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' t • • # • t « I • 1 1 . 1 1 I » ■ » J 5th MA.Y, 1879. Hiontrcal : PRINTKD AT TlIK '^GAZHTTE" PUINTINO HOUSE. 1871) •••*• ....J • . • • • • • • t ••••• «•••• ••••• ••••• • • • * • .... • '• • ••• • 4 • ••* •••• • • _ • • • - • ••• • •• • • . • • • • •••• ■:•:.: ••. •*. • • • • • • • • i LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Sth MAY, 1879. PRINTED AT "THE GAZETTE" PRINTING HOUSE. 1879. ri02«' ■a:. LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE 6th MAY, 1879. NAMES. C. Abbott, Mrs. M. M Aboil, jno Adami^, A Adams, A. E Adams, Miss Mary Adams, Eov, W Adams, Richard Cdcceased) Adams, AVm., sen. Adams, W. C \",'^ Adamsoii, Mrs. M. J .'.".".".".'.' Adamson, James Addie, William *'*, Ahrens, Jacob Henry Aiken, John Aird, James, (in trust) \,„]^, Aird, Mrs. Mary, (or Mclntyre)....'.*.* Aitkin, Mrs. Christina Elii; Alexander, Charles Alexander, Charles, (in trust) .*. Alexander, Miss Jerusha K Alexander, Mrs. Janet Alford, Wm ]."'. Allan, 8ir Hugh ..*!..!!.. Allan, Andrevv, tru-t for Capt.F. Archer Allan, Andrew, do W. H. Benyon Allan, Andrew, do Capt. Stephen Allan, Andrew, do do J.E.Dutton Allan, Wm Allan, Eevd. Daniel .....'.'.'!.".'.* RESIDENCE. Montreal Woodbridge Montreal ..., Montreal .... Montreal .... Sherbrooke , Woodstock' . . Woodstock . Montreal .... Ottawa Ottawa Sherbrooke . Paris Oi-angeville . Montreal .... Montreal .... Montreal Montreal Montreal Pi'inceton Norval Hamilton Montreal Montreal Monti'eal .... Montreal Montreal Montreal Goderich Number of Shares. 2 12 44 10 12 9 5 2 4 24 6 7 6 4 12 9 7 25 20 4 12 9 196 10 6 5 5 29 9 7897 LIST OK STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. RESIDENCE. Allan, John AUcliiii, Samuel Allen, L). II., in trust Margt. Alien Allen, Mrs. Laura T '. Brantford CanninjL^ . Allen, Paul L. Allen, John Allen, Miss 8aruh Allonby, F. G *",; Alleyjie, 11 & Thus. Hector, trustees Anderson. Alex Anderson, M'-s. M. (or Adams) .'.'..... Ander.son. Wm,, junr An( 1 ers(jn, Wm Anderson, John Anderson, Wm Anderson, Robert. Anderson, Rovd. Jno Angers, E Armitage, John Arniitage, Anne Armstrong, G Armstrong, James Arnold, William Arthurs, Wm. and James Trustees for Ellen Emma Lej^ Assclsti ne, Nicholas Atkinson, Jno Auld, Jno. (in trust) Auld, Miss Sarah Jane Auld, Sarah Johnson, widow Austin, Jas. & E. II. Bethune (in trust) Austin, James Austin, ) Avon Marine Insurance Company liuby, M. W Badden, Wm Badden. Fi-ancis Bagwell, Emilj' Louisa Baker, G. P. (in trust) , Baker, A, J Baker, J. C Baker, Chas. Deane Baker, Chas. W Toi'onto Wiitei'Ioo, (), Hamilton Newmarket . Toronto Gait Stratford St. Catherines. I'^ast Zorra . ... Ea.3t Zoi'ra . . . Woodstock ..., Toronto ]\Ionti'eal Tiverton Montreal Odessa Odessa Montreal Varna AV^est Oxford . . Toronto. Napaneo , Montreal Montreal , Quehec Quohec Toronto Toronto Windsor, N.S.... Quebec East Zorra East Zorra Hamilton Ottawa Summerstown ... Stanbridge, P.Q. Dawlish I Devon, Eng. f Boston, U.S Xiiinber of t o I) 15 15 (> 1 20 6 2 1 1 2 1 4 50 10 2 6 2 7 1 1 1 1 64 10 4 9 11 150 40 24 14 4 1 1 50 20 18 10 CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. NAMES. 4 o (J 15 15 (> 1 20 G 2 1 1 2 1 4 50 10 2 (5 9 ■J 7 1 1 I Bal iakoi Miss Lylia -Miss Kllen Baker, Hakei', :\rrs. 8ai-ali Ann (widowV Baldwin. W. M Ballaiityiio, Robt !.*.".........." Ballantj'iio, Hoht., son Baml.ridgo, Jolin \\\ Bai)lis(. Alex Barbeau, Alfred H ........'.'........,.. Barbeau, E. J .....'.. Barbeau, E. J. (in trust fbr Estato* Eugene Jlebert Barbeau, Ily., (in trust) ....!..".'.'.'"!". Barbeau, ilenr^- Barbel-, Thomas ......'.' Barber, Wni Barl>er & Bros Barber, Mrs. FA'va !"**" Barber, Ilobt., juu . .............^ Bai'ber, Joseph Barelay, Bev. John ...!.'.'.".'.".'.".'." Barclay, Johii '"" Barrett, Wm., MB Barron, Mrs. Ilarriotto Sarah ... Barsalou, Jos. (Cui-ator in trust) Barton. David Bastian, Thos ."..."*..!.'!!!."." Bate, Miss Mary Harriett.... Bates, J. S Batterbury, F. E ........"! Bauden, Joseph ''*"' Baxter, Mrs. Susannah ....!.".!!!!. Baxter, Mrs. Mary Baxter, Bev. J. C !..........,... Beatt}', James PI Beausoleil, L .,'... Behan , Miss i\[ar v . Bel], Mary " Bell, Bov.'T !!!."... Bell, Michael Horatio .......!."!.'.'.".'" Bell, John Bellman, Thos...... .'".!!;!! l{E.«<rDENX'E. Wales, P. O. Wales, P. 0. AVales, P. 0. Ux bridge Sobi'ingville ., Sebringville ,, Toronto Three Rivers Montreal Montreal Mont real St. JTyaeintho .. St. Hjacintho ,. England Streetsville Stroetsville Streetsville Toronto Georgetown Torc^nto Montreal Tunbridge Wells, England Goi-e'sLanding Biee Lake . Montreal Downie Montreal Toronto Bowmanville. . , Montreal Montreal Norval Peterboro' (rlasgow . . . Thorold \ Terrebonne; ..., (Quebec Mo'itveal Frelighsburgh Perth ... Monti-eal Bowmanville j Number Shurod. 18 10 10 20 2 4 ({ 20 1 1 1 16 no 30 2 2 2 30 4 15 50 5 23 6 10 10 20 10 20 2 12 20 24 3 1 6 10 12 G 1 6 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. Bcnnv, Rf)l)t ... . Hi'iitloy, .Imo IJerthdot. Hon. J. A ik'Vivum, Win. (Kxeoiitoi-) Ik-rtniPi, Isabella L Best, ,Iii() Bi(kfi)i-(i, Kiiz. M !!!!..'.".'.'.'!!."! Uulwill, Miss Loiiisii IJichvill, Miss Kli/.ji '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.''.'. Eigolow, .Silas Biggins, .James Birch, Isahella ']] Bird, Jno. 8 j Birss, Miss Mary Bissett, .^^l•s. .Jane ' Black, Miss Clii'istina .,, Black, Miss Maiy [[[ Black, Andrew Black, .Jas. F. D .'.'!.*!.".'!!"!!!! Black, Miss Agnes W Blackwood, R I'laikie, Jno. L iilain, ilrs. Margaret Blain, Margt. Eliz [[[]] Blair, J'obert Bleakley, I^^-ancis Blong, Jlenrj' Blondeau, Clms B( >gart, Joseph Bogert, Mrs. Annastatia Bogcrt, Eliz. S [[ Bolton, Mrs. Maria Bond.C. H Bond, (t. W ',',',]]',], Bouchard, O Boucher, Faiuiy McBeati, widow Boucher, T Boudreau, Clelie Boudreau, Olivier Boulton , Jolni Bourbonniere, Mrs E Bouthillier, Hon. T ..,.[,. Bowditch, Geo HE.SIDENCE. Montreal Newmarket Monli-eal Montreal ^Montreal Orono London , Brighton Brighton Lindsay Clinton Montreid AViveliscombe ) Xuinber of .Share's. 1 Kng. ) .Somers- . .Montreal Montreal Cobourg Cohoui'g Cobourg Montreal Montreal -Martintown Torojito (ialt Gait Grand Bay, (^ .. T^ownianville ... Doncaster , St. Paschal, (^uo Newmarket , Brockville Napanee Bolton Village.., Vankleekhill .... St. Andrew's Montreal Berthier Montreal Lotbiniere Lotbiniero Toronto Montreal Montreal Woodstock 40 1 4 20 2 10 1 2 61 3 8 3 2 1 1 45 38 50 24 4 25 1(J 25 50 o () 10 9 4 34 1 6 20 30 6 37 12 35 9' ('0N80LTDA.TED BANK OF CANADA. NAMES. 1 o 40 1 4 20 2 10 1 2 61 3 8 3 2 1 1 45 Howoii, Ilii-jiin Mowcn, Al.'irgt. A |}()\vl((s, Goo. J J3()\vlos, Joseph l^)Hrn'(, S. n&hivd (widow). lio>'<l. .Iiio Hradl 'iii'ii, Tiioinas. pli. \h-ni\y, W. ir. Jiraitliwiiit, Joscp Bniidiwaito, Mis. Mary 1). IJi-einnor, Alex l]ng,i.-s, Thos. (dec'd) ...... Brock, Wm '. Bro<lic\ Robt J5ro "'s, Sarah E * . Brown, Mrs. Anna Brown, P. K Brown, Ilonior P Bron-no, Daniel Marshall Bruco, JJol )er (. J^uolianan, AV. .1. (in trust).!.! Hiiddcn. (Jco Biuldon, II. A. (in trust) Bulj-'or, Lieut.-Col. Geo. Iv . . . BuoU, A. K" Buol, M. Sophia Bull, Eicii'd v;;;;;; Bullock, C. B. (adniiniytrator) Bureau, Mrs. M. L. S Burgess, Miss Ellen Burns, Agnes Burke, M Burland, G. B *.','.'". Burland, G. B. (in trust) .!!!!! Burland, W. II., M.D.... Burnabv, Miss Louisa Burnett, F. H. & Co Burnett & Co Burhani, George, M.I) Burns, John Burns, J. M !!!!!!!! Burns, J. M., trustee for Marsden Buriis Burwash, Albert., Bur wash, Thomas RESIDENCE. Now-astle Newcastle Montreal (Quebec Montreal Niagara Pet(!rbo rough . . Montreal Henrys burgh . Montreal... Monti'eal Toronto Montreal (Quebec Sherbrooko Monti-eal Montreal Wo(xlstock JIalit'ax (Quebec Montreal Toronto Montreal Montreal Brockvillc Brockville Montreal Halifax Montreal High Blutt; Man Teviotdale Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal England Montreal Montreal Peterborough . . . . Toronto..... Hamilton Hamilton St. Andrew's, (^. St. Andrew's, {}. Number of Shares. 