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Th'efimtive Trea^ ■ ,- • ^ ■ ■ T'HE.- A R T,f C L E S -' ''^',^ '<. v^tA * fc|;|^ .\%-:i ;>s "I '■*>•' "iifev.* t*-' 'j *i « i ,* *%" r,( ' ^ - M , * / f \r ■» jri 17 -v. V .'i>- 1 t > >'. M I . -i "'^ .'« - , "'... 1' ^t .1 , <.»•'>-«»-, u\ .M^'^^^x. — ^ ^;T d." i.;^ .,''** ^ ' T'^' r I? V , JJIS Majefty the King of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Firft Conful of the French Republic, in the name of the French People, being equally animated with a delire to put an end to the calamities of war, have laid the foundation of peace, by the Preliminary Articles, which were figned in London, the ift of 06lober» i8oi, (9th Vendemiaire, an. 10.) And as, by the 15th Article of the Prelimi- naries, it has been agreed on, " That Plenipo- tentiaries fhould be named on the part of each government, who (hould repair to Amiens, and there proceed to arrange a Definitive Trea- ty, in concert with the Allies of th^ Con-» trading Powers." ' ' A 2 His V W V r. I '.:: " ' ■ '■ ( 4 .) : ' ' ■ His Majefty the King of the United King- dcm of Great Britain and Ireland, has named the Marquis Coinwallis, Knight of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter, one of his Ma- jcfty's Privy-Council, General in his Majefty's Army, &c. &c. The Firfl: Conful of the French Republic in the name of the French People, has named as Plenipotentiaiy the Citizen Jofeph Buona- parte, Couhfelloyof State. His Majefty the King of Spain and the Indies, and the government of the Batavian Republic, have appointed the following Pleni- potentiaries, to wit, his Catholic Majefty has named Don Jofeph Nicolas d'Azara, his Coun- fcUor of State, Grand Crofs of the Order of Charles III. AmbafTador Extraordinary of his Majefty to the French Republic, &c. &c. And the government of the Batavian Re- public has named Roger Jean Schimmelpen- ninck its AmbafTador Extraordinary to the French Republic, 5cc. s Which fatd Plenipotentiaries having duly communicated to each other their refpedive powers, which are tranfcribed at the con- clufion of the prefent Treaty, have agreed upon the following Articles : •■•■ ■■,"*■'.. k' i . Article ^: i\.i ( s ) Article I. There fiiall be peace, friendfliip, and good undeiftanding, between his Majefty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Biitain and Ireland, his heirs and luccefTorSj on the one part, and the french Republic, his Majefty the King of Spain, his heirs and fuccedbrs, and the Batavian Republic, on the other part. The contrading paities fliall ufe their utrnoit eiforts to preierve a perfe6t harmony between their refpetfive- countries, without permitting any ad of hoftility whatever by fea or by land, for any caufe, or under any pretext. ' " They (hall carefullj avoid every thing which might for the future difturb the happy union now re-eftablifhed between them, and fliall. not give any fuccour or protev5lion, diredly or jndire6^1y, to thofe who would wifh to injure any one of them. '. Article ll, J ' All the prifoners made on one fide and the other, as well by land as by fea, and the hoftages carried off or delivered up during the war arid up to the prefent day, (hall be redored without ranfom, in fix weeks at the lateil, to .y -■'-.'. ^ • - be I '."V^i { 6 ) be reckoned from the day when the ratifications of the piefent Treaty are exchanged, and on paying the debts which they (hall have con- traded during their captivity. Each of the contra6ting parties Ihall rerpe6lively difcharge the advances which (hall have been made by any of the contracting parties for the fupport and maintenance of prifoners in the countries where they have been detained. There (hall be aopointed by mutual confent for this pur- pcfe a commiflion, fpecially empowered to af- certain and determine the compenfations which may be due to any one of the contracting parties. The time and the place (hall likcwife be fixed by mutual confent for the meeting of the commilfioners who (hall be entrufted with the execution of this article, and who ihall take into account, not only the expences in- curred on account of the prifoners of the refpe6live nations, but likcwife oti account of tiie foreign troops, who, before being taken, were in the pay, and at the difpofal of