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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. irrata to pelure. n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I Iv ," I (I %0tT' Royal CanadianAcademy of Arts. ^ !Ss Catalogue x 1898 Nineteenth Annual Exhibition opened on the 3rd of Marchi 1898 in the O, S, A. Gallery, Toronto. •^•L ■)J hA f >> -A- h . 'tifi* - I ■■^^.: s villi- 'i;Sjf Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. »? Catalogue x 1898 Nineteenth Annual Exhibition opened on the 3rd of March, 1898 in the O, S, A, Gallery, Toronto. ^ !;:A-y 1 1 ■ _t V-S"-.—-' ■a^j'.5iiV, ■.S\:ji^: ^.^ :f " 1 > s It'^' *» •i V •Kr^> Royal CQ"Q^iQ*^ S^cabemy of ^v^s 1808. ■-'•; ■'^. Founders. The Most Honorable the Marquis of Lorne. Her Royal Highness Princess Louise. Patron. His Excellency the Earl of Aberdeen, Governor-General of Canada. Honorary Patron. His Excellency the Marquis of Lansdowne. Officers. President Robt. Harris Montreal. Vice-President ..AC. Hutchison " Secretary-Treasurer . . . . James Smith . . . . . . . . T •nto. Council for 1898 and 1899. two years. Franklin Brownell Ottawa. Thos. Fuller A. H. Howard Toronto. F. M. Bell- Smith A. D. Patterson- G. A. Reid ONE year. . Wm. Brymner . Montreal. J. W. H. Watts . . Ottawa. i^'orshaw Day . . Halifax. * A. F. Dunlop Montreal. ,. Hamilton MacCarthy . . Toronto. ■i A. T. Taylor Montreal. . - ,< • <* . ' 4 , , '••'X.nfr.Ui'ft' '.-'.r ..: .■ -'. t: Km-zT .-, ,\-ji-;' '.. h-i . J.!:.:*Vi\'v^v^.. 1.; i..''-i':r>i-is^':--^\''^ Auditor5. Henry Langley and D. B Dick. Honorary Retired Academician. N. Bourassa , Monte Bello Academicians. PAINTERS. F. Brownell Ottawa. W. Brymner Montreal. W. Cruikshank Toronto. Forshaw Day Kingston. E. W. Grier Toronto. Robert Harris Montreal. O. R. Jacobi Toronto. M. Matthews T. M. Martin L. R. O'Brien A. D. Patterson Geo. A. Reid F. M. Bell Smith H. R. Watson Doon. J. Hammond Montreal. J. C. Pinhey ARCHITECTS. A. F. Dunlop Montreal. T. Fuller Ottawa. |. W. Hopkins Montreal. A. C. Hutchison " Henry Langley Toronto. James Smith " A. T. Taylor Montreal. D. B.Dick Toronto SCULPTORS. Hamilton MacCarthy. .Toronto. ! i DESIGNERS. I A. H Howard Toronto 1 J. W. H. Watts Ottawa Honorary Non-Resident Academicians. C. S. Millard. .Cheltenham, Eng. ^ P. F. Woodcock . . . C. J. Way, Lausanne, Switzerl'd. i J. C. Forbes Hy. Sandham .... Boston, U.S. j New York. r.v. Academicians Deceased. W. N. Creswell Seaforth. Allan Edson Montreal. Paul Peel London. Antoine Plamondon .... Quebec. J. G. Howard Toronto. H. Perre Toronto. W. G. Storm D. Fowler Amherst Isl. Thos. Scott Ottawa. Jas. Griffiths London. If -. ^^ Associates. Chas. Alexander London. W. E Atkinson Toronto. A. Cox J W. L. Forster R. F. Gagen " W. Hope Montreal. T. C. Miles St. John, Nil Harriet Ford Toronto. Sarah Holden Montreal. J. L. Graham " Mary A. Bell Almonte. Mrs. H. M. Reid Toronto. Wm. Revell J. T. Rolph A. C. Williamson Gertrude Spurr Laura Muntz " (i o, Harvey Halifax. F. M. Knowles Toronto. Henry Martin '• G. Hruenech '• F. S. Challenor C M. Manley P G. Wickson Paris, Ont. Emma