has always the same 
 sound in the Words of the Otchip- 
 W6 language I it is invariably pro- 
 nounced like t in the English word 
 latiij. S. Atig. 
 Iban, it was, it has heen.—Mcwija 
 than, it has been a long while ago. 
 Mam, 3. ind. p. one says, it is said. 
 It IS called; [F. on dit, on appelle;] 
 p. edaming. 
 7d(iu, (mnd) a. v. in, I speak of it, 
 I say s. th, of it ; 3. p. o</ *rfaw; p. 
 edaiig.-'O matchi idnn mo wigiwam; 
 he speaks ill of that house, (or 
 Idimi?i, {iiind) or, nipd aidimdn, 
 com. V. we say s, th. to each oth- 
 er, or of each other, we speak of 
 one another ; p. edidjig. 
 Idis, {nind) r v. I say s. th. of my- 
 self ; 3. p. idiso, p. edisod. 
 Jdiivin, s. speaking of each other.— 
 Matchi idiwin hatainad oma, there 
 is much ill speaking of each other 
 in this place. 
 Idog. This word is employed to ex- 
 press uncertainty, or not knowing. 
 — Jnin ga-ijiivebak ? — Namdndj 
 idog. How did it happen ?— 1 don't 
 know how. 
 Anindi Icosfil— Tihi idog. Where is 
 thy father ?— I don't know. 
 Igadeiagami»hka,OT-magnd, u.v. the 
 water opens, it divides itself; p. 
 egad.J-ag, or-magak. 
 Igudekamigislika, or-magad, u. v. the 
 earth opens, divides itself; p. eq.. 
 kag^ OT~magak. 
 Igadeshka, or-magad, u. v, it opens, 
 it goes asunder, it divides itself; p. 
 eg.Iag, OT-magak. 
 jgadeshkawag nabagissagog, n. v. 3. 
 p. pi. the boards go asunder ; p, 
 Jgiw, pron. these, those, them. 
 Jgo\ S. Go. 
 Igowin, s. the word or words said to 
 somehoAy. —Geget osaminad nin 
 matchi ioou'in ; the evil words that 
 are said to me, are too many in. 
 IJd, (nind) n. v. I go; 3. p. 1. ; p. 
 Jjdmagad, u.v. it goes ; p. ijama- 
 gak. -^ 
 Ijdnan, {nind) a. v. an. I go to him, 
 I go to see or visit him ; 3. p. vd 
 ijanan ; p. ejad. ( V . C onj . ) 
 Iji. This word has sometimes no 
 signification, and could be omitted 
 in the phrase. (S. Otch. Gram. 
 Remark 1. after the Rules of the 
 Ckame.) But commonly, and es- 
 pocially m compositions, it silni- 
 hes a,, mmch a manner in a^cer- 
 some of the following words ) 
 ^V,(m>jYi)n. V.I dress like... ; 3 n 
 yzo ; p.<yiod.~Anuhinabeng nik 
 Mke irMnH, ■'""'v'^ T'- I 'li-ess 
 I/thamawaJnind) a. v. a;^. I write 
 toh.morfor him in snch a man 
 ing him. in a certain manner '3 D 
 JjiUigade, or~magad, u. v. it is writ 
 ten in a certain manner, it is ma"k- 
 ea so... , ^.€j..deg,ot~nra(ja]c. 
 JjOmgas, {nind) n. v. lamwritten in 
 such a manner, described so. : I 
 am painted; 3. p.-o; p. gj ^J''' ^ 
 ^^fWC'^^'^'O" v.iS^nfeinacr- 
 tam manner, I mark so.. ,• 3 n 1 • 
 '^EnTiargif '"^ ^ ^ -r^- 
 Tjtgjkah, {nind) n. v. I move in such 
 a direction, sitting; 3. p.--;"'p' 
 TJiiwanaie, (nind) I dress in r. cfr 
 tarn manner; 3. p. 1.; p. ./^p' 
 Ijfmnaiemagad, u. ^^ LtT's 
 mmnagad. ^ ^• 
 Ijihwandieton,{niHd)2i.v. in.l dress 
 3. p. odzj. ; p. ej..tod.~Mamaka. 
 dal-amtgejzhvanaietod Kije-Ma. 
 mto wahmmm; it is wonderful 
 how God clothes the flowers 
 IJinad,_^ V. there is so much of if 
 2;y^^'^{—Ki Ukendannu ejinak? 
 bo you know how much tC is 
 IJindgo8,{nind)n. v.. J look like... 
 Ihavetheappoarance of...; 3 n 
 ~t', p. ej..sul. ' ^' 
 ha« the appearance of...; p. ;;.. 
 i;mw, (nind) n. v. I appear so I 
 take such a shape; 3. , -,,- n "• 
 ma^cA* mamto Utdi MtiganiZ 
 the evil spirit took the sha,)e X' 
 serpent m paradise. «P° o' a 
 IjinagioiidisAnind) r. v. I give to 
 myselfsuch an appearance^ J p! 
 o, p. ej..sod. ' *^ 
 Ijtnajaamawa, {nind) a. v. «,i s 
 ijinkana, (nindj a. v. a«.l call him 
 (a person, or any other ««,. oS 
 ^J^^-^ 'J..n; p. cj..u^., imp, ij^ 
 ^^Ir'aT.T"' ^'"■'^^^ "■ ^'- 1 ^"> "«med 
 want to be named so 
 Cme\?":^i"-^'-^^'» Failed, my 
 jidine IS...; 3. p.-o; p. c/..W 
 /^mW.e^, ,. „au\e^ a^ppeUation- 
 Nuetcnea out 3. p.-^; p. ^;...«iv/ 
 V. p we are in such a number- n 
 the sand of h'*^'"" ""^ ^''^^^ ^e as 
 ly shaTlteil'^er^' ' "™"""^ °- 
 Jjinwdjifaua, (nind) a. v. an I lav 
 my hand upon him; 3. p. "Si/^. 
 IjimcKjad, u. v. pers. it dresses, it is 
 dresfied, clad, in a certain man- 
 ner; p. fj..(mk. 
 Ijidse, (nind) n. v. I slide or fall 
 somewliore, or in some manner; 3. 
 J>. 1.; p. rjigHd, 
 Ijiste, oi~i7iu(fad, u. v. it slides or 
 falls somewhere, or in a certain 
 manner; p. ejisseg^Qx-magak. 
 liissiiiyM. V. it goes so; p. ejisdixj. 
 Ijusiton, {nind) a. v. iw. I put it, I 
 arrange it, fix it, in a certain man- 
 ner; 3. p. id ij...; p. ej..tod. 
 Ijitchigade, ox-magad, u. v. it is 
 made or constructed in a certain 
 manner; p. ej,.deg, o\~magak. 
 Ijitchigaso, n. v, 3. p. it is made or 
 constructed in a certain manner, 
 (an. obj.^ p. ej.,sod. 
 ^ttcMge, (nind) n. v. I do, I act, I 
 practise so...; 3. p. 1.; d. €j..ged. 
 Ijttchigfmagad, u. v. pers. it does 
 80..; f,ej..gak.— Geget HtcM 
 matchi ijilchigemagad ishkotewabo 
 oniaalcing^Sirdent liquor does in- 
 deed much evil on earth. 
 Ijitchigewin, s. manner of doing, ac- 
 tion, practice. 
 ^iiwa,(nind)n.v I do or act so; also, 
 1 profess or practise religion; 3. p. 
 1.; p. efitwad. 
 liitwawin, s. practice; religion; pl.- 
 an. — Gaidt tjitwawin, the Old 
 Testament; also, GeU ijitwawin. 
 Gweiahmsing ijitwawin, the true 
 religion. Oshki ijitwawiii, the New 
 hkvihad, u. v. it in so.,,; p. ejiwehah. 
 Ijmibis, {?iind) n. v. I conduct my- 
 self in a certain manner, I behave 
 ■o, I am so; 3. p.-i; p. ej..sid. — 
 Ningot nind ijiwebis; 1 am in cer- 
 tain circumstances. 
 Ijiwebisia, (nind) a. v. an. I am the 
 cause of uis conduct or behavior, 
 I make liirn be so, or act so; 3. p. od 
 i;i..n; p. tj..ad 
 ^vwebisiwin, s. conduct, behavior, 
 manners, comportment. 
 Jfiu'idawa, (nind) or, nind ijiuida- 
 tnawa, a. v. an. I carry it to him; 
 Si p. cd iji..n; p. eji..w,;d. 
 pers. it says; p. 
 Ijiioidim, {nind) a. v. in. I carry it, I 
 convey it; 3. p. od iji...; p. ej.. 
 Ijiuina, (nind) a. v. an. I carry, 
 conduct or convey some an. obj.; 
 3. p. od y..n; p. ej..nad; inip. 
 Ijiwinde, or-magad, u. v, it is called 
 or named so; p. ej .deg, or-magak. 
 ^iwins, {nind) n. v. I am called or 
 named so; 3. p.-«; p. ej..s<)d. 
 Ikigimie, {nind) n. v. I draw up my 
 snot; 3. p. ].; p. e]ci..m£d. 
 licit, {nind) n. v. I say; 3, p. ihito; p. 
 Ikitomaaad, u. v. 
 Ikitowin, s. word, saying; pl.-an. 
 I kitowi7ii-masinaigan,s. word-book, 
 dictionary, vocabulary; [G. Wor- 
 terbuch;] pl.-aji. 
 Iko; S.Xo. 
 Jkogd, (jnind) n. v, I go away, " iro 
 out of the way, aside; 3. p. 1,; p. 
 Ikoguhaw, {nind) n. v. I step aside, 
 out of the way of somebody; 3. p. 
 -i; p. ek..wid~ 
 Ikond, {nind) a. v. an. I take him 
 away, aside, I remove him, ( a per- 
 son or any other an, obj.) 3. p. od 
 ik..n; p. ekonad; imp. 'tkon. 
 Ikonajaigas, {nin) n. v. S. Madji- 
 Ikondjdv'Cf (nind) a. v. a7i. I send 
 him away, I bid him go away; I 
 drive him off; 3. p. od ik..n; p. eh. 
 wad; imp. ikonajd. 
 Ikonamawa, {nind) or, nind ikona- 
 wa, a. V. an. I put him away or 
 aside something, I deliver him 
 from s. th., I remove it from him,' 
 3. p.od ik..n; p. ek..toad. 
 1 kondn, (nind) a. v. in. I put it aside 
 or away, I remove it, I put it out of 
 the way; 3. p. od ik...; p. ekonang. 
 Ikonigade, ox-magad, u. v. it ia put 
 away, it is removed; p. ek..d«g, or- 
 Ihmigas, {nind) n. v. I am taken 
 away, put aside, removed; 3,p.-oj 
 p. ek..6od. 
 in. I carry it, I 
 rs. it says; p. 
 Ikowehma, {riind) a. v. an. I throw / 
 or push some an. obj. naide; 3 p. 
 oU ,L.,i; p ek..nad; imp. ikowehin. 
 lk<>w,-hnan,{nin(l)&.v. in. I throw 
 OM.ush It aside;3. p. od»>t...: p. 
 Ikiwehinujade, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 thrown or pushed asidej u.ek..de(/, 
 Ih,mhini^,as,{nind) n. v. lam push- 
 ed or thrown aside; 3. n.-o- ck 
 sod. *^ I f. in.. 
 Ikwd, s. louse; pi.-/?. 
 Ikwah,(nind) n. v. I draw back or 
 , ^ /f "' ('""^^ a. V. ^Vi. I wind it 
 up, (t.i. an anchor, in li/ting;) 3. 
 P-mltk.. ;ii.ek..ang. ' 
 lkwafn<jina,{nind)a.v.an. I draw 
 mm up to me on a rope: 3. p wZ 
 ««..«; p. ek..nad. ' ' 
 Ihwahiytnan, {nind) a. v. in. I draw 
 It up to rne on a rope; 3. p. od.. 
 ««••.; p. eh..ang. 
 Ikwahiwa dihaigisismoan, (nind) a. 
 V. an. I wind up a watch or clock, 3 
 p. od tk..n\ p. ek..wad; imp. ihwabi. 
 Ikmnam, (nind) n. v. I sigh pro- 
 foundly,"* n-o;^.ek..7nod. ^ 
 lkw6, s. wo. .an; ^\.~wag. 
 Ikwe-aiad, s. female being, female, 
 (of animals;) pl.-^. "' ' 
 Ikwe-hebejigoganji, s. mare; nl-n 
 Ihweonje, {nind) n. v. S. UJesen- 
 Ihvi-pijiki, s. cow; ]^\.-tvaq. 
 Ikwesem s. little girl; pl.-a|. S. OsA- 
 ktmpkwe. Gijikwe. 
 Ikweaensike, {nind) or, nind ikwdfce, 
 n. V. I give birth to a girl, I am 
 S a&"-l;3. p. l.;p.,^.. 
 Ikwesenmo, {nind) n. v. I am a little 
 girl; 3. p.-t; p. ek..wid. 
 Ikwcw, (nind) n. V. lama woman- 
 T, .P'~'' P' ekwewid. 
 Ihvigia, {nind) a. v. aw. I bring him 
 up, I nourish him, feed him; 3. p. 
 od%k..n\ p. ek..ad. 
 Ihwishin, {nind) n. v. 1 lie down a 
 little farther there; 3. p. 1.; p. ek 
 tng. ^ ' "^ 
 /ma, adv. there; thence.; 
 In, in some verbs, signifies a certain 
 n'ay or 7na/iner in which s. th. is 
 which some person or thing is 
 going. (Examples in some oi^the 
 following words.) 
 Ina, (nind) a. v. an. I tell him, I say 
 toh.m; f call him, I give 'him a 
 name; J. p. od man; p. enad; imp. 
 Ina, (nind) n. v. I go there in a ca- 
 noe CT boat, I steer for a certain 
 Gwaiak wedi netashiwaninig inao; 
 he stders directly for that point. 
 Ina! interj. S. Na! 
 Inah,{nind)n. v. /look somewh.re, 
 to some place, to some object; 3 
 p.-i; p. enabid. ■' ' 
 Morfo^, u v. it is useful, servicea- 
 ble, beneficial, good for s. th., in 
 a certain manner; p. en..dak. 
 Inabadagenda^jos, {nind) n. v I am 
 esteemed useful, I am serviceable, 
 good for 8. th.;3. ^.^;y>' en..Bid\ 
 Jn^^^^agendagostwin, a. utility, use- 
 Indbada^endagwad, u. v. it is con- 
 sidered useful, good for s. th.;p 
 en..ivak. ' ' 
 Indhadis, (nind) n. v. I am useful. 
 good for s. th.; 3. p.-»; p. en.! 
 Inabadisiwin, s. usefulness. 
 Indhadjia, {nind) a. v. an. I make 
 use of some an. obj. in such a 
 manner, it is useful to me; 3. p. od 
 tn..n; p.en.ad, *^ ^ 
 Indbadjitchigan, a. an.' and in. any 
 a». or tn. obj. useful or serviceable 
 « ^^rS^'" ™anner;pl.-^; or-a». 
 o. Abadjttchigan. 
 Indbadjiton, {nmd)a. v. in. I use it 
 m a certain manner, it i,8 useful to 
 me m such a manner; SSp.odin..- 
 p. en. .tod. ' 
 Indbadjitowin, s. the act of using 
 s. th. in such a manner. 
 Inabama, {nind) a. v. an. I see him 
 30, m such a manner; 3. p. od in., 
 n; p. en.. mad. 
 iHahaminagna, (nind) n. v. I resem- 
 ble to,..; I look like...; 3. p.-<: p. 
 Imihaminagodwhi, s. resemblance. 
 iHdbamiiiaijwai/, u. v. it resembles 
 to..., it looks like..., it appears in 
 a certain manner; p. en..wak. 
 ladhdminagmaton, {nvtd) a. v. in. 
 (pron. innhamincvgoton;) I make it 
 look like...: I make it resemble 
 to...; 3. p. (hI in...; i>.en..tod. 
 Inabd/idam, {niml) n. v. I dream, (I 
 see s, th. in a certain manner, 
 8leep'iig;)3. p. 1.; p. e)h..ang. 
 IiMoandamowin, s. dreaming, dream; 
 hidfuindnn, {nind) a, v. in. I see it in 
 a certain manner; 3. p. odin...; p. 
 lndhan(Ui(/an, s. dieam; pl.-an. 
 Inu})cindji<je,{nind) n. v. I dream; 3. 
 ^ p. 1.; p. en..ged. 
 inabideia, or-magad, u. v. it has 
 such an edge, or such teeth, (^an 
 iron tool;) p. cn..ay,ox-magak. 
 Inabimagad, u. v. it looks to some 
 point; p. en..aa]e. 
 hiAhiwin, s. look, looking some- 
 Inadaga, (ni/id,) n. v. I take my 
 course there, swimming; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. in.. gird, 
 hmdefn, (nind,) n. v. I weep in a 
 certain manner; 3.p.-o; p. en..ni(Hl. 
 I nademotawa, {'nind,) a. v. an. I go 
 to him weepmg; 3. p. od in..n; p. 
 in.. lead. 
 Jhadenswe, {nind,) n. v. I have a 
 face like...; 3. p. 1.; p. en..w(d.— 
 Anishindheng inadcngwe nandomd- 
 hnneshi] the monkey has a face 
 like a person. 
 /nddis,{ni>i,)u. \. S. IJiwehis. 
 hiadisiwin, s. S. Ijiwehisiwin. 
 Jnddjim, {nind,) n. v. I tell s. th. in 
 a certain manner; 3. p.-(^; p. en., 
 Inadjima, {nind,) a. v. an. I tell s. 
 th. of somebody in a certain way, 
 I speak of hun; 3. d. od in..n; p. 
 4n..mad. . 
 Tnadjijidis, {nind,) r, v. I tell s. 
 th. of myself, so...,concerning my 
 own person or busmess; 3. p-o; p. 
 Inae, {niiid,) n. v. 1 shoot off an ar- 
 row; 3. p. 1.; p. enaed. 
 Indgami, u. v. it has the appear- 
 ance or taste of such a liquid; p. 
 en. .mig — Joiniuahong i ndga m i 
 mandan', this has the appearance 
 (or taste) of wine. 
 Indgandma, {nind) a. v. an, 1 wound 
 hun in a certain manner; 3. p. 
 ry<i «/t..«; p, en.. .mad. — Jesus no- 
 nin^ gi-inaganamd\ Jesus receiv* 
 cd hve wounds, ( was wounded five 
 Ina(/ima, {nind) a. v. an. I valu« 
 him so much.., I put his price at..; 
 1 destine him for s. th.; 3. p. od in, 
 ..n; y. en-.tna/i.—JVingotwak dass- 
 wahik <d inaginian o behc/i(/oganji- 
 man; hewuts the price orhis'hors* 
 at a hundred dollars. 
 Inagindan,{nind) a. v. in. I value it 
 so much.., 1 put the price of it at.,; 
 3. p. oi *«...; p. eii..dan(j.-Nijwa- 
 oik nind inagindan ow madnaigan; 
 I put the price of this book at 'two 
 Inaginde, or-mastd, u. v. it is valu- 
 ed so much.., it costs so much.,; 
 p. en..deg, or-magak. 
 Liuaindjigafle, ox-inagad, u. v. S. 
 Inagiiuljigas, (.nind) n. v. S. Itta- 
 luagins, {niiul) n. v. I am valued so 
 much, my price is put at..; 3. p.-o; 
 p. en.. sod. 
 Inagode,oi -magad,\i. v. it hangs so.., 
 it is inclined'so..; p. cn..deg, or ma- 
 (Jak. — Manadadong osam inagod^ 
 nindi, my heart is too much in- 
 clined to evil. Mi enagoJeg ninde', 
 such is the inclination, propension, 
 sentiment, of my heart. 
 Inakaki, inakakeia, adv. S. Naka- 
 Inakamiga, u. v. the f round, soil or 
 country,_ is such...; p. en.. .gag, 
 — Ga-iji-iinndamondn sa, vii gwcL- 
 iah ctiakainigag ejaian; the coun- - 
 ot off an ar- 
 /nai-««»,W, „ V. there are news; p. 
 news iK"r^'* .*"?^«'«W bad 
 news, iruchi zuakamu/ad, great 
 ^tr&l't''^^-^-^-^ appoint 
 ^nakmzgade or-nmgad, it-^is arrang- 
 d .w'""'"'" way, 'settled so!; 
 ^^tT"'^"^. "• regulation, law- 
 ^fj^'jewinini, legislator; pl.-«,„^ 
 - VaTaT.1,%^'i'?r-»V- 
 him how he is, how he doe" "I 
 /«.^mm<iaw (,t»«^) a. v. in. I know 
 Inamandjige, Uvmd) n. v. I know s 
 I know nothing about it. ^•^'^'*''' 
 Iruimod;/tge, (nind) n. v. 1 have a 
 cenainroacUrtU whichI?ol! 
 low, J, p. ^.jp g„ ,w 
 f» goe^" to • n°'^ "■ *^''' *^^^« 
 /7aZ._i^ *°-'P- ^('■mog, orma- 
 ouenang; he»e is the road that 
 leads to the \i\\n^^ p i -s . ' 
 Inamotawa, («e«i) a. v. a«. I make 
 •)■ 3. p. odin..n\ p. 
 hiin a road so. 
 en., wad. 
 J'»^nde, or magad, u. v. it is dyed in a 
 cen«'" "banner; p. .«..^,^/or-m« 
 Inandjige, (nind) n. v. I eat in a cer- 
 tain manner, I fare so...; 3 ;. 7- 
 some an. obj. m a cer* m. manner; 
 rnnI:iJi *^",^' P-««-«affl, 4.np.-)t-»;. 
 t«?n^'^'''*"^^ n. V. 1 work in a cer- 
 InanoHwin, s. working, work. 
 //.a.^., n. V. 3. p. some a« obj. is 
 dyed ma certain manner; p. JJ" 
 Inama,{nind) a. v. (Wi. I give him a 
 certain share; 3. p. o^l.^'^J^S. 
 aitrhei.'^'*^ '""*^« «''"»« «hare 
 ^''oarif- ''''^""«'' P'-acticable 
 passage for a canoe or boat;pl.-a« 
 InamuitsAnind) r. v. I take fuch a 
 share for myself; 3. p-^; p. ^^ ^od 
 J.'iS^'^^^^'^-p-^ *•-••;" 
 Indpina (nind) a. v. an. 1 tie some 
 an. obj. in such a manner; 3 p^^ 
 Inmana, {nmd) a. v. anf I kill 
 him in a certain manner; also I 
 give him u certain sickness (a'c 
 TflVJ" ^"^^"" «"per8titi£o 
 Ad^tne, {nind) n. v. / am sick in a 
 certam manner, /hav^'s.ch a 
 sickness; 3. p. i.jp^,..^^;^'' a 
 hfm'S.ft'^^*'^- ^'^^ ^grieve 
 him, afflict him with words, I re- 
 proach him, revile him, blat 
 pheme him, give him bad 'woSr 
 m a certain manner; 3. p. ^"^S.; ' 
 n; p. en.. mad. ^ ^ ««.. 
 Ind^iinendan, (nind) a. \,iti. I re- 
 vile it, s(>t'ak ill HRainst it, I bins- 
 phemo it in such u manner; 3. \i. 
 od in.,.; p. cn..a,H4j. 
 Inapinewvl am, {nind) n. v. I revile, 
 I blaspheme, I use bad langunRP, 
 in a certain manner, I use orten- 
 •ive words; 3. p. l;p, en...anij. 
 Indjn/ieivin, a. sickness, disease, 
 malady; pi. -a». 
 JnapisiHoin, a. apron; pl.-a». 
 Indsh, {nind ) n. v. I sail in a -cer- 
 tain manner; 3. p. inashi; p. enu- 
 Indshia, {nind) a. v. an. 1 excite 
 him, or push him, to e. th.; 3. p. 
 od »'»..«; p. i'n..ad. — Nin mino in- 
 asltia, I excite him to good actions. 
 JVtVt matchi inashia, I excite bim 
 to evil actions. 
 Indshlca, oT-magad, u. v. the sea 
 runs in a certain manner; p. en., 
 qak, or-^moujak. — Ntmgom enash- 
 kag gi-inaithkamagad pitchinago 
 am mejagawad; yeeteruay, when 
 they arrived, the sea ran as high 
 as it does to-day. 
 Inashkine, ox-magai, u. v. it is full 
 in a certain manner; p. en,.neg, or 
 /nassaaadendago9,{nind) n. v. I am 
 mucn thought of, 1 am much es- 
 teemed, considered, in such a man- 
 ner; 3. p.-i; p. en..iid. 
 Iiiassagadendagwad, u. v. it is much 
 considered, esteemed, in such a 
 manner; p. in..wak. 
 Inassagadendtin, {nind) a. v. in. I 
 esteem it much, 1 value it high, in 
 such a manner; 3. p. od »'»...; p. 
 Inassagadenima, (nind) a. v. an. I 
 esteem and consider him much, 
 like him much, in a such a man- 
 ner; 3. p. odin..n; p. en..mad. 
 Inassagadis, (nind) n. v. I am pow- 
 erful, /am respected, in a certain 
 manner; 3. p.-»; p. en. .did. 
 Inate,ox-7nagad, u. v. there is room; 
 p. enateg, ot-magak. 
 Inawd, {nind) a. \. an. /resemble 
 him, /am similar to him; 3. p. ml 
 inauan; p. rnuhuid. 
 Jnatvanidimin, { nind) n. v. pi. we 
 walk together; 3. p. in..diwag; p. 
 en. .didjig. 
 Inawima, (nind) a. v. «n. /am his 
 relative, or, he is a relative of 
 mine; also, / am his friend, he is 
 my friend, / live in peace and 
 friendship with him; 3. p. ad »n..n; 
 p. en.. mad. 
 Inaivemagan, s. relative, relation, 
 kinsman, kinswoman. — This worti 
 occurs always connected with a 
 possessive pronoun; as, i\7/((/ ina- 
 wimagan, a relative of mine; Kid 
 inaivemagan, a relative of thine, 
 etc. (S. Otch. Gram. Chap. I. 
 Posi). Pron. 2. Form,a/j. ) 
 Inawemikadan, {nind) a. v. in. 1 
 make a certain use of it; 3. p. od 
 in...; p. en..ang. 
 Jnatvimikana, {nind) a. v. an. I em- 
 ploy him in such a manner. 3 p. ad 
 in..n; p. en..»«r/;imp. inatoemikaj. 
 Inawemikaa, {nind)x\, v. I am em- 
 ployed in a certain manner; 3. p.- 
 o; p. en.. sad, 
 Inawendaa, {nind) a. v. an. 1 make 
 him a relative to somebody; alr-o, I 
 reconcile him with somebody; 3. 
 p. od %n..n; p. en. .ad. 
 .Hawendagan, s. S. Inawemagan. 
 Inawendan, {nind) a. v. in. I am its 
 friend, I am friendly to the cause; 
 3. p. odin..,; p. en..ang. 
 Jnaivendimin, {nind) com. v. we are 
 related to each other, we are rela- 
 tions; 3. p. in..diwag;Tp. en.. didjig. 
 luawcndiwin, s. relation, relation- 
 ship, kindred ; friendship, good 
 terms, peace. 
 Ind, {nifid)i\e{. v. I do, I am, I be- 
 have. (S. Otch. Gram.) 
 Jndajitagan, a. the place where a 
 wild animal uses to eat in the 
 Inddn, {nind) a. v. trc. I have, /pos- 
 sess; 3. p.-i'; p. endanid. — Kawin 
 qego nind indanisd, nin kitimagis; 
 I liave nothing, (I possess nothing,) 
 I am poor. 
 Te, relation, 
 Jnt1anundju/f, inind) n. v. I eat in 
 u ctrtaiD manner; 3. p. 1.; p. en.. 
 yea. — y. /udntljii/c. 
 In<laniti,Ja<i<>s, {mtui) n. v. I am 
 thoiiK'lit to be in...; 3. p.-i; p. en.. 
 hilamndagwad, ». v. it is thoiiijhf 
 JmUinttulan,{ninil) a. v. in. I think 
 itism.. <.rnt...;3. p.,x/m...;p.^7, 
 • 'Ung.—Mukahmg nitul iiulanex- 
 dnnntn mammiyan-; I thinii my 
 buoi« 18 the box. 
 IiuJaMidma, (nind) a. v. an. I think 
 he ism.., or at...; 3. p. «/./;,..„;». 
 ()i..m<id.—M6nMn<i nind im/anf 
 nima nmiait; I think my brother is 
 m Montreal. 
 Indiht' (nind) n. v. I have such a 
 head; 3. p. l.; p. endihed.—Kigwiss 
 endthtd, mi ffOr-imlthed ,faie nmq- 
 wvisihan.; my son that died, had just 
 such a head as thy son. 
 Indmnn, s. (mlt, guilt; (L. culpa.) 
 I his word 18 always preceded by a 
 possessive pronoun; as: Nind in- 
 dawin, my fault; kid indamn, thy 
 Jault, etc.— To give more force to 
 the expression, they will say: M,i 
 mnd tndowtn, it is my own fault- 
 ktn kid^ indovrin, it is thy own 
 fault; win, ad indowin, it is his own 
 fault, etc. 
 I/iend, (nind) n. v. I am absent,/ 
 am so Ion? on my vovage;3 p-i- 
 p. emndid.— Waioiiatanonq nin 
 gadr-i^a mHng, nism gisiss dash nin 
 gad~iwnd; I will go to Detroit 
 next summer, and will be absent 
 three months. 
 Inendagos {nind) n. v. I am des- 
 tmed, /am thought; 3. p.-«; p. en., 
 iid. ^ 
 Inendagtoad, u. v. it is destined, it is 
 thought; pen.-.^^'rt/J;. 
 Jniruiam,(^nind)n.v. /think, /sup- 
 pose, it IS my opinion, it seems to 
 me; y will, I purpose, /intend; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. enendang. 
 Inindammnn, s. thinking, thought 
 opinion, supposition; will, inten- 
 tion, purpose; pi. -an. 
 Iiundan, (mnd) a. v. in. { think of it 
 Ihayoanideaofit./destin. ifl 
 Intndjuj., {nind) n.s.\ will; 3. n 
 i-,V.irn..ged. ^' 
 Inindomagnd, u. v. it j, absent, it 
 dul not yot com« back; p. ,«..;«*! 
 —Aitda mmprnj inend, vim,aJ na- 
 llm'!"' '''""'^' *" "''"«""» '«"« 
 /»enim>, (frn,d) n. v. „.. I think of 
 m :t 1 ^P'',.t»>'- opinion ol 
 P«h' II "'T ''•"'• '^ •«'»>' will 
 he should...; I enable him ..; 3. n, 
 'xi in.n;\).en..ad. ' 
 W/,.//.v i^nind) r. v. J think my- 
 sU(...; 1 destine myself, I have 
 the opinion of myself...; 3. d -o 
 \]. en..«rd. *^ 
 Ini, in some verbs, denotes a certain 
 mgnmr, exh'nt, directim.—S. In 
 { t.xamples in some of the follow^ 
 mg words.) 
 Inide or -magad. u. v. it is cooked, 
 or burnt, in a certain manner: p. 
 etndeg, or -magaTc. 
 Inigaa, (nind) a. v. „«. /injure or 
 hurt him /wrong or damii^e him; 
 /make hiin unhappy; 3. p o<| 
 in.. n; p. en.. ad. 
 Inigaidis. {nind) r. v. /injure 
 wrong, damage, myself; / make 
 iTWself unhappy; 3. p. -0; p. ^,. 
 rnitjaigm, (nind) pers. v. it hurts 
 injures, wrongs, damages, me; it 
 makes me unhappy; 3. p. od in. .; 
 p. en..gtd. 
 Inigas, (nind) n. v. / make myself 
 unhappy, / wrung or damage 
 my.^elf; 3. p. -«; p. eniqasid. 
 Inigatagos, {nind) n. V. ^excite com- 
 passion with my words; 3. p. -^' 
 p. cn..sid. ' 
 Inigaton, {nind) v. a.m. /injure or 
 damage it; 3. p. ,d in...; p. en.Jod. 
 Imgawfigendam, {nind) n. v. /have 
 bitter remorses of conscience, my 
 conscience troubles me; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Inigin. (nind) n. v. /am so large, 
 so big, of such a size; 3. p. -»; p. 
 eniginid, — Eiiigiidn inigini, he is f 
 as large as /am, (ho is of iny I 
 Invjokodee, {nl)d) n. v. my heart is 
 solarge, of suchanextent;3. p. 1.; 
 p. cn..deed. — EnigolcodeeiCin, at the 
 extent of my heart, (from all mv 
 heart.) - ' 
 [iiigolcodewis, {nitid) n. v. S. Iiimo- 
 Inigokwa, or -moffod, u. v. it is so 
 large, of such an extent; p. «;».. 
 waff, ox~7naqak.—Eni<jokwa. hi H- 
 tigan, iiivjohva gale nin mn Hti- 
 gan; my field is as large as thine. 
 Enioohw j aki, as large as the 
 earth is, (on the whole earth.) 
 Inigolcwahamiiiagos, (iii/td) n- v. I 
 appear to be so large; 3. p. -i; p. 
 Inigohwdbamiiiagwad, u. v. it app- 
 ears to be so large, (from a certain 
 distance;) p. en.MaTc.— Tohimu,- 
 ncnsing inigohvabamiiiagwad na- 
 hikwan\ the vessel anpears like a 
 small canoe, (not larger.) 
 Inigokwabigad, u. v. it is of such a 
 size, (stuff';"! p. en..gak. 
 InigokwaUkad, u. v. it is so large, 
 (metah) p. en-kak, 
 Inigokwm, (mnd) n. v. my family is 
 so large; 3. p. -»; p. en..nid.—Eni- 
 gokwiniian nind inigokwm; my la,. 
 mily is as large as thine. Enigo- 
 kvyiniiun nin, bi-dajioisMn,; I come 
 here with my whole family, (as it 
 IS large.) 
 Jnigokwimmm,{nind) or, nhid inigo- 
 hwinomin, n. v. pi, we are so 
 many, we are in such a number; 
 P-, ^"'j'-nidjig. — Enigokwin.owad 
 nind inigokwinomin, our number 
 is as large as theirs, (we are as 
 many as they.) 
 Inigohvissin. (pron. inigokossin,) n. 
 V. it is so large, it is of a certain 
 size,_ amount or extent; p. en..ing. 
 Inigotigu'eia sihi, u. v. the river is of 
 dan, I sew it in the shape of a 
 Inikn, or -7m gad, u. v. it goes there, 
 m a certain direction; p. enikag, 
 or -magak. 
 Inikugon, pers, v. it makes me so, it 
 causes me s. th.; 3. p. od ini...; p. 
 en. .god. 
 Inikan, (nind) a. v. in. 1 put it on 
 so..., (clothing;) 3. p. od in..; p. 
 enikan^. — Mi iio enikamdn 7iin 
 oabisihawagan); I put my coat on 
 so, in this way. 
 Jnikawa, {nind) a. v. an. I cause him 
 s. th., I make him be so...; also, T 
 put on so some an. obj. 3. p. od 
 zn..n; p. en..wad. — Mn. sa nin 'j^- 
 tnihawa iw weiidji-akfisid; I ' v* 
 caused him the sickness he has, 
 (i made him so sick.)— ilfj iw eni- 
 kawag nin mindjikawagan: that is 
 the way I put my mitten on. 
 Inikweam, {nind) n. v. I steer for a 
 P- 1.; ^. eni- 
 a certain width j p. en..iag. 
 JpAgwadan, {nindj a. v. in. I sew it 
 in ths shape of...; 3. p. od in...; p. 
 0fi..ang, — Odeimang nind inigwa- 
 certain point; 3 
 Inikwean, (nind) a. v. in. I steer it 
 (canoe, boat, vessel, &c.) for a 
 certain point, in a certain direc- 
 tion; 3. p. od in...; p. enikweang. 
 Inikwen, {nind) n. v. I make a cer- 
 tain motion with the head; 3. p. 
 -i; p. cnikwenid. 
 Jninajaamawa, {nind) a. v. an. 1 
 send him somebody; 3. p. od in.." 
 p. en.. wad. 
 Ininajaogowin, s. message, errand. 
 Ininajawa, {nind) a. v. a«. I send 
 him somewhere, I send him on an 
 errand, I despatch him; 3. p. od 
 in..n\ p. en..zvad; imp. ininajd. 
 Ininajawcan, s. S. Ijinajawa'gan. 
 Ininama, {nind) a. v. an. I give or 
 presen< it to him, I put it before 
 him; also, I show it to him with 
 the finger; 3. p. od in..n; p. m,. 
 Ininan, {nind) a. y. in. I present or 
 put it; 3. p. od in..; p. eninang. 
 Inindndag, s. an. fir-tree, spruce; [C. 
 sapin;] pi. -0^. 
 Ininatig, a. maple-tree j pi. -on. 
 le shape of a 
 Ininatigosmg. s. maple-wood, a 
 piece of maple- wood; pi. -on. 
 Inini, s. man, male: [L. vir;l nl 
 -wag. '-■ ^ 
 Ininigade, or -magad, u. v. it is put 
 or given or presented in a certain 
 manner; p. en..deg, or magah. 
 ^''i'lf'^'Sn^^<i)^-y- I fly to some 
 place for safety, I take refuge 
 Imnvmje {nuui)n. v. I give birth to 
 Mzmshzh, s. duck, (of the same 
 species as our domestic ducks;) pi 
 -ag. '' i-'' 
 Ininiw, inind) n. v. I urn a man; 3. 
 p. -t; p. eniniwid. 
 ItimiwiidU, (nind) r. v. I m»kp 
 Ims/daf^on, (mnd) pars. v. it pierces 
 Inuhkawa, {mnd) a. v. cm, I pierce 
 mm; 3. p. od in..n; p. en..wad. 
 _„"f!'- ^'*'^) "/ V- I hear peopi 
 (S. Otch. Gram. Def. 
 it is so. 
 Inm {nivd) a.v. an. 1 point him 
 ou with the finger, I show him 
 with my fore-hnger; [F. je le 
 montre au doigt;] 3. p/.^ 4a;^; 
 p. eiujad. ' 
 Inoa7nawa, {nvui) a. v. an. I show 
 ,> '",f Vl•^^}^^ '!}y finger, I point 
 od ira..7j; 
 say so. ; 3. p. 1.; p. ^..w' 
 Jnttagos,(mnd) n. v. /am heard in 
 a certain manner, / speak so...; / 
 have such a voire; 3. p. -i; p.,;,.. 
 •: ~ f^^-y^'I'ikinnaTmgoiiln mi 
 mttagositUn; as / have been 
 taught, so /speak. ' 
 Imtdm, (nind) n. v. / hear what is 
 said, or how it is said; 3, p. i.-n 
 em tang. ^ ' *^ 
 Initawa, (mnd) a. v. an. I hear or 
 understand him so...; 3 n od 
 tn..n; p. m..wad. 
 Iniw, pron. those, those there. 
 MiweaAnind-)2.,^,.an. I give him 
 up. 1 abandon him, reject him; 3. 
 P- cdtn..n;p.en..ad. 
 Imwe-dis, (nind) r. v. 1 abandon 
 myself, expose myself, I risk; 3 
 P- -o; p. en.. sod. 
 Imwe8,imnd)n. v. I am offended: I 
 aji ^patient, angry; 3. p. -.•; 'p. 
 Iniwesia, (nind) a. v. an. I offend 
 him, I make him angry; 3. p. od 
 tn..n;i>.en..ad. ^ 
 Ir^, 01 -magad,(ic{.y. he is; it is, 
 it out to him; 3.'' p 
 en.. wad. 
 Inoan (nind) a. v. i». I point to it, 
 or show It with my finger; 3. p. 
 od tnoan; p. enoang. *^ 
 Modewis, (nind) n. v. I have such a 
 property; also, I have such a 
 household, my family is so large; 
 •^•.P; -»; P- en..sU.—kahina enodr 
 wmuU; my whole property and 
 household; my whole family! 
 tfd;fSy.'- ^"P"'^^ ^°"- 
 Injige (nind) n. v. I show with the 
 Mou/an s. an. a person, or any other 
 a?i. obj. that is shown with tha 
 hnger; pi. -ag. 
 I'loigan, a. in. any in. obj. that is 
 shown with the finger; pi. -an. 
 Inoigamndj,s. fore-lii.ger, (which is 
 I used in pointing to some ohi ) fG 
 Zeigefinger.] pi. -in. ' ^ 
 Inotawa, (nind) a. v. an. I repeat 
 his words, I say as he says or said; 
 J., p. o</ wi..ro; p. m..wad. 
 Inwas, (W) n. v. I try, I endeavor, 
 witouth mucheffect, I effect little 
 , J. p. -o; p, enwasod. 
 it effects little; p. 
 Inwasomagad, u. v, 
 ImciXnind) n. v. f speak (in a cer- 
 am manner,) I speak a language; 
 1 let hear a voice or a sound; 3. p. 
 1.; p. e/iJivd.—Nijwaiohing Mhakan 
 inwi; he speaks seven different 
 Imvemcujud, u. v. it speaks a lan- 
 guage; It gives a certain sound; p. 
 e'o..gak.— Anin enwmnagak iw via- 
 i^maigcmi—Enweidn, sa inwema- 
 ma. What language does that 
 book speak .'^It speaks the Ian- 
 gijage I speak. (In what language 
 is it written /—It is written in r.iy 
 language. ) 
 Inweton, inind) a. v. in. I %ive a 
 certain melody or tune to a hymn 
 or song; 3, p. odiiu..;'^. enwetod. 
 Imv6wi)i, s. language; voice; tune or 
 melody of a hymn or song;pl.-a;i. 
 lo! interj. oh! ah! (expression of 
 pain or ache.) 
 loio, pain, (in the language of 
 fyineaii, {ntnd) a. v. in. I pay it so 
 much, I give so much for it; 3. p. 
 od ip...^ p. ejdneang. 
 I])incwaK {niivd) a. v. an. I pay so 
 much for some an. obi,; 3. p. od 
 ijj..n: p. ejh.wad.—Ny'wabik nin 
 gi-ipmewa nin mofkwem:, I paid 
 two dollars for my shawl. 
 Jpogosi, n. v. 3. p. it has such a taste; 
 It tastes like...; {an. obj.) p. epago- 
 sid. — Aw gigo wUcmirig ipogosi; 
 that fish tastes like meat. 
 Ipogosimn, a. the taste of s. th. 
 Ipogivad,\}. v. it has such a taste, it 
 tastes like..., ^m. obi.) p. epogwak. 
 hfi! interj. hey ! hear ! 
 Ishk, as first syllabe in some verbs, 
 signifies iir^,, weary, (Examples 
 in some of the following words.) 
 IsMah, (nind) n. v. I am tired of 
 sitting; 3. p. -4; p. eshkabid. 
 Ishlcahjshin, {^jiind) n. v. I am lying 
 in a fatiguing manner, on a hard 
 bed; 3. p. L; p, ebh..inq. 
 Ishkanam, {nd?id)n, v. I breathe with 
 difficulty, with fatigne; 3. p. -o; 
 p. enh-vwd. 
 Ishkatawah, {nind) n, v. my eyes are 
 tired by looking for a long time at 
 some object; 3. p. -e- p. esh.Md. 
 Ishhid'ee, i^nind) n. v. my heart is 
 tired of sorrow, fatigued with grief; 
 3. p. 1.; p. gshkidced. 
 hhhinihewina, Ound) a. v. an. S. 
 Ishkinikewinigon, {nind) pers. v. S. 
 Aiehm. i]cewinig</n. 
 Ishkishin, {nind) n. v. I am tired of 
 lying; 3. p. 1.; p. esh..ing. 
 Mhiwi, (nind) n, v. I am tired of 
 carrying, 3. p. 1.; p. esk..wid. 
 Ishkobodjigan,' s. an. a piece of 
 board sawn of!', a remnant of a 
 board; pi. ^ag. 
 Ishkojan, {nind) a. v. in. something 
 remains when I have done cutting 
 a coat, &c., I leave a remnant; 3. 
 p. (id ink...; p. eshkojarig. 
 Ishkojigan, s. shred, remnant after 
 cutting a coat, or any other article 
 ot clothing; pi. -an. 
 Iskkon^, {nind) a. v. an. 1 return 
 him, I spare him; I keep back oi 
 retain some an. obj., I don't give 
 it away, nor use it up, (aw. obj.) 
 3. p. od ink. .n\ p. eskkmad. 
 iM'onamas, \nind) r. v. J reserve it 
 to myself; 3. p. -<?; p. esk..sod. 
 Ishkonatnawa, {nind) a. v. an. I re- 
 serve it to him, I keep it bs* -k for 
 him; 3. p. od isA..n; p. esh..i ■ -^ 
 hhkcnan, {nind) a. v. in. I spare it; 
 I keep it back, I reserve it, I don't 
 dispose of it, (««,. obj.) 3. p. <?d 
 ish...; p. es7;..ang. 
 lahkonigade, or -magad, u. v. it is 
 reserved; spared, left; p. esh..deg, 
 or -magak. 
 Ishhmigan, s. reserve; pi. -an, 
 lehkonigas, {nind) n. v. I am left, 
 spared, reserved, I remain; 3. p. 
 -o; p. esh..sad. 
 Jskkmiae, {nind) n. v. I reserve, I 
 keep back; 3. p. 1.; p. esh..ged. 
 Ishkote, s. fire. 
 Ishkotekan, s. an. fire-steel; pl.-a^. 
 Mkoteke, (nind) n. v. I make fire, 
 or strike fire, (with a fire-steel and 
 flint, or with matches;) 3. p. 1. ; 
 p. esh..ked. 
 Ishkote-nahikwan, a. steamboat, (fire- 
 vessel;) pl.-aw. 
 Mikatens s. a match, (a small fire ;) 
 pi. -aw. 
 Ishkote-odaban, a. an. rail-road car, 
 (fire-carriage;) pl.-a^. 
 IshkoU-tashkihidjigan, s. an. steam 
 saw-mill, (fire-saw ;) pl.-a^. 
 NOTE The first two syllables of this and 
 the ten following words, could iilso be 
 written ishkwa, but still pronouncec', ishko. 
 ronouncef", ishho. 
 IsKkotiwabo, s. ardent liquor, whis- 
 key, rum, brandy, (fire-water.) 
 lahhotewahoimagos, [nind) n. v. the 
 smell of ardent hqucr comes out 
 of my mouth ; 3. p.-»; p, esh-sid. 
 IsJokotiwaboimagwad^xx. v. it has the 
 smell of ardent liquor; p. esh,.wak, 
 Mkotewahoke, {nind) n. v. I make 
 ardent liquor, I distil ; 3. p. 1. : p. 
 IshkotewaboUwigamig, s. distillery: 
 Ishkotewahohimnmi, s. distiller, (a 
 man that makes fire-water ;) pl.- 
 wag. '■ 
 IshKotewadad, u. v. it is firy ; it re- 
 sembles fire; p, esL.dak. 
 ishlcwd-, gi-ishhwor-, after, or at the 
 end, of s, th.-This word is always 
 connected with a substantive or 
 verb ; as : Mnd ieJikwa-wusin, I 
 have done eating. Gi-ishhwa-hiH- 
 noamading hi-ijan endaidn ; after 
 school come to my house. 
 Ishhwa-aFiwan, u. v. it is the end of 
 the world. Ishhwa-ahiwang, or, qi- 
 *shkwa-aUwang, at the end of the 
 Ishkwabi, ox-magad, u. v. (pron. ish- 
 lohi,) it cannot go all in, the ves- 
 sel cannot hold all, (liquid;) p. 
 eshhwahig or-^magaL 
 Mkwabissa, u. v. it rains no more ; 
 p. esh..sag. 
 Ishkwagd, ox-magad, u. v. the sap of 
 the maple-trees runs no more, (in 
 sugar-making ;) p. eslikwagag, or- 
 Ishkwagdpogtvad sisibahvat, u. v. the 
 sugar tastes the spoiled maple-sap, 
 (the last sugar that is made, when 
 the sap is no more good.) P. esh.. 
 Ishkwaad-sisihakwat, s. the last su- 
 gar that is made, out of the spoil- 
 ed sap. 
 Ishhvaiadjiiv, (nind) n. v. I am the 
 last in a row or range ; 3. p.-»; p. 
 IshkvMiaganmse, ox-^agad, u. v. the 
 water is no more agitated, it is 
 calm, (after a storm and heavy 
 sea;) p. esh..seg, ox-magak. 
 Ishkwaiaku, {nind) n. v. I cease bur- 
 ning, /burn no more ; 3. n.-o ; p. 
 Ishkwaiassige gisiss, n. v. 3. p. the 
 moon shines no more ; p. csh..ged. 
 Ishkwdkamigad, u. v. all is over ; p. 
 esh..gak. Ga-itihkwakanugak diha- 
 amadiwin nin gi-dagwu}ii>h ; /ar- 
 rived when the payment was all 
 Ishkwakamigis, (nind) n. v. /am no 
 more busy, / have finished my 
 work; 3. p.-i ; p_. esh-sid. 
 Ishkivakaoiiguiwin, s. the end of an 
 action or work. 
 Inhkwdma, {nind) a. v. an. I leave 
 some, after eatuig some of it, {an, 
 obj.) 3. p. (id ishkwaman ; p. esh.. 
 mad.- Mnd uhkwama kokmh, ojn- 
 nig gate nind iakkwamag ; I leave 
 some pork and some potatoes, ( af- 
 ter eating some.) 
 Ishkwanihn, (nind) n. v. / breathe 
 my last, /expire ; 3. p.-o; p. esh.. 
 Idhkwdnddn, (m?id) a. v. in. /leave 
 some, after eating some of it, (m. 
 obj.) 3. p. od ish... ; p. esh.ang.— 
 N%nd ishkwandan pangi wiiass ; 
 /leave a little meat, (after eating 
 some of it,) 
 Ishkwdndem, s. door; pl.-a?t, 
 Mkwandemikc, {mnd)xi. v. /make 
 a door, or doors ; 3. p. 1. ; p. esh.. 
 Ishhcandemiwan, u. v. there is a 
 door; p. €sh..ang. 
 Mku'dndjigan, s. an. remnant, re- 
 mainder, (after eating some of an 
 a»i obj.) pl.-api, 
 Ishhmndjigan, s. in. remnani, re- 
 mainder, (^after eating some of an 
 in. obj.) pl.-aw. 
 lehkwdndjige, (nind) n. v. /leave 
 some of what /am eating, / don't 
 eat all up ; 3. p. 1. ; p. esh..ged. 
 Mkwane, (nind) n. v. (pron. ishko- 
 ni,) I remain while the others die, 
 I survive ; 3. p. 1. ; p. eshkoned.— 
 Alinodjiiag fdhkwanedjig, the chil. 
 flreii of a family that remain yet 
 alive, when several had died 
 iKhJcwn-nona, {nind) a. v. an. I wean 
 hun, (a child,) I cease to give him 
 suck; 3. p. od ish.M; p. esh.. 
 Ishhwapo, or-magad, u. v. it ceases 
 snowing, It snov/s no more: p. esh.. 
 pog, OT-magak. 
 Ishlavashima, {nind) a. v. an. I have 
 some of u remaining, {an. obj.) af- 
 ter putting .or laying ; 3. p. <dish.. 
 n; p. esh.. mad. 
 Is/ikwashh'nt', or-magad, u. v. S. 
 Mkwasse, {nind) n. v. (pron. ishlos- 
 f,) I remain, I am left or spared : 
 [L. suporstes sum ;] 3. p. 1. • p 
 eshkivnswd, {eshhmed.) 
 MIcivasse, or-magad, u. v. (pron 
 t/iMvMc,) it remains, it is left; it is 
 passed, elapsed; p. esL.seg, or-ma- 
 Mkwa.mn, u. v. it finishes, - rpires 
 (a period of time); p. esh..sing. ' 
 Jahkwaftsiton, {nind) a. v. in. I have 
 some of it remaining, {in. obi.) 
 after putting or laying ; 3. p. d 
 ish...; Y>. esh.. tod. 
 I&hhwata, {nind) n. v. I finish, (doinj? 
 8. th.)3. p. l.;iii.esUwatad^ 
 Ishkwatagan, s. S. Ishkwatchigan. 
 Inhkwatawin, s. the end of a "work • 
 the end of a period of time. ' 
 Mhvdtch, adv. finally, at last, at 
 length, ultimately ; the last time. 
 Ishknuitchigan, s. a person that esca- 
 pes from a general massacre ; nl.- 
 ag. ' ^ 
 Jshkwawe, {nind) n. v. (pron. ishho- 
 ■we) I cease speaking, I finish my 
 discourse or speech ; 3. p. 1. : p. 
 Ishhreaii, adv. behind, after the 
 Mkweb, {nind) n. v. 1 am sitting in 
 the last place, in a row or range • 
 3. p.-i; p. eshkelrid. ' 
 Ishkwcgahaw,{nind) n. v, I am stand- 
 ing in the last place, in a row or 
 range ; 3. p.-^; p. esh..icid. 
 Jshn'wigamig , s. the last lodge or 
 house, (in a row or range, or in 
 camp or village.) 
 IsMiKege {nind).n.y. I live in the 
 last lodge or house of a camp or 
 village;3. p. l.;p. ^^A..OT<;. 
 Jshkwctaiw, ad.-. S. Mkweaii. 
 Mikwcirndugoe, {nind) n. v. I am 
 considered the last, or one of the 
 last; 3. p.-* ; p. esh..sid. 
 Jshkiveiendagwnd, u. v. it is conside- 
 red the last object, or one of the 
 last ; p. esh..wak. 
 Ishkjvekaiva, ( nind) a. v. an. I walk 
 after him, 1 follow him; 3. p. od 
 %sh..n; p. esh. .wad. 
 Mkwekagon, {nind) pers. v. it comes 
 •P.u ^ ,'" ^'^^ '^"^ P'^ce, I receive 
 It the last, (in a distribution ;) 3. 
 P. odzsh... ; p. esL.god. 
 Ishkwemndji, s. the small finger; 
 I 111. masinz ;] pl.-m. 
 Mkwessin, u. v. it is the last, (the 
 last object in a row or range ; ) p 
 esh..ing. ' *■ 
 Mkwetehaqan, s. the last or young- 
 est child in a family, and which 
 rematns the last : pl.-a^. 
 Ishhwi, {nind) n. v. I remain, when 
 the others are gone ; 3. p. 1. ; n 
 eshkwvl. * -^ 1 f 
 Jshpd, or-magad, u. v. it is high : p 
 eshpag, or-magak. ^' 
 Ishpalika, or-magad, u. v. it is high, 
 (a rock;) p. esh..kag, or-magak. 
 Jshpahkad, u. v. it is high, {in. obi 
 of metal;) p. esh../{;a/?;. 
 MpaUkisi, n. v. 3. p. it is high, {an. 
 obj. of metal or stone;) p. esh..sid. 
 Jshpadina, u. v, it is high, (a hill or 
 mountain ;) p. esh..nag. 
 Ishpddjibiwan, u. v. there are heaps 
 of snow, driven up by the wind- 
 p. e8h..ang. ' 
 Ishpdgonaga, n. v. the snow is deep, 
 there is much snow ; p. esh.. gag. 
 Jshpakwcia, or-^magad, v. v. there 
 are high trees, (in a forest;) p. esh.. 
 tag, or-^nagak. 
 Ishpdnika.de, or-^iagad, u. v. it is 
 dug deep, there is a deep hole 
 made in the ground, a deep grave^ 
 etc, ; p. esh^.deg, or-^nagak.. 
 I dig a deep 
 3. p. 1. 
 MpdntJce, (nind) n. v. 
 hole in the ground ; 
 Ishpn?isika,ox--nagad, u. v. it is high 
 thick, wide, (a book, a pieced 
 MpaMtuhu^ebu, (nind) n. v. S Tah 
 UpdMad,\\. V. it is high, wide, fa 
 mat, clothing stuff, etc.) p. c,i. 
 Mipate 11. V. the snow is deep, rhiirh •■) 
 p. eshpateij. ^ ^ '' 
 hhpaton ( nind) f^.y.in. I make it 
 liigti; 3. p. od i.sh... ; p. e^hpatod.— 
 OdtshpatmowaJ:aiga>i] he makes 
 house T ^^' ^^"^ l^uilJsahigh 
 hhpawe aw awessi, n. v. 3. p. this 
 animal has long hair or fur : v> 
 I'shpawcd. ' '■ 
 Mpendaga,-^, ( nind ) n . v. I am esteem- 
 eel high, i am highly honored ; 3. 
 p.-»; p. esh..sid. 
 ldtpcnda(joHia,{nind) a. v. an. I make 
 Jiiin worth of esteem and honor 
 1 make him be highly esteemed ; 
 i. l>. odt.sh..n; p. c6-k..ad. 
 Mpcnduijodwin, s. high esteem, ho- 
 nor, glory, 
 Idpendan, (niiul) a. v. in. 1 raise it 
 up, I exalt it, glorify it ,• 3. p. cd 
 Wi... ; ^.((sh..ang.— Od ishpenddn 
 itmiir; he exalts himself, he is 
 Upcnim.. {nind) n. v. I am proud, I 
 e.vaIt_myself;-3. p.-«; y>- esh..viod. 
 hhpcnima, {mnd) a. v. an. I exalt 
 him. glorify him ; 3. p. odish..n; 
 p. esh..7na.d. 
 Jshp,-mn.dii<, {nind) r. v. I exalt my- 
 self, i glorify myself, I am proud; 
 3. p.-o; p. es7i..sod. I 
 '■"h/Mnnndiwwin, s. pride. 
 Mpi, in compositions, signifies hw7t, 
 late, advanced. (Examples in soim 
 ot the following words.) 
 Mp/.,, (nind) a. v. an. I put him 
 Jiigh, I exalt him; 3. p. ad ishpian: 
 p. efthpuuL ^ ' 
 Mpihibon, n, v. the winter is far 
 advanced, is high ; p. tehpibibatig. 
 Mpigaiawi aiv awean , n. v 3 n 
 this animal stands high , it has 
 long legs; p. (,k.,md. 
 Mpi-gijigad, u. v. it is late, (in the 
 forenoon ) the sun if. already high. 
 It 18 not late, (in the afternoon,) 
 the sun is yet high. P. eekpi-gijl 
 Mpiminff, adv. above, on high, at 
 the top ; in the air. s , ai, 
 LJtpiming nalcalceia, adv. upwards. 
 Jsh^yimtsmgohadc, or -magad, u. v 
 there is an upper floor; also, ihere 
 IS a story (in a house;,) p. esL.deg, 
 ox-magak.~ Kijing ishpinmsago- 
 ka.de, there are two stories.- J^m. 
 smg, mwing, naning i^^ipiminsaao- 
 kade i there are three, four, five 
 stones. ' 
 Mpimieeagon^, adv. up stairs, on 
 the upper floor, 
 Mpim, (nind) a. v. an. I raise or 
 lift hmi up; 3. p. od isL.n; p. es/i.. 
 Mpinnn, {nind) a. v. in. I raise or 
 ift It up; 3. p. od i,h...; p. csh..anq. 
 iK/ipmtbin, u. V. the summer is high, 
 IS far advanced ; p. esh..in<i. 
 Mpu7imog, n. v. 3. p. pi. tllere is a 
 hiffhheapof an. objects; p. fsh- 
 pishmgig. -MjmJunoq nabaqixm- 
 fW ; there is a high heap, or pile, 
 0/ IJoards.— Also in the sing. ; as : 
 Jf/iptskm joniia , there is a hifjli 
 heap of money. 
 Mpisdn, u. V. there is a high heap, 
 (something in. heaped up;) p. esh- 
 passing .-Ii<hpiKK!non nmsim ; there 
 IS a high heap of wood, (for fuel.) 
 I M/m-tibikad, u. V. it is late in the 
 I night, (high night;) p. eih..l-a1c. 
 Jshponagad, u. v. it is high, or deep, 
 (a canoe, boat, etc.) p. esh..qalc. 
 Jshp(jwe,(mnd) n. v. I speak With a 
 v'ed.-S. Tahdssmve. ^ 
 Mpweivetm, {nind) a. v. m. I sing it 
 high; 3. p. od isl...; p. esh..tod. 
 Isht! mterj. hey! hear! 
 hhU! interj. aha! yes! 
 Islcaan, {nind) a. v. in. I empty it 
 of water, I pnmp it out, I make it 
 dry; 3. p. oa islfaan; p. eghaaiuj. 
 lakdhi, oT-magad, u. v. the water 
 dried up; p. eskabig, ox-magah. 
 lakdibacUm^ (nin) a. v. in. I pump 
 the water out of it, (a vessel, etc.) 
 3. p. od Is...; p. esk..ang, 
 IskaihanyS. an. spunge; pump; pl.- 
 ag. _ ' 
 Iskaibi, (nind) n. v. I pump water 
 out; I dry it up with a spunge; 3. 
 p. l.;p. es..hia. 
 IsJcandan, {nind) a. v. in. I drink it 
 alNup; 3. p. odis...; p. eslc.ang. 
 laJcapiaan, (nind) a. v. in. S. Ishin- 
 Iskate, OT-magad, u. v. it is dry, 
 there is no water, it dried up; p. 
 elcateg, or-magah. — Sibiwan ulca- 
 tewan, there is no water (or only a 
 little water) in the rivers. 
 Ishidjiwan, u. v. it runs all out, (wa- 
 ter or any other liquid, out of a 
 vessel;) p, eslc.ang. 
 hlcigamide, or-magad, u. v. it is re- 
 ducing, drying up, by boiling; p. 
 eslc.ieg, ox-^magak. 
 Iskigamisan,(mnd)a. v. in. I reduce 
 it, by boiling; 3. p. odiek...; p. 
 hkigamisigan, s. place where thty 
 are reducing maple-sap to sugar, 
 by boiling; sugar-camp; sugar- 
 bush; pl.-a«. 
 hkigamisige. {nind) n. v. I reduce, 
 by boiling; I reduce maple-sap to 
 sugar, by boiling, I am making 
 maple-sugar; 3. p. 1.; p. esk..ged. 
 Iskigamisigekwe, a. a woman that 
 makes maple-sugar; pl.-^. 
 Iskigamisigewin, s. art, occupation 
 or work of sugar-makers. 
 Iskinak, nit, egg of a louse; pl.- 
 Iw, pron. that;pl.-*W2^. 
 livd, def. V. he says. 
 Iwdpi, adv. then, at that time. 
 Iwidi, or iwedi, adv. there; thence; 
 Iwidi nalcakeia,&A. there, that way, 
 in that direction. 
 , there, that way, 
 Jdbohi, OT-maffcul, u. v. the water 
 goes or passes through s.th.; p. 
 jaiabohfjf, or magdk. ^ 
 Jdbode, (nm) n. v. I go or pass 
 through;3,p. l.;p.ja»^oj.dP^«' 
 Jabade, or-magad, u. v. it goes or 
 Jahogdndina, {nin >. v. an. I push or 
 thrust through, some an. obi.; 3 
 p. ojab..n; p.jaia..?iad. 
 Jdbogdndinan, (nin)a. v. m. I push 
 or thrust through, some in. obj.; 3. 
 Jabogawitchigan, s. straining vessel- 
 pi. -aw. ' 
 Jabogawitchige, (71m). n. v. I am 
 straining; 3. pi.; p. jata..ged. 
 Jahogawttm, (mn) a. v. in. I strain 
 It through a linen; 3. p.ojab...; p. 
 /a6o^-ajt'w,(wwi) n. v. I have the 
 diarrhoea; 3. p.-«; p.jaia..sid. 
 Jaholcawutunn, a. diarrhoea, 
 Jabuniin, s. an. gooseberry: fF. ero- 
 seille;] pl.-a.^. « 
 Jabomina^awanj, s. an. gooseberrv- 
 bush; pl.-4(/. -^ 
 Jabondean maJcahossag, (nirt) a. v 
 in. I Knock the head and the bot- 
 tom of a barrel out; 3. p. ojab.. ; 
 JabondesMatvin, s. bloody flux: dva- 
 entery. ' '- ■^ 
 Jdbmr' m,(nm)a. v. an. S. J060- 
 Jdb<migan,s. needle; pl.-a». 
 Jaboniganih (nin) n. v. I make 
 es; J. J), l.j p. jaia..l-fd. 
 P- jaia..ang. 
 Jabondeia, ox-^iagad, u. v it is 
 knocked hollow, ( a barrel, when 
 both the head and the bottom are 
 XS! "''^ ^- ^'"■""^' ''- 
 Jabmcleiassin.M. v. there iaadraught 
 Ing ^"' ^^' 2"S^"ft5] p. jaia.. 
 Jabondeshka, {nin) n. v. I have the 
 bloody flux; the dysentery: 3. p. 
 !•; ^■jaia..i!ad. ^ 
 -.,.^„, „. y. i., y. jaia../cfa. 
 Jahoniganikmimni, s. nee^le-manu- 
 tactiii -, needier; pl.-waff. 
 'Jabopa.jaanean, {nin)a. v. «V;. 1 per- 
 forate It, I bore it through; 3. p. 
 jab...-p.jaia..a7i,, *^ 
 Jabopagwanewa,{7{in)9i. v. an. I per- 
 forate or bore through some a« 
 pbj.; 3. p. ja5..«; p. jaia..wal; 
 /«5.^#, {nin) n. v. I purge myself, I 
 take a purgin - medicine, a purga- 
 tive; 3, p.Jaboso; p.jaiabosod. 
 Jabosaa, {nm) a. v. an. I sift it, {an. 
 T ? -"V, • P- ." >«*••«; P-jaia..ad. 
 JabosMam, {nin) n. v. I pass through 
 s. th.; 3. p. 1.; 3.jaia..ang. 
 •^aboshkassa, {nin) a. v. an. S. Jo- 
 Jaboshkatchigan, s. sieve, cribble: d1 
 -an. ^ 
 JaboshkatcMge, n. v. I am sifting, 
 Jaboshkaton, {nin) a. v. iw. I sift it 
 Jdbosigan, s. purge, purging medi- 
 cine, purgative. 
 Jdbosse, {nin) n. v. I go or fall 
 ulS^ s- th.; 3. p. l.;p.jaea- 
 /aJowe, OT-^agad, u. v. it falls, or 
 slides, through s, th.; p. jaidboi- 
 seg, or-magak. 
 Jdboswa, {nin) a. v. an. I give him a 
 purging medicine, 1 purge him; 3. 
 p. jab..n; p. Jai..wad; imp. ja- 
-— ^-r^ 
 I- 'f J. 
 Jahoaha7idan, (nin) a. v. in. I see 
 through it; I uearch it; 3. p. o 
 Jah...; p. j(iia..nti(/.—j)ebe)iimi- 
 nam/ ojahwabandanan hideinanm; 
 the Lord searrhea our hearts, (he 
 Bees tliroughthem.) 
 Juhvnhawc, (fiW) n. v. 1 am drench- 
 ed all tlirouph, to the skin, (in 
 a heavy rain;) 3. p. 1.; p. jaia.. 
 Jahwahawe, or-magad, iti9 drenched 
 through, all wet; \^.jaia..wea, or- 
 Jahwajigait'itch'aan, s. a filtering ves- 
 sel, colander,'.strainer; pl.-ara. 
 Jahwajigawitm, (nin) a. v. in. I 
 strain it| 3. p. o>aft...;p. jaia..tod. 
 Jabivdlcmmdon, (nin) a. v. in. S. 
 Jdbwe>Hiogo)i,\{mfi,) peis, v. it pierces 
 me through; 3. p. ojah...; p. jaia.. 
 Jdhwenawa, (nin) a. v. an. I pierce 
 him through, I perforate him; 3. p. 
 o jab..n; p. jaia. .wad; imp. jab- 
 Jdbwi, (nin) n. v. I pass or fall 
 through s.th.; I escape; 3. p. l.;p. 
 Jabwia, (nin) a. v. an. I escape from 
 him; 3. p. ojab..n; p.jai..ad. 
 Jahwiiwe, (nin ) n. v, S. Jabiri. 
 Jdgamlsh, s. Englishman; Irishman; 
 Jdaani'h^Jd-anamia, imn)n.\. I pray 
 English, that is, I profess the En- 
 glish religion, (Episcopalian de- 
 nomination;) 3. p. 1.; p. jaia..ad. 
 Ja^andsM-cmamieivin, s. the English 
 religion, (Church of England.) 
 Jagandshihve, s. English woman; 
 Irish woman; \A.-g. 
 JagandsMku'ens, s. an English or 
 Irish girl;pl.-a^. 
 Jdgandshim, (nin) n. v. I speak En- 
 glish; 3. p.~o;i).jaia..mod. 
 J<tffana^hi-meMtewikfWanaie, s. a 
 Minister of the Church of England; 
 Jaganamtmomagad, pers. v. it speaks 
 English, (it is written in English;; 
 JagnnasMinotcin, s. the English lan- 
 Jaganashim, s. a little Englishman 
 or Irishman; an English or Irish 
 boy; pl.-oy. 
 JagandshiwaU, s. England, Great 
 Britain and Ireland. 
 Jaganodhiwibiigan, a. writing in En- 
 glish; pl.-an. 
 Jdganaahiwibiige, (nin) n. v. I write 
 I in English; 3. p. 1.; p.jaia..ged. 
 Jagunashiwissin, u. v. it is in English, 
 (written or printed in English;) p. 
 Jdgannshiwissitchigade, or-magad,xi. 
 V. it is translated in the English 
 language; p. ya/'a..f/ef/, or~}>i,agak. 
 JaganasJhiwissiton, (/lin) a. v. in. I 
 make it English, (I translate it 
 into the English language;) 3. p. 
 ojag...; p. jaia. .tod. 
 Jagashkdndawe, s. Hying squirrel; 
 Jagaski, (nin) n. v. I stoop, (going 
 through a low door, etc.) 3. p. 1.; 
 Jagashkia, (nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him stoop; 3. p. ojag..n; \^,jeg..ad. 
 Jagai^hUmin, s. an. a kind of Hat 
 raspberry; pl--«^. 
 JagashkisMn, {nin) n. v. I am stoop- 
 ed down; 3. p. l.;\).jcg..ing. 
 Jagaskkita, (nin) n. v.'l incline my- 
 self, I bow down; 3. p. 1.; p. jcg.. 
 Ja{iaiihhitan, (nin) a. v. in. I bow 
 down, or incline myself, before it, 
 I salute it; 3. p. o Jag...; p. jeg.. 
 Jagaehkifawa, (wt/i) a v'. an. I bow 
 down before him, I salute him; 3. 
 p. ojag..n; p. jcg..H'(id. 
 Jdgawa, or-magad, u. v. it is oblong, 
 longer than wide; p.jaiagawag, or 
 Jdgauahigad, u. v. it is oblong, long- 
 er than wide, (stuff, in.;) p. jdia.. 
 Jdaawabigisi, n. v. 3. t>. it is oblong, 
 (stuff, an.) p.Joiu,,.sid. 
 Jaijawnllfjiei nahaijismg, n. V. 3. p 
 the board is oblong, longer thaii 
 wide; p.jaia..iiid, 
 Jayairabikad, u. v. it is oblong, 
 (metal;) j).jai«...A:a;5;. **' 
 Ja(/au'ahitlsi, n. v. 3. p. it is oblonir, 
 (metal, (m.)p.^'«»«..«/</ 
 Jayawiuiwiude minints, u , v. the island 
 IS oblong; p. _;W«..(/fy. 
 Jamwamik, s. Point Shagwamikotl, 
 ;i long sandy jioint opposite La- 
 pointe, Lake Superior. Jimwami- 
 fconij,^t or to or from Point Shas- 
 wamikon. * 
 J<i'jau'amika, or-maqad, u. v. there 
 IS a long shallow place in the lake 
 where the waves break, IF. il y a 
 line batture longue;] p. Jaia.Mg, 
 Jdgcacuton, {nin) a. v. in. 1 make it 
 oblong; 3. p.; oja,f...; ixJuia.Jod. 
 Jagawegad, u. v. it is oblong, (stiifl;) 
 Janmvid, p. s. a. widow, widower; 
 Vy-jig'—Jugauid inini, widower.' 
 Jagawid ikwe, widow. 
 Jagau'igad, u . v. it is oblong, ( wood; ) 
 y. gaia..gak. 
 Jagctviiiodan, {nin) a. v. in. I cut it 
 oblong, with a knife; 3. p. ojaq., 
 Jdgau'ikodawa, (m'n) a. v. an. I cut 
 some an, object oblong, with a 
 knife; 3. p. ojag..7i; p.J(iia..u'ad. 
 dagau'i».ntm, {nin) a. v. in. S. Ja^ 
 Jdgigamiwan. u. v. the ice on a lake 
 or river breaks oft; so that the wa- 
 ter appears again; 3. p. jaUi..avg. 
 Jugodtt, {mil) n. v. I am "a cowartl 
 a poltroon, I am timid, timorous! 
 tearlul. pnisilianimous; 3. p. ],; n. 
 Jugmlceivin, s. cowardice, timidity 
 '^dg"(IJ,^dv. in spite of...; against the 
 will;_[F. malgrf.] 
 Jdgodjia. {nia) a. v. an. I overcome 
 hiin. vanquish him; 3. p. ojaQ..n- 
 p. jaia,.iul. J y y 
 diigodjiiive, {nin) n. v. I am victori- 
 ous, I vanquish, surpass, ove^ 
 'IctgiHljnwe, or-mugud, u. v. it over* 
 comes. It is victorious; p. ;«w.. 
 Jugodjiton, {mn) a. v. in. I overcome 
 J(u,os.\nin)n, V. I am flabby, weak; 
 [Ct. ich bm schlaftjj 3. p.-/- p 
 Jngomma,Xni>i)n. v, „n. I vanquish 
 or overcome him in disputing, ar- 
 guing, pleading; 3. p. oja^.j- p. 
 jatii..mnd. ' ' ' 
 '7iigo.so^ge, {nin) n. y. I surpass or 
 overcome ,n disputing arguing, 
 ect., J. p. 1., p. jiua..</ed. 
 duk "■ ''■ " '" '''*'"■'''' P- •^'«'"«- 
 Jagwadis, {nin) n. v. I am weak- 3 
 P--*; p.jaia..s'id. ' ' 
 Ja(jtcagmni, u. v. it is weak, (liquid-') 
 p. jaia..mig.-Jagxmyar'u aniuX 
 abo memkweian4j; the tea we are 
 drinking is weak. 
 Jngwendan, {nin) a. v. in. I think it 
 L/ ' ^' ^'- "" ^''^•■•' V- jaia.. 
 Jdgwmim, {nin) n. v. I dare not, I 
 t'^ar, I have not the courage to say 
 ordos.th.;3_.p.-„; p.JaiLnwd.^ 
 Jagmmma, (mn) n. v. an. I think 
 he IS weak, (not stout and strong;! 
 J. p. 0:)ag..n; p.iaia..mad. 
 JugwenimoaAnin) a. v. an. I discour- 
 age him, I make him fear; 3 p o 
 j(uj..n\ ]?.jaia..ud- imp. jagti-enimo. 
 Jagwenimotagos. {nin) n. v. I ask ex- 
 cuse lor not being able to do s. th , 
 or, that I don't dare say or do s. 
 tn.; 3. p.-*; \T. jai(i..m/. 
 JaawenindisAnin) r. v. I fear myselt 
 I am afraid of my bad disposition 
 3. p.-o; p.^a««..sof;, ' 
 Jagtvzton. {nin) a. v. in. I weaken it: 
 3. V.ojag...',i^.jaia..tod. 
 Jagwiw, {nin) n. v. I am weak, (not 
 Jagioiwimagad, u. v. it is weak, im- 
 potent; p.^'a«a..^ttj?;. 
 JaiafffHfecd, p. s. a. coward, poltroon; 
 «/«<««', adv. Of. S. Gwaidl-. 
 Jaiaw-inndlslwmyH. Ot. S. Gwaialco- 
 Jaiaw ni/ttl/iuUie, n. v, 0^. S. Uiva- 
 iak nin hliiiadin. 
 Jaii, or j.ijii'uu adv. Ot. S. Miwija. 
 Jaiijwa, mjaicgwa, adv. already.' 
 Jdja(joshl:au, (^nin) a. v. i/*, I crush 
 it with iny foot or body; 3. p. u JaJ 
 ...; Y>.Jai(i..a/ifj. '^ 
 Jajagus/dawii: Cniii) a. v. an. I crush 
 eoine «/^ object with tny foot or 
 body; 3. \>.(tj(ij..v\ \>.jaia..wad. 
 JajdslKKjaami. {inn) n. v. 1 walk with 
 my tors turnod outside; 3. p. l.;p. 
 JajawnuIJit/f, {nin)n. v.freq. I prac- 
 tise charily, I do often works of 
 charity, 1 give alms, 1 am benefi- 
 cent; 3. p. \.;\>.jc)..gcd. 
 Jajaweiidjigewin,'». habitual charity, 
 ahns-givfii?, beneficence. 
 Jaja>v6/iin<li/iu'/i, (nin) com. v.freq. 
 is. Jairenindimin. 
 Jajihandni, (nin) n. v. I breathe by 
 long intervals, with long pauses; 
 3. p.-f*; ]).J('j..mod. 
 Jaji}ia!vaiif<akiniu , or magad, u. v. a 
 clearing, or clear place, is seen 
 through the woods; i>.jej..'iag, or- 
 JaJiht)tdo/n,(nin) n. v. I am patient 
 at work, persevering, 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Jajlheiidamou'in, s. patience, perse- 
 Jujihitain, (ni/i) n. v. I will not list- 
 en or obey; 3. p. 1.; i).jej..a?i(/. 
 Jaldgon(u/a,u. v. the snow is soft or 
 watery,' (from thaw-weather;) p. 
 Jakdn'i, ( nin) u. v. I put in my mouth 
 somelhing eatable; 3. p.-o; p.^t- 
 Jakanvm, {nin) a. v. in. I put it in my 
 mouth to eat it; 3. p.~oJa^...; p.Je- 
 Icanwd. — Nin Jakanwn wiiass, I 
 put meat in my mouth to eat it. 
 Jakam<man, (nin) a. v. an. I put 
 some an. obj. in my mouth to eat 
 I It; 3. ]y jak...;i\ jekaTTuxf. ( V. 
 I ^''n\].)—l\ikwejigan, nin juka/no- 
 hiiu. ; put bread in my mouth to 
 eat It. 
 Jal-amona, ( win) a. v. an. I put s. th. 
 eatable in his mouth;3. p.oyaZ,-..«; 
 JaHim, ox-magad, u. v. soft watery 
 snow is falling; p. jaia..>Hj, ox-ma- 
 Jang, abridged ixoinJangan»m, nine. 
 Jdn/jaaai/nidana, n. ninety. 
 Jangandmidunak, n. ninety hundred, 
 (nine thousand.) 
 Jdngassimidanuhmmin, {nin) num. 
 V. pi. we are nine thousand in 
 xiwmhcx] p. jaia..>iidji(j. 
 Jdnijasdniidanalcwadon. num. v. pi. 
 in. there are nine thousand in. 
 Jangaxumidanawcmin, {nin) num. 
 y. pi. we are ninety in number; p. 
 Jamjammidanawewan, num. v. there 
 are ninety in. objects. 
 Janyasso, num. nme, (before sub- 
 stantives denoting measure; of 
 ti.nie or of other things.) 
 Ja n (jansdha nenin dj . 
 Janijassohidonan. {nin) 
 Janyasmhina. {nin) 
 Janyassdhinay. { nin ) 
 J a nyassogamiy. 
 'fanyassugamiyisinwi. { nin ) 
 Janyok-m/isisswag is. (nin ) 
 Janyasmywanagis. ( nin ) 
 Janyabsokanun. {nin ) 
 Jajiyassoshimag. {nin) 
 Janyassdshimin. (nin) 
 Janyassossitonan. (nin) 
 '/antrnnKwahii/inait. ( nin, ) 
 'liDHjasmHiMg, or jaupagmmiagad 
 »'ah'j(isawaia<jui)itin. (nin) 
 'In II 'jiiKWiikos iinin . ( nin ) 
 Jaiii/ii^m'ewan.—S. Kijohuntmvd,. 
 ^\t/oln,f<miii, etc., always chanl'- 
 ■^iffiM Eiiglisli, i!w; into mnc: n%: 
 ■i^^i/"f"i>itm /I I /J, twice (or two times) 
 a liandhil. ■fdiiimsobancnindj, nine 
 lines a hnn^M.-.^y6hulonan, 
 (.nm) /tie two together. Jangamo- 
 l'ulmu,n,{mn) I tie nine together. 
 I\ij'^/>?.n(i,(,t,i/>,) 1 caught two fisli- 
 f'-^'—fanycxsohina, {nin) /caught 
 nine hshes; and so on respectively 
 'I'lnijumn, n. nine. 
 ■IdiKjatc/iimiii, {nin) num. v. pi. an 
 we are nine; 3. V-juni/atchi'van. 
 'fanijdichuuj, n. nine times; the ninth 
 JiuHiatchmij miilasswuk, n. nine thou- 
 Jongiitchinun, num. v. pi. in. there 
 are nine {in. obj.) 
 laiuieiuljlijeil, p. s. a. he that hates, 
 an enemy, fiend; |)!.-/ey. 
 Janyn-ishe, s. mink; ['c. foutreau:! 
 JaniiwenUuix. s. dim. a young mink- 
 ■raijuihimhifilniijade, or-iiiai/ad, u. v. 
 .//y-y. It IS twisted together of sev- 
 eral threads; p. Jaid..deg, or-Twa- 
 ■Uit<huhiculiu;ini,jan, s. cord, string or 
 ^ ;/"--i "• >^ "ivi, nn Jill 
 line of several threads; jiL-r/v*. 
 ■faithalwuhiijiiiiiie, (nin) n. v. 1 twist 
 several tli reads together in one 
 string or cord; 1. p. 1.; ^.jaia..gcd. 
 dashugasJihadelcoman, s. a kinci of 
 crooked knifr, \A.-an. 
 Jashdgnwoshkugissi, s. a kind of 
 green Irog; pL-y. 
 Jashdiji, s. storch'; pl.-^ra^'. 
 Jashagidjune, (nin) n. v. my nose is 
 turned up; [F.j'ai le nez retrou«. 
 .8e,].J p. I. p.jaia..ned. 
 legged, 1 have no leggings on; 3 
 p. 1.; \\jaia..ded. 
 '^''±'i':''"^k(,{nin)u. V. I am hare. 
 ?""=''; f»y ""ns are naked; 3. „ 
 iMiehands.I have no mittens nor 
 >Wov,-8on;3.p. i.;,...^,-^..^.;/"'^ 
 foot; J. p. \.;p.jaia..d,'d. 
 hnT*' /"t^"- ^'- J -^'n bent 
 backwards; 3. p. l.;p.y„^-„..^,,,;.'' 
 •^"*'^';.'/«(/«"^*/««, (/i/M) n. v. /hurt 
 or bruise my nose by falling; 3. J 
 Jttshdgmulihewa, {ni>i) a. v an I 
 crush or bruise his head; 3. '/!!), 
 ■n; V-jata..wad;imp.Ja..dir,e. ' 
 '^ashagomndjtganandis, {nin) r v I 
 hurt or bruise my finger or hand 
 (stnkingwithahammer, etc ) 3 
 p.-o; p.inia..ml. ' 
 ■lfi^hdg,m.ndjiM-(,s, {nin) n. v. mv 
 hand (or hnger) is wounded or 
 or ."'.i V- ''^- ''''^^ '«" "Pon '^ 
 S,.L ■;*'"' '^"^^^^'"y band or 
 Mm/nMos, {nin) n. v. I am crush- 
 e( , hurt or bruised by s. th. that 
 :faf./ingnn/,i-omn<in, s. bruise • IP 
 rneurtrissure.] ' ' L^ • 
 Jashmosidcshjcoa, {nin)n. v. my foot 
 Hbrnisedbys.th. that fell upon 
 ii;-i- \h-o; p.jaia..sod. 
 ■fas/iagivahewis, {nin) n. v. I am e 
 rnaciated I have nothing but the 
 skin nnrl tUr. 1.,^ 1 T-i . ° . ."- 
 Skin and the bones; [F. je suis dc'- 
 charne;J 3. p.-^-; p.y«V«..s,V. 
 JasliagwamaJnin) a. v. ««. I chew 
 some «;j object; 3. p. o ja..n.; p. 
 jaia.mad.—Assema nin jashamoa- 
 ma, I chew tobacco. ^ 
 Jashagwamigiwe, {nin) n. v. I am 
 chewing pitch; 3. p. 1.; p. .,W^,! 
 •rashagwandan, (nm) (jaBliaqondan. ) 
 A.y.m. I chow it, (in. obi.) 3. p. 
 ojash...; \uja'm...anij. 
 >fdi,/i<mw(vulj^ian, 8. an. Home an. oh 
 ject tluit 18 chewed, hh pvtiw. 
 Pitch; or tmema, toluicco, qui<l.— 
 r J . jashagwundjujanmj. 
 'fasham<andjigan, s. ««. object tha' 
 18 chtiwod; iil.-a«. 
 '/nsliu,jwa/t</Ji</e, (nin) {jaahumn- 
 ajuie,) 11, V. I chew, I ruminate: 3. 
 p. 1.; p.Jina..i/al. 
 JusJiawahashi viitig, n. v. 3. p, the 
 tree bend.s l)y the wind,- p,Jaiit..id. 
 JofMicahinnc, ox-^inagadf u. v. it 
 l)ends; \ujaia..iie[!, ot~mo,iak. 
 J'Uihawanll/ig.si 8.. swallow, (bird;) 
 pl.-w«f/. ^ ^' 
 JMidwcia, or~magad, u. v. it is 
 square; p. J,iia..lag, or-magak. 
 »/(us/u)i(j(i. 'I'his word cannot 'b3 giv- 
 en in English witfc a eorreKi)onding 
 vvord. it einplies reproach and 
 flisapprobation.— 6'«^?> nu huh- 
 wii aiuimiewi(jamigou<i qi-anami- 
 '^lymkl—Jai^hiwia taUjli. ]Jid thy 
 brother go to church la'st Sunday? 
 O no! he is very far from going 
 there. Ahi n<i U widiqtnuwant— 
 •JiUfhin^u ta-ahi. Is th'y husband 
 at homer— O no! he is almost never 
 at home. 
 Jashiiigwiiigiceidis, {nin) r. v. I 
 bruise ray face; 3. p.-o; p. jaia.. 
 St Hi. 
 Ja^hingwingwiwa, {nin) a. \. an. I 
 bruise his face; 3. p. o Jash.-nl p. 
 jaza..wad; imp.Ja-gwi. 
 Jawdgina, {nin) a. v. an. I bend a 
 young tree or a rod growing; 3. p. 
 jaw..n; \i.jeivaginad. 
 Jawdgiiian, {nin) a. v. in. /bent it, 
 (wood, ill. standing;) 3. p. ojaw,..: 
 Jdwan, s. south; jdwamng, in the 
 south, to the south, from the south. 
 Jawanaaviog {aniniikig), n, v. 3, p. 
 pi. it thunders in the south. 
 Jdwanakwad , n. v. the clouds come 
 from the south; p.Jaia..wak. 
 Jdwanihin(,shi, s. south-bird, bird 
 coming from the south; pl.-i«^. 
 Jawamhuea, u. v. the rain cornel 
 Irom the south; i>.Juu,..mg. 
 'fuwamnodin, s. southwind. 
 'inwanuKdin, u. v. the wind comes 
 Irom the south; ihjaia..ing. 
 '/ciwanmg nakaketa, towards the 
 Jawendagos, (in„)n. v. I am happy, 
 1 am ucky, nrosporous, fortunate: 
 also, 1 take H. Communion; 3. p. 
 Jaivithluj/imwin, «. liappiness, good 
 luck, prosjierity, chance; also2Ho- 
 ly Communion. 
 Jawindamidee, {nin) n. v. I have a 
 charitable heart; 3, p. 1.; p. yVy^..,^, 
 t/uwendamzdeewin, s. charital)le, dis- 
 position of mind, heart-felt charity. 
 Jaivindamiganawahaina, {nin) a. v. 
 y looK upon him with mercy; 3. p. 
 Ja/rtndamitago8, (nin) n. v. I make 
 a speech, a petition or a prayer, in 
 order to excite i)ity and mercy 
 upon me; 3. p. -i; p. Jcw..nid. 
 Jawtmlamitawa, {nin) a. v. an. ^ 
 hear him with jnty and mercy, / 
 grunt his petition having pity on 
 him; ;j. p. oJaw..n; i\ jew. .wad. 
 Jawendmi, {nin) a, v. in. I have 
 jnty on it. 1 do charity to it, I ben- 
 eht it; 3. p. <> jmu...\ p.Jewendang. 
 — W idaptnang anamieivin o jaw 
 eudan wiiair; he tliat takes reli- 
 gion,does charity to himself, (to 
 Ins body, that is, to his own per- 
 Jawendjige, [nin) n. v. /have mercy 
 or pity, / practise charity, / be- 
 6tow .1 ben«fit; 3. p. 1. ; p.jew..g&l. 
 dawendjtgewin, s. mercy, i)ity, cfiar- 
 ity, compassion, beneficence; ben- 
 efit, grace, divine grace. 
 Jawenimn, {nin) a. v, an. I have 
 mercy or pity on him, / do him 
 charity, /benefit him, /have com- 
 ])assion with him; 3. p. ojaw..n;p. 
 Jaivtmndimin, {nin) OT,nin jajaw- 
 cnindimin. com. v. we have pity 
 on each other, we do charity to one 
 another; l\jew..didjiff. 
 «» myself/benefit mylelf;3?p!^^': 
 mitua and habitual charity, char 
 ity bestowed on several 
 Jawijitngewin, a. S. Jawen^Xh 
 «^tf'/'^*Air«m, («/mj a. V. an. I bend 
 JawdghJcusin mashkosnw, u v the 
 jorb or grass is ben , rod, en 
 lovvn, or beaten ,lown 'by heavy 
 rain; p.je»f..t<in(/. ' "'^'*''>^ 
 «/e/'a, adv. this morning- 
 J>^<H-injena, Uim) a. v. an. /put 
 somean obj.i„ther,re;3.p.4' 
 ^n the fire; 3. p. . >y.., p. )„^.. 
 '/e>«a, (mVi) a. v. an. I put or 
 thrustu,n,(«;i. obj.)3.p.rL 
 ^^^««a« (w,«) a. V. /«. / put or 
 '^^MindjUjin, Xnin) n. v. /thrnst 
 asplmter in my hand, (not pur I 
 posely; 3 p. 1.; p.^W.i^ ' 
 a splinter uml«r J., .,„.-i V"^"" 
 <o on o])ening 
 in. I leave ii 
 3. p. 
 'Mu\.„itnn,{nin) a 
 Opf 11 i I , • 
 'fijuwigaa. ., [nin) n. v, my feet 
 anlleps' come flexible and warm 
 /."■^" '"^ 'J •^' P- 1- ; P.>V>./l7f</. 
 lexibie and warm again; IF. jeme 
 degonrdis;j3.j. l/p.,,;^-..i'"" 
 ./t/f.// «««;«, {;/^« „. V. I go to the 
 'A'.vw,v a:,^',^^ Jesus Christ. 
 '/MI.S <>d andjinafjomcm, the Trans- 
 figuration of Jesus Christ. 
 Jesu"^^ t'*««^«««"wi, the Name of 
 '^T''::''^^''"^f '((</" "an, a disciple 
 (or he disciples) of Jesus Chnst 
 r/" A''"^'''''' •"■ tho Apostles. 
 '/iwahiknan himibilc, (nin) a. v. ^ 
 1 make sound a piece of iron • l" 
 p. r>j?ew... ; p. jaiewahil-aanq 
 '/ina , in compositions , sij 
 a £n i?''"' ^""') "• ^- ^thrust 
 a thornm some p«rt of my body; 
 Je^wakostdesse, (nin) n. v. I put m 
 foot ,„ an opening: mv foofslid^ 
 Jejakosein, u. y. it ig opened, there 
 '««» opening; p.yaiwkm^jy * 
 ihrmffk s. th.; durahle, perselriZ 
 i<.xampesin some of the foUov^. 
 _ing words.) 
 Jiha, ox-mayad, u, v. there is a hole 
 stretch, expand it, by pulling ; 3 
 MiijlUna Odn) a. v. «„. I extent 
 or stretch out some an. obj. by 
 'hhahthmin u. V. itis durable, (some 
 .-/tbahishka, 01 -inagad, u. v. it ex- 
 I ;X\" expands; p. V.^...orl 
 Jthdadn, {nin) a. v. in. I expand 
 It; 3. p. onb... ■ p.Jab..ang. ^ 
 Jtbadawa, (mn) a. v. an. I expand 
 some an. obj (>;,,v«, silver) 3 p 
 S'.^'fr "^">^.^^" ?»d((re muoh 
 ru •• 1 V-^J^^Ji ; V-jahadjU. 
 hirn (or look at him) through^ 
 telescope, (a person, or any othe? 
a an>»»fer»-. -^- ::T'Mi-}^" 
 Mb ' '^ "^ 
 ^Hb ,>^-.~ , $ 
 Bk^^K • -^«^ *5>fr-t3'=-"' 
 k^ '"'"^i 
 tf/i. object ;) S.-ji, oji^..?i ; p._;W*.. 
 Jlbaiuhandan, ' , '•, ) a. v. in. \ soe 
 it (or look at it j through a teles- 
 . cope or spy-glass; 3. p. oiil... ; p. 
 •nhdiahandjigan, s. spy-glass, teles- 
 cope; pi. -««. 
 -Tihdiahaiuljuje, ( nin)\\. v, I am look- 
 ing througn a spy-glass ; 3, p. 1. ; 
 p. ,}ab..<jed. 
 Jihaii, adv. through. 
 ■Tuiujiijas,{nm) n. v. I am pierced, 
 stabbed through ; 3. p.-o; p. Jab.. 
 Jihan, u. V. it is tough ; TF. c'est co- 
 riace;] y^.jahanij. 
 Jihanuhawc, (niil) n. v. I can be a 
 long time under water, I am a good 
 diver; 3. p. 1.; g.jah..'wed. 
 Jibanam, {nil) n. v. 1 can be a long 
 time without breathing, without 
 taking respiration; 3. p.-«; ^.jah.. 
 •/iba/M/7ios, (nin) n. v. I can endure 
 much smoke ; 3. p.-o; p. jab. .sod. 
 Jibanandam, {^uiiu) n. v. I can endure 
 much starving, i can be a long ti- 
 me without eating; 3. p, 1.; p. jaj.. 
 Jibanik&jigaa, (niii) n. v. I have a 
 pierced arm, my arm is pierced 
 throiigh; 3. p.-o; p.Jab..sod. 
 Jibaniiidjijlgas, {tiin) n. v. my hand 
 is pierced through; 3. p.-(.5; p. jab.. 
 JibaiHsuJeji(jaSr(nin) n.v. my foot is 
 pierced tluough ; 3. p.-o ; p. jab.. 
 Jibatiy, s passage or channel for 
 canoes or boats, between islands ; 
 Jibawassc, or-nia/jad, u. v. ^,Jtba- 
 Jihawasaei/jad, u. v. it is thin, trans- 
 parent, (gauze or other stuff;) p. 
 juh. .(jalc. 
 j{bawa«seigifi , s. any transparent 
 stuff or texture, as gauze, etc.; pi. 
 Jibawasso, n. v. 3. p. it is transpar- 
 ent, {an. stuff;) p. jab. .sod. 
 Ji/mwafa, ox-magiuh u. v. it is trans- 
 parent, thin, ■ laff;) p. Jab. .teg, or- 
 Jihcia, ox-mngad., u. v. it is clear (in 
 the wocds,) there is no brush- 
 wood, no underwood ; p. Jabcvig, 
 Jilciuliim, {niiV) i. v. S. Jajibendam. 
 Jibeiidanwwin, s. S. JujUiendaniowin. 
 Jibi,{nvi) n. v. I stretch myself; 3. 
 p. 1. ; p.jabid. 
 Jioidfnaniwen,{m'n) n. v. I shoiv the 
 tongue ; [F. je tire la langue ;] 3. 
 jp.-i; p. Jab.. kid. 
 Jibigadcn. (ni/i) n. v. I stretch out 
 rny leg or legs; 3. p.-t ; p.Jab..nid. 
 Jibigil-a, (nin) n. v. I am always yet 
 vigorous in my old age; 3. p. L; p. 
 JibigL'<,iin,u.\. it is durable, (wood;) 
 Jiliinairis, {nin) n. v. I am hardy, my 
 bodily constitution: is durable ; 3- 
 p.-^; \i.jah..sid. 
 Jibingioash, {nin) n. T-I sleep softly, 
 I ain easvto be awakene''- 3. p.-*; 
 V-jub id. 
 Jitdnil-egndnn, {nin) n, v. my arm is 
 stretched and hanging down; 3. p. 
 Jibinikcn, {nin) n. v. I stretch out 
 my arm; ?. p.-*' ; ■p.jab,.nid. 
 Jibinihta'..ja, {nin) a. v. an. I stretch 
 my arm out towards him ; 3.- p.- o 
 jib..?), ; p. jab.-ivad. 
 Jibiniwljin, (nin) n. v. I stretch out 
 my hand, or my finger ;3, p-*; p- 
 Jibisltf--, {nin) n. v. I p.m lying stret- 
 ched out; 3. p. 1.; p.Jah'-sMng. 
 Jiliid, n. v. 3. p. it is tough, (a7i. obi,) 
 p. jabisid.-Jiftici waivasJd'csJd; the' 
 deer is tough, (the deer-meat.) 
 Jibissin, u. v. it is tough ; it is dur- 
 able; yi.Jahissin'^, 
 Jibitawagebina, {nin) a. v. an. I pulf 
 his ear ; 3. p. ojib..n ; Yi.Jab..nad. 
 Jigd, s. widower; widow; \n.-g. 
 Jigaagami. u. v. it is thin, (liquid;) 
 Jigtiakwa, ox-^/iagad, or, jigaahvcia, 
 ox-magad, u. v. the wood or forest 
 . V. it is trans- 
 p.Jab..teij, or- 
 . it is clear (in 
 IS no brusli- 
 J ; p. jahcvig, 
 5. Jajiltiidam. 
 cli myself ; 3. 
 . V. Ishoiv the 
 la langue ;] 3. 
 I stretch out 
 -i ; p.Jal..}iid~ 
 am always yet 
 ige;3.p. l.;p, 
 rable, (wood;) 
 am hardy, my 
 s durable ; 3. 
 . I sleep softly, 
 feene'-' • 3. p.-i ; 
 -v. my arm is 
 tig down; 3. p. 
 I stretch out 
 V. an. I stretch 
 him ; 3- p. o 
 . I stretch out 
 er ;3. p-*; p, 
 i.m lyinj? stret- 
 ugh,(a7i. obj.) 
 vatiJil-csJii; the 
 gh ; it is dur- 
 i. wan. I pull 
 : ; ■p.nil)..nad. 
 )w; pi.-g. 
 .hin, (liquid;) 
 ir, jigaahccia, 
 vood or forest 
 is clear, light-timbered; r).jag..,u/, 
 Jiimmifon, (nm) a. v. in. 1 make it 
 thin, (liquid;) 3. p. ojig...; p. jag.. 
 Jiijaddnagidon, (nm) n. v, I am tired 
 of telling the same thing so often ; 
 3.1). 1.; \>.jeg..ong. 
 Jigtidindum, {nin) n. v. I am dis- 
 gusted or tired of s. th. ; 3. p. 1 • 
 JigmUmlamowin, s. disgust, weari- 
 Jigadendun, {niii) a. v. in. I am dis- 
 gusted with it, tired of it ; 3. p. „ 
 jig...:, V-Jcg..ang. 
 Jigadinima, (ni//) a. v. an. I am dis- 
 gusted with him, tired of him ; 3. 
 p. ~ojig..n; \>.jeg..mad. 
 JigddjiUa, {nin) a. v. an. I am dis- 
 gusted, or tired, of waiting for 
 him; 3. p. ong..n;^.jeq..ad. 
 Jtgddjihiige, (nin) n. v." I am tired 
 of writing; 3. p. 1.; p.jeg..ged. 
 '/tgndosee, (nin) n. v. I am tired and 
 disgusted of walking (so long or 
 so much ;) 3. p. 1. ; ■n.Jc-g..s&I. 
 .hadgaimnj, s. an. gurUd ; [F. ail ; G 
 Knoblauch.] Pl.-^-g.-KifcMJigaga- 
 wanj, onion. 
 JigdgawanJ m^shhossiwid, pot-herb. 
 Jigaw, (nin) n. v. I am a widower ; 
 I ain a widow; 3. p.-i ; p.Jagawid. 
 Jigainwin, s. widowhood. 
 Jigindwiss, s. worm. ( on or in the 
 ground ;)Y>\.-ag. ( Mo fisc, worm in 
 the wood. Ogejdgim, worm in the 
 Jigingicam, (nin) n. v. i piss in the 
 bed during sleep ; 3. p. 1. ; 11. k<,.. 
 Jimvin, s. urine-bladder; pl.—a^j,.— 
 There is always a possessive pro- 
 noun connected with this word; 
 Ninjigiwin, Hjkiiwin, ojiqiwin ; 
 ^ my, thy, his bladtkr. 
 Jigiwinaho, s. urine. 
 Jigiwinagan, s. piss-pot, night-pot ; 
 Jigihodjigan, a. an. slal) of h log 
 sawn into boards ; pi. -ay. 
 J/gos/tigan, s. the carcass of an ani- 
 mal; ^\.-an. 
 Jigoshin omipijiU, etc., here is the 
 carcass of an ox, etc.; V-j.gasJiiny. 
 JigoMadjigcn, s. an. husk of corn 
 or wheat ground ; p].-ag. 
 Jigosldigx ancshht, ( nin ) 'a . v. an I 
 crush his h'iad ; 3. p. o jig..n ; p. 
 Jigodgigo n. v. 3. j.. the H.sh is soft, 
 (too tender;) p. /e^os?V/. ' 
 Jta^s^e. or-/mgad, n. v. there are 
 dregs; p.iag(meg, or-maiial: 
 'figota (I'uuhig, 11. V. 3. ],. tjie .«cri)ent 
 moults he changes his skin; p 
 ,)((g(itad. ' ■ 
 ■Jigica, adv. S. .rai<iiva. 
 ■/igwalndos, (nin)'n. v. I have the 
 comsumption, I am hectic ; 3. n - 
 o;p.gag..6od. '" 
 Jigu-amni, s. stockiljh ; p\.-wag 
 ■JigiranuUl; s. an. grindstone; hone- 
 pi. -o(/. ' 
 Jigwari^e min , u. v. the whortle- 
 berry (bilberry) is very ripe ; p. 
 jeg.Meg. ^ 1 . i 
 Jigwanso 7niskwimin, n. v. 3 p tPie 
 raspberry is very ripe ; vj^'i-scd. 
 Jujivapwificanc, the upper white part 
 ot ashes. — ligvajdngwamnq nind 
 apiUndagan ; I am but ashes. 
 Jimvtiuliama,{nih) a. v, an I aim at 
 him, (with a gun, etc.) 3. -), ojin . 
 n;\).jeg..mad. " 
 JigwHalundan, (nin) a. v. in. I aim 
 at it, (with a gun. etc.;) 3. n 
 ,jig...; \).j(g..ui: 
 Jtgw€iahandjifre,(nin)i). v. I aim at- 
 3. p. ].; p. jeg..gtd. ' 
 Jij'ifidssogi^owa'gnaltagimitiog, n. v 
 3. p. 1)1. the boards shrink dry- 
 ing; p. jej. .ml jig. 
 ■Kjohiun, (nin) a. v. in. I rub it with 
 s. th.;Irub s. th. on it; I paint it 
 over; 3. p. ojij...; p. jcj..ang. 
 '/yolmgan, s, salve, or anv thing that 
 is rubbed on s. th. ; also, paint : 
 pl.-««. ' 
 .T;jnhn,,e.(nin) n. v. T am riibbing 
 s. th. withs. th. ; 3. p. 1.; p. jej.. 
 yed. "^ •" 
 JijoJn'wa, (nin) a. v. an. I rub him 
 with s. Ih., with a salve, etc. ; 3. 
 V-oJfJ..n; p.jej..wad; imp. jiJoM, 
 JiJwJakwaam, {nin) n. v, I walk on 
 tiie bord&r of a forest ; 3, p. 1. ; p. 
 Jijodew, adv. along the beach, along 
 the lake-shore. 
 Jijodiicaam, [nin) n. v. I coast in a 
 canoe or boat, (near the beach or 
 shore J ; 3. p. 1. ; \).jej.,ang. 
 Jijodtirc, {nin) n. v. I walk on the 
 beach, on the lake-shore ; 3. p. 1.; 
 JiJiiKjai^o pahic&jigan, n. v. 3. p. the 
 bread is buttered; p.Ji'j\.8od. 
 Jydhon, {nin) n, v. 'l tread into 
 dirt, (lumian excrement;) 3. p. 1.; 
 p. jfj..an(j. 
 Jljokiwcnn, {nin) a. v. in. I pitch it 
 over, (a canoe or boat ;) 3. p. o 
 JijokiivtKjan, s. brush to pitch with, 
 pitch-brush; pl.-a;i. 
 Jijolciwcige, {nin)i\. v. I am pitching 
 over, (a canoe or boat ;) 3, p. 1. ; 
 Jyowa pahi'fijigan, {ntn) a. v. a7i, I 
 butter bread ; 3. p. ojij..n ; \).je- 
 Jikag, s. })oIecat, fitchat, fitchew, (a 
 stinking little beast ;) pI.-?/'rt//.— . 
 From this word is derived the' na- 
 me of the City of Chicago. ^-Jika- 
 go7tij, at Chicago, to or from Chi- 
 Jlmdgan, s, lance; pi. -a>*. 
 Jimdganhh. s. soldier ; pl.-a^^. 
 Jimciganishi-odena, s. a niilitary 
 fort ; p\.~wan. 
 Mmnganishi-ogima, s. a military of- 
 ficer ; p\.'-g. 
 Jinidgaiiishi-HHtkaigan, s., casern, 
 (soldier's house ;') pl.-a^. 
 Jinawdakokwe, n. v. 3. p. it sounds, 
 {an. obj. of metal;) p.Jen..wed.~ 
 Kitchi jinaakokwe aw akik; that 
 kettle has a strong sound, (when 
 Jiaawdbikihidon, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 make sound iron, ( or other »M. met- 
 al,) by moving it ; 3. p. ojiii... ; p. 
 Jinaiodhikihina, {nin) a. v. an. i 
 make sound some an. obj. of met- 
 al, by moving it, as joniia, silver; 
 3. p. o^jin..n; p.jen..nad. 
 JinaivdhikisJdn, n. v. 3, p. S. Sa7ig' 
 Jlnawal)i}-Mse, or-magad, u. v. S. 
 JinnuHiodjigan, s. small globular bell; 
 _[F. grelot ;] p\.-an. 
 Jinawa(xl4ige, {nin) n. v. I produce 
 a sound with some object of met- 
 al ; 3. p.\.',p.jcn,..gcd. 
 Jznawaodon, {nin) a. v. in. I make it 
 sound, (metal;) 3. p. o jin... ; p. 
 JiiMWe, s. rattle-snake ; pl.-^. S. 
 Jiname. ox-magad, u . v. it rattles ; p. 
 Jenaweg, or-magah. 
 Jijinwis.se, ox-^magcul, u. v. it rolls 
 round, (inside of some hollow ob- 
 ject,) it rattles inside ; p. jen..seg, 
 ox-mag. tic. 
 Jinawiwcbinan, {nin) a., v. m. I make 
 it rattle in something; 3. p. ojin...:. 
 Jinddgan, s. sickness, pestilence. 
 Jingademikwan, s. a kind of turtle ; 
 J^ngadenaih, {nin) a. v. in. I spread 
 it out, strew it; 3, ■p'OJin...;p.Jan.. 
 Jingad,e?ia>, {nin) a. v. a7i. I spread 
 out or strew some mi. obj.; p.jang.. 
 nad.-^Opinitj nin '>i<i-jingadenag 
 ama, tchi has-sowad ; I will spread 
 out here potatoes, that they may 
 JingajJenige, (nin) n, v. I spread out> 
 strew ; 3. p. 1,; p.jaai..ged. 
 Jiyigad/pshiu., n. v. 3. p. some an. obj. 
 lies spread out or strewed ; p. Jan.. 
 ii'hg. — ■JoniiajingadeHhinculopoioin- 
 ing, money is spread out on the ta- 
 JiMjadcshkiihe, ox-tnagad, u. v. a lit- 
 tle of s. th. is spread on the bot- 
 tom of a vessel ; p. jan^Kneg, ax^ 
 p. ojin... ; p. 
 Jingadessin, u. v. it lies spread out 
 or strewed, {in. obj.) p. jan.dng. 
 Jtngmlswehaan. {ni>i, a. v. in I 
 spread it, I strew it ; 3, p. o jin • 
 P-jrinff..a>w.-~Pijiki,no nin jingal 
 dewehacm kitiganing ; I strew oxen- 
 dunjT over the field. 
 Jmgakamiga, or-tnagad, u, v. there 
 xs a level country, even ground, no 
 nujs j p.jen..gag, or-?ncMak 
 Jmge9^agos, (nm) n. v. 1 am hate- 
 tul, odious, abominable ; disagree- 
 aWe, unpleasant; 3. p.-»; p,Jcn.. 
 Jingendagosiioin., s. the state of be- 
 ing- hateful, abominable. 
 Jingendagwad, u. v. it is hateful, 
 abominable, odious ; it is disagree- 
 able unpleasant ; Y>.mn..wnh, 
 t/mgendamawa, {?i,in) a. v. an. I hato 
 s. th. belonging or relating to him; 
 d.p. oJin.,n; p.Jan..wad.—A'awm 
 mn ninjingenimassi, od ijiwebisi- 
 mn etanin jingeadamawa ; I don't 
 hate him, I only hate his con- 
 Jingendamowin, s. hatred, (towards 
 some m. obj.) 
 Jingfiidan, {nin) a. v. in. I hate it, I 
 detest It; 3. p. ojin...\ p. jan..an.g. 
 dingendjigc^{nm)xi. v. I hate, I am 
 enemy, adversary; 3. p. 1.; ^.jan.. 
 Jingend^fiaesM, {nin) n. v. I am in a 
 habit of hating, of bearing hatred 
 in mv heart _; 3. p.-.'; p. jan..m. 
 'nngendjigcshkiwtn, s. ..le had hnbit 
 of hating, habitual hatred. 
 'hngendjigeum, s. hatred, (towards 
 people,) enmity, antipathy. 
 Jmgenima, {nin) a. v. an. I hate 
 nim, I detest him, (a person, or anv 
 other an. obj.) 3. p. o jin..n : p. 
 ^an..mad. ' ' ' 
 Jtngeniti^imin, {nin) com. v. we 
 hate each other; i>.jan..didjig. 
 Jmgemndis, {nin) r. v. I hate my- 
 Jingemndiwin, s. mutual hatred 
 hatred of several persons ' 
 Jingibiss, s. a kind of wild duck • fC 
 poule d'eau ;] also, a kii^d of in! ' 
 flammation, called a whitlow : nl - 
 ag. ' ■ 
 Jingimamn, (nin) a. v. aw. I hate the 
 smell of some an. obj.; 3. p. oiin 
 «; p. jan..mad.-^Nin jivgimania 
 asscma ; o jingimaman gigoian. I 
 hatethesmell of tobacco ;'he hatea 
 the smell of fish. 
 JinmtniUulmt, (w>t)a. v. in. I hate 
 the smell of some in. obj. ; 3. p. o 
 Jin...; p . jan . . ang. —Ki jingiman. 
 dan na gigo-Umide? l^ost thou 
 hate the smell of fish-oil ? 
 Jinginike. {nin) n. v. / stretch out 
 my arms ; also, my arms hanir 
 down; 3, p. L',Y>.jen..h^l. 
 Ji>^{f.^'iik,>b, {nin)n. v.l am sitting 
 with down hanging arms ; 3. p.-«; 
 p.jm..hid. * ' 
 Mminilceosse, (nin) n. v. I walk with 
 down hanging arms ; 3, p. 1. • jgn . 
 Jingishima, {nin) a. v. an. I lay or 
 put him down, (a person, or any 
 £>ther a7i. obj.) 3. p. oJin..n ; p. Jen.. 
 JingisUn, (nin)n. v. I am lying down; 
 i. (_). 1.; p.je>i,.mg. 
 'Jinpshi>wmagad, n. v. it is lying 
 there ; p.jen..gah 
 Jmmtagos, (nin) n. v. f am disagree- 
 able in my speaking, they don't 
 like to hear me, my speaking is 
 hated; 3. p.-*'; p.ja>i..sid. 
 'Jmgitagwad, u. v. it sounds disagree- 
 able, the sound of it is hated ; p 
 'hi><titan,, (nin) a. v. in. I hate to 
 hear it ; I don't like the sound of 
 it ; 3. p. o ji....\ p jangitang. 
 Jingitinva, (ni,. i r. v.'an. I don't like 
 10 hea- hmi, 1 hr^te his speaking ; 
 3. p. '\iing..n : p.jan..?md. 
 ■Jtnaob, t m^ any kind of fir-tree i 
 pl-tg, ' 
 Jingnhah,,, s beer made of fir- 
 i-ranehes, spruce-beer. KitcUjin- 
 iTooabo, beer. 
 / . ^^ion, , a?i, branch of the fir, 
 ' .--^(Olnga::. s. shelter or hut made of 
 iir-bran^nes or boughs; pl.-a». 
 •hnaoUffe, (nin) n.,v. /am making a 
 shelter or hut of fir-boughs; also, 
 I am under such a shelter ; 3. p. 1.; 
 y>. jrn..0eil. 
 Jimjoli;i'ij!,j(uJy s. Palm-Suiulay ; [F. 
 Dimancho dos rameaux.] 
 Jiugohins, s. an. dim. little lir-branch 
 or cedar-branch ; \,\.-ag. 
 Jiuffms, s. weasel ; pl.-ay. 
 Ji'iujwak, 8. an. pine, pine-tree ; pl- 
 Jinmvaloh', s. pinery, pine-forest ; 
 Jingivakons, s. an, dim. a young pine- 
 tree; \A.-aij. 
 Jhml(i(/an, s.'line on the under and 
 upper border of a fish-net; [C. mai- 
 tre de rets ;] yl.-an, 
 Jipingivandc, or-ma^<id, u. v.; it is 
 dyed ash-colored, It, is ash-colored; 
 y-J<tP--eg, ox-iiha<jah. 
 'ipingwadman, (iiin) < 
 Ji/ii/igmidimtn., {tmi) or, mnjipimj 
 waman, a, v. i/i. I dye it ash-color- 
 ed ; 3. \). ojij)...; Y).Jap,.ang. 
 Jipinywudum, or jiping/ca'fiao, n. v. 3. 
 p. it is d;, c'l ash-colored, it is ash- 
 colored, (^an. ohj.)\i. jap. .sod. 
 Jip'uigiiHuUmra, {mil) or, ninjiping- 
 W'lnswa, a. v. an. I dye it ash-co'l- 
 ored, (()-«.. obj.)3. p. o jip..n\ p. 
 jap.M-ad ; imp.>>-M;*- 
 Jilihigwasiye, (nm) n. v. I dye ash- 
 { colored ; 3. p. 1. ; i).Jap..ged. 
 Jipuigwegatl, u. v. it is ash-colored, 
 {stuff ;)p.Ja/K.(jak. 
 JiptJi<pHngwe, {niii) n. v. I have 
 ashes on my faco ; 3. p. 1.; p. jap.. 
 ^ishanashhihidoii. {niii) a. v. in. I 
 pluck it out, (herb, plant;) 3. p. o 
 ji^h...; \). jasTi..dod. 
 Juhih, s. duck ; \A.-ag. 
 JuhibiiHlc, s. an. tea-pot ; pl.-og-. 
 JtshibananidHigan, s. ramrod, bat- 
 tering rod; [G. Ladstock ;J pl- 
 Jishipaiiwi, s. one grain of shot; pi.-*;. 
 Jishihanwins, s. one grain of small 
 shot ; pl.-an. 
 Jishibidoiien, {nin) a. v. in. I stretch 
 out the lips ; 3. p.-i ; jash..nid. 
 Ji^tMliyibidon, (nin) a. v. in. I ex- 
 l)and or stretcii it out in every di- 
 rection ; 3. p. jisfi...; p. janfi.. 
 Jinhihigih'iia, (inn) a. v. an. I extern! 
 or stretch some an. obj. in every 
 direction ; 3. p.o mA..?i ;p. jash.. 
 mtd ; inij). ji«h..hii. 
 Jinhia, {m)i) h. v. /piss, / urine, / 
 make water ; 3. p.-t'; p. iashigid. 
 Jwhigadl-wai<fad<',or-magad,u. v. it 
 is clear, or cleared, (in the woods ;) 
 Tp.jash. xleg, ox-mugalc. 
 Jiehigadnihvc, {ninjn. v. 1 am half 
 bald ; 3. p. 1.; y).ja.«h..wed. 
 JisJiigagowan, s. the matter vomited; 
 [L. vomitus.] 
 JiMgagowc. {nin) n. v. I vomit, I 
 retch, puke ; 3. p. 1. ; p. jai<h.. 
 Ji.shigagowea, {nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him vomit, I give him a vomitive, 
 an emetic medicine ; 3. p. o jieli..n; 
 Ji^shigagowesigan, s. vomitive, emet- 
 ic medicine. 
 JifiJidgagou'esim, {nin) a. v, an. S. 
 Jishigagoweivin, s. vomition, vomit- 
 Jishigimtwanj, s. soft maple ; [C. 
 plaine;] \)\.-in. 
 Jishigonindjama, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 crush some an. obj. in my hand ; 
 3. p. ojifh..n ; p.jes?/,..mad. 
 JvihtgonmJjandtm, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 crush it in my hand ; 3. p. ojinh... ; 
 Jishigiisiduma, {nin) a. -v. an. /crush 
 it with my foot ; 3. p. ojish.n ; p. 
 Jtshigasidundan, {nin) a. v. in. J 
 crush it with my foot; 3. ]>. ojinh...; 
 Jwhigwama, {nin) a. v. an. 1 gnaw 
 some an. obj.; 3. p. o jish..n ; p. 
 Jlshign-an, s. a gourd-bottle with 
 some shot in, used by pagan In- 
 dians to rattle with at their Grand 
 Medicine ceremonies. Pl.-a/t. 
 Jishigwandun. {nin) a. v. in. I gnaw 
 it ; 3. p. oji^h...; \).jesh..ang. 
It in every di- 
 V. I vomit, I 
 1. ; p. jai<h.. 
 Jishiifwe, 8. rattle-snake; pl.-A. 
 'hwa, or-mui/nd, u. v. it is sour, acid; 
 ■hwah, {nin.) n. v. / have a pearl on 
 ,ny Hye ; [G. ich habe den weissen 
 fttaar ;| 3. p.-^,;,. p.Jewabid. 
 Jiwahik, 8. alum ; [G. Alaun.l 
 Jiuiuho, 8. vinegar, (sour liquid.) 
 diwtujaiwmgan, s. maple-sirop. A'i^ 
 dujiimtgamisiijan, molasses. 
 ■Iiwan, u. V. it is sour ; it is salted ; 
 ]^. jaivamj. ' 
 Jitva8,{nm) n. V. S. PaahmrkhH- 
 iium. '' 
 Jimhiuj, s. sorrel ; [G. Saueramp- 
 Jiwif<i, n. y. 3. p. it is sour, {an. obi.) 
 V-jau'tsid.-^Jaii/wa iji-jiuym pah- 
 we?'i,/nn ; the flour got sour 
 iiV7\-'i.tt. (not. \ r\^ «,^*« *•...'_/ 
 'Jiwimt, (mn ) or, nin jiwisMma, a. 
 V. (tit. I make sour some an. obj. • 
 3. p. oJiw..M ; \KJaw..ad. ' 
 'hwrnitchujan, s. S. OmbissitcJd- 
 Jiwi.s:siu'ku}<f, (ni?i)n. v. I make sour 
 s. th.;3. p. 1.; i>. jaw.. (fed. 
 Jiumsiton, {nin) a. v. iL I make it 
 sour ; 3. p. ojiw...; Yi.jaw..tod. 
 fliwitagan, s. salt. 
 'Jinifaijanaamaye, {nin) n. v. I salt 
 for people; 3. p. 1.,- p. /««'.. rte<i. 
 dtwitaijunaiimawa, {nin) a. v, an I 
 salt for him ; 3. p. o jiw..n\ p. jaw.. 
 wad.—Jaiijwa nihiwa nin jiwUaq- 
 anaamawa (jujoian. ; I have already 
 salted many fishes for him. 
 Jiwitaijanaan, {nin) a. v. in. I salt 
 It, I pickle it ; 3. p. ojiw... ; p. jaw., 
 amf. ^ *' 
 Jiwttiuianulm, s. saltwater, brine • 
 pickle ; [F.saumure.] ' 
 JiwitiUjuiiuijade, OT-tnat/ad, u. v. it 
 IS salted, pickled ; \).j\tw..d<-o, or- 
 Jiwitarianavjmo, n. v. 3. p. he (she, 
 it) is salted, (any an. obi.) i . jaw ' 
 sod, ■> ' I J 
 Jiwitaoanaii/f,{ain) n. v, I am salt- 
 mg, I salt ; 3. p. 1.; ]).jaw..gcd. 
 Jtwifa(janatgevnn, s. salting- IF 
 salaison.] ^ ' 
 Jiwitaganawa, {nin) a. v. an. I salt 
 or pickle some hn. obj.; 3. i). o nw.. 
 n; V- jaw. .wad. •' 
 Jiwita<jani-p,j6, 9. salt-fish, salted 
 fish ; pl.-««^/. 
 Mwita,jani.kitchi,jnmi, s. ocean, sea. 
 Jiwtfamnipogon, n. v. 3. p. it tastes 
 salted; (an. olyect ;) x>.jaw..»ifj. 
 Jiwttaaantpoijwad, u. v. it tastes salt- 
 _e<i,{tn. object;) \KJaw..wal-. 
 '/iwitagamwun, u. v. it is salted, {in. 
 J^»i-)V'jaw..anfi. ^ 
 Jimtayardwi, n. v. 3. p. it is salted, 
 (,an. oh].'^ IK jaw.. wi^I. 
 Hwitagam-wiiuss, s. salt-meat, salted 
 Jiwitawa,{nin) a. v. an. S. Jiwuiia. 
 Jnmton, (nin) a. v. in. S. Jiwimfon. 
 Jobia, {mn) a. v. «». I tempt him, 
 1 attract him; 3. p. o jddan; p 
 jwahiad. ' ^ 
 Jdhiton, (nin) a. v. in. I tempt or 
 attract.it; 3. lupjoh...; \^.jwal^tvd. 
 — Atjobiton miaw, thou temptest 
 me. ^ 
 JoUigc, {nin) n. v. I tempt; 3. p. ].; 
 p.,/wn..t/(d. ' 
 Johiigewin. s. temptation, the act of 
 ^ tempting, of attracting. 
 Joh'iigon, u. V. pers. it tempts me; 
 3. p. ojoh...:, i).jwa..g<xl. 
 Jobnguwin, s. the object that tempts; 
 pi. -an. ^ 
 Jogamamagad, u. v. it is liquid, in a 
 liquid state; \i.jwa..ga]c. 
 Jogamia jngiw, {nin) a, v. an. I 
 make pitch liquid; 3. p. ojog..n: p. 
 jwa..ad. '^ 
 Jogamisi^igiw, n. v. 3. p. the pitch 
 IS in a liquid state; \\jwa..sid. 
 Jogamitchigade, or -magad, u. v, it 
 IS reduced or brought to a liquid 
 state, (some in. obj.) n.jwa.-dea. 
 or -iiingah. "^ 
 Jigaviifi.il, {nin) a. v, in. I make it 
 liquid; 3. p. ojog...; p. jwa..t<Ml. 
 Joinunim, {win) n. v. I bietahe 
 deeply, (by surprise and astonish- 
 '■■ -nt, or from fatigue by walking 
 -''■ V' rkmg; J 3. p. -0; \>.jwa..mod. 
 Joj(U:,r:,d,Vi. V. it is slippery, (on the 
 ice, or on a frozen road; ) u.jwajd- 
 i.,-r r 
 ' , ( 
 ^ -^ 
 J6kamagad, u. v, it whizzes through 
 the air; p. jiva..gah. 
 Jomdnike, s. a?i. coiiper-cont, a cent; 
 pi. -g. 
 Jovidn, s, grape, raisin; pi. -an. 
 Jimiinai>o, s, wine, 
 Jominaholcnn, s. place where they 
 make wine; press-house; pi. -an. 
 Jnmimlolce, {nin) n. v. I make wine, 
 I produce wine; 3. p. 1.; p. jwavi.. 
 Jominabolewin, s. the work neces- 
 sary to make or produce wine, 
 production of wine. 
 Jcmdnal)oh-n-inini, s. vintner, pro- 
 ducer of wine, vine-dresser, wine- 
 pressor; pi. -^oag. 
 Jominagawaiij, s. an. pi. -ig, S. Jo. 
 s. money-box, snve; 
 Jominatig, s. vine; pi. ~m, 
 Jomingicen^ (nm) n, v. or, nin jojo. 
 mingiven, freq. I have n smilinjj 
 joyous countinance; 3. p. -j; p. 
 Jcmingwetaica, {nin) a. v. an. or, 
 7nn jojrmdngwetawa, freq, 1 show 
 him a joyous smiling countinance, 
 I smile friendly in looking at him; 
 3. p. oJon..n; \>.jwa..wad. 
 Jominihng, s. vine-leave; pi. -on. 
 Jomini-Htigan, s. vineyard; pi. -an. 
 Jomiwadis, {nin) n. v. or, nin jojo- 
 miwddisj'req. I am joyous, joyful, 
 gay; 3. p. -t'; p.Jwa,..nd. 
 Jo7niwndimvin, s. joy, gaiety, m^r- 
 J&niia, s. an. silver; money. 
 Jcmiil-ndan, {nin) a. v. in. I silver 
 it, I plate it; 3. p. ojon...; p. 
 J<ndia1c<ide, or -^magad, u. v, it is sil- 
 vered, plated; ornamented with 
 silver; ^.jwan..deg, ox-magak. 
 Joniialcc, {iivn) n. v. 1 work in silver, 
 I manufacture silver-ware, I am 
 a sUver-smith; 3. p. 1.; p.jioa..led. 
 (Joniiakeivin, s. manufacturing sil- 
 ver-ware, occupation and trade of 
 a silver-smith. 
 Joniialcewinini, a. silver-smith; pi. 
 pi. -m. 
 Joniia-mashhimodem, a. dim. purso 
 pi. -an, 
 Jmiiag, s. an. pi., silver-money; 
 pieces of silver. 
 Jnniians, s. an. dim. shilling; pl.-a^. 
 Joniimvesdmig, s. an. breast-plate of 
 silver, (Indian ornament;) pi. -og. 
 Jcmjo, s. French dog; pi. ~g. Dim. 
 Jmjowasdn, s. pi. -og. S. Jovjo. 
 Joshlcogaan,' {win) a. v.in. I polish 
 it, (wood) I make it smooth; 3. p. 
 ojosh...; p.Jwa..ang. 
 Joshkngawa, {nin) a. v. an. 1 polish 
 or smooth some an, obj,; 3. p. o 
 josh..n; i^. jwa..tvad, 
 Jonhkonigan, s. S. Oandinigan. 
 Joshkmige, {nin) n. v. S. Gandinige. 
 JosTikotchigade, or -magad, u. v. it 
 is polished, made smooth; p. jwa., 
 dejsr, or -magak. 
 Joshkotehigan, s. smoothing plane; 
 pi. -an. 
 Joshkotcfiigans, s. dim. small plane; 
 [F. rabot;]pl. -an. 
 Joshkotchige, {nin) n. v. I plane, i 
 polish, I smooth; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Joshhva, or -m,agad, u. v. it is 
 smooth, polislied, even; it is 
 slippery; p.jwashkwag, or -magak. 
 Joshkwabiganaigan. s. trowel; [F. 
 truelle;] pi. -an, 
 j6shhi>d}dQfinaige, (nin) n, v. I 
 plaster with a trowel; 3. p. l.;p, 
 Joshhwahikaan, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 poolish or smooth it, (metal;) 3. p. 
 o josh . . . ; p . jwa. . ang. 
 Joshkivahikatva, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 polish or smootn some an. obj. of 
 metal or stone; 3. p. ojosh..n; p, 
 Jwa. .load. 
 Joshkioadaagan, s. skate; pi. -an^ 
 *NOTE. The two first syllables in this and 
 the following: seven words, could also be 
 written joshJcwa. . . But they are rather pro- 
 nounced >oiMo...; and therefore we write 
 them so. 
 [- ^' 
 ■ToskhmJae, (mn) n, v, /skate; 3. 
 p. l.;p.jwa..ed, ' 
 J6skhmdjiwe,(nin)n.v. I .lescend 
 a hill Bluiing, / slide cJown-hiU; 
 J- p. I.; p.jwaeh..wed. ., 
 'ToshhvaigcUmde, or -magad, it is 
 ironed with a smoothing iron; p, 
 ■roslikwaiyuiyan, a. smoothing iron, 
 nat-iron; pi. ^an, ' 
 Jmhkwaiga^e,{nU) n. v. /flatten. 
 irnJJ'.T^ ^'*^ « smootlungiron, / 
 iron, 3. p, i.;p. yu,o;..r/c(/. 
 'loskkwanalila, or -wa/wZ, u. v. 
 here is a flat smootli Woad rock; 
 LKilyauM gaiet:] ^kj wash. lag, 
 or -rnagaJt. *" 
 JoMivaton, {nin) a. v. m. I make 
 ■Tos-Mwegaau, {^lin) a. v. ?«. I iron 
 It; 3. p. ojo«h,..;\ujwa,.ang, 
 'JoMiicegawa, {nm) a. v. an. I iron 
 some an. obj. (^^^i^^a, silk, ribbon;) 
 t&j/r''-"' p- '^■""""'^'- ""?• 
 Joehmvihule, {nin) h. v. my teeth are 
 set on edge; [F.j'ailes dents aga 
 d^'ttgum, (nin) n. v. 1 feel a weak- 
 nessinmybonesi3.p, i,;p.^-,,^., 
 Jot^ganeom, (nin) n. v. I can 
 scarcely walk, I am weak, fa- 
 tigued; 3. p. l.;i,.^>,,,.jp^. 
 ./o«'c;iJaTO, («m) n. v. ] am merry. 
 joyous, bemg half drunk: 3. p. h 
 P-,9U'aWendang. ' 
 Jou)endam<junn, s. gaiety or iovfui- 
 ness m half dnnikenness. 
 JumU,{nm) n. v. 1 am half drunk, 
 Jinnhuom, s. half drunlienness. 
 fJiulaivthvc. s. Jewess; ])1, -«• 
 Judawiniid, s. jew; pi. -.«w,. 
 ^?a/£t«y s Judea, or in Judea, from 
 or to Judea. 
"m imHW*'"' 
 ScrmeworcU uMch are not found under K,'<y>ay he looked for under Q. 
 A'a, adv. no, not. 
 Ka awiia, nobody; or nothing, no, 
 none, (speaking of «n. obj.)— A'a 
 aiviin jordia ni/ul aiawaiei', I have 
 no money. 
 Ea (jet/o, nothing, no, none, 
 (speakuiR of i/i. obj.)— /m <jef/o 
 7nm(i/i, ki ija-gaivadjimin; there 'is 
 no wood, we will freeze. 
 Ka masld, not yet. 
 Ka ningotchi, no where. 
 Ka v'ika, never. 
 Kd>i~. This word is only used in 
 compositions, and signifies all, the 
 whole; as : Kahi-Muon, all winter; 
 kale-mhiii, all summer; kahe-ffljt'<j, 
 all day; kahi-tibik, all night. 
 Kalieuii, adv. long, a long time. 
 Kaheijiji'jaitam, {n.ia) n. v. I outlive 
 yet this day. (a sick dying person;) 
 3. p. -«'; p. hi I.. mid 
 KuhenJikan, (nm) a. v. (71. I goto the 
 end of it, (a period of time;) 3. p. 
 o kah...', p. kch..miy. 
 KabevdCn or -nuKjad. u. v. the time 
 arrives; p. ktbt^sseij, or -magak. — 
 Nuh>rass<igW(_m ga . kahfsscg... ; 
 when the eighth day was arrived,.. 
 Kalitt Ihikanam, (nin) n. v. I outlive 
 yet this night, (a sick dying per- 
 son;) 3. p. -(■; p. keh..7md. 
 Kahefihikwe, (jdti) n. v. I spend the 
 whole night in...; 3. p. 1., p. kch.. 
 Kahik, in compositions, signifies 
 pandng, rirminqhy. (Examples in 
 some of the following words.) 
 KaMkagoii, y/d/i) u. v. pers. it goes 
 by me, it passes me; 3. p. kub...; 
 p. keb..goa. 
 Kahikan, {nin) a., v. in. I pass it, / 
 go farther; 3. p. kah...; p. kc- 
 Ka))ikaioa, {nin) a. v. an. I pass him, 
 I go farther than he is; 3. p. u 
 kah..n\ p. keh..wad. 
 Kahlhmsc, or -inagad, u. v. it passes; 
 p. kch..seg, or -magak. It passes 
 noon, (it is more than twelve 
 o'clock,) kahikosse nawukive, or 
 kahikona wakwe. 
 KaJ, leg. This word is always con- 
 nected with a possessive pronoun; 
 as : Kikdd, my leg. Okudan, his 
 legs. — The k is softened into c/ in 
 compositions; as : Alogadc, he' has 
 four legs. Nin dcwigode, I have 
 pain in my leg. GihohHiadctflnn . 
 he broke his leg, etc. 
 Kddadjim, {nin)n. v. 1 don't tell all 
 of it, I conceal some ui my report; 
 j3. p. -0; p. kuia..mod, 
 Kudadjiinotawa, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 don't tell him the whole of it, I 
 make him an incomplete rejiort; 
 ^3. p. o kad..n; p. kaia.."'ad. 
 Kudddje'ino/rin, s. incouiplete report, 
 where some circumstances are not 
 told; pi. -an. 
 Kddawa, (nin) or, nin kddafnnica, 
 a. V. a». I hide or conceal it to 
 him, I hide s. th. belonging or rel- 
 ating to him; I don't tell or declare 
 hims. th.; 3. p. okad...n; p. ka- 
 Kddjigudu. or -magad, u. v. it is 
 hidden, concealeil, secret; p. /Iwi.. 
 dnj, or -magak. 
 Kddon, (nil') a. v. in. I hide it, con- 
 ceal it, I keep it secret; 3. p. a 
 Jcadon; p. kaiddod. 
 'or under G. 
 ^/y, 8. porcupine, (a kind of I ar ere 
 ofthiH word issofteWinto^, ij 
 composu.ons; as : JraJ^4 a 
 a young porcupine; pi. -aj7. *' 
 ^'l£-^t\^'''>^ "/ ^' ^ am very 
 •arge, J. j,. _i. p. ^.^^..^^^ 
 iSf if'i"'"' "• ''■ ^ ^•■^t'^h a very 
 large fish in my net: 3. p. 1 • n'^ 
 I^<tj<igi,s. raven; [F. corbeau;] pi. 
 There is alwavs a possessive pro- 
 noun prefixecl to tliis word; as 
 i\ m U<ia,jim my uvula; H /[•«//«. 
 ^m thy uvula, &c. (The finalm 
 IS the possessive terminalion. S. 
 Term )"*'"' ^^"P" ^'" P^ss^-''^- 
 ^(Hy\fih s. raven-duck; cormor- 
 ant, (bird;) pi. -^^j^. 
 Jyaga^iwanj, s. an. hemlock; \F 
 pruche;] pi. -j-^. ' ^'^• 
 Kam.jowanjiki, s. hemlock-forest; 
 ^pl. -wan. ' 
 Ku'ja,jiwan.jiwaho, s. hemlock-tea, 
 (tea made by boiling little branches 
 ot hemlock in water.) 
 E^amigiwihoj, s. raven's beak. (Thn 
 ndians call so a kind of small iron 
 lamp. ) PI. -in. 
 M>jdm, adv. S. Juiiqoh. 
 Ivwjvje. adj. perpetual, everlasting, 
 eternal. This word is never used 
 alone, it is always connected with 
 a substantive or verb. (Examples 
 in some of the following words ) 
 luuiuje hauadjiUisowm, s. eternal 
 Lariije Umadidioin, s. life everlast- 
 ^niLr, eternity. 
 Ka(ii,ie Jawendai/osiwin, s. eternal 
 ITamgehimic,, adv. perpetually.etern- 
 ally, ior ever and ever. 
 £d<,mi, adj. and adv. Ot. S. Aagiae. 
 Koijin'Kj. ^ •' 
 -^V'j^Aj'aiJv. always, continually, 
 Lagvhwai; s. porcupine-quill, (used 
 by scpiaws for embroidering after 
 the Indian fashion;) pi. -a«^"^' 
 J^mufnw, 8. Porcupine Mountain, 
 ijake Superior. ' 
 A'ugwaiun, s. un. the skin of a por- 
 cupine; ]A.-u,i. • ^ 
 J^inaijwt-Unuididd, the Eternal, 
 Kmndjt,ia<lcij,^. 8. a. a hidden thing, 
 secret, mystery; pl.-»„, *^' 
 Kmakamis, {nin) n. v. S. Kakd- 
 KAiuikamidwin, s. Kaknminewin. 
 Kaka, or HUf^h. They say this word 
 to children, to express that s. th. 
 IS bad or dirty. 
 Kuhdbika, u. V. there is a cascade, 
 a cataract, a waterfall over a steep 
 rock; p. kek..]cag. ^ 
 A«/-«J«Aa„^ ,n a place where there 
 dacl ' ^*' '° °'"^'^'" ^"^^ '■* 
 Kal-abiicawan, u. v. S. KalcaUha. 
 Kakalnkedjtwan, u. v. there is a 
 strong rapid in a river over rocks. 
 r/']\¥}^^ cascade; p.M..a«f/. 
 Kakalnshe, s. screechowl, (an owl 
 whose voice is supposed by Indians 
 to toretell misfortune or death;) 
 Kakakdmmnd, u. v. it is square; u 
 kcJcijak. ^' 
 Kahikij/ad, u. v. it is square, ( stuff;) 
 y- l-eh..i/ak. ' 
 Kal-aki(jm moshwe, n. v. 3. p. the 
 handkerchief is square, («n. obi.) 
 Kakdm, adv. sudden, short, short- 
 ening the way. 
 Kakdniaam, (nin) n. v. I shorten my 
 way, I go by the short way, (trav- 
 elingm a canoe or boat;) '3. n 1 • 
 ^p. M-..a«^. '^ ^ ■' 
 Kakdmibato, {nin) n. v. I run by the 
 short way; 3. p. ].; p. kclc.tod.. 
 Kakavwie, {nin) n. v. I die suddenly 
 or, I die after a short illness; 3. p 
 !•; p. AreA. .«<</. ' 
 Kakdrninewin, s. sudden Jeath, or 
 cloath after a short illness, 
 Kahwuffhka, (nin) n. v. 1 take the 
 shorrvvay;3. p.l.;p. Ae/i;../lW. 
 (/«, n. V. S. Kaka- 
 Kiiknm nind 
 Kal-ainwikii'edwpam, {nin) n. v. I ^o 
 (by water) from (inu point straight 
 to another, shortening my way; J. 
 p. V; I'- krk,.iin(j, 
 K(ikiiwcni{jitjan, h. cartilagi", gristle. 
 Kdfct'tian, broast. There is always q 
 )iossessive pronoun prelixed to this 
 word; as: Nin kakignn, my breast; 
 hi kaki'jan, o kukt'i/an, thy breast, 
 his breast, otc. 
 Kdkina, ndv, and adj. all, the whole, 
 all of it, entirely. 
 Juikina (jajd (hiiehwctaiuj, p. s. a. he 
 that believes all, a credulous per- 
 son; pl.-if/, 
 Kahina l-dchitwan'i'udacifmdjig <jfji- 
 gonff ehiiljiij o gijujadomiwh. All 
 Saints day; [F. la Toussaint.] 
 JTali.'i, {71m) u. V. Ot. S. JCa^. 
 A'akifchishhiJiiJen,, {nin) u, v. I 
 gnash, 1 gruid or collide the teeth; 
 ^3. p.-i; p. hk.^nid. 
 I\akiwe, (nin) n. v. I traverse or 
 cross a point of land on foot; 3. p. 
 ^1.; p. kfkiirpd. 
 KaHwconan, s. a place where they 
 traverse a point of land, ( walkiiig 
 through a portage, etc. ) V rom this 
 word is formed the name of the 
 Lake Superior Mineral Kegion, 
 Point Jucicoiaw. It is a point of 
 land which is crossed or traversed 
 on foot through the Portage. Its 
 proper Indian name is Kakiwio- 
 Kakitressatd, {nut) n. v. I cross or 
 traverse a point of land, (partly in 
 a canoe through a portage;) 3. p. 
 ^1.; p. hk^.tcl. 
 Kahwataijiudant . Jutk/i'atagi'Jidamow- 
 in. KahvatiKjia. Kakwatagitmciiu 
 (Ahj.) S. Kiitcujcndam. Kotagenda- 
 moioin, Kotagia. Kotagitowin> 
 Kakwidjwh, s. S. Mtsmklikwidjuh, 
 Kwman^tigweiag, s. S. Oamanetig' 
 Kamig, kamuja, at the end of words, 
 alludes to the ground; as: xlnania- 
 kamig, under ground; ovakamiga, 
 there is a level ground; auihelca- 
 viiga, there is a rising ground, etc. 
 k'umitiiirangagainag, s. .S. Uamitd- 
 Kan, as' end-syllable in compound 
 words, signifies honr. This word 
 is always connected with a iios- 
 scssive pronoun; as: JS'ihm, kikdn, 
 >kiin,jiihina/r, my bone, thy l)one, 
 his bune, my bones, etc. In ct)m- 
 ]iositions the k is changed into ;/; 
 as: Makdgan; bear's bon«!; arni/cu' 
 gim, beaver's bone; nin jctigane, I 
 feel weak in my bones. 
 Kdna, {nt'n) a. v. an. I hide him, 
 conceal him, (a person, or any 
 other an. obj.) 3. p. okanan; [k 
 Kang, or shkanj^ as end'syllable in 
 some compound words, alludes to 
 a nail of a person, (on hand or 
 loot,) to a hoiif of an animal, to a 
 claw of an animal or bird. But the 
 k of^'a;y'is softened into g in coni- 
 liositions; as; Makoganj, bear's 
 claw. Jidnjigoganji, one-'hoofed 
 animal, horse'. 
 Kdjiadad, u. v. S. Kdpan. 
 Anpadig, n. V. 3. j). S. Kapisi. 
 Kdpan. Ui V. it is inflexible, it is 
 brittle, it cannot be lient, it breaks 
 when bent; p. kaidpang. 
 Jvdpid, n. v. 3. p. it is inflexible, 
 brittle, it cannotbe bent, (a/i. obj.) 
 p. kaia...sid, 
 Ji'as, (nin,) n. v. I am hidden, con* 
 cealed; [L. lateo;J also, I hide my- 
 self, 1 abscond; 3. p. kaso; p. kaid- 
 Jyas, as end-syllable in some verbs, 
 signifies didaimiU'/tion, feigning, 
 as: S\'ind anuniiek-aK, I feign reli- 
 gion and piety. Nind akosikas, I 
 dissemble sickness. 
 Ka>'ihkdl)i{finama8,{nin)r. v. I choke 
 or suffocate myself with a' rope; 3. 
 p.-o; p. kxsh..S(Kl, 
 Kaskkdhigir, amaum, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 choke him with a rope or cord; 3. 
 p. kagh..n; p kesh.:wad. 
 Kashkdhikan, (nin) a. v, in. I lock 
 it; 3, p. o/kodh.,,; p. kesh..ar.g. 
 ). Gamitd- 
 h'ashhahilcaujade, ot-mngad, \i. v it 
 IS ockedj p. hexh.Mg^ or-mamh 
 K,iM(ahikai<jan, s. look; pl.-at 
 '^<'xhk-abikn>^janhikomi,iauak, s. pad- 
 A7«A^-a6,>rt/yf7^//-«,r«/;i) n. V. I mRll- 
 ulau ire lurks, I am a locksmith: 
 •J- P- l.;p.^r»//..Ar</. ' 
 ^i"»Md/n{-cu;/aiiU-('>rin, a.work trade i 
 'Jcc.ipation of a locksmith, lock- ' 
 inanufaclurc. ' | 
 ^^us/d-ii/>ikaiyanil-ewtntm, s. lock- 
 smith, lock-manufacturer; dI - 
 (Cashkakide, or-mariad, u. v. it 1„mtis 
 all up, It IS consumed by (ire: p. 
 '>'a^hkdhi<jant,)disU7iin)r. v. I cover 
 mybrHastjJ.p. o; p. ^•.,A..«r;rf. 
 ii(''^Maki<ja/ieo7i, a. breast-pin; pl.- 
 h'lsAkdkos, (wm)n, v. 1 burn up I 
 am consumed by (ire; 3. p.V; p. 
 lutshkamabxloncshka, (nin) n. v mv 
 mmithisstopped;3.p. l.;p.;fce,£ 
 luiM-aodji,iikch, {nin) n. v. I liave 
 iny hands under my arms, (1 keep 
 the hands under the armpits;) 3 n 
 -f, p. kes/i.-bid. '■ 
 h'ashkcndagwad, u. v. it is sad, af- 
 mctitig, grievous, sorrowful, mel- 
 ancholic, lonesome; p. kesh..wak. 
 '^(i»/ilcmdagwakamig, adv. sad sor- 
 rowful. ' 
 h^ashkCndam, {nin) n. v. I r.m sad, 
 melancholy. afHicted, sorrowful 
 df^ioctcd, grieved; I am homesick 
 Kashkendamia, {nin) a. v aw I 
 make him sad, afflicted, I give' or 
 cause him sorrow, trouble, niilic- 
 tion; I hurt his feelings; 3. p. o 
 fCashkaidamidee, (nin) n. v. mv heart 
 IS afflicted, sad, grieved, 1 am sad 
 Kai<kkendamideewin, hearty sorrow 
 sorrow of the heart. °""ow, 
 Jinshk&ndamitdn, (nin.) a. v. in. t 
 hear it with sorrow, with sadnesaj 
 '«• p. okuiih...;p. kexli..ang. 
 futshkindamifn'na, {nin) n.. v. an. I 
 hear him, or listen to him, with 
 worrow.with H.idne88;3. n.okash.. 
 >y, p. k<'»h..v'iul. 
 Kanhhndanunvin s. sorrow, sadness, 
 "iNiction. melancholy, trouble; 
 Kiixhkihid,', or~M r,/nd, u. v. it in tied 
 /-"'! I'!;**-,!!'-' !'• ^■^''/i-deg, or-,nn>,nk. 
 iy.ii.'<M:il„<lji,ian, a. any object tied up 
 in s. th.; especially an Indian inecl- 
 icinc tied up in a little rag or piece 
 ^o( leather- |.|.-fl,i. ' 
 Kaahkibidon, (nin) a. v. in. 1 tie it 
 "P m a handkerchief, etc.; 3. p. o 
 J-("<h...;\xkesh..dod. ^ 
 Jui.s/>kthMa,inin)a.\. an. I tie uii 
 sorneaw. obj.ins. th.;3. p. o kash 
 • fi; p. k,a<h..nad. 
 luishkihis, {nin) n. v. I am tied up 
 in.s. th.;3.p.-o;p. te;4..,o(/. 
 J^u^hkidimehu,m, s. garter; pl.-a«. 
 JiusMikanokan, a. the threshold of a 
 door; i)l.-a7(. 
 Aaskkifdnkad, u. v. it is dark, dark- 
 ness; IK k<sfi..kak. 
 AaHikiwcgi\m, {?iin) a. v. an. I wrap 
 hiin up in 8 th., I swath him up. 
 • -.l'. kask..n; p. kc^L.nad; imp. 
 A'ann..(fin. ^ 
 ^Mwrginan,{nin)^. v. /„. I wrap 
 Jtup.ns. th., I envelop it; 3. p. 
 l-asL..; p. keoh.ang. ^ 
 J^^as/ikiireginigadc, ov-tnamd, u. v. it 
 IS wrapped uj, in s, th.; p. ke.fh.. 
 'fen, or magak. ^ 
 Aafknyuurjan, s. a sheet or piece 
 of stuif, to wrap s. th. in it}pl.- 
 Katihkiweginiiras, {nin) n. v. I am 
 wrapped or swathed in s. th.; 3. p. 
 -r>;-p.kesh..md. ^ 
 liashkiwtginige, (nin) n. v. J am 
 wrappi„gups.tk;3.p. l.;p.ic«Z 
 ■Kaskasktbissidon, {nin) a. v in 1 
 srapitons. th.;3. p. o to...:'p. 
 lU _^^ 
 iiT 14^ 
 JA mil 1.6 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872 <»503 
 Kds6idu,{nm) r. v. I hide or con- 
 ceal myself; 3. p.-o; p. kaia..snd. 
 Kdsotag<m; ( idn) pers. v. it is hidden 
 to nie; [L. latet rae;] 3. p. o has...; 
 p. lcai(:..<j<)d. 
 Kde6tawa.{nin,) a. v. an. 1 hide my- 
 self before him; 3. p. o /fc««..?t; p. 
 Kdtch-i %{nm) n. v. I cry, 1 weep;3. 
 p.-o; p. hiintchinuid. 
 Kdtchirnoshk, (nin) n. v. I cry or 
 weep »vays; 3. p.-*; p. haia.Md. 
 Kateahi s. Catechism. 
 K.d)igh :.i., s. forehead, brow. This 
 v» Oi d is always preceded by a pos- 
 sessive pronoun; as: A'««/ta%i/;a?)., 
 kilcatigumn, o l-aty/ivan; my fore- 
 head, thy forehead, his forehead. 
 Kaiolik, Rd], Catholic. 
 Katolik aimtmiwin, Catholic reli- 
 KatoHk cnamiad, p. s. a. Catholic 
 Chris ian; \^\.-jut. 
 Kati'uitdag, s. an. "white spruce; pl.- 
 Xawessa, adv. no, not at all, that 
 won't do. 
 Kdwiii, adv. S. Kn. 
 Kama awiia. luiwin gego, etc. S. 
 Ka dwiki. Ka geqo, e'tc'. 
 Kawln emiia endmhiwad , neither of 
 Kawin Impish, ad\-. not at all, by no 
 Kwwlngainjgi, adv. not in the least, 
 not even... 
 Kawin nind afdssi, I am absent. 
 Kawin nind agatchusi, I am shame- 
 less, iinpiulenl. 
 Siiivin,nv:giJendansi,Iam undecided, 
 Kaiinnningot. adv. nothinji^. not any. 
 Kawin, nin. minwendansi, I am dis- 
 satisfif'd, discontented. 
 Kawin nin sagakamistssi, I am negli- 
 gent, 1 am careless. 
 Keaijehinvagakin, in the morning; 
 aassing kegijebawagakin, every 
 Ki&(jo, adv. e.xpression of prohibi- 
 tion, don't; [L. noli.] 
 KeiaU. adv. yet. Kawin keiabi, no 
 Kejidin, kekijidin, kekejiditte, adv. 
 quick, quickly, immediately. 
 Kekek, s. sparrow-hawk; pl.-img. 
 Kelcendan-ttig gego, p. s. a. ignorant 
 person, knowing nothing; 'p\.-gog 
 Kckowamar/ed , p. s. a. teacher, mas- 
 ter, school-teacher, preceptor; pi. 
 Kekin(iatnawind,\>. s. a. scholar, pu- 
 pil; apprentice; \)\.-jig. 
 Ktkimiwijiwed, p. s. a. a person that 
 shows the way a guide ; \^\--jig. 
 Kima, kema qaie, adv. or, perhaps. 
 Kepagisid nabugiaaag , a thick boaru; 
 (F. tnadrier;! pi. kepagisidjig na- 
 KcHhkak:ideg,\y. s. a. brand, fire-brand; 
 Keshkashkijvjed, p. s. a. S. Kishka:<h- 
 KetcM-bish igwadisid, or, kekenitnad 
 lekanuinidjin, p. s. a. adulterer, 
 adulteress ; pl.-jig. 
 KetcM-danid, p. s. a. rich person, 
 ^wealthy person; pl.-;2V/. 
 Ketchi-nishkadkid, p. s.' a. enraged 
 person, raging person, a person in 
 a great passion; pl.-;'*'^. 
 Kidd-omigid, p. s. a. leper, leprous 
 pel son; pi .->>/. 
 Ketchitwan'endagosid, p. s. a, blessed 
 holy person, a Saint in heaven ; 
 KttimcKiisid ninjawenima, I do cha- 
 rity, t give alms. 
 Ketimuhkid, p. s a. sluggard, lazy 
 person; \i\.-jig. 
 A% pron. thou, we, you; thy, our, 
 Kihins. s. browse, little rod ; pi. ki- 
 hinmn, a shrub, a bush. 
 Kid, pron., the same as ki ; {d is the 
 euphonical letter before a vowel.) 
 Kidamikati, s. thy chin. 
 Kidji-, or kidf-. This word is only 
 used in connection with a substan- 
 tive or substantive-verb , in the 
 second person singular, and the 
 first and second plural. It cerres- 
 Kawin keiabi, no 
 e, you; thy, our. 
 ponds to the English word fellow-, I 
 i} liable (Y> or ron, in 
 or the Latin s) ..„.„^ ,„ „, „ 
 compositions ; and signifies simi- 
 Ian y or equal quality ,• as : AWy' 
 nJiohtafjewmlnl , a servant liiie 
 thyself, thy fellow-servant; IL 
 conservus tuus.] ■• ' 
 fu(/d, s. thy m-jt'ier. 
 /ffj/i/eh, adv. in the morning. earJv 
 hujtjehawanad., u. v. it is morning" 
 inorning-time; [F. la matinee :l u. 
 Jce(j..ijak. 'J ' 
 Kimjeh-wudn. (nin) n. v. 1 break- 
 Juamb-wmintwm, s. breakfast : fG 
 Morgenessen.] ' ■- " 
 Kigiwm, s. thy motherhood, thy ma- 
 ternity.- Gagangmiiian ketchitwa- 
 wendagmiau, kigiwm mamakaden- 
 rfw«'tf«/ blessed Virgin, thy mo- 
 ^therhood is wonderful ! 
 Kkfodewishka, (?dn) n. v. I move 
 with my whole family, my whole 
 household; 3. p. 1.; p. keg..ka<l. 
 Kiiaw thy body ; thou, thee, thy- 
 self. ■' 
 Kya, adv. beforehand, before, in ad- 
 vance, by anticl[)ation. 
 Kijdhate, or-maguJ, u. v. the air is 
 ^.^^r'w'.P- ^''J-^''(l^ or~magad. 
 /i-yaMu/e, or -magad, u. v. it is 
 warm (some ^•/^. obj. of metal or 
 r^?. ,"fi\P' ^'ff'-deg, or-tnagnk. 
 AyaM-iy,, n. ^■. 3. p. it is warm; (ar.. 
 Ob, of metal J) p. kej..std. 
 htjalntmgan, s. stove, box-stove ; 
 \n.~an. ' 
 Kijdddti, {nin) v. a. in. I watch it 
 guard it ; 3. p. okij...^ p. kejadanq. 
 Kyadnwass, {mn-) n. v. I guard a 
 child, (or children;) 3. pT-^ ■ p 
 kej..wd. ' \ 
 mddige, (nin) n. v. I guard the 
 lodge, house, village, etc., I remain 
 at home when all go awav ; 3 t) 
 i.;p. %'..r/frf. ' ■ ■'■ 
 Kijadigemmn.i, a. guardian, watch- 
 man; pi.-wag. 
 Kyddis.^ {nin) n. v. S. Kijcwadis. 
 K9.j<ulistmn, s. S. Kijcivadidwin. 
 f^ijagaimde, n. v. it is warm, (water 
 orany liquid;) p i-ey..(/fj,. 
 ^Svfr^T*' '.'"■«) ■•• V- I warm mv 
 heait bydrinking something warm; 
 jJ: V--"'-! V-kfj..md. 
 Mjagamuan, {nin,) a. v. in. I makr 
 It warm, I warm it, (water or so- 
 me other liquid;) 'S.\xokiia. : 
 p. kej..anq. ' 
 J^'Mgcule 'ov-magad, u v. it is cut 
 by accident, or bv mistake ; p. kri 
 -deg, or--maqak. ' "- . 
 Mjaigas, {nin) n. v. I am cut by ac- 
 cideni or by mistake; 3. p.-« ; ,, 
 /y;..s<jd. ^ ' ' 
 Kiiakiganes, {nin) r. v. I warm niv 
 breast;3.p.-o;p. ^,^'..sarf. 
 Ji^ijana, {nin) a. v. an. I guard him, 
 1 watch over him; 3. p. o Ujanan: 
 ,P- kejanad. 
 mdvdis, {nin) r. v. I wound myself 
 icut myself; 3. p,-^; p. kej..8od. 
 KtjaU^ OT-magad, u. v. it is warm 
 (warm weathe^' ;) p. hejateq.Qx'- 
 magah. '' J. - 
 Kijdwd {nin) a. v. an. I wound him 
 cut him, (not purposely;) 3. .." 
 ok%j..u; p. kfjavad ; imp. /&«/d. ' 
 Ji-ijnwenda>i, {nin) a. v. in. I env> 
 It ; 3. p. „ hj . ; p. kej..ang.~Ni]. 
 kymrendan kzntw ; kawin nin dr- 
 dodmi^m. I envy thee; I ought not 
 to do so. 
 ^iAivendjige,{ndn) n. v. I envv, 1 
 teel envy, 1 feel pain at the sight 
 of any good quality, excellence or 
 feIicityofoth6r8;3. p. 1. ; p. yt-e/.. 
 Kimwendjigewin, s. envy, envious 
 disposition of mind, pain felt at 
 the sight of some good quality or 
 prosperity of others. 
 \Kmtvemma,{nin) a v. an. 1 en\ v 
 I hiin; 3. p o hj. .n\ p. kej. .mad. " 
 Aijawenindtwin, s. envy. S. Kim- 
 Kije-Munito, God. 
 KijcManito o masinaigan, the book 
 of God, the Holy Uible. 
 liye-Maniio o maninaigan nind od- 
 Jtndan, I swear on the Bible ( 1 
 kiss the book of God.) ' 
 Eije-Munitow, {nin)r\.\.l am God; 
 3. p.-t; p. ICi:j,.n'id. 
 Jvije-Mnniiovwin, s. (Jodher.d, di- 
 vinity, divine nature. 
 Kijewutlin, (nin) n. v. I am good, be- 
 nevolent, charitable, enrnpassion- 
 ate, humane, clement, amicable ; 
 hospitable; 3. p.-i; p hej,.sid. 
 Kijewadv<itadimm, {hiii) com. v. we 
 are charitable to each other ; p. 
 Jiijewtiduitawa, {nin) a. v. an. I am 
 charitable to him ; 3. ^.okij,.n; 
 p. l-1'J..wad. 
 Kijewdduim/i, s. charity, benignity, 
 bounty, goodness, kindness, bene- 
 volence, clemency, amicability. 
 hc..jMtality ; compassion. 
 ICi'Ji, in compositions, signifies fast, 
 quick; atrong. (Examples in some 
 of the following words.) 
 K'^jibadinol'e, {nin)n. v. I turn round 
 until I fall down, (as children do, 
 playing ;)3. p. 1. ; p. kej..lced. 
 Kijihata, [niii.) n. v. I turn round 
 (for a wh'le,) I whirl round; [F. je 
 tournoie ;J 3. p. 1. ; p. kej.dad. 
 SiJihaweUnaJiij/ranahifc, (nin) a. v. 
 an. I turn a grindstone; 3. p. o kij.. 
 n; p. ]cej..na(i. 
 Kijihnweoinan., (nin,) a. v. in. I turn 
 it round with a crank, (in. obj.) 
 3. p. h'J... ; p. Jcej..an(j. 
 Kijih welnntgan, s. crank; [F. mani- 
 velle;] jil.-aw. 
 Kijihdwehinige, yiiiri) n. v. I turn a 
 crank; 3. p. 1.; p. kfj..ged. 
 Kijibenddn, {mn) a. v. in. I think 
 always on it; 3. p. o Icij... ; p. k^.. 
 Kyibenima, [nin) a. v. an. I think 
 always on him ; 3. p. o kij..n ; p. 
 hej. .mad. 
 Kijlhide, ov-^nagad, u. v. it goes or 
 glides fast, quick ; p. kej..(ieg, or- 
 magak.-Ani/nd ishkote-nahihwatian 
 geget kitchi kiJiJddewan ; some 
 steamboats go very fast indeed. 
 Eitihideeshkassa, (nm ) a v, a7i. I hang 
 him on a cord and turn him round, 
 until he feels sick, as Indians do 
 to wicked children, for a punish- 
 ment;) 3. p. kij..n ; p. k^..sad. 
 Jiii'ihima, {.nin) a. v. 
 nim; 3. p. o kij..n ; 
 an. 1 speak of 
 p. kfj..mad. 
 Kijihvidan, {nin) a. v. in. I speak of 
 It ; 3. p. kij... ; p. kej..amj. 
 Kijidc., ox--magad, u. v.'S. Kijote. 
 Kijidjiwan, u . v. it runs fast, ( liquid,) 
 there is running water ; a rapid or 
 rapids ; p. h'j..a»g. 
 Kijiga, OT-magad, \\. v. it runs fast, 
 (speakmg o'( the sap running oiil 
 of maple-trees in spring, in sugar- 
 ^making;) p. kfjigag. ox-7nanak. 
 Kijiydh, {nm) n. v.' 1 look at s. th. 
 steadily; [F. je regarde fixement;] 
 3._p.-?!; p, kej..hid. 
 Kijiydhama, {nin) a. v. an. I look at 
 him steadily, watching him ; 3. p. 
 o kij..n ; p. kej..mad. 
 lujigdhandan, {nin) a. v. in. I look 
 at it steadily ; 3. p. o kij... ; p. kej.. 
 Kijiganona, {nin) a. v. an. I speak 
 to'him loud ; 3. p. o hj..n ; p. kej.. 
 nad; imp. kijigovoj. 
 Kijigendam, {nin) n. v. I think or 
 desire earnestly ; 3. p. 1. ; p. hj.. 
 ISjigenddn, {nin) a. v. in. I desire it 
 earnestly, strongly ; 3. ^.okij.,.; 
 p. hej.. ang. 
 Kijigenimd,{nin) a. v. an. I desire 
 strongly some an. obj.; 3. p. o kij.. 
 n; p. kej. .mad. 
 Kijiidnimad; u. v. there is a gosd 
 fast wind, ( that makes us sail fast;) 
 p. kcj..mak, 
 Xijiidbh. {7iin) n. v. I sail fast; 3. p. 
 L ; p. kej. .ill. 
 Kijij , in compositions , signifies 
 atxang, durable. (jL^xamples in so- 
 me of the following words.) 
 Kijijd, adv. strongly, soundly. — Ka- 
 win kijija nin himadidssi ; I don't 
 live strongly, (I am not in good 
 Mjijawad; u. v. it is durable, strong; 
 p. kej..wah.- Geget kijijawad kiiaw, 
 kawin wikn kid akosissi ; thy body 
 is strong indeed, thou art never 
 'ijijawigam, {nin) n, v. I have 
 V. in. I desire it 
 I sail fast; 3. p. 
 n, V. I have 
 strength in my bones, (I am a 
 strong man ;) 3. p. I. ; p. ^,y..^,,,y. 
 Jr^?ijm'ts,{7nn) n. v. l am durable, 
 strong, vigorous; industrious, per- 
 severing ,n working ; 3. p.-i ; p. 
 KtjTJojwi&ifwm, s. vigor; industry. 
 Atjika (mn) n. v. I go on quid 1 
 hythihato {mn) n. v. I run fast ; 3. 
 P-l-;p-%..^r;a. ' 
 mikmmyad, u. v. it goes or runs 
 fast ; p. l-ej..gal. 
 Hnl^an ntnmasinavian, (nin) a v 
 T'Ji^y ""^ '^'''^'^'' («•■ '"y debts,)* 
 I settle my account ; 3. p. ,; Bi..; 
 Kvjihis,(ni,i) r. V. I clear myself of 
 my debts, I pay all; 3. pZ-o ■ p 
 Kijikawa, (nin) a. v. an. I pay him 
 my debt, I settle with him; 3. p. o 
 ktj.ji; p. kej..wad. 
 Kejtkinmwe, (nm) n. v. I make a 
 largetire_;3. p. l.;p.^e;..^^^, 
 Aijtkos, ynm) n. v. I get hurt by car- 
 rying too heavy a load; 3. p.-j • n 
 kej..sod. ' '^' 
 Kijindagan, 8. contagious sickness, 
 pest.-S. Jifiddgan. 
 mimse, {nin) n. v. S. KiHka. 
 Mmmigmg {nin) n. v. my pulse 
 beats quick ; 3. p.-„ ; p. kejljad. 
 Kij,pihwatm, {nin) n. v. my back 
 gets warmed; 3. p.-o; p. kej.sod. 
 Jiijis,{mn)n. v. I am warm, I feel 
 heat m my body; I have the fever; 
 S. p.-o; p. kejiscd. 
 Aipsan, {nin) a. v. in. I warm or 
 re- warm it; 3. p.okij...; p. keji- 
 sang, i > r j 
 Kijis gan e. a warmer; [F. rcchauf- 
 Jon ;] p\.-an. 
 iLiji^ige, {nin) n. v. I warm or re- 
 warm ; 3. p, \.;p.]c€j..ged. 
 Atn6.Ais, {nin) r. v. I warm myself, 
 I get warmed ; 3. p.-^ ,- p. ]cej..sod. 
 Mji,osse,{n,n)n, v. I get warm by 
 vyalk.ng; 3. p. 1. ; p. ^^^•.,,,^. 
 Kmsowaptne, {nin) n. v. I have the 
 fever with great heat ; 3. p. 1, ; p. 
 Kej..ned. ^ ' *^ 
 [Kijisowapinnvin, s. fever with heat; 
 [(j. hitziges Fieber.] 
 AJjimwin, 8. heat in the body; fever. 
 A?me bines7ii, n. v. 3. p. the bird 
 flies quick; p. A:e;Mse</. 
 ^ijistva, {ma) a. v. an. I warm or 
 re-warmsomet//,.obi.;3. p.oM.. 
 ,,!*'. P- l^'iJ'Wad ; imp. kijiswi. 
 Aijtwngonoija, or-magofl, u. v the 
 snow IS settled, the snow is sunk 
 ^,T" '^l^ ^^!^-^ P- *^i-W. or-ma- 
 i/ak. 1 he same cignification han 
 Kijiwe, {nin) f speak loud; 3. p 1 • 
 p. kejiwed. t- •■> 
 EiHwemagad, u. v. it sounds loud, it 
 has a strong sound; p. k€i..qak. 
 Ayiweweiashka, oc-^nagad, there is 
 a loud roaring of fhe waves, high 
 Jit^iWeweUm, {nin) a. v. in. I make 
 ^M inin) n. v. I am warm, (in a 
 iS^''' ^"'^' ^'''•^ ^' P- *' P-W«- 
 KiioUke, {nin) n. v. I melt snow to 
 have water; 3. p. 1.; p. %. .^. 
 Azjogade, {nin) n. v. m- legs ar* 
 warm;3. p.l.-n.ia^'..^^^. 
 Aijma,or-magad,n. v. it is warm, 
 a/ "^'-^ P" ^"'J-'<^9^ or-wa- 
 Kijojcawa, {nin) a. v. an. I warm him 
 with niy body, lying with him; 3. 
 p. kij..n\ p, kaj..wad. 
 Jiijokcdadimin, {jiin) com. v we 
 Tl"^- J"}". °^^®''; 'ying together, 
 p. kai..duijig. 
 Atjonike, {nin) n. v. my arms are 
 .,}y^™=3-p-i-;p. %..W. 
 A^jomndji,{nin) n. v. my hands ar« 
 warm; 3. p. 1.; p. kaj.djid. 
 Aiiopts, {nin) n. v. I dress warmly, 
 1 have warm ciothe8on;3. p.-«; p 
 kaj..sod. ^ ^ ^ 
 Kijos ifnin) n. v. I am warm and 
 cmnfortable; 3. p. Ujod; p. hajo- 
 MjosMn, (nin) n. v. i He warm; 3. 
 P- 1.; p. kaj..ing. 
-'» ■ "»" ^ f I- 
 /• ;.i 
 KijonUh-, [inii\ n. V. my ToPt nrr 
 yviirm; :i. p. I.; p. /•(//..</,i(/. 
 A'ijoo.or iiutijdil, u.'v. it is wnrin. 
 (in II loduo. luxisp, etc.) p. I'tijoii'ij, 
 or nuKiid'. 
 h'ikiiiijaii, H. mark fopniilrtriivi^lcis, 
 or to point out dimj^nrons \AncvM 
 t)M tli(! road; pi.-a/;. 
 Kikniiji; {niii ) i\. v. I mnl<(^ marks 
 on thp road,(s('ttin>; iin hninclicN, 
 ol<'.) to dir'Tf or wan; tho traveler; 
 }}■ p. 1.; p- hi-..(/,'<f. 
 A7^'«f.w/.( /;(;*) a, 'v. ail. \ ])iit n«id(', 
 or set apart, soino iifi. olij.; :«. p. o 
 h'i:.ni p. kt^h.ivi. 
 h'ihUi>fi,{»i/i ) n. V. /«.. I put it aside, 
 I sot it apart;;), p. »/!"j"l...; p. Ma- 
 Kikinihum.Uiin) ii. v. 1 pm known; 
 3. p.-i'; p. hk.fuL 
 Ki,k('tui(ujtviul,\\. \. it IS known; p. 
 M.. »•'(/;. 
 KikeiulainiiivfAmn^ n. v. I maki- 
 ki\own, 1 inildish, announces, tlr; 
 3. J). 1,; p. k-ek-.tmi. 
 Kik*'inht)mv(yii\^mn')ti. win.. I make 
 it known, publisli it, annoiinco it; 
 3. p. ohl\..; p. M..W(I. 
 Kik^ndamoa, (titn) a. v. an. T mnk(> 
 him know s. th., I make known to 
 liim 8. th.; 3. p. o Hk..fi; p. keH:. 
 KiterkhwuHih' !(•(', {mn)n. v. S. A'ik- 
 Kih'»fltiniixfJ>'wm-, (nin) a. v. «n. S. 
 A'ike'uir, ni ii U'cn . 
 Xike/uiamona, (wi») a. v. an. S. A'lJs- 
 i^ikend(i»mivi)i,s. knowledge of s. th. 
 Kikendnn, {iiiii) a. v. in. I know it, 
 I am aware of it, I experience it; 
 3. p. kik...\ p. kck...aii<f. 
 AW<'«</(i.v^, (nin) n. v. I know; I am 
 learned, 1 possess science; 3. p. o; 
 j>. kfk..i>n1. 
 Atketiddgsoirm, s. knowledge; sci- 
 JCik<m4jfi/><^rimni, s. a learned man, 
 a scholar; pl.-^^'a*?'. 
 Kikindjigade, ox-iiiaijad, \\. v. it is 
 known, it is public; p. kik-detj, or 
 h'ike/nlJit/<>, (nin) n. v. I know; 3. p. 
 1.; p. ki'k..giul. 
 Kikinim,i, (inn) n v. an. I knoiv 
 him; 3. p. I) kik-.n, p. krk..mad. 
 A'ikrnimUs, {nin) r. v. I know my- 
 self; 3. p. e; |). ki'k..ii<id. 
 A'lkihiki/nifKhi, h. grey lark; (C!. cen- 
 drille;! ]}\.-i,i,/. 
 Kikimd, ( «///) a. v. an. ! piomise 
 luiu a rende'/.-vouN, I promiHe him 
 to he at sueli a pjare at snch a 
 tune; 3. p. n kik..n\ y kfkitnad. 
 htkinitnildiradt', iir- inui/iiJ, u, v. 
 there are sea-markN, Imoys, to di- 
 rect atid warn the navijiator; p. 
 krk..dni, m niitijak. 
 h'Uindndtiiran, s. nu. Hea-mark.hnoy ; 
 also, mark on the lei^ to Koide arid 
 warn the traveler; [ K. haiise;] pl.- 
 Kikinntidawain/>, (fiin) ii. v. I put nj) 
 .sea-marks; 1 put up luanehesfor 
 olhor marks) on the ice to guide 
 travelers; 3. p. 1.; p, kck..a>d. 
 Kikinairadahairana, (nin) a. v. an. 1 
 give him private haptism, or lay- 
 liH|)tisin; 3. ji. okik..n; p. k«k..nad; 
 imp. kik..waj. 
 Kikinnirridad, u. v. it is remarkable, 
 it IS easy to he IVjund, to l)e seen, 
 t( 1)0 recognised, to be noticed; p. 
 h'ikinai<'ud(ik>i'ai/jodfl, or-nta(jad, u. 
 V. there are marks on the trees for 
 the traveler to find out the trail 
 thi-ough the woods, the tiees are 
 hlftzed; i). h'k..deij, or-vuKjak. 
 Kikinniraaakirai^jan, mark on a tree, 
 blaze; \)\.-an 
 Kikinaii'ddakivaigc, (nin.) n. v. 1 
 blaze trees on a road or trail; 3. p. 
 1.; kek..ged. 
 Kikittair<iii(nda</og, (nin) n. v. I am 
 marked, 1 am considered a mark, 
 a sign; also, T am circumcised; 3. 
 p.-»; p. k«k..(.id. 
 JCikinau'ddendaijoniivin, s. the state 
 or situation of being a mark; cir- 
 Kikivawddendagwad, \\ . v. it is mark- 
 ed, it is considered a mark; p. ktk 
 h'lUnavHUlrndnn, ( vin) n. v. in. \ 
 niiuiik it. ill rnv t.tioiiKht«, (in or- 
 ilor to rorojfnisR it ii(t«rw!inls;) I 
 roiiinrk it to folic.w it; ;j. p. „ Hi:..; 
 \>. !,rli\.an^. 
 /\iiiHiiwiii/mim.(t, («;'/;,) a. v. an. I 
 rciiiaik him in my tlionKlitH to n'- 
 '■(Hrni.sc. h-in; I nunark him to fdl- 
 low hin;, to imitate him; .'J. p. „li-tk 
 .,»; p. ky'k..ni,<ul. 
 h'ikmawAdj, adv. in a rcinnrknhlt- 
 miinmir, caHy to bo found, seHn, no- 
 h'iHnaiva<1jl,(m„.)n. v. I am mark- 
 ed: I am (•irc(imc-i8p<l;:{. \t.o-\k<k.. 
 /uiitiatviic/Ha, (nm) a. v. an. I mark 
 fiim, 1 put a mark on a Merson, or 
 on any othor on. ol)j.;alH(., I tfd! or 
 indicate to him a mark or murkw; 
 I circumcise him; :i. p. „ kik..nn>. 
 Kihinawndjiiwr.^ (nin)n. v. I mark: I 
 indicHUi 'mark«; 3. p. 1. 
 KiHnawddjion, or, kiUnawadjimnn, 
 8. any mark; circiimsion; I'mnner, 
 ^/Iiik; p\ an. S. h'ikixwn. 
 luHnaiixidjitawa, (nm) a. v. an. I 
 give him or t(!!l liim a certain mark, 
 to find 8. th.; :j, p. o kiL.n: p. k<'k 
 hlkinawudjiU'hitiade, or-maffod, n. 
 V. It 18 marked; p. k«k..deff,or-^m- 
 KikinauuidjUchigan, s. mark, sign; 
 miracle; sight or aim on a gun; pl.- 
 J> inawddjitcMgas, (nm) n. v, I 
 ave a mark, /ammarked;3. p.~o: 
 p. kfk..«(id. 
 KikinawddjitchUje, (nin) n. v. I 
 mark; 3- p. 1.; p. kek-.c/ed. 
 Kikinawndjiton, (nin)' a. v. in. I 
 mark it, /put a certain mark on it; 
 Kikinaivrndma, (virj) a. v. an. J reg- 
 ulate my rnintl and my thoughts 
 after his example; 3. p. o kit.n: p. 
 kek. .mad. 
 Kikindimip, (nin) com. v. we pro- 
 mise each other a rendez-vous, 
 wp proiniNc to one another to meet 
 " ';7/'"!';i''"'^<'"tacortaM,time; 
 AtX'/«</<W«,'H.'mutunl promiR« of a 
 rondoz-vouH, ofnmm,ii„gin«cer. 
 t III place at a certain time. 
 '"'»>r' {nin.) n. v. / pnmii«o ly 
 '•ni-.J. p. X.-.p.ki'k.^ifd. ' 
 hikir.iinmv.,H. promim' to come to a 
 J<-!'''Mam(ull.v>.adn.ai(tnn, n. hwH. 
 n^ivwatnadim, in(\. :t. p, r.s. they 
 (f'ii:h, [P on instrict.J Kikinna- 
 '■'I'h/Hj, v.h,^rv tl„.v tench, thai 
 I S III a H<;h()()l. Kikinnamadinaim, 
 ' '; «ooH to Hchool. I{,Hnoamadina 
 i^^nd ondjjha /come from 8choof. 
 l^^mimm<ult,,,.tn,(niM) corn. v. we 
 teach or mstruct one another; p. 
 k(k..dtdjui. ' ' 
 Kikinoamn'diwaki, the school-section 
 of a township. 
 K'kin<Hm.,tdiwigami^. h. house of in- 
 struction, school-house; SynJ- 
 gOglK- pi.- „„, ' "J""» 
 liikinoam,idim,i, h. teachinir. in- 
 struction giv(!M or received by sev- 
 mn, and /i^lk^noama(Mt'm. 
 Kikmonmmjan, h. scholar, pupil, dis- 
 Aikmoamdijc (nin) n. v.'/amtear- 1 
 ing, /keep school, ] instruct' / 
 show, /indicate;. 3. p. i.; p.;^,?... 
 Kikinoanuhjckwe, s. female schoo 
 teacher, school-mistross; i)|.-^ 
 Atkim>umd(jewm, s. teaching ori • 
 ^striiction yivm. 
 Kikinoamagminini, s. teacher 
 school-teacher, school-master; pi' 
 -wag. ' *^'* 
 Kikinoamdgminn., s. teaching or in- 
 struction received. 
 Kikinoamawa. (nin) a. v. an. /teach 
 instruct, inform him, / show him.' 
 indicate him 8. th.; 3. p. o kik..n: 
 p. keh.wad. ' 
 Kikinonowin. s. a year, twelv* 
 months; pl.-m. 
 Kikiiiotawa, (nin) n. v. an. I uptmk 
 ul'tor him, 1 say vvluit ho sayH; .1. 
 p. ,') kik..>^\\i. ktk..'ctui. 
 h'ikinounlMntit,(nt'/i) a. v. an. I iini- 
 tafohim, 1 tit) aH 1 hoo iiini ilt)inH', 
 I takt' hiH «ixumph'; ;J. p. o /•</(•.,//; 
 p. lik\.>nii,{. 
 hiii/iowiiltuinti/, {iihi) pass. v. he 
 imitali'M inti. I j<iv<< him an tixam- 
 plt'; p. liiiiioirabamui, he who im- 
 italt'H mo. 
 Jk'iki/iiH('iil>(iniliiin'<i,{niii) n. v. /gi\o 
 or whow an oxamjih^ ;j. p. 1.; ]i. 
 KiH)K>ivahainUiiii'<'U'in, s. pxampit' 
 </»iw», (, Ht)t)il twamjiUi, or Ht-aiitial.^ 
 JiiiiinitnubaNiliiu, {iiin) a. v. i)i. j 
 imitate it, 1 tu)})y it, I mako a simi- 
 lar thing as I sfo hnforo me; ;». p. <- 
 Z'*/'...; p. /'(/'..(fwi/. 
 KikitMViihandj^ntn, a. nxumpio ftir 
 imitation, mt)'.ii'l, .standard; \\\. an. 
 JKiiinoii'iiiin\{tiin) n. v. ./jjnitlo, I 
 ctinducl, J loatl, I 8ht)w the way; 
 3 p. 1.;^). lirli\.HYif. 
 Kikiiwwijtu'iuinini, ». guitie, con- 
 ductor; pl.-(r«;/. 
 A'ikindici/M,{ni)i) i\. v. »»». J giiiilo 
 or conduct him, J show him tlic 
 way; 3. p. kM'-.w; p. hek..nad\ 
 imp. kikinoiHJ. 
 KiHtaiva, {nin) a. v. tfw, /put marks 
 (t)r him tin a road or trail, to tliroct 
 him; ;<. p. o M\.w;p. hlcmtd. 
 KikiW'iahairatljifit', [nin ) n. v. /give 
 privato bapt^ism; 3. p. 1.; p. ^;f/t 
 A'tkiuy/uhawadJ-iij^cSn, s. private 
 baptism, lay-baptism. 
 Atiiwfuihaica/ia, {ntn) a. v an. J 
 five him private baptism; 3. p. o 
 ii\.n; j>. hi\.nad; imp. Hk..*raJ. 
 (The same as, «//» Hkinawadalni- 
 KtHu'eiabairas, (nin)n. v. /receive 
 private baptism; 3. p.-(/; p. M'..««/. 
 Kiliivion, s. Jlag, banner; pi. -an. 
 Kiluvtimafio, s. flag-stafi"; pi. -oh. 
 JTm, pron. thou; thine. 
 iTmtf/ra, pron. you; yours. 
 Kinan'inil, jiron. wo; ours. 
 h'nii(/itii'al)inu'n, (nin) n. v. pi. wo 
 are ttjgt'lhcr ail mixetl, ol'ditleronl 
 kiiiilN; ( K. iiDus Nonimes toiispfih"- 
 nwMi-;) A. p. lin..initr; p. iin..l>i</Ji(j. 
 Kiniiian'iiiji,niim>aij Jixhihati, the 
 tlncks aie Nwi'mnlmu !<ilxtly, ol 
 ditlerent kinds. 
 h'itiii/anifrithainiiHn, (tiin) n. v. pi. 
 vvf tuv Miantling lt>Kt,'lher mixed, 
 t)l tlilVerent kmtis; 3. p. it»«..«'(ij/; 
 p. krn..ihidjiy. 
 hiniijaiiiii,iiliniin. (nin') com. v. we 
 live mixed together in the same 
 village er town; p. k;n..(li(ljitj. 
 h'ini</,ari.'.sin. ii. v. it is mixed', things 
 oCdiflltirent kinds arc together; ji. 
 h'inii/ina, {nin)n. v. T mix some an. 
 obj. Willi another t)bject, (tiry ob- 
 jects;) ;j. p. kttt..n; J). ken..nad. 
 Ainit/inan, (nin) a. v, in. I mix 
 some in. obj. witli another object, 
 ((//•//objects;) 3. p. o /.m...; p. /[-en.. 
 Kinujiniijr, {nin) n. v. I am mixing 
 togethei objects of tlillerent kinds; 
 3. j). 1.; p. iYn..tfed. 
 li'infi/ifi.tin,, u. v.i't is mixed ttjgother, 
 diderent objects in one nuiss 
 together; p. /rw..iw(/. ( S. /u/i«</«. 
 //'/,v,v//.' . ) 
 luniii/tfino. s, Croe Indian; pi. -v. 
 KinitilUiinihwe, s. Cree stjuaw; pl.-j/. 
 A'ini,i/ifin,ikn'i'/i/iih, s. a kind of wild 
 duck; pi. (///. 
 Kinitanh, tholi in thy turn, thou 
 now; [F. toi i\ ton tonr.| Kinitunh 
 ■naonnion, eing now in thy turn, 
 (it is thy t\iru now to sing.) 
 Kinitiimiira, you in your turn, you 
 iKi:^v. — Kiniianiiwa tcMnuitHj, (jin' 
 ivenj nin gi-tvhimeniin nivaii'ind. 
 Padille iiovv inyoui turn, we have 
 paddled long. 
 Kinitanuirind, we in our turn, we 
 now. — (The person or persons 
 spoken to, included.) S. Ninitami- 
 Juniiv, s. war-eagle; a kind of eagle 
 that remains almost all day very 
 high in the air. The Iiidiau 
 will I! <r^. weur Iun fcnthors na mi 
 oniiiiiunit on iluir IwikIh. TIickc 
 AdilhdrH are raro, and nol iuibv to 
 bo olitaiiKxI.— I'l. kiniwag. 
 KindJr,H. j-iko, (li«l,;) j,l. _.j^. 
 Kinow, B. an. thy chcok; pi. a,j. 
 h'i/iai/n, or -'nagad, u. v. it iu thick- 
 p. hiKujaj, or itiiK/ak. ' 
 hi./ni,j(ihi,jtul, n. V. jt'is thick, stroiiL' 
 (soino luirrow stull;) p. /!></;. .^/aX;. ' 
 hi/UKiahujini M/iim, n. v. ;} p. the 
 rihhori iH thi(!k, «tr()n«; ... h'/K.M. 
 hijiaaahikml, n. v. it in thick: (mo- 
 }ii\;) \>. k<'ii..kak. ^ 
 h'i})amhiHa,{nitt)n.\.an.. I niakfi 
 It thick, («/(., ohjuct of nuital or 
 stone ;}. •).!). oHi,..,r,[>,kcp..ud. 
 Kipaynhdm, n. v. ;). p. it is thick, 
 (an. ol)j. of inctul or Htone:) p. 
 KijHif((iliikUi'ii,,{nm) a. v. in. I make 
 ittliick, (t«. ()l)j. of metal;) ;j. p 
 oX-vp...; ]). kcp..tod. 
 Ki/XKjadhi., \t. v. it Ih frozen thick, 
 (thick ice;) |). ke/> .imf. 
 Ki('a(ja<iavii. u. v. it is thick, (soinc 
 luiuiil;) \).kfp..mia. 
 KiiHtaiujumitirii. {mn) u, v. in. \ 
 MUik.^ It thick, (sonjo Ijcinid;) ;j 
 1). <>ki/K..; \). kfip .ivd.— O^iuii uj/i. 
 kipaijaiianUtir)), mandaiidnubo; she 
 made the corn-soup too tMck. 
 K/'pufriikum/i/a, or -ma' ad, n. v. 
 thoro is much cartli, (llic «ood soil 
 or groiuul is thick, hcforo yon come 
 to atones or sand undcnuiath;) p 
 Jrr.p..(/a<j, or -mujak. 
 Kimujid, Odn) a. v. a». I maRv. it 
 tluck, or thicker, 1 thicken it, (an 
 ohj.);). p. ()kip..n;p. kr.p..ad. 
 Kipairuiud, u. V. it is thick, stronj^ 
 (stufl, clothing inatoriiil;) p. kep,' 
 f/ak. ' 
 Kipa(ji(ji.n. n. v. \\. p. it is thick 
 strong, (.<!cm7;tt,silk;) p. kcp..sid. ' 
 K^pagiuisi nnhagimtt/, n. v, 3. p. the 
 board is thick; p. kep..isid. 
 Kipayuhima, (nin) a. v. an. I lay it 
 on thick, or thickly; 3. p. o kip..n: 
 p. kep. mad.—NawafcA hi da-Upn- 
 i!isnvman'aM(/an;yo\i ought to Jay 
 your clay thicker, (in plaatftrinK 
 Kipa,ju, n. V ;j. p. jt ,« thick, 
 NtrouK, (a«.ol)j.;p. Xv,;..,,,/. 
 Aipnt/LMfon, (nin) a. v. in. I jay or 
 put it on thick or thickly; U. n 
 kt-p...;\).krp..tod. ' 
 Klpamtm. ( nin ) n. v. in. I make it 
 thick, I thickcui it, (»«„ obi.) 3. p. 
 <;ii-p-..;\>. krp..f,jd. * 
 Kin/ikaan, {nin) a. v. in. I cut it; 3. 
 {). o k/s/,...;i). kasfi..k(ini/. 
 hnihhdtani'nikaga, or -nu nid, u. v. 
 theri! is achiylmnk; ll''. il y a nii 
 <'core ilt^ «iaise;J p. kaxk.iiaii, or 
 Kluhliidnka, ox-mn<i<id, n. v. thoro 
 IS a steep rock, 'a pcMpendicular 
 iihnmt rock or cjilf; there is no 
 headi hut a IukIi steep rock; p 
 ku.'ih,..ku(j, or muMuk. 
 Kisld-uhkad, u. V. it IS cut, (metal 
 'in. ) I). kilK/i..ki/i: 
 in.) |). knnh..kak. 
 'in/ikadina, or nuigad, u. v. there 
 IB a very stojp hill, very steep 
 as(;eiit; p. kash..nu<l, or -')na(/ak. 
 KiMurpwa, {nin) a. v. an 1 cut his 
 skm; ;j.j). (,kiah..n; [i. kas/i.,u>ad: 
 imi). kiKhkuJe. 
 Jiix/ihikadon,' {nin) n. v. J am ex- 
 tremely ineaRer, lean, poor; :j. p 
 ~o; \). ku>ih..ii(/d. 
 A'iM(ikumi{/a, or -maffad, n. v. there 
 18 a very ^teep place or ground; p. 
 k,i.ih..<ju(f, or - magak. 
 hiM'dkidi:, or -rnM/ak, u. v. it breaks 
 l)y bnrnmg through; \). kmh..de(K 
 or - inagak. 
 Kishkakim'in, {nin) n. v. in. 1 burn it 
 tluotiKh, (1 break it in two by 
 lire; k3. p, o kh/i...; p. kash..sam/. 
 J^mMcukinwa, {nin) n. \ , an. I bum 
 some ((//. obj. throufrh, in two 
 pieces; 3. \). o kis/t..n; p. koHh.. 
 wad; ini[). kisM'akin. 
 Mxhkanakad, s. stump of a tree: IF 
 8onche;| pi. ^o//., *• 
 KiM-anakadons, s. dim. little stump: 
 |P. chicotj; pi. -a». 
 Kinhkanakini mitig, n. v. 3. p. the 
 top of the tree is broken, by the 
 wind; p. katsh..sod. 
 hU*hli(tniim,( m'n) n. v. my lircnthiiiH 
 IB ml<'mi|tit<il, in rut; 3. p. -o; p, 
 A'i.t/ilitniliin,[tiin) n. v. »V», I cut it 
 Willi llu' loclli, I liilc il lliniiijjii; 
 !). p. ,> h\sh ..; p. liwK.Mint. 
 (,«»■/») H. V. tn. 1 NiiiUl' ili(> ciiiulli'; 
 p. I'ii.ili.iiiii/. 
 Kt«hl;tnjiki><{n'i/iin, M. »itnilU'r«; pi. 
 A'i*iMttfiM(jiitt, (*)''n) n. v. «'«. T ml 
 it Willi II m'vtlio or Njcklo, I ntuw 
 it; ;J. 1). <i N.ih..., p. l<u>i/i..n»>,. 
 Ki'fM'iDinl-iJinitii, N. Seville, niekle, 
 rcupum liDok; p. an, 
 KiohhtnM-(itifr,(in'n) u. V. I lonp, I 
 l)iirv(<!<l, lout. I mow; A. p 1.; p. 
 h'i.iM\i.t)il»ii,iftrin, n. Imrv«^st, icjip. 
 inii; iMowii'in. 
 Kti!hhiiiM(iii>iinti4'nt, h, \mr\vntt>r, 
 rrnp»'r; mowi'r; pi. •nuij. 
 h't»Muiiihh>.'i;iwf, {Ht'n) ii. v. I 
 down kiuns, I mow; ;t, p. I, 
 A*xkiM(ri)vti»iM, or i>Kii;iui, ». v. 
 tlicro is II steep nmul-hill, or a 
 sleop smulUunk on the lieiieli of h 
 Irtke, |K. I'eore do f,iilile;| p. i-n.ih.. 
 ;/ir;/. or iiuniitk'. 
 KtMihuijiijitti^, or -nuKfnds w, v. it 
 is tornor r««nt, (i>». olij.l p. /yw/i.. 
 (/fi/, or »Himk. 
 Kkihh'hi(IJi,j(K.o, n. V. 3. p. it is torn 
 or roiit,\(j/i. oW\.) p. hit>h..iii>>l. 
 Kinhl'iiirti, ^«>H^ a. v. if«. I cut some 
 ««. olij.; ;t. p. ,> h'«ft..ni p. hutk.. 
 «•«(/; imp. h'«Mlt<ifr. 
 JiiohHhhit^n, (urn) a. v. 
 ; p. 
 in. I toiir 
 hsh.,.'y p. 
 V. (iM. 1 tonr or 
 JJ. 1 itMid it; ;>. 
 Jii^ihh'liiM II, (nin) n, 
 * rend some «m. otif.; A. p. <> li,th..n:, 
 p. kvsh.muh imi>. I'inhH-ihiJ. 
 AV,<A/{'«V>*V<i'/iiH. s, rtfi. toluicoo-poiirh; 
 pi. -«;?. ' 
 Kt^>hNfk>tlt', or -m<jj/'i</, u. v. it is 
 sawn; p. /(•<i*A..</fir, or -tmuMJi: 
 ii*ithk>lk>if_fi(/<m, 8. saw, huiui-saw; 
 pi. -<««. 
 Aluhl'ilHulil'lfr. ( M»/( ) II. V. I NHW 
 tneroNs, not aloiii;;) :i. p. |., p. 
 Ani>h.,<ffrl. -S. 'rnnhhihiulJufti. 
 h'i*ldihiJji(tru>in, ». NnwinK, (lu'rnMii 
 onlv, not nioiiu. ) 
 h'hMilmihin, (iilii) II. V. tn. I miw it 
 tliroiiKli, (iieross;') ',\. p. o^hA...; 
 \>. l/f.»/i..«/ii(/. 
 Kifhlilxniit, (ftiii) n. V. rt«. I Mftw 
 tliroiinh Home nn. olij.; .1. p. o 
 p. Iiiiith..tirtil; imp. /("/yi/i- 
 ( ;k'» ) n. V. 
 in two; ;|. p, 
 (, win ^ 
 I itin Nnwn 
 o; p. /(*nMA.i 
 ;i. p, 
 1 cut 
 h; p. 
 (in. 1 
 AVoA/'/i/f ««rM(«'r, 
 loMRUo Ih cut 
 h'it:Mi<h>Kiniwiijtrit, {nin) «. v, wm. 
 I cut lii« lon«uc oil; U. p olioh.tr, 
 i>. kii.ih..ii;iil; imp. lii.\/i..iH>i. 
 h'*.ifikiitjinn\ (ttt'n) ti. V. my iiOHn in 
 cut oil; ftldo, my honc^ is turned 
 up; I have u lint iiohc; :I. p. 1.; p. 
 Kutbk-iiliiVhjmi, {ttifi) II. V. an. 
 Ins rios«» otV; l». p. /) H.ih 
 /•(/,<//.. /rm/; imp. h'.'^h. jui. 
 J\'i\'</iitiliiini'/iii'ti, (;«(«") n. V 
 liite liis nose otV; A. p. a h\i/i..ii; p. 
 hwh.triii/; iniji. Hfi/t../w<i. 
 h'iji/>l-*iniiin. («(W ) or, «f» hx/iHifa- 
 ihin.'w. V. »«. I cut it. I cut il oil"; 
 ;i. p. (I h'ah...; p. hi.ih..<int/. 
 h'inhtiiniil'', {nin) n. v, my leg in cut 
 olV; :^. p. 1.; p. kdnh.dti/. 
 JxUki'tinKlfjiri}, [ih'h) ii. v'. «»». 1 cut 
 his lei) olV, 1 nrnpntalo his log; ;i. 
 p. o /•fVA,.fj.; p. k(Uili..trad; imp. 
 *V.sA. .ii'i. 
 /Ct.ihkiiKit'ijf, (fiin) n. v. [ cut; 1 
 chop wood; ;t. n. ),; p. htitU..f}t^i. 
 h'u^hktf/iiHii. (nm) n. v. rr/f. 1 oiit off 
 some an. ohj.; A. p. o /•m/i..«; p. 
 k<iHth .Hillf. 
 AV-oAA/./tJw/f.vii/fj?, (win) r. v. 1 out 
 olVniy linils; ;i p. -.»; p. l;ifih..goii. 
 Ki.'ihUiiniirn initNj, {nin) i\. v. ftn, 1 
 cut ("lown a tree; 3. p. o H^h,.n\ p. 
 K.i«kki(fmt-. i)r- III (ujad, u. v. it r«iids, 
 tears; p, kush..i>^)j, or -^miujitk. 
 KmA/, i(/ii>i\ { II in) n. v. my throiit ia 
 . I'll'; ■'< I' I.; I', kiinh .irril 
 KLihkntii'<liiiia, \utn) a. v. aii.. I tonr 
 lii.H hrifl (III; ;i. ,,. „ kuk.n; p. 
 konli. mill; iin|i. kuh Mtj. 
 K/x/di,/injw,i., (nin) ii. v. (W. I «riit 
 liic throiil; ;j. p. o kinli..n\ p. /tWi,. 
 M'</(/; imp. kiit/ilci^ivi)ioi. 
 KMhli\ni<,'>i,i, (/((//) a. V. oM. I 
 Pinhrii.-i. Iiiin, I \mn him; 3. i.. o 
 ln$A.,iH |». iiuli.,nad; imp. kiii/iJci- 
 Kii>hki,/w>ii;i. (nin) n.M.iiH. I cut 
 liiM iH-ck itll, ( liiN Imiid,) I hi'licuif 
 hiin;:t |i. ,> kiiih..ii,\ p. k-a$k..wail; 
 _ imjl, /{■/;«//.,{ /////v. 
 Kif./iliJ(ni,( i,i„) n. V. •'«, I cut it; 
 ;«. II. oivV/. .,• p. kanh..aiuf. 
 Ki.iMijiiiiul,', or minimi, li. v. it in 
 nit; |i. k'UKli.ilff/, or -nuuiak'. 
 KiMij^iiH. {nin.) \\. v.' I um out; 
 nlm», I Mill cuHtictml, I niii a ouii- 
 |i''lii;j. !>■ "; |>. kuKh.iiiid. 
 Ki^ifiki^ipimiiirin, h. caNtiHtioii. 
 Kiiihkiiniii.<, I iiiii ) r. v. I cut iiiyBi'K 
 Willi M l;iiil.', :i, p, .-,,; p. kuK/i..*',,/. 
 KMfih/'im, (////*) 11. V. an. I «mjI hiiii; 
 I (:n«trii(f! hiiii; U. p. o kin/i.-v; p. 
 k-ash.:w<ut\ imp. kinhkijui. 
 Km/ikikii, or iiuKjad^ w. v. it in rtmt; 
 \\.kiiHli..k(uj, nr in(i(/aJi\ 
 Kuhkikiidtiii, (nin) m.' v. in. I am 
 fiittiiiK It Willi II i<iiir,t; ;j. p. „ 
 K«A...; p. kitnh..,iin/, 
 Kis/ikiiiikf, [nin) n. v. my nnii in 
 out ofV, I havd an arm cut oil'; 'A. 
 |i. I.; p. kan/i..krU. 
 Ktn/ikiinhjini; (n.in) a. v. an. I cut 
 his arm ofV, I cut liim mi arm oil; 
 ;<. p. o kit:fi..n; \). kdn/i.-iiuid; imji. 
 Kiskkinintl/i. {nin) n. v. my hand 
 (or liimiM-;. is cut nil'; .1. p. I.; p. 
 Kitilikininiljijira, (nin)n.v. an. 1 cut 
 him H hand (or liriKHr) oH'; H. p. o 
 ki.th..n\ ]). kmh..ii'ml\ imp. iHwA... 
 KiAhkinindjiixlis, {tiin) r. v. I cut my 
 own hand (^or finder) oH"; ;j. p. -o; 
 p. kaiik..f<nl. 
 KifM'inindjishin, (^Hin)n. \. I hurt 
 my hand (or (inm-r) hy l»llin«, or 
 workiiiK; ;i. p. I.; \). k,iHh..i,if/. 
 tiiM/ikimdr, (nin) n. v. I havo n fool 
 ••lit oH, my loot iN cut oH; .1, p. | ; 
 p. kiiHli,.dfid. 
 Kifilikisidijwa, (fiin)n. v. an. I cut 
 l'i«l<H.toir. :i, p. «/•/«/»..«; p. /(-W,.. 
 ii'iii/; imp. kiiih..iii'i. 
 KMihmdriidi/i, {nin) r. v. t cut triy 
 own loot oH; A. p. -,.; p. kni,h..sM. 
 iMiMiMiiin nin fcfiiinan, ii. v. mv 
 canon hrcakd, (it in rut hy a rock 
 or hiuik; ) p. knuhkiHnnij. 
 r^i!ilikitiiwint,',{ nin) ii. v.' my car in 
 cut .,«;:«. p. I.;p. /W«.,f,.,/, 
 t^i^/iki/nuuK/^f/iiniirna, ( ntn) n, V. ««. 
 I Ntiikc one o( JiJH carN ofl'; .1. p. ,; 
 kin/i..n; |i. kiiHh..niiid. 
 t^ixlikitawiKjijwa, (nin) n. v. ««. I 
 cut him nil enrol}'; :J. p. o kiiih..n; 
 |t. kimh.mid; imp. kin/i. .jwi. 
 KiM/iki/chinff niinihmuljinan, n. n 
 KiMwi',1, (nin) ii. v. I C(!ni«t6 iiprnk- 
 liiK, weeping rtc. .'J. p. 1.; p. /^„M- 
 KiH/ikonwt, (nin) a. v. 11. f mnkn 
 liini he Hiill, I make hini cciihc 
 HpcnkiiiK, weepinir, <Stc.; ;j. p. „ 
 kinli..n; p, kiin/i..iid. 
 Kix/i/un, cotij. il, provided, in r.nHr 
 _ that, whether, suppoNing. 
 Kishihuwiidim, (tiiv) n. v. in. T wnctli 
 It "lit, I nn«c il; 3. p. «H»...;p. 
 Kinlfdi(in'itnii, (nin) n. v. an, I wnhh 
 or riiiNC Nome nn. ohj.; 3. p. o kix-.n; 
 _ P.^"»..W(»y/; imp. kiii..n<aj. 
 Kifitiliaiir, or ■maijad, u. v. it fadfiH, 
 it loses its cohir, in wnHhitig; ji. 
 k-(n..iiY<i, or -rnaijak. 
 Kinuin, '{win) a. v. m. I wipe it, T 
 ah.sleruo it; .1, p. o h'nan; \). kt- 
 Kihiiiwim, (nin) n. v. I wipo or 
 clean an inl;int; 3. p. --o; p. ken.. 
 KiKt/iakwad, ii. v. there is a sound 
 produced hy the nihhiuR of two 
 trees against one another, when 
 they are agitated by the wind; p. 
 Kin'hnnfuhk, h. Hlm-'n-prmsR, liorso- 
 tiiil, (a plant foi poliMhing;) [F. 
 \)x(S\g ;| pl.-(y;i. 
 Kinihignamawa, (ntn) a. v. an. I 
 wawh f(tr liiin, I wash his clothes ; 
 :j. |i. kis..n ; p. km. .wad. 
 Kisihi<jai)/an, «. soap. 
 Kuihiyaujanike, {nin) n. v. I makn 
 soaj), I mamilucture8oap;3. p. 1.; 
 _^|). k<K..hil. 
 Kmhiijauidiiiki'U'hjiimuj, a. soap- 
 hoiiNO, .soap-hoil'ery, lioap-inanufac- 
 lory ; pi. <///. 
 KLsihiijcKjuniken'in, s. soap-niakinp;, 
 occiitia'tion, trade or business of a 
 huihiijaiijiinikt'wiiihd, s. soap-boil- 
 er, soap-maiinracturcr ; pl.-?/'af/. 
 Kiii<'higai{K, ( nin) or, /u'nkinM/mii/t', 
 n. V. 1 wash : ;}. )>. 1.; p. keii..</c</. 
 hhibi(jai(je-mitkak, f*. wash-tub ;'pl.- 
 KulbU/aii/iwik'K'e, h. washer-woman, 
 laiHu' isH ; jil.-j/. 
 A^/.v//i('(, .. Wv/i, 8. wu.sliing. 
 Ku-il>l(fai(/Minini, s. washer, laund- 
 erer ; pi. -»■«</. 
 /"',"?■(/■/, (,/i<n)'n. V. 1 wash myself; 
 _^^ ; . 1.; p. kedbigid. 
 Ku[bigiiia, {nin) a. v. a«. I wash 
 hiin, (a person, or any other an. \ 
 obj.) l). p. k^s..n ; p. kefi..ni(d. I 
 Khil)i<ii'>iii/a/iiibo, s. dish-water, ' 
 swill; |1'\ riucurodo vaisolle.] I 
 Kiaibigiiiaijanf, (ni/i) n. v. I wash or j 
 jjnse disht-s ; 3. p. 1,; y. kes..ned. \ 
 Ki>tthi{iiii<tii,{nin) a. v. in. I wash it; ' 
 ^3. p. /(J,...; y. kes..aiKj. \ 
 Ki.sihi(]indiht\ {iiin) n. v. I wash my ' 
 hend; 3. p. 1.; p. kes..he.d. \ 
 Ki.\ibi.nimtwe, (nin) n. v. I wash my i 
 J'ace ; 3. p. 1.; p. ken. .wed. 
 Kisibiginijwena, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 wash his face; 3. p. okis..H; p.kes.. 
 Ki^ihujinige, {nin) n 
 wash-dish ; yl'.-an. 
 V. S. ILisibi- 
 s. wash-plate, 
 s. laundry. 
 washhoiise or washroom; p\.~on 
 Kixihiginigtwin, n. washinp, laun- 
 Ki.Hti»\iiniinlji, {nin) n. v. I waHh 
 tnv I'miids ; 3. p. I.; p. kfg..i<t. 
 Ki.siftigiitide, {nin) u. v. I w ish my 
 feet '; 3. \). 1.; p. kiH..ded. 
 Ki«ibiiiii,iilena. {nin) a. v. an. I wanh 
 hi,s fert ; 3. p. o ki»..n ; p. kt».. 
 Kidibh/ismginig^. { nin) n. V. T wash 
 a fhi'or ; 3. p". !.; \>. ken..ged. 
 Kitiiinagiinnn, s. dish-clout ; [F. tor- 
 chon ;] pl.-tf». 
 KimimiganeAnin) n. v. I wipe dishes; 
 ^3. p. 1.; p. k-eii..nfd. 
 Almigwe, (nin) n. v. I wipe my face; 
 3. p.-(t ;p, h'/t.-od. 
 Kininindjamn, a. tovvol ; [F. essuie- 
 inain ;] pl.-Aw. 
 Kisinindji, {nin) ii. v. 1 wipe my 
 hands; 3. p. 1.; p. keK..ul. 
 KUisidd {nin) n. v. I wipe my feet ; 
 3. p. o ; p. ken..<)d, 
 Alsmd(^.wa,{vin) a. wan. Twipe his 
 feet ; 3. p. o kis..n ; p. kes..wad] imp, 
 Kisiwa, (nin) a. v. an. I clean hnn, I 
 wipe hiiii, {0. person, or any other 
 ffw.obj.)3. p. (J ^w-.n ; p. kesiwad; 
 imp. kisi. 
 Ki»8ind, or-magad, u. v. it it cold, 
 (cold weather ;) p. kvmnag,ot-ina- 
 Ki^sintibikad. u. v. it is a cold night; 
 Kitagdkon«^ 8. young deer, a fawn 
 yet dotted or spotted; pl.-a(/. 
 Jiitiufia, {n'n) a. wan, I spot him, 
 (aiiy an. obj.) 3. p. okit..n; p. ke^, 
 Kttagigad, u. v. it is of various col- 
 ors, variagated, (stuff, clothing ma- 
 terial ;) p. ket..gak 
 Kitagigin, s. stun ot various colors 
 or variagated, calico; pl.~o». 
 Kita^oisi nin moshwcm ; my hand- 
 kerchief is spotted, (it has spots 
 and dots of different colors.) 
 Kitagifiwin, s. spot, speck ; pi.- 
 Kitagiton., {nin) a. v. in, I spot it; 3. 
 p. 'okit...\ p. ket..od. 
 A'ifnffwindti tc/iima^ a. v. the canoe 
 If Hiirc, u is not (Inugerouii, r.ot roll- 
 iiitf; \).ktt..tliii. 
 KUakainujn, ii. V. thn rontinont, it in 
 the coiitiiiiMit ; p. kt;t,.{ia<j.— Kit(ik- 
 ain\(jaru7, o;i iho coiitment, on tlio 
 iMtiati IhikI. 
 KUvhai-iwi, {iii'/i ) ti. V. I hurt myst'lf, 
 by lifting or carrying too linavy u 
 loati;;t. |). l.;iu;katchii/.iiM. 
 Mtchi, mlj. & ailv. grtMt. grand, 
 large, big, extonnive ; prp-mniiioht, 
 priiicipal ; old. auied ; inncli, well, 
 very; arch-unMoine coinpoHitio.is, 
 as : Archangfd, Kite hi Aniaii. )— 
 This word U always f'oliovvod by 
 a 8iil)staiitivc, verb, adjdclivn or 
 adv(!rb,aiid roinainsconnuctod with 
 It: it canr;; b.) iiHod alont'. 
 Attchi aijuintiKj, on the other sido 
 or Hjioro ot the great water, that is, 
 in J''iUro[)t'. 
 Kitchi aiaa, s. groat being : a big, 
 groat, noble, mighty or elevHted 
 person ; an old, aged person : also, 
 ^_a large, big or old animal ; pi.-*;. 
 Kifc/ii (lit, s. great thing ; any great, 
 l)ig, large, important, or o1i1*m. ob- 
 ject ; pl.-«. 
 Aif.chi-amo, a. hurnb!o-bce ; buzzinc 
 Jly;[)l.-{^. *= 
 kitchi-aidluh, a. fbig leave,) cabbage; 
 KitcM-a/mhinahis, s. old person 
 (man or woman); pi.-*/. ' 
 Kitcht-amshinabew, {nin) n. v. I am 
 an old person, (man or woman ;) 
 3. \).-i ; p. ket..wid. 
 Kiichi awdnsfjwiijo, adv. three days 
 ago_; [L. luidius tertius.j 
 KlMd mvasswabang, adv. after tliree 
 Kitchi-awdsHi, a. (large beast,) ele- 
 ^phant; V)\.-wg. 
 Kttchi hah i sikxw a 
 , , . ,. - "(/an, s. big coat, 
 cloak, ridmg-coat ; \>\.-an. 
 Kitchi hiddniinad, u. v. there cornea 
 „? ^A"'».'' ."f wind ; p. ket..mah ' 
 Kitchi hiimndkwan, s. big rope, cable* 
 pl.-a«. ' 
 Kitchi himinigan, s. augar ; IF. tar- 
 lere ;J pi- a/*. 
 Kitchi Hnnkwiiii, h. harrow ; ul .- 
 an. ' 
 Kitchi hishi\iii'i'uluiwin,t s. adullerv. 
 Aitchiilitn (/u/i) n. V. 1 nm ridi. 
 wealthy j J, p,_,- ; p, ketchi-danhl. 
 Aitr/iidumwtn, t. riches, wealth, lor- 
 tuno. ' 
 Kitihiijtid, 8. the right log.— There is 
 alwiiys a possesHive pronoun pre 
 lixed to this word ; as ; Niii kitchi. 
 <jad niv right leg ; ki kUchiaad, thy 
 right leg, etc. ' 
 Kitchi i/it(j,btn(/wekwe, a. mole : fG. 
 Manlwnrf;] \)l.~g. ' •■ 
 Kitchigtiini, e. great water, great 
 1(1 ke.— t )tchinu¥kif<;hif/aTnl Lake 
 Superior. Jiwitagani-kitchiguim 
 the Ocean. 
 KitchyatniwaM; s, S. AndkunaM. 
 Kitrht gawiHuagang, s. nutmeg; |F. 
 ITiUscade.J ^ 
 Kifchi-gigo, n. whale ; p\.~iag. 
 Kifc/ii-H^oC) hifnide, h. sperm-oil. 
 ii-ttchi (jugwinhimr/unn, a. lent; fF 
 cnrriine.] ^ 
 Kitchigijdn, (nin) a. v. in. I indent 
 It, 1 jagg it; 3. p. oka... : p. ket.. 
 Kitc/i:igiji(jade, or-magad, \\. v. it is 
 indented, it is jagged; p. ket..d-^u, 
 Kitc,)itfiji(jam, n. v. 3. p. it is in in- 
 dented or jagged, (an. obj.)u. ket.. 
 Kitchigijica, (nin) a. v. aw. I indent 
 some au. obj.; 3. p. o kit..n ; p. ket,. 
 Wad, imp. kitchtgijwi. 
 Kitchi gikd, (nin) n. v. I am decrepit, 
 extremely old; 3. p. 1.; p. ket.. 
 Kitrhigwundn, s. an. large leather ; 
 tr {''■"."(■/•. . 
 Kifchz ijnishad, u. v. something ex- 
 traordinary happens; \i. ket.. kdb. 
 Kitchi ;)awimin, s. chestnut ; pl.-a». 
 Kitchi j'igdgawinj, s. an- onion; pl.- 
 tg. _ __ V ^ 
 Kitchi jimnganishi-ogima, s. great 
 military chief, that is, a General .• 
 Kitcitojiaqohaho, s. beer. 
 Kitchi jiwdgamiiigan. s. molasset). 
',/ ... ■■■' «■■ !■(■'. 
 '4iU*,m M'rg|»i|iir •*>«»»■»■<?■ 
 Kitchi-Jomin, a. an. fig ; y>\.-af;. 
 Kitchi-jtmiimtig' or, kitchi-jominag- 
 awanj, s. fig-tree ; pi.- gm, or-jin. 
 Kitchi hishkibodjigauy s. log-saw> 
 cross-saw ; \)\.-aii- 
 Kitchi mananug, s. whale; -wag. 
 Kitchi-mekatewihwamie^ s. Bishop- 
 (.Great-black-gown;) pi.-j?-. 
 Natjanisid a hi-mekatewikwan 
 aie, Archbishop. 
 Maiaiibawi-niganisid Kitchi-meka- 
 tewihwanak, Pope, (the lore-rno.?t 
 Kitchi-mekatcwikwanaie o &ako<m, s. 
 crosier, (the Bishop's staff'.) 
 Kitcki-mekatewikwanme o wiwalcwau. 
 s. mitrt!, (the Bishop's hat.) 
 Kitchi ndkana, s. public road, a trod- 
 den beaten road. 
 Kitchi-mhiiss, s. Grand Island, Ltike 
 Superior^ At, to or from Grand 
 __Islapd , Kitf!hir-minii<siiig. 
 Kitchi misku'eiab, s. artery. 
 KUchimokoman, s. American, (big 
 knife,-) pl.-ap^. 
 Kitchimokomun-aki, s. The United 
 States, (the land of the big knives.) 
 Kitchimohmianens, s. dim. an Ameri- 
 can boy ; pl,-a^. 
 jx:'<fnim.okomanikwe, s. an American 
 ^woman ; pl.-f/. 
 KitchimokomanikiceTis, s. dim. an 
 American girl ; ]i\.-ag. 
 Kitchi-moKliwe, s. ai. shawl ; pl.-^. 
 Kitchinagijina (nin) a. v. c/n.. I gut 
 or eviscerate him;{F. je I'e'tripe;] 
 3. p. okit..n; p. ket..nad; imp. kit.. 
 Kiichinik, s. the right arm.— There 
 is always a possessive pronoun be- 
 fore tiiis word ; as: Nin kitchinik, 
 kikitchi)itk,o kitchinik; my, thy, 
 his right arm. 
 KUrhhiindj. s. the right hand. This 
 word is always preceded by a pos- 
 sessive pronoun ; as : f\Hii kitcM- 
 nindj, o kifckinindj, my right hand, 
 his right hand ;etc. 
 Kitchi nishkddis, {nin)n. v. I am en- 
 raged, very angry ; 3. p.-i; p. ket.. 
 Kitchi vinhkndifdmn, s. violent an- 
 ger, rage, fury. 
 Kitchiiu/w, s. an. the right cheek. — 
 This word has always a posses- 
 sive pronoun before it : as .• Nin 
 kitchtnoir, my right cheek ',0 kitchi- 
 ^nnwan. his right cheek, etc. 
 Kitchi odena, s. city ; YiX.-wan. 
 Kitchi-vgima, s. king, emperor, sov- 
 ereign, potentate . (great chief;) 
 Kttcht-ogima apabiwin, s. throne ; pi. 
 Kiicki-ooimnku'c, s. queen, empress ; 
 Kitchi-ogima o wiwakiviiTi , s. crown ; 
 Kttchi ovi'^jiwin, s. leprosy. 
 Kitchi Tigam, s. Grand Portage, 
 Lake Superior. 
 Kitchi onijishin, u. v. it is excellent, 
 magniticent ; p. kct..iiig. 
 Kitchi ossofsodamiM'in, s. hooping- 
 j cough ; F. coqueluche.J 
 I Kitchi-piishkisigan, s. canon, gun; pi. 
 I -an. 
 I Kitchi-paxhkisigan antoi. s. canon- 
 ' ball ; pl.-n. 
 Kitchi-pipigwan, s. church-organ ; pi. 
 Kitchipis, (nin) n. v. I gird myseif, I 
 put a girdle or belt around my 
 waist; 3. i>.-o; \->.k(t..siid. 
 Kitchipison, s. an. belt, girdle ; [F. 
 cointurrf;] p\.-ag. 
 Kitchi-sagnigan, s. spike ; pl.-(//i. 
 Kitchi.<nigi, s. Misery River, i^ake 
 Kitchi segisiwin, s. terror, friglit, hor- 
 j Kitchishkinjig, s. the right eye. — 
 I This word is aKvays connected 
 j with a jiossessivo pronoun; as: 
 I Nin kitchishlliijig, ki kitchi shkin- 
 jig ; my right eye, thy right eye, 
 Kitchisid, s. the right foot. — This 
 word is always preced"d by a 
 possessive pronoun ; as.- Nin kitch- 
 if-id, my right foot ; ki kitckidd, thy 
 right foot, etc. 
 Kttcliisidan, s. the big toe. — Nin 
 kitchisidan, o UtchiMan. : my biff 
 toe, his big toe, etc. 
 Kitchi-takwdn^ljigan, a. screw-vice ; 
 [J*, ftau;] [)J._aw. 
 Kiichitwd, adj. .honorable, holy 
 saint. ' ""'•'' 
 KUchitifdgijigad, s. holyday, festival- 
 pi.-o«. • ' 
 ^itchitwngijigad^n, v. it is a holyday 
 p. ui:t..gak. ■" 
 Kitohitwa Marie od anamikagowin 
 Annunciation of the Blessed Vir- 
 ^ gin Mary. "^ 
 yiiMdtwawoidagos, (mn) n. v f am 
 honored revered. 1 am considered 
 venerable ; ] am glorious, sublime: 
 ^ttrhitwawendaqviia, (71m) a. v an. 
 I make him glorious, honored, i ex ' 
 alt him; I sanctify him ; 3. p. o kit. 
 «; p. k('t..ud. 
 ^itchitwawendagosiwiii, s honor 
 veneration, glory, glorification,' 
 sanctity. ' 
 'Kitchitwawe/dagwad, h. p. it is hon- 
 ored, revered, venerable, holy ; n 
 kit.. wok. ■'IV 
 Kitchitwdwenddn, (nin) a. v in I 
 respect it, I honor and revere it I 
 ho d It in veneration, I esteem 'it 
 • ang. '^ 
 Kitchitwdwenim. {nin) n. v I have 
 proud thoughts, 1 exalt myself in 
 my thoughts; 3. p.-„; p. Jcet..mod. 
 KttcMtvawe/ama, {nin) a. v an 7 
 respect, honor, revere him, gloriiy 
 urn, I consider him venerable, 
 holy; 3. p. ku..n; p. ket..mail 
 Mtchittvawenwidimin, {nin) com v 
 we think each other worthy" of 
 honor and respect; p. het.MdMg. 
 h.itdiitwawrmndis, {nin) r v I 
 think myself worthy of honor and 
 glory; 1 evalt myself; 3. p.^,- p. ket 
 ..sad. ^ 
 Kitchitiimvenindismvin,8. self glorifi 
 cation, vainglory, proud thoughts. 
 Kttchitwnwia, {mn) a. v.a«. 1 make 
 h!m. IT^'W »i"nored; I glorify 
 him; 3. p. ktt..7i; p. het..ad. 
 KtieMwdwiidts, {nin) r. v. lelorifv 
 or honor myself, I seek ray owh 
 Kitchitwdwm, 8. S. Kitchuwdwin- 
 Kitchitivdwina. {nin) a. v. an. I glo. 
 nfy him with words, I praise him; 
 Hitchiuvanindd,,, {uin) a. v. in. I 
 glorify and praise it with words: 3. 
 Jiitc/afwawmikas, (nin) n. v. Wiave 
 a glorious name; my name is holy; 
 ,.-^- P:-"l ?• ket..nod. •" 
 JiiMtifwawi?iika.S(/u'in; a glorious 
 name; holy name. 
 Kttddtwdwis, [nin) n. v. I am glori- 
 ous, honored, nob'e, elevated, ex- 
 alted ; 3. p.-«; p. ^f^..,.^-^. 
 Kttvhdwawidwin, s. glory, honor, 
 majesty. ' 
 Kitckitwdwiton, {nin) a. y.in. 1 honor 
 If, I glorify it, sanctify it, I make it 
 J\'^]r^^- 9- kit...;i,.ket..tod. 
 Jiito/a-ivagthman, s. drawing-knife 
 pi. -an. 
 Kit(M.wajaghkivido, s. an. cork: FF. 
 liege.] *■ 
 Kitcld-waja.'shkicedo-gihdkwuigan, s. 
 cork-stopper; pl.-aw. 
 lyitchi-wau-dbigvnodji, s. rat, (bitr- 
 Kitchiwebim/r) . s'. aw. bracelet; pi - 
 ag. ^ ' 
 Kiienim, (nin) v. n. I have proud 
 thoughts of myself; 3. p.-o;p. ktt.. 
 Kitenima, {nin) a. v. an. I think him 
 proud; 3. p. kit.,n; p. ket..mad. 
 Kitenimowin, s. pride, proud 
 Kitair.idis,{nin)x. v. I think myself 
 higher or better than others: 3, p - 
 o; p. ket...sod. 
 Kitigddan,{nin) a. v. in. I sow it I 
 plant it; 3. p. o kit...; p. kit..anq'. 
 Kitigude, or-tnagad, u. v. it is sowed. 
 It 18 planted; p. kei..deg, ox~magak. 
 httician, s. field; garden; pl.-««. 
 KUigana, {nin) a, v. an I -ow it, I 
 plant It, (a//, oly.) 3. p. Aii..n;'p. 
 kit 'oadang. — J^'tUwa inandaminag 
 ninwikitf\ianag; 1 will plant much 
 Kitigdni-dld, 8. Garden River, (In- 
 dian village, below Saut de Ste. 
 Kitufdniwigatnig, s. field-house; gar- 
 den-house; p\,~o?i. 
 Kiiige, {nin) n. v. I iarm.I plant, I 
 cultivate the ground, I till the 
 ground; 3. p. l.j p. krtigcd 
 Kitigewin, s. agriculture", larming, 
 hrffebandry, tillage. 
 Kitegewinini, s. fanner, plougher, 
 husbandman; pl.-'«'i/(/. 
 KUim, {win) n. v. 1 am lazy, I don't 
 like to do s. th.. or to go some- 
 ^yvhere; 3. p.-?. p. k-ctiinH. 
 Ktfimngad, u. v. it is poor, misera- 
 ble, pitiful, pitiable, worth pity; p. 
 Kitimdgakamig,a.d\'. miserable, piti- 
 ful, poor. 
 Kitimaganimitaijf'K, {niri.) n. v. I 
 make a speccli or iiarangue in or- 
 der to excite pity on me, to obtain 
 charitable assistiincein my wants; 
 3. p.-j; p. h-et..ftM. 
 Kitimag(i)iimitu(joi>iwiii, s. harangue 
 in order to obtain charity. 
 Kiitmagendagos, {nin) n. v. I am 
 poor, I am known to be poor; 3. p. 
 -i\ p. l'et..t;id. 
 Kitirnagendagwad, n. v. it is poor 
 and miseral)le, it is considered or 
 known to be miserable; p. led., 
 Kitinidgcndam, {nin) n. v. I pity, I 
 have thoughts of compassion, of 
 pity; 3. p. l.;p. Ht..ang. 
 KiUmdgtndAa. {nin) a. v. in. I pity 
 it, I think it is poor and miserable; 
 3. p. hil...\ p. ket..ang. 
 Kitimagen<liiije, {nin) n. v. I have 
 pity, I am" compassionate, I feel 
 compassion; 3. p. 1.; p. ]cet..ged. 
 Kitimdgcndjigewin, or kitimagenindi- 
 tvin, s. pity, compassion. 
 Kitimngemin, {nin) n. v. I think my- 
 selfpbor; worth pity, I pity myself; 
 3. p.-o; p. ket..mod. . 
 Kitimdgenirna, {nin) a. v. an. I pity 
 him, 1 have compassion on him, 
 I think him poor, worth pity; 3. p. 
 kit.n; p. ket..mad. 
 Kitimdgtninge, (nin) n. v. S. £iti' 
 Kitimdgeningewin, 8. S. Kitimagend- 
 Aili/ndgid, (nin) a. v. an> I make 
 him poor and miserable, 1 make 
 him unhappy, unfortunate; 3. p. o 
 Jc?t..n; p. ket:.ad. 
 Jvitimdgiid 't, {nin) r. v. I make my- 
 self poor, unhappy, unfortunate; 3. 
 p.-Y;; p. keL.sod. 
 Kitimagim(jtawa, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 ask him charity and assistance in 
 my wants; 3. p. o kiL.n; p. ket.. 
 Kitimaginagns, {nin) n. v. I look 
 poor, miserable, unhappy, indi- 
 gent; 3. p. ~i\ p_. kct.sid. 
 Kit'imaginagosimin, s. poor misera- 
 ble appearance. 
 Kitiindgts. {nin) n. v. I am poor, in- 
 digent, I am unhfippy, unfortunate, 
 miserable, deserving of compao- 
 sion and pity; worth pity; 3. p.-«; 
 p. ket..dd. 
 Kitirnagisiwin, poverty, indigence; 
 unhappiness, misery. 
 Kitimdqitagos, {nin) n. v. I am 
 heard with pity and compassion, I 
 speak so as to excite pity on me; 
 3. p.-^■,• p. kct..sid. 
 Kitimagitawa, {nin)a, v. an. I listen 
 to him with pity and compassion; 
 3. p. o kit..n; p. ket. .wad. 
 KUImdgitim, {nin) i. v. in. I make it 
 poor and miserable, 3. p. o kit...; 
 p. ket.. tod. 
 KdimindgQs, {nin)r\. v. I look lazy, 
 1 have the appearance of a lazy 
 person; 3. p.-«; p. ket..sid. 
 Kilimislik, {nin) n. v. I am habitual- 
 ly lazy, slothful, I am a sluggard; 
 3. p.-e; p. ket.. kid. 
 Kidmis: !:iwin, s. habitual laziness, 
 Kitimiwin, s. laziness, sloth. 
 Kitis, {nin) n. v. I am old; 3. p. 
 kit.isi;p. kdtisid. 
 KUiid; nin kitisim, my parent, my 
 father or my mother, my ancestor; 
 o hUmtnan, his father or mother 
 or his ancestor &C.-PJ. nin kill 
 «W(f(A niy parents, or my aiices- 
 101 s; ic% k-UmmmahaniQ , our fore- 
 fathers, etc. . 
 Mto/M/an, s. bell; pt-an 
 hitotuijan. (v/odrg, where the bell 
 hangs that is, the belfry, the 
 ••hurch-steeple, steeple 
 Kdotdjan, s. violin ;pl.-a„,. KitcM- 
 Ifitotchujan, basr viol.— S. Naid- 
 Kltotchige, {nin) n. v. I play on the 
 violin; 3. p. 1.; p. ]cet..aed—\S. Na- 
 hitomiapikai^an, s. Alg. S. :Naid- 
 liii'jiin. •' 
 Kltwta, adv. with reluctance, not- 
 withstanding, in spite of...; against 
 the,will;[F. malgre.] 
 ktwanakanwjM, (/,*«)„. v. I am al- 
 ways playing, or (iivertinsr myself 
 neglecting all other occupations' 
 ■i. p.-?.; p. haw. .ml. 
 'Mwa.Lakamiguiwin, s. playing or 
 diverting with neglect of duty. 
 kxwanu, Vnin) n. v. T make noise; 1 
 am (oohsh and wanton; 3. p.-r n 
 kaw..sid. ' ^' I 
 Kiwanisiwin, s. foolish noise, wan- 
 Kiw. otgiwe, it is said, they say. 1 
 understand. ■" 
 Kiwisli, (not much used,) thy wife 
 -They commonly say: Kimdme'. 
 mcujan, or, ki mifidimo9,muh, thv 
 wile. ' ^ 
 k'n, (or iko. after a consonant ) is a 
 particle denoting u.se or cu,t,m.~ 
 Kulija na ko wedi?~Ni>id ija sa 
 ko. Dost thou use to go there'— I 
 use to go. Mmiwag iko, they'nse 
 to dance. 
 J^oj, m compositions, signifies the 
 ht/l or beak of a bird; as: Aaaain 
 tf'Mv;.?, raven's beak. ^ ^ 
 Kokokajogan, a. bridge over the 
 btyx (in Indian mytholo-v, ) over 
 wh'ch must go the souls of the de- 
 piii ted, to arrive to the land of 
 :^pint3. The good souls pass easily 
 •ver It and enteV the happy land of 
 spirits. The wicked souls cannot 
 'np«rh''' '^y '"" '» t'"' 'lepth be- 
 neath, and are unhappy for ever. 
 Aokob.,s. owl;[F. hibou;|pl.-,,. 
 pork, pl.-^ff. 
 Aokmkem, s. dim. a small pig or » 
 AokonL-bimtde, s. hog's lard 
 Ao/cos/nwr,Jamaz, s. a;». sward, (skin 
 ol bacon; I F. couenne.l 
 ke'(f Im'*''"'"''* <Manumodeg, smo- 
 Kokoshiwishkinj, s. the snout of a 
 nog; pi. -2/2. 
 Kikoive^f. 8. moth; [G. Motte;lpl.-« 
 Aun; nikun, my liver; H/fcd». thy liyi 
 er; o/fcdw, his liver, etc. 
 Amidendago.s.{7ii>i) n. v. I am con- 
 sidered stupid, awkward, 1 am do- 
 Ao/Hidmaagwad, u. v. it is despica- 
 ble; it IS awkward, (awkward sit- 
 uation; j p. ;twa..wy;/!,-. 
 rh.lf"' ^/'^■"^"•.v. I am stupid, 
 clull, awkward, clumsy; 3. p.-r n 
 kwa.,.szfl. i' "1 H- 
 Iu.padis9^.(nin) a. v. a^. J make him 
 liojiadlnwin, s. stupidity, awkward- 
 Kopadiia, (nin) a. v. «„. I treat him 
 Hi, Iclespis-e him; I use him in a 
 stupid manner; 1 spoil some an. 
 ooj.; .J. p. o kop..n; p. Icwa..ad. 
 Kopadjttwe {nin) n. v. I treat ill. 
 despise, destroy; 3. p. 1.; p. jj^^..' 
 Kopudjinana, {nin) a. v. a^ I kill 
 an animal uselessly, without any 
 profit to me; .S. p. o k<yp..n;p. kwa.. 
 ■nad\ imp. kopadjinoj. 
 Kopadjiton, {nin) a. v. in. Imake it 
 ordrit ma stupid and awkward 
 manner, I spoil it, destroy it; 3 p. 
 Kopanetkwe, s. servant-woman, or 
 maid; pl.-^. 
 Koj>anfU>in,im , ». servant-tnnii; pi. 
 K<i/UM*t(Mi>t, {nin) n. v. Inponk stu- 
 pidly; A. p,-»'; p. kirn. .aid. 
 EAj.)a»itawii, {niu) n. v. an. I lionr 
 hiin (ir livHtou to liiin with tin' im- 
 Sro88ion that hn sponks «(u|ii(lly; 
 . p. k<>p..v; p. hwa.Mad. 
 K6})ax<mM, (nin) a. v. an. 1 dcspiso 
 him with bad woiils, I treat him 
 ill; H. p. ok'()p..n; p. l-wa..i>uui. 
 Kopastnujlan, («»'«) a. v. i, , 1 de«piso 
 it witli bad words; W. p. o kt>/>...; p. 
 Kbpas<m<im, {nin) r. v. I dospisp my- 
 spJi' with words; 3. p.-o; p. hwa.. 
 Koi>a»on<jt), {nin) n. v. 1 despise with 
 ^words] ;i. p. 1.; p. hra..<j(d. , 
 Kanahama,, {nin) ii. \ an. I practise 
 Indii\ii jiigglory o>i him, to know 
 liis sicKiuiss and Ihr riglit remedy 
 lor it; ;i. p. (J /i *-../;; p. hrcinad. 
 lCj4idban4ianh{nin) n. v. 1 prartiso 
 Indian jugglery, to know tlio lu- 
 ture, in rof^md to sick porsvms; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. kwr..anf/. 
 fLDsdhandanniain, s. Indian di\ iiia- 
 lion and jvij;>;lery in order to know 
 t.ho<ijturo, in resard to sickuossos 
 and their remedies. 
 Kosiyi>i>h>dJi(/an. s. the woiulit used 
 on a balance to weijih with; ( F. lo 
 poids d'nne b;il;niee;J pl--(»«. 
 Kosujoivani', {m/i) n. v. 1 carry a 
 heavy pack on n>y back; J. p. I.; 
 p. hvcind. 
 !{oti<jiran, {Ilia) n. v. I am heavy, 
 ponderous; Ii. (i. i; p. i'/vti^i'ij/va/iid. 
 Aosi^can, n. \\ it i» heavy, poiidor- 
 ous; ]). l-wrii..aiiir. 
 fCflBiyiira)iia.,{n,!i ) a. \. an. I make 
 heavy .some an. obj.; 3. \^,o kos..n'f 
 p. l'we..ad. 
 Koei^wanifon, i nin) a. v. in. I make 
 U heavy; 3. p. o koa. .; p. ku>c.. 
 Kosi^i>endon, (nin) a. v. in. 1 find it 
 heavy, 1 think U is heavy; 3. p. o 
 koe...\ p, /-(/y. .((«(/. 
 Sosigwan< nii.ia, {kin ) a. v. an. 1 (ind 
 I have a 
 p. klVf.. 
 him honvy, (any a». obj.) 3. p, 
 h>«..n; \).^-we..tnad. 
 KotSy thy (athor. 
 K(>(a^ttbandam, {nin) n 
 painful dreamt 3. p. 1. 
 Kotagdhandanunvin,^, painful dream, 
 {A. -an. 
 Kotagaj'ine, {nin) n. v. I luivo a 
 painful sioknrss; 3. p. 1.; p. kwe.. 
 Kotaijapinawin, s. painful sicknoss, 
 pInKUp; pi. -rt«. 
 KiitiK/t'ndagog, {nin) n, v. I havo to 
 auli'or, I am sullerinR; 3. [i. -»; p. 
 Kvtmiaidagn'ad, w. v. it is painful, 
 hard, causing sulVering; p. kwe... 
 Kotagt'nilfKjwakainujad.w. v. thorn is 
 tribulation, it is a uainful evont, 
 painful accident; \).kuH'..(jak. 
 liotaiji'iidain, («m1 n. v. 1' sulVer, i 
 am' in apuinlul trouble; 3. p. I.; p. 
 K)ita<j(nd'(inn!-n ill; s. su fieri rifj, for- 
 rovv, tribulation, allliclion, pain, 
 trouble, adversity, (especially 
 s/iiriliial.) 8. fuitnijiioirin. 
 Ki'tai/iii, {.'lin) n. v. an. I make him 
 sutler, 1 pliiguo him, I give him 
 pain and troublt\ I torment him, 
 torture him. martyrize him; 3. p. o 
 kot..n: 1). kiirtiiijiad. 
 Juifa<iiidni, {nin) r. v. I make myself 
 siiifer, 1 torment mys(>ll; 1 do pen- 
 ance; 3. p. -f>, I), kircstd. 
 h aijiidimiHn. s. self-tormenting; 
 hi'tiii/iiaowin. s. suilering, trouble or 
 ntlfiction received from somebody. 
 J\'i'ta</iiwt>, {nin) n. v. I torment, I 
 pliiLMie, I Rive or cause pain and 
 trouble; 3. p. 1.; p. kwe. .wed. 
 Ki>t(iijiiweina(>ad, u. v. it torments, it 
 gives or causes sulforing, trouble, 
 pain; p. kwet..<jak. 
 h'ltngiina, {f)in)&. v. an. S. Kotagia. 
 A'o/a<//,mama,{nin) a.\. an. 1 sutfer 
 from the smell of some an. object; 
 3. p. kot..ti.; i>. ktvet..mad. 
 fiota/jiman.ff,vt. (an.) n. v. in. I snflTdr 
 (mm tlio Niiicll of Noino in. objoct; 
 .'«. p. kfl(..,; p. kwH..nn(j. 
 hotaohuj, (1(1 V. in tlio M(M)r|,|,„rin>f 
 <>(Ik«; or liouNo, )„ t|,o iiuighhor- 
 fCofa(fis,(nin)n, v. I HuflTor I nm 
 iniNornl.lc', I urn in trouble: 3. p.-»: 
 _[». k-Wl'..Ki(l. ' ' 
 Iv'taginiwin, Hu/lnriiifi:, troiiblo, mis- 
 fCota(jit<i,{nu,.) ri. v. I siifTor, (bodily, 
 from sickiiossorlaborna. n. 1 • n 
 hwctod. ' ■' ' ■ 
 h'ot.anit6v, {nin) n. v. in. I mako it 
 snft<ir;.l p. « ^v;^..; p. X-,w../„rf.„ 
 O kiitamton iriiaui, he makes siifror 
 his body, (hiinsolf.) 
 h'olaijitoivin, ». stiir.-rinDr, Paiii, (lis- 
 trcsH, (ospocially luxlili,.) 
 fCotafriw, (nin) n. v. I toil and labor, 
 I enduro hardship; 3. n,-«; p. kwe 
 Kota<jiwchaoff, (nin) I ntn toa.sod 
 about in a oarioo, boat, vossoi, otc. 
 ^- p.~«>; p. l-ire..(ji:tl. ' 
 Kdtawan,s. an. a blork, a Inrpo 
 piocoofwond (or fnol, thrown in 
 thobackof tlifi chimnoy; pl.-a^ 
 ^»tKj6(jathta, {nin)x\. v. my loir ;„ 
 <iislocat<-d;3. p. \.-\).kwn:tnd. 
 f^otnjiifnMit, {ni/i)\\. v. I dislorato 
 my leg by falling; 3. p. 1.; p. kwe.. 
 ^<itvj6nihrshln.(inn) n. v. I dislo- 
 r-atn my arm by falling: 3. p. 1.: n 
 kmcinq. ' ' 
 ^otigonit'eta. (nin) n. v. my arm is 
 dislocatod; 3. p. 1... p. hwctad. 
 f^otigdnindjishi,,, (nin) n. v, I dislo 
 Mto my hand by a fall: 3. p. 1,: n 
 ^<>tigdniridjita,{mn) n. v. I have «> 
 dislocated hand; 3. p. i.; n.hwe.. 
 KnhgnMn, (mn) or, nin hotigotti, n. 
 V. ! <liHlo(;ato som.! limb of my 
 txHly. I havo Nomn limb dislocated: 
 ■i- p. l-ip. kw«..ad. ' 
 ii.»t.ig„M-amin, n. dislocation of a 
 linib ()( tJK, human body. 
 Kongomlchin, (nin) n. v. I di»io. 
 catnmy footby a fall; 3. p. 1 • n 
 KotigoHidrfn (nin) n. v. my foot it 
 dislocated; 3. p. \.; ik hpr..tad. 
 h/vaum, or hmu>.^H .'nd-HyUHblc in 
 composuions, uIIikIch to a forM; 
 an: Ain nagud/twaam, or, niii panA- 
 kwaam\vAnm', out of the woo'ls. 
 1 clugakimm. near tho forest. 
 K/m*, as end-sylbihle in composi- 
 tians. alludes to the position of the 
 trad; as: mn nawagikwen, I in- 
 dine my head before me. Anihek- 
 went, ho inclines liis head on one 
 Kwrtrh, ten, (in common quick 
 coiiMiirg.) ' 
 Kwinhkicink, (nin) n. v. I whistlo- 
 ''^- V- i-. p. kwa..td. ' ' 
 KwMi.k/n^hima, (.7nri)ix. v. an. Ical> 
 him whistling; 3. p. o kwi..n: p. 
 KiMwit^hiiiugam, (nin) n. v. I whis- 
 tle an air, a song, amelody; 3. no: 
 p-kwa..mod. ' 
 K.w/f,Akwi.diiwin, s. whistling, whis- 
 ^^ii'l'<hhmiihhmHn)nn>r., (nin) n v ] 
 whistle alter a .log, I calj j, doir 
 whistling; 3. p. \.;p. hwa..wed. 
 Kwlwtsienii, 8. boy;pl. Y7ff. 
 Ktuimiscns, s. a kind of lizard, red 
 lizard; pl.-a^. 
 KwiwifcnHke, (nin) n. v. Tnm deliv- 
 ored of a l)oy, I give birth to a boy: 
 ^•P\.]\>.hwa..ked. ' 
 Kwtwtsenniw, (nin) n, v. I am a boy 
 3. p.-t; p. kwaw..v)id. ' 
 Afa; particle signifying a re-inforce- 
 ment of what is -aiii; as. Um ma 
 gt-tkito; he said it himself. Ka ma 
 win; no, no. 
 Mabam, pron. this, this one, this 
 ^dd. S. Mddji, (primo loco.) 
 ifddaadon mtkajia, (nin) a. v iii S 
 ifd(iaan, {nin) a. v. in. I scrape a 
 hide or skin in.; 3. p. o mad...: p. 
 matadaang.—Nin madaan pijiki- 
 wegm, I scrape an ox-hide. 
 Mddaana, {nin) a. v. an. I go after 
 him, Hollow him; I pursue him: 
 3. p. mad..7i\ p. n.aid..nad. 
 Madabi, {nin)n. v. I come out of the 
 woods to the lake, 3. p. ].; p. medd- 
 Maddbi<fos, (nin) n. v. I come from 
 cami) to camp out of the woods to 
 "!*' 'alve;3. p.-j"; p. med..dd. 
 MadaUmagad, u. v. pers. it comes to 
 the lake; p. med..(jak. 
 ifaddhiisse,{nin)n.'v. I slide down 
 ,.to t^? lake; 3. p. 1.; p, mcd..,ed,. 
 Madabisse, ot-^magad, u. v. it slides 
 down to the lake; p. mcd.-seo, or- 
 -ifaddbiwidon, {nin) a. v. in. I carry it 
 to the lake-shore; 3. p. o mad...; 
 p. jned..dod. 
 Ifaddbiwina, {nin) a. v. an. I carry 
 or convey him to the lake-shore, (a 
 person, or any other a//, obj.) 3. p 
 Jfaddbofi, (nin) n. v. 1 go on a river 
 in a canoe or boat down to the 
 lake, to the mouth of the river; 3. 
 p. -o; p. med./ri(d. 
 Ifddddis, {tun) n. v. I travel, I am 
 on a journey; 3. p.-i- p. muia..tiid, 
 Madadjim, {?mi) 1 begin to tell, 1 
 begin my report or narration; 3. p. 
 ~i>; p. maiadadjimod. (Abridged 
 fiom madji, beginning; and nin di- 
 badjvm, 1 tell.) 
 Madadm, {nin)n. v. I carry a canoe 
 to the water; 3. p. -o; p. w,,^..;.,,,^. 
 ^<^l^ga?ni, a. troubled or agitated 
 ^addga/nishka, or-magadn'ri, u. v 
 the water moves, it is not still and 
 quiet; p. m^d..kag, or~7)tagaL 
 graitoir,J pl.-an. 
 Madaufe,{nin) n. v. I scrape a hide, 
 a skin; 3. p. I. ; p. maiddaiged. 
 Madakamtfrig, {nin) n. v. I com- 
 mence some work; I b^gin to make 
 iioise; 3. p.-«; p. maia..sid. 
 Madandjige, {mn) n. v. 1 begin to 
 eat; 3. p. l.;p. maia..gcd. 
 Madammad, u. v. the wind begins 
 to blow; p. maia..mak. 
 Madaokcn, {nin) a. v. in. I distri- 
 bute or divide it among several 
 persons; 3. p. o mad...; p. maia.. 
 Mudaokenan, {nin) a. v. on. I dis- 
 tribute gr divide some an. obi 
 among several persons; 3. p. omad 
 • ..; D. viaia..ked. (V. Con].)— Nin 
 mndaokenan nin j<miian'i; I dis- 
 tribute my money among several 
 Mddaoki, {nin) n. v. I divide or dis- 
 tribute among several persons; 3 
 p. 1.; p. maia. .kid. 
 Mddaoki win, s. distribution, division, 
 repartition, dividing among several 
 Mddaonamawag, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 divide it amongst them, I give 
 some to every one of them; 3. p <, 
 mad. .wan; p. maid.. wad. 
 Mddaonidimin, {nin) com. v. we di- 
 vide It amongst ws; p. maia..didr 
 ^tiT^r'^''"' '■ '^'^'"bution made ( 
 Maddssidm, (mn) a. v. in I carrv it 
 i/aJma. (/«•«) a. v.a^j. I wear it 1 
 clothe myself with it, fa^ obi W 
 Madinddgan, s. clotliing, clothes 
 clothmg material ' ^'°^"^«' 
 rfoSrr'^""^^' «■ -^'^'hing- 
 J»'ad:n\^.me..wad. """' •^- ?• " 
 Madmdan, (nm) a. v. i«. j wear it 
 I clothe myselfwithit.Cz-rob ) 
 ces snnmng, n begms to snow n 
 goes on^n L •^' '' ,^^^^ away, it 
 ate'rb /f '^^fi'^' ^"^ connection with 
 t«^ cTi. (Change, mavidjL) m„ 
 r oK p'v ,''^^'"' to preach.- 
 ^«^.e, ady S. Jf^-,-^^^- 
 p. maiadjiod. ' ^' P* '"<^^*''; 
 "great haste, as quick as I can; 
 •*• P- I.,- p. maid..wed. ^ 
 ^!f<^ (,„:.) n, V. J ber;n tc 
 r«n,J. p. i.;p. ^;j^^-^^^^ 
 MddjiUamawa, (nin) a. v. on. I writ. 
 to him, 1 write hiri; a letter; 3?.; 
 mad..n; p. maia..wad. ^ 
 Mdnhtde, or-magad, u. v. it goes or 
 ghdes away; it flies off.; p.l^ae-a" 
 Mddjmigan,\ missive, writing sent 
 to someh.»ly, letter ..n^; pU„. 
 ^- Jiidjt},uqan. 
 Madjihmje, [nin) n. v. 1 am writing 
 a letter to send to somebody, a 
 nMssiye;3. p. I.; p. mma..ged.^' 
 Mdjidabddan, (wm)a. v. in. I draw 
 or drag it away; 3. p. o mad...; p. 
 maia..ang. ' ^ 
 MMjidaUna, {nin) a. v. an. I draw 
 or drag hnn away, (a person, or 
 adjidaU, {nin) n. v. I draw or 
 dragaway,3.p l;p.^«i«..j^. 
 Madjtdatwe, {n{n) n. v. I send s. th. 
 to somebody 3. p. 1.; p. maia..wed. 
 MadjiAmwen {nin) a. v!m. I sent it 
 .. J ■^' ^- p- ''^«^-; P- ««^ 
 ^adjidaiwenan, {nin) a. v. an I 
 send some an. obj. to somebody'; 3. 
 ^.omad...; p. maia..U'ed. { V. Com. ) 
 "t'^r^. C^^''^) a. V. ak. I carrV 
 ^fdlff!"^'' e'-^^^^^.itis carried 
 JfS'-P" "^«'«v%' or-7»a^a;fc. 
 c«. obj ) 3. p.-o; p. maia..sod. 
 Madjzdjtwan,u. v. it runs on, it 
 runs away, (any liquidOp.^aia.. 
 Mddjidode,{nm) n. v. I move away 
 ;u^\ P.-T'^ P- 'maiadjidodeod. 
 Madjidon, ^nin) a. v. in. I carry jt 
 away, I carry it off, I convey it 
 away; 3. p. omad...; p. maiailndod. 
 Mddjig, (iiin) n. v, I grow taller; 3. 
 P-«. P- maiddjigid. 
 Mudjiga, or-magad, u. v. the sap of 
 maple-trees begins to run; p. mat- 
 /<^'^W, ox-magak 
 Mddjtgiaaa,(nm) n. 
 angry, I get angry 
 I begin to he 
 _. ., ^._, , 3. p.-o; p. 
 Mddy;ujin, u. v. it grows on; p. maia 
 Mddjigwasa, (nin) n. v. I begin to 
 sew; 3. p.-o; p. tnaia..S()d. 
 MddJUadJim, (nin) n. v. I carry 
 word or news ; 3. p*-o ; p. maia.. 
 Msufjiiadjima, (nin) a. v. an. I tell 
 of him, I spread iiis fame, or his 
 shame; 3. p. o 7nad..n ; p. maia.. 
 Mddjiiadjimoiwe, {nin) n. v. I send 
 word or news to somebody ; 3. p. 
 1.; p. maia. .wed. 
 Mddjiiassin, u. v. it goes away driv- 
 er by the windt p. maia..ing.-]Sfd- 
 bihwan madjiiassm, the veissel 
 ffoes away, (driven by the wind.) 
 Mddjikamig, or madji , adv. not 
 now, not_ so much.— i^/<r<7 gi-U- 
 matchi-ijiwehisi. madjiTcamig n<m- 
 aom ta-mino-ijiwehisi. He always 
 behaved badly, he will not now 
 behave well. 
 MddJiJramigad, u. v. it begins, (an 
 action or event ;) p. maia..gak. 
 MddjiJcan, (nin) n. v. I commence 
 some work; 3. p. 1. ; p. maia..ang. 
 MadJiHhivewiss, s. the first-born girl 
 of a family. 
 Midjihilcu'ewissilcandnge, (nin) n. v. 
 I am like a mother to my younger 
 brothers and sisters; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 MadjiJcikwemssikandawa nishime , 
 (nin) a. v. an. I am like a mother 
 to my younger brother, (to my 
 younger sister;) 3. p. omad.. n; 
 p. med..wad. 
 Madjihihwewissiw, (nin) n. v, I am 
 the first-born girl of the family; 
 3. p.-j; p. m£d..wid. 
 Madjil-iwiss, s. the first-born boy of 
 I a family ; p\.~ag.~]Sin madiihu'M- 
 I sini, my first-born son ; also, my 
 oldest brother., 
 MadJiHirimir, (nin) n. \. I am the 
 first-born boy of our family ; 3. p,- 
 «'; p. medj..wid. 
 Mddjina. {nin) a. v. an. I carry him 
 away ; 3. p. o mad..n ; p. maiadji- 
 7Htd; imp. madjij, 
 MddJinaJaigaK, (nin) n. v. I am sent 
 away; 3. p.-o ; p. maia. .sod. 
 Mddjinajdii'a, (nin) a. v. an. I send 
 him away; 3. p. o mad..n ; p. maia 
 ..rvad; imp. madjinajd. 
 MadjinajikawaAnm) a. v. an. I send 
 him away in haste, j hurry him 
 away ; I drive him away ; 3. 
 mad..n; p. ?nata..wad. 
 Mddjinc. S. Mdddpine. 
 Mddjinrwin. S Madnjiinewin. 
 Mdujidd(m, (nin) a. v. nt. I carry or 
 convey it away in a canoe or boat; 
 3. p. o mad... ; p. maia..dod. 
 Mddji6ma,(nin) a. v. an. S. Mddo- 
 Mddjiona, (nin) a. v. an. I carry or 
 convey him away in a canoe or 
 boat; 3. p. mad..n; p. maia..nad; 
 imp. miidjioj. 
 Mddjidnda'n, (nin) a. v. in. S. Md- 
 Mddjipo, oT-^magad, u. v. the snow- 
 storm is driven away by the wind; 
 p. maia..pog. ox-maga]c. 
 MddjiMa, (nin) n. v. I am going 
 on, { aminmotion;3. p. 1.; p.wOT(t 
 MddJinMa, or-^iagad, u. v. it is go- 
 ing, it is in motion ; p. maia..kag, 
 Mddjishlcan. (nin) a. v. in. I make 
 it go on, I put it in motion ; 3. p. 
 mad...; p. maia..ang. 
 Mddjishkaira, (nin) a. v. an. I put in 
 motion some an. obj.; 3. p. o mad.. 
 n_; p. maia. .wad. — Dibaigidsmvan 
 nin wi-madjishlcawa ; I will put 
 the clock in motion, (agoing.) 
 Madjisse^ox-mngad^fi. V. it begins, 
 commences; p. m(tia..3eg, or-ma- 
 galc.-I^ongom m^c^issemagad mi- 
 nvffa hejig HHnonowin; to-day be- 
 gins a new year. 
 Mddjigsin. ii.v. S. Mndjiese. 
 Mddjita, (nin) n. v. I begin, I com- 
 nuMice, (a worker an action;) I 
 attack, I aggreea ; 3. p. 1.; p. mat- 
 Mddjitamn, s. beginning, commen- 
 cement (of an action or work); 
 attack, aggression. 
 Mddjiundawa, ( nin ) or, nin madji- 
 wtdamaiva, a. v. an. S. Mddjidawa. 
 Madjiutidjiffade, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 carried or conveyed away ; p. 
 maia. .d^eg, oi-magah. 
 Mddjiwidjigas, {nin) n. v. I am car- 
 ried away; 3. p.-r) ; p. maia..sod. 
 Mddjiwidon, (nin) a- v. in. S. Mad- 
 Mddjiwina, {nin) a. v. an. I carry 
 or convey him away, (any an. obj.) 
 3. p. o rnad..n ; p. maia..nad ; 
 imp. mddiiwij. 
 Mddji'.viioidis, {nin) r. v. I carry or 
 convey myself away ; [G. ich ma- 
 che mich aus dem Staube ;] 3. p.- 
 o; p. maia. .sod. 
 Madodiason, s. Indian steam-bath ; 
 [C. suerie sauvage.] 
 .mdodjigad^, u. v. S. Jiaha-madod- 
 Madodo, {nin) n. v. I take a steam- 
 bath, (m order to recover of a 
 sickness by a violent perspiration.) 
 3. p. 1.; p.medodod. 
 Mddoma, {nin) a. v. an. I carry him 
 away on my back on a packing- 
 strap ; 3. p. mad..n ; p. maiado- 
 Mddondan, (nin) a. v. in. I carry it 
 away on my back on a portage- 
 strap, or packing-strap; 3, p. o 
 mad... ; p. maia..anq 
 ; p. ma ,. 
 Madmiewalnk, ,s. an. hot stone used 
 in an Indian steam-bath to heat 
 the water ; pl.-o^. 
 Madwe , in compositions , fignifies 
 hearing a. report, a sonnd, a noise; 
 as : jKishime gi-madioi-nibo ; we 
 hear that thy brother died. Noes 
 gir^madwi-dngtoishin tihihmg ; 1 
 hear my father arrived last night. 
 (Some more example^ in some of 
 the followmg words.) 
 MadwilagasKin, u. v. ihe wind whis- 
 pers in the leaves of a tree : d 
 med..nng. ''*^' 
 MadwiMfm, u. v. the rain is heard, 
 (falling on a roof, on leaves, etc. 
 p. med..sag. ' •' 
 Madwedjiwan, u. v. the current of a 
 stream or river is heard ; \). med . 
 aiig. '^ 
 M(ulwegarmnagiji, (mn) n. v. thert) 
 18 a gargling or rumbling ncise in 
 my stomach; [F. j'ai le gargouille- 
 nent;]3. p. I.; p. med..jid 
 Madwegamis, {nin) n. v. a rattling 
 is heard in my throat ; 3. p.-o ; p. 
 Madwigamuoivfn, s. rattling in the 
 throat;[F. rdlement.i 
 ■Madweaanenindfibinidia, (nin) r v 
 I make crack my fingers ; 3. p.-o i 
 p. med..sod. ' 
 MajwiganeshJca, (nin) n. v. the joints 
 of my limbs crack ; 3. p. 1. • d 
 med..lad. ' ^' 
 MadwiiaUdeMmm, {nm) [or, nin 
 m<idweidbideshin, 3. p. 1. ; p. med.. 
 ing,] n. v. I chatter with the teeth" 
 ^adwetabwaan, (nin) a. \. in 1 
 make it sonnd, (metal ;V 3. p. o 
 mad...', p. m(d..ang. 
 MadwHaUkaigade, or-magad, u. v 
 It IS sounded, (metal;) p. med..deg\ 
 OT-magah. ^' 
 MadwHaUl-hsin, u. v. it sounds, it 
 tinkles, it jingles, (metal ;) p. ■^ 
 Madwiian^esse, n. v. 3, p. he makes 
 a sound or noise with his wings 
 (a bird;) p. med...8ed. ' 
 MadwilMniiguskin,{nin) n. v. lam 
 heard falling to the ground ; 3. p. 
 1.; p. med..ing. 
 Madwihamigiesin, u. v. it is heard 
 falling to the gfound ; p. med..ing. 
 Madwehwadin, u. v. the ice is crack- 
 ing; p. med..ing. 
 Madwima, {nin) a. v. an. I crack 
 some an. obj., with the teeth, I 
 eraun •'■ t ; 3. p. o mad. ,n ; p. nwJ- 
 Madwf nttu,n, {nin) a. v. in. I crock 
 or craunch it with the teoth, (in. 
 obj. ) ?. p. n mad... ; p. Tmi..ang. 
 Madivnulnge, (nin) n. v. I crack or 
 craunch s. th. ; 3. p. 1. ; p. 7ntd.. 
 -ifadwiii^wam, (tiifi.) n. v. I snoro ; 
 [G. ich schnarcho ;] 3. p. 1. ; med.. 
 Madirtnt/u'dnMviii, a. snoring; [F. 
 Madwenguash, (n*») n. v. S. Mad- 
 Madwifhin, {nin) n. v. I am hoard 
 falling; 3. p. 1.; p. md..intf. 
 Madwi.shlca, or -magad, (f'req. ma- 
 madwethka,) u. v. it cracks, it 
 makes a cracking noise ; p. nud.. 
 lag, ox~inagal\ 
 Mailwesige, (nin) n. v. I fire a gun; 
 3. p. 1. ; p. mcd..ged. 
 Madwesigi-gijigad, s. gun-firing day, 
 the day 3l' firing guns, th - fourtli 
 of July. — S. Pa/HisMmge gijigad. 
 Madwesigc-gisiss,s. gm\-imngrcioni}\, 
 Madwedgemn, a. firing guns. 
 Madwessaqinhin, {nin) n. v. I am 
 heard fallingon the floor, on boards; 
 3. p. 1. ,• p. med..ing. 
 itadwissigtssin, u. V. it is heard 
 falling on boards, on the fioor ; p. 
 Madwesshi, u. v. it is heard falling ; 
 it sounds, it rings; p. med..ing. 
 Madwemtchige, (nin) n. v. (freq. nin 
 mamddwessitchige ,) I produce a 
 sound or sounds', a noise ; 1 ring ; 
 3. p. 1.; p. m€d..ged. 
 Madwissiton, (««w.) a. v. in. I make 
 it sound, ring, I ring it ; 3. p. © 
 irbad...\ p. med. .tod. 
 ifadweta, (nin.) n. v. (freq. nin ma- 
 madireta,) I am heard somewhere 
 making noise ; 3. p. 1. ; p. medwt- 
 Madwiwe, or-mamd, u. v. it sounds, 
 it rings; p. m-ed-weg, ox^uiaah. 
 jaSttdwttveo bin^, n. v» 3. p. the par- 
 music ; pro- 
 tridge is inking noise with hiu 
 winns ; p, t)i, d..iid. 
 Miidireweghin, {nin) n. v. lam heard 
 from some place; 3. p. 1.; p. 7iud.. 
 Mudwi\rtsgin,n. v. it is heard from 
 some pliice ; [>. med..ing. 
 Madwiwetvhvjan, n. any thing that 
 produces t,r gives a sound or 
 Hounds ; a nuiNicul instrument, 
 trumpet, horn ; li\rp, guitar, etc. ; 
 Madwi'wt'tchioe, (nin) n. v. 1 make 
 sound 8. til. ; 1 produce sounds ; 
 I make music ; 3. p. ).; p. tn^.. 
 Jliidweivdchigewin, s. 
 ducing sounds. 
 Madiriwetchigfwinini, s. musician ; 
 pi .-wag. 
 Madwiweton {nin) a. v, in. I make 
 it sound; 3. p. o mad...; p. med. .tod. 
 — j\'in inadirciv<t(rn hodadh'gan, 1 
 make sound a trumpet, abiigle, a 
 Mngolidon, {nin) a. v. in. I press or 
 comj)ress it in my hand stnmyly ; 
 3. p. o mag... ; p. maia..dod. 
 Mngahina. (nin) a. v. an. I press or 
 compress some an. obj. strongly in 
 my hand; 3. p. o vuuj..n ; p. maia.. 
 Mng&na, {nin) a. v. an. I press some 
 an. obj, in my hand slightly ; 3. p. 
 o mag..n; p. maia.. nod.' 
 Mdgofian, (nin) a. v, in. I press it in 
 my \min\ dtghtly, {in. obj.) 3, p. o 
 mag... ; p. maia..ang. 
 Mdgonige, (ni/i.) a. v. an. I press 
 slightly; 3. p, 1.; p. maia..ged. 
 Mdgonindjina, {nin) a. v. an- 1 press 
 his hand; 3. p. o mag..n; p. maia.. 
 Magoshi, (nin) n. v. I^make an In- 
 dian feast, as a religious ceremo- 
 ny; 3. p. 1. ; p. m^goshed. 
 Magofhewin, s. Indian religious feasts 
 Mngoshh'nadjige, {nin) n. v. I press 
 down; 3. p. 1.; p. maia...ged. 
 Mdgoshkinadon, {nin) a. v in. I press 
 it downin a vessel ; 3. p. o.vtag^.^ 
 p. maia.,dod. • 
 10 with hJM 
 musician ; 
 Mdcjotulena, {tvin) a. v. an. I prrsH 
 his foot ; 3. p. m:iK..n ; p. main., 
 Afaffwdj/omshm, u v. Ihe snow lo- 
 v/ern, melts down; p. me(j..ing. 
 itaawdmiijan, s. huiniiback'; [G. Hcc- 
 JfagtvdtiH(/an,,()iin.) n. v. I am Immp- 
 backed; 3. p. 1.; p. me(i..an(j. 
 Mdtjwia, (nin) a. v. an. \ ain'stronc;- 
 er than ho, 1 surpass him, over- 
 come him; 3. p. o inag..n ; p. muia 
 ifdgwiigon, {nin) pers. v. it ovorco- 
 mes me, Hiir[)a8aeH me ; 3. p. <> 
 miujjp. vi(iia..{]inl.-Nin md<jwii<ton 
 nma akosi/oin ; my sickness over- 
 comes mo, (^it is stronger than I.) 
 Jfdtjwito, (nin) n. v. I am very sick, 
 1 am overcome by sickness ; 3. p. 
 1.; p. mauUjivltud. 
 Md<jwltan, (nin) a. v. in. I ovet-coine 
 it, surpass it; 3. p. <> may,..; p. maia 
 MaiddaoJcid, p. s. a. he that distri- 
 hntes, a distributor; pl.-;'V/. 
 ifafddjitad, p. s. a. hi' that' commen- 
 ces, aggressor, attiicker; p\.~ji(j. 
 Mui(iij, in compositions, signili(>s 
 foiciijn , drauye, cluuujed. ( Ex- 
 amples in some of tlie folhnving 
 words. ) 
 MainfjanitiMnabe, 8. a. strange Indian 
 from anotlier tribe ; in Scriptural 
 language, pagan, gentile; pl.-f/. 
 Maiaijinda(j<is, (nin) n. v. I am'con- 
 sidered, or found, strange, chang- 
 ed; 1 am changed ; 3. p.-t ; p. nni- 
 Mdiagendagwad, w. v. it is found 
 strange, changed ; it is changed ; 
 p. mei..wak. 
 faiagendan, (nin) a. v. in. I think, 
 or hnd, it strange, changed ; 3. p. 
 Maidgihre, b. foreign, strango wo- 
 man ; pi. (/. 
 Ma id gill a (/(im', (nin) n. v. I look 
 changed, strange; 1 look like a 
 stranger ; 3. p.-* ; p. mrAa..i»id. 
 Maidginagwad, n. v. it looks chan- 
 ged, strange ; p. iti^ia..wak, 
 Mutdginan, {nin) a. v. in. i see it 
 changed ; 3. p. o 7na...; ji. f/teia.. 
 Maiaginawa, (nin) a. v. an. I sea 
 him changed, (any a». obj.)3. p. 
 mui..n ; p. mc.ia..ii'ud. 
 Maidgiuirn, a. foreign, strange man, 
 foreigner ; pi. -w-nj/. 
 Maidgis, (nin) n. v. I am a stranger, 
 a foreigner ; 3. p.-i; p. meidgisid. 
 MaidgiMinjigwe, ( nin) n. v. [ have 
 a strange face, or a changed face ; 
 3. p. 1.; p. meia..wi'd. 
 Maidgisniton, (^nin) a. v. »«. J put it 
 otherwise, in a strango manner; 
 3. p. maia... ; p. nma-.tod. 
 Maingitagos, (nin)n.w. I am heard 
 speaki.Mg strangely, I speak like a 
 stranger, or with an altered voice; 
 1 speak a foreign language ; 3. p. 
 -«': [). nieia..sid. 
 Maidgitawa, (nin) a. v. an. I find, in 
 hearing him, that his language (or 
 his voice) is changed, strange, I 
 hoar him speaking strangely, like 
 a stranger ; 3. p. umaia..n; p.7neia.. 
 Muidgiton, (nin) a. v. «'». I make it 
 in a strange manner; also, it sounds 
 strange to me, I find strange (or 
 changed ) what I hear ; 3. p. o ma...: 
 Maiagwe, (nin) n. v. my speaking is 
 strange or changed ; I speak a 
 strange or foreign language ; 3. p. 
 1.; p. nifiiaqivcd. 
 mat... ; p. mei..nng. 
 Maiagenima, (7iin) a. v. an. I fnid 
 him changed, stransri^ (a person, 
 or any other an. obj.) 3. p. o mai.. 
 n; p. rnei..mad. 
 Maiaainindis, (nin) r. v. I find my- 
 self changed, different from what 
 I was before; 3. \\~o; p. nma..sod. Maidmawi-niganisii 'kitcJii-mekaU 
 Maiugtv6a, (nin) a. v. <m. I make 
 him speak a strange or foreign 
 language ; 3. p. o maia..n ; p. m«g.. 
 Maidjimagogid manitons, s. stinking 
 insect, bed-bug. 
 Maidmakddendang, p. s. a. he who 
 jadmires, admirer ; \i\.-ig. 
 v4ktcanaie, b. Sovereif^n Pontiff, 
 Pope, (the foremost Grcat-black- 
 Maidosktiguian, s. S. Nawmgokumn- 
 Maidtme, (nin) n. v. I march fare- 
 most, at tlie nead of a gang, bend 
 or company ; 3. p. 1.; p. mei..«ed. 
 Maidossiu't/nni, a. war-captain, war- 
 chief, who marches at tho head of 
 his band ol warriors ; pl.-wag. 
 Maiatawanighinabe, s. strange In- 
 dian, in particular a 8iou-Indian ; 
 Mataiawk, (ntn) n. v. S. Maia/fif. 
 Maidwah, (nin) n. v. I am sitting 
 straight up ; 3. p.-t ; p. ni^.Jiid. 
 Maidwaiekwaiabikm assin, n. v, 3. 
 p. it is a corner-stone. 
 Maidivahtian, {nin) a. v. in. I erect 
 it, I make it stand up ; 3. p. o ma...; 
 p. irieia..ang. 
 ^Maiawanh, {nin) n. v. I am put up- 
 right, I am erected, by the wind ; 
 3. p. -i ; p. metawashid. 
 Maiawan/iin, u. v. it is erected, or 
 put upright, by the wind ; p. mei.. 
 t nff, 
 Maidwendagos, {nin) n. v. 1 am con 
 foremost ; 3. p.-i; p. 
 sidered the 
 Maiaijvendagtcad, u. v. it is consider 
 ed foremost ; p. m€ia,.tcak. 
 Maidivfndam, {nUi) n. v. I am fore 
 most, I am at the head of a band ; i 
 3. p. 1.; p. meta..ang. I 
 Maidwikuna, adv. in or on the trail, 
 road, street. | 
 Maidwtna, {ntn) a. v. an. I raise him I 
 up, I make him sit or stand j 
 straight up ; 3. p. omat..w; p. meta.. j 
 nad, I 
 Maldwtnan, {ntn) a. v, tn. I raise it \ 
 ' Ujif I erect it, make it stand up ; 3. ! 
 p, mai... ; p. inna..aiig. ! 
 Matdwishtma, {nin) a. v. an. I erect 
 him, I put him upright, (a person 
 or any other an. obj. ) 3. p. oma..n; 
 p. 7ne..mad, 
 Maidwxshin, {mn) h. v. I stand up, 
 erect myself, (from a lying posi- 
 tion ;) 3. p. 1.; p. me.Aiig. 
 Muidwiahka, {ntn) n. v. I erect my- 
 self, I stand up straight ; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. meia..kad. 
 Maidwishhamagaxl, u. v. it stands up, 
 it erects itself; p. met..gah. 
 Maidwishkan, (nin) a. v. tn. I go 
 straight upon it ; 3. p. o mai...; p. 
 Maidivishkawa, (nin) a. v. an. I go 
 straight upon nim; 3. p. o maia..n ; 
 p. ineia..it<ad. 
 Maidm4isitchigade, or-7wa^ad,u. ▼. it is 
 put upright, straight up, it is erec- 
 ted ; j). m«ia..deg, ov-magak. 
 MatawufiitchifiasOy n. v. 3. p.: it is 
 erected, nut upright, (a«. obj.)p. 
 ^aidwianiton, {nin) a. v. in, I erect 
 it, 1 put it up straight; S.p.owwu'a..; 
 p. mi:i..tod. 
 Maidwiminy u. v. it is uprght, in an 
 upright position, erected ; p. nteia,. 
 ^fl^^du'ita, {nin) n. v. S. Maidwish- 
 Maien, adv. aside, apart ; as : 
 Mdiin nind atmi mv ; I put this 
 Matenisgendan^ig, p. s. a. neg. he 
 who feels no shame, a shameless 
 person, impudent, brazenfaced; pi. 
 -og. S. Egatvhifiaig. 
 Maiessandwm, {nin) n. v. I joke, I 
 tell jokes to make people laugh ; 
 3. p. -o; p. ineie..si)d. 
 Maifigan, s. wolf; y)[.-ag. 
 Mahiganika, u. v. tnere are wolves ; 
 p. mHn..kag. 
 Mainganikan, s. a place where there 
 are ' wolves. — Mainganikaning kid 
 ininajaoninim ; 1 send you in the 
 midst of wolves, (in a place whtire 
 there are wolves.) 
 Majamegitss, s. salmon-trout ; pl.-a^. 
 Majumegosdka, or-magad, u. v. there 
 are salmon-trout ; p.m€j..kag, or- 
 Majamigosdkan, s. Salmon-trout 
 River, Lake .Superior. 
 Jfajiaia. Majidce, etc. S. Manjiaia- 
 ifartjidee, etc. ^ 
 ifajidihca lai^e, {nin) n. v. I cut off 
 hranchcM ; 3. p. 1. ; p. m4j..ged. 
 Mcyid^hi'iivdira mitia, {nin) a. v. an. 
 1 cui ofl' the branches of a tree ; 
 3. j). maj.n; p. mej..wad; imp. 
 Majiidhmu/an, s. S. Majiigan. 
 Majiinlciini^c, (nin) n. v. S. Majiige. 
 Majiigan, h. clearing, acU.>red piece 
 of luml ; i>l.- an. 
 Majiige, {nin) n. v I cut brush-wood 
 ami biff trees down, ( clear a piece 
 of land ; 3. [). 1.; p. nisjiiged. ■ 
 Magiigewin nui^jiiakonigewin, s. the 
 act or Labor of clearing land. 
 A/nkdk, 8. box, trunk, chest, coffer, 
 barrel, Indian sugar-box ; pl.-on. 
 Makdkoke, (nin) n. v. I make barrels 
 Cor boxes); 3. p. 1. ; p. mek..ked. 
 Makdkokcwigainig, a. cooper-shop ; 
 Maknkokeu\n, s. work or trade of a 
 Jfakakokiwinini, a. cooper ; pl.- 
 Makakons, nmkakossaanns, a. dim. a 
 small box or chest ; Keg ; pi. -an. 
 Makdkosi mitig, n. v. 3. p. the tree is 
 broken, (by the wind, etc.)p. 7w*i.. 
 Mdkdkos/^ag, s. a wooden box; a bar- 
 rel, cask, tub ; pl.-o/i. 
 Makdkossagwatig, a. barrel-staff; [F. 
 douolle :] pl.-ow. 
 Mdkamd, (mn) a. v. an. I take it from 
 him by force, I rob him of it; 3. p. 
 omak..n ; p. mekamad. 
 Makandoshk'image, (nin) n. v. I get 
 8. th. before another, I take s. th. 
 before SOUK! other does; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. ,.pk..qed, 
 MjIii. ' oshkamai '• , or, nin nuikan- 
 dos.t.'rawa, (nin) a. v. aH. I get it 
 or take it before he does, (he wish- 
 es or intends .to get it, but I get it 
 before him;) 3. p. o inak..n; p. 
 Makandoshkdn, (nin) a. v. in. I take 
 it before others do; 3. p. o mak.,.', 
 p. mek..ang. , 
 Makandwi,{nin) n. v. I ta^e by force, 
 I rob, I pillage ; 3. p. 1.; p. mek,. 
 Makandwln, {nin) a. v. in. I take it 
 away by force ; 3. p. o mdk... ; p. 
 mek. .wed. 
 Makandwinan, {nin) a. v. an. I tnke 
 some an. obj. away by force ; 3. p. 
 n fnnk...\ p. mek. .wed. { V. Conj. ) 
 Makandwewin, a. taking away by 
 force, pillage, robbery. 
 Makandwiicinini, a. robber, pillager, 
 brigand; y\.-wag. 
 The Indians of Sandy Lake are 
 called Mahinduieu'ininiwag, from 
 the circumstance that once they 
 pillpcred the store of their fur-tra- 
 Makati, a. gun-powder. 
 M(ikoti,m\i. black, dark-colored. 
 MakuUginebig, s. black serpent ; pl.- 
 Mukadianak, e. a kind of blackbird; 
 Mahitike, (nin)n. v. I paint my face 
 black ; 3. p. 1.; p. m/ek,.ked. 
 Makatekddon, {nin) a. v. in. I black- 
 en it, paint it black, 3. p. omak... ; 
 J). m('k..dod. 
 Makati'kona, {n^n) a. v. an. I black- 
 en some an. obj.,! paint it black, 3. 
 p. mak..n ; p. m^k.-ad. 
 Mukatikonidis, {nin) r. v, I blacken 
 my face ; 3. p.-o; p. ifiek..Kod. 
 Makate-mashkikiwaoo, a. coffee, 
 (black medicine.) 
 Makate-manfikikiwahoke, (nin) n. v. 1 
 make coffee; 3. p. 1.; p. m^k.. 
 Makate-mashkikiwaboktwigamig, s. 
 coffee- house , pl.-</». 
 Makateskib, a. black duck ; pl.-a^. 
 Makai€w(i.oT-^magad,u. v, it is black; 
 p. mek. .wag. ox-magak, 
 Makat&wahigdddon, {nin) a. v. in. 1 
 make it black, (thread, cord, 
 string;) 3. p. i> mak.,.; p. mek.. 
 MakaUwabihad, u. v. it is black. 
 ( metal :^ p. mek..kak. 
 MakatiwrMkinigade.xi. v. it is made 
 black, painted black, (metal, »n.) 
 Makafiwahikinigaso, n. v, 3. p. it is 
 made black, painted black, (mol- 
 al, an.) n. >npk..sod. 
 MahMwahihul, n. v. 3 p. it is black, 
 (silver, j(>niia\ stone, assin; the 
 sun, (fisiss;) p. meh.dd. 
 MrkaUwadissan, (nin) or nin ma- 
 katiukiman, a. v. in. I dye it black; 
 3. p. o mat.. ; p. mck..ang. 
 Makatiwadimge, (nin) or,' mn ma- 
 makewansige, n. v. I dye black ; 
 3. p. ].; p. meic.ged. 
 Makateimdimiva, {nin) or, nin ma- 
 hatewanswn, a. v. an. I dye black 
 some a«. obj.; 3. p. o mak..n; p. 
 Makatewagnmi, s. Black-River. 
 MahUewui/ann. u. v. it is black; of 
 a dark color; (some liquid;) p. 
 tneh. .mi-g.—Kitch i malcaUwagamt 
 ^to joniinuho ; this wine is of a 
 very dark cc.'or, (black.) 
 MakatiwayamitihlinjiiiH'nn, s. apple 
 ot the eye; [R pupille de I'oeil ; 
 G. Augapfel.] 
 Makateivagamitigweia. siM, u. v. the 
 river is black, of a dark color ; p. 
 inch.. lag. 
 Makatiivaje, {nin) n. v. my skin is 
 black; 3. p. 1.: p. meh.Jed. 
 MaJcatewakoniaade, u. v. it is painted 
 black, (wood, irt.) p. meh..deg. 
 ■^akatewakmiigaso, n. v. 3. p. it is 
 painted lilack, ( wood, an. ) p. melc.. 
 Mihifetvan/Jihe, {nin) n. v. I have a 
 black head, (black hair ;) 3. p. ]. • 
 Mahifemmim, s. (pron. maTcatios- 
 fi'ii,) black dog ; pl.-o*/. 
 i^akaUwigami, u. v. the lake looks 
 ul-xck, dark, (by the wind ;)p. mek.. 
 MakaUwigamig, s. powder-house; pi. 
 itakaUwiiafs, s. neurro; mulatto; col- 
 ored man; vblack-Hesh;)pl.-ar;. 
 Makatiwiiamkwe, s. negro woman ; 
 mulatto woman ; colored woman' 
 Makatewikwanaie, {nin) n. v. I dress 
 in black; I wear black clothes ; 3. 
 p. ii • ; p. mekat&wikwanaifd, he that 
 ^ wears black clothes. 
 ^akaUwingwe, {nin) n, v. I liave a 
 black face, my hce is blackened ; 
 /• P- lM'P-w»e/;..«v</, 
 MakatewisAnin) ii. v. I am black I 
 am of a black or dark complexion- 
 1 am colored; 1 ain swarthy, dusky 
 ^un-burnt ; 3. p.-i ; p. m<^..sid. 
 Makatiwtshkan,{ni:i)ii.. v. in. I black- 
 en It, (not purposely, by sitting 
 down on it, by touching it, etc ) 3 
 y-omnk...;^. ,nek..an(i. 
 MakatewiMawa, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 wad mak..n; p. 7nek.. 
 Mal-aUwishima, {nin) a. v an I 
 blacken him, (any «n. obi.) 3."i. 
 omdk..n;p. m,'/t:.mad. ^ 
 Mal'atewiKsagini<j(ide,ox-7nagad, u. v 
 It is painted black, ( wood;) p. mek.'. 
 I d!g, or-magak. 
 Makatewimcginigaso nahagissag, ij 
 V. 3. p. the board is painted black : 
 p. men.. sod. ' 
 Makatewissitm, {nin) a. v. I blacken 
 It; 3. p. omak... ; p. mek..tod. 
 Makatewttchi<jan, s. riiacking. 
 MakatewitcMge, {nin) n. v. i black- 
 en ; 3. p. 1.; p, mek..qed. 
 Makatewitcm mitigtvakisin, {niti) a. 
 V. in. I blacken a Iioot or shoe • 3* 
 Makatiwiwe. {nin) n. v. I am a black 
 person, a negro ; also, I am a col- 
 ored person ; 3. p. 1.; p. mel;..wcd. 
 Makia, {mn) a. v. an. I wound him* 
 3. p. o makian; p. maidkiad. ' 
 Mnkiewin, s. wounding; wound; pl.- 
 an. ^ 
 Makigade, {nin) n. v. I have a wound 
 in my leg, I am wounded in the 
 leg ; 3. p. 1.; p. m<tia..ded. 
 Makzganama, {ni?i) a. v. an. I wound 
 him, striking him with s.ih.; 3 p. 
 omak..n ; p. maia..mad. 
 Makija, adv. perhaps, may be. 
 Makikinak, s. a kind of turtle ; pi.- 
 Mdkmana, {nin) a. v. an. I wound 
 him, I lame him, cripple him by 
 striking him ; 3. p. o mak..n: p. 
 maia..nad; imp. mdkinaj. 
 Uakimke, (nin) n, v. 1 have a woand 
 J" ^^'? ^/'.n; '^^ P- 1.; p. maia.J-ed. 
 MakmviKlji, {nin) n. v. my hainl is 
 wounded ; 3. p. I. ; p. maiah.M. 
 Makts, (ma) n. v. I am a cripple ; 3. 
 P--ji V-maiakhsid. 
 ifakiside, (nin,) n. v. I have a wound 
 in the foot ; 3. p. 1.; p. nicL.ded. 
 Atakts/tka, ox~niaifai, u. v. it is bro- 
 ken; p, 7naia..ka.i, OT~-ma</ak. 
 Mnkisin, s. shoe, moccasin ;'pl. an. 
 ilakinn-agwiddgan, s. the upper 
 part of a moccasin; [C. hausse do 
 soijiier;] pl.-a,i. 
 IfnkisinHah; s. string of a shoo or 
 moccasin; p..-wj. 
 Af'tkisinike,{mn) n. v. I make shoes, 
 boots, etc., I am a shoe-maker; 3 
 P- }•; \]- mi;k..ked. 
 ifa.:tsinikewiijam.u), s. shoe-ma/ler's 
 shop; pl.-wi. 
 Uakidnikewin., s. shoe-making-, oc- 
 cupation, work or trade of a shoe- 
 Mikisinikewinini, s. shoemaker: pi. 
 -wag. S. Mekidn'ihed. 
 Uakogan, s. bear'* bone; pl.-rtw. 
 ilakoyanj, s. an. bear's claw; pl.-i>. 
 Makojigan, bear's croup; [A.-an. 
 Makons, s. dim. (properly wia/ticaws,) 
 a young bear; p\.-aq. 
 Uakojiin, s. an. bear's potcto, (an 
 eatable root;) pl.-«V/. 
 iiakosktigwan, s. bear's head; pl.-a/i, 
 i/«X-oM?a/rt«.( properly mukwdicaiaii.) 
 s. aw. bear-skiti; pl.-«^. 
 Wakowiiass, s. bear-meat. 
 ifakwd, s. bear; pi. 7nnkwdg. 
 MokwdJ, s. bear's iiole or den; pl.-a«. 
 Uakwassngim, s. a?i. bour-snowshoe, 
 a small round snow-shoe, filled or 
 laced with basswood bark, made 
 m the woods in a case of necessity 
 p\.~ag; [C. patte d 'ours.] 
 Ma/cwdtig, s. bear's tree, hollow tree 
 where a bear winters; pl.-on. 
 Makwimij, s. sorb, service-tree; fF 
 Cormier;] pl.-j/?.. 
 Makuiimin, s. sorb, service-berry, 
 (bear's berry;) pl-an. 
 Mama, I-. mother, mamma; o mama- 
 tan, his mother. 
 Mama, s. an. nin mama, my eyebrow; 
 nin mdmag, my eyebrows; n md- 
 man, his eyebrows. 
 Mania, {nin) di. v. an, 1 take him, 
 (a person, or any other a?j. obj.i 3. 
 p. manidn; p. monad', imp. mavii. 
 Mama, {vin)\\. v. I harvest, I reap; 
 3. p. viamd; p. memad; imp. ma- 
 ma n. 
 Mamddah, {nin) n. v. I stir or move, 
 sitting; 3. p.-^; p. mem..biil. 
 Mamaddganmw, or-maqad, u. v. 
 froq. iho water is agitated (by the 
 wind,) heavy sea; p. mem..seg, or- 
 Mamaddaamifisidan, (^nin) a. v. in 
 frcq. 1 a-itateit, shake it, (liquid;) 
 3. p. omam...; p. mem..dod. 
 Mamddassi,i,n. v. it is moved or in- 
 clined Irom one side to anothe'- by 
 the wind, (a reed, a tree, etc.) p. 
 Mamddli'un, {nin) a. v. in. I move 
 It, (my arm, my leg, etc. ) I move 
 any m. obj.; 3. p. o mam...;p. mem 
 Mamddina, {nin) a. v. an. I move 
 some an. obj.; ,3. p. o mam..n; p. 
 Mamddikwen, {nin) n. v. I move my "" 
 head.; 3. p.-/; p. mem..nid, 
 Manddji, {nin) n. v. I stir, I move; 
 3. p. 1.; p. m^madjid. 
 Mamddjihina, {nin) a. v. an. I move 
 him; 3. p. o mam..n; p. meni..nacli 
 \m\). mamddjibij. 
 Mamddjihman, {nin) a. v. in. I move 
 ir; 3. p_. o mam...; p. mem..ung. 
 Ma.mddjimagad, u. v. it is stirrin,", it 
 moves; p. mem..gak. '"' 
 Mamddji/iagis, n. v. I palpitate, I 
 spiawl; 3. p.-o; p. mem..sod.— (Hgo 
 mamadjipaaiso, the fish palpitates. 
 Mamdd,n.'ise,{nin) n. v. S. Miimddji. 
 Mamndjt.s-semagad, u. v. S. Mamddji- 
 Mamadokis, inin)n. v. I am extreme- 
 !y big, large; 3. p.-i; p. mcm...Kid. 
 Vamadwe {nin) n. v. I groan, (es- 
 ^im&J&».:i, iin««Niiiiif wtiifiv 
 pecially a sick person;) 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Mamadiveiahideshimon, (mn) n. v. 
 freq. S. jfadweiahideithlnion. 
 ilam'tdiceidHhl-a. ox-moijad^ u. v. 
 the waves are roaring, ihe roar- 
 ing of the waves is heard; p. mem 
 ..k(i<j, ox-ma fj ah. 
 ilamadweiuiwam, {mn)n. v. I grban 
 sleeping;'3. p, l.;p. wem..anff. 
 ifamad'cemin, s. groaning, groans. 
 Mamdlkawiii, s. god-niotlier, spon- 
 sor at bajitism; also, my adopted 
 mother; i>\.-ng. — Tliere is always 
 a possessive pronoun prefixed to 
 tins word; as: Kin mamdikawin, 
 my god-mother; omamaikawinan, 
 his gO(f-mothfr, etc. 
 Mamiijimailji. (n.in) n. v. I do it or 
 make it badly, negligently, not in 
 a proper manner; 3. p. 1.; p. mem.. 
 ifamdjiiawafje, (nin) n. v. I have 
 ugly ears, 'ill-fon^ed; 3. p. l.;mem 
 JfamaHddakamig, adv. admirably, 
 surprisinj;, astonishing, curious, 
 marvellous, wondrous, prodigious, 
 Mdmakdilendagos, {nin) n. v. I am 
 admirable; I am curious; 3. p.-e; 
 p. miia...\hl. 
 M<i7nakdd('/idii(ji('ad, n. v. it is admi- 
 rable; it IS astonishing, curious; p. 
 Jfdmakudcintn.m. (nin) n. v. I won- 
 der, 1 admire, 1 am surprised, as- 
 tonished; 3. ]). 1.; p. maia..ang. 
 Ifamnktidr/idcnua, [ni/ija. v. an. 1 
 make hi;n wonder, admire, 1 as- 
 tonish liun; 3. p. o ■inam..n; p. mala 
 Mamakadend imoniin, s. admiration, 
 surprise, a«toiMshment. 
 Mdmakadenddn. {i,iii) a. v. %n. T ad- 
 mire it, 1 wonder nt it;i find it cu- 
 rious; 3. p. II m,im...\ p. maia..nnq. 
 kTdmakddciiiin. (niii)n. v. 1 admire; 
 3. p.-f>; p. 7nuidm..m,'.)d. 
 Mdm,aka(.ieniind, i^nin) a. v. an. I ad- 
 mire him. I wonder at him; I find 
 him curious, (a person, or any 
 other an. obj.) 3. p. o mam. .n; p. 
 mm a ..mad. 
 Mdmakddis, {nin) n. v. I am sur- 
 prising, singular, curious, strange 
 in my conduct; 3. p.-«; p. Tnaiama- 
 Mamakddjaii, adv. wonderfully, cu- 
 rious, strange. 
 Mitmakddjitchi<jan, s. wonderful 
 I thing; sign, miracle, pi. -a/;.. 
 \ Mdmalddjitchjige, {nin) n. v. I do 
 I woiub "till things; I work miracles; 
 3. p I., p. maia..ged. 
 Mdmakddutchjigewin, s. doing won- 
 derful things," miracles. 
 Mdmakd(.ahama, {nin) a. v. an, I 
 gaze at him with astonishment, 
 with curiosity; 3. p. «jawi..w;p. 
 Mdmakdsahandan, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 gaze at it with astonishment, with 
 curiosity; 3. p. o m<im...; p. maia.. 
 Matnakdsahandjigan, s. any thing 
 that is gazed at with astonishment, 
 a wonderful thing; sign; pl.-a?t. 
 Mdmakdnahange, {nin) n. v. I look 
 on with curiosity and surprise; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. maia..a(d. 
 Mdma'kdsahangcM',{nin)n. v. lam 
 in a habit of looking on with t; o 
 much curiosity; [G. ich bin vor- 
 witzig;J 3. p.-/; p. maia. .kid. 
 Iliimahafahangeiihkiwin^ s. b;id cu- 
 riosity, inqiusitivoness in looks. — 
 The same signification has ma- 
 MamakuKinan, {nin) a. v. in. S. Ma- 
 Mnnnkanna/ra, {nin) a. v. an. S. 
 Mdmakds iagn.t, {nin) n. v. I am 
 telling adn'iirable wonderful things, 
 curious stories; 3. p.-«; p. ruaia.. 
 Mdmnkasit-iiva, {nin) a. v. av. I 
 li>t3n to him with astonishment, 
 with admi.ation; 3. p. « mam.,n\ 
 p. main. Wad. 
 Mamakiuanama..! {nin) a. v. an. freq, 
 1 wound luin m several place* bj 
 striking him. 
 . mam. .n; p. 
 onderfully, cu- 
 V. in. S. Ma- 
 Mamahingwe, (nin) n. v. my face is 
 marked with the small pox; 3, p. 
 1.; p. mem. .wed. 
 MamdUsia, {nin) a. v,an, I inocu- 
 late him with the cow-pox; 3. p. o 
 mam..n; p. mem. .ad. 
 Afamai:isuf/o, {nin) pass. v. they in- 
 oculate me with the cow-dox; 3. p. 
 mamaUsia; p. mcmaUdind, 
 Mamal-idiwe, n. v. I am inocula- 
 tmg with the cow-pox; 3. p. 1; p. 
 mem.. wed. 
 Mamahisiiwewin, s. inoculation, the 
 act of inoculating with the cow- 
 ■ifamukisiiwewinini, inoculator- vl 
 waff. '^ 
 ifamaMsiwin, s. small-pox; [F. pet- 
 ite verole, picote.J 
 ifamatu'd-e, {nin) n. v. I am a poor 
 arch, r, I cannot shoot well with 
 a bow and arrow; 3. p. 1.; p. mem i 
 ..ked. I 
 ifamandd, in cornj ositions, signifies 
 wonderful, Ubionia/diiff ; miraoii- 
 lous. ( Exam})les in some of the 
 following words.) 
 ifamamdudodam. {nin) n. v. I do 
 astonishing thinjjs; I work mira- 
 cles; 3. p. 1.; mem..ang. 
 ifamandududumowiu, s, admirable 
 astonishing doing; miracle; pl~an. 
 ifamanddaaskkito, {nin) n. v. I can 
 do wonderful things; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 mem.. tod. 
 Uama)uld(j(miwi, s. braggart, boaster; 
 [F. fanlaron; III. hahiizh;] i^\.-W',g. 
 ifamaiiddwanoki, {nin) n. v. S. J/a- 
 mandddod nn. 
 itamanddicanoUwin., s. S. Marr.an- 
 ifamandd wind (JOS, {nin) n. v. I look 
 extraordinary, I have an astonish- 
 ing, surprising appearance; 3. v.-i: 
 p. mem..nd. 
 if(i7nanddw,7)affwad, u. v. it has a 
 marvellous strange appearanc?, it 
 looks astonishing; it is a pnenoiu- 
 enon; p. meni..wak. 
 ifamanddwitckiffan, s. curious 
 strange action; pl.-an. 
 ifamtmddwitcMge, {nin) n, v. I have 
 curious manners, I act strangely 
 curiously; 3. p. 1.; p. m^m..ged. 
 AI(imamldwitchiffe>nn, s. c u i i o u » 
 strange custom or manners; pl.-an. 
 ajamande.uadenda(jos,{mn)n. v.I arr 
 looked upon as a rascal, I have a 
 roguish appearance; 3. n.-i; p. 
 Matnandeifmdendam, {nin) n, v. I 
 have bad roguish thoughts and 
 plans; 3. p. 1.; p. mem..ang. 
 J/amandt:f.sandiii, {nin) n. v. I am a 
 ratcal, a rogue; 3. \).-i; p. mem..sid. 
 ^viimandjtgmindjihina, {nin) a. v. 
 an. I bind or fetter his hands by 
 lorcc; 3. p. omam-.n; p.mem..nad: 
 imp. ma..hij. 
 Jf(i/nundyiffM/in(/J7/>iti.{nin) n. v. my 
 hands are bound; 3. p.-o: p. mem.. 
 ! Kud. 
 Mamdndjiffos, (nin) n. v. I am lame, 
 1 cannot walk, or, 1 cannot walk 
 well; 3. p.-/.; p. mcm..ml. 
 Mamdndjvjodddnna, {mn) a. v. an. 
 1 letter or bind his feet by force; 3. 
 p.-r> mam..n; p. mcm..nad: imp. 
 ilamdndjicjoddehin, {nin) n. v. my 
 lect are fettered; 3. p.-,;; p. mem.. 
 ManumdjigwaiMjujan, s. fetters; pi, 
 Ma7ndndji(iwapi<ljiq(is. {nin) n. v. I 
 am lettered; 3. p.-,/; p. mem..ti<)d. 
 Mamandjigwapina, {nin) i\. v. an. I 
 letter hnn, bind liini bv force; 3. p. " 
 (> mam..n\ p. mem..n(id; imp. mam 
 Mamdndjigwapinindjihina, {nin) a. 
 v. an. S. Mamandiiqoniud jihina. 
 Mamdndjigwa/ris, {ui'n) n. v. S. Ma- 
 Mamdndjigioaj-i.yid<:Una, {nin) a. v. 
 an. a. MamanJjigosidcJdnn . 
 Mamandjin,{nin) n. v. S. Mamdn- 
 Mamdndjitchige, {nin) n. v. I prac- 
 tise magic, 'witchcraft; 3. p. J.; p. 
 MamdhdJiLliigewin, or mamd7u^i- 
 nowin, a. magic, witchcrait. 
 Jfatnnnilh'fchftjcwtnini, or mamdn,' 
 djinoiriniiii, s. inaffirinn; \>\.-y'ng. 
 MtttiidiKjod' po, u. V. Ircq. S. Mauoa- 
 JUani<'n)ii<imme, {nin) \\. v. froq. 1 
 hnvi! large cheeks; 3. p. l.;p. mc.m 
 Maind/igashk<i, ox-mKnail, w. v, tlio 
 sea runs liiijli, there is a heavy sea; 
 p. ))i(m..ka[h o\-)iuujak. 
 AiamangiiiiiH>dji'i'<tn. \\. v. the water 
 runs ill hefivy waves, (in rapids;) 
 p. mem.uiuj. 
 Manu'unjihiiijnih's ax-wafjnd, ii. v. it 
 is written' or printed in hirpe let- 
 ters or typo; p. )iii>n..drg, or-/n.a- 
 Ma»idri(fih/i(!aii,, s. a writing in large 
 letters, or a print in large type; 
 pi. -an. 
 Mamtiiiijdnhje, {/i/'n) n. v. 1 write m 
 large "letters; ;}. ]>. 1.; p. mmu.gcd. 
 Mamnniiidikiraiiii(ji,-:l viititj, n. v. 3. 
 p. the tree has large branches; p. 
 mem.. s id. 
 Mamdn(ji{h {nin) n. v. I liave large 
 big limbs; 3. p. -^; p. vic7i..<jid. 
 ila>nd>i(,'i(!adf, {nin) n. v. I have 
 large legs, 3. p. 1.; p. ■iium..dvq. 
 klamdmftgane, [um) n. v. I have 
 large" bones, (I am stout and 
 strong;) 3. p. 1.; p. 7nrm../ir(l. 
 Afamdnoi/iib-, {nin) n. v. I have 
 large arms; 3 p. 1 . ; p. mem. h'd. 
 llaindnginiiidj), {nin.) n. v. 1 have 
 large iiands, (or lingers;) 3. p. 1.; 
 p. mem. .id. 
 UamatKjiMliijitjwe., {nin) n. v. I 
 have large eyes; 3. p. 1.; p. mem.. 
 Ifamdngimh', {nin) n. v. I have 
 large leet; 3. p. I . ; p. num..d(d.. 
 Manidn(jitau-a(i(\ * {iiin) n. v. 1 have 
 large 'ears; 3. p. l.;p. mem..<jed. 
 *N0TK — Mnny of these verbs hove be- 
 pmning with mmnanq..., are frequentative 
 rerljs; their s'lnplo verbs licfriu with mang... 
 The sisniti<''i'iKii I'f I'h' frcqiientiilivc is the 
 same as of ttie siiDplc vorb; il imly alluiio'S 
 to a re-iteratiiin or cuiumijutiou of the !>aiuc 
 act, or to more ihau one olijcct. 
 •• See NOTE, at Mamangadepo. 
 Mdmanj, adv. badly, negligently, 
 carelessly, not right, superlicially. 
 Mainnnjia, (nin) a. v. an. 1 over- 
 come' him, I prevail against hinn, I 
 vaiupiish him; 3. p. ti inam..n\ p. 
 M(inidnjii<fnn, («J7/) pers. v. it over- 
 comes me, vanquishes me, it 
 prevails against me; 3. p. n mam...] 
 p. mem..[i<id, 
 Manidnjiton, {nin) a. v. ///. I van- 
 quish or overcome it, I prevail 
 against it; 3. p. omam...; p. mem., 
 Mamdnjitwa, {nin) n. v. I prevail, 
 1 overcome, 3. p. 1.; p. mem. .wad. 
 Jfanidn.vimnn. {nin) n. v. I see s. 
 th. admirable. I have an appar- 
 ition, a vision, (according to In- 
 dian jugglery;) 3. p. 1.; p. mem.. 
 Maindnsinamon'tn. s. apparition, vi- 
 sion, (trick ol an Indian juggler;) 
 pi. -an. 
 Mamdsika,{nin)x\.\. I stir orinovo 
 several times; 3. p. 1.; p. mem., 
 Mainddhdmagnd, u. v. it moves, it 
 stirs several times; p. tncm.jjal-. 
 Manianikan-. {nin) a., v. in. 1 move 
 il. I agitate it; 3. p. o mam...; p. 
 mem., am/. 
 I/amdnikawa,{ni:n)a. v. an. I move, 
 stir or agitate some an. obj., 3. p. 
 o mc!ni..n; p. mem. .toad. 
 Manunrd, {nm) a. v. an. I take s. th. 
 from him, 1 take s. ih. that bel- 
 ongs to him, or relates to him; 
 3. p. mnm..n; p. nyniairad. 
 Aldnnvvapiiiaij, {nin) a. v. an. pi. 
 ( pron. nin ■mamaciniiag.) I tie 
 several an. objects together; 3. p. 
 mam. .nan; \\.maia..nad. 
 J/d7nawa!'idon an, {nin) ;i. v. in pi. 
 (pron. nin mamaopidcvan,) I tie 
 several in. objects together; 3. p. 
 o fnam...; p. maia.Aud. 
 Mdmawassag, {nin) a. v. an. pi. I 
 fut several an. -objects together, 
 unite them; .1. p. o mam..mn; p. 
 m aia . .sue/.-- rf . Aht -n a wistftonan. 
 o mam...; p. 
 ifdinawi, adv. togothor, in cointnoti, 
 jfoncrally, colloctively, in a Ixxly, 
 ill !i block. 
 ifdmawi, adv. Tliis adverb is some- 
 tiiiu'H employed to oxpross the 
 sn[)nrlative, corresponding to the 
 Ktiglisli_ mont, or af alt; as : Ki 
 7)1 <i m a iri (jaxlikii'ins ciiaIuMicikI 
 iiiiwiuHKj (liiia; thou are the most 
 powenl'iil of all the men in this 
 itdmawiijemin, {niii) n. v. j)]. {niii 
 mamawi-ojigemin,) we make our 
 dwelling together; we live together 
 in the same lodge or house; p. 
 maia. .gedjig. 
 ifdmawi<jivi(i(/ad, u. v. it grows 
 together in the same iield; p. 
 Mdmati'iidimt'n, (nui) n. v. pi. we 
 meet together, we assemble, we 
 come together in one place; p. 
 ifamdr-in, s. Iiarvest, reaping. 
 Ildmaivinimiii; {nin) or, ni». mama- 
 ivinomin, n. v. pi. we are gathered 
 together in a great lunnber; p. 
 mmatnawinidji(j, or maianiawinod- 
 mj, multitude of p°oj»le;[L. turba.] 
 Mdmawimn, n. v. it joins together, 
 it fits well together; p. maia..ing. 
 Afd7nawt'snik7in/ade, u. v. it is put 
 together; p. maia..dcg. 
 MdmaiVusildiian, (711/1) a. v. iti. pi. 
 I ])ut several i/i. objects together, 
 1 unite them; 3. p. omain...; p. 
 maia.. tod. — S. Ma7nawassu<i. 
 Mdmawitchigfiniii., {nin) n. v.' pi. we 
 act or work together, we are in 
 company together for some work 
 or business; p. maia. gfdjig. 
 Mamawiton. {idn) a. v. in, \ join it 
 together; 3. p. omam...\ p. 'maia. 
 Mamihidon, (nin) a. v. in. 1 pull or 
 pluck it out; 3. p. o man...; p. 
 MamiUna. {nin) a. v. an. I pull out 
 some an. obj.; 3. p. o niam..n; p. 
 mem..nad\ imp. mamibij. 
 Mamidawendam. {nin) n. v. I am 
 affiict«d, sorrowful; I feel lone- 
 some; I long for 8. th., I am imp. 
 atient, I wish to go...; ;j. p. 1.; p. 
 Mainii/dwitrhi, (?//m) n. v. my belly 
 is hard, 1 am constipated; 3. p. 1.; 
 J). )niiii..id . 
 Muinidawito, {nin) n. v. I am very 
 ill, very sick; 3. p. l.;p. mem..t.od. 
 Mdinlg. pron. pi. these, these here, 
 ian. olij.) 
 Mamhjadc, or -magad, u. v. it is 
 taken away; p, 7ncm..deg, or 
 Mamigana, {nin.) a. ▼. an. I fight 
 him or wrestle with him, for joke 
 or play; 3. p. omam..n; p. 7ncm.. 
 Mamigas, {nin) n. v. I figlu or 
 wrestle, .locking or playing, (not 
 in anger;) 3. p. ~o; p. tnem..sod. 
 Muinigaso, n. p. 3. p. it is taken 
 away,(</»,. obj.) p. 7nem..sod. 
 MumigaaoM-, {nin) n. v. I am in a 
 bad habit, or too much in a habit, 
 ot wrestling and lighting, for play, 
 (not in anger;)3. p. -«•; p. „iem.. 
 Matnige, (nin) n. v. I take, (without 
 naming any object;) 3. p. i.; p. 
 Mamighiag, {nin) a. v. an. pi. S. 
 Mamlgmanun,{nin) a. v. in. pi. S. 
 Mamtgoui lid jama, (nifi) a. v. an. I 
 rub some an. obj. in my hands; 3, 
 p. <imam..)h; p. 7nan..mad. 
 Mnmigt.ni'iidjandan, (nin) a. v. in. 
 I rub it in my hands; 3. p. 
 mam...; p. 7nem..ang. 
 Mamignsht:a7n, {nin) n. v. 1 have 
 only moccasins or shoes on, (no 
 stockings, socks or nippes;)3. p. 
 1.; p. mem..a7ig. 
 Marnigoshkdn mah'sin, {nin) a. t. 
 i7i. I put a shoe or moccasin on, 
 without any thing in; 3. p. 
 mam...; p. mem..ang. 
 Mamijima, {nin) a. v. an. I accuse 
 him falsely; I condemn him; 3. p. 
 o mam..n; p. memijimad. 
 Mamvjwa: yniu) a. v, an. I scalp 
 him; 3. ^. o mam..n; p. mem. .ad; 
 imp. mamijwi. 
 Marmkawinan, {nin) a. v. an. freq. 
 I think often on him, 1 remember 
 him lor what he did me; 3. p. o 
 mam.,.; p. mem..wid. (V. Oonj.) 
 Mamikwadam, (nin) n. v. I praise; 
 3. p. 1.; p. m,em..ang. 
 Mamikwaddn. {nin) a. v. in. 1 praise 
 it, I glory in it; 3. p. o ma7n..; p. 
 Mamikwadimi/i, {nin) com. v. we 
 praise each other; p. mem..didjig. 
 Mamikwiidiwin, s. praise; flattery. 
 Mamikwana, inia) a. v. an. I praise 
 him; I flatter him; 3. p. omam..n; 
 p. mem..nad. 
 ■ Mamikwas, {nin) n. v. I praise my- 
 self, 1 boast off..., I brag ofmyself, 
 I am a braggart; 3. p, -o; p. mem., 
 Mamikwasowin, s. self-praise, boast- 
 ing, bragging; [F. fanfaronHerie.] 
 Mamikwendamawa, {nin) or, nin 
 nrnmikivendamia, a. v. an. I put 
 him often in remembrance of s. 
 th., I recall it repeatedly to his 
 memory; 3. p. omam..n; p. mem.. 
 Mdmin.pron. pi. these, these here, 
 {in. obj.) 
 Maminda^ndam, (nin) n. v. I have 
 proud thoughts; 3. p. 1.; p. mem., 
 Maminddetid/immcin, s. proud 
 thought; pi. -(j«. 
 Maminddis, (.vin ) u. v. I am proud, 
 arrogant, insolent, ijfiughty; 3. p. 
 -i; p. m£m..,<iid. ' 
 Maimnddisiivin, s. pride, haughtin- 
 ess, arrogance. 
 Maminddjib, [?dn) n. v. I am fond of 
 dainties; [F. je suis friand;] 3. p. 
 ~o; p. mcm..h<d. 
 Maminddji-liotiin, s. fondness of 
 dainties, of good ' nice things to 
 eai^; [F. friancjjse.] 
 Mammassabi, {iiin) n. v. I take a net 
 out of the water; 3. p. l.j p. n.em,. 
 Mamindwenddn, (nin) a. v. in. 1 am 
 fond of it, 1 don't like to | irt with 
 it, I am attached to it; 3. p. o 
 mam...\ p. mem. .ang. 
 Maminnwtnmui, {/tin) a. v. an. I am 
 attached to him, 1 like him much, 
 1 don't like to part with him; 3. 
 p. o nuim..n; p. metn..mad. 
 Maminolama, (nin) a. v. an. I dis- 
 cern some an. obj.; 3. o mam..n\ p. 
 mem. .mad. 
 Maininonaliandan, (nin) a. v. in. I 
 discern it well, 3. p. o mam...; p. 
 ■mem. .ang. 
 M'aminonendam,(nin) n. v. I reflect; 
 I consider, I understand; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. mem. .ang. 
 Maminonciuldn, (nin) a. v. in. I 
 fleet upon it, consider it; 3. p. o 
 7nam...; p. mem. .ang. 
 Maminonenima, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 reflect upon him, 1 consider him, 
 3. p. o mam..n\ p. mem.. ad. 
 Maminoponidif:, (nin) n. v. I feed 
 myselt daintily, I always eat good 
 thirigs; 3. p. -«; p. mem..ii(id. 
 Maminwendumiidimin, (nin) com. 
 V. we make one another content- 
 ed, we comfort each other, p. 
 meiti .didjig. 
 MamisJmnawe, {nin) n. v. I have 
 whiskers, (beard oh the cheeks; 
 G. Backenbart.) 
 Mamismgijidass, (mn) a. v. I ask a 
 high price for s. th.; 3. p. -o] p. 
 mem., mid. 
 Mamissaginde, or -^magad, u. v. it is 
 high, dear; p. mem..deg, ox-^magak. 
 Mamissaginso, n. v. 3. p. it is high, 
 dear, {jin. obj.) p. mem..sod. 
 Mamisswe, (nin) n. v. 1 sell high, at 
 high prices; 3. p. 1,; p. memisswed. 
 Mamitaam, (nin) n. v. I walk on 
 the snow without snowshoes; 3. 
 p. l.j p. nmmitaang. 
 Mdmotaivagendam, {nin) n. v. I 
 am thankful,. I have thankful 
 thoughts; 3. p. l^p. maia..ang. 
 Mamoiawagendamr/wii^ or mamoia- 
 u-endamowi?i, a. thankfulness, grat- 
 Mdmmawanenimu,{nm) a. v. an. I 
 p. inaia..mud. 
 Mavu.iawuma, (nm) n. v. I tliank 
 him; 3. ]). o mum..n; p. maiam.. 
 Mammaire. («?:«) n. v. 1 tliank, I give 
 thanks; 3. p. i.; i>. maia.M'ed. 
 Mamoianendam, (nin) n. v, S. Ma- 
 Marmdawenima, {nin) a. v. an. S 
 Mamojagumd, {nin) or, ninmamo- 
 jagaa,i\. v. an. freq. I pick some 
 an. object up and swallow it 
 down; 3. p. o mam.M; p.via-iu.. 
 Mdmoja/jandan, (nin) or, nin ma- 
 mnjayaan, a. v. in. freq. I pick it 
 up and mi! it, swallow it down- 
 [111. sobljem;] 3. p. o mam...: n. 
 maia..aHg. ^ 
 Mdmdjagina, (nin) a. v, an. freq. J 
 p. 1.; p. 
 roots to sew a canoe; 3. 
 Manmlahide, {nin) n. v. /have bad 
 , teeth; 3. p. l.;[i.maia..ded. 
 Manadud, u. v. it is bad, wicked, 
 mean, base, evil, ill; unpleasant, 
 unlit; ugly; p. maidiiadak. 
 Munadaina,{mn) a. v. an. I use 
 sparingly some an. obj.; in order to 
 have It longer; as, flour, pork &c., 
 3- p. rnan..n; p. men. .mad. 
 ■Manadandan, {nin) a. v. in. 1 use 
 I It sparingly, to have it longer; as, 
 meat, liquor &c.; 3. p.oman...: 
 p. men..a7ig. 
 Mdnddajrine, {nin) n. v. I am much 
 sick, badly siciq also, 1 have a 
 shamefuU sickness, the venereal 
 diseasfe; 3. p. l.;p. maia..ned. 
 Manadapmekamigad, u. v. there ia 
 pestilence, or any bad sickness; p. 
 Manddapineivin, s. pestilence or any 
 bad sickness ; also, venereal dis- 
 pick up some an. obj. and gather •^^.... 
 mmoJS:'"' ^' "'"'■^••"«^; ^'««'/«7;w5«^'^/im^^jw.a^a;[;,theeat 
 imp. mamojagin. 
 Marnoj.agi„un,\nin)a. v. in. freq I 
 pick It up, and gather it: 3. p. o 
 mam...; •pinaia..ang. 
 Mam6jaginitsse,{nin) n. v. I pick up 
 sticks to make lire; 3. p. 1 • n 
 maia..sed. ' ^' 
 Mamon, {nin) a. v. in. I take if 3 
 p. o marmnx \>. memod. ' 
 mn, mdna, iitdnad. in compositions 
 signihes ?w./; „a/fj. [Examples in 
 some of the lollowing words.] 
 Manah, {nin) n. v. / am sitting un- 
 comfortably, badly; 3. p. 4'- d ' 
 maidnahid. ' ^' 
 Mdndha7nevm,{nin) n. v. /am pun- 
 ished deservedly; 3. p. - ; p. "^jria- 
 ta. .nd. 
 Mdndhaminagos, (nin) n. v. /look 
 ugly, /have an ugly appearance; 
 3. p. -t; [).maia..sid. 
 Mdnabaminagwad. u. v. it looks 
 ugly; p. maim..7$ak. 
 Manabui, s. a kind of small swan- 
 pi. -wag. . ' 
 Jfanadabi, (nin) a. v. I fetch thin 
 iiig bad sickness, that is, the can- 
 cer, ♦he-ci^ncerous disease. 
 Manad:-, in compositions, signifies 
 sparingly, a little at once; as : JSin 
 manadi-minikwen, I drink it spar- 
 ingly, only a little Lt one time, (in- 
 order to have it longer.) 
 Mdnadendan, (nin) a. v. in. I think 
 It is bad, wicked, 3. p. 6 man...; 
 p. maia...ang. 
 Manndenima, {nin) a. v. an. I think 
 I he IS bad, vTicked, 3. p. o man..n; 
 p. maia..mad. ~ 
 Manddina, {nifb) tf. v. an. S. ManHd- 
 Manddinan, (nin) a. v. in. S. Ma^ 
 Munddinidis, {nin)r. v. I touch my- 
 self indecently; 3. p.-o; p. 7rem..««rf. 
 Manadis, {nin) n. v. I am ugly, dif- 
 formed ; 3. p.-i; p. maia..sid. 
 Manadidwin, s. ugliness, difformity. 
 Manddjia, {nin) a. v. an. I honor 
 iuiii, I respect, revere him; I «ave 
 or spare him, (it,) I use it sparing- 
 ly ; 1 take care o/him, (it ;) also 
 I adore him; 3. p. o inanm/jiati: n. 
 ManddJih/(/„n, {nin) a. v. ijt. I don't 
 dare touch it ; 3. p. o ?«««,.,. : p. 
 HanadjiUna, {nin.) a. v. an. I don't 
 dare touch him, (a sick or wound- 
 ed person ;) also, I touch him in- 
 decently; 3. p. oma..7i; p. men. .ad; 
 imp. ma7iddjihij . 
 Manndjievima, {nin) a. v, a.n. I ho 
 nor and respect him in thoughts, 
 I think much of him ; 3. p. o man., 
 n; p. men. .mad. 
 Ifanddjiidis, {nin) r. v. I take care 
 of my body, of my health, 1 spare 
 myself ; 3. p.-o; p. f»en..aod. 
 ■Md?iadjim, {nin) n. v. I relate evil 
 reports, I lell bad things ; 3. p.-o ; 
 p. maia..m.od. , 
 Mdnadjimdage, {nin) n. v. I report 
 bad things about persons, 1 de- 
 fame';_3. p. 1. ; p. maia..<jed. 
 ■Udnadjim,otagos, {nin) n. v. I am 
 heard relating bad reports, I make 
 bad reports, I am defaming or ca- 
 lumniating ; 3. p.-e; p. maia..sid. 
 nanadjimotatva., {nin) a. v. an. [ 
 defame or calumniate him, I ac- 
 ; 3. p. o ma7i..n; p. maia. 
 . Idis- 
 V. an. I 
 man.. 71 ; 
 ' cuse him 
 Mdnddjingweidis, {ni?i) r. v 
 figure my face ; 3. p.-o ; p 
 Mdnddjingwewa, {nin) a 
 disfigure his face ; 3. p. 
 p. maia.. wad. 
 Manddjishin, {nin) n. v. S. Nihdd- 
 Mdnddjitchige, {nin) n. v. I act 
 wrongly; 3. p. 1.; p. maia..qed. 
 MatMdjiton, {nin) a. v. in. I honor 
 or respect it ; I save or spare it, I 
 use it sparingly, economically ; I 
 take care of it ; 3. p. o man... ; p 
 Ifanddcdofn, (nin) n. v. I don't dare 
 do s. th., I don't like to do it; 3. p. 
 1.; p. m^n.-ang. 
 Mdnddwe, {nin) n. v. I speak evil, I 
 use bad vi^icked language; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. maianadwed. 
 MuiHidwmin, s. l)ad wicked speak- 
 '!'";' .'"'I '■''"'^'""ee- ( from mnnd- 
 diul, bad; and mwiwin, language.) 
 Mdndgami, u. v. it is a bid liquid, of 
 a bad taste, (any liquid object;) 
 p. maia..7nig. 
 Mdnngamipidan, {nin) v. n. in. I 
 find that this liquid has a bad taste; 
 3. p. o man... ; p. maia..ang. 
 M(indgidon,{nin) n. v. I speak evil 
 words; 3, p. 1,; p. maia..<mg. 
 Mdnngkhmon-in, s. S. Manadwewin. 
 Mandnde,(nin) n. v, I break aiiA 
 gather little cedar-branches, to lie 
 upon, Cin a camp ;) 3. p. 1. ; n, 
 Mdnnkamiga, or-magad, a. v. it is a 
 bad piece of ground; p. maia..aaq, 
 ox-^nagak. ^ 
 Mdnakiki, a. forest of maple-trees : 
 Mdnamandji, {nin)x\. v. lam unwell, 
 indisposed, a httle sick; 3. p.-o; p; 
 Mdnamandjif/win , s. indisposition, 
 dlness, little sickness. 
 Mnnameg, s. halibut, (fish;) [F. bar- 
 bue;] pl-wag. 
 -Manan, s. an. cornet-tree ; [C. bois 
 dur ;] p\.-og. 
 Mdnapis, {nih) n. v. 1 am not well 
 girt; 3. p.-o; p. maia.. sod. 
 ■oldiidsabandam, {nin) n. v. I have a 
 bad dream, (prognosticating a sad 
 event or accident, according to the 
 Indian superstition,) 3. p. l. ; n, 
 Mdndsabandamowin, s. bad dream ; 
 Manasadi, s. an. a kind of aspen-tree; 
 Manashkossiwan, s. meidow; pl.-aw. 
 Manashkossiwe, {nin) n. v. I make' 
 hay ; also, I cut rush or reed for 
 mats; 3. p. 1.; p. men,.wed. 
 Mdnashigan, s. a kind of fieh, bass- 
 fish; [C. gros bossu;] pl.-ap', 
 Mandsitagos, {nin) n. v. I speak evil 
 words, 1 speak ill; 3. p.-/: p. maia 
 ..sid, , 
 ?st of maple-trees ; 
 net-tree ; [C. bois 
 Mandsrma (nin) ^.v.an. I don't 
 'tare speak tu him; 3. p. o m^iV- 
 Manatiimjinn, (nin) a. v. an. I foar 
 to touch some ««.obj.( from vener- 
 ManufaM/indn, (nin) a. v. ««. I fear 
 ohwI'\"\^r- ''^J-' ^'""t' «a"ed 
 X '■''■'''''''''••• 'f'-^" 
 corn, Indian corn, maize, Turkey 
 wheat. •' 
 itandnminaho, s. corn-soup, corn- 
 mash; [0. gamine.] ' 
 Mand,imm,ifwi:e, (uin) n. v. I make 
 corn-soup; 3 p. i.;/,.^,^..^,/'^n 
 JlandammuM, s. stalk of Indian 
 corn; pl.-o„. 
 MamldnimmhkoH, stalks of Indian 
 corn yet standing in the field after 
 harvest, (a field of empty stalks :) 
 \n.~wan. ^■' 
 ifanddminikc, {nin) n. v. [ produce 
 Indian corn; 3. p. 1, ; p. „len..Ji-ed. 
 Mandu,mm-kittija)i, s. corn-field; pi 
 -an. ' ^ ' 
 Mamldminiwaj, s. a bag for Indian 
 corn; pl.-aw. 
 Manddminiwijamu,, s. Indian corn 
 store-house; \)\.-on. 
 Maiulan, pron. in. this, this here. 
 Mane, ;r, ^i^mpositions, signifies ?<;a«(!, 
 scarcity. _ In the Qtawa dialect 
 ^awe rather signifies the contrary. 
 They will say, w„«^, (or maiie- 
 magad,) there is much of it. Mn 
 manenu, we are many. Nin mane- 
 wwe/{-as, I have several names;' 
 Manigwdandan, {nin) a. v. in. I eat 
 It sparingly savmgly, (in a case 
 ot want of provisions;) 3. p « 
 Ma«...; p. meii..an(j. ^ 
 him, I use sparingly some ««. Sbj.; 
 Manigadjtton, {nin) a. v e„ I use 
 Manigasilan, {nin) a. v. ,«. 1 u.se it 
 articleofclo.'nng, orshoe8;)3. p. 
 pma... ;p. tne),..ang. ' 
 MaHi,jaAha,va, {nin) a. v. an. I usn 
 't«I'ar.ngly,(,i,,.of;j. of clothing 
 •i. p. o man..n ; p. men..wad. 
 Munemud u v. there is little of it ; 
 p. meneinal: ' 
 min, n. v. pi. we are a lew ; 3. p - 
 n'nmg; p. men..nnd}i(i. ^ 
 Manmuwenini, {nin) n. v. I fear 
 death, Iamafraidofdying;3.p- 
 MantmhujiMf, (nin) n. v. I am con- 
 I sidered bad, I L disagSabl"e, 
 03(1,3. p.-t;p. w««a..M(^. ' 
 Manendagwad, u. v. it is bad, dig. 
 agreeable, shocking; p. maia.wal 
 tented in my mind, I have evil 
 thought8;3. p. l.;p:.;^„,.^. " 
 j'Eu~'"' '■ ''^^<=°»'^"' . dis- 
 Mdnenddn, (nin) a. v. i«. I have dis 
 contented or bad thoughts against 
 u, J. p. o man...; p. maia..anq. 
 Mancnima (mn) a. v. ««. I have bad 
 discontented thoughts towards him 
 or against him; 3. p. oman..n;T>. 
 maM..7nad. ' ' 
 ^aneonje, {nin) n. v. I have no 
 ctiildren, or only a few children : 
 •J. p. \.;mai..jed. . ' 
 Manepioa {nin) n. v. I am in want of 
 j tobacco, I have nothing to smoke; 
 ,/• P' ^-; p. rnen.Avad. 
 I ^«» V'. i^nin) n. v. I want, I need ; 
 - : ; p. menesid. 
 Ma.usin, (nin) a. v. in. I want it, I 
 "eed It, I am in need of it ; 3..D 
 o man...; d. menesid. *^ 
 Manismaji, {nin) a. v. an. I want or 
 need some ««. obj.; 3. ^.oman...; 
 V,mencsi,l. (V. Conj.) 
 MaMvin, s. want, need, scarcity, 
 Manessaga, or-magad, u. v. there ia 
 scarcity of wood%r fuel p «^ ! 
 jag, or-magak. ^ 
 Manetigiveia, ox-jnagad, u. v. ther« 
 ?8 scarcity ofriver«, (in a country.) 
 p. men..vi(i, or-iritii/ni-. 
 Mw, 8. loon ; [F. Iiuard;] pi -«;/,/.- 
 Manijniw, ii you nj,' loon; p|.-W._ 
 Muii[i<md, loon's (out. 
 Maiujddea, { „in) a. v. m,. J niakn it 
 large, wide, („/i. obj.) 3. p. >, man.. 
 71 J V- miii..ml.-.Niii muiiiiiKhn inr 
 ftdahan. nihiwa ko tr/ii hn><!iv(ul ; 1 
 make this sleigh wide, in order to 
 take many persons in. 
 Manijadea, 'or-vuujad,\i. v. it is wide, 
 p. men..ag, or-niagid-. 
 Maiujadcmo mikana, the road is wi- 
 de; p. metKjmlemoff. 
 MangadeiKjwe. {ain) n. v. T have a 
 large face ; 3. p. 1. ; p. n>e>i..W(d. 
 MaugadijX), ox-magad,\x. v, it snows 
 in large flakes ; p. m€n..og, ox-ma- 
 Manaadcton. (nin) a. v. in. J make 
 it large, wide ; 3. p. o muntj... ; p. 
 men-.tod. - JVawatch nin mangndt- 
 i(m, I enlargen it, I widen it. 
 Mangdnagidon, {nin) n. v. I have a 
 large mouth ; 3. p. 1.; p. men..o>/</. 
 Mayanibadan, {inn) a. v. in. I sho- 
 vel it; 3. p. omang...; p. men-.a/ig, 
 Mangnmhadjigan, s. shovel, ppade ; 
 Manadnibana, (nin) a. v. an. I sho- 
 -vel some an. obj. ; 3. p. o mang..n\ 
 p.mcTL.nad.- WaUqannin mangd- 
 nihana ; I shovel clay. 
 Mangdnild, {nin) n. v. i shovel 
 snow; 3. p. 1.; p. m^n.-Ud. 
 Mangasil-a, ox-magad, u. v. it is lar- 
 ge, (a piece of clothing material ;) 
 p. men..kag, ox-magalc. 
 Mangibiigade, etc.. S. Mamangibii- 
 gade, etc.. 
 mn^idee, {nin) n. v. I have a large 
 heart, my lieart is large; I am mag- 
 nanimous ; courageous ; 3. p. 1. ; 
 p. mcngidcfd. 
 Mattgideea, {ni?/) a. v. an. I make 
 his heart large ; Jig. I make him 
 magnanimous, courageous ; 3. p. o 
 man..n; p. men..ad. 
 ' Mangidenigomc,{nin) n. v. I have 
 large nostrils ; 3. p. 1. ; p. men., 
 Mingfdjdnf, {nin) u. v. 1 hnvo alnr- 
 Ko iioso ;3. J). I. ; p. mrn..n,d. 
 JJiiHgidJi, (nin) n. v. S. Mangimis. 
 Mtingidnn, {nin) n. v. I have a large 
 inoiah; 3. ». ]. ; p. mmgidcng. 
 ■uiuigign iirtiiie, or -viagad , u. v." there 
 is a large incision in a maple-tree ; 
 p. UK n..drg. ox-niagid\ 
 MiniiiigaigcUnw) n.'v. I make large 
 incisioiisor nutehes in maple-trees, 
 in making sugar ; 3. p. 1.; n. mm.. 
 Mingigamasngaigan, u. v. the lake 
 (inland lake) is large ; p. men.. 
 I II tig. 
 Munijigondaiian, {7iin) n. v. I have a 
 large throat, that is, I have a big 
 stionfV voice, I speak loud; 3. p. 1,; 
 p. men. aiig. 
 Alangiian-es, {nin) n. v. I am a large 
 biff per.son; 3. p.-« ; j). men..sid. 
 Mdvgiji, adv. here, in this place. 
 Mmigihine, {nin) n. v. I have a large 
 liver; 3. p. 1.; p. men..ned. 
 Manglminagad, u. v, it is a large 
 grain ;_p. 7nen..gaJc 
 Mangimitisade, {nin) ox,rinmangi- 
 nagiji, n. v., I have a large belly ; 
 3. p. 1. ; p, 7nen..ded, or, men..jid. 
 Manginanmnam, {nin) n. v. 1 sigh 
 profoundly deeply; 3. p.-^,- p. m^n 
 Mangindibe, {nin) n. v. I have a lar- 
 ge head; 3. p. 1.; p. men. .bed. 
 Minging>rr, {nin) n. v. I have a fat 
 full large lace ; 3. p. 1. ; p. men.. 
 ired.-S. Mangadeng7i'e. 
 Mangishl-a., or -magad, n. v. it is 
 large, big; p. men.'.l-ag, or -^nagak. 
 Mangin/iknm, {nin) n. v. or, «m 
 mamangishka7n, n. v. freq. I leave 
 large tracks behind me, (walking 
 in the snow especially;) 3. p. 1.; 
 p. 7ne..ang. 
 Mangishhrandeia, or -magad, there 
 is a large door; p. 7nen..ag, or 
 Mangiiihtigtvane, {nin)n. v. S. Man- 
 3langi.s'sagad,n. v. it is « large piece 
 of wood; p. 7nen..gaTc. 
 m)n. V. S.Man- 
 Matiyitiyuuia nibi, u. v. the river is 
 lar^'H,- p. men..a(j. 
 Uanijixlikom,, s. loon's louse, (tho 
 naino of a aiuall lusect that runs 
 about on the surface of the water; ) 
 1)1. -ag. " 
 Main/omHhiin aw hincshX, (or biim- 
 *«, j n. V. 3. |). this bird has a larife 
 craw or crop; ji. mcn..ied. 
 MangQn,{nin)n. v. 1 have a large 
 1ml°^' ^' ''■ '"■^'^'J''"''^' P- inciujo- 
 J^hinyonayad u. v. it is large, ( canoe. 
 boat vessel, etc.; p. men..,jak. 
 Mamjotass, [,uu) n. v. I am intrepid, 
 siT'""' ^""'■'^Seous; 3 p. ~i; p. ,«;,/..' 
 Maruj'itassiwiti, s. bravery, intrepidi- 
 ty, couragf?. ^ 
 Maniji.taadivinini, s. brave, courace- 
 OU5 man; pi.-«.tf^. 
 Manijins, s. a young animal, a colt, 
 etc. any animal not over two years 
 old; pl.-</y. ^ 
 Mdnika(jm, (ni/i) pers. v. it makes 
 rne sick, (what I ate or drank,) I 
 don t digest it; 3. p. o man...- v. 
 maia..(/ot/,~mn manikagon m- 
 midjnnnjiba; what 1 ate this morn- 
 ing, makes me sick.— S. Minoka- 
 Mdnikami (nin) n. v. I have no 
 good solid footing, (walking or 
 standing;) 3. p. I.; p. maia..mU. 
 Ma?wia<j /HI, adv. at least. 
 Maninaij,,,, {nin) n. v. I look ugly; 
 ■* P--M p. maia..sid. 
 Ot, devil, the evil 
 Mdm'ntwinugi, «. 
 spirit; pl-iag. 
 Mdntt^mg, 8. an. dry pine tree; pi. 
 Mdui.saui/an. s. a person that choni 
 wood lor somebody, somebody'* 
 chopnrr ; pl.-ag.-iY*V* maniesdgan 
 my chopper; o manuieaaanan, bin 
 ch'jpper, etc. 
 3Iani/<m,/<', {nin) n. v. I chop wood 
 lor^ somebody; 3. p, l.; pf' ^„. 
 Manixsd,, {nin) r. v. I chop wood 
 for myself; 3, p.-,,; y^. men..,od. 
 Manmawa, {nin) a. v. an. I chop 
 wood lor him; 3. p. a man..n; p. 
 men..ad; imp. manmaw 
 M.mmi,{nin) n. v. I chop wood; 3. 
 P- 1.; p. menioned. 
 3I(mina<j/rad, u. v. it looks ugly or 
 deformed; p. maia..wdk. 
 Manuhtanish, s. sheep; pl.-a^. 
 ManiishtdHish(n.i,s. dim. lamb; r>\-aq 
 Manuhtdnishiicaian, s. an. sheep- 
 ^ skin; pl.-rt^. ^ 
 ^Ii'/iiWifdnis/uwibiwai, a. wooL 
 J^Jitnix/i/diiishiivi(ja>ni(/,a. sheep-fold: 
 pl.-o;i. ' 
 Mani^htdnishiwinini, s. shepherd- 
 y\.-u\uj. * ' 
 Manis/itdtmkiwtwiiass, a. mutton 
 Jlanmu'inu/i, s. bad wicked person: 
 pl-ag. " ' 
 Manisicwin, 8. chopping. 
 Manttam, (nin) n. v. I don't like to 
 near, ^certain words;) 3, p. 1 • n 
 mdiamtamj. *^' 
 Mdniian, {nin) a. v. m. I don't like 
 to hear it; 3. p. o man...; p. maid- 
 Mdnitawa, {nin) a. v. an. I don't 
 like to hear him; 3. p. o man..n; 
 P- \naia..ad; imp. manitaw. • 
 Mnntfd, 8. spirit, ghost; d1.-^. 
 Mamiv-btmahwad, a. svveet twisted 
 wood; [C. du bois tors sucr^;! 
 pi .-nn. J-* 
 Manitobiwabik, s. steel. ^ 
 Manit6buDubikoke,{nm) n. v. I man- 
 Jir'"'^ steel; 3. p. 1.; p. men.. 
 Maniiobiwabikokewin, s. steel-man- 
 Mdnitobiwabikoketvinini, e. steel- 
 manufacturer; p\.^vag. 
 Mamt6gisis», s. an. January. 
 Mamiogisissms, a. dim. an. Decem- 
 ManMkas, {nin)n. v. J perform some 
 religious act; 3. p.-^; p. mm..t,od. 
 Mamtokasawtn, a. religious perform- 
 Manitoke, {nin) n. v. I practise idol- 
 atry, I worship idols; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 men..ked. ^ 
 Manitoken, {nin) a. v. in. I worship 
 orndoroit, (niii.iol;)3.p.o«»ff„.. 
 \>. tnrn..kfil. 
 Mdiiifokruan, (niii) n. v. u',. \ woi- 
 Khipor lulorc luin.diii hlol,) ;|. i, 
 n m>ln...^,\^.,,^<^n k,',L ^ V. Coi.j.) 
 flIatDtohinn, 8. idolairy. 
 M,tnih>mi>„nf, m. „„. Kln8'*-l»on<l; 
 |H. rn,«i8inli>;| pK „,■,. 
 MiinitiMix, s.dim. litlioBpirit: insect. 
 worm; |»l. .ry. 
 Altntifow, ynin) n. v. I am a sjiirit; :» 
 ]'■ /; 11. m,ii..wid 
 I\l<v)iioi(Y,jin, 8. cldth, piocoof clotn, 
 Man itowetiiiio-hihi»ik'ai(>itifa>i , h. roat 
 (»r clolli: ()l. -,/.//. 
 Mnnitowffrino-iviwakwa)!, h. cap of 
 c'loUi; |il. on. 
 Manitonyinh, ». a sinull iiiiiiiiiil i.-i 
 marten, a weasel, vU\) pi.-,,,/. 
 Mnnitowh^ ini/i) or. «/// mn'miini- 
 foirm, 1). V. I am IooIukI upon („i- 
 coiisidt-riMl I as a siijiit or sorcerer; 
 ;). p.-i; p. mtn.^iif. 
 Mamtoiriwin, s. quality or character 
 of spirit. 
 ManiH'iDw jnili,f, or, maniwid inUi,i, 
 what the troi; yields, the fruit 6C 
 the tree. 
 Maniwid mitig, s. n tree that yields, 
 a Iruit-treu; pi. muniwiifiig miti- 
 Juanji, 111 comjiositioiis, ojpnilies 
 unwell, ha-tt, evil. (Examphis in 
 BOine ol the fbllowiiijr words.) 
 MdnJJ.-ai'J; [uin) or. nm manjdui, ii 
 V. I am unwell; ;). ^: i.; y>: maiiu. 
 Manjid«e,{nin) u. v. I fee! unwell 
 squeamish, inclined to vomit' 1 
 am sea-sick; 3. p. I.; p. mnianji- 
 Manjxdmem, s.ii>clination to vomtt 
 squeamishness, nausea; sea-sick- 
 Md)ijiifijwe,{mn)}\. v. I speak in- 
 distinctly, J have an invpecfi- 
 ment in my speech; 3. n. i • p 
 maia..wt'd. ' > i ^ 
 Iil'i>ii>';jnndao(,n,(nin)n. v. T hnvs n 
 l.ii.i voie,. (or NinKiUK. (| „,„ „o 
 •""«or;)3.p. J.;,,. ,„,„„..„,,,, 
 Ma>n/i,„rr», (ninjn. v. ! ha've an 
 I'Klv appearance, I nm of a de- 
 lorme.lsu,.; .1 p.- 1; p. maia..i,id. 
 Mhijimofrn/i, (nm) n. v. I Nm(>ll had 
 I sunk; :j. p.-i; p, inain-xul. 
 i1/(j;//Vm„,AWw///,N.I)ad smell, stench. 
 Md'Onna^rirad, u. v. it smells had. 
 It slinks; p. maia.waf:. 
 Miinjniut.jwanam, (nin) u. v mv 
 •>real|, „„„.||,, ,„„,; .,^ ? 
 matiL.i/HMf. ' ' ' 
 to J.e, 3. p. „ ,na,.,,., ,, ,,,,„•,.. 
 Mnnjunnndfi/i, (nm) „. y. »« ir 
 ^""l>« to me;:,, p. o man ..; p 
 I'liua... at/If. ' ' 
 " ';"'' «">''ll. «• th. smell.s had; [^ 
 P- I.; \^. fnaia..,r,.d, 
 Miinjnna.y.so amma, n. v. ;,. n to 
 •Note. Tho letter n is hardly heart! 
 »non;i, 111 all the words that begin with if. 
 Mnnnmat, oT~ma,jad, u. v. it sniolls 
 ^^''Sf'' or-WMf/arf, „. V. it has 
 niaqnk. /> ui 
 Mdnjinil-a,, (nui) n. \-. I have an 
 iiply name, ill-sonnding name' 3 
 p.-^); p. maian..sod. ' " 
 Md)tji)iikas<min, s. Ujflyname; ul .- 
 Mdymin/waffiy. (,nn) n. y. ] am 
 Ill-tempered, f am wicked: ;j i,-,-- 
 )). maia..std. ^ 
 Mdnjihi'niwagmwin, s. ifl temper 
 wickedness. ' ' 
 Mdnjipiddn, (nin) a. v. i„. T (T„d ., 
 bad taste in some thiiijr T am eat- 
 ing or drinking, r dont like the 
 taste of It; 3. p. o matij...; ,>. 
 ilitt/yV<Of,,W, n. v. 3. p. some an 
 oh), has a had taste; p. maicin..>.cd. 
 —Kitchi mdnjip„gosi gio6; the fish 
 has a very bad ta«te. " 
in>i)n. V. T linvn n 
 fiiiKHiH:. (I nm no 
 )* p. m(iiii..anij. 
 ) >•• V. I lijivc iiti 
 -fi J «rn of a rff. 
 !'•• «; p. mai(i...tid. 
 i)n. V. Tmnf>lll)(i(|, 
 p. miiin-nitl. 
 'f.lmd smell, sl(!ii('!i. 
 _v. it siiioIIn 1)H(1, 
 i'lin) II. V. my 
 '"«l; 3. p.-«; p. 
 *f<iiiJipo>,wad,\\. V. It hns n Ixid tnNt. • 
 |i. fnatan..u'ak. 
 M,h,mm>a,(nin) a. v. ,m. I find n 
 I'lid innU) in Nonio „«. „l,„.,.i i 
 MMi(>atin«, Idon'tiikotlif. (ast«..f 
 jlAi/»//4m, (;,//,) n. V. S. M,uu,Mn. 
 Man.,,,s,n, u. v. S. ,V,i«„.».„:;t. 
 iV«/v.M»/w,,( /,,;/i)a. V. ,•/*. ii.Mdnom- 
 Miinjitrhiiji', (nin) n. v. Tact vvioiii'. 
 Iy.<'vil; ;j.i.. l.;\Km„in..,,ul. 
 lMnnii,i„i,t,tW(i,' („in) a. V an. I 
 troiil.l.. liiin uHking lijm to civf 
 •nf^ IliiM or that; 3. p. „ ,nan..n; p. 
 Mann adv. w,.|l, thaf.s right, no 
 m.'itlor, lot it !)(. so. h ' '" 
 Manihnin, .s. wild licc. 
 N<xni,niini, h. Manoininoo Indian- 
 1)1. ^r. • 
 ManominiJi-c, {vin.) n. v. 1 eathcr 
 wild ric<.; ;j. p. 1,; p. „ie„..^.,,,/. 
 ilanimmtki-ijiniss, the ipoon ol thn 
 KathcriniroCwild rico, Soptfinhcr 
 ISlanumnnhUvin, s. tho gatiiorinir o( 
 • wild rico. 
 Miinonvinih'uh'i, f*. m\\w; IF hcca^- 
 i. 'w^TT'''!'"' ''"^ "'«'> thf! name o( 
 thn Wild. rico Lako Indians. 
 JU(jnii>nni/lrfi>c,H. asqnn.w ol'tho Mano- 
 niinoo tribo, pl.-</. 
 Mani,miniw.j,».\m\i for wild rico- 
 \n. an. ' 
 Mammiin weaowawanq, s. barlov 
 (rico with a tail.) ' ' ' 
 AInnoshin, (nin) n. v. I lin iinroin- 
 lortahly, 1 don't lie well; .'J. p. ].; 
 p. nwidnoKhing. 
 M«//-;.vw', (;im)n. v. I walk baldly; 
 •*. p. 1.. i». inaidnomd. 
 Mun/min, w. v. it is badly placed it 
 does not lie well; p. mal(i...ino. 
 Manomto>i,(nin.) a. v. in. [place or 
 lay It badly; 3. p. o man...; p. 
 Mdnowe, (nin) ii. v. I pronounce 
 •Note Tho letter « is scarcely per- 
 reived m the proniinciutiou of this W(rU. 
 badly, riinvoa dofccfivelndiHfinpt 
 ll'>'<'KiJi<M, «. Hatur.lay; pi.-,,;,. 
 Ma.v««, H. an. nottio; jd.-a./ 
 M.m,„WJ, „ n«ttlo.sialk;-p!. .^„ 
 ;l^|.ly.J^ Hhrmk, by fear; ;,. p. ,^, 
 MdnhawrHid Ktm/mnw/in, s. an v-i 
 vet, manchoHter. *^ '*'*• ^«'- 
 w-.l;aMoM;.!r':. S,"r'r":^' 
 -;7'. -t yet. /.w .;;;,;^«i^t 
 Mat</iid«.nm>f(ad min,i i. „ 
 wood IS thouKh; p. ;„;,/,.; ;^ 
 liard; ,,. nmh.waa or-,1,1 i. "^' 
 temper It. I harden It, (iron sten! 
 frozen; j). mM/t,.//,,/. " ' " l« 
 (loath, .1 pi; p. ,,,^^/,.,,-^ 
 ^laM■unuuin.|nmul,^, s. tallow 
 -MaMnwadjidjanfwadj, (nin) n v 
 my nose is frozen ;). , , ^. -V 
 ^n^likamidjinffiviwudi, {nin) n v 
 Mit.hk,mddjini>nljiwadj, (nin) n y 
 ar lio/.ei .J. p.-^; p. me.sh..id. 
 MiKkka wndfda wa<jewadj, ( nin ) n v 
 J'.v oar .s froze.., or, my ears kre 
 frozen; .\v-^■, p. niesjJid. ® 
 JUu.shkairddjwin, a. freezinij, han? 
 reezmp freozing of li.nbs, or 
 fi-eozing to death. ' '^ 
 Musld-aivdijanii, u. v. it is stron™ 
 (liquid;, p. me>ih..vug.~mntnin 

