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Ilk' lrn|)(.Miul I)rninag(^ CommissioiVT in Seolland and Editor ot" The. Cunadian Furmcni' Journal. CUNTKNl'S. — huprovcnicnt cf .V:;i iculture. — KlijjiWlitj nnc! dignity of the pnr«nit — Na- tiirnl emploviiiont of innn — Its tlrawhaokR. — Impolitic avoiilancc of the ploaatiiable. — liiiluMriiil Kxliibition — its ends ami ulgtH.ts. — Canadian recognition of the true dig- nity of laltour. — Our duty to Society. — ProviDcial Exhibition a universal benefit llcckless experimentalizing ileprccated. — »Scienoe with practice. — flcology. — Cheoiistry. — Vegetable Physiology — Animal Physiology — Insects. — Drainage. — Inexhauiitible 8oil8 — a fallacy. — Meteorology. — ilcn of iScienco, their non-acquaiutancc with practical Agriculture Bound education, good sense, mid practice, the only proper foundation. — NeatiitsH recommended. — Sulsoiling — Overworliing to be avoided — Slovenly practice. — Thorough tillage and manuring. — Artificial manures. — Draining — State of Aericul- turo ou this continent. — Advancement of Agriculture. — Self-sufficiency, an obstAole to improvement. — The mechanic benefits equally with the husbandman. — Idler, an excreta enco on Society. -Working man knows hi« position, and true value. -Narrow-minded exclusiveneps to be deprccatp;irc-'s^iv(' ii'j^<'s, li ivi- iiiij)(".lc'(I or |)r()})('IU'(l its I shall be conlciilcd lo coiil'iic iiiv-.'H lo u^/i(fl is, ami dc- i)r{)_'rc-. piMid lor cltu-id ilina ;):i \\ li d iiiii;t !)•■ i iiiiliar lo lli;' iiiajoriiy airionii^sl vol I ;— to ill.' praclic il, ili'- cxo'Tmu mi! il aud l!i" ir'!i!li'ii''iii !''a"iiii'r, — a-; \\r;l as to tlic 111 isit'r ;.!id (»;>i'i',!l ivi'. !VC SI 1(1 el- 'wiiiM"'' lliat il is ||"ij'!r|i!i \" Ir'i'll r' Coi.iMpaidi'tl to lli" riiii,.M;'(it, a-- liia h:'.-! was lo ac(jii:!i' a o]'); iil^'ii l^ !io'.\ii'{|.;{' o| fariiiinir, '*' liii'' liiiiisi'jt Oi'il lo a pracli.-a! I inih'r ; .111 I I w add add, iilns !:HaU!s slionld -foin cniriiliy pciiidt of ii. to bfcoui" ;( [/iipil lo iCSHl ol !!!•■ 1)1. !!.•»' !i Ilic laai>^' oi a 'j- [i>\ iw.ic. icai I IIIC !t' can iialvi- clioict valid })i,'( cp'or ; and siiould hi^ liia^ I'li! in |>l('a--aiit \\ 1 1 ; 1 1 , 1 ■ (■ , ) 1 1 1 1 I" w dl '. iiio\ lilt' >i;;)''i'\isio!i ail.-; ifacliin!.;- ol an i hnii lli: ah! I 11 his iii'~'rar! il II, I 1 h re, i.( a! a. .>!-i;i!i(; vcrsa.'ion, aa.i riaaarl;- iliii^ii vaii^'d lo. al ra'aclita". Ii" will. .Njx'riciu t (I .\':i i>-iiliiii:-I,. w illi Cn riy ihiiiu" .aroiiiid (.;ji |ji;;ciical and caoiioiuical. i-~;l:-, and lopii-.s of con- t and inn'ri-l;ai! :■• 01 \ (•i iroi iii.mau'.'n'irn aUf'n' 1 Vt' ol;,-rr\'.'r ai;d ii^tciic r[)iH'dII\' d'Tivc iiHudi li-ijal info, la ition. lie v,iil iind, if lie shoidd j),'r--ist in roUowiii ,»■ out iii- -iialii'.--, ihal h'' !:a- m Icctcd a liiu' ol' lilc wliich will pcrinil of his ijvln ;■ in ]);mcc, cond'orl and plcniy— wlicndti he mav I),' (■na!)i('d ti» i' coiinlry, > cnc ror;i;;i H; aii'^iiii;" a loi'lunc. t. < 1 M / < I I coiMorti llcf indi'f\i 111 tills new I I a > I II )! l)ii'-.) 1 imii' in 1 isall' hut doL'- it not •■i-i'iu so:ii"iliin4" liUc di< •!iari.'"'a ^' a f\"\)l of duty, wdicn opportunily olit r-, to n'pav our oljlii^alioii o onr coimiaai Modicr : lor dii>I w'l" arc, and lo ihc diisl v< c miist renin : \\v arc here Inil ill our crvs; -lal! !)n! w V sliail piil md repair lo die new lieaM-iis and on (Uir V, lU'.^^ u\ fine season , \.'\\-ea:ili which awail iis. The 11 what more diijn ileal or pious cdlin:/ "oidd be ours, diaii ihai ol vollcthoru'vuv Willi ihc Siijirciiic Kiilcr o! ihc r'niver.-' — he \\\\o dwells ill ihe liiirliesi hravi'ii working' v, idi us — oi' whom wc luav sav w liii min^K'd awe ami jmkI riiou w atcicsl her iiirrows: llioii seii- desl rain inlo ihe liliic \allcys dicrcof ; iho;: m.ikc-t sol'i w iih ihc drop- of rain, and ble>seiii iiic iii;-rcasr o! il/' 'PI lerc arc <(»iiic — ihc foolish and a ilhiitkiiiL.'- — w im hold many pur- suits more haih)aral.>lc than AiiricidiuiH' : — but he, w ho is dailv and hour] v cheered with lii.,'!',! and, lif" llow iiaj from the fountain ol" true liappMicss, can well all'i)rd to disivi^Mrd such di-iiarau,inL( opinions, and forgot their babbling, — wiiiUt l;c lir-iciis w iili native rapture to the inoriy songsters around him — maicinu- die hills lo rejoice, and ghuldcning the vallc\ ,- w illidieir mclodv. riie fanner is placc(L,beyond ihc vulgar lempialitins of the (dly ence He lives frugally — it iriay be — bnl coinforiably,an(l in indcpcnd He does not expeet'to amass a fortune ; — but if ihrifiy. Ids means go on enereasing, w itlioui his being siibicclcd to cxeilcmciit. 11" cares IJOAKI) ()!•" AC;RI(l'I/n UK )'TV1SU»U for the well bcini^ of liis (Icpciidiiiits — lor tlu- fdiicalion of liis I'li'iily — I'or llic ])rc'ci()iis privilci^cs of reii;.fi<>ii jiiid iiciylilxnirliood. ;'.iid he envies not thr WMsdlhy or the yreat — Ixdiiy- et intended wilh the ns^n- ranee of enjoyini,'' mo(h"rale conilort while he |i\es ; and when (alh'd on to hid adieu 1(Hh' fndd- ;:ih| seen •- he :-> t'>»ndly h»vcd, he re-^ jojccs ii: Ihi' piM peel oi rejoiniiiii hi- depaiied iiii.'^hiioiir-. who va- lue ihat iiiii \'. hilf ihes lived it- a Irnnd a'.ul ;i liroll \N io can deny )l lih- lei.d iL^' hell nai ^alell a mod'' oi iiif leiai- lo niiK • heiicr men ami women, and ii so, l)e;t<'r children lihi-wi-i . II'- -i^ every means of eonil'ort and happiiic-- around hiie, a;;! hejut eonid de>ire. Jle jj; I'l •(• IrD.ii ih ' exeilemeii; ol' ill ' ei;\' — ■!V();;i the teiuplai ioa ; oi' radie.ilism and iiilldeiily ; — and he i> prepnrei! !■) ^ii))ply the cili' . oT hi- eouiitrv wiilinev.' I. 'lay.- oj' health and s't'njh wilh rohii-t and vii,'-.)ur- i.ii:-: icerui!- — with a coiislani inMii\ ullVevh uiali-riid : — lor is it not \'. el! known lli:!i ihe vi' iIk ir ahiliiy to do so to iheii' < ally eounlry Iraininif, VN'e wi.-h lo show \r. iinr iiadei> the miitnid depeinh-nee exisiinir hel\\(>en town and eounliw Can it Im' doubled that their true inler- '■sts are and must eou!i!:i!c to he reeipi-" a! and in e(>mmon Whilst the I'^aiiiie;' lends hi-; aid lo heniiiily iip.d adorn ihf eaitli, he is rrpaJd by the return which hi~^ labours alTord. .\nd who bi'come- th(> pur- chaser ol" his sur[)lu ; prodne,- - f- it umI hi-. iViend ol'lheeity, who supiilii^s to him in ( Ac.han'/e the many mcr-- iric-.s couilorts, and Uix- M I urn's whi<-h a prudi ii' cxpenditun^ e;u: nlion The eidtivaiioii of the Cirm i- ili" natural emplovui''nf of num. Ferha])s virtue sliould tiirive ilicre bes! — the body e.nd the mind should bo developed mo U bona! ilidlw Thrn . temptations are the weakest, — Jind social inlereoui'se i|;c simplest ,ind the sweetest : — there lil'e Hows nu).>t IraiKpiilly, runs it> U)ni:i'e>; eoarx", — antl has usually the happiest passa^'^e i.inl issues. IJnt thonidi thi - oK'^/if to be sti-ii-iiy true. I'armin,:^ life, in its pre- "eiu stage of eoiiipara.tis (• -social advaiuement on. this continent, lias -lill its drawbae!>-;. How is it that so man\- are tempted away from these fabled shade.- of biis: — lo ndiii^le with the busy crowd and be- come Jorij^i.'tful if their fealty and devotion t(» naliire and lior enjoy- ments? \n\' one, who is ae(|n lintcd wilh the >i\ li- of living amongst ihi" cultivatois of oni- soil, know> well ihal there i- haril work, as well as poeiiy, connected w itli the ancien! aial honourable calling. Il is too ofterilho 'i-ase that, in rural tinguis in ilie (pii(d(cst time — lo raise en(n'mous w eight.-— lo cnccII, when leisurt' allbrds, in athlelic exer- ! in llie raldvs of excellence. .Now a C( itain part, and most would mihesitalingly say, the belter pail of oiu- humanity repadiaUs ilic .award, — this glorilieat'un (.f 4 TRANSACTIONS OF TflK biiitt' ftttiv.