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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre film6s A des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est film6 A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. ' 1 : 2 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 Bil II'H.V Hni ■I 5 (i 4'ni i •»M All <'n W Biblio<>iaphv of North American Diptcrolooy, 1878-1895. \\\ S. W . WILMS I Its. I'ARI I. til. I i iSqj. I So4 1 .M.DKirii, ](MiN mi;ktox rwyolH'. <'aiiil»rlilso. IIuhm. I A Now ( leans and S]i('cies (if Tabanida', \\. J V. - <7. ^A" ' 2 The l)()li(hopn(lid (lenus Liancnliis, vi, 5119-571, i^o-'. V I'lie Tiiinliil '.u-nera liittaromorpha and I'edicia, vii, .'00-^0 liniiNjiN I iilv«T!»it.v «tiiiirt«>rl.V. l.n\vr«>n<-«'. liuiiNUM. .) .\ Revision ot the (.enera 1 )oli(hopus and I i\ Hroreleuthns. i 3 New (lenera and Species i)f I 'silopina', ii, -(7 50, iStjv (1 New (leneia and Species of l)i)lichi>piHlida\ ii, 151-157. iSo-t 4'nniulitiii Kiiniiiiol»Ki!^*< l<»ii4loii. Ontario. 7 New Sjiecies of I'hora, x.\iv, 14J-14I), iSi)2. 2. .\rsT!'-\. I':kni:st k. l*i'o<'4MMliiiUM «f tlu> X«»oloi>i4-Hl NiM'M't.v of li«ii«loii. FhkIuihI. 1 Descriptions of New Species ol Dipterons Insects of the I'amily Syrphida' in tiie (\)llection of th.e British Miisenin. with Notes on Species de.-,cribed by the late I'ranris Walker, I'art I, Bacchini and lirachvopini, iS,,,(, i,5.;-if).|, pis. iv, \ AniinlMiuMl Majsii/.iiu'ol" XuliirnI IliMtoiy. I «inloii. riiKlaii«l. J On the Specimens of the Cenus Cntiterel)ra and its Allies iJ-aniily OestridaM in the Coliertion of the Hrilish Museum, with the Description of a New Cenus and Three New Species, (G) xv, <77-.i<J'>. P' ^'''. '^''.v i I'urther Notes on Cutiterebra; t)n the identity of certain species described by the late I'.racy Clark, ((>) xvi, i.»7-i55. i«'J5- 3 HANKS, NATHAN. <'aiia<liaii r.iitoiiioloK'iHt. liOiiilon. Ontario 1. ConcerninK t'-'ilot-'irsa ornatipes 'i'ownsend, xx\ i, S8. iS()4. 2 Some I'sycluKlida' from Lohr Island, N. Y. xxvi, .<.20,<J3- i^'M I, Notes on I'sychoda, xxvii. 'ii\, 1S05 4 H1':KCH()TI1, kvaf.d. Yl li>n«>r r.nlomoloKiM«>iu> Koitnntf. Vionnn. AnNtria. 1 Ceber einlRe nordamerikanischoTipuliden, vii, i'»5--:"C '^S8. a. /wei neue l>ipteren, viii -195-298, i8S(); xi, lOj, 1S92. (I.II) KAN. INIV. t^r All., vol.. IV, NO, :t. .lA.NIAItY, IHlMf. '.V kWSAs I \l\ |;K's| I \ ( ir \K I KKI.N , 5. i!i:iri:NMri:Li.i:K, william. M«>iil Hill 6. niCoT. lACOllCS, !•■ M. Aiiiiali'M il«> l«> M(>i>i4't«' I':iit(>ni4>1<»si<|ii<> <l«' FraiitM'. I'arif*. FraiM'e. I >i!itt'ri's N( mvi'aux oil pini ("niiiuis. r XII (k'liiis I'liumosia. I'\rcllia. t'osiniiia. Ochrnmyia. ci Curtuneura. ()p 1 XIII (it'iircs Ocyptera (Latr.t ()c-\ ptenila, l''x<>^astt'r (Koiul . ) pp. ■i'>--47, 1S7S. < \l\' Notes et Melan<5e>s, p. .(S, 1S7S. 4 W. Tribii (k's Asilidi. Curies Aii^ Laplirida' ot I lasN puj^onida', pp. -;ii, iSyS. 3 X\'. (Siiiti'l. 'rribii des Asilidi, etc. pp. 401 -pjO, i.SyS <> X\'l, Curia- \\ lopliaK'idarnm et Stratiomyilanim (Hifiot* pp. 1S5 j<,| 'I 10 1 1 I J 1 ( 1.1 13 iS7() XVII. will Desv XXI XXIII HI ■i.U Notes et Melanges, pp. j ^5, j V'. i'^7*)- (ienres IMasii'rcra iMani ,1 I'nrniosia (f nierln, ) et Kiitilia ( RdI). 1 pp. .S()-S(). iSSo, Syrphida' (tnilii. I ("lenre I'>istalis ( I'ahr. I pji. 21 ^-.'^o, iSSn. Tribus Nemistrinidoruni, pp. \yi.\, iSSi. \X\II Notes et Corrections, pp. <7J-i74. iSSr. XXX'III .Xcanthomerida' (Wiedemann iJipt. l'".xot., ) pp. 43^-150, iSSj. X^; \ (ienres Kieselia, Actia, Melia, l'liytoin\ |)tera, et Tribu des Ant',iomy/ida' (Sclnner. Koiidani. Meadel pp 5--'^, ilSSj, XXXI. (Ienres \'nhicella ((ieotlr. Hist, des Insectes, i7()4) et I'halacromyia (Kondani. I^sanie il \ar spec d'Insett. Dittcri Hrasiliani. Torino, 1S4S,) pj). ()i-SS, 1SS5, XXXII. Syrpliidi (lere partie) pp. JJI-23S, iStS ^, {>& jiartie) l-'speces nou- veiles No. ler. pp. .<i5-,^5^'. i'^'"^.*' (-e partie) I^xpeces ncnuelles No. II (2), PP- 5.<'^'5"". i!^'"^): (2e parti ') I'.speces nouvelles. No. Ill (2). pp. 7^11!), 1SS3. XXXIII Antlioiny/ides nouvelles, pp ^d^-^o.}, 1SS5. XXX\'. l''amille des .\nonialocerati (niilii). ('oriaca', I'upipara, Nyrteri- bidae Auctor.) pp, 225-2. )(>, 1SS3. XXXN'I. Syrpliidi, .Addenda au inemoire public dans les Annales de la Societe entomolofiique de France (Annees iSS J-1S84,) pp, i47-;»52, I1SS5. XX.W'II, Isssai d line Classification Synopticpie du Ciroiipe des Tanypezidi (iiiilii.)et Descriptions de (ienres et d'Mspeces intnlits, pp. 287-^02, 1885; ir)i}-j()2, iSS(). .XXXVIII. Liste Synopti(pie des especes appartenant an (Icnre Loxocera (Meinen, etc.,) I'ain. des .\gri)in)/ida', Stirps 24e Chyli/ina' (Kondani, I'rodr , vol. i, 1851).), I'silina' (Scliiner). XXXIX. I )esrripti,)ns de Nouvelles Mspeces de Strationiydi et de Conop- sidi, pp. 20-46, i,SS7, Xr., Di'scriiitions de nouvelles especes de Myopidi, pp. 2o<-2oS, 1.SS7. XLl Tacliinidie, Dexiada', pp. 77-101, iSGS. XI.II Diagnoses de nouvelles especes, pp. 23^-270, iSSS, XLIII (?yrtidi (J. Hi^ot,) pp. jij-<2o, iS,S<). XLIV. Tlierevidi ( J. Hi^ot) pp. j2i-.