 wenddn vushlcawanamig anihisha- 
 bo; 1 like strong t«a. 
 Jifashhivmgamiion, ( nin) a. v. in. I 
 make it stronjr, (liquid;) 3, i). o 
 mash...; p. mcsh-.tod. 
 MaMawahidmh, or-manad, u. v. it 
 IS dry and hard, fromheat; i.. rws/t 
 ..dea, ox~ma<j(ik. 
 Mnshkawdhvad, u. v. it is strong 
 hard, (wood;) p. ?w<'«A..«'ayt. 
 _• Mashhawdhvad)), n. v. 3. p. he (she 
 it,) 18 frozen hard and stirt", (any 
 an. obj.) p. mesli..'!,d.~Mmhhmd- 
 kwadjt aw (jujo; that fish is frozen 
 .a^'ishkatvdpMe, or-7>ia(/ad, V. v it is 
 tied strongly, tight; p. m(,h..den, vr 
 -magal'. "^ 
 Mashkawai>vlji^e, (nin) n. v. I tie 
 tight, strongly; 3. p. l.;p. mesh.. 
 MasM-awdpidoii, (,?im) a. v. m. I tie 
 It strongly, tight; 3. p. o mas/i...:n'. 
 mem.. dad. 
 MasMawdpina, {niii) a. v. ow, I tie 
 him tight, strongly; 3. p. o ma^h.. 
 n; p. mesh.. mid. 
 Mashlcawapis, {nin) n. v. I am tied 
 strongly, tight; 3. p.-,;; p. mesh..sod. 
 Mashkawatchigun, s. starch. 
 Mashkawdton, {nin) n. v. in. I make 
 it strong, hard, stiff; I starch it; 3. 
 p. ma.sh ..; p. mes/i..Ld. 
 Mashkawdwindainage, ( ^in) n. v. 1' 
 make a vow, (I promise strongly;) 
 3. p. 1.; p. niesh..ged. 
 Mashkaicdwindamaqftvin, s. vow 
 (strong promise;) pl.-a>i. 
 Maahkawendmn, {nin)n. v. I have a 
 firm constant thought, a strono- 
 resoUition, a strong (irm will; 3. p. 
 1.; p. nii'sk ng. 
 Mai;hkaiPeiulamik,{nin)n. v. T make 
 him have a firm thought, I fortify 
 his mind, his resolution, I give him 
 a firm will; 3. p. o mask.. n- p. nush ' 
 Mashka>venda»uni4n, s. firm strori" 
 ^thought, resolution, will. *" 
 J'hskhnvenda/i,, (nin)-d. v. in. I think 
 li is strong; also, i think stron-iy 
 on it, I keop it constantly in mem- 
 ory; 3. p. ,; musk...; p. mesh..ang. 
 Mashkau'inima, {nin) a. v. an. I think 
 he io strong; also, 1 think firmly 
 on hnu: 3. p. o mash..n; p. niesk. 
 ^ashkawciiindis, (nin) r. v. I think 
 myself strong; also, I think tirmlv 
 on myself; 3. p. -r,; p. mesh..swL 
 Maskkawidee, (nin) n. v. I have a 
 strong heart; my heart is hard, ob- 
 8Unate,stubbom;3.p. l.;p.^;,^.. 
 MaskkawidccsJikawa, (?dn) a. v. an 
 1 fortify or strengthen his heart: 3* 
 V'Omask.n; p. mesh.wad. 
 Mashkaatdcm-in, s. strength of heart- 
 obstmacy, stubborness, hardness 
 "I ncart. 
 J/<ishka/vigahaw, (nin) n. v. I stand 
 liniily; 3. p.~i; p. mesh..tvid. 
 Mtshkawiaade, {nin) n. v. I have 
 strong fcgs; 3. p. ].; p. tn<'s7i..d(d. 
 Maskkawigane, (twi) n. v. I have 
 JJ'^hka/c,gywe,(7iin)n. v. I speak 
 vvnfi force; I pronounce an oath- I 
 swear; 3. p. I.; p. 7nesh..7ved. ' 
 Mashkuwiiiijwewiii. s. strong power- 
 fu speaking; oath, swearing. 
 ^ashkawihcn, [>iin)n. v. I keep my 
 hoad steadfast, stiff- 3. p.-/; p 
 7nr.sh..md. i M p- 
 ■Sfashkawihrimn fatoshaho, u. v. the 
 milk congtilates. it becomes sour: 
 Si' in ^"''kwissi/ig tutoshalx), sour 
 Mashkau'inia, (711,1) a. v. a,i. I make 
 mm take a hrm resolution; 3 p 
 m(ifih..n;p. ?ii('.sh..t/iad. 
 Maskkawimagt,nuje, {ni,)n. v. I have 
 a strong wrist; 3. p. l.; p. ,,^,5/,.. 
 iJ'(skl-atoiinindji)nt/idan,{nin) a. v. 
 in. I keep n firmly in memorv, I 
 remember It strongly; 3. p. o;«««;i 
 ...; [I. m<sh..ang. 
 ^'ishkdfriinimlji'nunima, {ni/h) a, v. 
 an. I keep hiiu strongly in memo- 
 ry; 3. p.o ni<t.yk..n; p. nush..7riad. 
 Mushkawi»widjitnina{nin) a. v. an, 
 I keop or huld him strongly 3 p 
 o nuuh-.n ; p. mcsli.,nad. ' ' 
 Maf'hkuwmindjitniiian, (nin) a v 
 i/i. I keop or hold it strongly; 3 n' 
 Mad-i-ainua, (,n/i) a. v. an. I take 
 nad "' ^'^''^ ^'^a^h.M; p. mesh 
 MuM-awinan,, {nin) a. v. in. I take 
 hold oi It; 3. p. omash...: p. mesh . 
 aiig. '^ 
 MasMmci/uJihe, (nin) n. v I am 
 headslroiifi, obstinate, stubborn: 
 3. p. 1.; p. vi<,ih..hed. ' 
 MaMawmdilwwiu, s. obstinacy 
 Maskhawinih, (nin) n. v. I have 
 strong arms; 3. p. ].; p. mash-Ied. I 
 MasMawmtia/jt, {nin) n. v. I have ' 
 strong ly^nds; 3. p. 1.; p. mesk.. ' 
 djtd. j 
 Mashkaivis,{nm)n.\. lam atronir • 
 vigorous, powerful, robust, hard- 
 I employ my strength, I make el- 
 torts; 3. p. ].; p.mesh..sid 
 Mashkau'isitu (nin) a. v. an. ^ make 
 him strong, 1 strengthen him, I for- 
 tify him; 3. p. o mash.n; p. mesh., 
 Mashlcaicisimayad, u. v. it is Etronff 
 powerlul; n me..h..guh.-Makaie 
 kitcM musM-awisimagad; powder 
 is very powerlul. 
 Mashhiwiuwiu, s. strength, power 
 vigor, force. ' 
 Mashkawissin, u. v. it is strong; it is 
 hard; p. viesh..i7ig. 
 MaMawitcujos, (ma) n. v. I speak 
 with power; 3. p.-/; p. mesL.sU. 
 Mashkaivitdu. (nin) a. v. in I 
 strengthen it, Jbrtify it; 3. p „ 
 mash...\ p. mrsh../,id. j 
 jfashkuj, B. swamp, marsh ; i)].~m. I 
 MafihkujiMin, s. cranbery, moss-ber- ' 
 ry, moor-berry; pi. -a«. • 
 Mashhijimiuika^u. v. there are cran- ' 
 berries; p. mesk..kat/. i 
 Ma8hk.i(jiniinikan, s. place where 
 there are cranberries. 
 MaMigirmnikaidwi-dhi, s. Crrr ' 
 berry River, Lake Superior. " j 
 Mas7tkiriiminike,{mn)n. v. I gather 
 Mu8hkUjoha,j s. a kind of .wild tea, 
 en led by Canachans, Labrador. 
 Mai<hkMiwati(j, 8. an. red spruce, tain- 
 ./•■fl''./^- epinette rouge;] pl.-o^. 
 .jr<M/;W-i, s me<l.cine;pi.4/'a«. 
 Mushhkt heUhnnininagak, pills 
 (globulous medicine.) S. Mko- 
 j/'V'/'f?, ' ^'^^'^- ^'^^"kmninanad. 
 MaM%k^]ce, (nm) n. v. I make or 
 PJ.^J^'-e medicine; 3. p.].; j>.mesh 
 Mashklk.ikeicigami(j, s. apothecary's 
 laboratory; pl.-w. •' 
 Mai<kkikike/rikwe, s. female apothe- 
 ,,'^^;7'.(.'"a.'^onvent;)pl.-j7. "^ 
 MuM'ikikcwin, s. tli<. art of prepa- 
 iingino(hcine. i.harmacy, trade and 
 , °^J"l;".V°" of an apothecary. 
 MajMikikewmud, s. apothecary ; pi. 
 Ma,^hHkMdho, s. medicine, Z^owtVi 
 medicine to drink; [F. de la tisane.] 
 , Mashkikzicahokawa,(nin)?L. v. an I 
 j prepare medicine for him to drink; 
 I .i. p. mash n; p. mcsh..u'ad. 
 Mufildikiwnhoke, {nin) n. v. f pre- 
 paremedicine todrink;3. p. L ; p 
 I MaMikiwigamig, . s. apothecary's 
 ! shop; l^\.-^m.. 
 , Jfashkikimnini, s.physician,doctor: 
 I pi. -«■/■«(/. ' 
 i ^'''f''fn"'!, f bag, sack; pl.-a«._ 
 I ^ll'M,moda»k, an old bad bac; 
 »iM.vM«wo«/'«,.v. a small bag. 
 Maslikim,,defr>rade, or-magad, u. v. 
 ; It IS sewed up in the shape of a 
 bajr; p. mesh..dpg, ox-magak. 
 -UdiiUkmodtgumljigan, s. pocket; pi, 
 -an. ^ 
 .)fashkiin.odi'ke, {nin) n. v. I make a 
 bair ()r bags; 3. p. },; p. mesh..ked. 
 Jlaxhktmndewrgin, s. sackcloth. 
 Mashkimjt, s. a kind of pike, (fish;) 
 pl.-</. ^ '■^ 
 Mashki-sihi, s. Bad-River, Lake Su- 
 P«;nor_. ( It ought to be called Mash- 
 kvji-nhis Swamp-Kiver.) 
 Mashkod^i, s. large prairie; pl.-«;a;». 
 Mai<hkod4-2>ijiki, s. Buffalo; pl.-wa^. 
 MaMnde2Jinibag, s. a kind of lily: nl 
 -on. ■" * 
 MiishkodisDe^s. marsh-purl ridpe- IF 
 perdnx de savanne;| ^\.^,j. ^ ' ^ ' 
 MaModewadad, it resernbJes a iirai- 
 rie; p. ,ncsh..daL ^ 
 Ma./,kima-au, s. place where they 
 make liay, meadow; pl.-aw. 
 JIaM<mike,(n/H) n. v. I make hay; 
 M,iM-(mtkemn, s. hay-making. 
 ^ Ma6/ikossiw, s. herb, grass; hay,- pi.- 
 Mashkossiwi-apishimowin, s. strj'w- 
 hed, straw-paiiet; pl.-a«. 
 Ma8hkvt:.sitri,j„mi,n s. biiildinr/ for 
 keeping hay in, hay-shed, hay-loft; 
 Mashkossiink»,or~ma(jad. u. v. tliern 
 IS herb or grass; p. ?ncsh..bin, or- 
 maqak. ' 
 Mashkomuvi.mlnikan, s. grass-seed, 
 tunotJiy. ' 
 Maishhmiwi-mhdfinn, s. S. 17. kkos- 
 ■^fashkofisi-a'iwakwdii, s. straw-hat* 
 \n.-an. ' 
 Masinnamagos, (nin) n. v. I sivc 
 credit, 1 have debtors; 3. p.-^'T d' 
 mes..,yid. ' ^ ' 
 Mamiaamawa, (riin) a. v. an. I owe 
 him; 3. p. ,; mas..n; p. men. .wad. 
 Masmade, oi--ma<j(ul, u- v. it is por- 
 traited, it is engraved; p. m(.8..doi 
 or-mcKjak. ' 
 Madnadmn, {h-m) a. v. a7i. I make 
 or torni some a/i. object; 3. p. o 
 ma)i../i; p. t)iet<..nad. 
 MasinadiiHim(nra,i^,nn) a. v. an. I 
 lorm or make it for him or to hiiir 
 3. p. o mas.. 11 ; p. mes. . wad. ' 
 Maf^inadinan, (nin) a. v. m. I form 
 It; 3. p. mas...; p. nm..anq. 
 Masmanjadc, or -mmiad. u. v. it is 
 marked, there are 'diarks or signs 
 on It; p. m,...drn. or -inamk. 
 MufinoKjan. s. a thing to make marks 
 upon, paper; book; letter;debt;pl. 
 . -an. ' "^ 
 MaH>iaiijana<ii, .s. an. pi. S. Atadi- 
 tnanhia iija n ag. 
 MamiuMani-teesahan, book-case. 
 Masimigath nin m,^.sitawi>Hin, I can 
 Masinuu/an, nin wabandan, 1 read 1 
 am reading. ' 
 iia.si)aagans, s. dim. little book; bill 
 note; pi. -aw.. ' ' 
 ^asimigaiiwaiahandang, s, reader- 
 pi. -If/. ' 
 Madnaigas.inln) n. v. lam marked, 
 1 have murks on me; 3. ,,. -,. ,, 
 ■)nca..sod. ' ■ 
 2Ia.sin„ige, (/rm) n. v. I make marks 
 on s. th.;also, I make debts, 1 take 
 on credit; 3. p. l.;i>. m<6:.</ed. 
 Mminniyewin, s. marking;' making 
 debts, debt. 
 Masindjiguwia. (n/n) a. v. «;». J or- 
 nament with lead some an. obi. I 
 loadit,(apipe,etc.)3. p.^;,i«;..;j; 
 1>- 7nes..ad. 
 Mudnnjigawitrhigade, or-magad, ii. 
 V. it IS leaded, ornamented with 
 lead; it is moulded, cast in a mould- 
 p. vies..deg, ox~magak. ' 
 ■Mastndjigawitchujuno. n. v. 3. p. it is 
 leaded or ornamented with lead- 
 It IS moulded; {an. obi.) p, mes.' 
 Jf('dnnjigam'ti7i.igc, {nin) n. v. I or- 
 nament with lead, I lead,- I cast in 
 a mould; 3. p. L; n.m^s..ged. 
 -Mamnujigawiton, {nin) a. v,»«. I or- 
 nament it with lead; 1 cast it in a 
 mould, (m. obj.) 3. p. o mas...: p. 
 Misindkimn, {nin) a. v. in. I im- 
 print a mark upon it with fire I 
 burn a mark ui)on it.— They use 
 tins word, although improperly 
 also for />/-/«<(•«</ a book, etc. 3. p. 
 o mas...; p. mes..ang.—Aivenen ga- 
 ■tnamiakisang oiv maninaigan f~ 
 Who printed this book? flemann 
 m () gt-masindkisan; Heniann orint- 
 ed it. 
 Maitinakisige, {nin) n. v. I print 1 
 am printing; 3. p. 1.; p. mes..gcd. 
 Masinakzsigewigamig, s. printing-of- 
 nee; pL-mi. 
 Masinakmgewin, s. printing, the art, 
 business or trade of a printer. 
Itaw-inan, I can 
 yiadnahisigewinini, s. printer: nl - 
 waq. ' ' 
 Masmas, hihi) n. v. I am portraitrd, 
 (printed or ongraved;) 3. p.-,;: p 
 yiasiimsowin, s. portrait, likeness. 
 manmnmn, {nm)n. v. in. I draw or 
 sketch It; I paint it; 3. p. fl mas.. : 
 p. me8..anq. ' 
 Mamnhiujacle, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 portraited, painted, engraven: p 
 yiadnihiigade, or~magad, n. v. it is 
 imprnited on s. th., or painted: p. 
 vies. .d eg, or-niaqak. 
 Mimnihugan, drawing; painting: en- 
 graving; pi.-avi. 
 Masznihiiga/i, {niii) n. v. I am im- 
 prmte(i on s. th. I am portraited, 
 painted engraven ;.l. p._o; p. ,„^s.. 
 S(>(t.~mi oma mednil)iiga!«ju\n: 1 
 am portraited here, (thi« is mv 
 portrait.) ■' 
 iUxsiniUigasmcin, s. portrait, paint- 
 «d_or engraven. 
 WasiniMir:, (nm)n. v. I make marks 
 or signs on s. th., I draw, I paint; 
 1 en^ravf.; 3. p. j.. p „,^.,. ,,£,,; 
 fAanmlmaewin, s. the act, 'or the 
 art, of drawing, painting or engra- 
 ving, drawing, painting, engraving. 
 )Aastnihiwa,{/nu) a. v. an. I draw 
 his likeness, I paint him, portrait 
 him; 3. p. o mas..n; p. mes..wad: 
 imp. masinihi. 
 Madnide. or -magad, u. v. it is 
 marked by heat; p. ims^deq, or 
 -magalc. '' 
 ifadmgwaddm, (nin) n. v, I em- 
 broider with figures and flowers, 
 (representing a painting;) 3. p l • 
 p. ■mes..aniL ' 
 Ifasmigwddan, (mn) a. v. in. I em- 
 broider it with figures and flow- 
 ers; 3. p. o mas..; p, mes..ang. 
 Masimgwade, or -magad, n. v. it is 
 embroidered with flowers, figures 
 &c. rrepresentig a painting;) p. 
 Mamdg'mna, (nm) a. v. an. I em- 
 broider some an. obj. with flow- 
 ers; 3. p. omas..?i;ii.7ncs..nad. 
 Miisinigwaso, n. v. 3. p. it is p,n. 
 broidered witl, flowers. &c. (an. 
 Ob.. „^., Handkerchief ;J.,.. 
 MannU-iwagaan, (nin) a. v. in. I seal 
 It with an engraven seal; 3. p. „ 
 max.. ; p. 7nes..ang. ^ 
 ^'^''^''^'i''\''<Mgade, ox -magad, u. v. 
 iH sealed with an engraven seal; 
 p. mrs..deg, or -^magalc. 
 MasiMkmagaigan, or masinikiioa- 
 gmgan-ahiX s. seal with an engrav- 
 inguponit;p|. -«„, or-o;». ^ 
 Mimutkulaa {nin) a. v. in. I carve 
 It, I .sculp it; 3. p. o mas...; p. 
 Masmilcoilc, or -magad, u. v. it is 
 ,^r;i°' '""'""'• "•'-»•■*<'•<" 
 Mannik<.djign7i, s. chisel with a half 
 round edge sculptor's chisel; fF. 
 ,/"!'S.y' G. Hobhneissel;] pi.Ji:' 
 .,..„._^ ..,,.„, a. u/6. Statue, oran> 
 sculptured image or representa 
 Madmkmljige, {nin) n. v. I carve or 
 sculpture; 3. p. ].; p. ^,,.^^^. 
 Mamttkodjujewtn, s. the act, or the 
 f"\ ''^ carving or sculpturing, 
 trade or occupation of a sculptor 
 or engraver. ^ ' 
 Madnikodjigminini, s. carver 
 sculptor; pi. -»i«y. 
 Masinihma, {nin) a. v. an. I carve 
 ■or sculp some an. obi.; 3, n « 
 mas..n; p. m^s..nad. ' ' 
 "'^''"f^Tv"- ^- 3- P- it is carved or 
 sculped, («;i. obj.) p. w,,..,,,^. 
 'Va.simkwamge, {ni>i) n. v. S Jfa. 
 MaHniminensikade, or -ma^a/?;, u. v 
 it IS embroidered or ornamented 
 with flowe-.s or figures in small 
 glass-bear's; p. mes..deg, or -ma- 
 Uisiniminensike, (nin) n. v. I em- 
 broider or oinament with small 
 glass-beads; 3. p. l.;p. m^s..ked. 
 Masinim, s. an. carved image, idol- 
 pi. ~g. = I » 
 Madninin mcnitoked, a. adorer of 
 Idols, idolator, idolatress; pi. -jig. 
 Mti«ii)!frhi<in<lc, or -maqad, ii. v 
 i.M';niit.,i, carvni; p." m'.v. .</,</, oi 
 Mtuiiu'tfliiiiKii., s. ^o( 
 Ala.snH/rhi,i,n, i.ind ,.j,hiwa, J 'paint 
 , .. . (."HI) n. 
 p;uiiU;il, Ciirvcd; 3. p, 
 Sid. I 
 Mn.si>,l.l.chi,je.^„h,)n. v. J muko ,,.1 I 
 imn>rn or i.nagos; 3. p. i.j p. ,,,,,,.. | 
 M\m„if<-lu\i,in'»., s. the making of 
 linages, I'aiiitinjr, work, trade; „r 
 art ol a painter. 
 Ma»iniM,iai'ci„hn, maker of im- 
 u.i><;s, painter; pi. -ifoi/. 
 Ma.U<ujo,s,i^ni,nn.v. I t-ry; I groan; 
 3. p. -?; p. m<.K.,sid. 
 Ma^//,n„jsi /nncs/ii, „. v. 3. p. tlio 
 bird warl.les,- p. nu-s-.^id. Paku- 
 ak-i(r i)utsit(„j,mi, the cock crows 
 Mask-Kj, (inu) 11. V. J am very small- 
 d. p. -r, p. inaiad-/;/id. (They say 
 this of a new-horn inlant.) 
 JIa,-iya,i,s a>,. ahurtive Irnit of the 
 womb; p|. -„_y. 
 Mi>f<''i<ju'(id,nd,,\ios.{mn) n. v. lam 
 considereu nnlucky, lam unlucky; 
 3. p. -?; p. >//,,... sid. ' 
 J/a,s«w/v^/,7,,/„^,,,v„/,„. V. it is cons- 
 idered unluck>, it is unlucky; p. 
 Ma,.sa<m,d/,, (;,,,,) n. ,.. lamnn- 
 jucky. unhappy. I have no ciiance 
 to gam or make anvthms; 3. p. _,• 
 Masf;a()/imd/,y/ ■'I •. s. h.^d luck. 
 Mass it (//I) I a. ini,!.] a. v. a,i. I give 
 it I Mnfrhi-aiddu'hJUiv, (mn) n. v. I am 
 a iviekid person, &c.,- 3. p. -i; n 
 iiiit..ii-id. *^' 
 ^y/(it</i/-ti/,i/r///,,H. Imd unliappvBitu- 
 ation. Immii badly off. ^' 
 I .Uafr/ii-oatris/i,, s. any thing evil, 
 had, wicked, hurtful; pi. -a/i. 
 Miitclu'ui'iiris/n'irdn, u. v. it is a bad 
 wieked tiling, evil, hurtful, dang. 
 ercHis; j). nut .(tnij. 
 Matrlil-iuiiii, (niii)' n. v. i,,. I make 
 a bad use of it, 1 abuse it; 3. n 1 • 
 p. iiuf..„d. ' 
 M„1rl,i-aw„.(^nlu^ a. v. ,/;y. [ make 
 a l>ad us(! ()( f^oiiie aiK ohj.; 3. ,,. „ 
 iiiiit..ii\ |). m,l..wiid. 
 J/i/r/ii-h/i/iodli, {/n//) 11. V. I live 
 b.i'liy; 1 am had, wiektul; I have a 
 )ad temperament, had disposi- 
 tioiis; ;) p. - /; p. mi'l..,sid. 
 ^(tt(/u-l>ini(uh.)siirin, s. had life; had 
 ill temper, quick, irritahle temper! 
 passionate tem|)er. 
 Alafvhidi'c, (I, ill) n. \. \ },avo a 
 wicked heart; 1 am cruel; .3. p. ].; 
 >. >iiit..ed. 
 ie/iid<(irl^t^ s. 
 , . - f,..„ or 
 cause irmhi'd ]nr\, (according to 
 the Indian superstition.) 3. "p. o 
 mas..n\ p. mrs..a,/. 
 Matcht, adj. bad, evil, ill, wicked, 
 malignant, nialieious, mean vi- 
 cious, un;' . ' 
 ifatchi-aiaaicish, s. bad beiu" riovil 
 Satan, the evil spirit, old Au-k. ' 
 Maickt-aiadnLsfK s. ' a wicked pers- 
 on, a villain. ras,-al, rogue, scoun- 
 drel,- also, a wicked dangerous 
 ammal; pi. f^a^, " 
 — . -- wickedness of 
 lieart; cruf^fy. 
 Maf(idilid(idiini», (ni/i) com. v we 
 treat ill each other, we do evil to 
 ene another; p. iiiH-dUjui. 
 Mifr/ii-dadiii/i/r/n, s. imilual ill- 
 treatment, mutual wrongs, doinir 
 evil to each olher. 
 J/<rf,//i diHiaiii, {ii.i)i.) n. v. 1 ch) evil, 
 1 act wrong, I sm, 1 commit a 
 ^/aut, a crime; 3. p. 1.; p. ,n,t..„n<j. 
 i'.'i. in <iod(ihtn>ri,i, s. bad wicked 
 aelion, misdeed, crime, fault; p). 
 -an,. "^ 
 J'fih'chi drdarra, (nil)) a. v. an. I do 
 him evil, I wrong Jiim, treat him 
 evil: 3. p. oi/ia..n; p. MC./rad. 
 ilafc/it aijujad, u. v. it is bad 
 weather, a bad .lav; p. met.. yak. 
 Matf/,:<iKiij,ini^h. {/lu, , „. V. j |,ave 
 a bad day. (unfavorable weather 
 for traveling or working.) 3. p. ~i: 
 p. r»if..K/nd. ' 
 Match ifjijwi. inin.) n. v. I speak 
 evil; I blaspheme; 3. p. 1.; n 
 met.wcd. ■ i > f 
 ov,l speaking; LlaHphunin^""^' ' 
 ''^Ltirrt'i''; --'■«'-'. wide. 
 '^"''iil;!,. /,^,y../;,^;[,/ 
 M«^.^/ mn<.Mhanm, („Vm) a. v 
 . I ollovy Ins had r'xau.ple, he 
 l^.d h.havior, l)a< habit, vvick,., 
 I-; iiisp^si,",.,:;;:;;;^;,,:" ^•^"'I'or, 
 Mcivii. ss, .t. p. „ ?nat..n: n itw, 
 Mat^ht-iNajruHiH, (nin) n. v S 
 i curse It, J. p. ,,,,^.... p_^^^__ 
 r/- . , . '. V- '•) p. met. .(led. 
 i^«/<;/«^e««^.eW«..m, s. bad sickness; 
 ceacu him had things, 1 jrivr him 
 " bad example. 1 Wufe hjm" 
 ^'Mii hiklammihamin, (nin-) nan, 
 I ■' H'v(, nini a harl »» 
 •■'"'I'l''. ' ^^"iii.hdize him. 
 fxan.jde or seandaiV/^t-,,/. nj -«t 
 <'van> .;■;''• ?:''"Jl''"'(«r^ad 
 '''''' I'' ''''''''<''>'ii'daiwewin, s bad 
 iiiai i.s, p()|}4()|i venom lU v i ' 
 . ;\he,fi:r'"^'^^'^:^'^''!/-"-^«^? 
 P; meUhilwad. 
 v.i. H decried defamed; iutpoken' 
 M«/r/.i wawindjujadewin, a. defam 
 at'O" o( 8. th.: bad renown! Ud" 
 name given to s. tb ' 
 yiaUhi wawluljigae, \nin) n. / I 
 'ave a bad renown a bad name 
 Iamdetamed,UUpokenof;3 p.' 
 -o; p. met.. sod, » •»• p. 
 "Matcki trina,{ntn) a. v. an. or, nin 
 nuitchi wawina, freq. I decry or 
 discredit him, I defame him, I 
 speak ill of him; 3. p. o mat,.n-^ p. 
 JAatchi u'indan, (nin) a. v. in., or, 
 nin matchi ircniu)i<hin, freq., 1 i 
 decry it, 1 speak ill of it; 3. p. o \ 
 mat...', p. met..ang. 
 Maw, {nin) n. v. I weep, I cry; 3. p. 
 t?ia/6't; p. meivid. 
 Mau'ddishiwe, {m7i) n. v. I visit, I 
 pay a visit (or visits); 3. p. 1.; p. 
 7neiv. .wed. 
 MauHidishiweshJn, {nin) n. v. /am al- 
 ways making visits, / like too 
 much to make visits; 3. p. -i; p. 
 MawadishiweshHwin, s. habit of mak- 
 ing visits too often. 
 'm.awadishiwemn, s. visiting, visit, 
 t/lawadissa, («m) a. v. an. /visit 
 him, / pay him a visit; 3. p. o 
 ma..n; p. mew. .ad; imp. maivadishi. 
 Maivdkodasama, {nin) n. v. / dry 
 meat in smoke; 3. p. 1.; p. mew., 
 mad. (I. Conj.) 
 Udwandina, (nin) a. v. ati. /gather 
 together or collect some an. obj.; 
 3. p. oma..n; p. maia..nad. 
 VLdwandinan, {nin) a. v. in. /gather 
 it together, / collect it; 3. p. o 
 maw...; p. maia..ang. 
 "iidivandinige, {nin) n. v. _ /gather, 
 /collect; 3. p. 1.; p. maia..ged. 
 MdwandiwidJivM, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 gather u collect with him; 3. p. 
 omaw. n; p. maia..tvad. 
 \i.dnwandiungami'g, s. meeting- 
 house; Syriagogue; pi. -cm. 
 'i/Ldwandjia, {nin) a. v. an. /gather 
 it together, /store it up, /accum- 
 ulate it; /save and keep it; {an. 
 obj.) 3. p. omuw..n; p. muiu..ud. 
 "iidwandjiiditnin, {nin) com. v. we 
 come together, we meet, we as- 
 semble; p. maia..didjig. 
 "MLdwandjiidiwin, s. assembly, meet- 
 Kdwandjissifon, {nin) a, v. in. J 
 put it together, /gatl\er it tog 
 ether, /collect it; 3. p. o tnatv*..; 
 p. 7naia..tod, 
 Mnwandjitamadis, {jiin) or, nin md- 
 tvandjitamas, r. v. S. Mawandona- 
 Mdwandjifamage, (nin) n. v. / 
 gather or collect for somebody; 
 3. p. 1.; p. maia.-ged. 
 Mdwa»djifamaso?i, (nin) , i, rrima- 
 wandJitamadiK'in, a. v. iv . ' ,;ather 
 it, collect it or store it up, to my- 
 self or for myself; 3. p. omaw...; 
 p. maia..od. 
 Matvandjitamasonan, {nin) or, nin 
 i)iau'andjita>nadi,i07ia?i, a. v. an. 
 I gather, collect or store up some 
 an. obj. for myself; 3. p. omaw...; 
 p. maia..od. (V. Conj.) 
 Mdioaiuijilamaira , {nin) a. v. an. I 
 gather or collect it for him or to 
 him; 3. p. o mdw..n; p. maia..7vad. 
 Mdtva7idjitass, {ntn) r. v. S. Ma- 
 Mdwandjitassan, {nin) a. v. in. S. 
 Mdwafuijitaisonan, (nin) a. v. an. 
 (V. Conj.) S. M dwandjitamano- 
 Md7vandJiiassowiga7mg, s. store- 
 house; pi. -cm. 
 Mdwandjitchigan, s. any in. object 
 stored up somewhere, or gathered 
 together; pi. -an. 
 Md'wa7idJitchAga7i, s. an. any an. obj. 
 stored up somewhere, or gathered 
 together; pi. -ag. 
 Mdwafidjitchige, («tn) n. v. I gather, 
 I collect; 3. p. 1.; p. maia..gtd. 
 Mdmundjitchigewinini, s. a gather- 
 ing man, tax-gatherer, toll-gath- 
 erer; publican; pi. -4vag. 
 Mdwandjiton, (nin) a. v. an- I gath- 
 er it together ; I save and keep it; 
 3. p. mato... ; p. maia..tvd. 
 JUdwandobaiditnin, {nin) n. v. pi. we 
 run together in one place, we rush 
 together ; p. maia..didjig. 
 Mdwandodjiwan, u. v. it runs togeth- 
 er, or streams together, in one 
 place, (water or any other liquid;) 
 irnwandiujivadan, {nin) a. v. in. or 
 mnmdwandoij .adanan, I sewscv' 
 oral piocps together, I gather them 
 together sewing ; 3. p. o matv... ; p. 
 ildwandogmiKs, (nin.) n. v. I gather 
 together sewing ; 3. p.-,;; p. ,naia.. 
 Ifdwandvmramm, or VKnvandoqvas- 
 fomii, s quilt, several pieces'sew- 
 ed together in one; pl.-aw. 
 MiiwandoHjcinin) n. v. 1 gather 
 burning coals together :3. p. 1 • n. 
 maia..jed. ^ 
 Mdwandona, {nin) a. v. an. S. Ma- 
 ifdwcmdonamadis, {nin) or, nin ina^. 
 wandunamas, r. v. I store up or 
 gather s. th, for myself, or to my- 
 Bt'll ; I lay up a treasure : [L. the- 
 saurizo niihi ,-] 3. p.-o;p. maia.. 
 Jfdwandonan, {nin) a. v. in. S. Md- 
 ildwandimnndomair, {nin) a. v an 
 pi. I call them (ogether, I assemble 
 them callmg them ; 3. p. o maw.. 
 man; p. maia. .mad. 
 Mdwandonige, {nin) n. v. I store up 
 I accumulate; 3. p. 1.; p. maia.'. 
 MdwandoshTcaan, {nin) a. v in I 
 Igatherii. (hay ;) 3. p. o maw. 
 p. ■inaia..ang. 
 ifawandcskkaigan, s. rake, to gather 
 hay with ; ]A.~an. 
 JfdwandoM-auje, {nin) n. v. I rake 
 hay together; 3. p. 1.; p. m:wa.. 
 Mdwandosse, ox-^mgad. u. v .it crmes 
 together, it gathers in one place 
 or on one heap; p. maia..scq, or- 
 magak. '' 
 Mdwansom.nn, {nin) a. v. an. pi I 
 gather prople together; 3. p o 
 mauK.man ; p. maia. .mad. 
 IdawiH {nin) n. v. I weep b?ing 
 drunk;3. p. ].; p. «,,,,„•/;,'/ 
 Mawil-as, {nin) n. v. feign. I weep 
 by dissimulation, I feign weeping ; 
 .1. \i.-o; p. mew. .sod. 
 Muu4md, {nin) a. v. an. I bewail 
 him, bemoan him, deplore him. I 
 weep or cry over him; 3. p.ojnaw.. 
 n ; p. inemrnad. 
 Alawiimujad, u. v. pers. it weeps • i) 
 mew..gaL—Mnde mawimagad 'ep- 
 itek-latchiA-axhkendaman ;my heart 
 weeps from extreme sorrow. 
 Mawindddn, . in) a. v, in. I run up- 
 on It or to It ; 1 reach forth for it : 
 .i. p. mair...] \,.nu'W..ann. 
 Mawtnadjigawa, {nin'^ a. v. an. I 
 pick up tlie birds he' is killing, to 
 have them myself; 3. p. o mair..u: 
 p. me/t:.wad. 
 ^(awinadjige, (nin) n. v. I fetch or 
 pick up for me, the birds he kills, 
 (ducks, etc.;) 3. p. 1. ; p. meiv..ged. 
 '~"5'- Mawtnadjigawa. 
 Mawinadjigenan jis/iib, {nin) a. 7 
 an. 1 fetch or pick up the duck he 
 JiilJed, to have it myself; 3. p © 
 maw... ; j). meicged. { V. Com. ) 
 Mawtnadjzgodadis, {ni?i)r. v. I fetch 
 or pick up myself the birds I kill • 
 3. p.~o; p. m,cw..sod. 
 Mawtnajiwc, {nin) n. v. I rush upon 
 somebody, (an enemy, etc. ) 3. «: 1.; 
 p. metcwed. 
 Mawindnd, {nin.) a. v. an. I run or 
 rush upon him ; 1 reach forth after 
 him ; 3. p. o maw..n; p. mcw..nad i 
 imp. mawindj. 
 Mawindamawin, s. bewailing, deplo- 
 ration, bemoaning, lamentation. 
 JIamnddn, {nin) a. v. in. I bewail 
 It, deplore it, lament it, I weep or 
 cry over it or lor it, to have it; i 
 weep for the loss of it; 3. p e 
 MawindiK, {nin) r. v. I bewail or de- 
 plore myself ; 3. p.-o; mtw-.^d. 
 Mawzneige, {nin) n. v. I insult, I 
 quarrel, make noise; 3. p. 1.; » 
 iiew.-ged. r , i 
 3Jawineiaei(nn. s. insult, insi^ltin-' 
 quarreling noise. ' "' 
 Mwwiniwa, {tiin) a. v. an. 1 com« 
 upon him, I insqlt, quarrel, attack 
 nim -,3.^.0 maw..n; p. mew..wadi 
 imp. mawin^. 
 Mawmeshhagon, {nin)j,ers. v. it in- 
 sults me, it attacks me ; 3. p. » 
 ' . .' . . . 't \ 
 mrt?4'...; p. inew..giid.—Nin mawi- 
 iit'shkagon ijujti o iiKitn'iiuiija/i ; lu.s 
 letter insults uie imlciul. 
 Miiii'iiunld-un, \nin) a. v. an. I i:i- 
 siilt it, attack it ; 3. j.. rJ /«<*«'... ; p. 
 Moirintflikiiira, (nin) a. v. ay*. S. 
 Mnmmi,(iiiit.) I). V. I );utlu'r lieriies ; 
 U. p.-o ; i>. uu/riiifiiit/. 
 i^awishk, {iiiu) 11. v. I \vc('|) cr cry 
 too imich or too olttui, 1 aui in a 
 habit of wot'piiig ; [l\ jc suis brail- 
 liinJ ;]3. jv-/; |>. miir..lii/. 
 MauHtihlciwin, s. had iiabit of \v»;op- 
 uig, cryiiifj. 
 Mdwiwin, s. vv(n>piiig, crying. 
 J^fdattstujanaina, \^iuii) a. v. a/t. I 
 miss hiiii, striking, ho avoids my 
 stroke; 3. p. o nud..n ; p. luaiv.. 
 Medassikaye, i^niii) 11. v. I arrive to 
 late ; 3. p. 1.; p. muicyciL 
 Midaittfikan, {/lin) a. v. ai. I arrive 
 to late to (iiid it yet ; 3. p. <> iiud... : 
 p. maied.Miiij. — 'I'lu! contrary ol', 
 iVin. (/^smkaii; which slo. 
 Medtisnii-iiir/i, {/li/i) a. v. a/i. I ar- 
 rive to late to liiid him yet, ht; is 
 gone, etc.; 3.. p. o iacJ..ii ; p. itiaU.. 
 wad. — The contrary ot, iSiii, yctmi- 
 kowii; which see. 
 Midavninaim, (_ni/i.) a. v. an. I miss 
 him shooting; 3. (). o mcd^.n ; \). 
 Meoandji, {nin') u. v. I belch, I eject 
 tlie wind Uom the slom;u;h ; [l''. jo 
 rote ; 111. rigani ;| 3. p. 1.; p. male- 
 yiegwa, prp., coiij., while, when, dur- 
 Hegti'aii,mU. amidst, among. 
 'Mej^aivigang awtn.si, s. the hump- 
 backed amnud, camel ; pi. megwa- 
 urigangig aiiw-^yi/ag. 
 Migire, prp. amongst. 
 \lcgwebag, amongst leaves, in a bush, 
 in a shrub. 
 Megwekamig, adv. in the desert, in 
 the interior, in the inland. 
 hiegiveknna, adv. in the road, on the 
 \o\'<\ or trail. 
 M(gwtxJik(miiv, adv. amongst herbs' 
 in the gra.ss or wiicd. 
 Mt'iaii/f'd, p. ^'. a. strangcsr, (man or 
 woman ;) \>\.~J/</. 
 M,Jik(ii/i /ihiijdk iiKipiiHirin, y. conta- 
 gious sickn(',>is, t'pidi'nmfcW<! 
 M<liU.t(/iutgani//iij/rr/(it/, p. h. a. a 
 black river, oi'dark-colorcd water. 
 Mvkiitiirikirunaic, or rnlUcr, nK/katf 
 iifik/caiiitiiil, p. s. ii. a man dresstMi 
 in black, Idack-govvn. priest, mi.s- 
 Hiouary ; pi. ;/ ; or J/'g. 
 ^Ukditii'ikinj/Kd'ikirr, s. a woman 
 drcsseil in lila<-k, mm, .si.sterol'a 
 convent, religious of an Order ; 
 pi. </. 
 Mikaitirikiruna/v o bahi.u'kd/ragatt, 
 the priest's coat, cassock ; pi. <«//. 
 ^ekaUn:ikiranui(ir, [nm) 11. v. lain 
 a priest; 3. p. ~i\y. i)4<k..wi</. 
 yitikattifiktraiKiieirlirin,, s. priest- 
 hood ; the Sacrament of Order. 
 ^\ekawa.^liif(:d, ]).. s. a. he that iii- 
 »ents it, inventor, discuvoror; pl.- 
 Mikusi/ukud, ]). s. n. he that makes 
 shoes, boots, etc., slvoemaker ; [)l.- 
 Miniakiyiliird, p. 3. a. ho that inocu- 
 lates with the cow-po.x, inocn la- 
 tor, cow-po.v inoculator ; pi. /ig. 
 l\\eni'(ndj/g<isid, p. s. a. h(! tliat is 
 lame, a lame person, cripple ; pi. 
 Mt /«(w/;/a,s7ac,s.. ass, mule, (loijg-ear;) 
 Minw, s. wood-peck(M' ; pi. ^/. 
 Meincgwiii(,i, s. siren, (I'abou'lou.s be- 
 ing ;) pi. «'«.;/. 
 Menuingwa, s. Inittertly ; pi. g. 
 Mtni,i.s)ikuat, iidw by turns, one af- 
 ter another, alternately; recipro- 
 Mimi'iass'/iak, num. a thousand ev- 
 ery time, a thousand each or to 
 Memidas»ivi, num. ten every time, 
 ten each or to eacli. 
 Mem/'datching, num. ten times every 
 time, ten times each. 
 yii-niilwasod, p. s. a. he Miat boasta, 
 braggart, boaster ; pl.-^?y. 
 MfmmnhuwiJJiHn, h. Ah. n kind o. 
 gniss.li(.i.i,..r ; [h\ cigulo;) p|.- 
 Mfiiimudi^i,/, p. H. 11. h(! tliat is r)roii(l 
 proiKl porsoti ; \A.-ji(j. ' 
 )Aii)Umliujr, or ininitliKfe, adv. cspo- 
 ciiilly, j»riiicipiilly,aliovc all. j 
 Mini,nti,jutljiwanij, islands in a cur- ' 
 rnnt. I 
 \\fmii/u,l(>n,(niJi.) Ninmrnuxhii/adr ' 
 vU'..H.U/f:/ud„„. UishNjadr/vU'. i 
 MviMKl.MiidiuimaiKiancKhi, » rt-d- 1 
 Itnmm, rol)in,(l)ird;)i)|. i<i<J- ' I 
 y\.(imkiwulo,».imUyAO. Maulwnrf;! 
 M ( f «oXv tridiiii<i(jami(j, s 
 (niolo's house;) |)].-ry?,.. 
 Mtwm^f/, adv. mU—Mcmwctrh 
 krnawa //. da/juin; just you ouirht 
 to go. (not othor-s.) 
 Mi//dati/i.i//)//riif./i,, (/«■«) n.v. I am 
 very sl('(!|)y, ovcrvvlioltnod with 
 sleep ; ;j. ^).-.,■ p. maim.. id. 
 miKjiMcafai, s. yl/«. ass : \)\.~an -S 
 M<l/l.,i/lr//.s/i>;. J- • 
 }ficnikuHMid, |). .s. n. Iin that drinks 
 too mueh, ti|>pler, dmnkard : pi.- 
 Mmikwciisu/, p. s. a. he that doos not 
 ilriuk, sober temperate person ; p). 
 yiinU'iiYst'?)/ jovdnabo, abstemious 
 ^(iihsliva,{vm) a. v. an. \ catKse liiin 
 •sliiimc!. 1 ni;ikc him nshamcd ; W. p. 
 m<'..n ; p. maUnuluHid. 
 ^iiiuldina, i/tm) a. v. an. I cause 
 him shame with my words ; 3. p. 
 o 7n('n..n ; p. miiu..mad. 
 Maiu/uin,l/;o„, ( «iVt) pers. v. it makes 
 me asliiuned, it causes me shame; 
 :i. p (im<n... ; p. maic..(jid. 
 Mentsm-ndam, {i,iii) u. v. I am a- 
 shamed ; 3. p. 1. ; p. 7mip..an<i. 
 finmstuiina, (nni) a. v. an. \ am 
 ashamed of him ; 3. p. o men-.n ; 
 ||. mute. .mad. 
 ^(■nu;s-rndam',n>in, s. shame. 
 W<«</-/>'/«vWav(,', p. 8. a. "he that 
 ijchaves well, good person : pi - 
 Mf /««'c, s. an. cumin ; pl.-^. 
 M,'Hhkanm/anwj ishkotewnho, stroiifl 
 (ire-water, brandy. * 
 MrMan'ihn,siny Uo.haho, ,„ilk 
 , that IS coaKuiatod, sour milk. 
 I McM-wut, adv. instead, instc-ad of. . 
 M,-xhhratona,{,un)ix. v. «„.. [ chanire 
 or (exchange some an. obj • 3 n « 
 »At/W*../(. ; [Km<tU..niid. 
 MiM-waton.amawa, (/«/«) a. v. //« I 
 (i.xehan«e it for liim or to him ■ V 
 V-<>md..u; I). maie..wiid. 
 AlcMwatonaii, {nm) a. v. m 1 ex- 
 tdiange one thing for another : 3. 
 ]). o mcuh.,.; p. 7/iaic..afuj. 
 MeMwutu.s,e, ot~m.a,/ad., u. v. it nn- 
 cl"rKoe.s a change, u .« changed; 
 p. mwu..mj, ox-mujak. 
 (elothmg.jfwearituntilit is al 
 t«.rn to pieces ; 3. p. „ rncH...; p. 
 Midkawa, (nin.)^. v. ««. j wear it 
 out, (article of clothing, ,m. ohj., 
 as rMW/w, handkerchief;) 3 v> ,, 
 ■»i('.\..n;i,. 7/i,fue..wad. 
 Midnamnannnd, n. s. a. he to whom' 
 s. Ih. IS owed, creditor ; pl.-«V/. 
 A[e.nna,<j,d, p. s. a. ho who owes s 
 Ih., (I('l)tor ; pl.~/^V/. 
 Mcs,nah-imn(j madilahjan, p. s a. ho 
 that marks pepor, printer; pi '. 
 inestnakiniiiKjiij ina.'<... 
 McxhvavaijvkuHd, p. s.'a. H. Miak- 
 MvtMihh,, aHIc, n. v. 3. the kettle is 
 worn out, it is no more useful • r. 
 m'iiv..K()d, ' ' ' 
 ilitnldlisdn, u. V. it is worn out 
 nse^d up. (metal;) p. maie...inq. ' 
 M,tnb,sujrd, p.s. a. he that smokes 
 pure tobacco, smoker of tobaco 
 only ; pl.-^?V/.-S. Mitnkosigr. 
 Metaknvlm, u. v. it is worn out in the 
 ,,'^'.T''''(F|""''ng;) ^-maicinij. 
 lU-jf.akwidjidon, {nin)a. v. in. I wear 
 It out in the woods, (clothing ;) 3 
 V-omet...; p. maii.Aod. 
 Mutchihode, or-ma(/ad, u. v. it is worn 
 out or used up by grinding ; p 
 man..de<j, ox-ma<jaJc. ' , 
 A'eichihi)don, (;»»») a. v. in. I wcni 
 t out by grinding / 3. p. o me...: p. 
 Mit hiboiia, (nm)a.v. an. I wenr 
 out 8oin»! an. obj. by grinding ; 3. 
 \). o7nvt..7i ; \}.niaic..nad ; imp. tne- 
 tSitchihiiHo, n. v. 3. p. it is worn out 
 by grinding, Um. obj.) p. viaie.. 
 Mitchi-dodang, p. s. a. lio who does 
 evil, criminal, malefactor; p.-«</. 
 Milchii>i>id(V,{ii'in) a. win. 1 wour it 
 out working, (clothing;) 3. p, o 
 tmt...; p. muicddd. 
 Mitchmin, or metdvitch'umde, w. v. it 
 is worn out, used; p. muu..ing, 
 or mated 1(1. — A'in makuinan 
 mitdnsdnon ; my moccusins are 
 worn out. 
 Hiwija, or viiuinja, adv. already; 
 long ago. 
 Jfiwuhlid, p. s. a. he that weeps too 
 much, weeper,crier; [F. braillard;] 
 Mi, or, mi sa, so, that is, it is, that .d 
 to say. 
 Jfi ajHnc, ever since ; for ever, gone 
 for ever. 
 Mt minik, or, mi iu\ that is all ; 
 MidddatcJdmin, {nin) num. v. pi, 
 an. we are ten of us ; p. med..tcld- 
 Ifid(idafc7nnon, num. v. pi. in. there 
 are ten («w. obj.) 
 Itiddmvena, (nin) a. v. an. I put him 
 aside or out of the way, with my 
 hands; 3. p. o mid..n; p. mcd..7iad: 
 imp. midagvcn. 
 Middgwenamaiva, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 put or push s. th. aside for him, 1 
 deliver him or disembarrass him 
 from s. th. ; 3. p. o mtd..n: p. mcd.. 
 Middawendn, (nin) a. v. in. I put it 
 aside or out of the way, with my 
 hands ; 3. p. o mid...\ p, m£d..ang. 
 Mtddgru'cnddn, (nin) a. v. in. I put 
 it away or aside in my thoughts, 
 in my mind, I remove it froir me; 
 Mi<ldg\inni<jr., (nin) n 
 'ufdL'wtni'jc, (nin) n. v. T put aside 
 with my hands; 3. p. 1.; p. tnad.. 
 3. p. mid...-^ p. 7iied..anff. 
 liddyweta, (nin) n. v. I put myself 
 UKide ; 3. p. 1.; p. m,'.d..tad. 
 Mtdagwctawa, (nin) a. v. an. I keep 
 myself Jroin him ; 3. p. o mid..n: y. 
 Mulds.s, s. legging, or my legging ; 
 |)l. «/(. kiddss, thy legging ; vdas.i, 
 his legging. 
 Mtdu8no. mnn. ten, (before substan- 
 tives denoting MKAsiiRK, of time or 
 ol other things.) 
 ■ifiddssohan in indj. 
 Miduttivbidonan. (nin) 
 JJida.s,s6liina. (nin) 
 ■Mulannul/inag. (nin) 
 Miila^sodcwi^imin. (nin) 
 ■A/idamganngiiimiii. ( nin) 
 Middt'a(,(jit,int,u'ayis. ( nin ) 
 ■Middi,sogwanagis. (nin) 
 Alidast^agua n en d. (nin) 
 Jdidaa^vrndn ug. 
 MidunKukainin. ( ?iin) 
 Midanso.skiniag. (nin) 
 M^dasf^shimin. (nin) 
 Midaiisosiiit<,naa. (nin) 
 ■Middsi-wahiginan. (nin) 
 Middamaiagidmin. (nin) 
 Middsuwakosim in . ( nin ) 
 Hid at awahwadon . 
 Ift<iai>«w(>wan.—S. miohaninindi.— 
 ^Vijobtdman. MJdbina, otc..,' al- 
 ways chariKinjr j,, Kiiijlisli, two 
 into ti'n, as : Nijohaneniudi, twico 
 (two tiinos) a handful. Afu/am,- 
 hariaitndj, tea times a handlu..— 
 ntjohidonan, {>iin)l tie two to- 
 Kotlior. Afid(m6fndonari, (nin) I 
 tie ten togothe.— And ho on re- 
 itvlanKmik davdiuj mulasswak, a thou - 
 s«',V| t""«s thousand, a million.— 
 N\hn(j midimwak dasuMj nulaw- 
 >vak, twice a thousand times thou- 
 sand, two millions ; etc. 
 Middssiri, num. ten. 
 Midnvmii anhi bejig, num. neven. ' 
 Madunnwi an/ii nij^ a dozen, twelve. 
 (tor the rest see Grammar.) 
 JMaic/i/nij, ten times. 
 Midntrkiiuj midumvak, ten thou- 
 Mide, «. Indian of the Grand Medi- 
 cine ; [A.-ff. 
 Midekwe, n. a squaw of the Grand 
 Medicine; pl.-^. 
 Midiit\ {nin) n. v. I am an Indian (jt 
 the Grand Mec'icine, I belong to 
 the Indian Order of Grand Medi- 
 cine ; i. p.-t; p. medeivid. 
 M'id-iwia, {nin) a. v. an. I receive 
 him into the Grand Medicine, I 
 make him a member of the Grand 
 Mldjtmike,(mn) n. v. T produce or 
 procure victuals; 3. p. [,; p. ^i^-.. 
 or efTortd 
 food, it is 
 3. p. 
 3. p. mid..n ; p. mede- 
 Midewigamig, s. long narrow 
 made of branches for the ceremo- 
 nies of the Grand Medicine ; pl.- 
 Midewiwin, s. Grand Medicine, In- 
 dian Order of Grand Medicine. 
 Mtdjim, a. v. in. 3. ind. pers., they 
 6a| it; [F. on )3 mange j] any eat- 
 able thing, provisions, victuals, 
 eatables, food. 
 Mtdjimigamig, s. provision-store ; 
 [K^ hangar aux vivres ;] pl.-wi. 
 Mvljimihdndnn mlassonagan, (nin) 
 a. y. in. I put a bait in the trap, I 
 ,y-.?n ^H^- P-.^^""<^-; P- madJ.Mng, 
 Midjwitkandjtyan, s, bait; [G. Lock- 
 spejse;] pl.-a«. 
 Midjimiken'in, s. labor 
 made in producing or 
 Midjimiwau. u. v. it is 
 eatable, it is eaten ; p 
 Mil/Jin, {nin) a. v. iu. I eat it 
 o midjin; p. mad j id. 
 Mi'fjindim, adv. in the water, in the 
 depth. ' 
 Mdji.dknwa. {nin) n. v. an. I con- 
 (luct or accompany him a little dis- 
 tance, through politeness; 2. t> o 
 muL.n; p. m€d..wad. 
 Mi(jadan,{nin)&.y. in. I fight it 1 
 oppose it, I combat it. I am against 
 It, .1. v.ornKi. .; \>. mngadang.-Nin 
 Migadan t-shkotewnbo ; I fight ard- 
 ent liquor, I am against it. 
 Migndimagad, u. v. pers. it is fight- 
 ing, opposing, it is at war against • 
 p. mag..gak. 
 Migadirnih, {nin) com. v. we fight 
 together, wo scuffle ; we are at 
 war; p. mdgndidjig. 
 Migadi-ndbikwan, s. war- vessel, shio 
 of war. man of war ; pL-a«. 
 Mtgndinaniwan, u. v. there 's war 
 war-lime, lighting-time ; p. tnaa.', 
 ^iiang. ^' 
 Migndiivin, 8. fight, battle," combat 
 war. ' 
 Miffakikwewe, (nin) n. v. I fight or 
 lid '"^ ^^^^ ' ^' ^' ^* ' P" ^'^^•■ 
 Migana, (nin) a. v, an. I fight or 
 be.Tt him ; 3. p. o mig..n; p. maga- 
 Miganidis, (nin) r. v. I fight or com- 
 bat against myself, I war against 
 myself; 3. p,-o; p. mag..8od. 
 Migas, imn) n. v. I fight, I scuffle ; 
 J. p.-o;.p. magnsod. 
 Mu/a.o,}shk (nin) n. v. I am in a bad 
 habit of fighting, of scuffling ; 3. 
 p.-*; p. mag.. kid. ,, 
 Mi^dsoivin, 9. fighting, fight. 
 ^yjnsowinini, si soldier, warrior, 
 fighter, boxer ; pl.-M/a^. • 
 V. It will 1)6 80, be it 
 HO, Anion, 
 Miffi unimiinh, n. v. .1. p. the do^,' 
 barks, y»il|)H; p. moilil. 
 O mi<ii(lnii ,/,',/„ (linmntih, a. v. ///,. 
 3. J), tlic (!()(,'' barks at some in. obi.; 
 p. meijiduiKj. 
 O mi(fi/Hi/i nuimoshta, v. an. .'J. i). 
 tlio (lo^r barks at some on. obi. ; p 
 Mii/Munn/ii^^i, s. eagle-fighter 
 small bluebird;) p\.~(j. 
 Jiiffisi, 8. eagle ; pl.-'iou<j. 
 Mi4jmns, s. dim. a young eagle ; pi. 
 Mt<jlnwi<ja/iJ, 8. an. eagle's claw ; 
 1)1. -trj. 
 Mujuiwixihi, s. Kagle River, Lake 
 Miaidwiirikired, s. Eagle Harbor, 
 Lake Superior. 
 Mipiskan. s. lish-hook; pi. -nn. 
 Miifinkaneiah, s. tish hook line ; pi.- 
 Mvfi»8, s. an wainpun), (beads oC 
 porcelain, Indian ornament and 
 ancient money ;) porcelain, china- 
 ware; pearl ; pi. mif;Usng. 
 Mi<jigmin]can, s. wampum-strap, a 
 large strap richly ornamented with 
 beads of porcelain, used in Indian 
 messages of great importance. PI. 
 Muji.ssiiesshmij. s. an. breastplate of 
 beads of porcelain, (of wampum.) 
 This is the greatest Indian orna- 
 ment. V\.-a(j. 
 Migmina<jan. "s. <iish or plate of por- 
 celain ; \>\.-an. 
 Migissinagans, s. dim. cui>,« saucer, 
 bowl, of porcelain; \>\.-an. 
 Migiwe, (ntn) n. v. I give, I contri- 
 bute, I make a present, I grant, 
 I allow ; 3. p. 1. ; p. maqiwed. 
 Mujiwcv, (nln) a. v. in. 1 give it a- 
 way, I make a present of it to so- 
 mebody; 3. p. o mig...; p. mdqnveu. 
 Migiwenan, {nin) a. v. an. 1 give 
 away some an. object; 3. p. omig...; 
 v.mdgiwed. (^V. Conj.) 
 vjiwen Songuiies7t,ka-yemn,{7iin] a. 
 V. m. I give Confirmation, I con- 
 lirm; ,3 p. o mig.. ; p. mui..rd. 
 Migiiiv^/ii; (n,n) n. v. I am' in a hab- 
 it of givina: too uuicli av.-ay ; 3. j, 
 i. ; p. iit(ig..Hd, 
 '"".""■' f'i>n',i/r„, inln) or, nin iniqi. 
 ''••fair„,n. v. an. I give it for hi'm, 
 tobisinlvantaire; .'J. p. „ n,!,i..n : 
 p. m<ig..ii;id. 
 .y!,,iwur!„, H. giving, or the act of 
 Riving H. th. ; gift, present, contri. 
 Inition ^//„r//; p\.-,in.-'A. Miniq,,. 
 i>'in. M, naoniiw itin nuf^hi't wni'uir 
 tlicse are my pr(;s.'nts (/ give a- 
 I ,/.'''(•■/•) 
 I Migiwm, s. l)iirking of a dog. 
 ' j^",'"""- ■"■ "^^''' I'odkin ; \A.~nn. 
 MigoHhkudrudagoK, (nin) n. v. 1 am 
 troublesome, I am considered 
 troublesome, annoying; 3. v.i; 
 Mig<in/d;i(liiid<igir,id. u. v. it is troub- 
 lesome, it is considered trouble- 
 some or annoying ; p. me(/..mik. 
 Juig,ii</duid(nda7n,{niii) n. 'v, lam 
 troubled in my thoughts, in iny 
 mind ; ;}. j). 1. ; p.mert..ang. 
 MigoM-ddiK, (nin)n. v! I am troub- 
 lesome, I am annoying; 3. p.-i ; p. 
 meg.. .'lid. 
 M-igonJd-ddhiu'in, s. troublesome- 
 nes, annrtvance. 
 Migoti/d-ndjni, {nin) a. v. nn. I troub- 
 le him, annoy him, bother him, I 
 molest him, importune him, vex, 
 tease, plague him ; 3. p. o m'ig..n ; 
 p. mef;..ad. 
 ^igo,'</d-adji-ain, {nir.' n. v. I am 
 troubled, frightened, ilarmed ; 1 
 am uneasy; 3. p. 1.; p. nMf..md. 
 Mig().shhidh'-aian'igon,(,nin)u.\'. pers. 
 or, nin migosM-adjiigon, it troubles 
 me, bothers Tne,'it'makes me un- 
 easy, it alarms me ; 3. p. o mig... ; 
 p. meg.. god. 
 Migofihhidjidee, (nin) n. v. my heart 
 is troubled, alarmed ; 3. p.' 1. ; p. 
 MigoskhidJidfewiHyB. trouble of heart, 
 Migo.iMdsifrawa, {?tin,) a. v. an. ( from 
 nin migoshkddjia, J trouble him 
 r, nt)i tnit/i- 
 1 ira- 
 I an- 
 [1. o 
 ])on ; 
 I am sickly, 
 .~i ; p. tnetj.. 
 V. there s 
 [F. il y a du 
 p. m(iij..inij. 
 , 8. feathei- 
 :ui(I innvilxikawa, I como to him.) 
 1 00111(3 to tnwblo him, to hotlici, 
 liini; 3. p. « mi(i..ii, ; p. •nt<i..irmL 
 M/<j"Mhliixil(i,j()H/ { tiiti) II. V. 1 atu 
 troMliicsoino in my api'iikiiir, 1 
 troiililc Hiid miiioy with my woriin; 
 •'■ p. / ; J). i)U(j..,i,',/. 
 \[i<j<'s/,k(i.sth('ru\[ tiin)i\. V. (ui. I hciir 
 hiiii with ilisi.h'iisurc, J am troub- 
 led and aiiiioyod hy hi.s speaking ; 
 :_'. p. I) itii(i..u.; y. m(ij..ivaiL 
 yf/ij<).\/d(iKni/i(i, { uiii ) a. V. an. 
 ]»ortiim! him. I trouhio him, 
 iiov him with my words ; ;i 
 tnhj.ji ; |). nuii.,iiuul. 
 Mieiran, s. ««. 'leather, (iiiill, 
 Mt'ifwitn('uli«, {nin} n. v 
 I aiM often sick ; li. p 
 M l'j'rij/t<i/i//emi(fin, n. 
 hoar frost on the ire : 
 frimas sur la glace ;] 
 cushion; pi.-an.. 
 Uiijiraii-apiahiinon, s. feather-bed ; 
 yf i(jwanif</ta. s. an. ; pi.— ^. S. iVt- 
 Mil/wan nin tun/fi/ia, I toncli the 
 pen, (while another is writing 
 down my name,) that is, I sign, 
 (such as cannot write.) 3. p. mi'j- | 
 /ra/ian n tdnijinun ; p. mitjwanan j 
 taidnniiKuL \ 
 iAi<rwa/u-/i,if)agan, s. S. Mi<jwan-api- I 
 Uiairifch! thanks! (expression of 
 yiii/iwtrhi>i>fini)n.a,(?t,i)i.) or, migwetch 
 mnd i/k nima, a. v. an. I have 
 thankful thouglits and feelings to- ' 
 wards hiin, I feel thankful to him; 
 ^ ]>. o inti/../!.; p. ■iKag..nuul. 
 yii<jv^f( hi ireniHtje , (/tin,) n. v, I give 
 tiianks in iny thoughts, 1 feel 
 tliankful; 3. p.' 1.; p. ma(/..(/ed. 
 yiiguietrfdwiu, {ni7i)a. v. an. I thank 
 him ; 3. p. « mig-.n ; p. inaij..ad. 
 yiit/irefehiwiiire, {nin,) r. u. i give 
 Winretekiwigijigud , tlmi 
 tlianks, I .thank ; 3. p. L ,• p. man. 
 Muixrfr/iia'ttwcinn, n. thankarivmi, 
 thanks. " 
 MufKyfrh Hintl inn. I thank hiw | 
 say thanks to him, ' 
 M? /(/.. that's it, that itt enough. 
 mtni„„a, ( nin) a. v. an. \ arrive U 
 his track, his footsteps, (in the 
 I snow „r niiid ;) 3. |i. (,nuj.,u; ft 
 I rui'j^.iiad:, imp. mi/aaj. 
 I M'>'",'/«, {niii ) n. V. 1 nrrivi, oy r/nXer 
 I 111 a canon or boat ; 3, p. l, ' p. 
 m>Jat/(t(/. S. Ihtijirixhin, ^ 
 ; UiJ„<j,i,ln, ( nin ) n. v. I overcome, I 
 > Kain, (inaplay;)3. p. l.,-p. m^j.. 
 ^iJ<i'jalc,(Tiih) n. V. I arrive, walk- 
 ing on the ico ; 3. jw; ,• p. mfA..,>d. 
 ^ijaijurn4-n<ajiwe, (nin) n. v. 1 ar- 
 rive in a canoe or boat : 3. p, l. - 
 ])_. niK'J..n'1'd. » '" " ' 
 My/V/ZvAW', (nin) n. v. I fallor«ink 
 down to the bottom ofarivejtw 
 lake; 3. p. I.; p. m(J..mL 
 Uynl-i.s.s<. or-iMugcul, u. v. it sinks t« 
 the bottom of a river, etc ; p. mej 
 \ Mijahcad. u. v. it is fair clear w«a- 
 ther, serine, the sun shines, the 
 sky is blue ; {u mrj..wak. 
 Mijahra<l(inii inande, u, v. it is tlyed 
 sky-blue, it is of a sky-blue color, 
 azure ; p. cnnndiij. 
 Mijul-itxuh.iitj iiiaii'ito, n. v. 3. p. an~ 
 it is sky-colored, faint blue, (««, 
 ^h.l-) p. evarmd. 
 Mijnkwanitihikad, u. v. it is a bright 
 clear night, no clouds; p, mej.lcah 
 Mtjnshk, 8. Ot.. herb, hay; pl.-o/i, or 
 Mtnd,{nin) a. v. an. I spoil him, 
 I wrong him, injure him ; 3. p. o 
 myidn; p. mrjiad. 
 Mihiwe, {nin) 'n. v. I spoil, I make 
 damage ; 3. p. 1. ; p. m^jiiwed. 
 Myinuive, s. steward, administrator 
 of a property, manager ; pl.-^. 
 Mi/inawew, {nin) n. v, I am a ste 
 ward, etc.; 3. p.-t; p. mej..'U'id. 
 Mijinamwiwin. s. stewardship, ad- 
 ministration of a property. 
 I{ijikdgm,{nin) pers. v. it catches / 
 me, It reaches me ; 3. p. j mij... ; \ 
 p. mej..god.-Ahosiwin ?im gi-miji- '• 
 kagon; a sickness has reached me. ' 
 Myilc.ma, (nin) a. v. an. I reach ' 
 him with my foot, I give him a//W^ 
 Kick. (I give him a hard kick, 
 would be, ?im tangithkawa.) 3. p. 
 Mv}t^hd, adv. openly, plainly, ex- 1 
 ■ifimhahganehinu, (nin) or. m'n mi- 1 
 jtshaJcigancmi, a. v. «w. I uncover I 
 his breast ; 3. p. o mij..n ; p. inei.. \ 
 nad ; imp. mij.Mj. ' 
 MijishahiganeUnidi^, (nin) or, ni/i 
 nujishakiganenidis. r. v. I uncover 
 my breast; 3. p.-n; p. m€J..sod. 
 Jiyis/bal .janeshin, (nin) or, nin mi- 
 tahiganasMn, n. v. my breast isun- 
 covered ; 3. p. l. ; p. me..in(i. 
 Miju/idssu, (nin) a. v. an. I expose 
 to thesight of people some an. obj.; 
 3. p. o mij..n; p. niej..sad; imp. 
 Mijishdtm, (nin) a. v. «7i. I expose 
 It to the sight, I lav it open : 3. n 
 mtj... ; p. mej.Md. ^' 
 Ifyisliawagam, adv. very far out in 
 the lake, or sea. 
 HijisMwai-amig, adv. under the sky 
 in the open air, without a shelter ' 
 [(t. unter freiem Kinimel.] ' 
 MviisMwashlcode, s. large open prai- 
 rie; \Ti\.-wan. 
 Mijishdumhlode, or -viagad, u. v. 
 there is a large open prairie ; p' 
 Mijishdwissin, u. v. it is open, un- 
 covered, exposed to .,ie sight ; n 
 ifijishdwissitamaiva, (nin) a. v. an 
 I expose it to him, I lay it open 
 before him, I reveal it to him ; 3 
 p. mij. .n; p. ni^. .wad. 
 Mtji^hawissitchigade, or-magad, u. v 
 it 18 laid open, it is exposed to the 
 sight of people; it is manifested, 
 revealed, it is made known, made 
 public; p. me/..deg, ot-mngad. 
 Minshawimton, (nin) a. v. in. S 
 Mijiiagos, (mn) n. v. I make false 
 and injurious reports ; 3. u -i ■ « 
 mcj...^id. f * , p. 
 Mijiton, (nin) a. v. in,. I injure it J 
 Mijwa (nin) a. v. ati. I wound hini 
 shooting at him ; 3. p. o 7nijwan\ 
 . \^- m,>jwad ; nn\~>. mijin. '' ' 
 ^ijwugayi, s. a person wounded by a 
 siiot; ^i.-ag. •' 
 Mijwdganiw, (nin) n. v. I am a 
 'lyff P^'^^oa, (wounded by I 
 shot,) 3 p.-,; p. mfj^wid. ^ 
 M'jwewaskl s. medical root or herb 
 tor wounds; pl.-«,,. "' "^'^'* 
 added ;-o'^^''^"*''^^.^«°"^«'™es 
 added to kawessa, ixi order to 
 strengthen the negation. Kawis 
 *« niika, no, no. not at all, by Ta 
 means. ' ^ '"' 
 Mikdde, ox~7nagad, or, mihddjiqade 
 ox-maaad, u. v. it is found, dis^cov: 
 ered, aetecied, found out; invenl' 
 ^ikadj,gas,(mn) n. v. ^I am found 
 discovered; 3.. p.-o; p. mek..J ' 
 Mzkage (nm)n y. I had, I find out; 
 , ■^■P-l.;i>.mekaged. * 
 tX'' '• ^"^ '^^"e: found, detect- 
 eu, pi.-a«. 
 Mik'uga?i s. an. a findling, any an 
 object found; pi ~ag ^ 
 ifnTf "'' ^"'''^ "• ^- I «'^' a nnd- 
 iing,3. p.-e; p. mek..wid. 
 Mzkagamwan n. v. it is a found 
 thing; r>. mck..icang. 
 Mzkamddis (nin) or, nin mikamds, 
 n. v. 1 find to myself or for myself- 
 3 p.-o; p. mek..wd. "^ 
 mkamddi8<M, (nin) ox, mnmikamd. 
 ^on,z x.m. I find it for me; a; D 
 Mtkamddisman, (nin) v. a. an S 
 ^ikamasonan. ' 
 Mikamu^on {nin) a. v. dn. I find it 
 LT^' ' ^' ^- ' ''^'*-' p- '^- 
 Mikamdsonan, (nin) a. v. an. J find 
 some an.chj. to myself; 3. p. ,, niik 
 ■?.-. # 
 v- a«. I find it 
 «; p.meh..wad. 
 • I find it; I 
 Mikamuwa, {nin) a. 
 to him; 3, p. omih.. 
 Mikd/i, (ni/i) a. v. in 
 discover it; 3. p. o milcdn; p 
 kang. '^ 
 mkan, a. Ot. S. Uikana. 
 ^ikana, a. trail, path, road, way pi.; 
 Mikana hiamo, u. v. the trail or road 
 goes to...; p. etiamog. 
 mtkuna ondamo, u, v 
 road comes I'rom..*.; 
 Uikundkawa, (nm) a. v. a7i. 1 malie 
 or prepare a path or road for him- 
 w ; P" ''Z'^'^"'^; P- >nak..wud. ' 
 mkanake,{ni)i) n. v. I make a road- 
 the trail or 
 p. wendamog. 
 3. p. \.;p.7nak..ked. 
 mka8,{,un) n. v. I am found; 3 r> - 
 o; p. mekasod. ' ^' 
 ^ikdw, (ni>i) n. v. I have my sen- 
 ses; 1 recover my senses, after 
 laintmg or swooning; 3. p.-r n 
 mekawid. ^' 
 Mikawd, (nin) a. v. an. I find him- I 
 , discover him, detect him, (a per- 
 son, or any other an. ol)j.) 3. p o 
 iniL.n; p. mckawud. 
 yiikaivadis, {nin) n. v. I am a fine 
 looking person, I have a fine an- 
 ,. pearance ; 3. p.-j p. mek. .sid. 
 MMiwudzfiiwin, s. beauty of a per- 
 son, fine appearance. 
 Mikawad;^, (nin) n. v. I begin to feel 
 that a hmbor part of my bodv is 
 freezing ; 3. p.-i; p. mek..id. 
 Mikuwudnkwe, s. a fine looking wo- 
 man; pi. -^. 
 Uikawadjinini, a fine looking man- 
 in.-wug. ' 
 ^JliJcawcma, (nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him think ons. th., I make him 
 recollect or remember s. th., I re- 
 mind himof s. th.;3. p. (,„a-..«; 
 p. tnek..mud. 
 f/likawushiton, (nin) a. v, i;i. I in- 
 vent it, discover it; 3. n. o mik. : 
 p. mck..tod. ' 
 yiikuwdKhiimm,, g. invention; pi - 
 ml 57"'''r;V ««- a packet or bun- 
 f\~L ' ^^' P^<i"^' '^^ Pelleterie;] 
 ^ht^'"'"' (''^^■«)a- >'•««■ I irritate 
 an^Pr--,'' J^"n> ^ provoke him to 
 ^Uhn,ij,^,^ n. V I prov'oLto anger 
 ^^ikindjudtmin, (win) com. v. we 
 Et/;r' ^""' '"^ ^"^^^' '■ 
 Mtkodjina (nin) a. v. an. (from nin 
 mikaica I find him; and nind odji- 
 na, I feel him or grope him;) I fflid 
 himby feeling or groping in the 
 iarK,_J. p. o m%k..n\ p. inek..nad. 
 mkodpnan, (nin) a. v. in. I find it 
 by leeling in the dark; 3. p. o mik 
 ...; p. 7nek..an,g. 
 Mikorna, hiin) a. v. an. I speak of 
 p. mekomad. ' 
 Mikona,(nin) a. v. an. I find some 
 an. obj. among many others; 3. p. 
 otnik..n\ p. mekonad. 
 Mikonan, (nin) a. v. in. I find it 
 among many other things,- 3. p. o 
 ir<lv>,i«wa, («e-;i) a. V. an. 1 make 
 him pleasure, I render him a ser- 
 vice; 3. p. o mik..n: p. mak..ad. 
 Mikonaweiendam, (ntn) n. v. 1 am 
 gladandthankful;3. p.l;p. Twa/fc. 
 ang, ' *^ 
 I" "•'t.n-.M/tt'. 
 mkawin, (niji) a. v. I remember it; 
 J. p. o nnkawin; p. mekawid. 
 mkawinm (nin) a. v. an. I remem- 
 Mikonaimenima, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 am happy and thankful he has it: 
 (ill.mu peryoHiim;) 3. p.omiL.n: 
 p. mak..mad. ' 
 Mikos, (nin) n. v. I am industrious; 
 /• P--«; p. makosid. 
 MikosMos, (nin) n. v. I am shot, 
 (with a gun or bow;) 3. p.-^,; p 
 Mikwttdidanimosh, n. v. 3. p; it is r. 
 good s])erting dog, a good hound, 
 good pointer; p. ?ttei..s/d. ' 
 -mkinam, s. ««. ice. 
 -Mikwdm, s.an. or milwan ins, a. an. 
 dim. icicle; [F. glafon.J 
 mhimdhr^o, n. v. 3. ]). thn 
 is floating down on 
 a rivnr, there is 
 •o iiuauiig uown on a rivnr, I 
 adrift of ice; p. }>fm<ih,ff(,d. 
 Mkwninil-a,or~ma,,ad, u, v. tliere is 
 ice; p. md:J-a(/, 'ot~maijak. 
 M^ihwniniudniwan, u, v. it hails: p. 
 mek..aii<i, ' ^ 
 Mihwamimj cnnanwah innsUiH, s 
 alum (inedicino that looks like 
 lce.)S. JtwaUk. 
 M-ihmmiwigamvj, s. ice-house, icc- 
 pit; pl.-o«. ' 
 Miknuiwa, (m,i) a. v. an. I hit him 
 (with s. th. I throw at him;) 3 i) 
 o mtL.n; p. viaL.wad; imp. 7»:kwd. 
 Mkwe/idamia, (mn)n. v. an. I make 
 him remember s. th., I recall it to 
 his memory; 3. p. „ imh.n; p. mch 
 ..ad, 1 
 Mihvaulamoinn, s. recollectincr re- 
 membering. ' 
 MikwendanAiiin.) a. v. hi. \ remem- 
 ber It, [ recollect it, think on if ,'} 
 p. o mik...; p. md-.am/. 
 Mihremlm.t, {itin) n. v. I recollect I 
 remember; 3. p.-„; p., „,;[...,,,,^. ' 
 ■^^Jjpf^oulnssr.n'in, s. memory. 
 Mkn'cndjh/adc, CT-7}ja,/(,J, li. v. it is 
 remembered; ]). mejcdcn, or-tna- 
 Mil-irendjiijas. (/uii) n. v. I am re- 
 membered; 3. p.-,.; IK mA:..-<od. 
 Jlikh'nidjn/e, i^/iin) n. v. I keep in 
 memory, I remember: 3. p. 1 • n 
 7>ick..ijrd. I 1 t- 
 Mkwc/u'innAm'/iA a. v. fm, T remem- 
 ber linn, 1 think (m him; 3 p. o 
 imk.ii; p. md'-mrtd. 
 Mlhchji imtl,!,n. V. :j. p. the tree 
 yields fruit; p. makinohl. 
 MtkwKji.i, u. V. it yields fruit; p. 
 Mtkungitomngad , u. v. it yi(>lds frait, 
 It produces; p. mnk-ijak. 
 Mtkwuiitim, (mn) a. %•.'««. J make it 
 yield trtiit; p. mak.:fod. 
 Mimi<jdi<},k/ne, or-^mar/ad, ii. v. it is 
 crushed or rumiiiet'l, (stuff;) [F. 
 c'est chiffonne;] p, 7)iem..ihet/, or- 
 ujihidon. (vi'ii) a. v. 
 in. 1 crush 
 It, (stufl;) 3. p. oviim...; p. mem.. 
 <l( a. 
 ■ifimH/ihinn, (nin) a V. an. I crush 
 It, (^f//. stufl;) 3. p. o mim..n; p. 
 m>iu,j,;iHi,jis, (nm) n. v. I struggle- 
 ,;:■ 1.'-"^"' !'• «i<«'—W. ' 
 Mimi,ioM,nn, v«/«) n. v.] am tread- 
 ingonts. tli.;3.p. J.;p.,/,^,„,.,„,^, 
 Mimi(iv.^hkan, {„!,t) a. v. {„. \ tread 
 It out, (instead ofthrashing it;) 3 
 p. OTO...; p. inrm..a»a.—Mano'- 
 irnnmn mirmijoahkan; 1 tread out 
 wild rice. 
 Mmi,jof<hkawit,{mn)a. v. m. I tread 
 'It out, {an. obj.) 3. p. o mz/u..n: p. 
 m'm..mid.--rakweji,,an mu mim- 
 ■igoK/ihara; I tread out wheat, (in- 
 stead of thrashing it.) 
 Mmigo'Wrhina,{mn)a. v. an. Ishake 
 nun; [I'.je |e secoue;]3. p. omim.. 
 «; p. mem. .//ad; imp. mim..hin. 
 Mi.m%.i„wM.iHin, {jiin) a. v. m. I 
 sliiike it, 3. \i. omim...: p. mem 
 aiiif. ^ 
 -MliHvrwal), {mil) n. v. I move and 
 shake myself, sitting; 3. p.-z. p. 
 2Iivimwisl,m, {i,4n) I move and 
 shake myself, lying; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 nu'in . . hi(j. 
 Jfi'vi/nik. adv. so much, that's all; 
 that's enough. 
 Mfn., s. whortleberry; Mlberry; pi 
 Mi tia! is it so? is it right? will you' 
 J/h.a, {iii/r) a. v. an. I give him, I 
 make lum a present; I grant him, 
 allow him s. th.; I impose it upon 
 him; 1 cause it to him; 3. p. o mi- 
 nan; p. mdnad. 
 Mlnnd, {niu)^.x.an. I give him to 
 drink; I water lum, (a horse, an 
 ox, etc. ) 3. J), (I minaan,; p. minaai. 
 Minabawidjuxi^ s.; p\.-iu(j. S. Adis- 
 Minddcndmn, {nin) n. v,.I honor, 1 
 resi)ect; 3. j). I.; p. men..ang. 
 Mtnddcnddn. {nin) a. v. in. 1 honor 
 or respect it; 3. p. o min...; p. men 
in. ] crufih 
 • ,• p. mem.. 
 tn, I crush 
 mim..n; p. 
 I etruggle; 
 1 am tread- 
 in. 1 tread 
 'li'iR it;) 3. 
 Kj. — Mano- 
 1 tread out 
 an. I tread 
 miin..n\ p. 
 I II in mim- 
 vheat, (in- 
 7«. 1 shake 
 p. (imim.. 
 V. m. I 
 p. weffi.. „ 
 move and 
 3. p.-z. p. 
 fiove and 
 P- !•; p. 
 that's all; 
 terry; pi. 
 will you? 
 re him, I 
 lant him, 
 e it upon 
 p. o mi- 
 ve him to 
 lorse, an 
 mew tad. 
 S. Adi«- 
 honor, I 
 I honor 
 .; p. men 
 Minudcnim. ( ntn) or, rtin minadenin- 
 dw,x.\. i lionormvself, Jam vain; 
 1 am proud; 3. p.-o'; p. 7nen..od. 
 Mmudcnima. {tdn) a. v. an. 1 honor 
 him, T respect him; 3. p. o vmi..n: 
 p. men.. mod. 
 MindJmiudrwm, s. respect, honor, 
 Minti,i,d)iy.si,s. bed-bug; \A.-wun. 
 JhMa<f(i.-.; (jnn) n. v. I smell; J emit 
 an ()dor;:j. p.-?'; p. vien/umid. 
 Miiidgwud, II. V. it smellsi it has an 
 odor; j>. in, n.. wale. 
 Minnidimiii. (nin) com. v, \vp givn 
 each otlier to drink; we procure 
 dnnk to one another; ii. vitti..did- 
 M'iiitiidis.(vf'ii) r. v. 1 give to drink 
 to myself; I procure drink to my- 
 self; S. Y>.--(>; i>. 7ncn..md. 
 JHfididitnii, s. the act of going to 
 drink to each other; or of procu- 
 ring drink to each other. 
 3/indinv, { tii'i) ) n. v. I give to drink; 
 I ])nK-nre drink; 3. p. 1.; p. mm., 
 MindivcM; (nin) n. v. I am in a 
 bad hal)it of giving or procuring 
 drmk to others;3. p.-i; p. men...Hd. 
 Mmuhi-a, or-magai, u. v. S. JHk- 
 wdkira . 
 Mindma,(inn)^. v. an. I smell him. 
 I scent him, (a person, or any other 
 an. obj.) 3. p. o min..n; p. ^in'nd- 
 Mindmika, or-magad, n. v. there are 
 breakers, shoals, banks, (of sand 
 or rocks;) \>. i)u'n..htg, or-mar/al: 
 Mmdnddn, {nin) a. v. in. I smell or 
 scent it;:{. p. o min...:,^. men..an<i. 
 Mtnanda/ima,{nin) a. V. an. 1 give 
 him s. th. to smell; 3. 
 p. men.. ad. 
 tndndawa, {nin) a. v, 
 Mindvdjigf, (nin) n. v. . _ 
 scent s.'th.; 3. p. 1.; p. wfn..(fM. 
 Mi7idssamaH'a,{nin) a. v. an. T give 
 him to smell some object! burn; 
 3. p. omin..n; \^. nun. .wad. 
 Mindssan, (nin) a. v. in. I burn it 
 p. o min..n; 
 an. S. Mi- 
 I smell or 
 to give a good odor; 3. p. o min...- 
 p. menansdiiff. ' 
 J/iMw (^nii) n. v. I make a good 
 odor by burnings, th.; 3. p. J.-n 
 9iitn..fifd. "■ 
 Mindnmm, {nin) a. v. a,i. I burn 
 some an. ohj. to make a good odor; 
 d. p. min..u; p. inen..n'ad: imp. 
 iinna.ssn-i. ' 
 MinaiiHt, adv. again, more, anew. 
 M'iiiaii'diiigrM,{nin) n. v. lam joy- 
 ous m lupior, joyful through' in- 
 toxication; 3. ]). 1.; p. men..bid. 
 Mtn (lira nigo.s, {nin) n. v. 1 am ioy- 
 oiis, joyful, I rejoice; 3. p.-i; p. 
 men... Kid. 
 2[;iniwdi,ig„siwin, s. joy, joyfulnes.s, 
 reinicing, ]>leasuro. 
 Minairdnigwad, v. v. there is jov, 
 reioicing, pleaisure; ].. mfn..wak:' 
 Mfnatram<rif< iidain,{ni)i ) n. v. I re- 
 joice, I have joyful thouhgts: 3. p. 
 1.; p. ine.n.aiKi. 
 Miniurd iiiijiven<l a nuni-in , s. iov iov- 
 ful thoughts. ^ ^' ^^ 
 J/in<vrdi/ii//rin, (nin) a. v. an. 1 
 make luni joyous, I ])rocnre him 
 .loy and pleasure; ;{. p. ovnn..n\ i.. 
 Minan}dnigirit.(,n, {nin) (pron. nin 
 ■ininairdni-i'tuH;) a. \.iu. I make 
 It joyous, joyful; 3. \k o min...; p. 
 men..tnd.~J>tl)firlii,ii(in, h qi-min- 
 airauKjintan niiide ; Lord", thou 
 hast made my heart joyful. 
 Miiiawdi^, (nin) n. v. T am happy, 
 contented, 1 rejoice; 3. p.-i; p. 
 men..! Id. 
 Minunwid, (ninja.x. an. I make 
 him haj py, contented, I make him 
 rejoice; 3. ].. a niin..n; \<. mm. .ad. 
 Mmairdsima, {nin) or, nin minawa- 
 niijtiina. a. v. an. I make him joy- 
 ous with my imrdu, with what 1 
 am telling him; 3. p. o niin..n;\>. 
 men. .mad. 
 Minau'inagos, (nin) n. v. I look good, 
 benevolent, charitable; 3. p.-«; p. 
 Mindddenddn, (nin) a. v. in. I regret 
 to have lost it; 3. p. o min...; p. 
 Mindadenima, {nin) a. v. an. I re- 
 gret to have lost some an. object; 
 ^■Pomm..n;p. mcn..maif. 
 Mivdasdwagan, s. a tamed animal; 
 MmdaivaAnin) a. v. an. \ pout, I am 
 CTu^^"^ ^i''» lii'n. because }[;! 
 does not give me what /want:/ 
 murmur against him, 3. p. om-.V.. 
 n; p. mendawad. 
 . i' /'"'" "°' «Peak; /am not 
 satished vvith what is' given to 
 Mndawehi, (nin) n. v. / pout, /am 
 drink;3. p. L; p. men.. hid , 
 Mxnjaweganjan s. «m. white spot on 
 a ftnger-nail, (mark of pouting;)pl. 
 Mindaweganji, {nin) n. v. I have I 
 white spots on my nails: 3. d 1 • ' 
 p. men. .id. ' ^ ' 
 Mindawc.hk, {nin) n. v. I am in -i 
 bad habu of pouLg, I amTpout 
 er, d. p.-«; p. mvn..kid. 
 dene""' '" ^'°"''"^' ^^- ''''"■ 
 Mi7idawewinagos, {nin) n. v. I look 
 cross, dissatisfied; 3. p.-e; p.,; J!; 
 Mmdihiaah, {nin) n. v. f weep much, 
 Mndid, iiin) n. v. I am large, big, 
 buky;3.p.-c;; p. mmdidod. ' ^' 
 Mzndinme, s. an old woman: pj - 
 tag. ' ^ 
 Mi,i4imoitiw, {nin) n. v. I am an old 
 woman; 3. p.-^•; p. men..wid. 
 Mvrdzmoihni.^ s. wife. This word 
 isalwa;,^- preceded bya possessive 
 pronoun.-iY«« mindimoiemi^Ji, m v 
 wife, (my bad old woman.) 
 Mi>uijikdwa?i, s. an. mitten; glove; 
 mndjimdpide, or-niagad; u. v. it is 
 ln%aL '''""'' P- "''^"'••^^^' - 
 Mmdjimdpidjigade, ov-magad, u. v. 
 '^boSt^'^''^'''' ^'^'"^ "• ^- ^ «"> 
 Dound, 3. ^--o; p. me7i,.8od. 
 Mimljhnapidjige, {nin) n. v. l 
 bimi.Itie;3.p.l\;pA„„,.^,^. ' 
 M«;;r/j,md/jarfa«, (^j,-;,,) a. v. in. I bind 
 It, J. p. OWm^...; p. »i^;i..rfoi?. 
 MiiuljimapiJcaigas, {nin) n. v. I am 
 fettered, chained; 3. p.%; p. ^..^ 
 Mindji^apina, {nin) 2.. v. a^. I bind 
 M/W>-,^i«^(,„,^ (wm) n. v. I keep in 
 It in my memory, I don't forget it; 
 3.n._om;,,...; p.men..ang. ' 
 ^?'?'y«.'»«'«^;a (««) a. v. an I keen 
 Mimljimemndis, (nin) r. v. I think 
 on myself, I taL care of mysS- 
 J. P.-O, p. m€7l..S<;d. ' 
 'in-hir ' ■ 
 ,r-. r. ■') F- "i-^n-..s<;u,. 
 Wm'T'^T^^-^-"^- I hold 
 tiun, I keep lam back; 3. p. n 
 J!^>n..n;p.mcn..nad. ' ^ ^ 
 Mindnminarnawa, {nin) a. v. an I 
 withhold s. th. from him; 3. p „ 
 '^,'^^~««. .('"■«) a. v. in. I hold 
 I \u:J,:! P- °.i^*'*-; P- rnen..ang. 
 ' Mtndjvmmdts, (nin) r. v. I keen 
 myse f back from s. th., I withhSd 
 TdlfjT " ^'•' ' -f-"n. 'at 
 stain, 3. p -ry; p. men.. sod. 
 Mindjimimdisowin, s. moderation 
 refraining, seIf-co'mmar"°"' 
 Mindjznmhkagon, (nin) pars. v. it 
 ^eps me, it holds me; 3. p " 
 m;i...; p. men.. god. ^' 
 MindjimiMaioa{nin) a. v. an. I hold 
 him under me; 3. p. minj;v 
 men.. wad. ""y-'tf p. 
 M,idjimisModjigan. s. any heavy ob- 
 UinSjimisTikcdjige, (nin) n. v. I am 
 putting a heavy object on s. th.: 
 d. p. I.;p. 7)lctl..gid. 
 Mindjimishkodm, {nin) a. v. in 1 
 put some heavy object on it, to 
 keep It down, or to keep it steady: 
 S. p.o mm...: p. men. .dad. 
 Jltndjinmhl-ona, {mjt) a. v. „n I 
 put some heavy thing on some an. 
 obj., in order to keep him (her, it) 
 oown; 3. p. o «««..«; p. mm..nad.: 
 imp. — icoj . ' 
 Mindjimmm, u. v. it holds, it is 
 strong; p. men.. sing. 
 Mindjimisd'amawa, (nin) or, nrn 
 mtndjiniissitawa, a. v. an. I .lut it 
 m his mind; 3, p. o min..nx p. 
 •men.. wad. ^ 
 Mindnmmsin^ u. v. it holds, it is 
 caught, 1 cannot draw it to me; p 
 inen..zng. ' ^ 
 Mindjhmsnitchigade, o\-m<iqad^ u. 
 y. it IS well founded, it has a strong 
 ioundation; p. mm..deg, ox-ma- 
 ^indjinawemdaJcamig, adv. it is a 
 pity, It IS regretful. 
 'iftndjinmi>eiatdam,{mn)n.\. 1 have 
 sorrowful and repenting thoughts: 
 ,;?• p.- ^•5 P- ^'it'n..ang. 
 Attndjtnawes, {nin) n. v. I repent I 
 am sorry to have done s, th.:'3 
 p.-i; p. men,.dd. 
 ,/.y sorrow for having done s. th. 
 Mtndohad, u. v. there is dew on the 
 ground; p. mendolcak. 
 u *"V ^V,?'*- ^'^^^ '"'it of the thorn- 
 shrub; |F. cenelle;] \A.-ag. 
 Utnegsagawanj, s. aw. thorn, thorn- 
 shrub, thorn-bush; p\.-iq 
 Hineumj, s the City of IVlilwaukie 
 Min-giaiss, s. an. the moon of l)il. 
 berries or whortleberries, the 
 month of August. 
 Mini, s. apostume, abscess, or rather 
 the matter or pus that is in an 
 ahscess, or runs out of it. 
 Minidim, 3. ind. pers. ihey are given i 
 8. th. Minidiiig, when th(!y are 
 £iven s. th,, when presents are dii?- 1 
 tributed amongst them. The time 
 01 presents. 
 Minidimin, {nin) com. v. we gives. 
 Ui. ti, one another; p. manididjiq. 
 Minuhs.{nin) r. v. I give it or furnish 
 It to myself; I cause it tome; 1 im- 
 Minidii,cn,{ni7i) a. v. in. I furnish 
 It to myself; 3. p. o min...:v,. man., 
 s'd. ' 
 Minidisonan, (nin) a. v. an. 1 furnish 
 to myself some an. obj.; 3. p. o 
 m« . ; p. man..f>cd. ( V. Coni. ) 
 JUtfiidtnun, s. gift, present, given or 
 received by several persons; pl.- 
 Miuidixnn, s. the act of giving or 
 distributing gifts or presents to 
 several persons. 
 IJinigns, {nin) n. v. I am given s th 
 a prei^ent is made to me; 3. n -r 
 p. manigoa/d ' 
 Mnigoiiiii, or minigosiwin, s. gift 
 present, contribution, receive^! — 
 b._ JSUgiwewin—Ml sa onoiv nin 
 mtmgomnan; these are my pres- 
 ents (/received.) 
 Minigowis, {nin) n. v. something is 
 ■given to me by divine poodness. 
 or spiritual influence; 3. p.-^•• n 
 man. .kid. i ' i 
 Mwa/-, adv. go much, as much as... 
 Mtnikitn, s. seed; pl.-an. 
 Minikdn, s. an. seed an.; rA.-ag.— 
 Mmikanag^ ogowopinig, kaicinnin 
 m-umwukkzg; these potatoes are 
 lor seed, I will not eat them 
 Miwkc,{nin)n. v. I gather whortle- 
 berries; 3. n. ].; p. muniled. 
 J'hinkivnddn, (nin) a. v. in. I spend 
 It for drinking, 1 drink it; 3. p. o 
 imn ..; p. mr.n..ang. 
 Alimhvddjigun, s. an'v drinking-ves- 
 sel, pot, pitcher, glass, goblet, 
 tumbler; pl.-««. '^ ' 
 Minikw<kljigan, s. gallon .—iVVw^o 
 mmikwadjigati, one gallon; n/jo 
 fmsonw, nam minihwadjiganl 
 two, three, four, five gallonl'etc. 
 —Kzkhkitchituj mi?idwdiljigdn, a 
 '"??; J. p. ].,• p. mcn.tjed. 
 ^inihrdn^. (,,/«) a. v. „. I .spon.i 
 It for (Irn.lcn^, I ,lri„k it, (,m. 
 oli,].)_3. p- OOT,//,..«; p. mcii..Ha,l.~~ 
 h<'i.ma.ojo,,naman n yl-mniikwd. 
 'f' "lion-. ^ lie, Irank all hi.smoncv.) 
 M-'udlwi (nh,)xi. V. I drink, 3. p. 1.; 
 Umikwin, )nm) a. v. m. 1 ,irink if 
 •i. p. mm...; p. mcnikwed. 
 MhrilcxrhUk, {,in) n.v. I am in a 
 '="1 hn^nt of drinking (intoxirat- 
 Mi^nkwcM,:nn. s. l,«,i balut of 
 ^«"^'^"'''^'^''-''^"*/«'7'V/afl^, s. dun. tPMi- 
 peranre-., ledge; p|..,^,,. 
 Minihrewujami<j, s. drinking-ho„se 
 Mnik'vemn, s. drinkinT. 
 Jf«;;.e7vr,vr//„>,«„,, „. y. it is drink; 
 they dniik ,t; p. jncn .ana. 
 Mtmns s. dim. a small pimple or 
 pustule,- p|.-„«,. ^ ^ . 
 Mt7^JM.v//r/V„//, (nln) n. y. [ havp a 
 small j.uiiple on my lip; 3. p, L.-n 
 men.. (I III/. ' ' '''I 
 Mwi.v.v s island, isle; pl.-«,,. 
 mmmohik. s. ronk-islaud; pi.-w, 
 Mi7!e,*,s-,,.y nidannkid, or, «.,>;,,.;/,;,, 
 endr,j/.hrm-,dmL p. s. 1. he who is 
 a native ol an island, or. he who 
 lives on an island, islander- ■ I - 
 m- '■ ' 
 mnu^ina. s. warrior, soldier; hero; 
 Slinu.'^iiio.oyinia, s. military officer; 
 J!^-7C: ... 
 }A.im,snnuw. [mn) n. v. I am a war- 
 rior; I am luave; 3. p.-/; p. num.. 
 ^misstnn?i'ddu, (nin) n. v. I am a 
 hero; 3. p.-/; p. 'men...sid. 
 mnismuUvinini, s. hero; ^\.-ivaq. 
 MtmtKj, s. an island m a river; v\ - 
 an. '^ ' 
 ^iiiitlj djijran, s. an island in a 
 rapid or in rapids; pl.-«//. 
 Miulw, {ai^) „. V. I have an alvscess 
 with matter in, the matter runs 
 out of my abscess; 3. p. miniwi; 
 p. vu'Hiind. ' 
 ^iniw (nm) n. v. I bring forth, I 
 yie d film ; 3. p.-/,- p. nianuvid.- 
 ^"'^'Uki mniiwi, the tree produces or 
 >i^<Hils fruit; mauiu'id miluj, fruit- 
 mniwan, n. v. matter or ihis is run- 
 t'rin-s fori h matter; \^. mnuwano 
 fhur • 1; "• '■ "' ''™'''^^«« "'• >'eK 
 luiit, p. muiiiiratu/. 
 ^tjiiu-djdm', {jrln) n. v. f have the 
 consumption. 1 am consumptive! 
 ph.Ksical, 3.p.i.,-p.,,,,./,^_ 
 ^nni'/fe'- ^ "^"^ "• ^'- ' ''^^^-^ ^-^ fetid 
 "ost, [i-.jesuispunais;] 3. p. l.? 
 M««o, adj. & adv. good; vvell. 
 ^^'^'''";',"'>,("^>)n. V. Jam well, in 
 good health; I am ooinC.rfible and 
 well Off; 3. p.].; p. ,«.„„,, -.^^ 
 cnm.'jl'; 'P^'^' ^^isf''"'^". ^m cir. 
 Mwr^/;/.(«/,,^n, v.i am gay and feel 
 contented, in liquor; .3. ^ , ' 
 Miuohmt,ov~n2amd. u. n-. it is navisa- 
 hie. good tor )iavi.;ntioa, (a river; 1 
 '^H'"' ''■i"!'i</i''^', 0>z>ij n.v. 1 live well; 
 1 am m good health; 1 am good 
 huiuor; 3 p.-,;; p. num..,/J. 
 hea th, good kind temperament, 
 good humor. 
 Mi/uid(is/u,nm. ( ni?i) n. v. pi. we are 
 just enough, we are in a suflici(^nt 
 number; 3. p. muoda./nwaa; p. 
 Miiiudamil,, li. v. there is inst enough 
 of It; meii...sin<f. 
 Mimde, or-ma>jdd, u. v. it is well 
 done well cooked; p. ^,Wcv, or- 
 Ui>,.oJce,(nm) n. v. I have a good 
 heart I an. good-hcar«» gcK 
 3. p. I.;p. wmWcW. ^» ''*'''"' 
 MW<'m, («/,;) a. V. «„./ console 
 him, I .nako him be of good cour- 
 S.^r' ''""'''-^ '' ''• " --••'^= p- 
 ^^'^''^f^'^''^*, s. goodness of heart 
 good-nature, gentleness. 
 mn.0 <l,la,a„win, s. good action, ben- 
 eht; pi. -a/*. ' 
 mnoyijujad yi. V. it is fair weather, 
 itisajineday; p. ?«^«,.w, 
 MwiOr/tywc^vrWi, («/«) n. v. J Ijgve a 
 hne, fair weather, (for traveling: i 
 ,,?• P--«)' P- men. .id. *"' 
 iVTi/W/,, „. V it produces well, /a 
 field;agardcn;j p. ,n^,„y[,„,: ^ 
 ble.produc.ng fruit; p. mcn..</cul. 
 Mznotalmdad, ,.. v u 'is useful; „ 
 mnoidhadis, inm) n. v. I am useful 
 (a person, or any other a?i. obi ) ]' 
 P--',- p. vicn..sid. ''' ' 
 Uinoiahadju,, (nln) a. v. cm. I make 
 a good use of hini, he is useful te 
 me (a person or some other an 
 ol.j.) J p. „ ,nin..n; p. men..ad. 
 ^inoiidjadjdon,{nin) a. x.ia. I make 
 agoodusoof It, itisusefuitonv■ 
 J. p. ».,;«,«,...; p. me,i..t,d. 
 Th.V'"''^'''\r/^ "-v. lam good, 
 fluct, 1 have good qualities, I am 
 virtuous; 3. p.-,Vp. ;,,,,..,,•;; 
 ./nnVr'.' '"'""''"' '• 800d conduct, 
 good b.diavior, goodness, virtue. 
 ^i>io-inawimaAn<n)ix. v. an. I am 
 on good and peaceful terms with 
 luni, I am his friend, or, ho is my 
 ilmo-mawcndlndn, {ml) com. v 
 we are on good friendly terms 
 with one another; p. men..didH,i 
 Mmo-inawendlwin, I friendsl p 
 peace, good terms. ' ' 
 Minnnmiimayis, {nin) n. v. I am a 
 ^^ood man good-natured; 3. nil 
 p. mcn..iid. •/'•', 
 Minodyoninmly.ns. v. what I 
 ate, („r .hank, does me good; I 
 Jlig'^^^t It well; It makes a good ef- 
 fect ill me, (a medicine taken;) 3,. 
 P- o mm...] p. mcn.^n.d. 
 ^hnnl-anuojad, n. v. it fits well,. 
 (clothini.,')p. „u7*..ya/t. 
 ^h,v,hinu, (/./«) ,>. vj I have a good: 
 fix'tmg „n my trail or ro.-wlf (or 
 standing somewhere;) 3. p. 1 • n 
 ■nun. .mid. ^ ■''' ^ 
 t»'P>;,) p. n,cn..tug. MuiohLig, 
 in spring. ^' 
 Min„him-i<,a, u. v.. there is good 
 ground, good soil; p. ,;,,,,.._4. 
 MmoLuUmn) a. v. i«. I put it well 
 on, (clothing,) It htsme well; 3 
 Mtno kdunmvahama, {nil) n. y. an. 
 vmd ' ^'' "'''"'-''■' P- »^n.. 
 MnokiJcinon'ahnnuj, {nin) pass. v. 
 he imitates my good example, I 
 ample '' ^ ^'^""^ ^'"^ ^ ^°°'^ «^- 
 Mim kiluHnvahaniigou'in, s. good ex- 
 Htnple ^,i-cy,, edification. 
 Miiml'ikinnvahindann-, (nin) n v 
 1 give a good example, 1 edify;" 3'. 
 ^niiokd-tnowuhundahrrwin, s. good 
 examph; ,//,-.«,, edilication. 
 .m^n''-^"'-^^^^^^^^^ any thing that 
 smells well, perfume, 
 Mmomdqns, {nin) n. v. [ smell well; 
 3. p.-2; p. mcn..sid. 
 Minmnanodwin, s. good smell, good 
 odor, sweet scent. 
 Mia.oni,<iioaMl-min, {nin-) a. v. in T 
 iH.rii It on metal, to make a good 
 Mmomaywabikidyan, s. anv olScr 
 made 01 metal, to burn on "it frank' 
 mcense or any other thing that 
 sniells well; censer, incensory; pi; 
 ^i'i'nna(jimUki,i<fc, (nin) n v T 
 Mino?nai/walU;iswa, {nin) a. v. aw. 
 I burn on metal some an. obj., (as 
 . a-Yemn tobacco,) to give a good 
 odor : 3. p. „ mm.,n ; p. mfn..wad; 
 imp. min.Avi. 
 Min(,»i„,,wad, u. v. it smells well ; p 
 mcn..wak. * ' 
 MinmnApwadjljf,,,, s. pron. mino- 
 mafl(Miji(/a/i, whicli sec. 
 Mn.mM,jwaKs9{fa7i, a. any thing that 
 sme Is well when burnt, incense, 
 innnvinf]irnH,sif!e, (mn) n. v. I burn 
 s. th. that smells well, I burn in- 
 jy«'I'ncense;3. p. ].;p. „,,^.. 
 mncm(im.a, (mn) a. v. an. he smells 
 well to me, (any rt;^ obi.) 3. p. o 
 mm..n; p. men. .ad. ' 
 Jftnomnndan,(nin) a. v. ?«. it smells 
 well to me, I like its odor ; 3. p o 
 mill... ; p. men..an(j. 
 Minrmdndjigc, {nin) n. v, I smell a 
 good odor, s. th. smells well tome- 
 3. p. 1.; p. men..<ied. ' 
 Ifmomasw a^sema. n. v. 3, p. tobacco 
 smells well; p. mm. .sod. 
 Mtnomatc ox-magad, u. v. it smells 
 well when burnt ; p. men. .ten, or 
 Minonawm. {nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him contented, I satisfy him I 
 please him ; 3. p. ,; min..n ; p. men 
 Minong, Isle Rnyal, Lake Superior. 
 Jjinons, s. cat, puss. ♦ 
 ifinnpnlan, (nin) a. v. m. I find a 
 good taste in some thing I am eat- 
 ing or drmking, I relish it, I like 
 the taete o! it ; 3. p. o min... : p 
 m,en,..ang. ^ ' * 
 Mindpidji'ge.inm) n. v. T find a good 
 taste in victuals; 3. p. I.; p. men.. 
 ged.-JSmPnteh m.ino aia aw aiahn- 
 std,javjioa minonuljige ; this sick 
 person is somewhat IJetter, he al- 
 ready finds a good taste in victuals. 
 Jfmopogosi, n. v. 3. p. he (she, it) 
 has a good taste, a fine flavor ; p 
 men..sid. ^ ' 
 ifmopognsiwin, s. good taste, good 
 fine flavor, relish. 
 Mnopogirnd, ii. v. it has a good taste 
 TTis good, delicate, delicoiis, (to 
 rne pal^;) p. me.n..ivah. 
 Mino/mS^nin) a. v. an. ] find a 
 good taste m some an. obj. I am 
 oatmg, I relish it, I like t)io tastn 
 of It; 3._p. mm..n ; p. mcndpwad: 
 imp. ?nin/)/in'i. 
 Mnna/im, (nin) n. v. I lie well, com- 
 lorlably; 3. |). l.;p. men..ing. 
 ■ifinfM/ikdgemagarl, u. v. it do.^s good 
 It operates well, (a medicine ;) p' 
 men..gak. ^ 
 MinoshMne, or-magad, u. v. it goes 
 welin, It fits juk in, (a key in a 
 l<'Ck, etc.) p. 7ncn.,neff, OT-nvumk. 
 Mtnoso, n V. 3. p. it is well dbne, 
 well cooked, (some an. obi ) n 
 mcnnsnd.-S. Minodc. 
 Minnsse, (nin) n. v. I walk well, ea- 
 sily ; 3 p. 1. ; p. menossed. 
 Minmse or-mamd, u. v. it goes wel 
 It does well, it fits well ; p. menoa- 
 i>eg, ox-ningaJc. 
 3//ndmn, u. v. it lies well, it is well 
 placed or put; p. mennssing. 
 Mindmton, (nin) a. v. in. J'place it 
 well; 3. p. o min... ; p. mm..t,)d. 
 Mrn,,fdgai, (nin) n. v. I am heard 
 with pleasure, I speak or sing a<r- 
 reeably, I have an'agreeable voic?- 
 3. p.-i; p. mfn..sid. 
 Mlndtam, (nin) n. v. I listen with 
 pleasure; 3. p. l.; p. ^nrnoianq. 
 Minnfamdmngad, u. v. pers. it listens 
 with jdeasure ; p. meno..f,al:~De- 
 bemmiian. nitawagan minotamD- 
 mogadon h'd iHt„winan; Lord 
 my ears listen with pleasure to 
 thy word. 
 Minotdn. (nin) a. v. in. I listen to it 
 with pleasure, I hear it with plea- 
 sure, I like to hear it; 3. p. omin . • 
 p. mcnotanq. 
 tndtaiva (nin) a. v. an. f listen to 
 him with pleasure, I like to hear 
 bun ; 3. p.o min..n ; p. men..wad. 
 Minotch, adv. still, but still, yet 
 nevertheless, notwithstanding ' 
 M^ndtchige,(nin) n. v. I act well- 
 s' p. ].; p. men..ged. 
 I a pood taatn, 
 • I'^licoiis, (to 
 an. J find a 
 '• ol)j. I am 
 iko tlio t;iste 
 ». mtuiipwad; 
 ie well, com- 
 it (lo'\'i good, 
 ediciue;) p. 
 1- V. it goes 
 (a key in a 
 , QT-nvifjak. 
 well done, 
 m. ohj.) p. 
 Ik well, ea- 
 t goes vveh, 
 ; p. nienos- 
 II, it is well 
 ■ i plane it 
 men.. tod. 
 am hoard 
 or sing ag- 
 able voice: 
 isten with 
 i. it listens 
 '..rial'- De- 
 nt not a nil)- 
 n; Lord, 
 ensure to 
 isten to it 
 'vith plea- 
 . omin...; 
 listen to 
 3 to hear 
 en.. wad. 
 itill, yet, 
 ct well ; 
 Minottra, dun) n 
 >ifn m'motrMije, 
 .ifmo./rdinnci, Oihi) a. v 
 I name him well h 
 speak well of him; I gl 
 exalt lum; 3. p. u min 
 I name •' - " - 
 V. The same as. 
 V, an. 
 V. in. freq, 
 f^'lo.,rtndju,^e. Kin mino-whl 
 above /requcntative verbs; as • 
 Ainnnno-wawina. Ar{n wino-imt^ 
 >n>dan, etc., which see.-The si^. 
 nihcation is the .same in both kincFs 
 o vorbs; the frequentative verb 
 ^wiif!'"' ^^f") "• ''- (f'-O"! rnino. 
 we ;andr«.^,vV,, I We ;) I see 
 well ; ^ndnwd ob, I am sitted ;) I 
 1 sit well ; 3 p.-e ; p. menvdMd 
 Minvahameich, {nin) n. v. I am 
 lucky, I have k good chance :? 
 p.-i ; p. men. .ml. ' 
 Minwalaminiduin, s. good luck 
 pood chance. ' 
 Mimrahaminagos, (nin) n. v. I look 
 well, I am fair, beautiful, I have 
 ajne appearance; 3. p.-,-; 'p. X! 
 Mim'dhnminar/vad, n. v. it looks 
 well, u has a tine beautiful apSir 
 ance; p. men..iralc. ^ 
 Mi7iii:ahanda?n, (nin) n. v. I have a 
 pood dream ; 3. p. 1.; p. ^,;^.';^/ 
 Mznwahavdamowin, s. a good favoN 
 aWe dream; pi. -a«. 
 Mmwdhandun, (nin) a. v. m. I find 
 It good, xyell done, 1 approve of n- 
 7i/-' ^•'\'>i'-i"--l p. men. .ana. ' 
 Mmwahule (mn)n.Y. I h'ave good 
 lair teeth; 3. p. 1. ; p. ^,,,..^,Y 
 • ^•"'•'"ncoclcagnnslp'.oW...; 
 -, V- men..di<lj!a. '^ ' ' \ ^^- ''V^'-'i'm- 
 ifino mdjiudiwin, s. /nod peace and be W 7"' ^"'V "" ''■ ^ <'»"' ^o'"- 
 I,, -_. . „. i_ " Otaiing, I am of a patient dispo- 
 vve^Iofit, I glorify u, praise it; 
 freq it ,s well named, well spok- 
 eji of, It ,8 praised, celebrated"; it 
 octh!''''^ ' P- ^^«-^^.'7. or-ma. 
 ifino-wdwindjigadeu'in, s. good re- 
 nown, fe "U IC 
 .<//«o.w-«««'^ff,, (wm) n. v. freq 
 I am well named, r am well spol^: 
 en of, praised, celebrated, I llave 
 a good renown, good name. 
 Aluw-tcdwiniJimin, {nin) com. v 
 Ireq. we praise each other, we 
 speak well one of another; p. m^n 
 MhuMvdwinidis, {nin) r. v. freo I 
 praise myself, I speak always well 
 ofmysel_f;3 p.-o;p. , ,„..,;,^_ 
 .Vmn-wannnidiwin, s. mutual praise, 
 or praise of several persons. 
 ■ymo-wamnigfm,{nin)]3eTs. v. it prai- 
 ses me; 3 p.o min...; p. me?i..<,od. 
 -hid anoH/nn H mino-iodwinwon\ 
 thv work praises thee. Wercinqe. 
 ml imno-wditmincm od anoUwin; I 
 he who works wefl, is praised by' 
 his work; [G.das Wer£ lobt deh 
 Miiiowe, {nin) n. v. I have a fine 
 clearvoice;3.p l.;p.,„,„o«r^. 
 Mmo widjindunm, {nin) com. v. we 
 live together in good peace, we 
 agree well together, we are good, 
 friends ; p. men..di</j!g ' 
 tino v/djindi/cin, s. gnou nrace 
 harmony, concord, friendship. 
 Mmo miljiwa, {nin) a. v. an. I am 
 his friend or, he is my friend, ,1 
 agree well with him, I live in peace 
 aiKl harmony with him ; 3. p. o 
 mn..n ; p. men..zvad. 
 sitionofmind; 3. p. i 
 Uinwadendammiin, s. patience, for- 
 bearance, clemency. ' 
 Mmwddenima, (nin) a v. an. I think 
 he IS patient, I find him patient ; 
 p. min..n ; p. 
 men.. mad. 
 Minwadu, (nin) n. v. I am patient, 
 long-suirorinff; 3. p.- i; p. ?,im..at<f. 
 Mtnwadjim, {nin) n. v. I bring good 
 news, good tidings; 3.p.-o: n.men- 
 Mnwddjima, {nin) a. v. an. I tell s. 
 th. good of him, I maiie a good re- 
 port on him, I praise hinf; 3. p. 
 o 7mn..n ; p. nten..mad. 
 Mmwddjiimwin., s. a good report or 
 narration, good news,gooii tidings; 
 also, the Gospel, (Evangoly, which 
 signifies in Greek, (J^hkI tuUnKD.) 
 Mmwddjit,) (nin) n. v. I do well my 
 business, I act with patience and 
 perseverance; 3. p. 1.; p. vien..tod. 
 Minwadodtm, {nin) a. v. in. (I'rorn 
 mino, well ; and nin dihdJodnn, I 
 tell It;) r speak well of it, I praise 
 It ; 3. p. o min... ; p. men..ang. 
 Minwagami, u. v. it has a good taste, 
 It 13 good, (some liquid ;) p. men.. 
 viuj.~ Minwagami iw mashkikiwabo: 
 that medicine has a good taste. 
 Minwdgam'pidnn, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 find that this liquid has a good 
 taste ; 3. p. o mm... ; p. men..ana. 
 Alinwandjtge, {nin) n. v. I tare well, 
 I eat good things; 3. p. 1.; p.wi«j.. 
 Imwnnimad, u. v. the wind is fair; 
 p. men. .male. 
 MinwdiioH, {nin) n. v. {nin m,ino 
 anohi,) I am industrious ; 3. p. 1. • 
 p. men. .id. ' ' 
 Minwdsh, {nin) n. v. I have a fair 
 wind, I sail with a fair wind ; 3. 
 p.-» ; p. men .id. 
 Mimodssin, w. v. it is driven by a 
 fair wind; :^.men..vig. 
 Minwdwe au) awesai, n. v. 3. p. this 
 animal has a fine good fur; p. men- 
 Minioindaa^ {nin) a. v. an. S. Min- 
 Minwindagos, (nin) n. v. I am liked, 
 I am considered arrreeable, pleas- 
 ing, amiable ; 3. p.-i ; p. men..sid. 
 MinweTuiagosiwin, s. agreeableness 
 of a person, amability, amiable- 
 Minwendagwad, ii. v. U is consider- 
 ed agreeable, satisfying, pleasing 
 |B|^li!;htlul ; ^. men. .wale. 
 9f/fit^cnd^/rak-amig, adv. pleasant, 
 flg.i'fl'jHfci- (Jeget minwendugwaka. 
 mig f^Kiaieg oma; it is truly pleas. 
 ant to see how you are situated 
 M/nwendam, {nin) n. v. I am con- 
 tented, 1 am happy ; 1 consent, 1 
 am willing ; 3. p. ]. ; p. men..an,i. 
 Minwindamia, (ni7i)a. v. an. I make 
 him contented, I satisfy him ; 3. p. 
 min..n; p. m^n..ad. 
 Minwindamdwin, s. content, pleas- 
 ure, happiness; consent. 
 Minwinddn. {nin) a. v. in. 1 like it, 
 1 am happy to have it ; 3. p. o 
 mm... ; p. men.ang. 
 Minwfnima, {nin) a. v. an. I like 
 him; I like to have him, (a person, 
 or any other an. obj.) 3. p. o min.. 
 w; p. men..mnd. 
 Minwiwis, {nin) n. v. I am zealous, 
 faithful, constant ; industrious ; 
 complaisant ; 3. p.-/ ; p. men..t<id. 
 Minwiwwknndan, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 do It faithfully, with zeal and j.a- 
 tience j 3. p. o min... ; p. men. .an//. 
 Mtnu'ewtsil-andawa, {nin) a. v. ah. 
 I am zealous and faithful to him, 
 profitable to him ; 3. p. o min..n: 
 p. men.. wad. 
 Minwewisiwin, s. zeal at work, in- 
 Mini dash, or, mij>i dash gaie, and 
 also, likewise. 
 Mlmi, s. loach, (fish;) \>\.-ag. 
 Misdkamig, adv. everywhere on 
 Misasnn, s. a large stone, to sink a 
 net to the bottom of the lake ; pl.- 
 Migdfig, 8. a stick not split, round 
 piece of wood, cudgel; [F. rondin;! 
 Mudtigogaisse, {nin) n. v. I chop 
 round sticks, not splitting them ; 
 3. p. 1.; p. mes..sed. 
 Misdtigogwadan, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 sew It round, in a round shape ; 3. 
 p. omis... ; p. mes..ang. 
 MiWitigogwade, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 sewed in a round shape • n 
 Mimiigomidim, a. sto 
 'edging ;) |,|..,„,j. 
 always procedec i;; „'' '''"''^ '» 
 pronoun" S„i; P°''"'«'^« 
 etc. *' " '^^''^abiunndndn, 
 ^ii>hdkigan,{nin) n. v I hflv« », • 
 shmvashkode. ^ ^V^' 
 in one room ttt"-''-"'^ «" 
 "^ it. (in a house- rn'''*"'' 
 Mishdwaton, {nin) a.v in t ,« i 
 Jt a 1 in one rnnm i , ^ "ake 
 ition in 1V3 T ' '-T^^ "« Pa^-t- 
 'P> tne.. 
 iround the mouth- 3 n 
 ^'*A/>«./^7,V- board, 
 on the Je^ «, J^^Q- I have hair 
 ,;.''• -«i7. -^ ^'^^'"'nedsero^nf. 
 Pl.-«,r...' '• *''«• (bird of prey.) 
 she I or shieid ;]./"• tortoise's 
 -«^. ^' '• «"• «I'Ple-tree; pi. 
 V. I have a 
 3- p. 1.; p. 
 MkJiawcsi, n. V ^ n ,* • , . 
 hairy, (stuff L \\ ^ coarse, 
 ri^sli..ang. ' "'"> J- p. 1.; p. 
 mshidee, (nin) n. v T «,,, ' 
 -KA,(w.(«v;)„.v. Uia.eabMrU 
 *±"""-«*"''".». apple .esl'ij' 
 ^ishinad, u. v thp^o • 
 *'e arm or aS' A^?^« ^airon 
 arms.) 3 p 7 n L ^T'i^^ ^rm or 
 name is givS fV. ? ~^- "' ^^^^ 
 I I"^''ans. (accordiij to h- ''''"^^ 
 of the Otchipwe, ?ii? "'^ ^^y^^S^^ 
 through the woods ^nT'^'''^'"^ 
 sometimes heard U'^-^^o are 
 never seen And frn^''?''"^' but 
 ived. ''"^'^""'»ac^««ac, is der- 
 I , great number- n l.f/^??*"^' '» 
 bair on th"e hanH « if'^'^; ^ bave 
 ?V/. ';"• p. 1., p. mesh.. 
 M^hinonikas, (nin\ r, .. 1 x. 
 many names- -Tn ^- ^, bave 
 \nshi}wtamuwa, (uin) a. v. a». I 
 augiiipnt or incrcsiso it lor hitn 
 or to him; 3. p.uMhh..n; p. 7,ush.. 
 Mishirwton,{nin) a. v. in.. S. MUhi- 
 Mii>huUh,{nin) n.v. or, vinmemi- 
 ghi.iule, n. V. froq. I have hair on 
 the foot or feet; 3. p. 1.; p. inef^k.. 
 Mlshiii'dlig, s. piece of dry wood for 
 fuel; kindle-wnod; pi. -on, 
 .Vin/uwatiijokf, {iiin) n. v. I chop 
 dry wood; 3. p. 1.; p. mtKh..M. 
 MishiH'ntKjosmij, s. pi. -on, S. Mi- 
 MishiuHiti<j(m<i ato mituj,n, v. 3. p. 
 that tree is dead and dry; p. 
 Misi, {nin) n. v. I exonerate the 
 bowels; 3. p. 1.; p. ituisid. 
 Mi'M, adj. & adv. all; everywhere. 
 Misid, apiece of meat. 
 Mindk-e, [nin) n. v. 1 cut meat into 
 pieces; 3. p. 1.,- p. vm.J-ed. 
 yfisi grgo, aav. all, 
 Mui gegom-gijiud, p. s. a. He who 
 has made all, Creator. 
 Misi gego Icelccndmuj, p. s. a. He who 
 knows all, the Omniscient. 
 MiH gego 7iitawltnd, p. s. a. He who 
 can make all, the Almighty. 
 Misihwasilcama, (nin) n. v. the snow 
 sticks to my snowshoes; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. mes..mad, 
 Misimdnisiwin, s. wickedness. 
 Minmdnisiwinish, s. wicked person; 
 pl_. -ng, 
 Midmin, s, rye; pi. -mi^ 
 Misisdk, s. horse-fly, ox-fly; pi. 
 Misme, s. turkey; y\.-g.~Sasega 
 wiisme, pea - cock. ' Jlisismis, 
 young turky; pi. -a^. 
 Misme. adv. everywnerc. 
 Misiwehmn, {nin) a. v. in. (from 
 misiirc, everywhere; and nind oji- 
 hian, I mark it or write it:) I write 
 the paper all over, 1 write on 
 every part of it; 3. p. o ^wi.-;...; p. 
 Ifidwehiigade, or -magad, u. v. it is 
 ^ten all over, everywhere on 
 liccaojl paper; p. vn'i*..df<i, or 
 Misii>^l^glvin) a. V. an. S. Mi^: 
 J/isiwc eiad, p. s. n. He who is 
 everywhere, the Omnipresent. 
 Miniivt'ia, or -magad, u. v. it i.s 
 whole, entire, all of it; p. nirfi..ag, 
 or -magak. 
 Mi:si)r(i(ihi\-nd. u. v. it is whole or 
 entire, (metal;) p. mr)i..kal\ 
 MifdircnthltlM (j(miia, nssin,) n, v. 
 3. p. it is entire, (an. obj. of silver 
 or stone;) p. niea..sid. 
 Midwiiahid, n. v. 3. p. it is whole 
 or entire, (an. obj. of wood;) p. 
 MitiipdiuhvaJ, u. v. it is all entire, 
 (wood;) p. mrs..9i'ah 
 Mid>regad, u. v. it is whole, entire, 
 (obj. of stuft'or paper;) p. me»..(ial'. 
 Misiwfgid, n. v. 3. p. it is entire, 
 {an. obj. of stufl; moshive, »aiibd;) 
 p. 7})<'fi..{iid. 
 Misiwiiiinujan, the hand, (without 
 the fingers.) Nin midwenindjnn, 
 my hand; o midwinindjan, his 
 hand, ice. 
 Jifidtvesfil-amagad. u. v. there is of it 
 everywhere, all is cox f^red with 
 it; p. 77ie.^..gah. 
 Aiidwid, n. v. 3. p. it is whole, 
 entire, no piece is wanting, (aw. 
 obj.) p, 7nes..dd.—Juilabi misiwed 
 aw/hihcfjigan; this loaf of bread 
 is yet entire, (nothing has been 
 broken off.) 
 ■ifid/i'etvhigaJe, or -magad, u. v. it 
 is made all of one piece, or, it is 
 all in one piece; p. mes..deg, or 
 3fidwefrhigan, s. Alg. S. Sigaigan. 
 MisiwttchishHicagina pahoejir/an, 
 {nin) a. v. an. I work up" flour 
 into dough; 3. p. omis-.v; p. ?«t.<.. 
 Misiivetun, {ni7i) a. v. in. I make 
 it all of one piece; 3. p. o wus...; 
 p. mes..tod. 
 ^lisiirigamig, s. water-closet; pi. 
 M *M«^ * 8, red leaf; j.i. _„„. 
 are red leaves oii MLj^M 
 trees, (in the f„ll o^Bi^!^ 
 t :'td t::^^' ■' ^ ^- l'- ^1^^-' 
 Mi,.sko,„d, s. „,,. vvo„lu,i «irdle (,; 
 -«y. ^^ <="'"" ro a ra^sade ;],,). 
 M!.kn^addah,H. wool for girdles or 
 mrs..ked. ' ' ' ''• I 
 JiMiduk, s. beet, beet-roof ,,1, 
 ^ifokmjc, s. red-hot co=ils; rrij 
 Mislynigade, or -TOtf^/«f/, „. v. it is 
 Mi,ti,m,m. 8. red n«iiell. 
 red-hot, (m.'tni;) ,;. 
 inrs..dey. or 
 MU-..,ai,hwjade, OT~ma,,cul, u. v. it 
 IS pamted red, (wood ) p. ,,^V 
 Midwalakm, n. v. :). p. jt j„ „d- 
 nittal or stone;),,. „,,,,_ .^ 
 "'ako ,t red-hot: onetai;,;.f5:p^ 
 i^^Jv.riWM^a;., s. copper-mine, pl. 
 MUwdhikol-e, OUn) n. v. I work or 
 produce coi.per;' I work t a 
 ■^t^/i^ivuHLuki-oguna, s. Airent or 
 ^bifsiSssf "t' ^- '^"rPer-inining 
 business, trade or vvorUf a miner 
 111 acojjper-minn.. 
 on!!^^''"'^'"''"i"'' «• 'niner in a 
 copp«r-nnne; pl. -u^aa. 
 ^';^;^kon,,^.an,. a cent; pl. -a^. 
 Mikossaguiiiraso, n. v. 3. p, it is I unZ^T^"'"'' "' "'^- » cent; pl. -as 
 5-a red, Cwood. ...;, p.^ J,/! ^^finv^i^llX^frj^ 
 J//.io^am,8. red turnip, that is ,/i'''.)'!^^^ tobacco; pl.'"'?"' '"'^ 
 ^^M:wd, or -tna'(/ad, u. v. it is red- Mi^w f',®' ''''"^"•^^e- (red liouid ) 
 ?-i>i'shiuaj, or -mumk. 
 ■^if'vnUinin) n. v. I have the 
 Wuody ilux, the dysentery: 3. p. ] 
 'Vjskiruhujan.s. an. red clay. 
 ^ukwalmjanowamn, s. an. Stone of 
 __ied clay, that is, a brick; p. -e^. 
 •Note. In this and some others of the 
 turtle, [C tortue barree;] pl. -war, 
 Mi6;kwailesdodaohwan, s an. tS 
 shell of this kind of turtle 
 ^•"'«'^*'f«. a. V. in. I dve ir/edTa 
 /!«■«««</£, n.v. I dye red: 3. p. 1 • 
 MisTcwddisso, or miskwamo, n. v. 3. 
 p. it is dyed red, {an, obj.) p. mes.. 
 Muhivadicma, (nm) or, nin mis- 
 hwdmwa, a. v. an. I dye it red, 
 (a«. obj.) 3. p. 7?iis..n; r), met.. 
 Miskwddite, or -magad, or miskwdn- 
 de, or -magad, u. v. it is dved red; 
 p. mes..eij, 
 MisJcwdgami, u. v. it is red,(li-uid;) 
 p. mes..mig. 
 MisJcwdgamiwi-Tdtchigami, a. Red 
 Mskwdgarniivi-sihi, s. Red River. 
 Mishwaje, {nin) n. v. I have a red 
 skin, or my skin is rer!; also, T 
 have the measles; [F. j'ai 1-a rou- 
 geole;] 3. p. 1.; p. mes..jed. 
 JUishoajewzn, s. measles. 
 MisTcumkone, or -tuagad, u. v. it 
 blazes, (the fire;) p. mes..neg, or 
 Miekwdnahwad, ti. v. the clouds are 
 red, (in the morning or evening;) 
 p. ineB..wak. 
 Mishvdkwanaie, {nin) n. v. I dress 
 in red; 3. p. 1.; p. mes..ied. 
 Mishvdnagek, s. an. cinamon; {mis- 
 htvd, red; wanagek, bark.) 
 Miskivdnagekosi,'n. v. 3. p. it h^i a 
 red bark, {an. obj.) p. mes..sid. 
 Miskwdndih, s. (pron. mvikondih,) 
 red-head, a kind of serpent; pi. 
 Miskwdndihe, s. (pron. miskondibe,) 
 red-head, a person with red hair; 
 . [L. rufus,] pi. -g. 
 Miskwdndihe, {nin) n. v. (pron. nin 
 miskondihe,) 1 have red hair, (a 
 red head;) 3. p. 1.; p. mes..hed. 
 Miskwanebin, s. red carp, (fish;) pi. 
 Mistiwanikwe, {nin) n. v. I have red 
 hair, (a red head;) 3. p. 1.; p. mes.. 
 Miskwdnoioe, (nin) n. v. I have a 
 red cheek; 3. p. 1.; p. mes. .wed. 
 Mishvashkade, {nin) n. v. my belly 
 is red; 3. p. 1.; p. mes.-ded. 
 Miskwdssah, s. an. arse, buttocks. 
 jUgk^ssige ginss, n. v. 3. p. the 
 MiskwuW^l^lHvagLvan. s, an. piiie 
 or calumet of red stone; p. -ag. 
 MiskwdtcMss, s. S. Mid-otchiss. 
 Miskwdwad, u. v. the sky is red; p. 
 Miskwdwak, s. an. red cedar; pi. -r,g, 
 MMwdwakoka, or -maqad, u. v. 
 there are red cedars; p. ;«e»..W 
 or -magak. 
 Miskwdr-akokan, s. a place where 
 there are red cedars; Red Lake. 
 Miskwdivan, or iniskwdwandjigath, 
 the yolk of an egg. 
 Mhkm(jad,\x.\\ it is red, (stuf i {,, 
 jiliskwigin, s. red cloth, scarlet. 
 Mishwegid, n. v. 3. p. it is red, (stuft, 
 an. obj.) p. iiuii..sitl. 
 Miskweiab,s. S. Oskweiah. 
 Miskwess, s. red oyster; pl.-a^, 
 JJinkwi, s blood. 
 Miskwi-ahwes, {nin) n. v. / sweat 
 blood; 3. p.-o; p. 7nes..sod. 
 Miekwimin, s. an. raspberry; [F. 
 framboise;] pl.-a^. 
 Miskwiminogaivanj, s. an. raspberry- 
 bush; pl.-«y. 
 Miskwimmi-gisiss, s. an. the moon 
 of raspberries, the month of July. 
 This month is al^o sometimes ca" 
 ed, madwesige-gisiss, or, jt'o^^i 
 kisige-gisiss, gun-firing montn ; 
 from the circumstance that they 
 file guns on the fourth of July. 
 Miskwimito7i, {nin) a. v. in. I stain 
 it with blood; 3. p. o miii...\ p. mu 
 MiskwinjXej{nin)n. v. /hav? a red 
 face; ?. p. l.;p, i/tes..wed. 
 Miskwinmvejse, {nin) n. v. I blush 
 with shame; 3. p. L; ■p.m€s..sed. 
 Miskivit^, {nin) n. v. / bleed, (but 
 not at the nose;) /am stained with 
 blood; 3. p.-i; p. meskwiwid. (S. 
 Mifkwiwaganama, {nin) a. v. an, I 
 strike him bloody, /wound him; 
 3. p. tnis.,n; p. mes„mad. 
 Miil-win-ui,, u. V. it is bloody, stained 
 with blood; {• mes..an^. -j^ 
 MMiviwajd/ie, (mn)n T^/anfifflr 
 eased with an issue of^^d; X p. 
 1.; p. meii..n€d. ^^r 
 ^lUl-ifin-a/dntwin, a. issue of blood, 
 'iilMwiwiu, {mil) a. v. an, /makaj 
 hiin bleed, (not at the nose,) / 
 slied his blood; also, / stain him 
 with blood; 3. p. o mis..n; p. mes.. 
 Mid'wiumindji, (nin) n. v. / bleed 
 on my hand, my hand is bloody: ;{. 
 p. l.;p. mes..id, 
 MinhviwwtJe, {nin) n. v. /bleed on 
 my foot, my foot is bloody; 3. p. 
 ^Aissdbaje, ^.if«) n. v. my skin is 
 hairy; 3. p. 1.; p. mes-jed. 
 yiissaham-a, {nin) a. v. an. I see him 
 plainly, ( a person or some other an. 
 obj, ) 3. p. o mis..n; p. mes..vuid. 
 'Slisaubandaa, {nin) a. v. an. I mani- 
 fest it to him, I show it to him 
 plainly^ 3. p. omiss. n; p. mes..ad. 
 ^\iss(ihandan,{nin) a. v. in. I see it 
 plainly; 3. p. o mis., i, p. m€S..avg. 
 Missdhassim, s. poodle-dog^ i}\.-og. 
 yHssdhe, s. giant; also, a very big 
 stout man; pl.-jy. 
 'Missabcndjakmi, s. long moss hang- 
 ing from the branches of trees; [G. 
 Missdbi(/(m, s. large pumpkin; pl.-a^. 
 ^Usttdbus, a. hare; pL-og. 
 J/moJ, s. belly; stomach; paunch. — 
 This word is always preceded by 
 a possessive pronoun, which forms 
 only one word with its noun; as; 
 Niimii6'ul, my belly; kimimid, thy 
 belly, etc. 
 -Vimikahwidjish, a. badger; [F. blai- 
 reau; G. Dachs;] pl.-a</. 
 Missameg, a. whale; ^^\.^wag. 
 Missan, a. pi. wood to iiiake fire, 
 wood for fuel. 
 Mmanashk, s. thistle; pl.-</«. 
 Mifsawk), a. black squirrel; pl.-o^. 
 Mismnsi, s. black eagle; pl.-^. 
 . V. an. I covet 
 miss..n; p. 
 Mlssanwi, ox~magad, u. v. the snow 
 is falling from the branches, from 
 the trees; p. mes-iviy^ ox-mugak. 
 Miimwd, conj. thougli, although, 
 even il, notwithstanding. 
 Migsawendamaua, {nin) a. v, an. I 
 covet s. th. that belongs to him, 
 or relates to him, I wish to have 
 it; 3. p. omis..n;p. mcs..wad. 
 Mmaivhidam, {nin) n. v. I cevet, 1 
 pm covetous, I wish to have s. th.; 
 3. p. 1.; p. mts..ang. 
 Missaweiidamowin, s". covetousness, 
 avidity, covetous, desire to have 
 s. th. belonging to another person. 
 Missawenddn, (niii) a. v. in. I covei 
 it, I wish to have it; 3. p. o mw...; 
 p. mc.ang. 
 Missawhtdjige, {nin) n. v. S. Missa- 
 Musaweiidjigewin, s. S. Missawin- 
 Missaivenima, {nin) a. 
 some an. obj.; 3. p. 
 ]f lissawenimmvin, a. concupiscence. 
 ^issawinindimn, covetousness. S. 
 MiDsawiganawaiama, {nin) a. v. an. 
 I look at her (him) with concupis- 
 cence, with lust, with covetous de- 
 sires; 3. p. omis..n; p. mes..mad . 
 Miseawiganawabanddn, {nin) a. v. 
 in. I look at it with a covetous de- 
 sire to have it; 3. p. o mis...; p. rnes 
 Miesawinage, {nin) n. v. I covet, 
 (relative to some an. obj.) 3. p. 1.; 
 jp. mes-ged. 
 Missawinamawa, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 covet some an. obj. belonging to 
 him or relating to him; 3. p. o mis 
 ..n; p. mes..wad. 
 Missawinan, («m) a. v. in. I covet it, 
 1 desire it inordinately; 3. p. o mis 
 ...; p. m€s..ang. 
 Missawinawa, {nin) a. v. an. S. MiS' 
 Missegivandn, {nin) s. an. dowK, soft 
 underfeather of a bird: pl.-a^. 
 Missibissidosii, a. tornado, whirl- 
 wind; squall of wind; pL-wag. 
 M!si,i,ij,\ {nin)n. v. f hnvc tluidrop. 
 sy, I .irn dropsicnl, liydroincal; ;{. 
 p. ].;ji. nuMifjid. 
 Jfufiiiljiirhi, s. dropsy. 
 ^lisnmlmmiaii, s. an. soft underhnir 
 ol an animal; pl.-a^/. 
 Mimtagan, s. aunnovver, turnsol; dI. 
 Jilt ah, {nil}) n. v. I am sitting on tlic 
 l)aro ground, on thf; snow, etc., 
 withoui anything under me; 3. p.- i; 
 p. iihtahul. ' 
 M/fah/i-.mW. on metal, on a rock or 
 JUitdhik; s. money in silver or gold 
 specie. ' 
 M/fnaontKj, adv. on the snow. 
 J/itiihimf,/, adv. S. Mifashk-ahun!,/. 
 MitiiktVDhja, or-mni/ad, the ground 
 ai)pears. (is hare,) there is no snow 
 on the ground.ii. met..,jag, ox-ma- 
 Mitab'sfn'ma, (71 in) a. v. an. I lav 
 hnn on some hani object, nothing 
 sou under him; 3. 11. mit..ni p. 
 in ft.. mad. ' * 
 Mittihvhi)!, (nin) n. v. I lie hard, 
 on a hard bed or on some other 
 hard object, jiothing soft under 
 lUifakwMun, \nin) a. v. in. I lie or 
 ,/'^ »'V/; •'<• P- omit...; p. mct..an<t. 
 Mitakoshhiwu, (nin) a. v. an. 1 lie 
 or sit on some an. oh|; 3. p. omit 
 ..n; \i. lmf../l•a^t.-~^'■afHi(jl■imt<t nin 
 rnitdk-o.s/da/ra; I lie on a" board. 
 Mitak-o.si,f,:. (ni/i)n. v. 1 smoke pure 
 tobacco, without any admixture of 
 bark or weed; 3. p. I.; p. m<L.qed. 
 O. Apalcoituj,\ 
 Mitniutc, OT-hmjad. n. v. there is no 
 more snow oh the ground, tiu' ' 
 snow is gone olf; p. mct..ta<r, or-wa- 
 qak. ■ ' 
 MitaM-al-amis;, adv. on the bare 
 ground.- I///<,,A^v/-„;«/,/ qi-niha 
 tibik-(vi(i\ he slept on "the bare 
 ground last .light. {\w had nothing 
 under him.) *" 
 MitdManiijc, (inn) n. ',. I have bare 
 .jawbones, I have no teeth in mv 
 jawbones; 3. p. 1 . ; 0. inet..ged. ' 
 Mh-uM-omw, adv. on the grass, on 
 ^■|e herb. 
 ■^ifc-^^''«y|dv. on a stone. 
 .\fita.^s4iff^, adv. S. Mitamn. 
 ^ilaednahiku, or- iiia/jrid, u. v. th 're 
 IS. I slone-iKivement; j). mit..koa 
 Mtairail, H.anml; mitawann, on (Jje 
 sand. •^' W 
 Mihiwuiifra, or~tiia,jad, \\. v. there 
 IS a sandy beach, sandy shore; n 
 iii<f..,j,,(i,or iiUK/ak. 
 iIit<iir<uu)<i(iunHi; ii. v. there is a lake 
 abounding with sand, with a 
 .sandy beach; p. M,t..iun</. 
 JIit,/ia oyiiunjad, u. v. i't is large 
 big. bulky, massy or massive, vast 
 extensive; p. mttrhaa, Qx~ma(j:'L 
 Mit</„d„iin/uujn,'i, [nin) n. v. 1 look 
 / largo, big, bulky; 3. p.-»; p. .^d.. 
 Mifr/idhavmiagwnd, u. v. it k • 1 
 biL;, large; p. met..wal: 
 Jlitr/idhfwis. (tiin) n. v. I am a biir 
 stout man; 3. p.-/; p. ,nft...sid. 
 Mitrliahigad. u. v. it is large, thick 
 strong, (thread, cord, rope;) p. mc-t. - 
 Miicfmbik-ad, n. v. it is large, hi- 
 mas«y or massive, (metal;) p. ma 
 • •n (Ik". 
 Mifc/iiiUkid ai^-sin, n. v, 3. p the 
 stone IS large; p. inft..iiid. 
 Mifeliait, adv. down. 
 '^iif<'h<ik-im kiitairan, n. v. 3 p the 
 I'lece of wood, or the i)Iock, is 
 large; p. met. .aid. 
 Mitchuhimd. u. V. it is large, (wood-\ 
 11. md..wal: ^' 
 Mi/rMfon, ii>in) a. v. in. I make it 
 arge, wide ;. 3. p. „,«//...; p. ^,^._ 
 foil. ^ 
 JIitcAi(/ad, u. v. it is large, (stuff or 
 MitrliKjancdiin, (nin) n. v. I am cut 
 to the lione, the bone appears; 3 
 ]K\.:\->.iiut..inq. ■ 
 Mllrhi<,h/>,-an,'. s. {mitchi<,i,j„nc, ) 
 hsh-hawk,^bird. ) ' 
 Mitcki'mi, n. v. 3! p. it is larre 
 I. stuff, an. obj. ) p. met..sid.~mcM 
 milchltjidlci mo/thwem; thy hand - 
 korchicC is vory l!irj,'('. . ^ 
 Mitr/iikan, s. fdrico, enclosure, he^P; 
 ]il.-rt/i. JL 
 M(chikandkuhitlon,(nm^. v. in. I 
 fence it in, (a piece of grouu'l;) 3. 
 ji. omit...; p. meL.dod. 
 MitrhikannhiUna, (yiin) n. \. an. I 
 jiiako ii U'Mva aronnd him, I fence 
 hiiii in,-3. p. o mit..u; p, mr.t..nad. 
 Mildulcandkoliidjiijan, s. lence: pl- 
 Mitchihini'd-iiMdjiiifi, (nln) n. v. I 
 make n fence, I work at a fence; 
 3. \).l.;p.v}S..ffed. 
 Jutr/id'undiit/, s. fence-rail. 
 MiUhihiiKj., adv. on tlie bare ground. 
 Mitchipivj^in, adv. on ashes. 
 MitchinMii, {nin)n. v. I am lying 
 vvitlioiit any cover on me; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. inet..ing. 
 Mifvhis6aff,' adv. on boards, on the 
 Mitehiadii, u. v. it lies uncovered ; p. 
 Mitchitchima. (nin) a. v. a7i. I send 
 him word, I send him acommisaion 
 to tell or do s. th. for me ; also, I 
 g've him a connnission ; 3. p. o 
 ■i!iit..7i; J). »uf..miid. 
 MUrhilchinindj, s. thumb ; \A.-in. 
 Mifrhitioe, (nin) n. v. I send word, I 
 give or send a commission ; 3. [>. 
 ].; p. 7Hct..iiwl. 
 Mitchitweii, {nin) a. v. in, I give or 
 send a commission for some in. 
 ohj.j 3. p. omit...; p. mct..wed. 
 Mtddtwenan, (niit) a. v. an. I give 
 or send a comnussion for some an. 
 ol)j, ; 3. p. w mit..n; p. met..tved. ( V. 
 MiU'hitivcmin, a. commission, word 
 .sent ; [G. Auftrag:] \).-an. 
 MitUj, 8. an. tree, living tree ; pl.- 
 Mifig, s, in. wood, a piece of wood ; 
 Mitiij-emikwan, s. wooden 8i>oon ,' pi, 
 Mifitj knshHhnsod, or, wifiij ge-fanA- 
 kihusid, s. an. lo^-, ( sawecl on l)otli 
 ends,) saw-mill log; pi. mih'(jo,j 
 kashkihonodjiij, or, ge-tashkihotod- 
 Mitiif nln .ii^iJ.bodm, I rasp wood. 
 MtftijO-liimidi, s. ohve-oil, sweet oil. 
 Maujogad, s. wooden leg ; stilt ; pl.- 
 Mitigugade,{nln) n, v, 1 have a wood- 
 en leg ; 3. \^.\.\\i.meL,dfAi. 
 Mituiogadckaa, (nin) n. v. l' foign to 
 have wooden logs, that is, I walk 
 on stilts ,- 3. ij.-o ; p. m(4..mL 
 Mit/gojifi/nnu'e, s. a kind of rattle- 
 snake ; \A.~g. 
 MitigO-makak', e. wooden box, trunk, 
 pi. -Wi. 
 Miti(/u-7n(ikifiin, s. wooden shoe, closr; 
 [lll.zokia;Jpl.-a«. ' *' 
 Mitujondjy 8. an. oak, red oak ; pl.- 
 Miiigomin, s. fruit of the oak, acorn ; 
 MUvj-ondimi, s. wooden plate or 
 dish; pl.-<7", 
 MUigd-pakitiligan, a. wooden ham- 
 mer, mallet; pl.-ora. 
 Mitigd-/<iii.s//H,djig(m, a. rasp, ( wood 
 U\e .;) pi. ~un. 
 3/itig(')-tc/ii/nan, s. wooden canoe, 
 lojr-canoe ; boat, barge ; pl.-rm. 
 Mitigow, (nin) n. v. 1 am a tree; I 
 » am wood ; 3. p.-i:;p. met..id. 
 Mitipowaj, s. Alg. S. Mitigd-malcak. 
 Mitif/d-wakuigan, s. wooden house, 
 log-houso; frame-house; \)l.-anl 
 Mdigowan, \\. v. it is a tree ; it is 
 wood ; p. met..ang. 
 Mitiijwdl). s. bow ; pl.-»?i. 
 Mitiywubdk, a. an. walnut-tree ; p!.- 
 Miigwaki, s. forest, woods ; pL- 
 VHin. M/'ligirdling, in the woods . 
 Mitigwakik. s. an. wooden kettle," 
 tluit is, a drum ; pl.-w/. 
 Mitigwdkidu., s. properly, wooden 
 shoe; but it is used lor, boot, shoe; 
 Y\.-Htn. (To exi)re.ss a wooden 
 shoe or clog, they say, mitigo-mak- 
 ifitii/iraki.s'ini-makatcwitchiqa'n, s, 
 blacking Cor boots, shoe-hlaokinp. 
 Mifigwanwi, s. arrow, (niitig, wood; 
 auici, musket-ball ;) pl.-w. 
 Mjtmawam^ {mn) n. v. I exonerate 
 the l.owclsinmy bed, during sleep: 
 Mitmi, {nin) n. v. I walk. I go on 
 loot somewhere ; 3. p. 1.; p. „jcfo,. 
 Miwf.ii</ji-~, therefore... 
 Miu'i hiin) n. V. I fro fnrther and 
 tnr_thor,-3. p. ].;p.mdmd, 
 ^tH>t<i,(7iin) a. V. an. I refuse him, 
 1 will not have him, I^o from him; 
 J. I', o nitman ; p. mdmad. 
 ^tlunnu, {»vi)n.v. an. I refuse to 
 take ium ; 3. p. o niL.n ; p. tndwi- 
 Miwinan, iniii) a. v. in. I refuse to 
 take It, I will not accppi of it ; 3. 
 p. o intw...; p. mdwinani). 
 Mxintammva, \^uin.) a. v. \m. I put it 
 away from him, 1 keep it at u dig- 
 taiice from liini ; 3. p. ,, miw..n; p. 
 Miwitdi,., ( ;,,/„, ) a. V. in. I put it awav, 
 i reject It, n-liise it, I am an ene- 
 my to it ; J. p. ,, miwitda : p. nid- 
 vnttang. ' 
 -Hiwitawa, (,im) a. v. an. S. Miwi- 
 Miwa„f,., (mn)a. v.i/i. S. Miwitan-. 
 Mo, as end-sylluble in some u. v.. al- 
 ludes to a trail or wad ; as : Ina- 
 }n,), ondumo, >nan(md,iiu>, agasmde- 
 tno, mikann ; the "trail goes there 
 comes Irom there, is large, is nar- 
 vow, etc. 
 M), s. dirt, excrement. 
 Mod, {vin) a. V. an. I make him 
 weep, cry ; 3. p. o tman ; p. mwa- 
 MddjL s. the belly of an animal ; nl, 
 mmjiih. ' ^ 
 Modihiaidaffwad, u. v. it is ioyful, 
 dehyhtful ; p. mu'ad..wah ' 
 Modjujendam, {nin ) n. v. I rejoice I 
 am joyous, I delight ; 3. p. 1.; p. I 
 mimd..an(f. ' * | 
 ModJujen<iamia, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 make him joyous. 1 make him re- 
 joice, [ cause him pleasure ; 3. p. o 
 ni()d..n ; p. mwa..ad. 
 MiMljiijindamomayad, u. v. it rejoices 
 It delights ; p. mwad..gak.—Mndl 
 md/if/indamonrnjad da^siiKf tnek- 
 ^fiiiuiuunn .fesvn; my heart re- 
 loices as often as 1 flunk on Jesus. 
 M,^Jji<libiJkiin.) n. V. I am joyous, in 
 hquorfSTp. 1.,-p. wi^..j,^^; 
 ^f^h\iidfc,{>iin)n.x. I rejoice in 
 my heart, my hea.-l is delighted • 
 3- p. 1.; p. mwa. .deed, ' 
 M(xlji(jri«, ( nm) n. v. I rejoice ; .-). p 
 -t ; p. inuHulJujisid. 
 Mmw,', (nin) ii. v. [ cause Areepina 
 and crying; 3. p. 1.; p. mwaiwed. 
 Jt((;a(/,oi- iti6nja(j, adv. always, con- 
 tinually, iiR-cssantly, constantly, 
 perpetually. •" 
 Mo}a(jaa, {nin) a. v. an. S. Mamo- 
 Moimaan. M;a{/ama. Myagandan 
 myia-ffina. Mojaginan. 
 See the respective frequentative 
 verbs, Mamojagaati. Mam-ojagama 
 Mimn/agandan. MammgUa. Ma- 
 MdJngi'Mn, n. v. 3, p. there is al- 
 ways that, nothing but that, (an 
 oh J.) p. mwa..ing.~Mojagishtnoa 
 moshweg adopowiniivg ; nothing but 
 handkorchieis are lying on the 
 Monmffiin, u, v. thero is always that 
 nil ot the same kind ; p. mwaj..inq\ 
 —M<gagimn,>n vbakisinan mitchu- 
 mg ; nothing but moccasins arelv. 
 ingon ihe floor. '' 
 Mdjia,{nm) a. v. an. I feel him on 
 mc, in me or about me ; 3. p. o mo- 
 nan ; p. mwajiad. 
 Myif^7i, (nin) a. v. in. I feel it onme 
 Mdjowe, (nin) n. v. I shear ; 3. p i • 
 V.m/raJoH'ed. "' 
 mfwa, (nin) a. v. an. I cut his hair 
 I shear him ; 3. p. o vugwan; p. 
 mwa /wad ; imp. m,gwi. 
 Mojwmfan, s. scissors ; pl.-a^. 
 Mokaam gisi^x, n. v. 3. p. the sun 
 rises ; p. mirakaan^. 
 M>kad/<,(nin) a. v. ia,. I dig it up, 1 
 uncover it, 1 bring it to light ; 3; p. 
 mok...; j). mwakaan^. 
 classing tnck- 
 y heart re- 
 Ilk on Jesus. 
 in Joyous, in 
 ' rcioice in 
 > delighted ; 
 ijoice ; 3, p. 
 se iveepiiig 
 Iways, con- 
 S. Mamo- 
 ugtria. Ma- 
 lere is al- 
 • hat, (^an. 
 ways that, 
 iti initclm- 
 ins are ly- 
 fl him on 
 J. p. mo- 
 d it on me 
 J. mwaji- 
 ;3.p. 1.; 
 t his hair, 
 givan; p. 
 the sun 
 ? it up, 1 
 ht ; 3. p. 
 Miiknhogy (nin) n. v. I conne forth by 
 tli(! current of a river ; 3. p.-o ; p^ 
 Mi'il-op, I nin) n. v. S. Mohi'. 
 Mol-awn, (mn)a. v. an. 1 dig him up, 
 1 bring him to light, (any ff«,.obj.;) 
 'A. \uoTnok...;p. mwahawad. 
 Mdkawadj, (■nin) n. v. I weep from 
 cold ; ,'{. p.~i ; p. mwa.M. 
 Moka'i'ana, {nin) a. v. an. I wenp or 
 cry after him, [ molest him; 3. p. o 
 mnk..n; p. m/m..nad; imp. mol-a- 
 Mi'kdiranamlan, (nin) n. v. I weep 
 or cry from hunger; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Mokawashlcaile, (nin) n. v. S. Moh 
 Mokawimofljigendam, (nin) n. v. I 
 weepthronghjoy;3, p.l.;ixm2^a.. 
 M(ilra'nnrf>, (nin) n .v. I wenp 
 through pain, or anger ; 3. p.-i; p. 
 Mol-au'ifidjima, (nin)n. v. an. Heave 
 him weeping, I weej) parting with 
 him ; 3. p. o nioh.n ; p. mwa..mad. 
 Molcl, (nin) n. v. I come forth, I 
 make my appearance ; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 MoMhi, (nin) n. v. I come forth out 
 of the water; 3. p. 1.; p.mwa.. 
 MdHhidon, (nin) a. v. iti. I haul it 
 out of s. th., I bring it forth from a 
 hidmg place; 3. p. o moh... ; p, mwa.. 
 Mohibigis/ie, (nin) n, v. I come up to 
 the surface of the water ; 3. p. 1. ; 
 p. mwa..scd, 
 M6Hhigisf.em.agad, u. v. it comes up 
 to the surface of the water ; p. 
 Mnhhina, (nin) a. v. an. I pull or 
 haul him out of s. th., I bring him 
 forth, (a person, or any other an. 
 . mwa..nad. 
 the water 
 source or 
 spring ; p. mwa..ang. 
 Mokidjiwanibig, s. spring, source, 
 fountain ; pl.-wt. 
 lortn, (a person, or an' 
 obj.) 3. Y>.omol:..ti ; p.^w 
 Mohittjivin nibi, u. v, 
 comes forth from a 
 MMpwam-nibi, s. spring-water. 
 Mokma, (nin) a. \ . an. I bring forth 
 some an. obj., 1 show it ; 3. p. y 
 mokinan ; p. mwakiiiad ; imp. moh- 
 tn.—Omokimn o joniiaman: he 
 brings forth (he shows) his money. 
 Moktrnn, (?h?i) a. v, in. I bring it 
 forth, I show it, (?«.obj.) 3. p o 
 M6kishka, 0T-7nagdd, u. v. it rises 
 np, It comes forth, p. mfwa..kaa, 
 or-magnk. "' 
 Mokisse gisiss, n. v. 3. p. the sun 
 comes forth, the sun rises; n 
 mwakmcd.~T\\e same as, Mvka- 
 Mokisse, OT-magad, u. v. it comes 
 forth, U comes out of e. th., (es- 
 necially out of water;) p. mtra- 
 ktsneg, or-tnagak. 
 Mokiiawa, (nin) a. v. an. I rush uijon 
 him suddenly, I make an unex- 
 pected assault upon him; .'?. p. „ 
 mnk-.n-jp. mwa..ivad. 
 Mdkodt'igan, s. H. Mokodjigan. Wd- 
 Moknddn, (nin) a. v. in. I work it 
 with a knife or some other cutting'- 
 tool; (some wooden object;) .'{. rZ 
 mok...; p. mwakndang . 
 Mokoddss, (nin) n. v. I work wood 
 with a knife or some other cuttiutr 
 *o"'i' 3- P-o; p. mwukodassod. 
 Mokoddssowigamig, s. joiner's shop, 
 carpenter's shop; p\.-cm. 
 Mokoddssowin, s. joiner's or carpen- 
 ter's trade, business, work. 
 Mokoddss<mim!ii, s . j oi n er , carpen t ( r , 
 pl.-^wag. ' 
 Mdkodaiva, (nin) or, nm mokoda- 
 mmva, a. v. an. I work some wood- 
 en object with a knife, etc., /or 
 him; 3. p. o moL.n; p. mwak.. 
 Mokodjigan, s. any cutting tool to 
 work wood with, as, plane, draw- 
 ig-knife, etc ; also, the joiner's 
 or carpenter's work-bench; pl.- 
 Mokodjigan gaiandinigadeg, a cut- 
 ting tool that is pushed, that is, a 
 Mok<Hm,Hvis, s. (]i,u. small smooth- 
 iiig plane; |F. rabut;J pl.--««. 
 bench tliat Imos, that i.s, « bonch 
 to work with a (IrawuiK-k.iilo on 
 It, a shaviiig-horse; [F. chevulet.l 
 Mokomdn,^. knifo; lA.-an. 
 ^ohrmdna-c,{nin)xu v. 1 inanufac- 
 lure knives I am a cutler; 3. p. 
 1.; p. mwa..hd. 
 ^^i'hwinnik-iiri,ja,ni<j,s.cut\Gr'a shop ; 
 Jlokumunlkmm, s. cutlery, cut- 
 ler's business or trade. 
 MukomanU'iwmini, s. cutler- dI - 
 wag. ' ^ ' 
 Mokona, (nin) a. v. an. I work it 
 with a knile, (««. obj. as. -r /;;/., 
 c<Hlar; nal„i,/iK,.(,,/, board;) 3. p' 
 omoL,/,; p. inwakmuui; iin:). «Wy'/ 
 ^oAo«a/i,^y.^«) a. V. -,Vi.S. J/./Wa/l 
 J/o/wi<w, (/,i/i) 11. V. 1 bog for s. th 
 i/<)Av.«,/Ho/<?^,',i',(„;„) a. V. a/i. I bc.r 
 lum weeping lor s. th. to eat, l 
 p. o iaok..n; p. intra. .wad. 
 Jilunaapmi, ^nin) n. v. 1 diu „|,t po- 
 tatoes; 3. p. 1.; i,.mwa..lul. ^ 
 M.iinnnshhkiirH.,(^nhi) n. v. Idig out 
 iiiedical roots; 3. p. i.; p. ,,L,., 
 M<)/ia^/tl-«'afZ<,;i ^iV/,/"/*, {nin) a. v 
 w. J woedafieid-p. ;«u)a..«//Y/. 
 UonaM-UM!, iniu) n. v. 1 weed, I 
 root out bad herbs; 3. p i • ,, 
 mwa..wcd. '' ^ ' 
 Mo/iairi/ii/, s. an. a 
 berry; '^l.-^ru,'. 
 iMonawiiufivahiaon, s. 
 low llower; i")l.-«/i. 
 Mone/idam, [ni/i) n. v, 
 imagine; ;i. p. i.j j,, 
 Mo/icnimu, ( i,ia) a. v 
 him, 1 mist nistiiiiu; 3, p. ^ „i,; 
 p. mwa..u\td. 
 lioniuhwc, s. a C^auadiaii woman • 
 Montroal; it may also signify, he 
 comes (rom Canada. ^' 
 word also si 
 kind of white 
 a kind of yel 
 I suspect, I 
 . mwa..ani/, 
 an. 1 sus'pect 
 ^^i"//f/, s. Montreal; Canada.-^ 
 Moniatio ondjlha, does not always 
 Pignity, he comes froiii the cjtv oi 
 N. tJanadian.— 'I'hisi 
 .^'iiilies, an awkward 
 uniaruiy p,,rson, unacquamted 
 vvijh the works and usages of thr 
 Indian lifo and country. V\~wwt 
 iUoningwanc. s. lapwing, (bird;.' 
 l''-.l'ivert; pl._^. '> 
 JUimimjimnvhi, u. v. there are Ian. 
 wings; p. ;«,(.«../.„^. V 
 MmingwanH-dn, s. placo where 
 t UTo are hipwings This is also 
 tlie InUian name of Lapomte, on 
 i-ako Superior; from the circuia- 
 sanco that there are many of 
 these bir.ls. at certain scas-ons, 
 about h,, point a.ul bay where 
 the village of Lapointe is situa- 
 Alons* s moose, American elk; \? 
 orignal;! l'l.~w/. ' '■ 
 Momogaii., s. moose-bone; pl.-a/i 
 M,mH)n,^, s. dim. a young moose; k,~ 
 a<j. '^ 
 Monswetjin, s. moose-skin; pl.-wi. 
 Mon«ivcMan, s. an. moose-horn; ul 
 ~a(j. ' * • 
 Mmm'iiass. s. moose-meat. 
 Mopuldit,, {nin) a. v. in. I find its 
 proper taste in eating or drinking 
 it;_.J._p. omop...; p. mwa..an(i. 
 Jtlopidjige, {nin) n. v. 7 (hid the pro- 
 per taste of victuals; 3. p. In 
 miva..(jed. ' ^' 
 Mdpwa, i^nivS) I find its proper taste 
 inoatingit,(««. obj.)3. p. ,,;„riy;. 
 «tv«; p. mwapwad; imp. mopwi. 
 Mosld-aaijwinde, or~mn<jad, u. y it 
 comes up to the surface of the 
 water, andjhuti-; p. mwa..de,7, or- 
 ■^ushhiaLnviml/in, {jim) n. v. I come 
 up to the .uriace of the water, and 
 J^oiit; 3. J). I.; p. mwa..ing. 
 MwhkdagwimljiKsc, {nin) n. v I 
 come up to the surface of the wa- 
 ter, 1 emerge, (alive or dead;) 3. 
 p. 1.; p. mwaslu.scd, 
 n'ntrT ''"'^'*''"'' """''''' '"»''»'^" 
 MnMcdafjfwinilJMfi^ or-masrnd, ii. v. 
 it comos uj) to tho Hurfaco of tho 
 water, it crncrgns; \i,mwa..sM, or- 
 }fonh%ann, n. v. is overdovvod, it is 
 iiiun(i!ito(l,tli('ro is nri irminlation, 
 a flood; p. luivnukkaang , 
 Muskkalmiriuhiii, [ui>i.) a', v. in. I fill 
 it ii|), with watnr, etc.;(a voHstd 
 wit h anothor Vfi.ssel ; ) H. p. omoeJi...' 
 ji. )nu'a..u.ng. 
 Vitshkalnmuma, (inn) a. v. ««,. J (iH 
 it up, with wator, etc. (akottle 
 with soiiin vossri;) :i. p. o mnsh..n.; 
 p. mwanh..7im/; imp. wn..wiij. 
 MoM-ahowe, {nin) n. v. 1 am lillinjr 
 up a vessel or vessels, pouriii;; in 
 some lupiid with another vessel; 
 .1. p. 1.; p. mwa.jved, 
 M'iskbigamf', ox-mcKjad n?U, u. v. 
 the water rises, it is the Jlowin^ 
 lifle; p. mwa..mi<i, or-maaah S. 
 ( klaskima<jad nvri. 
 M(isJdam, (nin) n. v. I come up 
 again to the surface of the water; 
 lalive,) 3. p.-rt.; p. mwa.skkamod. 
 Mnshfcaofisi, a. bittern, (bird) pl.-(/. 
 MoK/ikinad, {mn) a. v. an. I fill' it, 
 with d'j things, (a pipe; a kettle;) 
 3. p. mosh.ji:, p. mw(t..ad. 
 yioM-hwdawa, {nin) or, nin mosh- 
 hiiiadamawa^ a. v. «w,. I fill it for 
 Inm or to him; 3. p. omonh...; p. 
 m.>va..wnd.—]JelenimiiaJi, mosldl- 
 nndawishiti ninde H jawendjiqe- 
 n'in; Lord, fill my heart with tliy 
 Moshlinadon., (nin) a. v. in. 1 fill it, 
 with dry things; 3. p. o mosh...; p. 
 Moshkine, (7iin) n. v. I am full of s. 
 th., filled with s, th.; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Moshkiiie, ov-magad, n. v. it is full, 
 It IS filled lip, (with dry things;) p. 
 mwnshkine(j, or-mni/ak- 
 M'dkineaha'te, ox-muijad, u. v. it is 
 filled w.ith smoke; p. mtva..tc(i,w- 
 Moslikinihadrm., (nin) n. v. *'/?. I fill 
 It up, (a vessel, with some Uqidil;) 
 3. p. mr)sh...; p. mwa.,dod. 
 M<f.HhH7u'?Knia, (vin) a. v. an, I fill it 
 Ills (a kettle with some hquift;) 
 J. p. o vu>,sh..n; p. inwa..nnd. imp. 
 mo..ha.j. ' 
 M6fi/ikiiiehi,or~magad, n. v. it is full 
 It is filled up, (with some liquid;) 
 V- mwa..hgi,o'c~mngak. 
 MoKhkiiiemin, (nin) n. v. pi. we are 
 crowded (in a house, church, etc. ) 
 !>. inwankkinrdjig. 
 Moshki'Huhkdgon, (nin) pers v. it 
 fills me, it replenishes me; 3 p. 
 o inmk...; p mwa..r d.—Minaw- 
 nmgnsunn nin mn'skkinesUhanoH, 
 )oy lillsme, (I am full of joy. i 
 Mmhkine.shkaw,i, {..,n) a, "v. an. I 
 fill lum, I replenish him with s. 
 th.; 3. p. .pm- sh..n; p. mwa..wa<]. 
 Min.vmvwu., rin nin moMine^h- 
 JYW«; U,ir him with joy, (I cause 
 him much joy.) 
 31o.s/ih'nrdhinirwe, {nin) n. v mv 
 eyes are filled with tears; 3. p i • 
 p. m>r<i..u'rd. "' 
 Mihhwe, 8. an. handkerchief, both 
 neck and pocket handkerchief; 
 P'--^' Mlchi mosk?rr', shawl. 
 3ru,,e, s. vvorin;caterp.,lar; pi. 7nc«. 
 Kcg, ' 
 M6.s8iminagad, u. v. it is worm-eaten 
 ■.any tn. globular object, as, U?U8k\ 
 turnip; a/m/Jimin, pea, etc.) n. 
 imva;is..gak. '■ 
 Mimiminagin, n. v. 3. p.,/ is worm- 
 eaten, (any a7i. globular object, as 
 mishtmm, apple; opin, potato, etc.) 
 p. viwass..s{d. 
 Mossissagad, u. v. it 'i worm-eaten, 
 (tn. obj. of wood, as, nddnowin, 
 table; apnhiwi/i, chair, etc.) v 
 7nwa..gak. '■ 
 Mossissagid, n. v. 3. p, it is worm- 
 eaten, (aw. obj. of wood, as, nala- 
 gmag, ho^xi\; gijik, cedar, etc.) p. 
 MossewaUde, (nin) n. v. I have 
 holers in my teeth, I have rotten 
 teeth, (worm-eaten teeth;) 3, p 
 • ■; p. >7iwa..ded. 
 Mimiwidji, n. V. 3. p. S. Mommi- 
 Moss^tt'ihffwe, (iiin) 
 small i.Un{de.'Z'iy\ce- 1 vT I ^''^'''^^W'^-. (nin) or, mowingfce, 
 , s. ear-wax, ceru- 
 M&mdjiw, (nin) n. v. I am dirty, 
 hlthy; ;). p.-j- p. i)iwa..ivid. 
 Mu>a</jtwaje, (nin) n. v. I have a 
 dirty skin, my skin is filthy; 3. p. 
 1.; p. mwa..Jed. 
 p. mwa..wed. 
 3l6wuljiwis, {nin) n. v. S. Mowid- 
 M6wi(jamig,s. a dirty lodge or house- 
 pl.-tA». ' 
 2i'a, or ina\ a particle denoting in- 
 terrogation.— JK kiheiidan na^— 
 Doest thou know it? Kimgina*— 
 Doest thou love me? (See and read 
 the article Sa.) 
 Na? is it so? will it be so? do vou 
 hear me? 
 Na! ina! na^hki! interj. lo! behold' 
 Na^h, {nin) n. v, I have good eves: 
 ^3. p,-^; p. n^dlid, 
 ^Mdb, {nin) n. v. I am well sitted, 
 I sit comfortably; 3. p.-«,- p. ndabid. 
 JSaagivaje, {nin)n.\. I covermyself, 
 being naked;3. p. \.;Y>.nea..J€d. 
 J\aakona, {mn) a. v. an. I arrange 
 It, I pufc»it up well, (an. obj.;) 3. 
 p. na..n; p. nenkonad. 
 JSaakonan, {nin) a. v. in. I arrange 
 It or put it up well, (wooden obi.) 
 tn. obj.)3. p. o nad...; p. nedko- 
 nang. (The same as, ninnadkosd- 
 Nadkossidoii, {nin) a. v. in. I fix it 
 ^i'i' ^"'i-"S^ it; 3. p. ona..\ p. ned 
 . ■dod.—Mitchikanakolidjigan nin 
 naakosstdon; I arrange the fence, 
 (I put It in good order.) 
 Nadn^ab, (nin) n. v. 1 am son-in-law, 
 or daughter-in-law, in a family 
 living with the family; 3. p.-»: p. 
 Nadnganikwe, s. the daiighter-in 
 law in a family; pl.-^. 
 Nadngish, the son-in-law in a family 
 JSaawadisi akik, n. v. 3. p. the kettle 
 is too small; p. neaw..sid. 
 Nab! ma?io nab! interj. well! let it 
 be 80. 
 Nab sa. This is an expression of con- 
 tempt, or at least of little esteem 
 signifying: Not by far. far from be- 
 ing,..; [F. il s'en fautqu'il soit; G. 
 waruin mcht gar.] JVah m ogima; 
 he isfar from being a chief. J\''ab 
 sa ini}ii; he is no man, far from be- 
 ing a man. 
 Ndbaan, {nin) a. v. in. I fasten it or 
 put It to the end of s. th. peima- 
 nently; 3. p. o ndbaan: p. naid- 
 Ndbadjashkadn, {nin) a. v in I 
 fasten or put it to the end of a 
 stick m a manner as to be able to 
 take it eft" again; [III, nataknjeml 
 JSabadjashkaigan, s. bayonet; pl.-a« 
 J\abaga, ox-magad, u. v. it is flat: p 
 ncbagag, ox~magak. 
 Nabagdbikad, u. v. it is riat, (metal) 
 p. nS..kak. ' 
 NalagdUkisi, n. v. 3. p. it is flat, {an 
 obj., as, assm, stox\e ;Jmiia, silver;) 
 ^p. neb. .Sid. 
 Nabdj/aJaan, {nin) a. v. in. I make 
 It flat, 1 flatten it; 3. p. o nab...: n' 
 neb..ang. ^' 
 Kabdgaddwa. (nm) a. v. an. I flatten 
 ■.wad; imp. naboffodd. 
 NahagaJcoW^, s. flat broad pine- 
 stem; p. -j/i. *'^" 
 Kuhaaashk, a flat broad grass or 
 li«rb;lily;pl.-,^,j. » 
 ^&**V/,W s. flat open hand, 
 palm. This word is always pre' 
 ceded bva possessive pronoun; as: 
 JSmnahafja,hn)ndj,mw flat hand- 
 naba,jmkt>iindj, his flat hand, etc. 
 ^'dmgasHniiuljitawa, {nin) a. v. an. 
 .n£''K-^"'"o^^^'^*he flat hand,! 
 buffethim;3.p.o«a5..,,;p. „;,,^ 
 Nahagdtig, s. aflat pieceof wood,-pl, 
 '^'f«>;f^«'^'^' («*■«> n. y. Ihave aflat 
 her^'*''!'""^"'/- 1 have a flat 
 lieaclj3. p. l.;p.neb..hed. 
 Mbagtsi, n. v. 3. p. it is flat, (an. 
 iid ^^''^'"'"^^'^i^ve'', etc.) p. neb 
 mdgusag, s. an. flat broad wood, 
 that IS, a board, or plank; pl.-^/ 
 ina&e it of boards; 3. p. o nab 
 •■■; p. neb. .ana, 
 ^alagissagnlade, or-^agad, u v it 
 ..made Of boaras; p. ,»:*.:,,<,, „^ 
 ^'<^V'"'il/o-maaiu,, ». plank.road; 
 pi.-w. ' 
 Nabagissamns, s. a«. dim. a small 
 ^fagtssagowigamig, s. a hut or 
 house nailedf together of boards: 
 m.-on. ' 
 ^fdgitchimdn, s. flat boat, barge 
 large Mackinaw boat; pl.4«. ' 
 ^abagodahan, a. an. dog-train.a long 
 Jlfj^^fof ^iogs;[C. trained! 
 ghsse:] pl.-ay. 
 ^fdT~^' '■ p'-^"- «• ^^*«^- 
 Nabdhossidjigan, s. handle, haft, 
 crank; pi. -a«. ' """' 
 Midkosstdon, (nin) a. v. in. I put a 
 liandletoit, Ihaftit, (an axe, a 
 JVabdkivaan, (nin) a. v. ,«. I put it 
 or fasten It to the end of a stick; 
 Mibakwdwa, (nin) a. v. an. I put or 
 a s' rJl?T' ""'■ ^i'J- ''^ 'he end of 
 . a stick,,3. p. nab..n; p. neb..wad; 
 imp. nahakwd. ' 
 iVW>a«^ This word is not used alone; 
 It IS always connected with a sub- 
 stantive, and signifies: On ane of 
 the two sides, on the other siAe; 
 one of the two, the other. FEx- 
 wS?ds!] '" ™'"^ ""^ ^^^ ^''""^injf 
 lYaban^dasse, (nin) n. v. Ihave only 
 one legging on; 3. p. 1.; p. „^5 ,,/ 
 ^e."Sf ' ^^'^« "?er 'l?gror one- 
 leg only.— i\'wj nabanegad, ki na- 
 hjvniga^l, etc.; my othfr I'e^ thy 
 other leg; or, only one of my legs 
 only one of thy leg..-. ^ ^' 
 Nabanigade, (nin) n. v. I have only 
 oneleg;3.p l.;p.„,j..^,^. "'^ 
 ^abanigam, adv. on one side only 
 (ofa river, lake or bay.) ^' 
 JSabanigimgade, (nin^n.y. \ have 
 one leg longer than the other, one 
 of my egs is longer than the other 
 one, (from nabani, on one side- 
 mmva long; nikad, (nigad,) my 
 leg. ) 3. p. 1 . ; p. neb. .ded. ' 
 JSabanigtnonike, (nin) n. v, one of 
 my arms is longer than the other 
 one;3. p. l.;p.„ej..;tf^, 
 ^abanegmosUc, (nin) n. v. one of 
 my feet is longer than the other 
 Nabanikmne, (nin) n. v. I have 
 7}d °"^^hoeon; 3. p. I.;p.„e5.. 
 Nahaninihmo, (nin) n. v. I have the 
 palsy on one side of the body; 3. p 
 -^,•p. )ieb..wid. *' 
 J^abaninik, s. the other arm, or one 
 arm only.— iViVj nabandnih, my 
 other arm, or only one of my arms; 
 nabanemk, his other arm, or only 
 one of his arms. ' 
 .Ciaban4nike,(nin)n. v. I have only 
 onearm;3. p. l.;p.„«J,.f^^. 
 XahnnMndj, s. the other hand.— 
 Xin 7iahnnini>ul}, my othor hand; 
 only one of my hands. Kt nnhan- 
 tnin<lj, thy other hand; only one 
 of thy hands. 
 Xahanifiindji, (■nin) n. v. T have on- 
 ly one hand, I nni one-handed; [F. 
 je suis manchot;] .3. p. 1.; p. neh.. 
 Xahaninmo, a. an. the other cheek; 
 only one cheek.— AY;i nahanenrnv, 
 my othor cheek; only one of my 
 cheeks. nahanenowan, his other 
 check; only one of his cheeks. 
 XiitianishUnjiq, s. the other eye ; only 
 one eyf^.—Ainnahaned-kinjig, my 
 other eye; only one of luy eyes, etc. 
 XahaniMtn,jt(fii>e,{ni/i)n. v, I have 
 only one eye, 1 am one-eyed; 3. p. 
 1.; p. neh.. wed. 
 JVahanesid,s. the othor foot: only one 
 loot. A« nahani.nd, thy other 
 foot; only one of thy feet. 
 Nabaniside, (nin) n. v. I have only 
 one foot; 3. p. 1.; p. nch..ded. 
 ydhanitoffad, u. v. it has only one 
 side, (stuff,) it is hairy, or cloth- 
 like, on one side only, half-cloth; 
 JC. satinet;] p. neh..gah 
 XatianUakogade, {nin) n. v. (from 
 nabane, on one side; takma, {toko,) 
 short; niknd, (nigad,) my leg;) one 
 of my legs is shorter than the other 
 one; 3. p. ].; p. neh..ded. 
 Nabanetalconilce, {nin) n. v. one of 
 my arms is shorter than the other; 
 ^3. p. 1.; p. neb. .Iced. 
 Nahanetawag, a. the other ear; only 
 one ear. — Hi nahanttawaa, thy 
 other ear; only one of thy ears. — 
 nalanitaiva'g, his other ear; only 
 one of his cars. 
 Nabanetawage, {nin) n. v. I have 
 only one ear, (the other one is cut 
 ^off;) 3. p. L; p, neb..ged. 
 Nabaniivewessiton Tcitotagan, {nin) 
 a. v. in. I toll, I strike the bell 
 only on one side; [F. je sonne le 
 tinton;] 3. p. onab...\ ^.neb..tod. 
 Xdb(iwa,{nin)a. ^. an. I fasten some 
 an. obj. to the end of s. th.;3. p. o 
 n<j,b..n; p. naiabawad; imp. 7iabu. 
 Xdbe, 8. male; [L. masculus;] prop- 
 erly of quadrupeds. But, with the 
 pOR^':. -n-c termination, it is also 
 u.M.ti (i.,r l,,Mind\ a-v Sin ndhcm, 
 my husl.aiid; o mibcman, her hus- 
 linnd, ute. A more polite expres- 
 sion for husband is u-u/ig(magan', 
 which see. 
 Nabe-aiaa, s. male being, male ani- 
 mal; pl.-y. 
 Xabi-lcbfjignganji, s. stallion: pl.-j;. 
 JVahe-gdjagens, s. uaie cat, he-cat; 
 Nabtk, e. he-bear; pl.-«'a^. 
 Nnh'hoaian, s. an. the skin of a he. 
 bear; l>l.-ag. 
 Nabi-maiiishtanish, s. male sheep 
 ^ram;pl.-a^. " 
 Xabhneg, s. male fish; pl.-?^!^^. 
 Xabimik, a. male beaver, he-beaver- 
 ^\.-^)rag. ' 
 Nuhi-paicankwe, s. cock; \>\.-irtg. 
 Nabi-)iijiki, s. bull, steer; i)l.-?r«^, 
 Kobfsse, s. male bird; \>\.-g. 
 Xabesse opatakibinweon, s! the cock'g 
 JVabessim, s. male dog; pi .-or;, 
 Xabiiraian, s. S. Aiahewainn. 
 Kah&u'egin,R. S. diabiwcgin, 
 Ndbibian, {nin) a. v. in. 'S. Xdssa- 
 Nnbihiigan^ s. S. JXdssabiigan. 
 Xdhihiige, {nin) n. v. S. Nassabiige. 
 Xdhidenigomehison, s. nose-ring; p'l.- 
 Ndhidnag, {nin) a. v. an. pi. I take 
 them up on a string, (glass-beads, 
 etc.) 3. p, ndbidoan; p. naidli- 
 Xdbidoanan, {nin) a. v. in. pi. I take 
 them up on a string, (wj. obj. 3. p. 
 nah...; p. naia..ang. 
 Kdhidnan jahoni^an, {nin) a. v, an. 
 1 thread a noodle; 3. p. onah...]^. 
 Xulidoignn, s. a needle to take up 
 with it s. ih. on a string or thread; 
 Xdhidoige, {nin) n. v. I take up on 
 a string; 3. p. 1.; p. naid..ged. 
 y<ihHimaij(iny «. wooden nrrdle for 
 making nets, m;ttin«-neetllc: pl.- 
 Nnlikan, {nin) a. v. in. I wear it on 
 my neck, or around my nock • J 
 fi. o ndhihoi; p. naitihi'kano. ' 
 Aaltl-awa, {nin) a. v. an. I wear 
 some «/i. „l,j. on or around my 
 nrck; J. i_) onah..)i; p. nain..ir(,d.~ 
 Aw fuihhwa nioshire. I wear a 
 handkerchief around my neck 
 A<thd-nwuga>i,,in nnlikn„un, s. any 
 in. ohj that is worn on or around 
 the neck, collar, necklace ; yoke ; 
 \n.~an. ' 
 Xdhihiwugan, or valdl-aqaii, s. an 
 any an. ohj. that is worn on or 
 around the neck, neck-handker- 
 chief, string of giass-beads or 
 pearls, a little cross or medal, etc : 
 pi.-ff<7. ' ■' 
 Xdldkona, {nin) a. v. an. I hang it 
 around his neck, ; 3. p. o nah.71 : 
 p. nam. .nad ; imii. ndfnhri 
 AoM'wan, s. vessel, ship ; pl.^an. 
 Aahikicanen/i, s. dim. the boat of a 
 vessel, yawl-boat ; [F. chaloupe :1 
 pi. -an. ' " 
 Xabil-wdninini, s. sailor, mariner 
 navigator; j)l.-?m^^. ' 
 ^ah^l•min-og^ma, s. 'captain of a ves- 
 sel ; pl.-^. 
 ^iihihvani-pifiiw, s. an. tar. 
 ^ahikwasson, s. sewing-thread. 
 XiMmdawa, {nin) a. v. an. I repeat 
 his words ; 3. p. naK.n; p. 7iaid.. 
 ^ NdUsheUson, s. earring, ear-hanir> 
 ing; pl.-fl7i. 
 XiihifhTcamawa, (nin) a. v. an. I do 
 It or make it in his place, instead 
 , "' ."i"?' •^' P- " ndb..n\ p. naid..n'ad. 
 Ail llxJll'flll'ri /'',,it-l\ o .r Til 
 aloud, I say ifaloud; 3. p."b nab...l 
 l^- naia..an<j. ' 
 •^«*""^«''"«"*, s. the point of an ar- 
 row; pU-«, 
 JV<tf>mih/>fit,an, (nin) a. v. in. 8 JVi. 
 X(tl"raiiiji.'<hha hincshi, n. v. 3. p. the 
 bird has his wings closed ; p. neh.. 
 lea it. 
 Nahwigina, (nin) a. v. an. I fold it 
 (««.. obj. of stuff or of clothing, as' 
 wjoa/iMv, handkerchief; mniM, silk! 
 stuff, ribbon.) 3. p. nah..n : p. 
 nfh.mu/.--Xiihw,;ijin H nw.hwemx 
 fold thy neckhandkcrchief. 
 Aiihwhjinan. (nin) a. v. in. I fold 
 It, (i>i. ohj. of stuff or of clothing:) 
 3._ p. nah... ; p. ni'h..ang.-j\ahwi. 
 Vinanado2>mnui<jini fofd the tab- 
 Xddiuihi, (nin) n. v. I haul out of 
 the water a fisher-line with hooks, 
 (to ake the hnhes that are caught 
 Xiihishkaiva, (/niii) a. v. an. I take 
 his place, his employment, his 
 power, I am instead of him, 1 'iuc- 
 ceed him; 3. p. o nab..n; p. nalab.. 
 Ndlnsgiton, (nin) a. v. in. I replase 
 It, I put it in its place again ; 3 p 
 onal... ;p. naid-.tod. 
 ^:aM>, s broth, soup ; [F. bouillon.l 
 Anbmvadan, (nin) a. v, in. I read it 
 on the hooks;) 3. p. 1. ; p. ^«;-^ 
 JS'ddaan, (nin) a. v. in. I fetch it in 
 a canoe or boat ; 3. p. na... • p 
 naiddaum/. ' ' ' 
 J^Tdddhawe, (ni?i) n. v. I go to some 
 lodge or house to get s. th. to eat • 
 also, I fetch s. th. to drink; 3. p 1 ' 
 p. nain..irfd. ' '' 
 JVddaijdmmm, (nin) n. v. I paddle 
 my canoe to the shore: 3. p. 1.- n 
 naia..ang. ' '■' 
 Mdaif.se. {nin) n. v. I fetch wood 
 tor fuel in a canoe or boat; 3. p. 1 • 
 p. naiddtiissed. ' 
 XdduissiiashAnin)n. v. (fr. nin nd- 
 <tn, 1 fetch It; nin manisse, I chop 
 I make wood for fuel ; nin himdJh, 
 I sail;) I fetch wood fof fuel, sail- 
 ing; 3. p.-i ; p. naid..id. 
 JVddiimawa, (nin) a. v. «,«.. I defend 
 bun ; 3. p. « ?iad..n ; p. naid..wad 
 J\adaodass, (nin) n. v. I go to fetch 
 s. th., or I go lor s. th., in a canoe 
 or boat; 3. p.-o; p. naid..80d, 
 u\(idaf:hhos6iw€,(7iin) n. v. (fr. ni,i, 
 nddin, Uetchit] mushhisdw, grass 
 herb, etc.;) I fetch hav : /fetch 
 ^ # 
 reed or rush, to mnks mats ; 3. p. 
 I. ; p. nnin..>red. 
 Nddnsinaiijaiiawa, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 go to him to (etch what he owns 
 mp; ;j. p. na<L.u; p. »aia..mtt1. 
 Natlamnoujaufi, {nin) n. v. I go and 
 fetch what is owed mo ; 3. p. 1. ; 
 p. naia..iml. 
 Nadngsuhi, (nin) \\. v. {(mdh, net ;) 
 I <etch a not or nets (out of the 
 water;) 3, p. 1.; p. >inid..hul. 
 NddatHoungime, («w») n. v. {dassd- 
 na<jan, trap ;) I go to my traps, or, 
 traps; 3. p. \.;i^.naia. 
 I fetch my 
 NddAwa,{mn) a. v. an. I fetch him, 
 in a canoe or boat ; 3. p. o nada- 
 wan ; p. /laiddawad ; imp. nddd. 
 Mnd awi-nddaim, I go to fetch 
 him, (in a canoe.) M>i hi-nadawa, 
 I Mine to fetch him, (in a canoe. ) 
 Ndcbenimii, {nin) a. v. an. I take re- 
 fuge to him, (for security, for 
 chanty, for help ;) 3. p. o nad..n ; 
 p. nain..mad. 
 Nddin, (nin) a. v. in. I fetch it ; 3. 
 p. o nddin; p. naiddid. 
 Kind awi-nddin, I go to fetch it. 
 I go for it. 
 Nin hi-nndin, I cotne to fetch it. 
 1 come for it. 
 Nddinisse, (nin) n. v. 
 for fuel; 3. p. 1. ; p 
 JS''ddi^hb>fam',{ni,i) n 
 {iskhote, tire ;) 3. p 
 Kddjihi, (nin) n. v. I fetch or collect 
 the sap running from the maple- 
 trees in a sugar-bush j 3. p. 1. ; p. 
 Nddjibi.am, {nin) n. v. I fetch liquor, 
 (in a canoe or boat ;) 3. p. 1. ; p. 
 Nddjibishl-am, (nin) n. v. I fetch li- 
 quor, (walking;) 3. p. 1. ; T^.naid.. 
 Nddiiddhadan, {nin) a. v. in, {nind 
 oddhadanA drag it ;) I fetch if 
 dragging it after me, I carry it on 
 a gleigh ; 3. p. o nod... ; p. naia.. 
 Nadjiddhana, {nm) a. y. an. (nind 
 1 fetch wood 
 V. I fetch tire, 
 I. ; p. naid.. 
 oddhann, I drag him;) I fetch him; 
 dragging him after me, I carry 
 him on a sleigh, (a person, or any 
 other ««.. obj.) 3.. p. onad..n] p. 
 lima. , nail ] imp. nadjidahaji 
 Nddjidahi,{nia) n. v." I fetch s. th 
 or carry s. th. on a sleigh; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. naid. .id. 
 jy-'/jigahawilaira, (n^n) a. v. an. I 
 conur and stand before him, I put 
 myself before hini^ 3. p. o mulj-.n ; 
 Nddjiniu)iunrs,H,s. a kind of starlinir. 
 ^(bini;) pl.^j/. 
 JVddjiniJimu.'^inin) a. v. an. I lly to 
 him for protection, for safety; 3.. p. 
 » muL.n ; \>. naid. .mad. 
 Nddjinijindan, (nin) a. v. in. I fly 
 to it or in it, for -safety ; 3,. p. o 
 nad,„ ; p. naid^amj. 
 Nddjiiiume, (nin) a. v. in. I fetch a 
 load carrying it on a portage-strap; 
 3, p. ].; p. naid., ned. 
 Niidohan, or nuduhaffan, s. bucket to 
 fetch the sap of maple-trees, or 
 watei; pL^-an. 
 Noiloht, {nin) n, v. I fetch or carry 
 water; 3. p. 1. ; p. ncdolrid. 
 Nddoma, (nin) a. v. an. I fetch liim, 
 carrying him on my back, (a per- 
 son, or some other an. obj.) 3. p. 
 n nad..n; p. naid. .mad. 
 Nddon, (nin) n. v. [ fetch a canoe ; 
 3. p. nddono ; p. naiddthKKl. - 
 Nddmdam, {nin) n. v. I fetch, carry- 
 ing on my back ; 3. p. ].; p. naia.. 
 NdJo/uidn, {nin) a. v. in. I fetch it, 
 carrying it on my back on a port- 
 age-strap ; 3. p. o nad... ; p. naid.. 
 Ifddowe, a a kind of big serpent; 
 Nddowe, s. Iroquoi Indian ; pl.-^. 
 Nadowekwe, s. Iroquoi squaw; nl.-g'. 
 JVddowekiveianiitiJi, a. Point St.lgna 
 ce, near Mackinaw, Michigan.— 
 JVndoivehweiamishiiig, at the Point, 
 to^ or from the Point St. Ignace. 
 Nadowelcweiamish properly signi- 
 . fies, "-Bad bay of the Iroquoi 
 squaw. "-An Indian tradition says: 
 The IroqnoiH, (3W,.«.^j,.) who for- 
 merly p„.H,.8Hed this Day, were 
 attacked and fought there by thoir 
 ene.iuos, and behaved like old 
 Z^rTn' ""'""'"> ^«^««'» I'ill"'"- 
 the.-lare obtained itHlndia.n.ame 
 .^W»«'t;« (,a«; n. v. 1 speak the 
 AadouY.n s. Ot. Siou Indian : 1: 
 lyaegddam, adv. little, very little. 
 .Ucgutch, adv slowly, quietly, softly. 
 conienteil , 3. p. 1. ; p. ncendamj. 
 luin, I make him contented, glad • 
 •!• p. <> ?me..n; p. ncL.ad. ' 
 **"''':f'""'^"«. ('"«) a. V. 2/2. T pinase 
 It, J. p. onac... ; n. nec.tod.-U ,n. 
 inUndumiUm ninde ; be made my 
 heart contented. 
 .1',t«i/«/^ (,,/«) a. V. in. I allow it, I 
 am willing, contented; 3. p. o na!.,: 
 p. tieendang, ' 
 Kaimm, {>rm) n. v. I gather or put 
 up provisions. I keep them, con- 
 serve them ; 3 p.-,, ; p. neeniinod. 
 ^aenwwiu (nin) a. v. in. I put it 
 up for food, to eat it by and by (in.. 
 01)). j J. p. o na... ; p. neenimod. 
 i\atni)nuuaii, {nin) a. v. an. I put it 
 lip or collect it for food, (a;*, obi.) 
 o. V.ona...; p. neeminod.lY. Coni.) 
 Ayu, (nm) a. v. an. I hinder him 
 ouos th., or to go somewhere, 
 I^retanlh,m;3.p.o ««,««„; p. 
 ^aijadn, (nin) a. v. in. I meet it, 
 (a canoe, boat, etc.) 3. p. o na... • 
 y- negaamj. ' 
 Nayaddn, (nin) a. v. «;j. I leave it 
 behind ; [ forsake it, abandon it ; 
 J. p. wfly... ; p. neg..ang. 
 ^agadamce, (nin) n. v. f leave be- 
 hind feople, in a canoe or boat; 
 1 leave somebody ashore : 3. p. 1 • 
 p. neg..it>ed. '■ '' 
 Nagaddwa, (nin) a. v. an. I leave 
 turn behind, in a canoe or boat, I 
 urpass hina m t.i..ur(njf,rowine or 
 I<lon'1c... .arkhimVa.'p: 
 Ml(uln^amyu the «tata or d is 
 .Yagadi'ndo - ( „. v. i„„ i „,„ 
 usedora.,.ustome.l to it, mured 
 lo u J p. o nag... ; p. ncg..ann. 
 .yagadinima, (nili) a. v. «„. j{,„ 
 tomed to see him, to hear him, to 
 converse with him , 3. p. « n^J.Z 
 .A'agademn,/i», (nin) r. v. I accustom 
 myself to s.tk, f feel myself ac- 
 customed or used to s. th 3 .--,,• 
 ^7\"\ill}\^^"^ "•/• ^ '^'^ accustom- 
 ^^^,s. inurement, use, CU8- 
 Migadjiidis, (^nin) r. v. I get myself 
 accustomecl, I endeavor S .n't 
 J\agadjin?gima, (nin) a. v. an I lea- 
 ve him, flying from him for safety; 
 •J. p. nag..n ; p. neg..mad. 
 -Umidjtnyinddn, (nm) a. v. m. f 
 leave a place, flying from it for 
 safety ; 3. p. o nag .. ; p. ne(f..anir. 
 Niujad,ipulan, (nin) a. v. i,/. I am 
 accustomed to the taste of it; 3 
 p. onag...; p. ncg..ang. 
 lSa,gadjipwa,(nin) a. w.an. I am 
 accustomed to the taste of some 
 Nagddjiton, {nin\ a. v. in. lam 
 accustomed to make it, or to do it; 
 i\agadjzwan, u. v. '.he water is hind- 
 ered, it stops, it cannot flow any 
 farther; p. neg..ang. ' 
 J\agadjiwan, a. the place where the 
 water ^of the Lake) stops, where 
 It cannot f^low any farther, (being 
 hindered by rapids.) This is the 
 Indian name of F<ml du Lac, 
 which is situated near the first 
 rapids of St. Louis River, beyond 
 which the wiiter of Laiie Superior 
 can communicate no more with 
 the water of that river. 
 ^'amdjiwananq, at the i!p, e where 
 the water stops.— At Fond du 
 Lac, fr'vin or to p^ond du Lac. 
 ^iagdiakwaa7i, {nin) a. v. in. S. 
 2iaijaiahwm(janak, s. S. Asstvahvai- 
 iVa<jdiash, {nin) n. v. 1 am hindered 
 by a contrary which to sail any 
 farther; 3. p. -j; p. neg.M. 
 Nagdidis, {ni/i) r. v. S. JSaijdnidis. 
 .(Sa<mjiniji7,ia, {nin) a. v. an. S. 
 J\'a.(/(idjm ij 'ma. 
 Nagdjiiujinddn, (nin) a. v in. S. 
 NagdHnindjun, s. an. pi. -ag. S. 
 JS'^ag(:ml{nin)x\. v. I sing; 3. p. -o; 
 p. negamod. 
 i\agam6-?)indnaiga7i, s. song-book, 
 hymn-booli; pi. -an, 
 Nagamdn, s. song, hymn; pi. -an. 
 Naijanumish. s. bad 'song; [F. mau- 
 vaise chanson ;j pi. -an. 
 Nagamdtaiva, {mn) a. v. an. I sing 
 liim; i sing his glory, his praise; 1 
 sing to him; 3. p. o nag..n-j p. neg.. 
 Naijamowin, s. singing, the act ot 
 Nagamdmlcwe, s. female singer, 
 songstress; pi. ~g. 
 Nagomowinini, s. singer, songter; 
 pi. -rcag. 
 Magand, \mii) a. v. an. I leave hiin 
 behind, 1 surpass him in a walking- 
 or riuming; 1 forsake him. abandon 
 ^him; 3. p. o nag..n.\ p. ncganad. 
 JVagdnd, {'.An) a. v. an. S. j\Mgdd. 
 Nagdnidis, {nin) r. v. I retard or 
 hinder myself tn do s. th., or to go 
 somewhere, 1 refrain from s. th.; 
 3. p. -(9; p, neg. .god. 
 iVaganisfd-ad, p". s. a. he that starts 
 ti-rst, predecessor; forerunner; pi. 
 Nagaimid, p. s. a. he that is fore- 
 most, superior, master, foreman, 
 oversee?, boss; pi. -jig. 
 i\ oga 7iieid Jiitchi-mehiteu'ihcan a zV, 
 s. superior Orei>^ liackgown, that 
 is, Archbishop. 
 Fagaowt, {nin) n. v. I meet; 3. p, 
 !•; p. negacNced. 
 JVagdsM-a, {nin) n. v 9. JS'agdia. 
 A ago sfihi, or -magr, I ^ u. v. S. JVd- 
 JS'agaisideMsfm, s. a thing that stops 
 the foot and hinders it to so 
 farther, that is, a stirrup; [F. 
 :'trier;)pl.-<m. (i\w/«, alludes to 
 stopping; sid, to the loot; the term- 
 inatioii M-ion, to a string.) 
 JVdjasofawa, {nin) a. v. d?i. I listen 
 to him attentively, I follow his 
 discourse with my thoughts; 3. p. 
 o nag..n; p. naid..ud. 
 Kagdfa, {nin) n. v. I stop, I stand 
 still; 3. p. L; p. ncgdtad. 
 jS'dgntau'dhama, [win) a. v. an. {nin 
 ndnagalawdhama, freq.) I look 
 upon him observing him, I watch 
 him. considei him; 3. p. o na..n: p. 
 Ndgatatvdhnmlnn, {nin) a. v in. 
 {vin ndnagataivihanrlan, fret^. ) T 
 observe, watch, consider it; 3. p. o 
 na...; p.naia..ang. 
 JVdgafan'C7idam, Omi) n. v, 
 S Ka- 
 j\Yigaffh, adv. 'ater, afterwards,' a 
 littlo while r.cer; by and by. 
 Nagatwdadiin mil-ana, {iiin) a. v. in. 
 (pron. nin nagatdcdnn »«..,) I 
 follow a trail or road; 3. p. onag...; 
 p. 7h-g..dod. 
 Nagativaira mihvdm, {nin) a. v. an. 
 (pron. ni>^ tiagatmoam-...) I follow 
 the ice along a crevice; 3. p. o 
 nng..n\ p. neg. .wad; imp nagatwa, 
 Kagawa. {nin) a. v. an. 1 meet him, 
 in a canoe, boat, &c.; 3. p. o na- 
 gdwan; p. negawad; imp. nagd. 
 jVdgatvagendain, {nin) n. v. I am in a 
 hurry; 3. p. 1.; p. nuid..ang. 
 .* NOTfi. The frequentative verbs of this 
 tuiKi Ijriiig: >^oiiniionly used, wo will put 
 tlioin all under Nanag... 
 Mu/ilawad, >j. v. it is nothing, it is 
 worth nothing; 3. ner/..waL 
 A^aflikawemlagos, {ain) n. v. lam- •■;' 
 lUle esteemed, little thought of, I ^\lgwdi, s. sleeve: pi -an 
 pi. -rn. 
 liagwdganil-f, {nin) n. 
 snares; I lay snares: 
 V. I make 
 3. p. 1.; p. 
 I catch 
 A<J<nkatce>idai/osM,(ni>i) a. v. an. I 
 make liira insignificant; I put Lnn 
 low, 1 put him down; 3. p. ona<i..n: 
 J>' neij..ad. •' ' 
 2ka(lihiwciiila(iwad, u. v. it is insign- 
 idciint, little thought of- p. n^n.. 
 Xagil-airenddn, {nin) a. v, in. I 
 tlinik liule of it, I esteem it low 
 insignificant; 3. p. o nag...; p. nen.. 
 ang. o r J 
 A^Kjil-au'cmmd, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 esteem him little, I think little of 
 lain; 3. p. o nag..n\ p. ueij-.tnad. 
 ^aaikawenuidu, {nin) r. v. I esteem 
 ;aysfilt little, I have a poor opinion 
 of myself; 3. p. -o^ p. neq.^od. 
 ^"[nkawj^, {nin) n. v. I am nothins, 
 worth nothing; 3. p. -^; p. ncg..,id. 
 naijinin: niLeri. lo! Leholii ! 
 Kiuiiahkdqe, {nin) n. v. I meet: 3, p. 
 ].,_p. nf:Q..<jcd. 
 K'udshhiil, {nin) a, v. in. I meet if 
 3. p. nag. .■ p. neg..ang. ' 
 jSagislikawa, {ni,i) a. v. an. I meet 
 hiin; 3. p. o ruig..n; p, ne(j..ivad. 
 jS(i',nshJciHhtdbmih,{n%n) com. v, we 
 him with a snare, or in a snare; 3. 
 V- na(j..n, p. /ieg..nad; imp. nag- 
 yagwds, {nin) n. v, I am caught in 
 a snare; 3. p. ~o; p. ?iegicas()d.— 
 fV wahosog gi-iuK/wasowag tlbi- 
 koiig; two rabbits have been 
 caught in snares last night. 
 J\ugwtuih, s. rainbow; pi. -in. 
 ^dgwt, {nin) n. v. I appear, 1 make 
 my appearance, 3. p. ndqwio: p. 
 JVdgimdis, (nin) i. v. I make myself 
 j visible, I appear in a vision; 3. p. 
 ~<>; p. naiu..sod. 
 ^jigwiiditiowin, s. apparitioi., vision. 
 j\uHig, adv. S. Kija. 
 AuiVun, adv. till, until; a long time. 
 — Kawin naidnj dam'i&hinsi; he 
 does not come a long time. JSln- 
 gwiss gi-h'tchi-mawi naidnj gi- 
 nd'Otl; my son wept much until he 
 leil asleep. 
 XuienJ, adj. S. Kninj. 
 JSaiitaivad, w. v. there is a little o( 
 it; p. neietawoTc. 
 meet each other; p. neq..didhtg. 
 JSagiMuidddiwin, s. ineeting.l'inthe 
 road, not assembly.) 
 Ni'>'n,s, {nin) n. v. T appear, I am 
 visilde; 3. p, na<}osi; p. naidgosid. 
 jSugomciH:, s, apix^arance. 
 Xfujinid, 11. v. it ajipears, it shows, it 
 is visible, it is evident; p. 7iaidn- 
 u-alc. ^ 
 NagiVdddn, {nin) a. v, in. I catch it 
 with a snare, or in a snare; 3. p 
 ^g...\ \^.neg..ang. 
 JSagicddJigc, ('nin)' n. v. I catch 
 witU a snare; 3. p, i.^ p. 7mj..ged. 
 I -Vaietaieis, {nin) n. v. I am of a 
 I little number, thatis, my family is 
 I small; 3. p. ~i; v. tieie..sid. 
 j JSaiitatvisimin, (nin) n. v. pi. we 
 are a few in nuni.er; p.neie., 
 Xaiknjtan ishlcote, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 repair or stir the fire with a poker; 
 3. p. o nai...; p. neilc.ang. 
 JSaikinjeigan, s. poker to stir the 
 tire; pi. -an. 
 J\'aiUnjcigc, {nin) n. v. I stir the 
 iire with a poker: 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Naininiwagis, {nin) n. v. I am an 
 upright man; 3. p, -2; p. min..&id. 
j^ J* toiai^<te)>i.«ttiiiiawrfN'jfea»j>>- »>m.,ti^ 
 Nauhkwanc'enany (nin) a. v. in. 1 
 fix the door, I put it well; 3. p. o 
 nat ..] p. neuh.Mno. 
 Naimitm, {nin) a. v. in. I put it 
 well or right; 3. p. o nau...: p. 
 Naitd, adv. just, like purposely.— 
 ^'a^ta yiwchaJ; it just happens so, 
 (like purposely, although not 
 purposely.) JVaifu nmyom U da<i- 
 tt!is/n/i; thou comest just now, 
 (when least expected, or, when 
 much desired, or, when least des- 
 ired, &c.) 
 Naitam, {nm) n. v. I am obedient; 
 3._ p. ].; p. ueiiamj. 
 fvaitamowin,, s. obedience. 
 JVaitawa, (nm) a. v. an. lam ob- 
 edient to him, I obey him; 3. p. o 
 na..n\ p. nd.Avad. 
 J^^AjaUan, {nin) a.\.in. I draw it 
 over a string or cord; 3. p. o luij...; 
 p. naid..an(j. 
 ^^Ajdhiujan, s'. violin; pi. -an. 
 J!fojabii ge, (nin) n. v. I draw s. th. 
 oyer a string; also, T play on the 
 violin; 3. p. 1.; p. naiaj..ged. 
 jyajigaigan, s. scraper; pi. -an. 
 ■iyniigaige, (nin) n. v. I scrape a 
 •skin or hide, to make it soft; 3. p. 
 1.; p. naia..ged. 
 hdjmijinia, {nin) a. v. an. S. Ifad- 
 NdHilijindan, (niti) a. v. in. S. 
 Najoahkak jjashhisigan, s. double- 
 barreled gun. 
 JVaJohceiciil, p. s. a. a man who has 
 two wives, a bigamist; pi. -jid. 
 Nal-akigam, or inalal-egam, adv. 
 This adverb in connection with 
 some other adverb denoting dir- 
 ection, signifies the side of a river, 
 bay, lake, &c.; as: Oma nakakc- 
 gam, on this side of the ri\or, &c. 
 Wedi naknkiqam, on that side 
 there. Aniiuli nakakegam? On 
 which side? 
 Jfakakeia, or inakakeia, adv. This 
 adverb, preceded by another ad- 
 verb denoting directum, or by a , 
 substantive, has the signification 
 of the Knglish svllable vard or 
 ■mirds, or of tmrardx. { For exam- 
 ples see Otchipwe Grammar, "Ad- 
 verbs denoting direction.") 
 Nakawi, ad\-. first, before all.— A«- 
 kaire anaminn, panima daxh qa- 
 nushunon wi-nihuiun ; first prav 
 and then lie down to sleep. 
 Nakodam. (nin)n. v. I consent to s 
 th., J ponnse to do a. th., or to 
 Nahmd, inin) a. v. an. I promise 
 Inm to do s.th.,or to go .onio- 
 where, I consent to what he is ask- 
 JSakirchdvn, (mn) n. v. •/„ I catcli 
 some m. obj. that is thrown to me ■ 
 J^.V.ojiak... ;p.nek..dod. 
 jVakurbina, (nin) a. v. an. I catch 
 8ome«« obj ihatisthrowntome, 
 or that flies by me; 3. p. o naL.n 
 p. nck..nad. ' 
 .\ak>rcnage, (nin) n. v. I shoot in 
 the air; 3. p. l.;ii. nck..ged. 
 ^akn'enn^ra, (nin) a. v. m. I shoot 
 hini in ;he air, (I shoot a bird fly- 
 ing ;) 3. J). nak..n ; p. nek. .wad. 
 V. S. 
 J\ak>ceshkage, (mn) n. v. S. Nagi^h 
 kage. '' 
 KakweM-dn, (nin) a. x. in. S 
 JS"akiriM-au'a, (nin) a. v. an. S, 
 Nakw(t<hkodadimin, (nin) com. 
 Naku-cshkodadiwin, s. S. Nagishko- 
 JVakurtnge, (nin) n. v. I answer, I 
 gainsay, I give bad answers, short 
 answers; 3. p. \.; }^. n^k..ged. 
 JSakwctngeM, (nin)x\. v. 1 use to 
 answer, to gainsay, to give bad an- 
 swers; 3. p. -i'; i^.nck..id. 
 ISnkwdam, (nin) n. v. I answer. 1 
 give an answer toa (juestion ; also, 
 I gainsay, 1 answer improperly ; 3. 
 P- 1.; p. nckwetang. 
 Nukwetamut'in, s. answer ; pl.-««. 
 Kahri'tawa, {nin) a. v. an. I answer 
 him, I give him an answer to a 
 questioi) ; or, I answer him impro- 
 perly .; a. p. « nnh.n ; p, nel\.mi(l. 
 Nam, as end-syllable in some ii. v., 
 signifies hr-eathin^, or a. th.. relat- 
 ing to it; aa .• JSmdinkhvumlm, I 
 breathe my last. Nin jajihanmn., 
 1 breathe by long intervals ; etc. 
 Ndmaam, {nin) n. v. 1 have a lair 
 wind ; 3. p. 1.; j). naiamaann. 
 Namacmigwad, vi. v. it is a fair wind, 
 good for sailing ; p. naia.vwal: 
 Namadah, {nin) n. v. I sit down, I 
 am sitting; 3, p. -«; Y,.mm..hi<l. 
 JVamaclahia, {nin) a. v. an. 1 make 
 him sit down ; :j. \u o nam..n ; p. 
 Nanuulahituwa, [nin) a. v, an. I sit 
 down by his side, near him ; a. p. 
 7iam,.n; p. nem..wad. 
 NamuildUwin, s. sitting; a seat.— 
 Kitchi-ogima 7i.ania<laUwm. throne. 
 jVamadamagad^u. v. it is higher than 
 large ; p. ne1h..gak- 
 NamdJcona, {nin) a. \.eLn.l anoint 
 Lis head. 1 put grease, ointment or 
 pomaae on his head ; 3. p. o nam., 
 n; p. nem..nad ; imp. namahij. 
 Namdkdnidis, {nin) r. v. I anoint or 
 grease my head ; 3. p.-o ,• p. n<m.~ 
 Na7nAhviwin, s, grease to anoint the 
 heild, ointment for the head, pom- 
 Natnaiulj, adv. expression of doubt- 
 ing or not knowing. 
 Namdndi fjiwihadogwm :, I don't 
 know what happened ; or, I don't 
 know how it is. Namdmlj apiqc-- 
 mudjawdncn; 1 don't k.iow when I 
 shall start. 
 Namaiidji, {nin) n.. v. I am left-harHl- 
 ed; 3. p^ 1.; p. miiiandjld. 
 Namdndji(jad* , a, the left leg. 
 N<und)idjini]i\ s. the left arm. 
 Namdmljiniiidj, s. the left hand. 
 NantumiilriMv, s. an. the h>ft cheek. 
 Namdnajini'iMnijig, s. the left eye. 
 *NoTE. Tluire is nlwuvs a possessive 
 pronoun prefixed to tliis and the fullowinR i 
 five word* ; as : iVin namandjigad, my lef^ ( 
 leg Kitnamandjinik, thy loft arm. O nn i 
 tnandjinind), his lol't iiand ; etc » 
 NomdruNisid, s. the left foot. 
 Namatdlcone, or~magad isMote, u. v. 
 the fire blazes up ; p. w«w..«€6r, or 
 Nama'tchigdham, n. v. 3. p. he sets 
 himself upright, he stands up, he 
 erects himself ; [F. il se mate ;J p 
 nem. .n'i(L-Numatchi(jdhawi komah 
 u'd; the bear uses 'to erect him- 
 self, (to stand upright, like a per- 
 NamatcMuad, u. v. it is oblong, it is 
 longerthan broad, (stuff,;) Yt.n^m.. 
 Namatckigin, n. v. 3. p. it is oblong, 
 longer than broad, (««. obj., as, 
 fnoshwe, handkerchief ; se?ii7/d, rib- 
 bon or silk-stuff ;) p. nem..md. 
 Name, s. sturgeon ; \){.-wau. 
 Namebin, s. carp, sucker, (fish ;) t.1. 
 Namehinigdn, s. carp-bone ; -pl.-^^j, 
 N^imMini-gisiss, s. an. the moon of 
 suckers, the month of February. 
 Kamihini-sihi, s. Carp Kiver, Lake 
 Navugofi^, s. trout ; \)\.~ag. 
 Namegofisigan, s. trout-bone ; pl.-aw. 
 Nameytis.sika, or-magad^ u. v. there 
 are trout, or many trout ; p. nem.. 
 Jcng, or-^mtgalc. 
 Nameg(kmkun. s. place where there 
 are many trout. 
 Namigossikaning, at, to or from 
 such a place. 
 Namehmn, s. glue ; [G. Leim.] 
 Namikwamhe, {nin) n. v. I make 
 glue; 3. p. 1.; nem..ked. 
 Nam-ekwa7iikewimni, s. glue-boiler ; 
 Namiteg, s. dried fish ; ^\.-xmg. 
 Nameu^l, s. Sturgeon Lake. 
 NnmkvihisiU, v- Sturgeon River. 
 Namewigun, s. iturgeon-bone ; pl.- 
 Numiih^\d, p 
 habii •■/' c; 
 cer; pl.^^iv. 
 Aamofi, an er "i-syllablea in some n. 
 y., ri late to smoke ; as : Ningikan- 
 dnujg, it smokes in my house." Mn 
 ■^'■■i' andnior,, I am stifled with 
 a. he that is in a bad 
 ijig, a habitual dan- 
 smoke. Ninjihaiidmos, I can eri- 
 (luie much smoke ; etc. 
 i\««(j, yimi) a. V. an. I fetch him. (a 
 person, or any other an., object,) 
 J. p. o nunan ; p. naidnad :' imi). 
 naj. ' 
 xVtMt? aivUidna, I g-o to fetch him, I 
 ^rt for him. 
 Mn hi-nd/m, I cowo to fetch him, 
 I co//ie for him. 
 li'undadamDton mihana, {nin) a. v. 
 in. I repair a road ; 3. p. o nan...: 
 ^. nen..tod. 
 ]Sa>idanavi, {nin) n. v. I prepare my- 
 self for singing, by coughing a lit- 
 tle ; 3. p.-o ; p. nen..mod. 
 JSanabdnis, {nin) n. v. I am cauglit, 
 cheated; 3. p.-e; p. nc/i..skl. 
 i\«/<a6ew, adv. just now, only now ; 
 too l^te.~jVdnahe»i kl daywhliin 
 i/i-itihl'wa-a?holir/(j; tho^i couiest on- 
 ly now when the work is done. 
 JSanagaiaivulmma , {nin) a. v. an. 
 I observe liini, consider him, I 
 watch him with my eyes ; 3. p. u 
 nan..n; p. nnidn..mad. 
 ISanaijatawahandun, {nin) or, ?iin 
 nana»,nddn, a. v. m. I contemplate 
 It, I consider it, observe it, watch 
 duct, his manners, his qualities 
 etc j 3. p. o nan..n ; p. naidn.\ 
 jydna(fatn>vemndis, (nin) r. v I re 
 fleet upon myself,' I consider mv- 
 sclf ; I examine my conscience :3 
 p.-o; p. naidn..s<d. 
 jSiVviagataivenindigon-in, s. reflection 
 upon one's self,- examen of con- 
 Nandfjina, {nin) a. v. an. I stop him. 
 I hinder him ; 3. p. o nan..n; p. nm!. 
 it ; 3. p. o nan...- p. 
 l\ana(jatawcndam, {mn) n. v. 1 re- 
 flect, meditate, consider, contem- 
 plate, deliberate ; 3. p. l.; p. naia.. 
 Knnagatawendumadis, {nin) r. v. S. 
 i\ a»agatuiV(-idumndisomufiad ni?ide, 
 my heart reflects or meditates up- 
 on itself; p. naian..gah. 
 ^'anagataivindamuwin. s. meditation, 
 contemplation, reflection, consid- 
 eration, deliberation. 
 JS'dioagataivenddn,{nin) a. v. in. I re- 
 flect or meditate upon it, I consid- 
 er it ; 3. p. o nan...\ p. naid..ang. 
 Jyanagatawenima, {nin) a. v. an I 
 reflect upon him, (upon his con 
 "Note -Tho duplication <,f the first svl- 
 m-^jL";i,p'"i? ""•' f^""^ "•'^^''- ^•'''•''«" '''•'^^e, 
 marKi ih^ frequmtattvc vurb, and ulliidcs 
 U^ a repetition, or coiilinuatioii, of tlie same 
 , ... ' ■'• r" " "^<-i.if.,ii,, p. nvn., 
 H'}-~-\V^ nundglnag wa-inigadid- 
 Jig ; I hinder (stop, separate) peo- 
 ple that intend to fight.-S. a4/«- 
 Jia, or J\agad. 
 Nandgi7iiivc, (nin) n. v. I stop, hin- 
 der or sejiarate flghters ; 3. o 1 ■ 
 p. nen..H'cd. ' "' 
 Nundihian, {nin) a. v. in. I write it 
 correcting it at the same time - 3' 
 p. nan... ; p. nen..an(i. 
 JSannihiigan, s. corrected or mended 
 writing, corrected copy; pl.-a«. 
 JSanaihnge, («iw) n. v. I correct or 
 mend writing, I am writing a cor- 
 rected copy; 3. p. 1.; ixnen..aed. 
 {i\in^ nanditmi, I mend of correct 
 }t ; mnd ojihiigc, I write.) 
 JSandiHnjtan ithl-ote, {nin) a. v. in 
 ireq. I repair the Are, I stir it up," 
 3. p o nan... ; p. nen..ang. 
 i\unaiHnjeigan, s. i)okcr, conimonlv 
 an iron bar to stir the fire with • al 
 -an. \ ' *^ ' 
 Nandikinjeiganal<, s, a stick or pole 
 (not an iron l)ar, ) to stir the lire 
 ^with, \voode?i]iokrr; \A.-on. 
 Xandina, {nin i a. v. nn. \ arrange or 
 rqmr it. Imend,lix it, f put it in 
 good order again, {an. obj. ) 3.]). 
 nan..n ; p._ nen..nad.—Xm qi-itan- 
 uina liihaigiiimvan, I repaired the 
 Xanuindn, {nin) a. v. in. I put it in 
 good order ; 3. p. nan...; p. ncn.. 
 nng. — liiskitenaqanan nin ai-na- 
 ndindnan ; 1 put in good order the 
 '•casseaus." (y. Bisl-iteiHuian.) 
 j\aiiuisi>'itchigade, uv-magad, u. v, S. 

