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Loraqua la document eet trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cilch*. II est fUm* A pertir do i'angia aupArlaur gauche, do gauche A droite. et do haut en bee, en prenant la nombre d'imagee nAceeaaire. Lee diegrammee suivanta liluatrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 • 4 5 6 p2?*""^ "'^''" ""PFi"" ' tv n /.*f I 'T I (} t! H (ASSEMBLY BILL No. t.) An Act le-iptHJting Public Health. ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent ol' the Ijcg'islatnre oi" Qn«^bec, enacts as follows : Com/jositinn of the hoitrd. 1. Seven persons may be appointed by the Lientenai overuor in Council to lorm a Board of Health in thi' Pi uil- CTOveruor in Council to form a Board of Health in thi' Pro- vince under the name ol' the " Quebec Provincial Board of Health " whose duty shall l)e to occupy itself with everythinsi' vvhit'h concerns the publii- health in this P:o- vinct". Four at least of these persons must be physicians whose names arc entered upon the register, ac<'ording to the law respecting medicime and surgery, and having at least five y»'ars practice. 4. Four of the members of the Board may be appoint »'d for a term of I wo y<'ars, and Ihrec others for a term of thr«M> years. Subsecjuent ajipointments are made for a term of three y*^ars. Any member n'tiring from olii«'e may be re-appoinlt'd. *t. The Lieutenanl-Oovernor appoints the chairman and the secretary of th«> Board. 4. The chairman shiill be allowed the annual sum of four hundr«'d dollars for his services. The menil>ersol'the Board including the. hairnuin. shall receive live (lollars per day for each me"ting of the Board, in addition to their travelling and other necessary expenses. The secretary receives a salary not ex«'eedini' Hfteen hundred dollars per annum. The «'X])enses (d' the Board shall be paid out of the moneys i'rom time to timeappropriatt'd by the Jjegislature for that purpose. The Boanl shall have the power to ai>point an analyst and a sanitary eni»ineer without r. lixed ,sahiry. but wiili KUch remuneration as may be ]>roi>ortionat • to the amount of work re(|nire«l ol them. Such ollieials shall not be membois of the Board. 2 Duties of the Board. 5« It is the duty of the Provincial Board of Health : 1. To make a special study of tin' vital statistics of the Provinci', and to endoavor to apply, in an iniolligi'nt and useful manner, all the facts colLicted respecting mortality and disease ; 2. To mak(> sanitary investigations and inquiries into the causes of disease and especially of epidemics, into the causes of death, and the eifect which the employment, conditions, habits and other circumstances of the people may have upon their health ; 3. To establish such rxiles as they think fit for the prevention as far as possible or tin* mitigation of such epidemic,', endemic or contagious diseases, with power to revoke, renew or alter any such regulation, or substitute any new regulations as to them ap])ears expedient ; 4. To superintend the format ion of local boards of health, to keep a register of such loinil boards and of the names of the members thereof, and to inquire into the mea- sures whit'h are being taken l)y such local boards of health for the limitation of any existing dangerous, contagious or infectious disease or the removal of bad sanitary condi- tions, in virtue of the powers conferred iipon such local boai-ds of health by any public health act, or by the Mu- nicipal Code or specdal «;harters ; and, should it appear that the said powers are not beinif taken and that the said powers ar«' not being enforced, in the interests of the puldic health, to require the local board to exercise and eniorce any of the said jjowers, which in the opinion of the Provincial IJoard the urgency of the case demands ; Where the local board, having been thereto required in writing by th<^ Provincial Hoard, neglects or refuses to exercise their p(»wers, durinti* a delay of ten days, the Provincial Board may, with the approval of the Minister of tlie Deparment under which the Hoard is acting for Iht; time l)eing, exercise and enforce, at the expense of the municipality, any of the pf»wers of local boards vvhit-h under thi' circuinstanc 's they may think necessury. i). T<» advis" when re([uired or when it deems it ex;)^- dient the olH'',«rs of the government, and loi^al boards of health, respecting the pul)li<' health and upon the mea- sur«'s to be taken to protect it, and also the positi(ii, draiu- aije, wat«'r-sni)ply, th«' means of disposing of excreta, the heating and ventilation of public institutions and pub- lic buildings, the ])osition and drainage oi cemeteries, as also ui)on the dis))osal of excreta and sanitary condi- ti(»ns yencrally of private institutions and schools. »'(. In any municipality in which there is a local board of health a])pointed in virtue of its cliarter or of ih<^ 8 Municipal Code o- ol' tho town corporations' general clausoK' act, such board ol' health shall be the local board of health for the purposes of this act. O. The mayor or other head of the municipal corpora- tion of any pUure, after being- notified in writing by tho Provincial Board of Health, shall call a special meeting of the council or other muncipal corporation of such place over which he presides, at whi«;h meeting not less than three persons, resident within the limits of their respective jurisdictions, shall be nominated to be the " Local Board of Health " for such place. 