<2^<, iH^.j, XLVI Hombylidi (niihi), pp. ,j2i-.i7(), uSga. 2')I <' Itllll ^-^1 I W III l> ItiN : \nK I II Wll- Kh A \ lUI'l I Ki'l iu,\ . iSyM I S(j: I ^I .lli'iiioii I'M •!»> lu !«»«ri«'t«' X«»olo»it|ii4' •!»■ l-"raiHM>. Pari*. I'riiiuMv mciini, pp ) pp. .(.)-.)7, •■•'. IT -''i. lia iKob, — So. 1. lS,S2. I'ribii des 1 aero Ml via no, 1S4.S,) leces noil- n'o. II (2), '• 7J-ii(), Xycteri- les (le la 5 A I.S.S5- inyp(v.i(li .'U', 1885; Loxocera Kondani, 3 Conop- S,S7. .■S I )(;scription lie I >iptcifs ni>n\faiiN In \< lS()i ; V. I):j2-I)<)I , 1>><N Kiill«'tiii <U> In W««'l«'t«' Xoolo»i<|iu> *lt' FraiuM'. I'ariN. FraiuMv i)ipteres N(jii\<';ui\ <ni jum ("minus j() I.cpiiili (]. i! I Ml. I'p i-M. i^^7 V' M usiiih. ( U ) \ii, pp =i''i<>i; l^^7 <i (Icnic I htinatopota, x\i, 7(7')- '^'t' ltiill«>tiii tW' la !«»o«'i«'l«' l''.iitoiiiol«>i;ii|ii«' t\<' Fraiu-f. rarl*. Fraiiro. (J (Mcrapioi'liis ullosiis, i;cii ct sp. no\ ) iS^c,. p (.). 1,1, ( l'aras\niniii tus. ^I'n n"\ 1 iSyo. P- '^'1. •(.(. ((ilutops .Xriliropi'as. I l^7<l. p I'm <3 iMc<;aloni\ia ari;s n>iia-.ia. ^;i'n ft sp iic>\ . \canthom"ra, sp no\ .( iSS(), !,<>. (l'hvll(im\(l:is, l-'.iioplcnipis, \la^ar\ lariiis. 1 i«So. p. 1.2. i7. (New (it-ncra of Svriiliida-. I i.-'hJ, p. 7^ <S. (Msclaiihus, {■'.iioiiUniipis, ) i.ssj p, 112. V) (Lyiastntii\ ticlia. Siyloinvia.) l'<^2. p 20. ,|o (Svriihida'. 1 1SS2. p .| .) 1 I iliirliMuyia.) iNS^. p ^s 42 (("holoinyia, K^'n ft sp no\ .) i>>^4, p 1-; 4< (,\in-ylo:;ast(-r oriiatu-i, ^;i;n c-t sp nov ,) i^s|, p, i)5 4) (New (irnora of I )e\iida\ I 1 SS^, separatum, pp 1-7 4v iN'i'w (iciu'ra and Sp"i:ic- of Oitalidir and TarhinidaN 1SS5. separatum, pp 1-4 (I). I )iaj;n.isfs dc nonvcaux ( ieiircs ft non\cllcs l^speccs dc Diptercs ct Ohser- sations di\frscs, sepaiatiim, pp 1 |, iSSo, p, ciii. 47. (On tin- Acanthomcrida- n| tli.- Isiolo-ia Contrali Aini'rirana. ) iSM). pp. clx\ ii. cl.w iii 4S (On l'',ilimns. I'.pihalcs and riif\ cni'myia. ) i.s^7, p. In 41) Ol)servations sur Ics Khaphidi el les DoHidiopodi, iSSS. p wiv 30 l'".spfces nouvclle.s df 1 'olicliopodi, iSSS, pp x\i\. xxx. 31. (Xfw Muscida-. ) 1.SS7. pp I'lxii-cKxiv 32. (I'lrrata, ) i.'SSis, c\ i, c\ ii. 3 (, I I'sciularidiilfsU's.l iSSi). p rlxxxiii Itt'ViK' <rF.iiloiiiol4iu;i<'- I'ai-lM. Fraii*-**. 34 jtcxida' Sarcopliat^iihr. I'.ssai dune clas-,ilication f^cnfralc ct s\ noptifpic dcs genres assi^jnes presertement a res deux j^roupcs dinscctos diptcrc;., 1SS5, pp. 233 2fH) MciiioiiM'M «lo la MiM-i<'t«> KiMtl»Ki<|ii«> i\v Fi-aiHM'. I*arl«. FraiuM'. 33 I icscriptiniis de I )i|iie'i-cs iioun ( anx. \ pp. <i;i2-(>oi. 1^92 7. ilK.M'l'.K. IK'li'.nKlc"!!. \Vi ■ Fii(<iiii<tl<>u;iM4-li(' X«>itiiiiu. Vi«Miiia. AiiNlrla. cbcr dii' \ crwandtsiliatt und s\ stcmatisi lie Stclhins; dcr Hlcpliaroi-(;ridcn, I, p|i I |- ^^^.' \«'iliaii«lliiiiK«>ii «l«'r l.aiM«>i'ii4*li«Mi »io«Ioh;I««'Ii iMHaiilwolu'ii <;«'N«'ll««'liat"t /.II nii'ii. .\iiNti'ia. 2 Uchi'r die so>;(;nannten Stillstadicn in dcr l^ntwicUelung der Oestriden- l.arvcn. pp. 71)^4, iSi)2 '3-2 KANSAS IJNMVKKSII'V ( )l' A KIKKI.V. llt'iikMflii'irtt'H <l«>r iiint]H>iiiiitiMi*h-iiatiirt%'iMH4>ii<<«f*liartll<'li<>ii 4'laNM«> tier kuiN«>rli<>li«'ii A<'nil«'ini«' der \ViH>t<'iiM<*liat't<*ii. Viniiiu, AuMtria. hit' /,wietU!i'f;ler ties Kaiserlicluin Miisciiiins /ii Wicn. f I. I Dit! kaiserliche, Wintheni'schc, Wieilemann'sclic unil l-lKKer'sche SammliinR 2.. Systematische Uebersicht, xlii, pp. 105-1 iS, iHSo I II. X'ersucli einiir Charactcristik (Icr (lattunt^on il(ir Notacaiithcn (Ltr ), mit Kiiecksicht auf die im kaiserliclien Miistuiin hef indliciien von Dr J \< Schiner aufRestellten neiien (lattun^en. 3 Charactcristik dt-r mit Scenn- piis verwamlten Diptercn-l-amilieii, xliv, pp. 59-()o, yS-iii, 1SS2 5. III. Systematische Stiulien auf ('irnndla<,'t' tier Dipteren-I.arven iiebst einer ZusammenstellunK \()ii lieispielcn aiis dcr I.iteratur ucbcr difsclb(;n und lieschreibunfjen nener I'"()rmen. .\lvii pp. i-ioo, pis. i-v, iSS^ Mit!KniiK;MlM'ri«>lit«> 4l«M' KniNorl. Akntlmiio «!«'■■ \ViMM«>iiM<>linf'l«'ii in \Vi«'ii. Vi«'iiiia. AiiHtria. <) Ansicliten iKibcr die (lattiin.j; rarhystyliim Macq. ci. .su-Cx'/' '^')- 7. Systematisch-zoologische Stiulien xci zy]-.\\s. 1SS5, 8. P>K.\i:i':k. FHllCDK'K'll, AM) HKRC.I-'.NS TAMM. j IvDI.llN \()N. I><'iikw«'lirirt«>n 4l«'i- iiiatlHMiiatiNrli-iiatiirwiNmMiNc^iarJIiflK'ii <'lat<«Me «!«>■■ K»iM4'i-li«'li«>ii Ava«l«Miii«' <l<>r %ViMMi>nM«*liHrii'ii. ViciiMa. AiiNti-ia. I tie /\v('illiie;.;ler ties Kaiserliclien Museums /.\\ Wien. I X'orarbeiten /u einer Monoj^rapliie der .duscaria sclii/.oinctopa (exchisiv Antliomyiiiie,) Pars I, Ivi, pp. (hj-iSd pi i xi, ilSSi). Pars II, Iviii, pp V'5-.h'^'. ''"^Qi; I'ar.'i III Ix, pp. S() .240, iSi)^; Pars IV, Ixi. 3.