S. Windeat . . . .Toronto. W. A. Sherwood •* Carl Ahrens •' Sydney TuUy " E. Dyonnet Montreal. F. A. Verner London. C. E. Moss Ottawa. Margaret Houghton . . Montreal. Florence Carlyle. . . .Woodstock. Associate Arcliitects. James Balfour Hamilton. S. C. Curry Toronto. Jas. Nelson Montreal. John Gemmell Toronto. Prof. S. H. Capper .... Montreal. W. C. Harris Charlottetown. P.E.L Jos. W. Power Kingston. S. H. Town send Toronto. V ::»..i^-,;.;.v-^?' Oil paintings* ATKINSON (W. E), a.r.c.a. 1 — Bit of Woods near tho Moor, Devonshire. AHRENS (Carl), a.k.c.a. 2— The Lane. ;{— Wet Evening. 4 — Smoky Weather. n — A Lonely Shore. — The Coming Storm. 7 — The Stream. BROWNE (J. Arch.) 8 — Moonri.se. BROWNELL (Franklin), r.c.a. 0— The Reader. 10 — A Gatineau Sketch. 11 — New England Coast Sketch. 12 — A Rideau Sketch. BELL-SMITH (F. M.). r.c.a. 13 — Portrait, A. D.Benjamin. 14— " Mrs. R. S Williams, jr. 15— " Mrs. T. A. Gale. BEATTY (J. W ) 16 — Lombard Plums. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. i'-y '..SW .Liiii r-.'. > ■\ 'r'V - '■■ji/.jai .'■<>■!!» 'ti?// Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. BRIGDEN (F. H.) 17 — Valley of the Don, Evening. BRYMNER (Wm.j 18— The Lode Star. COX (Arthur), a.r.c.a. 19--Octobei' Sunshine. CRUIKSHANK (Wm.), r.c.a. 20 — In the Eastern Townships. 21 — Ploughing. CULLEN (Maurice) 22—4 Yoke of Oxen. CUTTS (Wm.) 2ti — The Niagara Rapids above the Falls. 24 — Winter, near Castle Frank. 25 — Night on the English Coast 26— Catfish Pond, High Park. CARLISLE (Florence), a.r.c.a. 27 — Portrait of my Brother. 28 — Portrait of my Mother. 29— Day of Works. 30 — Reading to Mother. 31 — Peeling Potatoes. 32— Road Through the Fields. 33 — Portrait of a Dutch Lady. CHALLENCR (Frederick S), a.r.c.a. 34— A Relic of the Past. Information regarding tlie works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. :i-\ ■ ■'•. 'r'.'V Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. 9 DYONNETT (E.), a.r.c.a. 35— The Modeller. 36— The Black Calf. DOUGLAS (Eleanor) 37— Woodland. 38— Beech Woods. DAY (Forshaw), r.c.a. 39— Oil Sketch, Bow River Banff. FORD (Harriet; Santa Maria. Head of a Young Girl. FOSTER (J. W. L.), A.r:.c.A. 40— Theodore Harding Rand, D.C.L. 41 — Sir William Meredith. GRIER (E. Wyly), r.c.a. 42 — Hon. G. W. Allan, Chancellor of Trinity University. GELDART (Mary E.) 43 — Study of Grapes. 44 — Study of Plums and Brass Pot. HOPE (Wm.), A.R.C.A. 45 — Salmon Fishing in Gaspe. HARRIS, (Robt. P.), r.c.a. 46 — Summer : Phillips' Square, Montreal. 47— The Nihilist. 48 — Portrait of Robert Lindsay, Esq. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. i ^ I r £ "i !S K. '• I ■'i I 10 , i),i;"vr';' ^f f'^ri: •^;r,' - v^';*^ ,;'/?? '^J<^'C ' Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. K 49 — Portrait of John Hammond, R.C.A. 50 — " Come, if you dare." 51 — Looking at the Miniature. HILLYARD (Carrie S.) 52— Portrait Study. 53 — Portrait. HAMMOND (John), r.c.a. 54 — Gaspereau Fishing. HAGARTY (Clara S.) 55— Tidal Channel, Norfolk. 56 — Spinning, Dutch Interior. , 57 — Pete, Dutch Interior. 