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Un dee symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derni*re image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols '-^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN ". Les cartas, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmAs i des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour *tre reproduit en un seul clich*. il est film* ft partir de I'angle supftrieur gauche, de gauche ft droits, et de haut en baa. en prenant le nombre d'images nftcessaira. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 (.ri t- e.t..:> I , ( A irtuM V . 1 A ■ . L' ^ - 1^ r-. •><^l^ ). I I I J. ^i KI..IM Haw i, \'n.D., Uirhtok. ,^(V Iron Ore Occurrenc^sTm Canada VOL. II '> Maps 1917 No. 187 Magaetometric map, St. Charles mine, Hastings Co., Ont. ■ 187a Geological map, St. Charles mine, Hastings Co., Ont. " 188 Magnetometric map. Baker mine. Hastings Co., Ont. " 188a Geological map. Baker mine, Hastings Co., Ont. " 189 Magnetometric map. Ridge Iron Ore I'teposits, Hastings Co., Ont. " 193 Magnetometric map, Kennedy Property, Carlow Tp., Hastings Co., Ont. " 193a Geological map, Kennedy Property, Carlow Tp., Hastings Co., Ont. " 194 Magnetometri'- i.iap. Bow Lake Iron Ore Deposits, Hastings Co., Ont. " 249 Magnetometric map, Caldwell and Campbell mines, Renfrew Co., Ont. " 250 Magnetometric n ap. Black Bay or Williams mine, Renfrew Co., Ont. •' 251 Magnetometric map, Bluff Point Iron mine, Renfrew Co., Ont. " 252 Magnetometric map, Culhane mine, Renfrew Co., Ont. " 253 Magnetometric map, Martcl or Wilson mine, Renfrew Co., Ont. " 261 Magnetometric map, Northcist Arm Iron Range, Lot 339 E T.W. Lake Timagami, Nipissing district, Ont. " 311 Magnetometric map, McPherson mine, Barachois, Cape Breton Co., N.S. " 312 Magnetometric map. Iron Ore Deposits, Upper Glencoe, Inverness Co., N.S. " 313 Magnetometric map. Iron Ore Deposits, Grand Mira, Cape Bret m Co., N.S. " 341 Magnetometric map, Atikokan Iron-bearing district. Claims 4001'.., 401R., etc.. Rainy River district, Ont. " 341a Magnetometric map, Atikokan Iron-bearing district. Claims 400R., 401R., etc.. Rainy River district, Ont. ■* 342 Magnetometric map, Atikokan Iron-bearing district. Claims 403R.. 404R., etc., Rainy River district, Oi t. " 342a Geological map, Atikokan Iron bearing distrirt, Claims 403R.. 404R., etc.. Rainy River district, Ont. " 343 Magnetometric map, Atikokan Iron bearing district. Mile Post No. 140, C.N. Railway. Rainy River district, Ont. " 343a Geological map, Atikokan Iron-bearing cistrict, Mile Post No. J40. C.N. Railway, Rainy River district, Ont. " 405 Magnetometric map, Orton mine, Hastings Co., Ont. '^ 409 MagneCfimetric m.-ip, Kaministikwia, Thunder Briy district, Ont. •■ '410 Geological liiap. Kaministikwia, Thunder Bay district, Ont. " 416 Magnetometric map, Matawin Iron Range, Claims 215W. to 223 W (incl.). Thunder Bay district, Ont. " 438 Magnetometric map. West m Steel Iron Claim at Sechart, Vancouver Id., B.C. " 439 Magnetometric map, Baldwin mine, Hull Tp., Que. " 441 Magnetometric nap, Wilbur mine, Lanark Co., Ont. " 442 Magnetometric map, Iron Crown Claim, Nimpkish river, Vancouver Id., B.C. " 444 Magnetometric map, f'ortheast Arm Iron Range, Lots W.D. 341, W.D. 342, etc.. Lake Timagami, Nipissing district, Ont. (Haniilia LKTrHXI) l^nHiytuintiv lirtfM of the x-er* il nuMnelif int^n.