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Les diagrammes suivants lilustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^■'■■■■■J MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHAR" No. 2) 1.0 I.I 4.5 5.6 1^ 2.8 3.2 1* m |90 4.0 2.5 [ 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 Ml ^' .^PPLiED I.NA^GE inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 U<^A (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288- 5989 -Fax >^^ C^/f ^^ <: ,' // fy 3^0trit castra, ^umen luwcn. ■*»> (D /., I 3l$ti"a iMstva, ,<\umcu lumen. /v I I CONSTITUTION. ^onbon, (i)nt. : I'lx-c- frcbb Priiuin-C..iiii..-m\, Buuk .unl Jnl, l'ri!,ici>, 1879. INDEX. Assistance, Art ides. Age. '. »9 Books, iJonds, * ' ' ' f5 iialloting and Initiating, ..-...' -39,49,50,64 Camps. < I l ' ^ ^' T' l^ Charters. "_ 4, 5, 24, 36, 53, 61, 63 Constitution and Laws, " .* "' 'o' ^o' i^ Certificate of Endowment, ' t". o^' "^ ' '' Dues and Expenses, - - - - 8 o 16 10 of' Ij '^' " Districts, - - . - '. ^'. '"' '9, ^2, 25, 26, 27 PIndowments, 10 u -.r. 0/ o- ., " " " 1^ Expenses, - ' ' ''°' ''' ^7. 34, 40, 41, 62 Fees, ----.-.. , ■ " 9. 1 1 Fra4ds-How Treated, - - j. 17" J, ' ^ ^^ '?' :5' 43 (Irand Review, - - - . . . ^' ^' ^' ^^' ^4, 46, 54. 62 Halls and Rooms, ^^ Hats and I'.adges, ".'.". ""l Honorary Members, ' ' ' '^^t yi Life Members, - . . - * _' _ ^5 Laws not Provided for. .... ' " \^" " '***' Moneys, " " ; 32, 42, 4N 53 New Tents, '.'."."..' ^'' ^'*' '*^' ^° Number to Constitute, " ." ^^ phlSicia,;. " -'• ?^'.=': =!• ?' ?=•.-'«: 3?. 47. 5".. 'ss,' 56, s's, "el Peace and Harmony, " ' / ^ Properties, - - '.*.'.'. '^4.46,59 Proxies, 3* Reviews, ----*""' "0^0 Reinstatement, '.".". ?! Retaining Membership, - - . ."."."""„/" , ' ^* Seal and Badge, - - '^' ''' ^l' 54, 62 Suspensions, . ". ' ^^' ^^' 3i, 43 Terms and Elections, o, 32. 54 Two Tents- Membership of, - -.."."."" ^7,37,56 Transfer, ---14 Wife's Endowment, -----... ^^ """"■- 25 T 22 BY- LAWS. 'mm i PREAMBLE. All govenmients and societies of men do, in the progress of long time, gather an irregularity and ^^•ea^ away much of their primitive institution. And, therefore, the true wisdom of all ages hath been to review at fit periods those errors, defects, and exer- cises that have insensibly crept into the public administration, to brush the dust off the wheels, and oil them again; or, if it be found advisable, to choose a set of new ones. —Marvel, Name and Objects of the Society. The name of this Society shall be '* The Knighis OF THE Maccabees of the World," having for its objects the establishment of a universal brotherhood and permanent benevolent society, in which any member can and shall provide for those he may deem the most worthy of his affections ; and for relieving the distressed and the needy of the brotherhood in the most simple and equitable manner; and for the promotion of good to mankind generally. ^' I CONSTITUTION. Article T.— This Society shall be known through- out the world as the Knights of the MAccABf:Es Benevolent Society, having for its objects Benevolence and Brotherhood as above set forth, and tor extending the same wherever thought desirable. Article TI.— All meetings of this Society shall be called Reviews, and the meeting or members when congregated shall be called Tents ; individual mem- bers to be called Sir Knights, and to be governed by following officers : » / Ex. Sir Kt. General Commander, Sir Kt. Commander, Sir Kt. Lieutenant Commander, Sir Kt. Prelate, Sir Kt. Record Keeper, Sir Kt. F." nee Keeper, Sir Kt. Sergeant, Sir Kt. Master-at'Arms, Sir Kt. First Master of the Guard, Sir Kt. Second Master of the Guard, Sir Kt. Sentinel, Sir Kt. Picket, to which inay be added 12 Standard Bearers, and when acting in the offices of Great Tent, or Camp, shall have the word Great prefixed. The first Tent formed shall be called the Great Tent for the first year or until a Camp is formed, and assume the Executive! Article III._-The Society shall be composed of an unlimited number of members. Tents and Camps, as herein provided. Any eleven male persons of the age of eighteen years may apply to the Great Tent, or Camp, for a Charter of Constitution to be formed into a lent. 8 CONSTITUTION. Article IV.