•^^'^•/^^^'V^^^ %%'%%%%%'%'%^ ASSESSMENT' LIFE INSURANCE CHART 5 ^ t 1898 PRICE, 25 CENTS THE BULLETIN F^UBLISIIING CO., OF TORONTO, LIMITKD, t)4 Victoria Street, TorontOc 5 K. BAKHF:R & CO., Pkintkrs, ,m West Kroiit St., Toronto. ^ %%<%%%% ^^V^ CHART ov riiK Assessment Life Associations AND FRIENDLY SOCIETIES TRANSACTING BUSINESS IN CANADA. -SHOWING THE- BUSINESS DONE. DEA.TH CLAIMS PAID, NUM- BER OF ASSESSMENTS MADE, INCOME. EXPENSES, ASSETS, ETC. Of the Leading Life Associations and Friendly Societies licensed to do business in Canada. 1892 to 1897 '"- elusive Also Tables of Rates for $1,000 of Insur- ance in each ; Expectation of L,ife, and Compound Interest. PUni.ISIIEl) HV THH BULLETIN PUBLISHLNG CO., 0\' lOKONTO, LIMiri'I), 'M VUTORIA StHKKT. - 'roHONTO. I'ricf's, hi lots of 1(K>, *!."»: Sinulf copit'.s, 2.ir. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Oanada, in the year 1898, by The Bulletin Publishing Co., of Toronto, (Limited) at the Department of Agriculture. special Notice. ^HE returns of the several Associations and Societies given in this Chart up to and including 1896, are taken from the latest obtainable Govern- ment Reports and are therefore authentic. The figures for 1897 have, at our request, been kindly furnished by the Secretaries of the several Asso- ciations and Societies, and we take this opportunity tt thank them for the courtesy. t r The Rates per $1,000 of Insurance given on pages 12 and 18 are up-to-date and have been verified by the management of each Association or Society. The Bulletin Assessment Chart, 01 > 3 1—4 o C S? S ■A C8 W^ 5: o in in aj .5 D m s 'o to Ul DQI llj Jj 1-1 a a CO w CO (O -*) Hi *3 a 3 ■4.) ■4-1 ■.sjjn -u^ api ■ss .^KS N N N (M 'M M 50 ifS X 00 •^ •^ rH 1— I rH »-( I— ( r-l ri M n n n M •.}.iin?.insni g S O IT o 3 :o S ^[2gS?g§ ^^ * 1-1 -H -2 M ^ ;3 vo O CO (M ^ o "§? o a Ml(.) \ .TfUUllQ s ^ c 3 ;^ H Q M — ^ J2 o 'M ^ 55 ,1: n J2 cs cS rt jgj^^cc^io^ :f ■»*< ~ i I CO c o o q" 2 -* t- Q ^' ■.'" 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CI ■M M T-l -M C-I O CO CC ■» o o cc rc ci rH t- — O i.T «5 ■*■ »■ O' X cc S5 t 2S i^ ■^' x ri ^ i-J I— 1 "t --< m 1-H co'o'"'f ->! o ecM i-«oi> O l^ CO OS o o T^cd t^od t^o OS !5 ^ J2 o 1^ Tt4«ox6scs CO •^ ec OS © 00 »Q CSJ "^ -H o ■^ "ft r-i 1— I O C4 r-5 i-i 1^ 1^ o M r; ^ •^ m c6 id coL-^odos l> L-- IC — os'i-^irf I-: CO (M m CO c; cS i^ 36 00 as Ogcr aj 75 c Aw I-^ 1— 1 t-t rH 3 ■M cTx x' coo CO CO CO 5 05 3c; -• -^ -S O t^ »S : sigi I GO OS *J rr • ■^p t^ O mi i-T m' rf cqc^i i—T cs ■■t: C W O iO Ol CO O IQ -p ^ CO t- cc ?: O QQ & OS :3> 1-- in S^-t S5_»OCO^ ■^'t •«* iO»£S CO 3 si CO CO co^ffl ri to'os'ge x'l-^co -co© ?5'^ iftin 111 rt i^ m -r 3 « CO '>! yi 1--00 OS'CO* !