-'i^tli over mind and liearl. And the wile seconds her lord in his cstirnat*?, and be^in.s to lind the relinernenl of her wonianhood rebel au^ainsl a constant round of nn varying' dnidj^'ery. S\io. cannot a!)ide tiiat lh«' mran.'i >*\\i)uU\ be >(»ms swell with the fond, and too oi'len delusive hope, that by rep.iirinijf to lliese elysian scenes, iheir labour may seenn- tlieni hiufher reward-; lh;in the dull lif(» ol" the country ian allord ; and they hope, ro revel in unknown bliss durinij; the happy period of acquisition, On most farms there is a ijtudled avoiflanee of ornament Kvc ry- thing is arrani^ed with a view t«> utility. Our sense ami api)reciation of the beauliful — whicdi is interwoven with our very being, — though for want of opportunities of education, it may hv. partially dormanl is left nolhing to feed on — nothing to dole on ; but it seems as if studied pains were taken to disgust with every combintilion mosit un- interesting and repellent. From the cellar to the garret — from the garden to the neglected way-side — in cuiyhiCj in social interconse, — in everylhing — we have a studied avoidance of the attractive, — and noui,dit is deiiied but work — work — work. \V'ith the light of the nineteenth cenliiry, young people long for so- ciety and improvements, and naturally recoil from the tedium and bar- renness, from the hopeless and endless toil without some interchange of the intellectual— the pleasurable. If their natural and commenda- ble tastes cannot be gratified on the farm, young people will persist on going elsewhere, where even the trans iction of every day business seems to have about it some thing ol the pleasurable aiiractive to the unsophisticated denizen of the farm. I shall endeavour to convince my tyro-readers that diis need not necessarily be the That af- ter all, — the farmer's life ought to be the most aiiractive and pleasur- able. 1 shall place within their view the easy means of innocent recreation and enjoyement; and deem that in thus providing for their permanent comfort and improvement, I am only performing the duty of a faithful Agricultural Mentor. I hold it to be my duty to furnish my Agricultural friends of uii ago» in the country with every useful aid in their profession, — culling what- ever is most valuable and of greatest practical interest,- -whether in the discoveries of science bearing upon their pursuits, or in the opin- ionr>, and practices of leading Agriculturists. I shall conceive it to be my duly, at the same time, occasionally to make such suggestions and remarks as will tend toform the judgment of junior aspirants on the best models, in combination with the judicious use of all such valuable helps as well selected books and a sound education are calculated toaflford them. No man can succeed in life who does nol take a pride in his noAiii) OF A(ii{i( ni/mii:. 5 calling. It is ihi". whicli iM>j»!u's wiili ,\ ;r, nt'ious cinnlitiiun, cncou- riif^inii^ tlio voiillilid ;i>|iir;iiil, iUid l«:uli|i^- liiai oti— \\l:i) ci.'i I (.'11 - to receive one Jay 'Aw iii.tjli ivwanl w! ilu* i:i\ic crtJWii. It has hc'.cn liuiy ^ liJ iliai iaM'.l. lir irf,an(l iti, il,'.! llircc jj^ran;! scats of iri'iividiial jvjuci, — llic (}ii.( »iis of llu; llin c Miprciiic ibrt'cs-- tlicst;, our aiul all in liarinotiious aclioii, coiisliiiilc llii' coiniilclr Aj^ri- culiiirist and .Mi:c:iiuiii(-' — die Iiui' uiui nurlci-! lua;! in i;vi.'i\' M)iiert'. Thp sipjiroacJiiii ,' 111 iiblii d K.-lditiiida is an lM>liltitc di-fwvciii:;^ the rarcsi wisdom, — a piihli^- Kdiic;i!'.r -an lu^iiiiitf of i!i--ir!ict;()ii lo ail (da.r)|v,:ra!(' and |iaiii< ipMc : — alibidin;f, as it \\\l\ do, to l)odi, rccijiror; 1 |'»i'.'a.-ii:c. piulii, .md iti.-- tru;',!ion. lis avowed piiidir oIjjccI is lo >' niidal'i 'ind (juic' iii- vcniion ; 'o i-nlivcn and k io.hj): n-i' the ccar-cir ■>; toil ol ',i;;!icn! (lrn<];/vry ; — lo (Miconra (c soui ii;!! di liiiciion in his ('.rail ; unh'ss indeed hy .Mani,' r;.«; and foiluna e accident ; !<> forward du* objccls, an. I advance tli<' main pnrpo cs) (,[ (jvili/ation : in rj woril, !o jict, at once, as the Ivhaalor and Uincd'aclor (if society : — an'ovilin:^ a liP" indcN of ihc pojiii! a* l)cnl : — as a tiuthfid rtdlcclion c»l the j)opahir ta ^ic and jj^cnius in du,- conntry, — so siij)rcnicly l)l('r«l in its naiiu'al le.-ow-e ;>i,d in ilic Idendcd naliiral \iL;'ou! of its popula- tion. It i'5 cloar, on the pniallesl ndh>ciioa, dial no more (dTc-'nal njcfirs covdd he devised for the ahieiioraiioa of society of cvciy grade. IJy stirn'.datinijf invention, you ar(> doin:^' \()ur h<>sl tow.iids i!ie practical inc,idcati(jn of the lundaniental rule ; for \\-( 11 diiccied indusliy ahme can en-;iire permanent cond'ort and in.lependence, while il is dii- best gnarant(re for t Ik; attainnient f)f the most cjivii'tl descri})tion of K.'spec- tal/diiv in » connlrv, wherein llm vast inaioritv are doomed, for many a flay to com'\ to srdv-isi, in the literal sens*', l.-y the sveal o{ t!i(! brow. Is it not (dear, then, that in no c> ui.iry could such an Indus- trial Exhibition b(> mere desirable, or comnK^ndable — bel'ar adajited, or more, suiied to lh<^ actual rcipdn'mcjils and social and econoirdcal necessities of the jxipulation than in our Province of Canada, which nov/ sees dawning' upon her -in family parlieipation with her i-nvia- ble Sisterhood — the of iti>Miii('liim allordcil hyo' r I'tililic St*!i'iol< iind Ciillfi;;'.-., an I 'Ik' InrDiiiialioii lor llic I'cojilc, row |)iibli>!i»'(l and ciiridalt'd so \vid( ly ai a vny modcralf price ; — so as lo be, a^- nearly its |Mi>>i!»!e, v.illiiii die i<'ae!i ol'a!! v. lu) ni iv be ill i|ii(>-:| ol'il. It is a (di ii.aJer:^ ic lea 1 1 ire oi' I he Liriii ol'socieiv ni)d« r \\hi(di ^^■ live, ihal there )•< a dl-tiiicl recoijnilion ol'lh'' Iria di<(nily ol" laboni. The hiz\ d: lllal;o^I|e iiM\ lalk |)atroi'i/iM'.,dy ol" dial portion oC hi-- lell(U\- men w hi(di he i-> piea-(-d jiolitcdy lo -tyie the " working" (d.i>- >e«"', — in contradi^iiiiclioii, of course, to ihe iu(r,c !av(»nred eo::i])eeiv: id loi' their lavoi.r a-- a |)'iiiiiei, ii — lie niny con'h'sc'nd ;<» lltiller, as he >np- j D'.es, Mice'--lei!y, their i:ai'iie luii\ian \ .riily : - iuit tlie inlelli:if('i:; Al;i ieiihin i-t "usd Mei-hanie, he iaay iei\ on ji.- p iord(duded mortal, — ha< disejiiiiinaiiun and p-r^picaeity ( ii";i;.;h t'» rale his eoiiipIiii!cnt> :ind daiteiie-; at thi ir true sahu-; r pr )inpliii£i"-^ ; — ;irel v.ilK -'A wih-c, turn widi ,';;.iii1iid'' and liope 1<> Ihr true p.iirii.i -xwA lover of his s])ei:les, who, by the elieo!ira;,n'nier,i of -^iieh d •iiioii>ira' .on;, as oin Piovineial IvKhibitiiai,- siU'h jiibileo, I I lnnd;eia)"l, — sneh ovations of patietii and siieces.-fid indiislry,— iT'iiiiis a;:d di''idtv of laboni', as wonhl f: stien eoi'i •nal ■ ol in exa!! thr w oikin r iMin 1' iii> Inr- and in. riled posi;i.i'i m Society - teatddii;: hiiii to re>p''fl hini-eb, w iiile his i.lir-tin^'nisii(>d <..;' nius arid ]t tfieiit industry are e.sloriini; plaudit:- ami resj-.ed IV an the pnblie \oiee ol his I'oir-'iMiMn J .\n.\ i^ruUd'ul eonnliA men. Tiif lie.o. \\., i)ldIo-en'i('r. d;e staleiinn. ilie :• ,1 n!, ine a'i:ri(M;ii"i-|-i. "!■ jO'eiianie n^nsi, aliu', '•.'in die civic crown T.y ;; p.rn.lenl and pcr- sevei in:^- excrci- e oi iadii.-!, V and virtiK', Wo iid, alii^e, I'ontend in the '^'rt'al oublie arena, in \\ hieli we (Ind oiir-.(lves aecidentaliv ler l" OrMCed or t! .vrilininle :;\va!(l Ol in. inil in oiT o tn-ere die peihiali' d:iL( of a - iipt\inlei;diii!i' a:;d aitpr( '. in; l''ov ideiiiCj we iii;i;! iioi rdnloil'ii! in wcdl-doir,'^. — but be (>n- eouia:r''d, even in --;)!!(> of renealiMJ ^nee/><>es or erses, \o l'o on (>\-(>r«;(< .•■ieadily iind ]>ei -e\ eriniilv in die honorable course of toil. iVoni ])('V- !' eiion :o peifeclioi! — lor oer own Iioiku' and laodi', and llie lastini^' iiencdll ol' our fellow men. We !mu>1 not. v. 'die still in our prime, be (jeiivered o\cr into a compidx'iv or iiixioiou.s sloth; we mnsi not hide our candle beiHNith a bndiid, drpriviii'.:: ourselves and oliit'rs o! Ill" ii-'ierous lit,d)t '■\lii(di a !ii'.;!ier powei' has iiulid^v nt!y eniiiisted to (Mir l\> epin^r : — but l;e (jui(dv to i'h oiL^ni^-e ;)ui- uii!iiisnd;eab]e (Uiiy, iti whalcNv'i .-pheio w t> m.iy be p] u-ed, whicii dly is toexeit oni f.tcidtie> ami endownicii'- to the nimost for the advantage of the So- ( ieiy o|'\\|;ii-h we iiave be 9 li\»' and 9 hope li" 8 •ii.'^cnicni 8 jiibilco^ S Jii.'Uy,— 1 >\\\(] l:iin ■ Socic'ly - fl liiis niid .fl ' nnblic :fl (Mili!'n'-i, ;!ll(l jHT- m'.rinl ill ;fl''!i1;il!y ordf r lo 'pn vinir 4 he (Ti- Iv^ j-r<) on oni ])('V- • luslinij )riiiii', b ■ iinsi no\ otht'i's of 1 listed t<> (IliiV, in (WClt OH! ,lllic So- olitary — dtoprs tc>- ihh ; but llOWt'VCV b I'Mins. 111'' a|»iirt)ijcii!i!'^ P.oviiicla! Mxltibiiidii j'. a .