1 5 28 10 10 10 15 4 89 10 1 10 30 3 5 23 280 22 47 10 10 7 10 3 20 5 1 1 175 50 2 99 3 10 20 20 6 2 4 10 8 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. Burwoll, L Butler, John Butler, John Butler, MIhs Emmelino. Butler, MisH Seleucia.... Byfield, Francis m. Caldwell, Samuel Galium, ^onald Gamble Henry John.. Gameron, Elspot Gameron, Margaret ... Gameron, Alex Gameron, Paul Gameron, Wm Cameron , Ghsirles Cameron, James Gaineron, Margaret ... Gameron, Mrs. Annie. Cameron, Rev. Dunci Cameron, John Campbell, Delina M Campbell, Mary E Campbell, Mrs. Mary C Campbell, Mary Ployart, (widow). Campbell, Mrs. Isabella (or Prior) , Campbell, I) Campbell, James Campbell, Jas Campbell, John Campbell, Henrietta Campbell, Hill Campbell, Hon. Alex , Campbell, Wm Campbell, R S '...'.'.'.".'..'.".'! Carmiohaol, Bev. James Carmiehael, Mrs. J Carter, John T Carter, Carter, Mrs. Mrs. Anic M. J la. Carter, John T., and F. Macculloc] (in trust) Cartwright, J. B Carr, Jno :} KESIDENCE. Port Burwell Goderich (roderich Montreal Montreal Mohawk Auburn Logierait Ottawa Williamstown Grafton Portsmouth ... \\ illiamstown Peterborough . Peterborough . Whitby Stratford Millbrookc .... Lucknow Peterborough . (Quebec Montreal Wale^S P.O Sabrevois , (Quebec Cobourg Peterborough ., Montreal........ St. Thomas, (^.. St. Hilaire, q.. Corn wal 1 Toronto Keene Whitby Laskey Toronto Kngland Kngland Montreal Montreal... Woodstock Number of Shares. 10 8 12 14 14 a 1 1 8 5 40 2 2 2 1 1 It 10 3 5 2 6 9 16 176 18 12 6 8 12 50 4 10 3 165 32 5 40 25 1 CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 9 NAMES. 10 8 12 14 14 6 1 7 8 5 40 3 2 2 2 1 1 17 10 3 5 2 6 9 16 17f> 18 12 G 8 12 50 4 10 3 9 165 32 5 40 9r, Case. Geo Cassils. J., (in trust) Cawthra, KWx. J Cay ley, John Center, Alfred Center, H. B Chalmers, David C... Charlehois, If Chapman, Miss Eliza S. M. Chap2)e], Elisha Chase, Geo. Ambrose Chester, George Chillas, John Choate, Nathan Christie, William Chiii-eh of Scotland Clark, A. C Clark, A. C. (in trust) Clark, Mrs. Mai-garet Clark', Horace J) Clarke, Wm, Gurnett Cleghorn, J. P Clegg, MissL. E Clerk, Alexander Clemens, Wm Clemens, A. k J Clemesha, J. W., M.D Clement, Theodore B Clement, Israel,.., RE.^IDEXCE. Seaforth Montreal Toronto Toronto St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Halifax Montreal Levis Newmarket . Gait Scarborough., Sherbrooke... Port Hope ., Toronto Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Woodstock ... Montreal Ottawa Montreal Tyrone Hesjieler Port Hope . .. Peterborough , Lachine Eichmond Ei( hmond Toronto Montreal Cleveland, Mrs. E. A. (widow) Cleveland, Julana Close, P. G Close, James , Cluni]), Cornelius I Paris Cochran, Miss F. H., (in trust) .".*."j Lennoxviiio".".'."!.'.' Cochrane, Eobert j Montreal .. ' Cochrane, S. H ; Whitbv i Cody Benjamin Holland Landing Cole, Maria B., (widow) : Lacolle .. "i Coleman, T. T., M.l) i Seatorth'V"!"""*! Colquhoun, Wm Hickinson'sLndgl Co ms, Joseph W S Newmarket ....„i Colhns. F?ichar(l j Whitbj^ i iNiimber of I Shares. 11 77 3 50 10 10 28 10 6 5 5 11 7 6 4 88 26 15 1 67 4 20 3 50 14 16 9 12 20 27 3 30 21 4 6 4 13 4 3 9 9 8 10 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE JN'AMES. KESIDENCE. Xanibt'v ot .Shiires. Con,i,n-cgation of Notre-Dame, the") Sisters of [ Conroy, Eugene Coniy, Patrick ConjiitL Anna F. B., (Executrix)**.'!]'* Conn in, Miss Anna F. B Cooney, Mrs. Susan C ." Corbey, L. K ] Corner, Miss Louisa Coristino, James Costen, Geo. W .".'.'.*.'.".".".' Cottle, Mrs. Letitia Phillips (in trust j for Gracie Madeline Cottle) .... f Cottle, Thos. J.^ trustee Court, James Courtice, Thos Cowan, Agnes I{ .!-.......... Cowan, Arthur i Montreal Cowan, Jno., (in trust) Cowie, Mrs. Lucy A., (in trust)..'! Coyle, James Coyle, Mrs. Ca rol i 1 1 e, (or Laguc) ' Craig, J). J., (in trust) '. Cranston, Alex Crawford, John Crawford, Mrs. F. E Cream, Mrs. E. A. C. H. Cream, William Crerar, Jas Crerar, Alex ' Cresser, Mrs. Lavinia Crispo, Francis Crispo, Francis, (in trust) ."!."!.'.'."!.'!.'.".'.'. Croil, James, (in trust for Tempora- ) hties Boai-d, Church of Scotland), i Croil, James, (Treas. Widows' Fund) Croil, James Croskcry, Mary Crotty, Mrs. Maria ..."!."!!!!!!! Cryderman, James Cullin, Patrick ......'.'.'.'. Cullin, Andrew Montreal Kingston Peterborough. Peterborough, Toronto...."... Hamilton Toronto , Montreal Montreal Woodstock Woodstock .... Montreal Prince Albert Gait Newv in brook . Montreal M(»ntreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Gait : Isle Montreal Douglas, of Man. . . Quebec (Quebec Shakspoare North-East Hope Camden East, | Co.Addington j Montreal Montreal 17 6 6 2 8 6 44 9 6. 4 4 6 2 1 11 4 G () 10 10 10 6 50 6 1 1 12 10 Montreal | 17 Montreal Montreal Perth Montreal Hampton Montreal Montreal 50 30 5 20 6 7 1« I CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 11 NAMES. It 6 6 2 8 6 44 9 ft 4 4 6 2. 1 11 4 6 6 10 8. 10 19 6 50 G 1 12 10 17 50 30 5 20 7 18 ^ CuUin, Andrew, (in trii.st) Cullin, Micliaol Cunimei-, Miss Eobt'cca Eliz Cunninoham, C. H. and Campbell, G. W. (intrust) Currie, Mark Cashing, J. P Dampier, Laura Darling, David .• Darling-, David J. M Darling, Isabella Darling, Eobert Darling, W Davidson, C. II Davidson, D Davidson, Mary Adeline. Davis, M '. Davis, Mrs. D. M Davies, Rev. Jno Davison, Eoderiek Davison, Wm Dawes, James P. , son Dawes, Thos. A., (Executor) Dawes, T . A., jun Dawson, B. jun. (in trust) Dawson, John Tempest Day, John J Dayfoot, Jno. B Dean, James J . Dean, W. 11., cashier DeChalus, Madame, la Comtesse Desjardin, Emdlie DeLorimier, L. CI Deming, Myron J Dennistouno, Eobt. Trustee E. Dennistoune Derome, J . B Derrick, .Joseph Dc8ola, liev. A O. Dev D ►nne ewar E. II. Alex... C. Dickinson, Miss E Dickinson, M. J... A RESIDENCE. Montreal .. Montreal .. Burlington Montreal ., Port Perry , Sherbrooke . Q. Waterloo, Montreal Moi^treal Montreal Peterborough . Montreal Beaverton Montreal Montreal , Montreal Montreal Philipsburg (Quebec Toronto Lachine Lachine Lachine Montreal Montreal Montreal (Tcorgetown Montreal Quebec Montreal Montreal ....... St. Hyacinthe .. North Pinnacle Peterborough... Quebec Htonetield.... .Montreal Monti'cal St. Andrews. Sherbrooke.., Siierbi'ooke.., Number of Share.-'. 1 10 14 27 4 100 G 15 11 2 5 38 1 GO 20 1 4 4 9 40 27 17 12 6 10 45 34 1 G 1 3 20 12 3 3 G 30 G 3 3 12 LIST OF STOCKHOLDER.S OF THE XAMES. liKSIDENCE. Dickson, Arch Dickson, Mi-s. Jane Dickson, John M Dicks(^n, EIi>:ubcth *.'!!!!!!....'!.'!* Dilling, Andrew Dingle, Samuel K ........*.*"."'.*.*. Dinning-, James A Dlnniiin-, Henry Divine," Mrs . Catherine, (or iioil) Dixon, Eobei't _ Dixon, George G ....'. Dodd , Edward .'.".'.'..... Doherty, Pati-ick .'.".'." .'....'.*.'.. Donahue, Wm Donaldson, W i. .""!!.'.'....," Dougall, James ....'.',. Douglas, John Walter....'."."."..'."!! Douglas, Margaret Douglas, Miss Elizabeth Downey, Thor Drake, Prince Edward.... "!!! Drake, W.; D. B. Meigs & llarriettL.') Haj-kom, (Trustees) f Drummond, James [ Drummond, William Dryuan, Mrs. Jane A Dubord, A Dufault, C .^......" Dufaux, DameS. D.. !...'....."! Dumas, Arthur Dumas, Mrs. 11. D. Dumble, J . 11 " .*.'.'.".'.".'.*. Dundas, Mrs. A. E Dundee, Munieipality. . Dunkley, Wm ■.'.*. Dunlojj, James Dupuy, H '["" Duquet, Antoine " Durand, Mai-tlia '" Durnfbrd, P. ( m trust "foi" Durnford Durnfurd, P. ( in Durnford G-odeiich Goderich Paris Montreal T^owmanvilJe ... Davisville, O.... <,>iiobec , <^ebec Monti'eal Port Union Sliei'bi'ooke Port Hope Monti'eal Montreal AVoodstock Fai-nhamCtj-.P.(^ f^ngland Montreal Montreal .Seaforth V>d\ Ewart Montreal Montreal Otonabee Toronto Thi-ee liivers Montreal Monti'eal Terrebonne... Terrebonne... Cr)bourg Lloyd town , .. Mary trust for Jane Whitby ., i^Iontreal . , Kingston . Ht. Martin. Kingston . Montreal.. Xiiinber of iShiires. 