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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmds en commenpant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — »>signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre film6s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 House of Commons Bebsites FOURTH SESSION-SIXTH PARLIAMENT." SPEECHES OF HON. EDWARD BLAKE, M.P., ON THE BALLOT COMMITTEE, &c. THURSDAY, 20tii MARCH, 1890. Mr. TJLAKK. I (.....f.^^s I entitrlv shared tl>e Xuis.r. '''"• f ••''•'»:'. '-i'l-- (Mr. Laurie |.t op ,e 1. it i,s all very well to .say that we are all equa ly u.tere.te.l, an.l all want t<, Je f ,: ■ Ity 1 on.; inng,,„ealway.sl,ast.,e,,nsi,leral.,,.,t<^„L e .=- th. character „f the man wh„ w<,rks t ami "■l'"n y.n, (in.l that the (iovernnu.nt of he eount v m« taken mto it« han.l.s the ap,.ointn,ent o the e n,ng oftoer,, who in turn appoint the ,lep„ v 'turning ofhccrs. tlie poll clerks and all theot eV ;"l;''^;- who arc to have the control ^d le i''" '11"'« '.t an election, then it is e.xtre.nely , V''n:ua tiiat the n.achinery placed in thei i ands ,.,/;,. ..'"'•'■ *■',''■" f'"''i'ities for frau.l .still svsteni. r , „ not now recollect all the defeet.s that ' werepo.mcdout to n.e after the holding of he ; election un, er the present system, !,nt one I . , and llnnsy t,xtnre that ,t was nnpossihlcn, - H.uk then with the implements provide 1 for tVit "■'•pose without ren.h.ring i, p.ijhi, mile ma -.jonyo cases- ami we kn.lw that in he ^ e ma,|n,,ty of ea.se.s a toleral.ly heavy hand is u^cd o |,e,vo,ve rom the outside of the 1. 1 , ^ p,u .7 W s V • '."-"■!^^^" ^•'"' tlK^ view that, so! the hit"" """""'" ""-' ''"""^ -^-V^t""- it i« ■ sho I 1 ; , '""^'''l.''^""'. "ot ntetelv that you should uue .seeunty for secrecy, hut that the ,.f the voters should he p..rsua,led that: actor a.s to he m danger of being put to the use.s to which I have referre.l. The hon. gentleman is , prohahly aware that, a few days ago, an im'est U tion was held in the .State of \cw York with reftr enee to the election of a senatorbya machine n.ethod ,t! iVf"''' '""T''' t" "'"k "Oil, but which lent j *?' '• /" '".""t atrr,..,ous and wide.sj.read frauds ! Ihereore It occurred to „,e tlml 1h3 .u.^est .n made by the hon. gentleman, that this wa.^a mat ter peculiar t,. the House itself, in which the (.mernment d,d not wish to interfere- a suggestion which he sought to enforce by a committee com pose.l of eight ministerial members and tM„ Ui.po- s.t.on members, ^yith reference to machinery which was to b.. operated enlircdy ),y the hon. gentleman's ti^ends -was a little "too thin." Thc4 was no ' n i ; . I •■ H ''"''-''7' ;\'""'* "''^'- "■•'"tever there might be m the new ballot. [ am gla.l to know teol that the ( onmmtee cannot assume nuite that to this side of the House, considering that the c haraeter of the operators gives us .,f the ( )pposition tne greatest interest in the eharac-ter of'hc ma- chinery to be a.iopted. THE BANKIXf; HILL. mass tic hallo iLsed IS secret: beeau.se lothnu' is more ",'"".. than to inform the voter that h s vot ec n Ia[i Hc^^^^^ • '^"^""' i"'"'"'>''l- Th,.ref.,r.. all^, c „ "'•'■•">«.■'-:-..* un.ler which, lirst of , ; t^u d .secrecy should be .secure,!, and, .. vondly ust,.n„al,|y l,y tiie mass of the voters and recoc/ oareth ■ i'l '' '""''• "'^ "'""^ ^ake v<.rv great -uethai.,„.-,maciuncryisnotof,suchapliabiechar Mv. HL.UvK. I w,ml,l .suggest to the hon gontlcmian that it wouhl be c„nt4.ien f .\c , dd provide ns with a table, in plain and sii , ie . , ■showing the.letails of the' calculations \'.; t>e gave -what was very satisfactory in oneway . - lie general result, but the .letails\,f Xcl le ..1 not give. 1 rc.fer to the relation of t ' ., . assets to the gro.ss liabilities of the banks ^ s <|Ute cear that that teaches us nothiiS on Might as well say that you eouhl .hvide as to the. solvency of an individual by putting own ^u one .side the assets and on the other the^i d 1 ities of all the members of his community, and .s\rik ,' I general balance. V„u would find'that, a th muh le ills U c J i' '*'''i V"'" ^■""' ^""'""' >"to the 'I'-tail.s thcie Mould be deheits in the ea.se of some m for tli(! inoiiicut or fur a biicf s))u>'t\ to tliu iimoiiut of .s-_V)(»,(MMI iiisU'iul i)f ?1-'(K»,()(H), that (locH not aiiiipiirit lo very iiiucli, nor i« it in the mill hirgy lunounts to the en-iHt of otlicr.i. For my own [nut, I iiiu inuvh more ilinjioseil to pliire rtliaiiic on ihat to wliich tht; hon. j,'<>"tl''"'iiii aUn.led in thiH regani, as tile aotnal expeiien.