 KannimteUge, (nin) n. v. S. Mrnd- 
 NaHuissiton,{nm) a. v. in. S. ]Vandi. 
 Kanditchigade, or^magad, u v it is 
 repairecf, arranged,' mended : set- 
 tled ; p. nm..deg, ox-^nagah. 
 Xanditchige, {nin) n. v. I repair 
 mend, correct ; settle : 3. p. 1 • n' 
 nen..ged. ' ' 
 Kanditon, {nin) a. v. in. I repair it 
 I mend, correct, arrange it, I im- 
 prove it ; I settle It ; 3. p. o «««...; 
 p. nin. .tod. ' 
 NaHditoivin, s. repairing, correcting 
 reparation, improvement, arramre- 
 inent ior the better. ' 
 Kaiidhma, {nin) a. v. an. I defend 
 myself against him. I resist liiin, I 
 combat him in self-defence • 3 p 
 nan..n; p. neJL.nad ; imp. nand- 
 Xniuil-onan, {7iin) a.\. in. I defend 
 myself against it,. I combat it, 
 1 resist It ; 3. p. o nan... ; p. n^n.. 
 iin,j.—jSin% adhMan hatadowin- 
 I combat sin. 
 Xaiiakwi^ {nin) n. v. I defend myself- 
 3. 1>. 1.; p. nendhvid. ' 
 ^anuhriwin, s. self-defence. 
 ?<anamda, {nin) a. v. a7i. I frighten 
 It. (a wild animal, a duck, etc.) 
 1 startle it ; 3. p. o nan..n ; p. nen 
 Sanamudjigan, s. frightened animal 
 in the woods, startled animal, 
 (luck, etc./ pl.-a^. ' 
 ^annn, num. five. 
 yahdnduirvi, {nin') a. v. an. I doctor 
 liim, I give him medicines in his 
 sickness; 3. p. o nan..n ; p. nm.. 
 ad. ^ 
 Xandmlawiiim, (nin) n. v. I am doc- 
 tored, medicines are given me in 
 my sickness ; 3. p.-« ; p. nen..sid. 
 i^unandawiiwe, {nin) n. v. I doctor, I 
 give medicines to sick persons • 3 
 Ji-1.; p. wm..«¥(£. 
 ^oidndawiiweivin, s. doctoring, a 
 tloctor's business, occupation, art 
 JVandnddwiiwewmini, s. doctor, nhv- 
 sician, a man skilful in curing dis- 
 eases ; \)\.-^vag. 
 J^andnduwiowin, a. medicine, reme- 
 X'mdndawis, {nin) n. v. lam cured, 
 ^^andmku'itchigan, s. a sick person 
 taken care of and dotored : Ty\.-aq. 
 ^anandamtwa,{nm) a. y.an. S 
 Kanmdawitwawin, s. S. Mndnda. 
 Xandndohan, (nin) n. v. freq. S 
 Xundndohunihandimin, {nin) com. v 
 freq. S. JXandolanilcandimin. 
 ^^cmundo7>anihmdiivin,3. S. A^ando- 
 liuMandodjina, {nin) a. v. an.frm. 
 ll\ *''!'; ^"f. °'her frequcntatCre* 
 verbs of this kind, look under i\a«. 
 dodjina, etc., where they appear 
 , . ^as simple verbs. 
 JXandndoma, {nin) a. v. an. I beg 
 bini, 1 pray, ask or request him for 
 S; th., [ implore his help and as- 
 sistance; 3. p. o nan..n; p. nen.. 
 jyandmlomandji<je, {nin) n. v. freq. 
 ft. Aandomandjige. 
 Xandndomowin, s.' petition, request. 
 entreaty; pl.-an. ^ 
 Xandndo^hMte, {nin) n. v. I go from 
 one place to another to hear what 
 they say; 3. p. I.; ^.nen..tcd. 
 ■^^(('land/jMUeffahiw, {nin) n v I 
 standstill in different places, 'to 
 S'' """^^^^ *^ ^^^''' ^' J*'~*'' p- "^'^•• 
 ^^undndosJMteshl; {nin) n. v. I am 
 111 a bad habit of going round to 
 g'"^^hatissaid;3. p.-^; ^,nm.. 
 ■^^and/iimima. {fiin) a. v. an. I tear 
 some an. obj, with the teeth; 3. p. 
 ^0 nan.jijj,. nen. .mad. 
 Knndniganddn.{ni7i) a. v. in. I tear 
 U with t'i< tettlj; 3. p. o nan...: p. 
 ■Hen..ang. "^ 

 N'andnigmh'ka, or-n: an nil ^ u. v. freq. 
 it is all torn to pieces everywhere; 
 P. nen..kag, ox-magalc. S. Nigosh- 
 ka\ etc. 
 JS\in(in'(joshkdn,{mn) a. v. in. freq. 
 I tear it all to pieces, every part of 
 it; 3. p, o nail...; ]>, nm..ang. 
 I^andn{^of<Kkmva,{tdn)&. v. an. freq. 
 I tear some an. obj, all to pieces; 
 3. p. w nnn..n; p. mn. wad. 
 H'dnanimin, (nin) num. v. an. we 
 ar3 five of us; p. naid.^lj'ig. 
 ydnaninon, num. v. /w. there are five 
 {in. obj. ) p. naid..nigin. 
 J\'andnJ, adv. S. Naidilj. 
 Nandpadaami, (nin) n. v, S. Ja- 
 handpagam, (nin) n. v. I sing, 
 mockinjj somebody or something; 
 3. p.-o; p. nen.,mod. 
 jynndjiagavion, {nin) 'a. v. in. I sing 
 it mocking, for derision, 3. p, ouan 
 ...;p. ncn..mod. 
 Nandpagamonan, (nin) a. v. ««.. I 
 sing him, mocking, I sing his char- 
 acter or his qualities, for derision 
 or contempt. 3, p, o nan...; p. nen 
 ..mod. (V. Conj.) 
 NandpagandJ, adv.shamefuUy, worth 
 mocking and derision. 
 Xandi,agandjia,{ni7i.) a. v. an. I in- 
 sult hnn, I mock him; 3. p. o nan.. 
 «; p. ncn..ad. 
 Nandpagdndjiton, (nin) a. v. in.; p. 
 nen. .tod. S. jS'anapayaJisondan, 
 JS\indpagansitngos,{fiin)n v. I spcdk 
 insulting mocking words; I mur- 
 mur; 3. p.-t; p. ncn..sid. 
 .N^andpaganso'ma, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 mock or insult him; 1 murmur 
 against him:; 3. p. o nan..n; p. nen 
 I^andpagar iondan, (nin) a. v. in. I 
 mock or insult it; 3. p. o n^an...; p. 
 JVa7idpagunsonge, (nin) n. v. I mock, 
 I use mocking language; I mur- 
 mur; 3. p. I.; p. nea..ged. 
 Kandpidotam, (nin) n. v. I mock re- 
 peating words, I repeat words of 
 somebody in a mocking manner; 
 3> 2)^ L.; d. nen..tai:g. 
 JSnndpidot^wa, (nin) a. v. an. Imock 
 him, imitating his speaking or his 
 voice; (111. ga oponal'ham;) 3. p. o 
 nan..n\ p. nen..wad, 
 Mtnnj:)i</ijwe,(nin) n. v. I epeik in a 
 mocking manner; 3. p. 1.; p, nm 
 J\undjn//ii'wewin, s. mockery, speak- 
 ing mocking words. 
 Nandpima, (nin) a. v. an. 1 speak 
 to him certain words, relying on 
 &. th.; 3. p. nan..n; p. nen. .mad. 
 JS/andpimon, (nin) a. v. in. I rely on 
 it in speaking certain words; 3. p. 
 onan...; p. nen.. mad. 
 Nandpimonan, (nin) a. v. an. I rely 
 on him in speaking certain word's 
 or telling s. th.; 3. p. o nan...; p! 
 Nandpimotnn, s. speaking v;ith re- 
 liance on some object, an. or in. 
 Nandpoffis, (nin) n. v. I ain impo- 
 tent, I have no power, no author- 
 ity; 3. p.-«; p. nen..sid. 
 Nandssah, adv. S. Aidpi. 
 Nanawad, u. v. it gives no profit, it 
 does not produce anything; p. nen- 
 Nanawddad, w.v. it is deficient, use- 
 less, unprofitable; p. nen.. dak. 
 lYanawddts, (nin) n. v. I am an un- 
 profitable useless peison, I am 
 loosing my time, 1 gain nothing, 
 acquire nothing, I labor in vain; 3. 
 p.-^": p. nen..sid.—S. Anawiwis. 
 JVanau'dJ, adv. uselessly, unprofita- 
 bly, loosing time, to no purpose.— 
 jS\t,nawdj nin Mmadis. I live un- 
 profitably, (my life i.s destitute of 
 good works.) 
 JSdndwina, (nin,) a. v. an. freq. I 
 cannot liave him, cannot reach 
 him, (any an. obj.) 3. p. o nan..n; 
 p. nen..ad. 
 JVandwinan, (nin) a. v. in. freq. I 
 cannot have it, cannot reach it; 3. 
 p. nnn...; p. tien..ang. 
 Nanawis, (nin) n. v. S. JVanawddis. 
 N^anauis,se, (nin) n. v. I burst asun- 
 der; 3. p. 1.; p. nen..sed. 
 Nanaicisse, oi-magad, u. v. it bursts 
 asunder, it falls to pieces; p. nen.. 
 seg., m-mafftih. 
 Muidd, in compositions, signifies 
 sccMiui, searching, tryim. (Ex- 
 amples in many of the following 
 words. ) 
 MnddMnetve, (niii) n. v. I am hunt- 
 ing partridges, {line, partridge;) 
 3. p. 1.; p. nen..W€d. 
 JVanda(/e7iim, (nin) n. v. I take more 
 than 1 ought, or more than 1 want; 
 also, I do all in my power; 3. p.-o; 
 p nen. .7)10(1. 
 JVaruMHkendan, (nin) a. v. in. I try 
 or endeavor to know it, to learn it; 
 3. p. onan...;p. iicn .ang. 
 ]\and(ikikenima, {nin) a. v. an. I try 
 to know him, I inform myself 
 about him; 3. p, o nan..n; p. nen.. 
 Nanddmasitam, {nin) n. v. I try to 
 hear what is said, I listen, I heark- 
 en; 3. p. ].; p. nen..ang. 
 Xiuuidmadfawa, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 hearken, to know what he shall 
 say; 3. p. o nan..n; p. nen..ivad. 
 Nanddmilcwendan, {nin) n. v. I trv 
 to recall it to memory, 1 endeavor 
 to recollect it; {vin mihwenddn, I 
 recollect it,\) 3. p. o nan...; p. nen.. 
 Kan'ddmihvcnima, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 try to recollect him, to recall him 
 to memory, (to recollect his name, 
 his appearance, etc.) 3. p. o nan., 
 ii:, p. 7ien..rn'id. 
 KanddnagisJtl-age, {nin) or, nin nan- 
 ddnahveshkage, n. v. I try to meet 
 people; 3. p. l.;p. nen..ged. 
 Itandi'inagishkawa, {7iin) or7iin na7i- 
 danakweshkawa, a. v. an. I try to 
 meet him; 3. p. o tum..n; p. nen.. 
 Kanddniinaict, {nin) n. v, I endeav- 
 or to speak the language of the 
 people with whom I live; 3. n. 1.; 
 p. 7ien..wed. 
 Nanddnissa, {nin) n. v. I seek an 
 opportunity to kill him; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 nen. .sad. 
 Kanddnissitotam, {nin) n. v. i en- 1 
 deavor to understand, to compre- 
 hend; 3. p. 1.; p. nen. '.ang. 
 Kanddimsitotdn,{nin) a. v. in. I en- 
 deavor to understand it; 3. p. o nan 
 ...; p. nen..a7tg. 
 Kanddnissitotawa, {7iin) a. v. an. I 
 endeavor to understand him; 3. p. 
 nan..; p. nen. .wad. 
 Nanddwnimiwe, {nin)r). v. I seek 
 pigeons to shoot them, I am hunt- 
 ing pigeons; 3. p. L; p. nen. .wed. 
 Nanddonakmigr, {nin) n. v. 1 try to 
 make good laws or regulations, 
 consultmg with others; 3, p. 1.; p. 
 Naiiddwdhama,{7iin) a. v. an. I seek 
 him, I look for him; 3. p. o nan..n\ 
 p. ncn..7nad. 
 Na7iddwa})anddn, {nin) a. v. in T 
 seek it, search it, look for it; I ex- 
 amine it; 3. p. onan...; p. nen.. 
 Nanddwaliandjigade, ox~magad,u. v. 
 It IS looked for; it issought; p. nen 
 deg.., or-magah. 
 Na7iddumhahifiigas,{ni7i) n. v. I am 
 looked for, lam sought; 3. p.-ry; p. 
 nen. .sod. 
 JS^anddu'dhandJige, {nin)n. v. I seek, 
 I search; 3. p. 1.; p. nen..ged.—i:\\(i 
 same signification has, ninnandd- 
 -Yandau'ag/re, {7iii) n. v. I am hunt- 
 ing porcuxiine.s; 3 p. 1.; n.ncn.. 
 2fanddu'aTcwe, {nin) n. v. I am hunt- 
 ing bears; 3. }.. 1.; p. ncn-wed. 
 JSandau-dto, {nvn) n. v. I am spy 
 out; 3. p. ].; p. nen..tod. 
 Manduivdton.{7iin) a. \.in. I spy it 
 nut; 3. p. o »({«.,.; p. ne'"..t(>d. 
 Kandawendagos, {niu) n, v, lamdc- 
 sirable; also, I am desired to give 
 or to do or to ?ay s. th.; 3. p.-?'; p. 
 Nandawendagwad , it is desired, it is 
 ^desirable; j). nen..n<a]t. 
 Kandazvendom,{7iin)n. v. I desire; 
 3. p. 1.; p. nen.. ang. 
 Kandawindaniomagad,\i. v. pers. it 
 desires, it wishes; p. nen..gaL 
 JSandaifhidan, (nm)a.v, in. Ide-| 
 sire It, I wish lor it, I require it; 
 d.p.ona/i...; p. wn.Miuj. 
 JSanduwinihm, uiiii) n. v. I dosire 
 or endeavor to have ii certain ob- 
 iect;3. i).-o;p. „(;;i..,v,,j. 
 ^andawendjigude, or-maffad, u. v. 
 It IS desired, reqnire(f, sonpht, 
 wished for; p nen:.df<j, or-mm/al: 
 ^utiduuindJHjas, (uin) n. v. Tain 
 desired, wished for; 3. p.-o; p. neii 
 K<,ndawindji<je, [nin] n. v. I desire; 
 I look for s. th. (especially in hunt- 
 intf or fishing, ) 3. p. ].; p. nen . 
 JS^andnwindjigevnn, s. lookini; for 
 seeking, (especially in hunting or 
 iSiihdnireuima, (mn.)a.\, an. I de- 
 ■sire luin, I wish to have him, I re- 
 quire niin to do s. th.:3. IX nan.. 
 nanundodjtnan, freq. v.) I seek it 
 hyfeelinuin the dark, I grope if 
 3. p. onun...; p. nen..a7ir/. ' 
 J\avdudHni(j,', (nin) n. v. f grope I 
 search by feeling in the dark: 3. n 
 1.; p. ntn..(f<d. ' ■ 
 Nundodjindliiiin, (nin) com. v. 8 
 Nandodjindiwin, s. S. GagiUngwe- 
 J^andddjMh'(/e, {nin) n. v. I walk 
 feeiinginy way,-3. p. ]. ; ^.nen.. 
 JS''and6him7n,(nin) n. v. I look for 
 l)irch-bark, (to make a canoe, etc.) 
 J. p. 1.; p. nen..anq. 
 J^iindomd, {nin) a. v. an. I call him 
 to me, I send him word to come to 
 me, I invite him, 1 cite him, I suin- 
 /'•,"p. nen.. mad. 
 ■iS'amaui&sin, {nin) n, v. I look for 
 s. th. to eat; 3. p.-i; p. nm..nid. 
 J\nndoatd. {nin) n. v. I am seeking, 
 searching; 3. p. 1.; p. nendoaiml. 
 j.\(indohan,{nm) n. v. I try to make 
 war-captives, slaveys, I go on a 
 war-party, on a war-excursion, (ac 
 conling to the Indian manner of 
 making war/) 3. p.?;-; p. nen..nid. 
 {Ahmini, signifies, Indian slave.) 
 AtindchaniJcandimin {nin) com. v. 
 we are at war with each other; p* 
 nen. .did jig. ' ' 
 JS'andohuniJcanditrin, s. Indian war- 
 K'tindnhaniwin. s. endeavor to make 
 slaves, Indian warfare. 
 KandoU, {nin \ n. v. I look for water 
 or for s. th. to drink; 3. p. 1.; p' 
 7ithd"hid. '■ 
 Nandohiniwa. {nin) n, v. I am hunt- 
 in? with a bow and arrows; 3. p 
 ^1.; p. nen.. trad. 
 JSrandodJina, {mn) a, v, an. {nin na- 
 nandodjina, freq. v/i I seek or 
 search him by feclinK in the dark, 
 I grope him; 3. p. onan..n- p.. nen 
 nnd. ' 
 Nandodjinan, {nin) a. v. in, (nin 
 mon him ; 3. p. nan..n ; p. nendo- 
 JS'undmndJcmne, {nin) n. v. I search 
 lice; 3. p, 1. ; p. ntn..mcd. 
 jSandomnl-onmhi, s. ape, monkey 
 (louse-searcher;) pl..%. ^' 
 Aandomdndjige, {nin) n. v. {ninna- 
 nandoniandjiiie, freq. v.) I sniff' I 
 search s. th. by scent, ( like a dog; ) 
 Ji-V-l.;Vne7i..ged. ^' 
 Aandimiigus, {nin) n. v. I am called 
 to go to somebody, or to go some- 
 where; 3. p.-e; p. nen..sid. 
 j^andomtg.osiwin, s. dall received by 
 a person to go somewhere, 
 JSundomilwe, {nin) 11. v. I am hunt- 
 ing beavers, or searching beavers; 
 3. p. ].; p. ntn..wed. 
 JSondmusm,{nin)n. v. I search lice 
 on his head; 3. p. I.; ^. nen..sad. 
 JSamhmdJHjas, {nin) n. v. S. I^-ando. 
 Xandondjige, {nin) n. v. S. ^aw- 
 Kandonian, {nin) a. v. in. I search 
 it, I look for it ; 3. p, o nan... ; p. 
 nen..u7is;. * 
 Nando7iHge, {7iin) n. v. I search, I 
 seek; 3. p. \.;]). 7um..ged. 
 JSandoneigewiih, s. searching, 
 A^uulonf.wa, {nin) a., v. an. I seek 
 him, I look for him; 3. p o 7ian..n, 
 p. Hen..7vad; imp. fiatidone. 
 'f ■, ,1;' «4.V 
 Xandongi, (nin) n. v. I call people 
 together, (to an assembly, to a 
 feast, etc.) I invite ; I convoke : I 
 cite,I summon; 3. p. ].; p. nc,i..</ed. 
 S. JSi'ando 
 IS'itruhmige^ {nin) n. v 
 Kandoshile, (nhi) n. v. I amhuntini? 
 ducks; 3. p. l.;.p. nen..hcd. 
 Xandoshhmaqe, {nin) n. v. I collect 
 my credits, my active debts ; 3 p 
 1.; p. nen..g<d. 
 Xandoxhkaiiian'a, {nin) a. v, an. I 
 request him to pay me what he 
 owes me, to pay his credit; fill 
 ga potirjam;] 3. p. o ?ian..n; p. nen 
 ..wad. '■ 
 Jandoshldis, {nin) n. v. I try to get 
 paid, to get my credits, (active 
 dfbts;) 3. p.-o; p. nen..sod. 
 yandotage, {nin) or, nin nandotanu 
 n. V. 1 listen, 1 hearken, endeavor- 
 ing to hear what they say; 3. p. l.; 
 !>. ncn..(jcd, or, ncndotang. 
 Jundutam, {nin) n. v. I ask, I re- 
 quest, 1 petition; 3. p. 1.; p. naido- 
 Nandotnmuge. {?iiu) n. v. I 
 mendicate, ask alms ; 3. p 
 Xandotamdge^i, {nin) a. v. in. 
 lor it; 3. p. o nan... ; p. nen,.gcd 
 Sandotamagenan, {nin) a. v. an 
 beg for some an. obj. ; 3. p. o nan. ■ 
 ^.n€n..ged. (V. VAmi.)-I'al-w,ji,ian 
 nin m-nandotamaoenan; I coine to 
 beg lor some bread, (or Hour.) 
 yandotanidge.ihk, {nin) n. v. I am in 
 a bad habit of begging ; 3. p,-j • p. 
 nen. .hid. ' ' 
 Snudidamagfu)} n, s. begging beg- 
 gary, meiidiciiy. 
 .Wfndotamaicay (nin) a. v. an. I ask 
 him for s. th., 1 beg him, I request 
 hua: 3. p. o nan..n ; p. nen..'wad. 
 .\'(ndota/>u,win, s. asking, petition. 
 request for s. th. 
 Xandotdn, {nin) a. v. in. 1 beg for 
 It ; [ require it ; 3. p. o nan... ; p. 
 X'lndMuwa, {nin) a. v. an. I listen, 
 I hearken, endeavoring to heur 
 I beg 
 what he is saying ; 3. p. « nan..n ', 
 p. nen. .wad. 
 Nandwiwem, {nin) n. v. I am calling 
 without seeing the person, J call ; 
 3. i>.-o ; p. ncn..m<id. 
 ^'tndu'i'n'ema {nin) a. v. a?i. I call 
 urn ; I call for some an, obj. to 
 liavo it; 3. p. onan..n; p.nm..7nad. 
 l\<tndu<en;.'ndan, {nin) a. v. in. I oall 
 ior it, to have it back again ; 3. p 
 o nan...; p. ncn..ang. 
 yundwiwemgc, {nin) n. v. I call by 
 hring guns; 3. j,. 1. ; p. ncn..uvd. 
 ^\anekad(ndani, { nin) n. v. Isulfer 
 in my thougiits; in my mind ; 3. p. 
 J.; nen.. dang, 
 y'anilatdis, (nin) n. v. I sufler ; 3, p. 
 -■i\ p. ntn...std. 
 JSunvhididwin, s. suffering. 
 jSani]cadjia,{nin) a m. an. I make 
 him sutler, I treat bun ill ; 3. p. o 
 JSanekueljiMi,(nin) or, ninnanekad- 
 Jiton, a. v. -m. I make myself sut- 
 ler by it, using it spaiinfriy, in or- 
 der to have it longer, (provisions 
 or liquor;) "i. p. o nan...; i). nen.. 
 Xdngan, u. v. it is light, not heavy ; 
 p. naidngang. 
 Xdnge, adv. This word is used to ex- 
 press the cemlrary of the verb 
 which It follows ; as; y-inlihen- 
 <Jan nunge; 1 don't know it. Ki ni- 
 btvaka ndjlge ; thou art not wise. 
 JJtibwe tidnge; he is not telling the 
 Xdngenda?}, {nin) a. v. in. I think 
 It IS light, not heavy; 3. p. onan...; 
 p. naia..ang. 
 y'dngcnima, (nin) a. v. an. I think 
 he is light, (any</«. obj.) 3. p. o 
 ;'>(t?>..n; p. naia..mad. 
 JSangia. (nin) a. v. an. I make light 
 some an. obj., I lighten it ; 3. p. 
 onan..n; p. naidngiad. 
 J\nngidec, {nin) n. v. my heart is 
 light, contented, happy ; 3. p. I. • 
 p. nain..cd. 
 Ndngiuke-Mawa.! {nin) a. v. rn. I 
 make him move his arm ; 3. p o 
 nun.,n ; p. naia.:ivad. 
 iVd/ij^w, (nm)n.\, I am light ; ;). i.. 
 -i ; |). uiiidfKjlKid. 
 Muffimfe, [nin) n. v, T nm light- 
 footefl ; 3. p. 1. ; p. naid..d,d. 
 XttiujimMuiK (nm) n. v. I hurt my 
 foot, (knocking,' against s. th. in 
 ^iHy way;) 3. p. 1. ,• p. naiH..ing. 
 ^wigiton, (niu)!i. v. in. 1 make it 
 light, I lighten it ; 3. p. o nan... • 
 p. natdth/itnJ. 
 ^'anmmm^, (nin) n. v. [ have a light 
 loajl or pack on my hack ; 3. p. 1 • 
 na>d..nfd. > i -. 
 Ndngwana, adv. so, thus, then. (It 
 IS used ill nn interrogative manner 
 and placed always immediately 
 alter the verb.)— Wi-madjamui 
 nanywaiia I So they will go away ■ 
 hi-niho ndmjivanaf He is then 
 dead ? 
 JSyinihaiuwe, (nin) n. v. or, nin na- 
 nnmhatatve, freq. I yawn or gape, 
 (beeing sleepy;) 3. p. i • p. naid.. 
 ^^dnihiiaioewi n, s. yawning. 
 N&nihaiv, (nin) n. v. freq. 'l stand 
 here and there, m difierent places 
 successively; 3. p.-«V p. naid..wid. 
 JSanibtkiganona, (nin) a. v. an. J 
 speak to him in a scolding manner- 
 (nm gandna. [ speak to him;) 3. p' 
 onan..n; p.nen..nad. 
 ^''tnihtHma, (nin) a. v. an. I scold 
 him, I rebuke, upbraid, reprimand 
 him; 3. p. onan..n; p. ne7t..mad. 
 j\onibik-uul(tn. (nin) a. v. in. I scold 
 or rebuke it; 3. p. o nan...{ p. nen.. 
 ang.—jS\ininginh nin naniUhindan 
 nmle, eji matchi-ijiwehak^lxehuke 
 otten my heart, because it is so 
 JVaniUlindimin, (nin) com. v. we I 
 scold each other; p. nen..didiig. 
 Amibikindis, (nin) r. v. I scold, re- 
 buke or reprimand myself; 3. p.-o: 
 p. nen. .sod. ' 
 Nanibikindiwin, s. mutual scoldinsj 
 or rebuking. ' 
 Nanihikiwe, (nin) n. v. I am scold- 
 ing, rebuking, reprimanding; 3. p. 
 1.; p. 7ien,.we(?. 
 J/anibikiwnn'n, a. scolding, rel ike, 
 re[)roof, reprimand, 
 Nanihoma, {nin) a. v. an. freq. S. 
 Nanibovdun,{nin)a.\. in. freq. S, 
 A'anihondiniin, (nin) com. v. freq. 
 S. Xinh(xHmin„ 
 yanihoivenima, (nin) a. v. an. freq. 
 S. Aiho!reui?na, 
 JS'dnikibidiiw, t^nin) a. v. in. I draw 
 it out of s. th.; 3. p. o 7uin...; p. 
 jVaiiikibinan, (nin) a. v. in. S.^ani- 
 ^yminiidana, num. fifty. 
 ■A'dniinidanak, num. fifty hundred 
 five thousand. ' 
 Ndh iinidanakosimin, (nin,) num. v. 
 we are five thousand in number; 
 p. naia..sidjig. 
 Ndnimidanawemin,, (nin) num. v. 
 an. we are fifty; p. naid..we(ljig. 
 2\ dhimidanaweioan, num. v. in. there 
 are fifty, (in. obj.;) p. naid..we<iin. 
 jyaninamad, w. v. freq. it is weak 
 in several places, (the ice on a 
 lake or river; or some other ob- 
 ject;) p. neninamak. 
 JS'aninametidagos, {nin^ n. v. freq. 
 I am considered weak, (from sick- 
 ness, or otherwise;) I am weak in 
 several respects; 3. p.-j'; p. nen.. 
 A^aninainendagwad, ii. v. it is consid- 
 ered weak; it is weak in several 
 ways; p. nen..?oiik. 
 J\aninaniendan, (nin) a. v ia. freq. 
 J consider it or think it weak iu 
 Severn 1 i)laces, or in several re- 
 spects; 3. p. onan,..; p. nen..ang. 
 jSaninamenima, (nin) a. v. an. freq. 
 I think he is weak in several ways; 
 3. p. o nan..n; p. nen. .mad. 
 Naninamis, (nin) n. v. freq. I am 
 often weak, or, I am weak in sev- 
 era! respects, in several ways; 3. 
 p.-i; p. neu.-sid. 
 Naninaicadem, (nin) n. v. I weep 
 bitterly, moving compassion; 3. 
 p.-o; p. nen. .mod. 
 Naninawim, (nin) n. v. I weep from 
 Naninmvmdaooa, (nin) n. v. I am 
 rejectr.l, abandoned, grieved- 3 
 [).-*; i>. nen..aid. ' 
 ^aninawendagwcui^n. v. it is rejected 
 nhandonod, sad; p. «cn..wJt 
 ^aninaicendam, {nin) „. v. I am 
 sad, a Hicted in my mind, 1 am 
 .sorrowlui, Imourn,Igrieve;3,p. 
 l.;p. nen..nng. ^ 
 KaninatveiiJixmmin, s. sadness af- 
 fliction, niourningr, grief ' 
 •'m ^slt\^ words; 3. p. o manj; 
 p. lull. .mad. ' 
 Xaninaii'inawe, {nin,) n. v. my face 
 IS marked with grief, J have a sad 
 countenance; 3. p. i.; p. „,„.; 
 yaiiimvHng^veidisJnm ) r. v. I mark 
 my face with sadness; 3. p-y>- n 
 n^ii..sod. ' ' ' ' ' 
 J<««w««'M, (nin) n. v. I am an or- 
 phan; 3. p.~i; p. ncn..6id. 
 Minna>Vitagos,{nin) n. v. I lament. 
 I express grief, sadn.^s, affliction 
 1 ■^.^}~i;\}.ncn,.8id. ' 
 i\w««t/, num. five times; the fifth 
 rime; in five manners or ways 
 ^anviglm adv. often, often times, 
 frequently. ' 
 Naiihigotinong, or naningotinonain 
 adv. sometimes, occasionally, noW 
 and then, anon. 
 Naidngita/ramo milcana, u. v. the 
 trail or road splits in several di- 
 rections, there are several branch- 
 es ot_ the road; p. nen..moo. 
 ynnnnni.,, {nin) n. v. I am weak, 
 lalirm, sick, broken bv sickness 
 -J. p.-i; p. nen..8id: 
 Aantpinisimagn J ninde, u. v. my 
 heart is weak, infirm, sick; n 
 JieiL.galc. ' ^' 
 Nampinidwin, s. weakness, infirmi- 
 ty, sickness. 
 Nanimnad, u. v. it is dangerous, 
 perilous; p. nenisana.':. 
 iSanisanendagog, {nin) n. v. 1 am 
 considered dangerous; I am dan- 
 gerous; 3.p.-^/; ^.nen,..8id. 
 Nanisanendagwad, u. v. it is consid- 
 ered <langerous; it ig dangerous, 
 perilous; p. nen..wnb. 
 fhotfi 1 "*' ^"'"^ "• ^- I think 
 Uiere IS danger; 3. p. ]., p. ,,,„.. 
 Nam^anendnn, {uin) a. v. in. I con- 
 sider It dangerous; 3. p. o nan...i 
 ^aimanemma, {nin) a. v. an. f 
 consider him dangerous. I think 
 he IS dangerous; 3.. p. o ,*,«,„«; p. 
 11^ II.. mad. ^ 
 Nanimnia, {mn)n. v. an. I*p„t him^ 
 in danger; 3..p. ,; .„„.,„/p. „,,^^_^ 
 lit I' I 
 JSan,mniidis, {nin) r. v. I put my- 
 self in dang,^r, m jeopardy; 3. 
 ^^aitsaninug s, (nin) n. v. I look 
 dangerous; 3. y^; p. nen..8ul. 
 ^^'i.nsamnagwad, u. v. it looks dan- 
 gerous; p. nm..wal'. 
 i^uiisanis, {nin) n.v. I am danger- 
 ous; also, I am in danger, in peril: 
 3. p.-?; p. nen..sid. ' 
 JSatmanmwin, s. danger, peril, jeo- 
 Nani.mnitctgog, {nin) n. v I am 
 dangerous bymy speaking; 3. p.-i, 
 Nanisawitaiva, {nin)^. v. an. I hear 
 urn with appresension of danger 
 I listen to him with the impression 
 that there is danger in his speak- 
 Nammmtun,{mn) a. v. in. I put it 
 m danger, I expose it to danger- 
 3. p,;«r/ /?...; p. nen..tod. ' 
 i^anishl-a^ljia, {nin) a. v. an. freq. I 
 provoke urn to anger; J.p.^i. 
 n; p. nesh..ad. 
 jVaiHg/d-adjiidimm, {nin) com. v we 
 provoke each other to anger; p 
 ^'anisfd-ai^itagos, {nin) n. v. freq f 
 speak angry repeatedly: 3 n .-. 
 p.nen...szd. J' • f- <r 
 -^'<iiiii'f(akoinndJm,{m'n)n.v. Istrelch 
 oiu my fingers; 3. p-^- p. ^m.. 
 Nanissap, {nin) n. v, I burst into 
 laughter; 3. p.-*'; p. nenhsapid. 
 *#*f?3, ^ •■J», 

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 Nanitngaha7nina(/-wad, u. v. it is 
 twiJight; p. nen-waJc. 
 ^(injh {nm) n. v. S.Aanjim. 
 JVanp, or~magad, u. v. S. Nnnjisse, 
 ^'(injwse, {vin) n. v. I slide down; 
 1 lly down; I descend, (sliding or 
 ^_Hying;)3. p. 1.; p. fiuidnjisscd. 
 Aanjivse, oT-magad, u. v. it slides or 
 flies down, it descends; p. naidn- 
 ^i«seg, or~magal-. 
 Aduo, num. five, (before siihatan- 
 tives denoting measube, of time or 
 other things.) 
 Adfiobidonan. (nin) 
 A7in(jbina. {nin) 
 XanoUnag. {nin) 
 JVandde, * 
 as: Mjohancnt'ndJ, twice (or two 
 limes I a handful.' A'diwlavVninifi 
 handful.— i\V;Viftiv/Jj.' 
 NoMogomig, ■ 
 Xanogamujuirmn. {nin) 
 Ndnngim&wagis. {nin) 
 JVanagwanagis. {nin) 
 Xdnominag, '• 
 Nanolcamin. {nin) 
 JS'anoshimag. {nin) 
 Nandshinimin. {nin) 
 Sanossuonan. {nin) 
 Xanwdbiginan. (nin) 
 Xdnwaidg, or ndnwaiagad. 
 Xanwaiaglsimin. {nin) 
 Xanwdhosimin, {nin) 
 Xanwdlcwcwan. , 
 Xdnu'eu-an.—S. Xijohanenindj. Xi- 
 jobidonan, Xijobina. etc., always 
 changing in English, kco into Jive; 
 five times a 
 nan, (nin) I tie two t(ij;pthpr. 
 XandMd/,nan,{nin)ltie five togeth- 
 er. Xijolina, {nin) I catch two 
 iishes. JSanoUna, {nin) J catch 
 live fishes; and so on respective- 
 Xaogdded, p. s. a. he that has four 
 iegs, a four legged animal, quad- 
 ruped: pi. -^V/7. 
 Xapandna, { nin) a. v. an. I pay him 
 I recompense him; 3. Tp.onap,.n'- 
 p. nep..nad; imp. napumj. 
 Xapdtch, adv, wrongly, not in right 
 order, not in the right place. 
 JSapatchiton, {nin) a. v. in. I put it 
 wrongly, not in the right place- 
 Adpidoiawu, {nin) a. v. an. S. the 
 /rcq. V. Xandpidoiau-a. 
 Xaskigide, {nin) I sob; [F. je sang- 
 lote;] 3. p. 1.; p. nesh..ded. 
 AatiMe ! interj. lo ! see ! hark i 
 Xdsihi, {nin) n. v. I fetch water; 3. 
 V. }■; p. naidsibid. 
 Xd«ikage, (.nin) x,. v. I approach, I 
 goto... or come to..; 3. p. l.;p, 
 I Xasil-an, (nin) a. v. in. I go to it, I 
 I approach it; 3. p. nas...; p. nai- 
 Xdsikawa, {nin) a. v. an. I go to 
 him, J approach him, (a person, or 
 any other an. obj.) 3. p. nas..n: 
 p. nata..ad. 
 Xind awi-nasikawa, I go to him. 
 Xin hi-nasikawd, I come to him. 
 Xdsikodadimin, {nin) com. v. ^-e 
 go to each other, we come togeth- 
 er; we re-unite; p. naid.Mdjiq. 
 JSasiht'e, {nin) n. v. I comb 'my 
 head; 3. p.-o.; p. nesikweod. 
 JSah%kwiigan, s. Currycomb, for cur- 
 rying horses; pl.-an. 
 X'ad.kwina, {nin) a. v. an. I comb 
 him; 3. onas..n; p.nea..wad.;\m'o. 
 Xdssdb, adv. equally, likewise, the 
 same again. 
 ^ <mmi m mm m^MSs.. 
 las..,; p. nai- 
 Mesubag/ikinaa, (nin) p. v a.n I 
 brim it, I fill it up even, 1 fill it up 
 to the bran, (some vessel, nn- 
 as, aM, kettle;) 3. p. onaet>.ni 
 p. naias..ttd, 
 Adtisahaskkinculun, {nin)&. v. m.IfiH 
 It up to the brim, I brim it; 3. p. 
 "nass..n; p.naias..dcd. 
 NdMob ejinoffoaid, an; mmab ejinag- 
 wak, -in., similar, resembling. 
 AVtssaiian, (nin) a. v. in. Icopy it, I 
 transcribe it; 3. p. o n<ua. .; p. 
 naui..nng. {Ndssab, equaiiy; nind 
 ojman, I write a.) 
 NassdUginan, (uin) a. v. in I un- 
 ravel it, disentangle it, (thread, 
 etc) 3. p. onase...; p. ne8s..ang. 
 ^assabtigan, s. copy, duplicate; pl.- 
 an. ' ; r 
 MsmUige, {nin) n. v. I copy, I 
 transcribe; 3. p. 1.; p.naia..ged. 
 ^nssahigemn, a. copying, the act of 
 transcribing a writing. 
 Adumh-ikitowin, s. an often repeated 
 word; pl.-aw. 
 -^nssuhishima, {nin) a. v. an. I put it 
 liack in its place; 3. p. o nass...; 
 p. naia-.Tnud. 
 Ji'dssahtssittm, {nin) a. v. in. I put it 
 back in i(8 place; 3. p. o nas...; 
 p. naia..tod. 
 A^dssab nm dibadjim, n. v. I repeat 
 (the same narration, the same re- 
 port, the same speech.) 
 Msmb nind ikit, n. v. I repeat, (the 
 same word or the same sentence.) 
 JVassdigan, s. dressing comb; pi.- 
 NassdTconamawa, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 open it to him or for him, 1 open 
 s. th. belonging to him; 3. p. o 
 nass.M; p. nets.. wad. 
 NasHokonan, (.nin) a. v. wi. I open if 
 3. p. nas...; p. ni!s..ang. ' 
 Matsakoshlca, or -^magad, u. v. it 
 opens, it bursts open; la. nes.^haa, 
 or -magah ^' 
 Nassdhosse, ot-magad, u. v. it opens 
 It 18 thrown open; p. nee.. sea, or 
 or -magak. 
 Jfasaandm, (nin) n. v. I breathe 
 forth, I breatht- out; 3. t). ^\ c. 
 n€s..mod. y -^tV' 
 Miesatenigan, a. trigger, (which 
 when pulled, looses the cock of 
 the gun;) pi. -a«. 
 JHfassaUnige, {nin) n. v. I pull the 
 trigger; 3. p. l.;p,neae..ged. 
 Naseawabide, {nin) n. v. I have 
 lorked teeth; 3. p. 1.; p. na^a..ded. 
 Naesawabideigan, s. fork; pi. -an. 
 JVaeeawaii, adv. in the middle, ia the 
 Nassdwaiiwan, u. v. S. Ifiesawaii- 
 Kasmwdog^n, s. a pointed Indian 
 lodge; pi. -an. 
 Nassawaoge, {nin) n. V. I make a 
 pointed lodge, or, I live in a 
 pointed lodge; 3. p. 1.; p. ne88..ged, 
 JVassawtdi7iigan, s. the place 
 between the shoulders or the 
 Nusnam^amig, adv. between two 
 lodges or houses. 
 ATassidiian, {nin) a. v. in. I stave 
 It, I break it open, (a barrel, a box, 
 etc.) 3. p. nas...; p. nes..ang. 
 jyasstdicshka, or -magad, u. v. it 
 opens, it oreaks open, (a barrel. 
 etc.) p. nes..kag, or -^,;.agak. 
 Iiasstdtisstn niakak^ u. v. the barrel 
 opens, falls into pieces; p. nea . 
 JV^dtamawa,{n,n)a.v. an. Ideffend 
 hirn; 3. p. o tiut..?i,; p. naid..wad. 
 jyatckinamanesH, s. a kind of red 
 bird; pi. -toag. 
 JVdw, ndwa,^ ndwi, in compositions, 
 , signifies zn the middle, in the midst 
 0/... (Examples in some of the 
 following words.) 
 Nawaam,{nin)n.v. I sink m the 
 snow, or in the sand, or in a marsh 
 or swamp, walking on it; 3. p. 1 • 
 y.naiwaang. r •> 
 MwaUk, adv. in the midst of an 
 object of metal. 
 Ndwadad, u. v. it does not keep or 
 Mwddidt, OT-moffod, u. v. it r;uche« 
 fire, it begins to burn; v-n^-^dea, 
 or -mogak. •' 
 KmcddmaAnin) a. v. an. I catch 
 hnn with my hand, I take hold of 
 him with haste; 3. p. o«aw..«:p. 
 new..ncul. ' ^ 
 Nawadina, (nin) a. v. wn., I waste it, 
 {an. obj.) 3. p. o naw..n; p. ruiid.. 
 ^'auddinamaim, (nin) a. v. an I ' 
 catch it for him. I catch s.'th I 
 with my hand belonging to him' I 
 or relating to him; 3. p. o nmv.,n\ 
 p. new. wad. ' I 
 ^'dmadinamawa. (nin) a. v. an. I 
 WBste s. th. belonging or relatinL' 
 to him; 3. p. ndw..n; p. „aid.. 
 ^'awddinan,(nin)a.v.in. I catch 
 It with my bond, I take hold of it 
 hastily; 3, p. o nmo...; p. iiew..an(}. 
 Aawadtnan, (nin) a. v. in. 1 waste 
 U, (in. obj.) 3. ^.ondw...- p.naid . 
 ^'awadinige, (nin.) n. v. I waste;. 3 
 p. 1.; p. naid..</ed. 
 Acwddu, {nin)'n.v. I cr .ch fire 
 that is, my clotlies catch fire, begin 
 to burn; 3. p. -,>; p. new..si.d. 
 I\awadis% ahk, n. v. 3. p. the kettle 
 aoes not keej) or contain much; d 
 Nawadji, (nin) n. v. I am eating 
 ,.'?^f»';«.I start; 3. p ].; p. new..id. 
 Aawadpwan, adv. in the midst of a 
 rapid, (in a river.) 
 Xdwagam, adv. in the middle of a 
 lake, of a bay. of a river, &c. 
 A'atoaaihwen, (nin) n. v. I incline 
 my head before me; ■\. p. -i- p 
 new.nid. ^' 
 Kdwaii, adv. in the middle, in the 
 centre, between. 
 Ndwaiiwan, u. v. it is the middle, 
 the centre; p. naia..aiw. 
 Sdwahwa, adv. in the midst of a 
 jyawahi-g, or -magad, u. v. (pron. 
 naohve,) it is mid -day or noon; p.' 
 naiauahweg, or -magah. 
 Bwa nawakway, or, tcM bna nn- 
 wahren, before noon, or in the 
 Giibfrna-nawakwea after noon 
 j or in the afternoon' ' 
 ^ ^"au'uhn-wii.dnjnin) n. v, I take 
 my dinner, I dine; 3. p. ~i- p. 
 nata..td. * 
 -^'liwahreuissiniwin, s. meal at noon, 
 ly'au'dp, (nin) n. v. I take provisions 
 I for a voyage; 3. p. -f>; p. vewa/wl. 
 -L\a/ra/>on, {mn) a. v. iit. I take il 
 with me, to eat it on my voyage; 
 3. p. r; naw...; p. newapod.— Wiiasl 
 mnnawa/ion; I take meat alomr 
 with me, to eat it on my voyage ° 
 J\awapona, (nin) a. v. an. I give 
 him provisions for his voyage; 3. 
 p.onaw..n; p.new..vad: imp. «a- 
 wapoj. ^ 
 jyuwaponan, (nin) a. v. an. I take 
 some an. obj. with me, to eat it on 
 I my voyage; 3. p. o naw...; p. newa- 
 pod. V. V,oni.)~Kah,sh nin nawa- 
 ponan; I take >ork with me, to 
 eat It on my voyage. 
 JSauHipwan, s. provisions taken for a 
 voyage; pi. -an. [G. Reisezehrung; 
 111. popotniza.] 
 Sawajncaniwaj, s. a scrip to put 
 provisions in for a voyage; pl.-av; 
 Aawuskl-ig, adv. in the middle of a" 
 NaivaMvde, adv. in the middle of a 
 JSmcdtch, adv. more, muratch ni- 
 buca, more. JWuvutch pangi, less. 
 ^awateh mbiwa nind assa, I add 
 (an. obj.) ' 
 jVawatcA ?iibiwa nind aton, I add 
 (in. oh].) ' 
 JS'a'watch nin minwendan, I prefer it 
 (in. obj.) ' 
 Kawatch nin minwmima, I prefer 
 him,her, it, (are. obj.) 
 Nawawiyan, s. chine, backbone 
 spine. ' 
 Nawcg, adv. in the middle of a 
 blanket, of a piece of clothing, of 
 any stuff. *" 
 yaK'elide, or -magad. it leans; p 
 new..deg, or -magak. 
 '^fi'<'^i^o rnitl,^ n. v. 3. p. thn tree 
 leans on one M<Je; p. new..,od. 
 .\awtla,lnui) n. v. 7 stoop; I bend 
 .\awina, Oim) a .-. an. I cannot 
 riachhim. he is out of my reach 
 o. p. naw..n; p. naiawnad. 
 .\nii;nag„s, {niii) n. v. 1 am scarcely 
 signt, 3. p. -j; p. naia .sid. 
 ZTIT'^' "••'• '' *^'' '^'=«^cely vis- 
 ible yet; p. naia..wak. 
 p. niiu). 
 •j ?• n(na..an^. 
 .W«'m«rf;, s. middle-finger; pi. -tn 
 ^f^'^Mc'tf^, adv. in the middle o a 
 hre, orin the midst of fire. 
 -V««.W adv. in the middle of a 
 l)oard, in the midst of a floor 
 .^uintam, (nm) n. v. I am out of 
 'e.inng, out of the reach of the 
 human voice, I cannot hear any 
 ^amtawa,inin)^.v.an. I cannot 
 I'ftar hun, he is too far; 3. p o 
 naw.M; p. naia..ad.. 
 .\awitch, adv. out on a lake, &c 
 distant rom the shore; also, far 
 ;n the inland, in the interior, 'in 
 the back-woods. 
 Nazarewinhd, s. Nazarene, a man 
 (rom Nazareth; pi. -«-«,, ' 
 ■"•ehuyy wiwakivan, s. a flat hat, 
 that is, a cap. ' 
 Xif>a<nbu(7ind assema, flat tobacco- 
 "ig to a leaf.) 
 Xehamnmc (properly, Nelanhidi. 
 W,j Flu-head Indian; pi. -/ 
 I .'u'r^^' P- «• a- stuff that is 
 c oth-hke on one side only, half- 
 Cloth.-S. lYuianctaqnd. 
 Mod, p. 8. a. dead person, de- 
 ceased; pi. -;V(/. 
 ^'':hdjig nind mdji ananmdke, I 
 say A Kequiem-mass. 
 .\'doiHhan, 8. Alder Point; FF 
 I'oint aux aunes.] *■ ' 
 muw, 8. fine sand on the beach of 
 lakes and rivers. ""ai-n oi 
 'Migawika. or -magak, u. v. there i« 
 fane sand, it is sand^; p. LS £1 
 &''T'''i':^^^^^^ a gray 
 sc-hhnm£] ^^««"«^h.mmel, Grau^ 
 ^'foab, {nin) n. v. [ look from un- 
 V. of It IS, Mn nenegwah. "^ ^ 
 jVegwahoan ox negwakwatchiaan a 
 a piece of woodcut in the iSSon 
 of a^maple-tree; [C. goudrelle;] 
 ^yegwdhvum-biwabik, s. hollow chisel 
 to make inciPions in maple-S! 
 Aywama, (ma) a. v. an. I swallow 
 some an. obj.; 3. p. o nea n-^ 
 ^tvib, adv. again, back again, on/e 
 more, anew.-In connection S 
 a verb it corresponds to the 
 as !fevr^",-"™/^"*'^'^«''^«rbs1 
 a^. Mn ktligudun, I plant it' 
 nemhnmkiiigudan, I replant it.-' 
 iW on,juhtt(m, I adorn it; ; eiab 
 mnd m„juJut<m, I re-adorn it &c 
 iV^^a^«n^^^a;.„„^, s. Clay-Point 
 Lake Superior; [C. Pointe aui 
 glaises.] ""* 
 iVdiaS nin lidon, I bring it back 
 again. * ""^'^ 
 .WwJ nin Una, I bring some an. obi 
 back again. ^ 
 Miab nin migigwe, I give back 
 again, I make restitution. 
 Aeiabnin migiwen, 1 give it back 
 apin, (i;i. obj.) 
 JVtiah nin migiwenan, I give it back 
 ^agaui; {an. obj.) 
 JXeiub nin mina, 1 give him back 
 again s. th . 1 make him restitution 
 of some object that I took away 
 from him. 
 Jfexdshi, 8. point of land projecting 
 into a sea or a lake; promontory, 
 cape; pi.-'ii;aw. 
 lieidahins, s. dim. a little point of 
 land projecting in a lake or river; 
 pi. -an. 
 Heidshiwun, u. v. therj is a point of 
 land, % cape; p. naiecdehiwang. 
 Jf*i<uhiwi-sibi, a Potato River, Lake 
 Neiinj, or naiinj, adj. both. 
 Vyike-Umadisid pagwadakamig, p. s. 
 a. he that lives alone in a desert, 
 an hermit. 
 Jfekiwigah, in the twilight, at twi- 
 Xemdnalcilii, s. Maple Point. 
 Nemdnckihng, s. at Maple Point, 
 Lake Superior. 
 JfendTian, num. five every time ; five 
 each or lo each. 
 MendndawUwed, p. s. a. he that gives 
 medicines to the sick, physician, 
 doctor; ^\.-Juj. 
 Jfendnimidana, num. fifty every time; 
 fifty each or to each. 
 jrenn?iing, num. five times every 
 time ; five times each or to each. 
 Jfmdnwak, num. five hundred every 
 time ; five hundred each or to 
 Jfendpatchirdkessi, s. field-mcuse; pi. 
 Jfendssawigijig^ ad v. every second 
 Minawinamawa, (nin) a. v. an. 1 di- 
 vide it to hini or lor him, in two 
 parts; 3. p. o nen..n; p. naien.. 
 Meftiawadjimou'in, s. murmur. 
 Minawina, {nin) a. v. an. I divide 
 some an. obj. in two ; 3. p. o nen.. 
 ; p. nuien..nad ; imp. nenavdj. 
 Jfenawinamadimin, (niii) com. v. we 
 divide it amongst us; p. naien. .did 
 Jfenawinan, {nin) or, nin nenawiton, 
 two ; 3. p. 
 a. V 
 in. I divide it in 
 .; p. nuicang. 
 mndwinidis, ^nin) or, nin nenauni- 
 (its, I. V. 1 divide myself, I am 
 divided, iji^.) 3. p.-,/; p.'naiT. 
 ^'enuwinidisnmagad, or, nenawtidu,. 
 oniagad, u. v. it divides itself, it \f 
 divided, {Hg.) p. naien..gak 
 J\/enamuigafte, ox-magad, u. v it » 
 divided, separated ; p. naien...de(, 
 ox-magak. '' 
 JVeniiwinigas, {fiin) n. v. I am divi- 
 ded ;3. p.-o; p. n',U,.sad. 
 J\fevawitage, (nin) n. v. 1 divide r 
 amongst people, 1 distribute it ; 3' 
 p. I.; p. naien. .ged. 
 J^i'enawitai/ewin, a. distribution. 
 jy^ndwUawa, {nin} a. v. an. 1 divide 
 It or distribute it for him or to 
 turn ; 3. p.onen...n ; p. naie.Mad. 
 J\enamtawag, {nin) a. v. an. p| I 
 divide or distribute it amongst 
 them; 3. p. nen..n; n. naien.. 
 Nendotamaged, p. s. a. he that begs 
 beggar; \^\..-jig. 
 Mndotang, p. s. a. he that asks or 
 petitions, a petitioner ; u\.-iq 
 Mnegwah {nin) n. v. freq. T look 
 aside ; 3. p.-i ; p. naic.lid. 
 JSengagbindde, melted-grease, that 
 IS, hogslard ; [F. saindoux.l 
 Nmicoteshkanid, p. s. a. he that has 
 ,r° . y,°."^ ^"J""' ^ unicorn; pl.-m. 
 Nen^ilnwed, p. s. a. he that scdds 
 scolder ; pl.-_;V^. 
 MnMwa, adv. {the frequentative 0} 
 nttnwa,) much to each, much eve- 
 ry i\me.--A\niH gi-mmau-ag : 
 each of them w- jiven much.- 
 JSiemhtwa wissini ; he eats much at 
 every meal, (every time he eats.) 
 JSinij num. two every time ; two 
 each or to each. 
 JVeniJing. num. twice every lime • 
 twice each or to each. 
 JVeniJogwan, or nenijogijig, every 
 second day. 
 Nenijtaaa, num. twenty every time • 
 twenty each or to each. ' 
 Neiiijwak, num. two hundre.l every 
 time ; two hundred each or to 
 -0 ; p, naien., 
 'very lime ; 
 ypnijtrasnmidana, num. seventy ev- 1 
 ery tune ; seventy each or to each. 
 .\e7itjwcuiswak, num. seven hundred 
 every time ; seven h-ndred each or 
 to each. 
 Nenijwasmi, num. seven eve.v time 
 seven each or to each. ' 
 Nenijwatchmg, num. seven times 
 every iime ; seven times each or 
 y-'nimulaiia, num. forty every time- 
 lorty eacli or to each. ' 
 yeninao. This wo i always occurs 
 prehxed to a substantive siffnifyimr 
 MEASURE, (of time or ..ther things •) 
 iiid It means, one each, or one to 
 »>;ich, or once in such a time ; as • 
 ytnimjo makah ■pakwejiuanan o qi- 
 gis/ipz,ianuwan ; they bought a 
 barrel of flour each. J^eni>u/o di- 
 /Jtman manitowegin o giminan ; he 
 gave a yard of cloth to each. Ne- 
 mngo gt^m U-ija oma ; he comes 
 liere once a month. 
 Vmingotwassimidana, num. sixty 
 every tune ; sixty each or to each. 
 ^(mngotwasinvah,i\Mm. six hundred 
 every time ; six hundred each or to 
 Ne'iingoiwdsmd, num. six every time- 
 SIX each or to eat 'i. ' 
 Neningotwatching, num. six times 
 every time ; six times each or to 
 Neniishwdssimidana, num. eighty 
 every time; eighty each or to 
 Nenishwd£mah, num. eight hundred 
 every time ; eight hundred each or 
 to each. 
 ifeniskwdmvi.n-am. eight every time- 
 height each or to each. ' 
 NeimhwutcJiiug, num. eight times 
 every time, eight times each or to 
 Kenissimidana, num. thirty every 
 time ; thirty each or to each. 
 Aenissing, num. three times every 
 time ; three times each or to each, 
 JSenuswak, num. three hundred eve- 
 n- tune ; three hundred each or to 
 Mnuiswi, num. three every time • 
 three each or to each. ' 
 J!^eniwak,mm. four hundred every 
 time; four hundred each or to 
 Neniivin, num. four every time ; four 
 each or to eu-h. 
 Neniwing num. four times every 
 time ; four times each or to each. 
 Aes, as end-syllable in some neuter 
 verbs, marks diaease, fain, tore- 
 ness; as: Nind oshkinjigories, I 
 have sore eyes. Nind mamani^e,, 
 I I have the herpes or erysipelas. 
 \NeshangaUgman, (nin) a. v. in. I 
 unbendit. I loosen it, {slacken it: 
 Neshangadis {nin) n. v. I am deii- 
 ,n^^N-r^'''5 (^'P^*-''»"y in walk. 
 Jng,) J; p.-^; p. tiaic.sid. 
 ^fe^hangtgtnan, (nin) a. v. in. I 
 slacken it, loosen it, fit is too much 
 Neshamisse, or-magad, u. v. it in 
 ^ngai. " " ^°°^^ 'P' ^^^^-0^' or- 
 Mihdfinodang, p. g. a. he that 
 v.™"f,¥'.'noj^^^e'-, ridiculer ; pl.-w. 
 NMaptnodawad awiia, p s. a 
 he that mocks somebody, mocker 
 or ridiculer of some person ; pl.- 
 ^'esMwanadjigijwed, p. s. a. he that 
 causes trouble with his words, a 
 tattler ; pl.-;^:^^. 
 ^eshzwanadjitchiged, p. s. a. he that 
 spoils, squanderer, spendthrift ; pi. 
 Mshiwed, p. 8 a. he that kills, a mur- 
 derer ; pl.-;V^. ' 
 ^i'YiVi^'^' ?■ «- «• he that uses to 
 Kill, habitual murderer, or murder- 
 sr^'"i?.f?y®''** persons ; pl.-^w. 
 ^I'^^'^di^hkid, p. 8. a. he tM is in 
 a bad habit of getting angry, pas- 
 sionate, quick-tempered person • 
 Msse,(nin) n. v. I breathe, 1 tak« 
 respiration ; 3. p. 1.; p. naiiesed. 
 Nessedixe, {nm) n. v. S. £ogid. 
 ^mfmvnhideon,a. toothpick or tooth- 
 picker ; pin ; pl.-an. 
 ^'isfituaawa, {nin) a. v. an I 
 hroatho inio him or upon him ; 3. 
 p. o nesD..n; p. nau'ii..iva<l . 
 Msi,ewin, 8. breath, resi.iralion. 
 J^e^sof>aaak, p. «. a. a plant that has 
 vnree h^avps, clover 
 .Jfemt-hjigml Kiji-Manilo, (Joci wlio 
 IS three m one, the Blessed Trin- 
 yfU-aij,mmtamux>. s- a. ho that uses 
 to gainsay, gamsayer. contradictor; 
 also increihilous person; disobc 
 diont person ; pi.-//. 
 mta-anohd, p. s. a. 'lie that uses to 
 work, industrious person ; nl - 
 JSeta-hiihamitang, p. s. a. he that 
 uses to obey, obedient person; p|. 
 Netd.habai}inisui, p. s. a. he that 
 uses to.ioke great joker, great jes- 
 ter nierry fellow ; pl.->itf ^ 
 Jyeta-Umossed, p. s. a. he who walks 
 well, good walker, good pedestri- 
 ail; fi-jig. 
 Mtd-busomed, p. s. a. he who uses 
 to insult persons, insulter ; pi - 
 Yeta-gatimwed, p. s. a. he (she) that 
 'ises to takecareof the sick, a good 
 nurse ; also, a good mid-wife ; n| 
 Ndaged, p. s. a. he that mourns, a 
 mourner; ^\.-jig, 
 Mtd-gigitod, p. a. a. he that uses to 
 sneak, orator, speaker, haranguer; 
 JSeta-gihawidang, p. s. a. he who 
 uses to quarrel, quarreler, wrane- 
 ^ler; p\~ig. *" 
 Netd-giwaahhwebid, p. s. a. he who 
 uses to get drunk, habitual drunk- 
 ard, confirmed drunkard; pl.-;jV. 
 Ifeta-tnahandang ; p. s. a. he 'that 
 uses to dream, great dreamer : nl 
 • -^- ' 
 ' Netd-jawcndjiged, p. s. a. he who 
 uses todo charity, a charitable per- 
 son ; pl.-jig. ' 
 Nitamhmifi, p. s. a. lie that is born 
 mamU,i„g, p. & atij. th*; "first, the 
 (oreino.sl. ' "" 
 ^'<ldf^,/iM■„,,am^>l,g,p. & adj. that 
 whirfnise.s not to decay or corrupt 
 iiicorrupti!)lo. *^ ' 
 ^'rf<i-l>afi,n^■,rud, p. 8. a. he thr,t uses 
 to smoke, greiit smoker; pl.-/jV 
 dam ''' ^"'"^ "' ''• ^^- ^"^A^ew- 
 Ketwriidamja, (vin) a. v. an. S. 
 ^'ti "'*'«'"' P- 8- "• 'it' that kills his 
 body. s.McIe ; pl.-yV,,. 
 I'^ewadjindnn. adv. in tlie water, (not 
 on the bottom, but tlftating under 
 the surface ol the water. ) fC. en. 
 ^tre deu.x eaux.J 
 iV7«'e, 8. hisser, a kind of serpent; 
 MwiMa, OT-^nagad, u. v. it lowers, 
 AT- L\ '■'• '^aiew.Mg, OT-magak. 
 -^ '• 1 his particle gives to a verb the 
 accessory signification of depar 
 ture, of going on ; as : Oi-nlni 
 wewag, they returned home. U 
 ^ni-madja, lie is gone away. 
 -^.►■i.'i.icerj. exclamation used onlv 
 by females, signifying, aha ! ha ' 
 _ alas ! ah ! 
 1^,'ib, {nin) n. v. I die, I perish, I ex- 
 pire, J depart this life; 3.p. /a/,;;; 
 p. nehd. 
 Nthd, {nin) n. v. I sleep, I am as- 
 leep ; also, I sleep elsewhere, (not 
 at home ; [F. je decouche ;] 3. n 
 ,l;p. 7j(?/>arf. '■ 
 Mhanm, (nin) n. v. I walk at night 
 in the night-time; .3. p. !.,„.«„. 
 oaang.—JSiinhi-nibaam, I arrive in 
 the night. 
 Mhd-anamiegijigad, s. Christmas. 
 jyihnh,{nm:^iu.y. s. Mhennh. 
 J^i/)a:tahgan, (nin) n. v. my breast is 
 uncovered indecently, 3. p. 1.;d 
 n<'h..ang. '^ 
 JSlhndis, '(nin) n. v. I am gluttonous; 
 intemperant (in eating;) vora- 
 cious; 3. p.-i; p, neb..std. 
 Nihiutuurm, 8. gluttony, vornciiy. 
 MMjiKhiny [nin) n. v. lam lyinir 
 111 an indecent posture: 3. p. J • n 
 f"/>..tn(/. ' ' *■ 
 Xfh.u/a, \n-7na;/arf. n. v. the sap of 
 III.' iiijiplc-trrcN JH ninnirig in the 
 nii;lit-tiii».; p „^hai/m,, or-tnaoat 
 Ar'i(i/j(in,H. l.f,.(l; pi.-</«. "^ 
 Ml>amn,d; or mhiumatiq, s. bed- 
 Stead; J. !.-,/«. 
 Nihaijantyin, s. brdsheet; pi. 
 i)/"A'«'«,(««V/,)n. V. I tfiirBt,'^ am 
 U.irHty, 1 am dry; 3. p. 1.; p'. «^,,.. 
 A'(ih(i^npmHn,B. thirst. 
 J\ihaian>t, (nin) n. v. S.NanihcUawe, 
 ireq. v. ' 
 .\V//rtm;7«jA,, (ntw,) n. v. 1 arrive in 
 the night, (m a canoe or boat;) 3 
 J\- }•}}->• nch..gud. 
 Mtiaodtian. (ntn) a. v. in. I arrive 
 to It in the night; 3. p. o nib...: ., 
 neo..ai>(j. ' 
 Mhnmlitinwc, {nin) n. v. (or, ««n 
 hi-nihaam,) I arrive in the night; 
 3. (: I.; p. iu;f,..Wid. 
 Mhacxlitdiva, {nin) a. v. an. I arrive 
 to him in the night; 3. Y>.oHib..n- 
 p. ««^.. «'«</; imp. niliduhtA. 
 .VihnM, (nin) n. v. I like to sleep, 
 I sleep long, I am a long-eleeper ' 
 3 p.-t. p. neb. .id. 
 miaM-a, {nin) n. v. I walk aboiK 
 ill the night, 1 rove in the night. I 
 am a night-rover; 3. p. l.;i,. neb.. 
 Aihdsia-awin, s. walking or rovintr 
 111 the r;ight. 
 yih(l^(,nuigo», {nin) n. v. I Hmell 
 like a corpse, 1 have (he odor of a 
 (lead person; 3. )i.-*. p. iu^L.^sh/. 
 ^//■(M/ii>ig,,,<t;riH, H. dead-smell; IG. 
 MhiW^ik. adv. at night, in the night, 
 ill the time of sleep, night-time. 
 i\U>aw, {nin) n. v. 1 stand, I am 
 standing up; 3. p.-i; p. ndhawid. 
 i\thuwakt8fe, {nin) n. v. I fall on ,„v 
 leet, (failing from a certain heiglu; ) 
 3. p. 1. p;. ««?>...sr</. " -^ 
 Atbimewibufiabi, [nin) n. v. I am 
 Mbawia, («m) a. v. an. I make him 
 s ami on, I p„t „. «ome an Sb 
 Mhowin,n. sleeping, sleep. 
 niXT' ^"'"^"-v. I eat in the 
 night; 3. |,.-,; p. neh..id. 
 JV,bam,nnimn, h. night-meal, eat- 
 J^y'am(on,(nin)a.v.in. I put it „„ 
 to stand, Imake it stand; .in 
 position. — Anatntti^nt bawiw in 
 Christian marriage ceremony i^r- 
 formed by a i.riest, Sacrament of 
 matrimony, (it /« called^^U 
 fi"";;,r;"v.')"'""" "" "'''""' 
 ^"^«) («'■") a. v. an. I make him 
 ;^I-1.,1 1,111 him to sleep,Tachild^ 
 ^. p. f* /i?/;m«; p. nebead. 
 ■IStheb (nin) n. v. ] sit up at nijrht 
 Nihe'bitani, {n,n) n. v. I watch in 
 lien.ght I sit up at night; 3 p 
 i-i p. neb..ian(j. ' 
 meMtdn,{nin) n.v.in. I watch it 
 •"the night (acorp8e;)3.p.«„«J 
 •••; p. neb. .<!,,(/. 
 MbebitawaAnin.) a. v. an. I watch 
 him in thenigk, (asick person, 
 etc. ; d. p. a mb..n ; p . neb..wad. 
 JStbeg,m, {mn)n. v. I wait for game 
 in the night on the water in a ca- 
 noe; a. p.-o; p. ncbegomod. 
 J^ihe,j,mowitn, waitine for game m 
 the night on the water 
 Mbiiummvini.tiiU, s. Fire-steel Riv- 
 er. Lake Superior. 
 NiUnu\ {nin) u. v. I sit up at night, 
 l^on't go to bed; 3. p.4; p. ml.. 
 Kibewabo, s. laudanum, opium. 
 JSibiutn, s. camp encampment, 
 place where travelers sleep in the 
 woods; place or apartment where 
 people sler»p, dormitory, slooping- 
 room/ pi. -an. 
 Nihi, s. water. 
 jVihid; h my tootli; pi. nihidan. — i\7- 
 hid nind ah>sin, I have toothache. 
 Mhuiash, a. my bad fottcn tooth; pi. 
 Nihide, in comp^itions, alludes to a 
 row, lint or range. ( Examples in 
 some of the following words.) 
 Xihide-aiamin, (nin) n. v. pi. we are 
 all in a row, pi. nahide-aiadjig. I 
 A'^thidihimin,(Mn) n. v. pU'we arc 
 .sitting in a row or lii>e ; p. nah.. 
 Nihiaemgwainiri, (nin) n. v. pi. wo 
 are sleeping or lying in a row; p. 
 Nibika, or-magad, u. v. there is wa- 
 ter; p. nehikag, OT-ma<ftih. 
 y^ibikadan, {nir^) a. v. ia. I pntsonie 
 water in, (in wine or some other 
 liquid;) 3. p. o nib...; p. neh.Mtiij. 
 JfiHfradfi, or~mugad, ii. v. there is 
 water in it, (in some liquid;) p. 
 neb..deg, or-magdk. 
 jVtbikana, («?'>j) a. v. an. I suck him, 
 (a sick i>erson, according to the 
 Indian fashion;) [C. je le suce;] 3. 
 p. onib..?h; p. neh.ad; imp. nihikaj. 
 Nibihang, ornMng, in the water. 
 Nibiki, {nin) n. v. 1 suck, (doctor- 
 ing a sick person after the Trulran 
 fiashion;) 3. p. 1.; p*. nehikid. 
 Nibikiivin, sucking, (a kind of In- 
 dian doctoring.) 
 yibiMwinini, s. sucker, (a ma" that 
 sucks a sick periion after the In- 
 dian fashion;) p\.-wag. 
 Nibin, 8. summer. — Ivibing or »«- 
 birujan, in simimer. Xildnonij. last 
 summer. Panitnu nibing, next 
 JVibip- u. V. it is sr.mmer; p. vahing. 
 ^tbina, liv. Ot. S. Mbiwa. 
 MHtidd,^ (nin) n. v. I fetch water; 
 3. p.--""; p. nehinadid. 
 Nihinakamiga, Qx-m'igad, \\. v. it is 
 summer, the .summer-season; p. 
 nab..ga^, or-magaJ::. 
 Nibinf,m compositions, alludes to a 
 b>t< or rotv. It has the same si n- 
 nilication as jVibide. (Examples 
 in some of the following words. ) 
 Nibinibimin, {nin) n. v. p|. we are 
 silting in a straight line or row;p 
 Ji'ihinigahawimin, {nin) Vi. v. i>l. wo 
 are standing in a line, one after 
 another; \^.nab..dj{g. 
 SihinionHemin,{niH ) r». v. pi, we are 
 I walking in a line, one after an- 
 I ,<'I1»y; p. n(*fi..,ijig. 
 j\'ihintth, (nin ) n. v, I spend or pass 
 the muniner in a cermin place; f 
 summer; :i. p.-/; p. „ah.id.—Mm- 
 ingwawkuniiig nm ni-nilriuigh; \ 
 intend to spend the summer at 
 Nihimskimngad, w. v. it passes the 
 sununer, or remains all .sunwaer, 
 in a certain place; p. nal>..guk. 
 Jyunimfdirih, s. the spending of the 
 summer-season in a certain place, 
 ^the summering. 
 Nihiniwaian, s. an. summer-skin or 
 summer-fur of an animal; pL-a«. 
 ^'^b^l^h,s. OL water. S. Nibi. 
 A'ibishkttcfmM-iwaga, or-magad, u. 
 V. iit is muddy, miry, marshy ;p ,. 
 neb.. gap, or-mngah. 
 Nibishhoba, or-7nagad, u. v. S.. Ti^u 
 M'bUeshkan, {nin) a. win. I go from 
 one phce to another, I walk the 
 whole length of a town„ete.; 3. p. 
 V nib...; p. nah..ang.—0, nilitesA- 
 hanan waJcaiganan: he goes from 
 house to house. 
 JVibiw, {nin) n. v. S. ^ibiwis. 
 Mbiwa, adv. and a(\j. muchjmany, 
 plenty of... 
 NSmvabila, or-magad, u. v. the rock 
 is wet; p. 9ieb...a(/. or ~)nagak. 
 Kihiivagad, n. v. there is much of it, 
 plenty of it,- \>..nab..guk. 
 Xtlnwngisimin, (nm) n. v. pli. we 
 are many.- p. nab..djig. 
 Nibiwakumiga, or~maqad, u. v. the 
 ground is wet, p. n^b..gag, or-ww-. 
 Ifibiwan, u. V. it is wet, damptf-v 
 Nihiirashha, or mipjad. ». v. thoherb 
 18 wet; p. neb..ka<j, or may uL 
 Mhiwi8, (win) M. V. I am wet: 3. p -- 
 »; \>.neb..t,iil. ' ' 
 mimMe. (nin) n. v. my feet are 
 wrt;3. p. J.; i>. neL.ded. 
 Mhiwigaaga, or-maqaif, u. v. the 
 floor 18 wet; p. neh..,jn,j, ox-^magalt. 
 Nihobate, or-ma,/afi, n. v. it dies nnd 
 dries, (a leal, a /lower, etc. ) p. neb 
 ..tfij, OT~mayak. 
 Nibode, or-ma<ja,l, u. v. it diea from 
 heat; p. iieb<Hleg, QT~maoak\ 
 Sibode^o, n. V. 3. p. it ,|,es from 
 heat, {an. ^bj.jp. neb.. ml. 
 .^ibokina, {nin) a. v. a„. I don't 
 leave him but after his death; 3. 
 \>'Omb..n;i}. neb../iad. 
 Xiiioma, {nin) a. v. an. I wish he 
 would die, expressing it in words: 
 also, I condeinn him to death; 3. 
 p. nib..n; p. neb<nnad. 
 M(')inaffad,u. v. pers. it dies, it per- 
 ishes; p. neb..yak.-~mj naJdlcwan- 
 an gi-nihomagixdon-y two vcssuls 
 Sibondan, {nin) a. v. in. I condemn 
 It, I wish its destruction; 3. p. o 
 nib...; p. neb.Mng. 
 h'lhihtdimin, {nin) com. v. we wish 
 destruction and death to one an- 
 other; p. nebondidjig. 
 Nibmeddis.{nin) n. v. I am sad and 
 artlicted; 3. p.-i; p. nik.sid. 
 ^dioiiigp, (nin) n. v. I die for eome- 
 body; 3. p. \.;p. neK.ged. 
 Mbotawa, {nin) a. v. an. I die for 
 him; 3. p. o nib..n; p, n,b..wad. j 
 jytb(m, {nin) n. v. I am sick of the I 
 palsy; [ F. je suis paralytique;] 3. I 
 p.-i; p. nebowid. i 
 Nib6waY>ine, {nin) n. v. S. lithmc. ■ 
 imowaj)tne.win,a. palsy; [G. Gicht.l I 
 JVibowenima, (nin) a. v. „;j. j wish 
 him death in my thoughts, (with- : 
 out expressing it in words;) I con- 
 demn him to death,in my thoughts; ' 
 have a 
 p. l.;p. 
 J. p. nib...n; p. neb. .mad. 
 mowiaade. {nin) n. v. [ have a 
 dead leg, by palsy; 3. p. 1.; ^^neb 
 Nih6n>ima, (nin) a. v. an. I kill or 
 (l<!stroy some an. obj.; 3. p. oiM.. 
 «; p. n^b..m(id. 
 JVibtiwin, 8. death, decease. 
 Nibowindan, {nin) a. v. in. I kill it 
 destroy it, suppress it; 3. p. J 
 inb; j). neb..ang. ' 
 Mbowtnii-e, (nin) n, v. I 
 dead arm, "by pal»y; 3. 
 NiMwininidH, {nin) n. v. I have a 
 dead hand, by palsy; 3. p. l -n. 
 neb.. id. ' ' "^ 
 ^'iboirini-pitchibotvin, s. deadly poi- 
 JVtb'^iruidc, (nin) n. v. I have a 
 dead loot, by palsy; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 neb,.ded. ' 
 J\'ibwakn, (nin) n. v. J am wise, I 
 am intelligent, reasonable, pru- 
 dent, discreet; righteous, ord.irlv 
 chaste, quiet; 3. p. l.; ^. nebwa' 
 ^^ibivahda, {nin) a. v. I make him 
 wise, intelligent, prudent, etc.; 
 3. p. nmb..n; p. neb. .ad. 
 mbwahadendam, {nin) n, v. I think 
 wisely I have wise prudent 
 i ,,f,^""«h}s; 3. p. \.',i,.neb..ang. 
 ■J^yiwakitdendainuwin, s. wise think- 
 I ing, wise thought; pl.-a„. 
 JVibwakdienim, {nin) or, nin nibwa- 
 knwcmm, n. v. S. Nibwakdie- 
 Ninwaknienindis, {nin) r. v. I think 
 1 am wise, prudent, intelligent, I 
 am wise in my own conceit; 3. 
 P.-o; p. neb.. sod. 
 Mbmakdigon, (nin) pers. v. it makes 
 me wise, intelligent, etc.; 3. p. o 
 mb. . . ; p. neb. .god.— Kid ikitowin, 
 JJebeminimn, nin m7jwakdigon. 
 Ihy word, 0, Lord, makes me 
 wise, teaches mo wisdom. 
 J^ihwakd-ijiwcbinwin, s. wise and 
 prudent conduct or behavior. 
 JS'tbicakdkanddwa, (nin) a. v an I 
 am wise and righteous before him 
 m his sight; 3. p. onib..n; p. neb.l 
 road. ^ 
 Ifiimakntagoi, {nin) n. v. I speak 
 wisely 3. p.-»; p. neb..sid. 
 Nihwakdt.igonwin.,%. intolliKnnt wine 
 ■pfnking, |iru(lpm jlinroiirse. 
 Mhwaknn'in, h. wisdom, im.l.irstand 
 iiiK. int«lliK«ni-(', prii.lpncii, u'xxl 
 "«'n«o, Jiit.dlcri, r«(is<)ii. 
 7\ thu'uknivinini, b. a wise, ititrlli)?("it 
 \n\uU'\\K mini; a righteoim, honoiit 
 man; \\\.-W(Uj. 
 .V.^/«)m 8. !.,y tlii^h; p1.-rt«. 
 J\it'W(u,hku>sin,\\. V. it williers, de- 
 cavN; j). neh..i,„i. 
 Nihwntchiwe, (nin) n. v. I pay a vi«it 
 or viails; ;j. p. L; i^. neb..wrd. S. 
 SiliitiiUrhi'.i, {nm) a, v. «/». I visit 
 him, I pay him n visit; A. p ,; 
 mh n-p.n,-f,..ad. S. Mawadhm. 
 JSihictndam, («»<*) n. v. 1 die of nor- 
 row; 3. J). l.;p. neh..n,ig 
 Nutf or /«//n. as I, like invsolf, my 
 fellow-. ]\iWJ'ikire. a woman liki; 
 inyseir. J^'idj\ini)h'f(i</,wtm'in, inv 
 fellow-aprvaiit. Nulji-kmwurn- 
 Kiuj, my Jt'llow-ltnyH. 
 Nidy anUhinab,'. s mv fellow-man, 
 my ruM>;hl>or; [F. rncii nrochain; 
 O. nicm Mumcii8ch, meiti Na-ch- 
 sto_r;l p'.-j/. 
 iViV///, (a man or boy ejioaking to a 
 man or boy,) my comrade, mv 
 friend, my equal, 
 Mdji-himiidm. s. my fellow-liver 
 my nt'ijrhljor; pi.-j/. ' 
 Nidjik^ivi, s. tiiy brother; my com- 
 rade; pi. -/«^.— This word signi- 
 lies, my brother, without regard to 
 the ajje, wheHier oMer or \\)nnRer 
 than 1 am. ( S. XUxaie. Nuhnne.) 
 Only a male may say, nidjU-iivv, 
 my brother. A female would say, 
 Nidjil ''ccni, s. mv friend, my com- 
 rade;pl.-i:(i<^._Onty a male s|>eak- 
 ing to a male o,- of a mule, will i 
 say so. A female will say, nin- 
 da/KjiVfi. I 
 Mg,{/im) n. V. I am born, I come 
 into the world; 3. p. nUji; p. »«- 
 Nigan, adv. ahead, before, in ad- 
 vance, in the forepart, before- 
 ^f'.f'"nl,("*n)n.v. I am foremogf 
 (travriiiiK in a cnnoc or boafja' 
 P -"; |). rnKfanaml. ' 
 Kiijiiita.tjiin,{nin) xi. v. T foretel I 
 prophesy or proplietixft; (niodn 
 l'.-(..re; nm dhjijhn, \\\,ll) ^^ 
 l>- "J p. nnf/.,t/HMJ. 
 Niffiinnh, {nin) n. v. I am suH,,., 
 lorcmoNt, ill a range or row; ;i 
 !•• •/; |). iiiiiiunahid. 
 Nujuiiiuljiiaowth, s. pro|)hete«s ■ 
 pi, y/. 
 A'i'/'iNiidjimowin, «. forotellinir nr.. 
 'jlotloi., prophery; p|..-„^,. """• 
 iyiKiinndjunimnnini, s. forptellei- 
 prophet; |)l.-way. 
 jy/mnahi'di'/an, s. bow.i[)rit; pi -,,;, 
 '\i'mnn;d(ujiit, (nin) n. v. I am" .,' 
 sidered a superior, i am a siiperi. 
 or, tbe foremoNt, the first or one 
 of the first, (in a good or had 
 Honse;) 3. p.-/; \u na<j..,ul. 
 ly'ffutK'iHtiKjirad, u. V. It is the nrin. 
 cipal thing, the chief matter 'lii, 
 Hsonlial. it is foremost, ( in a'ljood 
 or iMidseiis!;) p. n<uj..wak. 
 jSiauiiviHl<t<iivakamig, adv. essential- 
 ly. foremost, (considered fore, 
 Fi(jivirnd(in, {nin)n. v. in.l coiisid- 
 f r It foiciio.st, I think it is the 
 priiu-ipaj thing, or one oftheprin- 
 fipal thing.s, (in a good or bad 
 ~;) 3. p. „..nig...-^. ncuj, 
 Kminenima, {nin) a. v. an. 1 think 
 hn us the first, or one of the first, 
 the foremost, (in a good or bad 
 sense;) 3. p. 07U(j..n; p. n(uj..mud. 
 ^mn^,{mn)n. v. 1 walk foremoet 
 1 take the lead, I precede; 3. n 1 • 
 [I. natjanid. "' 
 m4iania,{nin) a. v. an. I make him 
 walk foremost, 1 make him a sii- 
 perior, I cause him to be the first 
 or one of the first; 3. p. o „i,..„; 
 p naf/antal. ' 
 Niirmihato, {nin) n. v. I mn ahead, 
 1 run before another; 3. p. ] • p 
 va(i..tod. ' ^' 
 Niyaninijiiiva, {nin) a. v. an. I send 
 him bftlorome; 3. p. o ww..n: p. 
 nag. .wad; ii„p. nujanimjd. 
 Niaanis, (ni/i) n. v. I atu foretnont, 
 J Bin tlio (ir«f, or one of thr firNt 
 I am H Hiiponor, a chief; 3. «.-«,• 
 NM,i»Mia, (nin) n. v. I utart first 
 I Htnrt i)('(()rn the others do.; 3. n' 
 1.; p. na[/..ka(l. *' 
 ^figiinuihandamowin, i, snporioritv 
 chi.'ltair.,shi|., dinnity or power oi 
 H mirprrior or chiof. 
 Niganmknndnn, (nin) a. v. in. I have 
 power ov.-r it, 1 nm .it the head of 
 It, 1 exerriHo authority and jiiris- 
 •I'ct.on ov.r it; 3. p/ « mj; .,. ,,. 
 Ni(ianisa',in,luwa, {nin) a. v. nn I 
 am his 8uj)Hrior, his chief, I Imve 
 power or jurisdiction over hiin; 3 
 l>. nuj..n\ p. na,j..wad. 
 JSiijanmm, n. v. 3. ind. p. one is su- 
 perior, chief; p. naganisiiig, 
 M(jam.sim, s sup.irior, chief; pl.- 
 fly.— I his word 18 always preceded 
 Hy a possessive pronoun; as: JVin 
 niffanmm, my superior; ki niaa- 
 mmm, thy superior, etc. 
 NU/tinisiwin, s. precedence, superi- 
 ority, chieftainship. * ' 
 Nufani-wikweiahiklssitc/p^an, e. the 
 chief corner-stone; pi.-an. 
 m<jdnoiieC;{nin)i\.v. {nigan, fore- 
 most; mn himosne, I walk;) I walk 
 P- 1-, p. 
 or march foremost; 3 
 nag.. fed. 
 Niganoesekwe, s. a woman that walks 
 ioremost, that takes the lead: 
 mgammewtnini, s. a man that walks 
 or marches foremost, at the head 
 of a company; commander, war- 
 chief; \A.-wag. 
 i^'ig^a, {nm) a. y. an. I give him 
 birth, I bring him forth; 3. p. 6 
 nt^tan; p. ndgiad. 
 Nigidwass, (nin) n. v. I am givinc 
 birth to a child; 3. p.-o; i>nag. 
 Mgidwa^somn, s. childbirth, de- 
 Uvery, labor. 
 Niffidji a. H kind of fish; fC. pico- 
 nean;] ])\.-iag. *■ ' 
 ^ig^g, a. ott(!r; \)l <onf;. 
 Nigiyimt, 8. dim. young otter: u|.- 
 ag. »^ 
 Nii/ii/imiau, s. an. otter-akin! nl - 
 ag. ' • 
 Nigigwakamigadin, u. v. there is 
 h<;i>r-fro8t on V\\v. ground ; \>. nfj.. 
 drug, * 
 NtgiM.(anf'tad, or niffis/ivan.kadin, 
 u. V. there is hoar-(ro8t on the 
 />-r«''<; \>. vfig..l-ah.OT nig..ding. 
 Aimgwaxhkadin, u. v. there is hoar- 
 frost on the gra.s», or on herbs and 
 ; lants; p. neg..ing. 
 ^'i^jigwitogud, u. v, it is gray, of a 
 g.vy color, (cloth, stuff;) p. n,g.. 
 ^"■igi[,tv(tagaw6 bebejigoganji, the 
 horse is gray. 
 Mgigic'tapm, n. v. 3. p. it is of a 
 gray color, (stufT, an. obi.) n 
 nej/..nui. ' ' "^ 
 Mgtmagad, pers. v. it is born, in. 
 obj., that If, it comes into ex- 
 istencc^ p. nag..gak. 
 Niginkiiigun,\x. v. the field produces 
 truit; p. viigivg. 
 Mgi/ag, (nm) a. v. an. pass, he is 
 born to nie.-A'm< ki gi-ntgitu,m 
 wu; Christ is born unto you. 
 JSiigitawa, [mn) a. v. an. I give 
 birth to a child for him or to him* 
 3, p. onn/..n; p. nag.. wad. —Nancy 
 gi-nigitnwan o mdigeniaganun 
 ogm.ii,mi, {or ogicimviwan-.) Nan- 
 cy has born a son to her husband 
 J\tgiton,(nin) a. v. in. I give it 
 birth, I bring it forth ; 3. p. o n»^ • 
 V- nagit.d.'-Jiatadowin o nigi*m 
 mhou'in; sia brings forth '^e^th- 
 [L. peccatum generat mortem.! ' 
 Mgtwin. s. birth. Andji-nigiy^, 
 second birth, regeneration. 
 Nwmini-gijigad, s. birthday. 
 Nignshka, or -magad, u. v. it is torn 
 much, torn to jneces, (stuff, cloth- 
 JP^\^^-'<) !*■ nag..kag. or -magak. 
 u\t</osAkan, {7iin) a. v. in. I tear it 
 to pieces; 3. p. onig...; p. nag..ang. 
 Mgoehkawa, (nin) a. v. an. I tear it 
 to pieces. (a«.obj.);3.p;onw..»: 
 p. nu(/..wa(l. ^ ' 
 JViiahiden, {nin) n. v. I gnash and 
 Jho. the teeth; 3. p. -.; p. naiai- 
 ydasa, 8. my flesh. 
 Miaw, s. my body; myself. 
 miawee, s. my namesake. Kiiawee, 
 thy namesake, wii uueeian, his 
 N'iinawe, (nin) n. v. I speak the 
 lr.n,?imge of the people with whom 
 1 live; ,i. p. I.; p. nainawed. 
 JSi^, num. t\>fo. 
 Mjagaai, s. an. my skin, magaai, 
 thy skm; ojagadian. his skin. 
 mjigan, s my croup.— ^S-{^a;i, thy 
 ^^.■•.""P;,";-*/.'*, his croup. 
 iyijujaniija.,, my croup-bone.— This 
 and the preceding word, have al- 
 ways a possessive pronoun before 
 them, which formes one wo'-d 
 with Its noun. 
 Ni^iki, adj. alone. 
 MjikcoTcam, {nin) n. v. I am alone 
 inacanoe;.3. p. l.;p. ,«,-. 
 ^lJ^ke,^,al), (mn) n. v. I am alone, 
 (la a room, in a house, in a lodge;) 
 mpkewis, (nin) n. v. [ am alone 
 (Where ever;) .3. p. -i- p. nej..sid. 
 lyijtrmn, (mn) num. v. an. we are 
 two; p. nyUjid, 
 ■^yi"'g, num. twice. 
 mjinomagad, u, v. there are two 
 things; p. naj..g,tk. 
 Mnnon, num. v. in. there are two 
 (in, obj.) ' 
 . ^fishe, 8. my uncle, my mother's 
 brother; pi, -iag.—Kijishe, thy 
 uncle; ojisMian, his uncle. — S. 
 Mjo, num. two, before substantives 
 denoting.MEAsuR E, of time or other 
 things; as: JViJo dihaiqan qi- 
 tshlrwa-nawakwe; two o'clock 'in 
 the afternoon. Mjo dihaUshkodji. 
 gan ambnkuiad, two pounds of 
 Nvo-mamiegijigad, a fortnight. 
 lyijobanmmij, twice a handful.— 
 Nijohaninxnilj eta mandamimn 
 nin gi-as: nmig; he gave me only 
 twice a ..andful of corn. 
 yij6})idonan,(nin) a. v. m. pi. I cin 
 two together, (in. ohj.) .3. p „ 
 nvj...; p. naj.Aod.—Mn ni/o'hi- 
 a wan onmv mitiqnnnan; I tie two 
 of these sticks together 
 Mjdhina, (nin) n. v. I catch two 
 hshes in a net, (or in several 
 riets;) 3. p. 1.; p. naJobinad.—H . 
 /una, . 
 I Mjohinag, (nin) a. v. an. pi. I tie 
 two together, (an. obj.) 3. p. o 
 nij..n; p. naj,,nad. 
 iVijohisornin, (nin) n. v. a;j. pi. we 
 are two tied together; p. naj.. 
 Snrfjig. ^ -' 
 MJohonikan, twice both hands full. 
 Jyijode, s. twin; pi. ~iag, 
 jyijode, two families.— iV7«/o(/e aia- 
 wag, they are two families. Mjdde 
 dagwtshinog, two families arrive 
 Jyijodewisimin, (nin) n. v. pi. we 
 are two families; p. naj,.smig,~. 
 Mn nijodewisimin eta, minih omd 
 aMi<hig;we are only two families, 
 all ot us here. 
 Mjod.eike, (nin) n. v. I am delivered 
 of 'wins; 3. p. I,; \^. naj..ked, 
 Jy^ndinhicani, n. v. 3. p. it has two 
 horns; p. naj..nid, 
 Mjogade, (nin) r . v, I have two 
 legs;3. p. 1.; p. Ma/..rfec;. 
 JVynqamig, two lodges or houses.— 
 Kawi'i hatainasninon omd wigi^va- 
 man, nijogarnig eta atewan; there 
 are not many lodcres (or houses) 
 here, there are only two. 
 Mjogmiujisimin, (nin) n. v. pi. we 
 are in two lodges (or houses;) p 
 Mjogijig, two days, (but only one 
 ^V'^gijignd, s. Tuesdav, (two days 
 after Sunday.) S. Nijoqwanagad, 
 Nijogipgad, u. v. it is Tuesday; p 
 MJogisisswagad, u, v. it is two 
 months since, two months ago; p. 
 naj.,gak — ^For the rest, as; Ms»C' 
 gimswagad, <Sfc. S. Qisi,swagad . 
 Nijo(fisis8Wa.gi8, (nin) n. v. I am 
 S° '"°"^''^ °'''' ^' P- -*J P- ncj- 
 I^ijogwan, two days, (and two 
 nights. J S. Mjogijig. 
 , Mjo(jwana{/ad, u. v. there are two 
 days, (and t^'o nights,-) p. naj.. 
 ga/c.—But when they regard only 
 the days, they will say, JVIjogyl 
 </ad, there ate two days, (but not 
 yet two nights.) For that reason 
 they call Tuesday, „Nij,H,yigadr^ 
 because on Tuesday there are two 
 days after Sunday, but not yet two 
 UKjIiU, beginning from Monday 
 morning, where the workdays of 
 the week begin. 
 Kijogwanagis, (nin) n. v. I am two 
 daysold;3. p.-e;p. «a^-..,irf. 
 Nijogwanend, (nin) n. v. I am 
 absent two days, (going on a vo- 
 yage, Uc.) .3. p. -,•; p. naj..did. 
 Aijokamawa, ( nin ) or, nin nijol-awa, 
 a. wan. I help or assist him; 3 
 \honij..n\ p. ndj..wad. 
 Nijokarnin, (?mi) n. v. pi, we are 
 two in a canoe or boat; p. naio- 
 kangig. '' 
 Nijokwew, {nin) n. v. I have two 
 wives, J am a bigamist; 3. p. -i- 
 p. najohweivid. 
 Kijomtnag, two mund globular ob- 
 jects, an. or i,.. Mjominag eta 
 kid ashamin mishiminag; 1 give 
 thee only two apples. 
 J Jonag, two canoes, boats, &c. 
 Mnwdbandanan tchimanan niio- 
 nag; I see two canoes. 
 Nijonijigan, s. two pieces, (of fish, 
 pork, meat, <kc.) 
 Mjoniic, s. two fathoms. 
 Ntjovdndj, s. two lingers, that is, 
 two inches. 
 Kijonindjin, (nin) n. v, I join both 
 hands together; 3. p. -i: p. naj . 
 nid. ^ 
 Mjonje, (nin) n. v. I have two 
 children; 3. p. 1,; p. najonjed. 
 Mtjoshimag, (nin) a. v. an. pi. 1 lay 
 two together in one place, (rfw. 
 ■obj. ) p. 7MJ..mad.—Nin nijoshmtfig 
 ahinodjiiag; I lay two children in 
 one bed. 
 MJoshinimm, {nin) n. v. pi. we lie 
 two together in one place: n. lu,. 
 JSiijonhlc., two breadihs of stuff or 
 cloth; also; relating to two shoes 
 two nieres of stove-pipe; &c. 
 J^^^ijoshlcad mv panhkiiigan, u. v. this 
 IS a guu with two barrels, a 
 (Inuble-barreled gun; p. naj..kak. 
 ^\yofi/iktgwadan, (nin) a. v. m 1 
 sew two breadth of stufi' or cloth 
 together: 3. p. j nij...; p. naj.. 
 dang, '' 
 Mjoshkigwnde, or -waqad, u. v. it is 
 sewed in two breadths, two 
 breadths are sewed together; p. 
 naj..deg, or -^mngak. 
 MjoMin, two bags tnW.—Opinig 
 mn M-gishpinanag nijoshUn; i 
 bought two bags of potatoes. 
 Mjosid, s. two feet, (24 inches.") 
 J\'ij.,ssag, two barrels full ofs.'th., 
 or two wooden boxes full. 
 Mjossitchigadman, u. v. pi, two in 
 obj. are put or laid together: p. 
 Mjossitrman, {nin) a. v. in. pi. I lav 
 or put two together, in. obi.; 3. p, 
 omj...; p. naj. .tod. 
 Nijtana, nu n. twenty. 
 Nijtanak, num. twenty hundred, two 
 Mjtanalcosimin, {nin) num. v. an 
 we are two thousand in number! 
 p. naj. Md jig. ' 
 Nijtanakivadon, num. v. in there 
 are twenty hundred, (two thous- 
 and,) in. objects. 
 Mjtanawemin, {nin) num. v. an. 
 we are twenty; p. naj..djig. 
 Mjtanawewan, num. v. in. there are 
 twenty, (m. objects.) 
 Jytjtanawewdn, num. v. there are 
 twenty pair of... 
 JSyu'dhiginan, (nin) n. v. in. I put 
 two together, (thread, cords, 
 strings;) 3. p. onij...; p. naj..ang. 
 JSywahik, s. two objects of metal, 
 stone, glass, an. or m._They use 
 this word also to signify, „two 
 dollars." Sometimes they add to it 
 the word Joniia, silver; as : JViiwa- 
 btk nin (ji-dibaamwr, he paici me 
 tvyo (iollars; or, nijwabik joniian 
 mn (jt-dibaamaij. 
 Mjwaiagad, ii. v. it Is double, it is 
 in two manners, it is in two kinds 
 or sorts, thore are two kinds of 
 It; p.na^/..(/ak. 
 ■Mjwaia^/isinUn, {nin) n. v. pi. we 
 are ol two kinds or classes; p. I 
 MJwuk, num. two hundred. 
 jVtjwdkosimin, {nin) num. v. an. we 
 are two hundred; p. naj..djig. 
 JSiijwakw(ulon, imm. v. in. there are 
 two hundred, {in. obj.) 
 Mjwdkwewan, num. v. an. & in. 
 there are two hundred pair.— iVT/- 
 wakweivan mukisinan, nijwakwe- 
 wan gait mandjikawanag\ two 
 hundred pair moccasins, and two 
 hundred pair mittens. 
 Nijwdkwoagan, s. two spans, (as 
 measurement;) [F. deux empans.l 
 ^mwassimidana, num. seventy. 
 ■Mjuiaesimidandk , num. seventy 
 hundred, seven thousand. 
 ■atjivassimidandkoniml/i, {nin) num. 
 V. an. we are seven thousand in 
 number ; pi. naj. .sidjig. 
 2f>jwassimidandkwadtm, num. v. in. 
 there are seven thousand, (m. obj.) 
 ^ijwassimidanawemin, {nin) num. 
 V. an. we are seventy; p. 7iai..wed- 
 -Aijwasszmidanawewan, num. v. in. 
 there are seventy, (wi. objects.) 
 A t^wasnimUanawewdn, num. v. there 
 are seventy pair of... 
 Nijwavsn, num. seven, (before sub- 
 stantives denoting measure, of 
 time or any other thing.) S. Nijo. 
 Nywassobanenindj . 
 Ntjwassobidonan. {nin) 
 Mjwassdbina. {nin) 
 NiJwassobiiMg. {nin) 
 yijwassddewigitnin . { n in) 
 Vijwasaoyamigisimin .{nin) 
 IfiJwas8ogisis8:wagi.i. {nin) 
 -iVt^waasogwanagis. { nin) 
 Nywassogwanend. { nin) 
 Ntjwassokamin. {nin) 
 I ■N'ijwdssonik. 
 Nijumssoshimag, (nin) 
 yijwas.<ioshinimin. {nin) 
 Nijwassossitonan. {nin) 
 Njjwasswahiginan. {nin) 
 Nt^waaswaiagisimin. { nin ) 
 Nijwasswakosimin. {nin) 
 -iVi/wasswahvadan . 
 Nijwo snwakwoagan . 
 JfiJ masswewan. — S . Nijobanenindj. 
 Mjobidcmnn. Nljobina. etc., always 
 changing in English, two into se- 
 ven; as: Nijobaneni.idj, twice (two 
 times) a handful. A^wassobanM- 
 indj, seven times a handful.-^%V- 
 bulonan, {nin) I tie two together. 
 ■Mjtvassobidonan, {nin) 1 tie seven 
 together.-And so on respectively. 
 MJwasswi, num. seven. 
 Aijwdto/iimin, {nin) num. v. an. we 
 are seven; p. najwatchidjicf. 
 Mjwaiching, num. seven times. 
 Mjwatching midasswak , n. seven 
 Mju'atchinon, num. v. in. there are 
 seven, (m. obj.) » najwatchingin. 
 JVijwaHg, s. two objects of wood, a«, 
 or in.-Nijwattg missan pindigadm; 
 brmg in two sucks, or two pieces, 
 of wood for fuel. Njivatig gate 
 gtjtkagpmdigaj; bring in also two 
 pieces of cedar. 
 Mjweg, two objects of cloth or stuff, 
 an. or»«., or two sheets of paper 
 tin, iron e.tc.-A-ytveg moshuZ 
 handkerchiefs an.J two be,ishee7s? 
 Mmewan, two pair of.., an. ox in - 
 Mjwewan jnjikumg, two pair of 
 o.xen; nijwewa>i ^Mjwagamri, :wo 
 pair of scissors. -^t. iwo 
 37^-, arm. This word is always con- 
 nected with a possessive pronouiK 
 «^«.^, his arm. Am.-A-a;,, thy arms,' 
 yiJcd, s. a kind of wild aoose • \C 
 outarde;] pi. nikag. ^ ' ^^• 
 MHha>ulam, (nin) n. v. I fai„t and 
 have a vision in my fainting 3 
 o&r* ";■ '"y «hinbone. the bone 
 ot my leg; Hhuh,ja,i, thy shinbone: 
 ohuli^an, his shinbone. 
 Mk-agwindjir- (nin) n. v. S. JViH 
 M-dn, s. my bone ; pl.-a;i 
 Mk-anab, (nm) n. v. I remain in a 
 fteii'^'""^!"' I'Jo»'tsta.ibut 
 tiefollowingday;3. P.-J-; p. ;^^.. 
 m.-j\ikanabi m ka^hime. ? Will 
 your brother remain here over 
 M-anend, {nin) n. v. I am absent 
 foramght, I don't come backTe: 
 t f ' t-u"y ("''"''' '»y brother, 
 (m friendship ;)pi.-a,.. 
 Mkewaam, {nin) n. v. I pass round 
 a point in a canoe, boat, etc.. : 3 
 S'' ^"'"i "• ^- f '^"^ overflowed, 
 submerged, under water; 3. p. 1 • 
 Mkihi or-„tagad, u. v. it is over- 
 flowed, it ,s under water; p. ,iekibig, 
 OT~magaL {S. Uajidebi.) ^' 
 •mderthewater;3.p. i.;p.,V.^.. 
 Mkihiwiii., 8. inundation, flood 
 -u%, s. S. iVi^^. 
 \NiJcim,{nin) n. v. I grumble like a 
 cog ; J. p.-o ; p. nakimod. 
 mimotawa (nin)a. v. «„. I grumb- 
 le at hun like a dog; 3. p. nik..n; 
 p. Mik..wad.~Ani>n»i>h nin nikimo- 
 M<j; the (log grumbles at me. 
 mdnikesse, {nin) n. v. J put my 
 wholearmin;3. p. l.;p.;/e^...vJ, 
 Nikiwigad, u. v. it is twilight ; p. 
 iid\.gak. " ' ^ 
 AikondcK, a. my blanket, (which I 
 cover myself with in going some- 
 Where.) A^kon<ll,s, okonass: thy 
 blanket, his blanket. ' 
 ^^^^vm/J, s. (^^r.nikon,) my liver— 
 Okwan, (okon,) his liver. 
 '-\ikw€gan,9. my neck. — 0/[-e^'^ffan. 
 nis neck. '^ ' 
 3m, (nm) n. v. I dance; 3. p. nimi: 
 p. 7iamt(L ' 
 iV^tw««, (/wi) a.v.an. I carry some 
 ««. ob|. on s. fh. ; 3. p. nimaan ; 
 p. namaad. 
 Nimaan, {nin) a. v. in. I carry it on 
 s. th..: (or a bird carrying s. th. in 
 his bill or beak;) 3. p omin.. : 
 ^p. vaniaang. 
 Nimaigan, s. ornament of a snow- 
 shoe; pl.-a7i, 
 Nimaiije hiiiesM, n. v. 3. p. the bird 
 carries s, th. in his beak ; p. nam- 
 Nimdhmigan, s. hand-harrow to car- 
 rvs th.onit;[F. b„mrd;]pl.-a«. 
 .wmnkonuje, {nin) n. v. I am carry- 
 ing on a hand-barrow, or on a pole 
 or stick; 3. p. 1. ; p. vafn..ged. 
 -i\tmakona, (nin) a. v. a^t. I carry 
 &»rne a«. obj., (with some other 
 person,) on a hand-barrow, pole, 
 or stick; 3. p. onim..n; p. 7iam..ad. 
 ^imakfman, {nin) a. v. In. I carrv 
 It, (with some other person,) on a 
 hand-barrow, on a pole or stick : 
 •i. p. mm... ; p. nam..ang. 
 x\imakwaan, {nin) a. v. in. I put it 
 to the end of a stick; 3. p. nim... ; 
 p. nam..ang. 
 Mmdma., s. an. my eyebrow ; pi. ni- 
 "tomag.—O/ndman, his eyebrow, 
 or, his eyebrows. 
 Nimnma, imn)n, v. an- 1 carry some 
 an-, obj. in my month; 3. p. « inm.. 
 n; p. nam. .ltd. 
 Simandan., {nin) a. v. in. I carry it 
 in my mouth ; 3. p. o nirn.., ; p. 
 Nim.anil(ji{je, {nin) n. v. I carry s. th. 
 in my month; 3. p. L; p. nam..(jed. 
 Mmashkaiijan, s. aiu feathers, as an 
 orniunont of (he head, plume of 
 leathers ; also, a bayonet ; \i\--og. 
 Nimashkaige, (nin) n. v. I have a 
 plume of feathers on my head ; 3. 
 ^j). L ; p. nam..(je,d, 
 Xtmla, {nin) a. v, an. I make him 
 dance, I cause him to dance; 3. p. 
 (> nimian ; p. namiad. 
 H'tmihiKjaii., s. water-pot, water-pail, 
 bucket ; pl.-(t7i. 
 Nimidana, num. forty, 
 Nimidanah, num. forty hundred, 
 four thousand. 
 Ximidanakodmiii, («m)niim. v. nn. 
 'V8 are four thousand \\\ number, 
 or forty hundnnl ; p. nem..siiljuj. 
 Mmidanal-wadi! . num. v. in. there 
 are four thousand, ((«. obj.) 
 Mmidannwemin, {nin) num. v. an. 
 we are forty of us; p. nem..wedjig. 
 Nimidanaw'eioan, num. v. in. iliere 
 are forty, (7;i. obj. ;) p. nem..wegin. 
 Ximidanawewdn, num. v. there are 
 forty pair of... 
 Nimiidtmin, {nin) com. V. we dance 
 together; p. iKtm .didjig. 
 Nitniiding, or nimiidiwin, s. the act 
 of dancmg of several persons to- 
 r"''ier, dancing, ball. 
 Niiniidiwigami^, s. dancing-house, 
 dancing-room, ball-room ; ^\.-on. 
 Nim'moe, {nin) n. v. I make people 
 darice, I give a ball; 3. p. 1.; p. na- 
 Jfimindgan, s. place of cros.sjngover 
 a bay, a lake, etc., traverse ; pi. 
 Ifiminagani-miniss, s. Traverse Is- 
 land, (Anse-Bay, Lake Superior.) 
 Nimiiia)n, {nin) n. v. 1 cross over a 
 bay, lake, river, etc. , in a canoe 
 or boat) 3. p. 1.; p. neminang. \ 
 Niminaiody {nin) n. v. I put out in- 
 to the lake or sea ; [F. je cagne an 
 large;| 3. p. -«/p. ntm..'d. 
 Niminawaam, {nin) n. v. S. JVimin- 
 Xi>ninaipeJcinigadc, or-magad, a. \ 
 th(^re is a warf made ; p. ?ic?n..dcg, 
 NiminaiOcHnigan, s. warf, (an ob- 
 ject stretchmg out in the lake;; 
 Niminaivehinigani'ke, {nin) n. v. I am 
 building a warf; 3. p. 1.; p. nem., 
 Niminawenan, {nin) a. v. in. Haunch 
 it in the water gently / 3. p. o nim. .; 
 p. nem.. ana. 
 Ntminnweshka, {nin) n. v. I push my 
 canoe or boat from the shore. I go 
 out into the lake ; 3. p. 1.; p. nem,. 
 Mminaiveshka, ot-tnagad tchiman, u. 
 V. the canoe goes out into the lake; 
 p. neni..kaq\ ot-magak. 
 Siinmawewehinan, {nin) a. v. in, I 
 push it into the water ; 3, p. o 
 iilm...\ p. nem.,ang. 
 AimiM, {nin)n.\. I like too much 
 dancing ; 3. p.~i ; p. nam. .kid. 
 NimiMuL'in, s. habit of dancing. 
 Nimishome, s. my uncle, my fath- 
 er's brother ; also, my step-fath- 
 er \ p\.-iag. — S. Mjishe. 
 Ximishomiss, s. my grand-father; pi, 
 -ag. —Kimishnniss, omishomissan; 
 thy grand-father, his grand-father. 
 Nimiskama, {nin) a. v, an. 1 insult 
 him, by certain signs with the 
 hand ; (great insult among the In- 
 dians.; [C. je lui pousse des na- 
 sardes.] 3. p. o nim..n ; p. ticm.. 
 Ximiskandan, {nin) a. v. in. I in- 
 .sult it, by certain signs with the 
 hatid ; 3. p. onim...; p. nem,.ang. 
 Nimiskandimin, {nin) com. v. we in- 
 sult each other, by certain signs 
 with the hand ; p. nem..didjig. 
 Nimiekandjige, {nin) n. v. 1 insult, 
 by signs with the hand ; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. nem,.ged. 
 v.tn. Haunch 
 ;3. p. onim. .; 
 Nim{xhan<dj;yeu<in, s. insult, the act 
 Nimishange, (nin) n. f. S. i\7wM/i;- 
 (iittijtye, I 
 Mmlsl-angewin, s. S. Mnmhandjige. 
 i"in. '' o 
 M>amab, {nin) n. v. I squat, I sit 
 squat l8,t cowering; 3. p-*-" 
 '^t!.f belly'- "^ ^""y- ^''«*"**«^, 
 Jm^sw, s. my sister, (older than I ;) 
 pi.-Kig. '' 
 .\lmtamaam (nin) n. v. I paddle in 
 the foremost part of the canoe • 3 
 p. 1.; p. nem.ang. 
 .Vmto, (nm) a. v. an. I dance for 
 nun, to make him pleasure : 3 n 
 ontm..n ; p. nem..W(ul. 
 Mmiwzn, s. dancing, the act of dan- 
 S!n, pron. /, me, my, mine ; we, us, 
 Xntagdslc s.an. my palate, Ona- 
 ;!tis/iim, his palate. 
 Mnamahikad, u. v. it is weak, (met 
 Mnamahkisi, n. v. 3. p. it is weak 
 (metal an.)u. nan..dd.~Ninama. 
 bihtn kid akik ; tny kettle is weak, 
 Mmmad,\x. v. it is weak, frail : p 
 nanamal: Freq. Nani?iamad. 
 Aimmadtn, u. v. the ice is weak- d 
 nan..ing. ' ^' 
 Mnamadis,(nin)n.v. I am weak I 
 am unable to walk or to work -3 
 p.-i ; p. nan.. aid. ' 
 Mnamahvad, u. v it is weak 
 ("fiood in.) -p. nan..wah. 
 Ntnamahod, n. v. 3. p. it is weak 
 (wood, an.) p. nan..sid. ' 
 A.naincndan, {nin) a. v. in. I think 
 It IS weak; X^.onin...; ^. nan., 
 ana. ^ 
 Mnamcnima, (nin) a v. an. I think 
 he is weak ; 3. p. o nin..n ; p. nan. 
 mad. ' '^ 
 Jfi}ia?nis, (nin) n. \. I am weak • 3. 
 P -i ; I), nanamiuf'yi ifro^ \t.-' 
 it is Weak 
 ^namimagad, \\, y 
 (wood,) p. nan.,gaL 
 MnamismgiH nahayi^sag, n. v. 3. p. 
 iVVttrtw, s. ««. the calf of mv lea • K; 
 me.ne Wade ;] pi. nindnl^lj^i^: 
 an, mm nan. ^ 
 MmmugAHnd, 8. the sole of my 
 Mnaud,s. the fleshy part of my leg. 
 —Kinnstd, onand, 
 Mnawind. pron. we, us, ours 
 ■^tnbtmihtgwadai, s. an. my side, mv 
 Mnd pron. S. iTm. 
 mtlL-. P' " '^»"-'^''. P- r>^ndaad. 
 iV«»f/ae, s. my dog ; pl.^ao. 
 ^a«f7<?, I send s. th. to some person: 
 •^' P- 1-; p. ncn .wed. 
 \y-i\ p. nanamieid. 
 Freq, Mn 
 ^mdaiwe-masinaigan, s. paper sent 
 to somebody, that is', a letfer. 
 iV*«rfaeu;.„, (.«,^„,) a. v. ««. I send it: 
 Mndatwenan, (nin) a. v. an. I send 
 sonie an. obj. to some person : 3. n 
 o mn...; p. ne?i..ioed. ( V. Com'. )^' 
 / an, his jaw. 
 Mndamikanahid, .s. my grinder 
 (large tooth ;) Knlamianabid o- 
 dam.kmahjd; thy. his grindek- 
 p. Gttabid.j 
 MnddrmkigaA, s. my jawbone.— ^ 
 dannktgan. his jawbone. 
 mnddmikigegan, s. S. NinddmiU. 
 i\Wan, s. my daughter. This word 
 IS not used in the first and se3 
 person, but only in the third, X. 
 Ninddngoshe, my cousin ; pl.-^.— 
 c^H Jiyr^i" T""^'"^ to herThe- 
 cousin, or of her, will use this 
 expression. A male will say Ni 
 nimus/ie, or, raiVaw/jIs* ; whi.Th ' see. 
 Mnddnawp, s. my sister-in-law ; my [ Mndist, a. my navel ; kidisg, thy 
 friencf, my companion.— Only a /e 
 fnale will sav so, speaking to a fe- 
 male or of a female. A 7na/^ will 
 say ; iVi'n?'w. my sister-in-law ; Nid- 
 Ji, or 'idjiHwed, my friend, my 
 navel ; (digs, his navel, 
 JVindj, hand. This word is never 
 used so, but always connected 
 with^ a possessive pronoun ; as : 
 Ninindj, my hand ; HnindJ, thy 
 hand ; onindj, his hard 
 ^ind anike nimishomii^s, my great Niiidjanj, s. my nose ; lidjnnj, thy 
 grand-fathrr ; [F. mon bisaieul.] , . . 
 Nind anikenokoTniss, my great grand- 
 mother ; [F. ma bisaieule.] 
 Nindaniss, s. tny (laut,rhter ; pl.-a*/. 
 This word, in the first and second 
 person, is used to expres- both a 
 small and an adult daughter. But 
 in the third person, ouattissan, it 
 signifies only a small young daugh- 
 ter.— S. yindnn. 
 Ninddnissikaivin, a. my god-daugh- 
 ter; [F. ma filleule;] also, my adopt- 
 ed daughter : pl.-a^'. — Kiddnissi- 
 Jsau'zh, thy god-daugfiter; oddnissi- 
 Icawinan, his god-daughter. 
 yindaiissiu'ag, s. an. my nerve, my 
 sinew, with the flesh on it ; pl.- 
 og. Odatissiiragon, his nerve. 
 Nindawatch, nindawa, endhiffis, adv.. 
 well, well then, rather; and so. — 
 Nindawatch ijada ; well then, let 
 us go. Nind. dnijitam ninda- 
 watch ; I give up rather. 
 Ninde, s. my heart. Kide, odi ; thy 
 heart, his heart. 
 Mndengwai, s. my face ; Tcidengwai, 
 ^thy face ; odengwai, his face. 
 Nindenigcmi., s. an: the side of my 
 nose ; pl.-a^. Kidenigom. Oden- 
 Niiidifte^an, s. Ot. the bone of my 
 head, my skull. 
 Nindigo, adv. as it were, it seems 
 Nipd ijinikasnwin nind aton, I sign, 
 I subscribe my name. 
 Nmdindawa, s. the father or the mo- 
 ther of my son-in-law or daughter- 
 in-law ; pl.-^. 
 Nindinigan, s. c;i,. my shoulder- 
 blade ; ^\.-ag.-Kidini^an. Odini- 
 Nindinimangan, s. my shoulder ; pl.- 
 nn.-Kidiniinangan. Odinimungan . 
 nose ; odjanj, his nose. 
 I Nindiitad, a. my sinew ; \>\.-an.~ 
 j kidjitad. thy sinew ; odjitad, hia 
 1 sinew. 
 Nifidodikossiw, s. an. my kidney.— 
 Odudihostiwan, his kidney. 
 Nindnjim, s. my step-son ; my neph' 
 Nindojimihwem, s. my step-daugh 
 Nindojimiss, s. my nephew ; my 
 niece, (a female speaking ;) pl.-. 
 Nindon, s. my mouth. 
 Nindmidgan, s. Ontonagan, Lake 
 Superior. The proper meaningnf 
 this word is, "My dish."— i\''mrf(/n. 
 aganing, at Ontonagan. from or to 
 Ontonagan. — An Indian tradition 
 says, that a squaw once came to 
 the river, now called "Ontonagan," 
 to fetch water with an Indian 
 earthen dish ; but unfortunately 
 the dish escaped from her hand 
 and went to the bottom of the 
 river ; whereupon the [oor squaw 
 began to lament : A'id, nind ond- 
 gan,nmd ondgan ! Ah, my dish, 
 my dish !— And the river was 
 ever since called after .his excia 
 'Nindonagani-aibi, s. Ontonagan Riv- 
 Nifidondan, a. my heel ; pi. -on. 
 Ningd, s my mother. Kiga,ogin. 
 Ninga, or-magad, u. v. it melts, or, 
 ^it is melted ; p. nengag, ct-magak. 
 Ningahdwadon, (nin) a. v. in. I di- 
 lute it, 1 m.ike it thin, (liquid,) 3. 
 p. o nin. .; p. ncn..dod.. 
 Ningabdwana, {nin) a. v. an. I dilute 
 ; some an. obj. ; 3. p. o nin..n ; p. 
 rien..nad ; imp. nin^ahawaj. 
 Ningahian, s. west, Occident. 
 XiMohianahoad, s. cloud comin? 
 from the west. 
 Ningahianihium, u. v. the rain comes 
 from I he west ; p, npn..8a<). 
 Aine;afnu/u-notHn, s. westwind. 
 Niihijahil-uh,or~magndy u. v. it melts 
 or, It IS melted, (only metal;) p.' 
 nen..de(j, OT-,aa<jah. 
 Xin.(jahikisan, {mn) a. v. in. I melt 
 11, or smelt it, (only metal, in.;) 
 ■i. \>- onin...;p, nen..ang. 
 Ainj/abiHsiijan,, s. smelting-furnace- 
 \n.~an. ' 
 M/iffabih'so, n. v. 3. p. it melts, (met- 
 al, an. ) P- we«..#orf. 
 XiiujnhiJcLnoa, {nin) a. v. an. I melt 
 It, or smelt it, (only metal, an.) 3. 
 p. omn..n ; p. nen..wad ; imp. nin- 
 Xingakamate aH, u. v. the earth or 
 ground thaws ; p. nen..teg. 
 Xmgakamiguhlca, or-maqad, u. the 
 ground thaws in spring ; p. nm.. 
 kag, OT~magak. 
 Ninganema, {nin) a. v. an. I let 
 melt in my mouth some an. obi., 
 (mihvnm,\ce;) 3. p. o nin..n; p. 
 Xingane.idan, (nin) a. v. in. I let it 
 melt m my mouth, {sisibdJcwad, 
 sugar, etc.) 3. p. o nin... ; p. nen.. 
 Xingdpon, (nm) n. v. I am gather- 
 uig and eatmg berries : 3 p. -o : p 
 Xingapunag, {nin) a. v. an. pi. lam 
 gathering them, (an. berries; 
 msk'viniinag, etc.) 
 Xingdponan, {nin) a. v. in. pi. i am' 
 gathering them, (m. berries ; min- 
 an, odeiminan, etc. ) 1 
 Xjngashi, 9. Ot. my mother. 'j 
 Xingashl-obissig,,{nin) n. v. I melt i 
 snow to have water; 3. p. 1.; p ; 
 nen..ged. ' ^ 
 Mtigammo7i(>n, s. sail ; p\.-an. 
 Mngdssinumo.iak. a. a?'., mast : pl.-- 
 og. ^ 
 XingassinumondUg, s. mast ,- pi. -on, 
 ■^ingasdmononeiah, a. sail-rope, a 
 rope or cord to hoist the sail ; pl.- 
 ih: ^ 
 Ningd»dmmumigin, a. sail-cloth, 
 canvass. ' 
 X'inge ! voc. mother ! 
 Nmg^f or n^ge! (interjection used 
 only by females,) ha! aha! 
 Xingidawahide, {nin) n. v. S. Nas- 
 Xingvle or-magad, u. v. it melts; p. 
 nengideg, ox-mugalc. ' 
 Xtngidig, s. an. my knee; r>\.-oQ - 
 vW'.^**"' his knee, or his knees. 
 ^^tnmk-ide,ov-magad,vi. v. itthaw.s: 
 L^. il degeh-;\ p. nen..deg, OT-ma- 
 Ningikode, or-magad, u. v. it melts; 
 p. nen..deg, or-magak. 
 mngikosan, {nin) a. v. in. I melt it; 
 i. p. nin. . . ; p. nen. .ang. 
 JStngik(»igan, s. melting-pot made of 
 c ly, crucible; smelting-furnace; 
 Nmgihmge, (nin) n. v. I am smelt- 
 I'lg, (metal, ore, etc.\3. p. 1.- n 
 7ien..gcd. ^ ' ^' 
 Xingikodgiicigamig, s. smelting- 
 house, foundry, casting-houae; pi 
 -on. ' *^ ■ 
 XTingikosigewininiya. smelter, found- 
 er; \\\.-wag. 
 Xingikow, n. v. 3. p. it melts, {an. 
 <'t)|. ) p. /ieM..«od. 
 X'lngiJcoswa, {nin) a. v. an. 1 am 
 melting or smelting some ««.. obj.; 
 3._ p. o nin..n; p. nen.. wad; imp. 
 ^'pgim, adv. quickly, immediately. 
 lytngt.skode, ox-maijad, u. v. it is 
 thawing. It is thaw-weather; p. nen 
 ..deg, or-magak. 
 Xingiskos, (nin) n. v. tie thaw- 
 weather comes during my voyage 
 before I reach home; 3. p.-o; Y>.nm 
 ..sod. ' 
 Xingiso gon, the snow is melting- n 
 nengisod, ^ 
 NingiUnvamo mikann, u. v. See the 
 freq. verb of it, which is more fre- 
 quently used: Xaningitawamo. 
 Xi/ujitdwttigweia sibi, u. v. the river 
 divides or splits in two or more 
 branches; p.?ien..iag. 
 Niiigiiairitigweiag, place where a 
 river divides. 
 Singiwin, a. my maternity, my dig- 
 nity of mother, my motherhood.— 
 S. Kigiwin. 
 2iingb! iiiterj. of femalea, ah! ha! 
 Mngo, num. one, (before substan- 
 tives denoting measure, of time 
 or other things. )—Mngo dihaujan, 
 one hour, one mile, etc. Mngo 
 dibabishkodjigan, one pound. 
 Jf^intjo-anamugijiyad, s. a week. 
 Jfingobimagigin, u. v. a plant is cov- 
 ered over or choked by other 
 plants or herbs; p. nen..ging, 
 Kingobiminik, one cubit. 
 Mngoguv:swagad, u. v. it is a month 
 since; p. ncn..gak. 
 Mngogisisxivagii, (nin) n. v. I am a 
 month old; 3. p.-i; p. nen..dd. 
 Mngo-ndivakwe, a fore-noon; half a 
 Mngojyaxsangtvabiwin, one moment, 
 the twinkling of an eye; [G. ein 
 Mnfoi, adv. something; one.— Za- 
 mn ningot, nothing. 
 Ningot-abweu'in, a panful. 
 Ningotano, adv. something. 
 Ningotdu'disidog, adv. happy; [111. 
 Mn^otcht, adv. somewhere. — Kawin 
 mngotcM, nowhere. 
 Ningotchihakdn, adv. elsewhere. 
 Ningot-eviihwan., a spoonful. 
 Ningot etiaiadisissig, p. s. a. a good- 
 for-nothing fellovv. 
 2fiTigoteshka.ni,n. v. 3. p. it has only 
 one horn, it is one-horned; p. nen- 
 ooteshkanid, unicorn ; [G. Ein- 
 JVlngvttTuj, adv. once, at one time. 
 JVingotolaneiiindj , a handful. 
 Ningotobonikan, both hands full; [F. 
 une jointee.] 
 Ninqotode, one faniilv, one house- 
 Xingutodon, a mouthful; also, one 
 JVingotogainlg, one house; also, all 
 the inhabitants of a house; [F. une 
 NingotiMjwane, (nin) n. v. (pron. nin 
 nm^otogone,) I fast one day; 3,p, 
 1.; p. nen. .tied. 
 Ningotonngan, a drshful. 
 Mngotonendjigan, ^ mouthful; [F. 
 unebouche'e.] \ 
 Ningotonjignn, a piece, (cut off from 
 8. th. ) a piece of meat, of fish, etc. 
 ji\'ing6tunik, a fathom. 
 Ni!ujot(rnindj, one inch. 
 Niiigotonja'n, all the children of a 
 KingotvnsiJiide, a skein or hank; 
 also, a sheaf of wheat, etc. 
 Nin<iotopv)a(man, a pipe lull; also, 
 the period of time m which a pipe 
 of tobacco is commonly smoked. 
 Ningotoahkin, a bag full of... 
 Ningotosid, one foot, (twelve inch- 
 JVitigotossag, a barrel full of... 
 AHngotowan, a sack full of... 
 Nimjotwdk^ num. a hundred. 
 Mngotwak dassing, a hundred times: 
 Ningotwdhmmm, {nin) num. v. an. 
 we are a hundred in number; p. 
 Ningotwdkihado-n, num. v. m. there 
 are a hundred, {in. objects.) 
 JVingotwakwoagan, a span; [F. un 
 Nimjotwdssimidana, num. sixty. 
 Nitigotwdssimidanah, num. sixty hun- 
 dr'ed, six thousand. 
 Ningotwdsiimidandkosimin, ( n in ) 
 num. V. an. we are six thousand 
 of us; p. nen..sidjig. 
 Ningotwassimidanakwadon, num. '^ 
 in. there are six thousand, [in. 
 Ai/igotwdssimidanawemin, { nin i 
 num. V. an. we are sixty of us; p! 
 Ningot^vassiyiidanatveman, num. v. 
 there are sixty, {in. objects.) 
 Ningofwasso, n. six, (before substan- 
 fives denoting measure, of time 
 or cf other things.) 
u«e; [F. line 
 (pron. nin 
 le day; 3, p. 
 uthful; (F. 
 cut off from 
 offish, etc. 
 lildren of a 
 or hank; 
 lull; hlHO, 
 'hich a pipe 
 ly smoked, 
 velve inch- 
 lum. V. an. 
 number; p. 
 V, in. there 
 an; [F. un 
 1. sixty. 
 I. sixty hini' 
 in, (nin ) 
 c thousand 
 n, num. t^ 
 J sand, (in. 
 I, ( nin ) 
 ty of us; p. 
 I, num. V. 
 re subslan- 
 E, of time 
 Mngotwagsnbidman, (nin) 
 j\'i?i(/(>tn'aD8dbina. ( nin) 
 jS'ini/uiwangobmuy/. \nin) 
 yfiu/otwasitodewisimin. ( nin) 
 Mnyotwassogamitjinmin . ( nin ) 
 ^rn<jotwam>gisi!iiwai/i«. (nin ) 
 M'KjotioassoijwanayiK. (nin) 
 ^mijoiwamHjwan end. ( nin) 
 .'^ingotwaswkamin. (nin ) 
 j) iug(jtwass(/mk'. 
 JS ingatirassonindj . 
 jyingotivimunhimag. ( nin ) 
 ^ ingot wassohk. 
 ^jngotwassoiifiUijnan. (nin) 
 ^Ingofwasnobif/inan, ( nin ) 
 yingotwimwaiagisimin. ( nin ) 
 Mngotwasswakosimin. ( nin ) 
 ^ingotivasswakivoagd n . 
 Mngotumswewan.—S. Niiahaninin - 
 dj. Mjohidonan. Mjobina, etc ; 
 always changing in •English, tivo 
 into six; as: Nijobanenindi , two 
 tmies (twice) a handful. Ningot- 
 Wttssohaninindj, six times a \\&nd- 
 im.~-Mjobido7ia?i, (nin) I tie two 
 together. Miufotwassobidonan 
 (mn) I tie six ' together.— And so 
 on respectively, 
 Ningotwasswi, num. six, 
 Mngotioatchimin, (nin) nuin 
 we are six; p, nen..djig. 
 Mngotwatching, num, six times. 
 Miigctwahhiiig m/dusswak, n. six 
 V, an. 
 MngotwatvMnm, num. v. in. there 
 are six, (in. objects.) 
 mn^otwiwdn, a pair of... a couple- 
 also, a set of... 
 Mngotwewanagiiimin, (nin) n. v 
 we are a pair, a couple: p. nen.'. 
 JVingotwewanagisiwin, s. a pair, a 
 couple; a set. 
 Nimjwaabuv., (nin) n. v. I bake s. 
 th. burymg it in hot ashes: 3. p 
 I.; p. nen..wed. 
 ^yifwwaabwen,(nin)!i.v. in. I bake 
 It in hot ashes; 3. p. o nin.. : p. 
 nen..wed. ^ 
 Mmvaabn-enan, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 bake sojne an. obj. in hot ashes; 3. 
 p. o nin...; p. nen..wed.(Y. Coni.) 
 jytnawaakadan, (nin) a. v. in. S. 
 Mngivaakan, a. place where s. th.is 
 buried; pl.-an. 
 Mngru'aakana, (nin) a. v. an. S 
 Mngu'aan, (nin) a. v. in. I bury if 
 3. p. o nin...; p. nengivaang. ' 
 Jyinowakwad, u. v. it is very cloudy 
 (the sky 18 buried in clouds;) p 
 nen. .wak. 
 Mngwanapakwdddn, (nin) a. v. in. 
 (pr. ?iin ni/igonapakwadan,) Icovi 
 er It with bark, (a lodge ;) 3. p. o 
 nin...; p. nm..ang. 
 JSHiigwanapakwe, (nin) n. v. I am 
 covering with bark, (a lodge ;) 3. 
 Mngwanies, (nin) n. v. I fetch veni- 
 son or fish; 3. p.-o ; p, nen.. sod. 
 JSingwano, (nin) u. v. I am covered 
 with snow ; 3. p. 1, ; p. nett..m)d. 
 j\tngwano, or-magad, u, v. it is co- 
 vered with snow; p, nen..noq, or- 
 mngak. ' 
 Mngwaichaan, (nin) a, v. in. I hoe 
 or hill it; 3. p. o nin...; p.nen..ma. 
 Mngwatchaige, (nin) n. v. I hoe, I 
 niU; 3. p. I. ; p. nen..ged. 
 Mngwatchdwa, (nin) a. v. an. I hoe 
 or hill some an. obj, ; 3, p, o nin.. 
 r.; p. iien..wad ; imp, ninqwatcM. 
 JSingwatchawag opinig, (nin) I hoe 
 or hi.' I potatoes. 
 Atnpwatva, (nin) a. v. an. I bory 
 hiiii, (a pern n or uny other an 
 obj.) 3. p, ,> niH,.n; p. nengwawad ; 
 imp. niiiywa. 
 Mngwigan, s. wirip; pl.-,;;i. 
 Ninm^m, or nin^/w'mig, s. my son ; 
 NliufwiKiikamn, s. my godson ; [F 
 niorj dleiil;] also, my adopted son ; 
 l»-a(/.~Kiywmii-(iwtn, thy godson; 
 og-wu-gikawiuan, his godson, etc. 
 Mm/IJaMn.f, a. my cfiild; p| .-<;,/. 
 mnidjaninsHcawin, s. (ny godchild ; 
 also, my adopted child; pj.— a^.— 
 hbiiJjanisdlcawin^ thy gp.'child ■ 
 Oniiljanusikawinan, his godchild; | 
 MriigiujiHj, my parents, mv father I 
 and mother. ' 
 JSnnik, 8. my arm ; pl.-a». Kinik, o- 
 «t*; thy arm, his arm. 
 Mi7dMnas8ain, (nin) n. v. I visit my 
 net, (to see whether any (ishes are 
 canght in it ;) 3. p. 1. ; p. nen..hid. 
 JStnikirat, s. the skin of my scull. 
 Jyinitn, s. my brother-in-law, (a /«- 
 wa/e speaking;) my sister-in-law, 
 i^^male speakmg;) p\.. m,nmo(/.~ 
 Aintrn, winimon, etc.-S. Otchip'we 
 Grammar, Chap. II. 
 I^mimoshe, s. my cousin, (he-cousin 
 or she-cousin.) Kinimouhe, wini- 
 Mnindib, s. my brain. Kinindih, wi- 
 ntndih\ thy, his brain. 
 Mnindj, s. my hand ; \)\.~in.—Km- 
 indj, onindj] thy band, his hand. 
 Jyzntngadj, {nin) n. v. I am very 
 cold, I tremble with cold, 1 shiver; 
 3, p.-j'; p, neu..id. 
 Mniugcu],jimn, %. shiveri.ig with 
 Nininnakamiijl^ihlca aki, u, v. the 
 earth quakes, there is an earth- 
 quake; p. nen..kag, 
 Mniiigapine, (nin) n. v. i have the 
 shakmg fever; 3. p. 1.; p.njen..ned, 
 Mtiingapinewin, s. shaking fever. 
 Mningassin, or niningamshkassin, 
 u. V. it is shaken by the 'vmd : p. 
 Ninin^lihinig, (nin) n. v. I tremble 
 I shake; 3. p,-f>; p. ntn..god. ' 
 A'inifKiulce, (nin) n. v. [ have pain 
 in my heart, my heart trembles. 
 shakes, 3. p. 1.; p. neii..ed. 
 Niniiujim, adv. S. Naningiin. 
 iViniiujinike, (nin) n. v. my arm sha- 
 kes;3. p. 1.; p. n^n..ked. 
 Ninin(jiin.ilji,{nin)n. v. my hand 
 shakes;;), p. 1.; p. nera..tV/. 
 JSiningisegi«, (nin) n. v. I tremble 
 wi»h fear ; 3. p.-t ; p. ntn-.M. 
 i\tnvii(j7shka,(nin) n. v. 1 shake, 1 
 tremble; 3. p. l. ;p. nen..kad. 
 JSin'ngtshka, or-ma/^ad; u. v. it ska- 
 kes It quakes; p. nen..ka/j, ox-ma- 
 ^'tnin(jiiihkdwajiine(nin)n. v. S. M- 
 ^'tninginhkawapineuin, s. S. Mnin- 
 Mtungime, or~magad, it is weak, it 
 shakes; p. neu..seg, or-VMgak. 
 Atmngwnn, s. rny son-in-law ; pl.- 
 ag.- Oningtoannn, his son-in-law, 
 orhis sons-in-law. 
 Mningwatnss, s. my nephew ; pl.- 
 ng.~ Onin<fu>anisgan, his nephew, 
 or his nephews. (S. Otch. Gram. 
 Chap. II.) 
 Mningwi,s. my armpit, arm-hole.- 
 Kiningwi , thy armpit ; nninqm, 
 his armpit. 
 Mnhhk, s. an. my gland ; p\.-v)ag.- 
 ^OniKkkwan, his gland. 
 Ninisiss, s. my hair, (one only ;) pi. 
 niniiiesan, niy hair. Winisissaiu his 
 MniMgoTnan, s. an. S. Niskigmnan, 
 Jymztam, 1 in my turn, I now.— i\V;i 
 wi-tchime dash ninitam ; I will 
 paddle now in my turn. 
 Jfinitnmiwind, we in our turn, we 
 now; (the person or persons spok- 
 en to, not included.) S. Kinitami- 
 Mnjagaai, s. an. my skm. -Kijagaai, 
 thy skin ; ojaganian, his .".kin. 
 Mnogan, s. my hip; pl.-an. Onouan, 
 his hip. 
 Mnoshe, or tiinwishe, s. my aunt, 
 . I tremble, 
 I hnve pain 
 rt trnmbles. 
 ny arm aha- 
 *'. my hand 
 I tremble 
 . 1 «hakn, 1 
 ". V. it ska- 
 lca{/, ox-ma- 
 n.v. S.JVt- 
 is weak, it 
 i-law ; pl.- 
 ; oningwi, 
 pniy;) pi. 
 msaa/i, his 
 low.— J\V« 
 t ; I will 
 turn, we 
 sons spok- 
 . Onoyan, 
 my aunt, 
 ( my Ti^other't sister; i also, my step- 
 mother; pl.-taj/. S. Niti«i4joi». 
 A\now, s. an. my cheek; pi. nin<noa<j. 
 -htnuw. thy cheek ; onowan, his 
 rhoek or cheeks,. 
 yinn<joss, s. rny annt, (my father's 
 sister; ) i)\.~n(f. Ongotmn, his Cher) 
 Niniii(j(m8» , s. my mother-in-law; 
 \^l-ari.-Ki«i(/08is8, thv mother-in- 
 Invv; oaigosinsan, his ( her) m Hher- 
 yiimnm, s. my father-in-law ; pl.~ 
 a/j -Odnissan, his (her) father-in- 
 Kin- tihingwan, s. the upper part of 
 •ny 'eg. up from the knee, my 
 t iigh.-A'i tchi/igwan, o tchiiujwan ; 
 thy thigh, his thigh. 
 JS'tii tchitimoanujan, s. the bone of 
 my thigh, my thigh-bone; x>\.-an.- 
 O tchinificanu/an, his thigh-bone. 
 ^in tchishihddatjaii, s. the bone of 
 my hip; ki tckiskibodagan, otchi- 
 Mhodagan; the bone of thy, his 
 Np)., num. four, (before 8u!>stantives 
 denoting mi8.\.sure of time or other 
 yii huh/nan. ( nin) 
 Mohina. (nin) 
 Nvihinaq. {nin) 
 Modewiiimin.. (nin.) 
 Niofjamigisunin, ( nin) 
 KiogixiasuHujis. ( nin ) 
 Ningwanagis. {nin) 
 Xiogwmiind. {nin) 
 Ni6hi7n'ni. (nin) 
 yp)s'>imig. {nin) 
 Nioahininiin. {nin ) 
 I Niimhkln. 
 I Niijuid. 
 Aumiiman. {nin) ^. Aydbaninindj 
 Nijohidman. Nijohina, etc., a'l 
 ways changing in English, two in- 
 to //ur ; as : Nij<jhaninind-' twd 
 times a handful. yi<,banini,uti, 
 f,)ur times a \\^ni\i\\V.~-yi}obul',,. 
 nan, { nin ) I tie two together. iV'»o. 
 bidman, {nin) I tie four together, 
 -And so on respectively. 
 Niiigadc, n. v. 3. p. he (she, it) has 
 four legs, (is a quadruped;) p. nao- 
 Niogijigad, a. Thursday, (four days 
 after Sunday ; III. Zheterlik.)— S. 
 Nijogijiaad. yi/ogivana^ud. 
 A^iogijigad, u. v. it is Thursday : p. 
 Niohwew, {nin) n. v. I have four 
 wives; 3. p.-e. ; p. noohwewid. 
 Nipan, 8. my lungs.-A't/yo/i, opdn ', 
 thy lungs, his lungs. 
 Nifiigegan, s. my rib; pi. -^n.-Opige- 
 gun, his rib. 
 Niaa.ienda(jos, {nin) n. v. I am con- 
 sidered dangerous, T am feared, 
 mistrusted; 3, p.-,.; p. nes^^sid. 
 yu<aienda(/wud, u. v. it is conaider- 
 ed dangerous, it is feared, mis- 
 trusted; p. nes.wak. 
 Ninniendam, {nin ) n. v. I fear, 1 am 
 fearful, easy to be scared; 3. p, 1.; 
 p. nes..ang. 
 Nifdiendaniiwin, s. fear, iriistmst, 
 jyisnieiidan, {nin) a. v. »n. I fear it 
 I am afraid of it, I mistru«t it^ 3.' 
 p. o nis... ; p. nes..afig. 
 ytsnienima, {nin) a. v. ^m. \ fear 
 him; I mistrust hjm; 3. p. (nm..n; 
 p. nes..maJ. 
 yimkosi, s. an. ear of Indian corn ; 
 M^hangadis, {nin) n. v. I am tender, 
 not used to hardship ; [F. je suis 
 douillet;] 3. p.-i; p. nesh..iitd. 
 Nishungigia {nin) a. v. an. I bring 
 him up tenderly, softly; 3. p. o 
 ninh-.n; p. ne8h..ad. 
 Nishi. {nin) n. v. I comedown slid- 
 ing; 3. p. 1,; p. nashid. 
 ^ruhi. (nin) n. v. I rom« to n pre- 
 mature or abortivn birth ; 3. » I • 
 p- nrnhirl. ' '' 
 ^^M^ihaf,ik,^mMnfn) n. v. I r«„ nftrr 
 pt'r»oi.8 of the other ttix ; 3. ». I ; 
 yYhihh,,inr>dn(f^, (nin) n. v. 1 s.-orn, 
 I mock; I w««to ; 3. p. l.;p. /..M.. 
 NithihdpiniHitiH, {nm) n. v. in. I 
 »corn It, I mock and ridiriile it ; I 
 ■•"|n»n(l.,rit,waHtflit;3. p.onwA...; 
 |^ nf/iA..anff. 
 Nuhihapinod'awa, (nin) n. \. an I 
 acorn or mock hini, I ri.iicuin him: 
 I Hquaiuifir or wadto aomo an. ol.i.; 
 J. p. (»n»*A..w; p. «f«A..«W. ■ I 
 JVuhthim, (nin) n. v. I p„ .lowii a | 
 rapid m a cimoe or Ijoat : H. d -o • 
 p. nashilxmvd. ' ' 
 ^'it>^^ihona,{nm) a. v. an. I tako him 
 ilovyn the stroam ii> n onnoe ; 3. p. 
 ontsh..n;\>. na»hihouad. 
 Jyf»hujiwanifi, {nin) n. v. I riot I 
 causa disturbance; 3. p.-,' ; p. ,Uh 
 J^MMgiwanMwin, n. riot, diaturbon- 
 iVuhimoffad, o. v. it comes down, it 
 elides down, it descends; p. tiasA 
 iVwAiW, 8. my brother, or mv 
 sister, (younger than I;) pl.-iaa. 
 Att/Hmum, .1. mv niece; nl an --S 
 Otch. Gram. Chap. II. ' '' 
 IfisM/Hmi, n. V. 3. p. the cow has 
 a calf untimely, abortively; p. 
 n«ehid. ' ' 
 2i'uhiwanddad, \\. v. it spoils it 
 perishes; is ruined; p. nesh..dak 
 ^nhUranadakamigad, u. v. there is 
 trouble, dissent ion; p. nes/t..<j,d: 
 -Atshitrtmddakamti/is,(mn)n v I 
 make trouble, "l cause disturb- 
 ance; 3. p. ^-i; p. „fi(,k..Aid. 
 I^uhtwanadal-mnifjidwin, s. disturb- 
 ance, noise, trouble. 
 ^^ioAiioanddendam, (nin) n. v. I am 
 disturbed in my thoughts, I have 
 I rnuso him trouble of mind, to l„. 
 'I'Nturbed in his thoughts; 3. n o 
 nuh..n; p. nenk.iul. ^' 
 yimiwanddrndnmoirin, n disturbed 
 and troubled mind or thought. 
 NMiwanddu,(ntn)n.v. I become 
 "polled, wicked, ruined; 3. n. .;■ 
 AMhiwanadJia, (nin) a. v. an [ 
 "poll him. I seduce him, ruin hini 
 1 lUHke hiiM wi.ked, uuhuppv I 
 waste, s.iiiander orspeu<l fooliN|,|v 
 , soino an. ol)j. 3. p. „ nli,h..n; „ 
 ^'iitkiwan„dji(jiju'„, (nin) n. v. J 
 cause trouble with my words I 
 »matattler;3. p. 1.; p. ;*.M..//w! 
 ^MlniiunHuljiuhmin, (nin) com. v 
 wo spoil (iiid luin each other, we 
 give trouble to one another. i>' 
 n*ah..dHliiti. '• 
 .MMkinuind'djiiir,; (nin) n. v. I cause 
 trouble and disturbance; J spoil i 
 waste;3. ,,. J.;p. ,,e,A.,„,^^ ' ' 
 ^ishtwandiljiiwfnuKjatl, u. v. it 
 causes trouble; it is ruining; n 
 jSuhiwdnndjitchiijade, or -magad \\ 
 ▼. It IS spoiled, it 18 wasted; u. 
 l"'»li:dr(j, or -tnagak. 
 ^^imticunndiitchiijam, n. v. 3. p it 
 18 vvaste(l or spoiled, {an. obj.) „. 
 ^'is/it'ivanddjitc/iif^^, (nin) ti v I 
 waste, I squander, i spend use- 
 lessiy and foolishly- 3 o J • „ 
 ■AifMivanddjitchinmnn, g. waste 
 squander, siJoiMiig. 
 ^"iKhiwnnmlJit„n, (nin) a. v. an I 
 spoil It; 1 waste it, I spend it fool- 
 isnlv I aiiniit,.!.,. ;> j:^ ' 
 my mind; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 trouble in 
 yiiMiranddendamia, (nin) a. v. 
 1 I i . ' "l'^"" 11 1001- 
 "ly, I squander it, dissipate it 
 rum,t;3. p.,. .,/,/.. p >„shM 
 ^Un/nwannnuma, (lun ] a. v. an I 
 trouble him V, If, WW dK- despise 
 hini;.J.p.o ,', . .^,.,,^^^. J^ 
 ^^t.sUiwu>nimudun, (nin) a v in I 
 despise it, speak ill against"it; '3 
 p. « //^.<A, . . ; p . nef:h..anQ. 
 Mshtwe (uin) „. y. [ kill, I murder; 
 J- p. I.; iKJiegfuwed. 
 Nt>,h,wrm,uM,l, „. V. it j. killing, ,t 
 Jy, aiaunieror;3. p._,;p. „„A.: 
 SuhhrHrin, »• killiriH, mnrdflr. 
 In'.T!!; "; P"-""'"""-" abortive 
 aiiffrr I C8«t iU)«ry looks; 3. p. -V; 
 p. nrithkahul. ' ' 
 MMnUma, (nin)n. v. ««. [ look 
 p. nriin..mail. ' 
 Xuhktthawhin, (niu) a. v. /«. f look I 
 at It w.tl, aagor; 3. p. o «,>/*...; p. ' 
 Mshkadrndnm, (nin) n. v. 1 have 
 •;..«rytonght.s;3/,,,, p/JX*: 
 iyMd(/en<l(tnnnnn, s. angry thihk- 
 1.; p. 
 nm/wtHhlta, n. v. j have 
 laco, 1 look angry; 3 
 »»mA..'/W, or nt»h..kwi. ' 
 «ivf;| |.l. 'm.-foA-tanH/««, thy 
 JVishknnj,H an. my „..il. (on a t.ogar 
 in« angry thought; pi. _«„, 
 Ji^AWj* («,«) n. V. I am angry, 
 .Vj«M-«rf«MAAA. (rt»/i) n. V. I u«e to bo 
 angry, I am given to anger, lam 
 pas-sionat,., choleric; 3. p. -;• n^ 
 iygh..ki4l. ' ' ' 
 XifhknilmUiilimmAnin) coin. v. wo 
 iK'ar each other with anger, we 
 make eaeh other angry with our 
 words; p. nesh-duljig. 
 A'lshkdduitawa, {niu) a. v. an. I 
 hoar him or listen to him with 
 anger, he makes me angry with 
 Ilia wrn-ds; 3. p. anv,h..n; p. ,ieiA 
 Mshkadisiivin, s. anger, wrath 
 rancor. ' 
 NithkddHa, (nin) a. v. a». See the 
 freo. J\anu?tkudjia. 
 liishkddjigmima, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 speak to him with anger; 3 p 
 OHuh..yi; y. )mh..nud. 
 ^*«Mcddji-g%,jit, {nin) n. v. S. 3V- 
 Mkadjlgijigud, 8. day of wrath; 
 [L. (lies irae.] ' 
 Nishkadji-gijwe, (nin) n. v. ] speak 
 angry; 3. ^. 1.; p. nefih.jved. 
 ^tsMddji-gtjn'enm, a. angry speak- 
 ing. ^ '^ 
 or loe; aim), claw orhoof;p|.-% 
 x\uhkn,al>„ma, (nin) a. v. an. S. 
 ISi^/duUinagoit, (nin) n. v. I look 
 aiiury;;j. p. _,•; p. ntih...'ita. 
 JStKMnnfnijos, (nr,t) n. v. 1 speak in 
 aya8Hion,angry;3. p.-i;p.rtMA.. 
 Mfhkn^itafjoiiwin, a. S. NUhkadii- 
 l/tjwcwin. r 
 iVW.i«.v<fe4,<.a, («/n) a. v. «/». I hear 
 '■ "peak angry; 3. p. o ni,h..n; 
 NiMu'mma,(niH)a. v. a«. I B,«ait 
 to him angry; 3. p. „ ni.L.n,- ,,. 
 Ni.'f/4kii,ufnge, (nin) n. v. I am in 
 •TiStT, I keep anger or rancor, I 
 nm rancorous; 3. p. i.; f.neah.. 
 MkendJii,(,Ak,(nri)u. v. I use to 
 keepangetlong;3.p.-»-; p.neth.. 
 NiKhketulfitjes/tkiwin, s. a bad habit 
 ot keeping long rancor or anger. 
 lyiK'ikenojtgewin, niakkeningewin , s 
 anger, rancor. " 
 liiMinima, (w. ^) a. v. a«. I have 
 angry thoughts against him, I ani 
 angry with him, I keep rancor 
 towards him; 3. p. o »»«/♦..»; p. 
 ^uhkendan, (nin) a. v. »V*. I have 
 angry thoughts against it: 3. p o 
 nisli...; p. n€iih..ang. 
 J\tshkinindimin, (nin) com. v. we 
 have angry thoughts against each 
 other, we keep anger towards on© 
 another; p. nesh..didjig. 
 Ntshkinindiwin, s. anger, mutual 
 li'i.shkeninge, (nin) n. v. S.Ni»hkend. 
 MshUa. (nifi) a. v. an. I offend 
 nun. I make him angry, I irritate 
 him; 3. p. oniekUan; p. neshkicul. 
 Nixhrdilne, (nin) n. v. my heart ic 
 anGrry;3. p. l.;p. nesh..ed. 
 :\ishHdce'vin., s. an'^er in the heart. 
 NixhH-ijaitima, (nin) n. v. S. Ni- 
 NMHicinn, (nin) n. v. pers. it frets 
 me, m:ikPs i. ■. angry; 3. p. onish...: 
 p. ncshkuijnd. ' 
 Nishkiiwe, (nin) n. v. I make people 
 angry, I give occasion to anger; 
 3. p. ].; p. nexh..ived. 
 Nisld-ima, (nin) a. v. an. I make him 
 anary with rnv >rords\ 3. p. o 
 _^iish. .n\ ^. neshHm id. 
 Nishkina, (nin) n. v. I make him 
 angry, holding him, or pushing 
 ,,PV"i •'• P- " nish..n; p. ncsM-inad. 
 JSislikmaici. (nin) a. v. an. I treat 
 him ill; 3. p. o nish..n; p. nesh.. 
 Ni.shkindunin. (nin) com. v. we 
 make one another angry with onr 
 wnrd.s: p. Msh..didji(j. 
 NiMindiwin, s. anger caused by 
 Mshkinc, (nin) n. v. I am angry 
 being sick, (so jonir or so much;; 
 3. p. 1.; p. ncM-ined. 
 Mshkinjpj. s. mv eye; mv face; pi. 
 -on,.— K'hkhnJi<j, osMinjig; thy 
 eye, his eye. 
 NiMiiiwan. s. my 
 tfWik, Ofhtigwan; 
 Ni^h 'vmdmid'i mi, wwm. eighty. 
 Ni^hma^svndanah. num. eighty hun- 
 dred. ei_','ht thousand. 
 Nish wam/n idanako.simin . ( nin) num. 
 V. an. we arc eishr, thousand in 
 number; p. nesh..svl)iij. 
 M.<ihmann)nidan'iku'adon, num. v. in. 
 there are eight thousand, (m. obj.) 
 yishwas.<>imidanaweinin , (nin num. 
 V. an. we are eighty of us; p. 
 NishwassimylanaweK'an. num. v. ii„. 
 ^there are eighty, (in. objects.) 
 Nishwasso, num. eight, (before 
 head.— ^eVAifi- 
 thv head, his 
 substmtives denoting measure, of 
 ti:n3 or other things.) 
 Nish Ilia isohandniwij. 
 1 M^h'oassohilonan. (nin) 
 I Nish'vafiiio'iina. (nin) 
 Ni^hwaasiihinaq. ( nin ) 
 NishiiHtesridewi simin. ( nin )] 
 Nish imtisofja m iijisimin . ( nin ) 
 Nishwafif! gisisswagis. (nin) 
 ^ ^i^h'vaitii'HJwanagad. 
 ' fiif:h>vam>gwanagi4i. (jiin) 
 I ^ifhwastiagwanend. (nin)' 
 I ^ishwassdl-amin. (nm) 
 I l^inhwassdnaff. 
 i ^ifhwassonijigan. 
 \ ^inhwfissfinik, 
 1 ^ifhwassonindj. 
 I ^i)i/nna.<iso/ifiimng. (nin) 
 I ^ishwassnshinimin. (nin) 
 I ^ isk'i'a,i.sos7i,kin. 
 '•; ^ia/umsarmd. 
 j ^i.ihiva,<isossao. 
 j ^isfi/oassii,ss'iiman. (nin) 
 . J^ishioaggwahiciinan, (nin) 
 j ■^if/iica-^.s/miagimnin. (nin) 
 I ^uhwasswak. ' 
 Ajshn'osswakosim in. ( nin ) 
 JVlsh>ra.<im'eu'an.—S. Mjohanenindj. 
 Nij()hidonan.Nij6}iina, etc., always 
 changing in English, two into 
 eight\&s: Kijohanenindj. two times, 
 (twice) a handful. 'jSfishwassola- 
 nenindj, eight times a handful.— 
 JSijdhidonan, (nin) I tie two to- 
 gether. Ki^hraxsiihidonan. (nin) 
 I tie eight together. And so on 
 y^inJiwdtisa'i, num. eight. 
 Kishwdtch. nin, (nin) num. v. an. 
 we are eijjht of us; p. ne.ih..djig. 
 Nuh'mtchvuj, num. eight times, 
 Nishwatchmon, num. v. in. there 
 are eight, {in. objects.) 
 Nisid, s. my foot; pl.-ara. 
 Mukahiden, {nin) n. v. I gnash, I 
 collide the teeth in anger; 3. p.-i; 
 ]). ')rfi..nid. 
 .Visl-ahuMama, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 u'nash at him in anger; 3. p. o nis.. 
 n; p. ne.s..wad. 
 Xiskadad, u. v. it is bad weather: p 
 Xidadenilam, (nia)n.v. I think it 
 is too bad weather to go some- 
 where; 3. p.\.;p.ncti..ang. 
 .\idygwayiadc. or-maaad, u. v. S. 
 Jiskuflwavje, (ain) n. v. 1 sew orna- 
 ments or ruffles to a vestment; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. vag..c/ed. 
 Niskamagcul, u." v. it is embroidered 
 or ornamented; p. nafi..gak. 
 Xiskanagweh'higan, s. ruffle; [G. 
 Krause;] pl.-a/i. j 
 Mskoiikn, (nin) n. v. I walk or i 
 travel in bad weather; 3. p. l.jp. 
 Niskasoma, (nin) a. v. an. T disturb 
 him with my words in his sleep, 
 or in any state of tranquillity; 3. p. 
 nis..u\ p. nets. .mad. 
 Niskia, {nin) a. v. an. I encumber 
 him with a heavy pack; or with 
 much work or care; 3. p. o nis..n; 
 p. naskiad. 
 Mskig(/mari, s. an. snot This word 
 is always preceded by a possessive 
 pronoun, vvhich remains attached 
 to it; as: Kiniskig< man, winiskigo- 
 manan, etc. 
 Xiskiigon, {fiin) Yters. v. it encum- 
 bers me in my walking or travel- 
 in%" 3- p. nis...; p. nan. .god. 
 Niskikoge, {nin) n. v. I encumber 
 people; 3. p. 1.; p. nas..ged. 
 Niskikagon, (nin) pers. v. 'it encum- 
 bers me, (not on a voyage;) 3. p. o 
 nis...; p. nas..god. 
 Niskiknn, {nin) a. v. in. I encumber 
 it; 3. p. ni^k...; p.nas..ang. 
 Nuhtkawa, (nm) a. v. an. I encum 
 her him, (not on a voyage,-) 3, p. o 
 ms..n\ p. nas..wad. 
 Mskimam%we, {nin) n. v. my eye- 
 brows are bristled up; 3. p. 1 • p. 
 n as.. wed. * 'i 
 Mskimhiensikaian, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 embroider or trim it with small 
 glass-beads; 3. p. o nis...; p. nas.. 
 JSHskiminensikadc, ov-magad, u. v. it 
 is ornamented or trimmed up with 
 small glass-beads of different co- 
 I iors; p. naa..deg, or-?nagak. 
 JViskiminensikana, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 trim or ornament some an. obi. 
 with small glass-beads; 3. p. o nis 
 ..n; p. nas..7iad; imp.-kaj. 
 JStakimiuensike, (nin) n. ' v. I em- 
 broider or ornament in glass-beads; 
 dp. I.; p. nas..ked. 
 JXiskindihe, {nin) n. v. my hair is 
 bristled up, it is all in disorder; 
 [r . J ai la tete ebour;aee;) 3 p 1 • 
 p. nas-hed. 
 Nukingweri, {nin)n. v. I make faces, 
 grimaces; 3. p.-i; p. nas..nid. 
 Jyiskitchigadt. or-magad, u. v. it is 
 ornamented with lace or ruffles; p. 
 nas..dfi^, or-inagak. 
 Niskitchigan, s.lace, ruffle. 
 Nislitchi,i>.{nin)x\. v. I ornament 
 with lai'c; 3. p. 1.; p. nas..ged. 
 JSisktteni7nangan<djigau, s. epaulet, 
 a military ornament worn on the 
 shoulders; pi. -a/?. 
 Md-oiije, {nin) n. v. I have a large 
 family, many children; 3. p. 1.; p 
 JS'issn, [nin) a. v. an. I kill him, 1 
 murder him; 3. p. n nissan; p. nis- 
 .w/; imp. nishi. 
 Mssdbawadon, {nin) a. v. in. 1 wet 
 it, I moisten it; 3. p. o niss...; n 
 Nissahaivana, {nin) a. v. an. I wet 
 some an. obj.; 3. p. o nis..n; p. nes 
 ^..nad; imp. niftnalniiraj. 
 ■Xifsahawas, (nin) \i. v.. 1 get wet; 
 3. p.~o;p. nes. .sod. 
 JVissabawe, {nin) n. v. I get wet, 1 
 am wet; also, I am drowned; 3. d 
 Msmbawe ot-magad, n. v. it gets 
 wet, It 18 wet or damp; p. nes-weq, 
 ^issdbi<jma,(nm) a. v. an. I let him 
 down on a rope; 3. p. o nis^.n; p. 
 nas..nad. ' ' 
 ^mdhigiiian, {nm) a. v. in. I let it 
 down on a rope; 3. p. ,, nis...;x>. naa 
 If~issnkghu(jade, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 let town on a rope; p. naa..deg, or- 
 JS'issAhigimganJnin) I am let down 
 on a rope; 3. p.-o; p. nas..8od. 
 J!^MsaUgitaAnin) n. v. 1 comedown 
 onarope;3. p. l.;p.,,„,..^^. 
 JM^mh,kme, or-maaad, u. v. it falls 
 down {tn. metaf;) p. nas..seq, or- 
 stream with the current, in a ca- 
 noe orooat; 3. p.-^; p. na,..ru>d. 
 Msmdjiwafi, adv. down, below 
 ( respecting the course of a river or 
 of rivers.) iVis,sadjiwan nimvi-ija 
 ^ZTy'J '"^•^"'' to go below neit 
 S^' ^^'J'" »"«'ance, from Lake 
 Superior down to Detroit, or fur- 
 ther below.) S. Ogidadjiwan. 
 Ntssadjiwe, {nin) u. v. S. Nis, ik- 
 Nissaie, s. my brother, (older than 
 i;) pl.-^a<7. 
 Nissan, adv. below, down. 
 Ntssdh, adv. at the foot of a hill or 
 mountain, below. 
 mssdkiwe, {nm)n. v. I descend a 
 ajnll or mountain; 3. p. l.") p. ,«,, 
 NMsakiwehato, {nin) n. v. S. 6!^ffl/f-a 
 NissdlcoUJon, (nin) a. v. m. I break 
 It down; 3. p. o nis...; p. «a5..rfo(f 
 AtA'«a^mrtM,/,i.tf, (wwi) a. v. an. Ot 
 >J. JSassdkonamawa. 
 Nissdkanan, (nin) a. v. in. Ot S 
 NmdkosAl-aJnin) n. v. I fall down- 
 3. p. 1.; p. nas..kad. 
 JSismJcpshka, or-magad, u. v. it falls 
 Nxsmhoshlcan, {nin) a. v. in. I let i, 
 fall down;3. p. .«^,...,.p. „,„.„;" 
 itfalIdown,(««. obj.)also,Ihur 
 hnn in falling upon hirn; 3. p. o"/s 
 ■■n',p.nas.Mad. H- "«^s 
 Nissdkossc, (nin) n. v. I slide down- 
 3. p. 1.; p. nas..sed. ' 
 ^t^-1; ""'-"''"J^^h «• V. it slides 
 down,- It opens, it is thrown onen- 
 V. mis. .eg, or-magak.~Tchiheua 
 ■ mgon gt.tu,,aIcossewan apiZ^^ 
 hod Jesus Mahaiatigong: the graves 
 i\Wi«ya.ma.(mVOa. V. an. I take 
 ^issandawaton, {nin) a. v. in. I take 
 MssdndmveAnin) n. v. Idescen.i.I 
 go down or come down on a lad 
 cler, on stairs, or from a tree, etc. - 
 ji. p. 1.; p. nas..wed. 
 J^issandawebato, {ni?i) n. v. I run 
 down stairsor down a ladder; 3 p 
 irt*««/^aW««;im,(^*,i) a. v. „n. I 
 im^ ' ^" P- "..'^w-w; p. na3..tvad: 
 imp. ms..na)L ' 
 '^ome'-'f ^^"'''^' "/ ^- '' '^ ««d, lone, 
 some, p. nas..waJc. 
 sorl.^'fr-/'^'^''^)"-^- ^«'n «ad, 
 sorrowful, lonesome; 3. p I ■ n 
 ^Ifowrf M ' ^''''*] "• ^' ^ P"' my foot 
 ^?.**"«'«'«. adv. in the middle 
 s\tssawaiiwan, u. v. it is the tniddle. 
 between two other objects; p. J,: 
 Mss'ean, {nin) a. v. in. I stir s. th. in 
 a vessel, (sugar,etc.)3. p. cms...: 
 p. nesseang. ' 
 iV/s,e/j/«» 's. maple-sugar, .'loose, 
 not in solid cakes;) [F. caejonade.j 

