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I T^ON ;., CHAP. 0, OE THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OE ONT. | t The Sheriif shall, inmiecliaUly upon the receipt of his copio., cause | P one of them to be posted up in a conspicuous place in the Couvt IIou.o ; J, \ ana the Clerk c^l.o Peace, upon the receipt of hi. copies, shall cause one ^) J? of them to he posted in a conspicuous place in his office ; and every Public U ^ ,„aSeperate School Head Master, or Mistress, shall, in like nuno.v, post ^ I up one of his or her copies ou the door of the School House; and every ^ ^ Postmaster shall post up one of his copies in the Post office. » t^' List first posted on the 0th September „vr:i / 3 / 1 SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES. 1 -Port Royal, 2 — Port Rowan. 8— St. Williams. 4 — Spring Arbor. 5 — Rowan MiUg. 6 — Welsingham Centre. 7 — Cultui. 8 — Clear Creek. 9 — Aylmer. 10— Toronto. 11 — Vittoria. 11 — Simcoe. 18— Brontford. 14 — Port Ryersee. X5 — Leamington , 16 — Rainham. 17 — London. 18— Tilsonburg. * 19— St. Thomas. 20— Guysboro. 21 — Langton. / 2 VOTEBS' LliT 1889, MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WAL8INGHAM ( SOUTH, ) COUNTY OF NORFOLK. Pabt L-List «' Persons enfci^^^^^^ to Vot. at both M.nioipal Elections and ±.lectio»s to the Legislative ABstmbly. Polling Bub-Division No. 1.— Comprisinff Lots I 2 R a ^ a ^ • NO. ON BOLL. Name. 8 (Armour, William 10 Ashford, Alfred 11 Aflhiord, John 12 Anjer, Peter 13 Ashford, Charles Abbott, John Abbott, M. W. Abbott, Peter Abbott, Jacob Burton, Fredrick JBurton, Charles Benedict, John BJumenstien, John Blumenstien, Martin Brissaux, Sylvester Biddle, Daniel Biddle, Edward Biddle, Walter Bouck, Bruce Butcher, David BaiTCDs, John Beeman, Isaac Buchner, Ozias Bucbner, Henry Blumenstien, Jacob Beckerson, Richard Beeman, Jam^s L Butiher, Wiljian, ' Lot. 2 1 2 6 2 6 6 6 6 CON. OR STREET. n ■■ P. o. 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 8 2 3 I 2 4 2 A 2 8 1 1 6 1 2 A 3 A 2 A 2 A 1 4 4 1 3 8 A 3 '1 N8HIP OF LK. lections and 6, and 6, in .Rohrer's P.O. F771T\ 7 F> 7 Fv 7 4 8 \ 1 1 1 F. F^ F r '. 'IMV 8 8 1 8 1 ' ft 7 'l 8 '. 8 '( .'S '■/ ,^ y *F 8 6 1 8 9 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 %m\ I miiluL Greggi, Edward 358 j Hendwghot, David 9«A Hibbard, Gaor^j HiokB, John W. Hodgina, Henry Hutahinion, W. J. Holmai, John Hutchinson, Jamas Hawick, Wilbart Johnston, Joseph Johnston, Wellington Johnston, Huph Johnston, William ^i^^^BVt9Bv^^b%]4sna Kinsley, Jacob 318 I Leforge, Peter 882 884 885 855 356 358 859 Lefortuno, Priest Lashepelle, Andrew Lashepolle, Austin McDonald