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 REPORT FOR 18 60. 
 The Hakluyt Society has now completed the thirteenth 
 year of its existence, and has, during that period, issued 
 twenty-five valuable volumes relating to early voyages and 
 travels in every part of the world. The number of sub- 
 sciibers has been steadily maintained at a point which has 
 enabled the Council to ensure the efficiency of the Society ; 
 and they now have the satisfaction to report that the funds 
 continue in a prosperous condition. 
 The Council have given their best consideration to the 
 price at which new subscribers during the present year 
 should be allowed to receive the i)ast publications of the 
 Society, the earlier scries of which have become scarce, and 
 have fixed it at Nine Guineas, that sum not including the 
 subscription for the year. 
 Since the last General Meeting the following volumes 
 have been delivered to members : 
 " Expeditions into the A^alley of the Amazons during 
 the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ;" containing the 
 Journey of Gonzalo Pizarro, from the Royal Commentaries 
 of Garcilasso Inca do la Vega; the Voyage of Francisco de 
 Orellana, from the General History of Herrera ; and the 
 Voyage of Christoval dc Acufia, from a narrative written by 
 himself in 1641. Edited and translated, with an Introduc- 
 tion and a descriptive list of the principal Tribes in the 
 Valley of the Amazons, by Clements R. Markham, Esq. 
 " Early Voyages to Australia/' a collection of documents 
 showing the early discoveries of Australia to the time of 
 Captain Cook. Edited by E,. H. Major, Esq., of the British 
 Museum, F.S.A. 
 Two volumes will be delivered to members during the 
 course of the present year, one of which is completed and 
 will be issued immediately, and the other is in a very for- 
 ward state, viz. : 
 " The Narrative of the Embassy of Ruy Gonzales dc 
 Clavijo to the Court of Timour at Samarcand, a.d. 1403-6." 
 Translated for the first time, with Notes, a Preface, and an 
 Introductory Life of Timour, by Clements K.. Markham, 
 " A Collection of Documents forming a Monograph of 
 the Voyages of Henry Hudson." Edited, with an Intro- 
 duction, by George Aslier, Esq., LL.D. 
 In addition to the above works, five others have been 
 undertaken by Editors, and some of them arc now in pro- 
 gress, viz. : 
 The Fifth Letter of Hernando Cortes ; being that 
 describing his Voyage to Honduras in 1525-6. To be 
 translated and edited by E. G. Squier, Esq. 
 The Voyage of Vasco de Gama round the Cape of 
 Good Hope in 1497 ; now first translated from a contem- 
 poraneous manuscript, accompanied by other documents 
 forming a Monograph of the Life of De Gama. To be 
 translated and edited by Richard Garnett, Esq., of the 
 British Museum. 
 The Travels of Ludovico Vartema, in Syria, Arabia, 
 Persia, and India, during the sixth century. To be trans- 
 lated and edited by Count Pepoli. 
 Narrative of the Voyage of the" Tyrant Aguirre," 
 DOWN the r'iver OF THE Amazons, by Fray Pedro Simon. 
 To be translated for the first time by W. BoUaert, Esq. 
The Voyages of Mendana and Quiros in the South 
 Seas, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 
 To be translated from Figueroa's " Heclios del Marques 
 de Cancte," and Torquemada's " Moiiarquia Indiana," and 
 edited by Clements E, Markham, Esq. 
 The following six Members retire from the Council, viz. : 
 The Right Hon. Lord Broughton. 
 John Barrow, Esq., F.R.S. 
 Lord Alfred Spencer Churchill. 
 Egerton Harcourt, Esq. 
 The Right Hon. Lord Taunton. 
 His Excellency the Count de Lavradio. 
 Of this number, the three following are recommended for 
 re-election, viz. : 
 Lord Broughton. 
 Lord Alfred Spencer Churchill. 
 The Count de Lavradio. 
 And the names of the following gentlemen are proposed 
 for election, viz. : 
 Sir John Bowring, LL.D. 
 The Right Hon. Lord Wensleydale 
 The Rev. W. Wh^well, D.D. 
 The Council have also to report that the Honorary 
 Secretary, Mr. Clements R. Markham, having been sent to 
 South America on a Government Mission, which will entail 
 an absence of a year and a half, Mr. Major has kindly 
 undertaken to perform the ordinary duties of Honorary 
 Secretary during that period. As Mr. Markham has prc- 
 n-ed works for publication, which will meet the demands 
 iubscribers during his absence, the Council have resolved 
 that he shall retain the Secretaryship, if his duties do not 
 detain him from England later than April 1861. 
 Statement of the Accounts of the Society for the year 1859-60. 
 linlniire iil hist Audit 
 lu peivod by bnukers during tlie 
 year ,' ^03 Ir 
 i; *. rf. & s. (I. 
 42C 12 8 Mr. Kicliards. for rriiitiiig three 
 \V(.rl!s 202 U (i 
 (I Mr. .). l-;. liiclianl, Cor Paper l.'i 
 Trniisliitiiiiia luid TrauscriiUioiis .. 20 7 
 Advertiseiuonts '.'. 1 d 
 Mnp 12 2 
 Index y (I 
 Gratuity to AyeMt's Foroiiimi .... b 
 Stntitiniry, I'lirccls, Postage, nnd 
 Sundries 4 ii 
 Sn2 5 
 Present lialanco nt Bankers 23ii (; •'! 
 Ditto in Petty Casli Mil ft 
 Examined aiid Approved, March 5th, 1860. 
 W. B. RYE, 
 ' I 
<s? C 
 W R K S F s S U E DRY 
 Cije ^lafelugt ^onetg. 
 O. M. ASHER, LL.D. 
 10 1955 
 ^((oO W 
 T. nrriiAiii)'*, :ir Gnr:.vT -jukhn stukkt. 
 sru J!OI)F,i!ICK IMl'KY .MUHClllSON, U.C.St.S., RK.S., D.C.I.,, Corr. Mci„, I,.,.. K 
 Hon. Moiji. rini,. Acad. Sc. St. I'otcrsburg, .vc, Ac, fiiiisiDENT. 
 Tin; M.VKC^UIS OK J,AN«1)()\VNI': 
 UiiAu-.\DMiu,M, ('. li. IHir.NKWATi;!! I'.KTIll 
 [ VlCE-l'llE.s 
 Mi.C'.l!. ' 
 Sxii JOHN IJOWHtMi, U..IJ. 
 liT. HiiN. r.Olil) lUJOUGlITON. 
 The loud AI,KI!I;D Sl'KNCKl! CllUUCIin.l., M.I' 
 1!t. Hon. Sir DAVID DUN DAS. 
 Sir HKNIIY KLI/IS, K.ll., K.Ft.S. 
 .lOHN FOSTER, Esq. 
 1,ii;iit-Gkn. CHARLES lUCH.VKD FOX. 
 n. W. GUFY, Es<i. 
 •lOUN WINTFlt .lONE.S, Es.i., F.S.A. 
 iris Excellency tiir COUNT DE I.AVIiADlO. 
 K. H. MAJOR, E.SQ., F.S.A. 
 'I'liE Rev. W, WHI'lWELL. 
 CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM, Fsq., Ho.n.,)ukv S 
 M N S I E LT K D ' A V E Z A C 
 Oil KIND 
 Notes to Introduction 
 Divei^_ voyages and northerne discoveries of that worthy 
 discoverer Henry Hudson, from Purchas' Pilgrims 
 vol. Ill, pp. 567-610: ^ ' 
 ^ First Voyage, his discoverie towards the north pole 
 m 1607, written partly by John Playse, one of the 
 crew, and partly by Hudson himself 
 Second Voyage or employment of Master Henry 
 Hudson in 1608, written by himself . 
 Third Voyage of Master H. Hudson in 1609, written 
 byRobert JuetofLimehouse - 
 Fourth Voyage in 1610. An Abstract of the Jour- 
 nal of Master Henry Hudson - 
 A larger Discourse of the same Voyage and the success 
 tiicreof, written by Abacuk Pricket 
 A note found in the deske of Thomas AVydowse, student 
 Purchas liIs Pilgvimanjc, folio, TiOncloii, 1020, p. 817. 
 yi. Of Hudson's discoveries and death - - 139 
 Hudson's first voyage (1607), from Edge's brief discovcrie 
 of the Muscovin merchants (Purchas, v. iii, p. 4G4) - l{') 
 Captain Fothcrby's statement concerning Hudson's Jour- 
 nal of his first voyage (Purchas, v. iii, p. 730) - 146 
 Hudson's third voyage (1609) from Van Mcteren's His- 
 toric dor Nederlanden. Folio, Hague, 1614, fol. 629a 147 
 Extracts relating to Hudson's third voyage (1009), from 
 John de Laet's Nieuwe Werelt, fol., Amsterdam, 1625, 
 1630-1 (from book iii, chapter 7) - - 154 
 (From book iii, chapter 10) - - - 159 
 Extracts containing some original information about Hud- 
 son's third voyage, from Mr. Lambrechtsen van 
 Ritthem's " History of New Netherland" - - 164 
 Extracts concerning Hudson's third voyage (1609), from 
 Adrian van der Donck's " Beschryvinge van Nieuw 
 Nederlandt," 4to., Amsterdam, 1655, 1656 - 167 
 American traditions concerning the third voyage (1609) - 173 
 An Extract from Captain Luke Foxc's description of Hud- 
 son's fourth voyage (" North- West" Fox) p. 70 - 180 
 Hessel Gerritz's various accounts of Hudson's two last 
 voyages, from the Latin and Dutch edition of the 
 " Descriptio ct Delineatio Geographica detectionis 
 Freti ab H. Hudsono invent!." Amst., 1612, 1613: 
 I. Hudson's fourth voyage. A summary printed 
 on the back of the chart. An account of the voyage 
 and new found strait of Mr. Hudson - - 181 
 II. Hudson's third and fourth voyage, from the 
 Prolegomena to the first Latin edition - - 183 
 rix. Hudson's third and fourth voyage, from the 
 La m edition of 1012. An Account of the Di.seovorie 
 of the North- West Passage, which is expected to lead 
 to China and Japan by the north of tlic American con- 
 tinent, found by H. Hudson 
 IV. Hudson's tliird and fourth voyage, from the 
 second Latin edition of 1613, with notes indicating tlie 
 variations of the Dutch edition. A description and 
 chart of tl>e strait or passage by the north of the 
 American continent to China and Japan - 
 Voyage of John de Verazzano along the coast of 
 North America from Carolina to Newfoundland (con- 
 taining the first discovery of Hudson's river) a.d. 1524. 
 Translated from the original Italian, by Joseph G. 
 Cogswell, Esq. Preliminary notice by the translator - 
 Voyage of Captain John de Verazzano. Letter to 
 His Most Serene Majesty the King of France (together 
 witli the original Italian text) 
 Writings of William Barentz (Barentson) in Hud- 
 son's possession (Purchas his Pilgrims, vol. iii, pn 
 518-020) - . . . 
 A treatise of Iver Boty, a Gronlander 
 Van der Donck's observations about the Wampum 
 or bead money of the Indians, mentioned by Hudson 
 (From the N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collection, New Series, 
 vol. i, p. 200) 
 Title and Prolegomena to the first edition of the 
 " Detectio Frcti" 
 Title and Prolegomena to the second edition of the 
 " Detectio Freti" 
 A letter from President Jcannin to Henry IV of 
 France, containing an account of his Ncgociation with 
 Henry Hudson, through Isaac Le Mairc (with the 
 original text in French) - - - 2 14 
 Extracts concerning a shipbook found at Amster- 
 dam, by John Romeyn Brodhead, Esq. - - 254 
 Extracts from a charter granted to the Company of 
 the Merchants Discoverers of the North- West Pas- 
 sage. Apud Bledsoe, July 26th, 1012 - - 255 
 Two Extracts from Rafn's " Antiquitates Ameri- 
 canso" ...... 257 
 Other names of Hudson's Strait : Hudson's Bay, 
 Hudson's Touches, Hudson's Point, and Hudson's 
 River - - - - - - 257 
 Bibliographical List, containing the books, maps, 
 etc., etc., mentioned in the present work - - 258 
 Index - - - - - 279 
 Hudsom's river, Hudson's strait, and Hudson's bay, 
 remind every educated man of the illustrious navi- 
 gator by whom they were explored. But though 
 ( the name of Henry Hudson possesses these preserva- 
 1 tives against oblivion, little more has been done 
 I on its behalf, and few persons have any accurate 
 j notion of the real extent of his merits. By con- 
 1 sidering Hudson as the discoverer of the three 
 I mighty waters that bear his name, we indeed both 
 overrate and underrate his deserts. For it is certain 
 that these three localities had repeatedly been visited 
 and even drawn on maps and charts long before he 
 set out on his voyages. Nor did he himself claim the 
 discovery of the strait and bay. He was fully aware 
 that he was but proceeding further on a track 
 opened up by his predecessors. On the other hand, 
 we may perhaps be too ready to overlook those parts 
 of Hudson's achievements that have left their marks 
 less strikingly on the geographical delineations of our 
 globe. They are very important nevertheless. The 
 mere extent of his voyages is sufficient to place him 
 very high among the explorers of the north. He 
 surpasses in that respect all other arctic navigators, 
 except one or two of our own days, who have en- 
 joyed immense advantages over him. Besides his 
 own original discoveries, he visited during the four 
 last years of his life very nearly all the northern 
 shores of Europe and Eastern America, which had 
 been visited by his predecessors during the previous 
 century, and everywhere his presence left at least 
 some traces. 
 To fill up the gap in geographical literature here 
 pointed out, no plan seems to be better fitted than 
 the one generally adopted in the publications of 
 the Ilakluyt Society. The original records of a 
 navigator's or traveller's exploits, if properly eluci- 
 dated by notes and introductory remarks, constitute 
 the most authentic portraiture of him that can be 
 offered to the geographical reader. The example set 
 by Marsden's 3Iarco Polo, shows how very much may 
 be accomplished in this manner. The editor of the 
 present volume has tried to follow this great model ; 
 but, besides his too evident inferiority to the scholar, 
 whom he has been trying to imitate, he has had diffi- 
 culties to encounter, almost greater than those over- 
 come by Mr. Marsden. The history of early northern 
 discovery is both intricate and obscure, and it has 
 not been thoroughly lighted up by anterior research. 
 Many new investigations have thus become necessary ; 
 and the editor has also to present a most complicated 
 subject in a clear and readable form ; and this too in 
 a language foreign to him. He hopes therefore not 
 to be judged too severely, if lie partly fiiil in accom- 
 plishing his aim. 
 Tlio records of Hudson's voyages which arc here 
 collected were originally noted down, and have been 
 preserved by various hands. They are not all of 
 equal authenticity. They even sometimes contradict 
 each other ; and it is in these cases not easy to 
 elicit the truth. We must therefore examine each 
 record with close attention to ascertain what reliance 
 may be placed in it. But as we purpose to render such 
 a review of our records perfectly clear and intelligible 
 to every reader, it is necessary first to give, as briefly 
 as possible, a summary of Hudson's career. 
 The whole period of his life known to us extends 
 over little more than four years, from April 19, 
 1607, to June 21, 1611. The greater part of this 
 time is filled up by four voyages, all of them under- 
 taken in search of a short northern passage to the 
 eastern shores of Asia. The first voyage was per- 
 formed in 1607, for the Moscovy Company. Its 
 purpose was the search of a north-eastern passage to 
 China. The principal explorations made in the 
 course of it were along the coast of Spitzbergen. 
 The second voyage took place in 1608, also in 
 search of a north-eastern passage, and likewise for the 
 Moscovy Company. In the course of it, part of 
 Nova Zembla was explored. 
 The third voyage was undertaken in 1609, at the 
 expense of the Dutch East India Company. Its 
 starting place was Amsterdam, its original purpose 
 still the search of a north-eastern route. But. 
 inocting, near NoAa Zcnibla, with an uiibiokcii 
 barrier of ice, Hudson went to tlic west, and 
 attempted tlie search for a north-western passage. 
 The principal locality explored during this voyage is 
 the North-American stream which we still call 
 Hudson's river. 
 In 1610, Hudson again sailed to the north-west, 
 in search of a passage. The expenses of the ex- 
 pedition were borne by three English gentlemen. 
 Hudson explored the strait and part of the bay 
 which bear his name. He passed the winter 1610- 
 1611 in one of the most southern harbours of the 
 bay. On the 21st June, 1611, a few days after he had 
 again left that harbour, a mutiny broke out among 
 the crew, and Hudson, with eight companions, was 
 set adrift on the waves in a small boat, and has never 
 since been heard of The ship and part of the 
 mutinous crew readied England in safety. 
 For the bulk of our information respecting Hud- 
 son's career we are indebted to Purchas. The third 
 volume of his Pilgrims contains accounts of all tlie 
 four voyages, written in part by Hudson himself, 
 partly by some of his companions. The authenticity 
 of these documents is beyond all question. Purchas 
 states in his Pilgrimage} that he received the ac- 
 counts of the three first voyages from Hakluyt, the 
 various papers relating to the fourth voyage from Sir 
 Dudley Higgs, the principal promoter of that expedi- 
 The account of tlie first yoyage,^ to Greenland and 
 ' [Slc iiijra, ))]). 130, 110. - Pp. 1 (o 22 ol' the picscul vol. 
 Spitzbcififcn is a log-book, beginning with the depar- 
 ture from Gravesend, May 1, 1607, and concUiding 
 with the return to Tilbury, September 15, of the same 
 year. This log-book is described by Purchas as 
 " tvrittcn jnirlhj hj John IHau^c} one of the compantj^ 
 luwlhj hij Hudson himself.'" Such a divided authorship 
 seems, however, very singular ; and on closer examin- 
 ation we discover that it rests upon a conjecture made 
 with some hesitation by Purchas.^ He seems to have 
 found the name of John Playse expressly mentioned 
 as that of the author, on the manuscript he used. But 
 whilst he could thus not doubt that at least the 
 beginning of the log-book was due to that sailor, he 
 was at a loss to explain the occurrence of some pas- 
 sages, more numerous at the end than at the begin- 
 ning of the account, which no one but Hudson could 
 have written.'*^ Purchas, therefore, ascribes nearly 
 one half of the log-book (from the 11th of July to 
 the end) to Hudson. This explanation of the diffi- 
 culty is, however, far too bold ; and there are, besides, 
 some positive reasons for considering it as unsatisfac- 
 tory. No difference exists between the general tone 
 and style of the part undoubtedly written by Playse, 
 and that attributed, on the above grounds, to Hudson 
 himself. Even the occurrence of passages from Hud- 
 son's pen docs not form so distinctive a feature as 
 would at first sight appear ; for in the first part some 
 ^ The logbook itself calls him John Plcycc. 
 " Sec his side note, p. 12. 
 '■ P. 12, 1. 12 to IG, 1. 29 ; p. II, 1. 17, .3 1 ; p. 15, 1. 21 ; p. 10, 
 1, 2, 1, 11; p. H), 1. 7; p. 21, 1 2; p. 22, 1. ai. 
 sentences occur wliicli decidedly owe their origin to 
 Hudson;^ ■while there are many others, the origi- 
 nal cast of which must liavc been furnished by our 
 navigator, which Playse probably made his own by 
 merely turning an / mto a tvc.^ Nor is it at all sin- 
 gular that a sailor, in composing for himself a log- 
 book of the voyage he was engaged in, should make 
 use of his captain's journal, which was most probably 
 accessible to the crew of the vessel. That he should 
 sometimes adopt, sometimes forget to make the 
 slight alteration above referred to, and that he should 
 in this respect be more negligent in the latter part of 
 liis log-book, was natural enough in a sailor w-riting 
 for his own use a journal, the publication of which, 
 eighteen years after it was written, he could not fore- 
 see, and woukl probably not have desired. 
 Under these circumstances it would seem most 
 likely that the whole account of the voyage was 
 written by Playse, but owes the greater part of its 
 value to the notes which Playse derived from Hud- 
 son's journal. Any one who reads the log-book with 
 attention will find this conjecture far more consistent 
 than the one adoptcul by Purchas. Besides, there 
 exist two authentic extracts from Hudson's own 
 journal of the first voyage.^ Both these very short 
 papers contain facts not mentioned in the log-book, 
 some of which at least took place after the 11th of 
 ' P. 2, 1. 15, 1. 16. 
 ^ For instance, nearly tlic whole of p. 4 and p. C, besides many 
 other passages. 
 ' See pp. 1-15, MG. 
 II '• 
 July, tlio date whoro Iludsoii's share of tlie log-book 
 is said to begin. If the log-book was, indeed, partly 
 his work, ho must have purposely omitted sume of 
 his most important explorations. 
 As to John riaysc or Pleyce, the probable writer 
 of the whole log-book, next to nothing is known 
 about him. His name oecurs only once, as one of the 
 crew of the ship in which the first voyage was per- 
 formed. There he ranks very low. Among Hudson's 
 ' eleven companions (one of whom was a boy), Playse's 
 name stands seventh. He must therefore have been 
 a common sailor ; and it would be impossible to attri- 
 bute to him the observations of the needle recorded 
 in the first person on page 2 of his journal.^ These 
 observations, like all the other important parts of 
 Playse's account, are evidently due to Hudson him- 
 H The log-book was probably intended only for 
 Playse's private use, or perhaps also for some other 
 sailor's. It is entirely of a professional nature. It 
 contains, however, many passages of interest for the 
 general reader, and principally those which reveal 
 Hudson's ideas and plans. The descriptions of coasts, 
 capes, harbours, and seas, arc without any literary 
 pretension. Still they are striking enough in their 
 simplicity. For the history of geography, the log- 
 book is of the very highest value, although it unfor- 
 tunately lacks some important information but imper- 
 fectly supplied by other sources. 
 The account of the second voyage (to Nova Zem- 
 ' P. 2, li. 5, 1. IG. 
 bla) is likewise a log-book.^ Henry Hudson himself 
 is its author. It commences with the departure from 
 London, April 22, 1608, and concludes with the re- 
 turn to Gravesend, August 26 of the same year. Its 
 character is, in almost every respect, like that of 
 Playse's journal. Some of the descriptions, however, 
 are more detailed, and therefore more interesting to 
 the general reader. This log-book also contains a 
 curious account of a mermaid^ seen by two of the 
 sailors, which has often been quoted and reprinted. 
 As a geographical record, the journal of the second 
 A oyage is of less importance than that of the first ; 
 it is nevertheless of great value. 
 Purchas says (in a footnote to p. 25) that he also 
 had a journal of the second voyage, written by Hud- 
 son's mate, Robert Juet. Of this Journal only two 
 very small fragments remain. The first, in one of 
 Purchas' side-notes to Hudson's journal of the second 
 voyage, on p. 30 ; the other, in the following line of 
 " Hudson's Discoveries and Death" in Purchas' Pil- 
 grimage. " They met, as both himself and Juet have 
 testified, a mermaid in the sea."*^ 
 The account of the third voyage (to Hudson's river) 
 is a journal kept by Robert Juet,^ who had been 
 Hudson's mate in the second voyage, and who was 
 one of his companions in the third. It begins with 
 the departure from Amsterdam, March 25th (April 
 4th, new style), 1609 ; it ends with the arrival in 
 Dartmouth, November Tth of the same year. Juct's 
 ' Present volume, pp. 23-41. '^ P. 28. 
 2 See infra, p. 109. * Present vol., pp. 4-5 to 93. 
 journal is the most satisfactory of all the remaining 
 records of Hudson's career. The indications of lati- 
 tudes are generally more minute than those in the 
 otlier papers, and most of them, when tested, prove 
 to be as correct as the state of science in those times 
 would allow. The descriptions are full enough to 
 assist materially in identifying the localities. The 
 style, though concise, is pleasant throughout, and the 
 circumstance that during this voyage alone Hudson 
 came frequently in contact with natives of unknown 
 regions, furnishes the opportunity for narrating in- 
 teresting incidents. The most important as well as 
 the most pleasing part of the journal is the descrip- 
 tion of the journey up and down Hudson's river. 
 There is, however, in Juet's paper, one less agreeable 
 feature, which ought not to remain unnoticed. He 
 speaks of the North American Indians always with 
 distrust and often with animosity, and looks very 
 complacently on the acts of injustice, nay, of bar- 
 barity^ practised against them by some of the crew. 
 With these views Hudson's very hearty and kindly 
 appreciation of the qualities of the natives forms a 
 most happy contrast, and it is quite certain that in 
 this part of Juet's journal Hudson had no share. 
 How far the astronomical observations, and, in fact, 
 any other part of the journal may be attributed, 
 either directly or indirectly, to Hudson, we have no 
 means to ascertain. It is, however, probable that 
 Juet's journal was in most respects an independent 
 production. The scanty extract from a passage of 
 the journal kept by Juet during the preceding voy- 
 age, which has been preserved in a side note to p. 80, 
 is quite sufficient to prove that he made observations 
 of his own, independent of those of Hudson. We 
 have, besides, but too abundant proofs of his conceit, 
 and of his independence of character. Also, when 
 comparing Juet's journal of the third voyage with the 
 scraps of information respecting the same expedition 
 that can be traced back to Hudson, we cannot believe, 
 as some authors have done, that Juet merely acted as 
 Hudson's secretary. We must, on the contrary, award 
 to Juet himself most of the praise and all the blame 
 due to his journal. 
 The reader may perhaps be curious to know what 
 position Juet held on board the vessel the journal 
 of which he has left us ; and this question is, in fact, 
 of double importance, as it happens to involve that 
 of Juet's nationality. Juet was Hudson's mate in 
 the second and in the early part of the fourth voy- 
 age. It would therefore be natural enough to sup- 
 pose, as some writers have done, that he also had 
 the rank of mate in the third voyage, which inter- 
 vened between the two other ones. His own journal 
 furnishes no clue. It only calls him Robert Juet, 
 of Limehouse, without stating what office he held. 
 But Van Meteren, an excellent authority, informs us 
 that the mate on board the Half 3Ioon, the yacht 
 that performed the third voyage, was a Dutchman. 
 Thus, if Juet was that mate, he was a Dutchman. 
 Now, strange to say, there are arguments of about 
 equal strength for and against this double supposition ; 
 and though they cannot of course lead us to a 
 positive conclusion, we think it right to state t cm 
 here. And, first, as regards the question whether 
 Juet was the mate or no, it might seem singular that 
 a man should accept a lower rank, after having the 
 year before held the highest next to the captain. 
 On the other hand, it is not only probable, but 
 almost certain, that when the Dutch East India 
 Company entrusted Hudson, a foreigner, with the 
 command of one of their vessels, they obliged him 
 to employ at least some of their own Dutch sailors. 
 Hudson could then fill only the vacant places with 
 his English friqnds. The mate may have been among 
 those servants of the company, and Juet would then 
 have been obliged to be satisfied with an inferior 
 position. As to the question of nationality, Juet 
 says that he is of Limehoiise. His journal is also 
 thoroughly Englisli, without a shade of foreign idiom. 
 But many Dutchmen were then living in England, 
 and their nation possesses a wonderful facility in 
 acquiring foreign languages, especially English. 
 After carefully weighing these arguments pro and 
 contra^ tlie writer of tlie present observations inclines 
 to think that Juet was an Englishman, and that 
 he was not the mate on board the Half Moon ^ but 
 held some other position in that ship, 
 '^ Juet's career, after the termination of the third 
 voyage, may be told in a few lines. He again acted 
 as mate in Hudson's fourth and last voyage, which 
 commenced April 17th, 1610. Scarcely more than 
 six weeks after leaving home, in the beginning of 
 ^ June, he already showed a mutinous disposition, and 
 threatened to turn the ship's head homeward. In 
 tliis conduct he persisted, often " using words tend- 
 ing to mutiny, discouragement and slander of tlie 
 action, which easily took effect in those that were 
 timorous,"^ and trying to persuade some of the crew 
 to keep swords and loaded muskets ready in their 
 cabins. These facts having been reported to Hud- 
 son, Juet declared them to be untrue, and demanded 
 a trial, wliich took place the 10th of September, 
 1610. Juet was found guilty and deposed from his 
 office. AVhen the seed of mutiny thus sown by Juet 
 had, nearly a year afterwards, taken effect, and Hud- 
 son had been set adrift on the waves by his mutinous 
 crew, the command of the captainless vessel was not 
 entrusted to Juet, but he was often consulted by his 
 companions. He died from sheer want, when near 
 the end of the dreadful return voyage, and almost in 
 sight of the Irish coast, early in September, 1611." 
 One of his companions calls him " an ancient man."'^ 
 He must therefore have been past middle age at the 
 time of his death. 
 Purchas has preserved four documents illustrating 
 Hudson's last voyage (to Hudson's Strait and Hud- 
 son's Bay). He calls the first of them Ati Abstract 
 front Henry Hudson's Journal.^ This paper must, in- 
 deed, be a mere fragment of the original journal, for 
 it extends only over about three months and a half 
 from the day of departure, April 17th, 1610, to 
 ' Sec Wydhousc's note, pp. 136-138. 
 - P. 133 ; for the date, sec p. M4. 
 M\ 118. * J'p. 1)3 to 1)7. 
 August 3rcl of tlie same year. We have no reason 
 to think that Hudson ever failed in his duty of keep^ 
 ing a regular logbook as long as he was on board his 
 ship, that is to say, to the 21st of Juno, 1611. More 
 thrai ten months of his journal are therefore wanting. 
 The origin of the deficiency is easily explained. The 
 logbook undoubtedly contained many disclosures 
 which the mutinous crew of the vessel had strong 
 motives to suppress. The paper which they brought 
 home and handed to their employers seems, indeed, 
 most fully to deserve the name of an abstract. Omis- 
 sions seem to have been made, not only at the end, 
 but also in other parts of the original. The almost 
 complete silence about the sojourn in Iceland, during 
 which Juet's evil disposition began to show itself, 
 looks very suspicious. Our regrets about the irre- 
 parable loss of the main part of Hudson's journal are, 
 however, in vain, and we must seek some conso- 
 lation in the very great value of what is left us. 
 The abstract reaches, as has already been observed, 
 down to the 3rd of August, 1610. It ends with a 
 short description of Cape Wolstenholme and its 
 neighbourhood, and embraces, therefore, the whole 
 voyage through Hudson's Strait to the very point 
 where Hudson's Bay opens. Unfortunately the whole 
 abstract forms less than five pages, the three last of 
 which contain the description of the strait. Under 
 these circumstances it is, perhaps, a matter rather of 
 congratulation than of regret that these pages ofi*er 
 but little interest to the general reader, and are filled 
 with dry details, observations of latitudes, indications 
 of the ship's course, and sliort desciiptions. Sucli as 
 they are they furnish us, with the assistance of Hud- 
 son's chart, the means of tracing Hudson's voyage 
 through the strait ahnost better than any other part 
 of his explorations. 
 The second document, A Larger Discourse of the 
 same Voyage, hg Ahaciik Pricliet} is of a very different, 
 and, in fact, of an almost unique nature. The author 
 was a servant of Sir Dudley Diggs, the principal 
 promoter of the expedition, and formed part of Hud- 
 son's crew. According to Purchas, Pricket's life was 
 spared by the mutineers that he might intercede for 
 them with his master.- He seems to have been very 
 anxious to fulfil this engagement. Though the paper 
 he has left us is in form a narrative, the author's real 
 intention was much more to defend the mutineers 
 than to describe the voyage. As an apologetical 
 essay the " Larger Discourse" is extremely clever. It 
 manages to cast some, not too much, shadow upon 
 Hudson himself. The main ffiult of the mutiny is 
 thrown upon some men who had ceased to live when 
 the ship reached home. Those who were then still 
 alive are presented as guiltless, some as higldy de- 
 serving men. 
 Pricket's account of the mutiny and of its cause 
 has often been suspected. Even Purchas himself'^ and 
 Fox speak of it w'tli distrust. But Pricket is 
 the only eye-witness that has left us an account 
 of these events, and we can therefore not correct 
 his statements, whether they be true or false. Be- 
 ' Pp. 'J« to 1135. - See p. 188. ••' \\ 135. 
 sides being an apology for the mutineers, the " Larger 
 Discourse" is not without value as a narrative. It was 
 evidently written quietly at home ; not during the 
 turmoil of a voyage. The author's special purpose 
 S induces him to dwell at great length on some scenes 
 of real life that passed on and near the ship. By far 
 I the greater part of his discourse is devoted to these 
 I scenes, which have always been, and will always be, 
 perused with interest. 
 I As a geographical record the " Larger Discourse" 
 is most unsatisfactory. Its statements, which must 
 in greater part have been put down from recollection 
 only, without any reference to notes made during the 
 voyage, are mostly vague in the extreme. Here and 
 there, however, some more precise statement adds 
 something to the store of reliable information sup- 
 plied by Hudson's journal and chart. For the voy- 
 age and wintering in the bay, and for the voyage 
 home, the Discourse is, unfortunately, the only docu- 
 ment of any value that is left us. 
 The two remaining documents are of but minor 
 importance. The first is a letter from Iceland, re- 
 printed by Purchas without the author's name -} but 
 apparently written by Hudson himself. This letter, 
 dated May 30, 1610, speaks of the sojourn in Iceland 
 and of the good shooting they got there. It men- 
 tions incidentally the number of Hudson's crew, but 
 contains no other valuable information. 
 ' Purchas speaks of tlie authorship, on p. 135, in so confused a 
 manner, that it is impossible to see whether he attributed it to 
 Hudson, to Juet, or to Wydhouse. 
 The last of the documents i)ublishcd in the Pil- 
 grims, is a note found in the desk of Thomas Wyd- 
 house,^ a mathematical student. The note records 
 the trial of Juet, to which we have already alluded, 
 and the changes among the officers of the ship which 
 Hudson made in consequence of it. AVydhouse's 
 name is also spelled Woodhouse, Wydowse, and 
 Widowes. Of his personal history nothing is known, 
 beyond the fact that he was one of the unfortunate 
 men who were set adrift with Hudson. 
 Purchas, in publishing the above documents in his 
 Pilgrims, adds to them some side notes, foot notes, 
 headings, and observations, the responsibility of which 
 belongs to him alone. 
 Two of the headings^ and the only important foot 
 note^ have already been discussed ; the others may 
 safely be taken on trust as correct. As to the side 
 notes, by far the greater part of them form merely 
 a running index to the contents of the text, accord- 
 ing to a custom usual in those times, and which some 
 writers of our days have very properly revived. Of 
 the remaining side notes, some are references to 
 other sources of geographical information, some are 
 explanations of nautical terms used in the text, whilst 
 two are moral reflections on the events narrated by 
 Pricket. Only two of the side notes deserve a more 
 particular mention. They occur on pp. 13 and 40, 
 and both express in strong terms Purchas's opinion 
 respecting the discovery of Spitzbergen and Nova 
 ' I'p. 13G-lo8. ^ Playse's Journal — Hudson's Abstract. 
 ■' Tlic note to p. 20. 
 Zcnibla. Tliis opinion is so very fnr from correct, that 
 we almost wonder how it coukl have arisen. Some 
 exphniations of its origin will be offered in another part 
 of these pages. AYe may, however, here observe, that 
 Purchas soon became conscious of having been some- 
 what severe towards the Dutch, the real discoverers 
 of Spitzbergen, whom his notes represent as inter- 
 lopers, lie says, in the introduction to the third 
 volume of the Pilgrims, that his judgment was biassed 
 by the influence of Englishmen, who took an inter- 
 ested view of the question at issue ; that is to say, 
 by the Company of Merchant Adventurers. Con- 
 sidering the great number of important documents 
 furnished to Purchas by this society, we can hardly 
 blame him for listening for a moment to their insinu- 
 ations, and it is highly creditable that he acknow- 
 ledges his error. 
 A short postscript^ is added by Purchas to Pricket's 
 discourse. Purchas there expresses his distrust in 
 the narrator's faithfulness, and says that for this 
 reason he reprints the letter from Iceland and Wyd- 
 house's statement, by which Pricket's account may 
 in some degree be tested. 
 Another short notice is appended to Wydhouse's 
 paper.2 This notice contains some additional facts 
 concerning the fourth voyage, obtained from a source 
 which Purchas considers as authentic. They are, 
 however, not very reliable, and part of them seem 
 to be derived from Hessel Gerritz's book, of which 
 we shall have ample occasion to speak. 
 ' P. 13.5. 2 p_ 138. 
 Piirchas' Pihjrlnwfjo^ a Avork which is often con- 
 sidered .IS the fifth volume of the rUgrims^ contains 
 a remarkable chapter entitled, Of Ihidsons Discoveries 
 and Death. This chapter is reprinted in the present 
 collection.^ It is mainly a summary of the materials 
 published in the Pilgrims^ and as such it is not even 
 very complete. Its real importance consists in the 
 additional information it furnishes. It names the 
 source from which the documents printed in the 
 Pilgrims were obtained, it gives a very small frag- 
 ment of Juct's lost journal, it mentions the names of 
 the gentlemen at whose expense the last expedition 
 was undertaken, and it tells us on what day the mutin- 
 ous crew of the vessel reached the Irish shore on their 
 home voyage. It also clears up some questions of 
 minor importance. 
 Purchas has again added some side notes to this 
 chapter. Only two of them are remarkable. They 
 show how earnestly he persisted in the belief that 
 Hudson had discovered a passage to the South Sea. 
 After having examined the chapters in Purchas' 
 Pilgrims and Pilgrimage which are devoted to Hud- 
 son's life, we must now review a certain amount 
 of fragmentary intelligence collected from various 
 sources. These fragments enable the student to fill 
 up many gaps left by the more detailed records ; they 
 also, in more than one instance, throw a new light on 
 some of the most important events of Hudson's 
 The two first fragments are again due to Purchas. 
 1 Pp. 139-144. 
 They do not, however, form part of those pages of his 
 work where he treats specially of our navigator, but 
 occur accidentally in two papers not directly bearing 
 upon Hudson's career. Two cii plains in the service 
 of the Muscovy Company, Edge and Fotherby, have 
 left short accounts of their own and of some other 
 voyages to Spitzbergen. 15oth made use of the manu- 
 scripts deposited in the archives of their employers, 
 and among them of tlio Journal kept hj Hudson 
 during his First Vo//af/e. Each of them gives a short 
 extract from this document, of which all other traces 
 are lost. These extracts, of a few lines each, are 
 reprinted in our collection.^ They are fortunately of 
 very great importance, in spite of their brevity, espe- 
 cially the one due to Edge. The naming of Whale 
 Bay and of llakluyt's Headland, on the north coast 
 of Spitzbergen, as well as the discovery of Jan ]\Iayen 
 Island (Hudson's Tutclies), are here, and only here, 
 recorded. Fotherby's extract throws some light on 
 Hudson's explorations along the shore of Greenland. 
 The authenticity of the two extracts is unques- 
 tionable. Edge and Fotherby were in the service of 
 the company for whom the first voyage was per- 
 formed, and which was, as a matter of course, in pos- 
 session of Hudson's logbook. Both captains wrote 
 a few years after Hudson's first voyage ; and Pur- 
 chas, who printed their accounts, was in the habit of 
 receiving documents from the Muscovy Company. 
 The remaining fragments are, with only one exce])- 
 tion, of Dutch origin, as are also the two maps in 
 ' Pp. \Ao, HG. 
 our collection. To make the nature of these papers 
 understood we shall have briefly to relate some events 
 of Dutch history that arc but little noticed, even in 
 the Netherlands, and with which we can therefore 
 not expect all our readers to be fully acquainted. 
 These events had, besides, a direct and strong influ- 
 ence on Hudson's connexion with the Dutch East 
 India Company, and serve to explain some of the 
 consequences of his third voyage. We believe 
 therefore that we are justified in adverting to them 
 The Netherlands, and more especially the southern 
 provinces, were, during the latter part of the middle 
 ages, the centre of European commerce. In their 
 ports the ships of the north and the caravels of the 
 south met to exchange their cargoes. The trans- 
 atlantic discoveries which mark the beginning of the 
 modern era, and which produced such important 
 cliangcs in the roads of trade, did not affect the 
 central position of the Netherlands. As the streams 
 of wealth had long poured into Ghent and Bruges, 
 so they now began to pour into Antwerp ; and this 
 town was, in the middle of the sixteenth century, by 
 far the most important emporium in Europe. The 
 whole country shared these advantages, as is always 
 the case under such circumstances ; and learning, 
 art, literature, but before all industry, flourished on 
 the favoured spot. 
 The writings of many eminent historians have 
 rendered all of us familiar with the terrible events 
 which put an end to this })rospcrity. AVe all know 
 how the Spanish veterans, the German mercenaries, 
 the French soldiery, pillaged the towns, hiirnt the 
 villages, devastated the open country ; and how thou- 
 sands suffered martyrdom by Alba's hand. To escape 
 this persecution nearly three hundred thousand fiimi- 
 lies left their homes, an almost incredible etliux from 
 so small a country. 
 It is surprising that so few writers have asked 
 themselves the question, " What became of all this 
 multitude V This question is, indeed, not readily 
 answered. We can, however, trace the steps of some 
 of the emigrants to England, of some to Sweden, 
 of some to Russia, and of one even so far as the 
 Azores. They went to every part of the world. The 
 immense majority seem to have escaped for a while 
 to the neighbouring parts of Germany, and then to 
 have streamed into the seven northern provinces of 
 the Netherlands, as these w-ere gradually being freed 
 from the Spanish yoke. 
 Most of the riches, the energy, the enlightenment 
 of the Netherlands thus became concentrated in the 
 northern provinces, more especially in Holland and 
 Zealand. Amsterdam became the heir of Antwerp, 
 and the new-born republic of the seven provinces, 
 with its few square miles of land and its few millions 
 of inhabitants, soon took its place among the leading 
 European powers. 
 It has never been well ascertained how much the 
 emigrants contributed to this sudden growth of Hol- 
 land and Zealand ; nor is there much hope that the 
 question will ever be answered. Besides the great 
 difficulties of tlio inquiry, there is no one to whom it 
 properly helongs. We cannot expect the Dutch to 
 invite jealous rivals to a share in their glory, and the 
 Belgians of the present day seem hardly to remem- 
 ber that the illustrious Protestant emigrants of the 
 sixteenth century were their compatriots. The fol- 
 lowing stray facts, though bearing on this great ques- 
 tion, are not intended as an answer to it. Tlieir 
 purpose merely is to throw light on our own subject. 
 Among the emigrants who settled in the northern 
 provinces there were many merchants, especially from 
 Antwerp, who had brought with them part of their 
 riches, all their knowledge and experience, and even 
 more than th.?ir usual energy. They gave an im- 
 mense impulse to Dutch trade. The names of many 
 of them are necessarily forgotten, and even of those 
 which ai"e remembered a few only can be mentioned 
 here. The most illustrious of tlicm is Balthasar de 
 IMoucheron. lie may almost be called the father of 
 Dutch commerce. Before any other Dutch vessels 
 ventured out of the well-known waters, we find his 
 ships showing the way to Ixussia and to the Arctic 
 Ocean. He was also the principal originator of the 
 three expeditions to the north, which made the name 
 of the Dutch celebrated all over Europe.^ He, before 
 all others, sent, on private account, ships to the East 
 Indies. The great name which we have tried to ren- 
 der familiar to our readers will meet them again in 
 ' The expeditions described by De Veer, of which an excellent 
 edition by Dr. Ikke forms part of the collections of the Hakliiyt 
 iSociety. See the Iiitroduclion to tluit work, p. Iv. 
 these pages. It also occurs in Lambreclitscn's ac- 
 count of Hudson's life, printed among the papers of 
 our collection.^ 
 It would lead us too far were we to dwell on the 
 merits of some other emigrants who rendered distin- 
 guished service to the advancement of trade in the 
 Netherlands, but whose career is not directly con- 
 nected with our subject ; such as Isaac and Jacob 
 Le IMaire, Jacques Mahu, Pieter des Marees, Samuel 
 Godyii, Jacques I'Heremite, and many others. We 
 must, however, introduce to our readers' notice one 
 more great man, whose name has hardly yet been 
 heard in England. 
 William Usselincx, like Le Maire and Moucheron, 
 an Antwerp merchant who settled in Zealand, was 
 the founder of the Dutch AVest India Company. 
 This company, though mighty enough in its day, is 
 now very nearly forgotten. It was established in 
 1621, and obtained the privilege of trade to America. 
 It thus inherited the discovery of Iludson'Si river, 
 and peopled its banks with industrious colonists. 
 Usselincx himself was a man of extraordinary genius. 
 As early as 1591, at a time when the power of Spain 
 overshadowed the world, he alone among millions 
 saw the real weakness of the seeming giant. He 
 proposed to the Dutch to attack Spain in her colo- 
 nies, especially in America, and thus to undermine 
 her power. His keen eye perceived that the Dutch 
 could successfully undertake this task, but they would 
 not believe him. He had to struggle thirty years 
 ' See infra, p. 101. 
 before his great idea was partly realized, before the 
 West India Company was established. The fate of 
 the banks of the Ilndson depended upon the issue 
 of these struggles, and we might therefore, perhaps, 
 be allowed to devote a few more lines to them. But 
 we are afi of losing sight of our main object, the 
 review of our records, and we must therefore leave 
 Usselincx for the present. 
 The first of the Dutch fragments which we were 
 going to review, is an extract from Emanuel van IMcte- 
 ren's chronicle of the great war betAveen Spain and the 
 Netherlands.^ Van Meteren was, like most of the 
 men we have just spoken of, an Antwerp merchant. 
 Like them he left his country for the sake of his 
 religion. But he did not settle down in Holland or 
 Zealand. He went to London, and tried there to 
 serve the cause of his country. He was a man of 
 unflinching energy and of great mental powers ; he 
 seems also to have possessed considerable means. 
 The young republic of the Netherlands made there- 
 fore an excellent choice when it appointed him its 
 consul for England. This official position, as well as 
 his extensive business transactions, brought him into 
 contact with many eminent personages. He was 
 thus enabled to collect by various means an astound- 
 ing amount of information on contemporary events. 
 He seems to have at first accumulated his notes with- 
 out any settled purpose : this at least is his own 
 statement. He adds that his cousin, the celebrated 
 Abraham Ortelius, suggested to him the idea of pub- 
 ' Pp. 145 to 153. 
 lisliing these memoirs. Howsoever this may be, the 
 work itself does not bear the stamp of an assemblage 
 of loose papers. It is written witli great care, is better 
 connected than any one of the numerous contempo- 
 rary chronicl'^s, and is teeming with life. It has de- 
 servedly obtained a place among the historical master- 
 pieces of all ages. Not that the book is well known 
 to tlie public. But whoever reads it for the first time, 
 is surprised to find how familiar every page is to him. 
 The admirable portiaiture of the principal characters 
 in the great drama, the wonderful descriptions of 
 preachings, pillages, sieges, and battles have been bor- 
 rowed bv the most eminent writers, and the statements 
 of facts have passed into the current history of the 
 sixteenth century. They are contained in all our 
 handbooks. It is perhaps not too much to say, that 
 the great favour which the events in the Netherlands 
 during Philip H's reign have found in the eyes of 
 historians, poets, and artists, may be mainly ascribed 
 to the ease with which materials can be borrowed 
 from Van Meteren's inexhaustible store. The nu- 
 merous modern researches which form a brilliant 
 superstructure on this solid foundation, prove that 
 the general confidence in Van Meteren's accuracy is 
 very deservedly bestowed. 
 Van Meteren's history, such as we now have it, 
 consists of two very unequal parts. The first, the 
 main work, embraces the whole of Philip IPs reign, 
 ending with the year 1598. It was written when the 
 author was yet in full possession of his great powers, 
 and it was published under his caro. The second part, 
 a supplement, brings the chronicle down to the year 
 1611. It bears the most evident marks of the old 
 man. The author, then seventy-six years of age, 
 hurried to finish it, feeling, as he himself says, the 
 call to another world pressing upon him. He was 
 not even to see it in print. He died in 1612. The 
 supplement was published for the first time in 1614. 
 The great beauties to which we have alluded are to 
 be found only in the main work ; but conscientious- 
 ness and accuracy belong to both parts alike. The 
 supplement has a character of its own, which makes 
 the description of Hudson's voyage contained in it 
 all the more valuable as an historical source. The 
 latter part of Van Meteren's history is more like a 
 collection of documents and notices chronologically 
 arranged, and very slightly connected among them- 
 selves, than like a regular narrative. Most of 
 the pieces are evidently in the original state in 
 which they were first inserted among the author's 
 This is more especially the case with regard to the 
 account of Hudson's voyage. The account bears the 
 stamp of having been rather hastily translated from a 
 verbal or written communication. Its real author is 
 most probably Hudson himself. This supposition is 
 borne out by the circumstances in which Van Mcte- 
 ren and Hudson were placed, and by some curious 
 internal evidence. Van Meteren, when speaking of 
 Hudson and of his companions, very naturally uses 
 the words " iliey left," ''Hhey feared.," etc. But all on a 
 sudden we meet with the following passage: "Thence 
 they sailed along the shore until we reached 40° 45'."^ 
 Can there be any more natural supposition than that 
 the old man here committed an oversight similar to 
 those pointed out by us in Playse's logbook ^ He 
 probably had an account of the voyage written 
 by Hudson, and in translating it he once forgot to 
 turn zvc into thejj. All attentive readers of early 
 voyages will remember that this is a very common 
 oversight. The old merchant was, besides, in Lon- 
 don at the time of Hudson's return from his voyage. 
 We learn from him that our navigator was pre- 
 vented, by the commands of the English govern- 
 ment, from going to Holland and laying his reports 
 before his employers. It is but natural that Hudson 
 should in this difficulty have applied to the Dutch 
 consul, and it is probable that the correspondence 
 between Hudson and the East India Company, which 
 is mentioned by Van Metcren, passed through Van 
 Meteren's own hands. 
 But even if we hesitate to ascribe this origin to 
 Van Meteren's account of the third voyage, it still 
 remains a document of great importance. It cannot 
 have been written down much more than a year after 
 Hudson's return. The excellent opportunities which 
 the author enjoyed, and his justly celebrated con- 
 scientiousness, are a sufficient guarantee for the accu- 
 racy of the facts related by him. 
 The contents of the account coincide in many 
 points with the statements made by Juet, and serve so 
 far to confirm them. Van Mcteren is the only source 
 • P. 150. 
 that throws light on the events which happened be- 
 tween the 5th and the 19th of May, 1609, on Hud- 
 son's voyage from the North Cape to the neighbour- 
 hood of Nova Zembla, the mutiny of the crew, Hud- 
 son's propositions made to them, and the final deter- 
 mination to sail to the west instead of the east. Juet 
 preserves a suspicious silence on all these matters. 
 His journal contains no entry, from the first arrival 
 of the vessel at the North Cape until its return to the 
 same point. Van Meteren further informs us that 
 Hudson was a friend of Captain Smith, the cele- 
 brated explorer of Virginia, and that the idea of 
 searching for a passage under 40°, was in a great 
 measure due to the advice of this illustrious man. 
 We could hardly venture to enumerate here all the 
 other important facts which can be gathered from 
 this account of the third voyage. AVe must in this 
 respect refer the reader to the observations on the 
 voyage itself, which we shall offer in another part of 
 the present introduction. 
 Two more remarks have, however, yet to be made. 
 Van Meteren's account opens with a reference to the 
 preceding (the 30th) book of his chronicle. The 
 notice to which he alludes must have dropped out of 
 his papers before the work was sent to the press. It 
 is not to be found in any of the printed editions. 
 The second remark is, that the whole account, from 
 the words, " this Henry Hudson" (Descn Ilcrrij Ilutson) 
 down to the end, has been reprinted, but without the 
 author's name, by Commelijn, in his celebrated work 
 Begin m Voortgang van dc Ncdcrlandsche Oost Indischc 
 Compagnie, and has thence passed into Constantin de 
 Rcncville's still 'more ; celebrated Voyages cntrepris 
 pour la Compagnie des Jndcs, etc. The latter work is 
 therefore often, but quite erroneously, quoted as an 
 original source for the biography of Henry Hudson.^ 
 The next fragments that come under our con- 
 sideration,^ are taken from De Laet's description of 
 America. Before speaking of them more especially, 
 we have to make some general observations bearing 
 as well on this as on other parts of our subject. 
 John De Laet was one of the Directors of the 
 Dutch West India Company. He was of Belgian 
 origin, like Willcm' TJsselincx, the founder of the 
 association, and like most of the men who took a 
 leading part in it. The Company itself may, in fact, 
 be considered as having emanated from the Belgian 
 emigrants settled in the northern provinces, and as 
 the principal representative of their aims and views. 
 By the war between Spain and the Netherlands the 
 trade of central Europe was forced out of its wonted 
 channels. The Belgian towns, the theatre of so much 
 violence, became unsafe depositories for the riches of 
 all nations,^many of the most industrious merchants 
 fled, the harbour of Antwerp was almost deserted, 
 and tlip mouth of the Scheldt was made inaccessible 
 ' The editor of the j resent book has refrained from introducing 
 long titles into his text. But knowing the great importance of 
 exact bibliographical descriptions, he is going to append, at the 
 end of the volume, a list of all the works mentioned in it, with the 
 necessary bibliographical details. 
 ■ Pp. 154-166. 
 by vigilant cruisers, long before it was entirely closed 
 by international treaties. By far the greater part of 
 the commerce thus lost to Belgium found its way 
 to Holland and Zealand. The Belgian emigrants, 
 whose activity greatly contributed to this change, 
 saw it, however, with the utmost regret. They had 
 never fairly adopted Holland, Zealand, and the other 
 northern provinces as their permanent abode, but 
 continued to look to the south as to their own dear 
 home. They even shrank from matrimonial alliances 
 with the original inhabitants of tlie north, and formed 
 in every respect a separate body, closely knit toge- 
 ther by common interests and common longings. 
 They felt the yoke which was pressing on the Bel- 
 gians almost as heavily as if they had themselves still 
 been groaning under it, and they longed with ali 
 their hearts to drive the Spaniards from their ancient 
 homesteads, to return in triumph, and to introduce 
 the Protestant religion in^^o their native country. 
 The plan by which they intended to effect this noble 
 purpose is so grand that it hardly deserves the obli- 
 vion with which history has punished its failure. 
 They proposed to attack the Spaniards in all their 
 colonies, to destroy their resources, and thus to dis- 
 able them from holding Belgium any longer. The 
 events of after times have clearly proved that this 
 might have been done, had the Hollanders and Zea- 
 landers not been prevented by opposite interests 
 from joining heartily in these generous efforts. 
 Among the means which the emigrants devised for 
 the realization of their scheme, there is one which de- 
 serves in the highest degree the attention of the geogra- 
 phical student. It was evident that a body of men who 
 proposed to themselves an object like the one they 
 had in view, must needs first possess a thorough 
 knowledge of the configuration of the earth, so as to 
 direct their steps safely to any point on its surface. 
 The emigrants counted in their ranks a number of 
 men of high scientific acquirements, and among these 
 the idea sprang up, more distinctly in some, less dis- 
 tinctly in others, to assist by scientific research and 
 geographical labours in the deliverance of their 
 country. The names of these men are familiar to the 
 geographical student. Mercator, the De BrySjIIulsius, 
 Bertius, De Laet, Cluverius, Peter Plancius, Jodo- 
 cus, and Henry Hondius, are known to us all as 
 being among the fathers of modern geography ; but 
 it seems to be forgotten that a nobler aim than mere 
 scientific research animated their eflforts. 
 The Dutch AVest India Company was, first as a 
 scheme, afterwards as a reality, the centre point of 
 all these endeavours. They disdained the peaceful 
 arts by which other privileged associations of the 
 same class have grown mighty and rich. Their aim 
 was to attack the Spaniard in his transatlantic 
 strongholds; to sink or take the ships in which he 
 transported his silver and gold ; to cut him off", if 
 possible, from all connections with the New World. 
 All the other aff'airs, which the nature of their posi- 
 tion and the extent of their privileges forced upon 
 them, were treated as minor matters, hardly worthy 
 of their attention. But their main object was pur- 
 sued with an energy beyond all belief. In spite of 
 all tlic difficulties they liad to contend with, they 
 long maintained a war fleet of more than seventy 
 sail, and almost succeeded in driving the Spaniards 
 from the American seas. 
 John de Laet was one of the earliest and most 
 eminent directors of the West India Company, Ilis 
 description of America, the work from which our 
 extracts are taken, is marked by the same features 
 which distinguish the company itself and the body 
 of men from which that association sprang. As a 
 geographical compilation it is one of the finest even 
 among those produced by the Belgian emigrants, and 
 for systematic treatment, precision, and general accu- 
 racy, it may perhaps claim the very first rank among 
 the manuals of the time. Its main portion, the de- 
 scription of the coasts and islands under Spanish 
 sway, is the work of a man whose eye is greedily 
 fixed upon those lands, and who is mentally grasping 
 them. But that part does not regard us. Our ex- 
 tracts are derived from a chapter (the third) which 
 is principally devoted to an account of New Nether- 
 land, the large territory in North America claimed 
 by the West India Company on the ground of Hud- 
 son's discoveries, and at that time in small part occu- 
 pied by their agents. This part of the work bears, 
 like the rest, the stamp of the interests which the 
 author pursued. To establish the company's title 
 to New Netherland, and to substantiate it by all 
 possible details, this seems to be its special purpose. 
 Unfortunately the task is an ungrateful one. The 
 claiiii of the company to New NcthovLnid was based 
 upon specious pretences, Avliicli do not stand tlie test 
 of close inspection. AVe .shall have again to insist 
 n])on this fact, because it is far from being generally 
 admitted ; and because it explains some curious 
 features in Do I.aet's and Van dor Donck's accounts 
 of Hudson's third voyage. The flaw in the Dutch 
 title has besides given origin to an idle and entirely 
 unwarranted story, Avhich has found its way into 
 more than one biography of Henry Hudson. Wc 
 shall resume these matters when speaking of Van 
 der Donck. For the present we have only to call 
 the reader's attention to the artful manner in which 
 I)e Lact tries to connect the voyage of Henry Hud- 
 son with the company's claim. He endeavours to 
 establish a chain of events and arguments between 
 the two points ; and, we are sorry to state it, he does 
 not scruple to forge an extra link which he believes 
 to be necessary. lie maJccs Hudson return to Amster- 
 dam to give an account of Ids voijage. AVe know, on 
 unquestionable authority, that this statement of De 
 Laet is false ; and he was far too accurate to make 
 such a blunder through negligence. His special pur- 
 pose becomes therefore the more evident. Under these 
 circumstances we must be extremely cautious in 
 using any such statements of his as would tend to 
 strcngtlum the Dutch title to New Netherland. This 
 caution will be necessary in more instances than one. 
 The above remarks refer only to one or two pas- 
 sages. The rest of De Laet's description of Hudson's 
 third voyage must be reckoned among our most reliable 
 documents. The description of the voyaj^e occurs 
 incidentally in two different chapters, the seventli and 
 tenth, of the tliird hook of De Laet's Nicuwc WcreU. 
 The second of these passages consists ahnost entirely 
 of two fragments, the only remaining ones, of Hud- 
 son's report to the Directors of the Dutch East India 
 Company. The short summary of the whole voyage 
 contained in the first passage, seems for the most 
 part to be derived from the same source. No one 
 will read these fragments of Hudson's journal with- 
 out regretting the loss of the paper from which 
 they are taken. Short as tliey are, they form the 
 most graphic picture of the life, manners, and aspect 
 of the North American Indians, left by any one of 
 the early navigators. It may, perhaps, not be super- 
 fluous to observe that we do not even possess the 
 original cast of Hudson's words. As De Laet 
 gives them, they are merely a translation. Hudson 
 himself, though for a short time in the service of the 
 Dutch, could not easily understand, and therefore 
 certainly not write their language. He required the 
 services of a friend to translate for him some Dutch 
 papers, which he desired to make use of during this 
 same voyage. 
 A few years ago, when the writer of the present 
 pages was staying in Holland, a rumour had got 
 abroad, that a part of De Laet's manuscript materials 
 had turned up. The rumour was entirely unfounded ; 
 and for the present there appears to be no chance that 
 the original of Hudson's report should come to light. 
 Much may however be hoped for from future re- 
 searches. Little is lost in so eminently conservative 
 a country as Holland; and attention has lately been 
 nuicli directed to these matters. Search has also been 
 made in the Archives of the East India Company, for 
 any materials relating to Hudson. The scraps of in- 
 formation gathered from these archives will be given 
 elsewhere in these pages. Hudson's report has not as 
 yet been discovered. It is very possible that it was, 
 in De Laet's time, given up to the AVest India 
 Company or lent, and thought of too little importance 
 to be asked back. There is also some chance left of 
 its still being found among the papers of the East 
 India Company. This immense store of documents 
 was till quite lately without calendars, or indices of 
 any kind. It has, since, been entrusted to able hands ; 
 and many important discoveries will undoubtedly be 
 made among its dusty piles. 
 De Laet's Nieuwe Werclt, appeared first in 1625 ; 
 then for a second time in 1630. Copies of the earlier 
 edition are rare; and none was to be found in this coun- 
 try. Our reprints are therefore taken from the 1630 
 edition. A gentleman in Holland, however, to whose 
 unostentatious labours historical research is greatly 
 indebted, has been so kind as to compare for us the 
 text of the two editions, and has found them to agree 
 in every word ; as far at least as our extracts are 
 concerned. A reprint both of the seventh and tenth 
 chapter of the third book, is to be found in a very 
 rare tract, Dcschryvinge van Virginia^ Niemv Nederlandt, 
 etc. 4to., Amsterdam, 1651, pp. 14, 15 ; and 20 to 
 The next two extracts in our collection^ are taken 
 from the account of Hudson's voynge, which forms 
 part of Tiambrcchtsen's history of New Netherland. 
 Some of the statements in that account cannot 
 be traced back to printed sources, and there is every 
 reason to believe that they were borrowed from 
 early documents, then existing at INIiddelburg. The 
 facts in question all relate to Hudson's intercourse 
 with the Dutch East India Company. At the time 
 when Lambrechtsen wrote, a remarkable collection of 
 documents belonging to tliat Company was preserved 
 at Middelburg: and Lambrechtsen, as might be ex- 
 pected from his high standing, had access to them. He 
 quotes repeatedly in his history from the '^JVotuien van 
 (h xvii"; that is to say, the minutes of the proceed- 
 ings of the seventeen East India directors. It can- 
 not, however, be positively asserted, that the state- 
 ments whicli we are discussing were taken from this 
 important source. Nothing certain can be said on 
 this point, as long as the above mentioned collection 
 of documents remains inaccessible. It was for a long 
 time in private hands at Middelburg, was then, about 
 eight or nine years ago, surrendered to the East 
 India Company in Amsterdam ; and, has still more 
 recently been transferred to the royal archives at the 
 Hague. But as there has never been a calendar, or 
 any other kind of list made, there is but too good 
 reason to fear chat some of the papers may have been 
 lost on the way. Some inquiries made by the writer 
 of the present pnges, both by correspondence and 
 ' Pp. 101 to IGO. ■ 
 verbally, during a short sojourn on tl ^ -^pot, have led 
 to no results. We are thus, for the present, obliged 
 to take Lambrechtsen's assertions on trust. 
 We have already alluded to the extracts from Van 
 dcr Donck's description of New Netherland ; which 
 follow next in the order of our documents.^ Van der 
 Donck speaks, in several passages of his work, of 
 Hudson's third voyage, and he makes several state- 
 ments respecting it, which disagree more or less with 
 the earlier and better sources. These statements might 
 seem to deserve implicit credit, on account of the 
 opportunities for obtaining information which the 
 author possessed ; and some conscientious writers 
 have indeed fully trusted them. We consider all 
 these statements as spurious, not only because they 
 are not borne out by contemporary evidence, but more 
 especially because they all tend to strengthen the 
 Dutch title to New NcLherland, which Van der 
 Donck had a strong interest to defend. 
 The following was Van der Donck's position with 
 regard to this title. The title itself was little better 
 than a shadow. It was entirely founded on the 
 boldest, the most obstinate, and most extensive 
 act of sqiiaHmcj^ recorded in colonial history. The 
 territory called New Netherland, wliich the West 
 India Company claimed on account of Hudson's 
 discovery, belonged by the best possible right to 
 England. It formed part of a vast tract of country, 
 the coasts of which iiad been first discovered by 
 English ships, on which settlements had been founded 
 ^ Pp. 1()7 to 172. 
 by English colonists, and which had been publicly 
 claimed by England, and granted to an English 
 Company, before Hudson ever set foot on American 
 ground. But the wilds and wastes of primeval forests, 
 were thought of so little value, that the Dutch were 
 for many years allowed to encroach upon English 
 rights, without much more than passing remonstran- 
 ces of the British government. 
 Some Dutch adventurers, induced by the favour- 
 able accounts of Henry Hudson, and of some Dutch 
 mariners who followed in his track, first founded a 
 factory and built a fort on an island in the mouth of 
 Hudson's river — the beginning of New York. The 
 adventurers afterwards obtained, as a protection 
 against the commercial opposition of their own coun- 
 trymen, the exclusive privilege of trading to those 
 parts. Both the privilege and the settlement passed 
 into the hands of the Dutch West India Company, 
 who enlarged the fort till it gradually became a town, 
 made vast grants of land, sent out colonists, and 
 commissioned some of their servants to rule over the 
 colony. This rule of the West India Company lasted 
 for more than forty years. But it is a remarkable 
 fact, that during nearly all that time the Dutch 
 government could not be induced to acknowledge 
 New Netherland openly and distinctly as a Dutch 
 dependency. This singular state of affairs led, as may 
 easily be imagined, to ardent contentions between 
 the English and Dutch colonists in New England and 
 New Netherland, neither of which sets of men was 
 naturally disposed to yield. Of these contentions Van 
 der Donck. IIo resided in New Nethcrland from 
 1()41 to 16-19, first as a law officer (scbout fiscael) 
 ill the colony of llensselaerswyck ; afterwards as a 
 settler near New York. He quarrelled with the 
 somewhat despotic governor of the country, and 
 headed a faction opposed to the colonial government. 
 He, at last, returned to Holland, as the leader of a 
 deputation of influential settlers, who were to expose 
 at home all the wrongs by which they believed the 
 colony and themselves to be oppressed. Van der 
 Donck wrote two books in support of the cause 
 which he represented, both of which contain short 
 descriptions of Hudson's voyage. The first of them, 
 called Vertoogh van Niemo Nederland^ and published 
 in 1650, is mainly an account of the misrule of the 
 colony, with a short description of the country, and 
 other similar matters. It contains the germs of the 
 ingenious inventions concerning Hudson's voyage, 
 which are further developed in the second work, 
 Beschrijvinrjlie van Nieim Nedcrland^ from which our 
 extracts are taken. Van der Donck's reason for 
 makinoj these inventions is obvious enouyh. He 
 wished to induce the Dutch government to take 
 strong measures against the New England ers in de- 
 fence of the pretended right of the Dutch settlers. 
 His reason for being more explicit in the second 
 work than in the first is also very obvious, The war 
 between England and Holland (1552 to 1551) in- 
 tervened between the two publications. After its 
 termination several delegates were sent out from 
 Holland to England, to arrange tlic numerous dif- 
 ferences Avhich existed between the two countries. 
 These delegates were urged by the West India Com- 
 pany to bring the North American disputes to a 
 peaceable arrangement. But they failed, and wrote 
 to Holland, that thc>j themselves did not consider the 
 claim of the Company as siihstantiatcd hj the evidence 
 adduced ; and that^ unless letter evidence ivas hrought 
 forivard^ they could not 2'>ossihly press the claim on the 
 English government. This correspondence was going 
 on at the very time when Van der Donck was en- 
 gaged upon the compilation of his work. 
 The fictions in which Van der Donck has indulged, 
 are of so serious a character, that we have been 
 obliged to make this digression to put them in their 
 true light. He represents Hudson as having taken 
 possession for the Dutch, of a tract of country, which 
 belonged to England. Nothing however could be fur- 
 ther from Hudson's intention, and even from that of liis 
 employers, the Dutch East India Company, who looked 
 with anything but favour on the endeavours to esta- 
 blish the rule of the Netherlands in the New World. 
 Hudson's long stay in Holland, for which Van der 
 Donck is the only authority, seems likewise to be 
 an invention, made to render the taking possession of 
 New Netherland for the Dutch a less unlikely act. 
 This residence in Holland is not an absolute im- 
 possibility. It may, however, be observed, that Hud- 
 son was in 1607 and 1608 in English service ; and that 
 he was not sufficiently acquainted with the Dutch 
 language to understand, without an English transla- 
 tion, some papers of Barents, which had been lent to 
 liim. It was, on the other hand, not an uncommon 
 practice among English captains, to enter the Dutch 
 service, as is shown by the examples of Davis, Adams, 
 and Hudson himself. We are on the whole inclined 
 to think, that Van der Donck possessed no informa- 
 tion concerning our navigator, which is not existing 
 at the present day ; and that the startling new flicts 
 which he adds, had their origin in his fertile imagina- 
 tion. The sources which he made use of were Do 
 Laet and Van Metercn, and in copying the latter 
 author, he has made a most ludicrous mistake, which 
 must at once deprive his assertions of all credit.^ 
 Van dor Donck,- and, a century and a half after, 
 Dr.IIeckewelder^ and Dr. Barton,^ noted down on the 
 spot, a sort of legend of Hudson's arrival in America, 
 handed down by the American Indians. There is a 
 considerable discrepancy between the earlier and the 
 later accounts. A scene of drunkenness, which really 
 happened, is dwelt on at great length in the more 
 modern story, without being even mentioned in the 
 old one. We are not inclined to attribute much 
 w^eight to this tradition, cither in its simple or its 
 adorned state. A tale of this kind is very likely to 
 be elicited from the imaginative aborigines, by the 
 eager questioning of the white man. The tale, whe- 
 ther true or false, has the merit of being well told. 
 The etymological argument by which Dr. Ilecke- 
 welder attempts to support it, ought rather to de- 
 tract from, than to increase its credit. The name of 
 ' Sec t'n/nt, p]), 152, note 1 ; 167, note 1. 
 * Pp. 169-170. ■' Pp. 173-179. ' P. 179. 
 the island Manhattans is not^ as he asserts, derived 
 from a scene of drunkenness. It is taken from a 
 tribe of Indians, and is ah-eady mentioned by Hudson 
 Another American tradition, concerning Hudson's 
 first landing place, does not seem entitled to much more 
 credit. The early settlers in those regions had other 
 cares than these historical recollections to attend to. 
 AVe possess several remarkable books written by some 
 of them, and it does not seem that they paid much 
 attention to subjects of the kind. The tradition is 
 probably of a comparatively modern origin, having 
 its source in a guess. The locality mentioned is not 
 by any means the most likely one for Hudson's first 
 Our next fragment^ is taken from Luke Foxe's 
 North West Fox. Tlie book which bears tliis singular 
 title is the description of Captain Foxe's voyage in 
 search of a north-west passage, performed in the 
 year 1631. Foxe has therein set an example, which 
 has been very generally followed in later accounts of 
 north-western expeditions. Before describing his 
 own voyage he gives a summary of the exploits of 
 his predecessors. Most of the statements contained 
 in that part of his book are, however, of little im- 
 portance, being merely extracts from sources whicli 
 we still possess. Such is also his account of Hudson's 
 voyage. The only notice in it that is really original, 
 is the one reprinted among our fragments. It is not 
 of a pleasing nature, throwing, as it does, a most 
 ' P. 173. - r. 180. 
 unfavourable light on Hudson's character. A certain 
 master Colburne (or Colbert, or Coolbrand) was sent 
 out with Hudson on his fourth voyage. Colburne 
 seems to have been attached to the vessel as a kind 
 of official adviser, without any special functions. 
 Hudson soon got tired of this control, and sent Col- 
 burne home again. So far the facts are authentic. 
 But Foxe adds that Colburne was a better man than 
 Hudson, and insinuates that it is to the former, not 
 to the latter, that the plan of searching for a passage 
 in latitude 61° was due. This malicious insinuation 
 is devoid of all truth. * Abundant proof is still extant 
 that Hudson had, years before, matured the idea 
 here ascribed to Colburne. The name of this sailor 
 is also not otherwise mentioned in the records of 
 maritime discovery, and his having been a man of 
 conspicuous merit thus becomes very doubtful. We 
 can, therefore, hardly hesitate to ascribe Foxe's calum- 
 nious insinuations to the desire to depreciate the 
 merits of a great predecessor whom he had vainly 
 tried to outrival ; an explanation fully consistent with 
 the character of Foxe, who had all the conceit and 
 self-complacency observable in little minds. 
 We have now to speak of the most important 
 documents in our collection — Hudson's chart of the 
 fourth voyage, and the explanations added to it by 
 its publisher, Hessel Gerritz.^ Gerritz belonged to a 
 class of persons, to whom geographical science is very 
 deeply indebted. He was, like the Arrowsmiths, 
 Petermanns, Van der Maelens, and Johnstons of our 
 ' Pp. 181-194. / : ,^^, ^. ^ ^ 
 day, a geographer, map maker, and publisher of geo- 
 graphical works. His labours, though few in number, 
 arc of the most genial nature. Fixing his eyes on the 
 boundaries of the known world, he followed with 
 enthusiasm the first rays of light that began to pene- 
 trate into regions of darkness and mystery. Hudson's 
 chart of the fourth voyage was Gerritz's first publica- 
 tion, and around it grew, in a very remarkable manner, 
 the most interesting of the many collections of voy- 
 ages and travels printed in the early part of the 
 seventeenth century. 
 Hudson's chart, of which we give an exact fac- 
 simile, was at first published by itself, w^ith a short 
 explanation in Dutch on its back,^ probably in 
 autumn 1612. 
 The chart was republished a short time afterw'ards, 
 as part of a pamphlet in Latin, ^ the first edition of 
 the collection of voyages and travels '.o which we have 
 alluded. This collection also contained an explana- 
 tion of the chart, somewhat ampler than the one 
 given at first \^ and besides this information on the 
 far north-west, it brought before the public Fernan- 
 dez de Quiros's explorations in the far south, and 
 Massa's account and map of the regions about the 
 mouth of the river Oby in the far north-east. The 
 ' introduction or prolegomena to the pamphlet, which 
 '' contain some other valuable materials and throw a 
 ' light on the plan of the work, are reprinted in the 
 \\ appendix to the present volume.^ 
 ii» 1 Pp. 181-1^3. ;'B "~ Sec appendix, p. 23G. 
 Pp. 185-169. * Pp. 236-212. 
 Tl)c same pamphlet was ajj;-ain issued in 1()12, with 
 a new title page, and with some slight changes in 
 the arrangement ; but without any additions. 
 In the same year, 1612, a Dutch edition was pub- 
 lished; being in almost every respect a translation from 
 the Latin. The explanation of Hudson's chart^ is 
 however both corrected and enlarged, and is in 
 several important points at variance with the preced- 
 ing editions. 
 Early in the year 1613 a revised Latin edition was 
 published, differing in many important points from 
 its predecessors. A new, and much shorter intro- 
 duction,- took the place of the valuable prolegomena. 
 The explanation of Hudson's chart was translated 
 from the Dutch edition, with important additions and 
 alterations at the end."^ The voyage of Cornells Nai 
 to the north-east and north-west, to which allusion 
 is made in the prolegomena to t.iO first edition, is 
 here described in full ; the navigator having returned 
 in the interval. Some corrections of doubtful value 
 are also introduced into Massa's map. 
 The last edition of the work was also published in 
 1613. It is in every respect identical with the one 
 just described ; but contains at the end Peter Plan- 
 cius's observations on the dispute between the Eng- 
 lish and Dutch, with regard to the discovery of 
 Spitzbergen. This edition is extremely rare. 
 The chart published by Gerritz had originally been 
 drawn by Hudson himself. This fact, which is clearly 
 ' Pp. 189-193. 2 Appendix, pp. 211-212. 
 '' Pp. 193-194. 
 stated by the publisher,^ is also borne out by other cir- 
 cumstances. We learn from Pricket that Hudson had 
 drawn a chart of the strait and bay, which the muti- 
 neers consulted on their home voyage.- The delinea- 
 tion before us is evidently based on a knowledge of 
 the localities ; and it contains only such places as 
 Hudson himself had visited. Siill it might surprise 
 us that the chart was published in Holland, not in 
 England. This somewhat singular circumstance can, 
 however, be readily explained. Holland was at that 
 time the centre of all geographical research, owing 
 to the impulse given to these studies by the Belgian 
 emigrants. These scholars made ample use of the 
 facilities afforded them by the dispersion of so many 
 friends over all parts of the civilised world. They 
 entertained more especially a lively intercourse with 
 England, as can be seen by a glance thrown on the 
 labours of the most prominent among them. We 
 can thus guess how Hudson's chart was obtained, 
 and we may, perhaps, even be fortunate enough to 
 divine the very channel through which it reached 
 Hessel Gerritz. 
 The chart seems to have been first sent from Eng- 
 land to Peter Plancius, one of the most eminent 
 geographical scholars among the Belgian emigrants, 
 and who was,like the late Sir John Barrow, universally 
 known to take a special interest in the search for a 
 short northern route to China, a subject which he 
 had also been discussing with Hudson himself 
 Hessel Gerritz's publication was at least made with 
 r. 194, note 1. - Pp. 124 and 12G. 
 tlic sanction, and, to a certain degree, under the 
 auspices of Peter Plancius; as appears from Plancius's 
 supplement to the hist edition, and from many re- 
 marks in Gerritz's explanations of the chart. 
 The delineation \vhich we have before us may 
 seem a poor work to modern eyes, and many persons 
 might think that the engraved copy did not do full 
 justice to the original draught. But when we apply 
 the standard of Hudson's time instead of our own, we 
 find this chart to be far superior to many contempo- 
 rary productions, and decidedly the facile princeps of 
 all the then existing delineations of the arctic regions. 
 The elementary state of geographical science, the 
 imperfections of the instruments, the entire want of 
 any previous data, the fogs, the storms, and the ice 
 of those inhospitable regions, fully explain the un- 
 avoidable defects of the work. 
 The engraving of the chart is very probably by 
 Ilessel Gerritz's own hand. The ornamental additions 
 are in the same fine bold style which distinguishes an 
 exquisite and rare engraving representing tvah'usscs 
 signed by him. The style in which the chart itself 
 is engraved is not unlike that of Hessel Gerritz's 
 map of Russia in Bleau's great atlas. The fidelity 
 with which most English terms are copied, and, on 
 the other hand, the occasional Batavianisms (such as 
 lioope for hope^ Yslandt for Iceland, etc.), need, therefore, 
 not surprise us. Our own engraving of this remark- 
 able chart is of course somewhat inferior to the origi- 
 nal ; but it is nevertheless an exceedingly good copy. 
 Lucidity of style is not among Gerritz's good points. 
 as liis explanations to Hudson's chart too well show. 