58 — Waiting, Dutch Interior. JACOBI (0. R.), R.C.A. 61 — Afternoon on the Humber. 62 — Boating on the Humber. KNOWLES (McGillivray), a.r.c.a. 63 — Hero Finding the Body of Leander. 64 — Inspiration. 65 — Study, Falmouth Bay, Cornwall. MARTIN (T. M.), r.c.a. 67— After a Day's Sport. 68 — Mallard and Redhead Ducks. MOIR, (L. M. Miss) 70— Study of a Head. 71 — Lilacs. Information regarding tlie works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. i-'^-y^Vj' '^:.^''' Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. 11 MORRIS (Edmund M.) 72 — French-Canad' Interior. 73 — Woman and ( ■ ud. MOSS (C. E.), A.R.C.A. 74— The Goose Girl. 75— Melodies of the Forest. 76— Portrait of Wm. Kingsford, LL.D., F.R.S. MANLEY (C. Maodonald;, a.r.c.a. 77— A Sinking Sun Shall Shine. 7^ — Moorland Drovers. PATRICK {Martha A.) 79 — Portrait of Lady. 80 — Chrysanthemum Study . PATON (Mrs. J. B.) 81— Out of Work. REID (G. A.), R.C.A. 82— The Foot Bridge. 83— In the Old Orchard. 84— A Trout Brook. 85 — Mowing. REID (Mary H.), a.k.c.a. 86— Yellow Roses. 87 — Twilight in June. 88 — Moonrise. 89— A Rose. 90 — Early Autumn. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. / 12 Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. ' '. 91 — Evening. 92 — Moorish Bridge, Ronda. RAPHAEL (Wm.), R.C.A. 93— A Difficult Problem. SMITH (J. A.) 94 — The Macassa in Toronto Bay, SEAVEY (Julian R) 95 — Old Stone Bridge, Geneva Lake, Wisconsin. 96 — Raspberries. SCHRIBER (Mrs. N. B.) 98 — Rebekah and Abraham's Servant. STAPLES (Owen P.) 99— The Last Gleam. 100— Barry, Irish Setter. 101— Winter. 102— Evening. SPURR (Gertrude E.) 103 — Dead Pheasant. 104 — A Surrey Farm. 105 — Albury Heath, Surrey. SHERWOOD (W. A.), a.r.c.a. 106 — In the Rushes. 107—" The Bit Ingle." 108— Mr. W. E. Wallbridge. TULLY (Sydney Strickland), a.r.c.a. 109 — Jeanne. V V \^ \ t- Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. S( ■V^ '5".: ■'. >.c....-.i>0--''>. ■(■■: f^-^ Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. 13 110 — Windy Weather, Rye, Sussex. Ill — Shipping, Rye, Sussex. 112 — Uriah Kempet's Lane, Rye, Sussex. 113 — Misty Morning, Rye, Sussex. VERNER (F. A.), a.rc.a. 114— Buffalo. 115 — Cottage, Wimbledon. WATSON (Homer R.), r.c.a. 116— The Mill Ford. 117 — River Woodlands. 118 — Squally Weather, Fishing Boats running to Harbor. 119— The Dry Creek. 120— Over the Hill. 121— The Shelter. Loaned by W. D. Matthews, Esq. WATSON (Alexander) 122— At the Pond. WINDEAT (Emma S.), A.R.C.A. 123— Willows and Pool. 124 — Summer Afternoon. 125 — Reflections. 126 — On St. Lawrence, near Berthier en Haut. 127 — Isle du Pas. WRINCH (M. E) 128— Portrait Study. 129— Sunflower Time. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. ■ * 1" ^ \' r- > ■ *f.^ •i!-% ,#' y ."■ 1 ,j^.- . ■»- -T ■*.- 7a,'"' :,^i, ,..^.-, .j.jj^--.. ,^,^:j, 14 Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. Cdatcr Colours* ATKINSON (W. E.). a.r.c.a. ISO — Lane, Devonshire. 131 — Plymouth Harbour, Misty Moonlight. 132— Clovellv. BEATTY, (W. J.) ^ On the Humber River, BRIGDEN (F. H.) 133— On the Way to Bradford. 