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 The CoochitNM of the Whole Matter 
 " U Hii I, M |{ M I, I, |, ,, 
 Hcprmtcd from 
 Marrli I, l'>n 
 l,'''*'i» ins reprint nf the eliv,.nth .n.i .. _ t . 
 "f eleven arlKleMhat a,, eHr«rrnTh^'' "■''"'',''■'•''•■'■ '" « »'•■••'■'■ 
 "U .je.t „f -The New INll. ic Heahh I''//''"'^n«l-I^ncet .l,«,n the 
 print and nf the entire «'r ,4 may lie h«,. """"' '■'",*'-" "' »'"" "•-,t«StateB.«„i.,rHeali, St n" l"""" ''""""""•'n in the 
nri-; mu iimik m 
 KI.KVKNTH ANlMON<I.,,l.IN,;,.A|.|R 
 '■' " ^^ ""I. mi:. MI), i,n, 
 i^;!'V::::.^:n:!i:.^, pu..... ,,..,,,. ^.„.„„„, ,.,„ 
 \\ \h\ 
 ''prtMoUsartKl..>l,,MilK. ur. 
 1 ir.l. HT.-,i,-,. ,1k. „,.„„;,, „!,„ , 
 'InVr, j f :;::;:\;" ''^^ ■[■•""I'' - * 
 I:.;; li '■:;'';,:'■■::.;,,,'■' ' "••..' 
 !-■.«•,„ the ,|uc-,i I,.„|,„.,,,„„|. 
 """■''-'■■'"-■«>■""-".■ "..t.,.,|>,,|, ,■,,,,, 
 .%t— ■'«'^ 
irn.i. .lirl ..r .Uo.miH.MtiM.t. l...t arv -U- .•ll•l.tnt' 
 .,|■ tlu-ir (..rclallurs. vvl:.ri -l-.l ll.f lir>t -lis.a^c 
 ucrm cnim- from ... 
 \Vi- ,|o not know Wlurc .li.l llu- li. i «lu:«t 
 ,„„,.• trom- Or ilK hr-l Iw- m- ' W. know (lut 
 we .an kH no whrat h..;. . .^..i.l fron. wluat. 
 nor hor'.*-* cxirpi t'oni Iioim-> 1 lu-^o U'T"" •'•^^• 
 nlanl> or anunalv fNa.tU a> wli.-al or lior>is arc llu-v arc Inu no more .1. .nyi- llu^ lavN ..t 
 .IcMcnt than -U- tl^r n.o.n.o.o >uc "'/' «";'^*' 
 ,.rof a rc.lwoo.l tree -Ml lil«' tn-n. Iw-M' 
 trm- m tiature tl.roll^;l. Hu- ul.ole Male Irom 
 .-erm to U-m^s lU-i-U-. mukr tj.c mi- 
 .roseope. we scr llu- i:.-rm> ".lescen-liM^ trom 
 their forefathers 
 J If .lirt .loes n..t hree.l .h-ea^e. then wli> 
 are .lirlv people more vuhjeit to .li»ea-.e • 
 Dirty' people are no suhjeit to .h^ea^c 
 than clean. Itvfection, if it reaehe- either, mas 
 Mel.l .li>ease in either: if it reaches neither, 
 neither will sutler If an mfectious .hscase en^ 
 tcrs a househol.l, the .lirtiest lu-ople will u-l 
 ,prea.l it. .lesp.te their -lirtv hahits. ./ thcyovo.d 
 the one spcnUc -dirf (the .lischar^es of the pa- 
 tient) which alone is liarmfnl . the cleanest peo- 
 ple will not fail to catch it if. m their general 
 eleanlines.. thev neglect that ^ame specific •.Int 
 True, .hrt an.l carelessness an-l .lisor.lcr otter indication whether or not tlie people who 
 .how these characteristics woul.l have the sense. 
 nr take the tronhle. to avoi.l the one .lanwerous 
 Min" shnnl.l it appear. On tlie other han-l. 
 cleanliness, thrift, an.l -s -Icm m.licatc character- 
 likelv 'o handle infectious -.lirt" with the same 
 .are thev sh..w in .-ther matters, llm the (hr- 
 „est pci'le svho make the pr-.per etT..rts to avo,.l 
 infection can an.l .lo mans times escape, remain 
"« ■— I'ru ... tlu^ ,.U,,M , I,,, „.,, ,. 