 They are made up from two different elements, neither 
 being presented in the most acceptable shape. The 
 explanations contain, first a sunmiary of Hudson's and 
 Plancius's discussions about the search for a north- 
 western passage in the locality where Hudson after- 
 wards discovered his strait. The account of these con- 
 versations seems to be correct in all main points, though 
 somewhat confused in certain details. Far greater, 
 unfortunately, is the confusion which prevails in the 
 other part of llessel Gerritz's explanations. His 
 account of the voyage is confusion itself. The vari- 
 ous versions in the different editions even contradict 
 each other in some important points. The fiicts in 
 which all the editions agree are of but minor import- 
 ance. Some of them seem to owe their origin to a 
 reliable source, some to be based on hearsay. 
 The whole work of Hessel Gerritz has been re- 
 peatedly reprinted in Germany. The best known of 
 these counterfeits forms part of the great Dc Bry 
 collection. It is easy to distinguish, both in the 
 originals and in the reprints, the text of the first 
 from those of the later Latin editions. The following 
 are the most cliaracteristic marks. In the original edi- 
 tions the date, 1612 for the first, 1613 for the others ; 
 i secondly, the greater length of the prolegomena in 
 '\ the first edition, eight pages in one case, two in the 
 other ; lastly, a very curious difference. George 
 Weymouth, whose expedition is repeatedly referred 
 i to in the explanations to Hudson's chart, is in the 
 1^ first edition called Whmood, the name of the English 
 ambassador at the Hague. This mistake is corrected 
 ill tlie later editions. It is, of course, copied in the 
 lH The last one^ of our documents is another chart, 
 Avhicli serves to illustrate Hudson's two first voyages. 
 It is taken from Pontanus's history of Amsterdam, 
 published in that city in 1611, and illustrated with 
 maps by the publisher, the celebrated Josse, or 
 Jodocus, Ilondius, to whom we have repeatedly al- 
 luded. Pontanus's work contains in several of its 
 chapters the history of the voyages of the Dutch, and 
 among tliem an account of Barentz's three expedi- 
 tions to the north. The present chart is intended to 
 illustrate the third of these voyages ; and it would 
 thus seem not to bear special reference to Hudson. 
 Hondius had, however, come in contact with our 
 navigator in 1()()9, and appears to have obtained 
 from him some details about his two first voyages. 
 The conscientious geographer thought it his duty 
 to introduce this information into his chart of 
 arctic regions, and this chart is therefore almost 
 as much an illustration of Hudson's as of Barentz's 
 voyages. Colitis Cape, one of the localities discovered 
 ^ Besides the printed sources which we have reviewed, there 
 exist some manuscript notices among the documents of the Dutch 
 East India Company. Considerable efforts have been made to 
 obtain fac-similcs of these ; but as yet without result. "\Vc have, 
 however, full reason to hope, that we shall be able to make this 
 important addition to our collection before we finally close it. 
 The printing of the present part of the work could not be any 
 longer delayed ; we must therefore review these manuscript docu- 
 ments in another part of our introduction. 
 in 1607, and the Banqmse, or continuous icebank, 
 ■which hindered Hudson's progress to the north, arc 
 to be found in no other map or chart, either ohi or 
 new. The words on this chart, Glacies ah II. Iliid- 
 sono detecta anno 1608, also contain the first mention 
 publicly made of our navigator. 
 The appendix to our collection consists of several 
 pieces, not strictly bearing on Pludson's career, but 
 illustrating points of collateral interest. The first 
 of them is Verazzano's voyage along the North Ame- 
 rican coasts, and his discovery of Iludson'i^river.^ This 
 voyage is already well known from Ramusio and 
 Ilakluyt. But Verazzano's original letter, preserved 
 in the Magliabecchian library in Florence, has never 
 yet been printed in Europe. It is, however, of great 
 interest, not only on account of the verve and fresh- 
 ness prevailing in it, but more especially on account 
 of a valuable appendix, which Ramusio has not 
 given. This appendix is of special importance for 
 our subject, because it restores one of the connecting 
 links in the history of arctic discovery. The reasons 
 which we give for inserting this somewhat extensive 
 document in our collection are not, however, meant 
 as excuses for printing it. It undoubtedly deserves, 
 on its own merits, a place among the collections of 
 the Ilakluyt Society, and it will better repay an 
 attentive perusal thpn any other part of the present 
 volume. AVe have purposely adopted Professor Cogs- 
 well's excellent translation, which preserves in most 
 respects the character of the original. AVe have also 
 > Pp. 197. 
 boiTowcd from him the introduction and the notes 
 by which his translation is accompanied. 
 The appendix further contains the English trans- 
 lations of two papers which had originally been writ- 
 ten in Dutch by the celebrated William Barentz, had 
 then passed into the hands of Peter Plancius, and then 
 into those of Henry Hudson, who got them trans- 
 lated into English.^ The translations were first in 
 Hakluyt's, then in Purchas's possession. The latter 
 published them, as he says, for Barentz's sake. They 
 are not less important for the biography of our navi- 
 gator, and furnish some of the few existing materials 
 towards his personal history. 
 The next piece- in our appendix is an extract from 
 Van der Donck, about the wampum or bead money 
 of the Indians, as an illustration to a passage in 
 Juet's Journal, p. 86, note 2. 
 Then follow, as the concluding pieces, the pro- 
 legomena to the first and to the second Latin editions 
 of Hessel Gerritz's work.^ Of this book we have 
 spoken at sufficient length, and on reference to the 
 papers themselves, it wall easily be seen that they 
 are interesting and important. 
 Having concluded our review of the sources, we 
 now proceed to give a short account of the existing 
 researches respecting Henry Hudson that have come 
 under our notice. 
 Summaries of our navigator's career are contained 
 in many cyclopedias and biographical handbooks. 
 They generally convey some idea of his purposes and 
 ' !'• 229. '' P. 235. 3 pp_ 336, 242. 
 principal discoveries, but are inexact in their details ; 
 being mostly based on a somewhat superficial ac- 
 quaintance with the documents collected by Purchas, 
 without those preserved by other hands. Of the 
 articles examined by us, those in the BlograpMe Uni- 
 versclle and Biographia Bntannica are the best. None 
 of them, however, contain anything that can be pro- 
 perly called original research. To the same class of 
 labours belongs also a sketch of Hudson's life, among 
 the collection of biographies edited by Mr. Jared 
 Sparks. This sketch is well written ; and one or two 
 other sources, besides those collected by Purchas, 
 have been made use of. We also notice here and 
 there an original observation. But the research is 
 not of sufficient depth to render it useful for a special 
 purpose like ours. 
 Another class of short biographies of Hudson is 
 contained in general and special works on arctic dis- 
 covery ; such as Adelung, Forster, Barrow, etc. The 
 authors of these works are better acquainted with the 
 arctic regions than the contributors to handbooks of 
 a more general nature. Still, few of them have 
 thought it worth their while to inquire, with any- 
 thing like diligence, into Hudson's career ; and it 
 may perhaps be observed without injustice, that the 
 histories of arctic discovery are all of them some- 
 what below the present standard of critical research. 
 Little, if anything for our purpose, can be learned 
 from the more general works. They contain rapid, 
 and sometimes even hasty, summaries of the most 
 accessible sources ; this being, indeed, the avowed 
 plan of the best known of these histories, that of Sir 
 John Barrow. It would be unjust to pass the same 
 criticism on Mr. llunclall's Voijagcs towards the North- 
 Wcst. But tlie purpose of this diligent scholar is 
 more to lay before his readers as yet unknown 
 sources, drawn from archives and libraries, than to 
 indulge in geographical details. His sketch of Hud- 
 son's last voyage is, therefore, more an interesting link 
 in a chain of valuable evidence, than an independent 
 production ; and we cannot blame the author for its 
 having proved of little advantage for our purpose. 
 It is not Mr. llundall's fault that he has been unable 
 to find any new documents concerning Hudson's 
 More satisfactory researches are to be found in some 
 works of a more special character. Captain Beechey, 
 in his well-known appendix to his arctic voyage, 
 dwells at some length on Hudson's first and second 
 expeditions. Captain Beechey has used only Playse's 
 description of the first, and Hudson's description of 
 the second voyage, without the other fragments. But 
 he is himself thoroughly acquainted with the -ocali- 
 ties, and his observations are of very great value. 
 They have often been quoted and extracted by more 
 recent writers. 
 One passage in Hudson's account of his second 
 voyage has also been examined with much critical 
 acumen by Dr. Beke, in the introduction to his 
 edition of Dc Veer. 
 None of the four voyages has, however, been more 
 specially investigated and commented upon than the 
 third, which led to the discovery of Hudson's river. 
 The inhabitants of the United States have, with a 
 most laudable zeal and energy, embraced the task of 
 inquiring into their own antiquities ; and the task 
 being in itself of a limited nature, these researches 
 have already been brought to greater completeness 
 than perhaps those concerning any part of the Old 
 World. The State of New York has, in this respect, 
 been both more zealous and more successful than any 
 other. The New York Historical Society, an associa- 
 tion formed for this kind of research, has been flourish- 
 ing for the last half century; and it may look back with 
 pride on its past career. Besides the labours, both at 
 public and at private expense, which the society has 
 encouraged, they have themselves published in their 
 collections many of the most important documents 
 concerning their national history. To these collec- 
 tions we arc largely indebted. We have borrowed 
 from S em the translations from De Laet, Van der 
 Donck and Lambrechtsen, and Dr. Ileckewelder's 
 observations, as well as the original and the trans- 
 lation of Verazzano's letter. The collections also con- 
 tain a reprint of the chapters in Purchas's Pilgrimage^ 
 which form pp. 1-138 of our volume; so that by 
 far the greater part of what we have reprinted is 
 also to be found in various places of those American 
 The collections also contain the first special essay 
 on Hudson's third voyage, written in 1810 by Dr. 
 Miller, a member of the society. This essay is other- 
 wise not very remarkable. Some of its observations 
 seem, however, to be good, and have been approved 
 of by later American historians, who were, like the 
 author, acquainted with the localities. 
 Still more light is thrown on Hudson's third 
 voyage by other researches, indirectly connected 
 with the New York Historical Society. The most 
 important of them, at least for our purpose, is the 
 His torn of the State of Neio York, begun, but never 
 terminated, bv Yates and Moulton. This book de- 
 votes more than sixty pages to Henry Hudson. The 
 voyage along the American coasts and up and down 
 Hudson's river is investigated with great minuteness ; 
 and so little seems in this repect to be left undone, 
 that the more recent American historians have added 
 but little to Yates's and Moulton's researches. 
 A different kind of importance belongs to the re- 
 searches made in the European archives by Mr. John 
 Romeyn Brodhead. This gentleman was charged by 
 the government of the State of New York, at the 
 instigation of the Historical Society, to collect in 
 Europe all such documents as might be bearing on 
 the history of the state. The mission was crowned 
 with eminent success. Partly by his own exertions, 
 partly by the liberal and sometimes enthusiastic 
 assistance aftbided him by European scliolars, Mr. 
 Brodhead was enabled to carry home a most valuable 
 collection of papers. He was, of course, desirous to 
 obtain some MS. documents concerning Henry Hud- 
 son ; and his almost complete want of success in this 
 respect might lead us to the conclusion that really 
 nothing exists. We must, however, hesitate to take so 
 gloomy a view of tlic question. We have already had 
 occasion to observe, tliat there are distinct traces still 
 extant of papers concerning Hudson ; which were 
 preserved in Holland, some in the seventeenth, and 
 some as late as the beginning of the present century. 
 We have also observed, that a long time must elapse 
 before an insight can be obtained into the treasures 
 of the Dutch East India archives. Mr. Brodhcad 
 was in this respect still more unfavourably situated 
 than he would have been at the present day. He 
 seems not even to have been acquainted with the 
 Middelburg collection, which was then in private 
 hands and almost forgotten. Still we owe to Mr. 
 Brodhead the knowledge that, at least among the 
 more accessible papers, nothing was to be found, 
 except an entry of a few lines in a ship register. 
 We are also under another obligation to Mr. Brod- 
 head. He has compiled from the materials collected 
 by him, a work which forms the first volume of a 
 Ilistoru of the State of Nciv York. He there treats of 
 our navigator. Some of his observations are import- 
 ant. But the chief value of the book for our sub- 
 ject consists in a very complete enumeration of the 
 sources for the history of the third voyage. 
 Between Yates and Moulton's and Brodhead's 
 histories, another work of the same kind made its 
 appearance in New York, under the title History of 
 New Netherlands by Dr. O'Callaghan. This book also 
 describes, in about ten pages, Hudson's third voy- 
 age. The analysis contains a few original observa- 
 tions. We seize this opportunity for recommending 
 Dr. O'Callaglian's charming work to those few of our 
 readers who might feel interest enough in Henry 
 Hudson to follow up the subject of his splendid dis- 
 covery. The history of the banks of Hudson river 
 has here been chronicled, in a manner not the less 
 attractive for being entirely unassuming and natural. 
 The other works on the same subject, though in some 
 respects more exact, are somewhat tedious for persons 
 not specially interested in this matter. 
 There arc also two Dutch treatises on the History 
 of Ihc SUde of New York. We have already spoken 
 at some length of the first of them, and have extracted 
 all the interest'ng portions of the descriptions of 
 Hudson's voyage. The other one contains very little 
 of any importance for our subject.^ 
 We have found no researches of any value for the 
 investigation of the fourth voyage, and have, with 
 regard to tliis difficult subject, been thrown almost 
 entirely on our own resources. 
 From tlie time of Luke Fox down to our days, it 
 has been almost invariably the custom to prefix to 
 every special account of one or more arctic expedi- 
 tions, a general summary of what had been done by 
 the predecessors of the navigator und(}r review. This 
 custom has been followed as well by autobiographers 
 as by those who have described the voyages of others, 
 whether living or dead ; in order to place their heroes 
 ^ Mr. Ch. Murphy, the United States' Minister at the Hague, 
 has recently issued to his friends a small pamphlet on Henry 
 Hudson ; but, to the editor's regret, has declined to afford him a 
 sight either of a printed or a MS. copy. 
 in their proper light, by showing how much had been 
 achieved before them, and how much new informa- 
 tion they added to the okl stock. We liavo, besides, 
 another still more cogent reason to adopt this method. 
 If we fail to do so, some of the most important pas- 
 sages, and often the whole context of the sources 
 which we have collected, would remain obscure. For, 
 Hudson and his companions could, of course, not 
 have been previously acquainted with the real fea- 
 tures of the regions among which their explorations 
 lay. Had ley been so, their labours would have 
 been superiluous. They entertained, on the contrary, 
 notions which were more or less wide from the trutli. 
 These notions, though shared by Hudson's contem- 
 poraries, for whom the various journals and logbooks 
 were kept, have long since given way to better know- 
 ledge, and have disappeared from the memory of man. 
 Thus the journals and logbooks are, in some respects, 
 as if they were written in an obsolete tongue. 
 To make them fully understood, we shall have to 
 restore the geographical ideas concerning the nortli 
 which prevailed in Hudson's time. They were based 
 partly on arctic expeditions, more or less imperfectl) 
 known ; partly on rumours, which the most ancient of 
 these voyages had engendered ; partly on the state- 
 ments of Strabo, Ptolemy, Pliny, and other classic 
 writers ; partly even on fantastical and entirely 
 groundless imaginations, that had sprung up during 
 the middle ages. All these elements, singularly 
 mixed as they were, had in some degree been ar- 
 ranged and digested by the geogra])liical critics of 
 V '' 
 the tlay, 'svlio, unfortunately, however, had hut imper- 
 fect nietliods of research at their disposal, and no true 
 standard to guide them. 
 The ohject of the following pages will, then, he a 
 douhle one : first, to assign to Hudson his proper 
 place among arctic navigators, by showing what 
 knowledge he had received from his predecessors, 
 and what he added to the store collected by them ; 
 secondly, to define his own geographical notions, as 
 clearly as their nature may allow. For the sake of 
 clearness we shall treat of the two branches of this sub- 
 ject separately ; speaking first of the actual achieve- 
 ments of arctic navigators up to Hudson's time, and 
 then of the results which science had drawn from 
 their labours. 
 In so doing, it cannot be our purpose to give a 
 complete and critical history of arctic exploration up 
 to the year 1607. Our aim simply is, to restore a 
 chain of events, many parts of which are now scat- 
 tered and scarcely noticed ; so as to be able to attach 
 to it, without constraint or violence, the links fur- 
 nished by the labours of our navigator. 
 A great part of the arctic shores that have been 
 visited in modern times were already known to the 
 Scandinavians during the middle ages. The exact 
 limits of their discoveries cannot well be ascertained ; 
 nor would the present place be fit for such inquiry ; 
 but the great influence which these early exploits 
 exercised on more recent navigators, particularly on 
 Pludson, gives them a special claim on our attention. 
 It is sufficient for our purpose to observe, that the 
 Scandinavians, sailing from the regions tliey still in- 
 habit, occnpicd and colonized Iceland, that they also 
 fonnded colonies in Greenland, and tliat steering still 
 fiirther to the west they reached North America. 
 These discoveries, and the lasting intercourse to 
 which they gave rise, were materially facilitated by 
 the geographical position of the localities themselves, 
 which seem to form a chain of stages thus placed by 
 nature for the convenience of human exploration. 
 The advantages drawn from these splendid oppor- 
 tunities by the discoA crers themselves were, however, 
 but scanty ; and mainly so on account of their situa- 
 tion, which both confined them to their own limited 
 resources, and ])recluded any influence their know- 
 ledge might otherwise have exercised on more south- 
 ern nations. Fear of these northmen's savage energy, 
 the distance and wildness of their home, and chielly 
 the hostile efforts of the Ilanseatic confederacy, whose 
 main purpose it was to oppose them, proved so strong 
 a barrier, that tliere seemed hardly to exist any bond 
 between them and the rest of Europe. 
 Thus it happened that a treasury of knowledge the 
 most important existed for centuries in Europe with- 
 out reaching those nations to whom it w^ould have 
 proved the greatest boon. It cannot, however, be 
 said that this knowledge remained entirely without 
 its effect. The records of these early exploits were 
 carefully kept, and repeatedly translated from one 
 northern tongue into another. The Scandinavians 
 also constructed, from the results they had obtained, 
 geographical systems of their own, which included 
 Iceland, Greenland, and North America. These 
 records and systems continned to he preserved in 
 Iceland even when Scandinavian navigation had al- 
 most ceased to exist. Althongh wc now possess 
 slight fragments only of these important historical 
 docnments, wc arc, nevertheless, enabled to say wath 
 perfect certainty, that even at the end of the fifteenth 
 centurff the Scandinavians, at least those in Iceland, 
 had a vivid r(>uiembrance of the early achievements, 
 and sufficiently clear notions of the results, that had 
 thus been obtained. 
 It was not before the middle of the sixteenth cen- 
 tury that anything like a distinct knowledge of these 
 important materials reached the more southern nations 
 of Europe. Ihit a number of vague rumours seem to 
 have spread through various channels, and travelled 
 southward, long before that time. INIany of the early 
 and rude portolani and of the first geographical works 
 that appeared in print contain indications of Green- 
 hmd. The extreme vagueness of the information 
 thus derived caused that j^reat arctic continent to 
 be variously drawn on maps, and also its name 
 to be variously spelled. We ought not to lose 
 sight of this important fact; for when the critical 
 geographers in Hudson's time and shortly before him 
 compiled their books, maps, and charts, they were 
 thus led to suppose the existence of several vast 
 arctic tracts, with very similar though not identical 
 names, such as Greenland, Grocnland, Groneland, 
 Engroneland, Grocland. Two, sometimes even three, 
 of these appear upon the same maps, in every kind 
 of shape and position; to the north, north-east, and 
 north-west of Europe. The searcli for these various, 
 more or less imaginary territories, constitutes one of 
 the characteristic features of early northern voyages. 
 Henry Hudson suffei'c:d greatly under these delu- 
 sions, and contributed to dispel them. 
 AVe can, under these circumstances, entertain no 
 doubt that some geogra,- lical comnuinications re- 
 specting tlie northern discoveries of the Scandina- 
 vians must have reached tlic south of I'iUropc before 
 the time when the voyages of Columbus, Cabot, and 
 Vasco de Gama opened a new era in the history of 
 maritime explorations. Nor is it quite impossible 
 that the early discoveries of the northern nations 
 exercised some influence on the ideas of the great 
 Italians, Columbus and the Cabots, who discovered, 
 the one the West Indies, the others North America. 
 It is a well known and often discussed fact that 
 Columbus visited Iceland, the great storehouse of 
 Scandinavian information, respecting the north-west, 
 fifteen years before his first voyage across the Atlan- 
 tic. John Cabot resided for some time in Bristol, a 
 town which then carried on an active trade Avith 
 Iceland, and which he and his son Sebastian after- 
 wards made their starting place for their expeditions 
 to the north-west. It is further certain that Sebastian 
 Cabot went to North America in 1498 by way of 
 Iceland, and that, some time in his life, he made him- 
 self thoroughly acquainted with that country, most 
 probably by personal investigation. Several other 
 indications, on which wc cannot here dwell, contri- 

 butc to make it pvo])ablc that somo connexion existed 
 between the discovery of North America during the 
 middle ages and that wliich constituted tlie com- 
 menecment of tlie modern era of arctic explorations. 
 Tiiis observation, which an impartial inquiry lias 
 led us to make, by no means implies a slur on the 
 memory of the C'abots. Their merits will admit of the 
 most critical investigation ; and they would, indeed, 
 shine out more briglitly, if the attention which both 
 geograpliers and historians might profitably bestow 
 iipon them were not witldield, partly from neglect, 
 partly from prejudice. However tempting the pre- 
 sent opportunity might seem for paying that debt of 
 gratitu{h% both the nature and the limits of tins essay 
 preclude the attempt. It belongs, however, to our 
 subject, to take a short review of the efforts and 
 achievements of the Cabots, the originators of all 
 modern navigation in the north, whose footsteps were 
 implicitly followed by all their successors for more 
 than a century. Henry Hudson himself may, perhaps 
 before all others, be styled a disciple of the Cabots. 
 The search for a north-western and for a north- 
 eastern way to China, the two schemes upon which 
 all Hudson's energies were engaged, originated with 
 John and Sebastian Cabot. The various efforts made 
 in botli directions, from the time of the Cabots down 
 to that of Henry Hudson, will be the main facts for 
 our consideration. 
 To understand how these schemes of the Cabots 
 arose, it is necessary to realize for a moment the geo- 
 gra[)hical i.otions prevailing at the end of the fifteenth 
 century. The geographical dogma of that time re- 
 cognized one great continent, comprising Europe, 
 Asia, and Africa, and surrounded by sea. This con- 
 tinent, with the Occanus by which it seemed to be 
 encompassed, was believed to form the whole surface 
 of our earth. The earth itself was, by the great 
 majority, thought to be flat ; a few only knowing it 
 to be a globe. Of the continent no part had been in- 
 vestigated with anything like the accuracy of modern 
 times. Even the shores that were iiimiliarly known, 
 were most imperfectly delineated on the best maps. 
 This incorrectness grows with the distance, and is 
 often so great as to destroy all resemblance between 
 the supposed and the real outline of the more distant 
 lands. The sources from which these notions were 
 drawn could, indeed, not yield any more accurate 
 knowledge. The systems of cosmograpliy tlien recog- 
 nized were almost entirely based on the writings of 
 the ancients, the study of which had recently been 
 resumed. Into these systems such scraps of informa- 
 tion were intr')duced as could be gathered from the 
 accounts of more modern travellers, chiefly Italians, 
 Arabs, and Spanish Jews, with here and there a vague 
 indication of the northern discoveries of the Scandi- 
 Let us imagine a terrestrial globe constructed ac- 
 cording to these ideas. We perceive one great mass of 
 land, composed of Europe, Asia, and Africa ; Europe 
 very imperfectly, Asia and Africa almost flmcifully 
 drawn. All the remaiaing surflicc of the globe con- 
 sists of one vast expanse of water, nearly unbroken, 
 except by a few islands near the continent. The 
 eastern shores of Asia and the western shores of 
 ]'>iiropc are separated by nothing but a wide sea. 
 The records of the intercourse of the ancients Avith 
 India and China, winch were eagerly studied by the 
 eminent men of thr age, and still more the accounts 
 of medianal travellers, especially of Marco Tolo, 
 hiid long fixed the attention of Europe on the east 
 and south-east of Asia, Alexandii's march to the 
 furthest boundaries of the known world was a fa- 
 vourite^ theme of mediicval poetry. Tlie accounts of 
 the civilization, population, and riches of China and 
 Japan, surpassing anything to be found in Europe in 
 INFarco Eolo's time, shine forth with almost fabulous 
 splendour in tlic description of his travels. Some of 
 the commodities produced in the far cast had from 
 time immemorial formed part ot the choicest luxu- 
 ries of European magnates. The circuitous channels 
 througli which alone they could be obtained still 
 further enhanced their value. Most of them were 
 brought by the hands of the Arabs, and the wonder- 
 ful tales in which these sons of the desert described 
 the glories of the land of spices and emeralds were 
 carried westward, together with the merchandise 
 which formed their theme, 'i'lius everything con- 
 tributed to make the east and south-east of Asia 
 appear as the very ideal of fairy land. 
 It is therefore verv naturni that in some minds the 
 idea arose of crossing the ocean, which alone seemed 
 to separate Europe from these wonderful shores ; and 
 w(^ all kno^^■ how Columbus attempted it and wliat 
 he found. The sume object was also pursued by the 
 Cabots. But instead of sailing like Columbus through 
 the tropical regions, John and Sebastian Cabot di- 
 rected their course to the north-west. It would be 
 interesting to ascertain why they adopted this road. 
 The reason which they themselves put forth is suffi- 
 cient to explain tlieir proceedings. They said that 
 the nearer to the North Pole the nliorter the course v 'd 
 necessarihj he. Tliis reason has been powerful en . j.i 
 to induce so many liardy adventurers to follow in the 
 footste[)s of the Cabots ; and it must have seemed 
 much more plausible before the existence of the new 
 continent, which blocks up the passage, and before 
 the difficulties and horrors of arctic navigation were 
 known. Still it is not im])robable that John Cabot 
 had, during liis stay in Bristol, received some hints 
 from the Icelanders wlio traded to that port. For, 
 having this opportunity to become acquainted with 
 tlieir records, it would be a strange coincidence 
 had he merely by chance trodden in the very foot- 
 steps of the ancient Scandinavians. Like them, 
 he reached North America by way of Iceland ; and 
 like them, in a region which some Icelandic scholars 
 were, at the very time of his expedition, describing 
 in their geographical manuals.^ 
 But even if we suppose Cabot to have been ac- 
 quainted with the voyages to Vinland, these events 
 did not appear to him in their true liglit. They did 
 not lead him to surmise the existence of a continent 
 different from the one which contained Euro[)e and 
 ^ Sec note A, at the end of the introduction. 
 Asia. He was as yet completely convinced that 
 nothing but the ocean divided England from China. 
 The fact tliat the ocean had been crossed, and that 
 land had been discovered on the other side, would 
 simply prove to him that China might be reached 
 by that route. The Cathay of Marco Polo and the 
 vaflfuelv described Vinland of the Scandinavians, 
 would appear to him as identical ; and he would 
 conclude, that by following in the footsteps of the 
 Northmen, he must also arrive in Cathay. Stupen- 
 dous as these mistakes may appear to us, they were 
 natural in a time when the term latitude was yet 
 almost unknown, and they form the simplest expla- 
 nation of John Cabot's first north-western voyage. 
 Some recently discovered documents serve to dispel 
 part of the obscurity which surrounds the history of 
 the Cabots ; so that the main facts of their career may 
 now be stated with tolerable clearness, leaving, how- 
 ever, still several very important points open to 
 doubt. John Cabot, a Venetian miles Jiiraim, or 
 gold- spurred knight, resided for some time in Bristol, 
 following mercantile pursuits, like many other Italian 
 gentlemen of that age. He returned to Venice, and, 
 after a long absence from England, we find him again 
 here in 1496. 
 Tlie country from which he started on his first ^ex- 
 pedition to America, as well as the date of the disco- 
 very, remain uncertain. Sebastian Cabot, John's son 
 and companion, asserts that the exjledition took place 
 in 1494, and that land was first seen the 24th of 
 June of that year. It is difficult to conciliate this 
 statement witli some tlioroiiglily reliable details of 
 the Cabots' cx^x-ditiou to America in 1497, wliicli 
 appears in every way as if it had been their Jir^l 
 voyage of discovery. 
 Our doubts are still increased by the following 
 fact. The statement to which we allude was made 
 on a large nuip or planisphere by iSebastian Cabot 
 ill 1544 and 1549, when he was an old man, perhaps 
 of feeble memory. This same map was afterwards 
 copied by Clement Adams, a geographer of that time, 
 who was undoubtedly acquainted with Cabot. Adams 
 deliberately alters the date of 1494 into 1497. 
 Many important questions connected with this first 
 expedition must thus remain in abeyance. Sebastian 
 Cabot has described it in a few lines, and from the 
 description we learn the day of the first landing, and, 
 pcrha[)s, the locality where it took place. Does this 
 really apply to a voyage undertaken in 1494, or must 
 it be referred to the expedition of 1497 ? Further, 
 under what impressions did John Cabot act when he 
 took out his letters patent in 149() ? 
 Cabot obtained in jNIarch 1490, from Henry VII, 
 letters patent for the discovery of new lands, for him- 
 self and his sons, Sebastian, Lndovico, and Sanzio. 
 He sailed from Bristol in spring 1497, and returned 
 to England about the 10th of August of the same 
 year. The vo) age is described in the following words 
 by the Venetian Pasqualigo, who was in London at 
 the time of Cabot's return.^ 
 ^ Extract from a letter writlen by Lorenzo Pasqualigo, son of 
 the late Messcr Filippo, dated London, August 23rd, addressed 
 '•' This Venetian of ours, who went with a ship from Bristol 
 ill quest of new isLinds, is returned, and says, that seven 
 liundred leagues hence he discovered * terra firnia,' which is 
 tlie territory of the (jirand Cham ; he coasted for three hun- 
 dred leagues and landed ; he saw no human being whatso- 
 ever, but he has brought hither to the king certain snares, 
 wiiich had been set to catch game, and a needle for making 
 nets ; he also found some felled trees, wherefore he sup- 
 posed there were inhabitants, and returned to his ship in 
 " lie was three months on the voyage it is quite certain ; 
 and coming back he saw two islands to starboard, but would 
 not land, time being precious as he was short of provisions. 
 Tlie king is much pleased with this intelligence. He says 
 that the tides are slack, and do not flow as they do here. 
 " The king has promised that in the spring he shall have 
 ten ships, armed according to his own fancy, and at his 
 rc(|uest he has conceded him all the prisoners, except sucli 
 as are confined for high treason, to man them Avitli. lie has 
 also s^iven him inonev wherewith to amuse himself till then, 
 and he is now at Bristol with his wife, who is a Venetian 
 woman, and with his sons ; his name is Zuan Cabot, and 
 they call him the great admiral. Vast honour is paid him, 
 and he dresses in silk ; and these English run after him like 
 ma-^ people, so that he can enlist as many of them as lie 
 pleases, and a number of our own rogues besides. 
 " The discoverer of these places planted on his new-found 
 land a large cross, with one flag of England and another of 
 S. jNIark, by reason of his being a Venetian ; so that our 
 banner has floated very far afield." 
 This letter is a fit subject for much speculation. 
 to his brothers, Alvisc and Francisco Pasqiuvligo, in Venice. Re- 
 ceived on the 2ord of September, 1497. — Collections of the I'/iilo- 
 hiblon Society, vol. ii. 
 Only two of the questions to wliich it gives rise seem, 
 however, to belong to our province. The coxintrij of 
 the Great Chan^ of whicli Pasqualigo speaks, is the 
 Cathay of llubruquis and Marco Polo, that is to say, 
 northern China. The vague terms in which geogra- 
 phical information was published in the middle ages, 
 had engendered a signal and very momentous mistake. 
 The Cathay of tlie early travellers was supposed to 
 lie very much furtlier to the north-east than it really 
 does, and densely populated kingdoms were tliouglit 
 to exist in the extreme north-east of Asia, where only 
 some dreary Kamtchadalian village breaks the soli- 
 tude of a hundred miles of snow. The Cathajj towards 
 which the Cabots, Verazzano, "Willoughby, Frobishcr, 
 Barentz, and Hudson directed their efforts was an 
 imaginary country, without any real existence. It 
 is worthy of notice, that the Cabots were thought to 
 have reached that far famed coast. The existence of 
 a continent between Europe and Asia had thus either 
 not yet been understood, or, at least, not yet been 
 publicly acknowledged by them in the year 1497. 
 On the other hand, it is only fair to observe that 
 the discovery of the new continent, as a real though 
 not yet as an acknowledged fact, must be numbered 
 among the results of the 1497 expedition, unless we 
 are inclined to attribute it to the doubtful one of 
 1494. It is impossible to sail, as the Cabots did, 
 three hundred leagues along the coast of any part of 
 North America, north of the tropics, without ftilling 
 in with the terra firma. The vexed question, whe- 
 ther Newfoundland or Labrador was the first land 
 touched by tlic Cabots, becomes, therefore, entirely 
 niiavailing", as regards the first discovery of the main- 
 land of America, which discovery belongs to the 
 Cabots beyond all doubt and cavil. The controversy 
 that has been carried on with much zeal and some 
 unfairness between the partisans of Columbus and 
 those of John and Sebastian Cabot, may, therefore, 
 at last be set at rest. And this is the more desirable, 
 as the dispute is utterly at variance with the \ iows 
 of those great men. No one was readier than Sebas- 
 tian Cabot to acknowledge the real and immortal 
 merit of Columbus, namely, that of having first 
 crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Neither Columbus nor 
 Cabot claimed the discovery of America. Colum- 
 bus never recognised that a new continent had been 
 found, and supposed his own explorations to lie 
 among the islands of Japan. Cabot did discover 
 America, and did recognise the existence of a new 
 continent; but he only considered it as a hateful bar- 
 rier, which he made lifelong efforts to break through. 
 For that is the aim of his voyages in search of a 
 north-western and of a western passage to Asia. 
 It seems not to have struck any one of the numer- 
 ous writers on this topic, that the search for a passage 
 through the new continent is an obvious acknow- 
 lodgment of its existence. It involves the scientific 
 discovery of the New World. This merit belongs to 
 Sebastian Cabot. lie was the first to recognize that 
 a new and unknown continent was lying, as one vast 
 barrier, between Western Europe and Eastern Asia. 
 Sebastian Cabot's expedition in the year 1498 was 
 tlic first voyage in search of a north-west passage. 
 It Avas performed by Sebastian alone, withont the 
 companionship of his father.^ AVe possess a certain 
 nnmber of contemporary acconnts of this expecUtion ; 
 but all of them very short, and written by men un- 
 acquainted with the localities. The fact of the 
 search for a i)assage, and some minor details of tlH> 
 expedition, arc thus rendered perfectly certain, whilst 
 the locality where the search was first made remains 
 The following arc the ascertained facts. King 
 Henry VII took an active interest in the expedition, 
 granted a new charter for it, contributed towards its 
 expenses, and was to share in its gains. Cabot was 
 the con\,ma.nder of a small squadron, some Bristol 
 merchants having joined him, and he had three hun™ 
 dred men under his orders. lie sailed from England 
 about the beginning of May 1498, and directed his 
 course towards North America by way of Iceland. 
 He tlien attempted the search for a north-western 
 passage ; and having failed in finding it, went south- 
 ward along the North American coast down to 38° N. 
 Sebastian Cabot afterwards undertook another voy- 
 age in search of a north-west passage, at Henry VlII's 
 expense, either in 1516 or in 1517. The failure of 
 that expedition is ascribed to the faint-heartedness of 
 Cabot's companion, Sir Thomas Perthe. The records 
 of these two voyages are so mixed up, tluit it is im- 
 possible to make out what belongs to the one, what 
 ' John Cabot is therefore supposed to have (lied in 1497 or 1-198, 
 a conclusion which is by no means necessary. 
 to (lie otlier. It is, liowcvcr, tolerably certain that 
 Cabot discovered the two straits, one of which now 
 bears Davis's, the other Hudson's name. The west 
 coast of Davis's strait up to GT' 30' is figured on 
 Cabot's great planisphere of 1544.^ The opening of 
 Hudson's strait seems to be indicated on the snme 
 innp. This strait is besides so minutely described 
 from one of Cabot's charts by Uicliard Willes, that 
 we cannot for a moment hesitate to attribute that 
 discovery to the originator of tlie search for a north- 
 Avestern passage. Tlic following are Willes' words. 
 " You may read in his card, drawn with his own hand, 
 that the mouth of the North ^V'estern Straight lietli near the 
 318 meridian (00 Greenwich) between Gl and 64 degrees in 
 Uie elevation, continuing the same breadth about ten degrees 
 west, where it ojiencth southerly more and more." 
 Sebastian Cabot has, therefore, the merit of having 
 not only started an idea which has occupied the 
 (>fforts of more than three centuries ; but of having 
 also indicated the only possible roads for carrying it 
 out. To do more was beyond the means which 
 his time aft'orded.- 
 Sebastian Cabot started in liis old age another 
 idea, which has become almost equally momentous 
 1 This fact puts an end to the controversy, as (o wlictlicr Cabot 
 (lid or did not reacli that high Uititudc. The observation itself is 
 due to Mr. D"Avc/,ac, the eminent French geographer, who was 
 kind enough to communicate it to the writer of the present pages 
 a few years ago, when examining with him the planisphere of 
 Sebastian Cabot in the Paris library. 
 - Sec note B, at the end of the introduction, for a statement of 
 the sources from which the account of the Cabots has been drawn. 
 in the liistory of arctic discovery — the search for a 
 north-eastern route to China. ISfore tlian half a 
 century elapsed between the origin of the first and 
 that of the second scheme. For the present we 
 confine ourselves to the history of the search for a 
 north-western passage down to Hudson's time, and 
 shall afterwards take up the liistory of that north 
 eastern route. 
 The early expeditions in search of a north-western 
 passage may be; divided into two distinct epochs. 
 The aim was identical in both ; but the methods 
 were different. All the early navigators who sought 
 for a passage through the new continent wished to 
 break through the unwelcome barrier between the 
 west of Europe and Calhay, and thus to reach Asia 
 by a short road. The difference between the two 
 epochs consists in the amount of knowledge of the real 
 nature of that barrier, which the one and the other 
 possessed. The first attempts may, perhaps, be likened 
 to a blind rush at an obstacle, the extent and diffi- 
 culties of which were not yet understood. These at- 
 tempts ended in despair, and in a temporary aban- 
 donment of the grand scheme. But they also brought 
 about incidcntallv, and almost to the regret of those 
 who made them, extensive explorations of the ob- 
 stacle which would not yield to their efforts ; that 
 is to say, of the New World. Some unexpected 
 advantages were also discovered, and 1(h1 to a regular 
 intercourse with the shores of North America, and 
 by means of these voyages a more accurate know- 
 ledge of the North American coasts was obtained. 
 The systems of geogni[)liical criticism were at the 
 same time developed, the various scraps of informa- 
 tion weie collected, confronted and arranged by indus- 
 trious scholars, and an immense progress was made in 
 gc()grn[)hical science. The explorers of the second 
 e[)()eh, Frobisher, Davis, Weymouth, Hudson, and 
 his successors, had the labours of Mercator, Ortelius 
 and of other geographers to gu't'o them. They had 
 the means of knowing the real shape of America, at 
 least in all its principal features, and had thus a 
 sound basis for their efforts, and a more confined 
 space towards which to direct them ; whilst, to their 
 eurly })redccessors, the very existence of a New 
 AVorld was a startling and unexpected fact. This is 
 the reason for the vaguer aims of one class, and for 
 the more distinct aims of another class of hardy ma- 
 riners, both of whom deserve in an equal degree our 
 admiration and our gratitude. 
 The search for a short route from Western Europe 
 to China, belonged naturally to those European 
 states that would most profit by its being discovered; 
 namely, to those bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, to 
 England, France, Spain, and Portugal. Each of 
 these kingdoms took a share in the search for a pas- 
 sage, but the French, Spaniards, and Portuguese 
 only during the first epoch. It is one of the glories 
 of England to have alone persevered in this great 
 The Portuguese were the first nation that followed 
 in Sebastian Cabot's footsteps. Within four years 
 after his expedition of 1498, two Portuguese voyages 
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 to the north-west took place, both under the evident 
 influence of the impulse given by him. The disco- 
 veries made by the Cabots in 1497 and 1498 seem to 
 have engendered a vague report that a terra 7iova, 
 a land not to be found on maps and charts, existed 
 somewhere in the north-west. Gaspar de Cortereal, 
 a Portuguese gentlemen of high standing, set out in 
 search of that land towards the end of the year 1500. 
 lie returned to Lisbon in October, 1501. But little 
 satisfied with the result of his expedition, he returned 
 again to the North American shores, where he at last 
 met his death. He seems to have been tlie first of 
 those who were led by the appearance of the mouth 
 of the St. Lawrence river, to mistake it for a passage 
 to the Eastern^ Ocean. Nothing could be more natural 
 for a man who approached it without previous know- 
 ledge. The mouth of the St. Lawrence is nearly one 
 hundred miles wide, and in spite of the great quan- 
 tity of fresh water which it conveys to the sea, it is 
 almost as much to be called an estuary as the mouth 
 of the Tiiames. Cortereal's explorations, as far as 
 they can be ascertained from a few vague fragments 
 of intelligence, embrace the mouth of the St. Law- 
 ' rence, the gulf into which the river falls, with some 
 of the islands within it, and part of the eastern shore 
 \ of Newfoundland. 
 The other Portuguese undertaking is in itself less 
 i important than Cortereal's voyage : it is, however, a 
 curious event. Three Portuguese gentlemen formed 
 an association for an expedition to the north-west 
 il 1 The Pacific is called the Eastern Ocean, bv Vcrazzano. 
 Avitli some Bristol merchants, probably former com- 
 panions of Cabot. If such was really their character, 
 they were guilty of much selfishness and ingratitude, 
 whicli vices were authorized and more than equalled 
 by their king, Henry VII, who granted away to them 
 the very same advantages that had been reserved to 
 the Cabots. The document which illustrates this 
 disgraceful transaction is the only remaining record 
 of tlie association. This document is as vague as it 
 is fulsome. It appears from it that the associates had 
 a very indistinct idea of the purpose of Sebastian 
 Cabot, that they wished to follow it up, and that the 
 king authorized them thus to rob the noble adven- 
 turer of his reward. It is not certain wliether an 
 expedition took place or not. Mr. Biddle, the in- 
 genious scholar who has devoted his energies to the 
 investigation of Sebastian Cabot's career, thinks that 
 the associates did send out a ship, which brought 
 home some savages. The question is one of but 
 little interest for our purpose.^ 
 Both these expeditions, and chiefly that of Cor- 
 tereal, are, however, much more important from their 
 influence than by their immediate results. The earli- 
 est Portuguese navigators to the north-west seem to 
 have been forcibly struck by the abundance of cod 
 fish in these regions, a fact already noticed by the 
 Cabots. The Portuguese, then perhaps the most 
 active of maritime nations, soon availed themselves 
 of this advantage : they sent frequent, probably 
 ' For these two expeditions, sec note C, at the end of the intro- 
 annual, expeditions to the fisheries of Newfoundland. 
 To facilitate these, they were of course obliged to 
 acquire some knowledge of the coasts to which they 
 / repaired ; and, step by step, as they had wended their 
 Avay along the shores of Africa, they now explored 
 the cheerless regions of the north-west. These 
 unpretending efforts have, unfortunately, not been 
 chronicled, their only trace being found on ancient 
 charts. As far as this evidence, and that of some 
 summaries in the early maritime chronicles, goes, we 
 are led to think that the more important results were 
 1 obtained only in course of time. We shall therefore 
 ! I revert to them at a future page of this inquiry. 
 The nation that first followed in the wake of the 
 Portuguese was the French. The fishing popula- 
 tions on the coast of Brittany and Normandy, hailing 
 the prospect of a new opening for their industry, 
 directed their course towards Newfoundland, where 
 they made extensive explorations, and established 
 themselves, like their predecessors, as regular visitors. 
 The Basques round the Bay of Biscay, who were 
 accustomed to catch thousands of small whales in 
 their waters, also took part in the advantageous 
 traffic. These voyages, from difi'erent parts of what 
 is now the empire of France, began in 1504, and 
 '1 seem to have continued throughout the sixteenth 
 century. It is not clearly stated in the fragmentary 
 records of these voyages, but is far from improbable, 
 that some of them joined the idea of searching for a 
 short way to China to the more practical purpose of 
 fishing for cod. Certain it is, that some of the ear- 
 liest of the French mariners explored the mouth of the 
 St. Lawrence ; perhaps, like Cortereal, deceived by 
 its appearance into the belief that it might be an 
 arm of the sea leading into the Pacific Ocean. ^ 
 The first French voyage which is plainly recorded 
 to have had the search of a passage for its object, is 
 the celebrated one of Verazzano. What Cadamosto 
 had done for Portugal, Columbus for Spain, John 
 Cabot for England, that Verazzano did for France. 
 lie helped, like his three illustrious countrymen, to 
 transfer the sovereignty of the seas from the shores 
 of the Mediterranean to the kingdoms that border 
 the Atlantic Ocean. Verazzano was entrusted by 
 Francis I of France with the command of a squadron 
 of four vessels. Of these he lost two in a gale, and 
 was obliged to put with the remaining ones into a 
 harbour on the coast of Brittany. Having refitted 
 them, he went out again, directing his course to the 
 south, till he reached the Azores. There he again 
 parted from one of his two vessels, keeping only one, 
 the Dolphin. This is the craft in which he performed 
 his celebrated voyage. He started on the 17th of 
 January, 1524, from a lonely rock near the island of 
 He has himself stated the purpose of his voyage. 
 " My intention was," says he, " to reach Cathay, on 
 the extreme coast of Asia, expecting, however, to 
 find in the newly discovered land some such obstacle 
 as it has proved to be, yet did not doubt that I should 
 penetrate by some passage to the eastern ocean." 
 ^ Note D, at the end of the introduction. 
 The geography of the New World had ah'eady 
 made much progress in the quarter of a century 
 which ehipsed between John Cabot's first voyage and 
 that undertaken by Vcrazzano. Verazzano was aware 
 that he would find a line of coast, nearly, if not entirely 
 unbroken ; extending through 120 degrees of latitude, 
 from 66° north to 54° south. By confronting all the 
 available pieces of information he had even arrived 
 at the exaggerated conclusion, that America was of 
 as large extent as Europe, Africa, and Asia taken 
 together. Still he hoped to find a passage through 
 this mighty mass of land, and to reach Cathay in his 
 vessel. His hope, which almost amounted to a con- 
 viction, may be traced back to a singular illusion, 
 common to all the followers of Sebastian Cabot, 
 which forms a characteristic feature in the history of 
 the search for a north-west passage. 
 We have already had occasion to observe that the 
 first acknowledgment of the existence of a new con- 
 tinent, made by any European geographer, consists 
 in the attempt of Sebastian Cabot to break through 
 this terra nova. The consciousness that a new conti- 
 nent existed, and the wish to find a passage by 
 which it might be traversed, thus, like twin brothers, 
 owed their origin to the same birth. These two 
 ideas were at their beginning so closely entwined, 
 that they have never since been separated. It became 
 at once, and through all the succeeding development 
 of the geography of America, it has always remained 
 accepted as an axiom, that a passage through this 
 continent existed. The question which science and 
 enterprise strove to resolve was not zvhcthcr but ivhcrc 
 that passage was to be found. All the successors of 
 Sebastian Cabot acted under this conviction, a con- 
 viction which has greatly contributed in producing 
 that wonderful perseverance with which this great 
 undertaking has been followed up through so many 
 centuries, till it has at last, in our days, been crowned 
 with success. 
 It was thus Verazzano's purpose to ascertain tvJiere 
 the passage to Cathay might be. lie, like Cabot, and 
 like the Portuguese and French seamen, sought it in 
 the north-west, but began his search somewhat fur- 
 tiier to the south than they had done. He crossed 
 tlie Atlantic in one of its broadest parts, by an almost 
 due westerly course, which was but slightly deflected 
 to the north ; so that the land which he first fell in 
 with was under 3J:°, being part of the coast of 
 Carolina. There he arrived early in March 1524. He 
 then ascended the coast, spying out for a passage ; 
 and thus he reached the mouth of Hudson's river 
 probably at the end of March, or in the beginning of 
 April. He entered this natural harbour, was struck 
 by its capacities, and by the beauty of the surrounding 
 scenery ; but was compelled by a sudden squall to 
 leave it in haste. Soon afterwards he entered Narra- 
 ganset Bay (Rhode Island), where he tarried for some 
 time, holding intercourse with the natives, and ex- 
 ploring the country. Thence he started again, sail- 
 ing further to the north. He did not enter the 
 mouth of the St. Lawrence, tlie nature of which was 
 probably known to liim from the reports of French 
 sailors ; but steered along the east coast of New- 
 foundland, up to its most northern point. He then 
 returned to France. The whole voyage, frctin Madeira 
 to America, then along the coast, and back to Dieppe, 
 lasted but five months and a half ; several weeks of 
 which time were spent in Narragansct Bay. 
 Verazzano described his voyage in a letter to 
 Francis I, king of France, dated Dieppe, July 1524. 
 This letter is well known to the geographical student, 
 from a version of it in Ramusio's collection of voy- 
 ages, which has been translated by Hakluyt, and 
 inserted both into the Divers Voyages and into his 
 greater and more celebrated work. But Ramusio has 
 printed not a faithful copy, but a version of his own. 
 He has embellished and corrected the style of the 
 rough sailor, and thus given the whole piece a new 
 and factitious colouring. He has besides suppressed 
 a very important cosmographical appendix, which 
 throws considerable light, not only on Verazzano's 
 plans, but also on the history of the geography of the 
 New World, and on that of the search for a north- 
 west passage. These have been the reasons for our 
 inserting the original letter in the present volume. 
 The above summary is taken partly from the account 
 of the voyage itself, partly from the appendix, as 
 reference to these papers will show. 
 The period when the Spanish expeditions to the 
 north-west began is not quite certain. Projects of 
 this kind were entertained by the Spanish court as 
 early as the year 1500. The following passage of 
 Navarretc contains all that we have been able to find 
 on the subject : — 
 On the Gth of May, 1500, Ferdinand and Isabella wrote 
 from Seville, that Juan Dorvelos, or Dornelos, should come 
 to court or depute a person, with whom they might agree 
 upon the best means for a voyage of discovery ; and we may 
 conjecture (says Navarrete), that the plan was to survey the 
 seas which Sebastian Cabot had just discovered. Better 
 authenticated, however, is the agreement or contract con- 
 cluded in October, 1511, with Juan de Agramonte, a native 
 of Lerida, for the discovery of the seas of Newfoundland 
 f Terra Nova J. He was made captain for this expedition, 
 which "was to be undertaken in two Spanish ships, with 
 Spanish sailors ; except two pilots, who might be from 
 Brittany or some other country, and should be acquainted 
 with those seas and coasts. We do not know the result of 
 this expedition, which is not mentioned by our historians. 
 It is also stated, by a doubtful authority, that a Span- 
 iard named Velasco accompanied Aubry, the French 
 seaman who first explored the mouth of the St. Law- 
 rence, in 1508. Certain it is, however, that the wish to 
 find a passage thr-^'io-h the new continent occupied the 
 minds of the Spaii is at a very early date. It is a 
 well known fact that Columbus' expedition to the west 
 was, like that of Cabot, originally intended to reach 
 Asia. Columbus, however, believed that the West 
 India Islands which he had found were identical 
 with the Zipangu of Marco Polo, that is to say with 
 Japan ; and he was thus induced to think that he 
 had achieved his purpose of reaching Asia. Soon, 
 however, it dawned on the Spaniards, as well as on 
 the rest of Europe, that the West Indies were not 
 Japan; that Central America was not Cliina ; and 
 that to reach Asia by a westerly route, an unexpected 
 obstacle had to be overcome. The Spaniards devoted 
 themselves to tliis new task with tlie obstinate energy 
 that characterized thein in those days, and they made 
 numerous expeditions both by sea and by land, to 
 find a passage througli Central America, but always 
 without result. This want of success doubled their 
 eager desire. The search for a passage became more 
 and more a national concern, in which both Charles 
 V, and Ferdinand Cortcz, his great lieutenant, took a 
 most lively interest. A new direction was given to 
 their efforts by a false rumour, that some other nation 
 had found the passage and were keeping it secret. 
 This rumour gained ground at the same time in Spain, 
 and in its American colonies; as is clearly proved Jy 
 contemporary evidence ; and especially by one of the 
 most important geographical documents of the six- 
 teenth century. 
 The document we allude to is the celebrated 
 Rclatio Quarta of Ferdinand Cortez, one of the re- 
 ports which he addressed to the emperor Charles V. 
 It is dated Tcmixtitan (Mexico), October I8th, 1524, 
 and treats of all the various subjects of local admi- 
 nistration on which the viceroy could be expected to 
 address his sovereign. Mention is repeatedly made 
 of the search for a passage, of Cortez' various efforts 
 in that direction, and of their want of the desired 
 result. One entire chapter of the report is devoted 
 to the discussion of a project, from the execution of 
 which Cortcz not unreasonably expected the solution 
 of the whole question. According to a rumour, in 
 Avliich Cortez professes his full belief, a passage lead- 
 ing out of the river Tanuco, then trending to the 
 north, through Florida, and reaching the Pacific 
 Ocean in the latitude of the Baccalaos, had been 
 found by some other nation, and was kept a pro- 
 found secret. Cortez states his intention to send 
 out two expeditions, tlie one on the Atlantic (Mar 
 del Norte), the other on the Pacific (Mar del Zur),, 
 to search along the whole coast, from the straits of 
 Magellan up to the Baccalaos, till they fell in wiih 
 the passage. The plan seems never to have been 
 acted upon, at least in its original shape. Most of its 
 suggestions were afterwards carried out by the Span- 
 iards, but in isolated efforts, and without that energy 
 which would have marked any enterprise of such 
 a man as Ferdinand Cortez. The reason for his drop- 
 ping the scheme was simply the want of money. 
 The same rumour which reached Cortez about the 
 year 152+, had in 1523, or before that year, reached 
 Charles V. " Several geographers," says Herrera, 
 " had assured the king that it would be easy lo dis- 
 cover eastern Cathay by a strait between the Atlan- 
 tic and Pacific ;" and from an observation of Peter 
 Martyr, we learn, that this imaginary strait, like the 
 imaginary one of Ferdinand Cortez, was supposed to 
 be situated between Florida and Baccalaos. In order 
 to understand the events which followed from this ru- 
 mour, it is desirable to explain what it referred to and 
 how it had arisen. This can be done approximately, 
 though not with the clearness which might be wished 
 for. Florida and Baccalaos were both vague terms. 
 The former of them served as a summary designation 
 for the then almost unknown countries of the North 
 American mainhmd, immediately to the north of tlie 
 Spanish possessions. Boundary lines are not to be 
 found in the early maps of America, and it is impos- 
 sible to state where the northern frontier of Florida 
 might have been thought to be. All we can say is 
 that the term is seldom, if at all, used for tracts 
 north of 40°. Baccalaos originally means codfish. As 
 a geographical designation it was applied to the fish- 
 ing stations along the northern shores, which alone 
 gave these regions any importance in the eyes of 
 Europeans. Baccalaos, as a geographical term, is of a 
 still vaguer nature than that of Florida, and may in 
 its widest meaning be said to embrace the coasts from 
 57° down to 45° N. It is, however, in hardly any case 
 used for any part south of Newfoundland, 48° being 
 in some old geographies expressly mentioned as the 
 southern limit. Under these circumstances it hardly 
 allows of a doubt that the rumour of a strait between 
 Baccalaos and Florida, which circulated both in Spain 
 and in Mexico, had originated in the vain hopes for a 
 passage, which the deceptive appearance of the mouth 
 of the St. Lawrence afforded to the early explorers. 
 It was in conformity with the ideas and habits of 
 those times, that a man's or nation's most positive 
 assertions of want of success in such an endeavour 
 would be the most powerful means of convincing 
 others that thev had been successful, but desired to 
 keep for themselves all the advantages of an import- 
 ant secret. 
 One of those who insisted most strongly on the 
 possibility of finding a strait between Bacculaos and 
 Florida, was Estevan Gomez, a Portuguese pilot in 
 the Spanish service, who had been one of the com- 
 panions of Magellan, and had gained an unenviable 
 notoriety by the mutinous spirit shown by him during 
 the voyage of the Victoria. Gomez, however, enjoyed a 
 good reputation for nautical skill and cosmographical 
 acquirements. lie was one of the scientific authorities 
 present at the congress of Badajos and Gelves,^ which 
 met ill 1524 to settle the line of demarcation be- 
 tween the Spanish and Portuguese claims to the 
 newly discovered regions. He must, therefore, have 
 been considered one of the most distinguished cosmo- 
 graphers of the age. Modern historians seem to be 
 disposed to hold Gomez in less high estimation than 
 his contemporaries did. In this respect, they are 
 influenced by a passage in the eighth decade of 
 Peter Martyr's work De Orhe Novo ; where Gomez' 
 endeavours are spoken of in a sneering and contemp- 
 tuous manner. But they fail to observe that there is 
 a singular change of language to be observed even in 
 Peter Martyr. In his sixth decade he speaks of 
 Gomez as artis maritimw peritus; whilst in the last 
 decade he says of him, Inanes hiijus honi hominis fore 
 cogitationen existimavi semper et prcuposui. So differently 
 did the historian judge of the Portuguese pilot 
 before, and after he had become acquainted with the 
 details of his project. To explain this change, we 
 1 The seamen and geographers who attended the congress had 
 personally no voice in the decision, but acted as referees. 
 shall have rccouvsc to the suggestions of Mr. Biddle, 
 the ingenious scholar, wlio has done so much to clear 
 lip the dark points in Sebastian Cabot's career. Peter 
 Martyr was a friend of Cabot, and he may very natur- 
 ally have considered Gomez' new scheme as an insult 
 offered to the great navigator, who had in the year 1498 
 in vain sought for a passage in the locality where the 
 Portuguese pilot was confident to discover it. Howso- 
 ever this may be, Peter Martyr's prejudice has to a 
 very considerable extent affected Gomez' fame ; so 
 much so, indeed, that most of the early historians 
 have repeated Peter Martyr's sneers, whilst the 
 modern writers have, without a single exception, 
 either omitted Gomez' name from their books or 
 treated his labours with contempt. This treatment is 
 entirely undeserved. Gomez ought to occupy a 
 high place among early explorers, and one of the 
 first among the men connected with the regions 
 with which Hudson's name is associated. He went 
 over much of the ground that Verazzano had ex- 
 plored a few months before him. Both have left 
 charts of their explorations ; and that of the Portu- 
 guese pilot is infinitely superior to that of the Ita- 
 lian seaman. Verazzano's clmrt has been preserved 
 merely as a kind of geographical curiosity ; whilst 
 that of Gomez has served as the basis for the deli- 
 neation of the coasts of Maryland, New Jersey, New- 
 York, and Rhode Island, on nearly all the maps of 
 the sixteenth, and on some of the seventeenth cen- 
 tury. The charts which Hudson himself must have 
 used when exploring the river which bears his name. 
 contained the moutli of that river and the neighbour- 
 ing parts hiid down from Estevan Gomez's survey. 
 The expedition of Estevan Gcmez has not been 
 described by any modern author. This is not from 
 want of materials ; for we knov as much of him as 
 of any early navigators who have not left us their 
 own journals. 
 The following are the principal facts to be gathered 
 from the maritime chronicles of the sixteenth cen- 
 tury. Estevan Gomez made his offer to find the 
 passage in the year 1523. In the following year, 
 1524, he was attending the congress of Badajoz. 
 Sebastian Cabot, who had twice been in the service 
 of England, and had twice left it in disgust, was at 
 that time the pilot-major of Spain, and was also 
 present at the congress. Some kind of discussion of 
 Gomez's plan, must therefore unavoidably have taken 
 place between these two navigators. But we find 
 no trace of Cabot's having either advocated or op- 
 posed the plan ; and we are inclined to believe that 
 he communicated his private thoughts only to such 
 friends as Peter Martyr. We find it stated that 
 Cabot held out, about this time, great hopes of new 
 discoveries among, or near the Spice Islands ; and 
 that this consideration contributed to render Charles 
 V favourable to Gomez's proposals. There were on 
 the other hand two strong reasons for hesitating. 
 Eirst, the opposition of Peter Martyr, who was a 
 much respected and very influential member of the 
 council of the Indies ; and secondly the entreaties of 
 the king of Portugal, that the expedition might not 
 take place. The conference of Badajoz had been held 
 principally for the sake of settling, between Spain 
 and Portugal, the question of the rival claims to the 
 Spice Islands. The king of Portugal seems to have 
 thought, that if a short way to those islands were 
 found by Spain, the temptation would be irresistible ; 
 a speculation in which he was perhaps not far wrong. 
 These difficulties having at last been overcome, 
 Gomez was, towards the end of the year 152-4, pro- 
 vided with a small caravel of fifty tons burden, fitted 
 out partly at the expense of the king, partly at that of 
 some merchants. Provision was made with regard to 
 the possible profits of the enterprise ; any trespass on 
 the king of Portugal's dominions Avas forbidden ; and 
 some other arrangements being made, Gomez then 
 started. He intended to conduct his search not from 
 south to north, as the Spaniards in Central America 
 had been obliged to do ; but from north to south. 
 Where he began it, is not certain. According to 
 Oviedo's extracts from an official report on this voy- 
 age, Gomez stated that he had made extensive 
 explorations in latitudes 41° and 40°, had become 
 acquainted with the nature of the country, and held 
 intercourse with the natives. Of tlieso he kidnapped 
 as many as his ship would hold ; considering them 
 as a good prize, on account of their fine stature. 
 Other navigators had done so before him ; and the 
 Spaniards at home seem by that time to have been so 
 well acquainted with the general appearance of the 
 Indians, that they were able to give an opinion on the 
 comparatively fine proportions of those whom Gomez 
 brought. The chroniclers say that Gomez acted 
 against the emperor's orders. But that monarch 
 seems not to have been very indigixant ; nnd the 
 chroniclers cannot refrain from telling, as a very 
 ludicrous affair, a mistake to which this human 
 cargo gave rise. It was reported that Gomez had 
 brought clavos (cloves) ; that is to say, he had reached 
 the Spice Islands by a north-west passage, whilst he 
 had only brought esclavos (slaves). Gomez spoke 
 with much enthusiasm of the country which he had 
 visited ; and seems to have been fully alive to its 
 natural beauties. Continuing his southern course, 
 he at last reached the West Indies ; and thence he 
 sailed home, arriving in Spain ten months after he 
 had left it. 
 Gomez drew, as we have mentioned, an outline of 
 the coast which he had explored. This outline has 
 been preserved ; but not in its original shape. It has 
 been embodied into the celebrated planisphere of 
 Juan Ribero, geographer to Charles V. This memo- 
 rable work was composed shortly after the congress 
 of Badajoz, to which we have referred, and of which 
 Ribero was a member. There the most illustrious 
 geographers of Spain and Portugal met, to settle the 
 disputes between the two countries that had arisen 
 out of Pope Alexander's famous grant. The outline 
 of America was there fixed for the first time, from 
 the discoveries of both nations. Ribero's chart, which 
 was composed in 1529, (five years after the congress), 
 is not, however, entirely based on materials obtained 
 there ; but embraces some more recent discoveries ; 
 such as those of Estcvan Gomez. Tlic tract of coast 
 Avhicli now belongs to the states of Maryland, New 
 Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island, is on Ribero's 
 chart called the land of Estevan Gomez. But the chart 
 does not do full justice to the Portuguese pilot. Wy 
 learn from the above-mentioned report, that Gomez 
 very correctly placed his discoveries under 40'' and 
 41° N. This is fully borne out by the localities., the 
 discovery of which, Ribcro ascribes to him ; but the 
 latitudes in which Ribcro places them, are erroneous 
 by several degrees. This fault therefore belongs 
 entirely to Ribcro, and in no way to Gomez. The 
 geographer who had to collect and arrange many 
 discordant data, seems to have been influenced by a 
 feeling similar to that of Peter Martyr ; and to have 
 sacrificed the Portuguese pilot to some other ex- 
 plorers of less accuracy, but better repute. It is to 
 be hoped that, in dealing thus unfairly with Gomez, 
 Ribcro has confined himself to placing the coast-line 
 two degrees two high, without otherwise altering it. 
 But for aught we know to the contrary, he may have 
 introduced other alterations, to produce the harmony 
 required in a general map. 
 Under these circumstances, it becomes extremely 
 difficult to answer the question which presents itself 
 I so naturally to our minds: Did Gomez explore the 
 I, mouth of Hudson's river \ Even the most reliable maps 
 ' of those days, will give no answer to minute historical 
 questions. We cannot obtain certainties from them, 
 and must be satisfied with probabilities. As far as these 
 probabilities go, we must state it as our conviction, 
 that Gomez did explore the mouths of the Hudson. 
 He has dra\yn several rivers, and one of them, with 
 some islands in its wide mouth, is so placed as to 
 correspond with the Hudson. This conviction is 
 shared by Spreng(4, the learned German geographer, 
 whose commentary on Ribero's chart has proved of 
 great assistance in this inquiry. " The great river" 
 says Sprengcl, " in the neighbourhood of the cape De 
 Muclim Islas^ seems to be Hudson's river". It was, be- 
 sides, Gomez's object to search closely along the whole 
 shore, for an opening that might lead to the west ; 
 and during the ten months of his voyage, he had 
 ample time to become acquainted, in all its parts, with 
 the easily accessible, and not very extensive, line of 
 coast along which his explorations lay. But whether 
 Gomez did, or did not, enter Hudson's river, it is cer- 
 tain that the later Spanish seamen who followed in 
 his track in after years, were familiar with the river, 
 and called it Rio de Gamas ] as we shall presently 
 have occasion to observe. 
 To conclude our observations on Gomez's voyage 
 we must answer another question which also presents 
 itself very naturally to the mind. Verazzano and 
 Gomez went within a few months of each other over 
 precisely the same ground. Did any connection 
 exist between the two voyages % As far as the mere 
 time goes, this would be very probable ; because 
 Gomez started several months after Verazzano's re- 
 turn. But all the other circumstances exclude the 
 supposition. France and Spain were at war, and no 
 friendly communication can therefore be supposed to 
 have existed between them. Besides, had Gomez 
 known that Verazzano had searched those same parts 
 in vain, he would not have been so unwise as to 
 expose himself to the sneers which he incurred by 
 his failure. 
 Gomez's voyage is the last one in search of a pas- 
 sage undertaken on the eastern side of America by 
 any other nation than the English. The two con- 
 cluding voyages of the first epoch, and all those of 
 later times, were performed by the English alone. 
 In the years 152(1^} to 1527 there seems to have 
 been a general stir in this north-westerly direction. 
 We have spoken of Verazzano, of the rumours that 
 assailed Charles V, of Cortez's plans, of Gomez' 
 voyage, and we shall have still further to notice some 
 other movements of the Spaniards. The English, the 
 nation whose ships had first through storm and ice 
 sought for a passage, were not slow in following 
 this general impulse. Two different symptoms show 
 themselves in the same year 152.7. The first is a 
 letter and a discourse which Robert Thorne, the son 
 of one of Cabot's early companions, addressed to 
 Henry VIII, trying to persuade him to engage again 
 in the search for a short northern route to China. 
 Thorne has the merit of having started an entirely 
 new scheme, which has been acted upon only by a 
 few bold mariners, among whom was Henry Hudson, 
 — namely, that of sailing right across the North Pole. 
 This ingenious plan, and the arguments by which 
 Thorne supports his theories, render his discourse a 
 highly curious document. 
 At the very time when this letter was written, 
 Henry VIII was ah-eady interested in a north-west- 
 ern expedition. Two vessels, the Samson and 3Iar// of 
 GuilJ/ord, had been fitted ont at the joint expense of 
 the king and some private persons. These vessels 
 sailed in May, 1527. They accomplished nothing, 
 and one of them was probably lost. A remarkable 
 circumstance is connected with the expedition. Ve- 
 razzano seems to have been their pilot, and to have 
 lost his life in an encounter with the North American 
 The last expedition of the first epoch happened 
 nearly ten years afterwards, in 1536. It is very 
 characteristically English. When the search for a 
 passage had been given up by every one else, a 
 lawyer, who had dabbled in cosmography, one Master 
 Hore, took it up ; and persuaded a number of young 
 gentlemen of good family, most of them members of 
 the inns of court, to join him in a north-western 
 voyage. The consequences of this freak were even 
 more distressing than might naturally have been ex- 
 pected. The ship's company were reduced to the ex- 
 tremes of famine, and several persons among them went 
 so far as to assassinate their companions, and then to 
 commit some of the very few acts of cannibalism that 
 have ever been proved against Europeans. The voyagers 
 then escaped certain death by a daring act of piracy, 
 from the consequences of which these well- connected 
 gentlemen were afterwards protected by the king's 
 munificent benevolence. Thus ends the first epoch 
 of the search for a north-west passage. Forty years 
 elapsed before the undertaking was resumed. 
 Before we enter upon that second epoch, we must 
 first speak of some collateral events that occurred in 
 the interval of forty years, and most of which are 
 bearing upon the later efforts in search of a passnge, 
 whilst all of them exercised a more or less direct in- 
 fluence on Hudson's doings. 
 The Portuguese, the French, and the Spaniards, 
 the three nations that had followed in the track of 
 Cabot and of his English companions, and had thus 
 arrived at the northern shores of America in search 
 of a passage to Asia, did not by any means abandon 
 the newly explored regions when they gave up the 
 first purpose by which they had been led towards 
 them. Each of the three nations continued in its 
 own manner the traffic and the explorations which it 
 had begun. 
 The Portuguese continued their surveys of the 
 northern coasts ; most likely for no other purpose 
 than to discover advantageous fisheries. They seem 
 to have advanced slowly, step by step, first along the 
 shores of Newfoundland, then up to the mouth of 
 Hudson's Strait, then through that Strait ; and at 
 last into Hudson's Bay. AVith a certain number of 
 ancient maps, ranging from 1529 to 1570 before us, 
 we can trace this progress step by step. In 1544, 
 the Portuguese seem not yet to have reached the 
 mouth of Hudson's Strait ; in 1558, their geo- 
 iV graphical knowledge extends beyond the mouth of 
 ' the Strait; and in 1570, they have reached the Bay. 
 ' / Our authorities for all this, are ancient geographical 
 j delineations, a source which is sometimes deceptive 
 when used as historical evidence. A map or chart, 
 the lines of which agree sufficiently with the real 
 shape of the parts laid down in it, is, of course, the 
 best possible proof of those coasts having been 
 discovered before the chart was drawn. But when, 
 on the other hand, we conclude from the silence of 
 even an excellent map, that any part not drawn, or 
 badly drawn on it had not yet been discovered, we 
 may be led entirely wrong. Much geographical 
 intelligence was in those days purposely kept secret, 
 and many discoveries may also, by chance, have 
 escaped the attention of the very geographer whose 
 works we may be using. This is indeed so natural, 
 that it occurs quite commonly at the present day. 
 None, perhaps, of our own delineations of distant 
 parts, are entirely based upon the very best surveys 
 that might have been made use of. With regard to 
 the sixteenth century, it is certain that even illus- 
 trious geographers sometimes overlooked the dis- 
 covery of wide regions, the surveys of which were in 
 their reach. We can, therefore, state with the 
 greatest certainty, that Hudson's Bay had been dis- 
 covered before the publication of Ortelius's atlas, 
 which took place in 1570 ; but we are not equally 
 certain that the discovery falls within the years 1558 
 to 1570, because we have only the negative evidence 
 of Diogo Homem's charts to support the latter asser- 
 tion. The fact itself is, however, probable enough. 
 We must take this opportunity of adverting to a 
 singular historical misconception, which is to be found 
 in some of the most current and most respectable 
 hand-books of general information ; and which may 
 be traced back to the ill-directed efforts of an ingeni- 
 ous mind. It is stated in Brockhaus' Conversations 
 Lexicon^ and copied into many of the cyclopirdias 
 whicli place implicit trust in the integrity of that 
 standard work, that Hudson's Bay was discovered by 
 a Dane, named Anskoeld. Now this Dane Anskoeld 
 is a myth, the origin of which may be traced in the 
 following manner. A Polish pilot, named Johannes 
 Kolnus, or John of Kolno, was sent in 1476 by the 
 king of Denmark and Norway on a north-western ex- 
 pedition, to a country whicli Kolnus called Grocland^ 
 and which most likely was Groneland, that is to say, 
 Greenland. Kolnus led out a number of emigrants, 
 Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians, probably to restore 
 the settlements in Greenland, to the entire or partial 
 destruction of which, at the end of the fourteenth and 
 in the beginning of the fifteenth century, various ad- 
 verse circumstances had cooperated. The name of 
 Johannes Kolnus^ as well as the achievements of this 
 Polish worthy, have been singularly disfigured by the 
 geographers of the sixteenth century. Some make his 
 Grocland into the most western of all the many Green- 
 lands ; and as such it figures on Ortelius' map of the 
 world, where it forms an island in latitude 80° north 
 of Labrador. Sir Humphrey Gilbert places the dis- 
 coveries farther south. The name is most frequently 
 spelled Scolvus ; sometimes Scolmus. From this 
 ,"'', ' latter shape of the name, and from Sir Humphrey's 
 account of the discoveries, the Dane Anskoeld of the 
 Conversations Lexicon and his discovery of Hudson's 
 Bay had been framed. 
 The north-westerly voyages of the Spaniards during 
 the interval of forty years, are more momentous even 
 than those of the Portuguese. The Spaniards followed 
 np the idea, indicated by Cortez in 1524, of search- 
 ing for a passage through America ; not from east to 
 west, but from west to east. For that purpose they 
 sent out a whole series of expeditions, none of which, 
 however, reached the high latitude where the north- 
 west passage opens into the Pacific. The Spanish 
 expeditions were thus, like the similar undertakings 
 of other nations, failures as regards their main object. 
 Important results, however, especially surveys of the 
 western coasts up to 45°, were obtained by means of 
 these voyages. On the eastern coast no more voy- 
 ages in search of a passage were undertaken after the 
 unsuccessful one of Estevan Gomez. Yet this ex- 
 pedition was not allowed to remain without a result. 
 The voyage of Estevan Gomez produced in Spain 
 the same effect which those of the Cabots, of Cor- 
 tereal, and of the men from Normandy and Brittany 
 had produced in England, Portugal, and France — 
 it conducted the Spaniards to the north-western 
 fisheries. This, at least, is the conclusion which 
 the accurate Navarrete draws from a stock of con- 
 temporary evidence. The Spaniards now began to 
 take a large share in this traffic, and to repair regu- 
 larly to the shoals and sandbanks off Baccalaos. These 
 new places of resort were at a moderate distance 
 from their own American colonies. It is therefore 
 but natural to imagine that the Spaniards some- 
 times inchuled both points in the same voyage. Ac- 
 cordhig to the custom of that age they did not then 
 sail boldly over the broavl ocean, but went timidly 
 along the coast. It was in those days one of the 
 principal studies of geographers to point out con- 
 venient stages, stations, and tracks for such sail- 
 ing. This is the main purpose of the so called Rut- 
 tcrs or roittiers, regular guide books, which showed the 
 distances from place to place, marked the convenient 
 stations, described the entrances to rivers and har- 
 bours. Many of these guide books are still in exist- 
 ence ; and we learn from them that the Eio de Gamas, 
 the name then regularly applied to the Hudson on the 
 charts of the time, was one of these stages between 
 Newfoundland and the colonies of central America. 
 Nantucket Island also figures in some of these rutters 
 under the name of the "Island of Juan Luis," or" Juan 
 Fernandez," and is recommended as a most convenient 
 stage for those who, coming from Europe, wish to 
 proceed to the West Indies by way of the Ber- 
 The French were yet more active than the Portu- 
 guese and Spaniards. They pursued their fishing 
 trade with such energy, that the Newfoundland 
 fisheries, which had always been and still were com- 
 mon ground for the whole civilized world, seemed to 
 belong more specially to them. Most of the banks 
 and stations received French names. The discovery 
 of these regions, which was not then claimed by 
 England on account of the voyages of the Cabots, 
 was attributed entirely to the French. In the begin- 
 ning of tlie seventeenth century that nation was 
 loudly praised for its generosity in having allowed 
 others to share in the Newfoundland fisheries. 
 Even more remarkable, and conferring much higher 
 • honour on the French name, are the North American 
 explorations they made during this period, and their 
 attempts to colonize that vast region. Up to the 
 time of Jaques Cartier, America had been visited 
 and explored only by navigators who considered it 
 as a barrier between Asia and Europe which they 
 wished to force, or by greedy adventurers attracted 
 by its riches. It is with the French that the idea 
 arose of colonizing the fertile wilderness of the north- 
 west without violence to its original inhabitants and 
 owners. To our regret it does not belong to our 
 province to dwell on these efforts. But it is only 
 just to remark, that Cartier, Robcrval, Colig.iy, and 
 the men he sent out to prepare a home for his perse- 
 cuted brethren, were, in liberality of ideas and in 
 elevation of purpose, more than a century ahead of 
 their contemporaries ; and that France may here well 
 claim a title to which she has often pretended with 
 much less right, namely, that of a pioneer in civiliza- 
 In England the influence of the new discoveries, 
 and of the consequent changes in the roads of trade, 
 developed itself with remarkable slowness. Fifty 
 years after the first transatlantic voyages no one 
 would have imagined that this island would be 
 the principal heir to the power and the riches 
 which then crowned Europe with an entirely now 
 glory, very different from the gloom of the preceding 
 centuries. The prosperity, the freedom, and the self- 
 reliance of the kingdom went on, however, steadily 
 increasing. Then there came a time when those 
 recent changes in the commerce of the world made 
 themselves felt in a disastrous manner. Most of the 
 English trade had always been in the hands of Ger- 
 mans and Italians, the former of whom enjoyed 
 exorbitant privileges, granted them at a period when 
 it was politic to attract them to this country at any 
 price. These privileges were still more extravagantly 
 interpreted by them. The foreigners were insolent 
 and proud. Yet all this was long borne as a neces- 
 sary evil. But the new discoveries made the power 
 both of the Hanse and of Italy decline. The Medi- 
 terranean, the German Ocean.^ the Baltic, were no 
 longer the seas of Europe, and with the transatlantic 
 commerce rose the power of Spain, Portugal, and of 
 the only one of the older commercial nations that 
 maintained and even increased its medieval pro- 
 sperity, namely, the Netherlands. Thus it happened 
 that the advantages afforded to England by its con- 
 nexion with the Hanse were no longer adequate to 
 the sacrifices made for their sake. The English staple 
 articles often remained unsold, or at least did not rise 
 in value in due proportion to the general rise of 
 prices. English shipowners now began to feel that 
 they themselves could do better what the foreigners 
 did so badly, and it required but an opportunity to 
 shake off the hated yoke. The opportunity was offered 
 to the nation by the return of Sebastian Cabot to this 
 country in 1548. He had been for many years in the 
 service of Charles V, as pilot-major of Spain, and had 
 there, as elsewhere, met with the ingratitude which 
 seems to be the eternal portion of the exile who 
 bestows benefits on the country he makes his tem- 
 porary home. 