•/ical \aiiii. It i< iVuiii ili ' lew , (»rds >v r lia\'.' s.iid it iiii'iils ii:r a|i|):M\ i ! ,iiid cacoii ra.T iti'iit i if all ••ias'^cs. Tii'-y ciiMot f'lil 111 rsroLMii-c. ii! ii - ub|('(l and iniriitioii a r •cipr- k-uI iiil('!">.,\\ liirl! (Hiiflil lo (wiiii ibr nidy tiaic and la-liii;,'" b.>ad in every \\ ; l!-e«ai.-liltit- cd -^uei'ly. 'I'ln- iiaae lVe*|nfl)l die«e deincMI.-i raliour^, — llii' nioie iVe ■ (|Men'l\ and cleaiiy v, dl all id.iv-'v-- be bri»nt,'lil lo '.vH-o'^ni-e lieii' ae- Know lediL'i MM lit oMii" '^leal liniii li al ll.i Inn 1 eatniiil >ay to !l;e !e ad nor llie lieail ;.) llie I; iiid- u"o to — I have n:i mad ol ibee ! ('nine iliea — ; i\r and al!. ,!tiiii licail aiid liand in llie cleb.a'ion Ol o \- naiioMal .labil.e, oi ,i lii,-ii o i ■ a\\ ! dl liave aw individual — i y, afid a Ira lei nal iiilen',-. . It is !n!>.dl_\ d-'t-'d !.!ej l!<>j)fd i!i ;i ibe aijiicnllnral eNliibiijoii v. ill eoiiie ii|) to— il' it -lioidd iiol ( \ee|. all l*"nii"r y>ao'.;. 'Il.e raeiliiic: tor 'lie iiiipoi-jalion i !' -loei-. iV'Uii l'.;',ii.;n r;)nii!ii"<, as well a^e^ery new INI |< ill .\ •lra'i' ,' if adv;;nlai;> slionll no' !•'• !a],( il (>r ilaaii lo lla' aliiio-!. Notliin;^' • li;iil b- waniiii'^!; my jiail lo !o rj) (air ai^Maiadnni'is ^/,M'o/'rt//i/ of ail di il i--- LC(iin,i;' on on anion;;-! n- in llie v>,"a\ la la/iaiahle and wiil t ina>t-i)\ (•- lU'-ni; Tl lonirli \\a> depicMi, ijait insaliable ilcbin.'j lor iio\ l;v, ll'at reekles'^ o. -ir- i >r exp' rinienlali/ilii/, — \\ |ti(di, in Irni'j, di ■ci, iira- i:e-^ ;ind re; ;iil< .nb aniia! iiiip-dv.nirMil — liy di-a-ed !;!:"_;• ibe pvoj)a- tiation and adojajiai ■>!' di ;l ^w iiii a i. liiils \ainab'e ; \\): i.y { nc!)!'- ra:^in,i; eiiij .|y pn i, n- ii.ii and Irearbeioio deeep'.idii, in llie j-aine l>r> alli III u aieli \oii lai liial'Ir .ii- etn.', a- pr li;- w on!iy a(]aj l)!;i- tioiis or ;;pj;iiea:*.'i!- I'f praedral >!.id, — yoii are d dib'.'raU ly and el'- tVa-lnallv. !': ii, ini ii di^•lr.isii'^l olCvei v iliin'.( n./v< — *lio\ in leans e e- -. il- .doplimi ;ai...dit be paoiinetive ol' malerial \\.\\'' l;.Mlil. I ano ihini'M to I'll- :-iiOie." at a |e iti i\ p." !i ip >•. e iie,-a>io!i ! 'line. .1 .., I \, aiM''' lo iiM i:r I am iTi"-t (*( iianiU I'l i»l tliO^iC. Ill llii> advane''d ai-e w bo ri •(•0^111 se ijir iirco^ilN I'lM' (( >aibi iiini;' M-iene<' w idi piaelietv - and rlinaiailv and fianidv a kiiowlrd^e lliat il will no Ioiil'im" (io '■> nl}''cl a cwaleiiipt lor ilh' -I'u iie;,^ ill ibeir prari-lieal vidaiion to Agii- enltnre an I the All^. W I: I eail (ii)i especially, die wamd 11)1, (b.iin.^- llu pre>i'n I c-enliir\' er rai r\ i lie de\( Ii'pmeut and pa'aetical ap- plieation oi'llie M-Irneo have bad on die v.; II bein',' and (m\ ili/alion of" the \V\(rld. And Auri* nliiuc in iiio--l eomitries lias Immmi laiiridy a parlakrr — bi;! da- lull nadixation, lli.ait>b soinewlial (bdayed, is evi- dently at band. Tlie perleelion, lho ib.e slri!:ing simihirity by which llu.'y are found lo be characterized over large areas. Fv an da; crumbling of th(> grnnite, we have a coarse sandy soil ; froin fr:!p, w(; have an open htun, usually rich and fertile; '{rr,m slate rock, a clny more or less cold, stilfand impervious; fiom saudslone, an open and oflcn a hungrv soil. Does this not d(;m()nstrate the intimate and prar-licall^ useful connexion between Agriculture and (Jeologv? So th;U a maj) indicatiiiji by diifcnMit colours iIk; areas (;overed h,y rocks of diderenl kinds and ages might be en;d)led with sniuc; cerlainly lo predic-t the general nature, cjipabilities and limits (jf the several Hoils lo wliich liie fr!igmenls of these several rooks gave ri.-:e. But not only are j^huits, stones, and :uiirnals nnUually dependcit ; they actually resemble cat h other in their niilure and (diemieal oonfi- position. They ea^-h, indili'euMUly, cojisisi of matter organic or inor- ganic — combustible or ineombustibh;. For instance, in all our first class soils , capa))le of sustaining u long siu^cession of the more valu- able crops of agriciuiture without cessation, we find, an appreciable quantity often or eleven difi'erent chemical substancMs — viz., potash, soda, lime, magnesia, aluminn, silica, iron, manganese, svdphur, nhosphorus, clorine. Soils thus eonstiluled — with ihe constituents properly proportions i, — require no manure, and we find many such examples of virgin soils, over large areas, in all our colonies. Hut I BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. 9 roilit. and" lill.s, culli- inorganic ,' ilicm, or ^■(•r. This •1 ^•()ils in Inch ihcy cnuublinri^ o havo an y more or lid ol'li-n a radically h:il a map r (lill'crcnl >rcdict Ihc to which cpondc'.it ; Tiical com- lic or inor- 11 our lirst more valn- pprociablc z., potash, , sulphur, on.stitiienVt^ many such ies. Hut I -i iSCUS-olOU,. jiuccest'i'ui 1 syoUMTiM, dtivation, •;, iuk], a- y. There nil of Na. .•nc'j'icially ni this ac- It ir rclalion lionof th(! Irongthcn- llic order 1 1 iar icrm^S scful, and I iahiic c'i \ must now romirk, th;it lh(^ plants which grow on soiis, on a oil rrtusl ci.niain them in swliicionl (piantiiy, il" plant,--. are t( grow in a licallhy condition u))on it. Some ])lants contain more of one subHlance ihun another — some more lime and magncNia — otiiers more polasli and soda — -ollicrs more sulphur, or piio»p!;oru-, s — in otlar words a svu^cession o!' ditiier(;it crops,- — in order ;o develojOe and })rescrve, without d.'terioralion, the n'.ti\e or jucjuiii'd ferliii*y of tiie soil. In oiiivr to a fii'l and vigorous i;i<>\\lh we. \n\\r,[ f^tudy the cianp'ete adaptation of tin; von.;li!u<. nts oi' !l:c plant lo llie c;ons!ii:t.'nis of iiii^ soil on whie!) we woidd grow il. It it should be e\ltausl<.;(lj- -■•A'c shall sav lloiri ova ic ■■']>j)!nir,- of any o! lac i;eee-sarv ingri'dii'uis, il Wv.>:dd 1>:' pnidenl to li.; oar i;''st lo .-opp'y \h< m '')v manuring or icp dressicg tjclovc vca'iiri"; i^ any ^|'e; i 1 <-!-op, r'-ni'ririg their nrest-nce. VV\' oaidn lo labour to .'Ui;!>lv lie: ti:In-js \vhirgani'm —;•',)'.] is an dagoii.- lo iln digrstive, cieadalory^ and respiratorv oigans in Ih" aNimai kingd'Mi. 'I he !o(j!. ;d>-oibs in a state; of .soluiion, --t!i"' nuTiira! sub?^;atir-es coM.getdal U) the pi int, ntid ael.s a.-* a re>»'rvoir -.•:» •' I'll ' *' the iiiie<"x. and :-erves as a .'.ipjX/rl to iiie Ir d; \v.\d 1i!(> h.-al undt r the iiiduence. of tin- solar ra;. >;, elianges ti;i' (•iiii'u> juiee into the very Ha- rare of iIk; pbint ; wiiile, at the sa;ne lini;-, it a; is as a mo-l ()owerl';d ♦ixiialuni and absobenl. iSow, ev.'iv root has ;hree parts- the sj)-,)!!- c>fi'i!(;s or rootlets, or small libres ; tiie mid. \n lb ■y P'l'i th coli ir or nerL These, Ijy the p.-wer of i.-apillavy vJtraetion absu:b the sid)stamtes cong* nial to llu; plant, convey these snbslanees. in a 8fa nionn'N o te of solnlion, to the vascular tis,-.:ie, and thence to die lc,d", by Now these reoih t* f li le attraction ol the solar mlluences. would appear to be (iidowcd wilh a power, in some sen-e, ukm to in.-tinet. TIk y are di>puled to selci.;! or rejeel what is (tongcnial to the plant — and act somewhat in the same way as c!ii inical (det:tiv(! ! .Tinity. In all thi oT ;iiiiiiiiii<, wlicii liiiiil, l(;i\c a iiiinniii y of n.sli- ps , csliil)li.-hiiii( ;i gcncnd ;iii;il()!jfy Ixiwrcii aiiiiiK'.ls anlan1s. The uroporlioiis also vuiy in WilH rrni jm: lions ol' iljc sJip.ic uninial, as in lb' ['laiil. !)i;1 llicir invaiiafJ(' |>i()]'t)ilions aic j iMiia-lly and alx-oliitilv ii'ir-.^ai V lo tlx* ton-liliiticai and ln-al'liy (•Ni>l«,'n(.(' til'i'ac-li jif'Vf'ral j-'art. Aiid l!if >ul)slanfT< {•(Hi'-'iliilini.' llii*- a>h arc idcniical with iIk' asli(.r ill! \<';;(la!)!(! In-.d tlir atiiinai sul)si:-1< uu. We lind potii^li, -oda, \''\\u\ liiuii^anvM', dxiilcs ol' iion and niniii^ar.cM-, ^d- phar, jili(i«}i!iuri.s, idid cloiinc. TIiii- w**- scf tl;<' anal'.jiiy b'Mwef'n ^o]\, plant, and aniaia! I>( foinis (■!ii.--'cr aad yt ( lo-.r at tt p ol tlu' itivcsliiratitiii. Can it in" (!(>'d;l('d tjicn, l';at ^li■•ll K n'.\\ l('d;.,f(> — llic knowledge nl' Aaiina; I'iiy^i' ■I'>l;_\ — aiii-l be \ . !iia!>N to o.iit.diicn- -i>. K il iim1 ( icir, i'jk a. lli It, iV.iliI ^^!(•!l Knew i''(!:j'i', l);i-i'd iilt MU 'i rtrini iplcs. ati imni'iv-r anaai!:! <>! iii d.ireicd. I.uimii!', ;ii j)ic v'ai imii- ('<^lv rxiicMdi'd, Iii vat 'n' -••ivcd ; lia.t >mIi i val ii ^n in";.':hi l.c i < iidaciid (111 iiKtrt' >nii' a!i(l t\ac' prinaipli - ; — !i: a I'a- i-ann; ;i|':nain ir.lcMai- I;ni- w'o'aid i.i' 'm- ^" iv I'lirnai.