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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de chaque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbole "7 signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmis d des taux de reduction diffironts. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clich*. il est film* ^ partir de I'angle supineur gauche, de gauche k droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire Les diagrammes suivants illustrent Ic mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1? 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART 1.0 I.I .25 121 1^ M2.2 !: 1:^ Ilia 1.4 ilill 1.6 .= APPLIED INA^C5E Inc C-Al PC 5 07- N DEPARTMKNT OF THE INTKRJOR CANADA H..-. n' ,1. RcKiir, Umi../rr. W. W. CoKy. ( M.i:., llrji.:'!/ .\tini.iit us the \-elocities of iheir I'inc ])lates wliicli showed a raii};e of \ariatioii of 10 kn>,, and its (lisc()\ery as a spectroscopic binary is therefore due to the Verkt's ol)scr\ alorv. The aiiproxiinafe |ieriod of the star had heen ol)tain(^d when the Yerkes' rs (lavs. niodih(Mi to lv7S9 hv lesults were recei\'e(l his i)erio(l ol .^■ t tiie ^'erkes' results and additional plates of our own, suits all the oliservations exc(^])1 the first one laketi al the ^'erkes obser\atorv, Professor |-'rost, with his usual kindness in such inatt(M's, has re-inensured this ]ilate which he states to he of jrood (|Uality The mean of t.heir two measures, which difTer xcry little, is still about io km. too ])()sitive for our ciir\<' AUowiiij; for a possible s>st.einatic ditTerence of '.] km. betwei our ohserxaiions tliere is sttll a residual of 10 km. Th IS larger ttian is th natural to (-xjiect in a star of t.Npe A2. whose lines are much better than the averatie. .\ value of the |Jeriod of :>-7NllS days suits the Yerkes' results much b(>ttei'. but (jur own not so well, which are proliably best si.tislied b\- a period of o ,SS.) dav^ I therefore, a rouiideil olT value o f ;?-7S",l d: i\s as a ('omi)romise between these two extremes Then^ is !i Mis])icion. from the w;iy the observations firoup thems(d\es in some of the periods tested, that the s|iectrutii of the coniiiotKMit star is brifiht enough to influence the measures, causing the well known blend effect. As the ranp' in the variation of the primary is barely over 40 14.57 U I»- v\ HM, AllnN> "K Tin. IM.MIMI.V nlor.UVSToHV. „„, Mn,li.-pnM„ iuMn.n,,.,,,, Th.. Mar ,- of pl,n,n„a,,h.r „K„nnu,li. -J. ^„„j i^ „,„. ,,,„,,, |,;„, ,. ,,..nni, .lu. ,.