7. The Provincial '3oard, from time to time, and espe- cially when any epidi^mic, I'udt^mic or contagious disease is prevalent in any portion of the Province, shall cause to ]>»> distributi'd to the public by means of the prciss, and to the local boards of In'alth, health olficers, municipal councils or publii' schools and to the clergy, by means of circulars or in any other way deemed advisabh' in the interests of the public health, writings upon ^hygiene and practical and special information upon the means of pre- venting contagious and infectious diseases and upon their spread. 31eelings of the Board. -S. The board mt'ets quarterly or oftener in the city of Qucb.'c or in the city of Montreal, as shall by the Board be deemed necessary. Four m"inl)ers of tht' Board shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. The l)()ar()iutineiit of committees to which it may delegate its authority and powers for the accomplish- ment of the duties imposed upon it. Serrctiin/ of the Boanl mid his Duties. 9. The secretary shall keep his olHce in the city of Montreal, and perform the duties imposed upon him by this act or i)rescril)ed by the board. •^|ft*#-*^-?«i^?f m He shall alfso keep a register in which he enters all reports i'rom local boards respecting the causes of conta- gious diseases. He shall notify municipal councils to appoint health officers or local boards of health in their municipalities. He prepares the annual report u]>on A'ital statistics of the Province, and performs all the other duties and func- tions respecting vital or other statistics which may be assigned to him by the board. Inquiries into the muses of Cnntagious Diseases. 10« When deemed necessary, thi' Board may send its secretary or one or mon^ of its members to imy place in the Province to inquire into the causes of any i>artic\ilar endemic, epidemic or contagious disease or into the causes of mortality. Such inquiry may be made l)y s,\'orn depositions or in any manner in whi«'h the committee or secretary making the inquiry deems necessary ; and in thiM-aseof an inquiry und«'r oath, the secretary or any meml)er of Ihe IJoard present may •administer snch oath. Misrellnmnus. II* The Tjieutenant-CTOvernor may, when h»^ issues a proclamation under the i>rovisions of chapter 88 of the Consolidated Statutes of (.'anada, respecting the preser- A'ation of public health, l>y such proclamjition declar<' that the Provincial Doard ol' lle;iltn estal)lished by this a«!t, shall be the central board of health under the said chap- ter 38. 13. Whenever any h(»usi'holder asc(>rliiins that any person within his housi'hold has small \m\. diphtheria, cholera, typhoid fever, scarlatina or <>liin«lers, or any otht'r disease danu'erous to the ]ml)lic ln'iilth, he shall immediately give notice thereof to the local ])oard of heiilth (»r to the health officer of the municipality in which he resides, whose duty it will be to report to tiu^ Provincial Board of Health, the exist en«-,e of such diseases in their district. 13* Whenever any physician ascertains that any person whom he is called upon to"isit is infected with snuill pox cholera, diphtheria. tyi>hoid fever, scarlatina, or glanders, or other (liseasf danyerous to public health, such physi- cian shall immediately irive notice thereof io the local ]n)ar(l of health or health officers or the mayor of the municipality in which snch diseased piTson may be m i hich lu' eJittM-s all in causos of oonta- to appoint health loir municipalities. Ill vital statistics of ler duties and func- tics which may be hiom Diseases. hoard may send its •rs to any place in |es of any particular ise or into the causes nil depositions or in or secretary making thecase of an inquiry cinber of Ihe Board \f, when he issues a »t' (■ha])ter 88 of the ■speclino- the preser- lanuition declare that u])Iished l)y this act, under the said chaj)- 14. When small-pox, diphtheria, cholera, typhoid fever, tK^arlatina, glanders or other contagious disease exists in any municipality, the board of health of such munici- pality shall immediately use all possible means to prevvmt the disease from spreading, and shall give prompt public notice of infected places or houses by such means as it deems most eflFective for the common safety. 1^- "Whosoever vilfully obstructs any person acting under the authority or employed in the execution of this act, or wilfully violates any regulation issued by the Provincial Board of Health under this act, or neglects or refuses to comply with such regulations or with the requirements of the law in any matter whatsoever, shall be liable for every such offence to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars, to be recovered by any person before two justices of the peace. lO. The act 49-50 Victoria, chapter 38 is hereby er* pealed ; but such repeal shall not affect the existence of Provincial Board of Health as now constituted which shall continue to exist under the name given to it by this act, neither shall it affect the appointments, rules and regu- lations made and every thing done up to present time in virtue thereof, all which shall continue to exist and remain in force until otherwise determined under this act. 7—2 ^ • : iis('i>rl;iins that any n;ill pi)X, diphtheria, or iihmders, or any blic ht'iillh, he shall ;o the local Imard of the umuicipality in ill l)t' ttt report to the tciice of such diseases ■rliiins thai any person ifecti'd witli siiinll Y>o\ arliitiiiii, or «>-landers, '. liealth. such physi- ' th<>re()f 1o (he local or thi' mayor of the isi'd pi'rsoii may be. ^i^