Alexander f Millei^ James Mansfield, Morris ou«7 j Mansfield, Warren 872 Mansfield, Maitland 874 ' Michenor, Simeon (I (I ii II 11 i< It 41 1 2 J 1 6 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 6 5 3 3 8 3 1 4 1 gore gore gore 4 8 2 2 2 B 2 B B B B B B 3 1 A A f I 2 F F F - F&op T '.' ^4.0 pl .4 /-■ F«!fc o p » F& o p ' F& o u •.F > F F F 7 5 5 5 6 1 5 1 " F *F 'FS 7 '^rFA p ..F *F ,F 'T 5 5 8 5 5 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 NO. ON ', BOLL. 375 876 877 878 879 380 884 386 887 890 391 401 410 263 415 - i,, 48-2 430 487 438 489 440 441 44'2 443 445 4^6 447 -p. 0. / 7 /'' 7 5 6 6 p 6 1 6 1 5 5 8 5 5 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 KO. ON '. BOLL. Name. ^ (, . 375 876 877 878 879 880 884 386 887 390 891 401 410 203 akA Miclioner, r>ertri!ira Myers, Wallace Marr, Peter Miller, Philip Miller, Philip, jr Miller, Dftriun Moulton, "William McDonald, Byron Moore, William Moore, Ebonezer McDonald, Delorme Mill«rti. Bucfliia )r\ Mnckl rxn ^i^ixt^ m Marlatt, Johu 415 Newnmn, Rudolph 43'i 43t> 487 438 489 440 441 44'2 443 4i4 445 446 447 296 488 490 491 €16 Overbantrh, OverbflUErl), OvevbaiiRli, OTerbauph, Overbanjfh, Overbanpfh, Overbauerh, Ovei'baujih, O.verbanfrb, wygyhwii^lT , I Overbangb, Overban^h, i Overbangh, Joel John Clmrlcs Gideon DavH Thr 8 William Eraery Eljrin^ J Fredrick Hej?ekiali Isaac K Perkins, Eli Pool, Nathaniel Pitman, Henry Price, El wick Pretty, George TT ISaMMCM II Tllum i iw i( Lot. CON. on aTHEKT. P.'O.' j^ore 2 4 5 5 6 4 3 I 1 1 2 3 I 6 2 2 2 pore 4 4 4 4 C 6 G 2 5&3 gore ' 4 6 2 t F /7t7?i 8 A 1*^ ^ 5 A V ^ 5 A F ,. 5 A T M 5 A !• T . a B ; T.. 1 A T.. 5 A F „ 8 A F .. ^ 8 A ; T " 8 B F .. 1 P • ^ 10 2 T '. 5 "F&op 5 A .' i'' 2 1' 1 1 A A A A B 2 B 3 A 1 ■. V I vF&op j n F&op 1 ' A F&op I i . F&op I ' 'I i . F 5 1 5 5 5 H F F Aop F 1<" F F 5 5 8 1 5 8 I h' 888 Ryckman, Georgt JJJ 5ay"*ond, Ernest old KobinBon, Alfred ©15 RobertD, Andrew M7 Raymond, Wallace ©21 Rohrw, Irtneus 622 Rotkafello, Wm. D, 0'28 I Rockafello, Walter 524 Rockafello, Albert 0^6 Rockafello, Corneleug 627 Rohrer. Stephen 584 ** " - 212 f)8o 680 687 Spenoer, C. D. Smith, Thoma« Sinaes, Edward Ski.'co, Fredrick iSknce, Henry 627 688 634 Tait, Georpa Underhill, Charleg Underhill, Thomas ril I Weaver, William rrn I leaver, George el? Wille«, Edgerton <5^1 I WiUes, Arthur <( p 3 PF !SA:o] NSHIP OF actions and 10, II, 12, k Boad P. 0. "P j G (! I '2 2 2 2 • I 1 i 1 t 1 fi •A 132 Countryman, Abram 188 Conntryman, John DeWiU, Edfjar Pedrick, Geor«« Dedrick, .Tames 249 250 252 253 For«> the, Ezekiffl Forsvi'ne. Dawiel Fach, Fredrick Fr&nklin, William Franklin, Elpworth i Finch, .TfifferF.on : Fick. William Fi'ik Filter B. Fick, Israel *2i7 Geerhart, .Tohn 248 Gamble, William Gamble, Edward Gingle, rhomaa Gammaj?ff, William Gilmore, Harrison 255 Flutcbinson Charles 256 Hutchinson, Edward 257 Hodigns, Samuel 264 Hiffgins, Arthur 208 Hallnm, George 270 Hutchin8on,''Geor{?e 273 Howe, Joseph I 276 |Hae»n, Ahima 277 Haetn, Bobtrt 8. 