-. d liom iia: >- tiac outi.iy; — dial tja^ li\(' .-!a ilh' >:iiM.' aii'ii liiijii I." Im-j. ly ''IK ica-cd in ai,!h!;iM' :;n I (jaaiily ;■ •-!!,'!! d ■■■ .-.ruiiias prcdae* ni' n u-;, !-, f^ridiMils, and la;- (■Ii'-r'> na .i( \\ <-iiId l-*' aiacit ninif almn lant, aiai iliat, in ilia t i-nd}incd r bail, liii' pi)_,id Midti at iarua. •:; wrW ;is :}■.■' individual ijnaluccr, woajd a'-a diirrtcd .m ilia a!aiiidna, sconr:;c wliica aiiinially di v.-jujc-; oar ai.ric id'atal d;--lri('is , F't'lorr il h'cirjiK- so in ji'"',ii n> a* iasnr i\><' !iad;-iaa'' idf a. diat all onr Mirri'adlnral inda>:iy ni.iy ii.- -^xx allowed lip ;n tl'' (>v('i',' lu'lniini;' (icsc • tiition. •— Hut I aai !i'>.)i rnl and liii'Ma', atal I liavi- al.- •i.-c- ■\\!,'aT a---!'rtrd, that lli's ';i";ii di-ccira-o !i";i1 nr y I;a jrot iha licttar ot liv jarliciiiii- (adiai'-.-- I i"!Ii -.c iii.ti tl.oroa;;;! di:;inii;j.!', >i!ly st;!i^(^ \x\\\ Ik* lhf> niaan> of >-» iavi^foralina- and iai)pidlin^" da- liaaldi! d ilcvidopmanl find !ol)!'st Lr!■<>^\ di of oui' ia!ii\ ;. I'll r rojj-; in tli'li' lailicM'ajid nutar\ <■ ijiciii in lai t, iVcan ])iirc want of -l(aiaiir(' that tliis cnnlinia'il co',' (aitanftMi>l\ (i\.r hiiLM' di>- Irirls by iniiliad coa^cnt and ariaii^ta! by oiir aiijiiiadlnrai socdctjaa and nninialj)al toi'iicils :- -I btdlaxc ilaii diis, widi the w < M limed ■'"'plicution to dp' siniace of lilt' ^('ii ol' alKalies in a (aiiHtie slate Fo as to sooure the desimeden ol' ilie insect in iK i:\\\h -tale — ilie same ap|)liofition mnde to seed, --the straw and die lailinir-. «m' di("s-in;i^s. — I believp that pptcnverint,' aMention to these and l;ints. (' fininial, 'cclly and (' »j1 '.at-li i(l(Miiica! We find iTH', vid- \\ !('(!,'.;■(* — .-(•Hi Iniil- t.iitliicicd 11'.] CM'tl- —dial ij;(^ 1 ;a,!i.!;i'i' , r;i;d biii- 0011; l''i lied Droiliict'V, )'■ rinl all, ;.>s i liavr '.! il ll:i.::t a !a III I 111.'.'; di>1ric'ls , ). ilial ail V. lii'liiiip'^' av'- cl.-i'- ll'c Ixilcr 111 •«(:ilin:r, i^c \\ ill \:o i'!t>p)ii(nl ?ul llK-rr '\uu: innic- ', liial diip r.ital and dtl))lvin,i>' pnrt! want 'aiLM' dis- sociclii's ( 'I llllHti <\\{- slali; -lln' sautt* lii's^in^s. M'al oIIkt I m fippiianc s iiid r.'.-.niiiiii'i'diiii.i:- wliidi I .iil)lic t,.>iir.' I'lv |)iil»li(" di>iril».iil( II, v.iil s!i)\\ !\, it may l)>'. lail ^iin ly i»\, icniu' llir o/crwliflniin^' t'\il \\ liicli, a; llii' pirs.iit Mill IP III -•» iiiniiiii^M'dv ilii'i alms \\ lioic.vidc dc, ;i>lali(iii ti> llir !h'j)i'.- < I ill'' iii"-i.-;ili llii.ill. \V!ii'!i III!-, iiii; I'l dra 'a iii!(. ci- < -a licrr, \\t lia.V'- had occ i-ion . l.> I't'i^ici die iiit-'iioriiy <'l oMf |>r')'!!icc in (|iiaiiiiiy w iirM ciim- p urd wiili il'.at ot'tlic liiudi ia\<'d m ad ■; cf ( irciil- jjii^aiii and irfland. ll i^ paiiiiiil lit tiiiak !l -Il iidd I).- s;), i)at >\-c' ari- iim! \\ ii!i )iii our rfiiicdy. -- I.«'l ii> iH'l iilindiy (<»idid.' in iIk iii''.\;:ai7slil)!c liTliiity <'! ''■" -"il-. — (ji'aiii < mu uiirv :;iaiti crop -(« |(.i;!.r ;|.. llii'V will iri"\\'. V-. ill I'lM ,.>ii!i|y and 1"'.) -iii-cdiU- cNliaii-l ll:cf)i — or ri'dnc' ili'.'ia n> ah-iil I'r -aa-ihiv. Ai'd liii- drc,!-;- \(,ii pKai'^rh, and di-' la m;' i>i rt-'! y"y Map!' in n!- .M hn. Kiijiiry, \\\c nioi-'' <-i«u d- ilv and |:i':!' > liy -Ai'l ■.••■i -la r* > -! ai iTiaicnii;,; dn'ia \\i»ii lilr--. Vmh iiiu-1 .'jfiiar I la'aai^l l iii-'+rr^^fdl r ■,;mI;' cd r"!'a' ions and .v<'im':'iii-- and inirlii'^cnl !i;M.a:r* nM-a; - i.y -npplyiiar r. (oaaaical ^ii^iriit,!; i(a! ifi laa- II a n^ an 1 il;''- -iaif--- -liv i -lunii!".' \<-i \\^i: >-ia! a ■■■ luai ii n! i !)•• !.■ . rl:|(•.■• a- dill" aia 111 i'la ti) r.ii aiaa. •;!' pii Mils ■., i;: j,m i :• ;i^ — ;i;i.i <, , |!;i rd i j. i^ n V')m- lioidiii:^' ;'uan iadn'i lo mmi- aniiaaaii 'd ia '-.UHlili a ami I'lic.' a-i d in \a!ia'.'.\ iM ll;-' iiirr» a--.- wi p^'ji. ialMiii an I pio-p. rilv oi' no ;; d:-- Iri'-'. ! !i;r-.c r '• 1 rio'iiii!',;" i i Mi-a ■•nti'i'i.'v — v. ln) A-ii^ iiol ka-.Vv' tip- i!~c III '111' i. II. >'.'. — I i!'i t:i!d l»y aa aiaiM.iiv ihal i-aano; li' dia! '■ w 'liii- !!!■• (•■•idi p-a;ai!i; ' i. >;'c'd-i iia.' and h 1 1. • .-I , and '-'lid, and lial, .'i>d ^Mall!ll<';, and w'.:,' :. an 1 div,. and ni^lii >!i;dl noi c't'a--;'.'" .\''J !!i"au!i il i^ |iy im la' .m^ iim v.-m-y il:al an a'^'r'uai!- liiri>i sliDald !•< iiiiii- aa iri.-uii ,|i y d ia('ii(>ii/!ii.> ;«.i, >tili in' icLMrd^ sik'ndv llia -'r.a- t.rilH^ a <'f'!i(;'- -ia- c.ia^idi- hi-: l.i;wna'!i r : aial la- is willia;^' a* >. aii'<'-> lira! !;i-- djii<(''inv' I. a., m-l pa^-.- d iinrrv. aj li'd. lint v^ ir,!-- a la n J a I '• i) "a , ■'.■:!:'.;■ is p' iI^tI'v liiia. i! ]-. Ufaa'- tii''U'--s inid. aial'!; I'l iI ai' ..;i. ;! i'')«lac!.' I;i 'l.i' 'dvaiu'cairiii dl" s'-ifaiiilir ;il;: iiadliu'i' \- Id i..^' i'liiad ia da- la la -iu'iiMa ai'anci' oi iia n dC xdcli'i' Vi /di arai-lii-ai a-r; .lad' :. • - - W i ri- >\\'\\ c! srii'iica li> ln'- farne a.':|iMlll'id wall praciii .•, w • in ;Jil ' Np'<'> laia-h "ica', r aii- v,nicf> in II" VM ale in -<:i ndli • a'.'i i •idinrr, il, ui il' l!r p:' a'lii'al iikm wera 1 ) li.v,»,na i ;ii i i wl' s -i av- ■ ; ha.- ai t'^aiaa .li" .'ii'ii • ■ , ar- iiia'c ,- s irilv, iVtii'a ]).o\ iiMis tdinailiitn aa I !ial>ils, la.a.' tMpalai' t'l coadiK I- itlLf -ci< ntilia IT^ 'I'itIi ; aaal ii i< U> he |i'ar''d dial nnliidi- I'chi , ioa bolwiMMj piiiM ipli' and prartica an dior(aiolil\ imdiT-n M-d, •(•i<'n'Ui(' rca-.-'aiciia.- li.)\\ . ■ it iiiipia l:ial in ila'iii-vlvrs and liw\\ rM'|- inUT' .s - inu' (aiaani !;•• rNpai'Ii d lod'armia' in sn nna-li |aa(!!(al Ian iii. liiit ill.' -idun' ;• iliis |)(»iai is rc.aair! ilia l).il('r.--di shon!,! < oniiiand Vin-W It) dia s' I lean an and liiu' palrlol, as v,.il ;' ■; il;<' man ol' sdr nee, antl die natn •'! pririici-. 'I'licy 'dai.dd iu-r n > laae in waa-'x inir tn'^aili •/ for dia CiMtlMinn LiHod. 18 TRANSACTIONS OF THE A good sound educaJion and good coin niou sense followed by the ne- nessary apprenliccshipjWiiigolar to make a good jiractical furmer.-lint it is U) be regretted that it often lia))pens that the most promi.sing youths in a family are destined for some of the learned professions, or for town life. — The. country is in liii» way a great loser. — 'J'lu; self taught farmer — is freqinnitly unfoitunate ; or only preserves tlie ap- pearance of success by keeping up an extravagant ex))endi!ure — giving the shadow for the subslancte. Give me tlu^ regular ijpprtnticed farmer; whether having served with his father or another. — He knows that he must adapt his system to the circumstances of the country, soil and climate in vvhieh he may be temporarily phieed. He knows his duty systematically, experimentally — hv ad{,j)!s the system he h;!:4 learnt — pursues it steadily— and improves on it by degrees as he iin-,ls opportunity. He is well aw^ire that the sure eomiilion of sucrces will Tt;st in the adoptioi of a jxoper rotation of crops, thorough cidtivation inanuring and driiiuing. — 'Hiis is a good sound and sul)sl!"inlial basi: to rest on, and it will nol be diliicull to engu^fl j;p;>n il ail llu valuable modern scicjitilii; improveuienls. 7- more General!) I nni nol wrong in dir(;eling atlenlion. in lliis country, v/here the stale of the farm will ])eiiriit of il, it) greater neatnep.s — to have the [jloughing and other farm operations linished in a more woik- ruan like manner — the fnriows, more sliaighl, dvvp nvn] firmly and compaeily hiid together— the ridges uniibim in wi(i:''i,to faeiiilaU; the operations of sowing and hnrrowing,-- can-fully gatliered into the proper shape. — (ireater attention ought lo he hestiAved en jVnres and buildings. — !t seetns minr:ces;;ary lo explidn the great advantages to be obtained iroui lliorough tillagr. Tjio pulveris^.lion of the soil lo- prepare it for 1 he reception of tiie .^eed — to exierjuinate weeds — to increase the area in which the roots of plants aie to spread lli( n'.selv(>.f in t be luid lo .••uos.'Miing b.v a jiiouid) following in ih;- v.'ake of llie coiiuuon -plough, ab-^o drav/n iiy two horses, and stirring the ground lo \\iv. dep'ih in samo ca>es, ofj-i inches or morv«, with or widiout bringing the sr.bsoll to the sujfu;". — It j.s usual to use the subsoil in ihe course of sinnuicr fa ii'!w, or in prej)a ring lor gieen eri-!)s, ami when, at any lini", the ^yrouiid is liirown out o( i'idges atal in a level slate. It is luade ;o cros.