^itv DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINia •MANCH Ho>.NoMilTRa«i»,MiNiiTiri A^L**. LLO.Otnrrv Mimariii CuAfNt H*ANCL.PN.O..DmiCT«ll I'uHllivp futpnttitv \tufln«iii' atti^ieti»ii iffralt^r than tiO' hriM atr HO' 4ef - .v>° fei^ M" 4U° n Nt'tjHiiM- Intcusitv ZO' 40' 21 f 40' -eo° Mtutnelic aW'ttctittn arrnUr thou fiO' CnnntJtni uf Inmtrutnent - 1.0 H Mti^mftic decUnutintt about 12' Wast H. B. Baine, Chief DrauehUman L. H. S. Ptrtira, Dnyfftttman ST. CHARLES MINE „ _ „ ,„, LOT 19. CON. XI Mog^m^cSu^mt TOWNSHIP OF TUDOR A^^iM^^o.G.GM^ HASTINGS GOUNTT ONTARIO Scale iiko - ZOO' to i Inch '00__ 9 IO» «*0 »•« «oo LEGKND C.. ^ ! Open cut-9 ttnd Teat pita ^^ I Strippings wampa f^^^^ Contouts. interval 10 feet Ele.vationa above- ,wea level IP Mine fbuttps ,BGENn ItriftatverKd area. AreA. vnAin whu-h Ma^pvH^ ia UWiv ¥ . . Lii>d»man 1911 DCPAM Cm MAGNETOMETRIC MAP LEfiKNI) I^odynaniU" iinrs of' the vfriicai nuwnetir intensitv ^^^^^H Mafnmtie ax^-€utu»t, greater than. fW b*t* Mine dumps > < > < LEGEND I^rnfljcavered. ar^ja Outcrop of Mui^netiti' J}ri/'tcoverrd areA. -wvthnn wfurh ytannetite is bkrlv *o occur, indicated THoritc (ArrJuratv) r~^l •V- Cf^ataUme. Imeatonc eauat amphihoLiies jf^\ StrOtif anS thp GEOLOGICAL MAP DEPART M Hon. RoBtHT CuaCN (Canada DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH )HRT Roamt.MiNitTtii APLow. LLD.DcruTr Mihiiti* CuaCNC Haanel.Ph.O .D'HKCtom LEGEXD ^1 t- -^^.i Roada «md buildinpa Rt^rence pomt» Lot lines C^..[_.^ Opwi ctUa and Test piu y^^^ ContMfurs. inter%al lO feet '^i.^^^ £"/m«r po9ta onH Lot lines J mt pit I^ ^C!^ Strippir^s ".-M- Swtunf: * ConUfMU'0. interval lO te^t DEPART M MAGNETOMETRIC MAP Hon. Robert 'doers. h EuacN J.EOKNI) h<^ivn^<^ GranUfji^ and pejifmaHtr Canada RTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH t.MiNisTCN: A.PLow. LL.D.. DtPUTV MiNiaTcn tCNB HAANCL.PH.D..0inCCTOI« LEGEND L-- .,_ -H RoadM and buUdin^ ! 1 ! 9 1 Conur tHj0tM and Lot Unem I lJ [Z] Rf^renr^ potrt^ ^Z!) I '*ffWPinffs I.KtiKNIt l\Miili«* lul<>UI>ilV k^ t w^fn !ur mr mf 1 1 — 1 I. N<-|{nlm> Intpuairv L " ■ 1 -. J 1 1 __i **• ■Uf ■nr tar «■ 44f stf - Mf - - (MT ranmUtitt of In^mututtt I H Muiinrlu- ilMittmtJKtr. at»ut IVoaWttt H. E. Baint. Chit/ DravfAttmau L. H. S. Ptrma. Dmuglkltmmt BA] LOT 1 TOW» ■Afl Seala LKGKMD L-*. [S M] JOA« •• Mia-in«l Mhm Jtturp* BAKER HINE LOT 18. CON. XTIII TOW^NSHir OP TUDOB ■ASTINOa CODIfTT ONTARIO Scale ttm - MO' to i Indi • !•» m» am AmmM »* O. C. OirfWU- 1.EGKNIJ LviVy Urtfteoevereid OuUrap of Mofffi^tii/t Driftcaverrd area, tnthin -which. ^SagiieUte ia hheh to occur, indicated hr Ma^neiomctric Survrv JhoriSC' (ArcJuMiv) Crvatalline^ btnenfonc ami amphihohiat •• I ^^^ { StrAf artB dip PSg \ \ ( I I ■■■?„ y p u V A / / N'2pfl.. / l-J^A \ \\V-: .ji- ■■A 1 p H. B. Baint, Ckuf Draught tman L. H. S. Pereira, Draughttntan BA tOT ] lOWl Scale BAKER MINE LOT 18. CON. XVIII TOWNSHIP OP TUDOR HASTINGS OOUNTT ONTARIO Scale iA> - too' to i Inch B. Undtman 191 1 LEGEXD V^rr, — r:-^ Roads find, buildings I -y- I Re^renee posts tot Unms ^ Op«n ru£« ami 2««t pUs OtntouTM, interval lO feet Elevations above seo'-level Mine dumps LEGENU boifynafiuf liiut of the vmtintl nuiffutie mUttwty fitmitxjn Intenaity Mufiutu; aOnuitwi grtattr than fU)' b«tw^«n r 40° 20" 60' .