-.■ nf „ur il.n.-pnMn >iuT,ro,rap.i to ailvaiilairr. ■n„,u-..v,.n pla,.s nf .iH. >..av ...v nh.ainnl in lOi:, ami lVo„, ,lir.r ,,„ Hi.n.n,. hav.. h-.n In ,!a. fnn..uiu. .ahlo a,v .>v.n ,1,. „,„,,,„, „„„s, ,1„. nuniliir ■. nnu. us..,l and .l- av-ra,. n.snlual lor .ad, fn„n ,h,. n.-an nf ,1.. ,>la,... Th. wav.-l.n.,!,. uvr,. adnpt-il Iron, ,h. star 1110 (irnunil.nil,!.. w.t'i ~lif:ht niuilit.ratinn.. an,l havr not iM.rn corm'tcl for the residual, sliown in the tal>!.-. w \\i; i,r.N'/ni> oi iim-^ in " AruicT.. I ■-• \ ! — . ii N inilicr I N inibpr Kf.-uliuil- Wiivo-I,. neth nf tn ,.•.■< UH-d. i{l;.lcln,ll- W 1 ,vi'-l Ifi I'.i + II + J - 1 -J tjilii .'.13 V.'.M) li:!7 4J:i.-.()'.»l 13 11 U :i3 - 1-7 + .Ifi - fi - (\:\ 4.ioi rj:i 10 + 04 ■'1 + I'J 44M nil 3« - no On l.'l.-. 71.". :>o + 09 441.-. :;:f;i 4104 ^.-.T i:t - :i "i i:oj •-'7S U'.iN-71'.t 5 19 - fi-3 4- no 4:V.t."i 1 17 30 llKi s:w ! ■JH - 1 4:i.M '.MM Mill VIO ') - (1 r. 4:vio ti07 i:f.;.-i 707 "_''» 4 Of) I- 0-4 + 0-7 + 12 - Jl (1.77 ^'■'.' II 171 >i'l 11 s 4- 111 - on liiOT O^o iiiii;! 70I'. J.-> - IS t.",lt ol'i'.l IJ'Mt (i70 lilt,-, '.rj'i 111'..- 11 ij rj - o-s - 9 - l:*" »»,.• H I oHHir i>y nil'; si'kci no-id I'll lUN MiV II AlHUIK. \ii \,~i III > I ii II \i i;ii;.i;. i'ju:! it:i'.t 45 1',1 ■ 7 111 4:):u i:i',i i:,iis I,-,.-, l.")iil ij,; ll^l Hi I in:i '.tTiJ Ml". :!.;:; IliU s.",7, I 17 i,;:,Mi'.ii i:;iil I '.1 17 i,;j:. 7117 l,;(i7 ',iMi tj'.tl :;i'.',i tj'iii (170 (.'71 ul", lji;i|..-,i:! rj.;.'i ',•'.11 i_',;;; ui IJJ7 ;ji Ul.". 71.'. IJIIJ J7S tl"s71'.i n i:i^.;'.i Ulll >>',iO 1077 m;j nil.:; 7(iii nil.-, 'ij'.i IIH).-. lOJ WriKhlMl \.l \\1 +2S- \.l \\i 17 1 (.'uiv. Uiiiliiil \rl..,lt\ ■Jl '.' I ■J."..'.l 1 oO .s 1 T Jl I T II. ^ Jll 7 1 7 Hi .•. HI .-, lii '1 I.-. ■. I 'I .' ■J.'. II ' - .. ;; ■M :, 1 1 , i:i .-, I 37. !l| 1 + i:ii 2S-7! .i + 1.V4 ■Jl'. ■ 7 '. ■ 111 + I') 2 l;'. ^11 'J7 7*. Hi _ 14.4 \. I W \ ,1 w + 17 :i!t ■ 1 :..■.• :! Hi .'11 .■. 17 11 :iii 1 1 - is V 1 I'.i I ill :7 (Hi ■Jll + 11 J 111 : III I [ J I I. I :i^ I :ir, I I J7 1 1 ', + 1-8 - ■J!> 1 -HI 1 ', - 17 1 -HI J 1 11 (I ; 1 .-. 1 1 :, 1 .■. ; s I 1 I .". I II I :i 1 111 7 1 - - 1 I'll 4 I li 1 \,1 \\i hill :i 1 ■Jtji 1 13'8 1 II) r 1 Hi I. 1 I'.i I 1 1:; I 1 1:1 .". 1 Hi 1 1 l.i I. 1 1 .■. 1 I J7 11 I Is :i 1 HI .-. 1 17 1 1 1 .". 1 1 j:i IS I'.I 'j'.i .'.;i - 11 8 \,1 Wt +:i>,i) \\ 49 3 j;i 1 ■ :is ti I 4J s I i;m I ;is ;t 1 H4 1 1 W--A 1 :iii 11 1 4(1 ■:! 