^e of matter of the aelnaiity of (he payment extremely jxmks wiiieh liave eoiie under, ati-l which, ft<|)euk-. , .sntisfaetoiy. Vou eiinnot provide that witiumt nij.:yeiu rally, J think, ipute juHtitieil his oliser- impo,M'n>( u l.airier, whieli, J .1.) not sup \ution.s. I do • ' - ..... refeiciiue to tl think, it pro_ details pute ju.stitied m.^ <,fi.-,v,- iiii|io.-Mni; u piairier, wnien, j no not .suppo.se, yoil do not propo.Ke to suy ii word with ; intend to impo.se. Vou eannot ])rovi for the re- i retaininj,' for any long time the .<•_'.'>(),(« Ml, «lemi)lion c.t tiie notes, tor the lion, jjentleinim lia.s : that i.s wh.it tlie hank i.s Iniilt upon, and iu;t entered into details, and there are .some iine.s- ! hand it Imek. It i» evid tions of detail whieh are rather imihirtaiit, hut ! that the sys^tein whieh lia.s i;one on will not, leeaiise you miLst e.xpeiieliee, all whicli, m tlie ah.senee ot detiulH, it would be en- I any su.h anaimemeiit a.s tiiat, he .stopped, thou tirely preiimture lo di.-.m.s.s. Nor ,h) I intend to j to some extent its operations may he re.straiiie.l-- enter into t he (pioHti.m of the working' of the gmiran- j the «y.steni, namely, (,f a hank, aliiio.st imme.liately - ' -1 1. ''oriiiatioii, discounting tlie imper of its tee system, lit'enuse that also re(piiie.s very careful consideration as to details, and as to the exact lialiihty which it vvoulil impose on the mass of the hanks and as to tile ariaiigenu'lit in case of a call. As t) the audit .system, I must say that 1 cviiotir in every wonl the lion, nienilier for South Oxford has uttered. I agree that if our prestuit system iif auditing is in any lesjiect defective in theory, if it does not provi.l'e an adetpuite legisla- i similler liaiiks, tive rec, Ignition of the duty of the shareholders or ' the the aullioritics to secure a'proper audit, we ought the to make .such a. legislative recognition. But with reference to most institulious wliicli are engaged in eiiormoiistransaotioiisin the lendiiigofiiioiie\% espe- cially to tliose lending money on per.souid seciii'ity. 1 hoM tiiat it is/ilisohitcly iiiipossil'ile forany iiuditor to make an ,nidit which will indic:ite the feal])osi tioii of tlic hank. \A'e know in our own experieinte that it is ipiite iin|iossilile. We in this House lipve had the most signal iiist.i.nces lironght liefore us of hanks w liidi displayed the most (lourishing state- inents, duly audited, liefore tlieir shareholders, and ill a very few \\iieks, or even .Inys, it was found - without iiiiputa'.ioii of fr.'iud on anyone -that those tiecoinits were really nominal, ami that enormous sums which were returned as good, turned out in the end to he of the most doulitful character. It is reallj^ of the gre.itest coiiseijuence, therefore, that not hoh fter Its shareholders for an ainonnt iipproximating to the amount of their suhscriptions, and thus "making tlie transaction a nominal one. Ajiart from this dillicuhy, which, 1 think* the hon. gentleman's proposition may to some limited extent ))re\eiit, I nnist say for iiiy.self that the experience of On- tario, so far as I can gather, with reference to the not lieeii favmalile. I say so more openly hccause I very mcII rememher discussion we iiad, a good many years ago, when the late .Sir Franci.s" Hiucks was Finance .Vlini.ster, when we had hefore us that whole (piestioii, and mIicii a considc'rahle ell'ort was made to kec)) u]) the niinimiim capital for the estalilish- we sliou giving them a, security which we cannot give. I feel tlie importance of a proper audit, and J think that, if hy any means we coiihl, we should estah- lish to .some extent the independence of the auditor ; and I will even go .so far as to .say that it would he worthy of the consideration of the House whether ■\\e could not provide some ]ieculiar mark of our sense of the responsihility «-hicli any man assuiiies who undertakes the duty of auditing, as tlioroughne.ss and ai-curacy of the audit. meiit of hanks. 