— All Tents when they assume the Executive shall be called the Great Tent, or Camp, as herem provided. The first 1 ent formed shall assume the Executive, and be designated the Great Tent for twelve months, or until a Camp is formed; at the expiration of which time the next Tent on the list having fifty-one members shall assume the Executive for the next ensuing six months, according to their number on the roll of the Great Tent and date of formation; and at the expiration of this term the next Tent in the order of their number having the recjuir- ed fifty-one members shall assume the office, and so to continue to change every six months until all have performed the duty of Great Tent (or until a Camp IS formed as herein provided), when the first on the roH shall take it again, provided they have the fifty- one members, but if not, the next in order shall take It; and in the meantime, should a new Tent be form- ed, they shall have the honor of the Great Tent the same as if they had been on the roll before, and pass around so until there are twenty-one Tents, then Article Five is in force; but after the twenty-one Tents have acted, all Tents must have been formed and worked for six months, and in every case the Tent about to assume the Executive must give evidence to the Great Tent of their ability to perform the duty, at least two months before the term expires; and should the Great Tent, or Camp, think the coming Tent was not qualified, they should state their objec- tions to the two last past Great Tents, or Camps, who shall decide forthwith, whose decision shall be final ; and should the next number be refused, it shall pass to the next and next, until there is a qualified Tent found; and any Tents so passed shall not assume the Executive until their regular turn shall come again. No Tent shall refuse the Executive if they have the qualified number of members to perform he wurk. ^, Articlk \'.— Twenty-one Tents shall be called n Camp; when forty-two shall be working, they shall be divided into two Camps, and continue to form CaniP as soon as forty-two more working Tents are insii: ' if]y denominated Camp A, 15, C, etc. The divi;jiun shall leave the nearest Tents together, antl division lines shall be called Walls of Division. New Tents shall be counted witii last Camp formed until the forty-two are formed. Article \T. — The fee for initiation shall be one dollar, or, in countries where money is counted differ- ently, an amount of about the same value. The applicant or Novice shall pay all necessary expense of an examination by a physician if the Tent shall require it. No initiation money shall be returned to any candidates. Article VIL— All Novices for membership shall be balloted for with ball ballots, and if three black balls appear, the ballot shall pass again ; and if three l)lack balls appear the second time, the applicant shall l>e declared rejected. An applicant may api^ly again in three months if he so choose. One dollar shall accompany all applications, and in case of rejection shall be returned. Article VIII.— All Tents shall meet once in each month, between the loth and 20th of the month, for the transaction of business of all kinds, and for the receiving of moneys; and should any member absent himself, and not send in the necessary sum to pay his proportion of the money required, then his friend may pay it for him, but if none shall so pay, his name shall l)e dropped from the roll, and can only be reinstated after paying the regular entrance fee, after a ballot is had in the manner of a Novice, but no ceremony but balloting is necessary for reinstating, except an application in the regular form. 10 CONSTITUTION. l!) M Article IX.