14 2 36 6 3 1 1 3 12 13 12 33 106 I 25 62 5 6 6 20 8 21 S 4 10 1 26 2 38 18 ii 38 mm 20 fl 15 Wm 50 9 2 9 5 ;S 40 S 5 S 11 Montreal n CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 13 NAMES. 14 2 36 6 3 1 1 3 12 13 12 33 106 I 25 62 5 6 6 20 8 21 4 10 26 2 38 18 38 20 15 50 2 5 40 5 2 11 11 Eaiile. Thos Ivirlc. II ]. Eastliiiul, William Eastland, Mrs. Ilamet Edgar, F Edwards, John Edwards, Miller k Ilawksford Eii'laiu'li, L Elliot, Jas. & A. I). Durnfoi'd (in trust) El liott, George Elliott, Thos Elliott, Thos Elliott, John Elliott, Mrs. Anna G Ell is, Erancis Ellis, C. K., widow Elmsloy, I?., F.C. Law & E . Crombie, j Trustees i Elwell,W. R. G !... Empson, Hcv . J English, Andrew Estate, Anna Sealy Jones , Estate late Hon . Jos . Masson , Estate late Jno. Urysdale Estate late Stewart Scott Estate late Frances Austin Evans, Bros Evans, Andrew Evans, Miss Mary B Evans, Mrs. L. I) . Evans, W. S .". Eveleigh, Jos Everett, Kev. T ..[. Everson, Robt Eves, Mrs. Jano V Ewing, S. IT Ewing, Wm., M.D Executor late John McKay Executor late Sarah Jane McCorniick. Executors late Wm. Workman Executors late Jno. Holmes Executors late Francis Ehodes Bei-nard Executors late Mary A. Potts Executors lateU. Smith RESIDENCE. Weston Montreal Peter borough... Peterborough... Montreal Ilemmingford .. England Montreal Monti'eal Ormstown (Jhateauguay . .. Hampton Kingston Montreal Brantford Waterloo, Q Toronto London, England Montreal liondeau (Quebec Montreal Ottawa Quebec (Quebec Montreal Seaforth Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Mascouche .. Bowmanville Newmarket . M(mtreal Hawkesbury Woodstock .. Montreal Montreal Holmesville . Danville Montreal . B r'imi)ton. Number of Shurt'i. 8 68 10 2 20 8 8 50 20 13 121 2 12 4 40 14 40 1 5 4 40 120 36 12 13 2 8 1 5 40 30 5 12 9 60 10 8 20 251 1 10 6 4 14 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE XAMES. Execiitoj-s late J. (rladmaii, in trust") for (Jco. (rladman j Executors laa> James Tuimc}' Executors late Lotitia Miller Executoi's late W. Keaehic Executors late John E^lliott Executors late A. B. Carpenter Executors late I). Totten Executors late Jno. Fisher Executors late C. M. Kddy Executors late B. Coylo Executors late Samuel J. Holmes Elxecutoi-s late David Clark Executors late Sir G. B. Cartiei-, Bart. Executors late Rev. Jos. l^raith^vaite. Executors late Jane D. Caldwell Elxecutors late Geo. Deschamliault, ELxecutors laio J. D. Gibh Executors lato J. D. GJibb, Xo. i...... Executors lato W. Lawlor Executors late Donald McDonald (E.) E]xecutors late F. X. Langelicr Executors late Major Priestl_y j E]xecutors late ifev. James Tfoid ! E]xecutors late Caroline Stuart I Executors lato 11. B. Smith ' Elxecutors late J. N. Thomj^son Executors late Kobt . Si mi^soi i Executors late (t. H. Frothino-ham.. Executors late T. C. Street...'.' Executors late Charles Kin<^, _. Executors late Jiobt. Paterson Executors late B. Franklin Executors late J. Gladman Executoj-s late S . J . Forres Executors late Fliza Taylor Executors lato Wm. Ji!' Croil Executors lato Mrs. A. P. Nowlan E]xecutors late Hon. Chas. Wilson. Executors late J. S. Sanborn Executors late H. 0. Burritt ExecutfU's late A Meighen F^xecutors late Alex. A. Crerar Executors late James Mills, Snr RESIDENCE. Port Hope . Clinton Iliawata Paris Woodbridn-e , Cobourt;: Paris Stratford Orono Tjindsay Clinton Toronto Monti-eal Montreal Chateauguay ]\[ontreal Montreal Ilaw Ices bury L'Orignal . . . Montreal Ireland Fi'elighsburg Montreal ig, senr. Montreal Montreal St. Andi-ews.., Montreal , Toronto Brampton ..., Peterboi'ough . Strectsville.... Port Hope .... Lachine (Quebec Montreal ^lontrcal Montreal Montreal Ottawa Perth Stratford St. Catharines. Number of Shares, 4 1 8 12 12 12 3 4 8 1 15 109 79 29 20 58 82 15 48 20 48 8 27 10 24 14 55 18 15 2 20 28 13 9 35 (i 50 4(3 170 4 1 6 m CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 15 4 1 8 12 12 12 3 4 8 1 15 109 79 29 20 58 32 15 48 20 48 8 27 10 24 14 55 18 15 2 20 28 13 9 35 (] 50 4(3 170 4 1 6 NAME.- Exoeutors late Wm. Dawson Executors late Mary E. Webb Exociiti'ix late Wm. F Wilson Exeoutnees late il. W. Cole, AI.D. Exeoutriees late Amelia Pardey Executrix late W. I)u(]lev ". Executi-ix late Jno. Bagwell Eyre, Wm . IE f Ealcon bridge, J . K . , (in trust) Earrell, Dorainick Farrell, Donilnick, (in trust.) Faw kes, Sh ad rac h : Ferguson, 1). II Ferguson, John Ferguson, Mrs. Margaret Ferres, James Fildes,Thos Finch, Miss A. J Finlayson, Mrs. Ann , Fireinans' Benevolent Association Fisher, Helen M., widoAv Fisher, John, jun , Fisher, 3Irs. kSusan C Fisher, Mrs. Eliza Jane Fisher, Miss. E. A Fitzgerald , Jno Fitzgerald, L. C. K. (dec'd) Lt.-Col. .! Fleming, James Fleming, John Fletcher, C. II Flj-nn, Mary, (or McLaughlin) Flynn, Mary, "Tutrix '\. Forbes, J. C Forbes & Lownsbroufif h Ford, E ?. Ford, Miss Elizabeth Forster Wm Foster, Kobort Foster, Geoi'ge K Fournival, Adelaide Fowler, Francis, seur Foy, Major Edward RESIDENCE. Executrix late James Bovce ! B East Zori'a .. Kettleby, O . AVoodstock . ., Clinton Montreal Newmarket ., 5owmanville Brampt(^n. Cobourg Bradford Dartmouth, N.S. Dai'tmouth,N".S. Toronto Montreal Gait Everslej', Montreal EastGwillimb'ry Toronto Allan's Corners. Montreal Eock Island North East Hope Montreal W^ellington Sq... Montreal Buckingham, Q. . (Quebec Toronto Ilayden Sherbrooke . ... Montreal Montreal Stratford Toronto Montreal liolmsville Brampton Sonya Richmond Malone, N.Y.. Harpurhay England Number of kSharc*. 2 4 () ■J •18 6 8 10 18 13 35 5 4 11 6 10 2 10 4 8 6 4 3 14 8 5 3 10 3(3 10 fcO 14 4 1 1 34 3 12 4 12 10 2 80 16 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. Francis, "William Frasci', Hon. C. F Frascr, .Mrs. KUoii Stott Fra^jcr, Mrs. E. II Fraser, Donald , Fraser, John J Fraser, Joseph Frasor, James Freeman, Manuel , French, Fred. John Frothingham, Tiev. F Frothingham, Geo. Henry.... Fiirniss, B Furniss, A. IL, (in trust)..... Furniss, Mrs. L. P. (in trust). Futvoye, Cath. Hcdwige RESIDENCE. Xiiiuber nt I Shares!. Gagnon, Gedeon Galbraith, David Galbraith, P Gait, Mrs. Margaret. Gamble, X. Allan.., Gamble, Mrs. ^laria. Gamble, George Gard ner & Rose Gardner, Wm ^[ontreal Brockville ... Sherbrooke... Montreal Montreal Lancaster, River Reasii Xew Hamburg Stratford Princeton Prescott Portland, Me. ]\[ontreal Montreal Toronto Toronto Montreal .1 Gariepy, A Gariepy, Mrs. Rosalie Gaskin, Eliza Marj^, Executrix & Adm Genest, J oseph George, Joseph Gi bson , I)a vi( I Gibson & King Gibb. Jno. 8 ; Giles, Henry I Gilmour, Allan I Gill, AnneM I Gill, John Gregor Gillbard, Thos Gillespie, James Gilpin, I) Gilroy, Thos Stanfold Toronto Bowmanville . ^lontreal Toronto Toronto Toronto Woodstock . . St. Louis de Gonzaii:ue.. Montreal Montreal Kingston Montreal Kingston Kingston Whitby Cashmere Lachuto Ottawa Montreal Denver, Colorado Cobourg Innerkip Toronto Montreal 50 lO" 7 10. 5 10 G 6 6 3 12 3 3 50 11 14 50 -t 4 4 3 4 20 6 , i 14 2 C 1 12 4 :i 500 ^ 7 m 2 8 S 3 w ■7 m la 9 G( CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 17 NAMES. 50 10 T 19. 5 10 2 6 6 6 3 12 3 3 50 11 14 50 4 4 4 3 4 2 20 6 2 14 2 1 12 4 :i 500 7 2 8 3 2 m -^^ Gird wood, Mva. F. M. Godchere, Potor Oodin, Cleophic Guddcn, Rov. John i Ooldic, David , Gordon, Eev. Dun M Gordon, Geo Gordon, Rev. I) , Goodacro, Mrs. M. W. (in trust) Goodall, James Goode, Cephas , , Gouin, A. N Gould, Jos , Govenlock, Thos , Grace, Mrs. Ellen (widow) Graham, Mrs. Fiorina Graham, Mrs. Maria M Graham, Dugald Graham, Mariana Grant, Thomas Grant, Rev . W Grant, Hon. Alexander (late) Grant, John Grassett, Rev. II. J., and Rev. E. ) Baldwin, trustees j Grassett, Mrs. Florence Gravel,.!. A. (in ti'ust) Graveley, W. li "Greig, Rev. Patrick Greig, Georii-e Grey, Wm..' Green, Rev. Anson Green, C . H Green, Rev. James Green, Miss N. J^: Green, Jiobert Green, Eliza Greenwood, Heniy Grennan, Edward Griffin, James .. Gunn, Henry Jardine tfunn, Alexander Gurney , Mrs, iSarah .....,..... = ..