* 'O Q~S CO oox rHlO O 515? = ri c^ ■^ o ir. 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J I Ul iE a a -ssassy JO "o^^ iQ lO » »n CD (M i n m (N !n (M CO iM -M rt T3 "C5 I- r}( ,-1 I i^ n in I'r — 5 •»*< cc -^ I— I 3 ro 36 52 g 10 ^ — < i-H t- X I' I- o :o «o ri Ir- X c t-H 1— I ^- ff^ •.ii?o SlllUi ■"f^N «ia«8V X 3S O 05_(N OS C^X ffl O l^ «0 n" :S aT^'ca lo oporfi-^iM'oror fi i-H lO ?1 rH «o 2f % A OS O 1-1 JO asiiodx[j „ O I - 5D CO o »0 t^ O 1^ CO CO . — rHin-tli-Hi-l->* IMO X Q OS M 06 »0 ^ Cs 1 Q «g to jO » X -M ■<* >ra ca —I OS OS O rH 5<1 r:;Q'«s50cot> 1 N rH I— I I-H Nt t^" J to'-c os' -c x'^ o" c8 c8 i? 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"^ "* "^ '™ "' "* ^ '"' ^ '"' ^ ''^ ^ ''^ ® ^coi--Hroinso;;^ m ^05 «-«• XX in CO OS I- 1" i^il^iiiS ^1 JO -^ lO ! i^uipuM .MN.A |i;j^^i2S2 S2»i2 ■M « a; m r I- 1. 1: a; < s 1 I u a H ^ o a a 1^ -ij .fj 4^ a a a a 1/ i; a^ 0; a g a s 'f. - tee a a o 0) ^; o The Bulletin Assessment Chart. 11 ♦1" »f iJ C^l S^i M i.. CJL X CO l-H 1-1 iM ^ r— ^ £2 iSJ ^i :£ «o ^ ■ 1-^. M •* X 54" OQ CO I— I JO 1—4 X V (D ^ a C) t^ g? 05 Q lo in i>< eo c 05 cc CO c^^ « t-^5i M i-^ i-^^-'i^^ao ^ '— cc cc 23 oc m ^ 9h i^ ® ^ K r-i « tra © X. ^5 CC 35 rj m CO -^ CO — ■3" tt iC 1— I i-^t- C5 in IS in ■^'cT o't-^co'oo' ^^ X i^ w qc rj c: m '-^ 15 "3 S ir ^ 'M -t — l^ OS S O X 'C CO •* i ^,o^ §5c ac 5 S SK »S in o w c o 3^J 'N t-< CO M !5588; ^« X X >c 25 j'BS w i75»5 ira fe55£ I t-^i^ a6_ C5 CO '-<_^« o^«5 R irf I'rj n x 00 S S ec x S 1^ M1-1 r-i«o-^eoi-«5 >■*< CO CO ri -H rH I- 05 CO 10 »n I- CCOCSifJQaJ COOCOXfMC M lo CO i-^^-f "0 dosst^dbt-c: im'im' rf 5n m s4" co'co'tj? rf ■^jT-*' M "M rj (M X5^ lO '♦Ni-T 121 1-H O lO_»-i f^ m r) ^ ■^'1005^' f-iri-* c x' cf j' ;^55 s X — X 5 1^ r5 ic o ■1^ 2 i ? X .i c c 10 ira T- in !■ x'l-'— '(n!E ri s -f 5 Ct 1-1 ift CO -w '.: CO ra ^ CO c6 X -f <(5 1— 1 10 «) 05 ffl <— 1 1-H a> CO in f-H iO s- — -< X ^1 T-r«. jo^ « - nil Isa gag be c c _o '■3 o C s to to 01 en w 0) en W u; CO r-l O "* «o o in t~ o co" t> o i.