>: the inlcmled ridges at the secumd la'^t plcnighing, and in ploughing up the land, ilie ],lough is made to run to its greale>t deplii, il may b>e H) or 1 1 inches— thus bringing up, wliere desired and mixing a^ of the suI)soil as mny be consi«lere(l advanlageous ini-ier llie circiuuslances, with ihe suiface Boii. The iMichigui subsoil |jIou!>h,--ll ou-h a (Miuilnous iiuole'uent, —has been nmeh u<-ed~calied tlu; Mir,l!ii,^an su'. oil and french pU)agh~by one operation turnirg over Ua' .surbtee soil, and the subsoil in b.-oughi vp and deposited upcai tie! top,— the ensuing |)loughing inixMig both thorougldy together.— 'I'ids is a hard v;oi-k for one%K)cJ BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. m Mont pair of horses. — When tlic snhsoil is a rctcntivi- irnprevions clay this improveinenl has produced the best eftc(;ts. My respected ohi friend, Mr. Smith of Deanston, as is well known, intiodnc<;d liolh liie theory and j)ra(tice of draining and snl)tJoiliiig to p/rominent notice ; and did mort; tl-an :;ny one man livinjjj or dead 1o recommend and extend the judiciously combined systems of thorough draining and subsoilintr. — ]?ut, by the practical man, it will always be regnnk'd as a question of jiounds, shillings and pence — and th(5 cost, it is to be feared, will, ior some time to come, in many localities, pri^vcmt their coming into very geneial use in Ciinada. — But I hope to live to ^diow that this need not, after all, be such a bugbear, and ihey can be con- jointly used ior a very small outlay, when campared,Vvilhth(^ resultant profits in most cases where they ;tre recpiircd and could b(-' recom- mended. ss — \o •voik- But in thi> climate their is such a thing f's overworking the soil. — there is such a thing as opening the soil so much as to facilitate;, nunec-essuriiy, the evaporation of tl (; valuaMe gassos and jui(;i's, con- tained in il. — For my j)art, i t'iink on well w rought, friabli> soils, tiic grubber, v/hieh f !ai\';ely employed eisewhere for similar j^urposes, might safely lake i'le plact? of t!ie plough- which covering a spa(;c of five or six leel — siining up the ground to a dcplh of 7, H or 10 inches, bringing up the remaining weedsto tlu; surfiK-e — v,-f)uld compared with the p',ou::;ii,('n>!;n^ th" ecouoiriyof 21) p;.'r cent to tl>e f.ivmer — performing thv.! neees-ary svork as well, — and retaining mon; perffctly, at ihi: same tim;', tr* asured up in tUe soli, the avaiiab!,' (^li'mi-.i!.-, oi' v(>gs;- tation. ',1? ladling good I»ut so iiu'e \i II, muring nppn.-fiatcd in some eases, dia' v."r have anlualiv s'eii ;iie harn when lull anu' untenantable therciVoni, aciuallv ta' *n away li'om llai manure, instead of taking away the maimre from llie barn. — And wh(>n nsi.d, w(>. haw; seen tiie farmer .-j)rea(l it on tiic nearest tield at llitM'xpenee of all llie res!. I do not wi^ll to name localities, or specify individual in/-; mk-cs (.I'saeh slo n'v ]:r;icii(;e ; — but I am. sure they will, at once, snggcsl tii(Uii-;olves to soivie nf my readers. — It has now become a que.sllon with tlte m.>s!, jniel- ligent fu'mers, whether, cv.-n wi';;: ijie best management, the oi'di- nary resoiirecs of an ordinary la rtii 'ji-e eai^ahh- farm will restore, we are movin^L;" baekwards and not Ibiward-', and becoming every day in nearer api)ro\imation to th(! point of ex- liaiistit)n. — r>y siuh a pro(;f!ss our faiius woidd, in the luid, becotnu a caput iiior.'iWin. — Are there no suidi old farms in Canada? — Wc [icar of farn.ers daily moving oil" West.— 13ut we doubl wlalher they have given their <;ounlry a lair trial } We must depart from the .«:tarvation phan. Wc must adopt a system uhich w-ll enable us to fi.'.'d and litter our slock sufficiently. * W{> must learn to grow roots and more (d' t!ie hardiest species of co;n. Hi^> .-- ,* 14 IK VNS ACTIONS OK rilE ^V(' imi>I bt'cttmc I'tipiliiir w ii'i ihc : ira w-cnitci'., ;iii hii'^licls ol" <-(>rii. Slraw-ri'.tlcis of all (l''Sfri]iii( • ! I;c iiMhinc'i'd ;'.l t|ir 'oaoI li-'-iii-c )tls. -so ami sicaiiuii'j; apparahir- mti as li» ('iiul)l(' cvi'ty W'lia il In ;'V;ii] jiiiii^clt' ol !'.r iifn-at a'lvaiiiaijrs rc- .siilliii::' irom ffi-diiiL' w I'li a ^-oiniiin.iiioii i.t' coim, >lc nurd loois and (■111 ('(iddcr. Thi;. oiji" iiicariri (>!' nnkiiii,' ill'.' uio-l ol oiir jt -hi rets in Lower ('ai)ada. in-lrad mj' pciioillinL,^ (Jtii' ratlic lo wallx al''..t> liK!' >tarvflii<'4'^ in ■;. ml t — viih 5-fa.x-! ( noi'^li lo •ii-Imii ihf !>rrail of jilr wiiliin liici h- -o; 's 1). 1 PuHii!;;' lliciii til 'o-c a i I cond !):(/ 1-- -/ 7/ indeed hut lii'' — 'laTKiiiir Iludi ltowJIi — i-i'Tio!' . liiii- l!'' Ufrcd an I losiii!/ iiiaav I-;,' );r iiiatioc a. N\ liiea w ill a-- ii ).■ a'H al 't. iil\ I Irvalc "Mr ciiara'-li-r- iiii-r- - hhiiiv' W <• \vi •r- ■(•■] i;\- iiiior >\ l-ld Ml.ii! !!)• V 0!ir ■ I, l'-:vS, W ill Jll- (•;''a-«(' dii' ttoi'-'T :•'[)! ^n PI • i: ii!i-— wi> wiil iariTa-^c 1 ■;'• (jiiaaiiiy ■ nil,'., as o.:Miniy, in-^-'a ■> our ii'iai.ii'y -i' ol inanorc, aa I lii;;liv • ■I ij a and '.^i'a u). i \v>'ii 1 ) d) ia '. !i ' '.'>■ .>;!! a i ••> o rrjs (•riV.-'dviv-, \vc uiil l>r'c>ii' i>irij II. a ol (• •lilloil.lhl;' ll)d:"i> 11 iril Mii'iy iMiS ;■■. a loir, aii I -, ih"! m; veidifd ! ara'^ia',' |-!- ■.clircj — :,iay si on \>r. 1 l;on, lo li.o-' ,\!;.. .•:: Old ihr hi'W il^h 'a oaae naaoiiikMMi/ diL'r<-!Vi!ia iiti ;ll' li i!. wo h i\ (' oi i.-ior, .'• ; ; ' i;; A iiicli. ;i hoii.'--' I\- c'.rnjii ;:•!. 1 ,',. ii na 1 l^f, ,1.1 ;i\o naich n-aadi •;•:■, and i led voii iilaiais' i rrvprcl ieji.-e :<•'; di! 1 ,1 I \'. ^^ c I! iv,', iip I'lr :>i'. i;., di.';~io>i!-i wiiieli w n.T; (oioi/oaaoeii. \\ I,, ai 1« .,-i oro-.c a.'- vain ioio ar ;:a" '/nano in d:e \<\ ^!il•.,■:io., !, (.'..itada ( :Li\\l ;o i;>a (• )!• .tati'i.v liai anioe ..> ell!!;!' (to i; ;1 a If !•» M (^ ai'tiiiia V, ii:'n liianu.c wiil h- (•tain- an ;iii,;,'ii-e o .:,ort, k ali/an^r a V, rv nil ie. <■ .xi dian'j' e\iay ^oiii an n ji.'.i hd O!;.^ ,• )a' :a in .uiea' iiaiidjia' (a'owdile.^ o-ir ii ;,'<>. na la will he l.a-.;',\n a.- a !!!■*-! \aiii ill"- world. li Oldv O o!li|-,--. >• : .jl;;' 0-. \V.- -li.jl -, — W- -didi:..-. !■ Iro'u 111'. >;)i' la an'l -Ii eoara ••'! ol i t- a .ili;'.i'!' iM r V'M V foaa'i V o an I en' rorn oi'i ai ".'.'N' ip;" I to Irai/.i' u, \t\ r , i I asa- -\ ,>;• )\n] >e'l \(ai. I !iav- ,•! >c\'. faa'e n i ■•'lal la ■■•■> ntini io i) r - ".eiani'as lo or;'' llie nec('-;v.;ty j,,,; (j,,. cxh-ji-,;)!! i ;[ d I . d 11 iii'i^ i 11 di i < eon iiliy. vSiindy die \y\<\ mois! siai. on has !old ale o| \\ Mieli fill l:ave eilh'T lieanl or .-x- j)eri('iiee«i •!;,. t!!:i!i. W la'i; lailnre.-^: , polaio n>t, oat vi,,-!, in- m;1 de|irr- (l:it!o!is, and a thon-aiid ilU have more lo do \\ iih inoirudenl dr-dnai^tr than ev( 11 oiir lae-' 'li.aitdn'd'.d rariiv r-^ li.ive vol i'liily r(>;di/vd l.i da-iii- vel\-.'-<. wIl'M-e. I ha o' (;;'(l, .ot^l sha'd '. iiiarij- e on llil-; siihi' el Hni li'ie i- n. iiine on dii'- or<-a>i(.ai I'or a soeeial l.att uri" or li'etiire.^ on ihoroiiidi diain i.^e and ii-; eil(.>L-is, I ^hail c(jn!(Mil niy^^' li" widj anitinin>.''j d; ,t wlierc wanii d, it i- die i'oiiiKJ ilion ol" ;tll '"•1-^ will •ii|)ii()ii,s. |ll!-(', SO iijcs vr- (»t)ls aixl |'\ a I I'm! I. itrcMllr 'i> )- -i^/l iM-C ll|i' i''V(;lii- I ! ! ! i 1 1 • ' v\ ill ill- j 1 1 : t a : i 1 y i.'.li'v >l \ '. I'irfi S ' ! r ; • i y 0..|1 i);'- 1. Ii..f, ■ .'■MM no a-^ I'ii-Ji a r::i'' wf (",- a^iy i'l I'a ;.',l. I I £/0 liOAUi) OF AciiK ri/n UK that 15 )(' I I nmiMi,' uiul that •rrop-s waniM Ix- lalii 'iivi (\ iina'i' iiIaitKlant. ami (liM'.iscs III' ;tll KimN N'^s pn-valciii, wm- ii priKhii'ly piaiii^cd tiii<>iiL''li"nt l!ii< i'Diniirv. I sliall ijo ca .\''ili 'Ht Tail, and undi r i'vcry di-^ro.ira;^.' iiit-ni, to illa-lratc lii;.-- ci-v'w h; m ia mhii a iii'lil, as ciiuiiM tail In i»iM V incf iji.' \]\i»\ >c(|)iical. On this ('ijMiiiiciil, .\;^ririil!iin' fxi^ls, in ( vr\-y -la^T liian ihc in;)>' |)i!iuiiivo to ill'- MH >1 advancJMl. W'v find lli>' sialwail pii'ii'-cr cnu r- 'JiMi Willi a jMi'M I I-i(i!v i 'I irid>'i>i'!;.l,aK (' |r( in hi- Id:'; c d)iii ia lit ■ jori^'. r- "ft W^' HIT I w liitii ill I \.a'v -1 I' jjiir.).'..-, IdiH liii ' >! eluded a. leiK r. ail. 1 id II . e Ml C'lHii. i i ; n;l i!J( • lilt'd nil i I'll • \)r, ai ■ Mcl';!ti'<)!irli(). ■( lioine. a-^ ilie Idr-^t ili^appears lit land iiini ; iill, in tlh' < nd. it lliii lt;ive u^.