278 Hutchena, Pet«r 597 Hazeo, Elijah I J 845 346 H60 361 368 871 flSl n82 993 394 396 423 424 42£ Leedham, George Ltucks, Charles Loutks, Jonas Lonclrs, Andrew Loucks, George E. Loucks, Jacob T i nf riiiiiinii TViiliMi i ■■»— »■■■■■! > P IWIflHJ Lampkin, John Lampkin, William H. Lafortune, Francis Lafortiine, Colin Leighfield, William Leighfield, George Mckay, l^, c. McKay. Jaines Moore, John W. Moore, Henry A, Moore, Henry E Mudford, lldward Morton, Edwin McCall, Arthur MiJUr, Edward Millard, Jehuel McCrirnmon, Ira T McCrjmm on. Erie E. Mo88, Daniel Mo86, William MoFr, Willi i»ui jr. 12 1M« 12 10 1^ 2 4 78 8 8 9 10 10 7-8 7-8 8 10 12 12 1 8 3 8 3 3 2 2 2 B B IJ ]'. It J) it J 2 12 l> 12 ' < lf> «« 9 'I /) 1 L 1 1 F/vr 4 F '/; FAT// 1?' " F.S -/ F F F J<^ I^' T F. F.S F F F.S II It' Ml It t 4 2 2 li •> 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 m» 421 I N 1 483 434 486 "0 44«i 453 c 451 452 ! C 480 I 493 i 494 1 495 1 496 I 1 626 1 528 527 580 581 582 638 687 642 649 1 66 691 692 594 696 34 11 1 6 A G &0})', 6 .« . 6 '/ t; '( 2 A ;> t> •) ') 1 ff I rf 1 1 1 7vr 4 ".' 4 T// 2 »i »> •u =5 -^ li '( »5 *t '1 *: *' »/ »* ; Smith, Obed M. J I «< «« 44 4( Lot, CON. OR STREET. 7-8 12 12 13 8 8 7 10 8 8 8 8.10 7 10 10 10 11 7 7 10 13 13 9 11 11 13 10 9 P. 0. 2 B B B B 2 A A A A A A 15 A 1 { '^ 'V " 1 vm-p •J 1 F " 2 3 F '• 6 A F '. 5 A ^ T ., 5 B ' F .. 8 B \ T '• 1 I T7?i- F ' 1,^ /, T- '' T&F' T • 2 I 1 I 1 5 7;irF&op! «F.8 j "F.S ', F&op u F ..F ..F *T ! 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 B B A 4 4 V]>i) - 2 F" 1 F M 1 t£ /• 2 T '« 4 F.#j U # 12 n 1* ft' ;no. on ROLL. ■■"" ■ . - — . PI '"'■"*" - ■ ■ -- CON. OR STREET. P. Name. p Lot. 254 466 362 668 671 Speaoer, Ed. 10 8 10 10 18 B 4 4 4 4 F >' F.S'^ 12 13 6 6 6 Smith, Louii Smith, Howard J 693 611 612 613 624 626 628 680 681 Taeple, Henry Trickett, Thomas Trickett, Thomas jr. Tnckett, Ctiarles Trickett, Albert • Train, Adam C. Trickett, James Tackle, Henry Thomas, Isaac C. (1 11 12 12 12 12 7 12 13 IS B 1 1 / 2 2 1 .\ 1 Tnr- •p // F n F,S" F.S'' F u F '< F&{jt. T /, F -< 1 2 2 2 2 n ^>. v) 65'.) 6C0 (C4 67G Wl ite, .Topeph Wlicohr, .'ol,n ", Bt'iijtinin W'isner, Henry 11 12 7-8 13 2-3 2 A 2 F '-' T '/ 2 1 2 PAET II.