-f in X S3-: a a si a c c c« in o ct- 1-H in« -r CO in iox'''»f oTin* €©■ 1-1 l-H m CS.S g ce ■Ml vj in S ^.' -ro c o £2 "tt 2 a CO m c • FN If = a = 3 = .2 * ce u S ^ «« . - - . . 01 a * -e s "IS 25 i* in ; 6C «» ce tc =2 *j ^ ee ii ■m5 = 3-5 ^,SS ce in-^'S ^ci o M 3 m h ^ CO ,1: ? 91 i c8 ■-^ o •jca C *a a u ^^ as Stf ::a S C 3 ,.;-1e'<;zi *i-S 3 > ■13 s 0) £ to en VI T. to ee a ee 3 Of 1 ai U h- o z ■t:i o ce c P £ ce la in ""* o h 3 E 3 c .i •73 a C s 3 -kJ •^ C 0) 0) ^a 1? to V to 3; c 3 3 U ^ be — X a jB <« ^ 3 -3 ce 3 s § CD -S 0) .15 . ■u >.ca -- dj S i=i cr ^ * "■ to — ?lii S CO 6 3 « c ^ 0) 3 3 .S " 3 1^^ 3 •^' - S £ c ' ^ ce i£ o ^3 'S' CT 12 The Ritt.t.etin Asressmr.vtIChart. Tabldof Rates for fBi.ooo a < e 9 u JS j 2 i .82 .85 .88 I' m ^ ^-' V)- OS" u .8. !3 c •■ J c«i WJ N t/3 C < u g •^ « Q«- J . U.S. ;_) J '5 .So '-5 c- . f-'^ . Wffl H M ' <.a- •• W-S 5; >-"->•' -J N ;"j u ril ?- . « u ^ = rt His 13 w<4 rt ►- rt Ui V) >» be (< OS - i> ^>< ^ ^ (fl u i-l ^ ."Z^ it, -na^ H >, w^^v UJJ? S =.-: •/:.4,^ a-3 >c m ?. •^ S rt . .ecu < 2> W-? i2 ^r" . v; o.i > fee ar w men ?1 1 c >. K u 4^ c a- rr" c a W .50 •50 •50 •5° •50 .50 • 50 •55 .55 • 55 .55 •55 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 •65 •65 •65 .65 •65 •75 •75 • 75 ■ 75 •75 •85 .85 ■85 .85 ■85 $ $ 58 .60 .60 14.0.1 .62 i4.3iJ .62 14.62 .64 ^•93 .64 '3.26 .66 tS-Oi .66 15^97 .68 16.36 .68 16.76 .70 17.19 .70 • 72 .7.64 18.11 • 73 18.61 •74 '9^'3 •74 19.69 .76 ao.27 t 20.89 2I-.S4 .80 Ji.i2 .86 ■'■'•95 .86 33.73 •94 34.53 •94 35.38 1.04 26,29 1.04 37.35 1.24 1.24 38.27 39.39 1.54 .i"-49 ■•54 3'.7> 2.U0 33^99 2,00 34^36 .^.^■8i .37 ■.Ki 3 '■*** 40.74 42,60 44^Mo 47^ '3 49.''3 ,53.29 .55^I3 $ 1,20 1,20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1,20 1.20 J. 35 1.35 >..?5 ■•35 '•35 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 I,, SO '■75 '•75 '•75 '■75 '•75 2.25 2.2,s 2.2,S 3.35 3.75 3.75 2.75 $ 14.04 14.04 14.04 14.04 14.04 14,04 14.04 14.04 14.16 '4.34 14,58 14.76 15,00 1.5.34 ■5.48 •,S.84 16,26 16,74 17.34 18,00 18,72 '9.50 20,04 20.76 31.54 22..?8 33.53 24.84 26.28 37.73 39.53 3' '4 33. '8 3S'34 .37^74 40.3? 4.3.36 145.36 47.7<> I 53^40 I 5760 61,60 ■.50 •50 ■50 •50 ■5° •50 • SO •55 ..