«»• •ur Nef^ative Intenai^ CD bstwetn 20' -20' ■ttf Constant of Inttrument - 1.0 H Ma^rutie dteUiuUion about JO' Wat H. M. Bam*, Ckitf DntnlUi L. H. a. Pirnra, Om«»* l «in «n "W RIDGE IRON ORE DEPOSITS L.OTS 17 AND 18. CON. Ill, AND LOTS 16 AND 17. CON. II TOWNSHIP OF WOIXASTON HASTINGS COUNTY ONTARIO Scale iAb- eno' to i Inch Surveytd by S. Lindtman Wtt A»9iaUd by O. G. GaUaher RIDGE IRON ORE DEPOSITS LOTS 17 AND IH, CON. Ill, AND L.OTS 16 AND 17. CON. II TOWNSaiP OF WOULASTON HASTINGS COUNTY ONTARIO Scale iA> * eno' to i (ncli Sumytdbn B. Lin-itman tall A utiM byO.G. GaUahtr NO. 189 I.Kt.KNlJ l^;flH-^ KotLdiand buiUuifti) 9 I Ijonur poMs aiul Lot Imr-a I J — J -(Jy I IMirrtutt pout* [^3 ^'^"^ ffj*^ Strifpingm _^^f*"-*- Swtunps I'ontours, inurval lO ten Elevations a-hove sea U\el i,k«;km) k -iffitivF IniPiiftilv Miiftnfti*- «i//r«iWi«>n tfrrnt^r th*in HO h^twi^fn 2r/ o" N«'ij'(itiv(' lui«>iiHiiv 20' kf V4in4itaut ift^ ln,ntrurn^m 1.0 H -/// LEGEND LS^^ Koadmand buitdutfm <>- IMrnntr ptmf --9 I J_ -*-T-^ «"■ 'limp Prntmr Lakm Mate dump* Mnffnrtor KKeeeeBK »» Magnrlumrtru- llwvn t< V A V ' ^j^fUra Cn«Uillmr lmm,hmr. i ^^ Strike nt\ti fitft £. H. S. Ptnim, DrauglUtman Iron oh LOTS 16, 17. 18. OC OAIII.O O Scale I Aitt rita ^ MMMk I Mittr fittmf*.^ ►N Ore deposits 17. 18, CON. VI ANB LOT 17 OON.T OAIII.OW TOWMSHIP ONTABIO Scale tin- too' to i Lnch B. Lindmum l»tl NO. 193A I Cu«iwt I MAGNETOMETRIC MAP I i.kc;kni) ItutlvtutntU' linfm of the vertu'itl nwanrtir intrnAitv P»>itiw Intmnity ^^^^^H Mturnettr uttivchtpti tfrrat^r than Htf brit> rut (III 4(t° >'«»tjHiivp luteusity t i 1 — 1 i I i 1 1 hetM^ern 20° Mf 40° 2rt" 2€t 4tt 40* - 6-«' t'onatani at' Injttruinent 10 H Maffiietir deHumiion ntnnU !)'West AMI Canada XPARTMCNT OF MINCS MINCS •)•' WT KMCilr ^laima * P '■•«> II D. Di'utt Mmitria LEGEND HoadM tmd buUdu^m -

j*. interval lO feM , Jfin#> dumps MAGNETOMETRIC MAP r.KtIKM) nuii/riflir t/Urn.fltv I'DMilivi hiioiisiiv ^^^^H Milfltirlu- fittltlrtion iirrntrv Ihnti tilt hrlwr EH 40' ■tl> NV|»«ti\T IntfiiHitv brtwr.eti L If 2f'° 44/ 40' .-M" 30° fiO' Mnfinmtie nttmrUnn ffrmt,,- n,an I'onattinl nf Ir* .■imirtit I.QH mm (Eanada DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon. Louis. CODERRE, Minister. A P Low, LLD. Deputy Minister Eugene Haanel. Ph.D.. Director IIU.J (Eanada DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon. LouiS.CoDERRE.MiNiSTER. A.P. Low. LL.D, Deputy Minister Eugene Haanel. Ph.D. .Director Itll.l \ \ \ \ legp:nd Htuids and huildinn^ f" 9 Cnmer po&t. and Lot Un«* [& Open cut* and Trtt pitt ihaft* C^^ ■''trippings I -*/*^ Swampa p%^i^rj Cimtnvrv, inUrval lO feet \SJ<:^^^< KlmvaJtiem^ ahove aea.'level Mute dump* V L r,,n*l-itit ..rhiMlriil'trt't I O H \l.„,,„l„ ,1- III,., lion ..foul '< >•-<' H. K. Bainr. ChU/ Draugktman L U.S. I'ertira, Drauakttman IRON C LOTS 16. S< 1 tinnlittn'* 'i/" Miti'- liunipa RON ORE DEPOSITS LOTS 16. 17. 18. CON. V A.ND VI CABLOVr TOWNSKIP ONTARIO Scale i*» ■ 200 to I Inuh B. UndmOK l»ll AuiMtd by W.M. Momtm NO. 193 i.Kf;KNn iMtttlvHtimti' lin^M t^' the »wir!/# ^^ I Stripping* of' how f.iUw O Minr dum{i*A OCPAR' i.i:llMIIV m III tlifttlHf Ifmti l-rmtiiiil f,l Innliiiiiiitil 10 H Mtttllirlii- itrrli/i4ili'ni iihtnil JO' .'tit Mom LotM« C«oi««k MACNCTOMETRIC HAP ■■^wo V_' N> N.