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 {Fr^m Diek't Anlroaomi/, 
■J •.;.■ i iVf-: 
ITie position of (lie Planetary Axis relative to that of the Primary. 
 (a.) Parallel, (h.) Transverse, {d.') Perpetidicular . 
 (a ) The general arrangement of the axia in the planets belonging to the solar Bystem. 
 M") The exceptional arrangement in the case of the planet Uranos. 
 The Mixed Doctrine of 
 ■--•.:' X 
 St. Nicholas Street; 
 May. 1875. 
 Chap. I. — The Solau System and the general 
 (1.) The present state of Astronomical Science 9 
 Horizontal System of Astronomy 11 
 (2.) Stellar Systems having their axes of revo- 
 lution perpendicular to that of the Solar 
 System 13 
 (3). The planets Uranus and Neptune, and the 
 question of a neighbouring Stellar system . 15 
 (4.) Masses of aggregated matter and their rela- 
 tion to the laws of the material universe. . 23 
 (5.) The relative distances of the visible stars.. 27 
 Chap. II. — The Present mixed doctrine op 
 Parallax and Aberration. 
 (G.) Theory of Parallax 30 
 (7.) Theory of Aberration 48 
 (8.) A direct method of obtaining parallax of 
 the distant stara 68 
 Chap. UI. — The AuEiuarioN-ot-LiGnT Tue- 
 (0 ) The conditions and requisitions of the 
 theory 70 
 (10.) Practienl Jipplication of the theory 72 
 (11.) The nature of Light as assumed by the 
 theory (Immaterial Matter) 7-5 
 (12.) Aberration a dynamical theory 77 
 Note a. The dynamical theory not in har- 
 mony with the laws of motion 
 (13.) Distrust in the gift of sight required by 
 the Aberration theory 80 
 Note b. A further dynamical test of the 
 theory 82 
 Note c. The continuous radiation of light 
 and heat into space. . . A. e., radiation to 
 waste. . . .required by the theory 83 
 (14.) Direct heliocentric methods of obtaining 
 parallax of the distant stars 85 
 Ploto 11. Illustrating tho Circumpolar Stara... [ pjg"Q"\' 
 Pinto 12. Illustrating... Tho Equinoctial and Ecliptic. 88 
 " 13. ^* Early Systems of Astronomy. 10 
 " 14.) „ • ( Tho Theory of tho Stellar Uni- 
 " 16. J ( verso 22 
 t. in „ J The Theory of Cometary 
 '^^' I Orbits 24 
 i Tho position of tho Axis of") 
 planetary bodies in ro- ^Jf"^"!; 
 lacioii to their primary.... ) 
 Plato I « f Uranus considered m a Solar 
 Pig. 6. 1 I Planet 20 
 Plato 1 t< J Practical application of tho 
 Pig. 11. j,^ \ Aberration Theory 74 
 Plato I .. f Method of obtaining helio- V 
 Fio- 12 f "i centric parallax of the dis- 
 *= ) (tant stars 86 
 ^pfff 13 } " Aberration and Parallax 78 
 Plato 6. Fig. 10 belong f The Solar System and the 
 ing to Part Second. ( Polo Star 12 
 i>i„+^ 1 v A V ( Tho deviations of Uranus 
 Plato 1. Fig. 4. From \ ^^^^ ^^^ supposed Solar 
 Herschel 8 Astronomy, j Orbit 92 

 .£1 -ai'l 
 ;j .• I 
 M!'i 0) 
 The Solar System and the General Arrangemmis qf the 
 Sidereal Universe. 
 (1) The present state of Astronomical Science. 
 If we go back to that epoch in human education 
 which may be termed the childliood or early age of 
 astronomical science and make comparison, we find the 
 general apprehension of the relation existing between 
 the particular stellar system to whicli we as terrestrial 
 beings belong, and the sidereal universe, to be, at the 
 present time, in some important respects, much more 
 distinct and based in a more considerable degree upon 
 a natural foundation of I'eality and certainty, but, in other 
 respects, also very important, we find the ground occu- 
 pied by doctrines not wholly consistent with those gener- 
 alizations of experience and fact to which they pertain, 
 and by theories some of which are as artificial and unreal 
 in character as any, perhaps, of those taught at the 
 earlier period. 
 it is ifue the fact has been now long known that the 
 eun and not the earth occupies the centre of the solar 
 «ystem ; much precise and accurate knowledge lias been 
 obtained as to the dynamical relations of the various- 
 members thereof to each other ; much has been done in 
 ascertaining and permanently recording the relative posi- 
 tions of the more distant celestial bodies ; much progress 
 has been made in the formal and rigorous (mathematical) 
 application of the sciences of force and motion (Mechan- 
 ics), of magnitude and form (Geometry), and of number 
 and quantity (Algebra), to the observed phenomena of 
 astronomy ; great improvements have been effected in 
 the instruments which enable or aid the astronomer to 
 correctly observe those phenomena, and experience has 
 made evident the importance of systematic observations 
 by trained and practised observers to ensure correctness 
 and accuracy in the general record of the observed facts 
 belonging distinctively to astronomical science. 
 Notwithstanding, however, the great advance whicb 
 has undoubtedly been made in these particulars, the pre- 
 sent state of the astronomical department of general 
 science may be considered an intermediate station be- 
 tween the old (artificial) system and a new (natural) 
 system rather than as constituting in itself a complete, 
 coherent, and intelligible system. Such as it is, it may, 
 for reasons which we shall immediately proceed to 
 explain, be distinguished by the appellation of. . ' the 
 horizontal system.' It may be described as consisting in 
 part of an imperfect natural system — i. e., of a sound 
 system based on reality and fact, and in part of the old 
 artificial system which, although nominally and formally 
 discarded, still retains its hold on a not inconsiderable 
 portion of that domain of which it formerly held exclu- 
 sive possession. 
I'Laii 13 
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 V yfvfliuni Mobile 
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 ' . Sun. 
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 T/if Sysiern o/' Tyrho Brnhp .11). 1580. 
 f.ncyc. Itritanniia. 

The Horimiidl System of Askommt}. 
 Hipparclms, of Rhodes (140 years b. c), is, perliaps, 
 entitled to rank as the last, as well as one of the greatest 
 of the astronomers belonging to the older civilization ; 
 for T'tolemy (a. d. 130) was more a recorder of the 
 progress already made and a connecting link between 
 ancient and modern astronomy than himself an original 
 observer or discoverer. 
 Now the ancient system, of which Hipparchus was the 
 most advanced exponent, represented the various celestial 
 bodies as revolving in concentric circles, within which the 
 earth, already posited obliquely with the axis Inclined to 
 that of the sun, occupied the actual centre ; See Plate 13. 
 Amongst the later of the ancient mathematicians Plato, 
 in particular,is supposed to have suggested the theoretical 
 representation of the planetary orbits by circles in the 
 same piano, and, the resalt appearing to harmonize well 
 with the observed phenom>^na, the inference appears to 
 have been at once adopted that the dynamical orbit of 
 each planet or moving star, must be an undeviating hori- 
 zontal plane, and this inference seems to have included 
 the assumption that one uniform horizontal plane was 
 common to all the planets of the solar (or terrestrial) 
 system. * 
 * Whether la aaclent astronomy any inference was arrived at as to the 
 obliquity ot the orbits of other planets, or as to the perpendicularity or incli- 
 nation of their respective axes, does not appear ; but in modern astronomy, 
 even to the present time, the doctrine of the inclined axis leo ves it open to 
 the astronomical student to suppose all the planetary orbits to bo confined 
 to the one uniform horizontal plane of the ecliptic, (as shown in iig. 23 R, 
 belonging to the preceding part of this series), the axis of the planet hav 
 ing, in each case, its own especial and distinctive inclination. It is true 
 the practical astronomer, at the present time, would, if he CDrefuUy con- 
 So proiuineiit a pheiiomouon as the undulating path 
 of the sun in the heavens during its annual revolution 
 could scarcely fail, however, to attract the notice and 
 attention of astronomers at an earlier age than the com- 
 paratively advanced epoch of PVito and Ilipparchus ; we 
 find it recorded, accordingly, that Tliales, of Miletus ((i'lO 
 years b. c.)j the lounder of the Ionian school, either 
 discovered for himself or obtained information * that 
 the equatorial plane of the earth is cut obliquely by the 
 ecliptic ; but tiie assumption that the earth's axis of rota- 
 tion was inclined to the axis of the sun appears to have 
 been proposed and accepted as a satisfactory explanation 
 at a very early date, and the prejudice that an oblique 
 position of the earth combined witli a revolution in a 
 horizontal plane was equivalent to an oblique orbit f 
 having established itself as a postulate or a (supposed) 
 demonstrated theorem of astronomical science as then 
 tauglit, became inlierited and accepted as a part of modern 
 astronomy, without suspicion. 
 aidercd the case without prejudice, at once know that such cannot be the 
 actual arrangement, for, if it were true, eclipse, occultation, or transit would 
 necessarily take place each time of conjunction between a planet revolving 
 in ihc outer circle and an inferior planet; but, on the other hand, there is 
 the obvious obliquity of the sun's apparent path as seen from the earth, and 
 if that can be accounted for by supposing an inclined position of the earth 
 revolving in a horizontal orbit, it is evident that the same explanation 
 would apply to the case of each other planet supposed to revolve in a hori- 
 zontal orbit. 
 * It is recorded that Thales, as Plato and others of the Greek astro- 
 nomers subsequently did, travelled into Egypt expressly to obtain inform- 
 ation from the Egyptian priests on scientific subjects. 
 t Observe that if the case were confined to the earth and sun only, and 
 the position of the sun's axis be considered indeterminate or optional by 
 the theorist, the obliquely posited earth and horizontal orbit would actually 
 be equivalent to the oblique terilestrial orbit. . , \ 
itiiig path 
 lotice and 
 I the com- 
 rchu8 ; we 
 hjtus (040 
 ol, either 
 ion * that 
 cly by the 
 ds of rota- 
 irs to have 
 in obhque 
 ution in a 
 lie orbit f 
 JO as then 
 of modern 
 cannot be the 
 transit would 
 met revolving 
 hand, there is 
 the earth, and 
 n of the earth 
 le explanation 
 olve in a hori- 
 ■M ■ 
 Greek astro- 
 >btain iuform- 
 sun only, and 
 )r optional by 
 nrould actually 

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(2.) Stellar systems having their axes of revolution 
 perpendicular to that of the solar system. 
 The effect of a stellar system having its orbitnl plane 
 perpendicular, or inclined at some considerable angle 
 to the orbital plane of the solar system, does not seem: 
 to have been made the subject of especial study by astron- 
 omers. In our Fig. 10 (PI. 6^, illustrating the pole star 
 and the solar system, the distance of the pole star from 
 the sun as represented is less than twice the distance which 
 the planet Uranus (if represented) would be from the 
 sun. Therefore, if we suppose, for the purpose of illustra- 
 tion, the pole star to be the centre of gravitation of a 
 system, having its central axis directly perpendicular 
 to that of our solar system, and of which the orbit 
 of one of the planets was about equal in diameter 
 to the orbit of the planet Neptune, it is evident that tiie 
 planet so circumstanced would approach more or less 
 closely to our sun. In looking at such a rciiresentation 
 as that shown at Fig. 10, and on a merely superficial con- 
 sideration of the case, it would seem that such a vertical 
 motion of a body at right angles to the path in which the 
 earth is moving, if seen from the earth, could not be mis- 
 taken for or confounded with a motion in the same or 
 nearly in the same plane as that of the earth's revolution, 
 A closer and more attentive consideration of the actual 
 conditions, however, will show that it might not be vcrv 
 difficult to fall into such an error. The planet would 
 have descended, so to speak, more or less nearly to the 
 horizontal pLne before the light from our sun rendered 
 it visible to an observer on the earth, it would th m 
 appear to approach the sun from or in an almost horizon- 
 tal plane ; and, if instead of the directly vertical, we sub- 
 stitute the supposition of a plane apparently deviating very 
 considerably from the vertical, we shall then have a case 
 wherein the compounded motions would be very likely 
 to perplex and mislead an observer whose point of view 
 was upon the earth ; and such would be almost certainly 
 the result, if tiie observer viewed the moving body with 
 a prejudice or foregone conclusion that the body was 
 revolving around our own sun in a plane either horizon- 
 tal or not deviating very mach from a horizontal plane. 
 Let us consider some of the conditions under which a 
 planet, belonging to a system having its axis perpendicular 
 to a vertical plane passing through its centre and through 
 the centre of the sun, would present itself to a terrestrial 
 observer. In the first place, since the motion of the stran- 
 ger planet would be at right angles to that of the earth, the 
 actual orbital motion of the earth would in appearance be 
 transferred to the planet, and would become an addition 
 to the actual motion of the planet, thereby converting 
 the vertical into an apparently oblique motion. If the 
 stranger planet was of considerable size and approached 
 sufficiently near to any of the planetary members of the 
 solar system, it would perturb or cause a deviation in 
 their orbital motion. If attended by satellites or moons, 
 these would have an apparently oblique motion of revo- 
 lution around their central planet in tlie opposite direc- 
 tion to the orbital motion of tiie earth. It is evident that 
 — so long as the two systems retained the same relative 
 positions, and the distance between the sun and the star 
 remained the aa.h:?t — the stranger planet would periodi- 
 cally return in its orbit of revolution around its own 
 centre of gravitation to the same relative place ; and 
 hence, particularly if the distance was very great, and 
 iiting very 
 ave a case 
 ery likely 
 t of view 
 )ody with 
 body was 
 r horizon- 
 tal plane. 
 ' which a 
 d through 
 the stran- 
 earth, the 
 jarance be 
 n addition 
 ion verting 
 11. If the 
 lers of the 
 viation in 
 or moons, 
 11 of revo- 
 •site direc- 
 ident that 
 le relative 
 d the star 
 d periodi- 
 i its own 
 lace ; and 
 great, and 
 observations required the medium of a powerful tele- 
 scope, the stranger planet might be very easily mistaken 
 for an additional member of the solar system. Enter- 
 taining the not improbable supposition that other stellar 
 systems may be so arranged as to have their planes of 
 revolution vertical to, or differing considerably from, 
 that of the solar system ; and that some of the members 
 of one or more of these stellar systems may be, or 
 become by the aid of very powerful telescopes, visible 
 from the earth, let us consider the case of the two most 
 distant planets which are now supposed to belong to the 
 solar system. In doing so it will be most satisfactory to 
 take the least distant of the two, as being the best 
 observed and of which the apparent motion, for some 
 considerable time past, has been recorded. 
 (3.) The planets Uranus and Neptune, and the question 
 of a neighbouring Stellar system. 
 The Planet Uranus. — Subsequently to the discovery of 
 this planet by Sir Wm. Herschel in 17SI, it was found that 
 observations of it had been recorded by preceding astron- 
 omers, and that its progress could be thereby traced back, 
 witii some degree of certainty, to the earliest period of 
 such observations. This having been done, the result 
 showed that the actual orbital path, through which the 
 planet had (appeared to have) moved, differed greatly 
 from the theoretical path which, considered as a member 
 of the solar system, it should have followed. By attri- 
 buting possible error to the earlier observations, and by 
 theoretical suppositions of more or less ingenuity, the 
 discrepancies were greatly reduced, and the motion of 
 the planet was thus made to seemingly harmonize with 
 that of the solar system until the year 1805, from which 
 time till the year 1822 the departure of the planet from 
 its supposed orbit became so marked as to suggest a 
 search for some sufficient cause of such apparently un- 
 accountable disturbance. The result of this search was 
 the discovery of the planet Neptune. There can be no 
 question as to the result being highly creditable to the 
 perseverance and industry of those concerned in the in- 
 vestigation ; but as to the precise nature of the result 
 in a scientific sense, there is a great diversity of opinion 
 — some considering it a great astronomical and mathe- 
 matical achievement, because the planet was found in 
 consequence of and very near to the actual place indi- 
 cated by the calculation ; but by others, viewed as being 
 to a certain extent a merely fortuitous coincidence (a 
 lucky chance), because wlien discovered and actually 
 observed, the elements of the real planet were found 
 to differ greatly (enormously) from those which had 
 been assigned to it as the result of the hypothetical 
 computation. The accompanjring diagram, Fig. 4 
 (PL 1), copied from HerscheVs Outlines of Astronomy, 
 shows the discrepancy between the theoretical and ob- 
 served path of the planet Uranus from the year 1690 to 
 about 1845. (See the Appendix.) 
 The actual discovery of the planet Neptune having 
 confirmed and apparently verified the conclusion that 
 the motion of Uranus, in its departure from its sup- 
 posed orbit, was to some extent effected by such source 
 of local gravitating influence («?> was perturbed by Nep- 
 tune's attraction), seems to have occasioned a forgetful- 
 ness on the part of astronomers as to the previous lesser 
 but yet very considerable discrepancy which had been 
 partially reconciled by the ingenious but somewhat 
 net from 
 iuggest a 
 jntly un- 
 irch was 
 an be no 
 le to the 
 n the in- 
 le result 
 d mathe- 
 found in 
 ace indi- 
 as being 
 idence (a 
 re found 
 hich had 
 Fig. 4 
 I and ob- 
 r 1690 to 
 le having 
 si on that 
 its sup- 
 ch source 
 i by Nep- 
 ous lesser 
 bad been 
 violent suppositions already mentioned. If, however, 
 this partially reconciled discrepancy were the only 
 remaining cause of doubt, it would not have been sur- 
 prising that astronomers should, under the circumstances, 
 consider the case, for the time, as satisfactorily explain- 
 ed, and rest satisfied accordingly ; but there is another 
 known (observed) circumstance belonging to this planet 
 Uranus, so remarkable from its exceptional character as 
 to forcibly suggest itself as an independent reason for 
 the exercise of great caution in admitting the newly 
 discovered planet (Uranus) to be a member of the solar 
 system. The circumstance is that "the orbits of these 
 satellites (the satellites of Uranus) offer remarkable and 
 indeed quite unexpected and unexampled peculiarities. 