> RESIDENCE. Montreal , Hudson's BayCo 8t. Pierre les Becqucts... Harbor Grace, Newfound I'n (I Ayr Ottaw^'i Embro Hai'rino-ton .Montreal Toronto Toronto Sorel, Q Uxbridge Seaforth Montreal Montreal Montreal. Or ms town, Q.. Toronto AYood stock Vanklcek Hill. Montreal Montreal Toronto. Toronto Montreal Montreal York vi He Toronto AYoodstock . .. Toi'onto Toronto Montreal ^Montreal ]Montreal Lloydtown . .. Grafton , Montj-eal Montreal Clifton Kingston Mayfiiir, P. O. Number of Shiiros. 14 1 10 12 54 20 1 4 1 28 20 70 81 24 60 12 20 4 3 1 5 6 50 1 5 20 5 6 40 6 10 2 58 3 26 4 12 12 10 2 12 1 18 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. Iliidli'V, Fi'iiiiciis Iladwiii, M Jfaujar, Chas Kdwai'd RESIDKNX'E. Ma^ai llain-. Chas. Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, Halpin, Wm. W Hall, Jaiio (rittbrd Hall, James Hall, John Hall, John S Loekhart K -Miss FraiiC(.'s 11 Miss MarjLfai'ot R. N., (Executor) Hal len, ( Joorgo Hallowell, W Ham, Mr. Eliiia A. E Ham, Jno. D , Ham, Mrs. Josephine Hamilton, R. C Hamilton, Fred Hamilton, W. D Hamilton, Rev. C Hamilton, Erskine & Menet (Trustees) Ilandyside, Mrs. i\Jary B Haney, John &, his Conseil Hancy. James & his Curator Haney, John & James Jointly... Harheson, Sarah C Harkins, Mary Ann Hart, Sarah M Hart, Jno. S Harrini^ton, Mary Louisa Harris, Arthur B Harris, Jas. Beveridgo Harrison, Adam Harwood, A. C. de L. (Exccutoi-). Hastings, j\[ai"garet Ogilvio Hawksl'ord A: Bowie (Trnstees).... Hay, James Hay, Peter Hay, Margaret Hayes, Mrs. Mary Hayes, M. P., (Manager in trust).. ]\[ontreal Teeswater ^lontreal Montreal .Stirling Montreal Petei'borongh. Peterborough. .Montreal Montreal Shei'brooko. ... (Quebec (Quebec Shei-brooke Toronto Montreal Whitby Newl'.iirgh .... Newburgh . ... Montreal Montreal (riasgow (Quebec Toronto ^[ontreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Quebec Monti-eal Montreal Perth St. Andrews... Credit, P.O... Credit, P. ... Clarke, P. O... Montreal Montreal England Woodstock . . . . Gait Woodstock .... Seafcn-th Seaforth Xiiuiber of .Sh.ires. 11 1 its 12 15 10 6 20 20 25 5 8 10 40 5 5 21 18 o 20 8 10 20 10 o 7 7 1 21 5 1 2 20 6 7 1 12 40 8 4 4 2 6 4 CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 19 NAME8. 11 1 05 12 15 10 6 20 20 25 5 8 10 40 5 5 21 18 2 20 8 10 20 10 2 7 7 1 21 5 1 2 20 6 7 1 12 40 8 4 4 2 6 4 'if llayuni;a, Mrs. Klizahoth Koaly, MisH Annk' llealey, Miss Louisa G Ik'alv, ^f''"^ Harriott |[oarlo, 8. N II oath, Miss Ann Ilchcrt, Miss Jano Iloii's, Mrs. Lucas (or McKonzie) Iloirs, lato Mrs. Auld Iloirs, lato James Hunt Heirs, Smith Hoi in, .Ino. jr Ilompstcd, Miss S. M. P Ilondcrson, I). II Henderson, Ea,<jflo Henderson, James Henderson, J no Henderson, W". P I lenderson, W Henderson, W Henry, J. W Hoiod, Goo. S., M. 1). (in trust) . . Hervey, Eliza M Hersee, Wm Ilothei'ington, Eliza Houback, Catherine Howard, Stephen, trustee Hignins, Ca]»t. Wm Higginson, Wm Hill, C. G Hill, Chas. N Hill, Jane E Hill, Mrs. Louisa M Hill, Howena Hill, Mrs. Anne, widow Himsworth, J. HineU's, Sir Francis Ilindes, Eev. E. W Hingston, W, IL, M.D., tutor .... Hird, James Hodgeson, Mrs. Ann Hogaboom, Geo. R Hogaboom, J C Hogan, J. H HESIDKNCE. Morrisburg (Quebec (Quebec (^iiebee Monti'eal Beobe-Plain, Q.. Monti'eal (Quebec Montreal (Quebec Montreal Poit Hope Montreal Montreal Brompton New Glasgow... Cobourg Cobourg Montreal Cobourg (Quebec .... Guolph Montreal Woodstock Melbourne Back River Toronto Niagara Vankleok Hill.. Montreal Eaton, Que Montreal Sunderland Highgate, Vt... Halifax Ottawa Montreal Cam bell ford Montreal Athens, P.O Mount Pleasant Newmarket Newmarket Hamilton Niiinbor of fSlmrcs. 10 1 1 1 3 12 3 9 32 20 5 6 6 4 5 6 2 10 4 7 40 10 3 20 15 4 30 10 2 120 1 50 6 43 3 10 50 4 21 1 4 3 10 4 20 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OK THE NAMKS. llollun.l, H. M., (Tutor) Il..lli8, C. A ll')linos, MlsH Marin .M Jlolmcs, Jiiinos Jlolint'S, A. JI Hood. .lolm Drewjitt lloonlo, Klizjibelli Hopkins, E. M., and others (in tniHt), Ilorno, (ioorgo IIoHsack, Wm IfoHisio, Jno Houghton, Aaron Houston, Gavin, (in trust) Ilovey , Janios How, tho Heirs Howard, E. P., M.D Howard , Broolvs W Howell, Isaac L Howse, Wm Hul)l)ard, Henry Hubbard, Lucy i) Hubbard, Phineas Hubbard, Jno. H ir.unt, Robt. Jr Hunter, Mrs. Isabella Hutton. J. P Hyde, John, M.D Hyde, Geo Hunt, L. H Hunter, J. S Hurd, Augustine S Hurd, Cath'n A., widow, Usufruc- tuary Legatee Hurlbut, A Hurtubise, Ben, Children of. Hutcheson, John B Idler, Ernest Ilsley, Mrs. Ellen, or (Lunn) Impett Richard Imrie, Thomas Irvine, Rev. Jno Irwin, Mrs. Jane E Irwin, Eliza (Widow), . . „ . Irwin, James RESIDENCE. NllllllllT (it Sim res. Montreal (J Monl I'cal . .., 11 .Monti'cal 1 Woodstock 1 iM(»iilrcal 5 Woodstock 12 Moi'i'isbui-g 21 Montreal 55 Cannington 17 Quebec 10 Stratford 1 Montreal 12 Mf)ntroal 8 Knniskillen 2 Montreal 5 Monti'cal 38 Newmarket 1 Paris 12 Toronto 14 Sherbrookc. 2 Sherbrooko 2 Slier brooke 2 Cambridge, Mass 20 Xii)iien 7 Montreal 10 Brampton Stratford 4 13 Montreal 6 Simcoe 5 Montreal 4 Sherbrookc 3 Sherbrooko 15 Frelighsburgh ... 37 22 Montreal 4 Montreal 20 Montreal 13 Woodstock 1 Woodstock 10 Montreal 40 Montreal 2 Toronto 20 Montreal 11 1 f 'k 'f* CONSOLIDATED lUNK OF CANADA. 21 NAMES. G U 1 1 5 12 21 55 17 10 1 12 8 2 5 38 1 12 14 2 2 2 20 7 10 4 13 6 5 4 3 15 37 22 4 20 13 1 10 40 2 20 11 .Iiir'ks<^)ti, Cliiis. A .hicksoii .lolin A .lat'kson, .lohii J ao iv so n , ,T( )S(' I »h Jackson, Mi's. Kli/. J A Jucolts, .Beer .Famcson, Mrs. Fi-anccs .Tanieson, John (tlio lato) Jaquos, (loo. K., Jr Jarvis, Fred 8tai- Jonkins, Wni Jolins, Joseph Johnson. Thos. 11. (in truist) Johnston, John Jolinston, John Jolinstono, JainoH K J(jhnson, Oai)tain Charles. ., .lohnson, Bar't. Sii- \Vm. (I Jollincau, Ktienno Jones, Ann Hannah Jones, Fdward Jones, Mi's, Sarali Hyde Jones, Mrs. M. 8. E .Tones, ]{. A. A Jones, liobt Jones, Tlios. F Jones, Thos J Jones, Mrs. Susanna .Jones, John Jones, E.C Jones, Henry John Jones, Wm. J., M.D Jones, Clarkson .Tones, Ivlwin Jones, Chirkson, (Toosirontis account) JoneN, '"luvvard (in trust) Joseph, J. H. (attorney) .Toseph, J. H " Joseph, J. 11., (No. 2) Joiiboi't, Leon Joyce, Mrs. Selina Fonton liadwell, C. 15., (Widow) Kastnoi-, Jolm lU;SII)K\f'K. Watei'ioo Watei'loo Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal (^uehec (^uehec Montreal Stratf'oi-d Clinton Stratford Montreal Scotland Petferlaw, P.O... St. Andrews Montreal St. Mathias Sault Sio. Marie St. An<lrews St. Andrews St. Andrews Toronto Montreal i Mitchell ' Gait St. Catharines ... St. Catharines ... Balsam Toronto Percho I^rescott Toronto Quebec Toronto St. Andrews Montreal Montreal Montreal Terrebonne Waterford St. John's, Q. Sebrini'ville ,., Xmnbcr «»t' Sliiirt'"*. 12 11 10 i 28 I 1 100 ' 05 IG 2 1 14 1 7 GO () 30 37 4 7 20 37 57 10 38 2 10 6 3 2 IG 37 10 1 60 11 4 IG 207 400 3G 4 2 1 22 LIST OF STOCKHOLDEKS OF THE NAMES. *.,!■ Koefor, W. Napier Keefer, Peter Kelly, William '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Kelly, John Kennedy. Wm Kennedy, Angus Kennedy, Margaret Ann (widow) . . . . Kennedy, Philip Kerr, George (deceaised) Kerr, J. K Keterson, Joseph Kidd, Thomas Kidd, Joseph Kiernan, J ames King, Bros , King, Eev. John M King, Thos. I) , King, W. & S. \V. Mason, Executors Kinnear, Jno Kinnell, David Kirby, Thos Kirby, Thos.,(iR trust) Kneitl, Joseph Knox, . Alexander Kortosk, B. Nicholas. E.J LabadoUe, Latlamme, Lakeman, Ed ward Lat'ricain, Geo Laidlaw, D. G Laing, Murdoch (in trust) Langmuir, J. VV., Inspector of Pri- sons, etc., Ontario Lamport, Henry Lane, William Lang, William, senr Langmaid, Jos . , jun Lapiante, N. T Larmontli, Mary Lavell, llev. Charles Law, W. 11 ]; Lawrence, G, AV Laycock, Geo. (deceased) RESIDE^X'E. Gait Gait Montreal Carillon Wark worth . Gait Montreal Hastings Chatham , Toronto Toronto , Seaforth Carronbrook. , Montreal Whitby Toronto Cooksville Montreal S])ringville .. Montreal Ottawa Ottawa Stratford Oshawa Montreal Montreal Thurso, Q Woodstock O. , Montreal Montreal Montreal Toronto. Vittoria Thoi'iihill Keeiie Taunton Peterborough.... ^Montreal Mitchell Montreal Stratford Ciiutou Number of Shares. 