<7-'>n, iS'14 9. HIKCIIlSS, I:I)\VAKI). I'liitc'd Mtat«>M Aii'i'ioiiltiiral Koport. \1°aMliiii«;ti»ii. I>. 4\ I. (New Species i)f Oscinis in) Kepoit of tlu; ICntumolDgist :<)i, j<ij, 1S92 10. 1 1. 1 < 15 17- iS I') 20. 22 ^3 24. ^5- \ 10. coMSTCH'K. JOHN iii;nkv llaiiiial for tli«' Ntiidy 4»l' ■iiN«M'tw. Itliara, X. 1'. I Chapter six, Diptera, 4ii-.(S(), 1.SQ5. I'nittHi Ntal<'H A(ci'i<'iiltiiral ll«>|iort. WaMliiiiKtoii. Ik. <'. 1. (Notes on various Diptera inl Report of ICntotuolo^ist, for iSSo. kjo-joj, 2.^^.\. 2()t). >,. (Diptera inl Report upt)n Cotton Insects. 1879, 209-211. 11. rogUILLKTT. DANIKI WILLIAM l-'.ntoniolOKi4'a Aiiii'i'icaiia. Ilroitklyii. \. V. 1. The North American Species of Toxophora, i, 221, 222, 1SS6 2, Synopsis of the North American Species of Lordotus, iii, 113, 116, iSSS. l*M.v«-li<>. ('t.iiilti'idK**, :VlaMM. ^, On the ValitUty of the Tachinid Cienus Celatoria, \ii. 251, iSi)5 |. On the Tachinid Cienus Acro^^lossa Williston, vii, 201, iS95. 5. On the Systematic Position of Apiocera, iv, 24^-244, 18X5. 5'. The Hombylid genus Acreotrichus in America, vii, 27 <, 1IS95. 4'aiia(linii KntwmolotciMt. IjoiiiIoiii. 4kiitai'io. 6. Monograph of the Lomatina of North America, xviii, H1-H7, 1886. 7. The North American (ienera of Anthracina, xviii, 157-159, 1886. 8. Notes t)n the (lenus Exoprosopa, xix, 12-14, i^*^^?. i WILLISTON: north AMERICAN DIPTEROLOGV, 1878-1893. 133 Ntrln. Ill MfiKO" scIiL- ■i, iSSo. u;n (Ltr ), mit ■on Dr J. H. Iff mit Scenn- 1.S82. [-arven nebst ;ber dieselhcp .■, i.SS.^. «'ii ill Wl««ii. trill. p.'i (excliisi\ • I, Iviii, pp. 17-'M-t. '''^'M :. iS<)2 )()-2n2, ■i<''.\. 6. iSHS. < Revision of the Homhyli.l (ienus Epacmus (Leptochilus) xxiv, 9-11. 1892. 10. Notes and Descriptions ol Hombyli>la\ xxiv, I2<-I2t), 1892. 11. A New Genus of Uipt'-ra allifd to Kliaphioinidas, xxiv, JH-J'S. ^^^)^- 12 Synopsis of the Asili.l (lonus Anisopoj^on, XXV, 20-22, icS93, ] }. Synopsis of the Asilid (ienus Placodes, xxv. ,<j-.<5. i^'Ji 4. Synopsis of the Asilid Genus Dioctria, xxv. So, 189^. Synopsis of the Asilid Genera Mallophora and Nicocl-s, xxv, 118-120, 1893. A New Asilid Genus related to Ivrax, xxv, 175-177, 1893. Synopsis of the I )ipterous Genus Thereva, xxv, 197-201, 1893. Synopsis of the Dipterous Genus I'silocephala, xxv, 222-229, 2G0, 1893. !.). New North American Trypetida-. xxvi, 71-75, 1894. 20. Synopsis of the Dipterous Genus P'lora, xxvii, 103-107, 1S95. 21 New Tachinida- with a Slender Proboscis, xxvii. 125-12S, 1895. I 21'' New North American Mycetiphilidii'. xxvii, 199-200. 1895 U extern Ainerionii Woleiitist. I-os Ansolos. <nlif. 22 A New Khaphiomidas from California, vii, S4-86, 1891. 23. Revision of the Bombylid Genus Aphoebantus, vii, 254-264, 1891. 24. New Bombylida; of the Group Paraco-,mus, vii, 219-222, 1S91. 25. New liombylid.T from California, vii, 197-200, 1891. Journal of tin- Xo%v Yorii I ntoiiiolosioal !«*oci*'ty. Xew Yoric City, X. Y. 2G. Synopsis of the Dipterous Cionus Symphoror.iyia, ii, 53-56, 1894. 27. Revision of the Dipterous Family Therevid;e. ii. 97-101, 1894. 28 A New Anthrax from California, ii, 101-102. 1894. 29. Notes and Descriptions of Tachiuid;e, iii, 405^. 1895, K). New Genera and Species of Tachinid:c. iii, 97-101 ^^95- Prof i>e<liiiKx of the Aoaa.'iiiy of Xatural Neieiioo of i>liila<lel|>liia. Penii. 31. See Johnson, C. W Tranwactloin^of tlu- AiiuM-lc-aii Kiitomolosltal So.l.ty. IMiilatlolitiiia. Pciiii 32. Monograph of the Species bekmgir.- to the Genus Anthrax, from America north of Mexico, xiv, 159-172, 1887. Revision of the Species of Anthrax from America, north of Mexico, xix, 168-187, 1892. Notes and of North American Hombylidae, xxi. 89-112, 1894 KntonioloKiciil X«'w«. IMilla«l«-l|»l«ia. IN-iiii. A New Dalmannia from California, iii, 150-151. 1892. An Anomalous lunpid. iv, 20S-210. iS()3 Two Interesting New Diptera from Washington, v. 125-126, -894. Braihycoma Davidsoni, n sp. v, 17,;, 1894. A New Volucella from Washin.^ton, vi. i3i-i.<-J. i^'^OS On tile Occurrence of the Tachinid Genus Heteropterina Macq., in North America, vi. 207 208, 1895. IiiHort Iilf«'. U aHhliiKton. I». < • 41 The Corn Worm or H.iH Worm in California, i, 3,^i-332. 1880 42' The Dipterous Parasite of Diabrotica soror, ii, 233-236, 1890. 43. Is Cyrtoneurac.T .aan Injurious insect, vii. 3.5«-33')- i^95 44 A Cecidomvid that lives cm Poison Oak, vii, 31^. i«95- 45, The Dipterous Parasite of Melanopus devastator in California, v. 22-24. 1893 33 34 35 3fv 37 ■ 38. 39- 40. 1 •34 KANSAS IMVIKSI I'V ( )rA I< IK RI.\', 46. Two Dipterous Leaf-miners on darden N'enetables, vii, ^81-^84, 1895. 47. Two Dipterous Insects Injurious to Cultivated Flowers, vii, ^99-402, 1895. 12. DAY. LOREN TKIK. C^anadiaii Kiitoni-^loisiMt. IjoiuIoii. Ontario. r. Notes on Sciomy/.ithe, with Descriptions of New Species, xiii, 85 89, 1S81, Prort'eiliiiKN A<>atl«>iii,v Xatiiral M«'i«'iio<>M. I*liila«l«'l|tliia. I*riiii. i. The Species of Odontomyia found in the United States, 18S2, 74-88. 