---There shall be no regular stated (lues, but all shall pay an equal part of the workinir expenses of their own Tent-to be calculated each Review-and in a Tent of seventy-five members should not be more than from two to five cents per month, as only the actual exj^ense and for hall will be calculated. But on one month's notice, and a vote of seven-eighths of all Sir Kts. present, they may provide for any other fund deemed necessary, to be operative on those only who vote in the affirmative, or afterwards assent. Article X.— On the death of any member of the Order so notified to the Record Keeper of the Great lent, or Camp (by the Tent Record Keeper under ^eal, and full particulars of death and standing of deceased), he shall at the end of each month notify all lents of such death, with full particulars thereof; when all Tents shall at their next monthly review send to the Finance Keeper of the Tent where the death occurred the sum of ten cents for every Sir Kt cood on the roll at the close of the Review, to be paid to deceased s heirs; and the Sir Kts. of the Tents where tlie death ocurred shall pay to the Great Tent, or Camp (to be placed to General Funds Account) ten cents extra for all Sir Kts. on their rolls at the close ot their first regular Review after such death, to be for- warded With notice of death. Each Sir Kt. shall hold a certificate of membership under the Great Seal and counter-sealed by his own Tent, on which he should write how he wishes the Endowment appropriated. His desire shall be carried out by his Tent. Each 1 ent snail be responsible to the Great Tent, or Camp, that all duties shall be performed faithfully, and should the collections as above stated amount to more than one thousand dollars, the balance shall be sent to the Great finance Keeper to be banked in some re^- ularly chartered bank to draw interest, and when these CONSTITUTION. II balances shall amount to one thousand dollars they shall be used to pay the next Endowment, and no call made; and should the Sir Kt. neglect to state on his certificate how he wishes the Endowment disposed of, the Tent shall then distribute it among his kinsmen, as the the law of the country would do in such case! Not more than one thousand dollars to be paid throuLdl any Tent for one death. Article XL— All applications for Charters and Kituals of mstitution should be accompanied with eleven dollars gold, or its equivalent in lawful money where the Great Tent, or Camp, is located, which shall at once be exchanged and gold deposited in some regularly chartered bank. Should the new Tent desn-e an ofticer from the C.reat Tent, or Camp, or any neighboring Tent to institute them, they shall pay all his necessary expenses. Articie XII.-Every Tent shall procure a Tress Seal when formed, to l)e furnished by tlie Great Tent and charged for along with the Charter. Said Seals shall have for their device a globe, representing the earth, with a Tent deeply engraved or stamped in the centrt^ and with the number, name and location, as each lent will be known by its name and numl)er. Article XIII.- In the case of forming new Tents where one or more already exist, the application must be by parties not members in the locality, unless all those previously formed have five members left. V\ here no lent exists, eleven persons may apply. Articj E XIV.