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In most cases it will be found best to leave off usihg altogether for some time in order to allow the system to recruit itself, after whioh the' treatmMit mayi^ain be resumed. This medicine can be takpn either before or after meals, aooord* ing as the patient may deem it most suitable and effective, who can best un-. derstand his or her physical condition in this respect. This remedy has no equal as a cure for Headache and Catarra of the Head* For Headache you may take a dose when you feel the pain comiog on; and for Catarrh the remedy should be taken as above m addition to one teaspoon - f al in three teaspoonfuit of soft water to be snuffed up the nostrils once a day or oHiener if necessary. This clears the head and heals the soreness in the nasal passages. The sjbme can be used for sore eyes, apply three or four times each day the same as for oatarrh. All diseases arising from impure blood may be cured by proper and persistent use of this remedy accorling to directions, such ad Q L" SALLRHEUM,, SCURVEY,, 8CAL0 HEADS, SCROFULA, TROUBLES, AND PIMPLES ON THE FACE, To be taken the same as for Oatarrh. It is an infallible rem mouth, Syp^iliB and all private diseases. Rinse the mouth i^ ar four tl STOMACHE For General Debility ^'^^ It is necessary to use this Remedy in addition to the Blood Remedy in order to perform a perfect and speedy cure. This is a grand remedy for the Iiiver and Kidney Diseases and a Fall and Spring Medicine, These' two remedies are positive cares for the Ist and 2nd stages of Consumption. Dose:— From a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful three times a day, before or after meals. V ^