3G 20 4 21 1 1 4 24 24 4 50 8 24 9 16 8 3 10 3 10 2 18 (i 4 66 3 35 5 12 1 3 22 8 10 2 4 6 5 1 8 "<«% CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 23 NAMES. RESlDExN'CE. .36 20 4 21 1 1 4 24 24 4 50 8 24 9 16 8 3 10 3 10 2 18 6 4 66 } Lay field, Miss Agnos Lebruii, Mrs . Esther Lee, Stephen & A. Cnmevon, Trustees Lee & Cameron (in trust Mrs. T. II. ^ Cameron Leflar, Mrs. Eliza A Leishman, Miss Angelina M Leith, Kingston & Brough, in trust for Ilibbert Bros Lemieux, Narcisse, Lemoyne, J. M Leslie, (reorge Leslie, Patrick (i n trust) Lindsay, Miss Helena Little, John Livernois, Louis Lloyd, David Lloyd, E. Brown (widow) Lloyd, Geo. Eichard Lockhart, James Lockhiirt, Rev. A. D Lodge, Henry (as Mayor) Logan, Miss Elizabeth Logie, Eov. John liOndesborough, Eobt Lothrop, Mrs . Sally S Louis, Joseph Low, John Lowndes, Henrj^ (i n trust) Lowiy, Mrs. Maria Lundie, Geo. W Lundy, John James Lundy , Mrs. Margaret Lusignan, Victoi'ine Lusignan, Alex, (late) Lutz, Peter C Lyman, Henry Lyman, A. C Lyman, Henry Herbert . Mrs. E. M.... lin, Julia Ann. Quebec . Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Number of Shares. Bram])ton , Lachine... Toronto. Macl Mad Maddison, Mrs. Mary C, Quebec Corapton Georgetown Montreal Woodstock Cork, Ireland — Montreal Newmarket Montreal Rom sey, Hants ) England ... ) Woodstock Lacolle Matapedia, Q.... Lucan Rodgerville Harpurhay Eaton Quebec Montreal Montreal Millbrook Montreal Peterborough . . . , Peterborough..., j^Iontreal Montreal , Si. Cathei'ines,0 Scotland, P.O... Montreal Montreal Sherbrooke . Toronto Toronto 4 3 2 1 16 17 19 30 22 4 1 14 35 20 15 5 1 10 8 1 12 4 8 6 5 9 1 50 2 105 4 15 12 2 1 1 10 54 1 'VV 24 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. Madill, John Maguire, Bonis Maguire, Denis, in trust for T. Maguiro .?;} Maguire, D. (in trust, M. A. Maguire) Magrat h, Charles Maharg, Kenilmina 11 Maher, Patrick Mair, James Maj r , "VVm Manning, Alex Manuel, John Martin, Jonathan Martin, Eichard Marshall, James H Marshall, Miss Kllen RESIDENCE. Audlay Joliette Joliette Marshall, Miss Margaret (the late). Marshall, Iloger Mason, Mrs. Jane and F. C. Gross, Trustees Mather, James A Mathison, Miss L. C Matheson, Donald May. S. H. (in trust.) Medcalf, F. H Meighen, Janet Meiicle, J. H [.[['.'. Mciklejohn, James Metcalfe, James Methot, Mrs. Elise M Merkley, Geo. M Meyer, Henry Michie, James, in trust for Miss M. A. McLennan Michie, James Michie, James, (in trust) Mickleborough, Joseph Middleton, H. N Millai', John Millard, Eev. Wm ... Miller Matil.la T Miller, Louisa Augusta.. Miller, Miss Catherine.... Miller, Hubert (in trust), Joliette .... Toronto.... Ireland .... Montreal . . Altoiui Whitevalo. Toronto.... Ottawa .... Beachville Hamilton.. Dickinson's L'ug Aultsville Cote de Neiges. Sunnyside,Ayr Scotland New Lowell Hudson, (^ .. Kmbro Montreal Toronto Perth Morris burgh Quebec Yorkville .... Boston Morrisburgh. Montreal Toronto. Toronto... Toronto... Gait Montieal . L'Orignal Toronto..., Quebec .... Toronto..., Montreal . . Montreal.. Niiinl)er of Shares. 2 100 9 2 30 15 1 6 60 15 8 6 8 5 29 100 4 5 30 10 4 20 50 88 20 6 10 6 189 10 20 7 1 30 24 •? CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 25 NAMES. 2 100 9 •i 2 30 15 1 6 60 15 8 6 8. 5 29 100 4 & 6 30 10 20 50 88 20 6 10 (5 Miller, Thos. F Milligaii, Mrs. Margt Millm, Mrs. Ann Mills, Hannah Mills, Kobt Mills, Eobt Milson, p]benezor Mihvard, Miss Elizabeth F. Mitchell, David Mitchell, John , Mitchell, Jacob Mitchell. W.J Moat, Jno., (intrust) Moat, R& J Moftatt, Mrs. Ann (or Flowers), Moffatt, Geo. (in trust) Molson, John Thos Molson, John H. E Molson, Mrs. Louisa G. F , Molson, J. Thomas (in trust)..., Moore, Annie, (widow) Moore, Mrs. Charlotte E Moore, Mrs. C. E. (in trust) Moore, Hugh , Moore, James Moore, Mary Ann Mooro, William , Moorehouse, Henry Monk, John Montgomery, Eev. H Montgomei'ie, 11. C Montmarqiiet, M. E MoT'tizambert, W. C , Montizambert, L. IT,. Miss Montizambert, Sarah, Miss Montreal Ladies Benev. Society Monteral Lying-in Hospital MoiUreal Order of Odd FelloAvs Montreal Citv and Bank ." Morgan, .lames Morgan, Jikj { RESIDENCE. District Savings Montreal Clarke Montreal Norwood, Engl'd Montreal Napanee Port Hope Toronto Hibbert Lakeville,Living- ston, Co. N. Y Clarke Toronto Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal , Montreal Montreal , Montreal Dnndas , Monti ual Montreal Montreal , Perth Montreal Phillipsburg St. Johns, Q...., Montreal Port Hope (Quebec (Quebec Montreal Monti'eal Montreal Montreal. Number of Shares. M. orieey, Woburn. . Mitchell , Montreal. 2 12 12 125 6 9 4 4 2 8 6 200 232 5 8 35 11Q 50 22 13 17 1 36 8 4 10 6 327 25 32 66 10 2 9 1 20 30 980 10 2 14 ■"Sfe. 26 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. Morison, Joliii (dec'casod), Morrison, David Morris, Miss K. McC Ann. ■)■ Macarthur, I). (Administrator) Maoculloch, F Macculloeii, II ...........!.... Macculloch, F., Jr ..'.".!.!!!!.!..'..*.'. Macdonald, laic Archibald....'!!!!.!!!.! Macdonald, Duncan Macd()nal<[, L. (i '......".'.".*."" Macdonald, L. (i. (in trusi)......"."!!!!! Macdonald,, James Mac<lonald, .Mrs. Ann Hra\'. !!!!!!!!!!!!! Macdonncll, Jlev. J>. J. (ii'i (rust) for) Mrs. 8miiic i MacDougall, Allan Hay (in trust!)'.*.., KE.SIDEXCE. Morris, L. E Morris, B. T Morris, Mary Morley, Henry Morton, Robert Moss, Haml.E Mountain, Rev. J. J. 8.... Mountain, Cath. A. P Mowlo, Aim, (Executrix) Muir, Miss A,i>-nes Muir, John N. ^ ^ MuJholland, John !!!! ColVoiiri!' Mulholland, John, (Administratoi MulhoUand, Thos... Mullen & Co., J. & J Munro, James Munro, Hector, (Curator) ....!!! Murdoch, Miss Marian Murray, Mrs. Hannah Murray, M iss Allies Murray, Wm. (in trust) Murison, Mrs. F. M. and othei-s Murphy, Dan'l Murphy, Jeremiah !! . Murphy, Ftcv. Jaines Mussen,Thos Myrand, L. H Woodville Montreal Montreal Sherbrooke Lcnnoxville .... Jjennoxvillo Jlolmsville Branttbi'd Monti-eal Fn,<4'Iand Cambrido^e, Eng tShei-brooko N. (Jeorgetown . Toronto Cobourg Vorkville Montreal Thorold Montreal Toj'onto Montreal Montreal Campbellton Halifax Carillon Cork, Ji-elaiid.... 8eaforth Montreal (Quebec Wininpeg .... Montreal Montreal Montj-eal 8t. Andrews. St. Johns, q. 8t. Johns, (^. 81. Johns, (J. 8t. Johns, (J. 8t. Johns, il. Toronto Petorhorouft-h.... Xiimhor of Shiiros. 63 1(] 10 10 6 12 1 35 4.3 i 35 3 7 G 4 1 4 12 23 12 3 Q 15 20 5 20 (5 40 5 !) 52 2 2 5 50 14 9 125 11 5 -*»•.-, CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 27 Xiimhor of Sh ill-OS. 2 63 16 10 10 6 12 1 35 43 4 35 3 7 6 4 1 4 12 23 12 3 Q 15 20 5 20 () 40 5 t) 52 2 2 5 50 14 9 125 11 4 5 NAMES. MacDi)U^-all, Miss IsabcUii. MacJ)oiigall & Broomticld.. MacDoiiii-all iS: Davidson .... Macfarhnie, Mrs. M. 11, Macf'arlano, Mrs. Jane • Macfarlanc, Kale Mackay. Joseph Mackay , Hugh Mackay, lion. Eobcrt (in trust) Mackenzie, Wm Macintosh, Miss J. G Maclean, John S. ik John J. Wylde, ) Trustees j Macleiman, Farquhar MrcMiHan, Duncan Maci)herson, Miss Mary H Macphorson, A. F Macjiherson, A,, J. 11. R Molson, and James Croil (in trust) Macpherson, Ph(jobe E Mac])herson, Wm Macrae, J. O. & Mrs. V. St. G. Macrae, Trustees for J. O. Macrae and his chikl ren McAlistor, Archd McAlister, Charles McAllister, Archd McAulay, Mrs. Ann McBain, Jas. Gumming McBean. Mrs. Eliza MeCallum, Wm McCallum, Samuel MeCallum, L McCallum. Peter II McCambridge, Alex, (in trust) McCartliy. D. & J McCaughey, 8. G McCord, I). R, and others McCowan, Jno McCraken, Wm McCra ken , Jno RESIDENCE. Montreal. Gait Montreal . Montreal . Monti'eal . Montreal . Montreal. Montreal . Montreal. Montreal. Montreal . Halifax, N.S. Dundee ... Grenville Montreal . Kingston Montreal. Montreal. Weston ... Hamilton Number of Shiires. Duntwin, P.O. Nottawasaga. Duart Clinton Montreal Williamstown, Ont Toronto Sandhill Sandhill Stromness Campbellscross Montreal Sorel Scaforth Monti'eal Brucefield Taronto Toronto 5 4 4 11 24 2 125 50 27 5 G 33 15 10 5 93 41 lit 13 16 10 1 1 4 10 12 2 4 K! 22 "l 8 3 17 3 1 8 28 List of stockholders of the NAMES. McCi-akon, Tho.s., Asst. Gen. Mana- | i,'or in trust i McCVudden, Wm McCuaig, Donald i McCiiaig, Murdoch | McDonald, Miss G. C McDonald, Hon. D. McDonald, John McDonald, Hon. D. A McDonald, Miss Isabella McDonald, Robert McDonald, Angus McDonald, W. A ],[[ McDonnell, Wm McDonnell, J McDougaii, D !!!!!!.!.!.!!! McDougall, Mrs. M. A. J.. McEvila, D McEwan, Duncan [ McEwan, Jno "..'