 His successful efforts to shake off the yoke of the 
 Hanse Towns, and to rescue English commerce, form 
 part of the history of the search for a north-east pas- 
 sage. To that history a separate place in the present 
 introduction has been assigned. "We have here 
 noticed these movements on accouut of their vast 
 influence towards the renewing of the search for a 
 north-west passage, and on the manner in which it 
 was conducted. 
 The events we have alluded to seem to have so 
 well prepared the minds for a resumption of the 
 search for a north-west passage, that it is impossible to 
 ascertain with whom the idea first arose. Three men, 
 Frobisher, Gilbert, and vVilles, entertained it simul- 
 taneously. They had each been led to it by a course 
 of similar reflections, based on all the events we have 
 narrated ; and it does not appear that these three men 
 had held any communication before each of them 
 had matured the scheme. They were all encouraged 
 by the experience in arctic navigation to which the 
 search for a north-east passage and the establish- 
 ment and operations of the Moscovia Company had 
 led. They vvere all acquainted with the geographical 
 labours of the age, based, as far as North America is 
 concerned, on the explorations of the Cabots, of the 
 Spaniards, the Portuguese, and the French. 
 Three different iUusions seem besides to have ex- 
 ercised on their minds a much greater influence than 
 all the truth that had come to light during the inter- 
 val of forty years. The first illusion was based on a map 
 of Clement Adams, an inaccurate copy of Sebastian 
 Cabot's great planisphere; which copy, however, as far 
 as its geographical information went, seems to have 
 been generally considered as representing Sebastian 
 Cabot's own work. We shall have to speak of this re- 
 markable map. For the present it is sufficient to ob- 
 serve, that Sebastian Cabot is there made to indicate a 
 passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, beginning in 
 Hudson's Strait ; then leading off for a short space 
 through about the same latitude ; but soon verging to 
 the south, so as to reach the Pacific in about 40° north. 
 The second and the third delusions were of a similar 
 nature. It seems to have been agreed among map 
 makers that America must be an island ; that it 
 could not possibly stretch across the pole, so as to 
 join Asia ; and that, therefore, a north-west passage 
 must exist somewhere. This vague idea is expressed, 
 on all the delineations of the globe produced in those 
 days, in that positive form which maps necessarily 
 assume. There is even a certain similarity in the 
 outline and position assigned by various maps to the 
 north-west passage ; and, what is most singular, these 
 random guesses are not so far wrong as might have 
 been expected. The third illusion is very charac- 
 ■ teristic of the age. The Roman Catholic and the 
 Protestant powers watched each other with the most 
 anxious jealousy. The same jealousy prevailed be- 
 tween the different commercial nations as such. All 
 were eager to find a short way to India. Each of them 
 was aware that the others had searched for it, and they 
 would not believe in each other's ill success. It is thus 
 that rumours sprang up of ships having actually sailed 
 through the north-west passage. The southern nations 
 attributed the feat to the northern, the northern to 
 the southern nations. We find, a few years later, 
 a celebrated Spanish writer asserting that " the great 
 pirate, Drake," had accomplished the feat. Much 
 more effect, however, had a story told by a clever 
 wag, a friar named Urdaneta, who described in full 
 detail a voyage through the north-western strait per- 
 formed by himself in 1568. He has been rewarded 
 for his impudent audacity with the honours of im- 
 mortal fame. Not satisfied with these traps laid 
 for him, Gilbert, in his blind eagerness, misinter- 
 preted the lessons of history, and attributed a voy- 
 age in search of a north-west passage to " Scol- 
 mus the Dane." It would lead us too far were we 
 to indulge any longer in an r.nalysis of the specu- 
 lations which led to the resumption of the great 
 search. We refer the reader to Hakluyt's Collec- 
 tion, where he will find the treatises of Willes and 
 Gilbert, with other similar materials, and especially 
 the voyages of Martin Frobisher. 
 It is difficult to speak of these voyages with perfect 
 fairness. Their importance consists much more in the 
 impulse they gave than in what they accomplished. 
 This has been so well understood by the writers on 
 this topic, that the originality of Martin Frobisher's 
 ideas has been very greatly exaggerated. It was for a 
 long time a fashion to overlook the whole first period 
 of the search for a north-west passage, especially to 
 estimate as low as possible the deserts of John and 
 Sebastian Cabot, and thus to enhance those of Frobisher. 
 The documents which recent researches have brought 
 to light remove for ever this unfair judgment. But 
 we must not at the same time conclude, that the 
 name of Martin Frobisher has to be wiped out from 
 the list of great navigators. The practical renewal 
 of the search for a passage is no ordinary merit. We 
 must also remember that Frobisher had many dis- 
 advantages to overcome before he obtained, by the 
 most unwearied industry and the most ardent con- 
 viction, the patronage which he afterwards enjoyed. 
 It is a matter of serious congratulation, that he suc- 
 ceeded in bringing all the most eminent interest in 
 the country, political and aristocratic, scientific and 
 commercial, to bear on this enterprise, which thus 
 first received its truly national character. Willes, 
 Gilbert, Stephen Borrough (the celebrated arctic 
 navigator) ; Dr. John Dee, the official adviser of the 
 Muscovy Company; Richard Hakluyt, of the Middle 
 j Temple, the cousin of the historian, Lok, and other 
 special men, assisted Frobisher with geographical in- 
 formation. The queen herself, and still more the Earl 
 and the Countess of Warwick, took a lively interest in 
 / the enterprise. Commercial men provided the funds. 
 \ Gentlemen were eager to join the adventure. In none 
 of his tliree expeditions had Frobisher less than three 
 vessels, and in 1571 he had fifteen under his orders. 
 This great, perhaps too great, favour, must be consi- 
 dered as almost a disadvantage for Frobisher person- 
 ally, though a great advantage for the popularity of his 
 scheme. The vast responsibility, the many eyes that 
 watched his movements, made him more cautious 
 than was desirable for his fame. In arctic explora- 
 tions at least, much more has been effected by modest 
 than by grand undertakings, by single small vessels 
 than by large fleets. 
 Frobisher sailed three times to the north-west, in 
 1576, 1577, and 1578. In 1576 he steered straight 
 across the Atlantic till he came in sight of Green- 
 land. He then passed along the southern and south- 
 western shores of that continent, and again sailing 
 westward, he reached the coast of Labrador. Here 
 he sought for the strait which his charts indicated, 
 and which he at last believed that he had found in 
 63° 8'. The charts of those regions are still so imper- 
 fect, that it is difficult to follow him much further. It 
 seems, however, that he entered an inlet or a strait, 
 proceeded up it for sixty leagues without being land- 
 locked, but at last found himself arrested by ice. It is 
 likely that he soon comprehended, what every intelli- 
 gent arctic navigator must have felt, namely, that the 
 passage, even should it be found, would prove useless 
 to commerce. Little value was in those days attached 
 to mere geographical discoveries. After the promises 
 he had made, and the hopes he had raised, this con- 
 viction must have been very painful for Frobisher. 
 lie was therefore very happy to be able to direct his 
 attention to other objects ; the taking possession of 
 those barren regions, the collecting of curiosities. 
 Among them he brought home a stone, glittering like 
 gold, in which greedy eyes, deceived by the love of 
 lucre, believed they saw the promise of rich treasures. 
 The gathering of this ore, which, after all, proved per- 
 fectly worthless, was the only object, and almost the 
 only result of his two last voyages. In 1578 he seems, 
 however, by chance to have entered Hudson's Strait; 
 but anxious, in obedience to his instructions, to bring 
 home as much ore as he could, he postponed the 
 search for a passage, and has consequently incurred 
 the blame of writers who looked on these matters from 
 the point of view of the nineteenth century. Fro- 
 bisher's own contemporaries considered him as a de- 
 serving man, and his companions were most truly 
 attached to him. 
 These voyages were singularly unfortunate in con- 
 firming prevailing geographical mistakes, as we shall 
 have to notice. They also added their own new store 
 of error in different ways. The situation of the country 
 discovered by Frobisher, and that of his strait, were 
 so imperfectly indicated by those who described the 
 voyages, that geographers became perfectly bewil- 
 dered. In the chart which Hudson used, Frobisher's 
 Strait lies across Greenland, not in America. These 
 singular doubts have exercised their influence even up 
 to the present day ; as for example, upon Karl von 
 Spruner, the author of the Ilistoncal Atlas. They have, 
 however, no foundation in fact ; and the real locality 
 of Frobisher's Strait is certainly where modern maps 
 place it. Another mistake, which caused Hudson 
 some useless pains, is due, in the first instance, to one 
 of Frobisher's ships, that sailed home by itself, the 
 Busse of Bridgewatcr. An immense ice field seems to 
 have floated out of Davis' Strait down to latitude 57°. 
 The excited fancy of a passenger on board the vessel 
 mistook it for an island, and the island soon found 
 its place on maps and charts, under the name of 
 Busse Island. Hudson searched for it with little 
 success, as may be imagined. The small hurt these 
 mistakes could do was, however, entirely outbalanced 
 by the beneficial influence of the correct informa- 
 tion Frobisher brought home. It was now certain, 
 that between 62° and 63°, on the eastern side of 
 North America, a wide entrance existed, navigable 
 for hundreds of miles. True, that passage was some- 
 times blocked up by ice. But this had not yet been 
 ascertained to be its almost permanent state. A still 
 broader and more navigable entrance had been found 
 between 60° and 62°. Some of Frobisher's com- 
 panions even recognized the great fact, that the re- 
 puted mainland of Labrador, between 61° and 63°, 
 was merely a mass of islands, separated by channels, 
 some broad, some narrow, which led to unknown 
 seas in the west. This information was more than 
 sufficient to raise the most lively hopes of a through 
 passage, and the most ardent aspirations towards its 
 discovery, especially in an age that may well be said 
 to have given birth to the buoyancy and elasticity of 
 spirit by which the English nation has since become 
 so great. 
 The required expenditure, vast for the times, alone 
 prevented the track from being followed up at once. 
 Frobisher himself made efforts to obtain the necessary 
 means, and was nearly successful, owing especially 
 to the interest which the great Francis Drake took 
 in the enterprise. This admirable seaman off"ered to 
 tax to the utmost his already shaken credit, and to 
 raise a thousand pounds for the expedition. More 
 than five thousand were expected from various other 
 noblemen and gentlemen, of which three thousand 
 from the famous Earl of Leicester. But the enter- 
 prise came to nought, because it had been projected 
 on too large a scale. It is mentioned for the last 
 time in 1581. 
 Equally without result were, as it seems, the en- 
 deavours of Adrian Gylbert, to whom letters-patent 
 for the search of a north-west passage were granted 
 in February 1583. He does not appear to have 
 started for his destination. 
 „ It was reserved for John Davis, one of the greatest 
 of navigators, to follow up and develope the vague 
 indications of Frobisher. Master John Davis sailed 
 from Dartmouth the 7th of June, 1585, with two 
 small vessels, the Sunshine^ of fifty tons, the Moonshine, 
 of thirty -five. His course was north-west. He ex- 
 pected to find no land before he reached America. 
 But to his surprise he struck the south-eastern coast 
 of Greenland, between 60° and 61°, the 20tli of July. 
 We shall have occasion to dwell on the singular mis- 
 conceptions which prevailed at the time with regard 
 to that great arctic continent. These misconceptions, 
 the growth of centuries, formed a curious mixture of 
 truth and error; and Frobisher had hitely contributed 
 to them his own Uxrge share of mistakes. Davis was 
 justified in thinking that the land he had fallen in with 
 had been hitherto unknown, and was his own new dis- 
 covery. After a short hesitation on the south-eastern 
 side of Greenland, he rounded the southern point on 
 the 23rd of July, and then sailed for two more days 
 up along the south-western coast. To these southern 
 parts of Greenland he gave the graphic name of 
 Desolation^ a name now attached to a small portion 
 only of those shores. On the 25th he left the newly 
 discovered country, and steered his former course to 
 the north-west, thus unconsciously following the bend 
 of the Greenland coast, which he had lost sight of. 
 After four days sail, the 29th of July he was again 
 in sight of land, under 6J:° 15'. His course had 
 brought him to the jutting point which forms the 
 northern boundary of Gilbert's Sound. That is now 
 the least unknown portion of Greenland. Gilbert's 
 Sound is a large and fair bay, enclosing many islands, 
 and here among the snow and ice of the high north 
 some sunny nook may greet the eye of the weary sailor. 
 The Danish settlement of Godhab, and the Moravian 
 colony of Nye Hernhut, are situated in these parts. 
 They have been visited by several recent navigators, 
 especially by Captain M'Clintock, and their names 
 are now familiar to the ear. Here Davis held inter- 
 course with the Esquimaux, and it is delightful to read 
 how he employed the sweet medium of music to gain 
 their friendship. Davis left Gilbert's Sound the Ist 
 : !< 
 !• I 
 I ■ . i: 
 ■W ! 
 of August, liaviiig tarried two clays. lie aj^aiii steered 
 his former course to the north-west, and thus crossed 
 for the first time the strait that now bears his name. 
 Only five days sail brought him to the American 
 side, which he reached in latitude GO" 40' the 6th of 
 August. He had arrived in the neighbourhood of 
 that remarkable promontory, by him named Cape 
 Walsingham, where the American coast makes so 
 sudden a turn to the north-west. Not finding an 
 inlet by which he might follow a western course and 
 reach the Pacific, he coasted on the American 
 side southward, in quest, probably, of Frobisher's 
 V • Strait, which he must have expected to find in lati- 
 ^ • >• j^., tude 63° 8', three degrees and a half further south. 
 >'"\.^^ ., ' But before he reached that inlet he fell in with 
 ^^ •'vt^'' > ' another more northern opening, named by him Cum- 
 berland Strait, and which seemed to offer a good 
 chance of a passage. He arrived at the mouth of 
 that strait the 11th of August, and having explored 
 it for six days, he met with a cluster of islands, " with 
 many fair sounds between," and concluded by an 
 admirable course of reasoning that the strait does 
 , lead to the Pacific. His opinion has not yet been 
 <^['.'- '" disproved, and further exploration may show it to 
 ' ''- ' have been correct. The charts of those regions are 
 j J • still in the highest degree unsatisfactory. We know 
 as little as the first discoverers did, whether Fro- 
 ' ( bisher's and Cumberland's Straits do or do not com- 
 municate with the more western waters. In bare 
 justice to those great men, the information which 
 intelligent whalers must have gained in that long 
 interval might be collected and inserted in the Admi- 
 ralty charts. After so much has been done for the 
 higher regions, something might be done for the 
 west of Davis' Strait, and for the channels that lead 
 into it. " There are many intelligent whaling cap- 
 tains," says Captain M'Clintock, " who possess much 
 valuable knowledge of these lands and seas ; and 
 even in the terra incognita of Frobisher's Straits 
 whalers have wintered, whilst our charts scarcely 
 afford even a vague idea of the configuration of these 
 extensive islands. . . A surveying vessel would be 
 usefully employed for a couple of summers in tracing 
 the general outline of these possessions of Her IVIa- 
 jesty." Davis sailed homewards the 24th of August. 
 lie brought his two frail barks safely home the 30th 
 of September, 1585. 
 Davis sailed again the 7th of May, 1586. He had 
 with him four vessels, the Sunshine and Moonshine^ 
 which he had the year before ; the Meermaid^ a vessel 
 of a hundred tons ; and the North Star, a pinnace of 
 ten tons burden. The 7th of May he was south of 
 Iceland in 60°, and despatched the Sunshine and 
 North Star to search between Greenland and Iceland. 
 He himself proceeded westward with the 3Ieermaid 
 and Moonshine, and reached the south of Greenland 
 the 15th of June. But he had arrived too early in 
 the season. A huge mass of ice encumbered the 
 Greenland shore. To round it he had to stand out 
 of the strait, and to sail as far south as 57". The 
 ice, at present also, often forms regular fields and 
 packs out of Davis' Strait, such as he encountered in 
' f, 
 the beginning, and the Basse, of Bridgcwatcr, met 
 with at the end of summer, in hititude 57°. Having 
 rounded the pack, Davis reached Gilbert's Sound the 
 29th of June. Stormy weather, and the wish to be- 
 come- thoroughly acquainted with the country, de- 
 tained him till tlie middle of the month of July. The 
 17th we meet him again at sea, not far from Gil- 
 bert's Sound, but a little to the south, in G3° 8'. 
 Davis had now to encounter a new and a fiercer 
 struggle with the pack. A fortnight's sail carried 
 him only a few degrees farther north and a very 
 small distance farther west. Many of the sailors in 
 his larger vessel had probably never seen the arctic 
 regions before. Their courage fell, and at last Davis 
 met with that obstacle, worse than storm and ice, a 
 mutiny among his crew. Subdued by his imposing 
 presence, his sailors did not break out into the ex- 
 cesses which troubled Weymouth and cost Hudson 
 his life ; but they represented in earnest language 
 that " he might not, through his over-boldness, leave 
 their widows and little children to give him bitter 
 curses." He obeyed, and after little more than one 
 day's south-eastern sail he reached land on the Green- 
 land shore, in latitude 66° 33', the 1st of August. 
 He was now constrained to send the 3Iecrmaid home, 
 the crew being unwilling to encounter any longer 
 the dangers of navigation among the ice, which are 
 appalling enough even for those who have spent 
 many years in those regions, and whose vessels are 
 specially fitted for this dangerous navigation by every 
 contrivance that ingenuity can invent. But Davis 
 was not shaken in his purpose. He now entrusted 
 himself to tlie Moonshine^ more a fishing smack tlian 
 a ship. A few days were spent in j)r(^pariug lier for 
 her arduous task, and the 5th slic started by herself. 
 She crossed the strait in nearly a due westerly direc- 
 tion. The 14th of August she was near Cape AVal- 
 singham, in latitude 60° 19', on the American side. 
 It was too late for anything more than a summary 
 search along the coast. The rest of the month, 
 and the first days of September, were spent in that 
 search. Besides the already known openings, namely, 
 Cumberland Strait, Frobisher's Strait, and Hudson's 
 Strait, two more openings were found, Davis Lilct in 
 56°, and IvuctoJcc Inlet in 54° 30'. Davis now had to 
 cross the Atlantic in his miserable craft, and he per- 
 formed the voyage through the equinoctial gales in 
 little more than three weeks. He reached England 
 again in the beginning of October, 1586. 
 The 19th of June, 1587, Davis began his third 
 north-western voyage with three vessels, one of which 
 was the SunsJiine^ always his faithful companion. He 
 had besides brought out, in frame, a pinnace, intended 
 for exploration in shallow water. After he had 
 reached Gilbert's Sound, the 16th of June, he was 
 about to set up the pinnace, when the Esquimaux 
 of the neighbourhood, seeing the many fine pieces 
 of iron which were used as nails and spikes, could 
 not resist the temptation of tearing the whole fabric 
 to pieces to obtain those treasures. This singular 
 race exhibited from the very first the same cha- 
 racteristics which have now become so familiar to 
 arctic explorers. The cheerfulness and good nature 
 of the Esquimaux are praised by those who first came 
 in contact with them, and some of these early mari- 
 ners put these qualities in contrast with the fierceness 
 / and the gloom of the Indian warriors. Still such 
 depredations as those here noted too often occur, 
 proving that low standard of morality which belongs 
 to the savage. These occurrences, and the partial 
 restoration of the pinnace, delayed Davis till the 21st 
 of June. From that day to the 30th of the same 
 month he sailed to the north along the Greenland 
 shore, and arrived on the 30th of June, 1587, in lati- 
 tude 72° 12', nearly four degrees farther north than 
 any one had been before him in that sea. He 
 found to the north " no ice, but a great sea, free, 
 large, very salt and very blue," and " it seemed most 
 manifest that the passage was free and without im- 
 pediment toward the north." Northern gales and 
 the wish to proceed to the west prevented his sailing 
 farther in this northern direction, or he would have 
 forestalled some of his most distinguished follow- 
 ers. Baffin's Bay would now bear the name of John 
 Davis. A few days before, when he was off the Green- 
 land coast in latitude 67°, he believed that he saw the 
 American shore. But he was evidently deceived. The 
 distance is two hundred miles, and the feat is impos- 
 sible. None of the phenomena of the arctic regions 
 ' f can render it likely. What Davis really saw was 
 { the almost solid ice field, with which he had soon to 
 / engage in a most desperate struggle. He never 
 I reached the latitude of (57° on the American side, and 
 was therefore unable to correct his mistake. To this 
 mistake Davis' Strait probably owes its name — a name 
 singularly inappropriate for a passage of such im- 
 mense width. Davis now tried to sail westward with- 
 out giving up the high latitude he had reached. But 
 this proved impossible. lie met with the eternal 
 enemy of arctic exploration, the ice. In spite of this 
 obstacle he advanced, on the 1st of July, forty -four 
 miles in nearly a western direction, deflecting but 
 slightly to the south. But he was obliged to give up 
 that advantage. Westerly and north-westerly winds 
 drove the ice straight against him. He had to retreat 
 to the Greenland coast. The 13th of July he was 
 in about the same place as he had been sixteen or 
 seventeen days before, in latitude QT 50', off Green- 
 land. Now he found the sea sufficiently open to 
 proceed at least in a south-westerly direction. He 
 crossed the strait in five days, from the 14th to the 
 17th of July. On the 17th he was off the American 
 shore, in latitude 65° 30'. Remaining in that neigh- 
 bourhood he reached, the 19th, Mount Raleigh, the 
 20th, the mouth of Cumberland Strait. From the 
 20th to the 23rd he explored Cumberland Strait, 
 hoping to find there the passage. But he met with 
 a solid barrier of ice, and had to return. This voyage 
 out of the strait was partly impeded by calms, and re- 
 quired six more days, to the 29th of July. They now 
 sailed to the south, along the American side of Davis' 
 Strait, and passed the 30th across the mouth of Fro- 
 bisher's Strait, the 31st of July and the 1st of August 
 across the mouth of Hudson's Strait. " Which inlet 
 or gulfe this afternoone (31st) and in the night (31st 
 ' — 1st of August) we passed over, where, to our great 
 admiration, we saw the sea falling down into the 
 gulfe with a mighty overfall and roaring, and with 
 divers circular motions like whirlpools, in such sort 
 as forcible streams pass throu^^h the arches of 
 bridges." His further progress d- i to 52° 40' offers 
 no new geographical interest. Davis reached home 
 the 15th of September, 1587. 
 After his return lie expressed the liveliest hope of 
 finding a passage to the north, beyond the latitude of 
 73°. But the attack of the Armada in 1588, and the 
 death of Walsingham, which occurred soon after- 
 wards, deprived him of the opportunity to follow up 
 his discoveries. 
 Davis' journals are the only ones of all those left 
 by early north-western explorers, where, with a little 
 attention, every point can be clearly made out. Had 
 they, like the confused descriptions of Frobisher's 
 voyages, been published immediately after the navi- 
 gator's return, he would soon have found a successor. 
 They appeared in print in 1599, and in 1601 George 
 Weymouth offered to the East India Company to 
 undertake for them a north-western expedition. So 
 confident was he of success, that in case of failure he 
 waived all claim to pay or remuneration. 
 Weymouth sailed the 2nd of May, 1602. He 
 reached the south of Greenland the 18tli of June, 
 crossed Davis' Strait in a westerly and north-westerly 
 direction, and arrived the 28th off the American 
 shore, in latitude 63° 53'. Weymouth now sailed to 
 (,Y' y^'ib 
 w > 
 the north, hoping to find the open water indicated 
 by Davis, and resolved to winter between 68° and 
 70° should it be required. He had arrived in lati- 
 tude 68° 53', when a mutiny broke out among his ^V? ^ ' ^ 
 crew, who refused to advance any further. Wey- t^-^'- ''^^ 
 mouth had committed the mistake of accepting the 
 companionship of a clergyman named John Cart- 
 wright, who possessed the rejputation of being fami- 
 liar with geographical matters, and who gained great 
 influence over the crew. The presumption and 
 cowardice of this man have blighted Weymouth's 
 fame. Unable to proceed as he judged best, Wey- 
 mouth had to retrace his steps. The 25th of July he 
 arrived at Hatton's Headland, in 61° 40', the north- 
 ern entrance to Hudson's Bay. According to his 
 own words, he sailed " an hundred leagues west and 
 by south" into the strait. There must be either a 
 slight exaggeration in the distance, or the statement 
 as regards the course must be slightly incorrect. The 
 latter is, indeed, the case ; this the journal clearly 
 shows. But there is no reason to pass on Weymouth 
 the severe verdict, that he pretends to have done a thing 
 which is impossible; a verdict first pronounced by Fox, 
 whose acquaintance with the south of Hudson's Strait 
 was very imperfect ; then confirmed by Sir John Bar- 
 row, who probably did not take the trouble to look 
 into a map, and then repeated by others. That Wey- 
 mouth really sailed a considerable distance into Hud- 
 son's Strait does not allow of a doubt, nor is it doubtful 
 that he "lighted Hudson into the strait," as Fox, with 
 greater justice, expresses it. Weymouth's later pro- 
 ceedings are not of any geographical interest. 
 After Weymouth, and before Hudson, only one 
 more voyage in search of a north-west passage was 
 undertaken. It was performed by John Knight, in 
 1606. It led to no result whatever. 
 We have now to go back a period of more than 
 half a century, and to speak of the opening and 
 progress of the search for a north-cast passage, 
 down to the time when Hudson was engaged in 
 the realization of this idea. We have already re- 
 peatedly had occasion to allude to this matter, and 
 especially to point out the principal circumstances 
 which afforded Sebastian Cabot the opportunity 
 again to exert himself in behalf of English com- 
 merce. On a former page of the present introduc- 
 tion we have narrated the first events in Sebastian 
 Cabot's life. There we left him. It will, perhaps, 
 be best to give in a few lines a summary of his 
 career, until he finally fixed his residence in England. 
 We have seen that he arrived in this country with 
 liis father; that in 1497 he found North America ; 
 that in 1498 he began the search for a north-west 
 passage, and probably discovered Hudson's Strait. 
 From 1498 to 1512 his movements are uncertain. In 
 1512 he entered the Spanish service, became a mem- 
 ber of the Council of the Indies, and was to under- 
 take voyages for the Spaniards. Preparations were 
 made for an expedition in spring 1516. But the politi- 
 cal changes which took place at the time prevented it, 
 and Cabot again went to England. He undertook a 
 second voyage in search of a north-west passage, pro- 
 bably in 1517, and then discovered Davis' Strait, up 
 to 67° 30', After his return Cardinal Wolsey wished 
 to empk)y him. The negociations led to nothing, and 
 he again returned to Spain, resuming his old dignity 
 and becoming in addition pilot-major. In 1523, tired. 
 as it seems of the Spanish service, he secretly made 
 overtures to Venice. Though very anxious to serve 
 that city, which he considered as his home, insur- 
 mountable difficulties prevented his doing so, and 
 he remained the pilot-major of Spain. In 1526 he 
 undertook, for the Spanish crown, an expedition to 
 the Moluccas ; but he only reached the La Plata 
 river, where he remained for five years exploring the 
 surrounding country. From 1531 to his final return 
 to England, no voyages of his are on record, nor docs 
 he seem to have performed any during that time. 
 In 1548 he arrived in England. Edward VI, a 
 prince of great promise, who, in spite of his youth, 
 fully comprehended tliat England, to become a great 
 power, must have its fair portion of the world's com- 
 merce, very gladly received Sebastian Cabot into his 
 service and granted him a salary, liberal for those 
 days, of £166. 
 When Cabot, in 1522 and 1523, made overtures 
 to the Venetian government, it was his intention to 
 point out to them what he then believed to be by far 
 the most advantageous route to the Indies. All the 
 roads to India which are followed at the present day 
 "Nvere then considered the special properties of Spain 
 and Portugal ; and these two powers, the most com- 
 manding in Europe, had the means and the will to 
 defend that property. The scheme of the north-west 
 passage had probably been given up by Cabot as 
 hopeless, at least in a commercial point of view. But 
 there yet remained one chance of a short way to 
 eastern Asia, namely, by the north-east. Even now, 
 knowing, as we do, the great northern elevation 
 of the coast of Siberia, the shortest line across sea 
 that we could draw from any part of Europe to 
 China would pass by Nova Zembla, and would lead 
 us to the north-east. But those north-eastern parts 
 were absolutely unknown to Cabot. Misinterpreting 
 some passages in Pliny, Cornelius Nepos, and other 
 ancient writers, then the only available sources of in- 
 formation with regard to the north-east, Sebastian 
 Cabot concluded the distance from Europe to China 
 by that route to be much shorter than it really is. 
 He was, moreover, convinced that the north-eastern 
 seas were not only navigable, but had, in fact, been 
 navigated by the ancients. On these erroneous assump- 
 tions, he founded the plan of searching for a route to 
 China by the north-east. His wish thus to benefit 
 Venice remained, however, a pium desiderium. The 
 Venetian ambassador Contarini, with whom he en- 
 tered into negociations, plainly told him that Venice 
 could not venture to make opposition to the Spanish 
 and Portuguese commerce, because these powers 
 commanded the Strait of Gibraltar, and could pre- 
 vent both the departure and the return of the Vene- 
 tian vessels should they attempt any such under- 
 taking. Cabot, therefore, stored up the idea in his 
 mind. It was after his return to England that the 
 necessities of English commerce, which we have 
 already described, offered him an opportunity of 
 carrying out his favourite pUm : if not for Venice, 
 at least for a country which he viewed with less 
 repugnance than he must have harboured towards 
 The commercial association to which his scheme 
 gave rise, that of the Merchant Adventurers, has 
 passed through a most brilliant career and is still in 
 existence. Tlieir earliest proceedings, and those of 
 the Dutch who followed them, have met with more 
 attention from geograpliical scholars than perhaps 
 any other similar subject has done. We possess espe- 
 cially two excellent works, one by Dr. Von Hamel, 
 the other by Dr. Beke : tlie latter among the collections 
 of the Hakluyt Society. There is now hardly left room 
 for any new investigations. It will therefore be easy 
 for us to do what we shall attempt in the next few 
 pages, namely, to point out how the way wliich Hud- 
 son followed in his first voyages had been prepared 
 by his predecessors. 
 The first north-eastern expedition which was sent 
 out by the Company of Merchant Adventurers sailed 
 from Ratcliff, the 10th of May, 1553. It consisted 
 of three ships, all with equally auspicious names, 
 the Bona Esperan:3a^ Bona Confidential and Edward 
 Bonavenhire. But the names of the two first ships 
 were sadly to be belied. Sir Hugh Willoughby, 
 captain-general of the fleet, was driven with these 
 two ships far out to sea, and at length put into a 
 small haven on the coast of Lapland, near the mouth 
 of the river Warsina, where the entire crews of both 
 vessels, amounting in all to seventy souls, perished 
 from cold and hunger. 
 Before meeting with his untimely end, Willoughby, 
 on the 14th of August, " descried land, which land 
 (he says in a note found written in one of the two 
 ships) we bore with all, hoising out our boat to dis- 
 cover what land it might be ; and the boat could not 
 come to land, the water was so shoule, where was 
 very much ice also, but there was no similitude of 
 habitations ; and this land lyeth from Seynam east 
 and by north 160 leagues, being in latitude 72 de- 
 grees. Then we plyed to the northward." Dr. Beke, 
 whom we have literally followed in this description 
 of ^Yilloughby's voyage, goes on to show that the 
 land discovered by AVilloughby was a part of Nova 
 Zembla, now called the Goose Coast. For a long 
 time English geographers contended that Willoughby 
 had discovered Spitzbergen. This most indefensible 
 theory has found its way into Purchas' notes to 
 Hudson's voyages. We shall speak of its origin in 
 our geographical review. 
 llichard Chancellor, pilot-major of Willoughby 's 
 fleet, was far more fortunate than his hapless chief In 
 the third vessel, the Edtvard Bonavcnturc^ commanded 
 by Stephen Burrough, he succeeded in entering the 
 Bay of St. Nicholas, since better known as the White 
 Sea, and on the 24th of August, 1553, reached in 
 safety the western mouth of the Dwina, whence he 
 proceeded overland to the court of the Emperor of 
 Muscovy. The result was the foundation of the com- 
 mercial and political relations between England and 
 Russia, which have subsisted with but brief inter- 
 ruptions up to the present day. 
 Shortly after Chancellor had brought his section 
 of Willoughby's expedition to so successful an issue, 
 the Company of Merchant Adventurers, by whom 
 the three ships had been fitted out, received a charter 
 of incorporation, bearing date February 6tli, 1 and 2 
 Ph. and ]Mar. (1554-1555); and subsequently, in the 
 eighth year of (iueen Elizabeth (156()), they obtained 
 an act of Parliament, in which they are styled " the 
 Fellowship of English Merchants for Discovery of 
 New Trades," a title under which they still continue 
 incorporated, though they are better known by the 
 designation of the " Muscovy" or " Russia Company." 
 It is not here the place to discuss the general pro- 
 ceedings of the Russia Company, important tliough 
 they be, and highly deserving of being made the sub- 
 ject of special investigation All that we have to do 
 is to notice the expeditions which were undertaken 
 under the auspices of that company, for the purpose 
 of exploring the seas bounding the Russian empire 
 on the north, with a view to the discovery of a north- 
 east passage to China. 
 Of these expeditions, the first was that of Stephen 
 Burrough, who had, in 1555, been the master of 
 Richard Chancellor's ship, the Edward Bonaventure, 
 and who was, in 1556, dispatched in the pinnace 
 Searchthrift^ to make discovery towards the river Ob. 
 Dr. Beke, whom we have again literally followed \ 
 for the whole of the preceding page, now goes on to 
 describe in detail the voyage of the Searchthrlft. But ; 
 ! I 
 tliis expedition is of much less importance for our 
 subject than for his. The following summary is suf- 
 ficient for our purpose. Burrough left Gravesend 
 the 23rd of April, passed the North Cape the 23rd of 
 May, reached Kola the 9th of June ; and then pro- 
 ceeded, in company with some native boats, to explore 
 Nova /embla. For the sake of greater clearness, it 
 is, perhaps, best to observe, that Nova Zembla, or 
 Novaya Zemlya, is a group of islands in shape of a 
 crescent. The crescent has on its outer (western) 
 side the Spitzbergen Sea, on its inner (eastern) side 
 the Sea of Kara, and forms the boundary between 
 those two seas. The southern end of the crescent 
 bends towards the mouth of the river Petchora. The 
 northern extremity points towards Cape Taimyr. 
 This northern extremity is in latitude 77°, and in 
 nearly the same longitude with the mouth of the 
 river Oby. The Nova Zembla group consists of four 
 larger and several smaller islands. The names of the 
 larger ones are, according to Dr. Beke's nomencla- 
 ture, Vaigats for the most southern,^ Novaya Zemlya 
 Proper for the next, Mattb^^w's Land for the fol- 
 lowing, and Liitke and Barents' Land for the most 
 northern. These islands are separated from each 
 other by straits, more or less narrow. The ex- 
 ploration of the islands, and the discovery of the 
 straits between them, is the principal point of in- 
 terest in most of the early north-eastern voyages ; 
 for the Nova Zembla group forms a natural barrier 
 f; ^ Dr. Bcke docs not consider Vaigats as part of Nova Zembla, 
 but Mr. Scoresby does. 
 ■'■ I 
 upon wliich the navigator must strike when he wishes 
 to penetrate to China by a north-easterly route, and 
 liis first efforts must be towards the crossincr of tliis 
 barrier. All the seamen of whom we have to speak 
 were obliged to make that attempt. The first of 
 them, AVilloughby, merely touched Nova Zembla. 
 Others, like Brunei and Hudson, made useless efforts 
 to penetrate through frozen straits and bays, and then 
 returned. The most successful navioators discovered 
 the open passages between the islands, and the bold- 
 est of all, WilHam Barents, sailed along the western 
 side of the whole group, rounded its northern point, 
 and wintered on the north-eastern shore. But even 
 tiiose who were fortunate enough to penetrate beyond 
 Nova Zembla and into the Sea of Kara, made after- 
 wards but little progress. That sea is, by Polar cur- 
 rents, continually filled with close packed ice. Only 
 two or three ships are known to have penetrated 
 through it and to have reached the mouth of the 
 Oby. The Russians themselves, though at home in 
 those waters, and of notorious courage and expe- 
 rience in this kind of navigation, have as yet been 
 unable to explore the whole east coast of Nova Zembla. 
 Stephen Burrough's north-eastern explorations be- 
 gan, as we have said, the 9th of June, 1556. Nothing 
 memorable happened to him before the 25th of July, 
 when he discovered a small island between the main- 
 land of Russia, and Vaigats, the most southern of the 
 four larger Nova Zembla islands. His new discovery 
 was called St. James's Island. Then sailing to the 
 north, he found Vaigats the 31st of July. He coasted 
 along' the western side of Vaigats, and the 3rd of 
 August he reached its northern point. Tlic 4th, he 
 sailed through the strait between Vaigats and Nova 
 /embla Proper, which is therefore called Burroagh's 
 Strait. lie had now entered the Kara Sea. But there 
 his success ended. lie could not advance against the 
 ic "d had to return the 5th of August, 1556. He 
 ar. ,ed at Archangel the Iltli of September, 1556. 
 A long time elapsed before the search was renewed. 
 The Muscovy Company had so unexpected a success 
 in the country they were trading- with, that they 
 found full employment and a satisfactory reward for 
 their labours. Their agents also learned in Russia 
 that an overland route to China existed, and carefully 
 noted down its different stages and stations. All this 
 diverted their minds from the purpose for wliich the 
 cr )any had originally been established. Still the 
 s ' for a north-east passage w^as not entirely given 
 up. In 1568 a commission was issued to three ser- 
 vants of the company who were then in Russia, 
 Bassendine, Woodcock, and Browne, to search to the 
 east and to the west of Nova Zembla. Nothing is 
 known of the success of this expedition, nor even 
 ■whether it started. Twelve years elapsed before the 
 next expedition was undertaken of which we have 
 any record. 
 The 31st of May, 1580, Arthur Pet and Charles 
 Jackman, two captains in the service of the Muscovy 
 Company, started from Harwich, in two small barks, 
 of forty and twenty tons burden. Having sailed toge- 
 ther as far as Wardhuus (Lapland coast), Pet and 
 Jackman separated the 24th of June, appointing the 
 island of Vaigats as their meeting phice. Pet reached, 
 on the 4th of July, Nova Zembla Proper, in latitude 
 71° 38'. He then sailed to the south, and was, on the 
 10th of July, off Vaigats Island. There he remained 
 till the 14th. He then tried for a passage by the 
 north of Vaigats, but failed to discover the strait 
 which Burrough had found. He now steered to the 
 south-west, and reached the mouth of the Petchora 
 on the 17th. Thence he started again to the east. 
 He kept close to the Russian shore, and discovered 
 the strait between Vaigats and the mainland, which 
 is therefore called Pet Strait. The 19th of July, Pet 
 was in the Kara Sea. But the pack was again as 
 close as it had been in Burrough's time, and it was 
 impossible to move through it. After five days of 
 vain struggle with that obstinate enemy, Pet was 
 joined by his companion, Jackman, who had also 
 found his way into the Sea of Kara. The two barks, 
 of forty and twenty tons, now united their eff'orts, 
 and tried to force their way onward to China. Three 
 more days were spent in this vain labour. On the 28th 
 of July Pet and Jackman resolved to return to Vaigats, 
 and then to deliberate on their future proceedings. 
 But they were now in the middle of the pack, some 
 of the floes of which were so large that their boun- 
 dary could not be seen. It required the unremitting 
 labours of seventeen anxious days to carry them back 
 the small distance they had advanced into the Sea of 
 Kara. They reached Vaigats on the 15th of August, 
 and had passed back through Pet Strait by the 20th 
 I < 
 of the same month. Pet reached home on the 26th 
 of December. Jackman wintered in Norway, and 
 perished on his homeward voyage the following spring. 
 This is the last well authenticated English voyage 
 in search of a north-east passage, anterior to those of 
 Hudson in 1607 and 1608. There is, however, strong 
 reason to believe, that before the year 1584 an Eng- 
 lish vessel actually sailed through the Kara Sea 
 and reached the mouth of the Oby, where she suf- 
 fi.';ed shipwreck. The crew are said to have been 
 slain by the natives, who thought them to be robbers. 
 The agents of the Muscovy Company also obtained 
 some extremely interesting information with regard 
 to the routes usually followed by the Russians from 
 the Petchora to the Oby, both along the Russian 
 shore and across Nova Zembla ; and their hope 
 of a passage was maintained, in spite of repeated 
 No actual attempt of theirs is, however, on record, 
 between 1584 and 1607. But almost at the very 
 time when the long lapse of their efforts in this 
 direction begins, another nation appears on the scene, 
 namely, the Dutch. This nation was destined to be, 
 for two hundred years, the rival of England's mari- 
 time power, and their rivalry first began in the frozen 
 seas off Nova Zembla. The explorations which they 
 made there at the end of the sixteenth century 
 are still, and very justly, reckoned among the national 
 glories of the Dutch. Other nations have not failed to 
 acknowledge their title to universal admiration. The 
 Hakluyt Society, in especial, has devoted to them one 
 of its most remarkable volumes. These explr '^tions 
 were the principal lights on Hudson's way to the 
 north-east, and we must therefore again dwell upon 
 them, although they have been so thoroughly inves- 
 tigated by Dr. Beke in the work repeatedly referred 
 AVe have, on a former page, spoken of the tide of 
 emigration from the southern provinces of the Nether- 
 lands, caused by Alba's persecutions. We have also 
 said that many of the most vigorous elements of that 
 stream, after having been scattered over all parts of 
 Europe, gathered again and settled in the northern 
 provinces, especially in Holland and Zealand, when 
 these parts became free from the Spanish yoke. One 
 of the men who thus left Belgium, strayed far abroad, 
 and afterwards went to Holland, was Oliver Brunei, 
 a native of Brussels, whom we meet, in 1580, at the 
 mouth of the river Petchora, bent on the search for 
 a north' east passage. 
 Alba's persecutions began in 1567 and lasted till 
 1573. During the same period, and for several years 
 afterwards, the frontier provinces of Russia and Swe- 
 den were desolated by the fierce contentions between 
 those two empires. The Swedes called to their flags 
 a number of foreigners, mostly, or perhaps all, Pro- 
 testants. Scotch and Germans they were said to be, 
 but under these names there were also comprised 
 adventurers from other countries. Among these 
 probably was Oliver Brunei. He was made a prisoner 
 by the Russians, and had, in 1580, been for several 
 years in the service of two Russian merchants, the 
 one called Yakow, the other Anikyi. A Swedish 
 shipwright, probably also a prisoner, was likewise 
 in the service of these Russians. At that time the 
 factors of the English Muscovy Company were con- 
 tinually making inquiries about the roads to the 
 mouth of the Oby, and beyond it to Cathay. This 
 roused the attention of the Russians, and the two 
 merchants whom we have named hurried to follow 
 the example as soon as the opportunity offered. 
 They employed the skilful prisoners to construct and 
 navigate for them two vessels, fit for sailing in shal- 
 low water. Oliver Brunei, a man, as it seems, of no 
 very high scientific attainments, but of good powers 
 of observation, explored the whole coast of Russia, 
 from the mouth of the Petchora to the mouth of the 
 Oby. He also went to Vaigats and to Nova Zembla 
 Proper. Having thus made himself useful to his 
 masters, he was sent by them to Antwerp to hire a 
 number of clever sailors for further exploration of 
 the north-eastern route. On this journey he arrived, 
 in February, 1581, on the island of Oesel, in the gulf 
 of Livonia. In Arensburg, the capital of that island, 
 there lived a man called John Balak, who was learned 
 in geography. Balak, much interested by Brunei's 
 account, requested him to call on Gerard Mercator, 
 the great geographer, a Belgian by birth, who was 
 living at Duisburg, in Cleves. Mercator had left his 
 home much before Alba's time ; but already well 
 aware that his liberal opinions in matters of religion 
 (he was nominally a Roman Catholic, but iiad singu- 
 lar notions of his own) would expose him to danger. 
 The letter of introduction which Brunei received 
 from Balak was afterwards communicated by Merca- 
 tor to Richard Hakluyt, in whose collection it is to 
 be found. 
 It is not clear whether Brunei ever went to An- 
 twerp for his employers. He may not have known, 
 when he left Russia, that Alexander of Parma had 
 recently made an end to the reign of the friends of 
 independence in Belgium, and that it would, perhaps, 
 be hazardous to return there. However this may be, 
 we afterwards find Brunei connected with the town of 
 Enchuysen, in West Friesland.^ He undertook a 
 voyage to the river Petchora, in a vessel from Enc- 
 huysen. After having collected much valuable 
 merchandize, he lost his ship, and perhaps his life, in 
 the mouth of the river. 
 The town of Enchuysen thus became engaged in 
 the north-eastern scheme. This town chanced to 
 possess at the time a number of distinguished men, 
 who required but an impulse to engage their ideas 
 in this new direction. Among these were Jacob 
 Valck, the treasurer of the town ; Dr. Francis Maelson, 
 the syndic of West Friesland, a man of much geo- 
 graphical learning ; Cornelis Corneliszoon Nai, also 
 called Menscheter, or Anthropophagus, a seaman of 
 considerable experience ; and several other seamen, 
 whom we shall have occasion to notice. Distinguished 
 before all his fellow citizens was Jan Huighen van 
 Linschoten, whose great work on the East Indies is 
 * West Friesland borders on Holland, and forms part of the 
 same province ; it may almost be considered as a part of Holland, 
 still a standard book in public and private libraries. 
 Linschoten lived for years in the Portuguese posses- 
 sions in the east, and made himself thoroughly ac- 
 quainted with their resources. He, better than any 
 one else, was able to understand how great an advan- 
 tage it would be for any country to enter into com- 
 mercial connection with those opulent regions. 
 The northern provinces of the Netherlands, so 
 small a spot on the map of Europe, had at that time 
 much more than their own share of energy, intelli- 
 gence, and riches. The exiles from Belgium and 
 other refugees were crowded together in their new 
 home, and were anxiously seeking a vent for their 
 pent up energies. Such a vent the north-eastern 
 scheme afforded. In the chief towns of Holland and 
 Zealand two men arose, both Belgian emigrants, who 
 led the minds of their fellow citizens towards these 
 ideas. Dalthasar de Moucheron, an Antwerp mer- 
 chant, settled in Middelburg, the capital of Zealand, 
 had long been trading with Russia. The route to 
 the White Sea was familiar to his captains and pilots. 
 The above-mentioned Enchuysen sailors were all in 
 his service. He also communicated with Maelson 
 and Valck, and between these men the plan of a 
 north-eastern expedition was brought to maturity. 
 At Amsterdam there lived the celebrated geographer 
 Peter Plancius, the very centre of the Belgian emi- 
 gration, an ardent Calvinist preacher and divine, and 
 one of the great geographical scholars of the age. 
 He, before all others, formed with deliberate inten- 
 tion the design of crippling the Spanish power by 
 rival commerce, and for that purpose he founded at 
 Amsterdam a school of navigation, in which the 
 heroes of the northern and of the first eastern voy- 
 ages of the Dutch acquired the greater part of their 
 theoretical knowledge. The most distinguished 
 among his pupils were Willem Barents and Jacob 
 van Heemskerk, the Davis and the Drake of Holland. 
 It was in the year 159J: that these movements 
 yielded their first great result. Moucheron and his 
 Enchuysen friends fitted out two vessels, the Stvan, 
 from Ter Ver, in Zealand ; the Mercurij, from En- 
 chuysen. Both were commanded by Enchuysen men; 
 the Swan^ by Cornclis Nai, who had as under-pilot 
 Pieter Strickbolle. With them went, as Mouche- 
 ron's commercial agent, Francois de la Dale, a rela- 
 tive of Moucheron, who had resided several years 
 in Russia ; and as interpreter a Slavonian, named 
 Splindler, who had been studying at Leyden. The 
 Merciirij was commanded by Brant Tetgales, with 
 Claes Cornelizoon as mate, both of Enchuysen. Jan 
 Pluyghen van Linschoten accompanied them as 
 " commis,"^ or coopman, filling, on board the Mer- 
 ^ The signification of this word seems not to be generally under- ^ 
 stood. Even Dr. Beke has been somewhat unjust towards Hul- ' 
 sius, because he supposes him to have translated it very incorrectly. 
 The title commis, and the identical one of coopman, is generally ' 
 translated supercargo. This is correct enough in one sense, though 
 very incorrect in another. The functions of a commis were prin- 
 cipally commercial, but his position was infinitely superior to that 
 of a supercargo of the present day. When ships were sent out to 
 open commercial intercourse with foreign nations, the men who were 
 specially charged with these ncgociations held necessarily a high rank 
 cury^ the same position which De la Dale held on 
 board the Swan. Peter Planciiis and his friends at 
 Amsterdam roused the public spirit in that city, and 
 the Amsterdammers likewise fitted out a vessel for 
 the north-eastern search, under the command of 
 Plancius' pupil, Willem Barents. 
 The vessels under the two Enchuysen men, and 
 that from Amsterdam, sailed together from home 
 and returned home together ; still the two expedi- 
 tions may almost be considered as distinct, so different 
 were the plans which they followed. Maelson and his 
 friends seem to have been intent on adopting in 
 every respect the indications of Oliver Brunei. They 
 instructed the two Enchuysen captains to sail through 
 Pet Strait, between the mainland of Russia and Vai- 
 gats ; then along the coast of the Sea of Kara, and 
 in the expedition. Generally they had full powers from their govern- 
 ment, and were diplomatic as well as commercial agents. They 
 were neither the subordinates of the skipper, nor absolutely his 
 superiors. Each disposed of the resources of the ship for the 
 special business with which he was entrusted ; the skipper on sea, 
 the commis in port. The noble nature of the men employed on 
 the arctic expeditions prevented the else almost unavoidable con- 
 flicts between these two kinds of authority. Linschoten and Tet- 
 gales, Nai and De la Dale, Heemskerk and Barents, always agreed. 
 But during the voyage where Cornelis Houtman was commis on 
 board the Hollandia, there was a long scries of struggles be- 
 tween the two authorities. Cornelis Houtman was at last, by 
 general consent, made captain of the whole fleet. This fact, with 
 which Hulsius was acquainted, seems to have induced him to 
 translate Linschoten's title of commis by Ohcrster ; a translation 
 which is not quite correct when applied to Linschoten, but not by 
 any means so erroneous as Dr. Beke seems to think. 
 then to the Oby. Plancius, on the other hand, 
 must have known that the English had repeat- 
 edly tried that road without success. He consi- 
 dered it as impracticable, and liis pupil was in- 
 structed to sail along the Nova Zembla group, then 
 to round it by the north-east, and thus to reach 
 Cathay. Each party followed its own instructions. 
 They all sailed together to Kilduyn, on the Lapland 
 coast, where they separated. The Enchuysen captains 
 then took their course through Pet Strait, which they 
 named Nassau Strait, as if it had been a new discovery 
 of their own. They now found even the strait pestered 
 with ice, and had some difficulty in penetrating through 
 it. Still greater were their difficulties in the Sea of 
 Kara. After a vain attempt to follow their instructions 
 literally and to keep the coast in sight, they had to 
 return to the strait. Thence they afterwards started 
 again, induced by the promising aspect of the ice, 
 and in fact succeeded in crossing the Sea of Kara 
 in a north-easterly direction. They mistook Kara 
 Bay for the mouth of the river Oby, and tried to 
 convince themselves and others that they had sailed 
 beyond that river. Satisfied wdth that imaginary result, 
 and unable to penetrate any further, they returned. 
 Near the Russian coast they met Willem Barents, who 
 had also followed his instructions. He had sailed along 
 the whole of the Nova Zembla group, had rounded 
 its north-eastern point, and had reached a cluster of 
 islands, called by him the Orange Islands, off the 
 north-eastern extremity. This exploit has never been 
 repeated, except afterwards by Barents himself. The 
 northern and north-eastern parts of Nova Zembla are 
 yet laid down from his surveys. Still, when the two 
 parties arrived at home, it Avas to the men from 
 Enchnysen that the greater success was attributed ; 
 simply because they advocated their claims more 
 loudly and more eloquently, and because Linschoten, 
 Nai, and their friends, possessed much more weight 
 than Plancius and his pupils, who were sneered at 
 as theorists. 
 The reports brought home by the Zeeland and 
 Enchuysen ships caused a general commotion through- 
 out the country. It was now thought certain, that 
 China could be reached by a north-eastern route ; and 
 a much larger venture was made than the former 
 one. Seven ships were fitted out, with the assistance 
 of the government ; two from Amsterdam, two from 
 Zealand, two from Enchuysen, one from Rotterdam. 
 The command of the whole fleet was entrusted to 
 Nai. Barents commanded the two Amsterdam ves- 
 sels. The .ships sailed by the same route, which had 
 so often been followed without success. Thcv entered 
 the Kara Sea through Vaigats Straits. After a 
 protracted struggle with the ice, they were obliged to 
 ret'irn without even having made any new discoveries. 
 Moucheron and the Enchuysen men now wisely 
 gave up the scheme, as one which could not produce 
 any satisfactory result. But the hopes of the nation 
 had been too much roused to die away at once. Plan- 
 cius, at Amsterdam, especially, thought that a fair 
 trial had not been given to his plan of sailing much 
 farther north than the Enchuysen and Zealand men 
 liad done. Barents was of the same opinion. Their 
 friends at Amsterdam supported them, perhaps in 
 some degree from opposition to Enchuysen and Mid- 
 delburg. But the government were unwilling again 
 to risk the resources of a new and dangerously placed 
 community, and refused to grant them any assist- 
 ance. They afforded them, however, some encourage- 
 ment in a new manner, which has since been success- 
 fully imitated in England. Large rewards were pro- 
 mised to any vessel that would accomplish the voyage 
 to China by the north-east. This was sufficient to 
 induce moneyed men to risk their property, sailors to 
 risk their lives, on this adventure. 
 Two vessels were fitted out at Amsterdam, the one 
 under Jacob van Heemskerk and Willem Barents, 
 the other under John Cornells Kyp. Both vessels left 
 Amsterdam the iOtli of May, 1596. In the begin- 
 ning of June, shortly after they had passed the North 
 Cape, disputes arose between Ryp and Barents. Ryp ' 
 would not sail towards the north point of Nova Zem- 
 bla, but kept a more north-western course ; peihaps [ 
 with the intention of steerin"; straight across the ' ! 
 North Pole, perhaps merely from opposition to 
 Barents. Barents followed Ryp, and their course 
 brought them to Bear Island, in latitude 74° 80', 
 longitude 18° 40', which they discovered on the 9th ol 
 June. Their voyage from the 9th to the 30th is not 
 very clearly indicated in the logbook. Indeed, as it is 
 there described it is impossible. ' According to Dr. 
 Beke's and Mr. Peterman's interpretation, they sailed 
 round Spitzbergen from south-east to north-west, 
 then to the west, and at last back to Bear Island 
 from north-west to south-east. This feat seems highly 
 improbable, and no one but these enthusiastic ad- 
 mirers of Barents ever imagined it. According to 
 the opinion of all other writers, Barents and Ryp 
 explored merely the western side of Spitzbergen up 
 to its most northern point, and perhaps a very small 
 part of the northern shore. Then they returned to 
 Bear Island. This view of the case is borne out by 
 the almost contemporary map of Hondius, which 
 forms part of the present collection. 
 Hondius' map was specially intended as an illustra- 
 tion of the voyage under review. Its statements 
 were, at least tacitly, accepted as correct by Plancius 
 and others, who had means of knowing the facts of 
 the case.^ After their return to Bear Island, the 1st 
 of July, Ryp and Barents separated ; Hyp to renew 
 the search fro^ii the north-west of Spitzbergen east- 
 ward, Barents to round the northern point of Nova 
 Zembla, as he was ordered to do ; of Hyp's fur- 
 ther proceedings, no satisfactory account remains. 
 Barents succeeded, on the 15th of August, in round- 
 ing the north-point, and in sailing a short distance to 
 the south-east. But the ice of the Kara Sea soon 
 ^ See the map : Tabula Geogr. in qua ndmirandee navigatioiiis 
 cursiis et recursus cleHujnatur, The admiranda navigatio is Barents' 
 third voyage, the course of which is indicated on the map. The 
 work in which the map first appeared, Pontamis' Description of 
 Amsterdam, was first .published in 1611; a Dutch translation, 
 loith the same majjs, appeared in 1614. Pontanus himself had paid 
 very considerable attention to northern discoveries, and was one 
 of the most strenuous advocates of the north-eastern passage. 
 arrested his progress. On the 2Cth of August, he 
 had to seek refuge on the north-eastern coast of 
 Nova Zembla ; and unable either to advance or to 
 return through the ice, he was obliged to winter in 
 this dreary region. Entirely unprepared for so highly 
 dangerous an undertaking, both he and his crew had 
 to undergo the severest sufferings, to whicli Barents 
 succumbed the 20th of June, 1597. The return 
 voyage of the crew under the able command of Jacob 
 Heemskerk, is a deservedly celebrated adventure, 
 which, however, offers no new fact of geographical 
 No more north-eastern expeditions were under- 
 taken before the year 1607. The history both of 
 the north-western and north-eastern search has thus 
 been brouglit down to Hudson's tim_e. We have 
 now to sum up the result of all these expeditions, 
 and to see when and by whom the various coasts had 
 been discovered and explored. Afterwards we shall 
 have to inquire how the geographical results gained 
 by these voyages presented themselves to the minds 
 of Hudson and of his contemporaries. The voyages 
 which we have recorded were nearly all directed to 
 the arctic regions. In summing them up, we shall 
 have to wander half round the North Pole. It seems 
 best to begin where our review of the voyages ended, 
 namely, on the north-eastern extremity of Europe. 
 The Nova Zembla (/roup and the adjoining waters 
 had formed the scene of frequent voyages. Some of 
 the mariners had penetrated into the Sea of Kara, 
 and had fought glorious battles against its redoubt- 
 able icefields. Oliver Brunei had, about 1580, even 
 passed beyond the Kara Sea, exploring the Rus- 
 sian shore on the land side, from the mouth of the 
 Petchora to the mouth of the Oby. A still more 
 extraordinary feat is recorded of an English vessel, 
 which, about the same period, performed the voyage 
 from the Petchora to the Oby by sea. The eastern 
 shore of the Kara Sea had, besides, been touched by 
 the Enchuysen and Zeeland vessels of the first Dutch 
 expedition in 1594. These are the explorations in 
 the southern and south-eastern part of the Kara Sea. 
 Its northern, or rather north-western, part had been 
 entered in 1594, and still farther in 1596, by William 
 Barents. Thus a part of the south-eastern and of 
 the north-eastern shores of Nova Zembla had been 
 visited. The remaining part of the east coast had 
 never been touched by Europeans. The only navi- 
 gable strait between the islands, that between Nova 
 Zembla Proper and Vaigats, had been discovered by 
 Burrough in 1556. The strait between Vaigats and 
 the Russian coast had become perfectly familiar both 
 to the English and the Dutch. It had been disco- 
 vered by Pet and Jackman in 1580, and about the 
 same time by Brunei. Nine Dutch vessels passed 
 through it in 1594 and 1595. Some vague know- 
 ledge of other straits and bays had also been acquired, 
 mostly by indirect information. The west coast 
 of Nova Zembla had been visited, in its northern 
 part, by Burrough and Pet, in its southern part by 
 Barents, who had also rounded the northern point, 
 and had, as already stated, entered the Kara Sea by 
 the north-cast. He liad thcro discovered the Orange 
 Ishmds, off the north-east coast of Nova Zembla. 
 The whole Russian coast, along the Spitzbergen 
 and White Sea, had frequently been visited. Kolguev 
 Island, west of the Petchora, had been touched by 
 most of the eastward bound mariners. The group of 
 inhospitable islands on the boundary line of eternal 
 ice, between 80° and 76", which we call SpiLvhcrgcn^ 
 had been found in 1596, and the western shores of 
 the two western islands had been explored. In the 
 same year, 1596, Bear Island, south of the western 
 islands of the S[)itzbergen group, had been touched 
 on its western, and again on its eastern side. 
 Iceland, the next country we fall in with, had been 
 colonized by the ancient Scandinavians. In more 
 recent times, it had very frequently been visited by 
 Englishmen and other mariners from the south, 
 though the expeditions which we have narrated had 
 not touched it, because it lies out of the track both 
 of the north-western and the north-eastern search. 
 Two vessels, dispatched on this special service by 
 Davis in 1586, had sought for a passage to the North 
 Pole between Iceland and Greenland, and had thus 
 sailed along the east side of the great arctic con- 
 tinent. They had, however, not touched Greenland 
 Greenland had been colonized, on its eastern side, 
 by the Scandinavians. These colonies had been lost, 
 and their inhabitants had perhaps not even left 
 any descendants. They seem to have been visited 
 by John of Kolno, in 1476, and in the sixteenth 
 II '' 
 i f 
 century by their bishops and by Blefkenius. No 
 recent navigator had touched any part of the east- 
 ern shore, except near the southern point. John 
 Davis explored the south-eastern coast of Green- 
 land, between 60° and 61°. He also rounded the 
 southern point, and sailed up along the western side 
 to about 61°. This portion of the west coast had also 
 been touched by Frobisher, ten years before Davis. 
 Between 61° and 64° the west coast had never been 
 seen since the time of the Scandinavians. From 64° 
 up to 73° it had been surveyed by Davis in 1585, 
 1586, and 1587. 
 Davis' Slrait had first been crossed by the ancient 
 Scandinavians, at a very remote period. It had again 
 been discovered by Sebastian Cabot in 1517. The 
 American side of Davis' Strait was known to the 
 Scandinavians. Cabot also found it when he entered 
 the strait in 1517. The shore between 64° and 
 67° 30' is laid down upon his map. Davis had 
 reached nearly the same latitude, at least within a 
 degree. He had also explored the whole American 
 coast down to 52°, had entered three of the inlets: 
 Cumberland Inlet in 63° ; Davis' Inlet in bQ° ; Ivuc- 
 toke Inlet in 54° 30' ; he had also surveyed the 
 mouths of Frobisher's and of Hudson's Straits. 
 Frobisher s Strait and the surrounding islands had 
 been found by the seaman whose name the strait bears. 
 Hudson's Strait had been disco veied by Sebastian 
 Cabot in 1498. The Portuguese had sailed through 
 it and had become acquainted with part of Hudson's 
 Bay between 1558 and 1569. In 1577 Frobisher 
 had by chance entered the strait. In 1602 Wey- 
 mouth had sailed nearly a hundred leagues into it, 
 from Ilatton's Headland to the neighbourhood of 
 Hope's Advance Bay. 
 The whole east coast of North America from 38° 
 north to the mouth of Hudson's Strait, had been 
 surveyed by Sebastian Cabot in 1498, and part of 
 it before, in 1497, by his father and him. Others 
 had rediscovered various parts. Thus the east of 
 Newfoundland had been explored by Cortereal in 
 1501 ; the south coast, by some fishers from Nor- 
 mandy and Brittany in 1504 and 1508. The mouth 
 of the St. Lawrence had also been visited by Corte- 
 real and by these French mariners. The river, nearly 
 up to the lakes, and all the surrounding country, had 
 been thoroughly explored by Jacques Cartier in 1534 
 and 1535, and afterwards by Roberval and Cartier. 
 The sandhanJcs near the mouth of the St. Latv- 
 rence, and the fishing stations along the Newfound- 
 land coast, were frequented by the English, Portu- 
 guese, French, and Spaniards. From the mouth of 
 the St. Lawrence down to 38° of latitude various ' { 
 navigators had explored the coasts. Verazzano, in 
 1524, sailed from latitude 34° to latitude 50°, always 
 along the shore. Gomez, in 1525, explored the coast 
 of Rhode Island, New York, and New Jersey. Both 
 Verazzano and Gomez found the mouth of Hudson 
 River. The Spaniards afterwards sailed along that 
 shore, and marked some of its principal points as con- 
 venient stations. Two of the islands along the same 
 coast were also found ; Martha's Vineyard (which the 
 ancient Scandinavians are also said to have visited) 
 by Vcrazzano ; Nantucket by the Spaniards. 
 It docs not belong to our purpose to proceed any 
 further. But we may observe, that on the west side 
 of North America, the whole coast, from the isthmus 
 up to 45°, had been explored by the Spaniards. It 
 had also been satisfiictorily ascertained that no strait 
 or passa(;e across America exists, between the Strait 
 of Magellan and the regions of which we have spoken. 
 When thus reviewing the labours of the early 
 navigators, we may well admire the activity that had 
 been displayed during the first century of modern 
 exploration. We must not, however, suppose that 
 these navigators had acquired a complete knowledge 
 of the conformation of the coasts explored by them, 
 and had communicated this knowledge to their con- 
 temporaries, making it the common property of the 
 civilized world. Had they been able and willing to 
 do this, little would have been left for after times to 
 accomplish. But their method and means of obser- 
 vation were very different from those which have 
 since been developed, and the narrow and selfish ten- 
 dencies of the age led to secresy and isolation. The 
 immediate results which they themselves obtained, 
 though doubtless of the very greatest importance, were 
 not nearly so satisfactory as would be imagined by any 
 one not acquainted with the state of science in those 
 times. The principal obstacle against which all the 
 early geographers had to struggle, was the impossi- 
 bility of observing longitudes. This difficulty has 
 not even yet been completely conquered, and we find 
■-- ■ ^' 
 in this respect very considerable discrepancies between 
 the surveys of different navigators of the present day. 
 But in those times longitudes were hardly calculated 
 at all. Many journals of early voyages, those of 
 Hudson among others, do not contain a single indi- 
 cation of longitudes. Davis made one or two calcu- 
 lations of this kind ; yet even he committed such 
 mistakes, that he was wrong by at least ten degrees. 
 The nearest approach to correct longitudes is to be 
 found in some of Sebastian Cabot's surveys. He 
 himself affirmed that these calculations were based 
 on his observations of the variation of the needle ; 
 but his assertion can hardly be strictly true. His ex- 
 perience, great though it was, cannot have furnished 
 him with a sufficient number of facts to base upon 
 them complete and satisfactory conclusions with re- 
 gard to this absorbing question. As regards his sys- 
 tem itself, he has left a few vague indications, which 
 prove that he had observed the dip of the needle as 
 well as its variation, and had tried to account for both. 
 But how the system which he had formed could enable 
 him to calculate the longitude of the mouth of Hud- 
 son's Strait correctly, within one or two degrees, as he 
 has done, cannot well be explained. Perhaps this 
 correctness was obtained merely by chance. 
 However this may be, Cabot certainly did not im- 
 part any such knowledge to others, and even now the 
 navigator is unable to ascertain longitudes by the 
 variation and dip of the needle. As regards lati- 
 tudes, the system of calculating them is so simjile, 
 that we find nearly correct observations made in tlic 
 very earliest times. Still the imperfect state of the 
 instruments which the early navigators made use of 
 caused mistakes of several minutes to be committed in 
 perhaps every instance. Errors even of half a degree 
 can be distinctly proved. Besides, in the high lati- 
 tudes, it was often for days impossible to make any 
 observations, on account of the almost permanent 
 clouds and fogs. Then we have only the dead reckon- 
 ing left, which is perfectly unreliable in a region noted 
 for its strong, varying, and often unaccountable cur- 
 rents. These were not the only obstacles to correct 
 geographical knowledge. The modern discoveries 
 could only be regarded as improvements upon the 
 ancient stock of information. The vague indications 
 of classic and mediaeval writers had, as we have above 
 stated, been made the foundation for geographical sys- 
 tems, for maps and charts, in which as implicit faith 
 was placed, in spite of mutual contradictions, as we 
 now place in our best surveys. These mediaeval de- 
 lineations could not fail to exercise their influence on 
 modern geography. There are also to be found, on 
 the maps of the sixteenth century, such territories as 
 the Island of Demons^ and other fantastic lands. From 
 all these discordant elements, and under these dis- 
 advantages, the maps that were current in Hudson's 
 time had been made up. Before we enter upon our 
 review of these delineations, we must state who were 
 the men to whom they are due. 
 The modern system of map making may be said 
 to have originated in Belgium, about the year 1550. 
 It is a combination of two different methods, both of 
 which had sprung up during the memorable period 
 which forms the transition from the middle ages to 
 the modern era. The intellectual movement of that 
 epoch had, among other new births, also produced the 
 first majis and the first charts. These two kinds of 
 geographical delineations were, in the beginning, as 
 different from each other as they both differed from 
 the rude geographical drawings of the middle ages. 
 The maps were the work of landsmen, the charts almost 
 exclusively of seamen.^ There were also other con- 
 siderable differences between the maps and charts. 
 The maps answered purposes somewhat similar to 
 those forwhich maps of towns are now designed. They 
 were confined to limited tracts of country, and were 
 intended to show the relative positions of well-known 
 cities, villages, rivers, and mountains. Degrees of 
 latitude and longitude were not strictly needed, and 
 were also not to be found in them. They were all 
 isolated productions, without any connexion or har- 
 mony among them. These maps had already be- 
 come very numerous ; in 1570 nearly a hundred had 
 been engraved ; many more were then probably in ' » ^ 
 manuscript. The charts, on the contrary, embraced 
 an immense expanse of sea and land. Few of them 
 could be the isolated productions of single geogra- 
 phers, for they necessarily were based on collections 
 of various materials. In Portugal and Spain, the 
 two principal countries to which we owe the import- 
 ant early charts, the profession of making them was 
 ' This observation, and some of the following details, arc due 
 to M. Lclcwel's Gcoyrapfiie du Moyen Aye. 
 a privilege confined to a few highly placed indivi- 
 duals, who were bound to secresy. They received 
 from the arriving explorers such new communica- 
 tions as might serve to correct the charts, and they 
 made admirable use of their opportunities. Such men 
 as D-L la Cosa, Sebastian Cabot, Ribeiro, Homem, are 
 among the Spanish and Portuguese chart makers. 
 Their position was similar to that now held by the 
 hydrographers to the European and American admi- 
 ralties. In France the position of chart maker seems 
 not to have been an official one ; yet there are also 
 some great names among those of the French who 
 followed this occupation.^ These hydrographers of 
 the sixteenth century were mostly seamen. Their 
 works consist principally of two kinds, planispheres, 
 and the so-called ijortolwu. Both of them were still, 
 in many parts, based upon the system of Ptolemy, 
 of which they professed to be improvements. The 
 planispheres were laid down upon somewhat uncer- 
 tain principles of projection. The same may be said 
 of the portolani^ which corresponded in their charac- 
 ter, and even, in some respects, in their execution, 
 with the sea atlases which the Dutch produced in 
 the seventeenth century. The jportolani consist of 
 several charts, the first of which generally are plani- 
 spheres. Afterwa^'ds follow charts of single coun- 
 tries, or of tracts of coast. Sometimes the soundings 
 ' The French charts have the merit of uniting the information 
 furnished by various nations. They arc, perhaps, more important 
 tho'i any other class as sources for the history of geography. Some 
 intercisting facts with regard to early Frencli charts are to be found 
 in Mr. Major's recent work on Australia. 
 are given. A history of geographical science may be 
 traced by the comparison of these charts, wliich ex- 
 ercised considerable influence upon each other. Most 
 important in that respect are two delineations, of 
 ^vhicll \ve may be allowed to speak in some detail. 
 The first of them is the planisphere of Diego E-ibeiro, 
 geographer to Charles V. This great work furnished 
 the foundation for nearly all the later delineations 
 of America. It was composed in 1529; an earlier 
 draught of 1527 is also in existence; but there the 
 outline of the New World is much less correct. In 
 all the early charts which we have been able to com- 
 pare with that of Ribeiro,^ America is either copied 
 from it, with or without improvements, or at least 
 large sections from Hibciro are inserted. This is 
 especially the case with regard to the neighbourhood 
 of Hudson's lliver, a region laid down by Ribciro 
 from Estevan Gomez' survey, and which has been 
 copied from him by all the early map makers whose 
 works we have been able to confront with his plani- 
 sphere, with the only exception of Lok, whose out- 
 line of the same region is taken from a manuscript 
 chart of Verazzano. 
 The other chart we were going to speak of, that of 
 Sebastian Cabot, is also a planisphere. It was first 
 published in 1544, with a text in Latin and Spanish; 
 afterwards again in 1549, with a reprint of tlie Latin 
 text. Much later, probably after Cabot's death, a 
 copy was made by Clement Adams, in which the 
 ' Wc have not been able to compare Sebastian Cabot's map 
 ■with it. 
 Latin text is corrupted, and a simple and not inele- 
 gant style turned into a bombastic and unbearable 
 one. If we can at all trust the descriptions given of 
 some parts of that chart by "VVilles and Gilbert, the 
 chart itself must likewise have been altered, for 
 their details are in flat contradiction with the 1544 
 edition, a copy of which is preserved in Paris. These 
 alterations exercised a very considerable influence on 
 the scheme of the north-western search, as we have 
 had occasion to notice. The charts^ almost without 
 exception, and especially those of Ribeiro and Cabot, 
 have both latitudes and longitudes. Little reliance 
 can be placed in the longitudes. 
 It was by a combination of the early maps and the 
 early charts, that some Belgian scholars of the six- 
 teenth century founded the modern system of map 
 making. Placed, as they were, in the centre of trade, 
 and in a country eminent both in art and industry, 
 they were best able to undertake this mission. The 
 first notable man who distinguished himself in this 
 manner was the Frisian Gemma, who passed nearly 
 the whole of his life in Belgium. His works are, 
 however, of no importance for our subject. Far 
 more celebrated and of real importance for us, are 
 his two great successors, Gerard Mercator and Abra- 
 ham Ortelius, whose method, like that of Gemma, 
 consisted in the combination and arrangement of the 
 various geographical materials which they procured 
 from all parts of Europe, paying an equal attention 
 to charts and to maps. The works of Ortelius and 
 Mercator that come under our consideration, are the 
 great planisphere, In imim naviganthim^ published by 
 INIercator in 1569, and the maps of America and 
 Asia, which form part of Ortelius' Orlis tcrrariim, 
 first published in 1570. Of these we shall presently 
 have occasion to speak. We must, however, first 
 conclude our observations on the maps and charts 
 available when Hudson sailed, by mentioning the 
 last and most important class. Ilndson's imme- 
 diate predecessors in the arctic search, Frobisher, 
 Davis, Linschnten and Barents, had, during their 
 voyages, not only made the usual written notes, but 
 had also made draughts of the coasts they had ex- 
 plored. Frobisher's draught had been published 
 with one of the accounts of his voyage. Davis' 
 sketch iiad been inserted in the celebrated Molyneux 
 globe, which is mentioned by Hakluyt, and of which 
 there is still a copy in existence in the library of the 
 Middle Temple. Linschoten's illustrations of Vai- 
 gats Strait and southern Nova Zembla adorned his , 
 descriptions of the two first arctic voyages of the 
 Dutch. Barents' chart of Nova Zembla appeared in , ! 
 the account of his voyages, and he seems also to have 
 left a sketch of Spitzbergen, which Hondius after- 
 wards made use of. 
 Having now become familiar with the geographical 
 delineations at Hudson's disposal, we are able to ex- 
 amine them as it were with his own eyes, and to see 
 what he found in them. In doing so we shall avail 
 ourselves of the two charts in the present work, 
 the one of which w^as drawn by Jodocus Hondius in 
 1611, the other by Hudson himself in 1610 and 1611. 
 They do not embrace all the coasts which wo sliall 
 have to travel over, and \\c must, for the rest, refer the 
 reader to other sources. As far as the two cliarts do 
 reach, they furnish a true and plastic expression of 
 Hudson's geographical notions. 
 Hudson's ideas, as far at least as they are known, 
 were all concentrated on the searcli for a short nortli- 
 ern route to China. If we, therefore, wish to identify 
 ourselves with him in exanuning the geographical 
 delineations that were at his dis[)osal, we must, in 
 doing so, always keep in view the chances of a north- 
 eastern or north-western passage, wliicli these maps 
 and charts seemed to promise. AVe must principally 
 bear in mind that both the north-eastern and the 
 north-western passage are in reality impracticable, 
 and that only mistaken notions with regard to the 
 conformation of the arctic shores could lead to hopes 
 of realizing these schemes. 
 AVhen we compare the chart of Ilondius in our 
 collection with a modern map, we find nowhere 
 greater discrepancies than in the nnrth-cast. These 
 discrepancies are the worthier of notice, as they ex- 
 actly re})resent Hudson's mistakes, and explain why 
 he thought the north-eastern passage possible. Hon- 
 dius' delineation of those parts is so erroneous, that 
 a minute comparison with a modern map could not 
 be seriously undertaken. The two most striking 
 errors are, however, these. He places, in latitude 
 73°, a promontory called Cape Tabin^ for the exist- 
 ence of which, according to Hondius' statement, 
 Pliny is the only authority. Hondius adds, that the 
 real situatior. of Capo Tabin is unknown, and that 
 its existence is iir.iirobable. " According to the most 
 recent information," says he, " that has been brouglit 
 from China, it seems likely that Asia does not reach 
 farther northward than to the fiftieth degree of lati- 
 tude." Now, in reality, there are two capes close to 
 each other in the region where Cape Tabin is here 
 placed, namely. Cape Taimur, about 75" 30', and Cape 
 Severo-Vostochnoi, about 78°. The whole north coast 
 of Siberia, with the only exception of its most east- , 
 ern part, lies above the seventieth degree of latitude. 
 So there is in Hundius' estimates a mistake of twenty- 
 eiglit degrees as regards the most northern point, and 
 a mistake of twenty degrees as regards the general 
 line of coast of Siberia. 