 ^metge, {nm) n. v. I stir, (especi- 
 ally sugar in sugar-making:) 3. p. 
 1.; p. nes..lcag. 
 Nmi, num. v. 3. p. he is three, three 
 in one. 
 Nimhi^iigade, or-magad,\i. v. it is 
 pulled down; p. nas..deg, ot-ma- 
 Nisnbidon, {nin) a. v. in. I pull it 
 down, I make it fall down; 3. p. o 
 fits...; p. nan.. dad. 
 Mssulimin, (nin) com. v. we kill 
 one another; p. nessididjig. 
 Nmtdiwin^ s. killing of several per* 
 sons, massacre,carnage, slaughter. 
 Nudgon, {nin) pers. v. it kills me; 
 3. p. o nus...; p. wasigod. 
 M,'n>igifcuhi:ofi, {nin) or ninnissig- 
 mifi/ihvan, n. v. 1 leap down, jump 
 down; 3. p.-i;p. nas..id. 
 Ji8«i7n, s. my daughter-in-law; pl.- 
 Msdmidana. num. thirty. 
 Si^dmidanalc, tmm. thirty hundred, 
 three thousand. 
 Nissimidanakosimin, {nin) num. v. 
 we are three thousand in nmnher; 
 p. ncs..sidjig. 
 J\'miinidanaicemin, {nin) num. v. an. 
 weare thirty,- p. nes..we.djuf. 
 S Isdmidanaweivan, num. v. in 
 thereare thirty, {in. objects.) 
 Awsimin, {7dn) num. \. an. we are 
 three; p. nesddjig. 
 Mmna, {nin) a. v. an. I put him 
 down, (any an. obj.) 3. p. o nisd- 
 nan; j). nandnad. 
 Hismnan, {nin) a v. in. I jiut it 
 down; 3. p. oniss...; p. naadnang. 
 Mmng. num. three times. 
 Xmingwam, {nin) n. v. I sleep pro- 
 foundly; 3. p. 1.; p. nes..a7ig. 
 Nminon, num. win. thereare three 
 (in. obj.) 
 Ximtii, adv. right, well, exactly. 
 JS^isdtd-diidam, t^nin) n. v. I av , right, 
 1 do it prudently, exactly; 3. p. ].; 
 p. nes..dng. 
 Xitisitawab, {nin) n. v. I discern, I 
 recognise; 3. p.-t; p. n€s..bid. 
 V. I under- 
 • !•; p. nes.. 
 JSigsitawahama, {inn)n. v. dn. I dig 
 cern him, I recognise him; 3. n 
 «M..«; p. nes.. mad. 
 Ni^ntawabandan, {nin) n v 
 discern it, repognise it'; 3. 
 nis...; p. ness..ang. 
 Nuidtawcndam, {nin) n. 
 sitand, I conceive; 3. p 
 Nisdtawenddn, {nin) a v in I re- 
 cognise it. (in thoughts;') I'com- 
 prehend it, conceive it; 3. p. o 
 ^'w...; p. nes..anfr. 
 Nindiawenifna, (nin) a. v. an. 1 re- 
 cognise, him, (in thoughts;) 3. p. 
 o 7itss..7i; p. 7ies..mad. 
 Nissitaivi7ia(je,{7iin) n. v. I recognise 
 people; 3. p. \.;'j). nfs..ged. 
 i^unlautnagot, {nin) n.' v. I look 
 known, I am easy to be known, to 
 be recognised; 3. p.-i; p. nea..sid. 
 JSusitaivmagwad, u. v. it looks 
 known, it can be recognised, it is 
 easy to be known; p. nes..'wak. 
 JMtssitau-i/tan, {nin) a. v. in. I re- 
 cognise it; I know it; 3. p. o nis...: 
 p. ties.. ang. 
 Nissitawi7ian masinaiqan, (wm) 1 
 can read. " ^ \ j 
 jS'isdtazvinawa, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 know him; I recognise him; 3." p. 
 oms..n; p. nes. .wad, 
 Mssitc/dMna, {nin) a. v. an. I spoil 
 It by tasting it often in my hands, 
 by handling it too often, {an. obj.^ 
 P- 7iess..nad; imp. 
 3. p. nis 
 Mssitchihinan, (;itw)a. v. in. I spoil 
 it by taking it often in mv hands. 
 by handling it too often'; 3. p. o 
 7ns...; p. 7its..ang. 
 Nmito^idan, (wm) a. v. in. I know 
 what It IS, by taking it, 1 know it 
 by the taste; 3. p. o nis...; p. 7ics.. 
 dang. '■ 
 M.s-sitd/)idjige, {nin) n. v. 1 know s. 
 th. by the taste; 3. p. l.;n.nes.. 
 j\'issitu2Jwa, (7iin) a. v.ati. I know- 
 some an. ohj. by the taste; 3. p. 
 I) fits.. n; p./i^s.-ivad; imp. nissitop. 
 Masit<,t<ul!inhi, (nm) com. v. we un- 
 clerstiiiKieachotlier; p. nes.. did- 
 .^t.Ma(f„,, (^nm) n. v. I speak ilis- 
 tiiictly; I am easjiv understood, 
 •}. p.-i; p. nrs., 1,1,1. 
 .^ i>isito(ag,»itci,!., s. distinct plain 
 speaking-. ^ 
 yiitiifotinr/iuu?, u. V. itisintellicrible, 
 plain, coinpieliensible, easy to un- 
 derstand,- p. j,es..n'a/l:. 
 xVi.vcv*^/a;;i, (,an) n. v. I understand 
 what IS said, what I Jiear; 3. p 
 }•; \^.nes..a/iff. ^ 
 Nwsitiitdn,, (nin) a. v. in. I under- 
 stand it, I conceive it, comprehend 
 It; 3. p. ,; ;u*'...; p. nes..a/ig. 
 msMotama, {win) a. v. an. I un- 
 derstand him; 3, Y>:io nis..7r, p. 
 Nimwebina, {nin) a. v. an. I throw 
 him down, (any an. obi.) 3. p. o 
 nis..n. p. mi8..nad. 
 Nif.uwcUnan,{nm) a. v. in. I throw 
 It down; 3. p. „ nis...; p. nas..anq. 
 jyissiwelnniijade, or-maoad, u. v "it 
 is thrown down; p. nas..deQ, or- 
 ma<jaJ.: ^' 
 Mssiwehinigan, {nin) n. v. I am 
 thrown down; 3. p.-o. ; p. nas.. 
 NissiweUnige, {nin) n. v. I throw 
 down; 3. p. I.; p. nas..ged. 
 Mmwegodjin, {nin) n. v. I am rag- 
 ged, my clothes are all torn, the 
 rags are hanging down; 3. p. 1 • 
 J5. nas..in(/. ' 
 Ni^dwidun^'inin) or, nin U-nisdwi- 
 dun, a. V. in. I bring it down iroin 
 some place above 3. p. o nin. • p 
 nds..dnd. ^' 
 Mssiwina, {nin) or, nin binissiwi- 
 na, a. v. an. I bring some an. obi 
 down from some place above; 3. 
 p. nu..n; p. nas. .nod; imp. nissi- 
 ^yusd,num. three, (before substan- 
 tives denoting measure, of time or 
 other things.) 
 Nisso-hejiyo Kije-Manito. God is one 
 m three persons; 3. p.' JVesso-bfji- 
 god A. M., the Blessed Trinity 
 ^'umibidon'm. '{ nin ) 
 Ayss/ibina. ( nin ) 
 JVusobinaq. {nin) 
 JVis^mie. ' 
 Mssodewinmin. { nin ) 
 MmMjaniisriaimin. ( nin) 
 JV^issoijimvagis. { nin) 
 Nissagwan agad. 
 ^Msdgivanagi^. {nin) 
 Nusogwanind. ( nin ) 
 J^ issokami n. {nin) 
 \ JVissonindj. 
 A^issoshiniag. {nin) 
 Nmoshinimdn. {nin) 
 ^■isswahi(jinan. {n\n) 
 J^'isswaidgisiniin. { nin) 
 ■Njsswak. ' 
 ■^inswakonmin. {nin) 
 MssweuHin. — S 
 . ,,, -■ ^mobaninindj. Ni- 
 jobidonan. jVijnbina, e tc . , al wavs 
 changingin English, twomtothree: 
 as: mmbanenindj, two times a 
 handful. Nimibaninindj, three 
 time-s a \\nn^(u\.-Nij6bidonan, 
 {mn) I tie two together. Nisso- 
 *Nissode, s. three-hearted, that is onn nr' 
 the three children of one and the same 
 childbirth; pi -,„,;,. [111. Trojzhik ? Nin 
 "l^yodezke n. v. I am delivered o" three 
 children at once; 3. p. i ; p. „es../ced. 
 hidumii, (nin) I tie three togeth- 
 er.— And so on respectively 
 ^Mswi, num. thr<!(>. 
 iYtto, .s. niy l)rother-in-law, (a 7nale 
 sneakmir. A female will sav, 
 Nintm,mY brother-in-law,) pi.-;/ 
 KUa, thy brother-in-law; witim, 
 his brothor-in-law. 
 37/«. This word is always connect- 
 ed with another word in the sen- 
 tence; commonly with a verb, and 
 in some instances with a snhst.an- 
 tive. It marks a custom or AaJ,(! 
 '" floms: s. th., or a faadUj and 
 power todos. th. (Examples in 
 many of the following words.) 
 ^ita-nymwetam, {ain) n. v. 1 use 
 to contradic! or gainsay; 1 don't 
 often believe sayings and reports: 
 I am incredulous; I am disobedi- 
 ent; J. p. 1.; p. neL.anq. 
 .\Ua-akos, (nm) n. v. t am often 
 sijk, I am sickly; 3. p.. -i; p, ^et.. 
 Niia-akosiwint, s. poor health, in- 
 nrmity ' 
 Nitaam, (nin) n. v. I go up the 
 stream in a canoe or boat, on a 
 river, I go up against the current; 
 J. p. J.; p. netaang. 
 ^Ud-a/ioH, (nm) n. v, I am industri- 
 ous, active, diligent, I use to work 
 always; 3. p. 1.; p. n.et..uL 
 Nita-aiiokiwim, s. industry, assidu- 
 ous working. 
 Nitu-hawddjige, {nin) n. v. I am a 
 dreamer, I dream often; 3. p. 1 • 
 V-net..ge(l. t- •■, 
 Nitagan, s. person killed in a mas- 
 sacre; \>\.-ag. 
 iVitagdnakwnd, s. black cloud 
 (mourning cloud;) pl.-,>^, ' 
 Xitdae, (nin) n. v. I kill, (hunting 
 or butchering;) 3. p. 1.; netuoed. 
 MUagr {nm) n. v. I am in inourn- 
 iiig, I wear a mourning-dress; [ F 
 .jeporte le deuil;] 3. p. l • p. „^^„. 
 Magendagwad, u. v. it is desolate 
 , mournful, deserted, lonesome, (a 
 hous<', place, village, etc.) p. uef. 
 NUageowin, B. .sackcloth, mourner's 
 dress, penitent's dress. 
 Nitage'vaian, s. crape. 
 Nitagewin, s. mourning: [F. deuil 1 
 A IHO, killing of anhnlls, butcherl 
 '^'!Tfr'''\ '"• * ma" that kills 
 animals, a butcher; good hunter; 
 NUd-gUc'.idj, {nin) u. v. I soon feel 
 old- ih je suis frileux;] 3. p.-«; 
 |). net. .id. ^ ' 
 Nitd.gikdwidam, {nin) n v. I am 
 quarrelsome, I am a quarreler: 
 •J. p. 1.; p. net..ang. 
 i^t'd.jawe,ul.jige, {nin) n. v. I am 
 flmritable, beneficent; 3. p. 1 • n 
 net. .ged. ' ' f i H- 
 iV/^«//t, adv. & a.Ij. first, the first. 
 ^^ita,nah,{mn)&. v. I am in the first 
 place; 3. p.-e; p. „^^..;,^_ 
 l\ttamabiki(i/un ax, asain, this stone 
 IS placed first (it is the corner- 
 ston,,'.) Y'.net..ing. 
 Nttamage, {nin) n. v. I kill animals, 
 or I butcher, for people; 3. p. 1 • 
 p. net. .ged. V ^ ' 
 Ndamus {nin) r. v. I kill animals, 
 or I butcher, for myself; 3. p.-o' 
 p. net. .sod. ^ ' 
 Nitamasnn. {nin) a. v. in. I kill it for 
 invself;_3. p. o nit...; p. wtsod.— 
 lym mtamason gego, I kill s. th. 
 ^ror my own use. 
 Nilamasonan, {nin) a. v. an. I kill 
 some an. obj. for myself; 3. p. o 
 nit:.; p. nct..sud.~Jfahvamn<ji- 
 mtafnasman; I killed a bear for 
 ine. • 
 Nitamawa, (nin) a. v. an. I kill it 
 forhirnortohim; 3. p. o nit..n; v>. 
 net. .Wad. ^ 
 mtameiulngos, (nin) n. v. I am con- 
 sidered the first, the foremost ; 3 
 P-i ; p. net..sid. 
 Nif-fnmdagwad, u. v. it is consider- 
 .~...~^..^^,j,^nu., u. V. u IS consider- 
 ed the hrst, the foremost ; p. net 
 Nitamendan, («m) a. v. in. I con. 
 SH or It the first; 3. p. o nit...; p. 
 ^tfamfPtma,(mn)a.v. an. I consid- 
 er liim to be the first ; 3. p. o nit..n: 
 p. net..r)ui<l. 
 Aitdnwjahaw,{nin)x\, v. lam stand- 
 ing in the first place, (.in a range;) 
 V. it is the first, the 
 3. p.-i; p. net.Aoid. 
 Mtainiije, {nin) n. v. I live in the 
 hrst house or lodge of a village or 
 carnp 5 3. p. 1. . p, „^.^.^^__g 
 2^'ttaminir/, {nin) n. v. I am the first- 
 born ; 3. p.-t ; p. nH..fiui 
 Jyitdmii-nn, u 
 foremost ; p. netamissmj. . 
 Nitamunagotuj, in the foremost part 
 of a canoe, boat, etc. 
 Niramonjun, s. the first-born child ; 
 Ifitaona, (tiin) a. v. an. T take him 
 up the stream in a canoe or boat, I 
 convey him up against the cur- 
 rent ; 3. p. nit.. 71 ; p. net..nad. 
 Mtdonje, («tH) n. v. I am often de- 
 livered, (of a child ;) 3. p. 1.; p. nc- 
 Nitdfmse, (nin) n. v. (nin nita-h'inns- 
 ;vc,)l walk well, lam used to walk- 
 ing : 3. p. ]. ; p. nttdossed, a unod 
 Jfiiau-ada(fa, (.nin) n. v. I can swim; 
 1 swim well ; 3. p. 1.; p. netdivad- 
 arjad., a good swimmer. 
 Miawmj, s. my ear; \^\.~an.-Kit<iwag, 
 otaivag \ thy ear, his ear. 
 AitdtvMjinwsse, (nin) n. v. I walk 
 well with snowshoes ; 3. p. 1. ; p. 
 netdtvagimosscd, a good snowshoe- 
 Nitdwd]camigwe.i{nin) n. v. I can go 
 everywhere without a trail ; 3. p. 
 1. ; p. net. .iced, 
 yitdtvandan, {nin) a. v. in. I like to 
 eat it, 1 am fond of it; 3. p. nit...; 
 p. nct..ang. 
 Mtd-tvanendam, {nin) n. v. I forget 
 easily, I am forgetful ; 3. p. 1. ; p. 
 Jfitdive. (nin) n. v. I can speak; I 
 am eloquent ; 3. p. 1. ; p. ndnwcd. 
 .Mtdtvia, {nin) a. v. an. 1 know how j 
 to make it, I can make it, I use to ! 
 make it, {an. ohJ.)3. p. nit.,n; p. I 
 j twtawiad.—Ki nltdwia na dihai- 
 I ginimvan''. Canst thou make a 
 ' watch? 
 Kifriwir/, (nin) n. v.; 3. p.-/; p. „et- 
 airiatd. — S. yitau<igiit/o. 
 Nitdwi/jia, (nin) a. v. «??. I bring 
 him up, I raise him, (a child, etc. j 
 1 raise or produce any an. vegeta- 
 ble ; 3. p. o Tilt, n ; p. net.. fid. ~0. 
 pint(/, mandaminag (faic nin iiita- 
 mgiag j I raise potatoes and corn. 
 Nttuwigitgo, {nin) pass. v. 1 am 
 brought up, I am adult ; 3. p. nii- 
 awigia ; p. netdwiaiind. 
 Nitawigiidimin, (mn) com. v. we in- 
 crease in population, more being 
 born than die every year ; p. net 
 ■ Nitdmgimin, (nin) com. v. S.—Mt- 
 I dwigtidinmi. 
 j Nitawigin Utigan., u. v. the field (or 
 I garden) yields fruit, it is fertile ;p. 
 ' vet..ging. 
 Altduii/iton, (nin) a. v. in. I raise it 
 1 produce it, (by cultivation, agri- 
 cultm-f' ;) 3. p. nit... ; p. n(4..tod, 
 •~J\ ilniva tchi.^s nin nifawiniton ; I 
 produce a great deal of turnips. 
 Aifatrigtracfi, {nin) n. v. I sew well, 
 1 iiui used to sewing; 3. p.-o; p.' 
 nddwigwassod, a good seamstress. 
 J\tlawi«s, 8 my cousin, (a male 
 speaking. A female will .say : Ni- 
 nitnoth^, my cousin.— S^. Otch 
 Grammar, Chap. II, ) PI. nifams- 
 mg. _ 
 Mtdu'iton, (nin) a. v. in. I can make 
 it, I know how to make it. I use to 
 make it. (in. obj.) 3. p. onit...: p 
 vet.. tod. 
 Nitomendam, {nin) n. v. S. A^ana- 
 JSitomenddn, {nin) a. v. in. S. Nan- 
 M/<)menima,{nin)a. v. an. S. JVan- 
 Nitomfnindi.'i, {nin) r. v. S. Nana- 
 Nilomis, (nin) n v. I am pensive ; I 
 am solitary, I like to be alone I 
 don't like company; 3. p.-< ; p. ng. 
 Niton, {m») a. v. in. I kill it, destroy 
 It ; 3. \). o lut.m ; p. nttod.—Nin ni- 
 Conniiaw, 1 kill myself. 
 Mwaa7u u. v. the sWelling ceases, 
 abates; p. nawaang. 
 Niwahiyina n. {n in ) 
 Niwaiuijuiinin. {nin)—S. Nijwahi- 
 gvian. Nijtvahik, etc., always 
 changing in En '^Ush two into four 
 .\iwaj, s. my ioacLmy pack, my biin- 
 ule; pi. -an- A'iivaJ, iviwai : thv 
 pack, his pack. "^ ^ 
 .Yuvak. iXiuHikmimin. Mivahwa- 
 (lon—S. Nljwak, etc., (mutatis 
 Xiwakwe wan, num. v. aa.fi.in. there 
 are four hundred pair of... 
 Ni'oahco'Kjan, s. four spans, (as 
 Siwanaira, i^run) a. v. an. I kill him 
 I knock him down dead ; 3. p. o 
 m>v..n; p. naw..wad; imp. niwa- 
 Niwdnje iahh.te., u. v. the fire de- 
 creases, It goes out ; p. ncwanjeq. 
 y-iwaog {urn) n. v. mv swelling de- 
 creases, abates ; 3. p.-o; p. naivao- 
 Xiwutinan, i,un) a. v. in. I unbend 
 It. (the lock of a gun,-) 3. p. o 
 niw...; p. ua'v..ang. 
 Nimatig. Niwc-g. Nl'vewan.—S. Mj- 
 jvatlj, etc. (mutiitismurandis.) 
 rsiwiinin,{mn) num. v.an. we are 
 four ot us; \). nawiJjig, 
 A *«,'//), num. itjiir. 
 iVUving, mi m. four timos. 
 Mwing inakah/u wcndanimak, from 
 the four winds ; (from the four 
 principle wuuls, north, south, east, 
 west. ) 
 Niwiiion, num. v. in. there are four 
 J, in. ol)joct.s.) ' 
 -Vi/m//, s. (seldom used,) my wife. 
 —Kiicisli, thy wife ; wiwinhan, or 
 wiwan, his wife. U'lujan is gen- 
 erally us(!d.-They also say : Nui 
 nvuhmotimhh. ki mindimoitmuh 
 wiwan; my wife, thy wife, his 
 wife.— The most polite term for 
 "wite" 13. Widigimagan, (which 
 also sigmfies -husband.") m», 
 widigcmagan, my wife : (or, mv 
 husound.) Ki widigemagan, thy 
 wile, ^ or, thy husband.)^ o\/,S 
 CdT"""' ^'^ ^'^^' '''''' ^^'' ^^^' 
 Nodab, {7iin) n. v. I watch, I sit ud 
 atmght;3. p.-,,-p.w„„,^^7,2a. 
 ni 'rht'''^'*' ^' '^'*^''^'"Sr. sitting up at 
 Nodajaahhve, (nin) n. v. f am hunt- 
 ing or trapping muskrats : 3. n j • 
 p. //.wad.. wed. '' 
 Nudam'hwe, {nin) n. v. I am hunt- 
 ing or trapping beavers 3. p. 1 d 
 nwad..ived. f -yf 
 Nodtkwewe (^mn)n. v. I frequent bad 
 women. P am a libertine, a licen- 
 tious lascivious man ; 3. n. l • n 
 n/md..W€d. - ' ' ' P- 
 N'>d,ktveive/vin:s. licentiousness, las- 
 ciMousness. ' 
 Nodin, a. wind. 
 J\^odin,u V. it is windy, it blows : 
 p. nwadxng. ' 
 Nodinisli {nin) or, nin nodinoahka, 
 n. V. I have wind, (on my voyage ;) 
 3. p.-»; p. nwadinie/iid, or nwa. 
 J^^odjajafhkwe, {nin) n. v. S. i\Wa- 
 Nddjia, {nin) a. v. an. I acquire 
 some an. object, I procure it by 
 I i!il)or for f()ofl,( hunting or fishing;) 
 i 3. p. n nodjian ; p. n/vwljiad.— Oi- 
 gouignin /lodjiag^ni/nimdanh wa- 
 hoson o nndj'.an. I procure fishes. 
 and my sister procures nibliits, (for 
 our living.) 
 JS\)djidik<y)ne.{nvi)xi. v. ( search lice 
 I clean myself of lice ; 3. p. !.• p' 
 n)vn..mtd. ' ' 
 Mdjilkwews, {nin) n. v S. Nodik- 
 We/ve . 
 Nudji/n, {nin) n. v. I recover from a 
 sickness, I an cured, healed ; 3. 
 p. -o ; p. wnadjinuid. 
 Nodjinwi, (nin) a. v. an. I cure or 
 heal him ; I deliver him, save him; 
 I restore or repair some an. obj.: 
 3. p. nod..n ; p. nwa..ad. 
 X'- ■' " 
 i ■ 
 : 1 ■ 
 i \, 
 1. *.:.,» 
 Nodjimiwe, (vin) n. v. I hral. rurr , 
 restore health ; :i. p. 1.; p. nwa.'. 
 Nodjimniu'emaqady u. v. it cures ; p. 
 nwa..(jiil- ■— Sfandan inaMiki h't- 
 ehi uidjimtiirrcmaoail ; this innii- 
 vino. curcM well, (is very whole- 
 I/vdJir/i'iwiivin, a. the act of healing 
 or curing a sick person. 
 Modji/notuwa, {71 in) n. v. an. I heal, 
 cure, v.! save, s. ih. relating to him; 
 3. p. mod..n ; p. 9iwa,,U'ad. 
 Hdjimotan, (nln) a. v. i». I cure it, 
 1 restore it, repair it, mend it ; 3. 
 p. o nod... ; p. 7iwa..tud. — Eniinek 
 naJri (ji-ni'iiljimoton nin tchimanf 
 Hast thou n^emled a little my ca- 
 noe I 
 yodjunon'in. s. recovery from eick- 
 _n(;ss ; U-J. Genesung.J 
 A'odji^kihe, {n' 
 [nin) n. v. I am hiint- 
 ingducks; ,3. p. I.; p. nwiid..bed. 
 N6djit(m, {nin) a. v. in. I acquire or 
 procure it by labor for food, (hunt- 
 mg or fishing ;) 3. p. onudjiUm ; p. 
 JNodjtnniniitve, (nin)n.\. I am hunt- 
 ing pigeons ; 3. p. 1. ; p. nwa..wcd. 
 Noe ondbikwan, s. the ark, (Noah's 
 Nogendan, {nin) a. v. in. I desist 
 from it, I drop it ; 3. p. o nog...; p. 
 Jfogenima, {'nin) a. v. an. I desist 
 from him, 1 drop what I intended 
 to say to him, or to do him ; 3. p. 
 o nrig..n ; p. nica..mad. 
 Jl^6gi,\nin) 11. v. I stop; I give up; 
 3. p. ].; p. iiwagid. 
 Nogibato, {nin) n. v. j stop running; 
 3. p. 1.; I', nwa.. tod. 
 JfiigtgaJiaw. {ttin) n. v. I stop walk- 
 ing, 1 stand still ; 3. p.-j; p. iy)a.. 
 Ifogina, {nin) I stop him; 3, p. no- 
 ginan; p. nwaginad, 
 Nogidhl-a, oT-magad, u. v. it stops, 
 (a machine or engine ;) p. nwa.. 
 tad, OT-mngal: 
 K6gifihkan, {kin) a. v. »'». 1 stop it, 
 (n machinery, etc. 1 3. p.onog...; 
 p. nwanitikhivg. 
 J^f'giff>;m-mag(id,\}. v. S. AW/if^hkn 
 Aogtfon, (nin) a. v. in. ] stop in 
 n.nlungit; 3. p. o „„.,... ; p. Ua- 
 A'<:J(\ ermj6-nina, (he female of an 
 iinimal; pl.-7, 
 Nojh'ag, s. a she-porcupine, female 
 Ni'Jiiitk-iij. s. a female otter; \A.-^vau. 
 Ntgih, s. she bear; pl.~?w///. 
 Nojihwainn, ». an. skin of a female 
 bear; \)\.-ag. 
 Ncjt-mrg, s. a' female fish; ]A.~ii>aq. 
 j\yjfTuik, s, a she-beaver; pl.-og". 
 ^'ojcK, s. a hind, the female o7thf' 
 deer-kind, as of a moose, stag, 
 roe-i)uck, raindeer ; also, a mare : 
 Nnjcsse , s. the female of a bird : 
 jVr;/(,v,v?w, S. a bitcll ; l)l.-Ojn'. 
 Nigvicaian, s. an. the skin of a fe- 
 male quadnipiMl, not very large, 
 not larger than a deer; \)\.-aq. 
 jVoJeiivgin, s, the skin of a f'emalf 
 qiiadrniKKl of the larg(;^t kind, as, 
 buffalo, moose, stag ; pl.-^w. 
 M'JibadJige, {nin) n. v. I cannot put 
 all in, (ilia vessel ;) 3. p, 1.; p, 
 Nojibadjigonagad, u. v. it cnnriot 
 contain all, (a vessel ;) p. nwa.. 
 Nojifke, s. my grand-cluld, (gran,-^- 
 son, or grand-daughter ;) pY.-tay. 
 Niil-a, OT-magad, u. v. it is soft, ten 
 der, weak ; p. nwalcag, or~tnagaL 
 Nokabigad, u- v. it is soft, weak, 
 (string, cord, etc) 
 Iioka?^ii/id, n. v. 3. p. it is weak. 
 ^tender, (silk, ribbon;) p. nioa..,iid. 
 NokiiJiiJcad, u. v. it is weak, it is soft, 
 not hard, (metal, glass ;) p. nwa.. 
 Nol-nbikisan. {nin) a. v. in. I make 
 it weak, I make it soft or softer, 
 by heat, (metal, 1/ .) 3. p. onok...; 
 p. niva..ang. 
 NoMbil'id, n. v. 3. p. it is soft, weai, 
 (silver, stone;) p. mva..sid. 
 Aohtl>i/(tswa,(ni,i) a. v. an. I make 
 ilvvoakor Bolt, hy hoHt, (tiiotnl. 
 </«■) ^■\>.onok..n,- p. nwak..wad; 
 imji. vuk.Avi. 
 Nokwlail, u. V. it is Boft, ini.d : p 
 film.. dak. 
 i\6kadin, ( ni/i) n. v. T am meek, mild 
 ut'rillt!; 3. p.-i; p. nua..sid. 
 .\okiiumtawa, (nin) or, nin nokadi- 
 titamau-a, a. v. an. 1 am iiicfk. 
 Rcat (!, paMoiit towards him ; 3. p 
 o n,)k..n ; p. nwa..u-ad. 
 Sokadmwin, b. meekness, mildness. 
 AukatfmiKja, OT-mugad, u. v. the 
 snow IS sort ; p. nwa..iuu, or-ma- 
 gak. ' 
 Nokaje, (nin) n. v, my skin is soft, 
 tender; 3. p. I. ; p. fiwakajed. 
 Aid-an, u. v. it is sort, tender, weak, 
 leeble ; p. nwalanrj. 
 Aokenduijus, {nin) n. v. I am consid- 
 ered mild J weak ; 3, p.-i ; p. nwa.. 
 Sukendaywad, u. v. it is considered 
 soft, it IS soft ; it is weak : p. num.. 
 Adkia, {nin) a. v. an. I make some 
 an. ol)j. sort, t(!nder, i soften it ; 
 ;i. p. n6kian ; p. nwahiad. 
 Sokilndun, {nin) a. v. in. I soften it, 
 1 make it lender, {in. obj. ) 3. p. o 
 nok... ; [). nwa. .dud. 
 Adkihina, (nin) a. v. an. I soften 
 some an. obj. 3. p. o nvb..n ; p. 
 nuy..nud; imp. nokihij. 
 Adkide, oi--ma(/ad, u. v. it is well 
 done, well cooked, it is tender. 
 (meat, etc.) p. nwakideo, ox-ma- 
 Aukidce, {nin) n. v.. my heart is soft; 
 it IS weak, fie 3. p. l. ; p. ,,,«, 
 Ji'ukvjad, it is soft ; weak, (stuff 
 clothing material;) p. nwakiyak. 
 Ao/:ujd)id<)n, y^mn) a. v. in. 1 make 
 It tender or soft, I soften it ; 3. p. 
 V nok...; p. nwa.. did. 
 A'dkujibinu, {nin) a. v. an. 1 make 
 some an. obj. soft, 1 soften it ; 3. 
 v.o nok..n ; p. nwa..nad; \nm.-t,ij. 
 J/vkigigi, n. V. 3. p. it is soft ; it is 
 weak, (stufi; a».) p. nwakiyi^id. 
 soft, weak; p. nu-u.-neu, ur-rnaoak 
 Nohkwanuie, ( ni„ ) n. v^' I wear sc'r 
 tetider , .<. p. I. ;p. nua..ul. 
 ^okt,,{nrn)».y. I am tender, deh- 
 sliip, J. p.-i.; J,. nwaki.sid. 
 ^okmuu {nin) a. v. ,'«. [ cook it 
 veil, tender, soft, (meat, etc. i 8. 
 ^i>ku^ n. V. 3. p. it is soft, tender ; 
 weak, not s;trong. (a„.'ob..) p 
 nnM.-~08cim nokisi wLasi 
 Mnuman ; the deer-skin is too 
 soft, too weak. 
 <lor, .J. p. 1.; p. nwa..ed. 
 tT' "•,^3.p. ft is well done, 
 well cooked tender, {an. oh].) p 
 noki.ou'aij; the fish is well coobd 
 r.V y , r''^^''" ="■« ^^«'J cooked. 
 Iwiim-a, {rrm) a. v. an. 1 cook it 
 well or tender, («m. obj.) 3 . p o 
 J>ok..n ; p. nwa..wud. ^ ^ *"• P' '' 
 Nuk,tr.-n, {nin) a. v. in. I soften it 
 ^^W,(«m)n. V. I am delicate in 
 ^^oko! voc. my grand -mother' 
 ilo/tw/mw, s. my grand-mother: pi 
 Nokwi.an, (nin) a. v. in. 1 {.crfume 
 -I, J. |_). <>7Mk...;p. nwa..anii. 
 Mot,;nfan s. herl^ that smelis good, 
 t. foinde senteur;] perfume 
 burn s. th. to give a good odor : 3. 
 p. I. ; p. nwa..<jid. 
 JSokwesnjen {nin) a. v. in. T burn if 
 as a perftime, to make good odor ; 
 J. p. m>k...; p. nu'a..ged. 
 jyokwe.ujenan, {nin) a. v an. I burn 
 «oine an. obj. as a perfume, to ma- 
 ke a good odor i 3. p. o nok... ; p. 
 • M 
 > '■ > 
 " * 1. 
 -i- J ' 
 |k£t2: "lif. £^ 
 Nokwigira,{nin) n. v. an. I pnrfmne 
 him, I make him inhnlo tho oflor 
 of 8. th. 1 Inim ; 1). p. o nok..n ; p. 
 nu'a . .Wild ; imp. tio/i ircmri, 
 A'omnhiHna. (tiin) a. v. mi. I oint 
 or grease some an. ohj. of stone or 
 metal; 3. p. ,, j,i/in..n ; p. nw(i..nad, 
 Nomnhikinnn. (itiri) a. v. ///. I oint 
 or gnfasp some in. obj. of metal; 
 3. p. I) tinm... ; j>. nivn..nn(l. 
 Nomag, adv. a certain \cu^i\^ of time, 
 pretty lonp. 
 Nomagrh, {nin) n. v. I am sitting a 
 certain lenRth of time, pretty long; 
 3. p.-/; p. mra..hid. 
 Nomuijcirin, {nin) n. v. I don't like 
 to tjivj s. th., I am bepged a cer- 
 tain length of time Tor it before I 
 give it; 3. p.-^; p. nwfi..tiid. 
 Ndmaia, adv. not long ago, recently, 
 ybmahona,(ii,in) a. v. nn. I grease 
 or oint some an. obj. of wood ; 3. 
 p. o nom..n ; p. nwa'..nad. 
 Nomakonan, (nin) a. v. in. I grease 
 or oint some i/t. obj. of wood ; 3. 
 p. o nmn... ; p. niva..an.q. 
 Nomihiirn, (nin) n. v. I nod with 
 the head, as a sign of affirmation, 
 approbation or salutation; 3. p.-j; 
 p. mra md. 
 Nomiuiku-itan. {nin) a. v. in. I sa- 
 lute it. 1 make salutes or inclinat- 
 ions towards it ; 3. p. o m,m... ; p. 
 Nominih'rttavay {nin) a. v. an. I 
 salute him, I make salutations or 
 compliments towards him ; also, I 
 give him signs of affirmation or 
 approbation , nodding with the 
 I N6mingwcna,{nih) a. v. an. I grenne 
 his face; 3. p. iini>m..n; p. nwa., 
 nad ; imp. ndtningwen. 
 NomiiKjwenidin, {n'i>i) r. v. I grease 
 tnv face; 3. p.-o; p. nwn..srd. 
 lYomingwewin, s. the act of grea3ing 
 head; 3. )). o nrm.-n ; p. nwa. .trad. 
 Nomina, (nin) a. v. an. I grease 
 him, I oint him, I anoint him ; 3. 
 p. nnom..n\\>. nwaminad. 
 A'ominan. (nin) a. v. in. I grease it ; 
 J oint it; 3. p. o nom...; p nn'a..ang, 
 Nominignn , s. grease , ointment ; 
 Nominigey (nin) n. v. I greass ; I 
 oint; 3. p. 1. ; p. nwa..ged. 
 Nomingwe. (nin) n. V. my face is j 
 greased; 3. p. 1.; p. nu'a..wcd. 1 
 the face ; also, grease or ointment 
 (or the face. 
 A'nn, (nin) n. v. I suck ; 3. p. n&ni ; 
 p. nwnnid. 
 Nona, (nin) a. v. an. I make him 
 suck, I give him suck, 1 suckle 
 him ; 3. p. ononan; p. nwanad; 
 imp. //7-^'. 
 JVona.ikh/ifi, or-magad, u. v. it can- 
 Tiot contain all, all cannot go in, 
 (ill a vessel ;) nwa..nig, ov-magak. 
 Nonnwatm, (nin) n. v. 'l give siick, 
 ' I suckle ; 3. p.-o ; p. nwn...<iod. 
 Xiind, adv. before the end, before 
 the due time, before all is over. 
 Ndndfidis, (nin) r. v. S. Nnndsi^. 
 A'l'indadjiijdde, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 heard ;"p. niva.dcg, or~magal: 
 N6ndadjigax,(nin)'u. v. I am heard; 
 3. p.-i^; p. nwa. ..sod. 
 Ncnilnge, (nin) n, v. I hear, I am 
 not (leaf; 3. p. 1.; p. nwuudaijed, 
 Ndnddgm, (nin) n. v. I am heard ; 
 3. p.-/'; p. 7iwa..iid. 
 Nondagwad, u. v. ir is heard; p. nwa 
 Nondagwaniwan, u. v. it is heard, 
 reported, it is becoming known; 
 p. nwa..ang. 
 Nondam, (nin) n. v. I hear some- 
 thing, a saying, a voice, a noise, 
 etc.; 3. p. 1. ; p. mcandang. 
 Nondamas, (nin) r. v. I hear for my- 
 self, (nobody tells it to me, f hear 
 it myself;) 3. p.-o ; p. niva..sod. 
 Nnndnmona. (niii)a. v. an. I let him 
 hear, I tell him; 3. p. o nf/n..n; p. 
 Nnndamowin, s. hearing; or any 
 thing heard/ pl.-an.—MnJingen- 
 danan nin mntchi n/mdaniuwinan; 
 I hate the bad sayings I hear. 
 N6ndan,(nin) a. v. in. I hear it; 3. 
 p. o nondan; p, nwandang. 
 N6ndas,(nin) r. v. I hear myself; 3. 
 p.-o; p. nwandoisod. 
 NondoHs, aHv. less, deficiently. 
 N6ruiaw'i,{nm) a. v. an. I hoar liim/ 
 3. p. o n>tn..n; p. nwa..wad. 
 Nondl.— This word has the same 
 si^Mli(icatiorl as nond; it signifies 
 «//>//?(/ upJetti-Kji.ff, or (/^nm/ aw«»/, 
 bnfore nil is ovttr or done, deficien- 
 cy. (Exain|)les in many of the 
 following words.) 
 N6nd€hiidiiike,{nin) n.v. I miscar- 
 ry. I come to a premature abortive 
 delivery or child-birth; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 NoiuUithanish, {nin) n. v. I don't 
 survive the winter, I die before 
 spring; 3. p.-t; p. nwin..id.—Scc 
 the contrary, Nm wuhanuh. 
 Nundeiabaa, [nin) n. v. 1 don'l sur- 
 vive the night, (a sick person,) I 
 die before daylight; 3. p.-o; p. 
 Nijndina, {nin) or, nin- nandenawa, 
 a. v. an. S. Nanawina. 
 Nondinauy (nin) a. v. in. S. Nana- 
 Nomti-nigidwasa, {nin) n. v. I am 
 delivered of a child before my 
 time; 3. \i.-o:, p. nwa..s()d. 
 XondioM, {nin) n. v. I have not 
 enough to give to all; or, to give 
 them a full share; (in a distribu- 
 tion;) 3. p. 1.; p. nwa..id. 
 Nondeona, {nin) a. v. an. T don't 
 give him enough; (in a distribu- 
 tion;) or, I have not enough to 
 give to him; 3. p. o non-.n; p. uwa.. 
 Niindes, {nin) n. v. I am deficient, I 
 cannot do it, cannot atlbrd it; 3. p. 
 -i; p. n":andcsid. 
 Noiidea/dina, {ni/i) n. \. an. lean- 
 not put it, it is too short, {an. oljj.. 
 as iiafHitjis.sa{/,a. board;) 3. p. onon 
 n; p. nu'a..mad. 
 yonde.shi/ni, {nin) a. v, an. I leave 
 him behind, he is unable to walk 
 with me; 3. p. o non..n; p. nwa.. 
 Nondishin, {nin) n. v. I become 
 weak, unable to walk any further, 
 (on a voyage;) 3. p. l.;p.nu>a..ing. 
 Nond^thkagon, (nin) n. v. pars, it 
 does not reach, it does not come to 
 me; 3. p. o iK/n...; p. nwaH..god. 
 NdndinUan, (nin) a. v. in. f don't 
 come to it; 1 don't reach it; 3. p. <, 
 mm...; p. ntva..ang. 
 Nondishkaiva, (nin) a. v. an. I don't 
 come to him. I don't reach him; 3. 
 p. o non..n; p. tiwa..wad. 
 Nondhfutc/tige, {nin) n. v. I don't 
 put enough, I have not enough to 
 put everywhere; 3. p. 1.; p. 7iwa.. 
 Nondi»saton,{nin) &. \. in. 1 don't 
 put enough of it, I have not enough 
 of it to put it everywhere; 3. p. o 
 non...\p. nwa..t(id. 
 No nd ease, (nin) n. v. I cannot afford 
 it, my time (or my strength) is not 
 sufficient to do the work; there is 
 not enough of some an. obj., it 
 runs out before the right time. 3. 
 p. 1.; p. 7iwa..eed. 
 Ni/mlense. or-migad, u. v. there is 
 not enough of "it, {in obj.) it runs 
 out before the right time; p. nwa. 
 mj. or-magak. 
 Nnndiidn, u. v. S. Nmdesse. 
 Ndndemton,{nin) a. v. in. I cannot 
 put it, It is too short, {in. obj.) 3. 
 p. o nan. .; p. nwa. .tad. 
 Noitdelihih'Mcu, {nin) n. v. the 
 night overtakes me before I reach 
 a certain place, I am benighted; 3. 
 p. 1. p. nwa. .had. 
 No>uIJigade,or-magad, u. v. S. Nm- 
 Nongom, adv. now, at present, actu- 
 ally; to-day; now-a-days. 
 Noniahk, {nin) n. v. J suck much, 
 too much; 3. p.-/; p nwa..id. 
 Noninlikokadiinin, {nin) corn. v. we 
 crowd too much in a room or houre; 
 p. nwa..didjig. 
 Niinokaise, s. wren, honey-bird, 
 (small-bird;) pl.-^. 
 Nopiiuing, adv. in the woods, in the 
 inland; any distance from the lake- 
 shore. — Nopiming naivatch aton 
 kitchiman; put thy canoe a little 
 further from the shore. 
 Nopinadan, (rttn) a. v. in. I follow 
 it, I walk hchinri it; 3. p. o nop...: 
 p. nwn..avg. 
 yopinaki,'{nin) n. v. I follow (some 
 prraoii or porsons going noino- 
 whore;) [L. sequor;] 3. p. I.; p. 
 ydinnaim, (nin) a v. an. I follow 
 iiim, 1 walK after him goiriK «onio- 
 wliere; 3. p. o nop.,n\ p. nwupinan- 
 ad; imp. nojHnnj. 
 Noshkana, {ni/i) a. v. an. I van it, 
 (somo an. prodnrn, as mandatni- 
 nag, Imiian corn;) 3. p. o nimh..)i; 
 p. uii'r..Hiid. 
 yoiihkiitchl(jan, or noshlcatchinagan, 
 fl. van for vanning, cleansing wild 
 rice, or other produce; pl.-a«. 
 Noshkdti'hujc, (nin) n. v. 1 am van- 
 ning, cleansing grain; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 nive. .ged. 
 Noahkaton, [nin) a. v. in. I van it, 
 cleanse it, {in, obj.)3. p. ononh...; 
 p, nwe-.tod. 
 ydtkwddam, {nin) n. v. I lick; [F. 
 ie l^che;] 3. p. 1.; to. niva..antj. I 
 yoskwddamuwa, {inn) a. v. an. I 
 lick 8. th. belonging or relating to 
 him; 3. p. ovos..n; p. nwa..ivad. 
 Ndskwddan, {nin) a. v. in. I lick it; 
 3. p. onoa...; p. nwa..ang. 
 Ao.,kirddjifff, {nin) n. v. I am lick- 
 nijr;.J. p. 1.;,,. nira..ffrd. 
 /^v^kwdva. (nin) a. v. un. I lick him 
 (withttie tonK„e);.3. p. „ nn,^. 
 pniraU-wanad; imp. n'tkwnj. 
 JVo.skwd,.(ninnu v. I eat the mtp. 
 nor bark of a tree containing the 
 nod. "^ 
 .V.^_. .. my fa,her.-Ar... o>>.an;ihj 
 fTifher,hiH lather; pi. „off*a(;, 
 i>'«.v/ vor. f;ithrr! 
 A'o/ixKuitidon, (nin) a. v. in. S. Ata- 
 a (I ltd I rn. 
 Xomedana, {nin) a. v. an. I follow 
 Hi8tn.rks;.l.p. „„,,,,.^ ,^,^^,^ 
 nail; imp. no.s.swdaj. 
 Ndmi-nn,'wa,{nin) n. v. an. {m.noi. 
 rr.'.'f'^ I pursue him. I go after 
 im,.J. p. o nos..n; p. Ji7va..uad; 
 imp. nnnti/riin/. 
 iVw/-, s. an. chcok.-Thisvvordisal- 
 ways connected with a possessive 
 pronoun; as: Ai„ow, my cheek' 
 cK; Si ^'^"' '• '"'"^«"' "*» 
 Nuadikwewcd, or nwadjiikwmed, p 
 8. a. he that frequents had women 
 a libertine, a lascivious man : u ^ 
 Jig. ' *^' 
 Som^ words that mujht bt supposed to he under 0, are to he found under 
 Wa, as the syllabk w^ i« often pronoxmced like o \ as; Wanagek, is oftm 
 pronounwd, Onagek, etc. 
 ''^•— 'This vowol i« always pronoun- 
 ced in Otchipwe liko o in the Eng- 
 lish word hone. 
 0, beforu a consonant, and ^rf, before 
 a vowel, signilii^s, his. her, its of 
 their, when preceding a snb- 
 stantive; and it signifies, hitn, her, 
 it or them, when before a verb 
 0! interj. weii! ay, ay!— To express 
 approbation, consent or thanks, 
 ObiJaskKin, s. a kind of gray wild 
 goose; p[.~ivarj. 
 Ohiwai, s. its hair or fur, (of an an- 
 imal;) ]^\.-an 
 an. reed; [F. lo- 
 sean; I,. arundo;j p!.-_7. 
 OhodasMcwaiiifihi, s. drag o n - fl y ; 
 musketo-cater; ^A.-iag. 
 Ohwd?n, s. his thigh; p\.-an.~Mb- 
 warn, kikcam; my, thy thigh. 
 Obwamima, s. thigh. 
 Obwdmens, s. that part of the gun- 
 lock where the flint sticks in, the 
 cock of agon; pl.-«w. 
 Odakuhhi. {nind) a. win. I draw 
 or drag it after mo, I carry or con- 
 vey it in a carriage; 3. p. od od...\ 
 p. wed..ang. 
 Oddban, s. an. sled, sleigh; carriage, 
 any vehicle on which s. th. is 
 drawn; pi. -aj7. 
 Oddhand, {mnd)a. v, an. I draw or 
 drag him after inc, I convey him 
 in a carriage, (any cm. ohj.) .]. p. 
 f/(>d..n; \y. w€d..nad; imp. orfnJa/, 
 Odahanal;s.; pl.-on. S. Odahaii. 
 Oddhaaiao, {nind) pass. v. I ride in 
 a sleigh or carriage; 3. p. odabana; 
 p. nin wedabanigoian, win. wtdo- 
 hiinitid, etc. 
 Oddhanike, {nind) n. v. I make a 
 sleigh, (or anyother vehicle;) 3. p. 
 1.; p. wed..kcd. 
 Oddbi, (nind) n. v. I draw or drag; 
 3. p. 1.; p. wedabid. ' 
 Oddhia,{ui,id) a. v. an. I make him 
 draw or drag 8. th.; 3. ^.odod..n; 
 p. V!cd..ad. 
 Oddbt-pijikl, 8. draught-ox; [(}. Zng- 
 OddUwin, s. drawing, dragging, car- 
 rying in a sleigh. 
 Odddjignkan, s. fishing-line with a 
 hook, to catch fish; pl.-^n. 
 Odddjigoke, {nind) n. v. I am fishing 
 with a hook; 3. p. 1.; p. wed..ked. 
 Odadjipingwesse, {nind) n. v. I lie 
 in ashes; 3. p. ]., p. wed..sed. 
 Oddgim, (nind) n. v. r walk with 
 snow-shoes; 3. p.-t; p. wcddinmid. 
 Odagwanihissan, s. S. Kagwiiab. 
 Odaiad7nan, s. his property, (aw., obj. ^ 
 pi. odaiaaman. — Kindaiadm, my 
 property; kidaladm, thy property. 
 Odaian, s. his dog. or his dogs.- - 
 M/iddi, my dog; kidai. thy dog. 
 Odaiim, s. his property, (in. obj.) ol, 
 odaiiman. — A^induiim, kidaii'm; 
 my property, thy propeity. 
 Odajawameg, or ajawamca, s. sal- 
 raoa-trout; pi. .^,„a,j. \Maiwie. 
 goss.) ' ^ •' 
 OdfiUr, s. niddor, helm; also, the 
 plac,e where the steersinriM stands 
 or sits, the stern of a ship, boat, 
 canoe,&c.;(,l. -a/i. 
 Udake, (mud) n. v. I steer a canoe, 
 Oddk. ,bwf, s. steering-paddle, a 
 lOH'i and strong paddle to steer 
 with; pi. -n. 
 OdakieJcawa, (mud) a. v. an. T assist 
 hwn in steering; 3. p. od od.,n, p. 
 wed..wad. ^ l 
 OdakeaAiiind) a. v. in. I steer it; i 
 n , f' ?7 '"^-'' ^^- wedaked. \ 
 OJ(,keshkage,<,,nnd) n. v. I succeed, ! 
 1 am the successor of somebody; 
 3.P. l.;p. M;ec?.._^erf. 
 uaafcesfikam, hiind) n. v. S. Oda- 
 Odakenhkawa, {nind) a. v. an I suc- 
 ceed in his place, I take his 
 charge, his office, I am his suc- 
 cessor; 3. p. ,xl .d..n; p. wed..wad. 
 Udakewm, s. steering, the act or th-. 
 art of steering. 
 Odakiwrniiii, s. steersman, wheels- 
 man; pi. -wag. 
 Odamdganak, or odamamnaiw, s.; 
 pl. -on. S. Okidj. •' ^' ' 
 Odamaweshi, s. a small white bird 
 that appears in spring and fall; pl 
 Oddmikan, s. his ]c^vi .—Mndami- 
 Kan, Kidaimkan. 
 Odumikana!)u/,, s. his grinder, large 
 tooth; [G. Stockzahu.] pl. -an.— 
 J^indainikanahid, my arrinder 
 Oddmikujan. s. S. Oddmikiqegan. 
 Odamikigauima, s. jawbone. 
 Oddmikigegan, s. his jawbone.— 
 mndamikigegan, my jawbone. 
 Uaaimrt., {niiul) n. v. 1 play, (Ijkp 
 children;) 3. p. -o; p. wedanwmd. 
 uaammowagan, a. plaything for 
 children; pl. -an. 
 Odaminowin, s. children's nlav 
 playing. * ■" 
 Odand?nmakadoweshi, s. a small bird 
 that remains always near th( 
 ground, under fallen trees, a kind 
 ofwren;[F. roitelet]; pl. -iW. 
 Odanendan,{nind) or, nind odana- 
 i oiiotan, a. v. in. I sip it, I draw it 
 iM my mouth; 3. p. od od...: p 
 wed. .ting. ^' 
 Od(i/ii.ig, '[nind) n. v. I have a 
 d.uighter; 3. p. -z; p. weddnissid. 
 Odunm4:inan, {nind) a. v. an I 
 have her for a goddaughter, she 
 IS my goddaughter; also, mx- ad- 
 opted daughter; 3. p. od od...; p. 
 wed._.kad. {V . Conl) '^ 
 0.lnn,i.ssima, [niiul) a. v. an. I have 
 her for a daughter; 3. p. od od..n; 
 p. wed. .mad. 
 Odanindinig, {nind) pass. v. 1 am 
 his daughter; p. wedanissimid, hs 
 whose daughter I am. 
 OJdnixsimigo, {ni/id) pass. v. lam 
 a daughter; 3. p. oddnimma; p. 
 mn ivedanissimigoiilu; win laeda- 
 nis6z/nind, &c. 
 Oddnmihan,{ni7id) a. v. an. I have 
 her for a daught. , she is my 
 daughter; 3. p. td od...; p. wedan- 
 uml. {V. Conj.) 
 Oddjnhuion, {nind) a. v. in. S. Odd. 
 jnlii an. 
 Oddpibina, (nind) a. v. an. {nind 
 odiijnna, I take him; ninwikobina, 
 1 dravv him to me;) I take some 
 an. obj. drawing it to me; 3. p. 
 od od.n; p. wed..fiad; imp. (ddpihij. 
 Oda/nHnan, {nind) a. v. in. I take 
 It, drawing it to me; 3. p. od od.. ■ 
 p. wed..ang. 
 Oddpin'i, {kind) a. v. an. I take 
 him, I accept, receive, admit him; 
 ^.]].odod..n; p. wedapinad; imp. 
 Odd piuamadis, {nind) n. v. I take it 
 on me, for me, to me; 3. p. -o; p. 
 wed.. sod. ^ 
 Odapuiamiwa, {nind) a. v. an. 1 
 accept . it from him, 1 take or 
 accept s. th. belonging or relating 
 to hiMi; 3. p. od od..n\ p. wed..wad. 
 Udapinan, (nind) a. v. in. I take it, 
 I accept It, receive it; 3. p.odod...] 
 p. wedapinang. 
 Oddpimn anamiewin, (nind) I take 
 religion, I become a ChrUtian. 
 Oddplnan Jawendagosiwin, (tiind) 
 or, nind odapina'n K. Eulcaristi- 
 Wirt, 1 receive Communion, I re 
 ceive the H. Eacharist. 
 Oddpinigade, or -magnd, u. v. it is 
 taken, acceptrd, received; p. wed. 
 deg, or -magak. 
 Oddpinliras, {nind) n. v. I am ac- 
 cepted, received; 3. p. -o; p. wed.. 
 Oddpinige. {nind) n. v. I take: 3. p 
 I.; p. toed.. (/ed: ^' 
 OdasJci, or -magad niU, u, y the 
 water falls lowers, the thUn'g 
 tide; p. mdasUg, or -magah.S. 
 Odaiagng'omin. s. an. a kinil cf mul- 
 berry; [F. mure de ronce;] pl.-a^. 
 Odatagdgomi7i'i(/awanj, s. an. a kiiid 
 of mulberry-shrub; pi. -ig. 
 Odatissiwag-rma. s. nerve, sinevr. 
 Ode, a. his heart. Miidi, hide: mv 
 heart, thy hoart. 
 Odeima, s. heart. 
 Odiimiii, s. strawberry; [F. fraise;! 
 (heart-bprry;) ^\. -an. 
 Odeimind-gism,s. an., the moon of 
 strawberries, the month of June. ' 
 Odem;nind odem. my Indian family- 
 mark; as: Mahvi, bear; amilc 
 beaver; rhigid. ea^le, &c Kid 
 odem, od odeman; thy family-mark 
 his family-mark.— S. Ododeminan. 
 Udena, s. village, town, city; pi. 
 Odenaniivama, s. tongue. 
 Odenawan, ii. v. it is, or there is, a 
 village, a town, a citv; p. wed., 
 Odenawens, s. dim. hamlet, little 
 village, little town; nl.'-n». 
 Odifigwai, s. A'g. S. Oshhvji,;. 
 Odetonnn, {nitul) n. v. pi. we "form a 
 village, we live together in a 
 village; pi. wedetodjig. 
 Odihm, {ninfl) n. v. I'have lice; 3. 
 }>. -t; p. wedikamid. 
 ihwan. s. S. Wadihvan. 
 Odihitnanganima, s. shoulder. 
 Odishiwe, (nind) n. v. I arrive: I am 
 a ne^v comer; 3. p. 1.; p.wed..wed. 
 Odiihkwagami, s. Algonquin Indian: 
 pi. -g. 
 Odishkwagamihwe, s. Algonquin 
 squaw; pi. -g. ^ 
 Odiskinahm, {nind) n. v. I have 
 eggs of lice (nits) in my clothes. 
 or on my hea(l;3. p. -i;i,.wed..mid. 
 Odiss, a. hia navel.— Ifindiss, mw 
 navol; kuim, orfm-; thy, his, navel. 
 Odissa,{mnd) a. v. an. I come to 
 him; I visit him; 3. p. od od....n. p. 
 wedissad; imp. odinhi. 
 Odissaii niniskigoman, (nind) n. v 
 p. od 
 I draw back my snot; 3 
 od..n; p. wed. .ad. 
 Odifisdhama, {nind) a. v. an. I arrive 
 to the pcrfnt or moment of seeing 
 him; 3. p. „d od..n; p.wed..mad. 
 Odissabandun, {nind) a. v. in i 
 arrive to the moment of seeing it- 
 3. p.odod...; p. wed..ang.-~Mn 
 kitcM mtnwendam odistdbdndamtln 
 anamikoddding; J am very glad to 
 arrive to the moment of seeing 
 new-year's day again. 
 Odmigon, {nin-l) u. v. pers. it comes 
 to me. It reaches me; 3. p. od od., • 
 p. wed.. god. ' 
 OdUsikagon, {nind) u. v. pers. S. 
 Oditamadis. {nind) r. v. (or, nindodi- 
 tamaduio/i,) ei.\. I cause it to my- 
 self, I am the cause that it reaches 
 me, I incur it; 3. p. -o; p. wed..sod. 
 Jdztan, (mnd) a. v. in. I come to it 
 or into it, 1 reach it; 3. p. od odi- 
 tan ; p. wedztung. 
 Oditaowe,{nind)n.\. I .arrive in a 
 canoe to a certain place; 3. p 1 • 
 p. wed.. wed. ' 
 Odjdninakani'gad, u. v. there is 
 noise, trouble, excitement; n 
 tved..gak. ^ 
 Odjnnimakivaamoir (animikig) i t 
 thunders frightfully, with great 
 Odjnnimendam, (mnd) n. v. I am 
 troutiled in my thoughts, 3. p. 1. 
 p. wed .ang. 
 OdjAninnndamoivin, 8. trouble, 
 troubled thoughts. 
 Odjiihima, {ni/id) a. v. atu I troublo 
 him, luoU'st liiiii, [ihiijuo him;.;), p. 
 od od..n^ p. iViuL.ad. 
 Odjanimiiw,; {nind) n. v. I am 
 tronblcsomc; J. p. I.; p. ivt'd..wcd. 
 OdjanimiMs, (nind) n. v. 1 am 
 troubled 1111(1 molostod by my t-ick- 
 ncss; 3. p. /; p. wed. .mi. 
 Odjdnimis, (nind) n. v. I am troubl- 
 ed; ;j. p. ^ i, p. waijaiiiinisid. 
 Odja/umittujiw, inifid) n. v. I make 
 much trouble and iiuiso with my 
 speaking; ;), p. -*,■ p. wcd..dd. 
 Odjanimiton, (nimi) a, v. an. I 
 trouble it, molest it; 3. p, od od...; 
 1). wed.. tod. 
 OdJ(in,ii)nirj(!ul(i7>i^ (nind) n. v. S. 
 Odja /> iinitiKjiis. 
 OdJ<m/, ... his no«te.~MndJa»j, my 
 uose; kidjaiij, thy nose. 
 Odji. s. lly,- pi', (idjig. 
 OdjiijadeH; {nind) n. v. I draw back 
 my leg; 3. p. ■ i; p. wed..vid. 
 Odjinuu {wind) a. v. an. I kiss him; 
 ;i. p. tid, id..n; p. wedjimad. 
 OdjimaMiki.^ s. blister, visicatory. 
 Odjinifiniina, {mnd) a. v. .uj. I for- 
 give him Ml my thoughts; 3. [>. od 
 («/...«; p. Hk'd..mad. 
 Odjindamu'ra, {nind) a. v. an. I 
 kiss a. th. belonging or relatmg to 
 him; 3. p. nd od...n\ p. ived..wad. 
 OdJindaii.{nind) a. V. ill. 1 kiss it; 
 3. p, lid od...; p. n'fd,.ang. 
 Odjindim,in,{nind) com. v, we kiss 
 one another; ]). 
 Odiindiirin. s. kiss, kissing. 
 <}ajindiwini-<iiji(/ad. a. ki&sing-day, 
 that is, new-year's day. 
 OdJina,{nindi a. v, aft. I feel him, 
 I grope him, 1 search him by feeU 
 ing 111 the dark; 3. p. ad od...n\ p. 
 Odjinan, {nind) a. v, in. I grope it, 
 I search it by feeling in the dark; 
 3. p. od dd...; p. wcL.ang. 
 O.IJinig6.{nnid) n. v. I feel in the 
 dark, I grope, I search by feeling 
 iu the dark; 3. p. 1.; p. wed..gid. 
 (MjiihiJcm, {nind) n. v. I draw back 
 my arm; 3. p. -»'; p. lord .nid. 
 Odjis/iii/^ {nind) n. v. I have a scat; 
 3. p. -i; [). W(d..gid. 
 OdJi,\/iidJano,{nind)n. v. I have a 
 scar on the nose; 3. p. 1.; p. wed., 
 Odjifihigadc, {nind) n. v. I have a 
 scar on the leg; 3. j>. 1.; p. wed., 
 Qdjif!hindihcAnind)x\. v. I have a 
 scar on the head; 3. p. I.; p. wed. 
 Odjia/iingu'c, {nind\ n. v. i have'a 
 scar in the face; 3. p. 1.; p. wed., 
 Odjifikinike, {nind) n. v. I have a 
 scar on the arm; 3. p. I.; p. wed., 
 Odjisfdnindii, {nind) n. v. J have a 
 scar on tl, hand; 3. p. 1.; p. wed., 
 OdjiMsidc, {nind) n. v. I have a 
 scar on the foot; 3. p. 1.; p. wed... 
 Odjishinin, s. scar. 
 0({ji{<Maij()n, {nind) u. v. pers. S 
 Odjitrkia., [nind) a. v. an. I appeape 
 him; 3. i). cd od..n;u.wal..ad. 
 Odjitchisno, or-7nagad, u. v. it arri 
 ves, (a certain time, a certain day,) 
 it comes to pass; p. weg..seg, or- 
 Odoii, minan,{nind)a. v. an, I have 
 him (her, it) for my family-mark; 
 3. p. (iilod...; p. wedodemid'.—Mah- 
 wd nind odtdeminan; the bear is 
 my family-mark. Miijidwan od 
 ododeniinan ; the eagle is his 
 Odon, s. his mouth.— Nind6n,kid6n', 
 m> mouth, thy mouth. 
 OddH. at the end of some verbs, 
 alludes to the conveying of s. th. 
 in. in a canoe or tuiat to some 
 place; as; A'ind djawaodon, \ cross 
 It. or take it to the opposite shore, 
 in a canoe or boat. Nin(Hweodm: 
 I take or convey it back again in d 
 canoe ur boatj etc— S, Om, 
 00 1 
 3 15 
 Odondan, a. hia hoel; pl.-o-^.— jV//*- 
 -Wa/i, my hool; iidondan, U.y 
 (W<irt/>;in, s. moiilh. 
 ()do,kwan,iwa.,{ni,,>d)ti. - . an. I strike 
 li'mwul, thoollmw; .,.,,. „c/oc/..«; 
 p. wed..wad; imp. odofi/mann. 
 (idu.4-wanix/ii„., {)und) u. v. I loan 
 on my elbow«; 3. p. l.; „. ,^ed.. 
 ^^i'«;^«- pickerel; (lish;) pl.-«;aj;; [C. 
 Oya;?,'!, s. youri)? picUorol. 
 lhiehwami.J,». s. l\ujdnim!j. 
 Oijejuijini, .s. worm, (in tlio'body of a 
 pt!rson,)i)l.-.,/^;. -^ 
 Oijrja<jim,{,n,ul') n. v. 1 have wurms 
 <".' "ly body,; :j, p„^-. ,,. ; 
 (hjrJagitni-mdM-iki, s. vvonii-iiif.li- 
 ciiio, medicine to destroy worms 
 vormilnge. ' 
 Oiji, (nind) n. v. 1 have a mother- 
 3. p. 1.; p. wefful. ' 
 OgUahik, adv., or ogidahikan,,, on a 
 rock, upon a rock. 
 OgiilaUkit^dn, u. v. there is stone 
 ii|)on siun(!, one stone upon an- 
 other; p; uwL.mg. 
 Oijula<t,iio, adv. on a mountain. 
 (hjidddjiwan, adv. up, upwards, (ro- 
 HpecHngthe course of a river or 
 i)t rivers,; in the upper country.— 
 b. Ai.smdjiwan. 
 Ogidadjiwe, {nind) n. v.— S. Ogida- 
 OgiJayimod, s. the second stomac of 
 a ruminating animal. 
 Ogidakamlg, adv. on earth, on the 
 surface ol tlie earth.— S. Andnuik- 
 Ogiddki, adv. on the hill, on a hill 
 Ogiddkuoe,{ji.ind)n. '. I go up on 
 a hdl, 1 ascend a hul or mountain; 
 •!• p. 1.; p. weg..wej. 
 Ogtddkiwtfbaio, {uliui) n. v. I run up 
 on a hill or mountain; ;j. p. 1 • n 
 weg..tod. ' ' ■ 
 Ogidihig, adv. on tlio water, on tlie 
 the surface of the Wdiar. -Jesus 
 ogvhhig gi-bimom; Jesus walked 
 on the water. 
 OgiHgamu,. adv. on the top of a 
 lodge or hoii.se. ' 
 ^^■fj'l^n"' *"' "''•"^•''' '"^''' ^ f'P' <"*> 
 rwy/,/o„, a,lv, on the lips, witli the 
 lipsonly, (not with the heart.) • 
 <Wjma, an V. .'ihove, on the surface; 
 JHJ^^^ttu' outside, outwardly, super. 
 (hjihulanangwe, s. lizard; nl.~^ 
 (>il>kdna.n., (nind) a. v. ^a. fhave 
 her lor an adopted mol her, she is 
 mv adopted mother; also, n y (jod- 
 molher;;^ p.,^/„y.. ,'^^^f^ 
 Ogtkiunn, s. S. Manidtkawrn: 
 Ugima, {mnd) n. v. an. I have her 
 for a mother, she is my mother; 
 •i- V._<dog..n; p. w,;gimad. Kid 
 ogimin, thou art my mother. JCif. 
 v'-;/.m,«t>i,thou who art my moth. 
 er. Am wrgmigoian, thou who 
 art onr w. nhor. 
 Ogimd s. chief, chieftain; superior 
 apnt; oflicer. pl.^ag. Kitchiogima, 
 King, emperor. "^ ' 
 Ogimd-gijigad, day of the Kings 
 Kpilihany. *■ ' 
 Oginidkamlage, {nind) or, nind ogi- 
 m.,d-andamag<', n. v. J am chief or 
 8up(>rior over people; 1 reign; .3 
 Oginia'camlnmdgemagad, u. v. it 
 reigns, it has povver over peonle- 
 P; n','it..gak. ^ ' 
 Ogi/ndkandan, (nind) a. v. in I am 
 at l^he head of it, I am chief over 
 It, 1 have power over it, it is un- 
 der my command; 3. p. odo,/. .• n 
 weg..ang. '' ^' 
 OginidkanJawa, {nind) a. v. an. I am 
 his chief, his master, his superior 
 h.^s^kuig;3. p. odog..n;^^^,g: 
 Oginidkandawe {nind) n. v. I com- 
 mand, I rei.ni; 3. p. i.; p. ^^^_, 
 Ogimdkaniw, (nind) n. v. S. Oai- 
 m iw. <> 
 Ogimdkwe, s. the wife of a chief; a 
 female chief; pl,-^. Kitchi-oai- 
 makim, queen, empress. 
 Ogimdiwew, {nirid) n. v. I am tho 
 wife of a chief; I am a queen, an 
 empress; 3. p.-t"; p. we(j..wid. 
 Oaimdkwewia, (7iin(l)R. v'. an. I make 
 ner a queen, I crown her; 3. p. od 
 o^..n; p. wee. .ad. 
 Ogtmaw,{nind)n. v. I am chief, I 
 command, I reign; 3. p -i; p. weg.. 
 Ogimawadu, {?nnd) n. v. I live like 
 a chief, or I act like a chief, or 
 kinjr; 3. p-t; p. weg..sid. 
 Ogimdwia, (nind) a. v. an. I make 
 him a chief, 1 make him a king, I 
 crown him; 3. p. od og..ii; p. weg.. 
 Ogirndwigamig, s. th chief s lodge or 
 house; palace, the king's house; 
 Ogimd-wiwal-wan, s. the chiefs hat; 
 crown; \)\.~an. 
 Ogimawiwi/i, s. chieftainship, iho 
 dignity nnd iuuhority of a chief or 
 king; kingdom, empire; pl.-a?i. 
 Ogimisxa, [nind) pass. v. I am a 
 mother, (1 am had for a mother;) 
 3,_ p._ ogima\ p. >re(jiinli^ou'ln\we- 
 gimigitian, ict-i/i niinil , etc. 
 Ogia. s. his mother. —A'ingd, kigd; 
 my mother, tliy mother. 
 Ogin, 8. an. rose; pi. -«'(/. 
 Oginan, [nind) a. v. an. I have her 
 for a mother, she is my mother; 
 3. p. od og...; p. weg id ( V. ConJ.) 
 OginimiiingairaiiJ, s. an. rose-tree, 
 rose-hush; pl.-fV/. 
 Ogini'Mab?'go)i, s. rose-flower; p\,-in 
 Oginiwihigoning inaiid, it is rose- 
 colored.Vn. oi)j, 
 Ogintwahigonimj inanso, it is rose- 
 colored, an. oi)j. 
 OgishHmanusi; a kingfisher, (bird;) 
 Ogitehida,s. a brave warrior, a brave, 
 a hero; pl.-^. 
 Ogitrhidaw,{nind) n. v. I am a hero, 
 a brave; 3, p.-/; p. V(>g..u-id. 
 Ogow, pron. these, these here. 
 Ogoioessi, s. bed-bug; \)\.-wag, 
 Ogwiss. {n nd) u. v. I have a son; 
 3. p.-t; p. ivajwissid, (which is of- 
 ten pronounced Wegossid. ) 
 Ogwisiikanan, {nind) a. v. an. he is 
 my godson; he is my adopted son- 
 3. p. (,d <.g...; p. weg. .lead. (V 
 Ogwignhnciii, a. godson. — This 
 word is always preceded by a 
 possessive pronoun; as: Nina eg- 
 ivis,iikawin, my godson; od ogwu- 
 ail'awiiian, his godson, etc. 
 Ogwumma, {nind) a. v. an. I have 
 him lor a son, he is my son; 3. p. 
 wegu'i.siimad, (which ia often pro- 
 nounced wigossimdd. ) 
 OgwiK.<im,dn, s. pumpkin; [F. citro- 
 uiije;] \A.-an. 
 OginsUnidnixhigivan, s. gourd-bot- 
 tle with some shot in, used as a 
 rattle at the Indian Grand Medi- 
 cine. PI. -an. 
 Ogiohysiniujo, {nind) pass. v. I am a 
 I son, (1 am had for a son;) 3. p. 
 \ ogwi.s.ssima\ p. ivegwudmigoiHn, 
 j ivvgwisdmigi.tnn, ivcgwissimind, 
 I (olten pionounced «('f^ommMt<Z.) 
 ; Ogwisdnan, {nind) a. v. an. 1 have 
 him for a son, he is my son; 3. p. 
 <kI og..n; p. icegwissid, {which ]s 
 often pronounced wegossid.) V. 
 Ojdhcess, s. an. a kind of small 
 shell; p\.-ag. 
 Ojns/ta, OT-magad, u. \ it is slip- 
 pery; p. wfjaikag. nr-magah. 
 Oj'iskabihdhin, {nind) n. v. I slide 
 and fall on a stoJie; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Ojiiishigoneskin, {nind) n. v. I slide 
 and fall on the enmv; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Ojuskaka ndgishin, {nitid) n. v. I slide 
 and fall on the ground] 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Ojoi'ktikim, s. an. trippe de roche. 
 Ojdnhigoh, i. an. a kind of elm-tree; 
 [C. orme gras.] pl.-?'^. 
 Ojashikwishin, {nind) n. v. I slide 
 and fall on the ice; 3. p. l.;wei.. 
 Ojnshifhin, {nind) n. v, I slide or 
 slip and fall; 3. p. 1.; p. tvej..iny. 
 OjawanaM-wahme, or-magad, u. 
 V. there is a blue flame; p. wes., 
 neg, ox-magnk. 
 Ojawano, s. a kind of blue bird. 
 Ojawashlos, {nind) n. v. I am green; 
 3. p.-z; p. u)('j..t.id. 
 Ojawat/ikwa, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 green ; p. wrj..wa</, or-maffai: \ 
 OjawuMywabwja, (>T-ma(/ad,\[n. oja- 
 waM-ohaga.) u. v. there are green ■ 
 leaves, the leaves on the trees are 
 green / p. wej..(jag, or-ma(/aL \ 
 QiawnM-wadusdti, (nind) or, nind 
 (ijawaM-waiitan, a. v. ia. 1 dye it '• 
 green ; 3. p. od oj...; p. icej..ang. ' 
 Ojanmhkwudunqe, {nmd) or, ,,ind 
 ojawas/d-wamiije, n. v, 1 dye green; 
 3. p. 1.: p. wej'.yed. 
 OjdwashkwaduH), or. (yawachkwan- 
 w, n. V. 3. p. It is dyed green, (an. 
 obj.. f^cnilm, ribhun ; imnliwe, hand- 
 kerchief;) p. wfJ..god. 
 OjawaM-tfauii-),wa, {nind) or, nivd 
 (yjawutkkwati-tiwa, a. v. an. 1 dye it 
 green, {un. obJ.) 3. p. ud oj..n ; p. 
 wej..wud ; imp. <^,.ivi. 
 Ojawatihkaadite, ov-matjnd ; or, frjn. 
 wa.shkwa/id€, or-inayad, u. v. ii is 
 dyed green, {m. obj.) p. wej..ey, or 
 OjawaMwa-ginehig, s. green serpent; 
 Ojawasfdwanair., {nind) u. v. fain' 
 dressed in green, 1 have a green 
 dress on ; 3. p. I. ; p. wej..u'd. I 
 OjawaMwaiiitjiide, or-7nugad, n. v. ; 
 {\non. ii',ava.s/ik(iidynde,) it is paint- 
 ed green ; p. w<>j..de<j, or-magak. 
 OjawaM-traniijaw. n. v. 'i.^.,i^oja- 
 W(ushk(iniijas!i,) it is painted green, 
 {an. obj. ) p. wej..nvd. 
 OjawaM-irai>lihi,oT-magad,n. v. it 
 greens, the grass begins to grow; 
 p- wej..kag, or-?nigak. 
 '>Jau'an/ikivangiva,or-magad, n. v. it 
 is green. ( ice, etc. ) p. wej..wag, or- 
 OJawaikkwasmginufade, or-magad, 
 (pron. ojuwahhkomiginigade,) u.v. 
 it is painted green, (wood, in.) p. 
 wcj..deo, OT-mngak. 
 <)jawash!,wassagmn/aso, n. v. 3. p. 
 \(ijauai-likufisayiingaso,) it is paint- 
 ed green, (wood, an.) 
 Ojawcukhoawegad, n. v. it ia green, 
 (stuff, in.) p. wej..gak. 
 OJawa^hkwawegini, n. v. 3. p. it is 
 green,_(stufl[, an.) p. u'ej..sul. 
 Ojia. {nind) a. v. an. I make some 
 a». ol)j.; ,•}. p. odojtan ; p. wejiad. 
 Ojxhtimawa, {7iind) a. v. an. I write 
 him or to him; 3. p. tjd nj..n; p. wej.. 
 OJihiin, (nind) a. v. in. I write upon 
 it, I inake marks on it ; 1 describe 
 It ; 3. p. «(/ ^/;,..; p v'ej..ang. 
 Ojtlnigade, or-magnd, \\ v. it is writ- 
 ten, described; there are marks 
 upon it; p. w^j..deg, or-magak.— S. 
 Ojildiijan. s. writing, writ, document; 
 I pl.-a«. 
 I OjihmjanaUk, s. steel-pen; pl.-on. 
 I Ojd,i.\ianah(), ink. 
 Ujihrinan-ashin, s. an. slate; pl.-^. 
 Uji iignnatig, s. pencil ; pl.-,m. 
 . Ojihiitjas, {nind) n. v. 1 am written, 
 I 1 am described ; 3. p.-o ; p. w^., 
 s<d. — S. Ijihiigaa. 
 OjiJdigc, (nintl)n. v. I write. I mark ; 
 j '^:, ?■ ^-' P- '"eJ-'ged.—S. IJibiige. 
 , Ojtiniyewigamtg, s. writing-house, 
 office ; pl.-o/t. 
 Ojihiigewin, s. writing, the act or 
 art of writing. 
 OJihiiyewinini, s. writing man, wri- 
 ter, clerk ; scribe, (in the Bible ;) 
 Ojif}iwa,{nivd)a. v. an. I write or 
 mark on some an. obj.; I describe 
 some an. obj. 3. p. od oj.. 71; p. 
 wej. .wad ; imp; ojibi. 
 OJiy, (nind) n. v. i am formed ; 3. p. 
 ojiyi ; p. wejigid. 
 OJiyuinan, s.' \Mic\\ or incision in a 
 maple-tree in making sugar; pl.-an 
 Ojiyaiufi, {nind) n. v. I naake incis- 
 ions in maple-trees, to let the sap 
 ru ■> out. in making sugar ; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. wej..qtd. 
 OJige, {nind) n. v. I make or build a 
 lodge, or a house ; 3. p. 1.; p. weji- 
 Ojigewin, s. the act of building a 
 lodge; also, carpenter's trade or 
 work, carpentry. 
 *■ .J. 
 0}igiwinmU 8. builder of* houses, 
 car|)f!nter ; pl.-warji. 
 OJiaiahznodji ( Of/in wiiawbnnfr,) Ihc 
 child is formed, riii its mothcn-'s 
 OJiifi tnanrlamm, oiiqiimg maiula' 
 .ininag; the corn is formed into 
 Ojwi opin, ojiqiwag opinig •a-. 
 knng,) the potato ia'formed, the ', ;• 
 tatoes are formed, (in t(\e groumi.l 
 Ojigtn, u. y. it is formed ; p, wfjig. 
 vtg.~OJi(jin ni(ifikkossiu), an herb 
 IS lormed, Ojiginon mashhmiwan 
 (muKhkodeng ;; the grass is formed, 
 (in the meadow.) 
 OJigmdagan, (nind) n. v. I have a 
 ftne voice ; 3. p. 1.; p. Wfi?..ang. 
 Ojtgwan, s. his tail, (of a iish.) 
 OJiiawes, (nind) n. v. I have a fine 
 iookmj? appearance ; 3. p._t ; p 
 torj.,sid. ' ^ 
 Ojim, {nind) n. v. I fly for safety, I 
 flee, I run away ; I escape ; I take 
 ^refuge ; 3. p. Cfjimo ; p. wejimfd. 
 Ojima, (n nd) a. v. an. I fl'y, or run 
 away, from him ' 
 ,. -• ; I avoid him, Kliun 
 him ; 3. p. od oj..7i ; p. wejimad. 
 Vnmoa,(miid} a. v. an. I save him by 
 flight, I cause him to fiee, to es- 
 cape ; 3. p. od oj..n ; p. wfJ..od. 
 Ojzmotan, (nind) n. v. in. S. Ojin- 
 Ojiniotawa, {nind) a. v. an. S. Oji- 
 ma. "" 
 Oiimoivin, s. flight, escape. 
 Ojindan, (nind) a. v. in. I fly from 
 It ; 1 avoid it, I shun it ; 3. p. od 
 Ojtmjihsx, [vind) n. 
 whitlow ; 3. p.-i ; 
 Ojinindam, {nind) n 
 Ojiahima, {nind) a. v. an. I put it 
 right, {an. obj.) I prepare It ; 3. p. 
 od oj..n ; p. wej..mad. 
 Ojissaga, or-magad, u. v. the floor 
 is even ; p. wtj..gag, or-^agak. 
 OJissagisi nahagimig, n. v. 3. p. the 
 board is even ; d. wej..sid. 
 ■ ) 
 V. I have 
 p. Wfj.Jd.- 
 V. S. Wadn- 
 I Oitssm, u. v. it is made, prepared 
 j ready ; p. ivejiftdiuf. 
 Ojissitamawa, {vihd) a. v. nn. I 
 make or prepare it 'for him or to 
 him ; 3, p. od (g,.n ; p. wej..ioad. 
 Vjissiton, {nind) a. v. in. I construct 
 it, prepare it ; I put it right, I es- 
 tablKsn. it; 3. p. od oj... ; p. wtj.. 
 OJitfi. (nind) n. v. I am getting mv- 
 self ready, I am preparino-. (e's- 
 peciiillyjora voyage ;) 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Ojitaa,{vind)R. V. an. I cause him 
 to get ready, to prepare ; 3. p. cd 
 pj--n; p. ivfjifaad. 
 Ojitnidis, {7iitid)n. v. I prepare my- 
 self, I am getting myself ready ; 3 
 p. -o ; p. wej..8()d, 
 Oji/amadls, {nind.) or, nind njitamat). 
 !■• V. I make it to mysell^ or for 
 myself; 3. p. -o ; p. wej..sod. 
 Ojttamawa., {nind) a. v. an. I make 
 It for him, or to him ; 3. p. od oj..n\ 
 p. V'eJ..wad. ' 
 Ojifa/ru, ynind) a. v. an, S. Ojita- 
 OJitawin, s. getting ready, pi^paring, 
 OjitcJdgadc, ot-magad, u. v. it it^ 
 made, constructed, done ; p. wei . 
 dtg. ox-mngak. 
 Ojitchigae, {{nind) n. v. I am made; 
 3. p.-o ; p. wej..scd. 
 OjitchishHwagina, {nind) a. v. an. 
 I knead it, (dough, clay, etc.) 3. p. 
 od nj..n :_ p. wej..nad. 
 OJitc/iiskHwagimn. {nind) a. v. tVi. 
 I knead it; 3. p. od oj... ; p. ivej 
 Ujitim, (nind) a. v. in. 1 make it, I 
 do it, I construct it ; 3. p. od mi- 
 ton ; p. loejifod. 
 Ohid, his leg ; p|. ohddan. 
 Ohidahl, s. an. kettle with legs. 
 broth-pot ; pl.-wyg'. 
 Ol-adal-one, s. radish ; \i\.~ojh. 
 Ohideiah. s. a platted cord or string; 
 [F. cordo natte'e ;] p.-e//,. 
 OJradenamawa, {ntnd) a. v. an. 1 
 plat it for him or to him ; 3. p. od 
 ok..n ; p. wek.Aoad. 
 Olcadenag miiiessagawavjig, (nind) 
 a. V. a/i. ijI. I plat thoiiis together. 
 Ul-adenav, {nind) a. v. in. I plat it ; 
 3. p. od oJc...; p. u'cL.ang. ' 
 (M-adtniae, {jiind) n. v. I am plat- 
 ;,'"&' /P'"t; 3. p. l.jp. mh.gcd. 
 [111. pletern,] "^ 
 Olcadctchiyade, or-7W/i.,.v ', „. v. it has 
 legs, (a table, a stool, etc.) 
 madetdman, s. leg of a chair, tabic, 
 etc.; pi. -aw,. 
 Ql-ddiyan, s. shin-bone : p!.-an. 
 Ohldiginchuj, s. a kind of serpent 
 with lour short legs ; pl.-rw. 
 Okddima, s. leg; ])l.-w. 
 Okakiganama, s. breast.— S. Kahi- 
 fi««, hi.s bone ; pi. ol-anan. 
 Olcanah, s. «7f. ilie core; of an ear of 
 Indian corn j [A.-wag. 
 Okandik-an, s. an. buoy, (to mark the 
 place where a net is set ;) pl.-ag-. 
 ■Okandil-an hclcodjikosod, s. p. a kind 
 of big round buoy, iisher's buoy. 
 Okdnima, a. bone ; pl.-w. 
 OkaTiisse, s. a kind of gray bird ; pi. 
 0/caw, (nind) n. v. there are my foot- 
 steps, my footsteps or tracks are 
 visible, (where 1 walked in the 
 snow, in mud, in sand, etc.) 3. p.- 
 i i p. wekawtd. 
 Okawamo viikana, or~^iagad, u. v. 
 there are tracks on the 'trail, the 
 trail is visible, it shows; p. wek.. 
 mog, OT~magal\ 
 Okdwanj, s. an. juniper-bush : pl.- 
 Okawavjimin, a. juniper-berry ; pl.- 
 <)kaivia, (tiind) a. v. an. I see his 
 track where he walked ; 3. p. od 
 ok.. 71 ; p. wekawiad. 
 Okawinade or-magad, u. v. there 
 are tracks or footsteps, (of persona 
 or animals,-) p. weL.deg, or-mag- 
 Okawissin qjiUiganabo.,a. v. the ink is 
 black, (the track of the pen is ve- 
 ry visible ;) p. weL.tng. 
 Okau'iton mi/tana, {nind) a. v. in. I 
 seethetrail;3.p. crfoA...;p.«,«i.. 
 Okawiu'in, s. track, trace, footstep. 
 W«m.s, 8. herring; pl.-a^/. 
 Uk-euuf^ah, 8. an. net with small 
 meshes, for catching herrings ,• pi. 
 Oknlj, s. pipe-stem ; pl.-m, 
 Okihandag, s. an. cvuress-tree ; 
 V\-og. • 
 OHHwisfdn. (.nind) n. v. I lie squat • 
 3. p. 1.; p. wek..ing. 
 Oh.sl,kimanisse, s. fisher, (bird :) 
 \n.-g. . 
 Okitcliigudima, s. the right leg, in 
 general, without alluding to anv 
 OHichhdkama, s, the right arm, in 
 general, without a report to a oer 
 son. ■ "^ ' 
 Okitcldnikamang nakakcia, on the 
 right hand, or to the right. 
 Okitchinindjima, the right hand, in 
 general.— S. Example at Onam- 
 OkitvldniMHima, s. the right cheek 
 in general, without regard to a ner- 
 son. ^ 
 Okitchiihkinjigoma, s. the riglit, eve 
 in general. ' ' 
 OkUchlsidama, s. the right foot, in 
 OkUthago-icassalcicane. s. a kind of 
 yellow flower growing in the wa- 
 ter ; pl.-«,. 
 OkoJ s. his bill, his beak, (of a 
 bird. ) 
 OkonaK^, s. his blanket, his covering: 
 peel, paring; pl.-an. 
 Okunima, s. liver. 
 Okwa?iim,s. (pr. okonim,) beaver'* 
 dam, or any dam/ pl.-m. 
 Ohoanimihade, or-magad, u. v. there 
 isadatn made; p. wek..deg, or- 
 Okwanimike, (nind) n. v. I am mak- 
 ing a dam ; 3. p. i.; p. wet.ked. 
 Utwc, s. worm coming out of a iW% 
 egg ; pi. okweg. 
 Ohweuisdn, u. v. it is wrapped to- 
 gether ; p. U'ek..iiing. 
 OkwlmiJ, s. an. cherry-tree ; pl.-v. 
 J <> 
 Ohoimin, n. cherry ; \A.~an. 
 Okwik, s. the cross-stick in a snow- 
 shoe ; pl.-m. 
 Okwinomin, (idnd) or, nind okwitii- 
 7ni/i, n. V. pi. we are many togeth- 
 er in one band, one flock, one 
 heap ; p.ivel-wi'indjig.—Mnnuhtan- 
 ishag wskwiai.djiij, a whole flock of 
 Okwishimag, (nind) a. v. an. pi. I 
 put thotn together in a heap or pile, 
 (a'j. ol)j.) J. p. odoh.n; p.tvek,. 
 Okwiihi/i'iff, n. v. 3. p. pi. they are 
 together in a heap or pile, (an. 
 obj.) p. wekwis/n/Jiff. 
 Okwusrnon. u. v. pi. they are togeth- 
 .erin a heap or pile, (i».- obi.) p. 
 Ohwuaitonaii, {nind) a. v. in. I put 
 them together in a hea;) or pile,(m. 
 obj ) 3. p. <.d ok...; p. wek^.tod. 
 0?nn, adv. here, hither. 
 Omakuki. s. toad ; pl.-^. 
 Omamakis, (/rind} n. v. I have the 
 small pox ; 3. p.-i ; p. wem..sid. 
 Omamkos, a. stag ; p\.-off. 
 Omashhmuuio, s. (proper name of 
 some Indians,) the tail of a stag. 
 Omashh swajin, s. the hide of a stag; 
 Omaahkoswesfikan, s. an. stag's horn, 
 hart's horn ; p\.-aff. 
 Omhaandass<mu(jan,{nind) a. v. in. 
 I set a trap ; 3.' p. od om...; p. wem- 
 Ombdlntte, n. v. the smoke ascends ; 
 p. ivem..te(j. 
 Omhnhigina. (nind) a. v. an. I lift 
 him up, 1 hoist him up ; 3. p. od 
 om.-n; p. wein..nad. 
 OmbdUijinan i nind) a. v. in. I hoist 
 or lift It up ; 3. p. od om.. ; p. wem.. 
 Omhahigiiiigan, s. pulley ; windlass ; 
 Otnbahujiiiige.inind) n. v I lift up, 
 1 hoist, 1 work at a witidlas-s or 
 pulley; 3. p. ].; p.wem..ged. 
 Omhajeiaki^. (nind) n. v. my skm is 
 pufted npby a burning ;' 3. p.-o; 
 p. wem.. sod. i 
 Omhdjis, (nind) n, v. 1 play the buf- 
 foon, I droll, I jest; 3. p.-«; p. 
 Wem. .s id. "^ 
 Omhijinwin, a. buffoonery, drollery 
 Ombdkamigis, (nind) n. v. I make 
 noise, 1 play or divert myself in » 
 noisy manner; 3. p.-j" ; p. wem.. 
 Omhdkamigisishk, (nind) n. v. I use 
 or like to make noise, to divert my- 
 self in a noisy manner ; 3. p.-»;p 
 wem. .kid. *^' 
 Ombdkumigiisis/ikiwin, a. habit of 
 indulging in noisy amusements. 
 Omhdkainiyiaiwin, s. noise, noisy 
 play or amusement. 
 OtiiIidkuhiJjige, (nind) n. v. I hoist 
 th^ sail; 3. p. 1.; p. ■wem..ged. 
 O/ntHii-coidon, (tiind) a. v. in. 1 lift it 
 up, 1 hoist It ; 3. p. odom...: p. 
 Omhakohina,(nind) a. v. an. I lift up 
 or hoi.st some an. object ; 3. p. cd 
 om..n; p. wcm..nad. 
 Ondidknna, (nind) a. v. an. I raise or 
 lift up some an. obj. (of wood 
 especially;) 3. p. od t'm..n; p. wem 
 ..II ad. 
 Ombdkonan, (nind) a. v. in. I raise 
 it up, (especially the mast in a 
 canoe, with the sail tied to it ;) 1 
 lilt it up, 1 make u stand ; 3. p. ud 
 om... ; p. wem. .ang. 
 Ombahinige, (nind) n. v. I lift up, 1 
 hoist; 3. p. i.; p wcin..gid. 
 Omhdkwaigan, s. lever; pi. -aw. 
 Omhdkwaige,(nind) n. v. 1 am lifting, 
 raising up, (especially with a le- 
 ver;) 3. p. 1.; p. wem..ged. 
 Omldiide, or-)nagad, u.'v. there are 
 optical appearances of lai.d on the 
 sui'face of a lake or sea, called 
 "mirages" by voyagers. P. we»i.. 
 tig, or-magak. [Y. il y a des mira- 
 Ombanitcwin, a. mirage; [F. mirage;] 
 Ombacg^ (nind) n. v. I swell up ; 3. 
 p.-(' ; p. 'iocm..giid. 
 Omldsh, (nind) n. v. I am lifted up 
 by the wind; 3. p.-^"; p. uvmltaiihid. 
 Om^tisfma, (nind) a. v. an. I stir 
 him up, 1 Rxcite him; 3. p. od rm. 
 n; p. ivem-.tnad. 
 Omhasnndimin., (ninJ) com. v. we 
 stir lip oach otiier, wp excite each 
 othor to sedition or hot ; p. wcm. 
 Omhumndiwin, a. stir, tumult, se- 
 dition, not. 
 Omhd.wn<je,{7nnd) n. v. I stir up peo- 
 (hiibiusin, u. V. it is lifted up by the 
 wind; p. nnnbussiiKj. 
 Omhi,,{rn„d) a. v. an. I raise him, 
 1 incite hitn to soin.) bad action or 
 mischief ; 1 cause hini to disobey. 
 revolt; ;j. p. ,^^,,,/,,.^g^^; 
 bum. ^ 
 OmhihiJe.ox-magad, u. v. it (lies up 
 in the air ; p. tvcni.Meg. ov-mttmik. 
 Umbilriniian, s. a. Ondx.-iV/im. 
 Omhi(jami:U', of-m.-,(/ad; u! v. it rises 
 "P lioiliiifi; p. uem..dc,j, ov-magok. 
 0>nJ,ujamuNje,(/iind) n. v. 1 niake 
 bull inaplo-sirui> to make tugar ■ 
 3- p.i.; ['.Wfini... gal. ' 
 Omhigia, {/i.,ml ) a. v. an. I make 
 him cry, 1 cause him to make 
 noise ; J. p.>d om..n ; p. weni..ad 
 Omliujis {nirid) n. v. I make noise ; 
 also, I sj.eak imprudently; 3. \>.-r 
 \>. wcm..si'd. ' 
 OmhUj.siwm. s. noise ; imprudent 
 On'dgwemu/ad, u. v. it makes noise; 
 p. wciii..ga{\ 
 OmUma, (innd) a. v. nv. S. Oinl>ia. 
 Omlnii(i,{nmd) a. wan. 1 lifter raise 
 nirn up. (a person or any other an 
 obj.) 3. p. od cmbinan ; p. wembi- 
 V ad, 
 Ombinan, (niful) a. v. in. I lift or 
 raise it up; 3. p. od urn... ; p. wem . 
 Omb'iniken, {nind) n. v. I lift up my 
 arm; 3. p.-e; p. wem..nid. 
 Omhuhin pnkwejiqan, n. v. 3. p. the 
 bread rises up ; p. u'em..ing. 
 Ifinbinhkii, (nind) n. v. I rise on hich: 
 3- p. 1.; p. wem-kad. 
 Omim-amagad, ii. v. it rises, it is 
 lilted uj); (). wcm..gtiJt. 
 Onihimleu, (nind) n. v. [ lift up my 
 foot; 3. p.-i; p. wcni..uid. 
 Ombliigan , or ombibidgan , s S 
 Odji nhi.lihH. 
 Ombi...'e,(niml) n. v. I fly up in the 
 ai^'; J. p. 1.; p. ucm..m/.. 
 Oini usitckigan, s. leaven, ycst 
 ^ Oinbusdtchigaso pakw,jigan. n' v 3 
 p. Miere IS leaven or y est in the 
 bicail, the bread is leavened • n 
 vr^.w .w/.-Leavened l.r<.ad, wem- 
 (iifHtchniaticd pahrejigan. ~ Hern- 
 ieayoiiod bread. ^ y , un 
 Oniliridvn, (nuid) a. v. in. I lift it 
 p. ■>irm..dod. * 
 OnM.winar{niml)a v. an. I lift him 
 n ; p. mem. .//(id. 
 Onihu/idaa. {,u,„l) n. y. an. Hays. 
 til. on h,m to carry; 3. p. rd o'n.. 
 ", p. /riin..<id. 
 Omha-ca>/..{/ri/,d,) a. v. in. I stir it 
 up. Idtin-it;3.p. a^,w....-p. „.^ 
 . ang. ^ 
 OjiiJ/wttuji'iid<ni, (ni/id) a. v in I 
 phidvorpullu out. (thread, etc.) 
 OmbwtwcbiMijc, {m/id) n. v. [ over. 
 tlirovv, I put in disonlei and con- 
 fns,o„;3. p. 1.; p. „„„,..,,, ^_ 
 Onugz, ini/id) n. v. I am s'eabby • 3 
 P: 1.; p. wc,nigid.-J\-i/,. liu-U ,,.j,ii', 
 gt._ 1 am a leper, I have the leprosy. 
 0,mg,Hv,. s scab: [F. galo j ]^Uchi 
 om gtwni, leprosy, 
 Omimi, s. pi-eon. wild pigeon; turt- 
 le-dovo; pi.-,;, OnihniMs, youn-r 
 wild pigeon ; \A.~ag. ° 
 Omimi-dbi, s. Pigeon River, Laka 
 OnmkM.si. a. a poisonous insect that 
 runs on th:? surface of the water ; 
 [C. petit castor;] pl.-y. ' 
 Omixsaldini, s. belly. 
 Omismndamo, s. a kind of water-ser- 
 pent; pl.-^. 
 Omissandamoivafhn, n. an. the skin 
 of the wuter-ocrpcn* ; pl.-ay. 
 Oin6dai, s. bottle, flagon, flask ; pl.- 
 Omddai, a. crop of a fowl. 
 Omddena, a. (iini. vial, small hottlo. 
 Omonst/m, s. trail of animals in the 
 woods; (leer-trail; pi. -in, 
 Ona, at the end of some verbs, allu- 
 des to the convoying of some a?i. 
 obj. in a atnot or hiat to soinn pla- 
 ce ; as : Nind (ijawaona, 1 take or 
 convey him to the oppoaito shore, 
 in a canoe or boat, kin piwedna, 
 I take or convoy him back ajiain 
 in a canoe or boat ; etc. S. Odon. 
 Onabama, (ni,d)a. v. an. I choose 
 him, I select him ; 3. p. cd <m..n ; 
 p. wen.. mud. 
 Onabanad, u. v. there is a hard crust 
 on the snow, the snow is hard, a 
 Eerson can walk on it without 
 reakinpf through or sinking in ; p. 
 Onabandamc/wvi, s. choice, selec- 
 Ondbandan, {vind) a. v. in. 1 select 
 it, choose it; J. p. od on...; p. wen.. 
 Ondhandjicjade, or-mariad, u. v. it is 
 selected, chosen oui of others ; p. 
 wen..defl, oi-magak. 
 Ondhandjiyan, s. a thiner selected or 
 chosen out of ollicr.s ; ]i\.~an. 
 Ondhandjiijan, s. an. some an. object 
 chosen o'ut of others ; \)\.-ii<j. 
 Ondlavdjujan., {iiiiid)n. v. I am cho- 
 sen; 3. \>.-(i; p. n<'n..S(.d. 
 Ondbandji(ie,{niiid) n. v. I choose, 
 I select; 3. p. 1.; p. wcn..ged. 
 Ondbani-f/uus, s. (i;,'»,. the moon of 
 the crust on the snow, the month 
 of Marcii. 
 Ondhem, {nind) n. v. I have a hus- 
 band, I am a married woman , 3. 
 p.-» ; p. wenaherm'd. 
 Ondbemim'i, s. hiishand ; pl.-^. 
 Ondbide, {nind) n. v. I have fine 
 even teeth ; 3. p. 1. ; p. wcn.ded. 
 Ondbilcad. u. v. it is even, flat, {me- 
 tal;) p. «;««.. Z:ai. 
 Oiiabilcamagad, \i. v. it is even : fp 
 c'est uni;J ^.tven..gak. 
 Onnbikin, n. v. 3. p. "it is even, (on. 
 ohj.joniia, silver ; assin, stone :) 
 p. weiL.sid. 
 Onnduan, {vind) a. v. in. I press it 
 down, (in a box, ctc.)3. p. odona...- 
 p.wcn..(in(j. "' 
 Onadaan biivabih, (nind) a. v. in. I 
 hammer iron, (1 beat it down flat); 
 3. p. od Ml...; p. iven..an(j. 
 Onadaigadc biwabik, OT-magud, u. 
 V. the iron is hammered, (not cast;)" 
 p. wen. dcg, nr-mugak. 
 Oniidamoti/n mikana, { nind) a. v. in. 
 I make a road well or even ; 3. n* 
 od on...; p. iven..tod, 
 Onddiiia pakwcjigan, (nind) a. v. 
 an. 1 knead bread ; 3. p. od on..n ■ 
 p. ■wcn..7iad. ' 
 Onridinigc, {nind)x\. v. I am press- 
 ing dov/n ; I am kneading bread ; 
 3. p. 1.; p. 2ven..ged. 
 Ondgan, s. dish ; pl.-an. 
 Onngdnike. (nind) n v. I make a 
 dish or dishes, (espcciallyof wood;) 
 3. p. 1.; p. wen..kcd. 
 Ondgan.ikewin, s. the act, or art, of 
 makimr dishes. 
 Ondganikcwtnini, s. a man that uses 
 to make dishes, (especially of 
 wood;) \)\.-uag. 
 Onngantt, s. dim', little dish; cup; 
 saucer; bowl; pi. an. 
 Ona.ga.sknfi, s. an. his palate.-iWna- 
 gad; kinagask; my palate, thy pa- 
 Onagashoarvai, s. fine elerrant em- 
 broidery With porcupine'-quills ; 
 pi. -aw. 
 Onagufthvawcie, (nind) n. v. Jem- 
 broiderwith ,-orcnpine-quills, (In- 
 dian embroidery;) 3. p. 1. ; p.wen- 
 Onagek, s. an. vS. Wnnagek. 
 Onagij, s. bowels; ])\.-in. 
 Onagima, (vind) a. v. an. I put a 
 price on .some an. obj.; also, I jud- 
 ge him; 3. p. t.don..n; p. wen. .mad. 
 Onagindamuwa, (nnid) a. v. an. I 
 make a pried for him or to him; 
 3. p. cd an..n. p. wen..wad. 
 Onagindan, (ntnd) a. v. tn. I put a 
 pnco on it; 3. p, od on... ; p. wen.. 
 Ondyoith.B. evening. 
 Onatjoshi, or-ma/jad, u. v, it is evo- 
 ninp, it is late in the afternoon, 
 luwards evening ; p. wen..ig, or- 
 Oiiagoshi anamianq. evening prayer 
 Ves|)ers. ' or/. 
 Onagoshiwu8iniwin,s. eveniwa-mcal, 
 Onngwanaga. or-magad, n. v. there 
 is an even snowshoe-trail; p. wen.. 
 gaa, or-magal-. 
 Onakdkwdau, {nind) a. v. in. I put 
 it on the spit, I spit it; 3. p. od on...; 
 p. we II.. UK g. 
 OnahikwXwn, (nind) a. v. an. I put 
 him on a spit, I spit him; 3. p. od 
 on-n; p. Win. .wad; imp. on..hvu. 
 Onakamiga. or-magad. u. v. there 
 is a plain, even, level ground: p. 
 weiL.gag, or-mxfak. 
 Onakamigrian, (mud] a. v. in I make 
 It even, I level it, (ground;) 3. p. cd 
 ona...; p. wen..aiig. 
 Ondhimigaigadc. ot-magad, ii. v. it 
 ismnde even, [■■vol, (ground;) p, 
 iven..deg, or-m-ignk. 
 Oiidkami/janu) triikana, ij.» v. the 
 trail or road is even, is level; p. 
 Ondkamrgusiichigan, s. t)ie founda- 
 tion of a ho\isc. 
 Ondkona, {nind) a. v. an. I appoint 
 him, (to some place or ofTice,) 3 
 p. od on..n\ p. wen..nad.—S. Ina- 
 Ondhmamaiva, [nind) a. v. an. 1 
 make a reunilation or law for him, 
 or in rejrnrd to himj 3. p. od on..n\ 
 Tp. wen. .wad. 
 Ondkoiiige,{in/i.d}n. v. I make ap- 
 pointments, laws, regulations; 3. 
 p. l.;_p. u'cn..gcd.—S. Inakmiqe. 
 Vnakon miizg, ii. v. 3. p. the tree' is 
 straight; p. ■wen..tid. 
 Ondkomdoii, {nind) a. v. in. I haft it 
 I put a handle, haft or crank to it; 
 3. p. <;d on...; p. wen..dod.~~S. Jia- 
 bmkoti <luH. 
 Onnman, s. an. r«d clay, (for paint- 
 ing;) vermillion. 
 Onnmandjigiidima, h. the left leff. in 
 getieral, without regard or report 
 to a person.— S. Example at On- 
 amandjtn tndjima. 
 Onamaiidjinikama, left arm, in cen- 
 OnamandJInikamanq nnkaheia, on 
 the left hand, or to the left. 
 Onamandjtnindjima, s. the left hand, 
 in general, without alluding to a 
 djiMn/ljima, awanhime dash sana- 
 qad oktt('hi7iiiidjiina nhmnq. It ia 
 hanl tohavea sore left hand, but 
 It IS harder yet to have a sore right 
 hand. * 
 Onamandjinnwama, a. the left cheek, 
 in general. ' 
 Onamandjuhhnngoma, s. the left 
 eye\ in general. 
 Oii'imnruJjuidama, the left foot, gen- 
 orally, without report to a perlon. 
 Oiinmamnex,{n,nd)n.x. J havetho 
 lerpes (a cutaneous in/iamma- 
 iioii;) .i. p._ij p, ivcn..sid. 
 On mannuaiwin, s. herpes, erysipe- 
 las, (an eruption of a hot acrid hu- 
 mor.) [K erysip61e; G. Rothlauf.l 
 Oi,amam.saya,gan, s. Vermillion 
 Onanau.s.an. the calf of his leg: 
 [0. seine Wade.] Mndn, kinan; 
 Ona.dewegin, s. dyed cloth; scarlet. 
 Onav,go.s, {nind) n. v. I rejoice: 3. 
 p.-«; p. Wen .kid.. 
 Ondniij,mwi,i, s. joy, rejoicing. 
 Onamg„t,.n. {nind) a. v. in. {nind 
 ovanigwiton.,)\ make it joyful I 
 make It rejoice; 3. p. od,rL.;\. 
 kule, I wi 1 m,ike your heart joyful. 
 Onamgwcndam, {uind) n. v. 1 have 
 joyful thoughts, I rejoice; 3. p. 1.- 
 p. wcN..ang. '^ ' 
 Onanigwend'amowin, s. i o v f u 1 
 thought, joy; pl.-ara. ^ 
 Onamgu'ia. (nind) a. v. an. I make 
 hmi joyfulj 3. p. cd on..n\ p. wen.. 
 Onaiuiffan, a. dye, color; pl.-«n. 
 Ondtuige, {nind) n. v. I nm dying, 
 coloring, I am a dyer; 3. p. 1. p. 
 Onanngiwigamig, s. dye-house; pl.- 
 Onanngiinn, B. dyor'a business or 
 Qnaneigiwinini, a. dyer; \)\.-wag. 
 Onapim, (nind) n. v. an. I harness 
 him, (a horse or di)^',) 3. p. cd <m.. 
 n\ p. wa>h..7i(ui; imp. onapij. 
 Onapis. ( «»«rf ) n. v. I am hz -nessed ; 
 3. p.-Y>; p tian .si d. 
 Onapieowin, 9. harnnsa;pl.-an. 
 Ondhhkinaa ainvayan, {)n/id)a.\. 
 an. I fill a pipe;'3. p. tdun.n; p. 
 wen. .ad. 
 Onashkinadnes, (niiu/} n. v. I am 
 putting,' my things in ri trunk, hox, 
 etc.; 1 decamp, move el!'; [F. jc 
 plie biggage;) 3. p.-,; p. weM..ml. 
 OnashH'adc pashl-iyiijan., u. v. the 
 gun is loaded; |). ircii..de^. 
 Onathkinadnn /laM'i.^it/an, {nind) 
 a. V. »M. I loadagun; 3. p.f.dn/i...; 
 p. wen..d(d. 
 Onashwcia, or-maraid , n, v. it is 
 even, {vujwaiis,'bri\k\) p. wen. .an. 
 Onassa, (nind) a. v. an. I put con- 
 ▼enientiy some an. oUj.; 3. p. od on 
 ..n; p. u'c7iasHil. 
 Ondssigan. s. smoked meat. 
 Onassige, {nind) n. v. I smoke meat; 
 3. p. 1.; p. weii..tjfed. 
 Onatdwanga, ox-maijr.d, w. \ tlio 
 beach is even; p. uin..<jan, ox-mi- 
 Onate, or-marad, u. v. tliorc is soot; 
 [G. Ru8s;ln. w/:vaif(i, OT-ma/fuk. 
 Ondfon, {nind) a. v. ,n. I put it vvcll, ] 
 conveniently; 3. p. od <j7i...] p. tven- : 
 atod, I 
 Ond, ondj, in compt^itions, alludes 
 to the reasm or on'<i'i of s. 1h.; to I 
 the place from wh'ich, or out of 
 which, somr oljjcct comes or is ' 
 obtained. ( Kx.iinpU'S in seme of 
 the following words.) I 
 Ondahate. OT-magad, n. v. the smoke 
 come.s from..., or outof,..; p. u}«n,. 
 tin, OT-m<ifjah. 
 Ondndad. ii." v. it comes from...; n. 
 0/idailem,{ntnd) n. v. I weep or cry 
 for a ccrtam reason, (pnin, loss, 
 s.idnrss, fear, anger, joy;) .3. n.~o: 
 p. 100)1. .mad. 
 Ondadtmnn, {nlnd)n. v, in. I be- 
 waiiit;:). p. < don..; p. wen .md. 
 Ondiidhui ntm, {nind) n. v. an. I he. 
 wail some an. obj.; .3. p. ad on. • 
 p. wnt..m„(. (V. Conj.) ' 
 Cudiidu^ {nnid) n. v. lam born, I 
 d^'srond from .. I come from...; 3. 
 p -''; p. wr.n..fiid. 
 Ondfidisia, (mud) n. v. an. I give 
 hnn birth, I bring him forth; 3. p. 
 od on..n; p. wo. .ad. 
 OndndiMe, (nind) n. v. 1 bring 
 fnrth, (a child.) I give birth, I urn 
 (lelivore(l,(of a ch!l(l);3. p. l.;p. 
 nen..kfd.—i^. J^'ifniuraKs. 
 Ondodisikeuin, a. child-birth, birth- 
 Odddi.^iton (jiind) a. V. in. I bring 
 it fori h, I bring it into e.xistence; 3, 
 p. odin...; p. u'en..t(,d. 
 Ondi'idhi'vin,, s. birth. 
 Oiidaduiwiniiji^uind, a. birfh-day. 
 0/idiflvdJi/i, (/::nd) n. v. I tumble 
 down; 3. p. ].;p. wen..ing. 
 Ondnihan, s. a placo froin which 
 watorj.s obtained, a well; p\.-an. 
 Ondaili {nind) n. v. I obM n vvatpr 
 from.... 3. p. ].; p. tven.Ud.—Mi 
 ima tvrndnihiiun:, I obtain water 
 from this place; (or, 1 fetch my 
 vvntor horp.) 
 Ondnm. nllndrs to occupation, hav- 
 ing no time to spare; or to th| 
 lofing oftime. ( Examples in somo 
 of the following words.) 
 O'dnmal-amii.is, [rnnd) n. v. I am 
 busy; 3. p.-«; p. wnu.sid. 
 Ond amend am. {nind) n. v. I am 
 distracted in mv thonglifs, I 
 am occupied bv ether thoughts; 3. 
 p. I.; p. wen .nrttj. 
 Om/nPiendan, {nind) a. v. in it oc- 
 cupies my mind, I cannot leave it, 
 I rannot conso to think on it; 3. p. 
 od on...; \), wen.. aw/. 
 Ondaintniina, {tiuidj a. v. an. ho oc- 
 cupios mo in my thoughts, I can- 
 not loavu him, (n sick person, etc.) 
 J. p. od on..n\ p. ticn..mad. 
 Ondamia, {nind) n. v. an. I occupy 
 him; also, I keep him hack from 
 his work, 1 make him h)se his 
 work-time^ 3. p. od on..n\ p. wen., 
 OtithimiU, (ni/id) n. v. I nm losin" 
 iny time hy drinking liquor; 3. p'^ 
 1 ; 1'. wrn..bul. 
 Ondainihw/c, [nind) n. v, I am oc- 
 cupied in writing, ail my tune is 
 taken un by writiug; 3. p. 1.; m, 
 w'<i/i..tW. ' ' 
 Oiidamiiwc, (nind) n. v. I occupy 
 people; also, 1 make people lose 
 the time, I keep them hack from 
 their work; 3. p. 1.; p. wen,..wcd. 
 Ondamuna.{nind)a. v. an. I make 
 him lose his work-time by talking 
 to hiin; 3. p. rd Mi..n; p. wvn..mad. 
 On<lavm,{nind)n. v. S. Ondamita. 
 Ondumishka, (niful) n. v. I am ab- 
 sent from home, occupied else- 
 where; 3. p. 1 ;p. wen..lad. 
 Oiulannsiwiii, s. occupation. 
 Ondainita, (ni/ul) n. v. I am busy I 
 am occupied, I have no time^ 3. p. 
 1.; p. wen.. tad. 
 Oiidamitagus, (nind) n. v. I occupy 
 people by my speaking; 3. p.-t: n. 
 Ondamital-as, (nind) n, v. feign. 1 
 make vain excuses of having no 
 tune, I dissimulate occupation; 3. 
 P--o; p. wcn..s<,d. 
 Onda)nitM/e,(nind)n. v. I am busv 
 in doing this or that; 3. p. 1 • n. 
 um..gcd. ' 
 Ondamonje, {nind) n. v. I am occu- 
 pied or busy in nursing my child 
 It takes me all my time to take 
 care of my child, (or children;) 3 
 p. 1.; p. 'wcn..ied. 
 Ondanam, {nind) n. v. I run myself 
 breathless after it, to reach it, to 
 have It; 3. p.-o; p. wen.. mod. 
 Undandndan, {nind) a. v. in. I 
 ■tarve, in order to have it; 3. p. od 
 nn.. . ; p. wen. .aug. 
 Ondiiskan, come here, come this 
 way. ' 
 Ond,hhime, adv. thi. way, nearer to 
 tills place here. 
 Ondnss, come here. 
 Ondns»,igam, adv. on thi« side of a 
 river, bay, lake, etc. 8. Awdssa- 
 Ondiiss inal-aUia, adv. on this side 
 this way, here, towards this place.' 
 OnJiUtionng, adv. on thia side of the 
 canoe, boat, etc. • 
 Ondi Qi-jnaijiid, Q. v. it boils; p 
 nend((j, cx-imgak. 
 0/idind, (nind) n. v. I am alsent 
 Iroiji Lome lor such a reason; 3 u 
 -lip.wcndendid. *^" 
 Ondenima, {nind) a. v. an. I have 
 bad feelings, revengeful thoughts, 
 against^ him, fof a certain reason 
 3.l.odon..n;i). wen..mad. 
 Ondenindimin,{nind) com. v. we 
 have bad feelings again.st each 
 other or a certain reason; p. 
 Win..dnijtg. '^ 
 Onduimdmnn, s. anger for such a 
 reason, cause of anger; cause or 
 title of condemnation. 
 Oiulih, s. Ot.S. OMiywan, 
 Ondtna, (nind) a. v. an. I get eomn 
 an. obj, (rom..., or out of...; 3. p. 
 (jdon..n; p. tirndinad; imp. ondin. 
 —Atuwcwigumigong nind ondina 
 hahjsh; I get pork out of the store. 
 Ondinamuge, {nind) n. v. I furnish 
 people s. th , I let them have, 1 
 procure them; 3. p. ].; p. wen..ged. 
 (Jndcnamas, {nind) or. nind ondmu- 
 madts. r. v. I procure to myself s. 
 th., I earn, I acquire; 3. p. ~o: p 
 ieen..sod. ^ 
 Ondinamasnn, {nind) or, nind ondi- 
 namadison, a. v. in. I procure it 
 to myself. I earn it; 3. p. od on...: 
 p. wen.. sod. 
 Ondinamasman, (nind) or nind on- 
 dtnamudisonan, a. v. an. I procure 
 to myself sorrs an. obj.; 3. p. cd 
 on...;Y>.wen..8<.d.{Y. ton\.) 
 Ondmamawu, (nind) a. v. an. I let 
 him have s. th., I furnish him, 
 procure him s. th.; 3. p. od on..n; 
 p. wen. Mad. 
 Ondinan, {nind) a. v. in. I get it 
 from..., or out of.,.; 3. p. od on. .; 
 p. wen..ang. — Masinaiganing nind 
 gi-ondinan nin Hkendass>nciii; I 
 got my knowledge from bociis, (or 
 out of books,) 
 Ondinigade, or -magad, u. v, it is 
 got or obtained of.,,, from,..; p, 
 wen..deg, or -magak. 
 Ondinige, (nind,) n. v. I get things 
 from..., of...; 3. p. 1.; p, wen..gcd. 
 Ondiniinanganima, s, shoulder; .pi. 
 Ondi?,{nind) n. V. S, Ondinige. 
 Ondisin, u, v, it is profitible, it 
 brings profit; p, wendibing. 
 Ondisin, {nind) a. v. era. 1 have the 
 profit of it; 3. p. o(ibn,,..; p.wcn- 
 Onc?lsinan, {nind) a. v. afi. I have 
 the profit of some an. obj,; 3. p, 
 od on...; p, wendisid. 
 Ondji., bucause, for, on acconnt of, 
 for the sake of..., in regard to...; 
 we^idji. (S. Otch. Gram. Ch. VJ. 
 No. in.) 
 Ondji- through; as: Bodawaning gi- 
 gi-ondji-sagaam. He came in 
 through the chimney, and virent 
 out through the window. 
 Ondji, {nind) n. v. I come from 
 out of...; 3. p. 1.; p. wendjid. — 
 Wassawendjidjig, those that come 
 from far. 
 Ondji, or -^magad, u. v. it comes 
 from..., out of,..; p. wendjig, or 
 Ondjia, {nind) a, v. an. I hinder him ' 
 or forbid him to do s. th., or to go I 
 somewhere; 3. p. od ondjian; p. 
 Ondjiha, {nind) n, v. I come from...; 
 3. p. 1.; p. wendjihad. 
 Ondjibdmagad, u. v. it comes from...; 
 p. wen.. gale. 
 Ondjibide, or -magad. u v. it comes 
 flying from...> it flies from...; p. 
 wen.,deg, or -magak. 
 Ondjiga, or -magad; u. v. it leaks, 
 (the water &c., rui.s out of it, or 
 into it;)_p. wendjigag, or -magak. 
 Ondjxgawiton, {nind) a. v. in. I 
 make it run out of it, (liquid;) 3. 
 p. odon...; p. iven.Md. 
 Ondjigidas, {nind)n. v. I get angry 
 on account of...; 3. p. -o; p. wen.. 
 Ondjiiwe, {nind) n, v. 1 hinder 
 people tc go somewhere, or to do 
 s. til.; 3. p. 1.; \\. wen. .wed. 
 Ondjine,{ni>id)n.\. I die for such 
 a reason, on account of,..; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. wendjined. 
 Ondjinana, {nind) a. v. an. I kill 
 him for the sake of...; 3. p. ci 
 f>n..7i; p. w€n..ad; imp. ondjinaj. 
 Ondjishkaosse, {^nivd) n. v. I walk 
 against the wind; 3. p. 1.; p. wen.. 
 OndjiohJcawuam, {nind) n. v. I have 
 head-wind, contrary wind, (trave- 
 ling in a canoe, boat, &c,) C, p. 1.; 
 J). tven..ang. 
 Ondjishlawaanigivad, u, v. the 
 wind is ahead, contrary; p. wm„ 
 Ondjissin. u. v. it comes from..., it 
 results from,,.; p. wendjissing. 
 Ondjitd, adv. purposely, on purpose; 
 much, very; thanks, thank you. 
 Ondondanama, s. heel, in general, 
 without report to a person, 
 Ondovje, {nind) n. v. I have a child 
 from...; 3. p. 1,; p. loendmjed. 
 Ondwiuy or -magad, u. v, a voice 
 or noist „omes out of,.,, or from,,.; 
 Tp.wen..weg, or -magak.— Wadji- 
 wing ondweivemagad, the noi^ie 
 comes from tht) mountain. < 
 Ondwcwidam, {nind) n. v. I speak 
 out of such a place; I speak for 
 such a reason; 3. p, 1 .; p. wen..ung. 
 Onendan, {nind) a. v. in. I judge it, 
 privately, in thoughts; 3. p, od 
 on...; p. tven .ang. 
 Onc7iima,{nind) a. v. an. I judge 
 him, privately, in thoughts; 3. p. 
 od on..n; p. wen. .mad. 
 Oniamawa, {nind) a. v. ati. I set 
 him a trap or snare, to catch him; 
 V, it leaks, 
 3ut of it, or 
 3r -magah, 
 I. V. in. I 
 (liquid;) 3. 
 I get angry 
 -o; p. wen.. 
 1 hinder 
 e, or to do 
 e for such 
 ...;3. p. 1.; 
 from..., it 
 n purpose; 
 ink you. 
 r\ general, 
 ve a child 
 V. a voice 
 or from...; 
 .— Wadji. 
 the noi^ie 
 1. ' 
 I speak 
 speak for 
 [judge it, 
 3. p. od 
 . I judge 
 his; 3. p. 
 tra. I set 
 3. p. od (m..n; p. wen. .wad. — Amik 
 fiind oniamawa, wahijeshiwag ga?-e 
 nind imiamawag; I set a beaver- 
 trap, and marten-traps, (I set traps 
 to a beaver and to martens.) 
 Onidjani, s. the female of an animal, 
 of a quadruped, (not bird;j pi. 
 ~ivag. — S. Nnjesse. 
 Onidjaniss, {mad) n. v. I have a 
 child, or children; 3. p. -«'; p. uien.. 
 Onidjanissikanan, (nind) a. v. an. 
 he is my godchild; also, I adopt 
 him for my child; 3. p. od on...; p. 
 wen. kad. (V. Conj.) 
 Onidjcmissikawinan, a. S. Ninidja- 
 Onidjanudma. s. child; pi. ~g. 
 Onidjauiufhniij, {nnid) n. v. lam 
 his child, he has (iie for a child. 
 Onidjanissimigo, {nind) pass. v. I 
 am child; I am had for a child; 3. 
 p. onidjanissima; p. tiin. wenidja- 
 nissimiguiun; win wenidjaniasi- 
 Onidjanissinan, {nind) a. v. an. I 
 have him for a child, he is^my 
 child; 3. p. od on..n; p. wen..ssid. 
 (V. Conj.) 
 Onidjanisdndan, {nind) a. v. ■in. I 
 have it for a child, I am its father; 
 3. p. od on...; p. wen..ang. — We- 
 nidjanissinda vg O'lgmawiMiuin; 
 he who has the lie for his child, 
 („thefather of lies.") 
 Onidjaniwaian. s. an. the skin of a 
 female animal; pi. -ag. 
 Onigadaii, {nind) a. v. in. 1 carry it 
 on my shoulder; 3. p. od oti..n; p. 
 Onigam, s. portage; pi. in. — Kitchi- 
 Onigaming, at Grand Portage, 
 Lake Superior. 
 Onigana, (nind) a. v. an. /carry him 
 on my shoulder; 3. p. od on..n; p. 
 p. wcniganad. 
 Oniganatig, s. hand-barrow, to carry 
 3. th. on it, pi. -on. 
 Onige, (nind) n, v. I make portage, 
 I carry over a portage; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Onigiigoina, ». parent; pi. -g. 
 Omige, {nind) n. v. I make trap* in 
 the woods, to catch little animals, 
 as martens, minks, etc ; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. voeniiged. 
 Onjan, (nind) a. v. in. I cut it, (a 
 coat, &c.) 3. y. od on...; p. wenij- 
 Omjige, {nind) n. v. I cut, (a coat, 
 etc.) 3. p. 1.; p. wen..ged. 
 Onijigan, s. shred; [F. retaille;] pi. 
 Onijish, {nind) n. v. I am fair, beau- 
 tiful, fine; good, (a person or any 
 other an. obj.)3. p. -»'; p. wenyi- 
 Ontjishahaminagos, {nind) n. v. I 
 have a fine appearanr": 3. p. -♦; 
 p. wen.. did. 
 Onijishahuminagwad, u. v. it has a 
 fine appearance, it looks beautiful; 
 p. roeitt.wah, * 
 Oiiijiihendapi, {nind)' n. v. I have 
 fair thoughts, good thoughts; 3. p. 
 1.; p. wen..ang. 
 Onijishia., (nind) a. v. an. I embellish 
 or adorn some an. obj.; 3. p. od 
 on..n; ^.tuen..ad. 
 Onijishin, u. v. it is fair, fine, beaut- 
 iful; it is good, useful; it is agreea- 
 ble; p wen..ing. 
 Onijiskiton, {nind) a. v. in. I embel- 
 lish it, adorn it; I make it good, 
 useful; agreeable; 3. p. odon...;f. 
 tven. .tod 
 Oin.)i{;hivzn., s. beauty; usefulness. 
 Onika, {nind) n. v. 1 have arms; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. wenikad. 
 Onikama, s. arm;pl. -n. 
 Ommik^s. buo; browse, sprout; pi. 
 Oniip'.kokepijiki, n. v. 3, p. the ox 
 (or cow) eats little branches and 
 shrubs, it browses; [F. bour> 
 eeonne.jP. we,...ked. 
 Onina, adv. S. Wq,nina, 
 Oninas-pohi, {nind) n. v. I am getting 
 a net ready for setting; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Onindji, {nind)r\. v. I have hands; 
 3. p. 1.; p. wen..id. 
 OnindJigu,n, a. its fin, (of a fish;) pi. 
 Onindjima, haiul, or finder, s. pi--?;,. 
 Onirujwi, s. liis armpit, his arm-hole; 
 pi. ~n. ' 
 Oningwigan, s. his wing; pi. -an. 
 Oniii(jwi<;an:i, {niiul) ii. v. 1 havo 
 winirs;3. p. \.; \x ive}i..»ad. 
 Onifhka,[/niid)n. v. I rise up, (when 
 l.vinp, not silling;) 3. p. I.; p. wm 
 ..fraiL—S. J'cmywi. 
 Onitihk<i,o\--7mi(jdd, «. v. it rises up. 
 It comes up; p. weii..kag, ot-rna- 
 Onixhl-alaCo, (nind) n. v. I rise up 
 quickly, briskly; 3. p. 1.; p. ^v//.. 
 Onishkalina,{nind)i\. v. an. I rnise 
 hitn up, lilt him up; 3. p. ul <m..n- 
 p. ?/r'«. .«</,/. 
 OniMah van, {niiid) a. v. in. I raise 
 It U]), lilt it up; 3. p. u/r;?(...; p. 
 Onishhvn'n, s. an. his gland.— S. 
 -fl iniM. 
 Ortit-hkivia, (jiiinl) a. v. an. S. Wa- 
 nu/ikituu, aiic! the Note to it. 
 Onotuijan, s. employed person; pi.- 
 Onoio, pron. these, these here. 
 Onrwan, s. a7t. his cheek, or his 
 cheeks.— S. JVow. 
 Onsah, (fii9,d) n. v. I look from a 
 certain place, from a certain dis- 
 tance; 3. yi.-i; p. 'wtnuiiid. 
 Onmhama, {■mm/') a. v. an. I see 
 him from a certain distance; 3. p. 
 od ov..n; p. wen. .mud. 
 Onsahanduii, (nind) a. v. in. I see it 
 from a certain distance; 3. p. od 
 on...\ p. wen.. an (I. 
 Onsavi, adv. S (Jttdm. 
 Onsan, (?nnd)a. v. In. I boil it; 3. p. 
 oa onmn ; p. wenmng. 
 Onsekwe. {nind) i,. v. I boil s. th. I 
 make boil; 3. p. 1.; p. n'tn..u;d. 
 Onsihan, s. sap, vital juice of plants 
 and trees; [F. la seve.] 
 Onsika, {vind ) n. v. 1 come for some 
 reaso:;; 3. p. ].; p. vnuikud.— 
 Wegoncn ha-(.n.ylkaiun? What is 
 the reason of thy coming here ?— 
 S._ Bi-inika. 
 Onsika, ox-magad, u. v. it comes 
 from. ..out of..., p. wen..kag, or- 
 magak. ^ 
 Oiusitagos, {nind) n. v. I am 4ieard 
 out of a certain place; 3. p.-r n 
 <ven...M~Tchi}mjamig,mg gi-onti- 
 tagoiz; ho was heard out of tho 
 grave; (a man that wa.s hurried 
 before he was really dead.) 
 Oimtngwad, u. v. it is heard out of a 
 certain place, out of s. th.; \).wen.. 
 wak.— Giyitinvin anaktmdang qi- 
 h.-ondta:^ivad\ a speaking was 
 heard out of the cloud. 
 Ousitan, (nind) a. v. in. I hear a 
 voice or noise coming out of some 
 l)lace; 3. p. rd on...; p. wensitnna. 
 Uniitawa,{innd) a. v. an. 1 hear him 
 out of some place; 3. p. od on..n: 
 y>. wen.. Wad. ' 
 Onso akik, n. v. 3, p. the kettle boils- 
 p. wensod, ' 
 Oimmia, {nmd)a. v. a7i. I reproach 
 him, 1 scold him for s. th., or in 
 regard to...; 3. p. od on..n; p. wen 
 OuAovidwass, {nind) n. v. I scold or 
 reproach, in regard to my children; 
 3. p.-o; p. wen. .nod. 
 On.sunge, (nind) n. v. I reproach, I 
 scold, for such a reason, in re- 
 gard to...; 3. p. 1.; p. wen..gcd. 
 Unm\i, {nind) a. v. an. 1 boil some 
 ««. ol)|.; 3. ]). od onm'an; p. went- 
 wad; imp. (rnsui, 
 (haras, {nrnd) n. v. I am lucky; 3 
 p.-^ ; p. wefiwasid. 
 Onwf'unwin, s. good luck, chance. 
 Unwnfawa, {nind) a. v. an. I have a 
 foreboding of him, or in regard 
 to hiin; 1 augur or foretell of him; 
 3. p. (.d <m..n\ p. wcn..ioad. 
 Unwdlclu<ie, {nind) n. v. I have a 
 ioreboding by some mark, a pre- 
 sentiment; I foretell by that pre- 
 sentiment, or from certain signs, 
 1 augur; 3. p. 1.; p. wen..ged. 
 Onwdhhigcwin, s.presentiment, fore- 
 boding, prognostic, auguration, 
 foretelling from signs. 
 OnwdtcJiigcuinini, s. a man that has 
 presentimciiis or forebodings by 
 certain marks, and foretells futui# 
 events accordingly, an augui , fore- 
 Onwttwe.{nind)n. v. I have the hic- 
 cough or hickup. 
 Onwdwcwin; s. hiccough, hickup. 
 Oojiiheimi, (niud) a. v. an. he is my 
 grandchild; 3. p. od o^j.m; p. tveo.. 
 Goss, {niud) n. v. I have a father: 
 3. p.-ji; p. wionsid. 
 OosdkananAiiind) n. v. an. I have 
 him for my adopted father, he is 
 my adopted father; my godfather; 
 3. p. od ooss...; p. weo.Jcad. (V 
 Conj.) ^ 
 Oossima, (n>7id)a. y.an. I have him 
 for a father, \u, is i>.v father; 3. p. 
 odons..n; p. wensdmad. 
 Oosdmign. {mud pass. v. I am had 
 for a father, I am father; 3. p. oos- 
 stmd; p. ni?i wcomimv/oidn, win 
 Oossina/i, (nind) a. v. an. 1 have him 
 for a father, he is my father; 3. p. 
 td oos...; p. wecsnid. ( V. Conj. ) 
 Opdma, {tiind)a. wan.. 1 hinder him 
 to sleep, by talking or making 
 noise; 3. p. od opaman] p. wepa- 
 Opdwe, (nind) n. v. I hinder people 
 to sleep; 3. p. 1.; p. wepawed. 
 Opiffcgan, s. his rib; \i\.-aii.~Kipi- 
 (jei/a/i, hpiijigan-., my rib, thy rib. 
 Opihiminaii, s. stone or kernel in 
 fruits; \\\.-ari. 
 Opikwnd, s. an. gut; pl.-a^. 
 OpikwadJ, s. air-bladder "of a fish; 
 0/4kwan, s. S. JHlwan. 
 Opikwaiiavia, s. oack. 
 Opimeaii, adv. & prp. by, apart, 
 aside, by the side ol...; obliquely. 
 Opimclcana, adv. by the way-side. 
 Opime/ia, adv. in the side of the 
 Opiineshima, {nind) a. v. an. I make 
 him lie on his side, (not on the 
 back;) I lay him on his side; 3. p. 
 odop..n; p. ivcp..mad. 
 Ojtimes/iin, {nind) n. v. I lie on my 
 side, (not on the back;) 3. p. 1. ; 
 p. wep..ing. 
 Optmeene, [nind) n. v. I fall on my 
 side; 3. p. 1.; ,. wep..ed. 
 (Jpvnit>M„n, {nind)-d. v. in. 1 lay it 
 d!d^^ '**'^''' ^" ^" '''^ "^•••'' p- ^^•• 
 Opinufdn, u. v. it lies on the side; 
 p. w<p..i/H/. 
 Opin, s. nn. potato; pi. opinio. 
 Uptni-ohmaas, s. potato-paring; pl.- 
 I an. 
 j Opiniwigumlij, s. root-house; pl.-on, 
 UjnUn, s. thrush; robin: (bird;) 
 [h.grive:] \A.^tvag. ' 
 Oj}wagan,s. an. pipe, (smoking-pipe;) 
 P' •-"£/• ■ 
 Opwaffmt-assin, s. an. pipe-stone, 
 (soft white, black or red stone, fit 
 to make a pipe out of it;^ pi-M. 
 Ofugi.s. Sack Indian; pl.-^. 
 Oadgikwe, s. Sack squaw; pl.-o. 
 Otidgim,inind)n. v. 1 speak the Sack 
 Jaiiguiige, (the language of the 
 t>ack Indians;) 3. p.-o; p. wesdgi- 
 Omgiviowin, s. Sack language. 
 Oifdgin, s. his shoulder, (of an ani- 
 mal,) the fourth part of an animal 
 about the shoulder. [C. quartier 
 de devant.] 
 Osdm, adv. too ; too much; very 
 Outuiukide, or-magad, u. v. it is too 
 much burnt; p. wen. .keg, ov-magah. 
 Ukanicndam, {nind) n. v. I have too 
 much care; 3. p. 1.; p. we/>..aiig. 
 Umnicndainowin, s. too much care 
 trouble. ' 
 Osamniini, {nind) n. v. I am very 
 glad; 3. p.-r>; ]>. wcs..m(;d. 
 Oadmia. {nind) a. v. an. I treat him 
 hiin too badly; [F. je lui en fais 
 trop:] 3, p. odos..n; p. wesamiad. 
 Osaniiilvn. [nind) n. v. I speak too 
 much, I am talkative, 1 prattle, 
 chatter; 3. p. 1.; p. 'wes..dod. 
 Osdmidonowin, s. prattling, talka- 
 tivciiess, loquacity. 
 Osdmigidas, {nind) n. v. I am too 
 angry; 3. p.-,;; p. u'es..wd. 
 Otammad. u. v. there is very much 
 of it; (there is too much oi' it;) p" 
 wes..nalc. , 
 Osdminf, (nind) n. v. I am very 
 sick, (too much sick,) I liave verv 
 much paiti, (too much;) 3. p. j'.; 
 p. was..ned. 
 Osamincwin, a. a very great sickness: 
 Osamimjwam,{7iind) n. v. I sleep too 
 much, too long, I rise too late; 
 3. p. 1. ; p, iiies.,a>i(/. 
 Osdminimm, {nind) or, nind osami- 
 nomin, n. v. pi. wo are very many, 
 (too many;) \).u'es..dji(j. 
 Osdmimwc,{nind)T.. v. S. Osami- 
 Osdmis, ^,nnd) n. v. I am extrava- 
 gant, exorbitant; I am too had, too 
 noisy, too Irivolous; 3. p.-t. p. 
 Osaminiwin, s, extravagancy; excess 
 in making noise, m being frivolous, 
 Osdmitchiije, {nind) n. v. I act or 
 behave too badly; I do many things 
 which I ought not to do; 3. p. 1.; 
 Osamiwa'ne, {nind) n. v. I carry too 
 heavy a load; 3. p. 1.; p. wes.jued. 
 Osam nihil va nind ani ihit, I say too 
 much of" it, I exaggerate. 
 Osam nin wcwihita, 1 precipitate, I 
 act too much in a hurry. 
 Osamodama, {nind)n. v. an. I speak 
 too much of him; 3. p. od (av..«; p. 
 Osdnaman, s. an. vermiilion, red 
 paint or rouge, to paint the cheeks; 
 [F. lard.] 
 Osnnatnani, (nind) n. v. I paint my 
 cheeks red; 3. p.~o;\^.n',,^..ni,.d. 
 Osawa, or-magad u. v. it is yellow; 
 p. ursau'iKj, oi~mni/id-. 
 Onawakm, s. an, bile; [F. la bile.] 
 Omwahi,{nind)n. v. Jam bilious, 
 1 have much bile in mo; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Osawahiain. s, yellow flannel. 
 Osawdhik, s. yellow metal, brass; 
 also, copper. 
 Osawdhiho-tinhikaivagan, s. collar of 
 brass-wire, worn' by pagan In- 
 dians; pl.-a». 
 OsawnUkoiis, 8. n cent, copper-cent. 
 ~Aij osaiviihikmsan, two cents' 
 Nismoi osawdUkonsaih, three cents 
 etc. ' 
 Omtvjdinsan ; ( nind ) osawa naan. 
 ( 'and ) 
 Osah'idimf/e ; {nind) osawansige. 
 (nind) ' 
 Osawadusn; osaicanso. 
 OsHwadiaswa ; {nind) osawanma. 
 Oimwadiie; osawande.—S. Ojawash- 
 kwadissan; ojuwas/ikwanmn, etc ; 
 changing in the Knglish significa- 
 tion green into yellow. 
 Osawa(j wawan, 'or osawawan, the 
 yolk of an egg. 
 Os,iu'aje.{nind) n.v. I have a yellow 
 skin; 3. p. 1.; p. wesdwajcd. 
 Osnwa-joniia, s. an. gold, (vellow 
 Omwa-ioniiafradan, (nind) a. v. in. 
 I gild it; 3. p. od os...; p. wes..ang, 
 Omwa-jmiiuikade, or~jna{/ad, u. v. it 
 is gilt; ii.wes..de<jf, OT-macf^d-. 
 Osiwa-Joniiakaso, ii. v. 3. p.' it is gilt, 
 {an. obj.;) p. w€S..snd. 
 Osawajoiiiiahina, {nind) a. v. an, I 
 gild some an. obj.; 3. p. od 08..n; p. 
 Osawdkadakons, s. carrot; pl,-an. 
 O.-'UivanasM-o-minikan, s. mustard- 
 seed; pl.-a». 
 Osaimjin, s. yellow cloth or other 
 yellow stuff'; pl.-ori. 
 Omit\<jisa)i, {nind)B.v.in. I make 
 It yellow by smoke, (stuff-) 3. p. 
 (d os...;p. wes..an/j. 
 OMwe(jii-i(/e, (r.ind) n. v. I make yel- 
 low bv smoke; 3. p. 1 ; p.ms..gcd. 
 (haweguwa, (.nind) a. v. an. I make 
 It. yellow and soft by smoke, (a 
 deerskin;) 3. p. odos..wan;p.wei 
 ..wad', imp. osawegiswi. 
 Osaivi ginehig, s. yellow serpent: pi 
 Oaawi-makate, s. brimstone, sulphur. 
 Otsawindibe, {nind) n v. my head is 
 yellow, I have yellow hair, flaxen 
 hair; 3. p. \.\t;>. wc8..hfd. 
 Omwtnes, (nind) n. v. I have the 
 jaundice; 3. p.-t; p. tces.,sid. 
 Osdwinesiwin,s. jaundice; [F. jaun- 
 isse; (Jr. Gelbsucht.] 
 Osawinvjade, ox~maqad. u. v, it is 
 painted yellow; p. wea..deg, or-ma- 
 Osawinrjaso, n. v. 3. p. it is painted 
 yellpw, {an. obj.) p. wes-.sod. 
 Ondwin, {uind) n. v. I am yellow; 
 3. p.-t; p. rveaawisid. 
 Osawissaffim(ja/e, or~ma<jnd, u. v. it 
 IS painted yellow, (wood, in.;) p. 
 wes..deg, in-mngak. 
 Osawisnaginiiiaso, n. 
 f''..-;fuoi/, II. ». 3, p, it is 
 . ^ yellow, (wood, an.) 
 Osawikkus, s. rutabaga, yellow tur- 
 nip; [F. chou de Siani;] pl.-^a^i. 
 Oshaiuwiyan, {niiid) n. v. 1 have a 
 sharp back, (I am extremely lean 
 poor;) 3. p. 1.; p. wesh..niHj. 
 OsAakawa, {nind) or, ni/ulos/iatva, a. 
 V. an. 1 scare him, I frighten him 
 away, J make him fly; 3. p. cd ash 
 ..n; p. wesk.Mad. 
 Osheiina, or-magad, u. v. there is a 
 long narrow ridge of a mountain; 
 [F. il ya une Crete de cote;] p. 
 wcsh..nag, ox-mugak. 
 Oshimeindimin, (ii.ind) com. v, wo 
 arebrothers te jether; p. wesh. .did- 
 Oshkdheioiss, waiter or attendant of 
 an Indian Chief; pi. -«y. 
 Oehkdkaan, s. new field, newly bro. 
 ken land; [F. terre neuve.] 
 OsJikdkamigaigade, or-magad, u. v. 
 there is a new field made, new" 
 land broken up; p. luesh.dig, or- 
 Oshkdkamigaige, (nind) n. v. I sow 
 or plant in a new field, I make a 
 new field; 3. p. 1.; p. wesh..(ifd. 
 Oshkanjikadjigan, s. horse-slioe; pi. 
 Oshkdnjima, s. an. finger-nail; pl.-^. 
 OMdiiJin, s. an, his finger.nail; his 
 hoof; his c\aw.—JVis/ikdnj, kith- 
 Imi; my finger-nail, thy finger- 
 naif.— In compositions the k is 
 soften into </; as: Jiehrjigr^oanji . 
 one-hoofed animal. Pijikiwigum, 
 claw of an ox or cow. 
 Oshkassim, s. young dog;pl.-o^. 
 ^S '"'^" "'^^'i^^nt* fresh, young; 
 OMi^aUnodji, s. new-born child, in- 
 fant, babe, baby; pl.-,a^. 
 u.skH-aiaa, s. a new or younff an 
 obj.; f,\.-g. ■' ^ "*• 
 OMi-ai'ians, s. dim. a young animal 
 or bird; pl.-a^. 
 Oe/iki aii, s. a new in. obj.; pl.-n 
 OMiaiiwan, u. v. it is new, ("not 
 yet used, or not much used:) p. 
 W(g7i..ang. ' '^ 
 OMi-himadis. {nivd) n. v. I am 
 young, I begin to live; 3. p.-»; p. 
 we.s-/i..sid. f 'f 
 Oshki-l'tmadisiwin, s. youth. 
 Onidcigaiyan, s. fresh notch orincia- 
 lon in a maple-tree, in sugar-ma- 
 King; pl.-aw. 
 Oshkigiit, 8. young shoot; [F. reie- 
 ton;] x>\.-on. "* 
 OM-igin u. V. it is a young shoot; 
 p. 'We,<ifiktgt7ig. 
 Os/iki ijitwawin, 8. the New Testa- 
 Oshkikwannie, (nind) or. nind oskhi^- 
 u'iije, n. V. I have a new dress on; 
 3. p. ].; p. wesh..ed. 
 Oshhuagosi, n. v. 3. p. it seems new. 
 It looks like new, {an. obj.) p. w«sh 
 . ..' w. 
 Oskkiriamoud, u. v. it seems new, it 
 looks hke new, {in. obj.) p. wcsh., 
 Oshkinawe, s. young man, youth, lad. 
 chap;pl.-j/. ' 
 On/din a ivefv, (nind) n. v. I am a 
 young man; 3. p.-j; p. u'esA..wid. 
 Ufihktnig, {nind, n. v. I am newly 
 born, that is, I am young; I am 
 single, not married; 3. v.-i-.^.wesh 
 Os/,kmujikwc, e. grown-up girl, 
 young woman, (not marrifed,) 
 maid, virgin; pl.-^. ' 
 Oshkinigikivew,{nind)n, v. I am a 
 young woman, a maid, a virgin: 3. 
 p.-»V p. weiik..wid. 
 On/ikmiyiwin, s. youth, young age: 
 single state. a s » 
 OnhkinJ, a. its snout, its muzzle. 
 Oshkinjig, a. his eye; his face; pi. 
 Mhh'njiffim, his ey cs. —Nix Id- in Hr/, 
 kishkiiijKj; my eye, or lace; 'tliy 
 eyo, or (ace. 
 Oshk-iiiji(j, {nind) n. v. I have eyos; 
 3. i).-«; ;). p. wet^h.-cjod. 
 OM-i))jigo\-a(]c, OT~vu((jad. w. v. it is 
 mnde like an eye; \)!weiih..deg, or- 
 Oshkinjigokculji(jan, s. spectacles; pi. 
 OshHnjigoma, s. cyp; i)l.-n. 
 Oskhinjitjuncs, {ni'iul) ti. v. I have 
 sore eyes; 3. \>.~i; p. W(s/i..nl, 
 OsMua(/M,(mnd) n. v. 1 have the 
 inoiuUly (lowiiigs for the first time; 
 3. p.~i; p. wesli..(nd. 
 Oghkitildkad, u. v, it is the hogin- 
 nmg of the night; p. UYs/,..hd. 
 Oekhgwdn, s. his hea(\.—A'ls/ill</ira>i, 
 kmtiffwan; my head, thy head. 
 OshtigwdnPiegan, s. skull, (the bone 
 of the head.) 
 Oshticfwaniina, s. head'. 
 Oshtdgwaii-juhmigau, s. pin, (needle 
 with ahead;) pi. -aH. 
 Ostdnkwan'g, s. handle (of an axe, 
 hoe, etc.) pl.-o;/. 
 Odtdama, s. foot; p\.-?i„ 
 Osiginawe, (nind) n. v. I have a 
 wrinkled face, (from old age:) 3. 
 p. 1.; p. wen.. wed. 
 Osigmnhnnin. s. an. poar; pl.-a^/. 
 Osigwdkojninagawanj, s. an. pear- 
 tree; pl.-/V/. 
 Omdgohim'ij, s. willow-treo, p1.-/«.. 
 Od-anahe /(■/{{, (nind) or, vindoKkanin. 
 n. V. 1 am lean, poor, thin; 3. p.-*; 
 p. ivcsk..sid. 
 Oskwan, s. the foremo.st part of the 
 arm, (from the fillers up to the 
 elbow;) elbow;— There is always 
 a possessive jironoim i)icri.xed to 
 tins word; as: Aind o/.^wan my 
 elbow; kid vskw-m, thy elbow; cd 
 oskwan, his elbow, etc. 
 Oskwciah, s. vein, pnise; pl.-m. — 
 There is always a possessive pro- 
 noun prefixed to this word; as: 
 Nmd oskweiah, my vein; od oshwe- 
 tab, his vein, eir. 
 Osow, s. his tail; particularly the 
 bone of the tail. 
 Omhiioin. s. S. Jiahnikawin. 
 (h.sitiwi)id,im. S. Wassitawcndam 
 (hso.tsodani, (nind) n. v. I Cough; 3. 
 p. I.; p. w<K..dang. 
 Oiiiii<t<,indunii)/t'in, s. cough, ^ 
 Ofitiwin, s. host. 
 Ofwrd, s. Utawa Indian, ( or Ottowa 
 Indian;) \)\.-g. 
 Otanvg, s. ear;' powder-pan of agun• 
 p!.-(///.— iAV/aw-f/^/, 
 my ear; kita- 
 •n'U(j, thy ear, etc'. 
 Otd/raga, (nind) n. v. I have ears; 
 3. p. I.; \).uxt ncagad. 
 Otawugama,s. car; \)\.-n. 
 ('tiiragaincg, s. a kind of lizard; pl- 
 Ofairakwe, s. Otawa squaw, (or Ot- 
 towa squaw;) pl.-^. 
 Otiwam, (nind) n. v. I speak the 
 Ottowa language ; 3. p.-o ; p. vxt.. 
 Olamamnwin, s. Ottowa languaj^e, 
 Ohui'dirissitnn, (nind) a. v. in. I 
 translate it in the Ottowa langua- 
 ge ; 3. p. od (it.. 
 ■ , , - , P- Wft..t()d. 
 Otawdwi,Hn, u. v. it is in the Otto- 
 wa language; p. wet. .sing. 
 (Itciiiliik, s. root ; Y>\.-an. 
 Otehihikau'i mitig. n. v. 3. p. the tree 
 has roots; p. wii../cid. 
 Ote/iidcepinig, (nind) n. v. T have 
 spasms, of cramps, at the heart ; 
 .3. p.-o ; p. •wet..,)(id, 
 Ot(dug,s. (isher, '(animal ;) [C, pe- 
 can;] ])\.-ag. 
 Otcfiigade/>iniff.(nind) n. v. I have 
 cramps in a leg or in the legs ; 3. 
 1>.-"; p. n-ii..god. 
 Otchiganaig, s. the constellation cal- 
 led "the great bear." 
 Ofrliingiran. s. S. JS'lntchlngwan, 
 Otitingwanigan, s, S, If in tcJdngwa- 
 Ofc/iinikepinig, {ni?id) n, v, I have 
 cramps, or spasms, in my arm : 3. 
 p.-o; p. 9rft. god. 
 0frJunin4lji;dnig,{nind) n. v. I have 
 cramps in my hand; 3. p.-o; p.wi 
 Otchipinig , (nind) n. v. I have 
 (•ram|)s, spasms, convulsions ; 3. 
 p.-o;p. Wet.. god. 
 Olchipinirtoivm, s. cramps, spasms, 
 Otchimc. s. Chippowa Indian ; pl.-^. 
 Otc.hipwi-kitcfuijand, s. thf; ^rcj'it 
 water or sou ot'tho Ohippnvva In- 
 dians, that is, Lala; Superior. 
 Otchipwckwe, 8. Chippewa .squaw • 
 pi.-i7. ' 
 Olildiiwcm. (nind) n. v. I sppak iho 
 Chippewa language ; 3. p.-o ; p. 
 Wft..mod. I 
 Olc/uywonmvin, s. the Chippewa Ian- ' 
 giiai^o. t 
 Okhinvew. {nind) n. v. I am a Ciiip- 1 
 p(nva Indian ; J. p.-,; ; p. wct..n<id. ' 
 Otchipu'eivihii<jan,,». a writintf in the 
 Chippewa IfiMsruagc; jil.-a/t. 
 Ok7i.l'/rc/i-ihi/;c, (nni) n. v. I write 
 in Chippewa ; 3. p. 1. ; p. ivctc/i.'. 
 Otchii>iccwis!ilkhi,(j(idr.,,ov-m.ctiind, ii. 
 V. it is transhited iti the Chippewa' 
 langiiape; p. welch. .dqi, ov-iimgnk. 
 Okhipiveu'i.ina, \\. v. it is' in the C'hip- 
 pevva hangnage ; p. /reL.iuf/. 
 Okhinn'eirimti.ih. liiln.l) a. V. in. I 
 tiansiate it in the Chippewa Ian- 
 gunge; 3.(1. ,idi,t... \ p. wet. .kid. 
 Ok/uskib(,dafjai); a. the bone of his 
 Okh f<ldepini(j, {nind) n. v. I have 
 ciamps in liiy loot or feet; 3. p.-r.) ; 
 p. icet..<jid. 
 Okhitelnu/, {ni/il) n. v. I have a 
 SOP I, 3.' p.-o: p. wet-./fuI. 
 Okh'.khngoniii, s. soul; \'^\.-q. 
 Ok'ukkimjn'anah, {nind) ' n. v. ] 
 ifueol;;}! p.-«; [>. wet.. hid. 
 Okhi'chinijican itidh iw, {„ind) n. v. 
 I stand on my knees, I am kneel- 
 inc:; ;i. p.-j; p. u<(t..wi<l. 
 OtcAifc.'ii n,'/wan Ijfihaivitcm, (nind) a. 
 V. in. 1 am kneeling before it; .'! 
 p. ndot... ; p. Wei. .an;/, 
 Otchitchinrpraniijatiaintawa, {nind 
 a. V. an. 1 stand on mv knees be 
 fore him, I am kneeling belon 
 him; 3. ]>. od i,t..n ; p. wet. .wad. 
 Otch tckin'jwan.n.-ic., {mm) n. v. I fa! 
 down on my knees; 3. p. 1.: p 
 Otchitddnrfwanitn, {nind) n. v. I 
 kneel down; 3. p. l.;p. wed. .tad. 
 Otchitchinijmanitan, {nind.) a. v. in. 
 I kneel duwn before it ; 3. p. ad 
 ot... ; \).wet..an<j. 
 Otehitrkintjwnnitawa, {nind) a. v. an. 
 1 kneel down before him, (any an. 
 obj.) 3. p. od a..Vy \>. wet. .wad. 
 Othitchinfjwanitawin, s, genuflec- 
 Otrtiijwnn, s. his ear, (of a fish.) 
 01 Lj, utiijwMi, roe, egrr.s of fish. 
 I), pron. in. this, this here. 
 On) ! here ! hero it is' 
 Owcismmigimnn^ {nind) a. v. in. 1 
 illuminate it, I light it ; 3. p. od 
 ow...; p. weuK.unr;. 
 O'vihida, {nind) n. v. I have teeth ; 
 3 p.l. ; p. weivihidad. 
 OiHdjilciwCiina, {nind) w. v. an. I 
 have luin for a brother, he is my 
 brother; my friend ; 3. p. 6d (/iv..n ; 
 Oicidjiliu'civdimin, {nind) com. v. 
 we are brothers together; or 
 friends; p. wen'..'lid.ji(f. 
 On'i(ji/vani, {nind) u. v. I have a 
 house; 3. p.-e; p. tvewi/jiwamid, 
 the proprietor of a house, or of the 
 lunise, the hin(llor<l. 
 Omii^ss, {nind ) n. v. I have flesh; 3. 
 p.-^■; p. wewiia.''dd.-K i-nwiiacninq, 
 as one has flesh ; [L. secumlmn 
 Owiiaw._ {nind) n. v. T liave a body ; 
 'i.y.-i; p. iveiriiawid. 
 Oriiu'cino tan, {ni d) n. v. in. I have 
 it in my boily, I have it in mo, it 
 is incorporated to me, it is natural 
 ti) me ; 3. p. t.d idv... ; p. wen..ang, 
 Owikani>idma.{nind) a. v. an'.l have 
 hun for a friend, brother, he is my 
 brother, my friend ; 3. p. U ow..n; 
 p. n>e>o..nia-i. 
 Ou-i':ani.-'.d,ndim,iTi, (nind) com. v, ■ 
 we arc; hrotliers or friends toge- 
 ther; p. wew.didjiij. 
 Otunije, adv. S. Wiiwinge. 
 '/o:nt;cs._ {nini) n. v. S. Wawinget. 
 Otohujtdwin^ s. S. Wawingaima. 
 Some words which are not found under P, may he loohdfor under B, 
 Paiiff, 8. flea; p\.~vaff, 
 Pdhipe, adv. forthwith, immodiatfily. 
 rabtgos, {nin) ii. v. 1 have fleas ; 3. 
 p.-i; p . pch..sid.- Palmjrd animcth, 
 the dog IS full of iletis. 
 Padagivahociijav, s. cover of a kett- 
 le ; pl.-an,. 
 Pada(jua>,aan, (vvi) a. v. U. I cov- 
 *irn.s. ix /.a(l.,.;p.2rd.uin</. 
 radagwavatijadr, m-maqad, ii.'v. it 
 IS covered over with s.'th.; p. ped.. 
 degt or~t?irit!ai: ^ 
 Padaqwanaijjas, (vm) n. v. I am cov- 
 ered oyer with s. th. ; S. v,.~o : p. 
 ped. .sod. ' * 
 Padagivandica, {via) a. v. an. I cov- 
 er him, (a person or any other an. 
 obj.) 3. p. opad..n; X). ped.. wad ; 
 PadagwdniM-iUfi.n, {mn.) n. v. pers. 
 it covers me; 3. p. opad... ; p. ped 
 ,,(j(:d> ^ 
 Padagicanithl-an, (tn,,) o. v. in. I 
 cover him wiili my body; 3. p, o 
 pad... ; Y>.pcd..ang. 
 Padngtvnnishlawa, (nin) a. v. an.. I 
 cover some an. ohj. with my bodv; 
 3. p. ofad..v\ p. pcd..irad. 
 Padatju'(iwa(,i,khim j akaahrc, Uv- 
 esU, n. v. 3. p. the hen, the bird, 
 18 hatching, covering her eggs; p. 
 FadaMuanji, s. woodcock, snipe: 
 Pagaddowan. s. an. ; pl.-off. S. Pa- 
 Pagaddmravak, s. Indian crosiei-, to 
 phiy witli; pl.-ora, 
 Pdgnuddwe, (nin) n. v. I play with 
 crosier and hall, I am playing bail; 
 3. p. 1.; p. paia..tf(d. 
 Pngaadomnvin, s. Indian ball-play, 
 aying with crosier and ball. 
 Pdgaal-(ihoan,s. drum-stick ; pi. -an. 
 I'agahdmru u. v. it is broad daylight; 
 \>. peg.. a rig. 
 P(igaJr?gin,'s. S. Jilinhregini 
 Pc(g(ihfHJi, u. v. it shows plainly, 
 it is plainly visible; p. jic<j..inq. 
 Pagalisi-idon iiin <ii<iiti.nin, {nin.) a. 
 y. in. I express "plainly my speak- 
 ing, to bo easily understood ; p. 
 PagaHtagofi, {nin) n. v, I sprnk 
 plainly,' so as to be well heard. I 
 am well heard; 3.p.-?,- p.}(g...«id. 
 Pagal'itiwa, {nin) a. v. an. I under- 
 stand him plainly, I hear him well; 
 3. p. opag..n. ; y>. p(g..vad, 
 Pagah.wc, {nin) n. v. I speak plain- 
 ly ; 3. p. 1.; Yi. peg. wed. 
 Pafnahcuige, {nin) n. v. I knock 
 with R. th.; 3. p. 1.; \).pcg..gcd. 
 Pa/fa7hiidifi,{ni//)ii. v. I arrive some- 
 where; 3. p.-i; i>.peg..i>id. 
 Pagamdgan, s. club, cudgel; war- 
 chib; pl.-flw. 
 Pagamal-off'C, {nin) n. v. I get hurt 
 in falling: 3. p. l.;\).peg..ud. 
 Paeamdmadjiice, {nin) n. v. I arrive 
 at the summit of a hill or moun- 
 tain; 3. p. 1., p.pcg,.v:(d. 
 n crosier, to 
 Pagamanimad, u. v. tho wind rises, 
 a slrong wind comes on ; p. peg.. 
 Pagamd8h,{nin)r\.\. I arrive sail- 
 ins; ;J- p.-»,- p. peg. .id. 
 Faaamnssin, n. v. it comes or arrives 
 driven by the wind ; p. peg. .ing.— 
 ■aabikwan gi-paqamatinn ; a vessel 
 arrived, (driven by the wind.^ 
 Pagami, in tho beginning of gome 
 verbs filliid.'s to arriohig, coming 
 on. (Kxamplcs in some of the loi- 
 lowing words.) 
 Pagami-aiamcKjad, u. v. it comes to 
 pass, It happens, it arrives : p. pen 
 ..gak. 1 I 1 J 
 Pagamihato, (nin) n. v. I arrive run- 
 nmg; 3. p. 1. ; p.pr,g..fod. 
 Pagamihism, n. v. the rnin is com- 
 ing ; p. pcg...'is;g. 
 PagaminkJca, («■«') n. v. I arrive, Ton 
 loot or in a canon, by land or bv 
 water;) 3. p. \. ; \>. prr/..JMd. 
 Pagarmshha. m-mngadlu. v. it com- 
 es on. it arrives ; p. peq..kag, or- 
 maijak. ' 
 Pagainin/ikagoii, {nin,) pnrs. v. it 
 comes upon mn, it happens to me: 
 3. p. pug...; p. peg:..q,)d. 
 Pagamu/ikawa, {/imj' a v. an. I 
 come upon him; 3. p. opaq..n: p. 
 pes;.. Wad. '' ' 
 Pagamissp, u. v. S. PagamiMa. 
 Pagan, s. an. nut, walnut; hazelnut; 
 pi. -ag. 
 Paganah, s. an; pi. -wag. S. Paqdn. ' 
 Paganaknmij, s. a kind' of walnut- 1 
 tree; [C. noyer tendro.] pi. -in. 
 Paffunakomm, s. an., pi. -aq. S 
 Pagd'ndis,{nin.)n,v. I do nothing, 
 I am good for notliina:, I can make 
 nothing, I know no work; 3. p. -f 
 p. peg.. s id. ' 
 Pagdndjihve, s. a woman that 
 knows no work and does not 
 work; pi. -g. 
 Pagdndjinini, s. a good-for-nothind 
 fellow, who knows no work ang 
 does nothintr; pi. -waq. 
 Pagdnimi), s. hazel; pl.'-w. 
 Pagaskajewa, {nin) a. v. aa. I strike 
 him on the bare skin: 3. n. o 
 ]^ag^-n; p. ptg..wad) imp. jdo^o*. 
 P'lgetsariy s. an. plum; pi. ~„a 
 J>igi>^sa>nm,n, s. S. Pagissan. 
 1 ^'■geB.animinagawanj, s. a/i.' plum- 
 tree; pi. -t^. ^ 
 Pogu^^e, {nin.) n. v. I play the dish 
 pame,( ndinngame;) [C. je joue 
 aupla.g.l.p.i.;p.^;/„J_ •> 
 r'agetseivm, s dish-game 
 Payiddhan, s. line with many hooks 
 on, to catch fish; pi. -an. 
 Pagu/dia, {nin) n. v. I set a line 
 Willi hooks, to catch fish; 3. p. 1.; 
 P- reg..hid. ^ ^ 
 PagiUanam, Iniu) n. v. I breathe, 
 1 take respiration; I sigh; 3. p. -o 
 p. pcg..imid. ' 
 Pagidanummuin, s. breath, respir- 
 ation, sigh. ^ 
 Pimdamljige, {nin) n. v. I abstain 
 Irom eating, I last; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 pcg..ged. ' ' ^ 
 Pagidandjigewin, s. privation of eat- 
 iiig, ab.stmence, fasting. 
 Pagidawa, (nin) n. v. 1 set a net or 
 nets,tooatchlish;3.p. l.;p.^,^.. 
 Pag.'dawaassah, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 set a net; 3. p. o pag..n; p. pegida- 
 Pagidawiwin. s. fishiiiof.ground- IF 
 endroit de pcche;J pf. -a«.-Bfite 
 giisc Bay. 
 Pagidawiwining, s. at, to, from Bfite 
 grise Bay, Lake Superior. 
 Pagidamtwinini, s. a man that seta 
 nets, fisherman; p|. -wag. 
 Pai,idindaK,:H, {nin) n. v. 'i am cons- 
 idered free, I am free, I am 
 released; 3 p.-/; p. prg..nl. 
 1 agidtndainnoa, {nin) a. v. an I 
 give it to him; I bring him a" sacri- 
 hco; ;]. p. opag..n; p. pcff..n>ad. 
 1 agtatndamouin, a. giving, sacri- 
 lice; renunciation; burial.'funeral. 
 i'dgidii/idan, {nin) a. v. in. I give it 
 away, I sacrilice it, offer it; I 
 renounce to it, cede it, reject it, 
 1 let It goi 3. p. upag...f p. peg.. 
 Pa^ife'nima. (nin) n. v, an. \ Rivn 
 him (ivvnv, I nacuficd Inm, olt'rr 
 hiiii; I n'lUHinci' him, I crdn Inin, 
 ri'jfct Inm; I Iniry liiiii; A. p. o 
 pi;i..n; p. /i^^/..in(i(l. 
 Pittiiilinhiili,, {>ii„) r. v. I nnrrifico 
 "uscll; I ixwc mysfir up to hdiiic- 
 l)ii<lv, or tor stimr piirposii, I put 
 my-si'H Ml tlu! povvor ol...; ;i. p. . «; 
 p. vo/..si)i/. 
 Pai,i/ii,n, [nin) n v. an. I IpI him 
 Ro. rcltMsc hint, I pcrmif, l)in\ to 
 «io H. 111., or til jji) Hoincwlicrc; I 
 liolray him; also, I sdw il, 1 plant 
 it, {a/i. ol)j,) ;i. i>. o i>aij,.n\ p. 
 Pa<jiiHninnailiii{iiin) r. v. I jrivo or 
 suorilii'o s. ih. to mysoll, to my I 
 ndyiimaui-;:!. p. -„; p. f>^,/..s,d. 1 
 Pa(/i(/<i/n(in:n/if.oii, {//*'») ii". v. in. 1 | 
 Rivii II or sacrilic(! it to inyscll; ;{. I 
 p- o )ia,r..,; |>. ie<j..nid. j 
 Paijiili iii'i\ulh<iiian, {nin) a. v. an. \ 
 1 u'iV(> to oiyscll or sarrilico to my ' 
 advaiitasjo some an. ol)).; 3. p. « ' 
 J'"."-' ; I'- /' f/..w. ^ V. Coiij.) 
 Pagitli laniitijf, (nm) n. v. | t^ivp, I 
 dolivcr, r8.icii(i.!o to soiiit'bodv: 
 3. p.l.; p. pcij-.tjcl. 
 Pafjtdinini,i:ra.\'i,in.) n. v. an. \ \i\\(>. 
 or (iolivcr it to him. I cimIp it to 
 him; I p.Miiiit u to him; :j. p. ,; 
 pa(i..u\ p. />r<i. H'ttil. 
 Patjidifian. {n'iii ) a. v. in. I lot it go 
 (trom mv hiuuis.) I roioa.so it, I 
 giv(^ It np, I ilp.sist from il; also, I 
 sow 11; ;). p. „r,i;i...\ \\.ieo.Mnij. 
 Pagtdiiia tciv dd>, i,indi^\d.\nin) [ 
 Ri>i< iiiin lil)frly, 1 omaiicipato 
 him I 
 Pa{)i<Hnviuh\ or -niariad. ii, v. it is ' 
 given awav; it is' sacrilicoii; p. i 
 feo.iloi. or -nutihth I 
 Pagilini.Ktn. s. iri'ii; saciifico, otTor- 
 iiiij. ( ill. ol)j.) |)|. -(,«. I 
 Pagvlinijui.. s. <(/^ ^iCt; sacrilico, ' 
 ofteriiiij. («w. olij. 1 |,|. _rtj.^, I 
 Paffidi/ii/a<, { ni'i ) ii. v. 1 am given 
 !>• -o; p 
 away, I am sacrilijod; 3. 
 pe;j. ..<«/. 
 Pagiliiiji, {nin) n. v. I give, I 
 •acnticc;, 1 bring or make aii otlbr- 
 I inff, a sjirrifico, I immolate; nl«o, 
 I I now. I plant; 3. p. \.\y pr,j..gtd. 
 I Uijtiliniijtinlopiruin. H. iillar. 
 J'ai/i'/inii/tii'in, h. Hai-iillcinK, nncrif. 
 i('<|, olh'riiiK-, immoliilioii. 
 Pi{/i(int</t'wini{;in, h. plarn vvhoro 
 a Nucniicc! la made, nltar, Nacrif. 
 ifiiitr ultar. in ihr Old r<'.stam«'nt. 
 I ui/ii/inii/tirinnii, h. a man ihat 
 piMlorma Hacrilici-s, Hacriliccr- 
 Jewish priCHt ill iho Old '|'«<.staiii.' 
 (Mil; pi. ~irn(j. 
 Paijil nimtin. «, tlic qnantily of 
 wood that is |iut in I In- lire; at ono 
 Unw.--Mii(io piujiiiiiinidn, nijo 
 pniitilinhmn, tii^m i',f,ii Ihiii-inin 
 iVi-.; wood fiioiijili to 'put in the 
 lire onco, twice, tlueo Ikiich, iVr. 
 Paiiidhi-inH,). (nin) ii. v. 1 put wood 
 111 the lire to keep up ihn lire; J. p 
 1 .; p. /if(i..nnl. ' ■ 
 Pa,ri.ijia,\nin,) a. v. an. S. Paai- 
 dm a. •' 
 Pa>iUjinia.{nin) n. v. I nin frco, 
 1 ain loose, released; 3. p. I.; p. 
 rc<j..iad.— nchcjui.iuinji /itt/fi/ji'. 
 ani. tilt! horse is lo(;8c, not tied. 
 Puijid IdiniinanijantHiiutn, (am ) a. v. 
 an. I lav inm im my .sIioiiI(I<t an(i 
 J'(i<ji',,i/an, 8. in. & an. S. J'aaiJi. 
 Pa><i'ju/e, (nin.i) ti. v. S. Paaidi 
 1 n(/c. 
 j Paiiidjigi-ailopowin, s, S- Paaidi- 
 ' Pamdj/.'.'n'in. s. S. Paqidini'innn. 
 1 u;iulji,j,ictni.{'an, a. a. Pa<jid,uiae. 
 I ■inniAan. '' 
 ' Panidjiifcwinini, s. S. Paailinlje- 
 Paijidjiniije., (ni/id) n. v. I put down 
 a load 1 carried on my slioulder: 
 3. p. l.j p./W..f/«A 
 Pu(;i''Jt/iin:/Ji(awa, inin) or nin pa- 
 (liiiin/jitaiva, a. v. an. Ahj. I la/ 
 my hand or iiands upon hi'in; 3. p, 
 o p'vj..n\ p. pe(j..wad. 
 Pa<jidjiiK'tawn, („in) a. V. an. J como 
 upon Imn; 3. p. opag..n: p. »,«.. 
 / <i,Mi%w,m,m, H. Ht<)|,|,i„^ or tvnUua. 
 piMco iiin|-()it,'i|<(., wIkm.) tiMM.nrk 
 is).ii1.Iuwm;|C. ,,urt„.,j,|, \,^ 
 !i I'fiolv I ciirrKul on my lm(;k: ;) 
 !•■ !•; p. fiiij.tKil. 
 I'iiijii/Jwihin'n, (niii) n. v. an. I lot 
 li'H'KONii.Mcnly; X [>. oj>„,/..n; u. 
 /'>i/..;ui('. ' ' 
 l'(;/i(/J>rr/>iuan, (niu) a, v. in. \ let 
 /'(</. .fill,/. ' '' ' > 
 l\i,lhliiiii(i, (mil) „. V. o/i. I pill l,j,„ 
 •"■•vti, (carryini,' liiiii oi, ii.y Imrk) 
 hiiH<l<iiuiaii, (///,/),,. v,//t. I ,„„,,„., 
 imciv .lovvti (Iroiii i„y hnck ); ;i p' 
 "/"".'■■■; V- /n-i,..un</. 
 l''i'nsAiiin)ii. V. I hatli,.; ;i. „ ,,. 
 l'(i(Hsiiui,j(,a, [u.u) II. V, |)orw, i( 
 n'l<':iN<!s IMC, u |,.tH mo go; ;). p „ 
 /'",'/••■; \t. /)((/. .1/0(1. 
 l''i,iisik<iii, (/(///,') u. V. m. I !,.(, it ^,„ 
 1 Id il. ccmin iip, ( wliiiii 1 IkkI k.M)t 
 iul..wn;)y. p. ,>;,«,/...;,, .,.„^/ 
 la.jisikaim, (mu) a. v, mm. 1 |ut j,ii„ 
 ;="• ''■' '"'" ,':'>'"<' ii|), (when 1 
 tiad li<"-|'t JV""'"wn;);j. p.r^wa,-.;^. 
 \>- l>r(j..ii'(i(l. "^ ' 
 l'iUi:xoin,jaiii!(i, s. Imtluii^r.house. 
 Imlli; pi. o;/,. 
 I'aniMiwimakak, h. I)atliing.tiil»: nl 
 !'ii<j/'siiir/ii, s. hatliirifr. 
 I',u/i,mh, {nm) n. v. S. Julikatawah. 
 I'li'jiir, H. (/«. C;!. S. yVytw;. 
 J'wjiimilmiii.a, (/*/-«) a. v. a7j. I lo^k 
 lit iiiiu wiMi till) liope that he will 
 givo me Ronuahiiifr, (whi.-n Ik. is 
 enliM),', couuluiK money, iStc, j 3 i) 
 "/'<",/■■" i [>■ pi'/f..Tnad. 
 l\vjoW,h,,ii,ie, {nin) n. v. I h)ok on 
 with till) hope oi obtaining 'A th ■ 
 •'f-p. I.; p. ii,tj..(jr.,l. '' 
 I'minsKctulaijimldiiu) n. v. I am des- 
 iniblc, i am considered wortJi to 
 liedesire.l;3. p. -i,-p.^,<y...,^/, 
 J Ui/ossciir/amimi, n. y. it is d(;sirablo 
 it IS worth asking, it is considered 
 worth to ho asked and hoped for- 
 V./ie<j..ivak. ' 
 '"•!'••. I hope;. -J. p. I.; p. ^,,^_ 
 / aMn</,,,,,ou'i,,, M. a«klTijf, rcgusnt 
 I't'lition; hope. «.'«.4ubiii, 
 I'iujmHhulnn, ( n«n) a. v. in. 1 ask (jr 
 l""y (or it; I hope lor it; y. p. « 
 I'iHfmin,(ji\,,, (nin) n. v. 1 be» 
 mav. iiMk- I,.,..,. »■ . ■ "'*' 
 ■> •*• !'■ J.; [>-peij. 
 I""y, auk; liupt 
 l'<iKnM,hiim,(nin) n. v.; J, p. .^. 
 1><V-»i<hI. S. I'am,mit,[am 
 I (i<i<»x(hiiina, (nui) n. v. a« . „,„ 
 hin. ;or N. th. with coniidence, 
 v^ '• »'<>|.f; y. p. opnff..n; p. jp^y,.' 
 l'<iijir,i,lakami<j, ndv. in the desert 
 '" lli»i wildenieNS. ««seri, 
 P<ii/wudakamlyawan,, u. v. there .« 
 " ^vilderncNN, a d„„„rt ; „. ' 
 J'aOiiHhlamun h. wild dog, « do^ that 
 "•maiiiNralhermthe woodH th„, 
 about Iiouhch; p|. ,,,/. 
 ''/;/"W/.u.!v .somewhere in a des. 
 J'<yr.,Jj.aian, h. wild animal, not 
 "■'"■••al .Stat.,; an, a wild fniit-tree, 
 a wildj.olato, etc.;p|.-./. 
 / yrnaj-au, „. a„y ,>,. „i^j ^„ j,^ 
 "atural state: as, herb« and plants, 
 etc.; p|.-« 
 wild horse: 
 wild sinuiJ 
 1 1', cheval marron ;) pj...-, 
 / a^nuuljUmnukadissL s. w 
 snail ; p|.--^. 
 J'uiiwnJj.ihwr «. wild woman, living 
 111 the woods, in the wilderness 
 Va,jwiulji.kohmh, .s. wild boar; d1 
 Pitywddn-inanishtanuh, s. wild iroat 
 (on tf.eiiocky Mountains, etc ;,' 
 PaguHidji-misisHi, s. wild turkev • 
 pl.-gr, ^ ' 
 Pa<jmhln-iniU<j,^. wild tree; pl.-w 
 .1 aduuidj-inini, s. wild man, livin/'in 
 the wilderness; pi,- vray. 
 Pa^taki4h, o\ mii^iut, n, v. S. /'/tj;- 
 raf/M<an4, ndv. by henrt ; nt rnndoin, 
 Ml n |{iioiiNiiiK iniuu)i<r ; witlioiil 
 knowing or nm'iiiK. 
 Pa^pana nin dthiirtam, I hdipvc 
 without HtMiiii);. 
 Va^rana m»'/i./ »7t7, I nny it withotit 
 knowing it well. 
 fagwana nin miwunian, I Riirnn, I 
 /•<jj/«'rf«ttM'fl«/M, (w»») II. V. H. /'rt(A- 
 ra^i'iina»it,(fiin ) ii. v. I nni nnril- 
 iioiitod, I lun 1^11(11 mil, I mn in a 
 Willi nntinnl NtiUn, unliitort'il ; :». 
 p. -I ; p. iu^..itid, 
 Vagivanairmwvi , iHvjuannwnditiirin, 
 •. iRnomnce, wiid nntiiritl Htnic, 
 ■nviiKo life. 
 V(Hm'anawdon, {ninAn. v. in. I don't 
 know how to nmk(< ii, or how t«> 
 do; 3. j>. jifj^... ; p. ]<fo..totl. 
 Pa^raritan, (fitn) a. v. in. I pierce 
 It, 1 boro it throiiKh, Imiikc a IidU' 
 in It ; '.]. p. o iH)g .. ; p. prtj..iiiui. 
 Pa^panthuion, {nin) a. ' v. in. I 
 piorce it with my linger ; 3. p. o 
 fHtf... ; 11. I'Cil.diHl. 
 V<sflwunH>itchiyf, {nin) n. v ] borr, 
 I make a hole; 3. p. I.; p. pe,j.. 
 Pagipanigaujan, ». S. I'agiranh'gnn. 
 Pai;uiantU/ati/f,{nin) n. v. S. Pag- 
 Payivaneiit, OT-magiid, u. v. it is ppr- 
 ioratrd, there is a hole in ; yt.peg.. 
 tag, OT-fn<i^tik. 
 PagxpanHalUa, or magad, n. v. 
 there 18 n hi>le in a rook ; yt.ptg.. 
 hag, ox-magak. 
 Pagifafifidl,i<ir, or magad, n. v. ihere 
 is a bole burnt in it or through it ; 
 p. prg..dc(i. or magal\ 
 PagwaiuialUan. y'ntn) n. v. in. I 
 burn It through, or I burn n hole 
 in it ; 3. p. i> p(i,k'...; i\ fteg.ong. 
 Poffivannjii^i, n. v. 3. p. a liole ih 
 burnt ill it or throuKh it, (a';, obj.) 
 p. fi-g.-scxi. 
 Pafii'dnHiikifivn, {nin) a, v. an, | 
 hum a holr^ in iionican.ubj. \opau 
 n ; p. }>rg..ii'ad. 
 Pagiiuiui'igan, n. a tool to iiinkA n 
 hole or hiorliHo with, n (IuhhI; pi. 
 PtiguanHgt, {ntn)\\. v. I nnikn a huln 
 a inorllNe ; 3. p. I., \< />fg..gtd. ' 
 I'ligHiini' JogignininiiN, ii, v. i||pri< 
 are holen or openiiif(N iii thn icn m, 
 the lake ; p. pfgiiang. 
 /'i/j/vro/H/t, {nin ) n. v. I hnvn a lioli. 
 in holeH in Noiiin limb or liiiibi m 
 my I'ody ; 3. p. i ; p. firg..xid. 
 I'iiguaiHuhkn, or utaginl, ii. v. n Imi, 
 n' hole. It Miorii, ii'i.n piereed, u ,« 
 perloraled ; (_b veNlnieiil, n ^||,M-, 
 or any other i«. obj.) p. jrg.hJ 
 J'iiKW<uH.slil,an, (niii) a. v. in. I 
 wear il out, 1 wear a hole m u, 
 (sarmenl, Hho(>, boot ;) 1 pierce n\ 
 liore It throufjh, pinloruli) it ; j. p, 
 /'<ig,.: p. /'fg..ang. 
 J'iigwinK.slduim, {h/ii) a. v. an. 1 
 wear out, 1 punce or perldiali', 
 «onie tin. ol)J,;3. V.opag..nH).peg.' 
 Pagu'itni'fsidon, {nin) a. v. in. S, 
 J'afinani'Htin, ii. v. S. Pagiraniithli.iy 
 r<i(/irant'tr<i, {nin) a. v. an. 1 pmrco 
 or perlorato Hoino an. oi)j.; 3. p. „ 
 J'lig.n; p. j'cg.wadi imp. pug- 
 I'agwanoma, {nin) a. v. an. I spnak 
 01 him in Iii8 al)Hencp, 1 Hppak ill 
 ot him, I backbite him ; 3. p, g 
 jmg,.u\ p. peg. mad. 
 Pagitnuumdan, { nin ) a v. in. I speiik 
 ol s. th. when absent (roni il, 1 
 backbite it ; 3. p. i>pag...\ ^. prg.. 
 Pagwanongty {nin) n. v. 1 backbite ; 
 3. p. 1.; \).i>cg..gfd. 
 PagwanoKhka, ox-vutgad. u. v. it is 
 notched, small hollows arc cut in; 
 \f. prg.kag.or-mnank. 
 PagicanoMan, {mn) a. v. in. 1 
 notch it, I cut Htnall hollows in; 
 3. p. opug...; \). />ej^..aug. 
 Pagu'aiu>s/U(awa,{ntn) a. 
 V. an. 1 
 ''"f '!","'""». inm) n. V. I |ui,.„ 
 "K'tllliV. .n.|.rrc..|VP.I ; 3 p • . , ' 
 prir-iiii;/. I • '•» r- 
 'V"""""'/?' ("»■") a. V, an. I honr 
 "•'• «|n.ltl,v. u,.,,.rr,nv,.d b I,"" 
 '7''". "r (or oihrr thinK^ 3 
 "'•"'■• ''"■' "if I'HraNitc, I nmn 
 ti<-<! (•( a parjiNKn. ' 
 /W.^/"«.'(m«)«. V. /». I„„o i, 
 1 rrqinro it (o ^ivo i„„ h. th ) J 
 I'nvolhn profit. , I, t ;:«.,,. „ ♦j^^;/ 
 fl^llH'^'h I liavo a pond prolii of that 
 '"M'.a.iv. abovn,ov..r;(ovoran- 
 otluT person or thing.) 
 t ajuln-ijw.iM-wanndan, Uin) a v 
 •"• ' .l'!"'l> over it ; 3. ,.. o paj ■ 
 Pajiiiji-uwaiik-wnnodnwa, (nin) a 
 V. a«. Ijntnpovcr Home ««. obj • 
 '*^ir;i«'J:"'"^'' '••'^VW-/, K«,ter 
 raHnl-,ra.„,oan. .. hn,..„ o„ ; p,. 
 J'iihi,ilript\, n. cork • linn' ^\ • 
 Piihuihrru'iffnmijt, „ »,-„ . 
 ,l';H.I(ryW..,,,m./,,.nroo.. ^"""'•• 
 „, ' '•; V- I'<nu..wt,i. """'• 
 '■"Vfr liiin • '1 I. ■ / *• ^*- J "n. 
 ;w. """"'• '••"^'«'f-«; p. /ai«.. 
 "r inynnlf; ;) ,, ,,!',, ^Z "ncov. 
 (iHir; ;\r7 ;,''r"";'^<j" 
 y ryo" nr* 
 --.... J. ....,, w,^, Ndiiie an. obi 
 I'ajKjwadtndam, (nin) ii. v. I pcrsiHt 
 »UM)n my opinion or thouKhtValBo 
 I nitend to nuiiie haste : 3 r, i ' 
 p. paioj.Mmj. ' • 1- '■ , 
 Pajujwadu, ^nin) n. v. I persist 1 
 Per«ev,.re ; also, 1 ,nake has e ' 
 "xtron.rly |e„, .'r i ' ' "'" 
 •"-f 'M.t ti^e li :t\ rr;'^ 
 W. ' ''• *i V-2>ik.. 
 ' '--w plan iTr, n '/ ' '"'T"' 
 ""•■o Iknov; it for JrtaTn it " 
 / n/ca/rotian, (ntii) n v v« t 
 r<dahmi^ade, or-^agad, ,, y it i- 
 Pdkukoshka, or-magad, u. v. U i» 
 * /I 
 open, it is opened ; p. paia..Jcag, or 
 Pakdkoshlcan, (nin) a. v. in. I open 
 it, (especially a door;) 3. p. opak...; 
 p. ^aia..anff. 
 Pdkakossin, u. v. it is open ; p.paia.. 
 Fakdkwaan, s. shield, buckler ; pl.- 
 Fdkatawaby {nin) n. v. I open my 
 eyes; 3. p.-e; p. paia..hid. 
 Pukatch, adv. absolutely, resolvedly, 
 expressly, once. 
 Fdkawdn, u. v. the fog disappears ; 
 Pahisiwin, s. limb ; [F. membre ;] 
 PakihMon, {nin) a. v. in. I tear it, 
 break it, (a string, cord, etc.) 3. p. 
 opak...; p.pek..dod.-^'ThG freq. v. 
 ot it is : iVtn papakibidon, 1 tear 
 it to pieces. 
 Pakihina, {ni?i) a. v. an. I tear some 
 an. obj. {senih-d, ribbon;) 3. p. o 
 pak..-n; p. pek..nad.— The freq. v. 
 of it is: iYm papakiMna, 1 tear it 
 to pieces. 
 Pakihinindjibina, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 dislocate or sprain his hand by 
 jmlling; 3. p. o pak..n; p. paia.. 
 Pakibode, OT-magad, v., v. it breaks 
 by rubbing, (thread, cord, etc.) p. 
 pek.uleg, oi-magak. 
 Pakihodon, {nin) a. v. in. I tear or 
 break it by rubbing,! rub it through, 
 (cord, string, etc.) 3. p. o pak.,.; 
 PakibiMa, {nir.) a. v. an. I tear or 
 break some a stuff' by rubbing, 
 {seniba, ribbon, silk;) 3. p. o pak...; 
 p. pek..'nad. 
 Pakiboso, n. v. 3, p. it breaks oy rub- 
 bing, (an. obj. seniba, ribbon, 
 nujshwe, handkerchief;) p. pek.. 
 Pakidadjiwe, {nin) n. v. I pass a 
 mountain, I am over it on the 
 other side; 3. p. 1.; p. pek..wed. 
 Pak'idonemagad, n. v. it opens its 
 mouth; p. paia..go.k. — Aki gi-paki- 
 donemagad, the earth opened its 
 Pdkidonen, {nin) n. v. I open rny 
 mouth; 3. p.-(; \). pa'ia..nid. 
 Pukidimena, {nin) a. v. un. I open 
 his mouth; 3. p. opak..n; p. paia.. 
 Pakidonetawu,{nin) a. v. an- I open 
 my mouth to him; 3. p. o j>ak..ni 
 p. paia.. wad. — kinawa Korin- 
 thing endanakiieg, ki-pakidoneta- 
 gom! ye Corinthians, our moutn 
 is open unto you I 
 Pakigadeiina, {nin) a. v. an. I dis- 
 locate his leg by pulling; 3. p. o 
 :^' '• ; p. paia. .nad. 
 1 ' m madnaigan, {nin) a. v. 
 in. i open a book, a letter, or any 
 other lolded paper; 3. p. o poJc..., 
 p. paia..ang. 
 Pakindge, {nin) n. v. I surpass peo- 
 ple, 1 excel, I gain the advantage 
 over others; 3. p. 1.; p. pekina- 
 Pdkinamawa, {nin) a. v. a7i. I open 
 it to him; 3. p. o pak..n\ p. paia,. 
 Pdkinan, {nin) a. v. in. I open it; 3. 
 p. pak...; p.paidkinang. 
 Pakinastahi, {nin) n. v. I break or 
 tearanet; 3. p. 1.; t^. pck^.bid. 
 Paki'iuvwa, {nin) a. v. an. 1 surpass 
 b' I beat him; 3. p. o pak. .71; p. 
 pt .wad. 
 Pdkindcnan, {nin) a. v. in. I open 
 or lift the door of a lodge; 3. p. 
 pak...; Y>- 2J<^'^"'--'i^i</- 
 Pdkingwen, {nin) n. v. my face is ' 
 uncovered; 3. p.-/; p. paia..nid. 
 Pukingicenidis, {nin) r. v. 1 un- 
 cover my face; 3. p.-o; p. paia.. 
 Pdkinigade, oi-7nagad, u. v. it is 
 opened, (the door of a lodge;) p. 
 Pakinwaais, {nin) r. v. I ruin my- 
 self; 3. p.-o; p. paia..8'jd. 
 Pakimginebina, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 break his shoulder-blade; 3. p. 
 pak..n\ p. 2Jek.,ang. 
 Pukishka, ox-magad, u. v. it breaks, 
 (string, rope, etc.-) it opens- v 
 ^'teS"rn ^l''"'^ ^- "■ ''^- I break it, 
 team, (astnng,etc.)3.p.o2>a.i • 
 PakisideUna, (nin) «. v. a«. I sorain 
 open a .arrel or.a Uoien Jo? 3' 
 P- »Fa'c..., i}.patal:.ang. 
 Pakme, ox~magad, u. v. it breaks 
 open, p.paiaL.s^g, or~maqak 
 Paktssin, u. v it is nt^on ;* 
 p.^aeakw.''' °P«"' " opens, - 
 Pakissitaniawn, (ni7i) a. v. an. I open 
 or uncover it to him; 3. p.ovak f- 
 PdUssitc/dgade, ar~magad, u. v it is 
 Paktssiton, {nin) a. v. in. I open it- 
 PakiUaKoshima, {nin) a. v. an I 
 throw down some ««. obi. on a 
 rock ox log- I knock hini down 
 throw h..m down; 3. p. mk n- 
 PakiUoshimigmL {nin) a. v. oers 
 It throws me down; 3. p. ^ pl^?": 
 p. pck..god.-Akonwm nin gipakl 
 ioir"^"^' ^ '^"^""'^ threw me 
 Pakitean, {nin) a. v. in. I strike it 
 I ahteiammad, u. v. there is a sud 
 den squall of wind; p. ^,;t..ir 
 Pahteiamn, u. v. the wind strikes 
 something; p.pek..ing. 
 PaUtHgade, or~magad, u.v. it is bea- 
 PakiUigan, s. hammer; pl.-aw. 
 Pahtetgas, {nin) n. v. Tarn beaten: 
 3.p.-o; p.pek..sod. ' 
 Vnf i^^'o^"'"^ "' ^- I strike, beat, 
 knock; 3. p. 1.; p. ^^^.^^^/ ' 
 SferS w'' ^,«t"king, knocking. 
 Sf n^'"''^'-/-^ strike my- 
 self, 3. p.-o; p.pek..sod. 
 ^'Sn?«r'.M^^-'^'^- J strike 
 /'«l!v 'J ^''V^'' '^'s child. ' 
 rakiteoHhima, {nin) a. v. «». I throir 
 p " .'r"' ^ ^"fk hi^dowSra 
 rakzteoindon, {nin) a. v. iw I thrnw 
 H down, knock it down-V n 
 Jf^-; p. pek..d„d. '"^- P-" 
 hj^fall, .. p. o^a^...^;p.^,^.. 
 him wit. my shoulders; 3. p. 
 J>(ilc..n; v.pek.Mad. ' • P- « 
 Pakojuhib, s. a duck when it hP 
 comes so fat that it cannorflyjpu 
 P«^^. (./.,) a. V. a;,. I flay or skin 
 •*• P- i^-; 1>. pekontged. 
 Pakwanagemak, s. «;». red pine; pi.- 
 Paku'dndihejwa, {nin) a. v. an I 
 sca^ph^ni I take oif his perTcra! 
 fmr. : ^' P' ^.f^^-w; V.pek. wad: 
 ^mp-pakwandibe;wl ' 
 ffiT"'^' i- ^ ^'■^^ with its roots, 
 (thrown down by the wind;) pi - 
 in. '' " 
 Pakwanimitig, n. v. 3. p. the bark 
 of the tree can be taLn off; p 
 pekwanid. ' ' ^ 
 Pf^'^ddka or-magad, (pron.^aid^i- 
 Patwatchikmagishka, or-magad, u. 
 V- &. I'akwastka. 
 Pakw^amo 9. a kind of wood-pecker; 
 Pakw^hidan, {nin) a. v. ,«. I break 
 doU.-The freq. varb of it, nin 
 papahw^hi/fim, siprniCiPs, T bronk it 
 in st'vernl pieces. 
 Pal-wehigad , u. v. it is tiirbiti, (any 
 liquid; p. prl\.(jak. 
 jPahvehM/aiiii wihi, n. v. the water is 
 turbid, not clear; p. pd-..mNj. 
 Pahuwhi<iammi<l(i», [iiin) a. v. in. 
 I make it turbid, (any liquid;) 3. 
 y), opal'...; \), jiek..(iod. 
 Pakwi'hlna, {nin) a, v. an, I brf*ak 
 off a piece of some ait. ob.; ;j','p. 
 fal-..n\ p. pd:.)i<u/. — Tiie frtUf. 
 verb of it, nui/iapak-ivrbinn, signi- 
 fies, I break it iii several jiieccs. 
 Pakiveoann mitiij, {nin) a. v. /v/. 1 
 broaiv oil' a piece of tliat wood; 3. 
 p. pal-...; p. pek..an(j. 
 Pakwei/d/ra miiHj,{mn) a. v, an. i 
 'break oH' a jjiece of that wood, 
 (««..) 3. p. imlcn; p. pel:. /cad; 
 imp. pal/regCi. 
 Pahvijan, {nin) a. v. i'/i. 1 cut it. 
 1 cut a piece ofT from it; 3. p. o 
 pnk...; [). p<'l-..amj. 
 Pdkivejhian, s. an. br^ad; flour. — 
 When'tbe Indians first saw white 
 people cutting pieces olV from a 
 loaf a bread, they called the bread 
 pahiocji^an, that is to say, a tliUuj 
 from which pieces are cut off. S'. 
 Pakweji</anah<>, s. flour-pap ; [F. 
 boui'lie; 111. mozhnik.) 
 Pakwfjujanashk, s. straw, or stalk 
 of wheat; also, wheat, (improper 
 bS) pl.-'W. — S. Pakwejiyanimin. 
 Pakwejiganikan s. oven for baking 
 bread; pl.-an. 
 PaJiivejiganikQ, {nin) n. v. I bake, 
 I make bread, cakes, etc.; 3. p. 
 .\ 1.; p. pek..ked. 
 PakwpJKjanikeicigamfij, s. bakery, 
 bake-hons(>; pl.-//«. 
 Pakwcji<jnnikcu<in. s. i)aking, making 
 bread, etc.; trade or occupation 
 of a baker. 
 Pahv<j iijan ikctf inini. s. a man that 
 makes bread, baker; \)\.-wag. 
 Pakwcjujanimin, s. an. a grain of 
 wheal; pi. paknyiganinwmj, 
 wheat.— This word is often used 
 in thi^ .liminutive, pakwijiqanimi- 
 Hcn.s', pi. (I,/. 
 rakircjitjiinimij,ii. tlour-bag; pi. ff;?. 
 I'ahcvjujain; s. an. dim. a .sni:ill 
 bread, biscuit, cake, cracker; pi. 
 rnh(\ii(je, (nin) n. v. 1 cut oil ;t 
 pi.'co. or pi.-ces; 3. p. I. ; p. /-e/fc.. 
 yed.—vumx this word is derived 
 pakwejijan, i)read; which see. 
 PakirtJ(,(h'irin, s. circuincisiun; al.so, 
 PakwrJ/ra.(nin'\ n. v. an. I out off 
 a piece from some an. obj.; I cir- 
 cumcise him; also, I geld him. 
 castrate him; 3. p. o puk..n; p. 
 nek .wad; \m\t. 2)akwejn'i. 
 Pakwebitrhigan, s. an,', potato-germ. 
 [jotato-bud; |)l.-(^/. 
 Pakn'ima. {nin) a." v. an. 1 bite ofl' 
 piece from sotiu; an. obi.; 3. p. 
 - ak.^.n; p. pek..mnd.—PakwcJi. 
 (jan ninpaktrema; asseman o pah 
 weman. I »>ite olFa piece of bread; 
 lie lutes crt' a piece of tobacco. 
 Pakiciindan, {nih) a. v. in. I bite off 
 a piece from if; 3. p. o pak...\\i. 
 p>'k..ang. [111. odgrisnem.] 
 Piikwe/uiji<je,(ntn) n. v. I bite olT; 
 3. p. I.; p. pek..(icd. 
 Pakw^nc^w. \. there is smoke; p. 
 Pahcencs'saton, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 cense it, or incense it; 3. p. o pak 
 ...; p. pck..tod. 
 Pahccnessatawa. {n/'n) a. v. aii. I 
 cense him, or incense him; 3. p. o 
 pak..Ji;\). pek..wad. 
 Pahcinessatchigan, s. censer, incen- 
 sory; \i\.-'Un. 
 Pakwenessatc/iige, [nin) n. v. I in- 
 cense with a censer; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 pek. .ged. 
 Pakwinihi{nin)n. v. lam choked 
 by !,wallowing water; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 pek. .hid. 
 Pakwenishkag, {nin) n. v. I am 
 choked by eatings, th.; 3. p.-o; p. 
 pek.. god. 
 Pakiceni.shkagon, {rin) a. v. pers. it 
 chokes me, eating it; 3. p. o pule 
 ...; p. pek.. god. 
 rahwenishkodon, {uin^ a. v. in. I 
 clioko it, 1 sudbcate it; 3. p. o pak 
 ...; p. pek..d(id, 
 I'akwcuishbma, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 choko him, by givini? him s. th. to 
 oat or to drink, (a child;) 3. p. o 
 p((k..n; p. pek..nad. 
 Pakmenixlikonidlu, ( nin) r. v. I rhoke 
 myself by swallowing s. th., eating 
 or drinking; 3. p.-o; p. j)tk..fi(d. 
 Pakweslika onayek, n. v. 3. p. the 
 c(!dar-l)ark can be taken ofl from 
 the tree; |). //ek..kad. 
 Pakivetikka, or-7iui(jad, u. v. it breaks 
 ofi; falls olf; p. jmk.hig, or-magak. 
 I'akwe^ideshin, {?i,in)n. v. I hurt my 
 foot in walking; 3. p. 1.; p. pehdnq. 
 Pak-ivissiniwin, s. the Passover; FJ". 
 la P4que.] ^ 
 /'«?»«, adv. S. Panima, 
 Panadjii, s. young chicken; young 
 bird; ^\.-iwg. 
 Panyaan minkweiab, or onhveiab, the 
 pulse is beating; o. pcni/aanij. 
 Paiijfaan nind oshweiao, my pulse 
 is beating; 3. p. pangaanini od 
 Pmgaog, {nin) my pulse is beating; 
 3. p.-o; p. pen. .god. 
 Pangi, adv. a little. 
 Pdmjiga, or-magad, u. v. it drops 
 once, a drop falls out; p. paiawji- 
 gag, OT-?nagak. — The frcq. verb, 
 papiingiga, signifies, it drops often, 
 It falls in (iropa; p. pepajigtgag. 
 Pungigag, drop; [F. goutte.] AM- 
 iling^ pangieag, one drop; nijinj, 
 nkdng, miaatching pannigag: two, 
 three," t(^n drops. \Jfiddtc/ung asM 
 7uJingptmgigag,twoA\c drop.s. NiJ- 
 tana dassing 2"^"{f^S'^9 ? twenty 
 Pdngigaioisihingu'e,{nin)n. v. I shed 
 a tear; 3. p. \.\ p. paia..wed.—Nin 
 papdngigawi.nhingxve, freq. v. I 
 shed tmus, my tears are falling in 
 drops; 3. p. l.;p. pepang..i')ed. 
 Pangi nind akos, I am unwell, indis- 
 Pangishe, adv. very little. 
 Pangishiwagad, u. v. there is very 
 little of it; p. ^e«..g'a^. 
 PangUhewagini, n. v. 3. p. there it 
 very little of it, {an. obj.) \>. pen., 
 Fangig/ietvaf/itiirnin, {nin) n. ▼. pi. 
 we are very little, in a very small 
 number; p. pen..iiidjig. 
 Panginhima, {nin) a. v. an. 1 let 
 him fall to the ground, Idrop him, 
 lose him, (a person or any other 
 a/i. obj.)_3. \).opan..n; p. pen. .mad. 
 — Pangi joniia nin gipanginhimi 
 pitchinago; I dropped some money 
 yesterday, (I lost it.) 
 Pangishimo gisiss, n. v. 3. p. the sun 
 sets; p. pcnginhimod. 
 Pangishdn, {nin) n. v. 1 fall; 3. p. ].• 
 p. pengishing. ' 
 Pangiehkones, {nin) n. v. I fall sick 
 suddenly; 3. \>.~i:,p. peng,.eid. 
 Pangissin, u. v. it falls; p. pengis- 
 Pangie.iiton, {nin) a. v. in. I let it 
 fall to the ground, I drop it, I Iobc 
 it; .3. p. opan...; p.pen..tod. 
 Pangi ivahinhkarnagad, it is whitish. 
 Pangi wahishkini, it is whitish, (an 
 Pangiwagad,n. v. there is little of 
 it; p pen..^ak. 
 PangiwagM, u. v. 3. p. there is lit- 
 tic of it, (ara. obj.) p. pen. .aid 
 Pa7igiwagisi jmiia cma endaiiln; 
 there is only a little money here 
 in my house. Pangiwagisiwag 
 opinig, there are a few potatoes. 
 Pang iwagisif nin, {nin) n. v. pi. we 
 are in a small number; p. pen..ei<l- ' 
 Fangtwagiion, {nin) a. v. in. I re- 
 duce it to little, i lessen it, dimin- 
 ish it; 3. p. opan...; p. pen..tod, 
 Pangiwiai, n. v. 3. p. S. Pangiwa- 
 Pangw', a. an. Ot. S. Pingwi. 
 Panihigaan, {nin) a. v. in. I make 
 a hole in it, or through it, with a 
 chisel; 3. p. o pan...; p. pen..ang. 
 Panibigaiiian, » chisel; pl.-ow. 
 Panihigaige, {nin) n. v. I make a 
 hole or holes with a chisel; 3. p. ].; 
 P«npHwa,(^nm) a. v. an. I makf. a 
 chtl"V"'^-''"-''"^'^'^ with a 
 re"'- -M/; imp. panujk. ' 
 ^ays,[ postpone, (in m,^,y/,,.) ^ 
 lapagaan Mhmndem, (nin) a v 
 teT-wfftrt' (J!*'^) "• V. I chat- 
 ter with the teeth being cold; 3. 
 Papagalcwaan, (nin) a. v. m. s 
 ^f{tTf'''T;('^^'^) »• ^- I knock 
 tSTr\'- «?•.« k/nd cf^sh. 
 tree [C. franc frcne;] vA.-waa 
 Papagiwaian, 8. cotton.iSir^pte;^. 
 Papywatanegamig, s. house of cot 
 ton, atent;pl.-wi. 
 ofroffnf'''?^^'"'^'^'^' «• bag made 
 01 cotton; pl.-a^. 
 Pdpagwagh, adv. always, continual- 
 ly, incessantly. 
 Papdlaiije, or-tnagad, u. y. the 
 sparks fly up; p. pep.J.g, ox-nia- 
 Papahine, s. cricket; grass-hopper; 
 Pmakne, or-magad ishhde, u. y. the 
 g'ah ' P* ^^■^••'^^^' or-wa- 
 PapdhwaainAnin) n. v. I come out 
 ot the woods; 3. p. I.; p. «g„ „,,„ 
 Papa^anadji:s. bit, flit'teSoSi 
 Llr. !< ledermausj pl.-i'a^. 
 I I'apdngihumi, ii. y. it begins to rii,, 
 ;»;;-P«"f ra,„ are falling he eani 
 there; p.y,(.y^..,yrt^. " «"" 
 'J<pa.hh(nw,s. an., pitch of the t^r 
 I tree, balsam. "»<? Jir- 
 I'o-P'ixhkuigamh, s. elder-tree; pi., 
 Popdf>hHsi<ie-gijifr„rj s. gun-firin,r 
 day, t^at is, the fourth of July '• 
 / apashhsuje.ghm, s. a,i. the cnn 
 ^^hrin- month, July. ^ "" 
 ^a^^a.A%V,w (,,^-„) a. V.*;,,. j shear 
 It thoroughly, I take all off; 3 p 
 J>ap...]p.pep..ang. ' P' " 
 / apashkojwa, (nm) a. v. aw. Ishe«r 
 him thoroughly, close to the skfn 
 Pmtshkwdkamiga, or-magad, u. v 
 there ,s clear grouhd, a clearing' 
 the trees have been cut down and 
 taken away. ) P. ^.^..^.^^o.^f^J 
 PapnshkivdkondihcAmn) n. v lam 
 -Pa/>«s7i^«^<>,j<f4'Je„,,Vj s. baldness 
 PapaMwdmagad, u. v. there if, 
 clearing, a Jlace in the wood 
 where the trees have been cu 
 clown and taken away. V%lp' 
 Pcipassdhigannte, ox-magnd, u. v the 
 and dryness ; p. pep..teg, or^aaak 
 «;-_tchU;a.p.«^«^.., p.^,.,_ 
 Papassdkamigadm, u. y. the ffroun.i 
 splits from cold; p. ^.^j;/"^"""'' 
 Papassangivah, (nm) or, n/n papa». 
 eyes, 3. V'-^i V.pep..bld. 
 Papasmdndjiodu, (nin) r. v. I clao 
 «2 hands together; 3. V-.;p.;4.'! 
 Papjowingwe {nih) n. y. m) face is 
 full of small nimln^- r J_ '"-<=<■ 
 ft.ir f """' v"""; 11. V. my race is 
 ftill of small nimlpes, [ am marKed 
 or pitted with the small poxjTarn 
 stung by iniisketoes, etc. 3. p i • 
 p. pep..}v&l. '■' ■' 
 rapikwcuHna, ox~magarl, ii. v. it is 
 hilly, it is moiintamoiis: p. pep 
 nag, or-maffak. 
 Pa/>lbval-rwmjfa, OT-mngad, u. v 
 there is a rough killy ground, not 
 oven; p. pep..ijaij, ox~maqak. 
 I aptudman-a, {niii) a. v.' an. \ go 
 often to his house, to his dwelling, 
 I make him frequent visits;/eV; f 
 enter in his heart, in his inimi;3 
 p. opap..n; p. paid.. wad. 
 Pdpindige, {mn) n. v. I use to go in 
 I go in frequently; 3. p. 1.; p. paid 
 Fa8aodhidon,{nin)a. v. in. I scratch 
 it; 3. p. opas...; p.pes-.dod. 
 lasagohijiwe, {nin) n. v. 1 scratch; 
 3. p. 1.; Y>. pes.. wed. 
 rasagoUna, {mn.) a. v. aw. I scratch 
 him; 3. p. o pas..n;^. pea..nad,:,\mu. 
 I'csagwdgami. or-magad, u. v. it is 
 thick, (some 'iquid;) p. pes..mvj, 
 Pasamnmiton, {nin) a. v. in. I make 
 it thick, (some liquid;) 3. p, opaa 
 ...; \>. pes. .tod, 
 Pashagishka, or-^nagad, u. v. it ig 
 dark; p. />(?,?^..^flr^, or-magak. 
 Pashagishkanakivad, s. a dark cloud- 
 pl.-rw. ' 
 Pashagishkanahvad, u. v. there is a 
 dark cloud ; p. pesh-wak. 
 Pashagis?tkiMkad, u. v. it is a dark 
 night; it is very dark; p. pesh..kak. 
 t asnagishktnam, {nin) n. v. I am in 
 darkness, I cannot see immediate- 
 ly, coming in a house from sun- 
 shine, I am dazzled ; 3. p. ~o ,- p 
 pesh..m<)d. '■' 
 Pashaghhkinammin, s. darkness. 
 Pdshkab, {nin) n. v. I am blind on 
 one eye, I am one-eyed ; 3. p.-e* • 
 p. paidshkahid. ' 
 Pashka wa, {nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him one-eyed. I knock him an eye 
 out; 3 p. opash..n\ p. ■paia..umd. 
 I ashkahidc, (nin) n. v. my teeth are 
 distant from each other ; 3. p. i • 
 p.pesh..ded. ' 
 ^('■:<d!mle.hindkwan, h. large dres- 
 smg comb; pl.-a;j. ' fc« ares 
 I'ushhdndeia ox-^iagad, u. v. its 
 00 h are distant fro*;n each other 
 PdMahUjinAnin) n. v. I burst one 
 OfmyHyes;3.p. I.;p.^,„i«, 
 Poshkalns {nin) n. v. niy eyes are 
 K'J::^.,^"'-'"^^) ^y too' much 
 PaM-akivadin, u. v. it buiats by free- 
 dmomodcn; the bottle burst, (by 
 the^freezingofthe water that wa5 
 I'asMakwadji mitig, n. v 3 n thf 
 tree cracks or splits by extreme 
 cold, p.2Jaia..djid. 
 -PaiMandmno, s. a kind of bird • 
 pl.-^. • 
 ^hf!iZ'jT^ ."• ^- ^ burst into 
 laughter; 3. p.-t ; ^. paiashkapU.- 
 Pdshkaweo panadjd, n. v. 3. p the 
 I °"* ^^ 'he egg, IS hatched out : n 
 Pdshkide, or-magad, u. v. it bursts 
 I ashktka,or~?nagad, u. v. it bursts 
 cracks, breaks asunder ; p. paid ' 
 kag, OY~magak. ^ ^ 
 Pdshkikawag' tigowag, n. v. 3 n nl 
 the waves on the lake (or sedVare 
 „7,fe*hey flourish; p'.paia.^d^g. 
 ^ ushkitivaamog {animihU}), n v 3 
 P- pi. It thunders with a great 
 Pashkiminassanan, {nin) a. v. in nl 
 make them burst; I confect them* 
 /make sweetmeats or preserves 
 of hem, (of in. berries) 3. n « 
 pash...; p.paia.ang. ' * '^ 
 Pashkimmassiaan, a. sweetmeats 
 pressrves ; [#. des confitures.] ' 
 t asfikirmnasstge, {nin) n. v. I confect 
 I ni!»ko prcnorvos ; :». p. l..- ^s/uiia 
 /'<i.i/diniiiiii.f^icirij, («//») n. v. .r;;. I 
 make llii'iii luiist ; I (•((iifccl tlictii. 
 I make jMcsiMvcs of'iliciii, {of an. 
 liiMi i(\s. ) ;!, p. ,1 iHinh-Ji'iii) ; p. paid 
 V<iKhkimii)>Khla, ini'ti) M. v itiv nhs- 
 oi'ss or ulcer luir.sis ; ;i. p. I ; p. 
 /'a.s/i.h'>iaw<' , (n>ii\ ii. v. I mjiUe 
 .smok{<; ;j, p, |.; p. /iain..iiy,L 
 /'a-i/d'/'nr, nr -;/<(?;/»?</, u. v. iliere is 
 smoke, NiuoUe' i,s a.sot'inliiig ; p, 
 p,tlii..»i[i, or nuuHik-. 
 rnshXhhricin, [/u'n) ii. v. 1 lunlv only 
 Willi one e\e, (elesiii>r ij,,. ,)ili,.|- 
 (•110 \) iilsi), I aim at s. 111. witli ii 
 Kiiii ; H. p. /; j). ;>,j/,f. ,/(./,/. 
 PasM'iihnrtDi) /it,sahiti/, n. v. ,'). \). the 
 eoin oil tile ear Innsls at llie lire ; 
 p. pa/'a-./iixi. 
 /\l.^7(/•^^f/^ (lu'ii'^ a. V. i;i. I sliDot Ml 
 It. I .siioot II; :(. p. /umh...; p. pa/'i 
 ..a lit/. 
 J\isli/:i.i/ ii,f.fiil>, 11. V. ;t. p. tlie net 
 lia.s laif;e nie.sJK's ; p. /)<//((.. .v/(/, 
 fituhkiyi/ija/i, s. jriui, rilie. musket ; 
 pi. ii/i: A'/(rhi-/HJ.\'ld-isi<,'a>i, can- 
 I'tiftld-U/tja/ia/uj, y. the .slock of a 
 ,«iin; pl.-(7/. 
 /'n.\hi-/,yi\iranH-<\ {/li/i) ii. v. I make 
 fjnn.s, I am a uun-siuith ; It. p. j. ; 
 /'ai^/d-i\u\;(i')i/.;/"i)i, a. trade, work 
 anil o>vii|i;iiioii of a gini-smilh. 
 rasld/\\/'ja)ii/i(',ri>iiM. s. a man that 
 niake.s );mis, trnii-smilh ; pi. wik/. 
 /'dttlil-isJijaini. «. pistol; pi -a /I. 
 nan 'n/il'id^ n</i(i< tn\is.''i),ild\d', re- 
 volver with ;J. [, ."). (i iiarrels. 
 /'(faAA' /></</( , (/i/ii\ n. - . I shoot, T nin 
 ing; ;t. y. 1. ; p. /i.u,/.. ,/,-,/. 
 /'usliHy/(/,-</iji,/,i(l, s. 8. PapaxM-i- 
 PtiMii^/iitwiii, s. the act of .shootintr 
 with a Kiiii. (>tc.; also, powder and 
 shot, or either of thest« articles, 
 ammn lilt ion. 
 PashUnva, ^>iin) a. v. an. 1 shoot 
 him;;i,p.o;vM/i..«;p. /xuViaAIw/W, 
 imp. /'ii.v/(/(/,v. 
 ]\if'ikihlilJiii,ii,o lihii'Khl, II. V. ;|, n, 
 the bird' ispuked, itN lealluTH aro 
 phicked out ; p. fHiia..H(tL 
 raxidoh; ',,u, (nin ) a. v. in. I pluck 
 It out, I weed a Held; .'1, p. o /intih...: 
 |i. /'(it(»..(/.r/. 
 I'anhkiihina, (nin) ». v. an. I pick 
 him, (a hinl.) I .stiiii a Itird of his 
 I lealhers; ;i. p. r» /'(/.4../( ; y.paia.. 
 nail; imp. /'d.^/dohij. 
 /'a.s/d;,/,.n, 'nin) I'l. v, | have no 
 iH'iird ; ;», p. I.; \). ii,'M;,<l„ti^f. 
 raMiii/,,niliina, [nni) a. v. an. I 
 jmll hi.s heard out; :«. p. o /ianfi..n; 
 \>. p<.sli..nail ; imii. iin,\h..hij. 
 I'a.yldiiiliin<hini(1is, (nin ) r, v. 1 pull 
 III y heard oiil;;i. ji.r.; p. //,.,/,. .m/. 
 I iin/ditian. { nm) a. win. See the 
 ln'i|. V. I'ai'axId-KJan, 
 l\u-ihl:ojira,{nin) a. v, an. S. I'aiianh- 
 /'a.'</d-osi aiv himshi, m pavanld-dn, 
 n. V. :!. p. that hird i.s naked, has 
 no l<'athers ; j), /i,.v/i..,v/,/. 
 /'o.shhr<,(las/ii, s. a kind oCwolfnJ. • 
 most without hair, prairie-wolf; 
 Jloiip (le_prairi(> ;j pj. nui(j. 
 /'<is/ii-n\i<li/,-n:</ii</i.s/ aw ai<<i',i.ti, n. », 
 ■')■ |i. that an'inial h,is no hair or 
 (nr ; p. /,r,v//..,s7Vi'. 
 f'as/d-ira,{,/i/,.'(in.{nin)n. win. I pull 
 It out, I w<>ed ; ;i. p. <, paxh... ; p. 
 i'a,sld-n'a.s/d-i/an,(uin) a. v. in. I mow 
 il; i reap ii ; ;j. p, opanfi..; p. /v«A.. 
 Pa.</ld-iras/d-iji,jan,f^. .scythe orsithp; 
 sickh' ; pi. iin. 
 Pii.'ildira.i/d-iji//,', (nin) n. v, T mow; 
 I reap; ;i. p. I. ; \^. p,nh..(j,ii. 
 Pa'</i/<ira.ild-iii</(/ri/,'ir<\ s. n reaping, 
 ;irvestinu woman ; pi. ;/. 
 Pa.'<id-iru.'</d-iji(niri>i.ii. mowing, huy- 
 niiikiiii,' ; reapm^r, harvest. 
 Pa,sld-n;a sld-iji(ji'n'in i n i , .s. mower ; 
 harvester, reaper; pi. wa<i. 
 PcM-waiC'ji'ian, s. a skin or hide 
 wilhoiit the hair, |d. «;j. 
 Pat^hhwanyjinije, {nin.) n. v. I shear; 
 :k p. 1, ; p. pci./i..Jcd. 
 F'A H 
 |)l. ii'iiij. 
 rni^hkwi'yin, k nn. Iciillinr. 
 I'.inhkn'fijlihi- liiih/.td-itHiKKiii., s. fuiil 
 iiiiido (if Iciillin ; pi. ,(ii. 
 I'liMitYiiliinmiilimH, H. Icjigiiiginudc 
 111 Iciillicr ; |)1. nil: 
 I'ltM'iregiii. imtUlai.n. Iriilhcr liottlc 
 |l;. 'Iter ; (J. Hcliliiiirli;) |.l. an. 
 rdsii/ini" I'lmslii, n. v. :i. p, ||h' ImkI 
 slarl.s, (lien iivvav; [>. f>'K..<n1. 
 i;is>,iwi.<. iiiii III V. I ,(. lip, r tlnii.l 
 lip : [l''-.j<' iiif iik'Im (l<<h()iit ;j ;j. p. 
 I. ; )|. /"ni/iiid. 
 l'iis/(/iri,i, {iiln) II. V. m,. | mi,Kc 
 him iiHfMip, ntiinrliip; | roiim*! dim; 
 .1. |i. II pan. .11 -^ p. iirn..ii'l. • 
 l'ii.vijirlii,linii, {inn) u v. an. J lift. 
 Iiiiii lip, I rtiisc liim up ; :» p. „^,„« 
 • " ; p. pi'K..ii(nl. 
 I'iii-iijin'niljii~,t,\ ( nil)) n. v. I iJHf. up 
 (inifkly, hrinkly ; .'). p. I. ; p. pen.. 
 l'iini<jii<Hi,n. (m'n) n. v. ///. I iniiko it 
 Htlliui lip, :j. p, ,) pan...; Ji p(<.^,.tiHl. 
 I'li.mrninnii', (niii) ri. v. I cut ami 
 split wood (or Hnowsliops; ;i, p. }.; 
 p. pi'K..mi(l . 
 I'lLSHiiiH, (niii) n. v.in. F lirrnk it, 
 (II filato, kIiish, fie.) :>. p. n pan...; 
 p. paian.siiang. 
 I'lt.imiliihiy or iiiiiijiiif, u. V. tlinni is 
 !i I'lidl, fiMp orYinHiiro in a rock; 
 llicrc is ;i h|('('|i rock ; p. ■pfH..lciiij. 
 or irniijok. 
 I'amthikanih in n place where there 
 is a steep rock. 
 I'aiinahika sihi. h. Oraverod Kiver, 
 iiake .Siip(<rior. 
 I'linKi'ulinii. or iiiiujaih u. v. there is 
 a low place lietween two inoiiii 
 tains, II vallny; |i. p,\s..iiiiij, or imi- 
 f 'iiiifinili.il iiiakahixKiiij, imii)dai, ntn., 
 the harrel, tlie hot'tle, etc., hursts 
 hy cold : p. paiii..iiiij. 
 I'atinnijinikin, (iiin) I'l. v. 1 stretch 
 out 'u\y arm; ;j. p.- -/; p. pm..md. 
 Pntt-iaguiikriia. (m'n) n. v. an. I 
 striitch out his arm ; '.i. p. opan.. 
 n; p. j)e«.,nad. 
 I'liumwininiljin.inln) n. v. 
 inv li:iiid;':i. p, •/; p p,,..ni,l. 
 ''imnii,, .iniHna, (nin) n. v. an. ! 
 ••|"''i Ills hand ; :i. ji. ,, v„m. n ; p. 
 pr/i .null. 
 /'ii.sKiii/> II, (nin) n. v. I erect rnysell 
 Istimd iipruiht ;;t, p. |. ; p prnga^ 
 /'iii>.siiii/aliiinr, i nin) n, \. \ rut niid 
 spill wood (or II sieif/h ; ,\. p. | ; p 
 /^^'.^(//X'■/•, {nhi\ II. V I eiii and sjdit 
 cedar-wood, to mnke u canoe ; .'t. 
 p. I ; p. prn..ijnl . 
 I'lii^mhiiliinAtiitnu. \. .thf, I siph ; 
 ■I Y- i>; p. pi'n..niiiil. 
 I'ii!tnal,iiiiiiija. or iiiiii/ni/, ii. v. tlir're 
 IS iiiirrovv hnllow viillev, ii ravine , 
 p. /»•"'. ffiii/, or iiiiigiik. 
 l'iii<xnkiivaniliiiiui, (nin) a. v. an, I 
 '',"'1' liiiii : |K. jn Im donne iirie 
 < liiciiieiu,iid(.;];j. \y.o/iaH..v:v.7ivh.. 
 mail. ' 
 f'aMiil,-i,vavi//7i7a.v,n. (iiip;f F-'. chiqiir. 
 ^iDiiide; (i. Nasensiieljer;! p|. -a7i. 
 I'li.'ixih.naniljiiir, i nin.) n. v. I (jhj,; 
 -i. p. I.; \'. pis,. (Jill. 
 I'ani:ivniraaiiiih, (iiin) n. v. 
 or lilink, (once;) ;». p. 
 Ii/'il. See I he Irn/. v 
 I'ltKHunijaiiiiahiicin, s. twinkling, llie 
 Ivvinklini: o( an eye, a moment. 
 I'afKuiiijirah, [vin) w. v. I shut mv 
 '•yes, F keep mv oyrs shut; (Fif. 
 mesliim;| .'I. p. '/; p. /,.,..///,/. 
 PaK.\ani/iriiliiKli/;i. iniu) n. v. niy 
 eyes shut (iKiiinst my will, F am 
 Ml<'<'I>y, F am drowsy; .'(. p. |.; p, 
 pi .1. had. 
 I'ansanihiilan, (nin) a. v. in. I make 
 !i ditch Ml it or lhroii);h it; 3. ji. u 
 pan.,.-, ]>,/>fin..anif. 
 I'asHuinl.iiil,'. or. pni'saiiikaiiiiKlii, (<f 
 -mar/ii,!. n. v. there is a dil<'h iiiiidf?; 
 p. pru.ilrii, or nuiijal-. 
 I'af:i-iiinkiin, or }>aiimnilniqnn, s. 
 ditch, trench; 1 1'", rifole,' foHgj!;] 
 pi. an. 
 VaHHnnilc, in in) or, nin paxsanikni- 
 ;,'(, ri, V. i am di««ini,' a ditch or 
 trench; 3. \). I.; p. pen. .id. 
 \ twinkle 
 ^■; (). piK.. 
 of It, 
 / ■i.*»<ninw,',ra, {nin) a. v, „n. 1 strikf 
 liiiii or lli(< cli|.,.k. I Imlli'l liim;:i 
 p. ofm..n; p. />r.f..mi<i\ mii.. /-„.va,. 
 I'oKJiiiftiw.ni,/,!, or 111(1,^,1,/, II. V. tlu'rr 
 isiisimill vall.-v (.('huiuI; n. /„.,.. 
 yak, or inii,j,tk. 
 ^ '"■"'*"'"■"• I '"'«) II. V. fi//. 1 |)r,.jik 
 ''oiiK' (f//. ol.j.; [\. ,,. „ ^,„,, ,,. ,,_ 
 p<u<i..n',uf; imp. ;»,w,i. 
 raHsrkaiiak, n. a kin.l of (Vou; iil 
 I'tumhiiloit, {Hill) a. v. //;. I l,n.al< it 
 topu'ccs will, i„v liaads; :(. .,. „ 
 .«(/«...,> p. iHn\t..,lo,l 
 Pu.w/if'„(i, {nil,) a. 
 Noino (f«. oil 
 V. It /I. I lirt'ak 
 <»''J- t«> l)i<H-cs Willi niv 
 liaml.s; :(. p. r,y<<,.v.,/^; [k pain.iim/. 
 I <iMi,/,m, u,,„) n. V. mv lip ih cIov. 
 •Ml. split;. -J. p. 1.; ^^.pemdon,). 
 ' •iKKhU'neijuiiaiiui, (n/'ii) a. w' an. | 
 Kivt' liiin a viiilf/if hlow on tlio 
 nioiilli; .t. p. „/>(,,v..//,,- p. /„,,.. mml. 
 I assxIonC^ira, {nnt)\\. v. «//. I t<trik(' 
 l>im on thcniout!i; :i. p. o ih,x..ii; 
 p. pis..w,ul\ imp. f)ntixi4l,mC\ 
 J <tss/(j,iii/(i/i, s. iron cleaver used 
 «'S|>erially liy KliiiiRle-malceiN U> 
 «j'lil. piiie-iiloeks into .sliintrle.s; IF 
 ^coiulre;] p|. an. ^ ' 
 /'ii/if/</tii,j,-,{iiii,) II. V. 1 am spiiliiiir 
 with a cl«viv.>r; 3. p. 1.; p. juita.. 
 J'(is.iii-a^iir~ma(j(Hl, u. v. it hreakK, 
 >l splits, ren(l.s; p. paia..ka<i. or 
 Piisnihi/i; {nin) a. v. in. I l)reak it 
 («i'l>llt); :(. p. 0(HX.^...; ,,. paiiL, 
 <lii<J-—Aiii. pniHi^mkiui, freq. V. I 
 ^bieiik it into several pieces. 
 Pas.uk\iwiin, a. aw.; p|. -a<f\ov pavsi- 
 kawun,d\ h.; pi. -,w, t|,"„ stick or 
 rod iis(>d by the sqnaws in pluvinif 
 their piny, 
 Passihure, (niu) n. v. {nin papansi- 
 Icaire, (r(>(i. v.) 1 am jjlnvinM the 
 Indian women's play; ,}. ,, i . ,, 
 pr.i..wrtf. ■' ^ ' 
 Paml-ai,vw/n. s. Indian women's 
 pliiy, corre«pondin(r to the Indian 
 l)a l-play which is played by men 
 rii».iihr„fi.. II. V. S. 'I'aMihwad 
 I lIXUH-in /),.,//,;/„, I, N. NllMtr; ( |.' |r,(||||,. 
 'i. Nclileiider;| nl. an. 
 / 'iiKi, kw< />,,{/ ;,/,., \„i„) „. ^. , 
 Ihrowiiijf with a slin^r; ;). ,, , . 
 piSK..,l,il, ■' ' ■ 
 Pimitnn, invi) „. v. ///. | hr,,,,^ it 
 (Ndii it);:t. p. o /,„,,.„. ,,,.,; 
 tod. 'jyin p,ipas.nt„n, Ireu. v. I 
 hreak it in Ncveral piecH. 
 Piimi'iiiv, or m,i;/,i,/, 11. V. it rv- 
 •■choN, it reNoiind's; p. p,'SK..mv, or 
 P(iKtfr&iv,'i<hin,{nin)u. v. I creafy 
 I'cho, I make re.sonnd my voice 
 J- I'- l.;|'. /'ci.v../;/,/, 
 / <i.i.fii>nr,'/on, {nin ) a. v. in. I iimke 
 It re-i'cho. resound; ;i. p. „ .,„. . 
 V. prs..fo</. ^ ' 
 PatiiNnan iniininiii</(in, {nin.) a. v 
 in. I close a liook .s/i,//iffy; ;| j, ,', 
 /'"/...; p. pi't..iinij. 
 Patahiivihinan numnaii/an, {nin) a. 
 V. in. S. Piitalciiirrhiiuin. 
 /'(if'iijwid-oninifjin; {nin) n. v. I dose 
 niy hand; ;j. p. - ,; p. /„^..„,;/. 
 I 'it,(kinm.{nin) a. v. //a. | stiii)? it 
 ' pnck It, I pick it np with soim.. 
 <l"'iK-p"i>it«'<l;:i. p. ();*<i^...;n.w„ 
 anij. ' -^ 
 I'atdkaiijan, n. fork, tahle-fork" pi. 
 I'aUthtiije, {nin) n. v. | pick it up or 
 lake It up with a fork; 3. p i •„ 
 Pft..(/C(l. ' "■ 
 Pdfaknkumpjifinidon, {nin) a. v in 
 I stick it ii. ihe ground; ;i. p. ,1 
 rnt...\y>. pet. ,1,1(1. 
 I Patakdhxijin. {nin.) n. v. I nia stung 
 l>y It, I have it stickiiif,' in me; .1 
 ! ^)_. I.; }). f>(t..inij.~Am pafakahxi- 
 mi min€ii.sa(jawanj msAtinwimimi; 
 I have a thorn sticking in my 
 head. nil. Conj.) 
 Pntahushkaiijan, k. hay-fork; pi. -an. 
 J ntakawa, {nin) a. v. an. I sting 
 some an. ohj., 1 pick it up or take 
 It np with n pointed object; 3. p. 
 opat..n;\).pet..wad; imp. paiakd. 
 —Optn nin patakawa; I stmg and 
 pick up a potato. 
 J'utakibidjifjan, 8. harpoon; iron hook 
 forrntrhiii« «liirff(«on; fF. Knfr»«;l 
 pi. an. 
 l;ifnii/>f(lj/,/r, (,iiii) ii. v. 1 lun 
 liiiipiiuiiiiin; I tun hdokiii^r wllli im 
 iron liook; ;«. p. |.,- \k p,t,.i/n/. 
 J'(itnh'liii/(iii,(/nii. ) II. V, ///. I |iMr|i(i(iii 
 it, 111- hook il iukI (liiivv It. to inn; 
 :i. p. "/'"'■••; !>■ /'f/.Jod. 
 I'litii/iflnnn, i/iin) n. \. an. I liook 
 liiiM Mini iliiiw hitn to iiic, I Unnk 
 mill Kim.pio liiin; ;t. p. „ /ml. .71; p. 
 pif..iiii</; imp. fuiftikihij. 
 I'liltd-ih'inrrim, h. pluini- o( ((•.•itliciN, 
 hcii(l-oin;imciil ol rcuilicr.s; 1 1.'. i,,,' 
 Miiilir; (1. I'VdciliuHrli;] p|. .<,/,. 
 I'(i)iil:/i/r,()r 111(1, inii, \\. \. it NiicJiN 
 III N. til., it 18 ■..•n.Tlcd, it. si,n,„i„ 
 lip; !>. /i(( .ilci/, or iiiiKfiii'. 
 l;il.tlii\{liii, (niii) n. v.'s. I><(laht 
 I'litiihiilon, (nil,) II. V. /;/. I .stick n 
 ;ii s. III., I ni'cl It, I innki- il, nImikI 
 lip ill s. III. or soincvv Ill-re; ,'i. p. „ 
 ■/'II/...; /iii..(l„il. 
 l'iiliiLhiii'uljinld'(tiljl(i,in; N. a tiling; 
 llial IN slui'k 111' tlio hclly ol ;iii 
 iiiiiiii.'il, thill in, il Hpiir; pi. an. 
 { MiiiIJi, i\n\ lii'lly ol iin iinimul.) 
 I'liluki/tA, {/It'll.) n V. (///. 1 Hiick 
 soiiK! <in. olij. in H. til., I ]nif, up, 
 I (;i('(.'t. ,soiii(! ii/i.. olij.; ;(, p. ,', 
 piU..>i;_i>. i'(l..iuiil\ )n\]).'j,i(fu/,r/. 
 I'iiliikiiuiiil)iili!ii, iiiiii.) 11. V. 1 hiivo 
 it stirkiiiH 111 my hfiiid, rt NtickH in 
 mv li;iiiil; ;t. p. 1. p. 'iui..'inq. 
 J'liliikiiiiiiiljuKiis, {mn) r. v." J tlinist 
 s.th. ill my hand; 1!. p. 0; ii.pet.. 
 /'alid-inindji/i'it, {niii) n. v. an. I 
 drivo or thrust, n. Mi. in his hand; 
 .■). p. opuk..n; p. pd'..7rui/; imp. 
 I'<ilikuldnia,{iiiii) n. v. an. I Ntiiik 
 or UiniKt HoiiK! rtf/i. ohj. in ,s. tli.' 
 ;i. p. II paL./i,; p. pet. .mad. 
 .!'at<ikixliin,, ri. v. D. p. Homn an. ohj. 
 stick.s ill s. t,h.; it .stands up in Is. 
 til,; ji. pfl..'hiij. 
 i'atakt.^!drilj in,\nni) n. v. 1 liavo it 
 sticking m my loot, it sticks in 
 niy fo()t;3, p. ].; \t. peL.inij. 
 I PotakimdriidiH, (mn ) r. V. I thriiitl n 
 th. Ill mvfooi; .•!. p. .0; \u p,t..ml. 
 I o/idiKid, ii;i, ( nin ) a. v. an. I tliruHl 
 «. th. in hiN (()(,i; :i. p. „ pat. .11.; p. 
 j<il..nyd\ ti\\\). patiikmulf. 
 I'lifidinkwitii/iin, H. Hnippln, In \„> 
 tif'd on thi> li'dt III vvalkiiiK on 
 Miiooth icr; |(:.mappin:| pi. „„. 
 I ulakis„,u. V. ;t, p. ,s. i'niakishm. 
 i'iitiiki.st.ulini,( tihi) n.w.in. i Nlick 
 or ihruHt II III H, th.; [\. p. „pal..., 
 p. /iil..ili>d. 
 /'ii/akinK/u, II. V. S. I'alahidr. 
 I'iit<ih'wrl,iiia. (ii'in) h. v, an, I Htirk 
 Il III N. III. Ihrowitur it, ( iin. ohj. 1 I 
 iiiiiko it NtiiMil up with |(;rr.«; j. p. 
 11 piif..ii; p. pi I. .11(1(1. 
 l'ol(iLiu>iliiiian, ( //,///, ) a. v. in. I wtick 
 or ihniKt It in Itytli rowing, or with 
 (orco; ;i. p. oput..., [I. i„t..,itiii. 
 I'liliikiiii'i'hhmii iiuiHinuiiinii, ( nrn) a. 
 V. ///. I cloHC! a liook Hoinf'wlial 
 linsklv; :j. p. o/Hi/...; p. prf..a.n</, 
 I iiliiMoinj, , H. loni,'-h'll(!d <Mirl'«!w 
 I wntrr lowl;) | K. rourliK;! pj] 
 f'iif<'/iM/ik(', «v i>ia(f(id, 11. V. It in 
 pointed; p. /i,t..lui(i, or inaijak. 
 /'<i'</it'f;/d(ili/kiid, u.'v. it i/s I'lOHited, 
 ^fiiietal, '///. ) p. p,/..kiik. 
 I'lifrhislikdliililHi, 11, V. ;i, p. it, \h 
 iHiiiileij, ( stone, Hilvt^r; ) p. prl..hld. 
 /'iitr/iin/diin, (iriii. 1 a. v. ?'//,. | hUu^ 
 it, lUeiC.e it; :i. \,.op(U...; p. ;/,/.. 
 I'dlchinlikaiiui.., (nin) a. v. an. I fivick 
 liiiri, .sting him, pierce )iim; ;j. p. 
 opidyv; p. p(l..'iriid. 
 t'otcliJuldihiidiii,,^ (irin)M. V. in. I <tut 
 it |iointed;:j. p. „pat...; ]i. prf..d<id . 
 I'idiliiiilikihona, (nin) u. v. an. I cut 
 Nome (in. ohj. oointed; :^. p, « 
 />iit..n; p. jwL.nud; imp. pafrMnh- 
 PatrhiMnijaan, (niji) a. v. in. 1 rut 
 it pointed with an axe ,• H. p. „ 
 pat... ; p. pA..an<j. 
 PalchiMUjady u. v. it is cii I pointed, 
 (wood,) it is iiuinted ; p. piL-qak. 
 I'iilch/I.dik\<iad, II. V. It is cut jioiri'ted, 
 'still};) \Kpi't..,jak. 
 l'at(iiiHliki(juwa, {ninj a. v. an. I cut 
 it pointoH with an !xxe,(an. obj.) 
 3. p /•■(' '■, ;i pet.. wad ; iiiip. 
 paf< himiiOfi 
 P.iti 'nsM:i'j t\ ,i. v. 3. p. it is cut 
 printed, ( stuff, an. ) p. pet..sid. 
 Patchishktgid, n. v. 3. p. it is cut 
 pointed. It is pointiul, (wood, an.) 
 [>. pet..iiid. 
 I'i'tchishkijan, (nin) a. v. in. lout it 
 I)ointed, 3. p. n pat...; p. pft..nng. 
 I'atchukkijwa, (nin) f. v. u/i. I ti'it 
 It poirit(!(l. I an. ol)i. j p. pet. .wad, 
 J'atehuhHkodan, [nin] a. v. in. 1 cut 
 it pouited with & knife ; 3. p. u 
 pat. .; n.))ct..an(j. 
 /'atchiM-ikona, (nin) a. v. an. I cut 
 some an. obj. pointed, with a knife; 
 3. p. o pal..n ; p. 2^et..nad ; imp. 
 patchitihhih j . 
 I'atchis/ikiwine ^'vW.i.v, n. v. 3. p. the 
 moon has pointed) horns, (first or 
 last quarter;) \). pet..ntd. 
 I'awengwai, adv. asleep, in sleep, 
 Pawenywai nin hinosse, I walk in 
 Pawengwai nin gigit, I speak in 
 Pawindeige, (nin) n. v. 1 sweep a 
 chimney ; 3. j). 1,; p. pew..ged. 
 Pawindcigtwinini. s. chimney- 
 sweeper ; p\.-'wag. 
 Pegwinhitwet'hlitl, p. s. a (pron. pe- 
 aod/iii'«e^hkid,) he that is in the 
 habit of befm'UiR s. th. to eat, par- 
 asite ; [F. ecornifleur ;J ^il.-jig. 
 Pekitiigcd, p. s. a. he who strikes, 
 striker, striker in a blacksmith's 
 shop; pl.-ji/. 
 Pehwawigang, p. s. a. he that is 
 humpbacked ; camel; \>\.-ig. 
 Pekwejiganiked, p. s. a. he that bakes 
 bread ; baker; \)i.~jig. 
 Pej)angi, Biilv. (the frequentative of 
 pangi,) by little and little, a little 
 every time, a little each. 
 Pepangi nin witmin, lam frugal, (I 
 eat only a little every time, at ev- 
 ery meal.) 
 Pepeshodiii, {nin) r. v. I scarify my- 
 •elf, in order to bleed ; 3 p.-o j p. 
 Pepeshme, (nm)n. v. I scarify peo- 
 ple for bleeding, I let blood by in- 
 cisions of the skin ; 3. p. i.; p 
 Pepeshowewin, a. scarification of the 
 skin, for letting blood. 
 Pepeshwa, (nin) a. v. an. I bleed 
 him, i)y scarifying, by incisions of 
 the skin ; 3. p. o nejL.n ; p. pate., 
 wad ; imp. pepeshvi. 
 Pepigwed, p. s. a. player on the flute- 
 flute-player ; \>\.~jig. 
 Pen'ikwe, s. a kind of owl ; pl.-y. 
 Piguljimig, rotten wood. 
 PigiJjUsagad, u. v. it is rotten, 
 (stick, pole, or any wooden obj. , 
 Pigidjifsagiiii nahagissag, n. v. 3. p. 
 the board is rotten; \\ pcg..sid. 
 Pigihiddn, (nin) a. v. m. 1 pitch It; 
 1 tar It ; I putty it ; 3. p. o pig...; 
 Pigikdna, {nin) a. v. an. I pitch or 
 tar some an. obj.; 3. p. opig..n\ p. 
 pe(f..nad; imp. pigikaj. 
 Pigikc, {nin) n. v. 1 make or gather 
 pitch; 3. p. 1.; p;pegiked. 
 Pigtke, {tun) n. v. 1 pitch ; I tar; I 
 piiUy;3. p. 1.; p.pegiked. 
 Pigikewanissag, s. firebrand used in 
 jjitching a canoe ; pl.-on. 
 Pigis'kanad, u. v. it is rotten, pu- 
 trefied, corrupted ; p. peg..n.ak. 
 Pigishkanan, {nin) n. v. 1 am rotten, 
 putrefied, I mortify; 3. p.-?"; p.pig.. 
 Plginhkanl-opin' s. an. a rotten po- 
 tato ; p\.-ig. 
 Pigiihkihidon,{nin) a. v. in. I break 
 it ofi" by small pieces ;3. p. opig...\ 
 p. peg..di)d. 
 Piguhkihina asuema, {nin) a. v. an. 
 1 break oft" tobacco by small bits; 
 3. p. opig..n ; p. peg..nad. 
 Pigishkighin, {nin) n. v. I fracture 
 iny body by falling from a certain 
 height; 3. p. 1.; p.peg..ing. 
 Pigithkisxin, u. v. it breaks to pieces, 
 falling from a height ; ^. pegging, 
 Ptgiw, s. an. pitch. 
 Pigiwisigan, a. maple sugar made to 
 ition of the 
 am rotten, 
 pitch ; [C. Sucre en 
 Pi^'^ngweigan, s. hoe; ul.-a« 
 Jit m iajtwa{/akwad. 
 Piyonekwe, s. a kind of small froe • 
 pl.-^. » ' 
 / iawawe ow antmntih, n. v. 3. p. tliis 
 ilog has long hair, (poo.ile-dog :') 
 Ptjigohtie, a. a woman that has no 
 more a husband, that dons not live 
 with her husband, (not a widow ) 
 Pvigdkwew, (nm) n. v. I am n wo- 
 man who has no more a husband, 
 Pijigwdhe, s. a man who has no more 
 a wife, (but not a widower,) or 
 who does not live with his wife • 
 njtffwahew, (nvi) n. v. 1 am a man 
 who has no more a wife, or who 
 does not live with his wife : 3 p 
 -i; p. pej..tvid ^' 
 Pijiki, 8. ox, bull ; cow ; buffalo : nl 
 ■<iiag. ' ' 
 Nabe-pijiU, bull. Ikwe-pijilL cow. 
 Maslikode-pij,U, buffalo. OdaU- 
 pyiti, draught-ox. 
 PiJiki masUagosi, n v. 3. p. the ox 
 (or cow) bellows ; p. m€n..sid. 
 I ipkins, 8. dim. calf; \A.-ag 
 Ptiikiwanotv, s. the tail of an ox or 
 COW; pl.-a». 
 Pijikiwegin a. ox-hide, cow-hide. 
 buffalo-robe; pl.-o/i. 
 Pijikiwigamig, 9. stable ; pl.-on. 
 Pinkiwiyanj, s. an. the claw of an 
 ox^or a cow ; \t\.-ig 
 'imo, s. duns." 
 ' ijtkiwttotoshiin, s. an, the udder of 
 a cow/ pl.-ay. 
 Pijikiwiiass, s. beef. 
 Pyikiwi-wissiniwagan, s, manger • 
 V}-o.n. ' 
 Piiishig, adv. alone, only ; without a 
 load, empty. 
 Prjishigonagaam, (niii) n. v. I have 
 nothing in my canoe; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Pviahigou'is, ( nin )n.v. lamalone, 
 I have no wife; [ have no hus- 
 band; 3. r>.~t; p. prj..8t<l. 
 Itkthtwp, (nm) .1. V. s. Pikiki- 
 PtkUiw('-,,gosi, n. v. 3. p. it has thfl 
 taste of an animal that was tired 
 out before it was killed ; p. pek 
 PiHkiwepngwad, ii. v. it ha.s the 
 taste of the flesh of an nnimMl 
 which was tired out before it wi.s 
 Killed; p, pek..wak. 
 Pi'nkiwefa. inln) n. v. I am tired 
 irom /uOonng, (not from walkinjr :) 
 3 p. l.;p. p. pet. tad. ^" 
 1 iki.s8(inag(ikadnn, (nin) a. v. i/». I 
 make a partition in a house ; 3 "i. 
 '>M...;p.pek..avg. ^ ^' 
 I ikiH.ianagokude, or -magad, u. v 
 there IS a closet made, a small 
 room in a house; p. j,ek..deg, or 
 Pikissamgokan. s. partition in u 
 house; pl.-a«. 
 Pikissanagoke. (nin) n. v. / make u 
 partition in a house : 3. d i • n 
 peL.ked. ' ^ ' P- 
 Pikissanugong, in the closet. 
 I tkodjan, a. a ball of thread ; pi - 
 an. ' ' ■ 
 Pibxijane, (nin) n. v. I have a knob 
 on my nose ; 3. p. 1.,- p. peh.ned. 
 I ikodiano tdon. (nin) a. v. in. I wind 
 It on a ball, (thread, cord, ©tc.) 3 
 p. opik...: p.peL.dal. ;■ 
 J ikodji (7wi) n. v. I have a big fat 
 I 'n!','^'^y '■.?.• P-^--lJ- pekodjid. 
 I Jikondgtji, (nin) n. v. S. Pikodji. 
 riA-oganu/i, or pikwakogandn, s. an- 
 kle-bone ; pl.-a». 
 Pikwahikisse, or-magad, n. v. it tum- 
 bles ; [F. ils'ecTOule;] p. pek..seg, 
 or~mapak. *'' 
 Pikwadind, u. v. S. Papikwadina. 
 Pihoadi, 8. lish-bladder ; pl.-i/j. 
 Pikwadjish. s. a kind of mushroom • 
 pl.-a«. ' 
 I'ikwagondagan, 8. big throat. 
 Pihwajrthka,{nin)n.v. nin papik- 
 wajcshka, freq. v. I have pimples 
 or pustules on my skin ; 3. p 1 • 
 pek.,kad. * ' 
 PihvaJc, 8. arrow, made of wood on- 
 ly ; [F. inatras ;J ])l.-on.-S. Asia- 
 rik>vdl:ami(ia, ox-m.a<fad, u. v. it is a 
 hilly groiitui, there are small hills; 
 }>• pea-.aiHh ox^nagak. 
 I iku'ukokwenmhi, s. jay, (bird ;) [F. 
 t'cai ;1 -A.-iay. 
 /'ikwdkanituij, s. fist ; pl.-in. 
 I'ikwdk(mind{)!tan>a, (nin) a. v. rtn. I 
 nifi' him, I strike liiinwith tho (i.st ; 
 '}. p. o ]iik..n ; p, pfk,,wad. 
 i'ikwdkoHhif), s. a kind of wild duck, 
 an autumn-duck ; pl.-atj, 
 /'>'k/rdk(is,saijidiir, i nin) n. v. I have 
 a large ruinp, large buttocks ; 3. p. 
 1.; P' pek..ied, 
 /'i'k/rukwad, s. knob on a tree ; play- 
 ball ; \>\,~<m, 
 /'ikwakirad()-/ja(jama(/an, s. Indian 
 war-club, vvitii a big knob on the 
 end ; [A. -an. 
 /'ikwan, s. back.— There is always a 
 possessiveproiioun prefixed to this 
 word ; as : Ain /likwan, my back ; 
 o pikwan, his back, etc. 
 I'ikwan&nl/idj, s. the back of the 
 hand.— There is always a posses- 
 sive pronoun itefore this word ; as: 
 i\ in pikwan c ii in dj , kip ikina nen indj, 
 o pikwanenindj ; the back of my 
 thy, his hand. ' 
 I'ihu'aninindjitawa, (nin) a. v. an. 1 
 strike him with the back of my 
 hand ; 3. p. opik..n; p. pch.wad. 
 I tkwdwigan, s. humpback. 
 J'ikwdwi(jan,(mu) n.v.l am hump- 
 backed; 3. p. l.;p.pek..an(/. 
 I tnaamaioa, {nin) a. v. an. I put 
 or thrust it in for him ; .3. p. opiu.. 
 « ; p. pan.. wad. 
 Finaan, (nin) a. v. in. I put or 
 thrust it in ; 1 take it down ; 3. p. 
 pinaan ; p. panaang, 
 Finawa, {nin) a, v. an. I put or 
 thrust some an. obj. in some ves- 
 sel ; I take it down ; 3. p. o pina- 
 wan ; p. panawud; imp. pind. 
 Finawe aw atvessi n. v. 3. p. that an- 
 imal is shedding its hair, it is moult- 
 ing; p. petiawed.-S. J'inicjwane. 
 Finaweshka, n. v. 3. p. S. J'inaue. 
 Findaadm {nin) a._ v. in. I catch it 
 in a net ; 3. p. a pin... •,p. pan..dod. 
 Findaam, (nin) n. v. I catch in my 
 p. 1. 
 p- pan- 
 net or ne>8 ; 3 
 Findaana, (nin) n. v. I catcV inn 
 net or in nets; 3. p. 1. ; {>. pan., 
 Findaan, (nm)n. v. I am caught in 
 a net ; 3,_p.-'y; p. pan.. sod. -A Hi. 
 mi (ji^oiaf/ pindua.souui/ ; many 
 (ishes are cauglit in the net. 
 I'inddbawadji(jan, s. clyster-pipe; i). 
 Finddbawaxlj iyan^n. injection, C given 
 to a sick person,)" clyster ; IF. 
 lavement; G. Klystier.j 
 J'inJdfmwudJi(je, ( nin ) n. v. I am giv- 
 ing an injection; 3. p. 1.; u. pa/,.. 
 I'indahawana, {nin) a. v. a7i. I give 
 him an injection; 3. p. o p'in..u; p. 
 pan. .nad; n\\\),pindahawaj. 
 Fii(dahawn7ii<jo, {nin) pass. v. I re- 
 ceive an injection; 3. p. pindaha- 
 wana; p. p(in..ni/,ii. 
 Findd(/an, s. S. Afas/ikimod. 
 Pindd(janiwe, (nin) n. v, I put in a 
 bag; 3. \). l.;p. /ian..wed. 
 Ftndd(/aniwen, {nin) a. v, m. I put 
 It in a bag; 3. p. opin...; p. pan.. 
 J'indd(ianiwcnan, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 liutsome a/i. obj. in a bag; 3. p. 
 (>pin...\ p. pun. .wed. 
 I'indukateaan, s. an. powder-horn; 
 pl •-«[/. 
 Fi/idakateive, {nin) n. v. I am fill- 
 ing my powder-horn; 3. p. 1.; n. 
 pan. .wed. 
 Fiiidakndjane, {nin) n. v. I take 
 snuff; 3. p. ].; p. pan..ned. 
 Finddkoshima, (nin) a. v. an. I put 
 it in a mortise," etc. {an. obj.) 3. p. 
 o pin..n;p.pan..mad. 
 Finddkonhin, n. v. 3. p. it is in a 
 mortise, etc. {an. obj.) p. pan.. 
 Finddkosse, or -mag ad, m.x. it is in the 
 mortise, etc. {in. oh].) p. pun..seij, 
 1" a mortis.!, etc.,, V,. obi/ j n- 
 sill TtV''''"^"-^-^^'"""'^ '-Ike 
 snuff, (tli« sumo ua. ui,, : ■; od- 
 Imlakwcuun, s. tlu act, >.abit 
 en ()oii(li(>.l 
 /V/j,/«/,/^.,„,,V*r, r«/«) n. V. 1 fall or 
 a.J^hollowp]ace;3. ,,.!.; I,:;:,;" 
 I'indanikanisse, ox-maqad, u. v. it 
 a Is or «lule8 in «'o,n.; hoHow 
 plate, p.y'a«..*'fy, or-;/ia</«x.. 
 a. V ««. I nut my /inper i or hanrH 
 l'inilauumkajji,jan, a. case; scab^ 
 bard,- lA.-a/i. 
 I'mlunwan, s. a/i. quiver, caae for 
 arrows; pl.-a^. 
 I'indaode, ox-inuyad, u. v. it is in a 
 case, cover or scabbardj p. pan.. 
 I'mlaodjiijan, s, cover or scabbard 
 cf agun, etc.;p|.-a«, 
 I uulaodon, {nin) a. v. in. I put it 
 in a scabbard or cover, (a eun 
 ItMhvudan, {nin) a. v, m. 1 stufi' 
 It; [!'. JO le bourre;] 3. p. o?y/«.. • 
 \>.j<an..u/ig. -^ ' 
 ri/iduMm-a'na, {nin) a. v, «« j 
 stiitf soinea«. obj.; ^. ^y <> }nn..n: 
 J-IWi..nad; imp. pindasmvaj. 
 Imdashhve, (mn) u. v. I stufl; 3 
 p. 1.; \u pan. .wed. 
 Puulami, 8. an. a bar in a canoe or 
 boat; _pl.-«ry. 
 rmlammn, ox jmulassinadjigan, s 
 shot-pouch; pl.-«w. -^ ^ ' *•■ 
 /'2/iJt, ox-7na(/ad, u. v. it is in s th • 
 hpandaj^ox-inayak. "' 
 / M<f?l7, adv. in, within, inside. 
 Iciahmde, ox-magad, ii. v. S. Pi«. 
 ^or^ltf"*-'"'^"*"^"- ^'- I slide in, 
 I'irdi^fadjigude, ox ma ff ad, u< v. it ia 
 ''rought m, it is entered; p. «an.. 
 I'indigadon, {nin) a. v. in. I brinir 
 " in, I carry it in, I enter it; 3. p' 
 opm...; p. pan..d,Al. 
 I'indiyamig, adv. in the lodge or 
 I'indigana {nin) a< v. an, I bring 
 nun in, I carry him in, J lead or 
 conduct him in; 3.1,. ojP««..w; p. 
 V<in..nad; imp, pindimj.-Endaiaii 
 mn ptndu/ana ; 1 take him to my 
 liouse, (1 takehimin.) 
 J'indiaawa, {nin) a. v, an. 1 come to 
 lis house, to his dwelling, I visit 
 I'lm ; .fi(/.l enter into him, in his 
 J'eart, m his mind ; 3. y. opin..n : 
 ]>■ l>an..u<ad ; nnp, pindigww. 
 J'i'ff^ {nin) n. v. 1 go in, I come 
 in, I enter; 3- p. \.;p.pandigcd. 
 I'tndigihat'), {nin) n. v. I run it, I 
 rushin,-.3,p. ].;p.^,tt,,..^„^, 
 1 tndighate, ox~mayad. u. v. the heat 
 comes m; v.panUey, ot-magal: 
 J indu/ima<jad, u. v. it goes in, it 
 conies in ; p. pan..gak. 
 iiidujcui.^^C^nin) n. v. I bring in, 
 or carry in, wood for fuel: 3. p 1.; 
 p. Pun.. ml. ^ ' 
 I'indiijisU-agm, {nin) a. v. pers. it 
 comes mine, (in my body;) 3 u. 
 <:]nn...;p.pan..(,ud. ^ 
 1 wdujMd-an, {nin) a. v. in. I go or 
 comemit, Ienterit;.3.p.o«L.. • 
 p. pan..a,„i.—Kin haha-pimUgeish- 
 kanan kuktna tviyiwaman : I go 
 rom house to liouse, or, f go in all 
 the houses, (or lodges.! 
 J tndtyishl-wwa, {nin) a. v. an. I «o 
 or come into him ; 3. p. opin.^- 
 J.pan..wad. S. Pindjinawekkawa. 
 1 tndiyesse hvnesM, n. v. 3. p. a bird 
 Pimhyvwehina, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 throw him in;' 3. p. opin..n: li.pan 
 ••^K'd ; nap. pindigeweUn. 
 V. in. I 
 ; p. pan.. 
 Pifidigewebinan, (nin) a 
 throw it in ;3. p. o pin., 
 Pindig nakakeia, adv. inside, to- 
 wards the intiidc. 
 Pindikoman, b. iinife-sheath, scab- 
 bard for a knife; \A.'an. 
 Pindf, or piiidji, adv. in, inside. 
 (Always couhoctcd with a sub- 
 Pindiaii, adv. inside, within, inter- 
 Pindjlhidey or-niaijad, ii. v. it fhos 
 in ; \i. pan..dc(/, or- inaijak. — Blwi- 
 gai^gan gi~piadjihide ; ' a chip flew 
 Pind/jidawamagadnibi., \\. v. the river 
 has an entrance, a mouth ; p. pan 
 Findjiiiawaam, {nin) n. v. I go in, 
 or I come in, in a canoe or boat ; 
 3. p._ 1.; p. pan. .ang. 
 Pindjideetilhkagon, {nin) a. v. per.s. 
 I' conies in my heart; :j. p. u pin...; 
 p. pan.. god. 
 Pindjidee.shkaica, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 come in his heart ; ;1. p. o pin..r ; 
 p. pan.. wad. 
 Pindjidikihma, {nin) a. v. an. I put 
 s. th. in his wound; 3 
 I come into him. I enter into him. 
 I abide in him; 3. p. o pin..n: p. 
 pan. .wad. — MatvM manitiuj o ai- 
 ■j> i n'ljinan'onhka wawa n kahisha, <} , 
 vho evil spirits entered into the 
 Pi>idjin''i/ikagi>n, (nin) a. v. pers. S. 
 Piiidjina loe^^hkagvn . 
 Pinilji/t.(,s/d'awa, {nin i a. v. an. S. 
 1 'indj inawi'Mawa. 
 Pindjinindjin, (nin) n. v. I pn! nn- 
 lin<,'Lr in..., I or my handr) 3. p. i.: 
 p. /'an.. /lit/. 
 Piniljlsiilf.,<ihin. (nin) n. v. I put iny 
 ). 1.; \).pan..inii. 
 1>. o pin..n\ 
 p. jpan..nad; m\\>. pindjidikihi).- - 
 Pindjulikddjishin ki/iindj o)na 
 mi-inagananu'(joi(> >/ ; p\n thy hand 
 here where l\v'.s wounded, 
 Pindjid)anj, inside ilie nose, nostril. 
 Pindiiatm, inside tlie mouth. 
 Piwyuhnehina, (nin) a. v. an. S. 
 PindJMjone, ox-wagad, ii. v. it comes 
 in the throaf p. pan..n-fg. or ~ma- 
 Pindjujonewenhkagon, [nin) a. v. 
 pers. it comes in my throat; 3. p. 
 ptn..n; p. pan. .god. 
 Pi>idJi.gossan, s. medicine-bag, pi. 
 -an . 
 Pindjina, adv. inside, i.i the int- 
 erior, inwardly. 
 Pindjinawctshkagon, (^nin) a. v. pers. 
 it comes into me, it is in me; 3. p. 
 pin...; p. pan..g<,d. 
 Pindjinaweohkawa, i^nin) a. v. an. 
 foot in...; 3. 
 , . ., I slide in. 
 or fa! I in, with one foot; 3. p. 1,; 
 li. pan..scd. 
 Piiidjii'se. {nin) n. v. I slide or fall 
 in...; 3. p. 1 ; p. paiidjisscd. 
 Pindjifme, or-niagnd, w. v. it slide.s 
 or falls in..; p. pandjisseg-.! ox-ma- 
 Pindji-siiton, {nin)n.v. in. I put it 
 i in; 3. p. o pin...; p. pan. tod. 
 Pvuljwakaigan, in the fort, wuhi;i 
 the enclosure or fortification. 
 Pindj/ccJiiiia, {nin) a. v. an. S. 
 Findijwcl'inan, {nin) a. v. in. S. 
 Pindonutciii, s. bosom. — ^Ihrahant. 
 pindonioirining, in Abraham's 
 Pindonag, adv. in a canoe, boat, etc. 
 I'indonag nahikwaning, in the hold 
 of the vessel. 
 Pintjewc"-on, {n.in) \\. v. I am tired 
 of weeping; 3. p.-o; ^.pan..)nnl. 
 Pi>igi;,i/i, s. a kind o* stinying liy, 
 sandfly; [C. mousticiue;]-pl.-a(/. 
 I'lngis/iens, s. dim. a very small 
 stinging fly; [C'.brulot;] pi. -ag. 
 Pi/igwah/'k, s. an. sand-stone; pl.'-r«/. 
 Pingiraho, s. lie, (ash- water;) IF. 
 lessise; G. Lauge.J 
 Piiigwdi.dis, (nin) r. v. I powder 
 myself; I put ashes on me; 3. p. 
 -(,■; p. pen. ..sod. 
 Pii.g/racdiwin, s. the act of powder- 
 ing one's self; hair-powder. 
 Pingwashagid, {nin)n. v. I am nak- 
 ed, 01 
 wend a. 
 an non 
 fa kak, 
 why th 
 _ clothe; 
 / 'iny wad 
 pn't hin 
 " pin ..n 
 walk HE 
 ed, pool 
 , lying na 
 ashes o: 
 raised ar 
 I'ingni. "s 
 sand . 
 . [C\ potas 
 derhim; j 
 'as on 
 '"'/'/; imp. 
 are put u] 
 nesday in 
 mwina; p. 
 P'/iigwane a 
 bird is she 
 moult in?; j 
 Piniihi, adv. 
 Ptiiomon, {n 
 iny bosom: 
 Pinomonan^ I 
 ^I'rne an. ob 
 /''■^•..;p pa. 
 ' y>s, (nin) n 
 l'a,.^iva,hnyUah, {ni,i) n. v. I am 
 v. hou art novv sitting naked.- 
 „f iothe. to, n,,uor ^ "'' ''^>' ' 
 lv'^gwash,hndhrm, s. nakedness i 
 walk naked, or only a little dress 
 ed, poorly dressed;^, p. '/!:';|:2; 
 l'!'''JimshagMo,Mn, {nm) n v 7 am 
 !yingnaked;3p. A;p/«,;V-/"^ 
 ««hes on him, 3. p. . >4S- p' 
 /./^^'W.^kn. V. tin dnst is 
 ™ and driven by the wS i' 
 Tfn..ina. ' P' 
 ^'3'"^'- ""• ''^"'' «"° ^vhitc 
 l'l:mvi.gij!gad, s. Ash-u-ednesdav 
 . :"■/'/; im[). r.mgwkrfn. ^ ^ 
 "'"./"■■'"■inigo, (nin) pass, v as!--s 
 "e put upon me, (on Ash-wea! 
 nesday,ntheChurch0 3. p. S. 
 I "ngwane aw Ihe.hK n. v. 3 n thit 
 f"'-J>^ shedding ,ts fcathei; rS 
 i^niihu adv. S. A»uh.t. '' 
 /'«^'«w«, (MV7)a. V. «V^. I put it in 
 I'inomonan, {nh) a. v. n,i. \ put 
 ^oraea«.obj.inmy bosom,-3. n 
 /";•.■; P imiomnd. (V. ConO 
 ^"•■^ Um)n. V, Tarn m s! th -3 
 i^ thy tS5l-^&^'r. Where 
 I etc. ) 3. p;-.^™""!^.',^ blanket. 
 ^^'^^/^''«<Z,.«, (,,,V0 a. V ;„ T n. ■ 
 -«%. ' '"^' nageolet; pi. 
 -W--, s. playin, St^ute. 
 fcSS^pt -«^^^-. flute. 
 ^^v7-rt«, {nin) a. v. «« r k;. ■. / 
 JyJ/. '^ P- « i'^*-.; p. ^./. 
 (accidentallv-')'5 n • "'^ h'"'» 
 Pm«,/rm, («/«)„.,.. I J. 
 „,'•,; P-^W«r^«^?^. ^ "sten,,3. p. 
 Iin?ic/au'a, (nm) a. v •"«„ t i; . 
 to him • 3 11 „ , • • ^ I'sfen 
 ^'V. s M;.£ '^^'*-''' p- ?'^'»-'''«'/ 
 P-taganama, (nin) a. v «„ r sf^n 
 "im accidentTlIt-- Q ^strike 
 A^..;W. '^'^'^•P-^M.^Ji'- 
 1, fi 
 Pitawaahka, or-magad, u. v. there 
 is a shallow place in the lake 
 where the waves break; ^p.pet.. 
 hag, OT^magak. 
 Pioawigade, or-magad, u. v. there is 
 a shed made at the entrance-door 
 of a house; [C. 11 y a un tambour;] 
 3. i>._pet..deg,oi-magaJc. 
 Pitawigan, shed at the entrance- 
 doorj pl.-aw. 
 Pitawtgwiwin, s. S. Pitawajan. 
 Pitchd, oi-magad,u. v. it is long; it 
 is distant, far; p. petchag, or-ma- 
 Pitcha, or-magad gijilgad, the day is 
 long, (in summer.) 
 Pitcha, or-magad mil-ana, the road 
 is long, (a far distance to walk.) 
 Pitcha, or-magad sigtvan, the spring 
 is long, (the warm summer-sea- 
 son comes late this year.) 
 Pitcha, or-magtid tihikad, the night 
 is long, (in winter.) 
 Piichi, or Pit. — This word gives to 
 the verb or substantive that fo'- 
 lows it, the sipniticatiou of niis- 
 take, accidenl, involuntary action. 
 (Examples in some of the follow- 
 mg words.) 
 Pitchib, {nin) n. v. I poison myself, 
 I eat or drink poison in my food; 
 3. v.-o', p. petcMhod. 
 Pitchihojiwe,{nin) n. v. I adminis- 
 ter poison, I give poison to pcopln 
 in their food; 3. p. 1.; p. j)et..we'L 
 Pitchibona, (nin) a. v. aw. I give 
 him poison, I poison him; 3. p. o 
 pit..n; p. pet..nad; imi). pi.tchih"J. 
 Pitchihonidis, (nin) r. \. S. PiteJiih. 
 Pitchi-hos, {niii) n v. I embarK. in 
 a wrong cnnoe, (not in that in 
 wbichi ought;) :f. p.-i"; p. pft..,>i/d. 
 Pitchihfiwin, s. poison. S. Maichi- 
 Pitchi-dudam, {nin)n.v. I do it by 
 mistake, not purposely; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Pitchi-dodamowin, s. unvoluntary 
 action, mistake; pl.-on. 
 Pitchidon, {nin) n. v. I say &. th. by 
 mistake, or by want of at'ention; 
 3. p. 1.; p.pftchidong. 
 Pitchi-ihit,{nin) n v,' I say s. th. by 
 mistake, I did nut mean to ^av 
 tbatj 3. p.-o; p. pet.. tod. 
 Pitchi-ilcitovnn, s. unvoluntary word, 
 mistake in speaking, blunder; pl.- 
 Pitchi-midjiu, (nin) n. v. in. I eat 
 it by mistake, 1 don't know or re- 
 member that I ought not to eat it; 
 .3. p. opif...; \).j)ct..ip. 
 Pitchinag, adv. now only, not before 
 this time; soon; by and by. 
 Pitchinago, adv. yesterday. 
 I'itcui-pindvje, (nin) n. v. I go in or 
 come, in by mistake, 3. p. 1.; -^.piet 
 Pitchi8mnagol-ad< . or-magud, u. t. 
 there is a partition made in the 
 house; p. pet-.deg, or-magak. 
 Pitendam,{inn)n.v, I am ihistaken 
 in my calculations or thoughts; 3. 
 p.L; Y!. pcf..ang. 
 Pitigosmgishkan, {nin) a. v. in. I 
 tread hard on the floor; 3, p. o pit 
 ...; \>.pet..ang. 
 Piiigwcsmb, (nin) n. v. I am sitting 
 on my heels; 3. p.-?:; p, pct.Jni. 
 Pitijan,{nin) a. v. in. I cut it invol- 
 untarily, by accident; 3. )). o int...; 
 p. pet..ang. 
 Pitijodis, (nin) r. v. I cut mysoH 
 aceidentally; 3. p. -o:]). net.. ml. 
 Pitijwa, (wjw)a. \. an. I cut him 
 accidpntally; 3. j). ,; inf...; ]>. ptt.. 
 wad; imp. pitijwi. 
 PodJishema,(mn) a. v. aw. I ,- peak- 
 very close to his car; 3. p. o pud., 
 fi: p. p>vad..mad. 
 PoiIJ'diie, {nin.) n. v. I commit sod- 
 ^ oiiiy;3. p. l.;i).pwa..ied. 
 J'od/idiiavifi, s. sodomy. 
 Potrh, or putchige, or' poMc, adv. 
 sliil, yet; notwithstanding; at all 
 events, atnny rate, 
 y PotcJi gaic Un, as thou plea.'^est. 
 . Patch gaic hnawa, as you please. 
 .y«, or asa; particle used in answers 
 It signihes nothing in itself, nor is 
 It absolutely necessary in answers 
 but usual. (It sometimes signilies' 
 hecause, or, for; as: KitcU Icashhenl 
 dnm aw tkwe, yi-nihoivau m miid- 
 ;jamssan\ this woman is very much 
 afflicted. because her child isdead ) 
 Jt follows immediately the first 
 verb ot the answer; and when that 
 verb ends in a consonant, a eupho- 
 uical I IS ordinarily (although not 
 ..ivoi I, in ujuiuaiiiy ( aitnough no 
 necessarily) prefixed to this syl- 
 lable; as : Ki mnidaw inaf-Ki non- 
 doth isa. Dost thou hear me ? — I 
 hear thee. (This remark has also 
 report to the interrogation-particle 
 wa, or ina.) 
 Sahadis, {nbi) xi. y . I am strong; 3. 
 p.-i'; p. saia..sid. 
 iSahadisiwin^ s. strength 
 Sdheiiddn, (niti) " " -' 
 Sdbemma, (nin) i. v. an. S. Baba- 
 Sahxgane, {nin) n. v. I have strong 
 l)ones, I have much strength in 
 my bones; 3. p. 1. ; p. saia..7icd. 
 a. V. in. S. Saba- 
 ^>agaakwaam, (nin) n. v. 
 tSiigaam., (nin) n. v 
 1.; p. saiagaang, 
 Sdgaamojnagad, u. 
 sain.. gale, 
 Sdgdbide, (nin) n. v 
 to come forth ; 3, 
 HdgaUgina, (m;> 
 nirn or co uur 
 string or cori 
 S. Fapdh- 
 I go out ; 3. p 
 it ;joes out ; p, 
 fc^< U. begin 
 a. V. an. I lead 
 ^im awr -, on a 
 J p. o Hag,,n ; p. 
 ^agalwimgau, s. handle ot a not 
 ket le, etc. ; pl.-a«. P°'' 
 ^ogadina, ov-^uigad, u. v. there ia 
 a group of mountains or hills " 
 which the summits only are seen- 
 '^yadznang, s. a mountain, oracer- 
 Mich a place can be seen 
 ^ngadjtwe, {nin) n. v. I arriVe to thp 
 oth'e'rt ot onT"'^^"' """ -^ 
 wherP^} ' °" *^^ mountain, from 
 Where I can see a certain place. 
 iJ. p. 1., p. sma..w€d. 
 ^ngagwhule, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 thpJV^' water\n'dhalfou of 
 the water ; p. said..deg, ox-maaah 
 Saga7gadeg^ bLabik, cast iro^Xs 
 »enadaigadeg. °' 
 ^yaigan, s. inland lake; pl,-a„ 
 '^"imgan s. nail; pl.-a^ F^UcM su- 
 ffiigan, large nail, spike. 
 iagamnike, {nind) n. v. I make 
 nails,Iamanail.maker;3.p 1*^ 
 Tl7k !,T'''' ^"^•'■."^''Wng, trade 
 or w ork of a nail-maker. 
 ^agat(ra7iihewinini, s. iiail-maker 
 nau-.mith; ul.-wla^ "^" "'^'^^r, 
 Je.nall; tack ; pl.-a». ^ 
 •iagnigans menomdgwah, clove; fF 
 clou de girofie.] "• 
 ^a^^jjrrim*, (««i) „. v. I am careml 
 and orderly about my things kei' 
 ingthern in good order ;^3p!f: 
 Sagakd^n^mwin, s. carefulness, good 
 SagaUtch, adv. orderly, put v, ffuod 
 order, orderly together. 
 •; V 
 f!dgaki, or-magaJ, u. v. it comes 
 out of the Rfound, it grows; p. .v«ia- 
 .s;ah'a, ot-magak. 
 Saijdh'iian, (nin) a. v. in. I put it in 
 orrler ; 3. p. o sag... ; p. ncg..iing. — 
 N^in nn-mgalcinanan nind aiiman ; 
 I will jiut'iny things in order. 
 Signlnnigc, ( niih) n. v. I imi in ordc;-; 
 3. p. 1.; p. f!eg..gcd. 
 Sagal-isiiiehison, s. shoe-buckle; pi. 
 Sagnlcissidvn, (nin) a. v. in. S. Saga- 
 Sagahsdn, w. v. it is put in good 
 order, it is well arranged ; p. t'eg.. 
 Sagdhmiin, s. berry growing uii the 
 weed used for smoking; pi. -aw. 
 Sagdlconnnagawanj.s.n kind of weed 
 used by tlie Indians to smoke with 
 Sagalciraigade, ox-magad. n. v. it is 
 pegged; p. iieg..dcg, or-magal-. 
 Sagdkwaiaan. s. peg, large wooden 
 liin; [V^. cheville;] pl.-«/?. 
 Sagdkwaige. (nin) ii. V. I peg, I pin 
 with wooden pins; 3. p. 1.; p. seg.. 
 iSagdktoaoti, or sagdjnvaoncns, s. pin ; 
 SagdniTcamamliis, (nin) n. v. I tie 
 my blanket Tinder my chin, (Indian 
 fashion;) 3. p.-o; p. segsod. j 
 Sagdtiikwena, {nin) a. v. an. 1 take 
 Him by the hair ; 3. p. o sag..n ; p. 
 Sdganimihri mitig, n. v. 3. p. the 
 tree begins to bn'd ; p. saia..wid: 
 Sngdiwi. s. germ; bud; pl.-w. 
 Sdgd7iwi, n. V. 3. p. it sprouts, it ger- 
 minates ; p. sdiaganwid. — Jaigwa 
 opinig snganwiw'ag , the potatoes 
 sprout already.- 
 Sdgdnwi, ov-magad, n. v. it sprouts 
 or germinates; p. saia..ivig, ox-nia- 
 gak.-Jaigwa tchisg sagamvimagad; 
 the turnip spfouts already. 
 Hdgdnivia, {nin) a. v. mi, I make it 
 sprout or germinate, {an. obj.) 3i 
 p. ?ag,.n; p. saia..nd. 
 Sdgdiiwissit/m, {nmtn. v. in. 1 make 
 it sprout or germinate, {in. obj.j 
 3. p. '/ /<(ig... ; p. mia..tod. 
 SdgaMa, ur~/nagad, n. v. the grass 
 begins to giow'; p. mia..]cug, or— 
 tSiigad-wdJJimc, s. leech ; [G. Bhu. 
 egel; III. jiijavka;] \i\.-g. 
 Siigad-uuidjimeha, or -mrigad, there 
 are leeches; \^. Sfg..laii.\n~mag(ik. 
 (Ta.9ngad-iriidjim<:hig,heec]i-l, 'i\]:p, 
 SngnssancjiU.fon.ii. string to hold up 
 the legginps; \)\.-an. 
 Sdgamge gidss, n. v. 3. p. the sun 
 come* out of the clouds ; p. mia- 
 Sagdt-swd, {nin) n. v. I smoke tobac- 
 co ; 3. p. 1, ; p. aegafiswud. 
 Sagamvdunn. s. snioking, the act or 
 habit of smoking tobacco. 
 'S'ag(if.\y/riiJimin, (nin) com. v. wc 
 smoke tngpther; p. .<.tg..didji,j, 
 Saga^sveidiv'iii. s. .smiikirig of seve- 
 ral persons together, that is, an 
 Indian asseml)ly or council, wlu - 
 every Indi'ui ])rcsent liglits his 
 destined to 
 falling on 
 |G. Feuer- 
 (a kind oi 
 pipe and smokes. |^( ' 
 6'agafdgan, s. an. tindi^i- 
 catch fire from a simr 
 it by striking a Hint. 
 Sugatdgaiiidnh, s. teal. 
 wild duck;) [F. ccrcelle";'| pi. 
 Sagate gisise, n. \-. 3. p. the sun ('or 
 nioon) shines; p. miagated. 
 iSugnte. ov-mai/ad, u. a-, it shines, it 
 give.v light, (the sun or the inoon;'^ 
 p. miagotcg, or-mngal\ 
 Sdgeiressidnn, {ni?)) n'. v. I begin to 
 discover (to discern) a certain 
 point of land, (in traveling;) 3. p. 
 1.; p. .i(ii(ig..dod. 
 Sdgi, s. the mouth of a river. Sngiiuj, 
 at the mouth of a river. 
 Sdgia. {nin) a. v. an. I love him, 1 
 aim attached to him; 3. p. o mgian: 
 p faidgiad. 
 Sagihddan, {nin) a. v. in. I sew it a 
 little; 3. p. sag...; p. seg..ang. 
 Saqihddjige, {nin) n. v. I sew alittle, 
 t make a few stitcheB ; 3. p. 1 . ; p. 
 Mirihofr,, or~7m>7ad, n. v. the lenves 
 ••omo forth, (m spring;) p. eata 
 Sn,jl}mjhi mitiii, n. v. 3, p. the tree 
 1.^ setting new leaves; p. .«/a..,,y. 
 s.unhanaAnin) a.y.an. I sew it a 
 ^n<jh.(nm.) n. V. lam partly out 
 of he water, .nn.1 partly in it:) 3. 
 p. J.; p. muh/iliid. 
 Sa<jm,or^7ncumh u. V. it is partly 
 lihKjiik:. ' 
 Siiijilmljigan, s. string or cord to tie 
 Siij/iljuljigc, (nin) n. v. I tie, I bind- 
 J. p. l.;p. wj/..r/frf. ' 
 \mbuhfi, (nm) a. v. in. I tie it, hinH 
 smjihimaifid mithf^ n." v. 3. p the 
 tree has young 'shoots ; p.mia,j.. 
 Sa<pUna, {ni>i) a. v. an. J tie him, 
 1 bind hun, (a person or any other ' 
 an. obj.) 3 p. osag..7i; p.m,..nad: 
 imp. mgihij. ' ' 
 Sa.jula, s.'the i)!ace in the lake round 
 the mouth of a river. 
 SiiijiJMtjanama. {nin) a. v. on. J beat 
 Saguina i^nm) a. v. an. J carry hiin 
 out of doors; J turn himoutf 3 p 
 Smitdtnan, (nin) a. v. ,„. I carrv u 
 out of doors; 1 turn it out; 3 p o 
 X '?*'•'"■ rr'^^^' "-P' >t flies 
 out p mta ded, or -mumh. 
 '^%nd)uUeMafion, (nin) a. v oers 
 It goes out of myh^'art. it leaves 
 »^_heart;3. p.o.ay...;^. J^ 
 ^'^^{iHlideeshhiwa. (nin) a. v. «« l 
 ^'o out of his heart, I leave i' 
 ir'' .^•.l,'-.^^"'f"«; T^- mia..i.,a. 
 ■~^\(nyislid- Manila o eat .•■'. 
 IZ /^°'y «host abandons ti 
 hean ofthe sinner, (he goes out 
 Sagidjidjiwan sihi <y,na, here the 
 ^i>.gkljvji,las, (nin) n, v. I go out 
 angry;3. p.-fl;p.^a,;,,..,„,;/ 
 .S«w</;»/fl;;rtw.a, (nin) a. v. aw. I send 
 \^^m out of doors. I bid him go 
 imp. saynltavaia. 
 hiui out of doors, i turn him omU'^y--**'-'''-^^^^^ 
 beating him; 3. p! o Ja^. ^.^ ''ig::':;;rKr'iir ^ ^- " p^^^- 
 ..««(/. ^ " fc^eooui oj me. It leaves me; 3. 
 Sagidmhkinadon, (nin) a. v. -ii/j. I 
 111! it so much that it runs over • 
 3. p. ^; M(/...; p. mia..d,jd. ' 
 >Sai/nlrulih'ne, or-maqad, u. v. it is 
 so full that it runs'over ; p. saia. 
 imi, in-iiiaqak. 
 p. osag..; p. saia..god.~ApiMd 
 ■no7w,.m ahsmin nin qi-mqidnna- 
 mshkag.m- the sickness is now per- 
 lectly gone out of nie. 
 ^<m{nna.u'n'U-an, {nin) a. v. in T 
 go^outofxt;3.p. o.„^...;p.^.«.^ 
 ''i»imlaici<ljiwan,\\.\. the current c,{ <i:/."'^j- 
 a nver comes 'out in the lake" P' Zf onS'^"'"',^''-*''^) ''■ ^- ^«- 
 >'<dilidcna'niw<:n., (nin) n. v F sbn,,v l''J'1--}^;a<i.~Matclii manito ' ai- 
 Sdifulenaniwcn., (nin) n. v. 1 show 
 iiiv tongue; 3. p.~i.; p. saia..nid. 
 '^<ifdeiianiicetawa,{nin) &.\. an I 
 show him the tongue, (through 
 contempt;) 3. p. osa(i..n; p. sail., 
 ■•^d'jldikminaeitii mitiif, n. v. 3 n 
 ihutree has branch, ■^; [>. .ciasid'. 
 -1' igii rati vely , A.n Knndikwana- 
 >m, s.ignihes. 1 hav • children. 
 V lyadikwan, branch of a tree,,) 
 mgtd-)inaweM-aimn inm ininiioan: 
 the evil spirit went out of that 
 Sdguljimtagoti, (nin) pers. v s 
 '^agiJimotagon. . 
 '^(i(/iflrinotan, (mn) a. V. in., g o,. 
 Sdgid^inotawa, {nin) a. v. a«. S. *Sa- 
 Sagidjinikwadan, {nin) a. v. ««. I spit 
 It out; 3. p. sag...; p.mia. ang. 
 Sd^idjistiwana, {'iw.) a, v. an. I 
 spit him out; 3. p, « iia(j/..n; p. 
 Sdgidjisse, or -magad, u, v. it comes 
 out; p. mia..seg, or -mar/nh. 
 Saaidjiwehina, {hiii) a." ". an. I 
 throw him out, 1 turn him out; 3, 
 p. 8ag..n; p. saia..nad. 
 Sdaidjiwehinan, {nin) a. v. *«,. I 
 throw it out; 3, p, o mg,..; p. saia.. 
 Sdgmjiwelnshlcan, {nin) a. v. in. S, 
 Sdgidjuddon, {nin) a, v, in. I carry 
 itout;3._p. sag...; p. mia..dod. 
 —Ntn U-adgidjiwidfm, I briiiL' it 
 Sdgidjiwina,{nin) a. v. a7». I lead or 
 conduct him out, 3. p. o sag„n\ p, 
 Sdgidode, {nin) n. v. I leave home, 
 I go from my family, I leave my 
 father and mother, &c.; also, I 
 move, I go out of one house and 
 move into another; 3. p. -o; p. eai- 
 Sdgid6de,{mn) n. v. I creep out, 
 {nin bimdde, I creep, I cannot 
 walk;) 3. p. -o; p. sain,.od. 
 Sagidonehidjigan, s, bridle; pi. -an. 
 Sagidanehidjigaso hehejiqoganji, n. v. 
 3. p, the horse has a'bridle on; p, 
 sain, .sod, 
 Sdgidwewidam, {nin) n. v, I walk out 
 talkmg;3. p. 1.; p. saia..ang. 
 Sdgiemma, {nin) a. v, an, I love 
 him in my thougts, with affection; 
 3. p. o sag.ji; p, saia, .mad. 
 Sdgiaana-qisi aiv gigo, n. v. 3. p. this 
 fish IS lull of bones; p. saia..sid. 
 Aagiganeshin, {nin) n, v. a bone 
 comes out of me, (out of some part 
 of my body;) 3. p, 1,; p. saia..ing, 
 ibngigm, u. v. it comes forth from.,., 
 SV^iT^ from...; p. sa,a..ing,~- 
 Wadikwan sagigin mitiqonq: a 
 branch grows out from the tree. 
 Aagwondaganma, {mn) a. v. an I 
 take him by the throat: 3. p. o 
 mg..n; p. saia.,7iad', imp. sag..nen 
 8. S, Sugiiwe- 
 Sdgiidiinin, (nin) corn, v. we love 
 each other; p. said..did^ig. 
 S'nyiidis, {nin) r. v. I love myself; 
 3. p. -o; p. said. .sod. 
 Sainidiiri))., s, love, mutual love, 
 Sdgiigos, {nin) n. v. I am loved, I 
 am amiable; 3. p. -i; p. saia..sid. 
 Sdgiiwe,{nin) n. v. I love, (in a good 
 orevil sense;) 3. p. 1.; Y>.saia.Mfd, 
 Sagii'wi-masliHki, or gegibadak ma- 
 shkiki, s, Indian love-medicine, by 
 which, (according to the super- 
 stitious belief of pagan Indians,) a 
 female, by carrying it about her 
 person, will charm a man, and 
 mfiuence and induce him to love 
 Sagiiwe-masmaigan, s, lovedetter; 
 pi. -an, 
 Sagiiwcwin, s. love, affection, (in a 
 moral or immoral sense.) 
 Sdgikwegom, {nin) n. v. my head 
 only is out of the water, (the rest 
 of my body is in the water;) 3. ii, 
 -f?; p, saia., mod. 
 Sdgikwen, {nin) n. v. my head only 
 is out of s. th., (the rest of my 
 body is in;) 3. p. ~i; p, saia..nid.- 
 JS'in sasdgiktven, freq. v. I reach 
 out my head from time to time, and 
 draw it back again; for instance, 
 through a vimdov/.— WawaUgo- 
 n odji hi-sasdgihweni (mia ; a mou se 
 comes here from time to time, and 
 shows her head only, (reaches 
 only her head ont.) 
 S'ngima, s. an Indian not belonging 
 to the Grand Medicine, yet know, 
 ing well medicines; pi. -g.S 
 Mid 6. 
 Sagimakwe, s. a squaw not belong- 
 ing to the Grand Medicine; pi. -g. 
 Sdgimaiv, {nin) n, v, I am an Indian 
 not of the Grand Medicine; 3. p, 
 -*'; p. saia.,tvid, 
 Sagimawinini, s. S.Sagima. 
 ."^agimi, s. muskoto; pi. -g, 
 Sagimeka, or -magad, u. v. there 
 are musketoes; 
 p. seg,.kag, oi 
 iSayimiwaiun, s. inusketo-bar, miis- 
 Sagma {ninj a. v. an. I Icoep some 
 ««. obj, slightly with my (Infers; 
 main " *''^'"' ''' *^£^*'"«^' ""P- 
 slightly with my llngtirs; 3. p o 
 SaainiMawa, {nin) a. v. a,,. Imako 
 mm pleasure with my arrival- 3 
 V- '>»'ig-.n;\i.se(j,.wad, ' ' 
 Sdginihm, {ndn) n. v. I stretch out 
 my arm; 1 show forth mv arm- 3 
 p. -«; p. »aia..nid.~NihU-anq ql 
 Jf'T'^in kwiwisens, sa^inidni 
 r<«*A, aboyfell m the water, but 
 be stretches his arm out of the 
 Sdiimikcna, {nin) a. v. a>i. J take 
 him by the arm; 3. p. osaa..nin, 
 saiu,.nad\ imp. sayiniken, , 
 Sdyinimihwi rnitig, n. v. 3. p. S. Sa- 
 Sdgmindjin,(ni/i) n. v. 1 reach forth I 
 my hand ; 3. p, -i; p. saia..nid. ! 
 SdginindjinaAnin) a. v. an. I reach 
 him my hand; I shake hands with 
 hun; 1 take him by the hand: 3. p 
 8a^.,n; p. saia„nad, 
 Sdgmu, {ni)i) a, v. an. I carry him 
 out, I lead or take him out'; 3, p 
 sa^..n; p.snia..ad. 
 Sdgistdabadan, {nin) a. v. in, 1 drag 
 It out of doors; 3. p, o sag., .in. 
 saia..ang. '^ 
 Sdgisidahana, inin) a. v, a?i. I dras 
 hun out of doors; 3. p. o sag..n: p I 
 mza. ,nad. ' ^ 
 Sdgisihut(i,{nin)n,Y. I run out I 
 rush out; 3, p. \.\\). saia..t>d. ' 
 S'aguiiiotugon, (nin) a. v. jiers. it 
 goes out of me; 3. p. o sag...; p. 
 Sdgmnuftm, (vm) a. v. in. I go out 
 of it, I leave it; 3. p. osug...', p. 
 Sdgisinotnwu, {nin) a. v. an. I go 
 out of him; 3. p. o sag..7i; p. saia.. 
 wad. ^ 
 Sdgi,itoji (nin) a. v. in. I carry it 
 out of doors, I put it out; 3. p. o 
 'Sagukwagis^ {nin) n. v. mv blood is 
 commgout;3. p.-.i;p.,;„-«.,,j-^ 
 y'iamton {nin) a. v. in. { iji^e it, I 
 I l/)ve, 1 am attached to it; 3 n „ 
 Mg...\ p, .taidgitod. ' 
 Sdgiwan nibi. n. v. the water comes 
 out Ota vessel; p, snidgiwang. 
 Mgzwun dhi mm, the' river runs 
 into the lake here, here is its 
 S'dgiwia, {nin) a. v, an. I sacrifice 
 some «^i. obj., (according to pagan 
 rites, ) J. p. sag..n; p. .</aia..ad. 
 'Sagtintau'a, {jiin) or, nin. sdgiwtta. 
 I viawa, a. V „7i, 1 make him an 
 j oflering, I offer him a sacritice (a 
 i pagan sacrilice;) 3. p. o mg..nX. 
 ' Sugiwitchigan, a. See the freq. Sasd- 
 Sugiwitchige, (nin) n. v. See the 
 Ireq. iSasngncitchige. 
 'S'agiwitohigewin, s. S. Sasagiwitchi. 
 gcwin. '' 
 Sagiwitehigeminini, s. S. Sasagiwi- 
 Sdgiwiion, {nin) a. v. in, I sacrifice 
 some in. obj. (according to pagan 
 nte,;)3.p o.^ag...; I,., aia.. tod 
 'Sogo.^ius.sah, n. v. 3. p. the net has 
 , small meshes; p. mjosid. 
 j 6agwdbi,le, [nin) n, v. my teeth are 
 close together; 3. p.].; p.,, ,^..,;,.j. 
 '^agwnbide-hindkwan, s, fine 'comb 
 I dandruff-coinb; pi. -an. 
 I ^i-ymuylngd, ot-magad, u. v. there 
 IS a thick forest, p. seg..gag, or- 
 niagak. ■ ^ ^ ji 
 Sagwandagdwinini. s. Indian from 
 the thick woods, from the back 
 woods; p\.-wag. 
 Saidgil>red, p. s. a. he that loves, 
 lover; p\,-jig. 
 Sakadgadan, {nin) a. v. in. I prop 
 It, support it; 3.p.osak...;p.sek:. 
 Sakadgade, ox-magad, u. v. it is 
 proppf>dor supported; p. Mk..deg, 
 ox-magak, ^ 
 h 'V, 
 S/d-ad{/adji(/e, (vin) n. v. I proii; [\. 
 p. l.;|). .-<■/,•..;/<;//. 
 Suhiiuum, s. pi-op, support, post; pi. 
 Sak-aiin, (»in) n. \. in. I liirlitit, 1 
 kirulle It, 1 set it on fin;; 3. p. ,; 
 .s(i/.-aan; p. wkauni/. 
 S(di'n',/(i(lr, or-m((i/a<{, u. v. it is lit or 
 iiKlilod, lire is set to it; p. fek..dc>i, 
 <Sai-(in/e,'{>i/n) u. v. I set on (irn, I 
 am an incendiary; I). \>. J.; p. ,scl. 
 Sak(ii(jcirin, s. tlic^ act ol sotlinp on 
 lire; the work of an incendiary. 
 Sakai(jewinini, s. incendiary ; pl.- 
 <S'a/.vipw(i</anc, (nin) n. v. I light my 
 l)ipe;3. p. l.;\).nel\.nr(I. 
 Sa/caun, s. cane, walking-stick; pi.- 
 Saknon, {nin) a. v. in. I use it as a ! 
 cane, as a walking-stick ; 3. p. a I 
 sak...; p. sekuod. 
 S,d-(ii»rc,{>i/n) n. v. S. SakuN/c. 
 .Sakdioa,{>iin) a. v. an. I set li'ini on 
 ire, 1 make him burn; also, 1 set 
 his house on lire; 3. p. o sak..n; p. 
 f-rka/rad; imi). .ntkii. 
 Sakawe, (nin) n. v. S. Sakai(/c. 
 tSakide, Qx-ma<iad, u. v. it catches 
 fire; p. .sekulnj, ox-magak. 
 Sal-is, (niti) n. v. 1 cafch lire, I be- 
 gin to burn; also, my lodge or 
 house begins to burn, it is on lire; 
 3. p.-o; p. .S(k/'/,vd. — Ki/tagitxi sa- 
 kisi>u'(i(j; the house of our neigh- 
 bors is on (ire. Ki sagikodmin 
 ijimha; our house is on lire. 
 S'ukrcml, s. Sacrament; p].~ian. 
 Xtnaifdd, u. v. i' is difficult, disa- 
 greeable, painful, inconvenient, 
 troublesome, hard; it is dear, liigh, 
 costly, precious; p. tn /uyak. 
 Sanam(jin<lasg, (iiin)n. v. 1 sell at 
 high prices; 3. p,-«; p. soL-nod. 
 /Saniiifa(/md(, ox-magad, u. v. it is 
 high, costly, it is' sold at a high 
 ]irice; p. gen. .dig. ox~magak. 
 S'anagagvig, (nin) n. v. 1 am of a 
 high price, I ^cost much; 3. p.-o; 
 p.S€n..sod.-Kifrhi samujagmso nin 
 behjigogapjiin ; my horse costs 
 very much. 
 Sunagu/nne, (nin) n. v. I havea hard, 
 l)ainlul, disagreeable sickness; 3, 
 p. 1.; p. .stn.Jxd. 
 Sunagd/innrih. s. hard. diUicult, 
 panilul sickness, great inlirmily. 
 Siuiiighuhnn, diiii) n. v. I have 
 thoughts of dillieulty; 3. p. J.; p. 
 Sanngrndamowin. s. difliculty and 
 troui)l(> in thoughts. 
 Sanngnidun. { nin) a. v. in. I find it 
 dilficult, hard, etc., I think it is 
 dillicuit, i)ainlul, etc.; 3. p. o san 
 • ■.; p. sen... a/Iff. 
 Saniigin/n/(t, { nin) a. v. an. I find 
 him dillicuit, 1 think he is difficult, 
 intractable, not easy lo be dealt 
 with, severe, strict; ;}. p. p san..n\ 
 p. ■s(n..inad. 
 Sanagi,,, {nin)u.\. I am difficult, 
 particular, severe, strict, exact; ] 
 am inlractalile, not easy to be 
 dealt with, of ill hninor, "trouble- 
 some. insuii]n)rtalde; also, I liave 
 difficulties. 1 am in iidillicult awk- 
 ward situation; 3. p.-?; p. mi..sid. 
 Sanagig/ika, {nin.) or, nhi M-.sana- 
 gislika, n. V. 1 come to tell s. th. 
 difficult, painful, disagreeable; 3. 
 P- !•; ]>. )<en..kad. 
 'Sanagi.^Id-an'a, (nin) or, nin li-mna- 
 g'l-ghkawa, a. v. an. I come to tell 
 buns. th. painful, etc. ; 3. p. o san 
 ..«; p. sen. .wad. 
 Sanagisia. {nin) a. v. an. I cause 
 him difficulties, trouble, pain; 3. ji . 
 o sag..n; p. sen. .ad. 
 Sanagidwin, s. intractableness, ill 
 Iniirior, ilifficult indisposition of 
 nund; also, difficulty, awkward sit- 
 Sanauilagos. {nin) n. v. I am telling 
 difficult things, what I say. or rec- 
 ommend, is difficult; 3. p.-V;p. sen 
 Sanagitawa, (?iin) a. v. an. I listen 
 to him with the impression that 
 what he is saying, or recommend- 
 ing, is difficult; 3. p. osan..n:p. 
 sen.. wad. 
 >>ii7taiju>e,{7an)n.\. S. Sanagayi/i- 
 ilaf/t. " 
 Sanaawe,{niii) n.\. I speak a (ii/li. 
 cult language ; 3. J). 1.; p. .enao- 
 Sdiiagwewin, s. dillicult language. 
 Sanjjwi-we, or-mar/ad, or mmjivfmrs- 
 sin, u. V. it sounds, (metal, heing 
 moved or struck;) [>. saia..w<,, or- 
 Snn(jn;vc.slin Jn/iiia, or xmui^rcssr, 
 n. V. 3. ]). a piece of silver sounds, 
 (being moved or struck; i i). ,,aia.. 
 Saniiiind /njihi, s. milch-cow; pl.- 
 miiiniiiiljitj iiijiklwad. 
 Siimga, w-maijad. u.'v. it is full of 
 brushwood, ol' underwood, (a iilace 
 m the wootls;; p. acmnan, ox-ma- 
 Samuakicanc, w-mufrad, u. v. the 
 flume is ascending high; p. ncs.. 
 ncg, Qt-iHU'jak. 
 ■'<asd(iu,yiiu) n. v. I am avaricious; 
 3. \>.~i\ p. sex. .kid. 
 Sus(i(jibikin(jwc. (niu) n. v. I have 
 tears in my eyes, tears come out of 
 iny eyes; 3. p. I.; ii.i;eii..trcd. 
 ■-^axdiimhlnyirtialuis, {?iin) n. v. 
 tears come out of my eyes by 
 smoke; 3, p.-t/; p. sen.. sod. 
 SaftihjiKiwin . s. a\'arice. 
 ■SasiKjiwiniiinwin, s. thq gift received : 
 in a sacrifice, or as a sacrifice. ! 
 Samuiicina, Ou/i)ii v. an. 1 give it I 
 to him in a s,a.Gi'ifice, or as a sacri- ' 
 fice;_ 3. p. o sas .n; p. .^cs-.nud. \ 
 SamtjlivUchigan, s. [nigan offering, ' 
 sacrifice lor the preservation of 
 life;pl.-«/«, : 
 '"iamtjiwilMge, {idn')i\. v. I give s. 
 th. or contVibute towards a'sacri- i 
 fice for tlie preservation of life; 3. 
 Ji. 1.; p. S('x..(jed,. 
 Sasuijimitchigtwin, s. the act of sac- 
 rificing, according to pagan rites. 
 Miidgiwitc/iig('n<int/u,s. pagan sacri- 
 licer or sacrificator, pagan priest, 
 Indian sacrificer; pl.-«)«</. 
 Samgwaiui, adv. often, frequently, 
 Sasdssiigihiha amxh, (vtn) a. v. an 
 I fix a net to set it, 1 tie (lie stones 
 »ndtheiloatst()thenet;3.p. o sua 
 ..w; p. sr.s..iiad; imp. nn.diij. 
 >>itsigd. or mogad, u. v. it is fair, it 
 II IS oriKunented, sjdendid; p. hu- 
 gng, nx-iiutgal: 
 ^^n<<;/a-h'ih/,.Kihiira//an,s. a fincspjen- 
 did coat; pi.-flA^. 
 Siuiga-a-we, a beautiful woman: 
 , ;,P1 ■-.'/■ ' 
 >S(i.'<n//i-i7iinl, s. a fine-looking splen- 
 ' did man; pi, «•«;/. 
 Sa.scgiikinu/uiic, {/,///) n. v. I am 
 dressed vainly, with manv orna- 
 ments, 1 dress splendidly; 3. i). l.- 
 p. {ic/i../<rd. 
 t^<is(gii-in/,-hi.-e, poa-cock; ])1.-^. 
 >Sas,:ga/ia. {nin) a. v. an. 1 adorn it, 
 1 ornament or embellish it, (an 
 I obj.)3. p.o w(6..w; p. sen. .Had. 
 ; >Sasa/uUli)gud<', or-mai/ad, ii y it is 
 j adorned. oriiamenle;i; p. sfi!..der/, 
 I ov-mmiad. • ' 
 '^'(im/afchigan, s. ornament, embel- 
 j lishmcnt, adornment, decoration' 
 Sascgutc/tige, {iiinju. v. I ornament, 
 i J adorn; 3. j.. 1.; p. se6:.gal. 
 j >Sa.scgat"it, (nm) a. v. 9/1.' J ailorn it, 
 I ornament it, embellish it; 3. p. 
 ,sa,s...; p. Ms..f,.d. 
 I Su.s(gnwcnd(in, {ni?i.') a. v. /;;,. I think 
 ; It IS fair.v 3. p. r;w*'...;p. sts..ang. 
 t>tmr/unr/>dan miaw. {inn) I ahi 
 proud, 1 nm self-conceited. 
 >Sageg(iu'ev?»i(i,{niu\i\. v. an. 1 think 
 he is fair, (a person or any other 
 fiH. nhj.) 3. p. OMif..ir, p.s(s..mad. 
 ^unegcuctniiidis, (nin) r. v. S. Suseg- 
 au'c/ulan iiiiair. 
 Sasegawenindmm-in, s. pride, self- 
 Saiiihis,{nin) n. v. J am older,! am 
 the oldest; I am the first-born; 3 
 _]).-?■; p. K(:y>]yti>ld. 
 SasikibiwiK. s. greater age; also, 
 primogeniture or lirst-l)irth. 
 Suaina, s. a kind of nightingale ; 
 Sdsm'hif.-o>i(i, {nin) a. v. an. \ make 
 hi£ head perspire, in order to cure 
 . t, 
 him, to (lolivnr him from hoad- 
 nche; 3. j). onas..ti; p. mia..n,nd. 
 Sns.sahihiUiin, s. a medical root which 
 thd Indians use to burn on coal, to 
 curehead-ache; pl.-</;i. 
 SiiHHahik.r,', {niri) n. v. 1 malio my 
 head piirsiuro for « cure; 3. p. I.; 
 p. 8aia„wed. 
 Snusahia, (niii) n. v. I am (hizzied 
 by it, I cannot looic on it, (sun, 
 etc.;) 3. p.-o p. saiasod. 
 'Saiimijdbwaaii, {nin) a. v. in. I nail 
 it to 8. th., I nail it down; .'}. p. n 
 san...; p. se^,.(in(j, 
 Simatjdkwaigade, or~magad, u. v. it 
 is nailed down, nailed to s. th.; p. 
 i^cs..deiK or~i)iagak. 
 Sima(j(ihi<ai(jaih, s. S. Saqakioaiifan. 
 MiM(t(jakivaiijas, {nin) n. v. t am 
 naile.l to s. th.;3. p.-o; p. sea..8od. 
 Scmagahvaige, [nin) n. v. S. Saqa- 
 Samioahoaodon, {nin) a. v. in. I pin 
 it, (a vestment, etc.) 3. p. o sns...; 
 p. sei..dnd. 
 SasmgdkivMva, {nin) a. v. an. I nail 
 him to s. th.; 3. p. o .ias..n; p. scs.. 
 W(id; imp..sass..k/vCi. 
 S(inmgihidiiH,{nm)a. v. in. froq. f 
 tie it indifferent places; 3. p. osass 
 ..; p. sc8..dod. 
 Sasmgibina, {nin) a. v. an. freq. I 
 tie some an. obj. m different places; 
 3, p. osass. .n; p. ses..?iacl; imp. 
 Sassngigivadan, {nin) a. v. in. 1 sew 
 it sligntly with wide stitches; 3. 
 Indian magi 
 p. sas...; p. ses..ang, 
 8as.mgigwn(fe, or~magad, u. v. it is 
 sewed slightly; p. ses..dcg, ox-tna- 
 SaxsugigwaiM, (nin) a, v, an. I sew 
 some an. stutt with wide stitches, 
 or slightly; 3, p. o sas.,ni p. ses.. 
 nml; imp. sasti,.n>aj. 
 ^assai/igwass, {nin) a, v, an. I sew 
 slightly with wide stitches; 3. p. 
 -»; 1), ses..soil. 
 Sas.sagddis, {nin) n. v, I am a magi- 
 cian; 3. p.~i;p. sea..sid. 
 Hassagddisiwin, a. Indian magic. 
 ' Sas..iig6disiwinini, s. 
 cian; \A.-n<ng. 
 Sassnknh,{nin) n. v. I feel a bnrnino 
 pain in my eyes; 3. p.-V; p. .et.. 
 out . 
 Sa!>.mki)Ufwe, {nin)n, v. I have sore 
 eves, I am snow-blind, ( from walk 
 mjr on snow in sunshine ;) 3. n 
 1. ; p. scs..wed. ^' 
 Sassnkinnwewin, s. snow-blindness • 
 [C/. mal de neige.] 
 Samikinihingweiahns., {nin) n. v I 
 feel a burning pain in my eyes from 
 much smoko ; 3. p. -o; p. se8..sod. 
 ^Saxnabikwadan, {nin) a. v. in. I fry 
 It ; 3. p. o .sas... ; p. saias..ana. 
 M.mkokwadjigan, s. S. ihwew'in. 
 Mssakokwana, {nin) a. v. an I fry 
 soniea« obj.;3. p. „ sas..n: p 
 miaa..nad. ^ 
 Sussakokwe, {nin) n. v. I fry; 3. p, 
 1.; p. satai'..U¥d. ' 
 Sassdkwe, {nin) n. v. I shout with 
 .loy, [III. ukam;] 3. p. l.-.p.ges 
 Sa.«sdkweivin, s. joyful shouting. 
 ■Sassdssahis, {nin) n. v. freq.-S. Sas- 
 sabis ; 3. p,~o; p. sea.. sod, 
 Sasivibiaaayulaigan, s. S. Samehi 
 SasweUgaandaige,{nin)n. v.S. Sas 
 SaswiUgaandan, {nin) a. v. in, \ 
 sprinkle or wacer it, I asperse it*; 3 
 Saswebiguandawa, {nin) a. v. an, I 
 sprinkle or water some an. obj * I 
 asperse him ; 3. p. o 8as..n ; p. sis 
 Saxwebigaa/idjigan, s. waterin<^-pot 
 watering-cart ; sprinkling-pot" and 
 'S'a^>oebi(jaandjige,{nin)n, v, I sprin- 
 kle, water, asperse ; 3. p. l.- n 
 S€s..ged. ' ^' 
 Saswebigaandjigemn, s. sprinkling 
 Sasweshhamagad, u. v. it is scattered 
 about dispersed ; p. se8..gak. 
 iSasweshkan, {nin) or, nin aaminan, 
 a. V. in. I scatter it, I disperse it. 
 squander H ; 3. p. o sag...; p. ees.. 
 SaewiM-awa. (nin) or, mn mm-fna 
 a. V. a,i. 1 scatter about or di^- 
 rersr somo „„. „hj.; X ,,. „ ,„,,,^ 
 \xs<..,,ra<J. OmlJitaH mm^sldn. 
 'i'a/om,n; thou s.'nfiorcst money 
 about inirposp|y._j/-,,,v,,,,,,, „ ,^,J. 
 ■>reH-fcairan manixlttaniihan; the 
 wolf scatters the sheep, 
 Saswiwchinn^ {nin) a. v. aii. 1 throw 
 about some a«. obj.; 3. ,., .;,a«..w ; 
 p. MS,. Had, ' 
 .Saswiwebinon, (nin) 
 throw it about 5 3. 
 Saswewdnuuje, {nin) n. 
 • V. t/i, 
 V. I 
 ; p. 
 throwinj; about ; ;j. 1 
 (jed. ' 
 Snte7i<nmi n. V. 3. p. it looks rancid. 
 {an Ob). ) p. saiat..i>id.~Safena,fon 
 aw Icokom ; this pork looks ran'ri.! 
 ■Satvnagwad. u. v. it looks rancid (in 
 oh]. ) p. data.. wak. 
 Sdti/ioyod, 11. V. 3. p. it tastes ran- 
 cid, (^ft». obj.) p. mta..sul. 
 Satepogwad, u. v. it tastes rancid, 
 {in, obj.) p. mia..wah. 
 Sdteshin, n. v. :j. p. it is rancid, (av 
 ob.i.) p. miates/nng. 
 Satennm, u. v. it is rancid ; p. eaia.. 
 Se! interj, shaino ! 
 Segendagos. {vin 1 n. v. I am dread- 
 lul, fearful, to be feared ; 3. p.~i : 
 p. mic.xid. 
 Segendagicad, u. v. it is fearful 
 dreadful, it is to be feared • p' 
 Segendam, {nin.) n. v. I fear, I have 
 fearful thoughts ; 3. p. 1. ; p. saie.. 
 !^cgc7ida7)iaicin, s. fear, (especially in 
 thoughts,) apprehension. 
 .%m, (nin) a. v. an. I frighten him, 
 1 intimidate him by my threats, I 
 alarni him : 3. p. o m/ian ; p. sale- 
 '<igibamva, (tiin) n, v. I wf-ar a cue 
 ^'^^"ft «f I'air ;) '3. p. 1.; l^. mieg.'. 
 Segihanwan. «. ( pr<m. .rgihanon,)cM^., 
 XtoHmir [(;. Zo .| ; HI. k,,a ; 
 \n.-un. " 
 Sqiiktmikhi ^, a kind of small 
 black bird; (C. .Vcollrt;lp|..-/„«. 
 Sistnng,.H.{ntn) n. v. 1 |„c,k •frJL'ht- 
 ened ; 3, |).-« ,- p. ,»/„«'..*,</. 
 'bt.^Kv, (,n;t^n.v.lf,.ur, lam afraid: 
 J. p.-z/ p. muguid. 
 tS('g/na%n, s. (ear. 
 Sigltagm. {nin) n. v. 1 speak so as 
 to excite fear, (u make somebody 
 afraid of me; 3. p.-i.; p. saic,.,il 
 ^'^antanaAnin) a. v. an. I listen to 
 nun with fear, he excites fear in 
 me by his sneaking; 3. p. o«w..«; 
 p. .^me. .Wad. 
 Sthiiged. or .ithnmf. p. s. a. he who 
 sets hre to s. th., incendiary ; pl.- 
 Schradjiged, p. s. a- spitter : nl - 
 j/g. ' ' 
 Semhd, >>. an. silk, silk-stuff-; rib- 
 bon. riband ; pl._,V,,^. 
 Seiiiha Irpagimaid. ferret, (a kind of 
 narrow iibbon,-) [F. padou ] 
 Sc?ifha.tnr.fnr, s. an. silk-handker- 
 chief, silk-shawl; pl.-^/. 
 SenihawaHahub, s. sewiiig-silk 
 Scnihax'fgin. s. silk, silk-stnfl'. " 
 6ef:agiM, p. s. a. he that is avarici- 
 ous, avaricious person, miser ; nl - 
 ^Sinka, ndv. suddenly, unforeseen 
 instantly, in a moment, in an in- 
 Scsil-a-nihm'iv. s. sudden death. 
 Sedl-uniu ni.'</,hidi.s, I am jias'sion 
 ate, irrascible, choleric, of a quick 
 AS'mKs-/(/, p. s. a. the oldest; the first 
 i>orn of a family; \^\.-jig. 
 >Shs,it'gan, s. little'luiil. 
 Sis.segan, u. v. it hails; p. so?V.««- 
 Sessegandag, s. an- white spruce • fC 
 epinette blanche ;] pi.- , ,/. ' 
 >b'c.^iajidec, {nin) 11. n-. "my heart 
 beats violently ; 3. p. I. ; p. ,„?>.. 
 Sessigidecwin, s. violent beating of 

 1.0 ^i 
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 A ^^ MP 
 [F. battement tie 
 the heart ; 
 Scs/<esmh'8, (nin) n. v. I burn and 
 weep; .i. p.-o; p. sate.. sod. 
 Se^sessimnAnin) a. v. an. I insult 
 nun and make him weep; 3. p. o 
 sci..n ; p. sale. .mad. 
 ■S'iamo, a. a kinrl of wild duck which 
 aliehts sometimes on a tree, what 
 other ducks never do; woou-duck; 
 [0. canard hranchu :J pl.-ij. 
 SJhi, s. river, stream ; [A.-tvan. 
 Sibihi.de, ov-magad, u. v. there is a 
 nver made, that is, a canal ; p. 
 i<ah.,de(j, or-matjal: 
 Sihikiidjiijan, s. a made river, that is. 
 a canal, a trench ; pl.-a;?. 
 Sihil-adjige, {nin) i\. v. I dig a canal, I 
 or a trench ; 3. p. 1.; p. i„h..ged. \ 
 'Mvujwai, s. an. the under part of , 
 the eyelid ,• pl.-«^.' 
 ■Sihi/uj/rai, s. an. tear; pi. -a(/.— There 
 IS always a possessive pronoun 
 prejixed to this word ; as : Mn 
 t'tU/igwai, my tear ; nin sihingu-ai- 
 ag, my tears. () sibingwaian, his 
 tear or his tears. 
 Sibid-adis.{},in) n. v. lam not well, 
 lam indisposed; 3. p.-i; p. sah.. 
 SihislaxHsiwin, s. indisposition, lit- 
 tle sickness. 
 Sibisl-adJ, adv. slowly, slightly. 
 Sih{t<higad, u. v. it is flexible, it does 
 not break when bei t ; p. sah..l'a,j. 
 &i'z.:>kn/i, u. V. it is viscous, tenacious; 
 p. suhid-ang. 
 Sibinkanamowin, s. phlegm : FF m. 
 tuite.] «= ) L ^' 
 Sibidendam, {nin) n. v. I suflTer a 
 long time; 3. p. J.; p. mb..an<j. 
 iiib/dendamonin, s, long suffering I 
 contmeed sorrow and affliction. 
 Mhiwas.'iab, s. an. rivernet, small I 
 net, (it to be set in a river ; p\.~ig. ' 
 SiUifidii-, s. small river, rivulet 
 brook, creek; p\.-iun ' 
 Sibicagun, s. on. corn-stalk ; sugar- 
 cane; p\.~ug. 
 Sibwdgunubo, s, molasses: (molasses 
 of the sugar-cane, not maple-sugar 
 molasses ; for which see Jiwdgu- 
 misigan.) ' 
 Sihcagiini-sifibdhvat, s. cane-sugar, 
 brown sugar, Havaonah sugar. 
 Sibwdgans., s. an. sprout or bud of 
 the corn-stalk; pl.-a^. 
 SidoauwinJihide, or-magad, u. v. ii 
 h ballasted; p. sud.-dtg, o\-mugu]c 
 Sidugmvishh-djignn, s. ballast.-.Aenti 
 ugwdesiton hl'dnguwinhlcodjigan, [ 
 take out the ballast. 
 'S'id or/It wif.M-ndon, {nin) a. v. in. ] 
 ballast it; 3. p. o ml... ; p. «„</..«/. 
 Siguahou-e, {nin) n. v. I mould, I 
 cast; 3. p. 1.; p. sag.. wed. 
 6'iguun, {nin) a. v. t,i. I mould it, 
 cast it; 3. p. o sigaan ; p. saguung. 
 Sif/uiindadi:rin.s. baptism, by pour- 
 ing water on the person to be 
 Sigaujiddgc, {nin) n. v. T pour water 
 on s. th. ; 1 baptize, I christen ; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. s(ig..gcd. 
 Si;ratuid<igeiiin, s. the act of baptiz- 
 ing or christening, baptism gi>:m. 
 Siguundugowin, s. baptism received'. 
 Sigaundttn, {nin) a. v. in. I pour 
 water on it- also, \ bless it, sprink- 
 ling it with holy water ; 3. p. o 
 sig... ; p. sdcftandung. 
 Sigtiiindas, {vin) n. v. I am baptiz- 
 ed; 3. p.-o; p. S(igiiu7iduit(id. 
 S/.giiundust.irin. s. S'. Siguuvdagm-ii). 
 SigaundauHi, {nin) Vi.v.nn. I pour 
 water on him. ; I baptize him, [ 
 christen him; 3. p. o ng..n ; p. sug 
 ..Wad. — This word also signifies. 
 I bless some an. ohj., sprmkling 
 it at the same time with holy wa" 
 Siguandjigade, Qx-mannd, u. v. it is 
 blessed, (and sprinl^led with holj 
 water;) p. sug.,d.cg, or-magnl-. 
 S'lgaandjigan, s SJ. SuswtUguund- 
 Sigaundjigus, {nin) n. v. S. Sigu-m^ 
 Sigaandjigaso^ n. v. 3 p. it is bles- 
 sed, {an. obj.) p. sag..sod.—Tchi- 
 haiatigcns ngaandjiguso; unamie- 
 minug dguundjigusuwag. The litt- 
 b1e3. '''''''''''' ''^'^ beads are 
 %a««^y/^. (,„V*) n. V. I pour water I 
 Ons. th.,J. p. ].;p. ,,^,^.^ ^,^_ j 
 SKjaamiujen.j ,vn) a. v ; ii J pour ! 
 >summoiua iMn) a.v/u)>. I po„r I 
 I'I'ii s. th. in the mouth : 3 p o 
 n,j._.n- p. sag. .wad ; imp. U.mnn. 
 ■'yt'jaimde, ov-marjad, u.v. it isnioul- 
 (eel or ca8t; p. su,j..de,j, ov-vuumk. 
 ■^'^/"^'7";'. .^. maple-supar cakp, i 
 moudod 1,1 s. th. ; or any th ..: ' 
 moulded, cast; pl.-tt,;. ^ "= 
 ''>t(juimu,afi.j, s. wooden mould for 
 casting maplo-sugar cakes; p| -on 
 Sxgmguso n. v. 3. p. it is moulded' 
 orcast („;,,. ohj.) p., „,,..,,,^. 
 ^igtnge, {ma) n. v. I mould or cast- 
 •i. p. ].; p. mq..g(d. 
 ^igu'xr, (nln) xi. v-: the waves leap in 
 my canoe, or boat ; 3. p. d<ia,Hjo : 
 p. saaaogod. J J •> 
 Slgu(,hh>Htd(.n, {i,in) a. v. in. I fill 
 p. mg..dod. •' ' 
 *%^,"if.K '• «''-'««;7«'^, ". V. it it so 
 mil that It runs over, it is over- 
 running, (a vessel or measure;) n 
 f'^g-.tieg, ov-magal-. 
 'Su/dwa oinvagun, ( nin) a. v. «» I 
 eadorplu.nbapipe, I ornament, 
 t with lead- 3. P.O. •/>/..;,; p. 5„^,,. 
 wad; imji. tiitfd. -^ 
 Sigibndon, {nin.) a. v. in. I make it 
 so full (With a liquid) that it runs 
 over, (a vessel;) 3. p. o dg... t p 
 Sigigamide, or-magad, u. v. it over- 
 flows in boiling ; p. mg..dcg. or- 
 Siginamudiwin, s. the act of pouring 
 out to or for somebody ; the act of 
 giving an injection to a sick per- 
 son ; also, a large syringe, ciyster- 
 Siginumage, {nin) n. v. I shed or 
 pour out s. th. for somebody; also 
 1 g^ive an injection ; 3. p. 1.; p. gag 
 Siginamawu, {nin) a. v. on. I shed 
 It or pour it out to him or for him; 
 alo r syringe him, I give an injec- 
 1 shod It, spill ,t; 3.Y>.0 8ig...; p 
 Sigtiu^e, (nin) n. v. I pour out, I 
 shed, I keep tavern, or a dram- 
 shop;! deal m liquor 3. p. 1. -p 
 sagtmgcd. ' '" 
 ^¥>>i<!lrnasinaigan^ s. license for 
 selling liquor; pl.-a,^ 
 ''^irnniirewyjami^i, .«. a house where 
 iqiH.r IS poured out,(s„ld,)tavern. 
 dratn->hop, liquor-house; p\.-on. 
 Smimgiunhre. or ,ic,ni^Jwe, s. a 
 woman that sells liquor, wine, etc 
 or the wife of a dram-shop or ta- 
 vern keeper ; pl.-^/. ^ 
 higimgeu^in, s. the act of pourina 
 drnn, i'"V'^"'"&' 'he trade of a 
 dram-shop keeper. 
 Siqimgewinini, s. a man that selh 
 iquor, wine, etc., a dram-shop o? 
 tavern keeper; p!.-?,.^,,. ' 
 h^frKr^f'o^"'''^ a- v.'««. f shed 
 imp. ntjDilciven, "^ 
 Sigh,e, or-magud, n. v. it is over- 
 "ovving, it,unsover;itis8hed;p 
 ^ sagmeg, or~maquk. 
 Sigwan,s. spring, the spring of the 
 ^igu'im, u.v. it is spring; p. ,„,j. 
 wat,g.-..s,fr,rang, m spring. Sd'o- 
 ™m*, when It is spring, or eveiv 
 tim... when it is spring, every spring 
 >>/.gw(in,'ng, last spriu"-. 
 'S'>g'vuning>vcwadJ, (nin) n. v. I av^ 
 hrovvn, (of a hrowii complexion" 
 t>y the warm air of the sprin"-.) ■) 
 p.-«; p. suq..djid. ° ^ ' 
 iurwrini,/i.{nin) n. v. I spend the 
 spring m such a place, or in such 
 a manner ; 3. p.-i- p. mg..id.~Ki 
 Mdu nuno .sigivani.^himin n>.nnom ■ 
 we spend this spring in a very good 
 and coiulcrtabie manner. Wi/.n'e- 
 dong nm (,i:su_pvanish ; I spent mv 
 spring at L'Anse. 
 ■Sigtvehinu, {nin) a. v. an. I pour out 
 some an. obj., I make it fall out of 
 a vessel; 3, p. o sig..n; -Jonlia nin 
 8tgwebiiia\ nmnJamtnag nin sujwe- 
 Ivuvj; I pour out money (of some 
 vessel or bag ;) I pour out corn. 
 •>i\jwcbtnamawa, {nin) a. v. an. 1 
 pouroiu, 1 shed or spill any tliinK 
 lielpnginjj or relating to him; 3. p. 
 o fit(j..n ; p. m(f,.wndi 
 Si(/u'ebiiian, {ni'n) a. v. in, I pour it 
 out, I shed it, I spill it ; 3. p, o si,/ 
 _...; p. sag.taiuj. 
 •Sigwrliniijade, 'or-'mrigad, u. w it is 
 spilt, shed; p. su(j..deg, ot-nuK/aL 
 'Sik,{?wi) n. V. I spit i 3. p. eiko'; ,,. 
 •SU-apidan, {nin) a. v. in.. I driuk it 
 all up; 3. p. */^...; p. salcang. 
 Mkawtdjane,{nm) or, nin sikawuiis- 
 kt(j(mic, n. V. the snot is runnin'^ 
 Irom my nose, 1 snivel; 3. u. 1. ■ u 
 ml\.ed. ^ ' ' 
 'Sikau'idon, {vln) u. v, the spittle is 
 running out of my mouth; 3. p, h- 
 J). mJcoiig, " ' 
 Sikawtnifikic/onmradj, («,m) n. \\ the 
 snot is running from my nose by 
 pold; 3. i).-i; p. m7i\,d./id. 
 Sikohlf/iuwdc, or~in;i<jad, u. v. it is 
 hung lip to let tlie'water drop out; 
 p. suk..dr(f, or-ma</ak. 
 ,'<ikohigri(/<j(IJi/i, n. v,'3. p. it js huii" 
 up to let the water drop out of it^ 
 _(«/?. obj.) p. Mik..inij, 
 ■^'ikoh/iji?ia, {nin.) a. v". an. I hang it 
 up, {an. stuff.) to let the water 
 drop out; 3. p. o sik..n; p. sak..nad, 
 imp. )<ihihi(im. 
 SihiUginan, '{nin) a. v. in. I hang it 
 up to let the water drop out of it ; 
 3. p. osik...; p. mk..un'i.-'T\\\s word 
 also means, I decant u, 1 pour out 
 what is clear and sett led, and leave 
 the dregs or sedunent in. [C. je le 
 tire au clair.] 
 Sikowcujon, s. spittle. 
 Sikowin, s. spitting. 
 Slkowini-makak, s. spit-box ; p\.~<m. 
 6'ikwadan, {nin) a. v. in. J .s[)it it • 
 3. p. c .sik... ; p. sek..an(j.~-MUkwi 
 nin Kiktcadan; I spit blood. 
 SikwadjUjc, {nin) n. v. J am spitting; 
 3. p. 1.; p. s(k..(fed. 
 Sikwuijige-mahak, s. S. Sikowini- 
 Sikivana, (nin) a. v. an. I spit upon 
 liiin; 3. p. nk..n; p. sek .nud. 
 >^'ikwaningwi7igu;'u'a,{7iin) a. v. an. 
 I spit in his J4ce; 3. p. onL.n : x,, 
 wk..u'nd; imp. sik-gwe. 
 Sinuidui, {nin) n. v. S. Simis. 
 fSimingwitxh, {nin) n. v. 1 have not 
 slept enough, 1 am yet very sleepy 
 3' P'-»; \\mm..id'. 
 Sinm, {nin) n. v. I feel sick ; 3. ]> 
 -»; p. mmimi. 
 Sinakode, ot-niugad mishi, u. v. a 
 piece of wood whistles in the fire- 
 p. san..dcg, or-mugak. ' 
 Sinduagan, a. a kind of press ; (F 
 serre;] p\.-an. '" ' 
 Sindabiginun, (nin) a. v. in. I con- 
 tract It, make it tighter, (a cord 
 string, etc.) 3. p. o mi... • u. sunj 
 Sind chimin, {nin) n. v. pi. we are 
 sittmg close together; i).mn..djig. 
 Sindagaan,(nin)a..v.in. I press 'it 
 together, I compress it; 3. p. o sin 
 ...; p. .'<(in..nn(i. 
 Sinda^itwa, {nin) a. v. an. I press it 
 together,_ 1 compress it, iun. obj. i 
 i. p. o mn..n ; p. san..wan ; imp. 
 Mndaga. ^ 
 ^•indaiguso, n. v. 3. j). it is pressed 
 together, {an. obj,) p. sun..sud. 
 >iuuUngade, or~magad, u. v. it is 
 I)ressed together; p. mn..deg, or- 
 Sindaige, {nin) or nin sindakwaiqe, 
 n. ". 1 press together, compress; 
 3. p. 1.; p. san..ted. 
 SMukwaigaji, s.'S. Sindaaqan. 
 Mndapis, {nin) n. v. I gird 'myself 
 very strongly; 3. p.-o; p. san..m!. 
 'Siii'{/i,{nin)n. y. I ove.jitrain my- 
 self, 1 make too violent efl'orts; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. mndjid. 
 Sindjia,{fiin) a. v. an. I overstrain 
 hiin. I cause him to make too vi- 
 olent efforts; 3. p. o sin..n; i). sand- 
 Sindjigahatvimin,, {nin) n. v, p| we 
 staii.l close together, we are crow,!- 
 ed^.^ stamlir.g somewhere; p. san.. 
 Sindjlshinimin, (nin) n. v. pi we 
 are ,yiny close together, crowded: 
 p. san.. (/Iff. > 
 S: ja,u.\. Ot.;p. senu.uj. S. jfg. 
 tashiwan. •' , 
 Siniffogadehina, {nin) a. v. an. I rub '' 
 his leg (with some medicine)- T ' 
 p. sin..n; p. sen..nad. 
 ■Smiffona, (nm) a. v. an. i rub him 
 wuli s. t^.; 3. p. o ein..n; p. eeT. 
 Siniffonamawa, {nin) a. v. an. I rub 
 him some part of the body, (with 
 some medicine or ointment): 3 v 
 I) sin..n; p. een..wad. 
 .Siniffonikebina, {nin) a, v. an. I rub 
 his arm, (with some medicine, 
 etc.) J. p. (;7,n..n;n. se.n..7iad. 
 f^inigoiiuuljama, {nin) a. v. an I 
 rub him, (with my hand only);'.! 
 \)- ofim..7i;p. sen..ma(L 
 Stniff'MindJibina, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 rub his hand, (with some medi- 
 cine, etc.) 3. p. sin..n : p. ^en.. 
 nod. * 
 Sinigoshlcinjiffwena, {ndn) a. v an. 
 I rub his eyes, (with some medi- 
 cine); 3. 1. sin..n; p. sen..nad. 
 Mnigosidebtna, {nin) a. v. an. I rub 
 his foot, (with some medicine, etc ) 
 'i.p.osin..n;p. sen..nad. 
 Sinigivaan, {nin) a. v. in. I rub it 
 with s. th.; 3. p. dn...;Y>. sen 
 Simgwaige,{nin) n v. I am rubbing- 
 3. p, l.,-p, 8en..ged. 
 Sinigwujebina, {nin) a. v. an. I rub 
 his skm with s. th.; 3. p. o sin..n- 
 j).sen..7iad\ imp, sinigwajehij . ' 
 tSinigwakwishitnon, {nin) n. v. I rub 
 myself on some object; 3. p.-y; n 
 sen. .nod. ^ 
 Sinigwingwehina, {nin) a. v. an I 
 rub his face, (with medicine, 
 etc.) 3. p. sm..n\ p. sen..nad. 
 Mmgivtsstdon, {nin) a. v. in. I rub it 
 on 8. th.; 3. p. o sin...; p. een..dod. 
 iiimgimnn, u. v. it rubs; p. seu..ing. 
 a cow. J. p. osininan: p. sanintJ 
 Simrkt,j(^nan, s. an. snot; fG Rotz 1 
 ly , J. \).-t, p. .<ien..7iid. 
 nose, 3. p. 1 ;p.«g„.„j^^_ ' 
 Mmigabawtmtn, {nin) n. v nl S 
 ^jSmdjtgahau'imin. ' ^ 
 Mnsigawiskigome, {nin) n, v, ^hi 
 wmukigmne. J ^- v. ^t/ca- 
 Simikan, {nin) a. v, in. J press 
 "ponn;aIso, I fin u too .E 
 (w,thmybody\ it is too narrow 
 ine. '"'"="^«^»«) are too small fo? 
 Sinsikawa. (nin) a, v «« t r,,. 
 ;U-h. ;iitisto?sm\ST 
 ig, my mittens are too small for 
 me (for my hands.) '"»" ^or 
 ^inxzkodadimin, {nin) com. v wp 
 press upon each, we are crowded 
 we throng; p. san.Mdjig. ^^' 
 ^Simtmngwama, (nin) a. v. an I hnir? 
 under my arm, o/ I ca?ry ind^^r 
 my arm, some an. obi. 3, p. odl 
 n; p. san..mad. "^ ^ '^ **'*" 
 Siminingwandan, {mn) a. v ^« T 
 hold nor carry it under my arm • 
 SimtmngwandAlge, {nin) n. v. I hold 
 orcarryundermyarm;3. p.i .n 
 san..ged. f- i^-, p. 
 'SinsisHinimm, {nin) n.v. pi, s Sin 
 djishtmmin. f >^- o^n- 
 Sinsobina, {nin) a. v. an. I dress 
 h>swound, Jtieitup;3.p /2'' 
 n; p sen.nad; imp, 4«,,4". 
 ^insobt^ {nin) n. v. my wound is 
 dressed, tWup; 3. p"-.;;."!'! 
 5^.o5M^m, s. baudageof a wound; 
 SimokweUna, {nin) a. v. I tie up his 
 head, (in head-ache;) 3. p.osin.n; 
 p. ge»,.n.ad. 
 SinsohwchisJnin) n. v. I tie np my 
 head, (in head-ache;) 3. p.-o; p. 
 Sisihdkicat, s, sugar. 
 'Suibdkwatabo, s, sugar-water, sip 
 from maple-trees. 
 ^'^imhakwaMran, s. place where su- 
 gar is made, sugar-car.ip, sugar- 
 biish; [C. surrerie;] pi.- «;/.. 
 Sisibakivatolr . (nin) n. v I inake 
 ^su^ar; 3. p. I.; p. ee.g.lrd. 
 fSmndkwatokeu'in, s. sugar-making. 
 Sisibdkwatonsan, s. pi. confectionary 
 articles; [F. dragde; G. Zucker- 
 Sigsawemm, s. a kind of wild cherry; 
 [C. cerise ftgrappe;] p\.-an. 
 Susaweminagr.'iranj, s. an. wild cher- 
 ry shrub; pl.-i^.* 
 Sissibodjic/nn, or, hiwahiko-mfihodji- 
 ^ffan, s. file; rasp;pl,-ff;), 
 Sissihcdjiije, (nin) n. v. I 'lit ,■ I rasp; 
 I sharpen; 3. p. 1.; p. ses..(jed. 
 Shstbod-on, (nin) a. v. in. I'file it; 1 
 rasp it; 1 sharpen it; 3. p. o sis...; p. 
 Sissihona, (nin) a. v. an. 1 file some 
 an. ol)j.; 3. p. o stu.-n; p. fe8..nad; 
 imp. stgsiboj. 
 Sigttgaan,(niii)?i. win. Al(f. I make 
 a clearing in the woods, 'l clear it, 
 (a place in the woods;) 3. p. o sis 
 ...; p. M8..ang. 
 Sigm'ama, (nin) a. v. aii. 1 spit cold 
 water on him, (as the Indians do 
 to persons that faint;) 3. p. o sis.. 
 n; p. scf!..mad. 
 Sisstvamingwcna, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 spit cold water in his face; 3. p. o 
 #w..«;p. scs..nad. 
 Siwakucadan, (nin) a. v. in. I suck 
 it out; 3. p. ociw...; p. saw. .ana. 
 Siwahvana, (nin) a. v. an. 1 "suck 
 some an. obj.; 3. p. o nw..n', p. 
 Sitvahve, (nin) n. v. 1 am .>iucking ; 
 the sap or juice of s. th., 3. p. 3.; 
 p. saw. .wed. 
 Sobama, (nin) a. v. an. I lick and 
 suck someaw.obj.; 3. p. o scih..n; 
 p. givuhuinad. 
 Sobimdan, (nin) a. v. in,. I lick and 
 suck it; 3. p. o noh...; p. twah..an<i. 
 'Sofiipo, or-nia<jad,n. v. it snows; p. 
 swaffipotj, OT'-mpfiak. 
 S'Gnijdditi,' (h//i) n'. v. I am strong. 
 3tout, robust; 3. p.-j; [i. .iu'u..M'd. 
 SoHf/an, m\v. strongly, firmly. — o'oJt- 
 ffun nin dehwetaii.. ] believe it 
 Sonijaii, u. V. it is «lrong, durable; 
 it IS bard, linn, solid, steady; p.. 
 lionganainia, (nin) n. v. I j)ray 
 strongly, that is, 1 pm a good 
 staunch Chiistian, I am religious, 
 devout, j)ious; 3. p. 1.; y.man. id. 
 Samjanaiaiawin, devotion, piety. 
 Sontjaona, (nin) a. v. an. I give him 
 a good large share, (in a distribu- 
 tion;) 3. p. I) gong..n; p. m\in..nad\ 
 imp. mmjaoj. 
 Songuimditt, (nin) r. v. I take i good 
 large share for myself, (in a dis- 
 tribution which 1 make;) 3. p.-o; 
 ]>. m'ang..sod. 
 Sotigend agon, (nin) n. \. 1 am con- 
 sidered strong, I am strong, firm; 
 3. p. ].; p. i.-wang..sid. 
 Songefidagwad, u.'v. it is considered 
 strong, "it is fitrong; p. n wan.. tvak. 
 Siwgendum, {nin)n. v. I have strong 
 thoughts, I am firmly resolved;! 
 am constant; 3. p. \.;yi. f.tvan..ang. 
 Stnujfudamia. (nin) a. v. an. I niak'e 
 him have strong thoughts, a firm 
 resolulion, I fortify bis mind; 3. p. 
 os<m...7i; J), swana. ad. 
 S'lngtvdamoU'in, sti'O'ip ought, firm 
 resolution; constancy . 
 Songenddn, (nin) a. v. -in. I think it 
 is"strong; also, 1 think on it strong- 
 ly; I resolve it firmly ; 3. p. o son...; 
 p. su'an..ang. 
 iSongenima, (nin) a. v. on. I tliink he 
 is strong; also. 1 think firmly on 
 him; 3. p. o song..n.\ p. twan..fnad. 
 Soiigidee, (nin) n. v. 1 am strong- 
 bearled, I am bra^ e, courageous, 
 Icarless, intrepid, audacious, da- 
 ring; 3. p. J ; p. s%ian..cd. 
 Sun<!uia><hl-a(je, {niu) n. v. J make 
 the hoart of soindiodv strong- I 
 oi mi .;r?"''^' r''-'^^'^' ^^^^^ 
 f ,,. ^n ' ^""'*f Strength or mind: 
 tho Sacrament of Ccnfirmatio n 
 ? .\e Confinnation, ] coufinn ' 
 co!;iirm"lu;.'''''^^"^^^-^*^''^'^^^'''i«> I 
 ipcnive Confirmation. 
 "lake lus heart stroni. I fortifshiJ 
 ;eart,hisnmid;IcomVir. /n'a' 
 ^<gj7^^.M«.«) n. V. S. ^„,. 
 ^'<'n(/iilfe,hhrwenvna, (nin) a. v «« 
 resolution m his heart, a firm will; 
 »V«ff?,/««7,,, s. fortitude of heart 
 courage, bravery, fearlessness ?„ 
 ,trcpidity; audacity. ^«' s, in 
 ''SSf' '"'"^ "• ^- ^- ^*^'^«- 
 '^'Sf '^''' ^"'''^ "• ''• ^- ^"'hkawi. 
 ^'^;^^<^^<^,inin}n.^.S. Mashkaivi. 
 ^'>'ou(!u/awtM-a, ov~maqad, u. v it is 
 >ure, not rolling, (a canoe or boat 
 \>. swung.. hag, ox-magah.~ii . lu 
 ^ongwi, (mn) n. v. I grow stronger 
 J '"crease in size and strength ' 
 /'■?• i-;r. fwaiKfigid. ' 
 iongiffondagan, {nin) n. v. I have a 
 stroiig brave voice : 3. p T „ 
 i'onymvaddn,{ni>i) a. v. in. 1 sew it 
 strong; 3. p.oson...; p. man..auo. 
 ^^ongtgwana, (mn) a. v. an. I sew 
 «ome a.«. obj. strong ; 3. p. a tm 
 f>; l>-«U'an..nad. 
 'imgigwa.s, {mn)n. v. I sew strong. 
 ,0 ,_J. p.-o; p. s'.van..sod. 
 ■^■"ngmagvf, {nin) n. v. J look strong 
 ^1 Table lasting- r °°^* «"'0"l?. 
 J- p. 1. ; p. m:an..a?M ^^Keii, 
 ,-^ , P- swangisid. ^ ' **• P- 
 -^"'igif/iin, n. v 3 n ,f ,•„ i 
 '^o/i^/^ia, (m«)a. V fl« Tm«t u. 
 strong, I c.t/pn;,V ""■;'. '"a«e him 
 Wm: 3.n ;'y!' " '""1. fortify 
 solidly, assurediv .^/. ^trojngly, 
 ratified; TS'i i ^''^' '^"'^firmed, 
 strong, 1 stringthen it T -''^^" 
 confirm, ratify f.^^^'^' "^ '°^'»fy. 
 p. «w«j/,Yod/ ' '^^ P- *w^«^o»; 
 Snag, fcaga, at the enrl r^f 
 stantivL\nd7o"bs ah,T'"^- 
 bS w?'- ^'^^ P'^'^e of wood fa 
 ete '^ J^«ts.«^a, the Uoor is dean 
 ^^;rd flies, fhes quick, kfa'o^in: 
 nmkes the heart' ftrong/acoml; 
 ter, consoler: p] -7«t 1_ c„, "„ ^" 
 Comforter the Holy Glios! 
 iStomt words which art not found under T may he looked for tinder D. 
 Ta.-This particle marks the third 
 person of the future tense. ( S. the 
 Conj. in Otchipwe Gram.) 
 Tabds, (nin) n. v. I lower myself, to 
 avoid a blow, or some other thing 
 that is flying towards me ; 3. p.-o : 
 p. tehasod. 
 Tdbashish, adv. below, low. 
 Tahassd, OT-magad, u. v. it is low ; 
 p. tebassag, or-^magah. 
 Tahassdbtd., s. undertooth, a tooth of 
 the under jawbone ; pl.-an. 
 Tdbassadina, or-magad, u. v. S. Ta- 
 Tahassddis, {niti)r\. v. I am low, ab- 
 ject, mean, humiliated ; 3. p.-i ; p. 
 Tnbassdkam^ga, or-magud, u. v. 
 there is a low ground ; p. teb..gag, 
 Tabassdkumigaigade, or-magad, u. 
 V. the ground 'is lowered ; p. teh.. 
 deg, r>T-magak. 
 Tabassnkwa, or-magad, u. v. there 
 is a low forest, low trees ; p. teb.. 
 Wag, or-mugak, 
 Tahassdkwaamog (ammikig), n. v. 
 pi. it thunders low; a low'thunder- 
 storm, (the thundc-s make noise 
 Tabassunsika, or -magad. u. v. it is 
 low, thin, (a book, etc.) p. teb.Jcag, 
 Tabassushkad, u. v. it is narrow, 
 (stuff, cloth, mat ;) p. teb..kad. 
 Tabassendagos , (nin) n. v. I am es- 
 teemed low, mean, I am despisa- 
 ble, despicable, I am despised ; 3. 
 p.-»; p. teb..sid. 
 Tabassendagivad, u. v. it is esteemed 
 low, mean, it is despiaable, despi- 
 cabls, it is despised ; p. teh..wak. 
 Tabassenddn, {nin) a. v. in. I esteem 
 it low, 1 despise it; 3. p. o tab...; p, 
 Tahassinim, {nin) n. v. I have hum- 
 ble thoughts of myself, I humble 
 myself; 3. p.-o; p. fob. .mod. 
 Tabassenim^iwin, s. humble conceit 
 of one's self. 
 Tabassinima, (nin) a. v. an. I es- 
 teem him low, I think little of him, 
 1 despise him; 3. p. otab..n; p. teh. 
 Tsbaesenindis, (nin) r. v- I esteem 
 or think myself low, I humble my- 
 self, I am humble ; 3. p,-o; p. teh.. 
 'I'aOussenindisawin, s. humility. 
 2uhnma, (nin) a. v. an. I lower or 
 abase some an. ohj. 1 put it low- 
 cr; 3. p. tab..n ; p. teh. .ad. 
 Tabiisnigahawi aw awessi, n. v. 3. p. 
 this anunal stands low, that is, it 
 is short-legged ; p. teh..vid. 
 Talagsina, (nin) a. v. an. 9. Tubas- 
 Tahissinan, (nin) a. v. in. I put it 
 lower, I lower it; ^.p. o tab...; p. 
 Tabassipagidendan, (nin) or, 7iin ta- 
 bimipagiiinan, a. v. in. I humblv 
 submit it, I subject it; 3. p. o tab..'.: 
 p. teb..ang. 
 Tabaseipagidenima, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 humbly submit him, I subject him; 
 3. p. tab..n ; p teb.. mad. 
 Tabas&ipagidenindis, (nin) r. v. I 
 humbly submit myself, I subject 
 myself; 3. p.-o; p. teb..sod. 
 bird tl 
 Tabu Suit, 
 abase i 
 f). teha 
 l)oat, v 
 -S. Li 
 it low ; 
 or the SI 
 or the h 
 is a shel 
 myself, I 
 gainst th 
 against I 
 Tagd! or t 
 halloo ' 1( 
 Tdgos, at t 
 verbs, alli 
 the first p 
 the mafint 
 as : Nin j 
 hear me, I 
 sure, with 
 tagos, I am 
 words, I s] 
 notagos. I ; 
 — S. Tawc 
 his toes; 3. 
 making a ri 
 faKaHaxpagtdenmdunwin, «. humble 
 « il)n„s„on, subjection. 
 laha.sKmi aw hineshi, n. v. 3. p that 
 bin! /hes low. near the ground ,p 
 Tahas^iton (nin) a. v. in. I lower or 
 abasru Iputitlower;3.p.oJi 
 Tabatmrnagad, u. v. it is low, (canoe 
 W H "'^,' ^''"' ^ "• ^- ^ «Peak with a 
 It low , J p o tab...; p. <ei..W. 
 shelter or shac/e again.t tlu. wfnd 
 or the sun . 3. p.].; p. ^,/,.^^^ ' 
 Tabmoon s. shelteragainst tife wind 
 OMheheatofthesun;pl.-a;,. ^' 
 rst'Sf'^'r'^'^-'^"^'"-^-- there 
 ^«*£««^«^e, (ram) n. v. S. roit- 
 ^Xuti.''-^"''''^^'»"''f the year. 
 %«'ri^/:,u.v.iti8fall,iti8the fall 
 f-ver) tail, lagwagong, last fall. 
 laM of the year in such a place or 
 3 such a manner. 3..P. -.n t; 
 mtend to spend the ffll Ttl'slJ 
 TagwM„^JuMos, (nin) n. v. my 
 Tagwuhmindjiwa, (nin) a. v. a« T 
 ca ch or crush his han.i (or finger) 
 between the door, in slluttin/i 
 iagwaivagmandaminag, (nin) a v 
 ««.l stamp or crush^IrSdiS corn 
 w_ithastone;p. <e^..«;«j. 
 laimhhhodjiged, p. s. a. he that 
 saws, a scvyyer; p|. -jig. ''^^t 
 ^a;ato^«im^, p. g. ^-^ -^^e who is 
 |Ylolr A 
 it'-fn^Vi' .^""^'^''A ^ Straighten 
 I ajwaJcogabaw, (nin) n. v. I stanri 
 up straight; 3. \. J; p. ^;_;-/i'"^ 
 7«?«'«A.^a,(m«-.n. v! J strarghten 
 -right; 3. p. i.;p. 
 Tahinoshimnn, {nin) n. v. I sheltpr 
 myself, I am 'behind a shelteVt 
 gainst the wind, or under a shade 
 agamst the sun; 3. p.-,,; p t2 \ -T'r"^""«-*«. P- s. a. he w] 
 vod. ^ ' P' ^^'^••L,^^^. a lazy person; pi. -;,v 
 TAbtMotch, adv. likewise, equally ^f/^;"^"^'""'^; {nin) a. v. // 1 „ 
 Taga or ^dj/^ Wj7« , inter?, well ' .^''^'^h, metal,; I straigl 
 halloo' let me see' vvcu . | it, 3. n. « /^^ .„ j..- fa' 
 %«. at the end of sorne neuter 
 verbs, alludes to being keardTZ 
 he first part of the verb denotes 
 the manner m which one is heard- 
 as : jstn nngitagos, they hate to 
 hear me, 1 am heard with d is plea 
 sure, with disgust. MnnZaTa- 
 tagos I am heard speaking prudent 
 words, I speak w/selv. Mn mi 
 -S^nlr ^""''^ ^'i'h pleasure. 
 Tagosideshkawa, (nin) or nin to. 
 ra^w««cZo«m«^, s. mallet used in 
 making a canoe; pi. ^. 
 Tagwaanabo, s. corn soup. Indian 
 corn-soup. ^ *"uiaii 
 up, and stand 
 kilih'^T^ („^;,) a. V. in. I wet 
 TaMbihisi, n. v. 3. n. it ig p^i^ /«, 
 Jukdgamt, or -7n«W, u. v it is mo I 
 or cold, (some hVid;ipi.S 
 TaHotimMh^don, (nin) n. v. tVi. S. 
 Takaia, or -magad, u. v. it is cool; 
 p. lehiiag, or -matjak. 
 Tukatnadiuv', {ni'ii) or. nl/i (ahum- 
 gatii, n. v. I wailo throim'h a 
 river, I ford if; 3. p. 1.; p. tA-../iid. 
 Takdninuid, u. v. there is a cold 
 wind; p. fel-.-mak. 
 lalcdth, (nin) n. v. I catch cold; 3. 
 p. -^; p. khashid. 
 Talcni>huna,{nm)-A. V. an. I make 
 him catch cold, 1 expose him to 
 cold; 3. p. tak..n\ p. tek..m ud. 
 Takddsin, u. v it is cold by tiic 
 wind; p. tek..vi(j. 
 Tukate, ox -ma(jnd, u. v. it is cold, 
 (in a hnildin^';) p. tekafvo. or -ma- 
 Takenis (?)in)n. v. I feci cold in my 
 whole body; 3. p.'-t; ^.fek.Hid. 
 Takih, s. a spring of cold water; pi. 
 Takihadnii, (niii) a. v. -/«. I cool it 
 ponrinj? cool water in; 3. p. <> 
 tak ..; p. tck..dod. 
 Takihima, u. v. the rain is cold; p. 
 Tahidee, (mn) n. v. my heart is 
 cold; p. tek..ed. 
 Takuieeiabiiwana, (Jtin) a. v. «;?,. I 
 cool his heart, by giving him cold 
 water to drink; 3. p. o tah..n; p. 
 Takldceiabairanidis, {nin) r. v. I 
 refresh my heart, by drinking cold 
 water; 3. p. -o; p. tek..tiod. 
 Takid_iune, {nin) n v. my nose is 
 cojd; 3. p. ].; p. tek..ned. 
 Takiga.de, {nin) n. v. my leg is cold, 
 (or my legs are cold;) 3. p. 1.; p. 
 iek. .ded. 
 Takvjcnii., s. cold spring-water. 
 TaHjeiahnitmnidis, {nin) r. v. I cool 
 my skin with cold water; 3. p.-o; 
 p. tele.. sod. 
 Takinibin,-a. v. it is a cool summer; 
 p, tek..ing. 
 faktnikr, t nin ) n. v. my arm in rold 
 (or my arms are cold;) 3. n. l.- ,/ 
 lek..k,'d. ' ■'' 
 Tiikiii/ndji, (nin) n. v. mv hand i% 
 cold, (or n\v hands are cold;) 3 d 
 I ; p. i,'k..id. '^' 
 7'iik>/nk'r(in, i nin) n. v. my back is 
 cold; 3. p. 1.; p. tek..ang. 
 7'nki.i, ( nrn)i). v. [ am coM. mv bodv 
 IS cold; 3. p.-o; p. M-m'd. ' 
 Takiahimn, (nin) a. 
 som.' on. olij ; 3. 
 an. I cool 
 " fuk..n; p. 
 r cool it; 
 7'<tki»ide, (nin) n. v. my foot is cold 
 (or my feet are cold;) 3. p, ].; ,,1 
 Takim'dJ/gfl. (nin.) n. v. I cool, I 
 make cool s. th.; 3. p. 1.; p. fek 
 Takisxidon. {>iin,)n. v. in. 
 ■'?. ]). >i tdfc...; p. t,k..do,l. 
 Takisxin, u. v. it is cold. (anyw. 
 obj.) p. teki.mn.g.~Takifsin nin 
 midjini; my meal is cold. 
 Takifnwage, i nin) n. v. my ear i.« 
 cold, (or my ears are cold;) n 
 tek..gfd. ' ^' 
 Takdhidawn, {nin) or. nin takohida- 
 mawn. a. v. an. T tie s. th. to him 
 or for him, or s. th. relatini,' to 
 him; I tie some remedv to' his 
 wound or on his wound." 3. p. o 
 fak.ji; p. t('k..ivud. 
 Takdhide, or -magad, u. v, it is tied, 
 It is bound np;' p. /ek..deg, or -ma- 
 Tnhihidfg (mas^hkofnwnn), in. obj. 
 bundle (of hav). Ahidinq takdl 
 dfij. nisfiing tahihideg. naving toko- 
 hideg. etc. One bundle, ' three 
 bundles, five bundles, etc. 
 Takohidjignde, or -manad, u. v. S. 
 Takobidjigan, n. tying-strimr, any 
 thine- to tic with, a cord, a string, 
 pack-thread, etc.; pi. -an. 
 TaJ-ohidJigan, or mukaknssag-takdhid- 
 Jigan, s. hoop, barrel-hoop; pi. -an. 
 •»• p. I., p. tck-iirJ. 
 TaMm,(vin)'.,.y.i,,_ I tie it; 3 
 Ta/cub,ka (,>ln)n.v.in. I ti« him, 
 ■ «l, J.p. o(nk..n; p. leL.nad; 
 imp. takolii). ' 
 Takolnni,je, (mn) n. v. S. y;,^«/,,v. 
 tymg, oiiu.'iiiQr. 
 TnUn„/,jowm, a. tie, bfinir fie.i. 
 uonil --^;,„«_(;,„/ «*« tnk;M,ni,,Hnn \ 
 i>iin.„tvh Mil v'liianawenduk. Mv 
 bomi (Obligation; is iliriicult; but 
 ^ still i will keop it. 
 Takohis, (nw) „. v. I am tied, I am 
 tiedupinacradle,(acliild:)3. i, 
 -o; p. tekohistd. ' " 
 TakMsi 'Way, ( nabafr-mao onsao) 
 tiioy are tied up u/h burulTe ' 
 (Hiingles ) AhuHruj takohismvnd, as 
 thoy are bound up once, that is 
 oriebunde, ,Vy,«j^. ,t,,;,„^„'J; 
 mngtukobisowai', two, three four 
 bundles. ' 
 7'ato&a/o;i, ('«■«) a. V. U. I shorten 
 It by sawmg a piece off- 3. p. ,; 
 Takobma, (nin) a. v. an. I sliortcn 
 ort"'l 7' ft ''^ ^'"'^^"^ •■' P*^'^" 
 lakoJjane, (nm) n. v. I hav., a short 
 iiose;3.p. l.;p.M,,,^^„■ 
 /c|Wf, (,„Vi) n. V. lam short- 
 ened; 3 p. i.; p. /ek..ded.~.Mn 
 takogade also signifies : One of mv 
 legs IS shorter than the other. 
 lakokadan, {nin) a. v. in. I t;-ead on 
 ,n'.^''r'^','^''?''™P'''^"b alludos rather 
 'laknk.ina {»;„) a. v. ,,-« Mr. . 
 7;;i''''f'.«'«tep, pace. 
 ' «';'f'' I'in,; I take hi n ui f""' 
 "/«/•..«; p. tekonad. ' ^- P" 
 Itikonagnd, u. v. itisshnr» / 
 boat. ve,sel etc. V^X.;!'"''"''^' 
 Tuhmnwass, (nin) n v 11., 
 cluld in mV "urn : al./ Z'^'' ,« 
 sponsor at baptism. godfitLr ^ 
 godmother. goo'ather or 
 Tukomle or -wiff.;,,^, „. v. it is chn,» 
 lakonumds, or -miffad, u. v. it i« 
 seized arrested, /distrained;":'' 
 teli-.deg, or -imgak. ' P' 
 ^uhonjgas, (nin) n. v. I am fai, 
 lakomudji, (nin) n. v. f havp n 
 short hand; 3. p l • n /./• j/ ^ 
 seize,Iarrest;3.p. l.;p.Vw 
 2akomwemn,s. arrest, seLue ' 
 luHniwmimni, s. a man that seizes 
 or a_rrest3, a constable; ad,strS: 
 ■Tak6B(nin)xi.v. I am short, lam 
 small;3. p.-^;p./,^^,^"' ' «"i 
 Tak6tiU,{nin) n. v. I have a short 
 fool; :). p. l.;|,. tik.ded. 
 Tahrn, or ma>jitd, u. v. it in short; 
 p. tekwa^f, or -ma^/ak. 
 Takwafxlwu, ( nin i n. v. I nm Hhrnt 
 and thick; [K. courtiiud;] 3. p. -/; 
 p. t£k..»iJ. 
 Tiikwmigad, w. v. it is «hort,( thread, 
 8trin>f, cic.) p. lek..gak. 
 Tukwahi'jhi, n. v. 3. p. it is short, 
 (sotiin an. stuff, teniha, etc.) p. 
 TaJcwdhihid, u. v. it isshoit, (metal, 
 glass;; p. teh..kak. 
 Tahwiibikisi, n. v. 3. p. it is sliort, 
 (aih. olij., asain, etc.) p. tek,.sid. 
 Takwaganavia, (mn)a. v. «yt. I striko 
 him too much; 3. p. o tuk..n; p. 
 Takuakinhuljiwadj, (nin) n. v. my 
 handsare very cold, benumbed with 
 cold; [K. j'ai Tongloe ;] 3. p.-» ; p. 
 Tahvakisideiahawe, {nin) n. v. my 
 feet are cold being wet ; 3. p. 1. ; 
 p. tek..wed. 
 Takwakifidewadj, {nin\r\. v. my feet 
 are extremely cokl, benumbed 
 with cold; 3. p.-i; p. tck..id. 
 Tahvnhm, n. v. 3. p. it is short, (a 
 hoard, etc.) p. tek..sid. 
 Takwdhwaan, (nin) a. v. in. I ehor- 
 ten It by cutiinp off a piece with 
 an axe; 3. p. o tak...\p. tek..aig. 
 Tabwdhvad, u. v. it is short, (a 
 wooden object;) p. tek..ivak. 
 Taku'dkwawa, {nin) a. v. an. I short- 
 en some a/«.. obj. by cutting off a 
 piece wi'h an axe ; 3. p. o tak..n ; 
 p. tek-wad ; imp. tahvakwd. 
 Takuamd, (nin) a. v. an. I bite him; 
 3_. p- tcOc.n ; p. tek.,mad. 
 Tahwambis, (nin) n. v. I wear a short 
 petticoat or froci., (a woman ;) 
 also, 1 tie or gird up high my blan- 
 ket; 3. p.-»; '^.tsk-.tiod. 
 Tahwa,7:.ig, {nm) n. v. ; 3, p.-o ; p. 
 tek,.aod.~S, Miniwapii.e. 
 Takwcnam, {nin) n. v. I hare a short 
 respiration, short breath; 3. p.-o; 
 p. tek..mod. 
 Takiiuimldn, {nin) a. v. in. I bite it , 
 3. p. (( tak...; p. Iek..ang. 
 T'divandjitran,n. tongs; IF. tenaille;! 
 pl.-««. '^ 
 Takwdwljiijnns, s. dim. pincers, nip. 
 peis; pi. (/n. '^ 
 Tukivange,{nin) n. v. ibitf; J. n 
 \.;\>.tek..(ied. '■ 
 TakicauiiiKhk, {nin) n. v. I am in a 
 habit ot biting; 3. p.-* ; n. tfik..kid. 
 7hkwd)iikwr,{nin) n. v. I liave short 
 ^ hiiir; 3. p. 1.; p. t(k..tvt'd. 
 Tahvdiuiive aw animmh, n. v. 3. p, 
 tlint dog has a short tail ; p. tek ' 
 Takwdtnn, (nin) a. v. in. I shorten 
 it; 3. p. otak...\ o. t,-k..tod. 
 Tahwindnm. {nin) n. v. I keep in 
 memory; 3. p. 1.; p. tek.ang. 
 Takwini'iimowin, s. memory, k >- 
 ing ill memory. 
 Takwenddn, {nin) a. v. in. I keep it 
 in memory, I think on it ; 3. p. o 
 tuk...; p. ttk..ang. 
 Takwegad, i\. v. it is short, Cs'uff, 
 ^ vestment, etc.) p. tek..gnk. 
 i^kwi^isi, n. v. 3. p. it is short, (a» 
 stuff, seniha, etc.) p. teL.sid. 
 Takwinima, (nin) a. v, an. I keep 
 him in memory, 1 think on him ; 
 3. p. tak..n; p. tek. .mud. 
 Takunndima, u. v. S. Ginwindima 
 Tan. This end-syllable of some in 
 verbs, is tlio inanimate of tawa. 
 which see for an explanation.— 
 Ninjingitdn, I hate to bear it ; 
 ■nin minatdn, I like to hear 't; etc 
 Tdnapi > adv. Ot. when \ 
 Tandssag, adv. like..., like as..., I 
 may say... 
 Tdndi? adv. v/here ? 
 Tdngugwindjima, (nin) a. v. an. I dip 
 him a little in water, I touch the 
 water with him. ( a person, or some 
 other an. obj,) 3. p. otan.ji; p. 
 taian..m.ad . 
 Tdngagwindjiton, {nin) a. v. in. 1 
 dip it a little in water, I touch the 
 water with it ; 3. p. o tang... ; p. 
 Tdngama, {idn) a. v. «». I taste it, 
 • " tanij 
 I«ntalittlB nf it, ^a». obi.) 3. o. 
 '^''•■n .1); \->.t,iiit..miul. 
 ianyundnn, ( nin > a. v. in. I tftHte it, 
 I •■at a littlo of it. (in. obi.) 3.:.. 
 "/(//t,..,-p. taia.am. 
 lamntM, (nia) n. v. dn. I touch him- 
 [L. tancro ;) 3. p. „ tanginnn ; p. 
 TAiujinamadiH, ( nin) r. v. S. Tan- 
 Tdn</inam(iwa,()iin) a. v. an. I touch 
 him 91. th.. 1 toucli h. th. 
 irif? or relatiiiir to him; j. 
 ..«,• p. in inn., lead. 
 Tdiijrinan, i «m) a. v. t'n. I touch it j 
 •'). |>. o tan... ; p. tiiin..anK. 
 Tanijiniflindn., (nin) com. v. we 
 ,.!"'"/''.""'' """'her: p. tain. .d id j!,/, 
 V'dnijinidi.i. I ni7i) '•.v. I toiio'n 'u'y. 
 ^ snIC; ;t. p.-o ; p. tain. .nod. 
 TaiKjin/ihii/r, inhi) u. v. I kick; 3. 
 p. 1.; U. fen..(/ed. 
 Tan(jiKhkd(je hehejionganji, n. v. 3. p. 
 the horse kicks ; p. ten..qvd. 
 Taueinhhin, (nin) a. v. tn. I kick 
 it/ 3. p tan... ; p. ten..an(j. 
 TangiMntcd, (nin) a. v. an. I kick 
 him; 3. ]). o tan,.n; ]), ten..ivud. 
 TarKjishkiijade, or-^mujad, or tanyish- 
 Icitchipade, ox~maglid, u. v. it is 
 kicked;^//, thrown about and des- 
 pised ; ji. 'tc}i..drg, ox-maiiuk. 
 TaiKjishkuids, I nin) n. v. I" am kick- 
 ed, I arii kickdd about; 3. p.-w; p. 
 Tan^ishkige, (nin) n. v. I kick, I am 
 kicking; I stamp with the foot ; 3 
 p. 1.; p. ten..ged. (The same as 
 tanglM-age. ) 
 Tdngiisiton, {nin) a,\.in. I make 
 it touch s. th., 1 bring it in contact 
 with s. th.; 3. p. otan...: p. taian.. 
 Tiini ? adv. Of. how ? what ? 
 Tanish? (or, tani dasM) adv. Ot. but 
 how? how ? 
 Tamlh, [nin) n. v. I peep in, look in, 
 (through the door or window ;) 3. 
 p.-»; p. tepahid. 
 Tdpi ? ailv. Ot. when ? 
 Tapihweu, {nin) n. v. 1 stretch my 
 head thr^jgh a window or other I 
 'o sfe B. th. 
 3. p. 
 W«r*4t«. r«//0 n. V. I peep in. 
 •••'n- or lodge through a' wTulow 
 "'. ep. 
 •T door; 3. , I. l., 
 Jashkaun, (nin) a. 
 ^MdU 'it:'^ u. V. it i„ crncke.) or 
 \ ,Zi::^!:]v''''^ '^ ^-'^^ -'-) V- 
 y<is/ikd/jikis,o, or-mairad. n, v it 
 n,.ndH«,,,u,..„acks,, metal, rock: 
 ' \ /(tia...itg,()r-,nugak. 
 '"' '"'""- ("'■".; a." v. an. I solit 
 "'^;'i-np.tnia..viud. ' 
 J"-'>'d:r.'iuMidi^w^ian, «, r-oat over 
 coat, overall; I ^^H„Vt„,^«J^^ 
 Iashkn,Hlan. (nin) a. v. in. I so it 
 w. h tlu, teeth,^ bite it tKgl 
 ■■^■\-<;taxh...;p.tain..ang. ' 
 ^''<>^ku<fvan,jihuljige, (ni,i)n v i 
 7dskkiljji,jan, OT ta^hkigihodjigan 
 i'lfikihodngnn, steam saw-miil 
 lashhhodpge. (nin) or, r,wi ^,M/7V/*. 
 W./?y.', n. V. I «aw with a whip, 
 saw or splitt:ng.saw ; J saw in a 
 fj. Ktshkihixljige. 
 ii'xhkih„djig,^win, s. sawmg(alonL- 
 not across); saw.millbu.sinL,Sc: 
 7' l^;'"!'","/"' '^"'■'^ of a sHwver. 
 ^"shkthojptjavinini. s. sawyer; saw- 
 yer in a saw-nill, also, propriet ,r 
 °f«.««w-mill;-pl.-M,„,,. ^ 
 lnshkd>odnn,{nin) or, nin tushkim- 
 W««,a. V m. [ saw it (along.; 
 T VV't'' ^"*''-'' p. taia..dod. 
 lashkibona, (nin) or, «wi ^a.^AHw- 
 Owrt, a V. an. I saw some an. obi 
 (along); 3. p ., ,;„sA..«,; p. ^a/a .' 
 nad; imp. tasldcihi^. ^ 
 ?'&;'„,"'=»'.="'' '" ""'""( Si.-f^""^ -y. "-y, h,.b,ek. 
 with, frower;pI.-aw 
 ir«s/5^7V7«;V/<?, («i;^,) n. V. I cleave, I 
 ^ split; 3. (,. \.-^,.taia..(jed. 
 Ta>./d-i<jatw, {niii) n. v. I split wood 
 'or fuel;;}, p. 1.; p. ,-«/«..;,.,/. 
 T'is/dujd.'i, {nin) a. v. ./j. I split it : 
 J- p. I' fash...; (). tma..an>j. 
 Td.''hktgawa, {nin) a. v. «;?. I split 
 some «/. obj. ; 3. p. o tmh..n ; p. 
 Lonhkiijishlca, n. v. 3. p. "it is split o- 
 y-"","/: '.'"'• ""^.i- ) P- tai<i..]cad. 
 Ja.sia>(jtm', or-.wi>/ad, u. v. it splits 
 y,"'; ";"''s ; P- ltii<'-se<l, or-magak. 
 laMiian. {nm) a. v. in. I split it or ' 
 'livulo It 111 two, ciutinijit; 3. p. ,; 
 ?«*■//....; p. ^rt2(;. am/. 
 iashhiiwa, ijdii) a. v. an. 1 split or 
 clivide VI iwo some an. obj., cut- 
 ting u; ,i. p. te.9/i..M. p. tuiu..wud\ 
 imp. (uskHjwi. 
 Tutikkiku, or-mar/ad, u. v. it is split 
 or rent, {in. obj.) p. taia..kun or- 
 niagak. ' 
 T<tMikumi(jihidJi,j(,n, s. a thinff to 
 rend the ground; with, that is, a 
 J<is/ihhimi(/if>idp,ge, (nin) n. v. I 
 rend or tear the eround, that is, 
 yj P'oj'K'M 3. p. 1. ; p. ^„,Vj..£/tf</. 
 Jasliklkwad, u. V. there is a fissure 
 or crevice in the ice ; p. tuia..wak. 
 JiiftM-ikiradin. n. v. the ice splits 
 rends, opens; p. faia..inci. 
 Ja.sMina, {ntn) a. v. ««. I split some 
 ««. oh), in the middle, I divide it 
 in two; 3. p. ,j tush.n ; p. tuiushki- 
 Tushkinan, i^nin) a. v. in. I split it 
 in the middle, I divide it in two ; 
 'i. p. tush... ; p, Una..unq. 
 latiigadu, {tiin) n. v. I am inactive, 
 not w-orlvinif, sluRsish, indolent, 
 lazy; 3. p.-^,. p. tuia...,id. 
 J«-ta(jadi.uwin, or tuf<ujudjiwi>i, s. 
 sluggishness, inactivity, indolence. 
 lutagugican, s. backbone, spine.— 
 1 here is always a possessive pro- 
 noun prefi.Yed to this word ; as : 
 ^^n tatiKjdgwun, ki (atugagwun. 
 Tutugmindjiodis. (nin) r. v. Ibrui,P 
 „;"LS".'i'°' «""'"' ^■p- "p. 
 Tutugoganjirdi,^^ (^nin) r. v. I briii^p 
 "'.vnaii, (on hand or foot;) '^ ,, 
 Tatagagomin S. Odataqngomm. 
 lnU>gostdmdi,, (nni) r.' v. I brnis 
 rnyioot;3. p.-,.;p./«,-«..*wi. 
 Jaiagwa, or--maga,l, u. v. S. Ji^oa. 
 kannga. ^ 
 TutdngLskkun, (nin) a. v. in. freq j 
 kick It repeatedly ,- 3. p. o fat.. 
 p. ti:f..a?ig. ' ' 
 Tafdnguhkuwa, {nin) a. v. an. fren 
 1 kick him reneatedly; 3. p. ^ /„< 
 • •w, p. tet..wud. 
 Tittamihide, (nin) n. v. fren S Tn 
 wuhide. * *■ 
 Tatawdkwimin, u. v. there are brei 
 ches where we can go through' 
 (fence, wall ;) p. tet..ing. ^ ' 
 lafawibmu, u. v. it rains by inter 
 fatdagude (^mn) n. y. I am lame in 
 one leg, I have a crooked leg- 3 n 
 l.;p.tet..ded. ' ^' 
 Tatcldgni>hini,{nm) n. v. I dance 
 Ike a lame person, (with one leg 
 bent;) 3. p.-o; p. tet..mod. 
 latongah, (nin) or, jiin tatwanqah 
 n. v. 1 look with widely ope.ned 
 eyes amazed; ,. p.-^^ p. ■tet..hl<l. 
 latoshkan, {nm) a. v. in. I break it 
 lburstit;3 p.„^„^...;p. ^^.^ ' 
 lawa! interj. (used by males only.) 
 helas! ha! ' ' 
 Tawa. at the end of some a?i verbs 
 signifies hearing; and the first part 
 of the verb denotes the TO«/iwH„ 
 vyiiich one hears somebody; as • 
 ^m gtmitawa, I hear him in a 
 st.'althly manner, I overhear him 
 lUii nnnotawa. I hear him with" 
 pleasure; etc. S. Tdgos. 
 Tawahide, (tiin)a. v. oV, nintafawa- 
 hhle, 1 lost several teeth, I have 
 gnps or vacant places in the rows 
 of my teeth; 3. p. I.; -g. leicded. ' 
 lawabika, ot-magad, u. v. there is a 
 crevice or openinfr in a rock, 
 throntfh (rorn one side to the other 
 p. t"iu..kafj, or~ma<fak. 
 Taw,ihikad, ... V. " ,t is cracked 
 tlirough, (motal;),,. ^g,^,..;ta/-. 
 7;«2J»'««%. ("*■«) a. V. an. I make 
 rootn lor hini to sit down: 3 p « 
 taw..n] p. few. .wad. 
 Tawadina, u. v. there is a low placo 
 t.etween mountains, a valley : p 
 tew.. nag. ^ > i^- 
 7&mM(,^/,,)n.v.[ open my month; 
 [Ill.sinem;] }. p.-e; p. taidiounid. 
 Jnwanohidou damuuu/ati, (nm) a 
 V. *«. I open an iron trap, I sot itj 
 liiwanona UU) a. v. an. [ open 
 lus month; 3. p. „ taw..n; p. taid^. 
 n,id; imp. tnwamn. ' 
 /(iwa/Hm(/W'im, oiin) n. v. [ sleei> 
 with my mouth open; 3. p. l • n 
 ^ f<ua..ang. ' ' ' 
 Ta,wi,,dhaH;,(nm) n. v. I make room 
 ™ ;/>»i'ic"t , ( lllll,; II. V. 1 
 'iif '''''""•^ '^^'-ie; 3. p.-,-; p. tew.. 
 Tawishhide, or-maaad, u. v. thero 
 is room, (inalods'e.honse, etc.)n. 
 tew.deff, or-uKKiak. ^' 
 J'iwU'ia;fa,or-nMf/ad, u. v. there i^ 
 a crack or opening in a piece of 
 wood, ma i'loor, etc.; p. tew..,/a,,. 
 nx-mayaJc. ' •'' 
 Tawhsliu u. V. there is room: p 
 tems&mcj. ' ^ ' 
 Tfj/iY, or tchd^i, in composition, al 
 ludes to cimmminq, spendinn. ( Kx- 
 I'-npes in some of the foi'lowin- 
 ■/ords.) "^ 
 Tchdijae,{nm)n.v. my provisions 
 ammunition, etc. are at an end' 
 are gone; 3. p. i.-^. trhatdqaed. ' 
 I'hugaMtewcshtn, inin.) n." y mv 
 powder is all gone; 3. p. l.- ,/ 
 _ ti'kaia..in.<]. ' ' 
 Trkdgahide, oxniagad, \\. v it is 
 consumed by fire, it burns up en- 
 tirely ; p. tchaia.Aed. or-mamk. 
 Idmgakw, {nm) n. v. ili„ (iVe con- 
 sumes me, I hum all up; 3. p.-,r n 
 ti'hata..sod. ' ' ' 
 Tchdfjakisama, (nin) n. y. I burn up 
 mail. ( 1. Conj. ) 
 mdgakimn, {nin) ^. v. in. I burn 
 Tchdga'lciswa, {nia) a. x. an. T burn 
 some an. ohj. entirely; 3. p " 
 Miig..n;p tchaia..wad-\mp teha 
 T:did,mnwmin, (nin) n. v. my shot 
 an.r balls are all gone; 3. ;^ ^'p' 
 trj,aia.:iiig. 1 ■ ^-i p. 
 Tchdgidaha'dan, (nin) a. v y,, r 
 have drawn all of it, [ have no 
 thmgmoretodraw,<on a slefgS" 
 lchagidaha,,a, (nm) a. v. an. I have 
 <lrawn,or fetched on asiei^h 'm • 
 ont,(a..obj.)3.p. ,/,/,;:J'.7 
 tchaia..nad. «-«••/«, p. 
 TdidgMe._ox~ni.gad, n. v. it burns- 
 7, ';• /' ^'«.*.«f/'^/^;/, or-»^,„/«^.. 
 icha^iljWHii,. u. V. it 'runs nnf 
 „,7^iy,<i.q..id;)p.,,^S!,^" «- 
 s^'ai all Ins ,hl;:?,,:;i, ;,;,-• i 
 ' /(,'/t/A..;i; p. tchaia..mad. ' • 
 Ickagrna, {nin) a. v. a/i. I spend or 
 con.sumeall ofu,(a^. obu U e^ 
 prmmat. ,omp an. cM.U n „ 
 !;<;/,«....; p. tclmid,,inad. "^ ' •"• ?' '^ 
 ^''lmgmago,{nin) pass. v. I lose all 
 111 gamuiL' • 3 n ^ .A . '"'''^' ail, 
 ^'•^.^^.vlill'.w.'^- '^'^''^^'*«'''«; p- 
 rcha.,i^an.{nin)^.v.in. f spend it 
 all, 1 tMisumeoruseupall ofif 
 .11 .iw,u, ^{, wirsterben aus;| n 
 consumeal;3.p. l.;p.j.,;,,,,.i;;/ 
 ^<d,arun,geM, (nm) n. v. { am iVn 
 iiabit of spending too much 1 
 ;vasre, a„, , spendthrift; 3. p.'-^ 
 p. tckai..kid. ^ ' 
 Tclin,nnM!e,]ikk,in, s. e.xtravagant 
 spendm^, s-pi.-mdering, waste.^ 
 Vc'Ar/f/M'.(«m)n. V. I burn; 3. p.-Q. 
 ^ p. tchaidgisad. ^ °' 
 Tckd;fmm:(7un) a. y. in. I burn it- 
 J- p. itcAa...; p. tchai'u.ang. 
 ' ''. 
 l" A* 1 
 TcAdi/ishhm, {nin) a. v. in. I wear 
 It out •■iitin-ly, {clothini?, sliocs. 
 etc. j 3. p. „ tcha...; \i. lchaia..ang. 
 2'cluufMdaivn, (nin) a. v. a». I wear 
 out ontiii'ly some a//., obi., (as 
 m,>,shwe, etc..) 3. p. o tcha..n; p. 
 Tchn(ji)ii,je, (mn) n. v. J bum s. tli.; 
 •1- !>■ 1 . ; p. icham. .(jed. 
 Tchujuuje-pitijhlhnyewin, s. buriit- 
 TchdijuaiHn., a. a burn ; n hurt caused 
 by scalding or burning; pl.-rm. 
 Irhajim,, n. v. 3. p. it jg „«,;(! up, 
 •'"IS gone, («M. obj.) p. tchaintjis 
 TvhHatrwiiuljima, Uu'ii) a. v. an. S 
 Ki'd . 
 'J'rkdi/i«fie. or-matjdd, u. v. jt is n.scd 
 «ip. all spent, all gone; p. tchidgis. 
 IVhdgmra. \),in) a. v. an. I burn 
 bnn 1 scald him; 3. p. o tchu..n\ 
 1>. tr/ia/..tvail; imj). tchaqim-i. 
 Jiuauiti, s. a kind of prey-hird; pi 
 -ag. ' 
 TchaHiH. {nin) n. v. I hurt myself 
 by working too hard, or by lifting 
 up some heavy object; 3. p. 1.: ., 
 h'luiial- livid . ' ' 
 Tihamanihd, p. s. a. he that makes 
 a canoe or canoes, or boats, canoe- 
 maker, boat-maker, boat-builder- 
 Ivhdtcham, {nin) n. v. I sneeze; 3, 
 ^ y. ] ; p. tckaiatcha/uj. 
 ''■I'('hulchangah)shl-a7)uidimin, {nin) 
 com. V. we play see-sawing; pi, 
 Trhafc/uuigahiMamadiivin, s. see- 
 Tchtnthingwahimiga. or-nuigad, u. v, 1 
 Ireq. there is k shaking of the! 
 earth from a cause above ground 
 in ditlerent parts, or at ditbirent ' 
 times; ]>. tche..gag. or~mai/ak. 
 J-c'kelcaganuna,{i,in) a, v. 'an. I dip 
 liimin -ater, etc.;3. ^. tche..n; 
 p. Miai€..nad\ imp. tcJie..min. 
 Tchihigamiuan, {nin) a, v. in. I dip 
 It m water or some other liquid; 3. 
 ^.otche.,.. p. tchaie..ang. 
 TiMumrindjiton, {nin) a. v. in, g 
 Tchehmh, {nin) n. v. [ run aground 
 with a caiioe or boat, miiing; 3. p. 
 ~i; p. tckdiekiinhid . 
 TchikUiitlon, {nin) a. v. in. T draw it 
 a little out of the water, not entire- 
 ly; 3. {). o tche...; p. tchaie..dod. 
 TcliiHhina, inin) a. v. an, I draw 
 some an. ohj. a little out of tlie 
 water, not entirely; 3. p. tche..n. 
 ]>. Minicud, 
 Tvhiki.\se,{nin)n.\. I run aground 
 with a canoe or boat, paddlinu: 
 also, I arrive briskly to the shore' 
 3. p. 1.; n. tchuiihisml. ' 
 Jc/ie.smkii/, p. s. a. he who performs 
 lugglery Indian juggler; pi.-iig. 
 Jc/iefc/iatduhdn, adv. dispersedly, in 
 ditlerent directions, in different 
 places or to different places. 
 Jc/iz, conj. that, to, in order to. 
 Jc/nhai, s. corpse, dead person- 
 ^'';ost, spectre, phantom; pl.-«6r. ' 
 Jchibaidtig, s. an. wood of the dead 
 wood to be placed on a grave, that 
 ^ IS, across; pL~og. 
 Te/i,ibaidti</ona7nawa, {nin) a. v. an. 
 1 niake the sign of the cross upon 
 bim or over him; 3. p. tckL.n: p 
 Tchihaidiigonige, {nin) n, v. I make 
 I the sign of the cross with my arm 
 I i ''Jess myself; 3. p. 1.; p. tchah.] 
 I 2\'limhaigan, s, dead person's bone- 
 [G. Todtenbein;] pl.-aw, ' 
 ' 2\hihnigijigad, s. the day of the 
 dead, All Souls day; [L. Comm. 
 Omn. tid, Def.] 
 Tckibui-makak, s. box of the dead 
 that IS, a cofIin;pl, ua. ' 
 TcJuhai-oniganatiq^ s, hand-barrow 
 of the dead, that is, a bier; [G- 
 ^ 1 odtenbahre;] pl,-o/i. ^ 
 Tchihahvas, {nin) r. v. I cook for 
 myself, I cook my own meals; 3 
 p.-o; p. tcha..sod, 
 Tc/iibakw&wa, (nin) a. v. a«. I cook 
:■■■■ flm\ 
 for him; 3. p. n (c/n..n;v 
 ^''(id; nnp. Mil! ahci. i 
 Tchihnhw, Mn) n. v. I cook; 3. p. ! 
 Tchihakwiikwe, s. woman thatcooks, i 
 cook, cook-mai.l; pl.-y. ' ' 
 TMbahwe-kijahiki^igan. s. cook- 
 stove, cooKing-stove; pl.-aw. 
 TchihahMwiaamig, ,. cook-house 
 kitchenj yA-m. 
 Tchibakwrwtn, s. cookery, cookin? 
 occupation or art of a cook. ^' 
 /c/i,hakwewminis. a man that cooks, 
 cook; \n-ioiig. 
 Tckihatu/co, in composition, simi- 
 Sfp%nf^--^^-^^"f«« inborn! of 
 tne toUowing words.) 
 7Matakorj(u,, (nm) n. v. I have a 
 ded!''^' "'•'eRs;3. p. l.;p.teAaA 
 TcUhatakngweiawe, (nin) n. v. T have 
 mT^ "«^'^; '^- P- !• P- ichab.. 
 Tchlhatn, mike, («m)n. v. 1 have a 
 stif!arm,orarms;3. p. l.;p.<c^afi 
 Tchibatahmindji, {nm) n. v. I have 
 a stU! hand or linger; .3. p. i.-p. 
 rchibatakosule, {„m) n. v. I have a 
 st^iff loot,orfeet;3. p. l.;p. fcAa.. 
 T<']iibatchigad; u. v. it is stiff, (stuff;) 
 p. tc/iab..r/ak. '^ 
 TchibatchUjid, n. v. 3. p. it is stiff, 
 (silk-sturt;) p. tchab..sk. 
 Ichihigamig, s. house of the dead 
 grave; graveyard, cemetery; pl.- 
 Tchibekana, a. road of the dead, 
 that is, the Milky Way, (according 
 tolndian notions.) 
 TcMbenake, [nin) n. v. J make a 
 fea.st of the dead, (according to 
 the Indian superstition:) 3. t) l • 
 , V.Miab..hd. .;-J-p. 1., 
 Tchihcnakewin, s. Indian feast of the 
 Tchibingwen, (nin) n. v. I wink or 
 tvvmkle with the eyes; 3. p.-t; p. 
 ichab.. 7nd. r > r 
 TcMUnMawn, (nin) a v. a„ T 
 wn.k hun with the eyes; 3. p l 
 I club..,,.; Y>. trha.jvad. ^ 
 Tchig\ oxfrhigaii, prp. & adv. near 
 close by, nigh, hy, at. ' 
 ^';t^^«'^"«.'7'V'^ («^:«) a. V. an. I take 
 he s 1 f ^,,^ JJje 
 it, J. p. otchi..n; p. U:haq..nd. 
 ^M P- tcha.. wed. ^ 
 Tchigaemikwan s. a kind of hollow 
 chisel for making wooden spoons^ 
 'r<^f^\gaii. S. rc;«;<7', etc. 
 fef '''' "'^''' "'^"'" '^" ^"°d, the 
 Tchiganagekwaan., {nin) a. v. *« l 
 take It off, (the hark of a tie") 3 
 P-otcMg...- p. tcha^..an,,.~Wia- 
 nff'T/"? 'fnifnagehwaan; I take 
 oft the bark of a birch-tree. 
 ake It off, {an bark;) 3. p. ,, 
 Aw«.-iye« tchiganagekwawa wa- 
 nngck; I take-off the bark of a 
 cedar-tree. '^ 
 Tchiga9ida,veige, {nin) n. v. I cut 
 down branches from trees; 3 p 
 Vc/^?.ya,„/a7cm,« me7«<7, {nin) a v 
 ««. I cut down the branches of a 
 •^rte, J. p. „ tckig.M; p. ^;,a,, 
 w-'O/i; imp. tcUq..wL ^" 
 Tchvmpidan, {nin.) a. v. in. Ala. S 
 yyebikddan. ^ 
 TcMirapij,m, (nin) a. v. a^. Ah 
 ?H/VMtea;i, (mVi) a. v. »,i. I sweep if 
 \:i^ otchtg ■ixtcha..a„g. ^ ' 
 Jchigatatgade, vr-mcu/ad, u. v. it is 
 ^wept; p. tchag..deg\ or-magak. 
 J-clmjataigar,, s. broom; pl.-a/». 
 <''''* 'S^^^l 
 '-'^'i '^^B 
 ' i -' ^^^^^1 
 "^ 'Sb^BB 
 Tchifiataiganal:, cr tchigataiganatig , 
 s. brooiasiick; \A.-oti 
 Tchigataige, {nin) ii. v. I sweep; 3. 
 p. 1.; p. tchag.,ged. 
 Teldgatig, at! v. near a piece of wood. 
 Tchigeivaam, {nin)n. v. Ot. S.Jijo- 
 Tchigihig, adv. on the beach, on tlie 
 lako-shore, near the lake on the 
 Tchigigaan., (nin) a. v. in. I square 
 v'i' "^•' ^^'■" ^'^■''"'•••i P- *<^hag..anq. 
 xchigigaigan, s. axe lor "squaring 
 tinier, broad axe, squariiig-axe; 
 Tdiigigaigc, {niu) n. v. I hew tim- 
 ber, i cut it square; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Tchigigaigriciii, s. squaring timber, 
 ciilting it square. 
 TchlgigA'cci mitig, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 square a log;' 3 p. otcldg..n; p. 
 ^ tc/iag..u'<id; imp. Ichigiqa. 
 rchiglkaiia. adv. b} tli'c way-side. 
 Tchigilcitihigaini, adv. along the 
 great lake. 
 Tchigine,(ni)i) n. v. 1 groan; 3. p. 
 1.; p. ti'lntgined. 
 Tchiaiahhu'and, adv. near the door. 
 Tcfugwadjini, adv. near a mountain, 
 inthe vicinity of a mountain. 
 Tchigwahunighhln, n. v. 3. p. it 
 falls to the "ground /iar<?,(a7i. obj.) 
 p. tchag..ing. 
 Tchigwaiamigitsin. u. v. it falls to 
 the ground hard, {in. obj.) p. 
 Tchirnaugun, s. an. large draWfnet:; 
 [F. snme,] [A.-ag. 
 Teh an, s. canoe"; pl.-a;i. 
 TcM/Mu/'Jig, s. canoe-bark, birch- 
 bark for a canoe, to make a bark- 
 canoe; pi. -Oft. 
 Tchimanikc, {nin) n. v. I make a 
 canoe, or canoes; 3. p. l.;p. tcha.. 
 Tchimanikewin, s. canoe-making, 
 wor': or art of a canoe-maker. 
 J'ehimaa, [7un) n. v. I am fishing 
 with a large draw-net ; [F. je seine ;J 
 3, p. 1.; p. tchamuad. 
 Tchim€,{nin) n. v. 1 paddle; 3. 
 !•; p. tchamtd. 
 Tchimcmafrud, u. v. it paddles, (the 
 wheel of a steamboat;) p. icham.. 
 Tchingiilaahowe, (nin) n. v. I tum- 
 ble over head, playing; 3. p 
 !•; p. tehan..wed.—S. Abodjiqwa- 
 2'cking)d.jis8e, (,iin)n. v. I fall on my 
 face; 3. p. 1.; i\fc/ian..st;d. 
 ■iclnngwakamiqa, u. v. there is a 
 shaking of the earth from a cause 
 above ground, thunder, etc., p. 
 Tchingwanlugad, u. v. the ground 
 shakes, trembles; p. tchan..galc. 
 -jvliingwan, s. meteor; \A.~an. 
 Tchmgwan, s. thigh, the upper part 
 of the leg, Uj) from the knee. This 
 word is always preceded by a pos- 
 sessive pronoun; as: Kin Ic.hinq. 
 wan, my thigh; ti tchinqwan, tliv 
 ^ Uiigh, etc. ' ^ 
 Tchingwanigan, s. tliigh-bone. There 
 is always a possessive pronopii 
 prehxed to this word ; as : JSHn 
 tchingwanigan, my thigh-bone; etc. 
 ichitihajtshka, ov-?naqad, u. v. the 
 skin goes olf by scalding; p. tcha.. 
 kag, or-magah. 
 Tchitihahoaah.,{nin) a. v. in. I scrape 
 it, (a skill in..,pijikiwiqin, in. ox- 
 hide;) 3. p. tcU...; p.'tcha..ang. 
 jdiinhakicaigan, s. scraper; pl.-««. 
 -icnidhakwaii/e, (nin) n. v. I scrape 
 (a skin;) 3. J). 1.; p. (cha..ml. ' 
 Jc/iinhakwawa, [nin) a. \\ an. 1 
 scrape it; (a skin an.,wawashke- 
 6hiwaian, an. deer-skin;) 3. p. o 
 tchi..n; p. tcha.. wad; imp. tchi. 
 Tchi)shataan,{nin)a. \. in. S. Tchi- 
 Tckishatai^ade, u. v. S. Tchiqatai- 
 Tchishatalgan, s. S. Tchigataigan. 
 Jchmhaitaige, ^fiin) n. v. S. Jlhiqa- 
 llliinika, or Iclwsika, adv. S. St- 
 Tchiss, a. turnip; pi. -aw. 
 Tchmaian, s. juggler's lodge; pi.- 
 Tchi^a^,: (/«■«) II. V. I perform the 
 ^»^-;; jugglery in orJ "S^k^-ow 
 "C iiiture, or to know events tlr.f 
 '«{'l-ene;lata<ii«,ance;3 i:\f 
 TrhhmMu'U, s. Indian juffojorv- fo 
 ^'■A«Ai/_w, or-wa,.W,n. v. the water 
 <noj)s out of s tJi • I. / / ■ 
 ^uS-'^f"'- ^?'^''^ "• ^- J «tand on 
 Tchitcldhinhka, (uin) n v T j 
 tclia..ang. '^ "^^ l'' ^ ^^■'"•■■J p. 
 ^^m^a«.^.e^-,:^^-, bleared US^-r- , ' '' 
 TvhUancndagos, {nin) n. v. J am 
 I^nvi'l" ^--- Rrave, 1 Jm 
 hMchag, s. soul. This word is al 
 •■vays preceded ' "™ is ai- 
 ^ WW/. •• -,imp 
 s':« |t^ with wi,;':^,.:!,;, j;^ 
 0, p. tc/ia..6ud. ' ' 
 icuUhibmge, (nin) n. v. S. 7a» 
 ways preceded ,,;"'=* ^^"ru is aJ- ^r/./^,„,,;.v ^ ^ ^- ^'•*» 
 ,%,h.s soul. etc. •" ''^^^•''">' ^l;fe|r-').'V^- J scratch my. 
 <^//^M«/Ww,«, („i„) a. ,._ J f ' ,^'^f 'f ly ^\'th my nails: 3. ,, 
 rocklum, (i, child-)-? n „/ /•■ ^ r,.y.' P- ^':^'"^<-/mid. ' •i^ 
 JMifalon.,:;;, s:tSef pr:«. Tft'; £" 4"^'^ ' '■ V- otcli". 
 icnkJuU ,n compositions, alludes Tciiit^:;,^^^-T'^ ""^'- ^'-'hUckunhi, 
 -P{-in -eofthelolllW 7^;,,,,,,^ ^^, 
 r<Mtcluhi<,adeshl-a, (nin) n. v I have 'i ?'■^'^.^ '''' '"^^'^ ^^'''""y "ai s 
 ^i^»^.A*Jm^..^,VA^a, (,«^) n. y. ij ^'It-Tx^'' "f-.^'art; [F. ver- 
 TchitchiHnjfafu I'fihfsnff, (nin) a. v. 
 in. 1 stir th(! firo ; 3. p. „(c/n...; p- 
 Trhitvhikihjei(jan, B. poker to utirthe 
 lirr ; \)\.~nn. 
 Tifiitc/idlnjiujf, {tun) n. v. I am 
 stirring a fire ; 3. p. 1. ; x^.tcha. 
 Jvlitlchu'iMiwe, s. plover, (Inrd;) 
 Tehinalc, adv. negliperjtly, badly ; at 
 T<kat:mi(], p. s. n. something cool or 
 _ oooiina^, p<'pp(>rniint. 
 Tel-oh/ticd iihi/iodji, an inf:mt yet in 
 _ tlie cradle.— S. TahMti. 
 Tdwihrdl, \>. s. a. he t'lat takes np, 
 seizes, arrests, that is, a consta- 
 „,'''« ip' •-;>>• 
 Jik-vmi, ].. 8. a. he that is short, a 
 small person ; pl.-/VV/. 
 'I\'n<h, s. a very big toad ; [C. va- 
 vaion;! V^-<J- 
 TtKK<ih,(iirn')'n. v. Iain Kitting on 
 a boiich , also, ] am on horseback 
 sitting in the saddle; 3. p.. ?! ; i). 
 'J'r.xfidlia/t, s. shelf, n board fixed so 
 thatthmss may be put upon it, 
 ^ Clipboard ; pl.-ww. 
 7'cfi^uh(it/iin, {/n'/i.) a. v. hi. I put it 
 on a shelf or cupboard; 3. p. o 
 tt\sg...; ]i. taus..a)itj. 
 Tesmha7>u.{mn) a. v. an. I put some 
 an. obj. on a shelf or cupboard ; 3. 
 p. o tess..n; p. taicnad; imp. tcs- 
 TeumMk, s. flat stone ; \i\.~on,.~]V/J 
 tiifmhlbin, two tables of stone, (the 
 two Tables of the Covenant.) 
 Tesmh/hu/, u. v. it is flat, (metal, 
 ^ stone;) p. faic.l-alc. 
 Tetisalilid. n. v. 3. p. it is flat, (met- 
 al or stone, an.) p. tuu. sid. 
 Temibiwin, s bench ; saddle ; pl.- 
 'r(st:uh'ni;ran, s. hand-barrow ; pi. - 
 Tesml-vai(jan, s. scaflbld to ])ut s. 
 th. on it, to proser\ o it from <iainagc 
 by water, by wild beasts, etc. ; pi. 
 Tismnahoe, s. virgin, maid, unac- 
 quainted with man ; pl.-y. 
 TtKnavahcew, {nin) n. v. I am a vir- 
 gin, (a female speaking,) unac- 
 quainted with man ;) 3. p.. ?■; .,. 
 Tissanaw, {nin) n. v. I am in a vir. 
 ginal stat«;, (a male speaking,) un- 
 acquainted with woman ; 3. p.-j; 
 p. taicwid. 
 Tctmigina, (nin) a. v. an. 1 spread 
 oui somewhere some an. stuff ; 3. 
 p. ()1eH..7i; p. faicnad; imp. tessi- 
 Timginan, {nin) a. v. in. I spread 
 it out somewhere, (cotton, linen, 
 etc.) 3. p. ten...; p. taic.-nnf/. 
 Ti'ssina, {nin) a. v. an. I "spread 
 out some an. obj.; 3. p. o tc.i..n\ p. 
 Tvsnna(]an. s. plate ; [F. assiette ,-] 
 pl,-((M.-iAV«f/« tesfiinagan. a plate 
 full ; nijo fcmiiat/afi, nim> tendmu 
 <jan, etc.; twice a plate full, throe 
 limes a plate full, etc. 
 Ti'Ksinan, {nin) a. v. in. I spread it 
 out; 3. p. fih-...; p. tai^ .amj. 
 Tis.sinnH'a, [nin) or, nin, te.^dvn, a. v. 
 an. I lake loo much care of him. I 
 spoil him, (especially a child ;) 3, 
 p. (I fis..n ; p. taie..ad. 
 TiKxividis, {nin) r. v. 1 take too 
 much care of myself, I study too 
 much my own comforts ; 3. p.~o ; 
 }). taie..isr,d. 
 Timnitjadiu or -magad, u. v. it is 
 siiread out, made flat ; p. taie..deg, 
 or -ma gad. 
 Ttmnigaso, n. v. 3. p. it is spread 
 out or made flat, {an. obj.) p. taie.. 
 Tesmiindj, s. the flat hand. Mn Us- 
 siniutlj, l-i tcKxinindj, o Ussinindj ; 
 my, thy, his flat hand. 
 T€.siiiniiiiljin, {nin) n. v. 1 ojjen my 
 lianil, I spread it out flat; 3. p.-i; 
 IK taie..iiid. 
 Tindnindjitawtt, {nin) a. v. an. I 
 stretch my ojien flat hand towards 
 hull, or over him ; 3. p. o ies..n; p. 
 taie.. wad. 
 or- in.nf/ad, thero is a 
 p. iiiii..de(j, or—7/ui- 
 l")rrh ; [F. portail;] 
 / make 
 porch iiiaile ; 
 Ti >■■.■<! fan, ( /tin) n. v. in 
 t^iiU T flatten it ; 3. p. 
 f me., tod. ■ - 
 Ti\^dwal'va7i, a. flat low Imt, or flat 
 t-iiji; pl.-a«. 
 nid,a<i,j>ri,,,fe, (>r~ma</nd, u. v, it is 
 iX«i' "''"' ' "■ '""'"•'^^' "- 
 Tetehaaqmndjin, (nin) n. v. I am 
 Hoalinjralioiit on tlip surface of the 
 water; 3 p. I.; p. <„„../,,,/. 
 retehthnak f,. a kind oftoitoii-e with 
 ^ a Hott shell; pl.-w;(,^,. 
 Titihihujunijusod ,mema. tobacco in 
 rolled leaves, cigar. S. Titihiba- 
 THihhiiiwe, adv. S. Tihinawe. 
 I ihliuhko^ adv. equally. 
 Tetu-mnimad, u. v. there is a light 
 wind, raisiner no sea, a smooth 
 wind ; p. taie..mak. 
 reiviiiian, s. an. drum ; tambarine ; 
 lal)ouret, tabret; ])\.-ag. 
 T6wet(}e,{nin)n. v. 1 beat the drum, 
 niriun;;}. p. l.;y. taie..g€d. 
 I cweKjiurnini, s. tlruininer, tabour- 
 er, tabrer ; \A.~wa<j. 
 Teircusekaan, {mn) a. v. in. Alq. S. 
 Trmmikaujan, s. 4lg. S. mtotngan- 
 Idmhad-tujan, s. Al<j. S. Lihahuhko- 
 ^ djiqan. 
 Tihahadjige,{nin) Alg. S. LibahisJi- 
 Tihi\-A.[\v. This adverb cannot be 
 given in English with a corres- 
 pondino: adverb. It sipnifies, "1 
 don't know where." Anindilcossl- 
 lihi. Where is thy father?— I 
 don't know where he is. Tihi gc- 
 dapinew^nen; I don't know where I 
 shall die. 
 Tiliijigin, s. pattern for cutting a 
 coat, or any other vestment; pl.- 
 Tihik, 8. Jliglit. 
 Tih?kuham'/nagosi gmsn, n. v. 8. p< 
 the sun is darkened ; p. (rh.ind. 
 J ihikahamiiiagivud, u. v. it is twi- 
 light, it is crepusculous ; p. tet.. 
 Till I hid is, {nin) n. v. I am benighted, 
 1 live in darkness, I am ignorant ; 
 y. ,.I'-V\' V' teh..iiid. 
 Ji/>Hvis>nH, or tdnHgmsti, s. an. 
 niuiit-siin, that is, the inoon ; 
 which is also called yims; only 
 lor a distinction from the sun, 
 they will <!all the moon tiUkgimt, 
 when a distinction becomes ne- 
 Tddkinam, {nin) n. v. T liave dina 
 eyes, I carinot see distinctly ; 3. p. 
 ]•] p. tihikinang, 
 Tdikong, last night, or last evening. 
 fihinaiue^ adv. self; properly, as a 
 property. _ 
 Jihiiiawcwvidis, {nin) r. v. I make 
 niyself master or proi)ri(ior of s. 
 th. ; 3. ]).-<) ; p. tcL-cod. 
 Tdjinawewuiwiii, e. property. 
 Tddshka. (inn) n. v. I come to my 
 anniversary ; 3. p, 1. ; p, Uddsh- 
 TibiMa aUnodji, n. v. 3. p. the child 
 comes to the same lime in the year 
 at which it was born last year, to 
 its anniversary, it is jiist one year 
 old. P. fehu/d-nd.-Kijtng tihiih- 
 ka, nuning tihifhka, etc.; he comes 
 to his second, to his third anniver- 
 sary, etc. 
 Tilinhkamugad, u. v, it comes to the 
 same time in the year, to its anni- 
 versary ; also, it is fulfilled, ac- 
 complished; p. tel..gak. 
 Tddnliico, adv. & prp. likewise, just 
 so, ecjually ; equivalent, tanta- 
 niount ; opposite, [F, vis-tl-vis.J 
 Td/ushko minik, as much, or as 
 Tddshknkan, {nin) a. v. in. I am 
 opposite to it, or I arrive opposite 
 to it, (in walking ;) [F. vis-<i-vis ;j 
 3. p. o til.,.; p. teh..ang. 
 Tihishkokatva, {nin) a. v. an. I am 
 equal to him, I equal him ; 3. p. « 
 tih..ni P- iei-.wad. 
 Tthtthlrosxe, or -fuagad, n. v. it arr- 
 JV08 agHin, (n cohnin pnrio(^icai 
 tunc or oveni;) or a foretold o\»>',t 
 comav to pass; p. teb..8eij, or -7na- 
 7)hiii/if:6m(chiga,ir, or miiijdd, n v 
 H is fu Killed; it iaina(1(. or put 
 «'q<ml; what was lost is rpgaiiicd: 
 ...r-/^''- '/','/, or maouk. 
 iihinhkoiitiiUm, (;u«) a. v. 
 ■■v ?». I fulfil 
 or accomplish it I put or rnnko it 
 oquai; 1 rcffaiii what 1 had lost; ;) 
 y.oftb...; p. I,'h..t,,l. ' 
 i'/'isM-ouwiduffon, {fiin) n. v. I am 
 oonsidonui (ujual to somebody, 1 
 am compared to somebody,- ;j. n 
 ,, -<; P' w../,/*/. 
 Tibishhmu-miagtraiU u. v it is 
 estPomcd o(,'nal tos. th., or coiu- 
 mirodwitbs. [h.\\^.trh..wak. I 
 iilnmUm, Uiin) or, nin tibmitonA 
 a- v.»;t. I fullij It, (a promise, a I 
 /'!/<>«'. 3. „/,,. wave, billow; pi. - y,,/. 
 J.t<jweui, at the end of soino nnipi-rs- 
 onal verbs, alludes to a rmv; as: 
 yyai<'kuHtlpjwri,u it is the end o( 
 U;e river. ManHigirei,i, there is 
 scarcity of rivers, (in a country.) 
 (.TWitaU^u'eia, the river turns 
 round(orback atrain) in its course 
 nkmrnjaii, s. Indian cradi.-; pi. -an 
 IikuMganike, {nin)n. v. I am mak- 
 ing an Indian cradle: 3. p. j • „ 
 Tina, or -ma<jad, u. v. it is much 
 damp, it is moistened; p. tevao. or 
 -magak. '' 
 TipahaiHi, or -7n<ujiid,\\. v. the leaves 
 o( a tree or shrub are damp, wet 
 (Irom dew or rain;) p. teih.gag, or 
 -intujak. '' •' 
 l\pabiiyUi aw assema, n. v. .3. p. this 
 tobacco is fresh, (not too dry;) n 
 U'p..suL ■^' * 
 Tipahawadon. {nin) a. v in I 
 moisten it; 3. p. o tip...; p. 'teu 
 dm.. '^ 
 Tipabawana. (nin) a. v. an. I moist- 
 en some a/;, obj.; 3. p. of.ip..n;p. 
 tfP ■mid; imp. tipohawaj. 
 ripashka, or -magad, u. v. the grass 
 IS wet (from dew or rain;) p. 
 /''P-kag, or magak. ' ' 
 riV'h'.'''.^/ '^^>>'-'^- ('a>vi,,nga„n. 
 Jiti/)af)midon, { nin) a. v. in. I twiHt 
 It n round s. th.; 3. p. „ tit...; ,>. 
 I ft.. (lint. ' 
 '^/.^■'!>"l'<""<'tf(7iigan, «. roller; pi. -„„ 
 lililmkimatrhuie, {nin) n. v. I roll- 
 :J. p. l.;p. /</..j/^J. 
 ^ihhakimafiiHtdan, (nin) n. v. in. J 
 loll il, i move it on rollers; 3 "?, 
 <'f'f--\\^. fH..an/r. ■'■ 
 Jtfi/>(ihimrfwana,yiiin) a. v. ««. J 
 roll some (r«. ohj. on rollers* 3 r, 
 7-/ •a''/"' ''■ ''■^••«"'/i ••"P- ''V..w;„/.' ■ 
 Jir>ookwaan,[nin)n.v. in. 1 twist 
 1' I'P, I curl it; 3. n.odf...; u. tH 
 ang.~^',n tilihahvnanan ninis. 
 I imm; | twi.st or curl my hair.— S 
 I .'^'"xxx.mkwaan. 
 Jitihanuwi', n. v. 3. p. it has a curle(' 
 ,,,"!: '^visied tail;p.A/..M,,-<i. 
 \ litihandf, or ~mn,/ad, u. v. it is 
 Iwisled; p. trf..df'>,, or -maaak. 
 JitilHiodjujan, 8. reel; [(I. I'laspel;! 
 ^ I'l. -(TV/. ' ' 
 Titihaod;igc,(nin) n. v. I wir.d up 
 (thread or twine, etc.) 3. p. 1 • i' 
 tif..gi'd. ' ' ■ 
 TUilnuihm, (nin) a. v. in. \ wind it 
 "P, (onaball;^ 3. p. otit...; p 
 Ttfllhuma, (nin) a. v. a«. 1 wind it 
 up, [a/i: obj., .v,7/,7>«, etc.) 3. p. o 
 J.''r''\\'- ''''••"""'.• imp. tilibaoj. 
 Iihlm.^hkn, or ~7na<)nd, u. v. the surf 
 or swell of the sea l)eats against 
 the shore and returns; j). tet..kag, 
 or -magak. ■ 
 '^liihashkit'cniiuiinan, (nin) a v ?'« 
 I roll it up. Iron it together,' 
 (birch bark, paper etc.) 3. n « 
 tit...; p. tft..ang. ^' 
 Titihenu adv. Ot'. S. Jijodeiv. 
 Titthcwaajn, (nin) n. v. Ot. S. 
 Titilmve, (nin) n. v. (?^ s. 
 Tifihihuginu, (nin) a. v. un. I roll 
 together a leaf or leaves, (haa 
 -'ludes to leaves,) tobacco leaves' 
 an.; 3. p. o tit,.n; p. tet,.nad. 
 IthMhaaman (nin) a. v. in. I roll 
 toH.ll„,r aieuforl.iavefl»/t.;X„ 
 <>tit...:Y.(et..an<j. ' 
 nuh,ln,,,uriira,le, or mnqad, n. v. 
 l>t,hi,iifrtn!gaHo, n. v. 8. p. it is roll- 
 y..^;j;'«;''''7..(«''-ioar; p.A-A.J. 
 ^;' f '''7^ 'V'') «• V. m/l mnk-,. it 
 ' ;'-. 'all 'low,,, with my hand, 
 /V^//-//-///„, (,»•«) a. V. an. I make 
 nil (low,, Hoino an. ol,j., with ,nv 
 c H '"''• '■ ""; ^''*''""' '--aft. 
 liliou{n}mnike,{nin) n.V. j mnko 
 ,„rn'.?,;;';;:;.ir - --'^^^-^ 
 liUhi,UOHin,h',nn. s. business or 
 tin(l(! (,( a rartwright. 
 IdUtiddhanU-ewmtni, s. x man that 
 "Ki!a>s wiiKoii.s, carts, etc., cart 
 ,,,.7.!;'Fl'^ whcolwright; pi. ^t,«^. 
 litihiiwm, {nin) a. v. ««. jfroll 
 together somo an. stuir, f«,.«,ay,„, 
 etc) 1 wind itnp;;i. p. 0//^..,,. p.' 
 tet..nad\ ,mp. titibiyin. 
 Jifi/",f/ntm,{mn)n.v.in. I roll it 
 together, wjiid ,t up, (m. stull;) J 
 P- o ht...;p. teL.ang. ' 
 Ti(ihi,jUHuh,n, {nin) a v.m. I sew it 
 al round, that is, I hem it; 3. p. 
 out...; i).fct..an(j. ^ 
 Tit Ihif, wade, or -maqad, u. v. it is 
 hemmed; p. tet...deg, ox -maqah. 
 liUbi(fwuna, (nin) a. v. u7i. J sew all 
 round some a«. stuff; 1 hem it; 3. 
 p. oM..n;p. teL.nad; imp. titiU' 
 TUihgtvaso, n. y. 3. p. it is hemmed, 
 (an. stuff, se«ii!»a, moshwe;) p. ;;«;(. 
 'I'iiihiffwaes, (nin) n. v. I sew all 
 round.Ihems. th.3. p.-o;p. /f^.. 
 tod. ' 
 Titihinu, (nin) a. v. an. I roll some 
 an. obj. (a persjon or any other an. 
 ohj-J 3. p. otit..n; p. tet..?iud; imp. 
 relating to hm,,l roll it for him; :i. 
 Mnan, (nin) a. v. in. [ roll it. 
 J;; '--i, etc.) 3.P.0, ,,.,;;!: 
 TitihimjweMnu (nin) a. v «n T 
 }'•« eyes with s. th • 3 n « 
 J|-.«; p. /.<!..««c;. imp. Ji/Vw,!^^,. 
 2u,Unia„de, or ^lagud, u. v. it i- 
 rolled.rumoved by rolling; p. L 
 1 rt'^*;,^??^ n V. I am rolled; 
 UthhwKje, (nin) n. v, I roll I mnv.. 
 Titibinindnfnson, s. a thing that is 
 wrapped around a linger, that is 
 ahnger.ri„g;p|_„„.*' '' '''«' '»' 
 ^t'^t'lrr '""^ "^*'«'^' ('«'«) 
 a. /. tn. I wrap or cast around me 
 invgarmcnt or vestment; p. M..od 
 lM>uhzmon,(nin)n.y. iV'ollabou 
 'ying, I wallowm8.th.;3. p. -c- 
 p- tet..nod. ' ''• ^' 
 Tmman,(nin) a. v. wj. I made ,t 
 roll or fall down, with my bodv 
 touching or pushing it;) 3. p.^o 
 tu-..; p. teL.ang. *^ 
 MMuwa,(nm)a.v.an. I make 
 roll down some an. obj., with mv 
 J'iy;3.p otit..n;p.tet.:wad ^ 
 .umawu, (nin) a. v. a«. I roll 
 rolUff-.^f "^ ?• ^- ^ '""^^ 'lo^"' I 
 nft^ i ?' -''««^"<^. u- V. it rolU 
 ^?}}j\^'- ^^i-if^9> or -muguk. 
 bun etc ' ^' "''• ^'^- ^«^»'Wd«- 
 Titibita,(nin) n, v. 1 roll or turn from 
 one side to the other, lymg; 3 p 
 i-,f.t€t..dad, *^ 
 mibitchhnna, (nin) a. v. an I 
 wraph.m up, [ swathe him,' (a 
 child; 3 p. o Ht..n; p. tet..kad\ 
 imp. titibUcUpij. '*'••'*««, 
 fitihitehipia, {fwn) n. v. I am wrapp-' 
 edup in s. th., I am swavhed, (a 
 child;) 3. p. -o;p, Ut..B<jd. 
 fHtmawt aw uwessi, n. v. 3. p. the 
 hair or fur of this animal is short; 
 p. tet..wed. 
 T%wi ; interj. used by males only, to 
 express admiration, astonishing; 
 reprimand; pain, sorrow. (The 
 females say, niH !) 
 Totkitb, :nin) n. v. I look with 
 icarcely a little opened eyes, with 
 almost closed eyes; also, I aim nt 
 •. th. (with a gun, etc.;) 3. p. -i; 
 p. twuskuhil. 
 Ihshuhdmu, (nin) a. v. an. I look at 
 hun with onlv a little opened 
 fiyes, with almost -losed ev.-s; I 
 aim at him; 3. p. otosk..n; p. twu.. 
 Toskuhandun, {nin) a. v. in. I loolc 
 at it with only a little opened 
 eyes; 1 aim at it; 3. p. o task...; p. 
 Toskahandjige, {nin) n. v. I look 
 with scarcely a little opened eyes; 
 I aim, (with a gun, &c.); 3. p. 1.; 
 p. twa..ged. 
 MOTB. This and the preceding two 
 words, are sometimes also employ, 
 ed for "looking through a spy- 
 glass." But the best expression 
 for that is, Mnjibuiabumn, &c.; 
 which see. 
 Totogitn, s. a trembling piece of 
 ground, in a marsh or swamp; pi. 
 lotogunffivan, u. v. there isa trembl- 
 ing piece of ground; p. tu-et..ann. 
 lotokwewessin kitatugan, u. v. the 
 bell tolls, it is struck only on one 
 side; p. twet..ing. 
 Totohvew«snton kiMagnn, (nin) a. 
 V. in. I am striking the bell onlv 
 on one side; [F.je tinte;] 3. n o 
 tot...; p. twet..tod. 
 Totnuh, s, nn. woman's breast, dug; 
 also, the udiler or dugs of a cow' 
 or other quadruped; pl.-o^. 
 Totoshabo, s. milk. 
 Tiitoshaho-hiinide, s. butter, (milk- 
 Totnfhahowigamig, s. milk-house 
 dairy; pl,-wj. ' 
 Tdtnshihe, {nin) n. v. I suck; 3. i, 
 ^•\V-tit>et..ked. '■ 
 TowiiKan: s. an. a top whirlin'r 
 about, (boy's plaything;) pl.-a<7. " 
 roweige{nin) n. v. I p|av with a 
 top, f make It whirl round; 3. r, 
 1.; p. twewiigal. ' ' 
 Tiitowcsi, 8. moth; x>\.-ioag. 
 Twdan, {nin) a. v. in. I make a hole 
 in it; 3. p. o twaan; p. twaidang. 
 Twdihnn, a. a hole in the ice for 
 water; \A.-an. 
 TwdiU, {nni) n. v. I make a hole in 
 the ice to have watr;r; 3. p. J • n 
 tivaidihid. '''" 
 Ticdigfi, { mn)x\. v. I make a hole in 
 i\w. ice; 3. J,. 1.; p. ttcnidiged. 
 limwa mttifdm,, {nin) a. v. an lent 
 the icti through, 1 make a hole in 
 It; 3.p. o twawan; p. twaidwad: 
 imp. twa. ' 
 Tvmshin, { nin ) n. v. I break through 
 the ice walking on it; 3. p. l.;p. 
 twmnshtng. ' ' 
 Tivatwaskolkginnm, {nin) n. v. I 
 walk in the water on the ice* 3 p 
 1.; p. twaiat.ang. (II, Conj.)' 