* McEvvan, AYilliam McEwon, 3riss Jessie "]"' McEwen, Mrs. Margery McFarland, Jas .'.■..'.'."■ McFavlano, Peter McFarlane, Rose Anna, widow McGillivray, Geo. H " McGinn, Bridget McGinnis, Mrs. S. C .'.'.'.'*.'.*' McGinnis, R. P., (in trust) .....'..' McGrath, John McGregor, John McGregor^ Peter McGuin, Anthony McGowan, Peter McIIard}-, Miss Jane McHardy, Chas '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. McIIa rdy, George .",'.'..* Mclnnes, Donald, and H. C. ilani- ] mond, (in trust) f Mclntyre, Mrs. M. M '.'.'.'.'.'.'.... McKay, .Jus...... RESIDENCE. Toronto Monti'eal Dalho isieMills ) Out [ DalhousioMills ] Out j Montreal Toronto Toronto Toronto Toi'onto. East Zorra .... Gote St. Antoine Williamstown Wallaeeburgh Wallaceburgh J\Iartintown ... Thornhill Upton Rogerville Clinton Stratford Ormstown, (}.. Montreal Stratford ShakbsjDcare . . . Montreal Williamstown . Montreal St. Johns, P.Q. Montreal Jjachine Geneva, Q Keene, P. Q.... Collinsba}' Laehine Goderich, P. O. Goderich Lucknow, O.... Hamilton Little Britain, Boaverton Xiiuil)er ot Share.?. 11 12 3 64 58 SO 24 12 26 4 1 1 30 '> 27 Q 4 12 7 5 3 1 10 o 1 21 1 4 10 12 4 !) 18 3 52 CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 29 NAMES. 11 9 w 12 3 64 58 SO 24 12 26 4 1 1 30 2 27 2 4 12 7 5 3 1 10 2 1 21 1 4 9 10 12 4 9 18 3 52 3 5 Mac'Kay, Mrs*. Margaret. McKceii, Jolm McKecliiiie, M Mt'Kenzio, Mrs. KHz ]\[L'Koii/Je, Mrs. Jiachcl.. McKeiizie, John McKciizie, Miss Ann McKenzio, Miss Jano McKcnzie, Thos Mclvcough, John & "William McLean, James 3IcLoan, ^oil, .\ Iministrator McLean, Neil, in trust for Violet M. McLean McLennan, Hugh, President of Board of Trade (in trust) RESIDENCE. McLennan, D. J McLennan, Murdoch McLennan, Rev. K McLeod, Catherine McLeod, Elizabeth (minor) JMcLeod, Mrs. Helen M McLeod, W. C McLeod, Grace Ann McLeod, Miss A. A McLimont, William McMartin, John (in trust) McMartin, Mrs. Margery < McMillan, John McMnrrich, Hon. John, President,') and John Eains, Secretary, in trust V for Commercial Bld'g Soc'j^ ) McNaughton, Mrs. Isabella McNaughton, Duncan McNaughton, Malcolm NcNoil, Eobt McNicol, J McNiecc, James McNicce, James, sen McPhadon, Chas McPlierson, A McPherson, M McPherson, D. R - = = = = . = = Embro Pictou, N.S... Lennoxvilie .. Woodstock'... Bowmanville. Lennoxvilie., Quebec Montreal Sorel Chatham Kipi)on Toronto ■ Cornwall. Montreal . Port Hope Willi amstown Peterborough Loch i el, O Buckingham Montreal Woodstock Woodstock . . . . Montreal Quebec Montreal River Eaisin, Lancaster, O. Hampstead . . . . Toronto. Huntingdon, Q... Montreal Now York Lit'le-Harbor,NS Shorbrookc j\[ontreal Montreal Martintown .... I'.mbro Kincardine .... Embro., Number of Shares. 4 3 10 15 2 30 10 1(5 15 6 2 25 5 40 2 10 1 2 4 16 308 54 2 20 20 1 1 40 8 15 13 10 5 10 10 12 1 6 1 30 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. McPliersoii, .Mi.ss W. 11... McRae, Jiov. D Me Ritchie, Kcv. Gooviiic.. MeTaogart, D McTaggart, D. (in tni.st) ^k'Tavish, Aloxander McTavish, Peter McVean, Donald McYicar, George MeWhirterc^ Co. J MeWood, William Na.sh, R, (Manager, in trust) Naegele, C. P Neate, Mrs. Eleanor Xeelands, John ]S"el.son, H. A *.'.'' Nelson, J., in trust Mrs. A.""s. Ilibbard Niehol, Thos., M.D Nicolls, Ilariett M. (wido\v)Usufriic- tuary Legatee Nichols & Marler Nivin, Wm., (in trust) ] Noble, Wm Nordheimer, Sam. O'Brien, T. F O'Brien, William ....... O'Brien, Mrs. E. (or MacDougall')! O'Connor, Mrs. M ...... Ogilvie, Arch Ogilvie, A. B '.■■■■'■' Ogilvie, W. W Ogilvie, Miss Mary Ann Ogilvie, Miss Frances ... O'llara, Kobt Oliphant, D. S., M.T) Oliver, W. H Ormiston, IJev. William., Orr, Mrs Jennie E Osborne, Robert B , RESIDENCE. Xuiiiljer ol Shares, Kingston Pictou, N, S. Almonte . ... 5[ontreal Montreal .Shakespeare llamstead, O. Chatham, Q... Paris Woodstock . . . Montreal Montreal Montreal England Londesborough. . Montreal.....^.... Montreal Montreal Montreal,, Montreal , Montreal , Whitby.., Toronto.., Pagels, F Papineau, N. Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal S. Georgetown. Lachine Montreal Montreal Montreal Bowmanvdle . . Toronto London, Ont.... Whitby Teeswater Hamilton Montreal St. Timothe. 7 21 o 15 4 12 2 80 1 2 5 100 12 40 2 60 2f> 32 37 37 37 3 1 25 12 (37 2 9 8 180 58 58 1 10 18 40 1 15 40 •f CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 31 NAMES. 7 21 2 15 4 12 2 80 1 2 5 100 12 40 2 60 29 32 37 37 37 3 1 25 12 67 2 9 8 180 58 58 1 10 18 40 15 40 Pardoy, Miss Sophia Julia Ptu'dcy, Miss Frunoos Amelia Pardo, Sam J j Parent, Isabella Parker, Mrs. Jane Parker, Thomas Harrison Parkci", Henry Parsons, Miss Sarah E Parsons, T. J Pascoe, George Patch, Mrs. Eva Newton Patch, Mrs. Eva Newton, (in trust).. Paterson, Peter Paterson, Helen Payne, James Paj'zant, G. P Pearce, Emma Jane Pearse, 'Edgocomhe Peters, George Peers, Joseph (deceased) Peers, Wm. & Joseph Pemberton, E. H. (in trust) Penton, John A Perkins, Harvey Perseverance Tent, No. 1 Indepen- dent Order of Eochabitos Perrigo, John Perry, Horace Perry, Mrs. Eliza Phelan, Mrs. Ann, (widow) Usui rue- ) tuary Legatee j Phelan, Mrs. Ann (widow) Phelps, Mrs. E. A.: Phepoe, Henry W Phepoe, Ilichai-d Phillips, Dr. T. G Phillips, T. B. (deceased) Phillips, Charles, late Phillips, Mrs. Ann (or Allen) Phillips, Lucy M Philp, Joseph A Phipps & Son, W. B Pickles, Marron IIESIDE.NCE. Montreal . Montreal . T'ship llaloigh Co. Kent Quebec Caledonia Sp' Woodstock ■} Number of Shares. 3 2 gs, Woodstock , God e rid 1 Eye, N. H Woodstock Liverpool, N. S, Liverpool, N. S, Toronto Peterborough .. Eockfort, 111 Windsor, N. S.. Lennoxvillo Petei'borough . . . Peterborough . , . Woodstock Woodstock Quebec Paris Montreal Montreal Montreal Eochester, N.Y Schomberg, 0... Montreal Montreal Montreal St. Luc St. Luc Grahamsvillo Grahamsville Montreal ]\Iontreal (Jlinton Col borne Toronto St. Johns, Q., 12 4 6 20 .2 4 10 3 10 1(5 4 12 24 30 24 8 3 2 10 58 10 2 20 3 36 20 5 10 30 13 8 16 40 40 1 3 2 32 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMKS. I'ilhli-, Will I*i]K', .lohii Pitt, Chnrles Plank', J. I» Plant, Miss .Ijuu' RESIDENCE. Xuiiibcr of iShnros. Kin^'stoii Bow null ivillc, (^lobec Uxhri(iii;o ^^ • .'' L'Avonif J'loyar IMoyart, Samuel J'loyart, P. (widow) IMunil). I), C Plunil), Eliz!iboth8 Plumh, T. 8 Pope, kliza K Poi'tooiis, Pov. Jno Porter, Alex Portoi', Jno. S Poston, K(|. (tJielate) i*otts, Joso])h Potts, James MeCiunining P< >\v, James '^ Power, Piehard ':':.'. [ZZZ'.]]'] iSrrio J\)wers, I<elix Prentiss, C. (tutrix) ........'. Presl)ytei-ian Chureh Preston, S. S. (deceased).".".*.", Prevost, Ai able, (late) Pridham, ^\vs. Kmily B Primrose, iloward (in i .ist) Proctor, George R Proctor, (jcorge Proctor, Job n" A L'Avenir L'Avonir Toronto Niagara Toronto Ottawa Port Dalhousio.. Omagb, O Seatbrtb (inel)cc (rrafton Stirling, Out. Montreal Proctor, J. W. & Co. Provan, .Afrs. ^[aria (or 3IcKenzie) Pulbam, Harriett M.P Purlds. Mrs VAxz '.'.'.."!!'