1 was amongst those in those days I was much younger than I am now- -who moved liy the uiii|iieslioiialile ditiiculties which the smaller centres of |iopulation then labored under, strenuously insisted upon a lower iiiinimum. 'I'liose dilticulties were due to a condition of things which has, to a considerable cMeiit, ilisappeareil. That condition was this : The numlier of the banks was imich siiialler, and tin; capital of the banks was also very much smaller than in these later days, and the iiidisjiosition of the hanks to jirovich- branches in the country was very much greater than it has since become : and it was a fact that since lieconie ut to the public that we are I very great ilillieulty was exjierienced, arisintr, in giving them a, security which we cannot give. 1 1 many instances, frutii the iiiipos.sibility of obtaiu- teel tlie iiniiortaiice of a nroner .■indit. ;n„l I tl,i>,l.- ! i„g l,,cul banking facilities inn good many thriving conimnnities. It was thought necessary to'gi ve tiio.se facilities; but I must say tliat tlu; experience of our Province has been that the smaller banks ha\e not Vieei'i t>n the whole a success. They have been, .sjjeaking generally, though with some excep- tions, rather an element of danger than otlier- to tlieUvise, and it has been iiroved that the jiresiiit -. . )y avtach- I plethora of liaukiiig .Mjiital, and the widespread iiig to liiui a certain respon.sibiUty, which wouM of ■ banking facilities, make it exceedingly diHicult to sati.sfactory remuneration. P.iit, | c.mducl a. ptotitable banking business with a have the conti- ! Irank, weak in the sense of its ca{)ital lu'liig small. I the sharehold- I Therefoie, we ought to consider carefully, though course involve a so long as the bonren provided I • not at all unfairly- 1 do not suggest any interfer- ence with any existing institutions- in the light of the experience of the past few years and of the existingconditioiiof things as to the amount of bank- ing cajntal whi< ii is available -the question whether it may not really be in the interest of the country, to iliscourage tlie establishment of hanks with' a 8 THE VALIQUETTK CASK £y£;":;:ri!:;:t;";'>?!'^-''!'--.!-t«-. ilwiian i'lou;:!!! ,|,,vv,i, I Misli ff. ■■ ill !,; ,. ''• i f u' oliifcr fi,,.,. ,. I . , '^'"'"'S^'" ^*"-' "laiiiuil as tan lutUT •vfii.l, if . '"" "'t<'i"noii |.|,. '"-', '""" ^vliiiiM (lio.sc r.ports w.ivcvi„.,.t,.,l piiNiiii'iil will 0(11111' Will' VMii I.,-. „ 'i •"> II nil.- iiu.xr tlii.^ »in,ii-, ,„ul t a i,H.\vl ,M I *- '''J ''"""«l> '" C""elM,|.> -u,i ,,i,,^,. a po,.,.ei<':;K{, :r ■;!;;;, Jli;^;;- 1 V.M r- i''' ','"*"»'"" t'"-' 'J''^''le of the ir..u,so ill 1 ,V. l" "r."'''"', "' '^ ^•^•'■-V I"""f"' 1-i m , lo « Mh ,,le,ly,, Hs „.as givoi, i„ |s.S-> n,,! L-,,. f I'i;n«l,„. I,ef,;,.. tl„. oy.H of tl,. I,, 'oph. W v^S nftcrwar.ls. This cMnmissi,,,, ha. I th U-^ f neiuly throe yea.M.aa,,,.„,attI;H;uL^i^ I,.. Iw,., . .1 , '« "" Know •"'" yei It niav I .' t ;. «*■';.":'"'"' '"•'"« 'l':«" a stale- large ^^ork- if it i."P|'e,'-sMm ,8 that there is a .'en.Tal i"m ,?;,;, f ' I e Iv V !• ''''(''W'';' '■"Venwuent undertaki.,.' as Httonieys for ,,ul,Ii,. ....e.litok It is a M-ise ■■e.ml., t;on.,. tins ease, roves, if tl,estate„;in;:::.::^t:3 NCIM'LV-TIIEXT VALL|.;v fAXAL '« ni theerm.litiou it is in to-day. nearly ei.dit v-'ars Jiitei', namely, tliat fortiveor six ve-.rs- s ^ ,; i i the (;oyernn,ent tiien .leelare^Ui^ l' ^^ U ,^ '^1;^ i*-poit ot that eoMiniission is nosti.oue.I for th-ee or fm.r years, an.l we ,Io not know'w,,., is to "'■tained. I think tlie hon. genthniin",!;; til see t)TTA\VA:-.l>rinte.n. y l)U(i\\ \ C'li \.Mi!i;uiJ.\, Printe r to tlie (,)ueen's Most Excellent Majesty.