^ ^f^"^- >.1^c IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 1.1 UlU 125 m " "^ Em" : m 12.0 Hiotographic Sciences Coiporatton 33 WIST MAIN STRUT WIUTIR,N.Y. MSIO (71«)t72-4S03 CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHIVl/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Microraproductiona / inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatoriquaa T«ehnieal and WbllograpMc NotM/NotM taehnkiiMM m MbliographiquM Tlw iMtitut* hM attwnpnd to obtain tho boat original copy awailaMa for fMrning. Faaturoa of thia eofiy which may Im biMtoaraphioally uniquo. which may altar any of tho imagoa in tho roproductlon. or wMeh may aignifteantly ehanga tho uauai mothod of filming, aro choekod bolow. □ Colourod covora/ Couvorturo do coulOHr □ Covora damagad/ Couvomiro andommagio □ C^^^ara raatorod and/or laminatad/ Couvorturo roataur4o ot/ou pollieuMo D D D Covor titio mlaaing/ La titra da couvortura manquo n'-~^'~^ Cartaa giographiii joo on eoulour Colourod Ink (i.o. othor thon Muo or black)/ Encro do ooutawr (i.o. autro quo biouo ou noiro) rn Colourad ptotaa and/or Uluatrationa/ Planchoa at/ou ilkiatrationo on eoulour Sound with othor matarial/ RalM avac d'autraa doeumonta □ Tiglit binding may eauaa ahadowa or dlatortion almig intarlor margin/ Laroliura aarrio paut eauaor do i'ombro ou do la d f aftP fil o n lolonodo la mama liititfioiifo □ Blank laavaa addad during roatoration may uppaar within tho taxt. Whanovor poaaibia, thaaa havo baan omitted from filming/ II ao paut quo eortainaa pagaa Manohoa aiout4oa lora d'uno roatauratkNi a pparal a aa n t dana lo toxto, mala, loraquo eoia 4tait poaaibia. caa pagaa n'ont paa 4ti filmdaa. L'Inatitut a mierofilmA lo moiHour axomplaira qu1l lui a 4t* pooaibia do ao procurer. Laa ditaila do cot oxomploiro qui aont pout-itro uniquaa du point da vuo bibliographiqua. qui pauvant modifier unO imaga roproduito. ou qui pouvont oxigor uno mocHfloation daiM la mAthodo normoio do filmaga aont imftquda ci-daaaoua. rn Colourod pagaa/ fyf Pagaa damaged/ Pagao do isoulour Pagoe domoged/ Pagao ondommogAoe □ Pagaa raatorod and/or laminated/ Pagaa reatauriee et/ou polllcuMoa EfSS diacoiourod. atained or foxed/ Pagaa ddcolorioa. tachetooa ou piquAea □ Pagaa detached/ Pagaa d4taoh«ea ryi Showthrough/ Tronaparence Quality of prin QuaUt* inigale do llmpreaaion Ineludoa aupplemontary matarii Comprond du matAriel auppMmontaira Only edition availablo/ Soulo Mitlon diaponible rn Quality of print varioa/ rn Ineludoa aupplemontary materiel/ rn Only edition availablo/ D Pagea wholly or partially obacurad by errata aUpa. tieauae. etc.. have been refilmed to enaure the boat poaaibia image/ Lee pegea totalement ou pertieiiement obacuroiea par un fauillet d'errata, una pelure. etc.. ont At* fiimAoa i nouveau da fa^on * obtenir lo meiileure image poaaibia. t 1 I 1 n < t r ^ Addltionol commenta:/ IM»««» •Ph«««il 1 •!••« ("WW Mink) Commentairae aupplAmantairaa: Thia item ia filmed at the reduction ratio cheeked below/ Co document eat film* au taux do rMuction bidiquA ei*deeeoua. 