1 39-7 1 17 (i 1 44 1 17 7 1 T:i7 .-1 1 -r ->!■>■ 1 j, . . . ■Jit 4.-. + y-ti •JJ-l I'l lU.U Al loS> t>V lUI. lniMlMii.N i iU>r.l; \ \ 1 1 Hi V MIS.-I l!l - III II \l l;ll. l; -funlinui'l. t • il- , 41 rX c". 4'>03 939 4.")4y 740 4.">34i:w 4.VJJ J<)7 llvl ll.l 111,-, .;.;.; mil >57 4;i'.>:, 1 17 4;i."ii ;i9i 4;iU) iiIm 4;t.'o 707 4ai)7 '.'Ml 4291 :>ri9 4J90 U7li 4J7I i.t:. 4Ji'i<) ."ji:i 4J:i() il:(7 4j;i.j 99 1 4-';t:M.:i 4JJ7 l-'l 4.'i:. 7i:. 4.'ll-' ■J7^ 419S 719 414:i ■>:19 4im sH'i 41177 sii.' 41 17 I ^lil 4111..; 7' Hi 494.". 9J9 4U(J.'> 4(l-.> ul,l..l S , I W I +11- Id \.i \\l 1 1 1.' + o0-4 1 4J :i 1 -,il 7 I II I I 1 1 1: .-,1 1 1 1 1 .;i III 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 Velucity lu 1 \.l W f 03i 1 9 I I , 8-a| 1 11 19 :. 1 II ^ 1 )7 7 1 • 11 IJ ^11 .'■' _'l Js \,1 V. - 8-8 7 11 1 I J 1 \ ,1 U 7 V I (III I O'U! I +41 2 1 III II I ,,'■ ; 1 I 'I I II II I '.II I'l s 1 1 1 II I-. 1 l^ 1 Ih V 1 IJ II 1 1,-, I. I II II I 17 I 1 I III i- IJ 111 - J7 '.*'■' t- 1;! \,l \\i +28-8 1 •JS-8 1 23 .'i 1 :;i .-. I 19 :; I I'l 7 Jl 7 Jii ^ ■J^■^ ■Jl 1 32-6 JS N I J.; J 1 ji; 1. 1 \,l \\i +29 + 170 - U Si ) - :, (I 1 1 r'JH-l] ! t J ■ ^ « - :, 9 1 fl5-»l J ! 2- 41 i f ; 4 14 S 1 + io ! + 4-2 1 + 2-0 1 t ^ 1 i !. . . f 2-0| I f-u s: 1 li .SI ji'i 1;! ju 1 iiuuii Di' iiiK si'K.ri liuxdi'ic msMtv It \ri(i(;.K. l:.^^ Ills \-uJ I'l" l.'>i..; 'i.i'i C.l'.l 7 11. i."i:;i i:w (:.:.' 'Mt: i:,i."p :.os I.MII I.M ■llsl 11. t llli'l ll.'.s HI.". :;.i-'. linl s.-,7 IIIKI.ll.'p 4:('.)."i H7 4:i:.l \fi\ i:;HM,r,7 4:tj:, 7117 IHII7 '.IMI liilKI Jll 4-".ti :;im 4J',«I 070 4-.'71C.4:i 4.'i'i0 7il:t 4'J.VP i>:i7 4-J:i.'. '.iMl 4-.':i:! IJI 4^-'7 l-'t 4Ji:. 7i:. 4J0J J7s 4l'.is 71'.t 41i:i s:«i 41(11 si"i 4(177 Mi- 41171 Mil 4(»'i:(-7(«i 41)4:)',>J'.I 4(l0r>-40-2 \\,..i;l,t,d iii(':in Va \d ('■.irv. \f\„r«y IWIJ \ . I W 1 i- 0-9 - 8U . Ill s ISi 1 8-2 I + 4:1. I - S-ti 1 - 7 II 1 - Hi :; - II 7 1 - I I 1 ~ 4ii 1 - (id 1 + T 'J I + :mi^ I + u-ei 1 Ml \sl 111^ (i| M \l Hlii K— <'on/i(«ii«<. + 1S-4, 1 1() s 1 S.i >> 1 ■-'.". ■:! I y '.I 1 iz-2i 1 1(1 7 1 '.HI 1,'» 1. 1 1 •! 1 1 _':; s 1 10 1 1 1 I'l II 1 i:i II 1 17. I 1 + 17-41 1 r 17 (II - ■J4 :i(l II I I III 1. 1 111 2 .".li 1 1 ;;s II 1:, .", Ill II 1 :i:i .' 1 17 1 11 II 1 I'.i 7 11 '1 I 1 It I I ill M 1 -41 s 1 7 HIS \ . 1 W I 7 J in ■1 „ 1 1 .'.II I 1 4L' 4s ■js r.() 1.". n (I lis II 1 >.", :; 1 (iiiJ .'s 74 J,-. 1 1 ;i 'I 1 IS 7 1 s r. 1 :ij 7 I :{■.>'> 1 :ij .-. 