 Contrary to the unbroken analogy of the whole planetary 
 system — whether of primaries or secondaries — the planes 
 of their orbits are nearly perpendicular to the ecliptic, 
 being inclined no less than 78° 38' to that plane, and in 
 these ^orbits their motions are retrograde; that is to say, 
 their positions, when projected on the ecliptic, instead of 
 advancing from west to east round the centre of thf-ir 
 primary, as is the case with every other planet and 
 satellite, move in the opposite direction. Their orbits 
 are nearly or quite circular,and they do not appear to have 
 any sensible, or, at least, any rapid motion of nodes, or 
 to have undergone any material clmnge of inclination, 
 in the course, at least, of half a revolution of their 
 primary round the sun. When the earth is in the plane 
 of their orbits, or nearly so, their apparent paths are 
 straight lines or very elongated ellipses, in which case 
 they become invisible, their feeble light being effaced by 
 the superior light of the planet, long before they come u]> 
 to its disc. So that the observations of any eclipses or 
 occultation they may undergo is quite out of the question 
 with our present telescopes." {HerscheVs Outlines of Astro- 
 nomy'). The observed facts hei'ein recorded, if the suppo- 
 sition that the planet Uranus belongs to the solar system is 
 retained,appears even more remarkable and extraordinary, 
 when the circumstances of the case are submitted to a 
 particular examination ; because the fact of the satellites 
 or moons revolving around the planet in a plane perpendi- 
 cular to the plane of the solar system, almost necessitates 
 the inference that the planet itself must rotate on an axis 
 parallel to the plane of the solar system, and thus, on 
 the supposition that Uranus is a solar planet, we have a 
 departure from what may be called the plan of the sys- 
 tem, considerably greater than at first sight appears. Is 
 mechanical science sufficiently advanced as yet to decide, 
 by reference to experimental demonstration (i. e., by the 
 record of reliable and unobjectionable experiment), 
 whether such arranorement would be mechanical)' 
 admissible ; that is to say, whether, according to the 
 laws governing mechanical forces, such arrangement 
 would have the necessary quality of stability ? 
 The arrangement would admit of three forms ; namely, 
 the horizontal axis, on which the revolving planet 
 rotates, might have (1) a position at right angles to a 
 Tertical plane joining the planet and the (centre of gra- 
 vitation) central body of the system ; or, (2) it might be 
 situated obliquely to such a plane ; or, (3) one extremity 
 of the axis might point directly towards the central body. 
 Such three forms of the arrangement are indicated in 
 Fig. 6. (Note. The axis of the central body of the 
 system, supposing it to rotate, is understood to be per- 
 pendicular to the nodal plane of the planet's revolution.) 
 We do not think the case can be authoritatively decided 
 by reference to experiment, but we do not hesitate to 
 express a strong opinion that neither of the forms of the 
 arrangement vi^ould be permanently stable ; the axis of 
 rotation of the planet, in such a case, v^^ould more or 
 less gradually assume a vertical position ; that is to say, it 
 would become perpendicular to the sun's equatorial plane. 
 If, however, we admit the assumption that the planet 
 Uranus belongs to the solar system, we then have the 
 form of the arrangement defined by the observed fact as 
 recorded by Herschel* to be similar to that of (1) in the 
 *This is manifestly included in the statement of the (observation) 
 already quoted. Owing to the great distance of Uranus from the sun, the 
 line of vision from the earth, in any relative positions the moons can 
 occupy, will be very nearly the same as if the planet was viewed from the 
 sun : consequently the recorded observation necessitates the inference 
 of the planet being posited as shown at (1) in the figure. 
 : ti 
 figure — namely, with the axis of the planet at right 
 angles to a vertical plane joining the planet and the sun. 
 The difficulty as to admitting the assumption is increased 
 by taking into consideration the moons or satellites of the 
 planet, as shown at (d) in Fig. 6 (PI. 2) ; the angular orbi- 
 tal velocity of each moon would be greater than that of 
 the planet when inside the orbital circle, and less when 
 outside the planet's path ; the difference would be very 
 small, but there would necessarily be a continual and 
 active tendency of the moons towards the horizontal plane 
 of revolution. Now if we take the assumption that the, 
 planet Uranus belongs to a stellar system having its plane 
 perpendicular to that of the solar system, the same very 
 important and interesting fact observed and recorded by 
 Ilerschel (quoted at page 17), v/ill also serve to indicate, 
 if not to define, the relative position of the central body of 
 the neighbouring system, viz. thes^^r, to that of our sun ; 
 because it is at once evident that the plane of the planet's 
 Mhit must coincide (or nearly so) with a vertical plane 
 joining the central star and the sun ; for if it does not, 
 let it be supposed that the plane of the planet's revolution 
 is at right angles to the vertical plane joining the star 
 and the sun; then, observation would show the planet's 
 moons revolving as at (6) Fig. 6 (PI. 2), whereas the 
 fact is recorded to be as at (a) in the same figure ;* and 
 similarly the supposition of more than a slight deviation 
 (j. e., a moderate degree of obliquity) from the plane join- 
 • The meaning inteuded, as to the relative positions, may be defined 
 by stating that the vertical plane j.)ining the sun and star coincides with 
 the equatorial plane of the srar. 
I'hilr Fill (I 
 Vnnin^ coiia'nh'rrd oh n Sohir l*hinfl. 
 >." ^ 
 \ "- 
 ing the star and the stm, may be at once negatived. The 
 question is therefore reduced to (!) wliether the place 
 of the star is vertically above or beneatli the polar axis 
 of the sun ; or, (2) whether it is above or below the 
 equatorial plane of the sun ; or (3) whether the place of 
 the star is in the equatorial plane of the sun. The (1) 
 case it is not necessary to consider, as such a supposition 
 is clearly inadmissible ; but to decide astronomically be- 
 tween the (2) and (3) — that is, whether the place of the 
 star is above, below, or in the equatorial plane of the sun 
 — will probably require further careful observation of the 
 planet. The observations already recorded seem, how- 
 ever, to support the supposition that the place is consi- 
 derably above the equatorial plane of the sun, as shown 
 in the illustrations, plates 14 and 15 ; the conclusion that 
 such is the true locality of the star will be somewhat 
 strengthened by including the circumstances at present 
 ascertained of the still more recently discovered and less 
 known planet Neptune. 
 Taking the assumption that Uranus belongs to a neigh- 
 bouring stellar system, the probability is at once sug- 
 gested that Neptune is another member of the same sys- 
 tem and at a less distance from the central body.* The 
 few observations as yet recorded of this planet cannot be 
 * On the assumption that Uranus and Neptune belong to the solar system, 
 the orbital distance between Mercury and Neptune should be, according to 
 Eode's law, twice that between Mercury and Uranus. It is now estimated 
 from observation, only to exceed the latter by a little more than half the 
 distance. ' i ' 
 I "■■ 
 considered, on account of the great distance of the planet 
 and difficulties of observing it, as very reliable ; two 
 moons are reported, of which one has " an orbit " — ac- 
 cording to Mr. Otto Struve — " inclined to the ecliptic at 
 the considerable angle of 35° ; but whether, as in the 
 case of the satellites of Uranus, the direction of its 
 motion be retrograde, it is not possible to say until it shall 
 have been longer observed." Now, an angle of 35° 
 differs considerably from perpendicularity; but, even if 
 admitting the coiTectness of the observation, we must 
 remember it was made on an assumption (prejudice) that 
 the earth and the planet were in the same or nearly in the 
 same plane ; whereas, if we assume Neptune to belong 
 to the neighbouring stellar system, that planet would 
 probably be considerably above the plane of the earth's 
 orbit, and consequently (as before shown, with regard to 
 the solar spots, in Part Second) an erroneous inference as 
 to the obliquity of the satellites' plane of revolution 
 would be occasioned. See the accompanying figure 
 (Fig. 1), where the lower body E may be considered to 
 represent the earth. 
 Fig. 1. 
/•/u/f I i- 
 Til K Til Mom' 
 O V 
 The 'S' II IIS ./.t/.if 
 heiutf ronsiiirn't/ VrrlhnI 
i! i. 
 • Tllh: THEORY 
 77//" fS'u/i's .ir/.f 
 /'ci/tf/ consu/erff/ Vriiu-iii 
 // /V ' /' / 
 I I 
 Ha/r 15 
 '1' i i I^ 'Y II E ( ) I^ Y 
 I'ritu/ mnsulvn'il Horcovlal 
 Hff/r 15 
 Til f: theory 
 O V 
 rilJ'] STt:LI,AI[ UN [VERSE. 
 Tin' -Sim's Arh 
 I'rhu/ ronnuh'n'd Honzovtal 
 ferh'cal aaris 

 Summing up the consideration of the cas<}, we conclude 
 (1) that the planets Uranus and Nepttmt are not solar 
 planets belonging to cur system, but that they are stellar 
 planets belonging to a neighbouring system which has its 
 axis of revolution perpendicular to that of the solnr 
 system ; (2) that the (central) star round which those 
 planets revolve is very probably above the equatorial plane 
 of our sun j and (3) that the distance of the star from 
 the sun may be roughly estimated (by adding the distance 
 of the planet Saturn to that of Uranus, 890 + 1800 = 
 8690 million miles) at about 3000 million miles. 
 (See Plates 14 and 15.) 
 Note. — The following apparently weighty or fatal olijec- 
 tios to the opinion expressed above — that the planets Uranu-s 
 and Neptune belong not to the solar but to a neighbouring 
 steiiPT system — is very likely to suggest itself at once . — 
 The planet Uranus has been for a considerable time, nearly 
 a century, directly uuder astronomical observation, and 
 occasional notices of its having been previously observed,^ 
 and mistaken for a star, are on record. Now if evidence- 
 can be shown that the planet has been observed at succes- 
 sive places in its (alleged) solar orbit, and, so to speak, 
 tracked throughout its orbit; or if, having been seen atone 
 extremity of its supposed solar orbit, it has been subse- 
 quently observed at the opposite extremity, then the 
 opinion stated by us cannot certainly be upheld. It is 
 therefore to bo understood that the strong and confident 
■ f 
 opinion Ktiited inc-liidos tlie opinion on our part that no such 
 oviiloneo of an nctnal Kolar orltit can bo shown* 
 (4,) Masses (if agtjreyntcd maffcr uvil tlirir relation to 
 the laws of the material uniccrsc. 
 The nssuinption that masses of matter, revolving around 
 centres of gravitating influence in the iieighbouriioofl of, 
 but not belonging to the solar system, may approach 
 sufficiently near to be visible from the earth, will perhaps 
 enable us to understand and give a reasonable explana- 
 tion of some of those observed facts of astronomy, which 
 at present occupy the position of mechanical eflects ap- 
 parently governed and regulated by laws unknown to or 
 unrecognized by mechanical science. We allude more par- 
 ticularly to those very various bodies at present group- 
 ed and classed together under the name comet. Plate ] 
 from the (Encyc. Britannica) is an example of the illus- 
 trationo given at the present time in astronomical works, 
 of the supposed orbital revolution of a comet around the 
 sun. In some cases the orbital path is considered to be an 
 ellipse of extreme eccentricity ; in other cases, a'para- 
 bola ; or, a hyperbola. The objection to this teaching 
 seems to have been overlooked that it is inadmissible in 
 a scientific sense, because contrary to the law of gravi- 
 tation ; a law which is recognized both by astronomical 
 * Considered as solar planets, theory assigns 84 years as the period of 
 Uranus, and about 165 years as that of Neptune. 
 n to 
 « na- 
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I'LATH (i. 
 Fimn the Emyv. JJritln. 
 and mechnnicul science. In Fig. 2, the body C, to the 
 north-east of the sun, isinovingwlth an increasing velocity 
 in the direction BD. The gravitating influence of the sun 
 is supposed, at this place in the cornet's orbit, to exceed 
 the centrifugal force, causing it to gravitate towards and 
 Fio. 2. 
 approach the sun. Since the approach is very considerable 
 in extent and rapid, so is the increase in the velocity pro- 
 portionately great, and when the comet has arrived (i.e., 
 supposed to have arrived) at its perihelion P, it is moving 
 with enormous velocity past the sun in the direction DE ; 
 for a certain short distance, it proceeds in a curve not 
 differing very much from the arc of a circle, but then, 
 notwithstanding that it is supposed to be comparatively 
 very near the sun and under the influence of an enor- 
 mous attractive force, it suddenly ceases altogether to 
 obey this force, and proceeds in the direction EF, as 
 shown in the figure, without any further regard to the 
 central gravitating influence. If the body is material 
 and subject to the known laws governing matter 
 when moving from B towards D, and if, even after passing 
 its perihelion, it still retains its material i ature and re- 
 cognizes the influence of gravitation until beyond E, 
 how is it to be admitted that its subjection to the laws 
 of matter can be suddenly abrogated! We cannot 
 admit a supposition that any material mass, having 
 once become subject to the sun as the central gravitating 
 influence governing its motion, and thus belonging 
 to the solar system, can suddenly throw off" its allegi- 
 ance and withdraw from the sun's controlling power into • 
 space, or to visit some other system in a similarly capri- 
 cious manner. If we assume the body (comet) to have 
 an'ived at the place (P) shown in the figure, nearest the 
 sun (without troubling ourselves to explain how it got 
 there), and to be moving past the sun with such very great 
 velocity that the centrifugal force developed is more than 
 sufficient to counterbalance the enormous attractive force 
 of the sun, at so short a distance ; then the inference will 
 be sound that the comet must recede from the sun ; and 
 further, the distance to which the comet will recede will 
 be proportional to the excess in the centrifugal force 
 over the gravitative force when nearest to the sun, as 
 explained and demonstrated in Part First of this Series ; 
 but even in such case the recession could only take place 
 in an orbit with a continually increasing radial distance 
 from the sun, as shown in Fig. 3, and the path of the 
 TecediDg body would have the form of a spiral curve 
 continually increasing outwards from the sun as its 
 Fio. 3. 
 (5) The relative distance of the visible stars. 
 Previously to explaining the real character of the 
 cometary motions, it will be proper to examine the ques- 
 tion as to the relative distances of the visible stars. In 
 Plate 6 (Fig. 10), the illustration plainly shows, that 
 assuming the pole star, for instance, to be at a much 
 less distance than is attributed to it by astronomers at 
 tlie present time, the orbital movement of the earth 
 would not suffice to much alter tlie apparently relative 
 place of the star. To an observer viewing it from the 
 earth, it would appear almost directly over the pole — in 
 whatever part of the orbit the earth's place might be at 
 the time of the observation. And further, it will be 
 found that if the assumed distance of the star be again 
 diminished, and taken at (let us say) one half the dis- 
 taiice shown in that illustration, the difference to the- 
 terrestrial observer would still be difficult to detect with- 
 out some object having a relatively fixed position to com- 
 pare with ; for example (assuming the axes of the earth 
 and sun to be both perpendicular to the plane of revolu- 
 tion), if the star was directly over the pole of the sun, it 
 would be extremely difficult, even if the distance of the 
 star was very much less than is supposed, to detect any 
 difference ; by careful and precise determination of the 
 celestial sphere, however, and by comparison with a num- 
 ber of the (so called) fixed stars, a point could be found 
 which would be relatively motionless and around which 
 the earth's pole star would appear to revolve in a small 
 circle — the direction of the earth's actual revolution be- 
 ing reversed in that of the apparent revolution of the 
 star ; and this effect would still be essentially the same 
 even if the distance was very great, and indeed so long 
 as the star remained visible ; only that, tlie greater the 
 distance of the star from the earth, the less would be the 
 diameter of the circle in which the earth's pole star 
 would appear to revolve around the point representing 
 the pole of the celestial sphere ; and if the distance was 
 extremely great, so would the apparent circle of revolu- 
 tion be very small. The apparent motion or change in 
 the apparent position of the pole star, since it would 
 result from a change in the observer's actual position, 
 would be astronomically termed the effect of " parallax ;"* 
 • Parallax may be either geocentric or heliocentric ; in the one, the 
 diameter, or pnrt of the diameter, of the earth ; iu the other, the diameter 
 or part of the diameter of the orbital circle of the earth's revolution, is the 
 measured base of the triangle. The general expression " parallax " is well' 
 defined, in Lardner's Astronom;;, as " the apparent displacement of any 
 ob'ect seen at a distance, due to a change of position (place) cf the 
 and as the distance of the earth from the sun is (approxi- 
 mately) known and therefore tlie diameter of the earth's 
 orbit, the distance of the star from the sun (or earth) 
 could be thus measured by parallax. . . Have the distances 
 of the various stars been thus ascertained by parallax ? 
 The question will be answered by the following extracts 
 from the Astronomical Record. 
 Note. — We will here again remind the reader that by the perpendicular 
 axis theory such a parallax of the earth's polar-zenith (pole-star) can be 
 only attainable by observations n' ie when the earth is passing or repass- 
 ing the sun's equatorial plar ; if the observations be made at other times, 
 the parallactic effect of the horizontal movement would be entirely masited 
 or much interfered with by the effect of the vertical movement. And, 
 Again, should it appear that the earth is subject, as we have supposed, to a 
 vibration on a horizontal axis transverse to a line joining the earth and 
 sun this would constitute an independent interfering cause unless the 
 observations were made at the nodal plane when the earth's position is 
 strictly perpc idicular 
 The present mixed doctrine of Parallax and Aberration, 
 (6) Theory OF Parallax. 