■iS •55 •55 •55 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 ■67 ,67 •67 .67 .67 •85 •85 •85 •85 .85 1,00 1.00 I .00 I. 00 1,00 $ '3..54 13.5^ '3.54 13.54 12,54 '3.54 »3.,S4 12.65 12,81 12,94 13.10 '3..I0 13.48 14.06 14.30 '4.56 '4.85 15.20 15.94 16.32 16.77 18,72 19,30 20.00 20,70 31.52 3.3.53 34- 55 25^6."' 26.C(' 28,2- 31,20 33-9' ,«6.85 39. 1 3 4359 +5^38 1 4')- 581 '5-3» 61.781 66.33I "O L. . a X c .60 .61 .62 ■63 .64 ■65 .66 .69 .73 •73 •74 .75 .76 .78 .80 .82 ,84 .86 .90 •95 1. 00 1. 10 1.20 1.30 1,40 1,60 1,90 a.50 2.60 a.70 3.85 3.00 The BirLLETiN Assessment Chart, m table of Rates for $i,ooo 4> «,' i _ r*. li K rt • It rt X (A^ .'£ 73- rt - rate. < Ox t/; u ^ Sx OS >< a:j < . % c 73 73 u I- 8 S 7) 1^ H D ?5 c Ul o < 3i lit 11 3s; Si ?^ u (/I u Ut V b r*^ u 11^ u lii U. <" .b o lu tt." c 2 b U* ^* ^ ?; U o^- ^ c ^* U c ^ ^ C c c c U c U C ^ txJ U u CjJ U U 'tj s CQ 8^ CJ 23 »4 36 38 39 30 .^» 3.1 .14 35 36 37 38 39 40 4' 42 43 44 4.5 4b 47 48 49 SO SI S* 53 5S iit> .5" XH 59 (X) $ $ .60 1 .60 .60 ,60 •75 .60 •7.S ! .60 .75 .60 •75 .70 .80 .70 .80 .71^ .85 .07 •85 .70 .85 .80 .85 .80 .90 .80 ■95 .80 •95 .80 I.OO .90 I.OO .go I. OS .go i.o.S .90 1.10 .90 1.15 I.OO I '5 1.00 1. 30 1 00 1.35 1.00 1.3" 1.00 1.35 1.20 1.40 I.JO 1.45 i.ao "•5" 1.40 t..S5 i.4« 1.60 1.40 •.f'5 1.40 $ ■ 5^ > 3 I.S.I2 15-13 15.12 15.13 15.12 15.13 15^46 15.80 16.14 lb. 50 16.87 17.36 17^67 18.09 ■8.55 19.03 19.56 20,12 20.71 ■*'33 21.98 23.67 23.40 34.19 35.05 25.98 26.99 28.09 29.41 ,(o. .36..15 ' 25-f»8 38.42 i 27.9O 40. So I .jo. 18 4.!.4.' 4'>33 49.44 53. 1 3 .17.15 61.95 .?-'.4 $ $ $ $ .60 .75 .61 .75 .63 • 75 1.45 .63 .76 I.OO 1.46 .64 ::°o^ 1.47 .65 •?8 1.49 .66 • 79 1. 12 ■..■io .67 .80 1.16 1.51 .68 .81 1. 30 1.52 .69 .82 l:l^ 1..53 .70 .83 1..S5 .71 .84 1.33 i.,58 .73 .85 1-18 i.bi • 73 .86 1.44 1 1.64 ■74 .88 1.5" 1.68 .75 .9" 1..56 1.7* .76 .92 1. 6a t.75 .78 .94 1.68 1.78 .80 .97 1.74 j 1.81 .82 1.00 ..80 1.84 ■H 1.03 1.86 ! 1.89 .86 1.06 1.96 i.g6 .88 1.09 3.06 2.02 .90 1.12 3.16 2.08 .92 ii-i 3.26 2. 18 •95 1.18 2.36 3..10 •98 1. 31 2.46 2.46 1 03 1.30 3..58 2.56 1.07 1.40 3.70 3.71 1.14 1.50 3.83 3.90 1.32 1.60 3.96 3.16 1.35 '•75 3.1" '.95 .1.26 2.'5 .^.4* 2 •.35 3.60 '■SX 3.8o '^^5 4.00 3.00 3..V> 3.bs 4.15 i-SO ,1.00 $ .5° .5" .,50 .50 .50 •5" ■ SO • 55 ..55 ..55 ..55 ..55 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .67 .67 •67 .67 •75 •75 •85 .85 .85 1.00 I.OO I.OO 1.25 1.35 .45 •45 •45 •45 • 50 •50 .,50 ..50 .55 .,55 ..55 .55 .60 .60 .60 .60 .65 •65 .65 .65 .75 .80 .80 .80 .80 •? bio P ,. tw 8 ° >■ .S $ .67 .Co •67 .01 .67 .62 •67 .63 •67 .04 •67 -65 .67 .16 .67 .'