13. DIC.ICS, ALFREDO. I^a Xatiiral«'%a. ll«'XLie» <'it.v. .Moxh-o. 1. Adelopus Copei, Argas Sanchez! y Ornithomyia Villadir, (z,) i, 18-21. 1S87. 14. EMERTON, JAMES H. l*M>-flie Caiiihriiltfe. ^llaNM. I. An internal Dipterous I'arasite of Spiders, v, 404. iSi)o. 15. FVLi:S. T. \V i'aiiailiaii KiitomoloKiMt. liOiidwii. Ontario. 1. Description of a Dipterous Parasite of Phylloxera \astatri.s, xiv, 2.17-259. 1882: x\', 84, i8Sj. 16. (iKiLio-ros, i:kmann(). Kollettiiio doi MiiHel «ll Xoolosia «m1 Aiiutonila«'oni|»arata«l4>lia lt<'al«> I'lii- vtM'Mitatli TorliH». 'I'liriii. Ital.^. I Nuove Specie di Ditteri ilel Mus Zool di Torino, vi. No 192, 1S92. 2. Nuove Specie di Ditteri del Mus Zool di Torino, vi, No. 84, 1S90. I,. Diagnosi di quattro nuo\i (leneri di Ditteri. \i, No 108, 1891. 4. I'n nuovo Clenere di Sirtidi, vii. No 117, 1892. 5. Sui due (Jeneri di Sirlidi, Rliopalos) rphus ed Omegasyrphus, vii. No. 118, March 1892. I). Diagnosi di nuo\e specie di Ditieri, vii, No. i2;(, June, 1892. 7. Diagnosi di nuove specie di Ditteri, \ii. No. i <2, Oct. 1892. 8. Diagnosi di nuo\e generi eil di nuove sjjecie di Ditteri, \iii. No. 147, 158, N<>uiori«> (lelia .%<*«*a«l«'mia lii'lia !^<>i«'nKi<> <li Torino. Turin. Itai.v. 9. Ditteri del Messico, Parte I, Stratiomyida'. S\rphida', (2), xliii, 99-1(18 (1-70). pi. i, 1892; Parte II, Syrphid;r, Pipunculida>, Conopida', (2), xliii, .i5".W^' pl- I'^^'Jj: Parte III, Muscida> Calyptrata-, (2), xliv, 1-7O, pi. 1894, Parte IV, MuscicUc ('alyptrata\ Muscina-. .Vnthoinyina', Muscid.T Acalyptrata", . Scatophagina-, 1 lelomyzina-, Tetanoct'rina% Ortalina-, l.'lidina-, Sapromyzinie, Trypetina-, Sepsinir, Tanypezina', Psilina-, (Tiloropin.T, Ephydrina\ I)rosophilina\ (2), xlv. 1-74, pi 1895. 17. C.ILLETl E, C P. l*N,V4'li«'. 4'aniliridtEC. llaNH. I. A new Cecidomyid infesting Box Elder, v, 392.593, fig. 1890. 18. H.UHCN, HERMANN A. ll4»Mton Mo«*i«'t,v of Natural IliMtory. lloMton. llaMN. I. New Species of Siniulium, with a remarkable Nympha Case, xxx, 305-307, 1879. Caniq 5 6 1 ■ 8. 1*H.V< i l»ro< i \.' V\ll.l,l> lt)N : NOklll AMI.KIl \N Dll'l l,kOl.()(.N . I S7^-i8( )5- 135 "^'-.^84, 1895. CHiiiulinn Eiitoiiiolojsiwt. li«iuloii. Ontario. ^■". J99-402, 1895. tviiical Collcriioiis ol the I )ipteia of North America in tlu- Miist'uiii in 111, 8 = '■^9, 1S81 •in. 74-88. > '. i«-^r. 188: I n I lu; tyi Crmihricl^;*', Mass. xi. mj-iv. '^7'>- List of North Aiucriran Anthoiiiyif a- examined l)s \< II Meailc. l''.si] Uradlord. luifihind, xiii. i.t'- 150, iSSi. List of Nortli American Sarcophaj^'ida' examined !>> K 11 Meade l-lsi] M liradlord, I-'.nyland, xiii, 4.V5'. ■•'' 5 On Simulium, xiii. 150-151. iSm '<: () I'ntomoloKical Notes, xiii, S7- i-'^'^i- '■ 7, ("oelojia fri;-;ida. xvi. 1 |o, iS8f). S. On Cecidomvia liriodciidri, xviii, 130, i'')". 188(1 19. HOOD. Mcwis 1:. I»H.V««lu'. «'aiiihi-i«lee. MaHH. The i.eptida' ai d 15oml)vliihi' from the White MounUins, vi, ^8^-^84, i8.)j ^■"\'. ^.\7-2M). • a I{<>al4> iiii. r8, 189. vii, \ o. 118. • o. I 47. 1 58, xliii. 99-108 ''P. (2), .xhii, 76, pi. 1894, ^ Muscid.T Ortalinav I'sil ina' •■^^ /I05-J07, l'ro«-e«'»liii 20 HOPKINS. .\ n K^ ofllu' Kiitoniolojjii'Hl !«*««M«'t.v. WaMliiiitftoii. I>. V Notes on the Habits of certain Mycetophilids, with 1 H'scriptions of I'.pidapus scabei, 11 sp, i:i, ■. 111-159. 1805. 21. IIOWAKI). 1. o. liiNei't LilV. W)'!*liiiiKt«"- •*• *'• 1 Notes on a Simulium common a ^. Tiie l-ieet-leaf (I'cgomvia vicina t Ithaca, N V. i, c)9-i'ii. ti«s, iS88. Lintn ) \iii, i,y^t. \Xk ti^s. 181)5. 22 JOHNSON. ("H.XKI.l'.S W Triiii!*a<*tioiif< Aiin'ricai .\ Kosii'w I Kiit»iii«»loui4al H«Mio«.\ . I'liilaslt'lplila. IViiii. d O.lontomvia- ol Nortii America, xxii, if ilie Strationn i;c an 278. pis, iii. iv. 1895. Fr«M'«'«'iliii«N o t«5H' A«a«l«'iii.v olXatnial ««I»'ihm'n. oflMiilatlelpliin. IViiii. liptera of I'lorida, \vi th Additional 1 )i'scrii)tions A New (lenera and Species by i) W Coipiillett. 1895. .i<'J.i-.Vt' III any. 23 KAKSt^H. hHRDINAND lliHM- F.iiloiii«l«si««'lu'ii <i;e>4«'llH«'lian. H«'i-lin. Ut^v 1 1 Me Spaitum; der I tiptere -CiattiinL; Svstropns Wiedemann, f'5(-''5''^. i'^''^'- 24. Kin'.Ni-:. i:igi:nk 4'anatliaii F.nlinuiflosi^t. liinnloji. Ontario. 1 Sphvraccpliala brcvicornir^. x\ 200. i8S.t List of Svrphid.e take a in I'airmount I'ark. riiiladelphia. I'a , during; the suill iner of 1S84, x\i. 1.13-1(7, i!^''^4 I List of 1 liptcra taken ir the \'icinitv of I'hiladelphia. irom i88j to i88.|, .-liisivi'. x\ ii. 31 -35 i'^^3 lt«>|»ortMortli4>Mtatf 25. LfNTXi:R, JOSEPH I'.ntonilo^fiMl to tU«' Kt>K«>ntMof tin' I nlv«MMlt.v of tlu' Mta t«'or\«'w York. AllHin.V. X«>\v Vork. I'"irst Uepjrt. 108-2^7, i88j Second Report, 111 1J5 ■■'^■'^3 136 KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. 