— List of Persons entitled to Vote at "Municipal Elections only NO. ON Ri'lL. lOr, 210 Namk. p Franklin, Mrs J. Franklin, Mrs Almirn 24 () Gregory, Mrs L. C. 2.';> 1 'i7<) t> .T >; Hutcliinson, Mrs A. Hutchinson, Mrs Lou. McCfimmon, Mrs M. Pontine. Mrs llflrnr-ftA % Lot, 7-8 10 10 12 10 VI 12 CON. OR STREET. 1 1 ■■ 1-2 2 B T5 P. O F 4 F 2 F 4 F 2 F 2 F 1 F 1 F 2 5 'z P. Y^T 12 F .' 13 F " 6 F.S'^ 6 P ^ 6 4^7= •p // 1 F ^< 2 F,S'v 2 F.S' 2 F o 2 F '' K F&{jt ^?. T n v) F -< t F-^^/^ 2 p '' 2 F ''' 1 T '/ 2 ctions only F F 4 2 2 1 2 18 « V -orr TTT T i.f of Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the PABT ni-L^«^o^ P^^^^^^^^ ASSEMBLY ONLY. 410 95 I Brown, Elias ^sitjliiem, Oliver /4i / 30^/^*22? n/f^rirVh J> 497 498 481 Procnnier, Clinton Price, William Proper, Griffeth 536 TfnsKell, Mitchell '§44 Ejckman, B-armoa 689 595 614 668 Spencer, Deni3 Shaw, Ithanr « " Trickett, Samuel Wolven, "Williain 12 A Jo » 1 /j). /£5. 8 9 11 7 2 B B 2 A A 10 18 13 11 I M F 10 1 M F M F i M F >/ 1 1 G MF • I 2 M F I 1 M F I 2 » M F 2 MFj.;i 2 Total No of Votes in Div. No. 2-154. Juror8,-74. H'i 14 VOTERS' LIST 1889, MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP 0] WAL8INGHAM ( SOUTH, ) COUNTY OF NORFOLK. Part I.— List of Persons entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections an( ElectioBs to the Legislative ABsembly. Polling Sub-Division No. 3. -Comprsing Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 m Concessions A, 1, and Long Point,— Polling Place— Anderson's Hall Port Rowan, KO. ON ROLL. Name. ft o 88 32 684 687 685 Anderson, Walter Anderson, ;John Allan, Alexander, Algie, Matthew Lot. CON. OR STREET. P.O. J 93 110 111 088 cm 690 091 692 09J{ 094 69r. 096 699 700 701 708 704 70?i Long Pt. 16 17 16 17 Brown, Enjerson Barrett, Hugh M. Backbonge, Peter Butcher, William Biddle, Corneleua Biddle, Joseph E. Bantam, William Becker, Alvm Becker, Judson Becker, Austin Be'iker, Isaac Brown, A. B. Buck, John Buek, Walter Baker, John Barrett, Ozias Becker, Jonathan 14 10 17 16 .17 17 10 IG 10 TO 16 16 16 17 16-17 17 17 10. OV I ROLL. 706 707 708 709 710 718 714 776 169 167 168 170 184 715 716 716 I 717 720 719 721 722 724 725 686 15 mSHIP 0] DLK. Elections anc 5, 16 aud 17 lerson's Hall! F /. F T ¥ '■ F', F -. F ^ F-^ F, F- T . T , F .' F '. F '/ in ' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 706 707 708 709 710 718 714 776 169 167 168 170 184 715 716 716 717 720 719 721 722 724 725 686 CkiJWUPi Tlinmns Croker, Rodolph Cronk, Jamts OoUett, John Cowan, Robert B. Crockett, Joseph Crockett, Jam«8 Carey, G. M., Ber. r«jdrick, Austin C. Dedrick, John Dedrick, Charles Dedrick, Thomas • HrvI m r. J tt fa n Denford, William . Dimond, H, W. \ Dedrick, J. Albert i Dedrick