^jjeii il w idi him, hi> !;a.^ < nah!. d ia i a; j»;,,_\ ail da- nm- (Jein aa|'li"ii!-i',-v < | ar! and (> aidi in <• -i;,:Ma'idrd liy a v\ r lie \vi!l '."11 Nwii yen-- (;!' l!a- fnre-l \'.y,- 'ii< neju'ilji-i liv- .ill i !'Mailiai■^■: -!' • v-nda !> II \iai la)\v hi- inaii'v e:)a.a''e (.\'\ sa:d» waliia IkIii — h./W !.l- >-!i,ai I|. .a,!, 'a -I'ilf o'l i!-. Ihl; ii'a- ja "liiii'ir)., > so (liaai laileil \v!''::i;i hii;: |i w :\ p I v' step, he '/nierjed I'ma it!> i oali; :■ 'ii i I dep- i;:h ai.'iri ■( ft happy an a ! onlijid. a laindy. a.aoiiirsi i!,.- :> ai'.aii'. re/ e.i . h!)ui:;.;, who eoinaiea.' d v> iih hiiii ! eioy a dav a.j;(', to ui. Ise ;i lio.s.c aiaia'^! !!;•■ Wii.haa •■• ollii'' i' e-i. Wi.-a he .•a/td his ;i\.' \\:ii N.'llia;' l''!i natiiiofed h n.i. 'aah-ai in 1 in weoj'; — haiAx"!,;'; i o lie ;( oi' ihe' pie(d-e aiiiif!.' ' ij ((!)• iipr.i \ :,i »•, iiii h a)^!l.d!. i;,- !i<' eo:;: i a: ' d '■> I'is ill' ;•';■(), P'' •■iiiii widi > dahai- a' wa- i'eiow i. '!:<•• : ' i:i >t ;ie!> ■ !i ^^ la; '■; laadi l)!'r\:n''- hi ;ea( ai.i.'i ina \ et ;!!. ae r va liin. i ai i!, la a aw \ eai •■■, a \\a\\- depiT- M!)ag»» liaan- (dse- ire or av-' ir .r all N't'iae ha-. ddO.' i:i!ifii idi ihis '.r:''al '.la'aiy. Oiir rdaeil ioaal ad- V aiii^f'-: are area; ai d exiciiiliiaa lat ii< endeavdiii hy raadi -'a- l! aaan;^.-* u< i ,ie ] le^;. II d d\ di- -.aiiia,!! in.',' aiauidar a-Iaai el a w holeso'ae, t.'ia(;!icai clesia ipMon, to la' ate a.iieaiiul .ah lanhs a nniua'^al ihirs! h'l' anow lo d-e. I. our am aaii'iiial .-orieijes mal np'a'vi>i( n., Mi'clujiies fiistilnte.-i, with lludr iihia- lies, and nauHng- r. n-ai.- — llieir ha-lnres aheain !In:r v^ i!h :()nnd practical inforaiaiion, be (".(a-y \v iua-e e^iabli-^lical to v»(ain lhei>j)iiati\(' fioai gios- ' "1 16 TRANSACTIONS OF TU7. 9(;: and inoro dognuling plcnHiiros niul dctrrrnine him lo li'ibi's tif thrift and intolligenc'o, — insijiinri; (H)mfi)it to himself and (I('prndiira^Mni( him as a good and reliable citizon to do his duty to ihtr country he o\\'n< ; and which ho has to ihank for the mojii-? of sub- fistanct' — and it may hv to !o\o as die land of his birdi. Aio Vvo light or arc we wronif in hinting a f-ar that a m:H!ti!.nn consf;i()U>nrss of si-lf sudii-iriicy i< somciini'S a!i obslarle !o ngricul- lural jirogri'ss. Is diis nol a common ohst.xdc; everywhi.Tt? and in all limes, lo dio frre .^pvtail of riS( fid knviwU'd';;(\ and lo iil !j)t;«i!on:< iVom rivtd or foreign foimliies ? — Is il no! ilje ca.-e even io a ceitain exlenl in vnrions dit'liifls of d;e same couiitry ? la ;i!m'>>i eveiy (^'jicr vovii- lior. ttieie i- a coDstanl tM-mpMiircn i 1 rival \ r c:e:>:-es dieir eilieiency ■md lesiills. ! he proi.-. sscs ./f agiiculluve are t:^) cflt n carried l.u'e, ra;- less diroiigh t!ie column::' of da' Agrn-nllural P;.>ss, or in sera a <'(;m- ['arison of jro.iii'-ls ar.d irrp.lenienls in <'aeh <]ep;iriinent of piodiu;- live indiasliv ii> \ho pie:-cnt r!:diil)i!ion so ber.ovolcnllv allo/d.-. And does not ;!a; iiu;(;!ianii; ) ; iiefit eniiul'v v.ii'i liie Ijiisb-mdm '.a W e f-i'ia'i prC'C;^ed lo show laa! ae does so. L 1 lu ior a ni'.>m"nt» as :as l)e(>n eisew.'icrc rcmaiia- ird man as r.e is \v h head and iicrirl llic! threat ctailics of i:.d. pendent vilal or'irani-ari leii eom- n eie in liscii. on; At\-j: • inini' ti n eonriex i^iovc iii'Mii, l>iil bolh t;;>()perarn!g, in i:o;;t;oiiia.nt ih auiy of harmony, ii eTU'iuL'" aril! dire.f.iing tlteir common a^enls — ;;is varioas jn;'.ajl)c dln- tw ih(* pcrformani';e of every n(\;o.'t loo well snown 'o i (iHiie 1! student 111 marvejion- mi) vailimr strciigili and end fl 1 I i i '. 1 i in xioiiily et -onut' uraia 1 rcurism',^ lension yrl ileliig'Mlt "lerciii. .\v. ;ion of "ar uodilv m'nn- I hers, it is bat the jjrimilive a;.>aiey reproda^;ed or mnltiplied. What arc our looms, onr presses, our t?t(vim laigines of every form, ud I for every (v;)'uu.'ivahle piirpi'.^e, la;l llic i>vidcnces cd" a delci-miivw pnrposi* to meet llie retiuircmeni.-N in" oar age and our mou; adv Tiuvd civiliza- tion— to (Mudilc ns to supply, in gi^-atcr variety and profn-don, and at ch'iap er v.Uev, ti:c thoiisaud •■.nd uut; comfi)- m i I. ixinae -w have now oertane tieocsar.-'es, — for vvliat Wire, at no luicIi dato, the Inxmie (). le niiilionaire c; :cii Unnt ave now tiecome the JKMU^syane.s oftla; lmmi)h\s!, and we, had admo.L said, in some cases, iIk; poorest, — in prosperous times, and in a ilo aiishing conamunity. It is worthy of especial remark, hnvevcr, that excess of complic.i- i'si'f thrift 1-^ of 611 i>- "(i in nil i'H!:< iVoni II ('.\IP!lt i!'r V(:(ra- <'(1 (>n in •liliiy or n-v^ r.r;- .'1 '•(•!!»- pnxlur.- liJi'.') ? :i'l ■in.] l!i(>Vr- iiillu- y-v't 'ly, ])!!!.• n.--:()n .\vjI il'MJI- vVJKlt •i for i liqu- id at hie!) •ifint irios rest, ic.i- BOARI) OF ACiHIClJI/riJKE. 17 lion o: (•lal)<>r;ilioi) in a niiichino, tonds rinir.)rtnly lodi-rlroy its prac- ticn) nscfiiliKv's. 'VUo wid«'r a niju'liino dcpails IVom the; .'iiiiplr and and nornud st:indartin(;lI()n, so abundantly and perfectly (!X- ♦•mplilied in llif divinn model, the I'arllier tlocs it ran^cj fioni inslrn- mentid pcrfictidn, and those si)eei;d cliMrMcters of eonipaciness, faeili- ty, accuracy, ailap edne-^^s — no! o\' rldokiiiL', at saineliuie, these iiidis- pensible cotnpcn.-ations betwcc!] lorce r.nd velocity which at (.nc(! oviilcnc(^ the trinniphant union and conttordancc of seientilic skill and praeticd athijiiation — the cidiiva'.ed ^er.iii: (if the honoured pi(»jet;Ior. Hut if this be s >, i.-s it not j)lain Ihal mery laenliy as well as every litrd> was j^iven us to ix; exercised lo bf; eiino!)lcd by service. I:r« it not cli'ar thru, in lids \iev\', we ha\e U\<' i!!o-| ])lain ni'Mliod of arriv- inir at die proot of the, tna; dii^nity of laljonr. {)f)es it not leaeli us to scorn the lisll(!--.>; and c'li ininale, uid recommend, thai il' ever eom- mon sens(! and justice are to u^ain ihe ar'cendani amou'^.-t a rational and cdiH'alcd people, and when the time shall have arrivetl when a convielion of riidil and justice, and true cxpt^diency shall have |)o.s- .«c's.-ed ihe public mind — in any readjustment in the scale ol' honours, it v\ill t)e, necessary, nay incundx nt en us to return lo llu^ ■-im)>Ic trnilt, \\hi(di ; liould be laid down lor perjii'iual obseivanei; and ic- i^arded as an luifailin;^ axiom anddst idi lb." fashionab'i' fi-.-lidiousness and daintiness of our modern eusloms, that the re^ndar idi( r, in any raidi ; — consumini; and not prudaeini( l.)y hea.l, head, or hand — or all coud)iued should be, of 'general consent, rer^arded as an nn- ;-uf]<'rable exeresi^nce on s( eiely, iaid lliat he sh(ai!(l be tau'iht to feel thai he li as almost a necessity to apr.luij^i; e for wearii;'.;; -i hiuuan or- ^ani;:ation and in:riid!'!,i( his ( in^aberini^ and oIi;-trn!ive bulk in the inid.>t of an indn.-lrions and j)rosper(ais ronumniily, N'o excuse for idleness can be accepted at any tiin(\ 13^' head, heart, hand or jjurse a man can at all times contribute; to the wtlAivc and happiness of his fellow men. \i' he should not I'ecd in^-lined or ncw boinjifs, whitdi he is conde's(-endinii[ly and patroidzin^ly pleased to dcsii^natc as the '' working classes" pur crccHiHcr. 'I hey are proud of llie title. They cxuk in the dignity of labour. They are not ashamcil of the blown skin, and the <.;rimed brow, and the tou, \>c coiin '.ncnl by ihc |)liiiiu'. 1 pidtr.-i ol'llu' in;'-- uomv (»r lli<' iM'W im.-iilliip. A ••••:;-;. Jc i; l'()il!r,\liii |,;'r;i( !.( d !!'.;-i!i!-\ •.iiitiii:-, inid kh Iim i»r;i:i! iiiid ■.iiilh'nkinir lithli" \\(iiild r;\in condciim lopr'nii) ,\'a\ |;('i>',.'(;iili(Mi dif :",!'!';ili'.-! Ix'iu I'lH't"!--; (.f ilic ;\j^t' Dtid i-onnl;'V.- '' ' -Ii'on*' I'lrrri'sivi-.s (»;ii ol' l,iiin-:i:-:!;"i' lo -ist- liis ()lii'i;din:j lit'i' • i,il ;i:i«iii|) rd i.,:\'. ni:.'- I'!;iiiisli;i\\ !<) iuN-nl- i'|> his own iiinchim'. in :i lii 'i Ix'ii' vt.icnt Mii :cil;id(\ lea:! !;■■ s'ioidd !)■• ilr,' im'.'uis (>r lakiiiir \>:'u'\ ..nt >\'.- !:cii'':li,>iii>' — !>..: did .ji'I ArlvW riiflil ^'ivf. \\:i'ri'- ;iiid unnl i.) Mdlions niw I mil I'll I'd of \v('-\!lii iiii') i!:,' ! (M.-iiiv d!' ihi' M-i!i.:;i — jn-odii'd:! ', :i1 >.-'.;ji" tiiiii'. !i ;i!ig"li'\' IT i^.iiui"- I i r ,>(iii;ii.;i iii :",■ ,y c. ninli-y u! I'l." world. • .•ivil::^-; \\ is a iaIi.KA lo ■ ii!'