3. Fourth Report, 60-80, 1S8S. 4. Fifth Report, iio-xz"], iSSy. 5 Sixtli Report, 111-116, iHyo. 0. Seventh Report, jjS, 245, 107- jfxj, ^32, i.Hyi 7. Eighth Report. 140-151, 172, 1(^2-100, iSqj. 8 Ninth Report, 300-^14, 1.S93. Aniiiinl U«'|ioi-t. \'«>n York Mtnto A{eri«'iiltiii'nl Muoiety, Albany, ^'. \ . 9 Insects of the Clover I'lant. 1.S80. Kniii T-v r I U 26. LOEW, HERMAN Verliniiil1iiiis<>ii tier Xonlo^iMtMie-hotaiiiMplicii 4it<*HHellHoliaft zn '%Vien. Viciiiiu. AiiMt. I Table for Determining the North American Species of the Genus Pachyrhina, 27. MARLATT. CM. Insert Iiir«>. WaMliinetoii. I>. <\ 1 The Xanthium Trypeta (Trypeta acqualis Loew,) iii, 312-313, 1891. liioll Ti. 28. MARTEN, JOHN. PNyohe. Canihridso. MasH. 1. Description of Asphondylia helianthi-globulus, v, 102-103, 1888. Canadian Ent«»niolosiMt. liondon. Ontario. 2. New Tabanidac, xv, 110-112. 1883. Bulletin of tlie <»liio Asi'ioultural Experiment Nidation. Teehnleal Meriei*. Xorwalli. Ohio. 3. Description of a new species of Gall-making Diptera, i, 155, 156, 1893. 29. MHv, JOSEF. Verliandluneen der Kooloffiiitoli-botaniMelien 4»eMellHcliaft zu WIen, Vienna. AuMtria. 1. Hypocharassus gladiator, eine neue Dolichopen- Art aus Nordamerika, 617- 632, pi. X, 1S78. 2. Dipterologische Bemerkungen, 182, 192, 1893. 3. Ueber die Artrechte von Trochobola caesarae O. S. and Cyrtopogen Meyer- Duerii Mik. Wiener Kntoniolos;irH*ie Keitung. Vienna, Austria. 4. Dipterologische y-jcellen, v, 276-279, 1886; 5, x, 1-5, 1891: 6, xi, 55, 56, 1S92; 7, xiii, 22, 23, 1894; 8, xiii, 161, 1894. 9. Ueber Tachiniden deren drittes Fuehlerglied gespalten ist, xiv, 101-103, 1895. 10. Bemerkungen zu den Dipteren Gattungen Pelecocera Macq, und Rhopalo- myia Wied. xiv, 133-135, 1895. 30. OSTEN SACKEN. CHARLES R. llerllner F.ntonioloiciMehe XeitMe'irift, Berlin, (liermany. I On Professor Bauer's paper: Versuch einer Characteristik der Gattungen der Notacanthen, xxvi, 363-380, 1892. 2. On the Gerus Apiocera, xxvii, 287-294, 1883. % I W 111 I ■ I i)N . N< )Klll wllKh \N ini'l I i:m| i)(,\ . 1.^7^' I '"".(.T- .■>/ >aii}, \. 1 . lus Pachvrhina, 1891. iilcal (Series. 6. 1893. «« WIen, merika, 617- ogen Meyer- • >--'. 55, 56. 31-103, 1895. id Rhopalo- Gattungen < S>nnn\mi(ri cnc. rnin- vMiUc liipin-.-l.^;)-, SNvii, j.iS-j.jS i.-^.^V ... A -in'^u'.ar Xonli Aiucric;i!i ri\ , Wv ii, ^<r>, <,'">. •'^^.'i- 5 ("orvcctinn t,) mv ariicii' nn Api'>cfi;i. \N\. 1 Vi. i>^'-'- [[, Stmlie.oal-iinilid..-. Pan I. Tipiilid,.' lon^iiMlpi, x.<x, I5.r'--^. '^•■^"• SriKiies.j.iTiruldia, I'art il, lii.;di<!- b.-nipaipi. xsxi, .Ss-^l-. ' ^ >7 Caiiaaiai, ! nl(>ns«»!oa:is«.l<«i!«l«ii. <»iiliiii(.. :■ >. Soiii.' N.Ttii \! Tarlsinic!;.', ■ 1.. i<n -h.!.. tS!>7. \\, ,!,'in !V,iu;,c. li^dac.'inc jplia- aiuri'riil'ircra'. \ii, .'^')-^V i '"n- :,. liip.rra, ■.>'! 1. t •-:)'■. pi •• i-Hi, :^'>''. i-K- Tii!ii>.:nit<)i. -o-JSm- r.'.Mi.mnU>KifH) N.xl.'t.'. '.:' I.oiuloa. r.imlaiid. •; li. i--act:. c-i.-.Tnia;; ihr ui!p<'rlwiIoa .1 ,u.n ....lunai,-;) .1 . -pu-;a ...<:i-n (■ v.r.itr'i'-. '■' ■} ; J '. 1 -'"' !• »iis<«-i B.UV. Wa-^ljisj;;;!*)!). i*. V. On i Isri.;!)!/'! . i-rrata: ii. in. i'-mj. 31. KIl.l'.V, (■|IAl<I-!-> \' ALI'.N-IIM-.. <';in:uUa!i £:!•{»«£»>!<>«£>■•<. !'rt"<V'-J.-3-Ontar;(». 1. p,;,. ul ilu- CottM:) \\>n-;!i, \i, i-i, 1 ■.;. 1^7') iMpiM-.'ii - I'li'-mir, of l'ii;.!i"Ner- va-.tarn\, w. VK I'-K ^1 I iiitijl ;..i:'.!«'s .\;isi«i:5l!ltv.3 U«'3)'>«;- *^«»^"«"'='- ""• '^ * • ). K>-i I'l t i> r 1. •^•'. 51 -. =;i ; -., I\ !'> I"', l-'i' I- ''5- lii*«Ml l.itV. %^;:-»ljiii;;,t<i:i. 5>. < . Ti'c Mui-cUi, (hTin-c ."nut \\'';in, 1. 13- i7- I'.--;-' ■ i^""'""- 7, Phe ()\ Unt in liir I nitcti Siattv-:. i\, i"-- w;. :>:'■*■ •■••'■ 32. I^ll.i-A, (•IIAi'M.K;-^ \' AN 1 ' I loW Alv i ' i.l.l..\N 1 m). In««c-; l.aSc. VVashiujiio"- «>• <■ I. ( -11 til.- ciiia-iciiiaiin:; Hwi;:-. :, Ji^. -i*^> '^'")- J '1 lie Ti-as Ilfol-lly, i, (1^. .•(' ^ i^'"'*'- ^ il,-nii,'u;i tniiccns ir^iiM inlestiiv: l;<o-hivfs i. -il.;, .13 1- i-^-^n ,, Lt.r.t.ipho'ins (".- ('r\pt<K-li:.tum, ii, ^i. I'^-'^O- :; Tlic Horn !lv. ii. .p;. m.p ii>;s, i.^S.,. . -Ilie-riiiip u-c" l.t-af (iall lly, ii. -1"^, .V",- i>^')o. 7 Pile tnic luak' ol I'lTi.ia ;^iMiu!is. i\, Mj. i'^^oi. 33. ixOP' \'!i;i'()K.\'ON. KiUouiol..Ki'^«t'«' \tuUrUUU». IHiliu. «.t'«ii«"«».V. , r.lHT .!i.' /u.'amnirngehoeri.^kcMt dcr bride., Arten <Ut C.attunK Sphea. nui;i Latrcillc, i.'^.Sc), qii-fiS. , Pibri-cb-ei nrucdattnnK'-n del- Xotacanih.n, xii. i.i7-'4". ''^^'^ f^totthior l--.iitoHiolotti«»lH' y^oitiiiiJt. «t«Hiii, <;r>iiiaii.v. p Dipteicn vnii iler inscl I'orlorico, iSS^, -iiy-.Vt'i. « •^\ ■ I i3« KANSAS UNIVKKSITV (JUARTKRLY. 1 Wiener KntomolneiHclie Xeitiutg. Vienna, Austria. 4. Ueber die Nordamerikanischen Lomatina von Mr. Coquillett in dem "Can- adian Entomologist." v, 263-265, 18S6. 5. Asyndulum montanum. n. spec, vi, 116, 1887. C. Ueber eine neue Art der Clattung Gnoriste Mg., vi. 155-156, 1887. 