—A Sir Kt. may be a member of two lents, but not more, and must pay full monev to each, l)ut shall only speak or vote in the Tent' he previously joined; and his joining the second Tent must be by permission of his Tent, granted by 12 CONSTriUTION. ^' open vote at a regular Review, an.l by ballot the same a» a Novice in tlie second 'lent, which shall eSe h^heirs to the repilar Knb<='-ship in his other Akticik X\-._The Great Tent, or Camp, while in office shall m no way wrong the Society or anv ."ember thereof. If any apparently wen-grounUd < ,'n' ■";;' "1"',?'''= '" ""^ ''>^' past Great Tent, c^^ <„amp, they shall at once notify the next past Grea en , or Camp, who by their f:x-. Sir Kt? G C ^ shall proceed to examine into the matter ; and 'if Itl Great lent, or Camp, is found guilty of peculation, they shall at once be suspended as i'T , T/' ?■ *- -"""P - •■'"'' "'« next Tent in o ,lcr shall take the office and fill the balanie of the term along with their own ; and it shall be considered a great honor to have filled fai hfu Iv he balance of a term of an unfaithful Tent. And lt,uC\ '" Y"''^ S"i ty shall repaKthe same to double the value so taken, and the g.^lty party be suspended from the Society forever.'' And' for any other offence tlie Tent shall be dealt with as the udges shall determine; but innocent members si aU they so choose, without ballot, on payment of ten to t f Ti- 'T""?-« °''' E'«'o«'n'ent Certificate fVr fi r^.i ^'■■*' °i;*-'"nP. ""' '^'' "^^^^ '^^^'"t, and so on until a Tent shall accept. Should the Great Tent or Camp, deem the excuse for declining insufficient, thev Hs't n! "r ''^%"r^''"' ""'''' ^"'^ P-^ti^"!'-^-, to the twi nnr l' •''"' ^ ^*"^^' °J ^'^"^P^-who shall examine and deternune, as m other offences. C^nT ^"^ Vp^T^''^ '^""^^ ^'^^" ^^^^'^ the same Constitution and By-laws, as far as their circumstances will permu, and none shall, conflict with the eeneral Constitution. ^eneiai Articlk XIX._lt shall be the duty of all the n ft V l"" '''!n ^^'""^ ^'""'"'^'^y ^^" "^ case ot the distiess or illness of any Sir Kt under the instructions of the Commander, who shall have charge of all such matters, but shall not pay out any moneys (except on his own responsibility) without the vote of the Tent at a regular review, and said money so vo ed must be paid by the Sir Kts. immediately of the TenT^ ^'"^ ^''^'"' ^^' '""""^ ^''' ^^^^^' "^^^"^^ Article XX.-AIl Certificates of Endowment must be issued by the Great Tent, or Camp, under the Great Seal, and signed by the G. Ex. Sir Kt. G G. and Gt. Record Keeper, for which the Sir Kt shall pay the sum of lo cents, the Certificates to be counter-sealed with the Tent Seal, and signed by the Ex. Sir Kt. G C. and R. K. ; said Certificate to bear the date of initiation, age, and residence of the holder. Before the Endowment Call is made this I CONSTITUTION. '5 Certificate must be returned to the Great Tent or Cami> certihed to by the Tent in review, under seal, that the Sir Kt. was m good standing at tlie time of death and clear on the books— as in no case will the Endowment be paid unless the Sir Kt. kept himself clear on the books of his Tent. In case of loss of iindowment Certificate, properly certified to, a dupli- cate may be issued, marked duplicate, and registered m the books of the Great Tent, or Camp. Articli: XXL— All Tents must send the name in lull, age, profession, and residence of each member initiated, at the time they apply for an Endowment Certificate ; and the names of all good on the books at the first review in December and June of each year. Article XXII. — All unnecessary expense in the way of Hall or other property is to be avoided, lents may use any ordinary safe room for the purpose of reviews, which may be procured by the G C unless otherwise arranged by the Tent. If the Tent has no regular hall for its reviews, the G. C. may select one for each review, to he paid for on review nights ; and any moneys raised for halls or other pur- poses must be by vote each night, and not by tax on the members. In case of any change of hall, each Sir