■7 .67 .68 .67 .69 .67 .70 .67 "4 •73 .74 •75 .74 •77 .74 .79 .74 .81 ,80 .S3 .80 .85 .80 .87 .80 .89 .80 .91 • 94 •93 .94 ■95 .94 •97 .94 .99 .94 1. 01 1.03 1.05 1.07 1.09 i.ll $ .,5" ..50 ..5" .55 .55 ..•S5 ..55 .,55 .60 .60 .60 .60 .65 .65 .65 .65 .70 .70 .75 .75 •75 .80 .80 .80 .85 .85 .90 .95 1.00 i.io 1. 10 1.30 1.50 1.7S a. 10 a. JO 14 The Bulletin Ahseskment (!hart. Compound Interest Table. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. The su 11 ti) which One Dollar per Anniiin, paid at the beginning of each year, will increase, at compound interest, in any number of years not exceeding Forty, at 3, 4, 4J, 5, 5J, 6, 6i and 7 per cent, per anninn. i 2 Per 4 Per Cent. 4K Per 5 Per S!^ Pi-T 6 Per 6V2 Per 7 Per u :!■ Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. ', 1 .OJO 1.040 ■ -045 1.050 1-05S 1.060 1.065 1.C70 I 2 .!.0'.)1 2.122 2- 137 2.1.53 2.168 2.184 2.199 2.215 2 3 3->84 3.246 3-278 3-310 3-342 3-.375 3.407 3-440 3 4 4-309 4.416 4.471 4.526 4-581 4.637 4-694 •^-751 ♦ 5 5.468 S-6i3 .5-717 5.802 5.888 5-9/5 6.064 6.153 5 6 6.662 6.898 7.019 7.142 7.267 7-.W4 7-523 7.654 6 I 7.892 8.214 8.380 8.549 8.722 8.897 9-077 9.260 7 9-'.S9 9-.S83 9.302 10.027 io.2s6 .0.49. 10.732 10.978 8 9 10.464 11.808 1 1.006 11.288 11. .578 .1.875 12.181 12.494 12.816 9 lO 12.486 12.841 13.207 .3.583 13-972 '4-.171 14.784 10 II I. {.192 14.026 14.464 14.917 i5-.^85 15.870 16.371 16.888 II la 14.618 15.027 16.160 .6.713 17.287 17,882 18.500 .9. .4. la "3 16.086 17.292 i7-93-» 18.599 .9.292 20.015 20.768 21. 5.50 '3 »4 «7..';99 19.024 19.784 20.579 21.409 22.276 23-182 24.129 •4 IS »9-'S7 20.825 21.719 22.657 23.641 24.673 2,5-7.'- 1 26.888 «S i6 20.762 2 2.6j8 23.742 24.840 25.996 27.213 28.493 29.840 .6 \l 22.414 24-645 25.855 27.132 28.481 29.906 31.410 32.999 17 24.117 26.671 28.064 29.-539 31-103 32.760 .54-517 ,36. .579 .8 '9 25.870 28.778 30. .57' 32.066 33.868 3,5.786 .37-825 .59.995 19 ao 27.676 30.969 32.783 .54.719 36.786 38.993 41-350 43.865 20 ai 39-S37 .3.3. •'48 35.303 37.505 39.864 42.392 45.102 48.006 21 32 31-4.53 .15.6.8 37.937 40.430 43.112 45.996 49.098 52.4.56 22 23 .