7. Ueber die Dipteren-Gattung, Stylogaster Mcq., xi, 28()-28S, 1892. 8. Ueber Trypeta amabilis Loew. xiii, 97-100, 1894. 9. Ueber Mydas fulvipes Walsh, xiii, 169, 170, 1894. Berliner EntomoioKiMelie XeitMelirift, Uerliii,<i<erman,v. 10. Dipterologische Notizen, xxv, 2io-2i('). Publisiiiied b.v Author. 11. Aus der I sis Von Oken, i, 1888. 34. SMITH, JOHN B TransaetiouM Anieriean EntonioloKieal liioeiet.v. I'liiiadelpiiia. I*enn. I. A contribution toward a knowledge of the mouth-parts of the Diptera, xxii, 3i9-.«9. 1890, 35. SNOW, WILLIAM ..PPLETON JKan!i«aM I'niverMity 4t*i<^>'t^i'ly- l-awrenee. KanNnn. 1. Notes and descriptions of Syrphida", 1, 33-38, pi. 1892. 2. Descriptions of North American T. ypetidae, with Notes, ii, 159-174, pis vi vii, 1S94. 3. American Platypezida^, iii. 143-152, pi, 1894. 4. American I'latypezida?, Second Paper, iii, 205-207, 1895. 5. Diptera of Colorado and New Mexico, iii, 225-247, 1895, o. Suy)plementary List of North American Syrphidu", iii, 249-262, 1895. 7. Cnephalia and its Allies, iii, 178-186, 1895. 8. A New Species of Pelecocera, iii, 187, 1895. 9. On Toxotrypana of Gerstnpcker, iv, p. 117, 1895. Canadian KntunitiloKiMt. Ijondon. Ontario. 10. The Moose Fly A new Ha-matobia, xxiii, 87-89, 1S91. 36. SLOSSON, ANNIE TRUMBULL. EntonioioKieal XewM. I*iiiiadei|»itia. I*enn. 1. List of Insects taken in the Alpine Region of Mt. Washington, v, (), 1894. 2. Additional List of Insects taken in the Alpine Region of Mt. Washington, vi, 6, 319-320, 1895. 3. Mesogramma politum, i, 5, ii, 115. 37. SCHWARTZ, E. A. Inxeet Life. WaNliinKton. n. C. I. The Hippelates I'lague in Florida, vii, 379. figs. 1895. 38. TOWNSEND, C H TYLER PKtyelie, Cnnibridtfe. .llaNM. 1. Two New Tachinid.'f, \ i, 83 85, 1891. 2. A New Simulium from Southern New Mexico, vi, 106, 107, 1892. 3. A I'arasite of the Fall Web-worm, vi, 176, 177, 1892. 4- 6. S.l ')■! i " i 11] I2| CnnI '11 I I V i wh.i.ision: north amickican i>iimkk()1.<)(;v, 187S-1895. 139 llett in dem "C 16, 1S87. i, 1892. an- liia. Penii. he Diptera, xxii '59-174. pis vi. O2. 1S95, >. V, 6, iS(j^. Washington, 4- 5- 6. 7- S ')■ in 1 1 . 12 13 A Tachinid Parasite of the Oak Unicorn Prominent, vi. iSy, iSS. iSyi. A New Genus of Tachinid.-r, vi, 247, 24.S, iSg2. Description of a Sarcophagid bred from Helix, vi, 220, 221, 189^- Tachinid I'arasitc of Kucetervia variaria Grote, and other Notes, vi, 25S, 259, 1H92. An Aporia l)red from Limacodes sp, vi, 275, 276, 189^ An Interesting Blood-sucking (Jnat of the Family Chironomida-, vi M>0-.',7-^- Des/rip'tion 0/ a new and interesting Phasiid-like Cenus of Tachinida' s. str vi, 429, 4,io, 1895 Note on Atropharista jurinioidcs Towns , vi, 4f>i, 189.^ A Cabbage-like Cecidomyidous (iall on Biglovia, vi, 491, 189 V Hosts of North American Tachinida-, vi, 46()-4()S, i8()v 20. 2 1 22 92. Cnnatlinii KntonioloKlHt. I.oiuloii. Ontario. t4. Description of a Muscid bred from Swine-dung, with Notes on two Muscid Genera, xxiii, 152-155, 1891, 15 A Tachinid bred from a Chrysalis, xxiii, 2o(), 207, 1891. ih Notes on North American Tachinidx', with Descriptions of New Genera and Species, Paper V, xxiv, 64-70, 77-82. 1892. 17 .\ Sarcophagid Parasite of Cimbex americana, xxiv, i2(>, 127, 1892. 18. Notes oil North American Tachinida-, with Descrip'ions of New Genera and Species, Paper V. I, xxiv, 165-172. 1S92 ,9. A Preliminary Grouping of the Described Species of Sapromy/a of North America, with one New Species, xxiv, 301-^04, 1892, A Trypetid bred from Galls of Biglovia, xxv, 48-52, 189,3. Comments on Mr. van der Wulps Diagnoses of New Species of Mexican Pbasiida-. G>mnosomatida-. Ocypterida\ and Phaniida, xxv, 165-108, 1893. Avery Remarkable and Anomalous Svrphid with Peculiarly Developed Hind Tarsi, xxvi, 50-52, 1894. 23 Note on the Proposed New Genus Calotarsa, xxvi, 102. 1S94 1Ciit«>iiioloKi«'al Wt'WH. I'hlladolpliia. roiiii. 24 New North American Tachinida-, iii. 8o-8r, 129-1.U. i^O-'- Notes on North American Tachinida-, sens. str. with Descriptions of New Genera and Species, Paper IV. An I'.xorista Parasite of Lagoa opercnlaris, iii, 159. 160, 1891, A Tachinid Parasite on Chrysophanes dione, Kxorista chrysophana', n sp. ii. 197. ig^. i!^9i A Kemarkable New Ilippoboscid from Mexico, ii, 103, 106, 1891, New Jamaica Tachinida-, I, iii, 14''. i47. ^^'>-- Note on Trichobius diigesii Towns, iii. 177, 17''^- '^'12. On the So-called Throat Bot, iii, 2.-7, 228, 1892. Some Deformities in th(- Abdominal S-gments of Tachinida-, iii. 166, 167. l8l)2. On tlu. Geographical Kange and Distribution of the Genus Trichopoda. iv, 09-71, 189,3. TraiiNa.tloiiH »r tlu- AiiHil.aii KiitoniolocUal Hooh'l.v. IMiila«lel|.liia. VI Notes on North American Tachinida^ sens. str. with Descriptions of New Genera and Species, Paper II, (.tO.<^-!. i«'i^. ^'"P^''' '^'^ ^^'^' ^'^ ' ^'' 1892. 25 2(). 27' 28. 2<) .<!