1 ■jl '.I 1 JJ ! 1 Jll s 1 17 I I'.I Hi \i-l Ut - :!() '.I ', 11J II 1 iij 7 1 III J , 1,(1 s 1 ii7 7 1 1.". 7 4;'. 7 ii,"i ■ :( ."1.", :i liii (1 11. '. '■', l:i 1.1 (.7 (i .-.(11 1 - 4li 1 IS Vel Wl .-,ii (i:t Jd l.'i -3."i (1 1 4.- I. 47 4 .-,s:o 7J 1 IS a 45 >( 1 40 4 1 1 1 (i.' 1 ', :,2t\ 1 4(1 7 ;«!■ I -.4 01 1 i(i :j 1 4S' 11 5 •I ■ i 226 rt Hl.U A I h i\> 111-- lUl. DiiMlNlciN ult.--Kl{\ A 1 1 ili V . Mi \>1 l;l - 1 1| i 1 M IMi , 1 i„i,tii,ii,,l. I . i;. :::' ir.-i 111-- i:.7J I'.ni 4,"iti;f •tii'.t ir,v.< 711. 1.1'' i.-.(ii ij.; MM MA t4U!t o:iN (41.^ ;i:t:i 44 ■ (CI 1 4-j;<:t 4-Ji 4-.'-J7 124 4. M.". 74:1 l-.'lll' 27^ 41>tN 71«t 41l.)»:i;i 4(177 Ml-.' 4(171 Mil 4(Hi;i 7(K1 4()l.'i !'■-"' cl.h.l < 'iir\ Kailiul Vel. W 1 11 > I Jl :; 1 il 7 1 Jl 1 1 •Jl s ; 14 :i )- J'.t (II \,-l U! \.i \^ .'ili- Ul (I |. .Vl 4| 1 (1(1 ,*. 1 ;,;. II I \ ■ 1 w 1 ij ^ 1 i.ii .; I :..; I ."ill 11 111 H i ■..' 7 1 IJ I 1 ill -lit * •> \,1, Ui {-, ;v IV (1 III 11 1 tl ■J. ^ -.'s. 11 (1 I till 1.; ,".1 .'il III 1 1 1 .; 1 7 1 !.•. s 1 1.1 1 II 1 v.; t. 1 I.. 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II 1 Jl 1 5 I'l 1 l.ilii 1.1.7 IJ > [ ,".i. (1 1 ,"i s , ; ', JJ 1 1 :tJ .". 1 1. ;_'.', 707 17 1 1 ."it J ;. Jll J 1 III 1. '. J-.'hj ! 39 3 t.lti7 'tsii J 1 ( s II.'. 1. 1 ii7 ii ' 1 30-8 , r.".«) II7II :ij .'. .M '1 . "ii .i 1 J7 1 1 ::j 11 1 ■J7 1 ', 311 II r.'7i lii:, 17 7 11 7 1 I.,-, .", 1 ;:i I 1 I'l 1 1 jii .'i ;, r.'iio :.i:i l.i 1 1.7 1 1 17 <> ij:i(m;;!7 11. 1 1 J.". 11 1 1 1 ■, 1 ;;i 1 i-.':i."p '.ml J'.i 7 1 Jl :; 1 r.':i:i iji 1.11 '1 1 r.l 1. \ J.I s ) Jll 1 ;, ;i:i II rjJ7 i_'i 7,; 1 Jll 1 ', II 1 l.'l.-. 71.". In s \ ,-. 1 :; 1 7ii r. 1 17 (1 1 J7 :: 1 j.'i '.I ; ;i 1 :i M'ls 7l'.i .'.1 1 ; Jll 11 1 ItJ S 1 Jll ii ;. ::ii 1 II M v.i'i JS V I ■"i7 ' 1 ."if. .! '. Mi 7 1 ;;j 7 1 1.". :i ;. Jl 1 1 1 IHM s' 11 J.! .". ' III77 M.J ."ill J ; 17 1 1 :il :i 1 31 ;i III71 -M.l IJ, (1 4lM.:i 7(H. .",.; 1 1 Is ,; 1 Jl '1 1 '.Ml S ■J4 nil.", 'ij'.i -Jll '1 '. ."i."i It 1 .■..; J 1 III II 1 :;j 1 1 -s.ix ; - 'j:. s 11 Kl". |IIJ -:!ii '1 1 W. .tl.'..i r... ... Jl. (I.l .■,.. n .".S l.ll J.; r.l !;j I.J Jl 7'. j',1 1. \.i ♦ J7 7 . . J.". sj • J."i sj • Jl .".1. . Jl si 1 1 1 :;:l II .■.:; \., t I'l I 1 1 . 117 1.". 1 1 Jl 1 Jl (lllA js JS JS _'S JS - Js •JH Ve'iH'll) t I 7 : 1 11 1 II s 1 1 II — 7 ■ 7i - JS 7 SI 3 228 ,.,H1,1.M1<.N> .>F THK IX-MINU.N . U.SKKV A TOK Y. M, \-i i;is i>\ 11 \i i:i';i r„M/,„/../. (•• Vi-1 1,-,7J I'.f l.'it't-T-liJ - :i l.