 HerscheVs Outlines of Astronomy. 
 (800.) " The diameter of the eailu haa served us for the 
 base of a triangle, in the trigonometrical survey of our sys- 
 tem (art. 274), by which to calculate the distance of the 
 sun ; but the extreme minuteness of the sun's parallax (art. 
 275) is so delicate, that nothing but the fortunate combi- 
 nation of favourable circumstances afforded by the transits 
 of Venus (art. 479) could render its results even tolerably 
 worthy of reliance. But the earth's diameter is too small a 
 base for direct triangulation to the verge even of our own 
 system (art. 626), and we are, therefore, obliged to substi- 
 tute the annual parallax for the diurnal, or, which comes 
 to the same thing, to ground our calculation on the relative 
 velocities of the earth and planets in their orbits (art. 486), 
 when we would push our triangulation to that extent. It 
 might be naturally enough expected that by this enlarge- 
 ment of our base to the vast diameter of the earth's orbit, 
 the next step in our survey (art. 275) would be made at a 
 great advantage ; — that our change of station, from side to 
 side of it, would produce a considerable and easily measur- 
 able amount of annual parallax in the stars, and that by its 
 means we should come to a knowledge of their distance. 
 But, after exhausting every refinement of observation, 
 astronomers were, up to a very late period, unable to come 
 to any positive and coincident conclusion upon this head ; 
 and the amount of such parallax, even for the nearest fixed 
 star examined with the requisite attention, remained mixed 
 up with and coneealed among the errors incidental to all 
 astronomical determinations. The nature of these errors 
 " has been explained in the earlier part of this work, and we 
 need not remind the reader of the difficulties which must 
 necessarily attend the attempt to disentangle an element 
 not exceeding a few tenths of a second, or at most a whole 
 second, from the host of uncertainties entailed on the results 
 of observations by. them : none of them individually, per- 
 haps, of great magnitude, but embarrassing by their number 
 and fluctuating amount. Nevertheless, by successive refine- 
 ments in instrument-making, and by constantly progressive 
 approximation to the exact knowledge of the Urano- 
 graphical corrections, that assurance had been obtained, 
 even in the earlier years of the present century, viz., that 
 no star visible in northern latitudes, to which attention had 
 been directed, manifested an amount of parallax exceeding 
 a single second of arc. It is worth w^^'le to pause for a 
 moment to consider what conclusions would follow from 
 the admission of a parallax to this amount." 
 (801.) " Radius is to the sine of 1" as 206265 to 1. In 
 this proportion then at least must the distance of the fixed 
 stars from the sun exceed that of the sun from the earth. 
 Again, the latter distance, as we have already seen 
 (art. 357), exceeds the earth's radius in the proportion of 
 23984 to 1. Taking, therefore, the earth's radius for unity, a 
 parallax of 1" supposes a distance of 4947059760, or nearly 
 five thousand millions of such units ; and lastly, to descend 
 to ordinary standards, since the earth's radius may be taken 
 at 4000 of our miles, we find 19788239040000, or about 
 twenty billions of miles for our resulting distance." 
 (802.) " In such numbers the imagination is lost. The 
 only mode we have of conceiving such intervals at all is by 
 the time which it would require for light to traverse them. 
 (See note §, at the end of this chapter, for a more familiar 
 illustration.) Light, as we know (art. 545), travels at the 
 rate of a semidiameter of the earth's orbit in S"- I'd'- '6. It 
 would, therefore, occupy 206205 times this interval, or 
 "3 yonra and 83 days, to traverse the distance in question. 
 Now, as this is an inferior limit whicli it is already ascer- 
 tained that even the brightest and therefore i)robably the 
 nearest stars excoed, what are we to allow for the distance 
 of those innumei'able stars of the smaller magnitudes which 
 the telescope discloses to us ! What for the dimensions of 
 the galaxy in whose remoter regions, as wo have seen, the 
 united lustre of myriads of stars is perceptible only in pow- 
 erful telescopes as a feeble nebulous gleam 1" 
 (803.) " The space-penetrating power of a telescope, or 
 the comparative distance to which a given star would 
 require to bo removed in order that it may appear of the 
 same brightness in the telescope as before to the naked oyo, 
 may be calculated from the aperture of the telescope com- 
 pared with that of the pupil of the eye, and froi;>. 5ts reflect- 
 ing or transmiting power, i.e. the proportion of the incident 
 light it conveys to the observer's eye. Thus it has been 
 computed that the space-penetrating power of such a reflec- 
 tor as that used in the star-gauges above referred to is 
 expressed by the number *75. A star, then, of the sixth 
 magnitude removed to 75 times the distance would still be 
 perceptible as a star with that instrument, and admitting 
 such a star to have 100th part of the light of a standard 
 star of the first magnitude, it will follow that such a stand- 
 ard star, if removed to 750 times its distance, would excite 
 in the eye, when viewed through the gauging telescope, the 
 same impression as a star of the sixth magnitude does to 
 the naked eye. Among the infinite multitude of such stars 
 in the remoter regions of the galaxy, it is but fair to con- 
 clude that innumerable individuals, equal in intrinsic bright- 
 ness to those which immediately surround us, must exist. 
 The light of such stars, then, must have occupied uj^wards 
 of 2000 years in travelling over the distance which sepa- 
 rates them i'rora our own system. It follows, then, that 
 when we observe the places and note the ajjoearances of 
 <' such stars, we are only reading their history of two thousand 
 years anterior date, thus wonderfully recorded. We cannot 
 escape this conclusion but by adopting as an aU-^rnative an 
 intrinsic inferiority of light in all the smaller stars of the 
 galaxy. We shall be better able to estimate the probability 
 of this alternative when we have made acquaintance with 
 other sidereal systems whose existence the telescope dis- 
 closes to vis, and whose analogy will satisf}- us that the 
 view of tl.e subject here taken is in perfect harmony with 
 the general tenor of astronomical facts."' 
 (SOi.) " Hitherto we have spoken of a parallax of 1" as a 
 mere limit below which that of any star j'et examined 
 assuredly, or at least very probably falls, and it is not with- 
 out a ceitain convenience to regard this amount of parallax 
 418 a sort of unit of reference, which, connected in Iho 
 reader's recollection with a parallactic unit of distance from 
 our system of 20 billions of miles, and with a H^ ^-ears' 
 journey of light, may save him the trouble of such calcu- 
 lations, and ourselves the necessity of covering our pages 
 with such enormous numbers, when speaking of stars whose 
 parallax has actually been ascertained with some approach 
 to certainty, either by direct meridian observation or by 
 more refined and delicate methods. These we shall proceed 
 to explain, after first pointing out the theoretical peculiar- 
 ities which enable us to separate and disentangle its etiects 
 from those of the Urano-graphical corrections, and from 
 •others causes of error which, being periodical in their nature 
 add greatly to the difficulty of the subject. The effects of 
 precession and proper motion (see art. 852), which are uni- 
 formly progressive from year to year, and that of nutation 
 which runs through its period in nineteen year^, it is 
 obvious enough, separatej^themselves at once by these 
 <!haracters from that of parallax ; and, being known with 
 very great precision, and being certainly independentj' as 
 regards their causes, of any individual peculiarity in the 
 " stars affected by them, whatever small uncertainty may 
 remain respecting the numerical elements which enter into 
 their computation (or in mathematical language their co- 
 eflScionts), can give rise to no embarrassment. With regard* 
 to aberration, the case is materially different. This cor- 
 rection affects the place of a star by a fluctuation, annual in 
 its period, and therefore, so far, agreeing with parallax. It 
 is also very similar in the law of its variation at different 
 seasons of the year, parallax having for. its apex (see art. 
 343, 344.) the apparent place of the sun in the ecliptic, and 
 aberration, a point in the same great circle 90" behind that 
 place,^ so that in fact the forraulea of calculation (the co- 
 efficients excepted) are the same for both, substituting only 
 for the sun's longitude in the expression for the one, that 
 longitude diminished by 90° for the other. Jloieovor, in 
 the absence of a6so/Mie certainty respecting thti nature of the 
 propagation of light, astronomers have hithoi'to considered 
 it necessary to assume at least as a possibility that the 
 velocity of light may bo to some slight amount dependent 
 on individual peculiarities in the body emitting it."* 
 (805.) " If we supjjose a line drawn from the star to the 
 earth at all seasons of the year, it is evident that this line 
 will sweep over the surface of an exceedingly acute, oblique 
 cone, having for its axis the lino joining the sun and star, 
 and for its tase the earth's annual orbit, which, for t..>> 
 pi'esent purpose, we may suppose circular. The star will 
 therefore appear to describe each year about its mean place 
 regaixled as fixed, and in virtue of parallax alone, a minute 
 ellipse, the section of this cone by the surface of the celes- 
 tial sphere, perpendicular to the visual ray. But there is 
 * " In the actual state of astronomy and photology, this necessity can 
 hardly be considered as still existing, and it is desirable, therefore, that the 
 practice of astronomers of introducing an unknown correction for the con- 
 stan^f aberration into their equatians of condition for the determination 
 of pWallaz, should be disused, since it actually tends to introduce error 
 into the fiaal result." 
 " also another way in which the same fact may be repre- 
 sented. The apparent orbit of the star about its mean place^ 
 as a centre, will be precisely that which it would appear to 
 describe if seen from the sun, supposing it really revolved 
 about that place in a circle exactly equal to the earth's 
 annual orbit, in a plane parallel tc» the ecliptic. This is 
 evident fi-om the equality and parallelism of the lines and 
 directions concerned. Now, the effect of aberration (disre- 
 garding the slight variation of the earth's velocity in 
 different parts of its orbit) is precisely similar in law, and 
 differs only in amount, and in its bearing reference to a 
 direction llO" different in longitude. Suppose, in order to 
 fix our ideas, the maximum of parallax to be 1" and that of 
 aberration 20-5", and let AB, ab, bo two circles ima^^ined 
 to be described separately, as above, by the star about its 
 mean place S, in virtue of these two causes respectively, 
 St being a line parallel to that of the line of equinoxes. 
 Then if, in virtue of pr-rallnx alone, the star would bo found 
 at a, in the smaller orbit, it would, in virtue of aberration 
 alone, be found at A in the larger, the angle, a S A, being 
 a right angle. Drawing then A C equal and parallel to S a, 
 and joining S C, it will, in virtue of both simultaneously, bo 
 found in C — i. e. in the circumference of a circle whose 
 radius is SC, and at a point in that circle in advance of A 
 " the nborrational place, by tho angle ASC. Now, since 
 SA : AC : ; 20-6 ; 1, wo find, for tho angle ASC, 2° 47' 35"; 
 and for the length of the radius SC, of the circle represent- 
 ing tho compound motion 20".524. The difference (0".024) 
 between this and SC, the radius of the aberration circle, is 
 quite imperceptible, and even supposing a quantity so 
 minute to be capable of detection by a prolonged series of 
 ooservations, it would remain a question whether it were 
 produced by parallax or by a specific difference of aberration 
 from the general average 20".5 in the star itself. It is, 
 therefore, to the difference of 2° 48' between the angular 
 situation of tho displaced star in this hypothetical orbit, i, e. 
 in tho arguments (as they ai'O called) of the joint correction 
 (ySC) and that of abberration alone (ySA), that we have to 
 look for the resolution of the problem of parallax. Tho 
 reader may easily figure to himself tho delicacy of an 
 enquiry which turns wholly (even when stripped of all its 
 other difficulties) on the p'eme determination of a quantity 
 of this nature, and of such very moderate magnitude." 
 The form of the figure illustrating the case defines the 
 relative position which the observer's station is supposed 
 to occupy, for, because A.B., a.h. are circles described 
 by the star about its mean place S., a line passing 
 through the star and through the earth must be perpen- 
 dicular to the plane of the circles in every direction, or 
 in other words, it must be a transverse axis to the circles 
 passing perpendicularly through their common centre. 
 Now parallax is an effect consequent ujwn an alteration 
 in the observer's position, and parallax of the fixed stars 
 is an effect consequent upon the constantly progres.sive 
 change of the earth's place in its orbit. The parallactic 
 circle of the star's apparent movement in the heavens 
 is the representation, the inverted reflection, of the 
 earth's actual movement in its orbital revolution. There- 
 fore the parallactic displacement of the star through the 
 semi-diameter of the circle, from Stoals consequent upon 
 the (completed) motion ot the earth through its second 
 semi-orbit in the opposite direction, viz : correspondent to 
 the semi-diameter SJ. For if a be the extreme east of 
 the star's parallactic circle, it is tlie iipparent place of the 
 star observed from the earth wlicn at the western 
 extremity of its orbit, and tlie stir's apparent motion 
 from S. to «. is the gradually increasing effect of the 
 eartli's motion from the central place of its orbit to the 
 extreme west thereof. Aberration is an (hypothetical) 
 effect consequent upon the motion of tlie person whose 
 eye receives the light from the object, and aberration of 
 the hxed stars is a (supposed) apparent effect conse- 
 quent upon the actual motion of the eartli in its orbit. 
 The supposed aberrational circle of the star's apparent 
 motion in the heavens is a representation or reflection 
 of the vdocity and I'he direction of the earth's orbital 
 motion. Therefore the aberrational displacement of the 
 star consequent upon the earth's orbital motion in the 
 direction D. S. will be in the opposite direction, viz: 
 from A. towards the west (i- e. the opposite direction to 
 A. c.) For the aberrational displacement of the star to 
 take effect in the direction S. A, the earth's orbital 
 motion must evidently be in the direction opposite 
 thereto, viz : in the direction A. S. or A.B. / but oi-bital 
 motion of the earth in such direction cannot cause paral- 
 lactic displacement in the direction S. a, nor yet in the 
 direction a. S, bocause the displacement belonging to 
 parallax as well as the supposed displacement due to 
 aberration must be parallel to the motion or altera- 
 tion in relative position of the observer's station, upon 
 wliich «'.ich is dnpeiuUMit and of which both • are 
 W»? are, thoreforf, quite iitsable to accept the state- 
 ment, here made and deiiiied by illustration, of an 
 a)t|>arent theoretical motion by the star, compounded of 
 an aberrational effect at right angles to the effect of 
 parallax. In order that the reader may be able to fairly 
 consider the evidence in this and other cases, we will 
 presently give as fully and completely as our limits per- 
 mit. Sir John Herschel's own statement and definition of 
 the doctrine of aberration. 
 If aberration be indeed a reality, if it be anything 
 more than a chimera of the imagination, some intelligible 
 reason consistent with the theory to whioli it belongs can 
 be shown why aberrational displacement should take 
 effect in a direction at right angles to that of the dis- 
 placement due to parallax. 
 Assuming, for a moment, the aberrational eflfect to be 
 a reality in its application to the case here illustrated, 
 that effect must be so related to that of parallax that the 
 one is a deduction from the other, because when the one 
 causes, or tends to cause, an effect in the one direction, 
 the other causes, or tends to cause, an effect in the con- 
 trary direction, so that if the respective effects of the 
 two causes should be exactly equal, the one must neu- 
 tralize the other, and no apparent displacement of the 
 star would take place. 
 The characteristic difference between the two effects 
 is. that of parallax is consequent upon a completed 
 movement from one place to another more or less distant 
 from the first : in the case of the earth's orbital motion 
 it is progressive from any given place in the orbit as a 
 starting point until the fintirc diiimetcr of the orbit lias 
 Iteen completed. The qiuintity of oppurciit eflecton the 
 stiir, for any given distunce moved through by the enrth, 
 is dependent upon the diHtnnce of the stur ; the result is 
 <piite independent of the velocity of tiie earth's motion 
 (unless indirectly as effecting the distance moved 
 through in a given time) ; whatever distance has been 
 actually moved tlirough by the earth there must be a 
 proportional optical eff«'ct of parallax, i. c, an apparent 
 displacement, although if the distance moved through by 
 the earth be comparatively small and the distance of the 
 star very great, such effect may be too minute to be appre- 
 ciable by the terrestrial observer, and it is indeed barely 
 conceivable by the mind that the distance of a star 
 might be so enormously great that the parallactic effect 
 of the earth's motion, from one extremity of its orbit to 
 the opposite, would be less than instrumental astronomy 
 in its present state is able to take cognizance of. 
 According to the theory of aberration, the supposed 
 effect thereof, which is wholly dynamical, is dependent 
 upon the motion of tlie observer, whose eye receives the 
 light, relatively to the obsen-ed object, and the amount 
 of the effect dependent upon the velocity of that motion, 
 consequently, if the earth be supposed to move from the 
 extreme west to the extreme east of its orbit, the 
 maximum aberrational displacement of the star towards 
 the east will be attained at the time the earth passes the 
 place in the orbit half distant between the east and 
 west ; but the displacement will be nearly as great for 
 a considerable time before the earth arrives at the half- 
 distance, and will begin to diminish so soon as the place 
 of half distance has been passed ; whereas the maxi- 
 muin of pinallactic effect is only attained when the earth 
 has arrivefl at the opposite extremity c." the orbit, at 
 which time tlie supposed aberrational .jttect due to the 
 motion of the earth in tliat direction will have wholly 
 ceased. It is true that by the theory of aberration there 
 would be now a displacement, at right angles to the 
 former, due to the earth's orbital motion from north to 
 souili, but this would be in the opposite direction to that 
 shown in Ilerschel's illustration, and it would be coun- 
 terar<-cJ by tlie parallactic eftect also belonging to the 
 earth's motion from north to south ; and, be it observed, 
 this last effect, even according to the aberration theory,, 
 could only take place in the case of a polar star (to 
 which alone Herschel's illustration applies), for, in the 
 case of an equatorial star, since the earth would be 
 moving directly away from the star, no aberrational (or 
 parallactic) effect whatever could tfike place as a con- 
 sequent to the earth's motion in that direction, viz., 
 from north to south. 