Kt. must be notified through the Post Office or other sure way of the change, and have at least three days clear notice, to be sent to his last known resi- dence or address, which shall be considered sufficient notice. Where special or extra expense is incurred A?rV i'"^^'^"' ^^'^ Candidate shall pay the same. V\ hen there are no initiations, reviews may be held in any ofiice without expense. Article XXIII. -The last Candidate initiated, present at review, shall wear the hat of a Novice i6 CONSTHl'lION. I until there is another initiated, said hat to ])e made in shape of a turban. In no case shall there be any ex- emption from this rule. Article XXIV.— When twenty-one Tents are formed and working, they shall be called i>- Camp ; l)ut the Great Tent then in existence shall continue I heir term of office. The Camp shall proceed to an election of the Creat Camp for six months in this manner : When twenty-one TentH are formed, and three months before the elections take place, the Great Tent shall notify all the Tents of the fact, and request them to proceed to the election of the Great Camp as follows : Every Tent shall vote for a Great Camp, and send the name and number of three Tents they desire to act as the Great Camp for the next term of six months, each Tent voting on the Hrst regular review night after receiving the notice, which shall be by open vote, and when decided they shall send the resolution, under the seal of the Tent ; each Tent shall name three Tents in their resolution, and the Tent having the majority, or highest number of votes, shall assume the Executive, and be called the Great Camj), and do all the work the same as the Great Tent had done. When there are twenty-one Camps of twenty-one working Tents each, they shall in the same way be called an Excel- lent Camp, and be formed the same as the Great Camp, and assume the Executive in the >ame way. When there are twenty-one Excellent Camps, they shall form a Most Excellent Camp in the sanie man- ner as all the other Camps were formed, which will then comprise 9240 Tents. Article XXV. — As in time it will be found necessary to pay the Great Record Keeper, the Executive may at that time assess each member an , equal sum, to be paid monthly and assessed v.ith WOKm CONsTirirTION'. '7 the roon. in all cases, tats c.T'it^''''' ^'''P^^^^ tlie fent,an(lhaschawofthP \r .^'' Properties of Sentinel and I»icket nm ^[^^^^rn of the Guard their duties. '' ^'"'' ^^"^^ ^^ai they all perform Alfr RLE XXVI r --Tli«r . each Sir Kt. shall «' ■amount sufficien?.o coter hem" "Th''°"-T' "■^" »" >e replenishe.1 or renewe.l mnn^M -r '?, ''^P°-'*''-^ "> "« I-een used, and are o be h .^ 'l .°''''"^'''"' '-epcr to pay the next cX a'n.ui'pelf ^'■""""' Artici.e XXVI it tu I I is round and flat, Venre";;! ' '"",'«' "'' •'' ^O.T. M. •■> Tent in ,he en rc^ a" ^^,he '7!f'""' f>''^-- ^''h around tlie e.lge over the Tent ' ^- *^-''- ^f' of oSeT-^-^'^-Ti.eRi.;,a, explains the duties an^r" ie" .■^.^omnTtfe'e'arlnted"'''^ ';^""'^•"• « e;;'"«='• "'ghts, it ,'l»ys' notice, 4o mfy eon-enV^'i^''-^- ^'- '^ree ' Puipose. In ordinary cases ^Dobvi-*""^"' '"' "^^ ,; regular Review and ren^-b"""' '''^ '"''«''= •->' loted for at the n.. ' f P?'-''^'' "Pon and bal- _ °'-"' ""'' " ''•vorahle, the candi- i8 CONSTITUTION. f etlc. ts, become the property of the Gre-if S Article XXXIf A q;- i-* • • • ^ftc. he is -leprivcl h.,„ s^' doing l,7hi's"^f:,7 T'^'i; I 'e hnc-,1 one dollar for each offenc-,. .n iv *'•''" the reserve fund of his Tern AM r ' , ? •'''''^^'' '" as other moneys, momhfy ^" """' '" ''^ ^•°"^'^'-=<'- be borne e(|uMlv l,v thJrL^, "'■^' ,«'»0""t. deposited a't hist ktt o? fe^e'sr'"^ r*' ^'■'"' "^ ass,s, in paying Endown.ent c"l after he"':. l" shall average over six per month- tW , n?l ^ n averaging over six -i mrlii, ^i, ' • , ^' "" "^alls reserve, if sufficient '*'•'" '* l^'""'' °"' °f 'W^ Article XXXV — FnriT n: ♦ • . one n>emher as (Genera, C^lfnde for";;^ ,^IS' sLiTt"r;tr;;rrnd":;,orr ''^', ^'^^ range .hem satii'etorily t^ L Tem' iT.'