-,.'.l lii'.l l.-.JJ "117 11^1 liil i:;:.l 'i'M i:tui fiiiT IJ'.K) IITII IJTl lil". 4J.MI Ii.l7 4JJT IJl 42i:i 717. 41'.is 71>i -t 1 17 n I - 4 t i + !.!■;!' 1 - ;i 7 1 + 11 II 1 M:i I 1 11 1 ri'.;i \,1 Wi \ .1 \\ t v,i Wt li 1 ^- :t 1. 4ii;i ^.i'.' 1077 StiJ \ 4(171 Mil 4ix'i;i-7'Ki .- It ', 1114". '>-"' t- I, II 1 ■ ' llHt.') 111- H.V., 1 W.litlii.'i tit- >ll 1> (1 \ . I \ , I urv. R:u1k,I V.lwiiv V.-l. 1 Wt Vel. \\l. \el. Wt. uumr OF ■1H^; spkctuosioimc binaky 14 a.ukig.e. 229 m;hki.,~' (ih.-i:i!\ AiiiiN.- 01 11 .\l IMC. I'.. Julian Datf 1 ! " Date. G.M.T I'll;,,-.- V.llM 1 c. \>m Ofl. J 1 J,4JO,013 >04 2-7-1 + 4-8; + 12 S 1914 1 1 Fch -JO lS4o07 3 25 + 10 + ;i Mar l:i JU5-542 1-49 _; 10 Mar. Iti ••im.-.nii 7 s + 2 + 3 Mur.23 . 2 15 005 !>■ T Oil. USA oH,--l.K\ AlIONS OF 14 AURIG.-E. Plate. llbsrrvrr * 1 );,!.■ Julian l):ii.' Pl.a- \,-l.„ilv. Wi'iiilit o c. ii.M.r 1915 6722 c p. Jan. 20 ' ■.•,4.:o ."IS 7:(i) I'.l + Il 2 2-5 - 8 0798 11 tVb. 18 . .-,17 i,ir, "J .'Iti n 4 3 4 + 1 6808 • ' F.-i. 1'' .Ms ii.'iV ;; lui • M J '> 4 - 3 0829 11 \l ,1 .",1,11 l,l,' (1 i:', • 1 s ;; 1 4 10 «H37 II M.i 1 .".tjl 1,42 I 4:i — ii-i-o o 1 - 3 7 (isjO II \| .1 M j*i8't)0S SI -11-8 3 8 + 17 ■ ti.sti4 ^ \1.,, 11 I 571 tXH) 0-01 + 9 3 - 4 OStiS II \1 ,1 1', ! 572 557 97 -19-7 4 - 7 OS74 II \1 r W 1 575- 517 17 + 13 1 3 4 + 5-s (MM >i \l ,1 Ji 5S0 514 1 35 -20 8 3 2 + 2 ti891 II M .1 -■: 5H4-524 I 57 -32 7 3 - 13 6803 II \l:,] -"' 580610 3-60 + 13 •> 9 + 21 6899 II \,..,l 1 589-519 2 78 2 9 + 07 0900 II \l„.l V 595 fiM.; 1-20 -•20 1 3 3 t i> » 0912 II \|-.;l s 5!»0-541 2->2 -•29 3 3 4 5 6924 11 Apnl 1 1 (K)J 592 0-09 - 7-S 3 4 t 14 7192 li .S.M.> 1 7 12 ■ .ss.'i 79 -14 3 3 - 11 7198 Y *.,., ■J 7l:t!»27 1 73 -35 7 o 4 - 4 1 7219 11 S,-,,t N TI'.iS(12 19 + 3 8 2 8 - 2 9 7225 Y St-pc. !l . . ;.iOMU 114 -•27-5 4 - 3-2 7247 li Si'pt. 14 . 7.V, .sc,5 2 11 -19-5 3 2 - () 7255 f Sfl>t 1.', 7. 'lit ■ SI 17 :i il + 0-1 3 - 4 2 7276 Y-H Scpi -M 7i,J 7.".i 1 i,'i -30 3 2 7 + 1-3 7277 M Sf|it Jl. 7i,J 7s J 1 71 -20-tl 3 7 + 50 72H6 C Scpl, 22 . 7ii:t 7.'iO 2 71 -11 (1 8 - 31 7'28« C Sept. •»■! 7ii:r 71111 2 7il - 5 11 2 5 + 9 7297 H S.|.l Js 7iW 7s 1 1 17 Jll 1 3 7 - 14 7;hm V Sf|ii J'.t 7711 s.Mi J -'1 .'.i u 3 8 + 0-8 7314 Y Srpi . M 771 771 :; l>'. • 1 li 2 ■J - 3 8 73:11 11 <»HSK.H\ A It >HV. ( : - •n„, p,,....,linj; lal.l. ^ivrs ll,.' data of tlu' ..irasuivs. Thv phasrs a.r ,,,...1 .,„ ,1,.. Iinal>. Th.. n.i.luals arr M'al..l iVo.n th- .au-v.. ,,,|,,..Manin. .1-- Inud H.nua,,-. TIk' pn-hahl. .Tror nl' a plat, ol.auu.i ,,,„„ ,,,.. laM uvu rnlunms is --.M. km. prr >- ul, uiad, is l.