 The quotation from HerscheVs Outlhicft in Astronomif 
 (806.) " But these other difficulties themsclvos are of no 
 trifling order. All astronomical instruments are affected 
 hy difl'erencos of temperature. Not only do the materials 
 of which they are composed expand and contract, but the 
 masonry and solid piers on which they are erected, nay 
 even the very soil on which those are founded, participate 
 in the general change from summer warmth to winter cold. 
 Hence arise slow oscillatory movements of exceed injrly 
 minute amount, which levels and plumb lines affoi-d but 
 very inadequate means of detecting, and which, being aha 
 annual in their period (after rejecting whatever is casual and 
 momentary), mix themselves intimately with the matter 
 <'of our enquiry. Refraction too, besides its casual vari- 
 ations from night to night, which a long series of observations 
 would eliminate, depends for its theoretical expression on 
 the constitution of the strata of our atmosphere, and the law 
 of the distribution of heat and moisture at different eleva- 
 tions, which cannot be unaffected bj' difference of season. 
 No wonder, then, that mere meridional observations should, 
 almost up to the present time, have proved insufficient 
 except in one very remarkable instance, to afford unques- 
 tionable evidence, and satisfactory quantitative measurement 
 of the parallax of any fixed star." 
 (807.) " The instance referred to is that of a Centauri, one 
 of the brightest and, for many otlicr reasons, one of the 
 most remarkable of the southern stars. From a series of 
 observations of this star, made at tlie Royal 01).scrvator3- of 
 the Cape of Good Hope in the years 1832 and 1833, by 
 Professor Henderson, with the mural circle of that estab- 
 lishment, a parallax to the amount of an entire second was 
 concluded on his j-cduction of the obsei'vations in question 
 after his return to Khghind. Subsequent observations by 
 ^Iv. Maclear, partly' with the same, and partly with a new 
 and far more effici >ntly constructed instrument of tlie same 
 description mad', in the years 1839 and 1S40, have fully 
 loiitirmed the reality of the parallax indicated b}- Professor 
 Henderson's observations, though with a slight iliniinution 
 ill tU condud^jd amount, which comes out equal to 0"-9128 
 or alxMit jytlis of a second ; Irujht stars in its immediate 
 uei(/hboiirk^x/d being unaffected by a similar periodical dis- 
 placement, and tlius affording satisfactory proof that the dis- 
 jdacement indicated in the case of the star in question is )iot 
 merely a result of annual variations of temperature. As it 
 is im^wssible at present to answer for so minute a quantity 
 as that by which this result differs from an exact second, 
 wo may consider the distance of this star as. approximately 
 "expressed by the parallactic unit of distance referred 1o irt 
 art. 804." 
 (808.) " A short time previous to the publication of this 
 important result, the detection of a sensible and measurable 
 amount of parallax in the star No. 61 Cygni of Flamsteed's 
 Catalogue of Stars, was announced by the celebrated astron- 
 omer of Konigsberg, the late M. Bessel. This is a small 
 and inconspicuous star, hardl}' exceeding the sixth magni- 
 tude, but which had been pointed out for especial obser- 
 vation by the remarkable circumstance of its being affected 
 by a proper motion (sec art. 852), i.e. a regular and contin- 
 ually progressive annual displacement among the sur- 
 rounding stars to the extent of more than 5" per annum, a 
 quantity so very much exceeding the average of similar 
 minute annual displacements which many other stars 
 exhibit, as to lead to a suspicion of its being actually nearer 
 to our system. It is not a little remarkable that a similar 
 presumption of proximity exists also in the case of a Cen- 
 tauri, whose unusually large proper motion of nearly 4" per 
 annum is stated by Profess'>r Henderson to have been the 
 motive which induced him to subject his observations of 
 that star to that severe discussion which led to the detection 
 of its parallax. M. Besscl's observations of tJl Cygni were 
 commenced in August, 1837, immediately on the establish- 
 ment at the Kiinigsberg observatory of a magnificent heli- 
 ometer, the workmanship of the celebrated optician Fraun- 
 hofer, of Munich, an instrument especially fitted for the 
 system of observation adopted ; which, being totally dif- 
 ferent from that of direct nu-ridional observation, more 
 refimed in its conception, and suscejitible of far greater 
 accuracy in its practical application, we must now explain." 
 (809.) "Parallax, i»ro])er motion, and specific aberration 
 (denoting by the latter piirasc that pai't ol the aberration of 
 u star's light which may be supposed to ari'^e from its indi- 
 vidual peculiarities, and which we have every reufcou to 
 " believe, at all events, an exceedingly minute fraction of the 
 \7hole), are the only uranographieal corrections which do 
 not necessarily affect alike the apparent places of two stars 
 situated in, or very nearly in, the same visual line. Sup- 
 posing, then, two stars at an immense distance, the one 
 behind the other, but otherwise so situated as to appear 
 very nearly along the same vi.-ual line, they will constitute 
 what is called a star optically double, to distinguish it from 
 a star physically double, of which more hereafter. Aber- 
 ration (that which is common to all stars), precession, 
 nutation, nay, even refraction, and instrumental causes of 
 apparent displacement, will affect them alike, or so very 
 nearly alike (if the minute difference of their apparent 
 places be taken into account), as to admit of the difference 
 being neglected, or very accurately allowed for, by an easy 
 calculation. If then, instead of attempting to determine by 
 observation the place of the nearer of two very unequal stars ■ 
 (which will probably be the larger) by direct observation of 
 its right ascension and polar distance, we content ourselves 
 with referring its place to that of its remoter and smaller 
 companion by differential observation, i.e. by measuring only 
 its difference of situation from the latter, we are at once 
 relieved of the necessity of making these corrections, and 
 from all uncertainty as to their influence on the result. 
 And for the very same reason, errors of adjustment (art. 
 736), of graduation, and a host of instrumental errors, 
 which would, fur this delicate purpose, fatally affect the 
 absolute determination of either star's piaeo, are harmless 
 when only the ditfei*ence of their places, each equally 
 affected by .such causes, is required to bo known." 
 (810.) "Throwing aside, therefore, the consideration of 
 all these errors and corrections, and tlisregai-iling for the 
 present the minute efl'ect of aberration and the uniformly 
 ])rogre8sive effect of proper motion, let us trace the effect of 
 the difforenccs of the parallaxes of two stars thus juxta- 
 " posed, or thoir apparent relative distance and position at 
 various seasons of the year. Now, the parallax being 
 inversely as the distance, the dimensions of the small 
 ellipses appai'cntlj' described (art. 805) by each star on the 
 concave surface of the heavens by parallactic displacement 
 will differ — the nearer star describing the larger ellipse. 
 But both stars lying verj' nearly in the same direction from 
 the sun, these ellipses will be similar and similarly situated. 
 Suppose S and s to bo the positions of the two stars as seen 
 from the sun, and let ABCD, abed, be their parallactic 
 ellipses; then, since they will ■ 
 be at all times similarly situ- 
 ated in the^o ellipses, when the 
 one etar is seen at A, the other 
 will be seen at a. When the 
 earth has made a quarter of a ^ 
 revolution in its orbit, their 
 apparent places will be 36 ; ^ 
 when another, quarter, Cc ; and 
 when another, Dd. If then, 
 Ave measure carefully, with mi- 
 crometers atlapted for the purj^oscs, their apparent situation 
 with respect to each other, at different times of the year, 
 we should perceive a periodical change, both in the direction 
 of the line joining them, and in the distance between their 
 centres, For the lines A't, and Cc, cannot be parallel, nor 
 the lines B6, and Dd, equal, unless the ellii)ses bo of equal 
 dimensions, i.e. unless the two stars have the same parallax, 
 or are equidistant from the earth." 
 In examining the case here illustrated we are in u3ubt 
 as to the latitudinal place of the star represented in the 
 figure and with respect to which no information appears 
 to be given. It must be remembered that Herschei 
 assigns to the earth an orbit horizontal to the axis of the 
 celestial sphere; consequently, it seems to us that a paral- 
 lactic ellipse, having its major axis perpendicular to the 
 station of the terrestrial observer, as shown in the figure, 
 could be only obtained by positing the celestial sphere 
 horizontally. Let us suppose the double star under exami- 
 nation to be Polaris with a companion star actually at a 
 much greater distance but apparently in close proximity. 
 We then have Herschel's figure modified as in fig. ^ . . 
 because the sum of the annual parallactic movements 
 (displacements) of the two stars would be circles reflect- 
 ing the orbital revolution of the earth, the greater circle 
 belonging to the nearer star, the lesser to the more dis- 
 tant.* Now, if we suppose the star to be equatorial, or 
 nearly so, we shall have the figure modified as shown at 
 C. . . that is, the two stars would appear to shift their 
 position almost linearly, having a reciprocating move- 
 ment to and fro annually, in the same line, or in an 
 extremely elongated ellipse. Again, if we suppose the 
 double star to be located intermediately between the 
 celestial pole and equator, we then have an ellipse such 
 as shown oX B. 
 I : 
 \ '<: 
 * From this figure it may be readily understood that the phenomenon of 
 a revolving double star may be occasioned by the greater parallactic dis-. 
 placement of tlie nearer of two polf.r which are nearly in the same 
 "We have given reasons in the preceding part of this 
 work why the earth's orbit should be considered to be 
 compounded of vertical motion as well as of horizontal ; 
 adopting this theory (of the earth's perpendicular axis) 
 we shall then have the parallactic effect on the equatorial 
 star, illustrated by the fig. B instead of by the fig. C, 
 and in the case of the intermediately located star the 
 ellipse of the fig. B would be converted into an ellipse 
 similar to that of Herschel's figure, but placed horizon- 
 tally instead of upright.* 
 The quotation from HerschcVs Outlines of Astronomy 
 (811.) "Now, micrometers, properly mounted, enable us 
 to measure very exactly both the distance between two 
 objects which can bo seen together in the same field of a 
 telescope, and the position oi the line joining them with 
 respect to the horizon, or the meridian, or any other deter- 
 minate direction in the heavens. The double image micro- 
 meter, and especially the heliometer (art. 200, 2U1), is 
 peculiarly adapted for this purpo^se. The images of the two 
 stars formed side by side, or in the same line prolonged, 
 however momentarily displaced by temporary refraction or 
 instrumental tremor, move together, preserving their rela- 
 tive situation, the judgment of which is in no way disturbed 
 by such irregular movements. The heliometer also, taking 
 visual line from the earth. That one of the two, which is much the nearer, 
 appearing to revolve ecrdntricallj once in the year around the more 
 • The reader will understand the theoretical representation ot the case 
 belonging toeach of the respective localities will be thus modified by the 
 parallactic effect due to the vertical motion of the earth through 4'" 
 (or 4S°) equalling about 74 million miles, and, therefore, not very much 
 less than one half the horizontal diameter of the orbit. 
 in a greater range than ordinary micrometers, enables us to 
 •compare one large star with more than one adjacent small 
 one, and to select such of the latter among many near it, as 
 shall be most favourably situated for the detection of any 
 motion of the large one, not participated in by its neighbour." 
 (812.) " The star examined by Bessel has two such neigh- 
 ' hours both very minute, and therefore, probably, very dis- 
 tant, most favourably situated, the one (s) at a distance of 
 7' 42", the other (s') at 11' 46" from the large star, and so 
 ■ situated, that their directions from that star make nearly a 
 right angle with each other. The effect of parallax, there- 
 fore, would necessarily cause the two distances (Ss, and Ss') 
 to vary so as to attain their maximum and minimum values 
 alternately at throe-monthly intervals, and this is what was 
 actually observed to take place, the one distance being 
 always most rapidly on the increase or decrease when the 
 other was stationary (the uniform effect of proper motion 
 being understood, of course, to be always duly accounted 
 for). This alternation, though so small in amount as to 
 indicate, as a final result, a parallax, or rather a difference 
 of parallaxes between the large and small stars, of hardly 
 more than one-third of a second, was maintained with such 
 regularity as to leave no room for reasonable doubt as to its 
 cause ; and having been confirmed by the further continu- 
 ance of these observations, and quite recently by the 
 •exact coincidence between the result thus obtained and that 
 deduced by M. Peters from observations of the same star at 
 the observatory of Pulkova, is considered on all hands a? 
 fully established. The parallax of this star, finally resulting 
 from Bessel's observation, is 0".348, so that its distance from 
 our system is very nearly three parallactic units (art. 804)." 
 (813.) " The bright star a Lyrse has also near it, at only 
 43" distance (and, therefore, within reach of the parallel 
 Tvire or ordinary double-image micrometer), a very minute 
 star which has been subjected, since 1835, to a severe and 
 assiduous scrutiny by M. Struve, on the same principle of 
 differential observation. He has thus established the exist- 
 ence of a measurable amount of parallax in the large star, 
 loss indeed thar that of 61 Cygni (being only about J of a 
 second), but yet sufficient (such was the do\icacy of his 
 measurements) to justify this excellent observer in an- 
 nouncing the result as at least highly probable, on the 
 strength of only five nights' observation, in 18.35 and 1836. 
 This probability, the continuation of the measures to the- 
 end of 1838 and the corroborative, though not, in this case, 
 precisely coincident result of Mr. Peters' investigations, have 
 converted into a certainty. M. Struve has the merit of 
 being the first to bring into practical application this method 
 of observation, which, though proposed for the purpose, 
 and its groat advantages pointed out by Sir William 
 Herschel so early as 1781, remained long unproductive of 
 any result, owing partly to the imperfection of micrometers 
 for the measurement of distance, and partly to a reason 
 which we shall presently have occasion to refer to." 
 (814.) " If the component individuals S, s (fig. art. 810) bo 
 (as is often the case) very close to each other, the paral- 
 lactic variation of their anyle of position, or the extreme 
 angle iLcluded between the lines Aa, Cc, may be very con- 
 siderable, even for a small amount ofdifferenco of parallaxes 
 between the large and small stars. For instance, in the 
 case of two adjacent stars 15" asunder, and otherwise 
 favourably situated for observation, an annual fluctuation 
 to and fro in the apparent direction of their line of junc- 
 tion to the extent of half a degree (a quantity which could 
 not escape notice in the means of numerous and careful 
 measurements), would correspond to a difference of parallax 
 of only J of a second. A difference of 1" between two stars 
 apparently situated at b" distance might cause an oscillatioit 
 in that line to the extent of no less than 11°, and if nearer, 
 one proportionally still greater. This mode of observation 
 has been applied to a vonsideruble number of stars by Lord 
 Wrottesley, and with such aa amount of success, as to make 
 its further application desirable. (Phil. Trans., 1851.)" f 
 (816.) "Che following are some of the principal fixed 
 stars to which parallax has been, up to the present time, 
 more or less probably assigned : 
 a Centauri 0".976 (Henderson, con-'d by Peters.) 
 61 Cygni 0".348 (Bessel.) 
 21258 Laland... 0".260 (Kriiger.) 
 1U\5-G Oeltzen. 0".247 (Kriiger.) 
 * a Lym 0".155 (W. Struvo, corr. by O. Struve.) 
 Sirius 0".150 (Henderson, corr. by Pctern.) 
 lO.pOphinchi 0".16 (Kruger.) 
 Ursoe Majoris... 0".133 (Peters.) 
 Arcturus 0".127 do 
 Polaris 0".067 do 
 Capella 0".046 do 
 • Qy. 0'.255 (see art. 813). 
 Although the extreme minuteness of the last four of these 
 results deprives them of much numerical reliance, it is at 
 least certain that the parallaxes by no means follow the 
 order of magnitudes ; and this is farther shown by the fact 
 that a Cygni, one of M. Peters' stars, shows absolutely no 
 indication of any measurable parallax whatever." 
 (7.) The Theory of Aberration. 
 , Let us now examine the " theory of aberration, to 
 which (as shown by the foregoing quotation) so great an 
 importance is attached by astronomers. 
 t See Note on last page (page 89.) 
 < ■ 
60 TnEORT or aberration. 
 We will first take the explai)atiori given by Dr. 
 Handbook of Astronomy. 
 (2440.) " Aherradon of Zljf//^— Assuming, tl\pn, the velo- 
 city of light, and the earth is in motion in an orbit 
 round the sun with a velocity of about 19 miles per second, 
 which must be its speed if it move at all, as will hereafter 
 . /pear, an effect would be produced upon the apparent 
 placcHofall celestial objects, by the combination of these 
 two motions which we shall now explain. 
 " It has been statod that tli« apparent direction of a 
 visible object is in the direction from which the visual ray 
 enters the eye. Now, this diroetion will depend on the 
 actual direction of the ray if the eye which receives it be 
 quiescent; but if the eye bo in motion, the same effect is 
 produced upon the organ of sense, as if the ray, besides the 
 motion which is proper to it, had another motion equal and 
 contrary to that of the eye. Thus, if light moving from 
 the north to the south with a velocity of 192,000 miles per 
 second, be struck by an eyo moving from west to oast with 
 the same velocity, the effect produced by the light upon the 
 organ will be the same as if the eye, being at rest, were 
 struck by the light having a motion compounded of two 
 equal motions, one from north to south, and the other from 
 east to west. The direction of this compound effect would, 
 by the principles of the composition of motion (176), be 
 equivalent to a motion from the direction of the north-east. 
 The object from which the light comes would, therefore, 
 be apparently displaced, and would be seen at a point 
 beyond that which it really occupies in the direction in 
 which the eye of the observer is moved. This displacement 
 itt called accordingly the aberration of lioht. 