|ii -(■ ( !:;ii lulu '|- - ;', in;;' in m li'ti' iV — i r ;:'!y jiin !- liplicalicii oi' ii — ci.p. ( \( c dimii.idi liic i',) ;uis d' li\ii"/. — '.'I,'- op'-;-- alictii of lalioiir •-uviii'.; :a.iciiiii( s ;;■;iii'' ita\ i,iy :ii;:( law ti l;i!>()!:i' diat il nic. • i'orw .ird^ oii o'li- lian io;ro;,< piiiii. — i/i! ay l<"i^i- liia:il(> d('V(';:»j)iai'nl. or !ir''nii\T jrn-dnra i.-f. in a,!!' ('|ot|iM'nl ;;■. I (■..■a'-is. inc (■;'( lids ii! ;•(]. - '; hr iiMMinv;-- ni'MKH's cau^f d ia. d.(' iaiii, !''iii>n oi'a!";y I'lc;.! I'stadanica! iix i|;I i« ii ill drp>i'i\ in;.;' a ^acliiai of ili- p-palalaai of •■ lajlov ImmiI, i> ia.l lond aiui piiviia! ii; iis oix ;:•; i'-a, — iai; :'■■ i. la-li' - ; ;■<■ (>■- iMop 'iii a in an! ^)r>:- ma ucnl. --It « nail-'s (Naaaiid-- oniy !o :• ati:dy di''a. — il ;- r.oi loo mi a- !i 1(1 saVj of sia-ii a Ii' n< fa.cia' oi'id ^' ; p,:-:ic>, 1 i;at !''■ \< indctal ricaa d in die iinai/c oi" !ii:- iiia'ai'. I;!;i ya;: I'asldi "Vilda id!)tda''a ; ; . . a •^t'il. ■ !:■(', V, Il :■ KM! .;;s a.if ;i 11 lorn oi — pou'd'. SiK 11 a i(aa\' woiild o' •■!• .•!i":ia :dl i iipl." laalcii' . I ignorance widi nuaiird (•iHdV!si(!i. — i>i!i iIi'MimIi \[\j-. ijc ipn — iiii' iih'- clwiidc mils! Irdvc c-wr \r--< 1:;' f.;i! iiiai a .-aiailai' (aroi'-aiid d; ••- pisi- wiia! ;s li'iily i'-.!iiii;i ;>,.' — m.-r.dv i:<'(';iii--(' Ids oj)porMt:: iiii's hava licvcr ciadjl'd iiiiii lo pi i((a\v i[:< ( \ '< 1!( ai c. I'l-'puMcc is lui- foiliiiialt'ly a cosmfpoiii;!,:! :iiicial cart' and -iiidy ol' rory iiijeial ■ 'id !!|;,i;dil mind lo do il-t best io caisnif ils jn rfcaM f'xiii' — And aodiin ;• can opcr iio iuor«' c'iru:i('ndy low aids dn- all lininriil of diis ^rcut -orial triii!ii|)ii di m dii- ir('(iiu'nl ociairrcaici; of. '-iirij iVai'anal naiioiid nii'din-.'s ;is iii''j)it>- .-I'lii — Icacliin*^-, ;is dicy ilo. and iaiprcssini^' npon id! dicir uiulual dopcndonce ; and '.^ivin^u' all w lio a^'c woidiy of -ludi a disiinciiu!i tiit" opportunity of parii* ipaliiiu; in sia-ii a irlorioa-< o\atioii ,»!' indu iiiad (•xt'(dlt'nce — ;aicli a coidiiMtion of tin' iriiimplis of lal.tonr. Rut to he inlrlli'taaaliy \\\r fac/'lc pyincfps — llu' lonl-iipi'! ioi oi' every ■S I •1. TIh;, lliii;i| •-; ill .( il ;p.('iii!-i !)! I" \, (MiUl !C|i 'T - '.'I' {',]{' It) i.!';;ii' [■[> ■ • s!;;.i!l(| Ir- J,,; '|m| .,(■! , liti••;:)!'• i|,' .■•vil;;':'';! II' ; ; "t V J 1 1 1 1 ; - — '.'i,' (t|)'';'- I ;•< {•■ i\" ;"i I a ^•'• liiin^ (•'• (.f CN'jti'- v:iv.( law « l' !:v: ry h-ri- loll, t'lVoUi- I'l!.' JilllVil-i In- ilfi'ClV.'.'- I ! i I \ I I ; 1 i « 1 1 - il'.i liii'l!! : ill ;!ii I j)r!'- (l1 H") lillich I crfiiii li id i'\u- (hiiiiy ^rri])' — ;inii .iin iiii'(liily ■^\' ^\li;i! tl<» ■.\yr ;i II join! i( — ilii' iiii'- i- -;i!..l .'1;-- )|)iiiMi;:iiirs idic'c i-; Uli- |i(i:il(i i.i' th ^ (i lo iK) \\< )','IMi<' UlDl'' l|)ll 111 III iiii" IIS til>' ])IC- irir iiiuliial' ;ii!iclio:i tli>* i! iiiil'.i 1) i;;l lor oi cvt-ry liOAHi) OF Adiicn/rrKi:. ID |»Iri( (' Mii'l c illiiii; Mii'tlic- soiiictliiii:; ):iorr i!i;ii! iillctil ion III Ml. lie oidi- n.'iiy iliiti('<. — 'I'lic iiiii-'ii r miii'l .••liii'.,':'li's l;.u(l l.)(!isroM r \\ lii-rc !iis /'vcr\ less .-mMc lit limiil.c!!- lloll--; Hltd tlic ••( (••■(■1 \\u-]: - I I.I • iriiiul'T KC.'.^. •■■••.■'■ iA ( ll'lirU'Il. 'I'lii:; i> ll(»t jt.iH'iii tu iii.iir* — !.i'.";(!;>r iiol -i ii,"!il ii.i r. — I I i y air >!»ii- Ik d with moi'i' |irrlW'''M'ry .ini'i.T l,:u)\vi''<|:; — jii-i .-uiririciil In ciiiil'lr •.l.iin lo cnii; tii'i'r LicKi— oi , ;!i iii(>>!.Jo li\c in ;;,|( ; ,!.|r cciur"');— i-r it luiiy he, cn.siiic tlh'iii a x^iy r.o'lt rait; ( "iiijcu i;»'«'.— |>i 1 I'l \\ la\r iji:'! iiiijiiisif ivc liiri) >o jri:,' iliuaif ill!'! ri iiiii" iiilil ; ,— V, lirli 1-: n ; I ; - If !(r>- ■'<■■.!■ ili'- 'iia- d* n'lali iicc an- 1 i rial ions ot ~ V 1 _ 1 I _ iirums, anil !■' ( luii'.ii.' lew i ii- a ca,!!;;! n iii|ia!!M:M (f coiicoidaiils aiiil II I I'll .11,- itny 1 ( ai lipoa r;r I'al. .;• i I l.i,-> v.uii ( sjcciai crari, ;ii(l, 1)V .1 111', k V I ji^ua c, iiiii\ , '.\ oiiif ill.. .\ii( ra d a:; km imiii i.|- (N^a^-'uc- IIHlll ll\ '.!|:C Mllo;-'-"'! II Ircil. Mill i:1 M" 1 I a 11 . n 1 M ! I • 1 1 II -I I , UpCM lip lo Ills a -a ni hial \]r ,\- \]\r Hr.-t oi pci !!aj)> ii long clialn nl'-xp; i iiiaiit.-- wiiii'li iiiiy, !iV p.iii' III prisrvci-, la I" aad !(':-! in.'.r, 1 ■. d !n dj .comm i« ~i, w liM il ia:;y ,■ ■. aiiiiialiy .••ali-.' oaai.i 'r I'lMuii lei' liiiii ■( il, and pcr- liiaiii at <■ las.' :ii at r aial .■omiort ;ind it i;i:', ,■ !:!• Iii;.;!:ir !;li 'li !.a;d vi a .it ilir .•poi - i-l' iji- !'. lapj.- d' 1;iii!i ; — !'..-v lia'li i • I ar a, nd la li\ i.-d)lr. !,i 1 d;'' • .vpa iidia--; id* ,i-- 1 ■]" i ' :r \ oialijiii.i) !.'c ilic i.'nai';ina c i'l r dia uiM)d' a.r ' i' ili dr li i,^.. pli -. In di- .'..v ^ r , and iiiM a- 1 Ml'!. ].'■[ ili :ii .-.vdi, i ill \ it I'd Know li d'^'- in i'\.!\- Iia ■, and drtrr- n iac on ri.\ir,:,'' at l!u' .)iil.-''i a ITadi .inai.ird ol'arlimi. !t la'- \:.<.vu s.iid ill talkiia,' ol' ITa'orir.d i-pr,' li ^ dial l\rr\ ihii!!^^ ;•• .'^'and in a ;;iaad a^.". — That oia- iil'iy lind caijHMinir laind i.-i a .-!'pj>(.al and ; n iiiCriiMvc to i';' f' !!..w:-' -'Ijir ^ < .1 'i!i . .f oi ! •■ coiniirN- tlaai -hiiidd I:" Iliad If) kiio'..v di at t!i;\'. ia p •d'orinda.^ a.:'i'j;l!! tls.'i;- duty to daiiisi'lvi*--, i>V .-Iriij^.^'diuj; allv i' );■ d'l'i 'ion tin lii.-* i\i'.-;, tia-ii' sia.-i c- !i.| endca- voiiis, will brin.'4 ita.' n <■:•'»' .a'.cra'::!' ap :i'oii:j widi llsnn, — and lliat t!a'\ ail' taivin'i" tli-' nio^l i.-''rt;;in nv. ;ai-, t i ( lev ilc -aad (apiidir-c art nt .; ii;u(li('i' i«">' I di It di 'V i!-' doin. til. ii b st lo pimin iia ' aii I'l da' l:"'i!iiy aid po.-dbilil >• i.i' \ ft lii-^li''; it* dan ' iil iiii! a'coinplisliii; lit — thai tiicy aiv' doiii.i ihaji' i r>t noi oaly to sh'MJ an ( ndiii ia;^' Inslir on llu'ir i.'wn n Mia-'s, l.n! an-, at -;.!ii«' lina', rh-vatiinj tiu- atiiioiad (. liaiacti I', loi (Nrcllciai' in tin Ir o'.- n ^•,;dl^, and it iiiav in' rstaldi^h- iii^ :ind cnilii'di.Miaiu' an I I'.', in !h<' :paiails ol' nati v.' art. — 'ria- I'dation- ^lilp l)(l\vr<'n tlir pi r>oiial p^o'i■|•('^-; and tla' '.^oid of voaic^x , ^!loldd t'\rr he M'co^ni.-i d a> out' ol die pi iliic iii';(s-,i! irs cl' ciir inodi i n sy-lcii;:-^ til industry and idiication — liaifhinL';, :1 o' <■'■ 'he iiaiti-'nsit'v ol' his tiiat mid thr ir.ealnrss of his dcpciuh'iii'' — No doiiht, \\ hilst il \\\\\ ever he the oli;ri I ol' ihi' Mici Iiani(dan lo t n^mc to jiitiisidf die i^rcnlcst pfofil a! the JcasI cvpcn-v , - \ i-l liii^JKa" minds \\ Ul (aanoiiR' with thi.s a hiyharaini — will h)ni; alU'r tlia prtidiiction of a |)('rlrc1 lhini2[- \\ ill labour huid t'.) ronibiiu' litanity : linish, j.^iact', adapt('dn(.'>s — cnijdoy- to TRANSACTIONS OF THE in^ nnd altrMinij; llio liii^hcst pnd oxqM'Mile r'lmbini'.lioii.i of f<(.'irnc*o ruid art, — Init, h )\vcvcr patriotic, can; innsl bo t;ik' ii that ;h(.'!«(? aspirations sliouM ri(»t,t«;i) IrciUK'nlly, lead toa roirohlivioiis — solf saiTil'vifi'-C I'lilhoii^.insm : • \'-n- it is a jiist an I en Itiriii;' ini>;iin lliatllx! labouVcr is Vvorlhy,ol liis h'u\ (\)a ccaalions ol'ilh* >-piril o!\vlc(J,ij;r so (It'-iiilcn-.-^IOil ami hr^roic- woiiM exalt and dii^nily any voi-.ation. Sufli lol'lv sotiU'd dc'V(iU!s cr.atc a -jcrurnc imbility and^lioilioofl, whi-Ii aiV ('V<>ry udierc bom. led l'»';i'tht'r by a link pi-rlia'p-t •i^^ spijit bfirrin.'^ and o''!i'4in.:^' in mwy in-lan-.M's, as ilio univcrs .I!y ivn ;vni>:'J(i Idi.i^Mlions vjon.^tquci.t du u ! ill /ii. iiip or ooa.-iiinyuiaity. (> Philosophy s(.'.'Ii:/:n, \vi ' • !i m' nvM^iir-* <>f i.v^oy :— !!r' a:i.-i ]>;c!i ihcMn nj) occajaiaiallv arul irpn.vlncc^ llu ni In coinilK'?-, I'..ri)is ol' w^r- iiilncss and inxnry, '.nd ( !::!i.cri c di;niLitl''s dadr prodocis al^rcad, and coiivcvs ilicni inio ditiricnl and distaiit conntiii's. All ! ti;n(N lo incTi'asc ilu' allowed ;;iii;'nili('s ',|' jioni'' ; io cnlivra iiw f-imp'o pleasures <.'!" ihc worlcinairs {.n'ni;!l I'vcnin /. — An;! siudi a/ :.riiil)la;.ffs as ;ho prcsi.Til brin,<]f l-iadrcd i'afcs io.^'iser, IkmI ialoMs;:^ ', ■ cod ilu- ft'vor of rivalrlc-- — ^j)i{'ad abroad j^Munous ;';ood will, ar) I lii'^h seiulcd libcraliiy of fclin;.!; anii v. Idi ; a( li liiii.-, -inl crMi; icii' :n.