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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 k\ \ T JiacKeuzieii aneao 'OttHu tllili Utii Jtlj i/( A&^i* 1 kx^Mt, .ue fi.itc-, iuti ix Schedule of ConvictionH by Her Migesty's Justices of the Peace withi From tlie January to the Apfcl Sessioi tiamt ^ Uu PrcucuUr. WasM ^ tht D%fmd*nt. JVatars itf <*• Chmrgt Pots V" CMwktiM I8S0. Andrew Ponough. John Hell, Trespass and forcible entry. December 9, Fames Watson, Esq. i 'ohn Longworth, E'q. facob Seeg Miller, Esq. S XUDJel McRinnoa Joseph Griffin, Lareany. December 1", lohn Longworth, Esq. > fames McMahen, Eaq. S Thsniae DanujTi Angua McKay, Assault and Battery, Jan. 17, 1861, lobn Longworth, Fsq. 'larvy BfMa, Esq. • t'hom■^•6. Morgan, Jamee Ood, Assault, iUMMJ 19, Vrthua Acland, Esq. laaea Wataois, Eiq. \ jlob* Allen, Mark Whilely, Drunkeuoeas and breach of the January i, Benj. Parsons, Esq. Benj. Parsons, Eaq. Batty Reid, Peter Wanamaker, Drunkenness and breach of the Peace, Asaauii on Wife and family. January 24, Bin. FraQoea Milla, William Milla, January 98, lenj. Parsons, Esq. ^ tnberl Gibbons, Esq. lohn Longworth, Esq. lames Watson, Esq. Dapiel C. Reid, John Clark, Buying a Dog alleged to have bean stolen. February 3, lenj. Parsons, E«q. 1 lobert Gibbons, E«q. 1 (ohn Longworth, Esq, 1 McMahen, Esq. Michael Stroud, Christopher Oulrnage, Treatening violence and taking iway property, February 5, Benj. Parsons, Eaq. ) John Lnngworth, i^q, David Clark, Esq. ) BenjaniD Miller, John Miller, Fraud, February 8, Benj. Parsons, Et>q. Robert Gibbons, Esq. \ Henry Haaeke, Archa. Campbell, Fraud, FebruarT 8, Benj. Parsons, Eiq. George Brown, E<q. i 'William Bull, Thomas Little, .Assault, February IS, Benj. Parsons, Eaq. ) Jacob Seeg Miller, Esq. > Robert Gibbons, Eaq, ) Benj. Parsons, Esq. ) > Cuaao Weybaenaguay, James Kerr, Aeceaaary to Rapap^/'*?^' March fi. n John Longworth, Esq. > James McMaben, Esq. '1 Thomaa Kydd, Nicholas Doyle and Drunkenness and breach of the March 24, Benj. Parsons. Eaq. 1 Jamea Jubnaton, peace. Robert Gibbons, Eaq. ' . Jamos Watscn, Ei-q.^i ^ Hilary Horton, Allan Cameron, Assault, Ma.'ch 22, Benj. Parsons, Eaq. } .Tames Watson, Esq. > George Brown, Jr. Esq. ) Benj. Parsons, Eaq. James WaUon, Esq. { Matthew Black, Benj. Longwurth, Assault, March S7, The Queen, Qaorge Brown, ThreaUning to shoot Philip Way- brapd. March VI, James Watson, Esq. Benj. Parsons, Esq. Allan Cameron, Hilary Horton and Selling Whiskey ta loditna and March 39, James Watson, Esq, James Holinos, Assault, J. Longworth, Eaq, Jamea Holmea, Allan CaueioB, Asaault, March S9, Renj. Paraons, Eaq. ) James Watson, Etq. > John Longworth, Esq. ) John Blackwetl, John Lints, Cssh due for labour, January 7, Thomas Christie, Esq. Richard Dickaon, Christ. G. Sparling, Cash due for labour. January 'H, Thomaa Christie, Esq. AVilliam Lueaa, James McKay, Cash due for labour, January 27, Thomas Christie, Esq. Henry Coekran, George Bahcnck, Asia <lt. February 17, Thomaa Christie, Eaq. Douglaa Anderaon, Stephen Parker, Obtaining money under a faiae Thomas Christie, Esq. \ Thos, B, Guct, Eaq. <, oretcnce. George Babcock, George F. Hutten, ' Selling Liqnor without license. Thomas Christie, Esq. • rhos. B. Guest, Esq. Albert Burnham, John Hyde, Assault and Battery, January 30, Thomas Daly, Eaq. '. Seeg Milltr, Esq. Henry Walton John Lancaster Assault and Battery • .March 4 1 >hnC. W. Daly, Esq William Have Mary Ann Vernfr- Francis Bere^r > Malcolm McGregor William Mcnnnald Assault and Battery AQfusiog to do Statue Labour* •• • February 3»«-" • Oct. 22. 1850><> • Sebailinn Pryfnsle, Bi>q.*«** Jan q ISfil Peter Gram, E>q. \ f James Gordon, Eaq. S ' William Hamline Jamea Collins Michael Daly Gilward Collins Injury to properly .