-wr tluu, ,.,,..,■,...1 an.! Muitr tor thr -iispriMun .■inploycd, 1 Ik' ,,,..,valions w..,v «ronp..l ar.-onlin^ to pluisr into Pa, nonual l-laros as „i,,,„ u. th.. a...nnpanvin, ..aM-, lli.' w.a^l>ts a>si,n...l v.wh Kn-.p tnanK "p,,„xuna, on..-,..n,l, .,f tl. m.,„ of ,h.. w..|,l.ts of th.. pla,.. .■outauu.d ,|,..n.,n l'.vln,nna,v .■,.n,> ..l.tain..! In tl... papln..,! uietlu-.l us toU.tws:- p == ;i 7.S9 .-lays ,, = (1.-) A' = J 17') km. -^ = -li;ill km, 7' ^,11). j.pjd.MiJ tiCtO. NiU:M \l. I'l \ n 1 1 1 li .1 1 •' :!.: .1 , 'i-'i j 1 + 1 -0. ' + ..»■. (1 1 +;i 11 t :s ■- 1 -1-5 -17 ! +1-0 + 10 1 +!■» + 10 1 -0 2 -l-i , II > -05 ■ 1 1. +0 8 : II -04 .1 11 • II I (I .1 II II .1 II 00 00 -0 1 IJ ORBIT flK I'HK srErrHOSCOPIC BINARY 14 AURIGA. 231 T'sinfi the (lifTcrcntisil fonmila of Lo1mifiTiii-Filh('s. -tvith an adtlitiunal torni for 7, and making tlio substitutions, y =5K z =K.8c It =I\..8oi K V = {l-e"-)l M'57' = [loo878]5r, 2 tho followins obsprvation equations resulted, the weight of each being given in the normal places above. OBSERVATION EQr.\TIONS FOR 14 AIRIG.C. X y I u II — n 1 1 (xm - 714 f 121 + 63.1 - -.Wl -0 1=0 ■1 1 IKMI JM :.7:t + 9.W - 891 -1) ti ;< 1 (HKI • ll.ll _ \ms + -981 - (ISO +:i 9 4 1 {HHI 7 .'.. ; •JS4 + «t7 - 71.-. ! 1 ."i r, 1 IKMI + 1047 + 988 - 06.i + (l.-.s - 1 (1 1 000 I noo 1 -19 +0-2 s -0 8 It 1 (100 - .«.t8 - •.•.w - 721 + ■l'.73 -1 H HI MKX) - »51 + 981 + 022 - I«-.' o-o I- " . 232 IM\ll(i\> OK :HK DIIMIMON ( iHSKH V Al i >in". 1 1 ■ TOUj- NnliMAl, Al'liiNS. Ill: -1 IKll;/ +1 ■ = 59;^!)?/ r)-92()r +2:i.")0 = From these e(lUatioll^^ re-iiltcd iho (■orrootioiis, 5-y = -f ■•"''' l^"'- o/v = - HI km. or =-017 0^ = + 1-70 57' .. + 0.V. (lay. The tmal values of the elements 'Aith their probable errors are, then, as follows; p -=;5-7S'.) (lays r =.031? t- 022 ^ =in"-7M . in-.70 A' -21 .")li km. ■ ■")0 km. y ^ - 1().7( km. • :Vl km. T -.1. n. 2 120 .SO'-' 7b") • 20t) (Ify n sin / - 1,122,000 km. The f^rapli repre-cnt jiTouped. . (he liiial elements witli the observations aP il'*! 1 )iiininion ( )l)ser\ alory, ( )tta\\a. •binuarv , lOlli ■•»,«•) ORBIT OK THK SPKC TROSfOPir BINARY 1 I ArRIC.F,. 233 1 1 1 i ! L J=^ VO / i ^ V~ — \ c ^ t ' J K — --- ' -- \ \ — / : — - — a ' t ^_ — , - -/ - - \ \^ \ ^-© 1 1 1 1 I Days 1 2 3 Radial \'rli'riiy Ciirvr o* H Aunntr.