 .■■rJ:'';:.;.,:;;;::,^"' ""••—.•..., 
 Stl|(|HK,. ;| ,•,.,)/,•, ,„|„. . |,.,| ,„ 
 .1 I , I'M" I" U.IKllli' 111 \,,||r )■ 
 ■• m;u;;,.,-' :,':::, ,;■:,;;■,"« -p 
 ---i-utr ;i^:''i::*;,^^'Vt--'-■•-'i• 
 ^^i" '".( nuke ..... I . r „ '"''''"^'''''s' 'U^vasv 
 "-^ .-iKToiiy n,f,,-,i„„, ,,i.,,,„, ;;;;. ''•" 
 I nis |^ a fall.uv so w icIi.M,r.-i,i .1,^. 
1,.,, tlu.r .li.l.lrin lu-l I....I «!•'• 'I>'«^'«««^ \>eU^tt 
 U the Ira.l.iim '^ '«■•« kJ'-"! «•»•'"«•' <"' pf^^-''^'^' 
 a,.,,lu.ili..ii t.. pluMCm. .lul.lf.t.. .t .^ i...t k"«"l'li l.>r puhlu- heahli 
 N..ti M-r. i-v.r\..MC knnvs » ilui ■ «ti'- 
 time, aii.l llii^ wuhMUt nuar-l «" «ht«luT tlu\ 
 in- rohiiM "r «ukU, hraUhv -r wcik Ivcrv 
 niu- knuwv t.«.. llKit lualiln ..r M.kls 
 «li,, hav.' i>"l ^«l lii"l nuM-1.-. .ilm'.^i m^anahlv 
 ,alili II i< tlu\ ar.> fxiH.M-.l IVartu all\ . llu- 
 Haiiu- I- tru.' ..I Marli-t lV\.r. iniimpv wlto..|.mi; 
 o.uuli, MiulljH'N. >l.l.k.■n|H.^. tt. Il I- <•"! -" 
 urn- Ml tiiUriUln,i>. .tiplillu-tia, ..r Ix|.1.mi,I, miui- 
 (hoM- wlu. liavf lia.l .liphtluria or tspl.oi.l -.r Hi 
 Ikt.u1um« max ^^.•t it ai;ain , .hli-.tiu'li ai;am wUli 
 ntH nyanl to \\lut»ur tlu-v .>rv lusiltlu ..r M.klx 
 III iiu-alcs aii.l tl.f -ilur .l.^ca^o likt- it. ).«t 
 .Mil, ,v|N,M-.l ^^h., .1.. 11..1 ...ntra.i tin- .lis.-aM-, 
 i-Mai-f, iiMt frniii i; I liiallli. I.ut HHt licaiiM' 
 iliiN lia\f vMtliiii tlu'ir 1hm1u-> a .iriam aiiti.l..H. 
 I,, ilu. pariiiiilat |».iM,ii ..1 that partuiilar -li^ 
 ,.aM- \mnw can l.n.v.- thi- I- hiniM-lf. H !•»• 
 uill iliiiik a iii.imiu It Ui'iuTal i;'hmI lii-aUli 
 uin- a pr.>t.vti.iit auain-t all llu- r -hMa-i-^. a 
 diil.l wli'. iMiil.l tiMt nuasii-H. I'r.nnu- pro 
 t,ul.;l hv his ;■.•»!.•-.»/ .0""' '"•""'' '""''' ""' ''=''''' 
 >.arlit livtr. .itluT. for the >aiiii' yitural lualtli 
 wuiil.l ^aM' iimi irniii ihnii all. Ihit cM-r\nm 
 kllu^v^ that Ilu- ihtl'l «li" laiiiiot latdi iiifa>K- 
 .Ui:ui>c ho l''^ I'i"! '" '""^' neviTthclo- W 
 ^nanlf.l In .111 M-arU-t iVvor, iiiik-- ho has ha.l 
 that 1<.M 111 Iniol. an attark <>\ iIum' .li>oa>o> 
 yivi-> ill lu—t iKT^Miiv an miimiiiH^ that iv an 
 ;,„n.|,,i.' I- t..rnio.l. vsliuli thni thoni 
 ,,.,ni haxiii^; it ai;ain, Ihit llun- i> a .htlrn-nt 
 ,,„t,.lol,- i<'V oa.h .liM-a-r. llaMiii; ha'l moa>K 
'•• 'I'l-l.tluT... .-,„ ;,a„.|..,, ,. f..,„u-.l, hut .,f,n. 