T. B. - Dease, James A. Downs, David Duncan, Wallace Dease, Richard Dewar, John Doan, John 191 726 727 72S 729 730 798 Ellis, Henry ElUs, Frank Elms, Fredrick Ellis, Daniel J. Ellis, William Ellis, Joseph Emerson, John 241 Franklin, Nelson 242 j Franklin, JumeH A. jy CON. OR STIlE'f. u 16 17 10 16 10 16 14 1.1 16 A 10 A 17 A 10 A 16 A 17 A 17 1 A 17 1 A ^ 14 A 15 ) A 14 A 14 A 14 A 16 A 10 A 10 A 16 A 10 A 17 A 16 A 10 A 17 A 17 A 17 A P. 0. VVlT 2 T // Y *' V 4 F •. 1^ T 2 2 2 2 il 2 t %. '' 'I ]-' V V ¥ ; F '^ 1 \^op i V V 1^' V F F F !// \ •i -J 2 2 2 2 k> 2 \ A ymf A 1 F '• 2 A Y '' ' 2 A ! F ". 2 A ; I? ♦ 2 A ' 1'^ : 2 A ; i'^ ; 2 1 F&of) <» 2 1 Fi&on . 2 I 16 732 788 734 788 736 787 785 287 240 FitzMorrii, Maurice Fick. Quinten Fick, P. F. Fields, Gilbert j Fiok, Stephen ! Fick, J. B. Franklin, William I 789 740 741 742 Gordon, Thomas Giffard, Lefayette GloTer, John Gloyer, Wallace 280 Howe, Oliver 290 Holt, Samuel N. 744 SeU!i/\i/S^^ 742 Tljll, Inhii 748 "" ' ' ■ 750 Hutchinson, Alex. 753 ' James, Jbhn 756 ; Jeeves, E. H. 11 II II II II -.-A^- ._'a 766 ' Killniaster, Benjamin 757 [ KilliiiHBter, C. S. 768 ' Kell. John II 16 17 17 16 17 16 ]6 14 1* 17 16 37 17 15 16 10 10 10 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 A A A A A A A 1 1 A A A A 1 1 A A A A A. A A A A A ', FTTZTf F , F F&op T F F F '( F??2/- T // F '. 'i F '^ T T T F T \ r F " F^ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 li 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -h^ 71 i * 17 7?ji 1«-19 IS. 19 17 17 1« 2ft • '2'2 ''I 20-21 22-21 21 £4 22-23 22 21 19-21 3 I 1 2 '! '2 3 2 O t^ 2-''> 2-3 •J-3 o ■) .'-J 2 O .J 1 2 1 I 1 1 1 P. 0. F // i 3 1 ! 1 I ■mr V >> T '; \ y : \ T " ! F - ! F " j F H'vl T.. j T '/ i V // \ F " ' T " ! F .' j 1 "? .1 *. i T ;, j i F *n>" T F ^n' Fop^! Kop*» F opU- 2 3 3 9. I ss I ll ff i NO. OV ROLL. 109 406 824 Name. o 5 117 127 128 129 185 136 137 139 140 142 143 144 579 /&/U^9^ 171 174 176 177 179 188 208 209 218 219 618 Bradt, Andrew Bates, Benjann'n Backhouse, A. H. Crandell, John E. Cronk, Jacob H. Oronk, Jaseph Chamberlin, Fredrick Cridland, Bobert Cridland, Frank Cridland, George Campbell, Thomas Cope, John Cope, Thomas elements:, John Chamberlain, John Cope, Fredrick (( •I F .. 0-tA^ T7??