■ !l ' I^.O KANSAS I NIVKIOl lA ijl A k IK k I A . S> Tile X'Uth Anii'ric'in ( '.enfra nt Cnly^itratr Miiscicl.r, Taper II, \i':. i^ 111 : I'apiT 111. -;'<-J7S. rajicr 1\', j.ji\-2:<\. rapiT \', ji)n-ji)i. i"-'-!).. V'. Niiii'son Xnrth Anii'iiran 'rachinid.r, with l)i.;->cri]itioii'. of New Siiecic"^'^' I'aptr \'ll. xi\, J-^i 2'^i), iSij^. •57. Tile North Aiiurican Cionnra ol Nmn iitahis itinter.;, \i\, 1 1 (-h'd, iS.)_' iS- ("ir.iiriliiUiiiiis to ihi' Uiptcroloiiy of North Anv.-rica, I. S'. rpliiil.i-. wii, ,<,<,- ". II, Talianid.r. rnnopiih;'. 'I'ac hiniil;:', etc.. ^S-'lo. i^iij^. Pro^ V) <':; a Spi I'r- ol' Siiir.iliiini ^roiii titi- ilraad ('.mon i:|' the Colora'l.t. nIn. i i ^ Tr:3i)!-iacli«>t:'-i <.v 'ho Eiaiii-a?* As-aih'iiJ;,' of Wi-m>.'ico. TopcJ^n. Han ►-as. ; ' ( ■■ - {]'{■ lIi>r->( I'.ics of \\\v Mi-\iru and Aii/'iia, 1 ;vM.t- '" it .(I ^^^:•l••on a i'('ca:i;i. Ar.',l\ ptrai'- Mr-iid I'.aiid iicar Tiirl-.i'v 'ranks. \:- 1 ; "1. 1 ',''. '"^'! !■ I :. ( 'a!..!ou'.i(; (il til'" J >!• irihv'd So'itli .\iii(M'iran Spi'i'i(\ioi < 'alypira'c Mu^c id N.i, 1- i \. K-.J2, liisivt I.IIV". %)':iNlii!irj;'toii. B>. <". ] ,. l"iii ih'.'r i::>t'\; on ihc ( 'oiii .n- l.iil llot. uiiii the lirccdin.L; and iilcniilicati' of till- l"ly. .1 I Si'iai' Mi'-hi,;;;n Xob's K'ccord.od. ii. 1J-.|1, i.^Sc). •S l,ap'i:i;i ranis Will . ii, mi.;, i ^"^o. Tcclmica] ESiilh'liia. <>liio !>:p<>viiiM'ii1 Sjai ion. \i>riva! iv. <Miio. ;' A Ta'diinid ri-ari;'.' from the (.•(•Us of a innd-daiihi'r Wasp, i, iSi)_5. Ko«', Sat) Fi'Jiitfist'o. < 'a J. .|-. .\ Ni'w 'I'rypi'tid ln)ni ( 'hacaUian.uuis, Me\!(u, with Note on 1 Irxacha", ;u'.ialiilis l.or". . iv, i ( 10, i-'-.i <. I'i'«)'.«>«'iImii!..,s c;!' t «M' 4'aIir(>riHa A«'a'.]4'iii> <»r S«'ifiM'«'. Nan l-'raiK-ix-o. <'>tl. ]' On the; I'iptcraof |;.i|.-i ( ■.rdiloriiia. inclndin;,' a i<'\\ from thi; adiaccii! vv .nions of l"aiiforn;;i an<! Mc\ic-o. (j), i\, -,i)>-o^, iXqt,. ol'tiii' X«>w l«j'5i i;''sitt>ni(>I<fA'3<'aI N<»t'HM>'. \«'w '^■«>r:i. "X. \. ,|M. .\ X M'teriliid from a X'.",v Mt'\ii'o ilat. ;, 7>)-.-in, [<')>,. -,•'. Sonii- Xi'w Srmto i)oniin,', ) Tatliini la-, ii. 7.'-' 7'i, \>^')\ Journal >S::M;rH'a I n^U ii utr. .Dainaiva. ^i c^) lnili«->4. 51. .\ 'I'.afliinid liVc 1 from a l.irv.i ol I ';-oto;\uvo jamaicrncis li^'tler. in i.ini.iio.a ■ 5-'. A SCI rpion Tarasiti-, l)rc. i^o-. 5i. Xoii's on '.onu' laniaica .Miiscji!,,', with li.'icf anonymons descriptions ol doui)tl',il lurnis. 5 1 Oecacia liirens in Jam.aiia. S.5 .\ liot-like parasite m| a liiiil. Ch«| Kii II «■ V.i l| 39. wi'.i;sii;k i' m, ltnl!<>tin ot'llir (>l:2o Auiiciill nral r.\|i4>riir«'nl M(al ion. To<-lini«-al Moi'Icn. \ort\all>. Oliio. I, Me'iiods of ( )\ ipo-^ition in till? Tepiilida , i, i3i-i>|, I'^ti,. J. .\ 1 >ip!eroai (i.ill tink-r and it . .\->;.) 'i.iie ; i, 151, iS^, InMort liir«'. WaHliinu'toii. U. <'. J. Notes on a Sjiecies of Necri 'pha,:;ons l)iptera, ii. <5')-f5'S. iSijo *My scpiifala el' I lie-^c arllclcs do not have pMirlniiiinii. and I ilo nut liii\e aeeess tJi I his .louMial. Willie ion: NDKIH AMKKUAN 1 >l I'TK IM >1 n( ,\. 1S7CS-1S95. 141 40. WHl'KLl-K, WILLIAM MOK rt)N. ' I i.esrriptionof..'nen..wNorthA.n..r,canl)nlK-hnpna,.hr, V. v^7-.W,. <5xV.2, ^!\. I I III:,, ,S,,. 17.^- VO. '•'^'•"- • ivrpin,! r ^xii, ,;.-, 12. The supp-i"! I^"t-i1y I'arnsite n[ the P-ox-turtle. v 4".^ >^-J"- > p,.„, .,i..a>. \ViM«..^*i..\u«Hi«llli«<«'-.V «««•'•'*>. Mil«a..Ko.-.WiM. "' <""i<'ral„, xix. , , ^ ^.,, ,^.^.„ „.... ,,,,,(,., .,1 Cecid.nnyia producing; -alls on Antenuana plantan.m lolia, April, iSSq, 2f.()-2i", iirkfy 'I'auks, \: •3». '«. v. •'in(! idcniilicaii II' oil I fcvacha'! , I f'lf •iiljarciit i-f ■-''■• 111 I'.iiii.iica • ilcsi-riptii,ns ol l"»ii«jil M4'i'i<'N. Iiii\ (■ ac.'cs.s |.() I 41. WIHTNLV (". 1'. CniiatliHii Kiiloiiiolotfi^l. liOiidon. «••«"«««• , Descriptions oi M-im' New Species olTabaniihr. xi. <5 v^. '^70- 42 Wlf.LISTOX, S.\Mri:L WI'.NWI'.LL Bllllltill lllOOjil.^II l'.lU.>ll»OlO«i.!l« H«Mio«.v.K»»»»*«.V". X ^• ,, On the (M.assifu-ation of the Ninth .Mnerican Kiptera. First Paper, vm. . ..,- 131) ''^■'^5- Kiil«iiiol«KM-ii AiiH'i-ifaiiii. Ilroolilyii. >^. ^• ■ . On theClassincation of North An.eiiran Diptera. Second Paper, 1, m.-m, ■ ,. On the Class.lication ol N,.rth American Diptera, Third Paper, i, . i.\-i |X. , On two interesting new (l.-nera of Leptiih.'. n, 105- io>, ihSO. 5 Additions and C-orrect.ons to the (^ttaliv,ue of Sottth American byrphKhe. ^ h. The Ilorn-llv, \, 1^". i^i. '^"^'i- M,.ilin.'i i:iit«.ii»l<»ttl«.lH' Z.'ils.lnin. U.'iliii. iUvnuiuy. 7. Lelui NPdlotacimhicilormisl'arien, x\vi, 171, 17-^. i^^"- KiilomulouiNolH' \a.liri«li*«ii. Boilin. <.i«ii"»".v. ,S. Leber eini.u'e Leptidcn-Characteren, Ixvi, 400, 1^85 »..»a.l,..M lUUUviru". of .1.0 r-aMorn Ini.oH ^tato. anU Cam- „,"The*i)'ns Parasite, nf North American l^n.terllie.. n,. .