.' Piirkis, Isaac do Lacy (in trust).... Purse. Alex Port Hope Montreal Montreal Louisville Montreal Montreal Pictou, N". S Peaverton Beaverton Beaverton New Kdinburglii Ottawa....':.. I Quebec Paris Brockville Pi-escott Toronto 14 12 250 4 5 4 3 4 I) 9 9 10 1(5 10 4 11 4 8 1(1 4 28 2 296 8 348 3 10 6 82 12 10 6 8 10 o Quebec Caisse (rEconomio, N. Dame Quirck, Pov. Jobn (Kxecutor) Eacey, Josepb Pobt Pacey. .Mi-s. Susannah \V . (in trusty tor (r. ^y. Eac. i Quebec .. Hastings Quebec Quebec 220 32 3 4 L'- CONSOLIDATKD HANK OF CANADA. 33 Ximibcr of Shiiros. 14 12 250 4 5 4 3 4 9 9 9 10 ^ 16 " 10 4 11 ■ 4 h ; 4 8 ^ 1(1 4 28 2 296 8 34-8 3 ^ 10 6 82 12 4 10 Jl 6 n 8 ^B 10 H NAME8. 3 4 Racoy, Mrs. SiiHiinnah \V lijic, (i. M., and J. F. Smith ((riij^tooH) llmuii^v, W. W Ivanisay, Miss l'). A IJainsay, Itov. James h'amsay, Mis. Cliarlottc IJamsay, Mrs. A. B Kamsdcii, .liiu, Altml Kan kin,. 1 no Kanlvin, Jno, (intrust tor.Tas. Rankin) l\ankin, .loscpii H. (in trust) Ransom, Howard Ratto, L. O Rattray, David Raymond, Mrs. A. L Ra'ync's, Mrs. E K'oady, J. A Jiodlcrn, Amelia Jane Rcid, Wm Roid, Wm Roid, Kobt Reid, Jamos Roid, C. P. i&Co Eeikio, Eov. T. M Eeekic, R.J Reckio, R. J. (in trust) Rockio, R J. (in trust No. 2) Reesor, Hon. David Renny, J. B., Cashier (in trust) Ronny, J. B. (trust No. 1) Renny, J. B., (trust No. 2) Remcm, Edw. P Revel, Amelia Reynolds, Eleanor 8 Reynolds, (rwine (dec'd) Reynolds, Thomas . Reynolds, J. A Reynolds, Wm .. Richardson, Francis Richardson, Hugh, Ottawa, and Bar- ) wick, Jno,, Woodstock, Trustees, j Richardson, Rev. J. E Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Joshua 3 UESIDKNCE. Quebec (Quebec ....: Kingston Montreal Ireland ... Ireland Montreal Holt Montreal Montreal W^indsor Mills ... Montreal Methot's Mills,(^. Montreal St. Hyacinthe ... Montreal Montreal Sherbrooko Montreal Clarke Varna Hamilton Toi'onto Yorkville Monti'cal Montreal Montreal Markham Montreal Moiitreal Montreal Ottawa Woodstock Brock vi lie Victoria Corners St. Catharines.... Montreal (ruelj)h Toronto Phillipsburgh .. Downie,Stratford Whitby, Number of f< till res. 81 19 1 20 30 20 40 4 465 50 18 46 10 12 27 66 2 8 6 1 1 M 4 3 8 380 601 140 8 14 22 1 5 16 7 8 5 5 12 24 40 5 8 12 84 LI8T OF STOPKHOLDERS OF THE NAMKS. Riiitoiil, Mai'^t. Jaiio... f\*ininicr. Miss II Kitcliic, .laiu^^'H Hilchit', I). H hMU.'hie, John I{if(hi(>, T. W Kik'liio. T. VV., (in tniHt S. II.) KoluTtHhaw, Jno IJobcrls, .lolin , K'obcH'ts, Mrs. Miuy IJobortson, Aiulivw KobortHon, Mrs. Muri^aret I.obiM'tson, Hon. J. G l\ober(Kon, .fobn I\*oboi'tson, IIii^li IJobi'i'tson, James h'oborlsoii, Mrs. .Mai;<i^t. Anno Robertson, .lolm Robertson, Mariijaret Robinson, Kninia Jane Robinson. J. (I. & S. W. Fan-ell (in trust for Ionic Lodge) Ixobinson, Iferltoi't Roi)inson, James Kobinson, Mrs. K Robinson, Christopher Jlobinson, Isaac Jiobinson, Mrs. Clarissa Robinson, Eev. Fredk Robinson, Eev. Ceo. U Robson, Jno. J RKHn)KN<'K. Montreal Montreal Heavorlon , Hay Held Toronto Montreal , Monti-eal Woodstock Montreal Montreal IMontroal Cobonrg 8lierbro()ko. ... Lavanl, P.O... Carillon Monti'eal St. Andrews... VanUleei< Hill Sherbrooke. ... Waterloo 1 Kogers, Mrs. Eliza Jane (deceased) Rogei's, Mrs. Catherine Eogers, Miss Martha Rogers, R. Z. and J. C, Executors ) of 1). McG. Rogers j Eogers, Robt. Z .' Rose, James (in trust) Rose, Dr. W. N '..'.'.'.'.'.".'." Rose, Eev. Sam Eose, George McLean Ross, Albert ,\.\ Eoss, Col umbus Toi'ojito Toronto Markham Peterboi'ough Torcmto...,^. Toronto, Toronto Abbot sf()rd,(^.... Aylmer, Q Newcastle Oneida Township Co. Ilaldimand EastGwillimburj- Newmarket .... (Jrafton Nuiiilter of Shiirc.H. 8 25 I IH 3 50 (> 5 10 10 50 11 s 7 18 50 18 42 7 ;{i 5 Grafton Montreal Newcastle Toronto Toronto W. I^'lamboro' , AVcHt Zorra... 2 '> 1 7 IS i> 5 4 100 20 12 5 (i 7 5 2 10 12 o -.-f^ 1 CONSOLIDATKD HANK OF CANADA, 86 NAMES. 8 25 I IH 3 50 <; 5 10 10 50 11 s 7 18 50 18 42 7 ;{i 5 2 2 4 7 18 6 5 4 100 20 12 5 6 7 5 2 19 12 2 2 Ross, Doiuild liosH, Klounor (orC'ottoii) widow Ross, l?ev. Donald Itoss, Wiiltoi- Ross, Into Mrs. ('jitheriMc Ross, 1). A., Executor f ^>uso, lientii^o IJoiilh, K. A., ill trust for Miss ('jir. 1 Ttischorejui ) j liowiitrct', .loHoph Ho wo, llobt Rowiiind, T. M I^»y, Csmdido Roy, P. K Roy, Win Riissi'll, Jaiiu^s Riithveii, E. Stiudey Riitlivon, Mrs. Ann B Riitlodijfe, A Ryan, John SaunUors, Aiox Saunders, Mrs. Rebeceu Saunders, II. ife A Savage, Alfred (in trust) Sawyer, Win,, M.P.P Schlal.erg, C'harles l^ Seliotield Mrs. ( 'atlierine Scott, l<'rancis Scott, Miss Sarah A Scott, Hamilton Scott, Stewart, late Scott, Aniue Scriniger, James R Seaman's Strani^ei-s Friend Society., Secor, Isaac T Selby, Charles (in irnst) Seni( »r, Richard Senkler, K. J Seidcler, Honor Senkler. W. S Senklei', Agnes C Senkler, A. K RESIDENCE. Clinton Ottawa liachine Heekwith , Montreal (Quebec Whitby Montreal Thistleton Reterborounh. . Nia,i!;ara Montreal Montreal Tyrone Montreal Milton Toronto Baytield Brockville Sch later, K F. Montreal Montreal , Montreal ALonti'eal Sawyerville, i}. Waterloo, Q.... Berlin Chateau_ii;uay . . Perth...'. Montreal (Quebec Montreal (ialt Montreal Scarboro' Montreal Ayr ^ Bro(dvville Perth Brockville Brockville Toronto Toronto - Number u( Hhiires. 1 17 24 8 48 58 1 120 7 20 5(1 2(» 12 7 1 I 12 <;o 483 15 10 28 20 10 5 5 2 14 28 7 14 1(5 20 1 8 10 7 10 7 40 36 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. I Shiuid, Mis8 HA Shannon, Mrs. K Sliarpe, Edw. S Sliarpe, Edw. S. (in trust) 8harp]oy, Mrs. S. Sharts, Mrs. Eliza E Shaw, Eobert ,. ., Shaw, 8. J Shaw, Mrs. Hannah A Shearer, A. [)., (in trust), KESIBENCK. Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Woodstock, Ulster {!o (.art Wright Quebec J?eterltoroiii;h..., o, , , ,, vr ' Monlreal..". . Shepherd, Mrs. Mary , V\^oodstocl< Shephard, Mrs. Esther Phoebe (ioderich Shepherd, R. W Montreal', l"'.!!::' Snenn John (' I ^orth Douro bheiTod,Aex i Kast Oxford Shields, John I Bolton Viilai;-e... Miillmn-ton, Henry i Pe|.(i, Shillino-ton, fly., (administrator) !.....! Perthl...". Shoil, John I K,.nn.<,.;*iiV bnort, John Kinlw-r, ^^1 "^/"'-^ Montreal Sdverthorn, Newman Sun.merville Simpson, (,. W., tutor (E. IJ. T. ij.) ... Montreal.... Simpson, Isaac .. Kingston ....:.::: S.mps(m, Moses I). ; gt. Andrews Simpson, Wemyss McK gault Ste. Marie Smclair, James Stratford... .... SippelhJ.G ; Montre-.l Slack- Mrs. Marot i at r;, ' t^, •^^•«j^t j Montreal Sloane, Samuel Smart, Mrs. Cath. 8... Smillio. Margt Smillic, VV C Smith, Mrs. Anna L..., Smith, W. Oliver Smith, Win Smith, \l. A., in trust., Smith, Patrick Smith, Oliver St. John. Smith, Hiram Smith, O. T ' Smith, Kliza Smith, Mary (ioderich Montreal Kippen Montreal St. Catharines Montreal Sorel Montreal Kin<>toi Kettloby (Jlanl'ord (Tiatdoi'd Montreal (^uio Nmnljor of Shares. 4 112 10 2 3 4 S 20 7 20 2 10 50 12 4 25 5 5 21 2 20 70 14 50 1 21 10 IS 4 2 20 ;] 20 7 20 o 2 H 13 > IV *',s i4 7i; CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. 37 NAMES. 4 112 10 2 3 8 20 7 20 2 II) 50 12 4 25 5 5 21 2 20 70 20 1 14 50 1 24 40 18 4 2 20 ;{ 20 7 20 2 2 8 2 3 13 Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Smi tl I . Win Sajith, W. IIowo Smll; John, (dec'd; Sobn:on, Ad Sommorville, Alexander Soules, Daniel Sovcj-eign, L. A Spattord, Coi-nelia A SpaldinjL;-, John, and (Jeo. Terapleton, ] Kxeciitor.s R. Crosker}- ) Spalding, James Spears, Adam Spencer, Edw. S Spiers, David, M.D Spooner, (reorgc D., M.D. (doc'd) Spragg, K S., (or Campbell) Spragg, (lanion & Hodge. Trustees... Spragge, Mrs. Martiia A Sproule, J Spry, Frs. Eichard Spry, William Stanbi'idgo, Township of Stanbury, Thos Stanton, W. II., (Trustee tor Sophia Lee) Steel, Alex, and his wife Steel, David Steel, James Steel, Alex Stephens, Jonathan Stephen, late William Stevens, A. D., M.D Stevens, Mrs. Mary (or Wing) Stevens, Levi Stevenson, Adam Stevenson, S. C Stewart, Mrs. Louisa Stewart, James Stewart, James Stewart, Agnes Stewart, Peter Stewart, Alexander (the late) Stewart, Neil 3* KESIUEXCK. Xiiiulicr of 1 .Shares. Ayr Woodstock- Montreal . .. Edmonton.. Montreal .. Montreal . .. (^uecnsviile Paris Shcrbrooke Perth , Perth Davisvillc, co.Yk NorthPiniiacle,(^ Gait Kingston Montreal Toronto Montreal (Jannington Owe)i Sound j Toronto ! Clinton . Toronto. Allans Coi'Jiers., Allans' Coi'ners. Allans' Corners. Allans' C(^rne!s. Bowmanville ... Montreal T)unluun Dunham Montreal Monti'eal Montreal Quebec Hamilton Digby, N. S New "York Stratford Montreal Vankleekhill . ., 4 4 50 10 7 S (5 2 1 tJ 1 30 2 12 6 8 18 60 3 4 4 GO 12 12 1 25 4 3 1 4 9 20 7 2 4 42 i 20 50 1 8 4 38 LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. ICS. Stewart, \Vm .Stewart, Duncan Stewart, John (deceased). Stewart, Mr.s. Kate Stewart, TJiomas Stuai-t, Robert [[ Stikeman, A. W ".'