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d'imagaa nAcasaaira. Laa diagrammaa suivants
illustrant la mAthoda.
The Oldest Metjioiii^li Ghurcj in We^terii Mm
The Parent Tree of London Methodism.
A Glance Over Fifty Years of Progress.
Men at the Helm Twenty-tlve Years Ago.
A Long Line of Pastors Who Have Been in Charge.
Metluxlism in London and suburbs has for more than half a century
had for its <^rcat centre what is known from one end of CAna(h\ to the
other as the ijueen's Avenue Methodist Church, a name adopted some
years ago, when North Street as the cognomen of that spacious, maple-
lined highway was discarded. This congregation has from the first been
the centre of wealth, intliience and enterprise, the jiossession of such vast
resources of vitality making it the parent vine from which others have been
developed, under circumstance.-; that soon rendered them self-supporting and
strong. The splendid edifice that stands, crowned with a lofty spire, at the
corner of (Jueen's and I'ark Avenues, which, with Wesley Hall, the $9,000
organ and other appointments, is valued at from $45,000 to $50,000, seems
a long remove, as indeed it i.>, from the modest ' roughcast " in which a
few pioneers worshipped after the manner of John Wesley on Kidout Street.
It is, moreover, a great advance on the more pretentious frame erected at
the southeast corner of King and Talbot Streets, now occupied by a hotel,
and its successor, the Richinond Street Church, on the east side, a few rods
south of Dundas, where, about 1849, the Rev. John Carroll, whose name
is a household word among the older Metliodists, occupie