(0 // E. Biiinr. Chirf Drt^uiihlmian /., H. S PtTrira, DrauQhlminn BLACK BAY LO"; BAU t<» — ••»j»--. Canada OCPARTMCNT Of MINES MINI* •DANGM ' r> 3 'M) Sf^ r i ( \ y 1 NO 250 BAIT OR WILLIAMS MINE s„,^^^, LOT 82, CON. XI K Lxndtman l»lt BAGOT TOWNSHIP A tuialal hy \ D Bolka^l ■BNPH8W COCNTT ONTARIO Scale tilhn 2iwf to I Inch i.i:<;i:M) HtuttI tUiti hiiiithinf^ lirtrffHf- fiii.wljf j [ji .V,„fl .Sv*ii/n/».» Minr i/iimft.(» HO -Ut° w .'>4t' 20 Nejjativp Intfiiaity 2»' - 4t)' r - -Ut' 50° Mi' Mnfnetic atlttirtinn tf renter than - HU° I'nnatanI >if Inntruiiirnl I. OH Magnetic tlerlintitiitn nlmut U'Weat H. S. BaiHt. CAu/CnuwAlmwi L. H. S. PtTtira, Draufliltmav ^^^■Tl^'sw.^ ijm"^ CALDWELL. AND CAMPBELL MINES LOTS IS AND 1«, CONS. Vm AND II BAOOT TOWNSBlIP RENFKSW COPNXr ONTARIO Se«.le »A* - mo to i Inch Surveyed by B. Syitrom tSOS S. LiiuJeman tilt Assidcd bjf .V. D. BotkwtU CALDWEIili AND CAMPBELL MINES LOTS IB AND 1©. CONS. Vm AND IX BAOOT TOWNSBCIP RXNFRJIW COnNTT ONTARIO Srale tJK» ~ eon' (o i inch Sun K.N S.L Amv wws^mmmm-. '/'y "V •••'•- - "^ /j-^rt -/« W- ' J \ ^ / / X:' \ *^-' " \ \ ,v^^ \N K. lAruleman t9tt AmMfl 6y .V. D. Bo'AvmU \ \ \. \ \ \ NO. 240 LEGEND '~^^:z:^ <1 Rouds and buUdinps F-Tl Oim«r po«fr- and- Lot lints I I C^Z Opfn cuts and Tett pits ShaAs ^^ Strippings e^"- 'amps ^~^^ A7«»w*u>rt« above sea-level \^ Mine dumps DEPART! I.KfiKM) {.■•tulvnttntif tin^.n ttt' thr *i't'fii;t/ l*f»*4itivi> IllKMlMIIV hffHf 'tf ntt Hf ID 2ty Ni'yalivi' lilli'liiil^ L. ••O' lit Ut :ii> no Mn4itieti4' €tttmi4'ltf>n qrrnter thttn - fiO t'4t/ntttint «/■ Inatriiinrnl I H MaiirtftU' iUrtiiuitintt tthoiit U' 'W' West MAGNETOMETRIC MAP Hon Louia Covcmii.Mi Cwtttni ;/. /C. Bmnr. Chief DraugkJgman L. H. S. Perrira, Dran^ihigman CUL] LOT BAGO RKN m^mmtmm Canada DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINCa ■■ANCM uia Coatniif .M.M.tTiM APLaw ILD.Oi^utv Mimtriil CwatMt M*Ai«tk ^0 0( j- I kiHtiU nitii huittlinflM r 1 I O ! r>iiim-n,l ,h-iU hnir j Qi Ithnn *atitttijt tihnyr .»»•« /»•»»•/ Minr tiit/n ^^=-,- — I J! DtPi Nm. Uuis Cm MAGNETOMETRIC MAP L- I.Kr.KNU IwtHlynnmu- linrs vf the vertwtl tmuinelir mtensitv IVinitivr luleuaitv Maflnehr nttr^af^Mi qreater than til)" SO' 4lf Nf*]^'nliv«> Enlpniiitv «o 4or xer between to' 44) CttnmtunI o/' Inirtruntefit - 1-0 H MtiJtttrtir declination 9' West C MO / / / / .'"' / "■"•••ii^.v-. ' X X ■■ '^S&t^m^'^ '■-■. ) H. E. Bainr, Chief DraitthtemoH L. H. S. Pereira, Draltohlumon MARTBL. ' LOT Caitiida DKPAttTMENT OF MINES MINCa •■ANCH I. l«ui« CMuM.MimtTia A r Lm. II . OtMirr Mmittia Cw«CHl HAAMii PhD DmctTV* Mia ,; 1 1 ,.. * ' '....--' -.-■••■' i -•-'/' _ 1%^ ' ■^ b '■<<::, \ 1 1 * tilWJO 1 i "','', _ -/ 1 LEGEND RoaHm and huiUfiAtr* r ^^ "l Vjomtr ^tmtm tutd Lot lint [^ IHamami *iriU hot* Strippii%4f» ISts tiUed witli water Jfiiv thanp* RTBL OR WILSON IRON MINE I.OT8 13 A.W 14. COX. X BAGOT TOWNSHIP HBNPSaW OODNTT ONTARIO Scuir lAn ' zno' to I Inch B. Lirulfman 191 1 MwmM 6» .V. D. Bolkwtll fWF TH^^^P»S^ MAGNETOMETRIC MAP I.Kt;KNI) /.v(*f/v/ffifri/«' tififj* itf the vrrtirtti nm/frtftir httrn.tttv lV»Niltvr lnt«>uHitv h^twent .yt 40' •jtr tiO Mt»t;ativi' liilpiiHilv 1 1 i 1 ! 1 ! , — ..