one of the contra(5ling parties, - >V; m Article III. His Britannic Majefty reftores to the French Republic and its allies, viz. his Catholic Ma- jefty nces in- ( 7 ) jcfty and the Batavian Republic, all the pof. fefllons and colonies which refpeclively belonged to them, and which have been either occupied or conquered by the Britifh forces during th(j courfc of the prefent war, with the exception of the Ifland of Trinidad and of the Dutch poiTcflions in the Ifland of Ceylon. Article IV. <•; His Catholic Majefty cedes and guarantees in full property and fovereignty the Ifland of Trinidad to his Britannic Majefl:y. Article V. The Ba;avian Republic cedes and guarantees in full property and fovereignty to his Britannic Majefty all the poflTefllons and eftablifliments in the Ifland of Ceylon, which previous to the war belonged to the Republic of the United Provinces, or to the Dutch Eafl; India Company, Article VL The Port of the Cape of Good Hope remains to the Batavian Republic in full fo- vereignty, in the fame manner as it did pre-» vious to the war. The (hips of every kind belonging to the other contracting parties fliall be allowed to enter It k . t 8 ) ' ' - enter the faid port, and there to purchafe what provifions they may ftand in need of as here- tofore, without being liable to pay any other impofts than fuch as the Batavian Republic compels the (liips of its own nation to pay, Article VII, ■l: 11 The territories and pofiefllons of Her Mod Faithful Majefty are maintained in their integrity, fuch as they were antecedent to th^ war. However, the boundaries of French and Portugueze Guiana, are fixed by the River Arawari, which empties itfelf into the Ocean above Cape North, near the iflands Nuovo and Penetentia, about a degree and a third of North latitude. Thefe boundaries fhall run along the River Arawari, from its mouth the moft diftant from Cape North to its fource, and afterwards on a right 11 ne, drawn from that fource, to the Rio-Banto to-» wards the Weft. In confequence, the northern bank of the River Arawari, from its diftant mouth to its f jurce, and the territories that lie to the north of the line of the boundaries laid down as above, ftiall belong in fall fovcreignty to the French Republic. '• ' -'■. '* ■ ■ ' ' -^ ' : ^ The ^ ( 9 ) The fouthern bank of the faid river, from the fame mouth, and all the territories to the foutb of the faid line, fhall belong to Her Mod Faithful Majefty. . ;. - ,. . : The navigation of the River Arawari, along the whole of its couife, ihall be common to both nations. The arrangements which have been agreed upon between the Courts of Madrid and Lifbon, refpeding the fettlement of their boundaries in Europe, fhall neverthelefs be adhered to, conformably to the flipulations of the Treaty of Badajoz. Article VJII. The territories, pofleflions, and rights, of the Sublime Porte, are maintained in their in- tegrity, as they were before the war. Article IX. The Republic of the Seven Iflands is recog- nifed. Article X. The iflands of Malta, Goza, and Camino, fhall be reftored to the Order of St John of Jeiufalem, to be held on the fame conditions on which they poflefled them before the war-> and under the following ftipulations: — B . I, The < 10 ) 1. The Knights of the Order, whofe languages fliall continue to fubfift, after the exchange of the Ratification of the prefent Treaty, are invited to return to Malta, as foon as the exchange fhall have taken place. They will there form a general chapter, and proceed to the eleflion of a Grand Mafter, chofen from among the natives of the nation which preferve their language, unlefs that ele6tion has been already made (ince the exchange of the Preliminaries. It is underftood that an ele6lion made fubfequent to that epoch fhall alone be confi- dered valid, to the exclufion of any other that may have taken place at any period prior to that epoch. 2. The Governments of the French Re- public and of Great Britain, defiring to place the Order and Ifland of Malta in a ftate of entire independence with refpedl to them, agree that there Ihall not be in future either a French or Englifti language; and that no in- dividual belonging to either the one or other of thefe powers fliall be admitted into the order.