 '''"'''" "^'"'^'x that mhjht be mtpposed to he vndery/^ 
 "mw (i/fCTi pronounced hke o, and o like wa 
 Ma.'' adv. what? 
 >!> , the 6^^anveofm-, which see 
 [J.«/'«%a^i, s. a/i. white clay; limo 
 Iwt -r^^'f' ('"■«) "• ^- t burn 
 »a>«4-.(7aw*W«, s. business or 
 trad,, of a limo-burner. 
 naJmhujanikewinmi, s. lime-burner; 
 II^^M*'':',?- tin, (white iron.) 
 ""*'"W^«^, s. a white crane- nl 
 IVaha'do, a. an. rhubarb. 
 Hahammiahkinjigwan, s. the white 
 of the eye. 
 Wdbajm/,^i, 8. white mud ; white 
 Tr.'?y,^.V^'«^^e8and plates. 
 nabahk, or wababikwaUk, s. a^j 
 white k.tte, that is, a kettle made 
 pftm, tin.kettle;pl.-„ff. 
 }\abak<mfnitig, n. v. sfp. the tree 
 18 whitish; p. waia..M. 
 }}abakwa,OT-ma<jad, u. v. the forest 
 has a white appearance; p. waia 
 wag. ox-magak. ^ 
 Wdbama, (nin) a. v. an. I see him: 
 J. p. ?i;a5. .n; p. waidbamad. 
 In T*^f-^'"l ^*^5, n. V. the fish 
 Jj^l^^ whitish, (spoiled;) p. u-a/a.. 
 Wdbaminoffoa, (nin) n. v. I am visi- 
 ble, I appear; 3. p.-i; p. «,aia..a«i. 
 naOamtnagoiivm., s. visibility. 
 ^i'dbaminaffteud, ,i. v. ,t is visible 
 U shows, It appears; p. „,am..«,ar 
 myse ( vrsible. I appear; 3 b -o 
 l>- iv<na..sod. ^ ' '^^ "' 
 [j-aj-aw, s. east, orient. 
 H'aban, u. v. it is twilight, (in thp 
 mormng;) p. waiabang.-. /kwaban 
 ..ilaj'light IS approaching. '*'^''*«"' 
 H«/;«/iaW, 8. east-cloud, cloud 
 commg from the east; pl.-ok 
 [l<>^»''aw, s. an. morning-star. 
 sees, th., 1 show himg. th.:3 n 
 "wah..n;p.waia..ad. ^' 
 yynbandaan, (nin) &. v. in. I show 
 1 ,3.i).0M;aJ..:p.^ai„. 
 Wnbandame, (nm) n. v. I show J 
 e see; I manifest; I prove; 3 p 
 yhibandaiwm, (nin) a. v. »«, I show 
 1 manifest It; 1 prove it: 3 
 WaJ...; p. vMia.'.wed. 
 Wahandaiwenan, (w»») a. v /m I 
 show him I bring him to' light 
 Wabrndaiwewmi-paheejigan, a. an 
 meX) ' ^'" the-'&ld'TestJ: 
 WdbaT^anm, (nin) n. v. I am in rav 
 monthly flowings, (a woman.-) 3 
 p. l.;p.w<wa..mad. (I. Conj.) 
 th. belonging or relating to me- I 
 see myself I cast immodest looks 
 Wdhandatnawa, {nin] a. v. an. I sco 
 ■. th. belonging or relating to htm: 
 3. p. lt'ah..n^,\^, waia..wai/. 
 Wdbatuian, (nin) a. v. in. I nee it, I 
 perceive U; 3. p. o wah...; ji. wv/w 
 . .any. — AV« ivahandan nutsinaiifan, 
 I roaii, I am rending. 
 Wdbandu, (nin) r. v. I see myselt, 
 (in a looking-glass, in the water, 
 etc.) 3. p.-r);p. waia,.soii. 
 Wdhani{ju/adf, or-maffad, ii. v. it is 
 seen; p. waia..deg, ot-ma^ak. 
 Wdbandjiijas, {nin) n. v. I nm seen, 
 (any an. obj.) 3. p.-o; p. waia..iimi. 
 Wahatuljige, (nin) n. v. I see (somo 
 obj.); 3. n. l.;p. waia..<jed. 
 Wdharuu adv. to-morrow. Wahang 
 kigijeb, to-morrow morning; wa- 
 hang (m(i(jiishi<j, to-morrow night, 
 Wdhan(je,{nin) n. v. I look on, T am 
 a spercator; a. p. 1.; p. waidhanf/cd. 
 Wdhanibi^sm, u. v. the rain conies 
 from the east, or, it rains in the 
 oast, east-rainip. waia-aag. 
 WdbanimcMsige, {nin) n. v." I s|)eml 
 the whole night with an indecent 
 woman; 3. p. 1.; p. waia..ged. 
 Wabaniiugtm, s. snow-bird, (a small 
 white bird who makes his appear- 
 ance in fall, a short time before 
 it begins to snow; and afterwards 
 Disappears, and appears in spring 
 again a shore time.)?!.-*/. 
 Wdhatmiodin, s. eastwind. 
 Wdhanish, {nin) n. v. I pass the 
 winter, I survive the winter, I am 
 spared to see the spring again; 3. 
 -»; p. waia,.shid. S. Nondi 
 Wdhanomin, a. rice. 
 Wdhaiwng, in the east ; from the 
 Wdbanow, {nin) n. v. I am a sor- 
 cerer, (after the Indian notion;) 3. 
 p.-t; p. waia..wid. 
 Wabanowiwin, s. Indian sorcery. 
 Wabanoivimnini, s. Indian sorcerer ; 
 Wabanowe, n. v. 3. p. it has a white 
 tail; ^, waia.,W€a. 
 Wdban»ig,%. a kind of white durk- 
 |ll.-«VJ(/, ' 
 ]\dhan, \nin) n. v. J survive the 
 niglit, I see iheday onco more fa 
 Hirk|.erNOM;)3. p. o; ^u waia..lod. 
 WdbaMiid masXkoftiw, u. v. the 
 h.TlMH whitish; p. n<aia..hik. 
 n nhaM-tH, n. swamp, marsh, mo- 
 iiisH, hog; \)\.-wnn. 
 WdbiiKhk'donian, pewter; [F. I'tain- 
 <t. Ziiui.] ' 
 Wdhnmm, s. a white dog; \i\.-,,q. 
 Wdhamn, s. an. white stone;' ala- 
 Wnhaxninimal'ak, s, alabaster-hox. 
 Udhdwan. s. the whiti! of the rf, 
 iVdbin,(nin)a.\. an. I make him 
 see, I open hi»eyci^;3.n.owdbiun: 
 y. iratdbiad. 
 \rdl)ide,(n-magad,\u v. it is ripn- 
 p. waiahideg, or ma<jak.—Mano 
 mtn wahidfinKwad; the wild rice is 
 lipr.— S. Wdhi-no. 
 Wnhidwi, s. long potato-sprout; pi 
 Wdbidwi, n. v. 3. p. an. it sprouts 
 (in long sprouts;) p. waiabidwid. 
 II u'ndwwiaffad, u. v. in. it sprouts; 
 WaUgad ojigaigan, u. v. the incis- 
 ion in the maple-tree is whitish 
 (the running of the sugar-sap is 
 near its end.) P. wauibigah. 
 Wdhigama, or-magad, u. v. there 
 are straits between two lakes; p. 
 waia..mag, or-magak. 
 Wdbigan, a, an. clay; [F. terre 
 Wdhi^aige, {nin) n. v. I plaster with 
 •clay, I put clay on; 3. p. l.;p.ivaia 
 Wahigaiocwin, s. plastering with 
 clay, clfty-pastering. 
 Wahigof '// ■.nikwadjigan, s. earthen 
 pitcher; ]i\.-u:i. 
 Wahi^Ofo. ■. ,<, : jar, jug;pi.-,ja. 
 yyabiga.o u.iuyan, s. earthen plate 
 or dish; pl.-an. 
 Wnbigan-oiiaganike, (nin) n. v. I 
 make earthen platee and dishes, 
 I am a potter; 3. p. l.;p. waia..ied. 
 hatinak,.«,,ttrthmi.lKsheH,a ikji- 
 ii'(if'l{/in, «. flantifil. 
 ^>»l>Hnu h,hi,jwaU„jah, soft flannel 
 "pf ?r' "■ ""'^"'' ''''"""' '''"""O"'; 
 (tl.u holiday „((;„r).u8Christi.; 
 l.looms th,. ,„u„th of May 
 "Si^S":f r- »• H wo,„an ,nak. 
 'V Ifniwimituj^n. v. i p/tho tree 
 '^p/''?!'"*"' *■ ""• '^'''''' leather; 
 a wliitfi head mv] white tail; 
 i^ah'uishi, s. marten; lA.-woff. 
 nahijt,hiwaian,H. an. martenakin; 
 ^ff^sM^<Mtchdh, 8. ivy; [G. Epheu; 
 >ra//*a,im, or wAUhamigadin, u v 
 TI7 ; '^*9'^y^akaimgadin. 
 WaHkwatuiie, {nin) n. v. S. Wa. 
 Wdlnku'e, {?nn) a. v. I have white 
 hair (awhile head., lam gray! 
 headed; 3. p. 1.; p. umaUku-ed. 
 nnnkwewm, s. gray head, gray aee- 
 [L. canities.] "' ^ ^ ' 
 WdUnagos, (m»)n. v. Hook pale • 
 white; 3 p....e,- p. «,„,-«..,,-^, ' 
 iVahnewadengwe, {nin) n. v. mv 
 Wabinewia, {nm) n. v. I am pale; 
 ^f-P--^P- tvata..»id. ' 
 Waltnewisiwin, s. paleness. 
 nabtnigade, OT-magcuL u. v. it is 
 painted white; p. ..^ag.deg, or- 
 J^«/'»/»<n«*A./y, «. a kind of iarirt. 
 w >,t„ duck; pl.-^j/. '"'"^ 
 ""V'/'"*"''. H. a kind of white 
 vvood p«,;^er; pl.-j,. 
 H af>u/,ka,or-niagiul, u. v. it in white; 
 iTT'^ '"^^'">««; n:, head in 
 white, gray, 
 n-M^/,kmn,{nm)ti. v. »V/.. I whiten 
 )t, . make It while; 3.i).oivaL. • 
 I'. ■ir(iia..(ino. ' 
 n alnM-HhiyihuUtn, {nin) a. v. «/» 
 make u white, ^a Ntrmg, cordj 
 etc. ) J. p. ,, «,«/,..,. ,, ,^«,v,..^,^^ 
 >> «^>«//Aa>r«/ w, u. v.a whiti«h lioujd, 
 or weak liquid; p. «v«-...,«ij;.^""' 
 hrilsh 'T'*' «• vvhitewaHhiiig. 
 tjruHh: pl.-<«4. « 
 ""f'/'*'y>. (»»■«) n. V. I have a 
 white skin; 3. p. ].; p. ri*; 
 ^^'I'^^'l^lf^Wh {nin) a. v. an. 1 whiten 
 U, make It white; 3. p. «,:.«.„. " 
 Walnshkia, (nin) a. v. «„. J make 
 I H white, m making it, (a/i. obi.) 
 f. \Ko ivah.n; p. waia..ad. ^ ' 
 w£ -^ *'^"'*' "• '•■''"'^'Spanish 
 WahM-iheshaigan, s. S. Waldshki- 
 Wiibiakkigin, s. white cotton or 
 WaUshkiijiton, (nin) f,. y. in. >. make 
 H white,, stuff-,) I bleach It, 3. p. 
 urT-^b'' P- '^aia..tod. ^ 
 f^'iouhki-pajjagiwaia?i, s. S. Wa- 
 Wabinhkkwanaie, (nin) n. v. I am 
 drjssed in white; 3. p. 1.; p.waia.. 
 ^^'^'J'^i'}.'?"^^, (nin) n. v. I Imve a 
 J^'^f'i i^- P- 1-; P- tvaia..md. 
 H^aiwAita, (n««) a. v. I am white- 
 nf • P-7*J. P- '^'^iabishHiid. 
 Wabuhkisi^wa, ot^magad, u. t. it is 
 w]!'ti .P-'f<iia..wag, or-magah 
 Wabtshhtchtta, «. turnip, (white tur- 
 nip;) pl.-a».— S MMofckiss. Os- 
 WahishHlm, (nin) a. v. in. I mnke 
 it white, in making it;3. p. owah.. ; 
 n. waia..t<Kl. 
 Wdbishkiwf^ {nm)n. v. I am ,- white 
 person, (not an Indian or negro;) 
 3. p. 1.; p. 7niia..wed. 
 WdUsi, s. avvan; ^\.-g. Wahisinfi, 
 ^ a young swan; '^\.-ag. 
 WdUsipin, s. an, swan's potato, (an 
 eatable root growing m the wa- 
 ter;) pl.-^>. 
 Wdbiso, n. v, ;;. p. it is ripe, (an. 
 obj.) p. waidhiwd. — Pahvejipani- 
 minag waKmmg, the wfieat is 
 ripe.— S. WdUde. 
 Wdhissaginigad,\ ox-^magad, u. v. it 
 is painted' white, (wood, ?'n.)p. 
 'Wata..deg, ox-magak. 
 Wabismginigan, s. a white wall, or 
 any thing whitened; pl.-an,. 
 WaMssaginigaso, n. v. 3. p. it is 
 painted_ white, (wood, an.) 
 Wdhiichiia, ox-magad, u. v. it be- 
 comes whitish, 'it fades, (stuff;) 
 p. 'waia...iag, ox-'magak. 
 Wuhitchiiabawe, ox-magad, u. v. it 
 iades or becomes whitish, in Ji'as/i- 
 ^7lg^, p. ivaia..wag, ox~magak. 
 WaMtchiia-f^, ox-magad, u. v. it fades 
 or becomes whitish by the mn] p. 
 waia..teg, ox-magah.. 
 Wabmimz^ s. white turtle-dove, that 
 is, a dove, a domestic pigeon; pl.- 
 g.—{ Omimi, wild pigeon.) Wab- 
 mimins, jonrm Y>igeoxi; p\.-ag. 
 Wdbmotchifchagwan, s. looking- 
 glass, mirror; \)\.-an. 
 Waho, at the end of some compound 
 substantives, denotes liquid, /laid; 
 wliere the preceding part of the 
 compound word ends in a vowel; 
 as : Anumiewabo, holy water; 
 mashkikiwabo, liquid medicine ; 
 ishkotewabo, firewater, ardent li- 
 quor; etc.— S. Abo. 
 Wdbomkisin, s. {wuboiun, blanket; 
 mukisin, shoe;) a shoe made of a 
 piece ot' blanket, blanket-mocca- 
 sin; pl.-ara. 
 W^omkisine, (nwi) n. v. I wear 
 moccasions made of a piece of 
 biaUKet; 3. p. 1. ; p. u'ni(i..tced. 
 nabman, s. blanket; pl.-a«. 
 Wdhmimi, s. S. Wdhmimi. 
 Wdbos, s. rabbit; ^\.-og. Waioftmn 
 young rabbit; pl.-ay, 
 Wabosanuman, s. an. Alg. hair-pow- 
 Wuhosomin, s. rabbit's berry; black 
 berry; pl.-«?i. 
 Wubosowaian, s. an. rabbilskin; pl.- 
 Wubomekon, s. coat made of rabbit- 
 skins; pi. -aw. 
 Wubomtekanike. {vin) n. v. I make a 
 coat of rabbitskins; 3. p. 1 ; n 
 Wakvewe s. a white goose; pl.-/^. 
 Wadernu, (nin) a. v. an. I put'it in 
 my belly, in my stomach. ( I eat it 
 up,) 1 have it in my belly, un. obj.; 
 3. p. o viudeman; p. wed. .ad!— 
 Anindi hokosh ga-aiud oma? — Nin 
 gi-ivadema. Where is the pork 
 that was here?— T put it in my 
 belly, (I ate it up.) 
 Wadendan, {nin) a. v. in. I put it in 
 my belly, (I eat it up,) I have it 
 in my belly; in. obj.; 3. p. o toad...; 
 p. ii'ed..ung, 
 Wadi, zvadibi, adv. Ot. S. Wedi. 
 Wddiged ihve, married woman, wife; 
 pi. wadigedjig ikioewng, 
 Wddiged inini, married man, hus- 
 band; pi. wudigedjig ininiwag. 
 Hudiges.iig i7uni, bachelor; pi. tea- 
 digessigog ininiwag. 
 Wudikwati, s. (oft'en pronounced, 
 Odikwan,) branch of a tree; pl.- 
 Wudikwanimitig, n. v. 3. p. the tree 
 has branches or boughs; p. wed. 
 Wadjipadis, {nin) or, ninwudjipi 
 n. V. I am nimble, light, flexible; 
 3. p.-*'; p. wed. .id. 
 Wddji-, is the Change of uddji-i 
 which see. 
 Wadjiw, 8. mountain; pl.-o«,. 
 Wadjiwan, u. v. there is a mountain, 
 p. wedjiwang. 
 Wadd, 8. an. coagulated blood. 
 .".helper, assistant; 
 Wadnkruod, p 
 'fW(l , s. alder-tree; pl.-m. 
 WadopUa, or-magad, u. v. there are 
 aljr-trees; p. 'u^,d..lcag, oZmZ 
 Wadojdhmij, in a place where there 
 are aJder-trees. 
 WadopiM, s. a forest of aldor-trees 
 alder-lorest; x>l-^irau. '' 
 n(ujah>si mitvj, n. v. 3. p. the trpp 
 IS crooked; p. «,a*«...ia. ''"^^ 
 nagakwad, s. axe; p\.-on. 
 pnavvjs., pl.-a;j. 
 n npanaUtawanan, (nm) a. v an 
 pl. we are sitting around him ma 
 "^micude- p. 'waiag..wadun.~^ 
 ^VAganagabawitawannn, {nin) & v 
 a«. pi. we are standing around him 
 in H semicircle; p. imia..ioadjin.~ 
 ft. (y^twitagabawitawanan. 
 \^ (igannJcibitchigan, s. a kind of 
 crooked war-club, on which the 
 Indian warriors hang the scalps of 
 their slain enemies; pl.-«/i 
 H a^waAm, 8.L'Arbre.croche,Micli 
 ( rhe name of a large Indian Set- 
 tlement and Mission in Michi- 
 Wdnanahhi av) mitig, n. v. 3 p the I 
 top or head of that tree is crooked 
 or bent; p. wauL.sid. 
 Wdgashlmva, ( mn) a, v. an I re- 
 main about him, in walking; 3 p 
 o wag..n; p, waia.Mad. ' 
 Wagerns, (nin) n. v. I am bent for- 
 ward, inclined; 3. p.-«'; p. wuia.. 
 Wdgidiam, (nin) n. v. I have a 
 crooked nose, an aquiline nose; 
 J. p. 1.; p.wain..ned. 
 WagigtM {nin) n. v. J am bent for- 
 had ^ *^*' ^' P- 1-; P- «*«'«•• 
 Wagihoman, s. crooked knife; nl - 
 an. ^ 
 Wdginn, 8. an. rib of a canoe, etc.: 
 [F. varangue;] pl.-^. ' ' 
 Wdgina, (nin) a. v. in. I bend it, I 
 make it crooked, (an. obj.) 3. n. , 
 tiovyit; (»;i. obj.)3. p. owaq...-v 
 ^Vngirng,. (nin) n. v. I bend; 3. u 
 }■■,[>' n<(na..ged. ' ^ 
 iUmnindji^nin) n. v. I have crook - 
 ecIhngers;y/^.Iamathiof;3. j. 
 nagmogdn, s. round Indian lodge; 
 V\.an. S. JVassaii'nnqdn. ' 
 nag,noge, (nin) n. v. I build around 
 ]odge; or, I hve in a round lodge; 
 ^- P- 1.; p. wnia..ged.~S. Jiassa- 
 ^Vdgishka {nin) n. v. I am bent, 
 bowed; 3. p. 1.; p. «;«,-^..^.^,^_ ' 
 Vyaguklcamagad, n. v. it is bent or 
 bovyed; p. wnia..i!aTc. 
 Wagisi s. an. Ind'ian nilvor orna- 
 Wagitchibik. s. crooked root, rib of 
 a boat or barge ; [0. courbe ;1 pi 
 -on. 'J F'- 
 ^yyj^^inc n. v. 3. p. it has crooked 
 or bent horns ; p. ■ivaid..ned. 
 young fox; pl.-a</. "^ 
 n\aidbaminagosis,vci. p. s. a. he that 
 i^s^^not visible, the invisible ; pi. 
 ^Vaidhnminagivassinog, p. s. a. invis- 
 ible ,7. object; pl.-i/i. 
 y\aiahangcd, p. s. a. he that looks 
 on, a spectator ; pl.-;,V^. 
 'Uiinbandang musinawnn, p. s -i 
 he that looks in the paper, a rea- 
 der; pl.-,^^. 
 yV utnbinhkag- madnaiqan, s. white 
 paper not written upon. (Or, weji- 
 bwmicftsijiog masinaigan. ) 
 n aiahshhdgwag mashkiki, s. alum. 
 -b. -nivabik. 
 WuidlmMdioed, p. s. a. a white, h 
 white man or a white woman ; 
 mitabtshkiwedjig , white people, 
 the whites. 
 Waidn, skin. This word is never 
 used alone, but is always attached 
 to the namo nf on r.„; i j. - ■ 
 'i "ni 
 to the name of an animal, to 
 nify Its skin; as: Wawaehheshiwai- 
 an, deer-skin ; muhwiiwaidn, he&x- 
 skm; wabije^h/waidn, marter-skin; 
 etc. Pl.-ory.-S. We<m. 
 y/aidfiag, p. & s. basin of water ; 
 pl.-*;t.-S. Wd/ia. 
 ^Vttidnag Icakdhihawan^, a basin of 
 water where there is a waterfall 
 over steep rocks, that is. Niagara 
 Waidwanendagos, ( ain) n. v. Iain 
 considered imperfect, I am imper- 
 fect, wicked ; 3. p.-i; p. weia..sid. 
 ^'aiawancndagwad, u. v. it is estee- 
 med imperfect, it is imperfect, bad, 
 good lor nothing; p. tvcia..wah. 
 » ai ya, or waieha, adv. soon, shortly. 
 nmhamn nishkculis, I am soo.i an- 
 gry, I am passionate, choleric. 
 yyaiehinang ud anamiewin, he who 
 rejects his religion, an apostate, 
 Waiejima, (nin) a. v. aji. I cheat 
 hiin, I detraud him; I deceive him- 
 1 seduce him: 3. p. o wu..n\ p. wet- 
 Waiejindan, (nm) a. v. in. I cheat, 
 deceive it ; 3. p. o tvai.,. ; p. well 
 ang.-Ki gi-wniejindan nitide: thou 
 hast deceived my heart. 
 Waiejindis, {nin) r. v. I deceive my- 
 self; 3. p. -o; p. wei..sod. 
 naiejindtsowin, s. self-deceit, illus- 
 Waiejinge, {nin) n. v. I cheat, de- 
 ceive, seduce;! swindle, I defraud, 
 I einbezzle; 3. p. 1. ; p. wei..ged. 
 naujzme-, in compositions, signi- 
 hes false, deceiving; as: Waiejinge- 
 Anstag, false Christs ; waiejinge- 
 mganadjirnowininiwug, false pro- 
 phets; waiejinge-gngikwewin, false 
 deceiving preaching; etc. 
 Waifjingcshh, {nin) n. v. I am in a 
 habit of cheating, etc., (as above 
 under Waiejm<jc;) 3. p.-*'; p. wei.. 
 Waicjmge^cin, s. cheating, deceit, 
 shuffling, cheat, fraud, imposture; 
 swindling, embezzlement, trick: 
 Waiijitagos, {nin) n. v. I deceive or 
 seduce with my words ; 3. p.-*' . / 
 Waiehva, in compositions, alludes 
 tothe.;i<fofs.th. (Examples in 
 sojne ot the fallowing words.) 
 n arehvd-aMuxm, u. v." it is the end 
 of the world, p. weieL.ang. 
 Hazekwd-ah/cang, or idhvA-aU. 
 wang, at the end of the world 
 Waiikwagam, adv. at the end of a 
 Waiehwaia, or-magad, u. v. it has 
 an end, or there is an end; p. weie 
 ..tag, or-magad.-a. Weiekwaiassi- 
 IJ aiehwaiahiH-assin, s. an. corner 
 stone; [L. lapis angularis;] pl.-,v,. 
 naiekwmau, adv. at the end. 
 Waiehraiendagwad, u. v. it "is con 
 sidered the end of it ; p. weiek . 
 Uaiekwaiendan, (nin) a. v. in. I think 
 It istheendof it;3. p. ow)tti...;p 
 n'etek..nng. ^ 
 Waickwdhimiga, u. v. it is the end 
 of the earth, of the ground; p. weie 
 Waiekwdkitc/iigami, s. the end of the 
 great lake, [0. Fond du Lac.l 
 the is- 
 Waichvdminiss, s. the end of tf 
 Waiekwashkan, {nin) n. v. I arrive 
 to the end of it : 3. p. o wai... ; n 
 Waiekwasse, or-mugad, u. v. it comes 
 to an end, it arrives to its end ; p 
 Waiikwassiton, (nin) a. v. In. I bring 
 It to an end, I finish it; 3. p. o wai 
 ...; p. Weie.. tod. 
 Waiekwatigweia sihi, u. v. it is the 
 end of the river; p.ivci€k..iag. 
 \\aiekwaton, {nin) a. v. in. S. Wai- 
 Waiishkat, adv. in the beginning, at 
 Waj, s. den, abode or hole of a wild 
 animal; pl.-aw. 
 Wiijdshk, s. musk-rat; pl.-M;a^. 
 Wajashkobiwai, s. pi. -aw., the fur of 
 a musk-rat. 
 » s. an. musk-rat's 
 Wajaehkwaj,B. hole (not lodge) of 
 a muskrat; pl.-ara. ^ ' 
 W'ya^hkwedo, s. an. mushroom qrow- 
 "siirrt^tttrr- «• -^^- 
 W'Ve S. Aje. 
 WajihUa, s. pond, pool : pl.-n- TF^.V 
 TfaM. a«. spawn, roe (egS of a 
 fish or frog;) pi. ^alcw\tg. ^^ ^ 
 yyakahitawanun, {nin) a v. an nl 
 wearesutingaroundhim;3 p^t 
 Wakagahamtawanan, {nin) a. v an 
 P. wak..wan ; p. waiak..dim. 
 ^^^kaiakosHtchigade, ox-magil, u. 
 Lm/'""' "^ ^- ---•^^^- -- 
 Wakaidkossitchige, ( w^« ) n. v. I fence 
 in, J. p. 1.; p. waia.Med. 
 housT''' '■ ^°"' ^'°'''"'^''' '■^'^°"bt; 
 r«-?;_a2Va«aX-, s. a;i.; pi._o^. g. JFa- 
 kazganattg. ^ 
 Wakaiganatig, s. log for a house : I 
 Wdkaige, {nin) n. v. I build a log- 
 house, or a frame-house ; also, I 
 iive ma house, (not in a lodge ;) 
 ^•T>. }.;'(>. ivaidkai(icd. ' 
 t^Tf!"' 1 • ^"'Iding, carpenter's 
 work or trade, carpentry. I 
 ^''^'^'l^^^f «^. s. a man that builds 
 houses (log-houses or frame-hou- 
 ses,) carpenter: ^^\.~^oaq. 
 Wakaxkawa, {nin) a. v. an. I remain 
 about him or around him ; 3. p. o 
 wak..n\ p, waid..taad. 
 yVakaUna, {nin) a. v, aw. I fence 
 him in, I put him in an enclosure 
 or park ; 3. p. o wak..n ; p. ivaiak.. 
 Wukaktnan, {7iin) a. v. ,,.. I fence it 
 in, I enclose it ; 3. p. o wak... ; p 
 wata..ung. ^ 
 Wdkami, oi-magad, u. v. the water j 
 Wakanmsii^m {nin) a. v. m. I make 
 arnples in some of the folloivmg 
 Makeiawishib s. a kind of small 
 duck very diflicult to shoot, S 
 therefore called shot-eater • \C 
 nian|eurcleplomb;]pl.-„r' f^' 
 ho, or to do so... 
 ^^l^^i-mamikaw, {nin) n. v. frecj I 
 think always on home and on mv 
 relations, when abroad; 3. p ,•!"/ 
 abroid- ? n '^V^ °" ^"''-^ when 
 colTfi'^'^y n-v. I' feel soon 
 cold, I cannot endure much cold 
 J-P-i;p.n>ek..id. ^"coid, 
 fhi/te«.„^.,s, („,v,) n. v: If-^Plsoon 
 warm I cannot endure much heat" 
 torn, (stuff;) p. ivekewuiw. 
 yyakewana7nos, {nin) n. v. I cannot 
 endure much smoke ; 3. p.-o" p 
 wek..sod. f- o > p. 
 WaUwine,{nin) n. v. I am of a weak 
 constitution, delicate health ; 3 n 
 1-; p. wek..ned. ^ 
 y^akewis, {nin) n. v. I am weak 
 deicate, I cannot endure hardship! 
 Haktwisdn, u. v. it is weak, it is 
 not durable ; p. ^veL.ing. ' " 
 IF«/fc.m^^, p s. a. he who is invit- 
 ed to a meal, a guest; p.-Jig. 
 Waken, s. an. moss of cedar, and 
 some other trees. (It is eaten by 
 tlie Indians.) pl.-aj/. 
 Wahwngumi nihi, u. v. the sap of 
 the maple-trees is whitish, is spoi- 
 led; p. welc.viig. 
 Wuhci, s. Ot. jiaradise , heaven. 
 Wdku'i/i/j, in heaven, or to heaven, 
 or from heaven. 
 Wdnu, ox-nuKjad, n. v. it is hollow, 
 (h?ep ; also, 'there is a basin of wa- 
 ter, p. waidnag, or-7nugah. 
 Wnndttdjige, {nin) n. v. I lose the 
 track or trare; 3. p. 1.; p. ^oen..qed. 
 ]\ (indadon mil-anu, (nin) n. v. 1 lose 
 the trail ; 3. p. o ivun...; p. loen.. 
 WafMdm, (nin) n. v. I mistake or 
 commit a blunder in singing; 3, 
 p. 1. ; ]). tvenuang. 
 WunduiiKuvin., s. inistake in singing. 
 Wanadenhl'odjigan; s. an. model of a 
 canoe or boat, etc. [F. gabari ;] pi. 
 WdhtidiiiM, u. V. the mountain is 
 hollow, there is a cavern in the 
 mountam ; p. waiii..nug. 
 Wdnadis, (nin) n. v. I am wealthy, 
 rich; 'i. p.-i; p. wata..sid. 
 Wdnadma, {nin) or. nin ivdnudisi- 
 wiu, a. V. an. I make him rich ; 3. 
 p. o wan..n ; p. waiu..ad. 
 TVanadi^imn, s. wealth, riches. 
 Wanddjim, (jiin) n. v. I mistake in 
 telling Of relating s. th.; 3. p.-,;; 
 p. wen.. mod. 
 Wdnadjissnga, or-maqad, u. v. there 
 is plenty of wood; p. waia..gag, or 
 Wanagdai, s. an. fish-scale; pl.-a//. 
 Wanagdkiaid, s. the sole of the foot; 
 Wanagek, s. an. (often pronounced 
 and written, onagik,) cedar-bark; 
 \>\.-wag.~ — Wanagek meskwanag- 
 ekosid, cinnamon.' 
 Wanagekogamig, s. bark-lodge, lodge 
 made of cedar-bark; pl.-oTt. 
 Wanagima, (nin) a. v, an. I mistake 
 in counting some an. obj, &B,Jan- 
 iia, money; 3. p. o wa..n] p. wen., 
 Wanagindan, (nin) a. v. in. I mis- 
 take in counting it, I count more or 
 less than there is ot it; 3. p. o wan 
 ...; p. wen..ang. 
 Wanagindass,{nin,) n. v. I mistake 
 in counting, or in making up an 
 account; 3. p.-o; p. wm-sod. 
 Wanagindassmvin, s mistake in 
 counting, or in making up an ac- 
 Wdnakamiga, or-magad, u. v. there 
 is a low ground; p. waia..gad, or 
 Wdnaki, (nin) n. v. I inhabit a place 
 in peace, undisturbed, I live some- 
 where in peace;3. p. l.;p. waidna- 
 Wdnakia, (nin) a. v. an. ^ make 
 him live in peace, I procure him 
 peace and tranquillity; 3. p. o wan 
 ..n; p.'wnia..ad. 
 Wanakiwendam, (nin) n. v. I am 
 appeased in my thoughts, in my 
 mind, 1 am out of danger, out of 
 trouble; 3. p. 1.; p waia..ang. 
 Wanakiwidee, (nin) n. v. mv heart 
 is in peace, it is contented; 3. p. 
 1.; p. waia..ed. 
 Wanakiwideewin, s. peace of the 
 heart, tranquillanimity. 
 Wdnakiwin, s. peace, tranquillity; 
 quiet inhabitation of a place. 
 Wanakodjaonag, a, the foremost part 
 of a canoe; [C. pince du canot;] 
 Wanakmg, at the top or liead cf a • 
 Wandkosid, e. the point or extremity 
 of the foot; pl.-a». 
 Wa7iakowin, a. dla. top, extremity, 
 summit, pinnacle. 
 Wanakomwan, u. v. Alg. there is a 
 top, a summit; p. wen.,ang.~Wa- 
 nakomwang anamiewigamig', there 
 where the temple has its summit, 
 (on the pinnacle of the temple. ) 
 Wunakwatig, s. the end of a tree or 
 log; pi .-on. 
 WamasAkid, the tail of a bird ; pi. 
 Wanashkobia, or-magad, u. v. there 
 is a reservoir or basin of water; n 
 iinai; pl.-o;i, 
 ^ u£r;."' ^- "'^'^ '« » whirlpool, 
 uhere the water turns round; p 
 Wanendaffos (nm)n.v. I am for- 
 gotten, neglected; 3. p.-i; p. ,.,;, 
 franc/irfa^j^a^, u. v. it is forgotten 
 r Z"J>' r /°''^°"^"' oblitfrate ;• 
 p- wen. .wok. ' 
 Wanendam, (nin) n. v. I forget, 3. 
 p. l.,p. ii'enenda7ig. ' ' 
 fKajie/i^faTOa, (?im) n. v. I lose mv 
 senses, I faint- 3 n i . L " 
 ^^i'/"^"'"«'^«.(«m) a. V. an. I lor- 
 get s. th. in regard to him, (a fault 
 an offence, etc.) I forgive him 3.' 
 Wa«e«(/««, '(nin) a. v. «». I forget 
 u, J. p.o wa..,; p.we>iendana. 
 I'ianemfjujadcoT-magad, u. v. it is 
 iVanendJiffas, (nin) I am quite for- 
 gotten;3.p.-«;p. ^,^.J 
 hm' n 'K'^" "^"^^;I "f-g'^ct 
 lim, omit him ,-3. p. - u^«;,..,l; p. 
 wen.. mad. ' 
 IVanenmdis, (nin) r. v. I forget 
 myself, I neglect myself, omit my. 
 selt,3.p.-o;p. 7('g;i..«ori. 
 hnrrK"' <iT^ ^V ^- «'''• I tame 
 him I break him, a horse, an ox, 
 etc I subdue him; 3. p. ,«,«;,..„ 
 p. waia..ad. ' 
 ir««^aW«ia, (w«/i) a. V. an. I ap- 
 pease him, I pacify him with good 
 mad ' ^- ''^«'^••^;P•^a^a 
 Wdngawina, {nin) a. v. an. I an. 
 pease him or make him quiet, 
 caressing him with my handle. P 
 owan..n-, p. waia..nad. ^ 
 il'angatvzn, or wawangawisi, aw le- 
 hejtgnganjt, n. v. 3. p. this horse 
 ij well broken, is gentle; p. ,M,fl.. 
 fonguer' "°''^'^>'-«» tamehfs 
 him or her (for a father, mother 
 p. wa- 
 (lier) to me; 3. p. o wan..n: 
 i<ingotn4id. ' 
 ^^"frK^i/f ^> ^- ^- ^«- I adopt 
 1^, 1 take it for me; 3. p. o wan • 
 p. waia..ang. ^ wan..., 
 ^iani, {nin) h. v. I disguise mvself- 
 f \\.wanio-^..wcniod^ ^ ^^' 
 T'7'i '" compositions, signifies 
 Sf iv,lf '■"•'• ^^^TP'^«'n"ome 
 oitjie lolluwuig words.) 
 absence, 3. p. ownnian;^. weniad 
 e^T:' ^•,"^'«^^'^«' Sundert; 
 ^Ti'?''''^"""^"-^'- J make a mis. 
 ^akem writing; 3.p.l.;p. ^,^^. 
 nwnibiigcuin, s. blunder in writing- 
 ir(m?yo(^„m. („m) n. v. I do s th 
 ir«mf7/we, (««•„) n. V. I make a 
 nns.akeor blunder in spSng; 
 ^JTi'uT'' s. blunder in speak- 
 Wanigiha (nin) n. v. I speak non 
 sense, (through old age ) 3 p 
 p. wen..l-ad. ij'^. y. i., 
 Wcvnndis, (nin) r. v. 1 seduce my- 
 self in error;! lose myself; 3. p.-o- 
 p. ven..sod. ' P '^' 
 I W'a^wA-aafe, ox-magad, u, v. there is 
 a hole dug in the ground, or a grave 
 dug; p. waia..deo, ox-magalc. 
 Wdnikan, s. a hole in the ground, a 
 grave, etc.; pl.-ara. 
 Wdnike, {nin) n. v. 1 dig a hole in 
 the ground, I dig a grave, etc.; 3. 
 p. 1 . ; p. waidniked. 
 ^^ anile, {nin) n. v. I forget to take 
 s. th. along with me, I leave s. th. 
 somewhere by mistake, or forget- 
 ting; 3. p. 1.; p. wenihcd. 
 Wand-en, (nin) a. v. in. I forget it 
 somewhere, I leave it behind, for- 
 getting; 3 p. lean...; p. wenil-ed. 
 Wanil-enan, {nin) a. v. an. I forget 
 or leave somewhere some an. obj.; 
 3. p. o wan...-, p. wenihed. (V. 
 Conj.) IS in (ji-tvanikenag ninmin- 
 djil-au-anng gaheshiwining] I forgot 
 my mittens m the camp. 
 Wnnimik. S, Onimilc. 
 Wanimikmv, (nin) n. v. I faint, I 
 swoon away; 3. \i.~i; p. wen..u>id. 
 Wanimilnwiivin, swoon, fainting. 
 Wa?mnod, Indian sack made of the 
 inner part of the elm-bark; pl.-aw. 
 Wanina, adv. much, strongly. 
 Waninawean, a. v. in. I stir it, I 
 mix it; .'t. p. o wan...; p. U'en..ang. 
 Waningwasfi, {nin) n. v. I walk 
 round in sleep, (somnambule;) 3. 
 p.-i; p. wc7i..id. 
 Wdninishl-a, {nin) n. v. I follow a 
 circuitous route; I go round; [F. 
 je fais une tourne'e;) 3. p. 1.,- p. 
 Wanishimu, {nin) a. v. an. I lead 
 him astray; I pervort him, seduce 
 him; 3. p. owaii..n; Y>.wen..mud. 
 WaniMn, {nin) n. v. I go astray, 
 I get lost; 3. p. 1.; p. wenishing. 
 Wanishindis, {nin) r. v. 1 cause my- 
 self to go astray, to get lost; 3. p. 
 -o;p. wen. .sod. 
 Wunishkwea," {nin) or, nin wanish- 
 kwema, a. v. an. I disturb and 
 trouble him in his doings, or in his 
 »NOTE. This and the eight following 
 words, are more conveniently placed here 
 ander Wani, than under Oni, (although 
 Ihe pronunciation remains the same,) 
 kecause >V'am.. alludes to mw<o/ce, trouble, 
 speech, lecture or prayer, by my 
 speaking or laughing, I cause him 
 to make mistakes; 3. p. owan..n; 
 p. wen.. ad, 
 Wanishhweiendam, {nin) n. v. I am 
 troubled in my thoughts; 3. p. 1.; 
 p. tven..ang. 
 Tfanishkwciendamowin, s. troubled 
 thoughts, trouble of mind. 
 Waninlikwcl-amigud, u. v. there is 
 trouble, noise," disturbance; p. wen 
 Wimi,shhwes,{ni7i) n. v. I am dis- 
 quiet, troublesome, frivolous, wild, 
 never quiet and still; 3. p.-?'; p. 
 WaniMnpesiwin, s. disquietness, 
 turbulence, troublesome disposi- 
 tion or behavior. 
 Waniilifitvetagos, {nin) n. v. I am 
 noisy and turbulent in my speak- 
 ing, I cause trouble with my 
 words; 3. Tp.-i; p. wen. .sod. 
 WanisM'wetawa, {nin) a. v. un. he 
 causes me troulsle with his words, 
 I hear him or listen to him with a 
 troubled mind ; 3. p. o %i'an..n; p. 
 wen. .wad. 
 Wunishkwetnn, (nin) a. v. in. I dis- 
 turb it, (an assembly, etc.) 3. p. o 
 wan...; p. wen. .tod. 
 Wdnisid ihive, s. dirty woman, slut; 
 [G. Schlampe.] 
 Wanisid manito. a. unclean spirit, 
 evil spirit, devil. 
 Wanisse, {nin) n. v. 1 mistake, \ 
 commit a blunder; 3. p. 1.; p. we 
 Wanissin, u. v, it gets lost; p. we- 
 nt smig. 
 Wanitage, {nin) n. v. I lose s. th 
 belonging to some person; 3. p. 
 1.; p. wen..ged. 
 Wanitage. {nin) n. v. I mistake in 
 hearing people, that is, I misund- 
 erstand somebody; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Wunitagoa, {nin) n. v. I am not well 
 understood in my speaking, 1 am 
 misunderstood; 3. p 
 Wunitum, {nin) n. v. 
 -*;p. p. wen. 
 S. Wanitage. 
 Wanitdn, (nin\ a „ ■ -^ , 
 stand if In ^ ' ^ misunder 
 Wanitass, (nln) „. v. I lose s fh 
 belonging to me, I su,£ a To « 
 ' i'- <^ <^'«i../i, p. wcn..waa. 
 erstand him 3 m '' ^ '"'^""fl 
 «'e/i..^..ad ' ''• ^ ^"'^••«'- P 
 Wanitchige, (nin) n. v I ,pf 
 "^SSf'ir ^ a. V. e„. I lose it- j 
 Se a\.'"ar^«^P--''ythe'i2 
 the tai if' a horst E^r"^'^^"''^'^' 
 tail of anoY nr '^•^,''^'"'*'^"' the 
 bed. ' •^- P- ^-i P' icej).. 
 T?h^w^ '• ** ^'"'l of larffe cam 
 (Jjsh;) tc. carpe de Franferp?.' 
 ^£%T1' ■^"'■'^^ "• r- ^ "»«nd a 
 It' V, ■. P'./- ; P- wma..lnd: 
 "mc'i;:"^' '■ "■ G'a»1 River. 
 ^Va-siijaandasod, p. s t }io h * • 
 Ter^on';/^*^^-^' ' - '-'^U" -^ 
 ion ann'"""^' '■"'*^'""« insfuc- 
 Pl?%r ^''^'""^ '"''' ^'f^"^'"' 
 jK<«uvvW« s. bird's nest; pl. -a« 
 jymkone, or wamii/;a/?e, s. bloom 
 or flower ot a pumpkin; pl -T 
 HWa/&^.a«m, lightning. ( fK^JL^ 
 "if f:«^«'««>««, s. blaze on a tree to 
 >^"M«/l7w„^.e, {mn] n. v. I blazP 
 f,^f^',« '"dilate the right road o? 
 rail hrough the woods; 3 p l • 
 reSd ' n "^^'""'o°'- to him, "^ 'n 
 regard to him; 3. p. o was «-n 
 wma..wud. was-.n, p. 
 WmsahvarteanJnin) a. v. m. I H„bt 
 house"''h' rW-(forinstanSa 
 Kfi?A ^y ''anting a candle, or 
 p"i'i"^^fi'-e in the chimney) 3 
 ^^^is'^ahvanendanmoa, (nm) a. v 
 "/'• I enh-hten his mind his 
 ^^aun^-lrr'^'^'^r' «• candle: 
 l^ampjantern; also, a lighthouse,' 
 IVaftfakfriinendjivmahik, s. caiidlo- 
 stick of iron, ItrHSH, &c.; pi. -on. 
 Wa^siikwaudiiljujanatuj^ s, acaiidle- 
 sti(;k made ol wood; pi. -<m. 
 \VusnakwiiriciuJji(jaa-himulcy s. lamp- 
 Wdxnal-ivuvotiiljigavciah, 8. wick J 
 IK. inoolii;.] 
 \\a8tiakivan.i:iulji(ja>dkei (nin) n. v. 
 1 iiiako caiuiloti, I am a cuiuUe- 
 maker; 3. p. 1 ; p. wnia.Jed. 
 ]yas>iakwaiifnJJi<janlkru>ini/i,i, s. a 
 caiRllc-iaakcr; ohaiidh^r; pi. -^wikj. 
 \Viismkwaiitn<Iji(je, (nin) n. v. 1 
 make lit,dit, ( .some |)lace) l)y hiirn- 
 iiii? a caiidlo or lainj); 3. p. 1.; p. 
 H'ati,s(i.k/vani'>iitji4/in, (nin) a. v. in. 
 I U!»o it for a lit'lit. I burn it; 3. p. 
 irds..,; p. wnia..ijed. — Gi(jo- 
 hiinlde ni/t watstidk'r(inejulji(jen', I 
 liiirii li.sh-oil. Ka i/f(/(> nin wungti- 
 hvancndjiijcufii, I have no light, no 
 candh^s or oil. 
 ]yami»bi>/'ia(i animikiff, n. v. 3. p. 
 pi. it liLihtonH. 
 Wassaiiioivin, s. lightning; thunder- 
 bolt; pi. -an. 
 Wdssa, nhi fitkoki, T make a loni? 
 step. WuKHiKM. idn tu^:</ki, or, 
 foassa nin latakokl, I make long 
 steps in walking. — S. /Jvaho nin 
 Wdssd.ihka, or -mag ad, u. v. there 
 are I'oaming billows or waves on 
 the hike, the lake is white; [F. il 
 y a des moutons Bur le lac;] p. wuia 
 ..htg, or -niagak. 
 Wnssawad, u. v. it is far, far off, dist- 
 ant; p. irala..ir('k. 
 Wassau'rkamlg, adv. far off. 
 WafifiaincnJagwad . u. v. it is cons- 
 idered far, they think ]t is far off; 
 p. waia..wak. 
 Wansau'tndain, (nin) n. v. I think 
 it is lar; 3. p. 1.; p. waia..(i?ig. — 
 Pahige ki wa.i-san.'.ndam, kwhpin 
 ningokhi ininajaogoian', thou 
 thiiikest immediately, it is far, 
 when fhjii art sent somewhere. 
 Watisawe;idan. [nin) a. v. in. I find 
 it far, I think it far, (the distance 
 from nno place to anotlier, in 
 walking, sailing, etc.) 3. p. o 
 irunti...\ p. wata.,ang. 
 Wdtifiia, s. light. 
 WfinHtia, or -^lagad, ii. v. it is light; 
 ]>. vuiiasKeiug, or -mngak. 
 W(ii>sHiidiii, inin) n. v. I am in the 
 li),'ht, 1 am not in darkness; 3. p. 
 -/.; p. wiiiii..sid. 
 W(if>fiti(ih,{n/n) T\. \. I see clearly, 
 plainly; 3. p. -i.; p. uuiia.Md. 
 Wdxsiiiitila, { nin) a. v. an. I make 
 him see clearly, 1 enlighten him; 
 3. |). o n'fifi,./r, p. tvaiii..(id. 
 Wd«.-it:inf!, (nin) n. v. ] am resplend- 
 ent, 1 shine; 3. p. -i; p. wuia..nd. 
 Wansciadnin, s. light, splendor, 
 sliinc, brightness. 
 Wun6eiati{iig< git^ixK, n. v. 3. p. the sun 
 (or moon) shines; p. waia..<jid. 
 WdsiiiJiindavdu, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 enlighten his understanding, his 
 thoughts; 3. p. o 'waii..n; p. wuia., 
 Wdanv'ingwe, (vin) n. v. my face is 
 resplendent, shining, radiant,- 3. \\. 
 1.; p. waid..n'<d. 
 M'a!s,'<inang<it~hka andng. n. v. 3. p. 
 the siar is bright, shining mmh: 
 p. watu..kad. 
 \\ dsscnamana. (nin) a. v. an. 1 en- 
 liglitcn him; 3. p. oiva8..n; p. 
 tea ia.. Wad. 
 WufibenanLowin, s. light. 
 )\assc.^hkan. (nin) a. v. /h. 1 make 
 it light,] eidightenit;3. p.owas...; 
 ]). vaiu..ang. 
 T) UKMKh.kau'a,(nin) a. v. an. I make 
 some an. obj. light, 1 enlighten 
 some person, I cause him to be 
 enlightened; 3. p. o tvas..n; p. 
 ]r(7,w.s2 gigian, n. \. 3. p. the s'ln is 
 brilliant; p. tvainst/edd. 
 WafKtfr.fiigan, s. window; pi. -o«. 
 M'a,yKi/chiga?ialik, s. window-glass, 
 pane; pi. on. 
 Wasselclrignnntig, s. window-fraine, 
 sash; shutter; pi. -on. 
 Wassiti lii'ian-jngiw, s. an. putty, 
 iV,h.'<,>(rmn,jaJ, u. V. itia light, (in 
 lfV/wV/>>rt«, u. V. thftia IS a stronp 
 Uy.nmmr cirront in n rivpr; v 
 ■n'ma..ai}fi. *' 
 \V(imh,m,,ii><sln., n. v. the watnr is 
 calm hlte a mirror; >. n'aia.Ang. 
 Wdxsikoyide, or -mu(fud, u. v. it 
 shines, (rotton wood;) ,,. waia.. 
 (lc(j, or 'inagak. 
 WdKuhcdhikaan, (nin) a. v. in. I 
 inake It shine, I make it bripht, 
 (metal;) 3. p. was...; p. «;«/«.; 
 Uamkwdffigi, n. v, 3. p. it haa i 
 I'lHlro. (.stuff, ««.)p.«'"»"..*ia. 
 Wa»siku'„ffi(,»i, (n.>j) a. v. ^>i 1 
 make it bright or hislrous stuff;) 
 'i- p. ou'as...: p. waia..tod. 
 W<t,ungwe,,(nin) n. v.; 3. p.-^- Q. 
 Wuxsltd, (often pronounced omVa.) 
 alludes toi'r(e/, sorrMV, ajlliction. 
 ( J^xanipif s in some of the follow- 
 ing words.) 
 Wassitdweiidam, {nin) n. v, 1 am sad 
 1 am sorrowful, mournful, afflict-' 
 W'nKUkwdhihid, u. V. it is shininir if I \v}' t'-^' ^V ^'' 5**»""»£?' 
 is hripl.f rn.nVni.N . .. "T"?'^' "I ^^itx^'ln'rcndamia, {nin) a. v. an 1 
 make Inin sad, 1 cause him trriof 
 and sorrow, I afllict him ; 3 p. 
 ■was..n; \>.we.He..ad. 
 V^-amtaw,nda7nowin, s. sadness, 
 «rief. fdHiction, chaprin. sorrow. 
 fy oKutuwrndan, (nin) a. v. in. 1 feel 
 Had ag.inst it, 1 l.-el antipathy 
 against it 3. p. o wu,...; p. U«*.^ 
 ^Va^f<i>nm',na,{7n'n) a. v. an. I 
 kiel sad against him. I have anti- 
 pathy against him ; 3. p. o was..ni 
 p. inns.. mad. ' 
 WusduhjIneAnin) n. v. niy heart 
 IS allhcted, IS sorrowful; 3 d 1 • 
 p. tress, .ed. ^' "' 
 Wtmltdwiilecwin, s. sorrow or afflic- 
 tion of heart, 
 Wamfnwitaifo.s, {nin) n. v. I speak 
 in a manner as to cause sorrow and 
 all iction I am heard with sadness, 
 with grief; 3. p.-,-; i^. .we.s,,..sid. ' 
 niwtifatvtiawa, {nin) a. v ar I 
 listen to him with grief and sor- 
 row ; 3.p o was..n', p. wc8s..wad. 
 }\asswa {mn)n. v.] am spearing 
 isha n.ghtbythelightofatorch^ 
 .'. p. 1.; p. watdtswaci. ' 
 Hamwugan, s. torch, llambean ; pi.- 
 village ) Wassu'aaaning, at Torch 
 Lake, from or to Torch^Lake. 
 }ya.sMraganak,s. torch-stick, a stick 
 '^I'righ, metai;)p.,r<,/,/./v,i. 
 nasmiwaha-nuj.'fi., s. any thing to 
 polish metal with, to make it 
 l"i«lit; iii.so, hlack lead for polish- 
 ing stoves. 
 ^V'iKxihwahihawa, (nin) a. v. an. 1 
 make it shine, 1 make it bright, 
 {an. obj. jiiniin, silver;) 3. u. 
 W(ix..n; ]).wuia..wad. 
 WaxKikwuhikisi, n. v. 3. p. it is sliin- 
 111?, bright, (metal, an.) p. waiu.. 
 Wassihcade, or -magad, (pr. lousai- 
 lcode,)\}. v. It shines, it is polished 
 (a polished table, &,c.) p. waia.'. 
 dig, or -magak. 
 lyiiss/kwadewaigan, s. (pr. wassiko- 
 (hu'ingun, black-lead lor polishinu 
 StOV('S. " 
 n-ns^^;kwadjigan., {makisin-A s. shoe- 
 bnish; pl.-rt7i. 
 Wumhimljige, {nin) n. v. I polish, 
 I make shine, I give lustre to s 
 th.;3. p. 1.; p. waia..(ied. 
 II a.mku'adim,{nin) a. v. in. I polish 
 It, I make it shine; 3. p, o was...; p. 
 ic(i/a. •' ■ ' ' 
 II«.Wf- in,{nin) a. v. m. 1 make 
 It shine, 1 give it a lustre, (stuli;) 
 .{. p_. o Was...; p. waia..nnq. ' 1 
 Wdssikwigad, u. v. it has a lustre 
 (stutr;) p. waia..gak. ' 
 \Uissihvcgawa, {nin) a. v. 07?, I 
 make it shine, I give it a lustre, 
 (stull, un.)2. p. was..n; p. waid... 
 <i'ud; imp. was, .gu. 
 WaMgtvfWi'/h, 8. spearing fish at the 
 ligKt of a torch. 
 Wdstwrwin, s. Torch Lake, on Kee- 
 wenaw Point, or Lake Houghton. 
 — Wasswewinina, at Lake Hough- 
 ton, to or from Lake Hougliton. 
 Wntnh, s. an. tlu; root of small trees 
 of the fir-kind or pino-kind, used 
 to sew a bnrk-canoe with. 
 Watahimak-ak, h. basket ; pl.-wi. 
 Walajnn, s. an. a small eatable root; 
 J>l ■-»'.'/• 
 Uatchaija, oi-jnngad u. v. the leaves 
 on the trees become yellow, (in 
 the fall of the year;) p. u'aia..oa{/, 
 Watig. 'S. Aiig. 
 Watilcwaumawa, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 nod him, as a si^n of affirmation of 
 approbation ; also, I beckon him, I 
 wink him, I make him a sign to 
 come to me;3. ]).oivaf..n; p. tvaia.. 
 Watihvaujc, (nin) n. v. I nod ; 1 
 beckon, I wink ; 3. p. 1. ; p. waia.. 
 Watikwan, etc. S. Wadikwan, etc. 
 WawuUjaijaku'aigan, s. S. Wasmk- 
 WawdUgonmlji, s. mouse ; \\\.-iag. 
 WawahiM-ahule, {nin) n. v. I have 
 white teeth ; 3. p. L; p. \cew..ded. 
 Wawofjaami, {nin) n. v. I walk with 
 my toes turned inside ; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 ■mw . . m id. — S. Jajashagaa m i. 
 Wawaiha, adv. (the frequentative of 
 waiha,) soon one after another, in 
 quick succession. — Wawaiha gi- 
 nibowag noasiban, ningiban gate; 
 my father and my mother died soon 
 one after another. 
 Wdwan, 8. egg ; p\.~<m. Waivamms, 
 small egg. Wmvanosh, spoiled 
 Wau'dnendam, {nin) n. v. 
 barrassed in my thougli 
 know what to think ; 3 
 Wan<anendamia, {nin) a. '■'. an. I 
 cause him to be embarrassed in his 
 thoughts, I embarrass him ; 3. p. 
 (' wau'..n ; p. u<ew..ad. 
 1 am em- 
 s, 1 do'nt 
 p. 1.; p. 
 lVawungam'.^i. S, U'angawttii. 
 Wawnni-dtnlam, {nin)i\. v. | am at n 
 lo8» to do s. Ih.; 3. p. J.; p. un^w.. 
 a ng. 
 Wcnrdnivia, (nin) n. v. an. I em- 
 barrass Iwm with my wnrdd, he 
 cannot answer, I silence him ; 3. 
 p. I) v'a>r..n ; p. ir('w,.mad. 
 Ihtwdniniofdira, (nin) a. v. an. 1 
 bet.' his aid or assistance. 1 embar- 
 ra-.s him by my request; 3. p. r, 
 n'aw..n; p. new.. wad. 
 WatvdniM, {nin) n. v. J a;n in want 
 of..., J am at 8 loss for..., i want 
 badly s. th.; 3. p.-t ; \).wew..isid. 
 Wfuwan moiiaawaiKi, shell of an 
 Wawashkahm tnitig, n. v. 3. p. the 
 tree is all croolied, in dillerent 
 ways; p. wew.Md. 
 Wuwanhhimo, OT-magad niihina, n 
 V. the road or trail'is crooked ; p. 
 waiair. .mog, oi-magak. 
 Wawdshkcshi. s. deer"; xA.-wag. 
 W<twutikkci<kiwaian, s. an. deerskin : 
 U awafikkfshiwano, s. tail of a deer. 
 Wuicu,y/dct:hiin'gan , s.honc of a deer/ 
 Uywas/ikcshiwiwiias.s-, s. deer-meat. 
 M'awuKsa, atlv. far from each other. 
 one far Iroiii another. 
 Wawasmmtiwag (animikig) n. v. 3. 
 p. pi. ireq. S". Watisanwwag. 
 Waw^itct'si, s. glow-worm ; \)\.-watj. 
 Waweietulum, {nin) n. v. 1 think 'it 
 is so ; 3. p. 1.; p. wew..ang. 
 Wmvejaaton nin Munian, {?i.in) a. v. 
 in. I mend and lix my canoe ; 3. p. 
 -0 ; \i. weuK.nod. 
 Waweji, {nin) n. v. 1 dress elegant- 
 ly, 1 adorn myself; 1 paint my face; 
 3. p.-o ; p. tvcwcjiod. 
 Wawejiu, {nin)i\. v. an. I dress and 
 adorn him well, nicely ; 3. p. u 
 n<aw..n ; p. wew..ad. 
 Wawejikatna, {nin) n. v. I take s. 
 th. without permission; 3. p. l.;p. 
 wcw..mad. (1. Conj.) 
 Wawejikaman, (nin) a. v. in. I take 
 It without permission ; 3. p. o 
 u<aiv...;i). wew..aitg. (VL Conj,) 
■ jms^ m^ 
 iraw^ja-nmanan, (nin) a. v. an. I 
 t»ke.«o„.e an. obj. without pr/. 
 ////(/. ( V . Ciiiij. ^ 
 ^y^''iVihnuiai,,lnin) n. v. I have 
 i'Ae^MM clothes on ; 3. p. \Tn 
 Wawfjhmmje, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 ':7' '"cdy. it is fulomed; " « 
 "'""•iJly, I am painted :;(.r,.-yrn 
 'few. nod. ' ' '' • 
 ^y<y'vrj!nli„, (nin) n. v. I use orm 
 -;n.H /adorn ,nys3if,., pa-.,?;;;: 
 ^\'^"'^:/'^'dawa,(mn)n.y.an. I pre- 
 pare a,„u,,^,,, ,,^ J Pre 
 '•ece.veor moot him, etc.) i?'n^ o 
 "</'^;//^^^,« („/,,) a. v./«. I prepare 
 'y. J. <(>■ o waiv...; I). wew..lod. 
 '\'"/'7^^"'M''^'«)a.y. «;,. I cause 
 lum to 1)0 prepared, to l.e ready : 
 'S. \\owaw..n,- \uwew..ad. 
 ^eii rtddy, J. p..^; y>. wm..sod. 
 3t"''"' '• f'-'^P^'-'".^. getting 
 n'uwrl/fnn,(nm) a, v. ««. s 1F« 
 w<-ps.stto,i. "" 
 W'a<iV/t«Y/fl'a;,, («/;i) a. v. in. I /jv 
 H««v;'«««. (//i«) a. V. an. I fix some 
 "/i.ob, sewing ,-3, p. c; .«,«,,.,"";; 
 ■wm..nad. ' ' 
 Ma«'f/.7/.«6s. (wwi) n. V. I lix or re- 
 IHUr sewing; 3. p.-,,. p. ,,,,„ 
 na«-e«a^(./mOn. V.I sit down • 3 
 P--«; i>. wewenabtd '' ' 
 choose It amongst many othe oh 
 ect.s, I select u, I picl< ,t om • 3 
 cho.ce amongst many objetr/t" 
 ^Vmahnndjigade, or~ma<,ad u. v 
 H IS chosen or selected ourol Tnl" 
 liv other ob.; n ■/,;/,' ./". 
 yak. ^' "'"••'''•7' ot~ma- 
 y^'awinahandjioan, s. an. some au 
 ob.!.^selecte/ from many other?.: 
 ^^"^^^'laMigan, s. in. some in 
 ^^'["'^''"'''"'''^^■'Vam. (/«•«) n. V I am 
 chosen selected from\,any oh 
 n<JivenahandJigc, (nin) n v 7 
 c-hoose, select, pick out ; 3 u 1 
 ^f uiWHuhwioton ma-ana, (nin) a 
 V. VI. I repair a road or trST- 3" 
 UawMan, (nin) a. v. «»,, I settle 
 n.ijrcna'pigaJe, or-magad, u. v i, 
 IS settled, hxed, detennired • , 
 H iiivena}ndci7nawa wiwaj, (nin ) a v 
 ««■ I fix better hi.- 'pac * I tu.' 
 't "veragam,itie,tvveil:3 n 1 
 '^'^'';':««/"''''"'». ("»■«) a. V. m. Ibind 
 ortieitagam.Itieitwe'l • 3 r 
 waw...; p. 'weu\.dvd. ' ' " ' 
 '7."'^'"^^'««. ('«*■«) a. v. an I tie 
 lu-n over again, I tie him well . 
 chid,etc.)3.p,o,,^«... . "^M" 
 nad; imp. wairenapij. ^ 
 '1.1 (... .,; 
 '* .,i 
 Wawftiendam, (nin) n. v. I reflect. 
 consider; chooee; 3. p. 1.; p. ti'ew.. 
 Wnwcnendan, [nin) a. v. in. I think 
 it over again, I rofiect upon it; 3. 
 p. tvuH'...^ p. wew..ang. 
 Wawijuna, inin) n. v. an. I put 
 hini bis clothes on, I dress him; 
 3. p. ou'aw..n; p. ivew..nad\ imp. 
 Wawi/iis- (nin) n. v. I putnrjy cloth- 
 es on; 3. p.-rv p. tvewciiiscd. 
 Wa-utidiged, p. s. a., a person that 
 intends to get married, bridegroom ; 
 bride; pl.-y/^'. 
 Wnwiiiidiiiilaijns, (nin) n. v. I am 
 considered droll, curious, 1 am 
 droll; \\. p.-i; p. wew..sid. 
 Wawii(idind(i(j!(<ad, [nin)\i. v. it is 
 droll, curious, considered droll ; 
 p. u'cw..wuh. 
 Wawiiadi ndun, (nin) a. v. in, I think 
 it curious or uroll; 3. p. o natr...; 
 p. uricung. 
 Wawiiddi iiima, (,nin)n. v, an.. I think 
 him curious, droll, (a person or 
 some other an. obj.) 3. p. o hhuo 
 ../?; p. irt'ir.jnad. 
 Wawiiadenindis, (nin) r. v. I think 
 myself curious or droll, in doing 
 s. th.; 3. \)-n; p. n-ivv.Mid. 
 Waii'iiniiti, (nin) n. v. 1 wronr,' my- 
 self, 1 c;iuse to myself s. tli. dis- 
 agreeublo; 3. p.-/; p. n'ocniil. 
 Wdwiiag (jf-go, several things, all 
 kinds of 'tHinirs. 
 Wdwijagini, (nin) n. v. I say whiit 
 I ouyht not to say, it is not my 
 business to say that; 3. p.-o; p. 
 Wdu'i/ni.'if.; {?iin) n. v. I do (or say ) 
 what IS not my business; 3. p.-t ; 
 p. irin'<-i-r..sid. 
 Wa/viiaJ, adv. curiously. Wawiiaj 
 nind ijitvdih", I act or do curiously. 
 Wawiiajitag(.f,(nin) n. v. I speak 
 curiouslyj I make drolleries in 
 speaking, jokes; 3. p.-i; p. wetv.. 
 Wawiiatan, s. the city of Detroit. 
 Wawiiatanong, in o. at Detroit, to 
 or from Detroit. 
 Wawiiawama. Watoiiawf,, etc. Of- 
 S. Mnmoiannmu. JMamoiawe. etc 
 Wnirihhiigan, s. compass, the in- 
 strument with which circles are 
 drawn; pl.-a«,. 
 IVnin'ieia, nr-mugnd, u. v. it is 
 round or tm'tt/a/-; p. waidtriiriag, 
 Wduiithddri. (nin) a. v. in. I cut 
 it round, in a circular or semi-cir- 
 cular form; 3. p. o wan...; p. ivauiw 
 ..an (J. 
 Wd'viukona, (nin) a. v. an. 1 cut 
 some an. ot)j. in a circular or 
 semi-cirrular form; 3. p. o ivaw.. 
 ;;,; 11. waia..muJ. — J'ahirjigu/i nin 
 wawiicbma] I cut a piece of bread 
 Ud'ciionigun, s. an, a kind of sea- 
 slicll; \i\.-(ig. 
 Wuiviliinincigad, u. v. it is round or 
 ^l<lvliir\ p'. irniaicgnl:. 
 Wairi/rwinafrf'siminhlmin, n. v. 3, 
 ji. the apple is round, 
 }\ awiirndagan, s. Alg. S. Maha- 
 ki nsng. 
 Wiiniiin. 'nin) n. v. I am round, if 
 a round shape; 3. p. / ; p. «•«/«- 
 Wdirililon. {nin) a. v. in. I make ii 
 round; 3. p. <> truir...; p. icaia,- 
 W'nu-ij, nih.-. S. Ml ??iiiidar'f. 
 lVatnJcnd<rm,( iiin) n. v.' I rejoice, J 
 ;ini glad, I am proud of joy; 3. p. 
 1.; p. 'rin!..ang. 
 Wa'vijtndamia. (nin) a. v. an. l-. 
 make lum rejoice; 3. p. o iraw..r,: 
 p. ireic.ad. 
 IJ aiHjciidaimncin,, s. joy, rejoicing. 
 Wii"'/Jfinini. (nin) i\. v.; 3.\).-<; 8. 
 h'airij, liinta. (vin) a. v. an. I praise 
 him in thr/ughts; 3. p. o waw..n', p. 
 H'airijia, (riin) a. v. an. T please him, 
 1 say what pleases him; 3. p. o 
 ■)cau'.,n; p. weivijiad, 
 Wuto'Jigade, {nin) n. v. I have fine 
 straight legs; 3. p. L; p. wew..ded. 
 WawiJig/'Jwe, (nin) n. v. I speak ele- 
 Rnntlv; vainly, witli researched 
 words; 3. p. 1; p. «.«•«... wW. 
 ii'u'i',iim,(nt„,)n. v. 1 i?lory, I boast, 
 lj)rai.se niyHelf; 3. p.^y; p. wftv.. 
 \Va>r!jin<liwin, s. praise, flait'iry. 
 na-vihi. iidv. fthf frequentative of 
 wiXvi.) snIdDin, very seldom, once 
 m n lonif time. 
 Wamliiiirind, p. s. a. an Indian to 
 whom a woman in irjven to mnrry 
 lier. nolens, volen.s ; pl.-i/</.-S. 
 Wdwikireia, or-mngnd, \\. v. tiiere | 
 IS a corner; p. wuiti..iag ■ or-ma- I 
 {/at " 
 H awina, (nvi) a. v. an. freq. I name I 
 luinolten, I call upon his name, \ ; 
 mention lum frequently; 3. p. o ' 
 uxiwmnn: p. wainminad: imp. wa- 
 WV;/.— S. Winn. *^ 
 IViiwitiidr, (niii) n. >. I am a good 
 archer or bowman; 3. p. 1.; p. ivew 
 . .kcd . 
 Wawinuwca, {nin) a. v. an, I ap- 
 prove him; 3. ^.on'au'..n; n. waia 
 Wdu<inda(janea.{nm)n. v. I am mnch 
 named, I am renowned, celebrated 
 famous; 3. p.-^■; p. waia..sid, 
 nawiiidagane,siwin, s. renown,fame 
 Wuwindamadimin, (nin) com, v. we 
 promise each other ; p. waid/r 
 nawiiula>7iadiwin., a. mutual prom- 
 ise, or promise made to several 
 persons; p[.-un. 
 \y'dwi/iduma(je, {nin) n. v. I promise- 
 3. p. 1.; p. waid..(jed. ' ' 
 iyawindamaijewin, s. promise: nl - 
 an. ' '■ ' 
 }Vdwindamriwa, (nin) a. v. an I 
 promise him; 3. p. o waw.,n;\ 
 'Waia,.tvad. ' 
 Wdwindan, {nin) a. v. in. fren I 
 name it or mention it often •" J 
 pmniseit; 3. p. ««-«...; p, ,^,^-^__ 
 Wdwindjigade,OT~magad, u. v it is i 
 much named, it is told often; it is | 
 rerjowned, lamous; p. waia.cUg, 
 Wamndjigadewin, a. renown or fam^ 
 of some in. object. 
 Wau'indjigai, {nin) n. v. freq. I am 
 frequently named. I am renowned; 
 J- p.-"; p. waia-sixl. 
 Wawinge, adv. (often pronounced, 
 ly,e.vactly, entirely, fully, precise. 
 yyawlngeikanjuin) &,\. an, I do 
 't well; 3. p. o wan'...; p. nw., 
 on IT. ' 
 iVatringeo, {nin) n. v. F do s. th to 
 IH'rIection, 1 am skillful, precise, 
 able, I am a master, i am perfect 
 indoini,'orsayin«s. th.;3. p.-i;p 
 toe w.. Kid. '^ ' ^ 
 Wawingemwin, s. precision in work- 
 ini,' or speaking, skill, skilfulness, 
 ability, perfection, exactness. 
 Waivuujetchige, {nin) n. v. I act 
 with precision, exactness, skill; 3 
 p. 1.; p. we.w,,qed. 
 nawingetm, ^ nin) a. v. in, I fix it 
 well, i make it sure. I arrange 
 Ld^ '''^' '^' ""'""'•••' P- «"«<'. . 
 Wawinikah, {nin) n. v. I have hoi- 
 low eyes; 3. p.-i; p, u'cn..hid. 
 \yaic(,n.(nin)n. v. 1 howl, (like a 
 dog or wolf,) ■Xl^.wawono>l^,wa. 
 Wawonowi,i,_ s. repeated howling.- 
 ^. Hont/inn, 
 "^wi'"'^' Ir'^ "• ''■ I am carried 
 away by the current of a river; 3 
 p.-o; p. wai€h..gud. 
 nehagodjiji, {nin) n. v. S. Pakite- 
 smn. Gainssc. 
 Wthnsh, {nin) n. v. I am carried 
 away by the wind ; 3. p.-,'; n 
 waiibashid, H- » , p. 
 Wiha,8in n. v. it is carried away bv 
 the wind; p. waii..inq. ^ 
 Wehendarn, {nin)n. v. /made up my 
 mi'id, I am resolved; 3. d ) -n 
 waU..ang, h ^m p. 
 WeU-, Ot, S. Mddii-, 
 nebigaan, {nin) \. v. in. I cut off 
 with an axe, what is spoiled or 
 rotten; 3. p. o tveb...; ^>.waie..cni(/. 
 WeM<mwa,(nm)a. \.an. I cut off 
 with an axe, from some an. obj., 
 vvhat :: spoiled or rotten; 3. p. o 
 web .n\ p. wale. .wad. 
 Web/Jan, (nm) a. v. in. I cut off 
 with a /onfe, vvhat is spoiled or 
 rotten; 3. p. o tveh...; p. waieh/J- 
 '•Villi j!vu,{)} in) a. v. an. I cut off 
 with a knife, from some an. obj., 
 what is spoiled or rotten; 3. p. 
 W(b,.n; p. ivaie..wad: imp. webii- 
 U'i. '' 
 Wibikodan. {7wi) a. v. in. S. We- 
 H 'ibikona, {nin) a. v. an. S, Webij- 
 Webi?ia, (nin) a. v. an. I throw him 
 away, i reject him. abandon him; 
 3. p. web..n; p. waiihinad. 
 Webinamagowini-jawendagosiwin, s. ; 
 indulgence; ^\.-an. \ 
 Wihinamawa, [nin) a. v. an- I throw I 
 away s. th. belonging or relating | 
 to him; also, 1 forgive him, I par- 
 don him; 3. p. o web..n; jx waie.. \ 
 wad. j 
 IVebinan, (nin) a. v. in. i throw it 
 away, I cast it off; I abandon it, 
 reject it; I wean myself of a hab- 
 it or practice; 3. p. o web...; p. 
 Webinan nind anamiewin, (nin) n. 
 V. 1 apostatize, (1 reject my relig- 
 Webinidimin, (nin) com. v. we re- 
 ject or abandon each other, we 
 separate; p. waie-didjig. 
 Webinidiwi-masinaigan, or webinidi- 
 wi-ojibiigan, s. b'iil of divorce ; 
 Wehinidiivin, s. separation (of per- 
 sons that lived together,) mutual 
 rejection; divorce. 
 Wibinigade, ov~magad, u. \. it is 
 thrown away, rejected; it is aban- 
 doned, forsaken, given up; it is 
 forgiven, pardoned; p. tvaie..d€g, 
 Wehinigan, s. an. abandoned or re- 
 jected person; or any oth^r an 
 obj. thrown away, reject. <l or 
 abandoned; pl.-«^. 
 Wibinigan, s. in. any in. object 
 thrown away or cut off, \)\.-an. 
 Mebinigas, (nin)u. v. I am rejected 
 cast off, abandoned; 3. u.-o- n' 
 waie.. sod. ' ^' 
 Webinige, (nin) n. v. I throw awav 
 I reject; also, I confess my sins' 
 3. p. L; p. tvaicged. ' 
 Webinige'vin, s. the act of throwing 
 away; also, confession. 
 n'ehukima, (nin) a. v. ««. f throw 
 him down to the ground ; 3. p. o 
 web..n; p. waie. .mad. 
 Wehis.^iton,(nin) a. v. in. I m;ike it 
 fall down, or fall off; 3. p. o tvcb...- 
 p. waie. .tod. ' 
 Wedabaniked, p. s. a. he that makes 
 a sleigh, a cart, a wagon, etc 
 cartwright; pl.-/2^. ' 
 Wedahiad hebojigrganjin, p. s. a. he 
 th.it makes hoises draw, coach- 
 man cartmnn, driver; \)\.-ji,tbeh... 
 n cdahmd pijikiwnn, p. s. a. lie that 
 makes oxen draw, oxen-driver- 
 nedaked, p. s. a. he that steers, 
 steersman, pilot ; \t\.-jig. 
 iiedapinang anamiewin, p. s. a. he 
 that takes religion, a convert ; pi. 
 -ig ana... 
 Wedapinangjuwendagosiwin, p. s. a. 
 he that takes communion, com- 
 municant; \)\.~igjaw... 
 Wedi, adv. there. 
 Wcdi nakckana, adv. on that side of 
 the road. 
 Wegin, skin, hide. This word is ne- 
 ver used alone ; it alwavs occurs 
 attached to the name of some large 
 quadruped, and siuiiifies its hide 
 or skin ; as : Pijikiwegin. oxhide, 
 cowhide; huffaln-robe. Monsunqin, 
 the hide of a moose. Oma.ilikon- 
 wegin, the hide or skin of a stag 
 or hind. P!.-o?j.-S. Waidn. 
 Wcgingin, like one's own mother.— 
 Wegingin nind iji .sagia aw ikwe ; 
 I love that woman like my owa 
 Weffonen ? pron. what ? how ? 
 ^re;,onen weridji-... .^ why ?- |.r«w„f;j 
 sjy [tiat ; 
 Wigotogweri, I don't know what - 
 Weyotogwen cjed-ihitoqwen ; I don't 
 know what he will say. 
 ,T'"^"'ff/"'''*'^^'^--' I ''on't know 
 why— {KcfA>/v^,^f;i wejulji-nuhka- 
 disigwen; I don't know why he is 
 angry. ^ ^ '^ 
 IVe^otngwenish, s a«. any ««. object 
 ittie respected, considered as a 
 nmdodawa; I tnfie with Iiiin 1 
 malie hght of hnn, I respect hun 
 ij tied considered, t/i/ie ; pl.-rt/i.- 
 yy eyotoywenishing nin dodan, : I 
 thbg * at"««, as a worthless 
 IFe^^^a^r* / interj. lo ! see ! Wegwdqi 
 budassamosse ! See, he is coinm/' 
 Wegwm^nlimU ( pron. weyosnrnuul, ) 
 p. _s. a. he that is a son, a son : ol 
 —fig. ' i ■ 
 Weieji7,(ieshTcid, p. s. a. he that is 
 ier. embezzler; deceiver, impostor, 
 seducer; ]iL-jig. ' 
 Wekkwi'.iassimg, p. ne-q. that which 
 has no end, endless, eternal, 
 nejawaslihoKdgwag mashlciU , s 
 green tnedicine, vitriol. 
 Wejibahandam, {nin) n. v. I have a 
 beautiful dream : 3. p. :. 
 : p. waiej 
 ■ .ang. 
 Wrjibahandamov)m, 8. the act 
 dieatmng a delightful dream, 
 y^'eiibahuuhtgan, s. beautiful, de- 
 lightful dream ; pl.-aw. 
 W ejibahandjige, {niii) n. v. S. We- 
 Wejihugadessinogmasinmqan, s un- 
 written uaper, white paper. 
 yVejihnged, p. s. a. he that marks or 
 writes, writer, clerk, pl.-//v 
 ^<^eJ6mA>u,i) a. v. an. I paint some 
 an. obj.; 3._p.tf«v^..„; p. waiejinad. 
 Wejinan, {mn) a. v. in. I paint it • 
 ^■V-oweJ...;p. waie..aiiff 
 Wejimgade, or-magad, u. v. it is 
 painted; p. waie..deg, ox-maguh. 
 nej>mgan, s. paint; p|.-„„. ^ 
 ^Vejtnige {n,n)n. v. I paint: 3. p 1 • 
 p. waiejiniqid. *^ ' 
 Wejinigewinini, s. painter ; [G. An- 
 streicher.j > l -^.u 
 Wemahvaianl s.; Y>\.^vag. S. £aia- 
 Unoiiadcd, and Batinoqade. 
 ntmhisntchigusnsdg pdjcwrjigan, s 
 ^^. un eavened bread; [F. azvme.'l 
 l^emnjnl, p. s. a. he that I.as the 
 scat), scabious, mangy ; leper ; pi 
 — -JZi!'. T f ■ 
 Wimitigoji, Frenchman; Canadian ; 
 f\.-n-ag. ' 
 '^yemitumi-anamia, {nin) n. v ] 
 pray French that is, I profess 'the 
 Koin. Catholic religion. 3. p l • 
 p. winem..ud. ' ' 
 Wemitiaqji- ana mie le i gamin , s 
 French church, that is, a Catholic 
 church; pl.-oft. 
 Wcmitin(,jir-una7niewin, s. tlie Ro 
 man Catholic religion. — The In 
 (bans call it so from the circum- 
 s ance that the Canadians, whom 
 they call Wemitujojiwun, (French- 
 men,) are all Catholics, with verv 
 rare exceptions. ' ^ 
 Wemitig,>ji]cwe, s. Frenchwoman; 
 Wemjtigojihwens, s. a young French 
 girl; pl.-a^. 
 Wemitigojim, {nin) n. v. I speak 
 l-rerich; 3. p.-o ; p. wuictncd. 
 iyeimhgoji masinaigan, s. a French 
 book, or letter. 
 WemiUgoji-melcaUivilcwanaie, s. Ca- 
 tholic priest; v>\.~g. 
 Wemitigojinwicin , s. French Ian- 
 WenvUgojins, s. a little Frenchman- 
 a trench boy; pi.-rt^. ' 
 WemiUgojiwaki, s France, (land of 
 Uie French. ) Wemitigojiwaking, in 
 nance, to or from France. 
 yyeniMgojiwibiigun, s. a French 
 writing, any writ jin the French 
 language ; u\.-aii. 
 yyemUigojiwiiiige, {mn)n. v. I write 
 m French ; 3. p. 1. ; p. tvuicged. 
 p?i f """ l^B 
 'Siv w^^j-ji^B 
 Wemiiigojiwmin. n. v. it is writtoii 
 (or printed) in French ; p. waiem.. 
 Wemitigojiwisntchfijude, or-mnffad, 
 u. V. it is translated into French; 
 p. wu'iem..deff. v.r-mivjak. 
 Wemitigojiu'issUim, (.nin.) a. v. m. 1 
 translate it into French ; 3. p. o 
 wem... ; p. wtiie-.top. 
 Wmudaigadeg biwnhik, hammered 
 iron, (not cast iron,) wrought iron. 
 Wtii(iffun/'M, p. s. a. maker of woo- 
 llen dishes; pl.-Z/y. 
 Wind (id, u. V. it is easy; it is cheap, 
 low; p. nmii'inlnk. 
 Wiruleg nihi, s. boiling water ; [111. 
 Weiidis {nin) n. v. I sell cheap ; 3. 
 p.-?'; p. ivaiindisid, 
 hend/'s?', n. v. 3., p. it is cheap, low, 
 ("iny an. obj.)p. wine/ixlisuf .- Wen- 1 
 ilidhokof:h,wendu-vwa(j opiniri] pork ! 
 is cheap, potatoes are cheap. 
 Wcndji-, the Chamje oiondji; which 
 Wendji-mol-aanff, where the sun ris- 
 es, east, orient. 
 Wendjita ! wendjira ! very well ! 
 thanivs ! thank you ! 
 Tre«</;V!'a,_ properly, proper, simple. 
 - Wendjita anamugijiiiad, proper- 
 ly Sunday, (not a'hol'iday.) 
 Wendwe, (nin) n. v. S. Wendis. 
 Weyd ? pron. Ot. who I 
 Wenihan! gone! disappeared! — 
 Anindi nin mnhmian nn -ateg onm?- 
 Wenihun! Kawin nin mihunsin. 
 Where is my knife that was here? 
 -It is gone ! I cannot find it. 
 Winihik, adv. a short time, a mo- 
 Wenidjanimngm, like one's own 
 child or children.- Wenidja7imin,- 
 gin nind iji sugia : I love him like 
 Tny own child! Wenidjanimngvi 
 hi dodagonan Kije-Manitn ; (rod 
 treats us like his own children. 
 WoiijisJiid, p.'^S. Oiiijuh. 
 Wenijinhld-Manito, s. Holy Ghost. 
 Wem^hhing, p. S. Onijishin. 
 Wimpaj., or winipunaj, adv. easily, 
 IS a 
 without much labor or cost ; for 
 Woiipunnd, u. v. it in easy; it is 
 (■heii|); p. ir(iU..nnlc. 
 WcniiHin(')id(ini,{ninA n. v. I think 
 s. th. is easy; 3. p. 1,; ■wa'uK.unir. 
 ().s<i>/i lit ii'nnlpiuiendiini U-o; tliou 
 thinkest nil things to he easy. 
 Winipanrnddn, [nin) a. v. in. \ 
 think it is easy, or cheap, I find ii 
 easy, or cheap ; 3. p. o iren... ; p 
 Win/'/mnfi/iima, {nin) n. v. an. 1 
 think it is cheap, I find it cheap, 
 {an. obj.) 3. j). o iocn..n ; p. waii.. 
 Winipanis, {nin) n. v. I am cheai^ : 
 3. p. -<; p. waii.. .lid. 
 W<;niiikf (H. (abridged frfxn wmi. 
 duxhf) who? 
 Woomimind, p. s. a. lie that 
 father, .i fatlier; pl.-;/?Y/. 
 Wia^tn.iijin, like one's "own father.- 
 Wfossiniiin hahamitnw nw inini ; 
 be obedient to that man like to 
 thy own father. 
 Wu'<au<(ig dfg/iumdaming. p. s. a. the 
 yellow thing that is eaten with 
 other things, mustard. 
 Wcs/iki-tinciniad, p. s. a. he that 
 prays of late, a new convert to re- 
 ligion, a new Christian, a neophy- 
 te; p\~jig. 
 WcukHgina tnitujann, s, an. poim' 
 shoot. (Vhe same aso,s7//'?V?'«.) ' 
 Wishl-inigid, p. s. n. he that is born 
 of late, a young person, a youiiK 
 man, a lad, a youth ; or a voung 
 woman, a maid, a grown trir'l. PI. 
 irci^hHniindjig, young folks. 
 Wf.diH-tihil'ak] in the beginning of 
 the night. 
 Winhnn'ah, {nin) n. v. I keep pre- 
 pared, (for death, etc.) 3. p.-«; p. 
 waiishnwnhid , 
 Wet:hi'H'lnidis, {nin) r. v. I prepare 
 myself"; .3. p.-o; p. waie..sod. 
 Wi.shiiwisdt^m {nin) a. v. in. I pre- 
 pare it; 3. p. wes... ; p. wait. tml. 
 Wdsfanoita, (nin) r. v. S, Weshmvi- 
 Wessean, u. v. there are trees blown 
WEw 409 ^,,^ 
 down liv tho wind- U"! 
 ronvrrHi;] p. >vairs.smni/. 
 Weu't; s, Koosc; p|. wmvy. 
 Wew<'h,>/,.,i.', ov-m,ujn,L ii. v. it docs 
 notlmn^'woll, it will fall down'; 
 Wewihanahan, or wei'ivhunahuiun, s 
 p.-*;. p. 
 imp .Mn.M.t necessary for 'W^uii 
 with a kook. ^ 
 Wmih,.,u,hanal: s. thn stick .,r rod 
 on wind, tho lino with tho r.,-,lunw 
 hook istastonnd;p|.-„„. ""^ 
 witlahoolcja. p. I.;|w,v,/r../w: 
 nfwvlHtnoicin (ui/nioKh, n v ■> ,, 
 i5j '''^s ^^"s« '"« li'ii ; p. .;.«^wA: 
 Wewvbihirn, {,un) n. v. [ w 
 head to sijrniCy, ;io .' 3 
 W<:WthU-Wi-aiva, {nin) a. v. an \ 
 wa- my head to him, in siLniof 
 negation; 3. p. wew, ,m,, wakw.. 
 Wewrhma, (nm) a. v. a/i. I swin- 
 him, 1 rock him on a ro.ddorr 
 chair; .?. p ,; «„vi;..„; i>.w„lc..»a,h 
 nn\). iri;)r,h,j. 
 WcwMs {uii'i) r. V. I swing or rock 
 myself; ,}. p.-,,; p. y,^^^ ^^,^_ 
 \Uirehisun, s. a swing; pl.-«;,. 
 \\i-irrlu><,,,n.apaMwv), s. rocking- 
 cliair; \A.~ai,. ^ 
 Wcwemljiynnu, s. great horned owl; 
 n ewe 
 <'cni adv. ^yell, riglit, just, ex- 
 actly, ddigentlv. 
 Wejrv/Hjfatra, {n'in) m. y. an. Ot. S 
 n'cwr.sf<rvfl.'i,{nin) r. v. Ijnovo the 
 air with a fan to cool myself,. J fan 
 inys(df; A. p.-,; p. ?w«c..W. 
 ^f«wm^^y,,^i, 'jx wewesaeuwin, s. fan- 
 pl.-a«. ' 
 fTcwcww., (w//i) n. V. I move the 
 air with a fan, 1 fan; 3. p. l.;p' 
 Wewesnewu, (nin) a. v. an. I fan 
 nim, I cool him with a fan; 3 p o 
 weiu n ; p. waie..wad ; imp. wc- 
 nVv/v7„Wa;«, (>nn)n. v. I am in a 
 '""/y t^ return home; 3 pi.,," 
 irate. .a/It/. ' ' *•' ' • 
 Hr,riV.,„ („,;,,) or, nm irewihhna, a. 
 v.a«. I luMTv him; 3. p. „ ivew..n; 
 W^«.'/W.s;.(>i/M)n. v.lan,inahurry• 
 ifcwi/n.i/d-u, (frln) n. v. I make 
 h;.«totogosoniewhnre, or to re! 
 «'rn home, trav...|ing by hm.l or 
 \\.""'^":'"""i; s. hurry, haste. 
 ii!'n'<ht/a, (nin) n. v. I make haste 
 ;;;f*'*^«-^»'M;^-p-i.;p. wai, 
 WewiUtatvin, «. hurry or liaste in 
 doimj s. th. ' 
 WcMnljiwamid, p. s. a. },f, who owes 
 ahouse, th,.p,„pn,.,orofahoii.so, 
 »>.»( the house, thohmdlord; n 
 ;;A',y. ' 
 HV- particle denoting will, desire 
 inte.ition, resohanm; p. «;a-.-' 
 -A^^(<^ 'j/a, I go; />eM ^t-fW/a, I int.md 
 to go. \\a-ijatl.\w. whoiiitemis 
 ';>iro; [L. itunis.l 
 Wihima, (nin) a. v. an. I sleep with 
 iiim; .(. ]>. o «.//;..,,; p. wahtmml. 
 ( M ihtmaijan. bed-fellow. Hee 
 Wote to lV'i,//anoHma<mi.) 
 ^yif><n,limia,[},in) com." v. we sleep 
 t^<)gefh(n- in the same bed; p. wab.. 
 n'z/,{,/, s. his tooth; ]A.~an.-NML 
 kthd. my tooth, thy tooth; pl.-a«. 
 gndwihnaman ako.sin<,- it is hard 
 Wibtdd-mrnhkiki, B. medicine for 
 "J %, 
 tooth-ache, anodyne drops for 
 Wihithhddi', ar-mngady ii. v. it is 
 laced, it is omiimented with laco; 
 p. icuh..<jc(j, or-maijali. 
 '^Viliuhhidnqah. s. lace, [F. den- 
 telle.J , ^ 
 yVihrma, (nin.) a. v. an. 1 make it 
 narrower. lstrniL;hfen it, (a/i. obj.) 
 3. p. o wilt .ii\ ]). wahonad. 
 Wihnnan, (nin) a. v. in. I make it 
 narrower, {in. obj.) 3. p. o wi/>...; 
 (>. wah..n)uj. 
 WibiranuKja'd, u. v. it is made nar- 
 rower. It is straitened; p. wah.. 
 Wi'f, m'dj, ividjt, in compositions, 
 siRnilios asudcuttiun, accompany- 
 ing, co-operati'iii. (Exaini)ios in 
 some of the loiiowinjr words.) 
 Widahimn, {nin) A. v. an. 1 am sit- 
 ting with him, or by his side; 3. p. 
 owid..n; p. wadaliimad. 
 Widakamigisiina, {nin) I play or 
 amuse niyself together with him; 
 3. p. o wid..n.\ p. wad..mnd . 
 Widam, at the end ol' verl)s, alludes 
 to spealing; as: Ni/id indpiniuH- 
 dam, I use bad language, ollen- 
 give words, in a certain manner. — 
 Nind ajideivida/n, 1 gainsay. i\'t« 
 daii-icewidam. I s[ieak in such a 
 Widebive, {nin) n. v. I will sav the 
 truth, that is, T persist upon what 
 I say, I obstinately maintain it, I 
 urge it, I want to have it believed, 
 or done; 3. p. 1.; p. wa-dehwed. 
 Widige,{ninj n. v. I cohabit, I live 
 together in the same room with 
 another, or with others; also, I am 
 married; 3 p. 1.; p. wadiged. 
 Widigfrna, {nin) a. v. an. I live 
 with her (him) in the same room; 
 also, I niu marrie<l to her, (him;) 
 3. p. o wid..n\ p. wad. .mad. 
 Widigima^an, s. cohabitant, a per- 
 son that lives together with an- 
 other, or with others ; also, hus- 
 band; wife. — This word is always 
 preceded by a possessive pronoun, 
 ninwidigimagan, lei widigema^fan., 
 witligi'/naganan, etc.— S. Mwi.'ih. 
 Widigendaa, {nin) a. v. an- I join 
 him (her) in marriage with an- 
 other p(irson, I marry him (her) 
 to some person; 3. p. o wid..n: p. 
 Wild. .ad. 
 Widigcndlmln. {nin) com. v. weco 
 habit, we live together in the 
 same room ; we are married to- 
 gether; p. wad..didj-g. 
 Widigendiwin, s. cohabitation; mar- 
 riage, wedding; married state.— 
 Anamic-widigcndiiLin , Christian 
 Widigciidlwini-ti/ihinindjipixon, s. 
 wedding-ring, nuptial-ring; pl.-a/i. 
 Widigend/ti'ini-n'ikondiwin, s. wed- 
 ding-feast, nuptials; \)\.-an. 
 Wiiligewin, s. cohabitation, or mar- 
 riage, ill regard to one of the par- 
 ties; ( in regard to loth parties it is 
 ■widigendiivin. ) Minwendagw a d 
 nin ividigewin ; my cohabitation 
 (or marriage) is agreeable. Min- 
 v'cndagwad nin widigendiwdninan; 
 our marriage is agreeable. 
 Widigewin i-agwiirin, or, widigciidi- 
 wuri-agwiwin, or, iridigendiwini- 
 haJiixikauhigan, s wetlding-gar- 
 meiit, luiptia' robe; pl.-rj«. 
 Widf or uidji-, is the third person 
 of nidj' or nidji-; which see.— 
 ( Widf ikwcwan, a woman like 
 herself. Widf anohitagewinini- 
 wan, his fellow-servant. Widji- 
 J.ioiwisensan, his fellow-boy.— 
 Consult Otchipwe Gram. Chapt 
 II. Ofthe Third Persons.) 
 Widjaiaiva,{nin) a. v. an. I have 
 him with me, or, I am with him- 
 3. p. icid..n; p. wad. .wad. ' 
 Widjanimi.'iima, {via) a. v. an. I 
 sutler with him; 3. p. o wid..n', p. 
 wad .mad. 
 Widfanitihinahen, s. his fellow- 
 man, his neighbor. 
 WidjanoHma,{nin) a. v. an. I work 
 with him; 3. p. o ivid..n\ p. woil., 

 y^tdjamkimcujan,^ s. fellow-laborer: 
 ri;rn-|T '"* word IS always , , re- 
 ce<lo<ll,v a possessive pronoun as: 
 J-\m mdjanolimaijaii, my feilow- 
 lellow-laborer, etc. 
 ^'■ifJjiJ'ihnnuhunaJnin) a. v (ui \ 
 spend the winter with h.m;i win- 
 terwithh.m;3. p.o„vV/..W,..«W 
 ..mad. ( WiJjihibonuM;>LaZ 
 fellow-winterer.)' •' ' 
 "ft'-^'^tf""' ^"'"^ ^- ''■ an- I drink 
 togehorwithhiin;3.p. o ,,^,/.. 
 P- 'Wad.. mad. Wtdjibimaomi 
 compotator.) •' """"y"'*' 
 WidjUiniadLsm, s. his fellow-liver 
 hisnei-rhbor. ' 
 WuIjUdudimU, {nia) corn. v. we 
 are drinking together; p wad. .did- 
 ^UdjihindhDin, s. compotation 
 ^^^//^(/(//•mT/rta, («e«j a. v. an I 
 five with him (her) in the same 
 country or place; he is my coun- 
 tryman, (she IS my country wo- 
 iiiiin,) 1 am a native of the same 
 country or place as he (slie) is- •{' 
 p.omd..n;p. wad. .mad. ( IVid'. 
 ndakia:emaga>i, countryman; fel- 
 Widjideema, {/dii) a. v. I have the 
 same heart with him, f love him 
 from all my heart, and ho loves 
 me, we have hut one heart to- 
 gether; 3. p. o ufL.n; p. ioad..mad. 
 nidjidimama,{nii),) a. v. an. I ac- 
 company him with my mouth I 
 converse with him; 3. p. ,; .«„-^.',„. 
 p. Wdd .mad. ' 
 Widjigahuwitawa, {tiin,) a. v. an I 
 am standing with him, or by his 
 side; 3. p. wU..n; p. wad..wad. 
 yyidjigwahanmawu,{m./i)a v an I 
 dip my hand in the same vessel 
 with him, to draws, th. out of it, 
 *■>• P- f^ wtd..n\ p. wad. .wad. 
 Widmwe, {nm)n. v. I accompany, 
 lak ^°''' ^'^^••''' P- «'«^" 
 iVidJuwewm, s. keeping comnanv 
 accompaniment. ^ " ^"'"P^"y' 
 ^ytdf vmil-asoma, (nin) a. v. an I 
 have the same name as he; he is 
 my namesake; (my patron-s'afnt 
 J. p. ««',,/..„; p. wad..mud. 
 nulj-lHweian, s. his brother; his 
 comrade.-S. lY^nkiwe. ' 
 WiiHimMrewa, (nm) a. v. an. S. 
 Wuljindaa, (vzn) a. v. an. I send 
 hun along with somebody, 1 make 
 hnn go with somebody; 3. 'p. r>«S 
 ■m; p. wad. ad. 1 ' ««t. 
 Widjindan.(nm)^.v.in. I make it 
 come with me, I come with it 3 
 •esusshal comeinthecloudf of 
 heaven wiih power and great glorv 
 g< ther^ It has communication with 
 stli.,1 agrees well; p. wad..fiak 
 ^^^'Iji'idmun, (nm) com. v. we 7o 
 together somewhere; we heln or 
 assist each other; we are i cSm 
 pany ogether;p.,.«J..,7,V/;vi. "'" 
 ^^'djtnd-mrwagan, s. companion ; nl 
 -<'g.~ I here ,s alwavs a posses 
 SI ve pronoun before his wofd as. 
 "men? ''""' '' '""'"^' accompani- 
 WidjiaihisJdma, ( nin) n. v. I spend 
 the summer with ban; 3. p. «,U/ 
 ^igan, fellow-summerer. S 
 yyidjanokimagan, and the Mle to 
 Wtdwiihoma, {nin) a. v. an. I die 
 w 'r^v^^^^"^■'^••"'• p- -«^-- 
 j.V^f ".■—(. '^ Mjimh manan. ) 
 yyidjipastgwima, {nin) a. v. an I 
 W'uljiphullijrma, {/tin) a. v. an. T 
 ^M) til with limi. 1 accomimiiv lijui 
 Roiiij,' ill ; .■). p. tcith.n; p, uad.. 
 Widjisfi/niofdmi, (nln) n. v. an. I 
 iliiiicc! uiih hmi (li(!i;);j. \).ouid.- 
 v; p. wail.. trad. 
 M ■i<'fjii^iijirii/i/,'i/i'/»ia, (n/'n) a. \. an. 
 I spcii'l Mi(! xpriiij,' Willi liiin ; ,\. p. 
 nni(l..n ; (i. wad. .mad. 
 l\'/dJ/ta(//rti(//,\/r/nia, (wm' •'. ' . an. i 
 spt'iul (ho lall-snasun wit,, 'um ; 3. 
 p. oii'HL.n; p. u'ad,.vi(A. 
 ]i id//'n'a.in/n) ;\. wan. Iain with 
 luiii, I accuMipaiiy hiin, 1 nu with 
 him Koincwlitrc ; or h<! i>()(!s witli 
 ni(\ i taki'liiiii aUmu with mo; 3. 
 p. o u'iiL.n ; p. H'adjiicid. 
 }\ /dj/a'ai/an., s. {'oiiipaiiioii, asso- 
 ciate, paitiicr ; luishaiul ; wiAi ; 
 coniiadi' ; pi «,?. ^'I'liis word is 
 always [iroccih'd iiy a possensivi' 
 jiroiimiii, as : JSi'n wuljia-tujan, « 
 ividjia'aijanan, titc. 
 ]\ fd///n'l,i,/ii/, m<i, {nin) a. v. an, 1 
 3. p. o 
 I'l'asl toiiclhor with him 
 irid..n : {>. wad. .mad. 
 }yidjii(jiina,{n/'n) a. v. an. I have 
 th(> saiiK" mother as lio has; 3, p. 
 oirid..n ;])._wad../nad. 
 VidJot/intl/'/nin, (nln) com. v. wp 
 have all of us the same mother ; 
 p. waa..didji(j. 
 }\'idJonwaf(,ma.{nin) a. v. an. I re- 
 joice with him; 3, p. wid..n\ p. 
 wad. .mud. 
 Widjviiiininia, [nin) a. v. <?/;. I liave 
 the same lather as he has ; 3. }>. o 
 w!if..n ; p. nail. .mad. 
 ]] idjoi}t-i-iiid!)n>n\ (n/n) coin, v. we 
 liave the same lather, all ol us ; p. 
 Wldi'l-aijr, i^nln) n, v. I liejp some- 
 body, I take party; 3. p. 1.; p. 
 Wuloht((;cn-in., s, help, single help, 
 (not mutual. ) 
 }\'idohrmadlm/n, (nin^ com. v, wc 
 help each t)ther ; we are in coin- 
 jtany; p. u'ad..didjig. 
 f] idohimawa. {nin) a, v. an. S. Wi- 
 Widiifran, (m'n) n. v. I help, I keep 
 company, 1 do or say as others do; 
 3. |).-^; ; p. wad. .nod. 
 W-idohaii'u, (nin) a. v. av. 1 help 
 him ; assist him I take his party ; 
 '.\ |>. v/d..n; J). irud..irad. 
 Widtiluurriiinia. (nin)a. v. an. 1 as- 
 sist his thoiiyhls, his mind ; 3. p. o 
 wid..n\ p. Wild ..mad .—Jieh'ndmjed 
 ki a'idvkairfvimi(jonan ; (he Lljrd 
 assists our inind'i vvith his grace.) 
 ]\ iilokodadimin, (nin) com. v. wi« 
 h(dp each other, we are associated, 
 allied ; p. wad-.d/djiij. 
 M'iddl-iidadin/'n. s. niiitiial help, as- 
 Kociatioii, ;i\iiii\H-i\ -KifcM/irawrn 
 da<j<iiiidii<r (uridokudadiiviniwa, thii 
 ("^omimuiioii of Haints. 
 Widiipaina, (nln) a. v. an. I oat with 
 him. at the same table or out of the 
 same plate or dish ; 3. p. o wid..n: 
 f. wad.. mad. 
 ]iid(),yf;ma, (vin) a. v. an. I walk 
 with him ; 3. p. wid.:n ; p. wad., 
 Widimagan, s. hnshand ; wife. -- 
 '1 here is always a possessive pro- 
 noun before thin word; as; Aiu 
 wiijimaflan, ki wiijimaijav. etc. 
 ( Wiiliginiufian is more commonlv 
 used for "hiishand" or "wife," thaii 
 h'it/iaunn, fi, lodge; house; pl.-an. 
 }yi(jiib. s. the liark of a linden-tree, 
 bassvvood ; \)\.-in. 
 Wigohimi), 8. large linden-tree; bass- 
 wood ; 'pl.-«(. 
 Wi</(ihi)ninis:i, r. Bois-blanc Island, 
 o|)posite Mackinac. 
 ]\'ii//r<iiig, s. an. birch-tree ; pl.-fl^^ 
 UV;/«'rt,s\v, 8. the bark of a birch-tree, 
 birch-bark ; Y>l.~an. 
 ll'igivd.sfiapakirei, s. an. several large 
 pieces of birch-bark sewed togeth- 
 er in one long piece, for the con- 
 struction of a lodge; \)\.-a(j. 
 Wiijn'dsdka, or-nnu/tid, u, v, there 
 are birch-trees, or," there is birch- 
 bark in abundance ; p. weg..kag, or 
 Wiyivthdkang, in a place where 
 there are birch-trees. 

 otTthv bark from birch-trnns ;3. i.. 
 i);irk ,• \}\.^ofi 
 IJv>Wo/,ff^«„ s. (li.'h ina,Io of 
 bircli-l.a.!. ,; ^A.-an. 
 ^yi<liruK,s.tc.lti)nan,fi. l)arK-canoo • i,| 
 ■an. ' ' 
 'nVW,„. v.it in a pity jp. ./W<,. , 
 ^yUoijat'KUaii, (Inst. 
 W^™. adj. sovoral. of didrront 
 ^■Y;;f"fA<lill„ront k.iHisof biuls..-- 
 braS* ''"'''"'"''"ff' a'l Ivi'i'Ia of 
 'r/^/,/,«,(„/«,) a. V. «;,,.!, |,.r,|nhi,„, 
 I "i.iiire Iniii ; I spoil or <bimatr,' 
 M^m,7/,y« a,iv all kiri.ls of thin-.s : 
 (</. alb-rlci ; L. quodlihct.] 
 H'lmv^^,/,,., («/;^) r. V. 1 defile, in- 
 jure, damage myself ; 3. p.-«- p 
 (^^^•-w^;/„^,, (niw) a. v. pors. S. Wit- 
 iruamm'/nun, s. pi. dineront kinds 
 of fniit, 
 iyua{/i;iM'afl()n, (nin) n. V vers it 
 dollies me, it stains me: 3.\') „ 
 >i<na...; p, wai'a<j..qod. 
 Wiiaijlslikaii, {//!//. j a. v. in. I drfiln 
 It, stain it, polliileit,- 3. p.owL. '■ 
 \\.W(ua(j..an(j. '' 
 ^yiiiujitthkaiiown, {niii) n. v. I bavo 
 dirlTcbceks; 3. p. 1.; p. ,„,,,„^ ' 
 WiiariisMawa, (vm)n.v. an. I de- 
 '.11% slam, polldic biin; 3. p. n 
 mi..n ; W( tin... wad. 
 Wiiaijinkendarios, (nin) n. v. I am 
 troublesome, noisy, plaguy : 3 p 
 ,,7.*' 9-W(n>i(j...sid. 
 WiiagM'endwjo^iwin, s. troublesome- 
 acss, importunity, vexation. 
 ^Vnarrj..hma,{vin)ri.v. an. S. Ml- 
 ^iu,;/,ron.(>,i>i) a. v. in. T defile it, 
 . "ijure It, Ispoil if., ,,,„„ jj 
 •'• p. " "'un...; p. ir,r/nf/if()d. 
 n-ii,wwrrto hiiu'dl n.'v. 3. n the 
 J'nl s.ngs. warbles; p. laia.. 
 yViin,s, s. meat, bis flesb.-iWi^M, 
 kun,s,,,ntu.,.,- my, thy, his flesh. 
 «/"T ;• r-.^""''- i" vvbieb meat 
 was boiled, broth. 
 Wjmhe, {nin) n. v. I make me,M 
 'Hat w I procure meat, by bunt' 
 l^J-^ and preserve it by drvint' and 
 s'Moking; :f. p l.;p. wai„.dked. 
 \yrn„,nwa. s. flesh, in general, with- 
 out regard to a person or animal. 
 nu„s..tw,{n,n)n. v. lam flesh; 3 
 V---1 ; p. vuiHusKiwid. 
 "lysell llesh, I inearnate my.self • 
 , '!•. I'-""' P- 'i'<da.'<..8(d. ' 
 »K««.v.v^//;/^V/^W.,•«. s. the incarna- 
 ti-'Mof the Son of God. 
 y^'iMO, s. his body; himself. iVVi- 
 ff«', invbody; //(V/w-, uhy body. 
 nnaii'crian, s. his namesake. S 
 Wriiirima. a. body. 
 Wrjami, („/«) a. V. «„,. I persuade 
 liimto go with me som.'wbere I 
 request, invite or e.veite him to go 
 ^'^;>;^'^ «• sivi.ii. (His skull, o«^^ 
 ^iy/i/anil-a or-magad, u. v. there 
 are skulls; p. waj..Ug, ox-ma- 
 "}&'?'irvf-,'' P'^ff^ ^vhero t.ere 
 aie skulks Calvary; [F. Calvaire; 
 (r. bclwndelstaitto.] ' 
 ^fjinn, s. an. beav-rs kidney :pl.-^ 
 \yyinawa^,c7na, s. «;i. roll of tobac- 
 Wika, a<lv. seldom ; late. Wiha <,o, 
 \f'iy seldom; lea wika, or kawin 
 ii'i.ica, never. 
 ^ kte '**'" '^"^""*''"''*' ^ '^'■'■y- 1 come 
 Wii-e, s. an. anpelica-root, a medical 
 root ; [F. bcllp aiiReliqiu .] 
 Wi-Hknida7i,{nin) a. v. in. I learn 
 it, I want to know it; 3. p. o un...\ 
 p. via-k.-anq. 
 U ikijJiidjiiiaJt', or-magad. u. v. it is 
 drawn, pulled ; p. wak..deg. ox-ma- 
 \yik(M(1jigas,{iiin) n. v. I am drawn 
 or pnllt'd, liaiilcii, (a person or any 
 other an. oh'].) 3. p.-o ; p. ivah. 
 WU-ohufJige, {nin)n. v . I d raw , pu 11 , 
 haul; 3. p. l.;p. wulcged. 
 Wtbihidon. (nm) a. v. m. I draw it 
 to me, 1 f)nll it, haul it ; 3. p. o 
 wifr...; [^. irak..dnd, 
 Wihihina. (nin) a. v. an. I draw or 
 pull him to me, I attract him ; 3. 
 j>. om'./.-...; p. wa\\.nad. 
 ]]' ilcohinigon, {nin) a. v. pers. it 
 draws ine, it attracts me, allures 
 me; 3. p. o icik...; p. wah..god. 
 WihdeNinui, {ilia) n. v. an. I wish 
 he would come, I long after him ; 
 3. p. ■icik..n;\). UHih..7nad. 
 Wikoma. {nin) a. v. an. I invite him 
 to a meal, or to a feast ; 3. p. o 
 wi]c..n\ p. wahmiad. 
 Wik(/nawiti, {tiin) n. v. S. Wiko{<h- 
 Wihmdimin, {nin) com. v. we feast 
 together ; j).u>ak..di/(p'g. 
 Wikondiwin, s. a feast ' of several 
 persons together ; pl.-an. 
 Wikimdiivini-agivtu'in, s. feast-gar- 
 Wikondiivini-lahisikawagau, s. feast- 
 Wihinge, {nin) n. v. f make a feast ; 
 also, 1 invite to a feast ; 3. p. 1./ p. 
 Wibingoicin., s. feast ; inviting to a 
 feast, invitation. 
 Wikoflika. {nin) n. v. it attracts me, 
 it draws me; 3. p. 1.; p. wakuMad. 
 (J. Conj. ) 
 WihdawagcUna. {nin) a. v. an. 1 
 pull hini by the ear; 3. p. owak..n; 
 p. wak..nad] imp. irik..hii. 
 Wihcahigina, {nin) or, nimvikwa- 
 ligihina, a. y. an. Idraw him un 
 on a rope, chain, &c.; 3. o 
 p. wak..nad; imp. mkwa- 
 to me 
 Wihvahiginan, {nin) or, nin wihwa 
 higihidim, n. v. in. 1 draw it up to 
 me on a rope, &c.; 3. p. o wi)c...\ 
 p. tvak..ang. 
 Wikwdkuuun honakadjigan, {nin) 
 a. V. in, 1 lift the anchor; 3. p. o 
 wik...; p. wak..ang. 
 WikuHtm,{nin) n. v. J draw s. th. in 
 . mouth, sucking; 3. p 
 Wik/rama, {nin) a.\. an. I suck 
 him, (her;) I draw in my mouth s. 
 th. out of him, (her;) 3. p. o wik..n\ 
 p. n>ak..mad.—Kin wikwa?na nn- 
 atakoml inini; 1 suck some blood 
 out of thi.s sick man. Ah'niodji o 
 uikwuman ugin; the child sucks 
 its mother, (it draws into his 
 mouth some milk out of its 
 Wikicundan. {nin) a. v. ?w. I draw 
 it in my mo\ith, I suck it in; also, 
 I draw it out with the teeth; 3. p. 
 onik.. ; p. ivalc.ang. 
 Wiktrundjigan, s. Indian sucking- 
 horn, to suck the hlood out, in 
 bleeding a sick [lerson; pi. -an. 
 Wikirandjigf, {nin) a. v. i am suck- 
 ing out, (especially the blood of a 
 sick person;) 3. p. ].; p. tvak .ged. 
 \\ikicaf:(nna.{nin) a. v. (ni. 1 entice 
 him, alluie him, I entreat him or 
 urge him to follow me, I try to 
 gain him over; 3. p. ou'ik..n; p. 
 Wikira,wndi?nin, {nin) com. v. we 
 entreat or entice each other to 
 some action or entreprise; p. wat. 
 ]Viki('af.ondi/cin, s. persuasion, en- 
 treating to some action, enticing, 
 ]\'ikwusonge, {nin) n. v. I entice 
 allure, 1 try to gain over some- 
 body; 3. p. I.; p. wak..gfd. 
 Wihrasongtirin, s. ent'ieinir, allur- 
 ement; (in regard onlv tu^lhe per- 
 son enticing; loikwasondiwin. in 
 rPffard to tho person enticins and 
 the person enticed.; ^' "° 
 Witwatchi, (ntn) n. v. I trv I 
 ondeavor, fesiippiall,-*^ '' 
 thmn.ri, I ^ \p'^"^'h to po over or 
 tn.,.j. i>. -o;p. ?„a^-..„^/. 
 yHhruMi/a. (nin) a. v. a./. J ^nd 
 eavor to prevail upon lu^n to IS 
 earn It I ga„i jf | tjegerve i/ 
 cause Utome;'3.p. ?S 'f' ' 
 wak..f!(,tl. ^ " '«^«..., p 
 learnuorgainit.'(««. obna • 
 .nent desert, desen-ing. '^' 
 f»^W.^/|^.(«m)n.v. I endeavor, 
 J., p. ivahwaMut.il. ' 
 fH^m/^r/./^,,,,, i^,an.) a. v. z„,. / trv 
 ,i essay It J endeavor to eflec> 
 v^« I /"''^:"'''?'^"'''^«"'«' (««■«) a- 
 V «« try to draw him outs, tl, 
 with the teeth, (a thorn, &c.) 3 
 Wikmttdnwma, (»{„) a. v. an I 
 endeavor to lead him away, Itry 
 tomakeh.m go with me; 3 p J 
 ^tkwutcndam. O.m) n. v. I trv or 
 strive ,n my thoughts; 3. p. i^ " 
 W>kwak';i:/ma, {nvi) a. v. „„ t 
 endeavor to get some a;j. obi"-o 
 ifdcwuicudun, {mn) a. v. in. I en 
 deavortoget it, to obtain it: 3 n 
 j;^/?; -p. «,„;;...„„^_ ^'-^-P 
 Wikwcd, s.bay; [F.-anse.] IFZ/Jv/'e 
 «<w</, ina bay. \ "iii<(f 
 at ^'A ^^"Penor. ^-^',/^«,fei„„,, 
 «tl Anse, /romortoL'Anse. *' 
 •1 l>.iy, there is a bay; p. wak i!,., 
 "tKrS!^^^ "^'^ '" "^ ""'•"" "f 
 *ff adogja^p./; J, ir 
 "if hl'T'^'''"' ^"^'''^ "• V- my heart 
 ;jheat,ngmuch,-3. p. 1.; ,1. .j:! 
 "Snilnv "'•-'^''^r^- "-v. there 
 'sa hollow in a roeii, cave, cavern, 
 make to ,„,.selfUol1owin'oa 
 .nakeahol/c>wini'';.:4 3:p" 
 i'irni!;i l!!'*.!"'^"^'''''''^' "• ^'- 3- P 
 there' .«" *^^ ^'""••'"l is hollovl," 
 (there IS no water under it;) n 
 ffroniKl p. wam.jjcifr, or -w^wf,/- 
 IS a ho low made in the; ground- n 
 ,,!'."''«■ ■^%, or -ma'rak. ' ^' 
 J(^^;«/'«,v/./». s (hollow herb,) reed- 
 WmhaMad. u. v. it is hollow 
 (,herl),plant)p.,„a^../,j,. "°"°^' 
 inmise, j. p. o wim...; p. .m,^^^.. 
 " ^mhnrikin mitiq, n. v. 3 n fi,„ 
 tree IS hollow; /'«,™V,,i'^-*h« 
 b; yH yiawi,» 8 
 Win, s. marrow; (In tliohonosof tho 
 body,) pith. 
 Win, proii. ho, slie, jXin win, 1 lor 
 my part. 
 ll'(/(,or ycini, in coiiipcvsitions. siuiii- 
 tias iiuiltuii, i/)i/>uri'. { Exntiiiilcs 
 ill some ot ihc tuUowiiii; word .) 
 Wind, {iiin) a. v. (;/;. 1 imnu' liim, I 
 proiiourico his* iiaiiio; ;j. p. a ihi/hih; 
 |). /ramii/; iiiip._ (/•/■/■.—(_ S. tlie lrc<(. 
 verb, ni/i' ivawiiia.) 
 W'iiiiih, oiiii,) n.v. I nm in dirt, in 
 lilth, it is dirty wlicro I am, or 
 3. p. -// p 
 , wnnnhiil. 
 it is 
 U7#nr/,' u. V. it is dirty, (ilthly; im- 
 \mxv\ p. u'lDKik, 
 H intx/iK, {/tin) ti. v. I boliave un- 
 chastfdy, my i-oiidiict is impure; 
 'i. i>. -/; p. ir(t>i..i>i<L 
 WiiMiiiKiinii,». impuro life, uncliaste 
 Wi/Kidjim, (niih) r\, v. I toll a dirty 
 story, my disconrso is (ilthy, iri- 
 detuMit; A. \). -<>; p. iran,.mi)d, 
 Wiiimljtin.oirin, s. lillhy story, Iti- 
 <it;ct!iit narrutiou or iliscoiirsc; \)\. 
 Wifidt/iimi, or -mm/ml, a. v. 
 nnolcai), dirtv. (^iKjtiid;) p. 
 '/nil/, or - iHiitj'tl,-. 
 \yin<ui(i<, s. a kind of vulture 
 a naki'd hoad; pi. ~(j, 
 yViaatiiuUjandduui, s.' the filth of the 
 WinuKKiuj, ». the paunch of an an- 
 Winaira. pron. they. 
 Winddniiidiniin, {nin) com. v. v?e 
 tell each other; we give word or 
 warning to one another; p. wan., 
 Windannidiiria, s. mutual telling, 
 or warnnig. 
 Windamaijc, (nin) n. v. I annonnce, 
 I tell, 1 relate, I make known s. 
 th.; '.i. p. 1.; p. wan..(jcd. 
 Windainaiien;yNin.) a. win. I an- 
 nounce it, 1 tell or relate it, I coni- 
 nuHiicate it, 1 make it known, I 
 publish it, (^ with words only;) 3. p. 
 u win,..; p. wan..(jed. 
 Windumaijewin, s. information (jiv- 
 l name it, 1 
 u '(in...; [). 
 en, t(?llihg, iinnnunrinfl;, public, 
 atioti. ( bv words, nol by writing,) 
 communication; warning. 
 Windiunmjfiwin, s. inlormation re. 
 U'i/idiiin(if/i)iri.s-,( nin) n. v. 1 receive 
 a Niiiiciiiaiurai warning or com- 
 niunicatioiij 3. p. ;'; p. wan...\iil. 
 ]\'ntdani(i(ii>sin'in, s. su[ieriiuturnl 
 warning or communication. 
 W'iiiddniiiirii, [nin) a. v. tin. Iteli 
 him, I amioiinco, communicate, 
 explain. (IcclariMl to him; I inform 
 him; 1 warn hint,- 3. p. <> irin..n: p. 
 W(/n, wild, 
 U'indiuniiirnri.", ( nin^ n. v. I niider. 
 stand, I am informed by words or 
 .signs; 3. p. (',• p. nuin..,sid. 
 Windninau'iiri,svwin,, s. inlormation; 
 coninuiiiication, obtained by words 
 or signs. 
 Wind an, (nin) a. v. in. 
 tell its name; 3. p. 
 ]\ iiiililnijiin, s, s'MiII, or his sciill, 
 Winiiiijii. s. fabulous giant that lives 
 on human llesh; a man that eats 
 human tlesh, cannibal; pi. - ij. 
 Wiiidiijihinifhi, s. giant's bird, (a 
 iiliie bird;) pi. -/lu/. 
 Windiijid.u'c, s. fabulous giantess 
 living on human (lesh; pi. -if. 
 n iiidiyiin'itlcon, s. an. a large kind of 
 "iMiKts do roclu;", or moss, wliicli 
 tli(! Indians eat when they ari! 
 starving; pi, -luj. 
 Windniran, one' like himself. S. 
 Wi/itndiin, (nin) a. v. 'i/i. I think it 
 is_ impure; dirty, fdthy; 3. p. o 
 win-..; p. >i>an..an//. 
 Wine. •ima, (nin) a. v. an, I think 
 he is impure, or unclean; 3. p. o 
 iria..!!', p. wan. .wad. 
 Winiwi,", (nin) n. v. 1 am in my 
 monthly llowings, (a female;) 3. p. 
 -i; p. aHUuuriaid. 
 Wine wis hkote, s. im[nire fire, (the 
 lire of a pagan Indian woman 
 which she is obliged to make out 
 of doors, during her monthly fiow- 
 she cooks hor 
 ings, and where 
 n,pur« in,, or, the tiw is impnr " 
 I>. wan,..anQ, ' ' 
 Wtniwulwin, s. monthly flowi.jgs of 
 a female, catamenia. 
 Wi'HingamamlJige, {nin) n. v. J Jike 
 ''M'lor; J. p. 1. ; p. ^c//..(7«i. 
 Wingdgnmi, or -mag ad, u, v, it i> 
 an excellent liquil}; p, «,,„.,J, 
 or -fnagah. ^' 
 >Fj«^«/(AJt, 8. aromatic herb: fC. foin 
 " ^"'J''"^ ('«■«) n. V. S. the freq. Wa- 
 ti'iiigrfi. ^ 
 ^yingmtd,iapimi,{nm)a.v. an I 
 In! 1 ^ 1°"" ''^""•""Phly, leaving no 
 "Hlk m her; 3. p. owL.n; ^.wan 
 t^'inmpoffom, n. v. ;j. p, jt haa an ex- 
 cfijieiit taste, (an. ol)j.) p. wan.. 
 Wingipogwnd, u. v. it has an excel- 
 l('nt taste, (m. obj.) p, 'wnn,.wak. 
 \Ungoganc, (n^//,) n. v. S. mki^hh 
 nmgof^aneunn, s. S. NibuMiwiu. 
 n ingon/i, s. rtw. drowsiness, in<^iinii- 
 tion to sleep, sleepiness.— fl-V/t- 
 gcskan o hatlagoshhujon; sleepiness 
 oppresses him, ho js overwhelmed 
 with sleep. 
 Whigwai, s, an. S, Wingmh. 
 yy-mia, {nin)&. v. an. { make him 
 dirty; I dehle him; 3< p. o winian: 
 p. wamcuf. ' 
 yi-niba, (nin) n. v. I want to sleep 
 I am drowsy, sleepy; 3. p. i • f,; 
 Winibamge gisiss, n. v. 3. p. the sun 
 (or moon) has a circle; p. warn. 
 yimidee, (nin) b. v, I have an -in- 
 clean, impure heart; 3. p. 1.- n 
 wanideed. ' ^ ' 
 Winideewin, s. the state ofhavinir 
 an impure heart, uncleanness of 
 the heart. 
 WmidenigoTne, (nm) n. v. I have 
 an unclean nose, a sniveling nose; 
 yytnufvt, (nin) r. v. 1 name mvuelf 
 WuMm, (nin) n. v. I have an «n- 
 wSr"ds'•3""n^' r''"' ^ ^P^"** ''•''"y 
 words, 3< p. I. J p. wanidimg. 
 i!Tf' "' '"a"ow-bone, a bone 
 full of marrow; pl,-a„. 
 yy^nigi,we,{nm)n. v, I speak im- 
 •urery, unchastely, indecently 3. 
 yyinyxHvemn, s, unchaste, impure 
 gua'^e."^' "'^'""'' ^'''''y '"» 
 ^mtS^ff/,' ^- I make myself 
 unclean, it deUes me;3. p, omn 
 JKm^tM-e (nin) n. y. I make dirty 
 or unclean somebody} 3. u. 1 • n. 
 wamiwed. f •^'i v> 
 WUikuiai, 8. the skin of the skull. 
 yyvmma,(nin)n.v. an. 1 speak to 
 him bad impure words; 3. p, o iidn 
 ■ '«; p. nuimmid. 
 yVvam, 8. fat, the fat part of meat. 
 yyinm, (mrOn- v. fam fat; 3. m 
 mmno; p. wanmod. ^ 
 'SS. " ''^ '''^'"- ^'«< 
 Winimlileyan, ». his skull. S. Win- 
 Winingm, (nin) n. v, I have a dirty 
 rJi^^^'.^- P- !•>• p. wan..wed. 
 yytmnmdji, {nin) n, v. I have dirty 
 hands; 3. p. 1.,- p. wan..id. 
 y^mtnoa (ni^,) a. v. an. I fatten 
 ur."?; •';.P' owin..n; p. waamwad. 
 yVmmodjzgas, {nin) n. v. I am fat- 
 tened; p. uan..sod. 
 Wminmngwe, (m») Ihave a fat full 
 lace; 3. p. 1.; p. wan.. wed. 
 tmfe*, (mn}n. v. I am dirty, filthy, 
 uncean, sluttish, nasty; indecent 
 unchaste, impure; 3. p.-i; p. wani- 
 : .M 
 V. I make dirty 
 1 p. wan..ge.d. 
 V. in. I make it 
 ; p. H'an..an<j, 
 I make 
 •id.— Wanitid manito, the unclean 
 Winithlagfy (nin) n 
 somebody; 3. p. 1, 
 Winiahkan, (nin) a. 
 dirty; 3. p. o wtn.. , 
 Winishkawa,{nin) a. v. an. 
 dirty some an. oh}.; 3. p. o 
 p. u<an.:wad. 
 Winiside, {nin) n. v, I have dirty 
 feet; 3. p. \.',-n.wan..ded. 
 Winisik, s. wild cherry-tree; pl.-an. 
 WinitikengihotJ, a. a certain 'eaf used 
 for tea and for medicine; pl.-o«, 
 WiniaisD, s. his hair of the head; nl. 
 -an.—Nini&iss, my hair; kininss, 
 thy hair; etc. 
 Winisiwin, s. uncleanness, dirtiness, 
 sluttishness; impurity, unchastity. 
 Wmishigotnanan, a. an. his snot. 
 Winissaga, ox-magad, u. v. the floor 
 is dirty; p. wanismya/f, ox-imgak. 
 Winissagigi nabagissag, n. v. 3. p. 
 the board is dirty; p. tvan..sid. 
 Winiasibag, a. a kind" of Indian tea, 
 wintergreen; p\.-on. 
 Winiaaimin, s. a kind of small red 
 berry, the fruit of wintergreen; pi. 
 Winitagos, {nin) n. v. S. Winig- 
 Wtnitugoaimn, a. S. Wimgijweivin. 
 Winitam, he now, now he in his 
 turn. S. JVinitam. 
 Winitamawa, they now in their 
 turn. — Winitamaiva ta-maniase- 
 wag, Ifet them now chop in their 
 Winitchigade, or-maaad, u. v. it is 
 made unclean, di; -, it is soiled; 
 p. wan..deg, or-mayJh 
 '^initchigaa, {nin) n. v. I am made 
 unclean, iilthy, I am soiled, pollu- 
 ted, stained; 3. p.-o; p. wav..ao<i. 
 Winiichige, (niti) n. v. I make dir- 
 ty; 3. p. 1.; p. u<an..ged.— Geget 
 winitchigewag mamig abinodjiiag', 
 these children make all dirty, 
 Winitomagad, u v. it makes dirty, 
 it defiles, pollutes, makes unclean, 
 p. wan..gak. — £i d^naniwinan wi- 
 niiomagad kakina kiiaioinan', our 
 toiiguc defiles our whole body. 
 Winiton, {nin) A. v. in. I make u 
 dirty, filthy, I pollute it, soil it; 3. 
 p. o win,..; j-. wanitod. 
 Winiwi paganena, n. v. 3. p. the hn^ 
 zelnut begins to rij)en; p. wuniwiil. 
 Winjide, s. soot, (in a chimney or 
 Winjide, or-magad, u. v, there is 
 scot, or it is sooty, (a chimney or 
 pipe;) p. wuvjiddj/, or-magak. 
 iVinnwaaoma, {nm) a. v. an I 
 speak to or of him impurely, un- 
 chastely; 3. p. o win..n\ p. ivan . 
 Wins, (nin) n. v. I am called; [0 
 ich heisse;] 3. p. winso,p. ivanaod. 
 Winaap, s. gall, his gM.—Ninaop, 
 my gall; kinaoj), thy gall.— S. On- 
 Wish, a. lodge of a beaver or musk 
 rat; pi. -a/i. 
 Wuhagfrmagosyinin) n. v. I smell 
 bad from much perspiration; 3. p.- 
 i; p. waah..ski. 
 Wiahagoningwi, {nin) n. v. I smell 
 bad from perspiration in the arm- 
 pit; 3. p. 1.; p. wa8k..u'id. 
 Wiakamvagami, u. v. the liquid 
 smells the sweat; p. wash..mig. 
 Wishdanakima, {nin) or, nin rvish- 
 danakiwema,a. v. a/i. I inhabit tho 
 same country or the same place 
 with him; 3. p. owiaA.:n;i>. wash., 
 Wishdanakmcmagan, s. cohabitant 
 of the same country or place, fel- 
 low-citizen; pl.-tjfr.— This word is 
 always preceded' by a possessive 
 |)ronoun, nin, ki, o. 
 llishkcbad, u. v. it is swset; p. wash- 
 Wishkobagami, ot-magad, u. v. it is 
 sweet, (liquid;) p. wash..mig, or- 
 Wishkdbimin, s. an. sweet corn; pi. 
 \\ ishkohipogosi, n. v. 3. p. it has a 
 sweet taste, (a». obj.) p. wash-aid. 
 Wiehkobipogwad, u. v. it has a sweet 
 taste; p. wash..'Wak. 
 brtt . P^^'Vigan, n. v. 3. p. tho 
 ^^^^I^h>}mxd pahwejiyan, sweet- 
 WUikohiwarfad wua$a, ij. v. tlie 
 moat ,H swoet; j,. wu.:/,.,ffalk 
 [I w/*^o„4-,-.,/ii g. Wisconsin River 
 ^Fw.v, s. spleen, milt. 
 '> '""y, or-waj/o/^, u. V. it is bitten 
 ^V**«y«i/'"««. i^-mafyad. n. v it is 
 Jl /.v.af/«/r«n«wa, (nin) a. v. «« j 
 kmglMm,J. p. .!.»,..„; p. ^,,,.. 
 HVAWwye, (n«Vi) n. v. I feel nnin 
 ^t^samk a. u>i. ash-tree: [CVfr^ne 
 !?ras;l pl.-^^a*^. ' '• " 
 n i*,W,>, (,,,vO n. V. I suffer bit- 
 terly trom burning, I burn: 3, p.-^- 
 I '^"» «"fler bitterly by burn- 
 ing lum, I burn him; 3. p. /«,^,..,". 
 p. wae.,waj; ,mp. im..a.'a*A,«;»' ' 
 Wissugan, u. V. itis bitt'o/; p. 2^a„. 
 IFmai^aife, or-magad, u. v. it is bt 
 tremely hot weather; p viul 11' 
 or-magud. ^ '^ue.teg, 
 "weafher*''' ^'"'^^^'''S heat of 
 "biTteWv'^r' ^/"■''^ "• ^- I«»«"«r 
 bitterly; 3. p. 1.; p. wase..ang. 
 ^magendamm, a. v. an. f make 
 Wissagendamitan, (nin) a. v »Vi I 
 make It suffer severely; 3. p'. J «,^ 
 ?>"POt bittflr 
 ■ ^Vmngendammvm, n 
 nmaguhin, (nm) n v r > ' . 
 buter. ^ ' "^ '^'^^^'J >8 very 
 JjW/,*W« s. bitterness 
 ntsmknde.s. burnt foresfL . 
 a liuriit forest '°""i'o»f <roni 
 ■n»", (onmlrVhite S MfZ' 
 Wusin, (nin) n. v. I eat i o^ . 
 me- ^ n -^' ^^' ' am eat- 
 H^^*m^a<,a«. s. manger; trough; 
 £^^^^a, Interna-- 
 * i 
 Witiinmm, eating, boarding; food. 
 WissoJran, (nin) a. v. in. I keep up 
 company with it, I like it, I fre- 
 quent it, I use it frequently; 3. p. o 
 . wis...; p_. vfcmokanff.---Og(HH o wis- 
 tottan iihhotiwabo, sigimgitoiga- 
 mig gate; he like* too much ar- 
 dent liquor, and frecfuentfe too 
 rnuch the tavern. 
 Wiesokawa, (nin) a. v. an. I keep 
 up company with him, I am fre- 
 quently with him; I like him; 3. p, 
 wie«..n; p. wast. .wad. 
 Wissoke, (mn) n. v. I frequent; 3. p. 
 1.; p. wassoked. 
 Wiw, {nin) n. v. 1 have a wife; 3. 
 p. wiwi; p. wdwid. 
 Wiwa}, 8. his pack, carried on a por- 
 tage-strap; pl.-ara. 
 Wiwajima, b. pack; pl.-w. 
 Wiivakwan, s. hat,cap; bonnet, hood ; 
 capuchin, [F. cbpuchon;] pl.-aw. 
 Wiwakwenindibis, (/tm) n. v. 8. Wi- 
 Wiwaktvctoa, (nin) d. v. an. I cover 
 his head; 3. p. oiviw..n\ p, waw,. 
 iDad; imp. wiwahwe, 
 Wiwan, s. his wife; or wiwishan; 
 which is seldom used. 
 Wiwegina, {mn) a. v. an. I swathe 
 him; 3. p. owiw..n', p. waw..nnd 
 Wiweginan, {nin) a. v. 4/1. I wrap it 
 up; 3. p. wiw...; p. waw..(mg, 
 Wiuteginigade, or-magad, it is wrap- 
 ped up in s. th.; p. waw..deg, or- 
 Wiweginigas (nin) n. v. I am wrap- 
 ped up; 3. p.-o; p. waw.. sod. 
 Wiwcginiga, (nin) n. v. I am wrap- 
 ping up s. th.; 3. p. 1.; p. waw.. 
 Wiwegiskin, {nin) n. v, I am lying 
 wrapped up; 3. p. l.j p. waw., 
 Wiwikage, {nin) n. v.; 1 give in mar- 
 riage (some person;) 3. p. 1.: n, 
 waw.. ged. ^ 
 Wiwikawa, {nin) a. v. an. I give 
 him a wile^ I let him have a wife- 
 3. p. tviw..n; p, waw. .wad. ' 
 Wiwikodadimin {rdn) com. v we 
 marry, we give a wife to each 
 other; p, wa..d{djig. 
 Wiwikodadia, (nin) r. v, I give to 
 myself a wife, I marry: 3. p. _.,. 
 p. waw. .sod. ' 
 Wiwima; s. wife; pl.-^, 
 Wiwimu (nin) a. v. an. I take her for 
 a wife, I marry her; 3. p. wiw.,n; 
 p. wawimad. 
 Wiwinan, {nin) a. v. an. I marry 
 htr; 3. p. owtw...; p. wdwid. (Y. 
 Conj.) ^ 
 Wiwindan, (nin) a- v. in. I guess if 
 [F. je le devirie;] 3. p. o wiw; p. 
 waw..nng. '^ 
 WiiL'indihMs, (nin) r. v. I ha\-e my 
 head wrapped up in s. th.; 3. p.-o- 
 ]>. tvaw..sod, 
 Wiwishan, s. (not much used,) his 
 wife. Mwish, kiwish-, my wife 
 thy wife. ' 
 Won, {nin) n. v. S. the frequenta- 
 tive, ^in wawm. 
 Wonongwam, {nin) n. v. I howl in 
 f -ep, dreaming; 3, p. I.; p. wm.. 
 ft V- 
 Wmmvin, or wawmowin, s. howl- 
 End of the Fir§t Fart, 
I2r ^ 5t 22 ^ 2185 
 ~~ 'W^M»^:^[4Ji«i^'^,''%«^ 
 J. he reader must not expect to And all the Words of the 
 E„,h,h language in this Second Part of the Otchipwe D cLnat 
 but, of „„„, „„|3, ,„^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ .^ ^ J ry 
 English, (and in every other civilized language > for ^i.-.! ,^ 
 uncultivated and unlearned Indian languagesTave'!,' Lis '"' 
 of this*'pl^°f 'tT''" ''' "'''"""'''' '" "■" ■"ff«ent articles 
 of this Part which, however, will- be easily understood by the 
 first word of the article. For instance, in the article „4bolfsh" 
 you will find „I ah. it"; which means, I abolish it. 1 Zd 30' 
 on respectively. ^" 
 .5 -f ; 
 1, 'f.ft. 
 A, Hii, hejicj. 
 Abandon; I abandon, I give up, nind 
 andonhun, (her, it.) "'^i;, „„ 
 , m,>, wehma, nindimwea; nmLga. 
 flan, mn webtnau, nind iniweun. 
 \ -W^n? 1 °"■!"^''/^ '^^'"^ iniweidis. 
 A ..n.loned, (ins. m.) S. Rejected. 
 A'ise, (ins. in.) S. Lower. 
 Abhor, (iiate;)i abhor him, (her, Jt) 
 m/t (ji'iiwdjdssayenivia ; nin wu- 
 muuamijendatb. '' ' 
 Abide ; I 'abide in him or with hixn 
 b. Jiiiiter into him. 
 Ability, wuiviiujedwvi. 
 Abject. S. Low, (mean.) 
 Able,(,siallul4) 1 am able, ni,iwa- 
 ^\m^ «'" *'''e to do it, nin gmhki- 
 Abolish; I ah. it, nind anqoton, nind 
 aiurnhkan. I Abolish it for him or 
 s. th. relating to him, nind ango- 
 mmawa. ° 
 Abolished; iUs.ab., angosMama<jad, 
 Abominable, (in a. in.) S. Hateful. 
 Abominable ; 1 am (it is) abom., nin 
 (jagwamtmgendagus, nin gaywdnis- 
 mgus; ilagwantmigendagmtd; aau- 
 v anifi.sugud, ' " 
 Abortive fruit of the womb, mashH- 
 Abound; it abounds, (there is much 
 01 It,) rmnhinad, haiainad, ■ 
 About, (almost,) <;c£/«. 
 Above, pagidji ; uhpiming. 
 Abridgment of s. th., eji-tahwun. 
 Abscess with matter, mini. 1 have 
 an abscess, nin mimw. Matter or 
 pus 18 running out of an abscess 
 or Ulcer, m«t/<)a«. My abscess 
 bursts, mn pashkiminUhka. 
 Abscond; [ abscond, nin kas; ninka- 
 ^bs*nt;lam(it is) absent so long, 
 nind tnerul; inendamagad. I am ab- 
 (fwanend. I am ah., kawin nind ah- 
 1 am ab. two days, three days, etc 
 mn mjr>gicanend nin nialogxvan- 
 end etc am ab. from home, nin 
 ondaimnhka. I am ab. for such as 
 reason, nind mdend. 
 Absolutely, dpitvhi, pdkatc?t. 
 Abso ution. S. Blotting out 
 Absolve. S. Blot out. 
 Abstain; I abstain, 7iin nindUmini- 
 du. labst.lromit;(fdon'teatit 
 tn.,an,) nin goimdpon; nin gon- 
 waponan. " 
 Abstemious person, (never drinking 
 wine,) vicnikwe«sig iominabo. 
 Absterge. S. Wipe. 
 Al)8tinence, gonwdpmuin. 
 Absurd ; it is "absurd, gngihadod. 
 ^08\jT(iity, gagibadisiu'in. 
 Abundance, dehuiwin. 
 Abuse, bad use, mutchi uimin. Ii 
 make .a bad use of it, abu.se it, (m., 
 an.)mn mutchi-aion ; nin matcki- 
 Abuse, (treatill;) I abuse him, (her. 
 \i,)7und dhndjia; 7iind dUndiiion 
 J abuse with words, nind dbin- 
 mnge. I abuse him (her, it) with 
 words, mnd abimonia; mud dlin- 
 Abuse abusive words, (in s. in.) S 
 Insult. ' 
 j«i t. • 
 Abyss, gondahamigissan. There is 
 an abyss, gondajcamigissemagad. 
 Accept. Accepted. S. Take, (accent.) 
 Accident ; frightful accident, gagwd- 
 nissagahamig ejiwehak. 
 Accompany ; I accompany, nin wid- 
 jiiwe. It accompanies, wiidjiiwe- 
 magad. I ace. him, nin widjiwa. 
 We ace. each other, nin widjindi- 
 viin. I ace. him a little distance 
 through politeness, nin midjisH- 
 Icawa. I ace. him going about, nin 
 bahatoidjiwa. We ace. each other 
 going about^ ninhuhofwidjindimin. 
 Accompaniment, widniwewin ; wid- 
 jindiwin ; hahawuljindit nn. 
 Accomplish ; I ace, nin gijita. I 
 make him accomplish s. th., nin 
 gijitaa. I make myself ace. s. th., 
 nin gijitaidis, nin gijitas. 
 Accroach; laccr., nindadjigivadjige. 
 I ace. him, (her, it,) nind adjig- 
 wuna; nind adjiawadan. 
 Accumulate. S. Gather. 
 Accusation ( causing condemnation,^ 
 Accuse; I accuse, mn hatange ; nind. 
 anaminge. I accuse him, (and 
 cause by it his condemnation, or 
 a penalty, etc. ) nin batamu. I am 
 in a habit of accusing, nin batun- 
 Accuse; I ace. him (her, it) in 
 thoughts of some fault, nind and- 
 menima; nind andmendan. I ace. 
 him (her, it) in wort?* of some fault, 
 nind andrmma ; nind andmindan, 
 I ace. him falsely, nin binishima, 
 nin mamijima. I ace. him (her) of 
 an unlawful intercourse with a 
 person of the other sex , nind a.g- 
 wadamawa ihuewan, {nind agwa- 
 da?nawa ininiwan. ) 
 Accuse, (impute;) I ace. him of it, 
 (impute it to him,) nind apagud- 
 jissitaioa, nind upugadji^situmawa. 
 Accuser, haiutangeshkid; baiatanged. 
 .Accustomed; I am ace., ninnagadis, 
 nin nagadendum. The state or 
 disposition of being ace, nagaden- 
 dumowin. I am ace. to him, (her, 
 It. ) nin nagadenima; nin nagaden- 
 dan. I feel ace. to s. th., nin na- 
 gudenindi^. I endeavor to get ace. 
 to s. th., nin nngadjiidis. I am ace! 
 to do it, to make it, nin nugadjiton. 
 Acid. S. Sour. 
 Acorn, mitigomin. 
 Acauire, (in s. in.) S. Gain. Earn. 
 Acquire for food ; I acq, it for food, 
 («n., in) nin nodjia ; nin nodjiton. 
 Acquisition, gashkitchigewin. 
 Across a river, etc., 1 carry or con- 
 vey him (her, it) across a river, 
 dtc, nind ajawaona, nind ajawau; 
 nind ujuwaodon, nind ajawaan. 
 1 am (it is) carried or conveyed 
 across, nind ajawaodjigaa ; aja- 
 Act; I act, nind ijitchige,mndanohi. 
 1 act by niistake, nin wanitchige. 
 I act foolishly, nin gagibadjige. 
 1 act right, exactly, nin nissitddo- 
 dam. I act so..., nind ijitwa, nind 
 innnoki. I act strangely, curiously, 
 nin tnamunddwitchige. I act well, 
 nin minotwa, nin minotchige. I act 
 wickedly, nin matchitwa, nin ma- 
 tchitchiae. I act with patience, nin 
 mhiwadjito. I act wrongly, nin md- 
 nadjitchige, nin manjitchige. We 
 act(or work) together, nmmdm- 
 Action, acting, dodammvin, ijitohi- 
 gewin. Strange acting or manners, 
 mumanddwitchigewin, mamandd- 
 witchigan. Impure action, bishig. 
 wadodamowin, bishigwadj-dodamo- 
 win. I commit an impure action, 
 nin bishigwadodam, nin bishigwudi- 
 Active ; I am active, (diligent,) nm 
 Actually, nongcm. 
 Add; I add, (I put more, in., an.) 
 najwatch nibiwa nind atrni; nawatch 
 nibiica nind assa. I add to it, nind 
 aniketon, nin gikiseiton. 
 Added ; there is s. th. added to it, 
 Addition, aniketchigan. There is an 
 addition made, aniketchigade. 
 '^li^T' * '^'^''.'•^«« '""1. (her, it,) 
 Administration. Administrator. S 
 Stewardship. Steward. 
 Admirable • /am (it is) adm., nin 
 mamal-(uhndagos; mmmkadmdag. 
 Admirably, mamaUdal-amia. 
 Aumire , I admire, ntn mnmaJcdden- 
 (tarn, mn mamaMdenim. J make 
 mnmamakademmoa. I admire him 
 L ' ^l'):^^'^ mumakddenima : ni/l 
 mamakddemUn. ' 
 Y\mwr 7)iaiamal-ddendanq. 
 !7w«.« ;,.,„, ivurxfrmlan. 
 Adopted father, mother, child, son 
 'la-iphter ; the same as, godfather' 
 f ?; '"«^her, ..odchild, ffofsoi? Rod.' 
 danphtnr; which see respect vely. 
 Adorn. Adorned, (ins. in \ g. OrJ 
 ament. Ornamented. 
 Adorn, (also paint;) I adorn, nm 
 'vaw^tnrie. I adorn him. (he;,U 
 adori, myself for him, (lier,) ««! 
 Adorned, (also, p.ninted;) I am (it is) 
 Aaore; I ad him, nind anamuia%.a 
 ^(inltj I am adult, nin gijin, nin ni- 
 taung, nin nUMcigiiJ/ 
 Adulterer, pisMgwadjinini, TcetcJii- 
 Adulteress Ushvmadjil-we, Icetchi- 
 hsMjwndisid_ ihoe, kekcndmad il 
 kunmmdjtn tniniwan. 
 Adversity. S. Sulierin^. 
 Afar off, wassa. 
 Affection, eagmcfwin. 
 AfTmn; I affirm, . nind Hit, (I say 
 wuh words. W.^,-„4,S1 *'"" 
 ninmunndawcndam, nin gmnden. 
 Afflicted. Afflicting. Affliction.- 
 ^ bad. Sadness. 
 Affliction, mmiidavendamrivm, ni- 
 £'! '^nkenda mmvin. >"«««, 
 Affliction; (ins. in.) S. Suffering 
 Affront, hiasongeu'in. 
 Afraid, (ins. in.) S. Fear 
 Art««/«.s. I make him afraid bv 
 my words, «m^,,W«.w«. ^ 
 Aft.r to-morrow; awwm'«J«w/7, a/a- 
 Again, w««,,,„, „,,,/^' minawaand. 
 hiskah; nassab, neiah. ^' 
 an a J"" ■'"v^^^'.".'-' ^ »"i "f such 
 an age, ««;,rf a^^-^^-^. j ^ , ' 
 Sfe,iS^?,r' person, 
 y&n?^'- ^"^'- ^^-^- 
 Agitate; I agitate it, (liquid) nin 
 mamaddgamiMidon. '' * 
 I Agitated; it is ag. by the wind 
 (liqmci ) mumaddgandsse. J is 
 Aggressor; maiddjihtd. ' 
 Agree; we agree together, «*„ 5^^^^. 
 ij.l , 
 ft* *''i 
 v'findnmin, nin minntviifjintfimin. 
 it iiRrrnn i(^KOlhc.T,u'ulJi>i<lima(/ii(i. 
 ARreciihlo; I iiin (it is) igr.,«//» inia- 
 n'en<{a(jOK, nind o/iij/nh; ininwcnda- 
 mad, Diiijluhin. 
 AffrofnbloiH'ss, miniiYvdaifoniwin, 
 AKr<!t'nl)ly, mlnu'cmliKjwakamig. 
 Ajjrienltiirc, litiijewin. 
 Aj^riculliiror, ki'tiijewinini. 
 Aground ; I run 'aground paddling, 
 7iin tchH-ixKt'. I run ag. sailing, 
 nin ti'hikash. 
 Aha' ah! lituia ! Hwe!-~Niii! nin- 
 (j> ! niiitju ! 
 Ahfad, /lii/an. 
 Aim, of aiiarrhor, himodjiqan. 
 Aim, on a g\in, kikinawudjUcfMjan. 
 Aim, at, (with a gun, etc.)" 1 aim at 
 s. th., iiin jiijiriiithaiidjuic, nin 
 panM-i/iijitrn. I aim at him, (her, 
 If,) ninji(/wci(il>('un(i; nin jiijwvia- 
 Air; in tho air, iihpiniing; tjijiii- 
 Air-hhiildor ol' a fish, opihvudj, (its 
 Ahihaster, ira/Hisx/ii, (whito stoiio.) 
 A h>liastor-l)ox, ividntusin i-inHhtk. 
 Alarm, (vnairinmurin, qatddjiwin. 
 Alarm. S. Intiinidat'o. 
 Alarmed; I am al., wm miqoMadji- 
 aiti. I am al. by s. th." J hcaicl, 
 nind anmniitit.^ It alarms mo, ?iin 
 Alde'r-forpst, wadopiki. 
 Aider-Point, JS'tdopikan. At, to or 
 Crom Aider-Point. Kcdopikang. 
 Alder-tree, vrw*/!)^). There are a'lder- 
 trees, wadopiku. Place where 
 there are alder-trees, wado/nk- 
 Algonquin Indian, Odishkwaijami. 
 Algonquin squaw, odi^hkui'agdmik- 
 Alight; I alight upon him, 7iinl6- 
 nindawa. The bird alights, boni 
 Alive, gigihimadis. I am alive, nin 
 himadis. It is alive, bimadad, bi- 
 All, kakinu, mid, misi gego, kakina 
 j/ego. All of it, {in., an.)endas-\ 
 mng; rndanhtd. All of U8, tndu. 
 A II, (in oompositiotiM,) kabi- 
 Alliance, ividnkiidndiwin. 
 Allied. S. Assdcialed. 
 All kinds, antitck, wiiatfi. 
 Allow; I allow it to him, ninmina. 
 Allow, (in «. in.) S. I'crmit. 
 All Saints day, kukiini kifi-/ii(wawen- 
 ditgomljig gijigong ibid jig o gijigu. 
 All Souls day, tchibdigljig. 
 All is spent, all spent, {an., in.) 
 tc/uK/iiHK'; ti'hagumeniagad. 
 Allure. Allurement.— S." Entice. En- 
 Almighty, mini gego nctawitod. 
 Almost, gcga. 
 Alms; 1 give n\ma,ninjnjnivetuijige, 
 kttimaginid nin niina gigo, 
 Wn\»ir\\n\fr ^j„J(iir,'ndj/g'i'ivin. 
 A\out\ nijikt'. I am alone, nin niji- 
 kcK'is, nin bejig. I am alone in a 
 canoe, nin bcjigokntn, ni?i nijikeo- 
 kinn. 1 am alone in a liou.se, n//i 
 nijiki'autb. I am alone, 1 have no 
 more a wife; I hav(!no more a hus- 
 band, nin bixhigoicin, 
 Alroiidy, Jaigwa,' Ji^gica, ajigwa; aji, 
 Also, gaic. 
 Altar, anamesKike-adopmnn, nnatne/i- 
 sikan.—Pagldinigr-ddiiiioirin, pa- 
 gidJige-adopowin.-S. Sacrificing- 
 A Itar-cloth, anamessike-adojiowinig- 
 Alter. S. Change. 
 Altercation. S. Quarrel. 
 Altered; I am ([it is) alt., «t«rf anrf. 
 jigas, fiind anajitchigas ; andjigade. 
 Alteriiately, memtshkwat. 
 Although, ano, missawa. 
 Alum, jiwabik, viikivaming ejinag- 
 mik mashkiki, waiabiskkkigwag 
 Always, mdjag, apine, kdginig, pa- 
 pa g wash. 
 Always the same, mi apine. 
 Am; I am, nind aw, nind aia. I am 
 with him, nin widjiaiawa. I am 
 in a Of 
 use to 
 win. I 
 I lie in 
 Amen, iw, 
 Amiable; ] 
 <Wg iwi 
 n/in kijrui 
 Amidst, "am 
 Among, auK 
 where an 
 fi/a. it i 
 other thin 
 sitting .so 
 nin dtigwa 
 among oti 
 mongst 9tl 
 •lie among 
 name him 
 words I pn 
 ^in dagoivi 
 it) aomew 
 jects, nin a 
 stand some 
 nin dagoqi 
 amongst bt 
 nin dagogo 
 Amuse. Ami 
 Noisy ainus 
 Ancester, kilii 

 Amah.luy. N. Amiableucs,. 
 '"S")' ^'^'^^^^^^n, ( Big. 
 \mi-.ll ^ '"""'^"J/"*- 
 ^'^^^^^^^y, Hjadid,Hn,hijewadm. 
 Amidst, arn..ntr, ,«<<,/„,«^Y. 
 Ammu„,t,„„, (j,o^',,,r 
 pamkiKKjcwin aiioc,; 
 '^wE;."!,"**''*^'''"^''-'''''^- I am sen:,, 
 w M.r., amon^^st others, „/;, ^«^,. 
 other , in' T'"^^'"'-"^ '-""'J^^.t 
 other things, d<woaia»ia<tad. I a,„ 
 sUnd somewhere amongat others 
 Ancester, Utisim. 
 Anchor, honakadiiqan. I cn«t «n 
 Anchor; f aii"h#ir u / • 
 AiiH, <caj«.; a^A«; //«M. 
 Andiron, ^y,,./^,/,,-^/^^,,,.,^ 
 AngelicH -root, ?<.»>&,. 
 lv<'0|) anjrer towards f-ach other 
 mn ,mkkomnd,min. Mn u" an 
 w, h anger, .,,^ nuhkaduitadl 
 S, r ^'n too an., «^«<io*aw2. 
 ^^^"*: I go out an., nin snqijji„i 
 auzs/i/c. I look an., Tjm nishka,) 
 make" \ elTe "'^'' '^^^ '^-^S.' 
 nike ^?,n^ ^"•' ''.''* ««^AHw,. r 
 huchmawea, Iniwesia. 1 rnS h n^ 
 make hln,"' '"'"'u'^*"'' '^2''^'^« 
 make him an. with my words, nin 
 make each other an. with our 
 ' ' \,^ 
 < i -t 
 1 ' '4 
 words, nin nithkindimin. My heart 
 it atiKfY) 1*'^ nitkkidft. 
 Animal, afwon. Hmalt animal, man- 
 itiiirn'fih. Wickidl (lniiKt!rou8 ani- 
 mal, mute hi ainnwitih, 
 Aiiiiriate; I animatu; /»in ynijiiiiton<je. 
 I (in. him, nin <jtuj<inmma. 
 Ankle-bone, pikogandn, jnkteakoija- 
 Annoy. Annoying. Annoyance, (in 
 H. in.) y. Trouble. Troublesome. 
 Anniliilate; 1 an.it, {an., in) nind 
 (iftitehi hnnaJJin ; fund apitchi 
 Anniversary; I come (it comes) to 
 tlif anniversary, nm (ihivkha:, ti- 
 Announce; I an., nin windamaoe, 
 nm kilftulamiiwe, nin Hkeudamo- 
 djinu'. 1 an. liiin s. th., nin wivda- 
 mawa, 1 an. it, nin icimlaniayen. 
 AtniouncinR, windatnaqewin. 
 Annunciation of tiie "H. V. Mary, 
 Jufc/iitiiHi Marie od (inamika[i«iinii. 
 Anodyne drops for toothache, wiii- 
 Anoint; I anoint him, (her, it.) nin, 
 noniina; nin nominan. I anoint 
 his head, (grease it,) ninnamn- 
 kcna. Grease to anoint th(! head, 
 rinmalcH'imin. I anoint (or urease) 
 my head,»nin namnhmidin. 
 Anon, nanxinjotinviij, naningotin- 
 Another; I am another penson, nin 
 haknnis. Another one, heknnisid. 
 It is another thing, haknnad. An- 
 other thing, hehanak. 1 am of an- 
 other nation, nin hakdnwaiagie. 
 It is of another sort, hakdnwaia- 
 (fad. I take another route, nin 
 hak^, nin bakhim. 
 Answer, nakwitanunvin. I give him 
 an answer, nin nakwitmvu. I give 
 bad disrespectful answers, nind 
 ajideice, nind ajideu-idam. I give 
 him bad answers, nind ajidema. — 
 (S. Gainsay.) 
 Answer; 1 answer, nin nukwetage, 
 nin nakwetam. 1 answer him, nin 
 Ant, enig6, 
 Anlici|:ation; by anticipation, kij^, 
 Antipathy. S. Hatred. 
 Ant'H hill, enigmcigami'j, (ant'l 
 Anvil, (uhotatavjan. 
 Anxious; I am an. about him, nind 
 agofhina. 1 am an. aboHt inyKelf, 
 niml agmknnidis. 
 Apart, ojiinuaii, maiin. 
 Ape, nandoinakonituhi. 
 Apo; 1 ape him, imitate him, nind 
 Apostate, waiihinang (d anamiewi7i. 
 Apostatize; I ap., m« tfeW«o» nini 
 Apostle, JemB o kiHnoumaganan. 
 Apostunie, mini. 
 Apothecary, inashkikikt'iDinini. Fo- 
 male ajiothecary, mashkikil:iit:ik- 
 Apothecary's art or trade, 7na»hkiki- 
 Ajiothcciiry's laboratory, mushkili- 
 AiKiiliecary's shop, inashkikiiiiga- 
 Apiiaiition. S. Vision. 
 Appear; I appear, uin nagwi. nin 
 ndgon. It appears, ndgirad. 1 ap- 
 pear so..., nind iji/uigwi. 1 make 
 myself appear, (in a 'vision,) nin 
 nngwiidi^. 1 appear (it appears) 
 chim^'cd, diHercnt, nind andjinu- 
 gog; andjinagwud. 
 Appear, (in s. in.) S_. Visible. 
 Appearance, nngosiwin. 1 have (it 
 has) an astonishing app., marveil- 
 lous apn., ■.I, in mamanddwimgos; 
 maviand&ivinagivad. 1 have (it lifts) 
 ft beautiful app., nind onijislwihi- 
 minagns; (mijiehuhaminagwad. 1 
 have (it has) a changed a'pp., wwti 
 andjinagos; andiinagtvad. I give 
 him (her, it) a clianged or another 
 app., nind avdjinago&ia, nind and- 
 Jrnagwia; nind andjinagwiti/n. I 
 take another app., nind uvdjinag- 
 u'i, niiul andjinagwiidis 1 have (it 
 has^ a clean app., nin hininug<e\ 
 himnagwad. 1 have a curious ri- 
 n 01.8 a,.,,., nin ff,M,maf(os. I 
 '?' /•'■'' ""^""•'''/'-•. 1 l.av., (it 
 a*m««y,„,.Thave(iif,a.s L.M.h „l 
 tJou,f,H;„/i.. 1 havo (it lias) i„' 
 Piy api>., nm manuktminauos | 
 /'it« manmaijos, nm imajiiawcxr 
 manahamna,jwad, 7na/</n,u/wad.' I 
 Appoaso; I aj.poaso, /,/«./«v™e. I 
 appease Int.., ni» .lalju'umn, nin.^ 
 V'^'Ji'ljtu, niuil o<ljUclna\ ,un tvan,,- 
 aivima; „in wamjawina. I app. liil,, 
 lur soLicboily, nl,i </<hji..son,/amawa. 
 I ai.p. tnyycU\,i!n<j(i.rM,fMs. 
 Appeasodjiamapp., ■,,/;,,/ anmea- 
 aam, nm Wnnakiwatilani. The 
 waves are app.. anwatciaMa. 
 \VV\e, inisldinui. Dry aj-ples, Ja^<J- 
 nUnhUHDliKJ . 
 Apple-peel, muhimini-olconass. 
 Appoint;! arrpoi.it hi,,,, nhidonul-o. 
 na. I appumthiiu to s. th,, nind 
 Ai>poi,itnient, onaTconigewm, inalcon- 
 Appreciate; I app, him, (her, it,)nind 
 apitenima; nind upittndan. 
 Apprehend; 1 apt.., nia xencndam. 
 Apprehend danger. S, Fear. 
 Apprehension, Regcndamowin. 
 Apprentice, kikinoamagan, kikznoa 
 ma wind. 
 p. M,,.. (her, ,t, I nin .aJaJ, 
 '■I II in htxhoaikv- 
 nin ii(iKik„diidimin. 
 «N0TE. To form the respectiyo substan 
 ives correspond.uff to the verbs of tlUsar' 
 tic e, you have only to annex i™>.t„th« 
 a«,ma^e verb, and you have "he substanUve 
 ijvsiwin, astonishing appearance. 
 |M.r,.,.riate;Im,p.s.l,,. t^ . 
 Approv,.; ( app. him. nui wanina^ 
 J^^,M approve of u, niu ..>..,. 
 ^\}:Th V"- ",• '"•) »• permit. 
 , Arcr.anjj,.!, A'lh/ii dnjml 
 tnnaU'. I am a poor archer nin 
 Ard<.,.t liquor, uhhoUwalo. 
 AiK, i\ry,',y nahikwan. 
 Arin,,„«X.a,«^. The right arm ki- 
 tchimk, okikhinikama. The left 
 arm, namundjinik, onamdnJjini. 
 kama. My ,hy, his arm, uLil 
 lr>nk, o,nk. I have am s, nind 
 ''«e^«. 1 have a dead arm. ;;,v/;^^*^ 
 hnvuuke 1 have hairy amis, nL 
 have large arms, nin mamdnyin. 
 «iXe, 1 have long arms, nin gaud- 
 nmikc. One. of my arms is loSr 
 han the other, nin natmneyi^l 
 nike I have only one arm, m,,«a. 
 Ja«./.j;{-., I haveashortarm,«X, 
 takomke; I have short arms nPn 
 tatakomke. One of my arn s is 
 shorter than the other, lin ZaZ 
 etakomkc. I have a small arm 
 nuid agasunikey I have small 
 arms, tiin hiddwinike 
 stiff arm, jiin tchibat^^an^W T 
 have strong arms, wwi ma^' ^' w. 
 myfcc— I have convulsions in my 
 arm, nm tcUtchihiniheBhka. I hav« 
 pniii in my arm, nin dewinike. I 
 have a scar on my arm,?«W odjisk- 
 iiiike. I have spasms or cramps in 
 my arm, nind olchiinkeiinig. I 
 have my arm stretched out in a 
 certain m;inner, niiid ijiniken. 1 
 stretch out my arm, ninjihiiuken; 
 nin i>assu(jiiiiken. 1 stretch out my 
 arms, nm jiuginike. I stretch my 
 arm out towards him, nin )ibini- 
 ketawa; I streUdi out his arm, m;» 
 pasiiagimkena. — I break my arm, 
 nin bokonikcishin. My arm is hYv,- 
 ken, nin bokrmike. I dislocate my 
 arm, failitig, ni/i kotigonikrehin. 
 My arm is dislocated, n'in kotin<,iii- 
 k€ta. I dislocate my arm, nm qi- 
 dukakotiikeshin, nin MmishmA-e- 
 shiih. My arm is dislocated, 7dn 
 gidiskakouiketa, nin him.it<konik(ta. 
 I draw back my arm, nind odjini- 
 ken. \ feel his arm, nin godjiii' 
 kena. I hold or carry under m> 
 arm s. th., mii sinsiningwandjiqe. 
 I hold or carry him (her, it) under 
 my arm, nin sindningwdma; nin 
 dnsiningwiDutan. I lift 'up my arm, 
 nind omhiniken. I make him move 
 his arm, nin nanginikenhkan-a. I 
 put my whole arm in, nin niki- 
 nme. I rub his arm with medi 
 cine, 7iin sinigmikeh'ma. I show 
 forth my arm; nin saqinihn. I 
 stretch out my arm, nin dujoni- 
 ken. I have my arm stretched out, 
 nin dojonikeshin. I sit with down- 
 hanginir arms, nin Jinginikeh. I 
 walk with down-hanging arms. 
 nin jinginikensse. My arm is 
 stretched and hanging down, 7iin 
 jiUnikegodjin. My arms a r e 
 stretched and hanging down, 7iin 
 Hnginikrgodjin. I take him by the 
 arm, nin saginikena. I tire his arm, 
 niifd aitkunike.wina, nind iahkini 
 kewina. It Jres my arm, nind aie- 
 k-onikewin'oon, nind IMinikiwin- 
 igm.— My arms are co'd, nin ta- 
 kinike. My am: is cut off; nin kinh- 
 kinike. I cut off his arm, nin kit,h- 
 kinikejwa. My arm is pierced, i,in 
 jihamkejigas. My arm shakes, nin 
 niningintke. My arm is swollen. 
 nin hdginike. My arm is mucli 
 tired, nind apilchinikeh. My arms 
 are warm, nin kijunike. M" arm is 
 wounded, nin mukinife.—'We 
 other arm, nahanCnik^ dgawmik. 
 Armed; I am armed, nind (h/iwi. I 
 am well armed and dangerous, 
 nind akoteiiagis. 
 ^rmpit;_my, thy, his armpit, nm/i- 
 gn<i, kiningwi, oni)ti>wi. 
 Arms of a warrior, armor, ashwiwin. 
 Around, ginituii. 
 Arrange;' I arrange, nind inakmige, 
 mn dihowc. I arr. it in a certain 
 manner, nindinubnian. I arr. hiin, 
 (her, it, ) nin dih(>v:ana\ nin dibo- 
 wadan. I arr. it right, nin gwuia- 
 hdon. I arr._ it well, put it up well, 
 {an., in.) nin naakona\nin naako- 
 nan, nin naakossidon. 
 nge,(^mend,-) 1 arr. it (an., m.) 
 ..,./>. nanaina; nin nanniton. 
 Arranged; it is arr., inakmigad- na- 
 Arrest. Arrested, (in s. in.) S. Seize 
 Arrive; I arrive, nind vdishiwe, nind 
 (ditaowe. I arr. by land, nin da- 
 gwiihin. I arr. by water; tiin mija- 
 ga, nin mijagnmehwajiwe, nind 
 odifaowe. It arrives, dagwinUno- 
 ni'igad. I arr. in the night, by land, 
 mn ndmoditaowe, nin ht-nihaam. I 
 arr in the night, by water, nin ni- 
 Immijaga. I arr. at halfway, nind 
 abU'Stie. It arrives at halfway, aM- 
 tonsemagad. I arr. to the shore 
 ./alkin- on the ice, nindagwaiada- 
 gak, mn mijagak. f arr. at the 
 summit of a mountain, nin nana- 
 manindjiwc, n^n gijmnadjiwe. I 
 arr. sailing, nin pagamash. It ar- 
 rives by the wind, pagamamn. I 
 arr. running, nin pagamihuto. I 
 arr. here in ()assing l,y, nin himi- 
 dagivishin. T arr. in .due time, nin 
 ge-^nikagc. I ;irr. to him (her, it) in 
 due time, mnge.mkaica;nin gem- 
 kun. I arr. to him in good 'time 
 ningesnikona. I arr. too late, nin 
 rntd:is&i.kage. J arr. too late to him, 
 (her, It.) win midasdkatva; n:'n 
 medassikan. I arr. to him (her, it) 
 in th 
 rna ; 
 arr. so 
 gild, p, 
 (a cert 
 rives a 
 Arrow, m 
 Arrow ma 
 Arrow wil 
 Arse, (buti 
 Artery, Mt 
 Artful; J a 
 Ascend; I ; 
 in a cert; 
 I ascend 
 Ke, nind 
 kiwr. I ai 
 aucend a 
 on my shi 
 As far as, hi) 
 Ashamed; I 
 nin minisi 
 hiin, nind 
 t>f him (in 
 nima, nin. 
 of myself, 
 am ash. of 
^"■iiS^fetibsw**,;*)! , 
 '"; ^f'^ night nln nibdodifawa; nin 
 'Snfhf "•.'''"••'" '^^ 'nomentof 
 "«« , «eW odimihandan. 1 arr at 
 home, nmpagamadu. I make him 
 arr. somewhere, nm dagicShLa I 
 7'«<7amme. It arrives, (happens 
 arrives ^•Hfe^^^^^g,/^ j • 
 a certam time) <i/rMl.seltlr' 
 rives again, Hhishdsse 
 Ar^rogam. Arrogance. S. p^oud. 
 Arrow, mitigtvamvi 
 ''Z;^''' —point, na^noe. 
 Arrow made of wood, jo^^-a/f- 
 Arrow with an iron St point 
 a^aroan. Long arrow, ^7^V.« JS-' 
 Artery, ^•j/:/^^ m'xJcweiah. 
 Artful; J am artful, cunnin? «4« /,« 
 Artfn Iness, gagaienisiioin. 
 inT;' l^''^^^"'' a mountain or hill 
 m a cer am way, nirHLinama<1jiwe 
 (^., mnd ogidadjtwe, nind oqiL- 
 hwc. I ascend a mountain ofhi U 
 '■cend^^'. r"'^ ^^nA'lJruZtl^l 
 a.cend a mountain carryiu'^ s th 
 on^my shoulder, ni„d in^^i^. 
 A^ension-day, «,, ^,,, ^^,^„„^ 
 As far as, i/^js^. 
 Ashamed; I am ash., nind an<itc7> 
 ma minissemlam. I 'am ash. bSt 
 '• hnu(m thoughts, )«,„^,,.„^": 
 mma, nm menmenima. I a,n ash 
 ofnvselt or before mvselW 
 ^;'^^^r,dan. I am ash. of n 
 tiioughts, nind a^atendan nl„ 
 "'rm.se.dan. I mfke him'ash. 
 ni.d ag!:j.t:mTtsiz:'\ 
 makes me ashamed, ninduZ/i • • 
 £•? "^«'»»"^™ tfS; 
 Ash-colored; it is ash-coJored fsfnfl- 
 ashes onrnVft'cT-T'"-- ■' "'""' 
 odadnmnmn^..^ as-ues, 
 v^nd odadjiinngwesse. 
 Ash- VV ednesday,^«„,w.^,yiVa^ 
 As it were, wm^//^^, 
 nandotamawa. '^"^ s. th., «*„ 
 Ask; f ask a question or question. 
 n^ngagrocdivc, I ask hiSi a 'S 
 tion mn gacpvedjima. We^ ask 
 Ask alms. S. Reg 
 Ask for s. th. to eat. I ask for s th 
 Asking, nandotumoivin, tuifutotamn- 
 gefoin. Asking for s. th. to eat, pa- 
 gwuhiiwewin. Habit of asking lor 
 B. th. to eat, pa<iwuhihi'rshkiirm._ 
 Ask with hope; 1 ask with ho|)o, nin 
 pagossendam, nin pao<inscnii>i, nin 
 paqosfiendjige. I auk him, nin pa- 
 goamiinia. I ask for it, ninjxigos- 
 Asking with ho[)C, vaffoxsendaiimvm. 
 I am (it is) wortli asking, ninpa- 
 ganccJidagos ; pagossemiagwad. 
 Asleep, vawengtvai. 1 fall asleep, 
 nin Imhkongumh. I m\\ asleep, 
 nin niha. . 
 As much, ns many, tihimko mimk. 
 Aspen-tree, usddt. Another kind of 
 aspen-tree, manamdi. 
 Asperse. Aspersion.— S 
 Ass, vu'maniiishe; menguhhitai. 
 Assemble. Assembly.— S. Meet 
 gotber. Meeting. _ 
 Assiduous working, nifa-anokimn. 
 Assist; I assist him, nin widokawa, 
 nin widjiwa, ninnijokawa, nin ni- 
 joJcamava. Wp assist each other, 
 nin widokodadtmin, nin wuijindi- 
 Assist, (in. s. in.) S. Help. 
 Assistant, icadokusod. 
 Associate, widjiwagun. 
 Associate. S. Company. 
 Associated; we are associated, nin 
 Association, ividokodadiwin. — S. 
 Assumption of the B. V. Mary, apt 
 kiU'hikua Marie gijigmg ejud. 
 Asterisk, ananifons. 
 Astonish; 1 ast. him, nin mdmakd- 
 Astonished; I am ast., nin mdmakd- 
 dendaw. , . 
 Astonishing, mamakadakamig. It la 
 ast., mamakadandajju'ad. I do ast- 
 onishing things, nin mdmandado- 
 dam. Astonishing doing, maman- 
 Astonishment , mumakadendamoivin. 
 Astray. S. Go astray. 
 Astronomer, anangon kikeiiimud. 
 At, tchig\ ichigaii. 
 At all events, at any raU,, potck. 
 At first, ivaicM'nt. 
 At liiHt, at length, gr^japi, ishkwhtcht 
 At once, nesika, gisika. 
 Attached ; I am attached to him, 
 {\\vr, it,) ni)i sagia, nin mamina- 
 u'cni/na; nin sagiton, nin mamina' 
 Attack, (in s. in.) S. Insult. 
 Attack. Attacker. — S. Aggress. 
 Aggression. Aggressor. 
 Atfcndanl, onhkahiicm. 
 Attention, halianumdammrin, aiang- 
 ■wanumdamnwin, angwamrtidarno- 
 win. 1 jiay attention, tiind aiang- 
 ivamcndam, nind, (itigivamfmlam, 
 nin hahamcndum, nin hahamindum. 
 I pay atcention to him, (her, it,) 
 nwa aiangwameniina, nind ang- 
 wamcninia, nin haham^nima, nin 
 hahamiina; nind, aianffwam^ndan, 
 nind ungwanicndan, nin hahamcn- 
 d'tn, nin bcihamindati. We turn 
 our attentioi^to one_ another, nin 
 hahamenindimin, nin hahamenda- 
 mndimin. I turn my attention to 
 myself, nird uiang/ramenindiiy 
 nin hahamcniiulis. 1 pay att. to s. 
 th. relating to him, nin hahamm- 
 damwiva. Attention is paid to tne, 
 nin h<d>an%cndagos. Att. is paid to 
 it, hahoviendagwad. 
 At tliat time, iwapi. 
 At the top, inhpiming. 
 Attract ; 1 attract him, nin wikohina. 
 It attracts me, nin wikobinigm, 
 nin ii'iknMa, nin urilconawis. 
 Attract, (in a. in.) S. Tempt. 
 Auction, hihagatandiwin. I sell at 
 auction, ninhihdgutawe. 
 Audacious ; I ani audacious, nin 
 wngidec. Audacious person, swan- 
 Auilacity, gongideewin. 
 Auger, himinigan, kitcM Mminigan. 
 Augment. S. Increase. 
 Augur, onwatchigewinini. 
 Augur ; I augur, nind onwatchige. 
 I augur of him, nind onwatawa, 
 Auguration, onwatchigewin. 
 August, min gims. 
 Aunt, (Catlior-H siHtcr.) my, thy. I.Ih 
 aunt, ,mii.^i(josti,\ kiKion.sn, ,mm)n- 
 mtn, •' 
 AuMt, (mother's sistor,) my, thy, his 
 aimt,. mnmhi^Hiumfi^, onrnhHari. 
 Authority, (i.owc-r,) (joMdewidwin. 
 1 liayo authority, w/«, ijanhkimna.- 
 n. i'()W('r. 
 A varicf), samtjuiwin. 
 Avaricious; lam m.,nm samgis. 
 Avanciou.s pornon, Krm(/iM. 
 Ayongo ; I av«-ngo a biui doing on 
 turn (I romlor hini ovil lor evil,) 
 7i.i>uf ajalihaamawa. 1 avonge it 
 nitul ajcdibuau, ' 
 Avidity.' W. Covetousnoss. 
 Avoid, (in ."i-in.) ,S. Fly. 
 Avowal, sincero a v ow n], (jwaiak di- 
 /Huln/mwi7i, (jwuiakwtidjtmowin.- 
 J niak(;a.sinr(;ro avowal, nin awa. 
 Await; I await him, (hor, it,) nin 
 Ina ; mn hit<m. 
 Awake; 1 awake, vin. qoshhos, nind 
 amadyisse, nind amddkn. I awake 
 starting up, nin goshhongwash. 1 Ay. ay 
 awake i)erloct!y, niml ahmnmimsh. 
 ■ } awake Jntn, jiiud nmiidjia, 
 mad amiidma, nin yoshkuda. 1 
 ayvaki! hnn by jjulling or pushing, 
 nind ainadjiUna. I awake him 
 hriskiy. nind amdd.jiwchi/)i.a. I 
 awake him by making noise, nind 
 Avvare ; I am aware of it, tdn Uken- 
 Away, atchitchaii ; awuna. 
 Awful ; It is awful, gotamuiwendaa- 
 Awkward. Awkwardness.— S. Stu- 
 pid. Stupidity. 
 Awkward situation, sanngisiwin. I 
 am in .an awkward difficult situa- 
 tion, 7dn sanagis. I put him in an 
 awkward situation, I cause him 
 trouble, sanagisia. 
 Awl, migoss. 
 Axe, wagnkwad. Small axe, wagak- 
 wadms. Old bad axe, wagdhwa- 
 If b 
 Babe, baby, oshhi-abinvdji,, 
 Bachelor, wadigessig i7imi. 
 Back, o^nl'wandma, pikwan. ^ My, 
 thy, hii? back, nin pikwan, lei pile- 
 wan, pikwan. I fall on my back, 
 nind djigif/nsse. I have pain in 
 the back, iiwipikumn. My back 
 is cold, nin tuHpiku'dn. I have 
 a sharp back, nind oshniuwigan. 
 Back again, nciab. 1 come back 
 again, nin hi-giive, or, neiuh nin hi- 
 Back and lorward, ajuok. 
 Backbasket, or any thing to carry s. 
 th. in it, atvudjiwunagun. 
 Backbite ; I backbite, nin pagwan- 
 onge, nin dajinge. 1 backbite him, 
 (her, it,) wire pugwanoma, nin da- 
 jimu ; nin pagwunondun, nin du- 
 jindan. We backbite one anoth- 
 er, nin pagwunondimin, nin da- 
 Backbiting, pagioananduvin, dajin- 
 Backbone, tatagdgwun, nuwdwigan. 
 Back of the hand, pikwanenindj . I 
 strike him with the back of my 
 hand , ni» pikwan&nindjitawu . 
 Backslider, ejissed, 1 slide back, 
 nind- ujesse. 
 Backsliding, aiessewin. 
 Backwards ; 1 draw (move) back- 
 wards, nind ajeta. I fall back- 
 wards, (on my back,) nind djigid- 
 Jisse. It falls backwards, djigid- 
 jtssemagad.lwa driven backwards 
 by the wind, nind ajeiash. It is 
 driven b. by the wind, ujeiussin. 
 1 move him (her, it) backwards, 
 nind ujehina ; nind aj^binan, nind 
 ttjebidon. I move backwards, sitt- 
 ing, tiind ajeb. 
 nind ajibato. 
 nind ajeosse. 
 I run backwards, 
 I walk backwards, 
 Bad, matchi. It is bad, manddad. I 
 am (it is) bad or disagreeable, 
 (considered such.) ninmdnindago/i', 
 mdnendaffivc'd. I think he (she, 
 it) is had, niii mdnddenima ; nin 
 Bail being, nwtclii aiuawish. 
 Badger, mhndkahvidjiih. 
 Bad language, olTensive words;! 
 use bad language in a certain man- 
 ner, nind indjdnewidum. I use 
 bad 1. towards him, (her, it,) nind 
 indpincma ; nindindpinendan. 
 Bad language, wicked speaking; 
 mutchigiJH'ewin, mdnddwewiv, md- 
 ndgido/ii/win, mdndditngodwin. I 
 use bad wicked \.,nin mdnddwe, 
 nin mdndgidon, nin mdndnlagos. 
 Bad life, nuitchibiimidisiirin. I live 
 a bad life, nin matchi bimadis. 
 Bad luck, massagwadisiwin. I cause 
 him bad luck, nin massagwia. 
 Badly, mdmatij, lehinnk. 
 Bad-mouth, matchi ndon. 
 Badness, matchi ijiwchisiwin. 
 Bad River, Mashkisibi. 
 Bag, mashkiniod, pinddgun. Bad 
 old bag mushkimodash. Small 
 bag, ma&hkimodtns. So many, bags 
 full, dasnoMin. One bag full, 
 ningatdshkin. Two bags full, etc., 
 nijdshkin, etc. I put in a bag, nin 
 ptndagdnitve. 1 put it in a bag, 
 {in., an.) nin pindnganiwen ] nin 
 pindaganiwenan. I make a bag or 
 bags nin mashkinh lake. It is 
 sewed up in the shape of a bag, 

 mashUmndfg^wade. Stuff for bags 
 inmhlimodewrgm. ' 
 Unit (in a trap), midjimilcandjigav. 
 Hait; I ^>n\tatrdip,mnmidjimikand(in 
 Bake. S. Cook. 
 Hake, (in a. in.) S. Stew. 
 FJako bread ; I bake bread, nin pale- 
 Bake in hot ashes ; I bake in h. a., 
 nin 7im(jwaahwe. I hake it in h. a. 
 {in., an.) nin ningwaabn'cn ; nin 
 T> ingwaahwenan. 
 Bake-house, bakery, palcwijiguniJcr.- 
 Baker, pakwejiganihcmnini, pehwe- 
 Raking, bread-baking, palcwejigan- 
 Balance. S. Scale. 
 Bald ; I am bald, nin papaslitivdl-on- 
 dibe. Bald person, penashlcwahm- 
 dibed. I am half bald, nin jiald- 
 gunnihve, nin ivapagahindifie. 
 Baldness, pa, •nh^Makondihewin. 
 Ball, mmiidiwiii. 1 give a ball, nin 
 Ball. S. Musket-ball. Playing-ball. 
 Ballast, sidogawisJikodjigan. 
 Ballast ; I ballast it. nin sidogatvisJi- 
 Ballasted ; it is ball., sidoguiviMode. 
 Ball of thread, p-^'kodiav. I wind it 
 up on a ball, nin jnlcodjanondon. 
 B-m-^\'&y,pagaadf,wewin.-S. Crosier. 
 Ball-room, nimiidiwigamig ^ (dance- 
 Balsam, fapashkigiip^ nnminigan. 
 Bandage of a wound, dnsoUiowin. 
 Bank, (sand-bank.) S. Shoals. 
 Banner, kikinawadjion, Ukinawad- 
 jiowin, kikiwean. 
 Bans of marriage; I publish his bans, 
 nin hihagima anumiewigamiqonq. 
 1 publish bans of marriage, nin ti- 
 hanimag wa-widigendirljig. Publi- 
 c .ion of bans, h'iha/riwin. 
 Baptism, sigaandadiii'in.S. Private 
 Baptism given, sigaandagewin. 
 Baptism .-eceivcd, ngnandacouin, Ki- 
 Baptize; n,aptize,_„,-„„V/«a«%e. 
 I bap. hi n, mn ^/gnundmca. ^ 
 Baptized; I am bap., nin sigamula. 
 mn ngaandjiqas. {/"""^fl.". 
 Bar. S. Shut up. 
 Ma rber, (jaM-'ilnmnnini 
 Barber-shop WA./,^//y„.s'wnVawV/. 
 gimmndfi. '' 
 ^m«l' ""■''^^''■^'''^"■"^«'^> nalagitchi- 
 Bark ; the dog barks, migi animosh. 
 The dog barks at hirn, (her, it,) 
 Barii w,gwa.^.^;magek. I talie off the 
 bark from trees w«i hahagtcaajig. 
 t/^e. jtakeitoff, a)ark, in., aZ 
 nm Uhganagtkwaan ; nin tchigal 
 namhvawa. The bark caiinot be 
 taken oft, puMmni mitig. \ eat the 
 interior bark, nin nchkwa^. 
 Bark-canoe, mgwa^s-tchimun. 
 Bark for smoking, apakongan. I mix 
 my tobacco with bark, nind apd- 
 komge. ^ 
 Barking, migiwin. 
 Bark-shelter, agwanapahvasmvin I 
 put myself under a bark-shelter 
 nmd agwanapahvus. ' 
 Barley, mammiin wesmvawang. 
 Barn, (thrashing-floor,) apagatidai- 
 Bar of' a canoe, Umidassa, pindassa 
 Barrel, makdk, makdknssng; wawiien- 
 (I'^gan- Under a barrel, anamima- 
 kak. So many barrels full, dassos^ 
 mg. One barrel full, ningoiostua 
 Two barrels full, etc., 'nijossa^r, 
 etc. I make a barrel or barrels 
 nin makakoke. ' 
 Barrel-bottom, barrel-head, gasAlis- 
 ^ J 
 i' ^ 
 mc/aigan. I put tlio bottom or tlio 
 hpad to a barrel, or box, uia </ush- 
 kLtsfujnan maknJ:. 
 Barrel-stafl', mukul-oxsitqivatig. 
 Barrow carried on the sbouldor, U- 
 Base. S. Bad. 
 Basp-viol, l-iichi-nujuUi(jun^ hitchi- 
 Bashful;'! am bashful, nind uga- 
 t<'hishl\ idnd anatchhcadis , nind 
 ayatcldiois. I ani bashful in sptnik- 
 inj?, II hid ciijnsom, nind agatchim, 
 n iiid agatchitagoN. 
 Bashfu Iriess, agutchinhMwin, 
 Basin o( water', icaiduag. There i.s 
 a basin of water, wdn'amagad, wa- 
 Basis, ashotcli mitchigau . 
 Basket, aholwhinagan. ivatah'inal-ah. 
 I make baskets, nind ahohMna- 
 ganike, nin ivatahiniul-itl-oke. 
 Basstish, asMgan ; manashigan, 
 Basswood, wigr/h,ivigobi>nij. Bark of 
 basswood wigoh. 
 Bastard, gimmidjagu7i. I give birth 
 to a bastard, nin giminidji. 
 bastard-loon, ashiniang. 
 Bat, papahwanadji. 
 Bni\\, bathing-hoose, pagisowigainig. 
 5athe ; I bathe, ninpngis. 
 bathing, pagisowin. . 
 bathing-tub, pagisowimakak. 
 Rattle. S. Fight. 
 ^ay, wihi'ed. In a bay, from or to a 
 bay, ivikwedovg. There is a bay, 
 wikmia. I walk around a bay, nin 
 giwitaiajagame. I go in a canoe 
 around a bay, nin qiwitaam. 
 5ayonet, nahadjush'kaigan, nimash- 
 5e ;_1 am, nind am. I am so..., jiind 
 ijiuiehis. \i\s,awun. It is so..., iji- 
 welmd. It was, ibnn. I am (it is) 
 thought to b j in such a place, nin 
 danendugos; danandaawad. There 
 is, dago, dagdmagad, aiamagad, 
 ate, ate?nagaa. 
 ■Seach; on the beach, a<7ff;ni«r;. Along 
 the heach, jijodew;tiiibeu>.' I walk 
 on the heach,ninjiJodewe; nin tili- 
 bewe. I coast, (near the beach or 
 shore,) nin jijodewaam ; nin titi. 
 hcii'nnin. There is a line even beach, 
 /?eadle , gen>uvendang ishkwandem 
 yVeads, ( rosary,) annmieminaq. 
 Boa'. ; its beak, (of a bird,) ohnj. It 
 lias a long beak, ginikojc. It lias a 
 .short 'oeak, takuhge. 
 Boam, ng/ciiiv(tnak; hiinidaagan. 
 Bean, m iskvd ittdiin in . 
 Jicar, makwd. Young bear, mah'ms. 
 Male bear, nulek. Skin of a male 
 bear, nnhikwaian. FcMnalc bear. 
 nojck. Skin of a female bear, no- 
 jekwaian. I liunt bears, nin nand- 
 i?eard, iiiinhiJonagan. I have a beard 
 around the mouth, nin tninhidon. 
 I have a b. around the chin, nin 
 mixkidamikan. 1 have a b. on the 
 cheeks, (whiskers,) nin mamish- 
 anowe. _ I have a b. on the throat, 
 nin mishigond agun. — 1 have no 
 beard, nin pashkodon. I pull my 
 beard out, nin ^^ashkr^donehinidis. 
 I pull his b. out, nin pushkodone- 
 A'ear-meat, makowiiass. 
 /dear's bone, makogan. 
 /year's claw, makogdnj. 
 7>'ear's croup, mukqjigan. 
 Bo.nfs den or hole,'TO«^vd'n;. 
 y^ear's head, makoshtigwan. 
 -Z»'par-skin, tnakmvaian, makwaian. 
 A small bear-skin, makivaianeiis. 
 -ffear-snowsiioe, makiv assay im. 
 Bear's potato, makoinn. 
 ^year's tree, makwatig. 
 ^east, awessi. 
 Jieat ; I beat, (strike,) nin pakiteige. 
 Beat, (in s. in.) S. Surpass. 
 iS'eat ; the sea beats against s. th., 
 (the waves beat,) apagadashka. 
 The waves beat against my canoe, 
 nind apagadjiwchaog. It is beat- 
 ing against s. th., apagadjissema- 
 gad. The waves are beating 
 against s. th., apagadashkuwag ti- 
 beaten; I am (it is) beaten, wwj?aH- 
 /ii^mtiful owanutck. I am fit is) 
 onijtsh, nm h/.shiiten.huM ; <i>m,i. 
 atehiwa>i, o>iiji,shU, liiskigcnda^j. 
 ^'nnuty, gwamUrUwin, mtijuMwin, 
 Icom. Young beaver under two 
 years, awvni^M. Young bonder 
 between two and tbreo yoaVs 
 aJotaw.^. Young beaver of three 
 years haUmik. Male beaver na- 
 W Female beaver, r^irSc, 
 female heaver ..arinfr - uingones 
 ««'/7;;«.v[;. I [Hint b.-avers, S 
 nandomd-we, nin nodnimhre \ live 
 like a beaver, ;ii«^„.„i^,,,„^^-,_ 
 -leaver-duck, amihoshih. 
 Z'eaver-fur. aw//v Tni 
 i^'eaver.Island, in Lake Michigan, 
 Amil-o(je>ida. ^ ' 
 ^eaver's'bone, amilcomn. 
 J?eaver's dam, okwanim. 
 ^•eaver's hole, (not lodge,) amihvaj. 
 leaver's kidney, wijina. 
 Yj'eaver-skin, ahiminikwai 
 Reaver's lodge, amikwuh. 
 Benver s tail amikosow, a rikwano. 
 ^ecause, oiuijt, iveiulji-^ sa. 
 y>'eckon; } heckon, nindaininiqe. I 
 beckon hini, nind aininnmawa. 
 y^eckon, (ins. in.) S. Nod 
 Bed yiihagan. Under the »ed, and- 
 miharia,),. I go to bed, nin qu vhhim 
 Any thing used as a lied to lie 
 upon, apisldmon. 
 5ed-bug, mindgodjissi, oqowesd, mai- 
 [i)iviagosid. manitms, (the stinkintr 
 insect.) *" 
 .5ed-fellow. mihemagan. 
 i?e(lsheet, nihdganigin. 
 i^edstead, nihaganatig, niUgmiuJc. 
 Jiee, amo. 
 i^eech-nut, ajawimin. 
 Beech-tree, ajawemij. 
 Beei, pijikmiiviiass. 
 Beexyjingohabo, kitchijingohaho. Beer 
 made of fir-branches,/4woJa5o. 
 ^eet,_ beetroot, miskokaduk, misko- 
 terns, ( miskwatchiss. ) 
 Jieiore nond ; hva, tchi hwa, bwa 
 niii/n. ' 
 ^''tin' ^*'^°'"'''^''"^' *'>' ''«%/ ni. 
 15 .ore all, nnkaive. 
 Before, (formerly,) ^rt/«,!. 
 Before lae, emisi^nmnun; enassamn. 
 , (^ndn-, enamamgabnwiiiln; enasm- 
 Before my eyes, in my face, enassa- 
 Before suniethi ng, enassamimanak: 
 Beg; I beg for s. th. to eat, weepinq- 
 ntn mokonem. I beg him for s.' 
 th to eat, weeping, nin vwkoMmo- 
 tni( ,1. 
 Bo)?, (mendicatp;) I bes, nin nando- 
 taniage. | am in a bad habit of 
 jegging, nin nandofamaqcs/ik. I 
 I'og liim for s. th., nin 'mmdota- 
 maira. I beg him for help, m» 
 nanandoma. I beg for h,{in^'an.) 
 mn nandofan, Jtin nandotamanen: 
 nin nundidamagenan. 
 Beg, (in s. in.) S. Ask with hope. 
 lieggar nendotamaged, bebdnandota- 
 Beggary, begginjr, nandotaniagewin' 
 Begfors. th.,(ins. in.)S. Ask for 
 s. th. to eat. 
 Begging for s. th.-S. Asking for s 
 til. to eat. 
 Begin; 1 begin, nin mndjita. I be- 
 gin some \\ovk, nin madjikan It 
 begins, madjissemagad, mudjissin: 
 madjikamujad. "^ ' 
 Beginning, madjitawin; madjikamo- 
 /ieliave; 1 behave, nind ijiwebis 
 mn, hunadis, nind inudis. I be-' 
 have so,.., niml ijiwebis. I be- 
 have otherwise, nimi andjijiwe. 
 Ins, 7iind tifu/Ji-bttnadis. J beh de 
 cently, chastely, nin binadi^'. f 
 )eh._ impurely, nin winudis, nin, 
 bislitawadj.tjtwebis, nin gagibadis. 
 1 beh. h^d[y,mnmatchiijiweMs. I 
 beh. we 1, tnn mino ijiwebis. I beh 
 too badly, nind osamitchige f 
 ■ mi 
■ iJM^ffi 
 innko liiin I)(<ti. so, or bf> so, nind 
 ij i'lrtii.yid. 
 Holi.ivior, I'jiituhistiiuii hlimiiliniiriii, 
 inmlin.^rrui. (iiiod hv\\.,)nini> iji 
 yfiilnsiii-'ni Had bcli.ivKir, iitittrhi 
 ij/'r,hi.ii/ri>i.. CMliiiiu'cil h,'\\.. mii/- 
 j'-}>iiniiil!sin'in,, afHlJ/J///ulii,siirin. 
 1 cliiiiiLji! my hill)., ni'/id umlji hi- 
 Dhtditi, mil I (ind/ih'/rr/i/M. r)('C('iil 
 cliustt^ hi-h., hi n(ii)iniii'/ II, Impure 
 hi'h., hiiilii''ir(id/-/J/iiir/>i.iiiri/i, irinn- 
 dis'l'il'iii; iiniiihddixiirin. 
 Hcliiiiil, (ijiiirtiii-.iiij'iivuli. Mcliind flic 
 (jatniij. Hclimd the I'sljiiid, (I'l/mri- 
 miniM. Hidund I lie ()Ilicis,'/,s/J,'- 
 irtn.iKj, isliirian'. 
 Mnliold I hiiia! naslikv ! 
 HoiiiK, (lian Yoniisr lioiims ainirus. 
 (Jrcnt Uviufr, l-itt'/i/aioti. Wicked 
 hf'iii<:r, iifi(iiris/i, mntc/il niaairixli. 
 He it so, in.i qr-imj; afxiniji. 
 Holcii; ! Ix-lcli, 'niih mt'ijandji; niii 
 KcKii'v. l-iii'tiutnn n^jodnj. 
 Mclic; I Ill-lie liim, viii ijiinanhna. 
 Be lie), d<hiriiend.ani<)irni . 
 Believe; I hcl., n/'n. dihirrtam, tiin 
 dfhwn'nidiim. \ believe in him. 
 nin dihweunima. I hel. him, nin 
 di'hwdawa. I bei. it, nin d,hitr- 
 Believer, dnu'hivrta/Kj, (imjihvewhi 
 Bell, h-ifotiujirn'Jcii'pssel-airtnn. Small 
 .ulohiilar \nAl,Ji/iair,vid'i/</(jn. 
 Bellow; th > ox or cow bellows, «uwi- 
 f(i</)iii/. jiijikl. 
 Bel lows, hihhidjinhl'ottvran. 
 Belly, tonifisiidama, mitmnd. My, tbv, 
 his \MA\y . II i mi sxiiil ,h I III issad , nniis- 
 sad. I have pain iii thelielly, ni/id 
 ahoMadc 1 havealiifr fatbelly./t//;, 
 pihidji, nin. pihmatjiji. I have a 
 larfce" belly, nin manijhvhsadr, nin 
 mani/iiianiji, n in man,,idji. \ have 
 a red belly, jiin mifihi'ashkade. My 
 belly is swollen \ip, nin hiidnd/it<h- 
 l'(t- I iMit it in my belly, or I have 
 it in my belly, (?'«.., a;i.) nin wa- 
 dendan; ran >cadenima. 
 Belly ot an animal, modji. 
 or incline myself, juVt 
 Below, f'lhrifiliish, nisxaii. 
 ■iiitisiid jliran. 
 Belt, '1,'i'r.lle,; i-ifr/ii/>isnirtn. Woolen 
 bell, /ninh.,^/<id. Wodj for belts 
 mi^/il-ninul(i„h. I mak(^ a belt' 
 nin miKkdijiidikfi. ' 
 Bemoan. S. Weep over... Wncp. 
 iri),' over... 
 Bench, npuhi/rin, frmihiinin. 
 Bim.l,(bow;) | bend, nin irdirim,,,; 
 1 .b<Mnl It, ( ///,., „n.) nin win/inan, 
 ninjairiu/iiian, nin fonr.'^/ikiin; nin 
 irnyinit, nin Jair,i,/in,f,nin mtwisli.- 
 hvru. I liciid It towards me, nin 
 hida.jinan. It bends, ja.shawabi»- 
 B(Mid.{(old;) I bend it, {in.,an.)nin 
 hid-inan.; nin liid-in.a. I bend 
 arm. 7iin hinkinikin. 
 Bend; I bcm 
 Beneath, (under,) annmaii, nnnm- 
 Bencdcence, jawfndjigcin'n, jnjaw- 
 cndjiijcirin , n ild •jdtc'cndjiijeirin. 
 Benedeent; I am \n-\\.,ni'n jajnwfnd- 
 jiijr, nin nUn-jniC'ndjiqc.' 
 Bcnelicial. vS." Useful. " 
 Benefit, mini) dudninoirin. jo.ircndji- 
 (icirin. \ bestow a benefit, nin 
 Jinrrndji//r. 1 bestow iieiiefits, nin 
 Benefit; 1 benefit him, 7iin jairmi- 
 ma, nin mino dodaira. I benefit 
 myself, ?iin jaicenindis, nin mino 
 didas. 'I"he act of benefitting, 
 .jawcndjiijcn'in, jajawandjiqewin. 
 Bene volenc( ■ h'jadunwin, kijcwadisi- 
 Benevolent; f am ben. 
 nin lijcnuidis. 
 Beniu'hted; lam hen., nin nonditi- 
 Benighted, (ignorant;) I am ben.. 
 mn iihikadis. 
 Benignity. S. Benevolence. 
 Bent, (bowed;) f am (it is) bent, nin 
 Bent, (folded;) it is bent, bMama- 
 </ad, hiih'i/iMa, Ud-inignde. 
 Bent backwards; I am bent b., 7iin 
 nin hijadis, 
 Uont (orwnrd.s; I an. I.ci.t f., nin mi- 
 pons I iiinh.^iitby old ago, nin 
 Boniiii.l.i;,!; h,m l.ori., ;imr///f-/wrt»/,,. 
 Mv arm in I,,.,!,, run ,nH»,.nninikr. 
 My (out. IS l„.„„ ,„v (,.,.,. ,„.,, |„,„_ 
 iiin.ijikiiiMiiuiilc, nin hahhurixiih: 
 loadj lV1yli;,n.lisl,rn.,iMv'haii,lH 
 are Ix'n., ■,„,,. (likinuininindlL „m 
 lhih,H(^linindjuiuidi. My log I's ben 
 ni.n ijikimanUnifiv, ' 
 Horry; a kind of red berry, winia»i. 
 Hot, (ilndhi'in. 
 Bol; 1 UoA nind ataqe. I bef, it,(//,. 
 an)inndHi,u,in, nind aton; nitui 
 afiat/oum, nind aiawd. 
 H('to griNc liav. I'<i„idawewin. W 
 toorJro.n Brto kVi«o iJay, /W." 
 daivewunnij. • 
 j|('tray; 1 l.ri:. him, ni.n pnt/idina. 
 |o«er;alitthlM'(,t,;r, Wy^j/my. 
 M<"lw(-(Mi, //r//rrt//, naKmwaii 
 Howail; I |,nw.bim.(b(!r. it,,), ,/„,„„. 
 wifM,niiul(mdadnn,)imn\ nin, mu- 
 vnndan. nind ondndnnon. 
 Bowail. B(^waiiinK.--S. Wwin over 
 ... WcM'piiiH'ovcr... 
 Bewilder .•_ I bew. bim, nin qi- 
 waHia-weumdnmia. I am bewilder- 
 ed, ««w gtv'a,^hkwnenda)n. 
 Beyond, awdsntmii. 
 Bi[)ie. Kije-Manito o mnxinniqan. \ 
 swear on the Hible. Kije-AtLnitn o 
 mmmaiqun nitul odjhiian. 
 Bid; Ibid bnn jtq home, or bark 
 nw (jiwinajdwa. 
 Bier, tchihai'-oni(janalU). 
 Ihjr HMii. I am' bip, nin miiidid. It 
 IS bur, ??utrlia>naqad. 
 Bigamist,_ fiajohor.wid. I am a biga- 
 mist, m/i nljdhveiv. 
 Bilberry. S. Whortleberry. 
 Bile, osawahan. 
 Bilions; I am bilious, nind osawabi. 
 nil I, maK/natffans- 
 Bill_ of divorce, weUnUiwi-masin- 
 mgan, u'eM/mUwi-ojihiiqan. 
 UiWow, (wave.,) tiqow. 
 Bind; I bind, nin sngibidjiffe, nin, 
 mtndjtmapidjige. I bind him, (her, 
 It,) mil naqihina, vin miiidjima- 
 P\nu\ mu mi(jil,id,m,. nmnilniljim.a- 
 indon. ihuid him, (eltor bin'i, nin 
 "I'lninndjtqwajdna. I bind him 
 (IKT, II) w.di, nind aindnpim, nin 
 vuiiiYnajnn.'i ; nind aindapidmi, 
 nin. n'an;napid,.n. \ bi,„l „r tie 
 \v(dl hiH ['-M-V.nin imwi'nanidam- 
 awainwajA bind it in Hie middle, 
 {in., fin.) nind ahiii.tr/ii/ndnn : 
 ni.nd nhitnU'hipinn. 1 liind it again 
 nrolluMwise. {;„., an.) nind an- 
 dii/'td.(,n; nind and<i/iina. 1 bind 
 lli'-in tof,MMher. {in., „n.) nind 
 anm/i-inaJnnun; nind nnmpinaq. 
 l>Hid,(in.s. in.) ts. 'I'le. 
 Bind; Ibind orletttT his handH, hi.-i 
 ''•<^t. S. Hand. Foot. 
 Birch-bnrk, wigwan.'<. Biroh-bark for 
 •» l<)dg(!, vu'qwaKsapakti'ci. | look 
 lor biich-baik, nin nandidwam. I 
 am taking oii birch-bark, jiin wio- 
 W(Uxih\ •' 
 Birch-hark box, ti'i.<prnnt.i.)nahak. 
 ire i-hark canoe, wiqwu^n-fchirnan. 
 Jiic i-()ark dish, wigwam-onaaan. 
 Birch- ha r k 1 01 1 ge , wigwu m;iriqamiq. 
 Birch-tree, inqwim. 'i'lu^re are birch 
 trees, wiRWimika. In a place 
 where there are birch trees. to,>. 
 v'aHnkang. The birch-trees are 
 white, wasmkodr.wan wiqiiHman. 
 liir>\; n sin,iU\,U(\, bini./ll; n larqe 
 "ird, btncun. Young little bird 
 fnnadja. A kind of bird, ;;a«A/[-a7?. 
 f/«w.^ The bird llie.s quick, kijuHi' 
 hncxhi. The bird flies low.^a. 
 haftm.se hmexht. 'i'be bird has his 
 ^I'ife's f'o.se(l, nahnanqrM-a bin- 
 (Kht. I he bird is naked, has no 
 leathers, paxkhmi. jmpmhkod bin- 
 c«/i/. I ho bird carries s. th. in his 
 l)eak, ntmaiqe bincM. The bird 
 starts, padgwao binetiki. 
 Bird; a kind of black bird, seqiban- 
 wanuht. A kind of blue hud,oia- 
 wane. AVmd of gray bird, okan- 
 tsue. A kind of white bird, odam- 
 Birth, ondadiitwin, niqiwin. I give 
 birth, nind ovdadisike, nin niqia- 
 ms8. 1 give him (her, it) birth, 
 tivi(hniilaili>tia, nhi ni(j'in\nhi(l mi- 
 t/iii/i.sifiin, iiin nii/ifim.' \ awio liiiili 
 to a child for him or lo him, viii 
 ni(,'fn>iii. i't.iinuture abort i v t; 
 birtli, niHlUu'ln, 
 Hiilh; T give tinth, (in. s. in.1 S. De- 
 li veri'd. 
 Hirtliday, iiiijiirlni gljigad, ondadid- 
 L'irth-Ki\ injr, uixiuwaMowin, ondad- 
 Hiscuil, (s('n-l)r«'n(l,) and,\-i»ici. 
 His(!uit, (small cake.) pnkii'fjiiians. 
 IJisiioii, Kitchi-nK'kifti'inkwanaic. 
 Hitcii, iiiijixfiin, (jL/d-i.s/ii', anhnimh. 
 'Vho hitcii is to liavo yoiiriij ones, 
 (t/u/JiKKt'mo (UliinoKh. 
 Hilt'; I lii((', /ii>i tahit'aiiijr. I am in a 
 habit ofbitiiijr, niu takmaiiiji'^hk. — 
 I bito liim,(ht!r. it,) nin tukiiUDun; 
 nin tahir(i))d(tn. 1 bite him iniicli, 
 cnici'y, iiiiid (iblndama. 
 IJilPotl; I i)ito ot\, ni/i jHihi'endJiije. 
 Ibiti'od'a ])icce oi it, (im.,in.) 
 nin /Hihirnia; nin pakwcndan. 
 Bitter; it is bitter, { in., an..) m,im<ran, 
 «'j,s,sv/w; winfiKjid. It is bitter," (li- 
 quid,) U'iKtKKjaijiimi. It is biUer, 
 ( leaf, 1 ivistiaijiha(j. 
 Bittern, { l,ird. i muMaossi, gaiiawa- 
 Bit te nless, ivij^fKiginiwhi. 
 Black, mak-ate-... 1 am black, nin 
 makntiu'ig. nin makatcwiwe. It is 
 blaek, (»■«., an.) makatt'ira: makat- 
 i'ivi-.n. It is black: Metal, in., an., 
 inakatiwahikad ; makatiivabikini. 
 Thread, in., an., makatficahioad ; 
 makaffin'abigisi. Liquid, mahaie- 
 Black; 1 dye black, nin viakatewa- 
 dim<j(', nin makateiranm'ije. I dye 
 it black, (■//<., av.,)nin makatewa- 
 dismn, nin makafewa>isan:nin ma- 
 kaiewadi.ittwa, nin makatewansica. 
 Black; I paint it black, {-in., an. )nin 
 makatehxlon; nin makaiekona. — It 
 is painted black: Metal, in., an., 
 makatcwahikinignde; makatcivnhi- 
 hini(jani>. Wood, in., an., mnkatc- 
 u'ukonigade, makateioissaginigade; 
 inoknfni'akivnijaso, makateivitifta- 
 nia(-ki)ird,a kind of blackbird, 7/ia- 
 Black cloth. hostnakntfU'iijin. 
 Black dojf, inakafi 'I'df-tini. 
 Black dnck, niiikatmhib. 
 Blacken; 1 blacken, )iin mnkate- 
 n'ifi'/tigr. I blacken him, (her, it,) 
 nin niakatii'Utihknira, nin makate- 
 /ri.\hiin<r, nin nmkafvwinhkan, niu 
 nuikaiffwitinifim, ni/t mahUcuntim. 
 Ml.ii-keii, (in s, in.) S. 1 paitit it 
 Blacktoot liiilian, (hiiatihinini. 
 Blackinn:, (es|)ccially lor boots or 
 shoes,) innkatfn'ifr/iiff in, miti- 
 Black-lea<l Cor |iolishinK stoves willi , 
 ajiixHubik, ivit,ixikn'adrn'aifran, wan- 
 nikiradewaiijan., n\iKsikira}dkaitjan. 
 Black River, Afakafewaganii, Mukat- 
 Black serpent, makateginehig. 
 Blacksmith, aici/'htoia, I am a 
 blacksmith, nind awitihtoiaw, 
 Bliicksmitli's shoj), awishtoiawiga- 
 Blacksmith's trade, aivishttdawiwin. 
 Bladder. S. Urine-bladder. 
 Blame; I blame him, (her, it,) Jiind 
 dnn\nima; nind nnwcndan. 
 Blanket, tvahdan. My, thy, his 
 blanket; nihmnss, kikonass, ohm- 
 a^s.<i. I tie up high my blanket, nin 
 takwanibis. I tie my blanket under 
 my chill, nin sagnnikamambis. 
 Blanket moccasin, waboiakidn. I 
 wear blanket-moccusins, nin wa- 
 Blaspheme; I bias., nin bata-gijwe, 
 nin matchigywe, nind innpinewi- 
 nam. 1 bias', him. (her, \t,)nind 
 indfiincma ; nind indpinenddn. 
 Blaspheming, bata-gijioewin, inapt' 
 Blaze; I make the fire blaze, nin 
 biskakanendjige, nin biskukonetan or 
 7iin biskakoiiean ishkote. The fire 
 blazes, mishwahnie, biskakone or 
 hiskane ishkote. The fire blazes up 
 high, natnatdkoufi ishkote. The fire 
 1 ■ 
 blnzPN \ip by tho wind, hinkanciaH- 
 It in ukki'te. 
 Uluzo on a fn-c, ira.imkn<air/<m, wa- 
 it'af>\ia</ukir(ii^/an, kikinuirnd a k - 
 FUiiso'trons; I blaze trees, niri, wii»- 
 nak-nuiiijc, nin kUiiKtwathtktriif.itr. 
 Tlu! liccH aid lila/,cil,/t7-///«//'(/i'/,{. 
 IMoach'; I hlcach it, nin wabislikiai- 
 Bif^'irednPSii^ /rhitiKt(fnwinihi/>tj/mi>in. 
 Blear-«!y(Mi; I am 1)1. , nin t,'ki.sM<ja- 
 BIcod; I l')lro(i, (let blood,) nin hnn- 
 kikwcige. I l.lord hitn, wm had-ik- 
 wtuva. -Ulccdiiijr, i|i(. act of UIcvaU 
 iuK 8()in<'l)()dv, bankikw,iir,'win. 
 BliH-d; I l)|(;e(l, (.sl„.,l liloixl,) nin 
 tnuihu'iw. I niaki! him hlt-ed, nin 
 m,iskwiwi(i.— l UUivd at th(! nose, 
 ningihitan. I bicied at the nose; l)y 
 a fall, nin ijihitanefliin. I make; 
 hini blend at the noso by a blow, 
 nin (jihitiin<(jiinama. 
 Bless; I bless" (lini, (her, it,) nind 
 anamidawa ; nind anumietan- I 
 bless It, (*rt., a/i.) nin sigaamlan; 
 nin aujaandawa. 
 Blessed ;_ it is blessed, (in., an.) ei(j- 
 aanAjvjude; eujaarulJKjmi). 
 Blessed water, 'anamicivaho. 
 Blind; \ ixm h\\w\, nin (luqihinifwe, I 
 makehirn blind, I blim) him, nin 
 Blindfold; I bl. jiim, nind af/winrjwe- 
 hina, nin (jaaihin^n^china. ' 
 Blindfolded"; 1 am bl., nind agwing- 
 webis, nin (jiKjihingwebis. 
 Blindness, g'mjibinq'wewin. 
 Blind person, gegtbingtved. 
 Blink; I blink wi'th the eyes,n»n;>tt- 
 pAiisangwab, nin passanguanah, 
 nin pa/>dsmtigaunnb. 
 Blister. S. Visicatory. 
 Blister; I have a blister; nind abieh- 
 hwehigis. I have a blister on my 
 hand, nind dbishkweM<jinin*ljishin. 
 I have a blister on my foot, nind 
 Block, kotawan. 
 Block; in a block, mdmawi. 
 Ijlood, mi^kwi. Coaffnlnted blond, 
 "Wo. (Let blood. IS. Mleed.) My 
 Idood IS roniiiitf ont, nin niu/rshra- 
 r/J". Hiaiii hmi (her, it') with 
 bi.Mid, nin nmkwiwia\ ninmiskwi. 
 Bl' ■', (stained with blood;) I am 
 (it is) bloody, nirt miKkwiw\ niisk- 
 ' wiiran. I «trik(! him bloody, nin 
 in ixkm i nwigu no inn . 
 Bloody (liix, niidwabiwin. I have the 
 bloody (lux, 7un inuikirubi. (S. 
 Dysentery.— S. Issue- of blood.) 
 Blodiii, blossom, Wdbrgirn. 
 Blot oiu; 1 blot out, nin gus.<iamnffp. 
 1 blot it mi,ijmL(j„man. 1 blot it 
 out to him, ((Hlive him,) w///. gag. 
 xiamitwn. Wwbjot out to each 
 other, ([lardon each other.) ?mt 
 gasnamadirnin. — I blot out a 
 writiiiK, nin gnsxibian. 1 blot him 
 out, strike out his name, nin gak- 
 Blotted out; it is blotted out, gansii- 
 glide. It becomes blotted out, gun- 
 Blotting out, gatfiiamageivin, gasH- 
 Blow; 1 blow, nin brxladjiife, I blow 
 him, (her, it,) ninbodand; nin hd- 
 fidan. 1 blow a sick ijerson, nia 
 bdbwedana, {ninbabodana.) I blow 
 tli(! (ire with bellows, nin bodad- 
 jiMytan)e_ — It blows, (it is wimly,) 
 niidin; animad. 
 Blue. kS. Hky-blue. 
 Blunder. K. Mistake. 
 Blunt; it i.s blunt, ajiwa., ajiwassin^ 
 Bluntish; '' 
 BIukIi; 1 blush, nin midhvingwesse. 
 Board; I go on board, wwt bos. I put 
 him (her, it) on board, nin hona\ 
 nin boeitim,. ll is on board, (.in, 
 an.)bo,iiichigade; bositchigaso. 
 Board, (plank,) nabaginsag. Small 
 board, nabagissagms . I make it of 
 beards, nahagissagokadan. It is 
 made of boards, nabagissagohade. 
 Hot or house made of boarifs only, 
 nabagissagouigamig.— The board 
 it is bl., pangi ajiiabi- 
 is narrow, agassmleti nahiujifsag. 
 'V\w board is wide, nuuHjatltd tin- 
 bnijhxitij. Uiidor fi board', unnfiun- <. 
 m<j. Ill ttio middle ol a board, nd- { 
 Hoanliiijr, anhanijewin, ac/iandiwi/i; 
 Hoard ing-lu)iise, dnhaii(jpwi(iami(f. 
 Moa •diii>,'-niasier, tin/iuiK/iinnini. — 
 Hoardiii>,'-mislri!os, iuAai'if;ekwe. 
 Hoard-road. S. I'laiik-road. 
 Hoa.st; I boast o(..., tun mamikwas, 
 nin. iViiwijim. 
 Hoastcr. S. Hrafjgart. 
 H oa s 1 1 1 1 f^ , ma mikirasowin. 
 Hoat, iniitujo-tehiinan. 
 Hoal-buildor, l)oati||akor, Ichamani- 
 Body, ■wiiauiina. My, thy, his body, 
 niiaio. kiutui. wiiaw. I havi; a l)oily, 
 nind owiiaw. 1 have it in my boily, 
 (in nie,) /lind (iwllaulnudan.. — In 
 tho Kidd of tho body, ojrineini. I 
 makn liim lio on his sido, nind 
 opinUnkinia. I have convulsions 
 in my liody, iiin tcliitchiblsklia. 
 Body; in a body, ixulniawi. 
 Bog, wiihaishkiH. 
 Boil; 1 boil s. th., nitid onsclwe. I 
 boil it, {in., an.) nind oncan; nind 
 omwa. It boils, vndcmagad. 'I'hc 
 kettle boils, on.w aHk. 
 Hoilinff water, windeijnihi. 
 Bois-blaiic Island, \Viijvhiminiss. 
 Bomb, hi nioMnnlawan. 
 Hombasin, ijaxkiyiih. 
 Bond, tahldhiijotiin. 
 /j'one, okanima. My, thy, his bone, 
 nikdn, kikdn, akdn. 
 A bone comes out of my body, nin 
 sagujanetihin. A certain bone in 
 the leg, nitc/dshihdiujan. 1 have 
 pain in the bones, nin, dewigane. — 
 I have large bones, nin rnuniumji- 
 gane. I have small bones, 7un hi'wi- 
 gane, or, Jiin, bahiicigane. I have 
 strong bones, nia maMawigane, 
 nin stmgigane. 
 bonnet, wiwakwun. 
 Book, madnaigan. A small book, 
 masimwjans. 1 open a book, (or 
 letter,) nin pakiginan ma.nnaigan. 
 1 close a book slightly, //m //a/oit. 
 fian vuiKinaujan. 1 cio;:>e it liriskly 
 mn iiatalriiiihinan, or, mn pata- 
 h/ntliinun . 
 //ook-case, masinaigiw i-tcsaahan, 
 A'oot , mifii/wdk/Kin . 
 /iore ; 1 bore him (her, i.) through, 
 /////- juhn/xigwaniwa ; ninjabopagl 
 lUnv, (in s. in.) H. Pierce. 
 Z/orn; I am ( it is) born, nin nig, n.'nd 
 (rndadin ; nigimagad, ondadinn.a- 
 A'orn apain. S. Kol 
 A'orii with 
 1 am born with it, nin 
 /jorrow ; 1 borrow, ninil ataiiange. 
 { borrow o( him, nind atawuma. I 
 borrow it, {in., an.) nind atawan- 
 pen; nind atan'angenan. 1 am in a 
 habit o( borrowini,', nind atawan- 
 gcKhk. Had lialiit ol liorrowiiig, a/a- 
 /j'orrowed; any thing borrowed, aww- 
 /borrowing, niawangcnrin. 
 /idsom, /linii'tinioicin. 1 put it in my 
 bosoiii, [i/i., an.) nin pinomon; 
 nin pinmnitnan. 
 A'oss, ndganisid, ogima, 
 /)'oss in a coppur-m'ine, minhvaUkoh- 
 lioih, (in compositions,) i'lawa...y 
 Jioih, naienj, neienj, Hj. On both 
 sides, ttairaii. i)'oth sides of the 
 body, etannna. 
 /.'other; 1 bother him, nin migoi-h- 
 kadjia. It bothers me, nin migrsh. 
 bottle, ('modai. Little bottle or vial, 
 BoUom; 1 bottom a barrel, nin gibi- 
 diian miikak. 
 /bought; 1 am (it is) bought, nin 
 oiskpinadjigas; gi/>bj-inadji(/ade. A 
 bought object, gif/ipinuda</an. It 
 is a bought object, gishpinadaga- 
 7/ound; I am bound, or fettered, nin 
 mainandjigivapiii, nin mamandjig. 
II 11 A 
 vnjn'ljigati, nbi nUiuijimanM, niii 
 tnukiljuiMpiLaujas, nuh ni.i Jjima- 
 liuliiya^. Ill,, i.„.p,i. mnafjiiHa- 
 />ii/f, ini)i,(ljunai I Ijliad '■ 
 /ioutitv. S. /;(.Mi(!v. lor'inn. 
 /j'ow, mUli^wah. '.'uv uv«r tho In- 
 tiian cradle, mp, ..n.'ir. „i 
 A'ovv. /;„wini, .ine: .• , S. A'end. 
 /A)W flown; 1 |)(jw i\ 
 kita. I how (lov )i 
 , «in jnijaxh- 
 \y)ninjaijMkkU<iwa\ nin pumxh- 
 kitan,. ■' 
 /Jmw.is, magij. I exorinrato the 
 )ow(!ls, nin misi. I exoncrato tlio 
 )ovv.!ls in my IxmI, ninmltinmmm 
 I liay.. pairus in th,; howoLs, /wV/,/ 
 ak-iwhh.idv. Pain ,„ t{,o bowels. 
 /)\>v/\, (iiiugnns. 
 /iowiiian. 8. Arclier. 
 yyowsprit, nujaniikwaigan. 
 />i)w-8triin,', alchdb. 
 A'ox, wia/Ja/:. kSuiuII box, malakons. 
 Wooden box, inakakusmg. 
 A'oy, kwlwuerm. lam a boy, /ri'/i /.■«'«- 
 wiaeiitiiw. 'I'lie (irst-born l)oyofa 
 family, mculjih-iwiss. I am tlio firsf- 
 born boy ol tlio family, nin mudd- 
 //racolot or ring aronnd t.Iio wrist, 
 andn; around tho arm, UtchiwtH 
 Sl'.'l . 
 Jhag; I hrna; of ixiyseM, nin mamiJt- 
 was.—S. Praise, (flatter.) 
 A'ragfrart, bra^ger, mamaclMjowintn/', 
 mcmihn'isid. I anj a braggart, nin 
 ftaggi ng, mamiJcwanowin. 
 Arnin_; niy, ihy, bin brain, ninindib, 
 kimndih, winindib. 
 brainpan. S. Skull. 
 /?rarich, wadikwtm, '^dihvan. Tliere 
 are brandies, higivehi.nagad. Tho 
 tree_ has branches, liawchimugisi 
 milig. I cut oir brandies, nin ma- 
 jidikwanaijie, nin taidgandaweiqe. 
 I cut oil ttin branches of a tree, 
 nin mnjidikicanewa mitig, nin tchl 
 aandawcwamitig. The tree has 
 large branches, mumangidikwana- 
 j/'ui nutig. 
 /h\mi\, kmldakidrg, 
 y/raiidy, i.-/ikidui'al,o, mcMiwaga- 
 "ug ,Mi,,Uwab<}, (atroiiK lire-wa- 
 />rass, o.sau'ahik. 
 /.'rass- w I re, ow, wahihmA. 
 /.'rass-wire collar, oaawuhiko-nuhik- 
 yj'r,i\v. ; I am bravo, nin songi,lve. 
 Arave courageous person, muimii. 
 deed. "^ 
 V>Vave. y;ravery. — y. Courageous, 
 //rave. yj,'rave warrior.— S. Hero. 
 /' ra V e ry , ii( ngi,!, cwin. 
 />Vavvl. y.'iawUng. - S. Quarrel. 
 y/razenlaeed. S. Shameless person. 
 Arazier. nkikokewinini. 
 //razier'.s trade, work, business, aki- 
 JJroncA\ ; there are breaches, tatawak- 
 y>'iea(l , 'pakwfjigan. Unh-avened 
 bread, weinhisxitchigan'sxig pakive- 
 Jigaii. Leav{!iie(| bread, wejabiti. 
 Mtcfugasod pakwejigan. (S. Leav^ 
 y>'rea(lth ; one breadth, (of stuflT or 
 ^\o\.h,).brngoslik. Two brejidfhs. 
 t-Ui.,nd<,>ilLk,G[c. So many breadths 
 JJii'iik; I break it, {in., an.) nin. hi- 
 gox/dan, mil bigwaan ; nin bhmh- 
 kmiH, nin ligw<iwa. I break' it to 
 pieces, {in., an.) nin ligunun ; nin 
 biginiu. I break it by letting it lall 
 down, {in., an.) ninhv,iol^,s>,ldnn\ 
 ninhigwi\,ki,na. It breaks falling 
 d_own,i_e«., aw.) biqwixdn, {bigos. 
 stiip huiivixhin, {.bigoshin,)hiywe- 
 vt.^lfn. I break it in two, (m., an.) 
 niN. bobUdoii ; nin bohMna. I break 
 lUo small pieces, {in., an.) nin 
 bixman; vm bi^sawa. I bn ak it to 
 sinall^ ineces in my hand, {in., an ) 
 ■mn bixt^ibidon; 7dnbimbina. I break 
 n, (a dish, in., a watch, an.) nin 
 piixmun ; mn ras^^awa. I break it 
 to pieces by striking, {in., an.) nin 
 biMugnnandan ; nin bimiganarna 
 l break some long object, (-//i., an.) 
 nin hokossuJon, nin loTcoshkan ; nin 
 hojconhtma , nifi hokn.ihkawa. It 
 breaks, hoJcotckii-M-a, hol'Wasilca, - 
 I break a bone, ■«/, ,„ihfaigane. 
 T break branches on the road', v.in 
 hol-oniije. J break my canoe, nin 
 liii^oiienhin, nin hokonhin nin tchi- 
 inan. I break a commandment, nin 
 higohidon (januKongeivin. 1 break a 
 field, nin hisrwnlcamiijaan litvian. 
 I break my nose falling, 7iin hiesa- 
 gidjanethin. 1 break the point of 
 8. ill., nin holiol-ojcnun. T he tree 
 hrcii.ks, biskibagiskka mitig. Sticks 
 break under the feet, hnkivemitgad, 
 /^reak, (in s. in.) S Tear. 
 /breakdown; I break down, flam 
 ruined,) nind ungaehka, tii/i bi- 
 goehka. It breaks down, (it is ruin- 
 ed,) angoshkainagad, anganiagad, 
 lij/i/skkaniagad. I break it down, 
 7it>i bigobidiM, nin 7ii^mkobido7i. I 
 break it down by striking, {in., 
 an.) nin higoganandan ; nin bigo- 
 breakfast, kigijeb-wissiniwin. I take 
 my breakfast, nin kigijcb-ivifisin. 
 i?reakoff; [break it off, {in., an.) 
 nin hokoshkoblnan, mnboknoamvis- 
 sidon ; nin bokoshkobina, nin bok- 
 wanwishima. I break of} a piec •, 
 (in., an.) nin pakwcbidon; ninjuik' 
 webina. I break oFa piece of wood, 
 {in., an. ) nin pa'.wegaan ; nin pak- 
 wegawa. I break it of!' by small 
 pieces. ('//«., an.) nin pigicJikibidcn; 
 nin pigishkibina. It breaks off, 
 (falls off,) pakiveshkinnagud. 
 ^reak open ; I break it open, nin 
 nassidiean. 't breaks open, nassi- 
 diessin, n assidieshka. 
 Break, (split;) 1 break it, ninpassi- 
 kan, nin passilan. It breaks, j^^as- 
 ^reak tl'irough ; I break through 
 s. tb. with my foot, nir bokisse. I 
 break through tha ground, nin bo- 
 Break to pieces; I break it to pieces, 
 {in., an.) nin passibidon ; nin pas- 
 iibina. It breaks to pieces falling 
 from a height, (««., an.)pigiMis^ 
 nin ; ingi>'iikii<hin. 
 Breakers. S. Shoals. 
 Breast, ukakiganama, kakigan. My 
 thy,^ his breast, nin kakigan. ki 
 kakigan, o kakigan. I have pain 
 in my breast, nin diwukigaa. 1 
 liave_ hair on the breast, nin mi- 
 nhakigan. I warm my breast, nin 
 ki^jakiganes. I cover my breast 
 nin kaalikakiganeodis. I uncover 
 iny breast, mn miJinTiakiganebini- 
 die, nin mijishakiganeni'di». My 
 breast is uncoverell, nin ndjinha- 
 kiganeshin, nin mitakiganeakm.My 
 breast is uncovered inc\ecently,H2n 
 nihaddkigan. 1 uncover his (her) 
 breast, ttin mijii^Ji'ikiganebina, nin 
 Breast, woman's breast, totosh. 
 Brcasi-pin, kash/cakiganeon. 
 Breast-plate, e^nmig. Breast-plate 
 of silver , joniiawesslmig. Breast- 
 plate of porcelain, migimicm- 
 Breath, neesewin, pagidanamowin. 
 My breath is short, nin tcckwanam. 
 My breath smells bad, nin manji- 
 Breathe; I breathe, nin nesse,ninpa- 
 gldanam. I breathe forth, \iin 
 nassanam. I breathe into him, ?(m 
 ntssenudawa. I breathe otherwise, 
 nind andanam. I breathe deeply, 
 ninjoganam.^ I breathe interrupt- 
 edly, nin kitihkanam. 1 br. Ly 
 long intervals, nin jujibanam. 1 
 br. with difnculty,_?u>!(/ akwanam, 
 nind ishkanam. nind aiekivanam, 
 I caji be long without breathing, 
 nin jibanam. I br. my last, nind 
 Breechcloth, ansian. 
 Breeches, gibodciegwasson, 
 B ric k , miskwn big an owussin . 
 Bride, wa-ividigm ikwe. 
 Bridegroom, wa-widiged inini. 
 Bridge, ajogan. There is a bridge 
 made, ujoganikude. I make a 
 bridge, 7iind ajoganike. I walk ov- 
 er a bridge, nind ajoge. 
 Bridle, fugidonehidjlgaa. The hoi 
 iias abndle on, eagidonebidjm 
 behejigogavji. "^ 
 Bdgand, malcandweivinini. 
 '^'■,'S:lit ; I make it bright, nin wash- 
 Bright, (in s. in ) S. Shine. Shining, 
 linghtness, wasseiasiwin. 
 lirun; 1 brun it, {in., an.) nin nas- 
 sabashkinadon ; nin nassabasiki- 
 Brimstone, osuwi-jnakate. 
 onne, jiwitaganabo. 
 ^""g 'l bring, 7dn bidass. I bring 
 hun, (her, it,) wm bma,mn bidoma: 
 nmbulon,7u/i bidondan. I bring 
 nun s. th., nin bidawa, nin bidama- 
 wu. I bring him (her. it) to some 
 place, mn dagwisUma : nin da- 
 gwmttm. I bring him (her, it) 
 dtihore on my back, from a canoe 
 or boat, nind ugwaoma ; 7u;id aa- 
 waondan. ' 
 Bring back ; I bring him (her, iO 
 back again, nin bi-qiwewina, neiah 
 nm bina ; nin bi-gtwewidun, neiab 
 nin bidun. 
 Bring down; [ bring him (her, it) 
 clown, mnbi-nisiiwinu; }dn bi-nie- 
 Bring forth, (ins. in.) S, Birth.~S. 
 Yield fruit. 
 Bring iri ; I bring him (her, it) in, 
 )uni)indiguna\ nin plndigadon. I 
 bring in vyood. nin pi, diuenisse. 
 Bring to light ; I bring him (her, it) 
 to light, nm inokuwa, nin moMna; 
 nin niokaan, ninmukinan. 
 Bring up ; 1 bring him (her, it^ up, 
 nind ikwigia, nin nitawigia, \ nind 
 ikwiyiton, nin nitawigiton. 
 Bring with ; I bring with me, nin U- 
 giijis.^ I bring him (her, it) with 
 in^.n-inbt-gigitiinan; ni,i U-nigi^iu. 
 i cause him to bring along with him 
 ii. th., mn bi-gigidci. It brings a- 
 Icrig with It, bi-gigidmagad. 
 Brittle; it is brittle, (w., an.) kd- 
 pan, kapadad ; kapid, kapadiei. 
 Broad, (in s. in.) S. Wide. 
 Broad axe, tchigigaiyan. 
 Broil ; I broil it, {hu, an.) nin han 
 tan ; mn banswat 
 Broken ; it is broken, bigoshka, ma- 
 kidika, bigobidjigadt. It is broken 
 to pieces, (in., an. ) hissaigade: bis- 
 saigaso It is broke/' to pieces by 
 6. th. that fell on it, (in., an.)bie- 
 nkode ; bzsstkoso. The ground or 
 soil is broken up, bigwakami- 
 gaigade. Something is broken in 
 my body, nin bokodjiehka. 
 Broken, S. Infirm. 
 Broken branch on the road, bokoni- 
 Brook, sibinishe. 
 Broom, tchigataigan, tcMshataigan. 
 Broomstick, tchlgataiganak, tchiga- 
 taiaanaVig. ' 
 Broth, nabob, wiiassabo. 
 Brother ; my, thy, her brother, nind 
 awema,ktd awema, od aweman. 
 My, tliy, his older brother, nissaie, 
 kinsaie, ossaieian, My, thy his 
 younger brother, 7iishime, kiMmc, 
 oefiuneian. We are brothers, nind 
 Brother-in-law ; my, thy, his broth- 
 er-in-law nita, kita, ivitan. My, 
 thy, her brother-in-law, ninim, Ici^ 
 mm, wtnimon. 
 Brother, (or fViend ;) my, thy, his 
 brother, (friend,) nind owidjikl 
 'weima, nind owikunisdmu. We 
 are biothers, (friends,) ni»d cwid- 
 Jitiwemdimin, nind owikaniisin- 
 Broth-pot with legs, okadakik. 
 °"^^ViK '" brought here, (in., 
 a?i.) btdjtgade; bidjigaso. It is 
 brought_ somewhere, (in., an.) 
 dagmmtchigade ; dagwisdMiiga- 
 Brought in ; I am brought in, nin 
 pi/uli^amgo. He ( she, it) is brought 
 m,j>tndigana ; pindigade, pindi- 
 gadjtgade. ^ 
 Brought up; I am brought up, m/t 
 mtawigiigo, nin nitawig. 
 Brow. S. Forhead. 
 \h ■ 
 Brown ; 1 am brown, ni'n sujwaning- 
 l?row8(', kibiDx, niiimil'. 
 Hrowsc ; it browses, (ji boast,) ^Z- 
 wlkol'e, '!>'th \-n/:ira n (IJiijf. 
 l^ruiso, -la^lutijitshlcnsowin, dusnoso- 
 bniiso : I bniisn him, (hi;r, it,) vin 
 hamuikau-a ; nin fxuiai^il.ini. 
 r.iuisod ; 1 iiin bnii,-<('il l)y !<• t'l- thiit 
 fell \\\H)u nu\ nil! jiit-htiijiishl'i'H. 
 Hriitih. i;lotlH'.s-l)nitili, Iniut'ciiijan. 
 Pnish ; I brush cFothps, niii bina- 
 !5r\isli, |i;\iiitiiijT-bnish, hijijahiiijun. 
 ihiclict, fur fctcliin^uf water, nadcban, 
 I* lick 1 (• , (iJahiilssiilJ/ijan . 
 Hucklor, (hilt'il-irtion. 
 l?ml, oiiim/k, mniim/'Jr.—S. (lonn. 
 Hufifali), ))iaslil,-(iilt-jrijiki. 
 I'uftalo-robo. ni]ii!:iircain. 
 Ihittet; 1 l)iill'(il liim 'nin pumuiowi- 
 wa, ninnahnoaskiniiuljitan'a. 
 Wulioon, iirmhiijhul. 1 play tlio bnl- 
 foon, iiind ombttjiK. nin buhap'inirc. 
 Hndooncry, owhajuiwin, halapiawe- 
 rSugbear, qiKjau'ctadjitchujan. 
 l?ii|:;lc, h'ifadjhjiin. 
 Build ; 1 build x\\oi.\';iV,7\hid ojujf. I 
 build aho\isr, nin ivahaiac. 
 Builder, cjiiji'ivinini, irnhi/'ji'w/'nini. 
 Building, '(>ji(j('>'>i n , wal-a i(jc.w in . 
 Bulky ; I ain (it is) bulky, nin min- 
 Jid ; milch a. 
 Bull, nchc-pijih'- 
 Aillol, (uuri. 
 ^uUet-uiould, aiiwikadjiijun. 
 i'uiuUe, of hay or some other in. 
 obj., iukohidcg. 
 /bundle, of shingles or some other 
 an. obj. tahibisowa(j. 
 Aindle or packet of fur, miUnda- 
 i>uoy to a net, ol-andikan. Another 
 kind of huny^okandikan hekodjiko- 
 Jiuoy. S. Sea-n,iark. 
 .A'urbot aii'dfsi, a>i>ansi.<ni. 
 Jh\ rial, pumjendiwujwiii. 
 Burn, tchasisou'in. 
 Burn i I burn, nin tchiKjis. I burn 
 and wf'e|>, nin ncHScx.^tikia. It hurnN. 
 tihiKjiiic. I burn s. th.. nin trlin- 
 (li.-iijr. I burn him, (hor, il,)wi/» 
 'tc/iU'jixira ; ////( /t'//<i(,'isnn. 1 burn 
 niyf<r!f, iii/id (iiiirnJiikix. 1 burn 
 liiin, nind tniirahikinra. I burn (ii 
 burns) in a certain rlaro. nin dan- 
 akin ; diinakidc. I burn entirely. 
 to coal, nind nkal'itnak',^. It burn." 
 to mat, akiikannkidc, akrrkanakafi . 
 I liuni bun (her, it ) to coal, ni)iii 
 tik(ika>iaki,vira ; nind iik(ik(f»a\-is 
 an. 1 l)inn ( or mak«>) coal, w/W 
 akakajdr. \ burn (u burns) all 
 \]]\nni kafhka/rin, nin tch('ujaki.n : 
 kaxlikakidc, tihdtjnkidc. 1 ccviPi: 
 (it ceases) burning, nind iMnrain- 
 /•/.v; i.shkivdi'iknli'. llbnrns throiij,'!), 
 ki.<likiiki</(:, biij.dc. \ burn it 
 tlii-iingli, [in.j'nn.) kiM'akisan ; 
 ki.</ikiiki.-ii'ii.~ \ burn it for fiiel, 
 {in., an.) ninbodairrn, nin hcda- 
 irinan.~-\ burn s. th. to tuake a 
 pood odor, nin inin<yu\aij>rakisiije. 
 1 burn s. th. on metal to make' d 
 pood odor, nin m i noma<jvabikit<i{/f . 
 ] burn it on metal (in.^ an.)lo 
 make a good odor, nin wimma- 
 (jwahikuMn ; nin minomagwixlikis- 
 /)'urn up ; T burn (it burns) up enti- 
 r(dy, nin. tchagnkit ; tc/iagakide. 1 
 burn him (h.'-r", ip up entirely, nin 
 fihagiikiitwd ; nin t<ha<jaki.-<nn. 1 
 burn up all my fuel, nin tchagah- 
 yAirnt; it is burnt in a certain man- 
 ner, inidcmngad. It is too much 
 bu rut, ofiamnkidcmnqad. 
 7)'nrnt forest , ■icii-mkoch. There is a 
 liurnt forest, wismkodewan. 
 7?nrntsacritice , ichaginige-pagidi- 
 iAirst ; I burst it, nin tutashkan. It 
 bursts, pa.ihkikamiKjad. It bursts 
 by freezing, pashkahoadin, passa- 
 din. It bursts by heat, pa.shktdc, 
 I makebur.<?t, (berries,) nin pwfh- 
 h'minam(fe. I make them burst. 
 1 berries, in., an. ) nin pnslikimina*- 
 Muan ; nin pushkiminasswag. 
-■»».i«K«Gswsg^«,a. '%-isassssstK^s^'^^i, 
 In tho bushes, ani- 
 />'urat asunder; I biirst(it bursts) as- 
 uii(l(!r, nin nanawisse ; nanawinse- 
 limy; I bury him, nin pai/ide/iimu- 
 I bury hiMi (her, it) under s. th., 
 nm lUMiiwuH'a, jiin /li/u/waaJrana ; 
 nin, nin(jwaan, nin ninqwuakadan 
 A'n ry inir-place, ningwadlcuii, tchiht- 
 /.'ush, lildnsan 
 A|nshel, ililmitjan, (Uhaiminau. 
 /-'usiuess , iinokiwin, tmnoHwin. 
 lroui)le.sonie difljciilt business, 
 a/ninalaniKjiuwin. 1 have a di/ii- 
 cult business, niml animuktinwiin. 
 y>ustle; I bustle about, ^i^V^ hahuijUa 
 Ausy ; 1 am busy, nincl 07ulamita, 
 nind ondumm, nind ondamukumi- 
 </?.v, nmd akamiiju. I am busy at 
 ^■ih.^nind onddmitoldgc. I am busy 
 at my child, (children,) ?nnd on- 
 ddvwnje. I am no more busy, ?iind 
 Bni, datih, unishu dash. 
 /iutciier, nilaqtwinini. 
 i>'utcher. S. Kill animals. 
 7/utchprinjr, ?i/to//r'ww. 
 yujan. 1 he bread is buttered 
 •>['p>\, ^,.a 
 jijoiijiiHo pakwfjigan . 
 yjiUlerdy, mcniinywa, 
 7>'uttoc]<s, mixkwa^,ah. I have iarire 
 buttocks, nni /'ikwakosmqidiic 
 V>ut on, W.i button myself up,, «, 
 gthw,indi(tkwa(,di.s. ' ' 
 />ii.v; I buy, nin. guhjmnufe, nin (,uh - 
 r'JuuJjHu. n>uyh;m,(hor, it,),l 
 , (li^hpuiana; nin <ji>ihi,inud.m. ] bu \ 
 or iriysiill nin (jidpinamadi.s. i 
 buylum (her, it) for mysd/; W, 
 maduvn. Ihuy it Uyr]nm,nin\,i,f>. 
 Jyvri.-, It buz/.ns. ,j,wtcu'cma<jad. ' 
 Auzzing fly, kUchi amu, '' 
 yyy-and-by, ndsuM, pitcMnay, qo- 
 yi<il>i, puma, panima. ^ ^ 
 v>y lieart, Jaijivana. 
 liy little and little, pcpangi ; yeguvi 
 JJy-ment, updndjiyan. ^ ^^ 
 Jjy no means, ia«.e„ lapi.h, lcawi,»a 
 By the side of..., opimeaii. 
 :' !•; 
 '■:i\>*i M 
 . [! 
 Cabbage, httcM anibish. 
 (^able, kitchi himinchwan. 
 ("ake, pakwejigana. 
 Calash, titihiddban, baiamibaigo-titi- 
 (Calender, eyt 
 Ch\{, pijihns. 
 (!alf uf the leg ; the calf of my, thy, 
 his leg; nindn, Hndn, ondnan. 
 Calico, hitagigin- Calico for curtains, 
 Call, nanaomigosiwin. 
 Call; I call, 7iin nandtcewem. I call 
 for him, (her, it,) nin nandwewemu; 
 nin nandwewendan. 
 Call loud ; I call loud, nin hihag. 1 
 call him (her, it) loud, nin hibagi- 
 ma ; niti bihagindan. It calls me, 
 nin bibagimigon. 
 ('all, (name ;) I call him, (her, it,) 
 nind ijinilcana, nind ina, ninwina; 
 vind ijinikadan, nind iddn, nin 
 wimlan. I call myself so..., nind 
 ijinikanidis, nin ivinidie. 
 Call, (simimon, invite ;) I call, nin 
 nnndanqe, nin nandondjigc, I call 
 him, ?)in nandoma. 1 call thcin to- 
 gether, nin mawaudonandomag. 1 
 call by firing guns, nin nandwcwe- 
 Call upon; I call upon his name, nin 
 wait ina. 
 Called ; I am called in a certain man- 
 ner, nind ijinikanigos. I am (it is) 
 called so..., nind ijinifiaf!, nin wins, 
 nind ijiwins; ijinikade, ijiwinde. 
 Called, (summoned, invited ;) I am 
 called, nin vandomigo, nin nando- 
 migos, nin nandondjigas. 
 Calling, bibaijiain. 
 Calm ; I calm myself, nind anissen- 
 Calm ; it is calm, anwatin ; dogisnn. 
 The water is calm like a mirror, 
 wassikogamisdn. It is calm after 
 a heavy sea, ishkivaiagamtHse. 
 Calumet of red stone, mishvassin- 
 Caluminate ; I cal., nin dnjinqe. I 
 caluminate him, (her, it,) nin da- 
 jima, nin madjitnotawa] nindajin- 
 dan. We cal. each other, nin da- 
 Calumniation, calumny, dajindiu n. 
 CalMmniato., deJingrMid. I am a 
 calumniator, 7iin dajingeshk. 
 Calumnious ; I am cal., nin dajin- 
 Calvary, uijiganikan. 
 Camel, pck'wawigang, megwawigang 
 Camp, gabvahiwin, nibewin. 
 Camp ; I camp, nin gahexh. I camp 
 from distance to distance, nin bi- 
 Camphor, gtrcdasseg. 
 Camping, gabtM/cin. Camping from 
 distance to distance, bitnvdcgod- 
 Can; I can, Jiin gaf<hkiton. I can do 
 nothing with him, (her, it.) nin 
 bioanau'in ; nin bwanuniton. 
 Canada, Mania. In, from or to Ca- 
 nada, Moniang. 
 Canadian, moniawinini, nvmitigqji. 
 Canadian woman, moniakwe, wemi- 
 Canal, nfnkad/igitn. I dig or make a 
 canal, nin .yibikadjigc. There is a 
 canal made, xibikiuh. 
: iSHTre'TS.'igSSSjrMt 
 1 liavc a c.incer, nind amng. 
 (Cancerous; I am can., 7iind amog. 
 ('ariillestick of metal, wassakwanend- 
 Candlestick of wood, wassahvanend- 
 Cane, (walking-stick,) so/taora. I use 
 It as a cane, nin saJtaon. 
 Cannibal, eater of human Hesh, win- 
 digo; windigokw 
 Cannot ; I cannot, nin Iwanawi, ]ca- 
 wtn ?un gaftkhUoiisin.. I cannot 
 make It. or get it, nin bwanuwiton. 
 Canon, kdcM-pashkidmn. 
 C'anon-ball, kilehi-jmMingan anwi. 
 Canoe, fchiman, A small canoe, 
 tcAtmanens. A bad old canoe, tc/ii- 
 inunmh. So many cdinoes4am)uaq. 
 Iwo canoes, three canoes, etc., 
 mjonag, nwojiag, etc. I have a 
 large canoe, nin 7)iajig6n. I have 
 a small canoe, nind agumm.— The 
 canoe ishifrh, ish/Mmagad, tcMman; 
 It IS low, tahassonagnd. The canoe 
 is large, mangunagad tchiman : it 
 It IS small, agasionagad. The ca- 
 noe is long, ginonagud tchiman; it 
 IS short, takonagad. The canoe is 
 sure, (not dangerouss) kitagwinde 
 tchiman ; it is not ^i!/fe, ( it 'is roU- 
 ^^E,')gokolw<i7nagad.-\n the canoe, 
 pzndmag. I am alone in a canoe, 
 Mi/i hejigi,ka7n, nin ni/ikeokam. We 
 are two, three, etc., in a canoe, 
 mn mjokumin, nin nissokamin, 
 etc. We are so many in a canoe, 
 dassoka7nin. - In the foremost part 
 of a canoe, toanakodjaonaq , mta- 
 mmaaoni^; m the stern, odakamng. 
 -Under the canue, andmonag. On 
 this side of the canoe, ondasnonag; 
 on the other side, awass6nag.—\ 
 carry a canoe to the water, nin 
 madadon tchimrm, or, nin madds- 
 staon. I push my canoe from the 
 shore, tiin niminaweshka. The 
 canoe goes our .mo the lake, ni- 
 mtfiawetMahi .^gn/^ tchiman. I have 
 nothing m my ca'.je, ninpiJisAi- 
 gonaguam. My canoe breaks, kish- 
 ktseifi ntn tchiman. I mend my 
 canoe, nin wawyaaton fnn tchi- 
 Canoe-bark, tchimanijig. 
 Canoe-maker, tchamaniked, tchiman - 
 ikennnini. I make a canoe, nin 
 Canoe-making, tchimanikewin. 
 Canoe-measure, dihacmnn. 
 C^itwe-modei, wanadeshkodjigan. 
 Canvass, (sail-cloth,) ningassimmo- 
 Cap, wimakwan, nehdgag wiwakwan. 
 Cap made of clolh, manitawcgm'. 
 Capable. S. Able, 
 Cape. S. Point of land. 
 Capricious; lam cap., nin < , ,. 
 Captive, awakan. I am a captive, (in 
 Indian cai)tivity,) jtind awukaniw. 
 Capsize; I cap., (in a canoe, boat, 
 etc.) ?un gonabishka. I cap. in a 
 rapid, nin gonabahog. I capsize 
 (upset) him, (her, it,)mn gaivina; 
 nin gawi/ian. — S. Overthrow. 
 Capuchin, wiwakwan. 
 Carabine, bcmidekadeg pashkisigan. 
 Carbonized/ it is car., akakanakide, 
 akakanute. I am car., nind akak- 
 Carcass, jigoshigan. 
 Card-playing, atddiwitt,, atagewin. 
 Card. S. Playing-card. 
 Care; I care, nin babamendam. I 
 care for him, fher, it,) nin babame- 
 mma, nin .lahenima; nin babamen- 
 da?i,, nin mbendan. I don't care for 
 him, nind ajidema. I care for my- 
 self, Tiin babameniiulis. — I take 
 care of somebody, nin baniiiwe. I 
 take care of him, (her, it,) nin ba- 
 mia; nin bamiton. I take care of 
 myself, ?iin bamiidis, nin bumiko- 
 dadis. I am taken care of, nin 
 bahamendmjas. It is taken care of, 
 babameudpgade.—]. take well care, 
 nind angwamis, nind aiangwamis. 
 I take well care of it, nind aiang- 
 wamendan, nind aiangwaminan, 
 nind angwamendan, nind angwa- 
 '■4 -^ 
 miiian. — I tnko cara of it, { in., an. ) 
 in onlnr to ronservr it loiiir, /il/) 
 miinai1jif<m\nin maiiadjin. — I hav(> 
 too miu'l) ('art', /;//((/ iisamciulain. 
 Too much carp, osainniduniDK ii).. 
 I (nkp caro of sick persons, nin 
 giithiiirr. \ tako caro of him in liis 
 sickness, ////(. gatiiui. 
 ('arc. I ins. in.") S. Take cam. 
 I'arcM'ni. ( ordorly;) I nin cariifiil, iiin 
 ('ar('fnhicss,(goo(i o r(lcr,^. <(/;/« Avjwi/- 
 l^aroh'sa; 1 am careless, kuirin n/'ii 
 Carcli'ssly. mawnnj. 
 CarnaETc. >//'.>.tiiii/cin. 
 Cnrp, ( tish,) natinhin. Largo carp, 
 (^a^p-hon(^ na)iu})iniija». 
 (\arpol, for a Hoor. nj'hhinu»ii(jiii. 
 Carp- River. Naiiuhinitiihi. 
 wakii /■(je/rin/'n /', ojigeirl- 
 nil hi . 
 (in s. in.^i S. .loiner. 
 wnlaitjcirln, njitjcioin. I 
 work carjientry, (build I'louses,) 
 nin irahaiijc. 
 ('arriaue. S." (^art. 
 (■arrieii nw.iy; I am ( it is) carried 
 a\Vf\y. nin maJjiiljiijan, nin nuul- 
 jin-iifj it/Its; nhu/j/iiJi(jaJ<', inudji- 
 Vwxroi^ osan'dkadakons. 
 Carry; 1 carry (or convoy) liii'>.( nor, 
 it.) nind ijiirina; nind IJ/'r/'dcn. 1 
 carry it to him, nind ijhcidaica, 
 nind ijiividamaicn. I carry s. th. 
 in a hiiskot, nind airadjinuim'. I 
 carry it for him, nind ai'rad/iwnn- 
 au'ii, nin bimiifidawa, nin habimi- 
 widaica. We carry it for each 
 other, niii habimiividadimin. I 
 carry it elsewhero, i m., nn.) nin 
 hakewidon; nin hakcwina. I carry 
 it to him, nin madjidatva, ninniad- 
 jiwidawa, nin madjiuulamawu. I 
 ca'ry it on s. th., '(/«., an.) nin 
 nimaan; nin niman. I carry (or 
 convey) him (her, it) fnrtherthan 
 I ought, nind answeivina; nind 
 nnmi'fiKidim. I carry in a cnnop, 
 n ind nuuulaijnodami. 
 (^arry away; I carry him i lier, it i 
 nw.w , nin mail jina, nin inuitjiwi.- 
 tia, nin, hiinin'inn; nin madjiddn, 
 nin viddjiiriih n, nin him i)r don. I 
 carry myscdf iiway. nin tnadjiwini- 
 din. 1 carry him (her, it) away m 
 a canoe or iioat, )rin 7nailjiiiini ; nin 
 nuidjioiLim. I carry him i her, it i 
 away on my l)a<-k, nin miiilji.iiina, 
 nil! niitdanin; nin ni'idjii'/idini, nin, 
 iiKidnudun. 1 cannot carry him 
 (her, it) away, nin hn-an'inii\ nin 
 Carryback »j?ain; 1 car'y ^ lead dr 
 conv(>v) him i^her, it) back apain, 
 nin (jiKhirina ; nin ijiir,>wid(.n. 
 Carry 'down; I carry him (her, it) 
 down, tiin nit^.'^tndaa'au; nin ni.<- 
 Carry in; 1 carry him (her. it) m, 
 nin pindii/ana-ynin pindiiiddan. 
 Carry in or' on a caniaKeor sled or 
 sleiuh; 1 carry m a carria>,'e, n.iml 
 <iir(ii/as.i, nind diiwljidald. I Ciu-ry 
 it in or on a carnage, otc.,((«., 
 an.) nind dnuido'i; nind. ntnina. I 
 carry stones, nind dwadusitiiii. [ 
 carry vvooil, nind tiiradaninKP. I 
 carry for inys(df, nind li/rtidjiiron- 
 adiK. I caw-y for somohody. nind 
 dwadjiiran ufc. I carry for him, 
 ■nind liiradjinHiniiwa. — Carryincr in 
 or on a caVriaKo, etc., awadjiduhi- 
 H'in, ndidii'rin. 
 t'arry in or on one's self; T carry 
 in or on mo, nin (jn/i.s/tkagc. I car- 
 ry him (lier, it) in mo or on mo, 
 nin (jiijit'hkaica^nin ijuji.thkan. 
 Carry ill the mouth; l" carry in mv 
 moutli, nin. nimandjj<jf. 1 carry 
 him (her,_it) in my mouth, nin fii- 
 mania-; nin iiiniandan. 
 Carry on the hack; I carry a pack or 
 load on my back, nin idmiwane, 
 ninhiniovdan. I make him carry a 
 load on his back, «/w hiniiiraniu, 
 nin btmovdaa. I carry somebody 
 on my back, (a child,) nin fimn- 
 mdwass, I carry him (her, it) on 
 my back, nin, himnma] nin himvn- 
 I a canop. 
 a/ntin; nin 
 </«».- 1 carry a liravy pnck, niii 
 hiii(/u'r(i/if. 1 can hanjly carry itiy 
 load, ii/>i Imawanc, 1 can hardly 
 carry liiiii, ( lior, it,) niti lnvaOmn; 
 i>inli/t!uuii.i/uti. 1 carry too licavv a 
 load on my l)ac1<, /liiiil i/sdiiiiiranr. 
 J carry it all ulowo.y nmdifihruiu:. 
 1 can carry the uliolo o( it, iiin- 
 (jnsfikin'aiH'. T can carry hirn^hcr, 
 it) on my h\u:k,via ijdnhki'niKi; ii.iii 
 ijaslihonddn. I carry a load in ad- 
 vamrc, iiin huljltiuK. 
 Tarry (Jii ifn; .slitiiiidcr; I carry on 
 my .sh()uld(;r, iilii hiniinigr. I carry 
 liim I licr, it) on my shoulder, »ia 
 IriininiijaHa, niiid nii/'yu/Ki', niii hi- 
 ni'ini<j(i<la/i,>nnd(ui:!(jnJan. I malu! 
 him carry s. tli. on liis slionldcr, 
 nm hiiiilni(j(idaiiUHL, II t/id d/u/jtidn- 
 <"arry out; I carry liirii (licr, it) ont 
 ol doors, 11/11 naijuid, niii sui/i'dinu, 
 7i/a mijuljiiiiiKt ; nhi sdijhlton, 
 Till) ntK/idi/M/i, nil) KtKjIdJurulon. 
 Cart, odah/uiy (!tibn<^'<ciidah<in, tttihi- 
 dubu/i. 1 mak(! ("arts, ( am a cart- 
 w rii^\\\ ; >rind odah(t>iifiv, nin tiiUii- 
 Cartilage, knJ.-(i/rn/)dJ'>/jan. 
 ( 'artman, uudah/ad Ik JiejigrKjanjin-. 
 Carl\vrii4ht, (itlhu/ahuiiih-irvii/ii, od- 
 uhiuiilcfwiiilni, wcdnhuritlcid. 
 tJarlvvriuht's business or trad((, oda- 
 hanikciri/i, fltiliHlnhitnilciriit. 
 Carv(!; 1 carve, nia inaniiiikodjltjc. I 
 carve it, {in., an.) nia mdnini/co- 
 dan\ Tiin masinihina. 
 CBrv<!d; it is carved {in., an.) ma- 
 dnilod(\ masinitchi(jadc\ manni- 
 h'so, ijuiti'ui ^cJi lij'i.so. 
 (larveil image, (statuo,) mcuini- 
 Carver, uianin ih dj Itjeirinini. 
 Carver's chisel, indt^hnhnljiijan. 
 Carving, ma,s in ih, djiijeimn-. 
 (Jascade, cataract; there is a cas- 
 cade, a cataract, kitfcdlnka, luka- 
 bilcaivan. In a place where there 
 is a cataract, to or from such a 
 place, kahdhihrnti. kakahil-an^anti. 
 C&tio, pindannnikndj/gdn. 1 put it in 
 a case or cover, {in., an.) nia pin- 
 ddnddh; nia jjiii<laon(i. It ia in a 
 case, ( In., an. ) pindavdr; pinJacfO. 
 (.'ase for arrowH, jilnddnnmi. 
 ( !asern,y///wV(//< i.^lu-Wdkdiijan. 
 j ('ash, ijU'didk joniid. 
 ('ask, indkiikimit(i. 
 ('assock, nnk(tf<ii'ikimmaie o bitbifi- 
 C!ast; I cast, nind aparjijinc. \ cast 
 him (her, it) somewhere, nind 
 di'dijind; nind dpdgiion, vind ap<i- 
 gitdti.-—':^. Throw. 
 r^ast, (in s. ill.) S. Mould. Moulded. 
 ( !astin)j;-honse, nlnijikiylgt^n'igamiii. 
 Cast irr)n, mirdiijddidhiiiudi'ik. 
 (Castor-oil, him li'h'jdii, ■xiijn n . 
 (-'a.-t oil'. S. Throw away. 
 (Castrate; I castrate him, nut pah- 
 nrjica, nin kiM//ird. 
 Castrated; I am cast., nia kiidiki- 
 ( 'asiration, pahvejvdiwia. k!.-hk!ji,;- 
 Cat, tjdjdfjcnx, ?ninnn.i. Male cat, 
 ■ndhciiaiuitjens. Kemale cat, ihve- 
 Catanienia. .S. Monthly flowings. 
 ('ataract. 8. Cascade.' 
 Catarrli, d'//(/, dtji.i/okan'in. 
 (Catch; 1 catch' him (I er, it) with 
 my hand, tiin dcUhina; nin ddiihi- 
 nan. I catcli him (her, it) with 
 my hand liaslily, nia nawudina; 
 nin nawudinan. I catch it for liirn, 
 nia nruvddinuman'a. 
 (^ath, {crush;) 1 catch his hand (or 
 fmtrer) hcitween the door, nin tag- 
 ■iraknnindjiu'a. My hand or linger 
 is catched, nin lugwuhmindjiKh- 
 kdf. ' ' 
 Catch fish; I catch so many fishes 
 in my net, nin dasnohina. 
 Catch in a net; I catch in a net, (or 
 neta,) mn pi nd an a. I catch him 
 (her, ii) in a net, nin pindaana; 
 nia pindandon. I catch myself 
 (or I am caught) in a net, «i/t 
 Catch in ihe air; I catch it, (in., 
 an.) nakn'vhidon; nin nahcebiaa. 
 Cfltch with a hook; I citch with a 
 hook, nind adjigwadjiye. I catch 
 ■ '„i. 
 'if ^H 15 * " 
 him (her, it) with a hook, nind 
 adjigwana; nind adjvjwadan. It 
 catches, adahikissin. 
 Catechumen, wa-sujaandosod. 
 Catechism, Kateshim. 
 Catholic, katolih. 
 Catholic Christian, l-atolih enarnind. 
 Catholic religion, Icatolik cnamie- 
 Cause; I cause it to him, (her, it,) 
 nin d(xlawa, nind inil'awa, nin mi' 
 na ; nin dodan, nind inikan. I 
 cause it to myself, nin dudas, nin 
 minidis. It causes me s. th., nind 
 Cause of anger or condemnation, 
 Cause to one's self. S, Deserve. 
 Cave. S. Cavern. 
 Cavern; there is a cavern in a rock, 
 wimbahikitnuKjad, There is a cav- 
 ern in a mountain, wa>iadi?iu7na- 
 Cease; I cease, nind amvuta, nin 
 hisanah. I cease working, nin 
 bonita. I cease speaking, nin ho?i- 
 weu'idam. It ceases, hi^anabi7na- 
 gad, anwatamagad. 
 Cease, honi-, (in compositions.) I 
 cease to be tmrsty, ni/i boni-nihag. 
 loe; etc. 
 Cedar. S. Cedar-tree. 
 Cedar-bag, cedar-sack, gijikashki- 
 Cedar-bark, tvanagck, onaqek. I take 
 off cedar-hark, nin gaahknanaijek- 
 we. The cedar-bark can be taken 
 off, pakivtshka wanagek. 
 Cedar-branch, gijikdndag. I break 
 and gather cedar-branches, jiin 
 Cedar-lorest, cedar-swamp, gljikiki, 
 Ced-dr-tvee, gijik. Yuung small ce- 
 der, gijikens. 
 Oedar-wood, gijih. 
 Cede, (deliver;) I cede him, (her, it,) 
 nin pagidcnima; nin pagidendan. 
 1 cede It to him, nin p)ogidinama- 
 Celebrated. Celebrity.— S. Renown. 
 Cellar, (undor the floor of a house ' 
 aiiamissag-ivaniknn. ' ' 
 Cemeteiy, frhiheeoin.ig. 
 Cense. S. Incen-so. 
 Censer, pakwencssdf higan, minomag. 
 Censure; I censure liim, nin dajimn. 
 We censure one mother, nm da- 
 Census ; agindjig<, '^fenin. 
 Cent, copperlcont. jomdnike, misk- 
 wahikonft, omu-a? /.{• ns. 
 Centre; in the cfiitre, nawuH. It 
 IS the centre, nau-uiiican, nassa- 
 waiiican, nissawaiot an. 
 Certain, gwaiak. A certain, hejig. 
 Certainly, ahidikamur, geget, aiufwa- 
 mass, gwaiak. Yc's certainly, <. 
 nange kn, aningwana. 
 Certificate, dehweu'ini-masinaigan. 
 Cerumen. S. Ear wax. 
 Chagrin. S. Sadness. 
 Chair, apnhiwin. I take chair, nin 
 Chal ice, anamic-min ihratchigan. 
 Chulk, icahiilikibejibiigan, wahisTiki- 
 Chambermaid, anokitagckwe, bami- 
 Chance, Jawendngosi'nn, minwaha- 
 mcivisiwin. I have a good chance. 
 nin jawendagos, nin mimvabame- 
 Chandler, wassakuani'iidjiganikewi- 
 nini. I am a cliandler', (I make 
 candles,) nin wassakwanenjjiga- 
 Change; I change it, {in., an.) nind 
 undjitoti; nind amljia. I change 
 (or alter) s. th. for 'him, nind and- 
 jitawa, nind aihijitamawa. —I 
 change my clothes^ nind andjih 
 toanaie. I change my life, my con- 
 duct, «//?</ a«r/;V- J/ ?««(:/«, wwiJAWf/. 
 jijiwebis, I change my lodge, nind 
 a?idjige. I change my mind, bak- 
 an nind inendam. 1 change my 
 mind often, nind ai(tjaivendam,nin 
 hinniendam, nin binussawagindam. 
 I change my name, nind andjini- 
 kanidis, I change his (her, its) 
 name, nind undjinikana; nind and- 
 jinilradan I chancre my shoes, 
 land arulakidnc. I change a writ- 
 ^ in;,', nhid nndjihian. 
 Change, exchiinije; I change it, (for 
 some other object, in., an.) r,i,i 
 inc'sikwatonan; nin me.shJkwaio/ia. 
 1 change it to him, ,nn mm/iJcwa- 
 Changed,- I am (it is) changed, nm 
 omljiuui- amljiirafle, amljitdivfade. 
 Changed life or conthict, andji-hi- 
 ma-iuiwai. Chatted mune, and- I 
 nndrmwin, andjiwinnowin. I have 
 (It has) a changed name, nuul\ 
 anri/inii-as; andjinikade. Changed 
 writing, av.dilhiujtin. 
 Change, exchanged; it is changed 
 into..., mcshhwatosi^e. 
 ed,_ strange, mn mniuqendcams : 
 maiainndiKjirad. I li,„l 'hitu (her, 
 It) changed, nin mulHienima: 
 mn mum, fend (in. I find myself 
 changed, nin viaiagenindis. 1 look 
 (It looks) changed, strange, nin 
 mauKjiitagos ; maiiujinunwad. I 
 seehini (her, it) changed, nin 
 maiagmawa: nin maiaqinan. 
 Changing; U is changing fur, (an 
 animal, ) andawe. 
 Changing-honse, change-hoiise, and- 
 Changing of niind, "inconstancy, aia- 
 Channel, indonan. Channel between 
 islamlfi, jibaiuj. 
 Chap, oshHnawe. 
 Chapei ancunimigamia, animiewi- 
 Chappe'd. S. Cracked. 
 Cliarcoal, ahd-aiije. I hum (or 
 iiiake) charcoal, nind ahiH-anjAw 
 1 lace where they burn ckarcoal, 
 Charcoal'-man, ahd-anjelcewiniid. 
 Charcoal-nian's business or trade 
 uhalaiijelewin, ' 
 Charitabre; I am cb., nin kijndis, nin 
 hijewadis, nin nitn-jnicend'yiqe. I 
 ain ch. to \-\\\x\,niaUj€wadt>,kawa. 
 yve .-.re ch. to each other, nin hi- 
 ' Charitable honrt. Jawendnmideeicin. 
 jfl^""'^ a ch, hoavl, nin jawendami- 
 Charitable person, kejeivaduiid, nctd- 
 mwi-ndjiijed . 
 i:luinty.' l'ij,^wadifiiwi,i, kijadinwin, 
 "'f>iii'diinn.jnjaw,inndu(in. I prac- 
 ^ tise chanty, ni,, jajmcendjiqe, nin 
 I jrr/uwenuiw, kftimuqind nin inwe- 
 mnia. We do ch'arity to each 
 0Uu;r,?nn jawenindimn, nin ja- 
 ' J"'veinndimin. J ask him charitv 
 Chaiity of heart, heartfelt charitv 
 Chaste; I am c\v,isip., junbinis, nin 
 liinulee, inn nihtvaka. 
 ('ha^tely; I behave ch., nin Unadis. 
 Chastise; 1 chastise, nin bcn/ianjeim . 
 j J ch. bun, ?iin bafkanjNra. 
 Chastised; 1 am ch., tun ba 
 CHastisement, hadhanjeiffewin; lash- 
 ('hastity, hinndisin-in, bininwin. 
 (.hasnble, aname,mi-e-nf/wiwin. 
 C hatter; I chatter, I speak too much. 
 nind (ificunidon. 
 Chatter; I chatter with the teeih 
 nm madweiaUde^Mn, nin madweia- 
 hulei<li,mon, nin papaqabidewudj. 
 Cheap; I am (it is) cheap, nin wen- 
 (its, mn wini/ianifi; wendad, iveni- 
 panad. I think it is cheap, (««., 
 in.jiun wtnipmcninia: nin weni- 
 ranendan. I sell cheap, nin wend- 
 'ice, nin wendis. 
 Cheat ; I cheat, nin vaitjinge. J 
 use to cheat, nin waieji.n(7,!'s/,k. ] 
 ; cheat him. ( her, it, ) n/n wainimu • 
 mnwmnindan.—H. Deceive. 
 Cheated; I am cb., nin nanbunis 
 Cheated, (ins. in.) S. Deceived. 
 Cheate/-, miejingfd, 'ireiFjiixienhHd 
 Chefiting, waiijingcwin, waujinnesh- 
 CheAA<,onnu>nma. Mv, thy, his clieek 
 miin/(\ Hnoir. onowan. 'Ybe right 
 HM^'^V /'^"''''''''''""o«'«'»". Mfchinmc. 
 1 he left cheek, onnmavdjini/u>a. 
 lua, namandjinow. M v cheeks are 
 r ;! 
 V'' . i 
 r('(\, uinminknuinowe, I pnint my 
 rhet lc8 r<i(l, ;/irt(/ ondnamarii. My 
 eh. arn swollen, ««'« hninmnwe. 1 
 havo dirty ct\..«t/i iriiaijinhl'and'i'e. 
 I h;i\e hollow ch., nin i/icuwalnt- 
 noire. 1 liave larpe ch., «/« /«a- 
 r«ri*/| iifnuowe. 'I'lie oilier clinck, 
 Chorrv, nkwiiniii. 
 (Jhnrry-t reo, ukwimij. 
 Choi, mahak. 
 Chosnnt, l.ilrhi jawnnin. 
 <'hew; I clifiw, nln Jati/iafu<a7i(JJ/ih'. 
 I rhovv it, (//?.,««• ) tii/ijiinhu.ijir,tii- 
 dan; niii jmthaijn'aniii. 1 chnw 
 pitch, rt i II, j unlni'j tcamiij i'l'e . 
 Chewed ohjf'ct, (//t. i\-an.)j(ixhagwa- 
 Chicken. panaflja,pal:aal->ren8. 
 Chief, f'l/ima. Second cliief, anihi- 
 (Kjima. I am a chief, nindiKjimair, 
 tii/ui (/(flriKikiiunr. niiul dijimakitn- 
 daije, ' niiid tKjiiuuknndaire, nind 
 ofjiinahiiiditniaiie. 1 make him a 
 chief, liliid (Kjinmuia. I am chief 
 over him, (.her, it,) nind iKjima- 
 Icandau'd; nind ogimiihanduii,. 1 
 live or act like a chief, nind ogi- 
 Chief, (in s. in.) S. Superior. 
 Chiefs hat, (crown,) (njiind-iviivah 
 Chief's ledge or house, ( palace,) r/^i- 
 ma wi(/ii mig. 
 Chiefs Wife, cgimuhwe. lam the 
 chiefs wife, oV a female chief, nmd 
 oghnalcirew. 1 make her a female 
 chief, nind ogiinahivewia. 
 Chieftain. S. 'Chief. 
 Chieftainship, ogi»i,airiu'in, nigani- 
 Child, ahincdji, onidjanissima. My, 
 thy, his child, niiiidjiihit>s. Hnid- 
 janiss, onidjanissan. Adopted 
 child, nidJaniMikawiii. Like a 
 child, ahimdjiin^. 1 am a cliild, 
 nind ahinndjiiiv. I play the child, 
 flind ahincdjiilas. 1 am with 
 child, nind adjik, nind niawa alii- 
 nodji, nin, gigin/ikawa ahimdji. 
 I have a child from .... nind en- 
 donje. I have only one child, nin 
 bt'jignnje. I have many children, 
 nin. hi.snagonje, nin niski.nje. I 
 have a child (or cluldren). nind 
 (inuljanin.1. I have no chiUlren 
 ^or a few rliUdreii), nin manionjc 
 1 have two children, throe cllil- 
 dren, iVc, nin niji'injc, nin nimm- 
 Je. i\-i\ All the children of a h- 
 n\i\s,n.'in!j;<it6njiiii. I am child to 
 Honehoily, ni'mi < nidjaninnmii/o, 
 1 an) his (her) cliild, nind dnidja- 
 nifsiniig. I have him, (her, it) 
 (or a cliiUl, nind "nidjanifKinan" 
 nind onidjan/ntiindun, 
 Clnld; like' one's own child, n^enid- 
 ('hi Id hood, cdiinrdjii/rin. 
 ("Iiildish; I am ch.', uhiimdjiing nind 
 Chddishness, nhinrdji-ijiw.ehimcin. 
 Chimney, hdlanuin. 1 make a chim- 
 ney, nin hidawiinil'e. 
 Chimney-swarper, pewindciged, pa- 
 windrii/twinini. 1 am a ciiirniioy- 
 .•sweeper, J sweep chimneys, nia 
 /'(I windeige. 
 Chin; my.' thy, his chin, nindami- 
 It an,, lid<inid'an, iidnmiTcan, 
 Chinaware. S. Porcelain. 
 Chine. S. Backbone. 
 Chip, hiwigaigan. 1 make chip?. 
 nm liiingdigc. 
 Chippewa Indian, Otc/dpire, 1 am 
 a Chippewa Indian, nind otrhip- 
 Chi|>|)ewa langnasre, otchijnvemowin. 
 1 speak the Chippewa language, 
 nind htcJiipwem. 1 translate it in 
 the Ch. language, nind ntchipwe- 
 irissifon. it is translaled in the 
 Ch. language, nichi/nrewissifchi- 
 gade. It is in Chippewa, oUhip- 
 Chippewa squaw, otchiptrehve. 
 Chippewa writing, (itcldpv-ewUdigan. 
 I write in Chippewa, nind otchip- 
 Chisel, pagiranegaigan, pnntligai- 
 gan. Hollow chisel, tchitjaimik- 
 wan. Hollow chisel to make in- 
 cisions in maple-trees, negwahva- 
 Chocolat.p, mishwahn. I make (or 
 cook) chnrolfite, inn mMwahir. 
 (-hnice. ovahandomnwin, icawcnahan- 
 (^Iioke, (oatini^ or drinkiiip;) I chnko 
 hiin, (hor, it.) nhipnkir, nishkima; 
 Hill jitik'ituuhhidn'i. I chokp my- 
 self, nin jiahrenUhknnidh. It 
 cliokps mo, iiin pak'rfni>.hk<u!nn. 
 ("hokp, (siiirorate;) I chokt' him 
 with a ropp, nin kashkahiiiiiinma- 
 'ra. 1 rliokp invscll with' a ropo, 
 m/i. kdfhkdl.i'ijiriamos. 
 ('hoko.( ins. m.)S. Han r. Strangle. 
 (;hoke(l,_ I i>atirig or <lriiikui!r,-) I am 
 ch.. nil pukwenislihiij, nin pahwe- 
 Olioloric. S. Passionate, 
 (^hoo.sp, I cliooso. "/'Klonahandju),!, 
 innvairrndhdiidji ; 1 rtiooso mm, 
 'nor, it,) niiid iiudhinna. nin uuvfe- 
 nahniia; nind onabandan, nin wa- 
 wenal nndiin. 
 Chop; I chop wood, nin manuse, 
 ninHshligaitje. I chopgropn wood, 
 nindaM-'ntisiike. 1 chopdrv wood, 
 nin rm\shi>r(Mitiol-e. l" cliop into 
 small sticks, 'nin fiisitirfniirfi, nin 
 hiwigaisse. I chop into chips, t?;/;, 
 hiwifimsfie. I chop it into chips, 
 nin hiwitjaan. — I chop for pnoplo, 
 nin manisftnijc. I chop for him, 
 nin mani^mmu. I chop for myself, 
 win manissds. 
 • •hopper, mfiiisfted. Somebody's 
 chopper, manismrian. 
 ' 'hopping, manisfieivin. 
 Chosen; I am (it is) chosen, vind 
 onahandji'/fis, nin ivamnahandji- 
 0iis\ imahandjigade, vawf ii aland- 
 Chosen object, onahandgigan, wu- 
 Church, nnamifiivigamig. 
 Chii rch-banner, anamie-HHnaivad- 
 Chu rch-orga n , Hfc/ii-pipigu-an . 
 Church-steeple, Htotannn agodeg. 
 Church-tithes. S. Tithes. 
 Christen. S. Baptize. 
 Christian, enamiad. I ain a Chris- 
 tian, nind anamia. I am no Ch., 
 kaivin nind annminm. 1 bpcome 
 fi <^h., mud I'dapinnn anamieirin. 
 1 am a good strong ( 'h., nin fomqa- 
 namiit. A good strong (3h., mvan- 
 Christianity, Christian religion, ana- 
 CIi rist mass, Ndia -anninii^irijigiid. 
 C^iijur, Itfihihaijinigasod oatn'ma. 
 Cinnamon, iiilxkirunageh, meshwana- 
 jgekoKid trail age k. 
 Cipher, agihdamiirin, agivdassaUi- 
 Cipher,- I cipher, nind agindass, 
 nii.d ngiiidiifKihiige, agiudassmvi- 
 nan nind ijihUnnan. 
 C i p hit ri n g, i,gi iidai<.si,},ligcinn. 
 Ciiciiniciso; 1 c\\\\m\\,nin Duhvei- 
 Circumcised; lam cir., nin pakirc 
 jog, nin kikmawadji, nin kikina- 
 Circuincisi'on, pakwrj,,diwin\ kikina- 
 n'adjion. kikinau'udendagosiwin 
 : Cite. tj. Call. 
 City, odmid, kitvhi odcna. There 
 is a city, ndenanan. 
 Chtii(l(>stin('ly. S. Secretly. 
 Clap; I cLip'my hands together, nin 
 Claw; its claw, i.xhkanjin. Claw of 
 a cow or ox. pi,ikid/.gdnj. -a. Hoof. 
 Clay, mihlgan. Wl.i e clay, irahahi- 
 gan. Red clay, miinwalddun, om- 
 man. 1 put rjay on, 1 plaster with 
 clay, nin waldgaige. 
 Clay-bank; there 'is a clay-bank, 
 Clay-plastering, \ruliiAjaiqeivin. 
 Clean; I am (it is) ciean, yiin hinis; 
 hinotL It is clean: A board, /wtw- 
 sagi.-<i; a floor, li.<n/<f.dffa.; a house 
 or room, hinaie; a liquid, binaga- 
 mi; stulT, in., himgad; stuff, an., 
 binisisi. — 1 clean him, Oier. it,) 
 ?iin binia; nin biditon. I clean it, 
 ( a board, ) nin binissagia. I clean 
 it, (a floos) vin biiiissngitdu. T 
 clean s. th. for him, nin iinitatva, 
 nm binitamama. 
 Clean or dress fish; I clean fish, nin 
 •' 1 
 > ■ .. 
 ^ ^ 
 !f: iiM Ilia 
 I If "- 
 ^ 1^ 12.0 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4S03 