 Hudson's mistakes with respect to these regions 
 were perhaps not so exaggerated. His ideas were , 
 most probably in conformity with those of Mercator 
 and Ortelius, who place Cape Tabin even farther i 
 north than Cape Taimur really lies. Beyond Cape 
 Tabin there is, however, even in their maps, no , I 
 serious obstacle for an eastward bound vessel. The ,, ' 
 coast slopes rapidly southwards to Japan and China, j 
 and the whole difficulty of the north-eastern passage 
 seems therefore conquered when once Cape Tabin is 
 passed. This notion, which is almost as erroneous 
 as that which Hondius entertained, was undoubtedly 
 shared by Hudson.^ 
 The second glaring mistake consists in the erro- 
 ' Hudson calls Cape Tabin the North Cape of Tartary ; Ortelius 
 calls it Promontoritim Scythicum. See p. 36, note 1. 
 neous situation of the mouth of the Oh>/. This river 
 was generally considered as a kind of first stage in 
 the north-eastern search, and to reach or pass it was 
 justly thought a great achievement. Now Linschoten 
 and his companions had spread the erroneous notion 
 that the mouth of the Oby is situated in the bottom of 
 Kara Bay, at a small distance from the south of 
 Nova Zembla. The mouth of the Oby seemed, there- 
 fore, to be in a recess, which need not be touched by 
 the navigator on his way to the east. This error has 
 been adopted by Hondius. Hudson also shared it, 
 as appears clearly from an observation in the de- 
 scription of his second voyage.^ 
 The place where the Oby empties itself into the 
 Arctic Ocean lies, however, in reality three or four 
 degrees eastward from the Sea of Kara, and five de- 
 grees farther north than the bottom of that sea. It 
 is separated from the Kara Sea by a peninsula, which 
 none of the early navigators was able to double, al- 
 though many attempted it. One of the most diflficult 
 parts of the road to the east was thus suppressed in 
 the intelligence which Hudson received. Had he 
 known how much the geographers were mistaken with 
 regard to these two points, he would scarcely have 
 wasted so ranch of his energies on his hopeless under- 
 We now leave the extreme east of Hondius' map 
 and proceed westward. AVe arrive at the northern 
 shore of Russia, the outline of which Hondius seems 
 to have borrowed from Ortelius, who again had ob- 
 ^ P. 36, the passage to which note 1 refers. 
 taincd it from one of tlic ciuly maps wo have been 
 speaking of. This outline, though of course fiiulty, 
 is yet far from being so incorrect as to give rise to 
 serious errors. Hudson, moreover, never visited this 
 To the north of the Kussian coast we perceive, on 
 Ilondius' chart, the Nova Zcmhla group. \\c have 
 aheady called attention to the fact, that the ice in the 
 Sea of Kara had prevented the exploration of the 
 greater part of the east coast of Nova Zembla. 'V\n% 
 explains the want of a coast line on that side.^ There 
 are, besides, some other momentous defects in this 
 delineation, which is a reduced copy of the above- 
 mentioned chart of Nova Zembla left by Willem 
 Barents. The principal defect is that Nova Zembla 
 appears as one island, not as a group of islands with 
 straits between them. The frozen straits north and 
 south of Matthew's Land are not even indicated. I 
 Burrough's Strait appears as a bay (St. Laurent's « 
 Bay.) On the other hand a real bay, that of Kostin 
 Shar (here called Kostintsarck) looks like a partly 
 explored strait. If we would understand Hudson's < 
 second voyage, we must not lose sight of the fact that <i 
 he used this outline of the Nova Zembla coast, which 
 had found its way not only into the most approved 
 Dutch, but also into the most accredited English 
 geographical draughts, such as, for instance, the cele- 
 brated Molyneux globe. It appeared to Hudson that 
 there were only three chances of passing Nova Zem- 
 bla, namely, by the north, by the south, and, perhaps^ 
 ^ This coast line has not even yet been completed. 
 f » 
 through Kostin Shar. Knowing how often the at- 
 tempts in the two former directions had failed, he 
 tried a search in the third direction, and then found 
 Barents' mistake. We may, perhaps, here say that, in 
 pointing out the errors of Barents which misled Hud- 
 son, we do not intend to blame the great Dutch navi- 
 gator. The mistakes were unavoidable, as must be 
 seen by any one who has read the narrative of his 
 voyages ; and it is not certain whether the chart 
 which we have been commenting upon is the work 
 of Barents or that of De Veer. 
 Proceeding farther to the west, on Hondius' chart 
 we fall in with two islands, 3fats>jn, in 75°, and 
 Willoughhys Land^ in 72°. Neither of these islands 
 has a real existence. They are, as it were, delu- 
 sive duplicates of Matthew's Land and Nova Zem- 
 bla proper, two of the islands of the Nova Zembla 
 group. These duplicates owe their origin to a 
 delusion, which the impossibility of calculating longi- 
 tudes necessarily engendered. It was, in fact, un- 
 avoidable, that sometimes, at least, the same coast 
 should appear twice in the sLm.8 map, once farther 
 east, once farther west, though in the same latitude. 
 For how could it be proved that two points, both under 
 nearly the same degree, that had been touched by 
 two different vessels, really belonged to the same 
 shore ? Matsyn Island is thus nothing more than a 
 western repetition, a Doppelgiinger, as Germans would 
 say, of Matthew's Land. The latitude is identical, 
 so is also the name. Matsyn is a corruption of the 
 Russian 3Iathugshin (Matthew's). It does not clearly 
 appear when INIatsyn Island was first introduced into 
 maps and charts. 
 WillDughbu s Land is cveii with greater certainty to 
 be considered a kind of western du[)licate of Nova 
 Zeinbla Proper. Tliis has been proved over and over 
 again by recent writers, the most satisfactorily by 
 INIr. Uundall.^ On tlie chart wliich Hudson used 
 during- liis second voyage, '>Villoughby's Land seems 
 to have been laid down in the same latitude as it is 
 here, but somewhat nearer to the coast of Nova /em- 
 bla. Hudson had some doubts with regard to the 
 correctness of this information, but he wit's certainly 
 very far from imagining how extraordinary a tlieory 
 would soon spring up, to be made use of in a note to 
 his words in the printed copy of his journal. " AVil- 
 loughby's Land," says Purchas in his note, " a con- 
 ceit of cardmAers, it seeming to be no other than 
 Newland."^ Purchas is as much mistaken as the 
 cardmaJcers. The idea that the country discovered by 
 Willoughby in 15j3 is Ncwland (Spitzbergen), did 
 not, however, originate with Purchas. Its origin 
 must be placed between the years 1608 and 1G13. 
 At the time of Hudson's second vo) age, in 1608, a 
 notion similar to the one expressed on Hondius' 
 chart still prevailed in England. In 1613 the new 
 notion that Willoughby had discovered Spitzbergen 
 had already become the foundation of the claim of 
 the Muscovy Company to the exclusive right of fisli- 
 1 Introduction to his Vuyugcs to the North-west, edited for the 
 Hakhiyt Society, pp. i-viii. 
 - P. 40, and marginal note to the same page, Ncivland is Spitz- 
 ing along the Spitzbergen coast. The precise date 
 when the discovery was invented seems to have been 
 the year 16 12, and its inventor^ a man named Daniel^ 
 perhaps (?) the poet and historian, Samuel Daniel. 
 To the west of the llussian coast we find on Ilon- 
 dius' chart the northern parts of Scandinavia. No 
 better proof of the progress which geography liad 
 already made could possibly be offered. This nearly 
 correct outline is a combination of various sources, 
 maps and charts. The following points on the shore 
 ^ Willoughby's pretended discovery was got lip to furnish a 
 snfficicnt ground for the English claim to the exclusive possession 
 of the Spit/.bergen fisheries. Tlie abundance of morses and whales 
 near Spitzbergcn had been first pointed out by Hudson in 1607. 
 Three years afterwards, in IGIO, Poole went there to fish for 
 morses. In the following year, 1611, Edge founded the whale 
 fisheries. In 1612 the Dutch made their appearance at these 
 fisheries to have tlicir share in them. In 1613 the English Mus- 
 covy Company obtained a roj-al charter excluding all others, natives 
 and foreigners, from the Spitzbergcn fisheries, on the ground of 
 AVilloughby's pretended discovery. There is every reason to be- 
 lieve that the discovery had been invented for the occasion. The 
 following circumstance points to Daniel as the inventor. In the 
 celebrated Dutch collection of voyages, Begin ende Voortgang von 
 lie Oust Indlsche Cunipayniv, there is a copy of a map of Spits- 
 bergen by Daniel, published in London in 1612. Now the Dutch 
 writers, Hessel Gerritz and Peter Plancius, replied in 161.3 to some 
 English work where the discovery of Spitzbergcn by Willoughby 
 was maintained ; and it is therefore but natural to suppose, that 
 the map of Spitzbergcn of 1612, and the book or writing replied 
 to by the Dutch, had both the same author, namely, Daniel. How- 
 soever this may be, it is certain that the idea originated between 
 Hudson's second voyage (1608) and 1613. Samuel Daniel died 
 in 1619. He is not known to have written about Spitzbergcn, nor 
 about any similar subject. 
 deserve particular notice : Wardhuys (Wardliuus) in 
 Lapland ; the North Kien and North Cape, the two 
 most northern points ; Sanien, an island in latitude 
 69°, which is here placed in latitude 70" (it is gene- 
 rally called Seynam by the early navigators) ; Loftbet, 
 one of the group of islands which we now call Lof- 
 foden Islands, probably from a generalization of the 
 name, which at first belonged only to one of them. 
 All these places are mentioned in Hudsoa's log- 
 North of Scandinavia we find Bear Island, and to 
 the north of Bear Island, Nleiiland (Spitzbergen). 
 Bear Island, or t'Beeren Island, as it is here called, 
 was discovered by Barents in 1590, and visited by 
 Stephen Bennett in 1603. Bennett, claiming a new 
 discovery, gave it a new name, and called it Cherie's 
 Island, after his patron, Francis Cheric. Under the 
 latter name it is known to Hudson. 
 The relative position of Bear Island and Spitzbergen 
 is faulty. Bear Island ought to have been farther east. 
 The error has arisen from a mistake made by Barents 
 and Ilyp in estimating the course they were sailing. 
 The same mistake has also found its way into the de- 
 scription of their voyage, and has induced Dr. Beke 
 and Mr. Petermann to ascribe to them the circumna- 
 vigation of Spitzbergen. 
 The delineation of Bpitzbergen on Hondius' map is, 
 for our purpose, the most important part of it, and for a 
 double reason. A number of passages in the logbook 
 of Hudson's first voyage, prove that he made use of 
 a chart of Spitzbergen. The country had, up to 1607, 
 been visited only once, namely, by Barents and Ryp 
 in 1596; and we have therefore cause to think that 
 there existed but one chart of it, and that Hudson's 
 chart must have been like the one which Hondius 
 has copied. The second point of interest is still 
 stronger. Some of Hudson's own discoveries have 
 been introduced into this part of Hondius' map ; 
 namely, Colin's Cape, Hakluyt's Headland, part of 
 the northern shore of Spitzbergen, and the great ice 
 barrier between Spitzbergen and Greenland. There 
 is so much vagueness and error in the way in which 
 the information received from Hudson has been em- 
 bodied in the map, that the communication between 
 him and Hondius must have been merely oral. The 
 outline itself embraces but the western and part 
 of the northern shore of Spitzbergen. It is correct 
 enough in its general features, but sadly defective in 
 its details. Charles' Island, the western foreland, 
 seems to form part of the mainland. The strait be- 
 tween the two lands is represented as a bay. These 
 two principal mistakes had alone a considerable influ- 
 ence on Hudson's explorations. It would be an 
 ungrateful task to dwell on the numerous minor defi- 
 In the south-western corner of Hondius' chart we 
 find Denmark, Holland, part of England and Scotland, 
 the Shetland and the Faroer Islands. They are all 
 drawn with approximative accuracy. The faults 
 which do exist in their position and outlines had no 
 influence on Hudson's movements. 
 We now arrive at the nortli-western border of 
 Ilondius' chart. The same coasts that we find there \ 
 are also drawn on the chart of Henry Hudson. Hud- • 
 son's chart is only by a few months later than the | 
 one of Hondius, and yet the improvements are very 
 great. They are mostly due to Hudson's last voyage, 
 during which the chart was laid down. Nowhere, 
 indeed, were improvements more urgently needed. 
 Hondius' draught of these north-western parts is 
 combined from the most incongruous materials. It 
 represents, however, the geographical dogma of the 
 age, and agrees with the notions which Hudson him- 
 self entertained before his own explorations procured 
 him better insight. It is impossible to understand 
 the meaning of these indications, and their influence 
 on Henry Hudson, without throwing a cursory glance 
 over the past history of the geography of those regions. 
 This history is so curious that it deserves, on its own 
 account, the reader's attention. 
 We have before observed that many arctic shores , 
 had been visited by the ancient Scandinavians, and 
 that colonies had been founded in Iceland and Green- * 
 land. The Iceland colony still exists. The Green- i • 
 land settlements, however, on the eastern side of the 
 great arctic continent have not been visited for cen- 
 turies, and the last descendants of the ancient colo- 
 nists are likely to have perished many long years ago. 
 Still there is some exaggeration in the prevailing 
 opinion, that no communication between those parts 
 and the rest of Europe has taken place since the end 
 of the fourteenth century. There is reason to think 
 that down to the first half of the sixteenth century 
 the shore of East Greenland was occasionally visited 
 by the Scandinavians. The testimony which tends 
 to prove these occasional visits has the appearance of 
 being reliable. That intercourse was entirely limited 
 to Scandinavians. The rest of Europe was little 
 acquainted with the existence of the arctic coun- 
 tries, and it is only in much later times that 
 accurate accounts of the early northern discoveries 
 were introduced into the general stock of European 
 knowledge. But these great facts could not, even 
 during the middle ages, remain entirely hidden. 
 Various rumours respecting Greenland reached the 
 south of Europe before the end of the fifteenth cen- 
 tury. Their influence on the geographical deline- 
 ations of the arctic regions and on early expedi- 
 tions was very considerable. By far the most im- 
 portant geographical communication of this kind is 
 the celebrated chart which was published with the 
 account of the voyage of the brothers Zeni. Every 
 reader of geographical researches knows that, in 
 1558, a small volume was published in Venice, con- 
 taining a most romantic narrative of the voyage of 
 two Venetian brothers, belonging to the great Zoni 
 family. They are reported to have visited, in lf387, 
 several arctic countries, among which Frisland^ En- 
 groncland, Iceland^ and Fstottland aro the most notable. 
 This curious book was, as we have said, accompanied 
 by a chart, on which the above-mentioned countries 
 were drawn. The original of that chart was in ex- 
 istence at a recent period, and it is certain that it 
 was an old portolano belonging to the Zeno arcl lives. 
 intkoi)U(;tion. clxv 
 On its origin, as well as that of the book, and the \ 
 authenticity of both, various conflicting opinions '\ 
 have been advanced, and defended with very consi- ] 
 derable learning and ingenuity. No very satisfactory i 
 result has as yet been obtained. For our purpose ■ 
 this question of authenticity is entirely unavailing. 
 What, however, deserves our most serious considera- 
 tion is this. The Zeni chart, whether authentic or 
 not, exhibits a far better outline of Greenland and 
 Iceland than any other known map published or 
 drawn before 1558. 
 The Zeni chart was of Scandinavian origin. It 
 has never been, and, indeed, cannot be, considered 
 as a mere fiction. Of tliis the reader of the present 
 volume has the proof before his eyes. Ncarhj the ■whole 
 north-tvestcrn part of Hondiiis' map is cxactbj copied 
 from the chart of the Zeni. On comparing, especially 
 the outline of Greenland with a modern map of that 
 country, the reader will be struck with surprise at 
 the accuracy of the ancient delineation. If the Zeni 
 chart be really a work of the fourteenth century, 
 the delineation of Greenland upon it can, without 
 hesitation, be pronounced the best geographical 
 drawing that was then in existence. When examin- 
 ing this remarkable production, we are strongly re- 
 minded of the narratives of modern explorers, in 
 which tlie wonderful capacity of the Esquimaux for 
 tracing the courses of rivers and the lines of a coast 
 is extolled. To this source we probably owe, of 
 course indirectly, the outline of Greenland on the 
 Zeno chart. TViis outline has been found sufficiently 
 accurate to serve as a basis for later improvements, 
 and on it all modern maps of the country are founded. 
 Some parts of the east coast are even now drawn on 
 all maps from the medicBval survey, having never 
 since been approached. But the old Zeni chart seems 
 to have been a compilation made up from materials 
 of very unequal value. The outline of Iceland is in- 
 ferior to that of Greenland. Frisland is so strangely 
 drawn, that only the name of the country and of 
 some places upon it, and the fact that no other 
 country can be meant, have led geographers to iden- 
 tify it with the Faroer Islands. The relative posi- 
 tion of these countries, and their position also with 
 relation to Scandinavia, Britain, and Iceland, is ex- 
 tremely defective. When the Zeni chart was pub- 
 lished, degrees of longitude and latitude were to be 
 found upon it. They had not been on the original, 
 and had, according to the opinion of a most compe- 
 tent judge, Mr. Lelewel, been but recently introduced. 
 These degrees added very considerably to the errors of 
 the chart. The influence of the new source of mistake 
 was, however, less strong in some parts, stronger in 
 others. Iceland is but one degree too far north. 
 Frisland, however, is entirely out of its place. The 
 southern point of Greenland is in latitude 65", instead of 
 latitude 60°. This last mistake has had such singular 
 consequences that too much attention cannot be paid 
 to it. 
 The chart of the Zeni, such as it was, was received 
 as perfectly authentic by all contemporary geogra- 
 phers. Ortelius and Mercator made use of it. It is 
 INTRODUCTION. clxvii ] 
 also expressly stated that Frobishcr took it with him 1 
 on his north-western voyages. He was, by means of 
 this chart, led into great mistakes. He fell in with 
 Greenland, the 4th of July, 1577, and the 20th of 
 June, 1578, both times under about 61°. Having but 
 the Zeni cliart to guide him, he could not suppose 
 that the country was Greenland. He mistook it for 
 F/'island, and put down, in 1577, after four days 
 exploration, that the coast and the chart agreed very 
 well. This he further confirmed the next year, and 
 Frisland had in this manner acquired a legitimate 
 Davis also fell in with Greenland in 61°. He at 
 once recognized that this was not Frisland. But 
 having no reason to think that this country, which 
 was several degrees farther south than the Engrone- 
 land of the Zeni chart, was really identical with it, 
 he considered it as his own new discovery, and called . 
 it Desolation. We have seen, in the narrative of his » 
 voyage, that his course along the Greenland shore 
 was always nearly the same. He first approached : ' 
 the coast near the southern promontory, then left it, i. 
 and again approached it under 64°. He seems never 
 to have been conscious of the continuity of coast 
 between the 62nd and 64th degree. He tlierefore 
 considered Desolation as an Island south of Grone- 
 Another source of mistakes, furnished by the 
 vagueness of Frobisher's accounts, enabled Davis to 
 give the finishing stroke to this singular web of 
 errors. The finished picture has been copied into 
 Hondius' chart from the great AFolyneiix globe, where 
 it was first drawn by Davis. On both delineations 
 we find, to the south of Groncland, a strait, and to the 
 south of that strait the Island of Desolation. The 
 strait is called Frobisher's Fret, and on both sides of 
 it are marked tlie places whicli Frobisher had ex- 
 plored. So Frobisher's Strait had been carried to 
 Greenland, and was now leading from the Atlantic 
 into Davis' Strait.^ This egregious mistake had been 
 committed by one of the greatest arctic explorers. 
 Can it be wondered at that Hudson, when sailing 
 along the east coast of Greenland in 63° N., believed 
 himself to be athwart Frobisher's Strait "? 
 This, then, is the shape in which Greenland ap- 
 peared. Between 60° and 62° the Island of Desola- 
 tion ; between 62° and 63° Frobisher's Strait, leading 
 from the Atlantic to Davis' Strait ; from 63° to 75°, 
 the Engroneland of the Zeni. Close to Engroneland, 
 Iceland. West of Desolation, Frisland. We have 
 here again the same country (South Greenland) laid 
 down twice, from modern exploration alone ; as 
 Frisland from Frobisher's, as Desolation from Davis^ 
 survey. South Greenland, moreover, appears a third 
 time as the south of Engroneland, from the misunder- 
 stood mediceval survey of the Scandinavians. 
 We must now again refer to the Zeni chart. 
 Hondius has not copied the whole of it. In the 
 ^ There can be no doubt as to the real locality of Frobisher' a 
 Strait, which is where modern maps place it. Every doubt must 
 be removed by a comparison oi Best's delineation of the strait with 
 Ortelius' map of America. 
iNTUonucTiois. clxix 
 original delineation, the coast of Engroncland stretches 
 far eastward, to those regions where Hudson's ice bar- ^ 
 rier and where the Spitzbergen islands are situated. ' 
 The discoverers of Spitzbergen were thus induced to 
 think that theirs was no new discovery ; but that they 
 had simply touched a part of the Greenland or Entjrone- 
 land which they found indicated on their charts. Ac- 
 cordingly, they called these coasts Greenland. Hudson, 
 who made use of a Dutch chart of Spitzbergen, pre- 
 served the appellations, which soon became general ; 
 though two other names were also received, Spitz- 
 bergen and Newland, or King James his Newland. 
 The two iormer names, Greenland and Spitzbergen, 
 are still applied to the group. As to the real, or 
 Avestern Greenland, Hudson designates it by a name 
 nearly identical with the Engronelp id of the Zeni 
 map. He calls it Groneland. We cannot understand 
 his logbooks without bearing in mind that this Grone- 
 land is Greenland ; whilst his Greenland is Spitz- 
 To the south-east of Frisland, we meet on Hudson's 
 chart Bus Island, the offspring of an illusion different ,, 
 from those which have occupied us so long. The 
 Busse of Bridgewater, one of Frobisher's ships, had 
 met in latitude 57° one of the immense icefields which 
 annually drift out of Davis' Strait. Mistaking it for 
 an island, they had given it the name of Busse 
 island. For this country both Hudson and John 
 Knight sought in vain. 
 When we round the southern point of Greenland 
 and arrive on the w estern side, we pass from illusions. 
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 conjectures, and misunderstandings, to good, though 
 perhaps not yet entirely accurate, knowledge. The 
 southern part of Greenland, up to 61°; and, again, 
 the west coast between 64° and 73°, had been explored 
 by Davis, and drawn by him for the Molyneux globe. 
 From this globe, or from other copies of Davis' survey, 
 the outline of these shores had passed into all good 
 maps and charts. These shores appeared to Hudson in 
 the almost correct shape which Davis had given them. 
 The same maybe said with regard to the American side 
 of Davis' Strait, from 66° southwards. The mouths 
 of the inlets, and the configuration of Cumberland 
 Strait, especially, are drawn with great accuracy 
 on the Molyneux globe. Hudson's Strait, which 
 Hudson had then not yet explored, is by Davis called 
 The furious overfall; an allusion to the currents in its 
 mouth, which he likens to streams of water, violently 
 rushing through the arches of a bridge. Frobisher's 
 Strait is called Lumleifs Inlet; for Davis thought 
 that the real Strait of Martin Frobisher cut off 
 Desolation from Greenland. Both these names, The 
 furious overfall^ and Lumleifs Inlet^ are to be found in 
 Hudson's logbooks. 
 AVe would now gladly pass over all the other 
 maps and charts of these regions which were at 
 Hudson's disposal. But we must allude to two of 
 them, which undoubtedly exercised some influence 
 on his thoughts, namely, Cabot's planisphere and 
 Ortelius' America. Of neither of these could we give 
 a full idea by mere description. But the leading 
 features can easily be described. Two points are to 
 be noticed in Ortelius' map of America. The first is 
 the great fact which we have repeatedly mentioned 
 — the fact that Hudson's Bay is drauni upon that 
 map^ — very imperfectly, it is true, but still clearly 
 enough to convince contemporaries of its existence 
 and later times of its anterior exploration. It is 
 called by Ortelius Baia dos Mcdaos. Out of it leads, 
 to the northward, into a broad western passage, a 
 wide strait or stream, called Rio de Tormenta. The 
 passage itself runs out into the Pacific, very nearly 
 under the same degree where the western mouth of 
 the real north-west passage is situated. This, how- 
 ever, has its origin in a singularly happy guess. No 
 vessel had ever approached so high a latitude. We 
 may, perhaps, also mention that Grocland, the 
 Greenland of John of Kolno, is, by Ortelius, drawn 
 as an island in the north-west passage. 
 As to Cabot's planisphere, two facts only need be 
 mentioned. Part of the western shore of Davis' 
 Strait was drawn upon it, even up to a higher lati- 
 tude than Davis himself had reached on the Ameri- 
 can side of his strait. Further, it appears that in the 
 adulterated copy of Cabot's map, which Clement 
 Adams had caused to be engraved, Hudson's Strait 
 was indicated as a passage across America, opening 
 into the Pacific under about 40° or 45°. One of these 
 adulterated maps was, in Hudson's time, hung up 
 in Whitehall Gallery. It had been seen there in 
 Elizabeth's reign by Hakluyt, and was afterwards 
 inspected by Purchas. Attention had so frequently 
 been drawn to this celebrated planisphere, by Gil- 
 bert, Haklii) t, and others, that a man like Hudson 
 would not lose the opportunity of examining it. 
 The coasts of Labrador^ Newfoundland^ Canada, 
 Nova Scotia^ and Neiv Brunszvick were, on the maps 
 and charts of this period, laid down from Portuguese 
 and French surveys. The importance of these shores 
 consisted alone in the codfisheries. Great attention 
 was therefore paid to the sandbanks and shoals, 
 many of which had French names. The term of Netu- 
 foundland (Terre Neuve, Terra Nova) was somewhat 
 vaguely applied to most of these fisheries. Juet, 
 Hudson's companion in the third voyage, applies it 
 to a part of coast as far south as 43° 20'. 
 The New England shore was drawn by Ortelius 
 from a very imperfect Spanish delineation, into which 
 some French materials had been introduced, alto- 
 gether a most unsatisfactory combination. Hudson 
 doeii' not seem to have had a better chart at his dis- 
 posal, although Juet, his companion, makes mention 
 of Gosnold's voyage (1602). The very terms in which 
 he speaks of it prove how vague was his knowledge. 
 Finally, as regards the shores in the immediate neigh- 
 bourhood of Hudson's river, we have repeatedly 
 stated that they had been drawn by Estevan Gomez, 
 copied by llibero, and, from Ribero, with additions 
 by other geographers. From such a copy, probably 
 from a French compilation, Ortelius' outline of the 
 region is taken. This process of copying from copies, 
 which is known to be dangerous to pictures, could 
 not fail to exercise a bad influence on geographical 
 drawings ; especially at that period, where all the 
 methods of mapmaking were yet in their infancy. 
 Such is, in fact, the case here. The neighbourhood 
 of Hudson's river on Ortelius' map is in outline, hiti- 
 tude and longitude so incorrect, that it requires the 
 comparison with the sources and a knowledge of its 
 history to convince us that it is based on a careful 
 survey. It could offer no assistance to the navigator 
 who proceeded to these coasts, and the whole labour 
 of exploration had again to be undergone. 
 Hudson seems to have had at his disposal another 
 chart of the same region, which is not by any means 
 of greater accuracy, though also, and more directly, 
 based on an original survey. In Hakluyt's Divers 
 Voyages^ is to be found a planisphere, drawn by 
 Michael Lok, the well known geographer, who aided 
 Frobisher with money and advice. This planisphere 
 is partly based on the explorations of Verazzano, 
 whose original chart of these coasts had fallen into 
 Lok's hands. Verazzano had been in England after 
 his great voyage of discovery ; and is supposed to 
 have joined the two vessels sent out from here in 
 1527, as we have had occasion to observe. A copy 
 of Lok's planisphere is to be found in Mr. J. Winter 
 Jones' edition of Hakluyt's Divers Voyages. 
 Lok's chart has one very remarkable feature. The 
 continent of America appears, in the neighbourhood 
 of Hudson's river, as a mere strip of land, on the other 
 side of which the broad Pacific opens. Had Lok 
 heard of the great Canadian lakes, or had such 
 information even reached Vet-azzano X This singular 
 notion, whatever its origin may have been, seems to 
 have led to Hudson's voyage along these shores, and 
 to the discovery of Hudson's river. 
 We have now concluded the geographical review 
 of the coasts which Hudson visited, and have shown 
 how they appeared to him and to his contemporaries, 
 before his own explorations increased the stock of 
 knowledge, and rectified some of the numerous errors. 
 We have only two more observations to add to this 
 part of our subject. 
 The continuity of the American coast from 35° N. 
 down to the strait of Magellan, was an undoubted 
 and long established fact. The search for a strait 
 must, therefore, be confined to the parts north of 35° 
 on the eastern side. On the western side an accurate 
 search had been made by the Spaniards, up to 45° 
 N., and no strait from west to east had been dis- 
 covered. A vague rumour was current, that some- 
 where in the north the A merican and the Asiatic shore 
 are separated merely by a strait. This notion, which 
 later explorations have confirmed, had its origin in a 
 misinterpretation of a passage of Marco Polo. The 
 celebrated Strait of Anian^ which lias been identified 
 with the real strait of Cook and Behring, was originally 
 a mere delusion. It was placed much too far south- 
 ward ; and the Spanish explorations along the 
 western coast of North America, caused Hondius to 
 doubt whether there really was a Strait of Anian. 
 Some geographers, however, (Frobisher among them), 
 entertained the very curious notion that the arctic 
 parts of America formed a continuation of Asia, so 
 that the Pacific ran out into a bay on its northern 
 side. Frobisher and his companions thought, that 
 Frobisher's Strait, which they identified with the 
 Strait of Anian, divided America from Europe. 
 In the foregoing pages of this introduction, such 
 explanations have been furnished to the reader as 
 will enable him to estimate the value of the journals 
 in which Hudson's doings are recorded. An attempt 
 has also been made to explain the antiquated 
 geographical terms and notions which are to be found 
 in these journals, so as to render them fully in- 
 telligible to the student of the present day. We 
 might then consider our task as performed. But 
 the fragmentary nature of the intelligence which we 
 have collected, makes it binding upon us to assist 
 the reader in arranging these fragments, and to clear 
 away for him the difficulties which may arise from 
 their mutual contradictions. We have, besides, 
 some minor points to examine, and to gather those ^ 
 few biographical details which are scattered here and * 
 there in our sources. These are the objects to which 
 the last pages of our introduction will be devoted. 
 To give some kind of unity to these various inquiries, '■ ] 
 we are going to connect them as much as possible 
 with Hudson's life. Still we would request the 
 reader not to mistake these last pages for an intended 
 biography of Henry Hudson. 
 The records which we have collected embrace 
 Hudson's career, from the 19th of April, 1607, four 
 days previous to his departure on the first north- 
 eastern voyage, to the 21st of June, 1611, when he 
 was exposed in an open skiff on the inland sea which 
 he liad explored. His ultimate fate, concerning 
 •which hut too little doubt can exist, has not heej? 
 ■witnessed by human beings that lived to relate it. 
 We know still less of his birth than of his death. 
 His doings before the 19th of April, 1607, his family 
 connections, his social position, are equally unknown 
 to us. Of his private life we learn but one fact, 
 namely, that a son of his, a boy named John, accom- 
 panied him on his voyages and died with him the 
 same cruel death. The name which he has made 
 illustrious is not uncommon either among the higher 
 or the lower classes of this country. Though not borne 
 by any one of the great territorial families, it belongs 
 to a number of persons of good estate, especially in 
 the northern counties. There are clergymen of the 
 name of Hudson in almost every county in England. 
 We have no means of knowing whether Henry Hud- 
 son himself was a gentleman by nature only, or also 
 by birth. He is repeatedly called " Master Henry 
 Hudson" in the logbooks ; this would mean as much 
 as '• Henry Hudson, Esquire," does in our days, were 
 it used of any one but a seaman. But in Hudson's 
 case it may, and probably does, mean "Captain Henry 
 Hudson." The whole question is, however, so trivial, 
 that it is scarcely worth the space we have devoted 
 to it, and it need not even be regretted that our sources 
 leave it without an answer. 
 When we say that no event of Hudson's career, 
 before the year 1607, is known, we put entirely 
 aside the testimony of Adrian van der Donck. This 
 author relates some events of our navigator's life, 
iNTUODUCTiox. clxxvii 
 uliicli, if they were true, must have taken place 
 before 1607 ; namely, a prolonged residence in Hol- 
 land, and several years service on board Dutch vessels. 
 But wc have above shown that Van der Donck's 
 account contains a whole tissue of idle inventions, 
 put forward to prove the Dutch title to New Nether- 
 land, and that the notice here alluded to is probably 
 amonii- the number of these inventions. 
 Hudson's first real appearance on the scene is in 
 IGOT. The position in which we first meet him was a 
 most honourable one. He was, in 1007, a captain in 
 the service of the Muscovy Company, an association 
 distinguished by the high aims it pursued, the 
 services it had rendered to the country, and the 
 eminence of the men who commanded its vessels. 
 This company s'dW bore the stamp impressed upon it 
 by Sebastian Cabot. The evils against which the aid 
 of Cabot's genius had once been invoked, had indeed ' 
 long since been removed. There was now no fear of < 
 the privileges of the Hanse, nor any ^^nguor in 
 English commerce. The vast enterprise f the 
 Muscovy Company itself, and other similar under- 
 takings for which that company had served as the 
 model, were carrying England rapidly forward in that 
 glorious career, in which she was destined to outstrip 
 all other nations. The company had wisely adhered 
 to Cabot's precepts. All their enterprise was still 
 directed towards that quarter of the globe with which 
 the name of Cabot is so intimately bound up, namely, [ 
 the north. They had not even renounced the idea I 
 of finding a short northern route to China, although 
 n a 
 the ample returns of the East India Company which 
 traded by the ordinary route, rendered that discovery 
 less urgently desirable than it had been in Cabot's 
 The Muscovy Company had also remained faithful 
 to the new method which Sebastian Cabot had, for 
 tlieir benefit, introduced into the science of naviga- 
 tion. The logbook^ the most admirable of all the 
 inventions for the furtherance of that science, owed 
 its origin and development to the Muscovy Com- 
 pany. IIow greatly navigation and geograpliy are in- 
 debted to them for this service, appears clearly wdien 
 we compare Verazzano's account of his voyage to 
 Hudson's river, with Juet's journal of Hudson's 
 expedition to the same coasts. We observe Verazzano, 
 a man of great talent, making painful efforts to 
 convey a clear meaning, and succeeding but in- 
 differently ; whilst Juet, a man of ordinary abilities, 
 furnishes us with an account in which every step can 
 be clearly traced. Nor is Verazzano's failure, or 
 Juet's success, at all isolated. Verazzano's narrative 
 is very nearly the best maritime re^jord of its period ; 
 whilst Juet's journal is in every respect surpassed by 
 many anterior logbooks. The difference between 
 Juet and Verazzano, as far as it is to the disadvantage 
 of the latter, consists not in their respective talent, 
 but in the methods they made use of. Juet's journal 
 is modelled on the logbooks of his predecessors, such 
 as Barents, Davis, and others ; and these men are 
 followers of Willoughby, Chancellor, Burrough, Pet, 
 and Jackman, and other captains of the Muscovy 
 Company. The captains of tlic company again were 
 but carrying out one of the commands contained in 
 the instructions given to Willougliby and Chancel- 
 lor by Sebastian Cabot,^ the real originator of the 
 One of the most remarkable features in these log- 
 books of the Muscovy Company was tlie attention 
 paid to magnetic variations. This kind of research 
 was first of all systematically pursued by the Mus- 
 covy Company, and doubtless at Cabot's instigation, 
 although no positive proof of this fact has been pre- 
 We have made the preceding statements in order 
 to place Hudson's journals in their true light. These 
 journals are very remarkable. Yet it would be unfair 
 to exaggerate, at the expense of others, Hudson's 
 merit in writing them. Were we to look at Hud- 
 son's journals separately, and not in connexion . 
 with otlier logbooks of the same period and of the * 
 same company, we might consider them as still 
 ' " Item, that tlie niarclumts and otlicr skilful persons in writing i 
 shall daily write, describe, and put in mcmi)irc the navigation of 
 every day and night, with the points and observations of the lands, 
 tides, elements, altitude of the sunnc, course of the moon and 
 starrcs, and the same so noted by the order of the master and 
 pilot of every ship to be put in writing, the captains generall 
 assembling the masters together once every week (if windo and 
 weather shall serve) to confcvre all the observations and notes of 
 the said ships, to the intent it may appear wherein the notes do 
 agree, and wherein they dissent, and upon good debatement, deli- 
 beration, and conclusion, determined to put the same into a common 
 ledger, to remain as record for the company." — CahuCs Inf.t ruc- 
 tions, § 7. llakluyt i, p. 220. 
 greater achievements than they really are. They 
 contain, in fact, no original feature. It is only by 
 mistake that the first observations of tlie dip and 
 variation of tlie needle, at least among arctic navi- 
 gators, have been attributed to Hudson. Sucli obser- 
 vations are to be found in Cabot's chart, in the log- 
 books of the men who followed his instructions, and 
 also in the papers of those who imitated his follow- 
 ers. The system of Hudson's logbooks seems to have 
 been adopted in obedience to a standing order of the 
 Muscovy Company. It is not, however, our inten- 
 tion to depreciate these writings of our navigator. 
 They possess every merit except that of originality, 
 and are perfect models of their kind. 
 Another peculiar feature of the logbooks of the 
 Muscovy Company was the great number of observa- 
 tions of the heavenly bodies made by their captains. 
 In this respect Hudson offers a very bright example, 
 and we might therefore expect a very great accu- 
 racy in his latitudes. But such accuracy is not to 
 be found. This is owing, not to any want of care 
 on his part, but to the imperfection of the instru- 
 ments he made use of. It would be easy to describe 
 these instruments in detail. There was published in 
 London, in the very year when Hudson first started, 
 a mariner's manual, by the celebrated John Davis. 
 In that extremely remarkable volume we find, not 
 only descriptions of all the mariners' instruments 
 and explicit directions for their use, but also wood- 
 cut figures illustrating them, such as have been 
 introduced into popular manuals of the present 
 day. The reason why wc have refrained fiom givhig 
 extracts from that voUiine is obvions. Our intro- 
 duction ah'eady exceeds the usual limits, and that 
 subject does not strictly belong to it. ^^'e must 
 therefore refer the reader to Uavis' work, a copy of 
 which is in the British Museum Library. 
 As to the accuracy or want of accuracy in Hud- 
 son's observations, it is in most cases impossible to 
 test it. Most of tlic shores which he visited, sucli, for 
 instance, as Nova Zembla, Spit/bergen, Jan Mayen, 
 Greenland, Hudson's Strait and Bay, are even now 
 very imperfectly known. Even now errors of several 
 minutes with res])cct to almost every part of these 
 shores may, with too good reason, be suspected in 
 the charts. We therefore lack the most important 
 of all the means of testing the accuracy of anterior 
 statements. A still greater difficulty is that nearly 
 all the points mentioned by Hudson are for us little 
 better than mere names. The Islands of God's Mcroj^ 
 Hold zvith Ilope^ Ilakluyfs Headland, and other names 
 given by Hudson, are still tn be found on the maps 
 and charts ; but whether the places so named by 
 him and those now called so are really identical, 
 cannot be establislied by any satisfactory evidence. 
 It is, moreover, certain, that some of Hudson's lati- 
 tudes which we can check are wrong. Such is the 
 case with regard to the most northern and most 
 southern part of Spitzbergen, with regard to Cape 
 Farewell and Cape Wolstenholme. The errors which 
 must have been made in these instances amount to at 
 least seven or eight minutes in each case. These posi- 
 live proofs of incorrectness must render us suspicious 
 even where such positive proofs are wanting. When 
 we add to this the entire absence of longitudes in 
 Hudson's journals, tlie deceptive influence exercised 
 on the dead reckoning by the varying currents of 
 the arctic regions, and the want of good modern 
 charts, it becomes obvious that it would be a mere 
 delusion were we to trace Hudson's course with pre- 
 ciseness, and to point out as certain the latitude and 
 longitude of every locality mentioned by him. 
 We have, on this account, been extremely sparing 
 with geographical notes to the text of Hudson's 
 journals. The precise localities mentioned by him 
 seem to us dubious in almost every instance, and it 
 would sciircf^ly have been right to enter into long 
 discussions, with the conclusion that, after all, we 
 are not able to settle the matter. It is not our in- 
 tention to commit, in these last pages, the mistake 
 that we have tried to avoid in our notes ; and we 
 shall here refrain from this kind of discussion, except 
 in a few isolated instances. In defence of the some- 
 what exceptional course we are thus pursuing, we may 
 perhaps be allowed to state it as our opinion, that 
 the importance of a navigator's career consists, not so 
 much in the coasts he touched, as in the new know- 
 ledge acquired and conveyed by him. 
 Many great men attempted, before and after Hud- 
 son, to solve the problem of a short northern route 
 to China. But he surpasses all his predecessors and 
 all his followers in the variety of means he employed 
 to obtain that great end. This variety of devices 
INTllODUCTION. clxxxill 
 wiihin a narrow scope, the very test of an ener- 
 getic mind, was perhaps in part due to liis singular 
 and exceptional situation. Each of his predecessors 
 had confined his efforts to only one direction, trying 
 the chances that might be offered within a com- 
 paratively limited area, and these chances had thus 
 been reduced to a small number of seeming proba- 
 bilities. The probabilities would have appeared still 
 fewer, had the explorations been made and chronicled 
 with modern accuracy. As it was, there remained in 
 every direction some delusive hopes, which it still 
 required a renewed search to dispel. One of Hud- 
 son's many great merits consists in having proved 
 several of these delusions to be what they w'ere, and 
 thus to have further limited the area of the search 
 for a short road to China. The efforts of all those 
 after him, like those of each of his predecessors, were 
 then more confined than his own. Hudson himself 
 tried within the last few years of his life, first the 
 Avay across the North Pole, then the way by the north 
 of Spitzbergen eastwards ; he attempted to penetrate 
 through the Nova Zembla group, and having failed 
 to do so, undertook another expedition to the same 
 quarter. He afterwards tried to cross what seemed 
 a narrow isthmus, between the Atlantic and Pacific, 
 in latitude 40°. He at last sailed far westward 
 through his strait and bay, and perished in the midst 
 of his hopes and plans. It is curious that he missed 
 the only real chance, namely, the way through Davis' 
 Strait and Baffin's Bay. But, if we may conclude 
 from what he had done up to his death, it is proba- 
 blo enough that ho wouhl not have left that way 
 untried had he lived longer. He was one of those 
 men who, whether successful or not, will not leave to 
 any one auci tl^^m the right to boast of having 
 accomplished what tliey had despaired of. 
 Hudson's first attempt was to sail across the North 
 Pole, a plan started in 1527 by Robert Thorne, but 
 not yet acted upon by any one during the eighty 
 years that had since passed. The voyage to which 
 this idea gave rise is well described in Playse's log- 
 book, where the reader will find all its details. A 
 short summary of the main points may, however, 
 prove useful. 
 Hudson left London the 23rd of April, 1607, with 
 the intention of sailing across the North Pole to 
 China and Japan. His course carried him to the 
 Shetland Islands. Thence he sailed to the north- 
 west, passing, as it seems, close by Iceland without 
 perceiving it. He arrived on the 13th of June off 
 the Greenland coast, in latitude 67° 30', doubting 
 whether the land he saw was an island, or the En- 
 groneland, or Groneland of the Zeni. To this ques- 
 tion he had received no satisfactory answer, even 
 after six days' stay in that neighbourhood. It does 
 not appear how great was his distance from the coast 
 during these six days ; but he certainly never landed. 
 To a prominent cape, and to a mountain near it, he 
 gave the names of Young's Ccq^e and Mount of God's 
 Merc?/. These are, for us, nothing more than mere 
 names. The coast of Greenland in 67° 30' has never 
 been well explored, and Hudson's own indication is 
 vague in the extreme. Iludsoii himself continued to 
 be in doubt as to the real nature of the coast near 
 him. lie even thought it possible that it might be 
 an island, at the north-eastern point of which he 
 had arrived. lie was thus exposed to an error very 
 similar to the one committed by Davis, who con- 
 sidered the south of Greenland as an undiscovered 
 island. Hudson's farther course alonii: the east coast 
 of Greenland also offered striking analogies with Davis' 
 explorations aloag the western shore. Davis had 
 lost sight of the coast, had unconsciously followed 
 its bend, and had again fallen in with it. 
 In a like manner Hudson now left the Greenland 
 shore with the intention of steering to Spitzbergen ; 
 and his north-eastern course brought him, after two 
 days sailing, on the 21st June, 1607, again to the 
 Greenland coast, which on its eastern side trends to 
 the north-east, as on its western side it trends to the 
 north-west. He again reached the Greenland coast 
 in latitude 73°, and called his new discovery Hold 
 zvith Ilope^ a name still to be found on maps of the 
 arctic regions, althougli it would be impossible to 
 point out the exac,; locality to which it was first 
 Following his north-eastern direction Hudson tried, 
 during the last days of June, to sail northwards, wher- 
 ever he might be able to do so. But he seems to 
 have been prevented from progressing towards the 
 pole by the well-known ice barrier between Green- 
 land and Spitzbergen, which has been so well de- 
 scribed by Dr. Scoresby. This barrier generally 
 forms at that time of the year an undulating line 
 between the 74th and 80th degrees of latitude, reach- 
 ing furthest to the south near the Greenland coast, 
 and being nearest to the pole in the neighbourhood 
 of Spitzbergen. Hudson was the first modern navi- 
 gator who sailed along this barrier. His logbook 
 does not, however, contain a sufficient number of 
 data to enable us to trace the line of the ice as it was 
 in June 1607. 
 When Hudson was approaching the Spitzbergen 
 coast, he looked out for a cape, discovered by Barents, 
 and called by him Vogel Ploeck, a point which was, 
 as it seems, indicated on the chart used by Hudson.^ 
 This point is probably identical with the Vogel Iloeck 
 of the later and more accurate maps of the country, 
 though such identities of name are not always suffi- 
 cient proofs of identit7 of iilace. It would be inter- 
 esting to settle this question, but this cannot be done 
 from the materials now in existence. 
 Supposing that identity to exist, we find Hud- 
 . (j son on the 28th of June, 1607, near the western 
 point of Charles' Island.^ For the Vogel Hoeck of 
 the later Dutch maps is the same cape which Dr. 
 1 Scoresby calls Fair Foreland, and which he places, 
 ^ Vogel Hoeck is expressly mentioned by Hudson as the point 
 he Avas looking out for. The point is also to be found on Hon- 
 dius' chart. The locality where the Vogel Hoek of later maps 
 (English charts call it Fair Foreland) is situated, namely, the 
 north-west point of Charles' Islands, seems in every respect to 
 agree with what we know of the Vogel Hoeck of Barents. 
 ' * Charles' Island is the most western of the forelands by which 
 the mainland of Spitzbergen is surrounded, 
 according to his own survey, in 78° 53' N., 9' 17' E. 
 The last two days of June were spent off the coast of 
 Charles Island. From the 1st to the Gth of June, 
 Hudson seems to have sailed backwards and forwards 
 in the Foreland Fiord, between Charles' Island and 
 the mainland of Spitzbergen. This at least is the most 
 consistent result that can be derived from his notes, 
 in wiiich every kind of vagueness is accumulated. 
 The chart he used was very imperfect, he was con- 
 tending with ice and fog, and his observations of 
 latitude, though there are three in five days, are not 
 thoroughly reliable. But in spite of these drawbacks, 
 the above mentioned course seems to be marked out 
 with sufficient certainty and clearness. Hudson then 
 sailed into the Foreland Fiord on its northern side, 
 the 1st of July, and left it, on its southern side, the 
 6th of the same month, having passed the intervening 
 six days in the Fiord. From the 9th to the 11th of 
 June, Hudson sailed back, on the opposite, or outward 
 side of Charles' Island, the distance he had sailed within 
 the Fiord. He continued this northern course on the 
 12th, and arrived on the 13th, off the north-eastern 
 part of Spitzbergen ; that part of the country, to 
 which Barents and his companions had more parti- 
 cularly applied the name of Nleuland^ or the land under 
 80 degrees. From the 13th to the 15th of July, Hud- 
 son sailed eastwards along the northern coast, explor- 
 ing sorr^c of its fiords, islands and harbours, and giving 
 the names of Hakluyt's Headland, Colin's Cape, and 
 "Whale Bay, to three localities. Of these names the 
 first only has been preserved on charts. Whether 
 the point now &o called, and the one so named by 
 Hudson, are absolutely identical, cannot be shown 
 from the existing evidence. It does not appear 
 whether any of the sailors who accompanied Hudson 
 afterwards revisited Spitzbergen, and then recognised 
 the points marked out by him. This would be the 
 only satisfactory manner of establishing such an 
 identity of place, as latitudes, longitudes, and dead 
 reckoning, as well as the charts based upon them, arc 
 all equally deceptive. 
 The 23rd of July, Hudson was by observation in 
 latitude 80° 23', the highest observation ever made 
 by him. After two more days of north-eastern sail- 
 ing, he reckoned himself to be in latitude 81°. Much 
 doubt has, with good reason, been thrown on this 
 assertion of Henry Hudson. The localities which he 
 described do not bear it out, and considerable mis- 
 takes are likely to have occurred to a man judging by 
 his dead reckoning only, without knowing the 
 currents that set in those parts. Sir Edward Parry 
 vainly tried, in this very region, to make head 
 against a violent north-easterly current, which 
 eventually frustrated his boat- sledge expedition 
 towards the North Pole. 
 This current may have deceived our navigator. On 
 the 16th he believed that he saw land, "trending north 
 in our sight, by means of the clearness of the weather, 
 stretching far into 82°, and by the bowing or 
 shewing of the side much further." It is unfortunately 
 now impossible to say how far he was right or wrong 
 in these estimates ; nor to point out the exact spot he 
 reached, and it would lead to iiotliing were wc to build 
 some futile theory on the loose evidence at our dis- 
 posal. Hudson's own conclusion was : " that between 
 78 degrees and a half and 82 degrees by this way, 
 there is no passage"; a conclusion which is practically 
 correct, though geographically somewhat exaggerated. 
 He returned westwards on the IGtli of July, was 
 the same day near Collin's Cape, and seems to have 
 rounded the north- eastern peninsula of Spitzbergcn 
 the following or the next day. The 20th of July, he 
 had already sailed some distance down the west coast, 
 and was entering Bell Sound, in latitude 77° 26', 
 which he explored. From the one-and-twenticth to 
 the five-and-twentieth, Hudson seems to have 
 hesitated, and to have been uncertain about his 
 future movements. We find him steering in various 
 directions without any apparent object ; nor can this 
 be wondered at, considering how new Sj)itzbergcn 
 was to him. The chart he had witli him indicated 
 scarcely more tlian the mere existence of these 
 remarkable islands. 
 On the five-and-twentieth we find Hudson near 
 the west coast, in 78°. He then again sailed north- 
 wards, and was on the seven- and-twentieth near 
 Collin's Cape, one of the points of the north coast, 
 discovered by him ten or eleven days before. Tlie 
 same day he again returned to the south ; having first 
 ascertained that the ice barrier between Spitzbergen 
 and Greenland was as firm as it had been in June. 
 Otherwise he would have tried to pass through it, and 
 to return home by the north of Greenland, through 
 Davis' Strait. The latter plan proves his ignorance 
 of the real conformation of Greenland ; a fact upon 
 which we have already had ample occasion to dwell. 
 Thus hemmed in on three sides, he was again 
 obliged to return to the south. He sailed southwards 
 along the whole west coast of the group ; from 80° 
 to 76° 30', during the last days of July. Having been 
 on the 28tli, by observation, in latitude 76° 36', 
 Hudson accounted himself, on the thirtieth, in lati- 
 tude 76°. He tells us, however, at the same time, 
 that he was then near the coast, which he describes 
 as mountainous. Now Spitzbergen does not reach 
 down farther than to 76° 30', and Hudson's latitude 
 was therefore faulty. This error was certainly in 
 part due to the currents to which we have alluded. 
 Yet it cannot have entirely arisen from that source. 
 Had the observation of the 28th been correct, and 
 had Hudson really then been only a few miles from 
 the southern point of Spitzbergen, this fact could not 
 possibly have escaped him during the two days he 
 remained in that neighbourhood. We then arrive at 
 the painful but complete conviction, that his observa- 
 tion also was faulty. It is of the greater importance 
 to ascertain this fact, because few only of Hudson's 
 latitudes can be tested in a similar manner. 
 Having left Spitzbergen, Hudson continued his 
 course, and arrived on the 31st of July off Bear or 
 Cherie Island. The home voyage, after the departure 
 from that spot, was accomplished in a month and a 
 half. The 15th of August Hudson reached the 
 Faroer Islands ; and exactly a month afterwards he 
 arrived at Tilbury in the Thames. So much we 
 learn from Playse's logbook. But we find too good 
 reason to regret the loss of Hudson's own journal, 
 from which the following notice^ has been extracted : 
 " And in ranging homewards he discovered an island 
 lying in seventy-one degrees, which he called Hudson's 
 We have,in our note to this passage, already observed 
 that there is but one island in latitude 71° which can 
 here be meant, namely, Jan May en ; and tliat Jan 
 Mayen in fact is identical with Hudson s Touches. 
 This opinion is still further confirmed by a document 
 which had then escaped our notice. We have ad- 
 verted to the claims to the first discovery of Spitzber- 
 gen advanced by the English and the Dutch. These 
 rival claims gave rise to armed struggles in tne 
 Greenland waters, and in consequence of them, to 
 applications for protection, together with bitter 
 protests, and complaints addressed by the aggrieved ^ 
 persons to their respective governments. Some of 
 these protests of the Muscovy Company have been pre- 
 served in the State-paper office ; and in one of them 
 we find the following passage : 
 " Further, William Johnsonne Millworth, captain of the 
 Angell of Home, certified us that the States had given the 
 country of Greenland unto the Zealanders, and Hudson^s 
 Touches, and those islands adjoining, unto the Hollanders to 
 fish therein, warning them that they should not come within 
 the privileges of each other, and that they were animated and 
 urged by the States themselves for their fishing voyage this 
 yearc 1618, otherwise they had not attempted it." 
 1 P. 146. 
 This testimony of Jolinsoinic Millwoith is borne 
 out l)V the facts of the case. The States General of 
 the United Provinces had, in UilT, granted the 
 fislieries of Jan Mayen to the Ilolhmders, excluding 
 the Zealanders from them. It is, besides, very 
 remarkable that we find on Jan Mayen, almost 
 exactly in latitude 71^ a point called by Dr. Scorcsby 
 Hudson s point. Anyone acquainted with the writing 
 of the period, will at once remember how easily an 
 H of that time could be read as an R. The point was, 
 we may say certainly, called Hudson's point. Ano- 
 ther locality on Jan Mayen, namely, its north-eastern 
 cape, is called Yowif/'s Foreland. James Young, one 
 of Hudson's companions, was the man who had first 
 espied the Greenland coast. The north-eastern cape 
 of Jan Mayen, is the very point which must have 
 first presented itself to Hudson's crew as the ship was 
 sailing home from Bear Island ; and the man wlio 
 first saw the Greenland shore was the most likely to 
 forestall here also, his less zealous, or less sharp- sighted 
 companions. There is no reason why the name of 
 Hudson s Touches should not be replaced on maps and 
 charts ; and the now meaningless Hudson s pointy 
 might also be fairly restored to its original meaning, 
 and be called Hudson s point. The islands adjoining 
 Jan Mayen, are Egg Island to the south, and a num- 
 ber of small rocky islets scattered along the coasts. 
 Should the writer of the present pages have suc- 
 ceeded beyond his hopes in placing the geographical 
 notions of Hudson's time, and the anterior endeavours 
 in search of a passage, clearly before the reader's 
 A — 
 eye ; it would then be easy to explain to tlu; loader 
 the original plan of Hudson's first voyage, and the 
 ideas which the experience collected in the course 
 of it, developed in his mind. 
 Hudson first started with the plan of sailing straight 
 across the North Pole, by the north of the Engrone- 
 land of the Zeni. He found that land stretching 
 farther eastwards than he expected ; and joining it, 
 he found a firm barrier of ice, which offered no 
 opening in its whole breadth between Greenland and 
 Spitzbergen. This barrier Hudson sailed along, 
 vainly spying out for a passage to the Pole. When he 
 had reached the neighbourhood of Spitzbergen, he 
 knew well that he was near the country discovered by 
 Barents in 1596, and he was looking out for some of 
 the points noted by that navigator. But though 
 Barents' explorations had been so far useful to Hud- 
 son, they had not been chronicled with sufficient 
 accuracy, to enable Hudson to recognize beforehand 
 the real conformation of Spitzbergen. There seemed 
 to exist a hope of passing through what has since 
 been proved to be a firm body of land ; or at least by 
 the north of it. These attempts Hudson made ; and he . 
 left no means untried which seemed to offer a hope of 
 succeeding in this really hopeless undertaking. When 
 he had at last recognized how hopeless it was, he once 
 more sailed northwards to the great ice barrier, with 
 the intention of finding a way by the north of 
 Engroneland to the west ; and of thus entering Davis' 
 Strait by a northern route. He soon perceived that 
 this undertaking, too, offered no chance of success, at 
 c c 
 least, if begun in the neighbourhood of Spitzbcvgen ; 
 so he sailed again to the south. It is not unhkcly that 
 he renewed tlie attempt in a lower latitude, and 
 nearer Greenland, on his homeward voyage ; and that 
 he arrived in this manner in the somewhat too 
 westerly longitude, in which Jan Maycn and the 
 Faroer Islands are situated. The discovery of the 
 former island was made by chance. 
 In tlie course of this voyage Hudson made two 
 observations, the one interesting, tlic other of tlie 
 highest importance. The first observation is that of 
 the changing colour of the sea near Spitzbergen. He 
 found it sometimes blue, sometimes green, sometimes 
 dark, sometimes clear and transparent. "The colour of 
 the Greenland sea varies from ultramarine blue," says 
 Dr. Scoresby, " to olive green ; and from the most pure 
 transparency to striking opacity. These appearances 
 are not transitory but permanent ; not depending on 
 the state of the weather, but on the quality of the 
 water. Hudson, when he visited this quarter in 1607, 
 II noticed the changes in the colour of the sea, and 
 I made the observation that the sea was blue where 
 there was ice, and green where it was most open. 
 This circumstance, however, was merely accidental." 
 The other observation is that of the existence of a 
 vast number of whales and morses in the waters Hud- 
 son had visited. This observation raised Spitzber- 
 gen and Jan Mayen Island to the importance which 
 they have since assumed. 
 Hudson's second voyage offers fewer subjects for 
 comment than the first. Its plan is very simple. 
 Having found by experience tiic inipractibility of 
 Kobei't Thome's scheme, Hudson now followed in 
 the track of those of his predecessors wlio had tried 
 to find a way to China by the north east. But he 
 was acqtiainted with their failure's as well as with 
 their hopes, and he knew the difficulties which a 
 passage through or beyond the Nova Zembla group, 
 and then through the Kara Sea, presented. Three 
 chances for passing beyond or through Nova Zembla 
 seemed to exist, namely, to sail through Vaigats 
 Straits, south of Nova Zembla ; to pass by the north of 
 the group, as Barents had done ; and thirdly, to pass 
 through the group by way of Costin Shar, a bay which 
 appeared on Barents' chart as a strait. Hudson was 
 ignorant of the existence of the real straits between i 
 those islands. His plan then was either to go by ' 
 the north or by the south of Nova Zembla, or through 
 Costin Shar. Should he thus succeed in entering ' 
 the Sea of Kara (which he calls the Sea of Tartary), '' 
 he would, according to his notions, have had two 
 farther stages to reach or pass ; first, the mouth of 
 the Oby ; then Cape Tabin. He knew that this 
 would not be easy, but he was fully prepared to 
 encounter the dangers of what he considered as a 
 short though severe struggle. Beyond Cape Tabin 
 the way to China seemed to him perfectly smooth. 
 The second expedition, then, consists of the follow- 
 ing parts. Hudson's voyage out until he arrived in 
 latitude 75° 24', between Spitzbergen and Nova 
 Zembla (April 22nd to June 11th, 1608): his vain 
 attempts to pass to the north-east beyond the Nova 
 Zembla group, and his struggles with the ice, where 
 he sometimes gains, sometimes loses a few minutes of 
 latitude (June 18th to 23rd) : the voyage south- 
 wards along the group, but not always near its shore 
 (June 24th to 29th) : exploration of Costin Shar, 
 and discovery that it is a bay, not a strait (June 29th 
 to July 6th) : the voyage home (July 6th to August 
 26th). As to th'i voyage through the Vaigats Strait, 
 the chance still left opeii in that quarter, Hudson says 
 that for it he was not " fitted to trie or prove." 
 We call the reader's particular attention to a 
 passage near the end of the logbook, entered under 
 the 7th of August. Hudson must at that time 
 have been about in latitude 62° or 63°, not very 
 far from the south of Greenland, and therefore per- 
 fectly able to enter into Davis' Strait before the 
 close of the season. He says that he for a moment 
 intended to do so, in order to sail a hundred leagues 
 either into Lumlcys Inlet (Frobisher's Strait) or into 
 The Furious Overfall (Hudson's Strait) ; but that 
 he sacrificed his ambition to his duty. This notice, 
 |i' curious in itself, is doubly so as an answer to the 
 <I calumny of Luko Foxe, who attributes to Col- 
 burne the pln,n Zor Hudson's fourth voyage ; whilst 
 it here clearly appears that already in 1608, two 
 years before the fourth voyage, Hudson's mind was 
 bent upon the schemes which that undertaking was 
 intended to realize. 
 The number and variety of the papers which illus- 
 trate the third voyage make our task of introducing 
 them a somewhat difficult one. Besides, since the 
 first page- of the present introduction were printed, 
 a most important addition has been made to the 
 documents in our collection ; consisting of the letter 
 of President Jeannin to Henry IV of France,^ which 
 will be found in the Appendix. It very fortunately 
 happens, that the observations which we shall have 
 to offer as an introduction to that state paper, will at 
 the same time throw a light on the circumstances in 
 which Hudson was placed during his stay in Holland 
 previous to his departure for the third expedition. 
 The Negociations of President Jeannin, from which 
 our extract is taken, are reckoned among the classical 
 Mhnoires Historiques ; a class of writings equally 
 distinguished by the position of the authors, the ele- 
 gance of their language, and the importance of the 
 information they furnish. In all these respects Pre- 
 sident Jeannin's Negociations occupy a very high 
 rank. The main portion of that work consists of 
 letters addressed to Henry IV of France, in the 
 years 1608 and 1609, mostly from the Hague and 
 from Antwerp. Jeannin had been sent to the Nether- 
 lands to negociate, together with the representatives 
 of other nations, a treaty of peace, or at least a truce 
 between Spain and those of its revolted provinces 
 which had long, in fact, enjoyed that independence 
 ' This document is indicated in Mr. Berg van Dussen Muilkcrk's 
 Bijdracgen tot de Geschiedenis onzer Kolonizatie in Noord-A^nerica. 
 We have above (p. Ivii) adverted to this book ; but from memory 
 only, and not with sufficient justice. It is very gratifying to be 
 able now to acknowledge our obligations to that remarkable work, 
 which compresses a vast amount of new research into an incredi- 
 bly small space. 
 which was now to be confirmed by a treaty. It was 
 in the midst of this negociation, in January 1609, 
 that an indirect intercourse was established between 
 Hudson and Jeannin. To explain the origin and 
 issue of that intercourse, as well as the motives of the 
 men who acted as mediators between the navigator 
 and the diplomatist , we must throw a brief glance at 
 the political movements in which Jeannin was mixed 
 up, and especially at the difficulties which he had to 
 overcome in negociating the treaty. 
 These difficulties did not alone, nor perhaps even 
 mainly, consist in the pride of the Spaniards. Their 
 foes, the inhabitants of the northern provinces, were 
 far from united in the wish to make peace, at least 
 on the conditions that could then be obtained. The 
 feelings of the majority in the free provinces were 
 not unlike those which lately animated the whole of 
 ', Italy during the negociation of the peace of Zurich, 
 / when it was considered a disgrace to secure Lom- 
 bardy from the House of Hapsbui'g at the price of 
 the confirmed slavery of another and more important 
 district. But in the Netherlands the position, though 
 similar was not alike. There existed in some of the 
 fre& provinces a peace party, powerful in every re- 
 spect except in numbers, which was animated by 
 selfish motives, such as have not come to light in the 
 late Italian struggles. This peace party consisted 
 principally of the powerful families which had made 
 the civic dignities in the towns of Holland heredi- 
 tary among themselves ; who composed, as delegates 
 from these towns, the estates of Holland, and who 
 thus swayed the United Provinces. They were 
 strongly interested in preventing the departure of 
 the rich and active Belgian emigrants, whom a con- 
 tinued and successful war might have carried home 
 in triumph. They also wished that Antwerp should 
 not again rise to its former importance. The resto- 
 ration of the other parts of Belgium would likewise 
 have destroyed the preeminence of Holland. Peace 
 and the status quo were therefore their great objects. 
 This peace party, which was headed by Oldenbar- 
 nevelt and counted Hugo Grotius among its leaders, 
 is better known as the Ilepublican or Arminian 
 party. Republican it was called because it desired 
 to keep the rule of the country to itself. The name 
 of Arminius had been adopted a few years before, 
 when that divine had published some maxims of 
 church government suited to the tastes and interests 
 of these llejmblicans. The Arminian doctrine, which 
 also contained some theological principles opposed to 
 strict Calvinism, became the standard round which 
 the Eejmhlicans gathered. It counted scarcely any 
 adherents except among them. 
 The opposition of the Republicans to strict 
 Calvinism, was no accidental circumstance in their 
 policy. The party whom they opposed was headed by 
 the Belgian emigrants, who desired to continue the 
 w^ar until their own country should be freed from the 
 Spanish yoke ; and again, at the head of the Belgian 
 emigrants, stood the Calvinistic clergymen ; among 
 whom such men as Peter Plancius, and others of a 
 simihir stamp, appeared. These divines and preachers 
 exercised a most powerful influence over the great 
 mass of the people, who were besides naturally op- 
 posed to the " municipal families," whose tyranny 
 and arrogance they hated. The Belgian party found 
 another ally besides these lower classes, in the Prince 
 Maurice of Orange, the most illustrious warrior of the 
 age, whose every hope was connected with the con- 
 tinuance of the struggle. Tims the war party was 
 generally termed the Calvinistic, or the Orange 
 The two political parties which we have tried to 
 sketch, vied with each other to obtain Henry Hud- 
 son's services. This happened in the following man- 
 ner. We have above spoken of the first efforts made 
 at the end of the sixteenth century by the Dutch, to 
 establish transatlantic commerce ; and we have seen 
 that they entirely obeyed in this respect the impulse 
 given by the Belgian emigrants. A few years had 
 been sufficient to produce the most important con- 
 sequences from these beginnings ; and it was soon 
 apparent that transatlantic commerce would form the 
 foundation of the prosperity of the Dutch Republic. 
 It was then most strongly the interest of the ruling 
 Arminian party not to let so powerful a lever remain 
 in the hands of the Belgians, their antagonists. The 
 great chief of the Arminians, John Oldenbarnevelt, 
 therefore contrived to place the direction of the East 
 India trade in the hands of his own partisans ; and 
 he founded for this purpose in 1602, the privileged 
 East India Company, the directors of which were, 
 almost exclusively, taken from among the so-called 
 I rlMmtii-- 
 Republicans, and which, in after t'.mcs, always made 
 common cause with them. 
 This East India Company had a privilege to trade 
 by the ordinary route, round the Cape of Good 
 liope. Many of the Belgians, on the other hand, still 
 adhered to their own old scheme, of which Peter 
 Plancius was the representative, namely, that of a 
 short north-eastern route to China. They besides 
 endeavoured to establish a West India Company, 
 under the direction of William Usselincx, and on the 
 principle of which we have spoken above, namely, 
 that of driving the Spaniards from America, and out 
 of the American waters ; and so to cripple their 
 resources. This idea, and still more the aim for the 
 sake of which it was entertained, were strongly at 
 variance with the wishes and interests of the peace 
 These indications will enable us to place in chro- 
 nological order, all the data that are bearing on 
 Hudson's sojourn in Holland. We must then leave it 
 to the reader to connect these pieces of evidence, and 
 to form out of them a complete picture, which may 
 easily be done by supplying such details, historical 
 and local, as can be procured in abundance from 
 various sources. As to our own chronological 
 arrangement, it will perhaps be best not to confine 
 it to Hudson's stay in Holland, but to extend 
 it over the other main points of the third voyage. 
 AVe give for this purpose the following synoptical 
 Hudson called by the privileged 
 iMist India Coiiiiiany 
 Hudson's arrival in Holland 
 — — 
 Conferences with the East India 
 Company begin 
 Personal intercourse with Plan- 
 Treatise of Iver 
 cius begins - - . - 
 Conversations with Plancius 
 Hessel Gerritz 
 181, 180, 
 187, 1!)1 
 Intercourse with JoJocus Hon- 
 Iver Boty, Hon- 
 diiis' map 
 Hudson's proposals rejected for 
 Jan. 1000 
 the present by theE.I.Conip. Ar- 
 rangements for employment in 
 Belgians seize the opportunity. 
 Jan. KiO!) 
 Lc Maire acquainted with Hud- 
 son. Lo Maire proposes to Jeannin 
 to form a rival E. I. Comp. under 
 Henry IV's protection, and to 
 engage Hudson as captain 
 Peter Plancius calls on Jeannin - 
 Jan. 1000 
 E. I. Comp. alarmed by Le Maire's 
 Jan. KiOO 
 opposition, determine to send 
 Hudson at once 
 Usselincx's intercourse with Jean- 
 Jan. 100!) 
 Zealand Chamber refuses to send 
 Amsterdam Chamber do so by 
 themselves . . . . 
 H. starts with two vessels, thej 
 cciii, 254 
 Good Hope and the Half Moon i 
 Half Moon a Vlie Boat 
 — — 
 Van Meteren 
 Ileaches the North Cape 
 May 5,100!) 
 Juet, V. Meteren 
 45, 147 
 Voyage to Nova Zembla, mutiny, 
 May 5-1-1 
 V. Meteren 
 Arrival at the North Cape on 
 May 10 
 their return .... 
 Arrival at Faroe Islands 
 May no 
 Juet, V. Meteren 
 48, 140 
 Arrival near Nova Scotia coast - 
 June 2-Z 
 They land (i4° 1') to cut a fore 
 July 1!) 
 00, 140, 
 mast; quarrels with natives 
 They arrive at Barnstaple penin- 
 May 2 
 J. V. M.,DeL. 
 04, 150, 
 sula .-...- 
 They arrive in 37° 45' (Virginia 
 May 13 
 Juet, v. Meteren 
 00, 150 
 Chesapeake Bay .... 
 Aug. 27 
 Juet, De Laet 
 73, 150 
 ' This date (1609) may, however, accordmg to the calendar 
 then in use, refer to the first months of 1609. Hudson's arrival in 
 Holland can therefore not positively be stated to have taken place 
 before January 1609. 
 Delaware Bay .... 
 Hudson's River . - - . 
 In latitude 42° 18'Hudson lands | 
 Scene of Drunkenness 
 Leave Hudson's River 
 Dissensions during the 
 Arrival in England 
 Hudson retained in England 
 Return of the Half Moon - 
 Aug. 28 
 Sept. 2 
 Sept. 17 
 Sept. 18 
 Sept. 20 
 Oct. 4 
 Nov. 7 
 Jan. 1010 
 July 15, 
 74, 157 
 Juet, De Lnet 
 Juet, De Laet 
 85, Uil 
 Juet, Heckewel- 
 M5, 174, 
 der, ]5nrton 
 Jui't, V. iMeteren 
 92, 151 
 V. MeLereu 
 Juet, V. Metercn 
 on, 152 
 V. Miiteren 
 To complete our introduction to the third voyage, 
 we have to add some remarks on several isolated 
 points, that either present a particular interest or 
 require special attention. 
 We find in Lambrechtsen, that Hudson was sent 
 out by the Amsterdam Chamber of the East India 
 Company, against the will of the Middelburg Cham- 
 ber. The Cha?nbers of which the Dutch East India 
 Company was composed had each a separate exist- 
 ence. The whole company, in fact, did not form so 
 homogeneous a body as English companies of the 
 present day, but may rather be called a confedera- 
 tion of several societies. Each of the provinces along 
 the sea shore had a chamher or society of its own, 
 governed by its own committee of directors. Out 
 of these provincial committees a central council of 
 seventeen members was chosen, who are generally 
 termed The Seventeen. The action of this general 
 council resembled that of the delegates of a political 
 confederacy, and did not destroy the individual action 
 of the provincial chambers. To say more on this 
 complicated question would lead us too far. We 
 must, however, advert to another statement of Lam- 
 brechtscn, which had unfortunately been omitted 
 in the English translation we made use of for our 
 extracts from his book. This statement is contained 
 in one of his foot notes, and is couched in the fol- 
 lowing words : " In the minutes of the Council of 
 the XVII this yacht (the yacht Hudson sailed in) 
 is called the Good Ilope.'"'^ From these words we 
 learn, first that Lambrechtsen used an original MS. 
 description of Hudson's voyage, which he found in- 
 serted in the Minutes of the Seventeen. We further 
 learn that the name of Hudson's vessel was the Good 
 Hope. It is, however, stated by an equally unques- 
 tionable authority that Hudson's vessel was called 
 the Half Moon? The most natural solution of this 
 apparent contradiction is, that Hudson had with him 
 two vessels, the one called the Half Moon^ the other 
 the Good Hope. It is not known what became of the 
 latter vessel. She may have returned after the mutiny 
 near Nova Zembla. The main part of the voyage 
 was certainly performed in the Half Moon alone. 
 The crew of the vessel — or vessels— under Hud- 
 son's orders consisted partly of Dutchmen, partly of 
 Englishmen. As to the Dutchmen, there is strong 
 reason to believe that they were sailors in the regular 
 service of the East India Company, whose engage- 
 ' In cle Notulen van de Vergaderinge van dc xvii wordt dit 
 Jagt de Goedc Ilonp gcndemt. 
 ^ Brodhcad, from a ship book found in the East India Archives 
 at Amsterdam. 
 mcnt liacl been matlc without Hudson's intervention. 
 We learn that Hudson, after his return, requested 
 the East India Company to exchange some of his 
 sailors for others, so as to enable him to start again 
 with a more obedient crew. This request would 
 never have been made had these men been entirely 
 dependent upon him. Their mutinous spirit and 
 their quarrels with their English companions must 
 be attributed to his want of control over them. 
 Among the Dutch sailors was also Hudson's mate, 
 as Van Meteren expressly states. We have already 
 observed, that several writers have thought, that 
 Robert Juet was that Dutch mate ; and we have 
 added that this is not our opinion. This is still 
 further confirmed by the following fact : Juet always 
 speaks of himself in the first person. He has more 
 than once occasion to do so ; he was an able astro- 
 nomer ; and we find him repeatedly calculating lati- 
 tudes by the height of the stars ; a kind of obser- 
 vation which Hudson himself seems never to have 
 attempted. Now Juet tells us distinctly that " the 
 master's mate" explored the most northern part of 
 Hudson River, and that the " master and his mate" 
 " succeeded in making one of the Indians drunk. 
 The person here twice referred to was then not the 
 author of the Journal. Juet was, what he appears 
 from all the other circumstances to have been, 
 namely, an Englishman. John Colman, also one of 
 Hudson's former companions, is the only other 
 Englishman on board the Half Moon whose name is 
 mentioned in our sources. It is unknown what rank 
 these two men held on board the vessel. 
 Hudson in 1009 originally intended to continue 
 the north-eastern search begun by him the year 
 before. His plan probably was to pass through 
 Vaigats Strait ; a route which he had been unable 
 to follow in 1608. He had already arrived near 
 Nova Zembla when a mutiny broke out among his 
 crew. They refused to proceed any further through 
 the ice. After some discussions, it was decided that 
 they were to sail westward, and to search for a passage 
 through America, in latitude 40°. " This idea," says 
 Van Meteren, from whom we learn these facts, " had 
 been suggested to Hudson by some letters and maps 
 which his friend Captain Smith had sent him from 
 Virginia ; and by which he informed him that there 
 was a sea leading into the Western Ocean by the 
 north of the southern English colony (Virginia)." 
 We have already stated that, in Hakluyt's Divers 
 Vof/ages^ a map is to be found, copied by Lok from 
 Verazzano, in which the American continent in the 
 latitude here indicated appears as a narrow strip of 
 land separating the Atlantic from the Pacific. This 
 was most probably one of the maps sent by Smith. 
 Another one of his maps may have been based on 
 Ribeiro's rlanisphere, which indicates in those parts 
 some broad openings in the coast. John Smith had 
 moreover lived a long time among the American 
 Indians. The tribes of all these immense tracts of 
 country are known to belong to the same stock, and 
 to entertain friendly or hostile intercourse. By them 
 Smith must have been informed of the existence of 
 the great lakes, which may well have been repre- 
1 «^ 
 scntcd to him as parts of the ocean. IIcsscl Genitz 
 at least received from that same source, though in- 
 directly, this same deceptive intelligence.^ These 
 materials seem to have been combined in Smith's 
 communications, so as to suggest the existence of an 
 easy passage through the American continent, open- 
 ing on its eastern side somewhere between the 37tli 
 and 41st degrees of latitude. The search for such a 
 passage is the only purpose that can be ascribed to 
 Hudson's rambling course along those shores. 
 Juet makes no mention of the voyage to Nova 
 Zembla, nor of the mutiny, in which perhaps he 
 played a part. He suppresses in a most artful 
 manner the events of the memorable fortnight, from 
 the fifth to the nineteenth of May. But under the 
 latter date, Tuesday^ the nineteenth of May^ 1G09, we 
 find in his Journal a notice which amply com- 
 pensates us for this loss. The following are his 
 words : Then ive observed the sunne having a slacke. 
 We have in our note to this passage, tried to show 
 that a slack means a spot ; and that therefore sun 
 spots were observed on board the Half Moon more 
 than a year and a half before what is generally con- 
 sidered the first observation of that phenomenon. 
 The next remark which we have to make applies 
 to a passage in Juet's logbook, where there seems to 
 be either a clerical or a typographical error. We 
 allude to his entry under the eighteenth of Septem- 
 ber : " In the after-noone our master's mate went on 
 land with an old savage, a governor of the countrey, J 
 » P. 185. I 
 I 4 
 etc." Instead of our master s matc^ we must read our 
 master^ locality and circumstances bein^ exactly the 
 same which are described by De Laet as belonging to 
 Hudson's visit on shore. Juct's account contains no 
 other mention of that visit. These are all the promi- 
 nent points we had to note. 
 To conclude this part of our introduction, we have 
 but to add a few observations on what happened 
 after Hudson's return and on the consequences of his 
 third voyage. The circumstances of his return, the 
 strange embargo laid upon his person by the English 
 government, and his correspondence with the East 
 India Company, are related by Van Meteren. No- 
 tiling can be, nor need be, added to the details which 
 he furnishes. The Half Moon returned to Amsterdam 
 in July 1610, as will be seen in the note from Mr. 
 Brodhead's work, which is to be found in the appen- 
 dix to the present volume. 
 William Smith, the author of a very defective his- 
 tory of New York, says that a right to occupy the 
 banks of Hudson river was sold to the Dutch by the 
 discoverer. This story, which is not only untrue, 
 but is contrary to all possibility of international law, 
 has been invented to furnish a connecting link be- 
 tween Hudson's discovery for the Dutch, and the 
 colonization of those very quarters by that same 
 nation. Such a connecting link exists, but it is of a 
 different nature from the one imagined by Smith. 