-^ brit. - 20° - Sir 20° ■M 50° oar Mtitfriftir »iMfitfh4»n ttmtffr than- fjft'' Hcuif J/nUe U» finch- . U. Wentwood, Dmughinman sa Canaba DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINKS ftAANCH Hon. Louis CoDciiHt,MiNiiTti*. A p low. LLD.Dcputv MiNitTtn Coar'ie Haancl.PmD Qincctoii tAI3 N^ORTIIFLVST ARM IRON LOT 339 ETW LAKE TIMAGAMI. DISTRICT of NI ONTARIO Scale rAm 2(K) Feel to 1 Inch 20O JOO 40U MO =1 '^==^- ,«>/•* r^/i rto •pf fio n N<'i;alivi» lulfiiMiiv hrtwern tit i Mannmtir tttirtictitm. iif-rsttev that* HO' tUmmttint ft' hiMtriiturn.' I OH M'ttinetif ilfriiimium ah.'ul /{ |(V'.\7 //. £. Hainr. Chief Oraughlitman L. H . S. Pereira, Draughtsman BLUFF POINT IRON MINE LOT 16. CONS. X AND XI BAGOT TOWNSHIP RKNFRXW OODNTT ONTARIO Scale lAa- em' to i [ach Suretyed by E. Lindeman lyii A fitted by A', flj BRWsap Tsa BLUFF POINT IRON MINE LOT 16. CONS. X AND XI BAGOT TOWNSHIP RSNFRXW COUNTY ONTARIO Scale 1^ - cno' to l Inch <•• M« ••• 4M -i ^m^^H^K^^ I ■ 'I^M^^i^^ No. 881 Surveyed by E. Lindeman 1911 AtitUid tni N. D. BothwtU lec;knd - t Hood' anti builgiuufm : ■J Kt^ mn e porta Rmlw^ym nHcLi^ ElavaUd mmnmv rc5i Optrv auta ^^ I Stryfpin^ \ (r+-^y I ftf 'We*' *ntJt "*^Tr^ Swoinps ^ Elevations abov* Mta-tmvel Mine dumps "Mowrroiiirmic m*m DEPARTMENT OF MINES M0 I Rtfnrmrr poUn I O I niatmond iriU-hatt I » I Ttu ^«< |0| Opn-calM amd Trnckti \'''\ ■"'■•«•»»' r^g ConUmri. imitnal 10 frrl (^B FJnaHon atoM ita-lnel Ul Suntytd hy A. H. A. XoMiwm. If /J WOOWITOIKITRIC M«» DEPARTMENT OF MINES HoM.LeuiiC«MKi>c.Hiiiinf<.KW>iioeK.Dt*iiTTMiHi»Ttii. MINCS BHANCH CW«INI HA*MCi.PN.O..D*ll|«T«« □ Isntynamu linn of Iht ftrtittl matHtlv imIemsUy PoiiUvr InUiutty I^B Uatntiic attraetiom bthrrm 20" 40* I I ■• 10' -20' [m •• O'-IO' Negative Intniaitir ! I Umtnrlit. aUr—Unn itimtnt 0' - - S' Contlant c/ InUrtmmU^l.a H Uttflit dtiHnlion mhoul 24° 30' wta Iron Ore Dtposils at Upp:r CUncof, Inwrnets county. Nova Scotia Scale, ZOO Jett to I in(h •-urttyti kv E. Limirmam. IHI LtaiND I — I l*mMint' j ^ I Rfttrtnct poUs I » I Tia Pitt Conlomrt, imlertat 10 IrH rlrpatioms ttoer lea-lntl [apprnx.) Uimf tramway and dump MAONETOMETNIC MAP €nx\nbn DEPARTMENT OF MiNCi M NKS SnANCM /ro« Or« Deposit at Grand Mira, Cape Breton county, I Scale, 200 ftet to I inch m^^^^y,f:mfimwf^^wmg^wmsfm □ : LlaiND Poauv* tntnatly ■ UmtnttU mmMom Moan 10' - jf EJ w w - 10' Nnmiivr IntfMtty an couHty, Ntna Scotia h in MOMO -~ i ( a»man$ of Iwvrumtm ^i tH IttmtU HfUtimi»m thorn t4° M' wm LI«NO j M I 0MUtefi I ■^ I Kiftrtmti potis I a I Sktfl, Oftn put and Trnetm CamKmrt. iafnat M fttl Bltflions atow ut-lnH OfUnfofSUu Smntjtd hi AH. A. lUUmtom. ttti i^f ■r»l . r I PoMttive BiteuntT LK«EKI> iMMfynamu: lines nf Ihr vrrlinti nui^neiie intensity Muffrutic attr-vLctiim. ff router fh^w tlo" bebwe^wt S0° HO Neg>iUiv« Imtenaitjr t'itn^tant at' Inatrunitni - 10 M Mtuntetic iUt*Unald4>n ahniU 6' Bast 40" M' 20' 441' or 20° bafnai O' 2ir - 2W -m° - 40° -sor - 50- - -mr Ifagnetic attrartion tfreaUr tJuin-6U° MAGNETO METRIC MAP CANADA DEPARTMENT MINES BRAN( Ho.N L.CODERKE. Minister. R.G.M'Con^ EUOENE Maancl Pm D DJ 1915 L US Permru, Onatfmtmmi ATIKOBLAJ^ IRON - BEJ CLAIMS 4O0 R., 401 R. 402 R.l RAUT^ RIVER Dll ONTARlof Scale «aK> 400 f| S,tUf S^mitM m ImHt »so aB»srs. ovcur. GEOLOGICAL MAP CANADA DEPARTMENT 0^ MINES BRANCJ Ho.N L.CODERRE. MiMsrfR, R V^CoNii EooENt Haanil Pm D dJ 1915 Smy Hmttum *> f mm... >;.i.JK~-) ?