134— Golden Rod. BLATCHLEY (W. ]>.) 135— In the Woods. 130 — A Breezy Day at the Island. BELL-SMITH (F. M.), r.c.a. 137 — Sunset at Sea. 138 — Op. the Saguenay. 139 — Piccadilly, London. 1 10— The Row. Hyde Park, London. 141 — The Queen's Diamond Jubilee, 1897. 142 — A Mountain Solitude. BRYMNER (Wm.), r.c.a. 143— Sisters. 144 — Old Canal, Bruges, Belgium. 145 — In County Kerry, Ireland. Informatii regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. / « l^. )4>^. '.i.it,'.„T«'r,f> 'kirxM / .... • from the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. 15 146 — An Irish Cottage, Gap of Dunloe. 147 — London Bridge. BRUENECH (G.), a.r.c.a. 148 — Under the Sandstone Cliffs, Gulf of St. Lawrence. COCHRANE (Bertha). 149— Shady Road. CHAVIGNAUD (George). 151 — Pastoral Meadowvale. 152— Refitting the Fleet, Port Credit. 153 — Grey Day, Humber Valley. DAY (Forshaw), r.c a. 154 — Bow River, Banff, 155 — Cottage, Mount Bray, County Dublin. 156 — View at Gananoque. 157 — Bray Head, County Dublin. ELLIOT (E.) 158 — Mammie, Millie. FENN (Harry). 159 — The Corner of the Studio. GAGEN (Robert), a.r.c.a. 160— The Fringe of the Lake. 161 — New England. 162 — The Afternoon of a Hot Summer Day. 163 — Near Georgeville, Lake Memphramagog. 164 — A Silent Summer Noon. y 165 — Two Ivory Miniatures. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. I • i J»t''«»JLii"<; •^t,'.,'j'ili,. ' 'if ■■--,: It ■ f-'A: / 6. 16 Royal Canadian Academy of Arttt. HENDERSON (W. R.) 166 — Evening Landscape. 1 67 — Moonrise. HEMSTED (Margaret) 168 — A Glance of Sunshine. 169 — In the Country Places. HULMSTED (Marie H.) 170— The Horseshoe Fall from the West. 171 — Owl and Blackbirds. 172— Roses. LIVING (Marion) 173 — Une Serviteure. MARTIN (T. M.), R.ca. 174 — Road Through the Woods, Rosedale. 175 — A Pair of Mallards. MARTIN (Kerry), A.R.C.A. 176 — A Country Bridge. 177 — Summer in Rosedale. MARTIN (E. May) 177|— Macdonald Falls. MOSS (Charles E.), a.r.c.a. 178 — Vieux Habitant. 179 — Fireside Reveries. MATTHEWS (M.), r.c.a. ISO^Forest Glade. 181— Mount Sir Donald. 182 — Going into the Ottertail. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. M M O' M PI R. Se .^,- .<• Royal Canadian Academy of Aria. 17 183— BeecLeb. 184 — A Group of Maples. MUNTZ (Miss Laura), a.r.c.a. 185— The Gleaner. 18C— Violets. 187— The Brass Kottle. MANLY (C. Macdonald), a.r.c.a. 188— Robe of Gold. 189 — The Summer Prime. 190— Batworthy Water. O'BRIEN (L.R), u.c.A. 191 — On Lake Tadenac. 192— Falls of the Moon River. 193 — Worcester. 194 — A Channel Among the Islands, Georgian Bay. 195— In the Credit Valley. 196 — Laurentian Rocks. 197 — Northern Waters. MORRIS (E. M.) 198— Children. 199 — Interior. PHILLIPS (Mis3 Mary M.) 200— An Oyster Boat. 201 — Laprairie Houses. RADFORD (J. A.) 202 — When Autumn Blushes at Verdant Summer. Inforroation regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. •.' L-ii^._ ■ a '•■t.K:. ;.c^. :.* is*- 1 1 ■'ij. j • ^I^H > t< I ll ilnu \t': 18 Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. REVELL (Win ). a.r.c.a. 203— In East Toronto. 