 It might at first sight have been expected that the 
 directors of the East India Company would have fol- 
 lowed up the discovery made in one of their vessels. 
 Nothing, liowcvcr, was further from their thou«i,hts ; 
 Nortli American trade was advocated by the Belgians, 
 their political advcri^aries. This was a suf!ici(>nt 
 motive for them not to favour it ; and the East India 
 Company never claimed any of the advantages which 
 Hudson's discovery soon began to yield. But some 
 other Dutchmen, following in Hudson's footsteps, 
 began to trade in furs with the natives, and then to 
 build a fort on Manhattan island, in Hudson river. 
 The fort became the germ of a village, the village 
 became a town. The town was first called ^Vew 
 Amsterdam. Its name now is New York. 
 The last events narrated by Van Meteren took 
 place in January, 1610. Then already it was ru- 
 moured that Hudson would again be sent out by an 
 English company. Soon afterwards an arrangement 
 of this kind must have been definitively made. The 
 names of Hudson's three principal employers are to 
 be found in Purchas' Pilgrimage} They are all now 
 inscribed on some well known localities in the Arctic 
 regions. Sir Thomas Smith's name has been given 
 to what was called a sotmd^ north of Baffin's Bay ; but 
 is now known to be a strait, leading into the northern 
 waters. Cape Wolstenholme and Cape Diggs form 
 the entrance to Hudson's Bay. 
 The plan which gave rise to this fourth voyage 
 had long been present to Hudson's mind. Already, 
 in September 1608, he had intended to search for a 
 passage through the strait which he was now going 
 ^ The names of all his employers will be found in the extract 
 from the charter granted to Button's employers, at the end of the 
 e c 
 to explore. He had earnestly discussed that same 
 plan with Peter Plancius in 1608 and 1G09, and had 
 been coiiiinncd in his resolution by George Wey- 
 mouth's experience, which Plancius had communi- 
 cated to him ; although this passionate advocate of 
 the north-eastern search had tried to dissuade Hud- 
 son from his north-western undertaking. On the 
 seventeenth of April, 1610, Hudson started from 
 London. As to the events of his voyage, they are 
 described in the diiferent papers that have come 
 down to us ; and we have tried to render these docu- 
 ments more clearly intelligible by our notes. Still 
 there is so much difficulty in the geographical in- 
 vestigation of this voyage, that we cannot hope to 
 make the reader's path quite easy, even by the assist- 
 ance which our notes may afford, and by the 
 synoptical arrangement of the materials, to which the 
 following table is devoted. 
 Names of Adventurers. Vessel - 
 De^jarture . . . . 
 Colburn sent back 
 Wcstiiinii Islands 
 OtF Iceland . . - . 
 Breda Bay (Lousie Bay), Hud- 
 si n's letter . . . - 
 1)( i^arture from Iceland 
 Greenland K. 05° ( Groneland) - 
 Greenland E. (i;J° (Frobisher's 
 Cape Farewell (Desolation) 
 Greenland S.W. ti()° ■i-Z' (Desola- 
 tion) . . . - - 
 Resolution Island 
 Ungava Bay, S.E. 5U° 10' - 
 ]Mutiny . . . . . 
 Alqnitok ( Desire Brovoketh ) 
 Saddle Buck lslands( God's Mercy) 
 Juckman's Sound 
 April 17, 
 May 15 
 May ;}0 
 June 1 
 June -4, 5 
 June i) 
 June 15 
 June 20 
 June L>i 
 July 5 
 July 11 
 H., Br. 
 O.'i, 1)0 
 II., Br., Foxo 
 H., Br. 
 !i4, !)8 
 H., Br. 
 U-L, 00 
 H. Il.'s letter. Br. 
 04, 00, 
 i;i.}, 110 
 H., Br. 
 04, 00 
 H., Br. 
 04, 00 
 H., Pr., Burch. 
 II., Br. 
 95, 100 
 II., Br. 
 05, U)'i 
 11., Br. 
 00, 10;! 
 Ungavft B. S.W. ns" 50' 
 Jiilv Hi 
 Lnrit? Island (IIoUl witli Hope) - 
 July lU 
 Southern shore of llndson's 
 Strait, from Hope Advance liny 
 to Deception Bay (Mni,'iia Ihi- 
 tannia, I'rince Henry's Cape, 
 no, 07, 
 Kin<,' James Cape) - 
 July 20. 51 
 H., Br. 
 104, 105 
 Nortliern sliore, N. of Cliarles Is. 
 Aug. 1 
 H., Br, 
 Salisliury Island 
 Aug. '2 
 H., Br. 
 97, 10(1 
 Cape Wolstenlndme, Capo Diggs 
 Aug. :$ 
 H., Br. 
 i)7, 10(i 
 Voyage, down the cast coast of 
 Aug. 4, 
 105 110 
 Hudson's ]3ay - . . . 
 Oct. ;!l 
 .Tui't's trial - - . - . 
 Sept. 10 
 1 ;!()-] .-is 
 Wintering in James Bay - 
 Nov.:!,] 10. 
 Br., Hess. Gerr. 
 Antiscorbutic medicine 
 Dec. 1010 
 Br., Burch. 
 114, 141 
 Visit of a savage 
 1H7, 1!):'. 
 Green's antecedents - 
 Departure from winter quarters - 
 Conspiracy — Hudson's exposure 
 117-1 2:f, 
 142, 1H4, 
 Voyage back to Diggs' Island 
 June 21- 
 Br., Burch, 
 July 2.5 
 Fight with Esquimaux near 
 July 2'J 
 Br., Burch. 
 B27 BU, 
 Diggs' Island - . . . 
 Voyage homo .... 
 July no- 
 Br., Burch. 
 Sept. (i 
 Burch,, H. Ger. 
 144, IHH, 
 Imprisonment of conspirators 
 H. Ger. 
 Button sent out in seai'cli of 
 H. Ger, 
 It will not be necessary to add any long comments 
 to this table. On reference to the documents, it will be 
 seen that the geographical information is to be found 
 almost exclusively in Hudson's own journal, and in 
 his chart, whilst the scenes and events of the voyage 
 form the main portion of Pricket's account. The 
 few pages which may be gathered from other sources 
 contain stray facts, the insertion of which our table 
 will facilitate. It will not be easy, even with the 
 assistance of the maps in the present volumi\ to 
 follow Hudson through the Strait. Few readers take 
 sutHcient interest in such matters to attempt tliis 
 labour. To those who wish to undertake it, sve re- 
 commend the Admiralty Chart of the Arctic regions 
 (1856) as a very useful guide. 
 The remaining part of Hudson's voyage, the ex- 
 ploration of Hudson's Bay, the wintering in James 
 Bay, the conspiracy of the crew, the exposure of 
 Hudson in an o^en shallop, are strikingly told by 
 Pricket. But his account, though very remarkable 
 as a narrative, is most unsatisfactory as a geogra- 
 phical record, and leaves almost every question of 
 this kind without a conclusive answer. We cannot 
 even fix the spot where Hudson wintered and where 
 he died. The wintering place which seems to 
 us the most likely is indicated in the map of his 
 voyages which accompanies this volume. The place 
 where he was exposed cannot have been at a great 
 distance from his winter quarters, considering the 
 short time which elapsed between his departure and 
 that tragical event. But in this respect our uncer- 
 tainty is still greater. 
 The conspirators pleaded as an excuse for their 
 guilty deed, that Hudson had withheld some of the 
 victuals, storing them up in his own cabin ; and they 
 have tried to throw in this manner a blemish on his 
 character. But even if the charge be a true one, 
 Hudson's motives were certainly honourable ; with 
 such men as he had under his orders it was danjierous 
 to deal openly. Their crime had no other cause than 
 the fear that he would continue his search and expose 
 them to new privations ; and it seems that in pro- 
 viding for this emergency, he had even increased his 
 dangers. Another calumny has aheady been dis- 
 proved ; and Hudson's character stands free from all 
 Partly to search for Hudson, partly to improve his . 
 discoveries, an expedition was sent out the following 
 year, under Sir Thomas Button. Allusion is made 
 to it by Hessel Gcrritz ; and we have besides added, 
 at the end of the appendix, the contents of a charter 
 granted to the company by whom Button was sent '■ 
 out. Those who risked their capital on that enter- | 
 prise, firmly believed that Hudson had found an 
 opening for a commercial route to China and Japan. 
 Such was also the belief of Hessel Gerritz, of 
 Purchas, and of all those who first began to spread 
 Hudson's fame. This belief has now vanished, and 
 we know that all the attempts of Henry Hudson,- in ' 
 the north, in the north-east, and in the north-west, \ 
 have proved complete failures. ? 
 Yet, Henry Hudson's name is not forgotten. It j 
 is borne by his Strait and by the Bay in which he 
 wintered and died. It is inscribed on the vast ter- 
 ritory between the Bay and the Pacific Ocean. It is 
 affectionately remembered by the millions of human 
 beings now living on those banks, which he found 
 scantily inhabited by savage races. Kor have his j| 
 labours been fruitless : he has given to his own 
 country the fisheries of Spitzbergen, and the fur trade 
 of the Hudson's Bay territories. The Dutch owed to 
 hicn their North- American colony, which has after- 
 wards fallen into English hands ; and is now peopled 
 and ruled over by the united descendants of both 
 nations. Thus, in spite of his failures, Hudson has 
 erected himself a far prouder monument than he 
 would have dared to hope for. These successes may 
 well be held out as an encouragement to those, who, 
 like him, labour earnestly and steadfastly in some 
 great cause that may seem hopeless. Such labour is 
 never cast away, if only they, like Henry Hudson, 
 prescribe to themselves the rule : To achieve what 
 words, to give reason wherefore it will not be. 
 In laying the present volume before the members 
 of the Hakluyt Society, the editor owes them more 
 than one explanation. The book has, long ago, been 
 announced as nearly ready. Mr. Hamilton, of the 
 manuscript department in the British Museum, was 
 then named as the editor, whom the writer of the 
 present pages was merely to assist by furnishing part 
 of the introduction. This arrangement was after- 
 wards rendered impossible, by the present editor's 
 leaving London, and retiring to the country. The 
 present editor had not at first the courage to ask Mr. 
 Hamilton to give up his rights. When he at last 
 did so, the request was most kindly and courteously 
 granted. But a delay of more than a year had 
 before taken place. It would be useless to enume- 
 rate the other causes of delay, except the principal 
 one ; namely the difficulty the editor felt in writing 
 English. This difficulty could never have been 
 surmounted without the extreme kmdness of the 
 editor's friend, Mr. R. H. Major, who has examined 
 every line of the present book before it was sent to 
 the press. From this kindness, the editor has derived 
 more than passing benefits. The corrections became 
 fewer as the work proceeded, and have in its latter 
 half been limited to a few minutiiE here and there. 
 Mr. Major has also taken upon himself the tedious 
 and ungrateful task of correcting the extracts from 
 Purchas. During the journey which the editor 
 undertook to inspect the Cabot map in Paris, he 
 received the kind attentions of the celebrated Mr. 
 Jomard, and of the equally distinguished scholar 
 to whom the present volume is dedicated. Mr. 
 Bouillet, the author of two justly esteemed manuals, 
 has also been kind enough to assist the editor in 
 tracing the Anskoeld Myth back to its origin. In 
 Holland the editor has been less fortunate ; yet he 
 has there received some kind assistance from Mr. 
 Frederic Muller in Amsterdam, and from Mr. Spanier, 
 the lithographer, at the Hague, to whom the excel- 
 lent copies from the two old Dutch charts are due. 
 He has especially to thank Mr. Campbell, the deputy 
 librarian at the Hague, for an act of very great 
 kindness, alluded to on p. xxxv of the present volume. 
 A., B. 
 The questions to which these two notes refer have been made the 
 subjects of special investigation, by the writer of the present pages, 
 whilst the book was going through the press, and by a new and 
 more accurate examination of the original documents he has been 
 induced to modify very considerably the opinions expressed in the 
 text. The following are the principal new views he has arrived at : 
 1. That Sebastian Cabot was born in Venice, not in Bristol; 
 that he arrived in England with his father when a child, and lived 
 here till he went out on his voyages. 
 2. That the voyages of the Scandinavians exercised no percepti- 
 ble influence upon John and Sebastian's opinions. 
 3. That John Cabot died most probably shortly after his son's 
 second departure. 
 4. That the discovery of Hudson's Strait in 1496 must be con- 
 cluded from Galvano's account, not from the spurious one of 
 The editor is now preparing for the press a memoir on the 
 north-western voyages of the Cabots, in which these matters will 
 be more clearly explained than could be done in the short space 
 here afforded. 
 The notes on Cabot's map will be found in the bibliographical 
 list, under Cabot. 
 The following are the sources which the editor has consulted : 
 I. As regards the Scandinavians, his notes are taken from Rafn's 
 celebrated work, where it is stated in various places that the re- 
 nitiining Icelandic documents respecting the north-western voyages 
 of the Scandinavians are extremely numerous, and belong to almost 
 every age, from the beginning of the voyages themselves down to 
 the sixteenth century ; so that it is evident how very familiar the 
 Icelanders must have been with these matters in Cabot's and 
 Columbus' time. This seems to us even more clearly proved by 
 the geographical manuals of the Icelanders than by the remain- 
 ing fragments of their ancient records. These geographical sys- 
 tems prove that the discovery of America, such as it presented 
 itself to their minds, formed part and parcel of their general ideas, 
 from which it can therefore not have been easily effaced. The 
 interesting extract which we give (at the end of the Appendix) is 
 taken from the Gripla, one of those geographical manuals which 
 would seem, if we understand Mr. Rafn right, to belong on exter- 
 nal evidence to the end of the fifteenth or beginning of the six- 
 teenth century. We cannot perceive the weight of the reasons 
 adduced by northern scholars for the fact, that on intrinsic evi- 
 dence the Gripla must be much anterior to Columbus' and Cabot's 
 II. John Cahufs arrival in England. — Sebastian's birth. Mis- 
 cellanies of the Philobiblon Society, ii. The paper on Cabot 
 quoted in our Bibliographical list, p. 262. Peter Martyr, p. 232. 
 Eden's Peter Martyr, p. 255. 
 III. Influence of the Scandinavians. This idea was principally 
 based on Gomara, ch. xxxix (p. 31), which we have since learnt 
 to consider as a compilation made up from Peter Martyr, and from | 
 some fictions introduced by Gomara. 
 IV. First Voyage, Charter granted by Henry VII, Hakluyt, iii, 4. 
 Extract from Henry VII Book of Privy Purse, Biddle, Cabot, p. 
 80, note; Miscellanies of Philobiblon Society, as reprinted in 
 the text. Ramusio, Viaggi, V. i, p. 414, 415. (In the treatise on 
 Spices, edition quoted in our Bibl. List). The History and Anti- 
 (juiLies of Bristol, p. 172. Cabot's Map; Chytracus, p. 773 ; Hak- 
 luyt, iii, 5. 
 V. Events between First and Second Voyage. Book of Privy 
 Purse, Cabot, p. 80. Ramusio, loco citato. 
 VI. Privilege granted to John Cabot, Biddle, Cabot, p. 76 ; 
 Hakluyt, iii, 5. ft' 
 t V' 
 VII. Second Voyayc. Fabian's Chronicle, a notice occurring in 
 three different shapes : a. Hakluyt, Divers Voyages, Ajipenilix 
 specially devoted to Sebastian Cabot; h. Stow, Annals, p. 481, 
 edition quoted in Bibliographical list ; the same before in IIol- 
 Hnshed Chronicle, edited by John Hooker, 1587 : date 1498 ; 
 c. Hakluyt, Collections, iii, p. 9. Peter Martyr, p. 232 ; Galvano, 
 p. 32; Gomara, ch. xxxix (p. 31); Willes (Hakluyt, iii, p. 25.) 
 VIII. Third Voyage. Eden, Treatise of New India, 1553, Dedi- 
 cation ; llamusio, Viaggi, iii, Introduction ; Thome's Letter to 
 Henry VIII, loco citato. 
 For the two Portuguese expeditions, see chapters i to iv in the 
 second book of Mr. Bidd^e's Cabot (pp. 225-248) and the docu- 
 ments quoted there ; and also, Discorso d'un Gran Capitano 
 Francese, Ramusio, iii, 423 b. 
 Sec Discorso d'un Gran Capitano Francese, llamusio, iv, 423 b. 
 „■...., and Vincent Lc Blanc, Voyages (Paris, 1G48) iii" partie, p. 6G. 
B WSl. J 
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 1/ AH I I or' 
 Anno 1607, Aprill the nineteenth, at Saint Ethclbiirgc, in 
 liishops Gate street, did communicate with the rest of the 
 parishioners these persons, seamen, purposing to goe to sea 
 foure dayes after, for to discover a passage by the North J 
 Pole to Japan and China. First, Henry Hudson, master. "■ 
 Secondly, William Colincs, his mate. Thirdly, James * 
 Young. Fourthly, John Colman. Fiftly, John Cooke. . 
 Sixtly, James Beubery. Seventhly, James Skrutton. Eightly, ^ 
 John Pleyce. Ninthly, Thomas Baxter. Tcnthly, Ilichard , ^ 
 Day. Eleventhly, James Knight. Twelfthly, John Hud- 
 son,^ a boy. 
 The first of May, 1007, we wayed anchor at Gravesend, >ray. 
 and on Tuesday, the sixe and twentieth day, in the morn- 
 ing, we made the lies of Shetland,''^ and at noon m'c were in '','"' ,"'^"'' 
 00 degrees 12 minutes, and sixe leagues to the eastward of 
 ^ Son of Henry Hudson. [Ed.] " Shetland. [E.I.] 
 I i. 
 them : the compass hatl no variation. Wo had sixty-foiire 
 fathomes at our sounding, hhickc, ozie, sandie, with some 
 yellow shels. Our ship made more way than we did sup- 
 pose. On Saturday, the thirtieth of May, by our observa- 
 lioiiTfii iio- ^^"^^ ^^'^ were in Gl degrees 11 minutes. This day I found 
 mfiiutes. the needle to incline TO degrees under the horizon. For 
 '/il|[j"j''i'i'","'' foure daycs space we made very little way by contrary 
 needle. • i 
 June. (),^ Thursday, the fourth of June, we were, by our obser- 
 vation, still in 01 degrees and 14 minutes, eight and twentic 
 or tliirtie leagues from the norther part of Shotland : the 
 land bearing by our accompt east and by north off us. I 
 found variation in five degrees westerly. 
 The seventh of Juno, wee were in G3 degrees 25 minutes. 
 The eighth, all the forcnoone we had a fresh gale southerly; 
 we steered away north and by west : and by observation 
 r;-Miogioes -^ye Were in G5 decrees 27 minutes. 
 ' The elctcnth, wee saw sixe or seven whales neei'e our 
 .'in illhiuu-^s. shippc : we were in sixtie-sevcn degrees, thirtie minutes. 
 About five of the clocke, the winde came up at north-cast 
 and by east ; we atecred aAvay north north-Avest with a fresh 
 gale all the night at cast. The twelfth, the winde was at 
 east north-east, a stiffe gale ; wee steered away as afore, and 
 accounted wee had runne by this day noone thirtie leagues. 
 In the after-noone we steered away noitli and by west 
 fifteenc leagues ; all the night proved a great fogge with 
 much wind. 
 » The thirteenth, betwecne one and two in the morning, we 
 saw some land^ on head of us, and some ice ; and it being 
 ^ Hudson arrives :it the const of Grceiilaml, along which he sails until 
 the 2211(1 of .June. So much we learn from his remarks. But it is im- 
 possible to ascertain with exactness the situation of the places indicated, 
 J or even to identify those named, such as Young's Cape, the Jlount 
 of God's Mercy, and Hold ^vith Hope. His own statements arc vague, 
 and the broad ice-ficlds, by which the coast has been encircled since his 
 time, have prevented modern investigators from furnishing us with 
 I ' 
I ', 
 a thickc foggc wc steered away northerly, and having much 
 Avind, wee stood away south and by cast six or eight leagues. 
 Our sayle and shroudcs did freeze. At eight in the morn- 
 ing it cleered up, the wind being at north-east and by cast, 
 with much wind wee were hardly able to maintaync a sayle. 
 This was a very high land, most part covered with snow. 
 The neather part was uncovered. At the top it looked 
 reddish, and nnderncath a blackish clay, witli much ice 
 lying about it. The part which we saw when wee cast 
 about, trended east and west ; and the norther part Avhich "f^"' 
 wc saw, trended north-east and by north and north-east ; »hh, 
 and the length Avhich wee saw Avas nine leagues : wee saw ""J 
 much fowle. Also wee saw a whale close by the shoare. 
 AV^ce called the head-land which we saw Youngs Cape : and vount,'3 ' ♦ 
 necrc it standcth a very high mount, like a round castle, 
 which Avce called the Mount of Gods Mercie. All the after- The :\roiiiii 
 of tloils 
 any correct outline. The contemporary maps give but little assistance ; 
 the ancient chart of the Zeni having been used as the basis for the de- 
 lineation of Greenland, and that chart, although superior to the gene- 
 rality of its time, is nevertheless very imperfect. When, as iu the 
 account before us, we find various additional places incorporated into 
 it, we can, of course, place but small reliance upon the real accuracy of 
 such materials. [Ed.] 
 noone and all the evening it rained. At eight in the even- ^leicio. I_^ 
 ing we cast about, and steered all night north and by west, ^« 
 and sometimes north north-west. 4, 
 The fourteenth, being neere the land, we had snow. At suow. 
 fourc in the morning, the wind vering northerly, we cast "^^ 
 about and stood south-east and by south. This day wee had ^ 
 much wind and raine : wc shorted sayle, being neere the ^ 
 land. 'Th.e fifteenth, in the morning, it blowed so much wind '^ 
 at north-east, that wee were not able to maintayne any sayle ; 
 wee then strooke a hull, and let our ship drive, wayting for T f 
 a litter wind : this night was very much raine. The sixteenth * 
 was much wind at north-east. The seccntccnth, we set sayle ••, 
 at noone, we steered away east and by south, and east south- 
 I ! 
 east. The ciyht couth, in the afternoonc, a fine gale south- 
 east, which toward the evening increased, and we steered 
 north-east three watches, twelve leagues. The nineteenth, 
 we steered away north north-cast sixtecne leagues. At noone 
 wee had raine Avith fogge. From twelve to foure we steered 
 north north-cast eight leagues, and did account ourselves in 
 scventie degrees neerest hand, purposing to see whether the 
 land which we made the thirteenth day were an Hand or 
 part of Groneland.' But then the fogge increased very 
 thicke, witli much wind at south, which made us alter our 
 course and to shorten our saylc, and we steered away north- 
 east. Being then, as we supposed, in the meridian of the 
 same land, having no observation since the eleventh day, 
 and lying a hull from the fifteenth to the seventeenth day, 
 wee perceived a current setting to the south-west. This 
 day wee saw three whales neere our ship, and having steered 
 away north-east almost one Avatch, five leagues, the sea was 
 grownc every way : we supposed wee were thwart of the 
 north- cast part of that land which we made the thirteenth 
 day, and the current setting to wind-ward. The reason that 
 mooved us to thinke so, was, that after we had sayled five or 
 sixe leagues in this sea, the wind neither increasing nor 
 dulling, Avee had a pleasant and smooth sea. All this night 
 was foggie with a good gale of wind ; we steered away north- 
 east untill the next day at noone, and sayled in that course 
 tAventie leagues. 
 The twentieth, all the morning was a thicke fogge, with 
 the winde at south ; Avee steered north-east till noone. Then 
 ^ In the charts of this date, Greenland, as stated in the preceding note, 
 Avas laid down from the map of the Zeni, Avhere it is called Engroneland, 
 and from it the Groneland of Hudson is derived. We must not con- 
 found this Avith Avhat he calls Greenland, by which he means the 
 Greenland of Barcntz, that is to say, Spitzhergen. In short, it is worth 
 remembering, that wherever Hudson mentions Groneland, he intends 
 G reenland, and when he speaks of Greenland we must understand Spitz- 
 herfjen. [Ed.] 
 FlllST VOYACJK (1007). 5 
 Avc changed our course, and steered away north north-east, 
 lioping for an open sea in our course to fall with the bodic 
 of Newland.' This day, at two in the aftcrnoonc, it cleered 
 up, and wee saw the sunne, Avhich wee had not scene since 
 the second of this moneth. Having steered north north- Noio. 
 east two watches and a halfc, fiftccnc or sixtecne leagues, "^^^ 
 wee saw land on our larboord, about four lea"rucs off us, im"'"!' ,«»v^ 
 trending, as wee could ghess, north-east and south-west. '"""'' «y 
 Wee steered away east north-east, the wind at south a good .:. ^ 
 gale, but reasonable cleere : wee saw many birds with blacke ^^'"}y n .^ 
 backcs and white bellies, in forme much like a duckc, we 
 saw also many pieces of ice driving at the sea. AV'e loofed ;\iii'i"ii'it 
 for one and went roomer for another. And this morning, to'k'.rp'iiosn 
 about foure, a thicke foggc we saw ahead of us. r,',oim 1","" ' ^ 
 ine o?ie and uvenueth, in the morning, we steered north- ^, 
 east and east north-east two watches, five or sixe leagues. *[ 
 Then it grew thicke fogge. And we cast about, and steered ^« 
 north-east and east north-east two watches, sixe lea"rucs, ' 
 finding wee were embayed. The wind came at cast south- ''' 
 cast a little gale : wo tacked about and lay soutli. All this ^ii 
 night was a thicke fog with little winde, east we lay with the "*,: 
 The tivo and ticcntietli, in the morning, it clcercd up, 
 being calme about two or three of the clocke : after, we had 
 a prettie gale, and we steered away east and by north three ^ 
 leagues. Our observation Avas in 72 degrees 38 minutes ; ^ 
 and changing our course wee steered north-east, the wind at «, 
 ^ Nieuland is the name given to Spitzbergen by several of the Dutch 
 geographers, this the English afterwards converted into King James his 
 Neidand. The most general name for the country was, however, Green- 
 land, originating from a mistaken notion respecting the northern terri- 
 tory discovered by the ancient Scandinavians. The first who fell into 
 this mistake was Barentz. The name of Spitzbergen was invented by 
 llessel Gerard, in 1G13, possibly on the authority of Barentz. Gerard, 
 however, refers the name to the year 15!)0. See Dr. Bckc's Introduc- 
 tion to De Veer, p. Ixxxvii. [Ed.] 
 nr^ \V» I . •• ir r'nT i - i . ^11, ,' — •• T. 
 south-cast, a prctfic; gale. This morning, when it clccrcd 
 up, wc saw the hind, trending nccrc hand cast north-cast 
 and west south-west, esteeming ourselves from it twelve 
 leagues. It was a mayne high-land, nothing at all covered 
 with snow ; and the north part of that mayne high-land was 
 'im'iV'r'^ very high mountayncs, but we could see no snow on them. 
 Willi snow. ^Y^ accounted, by our observation, the part of the mayne 
 land lay nccrest hand in 73 degrees. The many fogs and 
 calmes, with contrary winds and much ice necrc the shoare, 
 held us from farther discovery of it. It may bee objected 
 against us as a fault, for haling so westerly a course. The 
 chicfc cause that moved us thereunto, was our desire to see 
 that part of Groncland, which (for ouglit that we know) was 
 to any Christian unknowne ; and wee thought it might as 
 well have beenc open sea as land, and by that meanes our 
 passage should have bcene the larger to the Pole ; and the 
 hope of having a westerly wind, which would be to us a 
 landcrly wind if wee found land. And considering wee 
 found land contrarie to that which our cards make mention 
 of, we accounted our labour so much the more worth. And, 
 ibr ought that wee could see, it is like to bee a good land, 
 and worth the seeing. 
 On the ofie a?icl UventietJi day, in the morning, while we 
 steered our course north north-east, wc thought wc had 
 embayed ourselves, finding land on our larboord and ice 
 upon it, and many great pieces of drift ice : we steered away 
 north-east, with diligent looking out every cleere for land, 
 having a desire to know whether it would leave us to the 
 cast, both to know the bredth of the sea, and also to shape 
 a more northerly course. And considering wee knew no 
 The land ot nauic givcu to tliis land, wee thought crood to name it llold- 
 11 old with _ ° . . ' . 
 iiniif^ro with-Hopc, lying in 73 decrees of latitude. 
 dtgrees. t. ^ j o o 
 The sunne was on the meridian on the south part of the 
 compassc, neercst hand. Heere it is to bee noted, that when 
 we made the Mount of Ciods Mcrcie and Youngs Cape, the 
 riiisT voYAOK (KIOT). 7 
 land was covered with snow for the most part, and cxtrcamc 
 cold, when wee approached necrc it : but this land was 
 very temperate to our feeling. And this likewise is to be 
 noted, that being two dayes without observation, notwith- 
 standing our lying a hull by reason of much contrary wiiul, 
 yet our observation and dead-reckoning were within eight '^u, 
 leagues together, our shippe being before us eight leagues. V 
 This night, untiU next morning, prooved little windc. -f 
 The t/ircc and twcDtioth, in the morning, wc had an hard »/ 
 gale on head of us, with much raync that fell in very great ;^^ 
 drops, much like our thunder-showers in I'higland ; wee 
 tacked about and stood east northerly with a short saylc ; 
 to our feeling it was not so cold as before we had it. It was . 
 calme from noone to three of the clockc with fogge. After ^ 
 the winde came up at east and cast south-east, wc steered -, 
 away north-east with the fogge and raync. About seven or s[ 
 eight of the clockc, the wind increased with extreame fogge, U 
 wee steered away with short saylc east north-cast and some- 
 times east and by north. About twelve at midnight the 
 wind came up at south-west ; we steered away north, being «• 
 reasonable cleere weather. 
 The /o?<r and twentieth, in the morning, about two of the 
 clockc, the masters mate thought he saw land on the lar- *« , ' 
 boord, trending north north-Avcst westerly, and the longer ^ j! 
 we ranne north the more it fell away to the west, and did / 
 thinke it to bee a maync high land. This day, the wind v | 
 being westerly, we steered away north, and by observation 1^. is 
 we were in 73 degrees nearest hand. At noone wc chana:cd * ! i 
 our course, and steered away north and by east; and at our j ^, 
 last observation, and also at this, we found the meridian all ! f! 
 leeward on the south and by west, w^estcrly part of the com- i 'i 
 passe, when we had saylcd two watches, eight leagues. 
 The Jive and twentieth, the wind scanted and came 
 up at north north-west ; Ave lay north-east two watches, 8 
 l'':;:;ues. After the Mind became variable betweenc the 
 \ ' 
 8 MASTKll III;N11Y III dson. 
 north-east and tlu; north, w(! strcrrd away oast and by north 
 and sometimes oast ; wc had thickc foggo. About noono 
 throe granpasscs played about our shippc. This af'tcr-noone 
 the wind vcrcd to the east and south-cast : we haled away 
 north and by cast. This night was close Avcather, but small 
 l\ f'^Sn'^ (^^° ^^^ "-^^^ word night for distinction of time, but 
 ill long before tuis the sunne was alway above the horizon, but 
 •" as yet we could never see him upon the meridian north.) 
 |!; "'' 'legi-ccs. 'YXxxH night, being by our accompt in the latitude of 75 de- 
 J' groes, wc saw small iiockes of birds, with blacke backes and 
 white bellies, and long spcare taylcs. Wc supposed that 
 'ano'oii;'^ hmd was not farre off; but we coidd not discric any, with all 
 the diligence which wc could use, being so close weather 
 that many times we could not sec sixe or seven leagues off. 
 The sixe and hocnticth, in the morning, was close wea- 
 ' ther ; wc had our wind and held our course as afore. This 
 OH nanuTcl ^^y °^^''-' observation was 76 degrees 38 minutes ; and we 
 had birds of the same sort as afore, and divers other of that 
 colour, having red heads, that we saw when wc first made 
 ; the Mount of Gods INIcrcy in Greenland, but not so many. 
 ,. After we steered away north and by east, two watches, teu 
 ^ leagues, with purpose to fall with the souther part of 
 Newland, accounting ourselves 10 or 12 leagues from the 
 land. Then wee stood away north-east, one watch, five 
 ; leagues. 
 ' T'he scKcn and twentieth, about one or two of the clocke 
 (. ,?i'New?uiui i^i ^^^c morning, wc made Newland, being cleere weather on 
 is<!o\ere . ^^ ^^^ , |^^^^ ^l^^ land was covered with fogge, the ice lying 
 very thick all along the shove for 15 or 16 leagues, which 
 we saw. Having fairc wind wee coasted it in a very pleas- 
 ing smooth sea, and had no ground at an hundred fathoms 
 foure leagues from the shoare. This day, at noone, wee 
 78 degrees, accouutcd WC wcrc in 78 degrees, and we stood along the 
 shoare. This day was so foggie, that we were hardly able 
 to see the land many times, but by our account we were 

 nearc Vofjcl Ilookc' Al)oiit cit^ht of the clocko this ccvcn- 
 " " Mouko. 
 iiig, we purposed to shape our course from thence north- 
 west. TTeere is to bee noted, that although we ranne alonj^ 
 neere the shoare, we found no great cohl ; wliich made us 
 thinkc that if we had becne on shoore the pLacc is tomiicr- T.nni)irai(« 
 ate. llohling this north-west course, about ten of the ch)cke jj^ 
 at night, we saw great store of ice on head off us, bearing 
 wester off us ; which wee couhl not goe cleerc off with the 
 foresayd course. Then we tact about, and stood away be- 
 tweene the south and the south-east, as much desirous to 
 leave this land as we were to see it. 
 The eiyht and tiventiclh was a hard gale of wind all tlie 
 fore-noone, betwcene the south and the south-west. AVc 
 shaped our course '^ , we did it to boc; 
 farther from the ice and land. It pleascul God that about 
 twelve of the clockc this night it clccrcd up, and we found 'f 
 that we were betwcene the land and the ice ; Vogel Ilooke I,, 
 then bearing nearest hand east off us. Then we tacked '•• 
 about and stood in for the shoare, having sea-roome be- ^i 
 twccn the ice and the land. The 7iinc and twcnlieth, at 
 foure in the morning the wind at north-east, a i)rctie gale, 
 we thought best to shorten our way ; so we tacked about 
 and stood north north-west, the wind a little inci easing. 
 About twelve at noone, we saw ice ahead off us ; we cast ** 
 about again and stood away east south-east with V(>ry much ^ 
 wind, so that we shortned our sayles for the space of tw o ^ 
 ' Vogel Ilooke, (Vogcl-hoeck) — Bird Cape. According to Dr. Beke • 
 (p. Ixxxvii), a point on the western of Spitzbergon. It is so 
 laid down in an old map, published in the " Begin en Voortgang 
 von de Ncderlandsche Oostindische Compagnie," 4to, Amsterdam, 1646 ; 
 in the first part, containing the Voyages to the North, 159o to 1597. 
 This a copy of an English map by Daniel, published in London, 1612, 
 but which we have not been able to find. Dr. Petermann assigns to 
 Vogel-hocck quite a diflerent place ; but the scantiness of the materials 
 does not seem to us to warrant any decided opinion. [Kd.] 
 " Blank in the original edition. [Ed.] 
' 'j^ii'-' — - ■■ "■' -^^ ■ "•- -r?"-i i -.n ii ili , u mL 
 watches. Then about eiglit this e( vening wc striickc a hull, 
 and it proved the hardest stornic that we had in this voy- 
 age. The thirtieth, in the morning, was stormie ; about noone 
 it ceased ; at seven in the eevening it proved almost calmc. 
 July- The Jirst of July, all the fore-noonc the wind was at south- 
 ;;; east ; we stood north-east for the shoare, hoping to finde an 
 lljl open sea betwecne the shoare and the ice. About noone 
 „ii wee were embayed with ice, lying betweenc the land and us. 
 J.. 78 lUgices By our observation svc were in 78 deforces 42 minutes, 
 °. 4).' niiiiutof . •' " 
 whereby we accounted we were thwart of the great In- 
 draught. And to free ourselves of the ice, we steered be- 
 tweenc the south-east and south, and to the westward, as 
 we could have sea ; and about six this eevening it pleased 
 God to give us cleere weather ; and we found we were shot 
 riie fjient farrc into the inlet, being almost a bay, and environed with 
 very high mountaynes, with low land lying betwecne them ; 
 Avee had no ground in this bay at an hundred fathoms. 
 Then, being sure where we were, wc steered away west, the 
 wind at south-east and calmc, and found all our ice on the 
 norther shoare and a clcare sea to the southward. 
 The second, it pleased God to give us the wind at north- 
 east, a faire gale with cleere weather, the ice being to the 
 nortliwar(^ off us, and the weather shoare, and an open sea 
 to the southwards under our Ice. We held on our course 
 north-west till tv.'clve of the clockc ; having sayled in that 
 course 10 leagues, and finding the ice to fall from us to the 
 ,' wc gave thankes to God who marvellously 
 preserved us from so many dangers amongst so huge a quan- 
 titic of ice and fogge. We steered away north-west, hoping 
 78 .incipes to bc frcc from ice ; we had observation 78 degrees, 56 
 minutes ; wc fell with ice againe, and trended it as it lay 
 betweene the west and south south-east. The third, we had 
 78 ,if :ieps observation 78 degrees, 33 minutes. This day wee had our 
 33 miiuit.'s. ... 
 shrouds frozen ; it was searching cold ; we also trended the 
 ' Blank in original crlition. [Ed.] 
FiusT voVACip; (IGOTj. 
 ice, not knowing whether we were cleare or not, the wind 
 being at north. 
 The fourth, was very cold, and our shroudes and sayles '''''" i 
 frozen ; we found we were farro in the inlet. The wind Ivozoi^ '"* 
 being at north, Ave bcarc up and stood south south-east, 
 and south and south-west by west till ten this night. The 
 fft, was very much wind at north-easterly ; at twelve we 
 strooke a hull, havinn; broui^ht ourselves neare the mouth'''!";"""'"' 
 of the inlet. 
 The sixth, in the morning, the wind was as before, and the 
 sea grownc. This morning we came into a very greene sea ; 
 we had our observation 77 degrees, 30 minutes. This after- rr d.Kiv.a 
 _ ao minutea, 
 noone the wind and sea asswaged. About foure of the 
 clocke wc set sayle, and steered north-west and by west, the 
 wind being at north north-east. This day proved the clear- 
 est day we had long before. The seventh, at foure in the 
 morning, was very cleare weather, and the fairest morning 
 that we saw in three weekes before ; we steered as afore, 
 beins; by our account in 78 decci'ees nearest hand, and out of /";"; '''■"'••'''^; 
 the Sackc. We found wc were compassed in with land and """ ''""''''■■ 
 ice, and were a^aine entred into a blacke sea, which by proofe a biiuu.! 
 ^ . . "'"' "1"-'" 
 we found to be an open passage. Xow, having the wind at '*'^^"- 
 north north-east, we steered away south and by east, with 
 purpose to fall with the southermost part of this land, which 
 we saw ; hoping by this meane, either to defray the charge 
 of the voyage, or else, if it pleased God in time to give us a 
 faire wind >^o the north-east, to satisfic expectation. All this 
 day and night afterward proved calme. 
 The eight, all the forc-noone proved calme and very tliicke 
 fogge. This morning we sa-,\' many pecces of drift-wood ^J^'^']' ''''"'■• 
 urive by us ; we heaved out our boate to stop a leakc, and 
 mended our riggin<>s. This day woe saw many scales, and ^^^^I'v 
 two fishes which we judged to bee sea-horses or morses. At ^''^'■*''*'- 
 twelve this night we had the winde at cast and by south ; 
 wee stood away north-cast. 
 • I: 
'• ■■■' - ^•— IT 
 The nitith, all the forc-noone was little wind at south-east, 
 with thicke fogge. This day "we were in amongst ilands of 
 ice, where we saw many scales. 
 The tenth, in the morning, was foggie ; afterward it 
 proved cleeic ; we found we were compassed with ice every 
 ;;,;; way about us ; wee tacked about, and stood south and by 
 l\l west, and south south-west, one watch, five leagues, hoping 
 "Ml to get more sea-roome and to stand for the north-east; we 
 ,!•• had the wind at north-west. 
 ■r iMomiienco 'X'he elcxcnth, vcrv clccre weather, with the windc at 
 ll soi'inelh ' ./ ' 
 j)i' Hen" ""' south-east-south ; we were come out of the blue sea into our 
 owneiiotes. grccnc sca againe, where we saw whales. JNow, iiavnig a 
 fresh gale of wind at south south-east, it behooved nice to 
 change my course, and to sayle to the north-east, by the 
 Hiueaiid southcr cud of Ncwlaud. But being come into agreenesea, 
 gieone sens. _ '^ 
 '• praying God to direct mee, I steered away north ten leagues. 
 '[ After that we saw ice on our larboord, Ave steered away east 
 and by north three leagues, and left the ice behind us. Then 
 wee steered away north till noone. This day wee had the 
 ■ sunne on the meridian south and by west, westerly, his 
 greatest height was 37 degrees, 20 minutes. By this ob- 
 T.uiegici!:! servation we were in 79 degrees, 17 minutes ; we had a fresh 
 I'll IV niinulcf". 
 •"• gale of wind and a smooth sea, by meanes whereof our ship 
 had out-runne us. At ton this cevening cleere weather, and 
 ,11 then we had the coFipany of our troublesome neighbours, 
 *"" ice with fogge. The wind was at south south-west. Hecre 
 ,"lj, we saw plentic of scales, and we supposed beares had beenc 
 hcere, by their footing and dung upon the ice. This day, 
 I SI, k ot many of my companie were sicke with eating of beares flesh 
 I iiiisaiii;.!. tJ^e Jjiy beiorc unsalted. 
 I The twelfth, for the most part, was thicke fogge ; wee 
 steered bctweene south and by east, and south south-east 
 2g leagues, to cleere us of the ice. Then we had the wind 
 at south ; wee steered till noone north-east five leagues. This 
 morning we hud our shioudes frozen. At noone, by our 
FlKSl VOYAGK (1()()T). 13 
 accompt, we were in 80 degrees, being little wind at west *' iiigiees. 
 south-west, almost calme with thicke fogge. This after- 
 noone we steered away north and sometimes north-east. 
 Then we saw ice ahead off us ; we cast about and stood 
 south-east, with little wind and fogge. Before we cast about 
 by meanes of the thicke fogge, we were very neere ice, being |^ 
 calme, and the sea setting on to the ice, which was very V 
 dangerous. It pleased God at the very instant to give us a •¥ 
 small gale, which was the meanes of our deliverance ; to »j> 
 Him be praise therefore. At twelve this night it cleared ;<v 
 vip, and out of the top William Collins, our boatswaine, 
 saw the land, called Ncwland by the Hollanders, bearing ■*;■ "'";"•. '"• 
 south south-west twelve leagues from us. 'ii,!ih'u'.'i,Ts" 
 The thirteenth) in the morning, the wind at south and by luu' (lis-'' 
 i-uvrric l.y 
 east, a good gale, we cast about and stood north-east and by Hiui'ins.ns 
 lieluri) is 
 east, and by observation Ave were in 80 degrees, 23 minutes. l|'',''i^i;'','i^'|",'e,. X 
 This day we saw many whales. This forc-noone proved ^o exmn "or *"•' 
 cleere weather, and we could not sec any signe of ice out of noi- tlist, 'as *JJ 
 the top. lietweene noone and three of the clocke, we steered served or \ 
 ^ ' Sir II. Wil- 
 away north-east and by east five leagues ; then we saw ice I'.'I'i;}]!,','^^ i* 
 on head off' us ; we steered east two glasses, one league, and ."iovoHoH' "* Z 
 could not be cleare of the ice with that course. Then we wimioTimi *I 
 steered away south-east two leaijfues 4, after we sayled east ijeiunt.t hoy w 
 and by north, and east fourc leagues, till eight the next '"i"^^'- ^ 
 morning. # 
 ... • 
 The foureteenth, in the morning, was calme with fogge. v 
 At nine, the wind at east, a small gale with thicke fogge ; , 
 wee steered south-east and by east, and running this course 
 we found our grcene sea againe, which by proofe we found orcpnesea 
 o n ' J I Irecst <]| ice, 
 to be freest from ice, and our azure blue sea to be our icie OJjfg'^g^ 
 sea. At this time we had more birds then we usually found. "^"'" 
 At noone, being a thicke fogge, we found ourselves neere 
 land, bearing east off" us ; and running farther we found a 
 bay open to the west and by north northerly, the bottomc 
 and sides thereof being to our sight very high and ragged 
 land. The norther side of this baycs mouth being high hmd 
 coUiiiH iy a small iland, the which we called Collins Cape," by the 
 name of our boat-swaine, who first saw it. In this bay we 
 saw many whales, and one of our company having a hooke 
 Whale and line ovcr-boord to trie for fish, a whale came under the 
 -■' keele of our ship and made her held ; yet by Gods mercie 
 j||i| we had no harme, but the losse of the hooke and three parts 
 ,„ii, of the line. At a south-west sunne from the north-west and 
 jp, by north, a flood set into the bay. At the mouth of this bay 
 f we had sounding thirtie fathoms, and after sixe and twentie 
 fathoms, but being farther in, we had no ground at an hun- 
 dred fathoms, and therefore judged it rather a sound then 
 a bay. Betweene this high ragged, in the swampes and 
 vallies lay much snow. Heere wee found it hot. On the 
 souther side of this bay, lye three or fourc small ilands or 
 .:: rockes. 
 As.niiidis In the bottome of this bay, John Colman, my mate, and 
 mill iieepcr "William Collius, my boat-swaine, with two others of our 
 iiiouubay. QQUipany went on shoare, and there they found and brought 
 aboord a payrc of morses teeth in the jaw ; they likewise 
 found whales bones, and some dosen or more of deeres 
 homes ; they saw the footings of beasts of other sorts ; they 
 also saw rote-geese i^ they saw much drift-Avood on the 
 shoare, and found a streame or two of fresh water. Here 
 thev found it hot on the shoare, and drank water to coolc 
 so^de'giees. their thirst, which they also commended. Here we found 
 the want of a better ship-boate. As they certified me, they 
 were not on the shoare past half an lioure, and among other 
 ' This island is not marked upon any old map or chart, and the dc- 
 sciption here given of it, is insufficient to determine its place with any 
 dc. -ee of certainty. [Ed.] 
 ■'* Supposed to have been thus named from their peculiar cry ; see the 
 observations of Dr. Bekc on these geese, Be Veer, i>p. 7J)-H1. We may 
 call the reader's attention to the fact that Hudson docs not fall into the 
 error of Phillip, who, misled by the ear, mistook the Dutch rot-yioisen 
 for red geese. 
 ',1, Heat 
 • II 
 tilings brought uboord a stone of the countrey. AMicn they 
 , Avent from us it was cahnc, but presently after we had a gale 
 of wind at north-east, Avhich came with the flood with fogge. 
 We plyed too and againe in the bay, waiting their com- 
 ming ; but after they came aboord we had the wind at east 
 and by south a fine gale ; we minding our voyage, and the 
 time to perform it, steered away north-cast and north north- 
 cast. This night proved clecre, and we had the sunne on 
 the meridian, on the north and by east part of the compasse ; 
 from the upper edge of the horizon, with the crosse-stafFe, 
 we found his height 10 degrees, 40 minutes, without allow- i^|',",l"*;,.ees 
 ing any thing for the scmidiameter of the sunne, or i,he dis- hiJi,','abou1. 
 tance off the end of the staffe from the center in the eye. """"''"■ 
 From a north sunne to an east sunne, we sayled betweene 
 north and north north-east, eight leagues. 
 The fifteenth, in the morning, -svas very cleere weather, 
 the sunne shining warme, but little wind at east southerly. 
 By a south-east sunne we had brought Collins Cape to beare 
 off us south-east, and we saw the high land of Newland, that 
 part by us discovered on our starboord, eight or ten leagues 
 from us, trending north-east and by east, and south-west and 
 by west, eighteene or twentie leagues from us to the north- 
 east, being a very high mountaynous land, like ragged 
 rockes with snow betweene them. By mine account, the 
 norther part of this land which now we saw, stretched into 
 81 degrees. All this day proved cleere weather, little wind, '^^ ''''Rf««'*' 
 and reasonable warme. 
 The sixteenth, in the morning warme and cleere weather ; 
 the wind at north. This morning we saw that we were com- 
 passed in with ice in abundance, lying to the north, to the 
 north-west, the east and south-east ; and being runne toward 
 the farthest part of the land by us discovered, which for the 
 most part trendeth nearest hand north-east and south-west, 
 wee saw more land joyning to the same, trending north in our ], 
 sight, by mcanes of the cleernesso of the weather, stretching 
 iiiti> «•; 
 farre into 82 degrees/ and by the bowing or shewing of the 
 skie much farther. Which when I first saw, I hoped to 
 have had a free sea between the land and the ice, and meant 
 to have compassed this land by the nor^h. But now, find- 
 ing by proofe it was unpossiblc, by means of the abundance 
 of ice compassing us about by the north and joyning to the 
 land, and seeing Cod did blcsse us with a faire wind to sayle 
 Thpyie- |)y file south of tliis luud to tlic uortli-east. we returned, 
 turned. *^ 
 bearing up the hclme, minding to hold that part of the land 
 which the Hollanders had discovered in our sight ; and if 
 contrary winds should take us, to harbour there, and to trie 
 what Ave could finde to the charge of our voyage, and to 
 proceed on our discovcrie as soone as God should blcsse us 
 with winde. And this I can assure at this present, that be- 
 tweene 78 degrees and f^ and 82 degrees, by this way there 
 is no passage:" but I think this land may bee profitable to 
 those that will adventure it. In this bay before spoken of, 
 Aimriiiniice and about this coast, wc saw more abundance of scales then 
 ,,.1, Ol ROllll'S. 
 "'"' wc had scene any time before, swimming in the water. At 
 .i noone this day, having a stiffc gale of wind at north, we 
 were thwart of Collins Cape, standing in 81 degrees and a 
 '' halfc ; and at one of the clockc the cape bcare north-east oflf 
 „H. us. From thence I set our course west south-west, with 
 purpose to keepe in the open sea free from ice, and sayled 
 in that course 16 leagues. At ten this night wc steered 
 ',.n, away south-west, with the wind at north, a hard gale, untill 
 eight the next morning, 18 leagues. 
 The seventeenth, in the morning, a good gale at north ; 
 at eight we altered our course, and steered away south till 
 ' Captain Becclicy {Voi/ape of Discovery, p. 271), supposes this to be 
 the Seven Islands. Tlic highest point reached in boats and sledges by 
 Captain Parry in 1827, lies under 82° 4j'. 
 ^ Hudson is mistaken in this respect. It is not clear, however, whe 
 ther he was arrested by ice only or by land. If the latter were the case, 
 some of his observations with regard to latitudes must be incorrect. 

 eight in the eevcning, and rannc 12 leagues. This day 
 proved reasonable clcerc and warmc. The ciyhtccnth , in the 
 morning, the M'ind cncreased at soutli and by east, with 
 thicke fogge. All this after-noone and night proved close 
 weather, little fogge, and reasonable warme. 
 The nineteenth, at eight in the morning, the wind at 
 south, with thicke fogge ; we steered south-cast 4 leagues 
 till noonc ; then the wind vercd more large ; wee steered 
 south-east and by east four leagues till foure ; then wee vercd 
 shctc, and steered cast and by south-easterly 15 leagues, till 
 eight the next morning. This day, after the morning, proved hJ 
 reasonable cleere and warmc. 
 The twentieth, in the morning, little wind ; at eight this 'I 
 morning wee saw land ahead of us under our Ice, and to 
 Aveathcrward of us, distant from us 12 leagues, being part of 
 Newland. It is very high mountainous land ; the highest 
 that we had scene untill now. As we sayled nccrc it, we 
 saw a Sound ahead of us, lying east and west. The land on 1* 
 the norther side of this Sound's mouth, trendeth neerest hand 
 west north-west, and east south-east 12 leagues, in our sight, •* 
 being 10 leagues from us ; and the land on the souther side, •• 
 being 8 or 10 leagues in our sight, at this time trendeth ^ 
 south south-east and north north-west -} from eight to noonc •• 
 was calme. This day, by observation, wc were in 77 degrees, '~ ii'creoa, 
 26 minutes. On the norther side of the mouth of this inlet • '' 
 lie three ilands,^ not farre the one from the other, being very '^ 
 high mountainous land. The fiirthcst of the three to the » 
 north-west hath foure very high mounts, like hcapes of 
 come. That iland next the inlets mouth, hath one very high 
 mount on the souther end. Here one of our companic killed 
 a red-billed bird. All this day after the morning, and nil 
 ^ This is perhaps the best description extant of Bell Sound, on the 
 west coast of Spitzbergcn. 
 ^ These three islands arc not, as far as we know, marked on any map 
 of Spity,l)crgcn. 
 night, proved calmc, cnclining rather to hcatc then cold. 
 This night wee had some warmc rayne. 
 The 07ie and tiventicth, all the fore-noone calme ; at fourc 
 in the after-noone we had a small gale of wind at south 
 i.....„ south-cast, with fog ; we steered away cast to stand in with 
 the land, and sayled 3 leagues untill mid-night : then the 
 wind came at north-east, we cast about, and steered south 
 10 leagues till eight the next morning. The tioo and tiven- 
 ticth, at eight in the morning much wind at east, and varia- 
 ble, with short sayle wee steered 3 leagues south and by 
 east : then came down very much wind ; we strooke a hull. 
 All this after-noone and night, proved very much wind with 
 The three and twentieth, all the fore-noone was very much 
 wind at south, with raine and fogge. At foure this after- 
 noone wee saw land, bearing north-east of us, 6 leagues from 
 us. Then we had the wind at south south-west ; wee steered 
 away south-east and south-east and by east 4 leagues, the sea 
 being very much grownc. We accounted we had hulled 
 ' north-west and by north 22 leagues, and north 3 leagues. 
 ^''' • Then fearing Avith much wind to be set on a lee-shoare we 
 tackt about, and made our way good west and by north, half 
 a point northerly all this night with much wind. 
 The four and twentieth, in the morning, much wind as 
 afore, and the sea growne. This morning wee strooke our 
 mayne top-mast to ease our ship, and sayled from the last 
 ccvening, eight, to this noone, 15 leagues west and by north 
 halfe a point northerly. From twelve to eight, six leagues 
 as afore, with the wind at south and by west ; at eight we 
 tackt about with the winde at south south-west, and lay 
 south-east and by east, with much winde, and the sea growne. 
 The jice and twentieth was a clcere morning : we set our 
 mayne top-mast : we saw land bearing north of us, and 
 under our lee, we sayling south-east and by east. Then the 
 wind scanted : we cast about, and lay south-west and by 
 I M» I. 
FIRST VOYAGE (1G07). 19 
 west 2 leagues ^ till noonc. Then it began to overcast, and 
 the wind to scant againe : we cast about, and lay south-cast 
 and by south, the wind at south-west and by west, and saylcd 
 in that course 3 leagues, till foure in the aftcr-noone. Then 
 the wind scanted againe, and we sayled S leagues south. 
 Now, seeing how contrarie the winde proved to doe the ^N 
 good which wee desired this way, I thought to prove our U^jJ 
 fortunes by the west once again ; and this eevening at eight, KX 
 wee being in the latitude of 78, with the better, and from \vf 
 land 15 leagues, which leagues part whereof beare from the '.;3l 
 north-cast to the east off'' us, we steered away west, with the '"^ 
 wind at south-east, and cleere weather. 
 The sixe and tioentictli^ all this day proved rayne with ^^^ 
 thicke fogge, and an hard gale of wind at east and by north, 4 
 and east north-east. From the last eevening at eight to this ••• 
 noone, wee ranne 25 leagues : from noone till midnight li) \ 
 leagues, the wind at east and by south ; from mid-night till '*, 
 two the next morning, 2 leagues west. m 
 The secen and ticentieth, extreme thicke fog, and little ' 
 wind at east and by south. Then it proved calmc, and the ••! 
 sea very loftie. Wee heard a great rutte or noise with the <r 
 ice and sea, which was the first ice we heard or saw since ji 
 we were at Collins Cape : the sea heaving us westward '' 
 toward the ice. Wee heaved out our boat, and rowed to •• 
 towe out our ship farther from the danger ; which would ^ 
 have beene to small purpose, by mcanes the sea went so i)^'!'^"'':^ )i 
 high : but in this extremitie it pleased (^Jod to give us a small ' 
 gale at north-west and by west, we steered away south-east, 
 4 leagues, till noone. Here wee had finished our discoveric, 
 if the wind had continued that brought us hither, or if it 
 had continued calme ; but it pleased God to make this north- 
 west and by west wind the meane of our deliverance : which 
 wind wee had not found common in this voyage. God 
 give us thankfull hearts for so great deliverance. Here we 
 ' la the neighbourhood of Ice Souud, on the west coast of Si^itzbergcu. 
 ) 'i 
 found the want of a good ship-boat, as once we had done 
 wimics uny. i^pf^j.^ at Whalcs Bay: we wanted also halfe a dozen long 
 oares to rowe in our ship. At noouc the day clccred up, 
 and we saw by the skic ice bearing off us, from west south- 
 west to the north and north north-east. Then we had a 
 good gale at west ; we steered away south till fourc, 7 
 leagues. From foure to six, south 4 leagues, and found by 
 the icy skie and our neereness to Groneland that there is no 
 passage that way : which, if there had beene, I meant to 
 have made my returne by the north of Groneland to Davis 
 his Strcights, and so for England.^ Here fiading we had 
 the benefit of a westerly wind, which all this voyage we had 
 found scant, we altered our course and steered to the cast- 
 ward, and ran soutu-.ast foure leagues. From eight this 
 eevcning till noone the next day, east south-east, 30 leagues. 
 All this day and night proved very cold, by mcanes, as I 
 suppose, of the winds comming off so much ice. 
 The eiijht and twentieth, very cold, the wind at west, not 
 very foggie. At noone this day wc steered away south-east 
 and by cast, and by observation we were 76 degrees, 36 
 jiic;; minutes.^ From noone to eight, 10 leagues. Then the wind 
 *ii- scanted to south-east and by south, wc steered away cast 
 and by north 18 leagues, till the next day noone. 
 The nine and ticentieth, all the fore-noonc a thicke fog 
 '»)!• and wet, the wind at south-east and by east, nearest hand, 
 and raw cold. From noone to foure wee sayled three leagues 
 [jjjl :-ast and by north, halfe a point northerly. Then the wind 
 veered more large ; we steered east and by south 8 leagues 
 till twelve at night. At this time to windward we heard 
 ^ Greenland, which Hudson always calls Groneland, was up to his 
 time too imperfectly known to prevent his entertaining the hope of re- 
 turning home by the north of it. The fact that a passage does not 
 exist, is one of the most important geographical results obtained by this 
 '^ About ()' to the N.W. of South Cape, on Point Lookout, the most 
 southern point of Spitzbergen. 
 ;:;i hi 
 I M II 1^ 
 FIRST VOYAGE (1607). 21 
 the ruttc of land, which I knew to be so by the colour of the 
 sea. It was extreme thickc fog, so that we could hardly 
 see a cables length from our ship. We had ground 25 
 fathoms, small blacke pcble stones. Wee sounded againe, 
 and had ground at 30 fathomes, small stones like beanes ; 
 at the next cast no ground at GO fathomes. I cast about 
 againe and steered south-west six leagues, west and by north "K 
 two leagues, till the next day noone. All this day and night ""^ 
 extreme thickc fog. >K, 
 The thirtieth, all the fore-noone very thickc fog. At ""^ 
 noone almost calme : after we had little wind, and steered ,j 
 north north-west till two : then it clccrcd up, so that we 
 could see from us 2 leagues with the wind at '"^' 
 Then we steered east south-east : after it cleered. At south, .,'i 
 in the eevening, we saw an iland bearing off us north-west 
 from us 5 leagues, and we saAV land bearing off from us 7 
 lca<Tues.^ We had land likewise bearing off us from east south- 
 east to south-east and by east as we judged, 10 leagues. Then, \* 
 having the winde at west north-west, we steered south and 
 by east. It presently proved calme till ten this eevening : „i 
 then wee had a little gale at south-west and by Avest ; wee Jj 
 steered away south south-cast till twelve this night, and 4 
 accounted ourselves in 70,- from land 10 leagues : which was 
 the likeliest land that wee had scene on all parts of New- 
 land, being playne riggie land of a meane height and not 
 ragged, as all the rest was that we had scene this voyage, 
 nor covered with snow. At twelve this night wee saw two 
 morses in the sea necre us swimming to land. From twelve 
 at night to foure, calme. 
 The o?ic md thirtieth, at foure this morning, we had the 
 wind at south-east ; we s*^eered south south-west. Then it 
 ^ This island seems not to be marked on the maps. 
 ^ An evident mistake in Hudson's dead reckoninj? ; Si)itzbergcn does 
 not extend farther south than 70° 30'. These mistakes frequently occur 
 in the Arctic regions, and we must be careful with regard to every state- 
 ment that is not based on astronomical observations. 
 proved calmc, and so continued all the forc-noone. The 
 af'tcr-noone wee had the wind at east south-cast : we steered 
 south, 8 leagues. Then being like to prove much wind, 
 contraric to our purpose, and finding our fog more thickc 
 and troublesome then before, divers things necessaric want- 
 ing, and our time well nigh spent to doc further good this 
 yecre, I commanded to bcarc up for our rcturnc for Eng- 
 land, and steered away south south-west. And this night 
 proved a hard gale of wind at south-east and by east. We 
 chvvK were thwart of Cheries Hand' the next morning, at foure of 
 the clocke, being to windward oft' us 5 leagues : knowing 
 we were neere it, we looked out carefully for the same, and 
 it proving clcere, we saw it, being a very ragged land on 
 the water side, rising like hcy-cockcs. 
 The ^7st of August, a very hard gale of wind at east 
 south-east j we shorted sayle and steered away south south- 
 west. This night was very foggie, with a hard gale of wind at 
 east and by south ; we steered by our account 27 leagues : and 
 from eight this cevening till the next morning foure, 10 leagues 
 as afore. All this night was very foggie, wet and raw cold. 
 3)11? The second, in the morning, calme, with a thicke fog, cold 
 *""• and slabbie weather. About noone we had a little gale west 
 mil n.i 
 ..i>«" and by north : we steered away as afore. The third, in the 
 """ morning calme and cleere weather, with a little gale east 
 '''»• and by south; we saylcd south south-Avest: then wee had 
 ,„,i.i the wind at south-eas% wee saylcd as afore. All this day 
 ,,„ and night proved close weather, a little logge at noone, 
 which continued not long. At twelve this night the wind 
 vercd to the east and by north, wee held our course south 
 south-west as afore. 
 'Wig fifteenth of August we put into the lies of rarre,'-* 
 standing in 52 degrees ; and the Fifteenth of September I 
 arrived in Tilberie Hodc in the Thames. 
 ^ Discovered by Bareutz. Stephen Bennett visited it in 1C03, and 
 called it after his j)atron, Francis Olierie. 
 ^ The Faroe Islands. 
SKCOiNI) VOYAOK (1()()S). 23 
 Theiu names employed in this action arc as followcth : '■* 
 licnry Hudson, master and pilot ; llobcrt Juct,' the mas- 
 tcr his mate : Ludlowe Arnall ; John Cooko, boatsonne ; * 
 Philip Stacic, carpenter ; John Barnes ; John Braunch, ,'* 
 cooke ; John Adrey ; James Strutton ; Michel Feirce ; Tho- Jf 
 mi!S Hilles ; llichard Tomson ; Robert Ilaynar ; John Ilud- •« 
 son ; and ITumfrey Gilby. The courses observed in this *• 
 journall Averc by a compasse, that the needle and the north '• 
 of the Flye were directly one on the other. „ 
 Anno 1608, the two and tioentieth of Ajmll, being Friday, \\»\\\. 
 we set sayle at Saint Kathcrincs," and fell downe to Blacke- 
 The tioentieth of May, at noone, by observation wc were :\iiiy. 
 in 64 degrees, 52 minutes ; and at this time and place the » 
 needle declined under the horizon by the inclinatory 81 
 degrees, and wee had a smooth sea, by meanes whereof my 
 observation was good. 
 The one and tioentieth, at night, thicke fog ; wee saylod 
 north north-east ; wee steered north north-east as afore : in 
 the aftcr-noone little wind and thicke fog ; we accounted us 
 in 67 degrees, the sea smooth, the needle declined 82 de- 
 grees ; this night was calme and clcere. The three and tioen- 
 ^ I have Robert Juetts journall also, for brevitic omitted. [Purchas.] 
 ^ Where the St. Katherine's Docks now are. 
 iiill!"*' [.(iwfoot. 
 tieth, in the morning the wind was easterly, we stood north 
 north-east, and north and by east. All the fore-noone was 
 foggie : in the after-noone it clcered, and the wind shortned 
 upon us, Avc made our way good north all night. 'i\c foure 
 and twentieth, the wind at east north-east, and east and by 
 north, we lay as neere as wee could with a full saylc ; wee 
 accounted Lowfoot^ from us cast northerly 16 leagues distant 
 '""I K from us ; at fourc a clockc this after-noone, wee stood all 
 t,, "' night as p^ re. 
 The fice and tiventioth, the wind at cast north-east ; wc 
 stood away north as we couh. lie : all this day was clecre 
 w^eathcr and '•earching cold, which cold begunne the one 
 and twentieth day, and then my carpenter was taken sicke, 
 and so doth yet continue ; and three or foure more of our 
 companie were enclining to sickncsse, I suppose by meanes 
 of the cold. All the night it was calme. The sixe and 
 twejiticth, cold but clcare weather, the wind bctwccne east 
 . '.| and east north-cast ; we stood north-easterly till twelve a 
 clocke at night : then wee had the wind at north-cast and 
 north north-east, we stood south-east and east till noone the 
 next day. The seven and twentieth, cold and drie weather, 
 at noone we had the wind north and north north-west ; wee 
 stood away north-east and east north-east as we could, and 
 accounted our selves in 69 degrees, 40 minutes, and the 
 needle inclined, having a smooth sea, nearest 84 degrees. 
 Ail ni"ht we had wind and weather as afore. 
 The eiffht and ticentieth, drie cold clecre weather ; the 
 wind bctweene north north-Avest and north ; avc made our 
 Sun r. rio. way good east north-east ; wee saw the sunne on the north 
 iniiiuiosftt meridian above the horizon 5 decrees, 35 minutes. All this 
 inul-iught. c ' 
 night we had much wind as afore. The nine and tioentietJi, 
 a hard gale at north north-west : by account we ranne from 
 mid-night to noone 21 leagues east north-east. Wee had 
 the sunne on the meridian 5 degrees, the latitude 73 de- 
 ' The Luffoden Islands, west of Norway. 
 I Kill 
 ''.II «' 
 ... ,ll 
 SECOXD VOYAGE (1G08). 25 
 grecs, 13 minutes, Avhercby wee found our ship to have 
 out-runne us. At mid-night the wind came to south-cast : 
 wc cast about, and stood cast north-cast. This day partly 
 clccre weather with some snow. The thirtieth, cold clccrc 
 weather, the wind betwecnc north-cast and cast and by 
 north ; wc Avcnt cast south-cast, and observing, were in 
 73 degrees, 50 minutes. The one and thirtieth, cold and '«S 
 clccre weather : from the last day to this day noone, we '\ 
 stood south-cast and by south, in the latitude of 72 degjccs, "^^ 
 45 minutes. "^ 
 The Jirst of June, a hard gale at east north-east, with fiino. , i 
 snow : we made our way good south south-east. The second, 
 a hard gale of wind at north-cast : towards night, cabne "% 
 with foggc, our course Mas south-east all day. The third, 
 in the morning avc had a sight of the North Cape ;' and at a N.ntu cn\v. 
 west and by north sunne, the Cape bore ofl' us south-west, ^ 
 lialfe a point southerly, being from us 8 lengaes : and ob- 
 servinsf the variation, i found it to the westward 11 decrees : vminiiniis \* 
 , . " uvst.U '. 
 and havini? a smooth sea, the needle cnclincd under the '': -",f ^- . 
 o ' Ni'i iiii' s Ill- 
 horizon 84 degrees and a halfe, the neerest I could findc. s'i'XLt"'-! .! 
 Wc had the wind at south-west, and M-ee stood away north- "'" "' '" I', 
 east and by cast. It was cleerc weather, and wc saw Nor- '^ 
 way fisher-men at sea. 
 ']l\\c fourth , warme clccre sun-shine, we stood away north- 
 cast and by cast. Now, by God's lielpe, our carpenter 
 recovered, and made a mast for our ship-boat, and the com- 
 panie made a sayle ; avc had iiie sunne in the sight on the 
 north meridian, his height was 5 degrees, 40 minutes. In- 
 clination, 23 degrees, 21 minutes : pole's height, 72 degrees, 
 21 minutes. The fft, in the morning, calme weather : wee 
 sounded, and had 140 fathoms, sand oze : here wee saAV a 
 swelling sea setting north-cast and by east, and south-west 
 and by west, with streamc-leches : and we saw drift wood. 
 After we had wind ; and we sayled and made our way north 
 * The most northern point of Norway. 
 north-east : towards night wc sounded, and found ground at 
 150 fathoms, sand oze. This day cleere weather, and not 
 cold. The sixt, wee had cleere weather, the wind being at 
 east north-east, from the last day till this day noonc ; wc 
 shaped our way on divers courses north and by west, in the 
 latitude of 73 degrees, 24 minutes. We found that our sliip 
 had out-runne us, sounding in IGO fathoms : in the after- 
 noone little wind. 
 The sevcnt/i, in the morning, the wind at south, after at 
 south south-east : from the last day till this day noonc, wee 
 accounted our way from divers courses north-east, 15 leagues. 
 This day was close but cleere weather, and we had a good 
 gale of wind at this time. And three dayes before this, our 
 cooke and one more of our companie were very sickc. In 
 the morning we had ground at 150 fathoms, and at night we 
 J4_ had no ground at 180 fathoms, which encreased hope. This 
 |J^ . night Ave had some snow, which continued foure houres : 
 .«3I then the wind came at north-east and by east with storme ; 
 and with short sajle we stood north and by west: here the 
 '"■-> needle cnclincd 8G degrees. I accounted that we were in 
 i'*» '1 ''f-tivers, 74 degrees and a hali'e at necrest hand. This nieht we saw 
 the sunuc on the north meridian, his height was 7 degrees, 
 40 minutes, wliich maketli the pole's height 74 degrees, 23 
 minutes. The ('!<jJtf, from twelve a clocke last night till 
 noonc, we accounted our way on divers courses, north and 
 ' by east : then our latitude was 74 degrees, 38 minutes, and 
 we had no ground at 200 fathoms. In the aftcr-noonc the 
 wind came at south south-east, and south-east and by east. 
 This day and night wee had cleere weather, and wc were 
 Dniu 1,1 no hcrc conic into a blackc blue sea. 
 The ninth, cleere weather, the wind came at south-east 
 and by east : from the last day till this day noone, wee had 
 a good way north-east, in latitude of 75 degrees, 29 minutes : 
 then we entred into ice, being the .Irst we saw in this voy- 
 age : our hope was to go through it ; we stood into it, and 
 ■IH bw 

 SECOND VOYAGE (1608). 27 
 licltl our course betweenc nortb-cast and cast north-east, 
 loosing for one, and bearing roome for another, till foure in 
 the afternoonc : at which time we were so farre in, and the 
 ice so thicke and firme ahead, being in it fourc or five 
 leagues, that wee had endangered us somewhat too farre ; 
 wee returned as wee went in, and with a few rubbes of our 
 ship against the ice ; by eight a clockc this eevening wee 
 got free of it. Wee made our Hll next day at noone, 
 south-west and by south, 18 IcaL, .s : in the middest of this 
 way wee had no ground at 180 fathoms. The tenth, in '.he 
 morning, hasey weather; but at noone it clecred up, and -J 
 then we cast about, and stood away north and bj cast, the 
 wind being at east south-east, two watches, five leagues : • 
 then we had the wind at cast ; we cast about, and stood '•• 
 south south-east, and made a south way, sixe leagues. The 'r 
 eleventh, in the morning, a hard storme at east and cast and 
 by south, we strooke a hull. 
 The twelfth, in the morning, fog, and all day after cleere 
 weather, the wind at south south-west ; we sieercd cast and 
 by north : at noone being in the latitude 75 degrees, 30 
 minutes. From noone till fourc a clockc, five lca"ucs cast •• 
 and by north ; then we saw ice ahead of us and under our 
 lee, trending from the north-west to the north and east of 
 us : we had sounding 100 fathom, greenish ozc. Here we 
 saw divers pieces of drift wood' by us driving, and strcamc 
 leeches lying south south-west and north north-cast. AVe 
 many times saw the like since we saw the North Cape, 
 'i'lie thirteenth, clcerc weather, the wind at east, we made a 
 south way G leagues, two watches ; then we cast about, and 
 made a north way one -watch, 3 leagues ,^ : at twelve at 
 night, much wind with fog, we strooke a hull and laid our 
 ship's head to the southward. The fourteenth, in the fore- 
 ' This wood is carried along from the North American coasts by the 
 gulf streams. Considerable quantities of it are thrown on the shores of 
 11 •■ 
 noono, fog, and our shvoudes were frozen : tlie after-noonc 
 Avas clecro sun-shine, and so was all the night. 
 The /if tcoi/h, all day and night cleere sunshine ; the wind 
 at east ; the latitude at noone 75 degrees, 7 minutes. We 
 held westward hv our account 13 Icaijues. In the after- 
 noone the sea was asswaged ; and the wind being at east we 
 set sayle, and stood south and by east, and south south-east 
 as we could. This morning, one of our companie looking 
 over boord saw a mermaid, and calling up some of the com- 
 il, panic to see her, one more came up, and by that time shee 
 »'""■>■ was come close to the ship's side, looking earnestly on the 
 men : a little after, a sea came and overturned her : from the 
 "" navill upward, her backe and breasts were like a woman's, 
 as they say that saw her ; her body as big as one of us ; her 
 skin very white : and loni^ hairc han2:ing downe behinde, 
 j,|j.^ of colour blncke : in her going downe they saw her tayle, 
 &■■ .. which M'as like the tayle of a porposse, and speckled like a 
 «»'^ macrell.' Their names that saw her, were Thomas ililles 
 and Kobcrt I'ayner. 
 The sixteenth, cleere weather, tlie wind being at cast. 
 W*5I From the last day till this day noone we made our way 
 south and by east 1) leagues, and from noon to eight a clockc 
 in the eevening (5 h;a"ues : then we cast about and stood to 
 the northwards. 
 'J'lie sevcntoentli, cleere Aveathcr, the wind at south-east 
 and by east ; from the last day till this day noone, our way 
 was north-east and by east, at noone being in the latitude of 
 74 degrees, 40 minutes. At after-noonc we sounded, and 
 had ground at 86 fathom, green oze, and our water whitish 
 greene. Here m e saw whales, porpoises, and the sea full of 
 fowles : from noone to mid-night, north-east and by east ; 
 we had the sunne at lowest, on the north and by east, east- 
 ^ Probably a seal. Dr. Kano observes that there is something in the 
 appearance and the movements uf'thi.s animal stron. ly akin to those ot" 
 human beings. 

 SECOND VOYAGE (1G08). 29 
 crly part of the conipassc : latitude 74 degrees, 54 minutes. 
 Sounding we had 92 fathoms water, oze as before. 
 The ci<jhtccnt]i, faire weather, the wind at south-east and 
 by east ; from mid-night till this day noone wee sayled north- 
 east and by ea:?t, in the latitude of 75 degrees 24 minutes, 
 and had ground at ninetie-five fathome ; oze as afore. Here 
 we had ice in our sight to the northward off us. In the ^ 
 after-noone, having little wind at north-east, we cast about '^ 
 and lay cast south-east, and at sixe a clocke had ground at 
 ninetie-five fathoms and a halfe ; oze as afore. From noone 
 to twelve a clocke at night our way was south-east, and ^ 
 south-east and by east, and had the sunnc on the meridian 
 north and by east halfe a point eastward. The sunnes height "^ 
 was 8 degrees 40 minutes. Sounding, ninetie fathom. All 
 this day we had ice on our huboord trending : and at this (• 
 time, from the north-west off us to the east south-east, I have 
 some reason to thinke there is a tide or current setting to L'u''''^"t- , 
 the northwards ; the course wee held and the way we nuule 
 betAveenc this noone and mid-night observations, doe make 
 mee suspect it the more. » 
 The nineteenth, fairc and warme weather, the sea smooth. ^:ceJl.'"'8 in- , 
 Here the needle inclined under the horizon 89 degrees and ai',,'" a^huire, ,^ 
 a halfe, being in the latitude at noone of 75 degrees, 22 ;.m''s,:2:2 
 niniutes ; sounding wee had ground in an liundred lathom. ,, 
 From twelve a clocke last night till this day at noone, we ' * 
 accounted our way from east and by north to south-east ten 
 leagues, having ice alwayes in our sight trending on our 1 
 larboord ; wee had the winde betweene north and north ° I 
 north-west. AVe saw the sunne at the lowest on the north I 
 and by east, halfe a point easterly ; his height was 8 degrees, 
 10 minutes, which maketh the Pole's height 74 degrees, 50 
 minutes ; sounding, we had ground in one hundred and 
 twentie-sixe fathom. From noone to this time, wee accounted 
 our way east and by south and east south-east, twelve leagues. 
 The twentieth, faire warme weather; this morning, at 
 jf .^' ■* 
 M". .... 
 f "- 
 fourc of the clocke, wee had depth one hundred and twen- 
 tie-five fathom. Hecre we heard heares roar on the ice ; 
 store of and wee saw upon the ice and ncare unto it an incredible 
 number of scales. A\"e had sounding one hundred and fif- 
 teen fathom, and after ground at ninetic-five fathom, sandie 
 oze. We had the sun on the meridian north and by east, 
 halfe a point easterly ; his height was 7 degrees, 20 minutes. 
 From twelve a clocke last night to twelve a clocke this night, 
 our way was made good by our account, south-east and by 
 south twelve leagues, and south-east three leagues and a 
 '■'"'-' halfe, the ice alwayes being on our larboord. The wind 
 ; this day bctweene north and north-west. 
 ; * The one and tivoitieth, at foure a clocke in the morning, 
 wee sounded and had one hundred and twentie fathome, 
 ;;i;;;-"' grccu ozc, aud the ice boic off us cast, the wind variable ; in 
 jili.,,, divers courses wee made our way good south south-east; 
 'J" .. suimciit our latitude at noone being 74 deforces, 9 minutes, we were 
 i'"""* '!reos~i'n' haled to the northward beyond expectation. All this day 
 ,;;, ri'Xli'ives,' faire, cleere, and wannc weather, and ice on our larboord 
 "•" '"' 30 miuutes. i i i i • i i i i • 
 "•' •^' at a north and by east sunnc ; being then at lowest, his 
 ^'" •' lieight was 7 degrees, 40 minutes, which made the Pole's 
 .""' height 74 degrees, So minutes. From the last day at noone 
 till twelve a clocke this night, by account of our ship's way, 
 I ^ wee made our way good east north-east, sixe leagues and a 
 ,^!;'*" halfe ; whereby it doth appeare how we were haleil to the 
 " northward. Heere wee had "round at one hundred and 
 11'*' . . 