^3-4 -sS 38.083 40.689 43..502 46.538 49.816 .53-355 .57-177 23 ■*4 35.4.S9 40.646 43.565 46.727 .50.1.53 53-865 57.888 62.249 24 25 37-553 43.3" 46.571 50.113 53-966 58.156 62.7.5 67,676 25 26 39-710 46.084 49.711 53-669 57-989 62.706 67-857 7.3.484 26 2 4'-93« 48.968 52.993 57-403 (''■■'33 67.528 7.!-3,i3 79.6y8 11 44.2iq 51.966 .56.423 61.323 66.7.. 72.640 79. 164 86..,47 93.461 29 46.575 ■"•■^S 60.U07 65.4.39 71-4.35 78.058 85-375 29 30 49.003 58-328 63.752 69.761 76.419 83.80J 91.989 101.073 30 3' 54.078 61.701 67,666 74-299 81.677 89.890 99.034 ■09.218 3> 32 H-i^'i 7'. 7.56 79.064 87.225 96..H3 106.536 1 '7.9.33 3' 33 56.7.>o 68.8.^8 76.030 80.49; 84.067 93-077 .03.184 114.5J6 127.2.59 33 34 59.462 72.652 89.320 99.251 1 10.435 123.035 34 35 62.276 76.598 85.164 94.836 105-765 118.121 132.097 '47-^ '3 35 36 65- '74 80.702 90.041 i.)o.62S 112.637 126.268 141.748 1.59.331 36 % 68.159 84.970 9.5.138 U)6,7ni 119.887 '.M-9"4 144.058 152.027 "71..56I ^ 7'. ■'.34 89.409 100.464 ii3."<)5 i27-,5,^ 162.974 - .84.640 198.635 39 74.401 94.026 io6.(> fo 1 If;. 800 I35.6(rf> 1,53-762 .74.632 39 40 77.663 98.827 1.1.8^7 li!6.Xl'. 144. 1 IQ 164. 04H .87,048 2.3.610 iE To find the Himi to which a ffiven .inioiiiit per aiiniini will increase, , it compound interest, at any of the rates per cent, and numlK-r of ye.-irs expressed in the .tbove Tnl>le : Mi.ltiply the K'ven amount per anniMii. hy the su.ii to which one dollar per annum will in- crease at the rate and tor the nimilier of ye.irs required, niarkiiifr oft' as many decimals from the product as there are decimals in the imilliplier and .miltiplicand. Thk Bulletin- Assessment Chart, 15 Compound Interest Table. ONE DOLLAR PRINCIPAI,. The sum to which One Dollar will iiiorease, at coinpoimd iiitt'rest, in any niunber of years nob exceeding Forty, at 3, 4, 4i, 5, 5J, 6, £i and 7 iwv cent, per annum. 2 >• 3 Per 4 Per 4W Per 5 Per Si^ Per 6 Per 6'A Per 7Per ■c Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent, Cent, Cent, > I 1.030 1.040 1.045 1.050 •.05s :.o6o 1.065 •,070 t a 1.061 1.082 1.093 1. 103 1. 113 »,I24 '•■34 1.208 •.•45 3 .-? 1.09.? I.I2S 1.141 1.158 1,174 •,191 • .335 3 4 1.126 I 170 I. '93 I.3I6 • ,239 1,262 1.286 • .3^i 4 5 1. 159 1. 217 1.246 1.376 •.307 •.338 •.370 1,403 5 6 1.194 1.265 1,302 1.340 •-379 1,419 '.459 1,501 6 7 1 . 2 ^0 1. 