 4^ m>.. 
 pakajawc. I clean a fish, nin pa- 
 kajwa (jigo. 
 Cleari; (In &, in.) S. Wine. 
 Cleanness, cleanliness, tdnisiwin. 
 Cleanness of heart, Unidtewin. I 
 have a clean heart, nin. IdniJee. 
 Cleanse; I cleanse him, (her, it,) 
 nin hiiiiu; nin. hiniiuti. 
 Cleanse, ( m s. in.) S. Wash clean. 
 Cleansed; 1 am (it is) cleansed, nin 
 hinii^/ns; hiniigudc. 
 Cleansed by (ire; I am fit is)cl. by f., 
 mil (/amiuHn; gasfiiakide. 
 Clear; it is clear, (in the woods, )_;V- 
 hciamiK/ud, pshigadkivaigade. I 
 clear land, nin mujiiqe,nin majiia- 
 hmige. The act oi' clearing; land. 
 Viiijiigewin,, mnjiiahmigcwin. 
 Ciesirmi,', vuijiigan, muJUakonlaan, 
 There is a clearing, napasM-ifima- 
 ff'id, papnu/ihwahnniga. There is 
 a clearing made,mayi,gdde,papa.i7i- 
 I'waigade. I make a clearing, nin 
 mijiige, nin papa.s-hJcogaitfe. A 
 clearing IS seen through the'woods, 
 labaicasse, jajihawasnahweia. 
 C leaver, pasngaii/an. 
 Cleave, (split;') Tcleave, 7iinvassig 
 atge.—S. Split 
 Cleave, (stick;) I cleave to s. 
 nind ngohe. Jt cleav.3 to s. 
 , a|7<-)^/ft, ugckemagad. 
 Clemency, 'minivddendani,owin, Hie- 
 wudidwin, Hjadidwin. 
 Clement; 1 am cl., nin l-ijewadi^, nin 
 ^ lijadis. ninmi.'iwadendafn. 
 CUirk. f/jihiigewimni, wejihiiqed. 
 (Jlerk's office, ojilmgewiganiig. 
 Cliff, chft, ajihit. There is a cliff, 
 ajihikol-n . 'kishlcahika . 
 Climl) lip; I climb vip on a tree, etc., 
 nind akn'nndfii-)e. 
 (Jloak, kitchi hahi\ikawagan 
 Clor.k,dil,(u'gi.slf:swa>i. I make clocks, 
 nin dihiuglxiisswanike. 
 Clock-manufactory, dibaigitsisswani- 
 Clock •manufacturer, dihaigisisswani- 
 ( ; I og , mitigo-m akisin . 
 Close by, irkig', ickigaii.—S. Near. 
 Closet; there is a closet made, pik- 
 issanagokade. In the closet, pik- 
 Cloth, inanitowegin. Black cloth 
 hmmakattwegin. Red cloth, miak- 
 Clothe; I clothe him, (her, it,)«jVt 
 hidkona, nind agwia; nin biiik- 
 onan, nind agwiton. I clothe my. 
 self, nind agioiidis. We clothe one 
 anothpr, nind (nrwiidimin. 
 Clothe, (in s. in.) S. D.-ess. 
 Clothes, agwiwin, mudindagan. 1 
 put my clothes on, nin bidkuunaie 
 nin tmwepu. I put him his clothes' 
 on, nin bidkona, nin wawcpina 
 I change clothes, 7tind andjik. 
 wnnaie. I have double clothes on 
 7iin. bitukwanaie. I have many 
 clothes, nin madindass. I give 
 hiin clothes, nind ugwia, nin ma- 
 diiidamawu, nin madimona. 
 Clothing, mudindagan, bidkaoan, 
 agwiwin. The giving or receiving 
 of clothing, (Kjui'idiU'in. I give 
 him c\.oi\\'\ng, nhid agwia. 
 Clothing-store, madiridagani wig- 
 Cloud, anakwad. Black cloud, 
 (mourning cloud,) nitaganakwad 
 Dark cloud, or, there 'is a dark 
 cloud, padiagidtkanakwad. There 
 are small curled clouds, gitchigan- 
 akwad. The clouds are red, mish 
 ■wdnakwad. (Cloud from the north, 
 west, etc. S. North. West, etc.) 
 Cloudy; it is cloudy, anakwad, ning- 
 Clove, sagdigans menomagwah. 
 (Jlover, nessobaguk. 
 Clyster. S. Injection. 
 Clyster-pipe, pindubawadjigan, sig- 
 Coach. S. Cart. 
 Coachman. S. Cartman. 
 Coal, akahavje. I burn (or make) 
 coal, nind akakanjeke. Place 
 where coal is burnt, akakanjckan. 
 1 burn him (her, it) to coal, nind 
 akakanakima',nind akakanakisan. 
 lam (it is) burnt to coal, or, I burn 
 (it burns) to coal, wa^ akakana- 
 kin; akakanakide, akakanate.— 
 There me coals, al-alcavjelca, akalc- 
 injetmn. i ^'ather burning coals 
 together, nin mawandohje. 
 foa 1-hou se , akaka njewii/am iff. 
 Ooal; red-hot coals, misknUnje. 
 Coal. S. Pit-coal. 
 Ooaise; it 'is coarse, thin, light, 
 (stulF,) {in., an.) hahumilagad: 
 Coast; I coast, nin blmdjaam, inn 
 lijodewmm. nin tchigewaam. 
 Coat, hahidkaiva<jan, hisikawagnn. 
 Coat of cloth, manitowegino-haUsih- 
 Cobweb, cfimMJccfhiwassah, 
 Cock, pakaakwe, 7>ahe-paJcaahve.— 
 Cock's crest, pakaahve o pataki- 
 Cock of a gun, ohvamens. 
 Copk; I cock a gun, nind ajlgidabtk- 
 znan pachkisi<jan. 
 Coffee. malcate-maM-ikimaho. I make 
 coffee. 7(m mahite-mashkiktwahoke. 
 Coffee-house, makate-mashhkiivub- 
 Coffee-mil 1 . hiseibodjigans. 
 Coffer, makak. 
 Coffin, tvhibai-mokak. 
 Cohabit; 1 cohabit, nin widitre. I 
 cohabit with her, (him,) nin wi- \ 
 dtgema. We cohabit, nin widigen- ' 
 Cohabitant, widuiemagan. 
 Cohabitation, wuligendiwin, ■widin- 
 Cold, bad cold, agiq. agiq(,kaicin. I 
 have a bad cold, ni)ul agigoka. 
 Cold, gikadjiuin. 
 Cold; it is cold, kissina. It is cold by 
 the wind, lakassin. It is cold (in a 
 building}, takafe. It is a cold 
 night, kusnntibikad — I am cold, 1 
 feel cold, nin gtkadj, nin bingedj, 
 mn take/rh. I am very cold, nin 
 niningadj. I am cold, in v body is 
 cold, nin takis. I soon feel cold, 
 nin ni/n-ijikadj, nin Wdke/rndj, I 
 can endure much cok\, nin jilladj. 
 —I cntch cold, I become cold,wm 
 tan\ish. I make him catch cold, 
 nin takashima. My hands are cold, 
 nm gtka^inindjiivadj. My feet 
 are cold, nin gikadji«,dewa(l}. My 
 ears are cold, nin gikadntuwan- 
 ewudj. I woep from cold, nm mnk'a- 
 Wmlj.-Uis cold, (liquid,) taka- 
 gami.lt is cold, (metal, in., an.) 
 takuhtknds takabikiti. 
 Colic, akoehkiidffcin. I have colics 
 nind akoehkade. ' 
 Collar, nahikmvagan, nubika^ian. 
 Collar-bone, clavicule, bi'tniddkia- 
 anan. " 
 coatj etc. 
 Gather. Ga- 
 Collar of a 
 Collect. Collected.— S. 
 Collectively, mnmnwi. 
 Colored; I am colored, a colored 
 person, nin makatewis, nin mu- 
 Colored person, mekafewisid, mekatt^ 
 totwed, makateioiiass. 
 Color of ripeness; it has the color of 
 T.,{tn., an.)gijande; gijanso. 
 ^oit< ochejigoganjiufi', tnanijifte. 
 Comb, hindkwan. Large dressing. 
 comb, pashkdbide-hindkwan, nos- 
 mt;^an.~Comh for horses, nasik- 
 Comb; I comb myself, ninnaukwe. I 
 comb him, nin nadkwv.wa. 
 Combat. S. Fight. 
 Come down; I come down, nin bi- 
 ni^mndawe. I come down on a 
 rope, nin nissaUgita. I come down 
 flying, nin bi-nahjincc. 
 Come forth; I come fortb, nin moki, 
 ninmokas. It comes forth, rarj/fc^a- 
 semaqad, m^Mshkamaoad. I come 
 forth by the current of a river, nin 
 mukabog. I come forth, (out of the 
 water,) nin mokibi.nin moahkam. 
 I come (it conies'^ forth to the sur- 
 face of the water, nin mokigisse; 
 mokigifsemagad. I come (it comes) 
 forth to the surface of the water, 
 ^\v\ float, {floats,) nin nm^hkaag- 
 wmdjin ; mmhkaagwinde. — -The 
 water conies ionh,tnokidJiwan nihi. 
 It comes forth, saoigin. 
 Come from; I come from..., nind 
 ondji, nind ondjiba^ nind ondudis. 
 U comes from..., ondjimagad, on- 
 t/Jihnmagnd, ondada'd, ondjissin, 
 Come here; come here, onduss, on- 
 datihun. \ cotiie liere, niii liija; 
 niii hidjija. I come liere (or some 
 reason, 7(in hi-inika, niii bi-omUn. 
 1 come here weeping, crying mn 
 hidndem. 1 come lii're speaiiing, 
 talking, nin bidtvcwida?n. 1 come 
 to tell s. th., ni/i hidadjini, nin 
 bidadjimi.fwje. I come to tell it, 
 nin hidndiim,(,t(in. I come to tell 
 liim, nin hidadjimotawa. I come 
 here to trouble him, n/« li-nii- 
 gosld-atiikawn. — T come with snow- 
 shoes, or on sntnvshoes, nin bid(u;i- 
 imoBfsf. 1 come here running, ii'iii 
 bidjibat'). 1 come here dragging s. 
 th., 7ilir bidjidabi. It comes sliding. 
 Come in; I come \n,nin pindiue. It 
 comes in, 'pindit/emngad. I come 
 in to him, nin pindii/nwa. I co/nc 
 (or r o ) into him, ( her. it, ) nin pin- 
 digcsbkawa; nin pindicjenhkan. It 
 comes in me, nin pindujeshhagon. 
 I come in (or go in) in a canoe or 
 boat, nin pindjidawaam. 
 Come out; I come out, nin bi-sa- 
 gaam. It coines out, bisagaa?ncm 
 agad, hi-sagidjii>se?nagnd. I come 
 out of the' water, fi'ind agwata, 
 nind agwahita. 
 Gome to...; I come to him, (her, it.) 
 nin bi-nnsikaioa, nin bii.dinsa-. nin 
 bi-nasikan, nin bi-oditan. I don't 
 come to him, (her, it,) vin nun- 
 deshkawa\ nin, nottdeskkan. It 
 comes to me, nind alissic/on, nind 
 odissikngon, nind odjisdl-ason. It 
 does not come to me, nin nimdesh- 
 Jcagon. — 1 come to the shore, nind 
 a^aam. 1 come to the shore out 
 of the water, nind agwaiadngns. It 
 comes to the shore by the wind, 
 agwaiastdn. — 1 let it come to him 
 from hand to hand, nind anikena- 
 Come upon; I come upon him, nin 
 pagidjinotawa, nin pagamishhiwu. 
 It comes upon me, nin pagamish- 
 kagm. It comes "to pass, pa<fa 
 miMamagnd . — I come upon him 
 *nd make him fail, rawrf upagasi- 
 kawa. It comes upon me ami 
 makes me iai\\,nind apugaaikagon 
 Come with. S. Z'ring with. 
 Comer, biwide. 
 Comfort ;_ I comfort, nin songideesh- 
 kagc, nin S()iigidee(.hkawe. I comfort 
 him, nin songideeshkaiva,. 
 Oc.'iirortahle life, mlno aiaunn. 
 Com fo r t e r, swangidtethkawcd. 
 Coming ; I am cbnung here, nin hi- 
 da^^^anindsc. I am ( it is) coining on. 
 ni/ul aplaiku'^ apii,ik'imiigrid. I am 
 coming on the ice, nin biiladaqak. 
 I am coming here in a canoe' or 
 hoixi.nin bidnnfiami.yhka. I am (it 
 is) coming with the wind, «m hi- 
 dash ; bidassin. The wind is com- 
 ing, bidaniinnd. 
 Command ; I command him s. th. 
 urgently, nin bap^jiina. 1 com. it 
 urgently, nin bapijindan. 
 Command, (in s. in.') S. Reign. 
 ComnKuider, niganrmeninini^ 
 Comin.mdniPnt,' gannaongetvin. I 
 make commandments, nin gand- 
 Cotnmence. Commencement. — S. 
 Z'egin. beginning. 
 Commerce, atandiicin, ataweivin. 
 Commission, (word sent,) miUUtwt- 
 uiin. I give or send a commission, 
 nin mitehitwc. I give or send him 
 a commission, nin mitrhilchima. 
 I give or send a com. lor it, (in., 
 an. ) nin mitchitiven ; nin mitchit- 
 Commit ; I commit, nin didam. 1 
 make him commit some action, 
 nin dodumou. 
 Commit ; I commit or intrust s. th. 
 to his care, nin ganawendaa, nin 
 Common ; in common, mdmmvi. 
 Common-hall. S Judgment-housfc, 
 Communicate ; I com. it, nin winda- 
 magcn. 1 com. it to him, nin win- 
 Gommmd^ni.wcdupinang Jaumda- 
 god win. 
 the Coil 
 is a con: 
 We forn 
 with hin 
 awa. — 1 
 pany.— i 
 Compass, i 
 Compass ; 
 have con 
 excite 'co 
 nind anm 
 compl. to 
 the head. 
 Comport ; I 
 lain maim 
 Communication, wWamar/rtfi/?. 
 Communion, Jawcmlatjosiwin,, j take 
 Oominunioii, niniaioeiulaijas, uind 
 odaiiiiiaa Jaini'ruluyodwiib. 
 Oomiiiiinion of Sairiti", het-hit'cawen- 
 daijiinuljij o widdkodadiioiniwa. a- 
 namie-widiikudadl" ■'/:. We are in 
 the Cuiiiinnniun ot oaints, nind a- 
 ^ namiC-wid'hidadiiiiin. 
 Oompimion, ivldjiwayan, widjindim- 
 (-'oinp:in\- , anU;ominndewlwi/i. Thure 
 is a company, aniknminodcmaqad. 
 We fonn_ acompany, ?iind a/liko- 
 min,idr.wiinin.-~l keep cornpany 
 with him, nin widjiwa, inn widoi- 
 awa.—l iteep comp. with him in 
 reli;,nous respect, 7urul anamie-m- 
 Company, (in s. in.) S. Keep com- 
 pany.— S. Help, 
 ('omparocl to... S. Esteemed equal, 
 ('omparison, awitvhiyun. 1 mako a 
 comj)anson, niod'awitchige. 
 (/Oinpass, waiviithiujan . 
 Compass ; it compasses me, nin gi- 
 Compassed. S. Enclosed. 
 Compassion, hltimaa('n^ng^w^n, liti- 
 magcndjigewiri, k'Uimdgentndlwin^ 
 jawe.ndjigeivin, kijcwadidwin, 1 
 have comi). on him, (her, it,) nin 
 kitimagen. mm, nin jawenima ; lun 
 kitimagcndan, nirl jawnndan. — I 
 excite comp. with my words, nind 
 iuigatai/tis, nin kiiimagitaqos. 
 Compassionate; lam comp. /?un kiii- 
 m'lgenfljige, nin jawendjige, nm 
 Complaint, gagimidonowtn, 
 Comphiisant ;'l am comp., nin min- 
 we wis. 
 Comnliments, anamikageivin ; ana- 
 mikagowin. I give hiih my conipl., 
 nind anninikawa. We give or send 
 coinpl. to each other, nind ana- 
 Compliments, (ins. in.) S. Nod with 
 the head. 
 Comport ; I comport myself in a cer- 
 ^ lain manner, nind iji'velis. 
 Comportment, ijiwebiniwin. 
 Compotation. widJibindiwin.—S.— 
 Drink together. 
 Compotator, wiljibimaqan. 
 Comprehend ; I comp. it, nin niasi- 
 .'omprehend, (in s. in.) S. Under- 
 Comprehensible ; it is comp., nindti,- 
 Conipress. S. Press together. 
 C^ o m rai I e , icidjiioagan. 
 Comrade ; my conirade, nidji : nid- 
 Jiki/rd, nidjikiwesi. 
 Conceal. S. Hide. 
 Conceive ; I conceive it, 7iin nitssito 
 Conceive, (in s. in.) S. Under- 
 Conclude. S. Consolidate, 
 ('oncord , hejigwendu/nowln. 
 Concord, (in s.m.) S. Peace. 
 Conciihinage. anie/ia widigendiwin . 
 matchi widigendiwin. We li\-<» t.fi- 
 getherin concubinage, anl-,.,. nin 
 Concubine ; I am a con., aniiha nin 
 nndn/erna inini. I keep a con.. 
 anifha nin widigenia ikwe. 
 Concupiscence, miasawenimowin. 1 
 look at hei (him) with cone, nin 
 mi <m wiga na wahama . 
 Condemn ; 1 condemn him, nin Ian- 
 ad/iu, tiin hnndso7na, nin mamiji- 
 ma. _ I condemn myself, ntji ban- 
 adjiidis. 1 condemn him to death, 
 ^ nin nih(/ma, nin nanihuma. 
 Conduct, r/iwehiiiwin, bimudi.Hicin. 
 Decent chaste conduct, Unadisi- 
 win. _ Chanired conduct, undjiwe- 
 lidwin, andji-himadisiwin. Wise 
 pnident conduct, nihwaka-ijiweU- 
 siwin. Indecent unchaste conduct. 
 gaaihadisiwin. My cond.is shame- 
 ful, is considered shameful, nind 
 Conduct, ('in s. in.) S. Behave, 
 Conduct; I conduct him, nin limi- 
 Conduct away. S. Lead away. 
 Conduct in ; I cond, him in, ninpin- 
 Comhict out ; I cond. him out, nin 
 CoiKluct. ConHiictor.— S. Guido, 
 <'ori(liict. S. ()vorso(>. 
 <'oiiloi.t, iKishkimintimnant 
 iJonfect ; I confi'ct, fu/j pashlchnin- 
 a«Hyt\ I oonlcct tliciii, ((terries, 
 til., an.) nin paM'tminasMuun \ 
 11 in pat^hkiin in a.sswaij. 
 Coiifeclioiiary articles, stsihakwat(tn' 
 (Joiiless, declare ; I ooiifeas sincere- 
 ly, nin (/waiohvadjinii 
 Coiifoss sms ; 1 coiiless my sins, nin 
 (^onCfsnioii, Wfhiniqewin. 
 (/on(i(i('ii((>. S. 'iVust. 
 Confidence, (iu s. in.) S. Ask with 
 ronlirin. S. Tonsolidate. 
 Conlirnv; I contirin, nin mitriircn 
 t'^'(>niji<if<\i/d'(i</ctr'n, 1 conlirni him, 
 7nn niina iSini(/i<freM'affetn'n, 
 Confirmation, Ninigii/rralii-dgewin. I 
 give (,^)nf.. nin mipwen iSnmji- 
 deeehhigticin. I receive Conf., nin 
 minifTd iSonijidvinlikaijewin. 
 Contirmed ; 1 am cont., nin gi-mini- 
 go Songiili'tfthliagewln. 
 Confirmed, ratified ; it is conf., son- 
 ConlVoiited ; we are conf. together, 
 nind aumnidhandiniin. 
 Conscience ; 1 have hitter remorses 
 of conscience, 7iind tnigdwagen- 
 Consent, m inwendnnynvin . 
 Consent; I consent,! am willing, w^'ra 
 Consent to do. S. Promise. 
 Conservation, gnnmctndanwwin. 
 Conserve ; 1 conserve him, (her, it,) 
 nin ganawcninia'., ninganawendan. 
 I conserve to ine, nin ganatrenda- 
 nias. 1 conserve it to nie, {in., an.) 
 nin gaiinnundamason ; nin gana- 
 wi'7id(nn(ts('/iau. — I conserve or put 
 up provisions, ni/id atwab 
 in. iS. Live, I make 
 Conserve, (^iii 
 Consider. C(msi;leration.— S. Re- 
 flect, liellection. 
 Consider. Considered.— ffj-mar/t. In 
 ref,'ard to the expressions: Jam 
 considered to be so and so, or to 
 he this or that, we remark here 
 that these expressions are to be 
 fonh(j Under their respective j«t.;>! 
 fjtnntivfn, verhH or ndjcctivcs Kor 
 instance.! f.tn considered superior 
 or to oe a superior, nin niqanenda- 
 gtm, Yon will find it under "Su- 
 piuior."- It is considcrod sharneAiJ 
 agiiti ndagwad. You will jind this' 
 under "Shameful."— JOtc. 
 Consolator, aialdKiwingfiii, 
 (^'onsolation, ahidndiwin. 
 Console ; 1 console, nind ahisiwinqe 
 nin gngiionge; nin novgidceKhkagc 
 ntu simgidec^hkawe. I console hitn.' 
 nind uhi.nirima, nin fsongidecshka- 
 wa, nin gdgmuma, nin minodeea, 
 nin gagnnuma. I console myself' 
 nin gugit!(mdiN. ' 
 Consoler, »wiingideeshl-awed, gain- 
 gisf-nged, aiiihisiiringed. 
 Cuiis()li(l;ite; I cons, it, nin songiton 
 ■nind aindjitt.iiton. ' 
 (^)nsullng, consolation, ahi.sindiwin. 
 Constable , tai'oniwemnini , tekvni- 
 Constancy, songendamowin, lejimven- 
 C-oiisiant; I am constant, nin soiujen- 
 d(ini, ninbcjigwendam. 
 Con.stant at work ; I am con., niii, 
 CoiKstaiHly, mojag, apinc, bejigu'a- 
 Constipated ; I am con., nin mamic'- 
 (itriu/ii. — S. Costive. 
 (\)nslipation. S. (\)stivene8S. 
 (Jonsiiintion, iiiahmigewin. 
 Construct, (in s. in.) S. Make. Build. 
 Constructed; it is con. {in., an.) iji. 
 trhigade, gijitchiyude ; ijitddgdm^ 
 Consume! i in s. in."* S. J]at up. 
 Cohsuuie. S. S|i('nd all. 
 Consuinption, nu'niwa/iin^-n'in.l have 
 the consumplion, nin nunitvaninc. 
 Contain, (hold ; ) it contains, dthash- 
 la'ne, delihi. It does not contain 
 much, {in., an.) ndwiidad; ndwu' 
 dtti. It cannot contain all, nonaah- 
 kinenifij/ad, noJiba(lJigema(jad. I 
 cannot it make it contain all, (I 
 cannot put all in,) nin nojibadkgv. 
 ('ontemn. S, Dewpise. 
 Contemplate. (Jontemplation, (in s. 
 in.)-S, Reflect. Reflection, 
 ('ontei.t, Tninwendavuiwin, 
 Content ; 1 content him, nin debia, 
 nin minwendamia. 
 Contented ; I am con,, nin minwrn- 
 dam, nin minawas, nin dehaymim, 
 nin dihenitn, nin dihendam, nin 
 dibit, nin naindam. I make him 
 contended, nin minwendamia, nin 
 maminwendatnia, nin minniendaa, 
 nin minonauwa,nin minawasia, nin 
 naindumia. 1 make it contented, 
 nin minweiulumiton, nin naenda' 
 miton. We make each other con- 
 tented, nin muminwendamiidimin, 
 Contentedness . debenimowin, min- 
 Contention. S. Dispute, 
 Continent ; it is the continent, kita' 
 kainiga. On the continent, kitaka- 
 Continually, kaginig, apine^ bejig- 
 wanong, mojag. 
 Continue; 1 continue long, nin gin- 
 Contract ; I contract it, nin eindabi- 
 Contradict ; I contradict, nind aji- 
 dewe, nind ajidewidam, nind agon- 
 wetam, niiid ag<mwetage. I contra- 
 dict in though'ts, nind ajidiendam, 
 nind agonweiendam. 1 contradict 
 him, niful agimwetawa, nind aji- 
 deina. I contradict him in thoughts, 
 nind ajidenima. I cont. it, nina 
 agunwetdn. We cont, each other, 
 nind agoniretadimin, nind ajidc?i- 
 diinin. I cont. my.self, nind agon- 
 icetdJis. I am in a habit of contra- 
 dicting, nind agowetngeshk. Bud 
 habit of contradicting, ugonwcta- 
 Contradictor, neta-agomvetang. 
 v'ontradiction, agonavtainowin, aji- 
 dewidamowin , ngonwetadiwin. , 
 Cont, In thoughti, agonw^ienda- 
 numin, njidimdavuytvin. 
 Contribute. Contribution.— 8 Give. 
 Contrite ; I am Contrite, nind anm- 
 Cotitrition, anwenindiaawin. 
 Conversntion, ganoniditvin, gagwno- 
 Converse; 1 cony,^ nin gdgigit. I 
 con. with him, nm guganona, niit 
 widjtdonama. We converse toge* 
 ther, nin gaganonidimint 
 Conversion, anwenindiaowin, an^fi^ 
 bimadieiwin, andjijiwebiaiwin. 
 Convert, vtedapinang anatniemn. 
 Convert; I convert myself, ntnd an. 
 wentndia. nind and^itan nind i/i. 
 wehiaiwin; nind odapinan anamie- 
 Win, 1 convert him, nin gaehkia 
 tchv undjijiivebiaid ; nin gashkia 
 tchi anajnidd. 
 Converted; I am con,, nind andji- 
 bimadia, nind andjyjiwebis ; nmd 
 Convey; I convey him (her, it) on 
 or in a carriage, nind odahana; nind 
 adabadan. I Convey him (her, it) 
 in a canoe or boat from the lakfl 
 to the shore, nind agwaona ; nind 
 agwaadon. 1 Convey him (her, it) 
 in a canoe or boat over a river or 
 bay, nind ajawau, nind ajawaonu; 
 nind ajawaan, nind ajinvaodon. 
 Convey back; I convey him (her, it) 
 back, nind ajewina; nind ajiwidon. 
 1 convey him (her, it) back again 
 in a canoe or boat, nin giweonn ; 
 nind giweodon. 
 Convey in; I convey him (her, it) in, 
 nin ■pindiguna; nin pindigadon. 
 Convey, (in s. in.) S. Carry. Carry 
 away. Conduct, 
 fonveyance in a carriage, aivadji- 
 C^onviction, ubeidiwin. I give testi- 
 mony to conviction, nm hatumje. 
 Testimony to conviction, batanqe- 
 Conviiice; I convince him, nitid ahea. 
 Convoke ; I conv., nin nandunge. I 
 conv, them, nin nandomag. 
 'Convulsion, tchUrhihishlcainn . — S 
 ^ook; ichlhakweivmini) tcMhukwe- 
 ikwe; tchahahwed. 
 Cook; t cook, nin tvldhakwe, nin m- 
 mehve. I cook for hUn, nin tiM- 
 bukwawu. nin gisimma, ntn f/ini' 
 dehona. I cook for myself, tiin iohi- 
 hakwae. I co;>k it, ,u';/., a;».) nin 
 gislsiui; )i.in. yisiswa. I cook it ten- 
 dfir, V »■//., a/i.i nm M/kisan; nin no- 
 6'ooke(l; it is cooked, {in., un.) (jiji- 
 de\ gisiso. It is cooko'd in a certain 
 manier, inidema/fod. It is well 
 cooked, well done, [in., an.)mino 
 dffmagud; minoso. It is cooked ten- 
 dor, («.'«., an.) nokide; nokiso. 
 '•'ooltery, cooking, tvMhuhiv'ewin, gi- 
 Cook-house, kitchen, tchibakwewi- 
 '^ook-tiinid, tvhihahpeikwe. 
 ''Cook-stove, cooking-stove, trhihak- 
 6'ool ; it is cool or cold, takissin. It 
 13 cool, takaianiagad. [t is cool 
 'Cbol; I cool, nin takissidjige. I cool 
 lum, (her, it,) nin takishima ; nin 
 (7go1 (by wetting;) I cool him, (her, 
 It,) wm takabdwana ; nin iakabci- 
 ■wadan. I cool it, pouring cold wa- 
 ter in, nin takagamislihodnn, taki- 
 (Cool, (ins. in.)S. 6"'old. 
 'ooper, makakokmmiini. I am a coo- 
 per, (I make barrels,) wmwiayta- 
 Cooper's business, trade, work, ma- 
 (Cooper-shop, mal-akokewigamig. 
 (/opper, miskwabik, osaivubik. 
 6'opper-mine, mukwdbikokan, biwd- 
 btkokun. I work in a copper-mine, 
 m'* ^^'*^"'"^^"'^'0*«) nin biwdhikoke. 
 Miner in a copper-mine, miskwa- 
 hikokewin in i, biv)abikokcwinini. 
 'Copper-mining business, miskwdbi- 
 Coppar-mining Agent or Supcrinten 
 dent, mishvdbikoki-ogima. 
 6'('pper-ccnt, jimumike, miakviohi- 
 kana, osuwahihins, 
 6V)py, nr.ssdhiigan, nabibifigan, and. 
 'Copy, (in s. in.) S. Writino-. 
 (Copy, (transcribe ;) I copy, nin nan 
 mliHge, nin nabibiige. nind andji. 
 hiiue. \ cop> it, nin uasmbian, nin 
 nabiliiaii, vind a.ndjibian. 
 (7opy imitate;) [copy it, nin kikin,,. 
 Wdtnnidan, nasscil) nivd ojiti.n. 
 Copj,;ing, nai^snbiigeu'in, ''naUhiige- 
 unh, andjibiigeu-in. ■ 
 Cord of wood, atuwissan. 
 6'ord. S. Rope. 
 6'ore of a corn-ear, o^a?id/5;. 
 Cork, wajattJiJcicedo , kitcJd-wajash 
 Cork-screw, gitaigan. 
 Cork-stopper , 2('aJngIJ:wedo-gihak- 
 Corn. S. Indian corn. 
 Corn-ear, (of Indian corn,) 7visakosK 
 The corn-ear bursts at the fire 
 pashkingweso nisakosi. 
 Cornel-tree, mdnan. 
 Corner; there is a corner, ivawikweir. 
 In a corner of the room, wihwessa- 
 gag. In a corner of the earth, wil-. 
 wekamigag aki. 
 Corner-stone , waiekwaiabiki-amn, 
 wikiveiahikissitchigan, maiawaiek- 
 vaiabikicsi asiin, netamabikishimj 
 assin. Chief corner-stone, nigani- 
 w ikwe iabikiss itch iga n . 
 Corn-meal, bissibcdjigan. 
 Corn-soup, corn-mash. — S. Indian 
 Corn-stalk, sihvagan. Sprout of the 
 corn-stalk, sibwagana. 
 Costive; I am costive, nin gibistag- 
 Costiveness, gibissagujewin. 
 Costly. S. High. 
 Corpse, tchibai. 
 Corpus Christi day, wabigoni-giji- 
 Correct , gwaiak. 
 Correct; 1 
 ton, ni 
 it, nin i 
 ting, ni 
 Coir" -it; ] 
 (Jotton, pa 
 Cough, os^' 
 Cough; I c 
 Council, gi 
 Counsel; I 
 somn . 
 Count; I ( 
 inistiii.e i 
 dtifti. I 
 {in., an. 
 nin a agir 
 Counted; I 
 tenence, i 
 Counting, (I 
 Country, ak 
 Couple; so 
 nin mang 
 make him 
 Court, dibah 
 Cousin, (he- 
 cousin, ni 
 Correct,- T correct it, nin rr^inahi- 
 ton, nm nanaitnn. I c'orrpct a 
 vvritiripr, nin nannHiiifje; I correct 
 it, nin nandUHnn. Corrected wri- 
 ting, nindibrujan. 
 0)rn.'r;t, Corroctinij.fin 8. in.) S. 
 Roi)air. Uepairinq. 
 <.'orr"-)t; I corrupt him, jiin matchi 
 inwcUdu, nin banadjia, nin aaui- 
 Corrupted; it is corrupted, (liquid,) 
 <ija/nimifi.sin. It is corr., {in., an. ) 
 pi'ji.shkanuil; pipshkanttui. 
 (Jottou, papa(jiwatan, papaoiwaiani- 
 Cotton-bag. made of cotton, puvagi- 
 waianeshHmid. '' 
 < 'o u g h , os^ossoda iiiowin. 
 Cough; I cough, nind ossos.iodam. 
 Council, gigitowin. 
 ("ouncii -house, yvjitnwigaviiff. 
 Counsel; I counsel hitn, nin gag an- 
 som'i . 
 Count; I count, hi/id agindass. I 
 inistuue in cuuming, nin wanagin- 
 das8. I mistake in counting it, 
 (in., an.) nin icanairiiidan \ nin 
 wanaginut. I count him, (her, it,) 
 niiid agima; , ind agindan. 
 Counted;! am (^it is) counted, ni7id 
 agindjlgas ; agindjigade. 
 Countenance; 1 have a smiling coun- 
 tenence, ninhihapingwe. 
 Counting, ugiivdjigadewin. 
 Country, aki. 
 Cou ntryman, widjidalciwemagan . 
 Couple; so many couple, dussive- 
 Couple. S. Pair. 
 Courage, songidcnvin, mangotassi- 
 ■win, mangideewin. 
 Courageos; 1 am cour., nin song idee, 
 nin mufigotdss, nin numgidie. I 
 make him cour., nin aongideea, nin 
 Courageous man, mangotassiivijiini, 
 swangideed inini. 
 Courageous person, swangideed, meU' 
 Court, dibakonidiioin,. 
 Cousin, (he-cousin;) my, thy, his 
 cousin, ninimoshe, hinimoahe, wi- 
 I nimosheian; or. nitawiss,Hlanifi 
 \ wtfannssan. " 
 Cousin, (she cousin;) ihy, thy, her 
 cousin, nindnmjo.'ihe. kidangoahf 
 Cover; cover of a kettle, etc., dtl,„. 
 boweigan, padagwabufignn. gibaht- 
 katgan, gibahvaigan, gibahoHoai, 
 Cover of a powder-pan, agnnvM- 
 ninpudugwanmca: n in nadngwnnn'. 
 an. 1 cover L..n (her.itVwith mv 
 hody, mn padagmnu.'^hkuwu: nm 
 padagnmniM-an. J t covers rr- ni,, 
 padaywanishhujon. I cover iii,,, 
 (her, it,) with some article , f 
 clothing, nind agwctj^wa, nind iw. 
 wunawa; nind agwanaan.— \ cov- 
 er myself, nin naagwaje, nifid «/-. 
 waje. I cover my head, nind uu- 
 wamhvendis. I cover my breast 
 mnd agu'uiakigane( dis. ' ' 
 On-er, (.roof;) I cover, nind avahih 
 jtge. I coyer it, (a lodge or h'ouse ) 
 nmd apakodon. ' 
 Cover with hart ; I cover, nin nina- 
 wanapahre. 1 cover it, nin ning. 
 uiantipakicadnn. •' 
 Covered; lam (it is) covered with 
 s. \h..ninpadagwaningi,^; padaq- 
 wanatgndc. I am (it is) covereli 
 mnd ugwanuigiuy; agwanalqade.— 
 All IS covered with U, mimveshka- 
 Coverpc.', (roofed ;) it \n covered 
 apakode, apakodjinade. ' 
 Covet; I covet, ntn missawendam, 
 mn missawendjige, nin mi.^saunn. 
 uge. 1 covet him. (her. \t.^ nin 
 mmanjenima, nin vmsawinawa: 
 mn mis,<iawenddn, nin missawinan 
 I covet s. th. belonging to him! 
 {^n., an.) nin ndssawetuianiawa- 
 nin missawinamawa . ' 
 Covetous?; I am covetous. S. Covet 
 Covetous desire, missawendamowm 
 I look at him (her, it) with a covet- 
 ous desire, nin missawiganaivaha- 
 ma; nin missawiganawdbandan. 
 sawemndiicin, nmsaweniiamou'in. 
^J ;*#-'*■*» 
 Covr, pijiki, ikwi-pijiki. The cow 
 is to have a caff, andjiio pijiki. 
 The cow has a calf untimely, 
 abortively, nitM pijihi. The cow 
 has a calf, onidjanisti pijiki. 
 Coward, jaidgodeed. I am a coward, 
 nin jagodee. 
 <7owardice, jfdaodemvin. 
 Cow-hide , pijikigewm. 
 Cow-pox, mamahmmn, I inocu- 
 late with the cow-pox, nm mama- 
 kitiiwe. I inoculate him with the 
 cow-pox, nin mamakisia. I am 
 inoculated with the cow-pox, nin 
 mama/fcwu^o.— Inoculating, inocu- 
 lation, mantakitiiwewin. 
 Cow-pox inoculator, mcmahittiiwed, 
 Crab. S. Craw-fish. 
 Ciack; I crack or craunch, nt»mad- 
 wendjige. I crack or craunch it, 
 {in., an.) nin madwenddn \ nin 
 madwema. I make crack my 
 fingers, nin madwigantnindjihi- 
 nidii. The joints of my limbs 
 crack, nin madwiganeskka. It 
 cracks, madweshka^mamudweghka. 
 The ice cracks, madwehvadin. 
 Crack, (split;) gimsiwtn, gagipisi- 
 win. There is a crack or split in 
 a piece of wood, tawissaga. 
 Cracked ; my feet, my hand , my 
 legs, etc., are cracked.— S. Foot. 
 Hand. Leg, etc. 
 Cracked through; it is or. thr., (met- 
 al,) tuwdbikad. It is cr. thr., 
 (rock,) tawdbikamagad . 
 Cracker, andkonans, pakwejigans. 
 Crackle: the fire crackles, j»aAi»e or 
 papakine ishknte. 
 Cradle, icMtchibakonagan. Indian 
 cradle, tikinagan. 
 Crafty. S. Artful. 
 Cramps. S. Spasms. 
 Cranberry, mashkigimin,. There are 
 cran., manhkigimirdka , Place 
 where there are erpn., mmJikigi- 
 minikan.^ I gather cran., nin 
 Tnashkigiminike . 
 Cranberry-River, Mashkigiminikx- 
 Crane, adjidjad. 
 Crane-popsto, adjidjakopin. 
 Crank, kijihawehinigan. I turn a 
 crenk, nin kijjibawebinige. 
 Crank, (ins. in.) 8. Handle. 
 Crape, nitagewaian. 
 Craunch. 8. Crack, 
 Craw-fish, ajaguhi. 
 Crawl. 8. Creep. 
 Crazy, I am crazy, nind agaicadit 
 ntn giwdnudii. ' 
 Cream; I take off the cr«am, nin 
 Creator, mitt gego ga-gyitod. 
 Credit; I give credit to people, ni„ 
 maemamagot. I take on credit 
 nin masinaige, I collect my cred' 
 its, (my active debts,) nin nan- 
 doakkamage. I ask him to pay 
 his credit, (his debt.) ninnandosL 
 kumawu. I try to get my credits 
 paid, nm raanrfosAI-a«. 
 Creditor, mesinaamagotid, metinaa- 
 Credulous surpersticious person 
 anotch gego daiebwetang. ' 
 Cree Indian, Kinishtino, 
 Greek, gibi. 
 Creep; I creep, nin bimode,nin la- 
 bdtnode. I creep about, nin bala- 
 mode. I creep out, ningagidode. 
 Cree squaw, kinis/dinokwe. 
 Crepusculous; it is crep., tibikula- 
 Crevice; there is a crevice in the 
 ice, taghkihwad, passihwad. 
 Cribble. S. Sieve. 
 Cricket, papakine. 
 Crime, batadowin, batajitwawin, 
 matchi dodamou'in. I commit a 
 crime, nin haiadodum, nin matcM 
 Cripple: I am a cripple, nin mdkis. 
 I make him a cripple by striking 
 him, ninmnkinana. 
 Cripple, (unable to walk,) limcttef 
 gi<f, memdndjigogid. 
 Crooked knife, wagikoman, Jasha- 
 Crooked root, wagitchibik. 
 Crop. S. Harvest. 
 Crop or craw of a bird, omodai. This 
 bird ha.< 
 daie aw 
 6'i osier, ( 1 
 Cro.sier, ( 
 ■wan, pai 
 The pi a 
 6Voss, tchi 
 cross ui 
 self,) Hi> 
 the sign 
 over him 
 Cross, (pe 
 eil, nin n 
 Cross, (tra 
 a canoe c 
 him (cor 
 etc., niw 
 river, etc 
 a river svv 
 1 cross it 
 cross it 
 nind aji» 
 over a trc 
 dawe, niiL 
 or convey 
 canoe or k 
 get mysel 
 nind ajai 
 sailing, m 
 aj id esse. 
 Croup ; my, 
 kijigan, o^ 
 bone, nij\ 
 Crow, andet 
 Of IS. 
 Crow; the ( 
 Crowd ; vye 
> ,ii»«*«iBMi.., 
 bird has a large crop, mangomo- 
 date aw bi\eshi. 
 Ci osier, (Bishop's stall',) Kitchi-me- 
 katewikwunaie o sakaon. 
 Crosier, (Iiniian crosier,) pugando- 
 wan, pagaadowatink. 1 play with 
 croNior and hall, nni pagnadowe. 
 Ilie play itself, pagaadowcwin. 
 Crn9s,tc/iif)aiatig, ajuhialig; anamie- 
 u-atig. I make che si^n of the 
 cross upon invsolf, (1 bless my- 
 self,) «t/Wr/u'.Vna/<V/wu>. I inaitc 
 the sign of the cross njjon him or 
 over him, iivi tchihaiatigonamaiva. 
 ^ross.l.ili, cross-bealc, (bird,) ajidi- 
 Cross, (peevisli;) I am cross, wicit- 
 ed, MjAi wiVt/uVe, (I have a hairv 
 heart.) ' 
 ^ross-saw. S. L ig-saw. 
 Cross-stick in the snow shoe, o;6m.'j/!-. 
 Cross, (traverse;) I cross a river, in 
 a canoe or boat, nhid ujawii. 7iinU 
 ajawaam, nin nlminam. I cross 
 him (convey him) over a river, 
 etc., wiW ajawaa. 1 cress it, (a 
 nver, etc.) niiiil djawaun. 1 cross 
 a river swimming, nind djamidaga. 
 1 cross It walking on the ice, iiind 
 ujawadagak, nind ajawagak. I 
 cross It walking over a bridge. 
 mad ajoge. I cross it walking 
 over a tree or h.g, yiind ajaivan- 
 dawc, 7ii7id ajogiiandawe. — I cross 
 or convey people over a river in a 
 canoe or boat, nind ajawaodjige, I 
 get myself crossed over a river, 
 nind ajiiUHumigos. I cross over 
 sailing, nind ajuwash.—lt crosses, 
 aj id esse. 
 Croup ; my, thy, his croup, nijigan, 
 fcijigan, ojigan. 
 Croup-bone; my. thy, his croup- 
 l)one,_ nijigunigan, Icijiganigan, o- 
 Crow, andelc. Young crow, andeh 
 Crow; the cock crows, maaitagosi 
 Crowd; we crowd too much, nin 
 Crowded; we are crowded, nin moth, 
 Crown. <>g:>na-witvakwan, kiuhi-oo- 
 t»ia wtwakwan. * 
 Crown; 1 crown him. (her,) ni„d 
 vginiawia ; tnnd ogi/nakwewia 
 Cromi of the head, nawmgoJcwuTi. 
 Criici'^'e S. i\telting-pot. 
 (Jruel. (.'ruelty. S. Wickedness of 
 Crumb, hiwandjig<>n. 
 Crumb; I crum^' ", {in , an.) nin 
 giipi/tan ; mn, gaplna. 
 Cruinble; I crumble it. {in., an.) 
 mnhmid,m nin bisaih\d,m ; nil 
 Oiwtna, nin hmhina. The bread 
 crumbles, li>,iM^ paLejgan. 
 l.he bread crumbles into smal 
 pieces biwuae pakwejigan 
 Crush/ ] criisli(or bruise) him, ^ her 
 It, j 71X71 hammkawa ; «m hanasi 
 kan. I crush him. putting myself 
 I'l'on him. 7na UdagoshkJaTl 
 crush It, rtin hudagoshkun. I crush 
 ittosmalhueces, to powder, (w. 
 an.)7im hmaan- nin hssdwa. { 
 crush his Ve^i\, 7dn Jigoshtigwan- 
 e»Ua, I crush It with my hand 
 Kyi., an. ) 7im jishigmindjandun ; 
 mn pshigimindmna. I crush it 
 with my foot, (t*;,., an.) nin jishl 
 gnstdandun ; nin jishigosidama. 
 1 crush it vvith my foot or body 
 U»., an.)ninjnjugo.ihkan ; ninja- 
 jagoshkaiva. ' •' 
 C'nitch, gwashhvandaon. 
 Cry ; I cry, nin mautagos. I cry 
 loud, nind aidjikwe. I cry out 
 nin hibu^. I cry selling, (at an auc' 
 tion,) mn bihdgatawe. 
 Cry, (m s. in.) Sj. Weep. 
 Crying sale, (auction,) bibagatandi- 
 Cubit biminih, bisUnihenmoin, eko- 
 doshwantng. One cubit, mngobi- 
 ?mnik. T^vo, three cubits, etc. 
 nijobi7ninik, ntssobimimk, etc 
 Cucumber, eshkandaminq. 
 Cm]gel, pagatiagan. 
 Cudgel, (round stick, not split. )ww#- 
 Tie, (tuft ol hair,; neoihantoan. I 
 wear a cui, nin neijibatura. 
 Cuff; I cufl hun, uin pxkmahmxnd- 
 ''umin, memwe, 
 ^'iiiiniiiK. S. Artful. Artfulness, 
 ^'up, Dndyana, anibmhaho-onayuus. 
 riipbimril, tixmhan. I put it on a 
 cupboard, (im., an.) nin ti'usaba- 
 dan ; mn tessahana. 
 ^'up-shot ; I am cup-shot, n\n gx- 
 Cure; I cure, nin nodjimoiwe. It 
 cures, nod}imoiivemaya<1 . I cure 
 him, nin ni/djiim/a. 1 euro for him 
 or to him, nin nudjinudawa. 
 Cured ; J am cured, ninaddjitn, nin 
 ('uring. nm/^tinoiwewin. 
 Curiosity, (inquisitiveness ;)had cu- 
 riosity, mainulcambangeshkiinii., ' 
 tr amakatinumowin, 1 use to look ; 
 «/n with too much curiosity, nin 
 namakatahaiigeshk. ' i 
 <"/Urio. s! Mhinangwana ! 
 Jurious, mamakddakaniig, mama- 
 kadjaii. I am ( it is ) curious, ( as- | 
 ♦onisl g,) nin mamakaden lagtis, 
 i'h iiiamakadh,; mamakadendag-] 
 Jad, mamakadad. I find him ( her, ; 
 It) curious, (astonishing;,) nin ma- 
 makadenirna i nin mamakaden dan. 
 (^ourious, (ins. in.) S. Droll. 
 Couriously, wawiiaj. 
 Curl. Curled, (in B. in.) S. Twist. 
 Curled hair ; I have curled hair, nin 
 Cu rle w , patashkanje. 
 Currant-berry, mishidjimm. 
 Currant-shrub, mishidjiminagawanj. 
 Current ; the current of a river is 
 heard, madividjiwan. There is a 
 strong foaming current, wassidji- 
 wan. The current carries me a- 
 way, nin wehahog. The current of 
 a river comes out of the woods 
 and falls in the lake, sag Idawidji- 
 Currycomb, nasikwiigan, hehejigo- 
 Curte ; I curse, niti matchi-inapin- 
 fndjiae. I curse him, ( her, it . ) nin 
 matchi- inapinema ; nin. matcki-xn- 
 Airtnin. nunhidjigan. ^^lico for 
 eurtnitis. agnhidjiganiifxn, 
 Curtain, hs a parliliDH, gihagadjigcn, 
 1 hang up a pajrution-'curtaiii, \i,in 
 C'usliion, a/'ikweehimon. 
 r'listoiu, nagadini'i ill. — S. Accus- 
 Cut; I cut him, (her, it^) nin Hah- 
 kijica,nin Idwikona, ntn kith dwa; 
 nin kiM'fjan, nin hiwikvdun, nin 
 kishkaan. \ cut myself, nin kijao- 
 diK, ninkiehkijodiii. 1 cut it with 
 a knife, nin kis7ik?h>dan, I cut it 
 with the teeth, nin kishkandan. I 
 cut it with a scythe, nin kiM-ash- 
 kijan. I cut grass; nin kinhkath- 
 kiLS^Hwe. I cut his skin, nin hvh- 
 kajcwa. It cuts, ginaM:ad.~\ cut 
 it to make it smaller, (m., an.) 
 Hind agufn-ikiidan \ n'nd ndaasiko- 
 .la. 1 cut it with difTicufty, nin 
 gnMann. — I am (i* is j cut, nin 
 kinhkijigas ; kishkijigade. 1 am 
 (it is) cut by accident, nin Hjai- 
 <ias ; kijaigade. I am cut to the 
 bone, nin mitchignneshin. It is 
 cut, (meta',) kinhkahikad. 
 Cut, (a coat, etc.) 1 cut, nindonijigt. 
 1 cutit,ni/i</ onijan. 
 Cut accidentally; I cut blin,(her, it,) 
 nin pitijwa ; nin pitijan. I cut 
 myself, nin pitijodis. 
 Cut down ; I cut down a tree, nin 
 gawawa mitig, nin kiMigawa mi- 
 tig. I cut down trees, nin ga- 
 7i'aisse, nin gawakwaige, nm ga- 
 ivaakwandjiqc. Tcitdowna birch 
 tree to i,'et the bark, nin gawaijig- 
 ?- e. The tree is cut down, gawai- 
 gasomitig. Mi.ny trees cut'down, 
 gawaakwandjigan. Many trees are 
 cut down, gaihaakiuandjtgade. 
 Cut_ long; I'cutit long, {in., an.) 
 nin gxnwakwaan; nxn ginwakiva- 
 Cut_ of!"; I cut oflF what is spoiled, 
 {in., an.) nin gatfigikodan; nin, 
 gagigikona, nin ga'gxgijwa. I cut 
 off a I ' 
 jige. I c 
 an.) nin 
 — I cut i 
 ntn ivth 
 cut It oft' 
 na, nin i 
 ( in., an. 
 his tongi 
 wa. My 
 nin ki«h 
 cut off, n 
 nails oft', 
 C; i off ha I 
 Foot. L( 
jfi- . ' \u 
 ofT a 
 r oe or pieces, nin pahoi- 
 I cut off a piece from It, (w., 
 an.) nin pakwejan ; nin pahwejica. 
 —I cut it off with an oxe, ( in., an.) 
 nxn tvthujaan ; nin Wfhu/awi, 1 
 '.-•ut u off with a knife, (in., an.) nin \ 
 wehi/an, nin tvtUhman. nin tvhi- 
 ijapidnn : nin wihijwa, ninwehiko- 
 na, nin tchiifanijwa. I cut it off. 
 M/j., an.) nin kinhh'jaan, nintioh- 
 fcAgadan ; nxn kishkioana.~l cut 
 his totiRue off, %in kinhkidf.naniwej- 
 wa. My tongue in cut off, nin 
 kwhkidenanim. 1 cut his no«e off, 
 nin HehkxdjaMJwa. My nose is 
 cut off, nin kxuhkidjane. I cut my 
 nails off, nin kinhkiijanjimdin. 
 €\ off' hand, foot, leg. 
 Jhoot. Leg, 
 S. Hfnd. 
 Cut pointed; lent it pointed, {in., 
 an.) nin i>atchi«hkiian, nin patch- 
 xshktfHidon ; tiin fatcM.ihk^wa, nin 
 patdmhkihona. I cut it pointed 
 with an axe, (in., an.) nin paichish- 
 kx(/aan; nv: patchxahkiydwa. 1 
 cut It pointed with a knife, (\r 
 an.) nin patdmhkihxian ; nin 
 patchiMihma. it is out pointed 
 (stuff, in., an.) patchi»hkigad\ 
 patclmhkigigi. It is cut })ointed, 
 (wood, in, an.) palchiehhifftui : 
 Cutler, mokomnnikeuinini. I am a 
 cutle,-, (1 make knives,^ mn mohj- 
 Cutler's shop, mckoTnanirewiaamir. 
 Cutlery, cutler's work or i ide, mcl 
 Cypreie-tree, oUhanJag. 
 Dagger, ajaweahkons. 
 Daily, every day, 0)idnsso-niji(jah. 
 Dainty ; I am fond of dainties, nin 
 mammadjib. Fondness of dain- 
 ties, mammadjibowin. I feed my- 
 self daintily, nin maminoponidis. 
 Dairy, totoshahowigamig. 
 Dam, ohwanim, gihagawaigtr., I 
 make a dam, nind o]cwani'>r ke, nm 
 gibagawaige. There is a dam 
 made, olcwanimikade, gihagawai- 
 Damage, lanadjitassowin, hayiad- 
 jitchiaewin. 1 suffer damage, nin 
 hancumtass. I make damage, nin 
 banadjitrkige. I make damage to 
 people, nin banadjitage. I make 
 v)r cause him damage, nin banad- 
 jitawa, nimd agawudjia. I cause 
 damage to myself, nin hanadjitas, 
 mnd agawadjiidis. 
 2?am_age; I damage it, (^•«., a^,) nin 
 mijiton, nind enapinadon ,•■ nin 
 mijiu^ nind enapinana. 
 Damage, (in s. in. ) S. Injure. Defile. 
 Damaged ; Is is dam., {in., an.) ba- 
 nudjitchi/jade; banadjitchigaso. 
 Damaging, banadjitchigeimn. 
 Damnation, bmadjiiwewin, banadisi- 
 win. I cause his damnation. 7jwi 
 banudjia. I cause my own dam- 
 nation, nin banadjiidis. It causes 
 damnation, banadjiiwemagad. 
 Damp; it is damp, nismbawe?nagad. 
 It IS much damp, nibiwan, tipdma- 
 gad. It is a little damp, awissa- 
 ni igad.—S. Moistened. 
 Dance, nimiwin, nimiidiwin. Dance 
 with a scalp, gamadjitvin. 
 Dance; I dance, nin nim. I make 
 him dance; nin nimia. I dance 
 with her, (him,) nin ividjishimo- 
 tawa. We dance together, nin 
 nimiidimin. I make people dance, 
 (I give a ball,) nin nimiiwe. I 
 dance for him, nin nimitawa. I 
 dance with a .scalp in my hand, 
 ningamddj. I com> to him dan- 
 cing w'th a scalp, nin gamddjino- 
 tawa. T dance around s. tli., nin 
 giwitashim. I dance like a lame 
 person, nin tatchigashim. 
 Dancer, ndmid, ndd-nimid, ndmish- 
 Dancing, (ball,) nimiidiwin, nimii. 
 ding. I am too much in a habit of 
 dancing, nin nimishh. Habit of 
 d a nc i n g , «im <■ sMiwin. 
 Dancing-honse, nimiidiwigamig. 
 Dtindruff-comh, suqwahide-binahwan, 
 Danger, nanisanisiwiii. Eminent 
 danger, dangerous thing, bapinisi- 
 tvagan. lam in danger, nint)a- 
 nif-anis. I put him (her, it) in 
 dinger, nin nanisania; nin nani- 
 saniton. ^ I put myself in dancer 
 nin nanisaniidis. I am in danger 
 of perishing, '/im bajine, ninhaha- 
 nadis. I put him in danger of pe- 
 rishing, nin bajinana. 
 Dangerous; it is dangerous, (m., an.) 
 nanisanad; nnni^anitsi. I am (it 
 is) considered dang., nin nanisa- 
 nendagos, nin nisaiendagos; nanis- 
 anendagivad, nisniendagwad. I 
 consider him (her.it) i\ax\g.,vin 
 nanisanenima; nin nanimnendan. 
 I am dang, by my speaking, nin 
 nanisanitagos. I think there is 
 8. th. dangerous, nin nanisanen- 
 dam. I look (it looks) dang., nin 
 nanisaninagos ; 7ianisaninag-wad. 
 Dare; I di 
 Daring; I 
 Dark; it i 
 have a c 
 face, ni 
 is dark-1 
 nin past 
 Dash, (in 
 nan. I 
 ter, nitu 
 nind oda 
 The dau 
 law m a 
 nind ojin 
 Dawn; it bf 
 Day, gijig, 
 am so m£ 
 absent, n 
 Good da; 
 day, nin i 
 Daylight; it 
 fore dayli 
 is broad d 
 Day of judg 

 • ^* f ^ 
 Dangerously, hahanadj. 
 Darn; I dare not, ninjagwenim. 
 Daring; I am daring, nin sorMidee, 
 Dark; it is dark, fashayishka, hash- 
 Dark-blue; it is dark-blue or livid, 
 apissin, apusamagnd. I have a 
 dark-blue eye, nind apissah. I 
 have a dark-blue syoK, nind apisaa- 
 bawe. My skin is dark-blue, ?und 
 apissage. I have a dark-blue 
 face, niiid apissivijive. 1 am of a 
 dark-blue color, niiid apisnix. It 
 is dark-blue, (metal,) a^>w^rtW/5-/*A- 
 Dark-colored, mahite—... 
 Darkness; there is darkness, pngfiu- 
 gishHbihul, hishkltihikad, pasha- 
 (jishHmimiM-in. I am in darkness, 
 nin pashagishkinum. 
 Dash, (in s. in.) S. Knock. 
 Daughter, idanisximu. My, thy, his 
 daughter, nindtiniss, kidnniss,odn- 
 ninsun. His adult daughter, odd- 
 nan. I have a daughter, nind 
 odunids. I have her lor a daugh- 
 ter, nind odanissinan, nind oda- 
 nissima. I am a daughter, nind 
 odamimnilgo. I am his daughter, 
 nind odani.ssimig. 
 Daughter-in-law; my, thy, his daivgh- 
 ter-in-law. nisnim, kissim, ossimin. 
 The daughter-in-law in a family, 
 nadngai.ikwc. I am daughter-in- 
 law in a family, 7iin nadngnnuh, 
 nind ojinindum. 
 Dawn; it begins to daw.i, hidahan. 
 l^ay. gyig< gyigad. So many days, 
 dassogwan. Two days, nijogijig, 
 nijogwan, etc. it is so many clays, 
 dassof/n'anitgad. It is two days, 
 ^i'J"(/Vigad, niiogwanagad, etc' I 
 am so many days old, nin datfsog- 
 wanugiti, I am two days old, nin 
 nijogwanagis^ etc. I am two days 
 absent, mn nijngwanend, etc. — 
 Good day! hgo] I bid him good 
 day, nin bnjon. 
 Daylight; it is daylight, wdhan. Be- 
 fore daylight, tchi hwa leabang. It 
 is broad daylight, pagakahan. 
 Day of judgment, dibakmige-gijigai. 
 Day of resurrection, uhUehibaicini- 
 Dazzled; I am dnz., nin jiwan, nin 
 pashngishkinam. I am daz. by it, 
 I cannot look at it, nin sugsabig. 
 Dead; he is dead, niho, gi-niho. 
 Dead i)er8on. tchibai, nehod. ga-nibod. 
 Dead person's bone, tckibuvnin. 
 Dead-smell; nibasotnagonwin. I 
 smell like a dead person, 7iin ni- 
 Deaf; I am deaf, nin gagihishe. I 
 feign to be deaf, nin. gugibishekae. 
 Deafness, gagibi»hfwin. 
 Deaf perso'n, gegibihhed. 
 Deal; Ideal, nind ntawe. 
 Dealer, atairewinini. 
 Dealth with; I am not easy to be 
 dealt with, nin sanugis, I think 
 he is not easy to be dealt with, 
 nin sanagenima. 
 Dear, (of a high price;) it is dear, 
 {in., an.) cunagud, sanagaginde, 
 mamissuginde; mnagit.1, mnaou- 
 ginno, mamisnaginso. '' 
 Death, nibowin. Sudden death, tf- 
 dka-nihnvin, kakaminewin, kaia- 
 Death from hunger, gawandndamo- 
 Death-whoop, bibngotnmmrin. I raise 
 the death-whoop, ninbihag/,tan' 
 '^^' hate; we debate with each ouirr, 
 7)ind a-'nJindcndiTnin. 
 Debauch; I debauch him, nin gagi- 
 Debt, masinaigan, masinaignrin, 
 I make debts, inn masinaige^ iAak- 
 ing debts, iiiasinaigeivin. 
 Debtor, mesinuiged. 
 Decamp; I decamp, nin go/i. 
 Decamping, decampment, gnsiwin. 
 Decant; I decant it, nin sikohlginan . 
 Decay; it decays, anammmumid, 
 ango?nagud. It decays, (clothing,) 
 (lawanud. Tt decays, (flower, 
 herb,) Jiibwashkissin. 
 Decease. ?iiboivin. 
 Deceased. S. ]>ead person. 
 Deceit, ivaiejingewin. 
 Deceive; 1 (deceive, nin waiejinge. I 
 deceive him, (her, it,) nin waieji- 
 ma; nin waiejindan. I deceive 
 with my speaking, nin waiejitagos. 
 I use to deceive, nin nitd-ivaiijin 
 ye, nin wai^jingeskh, I deceive 
 myself, nin wuiejindis. 
 Deceiver, wciejinijed, weiij'ngeshlcid. 
 Deceiving, waiejingeuin.' Habit of 
 deceiving, waujingeshhiwin. 
 Deceiving; 1 am dec., I look better 
 than 1 am, nind agawinagos. 'tis 
 dec, agaudnagnmd. 
 December, tnanltogisissans. 
 Decent behavior, hinadi^iwin. I 
 behave decently, nin hinadis. 
 Decent narration, hinadjimowin. I 
 tell decently, nin hinadjiin. 
 Decide. S. Resolve. 
 Declare, S. Explain. 
 Decline; the sun is on his decline, 
 giweiassani gisics. The winter is 
 on its decline, giwehihon. The 
 summer is on its decline, giwmi- 
 Decoration. S. Ornament. 
 Decorticate; I dec. ceder-trees, tdn 
 gashl'aan agehwe. 
 Decrepit; 1 am dec, ninlcitcJugika. 
 Decry. Decried. — S. Defame. De- 
 Deed, (action,) dodamr/win. 
 Deed._ (writing, document,) debive- 
 win i- m asin a iqa n . 
 Deep; I deep him (her, it) a little 
 in water, nin tangagtvindjitna; nin 
 Deep; it is deep, (water.) dimi, di- 
 mitigweia^ ginwindima, tahwindi- 
 ma. — It is deep, hosika. I make it 
 deep, nin hmbitim. It is made 
 deep, liosihitchigade. So deep in 
 the ground, epitakamig. 
 Deep, (hollow;) it is deep, wdnama- 
 Deer, icatraMe^hi. Young spotted 
 deer, kilagahrms. 
 Deer-meet , tvawasUesTiiwiwiiass. 
 />ecr-b()ne, icawuchke&hiwigun. 
 Deer-skin, wmvashkeshiwaian. 
 Deer's tail, wawashkesMwano. 
 Deer-trail, omonscm. 
 Defamation, matchi-wawindjigude- 
 Defame; I defime him, (her, it,) nw 
 matohi-wina, nin matchi-ivawina • 
 nin matchi-windan, nin matchi-wa- 
 Defame, (in s. in.) S. Tell bad re- 
 Defamed; lam (it is) defamed, nt?j 
 mnlohi-waivindjigns :, mutchiwa- 
 Defend; 1 defend him, nin nddam- 
 Defend, (resist;)! def, myself, lin 
 nandhvi. I def. myself against 
 him, (her, it.)Mi« nawikona; nin 
 nandhman. Self-defence, nandlc- 
 Deficient.; I am def,, nin nondes. 
 Deficient, (in s, in.) S. Unprofitable. 
 Deficiently, nc/mldes. 
 Defile; I defile him, (her, it,) nin wi- 
 idn, nin tciiagia, nin wiiaai^kka- 
 iiui; nin u'inito7i, nin tvnagitun, 
 nin wiiagishkau. It defiles me, nin 
 zviniufoH, nin u'iiagiigfm, nin wU- 
 ugiMngon. I defile " myself, nin 
 Defraud. Defrauder, — S. Deceive. 
 Defunct. S. Dead. Dead person. 
 Dejected. S. Sad. 
 Delay; I delay, (in words,) m?iima. 
 nind ikii mojag. I delay, (in 
 thoughts, )m«zma, nind in'cndam 
 Deliberate. Deliberation. — S. Re- 
 flect. Reflection. 
 Delicacy, (weakness of constitu- 
 tion,) gagidisiwin. 
 Delicate, (weak of constitution;) I 
 arndel.. nin gugidis, nin net^hang- 
 udis, nin nokis. — I am del. injmy 
 eating, ninnokiwe. 
 Delicate. Delicious.— S. Taste, good 
 Delight. S. Joy. Jovful. 
 Delightful; it is del'., modjigendag- 
 wad, minwendagwad, — S. 'Joyful. 
 Deliver, (give;) I'deliver, 7«"m jt?a^«. 
 dinamage. 1 deliver him. (her, it,) 
 nin pagidina; nin iJagidinan. I 
 deliver it to him, nin pugidinam- 
 - .Mi 
 ., ' ■■ * \\ . 
 Deliver, (untie, save, etc.) I deliver 
 him, mad dbiakona. I deliver him 
 from s. l.h., nind ikonawa, nind 
 ikonamawa, nin mi<l dgrvenaviawa. 
 Delivered, (of a child;) 1 am del., 
 ninnigidtvass, niiid oiidaduike. I 
 am del. of a boy, 7iin hriwuen- 
 sike, nind in'mumje. 1 am de.l. of a 
 girl, nind ikwescnsike, nind ikive- 
 o!)Je.^ 1 am del. of twins, ni?i. ni- 
 jodeike. 1 am often del., nin ni- 
 tdonje. 1 ain del. before my time, 
 nin 7i<mdi-nigiawass, 
 Delivery. S. Birth. 
 Deluge, aki qi-rnoshkaang. 
 Delve, wanikan. 
 Delve; I delve, nin wanike. 
 Delver, waianikcd. 
 Den. waj 
 De))art;*l dpp. from him, ninhake- 
 wina. 1 uep. from it, nin bake- 
 Deplore. Deploration. — S. Weep 
 over... Wee[)ing over... 
 Depth; in the depth, (in deep water,) 
 midjindim, andmindini. 
 Deride; I deride him, (her, it,) nin 
 hapia, nin hapinodawa; nin hajd- 
 t<'7i, nin hapinoddn. 
 Derision, lapiiujdugcwiii, hapinoda- 
 Derision. S. Sing mocking. 
 Descend; I desc. a hill or mountain, 
 nifi nissdkiwe, nin immdjitre. At 
 the foot of a hill or mountain, 
 Descend; I descend upon him, 7iin 
 Descend, (go down;) I desc, yiin, 
 vii<sandawe. I descend a step, nin 
 Descent; there is a steep descent of 
 a mountain, anihedina. 
 Describe; I describe him, (her, it,) 
 nind ojibtwa; nind ojilian. 
 Described; I am (it is) descr., ni7id 
 njihiigas, ojibiigude. 
 Desert; in the desert, pagwddaka- 
 mig.pagwddj. megwikainig. There 
 is a aesert, pay wadaka;7nhawa?i. 
 Desert; I desert, nin giml. I make 
 him desert, nin gimia. 
 Deserter, gamid, ga-gimid. 
 Deserted; it is deserted, nitagendag- 
 Desertion, gimiwin. 
 Deserve; I des., nin wikwatchitas, 
 ninwikwatchitamas, I des. it.,nt/» 
 Deserving, desert, wikwutchitamaso- 
 Desirable; I am (it is) des., ninnan- 
 datcendagos, nin pagossendagos; 
 7iandawendagwad, pagoissen dn g • 
 Desire, fiandawendamou'in, nunda- 
 Desire; 1 desire, nin nartdau'endam, 
 fi^in naiid awendfige, nm nandawen- 
 d«A-s. 1 desire him, (her, it,) nin 
 7tandaw)inima; iiin 7iunduu'endun. 
 — It desires, 7ianduwe?ida7nomu- 
 gad.-\ desire strongly, 7iin kiji- 
 gendtnn. [ des. him (her, :t) 
 strongly, nin kijigeniniu; nin kiji- 
 Desired; I am (it is) des., nin nan- 
 daivendjigus, nin 7ia7uluwcud(iguf; 
 nundawendjigade, nandawendag- 
 Desist; I desist from him, (her, it,) 
 nin nogenima, 7dn pagidina\nin 
 7iogendan .nin pagidin an. 
 Desist. S. Let alone. 
 Desolate; it becomes desolate, an- 
 Desolate, (lonesome;) it is des., juV- 
 Desolation, hanad.iitchigewin. 
 Despair, anawendji<i(xci7i. 
 Despair; I de^-^w^ninhixnadendam, 
 7iind anu.wendu7n, 7Lindanwetulam, 
 nind unawemijige, 7iind anuwahan- 
 djige. 1 despair of him, (her, it, ) 
 7nn hanadenimu; ni7i bunadenddn. 
 1 (lesp. of myself, 7ii/i banadenin'. 
 _ dis.—l desp. of him by his appear- 
 ance, ni/ul anuwabuTna. I desp. of 
 it by its app., 7iind anawnbundan. 
 lam (it is) despaired of by the 
 ap))., 7iinu anuwubuminagtis] ana- 
 ivaha7ninagu'ud . — I desp. of him by 
 his voice, tiin bubu7iasituifa. 1 am 
 .■■'* i 
 1 ; 
 desp. of by my \ ice, nt'w hahanaa- 
 Despatch, (send;) I despatch him, 
 7iind ininajdwa. 
 Despicable, despisable; 1 am (it is) 
 desp., nind ayatendugos, niu ta- 
 hus.sf/Hlugds; aijatcndaijwad, taltas- 
 Despise; I despise, 7iin Jcopadjiiwe, 
 nind uhinsonye, nin kopusunye, nin 
 niiihiwan ■'■m,</e. I des. him (her, 
 it ) in thoighis, nia lalastieni>n;a 
 idn tahaiscnddii. 1 despise myself, 
 nin tiihasseniiidis, nin tahatmenim. 
 — 1 despise him (her, itj with 
 words, 7ii/i bijxisoinu, nind ahin- 
 S'/ma, nin nii<kiiva'%asi/>na\ nin Icop- 
 asondan, nind uhinsondan, nin 
 nishi'ii'finasondan. 1 despise my- 
 sell, f'/i kopasondis, nind dbinaon- 
 dis, nin niikiwarwsimdis. 
 Destine; 1 destine him (her, it) to s. 
 th., nind inaiima] nii.d inendun. 
 1 dest. myself, nind inenindis. 
 Destined; I am (it is) destined, 
 nind iiundagos; inr7idngUHid. 
 Destroy; I destroy, nin 'hanadjiiive, 
 iiinkn/uidjiiwe, nin banadjitchige, 
 I destroy him, (her, it,) nind an- 
 gon, nind angoshkawn, nin kopv 
 djia, nind apitchi hanadjia; 7iind 
 (tngoan,7iind angoshkan, nin kop- 
 ttdjiton, nind apitchi hnnadjiton. — 
 I destroy the dam of a beaver, nin 
 Destro ', (ins. in) S. Kill. 
 Destroyed; I am (it is ,es., nin 
 hnnndjitthigas; hanadjilchigadc. 
 Destrnction, ' bnnndjiiweivin, hanad- 
 Destruction, (death;) I wish his 
 (her, its) destruction, nin vibonia; 
 7iin 7iih6iidnn. We wish each 
 other's dest., «m nihondimiii. 
 Detect., Detected. — S. Find. Found, 
 Determine; 1 det. it, nin wawena- 
 Determine. Determination.— S. Re- 
 solve. Resolution. 
 Determined; it is det., waivenadji- 
 Detest; 1 detest him, (her, it,) nm 
 jingenima ; 7iinjingendan. 
 Detour, giwedionan. 
 Detraction, dajindiwin, matchi da- 
 jindiicin , dajin gefh kiwin . 
 Detractor, dejingenhkid. 
 Detroit, Wairiiafan. At, from or to 
 Detroit, Wmciiatam/iig. 
 Devastation, banadjitchigewin. 
 Devil, Tnatchi manito, 7nanidu)inim, 
 matchi aiaatrish, waninid manito. 
 Devoted; I am dev. to him, (her, it,) 
 7iind angiva7>iikawa; 7iind angwa- 
 Devotion, sanganamiaivin. 
 Devour; I devour him, (bite him 
 much.) nind ahindama. 
 Devout. S. Religious. 
 Dew; there is dew on the ground, 
 Diarrhoea, _/afto^ffww/«'*w. I have the 
 diar., iiin jahikaivis. 
 Dictionary, ikit(mni-7nasinai(jan . 
 Die; 1 die, «?'/! nil. It dies, (jerish- 
 es,) nibf/magad. It dies from heat, 
 {in., an.) nibode; 7nbndeso. I die 
 suddenly, nin kakaraine, 7iin ka- 
 idkamix. I die in a certain place, 
 nin dapine. I make him die in a 
 certain place, 7iin dapinea. I die 
 on account of..., wind ondjiM. 1 
 die for somebody, 7iin fiibotuge. I 
 die for him, nin nibotatvn. \ die 
 of hunger, nin gan'and/uhm. 
 We die all away, nin tchaqinifmiii. 
 I remain while the otliers die, 
 nind ifhkme.—l wish he would 
 die, 7iin nibo7na, 7iin nanihma. I 
 wish he would die, (in thoughts,) 
 nin nib6weni?na, 
 Die with...; 1 die with..., nin gigitie, 
 nin giginib. 1 die with him,' nin 
 w'djiniboma, nin giginenun. 1 die 
 witn it, 7iin giqinen. 
 DiBerently, in a different manner, 
 behiki7umg, hukan. In difl'erent di- 
 rections, in diff". places, bekakan. 
 Difficult ; I am (it is) difl'., 7iiusanu- 
 gis; snnanad. 
 Difficulty; 1 have difficulties, 7iin su- 
 i cause him diff., nin sana- 
 Difficulty in thoUghtB, tanagi>,ida- 
 nunvin. 1 have thoughts of JiJlf., I 
 am troubled, nin tanaoev'd'~.m. 
 Difficulty of temperament, sanugiti- 
 win. I am of a difficult tempera- 
 ment, nin sanagie, 
 Diftormed; lam (it is) dilformed, 
 nin mumidis; manadad, 
 Diffi)rmed ; (in s. in.) S. Ugly. 
 Difformity, manadisiwin. 
 Dig; I dig, nin wanike. I dig a deep 
 hole in the ground, nin dimiiani- 
 ke, nin ginwanilce, nind ishpanike. 
 It is dug deep, dimiiunikade, gin- 
 wanikade, iskpanikade. 
 Dig out; I dig out potatoes, nin mo- 
 ndapini. 1 dig out medical roots, 
 *t'tn mondashkikiive. 
 Dig up, (in 8. in.) S. Bring to light. 
 Digest ; I digest it well, nin minoka- 
 fcm. I cannot digest it, nin mdni- 
 Diligent; I am dil. at work, ninnitd- 
 anoki, nin pujigwadis. 
 Dilute; I dilute it (in., an.) nin nin- 
 gabawudon.; nin ningabawuna 
 Dim; I have dim eyee, nin bigifiwiodb, 
 nin bigieuu'inam. 
 Diminisn ; I diminish it, ninpangi- 
 Dinner, nuwahwe-wissiniwin, I take 
 my dinner, nin nawakwe-wiesin. 
 Disorder; it is in disorder, biwissin, 
 I put it in dis., nin biwissidon. 
 Dip in ; I dip him (her, it) in water, 
 ntn gogina, nin tchekagamina, nin 
 tcAekagwindjima; nin, goginan, nin 
 ichekagaminan, nin tchekagwind- 
 jiton. I dip him (her, it) in s. th,, 
 nin ginddhigina; nin ginddhiginan. 
 — 1 dip my hand in the same ves- 
 sel with him, nin widjigwabaam- 
 Dipped; it is dipp d in s. th., (in., 
 an.) gindabiginigme] gindabigini- 
 Dirt. o/e.fM* (mud); wanak. I am in 
 dirt, I live in dirt, ninwinab. Dirt, 
 (excrement,) mo. 
 Dirtiness, wimsiwin,. 
 Dirty; I am dirty, nin winis; nin mo- 
 widjiw, nin mowidjiwis. It is dirty, 
 wmad. I think he (she, it) is dirty, 
 impure, nin winenima] ntn winen- 
 dan. It 18 dirty, (liquid,) winaga- 
 mt. It 18 dirty, (wood, {in., an.) 
 mnmaga ; wtnitiagiei. — I make 
 dirty somebody, nin winiehkaqe 
 ntn wtnitwe. I make him (her it) 
 dirty, nin winia, nin wintshkaiea ■ 
 ntn winitim, nin winishkan. I make 
 myself dirty, nin iviniidis. It ma- 
 kes rne dirty, nin winiigm, nin 
 mnuhkagan. I am (it is) made 
 dirty, «^«, wiuitchigasy winitchiga- 
 de.--l make things dirty, nin wi- 
 nttehtge. It makes dirty, winito- 
 Dirty, (muddy;) is is dirty, ajishki- 
 Dirty house or lodge, mowigamig. 
 Dirty story, wtnadjimmdn. I tell a 
 dirty story, nin winadjim. 
 Disagreeable; lam (it is) dis., nin 
 eanagts; eanagad, I am (it is) con- 
 sidered disagreeable, nin Jmgen- 
 dagos, ntn manendagoe, nin sana- 
 gendagos ; jingendagimd, manen- 
 dagwad, sanagendaytvad. — My 
 speaking is dis. , nin jingitagol 
 Its sound IS dis., jingitagwad. 
 Disappear : I dis., jiind angwanagos, 
 ntn bamnagoe, nin nawi/iagos. I 
 dis. under the water, nin nikibish- 
 tn, mn mkagwindjin. He (she, it) 
 disappears to me, nind angwaba- 
 ma ; nind angwabandan. ft dis., 
 angwanngwad, boninagwud. 
 Disappeared! gone! wetiiban ! 
 Discern ; I discern, nin maminowab, 
 mnmssttawab. I discern him, ( her 
 it, ) nin maminonabama, nin nissi- 
 tawabama ; nin maminowabandan. 
 mn mssitmvabandan. 
 Disciple, kikinoamagun. 
 Discontented ; I am dis., kawin nin 
 mtnwendunsi. I am dis. in my 
 mind, nin mdnen<lam. I have dis- 
 contented thoughts towards him, 
 (her, it,) nin mdnenima; nin md- 
 Discontinuance, anijitamowin, ana- 
 Discontinue; I dis., nind anijitam. 
 Discourage; I disc, him, nind anish- 
 ima, ninjdgwenimoa. 
 2)iscoiiraged ; I am disc, ninjdfftve- 
 i?iscourse, gigitoivin. Prudc.'t wise 
 discourse, uihwahatagdaiuiin. Foo- 
 lisli imprudent discourse, gagihti' 
 Discover; I begin to discover (to 
 discern) a certain point of land, 
 nln sdgvwcssidon. 
 Discover. i>iscovered, (in s. in.) S. 
 Find. Found. Invent. Invented. 
 />iscoverer, (inventor,) mekawashi- 
 Z)iscredit. S. /)efamo. 
 />iscroet,- 1 am discreet, vinnihwaka. 
 7)isease, akomvin; inajineunn. 
 y^iaembarrass; I dis. iiim from s. th . 
 nil. m-iddgwevamawu. 
 /disentangle. S. Unravel. 
 />isguise; I dis. myself, nin vmni. 
 Disgust,, ji(jadenfIam'M<in. 
 Oisgusted ; I am dis., nin Jt^aden- 
 dam. — S. Tired of... 
 jOish, ondgan. A little dish, ondgaus. 
 Earthen dish, ivahigun onaqati. I 
 make dishes, miidondgnnike. The 
 making of dishes, fm'dgnnike?i)in. 
 I wash or rinse dishes, nin kisihi- 
 ginagane. 1 wipe dishes, nin kinii- 
 Z>ish-clout, kisiinagandn, gassiignn. 
 Z>ishful; a dishful, ningotunagan. 
 /)ish-game, fafti^smin. I play the 
 dish-gante, nin. pagisge. 
 jOish-maker, ondganikewinini, wend- 
 gar.iked. I am a dish-maker, nind 
 i)ish6nor ; I dishonor him, (her, it,) 
 nind agatchh, nind agasnma ; nind 
 agatcMtnn., nind agasondan. 
 /)ishonorable ; my conduct is dis., 
 nind agatendagfis. It is dis., uga- 
 Z>ish-water, kitihigivaganabo, 
 Z>i8locate. i)islocated. — I dislocate 
 my arm, leg, etc. My arm, leg, etc. 
 is dislocated. S. Arm. Leg, etc. 
 Z>jslocated ; I have some limb dislo- 
 cated, nin kotigutu, nin kotigoshka. 
 /dislocation (of limbs m the body. 
 /)isobedience, agnnwetamowin. 
 2)isobedient ; 1 am dis., nind agr.n- 
 ivetam. nin nita-agonwet(im. Dis- 
 obedient person, aingonweiang, 
 Disobey; I disobey, nind agonwetam, 
 nin gaganniam, nind ajidenge. [ 
 use to disobey, nin nita-agrnwe- 
 tarn, nind ajidengetihk. I disobey 
 him, nin<l agmwetawa, nin gagan- 
 /Jisperse ; I Jisperse, nin Mii-iweli- 
 nige. I dis. it, (in., an.) nin hiivi- 
 U'tbinan, nin hiwifsidon; nin hiwi. 
 wchina, nin bini&hima. 
 /disperse, /dispersed, (in s. in.) 8. 
 Scatter about. Scattered about. 
 />ispersed; it is ilis., {in., an.)hi- 
 wissin. hi^iiwehinigude; iiwiahitna, 
 Dispersed ly, tvhetchatchihan. 
 Disjjlea.'^ure. 8. Discontent. 
 Dispose; 1 dispose of him, (her, it,) 
 nind atawenan, nin rnigiivevan; 
 nind atawen, n<n migiwen. 
 Disposed;! am well dis\)..,nin7ninoiji' 
 tvehis. 1 am evil disp,, nin niatchi 
 Disposition of mind, ijiwehidwin. 
 Good disp., ini7i<) {jiwehuiwin. Bad 
 disp. niatchi iji/cebisiwin. 
 Dispute, agonwetadiwiri, uiajindmdi- 
 Dispute; I dispute, nin gikawidam; 
 nind ujidewidam. nind ajidewe. 
 Dispute; we disjiute witti one an- 
 other, nind agonwctadimin. nind 
 Dispute, (in s. in. ) S. Quarrel. 
 Disquiet; 1 am disquiet, nin loanishk- 
 Disquietness, tvanishkuHsiivin . 
 Disrespectful answer, ajidewidamo- 
 Win. I give him disrepectful an- 
 swers, nind ajidema. 
 Dissatisfied; I am diss,, katvin nin 
 minwendansi, nin mindawe. I look 
 diss., nin mindawewinagos. 
 Dissemble ; I dissemble iickness, 
 nind ahsikas. 
 Di83ention,(confu8ion;) there is diss., 
 Dissipate; I dissipate, nin, banadji- 
 (■ohtgn. I diss, it, {in., ow.) nin 
 banadjiton, nin niakiwanadjiton; 
 mn hanadjia, nin nishiwanadjia. 
 Dissuade; 1 diss, him from a. th., 
 nind anijitumoa. 
 Dissuade, (in s. in.) S. Discour- 
 Distance; from dist. to dist., aidpi. 
 It IS ot such a distance,, apitcha- 
 magad. The distaiice of a place, 
 Distant, far, wasm.' M is distant, 
 wassaudd, apitcfia, pitoha. 
 Distil; i distil,!, 1 make ardent liquor.) 
 mnd itikkotewaboke. 
 Distiller, ishhitewahukewinini. 
 Distillery, ibhkotewabokewiganhia. 
 D'stort. S. Dislocate. 
 Distracted ; 1 aindist. in my thoughts, 
 nind ondainendam. 1 am dist. in 
 listening, nin hebishkwendam. I 
 am dist. m listening; to him, nin ba- 
 bishkutawa. I am dist. in listening 
 to ai sermon, nin babinhkotan ga- 
 Distrain, etc. —S. Seize, etc. 
 Distress, animisiwin. — S. Suffer- 
 Distribute, m?» OTd^aoH. I dist. it, 
 {in., an.) nin mddaoken; nin md- 
 daokenan. I dist. it amongst them. 
 nin mddaonamaivag. We dist. it 
 amongst us, nin mddaonidimin. 
 Distribute, (in s. in.) S. Divide. 
 Distribution, madaokiwin, madao7ii- 
 diwin, nenawitagemin. 
 Disturb;! disturb him in his speak- 
 ing; nin wanishkwea. 1 disturb 
 hnn in his sleep, nin niskasoma. 
 I dist. it, nin luanialikwetun. 
 Disturbance, (in s. in.) S. Riot. 
 Ditch, passanikan, passanikaigan. 
 I dig a ditch, nin pasmnike, nin 
 passanikaige. I make a ditch 
 through u, nin passanikadan. 
 There is a ditch made, paisani- 
 kade,pas8a,nikaigade.--i dig a ditch 
 aroHiirt him, (her. it,) nin giwi- 
 tatantkana] nin giwitaianikadan. 
 Dive; I dive, nin gogi. 
 Diver, gngvcindni. I am a good di- 
 ver, nin jihanabawe. 
 Divers, anotch. 
 Divide; I divide amongst people, 
 mn nenawitage. ■ I divide it, {in.\ 
 an.) nin nenawinan] nin ncnau-i- 
 na. 1 divide it to h\m, -nin nena- 
 uinrrmawa, nin ncnmritawa. I di- 
 vide it to them or amongst them, 
 nin nenawitawag. We divide it 
 anuingst us, nin nenawinamadi- 
 min.—l divide myself, nin vena- 
 wiidia, nin nenawinidis. It di- 
 vides itself, nenaiviidisomagad , 
 Divide, (m s. in.) S. Distribute.— 
 b. Open. 
 Divided; I am (it is) divided, nm 
 nenawiniijas; nenawinigude.~\ am 
 div. in my thoughts, nin bakanc- 
 mm. I am div. against myself, 
 mnbukaneni)idis. It is div. against 
 itself, bakanenindisi,magad. 
 Divinity, divine nature, Kije-Mani- 
 Division, (in s. in.) S. Distribu- 
 Divorce, bakes/ikodadiwin, webinidi- 
 win. We make a divorce, nin 
 bakechkodadimin, nin webinidimin. 
 Dizzy. Dizziness.— S. Giddy. Gid- 
 Do; 1 do, nin dodam, nind ijitchige, 
 nin dodage. It does, dndagemagad, 
 tjttclmjbmagad. I make him dos. 
 th., 7hin dvdunwa. I du him s. th., 
 nin df.dawa. I does mc s. th., 
 nin dcdagon. We do s. th. to one 
 another, nin dvdadirnin. — I do s. 
 til. by mistake, nin wanidi.dam, 
 mn pitchi-dodam. I don't dare 
 do it, nin manddidam. I dus. th. 
 in such a place, n,n danakamigis. 
 1 00 s, th. often, nin wakedudam, 
 mn nitd-dodam. 1 do it instead of 
 him, nin nahiahkamawa. I do (or 
 say) what is not my business, nin 
 Doctor, tnathlcikiuintni, nanandd- 
 wiiiDewinini, nt nandainvvtd , 
 Doctor; I doctor, (I give medicines,) 
 nin nanaiidauitwe. I doctor him, 
 nin nandndawia, nin nandtulawit- 
 Doctored; I am doc, nin nandndu- 
 wiigos. Doctored person, nandn- 
 Doctoring, a doctor's art, science, 
 business, nundndawiiwewin, na- 
 Document, (deed,) debwewini-nutti- 
 naigan^ Any writing qjibiigan. 
 Do evii; I do evil, nin matchi dodam, 
 nin mutchitwa. 1 do him evil, 
 nin matchi dadawa. We do evil 
 to each other, nin matchi dodadi- 
 min. Mutual evil doing, matchi 
 Dog, animoeh,anim,animohadJ{. I am 
 a dog, nind anim^mhiw. My, thy, 
 his dog, ninddi, kiddi, odaian. 
 French dog, jon/jo, jmotvaedm, 
 Male dog, nahimm. Female dog, 
 (bitch,) nc^emm. Young dog. 
 oehknssim. This dog is a gocd 
 pointer, a good sporting dog, mik- 
 ivddiei aw animo$h> I call a dog 
 whistling, nin wikwikwassimwe. 
 The dog wags his tail, wewebano- 
 weni anirnosh. 
 Dog-train, dog-sled, nahdffadahanak. 
 Doing, dodammriuyijitchigewin. Da- 
 rn ing by mistake, waiiidudafnowin, 
 pifrhi-dodamnum . 
 Domination , dihendjigewin. 
 Done .' apine ! 
 Done; it is done or placed, gijitchi- 
 gade, gijiki^ade. gtjimtchigade. 
 Done. S. Cooked. 
 Don't, kfqo. 
 Door, ishkwandem. I make a door 
 or doors, nind ithkiimndcmike. 
 There is a door, iahkwandemi/ran. 
 There is a large door, mangiM:- 
 tvandeia. There is a small door, 
 agasmhkicaiuleia. 1 fix the door, 
 jnn nainlikwamlenan. Near the 
 door, tchigishkwand. 
 Dormitory, nihewin. 
 Dotted. S. Spotted. 
 Double-barreled gun, najoehkak path- 
 kiaii/an. It is a double-barreled 
 gun, nijoshkad puihkisujan. 
 Doubt, giwadendammvin . 
 Doubt; I doxxht, nin giwadcndam. I 
 doubt whether I am able to do it 
 or not, nind anawenim. 
 Doubtful; it is doubtful, giwaden- 
 dag wad. 
 Doubtless, gtvaiak, geget, enangi ia. 
 Dough; I make up flour into dough, 
 nin misiwftehishkiwagina pahve- 
 Jigan, nin misiwedina pahvejigan. 
 Dove, (domestic pigeon,) wabumi- 
 Down, (soft underfeather,) mtWy- 
 i?own, niseaii, mitchaii. — Z>own, 
 (respecting xivpxs,) nissddjiwan. 
 /)own-hanging; I have down-hang. 
 ing lips, nind dhodjidon. 
 Dov/n the stream; I go down the 
 stream in a canoe or boat, nin nis- 
 edhon, nin himdhon. I go down 
 over a rapid, nin nialtibon. I take 
 him down the stream in a canoe 
 or boat, ninniahihona. 
 /'oze; I doze, nind aain^am, 
 /)ozen, m,idaem'i ashintj. 
 Drag; I drag myself about, nin haha- 
 Wilde, nin hahninode. I drag s. th. 
 with great difiiculty, nind animi- 
 /)rag, (ins. in.) S. Draw. 
 iJrag-net, agwabinagan. S. /)raw- 
 Dragon-fly, olndashhtmnishi. 
 Drag out; I drag him (her, it) out. 
 nin sagisidahnna; nin sagisidahi- 
 /^ram-shop, minikwewigaviig, mgi- 
 Dram-shop keeper, sigini/j/iwinini. 
 Draught-board, gdndinignn, joshko- 
 nigan. 1 draw on a drruight-board, 
 nin qandinige, niiijoshkcnige. 
 /draught of air; there is a dr. of air, 
 Draught-ox, adaU-pijiki. 
 Draw ; I draw, nind mhihi. \ mnkn 
 turn (iravv, «//w/ odi,},l,a. I (Ii;i\v 
 liiin, ( tier, it,) nhul ndahnna ; niiiA 
 nilakulait.. I dr.vw a U).\.<\,niiid a- 
 wadivlahi. I rii,il«; hiiii draw ;i 
 load, /////(/ idrdiljlJii.hhi. { cniinot 
 draw luiii. (hor,"it,) nin.hwawihlna; 
 nijiba'awihliloii,. I havo drawn all 
 of_ it, [in-.^an.) luw fchniitiUJimlnn ; 
 ti/'ii. ti'litKjiildfiana. \\\t[\\\ back 
 or nsido, MUtini,', rnntlihvah. 
 Draw. Drawing,— S. I'aint. Paint- 
 Draw along ; I draw or drair him 
 (licr, it) aloH'jr, /«Vi b!inidabana\ 
 niii hlmidahiidan. 
 Drayv away ; I (Ir.uv or dra^' away, 
 nni, mddj/dabi. [ draw or dratj 
 luin (iier, it) away, niii. inddjldaha- 
 na ; niii madjidalnulan. 
 Drawers, hltawiijibudtlef^ivasson. 
 Drawing, oilabiwiii. 
 Drawing-knifi^ imkodjigan, kilchi- 
 Draw in tlio inoiitl)j:.8. Snck. 
 Draw liquid; I drn^ , niit, gwdhvtm. 
 I draw It, (liiiuid,) n>,i>, gwubaan, 
 iiub yuuibanduii. I draw water. 
 uiii (jwabaiij,;. I draw water out of 
 a fountain. /iiVi (jwabuib/.. I draw 
 broth, etc., niik tj/vabaabowe. 1 
 draw a fish out of 'tho water, 
 ijuHibdwa gijn. 
 Draw-net, large draw-net, trhiima- 
 'jaii. I lun fishing with a draw- 
 net, ni/i tdilitiaa. 
 Draw out ; 1 draw it out, {la., an.) 
 luii tjitaoib^ niih gitinan, niii gitck- 
 i.^ob.don, niti gm/.gobidon, niii 
 gltchigwakonaii, nm gi.t:i,iiiwnko- 
 nnn, ni/i nanikibidon ; niii gilawa, 
 nin gitijia, niii gitchigobliia, nm 
 ghnigobiim, nm gltchlgwahitia, nin 
 gm/girakona, nin nanikiliinii. I 
 draw it out for !iiMi,«m gltchlhila- 
 wa, ningitchigobidainaii'a.- 1 draw 
 it out with the teeth, nin wikwan- 
 iLdn. I try to draw him out s. th. 
 with the teeth, nin wiktoutrhiwik- 
 wandauiawa.—l draw it out of a 
 vessel, {in., an.) nind agviubian, 
 mnd agivabiwa. I draw him (her, 
 It) out of a kettle, etc., ninA ag^ 
 ii'diiui \ nind agivuan. — I draw out 
 tli(! threads of it, nind ahikidm. 
 Draw over ; I draw a. th. over a 
 Mtriug, nin ndjubiigi'. I draw it 
 oyer a string or cord, in,i ndja- 
 bmii. {\ \)\ny on the violni, niu 
 ndJiibiige,—H. Violin, nujnbiigan.) 
 Draw to... ; I draw to inc, nin wilco- 
 bidjige. \ draw him (her, it) to 
 ine, nin wikohii\(t\ nin wib/bidon. 
 I ain ( It in ) drawn to..., nin wiko- 
 bid/iguH ; nikdhidjigudf. 
 Draw ui> ; I draw liim ( her, it) upon 
 a rope, nind ikwubigina, nin uik- 
 u'ubiginii. nin irikivdbi^fibinu ; nind 
 ikn'ttbiginan, nin u'ikwabiginan, 
 nin H'i.'iWiibigibinan, 
 Dread; I dr.;ad him, (respect him,) 
 nmgmhimu. I dread it, (respect 
 It,) nin gossitan. 1 dread him (her, 
 it) in thoughts, nin gttanenima ; 
 nm gntancnddn. 
 Dread. Dreaded, fin s. in.) S. Fear. 
 Dreaded ; I am (it is) dreaded, con- 
 sidered dreadful, nin golanenda- 
 goN ; gitantnduqmad. 
 Dreadful. S, Frisihtful. 
 Dream, inabnndumot.vin, inubandji- 
 gin. hawddjigan.-~]iixd dream, md- 
 ndtfubiinduiihoicin. I have a bad 
 dream, nin nuindsabandurn. JJeaii- 
 tilul dream, weji.bubandjigan,wpji- 
 bid)uiid(tm'/Hvi Abavo i\ beautiful dr. 
 nin wijihubandjige, nin wejil/obaih 
 dam. — Good dream, minwubanda- 
 nii,win. 1 have a good ilrearn, nin, 
 minwabavdjig/; nm ininwahiU^ 
 dam. — Impure dream, bisk- 
 igwasubandanbdwin. I have an 
 impure dream, nin bishigwamban- 
 (/^(»?,.— Onimons unlucky dream, 
 dpir/i'civin. \ have am ominous un- 
 lucky dream, nind djjuwe. — Pain- 
 ful dream, kUcigdbaiidanu/win. I 
 have a painful dream, nin kotagd- 
 Dream ; I dream, nind indbandam, 
 nind indbundjige, nin lawddjige. 
 I dream often, ninniid-indbanuam, 
 nin nilu-bawddjige. 1 dream oi 
 1 ■■;&: 
 him, (her, it.) nind inahamn, nin 
 hawantt ; nind innbandun, nin ha 
 Droninor, enuhaiidiintu hewadjiyed. 
 (Jrent dreamer, mtd-inabumafuj, 
 Dreamiiif,'. SS. Dream. 
 DrfiRs ; there are ilrcRs, Jitjosmna- 
 Drenched ; I am dr. with rain, nin 
 homihnwe. \ am Mt is ) dr. tluough, 
 niit Jdhtvnbdur ; Jahivahawtniogail. 
 Dress, aawiwin. I have a new dress 
 on, nind obhkikicanaie, nind o.ih- 
 liress ; 1 dress myself, nin hisilc- 
 wan ate, nin hisikonkliif, nind aij- 
 rriklis. 1 dress him ( lier, it,) ////* 
 hpfikona, nind nfjivvi ; nin hidb^n- 
 an, 7iind aijwiton. I dress myself 
 in a certain nuiiuier, nind ijihwan- 
 uie. I dress it (or clothe it ) in c 3r- 
 taiii manner, kind ijikwanuiftim. 
 I <iress like..., nind iji, nind ijik- 
 wanaic. It dresses (is dressed) 
 like..., Tmrtnugad, yibvanaiema- 
 gad. — I {. ess eXegnwhy, nin waive- 
 ;i, nin wawrjikwanaie. 1 dress 
 "him elegantly, nin vati'tjia. I 
 dress gloriously, nin hinhiijcndag- 
 vn. I dress in black, nin niakuic- 
 V'hkwfinaie. 1 dress in green, nind 
 ojawafkkwanaic. I dress in red, 
 nin miskwakwanale. I dress in 
 white, nin wahikivanaie, nin va- 
 hMkikwanaie. I dress vainly, 
 .splendidly, nin nasetjak/ranaie. I 
 dress warmly, «/« kyd/is. 
 Dress a wound ; I dress his wound, 
 tie it up, rin sinsobina. My won nd 
 is dressed, nin sinsi/bii>. The 
 dressing of a wound, si/.sobuou'in. 
 Dress. S. Tat-. 
 Dres.^ed; lam dressed. S. I dress. 
 Dressed ; poorly dressed. S. Naked. 
 Dressed. S. Tanned. 
 Dried fish, bategi.g6,namttrg. 
 Dried meat, hute^J'iidss. 
 Drink, imnikwcwin. It is drink, 
 Drink ; I drink, nin minikwe, nin 
 minikuadjige. I drink in such a 
 place, nin dajibi. 1 drink in d.'f 
 I'erent places, nin habnijibi. \ 
 drink it, nin nunikwen. I drink it. 
 (speiiil It for drinking, ) (wt., an., 
 ntn mxmkicadan ; n,xn minikwa,- 
 Drink. S. Give to drink. 
 Drink all ; I drink it all up, mnd 
 i.skitndan., nxnd ivkapidan, nin si 
 Drink-house, drinkinghonse, minih- 
 V)in'i(janiig, sigtn igi iriga m ig. 
 Drinking, WM/('^/(rM77j. IJad habit of 
 drinking, habitual drinking, minik- 
 H'tvlikiivin. I am in a bud habit of 
 drinking nin minikn'Cfkk. 
 Drinking- vessel, minikuno'Jigan. 
 Drink together; I <lrink togetlier witli 
 him, nin widjiminikueina, nin 
 wiiljihiina. We drink together, 
 n in wu/j ibindiin x n . 
 Driven by the waves; lam (it is) 
 driven by the waves, tiin hahana- 
 tiH'hang \ biihamiicehaan. I am (it 
 it) driven awRv by the waves, nin 
 bimimbang ; hxniiwtbnan. 
 Driven by the wind ; I am (it is) dr. 
 about by the w., nin baJmmash ; 
 lAhiiinasi>in. I am (it is) dr. aside 
 by the w., nin fmnida.ih ; bimi- 
 dasnin. I am ( it is ) dr. backwards 
 by the w., nindnjeiaxh \ njiiassin. 
 1 iun (it is) dr. by the w. to the 
 shore, nind agwaiash \ agwaiassin. 
 Drive off ; 1 drive him oil, (away,) 
 nind ikonajdwa, nin madjinajika- 
 Driver. S. Cartman. 
 Droll ; I droll, nin habdpinis. 
 Droll, ^curious, comical ;) I am (it 
 is) uroil, considered droll, nin 
 v!awiMdeiidn(j<is ; wawiiadendng- 
 nmd. { find him (<her, it ) droll, nin 
 wau'iiadcnima; nin wawiiudenddn. 
 1 find or think myself droll, nin 
 wawiiadeii indis . 
 Droll. Drollery, (in s. in.) S. .buf- 
 Drollery, bahupinivewin, wowii^jita- 
 yosiu'in. 1 am telling drolleries, 
 ■«/» labaidnweynin wuu'iiajitagos. 
 Drop, pangiyag. 
 dropsy, nin 
 Drown : I dro 
 Drop ; it drops, pangigu. 
 I>n)|. (|..t/all;) I drop ix,{in.,an.) 
 iiinbanintin; ni/ihanlna.-^H Fall 
 li't liill down. ' 
 Z^n'psy, nmnidjiwin. I have tlio 
 ilropsy, ninmiseulji, 
 l)iou)^\ii ; thcro i.s a dr., hihineka- 
 Ihown ; I drown him, wtV* aibwann- 
 UumnvA ; I am dr., niit, gihwandma- 
 liawc, Hill. ni,st>alHui',\ 
 /drowsy. /Jrowsirioss.— S. SJcenv 
 i>i(!ej)incs.«. ' •" 
 /)rum, er/vt/gitii, mitlgwulcik. 
 Ihmn ; I dnini, nin teinlirc. 
 IkmwmoT, taUiviujcd, taviigewinmt 
 flriun-stiok, pagaahukwan. 
 i^nink ; 1 am drunk, lUn giwaskhve- 
 Z)r;inkard, >iicn!l-vcshl:lJ. Cunfirmpd 
 Mil Htiial drunkard, gawa><Ukireh!,h- 
 kid, nrta-yimiti^hkwcbid. 1 am a 
 habmial drunkard, nm ,uUi;ii 
 duck, kinialitinokwc^hib. Another 
 kin.l,AYu/m, AnoihorkindagHin. 
 < iitK, pikwukos/iib. A very fat 
 ihivXpakaiMb. -~ 1 hunt <iuck, 
 »m aanJutikibe, nin nod.jukibe ^ ' 
 Ih^%\ It IS du^r deep, t^t'manikiuJ. 
 lh\ii. S. Woman's breast. 
 y>ull; ,t in dull, blunt, ujdmn, aji. 
 n-a,sH>, ajuabikis,i,,. \ am dull 
 ut work, /,,,, babe.Jkadis, nin babe. 
 Aill(in,s. in.)S. Stupid. 
 /^uln..ss at work, babigikuduuvin, 
 />'iiis, pijikiwimn. 
 y^i pl icati!, aubjibiigan. - S. Copy 
 /^urabl.'; 1 am dur.. of astrongcon- 
 «tltutlun, nm jibinauns. It is 
 clnrabo. l^>>.,un)sonaan-songJ. 
 It IS dur., (wood.) JiUaLiJ ] 
 ivaxikWibi, nm giwun/ikwebiM." I 
 midve hun a pmlect drunkard, nui 
 /drunken person, gawushkurbid. 
 Drunkenness, moukiopsfitiwin., qi. 
 waMwehiiviii. Habitual drunken- 
 ness, (/iuj«,v/t^vy,.J/,v/,/[./„,/;2_ 
 Dry; I dry myself, I become dry. nin I 
 i«.«. _r try it, {in.,an.)n,nbaD. 
 sun; mn basma. I dry meat, etc. 
 ni/i bassama. ' 
 Ihr, I am (it is) dry. nin benjos, nin, 
 km; bengwan, bate. The ground 
 IS dry, beiigwdkiuidga, bibiaiha- 
 iiMte. It IS dry, (the water dried 
 up,) iskatonagud, i.sknbiinagad. It 
 dries and dies, ;rtJoici/e. 
 Pry. S. Thirsty. 
 Drying, bassainaivin. 
 Ory ui smoke; I dry s. th. in smoke, 
 nm maiuakadosama, nin gankinlge 
 I dry It in smoke, (in., an.) nin 
 gaskman; nin gankiswa. 
 Ikck,ji,hib, A' largo kind of duck 
 tniMshib. Another kind of wild 
 iliick, ansig, Another kind , jinqi. 
 ksn. Duck with a long neck, gi- 
 Hoijiveiaioeshih. Another Icind of 
 It IS dur., (vvood.)y4V/wz;* 
 i-s dur., (metal, VVftuJiHW/*. 
 >i,'!=r' ' •'• '"*'" ''".**'<y.«^'« mahitiwis. 
 n ' {''"'T'T'''' '^he white dust 
 kmn. 1 he dust is raised by tho 
 '^\^^^\,pingwiond,imin. The dust 
 lalls on 8. th., binakamigioM-u. i 
 wipe the dust off, nin linawean. 
 I «i.ike the dust off from it,(«Vi, 
 Dusty; I make it dusty, nin binaka- 
 -Ovyell • 1 dvyell, 7iin da, nind ab. [ 
 ;';"*^ 'l^')''%(her,it,)«/WaW. 
 Cava, nind ahitan. 
 ^welling. S. Habitation. 
 2>ye, (color;) I dye, nind omLhe, 
 nind adtiisigc. I dye ash-colored 
 black, etc. S. Ash-colored, Black, 
 Dy<u\; it is dyed, (/«.,„,j.)„^,-^ 
 udt,so. }t IS dyed so..., (in., un.,l 
 tnan'h; inmso. It is dyed ereer 
 red. etc. S. Green. Red. etc. 
 ^ying; I am dying, nin giwine, nin 
 7m, mn biibamulis. 
 Dy<yig,{co[ox\ng,) ad imgewin, onan- 
DYE 484 
 Dj«r, tdutiged, nditiigtwinini, onan 
 /)yer'9 business or U!\(\(>,ndtm/iru'in, 
 Dyer's shop, dye-howno, (ulisffgmi- 
 ffamig, onantigfwi^amig. 
 Oyc-«t»ifT, ndisnigan, oti'inntgan. 
 J)yneniPTy,jnhondefhknw{n. I hnvr 
 tho (lys., nin jnh(yndeKhka. 
 Dyiiry, gihijirjiwineM-annn. I hnvn 
 ilin (lysiiry, nin tjihijigiwinfukkii. 
 EurIc, mKjisi. YounR cnfrlo, m?//?; 
 «i;w. A.^.otht^r kind of er\g|p, wahi- 
 jaJeiPf. Blark ''nRln,^ nJusansi. 
 Engle's claw, mifjininganj. 
 Kaultvtighter, viigisananitsi, 2"i''V*'- 
 Kau'lf-^^'"'^"''' Mujmwiinhfffl. At 
 Eiiclp-llarbor, from or to Kagln- 
 ilarbor, Miguniriwikumhing. 
 Ka'^le-Rivor, Miginii'iiiln. At, from 
 or to Eap;le-River, MiginirinUiituj. 
 V.nr.ot.(iirnfjiima. My, thy, his car, 
 nifwrag^'l-ifawag, oln'rag. 1 havn 
 oars, n'ind olairnga. 1 have largo 
 ears, nin innmangifaivnge. \ have 
 a long oar, nin giiinUiH'agn; I have 
 long pars, nin gagnnnlaicage.^ I 
 havo a small e^r," ninil a^nmfa- 
 ^ragc't 1 have small rnrs, ninha- 
 hiirifoviygr. 1 havo ugly oars. >ri>i, 
 mam.dnji'taii'ige.— My car is cold, 
 (my oar.-< am cold,) nvi talntairage, 
 nintntnlcitrnragi'. My car is cut 
 off, nin Vuihh'taipage. I.cnt off his 
 oar ninl-is?kH'nwag<'J>m. 1 strike 
 off his car, nin IciMitarragfgana- 
 ma. My car is frozen, (my ears 
 arc fro7on,) rin tnnshknwadjita- 
 vagrtradj. My car is stopped, nm 
 gdlitairiigc; my cars ar stopped, ,' ! 
 "am deaf,') nin, ga<jihita>r(uje. I sl(i[i 
 my car, nin gihtaivagcoJis', I stop 
 my cars, nin gngdntaiC(is;e<KUii, nin. 
 gngil)/shrhini(h'.i. \ stop his nin, 
 /),//;. gjidfa'i'ngeirn; I stop his oars, 
 viih' giiglbitiiwagiwa, nin. gaijihi- 
 sheliiiia. My car is swiillcii, >////, 
 ha<^ifd>i'ag('.—\ havo only otu' oaf. 
 n\n jinhaiiHa'ra/jc. Tlio other oar, 
 or only one car, nnhant'taivas. i 
 pull his car, nin 'n'ik( tawageKnn. 
 nin jihifawagiJiina. 
 Ear-hanging. !S. Ear-cincr. 
 Earn; I earn, nin gw-Mitchi^i'-. ! 
 cam to myself, or for myselt, ni'. 
 gasMitas, nin gmthl'itamn nir 
 (jnM'itnmndix^ nin irikinalcki'ti. . 
 nin u'ikn-ntchifamivhs. — I .iirii ) 
 {in., an.) nin gnMifcli'' < ■, :•'■ 
 gashkiton; nin gashHkhigcnan, n<>* 
 gnshkia. I earn it to myself, {in., 
 an.) nin gashkifainason, nin vlk- 
 icatchitamason; nin gasit-kifmnnso- 
 n/iJi, nin wikwatchifainai^omm. 1 
 earn it for him, nin gaihlitawa, 
 nin gashkitiwiuwa. 
 Karn, (ins. ii 
 Kiirned; it is < 
 kitihixudc; i 
 KarmiDi, gttuhi 
 liarnnigs, (lux. 
 Har of tish', ,;/ 
 Kar of Indian 
 I'lar-ring, nahi 
 Ivulh, aki. Ur 
 //'/;/. 'I'heop 
 iikitn. It isV 
 ukiwan. 'I'l 
 ^liakoij, ■/(/, 
 lining wan, d 
 I'larllicn dish 
 •fit /I. 1 mak 
 plates, nin i 
 man that n 
 und plates, 
 Kurl^uiuuke; t 
 kaniagad oki 
 Kar-wax, moW) 
 Kasily, wenipa 
 East, Wuhan, 
 tlio east, fror 
 Ilast -cloud, wd 
 Kastcr, Pak. 
 East-r«in, umh 
 Kast-star, (mor 
 East-wind, waA 
 Easy; it is eas> 
 s. th. is easy 
 I think it is ( 
 Eat; 1 e.it, ain 
 an.) nin mit 
 eat with him 
 eat (or fare) 
 nind indana 
 things, 7iinn 
 to eat, nin m 
 fore I start, ?i 
 long as..., nil 

 Kuril, (ills, ill.) 8. Gain. Procure. 
 Kiiriied; it i8 oiirned, (in., un.)gath- 
 kiti-higadc; nnnhlcm. 
 Kariiuu, ijunhl-itchiirrwin, wikwatchi- 
 liiiiniiiu'H. (janhkitchiijan. 
 H;ir of Mi, i,t(ti(tw(m. 
 Kiif of Indian corn, nimkod. 
 Kar-riii),'. nahmluliisoii. 
 L/iilli, uH. Uri eartii, akin<i,o<jidaka- 
 miij. 'I'lieopi (•iito side ohlii' earth, 
 ujawuhamiy. 1 umi (-nrtli, niiid 
 ttkm. 1> Ks eartti, (), tliore is partli, 
 uNwan. The earth (iiiakes, or 
 .Nhuitcij, nlniniiihainiiii^ld-a aki \ 
 <jwfn{/wan, tchinywan, tchingwaka- 
 KartlwMi disli or plute, ivahl,ian-onc. 
 •jiiH. I iMiiki; cartliori disliea and 
 plates, ntn irahiijan-unayanike. A 
 man that makes earthen disJios 
 and plates, a potter, luabigan- 
 I';:>rth'-lioiise, (under ground,) abi- 
 Kurl^Kluake; ther is an earth(iitake, 
 ■mtbinijahinw/ishka aki, niniiKjish- 
 kamuijad aki. 
 Kar-waJ:, mowidjitawai/an. 
 Kasily, weinpaj, loeni/mnaj. 
 East, Wuhan, uwndji-mokaanct. In 
 tlie east, from or to the eaat,'ifaJa- 
 Ilast -c 1 ou d , wa bnn ukwad 
 Kastcr, Pak 
 ^ (jijiijad. 
 East-rain, wahanibissa. 
 East-star, ( mornini,'-star,) tvdhanamj. 
 hliM-wind, wnbaninodin. 
 Easy; it is easy, wenipanad. I think 
 s. th. is easy, nin wenipanendam. 
 I think it is easy, wm wenipaneii- 
 Eat; I ent, ain wisain. I eat it, (in., 
 an.) nin, midjin; nind amwa. 1 
 eat with him, nin, widopamu. I 
 eat (or fare) so..., nind inandjige. 
 nind indanandjige. I eat good 
 things, ninminwandjige. I begin 
 to eat. nin madandj'ige, I eat be- 
 fore I start, nin nawadji. I eat as 
 long as..., nind apitandjige, 1 eat 
 Eaater-Sunday, Pak- 
 it raw, ("-/«., an. nind aMamlani 
 nind an.hkamu. 1 eat socrotly, (in 
 a stealthy manner,) nim/innidan- 
 diif/t'.^ 1 eat blowly, nin habigika- 
 dundjiijv, nut brdjitmin. 1 eat fast 
 and iiuicli, utn gt^iuge. 1 eat h. th. 
 Willi some other tla'nij, nind apun- 
 dj/'ge, nin daan'uudjigi-. 1 eat it 
 {in., an.) with some other thing 
 as a by-meat, nind upundjigen, nin 
 ditgwa/HlJigtn, nin dagivandan ; 
 nind (ipuMljigenan, nin dagivaU' 
 djiginan, not dag/vcunu. I look for 
 s. th. to eat, nin nandawiunn, 1 
 go somewhere to get s. th. to eat, 
 (or to drink, )w/m jiudabowr. I ate 
 siKfifiently. nin dchiasin. I make 
 him eat sufficiently, nin dehisdniu. 
 — 1 give to eat, nind ashitnge. 1 
 give him (her, it) to eat, tiinJ 
 usAiimn; nind ashandan. 
 Eat up, (consume;) I eat up, nin gi- 
 dam. ^ 1 eat it all up, {in., an.) 
 7dn nidan; nin gidanitva. 1 eat 
 all up, 8. th. belonging V) him, «w« 
 gidaniawa. It eats lufc up, nin 
 Eatable root; u small eatable root, 
 Eatables, (provisions,) w/diVw. 
 Eating, winsiniwin. 
 Eating-house, wlnsiniwigamiy. ash- 
 ^ angtwigami(f. 
 Ebb, ebb'ing tide; it is the ebbing 
 tide, odaskirnugad fiibi. 
 Echo. S. Resound. 
 Eclipsed; the sun (or moon) is 
 eclipsed, ihere is an eclipse, gisiu 
 Edification, mino Tcikinowabamiqo- 
 Edify; ledify, nin vdno h'kinuwa- 
 bandaiwe. I edify him, nin mino 
 ktkinowahamig. He edifies me, 
 nin mino kikihowabania. 
 Edge of a tool, gdnag, gunamagak. 
 It has such an edge, (or such 
 teeth,) inabidiiamagad. 
 Eel, bimisi. 
 Efface. Effaced. S. Blot out. Blot- 
 ted out. 
 Effect; it makes a good effect, (med- 
 icine, etc.) minoshkagemagad. It 
 makes a good effect in me, nin, 
 minokagon; it makes a bad effect, 
 nin manil-ago)i. 
 Effect; I effect u, nin gaxhhiton. I 
 cannot effect it, nin hwanawifjii. 
 1 eff. little, nind inwds. It eff. lit- 
 tle, inwasomagad. I eff. nothing 
 wjtii my working, ) nind anawcwiii, 
 nind, ashkonawis. It effects no- 
 thing, anav<ewisimagad. 
 Effort; I make efforts, nin masJika- 
 wis, nin wikwatchito. 
 Egg, nanan. Small egg, wawunms. 
 Bad spoiled egg, ivananosli. Hen's 
 egg, pal-aakivawawun. 
 Eight, nUhwassui. We are eight of 
 us, nin ni.shwatchimin. There are 
 eight in. ohj., 7iis/iwaic/iinon. 
 Kight, nishwasso..., in compositions; 
 which see ir. the First Part. 
 Eight every lime, eight each or to 
 each, nenishicassici. 
 Eighth, ehi-nishwatching. The eighth 
 time, nishwatchiiig. 
 Eighthly, cko-nishwatcliing . 
 Eight hundred every tiine, eight 
 hundred each or to each, nenish- 
 Eight thousand, nishwatchi?ig midas- 
 Eight times, mshwatchlng. 
 Eight times every time, eight times 
 ^ eacli or to each, newtHkivatching. 
 Eighty, nishwassimidana. We are 
 eighty, nin nisJiwassimidanawe- 
 min. There aie eighty in. obj., 
 Eighty every time, eighty each or to 
 ^each, nenishwassimidana. 
 Eighty hundred, nishiimsimidanak. 
 We are eighty hundred of us, nin 
 nuhwassimidanahmmin. There 
 are eighty hundred in. obj., nish- 
 wassimida n akwadon . 
 Eking piece, aniketchigan. There is 
 an eking piece, aniketchiqade. 
 Elapsed. _S. Passed, (past'.) 
 EJbow, liminik, biskiniU,nni'in, osk- 
 wan. I lean on my elbows, nind 
 odoskwantshin. I strike him with 
 the elbow, nind odoskwundwa. 
 Elder-tree, elder-shrub, papaMisw- 
 unak, pi[iiga\>n:anashk, wimb'ma- 
 Election. S. Choise. 
 Elephant, keU'hianeas'. 
 Elevated; I am elevated, 7ji;iiiVfAjV. 
 -Eleven, inidanswi asJd hejiq. 
 Ji\\i. S. Moose. 
 J-Jhn or elm-tree, mih. Another kind 
 ol elm-tree, (ijdfhigi.h. 
 film-bark, antbiuuihagek. Sack ol 
 elm-bark, waniniod. 
 -Blm-forest, elm-grove, anihiki. 
 -£'lm-River, Anibinf^ini-i.ibi. 
 yi'loquent; I am el., nin nitdwe. 
 filsewhere, n/ngntrbi hakan. 
 ^'maciated; I am em., nin jashcumi- 
 -fiinancipatp; I_em_. \nm, nin pagidi- 
 -Eiibark; I embark, ninhos. I cmb. 
 withsomelioily, wiVitZ aduwdawi [ 
 emb. him, (her, it,) nin bo.sia; nin 
 bositun. I em. with him, nind ada- 
 u-aapia. I bid him embark, nin 
 hjtinuj-dua. I em. him by force 
 7nn bnmehtna. I am embarked by 
 force, 7iin hoswelinigas. 
 -Embarkation, hmwin. 
 i.mbarrass; I emb. him with my 
 words, nin waimniina. 1 emb. him 
 by my requests, nin ivawanimot- 
 Embarrassed; I am emb. in my 
 thoughts, nin wawunendam. I 
 cause him to be emb. in his 
 thoughts, nin tvawanendamia. 
 ^mbeUish; I em him, (her, it,) nind 
 0711 jishia, nin suiegaa; nindo7dji- 
 shiton, nin sasegnto'n. 
 £mi)ellishment.'S. Ornament. 
 iimhezzle. Embezzlement. Embez- 
 zler.— S. Cheat. Cheating. Cheat- 
 -imbrace. S. Hug. 
 -Embroider; 1 embroider or orna- 
 ment, 9iin niskdgtvaige. 1 embroid- 
 er, making flowers, etc., nin ma- 
 sinigwadam. 1 embroider it, {in., 
 Sack 01 
 an.)nin mafiinujwndan; mn ma- 
 xmujwana. I eni'b. with pore (>ine- 
 quills, tnu limiq. Kind amu/acJc- 
 u>awaie. 1 einb. with small glass- 
 .'V'.^' «'« masi>tiiniiiensike, nin 
 nmimiueall-e. I embr. or orna- 
 iiiont it with small glass-beads, 
 (*«., an.) nin uM-tminennikadaH; 
 nin tiUHmmensikan .. 
 /.'mbroidered,- it is embr. or orna- 
 mented, nifihifjwair/ade, nixhuma- 
 gad. It is emb. with flowerM, etc., 
 {tn.,an,) madniijwnde; nuui'mg'- 
 ii'a.io. It is embr. with small glass- 
 beads, (in., an.) maxiniminenfii- 
 hade, imkimiMyisikadtj; ■m.adnimi- 
 ii'mbniidc ry; fine embr, with porcu- 
 pine-quills, onugankwawai. 
 -Arnerge; I emerge, nin moshhiag. 
 vniul/isse. It enu'rges, m^fikkaag. 
 Em\nen\.\y , apit'chi. 
 Bmmet, eniqo. 
 -Amperor, kiicki-ogima. 
 fimpire, (Kiimawiwin. 
 .Employ; 1 employ \\\ca.,nind anona. 
 I empi, him (her, it) in a certain 
 maimer, nind inawemikana; niiid 
 inawcmikadan . 
 /Employed; employed yexson, anon- 
 agan, aniin,am, enomnd, onotaaan. 
 Employed (\\wx\) thing, aiomin. 
 anokasiMin. 1 am employed, nind 
 annnigo. I am enipl. in a certain 
 manner, nind inawemiku^. 
 Employer, tinokid. 
 &n|)loyment, ananignsiwid, anonid- 
 .impress, kitchi-ogimahwc. 
 /^mpty, (without a \o&A,)pijish{p. 
 Anable; 1 enable him, nind' inenima. 
 A'ncamp. Encampment. S. Camp, 
 fincampment. nihiinn, 
 /inclose. S. Fence in. 
 A'nclosure, atchikiuigan, giwitaJci- 
 nigan. — S. Fence, 
 ii'ncburage; I enc, nin gagamonge. 
 I enc. him, nin gagansoim. 
 Encourage, (console;)! enc, nind 
 ahlsiudngc. I enc. him, ni,Nl uUn- 
 unma, mn gagnnmaa. 
 Encourage to "do evil; I enc. lii',i i.. 
 do e vil, wiW axhia, nind anliiriiua 
 yiiicouraging, (jugdmmdhHn, gagan- 
 incumber; 1 enc, ni>i ni.kikage i 
 encumber him, i h(!r, it,, )nin nukiu 
 mn vidnkawa; nin mtkikati. Jt 
 enc. me, nin nidikagnn. 
 /incumber, (in s. in.) (S. Obstruct. 
 r^: «<'««67wa— , ^in compositions. , 
 1 here is an end, waithraiamagod. 
 At the end, waiihraiaii. It is 
 considered the end <i( it, wai^-k- 
 wuitiidagwad. I think ii is the end 
 of It, w«/4 vuickiViiiiwlan. I go tn 
 theend olit, «tMA(f/W//:'o^/. j ar- 
 rive at the end, nin wuiihca.'<hkan. 
 J bring It to an end. nut wairhras- 
 xttim, mn waickwahoi. It comes to 
 an end, waivkwa.sMnii,gud.~\i js 
 the end of the world, thniehifuahl 
 tvan, tskkwa-akiwan, bnui-akiuxm 
 — 1 he end of an action or work 
 ^dikwakamigid/rni, /.s/ikwatawm- 
 Endeavor; I endeavor, nin wikwu. 
 tcM, nin wtkwatchiUj, nin vikwa- 
 tchif'^i, ntnd aiangirainendam, nind 
 atanymmin. 1 end. in vain to 
 have tt. nind agawadan. I end. (or 
 work) in vain, nind dnawctvis. I 
 end. without much efiect, nind 
 tnwag.-l end. to get, ^n thoughts, i 
 mn ■UKkwatoiduin. 1 end. to get 
 l»nn, (her, it,) nin ivikwaU-nima- 
 mn wikwatendan. 
 Endeavor, (in s. in.) S. Try. 
 E ti d I e ss , «'c iekwaiassinog. 
 Endure; I can endure 'much cold, 
 ntnjdmi{i._ 1 can end. much hung- 
 er, nin jihanandami. I can end 
 much smoke, ninjihanamost. 
 Lnemy, jnngmdjiged. I am enemy, 
 Engage;'! engage in a service, nind 
 Engage'ment, anonigosiwin. 
 b-ngland, Great Britain and Ireland, 
 Jagananhiwaki, In, from or to Eng- 
 land, JagantuihiwukiHg. 
 English; it is English, (wiitton or 
 printed in EngW^h,) jnf;a?i'tt!lii>riii- 
 sin, jcKjaiihhiinomagcul. 1 trans- 
 late It In Eng., nmja(/a>i<u?ii/ng- 
 dton. It is trrinsiatt'd 'in Eng., ju- 
 English boy, or a little Englishman, 
 English g\r\,jaijanasJdkwcns. 
 English language, ja(ia»ashiino)vin. 
 ] speak English, ni/i ja/ianaKhi/n. 
 It speaks_ Engl., (it is 'in Eng.,) 
 Englishman, Jaganitch. 
 English minister, J cuianashi-tru-lcate- 
 English religion, (Church of Eng- 
 land,) Jofuxiiaxlii-anamieivui. I 
 profess the Eng. religion, nin ja- 
 English woman, ^'flf/a«fl*7/,//(v<f;. 
 English writing, Jar/anafMu'ibu(rn». 
 1 write in Eng!, nin jagann<<l'dwi- 
 Engrave; I engrave, ninmasinihiiije. 
 Engraved; I »ui (it is) cngr., nin 
 mnsinan, nin inaminibiuius; inasi- 
 7inde, mashiihiigailf. 
 Enairaving, 7na»lii'U)iigewin; mabini- 
 h I'/ijn n , maif iiiitch i'ju n . 
 Enkindle; I enk. it, ninbiskalviida?!,. 
 Enlargen. S. Widen. 
 Enlighten; I enl. him, 7im «'a,<mrt- 
 lila,7>in'ir,usenania(i<a. 1 enl. his 
 mind, nin ivassiicndamia, nin was- 
 .V ak wa nenda m aw a , 
 Enmity. S. Hatred. 
 Enormity. S. Horror. 
 F^normous. S. Frightful. 
 Enough, ?/wm/;/7', mi iw. There 
 is enough of it, (»/?., an.) dehis- 
 semaond; dehisse. I have enough, 
 iiin (Uhis. I think I have enough, 
 or, I think it is enough, nin dehe- 
 n im, nin dehendam, nin dehaijenim 
 1 talk enongh, nin dihAnanidon. 
 ---.-, -., 1 
 drank enough, nin dehibi; 1 ate 
 enough, nindebissin. — We are just 
 enough, M»;j minodashimiii. There 
 is just enough of it, 7mnodnsfin. 
 Enraged person, very angry, kefe/ii- 
 nislihulifti-l. 1 am enraged, very 
 angry, nin l.-itchi nishkadis. 
 Enslave; I ens. Inm. nind awal-ana. 
 ]t enslaves me.vind aiimkanidcm 
 1 ens. mvs(ir, vind aicakamdu. 
 pjigtangled; 1 am cut. in a cord, nii, 
 Enter, (go \n\j 1 enter somewher'j 
 nin pindi^c. It enters, pindige'. 
 mmjad. I enter into him, nin 
 ■jiiiidiijuwa, ninpindicjeMawa, nin 
 pindjin a tct ahka wa , n in pindjin cnh ■ 
 hiua. ]| enters into me, nin pind- 
 iij<.shl\yjon, nin pindjinaweshka- 
 gun, nin pindjiae.shkugdn. 
 Enter, (take in or bring in,) I enter 
 him. _( her. it,) nin pindigana^ nin 
 Entice; J entice, nin vik-wasonqc. 1 
 cnt. him; niii uihrasoma. " We 
 ent. each other, nin tinkwasondi- 
 Eiitk-ing, ivikwasongewin, wikivason- 
 din-in . 
 Entire. P. Whole. 
 Entirely, kakin.a, wawinge, apitcM. 
 Entreat. Etitreaty.~S. 'Entice. Va\- 
 ticing. — S. Bequest. 
 Envelcp. S. Wrap up. 
 Envy, kijincenindinnn, kijan'endjigf- 
 tvin, gagawenindiwin, gagawendji- 
 Envy; I envy, i am envious, nin cia- 
 gawendjigfi, nin kijaivcndjiqc' ] 
 envy lum, (her, it,)' nin kijawcni- 
 ma, nin. gngawenima; nin i-ijdwen- 
 dan, nin gagnivcnd an. 
 Epaulet, niskilenimangnnedjigan. 
 Epidemy, mtjikdgem'agak inapine- 
 Epiiihany, Ogima-gijigad. 
 Equal; I equal hiin, nin iibi^Moka- 
 Wa, nind aJiina. 
 Equally, tibishko, tetibi.sJilco, tabish- 
 hitch, nast.ab. 
 Equivalj .,t, tibiMo. It is eq. (in., 
 an. ) tibit<hh> apitendagwad;tibiMco 
 Erect; I erect him, (her, it,) nin 
 muiaivakonn,nin mainwishima.nin 
 inuiaioina; ntn mainwakunan , ntn 
 maiawissiton, nin maiuwtuan. I 
 "J I III, nin, 
 mil jubwi, 
 erect invsolf, nin iniiinirila, nin, 
 miiiuHuMa, nin. maitii<iis/iiii,iiti, 
 pasmKita. 1I(> erects liiiinfiH, n 
 ■mtitcklija'xuiu',. ( ;i hoasl. ) It erects 
 itself, iiniia'i{sh\-aiiiu(ja<l. -\ ereet 
 it, (/«.. aw.) /till, 2>atakidoii,\ nin 
 pat ikitii. 
 Krectod; I am (it is) cKM-tpd by the 
 wind, nin iiMidtcanh; maidirassiih. 
 It IS erected, ( in.., an. j inai-iwixdn, 
 maui'umitAi<jadc\ niaiawi.ssitchi' 
 Erected, (in s. in. ; S. Stand up. 
 r-rrand, inlnnjaodowin, 
 I'Jrysipeias. S. j'lerpes. 
 Escape, (ijiinnvin. 
 Escape; I es;a;)e. niud- 
 giiwe, nin (lidisliiwc. „,,„ ,„ 
 nin Jahwiiwe, nin didiskii'lin. I 
 escape out ol Ins hands, //^ r/ia, 
 ■n/n //idtd-in. 1 make liini escape, 
 nind oji/nia, nin jahtvia. 
 Escapei); a person 'esc. from a nias- 
 _ sacre, uhkwaUujan, inhhwatchiqan. 
 Especially, meminduije, meindaae, 
 Es(ininiau Indian, J^Mibod, (raw- 
 Essay. S. Try. Endeavor. 
 Essential. S. Foremost. 
 Establish; I ,>st. it, nind ojiiniton, 
 Hind aindjiKiiton. 
 Established; it is est., aindjusitchi- 
 Esteem; I esteem, nind upitendain. 
 1 esteeni or respect him, (her, it,) 
 nind apiteiiima, nin (iuhivadtnima\ 
 nind apibeiidan, nin qokwadindnn. 
 1 esteem myself, n'ind apitenim, 
 n ind aoitenuuiin. nin (jukwadeniin, 
 nin (jokwadenindis. /esteem my- 
 self as liiKh as hitn, nind apikni- 
 monan.—l est. him (her, ii ) in a 
 certain^ manner,w«/w/ uuu^saijadtni- 
 ma] nind inannatiudinddn.^ I est. 
 him (her, it) little, nin lewcnima; 
 nin heiveiidan. 
 Esteem, (in s. in.) S. Respect. 
 Ili'.rh esteem. 
 Esteem little. Esteemed little, (in 
 s. in.) S. Insi^'iiilicant. 
 Esteemed; I am (it is) esteemed in 
 a certain' manner, nind inastaga- 
 denda{ins\ inasmtiadendaiiwad. 
 Esteemed, (ins in.) 8. Uespectn- 
 ble. Highly esteemed. 
 Esteemed 6(4113 1; 1 am (it is) est. 
 e(inal to..., nin tihishkowendagas; 
 Estimate. ,S. Value. 
 Et(>rnal, Aaiiffhn'/'imadiKid, 
 FjU'.n]ii[,/(irieki(>aias\nnii(/, kai/ii/r, ha- 
 aiiii. Life (Eternal, kayii'/e' hirna- 
 du^iwm. Eternal welfare, clernal 
 ■salvation, kainae jairendiKuisiwiti, 
 ku'iiijc ininouiau'in. Et(?rrial mis- 
 ery, eternal damnation, ki<ii(ie ko- 
 tuijitowin, kayiye lianudjiidisowin. 
 Eternally, lca<jigekaiai(j,lcaginiq, lea- 
 Euirnity. kaijvic hiniadisiwin. 
 Eucharist; the holy Eucharist, ki- 
 IchitiiHi Eiikdrictiwin. I receive 
 the holy Eucharist, nind odapinan 
 kitckitwa Eukaritstiwin . 
 Eunuch. ^8. Castrated. 
 Euro[)e, ICileki aguining, Agaminq 
 Evange'ly. S. Gospel. 
 Eva[iorate; it ova])., anississin, an- 
 Even; it is c en. (bark, cic.)onaf<hk- 
 wi i t nia<jad._ It is oven, (wood, 
 'in., an.) (rjiasaiia; dji.^mgi.n. It is 
 even, flat, (metal, in., an.) onahi- 
 ^ kamayad, innhikad; onulikid. 
 Even it..., missawn, ■ini.sxanut i/aie. 
 i Eveninc;, onayot-Zt, iinuyirit<h.' It is 
 eveninc:, onaydilii.im'aywiild. Eve- 
 ning is approaching, towards eve- 
 tiing. ani-irnuyni'ki, eni-<,niiyi/f:hiy. 
 E \- e 11 i n g • in e a I , on ayonh i-'ici.tkn iwin. 
 Eveiiin-r-prayer. imayos/ii-anamiang, 
 ^ OHuy(>ti/ii-anani.i,icin. 
 Event; jjood event, inino inakarni- 
 yad. Sad event, matchi inakami- 
 Ever; ever since, a/;«7(.#. For ever 
 apine, kayiniy. ' 
 Everlasting; hiyiye. 
 Every day, ,.ndim(,.yijiy,iJc. 
 Every night, endamt'tihikak. 
 Every second dav, mnainawigijig, 
 tunijogijig, nenijoywan. 
 I i\ 
 EX A 
 490 EXP 
 "Every time, (Uif^dng. 
 \Everywhern,m^6«, rnt'nive. Thoi > is of 
 it every where, mixiiveuM'amagad. 
 Everywhere on earth, misi envjok- 
 nuTj aH, miftdl'aniiff. 
 Evil, tntnanadak, matcld aiiirifih. 
 My evil (in sickness) increases 
 wi-.en I speak, nui (jt't/jlm, nln gid- 
 Evil, matvhL It is evil; manadad, 
 ■malchi ijiivehud. 
 L^vil spirit, mati'lu manito, match! 
 P^viscerate. S. Gut. 
 Exact, exactly, gwaidk, nimfd, itm- 
 wincfc. I arrange it exactly, niti 
 Exact; 1 am exact, nin waivhxjes. 
 Exact, (ins. in.) S. Severe. 
 Exactness, ^uau'ingesinnn. I act with 
 exactness, nin wawingcs, nin ivu- 
 Exaggerate; I ex., ofiam nihiwanind 
 oni-ikit, osam nibi'va nin dibaJ- 
 Exalt; I oy.TiMhxm.nindishpcmma^ 
 nind itihpia, 'nin Tcitckitn'aiviu, nin 
 kitcliit't'awendagoftia. _ I exalt it, 
 nind itihpch'''an., nin l-itrhitwa'i'cn- 
 dan, nin Icitchitwawit'in. I exalt 
 myself, nind isltpenindis, nind ish- 
 penini; nin l-itchitwatvenindis, nin 
 Examen of conscience, nanagata- 
 tcenindisoivin. I examine my cons., 
 nin nanugata'cenindis. 
 Examine; 1 examine hitn, (her, it,) 
 nin gndji-kikenima; nin godji-M- 
 Examine, (in s. in.) S Try. Seek. 
 Example, l-iHnowahamigmin, Hki- 
 nowahandaiweivin, kikiiunvahand- 
 jigan. — Good example, mino kiki- 
 '^m/wahamigawin, mino kikinmra- 
 bandaiwewin . I give a good ex., 
 nin mino kikimnvabandaiwe. I 
 give him :i 'jond ex., nin mino ki- 
 kinowabamig. He gives me a good 
 ex., nin mino kikino,vabama. — Bad 
 example, matchi kikin<nvabamigp- 
 win, matclii kikinowabanduiicewin. 
 I give a bad ex., nin matchi kiki- 
 nonwhandaiwe. I give him a bad 
 ex., nin matvhi kikinowabamig. 
 ^le gives me a bad ex., nin matchi 
 kikinoivabama . 
 Example, imitate example,; I imitate 
 liis ex., nin kikinowahama. He 
 imitates my ex., nin kikinr/wabu- 
 mig. I give an example, nin kiki- 
 nolrabandaiwe. 1 regelate my mmd 
 after his ex., nin kikinawenima. 
 Exceedingly, excessively, apitchi. 
 Excel. S, Snrpass. 
 Excellent, kitchi onijisJiin. 
 Exchange. 8. Ghange. 
 Excite ; I excite or pnsh him to s. 
 th., nind ashia, nind innshia. 
 Excite, (in s. in.) S. Provoke to 
 Excitement. S. Trouble, (noise.) S. 
 Stir lip. 
 Excrement, ;/(o. 
 Excnse ; 1 ask excuse for not being 
 able to do s. l\\.,ninJagwenimotagos 
 Execution, (hanging,) agojiwewin, 
 Executioner, (hangman,) agi^iwewi- 
 nini, agonidinnnini. 
 7jxhale, it exhales, anississin, atiis- 
 msiin . 
 Exhausted ; I am exh., nind apitchi 
 aifkos, nind akioiwi. 
 l^xhort; I exhort, nind aiangwamige, 
 nind angwamige, nind- aiangwami- 
 tagos, nind angwamitngos, nin ga- 
 gan^onge, nin gagikwe, nin ganoji- 
 we. I exhort hini, nin gagikima, I 
 exh. him to do s. th., nin gngdn- 
 soma. We exh. each other, ninga- 
 gikindimin, nin gagan^ondimin. 1 
 exhort myself, nin gagihlndia. 
 i;xhortation , aiangivaniitagosiwin,. 
 gagansrmgeioin, gagtkindiwin, ga- 
 ^xist; I exist, nind aid. 
 /Existence, aiawin. 
 i'xonerate ; I exonerate the bowels. 
 7iin jnisi. 
 iixorbitant. S. Extravagant. 
 i;'xpand. S. .Cktend. 
 ^'xpect ; I expect, nin'." akawah. I 
 exp. him, (her, it,) nind akawa- 
 hama; nind akawabandan. 
 iTxiiedition, (haste,) dadatabiwin. 
 /i'xpGihtious ; I am pxp., nin dadd- 
 tahi, 111)1 (fwai/d-wes.-S. Quick. 
 Expeditions working, gwashkiresl- 
 win, daddtahiwin. 
 Experience; I know it by exp., (I 
 tried it,)_ nin gotumnnJan, nin, rin- 
 tamnniljiton. 1 experienced it, 7\in 
 /^.-.periinent. S. Trial. 
 jSxpire ;_1 expire, 7iin nth, nind ish- 
 kwahiinadis. — S. Finish. 
 Axplain; I explain it to iiim, weweni 
 nin windamuwa. 
 v5.xpose ; 1 expose myself, nind ini- 
 -%pose to the sight of people.— S. 
 Lay open. 
 Expressly, m/Ji'sha, pdkatch. 
 ./i'xtend; 1 extend it, (in., an.) nin 
 Jihadaan, niit jibaduH'a. I ext. it by 
 I) n I h n g , ( ?!». , a;i . ) « injihahi</ibid(m ; 
 nin jibalijihina. It 'extends, j;'iJa- 
 hiiMamuijad . 
 Extensive, kitchi. It is extensive. 
 Axteni ; its extent, eltwag. 
 ilxterminate. S. Spend'all. 
 jBxternally, on the outside, agwa- 
 Extinguish; I extinguish, nind atei- 
 gC' I ext. it, nind ntean. 
 -Extinguisher, atiigan. 
 Extravagancy, osamisiwin. 
 Extravagant; I am ext., nind osamis, 
 .Extravagant spending, tchagini- 
 Extremely, apitchi. 
 Extremety, (end, summit,) wanako- 
 Eye, oslikinjigomi. The right eye, 
 kitchitthkinjig, okitcJi ishkinjigoin a . 
 The left eve, naniandjisUlcivjig, 
 onamandjishkinjigoma. ftly, thy, 
 his eye, nishl-injig, kinhkinjig, osh- 
 Icinjig.-l have eyes, nind lishkin- 
 Jig. I have dim eyes, nin tihiki- 
 nam. Lhave good eyes, nin nadb. 
 I have hollow eyes, 7iin wawini- 
 kah. I have large eyes, nin ma' 
 mingi.>ihkinjiqwc. 1 have only one 
 eye, nin nahtuushkinjigwe. The 
 other eye, or one eye only, nabu- 
 7ietilikinjig. I have small eyes, nind 
 agatiia/ikinjigirc, nind babiwii/ikin- 
 jigwe. I have sore eyes, nind onh- 
 kinjignncK, nin ttasaakingive, nind 
 ashkaM-iinnginguc. I have weak 
 eyes, 7iin bimrab, nin bigiiuicab, nin 
 bigisaivinam. — My eyes are filled 
 with tears, nin moshkinedbingwt . 
 My eyes are open, nin pnkakab. 
 I open my eyes, nin jiakutawab. 1 
 open his eyes, ninwubia. My eyes 
 are spoiled by smoke, ninpashka- 
 bis. My eye is swollen, nin bdgi- 
 gos/ikinjigwe. My eyes are tired, 
 nind inhkafawub, nin pagicsab. — 
 ] burst one of my eyes, ninpafh- 
 kabidj/'n. 1 cover his eyes with s. 
 th., nin titibingu-ebina. I cover my 
 eyes vviili s. th., 7iin titibingivtbis. 
 I feel a burning pain in my eyes, 
 nin sassiikab. 1 feel a burning pain 
 in_ my eyes from smoke, nin ms.sa- 
 kieibingweinbas. 1 hurt my eye fall- 
 ing, nin gidjnbitihin. I keep mv 
 eyes shut, 7dn passansicab. 1 look 
 with one eye only, nin pashking- 
 wen. I look with almost c'osed 
 eyes, 7iin tunkab, nin tnskdbandjigc. 
 I look with almost closed eye's at 
 him, (her, it,) nin f(j&kaba7na; «ut 
 toskubanda7i. 1 have a mote in my 
 eye, nin hinsin. I pluck my eye 
 out, nin gidjnbaadit:. I pluck his 
 eye out, nin gidjubawa. I rub his 
 eyes with some medicine, nin si- 
 nigosMinjigwcna. My eyes shut 
 against my will, nin pasi^angioa- 
 bifhka.-Jt is made like an eye, csh- 
 Eye-apple, apple of the eye, makate- 
 wagamishkin iigxcan. 
 Eyeb'row, mdmd. My, thy, his eye- 
 brow, nimd77in, kimdma, (rmdman. 
 My eyebrows are bristled up, nin 
 Eyelid; the under part of the eyelid, 
 sibingtvai. The hair of the eyelid, 
 Fable, adicuhin. 1 tell a fable or 
 lables, iiind aduoke. 
 Fabulous giant, windujo. 
 Fabulous giantess, windigahwe. 
 Face ; my, thy. his face, iiibhkinjig, 
 kishkmjiij, oshkinjhj ; or, ni/ideruj- 
 ■wai, kideiKjwai, odtiujicai. - 1 have 
 an angry face, idn HiahkadJirKjwc, 
 iiin iiii>likadjin(jwti<hka. 1 have a 
 black face, niii makatewifu/we. I 
 have a clean face, ni/i bitdngive. 
 1 have a dark-blue face, niiid apis- 
 i-i/Kjwe. 1 have a dirty face, nia 
 wmingtve, nin mowingwe, nin ino- 
 (vidjiwingwe. 1 have a fat full face, 
 nin luinl'nwingwe. 1 have a greas- 
 ed face, nin mmiingice. 1 grease 
 ills face, nvi ninningwenn. I grease 
 my i'ace, nm numii'gwenindis. 
 (ireasii)g the face, or grease for 
 » he face, nomiiigtvcwin. I have a 
 large face, nin mangadcngwe. 1 
 have a lean face, nin pakakadwen- 
 gwc. I have a face like..., n,i)id 
 inadengwe. I have a long face, 
 nin giiiwingice. 1 have pimples or 
 ])ustules on my face, nin. inmsse- 
 ivingwe, nin huhigwi/idioe. I have a 
 scar in my i'?ice,'nincl odjifhingu'c. 
 I have a small face, nind ugassu- 
 dengice. 1 have a strange or chan- 
 ged face, nin niaiagiahkinjigwe. 1 
 have a wrinkled face, nirid asigin- 
 gwe. — My face is cracked, nin gi- 
 ■pingwe. My face is frozen, nin 
 mashkaifadjingwewadj. My face is 
 marked wiili sadness, nin naninu- 
 tvingwe. I mark my face with sad- 
 jiess, nin naninawingweidis. My 
 face is luarkec' with the small pox, 
 nin mamakingwe. My face is pale, 
 ■nin wabishkingwe, fiin wahidcwad- 
 engwe. My face is red, nin mis- 
 kwingicc. My face is shining, ra- 
 diant, nin watniingwe, nin wasdng- 
 loes. My face is swollen, nin hd- 
 gingwe. My face is uncovered, nin 
 pak.ingwe. I uncover my face, nin 
 pokingwenidin. — 1 bruise my face, 
 ninjatihingwingwekJis. 1 bruise his 
 face, ninjanhingwingivewa. I dis- 
 figure my face, 7iin manadjingwei- 
 dis. I disfigure his iace, nin mu- 
 nudjingwcwu. 1 paint my face, 7un 
 ■waiveji.. I paint my face black, m/t 
 makideke ; nin makatekonidis. I 
 rub his face with medicine, etc., 
 nin fiinigwingmehina. i rub my face, 
 nin ninigwingw(:hinidis. 1 wash my 
 face, nin kimbigingwe. I wipe my 
 face, nin kisingwe. 1 wrap up my 
 face in s. th., nin titihingivebis, 1 
 wrap up his face, nin titibingwe- 
 Fade; it fadts; ancsJika. It fades in 
 washing, kitiiabawe. — S. Whitish. 
 Fail; it (ails, it gives no profit, ana- 
 Faint; 1 iamt, nin wanimikazv, nin 
 vjanendarna. I faint and have a 
 vision, nin nikabandam. 
 Fainting, ■waniniikawiwin. 
 Fair, gwandtch. 1 am iair, nin gwand- 
 tckiu), nind vjiiji^ih, nin mikawadis. 
 It is fair, gwandtc/dwan, i/nijiskin, 
 sasegamagad. I am (it is) consid- 
 ered fair, nin hinhigendagos; bishi- 
 gcndagwad. I think it is fair, (i/i., 
 an. ) nin sasegawenddjij nin easega- 
 Fairness, gwandtchiwtn, onijishiwin, 
 MrIi igendngonwiii. 
 Faith, dchwciendamnivin. I have 
 faith, nin dehweiendam. 
 Fall, tagiimgi. Tn fall, fafjuw/iir. — 
 Last fall, tagwagong, Thn tall ho- 
 foro last, aHuisH-titgx'ngong . 1 sppiul 
 the fall in such a place;, nin lag- 
 icngish. I spend the fall with hiiii, 
 nin wl/ljitagicagi.th/'ma. 
 Fall; 1 lall, }ti/i panguhifi. It falls, 
 pnngisnin. I fill, niit. gau'lcsfi, ni/i 
 wehagodjin. I falls, g'airanad, ga- 
 wissemagad. 1 fall (_ it falls j soiiio- 
 vvhere, nind apnnginhin; apang- 
 issin. I fall (it fall's) in a certain 
 manner, nind ijisse; ijissemugad. 
 I fall beins? drunk, ni/i gawihi, I 
 fall hard, nin juiHiishin, nin iris- 
 mginhin, nin fchigiraJ-nmigiKkin, 
 mnd apitckifhin. Jt falls hard, 
 tchigwakamiglsdn. I make him 
 fall, nin pah-itcshinia. I make it 
 fall, nin pangit-Kilcm. I make him 
 (her, it) inW, nin gan'i.skkdioa; nin 
 ijaivinhknn, nin gawiton. I make it 
 fall to the ground, (^ /«., an.) nin 
 wehinsiton; nin irchis/iinia. 1 make 
 it fall froin its place, {in., an.) nin 
 hninhkan; nin liinishkawu. I k\\ 
 often, nin nitd-paiigitihi''; nin 
 wakc-pangi^hln. I fall'on hiin,n?7/rZ 
 asho.iikiin'a. I fall on my back, 
 nind alnwuiiitc. 1 fall on my face, 
 nin tchingii!ji,<iftc, nind dtchitching- 
 wessc, nind annnikoifse. 1 fall on 
 my feet, nin nihwrakifsc. 1 fall (it 
 falls) by the wind, nin gamd(<h; 
 gawdssin. It will fall, gawinhkama- 
 Fall, let fall; T let him (her, it) fall, 
 nind apitrJiia/iinia, nin hanina, nin 
 pangishimn \ nin Imninan, nin pan- 
 gissiicm I let fall lire, ?iiH hinanje- 
 ntin ifti. ':<te, nin gwashkwanjenan 
 Fall down; I fall (it falls) down, 
 nin nii>mhofihka ; nissaknshkama- 
 gad. I let him (her, it) fall down, 
 nin nii^i^aico.'ilikaiva; nin nismko.^h- 
 kan. I fall down headh)ng, nind 
 ntchitnkit:se. 1 fall down before 
 him, nin gawitmoa, nin i^amia- 
 Fall in; I fall in, ninpindjifmc, nin 
 gindjidaesfi. It falls in, pindjimem- 
 tignd. I fall (it falls) in a hole, nin 
 hodaknu'.isc ; hodahcenxemngad. I 
 let it fall in, (in,, an.) nin hrddk- 
 ven; nin hnddkwennn. 1 fall (it 
 falls) in the wati^r. nin Ji/ikohisfic, 
 nin gngisfia; hnkohifxemagad, go- 
 giKsehiiignd. I fall (it falls) in the 
 water out of a canoe or boat, nin 
 gid(snasi.'<,ip', gidonnginstmasad. — 
 I fall and hurt myself, nin hawii' 
 nishin. 1 fall stumbliof^, nin bimg- 
 adiln. I fall through, ninjahossc-, 
 nin Jabwi, nin jnhwiin>e. It falls 
 t h rovi gh , jahoft.'ifma.gad. 
 Fallacious; I am fall. (I look better 
 than I am,) m/«^/ aguawinagos. it 
 is t'all., agwawinagihad. 
 Falsehood. S. Ijie.' 
 False prophet,_ grginawi&hkidnigan- 
 Fame. Famous-— S. Renown. Re- 
 Family, inndeivisiwin. One family, 
 ningatodf. Two, three lamilies, 
 etc., ni/iidc, nimode, etc. We arc 
 two, tliree, lour families, etc. nin 
 nijoden-isimin, ninnii-st.dcwi.siimn, 
 nin niadtwidniin. etc. — .Vly whole 
 family, endasJdian, enignkndcioix- 
 ■iidn, f.niiidkn'iniiii n, eiiodeAoisiiiln. 
 My family is so large..., nind in,' 
 igiihidrorix, nind inigokwin, nind 
 inndeu)is. 1 m(ne with my whole 
 lamily, nin kigodeui.sliku. I come 
 with mv whole family, nin dassu- 
 ktty nin hi-dassoka. 
 Family-mark. (idcn. I have him (her, 
 it) for my family mark, 7iind odo- 
 Famdy way; i am in a f. w., nind 
 aiawa. nhinodji, nin gigishkawa 
 Vwmmo.j hakadcivin. There is a am- 
 ine in a country or place, bakade- 
 ■u'inagad, bnkadikamigad, bakadi- 
 Fan, mewisseignn, toeivessdowin. 
 Fan; I fan, nin wewesseige. I fan him, 
 nin K'eweFsvwa. I fan mysolf, niii 
 Far, wng.sa, tcnssinvchamig. It is 
 far, wassnirad, waxna, pitrlia. ]t 
 is c()nsi(l(!r(Ml or thought far, wan- 
 siiwcnJtKjwail. I think it is far, I 
 find It far, iil/i wufsuwendtui'. I 
 tiiul distances far, nitt wassawcn- 
 Far from each other, irnwansa. 
 Far yet, hut not very hrnmjiwassa. 
 It is far, hut not very far, 7i(i(jc- 
 Fare; I fare (or eat) so., nind in- 
 atidji(je. 1 fare well, nln ihin- 
 F^a re well- visit J anamil-afjewin . I 
 make my larewell-visit, nm hi- 
 annmikaije nakawe. 
 Farm, ali. 
 Farm; I i'nrm, ni/i Htlge. 
 Farmer, kitiijiuniriiii. 
 Farm in,?, Hti[i(>vin. 
 Fart, fartinij, hxjidiwin. 
 Fart; I i'nrt, nin hfitjid,nin nensedue. 
 Fast, grhjirhhiinmiiii. 
 Fast; I last, nln tjUgivishim, nin 
 pagidandjige, nln baktide, nin halca- 
 deldis. I fast one day, nln ningo- 
 togwane. I fast two, three, four 
 days, etc., nin nijogvmne, nin nis- 
 sofjwane^nlnn.lagivane. etc. I make 
 him fast, nln gligwivhlnwa, nin 
 Fast, fast-day, giigumliimogijigad. 
 Fasten; I fasten it to the ei'ici of s. 
 th. ('/«., an ) 'nin ndhnnn; nin nn- 
 bawa. I fasten it to the end of a 
 stick, (in., an) nin nnhakwaan; 
 nin nahalcu'ixwa. I fasten it to the 
 end of s. th. so as to be able to 
 take it oil' again, nin nabadjask- 
 kaan . 
 Fasten with a hook ; I fasten it hook- 
 ing it, nind adcddkaan. I fasten 
 with a small hook, nind adjibi- 
 djige. I fasten it, nind adjlhidon. 
 Fastmg, giigwi-tihlnujwin, pagidan- 
 Fat, winin, himido. 
 Fat; I am fat, nin winin. 
 Father, ooenima, we6esi?nind. I am 
 father, nind oiissimigo. My, thy, 
 his lather, noun, kcBs, aiisan. I have 
 a father, /M«r/ oms. ile is my fatli- 
 er, ntiid nosKunn, nind oosf.iaan.— 
 1 have the same father with him, 
 nin, uliljiKifnenia. We have all the 
 same lather, nln n>li//ovtine?i,iiiinin. 
 Like one's own father, ircvssingin. 
 Father, papa, nofme, hdlta, didc. 
 Father in-law; my, thy, his father- 
 in-law, nintslniKn, kininlsn, oninis- 
 Father or mother of my son-in-law 
 or (laiia;hter-in-law, nlndlndnwa. 
 Fathom; one fathom, jilngolanik.— 
 Two, three fathoms, etc, nljonik, 
 nisHonik, etc. 8o many fathoms, 
 dns.ioiiik.- I measure by the falli- 
 orn, nin dihinikandjige. I measure 
 it by tiio f., {in., an.) nin dibinik- 
 undan; nin d Ibinlkanui. 
 Fatigue. S. Tiredness, Tire. 
 Fatigued. S. Tired. 
 Fatten; 1 fatten him, ninwininoa. 
 Fattened; I am f , -nin ivlninodjigas. 
 Fault, mofehidndaniiau'n, i,atad(/wln , 
 indirwin. 1 commit a fault, nin 
 tnafihl dcdani, nln huta-didarn. I 
 find fault with him, (her, it,) nind 
 anwfinima; nind anwcndan. I lay 
 the fault of it upon him, nlnhi' 
 Fawn, yet dotted, kifagaknnn. 
 Fear, ceglsin'ln, got idjinin, gossidi- 
 win, fiegendnm'nvin gassltawenda- 
 mowln, asliwa)nanltin<nui n . 1 trem- 
 ble with fear, nin niningisegi.t. I 
 am in fear of the enemy, nind ash- 
 I''ear; I fear, nin sigis, nin gotndj, 
 nind ogodki, nind atchinig, nin 
 goshiwc, nin scgendam. 1 fear him, 
 (her, \\,) nln gcsm; nln gdan. It 
 fears me, tiin go.wlgon. I fear him 
 (her. it) in thoughts, nln gossila- 
 ivcnima; nin gasnitawendan. We 
 tear one another, nin gonsidimin. 
 I fear for him, or in regard to 
 him, nin gosntawa, nln gimsitama- 
 iva, nin gotuma>ca.—\ fear deatli, 
 nin mancnan-enini. 
 Fear; I fear, 1 dare not. ninjagu-e- 
 nim, I mnke him foar, ninjAgiee- 
 niinoa. I <ear inyselt, nm jtujuen- 
 Fear, (mistrust,) nisaiendamt/win . 
 Fear; 1 feur, I iiiiMtrust, wi'/i nuaim- 
 dam. I fear him, (her, it.) niii 
 nisair>ii)na\ uiii ni.saicnddn. 
 Feared;! am (ear(!(l, «//< (just^itnga- 
 ncii, iiiinj(,tadjiijanes. I am (it is) 
 to be feared, ni/i, (/i/tami(juaida</os ; 
 gctanw/wcndayicud . 
 Feared; 'l am (it is^ feared, mis- 
 trusted, niiinuuicndagun:, nifuicn- 
 Fearlul, (dreadful;) I am (it is) 
 fearlul, nin begeudagos; aegenda- 
 Fearful. S. Timid. Timerous. 
 Fearless; 1 aui f., ninnungidee. 
 Fearlessness, sungideewin. 
 Feast, tvlhongewm, wibmdiwin. I 
 make a feast, or invite to a feast, 
 nin wihorige. I invite him, mn, wi- 
 homa. We make a feast or feasts, 
 nin wilcondiiidn.— Indian religious 
 feast, magoithewin. I make an Ind. 
 rel, feast, nin mugoslie. 
 Feast; we feast together, nin wiJcnn- 
 di/nin. I feast with him, ninwidji- 
 Feast-coat, feast-garment, tcihmdi- 
 uini -habinikwagan, wikondiwini- 
 Feast of the dead, tchihelcanakewin,. 
 I make a fea.st oi the dead, nin 
 Feather, migwan. Feather of a small 
 bird, hiiie^hiuiywan; of a large bird, 
 binessiw/'gwan, — Large feather, lai- 
 chigwdndn; small soft feather 
 (down,) missegwandn. 
 Feather-bed, migwuni-nihagan, m- 
 gwan-ap i nfi hnowin . 
 Feather-cushion, migwan-a.2)ihweshi- 
 February, namebini-gisiss. 
 Feeble; I am feeble, win bwanuwito. 
 S. Weak, 
 Feed, (give to eat;) I feed, nind 
 ankange. I feed him, (her, it,) nmd 
 ashama; nind aahanddn. 1 feed 
 myself, ni>id ashandis. 
 Feel; I feel, nin gagwiilinige. I feel 
 him, (her, it,) ni'n gngvcdina; vin 
 giigindina». I feel him (her, it) 
 on me, about me, in nie, nin mn- 
 jia; nin //■ gitan. 
 FeiHings; 1 hurt his feelings, ninka 
 nhkoidamia. He hurts my f., nin 
 l\uhkciidamiig. — I have bad feed- 
 ings (anger) again.st him for .-iuch 
 a reason, nind ondeniiaa. We have 
 bad f. towards one another for a 
 certain reason, nind imdcniudimiv. 
 Feign; I (eign to be a child, nind 
 a}iin(Hljiikuii. 1 f. to be sick, nind 
 nk' tiikas. 
 Fellovz-ciiizen, vidjidukiwtmagnn, 
 wLshd anakiwemugun. 
 Fellow-laborer, wnliannkimagan. 
 Fellow-liver, (neighbor:) my, tliv, 
 his _ fellow-liver, nidjibimad<ti, 
 kidji-bimaditii, widji-biinadidn. 
 Fellow-man; my. thy, his fellow- 
 man, nid/anUilnube, kidj'ani^/ii- 
 nahe, mdfanifiktnuhc.n. 
 Fellow-snn'imerer,?/'«<//'(//i7;z.vA/m( gan 
 Fcl low-winterer, widjilAbonibhima- 
 Fell trf cs. S. Cut down trees. 
 Female, ( woman, ) ikwe; akwv. 
 Female bear. Female beaver, &c, — 
 S. Bear. Bea- 3r, &c. 
 F'emale being, ilwc-aiua. 
 Female of animals, qiiadrnpeda, nnje, 
 uiji-oiaa, ikwi-uiaa, onidjani. 
 Fen. ale of birds, mgente. 
 Female of deer, of the deer-kind, 
 Female of fish, nojimeg. 
 Female's skin, nojiwaian, onidjani- 
 ■^emale'a skin of the largest qua- 
 drupeds, ntijewfgin. 
 Fence, mitchikan, mitcliikanakohidji- 
 gan. I make a fence, nin mitclii- 
 Fence; I fence it all round, nin si- 
 wita-rnitilukanakuhidcn. 1 fence in, 
 nin wakaiakvantclivje. I fence him 
 (her, it) in, ninmitddkanakobina, 
 nin wakdkina. nind atcfiikina; nin 
 mitchikiinakdbidon, nin wakulinunj 
 n^rid atchikinnn. 
 Fcncrfl in; it is fencod in, walcaia- 
 Fnnco-rnil, mltchil'a)mti;x, mitchika- 
 Fori). ah(i(j(iii(ishk. 
 Fnrret, neniha ki'.pnrflpisul. 
 Ferry-boat, iijiiwaailjitjayi, ajawao- 
 Forryiiiiin. ajnn'nr(lji(jricir)ini. 
 Fortiio; the field is lertile, nifain'gin 
 Festi vnl , kifrhit/ragijujttd. 
 Fetch; I (etoh him, (her, it,) nin 
 nana; nin nudln, I roine to letch 
 !\im, (her, it, ) tjin hi-nima; vin bi- 
 nadin. I fetch, carryinf? on my 
 hack, nin nddjinane, nin vadtiii- 
 dam. 1 fetch him ((her, it) on my 
 l)aci?, iiin nadom(i\ nin nndf>nd<in, 
 I fetch s. (Ii, in a catioe or hoat, 
 nin mulai dass, 1 fetch liiin ( her, it j 
 in a canoe or hoat, nin nadaira; 
 nin nadann. I fetch a canoe, nm, 
 naddu; I fetch, draceing:, iiimuid- 
 Jidahi. I fetch him (her, it) 
 drappinp or drawing, nin vatljida- 
 hiwa; nin ncdjiiUdnidan. I tetcli 
 fire, vin7iiitlishk'Ja"'(>. 1 fetch hay, 
 or reed for mats nin nadiis/ik( s- 
 mve. I fetch liq'.o' , (in a canoe or 
 boat.) nin nadjihiam. I letch 
 liqnor, (vvallunjj;,) nin vinlilii- 
 M-am. i fetch (or collect) the 
 mai)!e-sap,«m nndjihi, nind nira- 
 Slid. I fetch a net or nt^ts, nin nn- 
 danfahi. I fetch what is cvved me, 
 nin nadcusinuiawne. I ietcli what he 
 owes me, nin nddnsimiif/anatra. 
 I fetch wixtor. ntn nuchihi.' I fetcii 
 wooti, 7iiu nndinitise. I fetch wood 
 in a canoe or l)oat, nin naditiscf, 
 I fetch wood in a canoe or boat, 
 sailin/r, nin nndais.'fiih^h. I fetch 
 a trap or traps, (or I go to visit my 
 traps, ) nin nddastx/nar/ane. 
 Fetter. Fettered.— S. Bind. Bound. 
 Fetters, mamandjitin-ajiidjiyiin . 
 Fever, kijinouin. 1 have the fever, 
 nin kijis. 
 Fever with heat, kijisnwajiineivin. 
 I have the fever with great heat, 
 nin kijinowa^ine. 
 Few, a few, hehcjiij, pnngi. We ar(- 
 a few of ns, nm paiiiiiwagisimin, 
 nin panaiii'ihimin, nind ayati/n- 
 an) In or nind agatit^'nimin, nin 
 wuniin(,min, or viih maniinimin. 
 'I'liere are a few. in. ol'j., pumji- 
 Ficlile-mindcd; I am f., nin ndkitlc^. 
 FwAd,kifigan. New field, o-hkukaait,. 
 I make a new field, nind oalikn- 
 kuniigaigr. There js n new field 
 made, o.s/iknkavi igaigade. 
 Field-house, kltiganiaigamig. 
 Field-mouse, nenapatchinikissi. 
 Fwnd. Ja ngcndj igtd , 
 l''\l\^, jipign an. 
 l''ifer. jiipigu'ewinini. 
 Filth; the fifth, eko-nnnaning. The 
 filth time, naning. 
 F\ ft h I y , eko-n n n a ning. 
 Fifty, nnnimidnna. We arc fifty of 
 us, nin naniinidanaii'tniin. 'I'herc 
 are fifty in. ohj., nanimidanawt- 
 Fifty every time, fifty each or to 
 each, ninanimidana. 
 Fifty hundred, or live thousand, nu- 
 niniidiiniik. We are fiye thonsiiiid 
 in luindier, ?iin naniniidanakal- 
 min. There are five thousanil *«. 
 oh j . n an >'nt id an akwadon. 
 Fig, kiUhi-ji win. 
 Fight, miguditvin; misascwin. 
 Fight; 1 light, nin migas. Jt fights, 
 miaadlinngod. V\'e fight togeihor, 
 nin migailimin. I figlit him, (her, 
 It,) nin migana'^ nin migadan. I 
 fiaht (or heat) my wife, nin miga- 
 kilivcwe. I light myself nin.niiga- 
 nidis. I am m a bad habit of fight- 
 ing, nin migaS(M: Bad haLil of 
 fig ht infjr, miiiUf!>:iihkiuin . 
 Fight, (for joke,1 mamigascwin. 
 Fight, ( for joke; ) 1 light or wreftlc. 
 nin niumigas. I fight him. for play, 
 nin matniguna. 1 an\ t<M; niuch in 
 a habit oi lighting, for play, nin 
 Fiv liter, jniganowinini. 
 Fighting-ship, iwar-vessel,) migadi- 
 FiRhtinfT lime, (time of war,) m/j/a- 
 Fi^-lree, kitchljominatig, kiiehi- 
 Frgiiro, (miiiduisomn, agindutsobil- 
 /''i'«iir(!. S. form. 
 /''ii(\ nl«dboJjlijan, hiwahiko-iUsfbad' 
 jig (III. 
 /•'lie; I (ilo, nil eimhocljige . I file it, 
 ( iib., an. ) ni/i si6in,h(jdun\ nin «/s,w'- 
 /''iledust, filings, hiwahiko-Uwihodji- 
 /■''ill; I fill it {ill., an.) with dry 
 things, niib moM'inadim; nin mo- 
 shklnaa. I fill it fur him, nin /no- 
 vhkinadawa, nin 7nonhkinadamuwa . 
 I (ill it {in , an.) with some liiiuid , 
 nin m' ahkinehadan; nin mosMine- 
 bann. I fill up vessels, nin mimlika- 
 howe. I fill it up with another 
 vessel, (in,., an.) nin mnshkahnva- 
 dan; nin nwbkkahnwana. — I fill it 
 with a heap, not overflowing, ( in., 
 tin.) nin guHtuhkwashkinadi/n', nin 
 gwanhkw ifhklnaa. Ilillittoover- 
 ilovv, {in., an.) nin hupdehadi/n; 
 nin bajiiltbana. I fill luin with s. 
 th,, nin manhkincshkawa. It fills 
 nie, nin monkkine.'^kkagon. 
 filled; I am filled with s, th., nm 
 moshkine. Jt is filled, mnnhkine, 
 moshkinehi. It is filled with smoke, 
 moshkineahate. I am filled with it, 
 (penetrated,) nin hosakaqon. I am 
 filled with liquor, wi/i c/ti^'i^'. It is 
 filled up with a heap, gwashhwa- 
 Fillip, passahmandjigan. 
 Fillip ; I fillip, nin passahonandjige, 
 J fillip h'nn, nin passahmanduwa. 
 FiUy, bebejigoganjins, ikwi-bebcjigo- 
 Filth. Filthy.— iS. Dirt. 'Dirty. 
 I'lllh of the head, winaahuqandiban. 
 Fill of a fish ; its fin, oninJjigaii. 
 Finally, gigapi, ishkwdtch. 
 Find ; I find, 7iin mikage. I find him, 
 (her, it,) nin mikawa ; nin mikan. 
 I find 8. th. for him, nin mikama- 
 wa. I find to myself, nin iniku' 
 mas, nxn. mikumadiit. 1 find him 
 (her, It) to myself or for myself, 
 tiin mikainaeonan, nin nukamadis- 
 onan; nin imkamamn. nin inika- 
 madimn. I find him ( her, it) by 
 feeling or groping, ;u'/t mikcdjina ; 
 nin mikidjinan. I find him (her, 
 it j among other objects, ninmik- 
 (rna ; nin rnikunan. 
 Find ling, mxkogan. I am a findling, 
 nin mikagamic, 
 F'ine, gwanatch. I am (it is) fine, 
 iiind onijiiih, nin gwanatchiw ; 
 onijishin, givainitchiman. 1 make 
 him (her, it) fine, nind onijishia; 
 nind onijishibm. 1 have (it has) a 
 fine a[)pearance, nind onijishaha- 
 minngva ; on ijishaburninagwad. 
 Fine; it is fine, i, thread, in., an.) 
 agustiubigad ; agaesdbigini. It is 
 fine, (stuff, in., an.) bisiatagad ; 
 Fine looking child, mikawadj-ahi^ 
 Fine looking man. mikawadjinini, 
 Fine looking womau,niikaU'adJifm'e, 
 Finger, onindjima^ nibinakwanin- 
 indj. My, thy, his finger, ninindj, 
 kinindj, onindj. The small finger, 
 idhkwenindj. I stretch out my 
 fingers, tiin naniakuhmindjin. — 
 I have long fingers, nin gagano- 
 nindji ; fig. I am a thief. 1 have 
 crooKed fingers, nin zvdginindji ', 
 fig. I am a thief. 
 Finger-nail. S. Nail. 
 Finger-riiifr, titibtnindjipison. 
 Finish ; I finish, nind ishkwata, nind 
 anwata. It finishes, ishlivassin, 
 anwalamagad. I finish it, ( an., in. ) 
 nin de-gijia ; nin di-gijiton, nin 
 waiekwaMiton, nin waiekwaton. 
 — It finishes, angomagad, angosh- 
 Finish, (doing or placing s. th.) I fin- 
 ish, nin gijissitchige, nin gijiton, 
 nin gijita. I make him finish, nin 
 gijitua. I make myself finish, 
 nin gijitaidis, nin gijitas. 
 I'mjithrd ; it is f., (jijinn'frhiffadf, {it- 
 KininliiiiK. Md-u'iitainin, anwatnvin. 
 Kir**, hlikitc, inhhitr. I maKc (iri", 
 '•iinl hhhililc, lu'/i III tlitire. 1 liavo 
 !io liru, ui>id (iw/.s*a/j. Tho fire 
 n'OPM out, utCtlMiUlii u/thd , III- 
 ranje hhku.tf. J\ly (ire roos out, 
 nr i.i t,'ono, wf'wfi litniir. — I luako a 
 'arge tir<', uln lytkinjny:'\ Tho 
 iro blii/A'H ii|>, l)\iikikiii, uhb'fe, 
 '•ain.Uilkiiic. 1 catch (it catches i 
 iro, nin itawadin, uin nalun ; na- 
 •I'adiJc, fiif'iif. Ill fiuMiU'Lst of a 
 ir«, nawMthtc. TIih (ire crack- 
 CB, jHipakiiicinaijdd. iMutc. 'flic 
 lire makes noise, hidikwakunc ifh- 
 Vole. — I act (ire, nin nakuifjc nin 
 iiakui'Uf. 1 set fire to hitn, (her, 
 t,) iiin takiiwa\ nin aakaan. Kire 
 ;8 set to it, nahn'i/udc. Tho act of 
 iiottiiig fire, aakuifH'win. 
 Buas, mil 
 /ire i 1 fire a gun, 
 'lin tntidirryi(/r. 1 
 i'^rebruuil, kcufikakidfj. 
 FirehiaiKi for pitching a canoe, pi- 
 Fire-place, bidairiDi. 
 Fire-pt'kor. nuikinjiidan, aanaihin- 
 /figan, nanaikiiijlhjaiutk, tchitcM- 
 h'nji it/an. I stir or repair I ho fire 
 with a poker, 7iin naikinjduc, nin 
 nanaikihjdijc, nin tckilchi!:i»jiiiic\ 
 nin niiikinjcan, or 7ii;i nanuikiii- 
 kanishk^ *r.vin fchiicAiki/ijean nh- 
 I 'jre-8teel , uldxtckan. 
 Fire-8tocl Uiver, ^'ihegonunrini-sihi. 
 Fire-vessel, (steamboat,) uhhde-na- 
 Firing-ilay, (the fourth of July,) 
 madwtf'Kje-giji.^jud, papaMitii/c- 
 Firitig guns, madivcuigcunn. 
 Firm, (stroii;::;) it is firm, (V«., an.) 
 horujan ; s(/ri(jid. 
 Firmament, ^7}ti,'. 
 V\rm\y, tsonii'an. 
 First, nakaucnitam. Tlie lirjst,«j- 
 ' tnm, i^ctannat^lng. It is the first, 
 iiitamudn. I consider him (lur. 
 it,) the first, nin ititnm<'nimn jnif 
 nitaiinndiiii,. J am (it is) consid 
 crcd the first, w?"/» ni(a>nrnd:t^r,ji, ■ 
 nifiiiiundiii/iciid. laiMthH first af 
 tor him, nhid nkami,hkitwa. 
 First, ( iii'w,) ( /ihki. 
 I''irst-l)ii til, *(//-// /..//('/«. 
 First-horn ; the first-horn, nrfmnini 
 (fid, iit^ikuud. I am tlic (irst-horn, 
 nin. vi/anint(j, nin sadkif. 'V\\c 
 first- horn i:.\\\\{\,iiitiim.»ijan.-V\xii\. 
 bjrnboy. First-horn gii'l. - S. I)o\ 
 Firtrt'C, ininmidag. Any kind oi 
 (ir-lree, ;'/;(;/»/;. A branch of a tit- 
 tree, ;'t;)r7'7*("//v//i. Little lir-l)raiicli, 
 or cedar-branch, jingdim .—^\wX 
 ter or hut made of' fir-hraiicheH, 
 Jihtwhiijan. 1 make a shelter ol 
 'fir-branches, or I am under such 
 a shelter, inn jrnqoliitjc. 
 Firy ; it is fny,v-hl-<,tcwad. 
 F:8li,f/?V/(). A kind of small fish, «/;/?</. 
 ;//. iVjed fish, namtfrij. Dried 
 'smoked fish, (jadHdi (jitjn. 1 dry 
 and smoke fish, nin (jitukidv m- 
 gihke. There is plenty of fish, 
 f^ii/oika. The fish leaps up, r;o- 
 gaam ijigo. — The fish is soft, ji'm- 
 Si iiiiji'. The fish looks whitish, 
 wuliamt'(j'{./iin (jiijo. The fish luib 
 many honos, auiiKjunogid (dijn.~-\ 
 catch 1 very large i'lah, nin' ktiga 
 hitdjildna. 1 caught so many fish 
 cs. S. /Una. 
 Fish-bladder, jnkwadj. 
 Fish -bono, giginvigun. 
 Fisher, (animal,) otchig ; akdhdd- 
 Fisher, (bird,) oki.fhkimanis.'>c. 
 Fishnr-line with many hooks, pagid- 
 aban. 1 set a line with hooks, «?'/i 
 pagidahi. I haul out a fisher-line, 
 nin nailaahi. 
 Fisherman, oagiiked, gigidkcivinini, 
 Fisher's buoy. " S. Buoy. 
 Fishery, fishing, gignikiivin. 
 Fish-havvk, niitchigig^oane. 
 Fish-hook, micrifkan. 
 Fisli-hook liiM , migiskannitb. 
 Fishing ; 1 am fishing, nin gigcikr. J 
 "111 ti. with a flrajj-nct or draw 
 iJHt, giijoiutj niiul uywahiiMj/. I 
 am (isliiiiH; with a hook, ;(//* wavt- 
 han.ddi, I am I. with a liuok in tiie 
 iiiRht, niii nibdiociiuha/Mhi. I am 
 1. with a hook in a canoo or boat, 
 nirut iiijniiuiwvii'ehanahi 
 Fishing -t,'roun(i, pu'jidawflwm. 
 Ki.shnijr-iini)lci<ii'nt, wcwebanahan, 
 Fishing-iitio with a hook, odadjiija ■ 
 kan. I am fishing with a hook, 
 nind odntljiijole \ nin wcwehnnabi. 
 Fishing-rod 'or stick, wewe\iunnba- 
 Fishnet, amlb. A small net, asmhins. 
 An old nsolos8 nft, asmbUh. 
 Fish -oil, (ji(j(>-bimide. 
 Fish -scale, M)((«awrt/. 
 Fish-store, (jiijowiijamig. 
 Fissure ; there is a fussnrc in a rock, 
 tashl-aJrikiKhkii , panmhika. 
 Fist, pikwakonlndj. 1 strike him 
 with the tist, nin pikwalconiniljita- 
 Fit ; it fits well, minol-arna(jad. It 
 fits me well, nin 7nin,vkai/(/ii, nin 
 dehishkan. It fits well in, min- 
 Fltchat, fitchew, jikag. 
 Five, nana .., in comjiositions; which 
 see in the First Fart. 
 Five, ndnan. We are five, nin ndv- 
 animin. There are five in. obj.. 
 Five every time, five each or to each, 
 Five hundred, ndnwak. 
 Five hundred every tiin'^, five hund- 
 red each or to each, nenanwak. 
 Fwa thousand, nailing mijuiiitwuk, 
 yianimidanak. We are five thou- 
 sand in number, mn nanimidanak- 
 osimin. There are five th. in. obj., 
 Five times, naning. 
 Five times every time, five times 
 each or to each, ncnaning. 
 ■'ix ; 1 fix it right, ni/i gwaiakoton. 1 
 fix it in a certain manner, ni7id 
 Vis., (in B. in.)S. Uepair. 
 Flabby ; I am rtabby, ninjiujuf 
 Flaj;. S, Uauiirr. 
 Fladfcolet, /npufwan. 
 I''lag-8taH', kikiweimaluj. 
 Flail, apagatidaujan; apimmdaiuj 
 ^ nitk, gitohiminuKian. 
 Flail or stick, to k.'iock out wild ru-e, 
 hawdigun, hatoaiganak. 
 Flambeau. 8. Torch. 
 Fiaiae, the flame is ascending high, 
 fusngakwu/ic There is n blue fiame, 
 Flame. 8. Blaze. 
 Flank, (side of the body,'; my, th) . 
 hi fl ;i n k . ninbimfhigwada i, kihim e • 
 bigwudai, <dn/nibig/ruduian. 
 Flannel, wabigin. Yellow flannel, 
 o.mwabigin. Ked flannel, miahoa- 
 bi^ in. 
 Flaskj flagon, mnodni. 
 Flat; It is flat, {^in., an. ) nabaga; m- 
 bagiHi.U isflat, (metal, in., an.)na- 
 bagdhikad, femibikad ; ?tubagdbi- 
 kid, tcsmbikini. 
 Flat Rrass or herb, nabngnshk. 
 Flat hand, nabugdskinindj, tminind^ 
 nngdkinindjaii. 1 strike him with' 
 th(f flat hand, nin nabagdtkinin ■ 
 Flat hat or cap, tissiwakioan. 
 Flat-head Indian, Nebagindibe. 
 Flnliwti, Joubkwdigatgan. 
 Flat pipe-stem, nabagakokidj . 
 Flat stone, ta.s.sabik, nabagabik. 
 Flatten; I flatten it, {in., an) nintef 
 siion, nin nahignducm ; nin tema, 
 nin nabatiiiddwti . 
 Flatten with an iron ; I flatten, mV» 
 jns/ikwaigaige 1 flatten it. {in.. 
 (in. ) nin joshkwaigaan; nin j^fh . 
 Flatter. Flattery, (in s. in.) S. 
 Flattery, waivijindiwin. 
 Flat tobacco, nebagibagigid M«tim. 
 Flavor. S. Taste, good taste. 
 Flay; I flay, ninpukomge. 1 flay him, 
 nin I'likonu, nin biiduigibi/ia, nir 
 Fh.%\,paljig. I have Weas.ninpabivo-''. 
 l* lea-herb, unimikibag. 
 Flee; 1 flee, nind oji/'n. I make him 
 flee, or I save him by flight, nind 
 ojimoa. ' 
 Flesh, wiiasg, toiiaeeima. My, th> , 
 his flesh, niiasa, kitass, wiiasa. I 
 have ^eah^nindowiiase. I am flesh, 
 nin wiiassiw. As one is flesh, eji- 
 wiiiisdng. 1 make myself flesh, 
 ninwiiassiiviidis. — I take the flesh 
 ofJ, nin gitchiganejan wiiass. I tnke 
 off his nesh, nin gitchiganejwa. 
 Fleshy part of the leg, of my, thy^ 
 hia leg, nindsid, Tcindsid^ ondsid. 
 Flexible, I become fl. again, ninje- 
 jawishka. My leg becomes fl. again, 
 ninjejawigadeshka. — It is flexible, 
 Flight, (jjinmvin. 
 Flight, (of birds,) bimissemn. 
 Flint, hiicdnug. 
 Flittermouse, papakwanadji. 
 Float; 1 float, I am on the surface of 
 the water, nind agom. I float, be- 
 ing partly in the water, nind ug- 
 wiiuljin. It floats, being partly in 
 the water, agwinde. I float (it 
 floats) down with the current, 
 nin l/imnbog; hitndtan. 
 Float about; 1 float (it floats) about, 
 nin tetebaagwindjin\ tetebaagwinde. 
 Float, for a net, agwindjonagan. 
 Flood, nikildwin^moshkaang. There 
 is a flood, moshkaan, nikibimagad. 
 Flood, flowing tidt; it is the fl. tide, 
 inofhkagami nib'. 
 Floodwood, ang'udssag. There is 
 Uoodwood, anqiodssagcka. In a 
 place where there is much flood- 
 wood, ungivdssagokang. 
 Floor ; there is a floor, apishimoni- 
 kadc- I make a floor, nind apishi- 
 moni^r,. I make a floor in it, nind 
 apisu.^monikadan.-lJntieT the floor, 
 andmismg. On the fl., mitchismg. 
 In the middle of the fl., ndivissag. 
 The fl. IS dirty, luinissaga. I wash 
 the fl., nin kis'tbigissaginige. The 
 floor is wet, rdbiwissaga. The fl. 
 is clean, binissuga. 
 Fiocr-board in a hoiise, apishimonak, 
 I'loor-branch m a Vjdge, upishimon. 
 Floor-carpet, r^tshinumigin. 
 Floor-mat, andkwn. 
 Flour, pakwejigan, bassisid pahweji- 
 Fl ou r bag , pahwejiganiwaj . 
 Flour-mill, bissibodjigan. 
 Flour-pap, pakwejigunaho. 
 Flower, uxAigon. A kind of yellow 
 flower, okitebagewaisahvaiic. An- 
 other kind, monawingwnbigon,. The 
 fruit of it, mouawing. — I make flo- 
 wers, nin wdbigonike. Woman that 
 makes fl., vsdbigonikewihwe. 
 Flowings; I am in my monthly flow- 
 ings, agwatchiiig nind aia, agw.a- 
 tching nin bodcuve. 
 Flute, pipigioan. I play on the flute, 
 nin pipigwe. 
 Flute-player, pipigwewinini, pep- 
 Fijte-pl?iying, pipigwewin. 
 Flute-reed, elder-shrub, pipigwiwu- 
 Fly, odji. Small fly, qjins. 
 Fly; I fly, nin bimisse. It flies about, 
 (a bird,) babamisse. It flies around 
 s. th., giwitafise. It fl from..., ond- 
 jtsse. It fl. hither, &i(/;'i6w. It fl. 
 round, bijibasse.-lt flies oft', ( me- 
 thincr, ) mddjibide. it flies froai..., 
 mdjibide. It fl. hither, bidjibide. 
 Fly down, (in s. in.) S. Slide down. 
 Fly m ; it flies in, (a bird,) ptndigef- 
 se. It flies in, (something, )^intf;'4- 
 Flying, bimissewin. 
 Flying sqnhrel, Jagdnhhandawe. 
 Fly for safety; 1 fly, nind qjim. I fly 
 from him, (her, it,; nind ojima, 
 nind ojimotawa ', nitid ojindan, 
 nind, ojimotan. I make Him fly, 
 nind ojimnti. I fly to him, (her, it,) 
 nin nddjinijirna ; nin nddjinijin- 
 dnn. 1 fly to some place, nind in- 
 Fly out ; it flies out, (a bird.) sagid- 
 jtsse. It flies out, (something,) 
 Fly up ; I fly up in the air, nind om- 
 bisse. It flies up, ombibide. 
 Foam, lite. My mouth is full of foam, 
 nin bitewidon. My mouth is full of 
hf' ■■ '■■"'■■."^!i^!^^P 
 •i>am from 
 anger, nin hiUwidone- 
 Foam ; I foam at my mouth in runn- 
 ing, nin hitiwaaam. 
 Fog, awdn. The fog is falling, hina- 
 wi'm. The fog disappears, puka- 
 Foggy; it is foggy, awdn. 
 Fold; I fold, niii, Imkitenige. I folcjit, 
 nin hinhilenan. I fold it, (stuff in., 
 un. ) nin ndbwiginan ; 7un nabuie- 
 Folded; it is f., hishmigade, biskisaxn. 
 Folks, bemadisidjig. 
 Follow ; I follow, nin nupinaki. ' I 
 follow him, (her, it.) tiin nopina- 
 na, nind ishlcwikawa ; nin, nopina 
 . dan, nind ishhwekan. I follow it, 
 (in., un.) nin nagatwuodon ; nin 
 nugalw^wa. I follow hid track, nin 
 bimaana, nin madauiia, ntn noss- 
 wuana. I follow a road or trail, 
 , nin bimaadan mikana, nin md- 
 daadon mikana, nin nosswaadon 
 mikana. I follow a certain trail, 
 nind inamodjvje. 
 Follow in succession ; I follow in 
 sue, nindy aniheshkage. I follow 
 him, nind aniUshkawa. It follows, 
 Fond ; I am fon:^ of it, nin nitdwan- 
 Fond of..., (ins. in.) S. Attached to... 
 Fond du Lac, Waiekwdkiichigumi. 
 Fond du Lac, Nagddjiman. At, to or 
 from Fond du Lac, NagdJjiwa- 
 Food, midjim. It is food, midjimi- 
 wan. I gather or collect food, (pro- 
 viaions,) nin nainim. I collect it 
 for food, {in., an.) nin naenimon : 
 nin nainimonan. 
 Fool, gawanadiaid, gegihadisid. I am 
 a fool, nin giwanadia, nin gagiba- 
 Foolish ; I ain f., nin gagibadis, nin 
 biainadis, nind agawadia. It is foo- 
 lish, gagibadad. 1 make him foo- 
 lish, nin gugibudisia, nin gagiba- 
 Foolishly ; I act or behave foolishly, 
 nin geigihad^ige. 
 Foolishness, gagibadiaiwin, aguwadi- 
 aiwin, gagibadjigewin, hinnadiai- 
 Foolish noise, kiwaniaiwm. I mak« 
 noise foolishly, nin kiwanis. 
 Foolish person, aegibaditid. 
 Foot, osidamu. My, thy, his foot, ni- 
 .aidy Maid, osid. The right foot, 
 kitchis'id, okitohisidama. The left 
 foot, namandjisid , oiiamandiisi- 
 dama — I have feet, niiui osid. 1 
 have clean feet, nin hiniside. I 
 have convulsions in my foot or feet, 
 nin tchitchibiaideahku. I have 
 cramps in my fbot or feet, nind 
 otchiaidepinig. I have a dead foot, 
 nin nibowiaide. 1 have dirty feet, 
 ninwiiiiside. l\\&\e hairy feet, nin 
 mishiaide. nin memiahiaide. I have 
 large feet, nin mamd/igiaidc. I 
 have a long foot, nin ginoaide. 1 
 have long feet, nin gagdnoaide One 
 of my feet ia longer than the other, 
 nin ndbaneginoaide, I have only 
 tne fGot> mn nabaniside. 1 have 
 pain in my foot, nin dewiaide. I 
 nave a scar on my foot, nind odji- 
 shiaide. I have a short foot, nin 
 takoside. I have short feet, ndn ta- 
 takoaide. One of my feet is shorter 
 than the other, ninnubanitdkoside . 
 I have a small foot, nind agassiai- 
 de. I have small feet, nin hdbiwi- 
 side.-M.y foot is bloody, nin misk- 
 wiwiaide. My feet are bound, nin 
 mamdndjigoaidebia. I bind or fetter 
 his feet, nin mamanc^igoaidebina, 
 nin mamdndjigwapisidfibina. My 
 foot is bruised, mn Jaahdgoaideah- 
 kos. I bruise my foot, nin tatagoai- 
 deodia. ^ My feet are cold, nin tald- 
 aid^, nin tatakiside. My feet are 
 cold being wet, nin takwakiaidei- 
 abawe. My feet are benumbed with 
 cold, nin takwakisidewadi . My feet 
 are cracked, nin gipisida, mn ga- 
 gipiaide. My foot is cut ofT, nin 
 kiahkiaide. 1 cut off my foot, nin 
 kiahhiaideodia. I cut off his foot, 
 nin kiahkiaxdejwa. My foot is Aia,- 
 located, nin kotigoaiktta. I dislo- 
 cate ray foot, nin hotigotHctfi n, 
 n'rt auiukakosUIeshin, nin hinisho- 
 nd-echin. My foot is frozen, nin 
 /na,i/ikaw(ufjisi<iewa^J. My foot is 
 pierced, nni jibanisideji(jns. My 
 foot is swollen, nin harjiside. My 
 foot is stiff, nin, tfihibatnTcoRide. My 
 foot is tender, or my feet are ten- 
 der, nin nnbiside. My feet are 
 warm, nin kijostde. My feet are 
 wet, nin niMwis-ide. My foot is 
 vvonnded, nin mnh'side. — At my 
 feet, eji^idebiidn. I burn my foot, 
 ninhadagnsides. 1 hurt my foot, 
 nin nangisideshin. 1 hurt my foot 
 walking, nin bitdkosideshin, nin 
 pahweddfshin. 1 lift up my foot, 
 nind otnhidden. The other foot, 
 ajawisid, nobanesid. I press his 
 foot, nin magosfdena. I put my 
 foot on s. th. sitting, nind agivitcJ)- 
 indeshiriwn. In put my foot in.. 
 nin pindjisideshin. I slide or fall in 
 with one foot, win./"' . 'sidesse. 1 
 rub his foot or feet .i,ti some me- 
 dicine, niji sinitfosidebina. I sprain 
 his foot by pulling, Jiin pakiside- 
 Hna. I have it sticking in my foot, 
 it sticks in my foot, nin, patakisi- 
 dedjin. T thrust it in my foot, nin, 
 patakinideodis. 1 thrust it in his 
 (oot, nin, patakisidewi. I wash my 
 feet, nin, kidbigiside. I wash his 
 feet, nin, kidbigisidena. 1 wipe my 
 feet, nin kisiside. I wipe his feet, 
 vin kisisidewa. — The extremity of 
 the foot, toanakosid. — At the foot 
 of a hill or mountain, mssnki. 
 Foot, ( 12 inches;) one foot, ningnto- 
 aid. Two; three, four feet, etc., 
 nijosid, nissosid, niosid, etc. So 
 many feet, dassosid. 
 Foot-bath; T take a warm foot-bath, 
 nind abakamags. I give him a warm 
 f., nind abakamasswa. 
 Footboard of the Indian cradle, 
 Footing; 1 have a good footing, nin 
 minokami. I have a bad footing, 
 7iin mdnikami. 
 Footman, bamifagan, bamitagewin- 
 Foot-rag, ajigan. 
 Footstep; I make small footsteps, 
 nind ai/iissikam. nin babiwishkam. 
 — S. track. 
 Footstool, agwitchi'tdesJiimonoi/nn, 
 For, (because,) sa. 
 Forbear; I forbear with him, nin 
 ganahitdiva, nin habimiwidaica. — 
 We forbear with one another, nin 
 ganfxbilndimin, nin bnbimi>vidn- 
 P^orbear, Forbearance, (in s. in.) S. 
 Patient. Patience. 
 Fqrbid; I forbid, nin ginaamage. I 
 forbid him, (her, \t,) nin giiiaama- 
 lua; nin ginaamadnn, nin ginaa- 
 nwioadaii. I forbid it to myself, 
 nin gznnamadis. — It forbids, gina- 
 Forbiddance, ginnamagewin, ginn- 
 Forbidden ; any thing forbidden, 
 ginaamagoivin. I am forb., n\n 
 ginanmago. It is forb. , ginaamage- 
 Forbi'dder, gcnaamaged. 
 Force. S. Power. 
 Ford; I ford a river, nin tahamadcuii. 
 Foreboding. S. Augur. Auguration. 
 Forefinger, (showing-finger,) inoin- 
 Forehead, katigwan. 
 Foreigner, stranger, maidginini. — 
 Foreign woman, maidgiiuue. I am 
 a foreigner, (man or woman,) nin 
 maiagis, nin ni'iiatawis. 
 Foreman, nagdnisid. 
 Foremost, niganendagwakamig. I am 
 foremost, nin niganls. I am (it is ■ 
 foremost, considered foremost, 
 7iin niganendagn/i, nin nitaynenda- 
 gos, nin niaiuwcndagos; niganen- 
 dag't'ad, nitamendngwad, maiaw- 
 endogwad. 1 consider him (her, 
 it) foremost, nin niganenima; nin 
 niganendun. — I am foremost, 
 (traveling by water,) ninnigavk. 
 — The foremost in. object, neta- 
 Forenmner, naganislikad. 
 Forepart; in the forepart, nigan. 
 Forenoon; a forenoon, or half a day, 
 ningc-nawakwe. In the forenoon, 
 tchi bwa nawa'cweij. 
 Forest, miliijwalci. There is a forest, 
 bimakwa. In the miiUllo of:i for- 
 est, nawakwa. I walk on the border 
 of a forest, iiin jljodakwaam. — 
 Near the forest, trhioaJcwa. The 
 forest is far, wat^saakwakwa. The 
 forest has a wliit3 appearance, wa- 
 hakwaitiagad. The for. is low. ti- 
 haf-sakwu. The for. is thick, gibak- 
 wa, mipoandaga. Indian from the 
 thick forests, Sugwandiuiawinini. 
 Burnt forest. S. -oiirnt. 
 Foretell; I foretell, ««« niganadjtm. 
 Foretell. Forteller. Fortelllng;, (in 
 s. in.) Augur. Auguration. 
 Foreteller, ?«f/a«at/;Yw'/i«(«i'rt 2. 
 Foretelling, nigauddji/rwwin. 
 Foretelling woman, niyanddjimo- 
 Forget; I forget, nin,wunendam,nin 
 honendam. I forget him, (her, it,) 
 nin wanenima, niahmenima; nin 
 ivanenddv, nin honenddn, I forget 
 myself, nin waerinindis, nin hoiie- 
 nindls. 1 for. s. th. relating to him. 
 nin wanendamawa, nin honendam- 
 awa' We for. our mutual ■offences, 
 nin bonenindimdn. 
 Forgetful; I am tor., nin nitu-ivanen- 
 Forgetfu!ii?ss, wanendamotvin, nitd- 
 Forgetting, wanendamowin, honen- 
 Forget to take; I for. to talie, nin 
 wanike. I for. to take him, (her, 
 it,) nin wanxkenan\ ninicaniken. 
 Forgive; I forgive, nin honlgidetage. 
 nin bonendam. I forgive it, nin ho 
 nenddn, nin loehindn. 1 for. him- 
 7iin bonigidetaiiM, nin iccbinamatuti, 
 niii wanendamawa, nin honendam, 
 awa, nind odjimeniinu. We for. 
 each other, nin boni^jidetadimin, 
 nin U'ehinamadiniin, nin botienm- 
 Forgiven; I am for., nin bnnigidetti- 
 gns, nin gassiamngo. It is for., ho- 
 neiidjnjade, wehinigade, gauiigade. 
 Forgiven, (in s. iuA S. Rejected. 
 Thrown away. 
 Forgivene.ss, bonendamowin, buniy-i,- 
 deiugewin, boniijiditagcici/i, </i(.-, 
 siumagewin, ga.--nania(jf.ivin. Mu- 
 tual 'forgiveness, hoitenindiicin- 
 bimigi ieiudiwin, wibinam/uliwin . 
 Forgotten; I am (it is)forsr., as wet! 
 as forg., nin icanend'Kjos; iruntn- 
 dagwad. I am (it is) quite forgot- 
 ten, nin wanendjigim; wanendji- 
 Fork, nassawahideiyuii, patakank- 
 haigan, hay-fork. 
 Fork," tn\)\e4oxk,pataknignn. I pict 
 up with a fork, nin /atakuige. i 
 pick it up. {in., an.) nin patakaar,: 
 Form, ijindgosiwin. 
 Form; I form it, {in., an.) nin ma.<t/- 
 dinan;ninm(isidin^i.. I form it fo.' 
 him, nin maaidinamai"a. 
 Formed; I am (it is) formed, nin'i 
 fjig; ojigin. 
 Former, ytte — - 
 Formerly, yaidt, miwija. 
 Formidable. S. Feared. 
 Fornication, hishigwadimoin, ya- 
 Fornicator, bishiywadjinini, gayi- 
 .?^ornicatress, bishiywadjikwe, gagib- 
 /brsake; T lor. him, (her,it,) nin na- 
 gana\ nin nagndun. 
 i^orsake. i^orsaken, (in s. in.) S, 
 Throw away. Thrown away. 
 Fori, fortress, xnakaiyan, akobimwan. 
 In the f Qvt, pindjicakaigan. Out of 
 the fort, agwutchiwakaigan, 
 i^or the sake oi.„, ondji. 
 Forthwith, u'fiwih,pahtge, kejidin. 
 /brtify; I for. him. (her, it,) nin son- 
 git ia, nin mashkawina; ninscmai- 
 trn, nin 7nashknn<iton, 
 Fortify the heart or mind; I fortify, 
 nin snngideeshkage. I for. him, nin 
 songidceshkawa, nin mashkawtn- 
 Fortitude of the heart, sonyideeicin, 
 I give him fortitude, n/n. songideeah- 
 kawu. Giving fortitude of the 
 heart, songideeshlageicin. 
 Fortnight, nijo-anamtegijigad . 
 Fortunate; I am for., n'injawendayof. 
 Fortune. S. Riches. 
 Fort William, Ginnancligweiaij, or 
 Fur^y, niiniilana. We are forty, vin 
 ni'midaiMWeinhi. Tliore are forty 
 in. oh'nf.cU,nimi(la»aren'(m. There 
 are forty pair, uiinidanuwciodn. 
 Forty every time, forty each or to 
 each, ninimidunii. 
 Forty hundred, or four thonsand, 
 nimidaval-. We are four thousand 
 of us, nin nimidanalconmin. There 
 are 4000 in. objects, nimuianah- 
 Found; I am (it is^found,?l^wm'to, 
 nin mihadjiiins\ mikade, mil-adji- 
 gade. Found thintr, m«T«(7an.. It 
 is a found thing. miHgajiiwan. 
 Foundation, ashotchimtchiijan. 
 Foundation of a house, ondkamigis- 
 Foundation-stone, ashotchmitchiga- 
 ndbih, ashotahiHssitehigaii. 
 Founded; it is well founded, TO^Wj^- 
 Founder. Foundry.— S. Smelter. 
 Fountain. S. Spring. 
 Four, 7!w..., in compositions; which 
 gee in the First Part. 
 Four, niwin. We are ictwx , tiin ni- 
 wimin. There are fouri». objects, 
 Four every time, four each or to 
 each, neniwin. 
 Four hundred, niwak. We are four 
 hundred iij number, 7iin niwoJcosi- 
 min. There are 400 in. objects, 
 tiiwakwudon. Four hundred pair, 
 Four hundred every time, 400 each 
 or to each, neniwak. 
 Fourth; the fourth, eko-niwing. 
 The fourth time, or four times,?a'- 
 Fourthly, eko-niwing. 
 Fourth of July, pushhisige-gijigad. 
 papashkisige-gijigud, madwesige gi- 
 Four times, niwing. 
 Four times every time, four times 
 each or to each, neniwing. 
 Fox, wdgosh. Young fox, wagoshms. 
 Fragment, hnhraii. 
 f^ranip-house, icakaigan, mitigo-wa- 
 France, Wemiti4jojiivaki. In France, 
 to or from France, Wemitigt^iwu- 
 Frankincense, minomagwakisigan. I 
 burn frankincense, 1 incense, ti?';; 
 minumagirakisige. — S. Perfume. 
 Fraud. S'. Cheat. Cheating. 
 Free; I am free, nin dihenindis. 
 Freedom , dihenindismrin. 
 Freeze; I freeze to death, nin ga- 
 wdilj, nin masfikawadj. I begin to 
 feel* that a part of my body is freez- 
 ing, niti mikawadj. — It freezes 
 over, gnshkadin, gihadin. 
 Freezing, ?nashkarvadjiwin, gawadji- 
 Freezing-moon, (November,) gash- 
 French; 1 speak French, nin wemi- 
 French book or letter, toemitigoji- 
 French boy, or a little Frenchman, 
 French cliurch, wemitigoji-anamie- 
 French girl, weniitigojiJcwens. 
 French language, ivemitigrijimmvin. 
 Frenchman, Wcfnitig/r/i. 
 French priest, (Catholic priest,) wg- 
 French religion, (Cathohc religion,) 
 Frenchwoman, wemitisnjikwr.. 
 French writing, tvemitignjiwihiigan. 
 I write in French, yiin wemitignji- 
 wihiige. It is written (or printed) 
 in French, wemitig<ijiwii:nii. I 
 translate it into French, nin wemi'. 
 tiijojiwiitsiton. It is translated in 
 French , wcmitigojiwissitchigade. 
 Frequent; I freq. bad women, nin 
 nodihwewe, nin nodjihvewe. 
 Frequent. S. Keep company. 
 Frequently, naningim, niningim, sa- 
 Fres'h, ashki-. 
 Fret; I fret him, nin nishkia. It 
 frets me, nin niahkiigan. — S. An- 
 Friend; my friond, (or brother, ~) 
 nikanins, mf/JiH'uh. Thy tViotid. 
 kikanm, kiJiiki'vL His friend, 
 wikanissa'i, wi^ljikiiv^-Hin. I am 
 his friend, (or he is my friend.) 
 nin, -mino^ina'vema . I am its friend, 
 ni)i mino-inawendayi. 
 /^riend, (in s. in.) S. Comrade. 
 Brother, (friend.) 
 friendship, inawrndiwin, mitw-ina^ 
 weruliwin, safjiidiwin. 
 Fripht, ammissoiviii, gotadjiwin, 
 IcMchi segisiwin. 
 Frighten; I_ fr. him, nin aigia, nin 
 segima, nind Arnawa. 
 Frighten, (startle;) I frighien it, (an 
 aniniaj, )fj,j«(Z oshawa, nind osliaka- 
 wa, nin nanamda. 
 Frightened; I am fr., nin segendam, 
 nin migosM'a(lji-aia. I am Ir. by 
 s. th. I heard, nind amaniss. I 
 look frightened, nin seginnqos. 
 Frightened animal, nanamailjigan. 
 Frightfnj; f am (it is) frightful, nin 
 gotdmigas; gotdmigwad, — S. Hor- 
 Frightful or enormous number or 
 quantity. There is a fr. number 
 of us, nin gagwdnisaaginomin, or, 
 nin gagwdnissaginimin. There is 
 a fr. quantity oif it, gagwdnissagi- 
 Frivolous; I am fr., nin hisinudis, 
 nin gagihadis. I make him friv., 
 nin tisinadjia — S, Disquiet. 
 Frivolousness, bisinadisiwin, gagiha- 
 Frock for men, hahisikawagan. 
 Frock for women, godnss. 1 wear a 
 long frock, nin ginwamhis. 
 Frog, omakaki, A kind of green frog, 
 jashagaivashkogissi. Another kind 
 of frog,passek'd7iak. A small kind 
 of fr6g, pikonekwe. 
 Frost; there is glazed frost (or rime) 
 on the ground, gashoewemagad. 
 Frower, tashkignigan. 
 Frozen; [ arn 'frozen, nin mashka- 
 wadj. It is frozen hard, mnslika- 
 ■wadin. It is frozen over, gashka- 
 din,gibadin. It is frozen thick, 
 Frugal; 1 am frugal, pcfangi nin 
 Fruit; different kinds of fruit, vdia- 
 Fruit of the tree, maniwang mitig. 
 Fruit>tree, maniwid mitig. 
 Fry; I fry, nin snusakohwc. I fry it, 
 {in., an.) nin sassakokwudan; nin 
 Frying-pan, mstakokwadjigan, ab^ 
 wiwin. Frying-pan with a short 
 handle, abwewinens. 
 Fuel, wood, missdn. I have no fuel, 
 ?iind ntaivc. 
 Full; it is full in a certain manner, 
 Full. S. Filled. 
 Fulfil; I fulfil it, nin tibishhissiton. 
 I fulfil a promise, nin tibissuton, 
 nin tiidssiton. 
 Fulfilled; it is fulfilled, iibishkossi- 
 FnWy, wawinge, upitch%. 
 Funeral. S. Burial. 
 Funnel, pinsibadjigan. I am pour- 
 ing through a funnel, nin pinsi- 
 badjige. I pour it through a fun- 
 nel, ninpinsibadon. 
 Fur, (hair of animals,) biwui. Its 
 fur, nbiwai. It has no fur or hair. 
 paskkwad ikwebigisi . — This animal 
 has a black fur, bns7nakatcu>awe 
 aw awessi. It has a fine fur; bissi- 
 biwaie. It has a good hu^ininwa- 
 we. Jt has a long fur, gagdnobi- 
 tvaie, ishpawe. It has a short iur, 
 litissMve. It has a ihick and pro- 
 fitable fur, bissagivawe. 
 Fur, given as payment to a fur-tra- 
 der, ataioagan. 
 Furnish; 1 furnish to people, «i7irf 
 ondinamage. I fur. it to him, 
 nind ovdinamawa. I fur. to my- 
 self, iiind ondinamud'is, nind mi- 
 nidis. 1 furnish it to n.yself, (»7i.. 
 an. ) nind ondinamadisau, nin, mi- 
 nidison ; nind ondinumadisonan, 
 nin minidisfnian. 
 Further, or farther, aivass. 
 Further there, awdsswedi. 
 Gaiety, S. Gayiiess. 
 Gain ; I gain it,(t/i., an. )iiin gashMton; 
 niu (jaM-m. I gaiti nothing, nind 
 agawis, nind aijawinlika, nind aga 
 tv'ita, mnd anau'emis. I gain, i^in 
 a pliiy,) nin pakinage, nm niijaga- 
 Gain ; I gain, (endeavoring,) nin 
 wikwatchi. I gain it, {in., an.) 
 ninfiikicatchilun; tiiii wikwatchia. 
 I gain to myself, nin wikwatchitas, 
 nimvikwatdiitamas. 1 gain it to 
 myself, («/t., an.)nin loikwatchita- 
 8071, nin wikwalcliitumason; nin 
 wikwatiMtasonan, nin icikivutchit- 
 Gain, (in s. in.) S. Earn. 
 Gained; it is gained, {in., an.) ga- 
 shk tcki^;ude; gaskkitohigaso. Gam- 
 ed object, gashkitchigan. 
 Gaining, gas/iHtchigewin. 
 Gain over. S. Prevail. 
 Gainsay; I sviinsay , nindajidewidam. 
 nind ajideive, nind ajiilengc, nin 
 • gagdnsitam, nin nakwetage, nin 
 nakwctam, nind agunwetage, nind 
 ugnntvetain. 1 use to gainsay, nind 
 a'jidengeshk, nin nakicelangeshk, 
 nind agonwetangeshk. — 1 gainsay 
 him, nind ajidtmu, nin gagansi- 
 tawa, nin fiakwetawu, nind agon- 
 ivct'iwa. I gainsay in thoughts, 
 nind ujideiendam, nind agmiwiitn- 
 dam. 1 gainsay against it, nin 
 Gainsayer, aiagonwetang. _ 
 Gainsaying, agonwetamouw. 
 Gait, walking, linwssewin. 
 Galilean ; GaiiUmnini, 
 GdiW, winsop. 
 Gallon, tninikivadjigan. 
 Gallows, agonidiivi-'n''ig. 
 Gamble; 1 gamble, ni7ia atdge, nin 
 7iitd atage, nin matclii-attuje. 
 Gambler, nctd-ataged, eia^eshkid. 
 Gambling, atddiwtn, alugeehkiwin, 
 Gambling-house, atddiwigamig. 
 Game, (interested game,) atddimn. 
 Game; 1 game, ni/id utdge. 
 Gaine.S. Hunt. Hunting. 
 Gang. S. Troop. 
 Gap. S. i^issure. Hole. 
 Gape. Gaping. — S. Yawn. Yawning. 
 Garble. S. Sift. 
 (jarden, kitigan, kitiganens. 
 Garden-house, kitigayiiwioamig, 
 G a rd e n - R i V e r , Jiiiiganit>ioi. 
 Gard-house, akanduwigamig. 
 GaxVic, jigdgawanj. 
 Garment, agnylwin. 
 Garter, kamkih'idassehison. 
 Gather; 1 gather together, 7iin ma- 
 wandinige, nin maivandonige, nin 
 mdwa7idjitc/iige. I gather it togeth- 
 er, {in., an.) nin mdiiandjiton, 
 nin mawandi7ia7i, nin maivando- 
 nan, nin mdwandjistiton,; nin ma- 
 wand jia, nin muwa7idi7ia, ?iin ma- 
 waiidona. I gather people together. 
 nin mawansomag . — 1 gather for 
 somebody, nin mawandjikimage. 
 I gather it for him, nin niawandji- 
 tamawa. T gather for myself, nin 
 mawa7idjita7na8, nin mawandjita- 
 ■madia, 7iin mawandjitass. 1 gather 
 it for myself, {in., an.) ninma- 
 ioa7idiita7nason, nin mawandjita- 
 madiS07i, ni7i i7iawandjitassvn\ nin 
 m'iwa7idjita7/ias(man, nin mawan- 
 djitamadi.^(ma7i, nin mawandjitas- 
 sonan. I gather with him, nin 
 ^rether sevvir 
 T gather ih 
 nin miavand 
 coals togpth' 
 1 gather hay 
 — It gathe 
 dossemagitfl . 
 Gather berries 
 mawi7is. I g 
 them, nin gt 
 \in.,an:) ni 
 Gathered; we 
 a great nun 
 min, nin 7/id 
 Gathered obje 
 Gatherer, 7n,aH 
 (■Jauze, jihaivc 
 Gay; I am ga 
 am gav, in li 
 Gay, (ins. in.' 
 Gayness, ga^ 
 Gaiety in h 
 Gaze; I gaze 
 7nn mamaht 
 (her, it) wi 
 naiva; nin i 
 Gazed; any ob 
 i^eld. S. Casti 
 General, kitch 
 Generally, mn 
 Gentile. S. Pa 
 Gentle; it is j 
 wdngawid, i 
 Gentle, (in s. 
 Gentleness, he 
 Gently, hek.a. 
 Geometer, dil 
 Geometry, dil 
 Germ, (bud,) 
 German, anii 
 niTid unimd 
 maioarnd iu'idjiwa. — [ gather to- 
 gether sevvinjr> nlnmAnHindogirafs. 
 T gather i.h' in together sewing, 
 nin ■muwaniiotjivadan, niii mawaii- 
 doijwadanan-. — 1 gather burning 
 coals together, nin maioantli.Jc/jf.- 
 I gather hay, nin mawandobhkan. 
 — It gathers together, rnawan- 
 dossema(/ii^I . 
 Gather berries; I gather berries, nin 
 maivins. I gather berries and eat 
 them, niii ydpon. I gather them, 
 (in., an.) nin gdponan; nin gajni- 
 Gathered; we are gath. together in 
 a great number, nin mdmawlni- 
 niin, nin mnmawinnnin. 
 Gathered object; mawandjigan. 
 Gatherer, maivc ndjitchigewinini. 
 Gauze, jibawassiitjin. 
 Gay; I am gay, nin hapinenini, nin 
 jom'wudis. I make him gav, nin 
 hupinenimoa; nin jomiwadii^ia. I 
 am gav, in liquor, nin minohi, nin 
 Gay, (ins. in.) S. Joyful. 
 Gayness, gayety, havinenimowin. 
 Gaiety in half drunkenness, jo- 
 ivendamowin . 
 Gaze; I gaze ats. th. with surprise, 
 nin mamal'Asahayige. I gaze at him 
 (her, it) with astonishment, nin 
 maynakasahama, nin mnmakdd- 
 nawa\ nin mamahusdbandan, nin 
 Gazed; any object gazed at, mamaTca- 
 ixeld. S. Castrate. 
 General, kitohijimaganisM-ogima. 
 Generally, mnmaivi. 
 Gentile. S. Pagan. 
 Gentle; it is gentle, (a horse, «Sjc.) 
 ivdngait-i,si. tvawdngn wid. 
 Gentle, (in s. in.) S. Mild. 
 Gentleness, bekadiniwin, minodeewin 
 Gently, heka. 
 Genuflection, otchitchin^wanitawin. 
 Geometer, dihnakiminini. 
 Geometry, dibaahmn. 
 Germ, (bud,) mgnnwi. 
 German, aniinCi. I speak German, 
 nind unimdm. 
 German langtiage, animamowin. 
 German woman, animdkwe. 
 Germinate; it germinates. (i«., an.) 
 sugarnpim<tgud\ aagunuyi. I make 
 it germ., {in., an. ) 'nin saganwissi- 
 ton; nin nugannia. 
 Get; 1 am getting worse, (in my 
 sickness,) nind alindis, nind 
 Get froni..., 1 get s. th. from..., nind 
 (indinige. nind ind'S. I get him 
 (her, it) irom...,?iind ondina; nind 
 Get lost. S. Go astray. 
 Get ready. S. Prepare. 
 Ghost, mitnif.o\ tcliibai. 
 Giant, misfdbe. k'tchi-inini. Fab- 
 ulous giant, iHndigo. 
 Giantess, kitchiihtve. i<'abulous gi- 
 antess, windigokwc. 
 Giant's bird, ■wmdigohinei'hx. 
 Giant's "tripes de roche", windvjo- 
 Giddiness, giwrnliMvewin. 
 Giddy; 1 am giddy, nin giwashkwt. 
 I am giddy from drinking, nin 
 giwitshkwebi. I am g. from heat, 
 nin giwashkwes. I am g. by smell- 
 ing, nin giivashkwenos. 1 am g. by 
 falling, 7iin giwa»hk>ceshin. I am 
 made giddy iSy s. th. falling upon 
 me, nin giwahhkwekos. 
 Gift, ininigi/win,. minigosiwin, migi- 
 wewin, minidiicin, pagidinigan. 
 Gild; 1 gild it, {in., an.) nind osawa- 
 Joniiakadan; nind osawu-joniia- 
 Gilt; It is gilt, {in., an.) osaiva jonii- 
 akade; ofuwdjirniiakaso. 
 Gimblet, hiinmigans. 
 Ginger-bread, witshkvhitchigasod pa- 
 Gird; 1 gird myseU, nin kitchipis. I 
 gird myself strongly, nin sindapix. 
 1 gird up high my blanket, nin 
 takwainhis. nind. iahpantahcebis. 1 
 gird him, (her, H,) nind aias.swa- 
 pina', nind aiaaswupidon. — S. 
 Girdle, kitchipison. — S. Belt. 
 Girdle; 1 girdle myself otherwise, or 
 with another belt, nind andapis. 
 Girl; little piri, ■ihoc&ens, \ am a 
 little ),'irl, nind ikivexenidw. Grown 
 »p girl, oshkiniiiilcivc, qijikwc. I 
 am a grown np girl, ai!nlt, nind 
 oxhHn.i(jihwew, nin tjijikwew. - ■ 
 Tli(!_lirst-I)()rn crirl of a family, mn- 
 dnkikiMwisn. I am the Hrsl-l)orn 
 girl of the family, niii inadjikihcc- 
 Girt; 1 am not well girt, nin ma- 
 il apis. 
 Girth, assotchihi(lji<jan. 
 Give; 1 g\\'e,niumi(/iwe. I give him, 
 nin mina. I give to myself, nin 
 minidu. We give to each other, 
 nin. mhrnlimin. I give him, (her, 
 it.) nin InJina; ?iin hidinan. I eive 
 him (her, it) to him, nin hidina- 
 maum. — 1 give to all, nin dihaolci. 
 I give also to him, ni/i dehaona. I 
 have not enough to give to all, nin 
 nimdcoM. I have not eiio\]gli to 
 give to him, nin. nondiona. — I 
 don't like to give soon, nin noina- 
 Give, (in s. in.) S. Present.— S. Sa- 
 Give away. I give away, nin migi- 
 we. I give him (her, it) away, nin 
 miniwenan, nin pagiilina, ninjia- 
 gidtnima ; nin migiwen, nin paqi- 
 dinan, nin pngidendan. I give 'it 
 to him, nin pngidendamaiva, nin 
 pagidinamawa. I give it away for 
 him, nin migiwetawa, nin migiwe- 
 tamaiva. — 1 am too much in a ha- 
 bit of giving away, nin migiweshk. 
 Habit of giving away, migiweshlci- 
 <iive back; I give back, neiah nin 
 migiwe. 1 trive him (her, it) back 
 again, niiah nin migiwenan, nind 
 ajina; neiiih nin migiwen, nind 
 ajenan. I give him back again s. 
 th., neiab nin mina, nindajetia- 
 Given; lam given s. th 
 gos. I am 
 nm rrnni- 
 given s. th. by divine 
 , nin, minigowis. It is 
 given awav, {in., an.) 2yagidini- 
 gade; pagidinigaso. 
 Give to drink; I give to drink, ntn 
 minaiwe. I am in a bad habit oi 
 giving to drink, nin miniiiweshk. 
 1 Rive him to drink, nin, minau. 1 
 give (or piocure)_to drink to mv- 
 aelf, nin. minaidis. We give each 
 other to drink, nin minuiUimin. 
 The act of giving to drink to each 
 olhor, or to several, minaidiwin. 
 The bad habit of givmg to drink. 
 Give up; 1 give up, nind anijitah, 
 nind anawendjige, nind unwendarn. 
 i give him up, nind inuwea. nin 
 hmia. I give it vi'(>,ninhoniton.~ 
 I give myself up to somebody, ntV* 
 Given up; it is given up, honitchi- 
 gade, wehinlgade. 
 Giving, migiwewin, pagidendammnn . 
 Giving up, anijitunv'/win, anaiven- 
 djigewin, unwendumowin. 
 Glad; 1 arn glad, nin minwendnvi. 
 nin hapinenim, nin nnendam, nind 
 onunigwendam, nin nudjigendittu. 
 1 am very glad, nind (.samenini. 
 I am glad to have escaped the 
 danger of perishing, nin bujine- 
 wagendam. I make him glad", nm 
 minwend.nmia, nin natndamia, 
 nin hapini nimna. 
 Glad and thankful; I am gl. and th.. 
 nin mikonuweiendum. I make hint 
 glad, (by some good service,) nin 
 mihmaivea. 1 am gl. and th. he 
 has it, ninmikonaweienirna. 
 Gland; my, thv. his gland, ninishk, 
 kinishk, oninhkwan. 
 Glanders; the horse has glanders, 
 ogigoku hebejigoganji. 
 Glass; drinki'ng-glass, miiiihvndji- 
 gun; window-glass, wassetchigan- 
 Glass-bead, manitominens. 
 Glide; I glide in the water, jiin hak- 
 ohisse.ningogisse. It glides away, 
 Globe, aki. 
 Globulous or globular; it is' globu- 
 lous. {in., an.) hikominagad, bdhi- 
 kominagad; bikominagiai, hubiho- 
 minagi&i. Two, three, four, etc.. 
 globular obj 
 tominag, nio 
 globular objf 
 Glorification, /1-1 
 Glorify"; I g'loi 
 nin bit^hiyevu 
 weninia, ni 
 nin bit:higena 
 wawenditn. n 
 rify myself, 
 nin kitchitwa 
 Glorify, (in s. i 
 Glorious; I an 
 gos; kitchitwa 
 dagwad. 1 i 
 (Idsia, nin h\i 
 Glory, kitchitu 
 win. kitihitn 
 Glory, (in s. in 
 Glove, mindjik 
 Glow-worm, wv 
 Glue, namehc 
 Ghie-boiler, na 
 Glutton, nebud 
 nin nibddis. 
 Gluttonous; I n 
 Gluttony, nibai 
 Gnash; I gnasl 
 den. I gnash 
 nin Jiiiahiden 
 nin nisknbidi 
 nin niski'ihidi 
 Gnaw; I gnaw, 
 ffnaw it, {in. 
 dan; ninjish'i 
 Go; I go, nim 
 gad. I go son 
 himosse; by 
 sailing, nin. I 
 and further, i 
 ..., iji.fsin. It 
 rod ion, iniki 
 Go abo!:t; I gc 
 ntn baba-ini\ 
 canoe or be 

 globular objects, nijominafi, um- 
 tominag, niaminag. He. ydirany 
 globular objpcts. ^as$omiiuig. 
 GlonCicSition, Hfr/iiiiciiwendagoeiivm, 
 Glorifv"; I g'ior. him, (her, ii,)i,in 
 litchitwau'itia, nin mino-waichia, 
 nin huhiyevJug'cia, ninl'tchdwa- 
 wevima, nin huhi<jenim,n\ nii). 
 kitohitwanindan, nin mino-ivinJun, 
 tiin huhigendmjivitnn, nin kUchit- 
 ivawendan, ninhuhwtndan. I elo- 
 rify mysf'lf, ni/i. k'itchitwawiidis, 
 nin kitcldtwaweniiidin. ■ 
 Glorify, (ins. in.) S. Exalt. 
 Glorious; lam (it is) glorious, ««» 
 kitchitwairendagos, nin. hii'hiiienda- 
 gos; hitchitwawendagwad, hitshigm- 
 aagwad. 1 make him Rior. ,'/>;*« 
 b'tchiiwavia, nin Hlchitwawcnda- 
 fjiisia, vin h'Khigendagivia. 
 Glory, Htchitwawin. kilchitwanud- 
 win. kitckitwuwendngosiwin. hinh- 
 igendagasiwin, ishpemlagosxwin . 
 Glory, (in s. in.) S. Boast. 
 Glove, mindjikawan. 
 Glow-worm, vuiwafcm. 
 Glue, vamehcan. 1 make glue, nin 
 Glue-boiler, riamchwanikeivinini. 
 Glutton, nehddibid. I am a glutton, 
 nin nihddis. 
 Gluttonous; I am gl.. nin nibddis. 
 Gluttony, nihadisiwin. 
 Gnash; I gnash, wm kahtchishkali- 
 den. I gnash and show the tee h, 
 n.in7iiiahiden, \ gii.ish with anger, 
 nin ninkdliiden. 1 gnash at him, 
 nin niskdhidetuwa. 
 Gnaw; I gnaw, nin jtshigwandjige. I 
 gnaw it, {in., an.) ntn jislkigwan- 
 danii ninjishiqwama. 
 Go; I go, nind ijd. It goes, ijdma- 
 gad. I go somewhere by land, nin 
 bitnogse; hy water, nin biminhka; 
 sailing, nin Idmdsh. I go further 
 and further, jiin miwi. — It goe«>so 
 ..., iji.ssin. h goes in a certain di- 
 rnclion, inikamagad. 
 (joabout; I go about, ninhaha-ija, 
 win haha-ini'fa. I go about in a 
 canoe or boat, nin babamishka] 
 nrnr the shore, n/// hdbamnjaam; 
 sailing, //m hnhanvai'h. I am going 
 about, rovmg,M/'/i hinds, nin had- 
 iadi.'i, nin lilnnskka. 
 Go along; I go along, nind ani-oi- 
 m'ff-fi.^ 1 go along in a canoe, ni7?(Z 
 ani-hinnnhku or, nind animinhka. 
 f go along on the ice, nind unl- 
 rnddnguk. And so forth, preti.xing 
 07/j-to verbs. 
 Go nsfrav; I go (it goes) astray, nin 
 tranifh/n; jvnnisnn. T cause him to 
 go as»ray, nin trani'hima. I cause 
 mvself to go astray, nin ivanisliin- 
 Go asunder. S. Open. 
 Go away; I go (it goes) away, nin 
 ■mddja; mdifjanpigad. I go away in 
 a ranee or boat, nin madji. 1 go 
 away (out of the \\&y,)nind ikoga. 
 1 go away talking, nind animwe- 
 wdam, nind animweiveto. 
 Go from; I go from one person to 
 another, mn nihilcdhkuivag, or, 
 nin liimi-nihitcslikawag. 1 go from 
 one house to anotlier.'«y'/2, nihifcsh- 
 kanan, or, nin bimi-nibitcshkanan 
 Go in; I go (it goes) in, ninpifuiige; 
 piriigeniagad. I go in frequently, 
 nin papindige. I go in to hun, or 
 in him, 7iin pindigawa; I go fre- 
 quently in to him", or in him, nin 
 pajiindigawa. I go in him, ( her, it, ) 
 nin pindigeshkawa, nin pindjina- 
 wrfthkawa; nin pindigcshkan, nin 
 jiindjinaweshkan. — I go in the 
 woods, nin jekakwaam. I go in 
 the water, nin hakohi. I make him 
 go in the vi&t^x^nin hakobininaj- 
 Goon; I go (it goes)on, m/jrf ani- 
 madja, nin madjitiika; anim/id- 
 jamagad, madjishkamagad. I make 
 it go on, {in. .an.) nin madjishkan; 
 nin madJiM-aiva. I go straight 
 upon him, ( her. it.) nin maiamsh- 
 kaira; nin maiawishkan. — I go (it 
 goes) on straight, right, nin gwa- 
 iakosse, nin gwaiukonhka; gwaia- 
 kosscmagad, gjvaiakoshkamag a d , 
 y . . 
 gwaiahosfin. — I go (it goes) on 
 «l()wly, nin, hesiha; hctikam-Kjad. 
 Gooiit; I KO(it f^ocs) o\\\.^nmsaijaam\ 
 itagaanwnutijad. I ^o out of him, 
 y her, it,) wiVt niKjif-inntawa, (■ai/idji- 
 notiiina, Ka</i(/Jinutik'Khkawa ; //(/(, 
 saijinirtotaii^ gaf/iJjlnotan,, suijulji/i- 
 liWcMcun. Jt got'd out of ii.o, idti 
 »u(jiiii/i,(>la(jon, nin sngi<JJinota(ju/i, 
 nin t,aijiiljiiiuir<Khl'ai;im. — I ho out 
 of his hiMrt, /ii/i awjitljidtinlil-dwa. 
 It goes out of my liearl, nin mg- 
 Go round; I go round, nin. wanininh- 
 ka, nin giintanhka. 1 uo round 
 tiiin, (her, it.) nin yiuiiuikkawu, 
 nin (/iwitofifikan. 
 Go th'roiT^'h. S. Pass through. Fall 
 Goto; 1 goto him, (her, it.) nind 
 nasikawa, n'md ijanan\ nin nan- 
 kan, nind iian. i go to the end of 
 it, 71111, kabctihkan. 
 Go to, (in s. in.) S. Approach. 
 Go with...; 1 go vvi;'.i somebody, wn 
 ■wid'jiitve. 1 go with liiin, (or he 
 goes with nie,) nin wiiljiiva. I go 
 with him somewhere in a canoe or 
 boat, nind, adiuvaanut. I make him 
 go with somel)Oily, nin widjindaa. 
 1 malioit go(or come) witimie, luit 
 widjindiin. It goes with.... wid- 
 jindimagad. We go with one 
 another,' nin vndjindimin. 1 per- 
 suade him to go with me, nin iri- 
 jama. 1 go in with hun, nin wtdji- 
 Go with..., ( in s. in.) S. Accompany. 
 Goblet, ininikwadjigan. 
 GOD, Kiji-Manitii. I am God, Nin 
 Ktji-Manit(dv. God is One in 
 Throe, J\V*.s-o h'jigo Kije-Mnnio. 
 Godchild;my.thy, his godchild, nini- 
 d,janiifiikawin, kinidjanisslkawin, 
 onxdjanitsikawuian. He (she) is 
 my godchild, nind onidjanunka- 
 Goddaughter; my, thy, his god- 
 daughter, nindafiis.nkawtn, h'dan- 
 iisihtwin, oi^anmikawinan. She is 
 my goddaughter, 7iind oddnimka- 
 Godfather, hahdikau'in\ omihawin.- 
 He 18 my godfather, (or adopted 
 father,) «»«<i oonsikannn. 
 ( 1 0(1 h e ad , A'iJ e ■ Man ifi/wiwin . 
 Godmother, inumnikawin, ogikamn. 
 She is ir»y godmother, (or'adoplod 
 mother, ) «t/i</ o;/i^n«rt;i. 
 (Jodson; my, thv, liis godson, ning 
 U'/t.iikawm, kigwjunikun'in, ngwis- 
 iikannnan. lloismy godson, nuJ 
 (to [d , attawa -jon via. 
 Gone! apine! winifian! 
 Good, jnind, gwandtc/i. I am (it is' 
 gooil, nin mino iiiwehis. nin gwan- 
 (Ucliiw, nind omjin/i, nin kijewitdi.'<; 
 mini) yiii>' had, gwanatchiu-an, mi 
 jishin, kijcwndad. 1 mtike him 
 good, nin rnino ■ijiit'ehinit, tit/t 
 kijetradisia. 1 make it good, niua 
 Good-for-nothing fellow, ningr.t ena- 
 ludisifHig, pagnndjinini. I am 
 good for' nothing, 1 can make no- 
 thing, no work, kunnn nini-ot nind 
 iiinliunsi><fi, nin pagandis. 
 Good-hearted; I am g. h., nin mi- 
 Good luck, jatvendnjosinin. I have 
 good luck; ninjawcndag(.s. 
 Good-nature, min< deewin, minniji. 
 WihiUwin, rnin('dniniwagit,iwin. 
 Good-natured; I am g. n., nin mino 
 limadix, ninmino ijiivahis, nin mi- 
 nadce, nin mincimniwagis. 
 Good-riatured person, menodced,mt- 
 nt)-hinudii>id . 
 Goodness of heart, minodeeu'iv. 
 Good Older; 1 put it in good order, 
 {in., nil.) nin nandinan\ mn nan- 
 nin a. 
 Good yterson, -meno-ijiuihisid, mcno- 
 himadidd. 1 am good, kind, nin 
 inino ijiwihis, ninmino limadis. 
 Goods, (merchandize) anokadjigan. 
 Good sense, nibwakawin. 
 Qiod temprr, mino Mniadisiwin, 
 mincininiwagisiwin. I have a 
 good temper or temperament, nin 
 mino iimadis, ninminuiiiiniu'a(iii'. 
 Good tei ins, inawendiuin. mino imi- 
 ■wendiwin. I am on good termi 
g^WiiWipw M i fil l iV i i|nt»i 
 with him, mn mim-inaioemn. 
 Wo arp on g. t. vviih oudi other, 
 nin tiuriii-tnawcnJiniin. 
 Ooo.io, «,•«;«'?.— a. Wild goose. 
 <ioiird-lHiiU.!, (lor riuiian ceroino- 
 lues,) ;iwA,yi<,^4^ onwiminanuhui- 
 wan. >' 
 (i riic e , Ja wenajige win . 
 •irain; u is a large grain, maminii- 
 <»raii(l. /-j'/c/ii. 
 <Jraiuichild; my. thy, his crrandchiid, 
 nojinke, kojtja, oiulician. JIc is 
 „ '»y Krandchihl, «zW onjhheima. 
 </rand(ather;my, thv, his«rar,d(ath- 
 t'r, nwmhonuss, Hmuhnaus, omi- 
 shomitsan. Ho is my graiuilathur, 
 mnu <imi8hi,inmirna. 
 Grand Island, Kitdii-miniis. At to 
 or from Grand Island, A'itcAi.mi-. 
 Grand ^jedicine, middwiuin. 
 Grand Medicine Indian, m dd. I am 
 an lii'lianoftheG. M.,«,«wiW6vr. 
 1^ make hmi a member of the G 
 M., niu midiuiia. 
 Grand Medicine lodge, midcwiga- 
 Gran(i Medicine squaw, midihwc 
 (.randmother, my, thv, liis grand- 
 molher. nokomns, bihmis,, a-o- 
 musan. My grandmother! ?wb.' 
 &he_is my grandmother, nind 60- 
 Icfmminun, ni/id ook.mis.sirna. 
 Grand-Portage, KdchU.nwum. At 
 to or from Grand Portage, Kitda- 
 Grand liner, Washfanmn. 
 Grant; 1 grant his petition, «w.tai!/«- 
 mita7va. I grant it to liim, nin 
 mtm,nm j-ayidinamawa. 
 Grape, ^i/inin. 
 Grapple, J'utahishwaigan.—S Har- 
 poon. Hook. -^ ^ 
 Grapplirig-hook, adjigwadjigaji, ad- 
 Ora.s ma*/4?-^w»,„. There is grasn. 
 On the grass, mjVa»/< (•(>«.«•«,. —The 
 magud. Ihegrassiswct.V'^^A. 
 Grass-hoopor, /mpukine, minabuwui. 
 jum, adiwawau^/u. 
 Grass-seed, minhh,.^siwi->mnikan. 
 Grate, to dry venison, etc., abwdUhi- 
 Grate, (ins. in.) S. Scrape. 
 Grave, tchibiganiii;. 
 Grave, (ni s. m.j S. Hole in the 
 Grave,! ajngrave,(consideredgr'' e 1 
 nm ic/iitaue/idu(/06.—ii. Serious. ' 
 Graver, or any thing to mark with. 
 Grrtverod Uiver, I'asmhika-sihi 
 ( ■ ra vey a rd , tddhigamig. 
 Gray; it is gray, (stuiJ, in., an.) ni- 
 gigwdugud; 7ng,gwitugi»i. 
 Gray ago, wahikivewin. 
 Gray-headed; 1 am g. h., ninuuihikwe. 
 Gray-horse, ncgigwitagawcd behejvio. 
 ga»jt. This horse 'is gray, «n/w. 
 /('(til game uw kbejig<,ga»ji'. 
 t> reuse, himidi. 
 Grease; 1 grease, ninUmidewiniqe, 
 mil ?iimi./ngc. 1 grease hiin, (her, 
 n,) n/ahiinideuina, uin numina\ 
 nui.fjinndcuiiian,in,i nomiiutn. 1 
 grease it, (wood, in., an.) nin 
 ntnuikonan ; nin vomuktna I 
 grease It, (metal, in., an.) nin 
 nimiiljikonnn; mn tu.maiiki.'na. 
 Greased; I an^it is) greami, ?Mm»- 
 d(W,vig,if<_; tninlutuinigudc, bctibt- 
 Migitd, hunidtkade. 
 Greasy; I am Ot is) greasy, «,'» i» 
 VI nit wzf ; bi m idC wa n . 
 Great, kitLhi. 
 Great bear, (constellation, )6^c'7iz:(/a,». 
 Great grandchild, unihUdJigan. 
 Great grandfather; my, thy, his gr., 
 Iliad anikc-mmishijmi,s, k.d anike- 
 kimuhomus, ,d anike-oininhojtm- 
 Great grandmother; my, thy. his 
 at., nind nnih -tuikomhtt liti anike- 
 IciikomMis, (d nnike-dh m'^mn. 
 Oront wnter,(Kreat \i,\i\)'itchi(jamt> 
 Green; it is j»reen.(j« , an.) njawaxhl-- 
 wa; cjaunshki hi. It is ijicen, (ice,) 
 ojairufhkir(tiii(jii'a. It in Rreen, 
 {\f*n(,)<{fawaKMirah(iija. It ingroon, 
 ( Htiirt, in., an. ) ijaivaslikmanegnd; 
 'rjawanhkwawrgnt.—i <lye Rroen, 
 nind oja>m.shkivadii»tiije, uind nja- 
 waM-wanMl/f. 1 dvo it ^rnoii, (iii.^ 
 an.) niiid njuwai'hkii'adhean, nind 
 ()ja'waKhkwunKiin\ nind i jnivnM: 
 ' wadiisKU'a, nind ijnivnuhl'iran.swa. 
 It is (iyrd Rrcien, (in., an.) oja- 
 Wds/ikirudite, ijawaMirandr; nja- 
 ivnuhkivadinsn, <j(iwaM-wanm, — 
 The grass he(?iiis to Kreen, oja- 
 Green, (painted green;) it is painted 
 creeti, (in., an.) (ija>t'a.<ihkoni(jade\ 
 irja,wa»hkoniijnso. It is painted 
 green, (wood, in., an.) ojawan/i- 
 kos8agini(jade\ ojawabkhosmgin i- 
 Greenbay, Dodjwikwed, 
 Green serpent, ojawahhktca-ginehig. 
 Greet. S. Salute. 
 (jreetinp. S. Salii'ation. 
 (iridiron, ahwidchii/anahik, 
 Grief, naninawendamouiti. 
 Grief, (in s. in.) S. Sadness. 
 Grieve; 1 grieve, nin naninmcendam. 
 I grieve him, (with words,) nin 
 nanivauima, tiind inapinerna. 
 Grieved; I am grieved, «//z wanma- 
 Grieved. Grievous, (in s. in.) S. 
 Grill; I grill \i,{in.,an,)ninbansan\ 
 nin hanmva. 
 Grirnace-i; I make grimaces or faces, 
 nin nii-kiiigu'en. 
 Grind; I grind, nin hissihndjige, I 
 grind it, [in., an.) ninhisdhodon; 
 nin hiskibrna. 1 wear it out by 
 grinding, (i/i., an.) nin mdcldho- 
 don\ nin metchihi,na. It is worn 
 out by grinding, {in , an.) inctchi- 
 hodc'y mftchihiso. 
 Grinder, (large tooth,) ^«'^aJwZ. My, 
 thy, his grinder, n'nidamiknnalid, 
 kidinnikanalid, rdamikanabid. 
 J Grindniill, bimhadjigun. 
 Grindstone, Jigwun-ihik. 
 Gri.st le, kakaiiendjigun, 
 (iroiin; I groan, nin madtagos, nin 
 fchigi/ir, nin inaniadwi. 1 groan 
 slee[)ing, )iin niarnndwingiriim. 
 Groaning, niuinadueuin, mudtugo.si- 
 Grope; I groj)C, nind odjinige, nia 
 nundodjinu/e, 1 grope liini,(lK'r, 
 \i,) nind iKijina, nin nandf.djina; 
 nind odjinan, nin nandvdjinun. 
 Grotto. S. Cavern, 
 Ground; it is ground, («'«., (in.)hist(t, 
 hinnihitde, hifxihcdjigade ; bimxi, 
 bianboso , binubodjuju.io. 
 Ground, (soil,) aki. Under ground, 
 un<iniaking,and)naknmig. On tlu- 
 ground, ( bare ground, ) tnit(ikami<j, 
 ■in iluMakamig, miUhikany. — The 
 ground is such..., inakaniigama- 
 god. The ground appears, (is 
 bare.) miti'ikuiniga. Thegr. is bad, 
 mdnukamiga. The gr. cracks, or 
 is cracked, from cold, jiajjansdku- 
 migadin. The gr. cracks, or is 
 cracked, from hti^i. papamdtuja- 
 nulc. The gr. is dry, /)t'//ya-,-i'i'a- 
 miga, bibinckamafe. The gr. is 
 good, viinokantiga. The gr. is 
 hilly, rough, juikwdkamiga, papik- 
 wdkainiga. There is a hollow in 
 the ground, wimbakamiga. There 
 is a hollow made in the gr., wini- 
 bakamigade. The gr. is level, 
 even, ondk'.' iga, jingakamiga, ta- 
 t.i^/wa. I n. ke the ground level, 
 iitnd onukamigaan. It is made 
 level or even, onakamigaigade. 
 There is a low ground, tu'bas.sdka- 
 miga, tabafmdina, wanakamiga. 
 The ground is made low or lower- 
 ed, tabansakamigaigude. There is 
 a rising gr., anibekamiga. The 
 gr. shakes, from some cause above 
 ground, thunder, etc., tchingwu- 
 magad aki, tchingwdhawiiga. The 
 gr. is very steep, kiMakamiga, 
 The ground thaws, ningakamate, 
 ningakamigishkamagad. Tlie gr. 

 GUE iil3 
 ii thick, kipagakamigamugad. 
 I here is a trembling gr.,tot6gano- 
 uwi. Trembling ground, totogan. 
 I pe gr- is wet, niHwdkatniga— I 
 stick It in the ground, uinpataka- 
 kamtgttistdon. It is the end of 
 the ground, waiekwdkamiga. 
 ^"i?.^'. ^ fT ( " S'°w») "lowly, nin 
 bidjtg ; bidjtgin. I grow (it grows ) 
 fast „,„ ^.ni^; ginihimagad, 
 utntbt^tn. 1 grow (it grows j tal- 
 ler, higher, mnmddjig ; madjigin. 
 I grow (it grows) stronger, »7nqi. 
 gt ; aongigtn.~h grows out of the 
 earth, sagaktmagad. It grows to- 
 gether, mumawigimagad. 
 Grumble, (like a dog ;) I grumble, 
 mnmkzm. I grumble at him, nin 
 Guard ;1 guard him, (her, it,) nin 
 ktjnna ; nin kijadan. I guard a 
 cnild, nin ki^adawass, I guard a 
 lodge, nin kiiadige.~l guard my- 
 self, mnd ushwi, I guard myself 
 against him, (her, it,) nind uahwl. 
 kwwu ; nind ushwikandun. 
 (iuardian, kijadigewtnini. 
 Guardian Angel; my, thy, his Guard- 
 lan Angel, Anjent genawenimid, 
 Anjem genawenimik, Jnjeniwan 
 Guess ; I guess, pagwana nind ikit, 
 pagwana v ind iji windan. I gu ess 
 in thoughts, pagwana nind inen- 
 Guessing, in a guessing manner, pag- 
 wanm. ' 
 Guest, wakomind. 
 Guide, kekinowijiwed, kikinowijiwt- 
 Guide ; I guide, nin hikinounjiwe. I 
 guide him, nin kikinowina. 
 Guilt, indowin. 
 Guitar, madwiwetchigan. 
 Gulf. S. Abyss. 
 Gull, guidshk. Young gull, guia$h 
 kona. Gull's egg, gaiashjcuawan. 
 Gum, oshkaniganima. My, thy, hia 
 gum, nishkanigan, kishkanigan, 
 Gun, pdshkisigan. The stock of a 
 gun, pashkisiganaiig. I load a gun, 
 nind onue/ilcinadon paahkiaigan. 
 The gun is loaded, onaahkinade 
 paMisigan. I cock a gun, nind 
 ajigiduhikinan pashkiaigun. The 
 gun is cocked, ajigidabikinigade 
 pashkvtigan. The gun misses fire, 
 anwdhikissin pashkiaigun. 
 Gun-cap, hiunaaidjigan, I put a cap 
 to a gun, nin biwiaaidon paahkiet- 
 G u n-smith , paakkiaiganikewinini. I 
 am a gun-smith, nin pathkiaiga- 
 Gun-smith's trade or business, ^o#A- 
 Gun-worm, gituigan. 
 Gut, opikwad. 
 Gut ; I gut him, n''n kitchinagijinu. 
 Gut of the moose, ashkakwa-magy . 
 Ha I iaid ! ataiA ! tdwa ! tiwe '. — NiM 
 Habit, yiweiieiwin, nagadiavwin, 
 GoodLYid^oii^minoiiitvebisiwin. Bad 
 habit, matchi ijiweoieiwin. — S. Ac- 
 . custotned. 
 Habitation, ahiwin. My, thy, his 
 habitation, endat'iin, enddian, en- 
 Haft. 8. Handle. 
 Hail, lesiigan. 
 Hail ; it hails, sessigan, mikwamma- 
 Hair, winUiasima. My, thy, his hair, 
 ninisiss, kinisisi, winisies ; plural, 
 ninisissan, kinisisaan, winisissan. 
 — I have black hair, or nmy hair 
 (head) is black, nin makatewin- 
 aihe. I have curled hair. Jiin ha- 
 Haigindibe. My hair is in disorder, 
 bristled up, nin nisktndibe. My 
 hair is long, nin ginwdnikwe, nin 
 gagdnwanikwe. I have red hair, 
 (a red head,) nii\, miakwamkwe, 
 ain miskWandihe, {tniskondibe.) 1 
 have sb yrt hair, nin takwanikwe. 
 Mv hai" is white, ninwaMkive, nin 
 wabishkindihe. My hair is yellow, 
 &aj.en,nind osdtvindibe. — I lose my 
 hair, nin binnnikwe. I cut his hair, 
 nin mojwa. I take him by the hair, 
 nin sagdnikwena. 
 r[air of animals. S. Fur. 
 Hair-powder. S. Powder. 
 Hairy ; it is hairy, coarse, (stuff, in., 
 an.) mishaweigad; minhawetgini, 
 Half, abita. Half each, ainhita. 
 Half a, barrel, ahituwissag ; half « 
 bottle, ahiiar-nmodai. lialfway 
 across a river or lake, ahitawa- 
 gam. Halfway goin<j up .on a 
 mountain or hill, ubicawamadjiw 
 Halfway from one place to another, 
 Half a day, niago-haioahwe. 
 Halfbreed, aiabitawisid. I am a 
 halfbreed, nind abitawia. Half- 
 breed man, wissakodewinini. Half- 
 breed woman, wis.'iakodiwikwe. 
 Half-cloth, nebanetagak. (S. Na- 
 banetagad. ) 
 Half drunk ; I am h. d., nin jowibi. 
 I am joyful being h. d., nin j(/wen- 
 Half drunkenness.^'owJiWrt. Gaie- 
 ty or joyfulncss in half drunken- 
 ness, iowendamffwin. 
 Half full; it is half full, (a bag,) 
 ^Halibut, (fish,) mdnameg. 
 Halloo ! haw ! taga ! ho4\ 
 HarTi. kokonhiwibwam. Smoked ham, 
 kokoshiwibwam g.ikanamodeg. 
 Hamlet, odenaivens. 
 Hammer, pakiieigun. 
 Hammer: 1 hammer iron flat, ind 
 oniidaan hiwabik. 
 Hammered ; the iron is hammered, 
 onadalgade biwabik. 
 Hand, onindjimu. The whole hand, 
 miaiwenindjan. The right hand, 
 kitchinindj, okitchinindiima. The 
 I eft h a nd , namandjininJj , onamand- 
 jinimljima. The other hand, n'l- 
 banenindj, ajawiaindj. My, thy, 
 his hand, nininrlj, kinindj, onindj. 
 — I have hands, nind (/nindji. 1 
 have abominable hands, nin ga- 
 gwdnissat/inindii. I have clean 
 nands, nin himnindji. i have con- 
 vulsions in my hand or hands, nin 
 tchitchibinindjiahka. 1 have a dead 
 hand, nin nihomnmdji. I have 
 dirty hands, ninwitdnimlji. I have 
 hairy hands, nin mishinindji. I 
 have lar,q:e hands, (or fingers,) nin 
 mamanytnindji. 1 have a long 
 hand, nin.<ji„(mindji. 1 have lone 
 hands, nin gaaanoniiidii. 1 have 
 only one hand, nin nahaniiiindji. 
 1 have paui in my hand or hancis, 
 nm dewinindji. I have a scar on 
 r-iy hand, nind odmhini7idji. I 
 have a short hand, kin tahmindji. 
 I have a small hand, /liW awsM- 
 nin'jji. I have small hands, nin 
 babiutmndii. I have spasms or 
 cramps in my hand, mud otchi- 
 mndjiptniff. I have strong hands, 
 mn masU-awi/7.indji.—M.y hands 
 are benumbed with cold, nin tak- 
 tmlnnindjiwadj. My hands are 
 bloody, nin mishwiwlnindji. My 
 hands are bound, mVt mamandji- 
 oomndjihis. I bind or fetter his 
 hands, nin mamandjigoniitdiibina, 
 mn mamandjiiiwdpiniruUibma. 
 My hands are cold, nin iahmndji. 
 My hands are cracked, nin gipin- 
 tndji, nin oagipinindii. My hand 
 (or finger,) is cut off. nin kiehki- 
 nindji. I cut of!' his hand, (or fin- 
 ger,) 7iin. Icishkinindjijwa. I cut 
 off my hand, (or finger, ) 7iin Ush- 
 kiniiidjiidis. Mv hand (or finger) 
 IS dislocated, nin gidiskahmind- 
 nnhin, nin bimiskunindjuhin. I 
 dislocate my hand by falling, nin 
 hotui'mindjishin. My hand is dis- 
 located by falling, wtVi h.i'qon.ind- 
 nta. I dislocate or sprain llis hand 
 by puUin?, nin pakihinindjihina. 
 My hand is frozen, nin masJikawad- 
 jinitidjiivaJJ. My hand is pierced, 
 nin jibanindjijigas. My hand 
 shakes, vdi nininqinindji. My 
 hand is »tiff, nin tchibatakonindji. 
 My hand is swollen, nin ba<jinind- 
 P: ,My hands are tender, nin nd- 
 kinindji. My hands are warm, nin 
 kijonindji. My hand is wounded, 
 nin mdkirdiidji. — I bruise my 
 )\-d.M,mntatayonindjiodis. I bruise 
 Biy hand by striking, jtin jaihago- 
 mndjigatiaTidit. My hand is bruiu- 
 ed by s th that fell on it, ninjatk- 
 agmindjuhhot. I close my band 
 ran patagwahmindjiu. I hurt my 
 hand (or finger,) nin lithkinind- 
 jti^/itn. I^ioin both hands together 
 mnnijmmdjin. J keep niv hands 
 under the arms, nin kathkaodjinih- 
 «*. Uay my hand or hands on 
 lum, nind ijinindjitawa. I open 
 my hand, m"« paggaginindjin. I 
 open his hand, wz/i pamgrnindji-' 
 na. I open my hand flat, nin Umi. 
 nmdjtn. I press his hand, mn ma- 
 gomndjtna, I put mv hand (or 
 finger) in, nin vindjimndjissin. I 
 reach my hand out towards him 
 (I shake hands with him,)nm ta- 
 gtmndjina. 1 ruhhis hand with 
 medicine, nin sinigonindiibina. 1 
 stretch out my hand, (or linger,) 
 ntnjibtmndjin. I stretch my hand 
 JJat towards him or over him, kin 
 tesszmndjitawa. I thrust s. th. in 
 tny hand, nin patukinindjiodis. I 
 thrust 8. th. in his hand, ninpatah 
 tmndjiwa. It sticks (it is thrust) 
 in my hand, nin patakini djisktn 
 I wash my hands, ninkisiliginind- 
 ji. 1 wipe my hands, nin kidnfndji. 
 Hand-barrow, oniganatig, teseakmi- 
 (mn, nimakonigan. 1 carry on a 
 hand-tarrow, (or pole,) nin nim^- 
 komge. _ i carry him (her, it) on a 
 h. b., mn nimdkona ; nin nimdko- 
 Handful; a handful, ningotolani- 
 nmdj. Twice, three times, four 
 tunes, a handful, nijobaninindj. 
 mmibanemndj, 7iiulan6niiidj. So 
 many times a handful, daseol""-. 
 vindj. —•tioih hands ful, ningotobo- 
 ■ f "•«/'■ Twice, three times, both 
 hands lull, nijobonikan, r.isnohmi- 
 kan. So many times both hands 
 lull, dumob&nikan. 
 Handkerchief, moskwe. 
 Handle, haft, nabakossidjigan. I put 
 a handle, haft or crank to it, nin 
 ncMhmidijn, .dnd mdkossidon. 
 Handle to an axe or hoe, osidahwa- 
 tig. nabdkvmujigan. 
 Handle to a kettle, pot, etc., saga- 
 Handle to a spear, anitiiak, anitiia- 
 Hand-saw, Idshkibodjigan, taehkibod- 
 Handsome, gwanatch. I am (It is) 
 handsome, nin gwandtcAiw, nind 
 oidjish) : gwandtMwan, onijishin. 
 Hang ; I hang, or I am up somewhe- 
 re, nind agodjin. It hangs, or it is 
 up somewhere, agode. It does not 
 hang well, wewebagode. I hang him 
 (her, it) up, or prt him (her, it) 
 up somewhere, nind agona ; nind 
 agddon. I hang it or put it up for 
 him, nind ugonamawa. I hang hini 
 8. th. around the neck, ninndbi- 
 Icona. I hang s. th. on my neck be- 
 longing to him, nin ndbikamawa.- 
 1 hang up a net, nind agonassah.- 
 I hangs spread out, gibagode. It 
 hangs 80..., inagode. 
 Hang, (execute,-) I hang persons, 
 nind agojiwe. nin gihiniwebijiwe. 
 I hang mm, nind agona, nin gihi- 
 new'Mna. I hang myself, nind ago- 
 nidis, nin gihiniwebinidis. 
 Hanging up persons, agojiwewin, 
 agonidiivin, gibiniweii^iwewin. 
 Hangman, agojiweivinim, agonidiwi 
 nini, gibini^oebyiwewijiini, ^ebine- 
 Hang up i I hang s. th. up to let the 
 water drop out, (in., an.) ninsiko- 
 biginan\ nin sikobigina. 
 Hank. S. Skein. 
 Happen ; it happens, joag'amiaiaTOa- 
 gad. It happens to me, nin paga- 
 Happiness , jawendagosnoin, dibisi- 
 win, minwendamowin. 
 Happy, ningotawassidog. 
 Happy; I amh., ninjawendagoa, nin 
 dibis. nin minwenaam. 1 make him 
 h., mnjawendagosia, nin dihia. I 
 make it \\.,nindibiton. 
 Happy, (in s. in.) S. Joyful. Glad. 
 Harangue, animitagosiwin. 1 make 
 a harangue, nind unimitagot. — S. 
 Harangiler. netd-gigitod, netd-animi- 
 tiarangue to obtain charity, kitima- 
 '' ganimitagosiwin. 1 make a haran- 
 gue in order to obtain charity, nin 
 kilimaganimitagos . 
 Harbor, agf/mowin. I am in a harbor, 
 nind agom. We are in a harbor 
 with a vessel, nind agomomin. 
 Hard, it is hard, mashkawissin. It is 
 hard and dry from heat, mashka- 
 wahadode. It is hard or strong, 
 (wood,) mashkawakwad. 
 Hard, (in s. in.) S. Strong. 
 7/ard, painful ; it is hard, kotagen- 
 dagwud.-S. Difficult, 
 i^rden ; I harden or temper it, nin 
 ^rdened sinner, aianwenindisosfig. 
 7/ardly, agawa. 
 //ardy; I um \\&xAy,ninjibinawis, 
 Ilnre, missabos. 
 i/arlot, pagdndiikwe, gagibndjihwe. 
 /farmony. S. Peace. 
 TTarness, onapistrwin. 
 TTarness ; I harness him, nind ona- 
 ^irnessed ; I am harnessed, nind 
 //arp, madwewetchigan. 
 TSirpoon. patakibidjigan. 
 ^rpoon; I harpoon, nin patakibidji- 
 ge. I harpoon him, (her, it,) nin 
 putakihina ; nin patakibidon. 
 /Arrow, bissakamigibodjigan, hindk- 
 wan, kitchi bindkwan, binctkwaiga7i, 
 Harrow ; 1 harrow, nin biseakamigi- 
 bodjigc, nin binnkwnige, 
 ^rdsliip, kolagitdwin, kotagiwin, 
 I endure hardship, nin kotagito, 
 nin kotagiw. 
 //art's horn, omashkosu'enhkan. 
 //arvpst. harvesting, mumnwin, kiah- 
 kashkijigewiu, pashknshkijigewin. 
 /Tarvest ; I harvest, nin mama, nin 
 kishkashkijige, nin pashka/ihkijige. 
 /harvesting woman, kishkashkijige- 
 wikwe, pushkashkijigewikwe. 
 /iaste, weu'ibisiwin, wetvibitawin, we- 
B.~tr!..'ir^iy^t.--.^.rry^-.^fff^^ ^ l(''rj^ l ^ 
 wibendamofwin , daddtabiwin. — I 
 make haste, nin wewihia. I make 
 h. working, nin wewibita. I makf 
 h. to relMmhome, nin wewibendam. 
 I make haste, (in working, eating, 
 speaking, etc.) nindadntabi, nin 
 paji'jwadis. I intend to make 
 haste, nin pajigwadendam.-l make 
 haste in carrymg s. th., nin wewi- 
 Unige. 1 make haste going some- 
 where, nm wewibishku.-lt, makes 
 haste, daddtaMmagad. 
 fasten. S. I make haste. 
 .^at_, wiwahwan. 1 put my hat on, nin 
 hidjiwakwane. I take off' m/ hat, 
 nin gitchiwakwane. 
 Bhtch ; she hatches, (hen, bird,) »a- 
 Miched ; the young chicken or bird 
 is hatched out, pashkaweopanudjd. 
 -flatchet, wagdkwadons. 
 //ate ; 1 hate, ninjingendjige. 1 hate 
 habitually, ni/i jingendiigeshk. I 
 hate him, (her, it,) nin jingenima; 
 ninjingenddn. I hate some object 
 relating to him, ( an., in. ) ninjinge- 
 n\mima;nin,jingendumawa. I hate 
 myself, nin jingenindis. We hate 
 each other, nin jingenindimin. — 
 I hate to hear, nin jingitam, nin 
 mdnitam. I hate to hear him, (her, 
 it,) ninjingitawa, nin mdnitawa\ 
 ninjingitan, nin mdnitan. 
 Hate, (in s. in.) S. Abhor. 
 Hated ; it is hated, {in., an.)Jingen- 
 djigade\ jingendjigaso. My speak- 
 ing is hated, ninjingitagns. Its 
 sound is hated, Jingitagwad. 
 Hateful; I am (it is) hateful, consid- 
 ered hateful, nitijingendagos ; jin- 
 gendagwad. The state of being 
 hateful, \iditeln\nesa,jingendagosi- 
 Hateful, (in s. in.) S. horrible. 
 lhtxedi,jzngendamowin, Jingendjige- 
 viin. ^bitual hatred, jingendji- 
 geshkiwin. Mutual hatred, jinge- 
 TiTaughtiness. /Taughty. — S. Pride. 
 ^aul ; I haul on the beach a canoe 
 or boat, nind agwassidon tchiman. 
 /Taul, (ins. in.)S. Draw. 
 -flavannah sugar, sibwagani-mibak- 
 //ave ; I have him, f her,' it,) nind 
 aidwa; nind aidn. i have him with 
 me, nin tvidjaiawa. , 
 Haven. S. ^rbor. 
 y/awk^ gibwdnasi. 
 H^Y, tryis/t'kossiwan, mijaahkon. I 
 maka hay, nin mashkossike, nin 
 ma nashko!<siwe^ 
 ^ay-fork, patakasJikaigan. 
 /Tay-loft, hay-shed, maehkossiwiga- 
 /Tay-making, mashkossikeivm. 
 Ifazelnut, pagan, pagdtiens. The ha- 
 zelnut begins to ripen, puganens 
 /Tazelnut-shrub or ^azel, pagam'mij, 
 Be, win. — ^e-. fn he-bear, he-cat, 
 etc., S.Male. ^. ' 
 Zfead, oshtigwanima'. My, thy, his 
 head, nishtigwan, kishtigioan, oth- 
 tigwan.- i have such a head, nind. 
 indibe. I have a fiat head, nin na- 
 bagindibe. I have a large head, 
 nin mangishtigwane, nin mangin- 
 dibe. I have a scar on my head, 
 nind odjishindibe. I have a small 
 head, nind aaasdndibe. — My head 
 only is out of s. th., nin aagihwen. 
 My head is out of the water, nin, 
 sagikwegom. My head is swollen, 
 nin bagindibe. My head is wrap- 
 ped up in s, th., or, I wrap my head 
 up in s. th., or cover it, nin mwak- 
 wenindibis, nin wiwindibebis. I 
 wrap up his head, or cover it with 
 s. th., nin wiwakwewa. I crush 
 his head, nin jaehagondibewa. I 
 hold up straight my head, nin 
 gaiakoktcen. I incline my head 
 backwards, nind ajugidikwen. I 
 incline my head forwards, nin na- 
 ■wagikmn. I incline my head on 
 one side, nind anibikwen. I keep 
 my head stiff, nin mathkamhwen. 
 I make a certain motion with my 
 head, nind inikwen. I make my 
 head perspire, nin sa^sdbikwe. I 
 make his head perspire, nin aastd- 
 hihma. 1 move my head, nin ma- 
 mddilcuen. I stretch my head 
 through a window to see s. th., 
 nin ta^ihven. I tear his head oti', 
 nin Hs/iHijWfhina. I tie up my 
 head, nin slnsohvehig. I tie up his 
 head, nin sl»Sf.hvehtna. I tie s. th. 
 around my head, nin htssikwehis. 
 I tie or put s. th. around his head, 
 ninhamhvchina. Any tWuR tied 
 .iround the head, hisiihcthiiton. 
 I turn my head round, nin givelcil:- 
 wen. I was: my head to signify, no! 
 nin icewehiJi'Weti. I wag my ^e; '. 
 to\\\m,7i.inwewihikwetatra. 1 vash 
 my head, vin l-idhifjnuhhe. I wash 
 his head, nin Icinlmjindihena. 
 Head-ache, dewikwewin. ! have 
 head-ache, 7iin dewiluve, niiid ako- 
 iii?i nit:htigwan. I have head-acho 
 from too ihuch heat, nin dewihwe- 
 Headstrong; I am h., nin maahka- 
 Head-wind; there is head-wind, con- 
 trary wind, ondjinhkawnanifjwnd. 
 I have head-wind, nind ondjislika- 
 Heal; my wound heals, nin gige. I 
 heal his wound or wounds, nin 
 Heal. Healing, (in ?. in.) S. Cure, 
 Health, ganand awisiwin, mino ain- 
 tvin, mino himaditiiwin. 1 am in 
 good health, tdn gaiidndairin, nin 
 mino aid, nin m,ino biniadin. — 
 Poor health, nitn-akoniwin. 1 have 
 a poor health, n'm nitdnkos. 
 Heap, (pile;) the whole heap, cnign- 
 hwissing. I put them in aheap, 
 (in., an.) nind okiviasitiman; nind 
 ohvishimag. They are together in 
 a heap, {in., an.) ok/rifdntm; 
 oJcwishinog. There is a hi?h heap, 
 (■*'«., an.) ishpidsiii; ishpishin. 
 There are heaps of driven snow, 
 Hear; I don't like to hear. S. I hate 
 to hear. 
 Hear; I hear, ninnondam, nin non- 
 doge, nin nondamass. I hear him, 
 (her, \i) nin nondawa; nin nonddv . 
 Hicar myself, 7iin nondua. nin non- 
 dudhi. i hear for myself, nin n<n- 
 dunian. — I hear him wit'i nnger, 
 nin n i bid' u dibit air a. We near each 
 other with anger, mii7iuhkadisi- 
 tddimin. \ hear him speak angry. 
 nin nLshkddlaua. I cannot hear, 
 nin nunitwrn. 1 cannot hear him, 
 nin navitawa. I hear him coming 
 hither speaking, vin hitlaiiKtawa. 
 I hear him (her. it) here, vin dihi- 
 fairn; vin dihitan. I go round to 
 hear what is said, nin. nandndo- 
 shliifl, nin buha-nundndi thlite. 1 
 am in a l)aii habit of going round 
 lo hear what is said, nin ntmundo- 
 skt^itislik. I endeavor to hear what 
 is snid, nin nandotaije. I endeavor 
 to hear what he say's, nin mindo- 
 tnirti. 1 stand still in ditlerent 
 places to hear what they .'^ay, 7iin 
 nnndndonhlitegcbaw. 1 let him 
 lieiir or make him hear, vin m.n- 
 damnna. I hear him wilh the im- 
 pression that ho is tolling a lie or 
 \\e^. nin gin<arii./iki/inca. 1 hear it 
 with the impression that it is a 
 lie, nin ginuwiM'ttan. I hear him 
 (her, it) out of some place, nind 
 ondtawa'. nind (,nt>itiin . 1 hear him 
 with |)ity. nin liiimagildwa. I 
 hear lum plainly, vin iKujakitawa. 
 1 hear him (her, it) rigfit or cor- 
 rectly, nin (jwaiahftawu; nin gwai- 
 ah tun. I hear what is said, nind 
 ■initam. I hear people say so..., 
 nind initage. I hear him say so..., 
 nind initdwa. 1 hear him in a 
 stealthy inatmor, nin gimitatva: 
 nin qiiaodtawa. \ hear him speak 
 stujddly, nin hij adtawa. I hear 
 him tell wounderful things, 1 hear 
 him with astonishment, vin ma- 
 Hear, (in s. in.) S. Listen to... 
 Heard; J am (it is) heard, nin non- 
 dagos, nin novdadjigas, nin non- 
 djigas; vondagwad, novdadjiqade, 
 nmidjigade. It is heard, it is re- 
 ported, novdiigwani'wan. Any thing 
 heard, nondwmuwin. — 1 can (it 
 can) be heard, nin dihitagos; diM- 
 tagwad. Its sound is beard at such 
 a place, dihwetvessin. i make my- 
 self heard from a certain distance, 
 nin dihwewMam. I am heard com- 
 ing on, nin hi^iineweihin. I am 
 heard coming hillior running, nin 
 hidwewehatn. I am heard coming 
 hither speaking, nin hidwiwetagos. 
 I am heard passing by, nin him- 
 weiveshin. I am heard making 
 noise in passing by, nin himwcwe. 
 I am heard talking in passing by, 
 nin himweu'idam. 1 am (it is) 
 heard from some place, nin ma- 
 dwiwe^kin; /nddwdwesnin. I am 
 heard making noise in some place, 
 nin madweta. I am heard in a cer- 
 tain place, nindanwiwe. I am (it 
 is) heard out of a certain place, 
 nind (msitagos; ondtagwad . I am 
 (it is) heard falling, nin mndwe- 
 shin; madwessin. I am (it is) heard 
 falling to the ground, ninnindwi- 
 kamigishin\ mndwilcumigisdu. I 
 am (it is) heard falling on the 
 floor, nin madwessaginhin; ma- 
 dwissngissin. I am heard with 
 pity, with compassion, nin Tciti- 
 magit.agns. I am heard with plea- 
 sure, nin minotagog. I am heard 
 with displeasure, nin jingitngns. 
 I am heard right or correctly, nin 
 ^waiahotiigos. I am heard so... 
 nind initagos, t am heard telling 
 wounderfn'l thinpfs, nin mamalca- 
 sitagos. The rapids of a river are 
 heard, bidweioedjiwan. 
 Hearing, nondumnwin. Any thing I 
 hV-ar, nin nondamoirin. My hear- 
 ings, nin nondaniowinan. 
 Hearken; I hearken, tiinnandotage, 
 nin piaindain, nin jnsindage^ nin 
 nandama&itam. I hearken in order 
 to hear what he shall say, nin 
 nandutawn, nin nandui a&itaiva. 
 Heart, odeima. My, thy, his heart, 
 ninde, hide, ode. In the heart, 
 andmide. I have a heart, nind 
 tide. I liave auch a heart, or, mv 
 heart is so..., nind de6, or, nind iji 
 da. I have a clean heart, nin M- 
 nidee. I havg an unclean heart, 
 nin winidee. 1 have a large h., 
 nin mangidee. I have a small h., 
 nind agdssiilee. I n|^ke hts heart 
 so..., nin deea, or, mnd ijidiia. I 
 make his h. large, nin mavf^ideea. 
 I make the heart strong, 7itn aon- 
 gideexhlcage, nin songideeshlcawe. I 
 make t^^ h. strong, nin songideea; 
 nin songideeshkawa. I make his h. 
 hard, or strong, nin maMawideea, 
 nin mashkawideeshlcawa. I have a 
 strong heart, nin songidee. I have 
 a strong heart, or, I have a hard 
 and stubborn h., nin mashkawidee. 
 Strength or fortitude of heart son- 
 gideewin. Giving strength of heart, 
 songideeshkagewin. 1 have the 
 same heart" with him, nin widji- 
 diema. I have spasms or cramps 
 at the heart, nind otchidcepini^. 1 
 feel pain in my hesirt, nindewtdee. 
 I have a good heaft, nin minodie. 
 I have a wicked h., ninmatchidif. 
 — My h. is affected in a certain 
 manner, nin deeshka. My h. is 
 afflicted, is sorrowful, niri wugsit^- 
 widee. Affliction of heart, wassi- 
 tawideeivin. My h. is angry, nin 
 niMidee. Anger in the heart, ni- 
 shkideewin. My h beats much, 
 nin wihvingodee. My h. beats viol- 
 ently, nin se^negidee. Violent beat- 
 ing of the heart, sefsigideewin. 
 My h. is cool, nin takidee. I cool 
 my h., nin tukideeiahaioanidis, I 
 cool his h., vin takideeiaiuwana. 
 My h. is in pence, nin manakiwi' 
 dee- Peace of heart, tvanakitvidee- 
 win. My heart is so large..., nind 
 inigokodee. From all my heart, 
 enigokodkeiiln. Mv h. is tired of 
 sorrow and grief, nind ishkidcf. 
 My h. is troubled, alarmed, mn 
 migoehkadjidee. ^ Trouble of h^art, 
 migoshkadjideeivin. My h. is weak, 
 fickle, nin nokidee. Fickleness of 
 mind, nokMeeviin.-:- I come in his 
 heart, nin p'indjtdeeshkawa. It 
 comes in my heSirt^ nin pindjidee- 
 Heat; there is heat, Jnjate, kijide. 
 The heat comes in, pindigiiate. 
 Heathen, enamiassig. 
 Heaven, gijig; wakwi. In heaveni 
 from Or to .heaven, crwoono'; wa- 
 rning. * 
 Heavy, (difficult;) li is heavy tome, 
 it comes heavy upon me, 7imd 
 Heavy, (ponderous; I ana, (it is) 
 heavy, nin Icostgwan; hoaigwan. 1 
 rnake him, (her, it) heavy, nin ho- 
 sigivania; nin Jcosigwaniton. I find 
 him (her, it) heavy, nin kosigwa- 
 nenima'^ nin kosigioanendan. 
 Heavy object; to keep s. th. down, 
 mindjimishkodjigan. I put a heavy 
 object on s. th. to keep it down, 
 nin mindjimishkodjige. I put a 
 heavy object on him, (her, it.) nm 
 mindiimishkona; nin mind/jimi- 
 Hectic; I am hectic, nin Jigwdkados, 
 nin miniwapine, nin takivumig. 
 Hedge, mitchikan. 
 Heel, ondondanama. My, thy, his 
 heel, nindoTidan, kidmidan, odan- 
 dan. I sit on my heels, ninpitig- 
 Heifer, gibandkosA. 
 Height; it is of a certain hight, 
 apitamagad. The hight of s. th., 
 or, as it is high, eakpdg, epitissing. 
 Heighten. S. High. 
 Helas! tiwe! ataid. — NiH! 
 Hell, annmakamig. 
 Helm, oddkan. 
 Helmet, agoshtigwaneon. 
 He'p, widokagewin. Mutual help, 
 widokodadiwin . 
 Ht'Ip; I help, nin vndokage, nin wi- 
 dokas. I help him, nin widokawa, 
 widokamawa. We help each other, 
 nin widokodadimin, nin widoka- 
 madimin. I help or assist his 
 mind, (his thoughts,) nin widoka- 
 Helper, wadokaged, Ivadokasod. 
 Hem; I hem, nin titihimvass. I hem 
 it, (i;i., an.) nin titihgwadan; nin 
 Hemlock-forest, kagag iwanjiki. 
 Hemlock-tea, kaaugiwanjiioaho. 
 Hemmed; it is hemmed, {in., cm.) 
 titibigwade; titibigwaso. 
 Hen, pakaakwe, ikwe-pakaakwe. 
 Hen-house, hen-rooal, pukaakwewui- 
 Hen's e,g^, pakaakicewawan, pakauk- 
 Hermit, nejiki-bimadisid pagwdda- 
 Herb, mashkossiw. Amongst herbs, 
 megweahlccasiw. The herb is bent! 
 beaten or trodden down, sawesh- 
 kissin mashkossiw. The herb is 
 wet, nibiwashka. The herb is 
 whitish, wabashkad mashkossiw.— 
 Aromatic herb, wingashk. Herb on 
 the bottom of rivers, unsisiw. 
 Herb, (in s. in.) S. Grass. 
 Herb of Venus, agoshkowewashk. 
 Herdsman, genawenimad pijikiwan. 
 Here, (/md, mungiji, ajonda. 
 Here! here it isl ow! 
 Hero, minissino , minissinomnini, 
 ogitchida. I am a kero, jiin minis- 
 sinowadis, nin minissinnw, nin 
 minissinowinitiiw, nind ogitchidaw. 
 Herpes, onamaninesiwin. 1 have the 
 herpes, nind onamunines. 
 Herring, okiwiss. 
 Herring-net, okewissab. 
 Hey! hear! ish\isht\ hishP. 
 Hiccough or hickup, wiwawemn. I 
 have the hiccough, I hiccough, 
 nind onwawe. 
 Hide, awissiwaian. 
 Hide; 1 hide him, (her, it,) m;iH;j«; 
 mn kadon. 1 hide to him s, th., 
 nin kadawa. I hide myself, 7iin kas, 
 nin kakis, nin kasoidis. I hide my- 
 self before him, 7iin kasotawa. 
 Hidden; I am \M(!ien,ninkas. It is 
 hidden, kadjigade, gimodad. It is 
 hidden to me, nin hasotagm. 
 Hidden thing, mystery, kaiadjiga- 
 deg,gim/)disiwin. It is a mystery, 
 kadjigade — In a hidden or stealthy 
 manner, gimodj. 
 High, (dear, costly;) it is high, {in. 
 un.) sanagad, sanagagijide; sana- 
 gisi, sanagaginso. 
 High, on high, ishpiminff. It is high, 
 iehpamaqad. It is high: A book, 
 iehpansilca] a canoe, ishponagad; a 
 forest, iskpakweiamagad; a hill or 
 mountain, ishpadina; a mat, ish- 
 pushkad; metal, in,, iahpabika ; 
 metal, UM., ishpabikui; a rock, mA- 
 Higher than large; it is h. than 1., 
 High esteem, ishpendagosiwin. 
 Highly esteemed; I am h. est., niiid 
 ishpendttgos. I cause him to be h. 
 est., nind ishpendagosia. 
 Hill; there is a very steep hill, kish- 
 kadina. On a hill, or on the hill, 
 ogiddki. I ascend a hill, nind oqi- 
 dakiwe. 1 run up on a \\[\\,nmd 
 ogidakiwebato. I descend a hill, 
 nin nusakiwe. I descend a hill 
 running, nin nissakiwcbato. 
 Hill; I hill. S. Hoe. 
 Hilly; it is hilly, pikwndina, papik- 
 wouma, papikwakamigu. 
 Hind, noje^. 
 Hinder; I hinder him, nin nngaa, 
 nin nagiina. I hinder myself, nin 
 nagaidis, nin naganidis, I hinder 
 or stop fighters, mn nandginiwe. I 
 hinder him, nin nandgina. I hinder 
 him to do s. th., or to go some- 
 where, nind ondjia, I hinder some- 
 body, nind ondjiiwe. 
 Hinder, (in s. in.) S. Forbid. 
 Hindered; I am hin. by r^in, nin 
 ginaham. I am h. by the wind to 
 sail, nin nagdiash. I am h. by a 
 river in my voyage, nind adaga- 
 magishin siii—The water is hin- 
 dered, nagddjiwan. 
 Hinder to sleep; I hinder people to 
 sleep, nind opawe. I h. him to si., 
 nind opdma. 
 Hip. onoganama. My, thy, his hip, 
 ninogan, kinogan, onogan. The 
 bone of my, thy, his hip, ntntchi^ih- 
 ihodagan, kitchiehihodagan, otchish- 
 ibodagan. My hip is dislocated, 
 nin gidiskakonoganeahka. 
 Hire; I hire people, w»W unonige. I 
 hire him, nind anona. 
 Hired; I am hired, nind anonigo. 
 Hired person, hireling, andnugun, 
 anotngan, anonum, anokitagan, 
 j Hisser, (a kmd of serpent,) newe. 
 Hit; I hit him (her. It) throwing, 
 nin mikwkwa; pin miktvaan. 
 Hit accidentally; I hit him (her, it) 
 accidentally, nin pisikawa; nin 
 Hither, ofhd, r/md nakukeiu. 
 Hoarfrost; there is hoarfrost : On 
 the grass, nigigwashkadin; on the 
 ground, nigigwukamigadin, wabi- 
 kadin, wabikamigadin; on the ice, 
 migwandngewad'in; on the trees, 
 nigigwanakad, nigigwanakadin. 
 Hoarse; 1 am hoarse, nin gibiskwe. 
 Hoarseness, gibiskwewin. 
 Hoe, bimidjiwagakwad, pigongwei- 
 gan. — S. Plough. 
 Hoe; 1 hoe or hill, nin ning^vatch- 
 aige. 1 hill it, {in..^ an.) nin ning- 
 watchaan', nin ningwatchdwa. 
 Hog, kokosh. 
 Hogslard, kokoshi-bimide, nengagbi- 
 Hogsmeat, hokoahiwi-wiiaas. 
 Hog's snout, kokoahiwiahkinj , 
 Hoist the sail; I hoist the sail, nind 
 Hoist up. S. Lift up. 
 Hold; in the hold of the vessel, pwt- 
 donag nabihivaning. 
 Hold; 1 hold him, (her, ii^)nin mind- 
 jimina, nin takona; nin mindjimi- 
 nan, nin takonan, I hold myself, 
 (refrain,) nin mindjiminidis. I 
 hold him (her, it) well, nind ain- 
 dina; nind aindinan. I hold him 
 (her, it) strongly, nin mashkam- 
 mindjimina ; nin mashkavjimind- 
 jiminan. 1 take hold of him, (her, 
 it,) nin mashkawina; nin mashka- 
 winan. I hold a child, nin takond- 
 wass. — 1 hold him (her, it) up, 
 nind aahidakwawa ; nind asbida- 
 kwaan- 1 hold him under ine, nin 
 nindjimiahknwu. It holds ine un- 
 der, nin mindjimishkagon. It holds, 
 mindjimisain , mindjimoasin. — I 
 hold the rudder, 1 steer, nind 
 Hold, (in B. in.) 8. S^ize. 
 Holil, (conlaiii;) it holds, d-ehashkine\ 
 debilil. I cannot hold dW, iDhkioush- 
 kinenitiijud; iehkwahimujaJ. 
 Hold on! 'heka\ 
 Hole; there is a h<ffp,pagiwan£iama- 
 ffadtjibainaffod,. There is a hole in 
 a t'bck, paijwa,nHithilca. I make a 
 hole or holes, nln, i>nij'vM.eiije, nin 
 pajjitMtncguiije, nin panihigaiyt, 
 nin patjwiinihitchigc, nin t'caxje. 1 
 make a hole in it or tlironqh it, 
 (in., nil.) nin nnifwanean, nin pa- 
 nihitjiiitn, nin tmdan; nin /luifwanc- 
 wa, ni-i /laniliiijkwa, nin tivkwa, I 
 burn a hole in it, {in., an.) nin 
 pagwaneiahism; nin piyjwaneia- 
 kis'Vd. There is a holo burnt in it, 
 (in., an.) pagwaniiaHde\ pagwaa- 
 eiakiso. I wear a hole in it, {in , 
 an.) nin pagiraneK''Ulon, iiin pag- 
 wnneishkan; nin ' pag'vanetihkawa. 
 There is a hole worn in it, ithas 
 a hole, pag'DnndK.siii, pagwanes/ika. 
 Hole in the ground, wanikan. I dij? 
 a hole, nin icanike. There is a 
 hole dug in the ground, wauikade 
 Hole of a beaver, ainikwaj. 
 Hole ot any animal, (its abode or 
 den,") waj. 
 Hole of a serpent, ginehigivaj. 
 Holocaust, ti'hagisige-paijiiUnidjewin. 
 Holv, kitcliitwa. I am \it is! holy. 
 nin kifihit'oawtwlujof, kitckitwa- 
 wt'iidagivid. I make him (her, it) 
 holy, nin kitchitwawia\ nin ki- 
 Holydav, kilchilii'iffijigad. 
 Holy Ghost, Wen>ji«hiil- Afanito. 
 Holy water, anundewaho. 
 Home; I am at home, nind ab. I 
 go home, nin gime. My, thy, his 
 hone, endaiiln. tndnian. endad. 
 Homesick; 1 am h.nin knuhkendam. 
 Homssickness. kashkend atnowin. 
 Hone, jigwainJiik. 
 Honesty," honest life, gwaiako-hima- 
 disiwin. 1 lead an honest and 
 just life; nin gwaiako-bimaditi, 
 jaiaw nin hi/nadis. 
 Honey, aino-ninihakwnt. 
 Honey-bird, nonokasse. 
 Honor, hitehitwawi«i>oin, kiichUwa 
 wendagr'niwin, min adenindiwin. 
 Honor; I hoiur, mn mmadendam, 
 etc. I honor him,(hor.it, )«i/j mtna- 
 di'ninia. nin kitchitwawenima, nin 
 hinhigcniina. nin manadji(i,nin ma- 
 nndjieniniii'nin qwanwadjia; nin 
 miiia l> ndiin, nin kifchitaKiwen'tan. 
 nin hink gendun, nin munadjitiyn, 
 nin iniiiii<ljiendiiii, niit gwunwad- 
 jitan. i honor myself, hln hitchit- 
 wa'venin lis, nin miiiddeniniliti, nin 
 miniideuini. We honor each other. 
 nin iniii.aileniiidimin, nin kitchit- 
 Honor. Honored, (in s." in.) S. 
 High esteem. Highly esteemed. 
 Honorable, kitcliitma. I am (it is) 
 honorable, nin kitchitwawendagoa; 
 Honored; I am (it is) honored, nin 
 kitchitwiiwifi. nin kitchitwawen- 
 dmjoa ; kitchitwdwem voad. I 
 cause him to be honored, nin 
 kit hitivawisia, nin kitohitwawen- 
 dngob'i a. 
 Houd, wiwakivan. 
 Hood man's blind. gagihingweJdsowin, 
 nandodjiindiii.in. We play hood- 
 man's blind, nin gagihingwebiso- 
 min, nin nandodjindi/nin. 
 Hoof; its hoof, onhkanjin. — Bebeji- 
 gaganji, horse, that is, one-hooted 
 animal. — S. Claw. 
 Hook; a small hook, adjibidjigan. 
 iron hook for catching sturgeon, 
 tidjigwudjigun, adjigwudjiganabik, 
 Hook; I hooK up. nind ad jigwadiige, 
 iiin piitakibiiijige. I hook him, 
 (her, it,) nind mljigwana, nin pa- 
 takibina ; nivd ad.jigwailan, nin 
 putakibidnn. I hook it, nind add- 
 hikaan, nind addbikitiMi'ii . It 
 hooks, it catches, addhikimn. 
 Hoop, barrel-hoop, etc.. inkobidjigan, 
 Hooping-cough, kitchi ossossodamo- 
 Hope; I hope in him, nin pagosseni- 
 ma. nind apinimonan. — S. Ask 
 with hope. 
 Horizontally; f put it horizontally, 
 niii gwaiukomdun, 
 Horn, iM'nn, iskanujnn. It. has 
 horns, iHlenhkani. It" has only ono 
 horn, nifiijoleshhuni. It has two 
 horns, niJDdfinhkanl. It has crook- 
 ed horiH*, iLiiiijlwlne. 
 Horn, hndadjujan, ma'lwewcic/iiijan. 
 Homo 1 owl, weive)uljiija)i(>. 
 Horrible; ] hin (it is/ horrible, wm 
 (/atjitdii/.ssai/iii, nhb iju<jw('uiii:8iiji>ii- 
 dtujiin, niii. tjotamiijiit), it in yotamlij- 
 ivviuliUjiis; [/a</W(iiii{>{i(i(/u<l, i/dijwd- 
 niiiS(i(/e/ida(/W(id, yotdiaijwad., ijo- 
 ta)ni(jwfn,dii.ijn)iul. — It is Jiorrible, 
 (paiiltiil.) anlmad. 
 WoxrihU, ydgivaii iKg(i(/(ikami(/, gagwd- 
 nissaijend agwaka miij . 
 /forror, kil: /u seyitiwl/i, gagwdnissa- 
 //i)rso, hehiJii/ogan.JL 
 M)rsehack; I am on horsohack, ni/i 
 tessah, hebejignaaiiji nin himninig. 
 //orsfi-conil), cnrry^conib. heheikjug- 
 a nji~hi u dk mn n , behaj i gogu m i -hi/iak- 
 loelgaii, hvh('jlg<Hjajtji-iiatiiJ:wCigan. 
 //orse-dnng. hehejigaganjiwinio. 
 //)rse-fiy, minlsdk. 
 //)rse-hair, (tl mane of a horse,) 
 1 lorse-harness, hehejigogaaji-anuplno 
 //irseman , hebammnigod behcjlgogan- 
 // irse-shoe, ofdpkanjikadjliran. 
 i forse-stable, behcjtgoganjiwigamig. 
 /7)rse-taii, bebejigoganjiumw, bcbeji- 
 //"ir.siUail, (plant,) kisihanashh. 
 //jsjjitable; I am hosp., nin h'Je- 
 trad is, nin mino dodawag bebuina- 
 ;7)S|)ital, akosiwigumig. 
 //i)s|iiralitv. kijeiO'ulifiiirin, minodo- 
 da:i.'lnd behamadisid. 
 Host, Odiwin, kitc/ti'wa Okfiwin. 
 ifitat, (landlord,) axhangewini/ii, 
 //istess, ashangikwe. 
 IIdIoI, ashangeivigamig. 
 Hol(d-k(>eper; ashuigewinini. 
 Hot weather, very hot weather, wis- 
 sagAteu'i't. It is very hot, wtMtt- 
 gate. It is hot, warm, kijute, 
 IlowHe, irtikdigan, wigiwam. In the 
 house, piiidigamig. One house. 
 ningotogamig. 'Vvic^ throe, four 
 houses, etc., iH^ngumig, im^oga- 
 mi(/, nioga/nig, etc. On the lop 
 of the house, oyidigamig. * 
 Hous(!hukffj ( family, ) »//• dtwiniwin. 
 i have such a household, nind 
 iniidewls. One honsebold, nitigo- 
 (ode. Two, tbreo households, etc., 
 nijode, fii.'^godp., etc. 
 //ouse of commerc<' or trade, trad- 
 ing-house, utuwiwigamig. 
 /low ! auin? ivegonen? taid? taniah? 
 llf)wl; I howl, nin won, nin. wawan. 
 y/owling, wonowiu, v'aw(>n(>i''in. 
 J/ow inucli .'' how manyf anin mi- 
 /A)w often? anindaaningf 
 ll\isj; I hug him, euibr'aoe hiiUj «»'» 
 //nil; 1 iuill vorn. nin gitcfiitwanaie- 
 dgc, nin giiddkwwnaiem'ag man- 
 //uliod corn, gifrhikn'(i>iai(fig(tnag. 
 Humane; I n'm huniano, wiw Hjewa- 
 dis. nin viino biniadis. 
 Z/umanity, human nature, aniihina- 
 //umbic; 1 nm humhh>, I have hum- 
 ble thoughts of myself, .„oii /ubaa- 
 senirn, nin tubatsmindis, nind ag- 
 JIumi)le-bec, ann, kitchi amo. 
 //umble submission, tabannijiagide^ 
 //iimbly; I humbly submit myself, 
 nin iabaamipagideninditi. 1 hum- 
 bly sul)Hiit turn, (her. it,) wiVi ^«- 
 bas.tiiHigidina, nin tn?/U6tii/iagide- 
 iiinia\ nin, tnhiti-aipagidinun, nin 
 Humiliation. S. humility. 
 Humility, tabas.icnindit^i.win, tabas- 
 *C" imowin, ognnbeninioivin. 
 Humor. S. Temper. Tempera- 
 Humpback, magivawigan, pikwau<i- 
 gan, hikwawigan. 
 //umpbacked or hunchbacked; lam 
 If ^ 
 It I 
 h., nin m,agwawi(jan, nin pihwawi- 
 ff<in, nin hokwawigan, nin bokwa- 
 /Tutiured, nmgolwak. We are a hun- 
 dred of us, nin ningotwakosimin. 
 There are a hundred in. objects, 
 ningotwakwadon. We are so many 
 hundred of us, nin diisswahosimin. 
 There are so many hundred in. 
 objects, dasswukwiidon. So many 
 hundred, dasswak. 
 Hundred each or to each, neningot- 
 /hundred times, ningotwak damiing. 
 Hunger, bukadiwin. There is hun- 
 ger, a famine, bakadeioiniwan, ba- 
 kadiwinagarl, bakadikamigad. I 
 die of hunger, nin gawannndam. 
 Death from hunger, gawannndn- 
 mowin. I can endure much hun- 
 ger, nin jibannndam. 
 hunger; 1 hung'er, nin bakadi. I 
 hunger after it, nin bakadenodan. 
 Hungry; I am hungry, mVi fratarfe. I 
 make him hungry, nin bakadea. I 
 make myself hungry, nin baka- 
 Sang up; it is hung up, (in., an.) 
 agodemagad;ngodJin, It is hung 
 up, to let the water drop out of it. 
 (in,, un.) sikobigagtMle', sikobigagod- 
 Hunt; I hunt, 1 am hunting, nin 
 giosse, nin nandaioendjige. I hunt 
 with a bow and arrows,'«m nando- 
 Hunter, huntsman, qaossed, nenda- 
 wendji^ed. Good hunter, nitage- 
 //unling, giosaewin, nandawindjige- 
 //unting district, giosaewin,. 
 \ Hurrah ! haw ! 
 Hurry, wewibiaiwin, — S. Haste. 
 Harry; I hurry him, nin wewibia. 1 
 hurry myself, Jiin wewxbiidu. \ 
 hurry him away, nin madjinajika- 
 wa. — lam in a hurry, »i» ndgd- 
 //urt; I hurt, nind akwendamoiwt . 
 I hurt him, nind akwendamia. 1 
 hurt him by striking, nind ahven- 
 damaganama. I hurt him, falling 
 upon him, nin gijikawu, nin niad 
 koshkaiva. I hurt him, touching 
 his wound, nin gidjibina. — I hurt 
 myself, nin bataa, nin bataidit. I 
 hurt myself by carrying, n/u giji 
 kos. I hurt myself falling, nin 
 f'agamakoaae. 1 hurt myself bv 
 ifting up 8. th.. nin tchakiw , nin 
 kitchakiwi. I hurt or strike my- 
 self frightfully, nin gagwdniss'a ■ 
 kishkonviis. — I hurt my eye. S. 
 Hurt, (ins. in.) S. Bruise. Injure. 
 Hurtful; any hurtful bad thing, (in.. 
 an.,) matchi-aiiwiah] matchi-aiau ■ 
 Hurting of one's self, bataaimn. 
 Husband, onabemima, wadiged inini, 
 widigemagan, wigimagan, widji- 
 wagun. My, thy, her husband, 
 (unpolitely,) 7iinndbem, kindhem. 
 onriftcwian ; (politely,) nin widige- 
 magan, etc. 
 Husbandman, hitigewinini. 
 Husbandry, kitiaewin. 
 Husk, jigoahdaajigun. 
 Hymn, nagamon, anamie-nagamon. 
 Hymn-book, nagamo -maainaigan . 
 Hypocrisy, anamiekaaowin. 
 Hypocrite, enamiekaaod. I am a hyp.. 
 nind anamiikas. 
 ., m -i tmmMt%i*it m.--m^^imm"-!^'~''ii^- 
 1, nin, nind. 
 Ice, mihvam. There is ice, mikwavi- 
 ilea. I am coiiiitig, onthe ice, «t« 
 hidadagak. I make a hole in the 
 ice, nin twdige, nin twkiva mikwara. 
 1 make a hole in the ice to have 
 water, nin twdihi. Hole in the ice 
 for water, <W)atftar.. 1 break through 
 the ice, walking on it, nm twashin. 
 1 walk on the ice, nin bimddagak. 
 I walk on the ice in water, nin 
 t>watwaskoliginam>-The ice breaks 
 off, (the water appears again, )^o- 
 gigamiivan. The ice of a river 
 goes off, himiwehidjiwan sihi. The 
 ice is floating down the stream, 
 mikwumUmabngo. There are holes 
 in the \ce, pagwani-jagigamiwan. 
 The ice is hollow, wimhagodjin 
 mikwam. The ice splits or opens, 
 Ice-bank, gagenigtvaan, There are 
 ice-banks, gagintgwaanoka. 
 Ice-cutter, iehkun. 1 make a hole 
 with an ice-cutter, nin twdige. 
 Ice-house, ice-pit, mihvatniwi'gamig. 
 Icicle, mikwdm, mikuamins. 
 idol, masinini. I adore or worship 
 idols, nin manitoke. I adore him, 
 (her, it, an \Ao\,)ninmunitokenan\ 
 nin maniloken. 
 Idolater, idolatress, masininin meni- 
 Idolatry, manitvkewin, matchi-mani- 
 tokewin. 1 practise idolatry, nin 
 ] don't know, (in s. in.) is express- 
 ed by gwinawi- ; and sometimes 
 by timo(j'wvn> 
 If, kifhjriin. 
 Ignorance, gagihadisiivm, pagwana- 
 Ignorant ; I am ig>, ningagibadis, nin 
 pagtcanams, nin pagwanawadit, 
 kawin gfgonin kikendaniin 1 am 
 ipnorant, (benighted,) '■ <, tibika- 
 Igiiorant ^ernon, Tnegwanawiaid, gego 
 kekendunsig, tehikaditid, 
 'II, matchi. It is ill, evil, mdnddad, 
 matchi yiwebad. 
 III. Illness, (in s. in.; S. Sick. Sick- 
 yUegitimate child. S. Bastard, 
 ill humor, ill temper, (difficuU tem- 
 peramerit.) sana- '^iw'n, laan^ini- 
 niwagisiwin, matchi bimadiitwin. 
 matchi ijiwebisiwin. 
 Ill-tempered ; I am ill-tcmpered, nin 
 sanagis, nin manjininiivagiB, nin 
 matchi bimadis. 
 Illusion, waiejindisfM'in. 
 Image, masinitchigan. I make im- 
 ages, ninmaeinitchiganike. Maker 
 of images, madnitchiganikewinini. 
 The making of images, masinitch' 
 Imagination, anisha inendamowin. 
 Imagine ; I imagine, anieha nind in' 
 Imbecile ; I am im., nin gagibadis, 
 nin kopadis. 
 Imbecility, gagibadisiwin, kopudid- 
 imitate ; I im., nin kikinowabange. 1 
 imitate him, nin kikinowabama. I 
 im. it, (copy it,) nin kikinawaban' 
 Immediately, pabige. — S. Quickly. 
 Immolate. Immolatipn. — S. Sacri- 
 /inpiitionce, hit'hinawegimn, mami- 
 anwcn'l'im >win, 
 lm|»utioiit; I am im., nin hitchina- 
 •u>en, niiid liiiwnn, mn rnutniduwe/i- 
 /iiij):)nitrtit ; I atn im., kuwin nind 
 /in,.oiiiti)iit heart ; my, thy, his im- 
 puiiitent hcurtt, nindt, hide, od4 
 /iiipiJiuttMit person, aiunmenindinoa- 
 /inpHrfect, ("bad;) I am (it is) im- 
 p<>rf -ct, nin watnw i.r,e>ida(j<it, t, aw n 
 gteniak niud i/iwehiiiim-t, ;' wainwa- 
 ncndiijwad, kaieiii gwaink ijiwe- 
 /mportiitie; I imp. \i\m, nin mi <fosh- 
 kadjii. I importune him with my 
 wonis, nin mlijuehknstrma. — S. 
 /mportuiuty. S. Troublosomonoss. 
 /mposo ; 1 impose upon him, nin 
 mini, /imposu upon myself, n«Vt 
 /mpisR, (deceive ;) 1 impose upon 
 him, nin waiejimd, nin giwantmi, 
 nin ijaijina'vinliki ntt. 
 /mpostof. /iiiposture.— S. Cheater. 
 Impotent ; /am imp., nin nandoo- 
 gii.—S. Weak, 
 /mprint ; / imprint it with fire, nin 
 /mprintod; I ani (it is) imp on s. 
 th., nin masinibii<jaa ; masinibii- 
 /mprison ; I imprison him, nin gi- 
 /mprisoned ; / am imp., nin gibnk- 
 w li'jai. 
 Improve. /mprovement.— S, Re- 
 pair. Il3pairin;jr. 
 /mprudent ; 1 am ^ it is) imprudent, 
 nin biainttdi<, nin gagibadia jbisin- 
 adad, gagihada I. 
 Ainpudency, gagibadisiwin, agatch- 
 /miJiidejit ; /am impudent, nin ga- 
 gibtdin, hiwin niud agaich'ssi. 
 Impudent, impudent pardon, egatoh- 
 isiig. — S. Shameless person. 
 /mpiirp ; / nm (it is) impure, nin wi- 
 nia, ni i wiundii, nin biahigwadia, 
 nin gagibadia ; winad, winadad, 
 biahigwadiid, gagibadad. — 1 think 
 he (she. it) is impure, nm wineni- 
 ma ; nm winendan. 
 /rn|)ur»' lire, winewit.!d-otf. There is 
 an impure i\ri>, wincwfuhkotewan. 
 /mpurity, bixkigwaditiivin, hiakig- 
 ww/j-iji/vebinutun, qugibadi.nwm, 
 wina^iiuioin,winu>iwm. — / commit 
 impuri y. S. I a.ii impure.— I make 
 him (her ) commit imp. , nin biahig- 
 wadjiii, nin gagibaditiit, 
 /iipurity of 'heart, winidiiivn. / 
 have an impure heart, nin wini. 
 /iiipule ; / impnite to him, nind apa- 
 gadjiaaitaim, nind apagadjianta- 
 maiua. nin biinmidaa. 
 Ill, /li/ulig, p/ndf'... Jam in, nind ab, 
 pindig nmd aia. I am (it is) in s. 
 th., nin pins ; pinde. 
 /ncapable ; I am incapable, nin bwa- 
 nawilo, kawin nin gaabkitoaain. 
 /ncapacity, bwanawiinwin. 
 /ncarnate ; / inc. myself, nin wii- 
 aaai'viidia, nind uni.shinabeiviidia. 
 /ncarnation, wi a/i»iwiidiaowin, a- 
 In case.., kiah dn. 
 /ncendiary, sckaowid, sekaiged. sak- 
 nigewi'dni. I am an incendiary, 
 nin aakao've, nin sal;aige. 
 /ncemiiary's work, aaka'ignoin. 
 /nceiise, minomagwakiaigan. I burn 
 incense, 7iin minomagwakisige. 
 /n reuse ; 1 incense, n n mimmagioa- 
 bikisige. nin pakwenesaatclitge. 1 
 incen^^e him,_ ( her, it, ) nin puhwe- 
 neaaaiawa \ nin pakweneeaaton. 
 /ncessantly. S. Always. 
 /nch , one inch, riingotmindj. Two. 
 three inches, etc., nijnnindj, niaao- 
 niiidj, etc. So many inches, daa- 
 Incision, in a maple-tree, ojigaigan. 
 A fresh incision, oahMgalmu. I 
 make incisions in maple-trees, 
 nitul ojiguige, 1 make large in- 
 cisions, nin m'lngignigr. Thore is 
 a hrt^o incision, maiKjiijaujade. I 
 mako auutll incisiunH, nin hahiwi- 
 qaige. There are small incisions, 
 oabtii'uiaujade. The incision is 
 whitixh, wabigad ojtgaigan. 
 Incite; I incite, nin gagansimge. I in- 
 cite hiin,»i/» giwiinsorna, nin enn- 
 djia, mnd ovinia, nirui ombirna, 
 nind u.ihia, nind anki'vina. 
 Incitin^i gcujaiifimJiwin. 
 Incline; I incline my head on one 
 side, nind anihkwen. — S. Head. 
 Incline, ( in s. in. ) B. Bosv down. 
 Inclined; it is inclined m such a man- 
 ner, inag(4e. 
 Inclined, (in s. in.) S. ^ent forvi'ard. 
 I nconstancy , aidjnwendmnowin. 
 Inconstant; ' am inc., nind aidjaw- 
 Inconvenient; it is inc., sanugad, 
 Incorporiiled; it ia incorp. to mo, 
 nind utviiawinodan. 
 Incorruptible, n(tn-i4giDfikana/<nn€g. 
 Increase; I increase it, 7iin nmhina- 
 ton, nin miMnnton. I increase it 
 to him, nin mivhinotamawa. We 
 increase in population, nin nitu- 
 ivigi/niii, nin ni Idwigiiilimin. 
 Incredulity, nguntveiendamow i n , 
 Incredulous; I wmmCfrdnd dgontve- 
 iendam, nind Agvnwetam, nind 
 agonwetage. nin nitd-agonwttam. 
 Incredulous person, aiugonwiien- 
 dang, nttdagonwttang, daiibwe- 
 Incur; I incur it, nifid onditamadi- 
 son, nin tuikwatc/ntamndiiK/n. 
 Indecent. S. Impure. Dirty. 
 Indeed, in lrvil\\,geget. 
 Indent; 1 indent it, (in., an.) nin hi- 
 tchi'jijali; nin Mtchiijijwa. 
 Indented; it is ind., (?;«., an.) kitchig- \ 
 iiigiide ; kitchigi/igano. 
 InaGpeMltncB, dihinindinuwln. 
 Independent; 1 am independent, nin 
 Indian, anuhinahe. Bad Indian, an- 
 iihinahewith. I am an Indian, n/ntf 
 anihhinnhew. I play the Indian, 
 nind ani^ldnabekus. I live like sn 
 Indian, tiind nnitihinnheltimudis, 
 aniiihinab^no nind i/t himadu. — A 
 BtratiRe Indian, mainguntuhinalic, 
 mnia/dii'un/'fliinabr. A kind of 
 stranjie Indian, mishiuimukinagv. 
 Indian A)?ent, unit'/iinahe-t/gima. 
 Indinn character, nniMtntlmWiidixl- 
 win. ( have the Indian character, 
 . nifid luiishlnahefi'mdiii. 
 /iidiiin corn, inmidotnin, manddmin- 
 ag. 1 produce /ndian corn, nin 
 manddminike. I 8tain|i /iiiiian 
 corn, mn taf/icawag mundarninag. 
 Vndiiin corn-sou]) or corn-riiasli, 
 mundamin(dn>, tagwaanahu. /make 
 corn-8ou[), nin mandamtnaboke, 
 nin lagwuanahdke. 
 /ndian corn field, mandaminiiili- 
 /ndian corn hng,manJami?mvaJ. 
 /ndian corn siot 6 'hou se , niandamin ■ 
 /ndian country, anitihinnlnvali. I 
 live in the /ndian country, nind 
 /ndian cradle, Hkinagan. I make a 
 cradle, nin tikinngdhike. 
 /ndian dancinp, ariisldnahcwifhimo- 
 trin. I dance alter the /ndian 
 fashion, nind anithinuheuiMm. 
 /luiian fashion, /ndiaii mode of liv- 
 iiiiu:, avi/^hinubf'widjigcwin. J live 
 or act alter the /ndian fashioii, 
 nind aniMnahewidjige. 
 /ndian from the back woods, sug- 
 wdndaguwin in t. 
 /ndian \&ngURSie, anishinabtmnu i/i . J 
 8|)eak the /ndian language, nind 
 a/iif//in(ihem. It speaks /ndian, (it 
 is written in the /nd. lan^.,) anith- 
 inahem(>Tn,ig<id. I\ is /ndian, (it is 
 written in'the/iid. \^n^.,) uniih- 
 inahewiisin. I translate it in the 
 /nd. lang. nind anifhtnabeu-issiton. 
 Indian life, aidnhinuht-bimadit.iwin. 
 Indian name, aniihinnbewinikaao- 
 win. I have (it has) an Indian 
 name, nind ani.thinabeuinihit; 
 anitthinalewinikade. I give him 
 (her, it) an Indian name, nind 
 anibhinaheivinikana; nind anithi- 
 Indian not belonging to the Grand 
 Medicine, eagimn, sagimaioinini. 
 I don't belong to the "Gr. M., nin 
 Indian of the Grand Medicine, mlde. 
 I am in Indian of the Gr. M., nin 
 Indian ornament; a kind of Ind. or., 
 Indian religion, anhhinabe'ijitwa- 
 Indian song, oniBhinabe-na-gamon. I 
 sing an Indian song, nitid anishi- 
 Indian tea; a kind of tea, winiasihag. 
 Another kind, winisihp.mibag. 
 Indian to whom a woman is gi»fen 
 to marry her, {nolc^s, voleiis,) wa- 
 Indian woman, anishitiahehDe, I am 
 an Indian woman, niiid anishinab- 
 Indian writer, a man that writes in 
 Indian, anishinn^ewUyiigewinini. 
 Indian writing, anishinaheioihiigan, 
 I write in Indian, niiid anishinahe- 
 u)ib?'ige. The act of writing in In- 
 dian, anishinahewibiigeivin, 
 India rubber, qasstbiigan. 
 Indicate; I indicate, nin windamage, 
 nin kikinoamuge . I ir.i. him s. th., 
 nin windamawa weweni, nin hi- 
 Indigence, kitimagisiwin. 
 Indigent. S. Poor. 
 indisposed, (a little sick;) I am in- 
 disposed, panginind akos, nin md- 
 namandji, nin sibiskudis. 
 Indisposition, mdnamandjiowin, ei- 
 Indolent. Indolence.— 'S. Lazy. La- 
 Indulgence, lOebindmagoivini-jawen- 
 dagosiwin. ^ 
 Industrious; 1 am ind., nin nitd-ano- 
 ki, nin minwanoki, nin kijijawis, 
 nin minw^wis, nin mikos, nin gash- 
 Industrious man, gaining.or earning 
 much by his labor, gaehkitohige- 
 Industfious person, netd-anohid, 
 Industry, nita-anokiwin, kijijawiti- 
 win, minwewisiivm. 
 Infancy, abinodjiiwin. 
 Infant, oehki-abinodji, tekobisod abi- 
 Infect; I jnfect a place with sick- 
 ness, akoeiwin ^Un bidon, akosi- 
 iwin nin bi-migiwen. 
 Infidel, _ enamimsig, daiebwetanm 
 Infirm, (sick, weak;) I am infirm, 
 nhul dkos, nin nita-akos, ninnani' 
 Infirmary, akostmga?nig . 
 Infirmity, akosiwtn, nita-a^osiwin, 
 nanipinieiwin, inapr baton- 
 Inflame; [ inflame it, (kindle it,) 
 nin biskanendan. 
 Inflexible. S. i'rittle. 
 Inform; I inform, ntn windamage, 
 nin kikinoamage, i inform him, 
 nin windamawa, nin kikinoam- 
 Inform, Information. — S. Inquire, 
 Information, windamageioin, win- 
 damawetvisiwin . 
 /nformed; I am inf., ninwindamago, 
 nin windamaweivia. 
 Inhabit; 1 inhabit it, dwell in it, nind 
 inhabitant, ebitang, bem j,. 
 /njection, (clyster,) pinaabaivudji- 
 gan, siginamadiwin. I receive an 
 injection, ninvinddbawanigo, nin 
 siginamago, /give an. inj., nin 
 pindabawadjige, nin siginamage, I 
 give hirn an inj., nin pindai)awana, 
 nin siginama^va. 
 injure; i injure, nin mijiiwc. i in- 
 jure him, 'her, it,) nin mijia, nind 
 inigaa, nind enapinana\ nin miji- 
 ton, nind inigaton, nind enapina- 
 don. /injure myself, nind ini</us, 
 rJndiniguidia. R injures me, nind 
 injure, (in s. in.) S. Defile. 
 injury. S. insult. 
 ink, ojibiiganabo. 
 /nland, (in the woods,) Hopiming, 
 megiiekamig, I go in the inland, 
 (in the woods. in the interior, )m'n. 
 g(ypi. /go in the inland, on a river 
 in a canoe, nin gopaam. The road 
 or trail leads in the woods, gopa- 
 mo mikana, 
 /nland, (in s. in,)S. Woods, 
 /nland lake, augaigan. The inland 
 lake is large, mangigama sagai- 
 /nn. Annkeeper=— S. Hotel. Hotel- 
 /nnocence, hinuiwiu, 
 /nnocent; /am innocent, nin Unis. 
 /noculate; 7 in. with the cow-pox, 
 niTul atageri mamakuiwin, nin, 
 mamakmiwe. I in, him with the 
 cow-pox, nind ntawa mamakuiwin, 
 '•> in mamdkisia . — S. Cow-pox. 
 /no^ulator, etaged mamuktfiwin.— 
 S. Cow-pox inoculator, 
 in order to..., tcM, tchi wi-. 
 /nquire; /inquire, nin gagwidwe, 
 /nquiry, aagwedwewin. 
 In regard to..., ondji. 
 /nsane; I am ins,, nm gnvanadis. I 
 amina. by inte-wals, wwt giwunad- 
 apine . 
 /nsaneness, giwunadimvin. /nsane- 
 ness by intervals, giwanadapine- 
 /nsect, manitcmB. A kind of poi- 
 sonous insect, omiskosd. 
 /nside, pindig, pindjaii, p'mdf.,,, 
 pindjina. Towards the inside, 
 ptndig iyiakakeia. 
 insignificant; I am (it is) insigni- 
 ficant, considered ins., nin nagi- 
 kawendagos, nind agassendagos; 
 I think he (she, it ) is insigniticant, 
 nin nagikawenima, nind agaeseni- 
 ma; nin nagikawendan, nind agas- 
 send(in. I think myself ins., nin 
 nm/ikawenindia, nind agassenindia, 
 — I make him ins., ninnagikawen- 
 dagoaia^ nind agnsaendagosia. 
 Jnfiiy\<i; it is insipid, {in., an.) hi- 
 maeipogwud] Mnisaipogoai. 
 Vnsipidity, insipidness, binisaipogoei- 
 /nstantly, aea-ika. 
 /nstoad of..., meahkwat. 
 instigate; I instigate, ni», gagdn- 
 aojuge.—S. Iticite. 
 Instigation, gaf^anaondiwin. 
 /nstinct, uweaai-ainendamowin. 
 instruct,- I in8»TUct, nin kikniow 
 ^ mage. 1 inst. him, nin kikinou- 
 instruction. 8. Teaching, 
 instruction, religious inst., ghgikwe 
 win, unamie-gagikwewin. 
 /nstrument, (tool,) anokasawin. 
 /nsult, lissmgewin, mawineigmin. 
 /nsult; I insult, nin mawiniiae, nin 
 hitsonge, nin lisaitagos. I insult 
 him, (her, it,) nin maitinewa, lin 
 mawineahkawa, nin hiaaoma; nin 
 matvinmn, nin muwineahkan, nin 
 hissondun, I insult him and make 
 him weep, nin aemssima. It in- 
 sults me, nin mnwineahkagm.— 
 S. Insulting laHguage, 
 Insult, (in s. in.)'S, Mock. 
 Insult by signs with the hand, nimi- 
 skangewin, nimiakandjigewin, ni- 
 Insult; I insult by signs with thp 
 liand, nin nimdakange, nir„ nimis- 
 kandjige.^ 1 insult him ^;hfcr. it) by 
 signs, nin nimiakama; nin nimi- 
 akandan.^ We insult each other, 
 nin nimiakandimin. 
 Insulted; I am ins., nin mawineogo, 
 mn hisaomigo, nin MaaUawa. 
 Insulter, neta-hiaai/nged, neta-nitnia- 
 Insultmg, S. Insult. 
 Insulting language, Uaaiiagosiwin, 
 maarmgewin. I use ins ' 
 biasitum. I hear him 
 lang., nin hiaaitawa. 
 Insupportable; I am ins., tiin aana- 
 gia. ' ' ' 
 Intellect, intelligence, nihwakawin. 
 Intelligent; I am int., nin vihwaka. 
 I make him int., nin nihwakaa. 
 Intelligent man, nibwakawinini. 
 intelligent person, nebwakad. 
 /ntelligible; it is int., niasiMagvad. 
 using ins. 
 intemperance in eating, nihadisi- 
 win; in drii'king, minikweshkiwin, 
 Intemperate; I am inc. in eating, nin 
 nihadix. I am int. inurinking. nin 
 mmikweshk, nin, giwc^shhweUnhk. 
 Znt«nd; I intend, nind inendam. I 
 intend to do s. th., 1 am preparing, 
 nind aiAtchi. 
 Intention, inendummiu'n. 
 Intercede; I int. for somebody, mn 
 gaganodamage. I int. lor him, nin 
 Intercession, gaganodamagewin. 
 Intercessor, gegan<damaged, 
 /nterior. S. Inland. 
 /nteriorly, pindjina, pindjaii. 
 /nterpret; t interpret, nind dnikano- 
 ta^e. I mterpret him, (her, ii,) 
 nind dnihanotawa; nind dnikanu- 
 interpretation ; anikanotagewin. 
 /nterpreted; I am (it is) interpreted, 
 nitid anikanotago; anikanutadji- 
 interpreter, aianikanotd^ed, anika- 
 notagewinini. B'emale mterpreter, 
 /nter8ect;it intersects, ajidesse. 
 /nterval; the interval between two 
 lodges or houses, ajawigamig, nis- 
 /ntice; I intice, nin gagwedibeninge, 
 nin gagtvedibendJige.—S. Tempt. 
 /nticer. S. Tempter. 
 /ntimidate; lint., nin segiiwe. I int. 
 him, nin segia, nin segima. I try 
 to intimidate, nin gagwisegiiwe. 1 
 try to int. him, nin gagwesegia, 
 mn gagwieeginu. 
 /ntoxicate; I int. myself, I get drunk, 
 nin giwashkwchi. I int. him, 1 
 make him drunk, nin giwashkwe- 
 Ha. — It intoxicates, (it is intoxic- 
 ating, )_ giwashkwebimagad, giwa- 
 thkwehishkagemagad. It intoxic- 
 ates me, nin giwashkwebiigon, nin 
 /nloxicated; I am int., nin-giwa- 
 /nt(>zication, glwathkwehiwin. 
 /ntractable; I am int., nin sanagis. 
 I fmd him intr., nin sanugenima. 
 /iitractableness, sanaginiuin. 
 /iitrepid. Intrepidity. — S. Coura- 
 geous. Courage. 
 /ntrust. S. Commit. 
 /iiundation. S. Flood. 
 inured. S. Accustomed- 
 /nurement, nagadiiiwin. 
 /nvent; I invent it, or discover it, 
 nil) mlkawuchiion. 
 /n\ented; it is invented, mikawadji 
 /nvent ion, mikawa^bitmvin. 
 /nventor, mekwwas/iitod, ga-mika- 
 /nvisible; I am (it is) invisible, ka- 
 win nin wabaminagoniMi; kawin 
 wabaminagwamnon. invisible av. 
 being, waiabuniinngosissig. invis- 
 ible in. object, waiabaininugwm- 
 /nvitation, wikongewin, - 'I'mdiwin. 
 /nvite; /invite to a meal, mn wt- 
 konge. 1 invite him, nin ivikoma. 
 /nvite, (in s. in.) S, Call. 
 /nwardly. S. /nside. 
 inwardly, in the body, andmina. 
 /re. S. Anger. 
 /reland, Jaganashiwaki. (England.) 
 /rish boy, jaganashi?is, (English 
 /nsh girl, jaganushihwens, (Engl. 
 Aishman,_;a^a«<wA, (Englishman.) 
 /rishwoman, Jagunashikwe, (Eng- 
 /ron, biwdbik. A piece or fragment 
 of iron, bokwabik,. /work or prod, 
 uce iron, nin hiwdbikoke. Place 
 where they produce iron, WwaJiy^o- 
 kan.—%. Cast iron. Wrought iron. 
 /ron; / iron, nin joahkwaigaige. I 
 iron it, {in.,an.)ninjoshkwigaan; 
 nin joshkwegdwa. 
 Iron boat, biwahiko-tchiman. 
 Iron chain, or iron fetters, biwabiko- 
 sagabiginigitn, biwabikn-sagibidji- 
 gan, biwabiko-takobidjigan, 
 /roned; it is Ironed, (?«., an.)jo- 
 shkwaigaiqade; joshkwaigaigaso. 
 iron-mine, Uwdbikokaii, (properly.) 
 rlall^ff•ifilrtafll'1li^i1iiiaailiiWill■ll^ifilll iinHhijirn • it 'W-ntj"" 
 / work in a iron-mine, nin biwdbi- 
 kolce, (properly.) 
 /ron-Mountain, Biwabiko-ivadjiw. 
 Iron pot, hiwabikwakik. 
 /roii-Rivnr, Biwabiko-sihi. 
 /roil road, (rail road,) biwabiko-mi- 
 Iron vessel, biwabiko-nabikwan. 
 /roquoi Indian, Nadowi. 
 /roquoi language, nadowemowin. I 
 speak the /roquoi language, nin 
 /roquoi squaw, nadowekwe. 
 /rrational; /amirr., nin gagibadis. 
 It is in-., gagibadad. 
 /rritate; /irritate him, nin nishkia. 
 — S. Angry. Provoke to anger, 
 /sland, isle, OT««s«. The erid of the 
 island, waiekivaminisa. 
 /slander, minissing endanakid, mi- 
 nissing endaji-bimadiaid. 
 /sland in a current, minitigodjiwan, 
 /sland in a river, minitig. 
 /sle Royal, Minong. 
 /ssue of bloody miskwiwapinewin. I 
 have an issue of blood, miskwiwa- 
 /tch, itching, gijibisiivin, gijibryewvn. 
 /feel itchmgs, nin gijibu. I feel 
 itchmgs : On my arm, nin gijihi- 
 mke; in my ears, nin gijibitawage. 
 nin ginugitawage; on my foot or 
 feet, nin gijibinide; on my hand, 
 nin gijibinindji; on my head, nin 
 gijibindibe, mn gijibiehtigwane, nin 
 gmagishtigwane; on my leg, nin 
 aijibtgade; on my skin, nin gij%. 
 /tchy; /am itchy, Tim ^i^iJo^V. 
 Ivy, wabijeshiwutchab. 
 '*« ' 
 Jacket, babmhawagm. 
 Jack-knife, biskahikikoman. Ishui a 
 jack-knife, nin biskabikinan mo- 
 Jagg. Jagged.— S. Indent. Indent- 
 Jail, gibakwaodiwigamig 
 Jailer, genawenimad gebakwaigasc- 
 January, mdnitogisiss. 
 Jar. S. Jug. 
 Jaundice, osdMiw^esi'Wre. I have the 
 jaundice, nind osAwines. 
 Jaw, odamikanama. _ My, thy, his 
 jaw, 7iindamikun, kidamihin, oda- 
 mikan. My jaw is swollen, nin 
 Jawbone, oddmikiganima.^ My, thy, 
 his jawbone, nindamikigan, kida- 
 mliclgan, udamikigan. 1 have bare 
 jawbones, nin miluskkarvge, 
 J a V , pikwakohwewesh L 
 Jealous; lam jealous, nin gdwe, nin 
 gagawendjiye, nin himimaemje. I 
 am je3. in" thoughts, via gdwcn- 
 dam. I am j. in thoughts to- 
 wards her, (him,) nin gdicentma, 
 nin gagdivenima. I am too j., or 
 in a habit of being jeal., nin gd- 
 ■wesk. nin gagdwendjigeshk. 1 am 
 j. for him, nin qdwetawa, nin ga- 
 wetnmmva. We are j._ towar(ls 
 one another, nin gdwindiniin,' nin 
 Jei[\ousy,gdic<ii'in, gngnwendjigetcin, 
 gdwindhvin, gagdwenindiipn. Ha- 
 bitual jealousy, gdweshkiwin, ga- 
 Jeopardy, nanisanisiioin. — S. Dan- 
 Jest. S. Buffoon. i?uffoonery. 
 ' joy 
 Je«ter, hehaidnusid, hebayinwed. 
 Great jester, nctd-bahaiinisul.—^. 
 Jew, Judnivirdni. 
 Jewess, Judawikwe. 
 Jingle; it jingles, madweidhikissin. 
 Join; I join it together, nin mama- 
 witrjn. It joins together, mama- 
 Joiner, (carpenter,) mokoddssowi- 
 Joiner's shop, mokodussowigainig. 
 Joiner's trade or work, mokodanso- 
 Joke; I am telling jokes, I joke, 
 nin babdjiinwe, nin babdpinis, nin 
 maiessanduias, nin tvawiiajitagos. 
 Joker. S. Jester. 
 Jokery, huMpimvewin, babajmmi- 
 win, 100 wiiajitagasiwin. 
 Joy, joyfulness, minawanigoKiwin, 
 minaicanigwcndamowin, ininaica- 
 siu'in, onanigodwin, itnanigwcnda- 
 mowin, hapinenimowin, hapinenda- 
 riMirin. jamiwadisiwin, mudjigid- 
 win, mi/djigendaity/win. There is 
 joy, miiuiivanigwad. Joyfulness 
 in half drunkenness, jaw^en^iawio- 
 win, Joyfulness in drunkenness, 
 mina wanigohiwin, m/idjigibiwin. 
 Joyful; I am \oyi'u\, 7iin ininawani- 
 gos, nin minawwiigwcndain, nin 
 minawae, nind anunigos, nind onu- 
 nigivendam, nin bapineni/n, nin 
 ba/iincndam, nin jomiwadis., nin 
 modjigis, nin mudjiiieiulam. I am 
 joyful being half drunk, nin jo- 
 "'I'ndafn. I am joyf. in drunk- 
 enness, nin fninawanigiM, nin 
 modjigibi. I am joyful m my 
 heart, nin modjigidee. — I make 
 him (her, it) joyful, 7iia mina- 
 wanigwia, nin minawasia, 7iind 
 ananigwia, nin bainnenimoa, nin 
 jomiwadisia, nin modjigendamia; 
 nin, Tninawaniffwit(M, {minawa 
 nigoton,) nm minawasiton, niitd 
 onimigwtton, {onanigoton,) nin ba- 
 jnnenimntim, nin jomiwadisit(/n, 
 nin, inodjigendamit(/n, I make him 
 joyful with my words, nin mina- 
 wasima, nin minawaniqoma. it 
 isjoyf., (it rejoices,) minawanig- 
 wendamnmagad, hapinenimtymag- 
 ad, modjigendamomagud. It is 
 joyf., (delightful,) mmawaiiigwen- 
 dugwad, modjigendagwad. 
 Joyful thoughts, minuwanigioenda 
 mowzn^ onanigwenda7H0ivin,. 
 S. I 
 have joyful thoughts. 
 Joyous. S. Joyful. 
 Judea, Judiing. 
 Judge, dibahmiqewinini, dihahoni- 
 wewinini, debaJconiged. 
 Judge; I judge, nin dibakonige, nin 
 dihakoniwe. I judge him, nin 
 dibdkona, niti dibdgima, nind ona- 
 gima. I judge him in thoughts, 
 nind on^nima. It judge it in 
 thoughts, nind onenddn. 
 Judged; I am (it is,) judged, nin di- 
 bdkotngas: dibakonigade. 
 i\idigm.eni, dibakontgewin, dihakoni- 
 gowin, dibakoniwewin, dibukonidi- 
 Judgment-day, (day of divine judg- 
 ment,) dibahmige-gijigad . 
 Judgment-house, dibahmigewiga- 
 mig, dibakonidimiqamig. 
 Jug, omodai, wabigan-cmiodai. 
 Juggler, tchessaktd, tchissakiivinini. 
 Juggler's lodge, tchissakan. 
 Jugglery, tchissakiwin. I practise 
 jugglery, nintchissaki. 
 Jugglery in regard to sickness, kosd- 
 bandamowin. I practise jugglery 
 for a sick [jerson, nin kosdbdndam. 
 I practise jug. on him or for him, 
 nin koadbama. 
 July, miskwimini-gisiss, madwesige- 
 gisiss, papashkisige-gisias. 
 Jump. S. Leap. 
 June, odeimini-gisiss. 
 Juniper-berry, okdwanjimin. 
 Juniper-bush, okdwanj. 
 Jury, dibmveivin. I serve on a jury, 
 nin dibou'e. 
 Juryman, dibmoeivinini. 
 Just, rnimwetch, ndita. 
 Just; I am just, nin givaiako-bima- 
 dts, gwuiak nind ijtwMs. 
 •Just, justly, gu'uiak; jaidw. 
 Justice, (virtue,) gioaiako-bimadisi- 
 ivin, gwaiak ijiwebisiwin; jaidtv- 
 Justice, (law,) dibakoniqewin. 
 Justice of the peace. S. Judge. 
 Just so, tibishko. 
 Kalendar. S. Calender. 
 Keg, makahont, mahdkossagons. 
 Keep; I keep him, (her, it,) nind 
 miiuijimina, nin mindjimishkawa ; 
 nin mmdjiminan. I keep him, 
 (her, it) slightly, wwi sugina; nin 
 saginan. It keeps ine, nin mind- 
 jimiihkagon. I keep myself back, 
 7iia mindjiminidis. I keep my- 
 self from him, nin midagwetawa. 
 Keep, (in s. in.) S. Conserve. 
 Keep company; I keep com., nw 
 wiswke. I keep com. with him, 
 (her, it,) ?wi tvissokawa; nin wis- 
 Keep, (contain;) it keeps much, (^Vi., 
 an.)'bissdgwan\ bissagosi. 
 Keep in memory; I ke'cp in m., nin 
 mindjimendain. I keep him (her, 
 it) in m., nin mindjimeniina; nin 
 mindjimenddti. I keep myself in 
 m., (1 think on myself,) nin mind- 
 Kept, (in s. in.) S. Conserved. Re- 
 Kernel, (stone,) opikomi?in7i. 
 Kettle, akik. I make kettles, nind 
 akikoke. The kettle is too small, 
 naaivadisi akik. 
 Kettle-hook, or kettle-hanger, ago- 
 Kettle-maker, kettle-manufacturer, 
 Kettle-manufactory, akikokewin. 
 Key, ahahikuigan. 1 make keys, 
 nind dbahikaiganike. 
 Kick; I kick, nin tdngishkige, nin 
 tdngishkage. I kick him, (her, 
 it,)hin idngishkawa,7iin tatdngi.sh- 
 kawa; nin tdngishkan, 7iin tatdji- 
 Kicked; I am (it is) kicked, nin 
 tangishkigas\ tdngishkigade. 
 Kidney; my, thy, his kidney, w'ndd- 
 dikossiw, kidvdikossiw, ododiko6si- 
 Kill; I kill, wi'/i nishiwe, nin nitage. 
 I use to W\\\, nin ni&hiweshk. It 
 kills, nishiwcinagad. I kill him, 
 (her, it,) nin ?t,issd, ni7i niwanawa\ 
 nin 7iit(in. I seek an opportunity 
 to kill him, nin /ui/iddnissa. I kill 
 him in a certain manner, nind 
 i/uipinana. I kill him for such a 
 reason, or on account of..., nind 
 imdjinana. I kill him lialf, or al- 
 most, nind ahitonana. 1 kill him 
 entirely, mud aintcliina7ia . We 
 kill one another, nin nixsidimin, 
 nin dajji>ianidi>nin. I kill or des- 
 troy it (in., an.) nind 7iib(/miidan\ 
 nin nihawi/na. It kills me, nin 
 Kill animals ; I kill for people, nin 
 nitamage. 1 kill it for him, niti 
 nitamawa. I kill for myself., nin 
 7iita77ias, ni7i nitamadis. I kill it 
 for myself, {in., an.) nin fiitcwia- 
 son, nin nitamadison ; nin nitama- 
 sonan, nin nitamadisonan. 
 Killed; I come near being killed, nin 
 Killed person, nitdgan. 
 Killer of animals, /lifugcwi/iini. 
 Killer of persons, murderer, ^leahi- 
 nvd, ncahiweshkid. 
 Killing, 7iishiweivin, nissidiwin ; ?u'- 
 Kind ; only objects of one and the 
 same kind are lying there, {in., 
 071.) nwj agissinon; mnjagishimig. 
 We are of so many kinds, 7iin dass- 
 wniaginmin. It is of so many 
 kinds, damraiagad. We are (it la) 
 ot two, three kinds, etc., nin nij- 
 waiaguimin^ nin nuswaiaguimin; 
 niju'aia<jad, niBstvatagad, etc. 
 Kind; 1 am kind, nin HJadis, nin Jci- 
 je-K'adis, nin mino biinadia. 
 Kindle ; I kindle it, ninsakaan. — S. 
 Kindle-wood, mishiwatdg, biskaJcon- 
 Tniiio bimadidwin. 
 Kindred, inaivendiwin. _ 
 King, (igima, kitchi-ogima. 1 am a 
 king, «t/K/ (igimaw. 1 make him a 
 king, nind ogimairia. i live or act 
 like a king, nind ogimawadis. 
 Kingdom, otjimawitvin. 
 Kiiiglislier,"(bird,) ogiMimanisd. 
 Kinsman, kinswoman, inawcniagan, 
 Kiss, kissing, odjindiwin. 
 Kiss ; 1 kiss, nikd odjindam. I kiss 
 him, (her, it,) nindMljiina; nind 
 odjinddn. I kiss s. th. relating to 
 him, Iliad odjindamawa. _Wc kiss 
 each other, 7iiiid odjindiiidn. Kiss- 
 ing each other, odjindiwin. — Kiss 
 nie, hihi. 
 Kissing-day, fHljindiwinigijignd. 
 Kite hen, tohibakwewujamig. 
 Kite, gibwdnasi; mishikckck. 
 Kite, made of paper, babamassitchi- 
 Knead ; I knead, nin madinige. I 
 knead it, {in., on.) nind ajitckishk- 
 iwaginan ; nind ojitchishhUvagina. 
 I kiiead bread, nijid oitadina pak- 
 Knee, agidigwama. My, thy, his 
 knee, ningidig, kigidi^j, ogidigwan. 
 Kneel; I kneel, I am kneeling, nind 
 otchittihingwanah, nind otcMtcldn- 
 gwanigabaiv. 1 kneel before him, 
 (her, 'it,) nind otchilchingwanipa- 
 hawitawa', nind ott-hitchingwaniga- 
 Kneel dAwn ; 1 kneel down, nind 
 otcMtchinqwunita. 1 kneel down 
 before him, (her, it,) nin otihitch- 
 inawanitawa ; nind otchitchingwa- 
 vitan. I fall down on my knees, 
 nind vtchitchingwanisBe . 
 Knife, mdkuman. It^nall knife, *,pen- 
 knife,) mokomanens. 1 make kniv- 
 es, mnmokomanih' —8. ntler. 
 Knife-sheath, yindik^inan. 
 Knife with two edges, ctamhmian. 
 Knit: I knit socks or stockii's, nind 
 aJK/anike. 1 knit stockings, nind 
 akohmiidassike, nin misatigomi- 
 Knitting, akokomidastikenmi. 
 Knob on a tree, t)ikwakicad._ 
 Knock; 1 knock, nin pakiU'ige. ^ I 
 1 lock witt) s. th.,nin pagakivuige. 
 1 knock mm with inv 8houlde'r«, 
 nin pakiteshkawa. 1 knock him 
 (her, r > down, nin pakiteoahima: 
 nin pakiteossiitun. 
 Kno'-k against; 1 knock against him, 
 v.. bitdkoaldawa. 1 knock against 
 it, nin bitdkoshkan. 11 knocks 
 against me, nin bitdkoskkagon.- I 
 knock my lu^t against s. th., nin 
 bitdhiddeshin ; my forciiead, nin 
 Intdkokwatigwrshin:, my hand, nin 
 bitdkoniudj'i.shin, my head, ninbi- 
 tdkondibesliin ; my knee, 7iin hitd- 
 Knock at door; I knock, ninpdpa- 
 gakwaige. I knock at a door, nin 
 'pdpagakwaan iahkwandem, nin pa- 
 paqaan ishkwandem. 
 Knocked out; the head and the bot- 
 tom of a barrel are knocked out, 
 Jdbondcia wakakossag.-l knock the 
 head and the bottom of a barrel 
 out, ninjdhondeun makakossag. 
 Knocking, paktteigewin,pagakwaigf- 
 Know ; 1 know, nin kikendjige, nind 
 indmatuJjige. I know hiip, (her, 
 it,) nin hikenima, nind in&mama, 
 nin nisdl awinaiou ; nin kikenddn, 
 nind inamandan^nin nissitawinan . 
 I know myself, nin kikmindis. — 
 I try to know him, (her, it,) nin 
 nandakikenima ; nin namlahiken- 
 ddn. I want to know him, (her, 
 it, ) nin wikikenima; nin tvi-kiken- 
 ddn.-\ make him know, 7i»« kikm- 
 damoa, nin iihmdamona.-l know 
 plainly, siirfily, nin palcal-endain, 
 mn hmskendjifre. I know him (her, 
 i'.' .P'«'"'y. »"» pakakenima, nin, 
 mm-enitnu; nfn pakakendan, tiin 
 histskendan.-l know, (I am learn- 
 ed,) m*/i kikendass. - I don't know, 
 etidoffweii. I don't know what, wa- 
 gototjwen. I don't know who, aive- 
 given. 1 don't know why, wegoto- 
 Knowledge, (science,) kikendasso- 
 win. I possess kn., 7iin kikendass. 
 Knowledge of s. th., kikiiidamrnvin. 
 Perfect kn., hidtikendamimin^ hi- 
 siskendjitjewin . 
 Known ; I am (it is) known, nin ki- 
 ken-dnoos, tiin kikendjigas ; kikend- 
 agwad, hikendjigade. I make 
 known, nin, kih'ndamiiwe. nin ki- 
 kendamodjiuy. I make it known, 
 (in., an.) nin kikend amii wen, nin 
 kikend am(Hl}iu>en\ nin kikendamii- 
 wenan, nin kikendnmndjiwenan. — 
 I look (it looks known, ninnisnta- 
 winagos ; niseitamnagwad. 
 Labor, amkiwin, kitcM anokiwin. 
 kotagiwin. — Labor of a woman in 
 giving birth to a child, nigiawas- 
 Labor ; I labor, toil, nind unohi, mn 
 kitchi anoki, nin kotagiw. 
 Labor, (in s. in.) S. Serve. 
 Laborer, andkiivinini, enokld, eno- 
 Labrador, mushkigdbug. 
 Lace, niskitchigun, I'vibidekadjigan. 
 1 ornament with Jace, ninnukilch- 
 ige, nin wibidekadjige. — I lace or 
 hll snowshoes, nind ashkime. Lac- 
 ing snowshoes, askkimewin. 
 Laced ; it is laced, ornamented with 
 lace, niskitchigade, wibidekade. 
 Lad, oshkinawe, weshkinigid. 
 Ladder, akwdndawagan. i ascend a 
 ladder, nind akwdndawe. 1 ascend 
 a ladder runninp, nind ahwanda- 
 wehato. I descend a ladder, nin 
 Laid; two are laid together, (an., in.) 
 nijossitohigasowag; nijossitchigade- 
 Lake; large lake, kitchigami. Small 
 lake, inland-lake, saqai^an. The 
 lake looks dark, (by the wind,) 
 makatewigami. In (he middle of a 
 lake, (or other water,) nmvugam. 
 Along the great lake, tohigikitchi- 
 gami.-l come to the lake from the 
 woods, nin mn.' 'ibi. It comes to 
 the lake, maddbimagad. I come to 
 the lake from camp to camp, nin 
 maddbigos. I go down to the lake 
 by water, ninmadahon.-l carry or 
 convey him (her, it) to the lake. 
 nin maddhina ; nin maddbidon. I 
 slide (it slides) down to the lake, 
 n/'n muddhisne ; madahisnemagad. 
 At the end of ii Inke, tvaiikmnijam. 
 Lake Superior, OtchipweHtchUjami, 
 (the sea of the Cbippewas.) '* 
 Lamb, rnanishtaniahena. 
 Lame; I am lame, nin rnamdndjigos, 
 nind adjdosse, 1 am lame in one 
 leg, nin tatchignde. I am lame in 
 the back, nin hokwaioigancta. I 
 lame myself, nin hntnt. 
 Lame, (in s. in.) S. Cripple. 
 Lame person, unable to walk, benuis- 
 sessiij, meniiindjigosul. 
 Lament; I lament, nin gagidowe, nin 
 Lament. Lamentaiion. — S. Weep 
 over... Weeping over... 
 Lamp, tvassuhwanendjigan. 
 Lamp-oil , wassakwanendjigc'.t-him- 
 hmxce, jimagan. 
 Lancer, ( 9o\{\\ex,)jimdganish. 
 Lancet for bleeding, haslcihweigan. 
 Land, aki. — S. Ground, (soil.) 
 Land ; I land, nin gahd. I land it, 
 {in., an.) ni/id^ agwa,ssil(yn. ; nind 
 agwashimn. It is landed, put a- 
 shore ;(*«., an.) agwassitchi^ade \ 
 Landing, landing-place, gubiwin. 
 Landlady, ushangekwe. 
 Landlord, ashangewinini. 
 Language, inwewin. Foreign lang- 
 uage, maiagtvewin, bakan inwewin. 
 I speak a for. lang., nin maiagwe, 
 nin maiagitagos, hakan nind inwe. 
 I make hnn speak a for. lang., nin 
 maiagwea. Difficult language, 
 samgwewin, I speak a diff. lang., 
 7iin sanagwe.~~l try to speak the 
 language of the people with whom 
 I live, nin nandaniinawe. 
 Language. S. Bad language. 
 L'Anse, Wikwed. At L'Anse, to or 
 from L'Anse, Wikwedong. 
 Lantern, wassakwanendjigan, 
 Lapointe, Mimingwanekan. At La- 
 poinite, toor fromLapoinite, Mon- 
 Lapwing, (bird,) moningwane, 
 L'Arbre.croche, W(iganaki«i. 
 Lard. S. Hogslard. 
 Larger, ntdit»owin. 
 Large, kitchi. 
 Large; I am (it is) large, big, nin 
 minnid ; mitcha. 1 am very large, 
 nin kiigahadia, nin mamadokin. I 
 am a large big j)er8on, nin man- 
 giiawen. — It is large, mangvihka- 
 magad. It is large : Clothing ma- 
 terial, mrt[n</aM'^«; metal, in., milch- 
 ahikad; metal, an.,mitchahiki«i; 
 stuff", in., )nitchig»d ; stuff", an. 
 mitchigisi; wood, in., initchakwad'y 
 wood, an. rnitchdkosi. — I am so 
 large, nind inigin. It is so large, 
 inigokwiisin, inigokwamagad. It 
 so large; Metal, «/»., iidgokwahik- 
 ad; metal, an., inigokwabikisi ; 
 stuff", in., inigokwabigad; stuff", an., 
 inigokwahigm. I appear (it ap- 
 pears) so large, nind inigokivaba- 
 minagos ; Inigokwabaminagwad. — 
 I catctka very large fisli,wi'» kaga- 
 badjibina. — i make it largo, nin 
 Large lake, h'trkigami. At the end 
 of a large lake, waiekwakitchiga- 
 Lark, kikihiknmeshi. 
 Lascivious. S. Libertine. 
 Lasciviousness. S. Licentiousness. 
 Lash J bashanjeigan. 
 Lashmg, bashanjHgewin. 
 Last ; I am the last, nind ishkwai- 
 adjiua. I am (it is) considered the 
 last, nind ishkiveiendagos ; ish- 
 kweieiidagwad. I live in the last 
 lodge or house, nind ishkwege. 
 The last lodge or house, ishkive- 
 gamig. It comes to me in the last 
 place, (I receive it the last,) nind 
 ishkwekagon. The last or young- 
 est child' in a family, ishkwetcfia- 
 gan. It is the last object, ighkwes- 
 sin. The last object, eshkwe^ning. 
 The last time, ishkwaich. For 
 the last time, gandpine. At 
 gegapi, ishkwateh. 
 Latch of a iio<dv, pakakonignn. 
 Late, the late. S. Deceased. 
 Late, wika. I come late, wika 
 Late/ it is late, (in the forenoon,) 
 • mi 
 ishpi-gijigad. It is not Ifite, (in the 
 arteri'iooii,) ishpi(/tji(jad. It =) 
 late in the night, uhpi-tihi'l-atJ . 
 Late, (in the hegiiiiiirip; of th*? <iveii. 
 iug,) apitchi onagihihig. 
 Lately, tuitnaia, anomain. 
 Later, by-and-hy, panima, nagatc.h, 
 panima nagatch. 
 Lath, (jijikens. 
 Lath ;' f lath, gijikensag mnd ag- 
 Laudanuin, opinin. nihewaho. 
 Laiij^h ; I laugh, nin hap. I laugh 
 with hin>, nin haha]djima. I am in 
 a habit of Uughing, or 1 laugh too 
 much, nin hapinhk. i laugh with 
 tears in my eyes, nin, gigisibingwe- 
 Laugh at ; I laugh at him malignant- 
 ly, nin gandj-bapia. I laugh at 
 him, (her, it,) mockingly, nin ba- 
 pinudana ,nin ha/,in<)<lan* 1 laugh 
 at him (her. it) friendly, idn ha- 
 pia ; nin hapiton. 
 Laughter, bufiiwin- I hurst info 
 laughter, mn naahkap^nin nuvis- 
 sap. I expose' it to laughter, (i«., 
 an.) nin h.ijHtamnwiniken ; nin ha- 
 pitamowi?iik(nan . 
 Launch ; I launch him (her, it) in 
 the water, 7iin hukobina ; nin bako- 
 hinan. I launch n vessel, nin ma- 
 dd&sidvn, nablkwan, nin ni/ninawe- 
 Launderer. Laundress. Laundry. — 
 S. Washer. Washer-woman. 
 Law. dlhahmigewin, inakonigewin, 
 (/nakunigeu'tn. I make laws', nind 
 ovahmige. I make a law for him, 
 nind onakonamuiva. I try to make 
 good laws, nin nandaonakoniqe. 
 Lawgiver, onakonigewinini, tnako- 
 Lawgiving, onakonigewin, inakonige- 
 win . 
 Lay ; I lay or put two objects togeth- 
 er, (a«., in.) nin nijos/iimag ;nin 
 nijosnitonan. I lay s. th. on him 
 to carry, nin bimondaa, nind onir- 
 hondaa. ] lay it badly, nin man- 
 jissitim, nin mdnossiton.. 1 lay him 
 down, (especially to sleep, ^ nin 
 J. 'I'lifhima, nin gawishima. 1 iay 
 '^1)1,1 down on some hard object 
 ii>n mitdk'ishima. Flay him (her 
 jl. ) down otherwise or .somewhere' 
 else, 7iind nndjiehima ; nind and- 
 Jiitsiton. 1 lay him (her, it) down 
 on the side, nind opim^nhima ■ 
 nind opimissvion. — I lay my head 
 on s. th. lying down, nind apik- 
 wcshin. 1 l-p- )n> head on it, [in,, 
 an. ) h iul upl.lcwesh,im(m ; nind apt- 
 Lay-baptism, kikiweiabawiuljigewin. 
 1 recene lay-baptism, ;)'m /[-eyt/. 
 .weiuhdUHis, nin kikinnuuidahnwas, 
 I give lay-baptism, ninkikiwcidha- 
 wadjige, nin kikinawadabawadjige. 
 I give him lay-baptism, nin kilci- 
 weiubauxina, nin kikinaivadabawa- 
 Lay eggs J she lays eggs, honam. 
 Lay on ; 1 lay it on thick, {in., an.) 
 nin klpagisiitim ; ninkipagishima. 
 Lay open ;' I lay it open, (in,, an.) 
 nin inijishaton, nin mi/ishuwissi- 
 ton ; jiin mijishaxfa, nin mijisha- 
 u'ishima, 1 lay it open before him, 
 nin vtiiinhawtssitamatva. It lays 
 open, or it is laid ox^en, mi jinhatvig- 
 sin , 7n ijit^kawimtchi/fade. 
 Laziness, kitiiniwin, kiliniighkiwin, 
 tatagadisiviin, iu tagadjiwin. 
 Lazy ;' I am lazy, nin kitim, nin kit- 
 iminhk, nin tatagudis. I look la- 
 zy, nin kitiminogos. 
 Lazy person, ketimishkid, taiata- 
 gadisid. enokiaaig. 
 Lead, ashkikoman. I work or pro- 
 duce iead,M/w/ fishkihmianike. 
 Lead-mine, ushkihrnianikun, I work 
 in a lead-mine, nind asktikomarir- 
 Lead, (plumb,) I lead or plumb a 
 fxpe, ninsigdwaopuiagan. I lead, 
 ornament with lead, nin masinu- 
 jigawUofiige, nin masinikwassige.— 
 I lead it, {in., an.) ninmasinajiga- 
 iviton; nin mannajigawia.— it is 
 leaded, (moulded,) (in., an.) ma- 
 sinaji^awitchigade ; masinajiga- 
 Lond^ 1 take the lead.nfa nigani, 
 nin niganogse. A man that takes 
 tho lead, niganosMwinini. A wo- 
 0ian that takes the lead, nigaiws- 
 Lead, (in «. in.)S. Guide. 
 Lead astray ; I lead him astray, nin 
 Lead away ; I lead him away, nin 
 madjiwina. I endeavor to load 
 hiin away, nin wikwatchiwinu. I 
 lead iiiin away on a cord, nin »a- 
 Lead back; Head him (her, it) back, 
 nind ajiwin.a, nin gi/vcwina ; nind 
 ujiwina, nin giwewidon. 
 Lead in ; 1 lead him in, nin pindiga- 
 Lead out ; I lead him out, tiin $agi- 
 sia, nin sagidjiwina. 
 Leaf, amlmli. There are leaves, 
 anibivhika. Amongst leavss, (in 
 a bush or shrub,) anibiKldkang, 
 megwibag. — The-leavos are bud 
 ding, asAkibagad. The loaves an; 
 coming ioxih.mgibaga. The loaves 
 are falling off, hiaakwi. The dry 
 leaves m;tke noise, gunkibaga- The 
 wind moves the leaves, gankibag- 
 aasin, goshhibagasdn. lied leaf. 
 mishibag. There are red leaves, 
 ' or the leaves are red, miekubaga. 
 The tree has red leaves, mi.tki^a- 
 gisi mitig. The leaves are wet, 
 tipabaga. The leaves become yel- 
 low, watihaga.. 
 Leaf for tea or medicine, loinisikens- 
 Leak ; it leaks, ondjiga. 
 Lean ; I lean with my head on s. th., 
 nind assokweshin, I lean on s. th., 
 nind assivas/dn, nind usswadjishi- 
 man. 1 lean silting, nind answa- 
 dab. I lean on s. th., standing, 
 nind atwds/d/non, nind alwakogn- 
 haiv. 1 make him (her, it) lean 
 against s. th., nind atwashima \ 
 nind atwassvlon. — I lean on one 
 side, nind anibcsse. It leans, ani- 
 hessemngnd, anibeia, anibessin, 
 anibeshkamagad, gawiiamagad. 
 I lean on one side, standing, 
 nind anibigahaw, nind anibeta. I 
 lean ( it leans j now on one side and 
 then on the other, nind aiciniteMe', 
 aiaidbessemngad. — It leans, ( it will 
 fall,) gawiehhamagud. It leans, 
 {in., an.) nawikute ; nawekiso. 
 Lean, (poor;) 7am lean, nin pah'- 
 kadiiH, nind vskanin. ?und othina- 
 bewin. 1 am extremely lean, nin 
 'gairdkuddfi, nin kmhkdkados, nin 
 Leanness, pakdkadoscnvin, huthid- 
 Leap; 1 leap or jump, nin gwd- 
 ulikwan. 1 leap down, »u"/i tiixnigwa- 
 shkivan. 1 hsap over him, (her, it,) 
 nin patiid)igiuimhkwanodawa\ nin 
 piigidjl, gwashkaanodan, 1 leapto 
 the opposite side of s. th., nind 
 ajawi-givatikkwan. 1 leap in the 
 water, nin hdh.biijwuBhkifun. — I 
 leap upon soinelmdy, nin gwa- 
 Hhkn-amuhige. 1 leap or jump upon 
 luin, (.her, it,) nin gwushkuanvda- 
 n<u\ niu giviuhkwanodnn. 
 Learn; I learn it, (I want to know 
 it,) nin wi-kikendan. I endeavor 
 to learn, nin nandakikcndan. 
 Learned; 1 am learned, nin kikeU' 
 dittos, nin bisinkendjige. 
 Learned man, kiken<l ansowinini. 
 Learning, y. Knowledge. 
 Leatiier, puslik/fciji/i,. 
 Leather-buttle, j'un/ikwegin-omodai. 
 Leather-coat, /jashkwigino-labiiika- 
 Leatl'ier-legging, pashhwegino - mi- 
 Leather - manufactory, assekewigu- 
 Lcatner-manulacturer, assekewinini. 
 LeaJier-string forsnowshoes, ishki- 
 mandab. Narrow leather-string, 
 Leave; 1 leave him, (her, it,) 7im «a- 
 oana, nin pnkewina; nin nagadan, 
 nin pakewidon, 1 leave hini,_(her, 
 it,) flying away for safety,_7ii/i wa- 
 gadjinijimn, nin naciajinijima; 
 nin nagadjinijindan, nin nagnjini- 
 jindan. i leave him in a stealthy 
 maimer, nin gimodjikaiia. 1 leave 
 11 ■' 
 him wflAijinc;, nin, mokawlidjima. 
 1 ilon't Uvwo hliii but ntttir liis 
 death, nin nihokana. — /leave 
 dome, aft<!r p.Uintf, ui'nd ixhkivnii- 
 (fji(fe. I leave it, after eatiiii,' soine 
 of it, {in., an.) nind inld-irnnf/nii; 
 nind iihkwama. — /leave a place 
 entirely, nind anilr.hi-m'ulja. 
 Leave, (in s. iii.) S. Go out. Ue8er,e. 
 Leave behind: /leave him (her, it) 
 behind, walking, nin nagana; nin 
 naijadan. 1 leave behind, in a ca- 
 noe or boat, nin nagadnowe. I 
 leave him behind, in a canoe or 
 boat, nin naijadawn. 
 Leave by mistake. S. Forj»et to take. 
 Leave home; / leave home, / leave 
 my parents, nin tngidode. 
 Leaven, omhissitchigan, jiwisdtchi- 
 Leavened; the breacl is lea v., omhis- 
 aitchiijaso jxakwejiijnn. The bread 
 rises up. (there is leaven in,) om- 
 hishin pakwejigan. 
 Leech, sagaskwadjime. There are 
 leeches, ttagaskwadjimeka. 
 Leech - Lake, Gasagaekunuljimekag. 
 Left. S. Hand. Foot. Leg, (Sic. 
 Left, (in s. in.) S. Remain. Re- 
 Left-handed: /am left-h., nin na- 
 mandji . 
 Legjokfidima. My, thy, his leg, w^- 
 kad, kikad, okad. The bone of my, 
 thy, his leg, nikadigan, Icikadigan, 
 okadigan. The right leg, kitchi'gad, 
 okiic/ligadima. The left leg," nu- 
 jnandjigad, onamandjigadima. — 
 /have convulsions in tny leg, nin 
 tchilchibigadeshka. /have cramps 
 m my leg, nind otchigadepinig. I 
 have a dead leg, nin nihoivigade. 
 /have line legs, nin wawijigade. 
 /have hairy legs, nin mishu/ade, 
 nin mcmii/iigade. I have large 
 legs, ?im manungigade. /h.ive a 
 long leg, nin giiingade. I have 
 one leg longer than the other, nin 
 nahaniginogade. /have lung legs, 
 nin gaganogade, I have only one 
 leg, nin ndbanigade. The other 
 leg, lidhanfgad, ajufrignd. 1 have 
 nain in my leg, nin dewigade. / 
 have a scar on my leg, nind i/dji. 
 thigadf. I have a short leg, jxin 
 Xakognde. /have one leg shorter 
 than the other, nin nahan^taj^o, 
 mde. / have short legs, nin tata- 
 logade. I have a small leg, nind 
 aganfigade, nin hiivigade. I have 
 small U-K9, nin babiwigade. /have 
 strong legs, nin mathkawigude 
 nin mmgigiidf. /have two legs' 
 nrn mlogfdc. h lias fburlcgs. nioqa- 
 de.--Uy leg is broken, itinhokogdde 
 J break my leg, nin hokogudeshin 
 /break his leg, nin hohiqadewa 
 My leg is cold, nin takigade. My 
 legs are cracked, 7iin yipigadl 
 nin aagim'gade. My leg is cut oft" 
 ninkiMigade. 1 cut off his Ic.'' 
 nin kishkigadfijwa. My leg is dislo- 
 cated, nin gidishakogadenhin, tii„ 
 kotigogadeta. i dislocate my leg 
 nin lotigogadeshin, nin hdiguki. 
 shin, nin biminkogadeshin. 1 cfislo- 
 cate his \eg,nin pakigadehtna. My 
 leg is stiff", nin tchibtkakogade. My 
 leg is swollen, ninbagigade. My 
 legs are warm, nin kijognde. My 
 leg is wounded, nin mdkigade — 
 I draw back my leg, nind odjiqa- 
 den. I rub his leg with medicine 
 nin sinigngadebina. 1 stretch out 
 my leg, ninjibigaden. 
 Legging, middss. My, thy, his leg- 
 ging, mid ass, kidam, odass. I have 
 torn leggings, nin bigodasse. I have 
 only one legging on, ninnahane. 
 L-^gging-string, sagassannjebistm. 
 Legislator. S. Lawgiver. 
 Leg of a chair, &c., okadetchigan. It 
 has legs, okadetcfiigade. 
 Lend; I lend, nind a'wiiwe. I lend it 
 to him, nind awid. I lend it, (in. 
 an. )nind Mviiwcn;nind awiiwenan. 
 Leriding, aiviiweivin. 
 Length; my, thy, his length, 
 ekOsiiiln, ekosiian, ekosid. Its 
 length, ehming. I am (it is) of 
 such a length, nind aUs: akossin, 