^ F t' F ''' F&op' T Fop" T . t< I, I / I T T F T T T ^ T T&op'' F '' F ' F " F ^ 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 » S t> o 2 F tj Fs,;; F u p F V 3 S 3 a 2 8 3 8 8 8 ON LL. 177 178 h9 bi 882 J88 861 S24 825 S8 P. 0. T ' F ., T7??;r 3 F " 2 F ''' 2 F&op' 2 1 F^P" 2 T " 2 'f i( 2 T '/ 3 F '• 5t T " S T ^/ S T ' 2 y ■ 115 r F ^ F " F ^ F ^; Fs,:; F ./ F F V 2 2 2 S 8 8 8 2 8 3 8 8 8 ON As. Name. I7u i 177 178 bi i82 i88 284 285 286 [287 178 Hatijuwuy, Tliomua Harria, James Hutchinson, James I, Hutchinson, Albert ^^^ Hohnes, Miles Hopkitw rAm^iil H:»f 4»n B t EAw ft r d Hat»kia«r- Will iftm Hutchinson, J. B., Esq. I Hutchinson, Thomas I Hutchinson, John A. Hamui«nd, James 861 Killmaster, Henry S24 Lavmon. Thoraag 825 Laymon, Eyh. 804 867 8^8 369 897 898 899 400 401 402 463 762 Monlton, Andrew . Vf' ers, John Myers, William H. MyerH, Arthur Mulkms, Alpheus McKinnon, Lachliu McCall, D. A.^ McCall, Andrew McDonald, Warren McDonald .Tohn McDonald. John A. McPhie, William Lot. OOK. OR STREET. 19.20 « 19 4 21 4 22 4 22 4 24 1 24 • 2 20 4 24 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 18 1 i.F i T \„-e \ J' »♦ J. ?. 0» a 2 2 2 2 8 a 3 3 V 111 \ T 7^JrF ■F \ 'I P'&op 'rFifcop ,,F ', F&op ..F A' fF&op K)cc 3 3 ' o 3 3 3 3 3 U 3 8 8 3 2 24 I ll NO. ON/ ROLL. i; :!'! Namk. Nevett, William Newkirk, Abram Newman, Philip N. Newman, Matthew Newkirk, Nathaniel Newman, F. B. Newman, T. W. Newman, Qeorge W. 458 464 Oakp, Edward Oaks, Wilfred IVach, Frank - Pricp, Petpr 401 Price, Georjrp 459 Price, William ^ 408 I Perkms, Felix ^ 470 I Ponting, George 471 j Pontinff, Georffe ir 473 I Price, James Price, John Price, Jas. Dewitt Price, J. C. Peach, James Price, G. W. Price, Stephen ^ Procunier, David 474 477 479 482 502 r)66 504 ^05 Reeves, Berclay 519 Reynolds, William «47 Ra:^raond, William -- ------ T-. -J-, .-ir ii.»ii U o u 3 J • < Lot. 23 23 18 24 24 24 24 18 18 24 24 24 24 18 24 24 24 ^ 1/ 21 14 24 CON. OR STREET, 19 1 ^ 16 8 23 8 -22 3 22 28 22 2 24 1 24 1 24 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 :i H »■> O 1 1 2 1 I 3 1 2 P F T F F F F F F T F F&op F&op F F F F F F F F F T F F F T p.oi 3 2 8 \\ O 3 8 3 3 3 H 3 H 3 3 3 2 2 8 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 I 3 I 3 [OV 155 iQ [67 158 f59 60 J61 i72 >78 ^75 >78 )80 581 i82 [600 [601 602 1603 ;604 [605 25 m - P.O P' Name. o Lot. CON. OR aTKKT. P. 0, ^^Bil-'* ^ 1 ! F i I I i F 1 F i ^ i F 3 2 8 8 3 3 3 3 S«cord, Frank J 1 23 I 4 772 -p T 3 ^K0 Shoup, John 22 | 4 /. F 3 ■57 Shoup, John W. " ' 22 4 !" F 3 ■68 Shoup, Christian ti 21 i 4 i* F 3 ■69 Sherman, John IB 4 . i " F 1 ■60 i Jchram, George 18 4 " F ■61 ^ Schram, Valentine 17 4 ;-> F (i ■72 Smith, H«nry \ 17-18 4 '. F 2 ■78 Smith, Daniel 18 4 ^ 1^' 2 3 ■75 Sterling, Thomas 19 20 3 .. T 3 ■78 Shepherd, James^^,,^ 23 4 ,/£ 3 . ■80 Smith, Thomas 21 <) ! > F&op 3 Esi Smith, Thomas H. (i 21 6 : ^ T&op 3 K82 i Smith, William i> 19 2 1 oF 3 T «> Koo Smith, Benjamin 20 1 /,F ! ■601 Smith, Culver C( 20 1 1 '.T 3 ■602 Smith, Eug«ne LL. 64 64 172 178 178 PART III.