 " This may bo mada Htill more evident by the following 
 mode of illustration. Let (Fig, 717) l>o the oijject from 
 ^> Q which light comt's in the direction Ooe". Lot fi 
 \ i he tho place of the eye of the observer when the 
 \ \ light is at 0, and let the eye bo upposod to 
 \ j move from e to e", in tho same time that tho 
 \ i light moves from o to e". Lot a straight tube 
 \ \ be imagined to bo directed from tho oyo at<^, to 
 \ i the light at o, so that the light shall bo in tho 
 • ; centre of its opening, while the tube moves with 
 > i the eyo from o etooV, maintaining constantly 
 .'' the same direction, and remaining parallel to 
 itself: the light in moving from o to e" will pass 
 along it>< axis, and will arrive af e" when tho oyo 
 arrives at iliat point. Now it is evident that in 
 this case tho direction in which the object would 
 be visible would be tho direction of tho axis of 
 • the tuV>o, so that, instead of appearing in tho 
 direction ' -vhich is its true direction, it 
 •would appear in the direci.. >0', advanceJ from o. in dircc- 
 tioiiof tho motion e e", with which the i)l>*orvcr is aifected, 
 "The motion of light being at the rate of 192,000 miles 
 per second, and that of tho earth (if it move at all) at tho 
 rate of 19 miles por second (both those velocities will bo 
 ostablishod hereafter), it follows that the proportion of o e" 
 to e e" must bo 192,00o to 19, or 10,000 to 1. 
 " The angle of aberration OoO' will vary with the obliquity 
 of tho direction e e" of tho observer's motion to that of tho 
 visual ray o e". In all cases the ratio of o e" to e e" will bo 
 10,000 to 1. If tho direction of the earth's motion be at 
 right angles to tho direction o e" of the object 0, we shall 
 have (2294) tho aberration a = '^^^ « 20".42. If the angle 
 o e" e be oblique, it will be necessary to reduce e e" to its 
 component at right angles to o e", which is done by multi- 
 plying it by the trigonomotriciii sine of the obliquity oe" e of 
 " tho direction of tho object to that of the earth's motion. If 
 thJH obliquity bo exprossoil by 0, wo hHrII hnvo for tho 
 uliorrations in gcnornl a = 20". 42 x »in. 0, Acconling to this, 
 the attorrntion would bo groutoiitt when tho direction of tho 
 earth'H motion \n at right angles to that of tho object, and 
 would docrottHO as tho angle docroaHOs, being nothing 
 when tho object in iseon in tho direction in which tho earth 
 is moving, or in exactly tho controry direction. 
 " Tho phonomuiia may alsso bo imagined by considering 
 that the earth, in revolving round tho sun, constantly 
 chango.s tho direction of its motion ; that direction making 
 a complete revolution with tho earth, it follows that tho 
 ctfect produced upon tho ai»parent place of a distant object 
 would be the name if that object really revolved onco a year 
 roun<l its true pluco, in a circle whoso piano would bo 
 parallel to that of tho earth's orbit, and whose radius would 
 subtend at tho earth an angle of 20".42, and tho object 
 would bo always seen in such a circle 90' in advance of tho 
 earth's place in its orbit." 
 .Since the subject is of great importivnce, we will also 
 quote the explanation given by Sir John Hcrscliel. 
 Outlines of Astronomy (page 210) : 
 (328.) "Neither procession nor nutation change tho 
 apparent places of celestial oljjocts inter se. Wo see them, 
 so far as these causes go, as they are, though from a station 
 more or less unstable, as we soo distant land objects cor- 
 rectly form 'I I, though appearing to rise and fall whei» 
 viewed from the heaving dock of a ship in tho act of pitch- 
 ing and rolling. But there is an optical cause, independent 
 of refraction or of perspective, which displaces them one 
 amony the other, and causes us to view the heavens under 
 an aspect always, to a certain extent, false; and whoso 
 influence must be estimated and allowed for before we can 
 obtain a precise knowledge of the place of any object. This 
 "' cauMO is what Ih cal let! tiio ahurrntion uf li^ht ; aHiiigular 
 and Hurprising ortoct arising from tliiw, that wo occuj))' a 
 station not at rest, hut in rapid motion ; and tliat tlio appa- 
 rent diroctionH of tlio rny» of light aro not the namo to a 
 spectator in motion as to one at rest. Ah tho estimation of 
 itH effect holongs to uranography, we must explain it lioro, 
 tliough, in HO doing, wo must anticipate some of tlie results 
 to ho dotaile<l in Buiweciuont chapters." 
 (329.) "Suppose a shower of rain to fall perpendicularly 
 in n dead calm; a person c.\'iiosc<l to the shower, who 
 should stand quite still and upright, would receive tlie drojis 
 on his hat, which would thus shelter hint ; but if he ran 
 Hu'ward in any direction, thej' would strike iiim in tho face. 
 Tho etl'oct would ho the same as if ho remaine<l still, and a 
 ■wind should arise of the same velocity, and drift them 
 ;igfrinst him. Suppose a Imll let fiijl from a i)oint A, above 
 w horizontal line EF, and at B wore placed to receive it tho 
 open mouth of an inclined hollow tube PQ ; if tho tube 
 Avero Ijeld immoveable, tho ball would strike on its lower 
 side ; but if the tube were carried forward in the direction 
 KF, with a velocity projicrly adju.sted at every instant to 
 that of tho ball, wiiile j)rcserving its inclination to the 
 horizon, so that when tho ball in sts natural descent reached 
 C, tho tube should have been carried into the position RS> 
 it is evident that the ball would, throughout its whole do- 
 " scent, be foutul in the axis of the tube ; and a spectator 
 referring to the tube the motion of the ball, and carrietl 
 along with the former unconscious of its motion, would 
 fancy that the ball had been moving in the inclined direc- 
 tion KS of the tube's axis." 
 (330 ) . " Our eyes and telescopes are such tubes. In 
 whatever manner we consider light, wiiether as an advanc- 
 ing wave in a motionless ether, or a shower of atoms travers- 
 ing space (provided that m both cases we regard it as 
 absolutely incapable of suffering resistance or corporeal 
 obstruction from the particles of tran-ipnrent media traversed 
 by it*), if in the interval between the rays traversing the 
 object glass of the one or the cornea of the other (at xohich 
 moment they acquire that convergence which directs them 
 to a certain point in fixed space), and their arrival at their 
 locus, the cross wires of the one or the retina of the other 
 be slipped aside, the point of convergence (which remains 
 unchanged) will no longer correspond to the intersection of 
 the wires or the central point of our visual area. The object 
 then will appear displaced ; and the amount of the displaoe- 
 ment is abirration." 
 (331.) " The earth is moving through space with a velocity 
 of about 19 miles per second, in an elliptic path round the 
 sun, and is therefore changing the direction of its motion at 
 every instant. Light travels with a velocity of 192,000 
 miles per second, which, although much greater than that 
 of the earth, is yet not infinitely so. Time is occupied by 
 * " Tliis conditiun is indispensable. Without it we fall into all 
 those difficulties which .M. Doppler has so well pointed out in his 
 paper on Aberration. If light itself, or the luminlferous ether, be 
 corporeal, the condition insisted on amounts to a formal surrender ol 
 the dogma, eitl.or of the extension or of the impenetrability of mat- 
 ter; at least in the sense iu which those terms have been hitherto 
 used by metaphysicians. At the poin'. to which science is arrived, 
 probably few will be found disposed to mention either the one or tha 
 "it in traversing any space, and in tliat time the earth de- 
 BcribeB a space which is to the former an 19 to 192,000, or 
 as the tangent of 20",5 to radius. Suppose now APS, to 
 represent a ray of light from a -star at A, and let the tube 
 PQ bo that of a telescope so inclined foi-wai-d that the focus 
 formed by its object glass shall be received upon its cross 
 wire, it is evident from what has been said, that the incli- 
 nation of the tube must bo such as to make PS: SQ:: 
 velocity of light: velocity of the earth : : 1 : tan. 20".6; and, 
 therefore, the angle SPQ, or PSll, by which the axis of the 
 telescope must deviate from tiie true direction of the staiv, 
 must Iie20".5." 
 (332.) "A similar reasoning will hold good when the 
 direction of the earth's motion is not perpendicular to the 
 visual ray. If SB be the true direction of the visual ray. 
 and AC tlie position in which the telescope requires to be 
 held in the apparent direction, we mu;<t still have the pro- 
 l)orlion BC : BA : : velocity of light ; velocity of the eartU. 
 : : radius : sine of 20".5 (for in such 
 small angles it matters not whether 
 we uho the sines or tangents). But 
 we have also, by trigonometry, 
 BC : BA: : sine of BAG: sine of 
 ACB, or CBP, which last is the 
 apparent displacement caused by aberration. Thus it 
 appears that tl»e sine of the aberration, or (since the angle 
 is extremely small) the aberration itself, is proportional to 
 the sine of the angle made by the earth's motion in space 
 with the visual ray, and is, therefore, a maximum when the 
 line of si]iht is perpendicular to the direction of the earth's 
 (333.) " The uraiiogniphical otl'ect of ai>erration, then is 
 to distort the aspect of the heavens, causing all the stars to 
 crowd, as it were, directly towards that point in the heavens 
 which is the vanishing jioint of all lines parallel to that in 
 " which tlic earth is for tlio momont moving. As the earth 
 jiiovos round the sun in the ph»no of the ecliptic, this j)oint 
 must lie in that phme, 90° in advance of the earth's longi- 
 tude, or 90** behind the sun's, and shifts, of course, contin- 
 ually, describing the circumference of the ecliptic in a year. 
 It in easy to demonstrate that the oft'ect on each particular 
 star will be to make it apparently describe n small ellipse 
 in the heavens, having for its centre the point in which the 
 star would bo seen if the earth were at rest." 
 (3;{4.) " Aberration, then, aflbcts the apparent right as- 
 censions and declinations of al! the stars, and that by quan- 
 tities easily calculable. The formulae most convenient for 
 that purpose, and which, sj-slematicall}' embracing at the 
 same time the corrections for precession and nutation, 
 enable the observer, with the utmost readiness, to disen- 
 cumber his observations of right ascension and declination 
 of their influence, have been constructed by Professor 
 Hcssel, and tabulated in the a))])cndix to the first volume ol" 
 the Transactions of the Astronomical Society, where they will 
 be found accompanied with an extensive catalogue of the 
 places, for 1830, of the princij)al fixed stars, one of the most 
 useful and best arranged works of the kind which has ever 
 appeared." ^ 
 (335.) " When the bod}' from which the visual ray ema- 
 nates is itself in motion, an ett'ect arises which is not, ])ro- 
 jterly speaking, aberration, though ic is usually treated under 
 that head in astronomical books, and indeed confounded 
 with it, to the production of some confusion in the mind of 
 the student. The effect in question (which is independent 
 of any theoretical views respecting the nature of light) may 
 be exi)lained as f(;llows. The ray by which wo see any 
 object is not that which it emits at the moment we look at 
 it, but that which it did emit some time before, viz., the 
 time occupied by light in traversing the interval which 
 weparatcs it from us. The aberration of such a bo ly then 
 " arising fromtho earth's velocity must l)o applied as a cor- 
 rection, not to the lino joining the earth's place at the 
 moment of observation witli that occupied by the body at 
 the same rroment, but at thut antecedent instant when the 
 ray quittel it. Hence it is easy to derive the rule given 
 by an*' .omical writers for the case of a moving object. 
 Fiom ihc hnoun hues of its motion and the earth's calculate 
 Its apparent or relative anyu/ar motion In the time taken by 
 Uyhtto traverse its distance from the earth. This is the total 
 amount of its apparent misplacement. Its ert'cet is to dis- 
 place the body observed in a direction contrary to its apj)a- 
 rent motion in the heavoris. And it is a compound of 
 aggrogaie etlect coiiHisting of two parts, one of which is the 
 aborration, projicrly so called, resulting from the compo- 
 sition of the earth's motion with that of light; the other 
 being what is not inaptly termed the equation of Hylit, 
 being the allowance to be made for the time occupied by 
 th« light in traversing a variable Hjjaco." 
 The hist section brings in a division of the subject not 
 immediately under consideration, but it is given here to 
 complete the explanation byHerschel, and also as belong- 
 ing to the general theory of (the so-cuUed) aberration 
 of light. 
 The explanation and illustration by Lardner are 
 included in those of llerschel; it will, therefore, suflice 
 to take the latter here for preliminary consideration. 
 The defmition of the meaning is by inference from ana- 
 logy, and the first illustration is that of the shower of 
 rain. The simple statement of fact, herein made, appeals 
 to the experience of every individual, and, as it is not at 
 onc«; contradicted by that experience, it may be termed 
 plausible; but upon more careful consideration, it will 
 appear, in respect to the application to be made and the 
 inference intended to be drawn from it, that the statement 
 is not supported by fact. It is true that if a person runs 
 rapidly in a shower of rain, a drop of the water may come 
 in contact with his face, which would not have done so had 
 he stood still ; but it is suiely evident that the angle at 
 which the drop of water descended (or tlie angle at 
 which it rains) cannot have been altered by the person's 
 running, and this is the question at issue. A drop of rain 
 win occupy a certain time in descending through a spuco 
 equal to the distance from the upper part of a man's 
 forehead to his chin ; and if, during the time of that de- 
 scent, a man running brings his face in contact with the 
 drop, the effect is of the same kind as if the drop had been 
 suspended at that height from the ground at which it 
 comes in contact with his face. The additional sup- 
 position of the wind increasing the effect is, in regard 
 to the rain only, not open to the same objection, because 
 therein would be an actual cause operating to alter 
 (increase or decrease) the angularity of the rain's descent ; 
 the effect of the wind's force would combine with that of 
 the force of gravitation, and result in a compound effect ; 
 but in regard to the analogy, the supposition is entirely 
 false and inapplicable, because there are no grounds 
 for supposing that wind can divert or affect a ruy of 
 light ; on the contrary, it is quite established that the 
 fact is the reverse : the most violent hurricane dues not 
 cause a ray of light to deviate in tlie slightest degree 
 from its direction o'" ?.\>:{\r of incidence. 
 The illustratiun ( f th<* incMni .< tube, as shown, is not 
 altogether incorrect, u ic &h an »tn lioty it is very imperfect 
 and objectionable ; iu ! a i r.n explanation, very likely to 
 mislead the student. Takiiig the same figure, we will 
 apply it, in the first instance, as follows (supposing the 
 inclined tube to be left out of the figure) : £SF represents 
 a plane moving horizontally with a certain velocity in the 
 direction EF. At P, in the perpendicular line APS, is a 
 ball falling vertically from A, towards S ; the propor- 
 Fig. 6. 
 tional velocity of the moving plane EF to that of the 
 falling ball is such, that a place on the plane will move 
 from Q to S, in the same time that the ball falls, from P to 
 S ; consequently, the boll P will fall upon the place Q. At 
 the same time the place S will have moved towards F, 
 and when P (the ball) arrives at S (or Q), S will have 
 arrived at T ; ST being equal to QS. The interposition 
 of the tube, in fact, alters nothing ; but it apparently com- 
 plicates the otherwise simple case — which is, that the ball 
 falls vertically and strikes the plane at right angles to its 
 position and motion : just the same as if the plane had 
 remained at rest, and the ball had been allowed to fall 
 from a place at the same height vertically over Q. 
 The analogy of the falling ball to light emitted from a 
 luminous body is very imperfect, because, whereas the 
 ball can only fall vertically or in some one angular direc- 
 tion, the rays of light from the luminous body are emit- 
 ted, in every angular direction, in radiant lines from the 
 body as a centre. The conditions of the case are, there- 
 fore, essentially different from tliose of a ball falling ver- 
 tically ; whatever distance is assumed for A (supposing 
 it a star), rays of light from it will be continuuUy arriv- 
 ing at the earth in angular directions, depciident upon 
 its situation relatively to tlie place upon wliich tiie ray 
 h incident, and whenever the earth, moving in tlie 
 direction EF, arrives at Q, it will evidently nuu!t 
 rav of light which have just arrived from the star.* 
 By the illustration, the ball falls vertically upon the 
 moving plane ; now, su[>|»osing the ball is made to 
 descend at a detinite angle, as, for instance, through 
 the tube PQ, it would strike or conw in contact witli 
 tlie plane at its angle of descent {i.e. PQS), not, however, 
 at the place Q ; for, supposing the plane to be in nmtion, 
 and Q to have been at the base of the tube when the ball 
 commenced to descend, Q during the descent will 
 have moved to S, and another place on the moving 
 plane will receive the ball ; but this does not alter the 
 angle of incidence of the ball or of the light. 
 The correctness of this theory (aberration of liglit) may 
 be tested by the illustration of the method (>f determining 
 the Sim's parallax (as given in IlcrscloTs Astronomy, Fig. 
 art. 3oo). We will suppose the earth to be moving in 
 its orbit in the direction of the arrows; the effect of the 
 aberration of light (if real) would be, as explained in the 
 preceding (juotations, to shift the apparent place of the 
 sun from S to (some place) T. Conseipiently, if the 
 • We nre hero adopting, for the nionicu*, the Inngimgc of the theory, 
 in order to meet the argument on its own ground : in u strictly scicntilic 
 sense the ex{>ression is objectioniible. 
 -,-ji .*sicioi!i . 
 zeniths of the places of observation were determined 
 independently of the sun's apparent place, the effect 
 would be to give a different parallax for the two places ; 
 that of BTC being greater than ATC ; but the zeniths 
 of the two places of observation must be determined 
 independently of the observed place of the sun, for 
 otherwise there could be no parallax ; the effect must 
 be therefore to increase the actual parallax — i.e. the 
 total apparent displacement — by the distortion due to 
 F!g. 7. 
 aberration. Now the parallax obtained by this geocen- 
 tric method is 8" 6 ; and the supposed displacement attri- 
 buted to aberration is 2()".5. 