 l^"..u .u„l H.- l....rMH„ „..„.. „,• ,1... an..,!.,,.. 
 N-'N^, no ..„.• .Ircun. ,lui .lu- .,„n.i.„.. ,.,r 
 ••"<• ••^'.•I.< l.v„, an attack ,>.„„, |." 
 .■.<.a>I,. ,..„, ,V„r .,.„ ,„,.,„^. ^ ' 
 V; ••"""■ •"""'•r'"^'^' I.-rchkJ 
 ;'^^;; r''i:'«i'"--i"uau„,„u.a„' r,-.,,," 
 •"'•'• ^-' "■•' l-«" a.aMM a.u „f .h'c 
 .l>can-s. taken ,„../.v-..M, ..n •«;..., h..ahh" 
 protect aua.ns, „// .„■ „„•„, tak.„ tc^Tctlu-r - 
 .•II haM-d. iK.wfMT. (.11 lu,, 
 n,c fir.t of ,lu.M. ,s ,|,a, „„\.rt,o„. ,| 
 ;'"H' frnn, ••«.„,ral |,a,| snr,.,.„„|,„^,. •■ ,-, . 
 •n..h . tlH. ..K.|v ,V,.n. .,,-,.un «.. 
 .r..w,n,. n, tiu. I.,.|.. an.l pra.tualK th. onK 
 • o, l.a.i M.rr,.„„,|„„.- ,,,„,,, ^,„„,. ; 
 ''■'<la> or with Its .Ii>chari,'t.< 
 11,0 si-om.l ^;r.•al l.aMc fallao is ,hi. ti,., 
 ^^"-.1 .oo., ,u.altir pro...,. a.a,n,t n.f^-t ' 
 •.«....•« KcTn.s ue know are. (ir,. an.l hest to 
 '^^'■'"'"•"'"•"••'"'^■•, Mvon.l. tohave 
 •'"*'./'ifflft?jK^ ' v^'j'Wiwiri 
witliiu the iHMly till' .«/><•<((;/ antidote for eaili 
 particular ut-rm. 'Ac vaccinate ajjaiunt small- 
 pox. l)iit that does not save us from typhoid 
 fever. We vaccinate against tvphoid fever, but 
 tliat tloes not save us from sma;iiK)X. If we 
 could vaccinate against every disease (as per- 
 Iiaps some day we shall l>e able to) we wouKl 
 be safe, despite the jjerms. at least while tlie 
 protection lasted, and aft<'r that we could vac- 
 cinate a^ain. 
 i'.ut how much l)etter to avoid the jjerms wliich 
 n cans avoidinj; the persons in whom they are: 
 ai.d then we would never need any sort of vac- 
 cination ! 
 Surely, the tiling; to do f r one's own sake, 
 and still more for the sake oi our asscK-iates, is 
 to fuid the infected persons, or animals, thai alone 
 can cause disease in the true sense, and keep 
 them so protected while tlie dauRer lasts that 
 ihey will do no harm. TIk i. when tlieir stock 
 of ^erms is dead and done with, remove all the 
 ^■ou will say that that i>- only old-fashioned 
 (|Uarantine. It is, in princii)ie. but modern prac- 
 tice chan>;es it so completely that, practically 
 speaking, new-fashioned (|uarantine differs from 
 old as much as motor cars differ from camels. 
 In the iirst t)lace. o'd-fashioned (luarantine did 
 not pick out all (ian}^i'rous t>crsons. but took the 
 sick who form but part of the infected, and also 
 took the well who were found with the sick, 
 inchnliufj thus some who were not infected, and 
 kei)t all these i)ractically in prison, in their homes, 
 or ships, or wherever else they were staying. 