 '"* thirteene fathome, green sandie oze. 
 .iiiois iio«o^s 'j^j^g ^^^Q ^^^^ twentieth, faire clcare weather, the winde at 
 It'll (il a Mill- ' ■' 
 lio'i'i o'l't'ile west north-west. At eight aclocke in the morning, we had 
 I fnmi'thr' ground at hundred and fifteene fathome, green oze. 
 north to tlie . , . ■ . i •. 
 eiistono From mid-nigh<: to noone our course was north-east and by 
 j'oiiit, wliiili " 
 luuiiiten p,^j,(. beinff in the latitude of 74 deq-rees, 35 minutes, and wc 
 two imc ' o D J ^ 
 Mori found that our ship's way and our observation were not 
 I ;^ but there was carefull heed taken of both. llcere 
 ' rij'vj) ill the oii^^iiiiil. 
SECOND VOYAGE (1()0<S). 31 
 \vc had ice a head off us, trending to the south-cast, and all 
 day before ice on our larboord. Here we stood south-east 
 five leagues, t'lcn the ice trended south and by west sixe 
 leagues ; we saylcd by it, and doubled it by eight aclockc 
 in the eevening, and then it bore east off us. Hecre, having 
 a smooth sea, the needle inclined 85 degrees from eight a ii, 
 cloclcc to twelve, north and by east easterly. Then we had V 
 the sunne on the meridian, north and by east half a poynt if 
 easterly. The sunnes height was 7 degrees, 45 minutes, ^j» 
 which made the latitude 74 degrees, 43 minutes. -v 
 The three and twentieth, in the morning, thickc fogge, *^ 
 the wind at north north-west. From mid-night till foure a 
 (;locke this morning, we sayled north-east five leagues, and ^. 
 then we were among the ice ; we cast about, and stood two ,,, 
 hourcs south-west, two leagues, and had no ground at one ., 
 hundred and cightie fathom. Then we cast about againe, I, 
 and stood cast till eight a clockc, two leagues ; and then it •• 
 clcercd up, and we had ice a head off us. And from north * 
 wee stood to south-cast, and our shroudes v,"erc frozen. Then * 
 till noone wee went east and by south, foure leagues, and •* 
 were neere ice on our larboord, in the latitude of 74 degrees, i 
 oO minutes. In the after-noone, the wind being at north, i 
 wee stood two hourcs and a halfc, five leagues and a halfe ; 
 three houres south south-east, five leagues ; one houre south- , 
 cast and by south, one league and a halff^ ; an houre east, '' 
 lialfc a league, which brought eight in the eevening, alwayes li 
 ice on our larboord. This aftcr-noonc wee had some snow. 
 From eight a clockc to mid-night south south-west, foure 
 leagues, with ice as afore. We saw the sunne at the lowest 
 north north-cast, his height was 7 degrees, 15 minutes ; the 
 pole's height 74 degrees, 18 minutes. 
 The foure and tioentietli, clcere but cold, and some snow, 
 tlic wind betweene north north-east and north-east; from 
 mid-night to foure a clockc wee stood southward, two lea>^ucs, 
 and south-east and by cast two leagues. And frorr. foure 
 a clockc till noonc south-east southerly, nine leagues ; sound- 
 ' ing, we had ground in one hundred and fortic fathome. 
 From noonc to three a clocke, we stood south-east and by 
 south, three leagues ; from three to foure, south-west and by 
 south, one league, and had ice from the north-east to the 
 liiiii!!!!! south-cast off' us. From Ibure a clocke to eight we stood 
 Mt','^!, south-west, two leagues and a halfc, southward hulfe a 
 "••'iK league, with ice neerc us under our lead. 
 C^^.^ The Jicc and twentieth, cold and cleare, the wind at east 
 '"!;.", south-east ; from eight a clockc last night till foure this 
 '" morning our way was south and by cast, foure leagues and 
 a halfc ; sounding, we had ground in eightie fathome ; then 
 - we had little wind till noonc at east north-east, and the 
 "■ sunnc on the meridian on the south-west and by south point 
 of the compasse ere it began to fall ; wee Averc in the lati- 
 tude of 72 degrees, 52 minutes ; and had ice on our lar- 
 boord, and our hope of passage was gone this way, by mcancs 
 i)f our ncarncsse to Nova Zcnibhi nnd the abundance of ice. 
 We had from noonc to eight a clocke in the cevcning the 
 Vi iW" wind between north north-cast and north-cast ; we stood 
 ... ,^, 
 *i,.i„,i south-east, three leagues and a halfc, and had ice on our 
 * "' 1 1 • • • • 1 
 ,„ ^1 larboord and shoaldnig sixtie-eight fathome. 
 ■"" The sixe and lioentidli, faire sunshining weather, and little 
 ••«.•«, wind at cast north-east. From twelve aclockc at night till 
 JJJJ foure this morning we stood southward, two leagues ; sound - 
 "Jill ing wee had sixtie-sixe fathome, oaze, as afore. From foure 
 i^9<-< a clocke to noonc south-east and by south, foure leagues; 
 and had the sunnc on the meridian, on the south-east and 
 by south point of the compasse, in the latitude of 72 de- 
 grees, 25 minutes ; and had sight of Nova Zcmbla foure or 
 No passiiKo five leagues from us, and the place called by the Hollanders 
 thai way. ° _ _ ^ ^ 
 swartciiivo. Swart ClifFe,' bearing off" south-east. In the aftcrnooue wee 
 ^ According to Dr. Bekc's opinion {De Veer, Introduction, p. vi) iden- 
 tical with the Yxizhnuy G'usuiui/ Mais, or South Goose Cape of Liitke. 
 This cape is, however, under 71" 20', whilst on De Veer's own map the 
 •* imm 
 "> -nm, 
SFX'ONl) VOYAGE (1008). 
 had a fine gale at cast north-cast, anJ by eight of the clockc 
 we had brought it to bcarc off us cast southerly, and sayled 
 by the shoare a league from it. 
 The sevoi and twentieth, all the forcnoone it was almost 
 calme; wee being two mile from the shoare, I sent my mate, 
 Eobcrt Juct, and John Cooke, my boatswaine, on shoare, '•'"'>■ t"^"" 
 ' 'J ' ' ftshore. 
 with foure others, to see what the land would yeeld that 
 might bee profitable, and to fill two or three caskes with 
 water. They found and brought aboard some whales finnes, 
 two deeres homes, and the dung of deere, and they told me 
 that they saw grasse on the shoare of the last ycere, and 
 young grasse came up amongst it a shaftman long ; and it 
 was boggie ground in some places ; there are many streamcs 
 of snow water nigh ; it was very hot on the shoare, and the 
 snow melted apace ; they saw the footings of many great 
 beares, of deere, and foxes. They went from us at three 
 a clocke in the morning, and came aboord at a south-cast 
 sunnc ; and at their comming wee saw two or three com- 
 panies of morses in the sea neere us swimming, being almost 
 calme. I presently sent my mate, Ladlow the carpenter, 
 and sixe others a shoare, to a place where I thought the 
 morses might come on the shoare ; they found the place 
 likely, but found no signe of any that had beenc there. 
 There was a crosse^ standing on the shoare, much driftv/ood, 
 and signes of fires that had bcene made there. They saw 
 ^irarte Khp sccmo about a degree farther north ; 72"^ 15' to 72' 20', as 
 far as appears by the ancient mariner's vague indications. This latitude 
 would seem more in accordance with Hudson's observation. 
 ' Such crosses were found both on Nova Zembla and on the opposite 
 Russian shore by Barentz and liis companions. They seem to have been 
 very conspicuous, for an island and a cape were called by the Dutch 
 Cross Island and Cross Point, only !)ecause one or two sucli crosses were 
 found on them. It is a well-known fact, that the cross is not only an 
 object of veneration among Christians, but that it is also worshipped 
 by some heathens, quite independently of all Christian influence. Whe- 
 ther the signification of these crosses may be thu^ ^pxnlainedf we are. 
 however, unable to say. 1 NORTRERN AFFAIRS 
 NOV 10 19C5 
 the footing of very great deere and hearrs, and much fowle,^ 
 and a foxe ; they hrought aboord whale finnes^ some mosse, 
 flowers and greenc things that did there grow. They 
 brought also two pceces of a crossc, which they found there. 
 The sunnc was on the meridian on the north north-east, 
 halfe a point easterly, before it began to fall. The sunnes 
 height was 4 degrees, 45 minutes ; inclination, 2'2 degrees, 
 So minutes, which makes the latitude 72 degrees, 12 minutes. 
 There is disagreement betweene this and the last observa- 
 tion ; but by mcanes of the clccrenessc of the sunne, the 
 smoothnessc of the sea, and the necrncsse to land, wee could 
 not bee deceived, and care was taken in it. 
 The eight and twentieth, at fourc a clocke in the morning, 
 our boat came aboord, and brought two dozen of fowle and 
 some egges, whereof a iii\y were good, and a whale's finne ; 
 Lj. and wee all saw the sea full of morses, yet no signes of their 
 II .^, , being on shoare. And in this calme, from eight a clocke 
 r,!3||' last evening till foure this morning, we were drawne backe 
 to the northward, as farre as wee were the last evening at 
 ..,, , foure a clocke, by a streamc or a tide ;~ and we chose rather 
 so to drive, then to adventure the losse of an anchor and the 
 spoyle of a cable. Heere our new ship-boate began to doe 
 us service, and Avas an incouragemcnt to my companie, 
 which want I found the last yeere. 
 The nine and twentieth, in the morning calme, being halfe 
 a letigue from the shoare, the sea being smooth the needle 
 did cncline 84 degrees ; we had many morses in the sea 
 neere us, and desiring to find where they came on shoare, 
 wee put to with sayle and oares, towing in our boat, and 
 rowing in our barke to get about a point of land, from 
 whence the land did fall more easterly, and the morses did 
 goe that way. Wee had the sunne on the meridian on the 
 ^ This part of Nova Zembla still abounds with fowl, and has, there- 
 fore, bean called Goose Coast by Liitke. 
 ^ The gulf stream. 
 sKcoNi) VOYAGE TIBOS;. 35 
 south and by west point, liiillb a point to the wester part of 
 the conipassc, in the hititude of 71 degrees, 15 minutes. At 
 two a elockc this after-noone we came to anchor in the 
 mouth of a river, where lieth an ihind in the mouth thereof, nivpniud 
 foure leagues : wee anchored from the ihind in two and 
 thirtie iathomes, blacke sandy ground. There drove much 
 ice out of it with a streamc that set out of the river or sound, 
 and there were many morses sleeping on the ice, and by it 
 we w ere put from our road twice this night ; and being 
 calmc all this day, it pleased God at our need to give us a 
 fine gale, which freed us out of danger. This day was ^ 
 calme, cleere and hot weather : all the niyht we rode still. 
 The thirtieth, calme, hot, and fairc M'eather ; we Aveighed # 
 in the morning, and towed and rowed, and at noone we • 
 came to anchor neere the ile aforesaid in the mouth of the 
 river, and saw very much ice driving in the sea, two leagues 
 without us, lying south-east and north-west ; and driving to « , 
 the north-west so fast, that wee could not by twelve a clocke 
 at night see it out of the top. At the iland where wee rode t 
 lieth a little rocke, whereon were fortie or fiftie morses < 
 lying asleepe, being all that it could hold, it being so full • 
 and little. I sent my companie ashoare to them, leaving ' 
 none aboord but my boy with mee : and by meanes of their 
 nccrenesse to the water, they all got away, save one which ,' 1 
 they killed, and brought his head aboord ; and ere they 
 came aboord they went on the iland, which is reasonable 
 high and steepe, but flat on the top. They killed and | i 
 brought with them a great fowle, whereof there were manv, ' 
 and likewise some egges, and in an houre they came aboord. | i 
 This ile is two flight-shot over in length, and one in breadth. ; 
 At mid-night our anchor came home, and wee tayld aground • I 
 by meanes of the strength of the streame ; but by the i 
 hclpe of God, wee hoved her off Avithout hurt. In short I 
 time wee moved our ship, and rode still all night; and in l' ] 
 the night wee had little wind at east, and east south-east. ! ■ '} 
 ^"^ %> 
 ■50 "^^ 
 I!: 1^ 
 ^ sV 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 1*580 
 (716) 872-45(3 
 sir* I, 
 f ""■«■■. 
 Wee had at nooiie this day an observation^ and were in the 
 hititudc of 71 degrees, 15 minutes. 
 'Hic^rst of Jul//, we saw more ice to the seaward of us; 
 from the south-east to the north-west, driving to the north- 
 west. At noone it was cahne, and we had the sunne on the 
 meridian, on the south and by west point, halfc a point to 
 the westerly part of the compassc, in the hititude of 71 de- 
 grees, 24 minutes. This morning I sent my mate Everet, 
 and foure of our companie to rowc about the bay, to see 
 what rivers were in the same, and to find where the morses 
 did come on hand ; and to see a sound or great river in the 
 bottome of the bay, which did alwaies send out a great 
 sireame to the northwards, against the tide that came from 
 thence : and I fou.nd the same in comming in, from the 
 north to this place, before this. When by the meanes of the 
 great plenty of ice, the hope of passage betwecne Ncwland 
 lis purpose ^nd Nova Zembla was taken away; my purpose was by the 
 Vaygats to passe by the mouth of the river Ob, and to dou- 
 ble that way the North Cape of Tartaria,^ or to give reason 
 wherefore it will not be : but being here, and hoping by the 
 pientie of morses wee saw hcrCj to defray the charge of our 
 voyage ; and also that this sound might for some reasons 
 bee a better passage to the cast of Nova Zembla then the 
 Vaygats, if it held according to my hope conceived by the 
 likenesse it gave : for whereas we had a floud came from 
 the northwards, vet this sound or river did runne so strong, 
 that ice with the streame of this river was carried away, or 
 ^ Hudson seemed to think that when he had once passed the North 
 Cape of Tartary (Cape Tabiu?), the rest of his undertaking, to reach 
 China by a north-eastern route, wovild be quite easy, and hardly worth 
 mentioning. This was also Sebastian Cabot's idea, and that of all his dis- 
 ciples down to our navigator. Ortelius's maps, the best expressions of the 
 geographical dogma of the age, imply a similar belief. The northern 
 coast of Asia, which is there drawn almost from fancy, is everywhere 
 much too far south. The voyage from the Promontorium Scythicum to 
 Cathay, or Northern China, appears on these maps as quite an easy 
 any thing else against the floud ; so that both in fioud and 
 ebbe, the streanie doth hold a strong course : and it floAveth 
 from the north three houres, and ebbcth nine. 
 The second, the wind being at cast south-east, it was rea- 
 sonable cold, and so was Friday ; and the morses did not play 
 in our sight as in warnie weather. This morning, at three 
 of the clocke, iny mate and companie came aboord, and 
 brought a great deeres home, a white locke of deeres haire, 
 four dozen of fowle, their boat halfe laden Avith drift Avood, 
 and some floAA^ers and greene things, that they found groAV- 
 ing on the shoare. They saw a herd of Avhite deere,^ of ten Herdeof 
 ° •' ' white deere. 
 in a companie on the land, much drift Avood lying on the 
 shoare, many good bayes, and one river faire to sec to 
 on the north shoare, for the morses to land on ; but they 
 saw no morses there, but signes that they had beene in the 
 bayes. And the great river or sound, they certified me, 
 Avas of breadth two or three leagues, and had no ground at 
 twentie fathoms, and that the Avater Avas of the colour of the 
 sea, and very salt, and that the streame setteth strongly out 
 of it. At sixe a clocke this morning, came much ice from 
 the soutliAvard driving upon us, very fearfull to looke on ; 
 but by the mercy of God and His mightie helpe, Avee being 
 moored Avith two anchors ahead Avith vering out of one 
 cable and heaving home the other, and fending off Avith 
 beanies and sparres, escaped the danger ; Avhich labour con- 
 tinued till sixe a clocke in the eevening, and then it Avas 
 past us, and Ave rode still and tooke our rest this night. 
 The third, the Avind at north a hard gale. At three a 
 clocke this morning Avee Aveighed our anchor, and set sayle, 
 purposing to runne into the river or sound before spoken of. 
 'Y\\c fourth, in the morning, it cleered up, Avith the Avind 
 at north-Avest ; Ave weighed and set sayle, and stood to the 
 eastwards, and past over a reefe, and found on it five and a 
 halfe, sixe, sixe and a halfe, and seven fathoms Avater : then 
 ^ Sec p. 38, note 1. 
 . V 
 ; "-I II 
 •■■■^ il 
 'A;, it 
 ■ ■•»■ ■ 
 "" •-tft It 
 'tt'inti II' 
 , ,#||l i. 
 . • iF 
 Tlio river 
 Ave saw tli^* the sound was full, and a very large river from 
 the north-eastward free from ice, and a strong streamc com- 
 ming out of it : and wee had sounding then, fourc and thirty 
 fathoms water. Wee all conceived hope of this northerly 
 river or sound, and sayling in it, wee found three and twen- 
 tie fathomes for three leagues, and after twentie fathomes 
 for five or sixe leagues, all tough ozic ground. Then the 
 winde vered more northerly, and the streame came down 
 so strong, that wee could do no good on it : we came to 
 anchor, and went to supper, and then presently I sent my 
 mate Juet, with five more of our companie in our boat, with 
 sayle and oarcs to get up the river, being provided with 
 victuall and weapons for defence, willing them to sound as 
 they went ; and if it did continue still deepe, to goe untill 
 it did trende to the eastward, or to the southwards, and wee 
 rode still. 
 The ^fi, in the morning, we had the wind at west : we 
 began to weigh anchor, purposing to set sayle and to runne 
 up the sound after our companie : then the wind vered 
 northerly upon us, and we saved our labour. At noonc 
 our companie came aboord us, having had a hard rought ; 
 for they had beenc up the river sixe or seven leagues, and 
 sounded it from twentie to three and twentie, and after 
 brought it to eight, sixe, and one fathome ; and then to 
 foure foot in the best : they then went ashoare, and found 
 good store of wildc goose quills, a piece of an old oarc, and 
 some flowers and greene things which they found growing : 
 they saw many deere, and so did we in our after-dayes 
 sayling.^ They being come aboord, we presently set sayle 
 with the wind at north north-west, and we stood out againe 
 to the south-westwards, with sorrow that our Ixbour was in 
 ^ The existence of grass and of herbivorous animals in Nova Zembhi, 
 whicli is flatly denied by Do Veer, is clearly proved by Hudson. Liitke's 
 observations corroborate those of our navigator : see Dr. Bcke's De Veer, 
 pp. .% 83. 
 SKCONl) VOYAOK (1()08). 39 
 value : for, had this sound held as it did make shew of, 
 for breadth, depth, safcncsse of harbour, and good anchor 
 ground, it might have yeelded an excellent passage to a 
 more easterly sea. Generally, all the land of Nova Zembla novm /om- 
 that yet we have scene, is to a man's eye a pleasant land ; '^'"^''«'^'>'^'- 
 much mayne high land with no snow on it, looking in some 
 places grecne, and deere feeding thereon : and the hills arc ^ 
 partly covered with snow, and partly bare. It is no marvel '\ 
 that there is so much ice in the sea toward the pole, so many Ciiuseof "«- 
 imicli ice in -v 
 sounds and rivers being in the lands of Nova Zembla and ti'':«e*^f^rt«. '* 
 NcM^land to ingender it ; besides the coasts of Pechora, piissago"!'*^''' 4 
 sia, and Greenland, with Lappia, as by proofes I finde by 
 my travell in these parts : by meanes of which ice I suppose 
 there will be no navigable passage this way. This eeven- 
 ing wee had the wind at west and by south : we therefore 
 came to anchor under Deere Point ; and it was a storme at 
 sea ; wee rode in twcntie fathomes ozie ground : I sent my 
 mate, Ladlow, with foure more ashoare to see whether any 
 morses were on the shoare, and to kill some fowle; for we 
 had seen no morses since Saturday, the second day of this 
 moneth, that wee saw them driving out of the ice. They 
 found good landing for them, but no signe that they had 
 bcene there ; but they found that fire had beene made 
 there, yet not lately. At ten of the clocke in the ecven- 
 ing, they came aboord, and brought with them neere an 
 hundred fowles called wcllocks : this night it was wet, 
 fogge, and very thicke and cold, the winde at west south- 
 The sixt, in the morning, wee had the wind stormie and 
 shifting ; betweenc the west and south-west, against us for 
 doing any good : we rode still and had much ice driving by 
 us to the eastward of us. At nine of the clocke this eeven- 
 ing wee had the wind at north north-west : we presently 
 weighed, and set sayle, and stood to the westward, being 
 out of hope to find passage by the north-oast : and my pur- 
 i ! 
 I ■ t 
 wiiiouRh- pose was now to see whether Willoughbies Land' were, as it 
 bies Innil . . ... 
 n coMctit is layd in our cardes ; Avhich if it were, wee misfht findc 
 of rani- • ■» O 
 s'oomiii.'to niorses on it, for with the ice they were all driven from 
 th.i'i'i^New^' hence. This place upon Xova Zembla, is another then that 
 ,., Grcpiibimi which the Hollanders call Costing Sarch, discovered by 
 .tMi.iwlll |j„ (US is before 
 ,,,„^ observed, Olivcr Browncll : and William Barentson's observation doth 
 M- Hi cnp. '^j as 
 ^ ^'"' sarcii"of witnesse the same.- It is layd in plot by the Hollanders out 
 , .^ " to'otifers'^ of his truo place too farre north : to what end I know not, 
 f,.H K, Nova Zem- ■, i • i i n • i i 
 unlesse to make it hold course with the compassc, not re- 
 specting the variation. It is as broad and like to yeeld 
 passage as the Vaygats, and my hope was, that by the strong 
 streame it would have cleered it selfe ; but it did not. It is 
 so full of ice that you will hardly thinkc it. All this day, 
 for the most part it was fogge and cold. 
 The sevoith, cleere but cold weather : in the morning the 
 lit,, ''ii„ ' wind was at the north ; from the last eevening to this morn- 
 'Ai, ''' - „ ing, we set saile and kept our course west and by south, 
 ""-'f fifteene leagues : from morninsr to eight a clocke in the 
 ■'■► ,^, 
 • J, 
 • eevening it was calme : then we had the wind againe at 
 ^ ^ '^ ' ^ The fact we here learn is imiDortant. Willoiighby's land was, on the 
 •"' ™ charts used by Hudson, laid down as part of Nova Zembla ; rather south 
 ""**"'* than north of 72'^. When we consider how careful Hudson was in col- 
 lecting information, and further, that he was sent out by the only per- 
 sons in England who had an interest in north-eastern discovery (the 
 .,0*>. Muscovy Company), it becomes almost a certainty that Willoughby's 
 1.^,** land was, in 1G08, b)/ the English not thought identical with Spitzbergen 
 ".rl"^ (the Greenland of Barentz and Hudson). If commercial jealousy of 
 ^J'*' the Dutch, the real discoverers of Spitzbergen, had not a short time 
 '; after Hudson's voyage raised the almost absurd belief in that identity, 
 the scholars of our time would have been sjjared much labour. Purchas 
 himself is the most earnest, we might, perhaps, say the most insolent, 
 defender of the erroneous idea, which has been ably disproved by j\Ir. 
 * ' Rundail, in his work on northern voyages. Introduction, p. ix, where all 
 i the arguments bearing on both sides of the question may be found. 
 I 2 The mere amateur reader will hardly care about the intrinsic geo- 
 graphical questions involved in this sentence. The geographical scholar 
 will find them most amply and satisfactorily discussed, with special refer- 
 ence to the present passage, by Dr. Beke in his Introduction to De Veer, 
 pp. xxxii to 1. 
 north, and wc saylctl till nine a clockc next morning west 
 south-west, eight leagues ; then the wind being west and by 
 south, wee went north and by west, three leagues, and wee 
 had the sunne at the highest south south-west, in the lati- 
 tude of 71 degrees, 2 minutes. The ei</hf, faire weather ; 
 at noone we had the wind at cast north-east, we stood north 
 three leagues till foure a clocke : then the wind being at 
 west and by north, wee stemmed north and by west one 
 league and a halfe, till six a clocke in the eevening ; then 
 the wind was at north-east a hard gale, and wee stood till 
 next day at noone west and by north, by account three and 
 twcntie leagues : we had the sunne on the meridian, south 
 and by west, halfe a point neerest west, in the latitude of 
 70 degrees, 41 minutes. The ninth, clecre weather : from 
 this to the next day at noone, we sayled south-west and by 
 west twelve leagues, and northward three leagues ; and in 
 these courses had these soundings, 41, 42, 46, 48, and 45 
 fathoms : we had the sunne south and by west, halfe a point 
 to the west part of the compasse. The sea was loftie : our 
 latitude was 70 degrees, 20 minutes. 
 The tenth, cleere but close weather : from this till next 
 day noone wee had little Avind at west north-west : by ac- 
 count we made our way five leagues north-easterly. Wee 
 had the sun at the highest on the south and by west point, 
 and a tercc westward, in the latitude of 70 degrees, 55 
 minutes, ar.d I thinke we had a rustling tide under us ; and 
 in this timo had sounding betweene fortie-five and fortie 
 fathomes, white sand. The eleventh, cleere weather : from 
 this to the next day at noone, little wind at north north-east 
 and sometimes ealme ; wee sayled west and by north by 
 account five leagues ; and had the sunne on the meridian on 
 the south and by west point one-third west in the latitude of 
 70 degrees, 26 minutes, and found a rustling under us. 
 This fore-noone we were come into a grcene sea, of the Oreeno soa. 
 colour of the mayne ocean, which we first lost the eigJit of 
 I i; 
 ,m» • 
 June : since which time wee have had a sea of a bLackc blue 
 colour, which (both by the last and this yecres experience) 
 , is a sea pestered with ice. 
 The ttvclfth, faire weather : from noone to midnight wee 
 had the wind shifting bctweene the north and west ; our 
 "'"*■* course was betweenc west north-west and south south-west. 
 *'*• l! Then we had the wind at south ; we saylcd till the next day 
 ***"" t at noone, west and by north, thirteene leagues ; wee ac- 
 '- ...!i counted our way from the last day till this day noone west- 
 ■■"■■C ward, eightecne leagues. This after-noone wee saw more 
 .,«,,^ porpoises then in all our voyage afore. The tMrico?ith, close 
 weather : in the after-noone having much wind at south, 
 *- * with short sayle we stood away west and by north, till eight 
 • .\; a clocke in the eevening : then we had the wind at south, 
 but most times calme till noone the next day : wee stood 
 i,/ ,„'"'* away as afore, foure leagues, which made in all twelve 
 '1. K., ^ ' . 
 ,^ il '" leagues : we had the sunne ere it began to fall, south and 
 ^;;jf * by west, in the latitude of 70 degrees, 22 minutes. 
 "^' The fourteenth, wee stood west north-west till midnight, 
 * :: * seventecnc leaf?ues : then the wind scanted and came at 
 U'T "" west, we stood north north-west, one league and a halfe : 
 * '■"•».' It then the wind being more southerly, wee sayled west north- 
 ...hT. " west five leagues. From the last till this day at noone, our 
 « way was out of divers courses north-west and by west, foure 
 and twentic leagues. We had the sunne beginning to fall 
 at south and by west, in the latitude of 70 degrees, 54 
 '!'*" minutes. 
 Thunder. Thc fftcentlf , fairc ; but towards night like to be stormie 
 with thunder, the wind betweene south and south south- 
 east ; from this, till the sixteenth day at noone, our course 
 was west and by north, seven and twentie leagues, and the 
 f. ' sunne then began to fall at south, three quarters of a point 
 westward, in the latitude of 70 degrees, 42 minutes. The 
 sixteenth, faire ; our way was from this till next day at noone 
 north-west, twelve leagues, out of divers courses : and wc 
 SECOND VOYAGE (1608), 43 
 liatl the wincl shifting, sometimes at east, n,t west south-west, 
 and west and by north j the hititudc, by a bad observation, 
 71 degrees, 44 minutes. The sevcdce7th, in the forc-noonc, 
 faire ; the wind being at west and by north. At fourc 
 a clocke this mon ing we saw land beare off us, west and 
 south south-west, which Avas about Ward-house •} this after- 
 noone wee had a storme at west and by north, we layed it 
 to trie till eight a clocke in the eevening, and then set saylc \ 
 Avith the wind betweene Avest north-Avest and north-Avest : 'f^ 
 our course till the next day at noone Avas south-Avest and by -ll 
 south, tAvelve leagues : the Cape IIopcAvelP bore off us south i 
 south-AA'est, and we Avere foure or five leagues from land. 
 The eighteenth, gusty, with raine all the fore-noone ; then ■^' 
 Ave had the Avind shifting till next day at noone from south 
 south-east to east, and south-east : our course in generall 
 Avas north-Avest, foure and twentie leagues : then did North 
 Kene beare off us Avest halfe a point southAvard, being from 
 us foure leagues ; and the Norch Cape in sight bearing Avcst 
 and by north, etc. 
 The seven and twcntiei/i, cold, Avith raine and storme ; this 
 nifrht Ave bofjan to burne caudle in the betacle, Avhich Ave ^■^' "'^'''t "> 
 had not done since the nineteenth of May, by reason Avee 
 had ahvaics day from thence till noAV. The thirtieth, Ave 
 had the sunne upon the meridian due south, in the latitude 
 of 08 degrees, 46 minutes ; AA^hereby Ave found us to bee 
 afore our ship, ten or twelve leagues, and LoAvfoot^ bore east 
 of us, but not in sight. 
 The seventh of Attgust, I used all diligence to arrive at 
 London, and therefore noAV I gave my companie a certificate 
 under my hand, of my free and Avilling return, Avithout pcr- 
 sAvasion or force of any one or more of them : for at my 
 being at Nova Zembla, the sixt of July, voide of hope of a 
 ^ Vardoohuus Island, 70" 35' N., 31° E, in the White Sea, close to 
 the coast of Fiumark. 
 ^ North-west of Vardoohuus Island. ^ The Luffodeu Islands. 
 ! I; 
 ll 'IW" lilt 
 north-cast passage (except by the Waygats, for which I was 
 not fitted to trie or prove), I therefore resolved to use all 
 nieancs I could to saylc to the north-west ; considering the 
 time and meanes wee had, if the wind should friend ns, as 
 in the first part of our voyage it had done, and to make triall 
 of that place called Lumlcys Inlet,' and the furious over-fall 
 by Captain Davis, hoping to runne into it an hundred 
 leagues, and to rcturne as God should enable mee. But now 
 having spent more then halfe the time I had, and gone 
 but the shortest part of the way, by means of contrary 
 winds, I thought it my duty to save victuall, wages, and 
 tackle, by my speedy rcturne, and not by foolish rashncsse, 
 the time being wasted, to lay more charge upon the action 
 then necessitie should compell, I arrived at Gravesend the 
 sixe and tioentieth of August. 
 1 See Ilakluyt, x, 3 (Purclias). The journal of Captain Davis, to 
 which Purchas refers, is not clear enough to allow us to fix the situation 
 of Lumlcys inlet with any degree of certainty. The inlet was perhaps 
 identical with Hudson's strait, or perhaps somewhat further north, Avherc 
 modern geographers place Frobisher's strait. The maps of these regions 
 are still too unsatisfactory to afford a fair ground for any guesses about 
 the real meaning of the still vaguer indications of the early navigators. 
 ,#»i I 
 . . . J" ■ 
 i ■.. 
TIllUD VOYAGE (1G09). 45 
 Written by Robert Jitet, of Lime-house, 
 On Saturday, \\ic Jlce and twentieth of Murcli, 1609, after 
 the old account, wc set sayle from Amsterdam, and by the 
 seven and twentieth day, we were downe at tlic Texel : and 
 by twelve of the clocke we were off the land, it being east 
 of us two leagues off. And because it is a journey usually 
 hnowne, I omit to put downe what passed till we came to 
 the height of the North Cape of Finmarke, which we did 
 pcrformc by the fft of May (stilo novo), being Tuesday. May 5, 
 . slilo novo. 
 On which day we observed the height of the pole, and found 
 it to bee 71 degrees, and 46 minutes ; and found our com- 
 passe to vary six degrees to the west ; and at twelve of the j , 
 clocke, the North Cape did bearc south-Avest and by south ' j | | 
 tenne leagues off, and wee steered away east and by south i[\ 
 and east. [ ■ 
 After much trouble, with foggcs sometimes, and more i ' 1 
 dangerous of ice. The nineteenth, being Tuesday, was close ■ 1 
 stormie weather, with much wind and snow, and very cold : i ■ 
 the wind variable betwcene the north north-west and north- j, I 
 cast. A\^c made our way west and by north till noone. I 
,tlll,.i<«ll k 
 f>""^. ... 
 Then wc observed the sunne having a slake,' antl found our 
 heigth to bee 70 degrees, 30 minutes. And the ship had 
 out-runne us twentie leagues, by reason of the set of the 
 |;7,';;,,^,f;;;^r; streamc of the White Sea : and we had sight of Wardhouse.^ 
 Then at two of the clocke wee tackt to the eastward : for wc 
 could not get about the North Cape, the wind was so scant ; 
 and at eight of the clocke at night, on the owe and twentieth, 
 Tiirvdou- tiiQ Nortli Cape did beare south-east and by south seven 
 Nciini (jnpc leagues off. And at mid-night Assumption Point^ did bearc 
 south and by east, five leagues off' us. 
 The two and twe)itieth, gusting weather, with haile and 
 snow, the sunne breaking out sometimes : we continued our 
 course along the land west south-west. And at tenne of the 
 clocke at night we were thwart off"Zenam.* The bodie of it 
 did bcare east off" us five leagues : and the course from the 
 North Cape to Zenam is for the most part west and by 
 iV ., ^ south, and west south-west, fiftic-foure leagues. 
 ...jf* The three and twentieth, fairc sunshining weather; the 
 wind at east and by south, and east south-east ; wee steered 
 along the land south-west, and south-west and by west, 
 i'l!!!^. eight leagues a watch, for so we found the land to lye 
 *""*'*^ from Zenam to Lofootc.^ And the distance is fiftie leagues 
 •'"-> . from the bodie of Zenam to the westermost land of Lofoote.^ 
 "* " And from the one to the other, the course is south-west and 
 "'\ ^ A spot? The word sfeZ'g, as a substantive, seems to be a uorth country 
 [.,i^i, word, meaning, according to Brocket, " an accumulation of mud or slime, 
 "!'* from slijcl\ cocnum, lutum." If Hudson observed a spot on the sun the 
 21st of March, ICJ!), he was undoubtedly the earliest discoverer of this 
 most interesting phenomenon ; the observation of Thomas Ilariot, which 
 is considered as the first on record, being more than a year and a half 
 later (Dec. 8th, IGIO). Hudson had the disadvantage of observing with- 
 out a telescope. '■'■ Vardoehuus Island. 
 ^ Evidently to the south-cast of the North Cape, probably a oajje on 
 I one of the neighbouring islands, Maasoe, Jehnsoe, or Igenoe. 
 4 Probably the island of Senjen, lat. G9= 25', long. 17° E., lying west of 
 Norway, close to the coast. 
 " The Luffodeu Islands. « Vaoio Lslaud, lat. 07^ 40', long. 11° 36' E. 
 THIRD VOYAGE (1G09). 47 
 by -west. For the needle of our compassc was set right to 
 the north. At twelve of the clockc at night, the bodic of 
 Lofoote did beare south-east, sixe leagues off. i.ofooic 
 The foiiro and Uoentieth, faire clcere sun-shining wea- 
 ther : the wind variable upon all points of the com passe, but 
 most upon the south-east, and sometimes calmc. AVe con- 
 tinued our course west south-west as before. And at eight •"* 
 of the clocke at night the souther part of Lofoote did beare )* 
 south-cast ten leagues oft' us. iiuuV"'^' ** 
 The Jice a?id twentieth, much wind at north-cast, with "Ij, 
 some snow and hailc. The first watch the wind came to the 
 cast a fine gale, and so came to the north-east, the second 
 watch, at fourc of the clocke, and freshed in : and at eight ' . 
 of the clocke it grew to a stormc, and so continued. At -i 
 noonc wc observed, and made the ship to be in 67 degrees, •- 
 58 minutes. Wee continued our course south-west twelve 
 leagues a watch. At nine of the clocke, Lofoote did bcaro 
 cast of us 15 leagues off. And wc found the compassc to 
 have no variation. The wind increased to a storme. 
 The sixe mid twentieth, was a great storme at the north ' 
 north-cast, and north-cast. Wee steered away south-Avcst 
 afore the wind with our fore course abroad : for we were 
 able to niaintayne no more saylcs, it blew so vehemently, 
 and the sea went so high, and brake Avithall, that it would 
 have dangered a small ship to lye under the sea. So we 
 skudded seventy leagues in foure and twentic houres. The 
 storme began to cease at foure of the clocke. 
 The seven and twentieth, indifferent faire weather, but a 
 good stiff'c gale of wind at north, and north north-east ; wee 
 held on our course as before. At noone wee observed and 
 found our heigth to be C4 degrees, 10 minutes. And wee 
 perceived that the current had hindered us in fortie-eioht ^^ sronf mr. 
 *■ ~ rent si'l.lin;^ 
 houres to the number of 16 leagues to our best judgement. [4't.'""""'^' 
 We set our maync-sayle, sprit-sayle, and our maync-top- 
 sayle, and held on our course all night, having faire wea- 
 I 1, 
 ,1= I 
 The ci<jJit and tiocntieth, faire -weather and little wind at 
 north-east, wc held on our course south-west. At noonc 
 wee observed the hcigth, and were in 62 degrees, and 30 
 minutes. The after-noone was little wind at north north- 
 west. The second watch it fell calnie. At foure of the 
 ^ii!5»ii." sot'ii^''^'^ clocke wee had sight of the iles called Farre,' and found 
 ^^•^1";' f«iTe\Tos° them to lye out of their place in the sea chart fourteenc 
 '^Z ;; " leagues to farre westerly. For in running south-west from 
 i;;;^ ^ Lcfoote, wee had a good care to our steerage and observa- 
 C*;' tions ; and counted ourselves thirtic leagues off by our 
 course and observation, and had sight of them sixteenc or 
 ''•'"» „ 
 eighteene leagues off. 
 The dine and twentieth, faire weather, sometimes calme 
 ^, „, and sometimes a gale, with the wind varying at south-west, 
 •"-« and so to the north-east. Wee got to the ilands, but could 
 *''"4 not get in. So we stood along the ilands. The ebbe being 
 come, we durst not put in. 
 ...^l Thirtieth, faire weather ; the wind at south-east, and east 
 south-east. In the morning we turned into a road in Stromo, 
 . B«« * suoino. one of the Ilands of Farre, bctweene Stromo and Muggc- 
 i'^ ncs, and got in by nine of the clocke, for it flowed so there 
 ,^^^1 r that day. And as soone as we came in we went to romage, 
 '"'"' ■' and sent our boat for water, and filled all our empty caskes 
 •.«, ^ with fresh water. Wee made an end of our roraaging this 
 "•"' niarht bv ten of the clocke. 
 '"\ The one and thirtieth, faire sunshining weather, the wind 
 Xijm at east south-east. In the fore-noone our master with most 
 of his company went on shoare to walke, and at one of the 
 clocke they returned aboard. Then we set sayle. 
 June. The first of June, stilo novo, faire sun-shining weather, 
 the wind at east south-east. We continued on our course 
 south-west and by west. At noonc wee observed the 
 sunne, and found our hcigth to be sixty degrees, fifty- 
 eight minutes : and so continued on our course all night 
 1 The Faroe Islands, lat. 61° 40' N. ; long. C 3U° W. 
 THIRD VOYAGE (1609). 49 
 with fairc weather. This nigbt we lighted candles in the 
 bittacle' againc. 
 The second, mystie weather, the wind at north-oast. At 
 noone wc steered away west south-west to find Bu -ise Iland,'^ ^^^^^ 
 discovered in the yeere 1578 by one of the ships of Sir 
 iMartin Frobisher, to see if it lay in her true latitude in the 
 chart or no: wee continued our course as before all night, 
 Avith a faire gale of wind : this night we had sight of the T'lfir first « 
 ~ on sight of ^ 
 first stars, and our water was changed colour to a white furuie/""^ 
 rpi IT • , • nonli they "'vi» 
 greene. i he compasse had no variation. inuiran- « 
 The third, faire sun-shining weather ; the wind at north- iif^'iit. Z 
 east. We steered on our course south-west and by west, '"^^^^• 
 with a stiflfe gale of wind. At noone we observed and found ;},' 
 our heigth to bee 58 degrees, 48 minutes. And I was before ',11 
 the ship 16 leagues, by reason of the current that held us so a strange •- 
 ■•■ (D ' J current out ' 
 strong out of the south-west. For it is eight leagues in "vest '**'""^' 
 foure and twentie houres. We accounted our selves neere 
 Busse Hand : by mid-night wee looked out for it, but could 
 not see it.^ 
 The fourth, in the morning, was much wind, with fogge 
 and raine. AVee steered away south-west by west all the 
 fore-noone, the wind so increasing that wee were enforced 
 to take in our top-sale : the windc continuing so all the after- 
 noon e. Wee steered away south-west all the fore-part of 
 the night ; and at ten of the clocke at night it was little 
 wind, and that was south, and so came up to the south south- 
 The fft, stormie weather, and much wind at south and 
 ' The bittacle is a close place in which the comi^asse standeth. 
 '^ It is impossible to indicate the real situation of Busse Island, which ' | 
 was discovered by one of Frobishcr's ships on its- return to England. The 
 accounts of this voyage which have come down to us are even more i 
 unsatisfactory than most of the geographical materials of this period. I I 
 Frobisher's discoveries have always been, and still are, a puzzle to geo- ' i 
 graphers. : | 
 ' Tlicy would probably not have found it, even in daylight. 
 ■ I 
 ' I 
.wlL-wlfc ■»'■ 
 south by cast, so that at fourc of the clockc in the morning 
 M'c tooke in our fore- say Ic, and Lay a try with our mayne 
 corse, and trycd away west north-west foure leagues. ])ut 
 at noonc it was lesse wind, and the sunne showed forth, and 
 we observed and found our heiyth to be 56 deurecs, 21 
 Note well, minutes. In tlie after-noone the wind vered to and fro be- 
 ^'••l:!"' tweenc the south-west and the south-east, with raine and 
 *""*l"i foggc, and so continued all night. Wee found that our ship 
 ^■-^i't. had gone to the westward of our course. The sixth, thickc 
 hasi(^ Aveather, with gusts of wiiul and showers of raine. The 
 wind varied betweene cast south-east and south-Avest, wee 
 steered on many courses a west south-west way. The after- 
 noone Avatch the Avind Avas at east south-east, a stifle gale 
 with niyst and raine. Wee steered aAvay south-Avest by Avest 
 eight leagues. At noonc the sunne shone forth, and avc 
 found the heigth to bee 50 degrees, 8 minutes. The seventh, 
 fairc sun-shining Aveather all the fore-noonc, and calmc 
 untill tAvelve of the clocke. In the after-noone the Avind 
 came to the north-Avest, a stiffe gale. Wee steered south- 
 ;!*""■ Avest by Avcst, and made a south-Avest Avay. At noonc Ave 
 Jlj-jjl* found the height to bee 5(5 degrees, one minute, and it cou- 
 ••Wf tinned all night a hard gale. The eight, stormy Aveathcr, 
 ..i^ ' the Avind variable betAveeiu^ Avest and north-Avest, much Avind : 
 ""*« • r.unotsaro and at eight of the clocke avcc tooke off our bonnets. At 
 ^. those uliicli 
 •!»»«" lire laced noouc the sunuc shewed forth and wte observed, and our 
 ]| „.JIi' [reuiarl^e''^ iif^igl^t Avas 54 dcgrt'cs, -SO miuutcs. The ;(i/7//A, fairc suu- 
 '"*' ivii'i'euco shining Aveather, and little Avind all the fore part of the daye 
 the iiiayiio uutill clcvcn of th(> clockc. Thcu the Avind came to the 
 ■ n 
 uissen soutli south-cast, and Ave steered away Avest south-Avest. At 
 jourse, tore ' .' 
 umN>^r8iooii hoouc AVC fouud our height to bee 53 degrees and 45 minutes, 
 'B'ii>ieH\wih- and we had made our Avay south by Ave^t ten leagues. In 
 out tlieir ^ c i • i • i i • i n • i 
 boiiets. the after-noone the Avind nicreascu, and continued ail niglit 
 at east north-east and east. 
 The tenth, fairc Aveather, the Avind variable betweene east 
 north-east and south-cast ; avcc steered on our course as 

 THIRD VOYAGE (1(509). 61 
 before. At foiire of the clock in the aftcrnoone the wind 
 came iip at south-east. And we held on our course as be- 
 fore. At noone wee observed and found our height to be 
 52 degrees, 35 minutes. 
 The eleventh, in the morning, Avas thicke and foggie, the 
 winde varying betweene south south-west and north west. 
 At foure of the clocke in the morning, wee tackt about to 
 the southward : at eleven of the clocke the winde came to '«« 
 the north-west, and so to the Avest north-west. This day « 
 we had change of water, of a Avhitish greene, like to the ice "^ 
 water to the north-west. At noone it eleered up, taid be- ,,j| 
 came very faire weather : wee put out our mayne top-sayle : 
 then we observed the sunne, and found our height to be 51 Ji' 
 degrees, 24 minutes. We had sayled many courses and i! 
 found our ship gone to the southward of our account ten !" 
 leagues, by reason of a current from the north-ward.^ The A.uinut 
 ' . . friiui tlio 
 comiiasse varied one point to the east. >H>itii. 
 The twelfth, faire sun-shining weather, but much wind at °|,'^'i ''"''"' 
 the west : we stood to the southward all day, the wind shift- 
 ing between the south-west and the Avest and by north. 
 AV^ee made our way south halfe a point west, eight and 
 twentie leagues. Our height at noone was 50 degrees, 9 
 minutes. At eight of the clock at night we took off our 
 boncts, the wind increasing. 
 The thirteenth, faire sun-shining weather : the wind vari- 
 able betweene the west and north north-west. AA'ee made 
 our way south south-west, seven and twentie leagues. At 
 noone we observed, and found our height to be 48 degrees, 
 45 minutes, but not to be trusted, the sea >vcnt so high. 
 In the after-noone the winde was calmer, and wee brought 
 to our boncts, and stood to the southward all niglit with a 
 stiffe gale. ' , 
 The fourteenth, faire and cleerc sun-shining weather : the , i i 
 . Ml 
 wmde variable betweene the north-west and south-west by i | 
 ' Tho Arctic cunciit, from Davis' ami IIuilsou's Straits to the south. ' ' 
 I I 
 l.''l ' 

 west. At midnight I observed tlic north starre at a north- 
 west by west guarde ; a good observation 49 degrees, 30 
 minutes. And at noone wee observed the sunne, and our 
 ly'deBrees, height was 48 degrees, (5 minutes. And I made account 
 we ranne betweene the two observations twelve leagues. 
 "'■•I'll "' At one of the clocke in the after-noone, wee cast about to 
 ^■^■■■^'Hit', the westward, and stood so all night : the winde increased to 
 '*!^:';;,!']i a storme, and was very much winde with raine. 
 CI I"' * To spend Xlic fifteenth, we had a a^reat storme, and spent* over- 
 ^■- '■' the )im»;, IS J J ^ O ^1 
 uiideisuui,! ][3QQj.(^i Q^j. fore-mast, bearing our fore corse lov/ set. The 
 01 ulCtlKlIlg^ * <J 
 weauler'" sixtcciith, wc wcrc forccd to tric with our mayne saylc, 
 by reason of the unconstant weather. So wee tried foi ire 
 watches, south-east and by south eight leagues and an hiilfe, 
 two watches, sixe leagues. The seventeenth, reasonable Taire 
 weather : the wind variable betweene west south-west and 
 west north-west. And a stifle gale of wind, and so great a 
 swelling sea out of the west south-west, that wee could doe 
 nothing. So one watch and an halfe wee drove north foure 
 leagues and a halfe, and foure watches and an halfe south 
 and by east halfe a point east twelve leagues. The eUjh- 
 teenih, reasonable weather but close and cloudie, and an 
 hard gale of wind, and a great sea. The winde being at 
 "21,' " the north-west, wee lay to the southward, and made our 
 •"«', drift south and by west, five leagues. The aftcr-noone 
 IJHH' prooved little wind, and tlie night part calme. The nine- 
 ^Jj^, tcenth, in the fore-noone, faire weather and calme. In the 
 H** morning we set the ])iecc of our fore mast, and set our fore 
 '•MM ax 
 The one and ticcntieth, faire sun-shining weather, but 
 much wind and a great sea. We split our fore sayle at ten 
 \ imreTio"' '^' ^f the clockc ; then we laid it a trie* with our mayne sayle, 
 bu't'the^ " and continued so all day. In the night it fell to be little 
 „ uajie, etc. wiud. This day our lieigtli was 45 degrees, 48 miuutes. 
 The two and twentieth, very faire sun-shining weather, 
 and calme all the after-noone. At noone we made a very 
 THIRD VOYAGE (1609). 63 
 good observation, and found our lit-ijth 44 degrees, 58 mi- 
 nutes. At eight of the clocke at night wee had a small gale 
 of winde at south-east. And wee steered away west for New- 
 found Land.^ The true compasse varied one point east. vaiuuiun. 
 The three and twentieth, thicke weather with much wind 
 and some raine. At eight of the clocke in the morning, the '«• 
 wind came to the west south-west and west so stifle a gale, that 'Jj 
 we were forced to take our top-sayle, and steered away i!* 
 north north-west untill fourc of the clock in the after- noone. '* 
 Then we tact to the southward, the winde at west north- :j^ 
 west. At eight of the clocke at night wee tooke in our top- 
 sayles, and laid it a trie with our mayne sayle, the winde 
 at west. J,' 
 '\lhe foure and twentieth, a stifFe gale of wind, varying be- » 
 tweene the west and north north-west ; we tried till sixe of " 
 the clocke: at Avhich time we set our fore saile, and steered 
 way west and by south by our compasse eight leagues in 
 (bure watches ; and wee tried away south in one watch and 
 an halfe. 
 The five and twentieth, faire sun-shining weather, the 
 wind at north north-west and north, we steered away west 
 by south by our compasse till twelve of the clocke : at which 
 time we had sight of a sayle and gave her chase, but could 
 not spcake with her. She stood to the eastward ; and we 
 stood after her till sixe of the clocke in the after-noone. 
 Then wee tact to the westward againe, and stood on our 
 course. It was faire all niglit, and little wind sometimes. 
 ^ JVexfoumlland was, in Hudson's time, a very vague term. The 
 cuasts which it secuis to embrace were so imperfectly known, that a strict 
 geographical iuterpretation of the terra is quite impossible. It was, by 
 uuthoi-s and seamen, applied to all the North American coasts along which ' I i 
 the codfisheries were established. Hudson himself includes under the i ' ' ; 
 name of Newfoundland the coast down to about 43" :^0', that is to say, 
 iVora Scotia. Although Hudson's Neirfoundland stretches thus much 
 liirthcr south than the island which still boars that time-honoured name, 
 tlic island formed even then the main part of NetvJ\m)idiaad. 
 I. : 
 ; "^ 
 f""-- .. 
 The six mid twentieth, all the forepart of the day very 
 faire weather and hot, but at foure of the clocke in the after- 
 noonc it grew to bee much Avinde and raine : the winde 
 was at south south-cast. At noone wee observed and found 
 our hcigth to bee 44 degrees, SS minutes. At eight of the 
 clocke at night the wind came to the south-west, and west 
 south-west. Wee steered north-west, one watch, and at 
 twelve in the night to the west, and west and by south, 
 very much wind. So we could lye but north north-west. 
 'J.'he seven and twetitieth, very much winde and a soare 
 stormc, the wind westerly. In the morning, at foure of the 
 clocke, wee tooke in our fore-corse, and layd it a trie with 
 ,.^..M'*, our mayne-corse low set; and so continued all the day and 
 '■ ,, I." night, two watches to the northward. At eight of the clocke 
 ' """■•< at night, we tackt to the southward. 
 '*« *""^n ., The ciqht and twentietJi, faire sun-shininor Aveathcr, the 
 jj "•* wind at west and by south ; we lay a trie to the southward 
 till eight of the clocke in the morning. Then we set our 
 fore-corse, and stood to the southward, a stifTc gale of wind, 
 ■;** but faire weather and a great sea out of the wester-boord, 
 jliwi,i*i and so continued all night. 
 u^,f The nine and twentieth, faire sun-shining weather, the 
 "[^ " wind at west and by south ; we stood to the southward 
 untill sixe of the clocke at night, and made our way south 
 and by east foure leagues. Then the winde came to the 
 '""3li, south-west, and wee cast about to the westward, and made 
 11*" our way west north-west all night. At noone, I found the 
 height 43 degrees, 6 minutes. The variation one point 
 j The thirtieth, fixire sun-shining weather, the winde at 
 i south-west and by west ; we steered north-west and by west, 
 I and made our way so, by reason of the variation of the com- 
 passe. At noone, I found the height to bee 43 degrees, 18 
 minutes ; wee continued our course all night, and made our 
 ! way north-west and by west, halfe a point westerly, five and 
 , ! 1 twentic leagues. 

 THIRD VOYAGE (1609). 55 
 The ^rst of July, close, mystie and tliickc weather, but a luiy. 
 fairc gale of wind at south-west, and south-west by south. 
 We steered away north-west and by west westerly, and 
 nuule our way so, by reason of the variation of the compasse. 
 At eii'ht of the clocke at niyht wee sounded for the banke of ''i'^."""'^" 
 New-found Land,i but could get no ground. '""'"' '"""'■ 
 The second, thicke mystic weather, but little Avind, and I;i;j 
 that at west and west and by south. At eight of the clocke ** 
 in the morning we cast about to the southward, and when '* 
 our ship was on stayes, we sounded for the banke, and had ''i^ 
 ground in thirtic fathoms, white sand and shells, and pre- 
 sently it clecred : and we had sight of a saylc, but spake 
 not with her. In the night wee had much rayne, thunder 
 and lightning, and wind shifting. » 
 The third, faire sun-shining weather, with a faire gale of 
 wind at east north-east, and wee steered away west south- 
 west by our compasse, which varyed 17 degrees westward, viuintiuu 
 This morning we were among a great fleet of French-men, '/47.',,X"iiioii 
 which lay fishing on the banke ; but we spake Avith none of Ihi'bauke. 
 them. At noone Avee found our heighth to bee 43 degrees, 
 41 minutes. And we sounded at ten of the clocke, and had 
 thirtie fathoms gray sand. At two of the clocke Avee sounded, 
 and had five and thirtie fathoms, gray sand. At eight of the 
 clocke at night Ave sounded againe, and had eight and thirtie 
 fathoms, gray sand as before. 
 The fourth, at the fore-part of the day cleere, with a faire 
 gale of Avind, but variable betAveene the east north-east and 
 south and by east ; Avee held on our course as before. The 
 aftcr-noone Avas mystie, the Avind shifting betweene the 
 south and the Avest till foure of the clocke. Then Ave tooke 
 in our top-sayle and sprit-sayle, and sounded and had no 
 ground in seventie fathoms. The Avinde shifted still untill 
 eight of the clocke, then it came to the north north-east and 
 ' Probably near Ccqie Sable, the most southern point of Nova Scotia ; 
 lat. 43" 22' N.; long. flO° 35' W. See note at p. 53. 
 'I ill 
 • ' ""KV 
 lltf » 
 north-cast and by north, and wcc steered away west nortli- 
 wcst hy our varycd compassc, which made a west way half'e 
 point north. The compassc varycd 15 degrees from the 
 north to the west. 
 The ^ff, fairc sun-shining weather, the wind at north-cast 
 and by north ; we steered away west north-west, which was 
 '••S''^ west halfe a point north. At noone we found our hciglith 
 "'» * to be 44 degrees, 10 minutes, and sounded and had no 
 "■^AC ground in one hundred fathoms. The after-noonc proved 
 }"'*■■ .,. 
 ■""■>■ cahnc sometimes, and sometimes little wind, untill nine of 
 '■*'•.. . ' . ^ , ' 
 .»,., _ the clocke in the night. Then the wind came to the 
 east, and we held on our course. At midnight I observed 
 '*''"'l and found the height to bee 44 degrees, 10 minutes, by the 
 lirdoglccs '"loi'th starre and the scorpions heart. The compassc varycd 
 13 degrees. 
 The sixth, the forepart of the day faire weather, and a stiffe 
 gale of wind betwcene south south-east and south-west j wee 
 steered west and by north and west north-west. The after- 
 iM,-(;ie nnii pr^j.j pf {[^q (Xrw , froui two of tlic clockc, was all foggic and 
 thicke weather ; the wind a hard gale, varying betweenc 
 south-west and by south and west and by north ; we made 
 our way north-west halfe a point northerly, ninetcenc leagues, 
 iipon many points foure watches. At night, at eight of the 
 • clockc, we sounded and had no ground at one hundred 
 '■r»f- The seventh, fairc sun-shining weather, the wind varying 
 betwcene west and by north and west and by south. At 
 foure of the clockc in the morning we cast about to the 
 southward, and stood so till one in the after-noone. At 
 noone we found our height to be 44 degrees, 26 minutes. 
 At seven of the clockc we tackt to the northward. At cis^ht 
 at night we tackt to the southward and sounded, and had 
 nine and fiftie fathoms, white sand. 
 The eight, in the fore-noone faire weather, but the morn- 
 ing foggie till seven of the clocke. At foure of the clocke 
THIRD VOYAGE (1(309). 67 
 in the morning we sountlcd, and had five and fortic fathoms, 
 fine white sand, and we had runne five leagues south and 
 by west. Then wee stood along one glasse, and went one 
 league as before. Then we stood one glasse and sounded, 
 and had sixtie fathoms. Then we tackt and stood backe to 
 the banke, and had five and twentie fathoms ; and tryed for 
 fish, and it fell calme, and we caught one hundred and 
 eightcene great coddcs, from eight a clocke till one, and cod^takcli! 
 and after dinner wee tooke twelve, and saw many great 
 scoales of herrings. Then wee had a gale of wind at south ; y'oau's^^f'^' 
 and it shifted to the west north-west, and wee stood three ''"'""s^- 
 glasses and sounded and had sixtie fathomcs, and stood two to^tH^the* 
 glasses and had two and fortie fathoms, red stones and shells, ihfe ana 
 m 11 1 111 n !• nh- Icail.or 
 So wee sounded every glasse, and had several! soundings o5, poie, etc. 
 33, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 fathoms. 
 The ninth, faire calme weather ; we lay becalmed all day 
 and caught some fish, but not much, because Ave had small 
 store of salt. At three of the clocke in the after-noone wee 
 had a gale at south-east and south south-east, and we steered 
 away westerly; our compasse was west and by south halfe 
 a point south. At foure of the clocke we sounded and had 
 but fifteene, seventeene, and nineteene fathoms on a fishing 
 banke ; and we sounded every glasse. Then we could get 
 no ground in five and twentie fathoms, and had sight of a 
 sayle on head oft* us. At noone our height was 44 degrees, 
 27 minutes. We stood to the westward all night, and 
 spake with a French-man, which lay fishing on the banke of 
 Sablen,^ in thirtie fathoms, and we saw two or three more. 
 The tenth, very mystie and tliicke weather, the wind at 
 south-west, a faire gale. We stood to the south-ward, and 
 made our way south-cast and by east. At twelve of the 
 clocke we sounded, and had eight and fortie fathoms : againe 
 at two we sounded, and had fiftie fathoms. And at sixe of 
 the clocke we sounded, and had eight and fortie fathoms on 
 ^ Banc des Sables, off Mahone Bay. 
 ! I ■•«!!! 
 '■'. ( 
 'I ("S-u 
 17 degrees. 
 the end of the bankc. Againc at cipfht of the clockc at 
 night Avec sounded, and had no ground in eightie fathomes, 
 and were ovcx' 'he l)anke. So wee stood ah>ng till mid- 
 night. The compasse varycd seventeen degrees to the west- 
 The eleventh, very thicke and mystic weather. At twelve 
 of the clocke at niglit we cast about to the westward, and 
 stood so all day, and mt de our way west north-west. We 
 sounded at twelve of the clocke, but had no ground ; so wc 
 stood to the Avestward all the fore part of the night and 
 sounded, but could get no ground in fiftie or sixtic fathoms 
 till mid-night. Then I sounded and had ground at fifteenc 
 fathoms, white sand. 
 The ticclfth was very foggie, we stood our course all the 
 morning till eleven of the clockf^ ; at which time we had 
 ?ow, whue^ sight of the land, which is low white sandic ground, right 
 an sandie. ^^^ J^ead off US ', and had ten fathoms. Then we tackt to the 
 southward, and stood off foure glasses : then we tackt to the 
 land againe, thinking to have rode under it, and as we came 
 ncere it the fog was so thicke that we could not see; so wee 
 stood off againe. From mid-night to two of the clocke wo 
 came sounding in twelve, thirteene, and fourteene fathoms 
 off the shoare. At foure of the clocke we had 20 fathoms. 
 At eight of the clocke at night, 30 fathoms. At twelve of 
 the clocke, 65 fathoms, and but little winde, for it deeped 
 apace, but the neerer the shoare the fairer shoalding. 
 The thirteenth, faire svn-shining weather, from eight of 
 the clocke in the fore-noone all day after, but in the morn- 
 ing it was foggie. Then at eight of the clocke we cast about 
 for the shoare, but could not see it ; the wind being at south 
 by our true compasse, wee steered west and by north. At 
 4n degreps, nooue WC obscrvcd, and found our height to bee 43 decrees, 
 25 minutes ; so we steered away west and by north all the 
 after-noone. At foure of the clocke in the after-noone wc 
 sounded, and had five and thirtie fathoms ; and at sixe of 
TIUKD VOYAGE (1600). 59 
 the clockc wcc had si<>ht of the hmd, and saw two saylcs on i?,',:',' '',"/,:„„ 
 ami lit two 
 licad off us. The hmd by the Avatcrs side is low land, and ahlp^. 
 white sandic bankes risint^, full of little liils. Our sound- 
 ings were 35, 33, 30, 28, 3J2, 3T, '6''], and 3:3 fothoms. 
 'Die fourteenth, full of mysts, flying and vading the wind 
 bctwcene south and south- west; wc steered away west north- '* 
 west, and north-west and by Avest. Our soundings were 29, I, 
 25, 24, 25, 22, 25, 27, 30, 28, 30, 35, 43, 50, 70, 90, 70, 64, " 
 86, 100 fathoms, and no ground. [[ 
 The fifteenth, very mystie, the windc varying bctweene ilt 
 south and south-west ; wee steered west and by north, and .J 
 west north-west. In the morning we sounded, and had one 
 Imndrcd fathoms, till fourc of the clocke in the after-noone. j; 
 Then we sounded againc, and had seventie-fivc fathoms. 
 Then in two glasses running, which was not above two 
 English miles, we sounded and had sixtie fathoms, and it 
 shoalded a great pace untill we came to twentic fathoms. 
 Then we made account we were ncere the islands that lie 
 oft' the shoare. So we came to an anchor, the sea being very 
 smooth and little wind, at nine of the clocke at night. After 
 supper we tryed for fish, and I caught fifteene cods, some 
 the greatest that I have scene, and so we rode all night. 
 The sixteenth, in the morning, it cleered up, and we had 
 si^ht of five islands lying north, and north and by west from F'va , 
 US, two leagues. Then wee made ready to set sayle, but the 
 myst came so thicke that we durst not enter in among them. 
 The seventeenth, was all mystie, so that we coidd not get 
 into the harbour. At ten of the clocke two boats came off 
 to us, with sixe of the savages of the countrey, seemin"- olad sixosavngos i i 
 of our comming. We gave them trifles, and they eate and "^®'°' ' r ', 
 drauke Avith us ; and told us that there were gold, silver, i ' \ 
 and copper mynes hard by us ; and that the French-men , i 
 doc trade with them ; which is very likely, for one of them ' ; ' 
 spake some words of French. So wee rode still all day and ! j, 
 all night, the weather continuing mystie. ' : i j 
! I 
 • .1 
 r-i |i 
 The eighteenth, faire weather, wee went into a very good 
 harbour, and rode hard by the slioare in foure fathom water. 
 fisct^^ The river runneth up a great way, but there is but two 
 fathoms hard by us. We went on shoarc and cut us a fore 
 mast ; tlien at noone we came aboord againc, and found the 
 44dfifrroc9, height of the pLice to bee in 41 degrees, 1 minute, and the 
 1 minute. n i o ' ' 
 sunne to fall at a south south-west sunne. We mended our 
 "^•■«» sayles, and fell to make our fore-mast. The harbour lycth 
 ^*-^4'*'' south and north, a mile in where we rode. 
 The 7iineteenth, we had faire sun-shining weather, we rode 
 still. In the after-noonc wee went with our boate to looke 
 for fresh water, and found some ; and found a shoald with 
 many lobsters on it, and caught one and ' irtie. The people 
 .*'*;,* coming aboord, shewed us great friendship, but we could 
 not trust them. The tiventieth, faire sunne-shining weather, 
 the winde at south-west. In the morning, our scute went 
 11 * .' out to catch fresh fish halfe an hourc before day, and rc- 
 "*•' . ... 
 J3|» ' turned in two houres, brmging seven and twentie great 
 I coddes, with two hookes and lines. In the afternoone wee 
 3r|*' went for more lobsters and caught fortie, and returned 
 ijljg' aboard. Then wee espied two French shallops full of the 
 '••Wf country people come into the harbour, but they offered us 
 il »i^.' no wrong, seeing we stood upon our guard. They brought 
 3 ''^"•* many beaver skinnes and other fine furres, which they would 
 j«|jS* ule' French^ havc changed for redde gownes. For the French trade 
 „3l» saivuges. witli them for red cassockes, knives, hatchets, copper, kettles, 
 trevits, beades, and other trifles. 
 The one and tiventieth, all mystie, the wind easterly ; wee 
 rode still and did nothing, but about our mast. The tico 
 and tiventieth, fair sun-shining weather, the winde all north- 
 erly ; we rode still all the day. In the after-noone our scute 
 went to catch more lobsters, and brought with them nine 
 and fiftie. The night was cleere weather. 
 The three and twentieth, faire sun-shining weather and 
 very hot. At eleven of the clocke our fore mast was finished, 
THIHl) VOYAGK (1601)). 
 and wee brought it Jiboord, and set it into the stop, and in 
 the aftcr-noone we rigged it. This night we had some little 
 niyst and raync. 
 'n\cfou7'c and twcnficfh, very hot weather, the winde at 
 south out of the sea. The fore-part of the day wee brought 
 to our saylcs. In the morning our scute went to take fish, 
 and in two hourcs they brought with them twentic great 
 coddes and a great holibut ; the night was faire also. Wc 
 kept good watch for fear of being betrayed by the people, 
 and perceived where they layd their shallops. 
 The^t?e and twentieth, very faire weather and hot. In 
 the morning wee manned our scute with foure muskets and 
 sixe men, and tooke one of their shallops aiid brought it 
 aboord. Then we manned our boat and scute with twelve 
 men and muskets, and two stone pieces or murderers, and 
 drave the savages i'rom their houses, and tooke the spoyle of i'^',',^'fesP°^''' 
 them, as they would have done of us. Then wee set sayle, siivlgeg. 
 and came downe to the harbours mouth, and rode there all 
 night, because the winde blew right in, and the night grew 
 mystic with much rayne till mid-night. Then it fell calmc, 
 and the wind came off the land at west north-west, and it 
 began to cleere. The compasse varyed ten degrees north- 
 The sixe and tivoitieth, faire and cleere sunne-shining 
 weather. At five of the clocke in the morning, the winde 
 being off' the shoare at north north-west, we set sayle and 
 came to sea, and by noone we counted our ship had gone 
 fourteene leagues south-west. In the after-noone, the winde 
 shifted variably betweene west south-west and north-west. 
 At noone I found the height to bee 43 degrees, 56 minutes. 
 This eevening being very faire weather, wee observed the 
 variation of our compasse at the sunnes going downe, and yir'ation 
 I o o ' 10 degrees 
 found it to bee 6 degrees from the north to the westward. nonh!'\v'oljt 
 The seacfi and twentieth', faire sun-shining weather, the 
 winde shifting betweene the south-west and west and by 
 ( ■ I 

 ",t -III! 
 ' «. iilM < 
 i; ->.. 
 north a stifFo gale ; we stood to the southward all day, and 
 made our way south and by west, seven and twentie leagues. 
 At noone, our height was 42 degrees, 50 minutes. At foure 
 I of the clocke in the after-noone, wee cast about to the north- 
 ward. At eight of the clocke, we tooke in our top-saylcs 
 I'***' *' and our fore-bonnet, and went with a short sayle all night. 
 ''''*»|:ifl. J^'he eiffht atid twentieth, very thicke and mystie, and a 
 '*!t:^;;||' stiffe gale of wind, varying betweene south south-west and 
 t!!r,|,i* J^ south-west and by west; we made our way north-west and 
 by west, seven and twentie leagues ; wee sounded m'uiy 
 times and could get no ground. At five of the clocke we 
 cast about to the southward, the wind at south-west and 
 by west. At which time we sounded, and had ground at 
 .*:• seventie-five fathoms. At eight, wee had sixtie-five fathoms. 
 At ten, sixtie. At twelve of the clocke at mid-night, fiftie- 
 n *''^l.„ sixe fathoms, cfray sand. 
 ^ « ,' decrees ^hc compassc varycd 6 degrees to the north point to the 
 t ■ *• «i to tile west. . 
 ■...-1^ ' west. 
 L' [. *' i The 7}{nc and twentieth, faire weather, we stood to the 
 ■J y^«' southward, alid made our way south and by west a point 
 4Mm» south, cightccne leagues. At noone we found our height to 
 i,^l be 42 degrees, 56 minutes; Avee sounded oft and had these, 
 i ^l"^" GO, 64, G5, 67, 65, 65, 70, and 75 fathoms. At night wee 
 "tw,^ tryed the variation of our compasse by the setting of the 
 :;jjj» sunnc, and found that it went downe ol degrees to the north- 
 *'^|, ward of the west, and should have gone downe but 31 de- 
 uim variiition r) gi-ees. The compasse varyed 5 and a halfe deK''<jes. 
 iicgiees. r^j^g thirtieth, very hot, all the fore part ol the day calme, 
 the wind at south south-east ; wee steered away west south- 
 west and sounded many times, and could find no ground at 
 A Bi-cat . . 
 j furrctit Qj^g hundred and seventie fathomes. We found a threat cur- 
 aml many ~ 
 oveiiuis. j.gj^j. j^j^j many over-falls. Our current had deceived us. 
 I For at noone we found our height to be 41 desfrees, 34 
 minutes. And the current had heaved us to the south- 
 'l ward fourcteene leagues. At eight of the clocke at night I 
TIIIKD VOYAGE (1609). 63 
 sounded, and had ground in fiftic-two fathom-, .5, In the end 
 of the mid-nitrht "watch Avce had fiftie-three fathomes. This 
 last observation is not to be trusted. 
 The one and thirftcth, very thicke and mystie all day, 
 untill tenne of the clocke. At night the wind came to the 
 south, and south-west and south. AYe made our way west * 
 . . 'I* 
 north-west, nineteene leajjues. Wee sounded many times, * 
 . . . '" 
 and had difference of soundings, sometimes little stones, and ,, 
 sometimes grosse gray sand, fiftic-sixe, fiftie-fourc, fortie- ■!, 
 clgh<", fortie-seven, fortic-foure, fortie-sixe, fiftie fathoms; 'S 
 and at eight of the clocke at night it fell calme, and we had ii 
 fiftie fathomes. And at ten of the clocke we heard a great 
 rut, like the rut of the shoare. Then I sounded and found '^ e'^it »"'. |; 
 the former depth ; and mistrusting a current, seeing it so 
 still that the ship made no way, I let the lead lie on the 
 ground, and found a tide set to the south-west, and south- 
 west and by west, so fast, that I could hardly vere the line 
 so fast, and presently came an hurling current, or tyde with Acunvnt 
 ' I J o ' ./ to tlie south- 
 ovcr-fals, which cast our ship round ; and the lead was so so^,f,\"'v',!gt, 
 fast in the ground that I feared the lines brealcing, and we oveTiuis!''' 
 had no more but that. At midnight I sounded againe, and 
 M'c had scventie-fivc fathomes ; and the strong streame had 
 left us. 
 Thcjit^st of August, all the fere part of the day was mys- August. 
 tie ; and at noone it cleered up. We found that our height 
 was 41 degrees, 45 minutes, and we had gone nineteene 
 leagues. The after-noon wa» reasonable cleere. We found 
 a rustling tide or current with many over-fals to continue 
 still, and our water to change colour, and our sea to bee very 
 deepe, for wee found no ground in one hundred fathomes. 
 The night was cleere, and the winde came to the north, and 
 north-east ; we steered west. 
 The second, very faire weather and hot ; from the morn- 
 ing till noone we had a gale of wind, but in the after-noone 
 little wind. At noone I sounded, and had one hundred and 
 It , ; 
 I i 
 {I ; 
 ten fathomcs ; and our height was 41 degrees, 56 minutes. 
 '! And wee had runne four and twentic leagues and an halfe. 
 At the sun-setting we observed the variation of the com- 
 ' passe, and found that it was come to his true place. At 
 I eight of the clocke the gale increased, so wee ranne sixe 
 !; iJkii «i"" leagues that watch, and had a very faire and cleere night. 
 ' '''^»l'f<!» -'-^^^ third, very hot weather. In the morning we had 
 '! ^si' 'i" sight of the land, and steered in with it, thiui ing to go 
 r^4«»' to the northward of it. So we sent our shallop with five 
 ?!;r..',";i nien to sound in by the shore: and they found it deepe five 
 JauduectT f^thomes within a bow-shot of the shoare ; and they went on 
 Cape Cod. jj^^^-j j^ ^^^^ fouud goodly grapes and rose trees, and brought 
 them aboord with them, at five of the clocke in the eeven- 
 „.r ing. We had seven and twentie fathomes within two miles 
 >. ■>'».« ^ <r. 
 of the shoare ; and we found a floud come from the south- 
 si ^^ east, and an ebbe from the north-west, with a very strong 
 i '^»> , streame, and a great hurling and noyses. At eight of the 
 ^ l»,^"' ' clocke at night the wind began to blow a fresh gale, and 
 ■J i •• i continued all night but variable. Our sounding that wee 
 ! ij;Hi,, had to the land was one hundred, cightie, seventie-foure. 
 I •>' 
 1 i' 
 .,^. fiftie-two, fortie-sixe, twentie-nine, twentie-seven, twentie- 
 • ,'' foure, nineteene, sometimes oze, and sometimes gray sand. 
 "1^. The fourth, was very hot ; we stood to the north-west, 
 ^1^ two watches, and one south in for the land, and came to an 
 ,i^» anchor at the norther end of the headland, and heard the 
 •'•^ voyce of men call. Then we sent our boat on shoare, think- 
 ing they had beene some Christianr left on the land : but 
 Savages, -wcc found them to bee savages, which seemed very glad of 
 our comming. So wee brought one aboard with us, and 
 gave him nieate, and he did eate and drinke with us. Our 
 master gave him three our foure glasse buttons, and sent 
 him on land with our shallop againe. And at our boats 
 comming from the shoare he leapt and danced, and held up 
 his hands, and pointed us to a river on the other side : for 
 we had made signes that we came to fish there. The bodie 
 of this headland lycth in 41 degrees, 45 minutes.^ We set 
 sayle againe after dinner, thinking to have got to the west- 
 ward of this headland, but could not ; so we beare up to the 
 southward of it, and made a south-east way ; and the souther 
 point did beare west at eight of the clocke at night. Our 
 soundings about the easter and norther part of this headland, 
 a league from the shoare, are these : at the easterside, thir- 
 tie, twentie-seven, twentie-seven, twentie-foure, twentie-five, 
 twentie. The north-east point, IT degrees, 18 minutes, and 
 so deeper. The north end of this headland, hard by the 
 shoare, thirtie fathomes : and three leagues off north north- 
 west, one hundred fathomes. At the south-east part a 
 league off, fifteene, sixteene, and seventeene fathomes. The 
 people have greene tabacco and pipes, the boles whereof are 
 made of earth and the pipes of red copper. The land is 
 very sweet. 
 The Jfft, all mystie. At eight of the clocke in the morn- 
 ing wee tact about to the westward, and stood in till foure 
 of the clocke in the after-noone ; at which time it cleered, 
 and wee had sight of the head-land againe five leagues from 
 us. The souther point of it did beare west off us : and we 
 sounded many times, and had no ground. And at foure of 
 the clocke we cast about, and at our staying wee had seven- 
 tie fathomes. Wee steered away south and south by east 
 all night, and could get no ground at seventie and eightie 
 fathomes. For wee feared a great rifFc that lycth off the 
 land, and steered away south and by east. 
 The sixth, faire weather, but many times mysting. Wee 
 steered away south south-east, till eight of the clocke in the 
 morning ; then it cleered a little, and we cast about to the 
 westward. Then we sounded and had thirtie fathomes, grosse 
 sand, and were come to the riffe. Then wee kept our lead, 
 and had quicke shoalding from thirtie, twentie-nine, twentie- 
 seven, twentie-foure, twentie-two, twentie and an halfe, 
 ^ At the south sulo of Stage Harbour, Massachusetts. 