 If now, leaving the case for particular examination in 
 the next cha[)ter, we discard for the moment the sup- 
 posed aberration of light as altogether imaginary ; and, 
 then, we assume those observed effects which have been 
 attributed by astronomers to aberration of light to be 
 really the effects of parallax, can we thus (from the total 
 amount of parallax) obtain an approximate meas- 
 ure of the distance of the visible stars? The 
 quotation already given from Herschel's work shows 
 that the efforts of astronomers to obtain even such 
 approximate measurement .have been entirely un- 
 successful. These attempts were made by heliocentric 
 or annual parallax, in which the distance of the earth 
 from the sun serves for the base line of the triangle. 
 But this heliocentric parallax (as a trigonometrical pro- 
 cess) differs essentially from the geocentric ; nor is it 
 anywhere explained how the apparently great, if not 
 insurmountable, difficulty of thus directly obtaining 
 the parallax of a star, even if the distance was 
 less than the distance of the sun, has been over- 
 come. It is evident that knowledge as to the dis- 
 tance of a body is obtained in the geocentric method 
 by the two observations from places, at a definite and 
 known distance from each other on the earth, being made 
 at the same time ; but to obtain parallax by the heliocentric 
 method, it is impossible for two observers to be stationed 
 at different and distant places in the earth's orbit at the 
 same time, and therefore the method differs assentially 
 from the geocentric. It is true an observation can he 
 made from the earth at' one extremity, or at any place in 
 the orbit, and subsequently a second observation can be 
 made from the opposite extremity or from some other dis- 
 tant place in the orbit ; and the two observations may 
 be compared ; but does it follow, or is it to be expected 
 that the same result as by the geocentric method, or, 
 indeed, that any (reliable) result can be in this manner 
 obtained I If some of the stars moved with a known 
 velocity, and others were comparatively motionless, it 
 is not difficult to understand that observations of them 
 would have a diffiirentiaJ value from which further know- 
 ledge might be obtained. But as all the stars are rela- 
 tively (iilnioat> motionless, it doo!« not immediately ap- 
 pear wherv the standard of cumpurison is to be found, or 
 whoHtM* th« diflTeivinlHl iinsflo to Uv obtained wpon which 
 to btt«r \\w ('(Mnpntiition. Theiippiirent motion of all the 
 gta»"»* V HVjpposing tho distanct' tliem aM to be very great) 
 |i necessarily nearly tlie same. An ennentially distinct 
 basis .'or the (^unputatiou has, therefore, to be sought, 
 and may be found in observing the relative positions of 
 the sun and the stiir to that of the earth when the eartb 
 is at some di'tinito place in its orbit, as for example, 
 the central ploc» eqnidly distant from twc definite extre- 
 mities of the orbit; and then when the earth has arnved 
 at a distant part of the orbit, observing tiie alteration 
 in the relative angidar position of the earth and sun, 
 and the earth and star, respectively. 
 In this manner the h#'lio-centric parallax of the star 
 may be obtained ; and, a? we will presently show, by a 
 modification of the same method two definite compara- 
 tive angles may be obtained proport'onal to each other in 
 the same ratio as the distance of the star from the sun is 
 to the distance of the earth from the sun. Since the last 
 is a known quantity, the distance of the star may be thus 
 The collective parallactic result of the earth's pro- 
 gressive change of position throughout a complete revo- 
 lution known by the tenn annual parallax is thus 
 described by Dr. Lardner: — 
 Lardner's Handbook of Astronomy : 
 (2442.) " Annual parallax. — If the earth he admitted to 
 movo annually round the sun, as a stationary centre in a 
 circle whoso diamotor muHt liavo the vast magnitude of 209 
 millions of milcH, nil obHorvera placed upon the earth, seeing 
 distant objects from points of view so extremely distant one 
 from the other as nrr opposite extremities of the same 
 diameter of such a circle, must necessarily, as might bo 
 supposed, see those objects in very ditforent directions. 
 " To comprehend the effect which - 
 might be expected to be produced 
 upon the apparent place of a distant 
 object by such a motion, lot E E E E 
 (fig. 718) represent the earth's annual 
 course round the sun as scon in per- 
 spective, and let bo any distant ob- 
 ject visible from the oarlh. The ex- 
 tremity E of the line EO, which is the 
 visual direction of the object, being 
 carried with the earth round the circle 
 E E E E \\\\\ annually describe a cone 
 of which the base is the path of tho 
 earth, and the vertex is tho place of 
 the object 0. While the earth moves 
 round the c\vc\o E E, tho lino of visual 
 direction would, therefore, have a cor- 
 responding motion, and tho apparent 
 place of tho object would be succes- 
 sively changed with the change of di- 
 rection of this line. If the object bo i\ 
 imagined to be projected by the 03-0 
 upon tho firmament, it would trace 
 upon it a path 0' 0" o"\ which would Fig. L. 718. 
 bo circular or elliptical, according to the direction of 
 the object. When the eailh is at Ey the object would 
 be seen at 0; and when tho earth is at J?, it would 
 be seen at 0". The extent of this ai)parent displacement of 
 I bo 
 " tho object would be mooHurud by the angle E £, which the 
 (liamotor E Js! of the eorth'H path or orbit would subtuml at 
 tho object 0. It haH boon Htuted that, in general, tho appa- 
 rent dirtplacenient of a distant viBiblo object, produced by 
 any change in tho utation from which it \n viewud, ia cnllod 
 parallax. That which in produced by tho change of position 
 duo to the diurnal motion of the earth being called diurnal 
 parallax, the corres]ionding diaplacement duo to the annual 
 motion of tho earth in called annual parallax." 
 The general conclusion come to is the same as that 
 expressed in the r|uotation previously given from Iler- 
 schel's work : namely, that no parallax of any of the stars 
 has be';n obtained in this way. On careful examination, 
 however, it will appear that all the parallax observations 
 in recent times have been rnude with a foregone conclu- 
 sion that no parallax wos attainable ; or that, if any was 
 attainable, it must necessarily be an extremely small 
 amount, not exceeding, at the utmost, the sine of 1". 
 The consequence seems to have been that any quantity 
 of parallax obtained exceeding this 1" has been set down 
 to aberration of light, or to error. 
 The Encyclopedia Britannica — art. Astronomy: 
 " Suppose, for oxam])le, wo observe a star situated in the 
 plane of the odiptic. When tho earth is at that point of 
 its orbit, between tho sun and the star, where the tangent 
 to the orbit is perpendicular to the visual ray (which, on 
 account that tho star has no sensible parallax, alwaj's main- 
 tains a paralhtl direction), the apparent place of tho star 
 will be 20".4 to the westward of the true place ; so that it 
 will appear to have an oscillatory motion on tho ecliptic, 
 the rang© of which is 40".8, and the period exactly a year. 
 Half way between these two points, the tangent of the orbit 

 % .«v 
 {71«) 173-4503 

 " is parallel to the direction of the ray of light, and conse* 
 quently there is no aberration. When the star is not 
 situated in the ecliptic, it will suffer a displacement in 
 latitude as well as in longitude. To render this more intel- 
 ligible, let E E B (fig. 28) be the ecliptic ; E, the earth ; 
 and A, the true place of a star situated at any altitude 
 above the ecliptic. In the direction EA, take Ea to 
 represent the velocity of light; a b, that of the earth, 
 and in a parallel direction, that is, parallel to the tan- 
 gent to the ecliptic at E ; the line Eb will now be the 
 apparent visual ray, and the star 
 will seem to be situated at B. Sup- 
 pose the earth to be placed at diffe- 
 rent points of its orbit; the lines ^a 
 will be all parallel to each other, on 
 account of the infinite distance of 
 the star A ; the lines a b will vary 
 little in magnitude, because they are 
 very small in comparison to Ea, 
 but their di^-ections will undergo 
 every possible change being paral- 
 lel to the tangent at E. At the two 
 points of the orbit where the tangent is parallel to EA, the 
 two lines Ea and a b coincide, and consequently there is no 
 aberration. Let us noxt suppose the star to be situated in 
 the pole of the ecliptic. In this case the visual ray is con- 
 stantly perpendicular to the direction of the earth's motion, 
 so that the star will always appear at a distance of 20".4 
 from its true place, or appear to describe a small circle about 
 the pole of the ecliptic. In all other situations, out of the 
 ecliptic, the star's apparent path will be an ellipse, the 
 major axis of which, parallel to the plane of the ecliptic 
 is always 40".8, while the minor axis varies as the sine 
 of the latitude." ,,. 
 I^g. E. B. 
 Jjardner's Handbook of Astronomy, page 179 : 
 (2447) " Close resemblance of the effects of Parallax to 
 Aberration. — Now, it will be apparent that sUch phenomena 
 bear a very close resemblance to those of aberration already 
 describ'^d. In both the stars appear to move annually in 
 small circles when situate 90° from the ecliptic; in both 
 they appear to move in small ellipses between that position 
 and the ecliptic ; in both the eccentricities of the ellipses 
 increase in approaching the ecliptic ; and in both the ellipses 
 flatten into their transverse axis when the object is actually 
 in the ecliptic." 
 (2448. "Yet, aberration cannot arise from parallax. — 
 Notwithstanding this close con'espondence, the phenomena 
 of aberration are utterly incompatible with the effects of 
 annual parallax. The apparent displacement produced by 
 aberration is always in the dii-ection of the earth's motion ; 
 that is to say, in the direction of the tangent to the earth's 
 orbit at the point where the earth happens to be placed. 
 The apparent displacement due to parallax would, on the 
 contrary, be in the direction of the line joining the earth 
 and sun. The apparent axis of the ellipse or diameter of 
 the circle of aberration is exactly the same, that is 20".42,* 
 for all the stars ; while the apparent axis of the ellipse or 
 • In the preceding quotation from the Encyc. Britann., this quantity is 
 correctly stated as 40".8; the writer of the art. therein realizes that the 
 supposed effect would, in the case of an equatorial star, manifest itself not 
 as an ellipse, but as a linear displacement ; the star appearing to have a 
 reciprocating motion backwards and forwards through 40 .8. Surely the 
 fnndaniental fallacy in the theory becomes here very evident, namely, 
 that such an optical effect cannot take place unless there be an angular 
 alteration in the relative position of the star and the observer ; whereas, if 
 there be any such alteration in tbeir relative positions, the effect is due to 
 parallax and not to aberration, 
 diameter of the circle, due to annual parallax, would be dif^ 
 forent for stars at different distances, and would vaiy, in 
 fact, in the inverse ratio of the distance of the star, and 
 could not, therefore, be the same for all stars whatever, 
 except on the supposition that all stars are at the same dis- 
 tance from the solar system, a sujiposition that cannot be- 
 entertained." ; 
 But the illustration L, Fig. 718 of page 64, taken 
 from Lardner's own work, will show that the observed 
 effect of aberration, as described in the Encyclopedia, 
 amounting to 20".4, is precisely of that kind which 
 would be occasioned by parallax. 
 I i 
 (8) A Direct Method of obtaining Parallax of the Dis- 
 tant Stars. 
 Let us now, resuming the assumption, tentatively, that 
 the theory of the aberration of light is not based on 
 fact and consequently untenable, consider the amount 
 20".4, attributed to aberration, as an approximation to 
 the average or mean parallax of a great number of the 
 visible stars; and, with this suppositious quantity as 
 datum, compute, by the direct method of heliocentric 
 parallax, the average distance of those stars from the 
 sun. The modification of the method which appears to 
 us the most simple and advantageous is illustrated in 
 fig. 9, Supposing the star to be in the equatorial plane 
 of the sun at a distance Crom the earth equal to the 
 diameter of the earth's orbit, the lines of junction would 
 evidently form an angle of 46 degrees (the earth having 
 moved from one extremity of the orbit to the other). 
 We obtain, therefrom, the proportion : — 
 As 45° : 20".4 : : distance of the star: 190 million 
 miles. Consequently 90,529,518 million miles, or about 
 953,000 times the distance of the sun from the earth, is 
 the quantity which, subject to the supposition, thus 
 represents the average or mean distance of the stars. 
 F[G. 9. 
 • 1 
 - ( 
 %«■ T 
 ■'■■ ■ ^ ^ \ 
 •'. ' 
 Note. — If tho star bo vertically above the earth, the same 
 method jWill apply ; but in that case, for correct application 
 thereof, the successive observations of the relative angular 
 position of the star must be made only at each of the nodes... 
 that is, when the earth, in its ascent and descent, is passing 
 and repassing through tho equatorial plane of the sun. 
 We have already in the preceding chapter, page 50 to 57^ 
 put before the reader the particulars of the theory of aber- 
 ration as stated and explained in the works of Dr. Lar Jner 
 and Sir John Herschel. We have also in the same chap- 
 ter stated certain preliminary objections to the theory. 
 It is, in the fir»t place, desirable to show, as far as can 
 be done, that the theory (of aberration) on its own ground 
 is irreconcileable with the observed facts of astronomy. 
 But, now, the very circumstance which should, as we 
 think, have prevented the adoption of this theory, 
 constitutes a difficulty in the way of demonstrating its 
 (9.) The Conditions and Requisitions of the Theory. 
 That circumstance is the absence of any actual fact or 
 evidence upon which the theory is even presumably 
 based. The theory is wholly suppositious. It is an infe-' 
 rence from a supposed analogy ; and is applied to casea 
 which in the great majority of instances cannot be 
 brought to the direct test of fact. Some instances, how- 
 ever, where such a practical test can be applied, we shall 
 presently bring under consideration. Before doing so, 
 in order that the reader may have the conditions of the 
 theory distinctly in mind we will briefly take again the 
 exposition and illustration of the theory, already quoted 
 in Chapter II., (page 39), from HerscheVs Outlines of 
 Astronomy ; , 
 " This cause is what is called the aberration of light ; 
 a singular and surprising effect arising from this, that we 
 " occupy a station not at rest, but in rapid motion, and 
 that the apparent directions of the rays of light are not 
 the same to a spectator in motion as to one at rest." 
 " Suppose a shower of rain to fall perpendicularly in a 
 dead calm ; a person exposed to the shower, who should 
 stand quite still and upright, would receive the drops 
 un his hat which would thus shelter him; but if he ran 
 forward in any direction, they would strike him in the 
 face. The effect would be the same if he remained still, 
 and a wind should arise of the same velocity, and drift 
 them against him." 
 Suppose a ball let fall from a point A, above a hori- 
 zon Lai line E F, and at B, were placed to receive it the 
 open mouth of an inclined hollow tube P Q ; if the tube 
 were held immoveable, the ball would strike on its lower 
 side J but if the tube were carried forward in the direc- 
 tion E F, with a velocity properly adj usted at every instant 
 to that of the ball, while preserving its inclination to the 
 horizon, so that when the ball in its natural descent 
 reached C, the tube should have been carried into the 
 position R S, it is evident^ that the ball would through- 
 out its whole descent be found in the axis of the tube ; 
 and a spectator referring to the tube the motion of the 
 ball, and carried along with the former unconscious of its 
 motion, would fancy that the ball had been moving in 
 tlie inclined direction R S of the tube's axis." 
 (10.) Practical Application of the Theory. 
 Let ns now, taking this explanation, test it by appli- 
 cation to the actual phenomena of the stellar universe. 
 Fig. 11 shows the sun occupying the central place, the 
 earth's orbit and four stars r»med respectively Alpha, 
 Beta, Gamma, and Delta, which belong to the distant 
 constellations and are in the plane of the sun's equator; 
 and which are so situated, relatively to each other, that 
 a line passing through the centre of the sun and joining 
 <?ither two of those opposite to each other, is at right 
 angles to a line passing also through the centre of the sun 
 and joining the other two. The actual places of the four 
 stars are denoted by the letters a, a', a", a'". We will 
 suppose'the earth to be at m, at the eastern extremity 
 of its orbit, and to proceed in its orbital path around the 
 sun. An astronomer, on or near the earth's equator (the 
 earth being at the place m in its orbit,) observes 
 each of the four stars and compares their apparent places 
 relatively to each oiiher.* Now their actual places are, 
 as already stated, those denoted by the letters a, a', a", 
 a'"', but where will their ap^^^rew^ places be, according to 
 the theory of aberration as explained in t>e foregoing 
 quotftion from Herschel's Outlines ? The observer first 
 looiis towards Alpha. Since he is moving directly 
 * Evidently he could not observe these stars all \t the same time of the 
 day, although he could do so at dififbrent times of the same day. It is 
 meant that he determine the longitude of each star successively, when the 
 earth is at or near the place indicated. V 
 towards that star, there is, by the theory, no aberration, 
 and he sees it in its actual place at a. He next observes 
 lieta. . . .Since the earth's motion (of about 19 miles a 
 second) is at right angles to a line joining that star and 
 the sun, tlie aberration is, according to the theory, here 
 effective to the fullest extent; and, instead of seeing Beta 
 at a', he sees it at c'. He next turns to Cramma. . . .And 
 since he is moving directly away frpm that star, he sees 
 it in its true place at a". Lastly, he looks at the star 
 Delta,. . . .here again aberration is fully effective, and he 
 sees Delta not at a'", but at h'". We now suppose the 
 earth to. have proceeded to the northern extremity of its 
 orbit, at n ; and the astronomer repeats his observations 
 of the four stars successively. By the theory of aberra- 
 tion (Ilerschel's foregoing explanation) he will find that 
 each one of the four stars has moved to another place ; 
 for he is now passing Alpha at right angles to a line 
 joining that star and the sun, and therefore, by the theo- 
 ry, he sees Alpha at h. And he is moving directly 
 towards Beta, which he now sees in its true place at a' 
 . Similarly Gamma has moved its apparent place from 
 a", to c", and Delta has retired to its true place at a'". 