204 — Wood.s in Autumn. ROLPH (J. T.), AR.c.A. 205 — A Lane in Kent, England. 20b'— Toronto Island. 207— The Crown of the Hill. REID (G. A.), R.C.A. 208 — Study for Mural Decoration. Entrance Hall, New City Buildings. 209— Night. 210— Twilight. ROBINS (Wm.) 211— The Wintry Sea. 212 — Royal Autumn, 213 — When the Crust is on the Snow. 214— The Lonely Shore. 215 — Morning. SPIERS (H.) 216— A Study. SHERWOOD (W. A.), a.rc.a. 217— St. Bernard. TAYLOR (Andrew T.), r.c.a. 218 — A Seaside Cottage, Magnolia. SEAVY (Julian R.) 220— New York Harbour. Information regarding the worlcB for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. .,!..• -ri^ia,. > ■ /S> ^ lioyal CaiKuliav Academy of Avis. 19 TULLY (MisH S. Strickland), a.r.o.a. 221 — Cottapre Doorway, Tallham. 222— Mnditation. 223— Phiebe. VERNER (F. A.), a.r.c.a. 224 — Ann Hathaway 's Cottage. 225 — Cottages, Froon^e, Dorset. 226 —Evening, Wimbledon Commons. WATSON (Alexander). 227— Old Sheds in a Fog. 228 — Stream in the Meadow. WATTS (J. W. H.). R.C.A. 229 — November. 230— In the Woods. 230a — Larkspur. WINDEAT (Miss Emma), A.R.C.A. * 231— Cloud Effects. WILLIAMS (Miss M. Bertha). 232— White Roses. 233— Petunias. WHYTE (Ethel A ) 233tt — Landscape. Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. ,.■5 •■^•v-''-- -.■';'; ••-^ >.;..% '-[-.M ■., ■ .y.-. -y ;t- I t 'I SO Hoijal Gajnidhtn Aatdenit/ of Artn. Hrcbitcctural Drawings, etc* TAYLOR (Andrew T.), R.ca. 234 — Jubilee Nurses' Home, Montreal General Hospital. RADFORD (J. A.) 235 — Designs for Gothic Doors. 23G— Sketch for Mantel. CAPPER (Prof. S. H.), a.r.c.a. '^^7 — New Orphanage for Girls, Whitinch, Glasgow. 238 — Doorway of Orphanage, Whitinch, Glasgow. 239 — Club House at Baranton. 240— In St. Mark's, Venice. ROBINSON (Miss A. Beverley). 241 — Design for Fan. MacCARTHY (Hamilton), r.ca. 242— Bust, Kivas Tully, C.E. S^: Information regarding the wori:s i^r siile can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. Sec tc. >ital. or from the Royal Canadian AriJemji of A tin. ARTISTS' ADDRESSES. 21 Ahrens, Carl, Yonge Street, Toronto. Atkinaon, W. E. (A.R.C.A.), 20:{ Cnvwford Street, Toronto. Boatty, W. .1., ~A Vorkville Avenue, Toronto. Bell-SinitI , T "^d. -W.C.A.), .'WO Jarvia Street, Toronto. Blatch'. y W. i* , 111) Rose Avenue, Toronto. Briyde^i, F Jl., 92 Bay Street, Toronto. Browne, J. Arch., 423 Yonye Street, Toronto. l!t Nvnell, Franklin (RCA.), GGIJ Ridoau Street, Ottawa. liruenecb, . (A.R.C.A.), 28 Toronto Street, Toronto. Brymiier, VVm. (R.C A.), Art Association Gallery, Montreal. Capper, S. H. (A R.C.A.), McCSili University, Montreal. Curlyle, Florence (A.R.C.A.), Woodstock, Ontario. Challenor, F, .8, (A.R.C.A.), 87 Garden Avenue, Toronto. Chavignaud, G. C, 69 McGill Street, Toronto. Cochrane, Bertha L., Hillhurat, P.(^. Cox Arthur (A.R.C.A.), 39 Huntley Street, Toronto. Cullen, M., Montreal. Cutts, William, 46 Bleecker Street, Toronto. Day, Forshaw (R.C.A ), 25 Victoria Road, Htiiifax. Douglas, Eleanor, 114 Yonge Street, Toronto. Dyonnet, E. (A.R.C. A.), 9 University Street, Montreal. Elliot, E., 49() Church Street, Toronto. Fenn, Harry, Mountclair, N.J., li.S. Ford, Harriet, Newlyn, Eng Forster, ^ W. L. (A.R.