316 1.361 1.407 '.455 '.504 ••5,54 1,606 I 8 1.267 1.369 1.422 >-477 1.535 •.594 ••65s 1,718 ..83S 9 >.305 1.423 1.486 f-SSi 1.619 1.689 1.767 9 o 1-344 1.480 '.553 1.629 1,708 •,79' 1,877 1.967 to II 1-384 •.S39 1.623 1.710 1,802 ..898 •.999 3.10s II 13 1.426 1.601 1.696 1.796 • ,901 3,012 3,129 3.35a 12 '3 1.469 1-665 1.772 1.852 1,686 2,006 2.133 2,267 3,410 •3 ■ 4 i.S'3 '.73a 1,980 3. 116 3,361 a.4'5 3.579 '4 •S 1.558 1.801 ••935 2.079 3-332 2»397 2.572 3.759 '5 i6 1.605 1.873 1.948 2.022 2.183 2.35s 3.540 3.739 2.953 16 '7 1-653 3. 1 13 2.292 2.48s a.693 2,917 3. '59 3.380 \l li 1.702 2.026 2.208 2.407 2,621 2.854 3.107 '9 • •754 2.107 2.308 2.527 2,766 3-026 3.309 3617 '9 ao 1.806 3. 191 2.412 •'.653 2.918 3.307 3.524 3.870 30 at 1.860 2.279 2,520 3,786 3-078 3.400 3.753 4,141 31 aa 1.916 2.370 ».634 2.925 3,248 3-604 3.997 4.430 33 33 1.974 2.465 a.75' 3,072 3,426 3.830 4.256 4.74' 23 >4 3.033 ^■5^3 2.876 3,225 3^6 IS 4.049 ::Si 5.073 24 »5 3.094 3.666 3.005 .J.386 3.813 4.393 5.437 25 a6 3.157 3:^3 3. '4' 3.556 4,033 ' '4.549 4.833 S.'4' S.807 26 :i a.aai 3.382 3-733 4.344 4.478 5.476 5.83a 6,314 11 a.aSS 3.999 3-430 3.920 5. ••a 6.649 '9 ".357 3. "9 3584 4.116 4.734 S.4«8 6.3II 7,114 39 30 ».427 3.343 3-745 4-323 4.984 S-743 6,614 ?,6l3 30 3' '•Spo 3-373 3.914 4.558 S.258 6.088 7.044 8,7'S 3' 3* ''SIS 3.508 4.090 4765 5-547 5.852 6.453 6,&n 7.503 32 33 3.653 3.648 4.374 5-003 7.990 8.509 9.062 9.325 9,978 •0,677 33 iJ a.73a a.814 3.794 3.946 4.466 4.667 5.253 S-5«6 6.174 6,514 7!6l6 34 35 .16 IX 4! 2^ 4.877 5-097 5-792 6.081 6-872 7-2.50 8.147 8,636 9.651 •0.379 11,434 13.234 36 11 3.075 4.439 5-3^6 6.385 ^649 8.069 9- '54 10.947 11.658 '.1.t>79 39 3.167 4.616 5.566 S.8i6 6.70s '•''SJ '3.995 39 40 1.363 4.8a. T.040 8.5«3 10.286 12.416 14.974 40 To tiiiJ the sum to which a e^iven amount will im-TcaMC, at compound interest, at any ot the ratcB per cent, and number ofyears expressed in the above Table : Multiply the ^fiven amount by the sum to which one dollar will increase at the rate and for the number ot years reijuircd, marking off as many decimals from the product as there are decimals in the multiplier and multiplicand. 16 ThK HlLI.KTIX AhhksHSIKNT (/HART. Expectation of Life. Tiible showing the Expectation or Average DuPiition of Life, de- duced from the Northampton, Carlisle, Eijuitable, Seventeen Offices, English, and Actuaries' H>«- and Hf- (Healthy Males and Females) Experience. .Vctuane-. ■3 Equitable "Seventeen English Hm. and Hk ■3 ■ "« Northamp'n Carlisle Society's Offices' Experience. (Heal'y Mis. jj jj la Experience. Experience. Experience. Experience. Xo.3(Males) & Females) ■5. (a l< Experience. e< 1780 181S •834 '843 1864 1869 Years Years Years Years Years Years .5..8 38.73 39-91 57-64 a 40.84 5'. 