 I > 
 twcntie, twentie, nincteene, ninetccne, nineteene, cighteene, 
 ' eighteene, seventecne ; and so deeping againc as proportion- 
 ally as it shoalded. For we steered south and south-east till 
 we came to twentic-sixe fathomes. Then we steered south- 
 west, for so the tyde doth set. By and by, it being calmc, we 
 '"2^,„ tryed by our lead; for you shall have sixteene or seventeene 
 Id*''"' fathomes, and the next cast but seven or six fathomes. And 
 „«.,*"' farther to the westAvard you shall have foure and five foot 
 ,».>. ^^.,,1 water, and see rockes under you, and you shall see the land 
 ■ ,..!„"| K.'nnisTiffo ^^^ ^'^^ ^^P" Upou tliis riftc WO had an observation, and found 
 Jfei'iees, in that it lyctli in 40 degrees, 10 minutes. And this is that 
 ana iveti'i off headland which Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold discovered 
 eiist tVmn 
 Cape Cod in the yeere 1602, and called Cape Cod,^ because of the store 
 iiuo the sea. ./ ' i. ■- 
 of cod-fish that hee found thereabout. So wc steered south- 
 west, three leagues, and had twentie and twentie-fourc 
 fathomes. Then we steered west two glasses, halfe a league, 
 and came to fifteene fathomes. Then we steered off south- 
 east foure glasses, but could not get deepe water ; for there 
 the tyde of ebbe laid us on ; and the streame did hurle so, 
 that it laid us so neere the breach of a shoald that wee were 
 forced to anchor. So at seven of the clockc at nisjht wee 
 ; r-*"":ii 
 IP '"'"• » >IM I 
 , Ml* 
 ^ The real locality here described is probably some riff near Cape 
 Malabar, for Cape Cod is under 42° 4', 130 miles farther north than the 
 point mistaken for it by Hudson. Gosnold's explorations were but 
 vaguely known to him, and this accounts for his mistake. Purchas, who 
 edited Juet's journal sixteen years after it was written, had a better, 
 though not an exact knowledge of the real situation of Cape Cod, which 
 had frequently been visited in the meantime. Struck by Hudson's 
 mistake, he makes, in his side note, the conjecture that the 40° 10' of 
 the journal was originally meant for 41° 10'. This supposition, which 
 would shake our faith in all the latitudes recorded in that same paper, 
 is fortunately not borne out by the preceding part of the voyage. Hud- 
 son was, on the 4th of August, under 41° 45' ; he sailed south and south 
 by east the whole night of the .'Jth, and part of the 6th, and it is there- 
 fore impossible that he should have been only 5' (about six and a quarter 
 miles) farther south on the 6th than on the 4th. Besides, 41° 10' is still 
 nearly a degree to the south of Cape Cod. We ought to thank Purchas 
 for not having introduced his conjecture into the text. 

 THIRD VOYAGE (1009). 67 
 were at an anchor in tenne fathomes : and I give God most 
 heartie thankes, the least water wee had was seven fiithomes 
 and an halfe. We rode still all night, and at a still water 
 I sounded so farre round ahout our ship as we could see 
 a light ; and had no Icsse then eight, nine, ten, and eleven 
 fathomes : the myst continued heing very thicke. 
 The seventh, faire weather and hot, but mystie. "Wee 
 rode still hoping it would cleere, but on the floud it fell 
 cahne and thicke. So we rode still all day and all night. 
 The floud commeth from the south-west, and riseth not 
 above one fathome and an halfe in nepe streames. Toward 
 night it cleered, and I went with our shallop and sounded, 
 and found no lesse water then eight ftithomes to the south- 
 east off us; but we saw to the north-west off us great breaches. 
 The eight, faire and cltere weather. In the morning, by 
 sixe of the clocke, at slake water, wee weighed, the wind at 
 north-east, and set our fore-sayle and niayne top-sayle, and 
 got a mile over the flats, ^ Then the tyde of ebbe came, so Thofluta. 
 M c anchored againe till the floud came. Then we set sayle 
 againe, and by the great mercie of God wee got cleere off 
 them by one of the clocke this afternoone. And wee had 
 sight of the land from the west north-west to the north north- 
 Mest. So we steered away south south-east all night, and 
 had ground untill the middle of the third watch. Then we 
 had fortie-five fathomes, white sand and little stones. So 
 all our soundings are twentie, twentie, twentie-two, twentie- 
 sevcn, thirtie-two, fortie-three, fortie-thrcc, fortie-five. Then 
 no ground in seventie fathomes. 
 The ninth, very faire and hot weather, the wind a very 
 stifle gale. In the morning, at foure of the clocke, our 
 shallop came running up against our sterne, and split in all 
 her stemme ; so we were faine to cut her away. Then wee 
 ' There are so many sandbanks in these parts, that it is impossible to 
 guess, from Hudson's rather vague observations, what sandbank he 
 1.' 1 
 tooke in our maync-saylc, and lay atrie under our forc-sayle 
 untill twelve of the clocke at mid-day. Then the wind 
 t ! eased to a faire gale, so wee stood away south-west. Then 
 'I we lay close by, on many courses a south by west way fif- 
 ri teenc leagues ; and three watches south-east by east, ten 
 ;■) ijliJii......" leagues. At eight of the clocke at night wee tooke in our 
 ' iCl'**'"!! top-sayles, and went with a low sayle, because we were in 
 .is#*«'" an unknowne sea. At noone we observed, and found our 
 ^"^ „»»■ heigth to be 38 degrees, 39 minutes. 
 j;;;;;-^.>«.;j.|i The tenth, in the morning, some raine and cloudle wea- 
 ther : the winde at south-west, wee made our way south-east 
 by east, ten Icagvics. At noone wee observed, and found 
 our heigth to bee 38 degrees, 39 minutes. Then wee tackt 
 ^ \-.*- 2:%- about to the westward, the Avind being at south and by east, 
 „ •"H.^li", little wind. At foure of the clocke it fell calme, and we had 
 ^ '•^1^" two dolphines about our ship, and many small fishes. At 
 |i •**»•, I \ eight of the clocke at night wee had a small lingring gale. 
 ill * ' 
 t (^**«' , All night we had a great sea out of the south-west, and 
 I [/"'•i I another great sea out of the north-east. 
 I *}{»,, The eleve7ith, all the fore i^art of the day faire weather, 
 ""*• and very hot. We stood to the west south-west till noone. 
 Then the wind shorted, and we could lye but south-west 
 and by south. At noone wee found our heigth to bee 39 
 a ,„ * A current degrees, 11 minutes, and that the current had laid us to the 
 j '""■•» pelting to r> ' ' 
 i • tlie north 
 in 11 
 '<Mt Vnriation 
 one point. 
 ,iM»» the north, nortliward thirtie-two minutes contrary to our expectation. 
 At foure of the clocke in the after-noone there came a myst, 
 which endured two houres, but wee had it faire and cleere 
 all night after. The compasse varied the north point to the 
 west one whole point. 
 The tioelfth, faire weather, the wind variable bctweenc 
 the south-west and by south and the north : little wind. In 
 the morning we killed an extraordinary fish, and stood to 
 the westward all day and all night. At noone we found our 
 heigth to be 38 degrees, 13 minutes. And the observation the 
 varmtion (|j^y before was not good. This noone, we found the com- 
 10 degrees. j o » 
 passe to vary from the north to the west ten degrees. 
 / f 
 The thirteenth, fiiire weather and hot, the wind at north- 
 cast. Woo steered away west, and by our compasse two 
 and twcntie leagues. At noone wee found our height to bee 
 37 degrees, 45 minutes, and that our way from noone to 
 noone was west south-west, halfe a point southerly. The 
 compasse was 7 degrees and a halfe variation from the north 
 point to the west. 
 IChe fourteenth, faire weather, but eloudie and a stifFe gale 
 of wind, variable betwecne north-east and south-west ; wee 
 steered away west by south, a point south, all day untill 
 nine of the cloeke at night ; then it began to thunder and 
 lighten, whereupon we tooke in all our sayles and layd it a 
 hull, and hulled away north till mid-night, a league and a 
 The fifteenth, very faire and hot weather, the winde at 
 north by east. At foure of the cloeke in the morning we 
 set sayle, and stood on our course to the westward. At 
 noone wee found our height to bee 37 degrees, 25 minutes, nrdefrrees, 
 /- ^ _ jio luiuuteB. 
 The after-noone proved little wind. At eight of the cloeke 
 at night the winde came to the north, and wee steered west 
 by north and west north-west, and made our way west. The 
 compasse varyed 7 degrees from the north to the west. 
 The sixteenth, faire shining weather and very hot, the 
 wind variable betwecne the north and the west ; Avee steered 
 away west by north. At noone wee found our height to bee 
 37 degrees, 6 minvites. This morning we sounded and had nr dPKieos, 
 . . . . minutes. 
 ground in nnietie fathomes, and in sixe glasses running it 
 shoalded to fiftie fathoms, and so to eight and twentie 
 fathoms, at foure of the cloeke in the after-noone. Then wee 
 came to an anchor, and rode till eight of the cloeke at night, 
 Mie wind being at south and moone-light; we resolved to 
 goe to the northward to finde deeper water. So we weighed 
 and stood to the northward, and found the water to shoald 
 and deepe from eight and twentie to twentie fathomes. 
 The setcntcentli , faire and clecre sun-shining weather, the 
 I ' 
 ! ' I 
 windc at south by west; wee steered to the northward till 
 foure of the clocke m the morning ; then wee came to eigh- 
 ' teenc fathomes. So we anchored untill the sunne arose, to 
 [ looke abroad for land, for wee judged there could not but be 
 land neere us, but we could see none. Then we weighed, 
 |J2^ft.M>»'* find stood to the westward till noone. And at eleven of the 
 iid"*'' ' wiUiVwhUe ^^°^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ siglit of a low land, with a white i^audie 
 '«-»■*•'" bhuaro. shoarc. By twelve of the clocke we were coma into five 
 i'-^ ,p'* fathomes, and anchored; and the land was foure leagues 
 from us, and wee had sight of it from the west to the north- 
 ardpgrces, west by north. Our height was 31 desfrees, 26 minutes. 
 20 minutes '' ^ n ' 
 f"""- ....... 
 Then the wind blew so stifFe a gale, and such a sea went, 
 that we could not weigh; so we rode there all night an hard 
 rode {sic). 
 The enjhtecnth, in the morning, faire weather, and little 
 ► '^f'* winde at north north-east and north-east. At foure of the 
 „ ••*%.; ' clocke in the morning we weighed, and stood into the shoare 
 t i7^»' to see the deeping or shoalding of it, and finding it too 
 j i*"^«. I deepe we stood in to get a rode : for wee saw, as it were, 
 j| ;;i||, , I three Hands. So wee turned to windward to get into a bay, 
 ' as it shewed to us to the westward of an ilaud. For the 
 ii* III 
 ' J" 
 three ilands did beare north off us. But toward noone the 
 wind blew northerly, with gusts of wind and rayne. So we 
 stood off into the sea againe all night ; and running off we 
 found a channell, wherein we had no lesse then eight, nine, 
 ten, eleven, and twelve fathomes water. For in comming 
 \ '"'^ ' over the barre wee had five and foure fathomes and a half'e, 
 "'*' Barre of and it Ivctli fivc Icagucs from the shoare, and it is the barre 
 Virginia. j a 
 of Virginia. At the north end of it, it is ten leagues broad, 
 ' and south, and north, but deepe water from nintie fathomes 
 I to five and foure and a halfe. The land lyeth south and 
 M J^!"g« north. This is the entrance into the King's River in Vir- 
 ginia, where our EngKsh-men are.^ The north side of it 
 ' The early settlement alluded to, the romantic history of which every 
 schoolboy knows, was more than thirty miles farther south than the 
 '? . 
 lyeth in 37 degrees, 26 minutes: you shall know when 
 you come to shoald water or sounding, for the water will 
 looke greene or thicke, you shall have ninetie and eightie 
 fathomcs, and shoalding a pace till you come to ten, eleven, 
 nine, eight, seven, ten, and nine fathomes, and so to five, 
 and foure fathomes and a halfe. 
 The nineteenth, fuire weather, hut an hard gale of winde 
 at the north-east ; Avee stood off till noonc, and made our 
 way south-east hy east, two and twentie leagues. At noone 
 wee cast about to the westward, and stood till sixe of^'^'"' 
 the clocke in the after-noone, and went five leagues and a 
 halfe north-west by north. Then wee cast about againc to 
 the eastward, and stood that way till foure the next morning. 
 The tioentictli, faire and cleere weather, the winde varia- 
 ble bctweene east north-east and north-east. At foure of 
 the clocke in the morning wee cast about to the westward, 
 and stood till noone ; at which time I sounded, and had two 
 and thirtie fathomes. Then we tackt to the eastward againe ; 
 wee found our height to bee 37 degrees, 22 minutes. We ^InmS. 
 stood to the eastward all night, and had very much wind. 
 At eight of the clocke at night we tooke off our bonnets, 
 and stood with small sayle. 
 The one and twentieth, was a sore storme of winde and 
 raync all day and all night, wherefore wee stood to the east- 
 ward with a small sayle, till one of the clocke in the after- 
 noone. Then a great sea brake into our fore-corse and split 
 it ; so we were forced to take it from the yard and mend it : 
 locality here alluded to by Hudson. Our navigator was but imper- 
 fectly acquainted with its whereabouts, and this explains his failing 
 to visit his friend John Smith, though the opportunity was so tempt- 
 ing. If the latitudes in the journal are correct, the description here 
 jriven applies to the coast of Northampton (Virginia) under 37° 26'. 
 The tliree islands are a group to the north-east of Prout Island, and 
 between them and Prout Island there is a sort of strait, which may be 
 mistaken for the entrance of a river. The journal shows plainly that 
 Hudson never attempted to explore the supposed river, and thus had no 
 opportunity for finding out his mistake. 
 ■ r ! 
 wee lay a trie with our inayne-corse all night. This night 
 our cat ranne crying from one side of the ship to the other, 
 looking over-hoord, which made us to wonder ; but we saw 
 The two and twentieth, stormy weather, with gusts of 
 '^^^ ,1 rayne and wind. In the morning, at eight of the clockc, 
 iir*ii»'' '*' ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ fore- corse, and stood to the eastward under our 
 ,,,». (l*"" fore-sayle, mayne-sayle and misen; and from noonc to noonc, 
 .r% ,,,.f we made our way east south-cast, fourtecne leagues. The 
 f"*. ..►•,„ifc variiition nijrht reasonable drie but cloudie, the winde variable all day 
 ■— i..,Ill'^ 4 derives O _ ' J 
 "*",... • wostwani. j^j^j night. Our compasse was varycd 4 degrees westward. 
 '**•""' ' The three and twentieth, very foire weather, but sonic 
 thunder in the morning, the winde variable betweene east 
 .^_ ": by north. At noone wee tackt about to the nortliNvard, the 
 ^- *" . . 
 Z,.'"^* winde at east by north. The after-noone very fuire, the 
 C'Jf" wind variable, and continued so all uight. Our way wc 
 -K^^j ; made east south-east, till noone the next day. 
 •••' ; '\l\\efoure and twentieth, iaavc and hot weather, with the 
 '"^,, j wind variable betweene the north and the east. The after- 
 :.^ noone variable winde. But at foure of the clockc, the wind 
 "*• came to the east and south-east ; so wee steered away north 
 •*«■ by west, and in three watches wee went thirteene leagues. 
 ,.^, At noone our height was 35 degrees, 41^ minutes, being 
 "^' farre off at sea from the land. 
 ,^, The Jice and twentieth, faire weather and very hot. All 
 the morning was very calme untill eleven of the clocke ; the 
 wind came to south-east and south south-east; so wee steered 
 away north-west by north two Avatches and a halfe, and one 
 watch north-west by west, and went eighteene leagues. At 
 noone I found our height to bee 36 degrees, 20 minutes, 
 being without sight of land. 
 The size and twentieth, faire and hot weather, the Avinde 
 variable upon all the points of the compasse. From two of 
 the clocke in the morning untill noonc wee made our way 
 ^ Off Nag's Head, South Carolina. 
THIRD VOYAGE (1609). 73 
 north by cast, seven leagues. In the after-noonc the wind 
 came to the north-cast, and vcring to the cast soutli-cast ; 
 wee steered away north-west fiftecne leagues, from noone till 
 ten of the clocke at night. At eight of the clocke at night 
 wee sounded, and had eightcene fathomes, and were conic 
 to the banke of Mrginia, and could not see the land. AVee o,'\'irni','|'i'j'j. 
 kept sounding and steered away north, and came to eight 
 fathomes and anchored there ; for the wind was at cast 
 south-east, so that wee could not get off. For the coast lycth i.v.'tifsoutu 
 along south south-west and north north-east. At noone our n>i<i "onii ' 
 height was 37 degrees, 15 minutes. And wee found that .'^'t't"''o 
 we were returned to the same place from whence wc were ^'' """"'^'"*' 
 put off at our first seeing land.^ 
 The seven and ticcnticth, faire weather and very hot, the 
 winde at east south-east. In the morning, as soone as the 
 sunne was up, wee looked out and had sight of the land. 
 Then wee weighed, and stood in north-west two glasses, and 
 found the land to bee the place from whence avcc put off 
 first. So wee kept our loofe and steered along the land, 
 and had the banke lye all along the shoare ; and wee had in n[.rp^,,th 
 two leagues oil the shoare, nve, sixc, seven, eight, nine, and Tinduii. 
 ton fathomes. The coast lycth south south-west, and is a 
 white sandie shoare, and shcweth full of bayes and points. 
 The streame settcth west south-west and east north-cast. At 
 sixc of the clocke at night wee were thwart of an harbour 
 or river, but we saw a barre lye before it ; and all within 
 the land to the nortliAvard, the water ranne with many ilands 
 in it. At sixc of the clocke we anchored, and sent our boatc 
 to sound to the shore-ward, and found no lesse then fourc 
 and a halfe, five, sixe, and seven fathomes. 
 The eight and twentieth, faire and hot weather, the winde 
 ^ Hudson, on his return from the south, sailed along the mainland of 
 Virginia, and thus entered Chesapeake Bay. It is not quite clear how 
 far he explored it. The latitude .37° 15' seems to be a mistake. He 
 probably means 37^ 10' : that is to say, Charles' Cape, which he called 
 Dry Cape, according to De Lact. 
 lu * 
 I I 
 'I'lin jKiiiit 
 ut' laud. 
 A i-'rriit, buy 
 mill rivui';]. 
 A ttiiiiiU 
 'I'lio iKirilitr 
 Iniiil is lull 
 at south south-west. In the morninf?, at sixc of the clockc, wcc 
 "weighed, and steered away north twelve leagues till noone, 
 and eame to the point of land ;^ and Lacing hard by the land 
 in five fathomcs, on a sudden wee came into three fathomes; 
 then we beare up and had but ten foote water, and joined to 
 the point. Then as soone as wee were over, wee had five, 
 sixe, seven, eight, nine, ten, twelve and thirteene fathomes. 
 Then wee found the land to trend away north-west, with a 
 great bay and rivers. But the bay wee found shoald ; and 
 in the offing wee had ten fathomes, and had sight of breaches 
 and drie sand. Then wee were forced to stand backe againe ; 
 so we stood backe south-east by south, three leagues. And 
 at seven of the cloeke wee anchored in eight fathomes water ; 
 and found a tide set to the north-west, and north north-west, 
 and it riseth one fathome and floweth south south-cast. And 
 he that will thoroughly discover this great bay, must have 
 a small pinasse, that must draw but fourc or five foote 
 water, to sound before him. At five in the morning wee 
 weighed, and steered away to the eastward on many courses, 
 for the norther land is full of shoalds. AV^ec were amonc: 
 them, and once wee strooke ; and wee went away, and 
 steered away to the soutli-east. So wee had two, three, 
 foure, five, sixe, and seven fathomes, and so deeper and 
 The 7iine and twentieth, fiiire weather, with some thunder 
 and showers, the winde shifting betwecne the south south- 
 west and the north north-west. In the morning wee weighed 
 at the breake of day, c^nd stood toward the norther land, 
 which we found to bee all ilands to our sight, and great 
 ^ Juct's account of the explorations made on the 26th, 27th, and 28th, 
 is very far from clear. But by making De Laet (see p. 156) bear upon 
 it, we see that the Half Moon explored during those days the neighbour- 
 hood and the mouth of Delaware River, The bay described on the present 
 page is Delaware Bay. Later historians, chiefly Van der Donck, have 
 asserted that Hudson took possession of the surrounding country. This 
 seems, however, a pure invention. 
TIIIU!) VOYAOK (1(500). 76 
 stortncs from them, and arc shoald three leagues off. For 
 we comming hy tlicm luvd but seven, sixe, five, foure, three, 
 and two fathoms and a halfc, and strookc ground with our They auiko. 
 rudder ; wc steered off south-west one ghisse, and had five 
 fathoms. Then wee steered south-cast three glasses ; then 
 we found seven f\xthomes, and steered north-cast by cast 
 foure leagues, and came to twelve and thirtccnc fathoms. 
 At one of the clocke I went to the top-mast head and set the 
 land, and the bodic of the ilands did bcarc north-west by 
 north. And at foure of the clocke, w ^c had gone foure 
 leagues cast south-cast, and north-cast by east, and found 
 but seven fathoms ; and it was calmc, so wc anchored. Then 
 I went againe to the top-mast head, to see how farre I could 
 see land about us, and could see no more but the ilands. 
 And the souther point of them did beare north-west by 
 west eight leagues off. So wee rode till mid-night. Then 
 the winde came to the north north-wxst, so wee waighcd and 
 set sayle. 
 The tJifrtieth, in the morning, betweene twelve and one, 
 we weighed, and stood to the eastward, the winde at north 
 north-west ; wee steered away and made our way east south- 
 east. From our weighing till noonc, eleven leagues. Our 
 soundings were eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirtccnc 
 fathomes till day. Then wc came to cightcene, ninctcene, 
 twcntie, and sixe and twentic fathoms by noone. Then I 
 observed the sunnc, and found the height to bee 39 degrees, r.fititnde 
 5 minutes,^ and saAV no land. In the after-noone, the winde •^'"'""tes. 
 came to north by west ; so wee lay close by with our fore- 
 sayle and our mayne-sayle, and it was little winde untill 
 twelve of the clocke at mid-night ; then wee had a gale a 
 little while. Then I sounded, and all the night our sound- 
 ings were thirtic and sixe and thirtic fathomes, and wee 
 went little. 
 The one and thirtieth, faire weather and little wind. At 
 1 Oft" Hereford Inlet. 
 r i. I 
 sixe of the clockc in the morning wo cast about to the north- 
 ward, the wind being at the north-east, little wind. At 
 '■'";""'" noone it fell calme, and I found the height to bee 08 de- 
 hcrwi'i'uiT' gi'ceS; 39 minutes. And the streames had deceived us,^ and 
 s icmiie, ^^^^_ Sv)unding Avas eight and thirtie fathoms. In the after- 
 i»2i*»"»"' noone I sounded againe, and had but thirtie fathoms. So 
 ilClftf**'!!! ^^^ found that we were heaved too and fro with the streames*,.**""" of the tide, both by our observations and our depths. From 
 ii«»,„.. " noone till foure of the clocke in the afternoone it was calme. 
 »* 411 
 ■»-.|lilij At sixe of the clockc we had a little gale southerly, and it 
 continued all night, sometimes calme and sometimes a gale ; 
 wee went eight leagues from noone to noone, north by east. 
 soptcin'oi. The Jirst of Scptc7nhci\ faire weather, the wind variable 
 bctweenc cast and south ; we steered away north north- 
 i.atitiiin west. At noone we found our height to bee 39 degrees, 3 
 '■^[" oijiiiiui.s. minutes.^ Wee had soui dings thirtie, twentie-seven, twcn- 
 ■**.> tie-foure, and tv/entie-two fathomes, as wee went to the 
 northward. At sixe of the clocke wee had one and twentie 
 fathomes. And all the third watch, till twelve of the clockc 
 at mid-night, we had soundings one and twentie, two and 
 * twentie, cightccrc, two and twentie, one and twentie, cigh- 
 'j .J' teene, and two and twcitic fathoms, and went sixe leagues 
 |"*«» nccre hand north north-west. 
 i.,1^^ The second, in the morning, close weather, the windc at 
 |jig» south in the morning ; from twelve un'ill two of the clocke 
 [*'S we steered north north-west, and had sounding one and 
 '^ twentie fathoms ; and in running one glasse we had but six- 
 teene fathoms, then seventcene, and so shoalder and shoalder 
 untill it came to twelve fathoms. We saw a great fire, but 
 ' could not see the land ; then we came to ten fathoms, whcre- 
 ^ Twenty-six minutes farther south than according to his last observa- 
 tion. Unacquainted with the nature of the polar current along these 
 \\ ' coasts, Hudson had been unconsciously drifted back. " The streams had 
 deceived hiiti/' as Juet says. 
 '^ Still two niiiiutes farther south than they had been on the 31st of 
 August. The polar currents made them lose two entire days. 
THIRD VOYAGE (1609). 77 
 upon we brought our taclccs aboorcl, and stood to tlie east- 
 ward cast south- cast, foure ghisscs. Then the sunne arose, 
 and wee steered away north againe, and saw the land from 
 the west by north to the north-west by north, all like broken jii''',i',,',''i'^^.„ 
 islands,^ and our soundings were eleven and ten fathoms. "'"'"'''■ 
 Then wee looft in for the shoare, and fliire by the shoare 
 we had seven fathoms. The course aloncj the land we found t'io oomso 
 " aloiit; tlio 
 to be north-east by north. From the land which we had ti'"'l,!'j',',',',\ 
 first sight of, untill we came to a great lake of water, as wee loiho'.Mouth 
 could judge it to bee, being drowned land, which made it to iicmiuibny 
 rise like islands, which was in length ten leagues. The 
 mouth of that land hath many shoalds, and the sea breaketh 
 on them as it is cast out of the mouth of it. And from that 
 lake or bay the land lyeth north by east, and wee had a 
 great streame out of the bay ; and from thence our sounding 
 was ten fathoms two leagues from the land. At five of the 
 clockc we anchored, being little winde, and rode in eight 
 fathoms water ; the night was faire. This night I found the 
 land to hall the compasse 8 de"rees. For to the northward vminLicm 
 off US we saw high hils.^ For the day before Ave found not j|?,^^^' ^''° 
 above 2 dccfrees of variation. This is a very "'ood land to ~ '^^Brpo<i 
 o Jo viu latiou oil 
 fall with, and a pleasant land to see. 
 ^ Sandy Ilook, the well known island at the mouth of the Hudson. 
 The following extracts from modern works on American geography will 
 show how minutely this locality was explored by its discoverer, and how 
 well it is described in the Journal : " Sandy Hook Bay is a sandy beach, 
 extending north from Old Shrewsbury Inlet (New Jersey) and the south j I 
 point of the highlands of Nevesinck, six miles, and is from half a mile I 
 to a mile wide." — '^^oxx'ii Geogr. Diet. " Sandy Hook Bay runs south | | 
 into the town of Middleton, and is bounded to the south-west by the j 1 
 highlands of Nevesinck, and on the east by the sand beach forming Sandy '. ', 
 Hook. Drained by Swimming and Nevisinck rivers." — U. 8. Gazetteer. ' 
 ' In approaching Sandy Hook, Harbour Hill, on Long Island, and Ncvi- i 
 sinck, on the Jersey shore, may be seen at the distance of about twenty- 
 four to twenty-five miles. The first is 319, the second 281 feet above 
 the water." — Mitchill, Geolocjij ; and Akerley, Geologij of Hudson River: 
 •luoted by Moulton, liiHt. of the State of New York; i, p. 209. 
 '■* See last note. 
 al sen. 
 The third, the morning mystie, untill ten of the clockc ; 
 then it clecred, and the wind came to the south south-east, 
 so wee weighed and stood to the nortliward. The hind' is 
 iiif:ii(in(in vei'v pleasant and hi^^h, and bokl to fall withall. At three 
 ''.''""'<^si'!''' of the clock in the after-noonc, wee came to three "xc^xX. 
 t^ rivei's. o 
 ■''^*"""" ''"', rivers.'^ So wc stood alonj? to the northermost, thinkin"- to 
 .«■ i,„!«i iioitlier- _ _ o _ ' o 
 ■iWlK,,,,".. biured. ^vci\e gone into it, but we found it to have a very shoald 
 "^•ikiMM barre before it, for Ave had but ten foot water. Then we 
 '♦'"K'!.." An excel- q^^^^ about to thc soutliAvard, and found two fathoms, three 
 ^ ^ IfUlriver. ' 
 -- '•4..Jii^ fathoms, and three and a quarter, till we came to the '^outlier 
 ••••-.Jiii'i'' ^^^^ °^ them ; then we had five and sixe fathoms, and 
 anchored. So Avee sent in our boate to sound, and they 
 ,'-***"^3ii ' found no lesse water then foure, five, sixe, and seven fathoms, 
 - .tt!t £111^^ returned in an houre and a halfe. So wee weighed and 
 '*"' went in, and rode in five fathoms, oze ground, and saw 
 13 ' Laiitiuio many salmons, and mullets, and rayes, very great. The 
 jl.,^"' 3uiui.mus. height is 40 degrees, 30 minutes. 
 ,J|» ' The fourth, in the morning, as soone as the day was light, 
 \ wee saw that it was good riding farther up. So we sent our 
 d?* ^^ ^"o t,'ooa boate to sound, and found that it was a very f^ood harbour, and 
 tr'J', foure and five fathomes, two cables length from the shoare. 
 ♦'Wl Then we weighed and went in with our ship. Then our 
 j.«i%, boate went on land^ with our net to fish, and caught ten great 
 *'^* mullets, of a foote and a halfe long a peece, and a ray as 
 **S^ 1 The south coast of Staten Island, 
 '■' It is impossible to make the observations of the Srd fully agree with 
 njik thc real localities. Wheresoever we place the tJiree rivers, some diffi- 
 culties arise which cannot be explained away. jMr. Brodhcad's opinion, 
 " that two of the three rivers are undouhtedlij the Rariton and Narrows, 
 the third prohahly Rockaway Inlet," we can subscribe in neither of its 
 parts. It is not even certain whether the place where Hudson anchored 
 under 40° 30', is to the east or west of Staten Island. 
 ^ According to a generally received American tradition, Coney Island 
 (near Long Island). This is quite possible. Only it seems singular that 
 the insulated nature of this small spot should have been cither over- 
 looked, or if perceived, not noted down as such, in our circumstantial 
THIRD VOYAGE (1G09). 79 
 great as foure men could hale into the ship. So wee trimmed 
 our boate and rode still all day. At night the wind blew 
 hard at the north-west, and our anchor came home, and wee 
 drove on slioare, but tooke no hurt, thanked bee God, for 
 the ground is soft sand and oze. This day the people of '!"' i ""ii'' 
 the countrey came aboord of us, seeming very glad of our X)[,I.,'i''i'i';,.y 
 comming, and brought ■ -ene tobacco, and gave us of it clviiV.'^ 
 for knives and beads, x ley goe in deere skins loose, well 
 dressed. They have yellow copper. They desire cloathes, ^'''\\'^l 
 and are very civill. They have great store of maize or In- 
 dian wheatc, whereof they make good bread. The countrey 
 is full of great and tall oakes. 'J »" "'^'■^cs. 
 The fifth, in the morning, as soonc as the day was light, 
 the wind ceased and the flood came. So we heaved off our 
 ship againe into five fathoms water, and sent our boate to ^'I'ogiont 
 ^ ° ' bay 111 ID 
 sound the bay, and we found that there was three fathoms l|,',"^,ViiuirJ."' 
 hard by the souther shoare. Our men went on land^ there, 
 and saw great store of men, women, and children, who gave 
 tlicm tabacco at their comming on land. So they went up 
 into the woods, and saw great store of very goodly oakes 
 and some currants. For one of them came aboord and clmmus. 
 brought some dryed, and gave me somc_. which were sweet 
 and good. This day many of the people came aboard, some 
 in mantles of feathers, and some in skinnes of divers sorts of J^r'nitios of 
 good furres. Some women also came to us with hempc. ""^•'"^"'r''- 
 They had red copper tabacco pipes, and other things of i^^'^i copiicr. 
 copper they did wearc about their neckcs. At night they 
 went on land againe, so wee rode very quiet, but durst not 
 trust them. 
 The sixth, in the morning, was faire weather, and our 
 master sent John Colman, with foure other men in our boate, 
 1 According to the American historians, " in Monmouth County, New 
 Jersey," that is to say, cither on the mainland or New Jersey, or some- 
 where near Richmond, on Staten Island. We should not even presume 
 on this vague assertion. There is no evidence to show that the landing 
 place was not still furtho. cast, on or near Long Island. 
 I'ivoi- t'.iuro 
 l('iif,'Ui's 10 
 lll(.' MOl'tll- 
 A iiari'ow 
 riviT to tlin 
 hiliiioo iiiul 
 lW(] iiiuro 
 over to the north-side to sound the other river/ being foure 
 leagues from us. They found by the way slioahl water, two 
 fathoms ; but at the north of the river eighteen, and twcn- 
 tie fathoms, and very good riding for ships ; and a narrow 
 river' to the Avcstward, betweene two iLands. The lands, 
 they told us, were as pleasant with grasse and flowers and 
 goodly trees as ever they had seene, and very sweet smells 
 came from them. So they went in two leagues and saw an 
 open sea, and returned ; and as they came backc, they were 
 set upon by two canoes, the one having twelve, the other 
 fourteenc men. The night came on, and it began to rayne, 
 so that their match went out ; and they had one man slaine 
 in the fight, which was an Englishman, named John Colman, 
 with an arrow shot into his throat, and two more hurt. It 
 grew so darke that they could not find the ship that night, 
 but labored too and fro on their oares. They had so great 
 a streame, that their grapncll would not hold them. 
 The seventh, was faire, and by ten of the clockc they re- 
 turned aboord the ship, and brought our dead man with 
 them, whom we carried on land and buryed, and named 
 the point after his name, Colmans Point."^ Then we hoysed 
 in our boate, and raised her side with waste boords for de- 
 fence of our men. So Ave rode still all night, having good 
 regard to our watch. 
 ^ The Narrows ? 
 2 The hills between Staten Island and Bergen Neck. Moulton, Ilist. 
 of New York, \, p. 211. 
 ^ According to the Dutch maps and charts of the seventeenth cen- 
 tury, Colman's Point (also called Godyn's Point and Sand or Sant Point), 
 is identical with, or forms part of, Sandy Hook. No great amount of 
 criticism is, however, displayed in those delineations ; and they cannot 
 be considered as sufficient proofs that Colman really was buried on 
 Sandy Hook. We have, on the contrary, every reason to believe that 
 Hudson was, on the 7fch of September, farther north than the above sup- 
 positions would lead us to assume. Hudson's Colman's Point and the 
 Colmans Point or Punt of the early maps, arc therefore probably not 
THIRD VOYAGE (1609). 81 
 The eight, was very fairc weather, wee rode still very 
 quietly. The people cauiC aboord us, and brought tabacco 
 and Indian wheat to exchange for knives and bcadcs, and 
 offered us no violence. So we fitting up our boate did marlce 
 them, to see if they would make any shew of the death of 
 our man ; which they did not. 
 The ninth, faire weather. In the morning, two great 
 canoes came aboord full of men ; the one with their bowes 
 and arrowes, and the other in shew of buying of knives to i'"?"'^'"-''- 
 betray us ; but we perceived their intent. Wee tooke two 
 of them to have kept them, and put red coates on them, and 
 would not suffer the other to come neerc us. So they went 
 on land, and two other came aboord in a canoe ; we tooke 
 the one and let the other goe ; but hee which wee had taken, 
 got uj) and leapt over-boord. Then we weighed and went 
 off into the channell of the river, and anchored there all 
 The tenth, faire weather, we rode still till twelve of the 
 clocke. Then we weighed and went over, and found it 
 shoald all the middle of the river, for wee could finde 
 but two fathoms and a halfe and three fathomes for the 
 space of a league ; then wee came to three ftithomes and 
 foure fathomes, and so to seven fathomes, and anchored, 
 and rode all night in :oft ozie ground. The banke is 
 The eleventh was faire and very hot weather. At one of 
 the clocke in the after-noone wee weighed and went into 
 the river, the wind at south south-west, little winde. 
 Our soundings were seven, sixe, five, sixe, seven, eight, 
 nine, ten, twelve, thirteene, and fourtecne fathomes. Then 
 it shoalded againc, and came to five fathomes. Then wee j i j 
 anchored, and saw that it was a very good harbour for all ^l°^■^^^^J. 
 windes, and rode all niglit. The people of the country 
 came aboord of us, making shew of love, and gave us tabacco 
 ' East Sandbank, in the Narrows. Moulton, i, p. 211. 
 i I 
 I , ' ' 
 I 1'- 
 and Indian -Nvhcat/ and departed for that night ; but we 
 durst not trust them.- 
 The ticelfth, very faire and hot. In the after-noone, at 
 two of the clocke, wee weighed, the winde being variable 
 bctweeno the north and the north-west. So we turned into 
 2iij»,Bipi the river two leagues and anchored. This morning, at our 
 lll?*i#»"''' 2s canoes first rodc in the river, there came eight and twentie canoes 
 ,«..*•"'" full of men, women aad children to betray us : but we saw 
 j"^.,.,» "' their intent, and suffered none of them to come aboord of us. 
 C»;'^yii:! -^t twelve of the clocke they departed. They brought with 
 Oysters and them oystcrs and bcanes, Avhereof wee bought some. They 
 |fH beanes. J ' a j 
 Copper have great tabacco pipes of yellow copper, and pots of earth 
 to drcssc their meate in. It flowcth south-east by south 
 The thirteenth, faire weather, the wind northerly. At 
 ""nJ^ seven of the clocke in the morning, as the floud came Ave 
 ^«t weighed, and turned foure miles into the river. The tide 
 ,^*,' ■ being done wee anchored. Then there came foure canoes 
 aboord : but we suffered none of them to come into our 
 "* '*■' 
 I •! 
 •jjip,, ship. They brought great store of very good oysters aboord, 
 which we bought for trifles.^ In the night I set the varia- 
 Variation tion of the compassc, and found it to be 13 degrees. In the 
 '•■Nij 13 degrees. _ _ *" 
 after noonc we weighed, and turned in with the floud, two 
 leagues and a halfe further, and anchored all night; and had 
 ,ii«»» five fathoms soft ozie ground; and had an high point of land, 
 ,.jP^ ■ ^ According to Van der Donck maize had been first brought to these 
 regions by the Spaniards. 
 ■ '■^ So says Juet. Hudson himself, in the few scraps of his original log- 
 book preserved by De Laet, and also in the communications which Van 
 Meteren seems to have received from him, always speaks most kindly of 
 the North American Indians. He and his crew entirely disagreed Avith 
 regard to the treatment due to the poor natives ; and his kindness was 
 rewarded by friendship, their sullen mistrust by acts of hostility. The 
 poor Indian has but too often been thus both ill-treated and ill-judged by 
 ii . prejudiced Europeans. 
 ,:■ ' According to the opinion of Moulton, Hist, of N. Y., i, p. 238, near 
 the point where Manhattansville now stands. 
 ! t 
THIUI) VOYAGK (1()09). 83 
 Avhich shewed out to us, bearing north by cast five leagues 
 off us. 
 The fourteenth, in the morning, being very faire weather, 
 the wind south-east, we saylcd up the river twelve leagues, 
 and had five fathoms, and five fathoms and a quarter lesse ; 
 and came to a streight betweene two points,' and had eight, 
 nine, and ten fathoms ; and it trended north-east by north, 
 one league : and wee had twelve, thirteene, and fourtcerie 
 fathomes. The river is a mile broad: there is very hi"h '^'.'fV^^'f 
 land on both sides.'^ Then we went up north-west, a league 
 and an halfe decpe water. Then north-east by north, five 
 miles ; then north-west by north, two leagues, and anchored. 
 The land grew very high and mountainous. The river is von- i.iRh 
 full of fish. t"*"o»s 
 Thejifteeiith, in the morning, was misty, untill the sunne 
 arose : then it cleered. So wee weighed with the wind at 
 south, and ran up into the river twentie leagues, passing by 
 high mountaines.'^ AV^ce had a very good depth, as sixe, 
 seven, eight, nine, ten, twelve, and thirteene fathomes, and 
 "Tcat store of salmons in the river. This morning our two 
 savages got out of a port and swam away. After wee were 
 under sayle, they called to us in scorne. At night we came 
 to other mountaines, which lie from the rivers side. There 
 wcc found very loving people, and very old men: where vei7 loving 
 wee were well used. Our boat went to fish, and caught 
 great store of very good fish. 
 The sixteenth, faire and very hot -weather. In the morn- 
 1 Between Stony and Vorplanck points, according to Moulton's com- 
 putation (Hist of JV. Y. i, p. 238). 
 ^ Xear Peakskill. The land, as described by Juet, is high and moun- 
 tainous on both sides. The hills rise in several places to more than a 
 thousand feet, and the most elevated side is often near the water's 
 edge. Hudson seems to have sailed on the 14th to the neighbourhood 
 of West Point, at present the site of the celebrated military academy. 
 ^ Hudson now saw the highest of the mountains that border the river, 
 the noble range of the Kaatshenge or Catskill Mountains, several peaks 
 of which rise above 3000', the highest (the Round Top) to near 40U0'. 
 I ' 
 ' I 
 ! ing our boat went againc to fishing, but could catch but few, 
 ! by reason their canoes had bcenc there all night. This 
 morning the people came aboord, and brought us eares 
 ' ^r^iz, pom- of Indian corne, and pompions, and tabacco : which wee 
 ' pious, and ' i i ' 
 tabacco. bought for triflcs. AVce rode still all day, and filled fresh 
 ^*Mlk«iii«' water ; at night wee weighed and went two leagues higher, 
 "djS*'!i' ^^^^ ^^^^^ shoald water : so wee anchored till day.^ 
 ••C'tr' -^^6 secentcetith, faire sun-shining weather, and very hot. 
 ••'iiiii'i' , 
 ('>.i„iii''i In the morning, as soone as the sun was up, we set sayle, 
 f* -^Mii" shoaids and g^d ran up sixe leasrues higher, and found shoalds in the 
 •>*.,,. Hands. middle of the chann.ll, and small ilands, but seven fathoms 
 ••»., "II'! 
 water on both sides. Toward night we borrowed so neere 
 '"^"^iii *^^ shoare, that we grounded: so we layed out our small 
 -'- ^t anchor, and heaved off againe. Then we borrowed on the 
 "^,«,, banke in the channell, and came aground againe ; while the 
 ••^[^ floud ran we heaved off againe, and anchored all night.^ 
 , "^"v \ The eighteenth, in the morning, was faire weather, and 
 *•; . we rode still. In the after-noone our masters mate went on 
 ; •* i land with an old savage, a governor of the countrey ; Avho car- 
 i 'jjjup,.. ried him to his house, and made him good cheere. 'Hhoninc- 
 ! f.*^ teenth was faire and hot weather : at the floud, being neerc 
 ; ,!' Grape^ani elcvcn of the cloclcc, wcc Weighed, and ran higher up two 
 [ •'^•» Beavers and Icagucs abovc the shoalds, and had no lesse water then five 
 \ ,»'ki» otters skins. ° 
 \ '|.iU« fathoms ; wee anchored, and rode in eight fathomes. The 
 f»«ik 1 According to Moulton, Ilist. of N. Y., i, 244, near the shoal or marsh 
 • «■"'■ ■ in the river, between Athens, and directly opposite that and the city 
 that now bears the name of Hudson ; according to Brodhcad, between 
 Schadak and Castleton ; a place situated, according to Haskell and 
 Smith's Gazetteer, in Rensselaer county, New York, 8 S. by E. Albany, 
 362 W., on the eastern bank of Hudson river. These American histo- 
 rians are, better than we, able to compare Juet's account with the real 
 features of the country, and it is impossible for us to decide between 
 them where they disagree. 
 ijl'i j - All this happened undoubtedly at the distance of a few miles from 
 the spot where Albany now stands. The American authors disagree as 
 to the exact locality, and the matter is both beyond our cogriizance and 
 of but small interest to us Europeans. 
THIRD VOYAGE (1009). 85 
 people of the countric came flocking aboord, and brought 
 us grapes and pompions, which wee bought for trifles. 
 And many brought us bevers skinncs and otters skinnes, 
 which wee bought for beades, knives, and hatchets. So wc 
 rode there all night. ^ 
 The liccnlicth, in the morning, was faire Aveathcr. Our 
 masters mate with foure men more went up with our boat to 
 sound the river, and found two leagues above us but two 
 fathomes water, and the channell very narrow ; and above 
 that place, seven or eight fathomes. Toward night they re- 
 turned : and we rode still all nierht. The one and twentieth 
 was faire weather, and the wind all southerly : we deter- 
 mined yet once more to go farther up into the river, to trie 
 what depth and breadth it did bcare ; but much people 
 resorted aboord, so wee went not this day. Our carpenter 
 went on land, and made a fore-yard. And our master and 
 his mate determined to trie some of the chicfe men of the 
 countrey, whether they had any treacherie in them.^ So 
 they tooke them downe into the cabbin, and gave them so 
 much wine and oqua vitec, that they were all merrie : and 
 one of them had his Avife with them, which sate so modestly, 
 as any of our countrey women would doe in a strange place, 
 la the ende one of them was drunke, which had beene 
 ^ It would undoubtedly be of interest to ascertain the exact locality 
 of this point, the highest reached by Hudson's shijis. The American 
 historians have spared no pains to arrive at a satisfactory result. But 
 the data on which their discussions rest do not warrant any positive 
 conclusion. The most exact statement, that of Van j\Ietcren, gives 42° 40' 
 as *\e latitude reached ; it forms, however, part of a mere summary, 
 in which the latitudes are but approximatively exact. For us Euro- 
 peans it is quite sufficient to know that the Ilalf Moon reached either 
 the very spot where Albany now stands, or its immediate neighbour- 
 hood. The latitude of Albany is, according to Haskell and Smith's 
 Gazetteer, 42° 39' 3" N. 
 ^ " The prejudices," says Moulton, " which they imbibed in Europe, 
 or on their coasting voyage, against a people whom the Europeans de- 
 nominated savages, had given a tone of suspicion to their intercourse." 
 See also note 2, p. 82. 
 aboord of our ship all the time tl^at wc hatl becnc there: 
 I and that was strange to them ; (or they could not tell how 
 to take it.^ The canoes and folke went all on shoare : but 
 some of them came ngaine, and brought stropes of beades r 
 some had sixe, seven, eight, nine, ten; and gave him. So 
 ''l2^i»» he slept all night quietly. 
 lj*jjji ' The ttoo and liccntkth was fairc weather: in the morning 
 •■^'if °^^^ masters mate and foure more of the companie went up 
 jr» „„• with our boat to sound the river higher up. The people of 
 f -*.w|.„ the countrey came not aboord till noone : but when they 
 ■•Mi^ mil"*' 
 came, and saw the savages well, they were glad. So at three 
 of the clocke in the afternoone they came aboord, and 
 brought tabacco, and more beades, and gave them to our 
 ^h_ ^, f)nitic.ii. n aster, and made an oration, and shewed him all the coun- 
 .»^'^*J trey round about. Then they sent one of their companie on 
 •^['' land, who presently returned, and brought a great platter 
 •***>•. ' full of venison dressed by themselves ; and they caused him 
 *•' to eatc with them : then they mafic him reverence and dc- 
 "^•1 i parted, all save the old man that lay aboord. This night, at 
 yjip,. ten of the clocke, our boat returned in a showre of raine 
 ri vcKs"*^ ^''^ fi'om sounding of the river ; and found it to bee at an end 
 ij'csso!"^ for shipping to goc in. For they had becne up eight or 
 nine leagues, and found but seven foot water, and uncon- 
 1^1^, stant soundmgs."' 
 jjjjjj* ^ A tradition connected with this scene of drunkenness seems to have 
 subsisted at the end of the last century among the Dehiware and Mo- 
 hican Indians. We reprint as part oi the present collection the observa- 
 tions of the Rev. John Ilcrkowelder, where this fact is noted down. 
 ^ These beads were made of some sort of shells, and strung. The 
 strings served both as a rude sort of jewelry and as money. They were 
 called wamjnim. The early travellers in these regions make frequent 
 mention of them. We refer the reader to the extracts from Van der 
 Donck's description of New Netherland, which forms part of the present 
 'il^i 2 We refer the American reader to the interesting observations on 
 (|!^| ,1 this passage, in Moulton, i, pp. 259 to 2GG. To Europeans, who are un- 
 I acquainted with the localities themselves, these observations are of less 
 ] interest. Mr. Brodhead thinks that Hudson's boat reached the place 
 The three and ticenlicth, fairc weather. At twelve of the 
 clockc wee weighed, aiul went dowue two leaj'ues to a ' '"y i'> 
 " ' " turn.' (l.i« 110 
 shoald that had two channels, one on the one side, and another '•^'' ''^''''• 
 on the other, and had little wind, wherehy the tyde layed 
 us upon it. So there wee sate on ground the space of an 
 lioure till the floud came. Then wee had a little gale of 
 wind at the west. So wee got our ship into decpe Avater, 
 and rode all night very well. 
 The foure and txcentielh was faire weather : the winde at 
 the north-west, wee weighed, and went downe the river 
 seven or eight leagues ; and at halfe ebbe wee came on 
 ground on a banke of oze in the middle of the river, and 
 sate there till the floud. Then wee went on land, and ga- 
 thered good store of chest-nuts.^ At ten of the clocke wee ^,""'';"'', 
 ~ cliustiiuts. 
 came off into decpe water, and anchored. 
 The /?fe and twentieth was faire weather, and the wind at 
 south a stifFe gale. We rode still, and went on land^ to 
 walkc on the west side of the river, and found good ground 
 for corne and other warden herbs, with great store of goodly okos.wni- 
 ^ ' O O J ,im trees, 
 oakes, and walnut-trees, and chest-nut trees, ewe trees, and S'!'"'''"' 
 ' ' ^ ' ti oes, two 
 trees of sweet wood in great abundance, and great store of [rees'^eic!"^ 
 slate ibr houses, and other good stones. 
 The sixc and twentieth was faire weather, and the wind 
 at south a stifle gile ; wee rode still. In the morning our 
 carpenter went on land, with our masters mate and foure 
 more of cur companie, to cut wood. This morning, two 
 canoes came up the river from the place where we first 
 found loving people, and in one of them was the old man 
 that had lyen aboord of us at the other place. He brought 
 another old man with him, which brought more stropes of 
 where the town of Waterford now stands (Brodhead, Hist, of Neic Vorl; 
 i, p. 32). 
 ^ According to the computation of Moulton (i, p. 2G7), near the spot 
 where the town of Hudson now stands. 
 ^ At or near Catskill Landing, three miles from Hudson, and about 
 forty from Albany. 
 * •« «i 
 boadcs and gave them to our master, and slicwcd liim all the 
 countrey there about as though it were at his command. So 
 he made the two old men dine with him, and the old mans 
 ■wife : for they brought two old women, and two young 
 maidens of the age of sixtecne or seventcenc yeares with 
 them, who behaved themselves very modestly. Our master 
 gave one of the old men a knife, and they gave him and us 
 tabacco. And at one of the clocke they departed downe the 
 river, making signes that wee should come downe to them ; 
 for wee Avcre within two leagues of the place where they 
 The scveti and tweyiticth, in the morning, was fairc wea- 
 ther, but much wind at the north ; wc weir^hed and set our 
 fore top-sayle, and our ship would not firt, but ran on the 
 ozic banke at half cbbc. Wee layed out anchor to heave her 
 off, but could not. So wee sate from halfe ebbe to halfe 
 floud : then wee set our fore-saylc and mayne top-sayle, and 
 got downe sixe leagues. The old man came aboord, and 
 would have had us anchor, and goe on land to catc with 
 him: but the wind being faire, we would not yeeld to his 
 request ; so hee left us, being very sorrowfull for our de- 
 parture. At five of the clocke in the afternoone, the wind 
 came to the south south-west. So wee made a boord or two, 
 and anchored^ in fouretcene fathomes water. Then our boat 
 went on shoare to fish right against the ship. Our masters 
 mate and boatswaine, and three more of the companic, went 
 on land to fish, but could not finde a good place. They 
 tooke foure or five and twentie mullets, breames, bases, and 
 barbils : and returned in an houre. We rode still all 
 The eigJit and tioentieth, being faire weather, as soonc as 
 the day was light, wee weighed at halfe ebbe, and turned 
 downe two leagues belowe water ; for the strcame doth runnc 
 * In the vicinity of Red Hook (Moulton, 267), that is to say, fourteen 
 miles from Catskill Landing. 
TiiiKi) voya(;k (1()(M)). 
 the last quarter cbbc : then wc ancliorcKl till high vatcr.' At 
 throe of the clocke in the iil'tcr-noone we Avcighed, and 
 lurncd downe three leagues, untill it was darke : then wee 
 The nine and twentieth was drie close weather ; the wind 
 at south, and south and by west; we weighed early in the 
 morning, and turned downe three leagues by a lowc water, 
 and anchored at the lower end of the long reach ; for it is 
 sixc leagues long. Then there came certaine Indians in a 
 canoe to us, but would not come aboord. After dinner 
 there came the canoe with other men, whereoff' three came 
 aboord us. They brought Indian wheat, which we bought 
 for trifles. At three of the clocke in the aftcr-noone wee 
 weighed, as soone as the ebbe came, and turned downe to 
 tlic edge of the niountaines, or the northermost of thu moun- m 
 tiiines, and anchored : because the high land hath many 
 points, and a narrow channell, and hath manie eddie winds.'"^ 
 So we rode quietly all night in seven fathoms water. 
 The thirtieth was faire weather, and the wind at south- 
 cast, a stiffe gale betweenc the mountaynes. We rode still 
 the afternoone. The people of the countrey came aboord 
 us and brought some small skinncs with them, which we Smnii skins. 
 bought for knives and trifles. This is a very pleasant place -^ pUnsant 
 f J 1 1 place Icj 
 to build a towne on. The road is very ncere, and very good [™',',e'on. 
 for all windes, save an east north-cast wind. The moun- I'ik.iibooa 
 (if miuerals. 
 taynes look as if some metall or minerall were in them. For 
 ^ Probably near the Esopus Island, twelve miles from Red Hook. 
 ^ Below Poughkeepsie (JMoulton). Beacon Hill, in the neighbourhood 
 of that place and opposite New Windsor, is 1G85 feet high. This part 
 of Hudson river is noted for its heavy winds. " The banks of Hudson 
 river, especially on the west side, as far as the highlands extend, are 
 chiefly rocky cliffs. The passage through the highlands, which is sixteen 
 or eighteen miles, affords a wild romantic scene. In this narrow pass, on 
 each side of which the mountains tower to a great height, the wind, if 
 there be any, is collected and compressed, and blows continually as 
 through a bellows. Vessels, in passing through it, are often obliged to 
 lower their sails" (Thompson, Geogr. Diet, of America). 
 the trees that grow on them Avcre all blasted, and some of 
 them barren^ with few or no trees on them. The people 
 brought a stone aboord like to an emery (a stone used by 
 October, glasicrs to cut glasse),^ it would cut iron or Steele : yet being 
 bruised small, and Avater put to it, it made a colour like 
 blacke lead glistering : it is also good for painters colours. 
 ,1 At three of the clockc they departed, and we rode still all 
 Tlic^rst of October, faire weather, the Avind variable be- 
 tweene the west and the north. In the morning we weighed 
 '.Zl* ' at seven of the clocke with the ebbe, and got downe below 
 -*»„»,!ll'' the mountaynes, which was seven leagues. Then it feh 
 calme and the floud was come, and wee anchored at twelve 
 "^* <?" of the clocke. The people of the mountaynes came aboord 
 ' 'im* US, wondiuig at our ship and weapons. AV^e bought some 
 .»..* small sk'.nn s of them for trifles. This afternoone, one canoe 
 ,K^ *i kept hanging under our sterne with one man in it, which 
 it-,,,'' we could not keepe from thence, who got up by our rudder 
 in*' ; to the cabin window, and stole out my pillow, and two 
 shirts, and two bandeleeres. Our masters mate shot at him, 
 and strooke him on the brest, and killed him. Whereupon 
 *'*„ all the rest fled away, some in their canoes, and so leapt out 
 *""**" of them into the water. We manned our boat, and fjot our 
 •'"*■ things againe. Then one of them that swamme got hold of 
 * our boat, thinking to overthrow it. But our cooke tooke a 
 j^J"' sword, and cut off one of his hands, and he was droAvncd. 
 ••'^^ ' By this time the ebbe was come, and we weighed and got 
 /•(•^ downe two leagues : by that time it was darke. So avc 
 I , anchored in foure fathomes water, and rode well. 
 I The second, faire weather. At break of day wee weighed, 
 jl the wind being at north-west, and got downe seven leagues; 
 then the floud was come strong, so we anchored. Then 
 Treaoheiie camc ouc of the savagcs that swamme away from us at our 
 savatieH. going up tlic rivcr with many other, thinking to betray us. 
 ' Pyrilis >. 
A skirmish 
 THIRD VOYAGE (1609). 91 
 ]jut wcc perceived their intent, and suffered none of them 
 to enter our ship. Whereupon two canoes full of men, with 
 their bowes and arrowes shot at us after our pterne : in oni['e' *' 
 recompence -whereof we discharged sixe muskets, and killed 
 two or three of them. Then above an hundred of them 
 came to a point of land to shoot at us. There I shot a falcon 
 at them, and killed two of them : whereupon the rest fled 
 into the woods. Yet they manned off another canoe with 
 nine or ten men, which came to meet us. So I shot at it also 
 a falcon, and shot it through, and killed one of them. Then 
 our men with their muskets killed three or foure more of 
 thcm.^ So they went their way ; within a while after wee 
 got downe two leagues beyond thot place, and anchored in 
 a bay, cleere from all danger of them on the other side of 
 the river, where we saw a very good piece of ground ; and 
 hard by it there Avas a cliffe, that looked of the colour of 
 a white o-rcene, as thou"'h it were either co])per or silver ^ ™>"^ ° 
 inync : and I thinke it to be one of them, by the trees that '^''^''''' 
 grow upon it. For they be all burned, and the other places 
 are greene as gr^sse ; it is on that side of the river that is 
 called Manna-hata.' There we saw no people to trouble t|'ey^,f""" 
 us : and rode quietly all night ; but had much wind and imuiT 
 ' IMoiilton (i, 271) thinks that this scene took place at the upper end 
 of the island of Manhattan (on which New York now stands), near Fort 
 AVashington and Fort Lee, and that the next place mentioned (see 
 note 2) was opposite Manhattan island. This assertion seems doubtful, 
 us will be explained in the next note. 
 " Moulton \\, 272) places this site near Ilohohen, opposite New York. 
 This oi>inion of the else so accurate historian is very improbable. Hud- 
 son's words, " That side of the river which is called Manna-hatUr'' , 
 cannot possibly apply to anything but Manhattan island itself. All the 
 early chroniclers, as well as the Ccarly maps and views, agree in giviiii? 
 to that island the Indian name which it still bears ; whilst the opposite 
 shore, though, perhaps, also inhabited by the ^Manhattan tribe, is never 
 called Manhattan. It had, on the contrary, an Indian name of its own, 
 Jlopoff/ian, now corrupted into llol ''ken. Moulton, indeed, adduces no 
 reason for his supposition. 

 i The third, was very stormic ; the wind at east north-cast. 
 j , . In the morning, in a gust of wind and rainc, our anchor 
 came home, and we drove on ground, but it was ozie. Tlicn 
 as we were about to have out an anchor, the wind came to 
 ' the north north-west, and drove us off againc. Then wc 
 "2i»«i»"" ^^^'^^ ^^ anchor, and let it fall in foure fathomes water, and 
 di?'""' weighed the other. Wee had much wind and raine, with 
 •«ff«'*f" thicke weather ; so we roade still all night. 
 ,r^ ^.►"'' The fourth, was faire weather, and the wind at north 
 .*,„ij.. north-west ; wee weighed and came out of the river, into 
 which wc had runnc so farre.' AVithin a while after, wee 
 came out also of the great mouth of the great river, that 
 I TiKproiU runneth up to the north-west,'~ borrowinoj upon the norther 
 i,fc, Jl 1^6^'^''' ^^'^^ of the same, thinking to have deepe water; for wee had 
 .»^'|*| sounded a great way with our boat at our first going in, and 
 •"r^^f" found seven, six, and five fathomes. So we came out that 
 ••*«.„ I way, but m'c were deceived, for we had but eight foot and 
 ■*•' i an halfe water : and so three, five, three, and two fathomes 
 *^%\ j and an halfe. And then three, foure, five, sixe, seven, 
 yjj„|i eiglit, nine and ten fathomes. And by twelve of the clockc 
 Theyioavp WC werc clcerc of all the inlet. Then we took in our boat, 
 Iho i'oa«t of 
 viigiiiin. and set our mayne-sayle, and sprit-sayle, and our top-saylcs, 
 and steered away east south-east, and south-east by east off 
 into the mayne sea : and the land on the souther side of the 
 bay or inlet did beare at noone west and by south foia'e 
 leao'ucs from us. 
 The fifth was faire weather, and the wind variable be- 
 j"p. twcene the north and the east. Wee held on our course 
 south-east by east. At noone I observed and found our 
 height to bee 39 degrees, oO minutes. Our compassc varied 
 iji sixe degrees to the west. 
 AVc continued our course toward England, without seeing 
 ^ Hudson river, from the source to New York Bay. 
 ^ The mouth of the Hudson treads to the north-west, where Raritou 
 river falls into it. 
k "j^ 
 ;my land by the way, all the rest of this moneth of October : 
 and on the scccnth day of November, sfilo novo, being Satur- 
 day, by tlic grace of God we safely arrived in the range of 
 Dartmouth, in Devonshire, in the yecre 1609. 
 The seventeenth of Apr ill, IGIO, Ave brake ground, and Ainii ir. 
 went downe from Saint Katharines Poole,^ and fell downe to 
 Blackewall \ and so plyed downe with the ships to Lee, 
 which was the two and twentieth day. 
 The two and tiventicth, I caused Master Coleburne- to bee 
 put into a pinko bound for London, Mith my letter to the 
 Adventurars, importing the reason wherefore I so put him j 
 out of the ship, and so plyed forth. i« 
 The seco7id of May, the wind southerly, at eeven we were jiny. 
 thwart of Flamborough Head. i 
 The fft, wc were at the iles of Orkney, and here I set the rhoUosoi' 
 •^ "^ _ . Orkney. 
 north end of the needle, and the north of the flie all one. 
 The sixt, wee were in the latitude of 59 degrees, 22 Note. 
 ' Where St. Katherine's Dock now is ; near the Tower. 
 - According to Pricket the man's name was Coll^ert ; according to Fox 
 (N. W. Fox, p. 70) it was Coolbrand. The occurrence took place near 
 iSheppey ishind, in the road of Lee. Fox's curious notice about this 
 Master Coolbrand is given iu the present collection. 
 I minutes, and there i)erccivcd that the north end of Scotland, 
 ! Orncy, and ShotLand^ are not so northerly as is commonly 
 i r,'""'? ,., set downe.' The eiqht day wee saw Farre Ilands,^ in the 
 •.''Mnlmites. hititude of 62 degrees, 24 minutes. The elctcnth day we 
 fell with the caster part of Ishuid, and then plying along the 
 ;i2>k*««'" NVestmony. southcr part of the land we came to Westmony,* heing 
 fClfJili' the fffeenth day, and still plyed about the mayne iland 
 "^CH' 1 untill the last of May, with contrary winds, and we got 
 f'^t„,»'"' some fowles of divers sorts. 
 ?!ir, -"aii;; •'""*• The ^^'5^ day of June we put to sea out of an harbour, in 
 '"**•"•',, the westernmost part Island, and so plyed to the westward in 
 ""* the latitude of 66 degrees, 34 minutes, and the second day 
 .plyed and found ourselves in 65 degrees, 57 minutes, with 
 little wind easterly. 
 The third day wee found ourselves in 65 degrees, 30 
 ••nI^ minutes, with winde at north-east ; a little before this we 
 ^-<» i saylcd necre some ice. 
 uroiieiniui. '!l\\c fouvtli day M'e saw Groneland'* over the ice perfectly, 
 it ' 
 *' i and this night the sunnc went downe due north, and rose 
 'i)tt%t north-north east. So jjlying the Jift day we were in 65 
 degrees, still cncombred with much ice, Avhicli hung upon 
 the coast of Groneland. 
 Kroiiisiieia ')^\\e ninth day wee were off Frobishers Streights," with the 
 .,^^ winde northerly, and plyed unto the south-westwards untill 
 ;«^» \\\G fifteenth day. 
 *"% 'WxQ fifteenth day we were in sight of the land, in latitude 
 ••*' ^ Orkney and Shetland. 
 r- " They are often laid down on old charts nearly a degree too high. 
 '^ The Faroer islands. 
 ■* The Westmau or Westnianna islands, south of, and close to, Iceland. 
 TJiey belong to the province of Iceland. 
 ° That is to say, the northern part of Greenland. The southern part 
 was called Desolation. Frobisher's strait, which Hudson's contempora- 
 ries believed to be \a Greenland, was thought to separate (Sronland 
 i'lom Desolation, x he origin of these notions is most curious. The reader 
 will find them explained in the Introduction to the present volume, 
 !'i. I « Sec last note. 
 west north 
 inti) Iha 
 59 degrees, 27 minutes/ which was called by Captaync John 
 Davis Desolation, and found the errour of the former laying Desolation 
 downe of that land : and then running to the north-westward 
 untill the tiventicth day, wee found the ship in 60 degrees, 
 42 minutes, and saw much ice, and many riplings or over- 
 fals, and a strong streame setting from east south-east to ^^ «">"''«"* 
 west north-west. 
 The one and tiocntie, two and tiventie, and three and 
 ticentie dayes, with the winde variable, Ave plycd to the 
 north-westward in sight of much ice, into the height of 
 62 degrees, 29 minutes.^ 
 '\l\\efotire and twe^itie va\A fve and tioentie dayes, sayling ''-'*st 
 to the westward about midnight, wee saw land north, which s",'ei,4us. 
 was suddenly lost againe. So wee ranne still to the west- 
 ward in 62 degrees, IT minutes.^ 
 The fft of Juhj wee jilycd up upon the souther side, "^"'y- 
 troubled Avith much ice in seeking the shoare untill the Jift 
 day of July, and we observed that day in 59 degrees, 16 
 minutes.'* Then we plyed off the shoare againe, untill the 
 eiylit day, and then found the height of the pole in 60 de- 
 grees, no minutes. Plere we saw the land from the north- 
 west by west, halfe northerly, unto the south-west by west, 
 covered with snow, a champaigne land, and called it Desire pj^vo^ijeu, 
 We still plyed up to the westward, as the land and ice 
 Avould suffer untill the eleventh day ; when fearing a storme, 
 we anchored by three rockie ilands in unccrtayne depth, 
 ^ This latitude, T)!)" 27', can, unfortunately, not be maintained. The 
 most southern part, even of the islands about Cape Farewell, does not 
 reach down farther than 59^ .35'. The cape itself is, according to the 
 best authorities, under 59^ 45'. Hudson's mistake therefore extends to 
 eight or nine minutes at least, and may be greater. 
 ' Near Cape Elizabeth, coast of Labrador. 
 '' In Hall's sound, south of Resolution island. 
 ■* Near Ittimcnaktok island, eastern shore of Ungava bay, and south- 
 east of Akpatok island. 
 bctwccnc two and nine fathomcs ; and found it an harbour 
 unsufficient by reason of sunken rockes, one of whicli was 
 next morning two fathomcs above water. "Wee caUed them 
 Ues of Gods the Islcs of Gods Mcrcios.^ The Avatcr flowcth here better 
 then foure fathomes. The floud commeth from the north, 
 flowing eight the change day. The latitude in this place is 02 
 degrees, 9 minutes. Then plying to the south-westward the 
 sixtceyith day, wee were in the latitude of 58 degrees, 50 
 minutes,' but found our selves imbayed with land, and had 
 much ice : and we plycd to the north-westward untill tlic 
 nineteenth day, and then wee found by observation the 
 '*"*''^ Hold with heiafht of the pole in 61 degrees, 24 minutes, and saw the 
 Hope. . . . 
 land, which I named Hold with Hope.'^ Hence I plved to 
 ^ j' the north-westward still, untill the one and twentieth day, 
 _"*' Amightie with thc wiud Variable. Here I found the sea more iirrowne 
 • • growue sea. " 
 then any wee had since wee left England. 
 The three and twentieth day, by observation the height of 
 ^ '•' i the pole was 61 degrees, 3o minutes. The ^i^e and tiven- 
 "■^•1 1 Magna tictk day we saw the land, and named it Maf>^na Britannia.^ 
 The sixe and twentieth day wee observed and found the lati- 
 tude in 62 degrees, 44 minutes. The eight and ticenticth 
 da)- we were in the height of Qo degrees, 10 minutes,^ and 
 plyed southerly of the west. The o)ie and thirtieth day, 
 plying to the westward, at noone wee found ourselves in 62 
 degrees, 24 minutes. 
 TYieJirst of August we had sight of the northerne shoare, 
 from the north by east to the west by south oiF us : the north 
 part twelve leagues, and the Avester part twentie leagues from 
 us : and we had no ground there at one hundred and eightic 
 fathomes. And I thinke I saw land on the sunne side, but 
 ^ Saddle Back, and the surrounding islands, to the south of Jack- 
 man's sound, (62° 10' N.; 70° 25' W.) 
 2 Between Akpatok (G9° 15') and Tessinjak (58° 50'), on the west 
 shore of Ungava bay. 
 •^ \ ^^ Long island (Hudson's bay); 61° 25' N.; 70° 20' W. ^^" '- ' 
 " About 61° 25' N.; 70= 20' W. « To the N.E. of Charles island. 
 could not make it perfectly, bearing east north-east. Tlcrc 
 I found the latitude 62 degrees, 50 minutes.' 
 The secofid day we had sight of a faire headland on the 
 norther shoare, six leagues off, which I called Salishuries ■^.'>ii«''"iips 
 ^ ' I' ore-land. 
 Fore-land :~ wee ranne from them west south-west, fourteene 
 leagues : in the midway of which M'ee were suddenly come 
 into a great and whurling sea, whether caused by meeting a groat and 
 of two streames or an over-fall, I know not. Thence sayling ^ca. 
 west and by south seven leagues farther, we were in the 
 mouth of a strcight and sounded, and no ground at one a strcii^ht 
 hundred fathomes : the streight being there not above two into tiio 
 drepi' liiiy 
 leagues broad, in the passage in this wester part: which, "'*^"' 
 "■'■'-' A ' Great 
 from the caster part of Fretum Davis, is distant two hun- ^^ 
 drcd and fiftie leagues thereabouts.*^ 
 The thh'd day we put through the narrow passage, after 
 our men had beene on land, which had well observed there, 
 tliat the floud did come from the north, flowing by the 
 shoare five fathomes. The head of this entrance on the south 
 side I named Cape Worsenholmej* and the head on the north- capo wo 
 wester shoare I called Cape Digs.'' After wee had sailed with Cftpe])t3 
 an easterly winde, west and by south ten leagues, the land 
 fell away to the southward, and the other iles, and land left 
 us to the westward. Then I observed and found the slip at 
 noone in 61 degrees, 20 minutes, and a sea to the westward. 
 ^ The land they saw was Charles island, the most northern point of 
 which is about G2° 47'. (Latitude 77° 20' W.) 
 2 Salisbury island, 63° 40' N. ; 77° W. 
 ^ This calculation is not far wrong. The real distance, as the crow 
 Hies, is about one thousand English miles. 
 * Cape Wolstenholme of our present maps. The spelling of the name 
 was not settled. That which now prevails is taken from Purchas, who 
 follows it generally, though not always. 
 ^ Not the cape which bears this name at the present day, but a cape 
 on a small island, one of the Diggs' islands group, opposite Cape Wolsten- 
 holme, and only two leagues (about six sea miles or knots) from it. The 
 present Cape Diggs owes its name, most probably, to a mistake. On the 
 original chart of Hudson's Bay, the names are not very carefully put 
 down near the places to which they belong ; thus early geographers were 
 misled, and their successors have faithfully copied them. 13 
 1 1 
 ■• '•mi 
 J'lirio lies 
 it. i: 
 **•*•«. 1 
 The south- 
 eiist piirt 
 1 .1 
 I 1 
 of Isliind. 
 We began our voyage for the north-west passage, the scccn- 
 tecnili of Apr ill, 1610. Thwart of Shcpcy,' our master sent 
 Master Colbert back to the owners M'ith his letter. The 
 .•»,^3f next day we weighed from hence and stood for Harwich, 
 and came thither the eiglit and tiventieth of Api'ill. From 
 lV»'^j|i' Harwich w'e set sayle the flist of 3Iay, along the coast to the 
 north, till we came to the isles of Orkney, from thence to 
 the ilcs of Faro, and from thence to Island : on which we 
 fell in a fogge, hearing the rut of the sea ashoare, but saw 
 not the land whereupon our master came to an anchor. 
 Heere we were embayed in the south-east part of the land. 
 Wee weighed and stood along the coast, on the west side 
 towards the north : but one day being calme we fell a fish- 
 ing, and caught good store of fish, as cod, and ling, and 
 butte, with some other sorts that we knew not. The next 
 day we had a good gale of wind at south-w^est, and raysed 
 the lies of Westmonie, where the king of Denmarke hath a 
 fortresse, by which we passed to rayse the Snow Hill foot,^ 
 a mountayne so called on the north-west part of the land. 
 15 ut in our course we saw that famous hill. Mount Hecla, 
 cnsteth out ^yliich cast out mucli fire, a signe of foule weather to come 
 in short time. Wee leave Island a sterne of us, and met a 
 niayne of ice, which did hang on the north part of Island, 
 and stretched downe to the west, which when our master 
 saw, he stood back for Island to find an harbour, which we 
 :"). . 
 cnsteth out 
 ,1' • \ 
 \ mayne 
 of ico. 
 ' Sheppey island, in the mouth of the Thames. 
 ^ Sneefials-Jiikull, a mountain on the west coast of Iceland, in West- 
 land, district of Sneeficlduess, 4,500' high. 
 (lid on the north-west part, called Dcrefer.*' where wee * or uiia- 
 killed good store of fowle. From hence we put to sea againc, 
 hut neither wind nor weather serving, our master stood 
 hacke for this harhour againe, hut could not reach it, but 
 fell with another to the south of that, called by our English- 
 men Lousie Bay :^ where on the shoare we found an hot ^ousieniiv. 
 hath, and here all our Englishmen bathed themselves: the *^"''"'^'"''^''- 
 water was so hot that it would scald a fowle. 
 From hence, the first of June, we put to sea for Grone- The fust 
 land, but to the west wee saw land as we thought, for which 
 we beare the best part of a day, but it proved but a foggie 
 banke. So wee gave it over and made for Gronland, which 
 we raysed ihe fourth of June. Upon the coast thereof hung 
 good store of ice, so that our master could not attayne to the 
 shoare by any meanes. The land in this part is very moun- 
 tayuous, and full of round hils, like to sugar-loaves, covered 
 with snow. We turned the land on the south side, as neere 
 as the ice would suffer us. Our course for the most part 
 was betweene the west and north-west, till we raysed the 
 Desolations, which is a great iland in the west part of JJg"',|^"^^,,jj 
 Groneland. On this coast we saw store of whales, and at wilaies! 
 one time three of them came close by us, so as wee could 
 hardly shunne them : then two passing very neere, and the 
 third going under our ship, wee received no harme by them, 
 praysed be God. 
 From the Desolations our master made his way north- 
 west, the wind being against him, who else would have gone 
 more to the north : but in this course we saw the first gieat 
 iland or mountayne of ice, whereof after we saw store. 
 About the latter end of June, we raysed land to the north of 
 ' Dyre-fiord, a gulf on the north-west coast of the northern peninsula 
 of Iceland, C6° 42' N.; 24° 20' W. 
 '■^ Breyde Fiord (mostly called Brede Baj' on English maps), a largo 
 Lay on the west coast of Iceland, where some hot springs rise from the 
 bottom of the sea. (65° 20' N. ; 23° W.) 
 \ '- 
a 'I 
 _. _ >'■ 
 Iliina of 
 iie uvoi- 
 US, which our master tookc to bco that iland which Master 
 Davis sctteth clowne in his chart.' On the west side of his 
 streight, our master woukl have gone to the north of it, but 
 the wind would not suffer him : so we fell to the south of it, 
 into a great rippling or overfall of current, the which sctteth 
 t,„t to the west. Into the current we went, and made our way 
 »>"' to the north of the west, till we met with ice which hung on 
 this iland. Wherefore our master casting about, cleared 
 himselfe of this ice, and stood to the south, and then to the 
 west, tlirough store of floting ice, and upon the ice store of 
 scales. "We gained a cleere sea, and continued our course 
 till wee mcete ice ; first, with great ilands, and then with 
 store of the smaller sort. Betweene them we made our 
 course north-west, till we met with ice againe. But, in this 
 our going betweene the ice, we saw one of the great ilands of 
 ice overturnc, which was a good warning to us, not to come 
 nigh them nor within their reach.'' Into the ice wee put 
 ahead, as betweene two lands. The next day wee had a 
 storme, and the wind brought the ice so fast upon us, that 
 in the end we were driven to put her into the chiefest of the 
 ice, and there to let her lie. Some of our men this day fell 
 sicke, I will not say it was for feare, although I saw small 
 signe of other griefe. 
 ,,^ bv'l'ife!'^ "^'he storme ceasing, we stood out of the ice, where wee 
 „^» saw any cleere sea to go to : which was sometime more and 
 ►'■"k sometime lesse. Our course was as the ice did lye, some- 
 yoK time to the north, then to the north-west, and then to the 
 '*'*« west and to the south-west : but still inclosed with ice. 
 ^ Resolution island. Two delineations taken from Davis's survey 
 are still in existence. The one is on an engraved planisphere, in- 
 ll sorted into a copy of Hakluyt, in the British Museum ; the other 
 on the celebrated globe by Molyneux, quoted in Davis's summary 
 } account of his voyages, and still preserved in the library of the Middle 
 - According to Burrow, this ovorturniug is caused by the melting and 
 I'j!' consequent splitting of the icebergs. 
 AV'^hlcli when our master saw, he made his course to the 
 south, thinking to clcere hinisclfc of the ice that way : but 
 the more he strove the worse he was, and the more inclosed, 
 till woe could goe no further. Plere our master was in 
 dcspaire, and (as he told me after) he thought he should 
 never have got out of this ice, but there have perished. 
 Therefore hee brought forth his card,^ and shewed all the 
 coniijunv, that hec was entered above an liundicd leacrues nudson 
 further then ever any English was: and left it to their 'i'"-";^'' '"'■ 
 choice, whether they would proceed any further ; yea, or '^"l^^.'"^ 
 nay. Whereupon some were of one mindc and some of ano- 
 ther, some wishing themselves at home and some not caring 
 where, so they were out of the ice : but there were some 
 who then spake words, which were remembrcd a great while 
 There was one who told the master, that if he had an Diacoutouts. 
 hundred pounds, hee would give foure-score and ten to be 
 at home : but the carpenter made answere, that if hee had 
 an hundred, hec would not give ten upon such condition, 
 but would thinke it to be as good money as ever he had any, 
 ' There is an evident blunder in Pricket's rather vague recollections. 