<.\A.), Manning's Building, T»)ronto. Gagen, Robt. F. (A.R.C. A.), Toronto. Grier, E. Wyly (R.C. A.), Imperial Bank Chambers, Toronto. Information regarding th% Woric* for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. i i; yr/i-'c ■t> ill ill 22 Boyal Canadian Academy of Arts. Haggarty, Miss Clara S 233 Simcoe Street, Toronto. Hammond, John (R.C.A.), Art Association Gallery, Montreal. Harris, Robt. P. (R.C.A.), Art Association Gallery, Montreal. Hemsted, Margaret, 415 Shaw Street, Toronto. Hilliyard, Carrie, 79 Czar Street, Toronto. Holmsted, Mrs Marie, Dundas, Ont. Hope, W. (A.R.C.A,), 291 Mountain Street, Montreal. Jacobi, O. R. (R.C. A.), 80 Summerhill Ave. , Toronto. Kelly, J. D., 17 Classic Avenue, Toronto. Knowles, F. McGillivray (A.R.C.A.), Yonge Street Toronto. Lainj?, Miss Marion, Montreal. Living, Miss Mary, 160 Lyon Street, Ottawa. MacCarthy, Hamilton (R.C.A.), 28 Toronto Street, Toronto. Manly, C. Macdonald (A.R.C.A.), 75 Adelaide Street E , Toronto. Martin Henry (A.R.C.A.), Gloucester Street Toronto. Martin, T. Mower (R.C.A.), North Drive, Rosedale, Toronto. Matthews, Marmaduke (R.C.A.), Bracondale, Ont. Moir, L. M. 479 Albert Street, Ottawa. Morris, Edmund, 471 Jarvis Street, Toronto. Moss, Charles E. (A.R.C.A.), Ottawa. Muntz, Laura (A.R.C.A.), Paris. O'Brien, L. II. (R.C. A.), 2G College Street, Toronto. Patterson, A. D. (R.C.A.), Elmsley Plase, Toronto Patrick, Martha A. , Ottawa. Phillips, Mary M., 2270 St. Catherine Street, Montreal. Radford, J. A,, Mail Buildint;, Toronto. Raphael, William, 2204 St. Catherine Street, Montreal. Reid, G. A (R.C. A.), Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. Reid, Mrs. M. H., Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. Revell, William (A.R C. A ), 018 Ontario Street, Toronto. Rolph, T. Joseph (A.R.C.A.), CIS St. George Street, Toronto. Schreiber, C. M. B., Springfield-on-Credit. Seavey, Julian R., 9 Main Street, Hamilton. Sherwood, Wm. (A.RC.A.), Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the deal:, or from the Secretary. / •4';.ii> ■■fr.W' Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. 23 Smith, J A. (R.C.A.), 80 Summerhill Avenue, Toronto. Spiers, H., Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. Spurr, Miss Gertrude (A.R.C.A.), 248Gerrard Street E., Toronto. Staples, Owen P., Maitland Place, Toronto. Taylor, Andrew T. (R.C.A,), St. Francois Street Montreal. TuUy, Miss S. Strickland (A.R.C.A.), Brunswick Avenue, Toronto. Verner, F. A. (A.R.C.A.), 10 Ldith Villas Kensington, London. Watson, Alex., St. John, N.B. Watson Homer (R.C A.), Doon, Ont. Watts. J. W. H. (R.C;.A.), Wilson & Co., Ottawa. Williams, M. Bertha 724 Spadina. Avenue, Toronto. Windeat, Miss Emma (A.R.C. A.), 46 Cecil Street, Toronto. Wrinch, M. E., 619 Churnh Street, Toronto. ! Information regarding the works for sale can be obtained at the desk, or from the Secretary. ■.*>■ '*?;0>;; "■ v.V"- -"*- t- ■>■'-- "SJBBRms^MlH ?■ :•;■ ;4 I '.■ ■j ■ I ■' u ■ : ; - i i ^ ' 1 i -^ l,„