 Thus, not alone were many infected persons 
 overlooked and many uninfected persons wrong- 
 ly held, but also the disease s|)read oftentimes 
tho.c.nUrte,l who vu-r. i„,he„c, to.hc 
 >•" ..fcctcl who were- kc,.t i„ with ,hc„,, so ,hat 
 "l.l-fash.o„e,| ,|uara„ti,u. wh-U- it protcctcl the 
 7;"""""".v '"'t partiallv. „u,.„t often ,x.ver 
 ^.- se. an,l death ,o those caught i„ L ,oi k 
 •\.. «o,Hler the ver> name of quarantine makes 
 "laiiy people shu,|,lcr. ^^ 
 New-fashioned ciuarantine i. not a hianket 
 me hod hlnnderin,ly catchin, in its hiilu oh 
 ;^r.p M.k and well, th harmless an,! the 
 arm ul. „,d,scriminately. Xew-fashioned qua ! 
 • '-"e requ.res defin.te <ietailed knowledge ap- 
 PI'H w„h care and patience, not mere force 
 Mndle.l so that mtection oease.s. Even the in- 
 ecfnns do not wish to sprea.I their own lnf«- 
 ^'"" "'^- """«: that chafes and riles the av^- 
 ajs'o person ,s not restriction hut unjust restric- 
 '"•": enher restriction of non-dangerou.s persons 
 ..r restr,ct.on of some of ,hc ,lan,.erous onlv wi"le 
 "titers just as .lanperous r,, free ' 
 No mother minds the exclusion of her infec- 
 '-H's cinid from puhlic school, if her nd.I Ws 
 mtecfous child is excluded also. Fvxrv h^ i 
 ' I'ln (iKi so too. 
 Here then is the solution. ,.ase,| on human 
 . tnrc. on common sense, and on the most scien- 
 t.tu knowledge. l-i„d, through the methods "f 
 n...lem,ology. of the lalx.ratorv. and of Me vita 
 ^ta -sfcan. skilfully condnncd" I.y experts these 
 •la.gerous persons, whether sick or well-.he e 
 .-K dangerous persons. , who carrv on S 
 r n them germs of infectious diseases. .Set 
 •'I others free, hut kc.p these persons, not in 
 ..I. - aslnoued quarantine, hut uider such con 
 'n.l that the.r discharges will not pass to others • 
and .In nnt nicaMirc the li-ii^;tli ><i tli.U rontrol by 
 tixid time limit-, l>lin.l and unjust as <|naraTitiiic 
 itself, liiit nuasurc it wlinlly In the length of time 
 tlie K'erms remain in the IkxIn . The moment that 
 the Ki-riii'- liave left that person, he is no longer 
 harmful and lie should he freed. 
 I'o do this properly means intimate attention 
 and supervision of infectious persons by men 
 who know their Inisiness and do nothing else, 
 if ,me sucli man to every JO.OOO persons began, 
 tomorrow, everywhere, his work, infectious 
 diseases in ten years, would have vanished and 
 Iiecome mere historv. 
 This, then, is the conclusion. The old iileas 
 have passed: the new are no longer theories but 
 facts; the methods they require are not untried; 
 thev have been practiced for years in Minnesota. 
 The details are worked out, the rield is ready, 
 the scope and cost are known. .Ml hat remains 
 is to apply the methods developed m this state 
 to all infections, thus wiping them all out. once 
 and for all. The way is dear, what remains is 
 to follow it; the method is known, what remains 
 is to carry it out; the thing we, as a race have 
 hol)ed and desired and prayed for, for centuries 
 l)ast. can be done; all that remains is to do it. 
 F.ach get-.eration of Minnesotans pays now for 
 infectious disease two hundred million dollars 
 and has the liiscusc^. too! Why not pay one- 
 tenth this sum and rid ourselves of all of them 
 g^gaBr3!aii^gw w gM ig wEW^B^MB'sa«Kwy/«gaaiii r- nm 

 f%*i^K»r: >^r«<t?ra2xii!>7viri^a»!4»i^ynia<ae^