— Ijii* o4 Persons entitled to Vota at EUctions to the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ONLY. F F F B F 8 8 8 o «> 3 Price, Peter Price, WaUer 576 I Sterling, Edward ml J St^rling^ James Tait, Alb 621 677 678 ittli^O^ Q<^ L Woodward, T. K. O Woodward, Charles 20 20 15 24 24 CON. OR ST RET. 8 3 1 1 J>LL P. 0, ■^■■■■, M F M F M F M F M F U F MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF 3 2 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Total No. of Votera in the Piv.— 177. Jurors,— 86. I 28 VOTERS' LIST 1889, MUNICIPALITY OF THl TOWNSHIP OF WAL8INGHAM ( SOUTH, ) COUNTY OF NORFOLK. Paet I. — List of Persons entitled to Vot« at both Municipal Elections and Elections to tho Legislative Assembij. Polling Sub-Division No. 5.— Coinprising all oi Concessions 5 , Thomas Byerly, Andrew Bennett, Aaron Bough ton, George Brandow, Judson Brown Georg« A, Beckett. Samuel Brown, John Bishoprick, Oscar Bennett, Philo Berry, James ii- knJi Cook, jbiu i , J irH <2^ Christm afj;:4jeorge Christmas, Austin n«ir "P./1, It./? V4 o 122 I Clubine, Edward Lot. 17 1 1 8 8 2 11 «t 14 19 17 55 ii 15 (. . 24 7 tt 11 il 11 13 13 13 12 <( 4 18 18 Ih 18 13 CON. OR STREET. 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 (') 5 i) 5 5 6 6 6 P ,/ F u F.S.'K F '^ F , F^;?r F „ F „ F , T .. F . F . • T .. F V F w T .. F r, F '( F ^ P. FAon/, F 1 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 fi {\ 6 8 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 20 HO. ON BOLL. 126 148 156 Name. Cline, James "W. Carl, George ■i43 155 156 157 158 160 101 185 Deeds, Edmond DaltoTi, William Darley, George Barley, Mark Dease Cameron Darley, "'' .-lonard Dair, Samuel Day, John ' 187 Everett, John 195 Fletcher, Donald Farr, John Farr, Peter 243 244 255 Gregory, Chnrles Gibbons, Wi'1 ira Garner, Jacob 162 Huson, William 163 Harris, Edward 149 Huffman, Paul 150 5 Huffman, George 151 1.52 25A 257 O Huffman, Albert Huffman, J. P. Hitchcock-. Stephen Hepburn, William F. a i" i I I.OT, CON. OK STUKRT. 1.3 14 4 2-1 V) 6.7 6.7 8 7 6 10 14 14 14 14 14 9 •J 5 5 5 7 5 IH 6 17 ! .') •'7 1 5 m 1 5 •^ r> 10 ' 6 12 6 6 6 o P. 6 6 6 1' /. l'\S:on,, F /, F" F " 1' '> i' t 12 6 6 (> 6 6 r. (j i'> f;^;c 6 4 4 1-' " 4 if I 6 F * 6 17 17 n 17 17 (^ 4 « ! ■ ? I I 80 r 258' 259 200 2G1 263 264 288 291 Hepburn, Milaon- Hazen, Eugene- Hazen, H. W/ Hutcninson, John • »«Mri»7i WtHtffm . Hawley, Nathaniel, Halliday. Stephen* Hazen, J. W* 294 465 800 30! 80.^ 800 . .