%.<:*?.'•"•» CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH ho.NL,CoDERRE. Minister. R.G'.'^Connk; iDepuTy Minister. EuotNt H**NEL M D DiRtcrOH 1915 ^''-'^ ra^ K^V^ IMON-BfiAKIITO DISTRICT CLAIMS 4O0 R., 401 R. 402 R, 212 X and 403 R. RAJjNY RrVT.K DISTRICT ONTARIO J?. Jimdeman J3I4. Scale _300_200 lOO 4rtT)D M)0 Fee) to 1 inch 400 i ~ HOU 1200 |CAN/tDA NT OF MINES |ES BRANCH R.G.V Co^Nl., L.TitP^TY Minister, |*Nti. M D DiRtcroo 1915 \B hlAH ING DI STRICT I., 402 R. 21? X AND 403 H. |R DISTRUST JS. wo Fopi to I inch |*K) BOO SHEET I LEGEND iff Cmm*r pomts and viabn houndoHrm I 400 R Ciaim ruunlirrm E ftaUwi^a j^Xn; J BrH0u O Diamond, JrM hole a ShaAs -^1 7bnnW« Open cat* and trenekejt- Streams Swtunp Mute fbanpa Uourt, mterral 10 feet 'aJtion. above mea-le^ei ConUMrt allowing height.^ ahovr .tea -leiml hosed on elevation taken fH>m (' X R^ 341? S. JjindemAui JSlt. -'¥^^' MAGNETO METRIC MAP LEGE?n) L ItodfHamde Uius of tht vertua. ChuT Ihvatfhbtman li:m: •s^'-timr^'^Miy 'mt'^x: ?-•-;»?•■ SKi'SWCM*' '--ze^----''mricjms" CANADA DEPARTMENT OF m| MINES BRANCH Hon. LXooerre. Minister. R.G.MToNNF.L...rjl EuoENe Ha*nel Pm D DiREcroJ 1915 CLAIMS 403 R.. 404^ R., |39X.. 138: RAIH^ RIVER DIST] ONTARIO Scale ISSOG 4P03O0 200 100 g T M II I I II I 400 Feet tu\ ♦yo S«Ut ISmbtmlmt* CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon LCooerre. Minister. R.G.r/'CoNNELL. Deputy Minister. / EuoENE H**nel Pi^ 0. Director 1915 > ATlKOKAiV IROJV BEARII^G DISTKICT CL,^IMS 403 R.. 404 R.. 139X.. I38X AND I40X. RAIJnr RIVER DISTRICT ONTAMIO .■¥^, Scale «B!R) : 400 Feet to liuch. 800 — )— 1290 SHEET 2 I 342* £. -Lindtman JSl*. CANADA [PARTMENr OF MINES MINES BRANCH I *-'°'"*ELL. Deputy Minister. ; EuctNt rti^Nt. P^D.DmecTOB / 1915 / ^3 R.. 404 R., I39X.. I38X AND I40X. RIVER DISTRICT ONTARIO 4t00 Feet to 1 mdh ^^_ SOO 1200 ■>sr ^n J. .■v*#*.^*^;' ■■'^t,'..^,. "sa .llf^lK^^J SHEET 2 LEGEND "RvUm rtno huilduuf* Comer t» luul dauti hoimdann ! I . r/fiun boundarif. not wril deflnmd ---9 ie fc6t'»/>^-^^ - ^^ S. Lmdmtuai ISl*. 404 R '■•■ I HaUwi^a nvtith0v*m O I Dion s CorUoura, interval JO femt EUvation above «#w-te*W 3ftte tiiunp.9 Contours alutwin^ heigkU above sea-Uvei hosed on mUvation taken f^m C\K S^ LEGEND I-^:^>^^ DnA liiuritr,pitrpf\vHtf rtt\ i hhtHtr finti Mfftt'itu' Mt'/tiMtj* ^ Ami within whirh mtttfiirtitr tuui fnrrhotite at-r tikfiv ttt lu^rur-, uniittitr*i hv ntUftnetoni^tne tmrvrv GEOLOGICAL MAP c«c DEPARTMEN Hon L ' onfRKf MiNi»t't« fv i II J? f^istwood . l/fauahtaman MILC POST 140. CANADI/ KAIJVY HIVRI ScaJe »ifon CANADA ftRTMENT OF MINES MtMtS SMAMCN ISIS CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY r KIVRR DISTRICT CKNTARIO 343 A /-' iMui^mnji^ /9J4- KKGKXI) Haad rwi«/ />ffj/ 1 J ^ TmtrhrM ittut Sirtffftinjfji Streairi-.* .^ "^-A. Swamp A . '*'"^i to/Uour-*. intervtU lO feet ■"'' 1 JSlevtUitm abttve aen U*ei Mine 'ii*/npa) IfMimtimir /mm at'Ukr vrrttmi INiailivp Int ivp IntrniittT Milfinrltr altmrtitm iffrnlrf Ihftil »j'«° b^wr^t .V*' 4tf 20° HO" Mf Nt-jjfntiTr lutvnaity between ■iO° 40' af ivr tif - 60° Mtumrlir attnlrtio'i ilreutrr thtm fUt I'nnmUsuit of ln*tnimrnl - • Matfnftir drrtination 8' IS' pro' CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon P E.Blondin, Minister. R.G.M^Conneh. Deputy Minist' EuotNi Haanii.. Ph OOinirTon 1916 HASTIIfGS COHBTTY OITTARIO Survmed by ^HA..RobutMon. 