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Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 C^^^..^Jii^ ^- everend S/l'fj ^ver?iment a 6 -^omc ana' ^./fe S/ac:,e/-^ fo^ t/io &^ra/iancttcon, of i4& ^of.ci m ^orccy?i ^arh, rea/iedrnf^ ti& /layment of i^e S^a/anej o/ me KJboJim/iaru-j en Q6/ifier ^£a7iac/'a, are ao /ur com/i/eier/ aa to r/tai/e me h (/crcci you lo (/ram on tAe fcrjt, o/ January next /or tA ^am o/ fike / / //Y . r/i icC -'^oanc/j K9icr/iJiy^ as yow)^ £/(oa// Q/ear'j S/u/aru c?ic/c?ia 3/,t ^cccrz/cr, on ^/tc 3^&:zorct//3 /jeorrre ff0. ^iarA/a7zc/, ^///uj, 11^ t/ie ^on/d on t/ie^ ^irecec/c?ia ^laae /qq^ t/fat /lar/ioje. c/ a?n. ^z/hevere/ia *S/cr , *^^ar /act//uC c/^7'vantj ' C i-^^K^^ ct. % %