* 3. There • Great Britain has wifely infilled tlifit no native of France Shall hold an employments cither Civil or Military, in the Jfland of vhofe :r the •efent ; foon They •oceed hofen which e6lion ge of made confi- jr that rior to h Re- 3 place ate of them, ;ither a no in- • other I to the There of Fiance the Ifland of ( II ) 3, There fliall be eftabliflied a Maltefc language, which (hall be fupported by the territorial revenues and commercial duties of the Kland. This language Ihall have its pecu- liar dignities, an eftablifhment, and an hotel. Proofs of Nobility fhall not be neceffary for the admiflion of Knights of this language; and they fhall be moreover admifiible to all offices, and (hall enjoy all privileges in the, fame man- as the Knights of the other languages. At leaft half of the municipal, adminiftrativc, civil, judicial, and other employments depend- ing on the Government, fhall be filled by inha- of P uta. This provifo in the Article completely annihilates the preponderance which the French Knights have always maintained in the Order. By the original Conftitution of the Order of St. John of Jerufalem, it confined of eight nations, or " langues,'* (tongues) as they were technirally (Hied, viz. Provencal, Auvergne", France, Arragon, Caftile, Italian, German, apd Englifh. The latter nation was fevered from the Order during the reign of Henry the Eighth, when the Reformation and confequent fchifm with the Church of Rome took place. Of the feven remaining '• langues,'* or nations, the three firll were latteWy wholly FicucJi, and as fuch> conlHtuting but one intereft ; the countries ofAuvergne and Pro- vence having merged either by cc-.iqueft or union into that of France. With fuch a weight in the deliberations of the Order, it svas to be exp^uled, that the inte/ell:? and wifhes of France fliould meet with a pjeference on ^11 occafions. To dcllioy tnis influence was the obvious policy of our country, and it has been fully effedled by the alteration which it has been agreed to introdttCC into the CouUitution of the 0;dcr. '••x^ *,''■,■'. B 2 bitants I: I 11 ( '2 ) Bitants of the Iflands of Malta, Goza, and Camino. '. - - • 4. The forces of his Britannic Majefty {hall evacuate the Ifland, and its dependencies, within three months from the exchange of the ratifi- cations, or fooner if poffiblc. At that epoch it fhall be given up to the Order in4ts pielent flate, provided the Grand Mader, or Commif- faries fully authorifed according to the ftatutes of the Order, (hall be in the Ifland to take pof- feffion, and that the force which is to be pro- vided by his Sicilian Majefty, as is hereafter ilipulated, fliall have arrived there, 5. One half of the garrifon, at lead, fiiall be always compofed of native Maltefej for the remainder the Order may levy recruits in thofe countries only which continue to poflefs the languages (pofeder les langua)* The Maltefe troops ftiall have Maltefe Officers, The Com- nian;ler- in- Chief of the garrifon, as well as the nomination of the Officers, fliall pertain to the Grand Mafter, and this right he cannot refign even temporarily, except in favour of a Knight, and in concurrence with the advice of the Council of the Order. ' - 6. The independence of the Iflcs of Malta, of Goza, and Camino, as well as the prefent arrangement, fliall be placed under the pro- ' » • • te<5tion IS a, and ly (hall within I ratifi- : epoch prelent )mmif- latiites ke pof-r be pro- ereafter is fiiall for tho n thofe lefs the Maltefe 5 Corn- well as pertain cannot air of a Ivice of Malta, prefent le p ro- te 6t ion ( '3 ) te6lion and guarantee of France, Great Britain, Auftria, Spain, Ruflia, and Pruffia. 7 The neutrality of the Order and of the Ifland of Malta, with its dependencies, i§ proclaimed. " - . -• . > 8. The ports of Malta (hall be open to the commerce and the navigation of all nations, who (hall there pay equal and moderate da- ties : thefe duties Ihall be applied to xh6 culti- vation of the Maltefe language, as fpecified in Paragraph III. to that of the Civil and Mi- litary Eftablifhments of the Ifland, as well as to that of a general Lazaretto, open to all colours. I 9. The States of Barbary are excepted from the conditions of the preceding paragraphs, 3 until, by means of an arrangement to be * procured by the Contradling Parties, the fyf* tern of hoftilities which fuhfilts between the States of Barbary, and the Order ot St. Johnj or the powers pollefling the languages, or concurring in the compofuion of the Order, fhall have ceafed. 