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C€t t de vue ge ation ues The copy filmed heire has been reproduced thanks to the generosity of; National Library of Canada The images appearing here are the best quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in keeping with the filming contract specifications. Original copies In printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a pr.nted or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page v^-ith a printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol -*► (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. 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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — »- signifie "A SUIVRE" le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s A des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Stre reproduit en un seul cllch6, il est film* d partir de I angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les di&grammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. D 22 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' '."■-. ,-\; A I T (n r ■ V cty C Monk /, //'///^/•^AV /v ^v?r THE ^^ORMAN CONQTTEST. BOOK FIRST. ARGUMENT. Invocation.-Dcparturo of Harold, son of Godwin, from England on n voyage to Normandy .-Object of his visit stated. -Ed ward the Confessor's warning.- Ihe storm and the slupwrock of Harold and lus companions, on the coast of Ponthieu.-Thoy pass the night on tho sea-sliore.-T heir interview with Guy, the ruler of that country .-A ransom is demanded of Harold, which being renised, ho and his companions are cast into prison by Guy.-Meseago to and from William, Duke of x\ormandy.-Uelease of Harold by Guy, the Duko of Normandy ImWng paid the requited ransom.-Harold's arrival at Eu, in tho territories of WiUiam.-His reception there by that Prince.-Description of the Normans, with a brief account of their settlement on the banks of the Seine.-Hlstorical sketch of Hollo and Ids line to William th.-) Conqueror, with an out'ino of the youth of that Princo.-Harold goes to Rouen—His reception there. -Short description of that court.-Matilda and hor sister Judith.-Harold's visit described.-Hc mei-ts his brother Ulf, and Haco his nephew, tho son of Sweyn the outlaw.-Their advice to Harold.-Uis conduct and feelings dencribod.-Moans adopted by William and those around him, to gain the friendship and alliance of Harold.-Brief sketch of Normandy as it then was.-Tour of Harold and his companions with William, through parts of that country. Of that proud Norman who to England came, And by strong arm achieved a conqueror's fame ; Of Harold's fate whose valor shone in vain On Hasting's field, where the great chief was slain, I sing. Inspire my song, Muse ; for vast The theme designed : with eye serene, the past With me survey, where states obscurely rose On time's dark waste, amid the boundless woes A k \ ■y r 'Wavx v\y^^ t »^J&AA U (xj ■ ArfiVvxw^-. iif 22 Now at this court the Saxon noMog sliarcd A welcome {greeting, well for them prepared. Matilda still, as lovely as the morn, Great William's wife, to fame and grandeur horn, With matchless beauty l)eamiiig from her face. Shed o'er those scenes a pure and courtly grace : A royal Avill her gestures each displayed. While smiling words her loftier hopes betrayed ; For not indifterent to her female mind. Were the great schemes Duke William had designed. There Judith too, in radiant beauty l)eamed, And each surpassing, sa^■() Matilda, seemed. Her soft, dark eye, her calm, seh^-conscious air. Told of crushed hopes, of deep and long despair. To greet her sister she to Rouen came ; Their hearts were one, tho' not their hopes the same. To Harold's brother Tostig she was wed, And life of woe that lovely Princess led. Tostig then ruled the far Northumbrian land, With tyrant sway and a rapacious hand : Her husband's perils Ion- had Judith shared., And for dark future was her soul prepared. There too was Robert, William's first-bom son, Wild Rufus too, whose youth had scarce begun ; And Adelize, young, lovely and sedate, ^- ■ 030 -'l.-imless name is linked with Harold's fate. •