1913 Scale:- rf«> ■ 200 Feet to linch lOO o too BRPIBH rrr- ^i>rtf'»iLa-Jtrf..-«r.ij:>-:i= J*!?^,- CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon r f. BLONrjiN, M n^ ,rfH. l< i..MM;(,NNrLi.Drp(in'MiNitTtH EuoiNi H«*Ntt. Ph O.Oiwicron i»ie LKOKNn f -— 1^atnoA.])rauffl>tmm», W:BSTERir SECHART. \! 8ra CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH PtS.ONClN McNiSTtn R G M^fONNCli, DIPIJTV MlHlSTCII. fuGtNE MAANtL Pm D, OmtrTOtl 1917 LEGEND a Shmfi Open cuts Outcrop of magnetite » K X ^l « X » » Outcrop of granite TERir ST££li IRON CLAIM CHART. VANCOUVER TSIiAOT). B. C. Sr.alr «>07eet to linch. 438 fi iiihiiiMi. isoa LEGEND laodyncunic tinea of the vertical J niiUfnetic intenaity Positive Intenstv Mfi" — — 20« 20 40^ .'ifut/iietii: attraction, i/reuter tAati --fO Ctjrifitant nf Itistrnrncnt = 0.85 mam rik MAGNETOMETRIC MAP aaik i #» «9 CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon P E.Blondin, MmibTFR, F-^ O.M'" '\jNnell. Deputy Minister EuoENE Haanel Ph D. Director 1917 i A* ^# IjfiS^ '>H\\\V 'WW ertical than 60° 60° SO° 40° 20° - 20° -40° ^r• thaii -40 MAGNETOMETRIC MAP H t ft.r,,. I >t^f Draughtsman I I! S Pfrr: I Draughtsman i /* I «9 CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon. P. E.Blondin, Minister. R M- ('on n ell. Deputy Minis EuoENe Haanil Ph D. Director 1917 -^///M\V • ••'!£: f::'^>s=^ llf"^"' "f-^ . mtm NE S PuTY Minister. LEGEND ■---•■.'■'' Road a -^ Corner post c^ Open cuts ^ Pita filled, wit *«.= Mine riumpa LEGEND laodynamic lines of the vertical niiufnetic intenaitv Positive Intenstv Mat/neiic attraction jfreater ttian 60 hefu-een SO — GO 40° - 50° 20° - 40° O' 20'^ Neijative Intensity r' ID betneen 0° — - 20° 20°- -40° Matfnetit: aUraviion. t/reuter tAa/t --JO CorUil€int of Instrument = 0.85 H t: Haine, Chi^ DrAutklsm^n I. H S Perfir.1. Draugklsman i ^^ # ::,:• Wt f:W^ ^'■^y- OP'y ^' ^^vUll'///^. BALDWIN MINE LOT 13. CON. VI. HULL TOWNSHIP QUEBEC Scale: 100 Feet to 1 Inch X TtiC€il than eo° ~ 60-^ - so° - 40° 20° 20° -40° tfiait -Mr i ^ H F Ruine, CHt^ Dr^u^lusman t H S Perexr-i. Dramtktxmuin 'n\\y |/nv# ' <..:s*a»'' BALDWIM MINI LOT 13. CON. VI. HULLTOWh QUEBEC Scale: 100 Feet to 1 Inch IQO LEGEND •■■•,'•."" Rofu/s --9 Corner pomt r^ Open cuLt ^ Pita filled with wtUer ^;* Mine riump/t 439 OWNSHIP ich r v^n LEGEND Isodynamic line* of the vertical magnetic intensity Positive Intensity Magnetic attraction greater than 60 o o be. i/een SO — 60 40' 50^ 20° - 40° 0° - 20° Negative Intensity between O — -20 -20° - -40° - 40° - -S0° S0° - -60° Magnetic attraction greater than- 60^ ^ittBMiritaMririii MAGNETOM^TRIC MAP A Ba*9 Una DEPA Hon E L Patenauc " V.^ ^ I \ I / / / / / ^ CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon E L PATE^^ iDE.MiNllillH. K M' i",(. NNKI DtPDTY MiNlSTtM EuoiNi Haanil. Ph D.OinccTOi* I»I7 OF MINE S lANCH JM'i'c.NNtU D( PUfY MiNlSItM Jm D DlWtCTOIt LEGEND BoadM and buildings SNl-,L:..ntPUTY MlMSTER. EuOENt HaANIL. Ph D.OlBCCTOR 1917 ^ A^ u lit -mr 'V'.::!::;!y.. .!.■.'.■!■!.::!» ! IiEGE2NP5 ,■ ^OIN f>NP^ /' laNp- / / / / / / / / / / /" / / / / / Z LAVANT TOWN! 200 100 4 M U l-l M t.