.' Stikenian, late John Chai-h StiiMsoii, Mrs. Melinda M Stirling, Join, "' Straclian, Martin , [ Strange, ()j-lando S.. M. I) . Strange, Maxwell VV^., ip StJ-athy, 11. S. (Cashier in tj-ustV •Sti-uthei-s, A. I) St. Denis, A V.'.".'.".'.'.'.'.";!."."' St. Patrick's Orphan Asy' St. Andrew's Society Stui-rock, John Sutherland, Mi-s. Marian!! Sutherland, Mj-s. Alice L . Sykes, Ja mes Sykes, Samuel luni. A. Tail, Mi's. Margai-et. Tamblyn, C. ]^.' and L. (Kxecut(u-s P. Rowe) Taschci-eau, lion. J. T Taskor, John (in trust) Tate, (ieorge Taylor, Klizabeth M Tayloi-, Mrs. Helen R Taylor, Robert Taylor, Thos .';.' .■;■■' Telfer, Andrew Telfer, James .....[.... Templeton, J.-nues Temi)est, John (in trustV "" Tennant, Walter ., " Tessier, Oyrile Thistle, M'rs. Sarah L. ..".".'." ." Thomas, VV^m Th()ms(ui, Wiiiam .,.'.".'.' Thomj)son, W. II. (in tru'st) <Jam8by :} RESIDENCE Port Hope . . , Stratford Shakespeare.. Southampton Toronto Montreal Fj'ance Santa Cruz... Montreal Montreal Kingston *te' Kingston Kingston Toi'onto... Phillipsburg, Point Fortune Montreal Mont]-eal Lagan, O Kast Zorra Millbrooke, Ma Toronto Newmarket .... Q. Bowman vi He Orono T Montreal.... Montreal ... Montj'eal . . . . Lennoxville Toronto Peterboro' . Raglan oj-onto Blenlieim ... Perth Montreal.... Paris , Quebec Aylmer, O. . . Toronto Toronto Montreal Number of Shares. 33 2 4 10 3 40 12 54 15 ()0 2 50 3 115 6 40 7 5 (> 2 4 10 50 5 75 1 5 18 4 <) 19 15 2 20 () 4 <J0 1 CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CAN. DA. 39 33 2 4 10 3 40 12 54 15 60 2 50 3 115 6 40 7 5 6 2 4 10 2 2 50 5 75 1 5 18 4 19 15 2 20 (»' 4 <)0 1 NAMES. Thoin]>soTi, W. H. (in trust) , 'rii<)?n])son, Abigail M TliOTni)son, Moses Tlioinpson, Eobort Tl.oniloy, Wm Tice, G.F. A Tiffin, Joseph Tilttn, Jleniy James Tiffin, Mrs. Annie Tobin, Thos Tolmie, Murdo Toi-rance, J., and J. I)ilb»n (in trust) T orranee, Samuel Towers, Miss Bridget ... Townscnd, T. B Townsend, Josei^h Trees, Samuel Trow, James Tuck, Henry Tulley, Robert Tiinstall, Mrs. K., widow TnrnbuU, Mrs. Eliz Turner, Alex Turner, John Tye, Miss Ann Tyre, (late) iVJrs. ilu'rh., Tydd, Mrs. Mary K...... Uniacke, liobio Vadeboncoeui', Elmire ((.'urutrix)... Vail, Wni. Berrian Valleau, (loorgiana (or Dorney) .... Van l)uski rlc, M rs. M Vaiibuskirk, Miss J. G V^ancamp, Mi-s. Mary Ann \'anstone, Samuel.... V^ass, Miss Kmily Vaughan. Kilen If., widoAv Vennoj', Henry Vernon, .Miss Amy Vozina, V ' \'ic'at, John RESIDENCE. Montreal Montreal Port (jrj-anby Toronto Montreal Campbellford Montreal Montreal Montreal Stratford Montreal Montreal Durham Kingston Ottawa Clinton Toronto Shakespeare.. Laehine Peterboro' ..., Montreal Quebec , Toi-onto Toi'onto , Montreal Scotland , India Jlalifax Montreal Ottawa (Quebec Montreal Montreal , Bowmanvillo ... Tyrone Montreal , Quebec , Montreal , Newmarket (^uel)ee Melboui-ne N limber of Shares. 4 3 7 128 11 19 105 115 4 C> 5 27 20 2 32 3 8 60 6 6 16 104 2 6 4 6 16 20 10 40 10 5 4 5 48 10 8 30 10 2 40 B 40 LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE NAMES. Villiers, (!has. Coui'tnay Vincent, Miss E. A VinocMit, .las. i^- ('lai-a ('... Vincent, Eli/., I"]xecuti'ix. Visoe, Miss Marie Von Itiiand, A. A Voyer, Heniy Wadleio-h, W. K Wadleigh, .John Wadswortli, W. R Wadswortii, T. H Walkem, Chas "Walkei", David Walicer, Kennel li Mcljcan Walker, Hobt Walks, Wni VVallis, Wni. Anstin Wallis, Jas Wallace, .1 Waiters, lly Walton, Marv AValsh, Tn<)s.\ir Warren, .lohn B Warren, Henrietta Wardrop, .1 no Washington, Stephen AVaterman, .lohn ... Watei's, PIkcIic (or Hays) Watkins, Mrs. Fanny Weatherhead, T. C". Weaver, ^Mary A Webb. Eliza.". Webber, [^.bt Webster, .las Weir, George Weir, Malcolm AVells, Stewai-t Welhvood, -Miss l']leanor.... Welch, W Westcott. Wni Western A >sn i-ance Co Westover, Julia !*•••. RESIDENCE. St. Servan, France Sherbrooke, (^ . Fort Hope I']ast Zorra Montreal Sclby, (i Stamford Ivingsey Kingsey Weston Weston Ottawa Toi'onto Montreal Toronto Brooklin Humt)er, P. O.... Peterboro' Montreal Driimbo Wexford Montreal Toronto. Levis Toronto Solina South Monaghan (Y'dars Oakville i'erth Monti-eal Drummondville. Fast Zoi'ra Montreal Quebec ('hatham Toi'onto... Oshawa Montreal Hrucetield Toronto Frelighsburg — NumbiT of Shares. !)8 i:{ 4 H 5 4 c> 24 4 3 1 20 20 10 17 10 2 6 13 no 30 50 c 1 8 IG 5 1(5 2 3 5 10 4 2 50 1 250 10 CONSOMDATED BANK OF CANADA. 41 !)8 i:; 4 8 5 4 i»; 2 2 24 4 3 1 20 20 10 17 10 2 6 13 no 30 50 6 1 8 IG 5 HI 9 tad 3 5 10 6 4 2 50 1 250 10 NAMES. Wheeler, Kdwavd White, (^athuvine, (widow). Whit e, M I's. Eftiiices White, Mr8- M. C White, .lames R White, John Whvto. Eli/a WhRelev, Nohle Whitfield, Mrs. A. C AVhitHeld. Geori-e ... Whitlofk, Mrs. A. K. A ... Whitney, Mi-s. Mary B ... Whyte, .losej.h A AVhyte, Joseph AViddiHeld, J. il Wiguinton, Thomas WiVlard, Chas AVn 1 o-ress, ( J eorge Williams, Miles RESIDENCE. Number of Shares. Williams, \l. S AVilliamson, David AVilkie, Annahella O'llara Wilkie, Mrs. Martha S Wilkins,AV.ll Wilkinson, llohert Willoughhy, IJev. N. E Wilson, Alexander Wilson. Andrew Wilson, Mrs. Charlotte Wilson, A. C Wilson, James Windatt. Hichard Windatt, William, Windatt, William, Kxeeutor W' indham, William Windsor Marine Insuranee Co Winlow, K. C Wood, Mrs. Mary Wood, lioherl. Agent Ibi- the yKtna { Insuranee Co. (in trust) W.khIs, Alex, and David Smith (l^Lxe (• u tors of Peter Le llossignol) ... Woodhoiist'. .loshiui AV^ooli'enden, Alhert Montreal Newport, E. I . Whitby Sherhrooke Danville, Q Woodstock Jjancaster Holmesville .... Iberville Therville Hudson, (I Montreal Sherhrooke.... M(Mitreal Newmai'ket ... Clinton Prescott C'Obourg, Out. Montreal Toronto Eeaverton — (Quebec - (Quebec Toronto (ialt Peterboro' Marti ntown Montreal Martintow^n Whitby Strattbrd Bowman ville — Iiowmanville. ... Bowmanville. ... London, Kng — Windsor, :N.S... Toronto Peterboro' Montretd Montreal St. Ilyaeinthe .. Whitby 10 IG 1 3 20 G G 1 1(» 110 8 28 4 41 18 2 55 23 20 3 1 4 52 12 3 2 8 75 5 4 40 12 4 8 20 40 8 30 135 10 15 1 42 lilST OK SllAIlEHOLDEHS, ET(J. JVAMEcJ. Workinaii, .Jr. .I()so|)]i AV^)rl<niaii, Tiios. Worlviiiitii, VVilliaiii, jr VVorlcinaii, Mrs. y\mi';i E... Wfi.ii'lit, David (dcfoascd), AV'rioIil, Francis Russell . Wriiihr, Mrs. Kllon Wrinlil. Uohvvi Wri-I.l, II. II., M.l) \Vi.<>lil, .jojiii W.irloic, CI. C. (Tutor) VVvllio, R.)l.erl Varkor, (i. ^V. (Maiiai^vr in li-ust) Varnold, Honjaniin.... Varnold. IJohcrt Jolni ,,,. Varnold, \Vm. Kdward .'."' Vatcs, 1 1 onry. Yoinii;', (u'o Voiini^, Ucv. T. A...'.*.""!!!!!!!"!"^"!"' Voiini;s. John [[[ Voiinii', .A Vomn"(>, A. ((Iiiardian of (ho inl'ant ) children of Wni. Sincdair). i Vnile. \V. j>... . ' RESIDENCE. Stratford, O Montreal Montreal MontiH!al Hamilton K. ()ru?ii<-e,KJ.. IVrth...^ IlonryvilU' , . '^Poronlo Kirkwall Soivl Owen Sound Toronto F'rince Albert. Whitby Prinee Albert.... Brant lord Chatham (^>tt'aii Landiiiu-. AVoodstoek Tyrone Tyrone .. Montreal. Number of Shares. 1000 • > 8 c, 12 2 .5 10 4 7 8 00 ■Hi ;}o ao 850 4 5 1 21> 4 3 limber of Shares, 1000 12 10 00 ;]() 30 80 850 29