^'f ',? 'i;" Article XXXVI. -Each Great T may appoint a Supreme Great C amp ommander, who i rONSTmifON. y f »9 Article WW'tt v i "■e 1st of Jal >^^.;"i7;,^;^"' '<^""s»hallc.,„m,ence the organic law of thin:,!. Co„.,uui,on .-hall be his initiation in.otl'oS^/^"";' -"^ ■^'"^■'^^- «" tain the same. ' "" »"l^P"ri an"«' l^eep a which shall g ve ace 3-""" '*''' ,"' "''"•''"»''. address. And should anvS^k';""!. """' J'""' "^'e He nu,st have the sal.'leX^J^t^feitt'^'^^' Artk i,i: XL —Sir Vtc the be,,»est of lindol.e^'wirfhe I " •'', 'JP^ "^ of Jie Tent. "^ ^"^ K conl Keeper to the Endow„.e„t n^m^o'cjn,': tact'd T'"]iT entitled to ts benefits (m .-^^V r "^'H' ""d ''e in the Order un to n.i^i, \"'^' ^"^ '' '"^mber timeofhisTnil^^tion;'"- "^°"^='"<' ''""^rs from .he forf ^hllii'-be'^lecideJ m'" "' P''"' "•« "-ided Manual on VarU:^'n^Zy7ZiZ\rZVc''f''f'' of the country where the Tent is I°eld ' ""*' Charter, Seal anTKiJak Z, ? ^' ^^f^f' '"^ An,erica, or its eauW.Z.t 1°1 '1 ^""^^^l $, , ;„ HiicT country. 20 CONSTITUTION. inf^Z'^'n ,XLIV.-When a person is once initiated heVt^-t\ ^,%--'^-s a Knight of the Macca- bees lor life, but for un-Knightly conduct niav bo u/ ine i.x Mr Kt. G. C. ; and as Tents have no codeof tnalsitis confidently expected of every.^v Kt that he wdl at all times respect his own min hood and never incur removal from his Tent Article XLV. — Tents may limit the acre of Candidates between i8 and 50 years. ^ strt''^th''o'f ^^n^^^ • " r' ^'"^"^ ""^ ^^"^""^^"y ^'^ the strength of all Societies, more especially of the wuffi P '^'' ^^I-ccabees, the Ex! Sir Kt. G. c! conUr! f:r f'^ ^^^"t^-^versy tending to create dis- Si. A 1 <■ ^'^r? '^ -^"^^ ^^"^'^^ ' ^^"^ should any ^11 Kt. or Sir kts. insist on anything of the kind after having been called to order by the Ex. Sir Kt' fo^ an; oU.:; 'oZT:' '' """^"' '"" ^^" '^^"^ ^^ foi^fu'n '''^'' XLVII.-If any officer absents himself toi two consecutive reviews, without giving sufficient excuse his office will be made vacant and an fm- mediate appointment or election may take place. Article XLVITI. - Special Reviews may be called at any time to transact any business contained notiJe "''^'''''* "^^"^^^^>*s must have twenty hours' Article XLTX. - Finance Keepers must mve good and sufficient bonds in every case, with two good sureties, for the faithful performance of aU duties, to the amount of not less than five hundred clol ars ; and when a death occurs in the Tent, there shall be an extra bond of not less than two thousand dollars executed. In all cases these bonds mu^t be ip. CONSTITUTION. 21 IJP. in a legal and ])inding manner. The Great Tent innance Keeper must give an extra bond of at least double the amount he may have under charge at any time ; all bonds to be made to the three principal officers. All deposits in banks to be in the name of the two principal officers and Finance Keepers, and only to be drawn on the order of the three, except in case of death or removal, then their successors in office to be notihed to the bank. All moneys to be deposited in a regular chartered bank, if one is con- venient ; if not, as the Tent may direct. Article L.— The Record Keeper shall not in any case receive any moneys, but shall supiily by cer- tificate any Sir Kt. with the amount he is due the 1 ent, so that he may pay the same to the Finance Keeper. The Record Keeper shall keep all Records and fiscal Books of the Tent, except the l^inance Keeper's Books. All books of the Tent must be audited in January and July of eacli year, and may be at any time, if desired by the Auditors ? hf*. ihree Auditors must be appointed every Installation Day or soon after. Article LI.