^07 lAnAflttXA' i310 0" 811 312 313 314 8 in 317 826 841 842 ■ Jemmeison, Hupfh Johnson, Jani«sL. Kincaid, Eobert Lefovtnne, Fredrick Lefortune, Louis La>mon, Thomas Laymon. Jas. L. 3 !Wi i}i J illol d, David LMjfhfiok l, Andrew t» ci^ i ]fic] d, John Lelond, Samuel Lelond, Samuel jr. Lelond, William Lees, William Lees, Charles Loucks, J. W. Latham, W. C. Lees, William Landon, Zebulon Lane, JSlalhaniel 343 I Mcintosh, Alexander 347 I Milkr, Stephen 848 i Moffat, John Monick, Aaiou o a (i K (( l» Lot. 10 7 12 14 14 17 17 8-9 10 10 9 9 13 .13 13 1 13 6 6 \^ 11 13 1 CON. OR 8TRET. ■« 8 5 10 5 8 6 13 i « 13 1 5 ]3 n 22 5 11 () r. () (5 (i {■) () (> G (J G m p. 0. Cf F F&op F T T F F7;^>f F ". F//?A 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 18 4 G T/)IT I G F " G F '' i '• T '. i G F ,r ! F .' 6 F '< G F '/ 6 F <^ G T // 6 F ., G F * 6 F * (> F ,. 7 F „ 6 F ,, 12 1^ . 1 19 F ;^ "' i G ¥ '^ i (> F " ! 7 F "r 1 7 0. 8 1 81 NO. ON ROLL. 860 862 354 370 409 413 414 450 4(12 464 460 467 468 409 483 484 508 510 511 509 520 353 599 552 563 554 564 605 607 608 Name. o l-l ►-3 Morrick, William jr. Mansell, Levi Moore, Calvin Morgan, William Nicliol, Geor''e Proper, John Proper, John Patton, Louifl Patterson, Anderson Patterson, Wellington Pirie, George jr. . Pirie, Georgo Porouto, Michael Ph«lan, John Rjekraan, W. E. Kibble, W. H. Rush, Kobert Rebins, George Rotlgers, James Kibble, William It Simes, Theodore Simons, Edward Smith, Samuel . Stenebaugh, Jaa> R. Summerhay, Fredrick Smith, Charles 0. Smjth, Henrj It 2/ IS 5 15 lo Lot, CON. OK STRKKT. r. 0. 1-2 6 F , IH 5 T 6 2 5 1-^ I 1:5 5 V 11 V 20 •.J !■' 7 >> i ]'• 7 U T () 21 V 1 1 7 1 •'"* , F 4 la 1 ^ F 10 1 6 F () 1:3 i "' T 1) 12 \ 5 1 'i' ; <•• 12 1 5 : i-' : ('♦ lo : 5 . F ; b (? t- c 5 . i'^ 5$ 5 F r» F 4 r iuScop (» (? i ]- ;^ 5 : F ;> . F (J nuhJ^ 18 F 6 18 *' -' 1'^ 18 5 i'^ 10 5 F 4 13 G , 'i' ■ (5 4 , F () 5 ^ li i» /6 lo acc 6 I 81 f / NO. ON ROLL. 1 589 C98 607 fiOS (•»09 620 C22 (>35 688 689 640 641 042 (j4:-5 ('.44 (145 (147 ()48 660 651 664 665 666 666 Name. I Smith, Olivor ymitli, Alfred Spencer, Dewitt Smith, Henry Smith, Samuel Smith, Willi'' m Terry, Henry TowDsend, Johu Underhill, John o a Wheelsr, Henry ; Wheeler, A. H. W'bcelcv, Amos ' Wiiigrovo, \Viil'«yfoice ' Winpfvove, Wnllaco t Wingrove. Jniucs • WinjK;rove, Alon/,o Wingrove, George Watts, Benjamin ^,^ \ Watts, James E. ; Wilson, Thomas 1 WiUiamg, W. W. I Wingroye. Jo^ir. Wood, Thomas Wood, George ' Wood DwPMt i i 679 1 Yocum, Jacob 680 '/Yocum, William «( ti It Lot, 6 11 12 12 4 12 1:5 J5 i;5 16 16 17 17 17 Ifi 21 21 H 8 13 1 1 Vd 16 16 CON. OR liTREET. 6 6 6 « 6 5 5 5 P. 0. tT/^ a T T F T F 6 6 () 6v 21 vr/H • F F.S. (i ].' /hT (v .'i [■//I/ - (( (; rp // () 6 T " 6 5 1<' '' (') 6 F '. (') 6 V '• 6 j[r /' 6 6 F ^' 6 6 F^tup * » If •> 6 F ,. () 6 (■) 1 ]■• /. ()