 Lengthen; I lenRthpn it, it^aka it 
 long, nin ginwdtmi. I lonpthtn it 
 out, nindanU-cfon. It iu lengthe-iicd 
 out, aniketi-hi,(jnde. Lengthening 
 siring, anikohiiljigan. 
 Lent, Icitchi t/iif/u'tiihimnuin, 
 Lfipir, iretnuiid , Icdihi-ontujid, I am 
 a \e.\ivx, nin l-itchi ornvji. 
 Leprofy, omi(jiui/t, kitvhi-omijiwin. 
 Less, nau'dti'h paiioi, nonddti*. 
 Lessen, I lessen it, nin pangtwnfi- 
 Let alone; I let him (her, it) alone, 
 nin hinitna, nin bum' a; nin h< mi- 
 ton. It is lot alone, ((/t., a«.) huni- 
 tcld(Hide\ h(iuifr/ii(ja,io. 
 Letdown, Iletliiin (her, it) down 
 on a rope, nin ninedhi^iina, nin ho- 
 ndhi(jina\nin fiin.sdhipiitaii, nin ho- 
 nahiyinun. I iini (it is) let down, 
 nin niitiidhiiiiiiigas, nin hinnhigi- 
 ■niga«; nitvalnyiniuude, hmdhiyini- 
 Let go; 1 let him (her, it)go, fiinjia- 
 gilina, nin jxigisil-awa; nin/iagi- 
 ainan, nin I'atiinikan. I let linn 
 (her, itjgosudcioiily, nini>axjidjwc- 
 hina; nin pagidjwehinan. 
 Let me see ! t'aga ! taga I 
 Letter, maninuigan, nindaitoemad- 
 naignn. Letter nerit, mddjibiigan. 
 Letter received^ hidjtbiigan. 
 Level; I put level, ?iind aindjieniti/n. 
 — The conutry is level, jingalca- 
 mic^a, tataqivumagad. 
 Lever, ornhukwdigan, agwaJcidaigan, 
 Levyd; I am lewd, nin gagihadis, nin 
 Lewdness, gac/ihaditiwin, hishigwa- 
 Liar, geginmimhldd. I am a liar, nin 
 ginawinhh, nin gui/inawiM. 
 Libertine, pagdndjinini, nwadilwe- 
 ived, nwadjiihcewed, I am a liber- 
 tine, nin nodikwtwe^ nin nvdjii- 
 hvewe, nin binhigwudis. 
 Liberty, diheniiKhndtrin. I give him 
 liberty, ninpagidina tchi dibentn- 
 Licentious. S. Libertine. 
 Licenliotisnp*' ni.dikwtwetvin, nvd» 
 Jiil'W •<<,.' ''iiy ' it</iigiiadi»iuin, 
 Lic' i.t o'.jk. L'ceiitiuusnosB, (in s. 
 )"i • S. In f<ure. Imimrity. 
 Lick- f '• '•.., nui n Kkwadjige, nin 
 U' fruia:<. 1 lick hiin, (htr, it,) 
 nin » f 7/ 'ffla; uin ninhvudun. I 
 lick B. belonging to him, n\n 
 ■i mkiLi ■^aawu, — I litk anit 
 81"' k i',(/m., an.) ninitobanduv; 
 n-r'i .r<iliuma. 
 Lie, pinuaho. 
 Lie, giwanimijmn, ginawiJdiwin, I 
 give him the )ic.,innd aha. 
 Lie, tell lies; I lie. nin giiranitn, 
 aninha nind ikit. I 'ell liim a lie, 
 nin giwuuima. I tell him lies, nin 
 gagintiwinhkima. I am in a habit 
 ol ti'llitig lies, nin yinawit-hk, nin 
 yuginuwinhk. I make him tell a 
 li<!, 7iin ginawishkia, nin yiwutii- 
 Lie; 1 lie, (I am lying,)ni« ^Vn^/wA/n. 
 I lie down, vin gauimim. I lie 
 down further there, nind ikwinhin. 
 I lie down otherwise or sonie- 
 wluire (;lse,7u'/'r/ andjinbin, A lies 
 otherwise or elsewhere, nndjiuin. 
 J lie ( it lies) badly, uncomlbrtably, 
 nin mdnoti/iin. nin manMiin; inu- 
 nosnin, mdiijusin. J lie on my 
 hvAly,nind animikwiti/tin. it lies I 
 upside down, animikuintii7i. We 
 lie close together, nin tiindjinhini- 
 min. J lie contracted, nin gugiji- 
 v'tKhin, I lie indccentlv, nin nihu- 
 djiMn, nin mdnadjinhin. I lie on 
 8. ih.^nind ajnuhwn, I lie on it, 
 {in., un.) mnd apishimon; nind 
 ajmhinidnan. I lie on some hard 
 object, nin mitdkoahin. I lie on it, 
 {in., un.) nin mitdkoshkan', nin 
 miiukonhkawa. I lie ( it lies) on the 
 m\e,ni,uio].imeithin; ojiimenkin, I 
 ]ie squat, nind okikiwivhin. I lie 
 still, nin bii^anishin. I lie stretched 
 out, nin jibi«hin. I lie (it lies) un- 
 covered, nin mitchinhin; rnitchis- 
 mi. 1 lie (it lies) well, nin mim>- 
 nhin; mimmin. I lie wrapped up, 
 nin tviu'eginiiihin. — We lie two, 
 tree, four etc. together, nin nijo- 
 thimin, nin nissoshimin, vin ninshi- 
 min, i,Vc. A piece of wood lies on 
 high, bimahvamo mitig. It lies 
 there, (in., an.) bimukivissin; hi- 
 Life, himadisiwin. Another life, {\n 
 the next world,) ajida-hrmadui- 
 win. /lulian life, anhhinahe-hima- 
 dis'iwin, aniMnahewidjigewin^i — 
 Life everlasting, higige himudisi- 
 win. Pure life, hinadisiwin. Im- 
 pure life, winadisi win. 
 Lift; /am lifting with a lever, nind 
 agwakidaige, nind ugwid lig^. I 
 li'ft him (her, it) with a lever, 
 nind agioakid-dwa, nind agwidkwa; 
 nind aritvnlcidaan, nind agivifluan. 
 Lift up; /lift lip, nind omhahonige, 
 nind omhaMginigt, nind omhalco- 
 bidjige, nind omhakwaige, nind nm~ 
 binige. /lift him up, nin pasigwin- 
 dinn. I lift him (her, it) up, nind 
 omhina, nind ighpina, nind om- 
 babigijia, nind omhahona, nind om- 
 bakohina, nind onishkabintf nind 
 omh'nan, nind ishpinan, nind am- 
 babiginan, nind omhahmtm, nnd 
 omhak()hma7i, nind onishknbinun. I 
 lift him(het, it)up and carry away, 
 nind nmhiwina', nind ombiwidon. 
 /can lift him (her, it) m^ningash- 
 hina; nin gashkinan. /can hardly 
 for cannot) lift him (her, it) up, 
 nin bwawina; nin bwawinan. — / 
 lift up my eyes, nin diitagab, nin 
 datagnnab. / lilt my head, nin 
 Lifted up; I am (it is) lifted up by 
 the wind, nind ombnsh; omhdssin. 
 Light, wasseiasiwin, was&enamoivin, 
 waasiia. I am in the light, was- 
 seianing nind aia, nin wnsseiadis 
 —Bring to light. S. Show, (let 
 Light, (moon-shine,) it is linrht, 
 Light; it is light, wasseiapiagad, was- 
 silemngad, I make it light, nin 
 wussakwanean. 1 make it light for 
 him, nin wassakwaneamawa. I 
 make light a place by burning s. 
 ih.. ., nin wassahwanendjige. I burn 
 it for a light, nin wassahounendh- 
 gen. I make him (her, it) iignt, 
 nin toasseshkawa; nin wasseshkun. 
 — I ligh* vset on fire,) nin sa- 
 kaige. 1 light it, (set it on fire,) 
 nin sakaan. I light a pipe, nin 
 eakmpwuganc, nin binkanepwa. — 
 It is lighted, (set on fire,) sa- 
 Light, (not heavy;) I am (it is) 
 light, nin ndngis; ndngan. I finci 
 him (her, \\,)\\g\ii,ninnange.nima\ 
 nin na7igendan. 1 make it light, I 
 lighten it, {in., an.) nin ndngiUm; 
 nin ndngia. I have a light pack, 
 nin tinngiwane. 
 Light, (in s. in.) S. Nimble. 
 Light-footed; I am 1., nin ndngisi- 
 de. Ligh'.-footed Indian, naidn- 
 gisided anishinabe. 
 Lighthouse, tvassakivan^ndjigan. 
 Lightning, wussamowin, was oak- 
 tvaam. There are lightnings, it 
 lightens, tvassamowag {wawassa- 
 viowag) animikicf, tvassaku aamog 
 (animikig.) — Uninterrupted light- 
 nings, gliigassigfiwag {animikig). 
 Light-timbered; it is ligjit-timberea, 
 yigaahfa, jigaakweia. 
 Like..., like as..., tannssug, tibishko, 
 Like, dowa, dowan; dino, dinowa. 
 Like; I 'ike him, (her, it,) nin min- 
 tven"'.iia, nin sagio', nin minwenr- 
 ddn, nin sagiton-. 
 Like, (in s. in.) S. Keep company. 
 Liken; I liken him to somebody, 
 nind awea. I liken it to something, 
 niii' aweton. 
 Likeness. S. Portrait. 
 Likewise, nassab, tibishko. tabish- 
 kotch; mipidash, mipidashgaie. 
 Lily, nabagashk, mashJiodepinig. 
 Limb, pakesiu'in. I have small 
 limbs, nin babiwig. I have large 
 big limbs, niii rnamdngig. I have 
 a hole (woind) in some limb, nin 
 Lime, wabdbiaan. I burn lime, nin 
 Lime-bu rner; wdbabiganiketoinin % , 

 Lime-burner's business or work, wa- 
 Limekiln, wabdhiganikan. 
 Lindert-bark, wigoh. 
 Linden-tree, iviyob, wiaobiinij. 
 Line, bimuiakiran. bimiiwkwanens. 
 Line on the upper and ujjder 
 border of a fish ne\.,jin(dagan. 
 Line; f line, nin, hitixjivadjiye. I line 
 it, [in., an.) nin bitogwadan; nin 
 Lined; it is lined, (in., an.) bitog- 
 wade; bitogwaso. 
 Linen; assabdbiwegin. 
 Lining, bitngw(idjigan, bitogwaason. 
 Lion, mishvbiji. 
 Lip; my, thy, his lips, nindon, kidnn, 
 (>dou.— -My lips are cracked, sore, 
 nin gipidon, nin gagipidon. My 
 lips are cracked from cold, nin 
 glpidonewadj. My lips are cracked 
 from great heat, nin gipidoneias. — 
 My lip is split, nin passid<m,. — I 
 stretch out my fips, nin jihidonen , 
 ninjishibidanen, — On the lips only, 
 Liquid; it has the appearance of 
 syich a liquid, inagami. It is a bad 
 liquid, mnnnganii. I find this li- 
 quid has a bad taste, nin mdnd- 
 gamipidan. It is a good liquid, 
 minwdgami. I find this liquid has 
 a good taste, nin minivagamipi- 
 dan. It is a clean liquid, binagami. 
 It is a dirty 1., winaqami. /t is an 
 excellent liquid., ivtngdgami. It is 
 a thin liquid, jigaagami. I make 
 it thin, nin jagadgamit'in. — Some- 
 thing is in a liquid stnte.jogajnam- 
 agad. It is brought to a liquid 
 state, jogamitchigade. I make it 
 liquid, (m„ an.) nin Jogamiton: 
 ninjogania. I make pitch liquid, 
 nin jogamia pigiw. The pitch is in 
 a liquid state, jogamisi pigiw. 
 Liquor, ardent 1 quor, ishkotewabo. I 
 like liquor, nin wingdcamandjige. 
 Liquor-house, minikwewigamig, si- 
 Liquor-sel ling, siginigewin. 
 Liquor-selliiig license, siginige^mas- 
 Liquoi -selling woman, dginigekw^. 
 Liquor-shop. S. Liquor-house. 
 Liqiio'--8hop keeper, nigimgewinini. 
 1 keen a liquor-8hop,''«,«, siginige. 
 Listen; I listen, nhi pifiindam. 1 
 listen with pleasure, ninminotam. 
 It iibtens with pleasure, minota- 
 m.>magad. I listen to him, (her, 
 \iAnin pinnduwa; nin pUinddn. — 
 I listen to him (her, it): With ap- 
 ' prehension of 'innger, nin nunis- 
 antiama; nin nanisunitim. With 
 astonishment, nin mamakudtawu; 
 nin mamakasitan. With attention , 
 nin ndgaiKdawa; nin ndgasotun. 
 With displeasure, 7iiH Jingitawa, 
 nin migonhkanitawa', nin jingitan, 
 ninmigoshkanitan. With fear, nin 
 segitawa',nin sigitdn. With pleas- 
 ure, nin minotawa; nin minotdn. 
 With sorrow, nin wasgitdwitawa; 
 nin wasaitawitdn. With trouble of 
 mind, nin ivur,.ishkwetawa; tiinwa- 
 niMwetdn, — / listen to him with 
 the impression that he is telling or 
 recommending dihlcult things, 
 nin sanagitawa. 1 listen to him 
 with the impression that he talks 
 foolishly, absurdly, m» gagibasit- 
 Listen, (in s. in.) S. Hear. Hearken. 
 Listen, ("obey;) I listen, ninbabdmi- 
 tam. I listen to him, nin babdrni- 
 tawa. /listen to myself, nin ba- 
 Listened to, ( in s. in. ) S. Heard. 
 Little, a little, panai, naigadam. — 
 Very \Mi\e, panguM, agdwa. /am 
 of a little number, nin naiitnwia . 
 There is little of it, naietawad, 
 maneinad, dgu <iinad, pungiwagci. 
 There is little of it, (an. obj.) 
 pangiwid, pangiwagist, miieta- 
 win. We arc in a little number, 
 nin pangiwaginmin. — There is 
 very little of it, (in., an.) pangi- 
 shewagad; vammhiwagisi. We 
 are very little of us, nin pangishe- 
 wagisimin—l reduce it to little, 
 nin pangiwagiUm, 
 Little. S. Small. 
 Little girl's Point, Gaangu'dssagokag . 
 Live; I live, nin himddis. It lives, 
 himadisimagad., himadad. I live 
 of new, ind ajita-Hmadie. I live 
 in » certain place, nin danaH. 1 
 live in peace in a ceitain place, 
 nin wanaTci, I live in dinerent 
 places, nin baha-ainda, nin hnVa- 
 madie. I live with him in the same 
 place or country, nin wishhanaki- 
 wema, nin u'irJjidaHwema, nin 
 wiehdanulcima.'-^l live like a 
 beaver, nind amihwadis. I live 
 like an Indian, nind anishinahe- 
 bimadie. I live in the Indian 
 country, nind anishinnheki. I live 
 in a village with others, nin hi- 
 mige. We live together in a vil- 
 lage, nin bimigeidimin. We live 
 or dwell together, nin mumawig' 
 eniin, nin widigendimin. 
 Live, make live / 1 make live, nin 
 bimddjiiwe. I make him (her, it) 
 live, nin biinddjia: nin bimddjiton. 
 I make myself live, nin bimddjii- 
 dis. I make live to me s. th. nin 
 bimadjitamas, nin bimculjitamadis. 
 I make him (her, it) live tome, 
 nin himadjitainasonan, nin hiinad- 
 jitamadisonau ; nin bimadjitama- 
 son, nin bimadjitamadison,. 
 Liver, bemadisia. My fellow-liver, 
 Liver, okonima, My, thy, his liver, 
 nikon, kikon^ okon. I have a large 
 liver, nin indngikone. I have a 
 small liver, nind agdsnikone. 
 Livid. S. Dark-blue. 
 Living in a certain place, danakiwin, I 
 Living in peace, wdnakiwin. 
 Lizard, ogikaddnangwe. Red lizard, 
 hwiwisens. Another kind of lizard, 
 Lo ! na ! bina ! gotvengish! nashhe ! 
 ndginin ! wegwdgi ! 
 Loach, (fish,) misdi. 
 Load, carried on the back, bimiwa- 
 Load ; I load a gun, nind onaehkina- 
 don pashkieigan. The gun is load- 
 ed, onashkinade pashkisigan. 
 Load. Loading, (_in s. in,) S. Ship. 
 Lock, dbdhikaigan, or rather, la«h- 
 kdhikaigan. I nnke locks, nin hcsh- 
 Lock; I lock it, nin kashkdbikaan. 
 Locked ; it is locked, kashkdbikai- 
 Locksmith , ababikui/janikewinini, 
 Locksmith's trade, business, work, 
 dbabikaiganiki ivin, kashkabikaiga- 
 Locust, adi^sawaicsM. 
 Lodge, wigiwam. Lodge of cedar- 
 bark, wanagekogamig. Lodge of 
 birch - bark , 'wigtvassiwigamif. 
 Round lodge, wdginogan. l live 
 in a round lodge, mn 'wdginoge. 
 Pointed lodge, naesawaoga/i. I live 
 or dwell in a pointed lodge, nin 
 nabsawaoge> In the lodge, //i«d?^. 
 amig. In the back part of the 
 lodge, giskabag. On the top of the 
 lodge, ogidigamig. Between two 
 lodges, nasmwigamig,-^]. make or 
 build a lodge, nind ojige. I make 
 another lodge, nink dndjige. 1 lod- 
 ge or live in the lodge, nin da. I 
 live in the first lodge, nin nitami- 
 ge> I live in the last lodge, nind 
 ishkwege. We live in two, three, 
 four lodges, etc., tiin nijogamigid- 
 min, nin nissngamigisimin . nin rd- 
 ogamigisimin^ etc. Two, three lod- 
 ges, etc., nijogamig, nissogamig^ 
 etc. So many lodges, dassogamig. 
 Lodge-mat, apdkwd. 
 Lodge-pole, abdj. 
 Log, mitig. The end of a log, wanuh- 
 Log-canoe, mitigo-tchiman. 
 Log-house, wdkaigan, mitigo-wakai- 
 gan, I build a log-house, or live in 
 a log-house, nin wdkaige. 
 Log for a house, wakaiganatig, wa- 
 Log for a sawmill, wz'^f^ kashkibosod, 
 mitig ge-tashkiboHod> 
 Log-saw, cross-baw, kitchi kishki- 
 Lonesome; 1 feel lonesome, nin kash- 
 kendam, nin mamidawendum. It 
 i3 L, kaahkendagwud. 
 I 645 
 Long; I am long, (tall,) niti ginos. I 
 have a long (slender) body, nin, 
 giawiihi<j,iawe. It is long, ^mwa- 
 mugad, yinande, ginwaiakoetin. It 
 is long . Metal, \n., ginwdhikud ; 
 metal, an., ginwdbikui: string, in., 
 ginwahigad ; string or thread, an.. 
 ginuHihgtsi; stuft',^i/i., ginwegad ; 
 stuff, an., ginwegid ; wood," in,, 
 ginwukwad ; wood, an., ginw^(ds. 
 Long, a long time, ginwenj, kabiaU, 
 naidiij. Long every time, gagthi- 
 wenj. It is long, it lasts long, 
 ^zYoAd.-Long ago, mewija. As long 
 as..., apitch. 
 Long, (wish ;) I long after him, nin 
 wihjdentma. I long after s. th., 
 nin mamidawendam, 
 Long-sufl(Bring, hekadendagosiwin. 
 Long-suffering ; I am 1., nin lekad- 
 Long-suffering, (in s. in.) S. Patient. 
 Look, indhiuiin. 
 Look ; I look (it looks) somewhere, 
 nind inib ; indbimagad. 1 look at 
 him, (her, it,) nin ganatvabamu ; 
 nin ganawabandan. I look at my- i 
 self, nin ganawabandis. I look 
 with anger, nin nishkdb. I look at 
 him (her, it) with anger, nin nish- 
 idbama, nin nisfiLdedhamu ; nin 
 -, nishkdbanda», nin niMdsdban- 
 dan. I look, behind, nind dbunab. 
 1 look from a certain distance, 
 nind onsdb. I look at him (her, it) 
 from a certain distance, nind ansa- 
 iama; nind onaubandan. I look on 
 dreadfully, nin gotamimvab. 1 look 
 at him (her, it) d ^adfuUy, nin go- 
 iamigwabama ; nin gotamigwaban- 
 dan, I look round, nin gtwitawab. 
 I look roundat them, nin giwita- 
 wabamag ; nin aiwituwubanda7ian. 
 I look sidewards or aside, nin ne- 
 gwab, nin nenegwab, nin biindJa- 
 wah. I look on steady, nin kijigdb. 
 I Jock steady at him, (her, it,) «m 
 tkijigabamu ; nin kijigahanddn. I 
 look in a stealthy manner, nin gi- 
 mah. i look at him (her, it) i,' i 
 stealthy manner, nin giinalurnr, 
 nin gimosabama ; nin glmal mdxi/; 
 nin gimoeahandan.-] look amazed, 
 nin tatongah, {nin tatwangab.) I 
 look angry, nin niehkadnagns. I 
 look good, benevolent, charitable, 
 nin minatvinagoB. 1 look (it looks) 
 known, nin medtawinagoe; nisdt- 
 awinugwad. 1 look (it looks) large, 
 bulky, nin mitchdbaminagoa;7aitch' 
 iAamiuagwad. I look sullen, cross, 
 nin mindnwe, ninrninduwewinagoa, 
 liook (it looks) ugly, ninmana- 
 baminagos, nin manitiagos; man/f 
 baminagwad, maninc.gwad. I look 
 (it looks) well, nin minwdbaminu- 
 gos; minwabamznagwad. 
 Look, (in s. in.) S. Appearance. 
 Look at, (in . in.) S. Gaze. 
 Look lor ; I look for, (especially in 
 hunting or fishing, ) nin nandawen- 
 djige. Looking for, nandawendji- 
 Look lor. Looked for, (in s. in.) S. 
 Seek. Sought. 
 Look like.,.; I look (it looks) like,.., 
 nind yinugoe; ijinugivad. 
 Look on; I look on, nin wahange. 
 Look out ; I look out, nind akawdb. 
 1 look out for him, (her, it,) nind 
 ahuvdbama; nind ai:awabnndan. 
 Look upwards ; I look upwards, nin 
 ddtugab, nin ddtaganab. 
 Look with hope ; I look on with 
 hope, nin pagossdbange. i look at 
 him with hope, nin pagosgabama. 
 Looking-glass, wabmatcliitvhagioan. 
 Loon, mang. Young loon, mangw^s. 
 Loon's loot, mangosid. Loon's 
 louse, mangodikom. 
 Loose ; I am loose, nin pagidji-aia. 
 I get loose, mnd abiskota. it gets 
 loose, abisl-ukamaga^ , abiskosse. 
 It is loose, gcshawishka neshangis- 
 Loosen, (in s. in.) S. Unbend. 
 Lor en; I loosen him, (her, it,) nind 
 I ''/'."a, tl''nd ubitkona; nind obis- 
 Loose; .d; ^^'is loosened, abiskobide, 
 'ihi8h:Jdjigade, - 
 Loquacity, osamidmiowin. 
 Lord, (God,) Debetidjiged. Our Lord, 
 Lord, (ma?;ter,) dehe>yljige<i.^ I am 
 lord or master, tiin dihen^jige 
 Lose; I lose, nin wanitass, nin wani- 
 iage. 1 lose him, (her, it,) ninwwf 
 nia ; nin waniton. I lose myself, 
 nin waniidis. I lose s. th. belong- 
 ing to him, nin wnnitawa, nin 
 wanitamaioa. I lose all, in gam- 
 ing, nin tchdqinago. 
 Lose, (drop, let fall ;) I lose it, (p., 
 an.) nin pangissiton \ nin pangish- 
 Lose, (ruin;) I lose property, mn 
 banndjita»s. I lose him, (her, it,) 
 nin hanadjiu'y nin bnnddjiton. 
 Lose sight; I lose sight, nind nng- 
 wabundjige, bandbandjige. I lose 
 sight of hin., (her, it,) nind ung- 
 wabatna, nin bundbama ; nind ang- 
 wabandan, nin bandbandan. 
 Lose time; I lose my time by drink- 
 ing liquor, nind ondamibi. I make 
 people lose their time, nind onda- 
 miiwe. I make him lose his time 
 by talking to him, nind and aniima. 
 Losing; I am losing myself, or losing 
 property, nin banddis, nin babun- 
 Loss, losing, banadisiwin, b'anadjitas- 
 gffwin, banadjiiwewin. 
 Loss, at a loss; I am at as loss for..., 
 nin wawanis. I am at a loss to do 
 8. th., nin wawani-dodam. 
 Lost; it is lost, (w.., an.) banadad, 
 bunadjitchigude; banadisi, banadji- 
 tohigaso. I am (it is) consider<»d 
 lost, nin banadendagoe; lannden- 
 dagwad. I consider him (her, it) 
 lost, nin banadenima; nin batia^ 
 dendan. I consider myself lost, 
 nin bunddenindis. 
 Lot; we cast lots, nind atndimin. I 
 cast lots for it, {in., an.) nind ai- 
 andikandan; nind atandiJcana. 
 Loud, eiiigok; epitoweng. I speak 
 loud, nin Jcijiwe. I call load, nin 
 Louse, ihwa. I have lieu, nind odi- 
 kon. I search lice, nm nandoma- 
 hrme, nin nodjidikvme. 1 search 
 lice on his head, nind nandonaesu. 
 i crack lice, nin paMidJikome. 
 Love, sagiitfeu'in , sagiidiwiA: 
 Love; I love, nin sdgiiwe. T love 
 him, (iier, it,) wm sa/jia; nin ea- 
 giti/fu ■ I love him in thoughts, 
 nin sagienima. I love myself, 
 nin sagiidis. We love one an- 
 other, nin«agiidimin.—\ am loved, 
 nin sugiigof. 
 Love-letter, sagiiwe-mns'muigan. 
 Love-medicine, sagi'dimashkiki, sa- 
 giiwe-mashkiki, gegihudah ma$h~ 
 Lover, saiagiiwed. 
 Low; it is low, tabassamagud. It 
 is low, (thin,) tabunsunsika, 
 how, (below,) tafxifhish. 
 Low, (in s. in.) S. Cheap. _ 
 Low, (mean;) I am low, nin tabas- 
 sadis. I esteem him (her, it) low, 
 nvn, tabussenima', nin tabassenddn. 
 I esteem myself low, nin tabaise- 
 nim, nintabasshiindi.1. I am (it 
 is) esteemed low, considered low, 
 nin tabassendagos ; tabassendag- 
 Lower; 1 lower it, put it lower, {in., 
 an.) nin tabassuhn, or ni7i tabdssi- 
 ton,^ nin tabdssinan; nin tabdssia, 
 nin tabdssina, I lower myself, 
 nin tnbds. — It lowers, newiihka- 
 Luck'; good luck, jawenddgosiwin, 
 minwabamewisiwin , onwdsiwin . 
 (Bad luck, massagv^adisiwin.) 
 Lucky; I am lucky, niitjawejidagog, 
 nin minwabamewis, nind onwa«. 
 (I am unlnckv, nin massa^ivadis.) 
 Lull; I lull him to sleep, Jiin nibea. 
 Lunatic, gawaimdapijied. I am a 
 lunatic, nin giwanadapine. 
 Lungs; my, thy, his lungs, nipan, 
 kipdn, opdn. 
 Lurk; I lurk, nind akando, I lurk 
 for somebody, nind akamawe. I 
 lurk for him, nind akamawa. 
 Lurking, akamawewin. 
 Lust. S, Concupiscence. 
 Lustre; it has a lustre, (stuff, tra., 
 an.) waseikivegad; tvasnkwegisi. I 
 give it a lustre, (t'/i., an. ) nin ivns- 
 sikwegiton, nin wamkivcgaan; nia 
 wass'kwegia, nin wassikwegdwa. 
 Lustre, (in s. in.) S. Polish. Pol- 
 Lying down; I am lying, ninjinQteh- 
 in. It is iyins: there, jinfishinn- 
 magad. 1 am lyinpr in a fatiguing 
 way or manner, nind iskhakoshin. 
 —S. Lie. , 
 Lying, (telling lies,) giwanvri^nci'm 
 ginaivx8h.Mwir„. Lying habit, gagi- 
 Lyni, hijiw. 
 Lynx-skin, hijiwaian. 
 Mackinavv or Mackinac, Mahinang, 
 Mat inaw-boat, nahagitchiman, hi- 
 tchi mitigotchiman. 
 Mad; I am mad, nin giwanadia. 
 Made; it is made, {in., an.) ojitcM- 
 gude, gijitchigade, ijitchigad'e, giji- 
 kigade; ojitckioaso, gijitchigaso, 
 ijitchig^so, gijikigaso. 
 Madman, gawanadinid. 
 Madness, giivanadisiwin. 
 Magic, mamandjitchigeuiin, manand- 
 Jinowi/i, sassagpdikwin. I prac- 
 tise magic, nin mamandjitchige, 
 nin mamandjin, nin sassagodis. 
 Magician, _ mamandjitchigewinini, 
 mumundjinowinini, sassagodisiwi- 
 Magistrate, dihakonigeiohiini. 
 Magnificent;_ it is mag., kitehi oniji- 
 shin, bishigendagwad. 
 Magpie, apishkdgagi. A kind of 
 small magpie, givingumhi. 
 Maid, rM7i^-i« ii/ikwe, whhHnujidikwe. 
 lama maid, nind^oshkiniqikwew: 
 S. Virgin, " 
 Maid, anokitagchce; ■ bamitagehwe' ' 
 hanihwe. ^ 
 Maintain. S. Persist. 
 Maize. S. Indian corn. 
 Majesty, kitchitwawisiwin. 
 Make; I make it, {in., an.) nind (ji- 
 ton, nin gijiton, nin gijikan', mnd 
 iffia, nin gijia, nin gijikuwa.^ I 
 can make it, I use to make it,(«»., 
 an.) nin fitawiton; niii nitawid. 
 I don't know how to make it, I' 
 make it at random, {in., an.) nin 
 pagivaiiawiton; nin pugivanauia. 
 I niake s. th. badly, negligently, 
 nin mamdjimadji, I make s. th. 
 for somebody, nind ojitagej nin 
 gifitage. I make it for him or to 
 him,, nind ojissitamawa, nind cji- 
 tawa, nind ojitamawa, nin gtji- 
 tuwa,- nin gihtamawa. I make s. 
 th. to myself or for myself, nind 
 ojitamas,nind ojitamadis. I make 
 it to myself, {in., an.) nind qjita- 
 mason, nind ojitamudison', nind 
 ojitdmasonan, nind ojitamadison- 
 an. r 
 Make; I make dishes, guns, locks, 
 rtc. S. Dish. Gun. Lock, etc. 
 jial.(', ' make it high, nind ishpatf/n. 
 ■ To make s. th. this or that way, 
 dee under the respectiw adjec- 
 Make be; I make him ^er, it) be 
 this or tWat, nind dwia^ind twek- 
 ttnu; nind awiton. nind airekadan. 
 I make myselt be thisor lha*,,nind 
 Malady. S. Sickness. «■ 
 Male, man, iniui, anini. 
 Male bear, male beaver, etc. S. 
 Bear. Beaver, eic. 
 3fale being, nahe-aiua. 
 Male of animals, aidbe, nabi, (in 
 Jviale of birds, nahense. 
 i/ale of fish, nabemeg. 
 MaXs sheep. S. Rain. 
 Male's skin, aiahewaian, 7iahiwaian. 
 ifale's skin of the largest kind, 
 aiabewegin,, nahewcgin. 
 J/alice, nialignity, malchi ijiwebisi- 
 win, matchi bimadisiivin, manji- 
 ifalicious, malign, malignant, maicAi. 
 I am mal., nin matchi ijiicebis, 
 nin matijininiwafjis. It is mal., 
 manadady^ matchi ijiwebad. I make 
 him mal., nin matchi ijiwebisia. 
 J/alicious joy, gagdndenimowin. I 
 have a malicious joy over his 
 grief, etc., nin gagdndeninia. 1 
 express in words' a n»al. joy over 
 his grief, etc.,nin gagandjiyidema. 
 I express a mal. joy over people's 
 grief, etc., nin gagandjigitage. 
 MaUet,m,itigo-pa%iteigan, lagwaado - 
 i/ama, (mother,) mdma 
 Man, (human being,) unishinahe. I 
 make myself man, nind anishina- 
 Man, male, inini, anini. I am a 
 man, uiiid ininiw. I make my- 
 self man, nind ininiwiidis. — Big 
 stout man, missdbe. I have a 
 stout big body, 1 am a big man, 
 nin mitchdbewis. 
 Man that has no more a wife, pijig- 
 wabe. I am a man who has no 
 more a wife, ninpijigwabeu. 
 Jftnchester, masfiawesid senibdwe- 
 Mandate, gandgong«nnn. 
 iJianifeNf ; I man. it to him, nintnit- 
 Jtfariifest. Jfanifested, (in s. in.) 
 S. Reveal. Revealed. Show. 
 Jfenger, icissiniwagan, piiihiwi-vns- 
 J/angy, wemigid. I am mangy, nind 
 Manners, ijiwebimcin. 
 .il/anominee Indian, Munomini. 
 iUamoininee squaw, manotniniJcwe, 
 J/ansion, abiwin. 
 Many, nihiwa,nihinu. We are many, 
 nin niliiwagidmm, nin hutoinimin, 
 nin mitshiuimin, ninmifhinomin. 
 We are many together, 7nnd okwi- 
 ni/min, nind okwinimin, nin limi- 
 ohvincmiin. We are very many, 
 nind osdminimin, viral omniino- 
 min. We are so many, nind ijini- 
 min, nind ijinmmn, nind inigvTc- 
 winimin, nind inigokwinamin,.-- 
 There are many in. objects, nibi- 
 ivagwlon, batainadon, mithinudon. 
 There art: very many, osamina- 
 don. There are so many in. ob- 
 jects, mi endumng. 
 Maple. S. Maple-tree._ 
 Maple-forest, wiri/inHH. 
 Maple-Point, JVemdnakiki. 
 Maple-sap; the maple-sap runs quick, 
 kijiga, or kijigawan ininatujon. 
 The maple-sap runs no more, tshk- 
 waga. The sugar tastes 'he spoil- 
 ed maple-sap, ishhwagapogv^nd si- 
 sibakwat. Last sugar made of the 
 spoiled maple-sap, ishkwagu-sisi- 
 Maple-sugar, bit^ihakwat, nrsgeigan. 
 Maple-sugar resembling pitch, pigi- 
 Maple-tree, ininuti^, assandmij. 
 Maple-wood, ininutigofsug. 
 March, ondhuni-gisiis. 
 March ; I march, nin bimosse. I 
 march foremost, nin niganosie^ 
 nin maidossc. A man that march- 
 es foremost, niganosseuinini, 
 MAR • 549 
 Mare, ihwe-behfji^ogan^i* * * 
 Mariner, 7iabikivaninim: ' 
 Mark, HL'inawadjitckigun, Hlcvut- 
 wtuljitm, Hlcinawudjiik'in, heehibii- 
 ■ gan, masinibiujan. Any thing to 
 make marks u[)on, muf:,' naif/an. 
 Mark, (make marks;) I marl^ i»in 
 kiktnau'adritchl(je, nin kikinmvad- 
 jiiwe, nin benhiliige, nin, masinauje, 
 nin masimbiiije, nind qjibii^e. I 
 mark him, ( lier, it.) nin iikinuwad- 
 jia, nin besMbia, nin masinilda, 
 nind njibiwa ; nin Icikinawadjiton, 
 nin bemhihian, nin, masiHibiun,7iin(l 
 ■ o/tA/an." Making marks, mownat^e- 
 win, besliibiujewin. 
 Mark (for travelers), kikdigan. I 
 make marks on the road, nin ki- 
 Mige. I make marks for him on 
 a road or trail, «'//i kikitawa, nin 
 gihaammoa. I tell him a mark, 
 nin kikinuwadjittiwa. 
 Mark. Marked, (in s. in.) S. Write. 
 Marked ; 1 am (it is) marked, ?im 
 kikinawadji.nin kikinawadjitchi- 
 ffas, _ nin kikinawadendagos, nin 
 madnaigas ; MkinuwadjUchigude, 
 hikinawudendagwad, masinaigade. 
 •—The state of being marked, ki- 
 Tcinawadendagodmin. It is mark- 
 ed by heat, masinide. 
 Market, ataivewin. 
 Marksman, ga-godaalaoed, gwedaalc- 
 Marriage, widigewin, toidigendiwin. 
 Christian marriage. Sacrament of 
 Matrimony, anamie-widigendiwin, 
 anamie-nibuiviwin. Lawful mar- 
 riage for lifetime, apitchi-widig- 
 endiwin. 1 give in marriage, nin 
 ■wiwikage. Ijoin him (her) in mar- 
 riage, nin widigendaa, nind apit- 
 Married; I am married, n»» widige. 
 I am married to her, (him,) nin 
 widigema. We are m. together, 
 nin widigendimin. I am m. ac- 
 cording to the rites of the church, 
 nind anamie-^widige. I am m. law- 
 fully, for lifetime, nind apitchi-wi- 
 dige. I am m. to her (him) for 
 lifetinffc, nind upitchi-widig&ma 
 We arem. together for lifetime, 
 nind apiLchi-widigendimin . 
 MarClfed state, widigendiwin. 
 le state, onhkinigiwin. ) 
 Marrow, win. Marrow-bone, wini- 
 i/arry ; I Jn^rry, nin wiwikodadie. I 
 marry her, nin wiwima, nin wiwi- 
 nan. We marry, nin wiwikodudi- 
 Marry, (join parties in marriage ;) 
 I marry him, (her,) nin mddgen^ 
 Marsh, mashkig, trahashkiJci. 
 Jl/arsh-f)artridge, maihkodesse. 
 JTarten. ivabijeshi. 
 iJ/ixrten-skin , iviihijieMwaiun. 
 Martyr, unumiewiu wendjinanind. 
 i/artyrize. S. Torment. 
 J/iirvellous. S. Curious. 
 Mask, hanishkwntagan. 
 Mask ; 1 mask, nin banishkieatage . 
 J/asori; wakaigeivinini, ussini-wa~ 
 Masonry, wakaigewin, assinihwa- 
 Mass, anamessikeivin. 1 say mass, 
 nind annmcssike. I say m. for 
 somebody, nind anamessikage. I 
 say m. for him,nind auamessika' 
 wa. I say m. for me, nind ana- 
 messikas. The time of mass, aiia- 
 messikewin ngad. 
 Massacre, nissidiwin. 
 Mass-book, anamesBilce-m,asinaigan. 
 Jl/hssive, massy ; it is massive, rmtch- 
 i/ass-prayer. anameseike-anumie- 
 Mass-vestment, anameasike-agm- 
 Mast, ningassimononatig, ningassv- 
 J/aster, debendang, dehendjiged, dd)«- 
 ninged, nugamsid ; I am master, 
 nin dibendjige, nin dibeninge, nin 
 niganis; nin kikinoamage. 1 am 
 my own master, 7iin dibenindis ; 
 nin kikinoamas, nin kikinoamadia. 
 I have a master, nin dibenimigo, 
 nin dibendagos ; nin kikinoamago, 
 V i': 
 nin kikinoamagos. I am his (hsr, 
 its) master, nin, dtbenima, nin nig- 
 anisikandawa, nind ogunakanda- 
 wa ; nin dihendan, nm niganisi- 
 kandan, nind ogimukandan. I 
 make him master of s. th., nindi- 
 hendamoa, nin dibendarnoria. I 
 make myself master of •.'th., nin 
 Master, (in 8. in.) S. School-teach- 
 er. — S. Proprietor. 
 Mastery, dibeiiingiwin, dibendjige- 
 win, niganisiwin. 
 J/at, floor-mat, andkun. (Lodge- 
 mat, apakwei.) 1 make a mat, 
 nind andkanike. The making of 
 mats, andkunikewin. 
 M&tch., ishkotens, (little fire.) 
 Match ; I match it, {in., an.) nin 
 bassikodan ; nin bassikona. 
 Matching-plane, bassikodjigan. 
 itfaternity. S. Motherhood. 
 iifatrimony. S. JtTarriage. 
 Matter. S. Abscess with matter. 
 JtTay, ivabigoni-gisiss. 
 Jfaybe. S. Perhaps. 
 ^awkawk. S. Birch-bark box. 
 Me, nin, nind. 
 Mendow, mashkosdkan, manashkossi- 
 wan, mashkode. — S. Prairie. 
 Meager. S. Lean, (poor.) 
 3fean, matchi. It is mean, manadad, 
 J/easles, mishvajewin. 1 have the 
 measles, nin miskwaje. 
 J/easure, dibaigan. 
 Jfeasure ; i measure, nin dibaige. I 
 m. it, {in., aii.) nin dibaigen-, nin 
 J/easureraent, measuring, dtbuige- 
 J/easurer, debaiged, dibaigeivinini. 
 Meat, wiiass. 1 make meat, (pro- 
 cure meat,) nin iviiassihe. A piece 
 of meat, misid. I cut meat mto 
 pieces, nin misidke. Dried smok- 
 ed meat, gaskidemiass, gaskiwii- 
 asx, gaskiwag. I drj' and smoke 
 meat, nin gaskidi-wiiassike, nin 
 JWedicai root for head-ache, sassa- 
 .^dicine, mathkiki, nandnd /wicwin. 
 I make of ffepare medicine, nin 
 mtashkikike. Liquid medicine, 
 mashkikiioubo. " I prepare liquid 
 mediciifti, ttin mashkikiwaboke. — I 
 five medicine^ nin nandndawiiwe. 
 "gtv* feim \\\.,nin nandndauiu. I 
 prelaw-' m. for him to drink, m/j 
 MefHcine-lMig, pindjigossan. 
 J/editato. S. Reflect. 
 jl/eilitation, nanagatawendamowin. 
 Religious meditation, anamie- 
 J[/eek ; J am meek, nin bekadia, nin 
 kijewadis, nin nokadis. 1 am meek, 
 (kind, patient,) towards him, 7ii« 
 nokddisitawa, nin bekdd'mtawu. 
 JLTeekness, bekddisiwin, nokddiniwin. 
 1 treat him with meekness, nin no- 
 kadisilaioa,nin nokadinitamuwa. 
 Meet ; 1 meet, nin nagishkage, nin 
 nakweshkage. I meet him, (her, it,) 
 nin nagishkawa, ninjiakweahkawa; 
 nin nagishkan, nin nakweshkan. I 
 meet him (her, it) in a canoe, nin 
 nagawu ; nin nagaan. I go to meet 
 him, nind asikawu. We meet 
 each other, nin nagishkodadimin, 
 nin nakweshkodadimin. — I try to 
 meet, nin nandanagishkage, nin 
 nandanakweshkage. I try to meet 
 ' him, nin nandanugishkdwa, nin 
 J/eeting, (on the road,) nagishkoda- 
 diwin, nakwcshkodadiwin. 
 Meet, (assemble ;) we meet, nm md- 
 mawiidimin, nin mawandijidimin. 
 Meeting, (assembling,) mdwandjii- 
 Meeting-house, mawandiwigam i g. 
 Religious n\eet\ng-\\o\\se,gugikivi- 
 wigamig, anamicwigamig. 
 Melancholic; I am mef., nin goshkwa- 
 tvadig, nin goshkwaivadenaam. 
 Melancholy. 'Melancholic, (in s. in.) 
 S. Sadness. Sad. 
 Melody, inwewin. I give a certain 
 melody or tune to a hymn, nind 
 Melon , eshkwandaming. 
 Jfelt; I melt it, {in., an.) nin ningi- 

 h(jsan; nirt' ninaikatipi!^. It melt|, 
 (m., an.) ningilo^fk^iVi^ide; nin- 
 gikuso, ju/j^'-'wo.^r-l njelt it, (io(|^J, 
 ill., an.) nin ntH^^iikimrty nin 
 ningabikiswa. it.ti^lMi^ ^aelal, 
 in., an) ningaiilfvde\ ntn(^)i:i8o. 
 — I inelt snow, nin iUitgt^flhi^s- 
 sige. The snow welt|,fi«(o'|(ip<^;«. 
 M-ih, let melt; J let ^ raelf i«,~\ny 
 mou Ih . <i«. , on. ) nin mtngnnetiilan; 
 nin ninaancma. 
 JWelt. i/elting, (in s. in.) S. Smelt. 
 Smelting. , 
 Meltewi^it is melted, («i., an.) ninga- 
 mugad, ningabikidemagad; ninga- 
 Jfelting-pot, ningilcosigan. 
 J/emory, mikivendamowin, mihweti- 
 dassowin, takwendamcnvin, mindji- 
 mendanu/mm. 1 keep in memory 
 nin mindjimindam, nin tahven- 
 dam. I keep him (her, it) in mem., 
 nin miiidjimenima, nin takweni- 
 ma; nin mindjimenddn, nin ta- 
 Jcwendan. 1 recall 8. th. to his 
 mem., nin mikawdma, nin mi- 
 kivdndamawa, nin mikw^ndamiu . 
 I recall s. th. often to his mem., 
 nin mamikaivama, nin mami- 
 kviendamawa, nin mamihvinda- 
 J/emory, (in s. in.) S. Keep in me- 
 mory. Remember. 
 JJfenace. S. Threat. Threaten. 
 Mend, i/ending, (in s. in.) S. Re- 
 pair.— S. Patch. Patching. 
 JLTendicant, nendUumagcd, btba-nan- 
 J/endicate. S. Beg, 
 il/endicity, nandotamngewin, laba- 
 J/erchandise, auokadjigain, gishpirui- 
 J/erchant, atawiiwinini. 
 Mercy, jawendjigeicin, jmcininge- 
 win.jawenindiivint I have mercy, 
 nin jawendjige, nin jaivetdn^ge. I 
 have m. on him, (her, it,) m'a^a- 
 tvenima; nin jawenddn. I have m. 
 on myself, nin jawenindis. We 
 have m. on one diWoiher ^ nin j awe 
 nindimin. I look upon him with 
 merci, nin jawendamiganaicaba- 
 ma. I hear nim or listen to him 
 with 11^ nin jawindamiiawa. 1 
 speak t«PBxcite mercy on me, niu 
 Merit. S. Deserve. 
 J/errinient, haj)ineninunoin,J(nnitDa- 
 disiwia^ ^ 
 Merry. S. .Toyful. 
 Message, ininajaogmviii. 
 Messenger, ininajawagan, ijinaja- 
 taagwn, eninujacnd. 
 Mel-dl, hiwdbik. On metal, tnitdhik. 
 In the midst of metal, ndwdMk. 
 One object of metal, hejigwahik. 
 Two, three objects of metal, nt/wa- 
 lik, niuwahik. So many objects of 
 metal, dasiwdbik. 
 Meteor, tchingwan. 
 i/iddle; in the rniddle, in the midst, 
 nassawaii, niseawaii, nawaii. It 
 is the middle, the centre, nawaii- 
 wan, nassawaiiwan. 
 Middle-finger, ndwinindj. 
 J/iddle part of a moccasin, orna- 
 mented, apingwedgan. 
 Jl/iddle-wall. S. Partition. 
 iJ/lldling, mitvek, aomd miniL 
 ^id might, abitdtihikad. 
 i/idwife, gatiniwekwe. A good pract- 
 ical midwife, neta-gatiniu>ed. A 
 man (physician) practising mid- 
 wifery, gatiniwewinini. 
 i/idwifery, gatiniwewin. 
 J/ilch-cow, saninind pijiki. I milk 
 a cow, Tiin aininu pijiki. 
 MM. i/ildness. — S. ifeek. Meek- 
 MM weather; it is mild, ubaiou,di)a- 
 Military Fort, jimagani^Jii-ouena. 
 J/ilitary man, soldier,_;*wa^awMA, 
 Military Officer, Jimago/nishi-ogima, 
 J/ilk, totoshabo. I milk a -cow, nin 
 siiiinu^Jiki. I milk a cow thour- 
 oughly, ni» wingesi^ina pijiki, — 
 S. Sour milk. 
 ifilk-house, totoshabowignmiy. 
 i/ilky Way, tchibekana. 
 M\\\. S. Grindmill. Sawmill. 
 i/iller, lissibodjigewinini. 
 i/illion, mulasiwafr dassing midafs- 
 J/illiped, baiatiiUH/adeij, uumalcwai- 
 Afill-stone, hitsihodjiganabik. 
 Milt, wiss. 
 M\\vidin)i.i9, Miniwag. 
 iWnc]; I make up my mind, nind gi- 
 jendam, nin gijenindis. 1 put it in 
 his mind, nin inindjiminsitawa, 
 min mliidjimissitamatvu, 
 J/ind; 1 mind iiim, (li«r, it,) nin ha- 
 hamenima; nin buhamcndan. 
 jl/inded; I am (it is) minded, taken 
 care of, nin baba/nendjtgas; baba- 
 J/ine, nm. 
 J/ine, biwnhikoJ^an, (in general.) I 
 work in a mine, nin Mwdbibike, 
 il/iner, biwdbikokewinini, (m gen- 
 Miner in a copper-mine, miskwubi- 
 kokewinini, ( properly. ) 
 Jfiuer in an iron mine, biwabikoki- 
 winiid, (properly.) 
 J/iner in a load-mine, ashkikomam- 
 kewinini, (properly.) 
 JTming; lam mining, (in gencrJil;) 
 nin biwabikoke. I am mining in a 
 copper-mine, lead-mine, &c. S. 
 Copper-mine. Lead-mine, &c. 
 Mining Agent, bavabikoke-ogima. 
 i/inuig business, biwdhikokiwin. 
 ii/inister, gagikwewimni, ( preacher. ) 
 Mink,jangw6she. Young mink, Jan- 
 i/iracle, mamandddodammvin, hki- 
 nmvadjitchigan, mmnand dwanoki- 
 win, mamakddjitchigan. I do won- 
 derful things, I do miracles, nin 
 mamandddodam, nin kikinawa- 
 djitchige,nin mamanddwanoki, nin 
 mainamdjitchige. Doing miracles, 
 mnmandawanokiwin, yiumakadji- 
 ilfiraculous, wondrous, mamakdda- 
 i/irage, ombanitewin. There are mi- 
 rages, ombanitemagad, 
 Mue, ajishki. There is mire, o;»- 
 shkika, mnidjinhkiwagu, gwanago- 
 1 i/irror, wnhnolchiti'ltafiivan. 
 J/iry; it is nii;y at I'iie bottom, (a 
 river,) ajuhkuvainiku, — S. J/ire. 
 i/iscarry; 1 misenrry. (a woman 
 HpeaMiig,) fiin no/id ibinike. 
 J/isconduct, a/mlch ijiuebitiwin, ma- 
 tcfd ijiwcbikiivin. 
 Mi>^{\^ei]^batajitiruirin. I commit a 
 misdeed, /ij'rt batdiiiwa.—H. Crime. 
 J/lsdemea'nor. !?. Jfisconduct. 
 J/isor, .letiagi/'id. 
 J/iserat)le; I am mis., nin kitlmngia, 
 vin kotagis. ninh/tagitu. — 8. Poor. 
 Misery, kitimagisiwin, animitiwin, 
 k(/tagii<iwin, kutagiloivitj,. 
 il/isery-River, Kitvhimgi. 
 iWiss, (to notice absence;) I miss 
 him, {hex,i\,,) nin ivania; nin wa- 
 rn' ton. 
 Miss; I miss, (I don't hit,) ninba- 
 naige. I mi-shim, (her, it,) nin 
 bdjia, nin banaira;nin bnjiii,n, nin 
 banaan. I miss him (her, it) 
 shooting, nin hiM-nnuwa, nin me- 
 d<imnawa\ ninbiM'('mm, nin me- 
 dansinan. I miss him in my snare, 
 ninhanngirdna. 1 miss him (her, 
 it) striking, nin medntsaganama; 
 nin medassaganandun. i I'niss him 
 in my trap, nin banikcna. — I miss 
 him in the road, nind ajidekawa. 
 nind ajideid, nind anfanekawa. 1 
 miss him, traveling by water, mW 
 J/issal, anameesike-masinaigan. 
 J/issionary, m^kntewikwajiaie, 
 J/issive. S. Letter eent. 
 J/ist, au'dn. 
 Mistake, 2)ilchi-doda^nmvin. I say s. 
 th. by mistake, «w pilchi-ikit, nin 
 fitvhidmi. — J/istake in counting, 
 wanagindassou>in; in doing or act- 
 ing, w&nidodamowin, tvanitchige- 
 win; in singing, wanamowin; in 
 speaking, wanigijiveivin, wawnoe- 
 win;in writing, wanibiigewin, wa 
 Jtfistake ; I mistake, nin waniijt, nin 
 pitohi-dodam, {Pitcid-, always 
 alludes to mistake or accident.) 
 i/istake; I mistake in counting, do- 
 ing, &c. S. Count Do, &c. 
 i/ittake; 1 mistake in my calcnl- 
 aliuns or tlioiifjliis, /tin /nlein/dm. 
 JV/islress, dehtndJKji-d, debcndany 
 ( ikwe ). 
 Mistrii.sl; I mis. him, nind ashmeina. 
 I mis. his s[)cukitig, nin bewituwn. 
 I hear a spoaiiiyR with iniglrimt, 
 nin heu'ltan. I am heard vvitji mis., 
 nin liewituijoD. 
 Mistrust, ( 111 8. in.) S.*Pear.* 
 Misty; it is misty, awdniH»»a, 
 Misunderstanii; I mis., ninwanitam, 
 nin wanit(i(je. 1 mis. him, ( her, i*,) 
 nin wani/.uwa; nin wanitdn. 
 Misunderstood; i am mis., ninwani- 
 Mitre, Kitchi'ineJcatiwikwana^e o 
 Mitten, mindjikawan. 
 Mix; J mix, 7nn Hni(jinig«. I mix it 
 {in., an. ) nin Hniijinan,nin kini(j- 
 Mix, (put in;) I mix it with s. th., 
 {in., an.) nin dagonani, nin da- 
 Mixed; we are together mixed or 
 mixtly, nin ki li/jawahimin. We 
 stand together inwed, nin Hnim- 
 wigahawimin. We live together 
 mixed, n?7i kinigawigridimin. The 
 ducks swim mixed, jishihag l,i- 
 nigawagomowng. It is mixed, hi- 
 nigawitsin, tinigisnin. 
 Mixed, (put in;) it is mixed with s. 
 th., dagnniijade. 
 Mixtly. S'. Mi'xed. 
 Moccasin, (Indian shoe,) makisin. I 
 make moccasins, nin makidntke. 
 The upper part of a moccasin, 
 agwidagan , « piganrgwatsoti . — 1 
 have only moccasins (or shoes) 
 on, ninmamigoshkam. I nut a moc- 
 casin ( r.shoe) on, without any- 
 thing in, nin mamigoshkan ma- 
 Moccasin-string, rmtkisineiah. 
 Mock; I mock, «»'«, bapinodage, nin 
 nishibnpinodage, nin nana,/>agans- 
 onge. I speak i i a mocking man- 
 ner, nin nand/i-igtiwe, nin nandp- 
 igansitagos. 1 mock him, (her, it,) 
 nin bajnnodawa, nin niahibu^pino- 
 daira, nin nandfiagnnnrann, nin 
 nand/iagandjiu; nmbujnnvdun. nin 
 ni.iAiba/>iMi)dan, nin nundiingan- 
 tondan, nin nundpagandjiton.- I 
 mr.ck, repeating words, via nana- 
 / idotnm. I mock hun. repeating 
 1.18 words , /) in nandjid((atva. 
 J'locker, ucuhiba/unulavg, nenapi- 
 gijii'td, neiHipidutang. 
 Mockery, mocking language, nisJii- 
 bapiniiiiaijeirin, nund/jigijwewin, 
 V a iid/iidotamowin. 
 Model for imitation, kikint/wabandji. 
 Moderate; I mdd. myself, nindila- 
 menirn, nin mindjitninidis. 
 Moderation, dibanieniinuwin, minJji- 
 Moisten; I moisten it, (m., an.) nin 
 tipauadi. /, nin nimithanuidon; nin 
 iiputvana. vin ninKuliaii<ana. 
 Moistened; it is moistened, {in., an.) 
 tipamagad; tipisi. 
 Molasses of cane-sugar, sibwagana- 
 hi, kitchijiwdganmigan. 
 -Molasses of maple-sugar, Jiwdga- 
 Mole, gagibingwekwe, h'tchi-gagi- 
 hingwtkwe, memokiwido. 
 M ole- h i 1 1 , memokin'idouiqamig. 
 Molest; 1 mol. or fatigue'him, nind 
 aiikwia, vind uiiko.iiu, nind akosh- 
 kawit, nin migo.shkudjia. It mo . 
 lests me, nihd ukoshkagon, nin 
 VI igiishkadjiigon. 
 M()le.st, (ins. in.) S. Trouble. 
 Moment; one moment, ningd-pas- 
 mngivahiwin, ningo-pamuKiuan u- 
 biwin. In a moment, suddenly, 
 scnka. A moment, a short time, 
 atchina, ivenibik. 
 Monday, gi-uhkwa-anamiegijigak. 
 Money, Joniia. Money-box, jtmiia- 
 makak. Mon»y-purse, joniia-mash- 
 Monkey, nandomahmesht. 
 Month, gisisa. One month, ningo 
 gists». I am one month old, nin 
 ningogisit-swagis. I am two. three 
 months o\<i, nin nijogi^itswagis. nin 
 nismgistssivagis, etc. I am so 
 many months old, nin dansoyisisa- 
 ^^> '^■^'^- 
 si^Tk ^ 
 {/ ^^- 
 r^:'^ . C'j 
 KS li^.O 
 U 11.6 
 WEBSTEK, K.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
s ^ 
 H>agi».— It is a month since, we'/t- 
 ^ogitustougad. It is two, three, 
 months since, nijogisieewayud, 
 niesogisuswagad, etc. 
 Monthly, nenimjogisisa. 
 Monthly flowings, winewisiwin. I 
 am in my monthly fl., nin wini- 
 wis, nin walxmdama, agwatching 
 nind ai*i, agwatching nin bi/davfe. I 
 am in m. fl. for the first time, nind 
 Montreal, Moniang, 
 Montreal-River, Guwansidjiwanp.^ 
 Moon, gieiss, tibihjinns, tthikujuiiss. 
 The moon is in her first or last 
 quarter, giaiss abitaicuii. The m. is 
 growing, gisiss ani-mitchabihisi. — 
 The m. is on her decline, gisi&s 
 anibakwfii. The moon shines no 
 more, gidm ishhwaiamge. It is 
 fuli moon, giiifs wcwiiisu The 
 moon has poirtted horns, ^iaiss 
 patiJiieJiJciwine. The m. has a cir- 
 cle, gitiiss winihaseig^, 
 Moor-l^erry, moss-berry. S. Cran- 
 Moose, mons. Young moose, mon- 
 Moose-bone, monsf'-^an. 
 Moose-horn, monnishkun, 
 Moose-r" ".at, nton^wiiaes, 
 Moose-skm, mon«w6gin. 
 Morass, wohashkiki. 
 More, nawatch nibiwa,. 
 More, minawa. 
 More and more, etkkam. 
 Morningi it is morning, kigijchawa- 
 gnd. In the m., kigijeh. This mor., 
 jiha. — Good morning! Bo jo! 
 Morning-star, ndhinan^. 
 Morrow; to-morrow, wdbang. The 
 day after to-morrow, awdsswc- 
 Mortar. S. Stamper. 
 Mortify; I mortify, ra*V pigishkanan. 
 Mortise; I make a mortise, 7ii>i wirn- 
 higaige, 7iin pagwaniige, ninpag- 
 wanigaige. I make a mortise in a 
 piece of wood, nin wimbigaan mi- 
 tig. — I put it in a mort., {in., an.) 
 ninpindakuasiton ; nin pindakosh- 
 ima. It is in a mor., {in,, an.) pin- 
 dakosst; pindakoshin. 
 Moss-berry. S. Cranberry. 
 Moss hanging fronn trees, mMsa&erad- 
 hioati \n nv)&m^K; Msakamig. , 
 Moss on stones in the water, atagib. 
 Mo3fl on trees, (eatable,) wdkon. 
 Most, mamawi, apitchi. 
 Mote, any little thing that falls in 
 the eye, hinsiniwin. I have a mote 
 in my eye, something fell in my 
 eye, nin binnn. 
 Moth, tutowisi, tokf/iccfi. 
 Mother, wegimind. My, thy, his 
 mother, ningd, kigd, ogin. (Ot. 
 niivgcshi, kigashi, ogaxhiwan.) I 
 have a motfier, nind 6gi. I have 
 her for a mother, nind oginan, 
 nind ogimu. 1 am a mother, nind 
 ogimigo. Like one's own mother, 
 wegingin. I have the same mother 
 as he, we have both the same 
 mother, nin widjogima. We have 
 all of us the same mother, nin 
 tvidjogindimin. — I am like a moth- 
 er to my younger brothers and 
 sisters, nin madjikikwewiesikan- 
 dage. I am like a mother to him 
 or her, (my brother or sister,) 
 nin madjikikwewifnkandawd. 
 Mother! ninge! 
 Motherhood; mv, thy, her mother- 
 hood, ningiwin, kigiwiti r^jgiudn. 
 Mother-in-lpw; my, thy, his mother- 
 in-law, ninsigo&iss, kisigosiss. osig- 
 Motion; I am (it is) in motion, nin 
 mddjiehka ; mddjishkamugud, I 
 put it in motion, {in., an.) nin 
 inddnishkan\ nin mddjishkawa. 
 Mo\}\a, sigaiganaiig. 
 Mould; I mould, wi'« sigaige, nin si^- 
 aabowe. I mould it, ninsigaan. — 
 I mould balls, nind ahivike. 
 Mouldfd; it is m., {in,, an.) sigai- 
 qndf\ signigaaf). Any moulded ob- 
 ject, sigaigan. 
 Moulded, (in s. in.) S. Leaded. Cast. 
 Moulded sugar-cake, sigaigan, misi- 
 Mouldy; it is mouldy, {in., an.) ag~ 
-rJiMtmmtsuf^Je-^aitisll^ JM^/i. 
 wagmissin; agwagmsM. It tastes 
 mouldy, {.in., an.) agivagopogivad; 
 agwagopogosi.—The 'floor is moul- 
 dy, agwagwmagu. It is' mouldy, 
 (a leaf, or s. t'h. in leaves,) ag- 
 wagiihitga. This tobacco is mouldy, 
 agwagohaqui aw ass&mu. 
 Moulting; ihe bird is moulting, jn- 
 nigwaiie binesht. The animal is 
 moulting, shedding its fur, pina- 
 we awessi, or pinameshka. 
 Mountain, tvadjiw. There is a moun- 
 tain, war/^'^Ww. Near a mountliin, 
 tchigwadjiio. Th#re is a group of 
 mountains, sugadina. On a moun- 
 tain, on the top of a m., ogidad- 
 Jiw, ogidaki. I go up on a moun- 
 tain, ni/id ogidddjiwe. I run up on 
 a m., ni)id ogyl'idjiwehato. At the 
 foot of a m., niisdki. On the other 
 side of a m., awiss(idjiw,uivassdkt. 
 I pass a m., I am on the ether side 
 of the rn., nin, pakidaijiwe, — A 
 mountain, or a spot on a m., from 
 where a pluceis seen, sugadinang. 
 I arrive to such a spot, nin sa- 
 Mountainous; it is xaoMn.;papi]cwa~ 
 Mount Olivet, BimidiivadjiiD. 
 Mourn; I mourn, nin g'agidowe. I 
 mourn, I am in mourning, nin ni- 
 Mourner, netagcd. 
 Mourner's crape, nitugewaian. 
 Mourner's dress, nitageowin. 
 Mournful, (lonesome;) it is m., nita- 
 Mournful, (in s. in.) S. Sad. 
 Mourning, nitagewin.—^. Sadness. 
 Mouse, wawdbigonodj'i. 
 Mouse-vtrap, WdWabigonodjidassona- 
 Mouth, odoniina. My, thy, his mouth, 
 nind6n,kid6n, odon.-l have a large 
 mouth, 7iin mingidon, nin manga- 
 nagidon. it ha« a large mouth, 
 mungidonea. I have a small m., 
 nind agassidon. Tt has a small m., 
 aga^sidon-ea. I have an unclean m., 
 nin ivinidon. I have a clean m., 
 nin binidon. — My mouth is stopp- 
 ed, nin hashlcmnalcodmieshha. My 
 m. is swollen, nin bag' Ion.— I put 
 my fingej-in his in., nin pindano 
 na, nin pindanobina , nin pinljido- 
 nehina. ^ I open my mouth, nin td- 
 wan, nin pakidanen. I open my m. 
 to him, nin, pakidonetawa, I open 
 his m., niit, taivamma, ninpakido- 
 nena. It opens its mouth, /)a/i;wZr>. 
 nemaaad.^ 1 strike him on the 
 mouth, nin passiduMwa. I strike 
 him violently on the m., nin pas- 
 ddoneganama. I tie up his m„ ' 
 nin gibodnnepina, — Inside the 
 mouth, pindjidon. 
 Mouthful; one moatMal, ni'igotodon, 
 Mouth of a river, sdgi. At the mouth, 
 from or to the mouth, sai/ing. The 
 place irj the lake round the mouth, 
 sugida. Here is the mouth of the 
 river, oma sugidjidjiwan iibi, or, 
 edgiwan sibi. 
 Move; I move or stir, nin mamddji, 
 nin mamadjiste, nin mamasika. I 
 move, sitting, nin matnddak I 
 move in such a direction, sitting, 
 nind ijigikab. It moves, stirs, ma- 
 madjiinagad , mamddjissemaqad, 
 mamasikainagcf. I move him, (her, 
 it,) nin mamddinn, nin mamadji- 
 hina, nin mamasiknwa ; nin ma- 
 madinan, nin mamudjibinan, nin 
 mumasikan. — I move backwards, 
 standing, nind ajeta. I move back- 
 wards, sitting, nind ajeb. — I move 
 (or walk) slowly, ninbesiha. It 
 moves (or goes on) slowly, hisika- 
 Move, (in s. in.) S. Agitate. — S. 
 iliove, change places ; I move, nin 
 gos. I make him move, nin gosia. 
 I move out of one house into an- 
 other, nin eagidode. I move away 
 altogether, ninmddji<iode. I move 
 with my whole family, nin kigo- 
 dewishka. 1 move about, nin baba- 
 danis. I move about on earth, nin 
 bahiskagi. I move about with him, 
 nin babisliugishJcawa, I move to 
 J*Sf.. *f 
 another plac, or country, nind 
 Moved, (in s. in.) S. Aofitateil. 
 J/bw ; I mow, nin, ki'ffikafhl'iji^p, 
 nin paMioashkijiije. I mow it, nin 
 I mow grass, nin Hshbinhhiavinv. 
 ifower, keshkashkosdwed: kishkash- 
 kossiweiviaiihi.—'S. Harvester. 
 J/owing, kishhashkossiwemn. — S. 
 Harvesting. ^ , 
 Jfuch, nihvoa, nibina, upitohi, eni- 
 ffoh, gaffahddj, kitchi, ondjita, 
 gwdshkaioad, ivanina, onina. — As 
 much as..., minik..., apitch. As 
 much as I can, epitchiian. There 
 is so much of it, ijinad. There is 
 much of it, {in., an.) hdinad, hit.- 
 tainad, nildwagad, miMn.ud ; ha- 
 tini, liatnini, nihiwagisi. There is 
 very much of, or too much, vsami- 
 Mnch. every time, nenihiwa. 
 Mnch to each, nenihiwa. 
 Jlfud, njighki. 
 J/iiddy ; it is muddy, ajishkiwika, 
 nibisKkitchiahkiwaga , gwariaijod- 
 jishkiioaga. It is muddy at the bot- 
 tom, (a river,) ajuhkiwamika. 
 JbTuiatto, makaUwiiass. 
 J/ulatto- woman, makatiwiiassihwe. 
 J/iilberry, odatagdgomin. 
 Mulberry-shrub, odataijagominaija- 
 Jfule, memaiigishe, kitchi meman- 
 Marder, nishiwewin, vishiweshkiivin. 
 Jfurder; I murder, commit murder, 
 nin niskiwe , nin nishiweshk. I 
 murder him, nin nissd. 
 J/urderer, neshiued, neshUeshkid. 
 I am a murderer, nin, niahiwe, nin 
 J/urmur, nenawndjimowin, gimidd. 
 nuivin, gagimidonowin. 
 i/urmur ; I murmur, nin gimidon, 
 nin gagimidon. I mur. p.gainst 
 him, nin mindawa, nin nwidama- 
 i/i)s h Toom^pikwadjish , wajashkwedo. 
 Jfusic, mudwewetchigewin, (produc- 
 ing sounds.) 1 make music, (pro- 
 duce soundd,) nin madwewetchigt, 
 J/iifeician , mndwewetchigewinini 
 i/iisket, pashhisigan, jimaganiihi- 
 3fusket-ball, amvi. I am making or 
 moulding or casting musket-balls 
 nind anwike. ' 
 J/iiskrat, or muskcat, wnjdcJik. The 
 fur of a musk., wnJaM-abiwai. The 
 skin of am., wajitshkwaian. The 
 hole o''a m., wajasJikivaj. i hunt 
 muskrats, nin nodajashhwe, nin 
 J/iislieto, sagimi. There are muske- 
 toes, sngimika. 
 i/usketo-t)ar, musketogauz^, sugi- 
 J/iistard, wesdwag degwandaming. 
 i/iistard-plant, osdwanaohk. 
 Mute person, neta -gigitossig. 
 ifutton, maniiht(inishiv)iwiiass. 
 M\\7z\e, its muzzle, oshkinj. 
 Muzzle ; 1 muzzle him, rdn gtbido- 
 My.1 nin, nind. 
 inself, nin, nin ign, niiaw. 
 J/ysterious speaking. S. Parable, 
 i/j'stery. S. Hidden thing. 
Wittlllil. ■'S^t^^aia^^tiM^mlmii^Hit^-mt^i 
 Nag, behejigoganji, hili^jirjoganjina, 
 a&il, sagdigan. Small nail, (shingle- 
 nail, tack,) sagiiitjans. Large nail, 
 (spike,) kitchi saijdvjan. 
 Nail ; I nailj nin eutieagdJcwai^e. I 
 nail him (her, it') to s. th., mn sas- 
 tagdkwAwa, nin nadakakwdwa ; nin 
 gasaagakwaan, nin badakakwitan. 
 Nail, (on a linger or ioe,) onManjima, 
 My, thy, his nail, nishkdnj, hiah- 
 hdnj, oehkanjia. 1 have long nails, 
 nin gaganoganji. 1 bruise my nail, 
 nin tatagoganjiodis, 1 lose a nail, 
 nin banagan/jishka. White spot on 
 a nail . mindaweganjan. I have 
 white spots on my nails, ninmind- 
 Nailed ; I am (it is) nailed, nin sas- 
 «agahwaigae\ aassagdktaafgade. 
 Nail-maker, nail-manufacHirer, sa- 
 Nail-making, nail-manufactory, Ixm- 
 Naked; I am naked, nin pingwathd' 
 gid. I lie n., ninpiiigwaskugido- 
 thin, I sit n., nin pingwaehaoidab, 
 I walk n., ninpimjwashagidoosse. 
 I put him naked, nin pingwashagi- 
 Nakedness, pingwaahdgidiwin. 
 Name, ijinikasowin, anosoivin. I have 
 the same name as he, nin widfiji- 
 nik(i8oma> I have a name, nind 
 ijinikas. I have several names, 
 7iin hataimmikas^ nin miehinoni- 
 kaa. Glorious or holy name, kitchi- 
 tuiawinikaeowin. 1 have (it has) a 
 glor. holy name, nin kitchitwawi- 
 nikas, kitchitwaivinikade. Ugly 
 name, manjinikasf/win. I have (it 
 has) an ugly name, nin manjini- 
 las', munjinikade. (Bad name. S. 
 Defame. Defamation.— Changing 
 names. S. Change. Changed.) 
 Name; I name him (her, it) so..., 
 nind ijinikana: nind ijinikadan. I 
 name or mention him, (her, it,) 
 nin wiiia; nin wtndun. I name him, 
 (her, it) frequently, nin ivawina ; 
 nin wawindan. 1 name myself, nin 
 winidis. — I car name him, (her, 
 it. ) nin gaehJciwina; nin gaehkiwiri' 
 Named ; I am (it is) named so..., 
 nind yinikaa ; ijinikade. 1 am (it 
 is) named often, nin wawindjig as; 
 wawindjifjat^ 'inidimugad. 
 Name. Named, (ins. in.) S. Call. 
 Namesake ; my, thy, his namesake, 
 niiaicee, kiiawee, tviiaweeian. He 
 is my namesake, or, I am his nanae- 
 sake, nin widfiiinikaaoma- 
 Name well; 1 name him (her, it) 
 well, praising, nin mino-wawinu ; 
 nin minowuwindan. 
 Named well; I am (it is) well nam- 
 ed, praised, vAn minowawindjigas'i 
 Narrate. S. Tell. 
 Narration, dibddjinwwin. Decent 
 narratiorj or story, binddjimowin. 
 Indecent narration or story, wind- 
 Narrow; it is narrow, (small,) agas- 
 sa, agaasadea. It is narrow : Cot- 
 ton, linen, &c. agassigad, tuba- 
 fhkad; metal, stone, in., agaaaadi- 
 iabikad; metal, stone, an.,agaa8a- 
 deiabikiai; ribbon, silk, agaeaadesi; 
 a road, agassademo viikana. — I 
 make it narrow or narrower, («»., 
NEO 558 
 an.) nind agai'sudeton', nind agaa- 
 Nasty; I am nasty, nin winis. 
 Native; lam a native of a certain 
 place or country, nindanaki. 1 am 
 a n. of the same country as he., 
 nin widjiduJciwema. 
 Natural; it is natured to me, nind 
 Nausea. vS. Squeamishness, 
 Navel, odisdima. My, thy, his i>»vel, 
 ■mndi.ts, fridiss, odiss. 
 Navigable; it is navigable, (a ri\er,) 
 Navigation, sailing, bimashiwin, ba- 
 hafTutfiMwin; not sailing, bimishka- 
 win, babamishkawin. 
 Navigator, sailor, nahikwdninini. 
 Nazarine, Nuzariwinini, Nazare- 
 thirui daji inini- 
 Near, besho. It is near, beshoivad. It 
 is considered near, beshowenda- 
 gwad. I find it neiar, nin benhowen- 
 ian. I Come near him, (her, it,) 
 nin heahosihawa, nin beshodjia; nin 
 heshosikan, nin besJindjilon, It 
 comes near me, nin, beshosikagon. 
 Near by, tchig% tchigaii. 
 Nearly, giga. 
 Near togetner, lebisho. 
 Neat. S. Clean. 
 Neck, ohwii^anama. Mv, thy, his 
 neck, nikwegan, kikwigan, ohwe- 
 gaji. — I have a long neck, nin gi- 
 nogweiawe. I have a short neck, 
 nin takogweiawe. 1 have a small 
 neck, mnd agassigwciawe. I have 
 a big neck, nin, mangigiveiawe. 1 
 have a stiff neck, nin tchibatu- 
 Neck-handkerchief, moshwe, nabika- 
 gan, ndbikawugan. 
 Neck-lace, nahikawugan. 
 Need. S. Want. 
 tieedle, Jdbonigan. I make needles, 
 nin jdbonigdnike. 
 Needier, jaboniganikewinini, ■ 
 Neglect; I neglect him, (her, it,) 
 hawin nin, babamenimam; kcmin 
 nin babawendnnsin. 
 Neglected; I am (it is) negl., hatvin 
 nin habamendjigasofsi; kawin ha- 
 bamcndjiqadesusiinn . 
 Necilect. Neu-lected, (in ■. in.) S. 
 Forget. Forgotten. 
 Negligent, neglectful; I am negl,, 
 kawin nin aagakamidm. 
 negligently, mdmanj, tibinak,kcwin 
 Negro, TOrt/•a^m•^7i£M«,^^ back-flesh.) 
 Negro woman, makatewiiasaikwe. 
 Neighbor, fellow-man; my, thy, his 
 neighbor, nidj'anighinabe, kidf- 
 anish/habe, wtdfani-akinabev; or, 
 nidji-bvmadik-i, kidji-bimadiii, wi- 
 Neighbors in a village or town, Jewii' 
 geididjig. We are neighbors, 7dn 
 Neighborhood, (next house or lodge,) 
 Neither of them, kawin awiia niji- 
 wad, or, kawin awiia endashiwad. 
 Neophyte, weshki-annmiad. 
 Nephe"'; my, thy, his nephew, wiw- 
 dojin^iis, kidnjimiss, odfijimitsan; 
 or, n4,nd<ijim, kidfjim, od(^iman. 
 Nerve, (or sinew;) atiss, titissiwag, 
 odntissiwagoma. My, thy, his nerve, 
 nind atissiwag, kid atissiwag, oda^ 
 tissiwagon; or, nindjitad, kidjitad,- 
 Nest, wasisswan. The bird builds its 
 nest, wasisswanike bineahi., 
 Net, assdb. Small net, asaabina. Old 
 bad net, aaadbtsh, I make a net, 
 nind asaabike. I am getting a net 
 ready for setting, nind oninasaahi. 
 I fix or prepare a net to set it, ty- 
 ing stones to it, nin ausassdgibina 
 assdb. 1 set a net or nets, nin pa- 
 gidawa. I go to my pets, r J fetch 
 my net or nets, nin nd: nabi. I 
 visit my net, nin ninikznasaabi. I 
 take a net out of the water, nin 
 maminnsaabi. The net breaks, bo- 
 koichishka assdb. I mend a net, 
 nin wapidassabi, nin bagwaassabi, 
 p,in bagwAwa assdb. — The net has 
 large meshes, pashkiti assdh. The 
 net has small -m&shes, sagosi 
 Net-stone, misassin. 
 Nptting, iitgaHheiPtn. 
 Netting-needle, nahi<jioaa<jan4 
 Nettle, nmmiii. 
 Nettle-stalk, musdna^hh. 
 Never, ica >vi.': i, kawln wilca. 
 Nevertheless, minoteh. 
 New, oshh'\ It is new, (.in.^nn.) 
 oshJciaii or oahki-aiiwan; oshki' 
 aiaa. U seems new, it looks new, 
 or like new, {in., an>) oMind- 
 gw(ul\ oshkinagosi. — Of new, ajidn. 
 New object, {in., an.) oshki-aii; 
 oshki-aiaa^ (young beiiig.) 
 News, bahdjri'flji/nowiti. News 
 brouc^ht to soin*. place, bidndjimo- 
 win. 1 send news, >un mddjiiadji- 
 m<dwe. I bring news, nih hidd- 
 d^im. — There are news, indkaml- 
 gad. There are frightful news, 
 gugiodnissntjakamigad, or, gagwd- 
 nissdgakumig ejiwebak. There are 
 good news, mino inakamigad. 
 Good news, good tidings, minwd- 
 djimowin. I bring good news, nin 
 bi-minivddjim. I tell good news, 
 mn miiuvadjim. There are great 
 news, kitchi inakamvjud. 
 News-paper, babamadjimo-mcmnai- 
 New Testament, OsKki-ijUivdwin. 
 New-year's day, anamikodading, od- 
 Niagara Falls, Waidnag kakabika- 
 Niece, my, thy. his niece, nishimiss, 
 kishimtes, oshiminsan. My, thy, 
 her niece, ninddjiKiiss, kidojimiss, 
 •Nig'h. tchig' , tchigaii. 
 Nigh. S. Near. 
 Night, tihik, tibikad. Towards night, 
 ani-tibikad, eni-tihikak. It if; night, 
 tibikad. Last night, tibikong. At 
 night or by night, tibikah, tebika- 
 iin. Every night, dasdng tehika- 
 , ib'a, endusso-tibik, endasso-tibikak. 
 A\\.\\ig\ii,kabitibik. — It is the be- 
 ginning of the night, oshkitibiknd. 
 It is late in the night, ishpitihikud. 
 It is mid-night, abifa-tihikad. — I 
 am absent for a night, nin nika- 
 nend. I remain over night, nin ni- 
 kannh. f spend the night in.,., nm- 
 kitbetihikwe. I spend the whole 
 night indecently, nia Wdbanimaa- 
 siije. I survive the night, nin wd- 
 buns, nin kabefi'nikanum. — It is a 
 bright night, mijakwanitibikad. It 
 is a cohl night, ki,*»ia,tibikad. [t is 
 a dark n\^\\\., puihagiakkibikad, ka- 
 Nigiilingale, gatkaakantdji. Another 
 kind, sdsina. 
 Nightly^ ,^very night, tndasao-tihlk^ 
 Nightly, in the night or at night, ti- 
 bikah, teliikakin. 
 Night-meal, nibdwianinimn. I take a 
 night-meal, nin nibdtvinnn. 
 Nightmare; I am oppressed by the 
 nightmare, nin badagonig. 
 Nightpot, Jigiwinagan. 
 Night-rover, nebashkad. I aro a night- ■ 
 rover, nin nihashka. 
 Night-roving, nibaMawin. 
 Night-lime, mbdtibik, (at night.) 
 Nimble; I am nimble, nidwadjipi, 
 nin Tjodjepudia. 
 Nine, jang,jangasm'i.' We are nine 
 of US, nin jdngatchiinin. There 
 are nine in. objects, jangatchinon. 
 Nin«, ,;a»<7«««|L.., in compositions, 
 which see ii^he First Part. 
 Nine hundred, Jdngasiwak. Wc aro 
 nine hundred in number, nin Jan- 
 gasstvakoeindn., There are nine 
 hundred in. objects, jangaiawa- 
 , hwadon. 
 'Nineteen, midasswi aahijangaaawi, 
 -Nineteenth, midatching ashijanga- 
 Nine thousand, yrinffa/cWw^ middai- 
 wak, jungaadmiaanok. We are 
 9000 in number, nin janyaaaimida- 
 nakoaimin. There are 9000 in. 
 object's, jangassimddanakuxadon. 
 Nine iimes, jaag&tching. 
 Nine times each or to e&c\\,jejanga~ 
 Ninety, jangaaah.iidanu. We are 
 ninety of us, ninjangaaaimidana- 
 wemin. There are ninety in, ob- 
 jects, jangassimidanawetvan. 
 Ninefy hun<lred. S.Nine thousand. 
 Nintu; the ninth, elco-jmujaiching. 
 The ninth inw^^jantjuteking. 
 Ninthly, ilcn-jungutchtiuj, 
 Nipi e, Ojjif/an, 
 iVlppe.rs, t'ki.Ddruljigans, 
 Nit, inkinak, i have nits, nind ieki- 
 No, not, ka, hawin. Not at all, ka- 
 win hapish, knweesa. iVb, that 
 won't do, k<iwe.s«a mika> 
 Noble; I am noble; nin kitchitwa- 
 Nobody, ka awiia, kawin awiia. 
 Nod; 1 nod, nin watikwauje. 1 nod 
 him, or towards him, nin wutik- 
 Nod with the head; I nod, nin nomik- 
 wen, I nod towards him, ( her, it. ) 
 saluting, nin nomikwttaioa\ nin 
 Noise, umt)iyi«iwin; kiwanisiivin, 1 
 make noise, nind omhigie, I make 
 a foolish noise, nin kuvanis. I 
 cause him to make nnise, nind 
 omhigiu. It makes noise, mnhig- 
 wemagad. It makes a dreadful 
 noise, gotaiuigwcwemagad. A noise 
 comes from..., ondwewemagad,-^ 
 A parlriage makeagioise with his 
 wings, madweweo Mni, 
 Noise, (in s. in.) S. Noisy amuse* 
 ment. Trouble. 
 Noise, quarreling noise. S. Insult. 
 Noised; it is noised round, puaswe- 
 Noised, rumored; it is noised out, 
 wawindjigade, baba-mudodjigatle. 
 Noisy amusement or play, ombdka- 
 migisiwin. I begin to make noise, 
 nin madakumigii. I amuse my- 
 self in a noisy manner, nind om- 
 bakamigis, I like too much noisy 
 amusements, nind omhakamigi- 
 aiahk. Habit of indulgmg'in noisy 
 am., omhakamiyisishkimin. I a- 
 muse myself together with him, 
 nin •widakamigisima. 
 Noisy. S. Troublesome, 
 No more, hdwin keiabi. There is 
 no more of it, (in., an.) hnoin ge- 
 go, mi kakma, mi endai^sing] kawin 
 awiia^ mi kakina, mi «ndaahid, mi 
 Noon, nnwakwe. At noon, ndwak 
 weg. Always at noon, naiilwak- 
 wegin. Every twou.doKitiiig naid' 
 tvakwegiii. It is noon passed, ka- 
 North, giweuin. At, Iroin or to the 
 north, giioidinong. The clouds 
 come Irom the north, giwidinak- 
 wad. Tlie rain comes from the 
 n., gitvedinuhuitia. It thunders in 
 the north, giwedinakwaarnog [ani- 
 mikig ). 
 Noriliwind, giwidin. 
 Nose, f,djdiijima. My, thy, his nose, 
 niiuljavj, kidjatij, odjanj. The 
 side of my, thy, his nose, nindeni- 
 aom, kidenij(/m, odenignman. — I 
 nave a crooked nose, nin uagid- 
 June, nin ivatt/ikuljaiie. I have a 
 fetid n., nin miniw,djane. I have 
 a flat n.,nin ncibayidjane, nin kish- 
 kidjane, I have a knob on my 
 nose, nin pihidjune. 1 have a 
 large n., nin mdngidjane. I have 
 a long n., nin ginodjane. I have 
 a ^ar on my nose, nind fxljinhid- 
 Jane. I have f short n., nin takod- 
 jane, I hav, a small n., nind 
 agdsiiidJan.„-"M.y nose is cold, nin 
 takidj«-„e. My n. is cut off, wtre 
 kiahhidjane. I cut his nose off, 
 nin kishkidjan^wa. I bite his n. 
 off", nin kishkidjanepwa. My n. is 
 frozen, nin m,ashkawadjidjanewadi. 
 My n. is stopped, obstructed, mn 
 gibidjane, nin gngibidjane. My n. 
 IS swolleii, nin bagidjane. My n. 
 is turned \ip,ninpishagidJane,niH 
 kidkkiiijane. My n. is unclean, 
 sniveling, nin winidenigrnne. — I 
 blow my nose, nin 8iniskig(/me. I 
 bruise my nose falling, nin jasha- 
 Nose-ring, nabidenigomebison. 
 Nostril, 2iii'djidja7ij. I have large 
 nostrils, nin mangidenigome. 
 Not, ka, kawin. 
 Not any, (an,, in.)ka atviia, kawin 
 uwiia; ka gego, kawin gego, kawin 
 Nothing, to 
 Not before novf,pitchinag. 
 Notch. 3. Incision. 
 Notch; I notch it, {in-, an.) nin pag- 
 wanoHhkan;, nin pugwunoslikawa. — 
 S. Incision. 
 Notched; it is notched, pagwanoah- 
 Note, (small letter,) mnsinaigans. 
 Not even, Icawin ganage. 
 Nothing. S. Not any. 
 Nothing; I am (it is) nothing, worth 
 nothing, nin nag'd-nu'is\ nagiJcn- 
 vaud. Or, nin nagikawendagos ; 
 Nothing, for nothing, anieha; unish, 
 wenipaj, wenipanaj,jnnisM. 
 Nothing, to nothing; I bring him 
 (her, it) to nothing, nin angoa, 
 nind angoshkawa; nind angoan, 
 nind angaton, nind anr/nsJtkan. I 
 am (it is) brought to nothing, niW 
 angoshka, nind angotchigas; an- 
 goahkamagad, angatchigadc. I bring 
 It to nothing (or him, nind angota- 
 mnwa. It comes to nothing, an- 
 Notice; I take notice of him, (her, 
 it,) nin babawenima', nin babamen- 
 dan.-—I take notice of him (her, 
 * , 
 it) in going by, nin bdbijagenimi \ 
 nin babijdgtndnn. 
 Not in the \ens\,ykawinbapish,kau)>n 
 Not now, madji, madjikamig. 
 Notwithstanding, kUwen, minotrh, 
 patch, miaeawa. 
 Not yet, ka mas/d, kawin maahi. 
 Now, or now-a-days, nongom. 
 Now and then, naningofiniing, nu- 
 Nowhere, kawin ningotchi. 
 Now only, pilchinag. 
 Number; we are few in number; vvu 
 are many... S. Few. Many. 
 N' Tiber; 1 number, nind agindcFt, 
 nind agindassohiige. 
 Nu mbering, agindasaowin. agindafan - 
 Numb. S. Benumbed. 
 Numbness, gikiman'mwin. 
 Numerous. S. Manv. 
 Nun, mikaUtcihcanaiilwe. 
 Nuptial. Nuptials.— S. Wedding. 
 Nurse, (woman taldnt: care of sick 
 persons,) gatiniwekwe, genaweni- 
 mud aiakosinidjin, neta-gatiniwed. 
 Nut, pagan, papandh paganakomin. 
 Nutmeg, kitcht gnnissagang, 
 Nut-tree, paganah/nij. 
 i; M 
 O ! as an intflrjertion of wishii)g or 
 pxriaination; d ! 
 Ouk, miti<jnmij. Whito oak, wtWii- 
 Oar, ajefxdun, ujilnim-nk, 
 Oar-8l rap, njihoianeiiih. 
 Oata. hth(>jijinc<t'tji manomin. 
 Ubedieru-n, hi.'liiunltitjtwin. hahamita- 
 mi'ii'iii., H(ii liiiiuirin. 
 Olu'dioiit; I am ob., nin hahamifam, 
 viih hahariiifdije, ikiii nni'tain. 
 Obedient ptirsoii, neld-hahaniilung. 
 Obey. S. OlKjilicnt. 
 Obfi^; I ()l)oy bun, aAj hiibnmitawa. 
 run naitawn. 1 olicy myself,, 1 
 listftn tomysolf, nin huhunhitan. 1 
 will not obwy or listeii, ninjajihl- 
 Object, animate object, rt/«(z; itmiii- 
 n\ato object, aii. 
 Objort; 1 object, kmnn via miinocn- 
 dati.^j'.. niml unnivindaui, I object 
 afjaiiist bill), . ber, it.) l-wri/i nin, 
 inin'renitiia/'si, nind n>i<i>reiiiiii,/r, 
 knirin via miiiwen.dani<in, nind 
 Obliquely, n'inifail. T look obli- 
 quelv, nin. Idinadatrah. 1 sit olt!.. 
 nin himidiih. I bold him Hier, it) 
 obi., nin. hiniidinn\ nin fnmidinun. 
 I lay or put liiui (her. it) obi., nin 
 Mmidjjuhima; nin Jiiniidjinsiilnn. 1 
 lie ( it lies) obi., itin hiniidjishin; 
 Obliterau'd. S. Forgotten. 
 Obione; it is oMongfjaqnwamaf/ad. 
 It is oblong: Metal, iii.. ja(j(iw:ilii- 
 kad; metal, iin.,jafjawuhikit>i\ stuff, 
 ♦»., jafjau'uhi'ind ■'jagnwtgad, na- 
 matchiijad: sturf, an.,'* or board, 
 ja/iawahiyui, iagawf.gisi, nama- 
 fc'iiijifd ; wood, in., Jagawiijad. ; 
 wood, an.,jaijawi(jii,i.-A iiui'kc u 
 oblon^f, nin,jd)jawutirn, nifija(/awif- 
 (i'on. I cut It "[){., [in., ail.) nirt 
 higawibvlan; ninjagawiki.dnwa. 
 Oblong island, Juiugu'wugwindcy mi- 
 Ob.servatory, anaugng cndaji-gana- 
 Observe^ l^ observe or watcli hiir, 
 (lier, It,) nia naiiatawnhania, ni:i. 
 nin dalilhih.inia, nind anhdwina, 
 {u/i/iwi.wiari;) nin fMgaf.uwdiandaii, 
 nia nvCniKjnta nuiJnind uih, nin- gun a- 
 dindan, nia d.oJihid>iin.<J(tn, ni.id 
 (tt.k:'in-/i/(in. t <ii</i.'rin'inttn.) 
 Observe, keep; I observi' it, (a com- 
 maudineut, etc.) nin ijanuircnddn. 
 Obstii)MCv_. mns/d-ua'iiiuu'in, manh- 
 han indihiiriit. 
 Obsiiii.itc; 1 am obs., nin manliha- 
 Hud'C.nin init,^hl,'<iii'indilu', 
 'Obstruct; I obstruct a passage, nin 
 (iilii.yhl'iiije. I obs. bis passajje or 
 wriy. niji ijlhifltknica. I obstruct it, 
 nin ijiliixld'un,. 
 Obstruct, (in s. in.) S. Shut up. 
 Obtain, 1 obtain biui,(her, it,)n}/i 
 ijai-likia; nin ijitshhittui. 
 Occasionally, intninijotinang, nanin- 
 Occident, cpangichiniog, ninmihian. 
 In, to or from tiie Occident or 
 west . nin<j(thiiinon(j. 
 Occupation, ondaiuitaivin, ondamisi- 
 Occupied, busy; I am occ. nind on- 
 damita, nind ondamis. 1 am occ. 
 win, anan 
 fihoiil him, (hrr, it,";i nindajikn- 
 mi: nin dajikan. We are occ. iit 
 each other soiiuivvhcre, nin, dnji- 
 hidadimin. lain occ. at s. th. inn 
 certain \Adce. nindajita. 1 arn occ. 
 in (ii)inj? s. th., hind a/ntchi(a. I 
 am occ. elsewhere, ni'nd (mdarm'uh- 
 Ira. 1 am occ. in writintf, nind on- 
 da/nihiii/e. 1 lei«n tu be occ. or 
 busy, nlnd iindamitakae. 
 Occupy; I occupy him, make him 
 busy, nind ondarnia, nind imda- 
 mi*iu, 1 v)ccupy people, nind on 
 Occupy the niind; he (aha, it) occu- 
 pies my min'i, my thoughts, nind 
 omlumeniinii'^ ni-fd ondamcndun. 
 My mind is occupied by s. th., 
 nind ondarnendam. 
 Ocean, jiwiiMiani-kitchiyami. 
 October, hind/cvn-giniss. 
 OdiouH. S. Hateful. 
 Odor. S. Smell. 
 Ofliend; I olland hiin, nin niMia, 
 hin bitohinawea, nind xiiiweaia. \ 
 offend him with my words, nin 
 niM-imUyran bitcliinuwemu. 
 Oflended; I am oft., nin niehkiigo, 
 nind iniioea. 
 Offer. Offering, (in 8. in.) S. Sacri- 
 Oftering, (vow,) dilandowin. Reli- 
 gious offering, anamie-pagidinvje- 
 win, anande-pagidviigan. I per- 
 form a religious' off., 7tind anamie- 
 Office, (ijihiigiwigamig. 
 Officer; civil ofiicer, ojiUigewinini; 
 tahyniwewinini. Military ollicer, 
 Oft, often, oftentimes, naningim, 
 niningim, anwdkatn, sasagwana. 
 Oh! io\ 
 Oil. bimide. Sweet oil, mitigo-hi- 
 initio. Holy oil or blessed oil, 
 ketclnttva wendagwak b imide. 
 Oint. S. Grease. 
 Ointment, nominigun. 
 Ointment for the lace, nomingwewin. 
 Ointment for the head, namdkwiwin. 
 Old; 1 am old, nin kitchi anishina- 
 lew, nin kilis. 1 am very old, nin 
 yikd. I am getting old fast, nth 
 (finihininike. — It is old, (an,, iit,) 
 \itchi-uiun ; gt ti-aii. 
 Old, (ancient,) geti-. 
 Old age, kitchi anuihinaheu'i win, hi- 
 tit'iwin. Very old age,{/iitdMii». 
 Olden times; in olden times, gaidt, 
 Older, or the oldest; I am older, or 
 the oldest, nin maikid. 
 Oldest; the oldest or first-born, «m* 
 Old Field, (Indian village,) Oeti- 
 kiligan. Indian of Old Field, Geti- 
 Old man, akiwesi. /am an old man, 
 nind akiwesiiw. 
 Old Nick, (devil.) matchi manito, 
 miifrhi (lianwinh, viani.iiwini*si. 
 Old person, kitcki am8hinabe,g«kad. 
 Old people, gekadjvj. 
 Old Teslrtmetit, Gaidt-ijitwawin, 
 Old woman, mindiinoii. I am an old 
 woman, nin mindviiuneiw . 
 ()\\ ve -oil, mitigd-hiinide. 
 Omit; I omit it, nind antieekan. 
 Omit. Omitted, (ia s. in.) 8. Forget. 
 Oinniprestnt, mdsiwe eiad. 
 Omniscient, mid gego kekeiidany. 
 On, ogidf. ugidjuii. 
 On account of..., ondji. 
 Once, abiding, ningoting. Once more, 
 undj, miaawa andj, minawa abi- 
 Once, (absolutely, )jt,'d^a<fA. 
 One, bejig. I am one, nin hejiq. It is 
 one, bejlgwan. One by one, bibe^g. 
 — One object... See under the 
 respective substantives. 
 One, ningo, or ningoto, in composi- 
 tions, which see in the First Pan. 
 One-eyed; lam one-eyed, ninpash- 
 kab. I make him one-eyed, nin 
 One of the two, bejig nijawad. One 
 of the three, #f the four, etc., 6«- 
 jig nissiwad, niiviwad, etc. 
 Onion, kitcki jigdgawanj. 
 Only, etOt mi 4ia. An only child 
 lejigonjcu^ » 
 Only ntrw, nanah<»n. 
 (>utunagau, Aintlontujan. At, from 
 or to <^nt()na;;'an, Miidifnnijuni'inj. 
 (^>iit()ii i«tiri-Riv T, Niiulimivjaninhi. 
 (>|inu; I op«n it, nin pdhtkonaii, nin 
 jitt/ciMnton, nin mkai-n.shkun, ni» 
 i^/NMiikonan, ntn uutakonan, I 
 opnii it tc iiiin. nin />iihiki>iMmn,uHt, 
 nia pahi»»l-f(i»hawa, nin naumko- 
 nn.naum, nin nii**ahrnamawn. It 
 opttiiM. fiukdktiimin, na»i<ikoM'a, 
 pakitkoshka, iniDtn'ikmne', pakiMin, 
 pakinttetnatjad. It is o\van, pakuko- 
 uif/ad0, /idkinnin. — I o|-oi> a barrol, 
 nin pakinmijaan inakak. 
 ,t)()W», (lift up;) I opoii it, win paki- 
 nan. I open it to liim, nin pnkin- 
 amtm'a. It opens, or it is open, 
 C^jteii, (split,) tho earth opens, jj^a- 
 dokamuji^fika. The water opens, 
 i{fadeiagafni«hka . 
 (Jpen, ( with 11 koy;) I open it, (»7i., 
 an.) wind abaHkaan; nind ubalrika- 
 wa. 1 open it to him, nijid uhahi- 
 (Opened; it is opened, pakakonigade, 
 pttkisntohigtjuie, pdHnLjade, aha 
 (Opening; the»fi is an openinjar,jWa- 
 kntsin. I tuuke an opening, nin 
 jeiakogsiton. I make an op. to 
 him, nin jeiahmam^wa. 1 put my 
 foot in an op., »«i /et/wakegMieffe. 
 0)»enly. mijisha. 
 Operate; it oporntea well, (a modi- 
 cine,) miiyishkademaoad. It op. 
 well in me, nin viitu>n)i,ku<j(m,. 
 (pinion, inondam win. It is my 
 opinion, nind inendam. 
 Opium, ntbiwxiho. 
 ^^ppose; I oppose it, nin, migoddn. 
 Cippoiite, (vis-a-vis,) tihinhko. I ar- 
 rive op^ioaite to it, nin tibi^hkokan. 
 <?ppre8s; I oppress han (hot, it) 
 with my bodv, Mjn \\ulago8hkawa\ 
 nin badagmhkan. 
 CVator, neta-tjujiUdi. \ %ai an ora - 
 \.0T , nin nitd-gigit. \k'^ */•; 
 Or, kema, kima gaii* i» ' 
 6>rder, iiMhinigewifk. '■* ■ 
 <?rder, (good order, omrefulneas,) 
 lagdknminiwir,, I pud in ordnr, 
 nin iiiti/ukini<j,\ I put ii in order, 
 nin s«tjnkinan, nin fd'^fdkinndi.n. 
 It M ;uit in orcU-r, tagakimiin. 
 Ordiir, (.Sai-riiuuMit,) Mi^kaUitnk- 
 Order; 1 onlcr somo work to bo 
 done, nind unohi. . order it to be 
 niiide, ( in., an.) nind anokin; uy,d 
 ()n\cT. ( nrr.mno, command;) I order, 
 iHsue nri ()rd»>r, nind innkvniq^. 
 (-'nh'riy, iii Kond order, »a<jiJtatck. 
 (Mlorly; I lun ordt'rlv, I live orderly, 
 nin nibwakii, gicaink nind iji ii~ 
 tniidi.-', gwaiuk niml ijiwrhts. — I 
 am ordtulv, careful, I keep things 
 in good order, n»/i ^«i(/a^am/«, 
 Orient, n'dhan, u-0-H/lJi-mijkaung. In, 
 from or to the orient, todbaiumg. 
 6Vi iiinent, saMgutcliiyan. I Am 
 dressed v^ith many ornauionts, 
 nin mitfijiihonttaie. 
 Ornament; I orn., nin tategalrhuje. 
 I orn. him, (her, it,) nin sategam; 
 nin gam/atcn. 
 OrniuniMit, (in s. in.) S. Embroider. 
 Ornanrented, (fMr;) I am (it is) or- 
 tinn. Jilted, nin tasdga^ nasiyama- 
 Orphan, giwdgh-nhiiwdju I am an 
 or{)han, nin giiria, nin giwathis, 
 nin giwugfiit", nin naninawig. 
 Oth(;r,- the other, hijig, nuhuni. — 
 The other foot. The other hand, 
 etc. S. foot. Hand, etc. 
 Otherwise, hakdii, andj. 
 Otter, nigiff, nikig. Yonni? otter, »«. 
 gigons. Female otter, nt>Jiiuhig. 
 Otter-skin, nigigwuidn. 
 Ottowa Indian, Otdwa. 
 Ottowii language, otauamowin. I 
 sponk th(! Ott. lang., nind ntawam. 
 li is written in the Ott. lung., tta- 
 wawinsin, utawummnagail. I trans- 
 liito it in the Ott. lang., nind ota- 
 Ottowa squaw, otawakwa. 
 Our, ki, hid, nin, nind. 
 Ours, kinawind. ninowind. 
 Out, outside, out of door^, a</wc<cA- 
 i/uj, agwatchait. - 
 Outlive ; 1 oi 
 Oufp;'.) ; 1 outRo. outwalk '^r outrun 
 him, niml rtuinuhkaim. 
 Outlivo ; I outlive yt-t this day, nin 
 htfii(fiji'i/(ina/n. I ruitli-.n yet this 
 night* iaMihditnanu nvi irahnini. 
 Oiitwnnlly, iDjivukhaii, oi/i<IJina, 
 OviT. ji'ii/jiilji. 
 Over, iill iM I'lVir, iMiiHil-nviujaJ . 
 Dvnr-ccn', over all. S. Over vest- 
 ""'"'• ... I 
 Ovcrcoiiif; 1 ovcrfDiiio, rtiti jmjdiljii 
 toe, n 'n mumnnjit,U(i.. It ovorcumos, 
 jagi<IJii''i'iviiui'iiil. 1 ovrrromohim, 
 (hpr, it,) ninjiit)iu{jiit. ninoasMid. 
 nin mntjwia, nrn mumdnjia, nind 
 aniicia, nind aniivinld-awa \ nin 
 JatfiiilJ//"fi . ftin ifu/ihkif( n, uin mtuj- 
 mton, nin vi inmnjiloii, nind nnl- 
 mton, vIhiI aiiiwuhkun. I over- 
 conio in spntikiiiR, mn, JoijnsnfDjf. 
 1 ovcrconic luin in Hpcalunp, nin 
 jaijdstittM. — 1 overcome inycelf", nin 
 jagoiijiidlK, ningimhkiidis. It over- 
 comes mo, nil, niai(ii</"ii, nin ju- 
 godJiiffoH; nin iinimnnjiiijon.— It is 
 ovoicoiiae, gmhlc'Uchitjude, jagod- 
 Ovdrllow; it oycrtiowtt, eigi^Aimattaa . 
 It overllows hoiliiiff, ainid^gamide, 
 riffigamidd. The kettle overllowH, 
 amidcgaiimn aHl. The river over- 
 flows, V«y/</<'<(ytu)«n sihi. 
 Overflowed ; it is ov., mnnhkaan, ha- 
 Jidchi, 1 nia (it is) overll., ninni- 
 kilii'i nikihimagad. 
 Overcrow; I overgrow him, (her, it,) 
 nind aniwigima; niiul aniuiigiu- 
 Overhear ; 1 overhear, nin pagwano- 
 lam, nin gi/nositam. I ov. him, Jiin 
 gimitawi, ningimoiitawa, ninpag- 
 Oveisec ; 1 ovcr»cc him, ntn dihag 
 OverMeer, nagunititl, 
 Uverfthadiw ; I overshadow, nind 
 agmrnti'Mam. 1 ov. him, (her, i».) 
 hind agiiw(iteithkawa\ nind ngawd- 
 Overflrain; I overstrain myself, nt/» 
 i>!ndii. I ov. hini, nind mndjia. 
 Overl'ike; I ov. lijin, (her, it,) ««n<i 
 adiniu; nind adindan. 
 Overthrow ; I overthrow, nind nmh- 
 wdwt'iinige, nind anitnihmcbinige. 
 I ov. him, (h'^r, i;,) nind omhwi- 
 irclitna, nind animilwrehina, nin 
 gwrnil/ihina ; nind oinb'viwuhinan, 
 nind animilcoirelinan, nin gveniii- 
 hidnn.—i overthrow some long ob- 
 ject, ( in. -n. ) nin gawdiou'clinan; 
 nin gawd!: 'icibina. 
 Overturn. S. Overthrow. Capsize. 
 Uvcr-vestmen ., jiitawaian, pitawig- 
 wiwin, taMajianhhiiticweian. 
 Owe; I owo, nin. numnaige. I owe 
 him, nin masim^taviuwu. 
 Owl, lol'oho. A kind of small ow', 
 gwen<i&wia. Another kind, peahk- 
 ivc. (Jreat horned owl, tvewmdjl- 
 Own ; J own jt^{in., an. ) nin dibin- 
 dim'.! nin dihenima. 
 Owner, dehindang. 
 Ox, pijii-i. 
 Oxtui-'driver, wedvhiad pyihitean. 
 Ox-fly, misistijc, 
 0\-\\\Ae, pyikiwegin. 
 Oyster, est, ens. Red oyater, mitk- 
 Pace, Ud-oHwiti. 
 Pacific ; I am pacific, nin hckadia, 
 Pacifier, hesaniiwed. 
 Pacify ; I pacify, nia Msariiw^. — S. 
 Pack, carried on the baclj, himiwn- 
 nan,wiwaji7).a My, thy, his pack, 
 ntwaj, Iciwaj^ wiwaj. My pack is 
 heavy, or, I cany a heavy pack, 
 nin kosigmva')'-. 'My pack is light, 
 or, I carry a light pack, mn nanrjt- 
 wane. I encumber him with a 
 heavy pack, nin niskia. It encum- 
 bers me, carrying, nin nishiUjun. 
 (S. Carry on the back.) 
 Pack ; I pack, I carry a pack on my 
 back, nin bimiwane, — S. Carry on 
 the back.. 
 Packing, Mmiwanfwin. 
 Packing-strap, opiA-rtW. (This is also 
 the name of a certain snake.) 
 Pack-thread or string, tahohidjlgan. 
 Paddle, abu'i- 
 Paddle; I \t?idi\e, nin (chime. I padd- 
 le in the foremost part of the ca- 
 rioe. nin nimitamanm. It p^ddles, 
 t'chimimarfad. ' 
 Paddler, tchamed. A good paddler, 
 Padlock, bekvminagak kaslikdhikai- 
 Pagan, enamiasnig. Pagan Indian, 
 enaminssig aninhinahe, maidgaa- 
 Pagan sacrifice, sdgiwitchignn, sasn- 
 giivitchitjan. I make a pagan sac, 
 or, I give «. th. for a sacrifice, nin 
 sasdgiwitchigc. I give it to him as 
 a sacrifice, nin sasdgiwina. The 
 gift received ap a sacrifice, sasd- 
 Pagan sacrificer, Indian sacrificer, 
 Pagan" sacrificing, gamgiimtcMgewin. 
 I sacrifice some object, {in., an.) 
 according to paaran rites, nin, sd- 
 giwiiim; nin .sdgiwia. I sacrifice s. 
 th. to him, nin sdgiwitawa, nin 
 Paid; 1 am paid, nindihaamago8,nin 
 dihaumago It is paid, dibaamage- 
 Pain, kotogitozoin, kotagendamowin, 
 akosiwin. Much pain, gihendamo- 
 win. I am in p/iin, I have pain, nii% 
 kotagito, nin kotagendam, nin wi»- 
 sagendam. 1 have much pain, jdn 
 gihendam. — I cause or give pain, 
 ninkotagiiwe. It causes pain, ^o^t- 
 qiiwe7nagad, I give him pain, make 
 him sulfer, nin kotiyiiu. — I have 
 pain in such apai., ofmybotly, 
 [in., an.) nind akosin ; nind ako- 
 sinan. — Little pain of a child, bobo. 
 Pain in the head, in the leg, etc. S. 
 Head. Leg, etc. 
 Painful ; it is painful, sanagad, dni- 
 mad. It is painful, considered pain- 
 ful, kotagendagwud, tvusagendag- 
 9vad. I consider it p., ninkotagen- 
 ddn, nin wissagenddn. It is a pain- 
 ful event, hdagendngwahamigad. 
 "^amt, (colors,) Jijohiigan, wejinigan. 
 Paint ; I paint, ninjyobiige, nin loi- 
 jinige. 1 paint i1, (*«,, an.) ninji- 
 jobian, nin wijinan; nin Jijohiwa, 
 nin wejina. 
 Paint, (draw ;) I paint, nin masinl- 
 hiige, ninmnsinitchige, madnitchi' 
 ^annind njiUwa. I paint him. (her, 
 ; it, ) nin mminihiwa ; nin mamnibi- 
 Paint. Painted, (in s. in.) S. Adorn. 
 Painted; it is painted, (■//)., an.)jx- 
 johii/adc, wejxni(jade\jijM4jas(>, u-e- 
 •■ jinii/aM. 
 Pau.tod, (drawn;) I am (,itisj paint- 
 ed , nin .TTlddnihiu/as, nin maxtp i_» 
 tchigas; maiinihiit/aJe, madnitchi- 
 f/ade. ., • 
 Painted lilack, red, etc.— h. Black. 
 Red, etc. .. . 
 Painter, jijobiigewiinni, ivejongexvi- 
 ndni. ,,..... 
 Painter, (artist,) maMnmitjeinmm. 
 masiattcMi/ewin mi. 
 Paintinc. (drawing, picture, imaffe.) 
 madnihiii/an, mashntchi(jaii. The 
 an- or act of painting, masviibiige- 
 win, masinitvhKjnvin. 
 Pair ; one \y,\'\t ,nin<j<itw6wAn, mngot- 
 wewanfKjidwin. We are a pair. 
 pair, nijwiu'an, nisttwcwaii, etc. So 
 many pair, daKswewnn. 
 Palace, (Hjimaivvjamig. 
 t»alate, mv, thv, his palate, «irta^««A', 
 Icinaqusk, o?i.ngashm. 
 Pale ; 1 am pale, nin waUneicis.'mn 
 wahinewaden/fwe, nin wahishldrnj- 
 we.. I look pale, nin loAhinagos. _ 
 Paleness of the face, waUnesiwin, 
 Palisade. S. Enclosnre ^ ^ 
 Palm of the hand, nnhn./ushmndj. 
 Palm- Sunday . >«*7r>7>^'-(7lf;■»Y/a</. 
 Palpitat" ; I palpitate, kin mamad- 
 Palsv, nibdwapinevuin. I have the 
 palsy, «'■« uibow, nin nihotvapiv'' 
 I have the palsy on one side, nin 
 nabaninihow. . 
 Pan , abwiwin, sas.'iaJrohimljignn. A 
 pan f u 1 , ningU-abwewin. 
 Pan-c^ke.givelissadjignn. I am <_ry- 
 ing pan-cakes, vin._ gwelissadjige. 
 Pantry, atdssawin. 
 Pants, pantaloons, gihrxUigwason. 
 Papa, ( father,) hdha, dedc. 
 Paper, madnaigav. Clean pa}>eif, 
 (unwritten,) banigak mudnuigun. 
 "White paper, (unwritten,) umd- 
 biM-ag 'muhlnaigan. Unwrjtteii 
 pai)er, wejibligade.sdnog masiiW- 
 Parable, dwitchigan, agotagodtcin, 
 qimddoweivin. 1 speak or use a 
 parable, nind (iwetchige, nlnd ago- 
 tfigos, nin gim<>d(me. 
 Paradise, ivakwi. K'fig- I" paradise, 
 (in heavim,; gyigcng, nakvnng. 
 Terrestrial paradise, hilchir-kiti- 
 VtiXTi.^We^fcgwinhiiu'ei'hhid. I am a 
 parasite, nin jjugtcinhniveshk. _ _ : 
 Parasitic habit, paguiMiweshhiwin. 
 Parasol, (or umbrella,) agaaateon. 
 Parch, (burn a little,) T parch, nin 
 gdpim/c. I parch it, {in., an.) nilt 
 nin gdpisiva. 
 Forgive. Forgiveness. 
 S. Forgiven. Blotted 
 Pardon. S 
 Blot out. 
 Pare. S. Shell. 
 Parent, Ji-/<m, migiigrnna. My, thy. 
 his parent, (fathei or mother,) 
 nin 1-iH.iim., H htidm, o Icitidman. 
 My. thy, his parents, (father awd 
 mother,) niniiliigog. kinigiigf'ff^ o^ 
 nigiigMi ', or, nin kitidmag, ki ii~ 
 tikman. kitisiman. 
 ParinfT, okonass. 
 Park, (enclosure.) atchikinigan. 
 Part ; there is pa"t or half of_s. th., 
 ajigune. Part or half of.., oyigani- 
 ail. Part or half of the earth, oji- 
 ganikamig aki. 
 Particular, (difficult ;) 1 am partic- 
 ular, ?)?'m .s^/«cr/e» 
 Partition, qihikinigan, jiikissanago- 
 kan, atchikinifian. i make a par- 
 tition, ni'i. giUkinige, nin pikieta- 
 nagoke, nind afchikinige. I make 
 a partition in it, (in a house, etc.) 
 nin (iibikinigudan, nin pikifiana- 
 qi.hiditn, nind atchikinigadan. 
 'rhere'is a partition made, gihiki^- 
 iqade, pikimamigokude,^ _ (also, 
 pUchifmnaqnkade.) ntcMkinigade. 
 Vdittnet, ■K'idjiwagan. - ^ 
 ' r 
 Partridj^r. hiiir. Young par., hlnina, 
 I hiuit; part., vin naiiilahincwe. The 
 partridge shakes his wiiig.s, (jivig- 
 winrflvan liiiv. The trrr on which 
 hfi shiikes liis wings, /jwujwiiKjwao 
 Partrid'i^c-herrv, hinfmin. 
 Partridge-lMf, hiiuhtKj. 
 Party, tnko party. 8. ilelp. 
 Pun.s ; 1 ])as,s him, (her, it,) nm la- 
 hikawa ; »in kahikan. It i):is.so8 
 ine, nin kahikagmi. It passes, ka- 
 Pass awav ; it |. asses away, an- 
 gtimntjud, aii(>oshka7nagad. 
 Pass hy ; I jniss by, nin himi-ija, 
 nin hinio.fs/'. I pnss by in a canoe 
 or l)oat, nin himiihoajiwe. I pass 
 l)yin a can(j(! or boat, sincrincr, nin 
 " hiniaamaH. I pass by,c'arryinRluni 
 ( her. it) in a slnijrh, nin himiilalm - 
 fM: nm himidahu^an. I J'ass by 
 ridini,', nin himihuhjo. 1 pass by, 
 rnnnSng, nin bi/nil>atn. I pass by, 
 walking witli snowshoes, nin hi- 
 mdijimossc. — The road passes by, 
 himamn tnikana. — I am beard pass- 
 ing by, vin hinwiweshin. 1 am 
 heard making noise in passing by, 
 Thinhimwewc, J am hi'ard talking 
 in passing hy, nin himfce/ri Jam. 
 Passed; it is passed, </i ishkwasse- 
 magad, (ji kahikofscmagad. 
 Passenger, traveler, hehdmadisid. 
 Passionate, (easily moved to anger,) 
 I am passionate, sesika nin nishkn- 
 dig, waiha nin nishkadis. nin mish- 
 idee, nin hahiqodee, nin hitchinawes, 
 nin nishkadisiskk. 
 /*aa8ionate person, neshkadisisJiJcid, 
 netii- ninhkadis d. 
 Passionate tem|>er or temperament, 
 bad passion, hiiehindtvesiann, halt - 
 godeeirin, nishkadisishkiwin, mat- 
 chi birnadisiivin. 1 have a passion- 
 ate temperament, nin nishkadis- 
 iskk, nin matchi hima^lia. 
 ■Pasnover, pak-''insiniu'in, 
 Patm over, (or miss ;) I phss over 
 him, (her, it,) nind answekawa; 
 nind anewekan. 
 P&BB through; I pass (it passes) 
 through, nin fahodr ; jahademntjad. 
 The water passes through, jaixjhi, 
 I siiccecMl in |)a.ssing throngh or 
 over f. til., nin tjashkio. 
 /*nste, a<iiikiiriist.iijiin. 
 Paste ; I ]>!)3te, nind arinkin'nmtch- 
 ii/r. J fiasti^ it. ( in., an. ) nind lufo- 
 kiwussaii : nhid itijoklwanmm, (The 
 saiiKi as s(>aling.') 
 /'asted ; it i.s pasted, (in. an.) ago- 
 kitratisitihigade ; agokiwiusitchiga ■ 
 Patch, (pioc<«,) hagwaigan. 
 . /'atch ; I jialeh, niii hagwiiiqe. \ 
 li.-xtch it. {in., an.) nin bagwaan; 
 niii Ixig/nnra. — I jjatcli a canoe, 
 nin Jntgwaon. I patch leggings, 
 nin hagirn/dnsfc, 1 patcii shoes, 
 nin httgn'aat^x^. 
 Patching, bagwapjcwin. 
 Palli, mikan, mik^tna.—S. Road. 
 Patience, minwadcndamoivin, jaji- 
 hendamnndn, lekndidwin, hkudm- 
 dago&in'in.— l have patience with 
 him, nin hahinwcidnnui . We have 
 patience with each other nwi Ja- 
 i'aticnt ; I ain patient, nin miniva- 
 dis, niinninwadcnJain, ninjajUxn- 
 dani,nin Mcadis, nin Iwhvlr.nda- 
 gm, beka nin hitagls, Ixka nin kota- 
 gcndam. 1 liiid him patient, nin 
 ininwadcnima , nin ji^jihrn ini a . 
 Patient, (sick person,) aiukosul, 
 /'at ion- Saint ; he is iny Patron- 
 Saint, nin widj'ijinikusoma uw 
 Pattern tor net-meshes, himidahmi' 
 gan, hiniidakonagun. 
 Pattern for vestments, tibijigan. 
 Paiinch, missdd, winassag. 
 Paw, wana«id. 
 Pay ; 1 pay, nin dibaamagc. I pay 
 liitn, nin dibaaniawa, nin napano- 
 na. I pay (or it, ( in., an. ) nin di 
 baan ; nin dibawa. I i)ay so much 
 for it, {in., an. ) nind ipinean ; nind 
 Pay debts ; I pay my debts, nin d4^ 
 baan nin innsinaisan, nin kijihan 
 nin maiinaigan. I pay him ia full, 
 wfft hijili'litta. I pay all I owe, nin 
 Payer, ilrhaatnaflfd. 
 /'ayiuent, Jilntd'/iuKjcwin, •■' ihaamar/o- 
 Peace, himin/'iririn, innwcmUnHii, 
 mino iiiam'ii(lin'in,int>i() viiljhuli- 
 unn, wiwok'iinii. We live in jience 
 nnd harmony together, nin mini) 
 inaux-iidimln,w'n mhio iriiljwtli- 
 viiii. — 1 live somewhere in peace, 
 nmiraniiH. 1 mukc him live in 
 peace, nin ■iraiKthia. 
 Peace of hvnxi^hisnnidecwin, wnnn- 
 Huudcewin, \ eVijoy peace of heart, 
 niiilmanidce, nin ivanaHividte. 
 J'en-c.ocM., msi'ffa-miKUi'C- ^ 
 Peaceahlo ; I aftip.,nr» hisanis, nin 
 pear, odgivdhimt'.i,. 
 Pearl, annn/'dji, Uhmigens, ImhiTco- 
 mujcns.'—l have a pea'rl in my eye, 
 Pebble, amn. 
 PeiWlc ; l^ci\C'?,,nin hahamatawe. 
 Peddlery or peddling, Idbamatawc- 
 g Did usee. 
 It penetrates in the flesh, 
 Pedestrian. S. Wulkor? 
 PevX, okonusa. — S. Shell. 
 Peep; \ \^p.g\> \n, nin tdpdb, nin ta- 
 pikweMa.—l \yceip out from under 
 , s. th., ninfintaih. 
 Peevish ; 1 am poeVish, nin liaM^>- 
 d^e, nin miafiidec, nin niatcM hiina- 
 Peevishness, miehidcewin, lahigodcc- 
 Peg, sagnkwaigwn. musagdkwav/an. 
 Peg ; 1 peg, nin smjnkumgc, nin sas- 
 sagahmigfi. I peg it^ (m., an.) 
 nin Msffigdkwaan ; nin sasmgdk- 
 Pegged ;it is pegged or pinned, tin., 
 an. ) mssagukw(figade\ sasmgdkwai- 
 Pen, migwnn, 
 Penance, koUtgiidisawin. 
 Pencil, ojihiignnatig. 
 Penetrate ; it pehetratee into s. in., 
 penetrated ; 1 am pen. by it, nin 
 h(iMika{i(m. I am ]>en. by rain, nin 
 Jiondhttii'v. It is jienetrated by greasfl, 
 Peninsula; tiiero is a peninsula, gi- 
 Pciy t ent, uiunwvnindieod. 
 Penitent's dress. H. Kackcloth. 
 Pensive, (solitary;) I am pensive, 
 -////;. nitoniis. — S. M«!lancholic. 
 Pentecost. S. Whit-Sunday. 
 I'ennry. S. Scarcity. 
 P(!0|il(^, Jiemndinidjiij. 
 \\'Y\n'\\ gniiiiini'gang, tipweban. 
 I'c) il)erniint, Maiming. 
 Perceive. S See. 
 Perdition, handdidivin\ handdjiiice- 
 P(;r<'grination, baldmadidiwin. 
 PerfcK't, perfectly, gwaidk, itewini, 
 Perlectidii, vuwingfHi^pin. I do or 
 say s. Ill, to pcrlection, ninwawin,' 
 Perforate. S. I'iercc. Bore. 
 Perforated. S. Pierceil. Hole. 
 Performaiicc;; religioi's pcnf., mani- 
 ti'iknsdinn. I do some rcl. perf., nin 
 Performe. Performed. — S. Do. Done. 
 Perfume, minomngndjigan, {mino- 
 mngwadjigtin, ) nnkn ixigd n . 
 Perfiuuo; 1 perfume, nin viinoma' 
 godjige, ndh nokwiaige, I i)erfiime, 
 or liiirii it as a perfume, (i//-., an.) 
 ni>i nokwiKi'i/cn, nin nokn'cdgenan', 
 1 perfume him, (her, it,) niniw- 
 kirvKwa\niu nokwisan. 
 PeThnm,gouinid,gmige, gimn, hema, 
 ganalidtch., indkiju. 
 P(!;il, bapinidwagan. 
 Peril. Perilous, (in 8. in.) S. Danger. 
 Perish; 1 perish, nin nib, nin nishi- 
 wanudin. It piirishcs, nidomagad, 
 nishiioanadad. It perishes, (^de- 
 cays,) angdmagad., angoshkdma- 
 gad, anm'if^cinagad . 
 Permit;.! permit, (allow,) mngana- 
 bendjige, nin 2>agidinige, nin nair>. 
 , ,W'.-|<!*S 
 '!■ ^M' 
 dam. I permit him to do 8. th., 
 nin PiKjiJina, ?iiii puyuljm, tii'/i 
 gariuhimnia^ ni/i mina. 1 permit 
 It, ni/i (jaiiahinddn^ nin, naenddii. 
 Perpetual, kn<ii(js. 
 Perpetually, i-aijiijil-nmig, idfjiniij, 
 m()jug, apiiie. 
 Perseverance, jihendamowin, juji- 
 lien/lnmowin, pajujwnduiivin. 
 Persevere; I presfvere, (at work, 
 &.C,) ni/iji/)endam, ninjujibendan. 
 S. Per^i8t. 
 Persist; 1 persist, nin pajigwcndam, 
 nin jiajigwiidis. 1 persist upon 
 what ] siiy, nin wt-debwe. 
 Perspiration, uJiicesuwin. 
 Perspire; I perspire, nind nhwes. 
 Persuade; I jiersnade, mn (jiujnn- 
 sotige. I persuade him, nin giignn- 
 soma, I persuade him to go with 
 me, nin wijama. 
 Persuade. Persuasjon, (in s. in.) 
 Entice. Enticing. 
 Persue; I persue him, nin nosuiane* 
 Perversity, matrhi ijiwehisiwin. ma- 
 tchi aianwisldivin. 
 Perverse. S. Wicked. 
 Pervert ;_ 1 pervert him, nin matrhi- 
 ijiicehisia, nin wanishi/na, nin bu- 
 Pest; pestilence, jinddgan, Jryinda- 
 gan, mnnddaptut'^.'in. There is 
 pestilence, mdnddnpinikamigad. 
 Pestle, hotdganak, h/tnuhhwanuk. 
 Petition, nandndc/nKrivin, nandota- 
 Petition; I petition, nin nandotam. 
 -r- S. Asl- Asking. 
 Petition! 1 cndotaiig. 
 Petrified; I am (it is) petrified, nind 
 asnniw; a,<<fiiniwa?i. 
 Petticoat, gi dues, matrhignde. /wear 
 a short petticoat, nin takwambis. 
 Pew, apdhi'iin. 
 Pewter, ivdhaf-hkikoman. 
 Phantom, tridhui. 
 Pharmacy, nunhkikikcivin. 
 Phenomenon; it is a phen., miman- 
 Phlegm, agig, iibiskanamouin. 
 Physician, mashhikiwinini, nandn- 
 (laiciiiveiriii iiii, nrndmlawiiwed. 
 Pick; 1 pick a bird, nin ■puehki^hin'a 
 Pickerel, (fish,) ogd. Young pick- 
 erel, (KjdiiS. ' , .,', 
 Pickle. S. Salt. 
 Pick out; I pick them out, (in , an.) 
 nin gagiyi/tanan, nin mamigina- 
 nan; nin gayiyi/uig, nin maniiyi- 
 Pick out, (in s, in.) S. Choose. , 
 Pick up; 1 pick up, nin patakait/e. I 
 . pidv it up with s. th. pointed, (m., 
 an.) nin patakaan', nin putakdwa. 
 -- I pick It up and cat it, {in., an.) 
 nin mamd/uyindan; nin maino- 
 Jagania. 1 pick it up and (jatJier 
 it, {in., an.) nin mainojayinan; 
 vinmainnj(i(iinu. I pick up'sticks 
 lor fuel, nin mavmj'iqinisse. — 1 
 pick up the birds he kills, ninma- 
 ivinadjige, nin mawinadjiguiva. 1 
 pick up' the birds I kill, tii/i mawi- 
 nadjigcdadin. I pick it Up, nin mu- 
 Picture, niasinibiigan, m^initoki- 
 gun. ■-, '■■# \,i • ',!, v 
 Piece, S. Patch. ■ - ■ '■ ' • " 
 Piece, h.jkwaii. A piece of any cloth- 
 ing material, hikibeg. A piece of 
 meat, fish, &c., ningotimijigan. 
 Two,_ three pieces, nijonijigim, nis- 
 sonijigan, &c. So many pieces. 
 dunminigigan. — I make it all of 
 one piece, nin mhsiweUm.. It is 
 niade all of one piece, misiwetchi- 
 Pierce, (bore;) I pierce, nin parpcu- 
 niige, nin pagivanebidjige. I pierce 
 it, {in., an.) mn pagwanian: nin 
 pugwaniwa. I pierce it wjth my 
 finger, (in., an.)m/ip((gu'anehulon; 
 nin pnnwanebina. — 1 pierce it with 
 difficulty, nil! gnM-aau. — I pierce 
 him, ninjuhweudwa, nind iniM-a- 
 wa. It pierces me, nin Jabwma- 
 ogon, nind iniM'ugon. ' — 1 am 
 pierced, uinjihujigm. 
 Pierce. Pierced, (iti s. in.) S. Stab, 
 Piety, songanamiawin, i 
 Pig, i-ok^sh, Yourp; pig, Icnlcnuhens. 
 Pigeon; wild r;/ge()n, r/mm». Yoiinc; 
 wild pigeo'i, ominins. Domestic 
 pigeon , 'iove, wnhmimi, wahnmimi. 
 Young doin. pigeon, wahmiininn. 
 — I hunt piijeuns, niii lumddami- 
 m/, nil), vtidjom'nniwc. 
 Pigeon River, Oinimi-sihi. At, to or 
 from Pigeon -River. Oiuinu-sibing. 
 Pigeon-tail, aawe. 
 Fike. (fish.) kinoje. Another kind, 
 Pile; I put it on the top of a pile, 
 {in., an.) iiind a<jivUawi8sidon; 
 nind agwitaiviiihima. 
 Pile, (in s. in.) S. Heap. 
 Piled; it is piled up, (metal, in., an.) 
 agwitu • ahikiKnin, ; ugwiloiahikishln.. 
 Pilfer. Pilferer. Pilfering, Pilfery. — 
 S. Steal. Thief. Stealing. Theft. 
 Pill, pills, modhkiki hehikominayak. 
 Pillage, makoiulwewiii. 
 Pillage; 1 pillage, ninviakandwe. — 
 S.Rob. . 
 Pillager, makcindwim.nini. 
 Pilot, wedaked, odakewinini. 
 Pimple, minins. 1 have c pimple on 
 my lip, niii mininsiwidon. My 
 face is full of small pimples, nin 
 mosseiinngice, nin haJyigwimjwe. 
 Pin, oshtiijwan-jabonignn; vessegiva- 
 Videoti, sngnktcaon, sagdkwaaaens. 
 — Wooden pin. S. Peg. 
 Pin; I pin it, (in., an.) nin saseagd- 
 kwaodcn; nin ixih'sagnkwaona. 
 Pincers, fakwdndjigaiiti. 
 Piljch; I pinch hiiri, nintchissibina., 
 nin iriakilnna. 
 Pine. S. Pine-tree. 
 Pinery, jii'givdhoki. 
 Pine-tree. ////yTrtt. Young pine-tree, 
 jing^iHikinn. Dry pine-tree, mdnis- 
 sag, Reil pine, pahvanaginuik. 
 White pine, amihvdndag, kawdn- 
 Pinnacle, wanakowin. 
 Pint, ahitd-amodai', kishkitcliiag mi- 
 /•ious. S. Religious, 
 Pi^te., opwa^nn. Stone-pipe, a^sini- 
 apii'agan. Wooden pipe, mitig- 
 ojnvagim. A pipe full, nin^otujjwu- 
 gan. I fill tny pipe, nind <mn»hH- 
 naa nind, ojuviujan. I light my pipe, 
 vin MikaipwUiHine. 
 Pipe-stem, <^i<lj, (dama^anak, oda- 
 maganafig. Flat broad pipe-stem. 
 Pipe-sf'oiie, o/nodgan-atain. 
 Piss, Jiyiivin<d)o. 
 Piss, 1 piss, ninjishig. I piss in the 
 bed, 7iin jigi'ngwwm. The dog 
 pisses, ngwintrie aniinosh. 
 Vissi-]y()t, jviiwinagan. 
 Pistol, ptinhkieigaiix. 
 Piteh, piifiw,pagiivil make (gather) 
 pitch, 'nin idgike.— Pitch of the 
 fir-tree, ( baUam.) pa /mshkigiw. 
 Pitch; I pitch, ninpigike. I pitch it, 
 ( in., an.) nin pigikadan; nin pig i- 
 hana. — 1 pitch over, (a canoe or 
 boat,) nm jijnkiweige. ^ I pitch 
 over my canoe, ninjijokiwian nin 
 Pitch-brush jijokiwiigan.' ^ 
 Pitcher, minihoddyigan. Earthen 
 pitcher, wnhiga n-minikuxuHjigan . 
 Pit-coal, akakanjewassin, akakanje- 
 wnki. There is pit-coal, akakanje- 
 Pit-coal mine, aknknnjewatdnikan. 
 Pit-coal miner, akukunjetvassinike- 
 tvinini. . 
 Pit-coal miner's work or business, 
 . akakanjewuasinikewin. 
 Pith, win. 
 Pitiful. Pitiable. S. Poor. 
 Pitted; I am pitted with the small 
 po.v; nin hahigivirujwe. 
 Pitv, kitinutgemngewin. kitimagen- 
 djigcjvin, kitinnigenindiioin. — it is 
 a f ity, u'iingad. 
 Pitv; I pity, wi/i kilimdgendam, nin 
 kitinuigeninge, nin kitimageTuljige. 
 I pity him, (her, it,) nin kitimdge- 
 nima; nin kitimagendnn. I pity 
 myself, nin kitimagcnim, nin ki- 
 tiniiigenind.is. We pity eacii Qtlier, 
 nin kitimagenindimin. 
 Pity, (in s. in.) S. Mercy, 
 Pity, worth pity, .S. Poor. 
 Place in a lodie or house allotted to 
 a family, nhinass. 
 Place of crossing, niminugan, — S. 
 Plnco wlioro a wild animal in the 
 woods uses to cat, irtdajifofjan. 
 PIncr where s. (h. is ccmse'rved or 
 hidden, aHmlHlJiijon. 
 Place; 1 place it,' {in., an.) nind 
 aton; ni)i<l omt. 1 jilnre it woll, 
 {in:,nn.)' nin mindsn/fir)!; nhhtni- 
 nuKhiind. 1 phice it lindly, («'?;., 
 an.) niu 7)}mwfixiU>n , nin manju,',/'- 
 tui; nin manwhima, nin manjinh- 
 Placed; it is plhced, («'«., an.)atcJi: 
 (ft'd*; afchiHaso. It is placed tl^er(^ 
 frffksifpfi/i/m/c; nijinsilchiifaso. It 
 is j)lac<'ii_ stroiiply, solidly, (*«,,, 
 an.) sivipissln-. Kinxjinhln. It is pi. 
 hadly, {in., an,) inani'S.n'ii, manjh- 
 ein; inuih<ishin,viniij!shln. It is' pi. 
 well, properly, (/«.) ow.) mlnossin; 
 minot/i/n. ; 
 Plai^iie, lotanapincivin, mdm'ula])i- 
 newin, li/c/a itidpincwin. 
 Plague, lotagitiivin, h)ta<jit(nnn. 
 Plague; I plague iioople,'//*// hjt.ugt- 
 iwe, nind udjani/nime. I plague 
 hiiu, (her, h,) n/n hot a{iia, nind 
 mljdniinia; mn Ivtagitun, nind 
 Plague, (in s. in.) R. Vex. Trouhle. 
 Plaguy. 8. Trouhlesoinc. 
 Plain; it is plain, intelligible, nisd- 
 Plainly, ?/i<;7'V*rt. 
 Plane, joshhdililgan, gandinigan, 
 jnoliidjiijnn, midcodjigan gaidndi- 
 Jiigada/. Small smoothii'ig plane, j 
 joiJddfch/'gans, mol-odjiijanx. j 
 Plane; 1 p'lane, nin joshlotchigc. I 
 plane it, (?'«., an.) nin joslihxjaan] 
 nin jashli'ijnu'o . 
 Plank, litrhi nahdiflssag. 
 Plank-road, nnhdgifisatw-mil-ana. 
 Plant, mashlosniw. A hollow plant 
 or herh, wiinhashl. The plant is 
 hollow, iciinhashlad. A plant is 
 choked by others, mngobi?nii(/i- 
 /'lant; I plant, nin hitige, nin pagi- 
 dinige. I [ilant it, («?t., an.) nin 
 h'tigadan,^ nin pagidinan; nin hi- 
 tigana, nin jHtgidin<t. 
 Planted; it is planted. M/m/'A'. 
 Plaster, agohiion, agohisdvin. I have 
 a plaster on my wound, nind ago- 
 li^. I tie a plaster on his wound, 
 7u'nd (tgch/nn. 
 Plaster, tiuihignn. 
 Plaster; I jil'aster, -nin wnhiganaigt, 
 ! plast(>r it, nin vahiganaan. 1 
 l>lasl(>r with a trowel,' smoothly, 
 nin Jch^hhruhiijainiigc. 
 PlaJ; I jilat, nind ol-admigr. I plat it, 
 {in., an.) nind i}l-adcnair,nind olca- 
 dfna. I plat it to him, nind ojta- 
 Plate, te.ssinagan. A jdate full, nin- 
 00 tfKnnagan. Twicol three times 
 a plate full, nijo tcmnagan, nisso 
 iiMi'nagan, etc. Earthen plate, 
 'irahi'ian-onnqan. • ■ 
 Plat(>. 'Plateil.- S. Silver. Silvered. 
 Platted cord, c;A77r/f/(7?>. 
 Play, playing, odaminmrin, ■ ''j 
 I'lay; I play, (like ehildren,) nikct' 
 OiJitmin. i play with noise, nin hi- 
 ivanis. 1 play, neglecting my duty, 
 n in hin'anaJi'amigifi. 
 Play; I play, (game,) nind atdge.-- 
 We play together, (at cards, etc.) 
 iilnd atndimin. I play it, I play 
 tor it, {in., an>) nind utdgcn; nind 
 /"lay ;l play the c]nh\,nind aUnodjii- 
 has. I play the Indian, nind anhh- 
 Player, nitd-odandnnd. 
 Player, (at cards, etc.) etngeshhid, 
 Playing, odaminowin. Noisy play- 
 ing, hiwnnisiwin. /"laying, with 
 neglect of work, hiivanahamigisi- 
 Playing, (gaming,) atdgewin, atddi- 
 Playing-bal! or play-ball, pikwah 
 /-•laying-card, atddi-masinaigan. 
 i'laying-house, play-house, atadv- 
 Pl&ythinK, odamiiiowaffan. _t-wj, 
 /'lease;. I pleaso him, nin minono' 
 wcu, n'iii wuwljia. — As thou pleas- 
 eet,p<itch (/a la kill. As you ploaae, 
 f Ifiasirtj.'; I am (it is) nleasinp, aprco- 
 able, uin »iiniueiida\foa, m'mwen.- 
 dag wad. 
 /'leasurc, minitjndamfiri.'i, hapine- 
 nimonin. \ mwVv him pIciKsuro 
 witli my airivii, nia sinjinttkkawa. 
 pleasure, (in s. in.) S. Joy. 
 /"Icnty, iliJiniitvi/i. I live in plenty, 
 »m dvhin. 
 Plenty of'.,., nihiira. 
 jPlenty, plontifijl, gtvdshlawad. 
 PlonRli, bif/waiiwiujihltliignn, hign- 
 hidjigath, 'tashlilcanugi)yi(Jj<gaii, hi- 
 nkihddjigan^ lusakamigihodjigan. \ 
 niake a plongh or ploughs, nin 
 higwaln in igihkljiga'H ike. 
 Plniiph; I ptonarh, ninhigwahirnvji- 
 hidji'jfi. nin bigohidjign, nin tashki- 
 Tcamiiiihidjicic, ninbiniihodjigf, nin 
 iisnahamidihodjiqe. I plough a 
 field, nin higtvakamigaun kitigan. 
 I ploimh (or break) the ground, 
 nin Ixi-sakamigaan aki. 1 plough 
 in a siindy ground, nin tashkata- 
 Ploughed; it is ploughed, liqwaka- 
 migaigade, tu shkikamigihidjigade, 
 i'lou'.'her, ploughman, bigwakami- 
 Plougnmaker, _ ploiighwright, big- 
 Plover, (bird, ) tchitchwishkiwe. 
 Pluck out; I pluck (or pull) it out, 
 (in., an.) nin ',namibiton, nin ma- 
 mibina. I pluck it out, (herb, 
 plant,) nin jishanashkibidim, nin 
 pashkobidon.—l pluck him an eye 
 out, nin gidjahdwa. I pluck my 
 eye out, nin gidjabdrxlis. 
 Pluck out, (in s. in.) S. Draw out. 
 Plume of feathers, nimashkaigan, 
 migwanqena, patakibinweati. I have 
 a plume of leathers on my head, 
 mn niinofhkaif^e. 
 Plummet. S. Sounding lead. 
 Plum-tree, pa^eimnirninagawai]^, , 
 Por.kei, mdn/iki/niAlcgiiuidj igan. 
 Point of land, projecting in tlio lake, 
 neiunht. On, to or from a point, 
 ncii'tiihing. A littli!p.)iiit,wei(w/i»»(». 
 There is a point of land, ncidnhi' 
 wan, nngainugad. On llio other 
 sitlo of a point, ujawcw. I go 
 around a ponit in a canoo or boat, 
 nin giiimlcwa , nin giwiiawm , 
 nind uwannewaam, nikiwaam, I 
 cross (or traverse) a point on foot, 
 nin kakiwe. '["ho place where they 
 traverse a point on foot, kakiwiij- 
 nan. I tri^verse a jioint partly in a 
 canoe, nin k^kin'cuMto, 
 Point out. S. Show. 
 Pointed; it is pointed, patchinhkuma- 
 gad, ginamagad. It is pointed, 
 (metal, in., an.) pdlchiMakikadi 
 fft tchinhkab ikiei . 
 Pointer. S. Dog. 
 Poin: Shagwamikon, (opposite La- 
 pointo. Lake y\iperior,i Ja{/awn- 
 mik. At, to or from Point Shag- 
 wamikon, Jagandmikong. 
 Point St. Ignaco, Nad</wikwi'iamith . 
 At, to or from Point St. Ignace, 
 Nadowekioeia mishin g. 
 Poison, matcJii munhkiki, jdtchiho- 
 win. Deadly poison, nibowini- 
 Poison; I poison, mat<'.hi maahkiki 
 nind ashangr,, nin pitchdxrjiwe, nin 
 matchi-indtpin'idjige, nin matcJii- 
 inapinas. 1 poison myself, matchi 
 mashkiki ni?ul odapinan, nin pi- 
 tchib, nin pitchibonidi$. I poiHon 
 him, matcin muMiki nind (ixha- 
 ma, nin, pitchibima, nin mMtohi- 
 Poisoner, cshunged matchi mashkikt, 
 Poisoning, pitchibojiwewin, malohi' 
 in apinii djigew in . 
 Poker. S. Fire-poker. 
 Pole, boat-po'e, to pu^ih a boat or, 
 canoe, gandakiigan, gandakiiga- 
 Pole; I pole, (a canoe or bodl,) nin 
 Polecat, jucag. 
 i*!?' t> 
 Polft, net- pole, to hang or spread a 
 nvX on to dry, huKmsmbanak. 
 Poliali; I polish, ;^give lustre,) nin 
 wassikirwijitje. 1 polish it, nm 
 Polish; 1 polish, (make smooth,) 
 nin joxlikofchli/e. I [loiish it, ni/i, 
 joxhkii(jaan \ nin joskkoyawa, 1 
 pol. it, (metal, in.., an.) nin joshk- 
 wahikdnn; nin jonhkivahikaiha. 
 Polished; it is pol. loandkivademii- 
 ff«d.— It is \w\.,ji)iihkn'a)naijad,j(/iili- 
 %otc/ii(ju(li\ {Jimhkirntchiijade. ) 
 Poltroon. S. Coward. 
 Polnte. Pointed. S. Defile. Dirty. 
 Pomade, fuimukwix'tn, I put po- 
 made on Ills head, mnnnnu'ikona, 
 l*ond or \)Oo\J)iti)hi<j,wajihiia> Sjnall 
 pond, li/toljii/ona, wajilmans. 
 Ponderous. S. Jleavy. 
 Pooilli?-dog, or a (Ioe; with long hair, 
 pag tHiiral aiiimi)nh\ mi^mhat'iiim.. 
 Poor, kitljiin(fakn)niij. 1 am ( it is) 
 poor, consiiiered ])I)or, nin l:it.iina- 
 fisy nin.kili/fKKjenaaijDs; kltiincignd, 
 Ulnuvje- dagwad. 'I make him, 
 (her, it) poor, nin kifi/natjt(i;Hin. 
 kitimn'situn. Tmake my.seil poior, 
 ni't' kitiindijiidis. — I look (i* looks) 
 poor, >un, kiliiMiijinaijon'. kltima' 
 Poor appciranrc, appearance of pov- 
 erty, HiiniaginiKjnxinnn. 
 Pope, Maiainawi-niganind Kitchi- 
 Poplar, poplar-tree, a^ddi. There 
 are poplar-trees, amidika. 
 Poplar- Point, Asudikang. 
 Porcelain, migiss. 
 Porcelain breastplate, migissiiessi- 
 Porcelain cup or saucer, migissina- 
 Porcelain plate or dish, migksirM- 
 Porcelain-strap, migissapikan. 
 Porch, tesfiilehigaii. There is a 
 porch made, tessitchigacle. 
 Porcupine, kag. Young porcupine, 
 hagons. Male porcupine, naheiag. 
 Female \)Oi-c\i\>ine., lugiiag. 1 hunt 
 porcupines, ni/i nandawagwe. 
 Porc-/ pine-Mountain, Kagwadjiw. 
 Porcu[)inequill. kdgohiiudi. . 
 Porcupine's skin, kdgwaian. 
 Port, ag<ii)i;)ivin. 
 Portage, u/iigam. I carry s, th. 
 over a portage, nindonige. 
 Portage-.strap, apikan. 
 Portrait, musudbiigasowiii, masina' 
 Portrait; I portrait him, (her, it,) 
 ni)i maxlniJiitL'a; nin. iiirt.iiniJiian. 
 Portraited; [ arn (it is) pcrtraited, 
 n/'/v ina.iiiiilii/'ijd.i, nin, masinoi] 
 m(t.-'iidhiigade, maainade. 
 Position; it' is in a didlcult position, 
 {in., an.) hdfds-iin; lidfdfikin. 
 I-'oss('Ss;I possess, I have property, 
 nin dan, nin J ind.dn , nin (lihcudana. 
 I possess hiin, (hor, it,) nin dtbe- 
 nini(i\ nin dihinddn. 
 Possession, dlhendansotvin, daniwin. 
 Post. S. Prop._ 
 Post-odice, fmtisinaiguniwigamig. 
 Post[)one. S. Delay. 
 I'ot, niinikwddjigan. 
 Pot, iron pot with legs, okadakik. 
 Potato, oj>in. 
 Potato-bud or germ, 2>akwekutchi- 
 Potato-paring, opini-okonass. 
 Potato-River, Neidskiwi-iihi. 
 Potato-sprout, wahidwi. 
 t'otcnitatc, hitchi-ogima. 
 Pot-lieib,_/jV/(<f/(i"ja/i/ mahkossiwid. 
 Pot-ladle, nncigan. 
 Potter, wahigan-onaganikeunnini, 
 l^ultry-house. 8." Hen-house. 
 Pound, dihabishkoJjigan. 
 Pour; 1 pour it in another vessel, 
 nind djawi-mjinan. I pour him 
 s. th. in the mouth, nin, sigaano- 
 wa. — I pour water on s. tli., nin 
 sigainidage, nin sigaandjige. I 
 pour it. nin stga<indagcn, nin si- 
 gaandjigon. I pour it on him, 
 (her, it,) nin dgaandawu\ nin si- 
 Pour out; I pour out, nin siginige. 
 I pour it out, nin siginan. I pour 
 out for iomebody, i"or people, nin 
 4\finamacie. I pour it out for him, 
 nin kiijinamawa. 
 Pouring ont, nijiniijeivxr) . 
 Pont; I pnut, nin mindawi. Jam 
 in a habit of pouting, nin mindd- 
 U'ifhl'. I pont towards him, nin 
 mindawa, nin mindaman'u. I 
 pout because I havo no liquor to 
 (Irink, nin minJmvohi. — 1 pout. ( I 
 hang out thf \'\\^^,) nin- jihidonmi. 
 Po\iter, vienduH'cd. rnind'un'efldid. 
 Pouting, mindairen'in. Bad hahit 
 of pouting, iniiid(in\-sld'\ >vin. Pout- 
 ing for want of liquor, mindmntbi- 
 Poverty, Mlimagtsiwin. 
 Powder, jPahdi. ■ My powder is all 
 gone, nin tcJuKjal-atewei-Mn. 
 Powder, (hair-powder,) 'pingwaodi- 
 ■win, tcalosavumnn. 
 Powder; 1 powder mvself, nin ping- 
 waodis. 1 powdrrhiin. j5//,{7»ri^m, 
 Powderrliorn, pindaJratcvan. T fill 
 my prtwder-horu, n/'n pindal-afctve. 
 Powder-lunise, inuh.Uiii:i(jamir^.^ 
 Vowcr, f((it^/dn/risi7chi. vi(/'intnl:an- 
 damovin. 1 have power, (authori- 
 ty,) rim ivtMcicn-in. 1 have pow- 
 er (aulhoiily) over him, (her, it.) 
 nin mM-ivwiHl-awa, nin nigani- 
 iil-andnira \ nin (jasMitiniyd-an.- 
 dan, nin nirfanidkmdon.—l do ail 
 in my pow'^r, nin niunliwnim. — 
 Dreadful power, gutonwjvdwin. 
 Power, (in s. in.) 'S. Strength, 
 Powerfnl; 1 am (itis) powerful, ;««, 
 gashlicn/x; gctfhkiiuhimagad, I 
 am (it is) powcilnl in a certain 
 manner, nind inaaaagad la; inassa- 
 Powerful, (in s. in.) S. Strong. 
 Pox, small pox, mamdlisiuin. 1 
 have the small p6x, nind omama- 
 hif. — S. Cow-pox. 
 Practice, ijitch/gficin, i/ifwun'in. 
 Practise; I \m\cUsc, ',i/n<I ijifch/ge. 1 
 practise it. idnd IjitcMgcn. I prac- 
 tise religion, nind ijitiva. 
 Prairie, nuwhkode. There is a prai- 
 rie, or there are prairies, mashko- 
 ditran. It resembles a prairie; 
 mmkhdiiradad. — In the middle of 
 a prairie, ndwat'hlcodi. 
 Prairie, large open prairie, misha- 
 iradhicdde, miJinhmvuM' di. 
 I*rairie-ox, (butl'alo,) mabhhdi-pi- 
 jiki. _ ' 
 /'rairie-wolf, pafhl-wndanhi- 
 i'raise, (flattering,^ mamikiradiivin, 
 mumibradamowtn. Self-praise, 
 /'raise, (Hatter;) I praise, nin mn- 
 mikirndam. \ praise myself, nin 
 mnmikwad, nin mainikwadif. We 
 praise one another, nin mamihwa- 
 Praise, (glorifying,) kitrhitwawini- 
 diirin, wairijinditvin, mina-tcawin i- 
 d/'irin. ^elf-praise, mino-ioawini- 
 i'raise, (glorify;) 1 praise him, (her, 
 it.l nin kt/cfuti('a>vina. nin kiichit- 
 wairenima, nin n'oUijcnima, niu 
 minnuidjima, nin mino-wavina ; 
 nin kitdiitwaU'indcin, nin kitchit- 
 waipenddn, nin vciirijendan, nin 
 minwAdi.di'in, nin mini i-wu wind an. 
 I praise myself, nin niino-wmvini- 
 dis, nin litclutUHiinni(li>t, nin wa- 
 injiia. It praises mo, nui mino- 
 'wawinig(.n. We praise tuich oth- 
 er, nin'mino-wawLnidiniin, nin wa- 
 7'rattle; 1 prattle, nind ommidon, 
 nind oKaniiiutwe. 
 y'rattling, osamidonoivin, omminowe- 
 i'r.iy; I \)xa.y,nini anumia. I pray 
 for him, nind anmnictaiva, nind 
 anannctinniiira, nin gagunodama- 
 wa. — S. Intercede. 
 7*ray, ( in s. in. ) S. Ask with hope. 
 i'rayer, anamicuin. 
 7'rayer-book, anninie-mastnaigan, 
 /'reach; j preach, nin gagik/re. I 
 preach to him, (her, it,) nin gagi- 
 kima; uingagikinddn. We preach 
 to one another, nin gagikindimin. 
 1 preach to myself, nin gagikindis. 
 I preach him, (it,) nin gagikweno- 
 daica; nin gagikwenudan. 
 Preachodi it is preached, yaj7j/tii)<;/»»</- 
 /•readinr, gagihwi Hnini, ^cgilcwcd. 
 1 aju a i)ri'acli(>r, / iii, ya^/ikwimni- 
 niiv. teuialo preacher, yaijihtw- 
 U'ikwe. ^ 
 Prcacliintf, gacfihwewin, anainic-ga- 
 Precede ; I precede him, (her, it,) 
 nind a/ti'Mv'a, ni>ul a?iiwis/duwa ; 
 niiul anl'cllii/i, nf\d aniwighku)!:. 
 Precede. SJ. Lead, I take the lead. 
 Precodcace, nigdntsiiivin . 
 Precept, ganasuiiymm. 
 Precious ; I am nrecious, n'm Tcitchi 
 apUtiulagos. It is pr., (/m., u.«.) 
 IcUchi a/ntc/i(JagwuJ, kitihi mna- 
 gad; hitclii iqHtcudagost, kitchi tsa- 
 nag It, I. 
 Precipitate; T precipitate some work, 
 vHam ni/i wcivih'ta. 
 Precise: 1 am pr., niu wawingcs. 
 Precisely, wuwlngc, qwaiuk 
 Precision, wawiiujcblwiii. I act with 
 precision, nm loawingdc/tige, nin 
 Predecessor, nagunuKkad. 
 Prediction, nii/anadjiinowin. 
 Pre-eminent, kitchi. 
 Prefer; I prefer him, (her, it,) nin 
 hajideniiiia, nawdtch nin minweni- 
 ma\ nin bujidendan, nuwdtchnin 
 Pregnant, (with child ;) I am pr., 
 nind andjik, nin gagishhage, alia- 
 odji nind aiawa, ahinudji nin gi- 
 Preparation, apitchiwin, qjitawin, 
 Prepare, (get ready;) I prepare, rajncZ 
 ojitai nin ivuiajita, mnd ap U'hita. 
 I make him prepare, nind <gttaa, 
 nin ivawejitaa. 1 make myselt pre- 
 pare, or be prepared, nind ojitai- 
 dis, nin waivejitaidis, nin ■wcsJio- 
 winidis. I prepare it, nind ojissi- 
 tc/n, nin ■wawcjiton, Min tvaucjissi- 
 ton, nin tceshi/winsiton. 1 prepare 
 it to him or for him, nind' ojistitu- 
 mawa, nin tcawejitamawa- — I pre- 
 pare a placet to lie down, nind apt- 
 shimonike. I prepare him a place 
 to \iv ilown, nind apit^hiinonikauia, 
 1 pr. a place to myself to lie down, 
 nind a/i ishinii/nikndad is. 
 Prepared; it is prt'parei\, (ready,) 
 itjitinin, gijianin. I keep [jrepared, 
 nin iceahuwah, nin Kmnhowita, 
 Preparing, (getting ready.) S. Pre- 
 Preparing; lampr. to do s. th , nind 
 upUrki. I am pr. for a voyage, 
 nind njita. 
 Present, (gift,) migiwewin, minigo- 
 win, iiiinidiivin. 
 Present, (give;) I present, nin mi- 
 gimc. I present it, {in., an.) nin 
 ■inigiivcn; nin mitjiwinan. I present 
 It to him, nin inina. 
 Present, (bring or pnt before soine- 
 body;) I present it, nind ininan. 
 I j)reseiit it to him, nind ininama. 
 mnd ininamawa. — It is pn sentrd 
 in a certain manner, (mi., an.) in- 
 inigudc, ininigaso. 
 7'resentiment. B. Augur. Augura- 
 Preserves. S. Confect. 
 Press, sindaagan, aindakwaigan. 
 Press; T press dronghj, (in my hand,) 
 nin vidgohinige. 1 press slightly, 
 (in my hand,) ni?i mdgonige, 1 
 press it strongly, {in., an.) nin 
 mdgiihidon; nin mdgohina. I press 
 it siightly, {in., nn.) nin mdgonan; 
 nin mdgona. 
 Press down ; T press down, nin gin- 
 djigadjige, . nin gindjidaige, nin 
 mdgoshkinadjige, nind onadinige. 
 I press it down, {an., in. ) nin gind- 
 jiddit'u, nin gngindjidawa, nin gin- 
 djidashima, nind onadina; nin gin- 
 dj'idaan, nin gagindndaau. nin 
 gindjidassidon, nind onadaan, — I 
 press it down in a \essv\. nind uss- 
 dnashli>iad<in, nin mdgoshkinadon. 
 Pressed down ; it is pressed down, 
 {in., an.) gindjuladjigade, gindji- 
 daigudc ; giiidjida(fj/gato, gindji- 
 daiguso.-- It is pressed do'vn in a, 
 vessel, aasdnashkine, mdgoshkine. 
i*^«*»i»*i*W- •-«^ 
 — It is not pressed down, bibinith- 
 Press-house , ( wine-press- house, ) 
 ricss in ; 1 press in through the 
 crowd, nin (jindjiih'.wi. 
 Press togetJ»er,( compress/) I press, 
 nin flindaifft, nin sindnl-waige. I 
 press it, i in., an.) nin tindagaan ; 
 nin iinddi/dwa. 
 Pressed together; it is pressed toge- 
 tlier, (in., an.) sindaigade; nind'ti- 
 Press upon; I j)re8s upon him, (her, 
 it,) nin nnsikawa \ nin »innkan. 
 We press upon each other, (in a 
 crowd,) nin ninnihidadimin. 
 Pretend; I pretend to be this or that, 
 nind nwiidin. 
 Pretty, gwanatch. — S. Beautiful. 
 Pretty, eniweJ:. 
 Prevail ; I prevail, nin gasJiHto, nin 
 gashHewis. I prev. upon him, nin 
 qashkii). I [ir. upon myself, nin 
 giuslikiidis. 1 cannot pr. upon him,' 
 ■nin bicanui, nind agawddamawu. 
 /■"revail, (in s. in.) S. Overcome. 
 /-"revent ; 1 prevent him, nin ganwi- 
 weintt . 
 Prey-bird ; a kind of prey-bird, 
 Price; I put a price on him, (her, it,) 
 nind nnagima; nind oJiagindan. 1 
 make a price for him, nind onagin- 
 Prick. S. Sting. _ _ 
 Pride, maminadisiwin, gnhvadenin- 
 dismvin, ishpiniiulisowin, hitchit- 
 wawenindisowin, TciUnimowin. 
 Priest, mel-iitiwihwanaie. I am a 
 priest, nin tnekatiwikwanaiew. 
 Priesthocd, mdcaUwikioanai^iviwin- 
 Prime; I prime a gun, ninbiwiasidon 
 Primogeniture, sasikisiwin, nitumi- 
 Principal, H<c7«'; The principal com- 
 mandment, kitchi ganasimgewin. I 
 am tlie principal person here, nin 
 nigantndagos oniu. It is the prin- 
 cipal thing, niganendagivad. 
 Principally, m^mindage, menulage. 
 Print; small pant, (small type,) hit- 
 dbiigun. Large urint, tnangilriiguv. 
 Print ; I print, mnmaninaiiiiye. I 
 print it, nin innninukiiian. 
 Printed; it is jjrinted, mntinakieiga- 
 de. It is printed in small type, &<»• 
 dbiigade. It is pr\^nted m large 
 type, mdngHnigaae, mamungihti- 
 Printer, matinakisigiwinini, mesin- 
 akimng masinaigan. 
 Printing, printef's art, work orbusi- 
 noss, matin ahiiigewin. 
 Printing - office, mimnahitigiwiga- 
 mig. -^ 
 Prison. S. Jail. 
 Prisoner, gebdhvaigasod. I am a pri- 
 soner, nin gihdhwaigas. 
 Prisoner of war, slave, aioakdn. I 
 am a prisoner of war, ( I am enslav- 
 ed,) nind awukaniw. 
 Ptivate baptism. S. Lay-baptisn., 
 Privately. S. Secretly. 
 Prize, put at stake, atchigewin. 
 Probity, gwaiako-bimadiiiwin. 
 Procession, artamii-bimoggeivin. We 
 walk in pro<iiession,( religious pro- 
 cession,) nind anamii-Mmfmemin. 
 Procure; 1 procure, nind ondinama- 
 ge. I procure s. th. to him, nind 
 (mdinamaioa. I proc. to myself, 
 nind (mdinamas, ?iind ondinama- 
 din. I pr. it to myself, {in., an.) 
 nind ondinamamn. nind ondinam- 
 adisnn; nind <mdinamasonan, nind 
 ondinamadisonnn. — I procure 
 enough of it, nin dibissati/n. 
 Procure, (in s. in.) S. Gain. Earn.— 
 Acquire for food. 
 Procure to drink. S. Give to drink. 
 Prodigal perscm. S. Spendthrift. 
 Prodigious, mamakddakamig. 
 Produce; it produces, (a field,) wj'- 
 gin. It produces well, minogin. 
 It produces nothing, unawigin, an- 
 uwewisirnagad. It produces spon- 
 taneously, bini&higimagud. 
 Produce fruiW S. Yield. 
 Profess; 1 profess religion, nind ana- 
 mia, nind ijitwa. 
 Profession of religion, anamieivin, 
 ijitwawin. Profession of an nrt or 
 trade, inanokiwin. 
 /•rofeiior, (teacher,) leiHnoamage- 
 /^rofil, yafhhitcM(!fwin, ahadjHfririn, 
 /'rofit ; 1 profit by it, nin pagwithi- 
 ton,, nir\a ahadjiim. I profit by it 
 in a certain innnner. nind inafiad- 
 jiton. — It prolits, it brings profit, 
 'f/uMtfchigemaffaii, It does not 
 profit, i* l)rings no profit, annve- 
 tvihima^dd . 'I'he field yields no 
 l>rofit. anaiivjin. Uliijnn. 
 /'fofitable : it is prof., mivnciiwemn- 
 ffiid, nvdmn. It is prof, to nic, On-., 
 ff«.) ni/id ondinin] nitid midisinan. 
 /'rognostic. S. Aiigtirntion. 
 /'robibit. /'robibition. — S. Forbid. 
 Promise, ndirindanwfirtcin, wnuin- 
 iatnadiwi/i, vaM<im<mAn, 
 Promise ■; I promisfe, nin vnuinda- 
 mage, nin nai-odam. I promise 
 him, nin wditindama'ra, nin. na- 
 koma. We pr. each other, nin wa- 
 windamadimdn. 1 promise i;, nin 
 7'romontory. S. Point of land. 
 Pronoimoc ; I pronounce welJ, nin 
 minnxoe. J pronounce badly, I have 
 a defective pronunciation, wm md- 
 Proof. S. Ti.ial. 
 Prop, umrdl'tcaigan. asswaka.i(fa- 
 nuk, sakaagan, nagaiahcmyanak. 
 Prop; 1 prop, nind nsswdhficaiife, n/in 
 snkadgadjige. I prop it, nind ass- 
 wakwaan, nin sakadgaddiu nin 
 Proper, properly, icendjita. 
 Properly, as a property, iilinawe, 
 Property, inodewisiwin, tihinawe- 
 wisitvin, dihendanftmcin, daniwin. 
 My, thy, his property, (.in., an..) 
 nind aiini, kid aiim, od aiim; nind 
 aianm, kid aiaain. od niaaman.— 
 I have property, nin dan, nin di- 
 hcvdass. i have such a property, 
 vin inodc-n-is. 
 /'rophecy, ninganddjimnu'in . 
 Prophesy; I pro., nin nigf^Adjim, 
 nigan nin dibddjim ged-ijiwehak 
 (I tell beforehand what shall 
 rome to pass.) 
 /'rophet, niganddjimduinini, gr,-ni- 
 ganidihadjitnod, ga-nigani-kiken- 
 Prophetess, nigan ndjimolvf. 
 Propped; it is propped, ofundkwai- 
 friidfi, fokaogndf. 
 Proprietor, dehindang, dfhfndjigcd, 
 dehrndatfod, tehinaweuieid. ' 1 ' urn 
 the ])roprietor, nin tihinnwruif, 
 nindihendjige, nin, d ihrndiinK. I am 
 the proprietor of him, (h'?r, it.) 
 nin dihcnima, nin (ihinancivin- 
 nan; nin dthenddn, nin (ihinawe- 
 widn. — I make myself proprietor 
 of 8. th., nin tihinauewiulis. 
 Proprietor of a house, weuigiiramiJ. 
 1 am proprietor of a house, nind 
 Prosperity, Jaiirndagociwin . 
 Prosperous; I am pro., nin jaicen- 
 Prostitute, linh igwa djikve. 
 Prostrate. S. Fa'll down. 
 Proud; I am proud, nin maminudif, 
 nin giikiradrnindid, nind inhpcnin- 
 din, nind, ixhffndan niinw, nin 
 fafcgaiffndan niiav\ 1 think him 
 proiid, nin kitenima. Proud 
 thought,proud thinking, ;««?«/«(/(/- 
 endamowin. 1 have proud thoughts, 
 nin maminadcndam. 
 Proud person, infininadifid, ethpe- 
 nimiifod, kctckitwawenindimd. 
 Prove, (in s. in.) S. Show. Try. 
 Provide. .S. Furnish. Procure. 
 Provided, iE-MiA/j/n. 
 Provisions, midjim. My provisions 
 are all, goisc, iiin tchngae. I pro- 
 cure provw, vin niidjimike. 
 Provisions for a vovapo, nc^fipcn. I 
 take prov. fora yoyagc, •. >nnavnp. 
 1 take it with ine on my voyage 
 to eat it, («, , '!■>. "' nin .awdpon; 
 vin naivdpnnan. I give him prov. 
 for bis voyage, vin nawdpona. — 
 Scrip or sack to put in prov. for a 
 voyage, vawdptvanitcaj. 
 7^rovisi')n-store, midjimiuigamig. 
 /'rovocation; mnliciuua provocntion 
 to nnnei, ijayundjinawiidiuin. 
 /'rovoke: 1 iirovoke hiiii to anot r, 
 nin inikiiHljia. We pro. each other 
 to ai\Kfr, Htrt mikimljiidimin.—\ 
 provoke hiin to anger maliciously, 
 purp'JHely* /uVt j/in/tiiuljia, uiiij/a- 
 (jdudjinawea, nin yui/iiniJJiyiae'a. 
 We prov. each other jjurposcly to 
 an>,'er, nin (jagundjiidimin. 
 /'rudence, mbwakaunn, yagilawen- 
 /'niderit; 1 am pni., nin nihwaka, 
 nin gagituw, nin ydgitawendam. I 
 make him pr,, nin niliwakua, nin, 
 gagitawia. It makes inc pr., nin 
 nihiHikaigon, nin giigitawiigon. — 
 y'nuieiit man, nihwakawinini. 
 /'uhlic. MfVepuldic— S. Reveal, 
 /'iiblican, ii,iwandjitokigewinini. 
 /'ublication, windamugewin.^ 
 y'ublish; 1 publish s, th., 7t//i kiken- 
 dumiive, nin kikendamodjiwe, nin 
 ivindamage. I publish it; nin ki- 
 kendarniiwen, nin kikendamodji- 
 wen, nin windamagen. 
 Aike. S. Vomit. 
 /'ull; I pull or haul him (her, it^ 
 forth, nin mdkilina; nin mukt- 
 /'ull,(in 8. in.) S, Draw. 
 y'ull down; I pull it down, (i».,a7i.) 
 nin ni«eihid<mj nin nisdhina. 
 i'ulled down: it is p. d., (wt., AAi.) 
 nimbidjiaade; nimbidjigaso. 
 P\i\\cy, omnahiginigan. 
 /'ull out; I pull out, nin mamihid- 
 jige., I pull it out, (in., a,i.) nin 
 mamihidmi, nin hakwakobidon] nin 
 7nuniibina,ninhakwahibina, I pull 
 it out with the root, (i'u., an.) nin 
 hahvakotchibikebidon, nin bakwak-^ 
 vtchihikaginan; nin bakivakotchi- 
 bikth'nu, nin hakwakotchitikayina. 
 — 1 pull out thread, nind vmhwi'tu^ 
 J'uW out, (in 8. in.) S. Draw out,-— 
 /'luck out. 
 /'ulse, oskwiiab, iniekwiiah. I feel 
 the pulse, nin godjinike. 1 feel his 
 p., nin godJiskwciahigi/ui4— -The 
 pulse is beating, ^'aM[/oi</t minhwe- 
 p. is hoat'oK, 
 punouDg, puuguan nind odk- 
 (U). My p. boats quick, nitt 
 iuh, or othvtial 
 tveiai). my p. uoais quicK, ntu 
 Aiinp, itlcaiban, 
 P\im\>\ I pump, nind inkuibi. I pump 
 it out, ulna iskaibadan, nind in- 
 Pumpkin, 6[fU'i»»iman. Large pump- 
 kin, minmbtgun. Tiie bloom ol u 
 pumpkin , waaeakone , (;wa»(tak- 
 wane. ) 
 Ainished; I am pun. deservedly, Mt/t 
 /■upil, kikinoamagan, ktkinoamu- 
 /'urchase. /'urchas^d.-^'S* Buy. 
 y'ure. S. Chaste. Chastely, 
 y'urgative, purge, jabotigan. I take 
 a purgative, I purge myself, nin 
 jtibih I give him h purge, ninju' 
 Airgatory, gassiialciiuwin. The 
 souls in purgatory, gataiiakvto- 
 wining ebvijig-. 
 /'urified by fire. S-. Cleansed by fire, 
 /'urify; I purify him, (her, it,) nin 
 liniu; ntn hiniton. I purify him s. 
 th., nin binitawa, nin binitaiuuwa. 
 —I purify, him (her, it) by fwe, 
 nin bindkitwa; nin binakimn. I 
 pur. him s. th. by tire, nin bindkin- 
 Purity. S. Chastity, 
 /'ur'ty of heart, JiWt/ewwi. I have a 
 pure heart, nin binidee. 
 Purloin. Purlo'ier.— S. Steal. — 
 Purpose, inindumomnn—^. Reso- 
 Purpose; I purpose, nind ininda/in. 
 — S. Resolve. 
 Purposely, 6ndjita,au'undjieh. Like 
 purposely^ n^ita. 
 Pursue; I pursue him, (run after 
 him,) nin himinajikawu, nin md- 
 Pus, S. Abscess with matter. 
 Puhli; I push, nin gnudaige, nin. 
 gdndinige, nin gugdndinigt, i puHh 
 '• ii 
 him, f her, it,) nin gandina, nin 
 gandawa; nin gdndinan, nin gan- 
 daan, \ push him (her, it) repeat- 
 edly, nin gugdndina; nin gagnn- 
 d-'i^an, etc. I push his head, nin 
 gnndikwena. 1 push him (her, it) 
 aside, nind ihowehin^', niiid iko- 
 webinan. I push him (her, it.) hack, 
 nltid ajigdndina', nind ajigaiidi- 
 Push. (, in 3. in.) S. Shove. — Incite. 
 Pushed; I am (it is^ pushed, nin 
 gandinigas , nin gagandinigas ; 
 gandintgade, qagandinigade. 1 atn 
 (it is) pushed aside or away, nind 
 ikowehinigas ; ih/wehin igade . 
 Push through. S. Thiu'st through. 
 /'usillanimous; I am pus., nin jd- 
 PM9\\\9.x\\m\iy . jdgodecwin. 
 Puss, cat, gniugenn. minms. 
 Aistule, mtnins. My skin is full of 
 small pustules, nin I'ikwa.jeshlcu, 
 nin pnpilcwajcshha. 
 Put; I put, nind atdge. I put him, 
 (her, it,) nind assn; ntna aton. It 
 is put, atchigade, I put it in a cer- 
 tain manner, nind ijimton. I put 
 him H. th„ nind atawd. — I cannot 
 put it, (*;i., un.) nin nondhsiton; 
 nin nondiahima. I put a piece ol 
 bark under my knees in a canoe, 
 nind apishkamonan onagek. J put 
 It down on t\uf ground', (in., an.) 
 nind ashotalcamigindton ; nind 
 ashotalcu/ni^inhima. I put it to the 
 end of a stick, nin nimahwaan. I 
 put my foot (or feet) on s. ih., 
 sitting, «i>/</ aifwitchiaides/iirmm. \ 
 put it right, (*'//., an.) nind ojissi- 
 t^n\ nind pjishima. I put s. th. 
 somewhere to keep or hide it, 
 niiid assdndjig, I put it some- 
 where to keoj) or hide it, («»., an. ) 
 nind a^dmljujun; nind assdndjig- 
 onun. 1 put some more to my pack, 
 hind agwittnuare. 1 put myself 
 nearer here, (sitting,) mnli-iji- 
 giM. I put some object- f 6 'Strilvr' 
 s. th. on U, ni7id athofatdige. I put 
 it under s. l\\.,iiind' UKhoiA-hianibm. 
 1 put too much, nind aniu-i^na- 
 tchige. I put too much of it, (m , 
 an.) nind aniivisniton; nind ani- 
 wishi'ma. I put it well, (in., an.) 
 nin ndissiton, nind onnton; nin 
 ndishima, nind onnfisa. I put a 
 riece of wood, nin hiindi-wavrntrm. 
 putit, wood, {in.,an.) ninhimdk- 
 wissiton ; ni>i himdhwibhima, — I 
 put out i_nto the lake or sea, nin 
 mminawd, nin niminaniaam. 
 Put aside; I put aside with my 
 hands, nin miUdgivenige. I put 
 him (her, it) aside, or out of the 
 way, nin middgwenn ; nin miidg- 
 wenan. T put it aside for him, nm 
 middgwenaman'a. I put it aside 
 in thoughts, nin midngu'tndan. I 
 put myself aside, 7iinjmiddg2veta. 
 Put away, (reject ;) i put him (her, 
 it) away, nin haJcewina ; nin hake- 
 winan. I put it away, reject it,_l 
 refuse to take it, nin yniivitan, nin 
 miwitnn. I put it away for him, 
 nin miiintaim. nin miwitamawa. 
 Put back ; I put it hack again, {in., 
 an. ) nin nassdbissitan ; nin natsa- 
 Put down ; I put him (her, it) down, 
 nin nifsina \ '".in nissinan. 1 put 
 hiin (her. it) down from my back, 
 nin pagiddma ; nin ijagidondun. I 
 put down a load, 7(i» pagidjiwane, 
 nin pagidjinige. 
 Put enough ; I pwtenoyjgh, nind eh's- 
 salchige. I don't put enough, nin 
 nonde'^satcliiae. I put enough of 
 ii, nin dcbissutf/n. 1 don't put 
 enough, nin nondessaton. 
 Putin; I put it in, {in., an.) nin 
 jnndfissiton ; nin pindJiMma. I 
 put It in a hole or vessel, nin ho- 
 ddkwe. I put it in a hole or vessel, 
 {in., an. ) nin hoddliven ; nin hoddh- 
 wenan.. I put or thrust it in, {in., 
 an.) nin jcgonu ; nin jeganan. I 
 put him (her, it) in the lire, nin 
 JegoHnjena; nin jegnlcinjeuan. I 
 put my finger in his mouth, win 
 pindanMia, ninpindanohi/ia. It is 
 put in, pindanonil'ade. I put in 
 my mouth, nind agwancndjige, 1 
 put it in my mouth, {in., an.) nind 
 agwanendan; nind agwanemn. \ 
 put ill ;ny rnc Lh s. th. to eat, nin 
 jahim. I pi : it in my mouth, {in., 
 nn.) ninjakamon ; hinjahamonan. 
 — 1 put my things in a trunk, etc., 
 ni»d onashkinadass. 
 Put on; I put on, (clothiupt,)_ wwi 
 bif^kage. I put it on, nin hisikdri. 
 I put It on easily, nin dehiihkan, 
 nin ^ishawikan. I put it on well, 
 (it tits me well,) nin minokan. I 
 put it on so..., ( in. , an. ) nind ini- 
 Ican ; nind inikawa. I put on 
 stockings, socks or riippes, and 
 shoes or boots, nin habitchi. _ F put 
 him socks and shoes on, ninba- 
 Put to ; I put it to the fire in a ves- 
 sel to cook, {in., an.) nin ga^dton; 
 nin gahdshlma. It is put to the fire 
 to cookj {in., an.) gabdtchigade ; 
 Piit together ; I put them together, 
 {in., an.) nin mamatoissitonan ', 
 nin mamawiissag. It is put togeth- 
 er, mamaivimtchigade. I put two 
 together, (thread, ) «e» nijwdbigi- 
 nan, nin nahwahiginan. 
 Put up. S. Store up. 
 Putrified. S. Rotten. 
 Pu tty, toassitchigani-pigiw. 
 Putty ; I putty, nin pigike. 1 putty 
 a window, ninpigikadan wauitch- 
 Quack-doctor, geginawishkid mashlci- 
 Quadruped, naogaded. It is a quad- 
 ruped, niogadc. 
 Quake. S- Shake. 
 Quarrel, gikandiwin, gikangewin,gi- 
 Quairel ; I quarrel, nin gikavge, nin 
 gikawidam. We quarrel with one 
 another, nin gikandimin, nind aia- 
 Quarrel, (in s. in.) S. Insult. ^ 
 Qwmrelei, netd-gikawidang. 1 am a 
 quarreler, I am quarrelsome, nin 
 nitd -gikawidam. 
 Quarreling. S. quarrel. 
 Qiiarter ; first or last quarter df the 
 moon, gisiss ahitawiai. 
 Queen, ogimdkwe, HtcM-ogimakwe. 
 I am a queen, nind ogimdkwew. I 
 make her a queen, nind ogimdhwt- 
 Quench ; I quench fire, nind dteige. 
 \ <\\i(v,c.\\\X,,ninddtean. 
 Question, gagwedmwin, gagwedjin- 
 dicuin. I ask, q^iestions, nin gag- 
 Question ; I question him, nin gag- 
 Quick ; I walk quick , nin hijikd. 1 
 walk as quick as I can, nind apit- 
 ika. I am quick ii working, etc., 
 nin, gwushhves. 
 Quicken ; I (luicken my hands, nind 
 ahakinindjiwas. I quicken my feet, 
 ■nind abakisidls. It quickens, abiti- 
 Quickly, kejidin, kikejidin, hikeji- 
 dine, loewib, ningim. 
 Quick-temiiered person. S. Passion- 
 ale person. 
 Quid of tobacco, agwanendjigan. 
 Quiet ; I am quiet in my thought8,in 
 my mind, nin bisanendam, nin nib- 
 Quiet, (in s. in.) S. Still. 
 Quietly, beka, naigdlch. 
 Quietude, bisanakiwin, nibwakawin. 
 Quill, migwan. 
 Quilt, mawandogivasson, mawandog- 
 Quit ; I quit, give up, nind dnijitum, 
 nind anawendjige. I quit a place 
 entirely, nind apitchi madia. I 
 quit him, nin bakeshkawa. I quit 
 it, nin bakewidon. 
 Qaix er,pindamvan. 
 i,i;, ■" 
 Rabbit, wdios. Young rabbit, wubo- 
 Rabbit's berry, wahosomin. 
 Rabbit-skin, wab6s</wainn. 
 Rabbit-skin coat, waboswehm. I 
 make a coat of rabbit-skins, ntn 
 Race on foot, gagrvidjilcanidiwin. 
 Race in canoes or boats, gagwedji- 
 Race ; 1 run a race on foot, nin ga<j- 
 wedjil-ajiwe, 1 run with him, liin 
 gagwedjikuna. We run a race to- 
 gether, nin gagwcdjikunidimin. — I 
 run a race in a canoe, nin gagwid- 
 jil-adamve. We run a race in ca- 
 noes, nin gagwedjikadaomin. 
 Rackoon, iss'ibun. Young rackoon, 
 Rackoon-skin, essibaniwaian. 
 Radish, okndahms. 
 RaU ,bahiiidassagan. I make a rait, 
 nin babindassagan^ke. 
 Rafter, ahnjiiak. 
 Rage, violent anger, kitchi nishkadis- 
 RaiTp-ed ; I am ragged, jwVi nissiu-ego- 
 Rags, wiiagassiiman. 
 Rail for a 'fence, mitchikandkobidji- 
 ganatig, mitchikanntig . 
 Rail-road, biwabiko-mikana. 
 Rail-road car, iahkote-oddban, {{\Te- 
 Rain, giniwan. Rain coming from 
 the north-, west, etc. S. North. 
 West, etc. — I walk or travel in 
 rain, in rainy weather, nin gimi- 
 wuniskka. I embark or start in a 
 canoe in rain, nin gimiwanibos. — 
 I travel in a canoe or boat in rain, 
 nin gimiivanaam. 
 Rain\ it raiis. f^mwaw. It begins 
 to rain, mndjibissa, papdTigi?iibiiea. 
 It rains a \ht\e, awnniiism. It 
 rains hard, kitchi gimiwnn. Thp 
 rain is heard, mud'wibissa. Show- 
 ers of rain fre passing by, habami- 
 bii^sa. It rains by intervals, tafd- 
 wibiesa. The rain is cold, taU- 
 It rains no more, ishkud- 
 Rainbow, nagwiidb, odagwanibissan. 
 Raindeer, attk. Young raindeer, 
 Rain-water, gimiivanabo. 
 Raise ; I raise him from the dead, 
 nind abitchibou. I raise myself 
 from the dead, nin ubitchibaidis. 
 Raise up, (in s. in.) S. Lift up. Ex- 
 alt. Erect. 
 Raisin, ^'(Wiiw, bate-jomin, baidtegjo- 
 /2ake, binakwan, bindhwaigaii, ma- 
 Rake ; I rake, nin hindkwaige. I 
 rake bay together, nin mawanaosk- 
 Ram, nabi-manishtaniiili. 
 Ramble, rambling, habanKmewin, 
 bahamadisiwin ; giwaadisitrin. 
 Ramble; I ramble, nin babdmoise, 
 nin bahdjnadig, nin giivaadis. 
 Rnmiod, Jishibaniigidjiga7i. 
 Rancid; it is rancid, {in., an.) satea- 
 sin; suteshin. It looks r., {in., an.) 
 aatenagwad; sutenagosi. It tastes 
 r., {in., an.) mtepvgwud; satejiih- 
 Rancor, hitchinawesiwin. I keep ran- 
 cor, nin hitcfiinaives. 
 Rancor. Rancorous. — S. Anger. 
 Random; at r ^luiom, pdgwana. 
 Rapid or rapids in a river, hdwituj. 
 There is a rapid, or there are rap- 
 ids, hijidyiwan. The rapids are 
 long, ginodjiwan. There is a strong 
 rap. over rocks, kaktibikedjiwan. 
 In the middle of a r., nawadjiwan,. 
 Along the rap. of a river, <c7iw/«4/*- 
 Rapids of St. Mary, (Saiit de Ste. 
 Marie,) i/aM)i7in(7,(pron. Uaoting.) 
 Rascal. S. Rogue. 
 Rasp, mil igo-eissihodjis a n . 
 Rasp; I rasp wood, mitignin sissibo- 
 don. I rasp a board, nahagissag 
 nin sissibona. 
 Raspberrv, miskniimin, {\)Ton. misku- 
 min.) Flat raspberry,, /af/as/tHOTe". 
 Raspberry hush, miskwiminagawanj. 
 Rat, kitchi-ivawubigonodji. 
 Rather, nindawa, nindawatcJr, enab- 
 Ratified; it is rat., songitchigade. 
 Ratify; I ratify it, nin songiton. 
 Rattle , jishigwan. 
 Rattle; it riiU\eH, jinawemagad,jina- 
 wissemagad. I make it rattle, nin 
 jinawiwehinu n . 
 Uattie-snake, ji/iawe, jishiijwe. A 
 kind of rattle-snake, mitujoh'^hi- 
 Rattling in the throat, madwigamiso- 
 win, A rattling is heard in my 
 throat, nin madwegamis. 
 Raven, Icagdgi. Raven's beak, kagd- 
 Ravine; there is a ravine, passaka- 
 Raw; it is raw, {in., an.) ashkin; 
 aahkini, I eat raw, nind ashhib. I 
 eat it raw, {in.; an.) nind ushkun- 
 dun; nind ashkama. 
 Raw lish, (also, fresh fish, not salt- 
 ed,) ashkigigo. 
 Raw meat, (also, fresh meat, not 
 salted,) ashkiwiiass. 
 Razor, gashkibddjigan. 
 Reach;! reach him (her, it,) ninde- 
 bina, nin debishkawa; nin debinan. 
 nin dibishkan. We reach one 
 another, nin debiehkodadimin. i 
 cannot reach him, (her, it,) nin 
 nondena, nin nnwina, nin nandwi 
 na; nin nondennn, nin ndwinan, 
 nin ndnaicinan. — I reach him with 
 my foot, nin mijikaioa. It reaches 
 me, nin mi/jikngon. 
 Reach, (arrive;) I reach him, (her, 
 it,) nind odisaa; nind oditan. It 
 reaches me, nind odissigon, nind 
 odissikagon. I am the cause it 
 reaches me, nind oditamas, nind 
 Reached; I am reached by the water, 
 nin moshkaog. 
 Reach forth; I reach forth after him, 
 (her, \\.)nin mawinana; nin mawi- 
 Read; I read, nin wabandan masina- 
 igan. I can read, ninnissitaivinan 
 masinaigan. I read it aloud, nin 
 Reader, waidbandung masinaigan. 
 Reap; 1 reap, nin mama. 
 Reap. Reaper. Reaping. — S. Harv- 
 est. Harvester. 
 Reaping, mamiiwin. 
 Reaping-hook, kishkushkijigan. 
 Reason, nibwakawin, inendammuin. 
 Reason, (cause,'; iw wendii-doda- 
 ming, tvendji-ljiwebak. Without 
 reason, anishd, binisikd. For such 
 a reason, miwendji-... 
 Reasonable; I am xe?iiS.,ninnibwaka. 
 Rfiasonable man, nibwahawinini. 
 Reasonable person, nebwakad. 
 Reborn; I am reborn, nind andjinig. 
 Rebo\ind; I rebound, (it rebounds,) 
 falling, nin gwashkwethin, nin gwa- 
 shkweidbikisse; gwashkwessin, gwa- 
 Rebuke. Rebuking. — S. Scold. 
 Receive; I receive hfm, (her, it,) 
 nind oddpina; nind oddpinan. I 
 receive a letter, nin bidjibiamago, 
 masinaigan nind odissigon. 
 Received; I am (it is) received, ni/wi 
 (jddpinigas; oddpinigade. 
 Recent, oshki-... 
 Recently, ndmaia, anomaia. 
 . v. i, 
 Reciprocally, memcHhkwat. 
 Recognise; I recognise people, vin 
 nissitawindtjf. liec. liiin, (her, it,) 
 nin nissafdwina, nin nmitnweni- 
 tna; nin nusildwinan, nin nissitd 
 Recognise, (in d. in.) S. Discern. 
 Recollect; I try to recollect him, 
 (her, it,) wi'.'t nandamikireniina; 
 nin nandamihvendan. 
 Recollect. Recollecting. — S. Rem- 
 ember. Remembering. 
 Recommend; I recemmend, 7>in gn- 
 'jiHixje, iiind aiangwamuje, nind 
 aiangwumitaaos. 1 rec. him to do 
 s.^ tn.; nind aiKjWamima, nind 
 aianmvamima. 1 rec. him s. th., 
 (in thoughts,) nind aiangivameni- 
 ma. I rec. it to myself, nind aian- 
 Recommendation, aiangwaviitagosi- 
 win, gagikingewin, gagikindiwin. 
 Recompense; I rec, nin dihaamage, 
 I rec. him; nin dibaamawa, nin nu- 
 Reconcile; I rec. myself with him, 
 ninbanigidefawa, nin bonendama- 
 wa, nin mino ganona. We get 
 reconciled with each other, nin 
 bonigidetadimin, nin mino ganoni- 
 dimin. — I reconcile him to some- 
 body, nind inawendda, nin mino 
 Recover; 1 recover my senses, (after 
 fainting,) nind dbisiwis, nind abi- 
 siehin, nind abisiweiidam. I rec- 
 over from my fear, nin borne. I 
 rec. from my sicknesa, nin nodjim, 
 nind ahisiwadis. I make him rec, 
 nin nodjimoa. 
 Recovering, recovery, (from sick- 
 ness,) nodjimowin. 
 Red; I am (it is) red, nin miskos; mi- 
 skwa, mifkwnmagad. it is red, 
 painted red, {in., un.) miskoniga- 
 de; miskoniguso. It is red; Metal, 
 in., minkwabtkad; metal, an., mi- 
 skwabikisi: stuff', iii., miskwegnd; 
 stuff, an., minkwegiii; wood, in., 
 miskossoginigade; wood, an., min- 
 kofsaginigaso, (painted red.) — 
 I dye red, nin miskwadissige, nin 
 miskwanmge. I dye it red, (m»., an. ) 
 nin inifikicadii^snn. nin miKkuan- 
 mn; nin miskwadifmiva, vin mi~ 
 fikwanm. — it ib dyed red, {in., 
 an.) miakwadisso, minkwanm; mi- 
 nk wad ilc, mittkiva nde . 
 Red-barked twig mintwdbimij . 
 Red bird, nutchinaniauet^tn. 
 Redbreast, ^bird,) menmkondini- 
 Red ci<rp, (fish,) mixkwanclin. 
 Red oedur, mid-wdirak. Tliere are 
 red cediirs, mid-it'owahika. In a 
 place where there are red cedars, 
 mink II) d wukiiku ng. 
 Red clay, nmkwdbigan. 
 Red cloth, mi xwegin. 
 Redeemer. S. Savior. 
 Red flannel, minkiouhigin. 
 Red-head, (a person with red hair,) 
 miskwdndib, meskwundibrd . I have 
 a red head, nin miskwandibe, {mis- 
 kondibc. ) 
 Red-hot; (^metal, in., an.) mishwdbi- 
 kide; nmkwdbikid. I make it red- 
 hot, («/j., an.) nin miskwL.jiki8an; 
 nin mibkwabikim'a. 
 Red-hot coals, akakanje, miskwor- 
 kinje, {minkokinjc.) 
 Red Lake, Mitkwdwakokan. 
 Red liquid, minkivagami. 
 Redoubt, wdknigan. 
 RetS River, Mi/kwagamiwi-stbi. 
 lied Sea, Miskwagatniwi-kitchigami. 
 /ded-stone, minkivassin. 
 /I'ed-stotie pipe or calumet, mishwas- 
 sin-opwdgan, • 
 A'educe by boiling; I reduce, nind 
 ixkigamidge. 1 red. it, (diminish 
 it,) by boiling, nind mkigamisan. 
 Place vyhere they reduce maple- 
 sap, idigumisiyun. Woman that 
 reduces maple-sap, inkigamisige- 
 /Zeduced by boiling; it is red., iski- 
 deducing by boiling, iskigamisige- 
 i?e-echo. S. iZesoimd. 
 Reed, ibiwaiaskkina; wimbashk; «*- 
 Reed lor mats, apahcisTikwai, ana- 
J. W .^fe. --...■:«Mllil.Mtn.|iiMt. ,,.43gg;is|,^^^^ 
 kannshh, Htchigamiwashlc. I cut 
 rred for nints, riin manachkasniwe. 
 fieel, ahaaljiijan, htihai:(ljujan. 
 /iJellect; I rt^llect, ni" dihewa(iendam, 
 nin mnionrndum, vin mitnn<'nflai,i, 
 nin. vatntqatawendam, nin wtiwe- 
 vendam. i rpflecf, upon him, (hor, 
 it,) nin dt'bevaqenima, ninmitm- 
 nenima, nin mitanrnima, nin nu - 
 nagatdwemjna, nin, wawe?i<nima; 
 nin dihewa<jendnn, nin minimen- 
 d an, nin mitdnt'iidan, nin vanuija- 
 tawendan, nin tvimenrndan. I 
 reflect on nivself, nin nava<j(ita- 
 irenindis, nin dihiivafienim, nin 
 diheii'a(jcnindln, nin midnitmindin, 
 nin nana(jataicendnma'ti.8. It re- 
 flects, navagctawendamadiet/ma- 
 hewngen damowin. 
 Reflection upon one's self, nanagn- 
 Reform; I reform or alter it,(«'n., 
 an.)nind unJji.ton] nind andjia. 
 Refrain; I ref., nin mindjiminidis, 
 nin nacaidis, nin nngdnidift. 
 Refi'aininp, minidjimindismvin. 
 Refuge, ininijimowin. I take re- 
 fuge, win^io/iffj., nin hi-ojim. I take 
 refuge to him, nin hi-nadjinijimn, 
 ninnadcnima. 1 take re(. to some 
 place, nind ininijim, nin nddjini- 
 jim, nind apdgis. We take rcf. 
 to some place, nind apdidimin, 
 nin nndjinijimomin. 
 Refuse; 1 refuse to take him, (her, 
 it,) n/'n miwia, nin m,iwina\ nin 
 miwiton, nin miwinaii. 
 Regain, (in s. in.) S. Fulfil. 
 Regenerated. S. Reborn. 
 Regeneration, andjiniaiwin.. 
 Regret, kaslikendamowin; aiajeienda- 
 Regret; I regret, nin hanhlcendam, 
 nin mindjinawes ; nind aiajeien- 
 dam. I regret to have lost him, 
 (her, it,) nin mindadenima; nin 
 Regretful, mi/idjinawiiaduknmii/. 
 Rbgulation, innhmigewin. — S. Coiii- 
 mandment. Law. 
 Reign; T reign, nind ogimaw, nind 
 ogiinnkandawe, nind ngimiikan- 
 dange, nind ogimnlcandnmage. It 
 reigns, ogimnlcandiimni^emaimd, 1 
 reign over him. (her, it,) nind dgi- 
 vi(il-iind(iwa,nind t/gimdl-andama- 
 HHi; nind iigirndkandui; 
 Reject;! reject, nin weMnige, nin 
 pngi'lingp. I reject him, (her, it, ) 
 nin W(':hina, nin paijidenimu ; nin 
 toebinan, nin pngidendnn. We re- 
 ject each other, nin ibihinidimin, 
 nin holciidimin. 
 Reject, ( in s. in.) S. Abandon. 
 Reject; I am (it is) rejected, nin 
 wehinipan, nin nnnivawendagm; 
 v'C'liin tgade, nanin mrendngivad. 
 Rejected persoh, abandoneti, w^tiwe- 
 gnn, {an.) 
 Rejected thing, vjildnigan, (in.) 
 Rejoice; 1 rejoice, nin hdpinenim. I 
 make him re]o\cp.ninh(ipinemmoa. 
 1 rejoice in thoughts, 7iin hnpinen- 
 dam. 1 make him rej. in th., nin 
 bapin''ndamoa. I rejoice, (1 am 
 pioufi of joy,) nin vHiwijenim, nin 
 tvawijendam. 1 make him rejoice, 
 nin ivau'iieiidamia. 
 Rejoice. Rejoicing, (in s. in.) S. 
 .toy. Joyful. 
 Rejoicing, ba/dneninKni'in, hapinen- 
 daini/win, waivijenddmcAvin. 
 Rejoice with; I rej. with him, w^n. 
 Rela|ise, aientewin. 
 Relapse; I rel., nind ajea.se, I rel. 
 in sickness, j((?i(i dndjine. 
 Relate. S. Tell. 
 Relation, relative, inmvemagnn, ina- 
 wendagan. He is a relation of 
 mine, nind inawima. We are re- 
 lations to each other, nind ina- 
 wcndimin. 1 make him a rela- 
 tive to somebody ,wi«(Z inawendaa. 
 Relationship, innvendiwin. 
 Relax; I relax, nind ujesse. 
 Relaxation, ajensewin. 
 Release; T release him, (her, it,) 
 nin pngid/ina, nin pagisihawa ; 
 nin pagidinnn, nin pngidknn. It 
 releases me, nin imgiaikagim. 
 Released; I am rel., nin jJa/jidsnda- 
 got, nin paijidjniu. 
 Reliance. W. Trust. 
 Religion, anamitwin, ijitivawtn. In- 
 dian religion, anidhinabe-ijitwa- 
 Religions, (pious;) I am rel., 7tin 
 Religious performance. S. Perlorm- 
 Religious person, swant/anamiad. 
 Relish. S. Taste. 
 Reluctance; with rel., kiiwen. 
 Rely. S. Trust. 
 Remain; I remain somewhere, ni/ul 
 ishkwi. 1 remain, (I am left or 
 spared,) 7iind ishkivanse. It re- 
 mains, ishkwanBemugnd. — I remain 
 around him, (her, it,) nin wukai- 
 kaivii; nin wdkdikan. 
 Remain; I remain, I refuse to go, 
 7iin (/idjikas. 
 Remamder, hiwijigan, eshkosseg. 
 Remainder, (in s. in.) S. Rem- 
 Remaining; I have some of it re- 
 maining, (in., an.) nind ishkwassi- 
 ton\ niiid ishkwashima. 
 Remark; I remark him, (lier, it,) 
 nin kikinawadeninia;nin kikinawa- 
 Remarkahle; it is rem., kikinawa- 
 dad. In a remarkable manner, 
 Remedy, mashkiki, nandtidawimvi/i. 
 Remember; I remember, nin mik- 
 u'indus.i, mn mikwen'iam, nin 
 mikicendjige. I rem. him, (her, 
 it,) nin mikwenima, nin inikawi- 
 nan, nin mindjimenima] 7iin mik- 
 wendan, nin mikawin, nin mindji- 
 mendan. I rem. him (her, it) 
 weW, nin hisiskenima\ nin hisisken- 
 dan. I rem. him (her, it) strong- 
 ly, nin mashkaunmindjimeniina ; 
 nin mashkawimimfji/nendan. — I 
 make him remember it, nin mik- 
 wendamia, nin inikawdma. 
 Remembered; I am (it is) rem., nin 
 mikwendjigas: mikwendjigade. 
 Remind; I remind him of s. th., nin 
 Remission. S, Blotting out. 
 Remit. "^ Remitted.— S. Blot out. 
 Blotted out. 
 Remnant of a board, ishkohodjigan. 
 Remnant after cutting a coat, etc., 
 uhkmgiin.^ I leave a remnant, 
 7yindukk()jige, Remnant after eat- 
 ing, inhwdndjigun. I leavQ a rem- 
 nant, 7iind inhwdndjtge. 
 Removal, gosiioin. 
 Remove, (in s. in.) S. Move, change 
 Remove; I remove him, (her, it,) 
 nind ikona ; nind ihman. i re- 
 move it for him, nind ikonuwa, 
 7iind ihmamau'u. 
 Removed; I am (it is) rem., nind 
 ikonigafi; ikonigade. 
 Removed from office; I am rem., 
 ninbigoshka, nind ishkwa-ancmigo. 
 Rend; it rends, pasnka7nagad. 
 Rend. Rent — S. Split. Tear. 
 Render; I render him a service, tiin 
 doduwa. I render him evil for 
 evil,m7i<i ajidibaamawa maiana- 
 Rendez-vons; I promise to come to 
 a rendez-vous, nin kikinge. 1 
 promise him a rendez-vous, nin 
 kikirna. We promise each other a 
 ren., nin kikindimin. Mutual 
 promise of a ren., kikindiTvin. 
 Promise to come to a ren., kikin- 
 Renegado. S. Apostate. 
 Renounce;! renounce him, (her, it,) 
 7iin pdgidenima; nin pagidendan. 
 Renown, icawindaganesimin, wawin- 
 djigndewin. Good renown, 77iino 
 wawindaganesiwin, mino wawind- 
 jigadewin. — Bad renown. S. De- 
 fame. Defamation. 
 Renowned; I am ren., nin watvinda- 
 ganes, nind uiudjimigowis. I am 
 (it is) ren., 7iin wuwindjigas', %va- 
 windjujade. I am (it is) ren., (in 
 good renown,) nin mino ivuTvinda- 
 ganes, nin Tnino watvind^igaa; mino 
 wawindjigad«. 1 am (it 'is) badly 
 roiiowned, nin, matchi wuwindji- 
 ffosi matchi wawiwljioade. 
 Rsnt; it is rent, kithkiku.—S. Split. 
 Renunciation, patjidendainowin. 
 Repair; I repair, nin nanditchic/e, 
 nin na>iduui:*chi<je. I repair it, ^ ««., 
 an. ) nin nanditun, nin nannisnitun; 
 nin nandina, nin nandiHkima. 
 Repair; (restore;) I repair it, (in., 
 an,) nin nodjimoton;, nin nodji- 
 Repair, (sewing;) I repair, sewing. 
 nin wawekwadasg. I repair it, {in., 
 an.) nin wawekwadan; nin wawek- 
 Repaired; it is rep. (in., an.) nana- 
 itchigade, nannissitchiyiade; nana- 
 itchiyuso, nandissitchiyaao. 
 Repairing, reparation, nanditowin, 
 Repay; 1 repay him, nind ajediba- 
 amawa, nind ajidawa. I repay it, 
 nind ajedibaan. 
 Repeat; I repeat, ndsaah nind ikit, 
 ndssab nindibadjirn, I repeat his 
 words, nind anikanotawa, nind 
 inotawa, nm nubinotawa. I repeat 
 old sayings, nind ajeiadjim. 
 Repeatedly, jumingim, sasdgwanu, 
 iiepeated word, nassah-ihitomn. 
 Repeating of old sayings, ajeiadji- 
 mow in. 
 Repent; I repent, nind dnwenindis, 
 nin mindjinawes. I repent in 
 thoughts, nind anweiendam, nin 
 Repentance, repenting, anwenindi- 
 sowin, mindjinawesiwm. 
 Repenting person, penitent, aiajiwe- 
 Replace ; I replace it, {in., an.) nin 
 ndbisKitiM ; nin ndbishiniu. 
 Replenish, (in s. in.) S. Fill. 
 Report, dibddjimowin. Report 
 brought, bidddjimowin. I bring a 
 rep., nin biiddjim. Good report, 
 minwddjimowin. I tell a good rep., 
 nin minwadjim. Bad report, md^ 
 nddjimmvin , I tell a bad rep., nin 
 mdnddjitn. True sincere report, 
 ywaiaktoddjimowin. I tnake a true 
 rejj., nin gwaiukuuiul/im. False 
 injurious report or say'uiK, mljita- 
 yo.ii>vin. I make a falno roj)., nin 
 ■mijUagos. Concealed incomplete 
 report, kadddjiminvin. I make an 
 iticomplete rep., nin kuda<Jjim. I 
 give hwn an incomplete, \\M' con- 
 cealed report, tiin Kodudjiinotuwa 
 Repose. S. Rest. 
 Represent. 8. Resemble. 
 Representation, awetcldyun. I make 
 a rep., nind, awelchiy'e. 
 Reprimand ; I repriniand, nind an- 
 weninye, nind aidwiwe. I rep. him, 
 7iind. unweniina, nind uidwa, nin 
 nanibiki/na, — i rep. him with lianl 
 words, nind antmima. — I repri- 
 mand myself, nind dnwenindis. 
 Reprimand. Reprimanding, (in s. 
 in.) S. Scold. Scolding, 
 Reprimanding, aiawin, aiawidiivin, 
 Reproach, (scold ;) 1 rep. for such a 
 xe&son, nind onaonge. I rep. him 
 for a certain rea.>ion, nind onaoma, 
 I reproach or scold in regard to my 
 children, nind onsMndwuaa. — I re- 
 proach him in a certain manner, 
 nind indpinema, 
 Reproachable ; my conduct or be- 
 havior is repr., nind dnivendayoa. 
 It is repr., dnwendaywad. 
 Reprove ; I reprove his conduct, 
 nind anwenima. I reprove myself, 
 nind anivenindia. 
 Repudiate; I repudiate her, (him,) 
 nin bakeivina, nin bakiahkiima. 
 Repudiation, baktwidiwin, bakialtko' 
 /Request, payoasendam')win, nunddta- 
 mowin, nandndornuwin nandota- 
 /Request ; I request, nin nandotanty 
 nin nandotamaye, nin puyoaaendam . 
 I request him, nin nandnUoma , 
 nin nandotarnuwa. 
 /Jequiem-masf ne^odjiy otvlji una- 
 meaaikewin. I say a /foquiom- 
 maSvS, nebodjiy nind ondji anmnea- 
 iiequire / I require it, nia nanUotun. 
 Rpqnirn, (in s. in.") B. De«ire, 
 Resemble; I rcsemMe him, vrnd in- 
 awa. I resemble lo...,nind ina- 
 hatnin.nffos. It resembles to..., iva- 
 hamindt/irud. I msike hint (her, it) 
 resflinhie to..., nirid inabamina- 
 (fti'ia, nind nn'cteliKienan \ nind 
 innhnmina(t>int<m, nind awetvhKjen. 
 RespinbliriR ; I am (it is) resem- 
 bling.... n<isj>ah nind ijinngos...', 
 nassah ijinaffwad. 
 Reserve, s, uhkdnigan. 
 Reserve , I reserve, nind uhMnige. 
 I reserve liim, (her, it,) nind i»h- 
 h>na\nind iifhhmwn. ires, it to 
 \,\\n,nirid ishkonamaioa. I res. it 
 to me, nind ishkonamas. 
 Reserved ;i nm(itis) i «;8erved, nmii 
 ishkoniqas \ ishk(/ni(/ade. 
 Resist. S'. Defend. 
 iJesolve ; 1 resolve, niii gijendnm, 
 ningijenindis. I resolve firmly, 
 nin ' songendam^ nin, mashkawen- 
 dam, 1 res. it firii'.ly, nin songin- 
 Resolved ; 1 am firmly resolved, nin 
 wehendnm, nind apit^hi webendnm. 
 Resolvedly, /jrf^i^rA. 
 Re.so\iU.wu, gijendam^frudn. Firm re- 
 solution, siingendmmwin, manhkor- 
 wendamoinn. 1 make or have a 
 firm res., ninsovgendam, nin mash- 
 l-awendam. f make liim take or 
 have a firm rt^., nin simgendamia, 
 nin maMtwendamia, nin tnnsh- 
 hiivima, nin, mngideeshkmvenimc. 
 Resonnd ; I make resound my voice, 
 nin passwetveshin. 1 resounds, 
 passivewe,passwew«,mn. i make it 
 resound, nin jiacswewftfin. 
 Respect, dahavdendamctvin, Htchit- 
 Respect; 1 respect him, (her, it,) 
 mn mnnddjin.iiifi hit;hi apitcnima, 
 nin, kitchiiwawenimn, nin dnhande- 
 nimn ; nin manndjitiyn,, nin k.itchi 
 apitenddn, nin, kitchitwawendan, 
 nindahandendan. We respect one 
 another, nin kitchitwiwenindimin. 
 nin maiiddjiidimin. 
 Respect, (in 8. in.) S. Hotior. 
 Respected ; I nn< respected in acer- 
 t.nn manner, nin niatsagndia. — S. 
 Honored. Hiphly esteemed. 
 /?especlai)le ; 1 am (it is) rrsp., con- 
 sidered resp., nin dahiindia, nin 
 gokvmdis, nin p<ikwiidend<tg<m, nin 
 dahandf^duga, nin gikadendugos ; 
 dahandail, gokwadad, gukiraden- 
 dagivad. dahandendagwad, gikaden- 
 iJespiration, nissewin, jiagid anamo- 
 u<in. I take res[iiration, nin visge, 
 nin pagidanam. I have a quick 
 resp., nin da<lntahnnnm. I have 
 a heavy oppressed resp., nin 
 Resple.idant ; I am resp., nim was- 
 Rest, anwehiu'in. Day of rest, an- 
 Heat ; I rest myself, nind dntveb. I 
 make him rest, nind anwehia. I 
 rest or rei)0se, lyinp down, nind 
 anwesliim. — The bird rests on..., 
 ugoei hineshi. 
 iZesting-place in a portage, pagidji- 
 idostitution. S. Give back. 
 iZestore, (in s. in,) S. iiepair. 
 iieiurrection, ahitchibuwin. iZesur- 
 rection-d a y , abitchiluicini-gijigad, 
 72etch. S. Vomit. 
 /Jeturn ; I return, (go back again,) 
 nin giwe, nind ajigiwe. I return 
 the same day, nin biskabi. I re- 
 turn runninc:, nin giwibato, nin 
 biskdbnto. 1 think to return hom*», 
 nin giweiendam, I return home, 
 with' s. th. to eat, nin giweiahowe. 
 1 return to tny native place or 
 country, win giwiki.— It returns, 
 giwimagad, giwcshkamagad. — I re- 
 turn, arrive at home, nin pngama- 
 /Return, (repay ;) nin dihaamage, 
 nind ajimigiwe. I return it to him, 
 nind ajinamawa, nind ajedibaa- 
 mawa. I return it,(«'re., un.)nind 
 ajiiia, neiiib nin- migiwenan, nind 
 ajimigitoenan ; nii"l aji7idn, n&iab 
 nin migiwen, nind ijemi^iwen. 
 /2eturning, bis&db. 
S'.'g^l.gS'^'HBl 1 1 I 1^ 
 Ke-unito ; we reunite, n&iab nin 
 Reveal ; 1 reveal it, via mimhawu- 
 $iton. It is revpaled, mtjisliawtH- 
 /i8veii>,'e, ajidawnawin, ajvlxwim'n. 
 in rtivcngo, ajic/a. 
 Tieveiiije ; 1 revenge myself, viiid 
 ajidauuwje. I revenge inysellon 
 hu\i, n in iijulawaa. 1 revenge iny- 
 soif on hiin in words, nind ajidu- 
 /ievere ; I rev. him, (her, it,) nin 
 maniidjia. nin Htchif.wawenima; 
 nin manudjitoit, nin kitckitwawtn- 
 iievered ; lam (it is) revered, nin 
 kitchit'i'awenduyos ; kikhitwawen- 
 Revile ; I revile, nind indpiniwi- 
 dam, nin bapijtwe. 1 revile him, 
 (her, it,) Mt/i bapijhna,nind ina- 
 pinenia\nin hu^iijmdan, nind inapt- 
 itevive ; 1 revive, (after fainting,) 
 nind dhisisliin. It revives, abini- 
 Re\o\\i\ S. Turn round. 
 /Revolver of three, four, six barrels, 
 pa»'iki-s>,(jan8 nessusliJcnk, naoah- 
 kak, nc/iiji.tnfatsotihkak, 
 /ieward. H. Pay. Payment, 
 iihuharl), wahado. 
 R\\), ()pi(jcyanaina. My, thy, his rib, 
 nipi(/f(/an, kipigr(ji<tn, opigegan, 
 /iibbon, riband, «e«i7>d. 
 iiib of a canoe, Bic.,wagina. 
 /iice, wuhanomin. 
 i?ich ; ! uiu rich, nin dan, nin h'ttchi 
 dan, nin wdnadis. I nnake him 
 rich, nin danid, nin wamtdiidd. 
 /iffiches, dt: ■ "^, kitchi daniwin, wd- 
 Rich weaitny person, ketrhi-danid. 
 /(fide ; 1 ride in a carriage or sleigh, 
 nind odahanigo, nin hnlmniihaigo. I 
 ride on horseback, hebejigoga'nji 
 nin bimomig. 
 Rider, betnuniigi d bchejigoganjin, be- 
 bamomigod bebfjigoganjin. 
 /iidge ; ihere is a' narrow ridge of 
 a mountain, ushedina. 
 /Ridicule. S. Scorn. Mock. 
 Widiculed ; I make it ridiculed, {in., 
 an.) nin hafiilarnoioiniken ;nt» ba- 
 pitamowinikena n . 
 /didiculer, neti/ithapinfjdan{/,-B. Mock- 
 Right, gwtiiak.weiveni, kitchi, apitchi, 
 ninMtd, It is right, considered 
 right, {in., an.) ginaiuki'rndngtj'ad; 
 givuiakwcndugon'i. I consider him 
 (her, it) right, just, nin givaiak- 
 ivinima ; nin, i/wniakwindan. I 
 put it right, (horizontally, )_ nin 
 g'raiakwinndon, ( gwaiakonsidnn.) 
 /^i'ght, (not lefi,) kitrhi; dchani.— 
 Right hand, foot, etc. S. Hand. 
 F(j()t, etc. 
 Righteous ; I am righteous, nin nib- 
 vHikn. 1 am righteous before him, 
 n in n ibwakdkandawa. 
 Rim«!. S. Frost. 
 Ring. 8. Finger-ring. 
 Ring or bracelet round the wrist, 
 an an. 
 Ring the bell; I ring, nin mndwis- 
 nitckige. I ring it, nin mudwim- 
 t<m, nin teivennekaan. It rings, 
 Tnadwemin, madwewe. I rit)g or 
 strike the bell only on one side, 
 nui, nubane-wem'shifiin kilotagan, 
 nin tdtohviwcmtim. 'I'he bell is 
 struck only on one side, totvhwi- 
 ivesnin kifotagan. 
 Rinse. S. Washout. 
 Riot, nishigiioanidwin, ombdsondi- 
 Riot; I riot, nin nishigiivania, nind 
 Riji; 1 rip 'it, {in., an.) nind abijan, 
 nin qakikijan; nind abijwa, nin, 
 gakikijwu. 1 rip him, nin bagwad- 
 Ripe; 1 am ripe, nin gijig. It is ripe, 
 {in., an.) adile. wabide, gijigin, 
 (li/inmgud, gijisdn; aaisno, wabiso, 
 l/yigi.' It is very ripe, {in., an.) 
 Ripe {'rmts,' (^itegin. 
 Ripped; it is Ti])\}ed,gdkth'nhka. 
 Rise; 1 rise from the dead, nind 
 Rise boiling; it rises, ombigamide. I 
 i- i . ' ' 
 make rise boiling, nind omhiga' 
 mieifje. 1 make it rise up, nind 
 Hise on liifih; I rise (itriee8)on high, 
 nind omhi«h/ia; crntnahkamaaad. 
 Rise up, lyitiR; I rise up, nina oni^h- 
 ha> It rices np, onishkamafrnd. I 
 rise up liriskly, ni/id oni^kkahato. 
 Rise up, siltingi 1 rise up, stand up, 
 nin panit/wi, 1 make him (her, it) 
 rise up,,' iiiii '/iiifiijwin\ nin jiat<i^- 
 iviton> I rise up quickly or briskly, 
 nin pasi(jwindji«Ui 1 rise up with 
 him, nin widjrpanii/icima> 
 Rising ground; there is a rising 
 ground, anibikamiga^ 
 Risk; 1 y'.nk, in'nd in iweidii, 
 River, »?'W. The river is large or 
 wide, inaiigiti(jiOeia eiht. The river 
 is small or narrow, agaesituiveia 
 sihi, The r. is so wide, ini/iotig-' 
 wtia t'ilii. The r, is dark-colored, 
 (black,) 7nak(iteivaciamitiqu'(ia H- 
 hi. The r. divides, haX'etiyweia 
 eibi. The r. splits out in two or 
 more branches, nini/itawiliffwcia 
 sihi. Place where a river splits, 
 ninffiiattutifiu'eiag. The r4 turns 
 round, {liiritatiijweia nihi. The 
 r. has an entrance, /)m(^;«/fli/-amrt- 
 gad fihi. It is theend of the river. 
 waiehwatigireia eibi> 
 River-net, sibiwafsnb. 
 Rivet; I rivet, nin biskhdaige. I riv- 
 et it, (tw., an.) nin biskudaan; nin 
 Riveted; it is riveted, {in,, an,) bie- 
 kadaigude; biskudaignso. 
 Rivet-hammer, ft/«i'aa(a/(;a». 
 Rivulet, dbiwiehc. 
 Road, wi^;una, viikan. Public road, 
 large road, kitchi mikana. On or 
 in the road, megwekanu, matd^ 
 U'ikana. On this side of the r., 
 ondass inakekana. On the other 
 side of the r., wedi innkekcna, — > 
 The road comes from,.,, ondanio 
 mikana. The road leads to..., in- 
 umo mikana. — I make a road, 
 nin mikanake. I make him a r., 
 nin mikanakawa. I make him a r. 
 straight, mn gwaidkom^daiva, I 
 make him a r. eo..., nind inamoto- 
 wa. I make a r. even or level, 
 nind onndamoton mikana. I re- 
 fair a r., nin nannadamfifnn mi- 
 ann, ninnmcenadamnton mikana. 
 —The road is crooked, wawaeh- 
 kamn mikana. The r. is even or 
 level, rmakamigttmo mikana. The 
 r. is large or wide, mangademo 
 mikana. The r. is small or nar- 
 row, agasnademo mikana. — The 
 road s|)lit8 out, miningitawatno 
 Roast; 1 roast, nind ahwe. I roast it, 
 (in,, an,) nind abiren; nind ahwc- 
 nun. I roast Indian corn, nivd 
 abu'dminf. I roast an ear of Indian 
 corn, nind abirdtigwe. — I roast s. 
 tb. on red-hot coaU, nind akakan- 
 JefrWe, I roast it on red-hot coals, 
 (in., an,) nind akakanjebiven; nind 
 Roasted ear of Indian corn, ahuAtifj- 
 Rol); I rob, nin makandwL I rob 
 bim,«t'« mnkamd. I rob it, take it 
 by force, (in., an.) nin makand- 
 teen; nin makandwenan. 
 Robber, makitndu-ewimni. 
 Robbery, robbing, mukandwewin. 
 Robin. S. Redbreast. 
 Robust. S. Strong. Stout. 
 Rock, djihik. On the rock, ngidabik, 
 ngidahikang, Under the rock, an- 
 amdjibik. There is a perpendicu- 
 lar rock, kiehkdbika. In a place 
 where there is a perp. rock, kifh- 
 kdbikang. There is a steep rock, 
 pasmbika. In a place where there 
 is a steep rock, paesdbikang. The 
 rock is wet, nibiwabikamagad. — 
 1 iTiake a hollow in a rock, nin 
 wimbdbikaan ajibik. I make me a 
 lioilow ill a rock, nin wimbdbikaa- 
 dis, or, nin loimhdbikaamUdist/n 
 Rock; 1 rock him, nin tchitchilakona. 
 I rock myself, nin wewebis. — S. 
 Uocking-chair, U'ewibis07ii-apdbiwi7i, 
 Rockisland, m,iniesdbik. 
 Rocky I it is rocky, djibikuka. 
 lOcky Mountains, Astini-wadjiw, 
 Rod; lillle rod or twig, kihint, mi- 
 Roe, nak. Jioe, eggs of fish, otiff, 
 /I'ogue, matrlii aiawith, I am a 
 rogue, nin matchi-aiaawiehiw, nhi 
 /i'oll,(on rolleTs;) I roll, 7>ia Utiha- 
 hmnMiiye. 1 roll it, («»»., an ) niii 
 ti/ihakoKHiitwndair, nin titihakon- 
 i-aficaiia. — It rolls, (a canoe, etc.) 
 /loll about; I roll about, lying, nin. 
 titihita, nin fitt/iifkimon, nin 
 tjwekwtnihitit . 
 Ji'oW away; 1 roll away p. th.. nin 
 titihinitie. 1 roll him (her, it) 
 fiway,ni/i titihina; nin titiMiian. 
 I roll it away lor him, nin tiithi 
 Ji'oU down; I roll him (her, it) down, 
 tun iilihihinn] nin titihihinan. 1 
 make him (her, it) roll down, nin 
 titihiMMwa\ nin titibiMan. 
 /tolled away; it is rolled away,(«n., 
 an.) litihii'i(jade; titihinifiaao. 
 tolled together; it is rolled together, 
 ( leaves, in., an.) titihibat/irii^jade; 
 f ilihihaijiniiinsG . 
 IiuWer, titihakoffutchigan. 
 polling; it IS rolling, i^a canoe, boat, 
 etc/) /fdkokicamagnd. It is not 
 rolling', it is snre, kitafivitule, son- 
 A'oli off'; 1 roll off", nin titiUeee. It 
 rolls off, fiUhissemagud, 
 Jio[[ together; 1 roll it together, 
 (stuff, in... an.) titihuiinan; titihig- 
 ina. I roll it together, (leaf,_*«., 
 aw.) nin titihihuginan\ nin titihi- 
 hagina, I roll it together, wi/i titi- 
 RooU mpakoajigan. 
 /.'oof; 1 root, (make a roof,) nind 
 apakodjige. I roof it, nind apako- 
 A'oofed; it is roofed, apukode, apa^ 
 ^oora;"there is room, tuwissin, td- 
 wishkade, inatemagad. There is 
 room enough^n it, dihuhkine.-^ 
 The'*! is room enough for us, nin 
 dihihkkiiifmin. 1 have room en- 
 ough, (sitting,) nin dibah. I make 
 room for him to sit down, nin (a- 
 ivabitawa, I make room in step- 
 ping aside, nin iauigabaw. 1 make 
 room for him in stepping aside, 
 nin (an'ignhiiintaira. 
 Jioom, (in a house,) abitvin. It is all 
 in one room, minhnirute. It is 
 made all in one room, minhawa- 
 trhigodc. I make it all m one 
 room, nin minhnit'aU>n. 
 A'oost, hen-roof t. /lakaakiceirigntnig. 
 /i'oot, (itihibik. It is with the root, 
 gigitchibikagimn . A big root grow- 
 ing in the water, akandamo. 
 y^oot-house, ojiiniwignmig, akiuiga- 
 /I'oot of fir or pine, to sew a canoe, 
 n-atab. I fetch thin roots, to sew a 
 canoe, nin manndnbi, 
 Aope, biminnkiran. Small rope, bi- 
 ?ninakiravenn. 1 make ropes, nin 
 7i'opemaker . biminaku'unikeHnnini. 
 Aopemnker's work, trade or busi- 
 ness, biminakwanikeivin. 
 /i?osary, nnamleminag. 1 say the ro- 
 sary, nind agimuq unamieminag. I 
 make a rosary, Tiind anamitmin' 
 liose, rose-flower, ogin, oginiwnh!' 
 7t'bse-bush, rose-tree, cginimtnaga- 
 ^ose-colored; it is rose-colored, («n., 
 an.) oginiwabigoning inande; ogi- 
 n iirabigoning in ansit. 
 7iotten; I am (it is) rotten, nin pi- 
 gishkanan ; pigiM-anud. 
 /I'otten potato, pigiMcnni-opin. 
 lloUen wood ^pigidjifsag. It is rot- 
 ten, (wood, in., nti.) pigidjism- 
 gad; pigidjiasagisi. 
 Rouge, osdnamun. I put rouge on 
 my cheeks, nind osannmani. 
 Round; I am (it is) round, ninwu- 
 tc-iies; tvaiviicia. I cut it round, 
 {in., an.) nin wauiiekodan', nin 
 wuwiiehonu. I make it round, niii 
 Rouiiil, (>,'l()ltijlHr;) it in round, (in., 
 a n, j till ivi iim i na^iud , hikmn t natjad, 
 hah I Lii/n in miad; wa w iieininogis i, 
 biko in III a ij m * , hihiko in i n u q igi. 
 Koumi, uro^Uil, {/iwiiuii. Uound in 
 tlie country, ijlmitakamiy. 
 Rous*!. 8. Avvake. 
 Uonte; ] lakn another route, vin 
 bitke, Hill liakvwiti. I inuk<' a crook- 
 0'' route, ainwuslikutiiic. niu wash- 
 lio\e; I rove, ninbaha-dams. 
 A'ove at night. S. Niglit-rover. 
 A'ow; we are all in a row or range, 
 ««'/(■ niliide-aiuiiiin. We sit in a 
 row, 7iiii uihidihimiii,. We slip in 
 a row, nlii nihidenujwamin, 
 A'ow; I row, nin ujehide. 
 Jiiih; I ruo wirh s. th.. iiiihJIJMii/e, 
 nin tiniffWiiii/e.) I rub him, (her, 
 it,) Hill JiJihUvii, nin giiiiijoiia, nin 
 ninic/'rniiid/aniu'i nin jijiif)iaii, nin 
 siniffwiian^ nin niniyuniiidjaiulnn. 
 I rub him some part of the body, 
 nin ninii/onamawa. — I rub it in my 
 haniis, (in., an.) nin mainiijonind- 
 jdndan; nin mmniijuni ndjaina. 
 Aub, (in s. in.) S. Scrape. 
 Uub again t; it rubs, si niij/riwin. I 
 rub it against or on s. th.', nin sinig- 
 tvisnidon. I rub rnysoll against 
 some olyect, nin sinigwakwishi- 
 A'udder, odnkan, adihviiyan. 
 Ru (He, nh-hanagwetchignn. 
 Ii\.i\n, lauiiditii'vin, banddjiiwewin, 
 i^uin; I ruin, nin banndjiiwe, nin 
 nishiwanddiiiice. I ruin liitn,(her, 
 it,) nin haiindjia, nin ninhiwanad- 
 jia'. niih hanadjiton, nin niiskiwa- 
 naaiilon. I riiin myself, nin ha- 
 nadjiidid, nin pakinwadis. We 
 Tuin each other, nin banudjiidi- 
 mill, nin niskiwanadjiidiinin. I 
 ruin s. th. belonging to him, 7iin 
 banadjitawa, nin banadjitamawa. 
 It ruins, it is ruining, destructive, 
 banadjiiwanagad, nishiwanadjii- 
 yifuined; I am (it is) ruined, nin hi- 
 ijoslika, nin ninhiiviinadin', hi<jii.h- 
 kniiiai/ud, uii>hiiranadad, ubinnika. 
 A'um. ifhkiitewuhd. 
 y«?uniinate. H. Chew. 
 A'u mo r , baha in adjiimnvin . 
 Jiw nored. 8. Noised. 
 Aump, miskwasmh. I hnve n large 
 rump, nin pikwakoKmijidiie. — S. 
 ('roup. (Jroup-bone. 
 Aiimplf.; I rumple or crush it/^ stuff, 
 ill., an. ) nin miniiijibidun; mn mi- 
 mi II ib in a. 
 A'um pled; it is rumpled, mimiijaithki- 
 Huu; I run, nin Umihatti, nind abato. 
 1 begin to run, nin mndjibato. I 
 run slowly, nin bedjibato. I run 
 liist, nin bididpijii'i^e, nin kijikidiu- 
 til, nin ki/ibulo. " It runs fast, kiji- 
 kamagad. 1 run ahead, nm nigd- 
 vibutv. I arrive running, nin'pa' 
 gamibuto. 1 stop running, nin 
 niigiliato. — It runs, (water, etc.) 
 biiniilgiivan. It runs this way, 
 (water, eAc.) bidjidjiiran. It runs 
 fast, kijidjiwan. It runs on, mad- 
 jidjiwan. It runs out, iakidjixcan; 
 ondjiganiagad. It runs out en- 
 tirely, tcftagidjiwan. I make it 
 run out, nmd ondjigawiUm. It 
 runs together, mawandddjiwan. 
 Run about; I run about, nin babami- 
 bato. I am made to run about. 
 nin babnmihaigo. 
 Rm\ after; 1 run after him, ninbimi- 
 nnjikawa. I make him run after 
 me, nin babnmibaa. I run after 
 persons of the other sex, nin niehi- 
 banikam. I run breathless after 
 it, nind ondanam. We run or 
 rusli greedily after s. th.,ningand- 
 Rwn around; I run around s. th., nin 
 giwitabato, nin bijihnto. 
 Run away; I run away, nin gimi, 
 Jii?id ojim. I run away for safety, 
 nin gindjihaiwe, nind (jjim. 1 run 
 away in great haste, nin madji- 
 baiwe. — S. Flee. Fly for safety. 
 R'jiW back; 1 run back again, nin gi- 
 liun backwards; 1 run h.ftiiitd aji 
 liwn down; I run down, nin nitmn- 
 daitifiutv. I run down the hill, 
 nin iiifsiikiiveljatu, niu gukudjiwc- 
 Rm\ in; 1 tun in, nin pimli(f^hato. I 
 run in tin; walcr, niti hulvlii/mto. 
 yv'uniicr, hmibati.d. Fust runner, 
 Unnniw'j;, hiniiliatou'in. 
 liwn out; 1 run out, nin sdc/nihato. 
 Hmh over, I nil it no tliat it runs 
 over, nin na<jidaxhlc!n(i(hjn, mn fi- 
 (jashh'nufli'n, nin .yii/ibad'm. It is 
 .SI) lull thiit it runs over, niijitf/t,- 
 kiiif. It ruuH over, i^i(jif,ffm(ii/ad. 
 linn toiii'tliiM-; wo run together, ■«/« 
 yifun up; 1 run \\\> stairs, 7iind ale- 
 wunddwthato. 1 runup on a moun- 
 tain, }iind itniddjiicebato. 
 /<ush for mats, andknnanhk^ apak- 
 H'Hhkuai. T cut rush lor mats, 
 /( in nia n uahkoniiiicc . 
 /Aish; I rush to sntno place, tiifid 
 ttpi'iidin. Wo rush to some place. 
 nind a/niidinnn. We rush or run 
 ti/golli(!r, ttin niatvnndohaiditnin. 
 \ rush ujion soniohody, nin mairi- 
 najitvc. I rush upon him, (her, 
 it,)nj» mawinnna] nin, inawina 
 dan. I rush upon him Buddeniy, 
 iiin mokitawa, 
 /iusli. 8. liuii out. 
 /iusty; it is rnsly, affivdi/wisgin. It 
 is rusty, hnetai, in., an.) at/UHn/- 
 ivdhi kit-tin, iKjiviuiH'ahikud; aijivutj- 
 ■irdhikiihin, agmiijiiHdiikisi. 
 liul; the animal is rutting, amanono 
 (,irff,ii. 'I'he doii is rutting, ama- 
 ndfnmo animogh. 
 yiutahapn, omwitchiss. 
 Nye, miy/miti. 
 a '• 
 ' « ! 
 ■ - 
 *' . 
 Sabbath, or sabbatli-day, rcst-dav. 
 an wehiwinigijigad, an a miegij igad. 
 .Shck, bat;, muxhkimod. Sack made 
 of linden-bark, assigohanimad. A 
 sack full of.... ningotowaUf ningo- 
 toshkin.—S. Bag. 
 /S'ackcloth , masJikimodewegin. 
 AS^ckcloib, (mourner's or peuitent's 
 dress,) nitageMorgin. 
 *S'ack Indian, 'Osagi. 
 »s'ack language, usagimotvin. I speak 
 the Sack Ian., nind osugim, 
 *S'ack squaw, osagikwe. 
 sS'acrament. Sakremd. 
 Sacrifice,* (act of sacrificing, j^flr/i 
 drndamo'win, pagidjigcwin, pagi- 
 ^S'lK-rifice, {gi(t, ) pagidinigan, pagid- 
 jig an. 
 »S;ic'rilice, ( vow,) dihandoicin. 
 /Sacrifice; I sactiiice, nin pagidjige, 
 nin pagidinige. I sacrifice to some- 
 body, nin pagidinamage, nin pa- 
 gidcndamnge. I sac. it to him, 
 nifipugidinamiiva, nin pagidenda- 
 mawu! I sacr. him, (her," it,) /,«/ 
 • Note. For the sacrifices of 
 Indians, see Pugan sacrifice, etc. 
 pagidenima', nin imaidendan. I 
 eacr. myself, nin paijideaindie. I 
 sacr. (or give) to myself, ««ft/>a^i- 
 dhiamadi!!. 1 cacr. him (her, it) 
 to myself, nin pagidlnamaduonan; 
 Sacrihcer, 2'(tyidji(/eu:inim, pugidi- 
 Sacvitking-altar, pagidmigewiiiikan, 
 pagidj !■ iwin ikan . 
 iSkcristy,. (ndaji-lislkwanaied meTca- 
 -Sad, Jcasldendagioalcamig . I am sad, 
 nin hialikendafn, nin wasaitutcen- 
 dam, nin naninawendagun, nin ni- 
 limijadis, nin 7iissam?idam,nin net- 
 wciuUnn. It is sad, lasld-endagivad, 
 wal\ niss(t?ici/</afwad. I make him 
 sai\,nin kafihl'endafnia, nin wassita- 
 wendamia, ninnrtwcndumia. lam 
 sad from my heirt, nin laslihcnda- 
 viidec. I feel sad against him, (her, 
 it.) nil), wasbitamiiinia:, nin iccusi- 
 taicindnn. I hear him (her, it) 
 with sadness, vin l-aslihcndainita- 
 iva; nin kuMendamitd/i. 
 Saddle, tissaldwin, 1 make saddles, 
 nin tecmhiwinikc. 
 iS'addler, tesmhitviniJcewinini, 
 Aji'adness, l-anhl-citdamoicin, ivassita- 
 wendcnmnvin , naninawendamoivin, 
 .S'adness of heart, Icushlcendamidee- 
 Safety ; I fly to some place for safe- 
 ty, nind ininijim. I lly to him (her, 
 it) for safety,' nin ndjinijimn, nin 
 nin nddjinijimn; nin nuyinijinddn, 
 nin nadj inijinddn. 
 Sagacity of an animal, awessi-ainen- 
 Said; it is said, TcitvL 
 Sail, ningafisimonon. ' 
 Sail; I sail, iiin himnnh. I sail about, 
 nin hdbttrnat:h. 1 sail to the shore, 
 I make for the shore, nind agwd- 
 iasJi. I sail across a bay, etc., imid 
 ajnivnuh. I sail with him, nin hi- 
 miiriddshima. I sail in a certain 
 manner, /liful inush. I sail fast, nin 
 Icijiiaiih. I sail with a fair wind, 
 nin minivaeh. 
 Sail-cloth, ningdssimononigin. 
 Sailing, linuUliinin. 
 Sailor na hikwd n in in i. 
 Sail-pole, (mast,) ningansimononah, 
 Sail-rope, ningassimononciab. 
 Sail-yard, hiniiduJcohiJJigan. 
 Saint, hiti-hitiva. 
 Saint in hca.\en,lceicliitwawendagosid 
 gijigong ebid, ■■ 
 Salmon-trout, majamegoss, odajaiva- 
 meg, ajawamcg. There are salmon- 
 t rou t , majd migosiika . 
 Salmon-trout River, Jlajamcgossik- 
 an. At, from or to that river, Ma- 
 Salt, jiwitdgan, mcitagon. 
 Salt; I salt, nin jiwitdganaige. I salt 
 for somebody, niit jiicitaganaama- 
 ge. I salt for him, ninjiwitunnnaa- 
 inaiva. I salt it. {in., an.) nin ji- 
 ivitaganaan; nin ji/rifaganu>ra. 
 Salted"; it iS salted, (in.,'an.)Jiiran, 
 jiwitag(i»iwan , jiir/faganaigadt: 
 Jiirifii. iiwitagan i/ri, jiivataganai- 
 giiso. It tastes salted, (in., an.) 
 j iwifoganipKMjwud ; jiwitaganipog- 
 Saltfish, a^Mcd .^a]\, ji Afitdgani-gigij. 
 Saltinp:, jiiritngana igdcin. 
 Saltmea't, salted nieat, Jiwitagani- 
 Sa\twMc-r , ■iiiritacfa naho. 
 Salutation, greelmfr, imaniikag'-'nn, 
 ananu'higo'cin, Mulu;il salutation, 
 Spliite ; I salute or greet, nind ana- 
 ,nikage. I am saluted, nind ana- 
 mikago. I salute him. (her, it.) 
 nind anamikaica; nind anamikan. 
 We salute each otlier, nind ana- 
 Salute ; I salute, inclining the head, 
 nin gdndikwetage. I salute him, 
 nin gdndiku'itaica. — S. INod with 
 thi; head. — Bow down. 
 Sa\\e, Jijohiigan, mashkiki. 
 Same | we are considered all the 
 same person, nin hejigiccndagoii- 
 inin. It is considered all the same 
 tiling, leji^ 
 the same" 
 manner, Jc 
 time, heki) 
 mi tibishki 
 Sanctify; 1 s 
 nin kitcki 
 it, nin kite 
 Sand, negaw 
 wika, mitd 
 jnngwi, ne 
 Sand cherry; 
 w in. 
 wanj. a,tsis 
 Sand-hill ; tl 
 Sandy beach 
 a sandy oe 
 Sandy Lake 
 Saj)^ onbihui 
 sap begins 
 s^.p runs fi 
 night, or u 
 sa'^- is spoi 
 runs no nu 
 Satan, mate 
 with, man-. 
 Satisfied; J e 
 nin deben'i 
 Satisfy ; 1 s 
 wea, nin 
 Satisfying; ii 
 Saturate ; I 
 siniu. I 
 .i'atu rated ; " 
 nin ai-dib, 
 Aaturday, m 
 day, marie, 
 jbatunty, dil 
 SCA . 
 tiling, hejigwendugwad. Always in 
 the same place, or in the ^anie 
 manner, hejif^wanong. At the same 
 time, hilcish. It is all the same, 
 mi tihixhko. 
 Sanctity; 1 sanctify him, inn Icltclnt- 
 ivaicendcKjo.ua, nin kiichitwawina, 
 niih litckitwaweniina. 1 sanctify 
 it, riiii kitchiiwawi/iuH, nin kitcldt- 
 Sand, negaw, mitdioan. On the sand, 
 mitdwaiig. There is sand, tiign- 
 wika, vdtdwanya. Fine white sand, 
 pingwi, negaw. 
 Sand cherry, negawimiii, assusawe- 
 m in. 
 Sand-cherry shrub , nigawlminaga- 
 loan j. aftsissaiceminagawuiij, 
 Sand-liill ; there is a steep sand-hill, 
 Sand -stone, pingtvdlik. 
 Sandy beach; there is a sandy beach, 
 mitdwanqa. There is a lake wuh 
 a sandy beach, mitawdn^dguinu. 
 Sandy Lake, Llamilduangi'ujainug. 
 Sap:; onhthun. I collect the sap of 
 )naple-trees, nind awn nbi. The 
 sap begins to run, niudjiga. The 
 snip runs fast, kijiga. li runs at 
 night, or in the night, nihagd. The 
 sa" is H^oWei^^wakwagamiiiihi. It 
 runs no more, i.<hkwdgd. 
 Satan, matchi manitu, matcM aiad- 
 wuh, maniaiuinuii. 
 Satisfied; J am sat., nin mlnwendam, 
 nin debenim, nm dihendam, nin 
 Satisfy ; i satisfy him, nin, minona- 
 wea, nin dibia, nin debisia, nin 
 minwendamia. I satisfy it, nin de- 
 Satisfying; it is sat., minwendam^ad. 
 Saturate ; I saturate him, nin aebis- 
 siniu. I saturate myself, ?i,in de- 
 ASWurated ; I am sat., nin debissin, 
 nin gi-dcbissin. 
 Aatu relay, inariegijigad. It is <Sktur- 
 day, maricgijigud. On Sat,, marie- 
 jbaturxty, dilissiniwin. 
 (S'aucer, ondguns, aniUshdbo-onagans- 
 (Savage. ».S. Indian. 
 ;,Vavage lile, jiagwanwwimivin, pug- 
 ivanawaditiiwin, anishi/utbebima- 
 diniwin, I lead a savage life, nin 
 pogivanaivis, nin pugwanawudie, 
 )S'a ve . Joniid -mukak . 
 «Save; I save it, conserve it, {in., an.) 
 rnn vtdtcandjit(m\ nin mdwumljia, 
 /6'ave, (in s. in. j iS. Live, 1 make live. 
 /iS'avior. ga-nodjiinoad hi tchitchugo- 
 Sa. \\ , k i tihkibodjiga n, td .^hkibadjiga n . 
 S'dw ; 1 saw, nin kiMub(/djige, nin 
 int<hkibodJtge. I saw it, {in., an.) 
 nin kiM'ibddoti, nin ta^hkibodcm, ; 
 ' nin li></ikibona, nin taskkibona. 
 *Saw-bill. 0)ird,) andt', 
 Sa w -dust. /> iu'ibodji^t n , 
 ^*>awing, kishkibadjigeicin, tashkibod' 
 ;6'awinill, tdMibodjigan, tdMigi- 
 bodjiuun. Steam sawmill, ii>hhAe- 
 la.s/tkibiidj if/an. 
 (Sawn; it is sawn, {in., an.) kii^hkibo- 
 de, tdbhkibvde ; kithkiboso, tdahki- 
 (Sawyer, taidshkibodjiged, tashkilod- 
 Sky ; I say, nind ikit. He says, iwd. 
 It says, ikitomagad. I say it aloud, 
 nin ndbuwadan. I say s. th. of or 
 to him. (her, it,) nind ina ; nind 
 iddn. I say s. th. of myself, nind 
 idis. We say s. th. of each other, 
 or to each other, nind idimin. I 
 say what I ought not to say, nin 
 »Saying, ikiloivin, giyitomin. 
 (Scab, omigiwin. 
 «S'cabbard, (or cover,) pindanoniJcad- 
 Jigan, pindaodjigan, 
 >Scal)bious person, Hcemigid. I am 
 scabbious, nind oniigi. 
 (Scabby; 1 am scabby, nind omigi. 
 /Sbatfold, agudjiwandn, agddjiwand- 
 nuk, tensukwaigufi. I make a scaf- 
 fold, nind ugodjiwananakoke. 
 Sc-d[d ; I scald him, (her, it,) nin 
 bashicdbisswa, nin bashwabowasswa; 
 nin batshkobissan, nin baskwabowus- 
 locale, (balance,) dihahishkodjigan ; 
 .Stale (of a fish), wawaj/rfai. 
 iS^^ale; I scale, nia tchi^aawc. I scale 
 a fish, niu tchii/nanagujo. 
 A'calp, xViou -scalp, hivii,-h/7(j'van. 
 .Vcalp ; I scalp him, in» 'man/'Jira, 
 nin pahwandihfjwa, {pakondihe- 
 AScaiidal, matr.hilikii)nivahnini(]owin, 
 mafchi HUiimi'ahtmdal'rccin. 
 tSVandalizn; 1 scand. h\iu,vi'n via'chi 
 hamiij. He scandalizes inc. nin 
 matcld kHi/'iunvnojj, niri matvhi ki- 
 xS'car, odjuhivln. 1 have a scar, !i?iid 
 ndf.shig. — 1 have; a scar on the 
 anil, hand, etc. S. Ann. Hand, etc. 
 A'carcely, ugdira. 
 ^''carcity, mimidirin. There is scar- 
 city of wood Cor fuel, maiiissmja. 
 There is scarcity of rivers, manc- 
 iS'care; I scare him, nin seqia, vin kc- 
 gifia, vivd onhaina, nind (ukiil'dini. 
 iS'cared ; 1 am scared, nin SKjit^, nin 
 scgcvdam, tiin nifi'iimdam. 
 A'carificatiou, lor bleeding, pejycslio- 
 Scari&er, paiijiefhowed . 
 /Scarify, for bleedinp ; I scarify, nin 
 pcpcshnve. 1 scar. him. nind pefffih- 
 wa. 1 scar, myself, ?//'/ pepishd'nt. 
 tS'carlet. mifikrocgin, onandeweijin, 
 .Scatter ; I scatter, nin hiiriinhinige. 
 I scatter it, (in., an.) nin hiwiwc- 
 hinun; nin hiwiwchina. 
 AVcatter about; 1 scatter it about, (/«., 
 an.) nin naawcnan, nin sasur.'<h- 
 lcan\ nin unmvena, nin msiimhka- 
 wa. — S. Throw about, 
 A'oaltered ; it is scattered, {in., an.) 
 biiriu'chinigai/e, ,sasu'ft:M-nmagad ; 
 Ifiwiwchiniaano, sasweahkawa. 
 .Scent. S. SwwW. 
 Sceni ; 1 search by scent, nin nan- 
 .Sfcholar, icihinoamagun, kcki/wama- 
 A*»'chool, Hkimoamading. 1 go to 
 school, hikinaumnding nind ija. T 
 comn fiofn school, hikinnaniodinfj 
 nind ondjiha. I keep school, nin 
 School -book, kikinoamadimasinai- 
 A'chool -house, kikinoamnditvi garni g. 
 iS'chool-ni;ister. S. AVhool-trachor. 
 A'chool-niistress, kikinocnnanrknr. 
 iS'chool-M'clion, kikiniamudiiraki. 
 JSchool-teacher, kdihoamagtd, liU- 
 miitinuKieninini. Female school- 
 teacher, kikinoamagthre. 
 Scu^ncc.kiktndd.'isnn'iny lisiokm djig - 
 e'l'in. 1 possess science, nz'/i h?.\i.*. 
 kcniljigi', nin I.ikrndasn. 
 Scissors". Wfyw'fl,(/a7t, assij'onigan, ta- 
 ScofVinp. S. Scorning. 
 Scold; I scold, vwd cridniire, nin 
 niinihikitre, ningikunudam. I scold 
 him, nind uidira, nin nanihiki - 
 mu, nin nanihikiganfma, nin g\- 
 kiima.*l scold it, nin nanddhin- 
 dtni.nin gikavdan. It scolds me, 
 ninil aiiurigan, nin nanihikiniigim. 
 1 scold myself, ?!r» ■nuniJiikindis, 
 nind tiianidin. We scold each 
 other, nind aiawidimin,Jiinnani- 
 Scold, (in s. in.) S. A'eproach, 
 Scolder, ncniUkitvcd, ndd-nanihi- 
 Scolding, aio'icin'in, aidnidiwin. 
 V an ddl:iwcioin , nan ihiki ndiicin. 
 Sciirn; 1 scorn, nin hdpimdnge, nin 
 ni,sliiha/inid(tgi'. I scorn hiin, (her, 
 it,) nin ni.\hih'dpin(,dau'a;vin nit^h- 
 Scorning, nishihapinodamowin, bapi- 
 kSoundrel, vudchinianirish. 
 ScouTfic, ha.-hanjcigan. 
 Sctmrge; 1 scourge, wm hanfuwjeige. 
 1 scourge him, nin hai^hanjewa. 
 Scourged; I am scourged, nin hash- 
 an jingo, nin hm^hanjiigas. 
 Scrauch; 1 scranc|i it, (.in., an.) 
 nin gdpandnn, nin gapiveivendan; 
 nin gdpama, nin gapiot.wema. _ 
 Scrape;! scrape, ?nre gudaskaige. 1 
 pcrape him, (her, it,) niii <jaska-s- 
 kdivd; niii (jdfkattbtan.. — 1 scrn[)0 a 
 hark, nin^jnithkukwaifi*. I scrape a 
 lisli, nia (j<ixkkaiȣ(jwtii<fc. I scrape 
 a skin, uin mnd'aiije. nin. n(iji(j- 
 al(je. 1 scriipc it, (skin, in., uii.) 
 II hi, dukIikiii; niu miidiuva. — Also, 
 I scrajju a skin or liiilc, v'j i tckinh- 
 akw'i^ie. 1 scrfipi! it, (skin, in,., 
 an.) niti, Ichiskukwaaii,, nintc/uah- 
 Scraper , madaigan , najigahjaii , 
 Scjralcli,' 1 scratch, nin, pasagohiilwe. 
 I scratcli him, ( her, it, j nmjtuiCKjo 
 bind ; ii in //a,siiiji,hi(/.i/ii. 
 Scratcli-avvl. S, Graver. 
 Scratch slightly; I scratcli him si., 
 7iin tcliiic/ui/il/ina. I scratch n\y- 
 seit', niu, tchitchiiji, nin, tihitclwji- 
 hinidiis. 1 scr. his heaij, ulii 
 k'hitr/d(findilnhina. 1 scr. my head, 
 nin ichilfhiijinAlihihinidis 
 Screelchowl, kakdliitsUe. 
 Screw, hainkkicai<j(id'(j sagdigaiu 
 Screwy 1 screw, n,in hiiniisknaige. 
 Sere w-(l river, hiniitikn'ciiijan. 
 Screw-vice, kitc/ii-lakwandjiyan. 
 i?crihe, djiJiiiijiwudni. 
 Sen tile. S. Fight, 
 .ycull. A". Aknll. 
 Sculp. Sci.lped. Sculptor. Sculpture- 
 — S, Carve. Carved. Carver. Carv- 
 Scythe, kishkaahkijigati, pa-tthkwaih- 
 Sea, kitchigami, jiwitiujard-kitchi- 
 gami, (ocean.) 
 Hea; very far out in the sea or lake, 
 niijltsluiwiujain , miffidwagam. 
 Tl'ie sea runs high, 7iiaiiiangui>/ika. 
 The sea runs in a certain manner, 
 Sea-bread, anak/ma. 
 Sea-dog, patunssim. 
 Seal, mkig. The skin jf a seal, as- 
 Seal, agokiwasdtrh'Ufan; _ agohwas- 
 sitchigiinaldk, ashidjikiwac/aigafi' ; 
 numiidkiwagaigan , masinihiwa- 
 Seal^'l seal, nind agokiwussige, nind 
 agokiwnmtcliige, nind aKkidjihiwa- 
 gaige:, niii masinikiivaguige . i seal 
 It, {ill., an.) nhid agukiwussun, 
 mn mukinikiwagaan; nind uguki- 
 u'lisswa; nin mavinikiivag'dwa. 
 SciiLd; I am (it is; sealed, niiulago- 
 kiwit.''Klgusy nin 7na,siiiiliwitgaigaii\ 
 agoki'vui'i^igude , agakiwasnitchi- 
 Sealing-wax, ui,<>kitcatisigau. 
 Sea-mark, kikindndnwun. I put up 
 sea-niarks, nin, kilindndawaige. — 
 Tlure are sea-marks, H^(«u«da- 
 ii;iul r. 
 Seamstress, ga^hkigtrmnoihe. 
 Search. Searched, (in s. in.) S. 
 Seek. So\ight. See through. 
 Search by feeling. S. Grope. 
 Search by scent; J search by 8., nin 
 iicu-'<]H'\\.'wan:ue>idgan, cfs. 
 Season; 1 season, /dnd apdhotve. I 
 seas"n it, {in,.,un.) nind a/iah/uia- 
 dan; nind u/'uhmraiia. Any thing 
 to season vicaials with, aj.uhotvan. 
 Seasoned; it is seasoned, uy'a?v/«()a<i«. 
 Seasoning victuals, apdhouewin. 
 Seat, aimwiwin, 7ni7nud ahiivin. 1 
 change scats. //?';/r/ dndal). 
 Secret, gimodii>iu:in, kaifu/jigadeg. ll 
 is a secret, gimudad, kudjiyade. 
 Secretly, girnodj. 
 Sedition, omhunnMliwIn, 
 Seduce; I seduce him, 7dn banadjia, 
 tdn. waiejima, nin 'wu/dahima, nin, 
 i7iat(hi Jikuioamuwa, nin matchi 
 ijin'chi.^ia, .nin. fi,isJiiwu7iadjia. I 
 seduce hiin (her) to impurity, nin 
 ga(/iliaso7iia, nin Mshigwadida. — I 
 seduce (deceive) with my words, 
 nin ii'uiejitagos.—\ seduce inyselt' 
 in error, nin waniidis, nin wan- 
 Seduce. Sevhicer, (in s. in.) S. De- 
 ceive. Deceiver. 
 Seduction. S. Deceit. 
 <S'ee! wegivagi! 
 /Sfee; 1 see, idn 7vab. I see well, wiVt 
 minwub. I see s. th. nin wdban- 
 djige. i see hiir.,(her, it,)«in.wd- 
 bama; nin 7cnb(indu7i. 1 see my- 
 sell', idn wdbandis, nin wdbanda- 
 >v< y 
 Madis. I sre so Inr or frdin so far, 
 nii\d al-ivuh, 1 see from such a 
 distance, via dihah. I make liim 
 ace, nin, wahin, 1 make him spo 
 it, mn vahioidaa. I see s. tli. tv- 
 hitiiig to him, nin irdltunddnutifa. 
 1 see clearly, i lainly, niii loanne-- 
 iah. T make hi'm see clearly, tiin 
 wasM labia. I see him (her, it) 
 well or plainly, nin, ittissdliama; 
 niii ivif^nhaiidnn. \. make him see 
 it ])laii>ly,«?vi mimdiand<ta. I caiu 
 not see him (her, it) well, «m hi- 
 (jiaaioiiiaird; nin hiijuairinan. I 
 see him (her, it) so..!, in a certain 
 manner, /t/'«(/ yimtira, nind Ind' 
 Imnin; nind iji/ntn, nind indhnn- 
 Jan, I arrive to the point or mo- 
 ment ofseeinji him, (her, it,)nw;(Z 
 (idiiinahama; nind oditisahandan. I 
 see him cominp; this way, nin bi- 
 dnhama. nin hidisama. 1 see it in 
 going hy, m'ti hahisliacjendan. 
 Aeed, viinikan. 
 »Sfee from a distance; I see (or look) 
 trom a certaiti distance, nind on- 
 sdh. I see him (her, it) from a 
 certain d., nind 07iiidhama; nind 
 iS'eek; I seek, nin nandawahmge, 
 nin nandan'ahnt)dji(/c, nin nan- 
 doni(je, nin nandimt'ige, nin nan- 
 doaid. I seek him, (her, it,) nin 
 navdawahama, vin nandantiva; 
 nin na/idatvabandan, nin nando- 
 jSeeking, nandoneigeivin. 
 Seem] it seems to me, nind incndam. 
 It seems..., tanassag... It seems 
 \\ke..., nind !</()... 
 iS'een; I am seen, nin wdhamifjo, nin 
 wdhandjiijas. It is socUyWdbandJi- 
 ' gade. 1 can (it can) he seenfrdm..., 
 nin d'chdbaminagos; dihdbaininug- 
 jyee-sawinp, tcJmtchdngnlcoshl'amadi- 
 win. We plav sec-sawing, nin 
 tSec tbrongh; I see throngh it, }iin 
 *Seize; I seize, nin talconige, nin ta- 
 JcnniuY. I seize him, (her, it,) nin 
 ta/i'irna; nin titkunan. 
 A'eized; 1 am (it is) seized, ?»Vi ta- 
 kovigan; tid-imigade. 
 ■Seiner, (constable,) takoniwewinini. 
 ^Seizure, tukimigewin, takoniw twin , 
 A'ftldom, u'ika. wnwika. 
 AS'elect; 1 select them, (an., in.) nin 
 (ingtginaij; nin gagiginanan. 
 iS'tUect. iS'elected. '^'electing, (in s. 
 in.) S. Chooftf. Chosen Choice. 
 A'nlf, fibinan'e. idihinawe. 
 AVI f-coinmand , mivdnminidisowin . 
 A'elf-conceit, maminaainiwin, .satefa- 
 A'olf-conceited; I am self-con., nin 
 mnminndis, nin nagrgawinddnnii- 
 aw, -nin mccgairenindis. 
 At^lf-deceit, waxejindismrin. I de- 
 ceive myself, 7iinn'aiejindi.s. 
 Afelf-defence, nandkwiivin. I defend 
 myself, nin nandkwi. 
 Self-plorilication , kitchiiwawenin- 
 dis(/ivin, mamiht'aumvin, I glorify 
 myself, nin kitchitwawenindis, nin 
 A.S'i^lf-praise. S. Afelf-glorification. 
 Self-tormenting, kotagiidisowin. I 
 torment myself, mate myself suf- 
 fer, nin kotagiidis. 
 Self-willed; I am self-willed, niri ba- 
 shigwadis, nin Tnash' awindihe. 
 Se\\\ I sgW, 7iind utdive. 1 sell him, 
 (her, it,) nindatdwenan; nind atd- 
 ■wen. I sell him s. th., nind atdina. 
 I sell high, at high prices, ninsa- 
 nagwc, nin sunaga(jindass,nin ma- 
 minswc, nin mamitnanindasK. 1 sell 
 cheap, nin wendis, nin wendwe. 
 Send; I send, ninninddiwe. I send 
 him 8. th., nin nindau, I send it, 
 (/»., an.) nin ninddiwen; nin nin- 
 ddiwenan. I send him somebody, 
 7iind ininujaa77iawa, nind ijinaja- 
 arnaiva. I send s. th. to somebody, 
 nin mddjidaiwe. I send it to 
 somebody, (in., an.) nin md~ 
 djidaiwtn; nin mddjidaiwman, 
 — I send him 
 nindninijnna. I 
 before me, nin 
 send him some- 
 where, nind ininajaiva, nind iji- 
 iiiijawa, I send him somewhere 
 pri'ssinsly, nin (jnndjlnitjuwa. I 
 siMid hiiti away, ui^il ikowijauy, 
 nin, inddjhiajd'ra. I sciid hiin 
 down, Ilia iiimmdaivciuijawa. \ 
 send him out of doors, niii, miyir- 
 /yeiis(!, good snnse, idhwahawin; non- 
 sc II SL- , (jaqihiJix iwi/t. 
 >Senscs; 'l liavo my .s('nsnH,"??,//i mi- 
 iaw, nin likcndam. I lose my 
 senses (faintin{|4j wm iraniinihtw. 
 I lose my senses from lime lo time, 
 nin hahiiihkicenduiii. I recover my 
 senses, nin, hisisl'udifi. 1 have my 
 senses again, nin MsinkaJcndam. 
 *S'ent; I am sent away, wwi mddjina- 
 jaiijas, niivl ikijniijai(jas. 
 «S'enlence; 1 pronounce a sentence 
 over him, nin, ijijahma. 
 (S'entinel, ahandowinini. 
 <S'eparate; I separate from him. (her, 
 it,) nin halfinhkun'a, nin Inilitvina; 
 nin hakcM'an, nin hahewidan. We 
 separate Irom each other, nin ha- 
 liidimin, nin bahshkoiladimin, 
 nin wehinidimin. The road separ- 
 ates, hiikemu mikana, 
 ^S'enarate. .S'eparated, (in s. in.) S. 
 Divide. Divided. 
 /S'eparately, ?'e?'ai!'(t». 
 *!»'eparation of persons, wehinuliwin, 
 hakeshhidadiwin, hakiidiwin. ^Sbp- 
 aration of a lake, Ixikeijama. 
 >S'eptemher, manuinini-ijisise, mano- 
 Serene; it is serene, (clear wea- 
 ther,) mijakivnd. 
 iS'erious; I am serious, ntn gihuUs. 
 I am considered serious, nin ijika- 
 dendagns. I have serious thoughts, 
 nin gikadcndam. *S'erious _ com- 
 portment or hehavior, (jikadisiwin. 
 ^St^rious) (in s. in. S. Grave, 
 ^'ermon, gagiku'ewin, anamU-gagi- 
 /Sermon-hook , gagikwe madnaigan. 
 A^lM-pent, ginih'ig.' Young serpent, gi- 
 nehidonti. Big horned .serpent, mi- 
 shiifinihig. Amitlier kind of.seri>- 
 eiil". naduwr. 'I'he serpent moults, 
 jigotu ginilig. The skin of a 
 serpent, gineliffojaffaai, ginMiJlo*;^ • 
 ■iimmn. — .Sbriient with legs, okadi- 
 ■S'ci vant, {male or female servant,) 
 aicokitiigtuk, hainihujiai. ■ — Malo 
 servant, anokitagcwinini, hamita- 
 (liiviiiini, afiunini, kopanilivinini. 
 Female servant, anokitagekwe, 
 htvnitaijelwe, ahdnikwe, kopanii- 
 >S'ervai)t-girl; the same as, Female 
 *S'erve: I serve, I am in service, nind 
 anokitdire, nin hainilage. I serve 
 lum, (her, it,) nind amdcitawa, nin 
 huinitdwa, nin lamitasikawa', nind 
 anokilan, nin bamiinn, nin bumi~ 
 i(i.^ikan. I serve myself, 7iind ano- 
 kilns,, ninbcmittas:. 
 ^yervice, anukitugewin, bamitagewin, 
 anakiivin. I am in service, nind 
 anokitage, nin hamitage.—lle (she, 
 it) does me services, nind abadna; 
 nind abadjiton. He (she, it) does 
 me services in such a manner, nind 
 indbadjia; nind intihuljiton. 
 jSVirviceahle. S. Useful. 
 <S'erviceable object, an. Or in,, dbadji- 
 Set. mngotweivdn, ningotwen'unagi- 
 si/rin. Two sets, three sets, &c., 
 nijwiivwn, nifmwiwan, iStc. So 
 many sets, damwcwan, 
 ,5'et apart; I set him (her, it) apart, 
 nin kikassa; nin kikaton. — S. 
 /.Settle; I settle, nitid inakonige, nin 
 nanditchige. I settle him, vdn di- 
 6oj/,'««a.*l settle it, 7iin dihoivadan, 
 ' nin wawinadan, nin, nanditon, 
 nind aindjissitcm,. — I settle my 
 account, I pay, nin kijikan nin 
 madnaigan. I settle with him, 
 nin hijakawa — I let it settle, (li- 
 quid,) nin wakamissiton. 
 iSfettled; it is settled, wawfinndjigade, 
 inakoniijade, nanuitchigadi-. 
 Seven, nijwasswi. We are seven, 
 fiin nijwal chimin. There are 
 seven in. ohjcicts, nijnatchinun. 
 /Sl'veri. nijwanso.,., in compositions, 
 which see in the First Tart. 
 .Seven every tirhe, seven each or to 
 each, nerujwasswi. 
 Se\en hundred every time, 700 
 each or to each, ven-ijwasm'al-. 
 iS'eventh; the seveiuh, el-onywa- 
 tchiDg. The seventh time, nijwa- 
 ifeven thousand, nijwatJiing midas- 
 'Seven times, njwatching. 
 •Sfeven times every time, seven tir.ns 
 each or to each, nciiijwuldiiiuj. 
 iSfeventy, ■ntjndssimtda/ni. We ai'.- 
 sevent)r of us, 7iiii injn-andmidu- 
 nawemiii. There are 70 /w. objects, 
 nijwafsimidanawcwan. Thero are 
 70 pair, vijwasmnidancm'iinin. 
 Seventy every time, 70 each or to 
 e a c h , n en Ijwa ,s s im id a ii a . 
 iSfeventy huiuired, nijicast^imidniud: 
 We are seventy hundred in num- 
 ber, {lQQl{^,)■n^>l nijwiu^dmidiuiah.- 
 simtn. There are "7000 i>i. objects, 
 « yivu sciin id a n a I- uw do n . 
 Several, a/iotc/i,anind, iriingi. 
 Several things, amdcli gego, wawiiag 
 gcgo, wiiagiaii. 
 Several tiniesj naningotinong, eni- 
 frck naniixjim. 
 Severe, (strict;) lam severe, nin 
 sanagis. I think he is severe, nin 
 Sew; 1 sew, ningafJikigivass. I begin 
 to sew, nin inddjiijicaas. I sew 
 ■ w^ell, nin nitdniyu^ua. I sew it, 
 {in., an.) nin gashligwddan; nin 
 gashJcigu'dna. I sew it for him. 
 nin gatthkigwadnmaica. I sew in a 
 certain place, nin dagicdns. I sew 
 it in a certain place, {tn.. an.) 
 nin dagtvdddn; nin dagvdna. I 
 eew it in such a shape, '{in., an.) 
 nind iniyicadan; ?iin inigvana. I 
 eew it in a round shape, '{in., an.) 
 mn niisdfigogwudan ', nin mindtigih 
 gwana. I saw strong, nin sonyi- 
 gwam. Isewit strong, {in., an.) 
 nin songigiradan; nin smyigwana. 
 I sew together, nin gih'ag'nws. 1 
 sew it together. ( in., an. ) nin yiho- 
 gwadiin\ ninyibogtvana. I sew two 
 breadth of stiitf together, nin nijo- 
 M-iyicadan. — I sew one object to 
 another, nind ayoywass. I sew it 
 tos. th., {in., an.) nind agcgtra-- 
 dan\ nind agoywana. 1 sew on, 
 nind agX'diyc. I sew it on, {in., 
 an.) nind ayivaan; nind oyivawa. I 
 sew it on the other side, '(in., „n.) 
 ningvdiyuadun; nin yucliywnna. 
 ■ — I gather together sewinir, nin 
 ma>rnnd(.yn-aifs. 1 sew stneral 
 pieces together, nin mairand(,ywa- 
 danan. — ! lix or rejiair sewing 
 nin minrlira.<s. I repair it, {-in.', 
 an.) nin wanikiraditji; nin traice- 
 kinnnn. — I sew a canoe, nin ga- 
 Sew a'little; I sew a little, nin iagi- 
 hadjiye. I sew it a little, {in., an.) 
 nin sttijihadan; ninfatjiliana. 
 Sewed ; it is sewed, (^V?.', an.) yai'h'ki- 
 gwiidc;ya.^hhign-a(so, yashligwana. 
 Jt IS sewed in a rouiu'l shape, {in., 
 an.) mi.sdtiyigv.adc; mii<dtig<,ywa~ 
 so, initial iy(yivann. It is sewed to 
 s. th. , {in., an ) aywriiyadc; aywd- 
 igam. Two breadth are sewed 
 together, nijoshliywodi'. 
 Sewed sliyhily, (stitched;) it is 
 sewed slightly, {in., an.) fc/iifdii- 
 hoy mid e, .snmigigirade; tchitchih- 
 yaaso, KUf.wyiylvimo. 
 Sewing, giit'hl,iyirafuwin. 
 Sewing-silk. H-'nihairas.Hih. 
 Sewing-t bread, gusM-iywassonei a h, 
 a.^sdlidh, ndlihcaf-sin. 
 Sew slightly. (stitch;) I sew slightly, 
 nin snusdyiyivass, nin tchitchihcige, 
 nin, ichifchibiylrafs. I sew it 
 slightly, {i/t., an.) nin .sai'&ngigica- 
 dtiv, nin tchiirhihyvadan, nin 
 tchitvhih(iun\nin fasfidyfyu:ava,:nin 
 ic/i ifchihii/rwana, nin tcHifchiboWa, 
 Sexton. S. Beadle. 
 Shadow; there is shadow, agawdfe. 
 I miike shadow with my body, 
 7iiiid agauatcMam, nind agawa- 
 tc.iliin. I cover him (her, it) with 
 my shadow, nind oyairatcMuwa ; 
 nind ayawnteshhin. It co.vers me 
 with its sh.,7iind agairatcfMagan. 
 It makes shadow, aqaivates.^ie. 
 iShake; I shake, (tremble,) nin ni~ 