— Should any officer die, or vacate his office in any manner, the Ex. Sir Kt. G. C. may hll the vacancy by appointment. Should the Ex. ^ir Kt. G. C. vacate his office from any cause, the lent will at once proceed to the election of another to hll his place. Article LIE -Should any Sir Kt. wish to trans- fer his membership to another Tent, he may do so the same as if joining a second Tent, and shall pay for the transfer, 50 cents for a demit to the Tent he leavers, and 50 cents to the one he joins as recistra- Lion ice. 22 CONSTITITTION. Article LIII.—The Great tZ, ~^ ~ adjust any matters not pS/for' Z P^P' "'"y during their term of office ' ^* '" '°f<=« 4eilrcan';''w"]i;7n'l"L'nfh' f?"' forwarding their be dropped from Z Z uJ"J''''^'^'l^"' ^ha" have paid their cJu , i i' u ^"^ members who received by the Tent Vh" ' Thl^J "H^ ''•''™ ^'" be permitted to join th^neare t T "."• °";"''' ^^aH K.S. have paid, ihey trcSuI?hVa,arte^ ''" Articlk LV tHa c- t.' . , duty is to confer al degrees ^nlf <;;<""'"ander's other work of the Tent n^X h 1 Pf*^""" ^" 'he ordinateoffieers-andfn,'i, u ^"^ ^^ ^^^ <"her sub- p. C. orrS Ex Si '^f'';f'7f''f 'heEx. SirKt. his duties as well as hi, ni;, \ h' ^^ '''•''" assume to advance the inferestVo" th^t^g.'''' ^" P«-ble and instdlation at the rL L ^^•'"''"■. =""' J""e. and July, of each year aS i fT'^* '" January place at these dateryLii t°"^'^ "" election take for the ensufng erm •''b?,''if '^"'^ ^''all hold offic: ■shall in any waf prevent .f,l i ?-'"''^''' °' "members the regula? times T„sSlln,''"°"' ""^'"S P'='ee at either of the two Li„"''""'"^ "ay take place not aftowardr for tw"? ""'""'' ?*""' ^'eetionrbut continue in office Ltnh J"' ' ""'' "'^ officers will elected and installed ^"^eessors are regularly sol^ire.'mayYecoTilFnT''''' "^ ?'■■ J^''-' if 'hey payment of 50 cenTs Ld oT?V "'"""^^^ ''X ">e membership. In case of th^ . t^' " "certificate of ing a certificate who has D^id''c "^^^ '^''^ ='°'<1- .... ' "^'" paid 5 cents each for all CONSTITUTION. 23 >ir hundred dolLrs a" 1,»? ''"'"""""g '« over five be deposited IS in >tL T" ?''^'' "'^' »'"0"nt to sha govern Ladies^ EnSnem ^^'V^h"' °'""""' sliall be registered th^ d, ■ ^'"'"'es names husband's. ^Ap;„ca^f„„'f?„^, "'^ ""f ^'ong with the over their own sSires J "J?"'''^'-''^'!^ 'o come or admitted to iS"! ' '"' ""' '"'"'^'^'l -afcom„:an""bei;J';i;JhT;h'^f -'"t'^-e'" Gen- confer on any of t. ,L„ . ^ '" ''''"'' '"^ "l'"^"' '^ honorable ranLndeed he "m^!r,;e""'' ^''",« '^ '^'y ■■"'cI it is his honoreddutv T, '"^. f ^P'-'^'ed as such; while in review Hi. iL" '"■*^"''! °^''^'- 'he Tent ence to Ten tm;.,. '^ "?* "« absohite in refcr- Tent rora„/,en/h^o??Lf;Vj-^gt7:;S i^cf asstsr7l^'''office;,~-n''^,:''">', °f,^^^^y -'^''- '^'- ''^ '« required of them, nd , f'^charge of any duly of the Tent and 'the Order ""'" "'' best interests He must not s^^eak dis^esneC "|,"T "'^^^ ''"^■''b''^- the Order undir anv V-irnf , ^ "^ '"""y "'ember of remembering ,l,e"f,o^ ;"™^jV^"^^rv''"'"^'^''' ^'"^'y^ »aid, say nothing!"" slid an Sir' r, f °'' "" '^ respectful in the^Review?"he E^x l^r Kt cT "''■ order hmi to retire fnr iho. i> ■ '• *^- *-• may 'luring his term of officl " '''"""' °'- ^""^ '''">' Period Article LX — Pa«f r.«;^ off.rp «.;.», ^„H, ^f^ officers may wear the hat of -"'—J -""' guici band extra. 24 ^«>^ST/TUTiON. e°-e™C^,„,p,the~t'L 'r ^"''"""S Tents 77, '""'ays a n,en,ber „1 ""^ Order; one/ ^' ^'"""'e'' „,,^«:';'cr.E LXIV _ T, '^' "''''" '■" office /«•'•'«.« LXV XT ""^Record "fh^'- mone, ; '"'""""''^ and 1' ,'?"'' """ not be ARticlp r V1-, ^ Members I, ^'^- — Haif.FnW„ "•embers. °°'^-' ""^ ">e Great ZZ'T '""''' ">^''^ ARricxE I XVI ^^ "'ousand ^t. Record Keeper. ^'ents shall s are not aJthough member, 'ents mil m office. 'Jr Kts. Record o years not be pay aJJ ve aJ] ' and ers of come sath, over here iand