< in 'hca'oi'ii- dant dii rn is no tj.sllv.y loo bri;>lit or a:i;^j)i'. ions ibr i.ii.; ln])py ronnl.iy. l.caniini^ ;-.lionl.I b(>cajMe lliu jjSTcopt'jr of iiidu. Iry, and dio ^.an oi'wa'allh sboubl i:a 'an Iii:j aid to crov, ii — will diri'c!;>d cnKM'priso and (■rinr<,'y widi llie w; il do crve reward cf lurrit. SoitMico, art and lilltiraiurr -liordd combinr: lo individualizr and dblin-'ui-n, ai'l bind 1o.\;-"lli<'r a. hunib'a; lOid r^.^ilidid iidornlion at ibo iluoru' of lb;- '^rc;\\ orii>in d \vlii> as >o bi'iicdcicndy .-ndowt^d ih"ia in lividually nn.d l^'iflcd llnan wilii a conniry loiMiiin"; i i abimdaPiCK^ of natriial roscurct.-.s whi(di await die f;isliioiiini< band ofindu.slry \o oonvi'rt l!u-.:i inIo f->rms of valuo. and of iisffulncs.^ fo ibj bf^noiii of iiiankin,l. Bill I am no ndvor'ato for over rcfincni'^U lo the di^rc'^ird of nc- rrs^ary toil, a;id I also l:no'vV thai no atlain y iho willidrawnl of su- perlbions moisture : — one ibin-i^ is clear, ibat snob a man will have a larger produce and Idgher prices tlnm his .doveidy neighbour, who is ever negligent even ihongb hi; should farm a siiperior soil, and ba back'od up by untold wealdi and (a<;dit. Industry and a-siduily suy- fained by knowledge will never go without llieir reward ; and no- where is it in')re (certain than in the Held of agricultiwe. It is clear that a soil kept in high heart — rich in the elements of a vigonrons ve- getation — well tilled and comminuted — warm and ircnial, and free from tlur noxious influences ol redundant moisture, must be better prepared to yield tt) a grow ing crop, the elements of an abundant har- /• iH '$^ BOARD OF ACJRICL LTUriE. ei )in:'.lion.s of t;ilv' 11 lliut ivioiiM — self ;hn ihiit lii(! !.;i'r\vl('(|.j;(! y viu-alion. ,'n;:lioihi)i)fl, MM < 'p\/.iu\ vest, ihiiu a >.)il \\ hic'li has hern iu' j'oitit of viess . i" a;!.^ ]>icli ;riiis cU' ti^?'- ll(.;1s ;;]v;<-ad, !l tend« the ?'ii!ip'e a;' .•.eml)lj;.;es •-, -^ CO »1 the hi'^h souied in "lie n 5(.u'n- liii.< happy •.;ry, tjr.d ihc rd en'icrpriso vScieii( e, urt. liiT'uisn, ai' I Iiione of the vidnally and tial ro;^()urce.s t ihe.n into iJ. ^re'^ard of ne- m force l'(i':!it. aixi di- '":■•:;■; of vaijo'ia lli:^r, llto far- s li:id niorr h( eps (loWM and , ti'.uoiis- Irawal of sn- will have a !)onr, who is soil, and oa [-.sidnily su;^- id ; and no- il i.s clear vigonrons vo- lial, and free List be better abundant bar- m 9 Thoie 1-j a .','real and promineni superiority we ''Mjoy. \\hcth"r eini;i;rant.s or old setih-rs in this country — and it i < this, — the f;u;ility whi' h is afl'MdiHl to every sober and industrious res^itleni to acquire a h(tldin,'^ of his own at moderati^ co-r. I[e, exist.-s heri*. Jieither serf nor tenant, lie is Kml and absolute sujierior of his property, and no man can deprive him of, ( r insisl on his rii^dit to jiartieipate in the prorluc'.' of his industry. Taxes .are liy^hf and burdens trilling, and all is (expended for his own bonefit. lie has nothinj: to comoluin of — nolliini:^ to ijrumble at. Let the youth oi \\i\< eoimtry then cease to wnste their precious hours in delusive hopes and golden dreams — delasive and fallacious — but after a few years of patient plodding industry — whilst rct^civing their inatiatory instruction — by the prac- tice of econominij^ and temperance, taey will speedily ae(juirc the ne- cessaiy amount which will enable ihein to pandiase aproperlytlieycan with pride and pleasure call their own — ihey will freely choose their future homes — they will cease to be hirelings, and by ten years of persev( rini^ energy and unfailing thrift, steadily win their way to per- manent independence and competence, and go down to the grave, most probably after a long life of comfort and rational enjoyment, be- loved and respecte ', and regretted by a sorrowing neighbourhood. Who would not envy the happy lot of such a man. ? I would again revive a suggestion amongst many others whieh Iliad the honour of making to the late Lord Metcalfe, when Gov- ernor General of these Provinces, and for which I had the gratiii- cation of receiving very flattering commendations. The Indian Rice is as highly esteemed by the Indians of the North West, as w^as corn in the first settlement of this country by the In- dians of the North East. Its great abundance in tha swampy lakes of Minesola, and nearer our doors, is well known. The squaws in September, who pushing their canvass among the thick growth, bend the heads of the Rice over the sides of their rude vessels, beat oat the grain with their paddles, and after drying it in the ?un, husk ami winnow it, — have sold it at the rate of a dollar a busiielto thctraveller who found it properly prepared, an agreeable dish and an p.dmlrable pupplemenl to this failing stock of provender. Its appearancft ^: Iff 23 TRANS ACTfOXS OF TIIR ;■ •ressembk'3 llic r.'cd comnio;! to our lidal walcr courses, — i^rtAviii*^ wiiL'i'c no oihcr crop c;iii hi* cultivnic;!, !uk1 not o'.\ recently (Ir;iinc(l Of on ncwiy reclaimed land, liesides, i)liintati()ns of Indian Uice will, necessarily l)e I'lee I'loin tDi'aria. — the curse of soulliein Kic(,' lields. I nivseli', received it in Scotland o\\ sevei-al (vcasions for cxperunenl, >) ;cked uj) in i\\-y |>ai>er, \\r\i\ the s( . d< gt-iuiinatcd, and llov.ered and bore frnii ; hut it .•-lioidd i)e couuniMcd !o the soil, i)clow ware- immediately after IraiHporl. Itseeiu-a': it naliin' herself liad jnte.ided this cereal lo liccdiiie at a I'uiure day lie.' brcail (\;rn of 1 lie \ox\\\ — v.iili carefiii eidtivalion ; ami what reeoiniii'-n Is it e>i)eciaily i-; that it a!)stracl-i no |)!U will \)'' m 'icly a \.i>l a\aiiai>ie suppleiucnt to the i^iMieral .-liU'iv. llavin:; been c"!"!v-i\ ely cnga;';.'d io>) iiiid..i- dc (io'.ernnient (h'ain- ;ii>e connai.-^ion in Scotland, I lia'.'c a! -o \e!it;ii-ctl to sui»-;j^est and ollin' tiu' adapialion of die [i!i.)erial seliem" to ihe neecs-iiies and rc- (jinicments of C'anad i. I have pi^Aided myseli' w idi all the in- lbrn)atioii to be oblain^vl from ih - lnelos;MN- Coinmi. sioners of England, w il!i wlion; we Ia1(dy ailed, and (>\eiy facility and assis- lance ha^; \)cc\\ fi tnl\l\ and cheerlullv offered b\' die Imiterial Corn- nd :sioners. Hefo)-c coned nd in LT, let 111" be:^»- oi' yo;! Id join \\ idi me whilst we relleel wd'li bv'ctimJm!; prid<' en ihe prob d-)Ie sijieedy development, ;ind i;reat f'ltm'e of ti:e Ameiiean (.'ontiiicm. Wdiat marrniiiccnt and noble loj)ics we have lo reward our well direeled energies. The ([ucstion oi the futm\' (lovernment of the lliid.-on Day Territ;iri(^s — the setllo- rnenlof the lle Pacili:; coast ; the seat (»f die Canadian Cipital ; the 'I'cdegraph- ic Cable connecting continent wdlh continent — di' l'ia>t with the West;- — ought not the contemplaiion of ihoc mighty Mibjccls to fdl lhc» mind of every lover of his coimliy — I'veiy lover of ci\ ili/.ation, with lolly views and becoming pride, as himsidf, \\\ some capa(dty,isdoomed to figure as a promotcu' or parlicipalor of Miidi wa)ild wide bcnefilt*. — Of wdial gigan'ic political devidopunMils is thi> land (U^stined to bt; l!ie fraitfid parent ! W hal a mighly fulurc awaits ht-r ! I. el us then once and for over disown ixMly spiabbling and suicid; I antagonisiiu ---del us bury the hatch'l— del u- ilisabu:-.- our^eUa^s (if all sectional and sectarian heats — and let all ouv aciivity of body luid oi' mind bc- conu.' ab.- oibf'd m Ihe singi(> idea ot miiii.-tering lo tiie prospcn-ily an( glory of our common counlry-— to show ourselves worthy of the bril- liant desliny whicdi certainly and iuimediat(dv awaits ourselves and prospectively our descendants ;— and this in humble bui conuiuMil ro d;uice on tliat j)ro1ective arm whit h can shield from every evil and and that w aUdiiVd eye w ITudi slumbers noi nor >leeps, — oppression, but is coiislanlly bent in benignant approval on uU those who in Irulhi'ul reliance on oinnipolence are busied in working out the task which a kind provideiu;e basset bifore them. \ (Ir;iinc(l ue will, I* ticld.x. ons for (*(|, and il, bfhnv sell" had I of ihf |)eci!iily le coiiji- I'lUOIlt U) nl (Irain- fcst iiiid > and rc- 1 the iii- iicrs ol" d as.'^is- il ("uin- iilst \\f ml, aiul id iiobit' (;u(.'stit)ii .' SL'Ulo- icoLuers ' i^real '. Trunk Ici^rapli- :\{h lliL' () fill llip , ^\•itll doomed lefilt*.-- ed to h(! us tlicii gonii-ini eofionai liiid hc- nly and tile bril- ^'cs and dcnl ro vil and ('<'|)S,— - wlu) in the la^k