 shake or 
 SHA 601 
 niirinrfiliinig. I 
 with f'(';ir, niii 
 Wy tionrt shakos, 
 shake or tremble with fciir, nin 
 nin mn?n(ji(hi>, I shnke myself, 
 lyinq:, nit)' mimign'iskin. \ shrike 
 myself, sittitiiT, m'n mimu/uah. I 
 shake him. (her, it,) vin mimvjo- 
 Wfhiua, nin, rtofihhiuihhina, nin 
 )jnfhl-wahiKhJrini-a ; 7)7 ii mini'<i<>t('el)i- 
 nan. vIn iji i-Mit'iib'fi/ddn, nin r/fh- 
 thhvah^lihm.— '': ••hake it togeth- 
 er, nin trhitr.hihiivehinan. -— It 
 . shn]%i'iii, • Jiininijixld'ama/jiy} . nin'ti- 
 qissemutjad , gcuhhin^emdijaih pf<>'h- 
 Ktvakodseni aijiul, ffosjikivuhif- It I'a- 
 m(ii>n<i. It 'shakes, (it Koes haek 
 and i'orwnri]. ) ga<jiicr.'>hJ:innafrafl . 
 Shaken ; it is shaken by the \vind, 
 n ininijassin, ninin/jan nMrus^iin. 
 Shaking {Q\er, viningdfinr'rip, nin- 
 iv(jiMairaji)ienin. I have the 
 sh. f.. nin nintngdjnne, ninnining- 
 Shake otV; 1 shake ])im (her, it) oil', 
 nin han'iiirhi'iii. riin hairi.irfhf'.f/il'n- 
 u'(t ; 7iin ha'riiivhinnn. ninhawiivc- 
 hishl-an. \ shake olf the dvist from 
 some stiiti', (m., an.) nin baii'ctji- 
 van: ninh(Ul'(gina. It is shaken 
 elf, hawinigade. I shake otV the 
 dn§t or some other thing from my 
 ■ feet, nin ba'oidiieshiinon. \ shake 
 it ofFagqiinst him, ;«"« laiciddeta- 
 Shallow ;it is sliallow, hnrjtva.- The 
 river is 9,\\Mr\'<s,hagn'atiguiiia nilii. 
 Thern is a shallow place, fifa- 
 imM-a. There is a Ions shallow 
 place in the \^\ic, jagawamika. 
 Shame \ se ! 
 ^ame, agiil.cJu>rin, menissfnJamo- 
 ifin. 1 canst! shame, nind agdfrh- 
 iiive. It causes shame, agakhii- 
 U'fimngad. T canse him shame, 
 nind agntchia, nind agasoma. J 
 bring it' to shame, nind agatchi- 
 tor . 
 Shameful ; it is sh., it is considered 
 sh., nqatcndagirad. 
 Shamefully, agatendagwakumig , na- 
 agatrhifn, Vawin nin minitaen- 
 Shameless person, cgatchiesig, muii- 
 Shape, ijinagi i-i7vin. 
 Share ; I give him a large share, nin 
 mnguona. T lake to mviielf a good 
 large share, nin fongnoiiiilis, I 
 give him such a share, idnil inno- 
 na. 1 tiikc to myself Hiicli a share, 
 nind in.a(>vidiH.—\ think he does 
 not give ine my full share, nind 
 Sharp ; it is sharp, gindmngad, 
 Sharpen ; I sharpen, nin sinklljodjigc- 
 1 sharpen \l,'nin nisbilx/don . 
 Shave; I shave, «i«. g<uh1:ih<iii. 1 
 shave him, (it,) nin gathkihana ; 
 nin ganhkdjadnn. 
 Shave-grass, ki.<iliananlik. 
 Shaving. ga.fhLilninon'iii. 
 Shaving-liorso, mukodjigan iekwand- 
 Sha'\ing-knife, razor, guMihudji- 
 Sliaviiig-man, barber, ^ashkibas(/Win- 
 Shaving~h(Mise, barber-shop, ganhJci' 
 Shaving, v\o()d-sli_aving, liwikoda- 
 nuigan. hl'cikudjigan. 
 Shavvi. kikhi-inobhwe. 
 Sh(!, icin. 
 ^'liear; 1 shear, ni n m'gon'e, 7iin pusJi- 
 Jcou'cjonfrc, {jiuMi-caWf'jdnge.) 1 
 •shear him, nin. m'ljira. I shear him 
 (her, it) ihonniiilily, -nin jidthkoj- 
 ■ica, nin pn/id.s/il'iiju'a ; nin iia^hku- 
 jan, nin papaskbgan. 
 iS'hears, 7n(jiragan, 
 iS'hed ; it is shall , ngint^emugad* , 
 Abed, (in s. in.) S. i'onreil out, 
 ^'hed at the door, /lilumgati. There 
 is a shed,pitnn>igade. 
 <S'heep, numii-htnnnh. Young sheep, 
 lamb, nianid/ilanislunn, 
 <9heepfold , maniKhianisldwigamig. 
 A'lieep-skin, rnanixhtunitihiwuidn. 
 Shameless ; I am sh., kawin nind \ »S'helt. S. Cupboard 
 (•jlicll, ess. A kind of sinall shell, rj/a- 
 (S'hell of on egg, wiwaii oruttjaawaiig . 
 «9hell of a tortoise or turtle, dasli- 
 ShcW; I shell it, {in., an.) nin linha- 
 ijibiddii, nlii }iiisii.it(jil>i'(lJiJ<'n; win 
 ti^huijihiua, nin iitthayi'tniljina. 1 
 shell a corn-ear, nin gdkinu nisd- 
 *yhelter, or shade, against the wind 
 or the sun, tabiuuon. I make a 
 sh., nin tahinoiije, nin tabinav/vU'e. 
 There is a sh. niade, tahinoonikade. 
 I am under such a shelter or shade, 
 nin taldn()i<hiin(>n. — I put myselt 
 under a shelter in rainy weather, 
 land mja'rabaivas, nind agwanaha- 
 tvas. 1 am under a shelter in rain, 
 nind agwanahawe, nind atchigwa- 
 A'hepherd, maniMamMwinini. 
 (S'hield, jHihdku'aan ;' das/iwa. 
 i'hift : the wind shifted, (jwelcani- 
 /S'hilling. joniians. 
 <b'hinbone, olca<^igannma. My, thy, 
 his shinbone, niLddigan, hikddi- 
 g(in, ohuligan. 
 S\\\ne, wasiieiasiwin. 
 nS'hine ; I shinf", nin waaecias. I make 
 it shine, {in., an.) nin wake.ikkaan; 
 nin uh-ikctikkdwa. It shines, n^ak- 
 cMninagad, wawakeshkamugnd . I 
 make it shine, (metal, //;., an.) nin 
 vnissikwnbikaan ; nin wasukwabik- 
 d'l'w, It shines, (metal, z«., an.. ) 
 u'ansikiriihikad ; ica.sitikivahik/,^i. — 
 It sliines forth suddenly, gijiga- 
 A'hiness, atcnsmsiwin. 
 *S'hiness, (hashfulness,) agatchishki- 
 wln. agatchiwadi^iwin: 
 /Shingle, apakodjigan, nabagissa- 
 ^9lnngle ; I shingle a roof, nind apa- 
 htdjige. I shingle it, niW ajiako- 
 don. ■ 
 A'hinsle-nail, sagaigans, 
 Ahip, ndbikwan. A'hip of war, migd- 
 ^Shij) ; I ship, 7iin bosiiass. I ship 
 hitn. (her, it^) nin bosiu ; Mm l/6td~ 
 -Vhij^-captain, nabikwun-ogtjna. 
 ATiinped ; it is shipped, {in.,an.)h6- 
 sitc/tigude ; bdnitchigciDO. 
 /Jliipping, bonituftK/irin. 
 shipwreck; I shipwreck, nt'rt ligo- 
 vcxlika, nin bigoneMn. 
 i9h i r t , pugagiwit in n. 
 yhiver ; 1 shiver, (from cold,) nin 
 nin\nga4i- Shivering with cold, 
 Shiver. S "ikeak to pieces. 
 A'lioals ; there are shoals, mindmi- 
 ATioe, makisin. _ Hard shoe, (not In- 
 dian shoe,) initigwakisin. I make 
 shoes, nin makidnike. I put_ on 
 my shoes, etc., nin babitchi, I 
 take olf my shoes, etc., wm ga- 
 qitrhi. I put him his shoes on, nin 
 labitchia. I take him his shoes off, 
 nin gagitchia. I change shoes. 
 nind andakidne. I have shoes 
 on, nin gignkiaine. I have only 
 one shoe on, nin nabanekiaine. I 
 have two pair of shoes on, nin li- 
 Shoe-brush, wassikivadjigan, maki- 
 dn-wassikwadjigan. _ 
 iShoe-buckle, sag'dkisinebison. _ 
 *S'hoemaker, mekidniked, makisitiike- 
 /Shoemaker's shop, imkidnikeuigu- 
 Alioemaker's work, trade or business, 
 Alioe-string, or moccasin-string, 
 A'hoot, young shoot, oshkijin^tVinhhi- 
 ginq mitigons. It is a young shoot, 
 Ahoot, (with a gnn ;) I shoot, jim 
 juishkidge. I shoot at him, ( her, it, ) 
 nin pdahkisiva ; nin pddikisan. I 
 shoot in the air, ninnakwetiage. I 
 shoot him in the air, nin nakwenor- 
 tva,—\ shoot at a mark, ningodaah- 
 A'hoot, (with bow and arrows;) I 
 shoot, nin bimodjige, nind inae. I 
 am shooting, nin babiniodakwe. I 
 shoot at him, (licr, it,) nin liinda; 
 711/1 hiimiddn. — 1 shoot at a mark, 
 niii hlinwntiijwe, {liiinntiywe.) 
 Aliootiiig, jiuMutijewin, jjapa$hki- 
 ftinewin ; himdiljiyeirin.. 
 Shore; oil ilio short), (on the beach,) 
 a^urhimj. Near the shore, tchi(ji~ 
 hiij,iilutja(j(iin. Distant Iroin the 
 sliore, nawttch. 1 paddle mv ca- 
 noe to the shore, niti midmjameam. 
 On the opposite shoje, agumimj, 
 djawatjam, 'Uwd>:m<iam, 
 Short; i am short and l\\ic\\,nia,tak- 
 wahewis, nin hitikwahewis. 
 Short ; I am (it is) short, nin tul-os ; 
 takwdmatjad. It is short ; A build 
 ing, takiiiytemuijnd. ; metal, «'«-., 
 takwahikad ; metal, an., takwuhik- 
 isi; stutt', ill., takuDtgad ; stutl, 
 an., takwegiii ; thread, in., tnkwa- 
 Ji^a<i; thread, an., takwnbiijui ; 
 v/ood, in., ttikwakwud; wood, an,, 
 Short, shortly, wniba, tvaieha. 
 Sliorten ; 1 shorten it, nin takwaton. 
 I sh.it by cutting oil; {in., an.) 
 nin takwakwaan; nin taJcwakwdwa. 
 I sh. it by sawing, {in., an.) nin 
 takohodon, {tukwahodon ;) nin tak~ 
 ohonu, {takn'obona.) 
 Short-legged ; I ain sh. 1., nin tatak- 
 ogade. It is short-legged, tabassi- 
 gabawi, (it stands low.) 
 Short time^^ a short time, atohina, 
 Short way, kakdm. I take the short 
 way , kikdm nind ija, nin kakd mUk- 
 Tea. 1 run by the short way, nin. 
 kakdmibato. \ goby the short way, 
 in a canoe or boat, nin kakdmaam. 
 I go from one point to another, in 
 a canoe, nin kakdmwikwedweam. 
 ^STiot, anwins, jishibanwi, jiskiban- 
 wins. My shot and" balls are all 
 gone, nin Irhnganwissin. 
 Shot; I am shot, nin mikoshk^s. 
 Shot-pouch, pindanisindn, piudamn- 
 ad jig an. 
 ghonkier, odinimanganima. My. thy, 
 his shoulder, nindiniinangan, ki- 
 dinimantjan, odinimarigan. Be- 
 tween the shoulders, nasiawidi- 
 nigan,. I lay 'him (her, it) on my 
 shouider and riirry him, (h*"^i 'f ) 
 nin /•agvJjidiuiiniinganeona', niu 
 A'houhli'r-blade; riiy, thy, his shoul* 
 der-biade, nindinigan, kidini(ian, 
 odinignn. I break "my sh., nin pa- 
 kimfiinrhinidis. I break iiiti sh., 
 nin jiakisaginebitia. 
 <,S'houlder-part ol an animal, (^(saf/in. 
 Shout; I shont, nin bihdg. i shout 
 with joy, nin suKtrnkirf. 
 /Shouting, bibdgiwin. .b'houting with 
 joy, mmtkwetcin, 
 AS'hove,*! shove him (licr, it) with 
 my arm, uinbidjinika>ru\ nin bid- 
 jinikan, nin bidjininnitan. - 
 AS'hove, (in s. in.) Push. 
 (S'hovel, mnngnnibadjigan. 
 /6'hovel; I shovel, nin mangdnibad- 
 jige. I shovel it, {in., an.) nin 
 mamjdnibadnn; nin mav^dnihana. 
 I shovel snow , nin mangdnibi. 
 /Show, (let see;) I show, nin tra- 
 handdiwt 1 show it to him (her, 
 it,) nin wdbandaa;nin wabanddan. 
 1 show it to him plainly, nin mis' 
 subanJan. I show him, (her, it,) 
 nin wabandaiwenan; nin waban- 
 *Slu)w,(with the finger;) I show with 
 the f., nind inoige, nind ijinoige. I 
 show him (her, it) with the f., 
 nind inda, nind ijinoa; nind ino- 
 an, nind ijimian. I show it to him 
 with th ' linger, nind indamawa, 
 nind ininama, nind ininamawa, 
 S\\ow, (in s. in.) -6*. Bring to light.— 
 Instruct. — Visible. 
 <S1iow, showing, waband aiwewin , in- 
 d igewin, 
 *S'how-bread, wabmulniwe-jmhreji- 
 gan, ivabandaiwimni-fukwijiijan. 
 >S'howpr; showers of rain a're passing 
 by, hibamibiHsa. A shower of rain 
 is coming, bidibixsa. 
 /S"howing-finger. i>. Forefinger. 
 >6'hown; any object shown with the 
 finger, invigan. 
 xStued, iehkojigau, onijigan, hiiviji- 
 .Slirink; the. hoards Rlirink drying, 
 j/JifiiififaiiitMiWfKj mi}i(ui4n>a(ji </. 
 -Vlirink back. *V. ' /S'urpr'ised.' lyhiid- 
 iSTinib, ftiliUKiti. 
 ^Vhuddor: 1 shudder suddenly, nin 
 nin nun ilea. 
 .Slinllline. S. Chent. 
 -Vhiin, (in s. in.) ,S'. Fly. 
 A'h litter, waffx-trhujiinuluj. 
 .Vhiit lip; 1 shut hint ( her. it) up, vin 
 t/ih(i/:ifiucit; nin tjibiik-wiutn. 1 shut 
 liirn ii|) ii. n hole, nin t/ihaiva. I 
 sliiit it lip njinirist him, nin (jilxil-- 
 'ivdiimaiia. 1 shut it u[i, nin, tjitiiji- 
 mijmin. 1 am shut up, nin (jihnk- 
 WdUfas, It is shut up, gehnkivai- 
 ^ui()c — 'V\\o. mouth oi'the river is 
 shut up with sand, tiiliituwanijaan 
 Sdoi. It is shut up "with pebbles, 
 (jilidmildtan «(i<ji,. 
 .S'liy; I am shy, nind atcldnin. The 
 animal is .«ihy, aivnst'tin aivfesi. 
 6'hy, (liasiiful;) I ain shy or bashfnl, 
 ■nind afjutihitilik, nmd uijalclmvis, 
 nind (i</atihiiradit<. 
 «Sck; I am sick, ninddkos, ninnani- 
 pinu. It is sick, ahisimtufud, nan- 
 i/>inC.<imagud. I feel sick, nin n- 
 ww, ni/i i'inKidin. 1 fall sick sud- 
 denly, nin paiKjit-hhines. I look 
 sick, nind akot^in(i<j(is. I am sick 
 in a certain niauuer. nind inn/ine. 
 1 am very sick, nindmnmine, nin 
 mn(/u%to, nin mumidawito. — ll 
 makes me sick, nin nuuiikuijon. 
 ASlckle, Hshkanhl'iJMjan, puslikwu»h- 
 »yickly. often sick; T am sickly, nin 
 nita-alos, nind aJci><ibM\ nin mig- 
 ucuhuHk. 1 have a sickly appear- 
 ance, 7iind ahjsinagns, 
 6'ickness, ah.ninin, nanipininwin, 
 inapmetvin, jindagnn. Beginning 
 of a sickness, tJiiiddpinrttin, mnd- 
 jineuin. Very great sickness, o.ia- 
 rnineirin. Hard painful sickness, 
 siiinignpinett in, loiagapineirin. — 
 iS'ickness caused by somebody, 
 (according lo Indian supersti- 
 tions.) unifhinulmoapineunn. Bad 
 shameful sickness, mdnddajnne- 
 win. — T becin to feel n sickness, 
 nin, mddjt'dlcf, nin mddjlne, nin 
 indddpine. I have r great s.. nind 
 ammine, nin mamiddiritn. I have 
 a painful s., nin, laiagitpine, nin 
 mnaridftine. 1 have a s. which 
 somebody caused me, nind ani- 
 ^hinahfiwairine. I have a bad s., 
 nin mdndda/iine. 1 uive him a bad 
 sickness, n/h mntrhi-ina/inana, 
 nin mafchi innpinra, nin mdnada- 
 iniieii. 'I'liere is a had sickness, 
 mdvndaj'inel-amiijnd. I bring a 
 sickness to a place, alfotdain nin 
 bi-miaiwe. 1 give him a certain 
 sickness, nind indjtinnva. 
 Sick person, aidhnid, endplntd. 
 ] Side; 1 fall on my side, nind opinifs- 
 se. On this side of a canoe, vessel, 
 etc., ondafft'inatj. On the other 
 side, (iira)>t-6na(f. — On this side of 
 a river, etc., ondd^Hujam. On the 
 other side, aicdnKujam, djmcagam, 
 agdminij. On one side only, liaha- 
 ni(jam. — On this side of a hill or 
 mountain, wddfrndl-i, cnddsiad- 
 ' jiw. On the other side, aivdisdki, 
 Sieve , jdhothkaichigan. 
 Sift; I Sift, nin JdlctMafclige. I sift 
 it, (aw., in.) fiinjahosKKi, nin Ja- 
 h(\^hkasm\nin jalomiaan, nin'ja- 
 Siph, }i(Uf)danamoivin.ilwanam(,uin. 
 Sigh; I s\gh, nin piigidanfi7h^ nifipas- 
 ndhuhi.i, nind ansanam. I sigh 
 deeply, nind ihvanam, nin man-' 
 Sight; I lose sight, nindangwdland- 
 jiiie., 7iin lujidhwdam. I lose sight 
 of' him, (her, \t,)nind angu-ahama, 
 nin havdhama; nind angwuhandanj 
 ninlandbu7iddn. —I am (it is) lost 
 sight of, nin lishhvdlamindgos; 
 Sign, kikinawddjiUhignn, mamakad- 
 jitchigan, mamakd^ahandjigan. 
 Sign, (I subscribe;) I sign, ti'iiid ijini- 
 kasoioin nind aton, ( I put down mv 
 name;) mujivdn nin tagina, (1 
 touch the pen.) 
 8ilonrp, hiidnnhiwin, iahkwnwewin, 
 Sileiico; I fileucn him, nin hhnna- 
 bia. 1 siltMicn liiio, ho caiinoi an- 
 swer, ;///( iiHtivanimii. 
 Silk, silk-stnlT, Kfrtilni. nenihaiveijin., 
 Rllk (or ffnwitiu, K-iiihairnnKalHth. 
 Silk hiuidkt'rchiel, u/iiham^ Khre, 
 Silver, jtuiiia. I w«rk silver, tiin 
 Silver; 1 silver it, nin joviiuladun. 
 Silvered; it is si)., i'li'iiakiKh. 
 Silvor-inuiiey, ji/niiatj, (silver-pie- 
 ces ~) 
 Silversmith, jimiialcewinini. 
 Silversmith's work.lraiie or business, 
 Similar. S. Resernlilinnr. 
 Sill, Ixiluih/win , hiitusim'v, mnh'lu 
 diidii nmn'iii . matchi. ijiivchimwin. — 
 Sinrili venial .'■iii. hitii'iih wincnu. 
 Sin; I sin, nin hittd-ijiucbiti. nin fm- 
 fdiditi, vin ImtaimLxnd^ nin \intiit, 
 nin mati'hi ditdani. nin matchi iji- 
 wehia. 1 iiiak(; liim sin, nin. hotd- 
 ijiwehifia, vin mutchi-dudunuxi, 
 nin, Ixitatlfldamon. 1 sin against 
 somi'hociy. 7tin Imtd-dodddf. I sin 
 against huii. nin l>a/(( i/adaift, nin 
 matc.hididtova.—\ sin in thoughts, 
 nin liaid-iiKndam'. in words, nin 
 hatd-(jii>vf, vin iutuwe; in actu ii, 
 nin, liittddiidmn. 
 Sinew. 8. Nerve. 
 Sinful; it is smtul, matiadad, haul- 
 Sinfulness, hatd-ijiwelisii^in, mah) i 
 himadi,sia<in. <<" 
 Sing; 1 sine, nin nit(jam. I pre[)ar'' 
 myself for singing." «t« nandanai i. 
 I sing for a \hoo(, nin (jotlji-nngaui. 
 I mistake in shiging, niii irdnaa n. 
 I sing it high, nintl ix/i^.u'inrfnn. 1 
 sing it low, nin iiiha,«swew{f:in. I 
 sing to him, ni?i nnijamutawa. 
 Singer, nne<ivi6ui.niui. Feinale sing- 
 er, naijamoilwe. 
 Singing, the act of singing, na/jumo- 
 Single; I am single, (not married,) 
 nind ot^hkinig, kawinnimvidiyeui, 
 nijike nind aia. 
 Single fitnir, fifhkiniciuin. (Married 
 stale, viditimdinin. ) 
 Sing mnrkiny; I sing to mork seme- 
 body or soniethinir. nin nandpa- 
 nam. J sing him (her, it) mocking, 
 nn nandjaijamonan', nin nana- 
 SiriL'iilar, (in s. in.) S, Curious. 
 Siiik in; I sink in the uronnd with 
 my loot, via hikitkumii/iffe. I 
 sink in mud, nin (UKjirdnagwn- 
 tchi.'-hki'irfiine. 1 sink' in the snow, 
 nin, t/inddirnf/onc/'fe. I sink in 
 snow or sand, walking, vin mi- 
 ivaam. \ sink to the hottom, nin 
 f(<nnhi, nin 7nijakin'i'.— \ sink s, th. 
 in_ the ground, i,in ijinddkamiijaiije, 
 nin ffindd/,iivu'i/if/ika. I sirili il'in 
 the ground, i in., an.) nin (jinddka- 
 viiaaan ; nin ijinddkumiijawa. 1 
 sink it in the snnd, («'«.. "aw. ) w«« 
 f/induiavianijaun; nin (jindaiaxcun- 
 Sink in; it sink, in the ground, ijin- 
 ddlami(jiihk(imn<Hid, i/inddkumi- 
 yii-hki.dnnaijnd . It sinks in the 
 sand, (nndiiiauunujiitlika. It sinks 
 deep in the water, fa canoe, ves- 
 sel, etc.) (jindd,-,'./,a. It sinks to 
 the hcttom, (foidl/imafjnd, mijaiis- 
 Sinner, huinld-ijiirelii.tid. 
 Sioux Indian, Jiwnn. Nud(,iofssi. 
 Sioux lnngnage,/.jrf/««'?HOTr/>».T speak 
 tlie Sioux lan.;w/« hwdnim. 
 Sioux scalp, hwunii-/ifi(iwan, (Sioux 
 head.) 1 bring a Sioiix scalp, nin 
 Sioux squaw, bwdnikwe. 
 Sip; I sip \t, nind odonend an, nind 
 Siren, mem,r<iu'esn. 
 Sirop. S. Maple-sirop. 
 Sister, atvema. My, thy, his older 
 sister, nhnis.si, kinmse, onmaiian. 
 My, thy, his younger sister, nit,hi- 
 me, kistiime, oslmntian. 
 Sister-in-law; my, thy, his sister-in- 
 law, (a male sfieaking to a male or 
 in regard to a ina\c,)nimm, kinim. 
 wininum,; (a female speaking to a 
 ■ 'f^h 
 fctnale or in regnrd to a fomalc,) 
 nin.iUniijive, kiduntfive, oiiihufweian, 
 Sit;_l Hil, I hit down, 1 utii Miuin«, 
 tiin uuinatltili, nin ivnircnah, nin 
 ttmah. 1 mako liiin Nit ilowii, nin 
 hit, itiiilahi'a, Ilia wuicc/mlua. 1 nit 
 uiioii, /li/iil ai/irulah, nin apdh I 
 sit on it, iiinU a/iithin. 1 sit well, 
 coinlorliibly, «<«. iiiinwuh^nin iiadb. 
 1 sit uncoijifortalily, niit miinab. 1 
 sit down olbuwiiere, nind a/iilah. — 
 I sit in a cintain pluce, nin danub, 
 1 sit (ori'Hiust, m tliu (irst place, 
 nin ni(/dniil>, nin nitiiindh, 1 sit 
 behind, in the Inst place, nind 
 iahkwtb. I sit on the Imre trrfniti, 
 nin mitdh. 1 sit broadly, ;//'/i (/t>7t- 
 awat). 1 sit obliquely, nin bimi- 
 dab. I sit straif^ht up, nin muia- 
 nab. I sit by Ins side, tiin ndnia- 
 dabiiatvu. I sit with him, w//).«'j</a. 
 ?jimu. I sit a certain Inngth ollinie, 
 7iin nomiujt'b. 1 sit with down- 
 banf,Mng arms, vin jimjinikib. I 
 sit with crossed arms, nind ajide- 
 nikcb. 1 si' hka ^xhxrA, nin bin ind- 
 wub. — We sit around, nin ijiivita- 
 bimin. Wo sit around hiin in a 
 seniicircle, 7iin wagnnabitauHinnii. 
 We sit around him" in a circle, nin 
 ijiwitabitaircnan, nin. wakabita- 
 ifanan. We sit close together, 
 crowded, 7iin sindabimin. We sit 
 in a line or range, nin nibinebimin, 
 or, nin nibidibiniin, 
 Sithe. S. Scythe. 
 Sitting, the act of sitting, namada- 
 Sit up; I sit up at night, 7iin nihnh, 
 nin nibeuab. I situpwatcii; ^a 
 corpse, nin nihib. 
 Six, 7iin(jotn'ns$u-i. We are six of 
 us, 71 in ningatwatchimin. There 
 are six in. objects, ningotwatchi- 
 Six, Tiingofn'asso..., in composi- 
 tions, vvhich see in the First Part. 
 Six every time, six each or to each, 
 nenimjol wasu'Wi . 
 Six hundred every time, 600 each or 
 to each, neningotwasswuk. 
 Sixth; the nixlh, ckn-nindntwatching 
 'I'he sixth tiuu', niinnilwutLkiny. 
 Sixthly, ek'i-tiini/i'tualtltinf(. 
 Six thousand, ninijotuattliimj mi- 
 Six times, ningotwatvhtnij. 
 Six limes every time, six times each 
 i)r to each, nenimjotwutcbinq. 
 Sixty, nimjiitwdnximidanu. Vv'e are 
 sixty, nin, nimjoOrdsnitnidanane- 
 7nin. There are sixty »«. objects, 
 nin gilt Wiunimidiinaivi wan. There 
 are sixty pair, nin</(ilwa«.simidana^ 
 Sixty every time, 60 each or to 
 each, neningatudfisiniidana. 
 Sixty hiiiidrcil, {UOOU,) nin(jotn-dff,i- 
 7nidrn(ik. We are 6(100 "in num- 
 ber, 7nn 7tinif(ifwiiMniidan(ik(>ni' 
 min. There are (iUOO -///. objects, 
 Skate, jdslikwddiKKjan. 
 Skate; 1 skate, »<«« ■ionhkuddnc. 
 Skein; one skein, 7iiiiij(.(6nsd/ide. 
 Skelrh; 1 sketch it,«'jV/ ir.aninibian. 
 Skilful; I am skilful, 7)(«M'a(m/(/i«.'(. 
 Skill, skilfulness, tvaiiinfiniwi'n. I 
 I act with skilfulness, iiin wawin- 
 Skin; my, thy. his skin, 7unjagadi 
 kijagadi, PJigiidian.--M.y skin is 
 black, ni/> makiiten'itjc. My s. is 
 red, 7iin 7n/,sA!raJe. My s. is white, 
 nin 7vdbinhkaje. My s. is yellow, 
 7iind ondwaje. My ^. is dirty, ««i 
 7ndindjiwdje. My s. is hairy, nin 
 miaBatm^ My s. is lull of pim- 
 ples, nih pikwajrahka, nin pa/ik- 
 7iiajeshka. My s. is pufi'ed op by 
 huTuiug, 7iind o7)diujeiakis. My s. 
 is soft, nin nokaje. — I cool my skin 
 with cold water, nin (akijeiaba- 
 7VH7iidis. I feel pain on my s., 
 nin wissagaje. 1 nib my s. with 
 s. th., nin sinigwajebinidis. I rub 
 my s. with s. th., nin giniqivaje- 
 binn. My skin comes otV, ninbixh- 
 agika, nin binagitihku, nin (chinha- 
 Jen/ika. The skin of my lijis comes 
 oJf, nin binagidoneshka. The $. of 
 my face coiiies oil", wm binaging- 
 Skin Oi' an nnitnni, arrfrnwdinn. 
 Wkiii of B male (iun(lru|u'(l, niahv- 
 wainn; of tlic liirno-.t kiiui, uiuhe 
 U'fijin. iSUiii of H /<■//*«/« (jiiadrti- 
 1»fl(l, n<>jiivainn\ of i\\v. Iiirsest 
 tiiul, niijiwitjin. — (Jrocn «kin, «a//- 
 katai'y of tlu) largiist kind, uHlild- 
 fjin. Dry skiii, ijtmkdtai; of llie 
 largeHt kind, ^/((*/(/y(/).. Skin of a 
 JuadniiM'd wiihout llio liair,^ia.s7i- 
 Skin. tS. Kinv. 
 Skull, inji(j(ui. My, thy, his skull, 
 ninimlilinjan, ktnindilie/jan, tviiiin- 
 dihiijun ; or, ninhl^ijwurntjt gan, 
 I'ishtiijiranifjdjnn, vtikiiijnan iijcjan. 
 Tlic skin of my, tliy, his skull, 
 iiinik(Vid, ktuikwai, innikivai. — 
 There are skulls, «it//(/a//i/^'a. Place 
 where there are sliuUs, wijiijunik- 
 Sky, (jijiij. The sky is blue, mijalc- 
 u'uu. 'I'ho iik'f iiir(.H\,iniKknuiir(id. 
 Under the sky, (in the open air, J 
 Sky-uluo; it is dyed sky-blue, (in., 
 an.) inijakwuddtuj indnde; niijuk- 
 vudntuj iiiu/iKO. 
 Slakeii; 1 slalicii it, nin nesJuiiujvji- 
 naii, nin nes/taii(itdii(jifian. 
 Slaniler, dujindiuiii, nmtchidnjindi- 
 Slander; I slander, nin, dajinge, nin 
 ■inatclii dajinije. 
 Slanderer, dijimjcd, mcMii-daJlnfied. 
 Habitual slaiKiercr, dcjinijfit^kkid. 
 Shmderous; 1 am »\., iiiinluyiiKjcshk. 
 .*<late; ojihit'ijd n-as.n/i; djihiiijumwas- 
 Slave, awakufi. 1 am a slave, idnd 
 aicakdniir. Male slave, ahanini. 
 Female slave, (dntnikivc. 
 iS'lavery, uwanikaniwin; aicanikani- 
 Sleigh, oddlmn, odidinnnk. I make 
 a sioigh, nihd udidjauike. 
 Sleep, ndjaicin,. 
 Sleep; I sleep, 7iin nlhd. I make 
 him sleep, nin ndica. 1 si. in the 
 daytime, nia giji<jiniba. 1 fall in 
 a profound sleep, nin enwtngitai>h. 
 1 rtlee|i iir(irtnindly,/(//t lii-t^imjuavi, 
 nin. liiinaiKjirain. I si. much, nin 
 uihas/ik, nin iriiif/tiijanr. 1 si. to(i 
 much, nia onaDiinijiram, uin bm- 
 gcKjirniii. 1 kI. soltly, Hlightly, 
 mn jiliingN'dtih. I si. strongly, nin 
 gMii/iiKjHtim. 1 «1. With ijjjen e\cs, 
 vind ainiddnijuam. I si. with my 
 mouth o|ien, nin tinvanimijwurn. I 
 walk sleeping, nin iraninijuiuh. — 
 1 sleep with him, nin n'ilif7)ia. We 
 sleep t()getli(!r, nin wibendimin. 
 We, sleep all in a row or range, 
 n in n ilddciipuut min. 
 Rhu'piness, (/igilnngwa.shiwin, win- 
 (Ji'sli , m'/lf/irni. 
 Sleeping, nihuwin. . Had habit of 
 sleepnig too much, nilashkiwin^ 
 Sleeping-roem, niheinn. 
 Sleepy; I am sleepy, «m gigihi^ij- 
 n-axli, nin pcifit'Ungunhibhka, nin 
 wi-7tdi<i. I am very sleepy, nin 
 nunddicliingwai^h, nin mningwath. 
 Sleeve, nagwdi. 
 Slender. S. Slim. 
 Slice; slice of dried venison, liunij- 
 aican. Slice of cedar in the bot- 
 tom of a canoe, a/d.-n^itdija/i. 
 Slide; 1 slide on the ice, nin himi- 
 has. 1 slide fast, nin kijilnn. 1 
 slide in a certain way, mud ijisse. 
 ]l slides, hidji'idc. Tiie bird slides 
 through the bird, hiiljihiso hinculn. 
 It slides fast, kijilndeniagad. It 
 slides in a certain way, ijisnima- 
 Slide and fall; I slide and fall, nind 
 (ijd^/ii,-Jnn. I slide and fall on the 
 ice, nind ojdnkikmithiny on the 
 snow, nind qinKhiigi.Hiahirr, on a 
 stone, nind ojtt^hdhikitiJtin. 
 Slide back; 1 slide h-^Lck, nind ajecse. 
 It slides back or backwards, ajes- 
 Slide! down; I slide (it slides) down, 
 nin nissdko.s/ie, nin ndnji, nin ndn- 
 jisie, nin nishi; ninxdkossemagud, 
 nanjimagad, nunjisxemagad, nit:ld- 
 magad. \ slide down tlie hill, ?t;>i 
 Slide in; I slide or fall in, nin pin- 
 djisse. It slides or falls in, ;y«;';w//MAi?- 
 mugad. 1 slirle or fall (it slides or 
 falls) ii) a huUow |il&ce, nin [liii- 
 dan.ikaii.ufie\ pindanikaroissemi- 
 (/ad. I slide (it slides) in a hole. 
 7ii?i hfidakwei'ne; JiidahwestienuKjad. 
 1 slide in with my foot, nia pindji- 
 sidcsse; with my leg, nin. lAndiya- 
 dense. 1 slide (it slides) in the wa- 
 ter, tii/i hab'l'iMc; iHtl-ohix^emagad. 
 Slide through. S. Fail through. . 
 /Slightly, iihidadj- uM(j(itck. 
 (Slim; 1 am of a Klim or slender size, 
 nind agasnakwuiawcs, nin gigui- 
 ii\ing,/jm.nJ:u'<'hoJJigan. I am throw- 
 ing with a sling, nin paskikwcbu- 
 H\i[>. S. Slide. 
 Slippery ; it is slippery, ojdshamagad, 
 ji>Jdku'ad.J( Micniiiagad. 
 Sloih. Slothful. Sloth'fulness. — S. 
 Lazy. Laziness. 
 Slow; I am slow at worlv,«(W luihegi- 
 kudis, nil! Icdicdji/iawis, ni/i hivai- 
 au'in, ni/id ■mdjinawes, nin httljiw. 
 — I am slow m eating, nin halt- 
 gikadandjige, nin hidjie:i<ln. — I am 
 slow in lu'y thoughts and resolu- 
 tions, nin halendam. 
 Slowly, Icka, naegatch, dhishxtch. I 
 walk, navigate or travel slowly, 
 nin biUka. 
 Slowness at work, halegikadisiwin, 
 hcdjiwin. Slowness in eating, htwe- 
 gikadu/idjigewin, ledJCssiniu' i n. 
 Slowness df tiiought aiid mind, he- 
 dendamt/icin. Slow walking or 
 travel ing, hti^ikawin. 
 Sluggard, kdimishkid, tnidtagadisid, 
 enokin^ig. I am a sluggard, nin 
 kitimishk, nin tdtagadis. 
 Sluggish. Sluggishness. — S. Laz)'. 
 Slumher; I slumber, nind asingwatn. 
 Slut, waninid ikwe. 
 Sluttish; 1 am si., nin winis. 
 Sluttishness, winidwin. 
 Small; 1 am small, r/«'«(Z ff^««/i/, nin 
 idkoa. I am very small, nin ma- 
 Bkig. I make myself small, nind 
 agashiidis. — U is small, agassa, 
 agasdn, agciKdnad. It is small : a 
 globular object, in., ugaKnimina- 
 f/(w/;_globulai oh}., an., ctguMimi- 
 n<igi»i\ a house or room, ufiunsate: 
 metal, in., aga.^,^ahikad; metal, an., 
 aguf.mbikid\ stutf, in. agimigad] 
 stuff., an., agast<i(jm. — 'h is too 
 small for me, (-/«.", an.) nin sind- 
 kan; nin dndkaiva. 1 make it 
 sniall, or smaller, nind agauaton, 
 mud agnst^itnn.^ — We are smnll, 
 nin hahiwijinimin. They are' 
 small, {in. ) huliwawan. 
 Small person, teko^id. 
 Sma.i-pox, mumakidivin. I have the 
 ^ small-pox, nind om-Dnukis. 
 Smart at work. S. Zealous. 
 Smell, (odor,) ijirndt/ddwin. I make 
 a good smell by burning s. th,, nin 
 minas.iige. \ burn M {in. , an.) to 
 make a good smell, nin minaumn; 
 nin minasHca. I spread the smell 
 o( s.lh., nin hidjimamgc. — I am 
 (it is) of such a smell or order, 
 nind ijiiungofi;ijimagwad. I liave 
 (it has) the smell of'ardent liquor, 
 nind^ iMotctcahnimag/s; inlikate- 
 nndMiimugicad. I hate' the smell of 
 it, {in., an.) ninjingimdnddn; nin 
 Jingimdmd. I suffer" from the smell 
 of it. ( in., an. ) nin kofagimanddn; 
 7iin kotagimdmd. 
 Smell, (scent;) I smell s. th., nin 
 minnndjige. I smell him. (her, it) 
 nin mindma, nin minandaiia; nin 
 minnnddn. I give him to smell s. 
 th., ninm. undaoma, ninmindssa. 
 Smell, (emit odor;) I smell, nin mi- 
 nagos; it smells, minngnad. I 
 sm'ell (it smells) well, nin mim- 
 Tnago.s; tninomagwad.' Something 
 smells well to ine, nin minoman- 
 djige. He (she, it) smells well to 
 me, nin minamd^nd] nin mino- 
 mdnddn. It smells well when 
 burnt, (*■/?,., an.) niinimate; mino- 
 masso.- I smell bad from perspir- 
 ation, nin witihago?nagos. It srnsUs 
 * NOTE. For smell bad, see Stink. 
 the sweat, (liquid,) wishagwa- 
 Smell, bailsmen. 8. Stench. Stink. 
 Smelleil; I am (it is) smellecl, nin hi- 
 djiiiiagos; bidjimagwad. 
 Smelt; 1 smelt, nin ningikosige. 
 Smelt, (in s. in.) S. Melt. 
 S me 1 te r , ningikosigewialni, 
 Smel ting-furnace, ningikosigan, nin- 
 Smelting-honse, (foundry,) ningiko- 
 Smile; 1 smile, nin hap. 
 Smiling, hdpiwiii. I have a smiling 
 countenance, nin hahdpingrce, nin 
 jmningwen. I show him a smil. 
 count., ninjomingwetawa. 
 Smith, nwishtoia. 1 am a smith, nind 
 S mit hs h op , awi^htfdmcigamig. 
 Smith's trade, awishtoiawiwin. 
 Smoke; there is smoke, pahoene, 
 pashkine. I make smoke, nin pa- 
 shkinawe. I make smoke around 
 him, nin gikanamoswa. The smoke 
 ascends, onihdhate. The smoke 
 comes from..., on/lnhntr,. — I can 
 endure much smoke, nin jihana- 
 mos, nin wakiwanamos. — It 
 smokes, (in a lodge or house,) gi- 
 kanamode. It smokes in my lodge 
 or house, gikmiainode endaiiin, 
 nin gikanamos. 
 Smoked meat, ondssigan. I smoke 
 meat, nind ondssige. 
 Smoker, seqasswud'. Great smoker, 
 netd-saganswad. Smoker of mixed 
 tobacco, epdkosiged. Smoker of 
 pure tobacco, metdkosiged. 
 Smoke tobacco; I smoke, ninxagas- 
 8W( , I smoke pure tobacco, nin, 
 mitikosige; I mix my tobacco, nind 
 apdkosige. I have nothing to 
 smoke, ninmanipwa. — We smoke 
 together, (in a council,) nin sagas- 
 Smoking, sagasswdwin, sagasswiiHo- 
 Smooth; I smooth with an iron, nin 
 joshkwaigaige. I smooth it, iron it, 
 (in., an.) nin joskkwegaan', ninjo- 
 Smooth, (ins. in.)S. Polish. Pol- 
 Smoothed ; it is smoothed with a flat- 
 iron, {in., an.) joshktvdiaaigade: 
 Smoothing iron, Joshkwdigaigan. 
 Smooth rock; there is a flat smooth 
 rock, jos/ikwdnahika. 
 Agnail, bimiskodissi, » 
 /A'nake, ginihig, 
 »S)iake Indian, Oinehigonini. 
 -S'nare, nagwdgan. I lay snares, jiin 
 nagwdnike. I lay him a snare 
 to catch him, nin dagoda- 
 wa. I lay him a snare or trap, 
 nind oniumawa. I catch in a snare, 
 nin nngwddjige. I catch hin> (her, 
 it) in a snare, nin nagwana; nin 
 nagwadan. I avoi'.; a snare, or 
 escape out of it, nin hanagwds. I 
 miss him in my snare, he avoids 
 it, or escapes out of it, nin buna- 
 gwdnn. 1 am caught in a snare, 
 nin nagtvds. 
 -6'iiare-string, nagwnganiiab. 
 ^S'liitr; I sniff, nin nandf/mandjige. 
 /^nipe, padashkaanji, w.unomini~ 
 (Snivel; I snivel, nin sikauddjane, 
 nin sikamn iskigome. 
 Snon^; i snore, nin madivengwam, 
 nil!, madwingwash. 
 Snoi, niskigoma^i, siniskigoman. My, 
 thy, l>is snot, niniskig!im.an, kini- 
 skigoman, iviniskigamanan. I draw 
 up my snot, nind ikignme, nind 
 nditiftua niskigoman. nin sindgawis- 
 kigomc. The snot is running from 
 my nose, n-n sikawiniskigome; by 
 cold, nin sikawiniskigotneumdj. 
 'S'notty; I am sn., nin siniskigoman. 
 -^ynout; its snout, oshkinj. It has a 
 small snout agdssi.^hkinji. It has 
 a large snoui , mdngishkmji. 
 Snovi, gon, agjn. On the snow, mi- 
 tagmag. 'i'here is snow, gonika. 
 There is much snow, a deep snov^•, 
 isJtpdgonagn, it^hpate. — The snow 
 is soft, jakdgonaga, nok/tgcmaou . 
 The snow is settled, hard, nsca'nd- 
 so J 
 gonaga, Jcijiwdgonaga. The s. 
 lowers, melts down, mugwagovc- 
 shin. The s. is frozen, guwagn- 
 nat/a. The s. is crusty, hard, wa- 
 Ja^iflrf. The s. is falling from the 
 trees, missanwimagad, lindiuiTci- 
 magad. I am (it is) covered with 
 sno'w, nm vingwano; ningirano- 
 mngad. 1 melt snow for water, nm 
 Hj'dbil-e. 1 walk in the snow with- 
 out snowshoes, nm mamitanm. 
 *'>now; it snows, togipo. It begins 
 to snow, inndipn. It snows in 
 sm»ll flakes, hmipo. It s. in large 
 flakes, mdngadepo. The snow 
 begins to cover the ground, biwipo. 
 Soft watery snow is falling, ja- 
 Upo. A snow-storm passes by, 
 himipo. It snows no more, uhhva- 
 po. It snowed enough, gijipo. 
 Snow-blind ; I am 'sn., nm sassa- 
 Snow-blindness, sassdH.igwewm. 
 Snow-drift ; there is a sn.. hiwan. 
 Snowishoe, agim. I make snowshoes, 
 niiid dgimil-e. I lace or till a snow- 
 shoe, nind ashUma agim. 1 walk 
 with snowshoes, nind dgimosse, 
 nind oddgiin. I am coining on 
 snowshoes or with snowshoes, ram 
 hiddgimosse. The snow sticks_ to 
 my snowshoes, run misikwasika- 
 Snowshoe-fiUing or lacing, ashktma- 
 Snowshoe-making, agiimkewtn. 
 Snowshoe -ornament, riima/r/aw. 
 Snowshoe-string, adiman. 
 Snowshoe-trail ; there is an even 
 snowshoe-trail, onagwanaga. 
 Snow-walker, netdtvayimcmcd.^ I am 
 a good snowshoe-walker, ninnitd- 
 Snowshoe-walking, agimossewin. 
 Snow-storm ; a snow-st. is coining, 
 hidipo- There is a snow-storm, or 
 drift of snow, hiwan. The snow- 
 st. is driven away by the wind, 
 mddjipo. A snow-st. is passing 
 bv, )timipo. 
 i^nnii, a^sema, pindakiceivin. T man- 
 ufacture snuff, nind attemalce. 
 ( Asffmakftrin. AsscmalieU'inin i. 
 Aff€7naknviqamifi. ) 
 Snuflf; I snurt', 1 tiike snuff, wmjoin- 
 dalwe, nin pindnkuljane. 
 Snuff; I snuff the cnndle, nin h'sh- 
 kanjihidan wafaaknanendjtgan. 
 Snufl-hox, nesema-makdk. 
 Snufl'ers. kin/ikunjekvdjigan. 
 So, mi, mi ,ia. 
 Soak ; it soaks, {iti., an.) agwinde ; 
 agmndjin. I put it in water to 
 soak, («■«., an. ) nind agwindjiton ; 
 nind agirindjima. 
 Soap, kisihigaiijan. Liquid soap, 
 pingwi-kiiihiguigan. I make soap, 
 nin kibibigaiganike. 
 Soap-boiler, so'ap-nianufacturer, kis- 
 ibiga iganikeiviu in i. 
 Soap-boi'lery, soap-house, soap-man- 
 ufactory, kiisilmiaigdnikewigamig. 
 Soap-making, kialhigdiganikewin. 
 Soai>-suds, soap-water, kidbigaigan- 
 Sob ; I sob, nin naahigide. 
 f^ohhing, nashigidewin. 
 Sober ; I am sober, (not drunk now,) 
 nind aninbddis; nin hagakddis. I 
 am sober again (after drunken- 
 ness,) nind atchi. 
 Soberness. S. Sobriety. 
 Sober person, menikwcs&ig. 
 Sobriety, anhmdisiwin, lagakadisi- 
 win, ateJiiivin. 
 Society. S. Company. 
 Sock, ajigan. 
 Sodomy, podjidiinrin. I commit so- 
 domy, nin podjidiie. 
 Soft ; it is soft, (in., an.) nokadad ; 
 nokadisi. — S. Weak. 
 Soften, 1 soften it, (iw., an.) nin 
 nokiton, nin nokihidon. nin nokigi- 
 hidon ; nin nokia, nakihina, nin 
 nokiqihtna. I soften linden bark, 
 nind assigohi. 
 Softly, slightly, naegalch. lika. 
 Soft weather. S. Mild weather. 
 Soil. Soiled.— S. Dirty. 
 Sojourn, apidnnidicin. 
 Sojourn ; 1 sojourn, nind apidanie. 
 Solace ; I aolace, nind dbldwinge. I 
 solace him, nind dhiuivima. 
 So'dier, jinuujatmh, tnlnutiino, mi- 
 Sole of tlie foot, onanagdViaidnma. 
 !My, tliy, his sole, ninanMijdkibid, 
 I'inanmakinid, (manu(/u/ritiid. 
 Solicit; I solicit him, ni/i wikwatck- 
 id, nifh wikwddf/inu. 
 Solid; it is solidj strong, {in., un.) 
 s'JtKjon ; sdnfjin. 
 Some, dniud,paiij/i, Mhyi/f. 
 Somebody, awiia, hemadinul , 
 Something, geijo, nin(/dt, nin/jfotuno. 
 Somewhere, niiKjdtcld. 
 Son, oywissiina, weywinsimifid. My, 
 thy, his son, nirnjwin". ki(jin«e, og- 
 wusan ; or, tiinf/itmsine, kiijwueitB, 
 (KjwixsisHari. 1 have a sun, nind 
 0{/wie8. 1 have him> for a son, he 
 IS my son, nt/nl cUjivimnun, nind 
 (xjwtssima. 1 am a son, ntnd (kj- 
 Song, nagamon, nagamowin. Reli- 
 gious song, (hymn, ) anamie-naga- 
 num, anarnie-nagntnowift,. IJad 
 song, nagaHKinibh. 
 Song -book, nagaitUi-masinaigan- 
 Songster, nagamowinini. 
 Songstress, nagamoikwe. 
 Son-in-law; my, thy, his sOfi-in-law, 
 niningwan, kiidngwan, oningwa- 
 nan. The son-in-law of a family, 
 nadngish. i am son-in-law _ in a 
 family, nin naangub, nind ojinin^ 
 Haon, watha, tuaiiba, pitchinag, we- 
 wih. As soon as possible, uga- 
 Soot, winjide. 
 Sooty ; It is sooty, winjidetnagad. 
 Sorb-berry, makwimin. 
 Sorb-tree, makwimij. 
 fc^orcerer, wahanr/ivinini, I am a sor- 
 cerer, nin wdham/w. 
 Sorcery, u'al)an</wiwin. 
 tiarwi, jiiiilxig. 
 Sorrow, kashkendammvin, ghsaaen- 
 daiTKrwin, wasnitan^end am^nvin, gi- 
 hendammvin . koiageiidanv/win. Sor- 
 row of the heart, kaahkendamidee- 
 toni. I have much eorruw, nin 
 gihendam. I cause him much »., 
 nin gihendarnia, nin gihendnmiah- 
 ku/ra. It causes me much s.,* nin 
 gibcndarniskkagon. I die of sor- 
 row, nin. nibcndam. 
 Sorrow. Sorrowful, (ins. in.) S. Sad- 
 noHs, Sad. 
 Sorrowful ; F am sor., nm gissnden- 
 dam, ninmamidawendain. 1 make 
 lain bor., nin giumdendamia. — S. 
 Sorry ; I am sorry, nin Tcashkendam. 
 — S. Repent. 
 Sought; I am fit is) sought, nin 
 nandaivahnndjigae ; nandawaband- 
 Soul, otchitchagtima. My, thy, his 
 soul, iiii. tc/uhkag, ki tchitchug, o 
 tcliitc/iagwan. 1 have a soul, 7ii?id 
 Sound ; 1 let hear a certain sound, 
 7ii/id inwe. it gives a sound, iji- 
 wemagud. It gives a hollow sound, 
 wimbweiremngud. He makes a 
 sound with his wings, (bird,) TOa</- 
 weiarigetse. A sound is produced 
 by tw'o trees rubbing against each 
 oilier, kidbahvad. 
 Sound; it sounds, madwemn, mad- 
 wewemagad. I make sound s. th., 
 nin madwisiitchige, nin madwi- 
 wetchige.. I make it sound, nin 
 nutdwimton., nin madwiweton. Any 
 thing that sounds or gives a sound, 
 mndwtwLtcldgan. It sounds loud, 
 k/Jiwf'inngud, I make it sound 
 loudly, nin kijiweweton. It sounds 
 in such a manner, (running wa- 
 ter,) a/iitu'ewednwan. — It sounds, 
 (metal, in., an.) Jinawabikissin, 
 a wdakohocmagad, madwe t abikis- 
 .sin ; jinawaidkishin, mngweue, 
 eangiveur'shin,jinawdakoktoe, mad- 
 wri'dbikixhin. — 1 make sound iron, 
 nin jewabikaan biwabik, nin mad- 
 v't/iabikaan. I make sound metal, 
 ninjinanuuidjige ; I make it sound, 
 nm jin^-aodtm. 1 make sound 
 metal, (»«.., an.) by movng it. nin 
 jinawdbikidm ; nin jinawdbiUnu. 
 Sound ; 1 sound with a soundmg 
 «l«ad. nin ga^widakadjige. I sound 
 • |*,nt;i gagwedaTcadnn.-\ SQWwA with 
 a pole, nin gagwedukn{/e. 
 Sounded ; U is sounded or made to 
 sound, (metal, in., an.) mndweid- 
 bikaigadc ; madweiuHkaiuaso. 
 Soundmg-lead, gagwedakaajigan. 
 Soundly, kijijd. 
 Soup, nahvb. (S. Indian corn-soup.) 
 Poor soup, (not seasoned;) dni^sa- 
 ho. I make poor soup, iiind anis- 
 Sour ; it is sour, {in., an.)jiwan, ji- 
 .1 ^wam^-^it' ; jiwid. _ 1 make sour s. 
 ih.., n'.n jiwissitchige. I make it 
 sour, {in., an.) ninjiwiton, ninji- 
 wissiion; ninjiwitawa, nin jiwtuh- 
 ima,, nin jiwuiu. 
 Source, (fountain, spring,) tmkidji- 
 Sour milK, meshkmvikwissing Mosha- 
 ho. Tlie niilk'l)ecomes sour, mah/i- 
 kawikwissiih tutonliabo. 
 South, jdvoan. In, to or from the 
 south, jdwanong. Towards the 
 south, jawanung i'lahikcia.—Thti 
 clouds come from the soutli, ja- 
 wanukwad. The rain comes from 
 the eoMthJawanihifsa. It thun- 
 ders in the a., jawanaamog {ani- 
 South-bird, (bird coming from the 
 aoath,) jdwfmibineshi. 
 Soxxthwind, jdivanin(4in. The wind 
 comes from the south, jdwanino- 
 Sovereign, kitcki-ogima. 
 Sovereign Pontill. S. Pope. 
 Sow Ki4)Jcosh- 
 Sow; I 90W,nln kitige, nin pngidi- 
 nige. I sow it, {in., an.) nin ki- 
 tigadan, nin imjidinan; nin ki- 
 tigana, nin pagidina. 
 Sowed; it is sowed, kihgade, pagv- 
 Spade. 8. Ghovel. 
 Span, (measurement;) one span, hf- 
 jigwahivoagan. ninffotirakw<,agii n. 
 Two span's, three .«i)aiis, etc., nij- 
 wakwoagan, nimvakivnwan, etc.— 
 So many spans, damwalu'i agaii. 
 Spaniard, £*hpaio. 
 Spanish white. S. Chalk. 
 Spanish woman, eshpaiohwe. 
 tVpare; 1 spare it, [in., an.) nin ma- 
 naf'jiUm; nin manddjia. 1 spare 
 rr.yseif, nin manddiiidis. 
 Spa.-e, (in s. in.) S. Reserve. 
 Spared, (in s. in.) S. Reserved. Ro 
 Spark; sparks i\y off. pupakanje. 
 Sparrow-hawk, A-fif^fc. Another kind, 
 Spasms, otchipinigtnvin. I have 
 spams, nind otchipmig. 
 Spasms in the arm, hf.nd, etc. S 
 Arm. Hand, etc. 
 Spat 1 1 e , gashkakokwiigan. 
 Spawn, wak. 
 Spawn; the fish is spawning, ami 
 Speak; I speak, nin gigit, mn ga- 
 giyit, nin gijwe, nind imvi. It 
 speaks, gigi iomagad, inwemugad. 
 1 make hi'm speak, nin gigit(,a.— 
 I si)t!ak after him, nin kikin<4awa, 
 nind dnikanotnwa. 1 »[■._ angry, 
 nin nit^hkudji-qijwe, nin nishkadji- 
 gi.yit, nin nii')ikctkitug(>s, nin nan- 
 ishkemtagns. I sp. angry _ to him, 
 7tin iiiMi^janonn, nin niMadji- 
 ganona, nin, i -'.yhkds/ma. 1 sp. with 
 a l)ig tiiick voice, 7iin tubd^tiowa. I 
 sp. in a certain manner, or, 1 sp. a 
 lanRuage, nind inwe. 1 sp. close 
 to hi.s ear, nin pvdjinJienui. I sp. 
 distinctly, nin nimdagun. I sp.^ 
 evil, nin matihiijijn'e, nin matchi 
 ikit. I sp. fast, quickly, nin dadd- 
 t(d)anagid(m, ninduddtahawc. 1 sp. 
 for somoboily, nin gaganodamage. 
 i sp. for him, nin ganodamawa, 
 nin gaganiidamawa. I sp. tor my- 
 self, 7iin gamditmndi^, nin gaga- 
 niidumadiii. 1 sp. for such a rea- 
 son, or out of such a place, nind 
 ondwiwidani. I sp. in a hidden se- 
 cret manner, nin qimodawe, nind 
 agotagis. I sp. hi^h, with a high 
 thin voice, nind it^hpi/we. I sp. in 
 such a place, nin danirewidam. I 
 sp. indistinctly, nin manjigijwe. I 
 si\ impurely, ninbishigwailji-gijwe, 
 nin uinitagi/s, nin unnigij/ve. 1 sp. 
 G13 SPE 
 impurely to or of him, (her,)ntVi 
 hulmjwasiimn, nin lhhi(jwa<1ji- 
 gaiioim, ni i tcinima. I sp. to or 
 ot him, (her) impurely, mil wino- 
 masuma. I sp. tho language of the 
 people with whom I W^c^ninniin- 
 awe. I sp. like a (Iriuikeii person, 
 nin, (jiwai<hkir)ihitcinita(i<n<. 1 sp. 
 low, not loud, nin (fdnl-anns, nin 
 tehadoive. 1 sp. loud,nt/t ^wi/<;c. I 
 speak as loud as 1 can, nina npifo- 
 we. 1 sp. loud to him, nin, kiji{Hi- 
 nana. 1 sp. with murh noise, nind 
 onMgiti, nind odjanimitaijos, nind 
 odjaniniweu'idam. I do not dare s[). 
 to him, Htn, mnnnaoma. I sp. of 
 somehody, or, I sp. ill of somo- 
 Jjody, nin diijin<je. I 8[)., or, I dp. ill 
 of him, (her, it,) nin dajima; nin 
 dajindan. We sj).t)f each olht r. or, 
 we sp. ill of each other, nin dajin- 
 <Hmin. 1 sp. (or tell) of liitii, (licr, 
 \i,)nin dihadjima, nin hjihima\ 
 nin, dihddotlak, nin kijilindan^ 1 
 sp. of him in his absence, }iin pag- 
 tvanonia, nin inihima. 1 sp. too 
 much of him, nind <inam<dama^ I 
 sp. nonsense through old age, nin 
 wanigika. ' sp. plainly, (to he 
 easily understood,) nin paaal-nwe, 
 nin ]>a(jnHlM</os, nin vagakiKnidan 
 vin ijiijUowiii. 1 sp. relyiuRon him, 
 (her, it.) nin nawipimotmn.:, nin 
 nandpimnn. I sj). to him relying on 
 s. tlu; heing hacked hy s. th., nin 
 nandpima. 1 sp. right or correctly, 
 nin ijwaidJcowf, nin gwaidlotaf/'H. 
 1 sp. sinfully, «m bdtawc, nin ha- 
 tdijijiM. 1 sp. strangely, ninnui- 
 id'ijiicujos, ninmaiigive. \ find ho 
 speaks strangely, nm maiayilmva. 
 1 make him sp. strangely, nin, ma- 
 iagwea. \ sp. strongly.vvith force, 
 ntn, muehlcawujiju'e., nin mashka- 
 witagos. I sp. stupidly, nin koposi- 
 tagos. I sp. the truth, nin dehwc, 
 'iii tidehwilagns. \ sp. through the 
 nose, nin, ynijihiJjanetagos. I sp. 
 so as to excite fear, nin Ugit'igos 
 I sp. in order to excite pity, nin 
 Jcitimagitagrte. I sp. soas to cavise 
 sorrow, nin wcunituwilagos. I ep. 
 to somebody, nin gandjiwe. 1 bd. 
 to him, (her, it,) nin gandna; Hin 
 gandddn. 1 sp. to him in ordi# to 
 make himhehave well, nin ndnd- 
 ganinnti. I sp. to myself, nin gund' 
 nidig. We speak to one another, 
 nin gandnidimin. I sp. vainly, nin 
 wawijigijivc. 1 sp. wisely, pruclenl- 
 ly. nin. nihiraJcatagn«, mn gdgita- 
 wigijve. 1 sp. unwisely, foolishly, 
 absurdly, unchaslely, vin^agiba- 
 nitngoii, nin gagihadji-ginvc. 1 
 cease 8|)eaking, nind uhkwawe, 
 (ifilikowe^) nin IciMnwe. \ make 
 him cease to apeak, etc., «•/* 
 TciMimtd, nind iidil'wawea. 
 S])eaker, neta-gigitod, netawed, gigi- 
 Speaking, gigiti.win, gagigitowin, 
 g/Jirmcin. Ar'igry speaking, ni»h- 
 k'udji gijweirin , ninlikadji-gigito- 
 win, n i nhkanUujanioin, nishkadji- 
 (/ananidiwin. I'^oidish, frivolous or 
 irni)\ire sp., gtu/ihaaitagosiMiin, 
 g'igihadji-gijvcwin, gagihaaji-gigi- 
 loioin. Hidden inys'teriouB sp., 
 (Ujiitagiisiwin, giniddi/ivewin. Ill sp. ■ 
 matchi giiwewin, matchi ikitowin, 
 matchi idiwin. In.,)nre indecent 
 sp.. 9vinigijue/vin, winitagosiwin, 
 hiikigwadji-ijijweu'in. Mistake in 
 speak., tvaiwwewin, wanigijweivin. 
 I mistake iu 8[.ea]iin g,ninwan()we, 
 7i,inwanli.njn'e. Speaking of other 
 people, dajindiu'in, dajingewin. — 
 Speaking of each other, or to each 
 other, idiwin. Plain distinct in- 
 telligil)le sp., nitmitotagodwin, p:>- 
 giikitagosiwin, Pp^aKing with_ re- 
 liance on some object, nandpimo- 
 win. Sinful sp. hatugywewtn, la- 
 tawcwin. Strong sp., mashkatvig- 
 I'pveivin. Wise prudent sp., ntb- 
 wakdtagosiwin. Unwise imprudent 
 sp., gugibahitugosvudn, hitinadji- 
 Sji'eaking-house, council-house, gi- 
 Speak well 'of..., (in s. in.) S. 
 Spear, unit. Handle to a spear, ani- 
 Spear; I spear fish, nvid ahcawa, 
 (akrAva.) I spear him, (her, it,) 
 nin bamibdwa] niii baihthaan. 1 
 spear fish at night, nin wa^nwa. 
 Speared; I am (it is) speared, 7ii/i 
 bashihai^as; bashibaiijade. 
 Spearing hsh at night, wasswewin. 
 Specie, (silver-money or gold-mo- 
 ney, )m?7«W^. 
 -kVpeck. S. xS'pot. 
 »S'pec tacl es , vshkinjigrikadjigan. 
 Spectator, waiahamjed. 
 Spectre, tchibai. 
 Speech, c/iijit/zwin, animitaijosiivin, 
 aiunimitagosiwiii. I make a speech 
 niii (figit, nind ajiitnitugos, iiiiid 
 .Vpeed, daddtabiwin. 
 iS'peedy; I am speedy, nin daddtaM. 
 ^S'pelling-book. S. iS'chool-book. 
 iS'pend;! spend all day in such a 
 place, nin dajufijiyintam. 1 spend 
 all night in such a place, nin daji- 
 iS'pend all. consume; 1 spend M,nin 
 tchdyinige. I spend all of it, (in., 
 an.) nintchdghian; nin tchdgina. 
 I am in the habit of spending ail. 
 nintchuginigeshk. Habit of spend- 
 ing all, tchuginigeshkiwin. 
 i^pendthrift, tenaidginifieshkid, nesh- 
 iwanadjifchiged, benadjitod od aii- 
 /S'pent. S, All spent. 
 jSperm-oil, kitchiglgb bimide. 
 AS'pider, assubiket-ht. Spider's web, 
 cobweb, assabikeshiwasnab. 
 i^pike, kitchi-sagaigan. 
 S^\\\\ 1 spill, nm iigwebinige. I spill 
 it, {in.. Ml.) nin sigwebnian; nin 
 sigu'china. I spill s. th. belonging 
 to him, or for him, nin dgweli- 
 iSpill, (in s. in.) S. Pour out. 
 Spilt; it is spilt, .sigwebinigade. 
 iS'pin; I spin, nind assahdbike, nin 
 mshkatiige, nin bimativie. It spins, 
 bimaUigemugad, gashlcateigema- 
 Spine, tatagngwnn. — *S'. Backbone. 
 *S'pinning, gashkatiigeivin, bimaUige- 
 win, aanababikewin. 
 ' iypinning-wheel, bimatcigan, gash- 
 i^pirit, manito. I am a spirit, nin 
 niauitoiv. I am considered a spirit, 
 nin manitincis. Quality or charac- 
 ter of spirit, manitowiwin. Un- 
 clean spirit, wanisid manito. Evil 
 spirit, matchi manito. 
 /Spit, abwdnak, 
 Spit; I spit him. (her, it,) nind mia- 
 kdkwawu; nind vnakdkwaan. 
 Spil ; I spit, 7iin sik, nin aikwadjige. 
 I spit it, ninsikiodddn. I spit upon 
 him, nin sikwana. 1 spit in his face, 
 nin sikivaningwingwiwu. 
 *S'pit-box, sikowini-makak, sikwadji- 
 S\>\Xe ; in spite of..., jdgodj, kitwin, 
 S\)\i out; i spit him (her, it) out, nin 
 sngii/Jisikwana ; nin sdgidjisik- 
 Spitter, sehoadjiged. 
 /^'pitting, sihowin, sikwadjigewin. 
 A'pittle, iikiiu'agan. The spittle i;^ 
 running from my mouth, nin sika- 
 Spit water ; I spit water, nin sis^ 
 ivandjige. I spit water on him, nin 
 siawama. I spit water in his face, 
 nin siswajningivena. 
 -k-^pleen, wiis. 
 -iS'plendid; it is splendid, sasega, sa&e- 
 -iS'plendid coat, sas6ga-babisikawagan. 
 Splendid man, suxega-inini. 
 >5',>lendid. AS'plendidly, (in s. in.) S. 
 Glorious. Gloriously. 
 ;6'plendor. (brilliancy,) wa*ma*w*/<, 
 wasseniwin. — iS. Glory. 
 AS'plinter, in the hand or foot, gigntig- 
 tvnn. I draw out a splinter, nm 
 gigdtigtve. I draw him a splinter 
 out.wt« gidadtigwaica. 
 iS'plinter, (in s. in.) S. Thrust in. 
 ^S'plit, in the skin, gipisiwin, gagipi- 
 xS'plit ; I split wood, nin tdshh'gaige. 
 I split it, {in.^ an.) nin tdshl'igan ; 
 nin tdnhkignwa. 1 split wood into 
 fine small pieces, nin lAssigaisse 
 I split it into small pieces, (wood 
 in., an.) ninhissi<jaan ; ninhissi- 
 gawa. I split it with the teeth, (zVt., 
 an. ) niw tdshkamldn ; nin tanhka- 
 ^yplit ; it splits, tashhigisse, tashhiha- 
 magad. It splits, (rock, metal,) 
 tashkahikisse. It splits in boiling;, 
 dudodemaijad. The road splits, di- 
 vides, bakenio mikanu. 
 i^plit; it is split, taslikiku, taahkigish- 
 ka. It is split, (rock, metal, in., 
 an. ) taskkahikad, tashkaJdkisi. 
 Split m the middle ; I split it, {in., 
 an.) nin tashhinan, niii, tashkaan ; 
 nin tashkina, iiin tashkawa. I split 
 it, cutting, {in., an.) nin tashkijan; 
 nin taehkijwa. I split it, sawing, 
 {in., an.) nin lashkibodon ; nin 
 <9plit-saw, taahkihodjigan. (Cross- 
 siiw, kishkibodjigan.) 
 Splitting- wedge, tanhkigaigan. 
 tS![Ait wood for fuel, bisdgnissan. 
 (S'poil ; I spoil, nin banadjiiwe, nin 
 banadjitchige, nin mijiiwe, nin 
 nishiwanudjiiwe, nin nishiwanad- 
 jitchige. I spoil him, (her, it.) nin 
 banacIHa, nin mijia, nin kopadjia, 
 nin nishiwiinadjia; nin banadjiton, 
 nin mijiton, nin kopudjiton, nin 
 nishi'oanadjiton. — I spoil a child, 
 nin tessinawa abinodji. — I spoil it, 
 handling U, too often, {in., an.) 
 nin nissitchibinan; nin nisnilchibi- 
 na, — It spoils, (liquid,) ajdgamis- 
 ^Jpoiled; 1 am (it is) spoiled, nin ba- 
 nadjitchigas , nin nishiwanadis ; 
 hanadjitcldgade, nishiwaimdad. It 
 is spoiled, abinsika,banadud,niahi- 
 A^pokcn of ; I am (it is) spook en of, 
 nin ivawindjigas, nin dajindjigas ; 
 wawindjigadc, dajindjig^ide. I am 
 (it is) spoken ill of, nin dajindji- 
 gas, nin niatc/ii dajindjigas', dajm- 
 djigade, mdtchi dajindjigxde. 
 >5ponsor at baptism, habdihucin, os- 
 sikawin; iniindikawin, ogikawtn. I 
 am sponsor, nin takonawass. I am 
 his sponsor, nin takonu sigaanda- 
 sod, or, 7iin gi-takonu gi-eigaanda- 
 /Spontaneously, biniiiika. It comes 
 ( produces) spuntaneously, biniuhi- 
 iS'poon, itnikwan. A spoonful, ningvt- 
 »S'poon-bili, (bird,) jide. 
 »S'portsiiian, ginmed, neta-givased. 
 6'pot, kitngisi'ven. 
 A'pot ; I spot him, ( her, it,) nin Icita- 
 gia; nin kitagitan. 
 xS'potted ; I am (it is) snotted, nin 
 kitagis ; kitaginlniugad, babigwetO' 
 ^'pread out ; I spread out, nin te«si- 
 nige, nin dajweginige. I sp. it out, 
 {in., an.) nin iessinan, nin tessigi- 
 nan, mn dajweginan ; nin tessina, 
 nm tessigina, nin dajwegina. I sp. 
 it out on the ground or lioor, {in., 
 an. ) nin dajweyisaitim ; nin dajwe- 
 gishima, 1 sp. it out, hanging it 
 up, {in., an.) nin dajwegagudon; 
 tiin dajwegagona, 
 /Spread out;' it is spread out, {in., 
 an. )_ tessinigade, dajweginigade ; 
 te.ssinigaso, dnjwegini'oaso. 
 -Spread out, (strew';) I spread out, 
 ninjinga/lenige. 1 sp. it out, (m. , 
 an.)n injin gade nan; ninjingadena . 
 1 .s[i. it out,'throwing, ninjingade- 
 webaan. It lies spread out, stre- 
 wed, {in., an.) jingadendn ; jinga- 
 dcshin. A little of s. th. is spread 
 on the bottom of a vessel, }inga- 
 iS'pring, sigwan, minokami. In spring, 
 sii^wang. Last spring, sigwanong. 
 ]N ext spring, paniina sigwang. The 
 spring belore last , awdss-eigwa- 
 7ion!r.—l spend the spring in a cer- 
 tain place, 7iin sigwaninh. I_8pend 
 the spring with him, nin widjieig- 
 /Spring (fountain,) mokidjiwanibig, 
 /Sp'ing. S. Leap. 
 /Spring-water, rnokidjiwano-nibi, ta- 
 /Spri"nklc ; I sprinkle water, ww sas- 
 webigandaige, ninaaxtvtbiganJjigt. 
 1 enrinkle him, (her, it,) ttin ttng- 
 wehujandawa ; vin samuhitjandan. 
 Ayprinkliiiir, saawehitjandljvjeuin . 
 <Sprinking-pc)t and i)ruA\,m»wthi(!av- 
 tfjtijan, iitHwehiganduiqan, siqund- 
 Aprout, mimil: 
 /Sprout ; it sprouts, {in., an.) garian- 
 u4mai7ad, iv(ibuiivitnn(j ; fnirfiinni, 
 tfuhidwi. The potato sprou'ls, ad- 
 ganwi opin. 
 Ayprout, (in s. in.) i>. Germinato. 
 iypruce, ifiindndag ; jmgoh ; [('. sa- 
 Spn\ce-heer , J hu/ohaho. 
 Spunf^e, inkaihan. I dry water up 
 with a spunge, nind Mdihi. 
 A'pur, pataHmodjikadjigan. 
 tS^y, nendairdttt). 
 jiypygiass, jihaidhandjigan. 1 look 
 through a spygljiss. ninjihainbuii- 
 diige. i look at him (htr, it) 
 tnrongh a s[),, nin jibaidbamu ; 
 w in jibu inban dan. 
 Spy out ; 1 spy out, nin nandawdto, 
 nin gimab. I st)y him out, nin gi- 
 mdbuma. 1 spy it out, nin gima- 
 baiidan, nin nandawdton. 
 Squall ; there is a squall of wind, 
 Htchi hidanimud, pahitiianiinad, 
 Squall ot' wind, missibi^isidossi; pi. — 
 Squander. S. Waste. 
 Squanderer. S. Spendthrift. 
 Square ; it is square, jashaweiama- 
 gad, kakalcdmaqad . It is square, 
 (stuff", in., an.) kakakigad ; kaka- 
 Square ; I square timber, nin tchigi- 
 gaige. 1 square it, {in., an.) nin 
 tchigigaan; nin tchigigawa. 
 Square tobacco, ejatshawcbagUid "«- 
 Squaring, tchigigaigcicin. 
 Squaring-axe, tchigigaigan. 
 Squat; 1 squnt,«*/t nimissah. 
 Squaw, ani^hmahehve. I am a squaw, 
 nind aimhinabekwew. 
 Squaw not belonging to the Grand 
 Medicine, sagimdkwe. 
 Squaw's play, p'auikawtwin. I am 
 playing the cqnnw's play, ninpnu- 
 nkaue. nin papdthikawt . 'I'he !»tick 
 used at that play, jnutUkaican, 
 } an^ilauavak. 
 Squeeze ; I s(]\ieeze, nin limibit/ini- 
 ge. 1 squeeze it. (in., an, ) utn bi- 
 inihigiiiaii\ nin Ji/mihii/ina. 
 Squeeze. S. Twist wiih a stick. 
 Sq\ieniriish ; 1 feel squeamish, nin 
 Squenmishiipss, mavjidcdtin. 
 Squint ; 1 squint. ] am squint-eyfd, 
 nind awufnah, nin bimadamab, ni,id 
 Sqninter. bemodawaljid, eivufsabid. 
 Squirrel, atchitumii. agwinoo^s, anhd- 
 vago. Black squirrel , mit:fanig. 
 Flying sqi irre\. jagiithkatidatve. 
 Still); i still) him. tiin bajihaica, nind 
 anoganitma, nt7i jihungawa . 
 Stabbed; 1 am St., nin bojibaigas, nin 
 r -xhW. 'pijikiwignmig, 
 bidtl, for a barrel, etc., makdkossag- 
 Stag, hmheu-e, omaMct. 
 A'tagger; 1 stagger, iiin hobinacse. 1 
 stagger in walking, nind aidjago- 
 neste, nin goshkwette, nin gahkoih- 
 iS'tag's hide, (.masTikonufgin. 
 /S'tag's \\orT\,<.mu^hktl^^v^'Man. 
 Stag's tail, cmasliht'V'ano, 
 <Stain, (in s. in.) S. Defile. 
 Stairs, staircase, akiiaridauagan. T 
 go up stairs, nind akvanduwe, inh- 
 fimin!! nind ija, itibpinunsagang 
 nind ija. I run up stairs, nind 
 Stake; I put at stake, nind atchige, 
 nind atdge. I put it at slake, («ra., 
 an.) nind utngen\ nind uidgcnan. 
 xS'talk of hidian'coin, mavdaminathk. 
 iS'talks of Indian corn standing in 
 the UeU\ , mafidaminudhkoki. 
 «S'tallion. nube-behfjig< ganji. 
 /Slammer: 1 st., nin gagibauagasktvi, 
 nin gaqibanagai-kudiigos. 
 *S\amp; 1 stamp, nin bvtnge. 1 stamp 
 it, («■«., an.) nin bi.tdgndan', nin 
 htdgana. 1 stamp or crush In- 
 dian corn. «*"» tugwdwag vianda- 
 minag. I stamp with the foot, 
 nin tangiMiiie. 
 iS'loiiiper,'8taiii|.iH, hi<i{ian> 
 6'tanch; I standi il, iiin yi^dton. 
 Slnnd; 1 staiul, fiin tiiliaw,7n/i ijuhatr. 
 I stand hure and there, ni/i uani- 
 haw, nin huhd-iiii»iw. I make hiin 
 (her, it) stiitid, nin vibuwin, mii 
 (labawia; niit iiihuwiti n, iiiii (jo- 
 hawiton. — 1 come and stand beloro 
 him, ni/i ii('iilii(jalicin'it(i.wa. I siand 
 firmly, stronjrly. wJ« sdiiiihjaJnuc, 
 nin m(iM-dwi(jahdW. 1 stand m 
 the first place, inn intami[i<ih(tw\ 
 in the last place, nimi inlihtctpa- 
 haw. I stand still, nin ikkjuIu, 
 nin JiHifnthka, nin niKjiijahan'. I 
 stand still m {liflerenl places to 
 hear what is said, nin nanandni-h- 
 kite(fahaw, nin haha-wiiKuidd^hh- 
 te(jahain. i stand with him, «''« 
 u'iiljiydhawitawa, nin daijoijahdni- 
 tawa. We stand close together. 
 nin sinfljiyabawimin, nin sinsiija- 
 hawimin. We stand around him 
 in a circle, nin giwitai/nhawitaica- 
 nan,nin ival-(i(/aht:>ritairanan. Wo 
 St. around hin\ in a semicircle, nin 
 wagunaqahawitawanan. We stand 
 in one fine, o..e after another, nin 
 nihineqahawiviin, or. nin nihidiya- 
 huiviniin. We stand round, nin 
 bimi,(Hif>aivimiii.~\l stanils high, 
 (an animal,) ishpiijahnwi. 
 /Standard, HHnmvahandjvjan. 
 ,S'tanding, nihawiwin. 
 >S'tand Uj), (erected;) it stands up, 
 (in., an.,) patnHdi, pdi'd-mdn; pa- 
 tnUs(),j!ufdkiMn. 1 make it stand 
 up in 8. Ih. or on s. th., {in.., an.) 
 nm patal-idon; nin jnUaHna. 
 »S'tand up, (in s. in.) S. Erect. 
 6\M,anun(j. Small ^[at, onamjons. 
 There are stars, ammgtika. 'I he 
 star is bright, shining, wasaena- 
 goMca anaiig. 
 ^Starch, mathhiwuU'higan . 
 <S'tarcli; I starch, »(m wti.shkwdtchtge. 
 I starch it, nin mishkawaton. _ 
 Marling, (bird,) asstyinak, nadjina- 
 iStarry; it is starry, anangoka. 
 iS'tar-shaped, anavgong ijinagwad. 
 «S'tarsh(H)t . otiniig jiaii(iii>liin. 
 Start; 1 Hiart.wm indJja. It starts, 
 mudjuinngud. 1 start in a canoe 
 or boat, nin nindji, tiiu hvs, I 
 start first, nin, nigdninh^'a, 
 Mi\l back. S. Surprised. 
 *S'tirtle,(in s. in.) 8. Frighten. 
 Mart up; I start up, (by surprise,) 
 nin ganhkiwue. 
 .Starve. *Star\ution.— S. Hunger. 
 Hungry. , 
 S arvp; 1 starve to have it, mnd on- 
 6'UiT\f. to death; 1 st. to d., mn gn- 
 loxndndam. Death from starva- 
 tion, (/(iivandnddtnowin. 
 Mateni'cnt, dthadjitnowin, dihudada- 
 rnowin. True statement, gwaia- 
 hddjimifiiin. 1 make a true state- 
 ment, nin gicaiakddjini. 
 A'tature, akottiiwin. 
 I May, ajtidanisiwin. 
 ' *S'tay; 1 stav, nind apidanis. I stay 
 in different i laces, nin bahd-ainda, 
 nin hahd-danin. 
 A'teadv; it is steady, ix'ingan. 
 6'ieal;' 1 steal, nin gimdd. I steal 
 him, (her, it,) nin gimddinan; nin 
 ginwdin. 1 steal it from him. nin 
 gimodima. I steal all his things 
 from hill), nin tchdgimadima. 
 Mealing, gimodvrin'. Habit of steal- 
 ing, gimdditlikhi'in. 1 am in a 
 habit of stealing, nin gimiidialih. 
 A-S'tcam-bath, madidiston. I take a 
 steam-bath, nin mtidddn. Steam- 
 bath stone, inadtmewubik. 
 Meamboat, ishkote-ndbihwan, (hre- 
 Meam-sawmill, ixhhii-tdshkibodp- 
 qan, ( tire-sawmill.) 
 *bteel, niavitiliunlik. 1 mnkeorman- 
 iifacture steel, nin manitMuahi- 
 xS'ieel-manufactoring, manitobiwabi- 
 ASteelinanufacturer, waniYod/twawA'^- 
 v'inini. . 
 >S'teel-pen, biwdbiko-tnigwan, cjtbiig- 
 Meelyard. S. Scale. 
 Meeple. S. Church-steeple. 
 A^ieer, nahe-pijikt. 
 Steer, I steer, ni/id oddke, nind ddik- 
 weam, nind adikwevje. 1 steer 
 for a certain point, nind tnd, nind 
 inikwiam. I steer it, nind odd- 
 ken. 1 steer it lor a certain point, 
 nind inikwenn. I help him in 
 steering, ni>ul odakeekawa. 
 /S'teering, oddkewwt. 
 A^eering-paddle, oduki-ahivi. 
 >yteersn)an, wcddkfd, udakewinini. 
 <ytej), takokiwin. 1 make short steps, 
 bebislio nin lakoki, or, bei>h(i nin 
 tatakdki. 1 make long steps, wa- 
 wdsna nin takoki, or, wdsna nin ta- 
 <9tep; I step, nin takoki. I step 
 asi^e, nind ihujahaiv. I step asidt;, 
 (out of tne roa(l,)/iwi bakajubuw. 
 I step aside to give him room to 
 pass by, nin, bakiijahawitaiva. I 
 step buck, nmd ajeijabaw. 1 step 
 back for him, nin ajiyabawitawa. 
 I step out of the trail in walking, 
 nin gotshkwetakuki, nin gotihkoshk- 
 Step-daughter; my, thy, his step- 
 daughter, nindojiinikwem, kiduji- 
 mikwem, <)d(>)imikiveman. 
 i^tep-father; my, thy, his step-father, 
 nimishome, kimiahome, omuili(/me- 
 ia 'I. 
 A^tep-mother; my, thy, his sten-moih- 
 er, ninwishe, (fiinosbe,) kinwishe, 
 *ytep-son; my, thy, his siep-son, 
 nindojim, kiddjim, odojiinan. 
 St.e\\c\\, matijiniuyodwin. 
 Siexw, (iddkun. 
 »!>'tevv; 1 tlew it, {in., an.) nin giho- 
 s(in; nin ijibdswa. 
 >6'ieward, mljiiiaive. I am a stew- 
 ard, nin mijinawew. 
 A'tewardship, iai}ina>rewiwin. 
 >S'tewing oven, (jibiisu/an, gioosigani- 
 <S'tew-kettle, stew-pot, gibodgan- 
 A'cick, miligons. Round stick, not 
 split, mixdtig. I chop round stick, 
 (^aot splitting them,) idn misdligo- 
 gni/mg. — Stirring-stick, aniigan, 
 Walk\ns;-stR'k, sakaon. 
 »yuck; I stick it tos. th.,(m., an.) 
 nind ngokiwttSMin; nind agdktwus- 
 sa. I stick (it sticks) to s. th., 
 nind agdke; agdgin. It sticks to 
 it by freezing, agnskwudin. It 
 sticks to the ground, ainvakami- 
 gii<nin.{agnkami(/iiitiin.) it sticks to 
 some wooden object, agwakvssin, 
 {aqokiiMin. ) 
 Suck in; I stick it in s, th., (in., an. ) 
 nin patakisfiidon, nin patakiilon; 
 nin patakinhima, nin patakina. 1 1 
 sticks in s. th., (in.,nn.) pntdkide, 
 patftkiss-in; putakiso, patakishin. 
 i stick it in with force, (m., an;)nin. 
 patnkiweMnan ;nin patakiwebina.. 1 1 
 sticks in my throat, nind nvk. It 
 sticks m me,ninpatakdkodjin,nin 
 A^ticky; I have sticky hands, nin 
 *S'tiff'; it is stilf, (stuff, in., an.) tchi- 
 batchigad; tchibnlch igisi. 
 AS'tiff arm, stiff leg, etc. S. Arm. 
 Leg, etc. 
 /ytifle ; I stifle him, nin gibwand- 
 fnnshkawa. I stifle myselt, nin 
 SiMe, (in s. in.) S. Strangle. 
 -iS'tiMed; I am stifled by smoke, wt« 
 SuW, bisdn, beka. I am still, nin 
 bisdnab, nin bisdnis, bisdn nind 
 aia, beka nind aia, nin bekadis. It 
 is still, binanabimagad. It is still, 
 (liquid,) hiaanagami. It is still, 
 (in a place,) bumnate. 
 A'till, but still, 7«i'«c/^t'A, dnawi, patch. 
 ^tilt, mitigogad. 1 walk on stilts, 
 7iin mitigagadekas. 
 /S'ting, (priclc;) I sting him, (her, it,) 
 nin pafakdwa, nin patehishkawa; 
 nin patnkaaji, nin patchishkan. 
 /^tinging fly, pingoah. Very small 
 stinging ?iy,ping( aliens. 
 xStink; I stink, nin manjinutgos. It 
 stinks, manjimagwad. Something 
 stinks to me, ni?i manjimandjige. 
 He (she, it) stinks to mc,ni7tmdn- 
 jimamu i nin manjimandan. It 
 1 «»l T 
 8tink<<whRn burnt, {in., an.)mun- 
 jimiite; manjimasno. 
 Stir, (not,) (mhatondiwin.—S. Stir 
 ■Stir, (in s. in.) S. Move. 
 Stir or mix; I stir, nind aniige, via 
 nissiige. I stir it, niiul anean, nin 
 nmiiin, nin waninaweuv, nind 
 Stirrup, nariaMchison, atchisidthi- 
 son himihaiijiiiiq, or tessahi/Kj. 
 Stir thn lire. 'S. Fire-poiter. 
 Stir up; I stir up people, nind om- 
 hdantKje. I stir him up, 7iind omhn- 
 soma' ni>ul dshia. We stir up one 
 anollier, nind nnihiisandimin. 
 ^iocVfish. jigwameg. 
 Stocking, (tjigan , misatigomin , 
 ahohoni'dass. I make stockings, I 
 knit, nin minatvjomidasaike, nind 
 Stolen object, giniodiwin. 
 <S'tomach,7/ij.t6'rtJ. The first stomach 
 of ruminating animals, hehitosfii; 
 the second stomach, ogidaginiod. 
 — A gargling noise is heard in my 
 stomach, nin madwegami ragiji. 
 >S'tone. S. Kernel. 
 jiytone, asain. iSmall little stone, as- 
 sinina, bisansidnins. There are 
 stones, asdnika. There are little 
 stones, assininaika, hisadasininaika. 
 On a stone, mitusain, ogidabik. 
 mitusainahik. There is stone upon 
 stone, ogidabikisain. It is made of 
 stone, or paved with stone, uaaini- 
 kade. There is a foundation made 
 of stone, aaainikande. A fiat 
 stone, teaaalik. Net-stone, a.vmaft. 
 — It looks like stone, aaaining iji- 
 nagivad. — I am stone, (petrified,) 
 nind asainiw. 
 *S'tone; 1 s one, nin bdbimwaaain. I 
 stone somebody, nin bimwassin- 
 aige. I stone him, nin bimwuasi- 
 naa. ' 
 /S'tone-building, assini-wdkaigan. . 
 Mone-pavement; there is a stone - 
 pavement, ussinikade, mitaaaina- 
 x9tone-<Siou Indian, Assinibwan, 
 iS'tone's throw far, eku-aibiwelKnind 
 Sloo\, apdlriwin, 
 il>'toop; I stoop, nin nawita, ninja- 
 gaahki. I make him stoop, ninja- 
 Mooped; I nm stooped down, nin 
 Mop/ tiika! 
 Moji, (in 8. in.^y. Hinder. 
 Mop, (close up;; I stop it, (in,, an.) 
 nin gihaiin, nin gibiton, nin gibdk' 
 wuan; nin gibkwa, nin gibnkwa.wa. 
 I stop 8. th. with my hands, nin 
 gibininditn. — 1 stop one of my 
 ears, mn gibituwagendia, nin gi- 
 biahehiuiilia. 1 stop my ears, nin 
 (fagibitdwttgeijdia, nin gagibiahe- 
 linidia. 1 stop one of his ears, nin 
 gibitawagewa, nin gibiahtbina. I 
 slop his ears, nin gngibitawagiwa , 
 nin gagibiahefrina. 
 Mop, (dwell;) 1 stop, nin da. Where 
 1 stop or dwell, cndaiUv. Where 
 he slops, end ad. 
 Mop, (stand still;) I stop, nin nogi, 
 nin nogigabow, nin nagaahka, nin 
 nngata. \ stop running, nin nogi- 
 bah). h sWpi^, ndgialikttmagad, na- 
 gaahkamagad, ?iogiaae. 1 s'op him, 
 (her, it,) nin nogina, nin nogiahka- 
 wa; ninnogilon, nin nagiahkan. — I 
 stop, nin biadnub. It stops, biaa- 
 ■Stopped; I am stopped by a river, 
 nind adagdniugiakin sibi. — One of 
 my ears is stopped, ni/i gibitawuge. 
 My ears are stopped, nin gagibi- 
 Mopper. gibaigan. I put a stopper in, 
 7iin gilmige. 
 Storch. Juaiiagi. 
 More, atawewiganig. 
 iS'tore-house, uiaaaowigamig, md- 
 Morekeeper, storer, utawewinini. _ 
 .S'tore up; 1 store up, nin mdwandji- 
 tdaa.nind utdaa. I store up for me, 
 nind atamaa, nind atamadis. 1 
 store it up, {in., an.) nind atdaaon; 
 nind atdaaonan. I store it up for 
 me, {in., an.) nind atamdson, nind 
 ,1 *.'.;. 
 otamddifion ; nind atamasonan, 
 niiid aturnailifonan. 
 .Vtore u|), iS'iorod up, (in 8. in.) S. 
 Oalhf^r. Gathered. 
 SUny, in a house; there is a story, 
 dVtory, niirriuion, dihadjitnftivin, la- 
 humndj imnii'in, }>iiladjimowiv . Im- 
 pure imlocent story, hiihiijuxtda- 
 djimnwin. 1 toll 4^1 inifiurH story, 
 nin buhi<fi"»dadjt>n. — <S'. Fable. 
 <Stoiit; I aiii stout, tiin noNyadis, nin 
 aoH(fu, nin mntihhawis. 
 aS'iovc. kijahikuiyan. 
 <}»'traight, (/nhtiiik. 
 ^Straighten; I st., nin, ^fWuidlotcliiiH', 
 I St. myself, (staiid up. )ntn gwaid- 
 kcta.nin tijwakota, iria (jwaidkog- 
 ahnw, iii/itajwukiKjaliaw. ibtraij^ht- 
 en it, tii/i, tjwaiakolun, iii/i lajwa- 
 A'traifihtened; it is str., gwaiakotcM- 
 iSt'rain; \s\.r^\n,n\njuh<igawitchvje. I 
 strain it. hinjahogawitun, nin jab- 
 iStramer, jabogawitchigan, jahwuji- 
 ^Strait, a. Harrow. 
 (Straiten; I straiten it, {in., an.) nind 
 agasundeton, nin wibonan; nind 
 ugageadea, ninwibona. 
 <i'tra-iened; it \B6ir ..,{in., an.) wibwa\ 
 »S'traits; tliere are straits between 
 two lakes, wabPiama. 
 iStrange! g iwengish,! aaldnangwanal 
 .Strange; I make it in a strange man- 
 ner, wi^ mai(igil<rn. 1 put it in a 
 strange manner, nin maingissitcn. 
 I find stranL'fi what I hear, nin 
 mnidgitan. 1 find strange what he 
 is saying, nin maidgitawa. 
 .Strange, (in s. in.) Changed. 
 iStranger, (arriver, visitor.) kWJe. 
 (Stranger, (foreigner.) ninagi^id. \ 
 am a stranger, 7iin maiagis, nin 
 Strangle; J strangle him with my 
 hands, vin gihinewena. 
 Strangle, (in s. in.) S. Hang. 
 Strantrled; 1 am str. with a cord, ntn 
 St'r!i|). S. Oar strap. Portnpestmp. 
 Strap; I strap it, nin kai'katkili6tidon. 
 Straw, /aku'tjiganai^/ik. 
 Straw-l)ed, siraw-iialle', manhhotti- 
 wiapmhiinon, mnnhkomiwi-nild* 
 gun. _ 
 Strawberry, idctmtn. 
 St raw -hat, mut'likofn-uiwiikiran. 
 Stream, nihi. — S. Down the stream. 
 Up the stream. 
 Strength, mrnhkawinwin, isnbttdi.si- 
 win. Strength of mind, thought, 
 re f o ! u t i o 1 1 , maMa wend a inowin . — 
 /S'ireiigiii ot heart, mat/ikawidec- 
 irin, songideewin. 
 Strengthen; I strengthen him, (her, 
 it,) nin wngitia, nin nms/ikamsia; 
 nin nongiton, fan inaahkawiton. 
 Strengthen, (in s. in.) S. Fortify. 
 Strengthened, it is str., songitchi- 
 Stretch; T stretch it, {in., an.) nin 
 papastinbiginan; n!n jiapasf^nbigi' 
 na. — 1 stretch mvself, ninjihi. 
 Stretch, (in s. in.) S. Extend. 
 Stretch oitt;l stretch it out, (in., an.) 
 nin dojivthikinan; nin dajxocbikina. 
 I stretcV. it out in every direction, 
 {in., an.) nin ji^hihigihidun; nin 
 ji.thdii(j ihina. 
 Strew; 1 strew, nin Jiiwiwebinige. I 
 strew it, {in., an.) nin biwiwebi' 
 nan\ nin hiwiwebina. 
 A^trew. Strewed, (m s. in.) S. ^Spread 
 ^Strewed; it is strewed, (w., an.) 
 bimweldnigade; hiwiwtbinigaso. 
 Mii;:t,(in s. in.) S. Severe. 
 Mrife. jS. Quarrel, 
 Stril<e ; I strike, nin imkiUige. I 
 strike him, (her.it,) nin ■pakite.wa, 
 {nin wetvepiitawa;) ninpakiUan. I 
 strike myself, nin pakiteodis. I 
 strike some object belonging to 
 him, nin pakilei.ma. — I strike him 
 , in the face, nin bassingwewa. I 
 St.. him on the mouth, nin bassi- 
 diinewa. I St. him on the bare skin, 
 nin pagaskuji'wa. I st. him too 
 much, 'nin Idkwaganama. I cause 
 him much sufTeringf by strikin!* 
 him , nin touHUjjnganuma . — 1 
 strike it, putting it un ». th., {in., 
 an.) nind anhuttvjiinunilnn; nind 
 uihotiKjannma. — It strikes (toiioli- 
 es) s.th., {in., an.) bitukossm; 
 bitdh nhtn. 
 Strike acculentally; I strike him 
 (her, it)tiy accident, nin pituga- 
 noma, nin /■itagannndaii. 
 Strike out. S. Ul'iH out. 
 Striker, I'eHfeiijid. 
 Striking, pnkitntjewin. 
 String, »a(jihitlji(jan, himinahDanens, 
 takohidjisnn. Narrow string of 
 leather, /^!'A//rt(/«naft. 
 Strip, nnilress; I strip, nin ginlc- 
 wanaiii. uiii ^litilivtuiuithinidis. — 
 I strip him. nm gisikiianaitbina. 
 Stripping, (ji.Uku'anaiciiiii, 
 Strive; 1 strive, inn Wikwatchtto, nin 
 Strong; 1 am strong, «)« mashkaivis, 
 nin sangailiif, nin. suhadis, nin sen- 
 gis, nin kijijawia. It is strong, 
 songan, vianhkawisimagud, rnu- 
 shhau'isi'in, kijijaivnd, songisi. 1 
 make him (her, it) strong, v'>i 
 songiaia, nin inaMawiiia, iiin ki- 
 jijawida'., nin. aongitoii, niii ma- 
 Sfdawitdii, nin kijijawitcn. 1 make 
 it strong, stiff, nik maskknwaton.- 
 I am (it is) strong, (considered 
 strong, ) ;/«/i songenila/^t/s, ninma- 
 $hkawend(i(jiis; songcnthtgwad, ma- 
 shhuvendiujwad. l' look (it looks) 
 strong, jiin songinagcs, nin ma- 
 shkawinagiis; si/nginugwad, ma- 
 thkawtnaywad. 1 have strong 
 bones, nni kijijawigane, nin sabi- 
 gane, I 'hink he (she, it) is strong, 
 nin sonyeninia; nin songindan. — 
 It is strong, (liquid,) mashknwd- 
 gami. I make it strong, nin ma- 
 thkwagamiton. It is strong, hard, 
 (metal, in., an.) mashkawnhikad] 
 mashkc'uvahikiiii. It is strong, hard, 
 Strowg, (in s. in.) S. Thick. 
 .Strongly, ncngun. enigok, cq.iMii, ki- 
 jija, ei'ikhing, kagitin, onina, wa- 
 iS^niRgle; I struggle, nin mimigo- 
 iStrumpet, gagibadjiknce, hiihigwa 
 A'lnhborn; I am st., nin manhkawin- 
 dibe, {my head is hard.) I have a 
 stubborn heart, nin ma»hkau':dee. 
 5't u bbor n I y , a wdndj inb . 
 AS'tuhbornncss, maMawindibifcin, 
 Stuff; one object, of •tuff, bejigiven. 
 Two, three, four objects, etc., nij- 
 urrf, nifsu'i-g, viwg, etc. So n\any 
 objects of stuff, aaxniivg. In the 
 muUlle of some stntV, nan-eg. 
 StutT;Istnff nin iiindnshkice. I stuff' 
 it, (»■/?,., an.) nin pindakhkwadau; 
 nia liindughhrnmi. 
 Stumble; I stii nble, ninbisosidesMn. 
 Stumbling, binntidefibiirin. 
 Stumbling-stone, bi»(isxdesh iw i n- 
 xS'tump. klM-itnakad. Little stump, 
 -S'lun; I stun him, nin giwashkwiga- 
 -S'tupid; I am tupid, nin gagibadis, 
 nin, kdpndis, nm kfipadendugas. It 
 is stupid, gtigif>adad, kojjudad. I 
 make him stupid, nin gugibadisia, 
 nin kopadinid, nin gmjibusoma. I 
 use him (her, it) in a stupid and 
 ill manner, nin kojjudjia; nin k6~ 
 xStupidity, gagibadisiwin, kdpadisi- 
 Siu]^\(\ person, gegibadisid, kwapa- 
 A^'turgeon, name. 
 .6'turgeon-bone. numiwigan. 
 <S1urgeon-Lake, namiwib. 
 <5>lu rgcon-River, namewihi-sibi. 
 xS'tyx-bridge, kokoknjopan. 
 AS'ubdue; I subdue him, (her, it,) 
 nin U'dngaU'iu; nin wanqav'iton. 
 A^ubject. Anbjection. — •). F nbly 
 submit. Humble subnussiL's. 
 AS\iblime; 1 am (it is) subli" ■ nin 
 kitihitwnwis, nin kitchitwawenda- 
 gi:s\ kitr.kitivawendagwad. 
 Subscribe. *S'. '-Vign. 
 *S'ucceed; I succeed, (follow,) nin 
 nahisKkage, nind avikeelikuge, nind 
 odalcenhkam, I succeed him, nin 
 nuMMawa, nind anikcuhkawa^ 
 nind (jdakeahhawa. 
 (Succession, nal/isfikagewin, anikfi- 
 shkagewin> — In quick succession, 
 soon one alter another, uawaiba, 
 <S'uck; I suck (milk), ninnon, nin 
 Moahike. ] suck too much, nin no- 
 v'shk. I give suck, nin nonawass, 
 i ":ive him suck, ^m«o«a. I cease 
 to give him suck, nind inhkwd- 
 .S'uck; I suck, I draw 8< th. in my 
 mouth, nin wikwam, nin wilnvan-^ 
 d^iye. 1 suctt him, (her, it), nin 
 Uhlrwama; nin wikwandan. 
 •Vuck, (doctoring;) I swck, nin nihiki, 
 I suck him, nin nildkuna. 
 •S'ueker, (Indian doctor,) nibikiwi- 
 -S'ueker, (fish,) namebin.—S. Carp. 
 •Vucking, nihikiwin. 
 «S'ucking-horn, wikioandjigan, 
 A!>'uck out; I suck out the sap, nin 
 eiwakwe. I suck it out, {in., an.) 
 nin siwakwadan; niti siwnkwana, 
 ,5'udden, (short, shortly,) kakdm. 
 »Sudden death, seaika-nihmvin, haka- 
 miucwin, kaiakamigiwin. 
 .Suddenly, _ sedka, yedka, tchesiku; 
 .Suffer; _ 1 suffer, nin kotagito, nind 
 animis, nin koiag>8, nin naneku- 
 dis. 1 suffer in thoughts, niti kUa- 
 gmdam, nind animcndam, nin na~ 
 nikadrndam. I suffer a longtime, 
 nin sddskendam. I have to suffer, 
 nin httagendagos, nind animendu- 
 ijofi. — 1 make li'm (her, it) suffer, 
 nin kntugia, nin ^otagima, nind 
 animisia, nind animia, nin nane- 
 kudjia'y nin kottiguon. nind animi- 
 ton, nin nanekadjitan. I make him 
 suffer much by g'rikinf him, nin 
 wissagiiganama. — I make myself 
 suffer, nin hdagiidis, nind animii- 
 dis. I make myself suffer by it or 
 tor it, ?mi nanikadji</n, ninnane- 
 kadjitan. — I suffer with him, nin 
 *S'uffer bitterly; I suffer b., ninwissa- 
 gendam. I maiie him (her, it) suf- 
 fer b., nin wissagendamia; nin 
 wissagendamiU/n. -^l sutler burn- 
 ing, rdn uiimagines, nin tvisnaga- 
 kis. I make hun suffer by burning 
 him, nin ivimagakinwa. 
 Sufligring, kotugitowin, animisiwin, 
 kvtayendam(jwin, kotagidwin, na- 
 nekadidwin. Bitter sutiering, wis- 
 sagcndamuwin. Sufienng from 
 burning, wismginedwin. Suffer- 
 ing received irom somebody, kola- 
 giigowin. — Long suffering, dhie- 
 keitdamowin. — It causes suffering, 
 kolagendagivad, hdagii wemagad. 
 «S'uffer. permit; 1 suffer it, nin gunu- 
 Suflio , suffices, diHsse, dihissi- 
 mug ad. 
 Suffic'iency, dehisiwin. 
 Sufficient; 1 am (it is) suf., nin de- 
 hiii8e\ dibistiemagad, A am (it is) 
 riOv suf., nin ftiMdesse, nin. nonde- 
 shin\ nondissemagud, nondessin. 
 Wo are in a sufficient number, nin 
 de-dashimin, It is suff'., in a suff. 
 number or quantity, </e-c?awwi. 
 xS'uffocate. S. Choke." Mifie. /S'trangle. 
 (Sugar, eiiitbdku'at. Brown sugar, *«'- 
 bwagani-sisibakwat. 1 make sugar, 
 nin sisihdkwatake, nind iskigami- 
 eige. — /S. Reduce by boiling. 
 (S'ugar-b'-sh, sugar-camp, dsilukiva- 
 tokar \iga7nimgan. 
 -6'ugar-c„,ie, dbwngun, 
 AS'ug_ar-making,_ suibakwatokewin, ie- 
 <S'u gar-making woman, inkigamid- 
 Sugar-water,{ maple-sap, ) eisibakwn- 
 /5'uicide, neesidisod, netodtviiaw. 
 Sulky; I am sulky, ninbabigodee. 
 Sulphur, of-nwi-makatc, 
 Sumnier, nihin. It is summer, nil/in, 
 nibinakamiqa. In summer, nibing, 
 nnbiiigin. The summer is far ad- 
 vanced, inkpinibin. After the 
 middle of the summer, giwenibin. 
 Last summer, nihinong. The 
 sumnier before last, awdss-niH- 
 li t 
 nonfjf. Next summer, pantma ni- 
 hin.j. It is a cool summer, talini- 
 hin. It is a warm cummer, lijate. 
 Summer; i summer somewhere, nin 
 nibinuh. It summers, nibinuhi- 
 magnd. I summer with him, I 
 spend the summer with iiim some 
 where, nin touljin-ihininhima. 
 Summering, (spenriini? the summer- 
 season,) nwiiiuhiwiii. 
 Summer-skin, summer-fur, nibini- 
 Summit, wanakowin. There is a 
 summit, wn>iakowiwan. It is the 
 summit of a mountain or hill, </a- 
 I'adina. I arrive at the summit of 
 a mountain or hill, nin gijamadji- 
 j^ummon. S. Ca'l. 
 Sun, (fisiss. The sun rises, mogufe 
 gisiss, niul-aaii, gisiss. The sun 
 comes out of the clouds, fagas- 
 sige qiniss. The sun shines, 
 wassetcusige or sagate gisiss. The 
 sun is brilliant, vnistesi gii^iss. The 
 sun is (C^\,mishvassifi€ giniss. The 
 sun has a circle, winihassige gi- 
 siss. The sun is darkened, tihii-a- 
 hamiriagosi gisiss. The sun sets, 
 pangisldmti gisiss. 
 Sun-burnt; I am s.. nin makatewis. 
 (S'urday. anamiigijigad, anwebiwini- 
 •S'u n -d i al , dihnigisisswan. 
 iS'updry, anotdu iriiagi. 
 Sunflower, bus itngan: m'ssitagnn. 
 Superabundant. S. Supernunierary. 
 Superficially, manvwj, ogidjina. 
 Superior, naganisid. niganisim. I am 
 a superior, nin, ninanis, I am con- 
 sidered surerioi-,ra/;i?(?V/an«((7«(70s. 
 I make him a superior, idn nigan- 
 Superior, (in s. in.) S. Chief. , 
 Superiority, niganisitvin, ogimaivi- 
 Supernatural wnrning or communi- 
 cation, tvindamagns'nvin. I receive 
 a sup. warn., fiin windamagc/wis, 
 Supernumerp.ry ; I am sup., ni>id a- 
 niwisse. It is sup., aniwitsema- 
 Superstitious person, anotch gego 
 *S'u p pe r , ondgiishi ■ wiesiniwin . 
 Supplant; 1 supplant him, make 
 him fall, nind aniwisJUawa, nin 
 hisogcwa, nin bidjigewa. 
 Support, (tare,) baminoewin, bamii- 
 diwin. Support of one's self, htr- 
 miidisowin, bamihidadismvin. 
 -6*0 pport, (care ;) I support, nm ba- 
 miiwe. 1 support him, (her, it,) 
 niiibumia; nin ^amiton,, I sup- 
 port myself, nin bcnniidis. nin ba- 
 «S'upport, (hoi ip ;H support him, 
 (hi?r, it,) nind ushidakwawa, nind 
 ashidukwuan. I supr)orthim with 
 my hands, nind asswana, nindass- 
 Support. /SVipported. — S. Prop. Prop- 
 nS'uppose ; 1 suppose, 7iind inendam. 
 I suppose to he him, nind aweni- 
 /5'upposing, kishpin. 
 Sk\ pposition, incndamotoin. 
 yiS'ure, to be sure, aningtcana, e na- 
 nge ka, ungwdmass. 
 Sure ; 1 am sure, nin pakakendam. 
 I am sure of it, nin pakakenddn. 
 I make it sure, nin tvaioiiigcton. 
 A^urely, ahidekamig. gwaink. 
 Shti ; the surf is beating on a shal- 
 low place in the lake, hdgioashka. 
 The surf beats against the shore 
 and returns, titihashka. 
 AAirface ; on the surface, ogidjaii, o- 
 gidjina ; ogtdakumig ; (under 
 ground, andmakamig.) 
 Surpass ; I surpass, 7ii«ri eniwiiwe ; 
 nin pakinnge, nind, enitnuMve. I 
 surpass him. (heat him,) nin pak- 
 inarva, nind aniiria, nind ani- 
 wiskkmca, nind enimia. I surpass 
 him in a canoe, nind enimdtca. I 
 surpass him running or walking, 
 ni7i.d e.nimishkawa. I sur. it, nind 
 ani/viton, nind aniwishkan. 
 /iS'urpass, (in s. in.) S. Overcome. 
 iijurprise; I surprise him, nin gosTv- 
 koa. I surprise him by my com- 
 ing, nin tchisstkawa. 
 iS'iurprised ; lam anrpriserl, nin gosh- 
 koka, nin niamak<i</endam. 1 am 
 snr ill thowghis, ni/h goefikwendam, 
 nin (joslikuiiaives, 
 M'rprise. A'lirpriscd. Ayurprising. — ^V. 
 Astoiiislimeiit. Aslonislied. As- 
 «S'iirroiin(l ; we surround him sitting, 
 nin(jii!4ta})itau'an'in, ; we surround 
 liini staiuling, nin giivild'jubanila- 
 wanan. Jt surroiilids me, nin <ji- 
 wUu.shkaijtnh. [fc 
 .Vurronnded ; lam (it is) sur,, nin 
 'S'u rve y, dihaahiwin. 
 iVurvey ; 1 survey, ni» dihaaH. 
 •yurveyor, geometer, dihaakiwinini. 
 A'urvive ; 1 survive, nin.d, Ifhl'/ranc, 
 (inhkone.) I survive the night, nin 
 wdbas. 1 don't survive the night, 
 nin nondi'idhns. \ survive; the win- 
 ter, nin irdhanin/i. 1 don't survive 
 the winter, nin nundiial/aaish. 
 iS'uapect ; I suspect, iiind andniinge. 
 1 suspect him,(iier, it,) in thoKijids, 
 nind anununinia; nind an<imen- 
 ddn. I suspect him (her, it) and 
 express it in words, nind anunii/na; 
 nind uniimindnn. 
 Sus()ect. (mistrust ;) I suspect, nin 
 mOnendani. 1 siis. him, i^iier, it,) 
 iiin nioneninia; niiiniunei'dan. 
 Mispenders, used l)y invn,daj<'iiawe- 
 hison ; used by squaws, unikamun. 
 f^uspicion, anu7ni/i(jeuin, andniindi- 
 win. I have susjiicion, nind. and- 
 minge. We have suspicion against 
 each other, nind andmindimin. 
 i^uspicious. S. Suspi ct. 
 Mistenance. S. Support, (rare.) 
 <Vwallow, {\y n\,) Jax/uiwan ibisfii. 
 iSVallow ; I swallow, nin gmidjige. 
 I swallow him, (her, it,) nin (jond, 
 nin negivania ; nin t/onilan, nin 
 nitfivandan, 1 swallow a little of 
 it to taste it, {in., an.) nin tjotan- 
 dan ; nin gdlania. 
 ^SVallowed ; it is svv.,(i/i., an.)gon- 
 djigade ; gondji'jaso, 
 *ywarap, wdbashkiki, mashhig. In 
 the middle of a swamp, nawath- 
 <S'wan, w'riWvi. Young swan, wdjii- 
 ins- A kind of small swan, man- 
 *S'.vanskin, (soft flannel,) waiigin 
 iS'wan's [lotato, wuhit'ij in. 
 <Vvv a n i , kiikosii iwnjagu a i. 
 AS'warthy ; 1 am swarthy, wi/t makate- 
 AbVathe ; I swathe him, nin titibitch- 
 (S'vvathe. H. Wrnp up. 
 A'wathed ; I am sw., nin litibitcM- 
 ^SVear ; I swear, nin mashkawigi-jwe. 
 I swear by his name, nin dugowi- 
 na. I swear by it, nin dughwin- 
 /Swearing, oath, maMan-i'jijicewin. 
 A.S''V('at. idiWdidwin. 
 ci eat ; I sweat, ninddbwcs. I sweat 
 working, nind ubirtda, I sweat 
 blood, nin imd'nidbircn.— My feet 
 are sweating, nind dhniyide. My 
 hands aro sw., mn dhn-enindji. 
 S\\cc\> ; 1 sweep, nin tck gutuigcnin 
 ti/iifi/iatuige. I sweep it, nin tclii- 
 gutaan, nin tchibhutaan. 
 Sweei ; it is sweet, (f/i., an,) wu/i- 
 kobad; wshki.bi.si. h is sweet, (li- 
 quid.) wislikuijugami. It is sweet, 
 (meat, in., an.) uixhhbiwagad ', 
 winhkiibiwagi.si. vtf/ikubiue. 
 Sweetcake, toushhbisid pakwijigan, 
 rcaM'obidJigasi.d p a k w ej ig an , 
 (sweat bread, swealened' bread.) 
 Sweet corn, n-ii</iki>bimin. 
 Sweetmeats. S. Confect. 
 Swell ; I swell up, nind ombaog. 
 Swelling, bdgi/</iunn. The swelling 
 ceases or abates, niivaan. My 
 swelling decreases, nin niwaog. 
 Swept; it is swept, tchigataigade, tvhi- 
 Swim ; I swim, nin himddaga. I can 
 swim, I swim well, mn nitdwada- 
 ga. I swim about, njn babdmada- 
 qa. I swim there, nind inddaga. 
 1 swim to the shore, nind agwd'ia- 
 da^a. I swim to the othor side of] 
 a river, etc., nind djuivddaya. 
 Swimmer, heinddiKjad. A good swim- 
 mer, netdH'udagad. 
 .S'windle. A'wiruUer. /S'wiiulling.— S. 
 Cheat. Cheater. Cheating. 
 Swine, h}f:nsh, koh^nhatj. 
 Swineherd, (lemnrein'mad Jcohofthan-. 
 Swing, irebisun, ivibisowin., wewiJiwan. 
 Swing ; I swing myseit, niii wcwebis. 
 I swing him. nin wewebina, 
 Swinging, wewebisowin. 
 Swinging-chair. S. Rocking-chair. 
 Swollen; lam swollen, niivhdijiHh, 
 nin, bodaslika. It is swollen, h'tuin- 
 sin. My belly is swollen, nin io- 
 A'woon, wanimikawiinn. 
 aS'wooii ; 1 swoon, laint, nin wanitni- 
 Icaw, nin, wanendamn, S. Faint. 
 xS'word, ajaweshk. Little sword or 
 dagger, ajaweshhrms. 
 iSynagogue, viawandiwiyamig, kihi- 
 dt'/tin. Little »>iinge, huboyidjp- 
 ^Syringe ; I syringe him, ninjjindaia- 
 wnna, nin tiyinamawa. 
 Table, adopowin. On the table, 
 ogidfndopoivin. Under the table, 
 Table-cloth, adopowinigin.^ 
 Tables of the Covenant, nij tcssalt- 
 Tabourer, tabrer teweigewinini. 
 Tack, Hujaigans. 
 Tack; tlie vessel tacks about, aja- 
 wiiussin nnhiJcivan. 
 Ta.i\, osf/w.—U has a long tail, gzn- 
 wanowe. It has a short tail, tak- 
 wanowe. It has a twisted or curl- 
 ed tail, titibanowe. It has a white 
 tail, wabanowe. 
 '/'ail of a bird, wanashkid. iailoi 
 a small bird, hinefhi-wtinishkid. 
 Tail of a large bird, binessi-wunash- 
 Tb\\ of a cow or ox, pijikiwano> 
 Tail of a fish, ojigwan. 
 Tailor, gathhigwdoiuwimm. 
 Take; I tate. nin mamige. I take 
 him, ( her, it,) nin mama-, nin ma- 
 mdn. I take it from him, vin ma, 
 mawa. I take more than I ought 
 nin nandageniin—l take before 
 another does, nin makandoshka- 
 mage. I take it before others do, 
 nin mukandoshkan. I take it be- 
 fore he does, nin makandoshkuwa, 
 nin rnakandoehkamawu. 
 Take; I take, nind oddpinige.^ I 
 take or accept him, (her, it,) nind 
 odnpina; nind odapuian. 1 take 
 it for me, nind odapinamadis.^ I 
 take it or accept it from him, nind 
 Take along; I take him (her,_ it) 
 along with rne, nind ani-gigi«ta; 
 nind ani-gigitin. 
 I Take away; I take him (her, h) 
 away, nin mama, nind mdL^ u, , 
 nind ilcfna; nin mamdn, nin mad- 
 jtdon, vind ihman. 
 Take by force. S. Rob. 
 Take care; I take care of him, (her, 
 it,) nin hamiu, nin ganaivinima; 
 nin bamitofi, nin (/anau'inddn. I 
 take care of myself, nin lamiidis, 
 nin gamtweniudis.A take too inucli 
 care of him, (I spoil h'\m,) nin 
 teesina, nin lessindtva. I take too 
 much care of myself, nin tied- 
 Take down; I take him (her, it) 
 dowH,«.e« ni.'sanditwaa, ninpina- 
 wu; nin nifsandawaton, nin pi- 
 naan. — I take a sail down, ninbi- 
 ndh/bidji(fe, nin hinahoniije. I 
 take the sail down, nin binakonan 
 Take, drawing or hauling; I take it, 
 drawing it to me, (in., an.) nind 
 oddpibinan, 7iind vdapibidon; nind 
 Take from; I take from the fire, 
 ■ indagivdfihingi'. I take from the 
 lire what 1 nave cooked, nind 
 aqwdisekwe. 1 take it from the f., 
 {m., an.) nind agwdshiton; nind 
 ugwdshima. — Take s. th. from 
 somebody. S. Rob. 
 Take in; I take him (her. it) in, nin 
 pindiyana; nin jjindigadon. I take 
 nim in my house, nin j'indiyuna 
 T&ke ofT; I take it off, {in., an.) nin 
 gaMaan, nin gashlcdwa. J take it 
 off (or away) from \mx\,nind ango 
 tamawa. 1 take off my hat, nin 
 qitchiwuhvane. — 7ake off clothes. 
 'S. Strip. 
 Takeout; I take him (her, it) out, 
 ninsdgtdina; nin sdginiton. — I take 
 it out of a canoe, etc., {in., an.) 
 ntn agwasdton] nind aqivdghima. 
 I take a. th. out of lii.s hand, 
 briskly, nin gid isJcinindJibina . I 
 take it, not br\sk\y,7iin gidiiH- 
 nindjina,ningidiinindjina. 1 take 
 out of a kettle or pot s. th. to eat, 
 nind agwdp. 
 Tike op; I take up on a thing, Jiin 
 ndbiddige. 1 take them up on a 
 string, (?'«., an.) nin nnhidoanan; 
 nin naUdoag. Needle used in tak- 
 ing up on a string s. th., nnhMoi- 
 gan. — I take up with a hook, nind 
 adjigwadjige. 1 take him ( her, it) 
 up wiih a 'hook, nind adjigwana; 
 nind adjigwadun. 
 Take up, (in s. in.) S. Seize. 
 Take without permission; 1 take 
 without p., nin ivawejikama. I 
 take him (her, it) without p., nin 
 wawejikamanan ; nin wawejika- 
 Take without permission, (in s. in.) 
 S. Steal. 
 Taken, (accepted;) I am (it is) tak- 
 en, nind (idd-pinigas; oddpinigude. 
 Taken away; it is "taken away, {in., 
 an.) mainignde, ikonigade; niamx- 
 gcso, ihouigaso. 
 Taken down"; it is taken down, uji- 
 gdchigade, bigi,hidjigade. 
 Taken in; 1 ani (it is) taken in, niu 
 pindiganigim; pindiganigade. 
 Taken out; i am (it is) taken out, 
 nin fagidinigas; sagidinigadt. It is 
 taken out of a canoe, etc., ugwas- 
 Taken, (in s. in.) S. Seized. 
 Tale, adinvkiin, dihddjimouin. De- 
 cent ta\e, hinddjimotvin. Indecent 
 tale, mnddjim(,nin. 
 Tale-teller, adii<oktivinini. 
 Tale-telling, adiaokewin. 
 Talk; I talk, nin gi-git, nin gdgigit, 
 nin dandnagidon, ningijwe. 
 Talkative; 1 am talkative, nindcsu- 
 midon, nind osaminotve. 
 Ta 1 kati ve ness, ommidonowin , osumi- 
 Tlilking, dundnagidotioicin, (jigito- 
 ivin. gdgigitowin.gijweu-in. :?aiking 
 in a certain manner, ijigijwewin. 
 Tall; I am tall, nin ginos, (I am 
 long.) lam so tall, of a certain 
 height, idnd akos. 
 Tallow, mafhkaicadji-bimide. 
 Tama rack, mnshkigwatig. 
 T'aniborine, tabnur'et, tabret, ewii- 
 gan, miiigwakik. . 
 Tame; i tiime him, (her, it,) nin 
 ivangawia; nin wungumton. I tame 
.^5!r-ji- -' • ^■•'•^^l '■ 
 it, (an animal or bird,) nind awa- 
 Icana, nind awakinan. 
 Tamed; it is tamed, ( in., an.) wan- 
 (fttuitckii/ade; u'an(favitcfii(iaso. 
 2amed animal, wuiangdivitchufaacd 
 awcsui, mindassiwaiiun, awakdn. I 
 keep a tamed animal, tiin waweki- 
 ii.an uwessi. 
 7amed bird, awakan. 
 Tan; 1 tan, I am tanning, nind as- 
 sike. 1 tan a skin, {in., an.) nind 
 assekadan; nind asaekand. 
 jTan-house, aesektivimmiif. 
 y'anned; it is tanned, {in., an,)asse- 
 kdde; utctkdso. 
 Tanner, atfekewinini. 
 Tanner's trade, taimery, assekewin. 
 Tantamoimt, tihishko. 
 7'ar, nahitwanipigiw. — S. Pitch. 
 Target of an archer, himudjicjan. I 
 am sliooling at a target, nin go- 
 7'arry; 1 tarry, wika nin degtvisJdn, 
 ghiivenj nind inhid. 
 Taste, ipoqosivin,. Good taste, mino- 
 jwgosiuin,. Bad taste, manjipogn- 
 siwin. — 1 lind a good taste, nin 
 minopidjige. I lind a good taste 
 in It, {in. ^ an.) nin minoj^'dan; nin 
 viinopwa. It has a good taste, (iV;., 
 an.) miiiopog-wad; minopogad. — I 
 find a bad taste, nin manji'/>idjige. 
 I find a bad taste in it, (in.., rtT!.) 
 ninnmnjyjidan; nin manjifwa, it 
 has a {)Si<.\ laste, {in., an.) man.ji- 
 pogwad] manjipogon. — I find the 
 proper taste, nin mopHjige. 1 
 find the proper taste of it, {in., an.) 
 nin mopidan ; nin niopwa. 1 k now 
 s. th. by the taste, nin nisdtapid- 
 jige. 1 know it by the taste, (?"»., 
 an.) nin nissitopidun; nin nisn- 
 topwa. I am accustomed to the 
 taste of it, {in., un.) nin nagddji- 
 fidan; ninna{/adjipwa. It lias an 
 excellent taste, {in., un.) ivingi- 
 f. wad \ wingipogosi. It has a 
 sweet taste, (in., an.) wiMohi- 
 jhigwad; 'Wishhibipogoai. It has a 
 bitter taste, {in., an.) ivissagipng- 
 icad ; WiKsugipogod. It has the taste 
 of an animal 'that was tired out 
 before killed. («'«., an.) pikikiwe- 
 paywad ; idkikiwepogosi. 
 Taste; I taste, nin gddjipidjige. I 
 taste it, try it by "the taste', (?«., | 
 an.) ningodjipidan; ningcdjipiva. 
 1 taste or eat a little of it, {m'.Mjk 
 un.) nin tangandan, nin gf-tanWw 
 dan; nin tangnma, nin gotania. 
 Taste ; it tastes, it tastes 'so..., (^'/j. 
 an.) ipogwad ; ipogmi. It tastes 
 salted . (^ in. , an.)jiwitagunipogirad; 
 jiiritngunipogoci. It '^ tastes raw, 
 {in.', an.) anhkipogn'ad ; athkip/go- 
 ii. 1 find it tastes r£<.v,it tastes 
 raw to me, (in., an.) nind ashkipi- 
 dan; nind nxkH/nva. 
 Tatters, uHagassiiman. 
 Tattler, wesdmidong, nenliiicanadji- 
 g/Jired. i am a tattler, nind of^d- 
 'inid(jn, nin nisliiu'anadjigijwr. 
 Tavern, siyinigewigamig, ashangi- 
 Tavern-keeper, siginigewinini, ash- 
 Tax-gatherer, maivahdjitchigcwin- 
 Tea, (in leaves,) anihish ; tea, (rea- 
 dy to drink,) anihiahabo. 
 Teach; I teach, nin kikinramage. I 
 teach him, nin kikin<,amav'a. I 
 teach myself. ninkikinoo?nadis.'We 
 teach each other, ninkikinoamadi. 
 Teacher. S. School-teacher. 
 Teaching, kikinoamtigewin, kikinoa- 
 magoivin, ktkinoamadiuin . 
 Tea-kettle, tea-pot, anihishaJio-aki- 
 h'ns.jii<hihakik, jifhihakikons. 
 Teal, (duck,) sagatdganinhib, wewi- 
 Tea-snoon, emikwanens, anibis/whu- 
 Tear, dbingivai. With tears, gigid- 
 hingwai. I shed a tear, nin pan- 
 gigaiuieihingwe. 1 shed tears, nin 
 maw. Tears come out of my eyes, 
 nin sasdgisihingwp. Tears come 
 out of my eyes by smoke, .sasagisi- 
 hingweiahas. — I laugh with tears in 
 my'eyes, nin gigisihingweliap. 
 Tear ; I tear, nin bigoUdjiiie. I tear 
 it, (in., an.) nin liqoUdm. nin 
 !■ -i! 
 ■; 'v 
 kiahkibidoH, niii hiyoshkan; nin hi- 
 gohina, nin hthkibiiia, iiin higosh- 
 kaiva. I cannot ttar it {in.,' an.) 
 nin hwawihidon ; nin hwawildna. — 
 1 tear his skin, nin Idtjwajiwa. — It 
 •ears, rends, Hslikiciisne. 
 ['ear or break ; 1 tear or break it, 
 iin., an.) nin pakiahkan, ninpaki- 
 oidon ; nin pakinhkawa, nin puki- 
 Mna, I tear a net, nin pukinati- 
 sahi. It tears ( breaks, ) pakishka- 
 maffud, hi(j<iM\ima<jHd. 
 Tear or break by rubbing ; I tear 
 (break) it, {in., an. ) nin pakihudon ; 
 ninjpakibona. It tears by rubbing, 
 (i?j., an.) pakibode ; pakihaso. 
 Tear to pieces ; I tear it to pieces, 
 [in., an.) nin nujoshkan, ninnuna- 
 ni(joshkan\ninni(j(i6kkwwa, nin na- 
 Tear with the teeth ; I tear it with 
 the teeth, {in., an.) nin higtvan- 
 dan, nin nandniyanddn ; wm big- 
 warna, nin nandniyama. 
 Tease ; I tease him, nin migoshkad- 
 Teli ; I tell, nin dibddji) i, 7iin win- 
 damage, nin dibddjiiiuitrge. 1 be- 
 gin to tell, nin mddadjim, ?iin mad- 
 jiiadjim. I tell him, nind ina, nin 
 dibadjimvtaiva, nin windamawa, 
 nin dibudodamawa. We tell each 
 other, niml idimin, nin windama- 
 iimin. — 1 tell it, nin udndmnagen, 
 nin dibudadan. 1 tell s, th. in a 
 certain manner, nind inadjim. I 
 tell s. th., of him in a cert, m., 
 nind inadjima. I tell s. th. of my- 
 self in a cert, m., nind inadjindis. 
 I begin to tell s. th. of him, nin 
 madjiiadjima. I tell of him s. th., 
 nin dajima, ni> dibadjima. I tell 
 s. th. good of him, (her, it,) nin 
 fninwadjiina\ nin minwadudan. I 
 tell s. th. bad of hiai, ( her, i^ .) nin 
 matchi dajima, nin manadjima ; 
 nin matchi dajlndan. 1 tell bad 
 things, bad reports, ninmanadjim. 
 I tell bad reports ai)out people, nin 
 manadjinu,iage. I am heard tell- 
 ing bad reports, I tell bad reports, 
 nin manadjinK.iUigos. I tell de- 
 cently, vin bincdjim. I tell inde- 
 cently, 7iin winadjim. 1 come to 
 tell s. th. painful, difficult, nin sa- 
 nagiikka, nin bi-t<anagiMa. I 
 tell difficult painful things, nin na- 
 nagilagos. 1 come to tell him pain- 
 ful ilwngB, ninbi-sanagibhkatoa. I 
 tell secretly, nin gimudadjim. I 
 tell him s. th. secretly, nin qimo- 
 dadjimUawa. 1 tell the truth, ntra 
 dibwe. 1 tell the truth of him, nin 
 dehima. I tell wonderful things, 
 queer stories, nin mamakdnitagos, 
 (lam heard with astonishment.) 
 I tell tales, 7iind adisoke. i tell s. 
 th. in dilferent places, nin baba- 
 madjim. I make ainistake in tell- 
 ing s. th., nin wan dd Jim. 
 Telescope, S. Spyglass. 
 Tempej. Temperament. S. Good 
 temper. HI temper. 
 Temperance, 7ninikwcesvwin. 
 Temperance-pledge, minikwessi-mas- 
 Tempera nt person, menikwessig. 
 Temple, anamieicigamig. 
 Temples ; I have temples, nin btba- 
 Tempt ; I tempt, nin gagwediheninge, 
 nin gagwedibt-ndjige, ninjobiige. I 
 tempt him, 7iin gagwedibenima, nin 
 gugwedjia, ninjvbia, nin gatchibia. 
 1 tempt it, ninjobltun. It tempts 
 me, 7nn johiifTo/i, ni^i galchddigon. 
 Temptation, gagwidibin'ingcwin, gaq- 
 ividibemljigewin, gagwcdibenind'i- 
 win, jiibiigewin. 
 Tempted ; I am tempted, 7iin gagtve- 
 dibcnimigo, nin gagwidibendagos. 
 Tempting object, Jobiig<jv;in. 
 Ten, mida»-8wi ; kwetc/i. We are 
 ten of us, nin midadatchimin. 
 There are ten in. objects, midd- 
 Ten, midasso..., in compositions, 
 which see in the First Part. 
 Tenacious. S. Viscous. 
 Tender, (not used to hardship;) I am 
 tender, iiifi nixhangadis, nin 7i.6kis. 
 — The meat ic tender, nvkiwagad 
 Tender, (in s. in.) S. Weak, (soft.) 
 Tenderly ; I bring him up tenderly, 
 softly, nin nislium/igia. 
 Ten each or to each", vu midamvi. 
 Ten every time, 7)ierrvidatuhing. 
 Te n t , ■paiJiUjiwaianegamiij. 
 7'entli ; tlie tenth, eht-midatcfdny. 
 ^iie tenth time, nudatching. 
 TfMihly y eh>-m.idatcldng. 
 Ten thousand, midaiching miduss- 
 Ten times, midntching. 
 2'en times every lime, memidatching. 
 Tepid ; it is tepid, a iitiie warm, i \\- 
 quid,) aba«hh>''f p. I make it te- 
 l)id, tnnd uL .Muhii^ «, nind a- 
 Tepid water, ehaKhhMteg nihi. 
 Terror. S. H«rro;. 
 7'esiimony to condemnation, ftaian^e- 
 win. 1 give le'-nmony to condem- 
 nation, nin hitaiige. 
 Thank ; I thank, nin migwetchiwii- 
 we, migwetch 7iind ikd, iti" mamoi- 
 awe. 1 thank hnn, via 7naiiioiaua- 
 ma, nin, migwdchiwia, migwetch 
 nind ma. \ thank in thoughts, 
 "nin migivetchitveninge. 1 thank 
 him in thoughts, nin migivetcheni- 
 ma, migwetch nindini'nima. 
 Thankful ; 1 am tha,ikf., I have 
 thankf. thoughts, nin tndmoiawen- 
 dam, nil! mdmaiawagendain.^ I am 
 thankf. to him, nin mdmuiaweni- 
 7na,nin mdmoiawagenima. 
 Thankfu Iness, mainoiawendamcwin, 
 vianidiawagendamow in. 
 Thanks ! I thatik you ! migwetch ! 
 ondjita ! wendjitu ! 
 Thanksgiving, migwetchiwiiwewin, 
 That, aw, awi, ow, iu>, iwi. 
 That, tchi, tchi wi-. 
 Thaw ; it thaws, ningikide. 
 ' Thaw-weather; it is thaw-weather, 
 nmgislcodemagad, nhawti. 7'he 
 thaw-weather comes during niy 
 voyage, nin niiu/iskos. 
 Theft, gim/idiwin. 
 Them, these, n/w; iniw. 
 Then, iwapi, 
 Thence, ima imdji. iwidi midji. 
 There, ima, wedi, iwidi, iwedi, iwfdi 
 nal ilciu ; wadi, wadiH, aji'oi. 
 7'herelore, mi ivendji— . 
 Thf^se here, mdmifi, ogo'W ; mamin, 
 7hey, tvinnn<a. 
 Thick; it is thick, (*'»., aw,) kipa^ 
 ,/d ; kipa<ii.ii. It is thick : Cloth- 
 ins, in., kipagigad ; clothing, an., 
 klpagigihi ; li(iuid, kipagagami, 
 Inumgwagami, or pa-sagwagami; 
 n)etal, in., kipagahiknd ; metal, an. , 
 kipa<iahikiHi; stufl', in., Mpagabi- 
 pad ; Htn tf, an,., ki/iaguhigihi; thread, 
 in., rnitihnhigad \ thread, an,, 
 Thu k ; 1 tnake it thick ; Liquid mn 
 kipanaqninitirn, nin hasnajfi^agami- 
 ton, ori nin pumgwagamtton ; me- 
 tal, in., nin kipanaldkiton; metal, 
 an., nin kipuguhikia. 1 make thick 
 s. th., ( *«., an. ) nin Upagitonvniu 
 Thickly, (near together,) hehenho. 
 'I'hickness; it is of a certain thick- 
 ness or hei;,ht, apilumagud. The 
 thickness of s. th., epitojf. j|#_ 
 Th\p.f, genuidiMid, gimndtmmm. \ 
 am a thief, nin gimodiM ; nm 
 gagdn^m/iiidji , nin waginindji. 
 Abode of thieves, gimndiwigamig. 
 Thievish; I am tluevish, roin ginw- 
 Thievish woman, girmidiwikwe. 
 Thievishness, gimiMithkiivin. 
 Thigh, ohwdma. My, thy, his thigh, 
 n'hwam, kihwurn. ohwam. — A part 
 of the thigh, tchinguiun. 
 Thigh-hone, tchingwunigan. 
 Thimble, gandaigwamowin. 
 Thin; it is thin,(i/i., an. ) Idhngd; hi- 
 bug id It is thin: A hoard, hil>agts- 
 sagiei; \iq\nd, jigaagami ; metal, 
 in., hihiigdhikad ; metal , an., hiba- 
 qnhlkid; stuH. zw. h'hugigrrd: stuff. 
 'an.,hibagigiti ; vvoiHi, iii.,hihigi- 
 gad; wdoi'l, an., hihagigiti. The 
 tluor is tliin, hiliugiumga. 
 Thm ; i make it thin, metal, in., nin 
 hihaodhikidi/n ; metal, (/n.. vinln- 
 I higdbikia. I make it thin by cutt- 
 inp it, {in., an. ) niii hihagikodmn ; 
 nin hihagikona. 
 Thine, hn. It is lhine,(i/t., an.) kin 
 kid aiim; kin kid aiaa. 
 Thing, ail Great thine, kitrhi ail. 
 LiUle thine, aiin8. Bad wicked 
 thing, aiiwish. 
 Thiiik ; I think, nind inendam. I 
 tliink lie is (it ia) in..., nin danin- 
 inia, nind indauinima; rdn, danin- 
 dan, nifid itulunenddn. 1 tiiink of 
 him, ( her, it, ) nind ininima; nind 
 inenddn. 1 think inyseit'..., nind 
 ininindis. 1 think little of him, 
 (her, it,)7iiiid agassvnima, nin Iw- 
 _ weninuu, ; nind agassenddu, nin he- 
 wendan, — I think it is so.., nin 
 wiiweiendam. 1 think right, nin 
 gwaiakwendani. L think wisely, 
 prudently, nin nibwakudrndn^n. 
 Think on; 1 think on him, (her, it,) 
 nin, mikwenima ;. tiin imkivendnn. 
 I think always on him, (her, it,) 
 nin hijiheninia. nin kijiheniina, nin 
 takivenima. ni'ffag nin mikwinima; 
 nin bijihendan, nin kijihendan, nin 
 f/^tuendan, mojag nin mikwnulan. 
 I tmtik firmly or strongly on him, 
 (her, it.) also, I think he (she, it) 
 is strong, nin songenima,nin maah- 
 Icaweniina ; nin songendan, nin 
 mashkawtndan. I think lirmly on 
 myself, or, I think myself strong, 
 ■nin mashkawenindis, ninsongenin- 
 dis. 1 think frequently on him, 
 (her, it,) 7iin mainikawinan, n.a- 
 ningim nin mikwenima ; nin ma- 
 mikawin, naningim nin mikwcn- 
 dan. I think only on him, (her, it,) 
 nin bejigocnima, nin hfjigwenlma ; 
 nin beiiijoendan, nin bfjigwvndan. 
 I think 'always on him (her, it) 
 when abroad, nin ivake-mamikwe- 
 nima ; nin wake-mamikendan. I 
 think always on home, ■«« ; wake- 
 Third; the third, eko-nisnng. The 
 third time, nisaing. 
 Thirdly, eko-nissing. 
 Thirst, nibdgwewin, gaskannbagwe- 
 win. Anient thirst," giakkaba'gu'e- 
 win.— I sutler thirst. S. Tirsty. 
 Thirsty ; 1 am thirsty, I thirst, vhi 
 nibdgirc, nin guskanaJingwr. I am 
 thirsty, dry, w/n. bevgwnnam. \ 
 thirst very much, 1 suffer thirst. 
 ninpakabagwe, nin ginhkabnguw. 1 
 thirst afters, th., nin gislikabag- 
 Thirteen, niidasswi aM ninewi. ashi 
 n ixswi. 
 Thirty, nissimidana. We are thirty 
 ()( us , nin nisdmid unnwemi n. 
 There are thirty in. objects, nud- 
 Thirty every time, thirty each or to 
 each. ncntuHimklana. 
 Thirty hundred, (3(H)(),) nissimidan- 
 (tk. We are 3000 of us, nin viasimi- 
 daniikcdmin. There are 3000 in. 
 objects, vinimxd anahvadon. 
 This, this here, this one, aw, ow, 
 mibam, icuaiv; ow. mandan. 
 Thistle, missanashk. 
 This way, onddshime, ondass inaka- 
 Thorn, mine.isaguwanj. 
 Thorn-fruit, mi'niss. 
 Thoroughly, wawinge. 
 Thoae, those there, igiw, agiwi ; 
 initp. aniw, aniwi. 
 Thou, kin, ki, kid, kiiaw. 
 Though, mis.sawa, missntvu gaie, ano. 
 Thought , inendamawin. At gry 
 thought, nit>hkddend<imoinn. 1 have 
 angry th., nin nishkadendam. I 
 have angry th. towards him, nin 
 nichkenima. We hi^ve angry th. 
 towards one mother, nin nishka- 
 denindimin. lair and good th., 
 mino inendamawin, onijishendn- 
 mnwin. 1 have fair and good th., 
 nind onijinhendam, nin mtno inen- 
 dam. Impure unchaste th., bishig- 
 J have impure 'tli., nin hishigwa- 
 dendam, nin biekigwadj- inendam, 
 nin gugibadendam! Proud th.,«ta- 
 minddendamowin, kitenimoudn. I 
 have proud th., nin niamindden- 
 dam, nin kif'Mtwawenindis, nin 
 kitenindia, nin kitenim. Right and 
 just th., gwaiakwendamawin. I 
 have right' and just th., nin gwai- 
 ahu<en4jam. RoRiiish th., mnniaii- 
 disMdcudaimwin. 1 iiave roguish 
 th., nin muifiaiuiex^adendarn. Sin- 
 ful evil 111., batd-inenJatnoiitn, 
 matchiinendamowin. I Imvc sin- 
 ful wicke.fl th., nlti hutd-inendnvi, 
 Km nuitilU inendam. Strong tli. 
 or resolution, nonoendamuwi/i, 
 mashkuwtndamowiti. I htive strong 
 th., uia munlihtwtndam, nin svn- 
 <iendu7H. 1 uu\kr. liiui havo strong 
 th. , nin mashkawendainia , nm 
 somievdamia. Stupid, loolish, ab- 
 sur'd, imprudent th., (jayihadeuda- 
 ■mnvin, ijaiiihadj-iiicndainouin. 1 
 have stupiii imprudent \\v.,niii <ja- 
 (/ihad^ndam, niit, (fagibudj-ine/ulain. 
 'Wise prudent th., nihwakadenda- 
 mowin, aiujiluweiid amowiii. J have 
 wise th", ni/i nibwakadendam, nut 
 nihwaka-ineiidam, nin, gugitaweii 
 dam. I make him have wise pru- 
 dent th., nin ijcujita'Wtndatnid. 
 Thought ; I am (it is) thought, des- 
 tined, nindinendaijoe; inenda(ni'ad. 
 lam (it is) thought to he in..., 
 nind indunendagos] indantngwad. 
 Thoughtless ; 1 am thoughtless, fri- 
 volous, nin hidnadU. 
 Thousand, midusuwak. We are a 
 thousand in number, nin midaas- 
 wakodmin. There are a thousand 
 in. objects, midamvakwadon. A 
 thousand each, metnidasswak. A 
 thousand times, miduiswak das- 
 Thnmh, milchttchtnindj. 
 Thunder, thunderbolt, animih, am- 
 mikiq. . ., 
 Thunder ; it thunders, ammikika, 
 anirmkiioan. It thunders with 
 great noise , odjanimakwaamog 
 (animikig) ; paMikwuamoq {ani- 
 mikig). It thunders low, iabassdk- 
 waamog {animikig). 
 Thunder-cloud, animikiwanakwad. _ 
 Thunder-sform; there is ath., kxMd 
 Thursday, niogijigad. 
 Thy, ki, kid. 
 Thysell, kin igo, kiiaw. 
 Thrash; 1 thrash, nind apagandaige, 
 ^n gitchiminaguige. I thrash it 
 oft'vvilh a sticli, nin haicnan. 
 Trasher, apagandatgnainini, « 
 Tlirashing, upagundaigeuiu, gitchi- 
 Tr&:i\nn^t\oor, apugandaigewigamig. 
 Thrashing woman. apagandai<iekwt . 
 Thread, atrnhdh. Small thin thread, 
 a»mh(ihiiig. I make thread, nind 
 asmhnhike. Thread lor sewing, 
 Thread; 1 thread a needle, nin nam- 
 doan jahf/nigan. 
 Threat", threatening, gagtvesegmdi- 
 Threaten; I threaten, nin gagwimp- 
 ive. 1 th. hun, nin gagwimjima. 
 Three, nisswi. We are three, nin 
 nimimin. There are three in. ob- 
 jects, nissinon. 
 Three, ninso..., in compositions, 
 which see in the First Part. 
 Three; he is three, three in one,m««i 
 Three davs ago, kitchi awasunnago. 
 Three every time, three each or to 
 each, neiiissu'i. 
 Three hundred every time, 300 each 
 or to each, neniwcak. 
 Three thousand, nisdng midasstcak, 
 Three times, nisdng. 
 Three times every time, three times 
 each or to each, nenissing. 
 Threshold, kashkikanokan. 
 Throat, gonddgan. A big throat, pik- 
 waqondagan. — My throat is dry, 
 nin hengwanam. My th. is large, 
 nin mangujondngan. My th. is 
 sore, nin gagidjigonewe. My th. is 
 swollen, nin hagigondagan.-l take 
 him by the throat, nin sagigonda- 
 ganena. I cut his throat, nin kiah- 
 \igwejwa. I cut my own throat, 
 nin kishkigwejnodis. My throat is 
 cut, nin kiihkigive. — It comes in 
 my th., nin pindjiganeive^hkagon. 
 Throne, kitcki-ogima-apahiwin, hi- 
 Throng; we throng, nin sindkodadi' 
 Through, jiftoii. 
 !?!!'! ;. 
 Thronffh,( through the menns ok..,) 
 Throw T throw, nind apariiMdqt, 
 nind nji/riyijitoe. i t.h. him (her, it) 
 somewhere;, nind apaginn, vind 
 apniritaii, nind apat/fffyn. I tli. niy- 
 afill somewhere, nind apaffis. 1 th. 
 it to him or for him, 7iind apaijita- 
 tva, nind apngitamawa. We throw 
 B, th. to each other, nind apaijitn- 
 dtmin. We throw ourselves to- 
 gether si)mpwliere, nirn! :ii.Hvi'U- 
 min. I th. inyselt lu some place, 
 nind apdidi^. — 1 throw it to such ii 
 distance, {in., an.) nin dibinan; 
 nin dehina. 
 Throw about; I throw about, nin 
 saswiwehinige, nin hiwiwehini<je. I 
 th. it about, {in., an.) nin mnve- 
 wehinan, ninhiwiwMnan; nin scm- 
 wiwehiiiu.nin himiwMna. 
 Throw aside; I throw aside, nind 
 ikowehiiiiffe, nin hakiwehinuje. I 
 th. him (her, it ) aside, nind iko- 
 wehma, iiindhalcewehina; nindiko- 
 wehinan, nin hnkewebinan. 
 Throw away; I throw away, nin we- 
 hmige. \ th. him (her, it) away, 
 ninwebina;nin ivihinan. I throw 
 away s. ^h. relating to him, nin 
 wehinamawa. 1 th. him (her, it) 
 away, pushing, nin gdndjwebina:, 
 nin gdndjiwehinan. 
 Throw down; I throw down, nin nia- 
 si/rch'nige, nind apagnsikage. I 
 throw Him down, nin welmhima, 
 nin nissiwehina, nind apaqasikawa, 
 nin pakiU(ishim(i,nin pakitiakofih- 
 ima. 1 th. him down, biting him, 
 nin gawama. I throw it down, nin 
 nissiivebinan, nin pahiteossidon. — 
 It throws me down, nin wehishi- 
 migon, nind apagasikagon, nin pa- 
 kiieoshi^nigon. — The w'aves throw 
 me down, nin gawiwehang. 
 Throw in; I throw him (her, it) in, 
 nin pindigewehina, nin pimljweTd- 
 na\ nin pintligfU'chinan, nin pindj- 
 wehinan. I tli. him (her it) in the 
 water, ninhnknldu ehina', nin hako- 
 hiwebinan. I throw myself in the 
 water, nin hakohiwebinidis. I th. 
 him (her, it) in a canoe, etc., nin 
 hnswehin/i', nin, hdnwi'hinan. 
 Throw off; he throws off iiis horns, 
 Throw out; I throw out. nin sngidji- 
 wehinirfe. I th. him (her, it) out, 
 nin siigidjiwebina, nin gitchiwebi- 
 na; 7iin mgidjiwchinnn, nin qitchi- 
 irr.hinon, nin mgidjiivebisMcan. I 
 throw him (her it) 'out of the ca- 
 noe, ashore, nind agwdwebina; 
 nind agnmivebinan. l' throw the 
 Witter out of a canoe or boat, nin 
 gwakwapige. A vessel to throw the 
 water out, gwakwapigan. 
 Throw stones; 1 throw a stone, nin 
 bimwaiisin. 1 throw stones, nin 
 habiniwamin. — S. I stone. 
 Throw upon; I throw it upon him, 
 nind. npngndjinsitnwa, nind apaga- 
 djinsiiatniiwa. I throw myself upon 
 him, 7nnd nskosikawa. 
 Throwing away, ivebinigewin. 
 Thrown; 1 am (it is)throvvn some- 
 where, nind apagilchigas ; apu- 
 Tlirowti about; it is th. about, {in., 
 an. )hitviwebinigude, Kumrihinigade; 
 biwiivebiniguso, mswehinigaso. 
 Thrown aside; I am (it is) thrown 
 aside, fiind ikowdnnii/as ; ikowc- 
 Thrown away. S. Rejected. 
 Thrown down; I am (it is) thrown 
 down, nin wibi^himigo, nin nissi- 
 icebinigns ; ni.ssiwcbinignde. 
 Thrown'in; I am (it is) thr. in, nin 
 pindjwfibiniga^; pindjioehinigude. ] 
 am ( it is) thrown in'a canoe, etc., 
 nin boswebinigas; bnsioebiniqade. 
 Thrown out; I 'ana (it is) tli. out., 
 nin sdgidjiwebinigas ; sdgidjiwe- 
 Thrush, (bird,) opitchi. 
 Thrust away; I thrust him (her, it) 
 away; nind ikogundiaa, nin gm- 
 wdwa: nind ikog'andinan, nin gon- 
 "hrust back; I thrust him (her, it) 
 back, nind ajegandina; nind aje- 
 Thrust in; I thrust it in, {in., an.) 
 ninr/nn^inan, vin pinaan,mnji- 
 gonan; nin ynndinn, nin /liimwa. 
 nia jeijimn. 1 tlirust it iii lor liiin 
 or to' liirii, nin piuaamawa, nin 
 qandinumawa. I thrust a splinlBr 
 111 niy liaiiil, nin jeifimiritljiiljin; iii 
 iriy toot, ninjei/o.siiledjin; uiulHnny 
 nail, ni/i, jiijufthkan'fidjin; m any 
 l)art ol my im\y , niiiji-gcmujivrd- 
 Thrust in. (in s. in.) S. Stick in. Put 
 in. Press down. 
 Thrust throuKh; 1 thrust it through, 
 [in.., an.) nin jahoounJinan, nin 
 jahwakamdiiu ; win juhixjandinii, 
 nin Jahdiu'iiuii. 
 Tick or tiko, i^'fit/a. 
 Ticklo; I tickle, nin gin,(unniwe- } 
 tickle him, nin (jinaijina, nin {it- 
 ncuivljinit. I tickle his ears, mn, 
 Tickliiig, (jiniujisiwin, yinagimwe- 
 Ticklish; I am th., nin yinagis, nin 
 Tide; it is the flowing tide, moshka- 
 garni nihi. It is the ebbing tide, 
 odattkimayud nihi. 
 Tidings. S. iNews. 
 Tie, tab>hini(jowin.. 
 Tie; I tie, nin takuhinige, mntako- 
 bidjige. 1 tie him. (her, it,) va« ta- 
 Icohina; nin takolulon. I tie it to 
 him or for him, nin takohidawa, 
 nintakohidamawa. 1 tie him (her, 
 it) in a certain manner, nind tnn- 
 pina; nin.-l innjndon. 1 tie a bovy, 
 ninhi>ikatid(,n, ninhiswaadon; mn 
 Uskauna. nn Unvadna. i tie_ it 
 with a knot, I tie it down, [in., 
 an.) 7iin yashkandon, nind apitno- 
 dm; nin gtiM-aona, nind apitaona. 
 I tie one string to another, to 
 lengthen it, 7iind anikolndon. I tie 
 it in ditl'ereiil places, {in., an.) nin 
 sas-iacHiidim; nin sai^sagifnna. 
 Tie tight; 1 tie tight, strongly, nin 
 maahkawapidjige. 1 tie him (her, 
 it) tiL'ht, ni n mashlcawainna; iiin 
 Tie together; 1 tie them together, 
 (an., in.) nin mdmawapinag',, mn 
 mimawapidnnan. I tie two, three, 
 etc. together, (im., in.) ninmjo- 
 hinag, nin ninxubinig; nin niJ6hi- 
 diinun, nin nionohidcnayi, etc. 1 tie 
 MO many together, {an., in.) nin 
 ddxnobindg; nin dansdbiJonan. 
 Tie up; I tie it up in s. th. (in., an.) 
 nin '-tvhkibid'in; nin ka.shkibina.— 
 1 tie up my head, nin dnsokwehis. 
 1 tie up hiM head, nin sinsokwebina. 
 Tie, (ill 9. in.; 8. Bind. 
 Tied; 1 am (it is) Med, nin takotnt, 
 nin takuhiigas, nin takobidjigas; 
 takubide, iaknhiigade, tahibtdjir- 
 yade;—\t is tied with a loop, {in., 
 an.) bimvande; hiswatiso. It is tied 
 with a knot, {in., an.) yaM-aiide\ 
 (lashkaono. 1 am (it ts)tied strong- 
 ly, nin ma»hkau'apis; 7nuM-awa- 
 pide. We are (they are) tied two, 
 three, etc., together, nin nijobiso- 
 min, nin niHsubisimin, etc.; nijo- 
 hidewan, vin.sobidewiin, etc. We 
 are (ihey are) tied so many to- 
 gether, nin diiffiobitiomin; das.id- 
 lidewan. 1 am (it is) tied up in s. 
 th., 7iin kanhkibin; kaxhkibide. Any 
 object tied U]) in s. th., kanhkibid- 
 Tieil. (in s. in.) S. Bound. 
 'I'ill, bininh, nuidnj, nunnnj. 
 Till: 1 till or cultivate the ground, 
 nin kitiye. 
 Tillage, h'tigerinn. 
 'i'lme; a certain length of time, no- 
 mug. All the time, apine, huji- 
 nil/. At the time, iwapi. At the 
 same time, baietnj, bekii<h. For a 
 time, yoma minik. From time to 
 Lime, 'aidpi, ndnivgvtini,ng, nan- 
 a»8uh. Some time, yomdpi. 
 Time; 1 have no time, ni/idondami- 
 ta, nind ondomis. 
 Time, lose time; I lose time by 
 drinking, «/«(i mdamibi. I make 
 people lose time by talking to 
 them, vind nndumitagc':. \ make 
 him lose time by talking to him. 
 nind ondamima. 
 Timid, (bashful;) I am timid, mnd 
 aguhhikhk, nind agatc/dwudin . 
 nind agotehiwis. 
 >; i 
 Timui, (easily frRhtenecl;) 1 am 
 timid, nin <ja(jtvet~liis, mn qo»hi- 
 U'efifik, tiin (joidnis, nin aotddjishk, 
 nil, Jdijiidee. 
 Timidity, hashfulness, a^atehhhli- 
 >cm, affatc/iiwaduiwiii, ayakhiuli- 
 Ti 'lidity, fear, gonhiwenhkiwiiiy jago- 
 deewin,, (jugweMdain. 
 Timorous. S. Timid. 
 Timothy. S. Grass-seed. 
 Tin, rvuhdhik. 
 Tinder, gngalagan. 
 Tingle; it lingies in my ears, nin, hi- 
 Tin-kettle, wdhaUk, wahubikwakik. 
 Tinkle. ^^ .Jini?le. 
 Tippler, meiuhweMid. 
 Tippling, miuikwiM-iwin. 
 "■I'ippling - liou.se. minikwiwigMnig, 
 Tipsy; I am'ti()sy. iiinjowibi. 
 Tiptoe; 1 stand on tiptoe, /i*Vt ^oAmi- 
 Tire; I tire niyself, nind uiehnditi. I 
 tire him, nind aiikiMU, nind aie- 
 kwiti, nind ahishkawa. I tire it, 
 nind aiihmton. It tires me, nind 
 uk^skkagon.— ] tire niyselC travel- 
 ing about, uin hahd-akos/ika. 
 Tired; 1 am tired, nind aitkos, nind 
 akiifikhis. I teel tired in my arms, 
 nind aiekonike; m my legs, nind 
 iiiekogade. I am tired of carrying, 
 nind aiikwiwi, nind iikkiwi; of ly- 
 ing down, nind it,hkiMn; of sitt- 
 ing, nind itikkwah. 1 am tired from 
 working hard, nind akwiwi, nin 
 pikikiwe, nin pikikiweta. 1 look 
 tired, nitid aiihmnagos. 
 Tired, disgusted; 1 am tired ofs. th., 
 nin jigadendam. I am tired of him, 
 (her, it,) ninjigadenima; ninjiga- 
 denddn. I am tired of telling the 
 same thing so often, ninjuiaduna- 
 qidon. I am tired of wailing for 
 him. nin jigadjdna. I am tired of 
 walking, ninjigadosse. I am tired 
 of writing, nin jigadjibiise. 
 Tiredness, aiikomcin. Tiredness, 
 (disgust, ) j Uiadendaimruiin. 
 Tithes, church-tithes, unumiepagi- 
 I dinigan. \ pay my tithes to the 
 I church and clergy', nind anamic- 
 ) pagvlinipe. 
 , Titil'lation. S. Tickling. 
 Title of condamnation, ondenindi- 
 j win. 
 I To, tcAi, tchiu'i-. 
 Toad, omakaki, hahigomakaki. A 
 kind of very hig toad. (ende. 
 Tohacco, ashima. I manufacture 
 tobacco, *.ind timmake. Roll of 
 tobacco, H'ijinawafisema. Thin to- 
 bacco is fre.sli, tipahagin nw as- 
 Btma. I have no tobacco to smoke, 
 nrn mnne/iwa. Want of tobacco, 
 Tobacco-bo.x , assevia-mnkak. 
 Tobacco-juice, apasmgokidjan. 
 Tobacco-manufactory,' aasemakewi- 
 Tobacco-manufacturer, assemakewi- 
 Tobacco- pouc h kiMibitugan. 
 To-day, nongnm, nonnnm gi^iaak. 
 Toe, Unakwatiitid. fhe b'ig toe, hi- 
 ichindan. I walk with my toes 
 turned inside, vin. irawngnami. I 
 walk with my toes turne(f outside, 
 nin nandpadaami, ninjajdahaga- 
 Together, mdmairi. 
 Toil; I toil; nin htagiw. 
 Tolerably, cniwck. 
 Toll. S. Ring the bell. 
 Toll-gatherer , maivandjitcldgewi- 
 Tbmahawk, wagakwadons. 
 Tb-morrow, w'abung. Tb-morrow 
 morning, uuibanir kigijeb. To- 
 morrow night, wubang onagothig. 
 Tbngs, iakwandjigiin. ^Small torigs, 
 ( pincers, ) takwdndjigans. 
 Tbngue, odenaniwama, denaniw. My 
 tongue is cut off, nin kuhkidena- 
 viw. I cut his tongue off, ninkishki- 
 denaniwejwn. My tongue is swol- 
 len, nin bdgidenaniw. I show my 
 tongue, ninjibidenaniwen. nin tOr- 
 gidenaniiven. I show him the 
 tongue, nin mgidenaniwetawa. 
 Tool, anokasowtn. 
iiilhi iiililMit , ■ 
 >--p*--«Wi«'^i«^»W«W*»**'*~H>*'**^ ■- -- 
 Too late, hnh'si -e, 
 rive too !; i 
 Too rniirh, ' 
 7'ooth, wihiili 
 nibitl, kik' 
 teeth, Tiy 
 forth, niu mquu 
 nihd 01' ihiila 
 O'iair wika. i ar- 
 Arti\ e. 
 fM .m nihiwa. 
 "I ^ thy, his tooth, 
 •rj)iii. 1 begin to have 
 tr<-' < iietjin to come 
 .. 1 have teeth, 
 I lose my teeth, 
 am getliiii,' other 
 i.iiilaiiide. I pull him 
 teeth, ;//// / 
 a tooth out, nin hakwahiUhina. 
 I draw it out with tlie teeth, nin 
 wile wand in. I try to draw it out 
 tor liiiii with the ii'.cAh.vinwiku'a- 
 tckurikwandamawa. I draw it ont 
 for him with the teeth, nin icl- 
 kwandumiiva. — I have bad teeth, 
 airi. manddahiile. 1 have good 
 teeth. Ilia iniiinu'dddf. 1 have even 
 fine teeth, nind oualiide. I have 
 line small teetli, nin hismhide. I 
 have larfje teeth, »in mamnnan- 
 bide. 1 have forl^ed teeth, 7iin nas- 
 sawahde, nin ni/njidewahidr. 1 
 have gapes or holes in the rows 
 of my teeth. 7iin tawal'ide, nin ta~ 
 tawiihide. I have loriir teeth, 
 nin ga<janwahide. T have rotten 
 teeth, nin, m"/isew(thidc 1 have 
 sharp teeth, nin i/innhide. It has 
 sharp teeth, (jinuhulemafjad. I have 
 white teeth, nin wahishkaJdde, nin 
 wawabishkahiJ e . — My teeth are 
 close together, nin txu/wahide. My 
 teeth are distant froiii each other, 
 ninpanhkahiAle. Its teeth are di- 
 stant from one another, pachhahi- 
 deiimoujad. My teeth are set on 
 edge, ninjoshowuhide. 
 Tooth; my bad tooth, nibiddsh. My 
 small tooth, nd/idenf. 
 Jboth-ache, dcwdlidiwin. I have 
 tooth -ache, nin dewdhide, nind 
 dkoiin nihid. 
 Toot-ache medicine, wibida ■ rna- 
 Jbool.^pick, toothpicker, nessigwa- 
 7'ooth -pincers, bakivdbidebid.Jifian. 
 Top. wanakuwin, There is a top, wa- 
 aakowiivan. The top of a mocca- 
 »\i% a(fmda(/an. 7'he top of thr 
 tree is hruken, kishkanakid mitig . 
 7'op, (boy's plaything,) ^/M'«i(/a». I 
 play with a top, nin towiiye. 
 7brch, naudUHKjan. 
 Torch -Lake, iVaimwaffan. At, from 
 or to Torch-Lake, Wusfwdijanin^/. 
 Torch-Lake, or Lake lloughtoii, 
 Wiisuwenun. At, from or to Lake 
 Honghtoti, Wu,^tiWeu<inin<j. 
 Torch-stick, ivumitHujunuk. 
 Torment; I torment, nni kotatjiiwi. 
 I torment him, nin kotu</iii, nin 
 hdiKjinui. \ tcrment myself, nin 
 kotaijiidis. It torments, kutdijiiwc 
 m'Kjad. It torments ine, nin kola- 
 7orn'; it is torn. ((?i., an.) biijDtikka- 
 inaijad. Idijubidjiijade, niijonhka- 
 maijad, ki^hkiliuljujade.! biO'ishka, 
 bi(fiSi<IJii/ano, nignnlikaiva, Icishki- 
 hidji(/(it<o. It is all torn to (jieces, 
 Hiuidn iijoslikaniui/ad, hLitiilii/Ji(iu~ 
 de. — I wear torn clothes, nin hiyj- 
 Tornado, misnbi.'ssidoin, 
 7'or|)id. H. Ucniimbed. 
 ybrtoise, mitthiky. Another kind, ti- 
 tehikmak.—'S. Turtle. 
 Tortoise's shell or shield, mishike>i'i' 
 Torture. S. Torment. 
 7'ossed; I am tossed about in a canoe 
 or vessel, nin kotiKjinehaog, 
 7'onch; I touch him, (her, itj nin 
 tdn(jina\ nin tamjinan. 1 touch 
 myself nin tdnpinidis, nin tdnqi- 
 namudig. 1 don't dare touch him, 
 (her, it,) or touch indecently, nin, 
 tnandtangina, nin manndina, nin. 
 manddjibinti ; nin mandtanginan, 
 nin manddimui, nin manddjibidon. 
 1 touch myself indecently, nin ma- 
 nddinidin. i touch him in a steal- 
 thy manner, nin gimiwina, ginuidj 
 nintdngina. I touch s.th. relating 
 to him, n'n tdnginamawa. We 
 touch one another, nin tunginidi- 
 niin. — [ make it touch s. th., nin 
 tdngianiton. — It touches the bot- 
 tom, bdgwiati i. 
 Tough; it is lough, (in.,an.') jiban; 
 !'J Hi. 
 ,nhi.ii. It J9 touc'li or <\urah\g,ji- 
 hixum. 'I'hfi wood is tougti, ma- 
 shkamlumxjad initiq. 
 Towel, hLsiit indjaija n . 
 Town, odina. J'r. is a town, or thoro 
 i.': ,'i town. ndenniDaii. A large town 
 or city, hitrhivdfjia. A small town 
 or villiii^e, (idenaicens. 
 Track. ( foot .step, ) olcawiirin. himiJ:a- 
 u-ewiii. There are tracks, Mmi- 
 kairade, oJi-minnnde. There are my 
 tracks, mn, Umikawe. My tracks 
 are "isihle on thf road, uittd oka>v. 
 The tracks ot both my feet appear. 
 nind ej'uudfl-awe. There are tracks 
 on the road or trail, dl-uwavio mi- 
 kana. I see the lr;icks on the road, 
 mnd okawUitii 'inlkaua. — I leave 
 hirge tracks heliind me walkin-, 
 nin manqmhkam, niii mnmHtim-- 
 ,shkam. I leave small tracks hehiiid 
 nie, ni/i hiin'M-ain, nin hnliiri- 
 shkam. I lose the track, nin wn~ 
 niia'/ji'/e.— I arrive to his track. 
 ■mn 7mj(Uvia. I see his track, niud 
 okuwui. — The track of the pen is 
 visible, it appears Wf-ll, (that is, 
 the ink is black,} okawindn ojihil- 
 Trade, anokiwin, inanokiivin. Lock- 
 smith's trade. Joiner's trade, etc. 
 S. Locksmith. Joiner, etc. 
 Trade, ( commerce, )/-^az<;t'm'n, ata.i- 
 dtivin . 
 7'rade; \ tritde, nind ntawe. I trade 
 with him. nind utiiwama, 
 grader, ain wiwin in i. 
 yVadesman. miokiwiuiui 
 Tradinir. (commerce, ! 
 ntiDid hriih. 
 7'rading-house, store, atawiwiiin- 
 Tradiniz-license, ufawe-ma.nnaiiinn. 
 dihaiJJrnirtvin. Christian Tra'di- 
 tion, anamiK-aianike-dibndjim<>- 
 win. {Aianike, or, anii,. , signi- 
 fie.s the same. ) 
 TrafTic. H. Trade. 
 7'rad, 'inikann. mikan. I make a 
 trail, nin mikanake. I make a 
 trail for him, nin mikanukawa. Tha 
 trail comes from..., ondamo tnika- 
 hix. /he trail ^roos to..., (>,«w*f. 
 mikana. The trail is narrow, 
 miiumdetnn mikana. T\w trail is 
 wide, vuingudcmo mikann.~\ lose 
 tlie trail, nin n'anundoii viikann — 
 1 can go everywhere without a 
 trail, nin nitdu-akuniiae. 
 {m\, (in s. in,j .s. A'oad. 
 Yrample r.ampled.-S. /'read in, 
 on. /rodden upun. 
 /laiiqniility, hitt&niiiuin. hfkddi{.i 
 win, hmnuhiain, hii,dniiwewin. 
 /'raniinillity of heart, tranquillam. 
 mity, wanakiwidccwin. 
 /'ranscribe; 1 transcribe, nind and- 
 Jtlnnje; I tr. it, nind andjihiun. 
 transcribe. S. Copy, 
 /^ta n sl r i pt , nndj hliyn n . 
 Tn\ n s fig u r a t i o n'. 6/ ndjinagwiidimwin . 
 /'ransligii'ration of Jesus Christ. Je- 
 cuti lid. undjin<i(f(i^ia>in. 
 riaiistipure; i 'traniiligure myself, 
 nind u ndjindijuiidin, nind andjina- 
 transform, I transform myselLnind 
 /'ransgress; I tr. a commandmei;*. 
 nin hi<j<,lidon iianasongeuiin, (I 
 break a commandment.) 
 /^ransgression. S. Sin. 
 /Vaii.«gressor. S. Sinner, 
 /ranslate ; I translate, (writing,') 
 nmd anikanotuhiige. i translate 
 it, (writing,) nind' anikanotahidn. 
 /ranslated; it is translated, (in wri- 
 tintr.'i anikaniiUiUuiadi. ]t is 
 translated, (orally, ) ' a^iikanotadji. 
 /translation, (written,) anikanota- 
 ^ lii(jan,anikav( taUiifewin. 
 /'ranslator. anikanvUiliicjcu'lnlm. 
 /ranspaient, (lhin;i it is transpa- 
 rent, .irhaHUKKe^jibmvussiigade, ji- 
 hitte, jibmruKn. 
 Transparent stulf, jihawa.sseipin. 
 /rap, datMinai/an. I set a trap, 
 Mind omhuau dassonngan. I set 
 him a trap, nh'd oniamaiva. 1 
 make traps in the woods, tdnd 
 nniifje. I open a trap, taivnnolii- 
 don diusanagun. I go to my traps, 
 mnnadu-fmi'iiaijarie. I miss hirn in 
 my trap, niii. haidhina, I avoid 
 or escai e a trap or snare, 7iiii bu- 
 Trap; I trap him, (I catch liim in a 
 trap, ) 11/ fi ilastio/ia. 
 '/Vafjpeil; I am trapped. «./^ dassdn. 
 Tra.\i e\ Jiahdmndisiwia, mddd(tUlw in. 
 Travel by water, not sailini?, hi- 
 inibkkdwin-, sailing, hiindnhiwin, 
 Tx vel; \ travel, tiin bahdmadis, nin 
 mndddis. I travel by water, not 
 sailing, nin himie/iJcd; failing, niii 
 traveler, hehd mndi^id. 
 traveling axe, hahamadisi-wug ale- 
 TVaverse, tiiniindgan. 
 T'raverse-Lslanil, IS'imivdgani-mi- 
 Tread; I tread. «//« tal-oH. I iread 
 into dirt, nin jijdkam. I tread 
 hard on the tjoor, nin piiiijvfim- 
 tjiMcan. I tread on his toes, nin 
 tayotiidi'iiMiiwa. 1 tread upon hirn, 
 I'her. it.) ;(,m Inkokdnd; !>'>ntako- 
 '/'read out; I tread out s. th.,«««, 
 mimig'vhkan, nin (jitihiniinuifi.sh- 
 ham. 1 tread it owi, (in., an. ) nin 
 mimigoiihkdH, inn gitchiminagif^h- 
 kan\nin m uni{iOshkuwa, nin gitclii- 
 T'reasnre, daniirin, kifcM daniw/n. 
 dibcndatinowin. 1 lay up a treas- 
 ure, nind atamddis. -i, 'a ndwando- 
 nanias, nin n dwand onaniadis. 
 '/rt^at; I treat him: nin dodawa. I 
 treat Inm (her, it) well, nl.n mino 
 dodawa; nin mino dndan. 1 treat 
 him (her. it; ill, nin matvJ'i d(,dn- 
 u-a,nind, dlrindjia, nin nunikadjia, 
 nin ?iif,hkin(twa; nin mafclddodun, 
 nind aldndjiUm, nin nanikudjiton. 
 I treat him too ill. nind (H'dynia. 
 We treat one another, nin doda- 
 dimin.—S. Do evil. 
 7'reatment, mutual treatment. cZoi/'/- 
 dimn. Got)d treatment, rnin^/ du- 
 dctfftwin. Ill treatment, matchi 
 Tree, niitiii. Tree with the roots, 
 paku'dndj. The tree has roots, 
 (dchihikdwi tmtig. At the; top or 
 head ot a tree, wnnahmg. — The 
 tree begins to hud, utiguniniihvi 
 mitig, or Mtginimikwi.' The tree 
 is Kettinu: new leaves, mgdiagisi 
 mitig. 7'hetree has young shoots, 
 mgthimngiki mitig. The tree is 
 in blooiri, ivdJiigoni. mitig. The 
 tree has branches, iradikwani mi- 
 tig, or mgidikwunai^id. 21ie tree 
 has manv branches, hahakedikwa 
 VAigis^i milig. — The tree is blazed, 
 JvuKsakn'aignso milig. 'V\\e tree 
 bends by the wind. Jn.i/utw/ihan/ii 
 mitig. The tree is broken by the 
 wuid. maknk'Ki mitig. There are 
 trees blown down, wessraii. 7'he 
 tree cracks or splits by cold, pasli- 
 kukwadji iniiig. Tae tree is crook- 
 ed, wau'aelikdko.fi mitig. The 
 head or ton oi' the tree is 'crooked, 
 wdganakiKi. mitig. The tree is 
 dry, minJiiwdtigmvi mitig. The tree 
 is \\o\Uyv/ , U'iintnnikid niilig. The 
 tree is straight, ondkoi-i mitig. 
 'I'lie tree is whitish, wahdkod mi- 
 tig. There is a number of trees 
 standing together, htku-dwa, min- 
 Tremble. S. Shake, 
 Tretich. S. Ditch. Canal. 
 Trial, godjicnisiwin. 1 make himsnf 
 I'er (or a trial, nin godji-kotugia 
 nin gagividji-kiitagia. 
 ^'riiAilation. S. Suflering. 
 j^'ribunal, dihakon ine-ainddwin, dila- 
 k<in itveu'in i-dfidnwin. 
 Trick. S. Cheat. 
 Ttit]v, nrg:t(:gwenii'h. Trifles, wiia- 
 Trigger, vanHdcvigan. 1 pull the 
 trigger, nin nasi-atinige. 
 Trim, ornament, (in s. in.) S. Em- 
 7Vinity, Ncmi-hejignd Kijf.-Manito. 
 Trodden upon; 1 am litis) trodden 
 upon, nintakvkadj'igns; takokadji- 
 ! -J 
 I ''IB 
 : iii'i 
 7'roop; tlie beasts are togeth<*t by 
 trocjps, hvnawa/ildlicai/ nwexniiiKi. 
 The birds are togetlu'r by troops, 
 himaamoij hiiictisiicaii. 
 ^Trouble, lanlikendarn'mrin, lotaijisi- 
 i^in, nitiliiiran(Klul:n)ni,finiviii. 
 T^ronble of iiiind, niMu-unmlendu- 
 inoinii),, tcnuhld-'retfiidaniiwin. I 
 am ill trouble. //?■/< kasld-enJam, nin 
 lotngis. I am in trnuble of mind, 
 nin nuJdn'anadendani. I cause 
 hun troiible, nin kaxhkmdaima, 
 »tn tmhintaniidendamii . I make or 
 cause trouble, nin ni-ildnxinadahu- 
 Viiijis, nin nisihiicanudjiiire. I 
 cause trouble with my words, nin 
 ?iitihi'V<inadji{/i/n\=. We cause trou- 
 V!r \^ p^"^'' 'J'tiei', nin ni^sltiwanad- 
 jiidindn.^ It causes trouble, wm///- 
 ii'iinailjii'rtniagaiL There is trou- 
 hlc. n if kin-anaJahnni'/dd, waninhk- 
 ^ toekamiijad, kaM-endminuid , 
 Trouble, noise; there is'tronble and 
 noise. odJani/nrikfimi(/ail. I cause 
 trouble and noise, 'nind odjani- 
 malcantinifi. 1 speak with much 
 trouble and noi>e, nind odjuninu- 
 ta(j"S, nind ('djanimnru't'dan). I 
 cause_ him (her. it) trouble, nind 
 'idjanimia; nind odjani)niton.. 
 trouble, (in s. in.) S. /-'airi. Suf- 
 Trouble; I tronl)!e him, molest him, 
 7dn nd(j<i.<=hkadjia. It troubles ine, 
 ntn jni(iOKhk<idjiiijon. nin miqi-^h- 
 hulji-nianiiS(H. l'tr« nble liim"ask- 
 ing him for s. tli., nind m/uijoinn- 
 fawa. I troul)le or molest with 
 my words, nin mi(jn,'.lihisitn<i> s. I 
 trouble him with "my word's, nin 
 migoildiisninn, via' wanishhren, 
 nin wani.'^hkicenia, nin iciiagi^ki- 
 Troiibled; I am troubled, molested, 
 nil ndijoM-adJi(da, nind ndjani- 
 7ni.s. 1 am l_r. by my sickness, 
 nind odjanimims. I am tr. in my 
 thoughts, in my mind, inn m.ujonh- 
 kadendam, nin iruniM-wciendam, 
 nind (Kljnniniendttni. 'I'roubled 
 thoughts, (djanimendamowin, wa- 
 n ishl'wiiendanioivin . 
 7'rouble of heart, haM-cndam^dee- 
 ^ n4n, miynsliX-ailjiileewin. 
 troublesome ; 1 am tr., nin migosh- 
 Jcadis, nin xoaninhlicts. nind idja- 
 nnniiwe, nm ndijoshkadendugan, nin 
 iiuiti<iid-cndii(j(ii<, nin tmnut/'l: It is 
 irouhlesomp," mi(iot^/d-udcndug>v(uL 
 sanuijad, wiingishndai/icud. ' I am 
 troublesome with my sjjeaking. 
 ninwaniM'wetagos, nin ndioahhi- 
 7>oul)lesomeness, miijoshkadidwin, 
 niiui/inkendugoiiwin, (omu/jitiuin. 
 T^iough, atobiiH. ivinainvvaqan. I 
 make a trough, nhid (duhdniJce. 
 7ro'it, ncnneijot^n. There, are trout. 
 nameijiifsikd. Place where there 
 are trout, nante(/o^/.i/,-an. 
 T^r o u t - b o n e . mini t</ot.\\ ii/a n . 
 'ii»\se\. ;ii,ihkva}ii(ja)iid(!an. I ])las- 
 ter with a trowel, nin joM-walui- 
 T\\\e : it is true, considered triie.Je- 
 hweiendcuiwad. I arh couKidered 
 true, (veracious,) nin ddavcien- 
 dat/os. I think it is true, nin de~ 
 Tn\\\\ geijet. 
 trumpet," hodadjigun. madwewetvM- 
 jTrunk, makak, miliiro-makak. 
 7rust, trusting, a/iininunvin. 
 Tvusi ; I trust in him. (her, M,) 7iind 
 upcninionun ; nind ujienimon. I 
 trust in myself, nind a/'enindin. 
 We trust ill each other, nind ape- 
 7'ruth, di'hwewin. It is the truth, de- 
 hwtwinagad, d€hn'i/cininin(/ad, de- 
 bnririniniin. I tell the truth, nin 
 dehwe, nin dchwetagt's, 1 tell the 
 truth of him, ?^m//t^W/«(7. I think 
 he tells the truth, nin ddnvetaieni- 
 Truth-paper, (deed, certificate, etc.) 
 Truth-teller, duielnved, daidiwdaoo- 
 Truth-telling, dchwctagosiwin. 
 Try ; I try, nin godji^w. I try witli- 
 out much effect,' nind inwAs. I 
 try him, (her, it,) wi/j gndjia, mn 
 !l ' :■ 
 fiodjiervinodnivd; nin gndjiUm, mn 
 q(djieivino(lan. I try it, ^a coat, 
 boot, etc.) vin godkan. 1 try it, 
 ( a gun, ) ni)t ijcnkaton. 
 7'ry, (examine ; w(?i tfuf/ireJJiiiC'-'. I 
 try him, nin ijayivet/ji'i. 1 try hi:n, 
 (lier, it,) 711/1 <j(xciwfi]ji-l'il-enim<t ; 
 nin g(uprc(IJi-H'kc>ul(i/i. I try him 
 by siillpriiijis, nin /j.iijicedji-h ta(jia. 
 Try to isnriiass ; 1 try "to surpass, nin 
 (jaiju'edjrnimiiivc. I try to surpass 
 in 'speaking or debating, 7iin (/a/j- 
 vejiigoiiiiniifi. He that surpasses 
 Others in " speaking, <jafj7Vijag<ison- 
 geuinini. ] try to surpass him in 
 sp., itin ga/jirtjn(ji fi(,ma. We iry 
 to sur()oss each other in sp., 7iin 
 ga(/icejiiti(,(ii//nl imiv . 
 Try;"(iil s'. in.j S. Endeavor. 
 Zrying to surpass in speaking, (/a;/- 
 Tut), mal-i'ihitsng. 
 2iimble; 1 tumble, fall, wm pah'te- 
 shin. I make him tumble, nin 
 palitcfihiiiia. — I tumble over head, 
 piti abcdjigwtinittie, nin tchingidaa- 
 bowe. — 1 tumble down, nind ouda- 
 qodjin. It tumbles down, ]:ikwa- 
 7'u mb I e r , m in i hva iljiga n . 
 tumult. S. ytir. y'tir up. 
 2'une. S. Melody. 
 7'urhid ; it is lurhid, pukwehigad , jiak- 
 wvhigami. I make it turbid, nin 
 paku'ehigu minsidiin . 
 7'urbulent. y'urbulence. S. Disqui- 
 et. Disqnietness. 7Vonble. 
 7urkey, (liird,)mwi6-6<?. Young tur- 
 key, miyi''K-ns. 
 yurkey-wheat. S. Indian corn. 
 Tarn ; by turns, menuMicat. I iii 
 my turn, ninitam, 7hou in thy 
 turn, kinitnm. He n his turn, 
 mnitam. W- in our turn, nini- 
 tamiici.id, ki'rtumiwind. You in 
 your turn, ,U/; ''««»'"•'. 7'hey in 
 their 'urn, wimiumt'ra. 
 7'urn : 1 turn, (sLuiding or sitting,) 
 r,iuii'"-^ita. 1 turn, Oy'"?-) "''" 
 w't'iiihin. I turn my head, nin 
 limid' !.■■ ■:•-!. I urn this way, 
 itaiidj iTv uiii bi-ywekigabaw. I 
 turjjlthis wav, sitting, j)?Vi bi-gtve- 
 kab. — I turn him. (her, n,)ningwe- 
 kia ; nin gwekiton. I turn my 
 thoughts, (change my mind,) ni?i 
 2'urn out; 1 turn him out. ninsagidji- 
 webina. I turn himout, beating hi'm, 
 n in fo gida ga» a m a . 
 Turn over : 1 turn him (her, it) over, 
 nin (nrikina; nm gicekiMma ; nin 
 qu'tkiiian^uingwikifhid/m. 1 turn 
 It over tor him, nin ifwekinamaica. 
 I turn it over : Metal, in., nin gwe- 
 kuldkisbidon \ metal, an., qtcekabi- 
 l ii>hima ; stutif, in., nin giveh'ginuir; 
 stuff, tin., nin girekii;ina. — 1 turn 
 it over, inside out, {in., an.) nind 
 cdiodiiian ; nind (ih'dina. 1 turn 
 it over, upside down, m'nd animi- 
 kdmin, nind animikirii'bidun, nind 
 Turn round ; I turn round, ;//;* kiji- 
 bata, nin bimiskota. 1 turn round 
 until 1 get giddy, nin givui-hhvcdi- 
 nokive. I turn round until 1 tail 
 down, nin kijibadinokn'c. — I turn 
 round, I turn myself, w/« (iwikitn. 
 1 turn round. Hying, wz'w*/ ^^w/hm**; 
 running, irind <t}iumibato; starulmg. 
 nind abamigabaw, nin givihigabaiv, 
 nin }ii)nii<k( g(diauK 1 turn round 
 briskly, nin gwikipagis. I turn 
 round with a canoe, nin giwejom. 
 I make him turn round, fitting, nin 
 gwckahia. 1 make h.ia turn round, 
 standing, nin gicekigabawia.—l turn 
 him round on a cord, nin kijibi- 
 dteehkui^fa, 1 turn it round, twist- 
 ing, (in., an.) nin binmh,t(rn,nin 
 hi)nitktiii<ddon, ntJi bimiahman; 
 7>in bumnkona. I turn it ror. nd 
 b.-iskly, {in., an.) nin kijibaive- 
 binan, nin hiniid'tncdi/uiv ; nin ki- 
 jibanrbina, nin bimixkowdiina. 
 Turn to another side; 1 turn, niii 
 giveki. I turn to an. s., sitting, nin 
 girihab, nind dni-gvekab. 1 ; irn to 
 an. s., standing, nin givekigubaw. 
 nind dni-gvikigalaw. 
 Tern towards ; I'tnrn towards (oi 
 from) him. (her. it,) nin gnikif'vn-a: 
 ■itin i/m!:ilan. I turi> to\M.nds him, 
 ;: M 
 tl ':, 
 ■ l,ll. 
 (her, it,) standing, fiin (iweHgala- 
 witauia, nind ithami(/abawit<iwa ; 
 ni/i t/icel-iijabawita/t, nind abami- 
 Tarn ; it turns over, gwikiasin. I 
 turn (it turns) round, revolves, jit'/t 
 himiskota ; himiskatamagad. It 
 turns a little, hitninltcamagad. — 
 Ttie river turns round, ah'amiti- 
 gweiaslhi. The water turns rouiui, 
 7\itn, (convert;) T turned, I am eon- 
 verted, nind atidJibtDbaditi, nind an- 
 Turned ; it is turned, (t'«., an.) gwe- 
 kigade^ ^ gwehinig ide\ ywikiguso, 
 gwekinigatto. It is turned over, 
 (upside down,) iwiinikunigadc. It 
 is turned, (ui the shape of a 
 screw, ) bitninkivaigade. 
 Turnip, <cAi*«. Small turnip, ^cA<s- 
 7'urnip-seed, lcMsgi-miiiilca7i. 
 yurnsol, ininHtagan, 
 Tmt\e, jingade>mkwa7iy mishvadessi, 
 bosibido^ makiiiak. The shell or 
 shield of a turtle, dai^h'vd. 
 Turtle-dove, nmimi. Young turtle- 
 dove, ojniming. 
 Twelve, niidiufwi ashi nij. 
 Twenty, nijtana. We are twenty 
 of us, nifi nijtanaiceniin. There 
 are twenty in. ol)jects, nijtanawi- 
 waii. There are twenty pair of..,, 
 Twenty every time, twenty each or 
 to each, nenijtana. 
 Twenty hundred, vijtan.Alc. We are 
 two thousand in number, nin 
 nijtanaknuiniia. There are two 
 thousand in. objects, nijtandh- 
 Twice, nijing. 
 Twice every turifi, twice each or to 
 each, nenljing. 
 Twilight; it is twilight. W'lhi'ibamvi- 
 agwa/l, n/t n 'I'lgahummagwad, nik- 
 iwigiid. ff 'tjt twilight in the 
 morning, 6i an^im, UutJijan. 
 Twill, mjade. _ I am delivered of 
 twins, nin niji.dHke. 
 Twine, aumbaft. 
 Twine for nets, a.tsabikeiab. 
 r.vinklc. S. Blink. 
 y^winkiing of an eye. S. Motnpnt. 
 7\vist ; 1 twist with a stick, nin bi~ 
 makwaige. I twist it with a stick, 
 {in., tin.) nin bimdk'vna/i ; ninbi- 
 mdkwdiva. 1 twist him, ( her, it,) 
 nin biinina : nin biminan. 1 twist 
 threads together, nin jankubwa- 
 hinicje. I twist tohricco, uin bimi- 
 liugtna assema. I twist it up. curl 
 it, nin titibakmaan, nin babiiiguk- 
 wa'in, _ I twist It around s.lh.m'n 
 Twist, iin s. in.) S. Spin. 
 Pvyisted; it is tvxisted, {in.,an.,)titi- 
 baiidi'.\iitiliaos(i. Tne tree is twist- 
 ed, bimdkiiai niitig, or buni'ubigisi. 
 Twisted line of 'several threads. 
 ja.'<hahwabigiidgan. It is twistecl 
 of_ several threads, jasJmbu-abigi- 
 Twisted tobacco, bimibnginigan. 
 Twisted wood, bitndk'wad'. Sweet 
 twisted wood, manito-binidkwad. 
 Twisting-stick, binidkn'ai(/aii. 
 Two, ntj. We are two, nin nijimin. 
 There are two in. objects, nijinon, 
 Two, nijo..., in compositions, which 
 see in the First Part. 
 Two every time, two each or to 
 each, nevij. 
 Two families, three families, etc. 
 irijdde, nin.si.dc, etc. We are two 
 fiunilies, three families, etc.. nin, 
 nijndewidmin, nin ninaodewisimin. 
 Two hundred, nywdk. We are 200 
 of us, Tiin itijwdkonimin. There 
 are 200 in. objects, nijwakwadon. 
 There are 2oo [Kiir of..., nijwak- 
 Two hundred every time, 200 eacli 
 or to (vich, nenijwak. 
 Tying, takobinigewin, fakohidjige- 
 , UND 
 Udder of a cow, totosh, pijikiwitoto- 
 shim. ,. . . 
 Ugly; I am (It is) ugly, nin mana- 
 Ulcer. S. Abscess with matter. 
 Ultimately, (/efjapi, islikwntch. 
 [^mbrella, aqau'uteov, wjawahasounn. 
 Unable; I ain unable to walk, nmd 
 ' anawito. 1 ain unable to do it, ka- 
 win nin qushkitosnin. 
 Unbend; I'unbend it, nin Innungiva- 
 Uffinan, "i^^ neshangahginan. 
 Unbelief, aqonivtlendaminnn. 
 Unbeliever', daithirciannng, amgon- 
 weiendanq, aid'jumcetang. 
 Unchaste. "Unchastity.— A. Impure. 
 Imiiurity , ^ . . 
 Uncle, (father's brother,) my. th\, 
 his uncle, niinishome, kiimchorne, 
 Uncle, Smother's brother;) my, tliy, 
 his uncle, nijhhe, kijiahe, ojuhe- 
 iiin. r, r>- f,. 
 Unclean. Uucleanness.— <!>. uirty. 
 Dixt. . . , .. 
 Unclean spirit, wanisid mumtn. _ 
 Uncock;! uncork a Q,m\, mnmin- 
 wdUkinanpashkidgany nin niwate- 
 tMii paiihkiiig'in. . 
 Uncover; I uncover hnn, mnfukag- 
 wajena. I uncover myself, «?/!./':i- 
 kdawtijen.idif!. I uncover it, nin 
 pa'kimt<m. 1 uncover it to hnn, 
 nin }i(d'ifi>if("nawa. 
 Uncovered; it is unc, pakissitchi- 
 aade. , 7 ■ 
 Undecided,! am und., katvm mn. 
 aijcn'.anfi- , . 
 U!HWr,a«('f/,Jty, undmmu, anarmnq. 
 It is under s. th., {in., an.)asU- 
 trhissin; ashdtchishin. 
 Underbrush; thick underbrush of the 
 tir-kind, akdwany There is thick 
 underbrush, ahlwanjikn 
 Under-chief, second ch ., a 'ci- 
 (xiima, . 
 Un'derfeatherof abird,(av, 'tis- 
 seqirandn. . 
 Underhair of an animal, rmsmmi- 
 Underneath. S. Under. , . . 
 Understand; 1 understand. n««. mm- 
 toiani. 1 understand so..., mnd 
 inilnm. I under. him, (her, \i,)Mn 
 nim'tdtaica; nin nimtuUin. 1 unci, 
 him only a little, nind antwetawa. 
 I under, him so..., nind initaivu. V 
 try to understand, nin nandantssi- 
 tufam. I try to und. him, (her, it) 
 fdn nandanmitOwa; nintiandams- 
 sitotdn. We understand each other, 
 nin uissitdtadimin.—l don't un- 
 derstand well what I hear, mn 
 hamitam. I don't und. him (her, it) 
 well, nin banitawn;nin hanttan. 
 Understand, (conceive;) 1 under- 
 stand it, ninnissitdwenddn. 
 Understanding, nihwukaivin. 
 Understood; I am (it is) easily un- 
 derstood, ?iin. nissitotagos; wsnito- 
 tngicad. I am und. only a little, 
 vind aiawetagos. 
 Underwood; there is much under- 
 wood, sasaga. 
 Undoubtedly, geaet, e numge ka, 
 aningwana, ahidekuimg. . 
 Undress. Undressing — <>• otrip. 
 <S'tripping. . 
 Uidulated. S. Vemed. 
 ■ i I'l* 
 ' • hi' 
 .i if: 
 I ;... 
 i W. 
 ^?neasiness, mtgoM;t(Ijideewinm 
 Tneasy;! am uneasy, nin rmgosh- 
 kudh-uid, nifi migoshlcadndce. Jt 
 makes me uneasy, nin nugoskl-ad- 
 jiigon, nin._ migoshTcudji-aiawig<r>i. 
 Unlit, matcM, ningot enahadassinoy. 
 It is unlit, mdnadad, kawm ningot 
 I'nCold; I unfold it. {in., an.) nind 
 dhiginan, nin hiniskwahiginan ; 
 nind dUgina, nin Mmnkwahiqina. 
 Unfold, (in s. in.) S. Spread out'. 
 Unforseen, «esz/l-d, 
 (Unfortunate. S. Unhappy, 
 Unglue; it unglues, pahwadTca, pak- 
 Unhai)i)iness, kitimagisiwin, hota- 
 Unhappy; I am unhappy, nin litima- 
 gis, nin kotagendam. I make him 
 (her, it) unhappy, nin kitimagia; 
 nm Mimugitun. 1 make myself 
 unh., nia kitimagiidis. I look un- 
 happy, nin kitimaginagos. It is 
 unhappy, unimad. 
 Unhappy, (in s. in.) S. Injure. 
 Unharness; I unharness "him, nind 
 Unicorn, negnteshhmiA. It has only 
 one horn, ninyottuhkani. 
 Unite; I unite with him, nind ajode- 
 Unite, (in s. in.) S. Put together. 
 United States, KiMdmokomaiiiwaki. 
 Unleavened bread, 'wembisnitchigas- 
 ossig pakwejiijan. 
 Unload; I unload a canoe, etc., nind 
 Unloading, «^^/2f;arert.s;soii'«Vi. 
 Unlock; I unlock it, nind abdhikaan. 
 I unlock it to him, nind abdbika- 
 Unlocked; it is unlocked, abdlikai- 
 Unlucky; I am unl., 1 have bad luck, 
 nin massaffwadis. I am (it is) un- 
 lucky, considered unlucky, nin 
 masmgwadendagos; masmglvaden- 
 Unpleasant; it is unp., mdnadad.— 
 S. Disagreeable, 
 {■nprepared. S. Undecided. 
 Unprofitable;! am(iii8) unprofita- 
 ble, nin nanawis, nin nanuivddis; 
 nanaivad, nanawddad. 
 Unprofitably, nanawdj. 
 Unprovoked, himidkd. 
 Unravel;! unravel it, nin nassdli- 
 Unrepenting person, aianwenindis- 
 Unstitch; lunstitchit, {in., an.) nind 
 ahijan; nind ahijwa. 
 Unstitch. Unstitched.— S. Rip. Rip- 
 Unswadle; Junswadle a child, nind 
 ubawa ahinodii. 
 Untie; I \mi\e, nind dbishJhidjige. I 
 untie him. (her, it,) nind dbawa, 
 nind dhiikona, nind dbiskoUna; 
 nind dhaan, nind abiskman, nind 
 dbiskohinan. I untie it for him, 
 nind dbaamawa, nind dbinkonama- 
 v'u. Jt unties, ahiskosge. 
 Untied; I am (it is) untied, nind 
 abaigus, nind ahiskob/djiqas, nind 
 ahigkohis, _ nin (/eshaioiihi-a; dbai- 
 gude, ahiskobidjigade, ubiskobiile, 
 gishaxoishkamagdd. I get untied, 
 nind dbiskota. It g6ts untied, abis- 
 Until, naidnj, nandnj, binish. 
 Untutored, uneducated; I am unt., 
 nin pngvHuuvwis, nin pagwanawa- 
 dis. Untutored wild state, pagwa- 
 Unwell; I am unwell, nin mdujaia, 
 pan gi nind akos. 
 Unwind; 1 unwind from a xee\,nind 
 dbiwdjige. I unwind it, nind abao- 
 Up the stream; I tro up the stream in 
 a ranoe, mu nitaam. I take hiin 
 up the St. in a canoe, nin nitdona. 
 Up, upvyards, (respecting rivers,) 
 Upbraid' S. ^Reprimand. 
 Upon. S, On. 
 Upper floor; there is an up. fl., m/^- 
 Uprieht, 'honest; I am an upright 
 man. nin n.aininiwagis. 
 Upright, straight, gwaidh. 

 Uprightness, upright life, ffwaiaJco- 
 T^pset. S. Capsize, 
 Up stairs, iehpiming, iehpimissagong. 
 Up to..., hinuh... 
 Upwards, ishpiming inuhil'eia. 
 Urge; J urge him, ni/igu(/<ins(/7na. 
 TJrge, (in s, in.) S. Persist. 
 Urine, jigiunnabo. 
 Urine; i urine, ninjisliig. I urine in 
 the bed . ninjishiii^wam. 
 Urine-bladder, j/tj/tOTw. 
 Us, Icinuwind, ninaivitul. 
 Use, (habit, ) nugaduiwin. 
 Use, the use of s, th., ui</win, cuadji- 
 towin, inahadjitowin, 1 make use 
 of him, (her, it,) nind aiva, nind 
 unohina, nind ahadjia; niiul aion, 
 nind anokadun, nind aiadjzttm. I 
 make a good use of him, (her, it,) 
 iiin minviahadjia; niii minoialad- 
 Use; 1 use, nind aiodjige. I use him. 
 (her, it), nind ati'd; nind aion. 1 
 use or employ him (her, it) in n 
 certain way or manner, nind inn- 
 ladjia, nind inanoTcana, nind ina- 
 wemil'ana; nind indhadjiton, nind 
 inanoTcadan, nind inaweniihadan. 
 I use things profitably, {in., an.) 
 nin hisedgiman; nin hissagama. 1 
 use it sparingly, savingly, (in., 
 an.) nin manddjiton, nin mdnd- 
 dandan, nin manegadandan, nin 
 manegadjiton', nin manddjia, nin 
 manadainu, nin manegaduma, nin 
 manigadjia. I use it sparingly, 
 (clothing, t«., an.) nin manigani- 
 fran; nin manignniku. 
 Used; it is used, (made use of,)(»n., 
 an.) ai<idjigade\ aiddjigano. It i» 
 used in «iich a miinrKir, (in., an.) 
 indhadjitchigadc; inuhddjitihiyuso. 
 Any thing used, aidwin. The 
 things I use, nind nidwinan. 
 Used, (in s. in.) S. Accustomed. 
 Useful; I am (it is) useful, ninmi- 
 noidhadiK, nin f/wnndd'hiw, riind ' 
 onijikh; ininuidbadad, gwanatcht- 
 wa7L, onijihldn. I am (it is) useful i 
 in such ii manner, nind indbadis; 
 indbaUud. 1 am (it is) useful, cons- 
 idered useful, nind inabudenda- 
 giiH', ivubadtndugwad. — He (she, it) 
 is iis'eful to me, nind uludjia; 
 nind tihadjitim. Useful object, 
 uhadjitchigan, inubadjilcldgan. 
 Cseluinoss, inabadiniwin, inahaden- 
 dagoniwin, gwanntckiicin. 
 Useless. S. UMjir(jlilable. 
 Useless person, ningut evabadisiesig, 
 aianawewisid, nenawadinid. 
 Useless thing, ningot enabadas.sinog. 
 Use up. Used iip. H. Spend all. 
 (Jsing, aiowin, tndhadjiunvin. 
 Usurp; I usurp s. th. nin dibenda- 
 monidin. I usurp it, {in., an.) nin 
 d iboulamnnidison; nin dilendamo- 
 Utility. S. Usefulness. 
 Uvula, kaguyi. 
 * II 
 " f 
 I * 
1 ^'^ 
 Vaccinate. Vacrinntion. Varrinafor. 
 — S. Inoculate, Inoculation. Ino- 
 Vagabond, gawaudisid. I am a vag- 
 abond, 11171 giwaadis, 
 Vajgrancy, (jneaadidwin. 
 Vain; I work or endeavor in vain, 
 I gain nothing, nind anawcxris, 
 nind ivjdwis, nind agdwishka, nind 
 agdwita . 
 Vain glory, aelf-glory, IcitehUwawe- 
 Vainly, in vain, anuha. 
 Valet, Immitagan,, bainitageivinini, 
 anok itu(/e win ini. 
 Valley; there is a valley, Tpassadina. 
 Valley of sand; there is a v. of sand, 
 Valuable; 1 a'.n (it is) valuable, nin 
 Jcitchi ajntendagvs; kitchi apitenda- 
 Value; I value him (her, it) so 
 much..., nind aiitaijima, nind ind- 
 gima; nind apilaijindan, nind ina- 
 Value, (esteem;) I value, jiind «;?'- 
 tendam.^ I value him, (her, it,) 
 nind apitenima; nind ajntinddn. 
 Valued; I am (it is) valued at..,. 
 nind indgtns, nind inugindjigat<\ 
 inngindo, inngindjigude. 
 Van, nos/tkatchigan, tioshkatchina- 
 Van, I van, nin noshkatchiije. I vnii 
 It, (f'n., aw.) nm nvshkaton; nin 
 Vanish, it vanishes, ango, angu- 
 Vanquish; I vanquish him, mVi ^a- 
 shkla. I vanquish myself, nin ga- 
 Vanijuish. (in s. in.)S. Overcome. 
 Variai^ated, of various colors; it is 
 viir.( stuff, in., an.) kitugigad; ki- 
 Varfagated stuff, of different colors, 
 Vast; It is vast, mitchamagad. 
 V(;il, agwingwenn, agwingwebison. 
 Vein, oikwetah, minkweiah. 
 Veined, veiny; it is veined, gidjiga- 
 hikad, (stone;) gidjigismgad, 
 'Vein of the heutt, gwashkwas/ikivani- 
 Velvet, mnshawcsid senihdwegin. 
 Venerable; lam (it is) venerable, 
 con.^idered venerable, nin kitohi- 
 Veneration, minndonindinnn. kitchi- 
 si'i'in. I hold him (her, it) in ven- 
 eration, nin kilehitwdwenima; nin 
 Veneral disease, mdnddapinewin. I 
 have the ven. dis., nin mdndda- 
 Venison, ?viiaf>s. I fetch venison, (or 
 li.'^h,) nin ningivaniK't. 
 Vengeance, njidawawin, ajidawiwin. 
 Venom. S. Poison. 
 Veracious; I am ver., nindehwr.ien- 
 dagos. Veracious speaking, debwe- 
 Verily, (jeget. 
 V^' rm i fn ge, ogejagimi-maM-iki. 
 Ver/nillion, onaman, oeananiinr, alsu, 
 red clay. 

 Vermillion-Lake, Onamani-sdgai- 
 \ ersion, (written,) anikanotabiujan. 
 S. Translation. 
 Vertigo. S. Giddiness. 
 Very, very much, apdchi, Tcitchi, 
 omm, ondjita. 
 Vespers, imagoshi-anamiang. 
 Vessel, «aJjX'(i'a;i. Small vessel, na- 
 Vessel, folded birch-bark vessel, bi- 
 Vessel to' draw water with, gwubai- 
 Vest, gihuJ eehuim. 
 Vestige, (footstep,) limiJcawe'i'in, 
 There are vestiges, Idinikaumde. 
 Vestment, a/rwiwhi. I wrap my 
 vestment around me, nin, titihUlia- 
 vxoii nind ugiwiii. — S. Clothes. 
 Vestry. S. Sacristy. 
 Vex; I vex him, ^lin migoshJcadJi'a, 
 nin nishkia. It vexes nie, vin mi- 
 goshka/Ijiiijon, nin, nishkiiijnn. 
 Vexation. S' Troublesomeness. 
 Vice, hatad(/win,7iintchi iJhveMsiwin. 
 Vicious, matcld. I am (it is) vicious, 
 nin matchi ijiwebis, nin hatd-iji- 
 ivebis ; matcki ijiwebad, vinnadad. 
 Victorious. S. Overcome. 
 Victuals, mw//w?i. _ I produce or pro- 
 cure victuals, nin, nikljimike. La- 
 bor in procuring victuals, iniJji- 
 Vial, omodens. 
 Yigor, kijijatvhiwin. 
 Vigorous; i am \ig.,7ii>i kijijawis. I 
 am vig. in my old age, nin jihi- 
 Vigorous, (in s, in.) S, Strong. 
 V'iUage, o(/e«o. Half or part of the 
 village, hokodena. There is a vil- 
 lage, oiUnuivan, A small village, 
 (idenawens. We live together in 
 a village, ni?id oditmnin. 
 Villain, matchi uiaawinh, 
 Vme, jominntig, jominagaivanj. 
 Vinegar, jitcaho. 
 Vinegar-tree, bakwanatia, lakwani- 
 inij. The fruit of it, hahitan. 
 Vine-leaf, Jominibag, 
 V i n ey ard , jomin i-kitigan . 
 Vintner, vine-dresser, jominabvkt- 
 Violet, apissi. 
 Violet color; it is of a v. c, apisshi. 
 Violin, najabiigan, kiiotchigan, k.ilo- 
 weiapikaignii. I play on the vio- 
 lin, 7iin najiddiiie, nin kitotchige. 
 Virgin, oshk^n^g^k^ve, gigang, tessa- 
 nahce. I am a virgm, nind onhki- 
 nikwew, 7)in gigangcnVj nin tettnan- 
 ahvew. I am in 'a virginal state, 
 (a male speaking,) nin tcssanaw. 
 Virgin uresented to the Great 
 Spirit, agonakirc. 
 Virtue, nrino ijiivtbifi/nn. 
 Virtuous, nm minoiji'Pebis. 
 Viscous; it is vis., iihinkan. 
 Visibility, wnbaminngoi<i irin. 
 Visible; 1 am (it is) visible, w?i wa- 
 hajnindgos; wdhainindgirad . 1 make 
 myself visible, vin waJHiniindgivti- 
 di.9, nin ndgumdis. 1 am (it is) 
 visible from a certain distance, 
 nin dihabaminngon; dihubaniind- 
 gwad. It is plainly visible, puga- 
 ki^in. I am (it is) scarcely visible 
 yet, nin ndirinagos; ndninagjcad. 
 Visicatory, vdji-mashkiki. omhixigan, 
 Vision, ndgiciidismuin, mamdnsina- 
 7nmcin,iJinainoi(.'in. \ appear in a 
 vision, 'nin ndgwi'ulis. 1 have or 
 see a vision, nin tnamdndnam, I 
 have such a vision, nind ijinani,^ 
 Visit, visitation, viauntdixhvviwin. 
 nibnu'dchiirm'in. Habit of making 
 visits too often, maiuadishiweshki- 
 Visit; I visit, I pay a visit, nin >na- 
 wadishin'c, nin nihwdtchiuv. I visit 
 him, ni?! tnawadimi, nin nihwd- 
 frhia. I visit too often, nin mawa- 
 Visitor, (arriver,) biwide. 
 Vitriol, wejawashkicasigivdg mdsh- 
 Vivify; I vivify or vivificatehini, nin 
 Vocabulary, ikiMvini-masinaig m. 
 Voice, iniueicin, bibdgiwin. A voice 
 comes from..., ondwewe, I have 
 ^ 1 
 such a voice, (I am heard^o...,) 
 ni/id inifitijnii. I have a 1)1^ stroriBf 
 v.. ni)i mdiuiiqonduijan, nin unniji- 
 gondatjan. \ (lave af'epbin little v., 
 nind agnssigimdinjan. 1 have a liad 
 v., nin 7ndnji(jondagnti. I have a 
 fine clear v., nni nnnmce, nind nji- 
 (jimdagan. I have a weak low 
 voice, (from huiiijer, fatlRue, sick- 
 ness,) nind (inunHtnijan. I find his 
 voice we-Ak.nind dnawifawa. 
 Vomit; I vomit, nin Jishiijnfjcnee. I 
 feel an inclination to voinit, nin 
 hijihidec. I make him vomit, nin 
 jhhiftanowm, nin jithigagawecwa. 
 Th(! niatt(>r vomited. y/.^///ir^((/ft«'a«. 
 Votnitinq:, votnition, jiKhnjuijinvewin, 
 Voinitiv(>, jishigaijowesigan. 
 Voracious; I am vor., nin nibddis. 
 Voracity, nibddisiwin. 
 Vow . dihandoinn. inashl-ax'awinda- 
 nunjewin. 1 \\\\\kv a vow, nin di- 
 handn, nin tnnKhkairaudndainagc. 
 I fulfil a vow, nin dibandun. 
 Voyage, hahd/nadiaiwin, S. Travel. 
 Vulture, winange. 
 TFade; I wade, nin hirnddagasi. I 
 wade through n river to the oppo- 
 site shore, nind. ajawagameosse. 
 H'al'er, agoHwassigan. 
 Hag, hebdpiniml, hebdpinwed. 
 irager, atddiivin. 
 WaL%on,(jddhan, tifihissi-i Jdhan, titi- 
 hiddhun. I make was^ons, nind 
 oddbanii'e, nin titibidahanilce. 
 iragonmaker, odabanikeivinini, titi- 
 Tfail; I wail, nin gagidmce. 
 TFaistcoat. S. Vest. 
 TFaistcoat for women, habisilcmva- 
 TVait; I lie in wait for him, nind al'd- 
 Trait; I wait, nin bi, I wait for him, 
 ( her, it,) nin bia; nin biton. I wait 
 for him, in thoughts, nin bieivage- 
 Wait, (expect, look for;) I wait, 
 (look for,) nind akan'ab. I wait or 
 look out for him, (her, it,) nind 
 alcawdbama; nind alcarcdhendan . I 
 wait for game in the night in a 
 canoe, nin nihegnm. 
 TTaiter, anoHtage/vintni, hamitagan, 
 oMdbeiviss. Female waiter, anoH- 
 tagekwe, bamitagan. 
 Waiting for game on the water in 
 the night, nibegomouin. 
 IJ'ake ; I wake him, nind umddi?ia. 
 1 wake him up hv pulling or push- 
 ing, nind amddjihina. — S. Awake. 
 Ualk, bimossiu'in, babdnwssewi?). I 
 take a walk, nin babdmosse. 
 Walk; I walk, ninbimosse, nin. mi- 
 tosse. I walk about, nin babdmos- 
 se. I w. against the wind, nind 
 nndjishl-aosse. I walk around s. 
 th., vingiwitdossc. I walk back- 
 wards, nind ajeosse. I w. badly, 
 nin munosse. I w. well, nin min- 
 esse, nin nitaosse. It walks well, 
 goes well, minossimagnd . I walk 
 fast, nin Hjihi, nin HJiosse, nin 
 babapijisse. I w. as fast or quick 
 as I can, nind apisiH, nind api- 
 totse, I w. slowly, niii hhiku, »w 
 bid'inse. 1 wiilk feoling ruy way, 
 ninnand(>t]JMhki(je. I w. furomost, 
 tun. nii/aiii, nin niijaini.s.tt'. _ 1 inaki; 
 him walk liiriMiiost, nln iiu/nnia. 1 
 w. in the nii,'lit, ni/i niliaam, nin. 
 nihashka. 1 w. in the water, vin 
 limcuhujasi. \ w. ahout iu tlu; 
 water, nin hithamadfajufii. I walk 
 on, nind aid himosse, nin mddja. I 
 w. on the beai'h, nin jij'dewe, nin 
 UiRajaijamc. i w. on the ice, nin 
 limada<jak. I walk on the lakt;- 
 ahore, cornini,', nin limitajngirne. 
 I w. on the straightest road, nm 
 gwaidkoshka. 1 vv. on tho_ sum- 
 mit of n hill or mountain, nin hi- 
 mamadjiwe. I walk out talking, 
 nin sdgidweiridnm. I w. over a 
 bridge, nind djotje. I w. over a log, 
 jiin binidiiduive. 1 walk round, nin 
 hijihdosse. I w. straight, nin 
 gwaidkassc. I become unable to 
 walk any further, nin nondettkin. 
 He becomes unable to walk any 
 further with me, I leave him be- 
 hind, nin nondcshimu. I am un- 
 able to walk (by hunger, fatigue, 
 etc.) nind dnaivito. I walk with 
 him, nin widosseina. I w. witli 
 down-hanging arms, 7iin jinginik- 
 easse. I w. with my toes turned 
 inside, nin loaiudgaami. I walk 
 with my toes turned_ outside, ?i//i 
 nandpadaami, nin jajdnliagaami. 
 Wv walk in one line, nin nibinios- 
 scinin. We walk many together, 
 nind indwanidiinin. 
 TKalker, bemosml ; good walker, ne- 
 td-hiini>ssed, netdossed. 
 Tfalking, Umotfxewin. Fast walking, 
 kijikuwin ; slow walking, hesika- 
 win. There is walking, himosse- 
 winuoad. — I remain about him in 
 walking, nin wdgaMawa. 
 ■pralking-stick, sakaon. I use it as 
 a walking-stick, nin sakaon. _ 
 irall, around a fortress, i/iwitaiahik- 
 Wallow. S. Roll about. 
 Walnut. S. Nut. 
 647 WAR 
 II alnut-tree, pagandkomij, mitigira- 
 Waiupwm, mkjiis. 
 W^xx. S. Pale. ^ 
 Want, munvKiwin, 
 Want; I want, (need,) m'ra mn«^». I 
 want it, {in., un.) nin mant'sin ; 
 nin tnanidnan. I want s. th. bad- 
 ly, nln wnirdnix. 
 Wanton. Wantonness. — 8. Foolish 
 War. S. Fight, Fighting. 
 Warble; the bird warbles, mastVa^'osi 
 hinetihi, wiingweivetd. 
 War-captain, war-chief, maiaosse- 
 winiii i, n i^janos.s iioin ini . 
 War-captive, awakdn. I try t^omake 
 war-captives, or, I go on a war- 
 (;xcussion, nin nandohan. 
 War-club, i^t'ia^maijan, waganaH- 
 iitrhigan. \Var-club with a knob, 
 Ware. 8. Merchandise. 
 War-eagle, kiniw. 
 Ware-house, atdssoioin, atdsscnviga- 
 Wart, niminawekinigan. I make a 
 warf, nin nimmawekiniganike. 
 There is a warf myLAe,niininivweki- 
 War'i'are, Indian warfare, nandoha- 
 ni/i'in, nandohanikandindn. 
 Warm ; I begin to feel warm, nitid 
 dhawas. I soon feel warm, nin wa- 
 keicakis. I am warm, nind dhwef, 
 nin kijis. I am warm in a lodge or 
 \\o\i?,R, ninkijnh. I am confortably 
 warm, nln kijos. I lie warm, nin 
 kijdshin. — it is warm, (the air,) 
 kijdbatc. it is warm weather, H- 
 jate,abawa. It is warm, (in a build- 
 ing.) kijide, kvjote, kijoiamagad. It 
 is warm, (liquid,) kijngamide. It 
 is a little warm, (liquid,) abash- 
 kobite, gljashkobite. It is warrn, 
 (metal, in., an.) h'jabikide; h'jabi- 
 /•(W.— My arms are warm, nin ki- 
 jonike. My back is w., nin kijipik- 
 tfiinen. .Vly feet are w., nin h'jo- 
 *n/c. Mv hands are w., nin kijo- 
 W^/'/ V A- ^ M 
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 11:25 11.4 
 WEBSTER, N.f. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 My legs are w., nin, kijo- I 
 Wann, make warm ; I warm him, 
 ( tier, It) miul ahi^wa, nin, Mjuwa ■ 
 miul abtsaii, nm Ujuan. 1 warm 
 him with my body, nin, Ujol-awa. 
 We warm each other, uU Uj6h,. 
 dadtnnn - I warm myself, \dnd 
 <Hm, m,id amis, nin Icijisodis. I w. 
 ■hyself by drinking s. th. warm 
 >iinkija,ja!md(,'ii. I vv. myseKhv 
 walking, nin kijisonsc. I warm mv 
 back, mud apikwanes. 1 w. mv 
 breast, nind ahahujanes, nin kiiiL 
 kvjanes.^ I w my i^-et, nind ahaki- 
 i>tdc.i, miuldmyles. I w. my hands. 
 n%nd(d,akinindjmw, nind ubinind- 
 nsodtg.-l make it warm, (liquid,) 
 muktja</anu.,an. I make it w a 
 little, nuid abdgumii-an, mnd ah- 
 'istilcobman.— [ make warm s tli 
 nm kijuiqe. , ' 
 Warmer, k'ijiahjan. 
 Warn; I warn, nin windamagc. I 
 warn him, nin wlndamawa. We 
 warn each other, nin windamadi- 
 Warning, windamagmin, windamu- 
 (^wM/j, wznduniugowiaiwin. 
 Warrior, jimagamsh, minixsino. I 
 .xr'*"l ^.^arrior, nin mdnissinow. 
 Wart, tc/iifchi(iom. 
 War- vessel , mujadi-nabikwan. 
 Wash ;_ I wash, nin kisibiginii/e, nin 
 kmjm/au/e. I wash for him, 7iin 
 kisthiqaainawa. I wash him. (her, 
 \i,)m/ikixibi(/ina; nin kisibiqinan 
 I wash myself, nin kimhiqi. — J 
 wash my hands, feet, etc. S Hand, 
 tooi, etc. 
 Wash clean; I wash clean, nin qass- 
 tabawe. I wash him (her, it) clean, 
 nmgaesicdiuJjawana, mn (jasnaba- 
 wadawa;nin gassiabawcn, nin qas- 
 Wash-dish, wash-plate, kmbiqinuie- 
 anagan. •' '' 
 Wash' out; I wash it out, {in., an.) 
 Icisiahawadan ; ki«i(djawana. 
 Washed; it is washed, lisihigaiqadc 
 gasstabawe, ' 
 Washer, kisibigaigewinini. 
 Wash-house, wash-room,' kixihigai. 
 (/ewigamiq. ^ 
 Washing, kisibigaigewtn, kisibigini- 
 Jj ash-tub, kisibigaige-makak. 
 H asp, amo. 
 Waste, wasting banadjitchUieivin, 
 n^^huvanadjttchigeicin, bapinoda- 
 gewm, mshibapinodugewin 
 INste ; I waste. 7iin 'banddjitchiqe, 
 ■mn mshiwanndjitchige, ninbapiil 
 dage, mn nuhthapinodaae, nin mi- 
 wadmuje, nin tchaginigeshk. J 
 waste It (^;^., an. ) nin banddjiton, 
 mn mshiwanadnton, nin bapino. 
 ■dun mn nuhihapiaodan, nin nd- 
 wadman ; nm banddjia, nin nishi. 
 tvanadpm, nin bapinodawa, nL 
 nishihapxnodawa, nin ndwadina 
 I waste It to him, nin ndwadina- 
 mawa, mn banddjitawa. 
 T1' asted; It is wasted, (««., an. ) nishi- 
 wanad:iitchpade, banadjidimdl- 
 nuUwanadxUchiga>>o, handdjitchl 
 Watch, dihaigisisswdn. J make wa- 
 tches, mn ddjaigisissH'anike. 
 u . li u'^'^^.l^' ''^'^ akando. I 
 Hitch him (her, it,) nin dadiba- 
 tnwia, mn dadibabandan. I watch 
 l^erhm, (her, n,) nin ganawent 
 ma; mn ganawendan. 
 IFatch, (sit up; ) I watch, nin nodab, 
 niunihiUtam. I watch him (her 
 It) in the night, nin nibebitawa- 
 ninmbehitdn. * 
 mtch^ (in 8. in.) S. Observe. 
 JKatch. h. Guardian. Guard. 
 llJ^tch-house, ukanddwigamig, 
 T»atching, akand,min, nodaUwin, 
 Watchmaker, dibaigiiismanikewtni. 
 VFatchmaking. watch-manufactory 
 mfjci igthuswanikewir . ' 
 M^atchman , akandowinini. 
 liater, 7iibi, nibish. There is water 
 mhka. In the water, mhikana, 
 7idnng, newudjindim, andmihinq 
 ancwnndim. On the wat r, ogidY. 
 Ing. 1 look lor water, nin ndndobi. 
 I fetch watei, ninhibinad, mnnd- 
 iilii. I obtain my water from...,< 
 ni/id onduild. I cannot find water, 
 nin gwindhi. I am ^it is) in the 
 water, niiid atjwifuljtn ; aijwmde. 
 I am (it ia) partly in the water, 
 7iin i>:i</i1)i ; sagihimagad. I am (it 
 is) half in the water, nin sagag- 
 whuJjin; sagaguinde. I put him 
 (her, it) in the w., nind agwindji- 
 ma; nitid agwindjiton. I draw him 
 (her, it) a little out of the w., nin 
 tcli^ihina; nin tchclcihidon. I push 
 it in the w., nin nimintuveitiliiian. 
 I put water in it, nin nibikadan. 
 There is water in it, nihikade, — 
 The water conies under me, nin 
 dinimiigm;. nihi. The w. comes 
 out ol a' vessel, sdyiwan nibi. It 
 nins out entirely, tchdgidjiivaii. 
 The w. drops out of s. th., tcJunsi- 
 gamugud nibi. The water goes 
 through it. Jabobi. The w. moves, 
 maddganmhl'a nibi. Moved or dig\- 
 t&tt] water, maddgajni. 7'he \v. 
 reaches me, jiin moshiaog. The 
 water shuts up, gihwal-ivnig- 
 TFater; I water him, nin minaa nibi. 
 Water, (in s. in.) S. Sprinkle. 
 Water-closet, misiwigamiguns. 
 TFaterfall. S. Cascade. 
 TFatering-cart , watering-pot. S. 
 Water-pail, v/ater-pot. S. Bucket. 
 ^Fater-serpent, omissandamo. The 
 skin of that serpent, omissanda- 
 TFave, tig(yiv. The waves run high, 
 heavy sea, majnangashJca. The 
 waves roar loud, Icijiiceiashlca. T\\e 
 roaring of the w. is heard, mamad- 
 weiashka. The water runs in heavy 
 waves, mamangdtigidjiawan. The 
 waves hreak on a shallow place, 
 bagicashka. The w. beat against 
 s. th., apagadushka. 'I he w. beat 
 against my canoe and carry me 
 away, nind apagadjiwelaog. The 
 w. leap in my canoe, nin sigdog. 
 The w. are white, thy Nourish, 
 wassashkamagad, ^ashkikawag ti- 
 WE A 
 gowag. The waves cease to rise. 
 honashka. The w. are n ""peased, 
 anwawi neiaMn , 
 Tf ax, amo-himide. 
 TFax-candle. S. R^ax-taper. 
 TFiix-taper , amo-bimide-u^assahwa- 
 nendjigan, Th\n wax-taper, amo- 
 Tfay, mikana, mikan.—i>. Road. 
 Way-side ; by the way-side, tchigi- 
 kana.opimekana. On the way-side, 
 We, ki, kid, nin, nind, Jcinatvind, 
 Weak ; I am weak, ninjdgwiw, nin 
 jdgo.'i. nin jdgivadis, nin hwana- 
 wito. nin ninamis, nm ninamadis, 
 mind annnns^e. I am weak in my 
 bones, nind angoganc, ninjotega- 
 we. I feel weak, nin bimidee, nin 
 bimideeshka. T feel weak in walk- 
 ing, nin bimideensse, nin jotegane- 
 osse. I am (it is) weak, consider- 
 ed weak, nin nokemlagns; noken- 
 dagwae^. Ii is weak, jagwiivimag- 
 Ice, ninamiidin ; liquid, jagwagn- 
 mi; metal, in.^inam^likad ; me- 
 tal, ati., ninamabiklsi ; wood, in., 
 ninamahi'od, nina7)ii,ssagad; wood, 
 an., ninamakosi, ninamissagisi. — 
 I think he (she, it) is weak, nin 
 jdgivenima, nin ninamenima ; nm 
 jdgwenddn, nin ninnmenddn. 
 Weak, (easily torn, stuff':) it is weak, 
 {in. an.) wuketvan; irakewisi. I am 
 (it is) weak, not durable, nin wa- 
 ken'is, nin wakeivine; wakewissin. 
 Weaken; I weaken it, ninjdgiciton. 
 Weakness, buHinmoitou'in. 
 IFeak often; I am (it is) often .icak, 
 nin nani/iamis; naninamad. I am 
 (it is) weak, considered weak, in 
 several ways, nin naninam^nda- 
 gns, naninamendagivnd . I think or 
 find him (her, it) weak in several 
 ways or respects, nin naninami- 
 nima; nin » a nin amend an. 
 Weak, (soft;) I am weak, nin nnkis. 
 It is weak or soft, nokan, noiama- 
 gad. It is weak: Metal, in., nokd- 
 bikad] metal, an.,nokdbikisi;si\i&.^ 
 ; I 
 ill. noJcahigad, nnligad; stufT, an., 
 ibolciihiijisi, niikit^ld. I make it 
 weak or soft, (metal, in., an.) nin 
 nol'uhi/cisarr^ n'ln ihokdhikimva. It 
 becomes weak or soft, nokigissem- 
 Wealth. S. Riches. 
 Wealthy. S. Rich. 
 Wean; I wean a chiUl nind hhl-wa- 
 nona ahinodji. 1 wean myself of a 
 bad habit or practice, wi« wehinan, 
 nin honilon. 
 Weapon or armor of a warrior, ash- 
 Wear; I wear it, (t«,., an.,) nind ag- 
 win, nin gigishJcan, nin jnndinddn; 
 nind agwinun, nin gigishlcawa, nin 
 madimd. I wear soft clothes, 7iin 
 nogikwanaie. I wear torn clothes, 
 nin bigokwanaie. — I wear it out, 
 ( in., an. ) nin misihan, nin mefak- 
 widjidon, nin metchismlon; nin 
 ■medkawa, nin metakubidjiina, nin 
 metehishima. I wear it out entire- 
 ly, {in., an.) nin tchagishhan; nin 
 Wear around the neck; I wear it on 
 or around my neck, (in., an.) nin 
 ndbikan',ninnnl)ikawa. I make him 
 wear a. th. around his neck, nin 
 ndbikona. Any thing worn around 
 the neck, ndbikagan, ndbikaioa- 
 Wearied. S. Tired. 
 Weariness. S. Tiredness. Disgust. 
 Weary. S. Tired. 
 Weasel, jingoss. 
 Weather; it is bad weather, a bad 
 day, nlskadad, matchi gijigad. It 
 is good fair w., a tine day, mino 
 gijigad. It is fine clear w., sun- 
 shine, mijakwnd. It is hot w., H- 
 jate; it is very hot, ivissagate. — I 
 nave a bad day, bad weather for 
 traveling, etc., nin mntchigijiga- 
 nish. I travel in bad w., nin nis- 
 kasika. I think it is too bad w., 
 nin niskadendam. I have a fine 
 day, fair weather, for traveling, 
 etc., nin minagijiganish. 
 Tfeave; I weave, nin bimidabigi- 
 nipanike. I weave with holes, 
 nind answetaiiinige. 
 Weaver,' bimitlahiginiganikcwinini. 
 Wedding, widigendiwin. 
 Wedding-feast , widigendiwini-wi- 
 hrngewin , tvidigendiwini-wihrndi- 
 Wedding-garment , widigendiwini- 
 agwiwiiu undigendiivini-babisika- 
 Wedd ing-ring, widigendiwini-titibin - 
 Wednesday; it is wed., dbitosse; on 
 Wednesday, dhit'isseg; on Wed- 
 nesdays, aidbifnssegin. 
 Weed, for smoking, apdkosigan.— 
 Another kind of smoking'-weed. 
 sagakominagnwanj. The berry 
 growing on 'this weed, sagnkomin. 
 I mix my tobacco with weed, (or 
 bark,) nmd apdkosige. 
 Weed._ noxious herb, matchi mash- 
 Weed; 1 weed, nin monashhve. I 
 weed a field or garden, nin mo- 
 nashhvadan kitigan, nin pa/hkohi- 
 don or nin pashkwakobidon kitigan. 
 Week; -u y^eek,ningoauamiegiJu/ad. 
 Two, three, four weeks, etc., ni^o 
 ananiiegijigad, nisso anamiegiji- 
 gad,nio anumiegijigad, etc. 
 Ileep; I weep,ninmaw,ninkatchim. 
 It Weeps, mawimagad. I weep too 
 much, 7iin mawishk, nin katchi- 
 moshk. I make weep, I cause 
 weeping, nin moiwe. I make him 
 w., nin mna. I w. waking up, or 
 awaking, 7i,ind amadadem. I come 
 on weeping, nin biJadem. I weep 
 after him, (molest him.) nin mo- 
 kawana. I w. bitterly, nin nanin- 
 aivadem. I w. horribly, nin gagwd- 
 nissagadem. I w. much, tiingiki?n. 
 I go to him weeping, 7iind inade- 
 motawa.—l w. from cold, ninmok- 
 uwadj. I w. from grief, nin nani- 
 nawem. I w. from hunger, nin bu- 
 kade7n, nin mokaivanam/am, ni7i 
 mokawashkade. I w. through joy, 
 nin mokawimndjigerulam. I w! 
 through pain or angei, nin moka- 
 wines. 1 w. by dissimulation, nin 
 mawU-as I w. in drunkennes'^. 
 nin, ma'vibi. 1 w. lor some teason, 
 nind ondndem. I w. in « certain 
 manner, nind iaudem. I w. in a 
 certain place, m/idanadem. \ weep 
 o\(!r liim, (her, it,)/im mdwima\ 
 nin mail 'nddn. I w. over myself, 
 nin viAwindis. I weep shedding 
 large teari, nin mindilmjah. I am 
 tired of weeping, nin, pingeweicem. 
 Weeper, msivi>shJcid,kaiatchim<>shHd. 
 Weeping, mawiwin, katchinumin. — 
 Halfit of weeping often or too 
 much, mawishkiioin, katchinmsh- 
 kvwin. Weeping of 3. th., or lor 
 s. th., mawindMmowin. 
 Weigh; I weigh, (1 am weighing in 
 a balance,) nin dihahishkodjiije, 
 nintihdbadjigc. I weigh him, (her, 
 it,) 7iih dibahixMima; nin dibahish- 
 kodon. I weigh hiin (her, it) in my 
 hand, nin gofina'^ nin (/dtinan.—l 
 weigh (it weighs) so much, nind 
 apitinicioe ; apitinigwad. 
 Weight, t-osiaoskodjigan. 
 Well; anddiban. 
 Well, weiveni, gwaidk, wawinge, 
 mino, kitcM, nissita. I do it well, 
 nin wawingeikan. I fix it well, 
 nin wawingetm. 
 Well ! ambe\ ambcssa\ ambessano! 
 ambessino! haw\ taga tagul o\ 
 Well/ let it be so/ 7nano! nab! mu.no 
 Well. S. Rather. 
 Welfare, mino aiawin. Eternal wel- 
 fare, kagige mino aiawin, kagige 
 West, ningabian, epangishimog . In, 
 to or from the west, nlngabianouij. 
 Rain coming from the' west, nin- 
 "W'est-douii, ningahianakwad. 
 Westwind, nin.gaMani-nndin. 
 Wet; I am (it is) wet, nin idbiw, nin 
 nibiivis; ndiiwan. 1 get (it gets) 
 wet, ninnissabawus, nin nisnabawe; 
 nissnbnwe. I wet it, Uth , an.) nin 
 nissabnwadon; nin nismbawana. 
 Tfhale, kitchi-gigo, kitchi-munameg, 
 Fhat? M'a? 
 fKhat? what is the matter? wegonenl 
 anin? tani? tanixh? 
 IFhat is the reason? anishwin? tve- 
 gimen wendji — . . .'? 
 TF'hat time is it? Anin epiteh-giji- 
 gak? Aninepifatibikakl Anin en- 
 <las80-dib'i iga negl 
 ^heat, pahvejiganashk; or rather, 
 IFheel barrow, gaodndini-odabanens, 
 TF.ieelsman, ndakiwinini. 
 VTheelwright. *S'. Cartwright. 
 T^hen? aniniwapil anajnl tanupil 
 oi jiil 
 T( hen, ajn', megv^a. 
 Inhere? anindil akal tandP. 
 M'hether, kifhpin. 
 Which? whaf. anin iw? 
 TFliile, megwa, api. 
 TFhip; 1 whip, nin bashanjiige. I 
 whip him, nin bashanjewa. 1 am 
 whipped, w-ira bas/ianjei^as. I whip 
 myself, nin bashanjeodis. 
 PT.iipping, bashanjeigewin. 
 IKhip-saw, tashkibtdjigan, 
 Trhirl; I whirl round, nin kijibata. 
 TFhirlpool, akikodjiwan. There is a 
 WUirlwind, rm'ssibissidossi. There is 
 a wh. driving the snow round, ki- 
 TFhiskers; I have whiskers, ?iin ma- 
 TFhiskey, ishkoteimbo, (fire-water.) 
 Vrhisper;! whisper, ningdskanas. 1 
 wh. to him, nin gdskariasotatva.— 
 We whisper to each other, nin 
 gdskanasdtad imin. The wind whis- 
 pers in the leaves, madwibagassin. 
 Tl- histle, whistling, kioishkwishiwin. 
 Whistle; I w\\\s\.\e,ninkwishkwish. I 
 whistle to call him, nin kwish- 
 hoishima. I wh. a tune, a melody, 
 nin kwinlikwishinagam. 1 wh. to 
 call a dog, nin kunshkwishkwus- 
 ffhite; I am (it is) white, ninwd- 
 bishkis; wdbishkamagad, ivabishki- 
 sigwamagad. I make it wh., {in. , 
 an. ) m'n wahislihinu, 71 in wahuhM- 1 
 ton; niii waliiM'awn, nin wahi- 
 *hkia. I make it wh., (cord, 
 string,) nin mihcihkahigilulon. I 
 make it wh. (stui, in., an. ) nin 
 u'aUshH(iilMi\ nin, 'walixhliiria. 
 White, [laintPil wtiitej it is white or 
 whitened, {in., un.) wdhii/inufade; 
 wahiginipaso. It is painted white, 
 (woi)d, iw., an.) wabi-umginigade; 
 White clay, ivahdhigati. 
 White_ cotton, or liiien, ivdliihkigin, 
 White crane, v'dhadjiJjal-. 
 White dog, irnhaKsim. 
 White duck, wahanxig, waUninishib. 
 White feather, irdbujwan. 
 Whitetish, atilanieg. 
 White goose, irdbivetve. 
 White object, or whitened object, 
 White of'thV egg, wahdwan, wabi- 
 shlca<f zvawan. 
 White of the eye, wabagamiMinji- 
 White paper, (not written,) waidhi- 
 sMag masincigan, wejibiigadesst- 
 nog rndsinaigan. 
 White person," a white, waidbisJiki- 
 wed. I am a wliite person, nin wd- 
 biM-iwe. Tiie wliites,' white 
 people, waidbinJiHicedjig. 
 White stone, wdbn^nn. 
 White turnip, imhiahlcitchiss. 
 Whitewash; I wh., nin wababiqa- 
 Whitewashing-brush, ivaMshhiiqan. 
 Whitish; itis whitish, (^■/i., an.) 
 pangi wahitihlcamugad; pangi wab- 
 i^Miii. It becoiiies whitish, it 
 fades, wabitchiia. It becomes whi- 
 tish in washing, u'aUtciiiiahawe; 
 by the sun, ■wabitchiiaU. 
 Whitish liquid, traUM-agami. 
 Whitlow, jiiiyihiss. I liaVe a whit- 
 low, nind iginqibi^s. 
 Whit-Sunday, Pantl-ot, Pantlcot-qi- 
 Whiz; it wh'zzes through the air, j6- 
 Who ? awenen ? weni ? wenish ? 
 Whoever, uiveqtven. 
 Whole; the whole, laHna. The 
 whole of it, {in. an,,) endamnq; 
 Whole, (entire;) it is whole, (in., 
 an.) mmweiamagad; misiwe»i. It 
 IS whole : Metal, in., misiireiaf>i~ 
 tad; inetal, an., midwiiabtkisi; 
 still}, in., miniwegud; stuff', an. 
 niMwigisi; wood, in., mimviiu- 
 J^vad; wood, an., midweiahwi 
 iw^' '•"*'^'^"'"''^'*«'^' g"gihadjl- 
 Whore-nionger, blshigivadjinini, <]a- 
 Whortleberry, min. Dry whortle- 
 berry, butiiniti. I gather whortle- 
 berries, nin ininil(e. 
 Why .' icegonen wcndji-,,. ? ani- 
 sliwin \ 
 Why ! ani^h ! 
 Wick, ivassakwa 
 Wicked, makhi 
 ..... , I ^^ wicked, nin 
 mntc.ii ytwehs, nin mnnjininiwu- 
 gu, nin batd-ijiirebu). It "is wicked 
 sinful, batdijitrebad; matchiijiwe- 
 had, mdnadad. I make him wicked, 
 nin matchi ijiwebida, nin nishiwu- 
 nadjta. I think he (she. it) is 
 wicked, nin manadenimof ninma- 
 irickedness, batn-ijiivebisiwin, ma- 
 tchi ijiirebisiinn, mnnjininia'agid- 
 n'ln, fnixinuinid/cin. 
 Wickedness of heart, matchideeunn. 
 I have f wncked heart, nin ma- 
 i Curded. 
 Wicked _^^ rson, matcU aiaamsh, 
 mmmanisiinni^^k. I am a wicked 
 person, nin matchi aiaauishiw, 
 n I n m islm d n idicin ixh iw. 
 Wicked thing, matcJd uiin-ish. It is 
 a wicked thing, matchi aiiwisM^ 
 Wide; it is wide, mangadeamagad. 
 I make it wide, large, {in., an.) 
 mn mangadefnn; nin manqadea. 
 Wide, (in s. in.) S. High, 
 iriden; I widen it, [in., an.)nawdtc?t 
 ninmangadeton; nuwdlch nin man- 
in r .wj i nwj > "mi 
 T am a widow, ninjlgaw. 
 Widower, ji'ja, Jmjuivid, Jaqawid 
 inini. I am a widower, mnjigaw. 
 Width; the w'idth of it, {in., an.) 
 enignkii'ndesdng; eniijohradcshid. 
 Wife, wadiijcd ikwe, wltvima, widige- 
 miujaii, wigimas^an, widjiu-agan, 
 I have a wile, niii widi/je, nin wiw. 
 My, thy, his wife, nin widnjema- 
 gan, hi ivid/'tjemagun, o widigi'mu- 
 ganan; or, nin, mindiinoiemuh, ki 
 mlndiinoiemish, o ininuimniemi- 
 shan; or, ni'n'.^h, kiwkh, iviwinhan 
 or u'iwan. I have two. three, four 
 wives, nin nijuhvew,ninni8iiokuea\ 
 ni'i nidhrriv. — T give him a wife, 
 ninwiwihnca. We give a wife to 
 one another, nin wiwikodadiniin. 
 I give a wile to myself, nin, iviwi- 
 Wig, hisikivandjigan. 
 Wild; i am wiU\/nimoum'sfihves. 
 Wild &w'\m?k,2ictgHudj-aiaa,pagwudj- 
 Wild boar, /xn/irudji-h'kosh. 
 Wild cat, cs.sihiin. Skin of the wild 
 cat, efsihaiiiwaidn. Coat made of 
 wild c«t's skins, e.ssihaniwekon. 
 Wild cherry, hawaiminan^ sissawe- 
 Wild cl'.erry-shrnb, sisnaweminu- 
 qawavj, hawaiminana'/awanj. 
 Wild cherry-tiee. wmisik. 
 TFild dog. jiaitvadas.sirn. 
 irilderness. pag/radakumig, pa- 
 gwddj. There is a wilderness, j:;a ■ 
 mid goat, pagw I 'ji-mmishtanish. 
 \V\\A poise, uikd. Another kind, 
 TFild hor.'^e, png/a/idji-i.ehejigogaiiji. 
 TFild man, pogimdj-inini. 
 TFild rice, inane nun. I gather wild 
 rice, nin mancniinike. The gather- 
 ing of wild rice, niiiniSminiktwin. 
 The month of the gathering of 
 wild rice, mani rniwike-ijiaiss. 
 Wild rice liii;:. mam niiniiruj. 
 TFild small snail, jKujxoadji-himisho- 
 Tni<l thing, pagwddj-aii. 
 Wjld tree, j>agifadji-mitig. 
 Mild turkey, pagwiulji-misiiise. 
 T''ild \\om;iu,piigwadJ-ikH-e. 
 Ujll, inendaniowin, incndjigewin. I 
 give hiin a firm will,/(d.rt soiujidasK- 
 IFill, firm will. S. Resolution, firm 
 TFill; 1 will, nind inindnm^nind in- 
 TT'illing; I am willing, nin, minwen- 
 TITIlow -tree, osissigolimij. 
 TFin; I vvin him, (her, it,) nin gash- 
 kia; nin guihkiUm. 
 TFind, nndin. The wind begins to 
 h[o\\,. mddanimad. The wind is 
 coming, hidnnimud. A strong 
 wind comes on, pagamdniniud . — I 
 have wind, nin m'diniJi, nin no- 
 dinoshka. I come (it comes) with 
 the w., nin hidush; hidasbin. I go 
 (it goes) away with the w,, nin 
 mddjiiash: inddjiiandn . I am (it is) 
 carried away by the wind, 7iin 
 wehaah; loehnstin. l\\e wind is 
 fnir, minwaniinad, ndmadni^wad. 
 I have a fair wind, nin ndmadm. { 
 am (it is) driven or carried by a 
 fair w., nin minwhh; miRwdssin. 
 Tliere is a good fast vv, kvjiiani- 
 mad. There is a fight smooth vv., 
 fetix.sanimad. 7'tiere is a cold vv., 
 takdnimnd. Tt is cold by the wind, 
 takntmin. — T'he wind f)l()ws in a 
 certain direction, apagutaiiimad . 
 7he wind flies round, uhanwiani- 
 wad. ?lie w. strikes s. tli., pa- 
 kiUiassin, 7'he w. ceases blovv- 
 int', hondnimud. — From the four 
 winds, niwing inakakeiu wenda- 
 TT'ind -bound; lam w., nin ginlssi- 
 TFind lass, omhahiginigan. 
 IFindow, wuffii'tc/iiga'n. 
 TFiiulow-frame, u-assitchigavntig. 
 TT'indow-glass, pane, wassitchigand- 
 TT'indpipe, gondaMwei. 
 i I, 
 IKind nii; I wind up, mn ti*ihaodj{(/e, 
 nin titihiniflc, I wind it ()p,(m,, 
 Mn. ) 7un tttibaodon, nin fitildf/i- 
 nan, nind ikwahian\ nin litibama, 
 tiintitihiijina, nind ikwaJnwa. 
 Tnndy;it is windy, the wind blows, 
 nddin. It is very windy, it blows 
 continually, ntta-nodin. 
 TFinu', ninffwtgan, I have wings, 
 nind (mini/wiijana. 
 TFine, jonnnaho, I make or produce 
 wine, ninjomindbol-e. Place where 
 they make wine, jfjininahokan, — 
 Producer of wine, winepresser, 
 jominahohewinini. Production of 
 vji\r\e,jomin ahoheivin, 
 T-Fink, watihivaigeudn, ainigeivin. 
 )rink; I wink,' nind ainihuje, nin 
 watihcaige. I wink him, nind 
 aininamawa, nin 7vafH-n>aama'wa, 
 Wink with the eyes, tchibingiveno- 
 Wink with the eyes; 1 wink with 
 the eyes, nin Uhihingwen. I wink 
 him with the eyes, nin tcMoimf- 
 IFinter, hihon. In winter, Mhong, le- 
 hnngin. 7'he winter begins, ^/^ar/yV- 
 hihon. 7'he winter is far iuivanced, 
 inhpibihon. After the middle of 
 the w., giweliihan. Last winter, 
 Mbntwng. The winter beforr last, 
 awdss-liib&nong. Next winter, /^aw- 
 ima hibf/ng. 
 Tf'inter; I winter, niti hibonisk. It 
 winters, bibdniehimagnd. I winter 
 with him. nin widjibiboninhima. I 
 survive the winter, nin wdbanish. 
 Wintering, hibonislmoin, 
 IKinter-path, bibon-milcana. 
 irinter-quaiter, place of wintering, 
 IFinter-skin, winter-fur, hiboni- 
 TFipe; I wipe him, (her, it) nin gas- 
 siwa, nin Hsiwa\ nin gaMinn, nin 
 hisian. I wipe a child, nin kicia- 
 wass. — I wipe dishes, niji gdsain- 
 agane. I wipe his face, nm gas- 
 stngweiva, nin Hsingwiwa. I wipe 
 my face, nin gnstii7igu'eodi,i, nin 
 Jcisingii'€(xlis. 1 wipe his tears. 
 nin gaesinsOdngwewa. I wipe my 
 tears, nin gd^hinsibingwe, rJ,n gus~ 
 einitibiiH/ivittdid. I wipe his feet, 
 nin gaeei«idiwu. I wipe my feet, 
 nin gassidide, 7iin gamaideodis. — i 
 wipe the dust off,' ninbirtweun. — 
 Any_ thing to wipe the feut on, ba- 
 le mdcshitmnvin, 
 TFipe oft; (in s. in.) Blot out. 
 IFire, hiu'dbihons, 
 H'isconsin, W'iKkhins. In, to or from 
 Ifisconsin, WisUhnimig. 
 Wisconsin River, WisMmd-sihi. 
 IFi sd m , n ihwalcdwin . 
 Jf'ise; I am wise, nin nibwakd, nin 
 pagitaw, ntn_ gagilawis. I make 
 him wise, nin n'ibicuhta, nin ga~ 
 git.awia. \i makes me wise, 'nin 
 nihwul-digon, 1 think myself wise, 
 nin nikwakdicnindin, nin nilicak- 
 dienim, nin nibwuhmcnim. I am 
 wise before him, nin nibwakakan- 
 date a. 
 TT'ise,(in s. in.) S. Prudent. 
 IFise man, nibwakdunnini. 
 Wish for. TFished for. —Ay. Desire. 
 IFitchcraft. S. Magic. 
 TFith, in compositions, gigi—. Iflth 
 the soul, gigi-tchitchag. fFith the 
 body, gigi-wiiaw. 
 TFithdraw; I w. from him, nind nj.- 
 tnwa^ nin hakmina. I w. from'ft, 
 niti hakewinan. 
 IFither;it withers, nikvashkissiu. 
 IFithhoid ; 1 w. it from him, nin mind- 
 Jiminaniawu._ I w. it from myself, 
 nin mindjimin idis. 
 Tntliin, pindig, pindjaii, findjina. 
 IFithout, out of doors, agwuMdng, 
 Without interruption, apine, lejig. 
 IFithstand ; I withstand him, nind 
 Wo\i,maingan. There ara wolves, 
 mainganika. Place where there 
 are wolves, inninganikun. 
 IFol verene , giving ivaage. 
 TFoman, ikwe, ukwe.' I am a wo- 
 man, nind ikueiv, nind ahwew, A 
 woman that has no more a hus- 
 "band, pijigolcwe. I am a woman 
 that has no more a liusband, nin 
 IKomaii's breast, totosh. My breast, 
 nin totonhiin. On both sides, nin 
 IKonder; I wonder, nin mamalcdden- 
 dam. I wonder at him, (her, it,) 
 nin mamukudenima; nin mumaha- 
 dendan. 1 make him wonder, nin 
 jronderiul. H. Admirably. Aston- 
 H'onderful doing, mamandddoda- 
 niuwin, mamundcncanokitriii. 
 H'onderful thing, mamakadjidjigan, 
 inamaknsahundjiijan. 1 can do 
 wondortul thing's, nin mamandu- 
 IKondrous. S. Curious. 
 li-'ood. 7mti(f. I am (it is) wood, ni7i 
 mitiq(iw\'miHgowan. One object of 
 wood, heji<tn'<it/(f. Two, three, 
 lour obj. oV wood, nijwdttg, niss- 
 ■tvatig, niwntig, etc. So many ob- 
 jects of vjooi\j('afiswdtig. There is 
 plenty of wood, mUUjvka, icanud- 
 Jixmoa- — Dry wood, mishiwdiig, 
 mishiwatigomig. 1 chop dry w., 
 nin mishiwatujoke. Green wood, 
 ashkdtig. I choj) green w., ni/id 
 as^katigoke. There is green 
 ^(tending wood, ashkdkwa. — I cut 
 ami split wood lor a canoe, nin 
 paesdiie; for a sled, wm pmsnida- 
 oane; for sno'vshoes, nin passa- 
 dgimc. — A frf(r;ment of wood, 
 bohvdtig. A 1 true piece of wood, 
 mangiskigud. A flat piece of wood, 
 nahaqal-i'J. Near a piece of w., 
 tchig'atig.—'RoHeu wood shines, 
 wass-ikogidema gad . 
 IFoodcock, padjnshkaavji. 
 VKooden box, miligo-makak, miti- 
 ^Fboden canoe, (boat or log-canoe,) 
 WooiVen hannner, mitigo-pdkiUi^an. 
 H'ooden house, (log-house,) mitigo- 
 WooAeii kettle, (drum,) mitigivnku: 
 VFooden leg, mitigogad. I leign to 
 have wooden legs, nin mitiyoga- 
 H'ooden pin. S. Peg. 
 Mboden plate or dish, mitig-cndgan, 
 ^^ ooden shoe, mitigo-mukiun, 
 H'oodcn spoon, mitig-hnikwan. 
 Tlbod-file, (rasp,) mitigo-sideilodji- 
 irood for fuel, m-ioSdn. A piece of 
 wood for fuel, minhi. I put wood 
 in the fire, nin muiidinisse. Tt\e 
 quantity of wootf that is put in 
 the fire at one time, pagidinissun, 
 A piece of w. whistles in the fire, 
 sinakode mishi. — I fetch wood in a 
 canoe, nin nddainse. 
 JFood-louse, baiutinogaded. 
 Wood-pecker, memc\ pakweamo; pa- 
 jmsse ; hiqn'akokweinveshi. White 
 wood-pecker, wahipapdsse. 
 TFoods, (forest,) mitigicaki. In the 
 woods, in a forest,' mitigwaking, 
 nnpiming, I go into the woods, 
 nin, gopi; I come from the woods, 
 nin m(idi.y I come out of the 
 woods, of the loicct, nin sagad- 
 kwaam, nin jinpakwaum. 
 ] J 00 1 , ma n ish taniah iicih i wai, 
 IKord, ikifowin. One word, ningoto- 
 don. Word said to some person, 
 igminn. I send word, nin madji- 
 irorl'd, aki. In the whole world, eni- 
 gokwag aki, enigokvmgamigag, {eni- 
 gohiqaniigag.y h is the end'of the 
 world, waiehca-akhoan, ishkwd- 
 ak'nrnn. Atthe end of the world, 
 — The world, (people,) hemadui'i- 
 Work, working, annkvwtn, inanoki- 
 win. There is viork,anokiwinagad. 
 I commence some work, ninmdd- 
 jif.a, nin mddakumigis. 
 Work ; I work, nind an<>ki. It works, 
 nwikiinairdd. I come to work, nin 
 hi-anaki. nin hidjanoki. I am able 
 to w., nin gashi-inawi. I work in 
 a certain manner, nind inanoki. 
 1 make him work, nind anokia, 1 
 w. with him, Tim widjaiwkima. I 
 work in vain, nind dnawewii, nind 
 II ork - bench, mol-odjujan. Worit- 
 l)ench for tho drawincf-kiiife, oto- 
 hxljiijan fckivarnljii/ernai/ii/r. 
 H'orking-day, workilav, anoki<jyi- 
 UorkinR-lionse, nnokiwiijamig. 
 Workman, enokid, unokiwinini. 
 yVoxV. with a knife ; I work with a 
 knifo, etc., nin mi'ikodass. I work 
 it, (in., an.) nin, mukodan, nin mo- 
 kunan; tiin makona, I work it for 
 him, 711)1 mukodawa, ninmokodam- 
 frorm, (in the body,) ogejugim. I 
 have worms, nind iHjrjagim. If orni, 
 (in the wood,) inosne. Worm, (on 
 OT in the ground,) juiindwus. 
 ]I orm, (coming out of a tly's egg."* 
 Worm-eaten; it is worm-eaten, (glo- 
 bular object, in., att.) m<memina- 
 gad] musseininagini, moHscwidji. It 
 IS worm-eaten, '(wooden olij., in., 
 an.) moKsinmijad; mosKensugitii. 
 IFbrm-medicine, vermifuge, ogrjagu- 
 Worn out ; it is worn out, metcMasin, 
 metchitchiijade. It is worn out l)y 
 grindinir, (i/t., an.) mHchihadc ; 
 metrhihi.nn. It is worn out, (cloth- 
 ing,) m(takiv)din. It is worn out, 
 (metal, in., an.) nutahikissin ; me- 
 Worse ; I am getting worse, nhid 
 JVbrth ; 1 am (it is) worth, ajdten- 
 dagos ; a/ittnthig/ciul. I am (it is) 
 worth little, nin hewendagos ; be- 
 Worth liothuiu; ; I am (it is) worth 
 nothinfr, nin nagiknn'ix \ vagika- 
 tvad. I am (it is") worth nnthiiig, 
 considered worth n., nin nagika- 
 v<endaaos ; naaikutvenJagwud. 
 Horth pity. S. Poor. 
 fTorthy. S. Respectable. 
 Wox\r\i\,m(ikipu'i n .hi miraganiigtnoin. 
 My %vound heals, nin qige. I put 
 s. th. in his wound, nin inndjidi j 
 kihina, I heal his wound, 7iin gi- 
 Hound. M. Dress a wounii. 
 JKound; I wound, nin himwdganiige. 
 I wound him, nin rndkia, nin inn- 
 kinana, nin indkigannma, nin mn- 
 mnkignnama , nin himudyania, 
 nind anAtganama. I wound liim in 
 a certain manner, nind innifandmn. 
 1 wound him shooting, nind nno- 
 nuH'a, nin niijwa. I w. him strick- 
 ing, win vidkiganainu. I w. him 
 cutting, nin kijdwa. 1 wound my- 
 self cutting, 1 cut myself, nin kijd- 
 fFouiided; I am w., nin Inmudganes. 
 — I am wounded in the arm, loot, 
 etc. S. Arm. Foot, etc. 
 Wounded person, himidtgnn, mijwd- 
 mn. I am a w )ui)ded person, nin 
 himwnganiw, jiin niijwdganiw. 
 H'ound-l'ierb, wound-root, mijiwe- 
 Wounding, inflicting wounds, Mm- 
 Woven; it is woven, (in., an.) himi- 
 d ahiiiin iganikude ; hitnidabiginiga- 
 Wowon work, himidabiginiganikan. 
 Uranglo. Wrangling. — S. "Quarrel. 
 Wrangler, neta-gikau'idang, I aj» a 
 wrangler, nin nita-giknwidam, 
 Wrap up; I wraf) up, nin wiwigini- 
 ge, nin kaslikiwcginige, I wrap 
 him (her, it) up in s. ih., nin wi- 
 wegina, nin kaxlikinegina ; nin wi- 
 wcjiinan, nin kuMuwiginan.- Any 
 object to wrap s. th. in, kanhkiwe- 
 Wrapped up ; I am (it is) wrapped 
 up, nil,. H'iivfginigas, nin kanhki- 
 u'eginigas ; wiweginigade, kasliki- 
 Wt'(/inigade. -It is wrapped together, 
 (in., an.) (ikn'iuimn; oku'tginhin. 
 Wrath. Wrathful.-S. Anger. Angry. 
 K rath-day, day of wrath niskkadji- 
 Il'ren. nnnokasse. Another kind, oda- 
 Wrestle; 1 wVestle with him, taking 
 him round the body, nind ajidena. 
 I wrrHtln with liim, (her, it.) vin 
 gaqwhJjiwonddawa ; nin (jaijicCdJi- 
 M'n'stlo, (in s. in.) S. FicjhI.. 
 U'riiiklc'l; I am (it is) vyrinklod, nin 
 halnd'inhiii ; hahid-min. 
 U'rist ; 1 have a strong wrist, nin 
 U'ritp; I vvril.-^. nlnd ojihii'jc. I write 
 111 a ccrtiiiti manner, iiiiul ylhliyc. 
 I add writinp, nin ijiHhiiije. i vvr. 
 otherwisn, nind au'(/Jihiii(e, I write 
 it othfrwise, nindandjildnn. Iwr. 
 with large letters, nin niiUH/ihiirfe, 
 ninmnrndrnjihiiiie. I wr. witli small 
 letters, nin hifnUniije. 1 write to 
 him or of him, niiid ojlhlammra. 
 1 write to him or of hun in a eer- 
 tain manner, nind ijihiumawi. I 
 wr. a letter, nin miidjihiiw. I wr. 
 him a letter, nin madjihiamawu. 
 He writes me a letter, (I receive 
 a letter ofliim,) nin hidjihiamug. 
 I write it, or I write on it. {in., an.) 
 nind njihian ; nind ojihiira. I wr. 
 it or on it, in a certain manner, 
 {in., an.) nind ijihum ; nind ijihi- 
 wa. 1 writf- and correct, nin nana- 
 ibivje. I write it, correcting it, 
 nin nandibian. T wr. everywhere 
 on it, nin misin'ehian. I make a 
 ^%ii8take or hinnder in writing, nin 
 Wanihiiffe. Bhinderin writing, wa- 
 nihivjewin, wanihii(jav . — 1 am oc- 
 cnpied in writing, nind ondami- 
 Writer, wijihiliird, ryjihiiijiici/iini, 
 (writing man.) 
 Writing, writ, ojihi/i/an, i>Jil,il,jeinn. 
 Writing in large letters nuinntntji- 
 hii\ian. VVritinu' in small l.'tlers. 
 I lixf<ihiii/un. ('Iianf;e<l or altered 
 writing, and/iliiiijnn,, Ccrrected 
 writing, nandi>ii/(jiin, (correcttul 
 Writmg-lionse, office, ojilnlijcwitja- 
 \ nnij. 
 ! Written ; I am (it is i written or de- 
 I scrihed, (or painted, ) vivd (r/ibii- 
 gas \qjihiiiiade. In a certain man- 
 lier, nind ijibiigas ; ijibiignde. — It 
 is written with large letters, ma- 
 manfiihiigade ; with small letter, 
 Mmhiiga'tle ; everywhere, all over, 
 Wrong ; I wrong or do wronc, 7iin 
 batadi'dam. I wrong people, wt/j 
 bata-didage. It wroiers. it does 
 evil, bdta-dcdageniaga'l. I wrong 
 him, nin baladodan'a. 1 wrong 
 myself, 7(iVi. bafnidis, nin vawiia- 
 din. — It is wrong, bata-ijiirchnd. 
 Wrong, (ins. in.) S. Do evil, Iii- 
 Il'rongly, in a wrong manner, na- 
 jxiich. I put it wrongly, )n/i 7ia^ 
 IFrong way ; I put it on in the wrong 
 way, {in., an.) n in d a bonlui n ; n in d 
 ahahima. I put a coat or blanket 
 over me in the wrong way, nind 
 TFrought iron, iccnadaigudeg biwd- 
 Yankcp. S. American. 
 Yarn, ntisuliah. 
 Yawl-boat, nahihu'unejiit. 
 Yftwii ; I yawn, ui/i nihaiawe, nin 
 Yawning, nihalaivewm, nanihaiawe- 
 Year, hihun, Inhonagad \ Tcikinono- 
 N' early. endasgo-lnJxtnagalc, 
 Yellow; I am (it isj ynilow, nind 
 oxaicis; nm/ra. I dye it yellow, 
 t'tc. S. Omwadigsan, etc. in 'he 
 First Part. 
 V ellow by smoke ; I make s. th. yel- 
 low by smoke, niiul omiivegi&igc. I 
 make it y. by smoke, {in., 'an.) 
 mud osaweginan ; nind osaweifis- 
 Yellow cloth, (or other yellow stuff,) 
 V ellow metal, brass, osdwuhik. 
 Yellow, painted yellow ; it is paint- 
 ed v., {in., an.) osaifiniijade ; 08- 
 awihigaso. It is painted y.. ( wood. ; 
 iu.._aii.) osawifsaginigade ; om/ria- 
 Yellow serpent, omwi-ginihig. I 
 Yelp. Yelping.— S. Bark. Barking. ' 
 Ye.s, ('. 
 Yest, S. Le-.ven. 
 Yesterday, pitchinago. The day be- 
 fore yesterday, ailumonago. 
 Yet./WflM; mivotch, potch. 
 Yield; it yiolilH fruit, («n., in.) mini- 
 loi. mikwi<ji ; miniiran, mikwi<iin., 
 \ mtkwiiomagad. I make it yield 
 fruit, nin mikivigif,an.~llywU\H no 
 fruit, no prolit, unair-'Viximagad. 
 1 ho field yiehls no fru.., anawigin 
 Yoke, nahikairagan, nahlkatian. So 
 many yoke of..., dasswiwan. 
 Y'olk of an egg, tninkiouwan, minh- 
 wawandjigan ; osawag umivan, oaa- 
 Yonder, iwidi, aadn/i widL 
 \'ou, your, ki, kid, kin ; kinawa. 
 Young, mhki. Young child, oshki- 
 ahinndji. I am young, nind onkki- 
 hiinadin, nind o.shklnii/. 
 Yourig animal or \nu\,'</Khk>-aiac!}ui. 
 Yoiiiig lolks, weMinigldJig, /rcshki- 
 Young man, oMinaioe, wcshkinigid. 
 I am a young man, nind oM'ina- 
 Young shoot, oshkigin, wexhkiginq 
 Young woman, nshkinigikwe, nrsh- 
 kiniiiid. I _ am a young woman, 
 niml iishkiiiiijikn'ew. 
 Yours, kin , kinan>a. 
 Y'outh, oshkinigiwin, oshki-liniadini. 
 Youtli. S. Young man. 
 Z( ill at work, t/vashhwisiwin, min 
 /fuloiis ; I am zealous at wt 'k.njw 
 ifwuniikwit, nin minwiwis. 1 otn 
 z. lor him, in his service, nin min~ 
 >riwitit\-on<latra, nind annv 'mika- 
 ira.l niii zealous font, /ii/i . .Jntci- 
 ii'ielkundan, nind anywdmikan. 
 End of the Second Part. 
E R p. A T A 
 This Index of errata does not pretend to point out atl the typograph- 
 icat errors that yet remained after my last corrections, or that were 
 occasioned by carelessness or accident, after the last corrections had left 
 me I am sure that besides the errors here indicated, there must be many 
 others yet in this book.— My intention in pointing out to you these few 
 errors is merely to show you the character of these typographical (and 
 other) mistakes, that you may correct them yotirselt by and by, when 
 you shall have acquired some knowledge ot this languaga. 
 Page 5, 
 line 44, AUnodjiiwin; read, Ahinodjiiwiwin. (The same error 
 occurs on p. 458 and 528,) 
 " 29, stircase; read, staircase. 
 37, oming; read, coming. 
 32, og; read, ag. 
 17 after a. v. an., read, I lend some an. 
 ' before £ogid, read, Bodjwihwcd, s. Greenbay. 
 30, Damvewen; read, Danweive. 
 37, p. rfa«sf>warf; read, p. dessonad. 
 30, 1 read it; read, I reach it. 
 33, Goshhrvendam; read, Goshhvendam. 
 37, wolverine; read, wolverene. 
 20, IMwenindJi; read, Ishkwenindj. 
 24, Jagashi; read, Jagashkt. 
 30, vine-leave; re ''.vine-leaf. 
 51, Kashhahikan; read, KashJcuhiJcaan. 
 15, [F. on instrict.] read, [F. on iristruit.] 
 13, Kitegewinini\ reail, Kitujiwinini. 
 19, Kikowesi; read, Kokowesi. 
 49, Kosigwendan; read, liiidgwanendan. 
 12, or kwam; read, or kwa. And line lo, Tchigakwam; read 
 45, mddji-anoki; read, tiiadji-anoki. 
 42, Mdmakas tagr^s; read, MdmakdsUagos. 
 1, I loug; read," I long. 
 29, cornet-tree; read, cornel-tree. 
 52, Memwe', read. Menwe. Correct the same error on page 470. 
 25, one of another ; read, of one another. 
 36, rowing ; road, roving. 
 7, p. mion..h(ii ; read. p. mwa.Mg. 
 13, and 14, Dioest; read, Dost. 
 3, 3. p. n nag...; read. 3. p. o ■nag..n. 
 41, in a walking; read, in walking. 
 52, Naninawinii road, Ndninawem. 
 41, nahingan; read, nabinyin. 
 Pag. 324, 
 " 342, 
 •« 346, 
 " 360, 
 " 3«'2, 
 " 394, 
 " 400, 
 " 416, 
 " 419, 
 " 431, 
 " 431, 
 " 457, 
 " 468, 
 " 487, 
 " 503, 
 " 513, 
 *' 516, 
 2, dying ; read, dyeing. 
 28, loal a bread; read, loaf of bread. 
 42, nanoMak ; read, naiamshkak. 
 48, muskoto; read, musketo. 
 41, indisposition; read, disposition. 
 3, marterskin; read, marten-skin. 
 22, wpsahwanendjigesd-, TeaA,wassakwanendngfsnn. 
 9, ntndamaffosuvin;Teai\, Windamagowiaiwin. Correct thd 
 same error on p. 623. «•«'»'/». v.»,rct,i me 
 33, half-bread; read, half-breed. 
 8, achi i read, ashi. 
 48, iniwesia; read, nind initveaia. ' 
 17, Change: read, Changed. 
 52, adjidjud ; read, adjidjak. 
 43, ninnbana>id,ami; read, ninjihanandam. 
 44, ntn bonendam, awa; read, nm Unendamatca. 
 1 J, snngigi ; read, nm songigi. 
 '^^~^t\;p'?ir.Tl"'°"'^'?r'''H^^^*>*^'"''«' ^^'=- P"t a «; after 
 the first *; as, pashhvashkijigmin, etc. 
 43, ividokamawa ; read, nm ?/'zi/«/taOTawa. 
 2J, nmdodjuiidiwin; read, nandodjindiwin. 
 i^, 2^inwaho; read, pingwabo. 
 48, (tn., <iw.) read, (ara., ««,.) 
 21, nt» hfrjihaigas; read, wmi lajibaigas. 
 18 '"/''"f''*^'"'«^*'^-*''^«^'>i'. read, manttobiwaUkokewinini. 
 18, «?.ra 7»a, 7?iawai ; read, wzVi rnamaiva. 
 49, hriist back; read, Thrust back. '^ 
 30, nndsswi; read, midasmi. 
 CsBtera prudens corrigat lector. « 
 F. B. 