10. The Order fliall be governed, both with refpedl to Spirituals and Temporals, by % the (ame ■ tatutes which were in force, when the Knights Itft the ifle, as far as the pre- fent Tieaty Ihali not derogate from them. 11. The ^ ^ .(h) II. The regulations contained in Para* graphs III. V. VII. VIII. and X. fliall be con- .verted into laws and perpetual flatutes of the Order, in the cuftomary manner; and the Grand Matter, or (if he (hall not be in the Ifland at the time of its reftoration to the Order) his Reprefentative, as well as his fuc- cefTors, Ihall be bound to take an oath for their punctual obfervance. • 12. His Sicilian Majefty iliall be invited to furnifh two thoufand men, natives of his ilates, to lerve in garrifon of the different fortrelTes of the faid iflands. That force fhall remain one year, to bear date from their reftitution to the Knights j and if, at the expiration of this term, the Order (hould not have raifed a force fufficient, in the judgement of the guaranteeing powers, to garrifon the Ifland and its dependencies, fuch as is fpecified in the 5th paragraph, the Neapolitan troops Ihall continue there until they fhall be replaced by a force deemed fufficient by the faid powers. 13. The different Powers, defignated by the 6th paragraph, to wit, France, Great Britain, Auftria, Spain, Ruffia, and Pruflia, fhall be invited to accede to the prefent llipu- lations. ■1 Articlk ■'.'-, i ,- . " , ■- f. ■ . * . ' ■ ' . . { ^ >■ ' '■ " ' ' ''■'■,''■ • ' ■ ■ ^ ^ ;•;••. - "■ ::;ii ^, - Article XI. ■',-,' The French troops (hall evacuate the king- dom of Naples and the Rortiaa States; the Englifh forces (hall alfo evacuate Porto Ferrajo, and generally all the ports and iflands that they occupy in the Mediterranean or the Adriatic. . Article XII. • The evacuations, ceflions, and reftitutions, ftipulated by the prefent Treaty, ihall be executed in Europe within a month j on the continent and feas of America and Africa in three months ; on the continent and feas of Afia within fix months; which (hall follow the ratification of the p'efent Definitive Treaty, except in cafe of a fpecial referva- tion. Article XIII. In all cafes of reftitution agreed upon by the prefent Treaty, the fortifications ihall be reltored in the condition they were in at the time of figning the Preliminaries; and all the works, which fliall have been conftracled fince their occupation, (hall remain untouched. It m r ,6 ) It IS agreed befides, that. In all the ftipu- lated cafes of cefllons, there Q^^lH be allowed to the inhabitants , of whatever rank or nation they may be, a term of three years, reckoning from the notification of the prefent Treaty, to difpofe of all their properties, whether acquired or pofleffed by them before, or during the continuance of, the prefent war; during which term of three years they (hall have free and entire liberty to exercife their religion, and to enjoy their fortunes. The fame privilege is granted, in the countries that are hereby reftored, to all perfons, whether inhabitants or not, who fliall have formed any eftablifhments there, during the times that thefe countries were in the poffelfion of Great Britain. As to the inhabitants of the countries reftored or ceded, it is hereby agreed, that no perfon fhall, under any pretence, be profecuted, difturbed or molefted, either in perfon or pro- perty, on account of his political condud or opinion, or for his attachment to any of the Contracting Parties, on any account whatever, except for debts contraded with individuals, or for ads fubfequent to the prefent Treaty, Article ; ftipu- Ilowed nation koning Treaty, vhether )re, or It war; ey (hall fe their !. The ries that whether formed le times (Hon of 3iintries that no fecuted,. or pro- idud or of the latevcr, viduals, reaty, RTICLE ( »7 ) Article XIV. All the fequeflrations laid on either (ide on funds, revenues, ..nd credits, of what nature foever they may be, belonging to any of the Contradling Powers, or to their citizens or fub- jefts, (hall be taken off immediately after the