23 4e-7i 53-83 5 10 39. 78 48.82 48.83 48.36 47.05 49.89 10 II 3q.i4 48.04 48.03 47-68 46.31 49- .38 11 la .^8.49 3-.B3 47.27 47.20 47.01 45.54 48..38 12 •3 46.51 46,40 46-33 44.76 47 .50 13 >4 37.17 45.75 45.60 45-64 43-97 46.60 14 •5 .39 .i3-99 42.17 41.78 42.19 40.17 42.64 41.98 19 20 3.;.43 41.46 4..06 41.49 .39-48 20 31 3.^.90 40.75 40. !3 40-79 3P-80 41-23 31 33 32. ,» 40.04 .19.00 40.09 .38-13 40.51 23 '3 .;i.K8 39.3' l8.h8 .39-.19 .37-46 3'J-84 23 34 31 .06 .38..i9 .38. 16 38-68 .36-79 .39-15 24 3S 30.85 37.86 37.44 .^7-98 .36- 1 2 .38.44 25 36 30.J3 37. '4 ,;6.73 37-27 .3.5-44 37-65 26 37 iy.S.i 36. 1 1 36.02 36-56 :i4-77 .36.93 .36.18 27 38 29.30 35-63 35.,33 35-86 34- 'o 28 39 28.79 35.00 .54-65 35- >5 .33-43 3.5.47 39 30 28.27 34.34 33-98 34-43 32-76 .34-75 30 3> 27.76 33.63 33..50 33-7a .32.09 34-04 3' 3a 27.24 33.03 32.64 33-01 3 '.42 33.30 3a 33 26.72 32., 56 31.98 32-.V) 30.74 33.59 .33 34 26.20 3<.t« 3 '-.52 3'-.58 30.07 31.86 .34 35 2.S.6S 3'.oo 30.66 30.87 29.40 31.15 35 36 25.16 30.32 30-01 .?o.i5 28.73 .30.41 .36 ^^ 24.64 29.64 29-35 29.44 28.06 29.69 37 24.12 28.96 28.70 28.72. 27-.39 28.97 3fi 39 2,^.60 28.28 28.0.5 28.CK1 26.72 28. 27 30 .4° 23.08 27.61 27.40 27.28 26.06 27..57 40 4« 22.56 26.97 26.74 26.56 2S-.39 26.85 41 4» 22.04 26.34 26.07 25.84 24-73 26.14 42 43 21.54 2.5.7 1 25.43 25.12 24.07 25.4a 43 4* 21.0.? 25.05 2). 75 34.40 33-4 1 24.69 44 45 20.52 24.46 23.82 2.^. to 23.6j 22.70 23.(j!< 45 46 20,02 •'3-44 22.97 22.1 1 2.V27 46 47 '9-5' 23. '7 22.78 22.27 2 1 .46 22.57 21.89 47 4a 1(J.OO 22.50 i.).l2 2i..s6 20.82 48 49 ■8.49 31.81 21.47 30.«7 20. 1 7 21.20 49 50 '799 31.11 20.83 30.18 14-. 54 20.51 19.84 50 S« '7.50 20.19 ig.68 20.20 19.50 18.90 fi * 5a 17.02 '9-59 18.82 18.28 19.17 r,2 53 1(1. H i8!28 19.00 18. 16 17-67 18.50 s.i 54 16.06 ■8.43 • 7-,SO 17.06 .7.81 54 55 ■^.5« i6!89 17-85 16.K6 16.45 17.14 n S6 15. JO ,7.28 16.22 15-86 16. .53 g '4.63 16.31 16.71 >5-.59 15.26 I. 5.90 % '♦•■5 >5.SS 16.15 14.97 14.(18 15.2(> 59 ■ i.68 14.0a > 5.60 '4-.S7 14.10 '4.'>4 S9 «o H.21 '4.3» I5.'j6 ' 3. / 7 •3-53 •3-99 60 MEMORANDUM. (V\EIV\ORANDUIV\. MEMORANDUM. MEMORANDUM.