 The earth proceeds, and arrives at the western extremity 
 of its orbit at o. The astronomer renews his observa- 
 tions. . . .The aberration theory tells us where he will 
 find each of the four stars — namely, Alpha will have gone 
 back to a. Beta, which was at the time of the first ob- 
 servation at c' and at the second observation had moved 
 to a', will now be found at 6' . . . And similarly of the 
 others. Gamma will be found at a" and Delta which was 
 first at V" and then at a'" is now at c"'. Lastly, the earth 
 having arrived at the southern extremity of the orbit, the 
 observer finds that each star has again shifted its place 
 . . . Alpha must now be seen at c ; Beta at 'a ; Gamma 
 has gone to b" ; and Delta back again to a'". 
 Here then is the statement of a case as to which the 
 practical astronomer may be called upon for* evidence. 
 How stand the facts of observation ? for this is simply a 
 question as to the places at which the observer sees the 
 stars. Do the facts of observation support the aberra- 
 tion-theory ? Do the constellations in or near to the 
 solar equatorial plane thus continually, independently 
 of any parallax (which is quite distinct from the ques- 
 tion here at issue,) shift their positions backwards and 
 forwards relatively to each other, as the earth progresses 
 in its orbit ; at one time approaching nearer to each other, 
 and again receding from each other ; each of them shift- 
 ing its place throughout an arc • of 40". Let the practi- 
 cal astronomer give evidence in the case. Take four 
 constellations situated, relatively to each other, as we 
 have supposed ; such, for example, as Gemini, Pisces, 
 Sagittarius, and Virgo. Any one star in each of these 
 four constellations may be chosen to try the case. Can- 
 not the question be decided by positive evidence, 
 whether the imperative requisition of the aberration- 
 theory (as stated by Herschel) is in this particular case 
 fulfilled or not T 
 There is a corollary to the aberration-theory, or, at 
 least, what, .s it seems to us, must be a corollary if the 
 theory has any substantiality or definite consistency in 
 itself, which, if stated distinctly and directly, can scarcely 
 fail to startle the practical optician. It is. . .that the angles 
 * The angle of aberration is 20" 5, which has to be doubled 
 because it is at first fully effective in the one direction and 
 afterwards in the reverse. 
 K. N.- 

 C .<# 
 of incidence and reflection are not always equal. For the 
 angle of vision, or the angle under which the eye perceives 
 the luminiferous body, cannot be otherwise than equal to 
 the angle of reflection, and this angle of vision is not, 
 according to the aberration-theory, the true angle of 
 incidence if the station of the observer have a progressive 
 motion in such a direction as to form witH the direction 
 of the luminiferous body an angle not much less or greater 
 than a right angle. Therefore the angle of reflection 
 from the earth of the solar-light must always difler from 
 the true angle of incidence f 
 (11) The Nature of Light as assumed by the Tlieory. 
 But the statement of this corollary brings again under 
 notice the anomalous character and, indeed, contradic- 
 tory nature of the qualities which are attributed to 
 * Light ' accordingly as the exigencies of the one oi* the 
 other of the three theories — the velocity, the aberration, 
 and the undulatory, theories — require a decidedly ma- 
 terial nature subject to the laws of matter, or a semi- 
 material nature subject to some of those laws and exempt 
 from others, to be assigned to tho atoms or waves of 
 ' light.* • It is, perhaps, in the exposition of the aber- 
 ration-theory that the want of a definite and real founda- 
 tion becomes most immediately manifest. Referring 
 again to Sir John Herschel's explanation, we have the 
 * The meaning of the ezpreision ' Light ' has now become, in some 
 measure, involved in the vague and indefinite meanings which belong ia 
 common to these theories. It sometimes means luminous particles or atoms 
 of luminous matter travelling with incredible Telocity.. ..sometimes means 
 the particles of a purely suppositious fluid, called Ether, vibrating with 
 iuoonceivable rapidity... sumetimes means an effect produced by impact oC 
 the luminous matter on the eye " , > /;;;;;; 
 1 II 1 '1 
 I mm 
 analogy of light to the shower of rain and to the falling 
 ball, that is.. to matter in the liquid and in the solid 
 condition. Something called ' light ' has motion and velo- 
 city, just as the earth moves iii its orbit v/ith a definite 
 velocity. . . .it enters the advanced end of the telescope 
 tube, which is moving rapidly forwards, it is in the tube, 
 moves through the tube, and, emerging from the posterior 
 end, comes in contact with the eye of an observer, or 
 with tlie ground ; or, again, the observer, who is moving 
 forward with the earth upon which he is stationed, strikes 
 his eye against the descending ray of light, just as the per- 
 son whorunnitig forward strikes his face against the falling 
 rain, .there is impact ; the person whoue eye receives the 
 shock, which is a compounded result of the motion of the 
 ray and ol his own motion, infers the position of the lumi- 
 niferous body from the compounded direction in which 
 that shock is received, and hence is in a measure deceived 
 or misled. The supposed analogj' is here to another 
 form or hind of matter in motion. The fundamental theory 
 of light to which it belongs, appears to be the corpuscular 
 theory of Sir Isaac Newton, in which extremely small 
 particles of luminous matter are ejected from the lumi- 
 niferoiis body and move in right lines with enormous 
 velocity, rather than the undulatory theory. At last we 
 find men the most experienced, eminent and distinguished 
 in the sciences of astronomy and optics, as Sir John 
 Herschel, in order to reconcile these theories of light 
 with the actual and known facts of the phenomena, en- 
 deavouring to suppose the existence of a description of 
 matter from which all the properties and qualities of mat- 
 ter are absent. The note to the ' Outlines of Astronomy,' 
 in which Herschel adopts and endorses tie doctrine of M. 
 Doppler on this subjecct, and which we have already 
 quoted (page 54), willserve to exemplify this strange hy- 
 pothesis of an immaterial description of matter. " This 
 condition is indispensable. Without it we fall into all 
 those difficulties which M. Doppler has so well pointed 
 out in his paper on Aberration. If light itself, or the 
 luminiferous ether, be corporeal, the condition insisted on 
 amounts to a formal surrender of the dogma, either of the 
 extension or the impenetrability of matter ; at least in the 
 sense in which these terms have been hitherto used by 
 metaphysicians. At the point to which science is 
 probably arrived, few will be found disposed to mention 
 either the one or the other." 
 This supposition of matter without any of the pro- 
 perties of matter seems to be precisely equivalent to 
 supposing an animal without head, body, limbs, bones, 
 flesh, or, in short, without any of those things which 
 especially pertain to an animal. It is true there is, in 
 the foregoiiig, a sort of saving proviso by Herschel, ' if 
 liffht be corporeal,' — but then, if it be not corporeal, 
 what becomes of the undulatory theory, what of the 
 theory of aberration, and what of the velocity-theory of 
 light ? all of which are upheld by Herschel. 
 (12) Aberration a Dynamical Theory. 
 Let us return again to the astronomical theory ; and 
 submit to the astronomer the following case: We will 
 suppose that the areal (absolute) velocities of the three 
 planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are exactly equal, and 
 that their angular velocities relatively to the Sun are so 
 proportioned (by their icspt^tive distances from the 
 Sun) that whilst the Earth is moving through an arc of 
 six degrees, Venus moves through ten degrees, and Mars 
 through only four. Now, taking the maximum angle of 
 aberration at 20" for the terrestrial observer, what will 
 be the angle of aberration for the inhabitant of Venus 
 and of Mars respectively ? From Herschel's illustration of 
 the inclined tube and falling ball, the angular velocity 
 is that which must determine the angle of aberration ; 
 for, if the distance of the plane E. F., upon which 
 the ball falls, from the starting point A. be doubled, 
 and the plane, move with twice the linear velocity 
 relatively to the point A., the same inclination from 
 the perpendicular would still be given to the tube. 
 To appreciate the wlaole case, it must be remembered 
 that this illustration of the tube and ball illustrates 
 the artificial idea upon whtch the aberration-theory is 
 based only, and does not illustrate the case of an eye or 
 of a telescope directed towards a body outside the Earth : 
 if, for instance, a stationarj'' object be supposed a few 
 miles from the Earth which is moving, it is evident that 
 the angular position of a telescope constantly directed 
 towards the object would require to be constantly chang- 
 ed. Now in Herschel's illustration of tube and moving 
 plane, the same inclination of the tube is preserved 
 throughout the movement ; therefore the illustration is 
 defective, and it is also deceptive, because the theory of 
 aberration itself and Herschel's own exposition of it, 
 each expressly supposes {see Fig. 13) such an appre- 
 ciable alt ration in the relative position of the recipient 
 body wl ich moves, and the luminiferous body which 
 remains stationary. The tube or telescope is always sup- 
 posed to advance relatively to a perpendicular drawn 
 vertically or horizontally, as the case may be, from the 
 object to the plane beneath it ; for the effect claimed, as 
 stated by Herschel, is dependent upon and arises out of 
 this motion of the plane relatively to the object at rest. 
 ^■j i 
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I ' 
 Now, if the consideration of the case in this manner be 
 pursued with attention, it will become evident that the 
 theory of aberration breaks down altogether / because if 
 the body move relatively to the perpendicular drawn from 
 the object to the plane, the angular position of the tele- 
 scope must be changed, for if it be not changed the suc- 
 cessive rays of light cannot enter the tube ; and, if the 
 body has no such relative movement, there can be 
 no effect such as claimed, .but, if the angular position 
 of the telescope requires to be changed, whether it be to 
 increase or decrease the inclination* of the telescope, any 
 optical effect necessitating such a change must belong to 
 parallax. The especial point to which the attention 
 should be directed, is that, if there be no appreciable 
 alteration in the relative po&itions of the luminiferous 
 body and the eye, so that the telescope having the same 
 inclination, constantly receives light from the object at 
 the same angle throughout the movement of the plane,, 
 there can be no appreciable aberration even if the possi- 
 bility of the theory be admitted in other respects. And, if 
 there be an appreciable alteration in the relative position, 
 the effect must be parallax and in the reverse direction to 
 that claimed for aberration. When the whole case is cor- 
 rectly apprehended, the utterly unreasonable character 
 of the general result supposed becomes apparent j for, ii a 
 movement of the earth through only nineteen miles 
 of orbit produces aberration, some proportional altera- 
 tion in the relative angular position of the object and the 
 * As the telescope approaches or passes the perpendicular drawn from 
 the object to the moving plane upon which the observer is stationed, paral- 
 lax will require the inclination of the tube to be altered in the opposite 
 direction to that which aberration would require. , 
 ! i 
 W • 
 ii :ii 
 eye must manifestly take place ; and if the one effect be 
 appreciable so must the other effect be also appreciable ; 
 but what, if instead of the plane moving nineteen miles, 
 it move nineteen hundred or nineteen thousand, nay, 
 nineteen million and even, a distance several times greater 
 than nineteen million miles, and yet without any appre- 
 ciable alteration in the relative angular position of the 
 eye and the object ? A claim of 1" aberration for every 
 1" angular alteration of position (parallax) might appear 
 to be primarily reasonable until shown to be otherwise, 
 but a claim of 20" aberration and no appreciable altera- 
 tion in the relative angular position is manifestly inad- 
 missible. Even Herschel's own illustration evidences 
 negatively that there cannot be any such effect ; hence. . 
 Note (a.) The theory of aberration is a dynamical the- 
 ory in which the very meaning of the term motion, as a 
 relative expression, seems to be imperfectly appreciated or 
 misapprehended. One body moves relatively to another. 
 A body moves with a certain velocity relatively to '>. stan- 
 dard of velocity. There is angular and linear velocity, and 
 each of these is relative. It may be shown that if tlie 
 earth relatively to the distant stars has no appreciable 
 motion and no velocity such as contemplated by the 
 theory, not even a suppositious case of aberration has 
 been made out in respect to those stars. 
 (13) Distrust in the Gift of Sighc required by the 
 Aberration Theory. 
 Before leaving the theory of aberration — let us, refer- 
 ring to either of the illustrations we have given of the 
 eclipses and occupations of Jupiter's satellites, once more 
 briefly note what the student of astronomy is impera- 
 tively required by that theory to understand in respect 
 to those phenomena.* It is. .that he is not to suppose 
 what he appears to see is actually taking place when and 
 as he sees it, but that it is merely certain reflections of 
 light, and interruptions and interferences with light, 
 which have been occasioned by something which has 
 happened about 35 minutes or 50 minutes previously, 
 according to the place of the earth in its orbit at the 
 moment of observation : for example, if he appears to 
 see the satellite just entering the shadow, he is to believe 
 that the satellite has really entered the shadow some 
 forty or fifty minutes earlier, and, if it be the satellite 
 nearest the planet, is already almost at the middle of the 
 eclipse (or occultation.) But the shadowy messengers 
 of light, belonging to the aberration-theory, have occu- 
 pied all that time in bringing him the intelligence of 
 what formerly happened ; indeed, however, he has not 
 yet sufficiently distrusted his eye-sight — this is pnly a 
 general distortion and displacement of everything, which 
 belongs of right to the velocity-of-light theory, aberra- 
 tion proper has not yet come into play, it has its functions 
 to perform, and, seizing the shadowy record of the past 
 event just as it reaches his eye, distorts it afresh by the 
 angle of aberration proper, making it appear that the 
 event, of which intelligence has at length arrived, hap- 
 pened at some place other than that at whi ^h it actually 
 We think the student, who has apprehended that this 
 is the demand made upon his faith by these theories, 
 which say to him. .'put your confidence in us, distrust 
 your eye-sight and beware lest it deceive you,' and who, 
 • This refers to our ParC Fifth which has for its subject the undulatory 
 and velocity theories of light. 
 i i 
 I : 
 1 I 
 then taking his telescope, reads apparently, not the 
 record of the past event, but the event itself actually 
 occurring as he watches the clear definition of each 
 successive phase, will act reasonably if he listen atten- 
 tively to the counter-claim made from within ' to put 
 confidence in his eye-sight, to distrust the theories and 
 beware lest they deceive him-' 
 Note (6.) — We suggest that an advantageous means 
 of practically testing the truth of the Aberration-theory 
 may be found in the observation of one of the lesser of 
 Jupiter's Satellites. 
 Let the Earth be supposed (preferably) at a pLce in 
 its orbit near to opposition ; let the (apparent) moment 
 of the satellite passing the centre of the planet during oc- 
 cultation be carefully determined from the ingress and 
 egress : then, let the moment of passing the centre of 
 the planet at the opposite extremity of the Satellite's 
 orbit, namely, the central point of the transit; and, 
 then, the central moment of the succeeding occultation 
 be determined. 
 If there be truth in the theory of aberration there 
 must necessarily be a distinct (apparent) difference be- 
 tween the two semi-revolutions ; for, at the occultation 
 both the Earth and the planet's satellite are moving in 
 the same direction and there will be virtually no aberra- 
 tion ; but at the transit, the Earth moving in one direc- 
 tion, the satellite moves in the reverse; and, consequent- 
 ly, the effect of aberration must be increased and should 
 considerably exceed the 20".5. 
 As the angle of aberration would be an addition to the 
 one side and a deduction from the other, the difference 
 between the two semi-revolutions would be more 
 than 1'. 
 Note (c). — On the question, .vjhethera luminiferoiis and 
 calcri/erous body, in the absence of a recipient (or recipro- 
 cating) body, radiates light and heat continuously into 
 space. . . .* 
 How has it been ascertained that the sun radiates light 
 into space, and in every direction alike ? Gravitation is 
 also an influence which is communicated from the sun to 
 the planet, or is intercommunicated between them ; and 
 it may also be said to be emitted by the sun. Is, then, 
 the sun supposed to emit or radiate gravitation into 
 space ? Or, is it only emitted in the direction in which 
 there is an aggregated mass of matter, to receive and 
 reciprocate that influence ? Tf the latter, then, suppos- 
 ing we dismiss all foregone conclusion and prejudice, 
 does it appear so certain that the influence which causes 
 light may not be in the same case ?" 
 We wish now, without introducing the case into our 
 main argument, to point out that both the theories, 
 of Aberration and Velocity of Light, are also depen- 
 dent upon the assumption of the continuous radiation 
 of light into space by tki sun or other luminiferous 
 body. We do not mean that the assumption affords any 
 evidence or basis to support the theories but the theories 
 require and are dependent upon the assumption. For, 
 if the assumption be not true in fact, it will follow that, 
 since, by each of the theories, the communication of light 
 requires time (i. e. light has velocity) a star of which the 
 distance from the earth exceeds a certain limited amount 
 must be invisible from the earth. The earth travels in 
 its orbit with a velocity (more than 1000 miles a minute) 
 which will in about 8 minutes remove its entire bulk 
 out of the space which it occupied at the commencement 
 * This question will come uader consideratiou in our Fart Fifth. 
 of that time. If, therefore, the luminiferous body be at 
 such distance from the earth, that light (being assumed 
 to have velocity) requires more than about 8 jninutes 
 to reach the earth, the body, during a great part of 
 the earth's orbital revolution, would be invisible, because 
 the rays if emitted towards the earth would be too late to 
 arrive and would be projected into space or vacancy. But 
 notwithstanding the enormous and incredible velocity 
 assigned to light by the theory, a quarter of an hour would 
 not nearly sutlice for light to reach the earth from tlie 
 very great majonty of those stars which are in fact visible. 