fignatiire of this Definitive Treaty. The dccifion of all claims among the indi- viduals of the refpe6live nations, for debts, property, effedrs, or rights, of any nature vi^hat- foever, which fhould, according to received ufages, and the law of nations, be preferred at the epoch of the peace, fhall be referred to the competent tribunals: In all thofe cafes fpeedy and complete juflice (hall be done in the countries wherein thofe claims fhall be refpec- tively preferred. Article XV. I The fi(heries on the coafts of Newfoundland, and of the adjacent idands, and in the Gulph of St Lawrence, are placed on the fame footing as they were before the war. The French fifhermen of Newfoundland, afd the inhabitants of the iilands of St Pierre ^ " C and j' . ll !■ ! uS 1 ' } > i ^ . K ' ;* i vl it ■-[ * * ■ ^'11 1 ( i8 ) and Miquelon, fliall have liberty to cut fuch wood as may be neceffary for them in the Bays of Fortune and Defpair, during the firft year, reckoning from the ratification of the prefent ■»• ' > 'rticleXVI. 1 ,/' ',, ' '.v.. To prevent all grounds of complaint and difputes, which might arife on account of captures which may have been made at fea fubfequent to the figning of the Preliminaries, it is reciprocally agreed, that the fhips and property, which may have been taken in the Channel, and in the North Seas, after a fpace of twelve days, reckoning from the exchange of the ratifications of the Preliminary Arti- cles, (hall be reftored on the one fide and the other ; that the term fhall be one month, for the fpace from the Channel and the North Seas, as far as the Canary Iflands inclufively, as well in the Ocean as in the Mediterranean; two months from the Canary Iflands to the Equator J and, finally, five months in all the other parts of the world, without any farther exception, or diftin<5tion of time or place. "I' Article :ut fuch he Bays rft year, prefent lint and ount of e at fea linaries, ips and n in the r a fpace xchange •y Arti- and the tith, for ! North lufively, ranean ; to the I all the )ut any time or ' ,' * lRTICLE (( '9 ) Article XVII. The Amhafladors, Minifters, and other agents, of the contfa ^i' Article XXL . .-. >,,.■.' . ' , . The Contrafting Parties promife to obferve fmcerely and faithfully all the Articles con- tained iji the prefent Treaty, and will not fufFer f>\ >f artics, lively, autho-> nd to ed of uptcy, the 11 only of th*; J place, )vered, g and e been 5 arreft by the Article lurder, mitted initive bferve 5 con- il not fufFer ( 21 ) Puffer any fort of countera6lion» dire6l or in- lire6t, to be made to it by their citizens, or refpedive fubjeftsj and the Contrafling ^arties guarantee, generally and reciprocally, ill the ftipulations of the prefent Treaty. • . (.'i ' - '_ Articls XXII. The prefent Treaty to be ratified by the Contrafting Parties in thirty days, or fooner, ■ 0f poffible, and the Ratifications fhall b6 cx- hanged, in due form, at Paris. ' '^ ^^vvi. In teftimony whereof, we, the underfigncd Plenipotentiaries, have figned with our hands, and in virtue of our refpedlive full powers^ the prefent Definitive Treaty, caufing it to be fealed with our refpeiSlivc fcals. "I > Done at Amiens, March 27, 1802, the 4th Germinal, in the year zo of the French |Republic. \.,;y .,^,, l (Signed) CORNWALLIS, BUONAPARTE, AZARA, and, SCHIMMELPENNINCK. A true Copy, J. BUONAPARTE. \ ii m% ' -■ I "O i:'; {( 22 ) 7l&^ following Letter was received by the Right ' Honourable the Lord Mayor, nt the Manfion- . * Hou/e. • . . •. . .... (,..,, r, . Downing-Strcet, March 29, 1802, .Half paft 9 o'clock. *;;^ -. My Lord, » ,. -^^ ., ♦ , ■■ Mr. Moore, AflllUnt Secretary to Marquis Cornwallis, is juft arrived with the Definitive Treaty of Peace, whi^'h was figned at Aniitiis^ on the 27th of this month, by his Majcfty's Plenipotentiary, an^ by thePlenipotentiaiies of Fi;aucc, Spain, and the Bataviaa Republic. ^d ^A, ■! ; I have the Honour, [ j^. ^^,, ,.j^ ^y Lord, ,. ., .;,., ,; .• ;' Your's, &c. f?»^.^Ji ,->i ^v-fbi. HAWKESBURY. .; .i 'Ihe Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, V. .4i ..'IK.- !: THE END. Printed by C. and W. Galabin, IngranwCourt, London. f the Rigbi Manfton" 19, 1802, Marquis definitive Amiens. Majcfty's itiaiies of public. .'if.; URY. Ion. 'i:* / ^ - ■'■> - --fl' '' ^ V i