10X 14X itx zn MX 30X / 12X IfX »x MX ax azx Ths eopy fllm«d bmn hm ttmn raproduMd ttwnks to th* gaiMrosicy of: DMrion Tho imagoo appoorfng hofo wo xm poMlMo oon^doring tfM eondMon of tho originai eo^ and In kooping fMming eontraet apodfloationa. quality igiot tho L'aMampMro fRmi fut ncproduit grieo i la DivWondM duCMNMhi Laa Imagoa w h wwt aa ont 4t* roiMrocluitaa avoe lo plua grand aoln. eompto tonu do la condition at do la nottot* do I'ommploiro fllmd. at it oonfdrmitd avae laa eondltlona du eontrat da Original Goploa in pHntad ba glnn ing with tho front tho iaat paga with a printad or •Ion. or tho boefc eovor whon othor original eoploa aro fibnod ftoat paga with a printod or •ion. and anding on tho iaat paga or Uluatratad imp r aaaio n . aio iHniad anduig on on tho roa> with a printod porio dom dimi platf • n ampl a lraa orlginoux dont io eouvorturo an imprimdo tent fHmda an eommon^ant plat at an tarminant salt por la qui oomporto uno ampralnta ou dlNuatratlon. aoit par io sooond io oaa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa aont fKmda m% common^ont por la paga qui eomporto uno ampralnta ou dTMu a t ra tlon ot an tarminant par paga qui oomporto uno toUo M domloro Tho loot racordod fronio on aaah •had contain tha aymool ^^ TlNUfO"). or tho aymbol ▼ i CON. "two"). Un daa a y m b a l a a auhranta apparaftra wr la da ml i r a imaga da ohaquo mlorofleho. aoion lo oaa: ia aymbolo — »> aignlflo "A SUiVRE". lo aymbolo ▼ algnlfio "RN". Mopo. piotoa. eharta. ate. oirroranc raoucuon ranoa. antlroly inoludad in ono boginning in tho uppor loft right and top to bottom, aa roqulrod. Tho following bo fNmod at tooiargatobo oornur. mii m framaa aa Muaoaia mv Laa eartaa. p ian ch aa, tab l aau*. ate., pauvont Atra fRmda i daa taux da rdduedon diffdranta. Loraquo io doeumont oat trap grond pour Atra raproduit an un aaul eNehd. ii aat fHmd i partir da i'angia aupdriaur gaucha. da gaucha i droito. 01 do hout an baa. an pranant ia nombro dt mag a a ndeaaaaira. L^a dlagrammaa auivanta INuatront la mothodo. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 PROGLAH ^*%f f f NORTH RIDING, ITU RIDING, )_ ^^^ %s'^f^'^\nism NOT t6 the Electors of the North RiiUngof tl obedience to Her M^cfsty's Writ to ne direi ikj of the nonth of NoTeniher. 18ftT, I r Electors at ^ Ib the Towiishio of Hnnti 01345 m .<-s<^" 1-^% HATIOH I ) NOTICE is hereby given idiiigof the Couiity of Hastings, that in one directed, and^bearing date tiie^ 98th L8fty, I reqnire the presence of tiie said ctors at the of Huntingdon, o the Towii8li$ of Hiin 1 r-* -. p. ki I m m OF THE at ONE I'dock In the afterm electing a person to represent then, in ProTince ; and that in case a Poll shall Ix manner by law prescribed, such P 24tll DAT OF THE MON In the Township of Huntingdon at the To' In the Township of Hungerford do. In the Township of Rawdon do. In the Townships of lHarniora and Iiake In the Townships of Madoc, Elzevir and 1 Of all which erery person is hereby requin himself accordingly. GIVEN under my Hand, at Belleviile, this 5th day of th^ ^ 'ifit^r ■ •^*n T of Hamliiigdoii, oli the rv «" ■/ ••? ;» Tl OF BEHIBBa aftf roMD, for the porptse if them in the LegislatiTe Assembly of this 11 shall be demanded and allowed in the d, such Poll will be opened on the MONTH OF DECEMBER. at the Town Hall. do. do. do. do. Ad Lake do. ievir and Tudor at the Town Hall. eby required to take notice, and to goyern 5th day of the month of December, in the year 1857. ■:i^-- Returning OJker*