\daault January 21 •••••• February 10 James Murray, Esq James Murray, Jr., Eaq ,••• • WilKam Armstrong Henry Haaeke Donald Gordon Saml. DoakSen Asaault Injury to property •• January 31 March 31 January 22 • D. Hood Ritchie, Eaq D. H'jod Ritchie, Eaq. D. Khoff, Eq. J. Barber, Eaq. '. Certified io be a True Copy of the Returns of Convictions made by the Justices within the UnitediCounties, DA]^. LI!£AR$ OFFICK OF THE CLERK OF THE PEACE. ) . GopKUTrH, ir>th April 1H51. J # .litt fi>«tc', iuU lu [)f the Peace e January to the Apil Nmmu iif Voneietmg M mw< mef Wation, Giq. Iin Longworth, B'q. sob Seeg Miller, E^q. hn Lonsworlb, E>i|. ) nM McMahen, Eiq. ^ lin LoDgwortb, Fiq. ) tr»y Brao*, Eiq. S thus Aclandi G«q. law WaiMs, Eiq. Dj. PArioai, Caq. Dj. Phiod*, E«q. nj. PiriODi, Eiq. iberl GibboDi, Eiq. hn Lnn|rworlb, Etq. inai WaUoD, Eiq. nj. Pjrioni. E'q. ibert GibboDi, E«q. tin Lonirwnrth, Eiq. McMihen, Esq. nJ. Pariona, Eiq. \\n Lnngworth, £!*q. vid Clark, Eiq. nj. Pariona, Eiiq. ? ibert Gibbon*, Eiq. S nj. Paranni, E<q. turps Brown, Etq. nj. Parions, E«q. :<ib See(f Miller, Ei% ibert Gibboni, Eiq. iij. Pariona, Eiq. Iin Lnngworth, Eiq. :nea HcMaben, E«q nj. Paraoni. Eiq. Ibert Gibboni, Eiq, me* Watic n, Ei-q nj. Paraons, Eaq. inea Wation, E!iq. lorge Brown, Jr. Ek nj. Parioni, Eiq. mes Wataon, Kiq. mei Wation, Eaq. ? nj. Pariona, Ei>q. ( riiea Wation, Eaq. i Lonnf worth, Eiq. i nj. Paranna, Esq. iiiei Wataon, Eaq. hn Loneworth, Esq. luinaa Christie, Eiq. lomas Cbriatie, Eaq. lomaa Cbriatie, Eiq. lomaa Chriatie, Eiq. lomaa Chriatie, Eiq. Iioa. B. Guct, Enq. Iiomai Chriatie, Esq. boa. B. Gueit, Eiq. Iiomaa Calj, Esq. . SeegMill'^r, Eiq. hn C. W. Daly, Eaq Mliam C'lalk, Erq^.x •baitian Ptyfnsle, Biq. Iter Gran', B'<q ••? Iter Gram, E>q. J f mes Gordon, Esq. S ' niea Murray, Esq.* ' Dies Murray, Jr., Eaq,***> , Hood Ritchie, Eiq , H'jod Ritchie, E<q . Khoir, Eq. ) Barber, Eiq. S within the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, Sessions, 1851. []••••• ••«• • ••••• •••■ •■ *••••••••• or JTaiiuf I. 'lime iiAin jiaid or to paid to fairf Jiutieu. ei fine with coals, '^omplai nant to pay osts— £1 Si 3d, Dismiiaed with coats— 18s 9d, C3 10a (in* with eoitf. Si. 5l. Porthwilh, [n one moDtk, li'orthwith, Forthwith, Forthwith. One muntli. 5s. Sa, £1. lOi. U. £1, To whom paid ovtr iy taid Jailiat. Treasurer, Not paid, Constable and Clerk, Treasurer, Treasurer, £17i. £1 Is 3d, £1 78 7|d, £1, £1 6s. £1 5b. •■••••••• 'Ji 8d and costs- lOs and coBts«<* •ia 6d and coata • Forthwitu, Forthwith, Forthwith, Forthwith, Forthwith, Slat January, 1851, 31 days, 10 d»ya, Forthwith, Forthwith Pnrthwilh 'i weel.a ■ids damages, I3s cost* III 9d costs Is 3d'*************** 3s 9d .•••*.*•*•**«•* 5s fine— coata £3 as 4d rreaiartr, Troasurer, Treasurer, Treasurer, John Black well, Townahip Treasurer, Treasurer, Treasurer Forthwith*** Forthwith****, 14 days 6 daya or one week i Gaol Troasurer. * H. Haacke KEMAKK'j. DefendoDt bound to keep the patet for one year. Oixlress Warrant Isaued but net jnl paid, more time being given. Committed for sne mnnth •■ default af layinf penalty, and till Ganl delivery for rrfusinf to gi«e Recognizance of the Peace. Entered into Reeo(nixance SSth Ft^uiMtf, lad releaaed. jNot yet paid. Bound to keep the p'saua tar two ysam. Diimiaied. Disinissed. Dlimiisedt DisoMssed. Bound to keep the peace tor one year. Committed to .\ssiaea. CoBMaitted to Quarter SeasioD*. Assault case dismissed. 'Settled by Defendant payinjf £1 and Con- iitablea fees. IDiitrcii Warrant isssuei!. iRecognitad to appear at April tjesaiona. iCase disoiisieed. I To give Recognizance (or l£ month** Paid *•■•■•••*••**••*•*•****•*•****•*• Not paid •...* •«.•••• Uiiinisied as Irivolnni and charues not pro*en • Not paid — no Warrnnl iasiied** Bound >o keep the peace fur ono year Paid Not paid, time nol expired • Not paid— Appealed !S within the Unitw^Counties, and Filed of record in this Office, from the January to the April Sessions, 1851, / nl.EKK OF THE l'R,\r'F. rcK^HoMMtir? of Huron. IVrtfe ftnd Bruce