 In many cases the earth would have ample time, not only 
 to get out of the way of the luminous matter, but to 
 make one or mo"e complete revolutions in its orbit, and 
 might thus occasionally and accidentally (so to speal^) 
 return to its former place just wlien the rays were arriv- 
 Now, is the assumption of continuous radiation into 
 space established on certainty ? Is it quite reliable, unas- 
 sailable, and not open to any doubt whatever! Or is it 
 itself an unproven theory, plausible, certainly, at a time 
 when the known facts belonging to the subjects of light 
 and radiant heat were comparatively few, but subject 
 now to grave objection and doubt I Such grave objec- 
 tion and doubt respecting the assumption we, for our- 
 selves, entertain. We remember the very reasonable ob- 
 jection taken by Sir D. Brewster to the undulatory theory 
 of light t (against the form of which objection as irrever- 
 • Sir John Herschel estimates the time, required by the light from 
 some of the most distant (visible) stars to reach the earth at about 2000 
 t Part Fifth (of this series). 
 cnt we felt called upon to protest) ; an objection of the 
 same character seems to us to apply with ecjual force to 
 the case now under consideration. It does not seem 
 reasonable, bearing in miiiu the properties and tpialities 
 of light and radiant heat, their great i'liportance, and tlic 
 grand and invaluable services rendered by them in the 
 economy of nature we say, it does not soeni reason- 
 al)le to suppose that a large proportion of tlie ligiit and 
 lieat radiated goes to waste. . .is radiated and lost; yet 
 such is the meaning of radiation into space. If there be 
 a recipient, it is not difficult to understand that there need 
 not be loss, the heat or light is received and (reciprocat- 
 ed) 'returned in the rime or in some other (mode) condi- 
 tion of force. But radiation into space or vacancy means 
 no return.* 
 There is besides, as noticed before, the kindred and 
 analogous force of gravitation. Do masses of aggregat- 
 ed matter gravitate into space? No then why 
 sliould it be positively concluded that they radiate into 
 space ? 
 (14) Direct Heliocentric methods of ohtaininy Parallax 
 of the distant Stars. 
 Referring to the illustration in the preceding chapter, 
 a correct method of computing the distance of the stars, 
 . . . .we are strongly of opinion that the method there 
 t We are mindful of Dr. Wells' theory of dew, but acceptance of this 
 philosophical and felicitous explanation of the phenomena does not neces- 
 sitate the supposition of rf.diation of heat into space from the surface of 
 the earth there are the stars in sufficient number to serve on a clear 
 night as recipients, although we incline to the opinion that the escape of 
 electricity, in some condition of force other than that of free caloric, into the 
 atmosphere, causes that reduction of temperature on the surface of the earth 
 which condenses the wat^^ry vapour. 
 indicuteil of ascertaining the parallax is not only prac- 
 ticable but is also tiie most simple and direct method. 
 Repeating the illustration of page 69, on the larger 
 scale of Fig. 12 (A.) . . The Earth may be supposed 
 at any definite place m. in its orbit, at which i)lace it i» 
 found by careful observation that a certain star in, or 
 not far from, the solar equatorial plane, is so situated 
 with respect to the sun that the vertical plane, joining 
 the centre of the earth and sun, is at right angles to the 
 vertical plane joining the centre of the earth and star» 
 From the time of that observation, the Earth having 
 made an orbital semi-revolution (exactly), the angle con- 
 tained by the vertical planes is again determined by care- 
 ful observation, and the difference between the two, i.e. 
 the difference between the last angle and a right angle, is 
 the parallax. 
 For ourselves, we are quite sure that aberration of 
 light is a mere phantom of the imagination, but even 
 those, who for the present are persuaded that human 
 sight is deceived in that manner, will allow that aberra- 
 tion could not interfere with parallax ascertained by the 
 method here proposed, for tbe earth would be at the 
 time of the one observation directly receding from, and 
 at the time of the other, directly approaching the star 
 (or vice versa) and, therefore, by the theory there would 
 be no aberration. Or, again, supposing the north polar 
 zenith of the earth, when passing through the sun's equa- 
 torial plane, be accurately determined, and at the com- 
 pletion of 8 semi-orbital revolution of the earth the same 
 place be found, the differenee from a right angle with the 
 sun's equatorial plane will be the parallax of the Pole- 
 star ; from which the approximate distance of the star 

Pa.rcLUM,-t:. - Fi^ I'' 
 ty h^. 
 X. \f 
 V 5: 
 », -^ 
 •^ \^ 
 :? '^ 
 c -.^ 
 "^ > 
 1^ h 
 would be readily obtainable by the simple computation 
 shown at page 69 See Fig. 12 (B.) In this 
 case also, 'aberration' could not interfere ; for by that 
 theory its effect would be to shift the star's place back- 
 wards in the vertical plane joining the star and the earth, 
 but it would not affect the angle formed by that plans 
 and the solar equatorial plane. Whereas the parallax 
 would be the deviation of the plane from a right angle 
 in consequence of the removal of the earth to the oppo- 
 site extremity of the orbit.* 
 (Note. — ^We have taken the riglit angle to render the illustration 
 nioreclear, but, if the angle differed from a right angle, the difference 
 between the first and second observation would still give the parallax ; 
 if, however, in the angle first observed the inclination be towards the 
 sun, the star might be a truly solar pole-star, and in that case no 
 parallax would be thus obtained because the angle would be the same 
 from the opposite sides of the earth's orbit.)t 
 Another method,, by which we opine the approximate 
 parallax of the stars may be obtained, is by the com- 
 parison with each other of stars situated 90 degrees 
 apart on or near to the celestial equator. Fig. 11 may 
 serve well to illustrate this method. Suppose the station 
 of the terrestrial observer to be at p. and let him note 
 the actual and relative localities of the stars Delta and. 
 Alpha. At the expiration of six months his station 
 having arrived at n. let him note again the actual and 
 relative localities of the same two stars. Parallax will 
 * Evidently the absolute right angle is not indispensable. Take Polaris, 
 and, determining the exact deviation from a right angle with the equa- 
 torial plane when the earth is at the one node, then determine the increase 
 or decrease in that deviation when the earth has arrived at the other node. 
 t We are in this example assuming that our demonstration of the per- 
 pendicular terrestrial axis of rotation, parallel to the solar axis, will neces- 
 sarily be admitted, but, even otherwise, the method admits of modification 
 have shifted the apparent place of Delta from h'" to c" 
 but the place of Alpha will have undergone no change, 
 for the observer, on both occasions, sees Alpha at its 
 Actual place, viz., at a. 
 For many astronomical observations an observatory 
 situated at one of the poles vk^oulJ be advantageous, and 
 for the one observer to directly note the position of the 
 two equatorial stars (Delta and Alpha) at the same time 
 a station so situated would be necessary ; indirectly, 
 however, the one astronomer could, we opine, observe 
 the locality of the star in the opposite longitude to his 
 station (which statfon we suppose to oe in the northern 
 hemisphere) with perfect or almost perfect precision. It 
 would be necessary to obtain the exact locality of the 
 pole of the celestial sphere according to the perpen- 
 dicular-axis theory •, having obtained this he would observe 
 the star Gamma when exactly on the meridian of his 
 station, and then continuing the meridianal line through 
 the place of the celestial pole, he would note one or more 
 stars on the produced meridian which would be within 
 the visible hemisphere when his station arrives in the op- 
 posite quarter (i. c, when his station has revolved through' 
 180"). Evidently he might thus find the place of a star 
 in the exactly opposite longitude to and in the same lati- 
 tude as that of the star Gamma, which would be the 
 place of Alpha. Supposing this method not to admit of 
 sufficient precision in practice, the earth's diurnal rotation 
 can be taken advantage of to observe the four stars suc- 
 cessively, namely four stars, respectively situated in or 
 near to the relative position we have indicated, are to be 
 observed successively at each of the six hours ; these 
 observations being repeated on the second day would 
 furnish the data whereby the precise relative place 
 (longitude) which each of the four stars would apparently 
 occupy, if viewed simultaneously, could be determined.* 
 Our computation (at the conclusion of Chapter II,) . 
 shows for a parallax of 20". 5, a distance of the star pro- 
 portionally about twice as great as the estimate given 
 by Herschel for a parallax of 1" only, f We will conclude 
 thest observations with the decided expression of opinion 
 that, when correctly ascertained, the parallax for the 
 nearer stars will be found to considerably exceed 20". t 
 Note. — Eeferring to page 49 — § (814) of quotation from 
 HerscheVa Outlines of Astronomy. ; ; ; 
 " The paper on parallax by Loi-d Wrottesley, ia Plnl. 
 Trans, for 1851, hero referred to, furnishes, as it seems to us, 
 very strong indirect evidence of the soundness of the per- 
 pendicular-axis theory. In consequence, according to our 
 view, of the non-recognition of the earth's vertical motion. 
 Lord Wrottesley finds unaccountable variations and apparent 
 discrepancies in observations of the same stars made with 
 groat care at different times. Eventually he coiicludos to 
 relinquish the attciiipt to obtain a decided parallax, .ground- 
 ing his resolution to do so, if we apprehend aright, mainly 
 on the apparently irregular and unsatisfactory character of 
 the results actually obtained. 
 * This last is tlie method wc havo already supposed to be made use of 
 in experimentally testing the reality of aberration by tri-monthl^ com- 
 parisons of the four equatorial stars. 
 t See quotation page 31, 5 (801). '" 
 X A helio-centric parallax of 1' would be (of course) equiralent to about 
 one-third of the distance represented by 20".4, and, according to our com- 
 putation, to about COO times the distance of the planet Saturn from tba 
: fV ■ ■'<;. 
 Xi- .'»;,)>•■■ 
 Heliocentric Parallax of the Earth and Planets. 
 The apparent path of the sun as it travels around the 
 celestial sphere in the undulatory path of the ecliptic, may 
 be considered ac the effect of heliocentric parallax upon the 
 sun itself (the parallax belonging to the horizontal motion of 
 the earth being, in this instance, compounded with that 
 belonging to its vertical motion : thus causing the oblique 
 position of the circle of the sun's apparent path).. For illus- 
 tration of this refer to Plate 12, Page 88 ; or, to Plate, Fig. 
 20, of Part Second. 
 The eai*th being on the eastern side of its orbit and 
 moving towards the west, the sun is seen on the western 
 side of the celestial sphere and appears to move towards the 
 east ; the earth having moved to the southern side of its 
 orbit, the sun is seen to the north ; the earth having arrived 
 at the western side of its orbit, the sun is seen on the 
 eastern side of the celestial sphere. The sun thus appears 
 to the terrestrial observer to move in the heavens from 
 west to east, or fVom east to west, and so on. 
 Now if we suppose the distance of the sun from the earth 
 to be increased 100 times or 1000 times, tho parallactic angle 
 would be thereby proportionally diminished, or, in other 
 woaIs, the apparent motion of the sun for the same actual 
 movement of the earth would be reduced in proportion to 
 the increase in the distance. We cannot, however, obtain 
 directly by observation the parallax of the sun resulting 
 from the movement of the earth through the* diameter of 
 its orbit, because, since the earth moves around the sun, 
 the effect is thereby greatly increased and becomes con- 
 tinuous, manifesting itself as an apparent semi-revolution 
 of the sun around the earth. But the geocentric parallax 
 of the sun having been correctly ascertained and the ma^- 
 nitudinal relation of the diameter of the earth's orbit to tho 
 diameter of the earth itself being known, wo possess the 
 means of readily determining by calculatation the helio- 
 centric parallax . <, . 1st. of the Earth itself ; 2nd. of each 
 of the other planets ; 3rd of any star at a definite known 
 distance from the sun. 
 To do this we only require to imagine that the earth 
 occupies at the same time two distinct places in its orbit, 
 fVom one of which the terrestrial observer viers the earth 
 itself at a distance of 90*^. The accompanying figure 
 (Fig. 14) will make perfectly clear this hypothetical 
 supposition, which as famishing a basis for the comparison 
 of the relative angles is not, we opine, open to objection. 
 * As 4000 : 190 millionB : : 8".6 : tang. 0/45" ; therefore 
 45° is the h. c. parallax of the earth. 
 (This result is obvious because the semi-diameter of the 
 earth's orbit equals the distance of the Sun, and the tangent 
 of 45° equals the radius.) 
 *> The geocentric parallax of the Bua and the distance of the sun from 
 the earth are immediatelj dependent each upon the other. so that if the 
 distance of the sun has been carrectljr ascertained to be a little more than 
 95 millions, it is certain that the geoceutric parallax of the sun is 8".6, and 
 vice vtna, 
 tBy this method, therefore, we find that a star of which the paral- 
 lax is ascertained to be 20". 4 would have a theoretical distance 
 from the sun of about 1000 times the distance of Saturn, instead 
 of 600 times, at which we have stated the estimate in the foot note 
 to page 69. • 
 Ilence, sinco the relative distances of the planets from the 
 sun arc approximately known, we may at once derive the 
 theoretical h. c. parallax of each planet fVom that of the 
 earth, Thus : Taking f 
 The Sun's distance at 95 million miles, 
 the h. c. parallax of the Earth 45* 0' 
 " Venus' distance at one-half that of the 
 Sun, the h. c. parallax of Venus 63** 26' 30" 
 " Mars' distance at twice that of the 
 Sun the h.c. parallax of Mars. 27<' 9' 36" 
 Tapiter's distance at 6 times that of 
 the Sun, the h.c. parallax of Ju- 
 piter. ..;. 110 21' 62" 
 " Saturn's at 10 times that of the Sun, 
 the h. c. parallax of Saturn 6<* 43' 12" 
 'f The distance of a Star at 10 times that 
 of Saturn, the h. c. parallax of 
 the Star 34' 23" 
 " of a Star at 100 times that of Saturn, 
 theh.c. parallax of the Star ... 3' 26" 
 " of a Star at 1000 times that of Saturn, 
 h. c. parallax of the Star 20". 6 
 " of a Star at 2000 times that of Saturn, 
 h. c. parallax of the Star 10". 3 
 " of a Star at 2,500 times that of Saturn, 
 the h. c. parallax of the Star ... about 8". 2 
 Now in this last quantity we obtain a convenient means 
 of testing and checking these distances by computation 
 based on an independent fact, because 8" .2 almost coincides 
 with the geocentric parallax of the Sun, which is 8" .6 
 Therefore: — As the semi-diameter of earth : semi-diameter 
 of earth's orbit : : semi-diameter of earth's orbit : the 
 distance of that Star of which the h. c. parallax coincides 
 with the g.c. parallax of the Sun; and accordingly . . , 
 As 4000 : 95 millions : : 95 millions : 2375 times the 
 distanc* of Saturn (or 23750 times the distance of the 
 Sun ;) Mrhich result is in close agreement with the pre- 
 We would suggest that parallactic observations of the 
 planets with the theoretical quantity iu each case as a guide 
 and a check on the apparent results, might be found a very 
 usefVil and desirable preparation for parallactic observations 
 of the stars. 
 * The diameter of the ptrallaoiic circle or tbg major axis of tliSi parallac- 
 tic ellipM would be (ofooune) twice at great aa the respective quantities 
 here giTea. The Star for example hariag 3'20 ' h. c. parallax, should bare 
 an extreme appareat motion, to and fro, of 6 02." 
 ' I 
 * > 
 i > 
 1 r 
,.fi': ; 
 ,,ii:;!f-«:- j''U;' •>'iC' /■' -• 
 ITS (supposed) solar orbit. 
 t From HerscheVs Outluics of Astronomt/. 
 Plate 1, Fto. 4. — "The horizontal line, or abscissa, is 
 divided into eqiuil jjarts, each representing 50° of heliocentric 
 longitude in the motion of Uranus round the sun, and in 
 which the distiinces between the horizontal lines represent 
 each 100" of error in longitude. The result of each year's 
 observation of Uranus (or of the mean of all the observations 
 obtained during that year) in longitude is represented by a 
 black dot placed above or beU>w the point of the abscissa, 
 corresponding to the mean of the observed longitudes for 
 the year, above if the observed longitude be in excess of the 
 calculated, below if it fall short of it, and on the line if they 
 agree ; and at a distance from the line corresponding to this 
 difference, on the scale above mentioned. Thus, in Flam- 
 eteed's earliest observations in 1690, the dot so marked is 
 placed above the lino at 65".9 above the line, the observed 
 longitude being so much greater than the calculated." 
 (763.) " If, neglecting the individual points, we draw a 
 curve (indicated in the figure by a fine unbroken line) 
 through their general course, we shall at once perceive a 
 certain regularity in its undulations. It presents two great 
 elevations above, and one nearly as great intermediate de- 
 pression below the medial line or abscissa. And it is evident 
 that these undulations Avould bo very much reduced, and 
 the errors, in consequence, gi-catlj' palliated, if each dot 
 were removed in the vertical direction through a distance. 
 mid in the diioction iiuliciiLod by tho coiToJpoiidiii^poiii^t ot 
 ihG ctti'vo ABODE FGII, intorsocting tho abscissa at' points 
 li:0° distant, and making eqani oxcursions on oitbor side. 
 :}:**•* " 
 CiGi.) " Let us now consider tho effect of an erroneous 
 assumption of iho place of tho perihelion. Suppose in Fig. 2 
 X to represent tho longitude of a planet, and x y the 
 excess of its true above its moan longitude, due to ellii)- 
 ticity. * * * * " 
 (7CG.) " Let this increnso of jjcriod be made, and in cor- 
 respondence with that change let tho lonj^itudcs be reckoned 
 at a h, and the residual differences from that line instead of 
 AB, and wo shall have done all that can bo done in the 
 way of reducing and palliating these differences. " 
 The above quotation sufficiently explains the plate in 
 its application to our argument : namely, as indicating 
 the nature of the methods adopted for reconciling the 
 discordance between the theory and the observed facts. 
 For the full and more particular explanation of the plate, 
 the reader is referred to the work to which it belongs. 