- u,..,, pl. xxxix. iSSi). I'N.vohe. «'iiiiil»ri«lao. llaHH. ,,,. Oil tliePollectiimand Preservation ot Diptera. iv Li- '^^-L 11 Nnies on Asilida', 25.S-239. ^^^')- 12 ililarimornh.a and .\piocera, i|i}-io/, iSS.S. H l-lie Scr.'w worm lly, Lompsomyia macellaria, 1 <^ o^. lS,^.^. 1., On the Hhoiialomerida', vii, 1S3-0S7, 1^05. ,V Kiu.palomera xanthoeps. n, sp. vii, March, iS-iv 10. Ni.tes on Tachinida', vi. .100, .po, iSi)(. NlniMlaiMl Xaliiial lllwloiy. t'aiiil»ii«l>e*'. ^'I""'*- 17, \\,1 \'., Diptera, iov,i3.<, i^S.) liaiiHUH I ..IV01HH.V naaiJoily. Law ••«>.•<•«' lia..«aH. i,s Dipiera Hrasiliana, Part, Hi, .|V4". '•^'•■2- H, On the Apiocerid.e and tlieir Allies, i, loi-i ,S. pis, in, s. .N,L 2n Diptera Hr.isiliana Pari, 111. i. 1") i-^-'. '^'l.<- P4i! Mi '■ I (' '! i |( 21. 22. 24 '''^^^ •■^'^••<^'n v. .X.,,;.,, "-'■^2. iS- f>n the Genus Iv.r > ' ^'''7"' i«9J. ^ewc.eneraofl^o„„,,,,.,^. -,. ,^ ^3. wp,„ ";:,•' ;,^»;';- <■"■■»,■...........„,, — *' •"■••"• **•- .V or ...... ....„ ^ . ,, '^^' '"'^^^"- "^"-"•- Onconnia v. s- , ^'''"'' ■^"— ^'-.PM.-..; Conch,si.,n W ,,., , r:::::;:-: ""'"""' -";^;'-^»'- ■■•"» ' ""'••■ f«l.-.l,.„.„, H„.„„„ , ::::;:: r'—-'-""':^;;,,' ---' - U- i^^2. -^""li Amenran Syrphi,!.,. x, ,„ ■'•'■ '^^^ ■-:-.::,":,■';";■,■••;;■;•" • '•- ' ' « «,...„.„ , .".|. .»*.. "'"'"• "f S">Mli A,„„ic„„ Syr„l,,,r„ >■• 51 52 53 54 5.1 5" Trsi 57 (.( () () (') t) Bit 6 Ko (1 Ti V f •' -N'<'\v S|)w;ies wii.mmon: nmkih amkku an imm i koi.-x.n . iS7H\S^)=>. 14J L Catal.)guft of the Described Species ofSnuil. American A.ili.ia. Nviii, ny-.j. KntoiiioIoKU- il X«'w«. IMiiUuUlpliin. IViiii. 51 52 53 54 55 5*' (\,pe>tvlum inarf-inatuni i-l Volucella fasciaia. ii. -<,2, iS.,^ A New Species of Criorrhina and Notes on Synonyms 111, iSQS On the C'.eniis l-",rax, v, 1 r> ' <7- '^'M' The North American IVvrhodida', iv m-ni. ''"^'^^ The American (ienera of Sapromy/ina\ v, ic/.i')?. '•">'»♦ A New Tachinid with Kemarkal.le Antenna-, vi. ^^)-^2. i8.)S. "'"■■ ^'V. ;;.S,, ,,, '2, iSSj. '^'-"Kl Stratiomyi.l,. '> >. iHSy, 70. 171, ,s,j,. i^-lHxillJf. Mil'll. icomyia. vi, ,S7-,;| 'I'-ir iiseasfrutn.T; '»•!•'«. \oi»vall. "1 Muhlenbert;! , '•«'l|»liin. IV in ■''iila<lf>||»|iiM '\ with ;, nev, '"'''"'• \ii, ju^ StratiotTiyid.c Tl*aii>»a4'ti«»iii^ 01 III*' i%aii'»<i^ »« <«'i« ■■■.' 5-7 Table of the I'amiliesof Diptera, X. ijj-ijs'. i'-^>i> 3S Notes and Descriptions of North Am.-rican x, i -r 1 l 50 Hibio tristis, n. sp in Kello-J^^^ '"-^'-t-t >-''>"'«' ^"'' " ^' '^"■«- WmMHI- l.llt«lllol«ttisolM' Z.illllltt. VuMllia. AllN«li!l. (,o. I'.ine M"rkwuerdi-eneueSyrphiden-(iattnnj<, iii, 1S5, Un iS-sj luMM't liilV. Was1iiiis<<ni. I». <'. (>i An Autraban I'arasiteof Icerya purchasi, i- ^i-^-' '>i.^'.) 62 Note on the C.entis I.estophonus, i, ^^^-',My I'^^'i 6^ l.eucopis belbila, n sp. i, ^57--^57. i^^'» (,., iielvo'-ia A stndy, iv, 2<7-Jio, pb. iS(j<. BiilK'lin I iiitv.l >ilalo«Xanoiial :»liis.'iiiii. U aNliiii(?«oii. I». < . 65 No. <i, Synopsis ..f the North American Syrpliida, pp 1 nxx vii. iSSO I.SSs US. p 1 >,('>, pis. ix, Koftli AiiM'i'iraii Fauna. U aNliiiitftan, I». <'. (,(, Dipt.'ra of the Death Vallev Kxpedition, vii, ^^^-^5y>■ '^-^''^ „r «r «lu- Fa.»ilM'N »..,! «....•.» «r ^«'«'« %•••<•-•«*•«" l»i|'«.r». !^«-w Hav«'ii. <"oiiii. ■I.T- llatliiiwii.v. (Ill pios.) 44 WooDWOKI'il CIIAKI-i-S \V l«j4,V«'lu>. «'aiiil»riiltt»'. SlaMM. I. Conia senilis Williston. V, .p^ i^^^o ^ 45. Wll.r. 1'. M VAN Dl-K TiJiliNcliiii't vooi r.iitoiiiolo»i«'. llatfiH'. Il"ll"i'«l , Amerikaansche Diptera xiv. i.ti-ioS, pi xv, iSSi. xxs. pp X, iSS^. xxvi, pp i, ii. i-'"l. p's i d. iSS( z Nale/.ing over Amerikaansche Diptera. xxvii, pp, i.p i>^^4 V Diagnosis of New Mexican Miiscida-. XXXV, iS^i.)5. jS.m !V««r«ri«iiHlM' l-oyd.-ii KiiHi'iiiii. Ilatfiu'. llollaiHl. .J Kemarks on certain American Diptera from the I.evden M-.senm an.l De scriiitioi!.-; of Nine Nia\ Species. i\ . pp. 7 <•'><■ '^"- « «...|»tc. «.>.Hl..«do laS«.lv.c I ..lon.oluttl.l...' •«*' 1» H«>ltti«l...'. IWlKi""'. 3 ;,Uiel(pir M>ipteres l':\oii(pies, iSS-i %*l«'iu'i- Kiitaiin.lottlwolH'y-oiliiiitt. Vi« a. Aiistila. Chrvsopsueminata Wied. un.l Maiq., in, pp. H'> 1 D '"^^t IliolOKla <'»Minall Aiiu'ihaiia. l,oii«l»»ii. Kiijslaiul. 7. Diptera vol. ii, i-.;i',i. p-ls, i vi. iSsSiSv)o. •44 ^>«-^ . N.VK«,s„V ,.„>„,,„,„ '■Wnll.... ""» »«<l»»al ,1,. ,. ,„.,.,. Y 1 ■ '■"-*>. I. I..s„ip„„„, """ "•"'•■' ■«"«■.- .1.- .. «.„. „., ,,.., ^ ■ '«-"?■ Pl« M, , ,«„, Kentina, Mycetophilid.-p xij ,^ *"* "• ^*'K*mi„» I'le nriter uill bg glad t • ' ' ■ ^'7, 4J", ^7i-.,s<, j.Sg^ ^--rt",::: :r"''-^'--'' "":":n:r"'/° "- '— '^^ American Dipl, t,: " T" »"™'f '«' •» ".du.l ,"'''"'"'";'"'°" »' •'.= Pap,.. '-e b„.„ .4:;;:: '"■■'°"- -'-»„„., „„,„„„ ;,,;.T™re„;%''". ''■'-•■"'' ■' •^""ent Station BuDetin. t -1 I It i.\, tiyuE se enciientan en las I AX ilia. , 1.S91. *'"'■•'*• ^iWiiUna. 'J *••■«'«. .%,,f,.,„l„„ to the foref.roing Ik fixation of the pap, r. ^"blished upon Ko, ,!• to the systematii "t Station BuDeti,,.,