-l l-l U t=f=R^ J^ / jtn^^^^^ /# m^ y///y ' ■'///, V/^'M?/A j>N9'^ / / / / / / / / / / / / .^^ ^^ILBUM MINE LAVANT TOWNSHIP, LANARK COUN ONTARIO 200 100 o l-l H I I H I I I I I I U M M U Scale of Feet 100 coo ^ Smmyi *y B W. Hamd, fW5 €> t o. . < s? ' M MINE- I^IP, LANARK COUNTY. TARIO le of Feet 100 zoo I \- soo 400 LKGKND 441 Hon 'it and huMing* - "0" T Corner ^ •»•/ an^ Lot lit— a ±] j|«^''>-«IMl> /Httt r*— Railfnym Shafts C ^ Ope cuiM and PUa "rne dump* Sm m f t kt a. t. B—md, l*0S IRON CKOWN CliAIM NIMPKISH RIVER, VANCOUVER ISLAND, I Scale of Feet lOO 50 iOO :;oo IPoat I I / >/ s.. -. Li/ .•' -^M, 4S AND, B.C. BAS£ UN£ Surveyed iy B.Linueman. J307. liEGEB^D Jao^mamic hnea ofthje ■vertical noffnetui intensify ^e^atxve Jabeaailnf 2iagn^ic aUractunt greater iSuat SO' between. SO' - SO' 40' - SO' zar - 4ff o' - 20' beb^^en, O' - -2(f -20'- -■fO' -#»*- -so' -SO' - -6Cf ■Md^mstic atiraciion. greater tium-CO' Outcrop tff 2£cignebbbe Magnetic dcdbmatian about 25'^aat A4-2 200 iMftMfei ■■! MAGNETOMETRIC MAP LEOEND /j9*Htvnttrntf iiltfji of thr veilirat nuiiinette inttn.iitv l*o»iiUvi> InteiisilT Matinfiir a/ft'octivri tfrfafrr thaii tfO" h^tH 5nfiiry bftwren O" 2iy 2«' - 4rt' c I : 10 ~ M 5U' Mtlililflir .illjtiiluni iireiilrf tluln ttO" r.-, 7:,, ,;: ^«,h';-f&»~< m. » HE Batnt. Chttr Draufhttmttn LM.S-Ptrttra. Druu^hUman LOl CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH hoN E L Pat EjNAii He .Minis' rR; p. ('.)■," ;,. . MNH I .r;.:°uTy Minister. ElJOCNt Haancl. Ph O.Dihcctor 1917 / \ XOi?TliI':AST A«M IRON RANOF: LOTS ETW340, W.D 341. WD342. W.D 343. AND WD 351. LAKE TIMAGAMI. DISTRICT OF NIPISSING ONTARIO Scale tAa ' 200 Feet to I Inch '^^i^ -* ^ M5M^;^. ^^b£j^J' ."./?' lES r- WiNiSlER. "^. lANOE AND WD. 351. >ISSING es LKGEND Roadjt and buiUlintln |W.D.34I Lot numherm lUikmutt pttrUt Oiamand drill hole* i**J Contour*, interval lO fe»t EUvation above aea-level MAGNETOMETRIC MAP i.r.iiKsiy El liiodvrtnmw Itne/i itfffw t-ertnu/ j mtii/iwUc iiitenaitv Positive Intennilv ^^^^H •'*f"t*veen UJ 30 - HO 40 - SO ZO - 4d' i'O^ :,- i ■■it: ■:.:■ ■ ■ ; 4*.- ns^j, Ncdiatlve Iiilpnsilv L 1 bet*v*'cn r LZJ 2« VO to - -iCi so" -60° j Mot^riptit' ufJniffhm f/rraU^r f/it'fi-fio H K Baine, Chief DraugfUaman I- H S.Prrelra. Draughtsman CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hun E L Pa7':naijDE, Minister. R.(i.M''r/.NNhLL.DEF'urv Ministeh. EUOENE HaaNEL.Ph D. DIRECTOR 1917 CON. rv CON. ni RADEJXHURST and CALiOWEI.,!^ MU^STES LOT 22. CONS. Ill AND IV LAVANT TF, LANARK CO. ONTARIU ScaU -|fer : 200 Feet to 1 inch ilOO 300 400 CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH Hon E L Pai N.M;Dt:. Minister. H.Ii.M'' 'V.nnf Li..Df piitv Mini<-'kr. EuoENE H**NEi . PhD. Director 1917 L HAUKNUUH^T AND CALOWEI^I.. MIIV^KS LOT 22. CONS. Ill AND IV I.AVANT TP, LANARK CO. ONTAHIO Scale ^sr : 200 Fert to 1 inch 400 SOO 446 Surveyed by A.llA.Robinaon. 1918 l: LEGEND Koada ■fy i Hm/ifrence poatit T T Bridges 'Vfretims , ."'l^l Conioum. iiitfrt-ttt S ftfrt \ 1 Elevaiiun abttvv Me€i levrl Outcrops Mine Humps \^^^ Magnetite ;<<<«.<: Gnei99 and actuat I < < < < < j [ Hilxfx] Crvstadiine timmtone , ,^^ Strike anddip Contours showintf hei^hta iMho%'e ama-tevel bfKsed on elevation taken from CPR^ (KandP. Hrttnch) ESIE