 The card here mentioned must have been based on Weymouth's explo- 
 rations, which Hudson was made acquainted with by Peter Plancius, 
 learning, as is expressly stated, t/iat WeijmoutJi entered 100 leagues into 
 the strait. If Hudson had really said that he had proceeded 100 leagues 
 furtlier than any Englishman, he would be guilty either of an idle boast, 
 or of a most enormous mistake. Desire Provokes (Akjjatok), which he 
 leached immediately after the mutiny, is no more than 60 leagues even 
 from the north-eastern extremity of the strait (where he entered it). 
 Several of his statements, beside the chart, prove that he had \ very fair 
 idea of the distances he had sailed. It is therefore imposs'' \q to suppose 
 that he believed himself to be 200 leagues from the moulh of the strait, 
 when he was really not more than GO. The following explanation may, 
 perhaps, solve the difficulty. Hudson had, undoubtedly, not sailed 200 
 leagues into the strait, when the mutiny took place. He had, however, 
 most probably sailed 200 leagues within it, exploring, as he did, both 
 the northern and southern shore, which are in some places more than 
 4 degrees (SO leagues) distant from each other. The scene of the mutiny 
 is in Uiigava Bay, between the soul/u-eastern shore and Akpatok island. 
u ( on 1 
 I and to bring it as well home, by the leave of God. After 
 I many words to no purpose, to workc we must on all hands, 
 I to get ourselves out and to clcere our ship. After much 
 labour and time spent, we gained roome to turne our ship 
 in, and so by little and little, to get cleere in the sea a 
 ,ilili»«»"' league or two off, our course being north and north-west. 
 'CjjfSl In the end we rayscd land to the south-west, high land and 
 •«C*;J[^, Desire covered with snow. Our master named this land. Desire 
 (;;^jj;j;'i ]*rovokes.' Lying here, wee heard the noyse of a great over- 
 •-•4^3"^ fall of a tyde, that came out of the land : for now we might 
 '***"'sit' ^^^ yve\^ that wee had beene embayed before, and time had 
 made us know, being so well acquainted with the ice, that 
 I'^f^'^tf when night, or foggie or foule weather tooke us, we would 
 !"^ ,0f seek out the broadest iland of ice and there come to anchor, 
 ""*••«' Kxerciscsof and ruunc, and sport, and fill water that stood on the ice in 
 n, 'I'lii I'luf't ponds, both sweete and good. But after we had brou2;ht 
 I on the ice. '^ '^ ^ 
 this land to beare south of us, we had the tyde and the cur- 
 Differenco ^'cut to opcn the icc, as being carried first one way and then 
 bajea.''^ "'" another: but in bayes they lye as in a pond without moving. 
 '.i*»i In this buy'' where wee were thus troubled with ice, wee 
 saw many of those niountaynes of ice aground, in sixe or 
 sevenscore fathome water. In this our course we saw a 
 beare upon a piece of ice by itselfe, to the which our men 
 gave chase with their boat : but before they came nigh her, 
 Ice ftbout the tyde had carried the ice and the beare on it, and joined it 
 , lou luliiumu. . . I'll 
 ^j , With the other ice : so they lost their labour, and came 
 I*' aboord againe. 
 ' Akpatok island. There is again some confusion in the course as 
 given by Pricket. It lies too much west and not enough south. The posi- 
 tive statement by Hudson, that he was iu 59° IG' a few days before 
 I'r he reached Desire Provokes, in 60°, proves beyond all doubt that the 
 scene of these explorations was Ungava Bay, and that Desire Provokes 
 ' is Akpatok. This is also supported by Pricket's own statement (see 
 , note 2) that they had been embayed before they reached Desire Provokes. 
 •■f ^ The bay in which they had been embayed before they reached 
 [i Desire Provokes (see nine lines higher up), that is to say, Ungava Bay. 
 Wc continued our course to the north-west, and raysed 
 land to the north of our course, toward which we made, and 
 comming nigh it, there hung on the castcrmost point many 
 ilands of floting ice, and a hearc on one of them, which from 
 one to another came towards us, till she was readie to come 
 aboord. But when she saw us looke at her, she cast her 
 head hctweene her hindc Icgges, and then dived under the 
 ice : and so from one piece to another, till she was out of 
 our reach. We stood along by the land on the south side 
 ahead of us ; wee met with ice that hung on a point of land 
 that lay to the south, more then this that we came up by : 
 which when our master saw, he stood in for the shoare. At 
 the west end of this iland (for so it is) we found an har- 
 bour, and came in (at a full sea) over a rocke, which had a '!""«"■""» 
 two fathome and an halfe on it, and was so much bare at a 
 low water. But by the great mercie of God, we came to an 
 anchor cleerc of it : and close by it our master named them 
 the lies of Gods Mercie. This is an harbour for need, but iicaof cods 
 there must be care had how they came in. Hecre our master 
 sent me, and others with me, to discover to the north and 
 north-west : and in going from one place to another, we 
 sprung a covey of partridges which were young : at the ranriUgca. 
 which Thomas Woodhouse shot, but killed only the old 
 This iland is a most barren place, having nothing on it but 
 plashes of water and riven rockes, as it were subject to earth- 
 quakes. To the north there is a great bay or sea^ (for I 
 know not what it will prove), where I saw a great iland of 
 ice aground, betweene the two lands which with the spring- 
 tide was set afloat, and carried into this bay or sea to the 
 north-westward, but came not backe againe, nor within 
 sight. Heere wee tooke in some drift wood that we found Drift woo.i. 
 From hence we stood to the south-west, to double the land , ' U- 
 ^ Jackinan's sound. I , j^ AW^ 
i '^v^ 
 , to the west of us/ through much floting ice : in the endc wee 
 found a clecre sea, and continued therein, till wee rayscd 
 land to the north-west. Then our master made his course 
 more to the south then before, but it was not long ere we 
 .-^ met with ice which lay ahead of us. Our master would have 
 „i doubled this ice to the north, but could not ; and in the end 
 ' jiut into it downe to the south-west through much ice, and 
 then to the south, where we embayed againe. Our master 
 strove to get the shoare, but could not, for the great store of 
 ice that was on the coast. From out of this bay we stood to 
 '^.■mi^ the north, and were soone out of the ice: then downe to the 
 south-west, and so to the west, where we were enclosed (to 
 "" J" our sight) with land and ice. For wee had land from the 
 •••• south to the north-west on one side, and from the east to the 
 west on the other ; but the land that was to the north of us 
 and lay by east and west, was but an iland. On we went 
 till we could goe no further for ice : so we made our ship 
 fast to the ice which the tyde brought upon us, but when 
 the ebbe came, the ice did open, and made way ; so as in 
 seven or eight houres we were cleere from the ice, till we 
 came to weather ; but onely some of the great ilands, that 
 were carried along with us to the north-west. 
 Having a cleere sea, our master stood to the west along 
 by the south shoare, and raysed three capes or head-lands 
 Three cares, lying ouc abovc another. The middlemost is an iland, and 
 maketh a bay or harbour, which (I take) will prove a good 
 Prince ouc. Oxxv mastcr named them Prince Henries Cape or Fore- 
 *-'ai'e- land. When we had layd this we raised another, which was 
 the extreme point of the land looking towards the north : 
 upon it are two hills,^ but one (above the rest) like an hay- 
 1 The Upper Savage Islands, and the lano around North Bay. (62" U'V 
 N. ; 70" W.) 
 2 North Bluff. (62" 36' N.; 71° 26' W.) 
 •* A pretty accurate description of the southern shore of the strait, 
 from Cape Hope (or Hope's Advance) to Deception Bay. 
 cockc, which ouv master named Kinfjf James his Capc.^ To kiikt .rmiK^s 
 the north of this lie certaine ilancls, which our master named 
 Quecnc Annes Cape or Fore-hand.^ Wee followed the north quom 
 , •!! -r» 11 -rr- /-i 1 • 1 Aiiiiosrnpf". 
 slioare still. Jicyond the Kings Cape there is a sound or 
 hay, that hath some ilands in it : and this is not to he for- 
 gotten, if need be. Beyond this lyeth some broken land, 
 close to the mayne, but what it is I know not, because we 
 passed by it in the night. 
 Wee stood to the north to double this land, and after to 
 the west againe, till wee fell with land that stretched from 
 the mayne, like a shewer'' from the south to the north, and 
 from the north to the west, and then downe to the south 
 againe. Being short of this land a storme took us, the wind 
 at west: we stood to the north and raised land, which when 
 our master saw he stood to the south againe, for he was 
 loath at any time that wee should see the north shoare. The 
 storme continuing, and comming to the south shoare againe, noip. 
 our master found himself shot to the west a great way, which 
 made him muse, considering his leeward way. To the south- 
 west of this land, on the mayne, there is an high hill, which 
 our master named j\Iount Charles.^ To the north and beyond Mount 
 this lioth an iland, that to the cast had a faire head, and 
 1 Probably Cape Wcggs. ((12" 25' N. ; 7^ 40' W.) 
 2 Evidently north-oast of Charles's island ; about (53" 50' N.; 73" 40' W. 
 This shore is very imperfectly known, at least according to the last 
 Admiralty chart of the Arctic Sea (1853) ; and it wonld be hazardous to 
 make any positive statement about this site. 
 ' A rskewer^'' The rather confused course, before and afterwards, till 
 they reached Charles Island, allows \\s no satisfactory guess about the 
 position of this shever or skewer. Did they perhaps fall in with Charles 
 Island, then sail to the north, then a little to the west, and then to the 
 south, and thus again to Charles Island I The above description is iu 
 accordance with the real aspect of the northern shore of the island. 
 ■* Charles's Island. According to Bccherelle, " sitite a 30 o?/ 35 l-ilo- 
 mi'tres de la cote iV. du Labrador, dnvs le dHrolt de Hudson, long, de 3f) 
 kd. sur 40 ; lat. 08" 40' ; longit. 77" 20'." Hudson mistook it for part of 
 the ma inland. 
 beyond it to the west otlicr broken land/ which maketh a 
 bay within, and a good road may be found there for ships, 
 burie.^"'^' ^^^"' "i^^i^^ter named the first Cape Salsburic.= 
 AVhcn we had left this to the north-cast, we fell into a 
 rippling or overfall of a current, which at the first we tooke 
 to bee a shoald : but the lead being cast, M'ce had no 
 ground. On we passed, still in sight of the south shoarc, 
 till wc raised land lying from the mayne some two leagues. 
 Our master tooke this to bee a part of the mayne of the 
 -«'4«S*' north land ; but it is an iland, the north side stretching out 
 .* to the west more then the south. This iland had a faire 
 head to the east, and very high land, which our master 
 '.■4"^p' Dociies named Decpes Cape :^ and the land on the south side, now 
 ■^^i*'' falling away to the south, makes another cape or headland. 
 Worsen- wliich our uiastcr named Worsenhams Cape.* When wee 
 liiims C'lipe. '■ 
 V ore nigh the North or Iland Cape, our master sent the boat 
 ashoare, with my sclfe (who had the charge) and the car- 
 jicntcr, and divers others, to discover to the west and north- 
 west, and to the south-west ; but wc had further to it then 
 '^.' - wc thought, for the land is very high, and we were over- 
 taken with a stormc of raino, thunder and lightning. But 
 to it wc came on the north-east side, and up we got from 
 ^' i^ one rock to another, till we came to the highest of that part. 
 "■« r)''"'""- Iferc we found some plaine ground, and saw some decre ; 
 as first, foure or five, and after, a dozen or sixtcene in an 
 » , '■> herd, but could not come nigh them Avith a musket shot. 
 Thus, going from one place to another, wee saw to the 
 west of us an high hill above all the rest, it being nigh us : 
 but it proved further off then we made account ; for, when 
 ' Pricket's statement is obsciu'C. Docs he mean that the brokcMi laiul 
 here mentioned lies east or west of Salis))ury Island 1 
 '■* SaUsbury Island, 0,3° 40' N. ; 7!)^ W. It is marked as an island (not 
 as a cape) on the chart. That clears up one part of Pricket's coufiised 
 sentence, the other part remains obscure. 
 •' Di(]ff/s, not Deeiies. For the real locality, see above, p. !)7, note Cu 
 •* C. Wolstcnhohnc. 
 Avce camo to it, the land was so stcepc on the cast and north- 
 east parts tliat wee could not get unto it. To the south- 
 west we saw that wee might, and towards that part wee went 
 along by the side of a great pond of water, which licth 
 under the east side of this hill : and there runneth out of it 
 a streame of water as much as would drive an over-shot 
 mill; which fallcth downe from an high clifFe into the sea 
 on the south side. In this place great store of fowle breed, f^',Xu'na 
 and there is the best grasse that I had scene since we came s'-'***^- 
 from England, Here wee found sorell, and that Avhich wee ^",',pv\ "'"' 
 call scurvy-grass in great abundance. Passing along M-ee ^^'^'"'"' 
 saw some round hills of stone, like to grasse cockes, which 
 at the first I tooke to be the workc of some Christian. Wee 
 jiasscd by them, till we came to the south side of the hill ; 
 MC went unto them and there found more ; and being nigh 
 them I turned off the uppermost stone, and found them 
 hollow within and full of fowles hanged by their neckcs. {i°"!!ya. 
 Ilicn Greene and I went to fetch the boat to the south- 
 side, while Robert Billet^ and hee got downe a valley to the 
 sea side, where wee tookc them in. 
 Our mas (in this time) came in betweene the two lands, 
 and shot off some pceccs to call us aboord ; for it was a 
 loggc. AVce came aboord and told him what we had scene, 
 and perswadcd him to stay a day or two in this place, telling 
 him what refreshing might there bee had : but by no meanes 
 would he stay, who was not pleased with the motion. So 
 we left the fowle, and lost our way downe to the south-west, 
 before they went in sight of the land which now bearcs to 
 the east from us, being the same mayne land that wee had 
 all this while followed. Now we had lost the sight of it, 
 because it fallcth away to the et^st after some five and twenty 
 ' Robert Bylot (thus his name is written by Fox and Purchas), was 
 jtevhaps the most active northern navigator alter Hudson had perished. 
 lie was also, as we shall see, made captain of Hudson's ship, after Green's 
 death, and brouglit her safely home. 
 or thirty leagues. i Now we came to the shallow water, 
 Avhercwith wee were not acquainted since we came from 
 Island ; now we came into broken ground and rockes, 
 through which we passed downe to the south. In this our 
 course we had a storme, and the water did shoald apace. 
 Our master came to an anchor in fifteene fathoms water. 
 AVee weighed and stood to the south-east, because the land 
 in this place did lie so. When we came to the point of the 
 west land^ (for we now had land on both sides of us), we 
 came to an anchor. Our master sent the boat ashoare to 
 see what that land was, and whether there were any way 
 through. They soone returned, and shewed that beyond 
 the point of land to the south there was a large sea. This 
 ,0f land on the west side was a very narrow point. Wee weighed 
 from hence and stood in for this sea betweene the two lands, 
 which (in this place) is not two leagues broad downe to the 
 south, for a great way in sight of the east shoare. In the 
 end we lost sight thereof, and saw it not till we came to the 
 *' I bottome of the bay, into sixe or seven fathomes water. 
 ;j!»»' Hence we stood up to the north by the west shoare, till wee 
 K^, came to an iland in 53/'* where we tooke in water and ballast. 
 ;,^( Diso.ird: From hence wee passed towards the north : but some two 
 iiMuse his or three daves after (reasonin<i^ concernin"' our commin<>' 
 •<«■, luUowiiig. iuto this bay and going out) our master took occasion to 
 ;!jj* revive old matters, and to displace Robert Juet from being 
 ), , his mate, and the boatswainc from his place, for the words 
 III* spoken in the first great bay of ice. Then hee made Robert 
 * Somewhat to the north of the deep recess called Mosquilo Bay, the 
 eastern shore of James Buy bej^ius to trend in a southeast direction. 
 - Perhaps Charlton Island, in James's Bay, OiJ'' 12' N., the eastern 
 coast being the terra firma of Labrador. 
 '* There are several small I lands in that latitude. They have no 
 names on the charts the editor '.as seen. 
 ,j V ' ■^'^^'*' '^l*-'^crij)tion (''nrcsponds \cry well with a recess in the south- 
 ' W '/ ,» east corner of James's Bay, which has no name on the charts I am 
 ||, i ' ' acquainted with. There is an island, also without name, at its mouth. 
 ]3illet his mate, and AVilliam AVilson our boatswaine. Up 
 to the north wcc stood till wc raised land, then down to the 
 south, and up to the north, then downc againe to the south: 
 and on Michaclmassc day came in and went out of certaine Mioiinci- 
 uiassi! (lay 
 hinds, which our master sets downe by the name of Michael- auUbuy. 
 masse Bay,' because we came in and went out on that day. 
 From hence wee stood to the north, and came into shoald 
 water ; and the weather being thickc and foule, wee came to 
 an anchor in seven or eight fathouie water, and there lay 
 eight dayes : in all which time wee could not get one hourc 
 to weigh our anchor. But the eight day, the wind begin- 
 ning to cease, our master would have the anchor up, against 
 the mind of all who knew what belonged thereunto. Well, 
 to it we went, and when we had brought it to a peake, a sea 
 tooke her, and cast us all off from the capstone and hurt 
 divers of us. Here wee lost our anchor, and if the carpenter Anchm- lost. 
 had not beene, we had lost our cable too ; but he (fearing 
 such a matter) was ready with his axe, and so cut it. 
 From hence we stood to the south and to the south-west, 
 through a cleere sea of divers sounding, and came to a sea seuotiwo 
 _ . colours. 
 of two colours, one blacke and the other white, sixteene or 
 seveuteenc fathome Avater, betweene which Ave went foure 
 or five leagues. But the night comming we tooke in our 
 top-sayles, and stood afore the wind with our maine-saylc 
 and fore-sayle, and came into five or sixc fathomes, and saw 
 no land, for it was darke. Then we stood to the east and had 
 decpe water againe, then to the south and south-west, and 
 so came to our westcrniost bay of all,^ and came to an anchor 
 nccrest to the north shoare. Out went our boat to the land 
 that Avas next us; Avhen they came ncere it our boat could 
 not fiote to the shoare it Avas so shalloAV : yet ashoare they 
 got. Here our men saw the footing of a man and a ducke looting of 
 ill the snoAvy roekcs, and Avood good store, Avhereof they 
 ' 1 
 ' Ilaiuiali Bay I V | 
 '■^ Probably North Bay, the south-west coruor of Jauics'Ji Bay. I 
 t' > ■ t- I. f " » • I I I- i» ■ • /■ ^^ ' 
 i ; 
 ]{.o on 
 11 I'd 
 tooke some and returned aboord. Being at anchor in this 
 place, we saw a ledge of rockes to the south of us, some 
 league of length ; it lay north and south, covered at a full 
 sea; for a strong tide settcth in here. At midnight wee 
 weighed, and stood to go out as we came in ; and had not 
 gone long, hut the carpenter came and told the master, that 
 if he kept that course he would be upon the rockes : the 
 master conceived that he was past them, when presently wee 
 ranne on them, and there stucke fast twelve houres ; but (by 
 the mercy of God) we got off unhurt, though not unscarrcd. 
 Wee stood up to the east and raysed three hills, lying 
 north and south : we went to the furthermost, and left it to 
 v^ip" ^^^^ north of us, and so into a bay, where we came to an 
 •- ^0t anchor.^ Here our master sent out our boat, with myselfe 
 •-•.•p and the carpenter to seeke a place to winter in ; and it was 
 time, for the nights were long and cold, and the earth 
 covered with snow. Having spent three moneths in a 
 Last of labyrinth without end, being now the last of October, wc 
 October. •' ' r> J ^ 
 went downe to the east, to the bottome of the bay ; but rc- 
 !Mf> turned without speeding of that we went for. The next day 
 we went to the south and the south-west, and found a place, 
 Avhereunto we brought our ship, and haled her aground : and 
 Koveinbpr this was the iirst of November. By the tenth thereof wc 
 the tenth ./ ./ J 
 fiozeu in. ^vcre frozen in : but now we were in, it behoved us to have 
 care of what we had ; for that Ave were sure of, but what wc 
 had not was uncertaine. 
 Wee were victualled for six moneths in good proportion, 
 and of that which was good : if our master would have had 
 more, he might have had it at home and in other places. 
 Here we were now, and therefore it behoved us so to spend, 
 that we might have (when time came) to bring us to the 
 capes where the fowle bred,^ for that was all the hope wcc 
 1 Probably the south-eastern corner of Jamcs^ Bay. This bay cor- 
 responds in almost every respect with the above description. 
 ' Cape Wostcnholme and the opposite cape on one of the Diggs' 
 Islands (see p. 107). 
 had to bring us homo. Wherefore our master tookc order, 
 fir^t for the spending of that wee had, and tlieii to increase 
 it, by propounding a reward to them that killed either beast, 
 fish, or fowle, as in his journall you have scene. About the 
 middle of this moneth of November, dyed John AVilliams, ■i"'"' \yi'- 
 our gunner : God pardon the masters uncharitable dealing 
 with this man. Now for that I am come to speake of him, 
 out of whose ashes (as it were) that unhappy deed grew 
 which brought a scandall upon all that are returned home, 
 and upon the action itsclfe, the multitude (like the dog) run- 
 ning after the stone, but not at the caster : therefore, not to 
 wrong the living nor slander the dead, I will (by the leave 
 of God) deliver the truth as ncere as I can. 
 You shall understand that our master kept (in his house 
 at London) a young man, named Henrie Greene, borne in "emy 
 Kent, of worshipfuU parents, but by his lend life and con- 
 versation hee iiad lost the good will of all his frinds, and 
 had spent all that hee had. This man our master would 
 have to sea with him, because he could write well : our 
 master gave him meatc, and drinke, and lodging, and by 
 nicanes of one Master Venson, with much adoe got foure 
 pounds of his mother to buy him clothes, wherewith Master 
 A'cnson would not trust him : but saw it laid out himselfe. 
 This Henrie Greene was not set downe in the owners booke, 
 nor any wages made for him. Hee came first aboord at 
 Gravcsend, and at Harwich should have gone into the field, 
 with one Wilkinson. At Island' the surgeon and hee fell 
 out in Dutch, and hee beat him a shoare'' in English, which 
 set all the company in a rage ; so that wee had much adoe 
 to get the surgeon aboord. I told the master of it, but hee 
 bade mee let it alone, for (said he) the surgeon had a tongue 
 that would Avrong the best friend hee had. Ihit llobert 
 Juct (the masters mate) would needs biune his finger in the 
 embers, and told the carpenter a long tale (when hee was 
 ^ itt Iceland. 

 (Irunko) that our master had brought in Greene to cracke 
 his credit that sliould displease him : which words came to 
 the masters cares, who when hee luiderstood it, woukl have 
 gone hackc to Island, when lie M'as ibrtie leagues from 
 thence, to have sent home his mate Robert Juet in a fisher- 
 man. But, being otherwise perswadcd, all was -well. So 
 Henry Greene stood upright, and very inward Avith (Ik; 
 master, and was a serviceable man every wav for manhood : 
 *•"" but for reliction he would say, he was cleane pai:)er whereon 
 IZ' ""lis 
 t'Z**" . he miijht write what he would. Xow, when our gunner Avas 
 •••.^Jl? dead, and (as the order is in such cases) if the company 
 stand in need of any thing that belonged to the man de- 
 ceased, then is it brought to the maync mast, and there sold 
 to them that Avill give most for the same. This gunner had 
 a gray cloth gowne, which Greene prayed the master to 
 friend him so much as to let him have it, paying for it as 
 another would give : the master saith hee should, and there- 
 upon he answered some, that sought to have it, that Greene 
 should have it, and none else, and so it rested. 
 Greenes Now out of scasou and time the master callcth the car- 
 penter to goe in hand with an house on shoare, which at the 
 beginning our master would not heare, when it might havo 
 been done. The carpenter told him, that the snow and frost 
 were such, as hee neither could nor would goe in hand with 
 such Avorkc. Which when our master heard, hee ferreted 
 him out of his cabbin to strike him, calling him by many 
 foule names, and threatning to hang him. The carpenter 
 told him that hee knew what belonged to his place better 
 than himselfe, and that hee was no house carpenter. So this 
 passed, and the house was (after) made with much labour, hut 
 to no end. The next day ftfter the master and the carpenter 
 fell out, the carpenter tooke his peece' and Henry Greene 
 with him, for it was an order that none should goe out alone, 
 but one with a peecc, and another with a pike. This did 
 ' His gun. 
 move the master so much the more against Henry Greene, 
 tliat Robert Billot his mate must have the gownc, and had 
 it delivered unto him ; which when Henry Greene saw, he 
 challenged the masters promise : but the master did so raile 
 on Greene, with so many Mords of disgrace, telling him, 
 that all his friends would not trust him with twenty shillings, 
 and therefore why should he. As for wages he had none, 
 nor none should have, if he did not please him well. Yet 
 the master had promised him to make his wages as good as 
 any mans in the ship ; and to have him one of the princes 
 <ruard when we came home. But you shall see how the 
 devil out of this so wrought with Green, that he did the 
 master what mischicfe hee could in seeking to discredit him, 
 and to thrust him and many other honest men out of the ship 
 in the end. To speake of all our trouble in this time of 
 winter (which was so cold, as it lamed the most of our com- I'lK^ir imni 
 pany, and my selfe doe yet feele it) would bee too tedious. 
 But I must not forget to shew how mercifully God dealt 
 with us in this time ; for the space of three moneths wee had 
 such store of fowle of one kinde (which Mere partridges as ^to'""'' 
 Mliite as milke) that wee killed above an hundred dozen, 
 besides others of sundry sorts : for all was fish that came to 
 the net. The spring coming this fowle left us, yet they were 
 wiih us all the cxtreamc cold. Then in their iilaccs came other rowies 
 ■"■ succeeding 
 divers sort of other fowle, as swanne, geese, duck, and tcalc, i'l, ^'"'''" 
 ' ^ o ' ' ' seasons. 
 hut hard to come by. Our master hoped they would have 
 bred in those broken grounds, but they doe not ; but came 
 from the south, and flew to the north, further then we were 
 this voyage ; yet if they be taken short with the M'ind at 
 north, or north-west, or north-cast, then they fall and stay 
 till the winde serve them, and thenflye to the north. Now 
 in time these fowles are gone, and few or none to be 
 scene. Then wee Avent into the woods, hillcs, and valleyes, 
 for all things that had any shew of substance in them, how 
 vile soever : the mossc of the sfround, then the which I take wis''>"'''« 
 ~ ' diet. 
 the powder of a post to bee much better, and the fror^^go (in 
 his ingendring time as loathsome as a toade) was not sj)ared. 
 lint amongst the divers sorts of buds, it pleased God that 
 Thomas Woodhouse brought home a budde of a tree full of 
 a turpentine substance. Of this our surgeon made a de- 
 bualio'""'^'' coction to drinke, and applyed the buddes hot to them that 
 were troubled with acli in any part of their bodies ; and for 
 my part I confesse, I received great and present ease of my 
 Asnvnge. About tliis time, when the ice began to brcake out of the 
 bayes, there came a savage to our ship, as it were to see and 
 to bee scene, being the first that we had scene in all this 
 time : whom our master intreated well, and made much of 
 him, promising unto himselfe great matters by his meancs, 
 and therefore would have all the knives and hatchets (which 
 any man had) to his private use, but received none but from 
 John King the carpenter, and my selfe. To this savage our 
 master gave a knife, a looking-glasse, and buttons, who 
 received them thankefully, and made signes that after hce 
 had slept hee would come againe, which bee did. When 
 hee came hee brought with him a sled, which hee drew after 
 him, and upon it two deeres skinnes and two beaver skinncs. 
 Hee had a scrip under his arme, out of which hee drew those 
 things which the master had given him. Hee tooke the 
 knife and laid it upon one of the beaver skinnes, and his 
 glasses and buttons upon the other, and so gave them to the 
 master, who received them ; and the savage tooke those 
 things which the master had given him, and put them up 
 into his scrip againe. Then the master shewed him an 
 hatchet, for which hee would have given the master one of 
 ^ The decoction here mentioned was probably an antiscorbutic medi- 
 cine. Pricket's description of the malady, though so extremely vague, 
 seems to justify this opinion. The editor has been unable to ascertain 
 what tree Pricket refers to, or whether it is still applied to medical 
 Ills (Iccrc skinnes, but our master would have them both, 
 and so hee had, although not willingly. After many signos 
 of people to the north and to the south, and that after so 
 many slocpes he would come againe, he went his way, but 
 never came more. 
 Now the ice being out of the sounds, so that our boat 
 might go from one place unto another, a company of men 
 were appointed by the master to go a fishing with our net ; 
 their names were as folio weth : William A^^ilson, Henry 
 Greene, Michael Perec, John Thomas, Andrew Motor, 
 Bennet Mathewes, and Arnold Lodlo. These men, the first 
 day they went, caught five hundred fish, as big as good 
 herrings, and some troutes : which put us all in some hope 
 to have our wants supplied, and our commons amended : but 
 these were the most that ever they got in one day, for many 
 dayes they got not a quarter so many. In this time of their 
 fishing, Henry Green and William Wilson, with some others, 
 plotted to take the net and the shallop, which the carpenter 
 had now set up, and so to shift for themselves. But the shallop 
 being readie, our mastjr would goe in it himselfe to the south 
 and south-west, to see if hee could meete with the people; for 
 to that end was it set up, and (that way) wee might sec the 
 woods set on fire by them. So the master tooke the sayne and 
 the shallop, and so much victuall as would serve for eight or 
 nine dayes, and to the south hee went. They that remained 
 aboord were to take in water, wood, and ballast, and to have 
 all things in a readinesse against hee came backe. But hee set 
 no time of his returne, for he was perswaded, if he could 
 meet with the people, he should have flesh of them, and that 
 good store : but hee returned worse than hee went forth. 
 For he could by no meanes meete wi':h the people, although 
 they were neere them, yet they would set the woods on fire 
 in his sight. 
 Being returned, hee fitted all things for his returne, and 
 first, delivered all the bread out of the bread roomc (which 
 came to a pound a i)icce for every mans share) and delivered 
 also a bill of retiirne, ■willing tlieni to have that to shew, if it 
 pleased God that they came home : aiul hee wept when hec 
 gave it unto them. But to helpe us in this poorc estate 
 with some reliefe, the boate and sayne went to work on 
 Friday morning, and stayed till Sunday noonc : at which 
 time they came aboord, and brought fourescorc small fish, a 
 TirnUB poore reliefe for so many hungry bellies. Then we wayed 
 and stood out of our wintering place, and came to an anchor 
 without, in the mouth of the bay : from whence we wayed 
 and came to an anchor without in the sea, where our bread 
 being gone, that store of cheese we had was to stop a gap, 
 whereof there were five, whereat the company grudged, 
 because they made account of nine. 13ut those that were left 
 ■were equally divided by the master, although he had conn- 
 sell to the contrarie : for there were some who having it, 
 would make hast to bee rid thereof, because they could not 
 govcrne it. I knew wlicn llcnrie Greene gave halfc his 
 bread, which hec had for fourteene dayes, to one to keepc, 
 and prayed him not to let him have any untill the next 
 INFunday : but before Wednesday at night hec never left till 
 hee had it againe, having eaten up his first wcekes bread 
 before. So Wilson the boat-swaine hath eaten (in one day) 
 his fortnights bread, and hath bcene two or three daycs 
 sicke for his labour. The cause that moved the master to 
 deliver all the cheese, was because they were not all of one 
 goodnesse, and therefore they should see that they had no 
 wrong done them : but every man should have alike the 
 best and the worst together, -which was three pounds and a 
 halfe for seven dayes. 
 The wind serving, wc weighed and stood to the north- 
 west, and on ]\Iunday at night (the ciyhtcenth day of Jiinef- 
 ^ The vagueness of Pricket's geographicul statements, Avbich pre- 
 cludes the satisfactory determinatiou of the spot where Hudson wintered, 
 makes it equally impossible to ascertain his course during the few days 
 wcc fill into the ice, and the next day, the wind being at 
 west, we hiy there till Snnday in sight of land. Now being 
 here, the nuvstcr told Nicholas Sinnncs that there would bo 
 a breaking up of ehcsts and a search for bread, and willed 
 liiin, if liee had any, to bring it to him, which hce did, and 
 delivered to the master thirty cakes in a bagge. This deed 
 of the master (if it bee true) hath made, me marvell what 
 should bee the reason that hec did not stop the breach in 
 the beginning, but let it grow to that height, as that it over- 
 threw himselfe and many other honest men : but ** there are 
 many devices in the heart of mail, hut the counsell of the 
 Lord shall stand.''^ 
 Being thus in the ice on Saturday, the one and twen- 
 tieth of June, at night, "Wilson the boats wayne, and Henry wiiBondud 
 •^ ' " ' _ . (iroeii, tlioir 
 (irccne, came to mee lying (in my cabbin) lame, and told ^^'i'^"''' 
 nice that they and the rest of their associates would shift 
 the company, and turnc th.^ master and all the sickc men 
 into the shallop, and let them shift for themselves. For there 
 was not fourteen daies victuall left for all the company, at 
 that poore allowance they were at, and that there they lay, 
 the master not caring to goe one way or other : and that they 
 had not eaten any thing these three dayes, and therefore were 
 resolute, either to mend or end, and what they had begun 
 they would goe through with it, or dye. When I heard this, 
 I told them I marvelled to heare so much from them, con- 
 sidering that they Avcre married men, and had wives and 
 children, and that for their sakes they should not commit so 
 foule a thing in the sight of God and man as that would 
 bee ; for why should they banish themselves from their 
 native countrie ? Henry Greene bad me hold my peace, for 
 he knew the worst, Avhich was, to be hanged when hee came 
 ho spent in his ship after leaving his harbour of refuge. The scene of 
 the important events narrated on the present and the next pages was at 
 no great distance (N.W.) from the south-eastern corner of James Bay. 
 It seems impossible to fix the locality with any greater degree of pre- 

 home, and therefore of the two he would rather be hanged 
 at home then starved abroad : and for the good will they 
 bare me, they would have mee stay in the ship. I gave 
 them thankeir, and told them that I came into her, not to for- 
 sake her, yet not to hurt my selfc and others by any such 
 deed. Henry Greene told me then, that I must take my 
 fortune in the shallop. If there be no remedy (said I) the 
 will of God bee done. 
 Away went Henry Greene in a rage, swearing to cut his 
 throat that went about to disturbe them, and left Wilson by 
 nic, with whom I had some t.^^ke, but to no good : for he 
 "••-J"^ was so perswaded, that there Avas no remedie now » ut to goe 
 on while it was hot, least their partie should faile Jiem, and 
 '*' the mischiefe they had intended to others should li^ht on 
 themselves. Henry Greene came againe, and demanded of 
 him what I said. Wilson answered : He is in his old song, 
 still patient. 'J'lien I spake to Henry Greene to stay three 
 daycs, in which time I would so dcalc with the master that 
 all should be well. So I dealt with him to forbeare but two 
 day,:s, nay twelve houres ; there is no way then (say they) 
 but out of hand. Then I told them, that if they would stay 
 till Munday, I would joyne with them to share all the vic- 
 tuals in the ship, and would justify it when I came home; 
 but this would not serve their turnes. Wherefore I told 
 them, it was some worse matter they had in hand then they 
 made shew of, and that it was bloud and revenge hee sought, 
 or else he would not at such a time of night undertake such 
 a deed. Henry Greene (with that) taketh my bible which 
 lay before me, and sware that hee would doe no man harmc, 
 and what he did was for the good of the voyage, and for 
 nothing else ; and that all the rest should do the like. The 
 like did Wilson sweare. 
 s "^wid"^ ■ Henry Greene went his way, and presently came Juet, 
 who, because hee was an ancient man, I hoped to have found 
 some reason in him ; but hee wa. worse than Henry Greene, 
 Seo Wid- 
 L.t .1! 
 for hce sware plainly that he would justifie this deed when 
 he came home. After hi in came John Thomas and INIichael 
 Perce as birds of one feather ; but because they are not 
 living, I will let them goc, as then I did. Then came jSIoter 
 and Bennet, of whom I demanded, if they were well advised 
 what they had taken in hand. They answered, they were, 
 and therefore came to take their oath. 
 Now, because I am much condemned for this oath, as one 
 of them that plotted with them, and that by an oath I should 
 bind them together to pertorm what they had begun, I thought 
 good heere to set downe to the viewe of all, how well their 
 oath and deedes agreed : and thus it was ; — " You shall "i"^'' , 
 sweare truth to God, your prince and countrie : you shall 
 doe nothing, but to the glory of God and the good of the 
 action in hand, and liarmc to no man." This was the oath, 
 without adding or diminishing. I looked for more of these 
 companions (although these were too many) but there came 
 no more. It was darke, and they in a readinessc to put this 
 deed of darkness in exccntion. I called to Ileury Greene 
 and "Wilson, and prayed them not to goe in hand with it in 
 the darke, but to stay till the morning. Now, everie man 
 (I hope) would goe to his rest, but wickednesse sleepcth 
 not ; for Henry Greene keepeth the master company all 
 night (and gave mee bread, which his cabbin-mate gave 
 liiui) and others are as watchfull as he. Then I asked 
 Ilcnrie Greene, whom he would put out with the master ? 
 he said, the carpenter John King, and the sicke men. I 
 said, they should not doe well to part with the carpenter, 
 what need soever they should have. Why the carpenter 
 was in no more rc^gard amongst them was, first, for that he 
 and John King were condemned for wrong done in the 
 victuall. But the chiefest cause was for that the master 
 loved him and made him his mate, upon his return out 
 of our wintering place, thereby displacing llobert Billet, 
 whereat they did grudge, because hec could neither write 
 • I ttl 
 :i^ •' 
 nor read. And therefore (said they) the master and his 
 ignorant mate woukl carry the ship whither the master 
 pleased : the master forbidding any man to keepc account 
 or reckoning, having taken from all men whatsoever served 
 for that purpose. AVell, I obtained of Henry Greene and 
 vented' Wilsou til at thc carpcutcr should stay, by whose mcanes I 
 hojied (after they had satisfied themselves) that the master 
 and the poore man might be taken into the ship againe. Or, 
 I hoped, that some one or other would give some notice, 
 cither to tlic carpenter John King or the master ; for so it 
 might have come to passe by some of them that were thc 
 •""^ most forward. 
 Now, it shall not bee amisse to shew how wee were 
 "' lodj'cd, and to begin in thc cooke roome ; there lay Bcnnct 
 and thc cooper lame ; without the cooke roome, on the 
 I* steere-board side, lay Thomas Wydhousc' sicke ; next to 
 ,/ him lay Sydrack Funer lame; then the surgeon, and John 
 Hudson with him ; next to them lay Wilson the boatswaine, 
 and then Arnold Lodlo next to him: in the gun-roome lay 
 liobcrt Jiict and John Thomas; on the larboord side lay 
 Michael Ikite and Adria Moore, who had never beene well 
 since wee lost our anchor ; next to them lay Michael Perce 
 and Andrew rioter. Next to them, without the gun-roome, 
 lay John King, and witli him ]vobert liillct r next to them 
 my selfe, and next to me Francis Clements. In the mid- 
 ship, betwecne thc capstone and the pumpes, lay llenrie 
 Greene and Nicholas Simmes. This niyht John Kincr was 
 late up, and they thought he had beene with the master, but 
 he was with thc carpenter, who lay on the poope, and coni- 
 ming downc from him was met by his cabbin-mate, as if 
 were by chance, and so they came to their cabbin together. 
 It was not long ere it was dav : then came Bcnnct for water 
 ' The " student of matlieiuatics," whose "impcr fouml in his desk" 
 foniis ])iirt of the jirescnt collection 
 - Dylut. 
 or the kettle, hee rose and went into the hold : when hce 
 was in they shut the hatch on him (but wlio kept it downe 
 I know not), up upon the deck went Bennet. 
 In the racane time Hcnrie Greene and another went to 
 the carpenter, and held him with a talkc till the master 
 came out of his cahbin (which hce soone did) ; then came Tiioybind 
 tlie master 
 John Thomas and Bennet before him, while Wilson bound 
 his armcs behind him. He asked them what they meant ? 
 they told him he should know when he was in the sh '' n. 
 Now Juet, while this was a doing, came to John Kin^ ,'..o 
 the hold, who was provided for him, for he had got a sword 
 of his own, and kept him at a bay, and might have killed him, 
 but others came to hclpe him : aiul so he came up to the 
 master. The master called to the carpenter and told him 
 that he was bound, but I heard no answerc he made. Now 
 Arnold Lodlo and Michael Bute rayled at them, and told 
 them their knaverie would shew itsolfe. Then was the 
 shallop haled up to the ship side, and the poore, sicke, and 
 lame men were called upon to get them out of their cabbins 
 into the shallop. The master called to me, Avho came out 
 of my cabbin as well as I could, to the hatch way to speake 
 Avith him : where, on my knees I besought them, for the 
 love of God, to remember themselves, and to doe as they 
 would be done unto. They bade me kccpe myselfe well, 
 and get me into my cabbin ; not suffering the master to 
 speake with me. But when I came into my cabbin againe, 
 hoc called to me at the home which gave light into my 
 cahbin, and told mee that Juet would overthrow us all ; nay 
 (said I) it is that villaine Henrie Greene, and I spake it not 
 Now was the carpenter at libertie, who asked them if they 
 would bee hanged when they came home : and as for him- 
 sclfc, hee said, hee would not stay in the ship unlesse they The rariien. 
 ter let gue. 
 would force him : they bad him goe then, for they would 
 not stay him. I will (said hee) so I may have my chest with 
 I I : 
 mce, and all that is in it : they said hcc should, and presently 
 they put it into the shallop. Then hee came downc to mee 
 to take his leave of mee, who persuaded him to stay, which 
 if he did, he might so workc that all should bee well : hee 
 said, hee did not thinke but they would be glad to take 
 them in againe. For he was so persuaded by the master, 
 that there was not one in all the ship that could tell how to 
 carry her home ; but (saith hee) if we must part (which wee 
 will not willingly doe, for they would follow the ship) hee 
 prayed mee, if wee came to the Capcs^ before them, that I 
 '"*"" would leave some token that we had been there, necre to the 
 l^lace where the fowles bred, and hee would doe the like for 
 .»^lii us : and so (with teares) we parted. Now Avcre the sickc 
 ,0f men driven out of their cabbins into the shallop ; but Johu 
 ••<•' Thomas was Francis Clements friend, and Bennet was the 
 Coopers, so as there were words bctweene them and Henric 
 Greene, one saving that tliev should goe. and the other 
 swearing that they should not goe, but such as were in the 
 shallop should returnc. When Ilenrie Greene heard that, 
 he was compelled to give piace, and to put out Arnold 
 Lodlo and Michael Bute, which with much adoe they did. 
 In the meane time, there were some of them that plycd 
 their worke as if the ship had been entred by force and they 
 had fi'ee leave to pillage, breaking up chests and rifling all 
 places. One of them came by me, who asked me, what they 
 should doe. I answered, hee should make an end of what 
 hee had begun ; for I saw him doe nothing but sharke up 
 Tiienamea and doAvuc. Nowc wcrc all the poore men in the shallop, 
 ^insni'inti, whose names are as followcth : Ilenrie Hudson, John Hud- 
 limiK.l" '° ^^^2 Arnold Lodlo, Sidrack Faner, Phillip Staffe, Thomas 
 ^ Cape Worstenhohne and Cape Diggs. 
 ^ Several works on arctic discovery assert that this John Hudson was 
 the son of the gresit navigator. This is merely a conjecture, though not 
 an unlikely one. It rests upon the fact that John was a boy when ho 
 lest his life together with his supposed father. 
 AVoodhousc or "Wydhousc, Adam Moore, Hcnric King, 
 INIichael Bute. The carpenter got of them a pcece, and 
 powder, and shot, and some pikes, an iron pot, with some 
 meale, and other things. They stood out of the ice, the 
 shallop being fast to the sternc of the shippe, and so (when 
 they were nigh out, lor I cannot say they were cleane out) 
 they cut her head fast from the stcrne of our ship, then out 
 with their top-sayles, and towards the east they stood in a 
 clecre sea. In the end they tooke in their top-sayles, righted 
 their helme, and lay under their fore-sayle till they had 
 ransacked and searched all places in the ship. In the hold 
 they found one of the vessels of meale whole, and the other 
 halfe spent, for wee had but two ; wee found also two firkins 
 of butter, some twentie-seven pieces of porkc, halfe a bushell 
 of pease ; but in the masters cabbin we found two hundred 
 of bisket cakes, a pecke of meale, of beere to the quantitie 
 of a butt, one with another. Now it was said that the 
 shallop was come within sight, they let fall the mainsayle, 
 and out with their top-sayles, and fly as from an enemy. 
 Then I prayed them yet to remember themselves ; but 
 William AV^ilson (more than the rest) woidd heare of no suck 
 matter. Comming nigh the east shore they cast about, and 
 stood to the west and came to an iland,* and anchored in 
 sixteen e or seventecne fathome water. So they sent the 
 boat and the net ashoare to see if they could have a draught ; 
 but could not for rocks and great stones. Michael Perse 
 killed two fowle, and lieere they found good store of that 
 weede which we called cocklc-grasse in our wintering- 
 place, whereof they gathered store, and came aboard againe. 
 Ilcere we lay that night and the best part of the next day, 
 1 Pricket's geographical statements about the rcti'rn voyage arc even 
 vaguer thau those about the voyage out. A few of them only serve 
 as foundations for guesses at the real localities touched by the returning 
 party. The statement to which the present note refers is not of that 
 number; and it is absolutely impossible to guess what island is hero 
 Last Bight in all which time we saw not the shallop, or ever after. 
 ol tho ^ ' 
 siiuiioj). Now Hcnric Greene came to me and told mec, that it was 
 the companies will that I should come up into the masters 
 cabbin and take charge thereof. I told him it was more fit 
 for llobert Juet . he said he should not come in it, nor 
 meddle with the masters card or journals. So up I came, 
 and Ilenrie Greene gave me the key of the masters chest, 
 and told me then, that he had laid the masters best things 
 together, which lice would use himselfe when time did serve: 
 the bread was also delivered to me by tale. 
 The wind serving, wee stood to the north-east, and this 
 was Robert Billets course, contraric to Robert Juet, who 
 would have gone to the north-west. We had the easternc 
 ^f shoare still in sight, and (in the night) had a stout gale of 
 wind, and stood afore it till wee met with ice, into the which 
 we ranne from thinne to thicke, till we could goe no further 
 for ice, which lay so thicke ahead of us (and the '.vind brought 
 it after us asterne) that wee could not stirre backward nor 
 forward ; but so lay imbaycd fourteene daies in worse ice 
 then ever wee met to deale withall, for we had beene where 
 there was greater store, but it was not so broad upon the 
 ■water as this; for this floting ice contained miles and halfe 
 miles in compasse, where we had a deepe sea, and a tide of 
 flood and ebbe, which set north-west and south-east. Heere 
 Robert Juet would have gone to the north-west, but Robert 
 Billet was confident to go through to the north-east, which 
 iiands. ^^'^ ^^^' -^^ ^^^^' being cleere of this ice, he continued his 
 course in sight of the easterne shore till he raysed fourc 
 islands, which lay north and south , but wc passed them 
 sixe or seven leagues, the wind tooke us so short. Then 
 wee stood backe to them againe, and came to an anchor 
 betwcene two of the most northernmost. We sent the boat 
 ashoare, to sec if there were any thing there to be had, but 
 found nothing but cocklc-grasse, whereof they gathered 
 1 Probably not far from Portland Point, 58° 50' N., 79° W. 
 store, and so returned aboord. Before we came to this place, 
 I might well see that I was kept in the ship against Henry 
 Greenes minde, because I did not favour their proceedings 
 better than I did. Then hee began (very subtilly) to drawe 
 me to take upon me to search for those things which liim- 
 selfe had stolnc : and accused me of a matter no Icsse then 
 treason amongst us, that I had deceived the company of 
 thirtie cakes of bread. Now they becran to talke amongst P^e wicked 
 •' " ° floe where 
 themselves, that England was no safe place for them, and guetu!'"'^' 
 Henry Greene swore the shippe should not come into 
 any place (but kcepe the sea still) till he had the kings 
 majesties hand and scale to shew for his safetie. They had 
 many devices in their heads, but Henry Greene in the end 
 was their captaine, and so called of them. 
 From these ilands we stood to the north-cast and the ( 
 caster land still in sight : wee raysed those ilands, that our \ 
 master called Rumnies Hands.' Betwcene these ilands and . 
 the shallow ground, to the east of them, our master went 
 downe into the first great bay.^ We kept the east shoare 
 still in our sight, and comming thwart of the low land, wee 
 ranne on a rocke that lay under water, and strooke but once ; 
 for if shee had, we might have beene made inhabitants of 
 tliat place ; but God sent us soone off without any harme 
 that wee saw. Wee continued our course and raysed land 
 a head of us, which stretched out to the north : Avhich when 
 they saw, they said plainly, that llobort Billet by his north- 
 erly course had left the capes to the south, and that they 
 were best to seekc downe to the south in time for reliefe 
 before all was gone; for we had small store left. But Robert 
 Ihllet would follow the land to the north, saying that he 
 hoped in God to find somewhat to releeve us that way as 
 ' Theso islands arc not marked on Hudson's chart ; they are, how- ■ 
 ever, certainly near the mouth of IVIosquito Bay. Perhaps some of the 
 islands near Cape Smith are meant. 
 ^ INIosquito Buy. 
^••**|« grussc. 
 soonc as to the south. I told them that this hmd was the maynu 
 of Worscnhonie Capo, and that the shallow rockie ground 
 was the same that the master went downe hy when he went 
 into the great bay. llobert Juet and all said it was not 
 possible, unlesse the master had brought the ship over land, 
 and Milled them to lookc into the masters card and their 
 course how well they did agree. AVc stood to the cast and 
 left the maync land to the north, by many small Hands into 
 a narrow gut betwecnc two lands, and there came to an 
 anchor.' The boat wxnt ashoaro on the north side, where 
 we found the great home, but nothing else. The next day 
 wee went to the south side, but found nothing there save 
 cockle grasse, of which we gathered. This grasse was a 
 jj great reliefc unto us, for without it we should hardly have got 
 to the capes for want of victuall. The wind serving we 
 stood out, but before we could get cleane out the wind came 
 to the west, so that we were constrayncd to anchor on the 
 north side. 
 The next day, wee weighed and doubled the point of the 
 North Land, which is high huul, and so contiuueu Lu the 
 capes, lying north and south, some five-and-twcntie or thirtie 
 leagues. To the north we stood to sec store of those foules 
 that breed in the Capes, and to kill some with our shot, and 
 to fetch them with our boat. We raised the Ca])es with joy 
 and bare for them, and came to the ilands that lie in the 
 mouth of the streight;^ but bearing in bctweenc the Rockie 
 ^ They were near the eastern coast of the l)ay, and, as appears from the 
 statements on the next page, about twenty-five leagues (seventy-five 
 roots) south of Cape Worstenholnie. But they themselves had entirely 
 lost their way. We see them groping about like children in a strange 
 place, trying to find some locality the features of which they remember. 
 The cai)es, that is to say Cai)e Worstcnholme and Cape Diggs, were their 
 great hope. Their anxiety to reach them was so great, that they actually 
 were afraid they had passed them and were to the north of them, whilst 
 in reality they were more than a degree to the south of these capes. 
 " The strait between Cape Worstenholme and Cape Diggs. The 
 islands arc those of the Diggs' Islands group. 
 lies, Avo rannc on a rocke that lay under water, and there a mcko. 
 stuckc fast eight or nine houres. It was cbbin<r water when 
 M'e thus came on, so the floud set us afloat, God guiding 
 hoth wind and sea, that it was caline and I'airc weather : the 
 cbbe came from the cast, and the floud from the west. When 
 wee were afloat wee stood more neerc to the cast shore, and ndio. 
 there anchored. 
 'i'he next day, being the seven and twentieth of Jahj, wc •'>•'>• ^r. 
 sent the boat to fetch some fowle, and the ship should way 
 and stand as neere as they could, for the wind was against 
 us. They had a great way to row, and by that meanes they 
 could not reach to the place where the fowle bred ; but 
 found good store of gulls, yet hard to conic by, on the rocks 
 and cliffcs ; but with their peeces they killed some thirtie, 
 and towards ni"ht returned. Now wee had broiiiiht our 
 ship more neere to the mouth of the streights,' and there 
 came to an anchor in eighteenc or twentie fathom Avatcr, 
 upon a rilfc or shelfe of ground ; which after they had 
 weighed their anchor, and stood more neere to the place 
 where the fowle bred,'-^ they covild not find it againe, nor no 
 place like it: but were faine to turne to and fro in the 
 mouth of the streight, and to be in danger of rockes, because 
 they could not find ground to let fall an anchor in, the water 
 was so dcepe. 
 The eight and twentieth day, the boat went to Digges his 
 Cape for fowle, and made directly for the place where the 
 foAvle bred, and being neere, they saw seven boates come 
 about the easterne point towards them. When the savages suv.igos. 
 saw our boatc, they drew themselves together, and drew 
 their lesser boats into theii bigger : and when they had done, 
 they came rowing to our boat, and made signcs to the west, 
 but they made readie for all assayes. The savages came to 
 ' The northern mouth of the strait. 
 " The reader will remeniher, that on their first visit to Cape Diggs, 
 tlicy had found there an abundance of birds and eggs. 
. ^* 4 
 ijiainu'r (if 
 them, and by signcs grew familiar one with anotlicr, so as 
 our men tooke one of theirs into our boate, and they tookc 
 one of ours into their boate. Then tJioy carried our man to 
 a cove Avhere tlieir tents stood towards the west of the ph^ce, 
 where the fowle bred : so they carried him into their tents, 
 wliere he remayned till our men returned with theirs. Our 
 boat went to the place where the fowle bred, and were 
 desirous to know how the savages killed their fowle : he 
 shewed them the manner how, which was thuf< : they take 
 a long pole with a snare' at the end, which they put about 
 the fowles nccke, and so plucke them downe. When our 
 men knew that they had a better way of their owne, they 
 shewed him the use of our peeccs, which at one shot would 
 kill seven or eight. To be short, our boat returned to their 
 cove for our man and to deliver theirs. AVhen they came 
 they made great joy, with dancing, and leaping, and stroking 
 of their breasts : they offered divers things to our men, but 
 they only tooke some morses teeth, which they gave them 
 for a knife and two glasse buttons : and so receiving our 
 man they cuuie aboard, much rejoicing at this chance, as if 
 they had met with the most simple and kind people of the 
 And Henry Greene (more then the rest) was so confident, 
 that (by no meanes) we should take care to stand on our 
 guard : God blinding him so, that where bee made reckon- 
 ing to receive great matters from these people, he received 
 more then he looked for, and that suddenly, by being made 
 a good example for all men: that make no conscience of 
 doing evill, and that wc take heed of the savage people, 
 how simple soever they seeme to be. 
 The next day, the nine and twentieth of July, they made 
 haste to be ashoare,' and because the ship rid too farrc off, 
 ^ A noose. This method of the Hudson's Bay Esriuiinaux, of catching 
 birds with a sort of lasso, has, the editor believes, not beeu rucntioued 
 by any other voyager in these regions. 
 2 On Cape Diggs' Island. 
 I hoy weighed and stood as neere to tlic place where the 
 lowlo bred as tliey could ; and because I was lame I was to 
 £^o in the boat, to carry such things as I had in the cabbin, of 
 every thing somewhat ; and so, with more haste then good 
 s})eed (and not without swearing) away we Avent, Henry 
 (jreene, William Wilson, John Thomas, INIichael Perse, 
 Andrew Meter, and my selfe. When we came neere the 
 shoare, the people were on the hils dancing and leaping : to 
 the covo we came, where they had drawne up their boatcs : 
 wee brought our boatc to the east side of the cove, close to 
 the rockes. Ashoare they went, and made fast the boat to a 
 great stone on the shoare ; the people came, and every one 
 had somewhat in his hand to barter ; but Henry Greene 
 swore they should have nothing till he had venison, for they 
 had so promised him by signcs. 
 Now when wc came, they made signes to their dogges f^nvaues 
 fwliercof there were many like mongrels, as biggc as 
 hounds), and pointed to their mountaine and to the sunne, 
 clapping their hands. Then Henry Greene, John Thomas, 
 and Y.'illiam AVilson stood hard by the boate head, Michael 
 Perse and Andrew INIoter were got up \ipon the rock a f''^ijff''f 
 " 11 treulicrio. 
 gathering of sorrcll ; not one of them had any weapon about 
 him, not so much as a sticke, save Henry Greene only, who 
 had a piece of a pike in his hand : nor saw I any thing that 
 they had wherewith to hurt us. Henry Greene and William 
 A\'ilson had looking-glasses, and Jcwes trumps,' and bels, 
 Avliich they w^erc shewing the people. The savages standing 
 round about them, one of them came into the boats head to 
 mc to shew me a bottle : I made signes to him to get him 
 ashoare, but he made as though he had not understood me, 
 whereupon I stood uj) and pointed him ashoare. In the 
 meane-time another stole behind me to the stcrne of the 
 boat, and when I saw him ashoare that was in the head of 
 the boat I sate downe againe, but suddenly I saw the logge 
 ^ .Jew's harps. 
 •^ IM 12.2 
 (716) 872-4503 

 and footc of a man by mcc. Wherefore I cast up my head, 
 and saw the savage with his knife in his hand, who strookc 
 at my breast over my head : I cast up my right armc to save 
 my brest, he wounded my arme, and strooke me into the 
 bodie under my right pappe. Ifc strooke a second blow, 
 which I met with my left hand, and then he strooke me 
 into the right thigh, and had like to have cut off my little 
 ^, finger of the left hand. Now I had got hold of the string 
 ', of the knife, and had woond it about my left hand, he 
 striving with both his hands to make an end of that he had 
 bcgune : I found him but weake in the gripe (God enabling 
 me), and getting hold of the sleeve of his left arme, so bare 
 V"^|i' him from me. His left side lay bare to me, which when I 
 t*' saw, I put his sleeve off" his left arme into my left hand, 
 holding the string of the knife fast in the same hand ; and 
 having got my right hand at liberty, I sought for somewhat 
 wherewith to strike him (not remembring my dagger at my 
 side), but looking downe I saw it, and therewith strooke 
 him into the bodie and the throate. 
 Just'tir'" Whiles I was thus assaulted in the boat, our men were 
 triiytors. sct upon ou the shoarc. John Thomas and William Wilson 
 had their bowels cut, and Michael Perse and Henry Greene, 
 being mortally wounded, came tumbling into the boat to- 
 gether. When Andrew Motor saw this medley, hee came 
 running downe the rockes, and leaped into the sea, and so 
 swamme to the boat, hanging on the sterne thereof, till 
 Michael Perse took him in, who manfully made good the 
 head of the boat against the savages, that pressed sore upon 
 us. Now Michael Perse had got an hatchet, wherewith I 
 saw him strike one of them, that he lay sprawling in the sea. 
 Henry Greene crieth Coracjio, and layeth about him with 
 his truncheon. I crycd to them to clcere the boat, and 
 Andrew Meter cryed to bee taken in. The savages bctooke 
 them to their bowes and arrowes, which they sent amongst 
 oiprno us, wherewith Henry Greene was slaine outright, aiul 
 Michael Perse received many wounds, and so did the rest. 
 ]Michacl Perse clecreth the boate, and puts it from the 
 shoare, and hclpeth Andrew Moter in ; hut in turning of 
 the boat I received a cruell wound in my backc with an 
 arrow. Michael Perse and Andrew Moter rowed the boate 
 away, which, when the savages saw, they rannc to their 
 boats, and I feared they would have launched them to have 
 followed us, but they did not, and our ship was in the 
 middle of the channell and could not see us. 
 Now, when they had rowed a good way from the shoare, 
 Michael Perse fainted, and could row no more. Then was 
 Andrew Motor driven to stand in the boat head, and waft 
 to the ship, which at the first saw us not, and wlien they 
 did they could not tell what to make of us, but in the end 
 they stood for us, and so tooke us up. Henry Greene was 
 throwne out of the boat into the sea, and the rest were had 
 aboard, the savage being yet alive, yet without sense. But 
 they died all there that day, William Wilson swearing and wiekei ,iii,i 
 cursing in most fearefull manner. Michael Perse lived [^','.p,"{,p,| 
 two dayes after, and then died. Thus you have heard the^^'^"" ""^"* 
 tragicall end of Henry Greene and his mates, whom they 
 called captain e, these foure being the only lustic men in all 
 the ship. 
 The poore number that was left were to ply our ship to 
 and fro in the mouth of the streight,^ for there was no place 
 to anchor in neere hand. J3esides, they were to go in the 
 boate to kill fowle to bring us home, which they did, al- 
 th'Uigh with danger to us all. For if the wind blow there 
 was an high sea, and the eddies of the tydcs would carrie 
 the ship so neere the rockcs as it feared our master, for so I 
 will now call him. After they had killed some two hundred 
 fowle, with great labour, on the south cape,^ wee stood to 
 ^ Tlic str<ait between Cape Worstenholme and Capo Diggs, in the 
 neighbourhood of which the scenes just related l)y J'ricket toolc phice. 
 '•' Cape Diggs. 
 I I 
 the cast, but when wee were sixe or seven leagues from the 
 " .pes, the wind came up at east. Then wee stood backe to 
 the capes again, and killed an hundred fowle more. After 
 this the wind came to the west, so wee were driven to goe 
 away, and then our master stood (for the most) along by the 
 north shoare, till he fell into broken ground about the 
 Queen's For eland, i and there anchored. From thence wce 
 went to God's Mercies, and from thence to Rose llands,^ 
 which lye in the mouth of our strcight, not seeing the land 
 ■*•"'* till we were readie to runne our bosprite against the rockes 
 ,^_^j| ni a fogge. But it cleered a little, and then we might sec 
 our selves inclosed with rockie ilands, and could find no 
 i'"^|»' ground to anchor in. There our master lay a trie all night, 
 ./J,' and the next day, the fogge continuing, they sought for 
 '"*' ground to anchor in, and found some in an hundred and 
 odde fathomcb of water. The next day we weighed and 
 stood to the east, but before wee came heere we had put our- 
 selves to hard allowance, as halfe a foule a day with the 
 pottage, for yet Ave had some meale left and nothing else. 
 Then they beganne to make triall of all whatsoever. Wee 
 jMisenoimr- }iad fiavcd our fowle, for they will not pull, and Robert 
 Biietli ihe *' ' ./ r } 
 ^''^^'■' Juet was the first that made use of the skins by burning of 
 the feathers ; so they became a great dish of meate, and as 
 for the garbidge, it was not thrown away. 
 After we were cleere of these ilands, which lie out with 
 two points, one to the south-east and the other to the north, 
 making a bay to the sight as if there were no way through, 
 we continued our course east-south-east and south and by 
 east, to raise the Desolations,^ from thence to shape our 
 ^ Queen's Cape, a headland of the northern shore of Hudson's Strait, 
 to the north of Salisbury Islands. This locality is, though very vaguely, 
 indicated on Hudson's chart, and is even now very inaccurately known, 
 so that it is not easy to fix the exact locality of the Queeii's Foreland 
 of Pricket. 
 " Apparently some of the islands near Cape Chidley, perhaps Killinck 
 and Kikkertor»oak. 
 '^ The south-east coast of Greenland. 
 coui'se for Ireland. Thus wee continued divers dayes ; but 
 the wind comming against us made us to alter our course, 
 and by the mcancs of Robert Juet, who perswaded the com- 
 pany that they should find great reliefe in Newfoundland if 
 our countrymen were there, and if they were gone before 
 we came yet should we find great store of bread and fish 
 left ashore by them ; but how true, I give God thankes we 
 did not trie. Yet we stood to the south-west and to the 
 Avest almost to fiftie seven degrees, when (by the will of God) 
 the winde came up at south-west. Then the master asked 
 me if he should take the benefit of this wind, and shape his 
 course for Ireland. I said it was best to goe where we knew 
 corne grew, and not to sceke it where it was cast away and 
 not to be found. Towards Ireland now wee stood, with 
 prosperous winds for many dayes together. Then was all 
 our meale spent, and our fowle restie and dry ; but (being 
 no remedie) we were content with the salt broth for dinner 
 and the halfe fowle for supper. Now went our candles 
 to vvracke, and Bennet, our cooke, made a messe of meate Poore diet, 
 of the bones of the fowle, frying them with candle grease 
 till they were crispe, and, with vineger put to them, made 
 a good dish of meate. Our vineger was shared, and to every 
 man a pound of candles delivered for a weeke, as a great 
 daintie. Now Hobert Juet (by his reckoning) saith wee 
 were within sixtie or seventie leagues of Ireland, when wee 
 had two hundred thither. And sure our course was so 
 much the longer through our evill steeredge, for our men 
 became so weake that they could not stand at the helme, 
 but were faine to sit. 
 Then Hobert Juet dyed for meere want, and all our men Robert 
 were in despaire, and said wee were past Ireland, and our aeath. 
 last fowle were in the steep tub. So our men cared not 
 which end went forward, insomuch as our master was driven 
 to looke to their labour as well as his owne ; for some of 
 them would sit and sec the fore sayle or mayne sayle flie up 
 A siiyle of 
 Ihivcii in 
 to the tops, the sheets being either flownc or broken, and 
 would not hclpe it themselves nor call to others for helpe, 
 which much grieved the master. Now in this extremitie it 
 pleased God to give us sight of land, not farre from the 
 place our master said he would fall withall, which was the 
 bay of Galloway,' and we fell to the west of the Derscs,'^and 
 so stood along by the coast to the south-west. In the end there 
 was a joyful cry, a sayle, a sayle, towards which they stood. 
 Then they saw more, but to the neerest wee stood, and called 
 to him ; his bark was of Fowy,"^ and was at anchor a fishing. 
 He came to us, and brought us into Bere Haven.* Here we 
 stayed a few dayes, and dclt with the Irish to supply our 
 wants, but found no reliefe, for in this place there was 
 neither bread, drinke, nor mony to be had amongst them. 
 Wherefore they advised us to deale with our countrymen 
 who were there a fishing, which we did, but found them so 
 cold in kindnesse that they would doe nothing without pre- 
 sent money, whereof we had none in the ship. In the end 
 we procured one John Waymouth, master of the barque that 
 brought us into this harbour, to furnish us with money, 
 which hee did, and received our best cable and anchor in 
 pawne for the same. With this money our master, with the 
 help of John Waymouth, bought bread, beere, and beefe. 
 Now, as wee were beholding to Waymouth for his money, 
 so were wee to one Captaine Taylor for making of our con- 
 tracts with Waymouth, by whose meanes hee tooke a bill 
 for our cable and anchor and for the men's wages, who 
 would not go with us unless Waymouth would passe his 
 word for the same : for they made show that they were not 
 willing to goe with us for any wages. Whereupon Cajitainc 
 Taylor swore he would presse them, and then, if they would 
 not goe, hee would hang them. 
 In conclusion, "wee agreed for three pound ten shil- 
 ^ Galway. ^ Dursey Island, near the south-west coast of Irelaiiil. 
 ^ Fowcy, in Cornwall. ■* Boer llavcu, south-west coast of Ireland. 
 lings a rnan to bring our ship to Plimouth or Dartmouth, 
 and to give the pilot five pound ; but if the winde did not 
 serve, but that they were driven to put into J3risto\v, they 
 were to have foure pound ten shillings a man, and the pilot 
 sixe pound. Omitting therefore further circumstances, from 
 Bere Haven wee came to Plimouth, and so to an anchor ^''ni'""'" 
 before the castle ; and from Plimouth, with faire winde and '""""■ '" 
 weather without stop or stay, wee came to the Downes, from 
 thence to Gravesend, where most of our men went a shoare, 
 and from thence came on this side Erith, and there stopped : 
 Avhere our master Robert Billet came aboord, and so had 
 nice up to London with him, and so wee came to Sir Thomas 
 Smiths together. 
 Forasmuch as this report of Pricket may happcly bee 
 sus2)cctcd by some, as not so friendly to Hudson, who re- 
 turned with that companie which had so cruelly exposed 
 Hudson and his, and therefore may seemc to hiy heavier 
 imputation, and rip up occasions further then they will 
 helecve, I have also added the report of Thomas Wydhouse, 
 one of the exposed companie, Avho ascribeth those occasions 
 of discord to Juet. I take not on mee to sentence, no not to 
 examine; I have presented the evidence just as I had it; 
 let the bench censure, hearing with both eares, that which 
 with both eyes they may see in those and these notes ; to 
 which I have first prefixed his letter to Master Samuel 
 Master Maciiam, I heartily commend mee unto you, etc. 
 I can write unto you no. newes, though I have scene much, 
 but such as every English fisherman haunting these coasts 
 can report better then my selfe. 
 Wee kept our Whitsunday in the north-east end of Island,' 
 ^ Iceland. 
■ i 
 and I tliinke I never fared better in England then wee 
 feasted there. They of the coiintrey are very poore, and 
 live miserably, yet we found therein store of frcsli fish and 
 daintie fowlc. I my selfe in an afternoone killed so much 
 iiHii(]or8 fowle as feasted all our company, being three and twentic 
 poore. _ . . 
 persons, at one time, onely with partridges, besides curlue, 
 plover, mallard, tcale, and goose. I have scene two hot 
 bathes in Island, and have bcene in one of them. Wee are 
 resolved to trie the uttermost, and lye onely expecting a faire 
 winde, and to refresh ourselves to avoid the ice, which now 
 "•""' Thecnuaeof ig comc ofF the wcst coasts, of Avliich we have scene whole 
 •• tlioir stay at ' 
 ^'''""^' islands, but God bee thanked, have not bcene in danger of 
 ^.^jj' any. Thus I desire all your prayers for us. 
 - y From Island, this thirtieth of Mmj, 1610. 
 The te7ith day of September, 1610, after dinner, our master 
 called all the companie together, to heare and beare wit- 
 nesse of the abuse of some of the companie (it having bcene 
 the request of Robert Juet) that the master should redresse 
 some abuses and slanders, as hee called them, against this 
 Juet : which thing after the master had examined and heard 
 with equitic what hee could say for himselfe, there were 
 prooved so many and great abuses, and mutinous matters 
 against the master, and action by Juet, that there was danger 
 to have suffered them longer : and it was fit time to punish 
 and cut off farther occasions of the like mutinies. 
 It was prooved to his face, first with ]3ennet Mathew, our 
 trumpet, upon our first sight of Island,' and he confcst, that 
 hee supposed that in the action Avould bee mansLiughtcr, 
 and prove bloodic to soire. 
 Secondly, at our comming from Island, in hearing of the 
 companio, hee did threaten to turne the head of the ship 
 home from the action, which at that time was by our master 
 wisely pacified, hoping of amendment. 
 Thirdly, it was deposed by Philip Staffe, our carpenter, 
 and Ladlie Arnold," to his face upon the holy bible, that hee 
 pcrs waded thom to keepe muskets charged, and swords 
 readie in their cabbins, for they should be charged with shot 
 ere the voyage were over. 
 Fourthly, wee being pestered in the ice, hee had used 
 words tending to mutinie, discouragement, and slander of 
 the action, which easily took effect in those that were 
 timourous ; and had not the master in time prevented, it 
 might easily have overthrowne the voyage : and now lately 
 being imbayed in a deepe bay, which the master had desire 
 to see, for fjome reasons to himselfe knowne, his word tended 
 altogether to put the companie into a fray of extremitie, by 
 wintering in cold. Jesting at our masters hope to see Ban- 
 tam by Candlemasse. 
 For these and divers other base slanders against the master 
 hee was deposed, and Robert Bylot, who had shewed himselfe 
 honestly respecting the good of the action, was placed in his 
 stead the masters mate. 
 Also Francis Clement, the boatson, at this time was put 
 from his ofHce, and William Wilson, a man thought more 
 fit, preferred to his place. This man had basely carryed 
 himselfe to our master and to the action. 
 Also Adrian Mooter was appointed boatsons mate, and a 
 promise by the master, that from this day Juets wages should 
 remaine to Bylot, and the boatsons overplus of wages should 
 be equally divided betweene Wilson and one John King, 
 ^ Iceland. ^ Arnold Ludlow, or Lodlo. 
 to the owners good liking, one of the quarter masters, who 
 had very -svcll carrycd themselves to the furtherance of the 
 Also the master promised, if the offenders yet hehavcd 
 themselves henceforth honestly, hee would hee a meanes for 
 their good, and that hee would forget injuries, with other 
 These things thus premised touching Hudsons exposing, 
 and God's just judgments on the exposers, as Pricket hatli 
 related (whom they reserved, as is thought, in hope by Sir 
 "*"•■'' Dudley Digges his master to procure their pardon at their 
 returne), I thought good to adde that which I have fur- 
 ^.,ni|,' ther received from good intelligence, that the ship com- 
 ' f0t ming aground at Digges Island, in 02 degrees 44} minutes, 
 -»m< a great flood came from the west and set them on floate : 
 an argument of an open passage from the South Sea to that, 
 and consequently to these seas. The weapons and arts 
 which they saw, beyond those of other savages, are argu- 
 ments hereof. Hee which assaulted Pricket in the boatc, 
 had a weapon broad and sharpe indented, of bright Steele 
 (such as they use in Java), riveted into a handle of morse 
 ' Tbe latitude assigned by Wydhouse to i/iggs' Island is inco'-rcct, 
 at least as regards the Diggs' Island of Hudson, which is undoubtedly 
 . ;, opposite to, and therefore nearly in the same latitude as Cape Worsten- 
 holme (62° 25'). It is impossible to ascertain how the mistake arose. 
 But it is curious to observe that this mistake, by which Cape Diggs is 
 placed so much too far north, is of an opposite nature to that com- 
 mitted by Hudson himself with regard to Cape Farewell, which he places 
 several minutes too far south. Wydhouse's mistake has undoubtedly 
 influenced the opinion of modern map makers, who invariably place 
 Diggs' Island too far north-west, or rather give that name to an island 
 to which it did not originally belong. 
 POL., LOND., 1626, 817. 
 Henry Hudson, 1607, discovered further north toward the 
 pole, then, perhaps, any before him. He found himselfe in 
 80 degrees, 23 minutes, where they felt it hot, and dranke 
 water to coole their thirst. They saw land (as they thought) 
 to 82, and further on the shore they had snow, morses teeth, 
 (Iceres homes, whale-bones, and footing of other beasts, 
 with a streame of fresh water. The next yeere, 1608, he 
 set forth on a discovery to the north-east, at which time 
 they met, as both himselfe and Juet have testified, a mer- 
 maid in the sea, scene by Thomas Hils and Robert Raiuer. 
 Another voyage he made, 1609, and coasted Newfoundland, 
 and thence along to Cape Cod. His last and fatall voyage 
 was 1610, which I mentioned in my former edition,' relating 
 the same as Hcsselius Gerardus had guided me, by his card 
 and reports, who affirmcth that he followed the way which 
 Captaine Winwood had before searched by Lumlcys Inlet, 
 in 61 degrees, so passing thorow the strait to 50, etc. But ire com- 
 haviner since met with better instructions, both by the helpe tome iiuj. 
 " ' . J f sons ab- 
 of my painfull friend Master Hakluit (to whose labours ^y-fniouse; 
 these of mine are so much indebted), and specially from rricUet, of 
 ,., . ■,-, o -t r ^ 1 this voyage. 
 mm who was a speciali setter lortii oi the voyage, that 
 ■^ Purchas Pilgrimage, fol., Lond., 1617, contains an account of Hud- 
 son's voyages entirely founded on the 1612 edition of Hessel Gerritsz's 
 Ddcctio freti. 
 140 ov Hudson's discoveries and death. 
 learned and industrious gentleman Sir Dudley Digges (how 
 willingly could I here lose my selfe in a parenthesis of due 
 praises ! to whom these studies have seemed to descend by 
 inheritance in divers descents, improved by proper industry, 
 employed to publikc good both at home and in discoveries 
 ,.,, and plantations abroad, and for my particular ! but why 
 j^>«' should I use words, unequall pay to him, unequall stay to 
 .♦»' thee ?) from him, I say, so great a furtherer of the north- 
 t* west discoverie, and of your discoverer the poore Pilgrim 
 -.« and his pilgrimage, having received full relations, I have 
 •■"" becne bold with the reader to insert this voyage more 
 •"•^* largely. 
 ^ . sii Tho. In the vcare 1610, Sir Tho. Smith, Sir Dudley Di"o:os, 
 I, and INIaster John Wostcnholme, with other their friends, fur- 
 nished out the said Henry Hudson, to try if, through any 
 of those inlets which Davis saw but durst not enter, on tho 
 westerne side of Fretum Davis, any passage might be found 
 to the other ocean called the South Sea. There barke was 
 named the Discoverie. They passed by Island, and saw 
 Mount Hecla cast out fire (a noted signc of foule weather 
 towards ; others conceive themselves and deceive others 
 with I know not what purgatorie fables hereof confuted by 
 A.Jo. ciy- Arnajrin Jonas, an Islander, who reprovcth this and manv 
 other dreames related by authors, say'ng, that from the 
 , yeere 1558 to 1592 it never cast forth any flames) they left 
 the name to one harbour in Island, Lousy liay : they had 
 there a bath hot enough to scald a fowle. They raised Gron- 
 land th.G fourth of June, and Desolation after that; whence 
 they plyed north-west among ilands of ice, whereon tlicy 
 miglit runne and play, and filled sweet water out of ponds 
 therein: some of them aground in sixe or seven score fadomc 
 water, and on divers of them beares and patriches. They 
 ^ Extracts of Arngrim Jonas, an Islander, his Chrymogsea or Historic 
 of Island, published anno Domini 1609. — Purchas Pilgrims, iii, p. 054- 
,, t 
 oi' Hudson's discovkries and dkath. 141 
 gave names to certainc Hands, of Gods mercy, Prince Hen- 
 ries Forland, K. James his Cape, Q. Annes Cai)c. One 
 morning, in a fogge, they were carried by a set of the tide 
 from N.E. into one of the inlets above mentioned, the depth 
 whereof and plying forward of the ice made Hudson hope 
 it would prove a through-fare. After he had sailed herein 
 by his computation 300 leagues west, he came to a small 
 strait of two leagues over, and very deepe water, through 
 which he passed betweene two headlands, which he called, 
 that on the south Cape Wostenholme, the other to the N.W. 
 Digges Hand, in deg. 62, 44' minutes, into a spacious sea, 
 wherein he saylcd above a hundred leagues south, confi- 
 (li-ntly proud that he had won the passage. 
 ]jut finding at length by shole water that he was embayed, "u'Iso'ih 
 he was much distracted therewith, and committed many 
 crrours, especially in resolving to winter in that desolate 
 place, in such want of necessarie provision. The third of 
 Nocemher he moored his barke in a small cove, where they 
 had all undoubtedly perished, but that it pleased God to 
 send them several kinds of fowle : they killed of white 
 pitridges above a hundred and twcntie dozen. These left 
 them at the spring, and other succeeded in their place, 
 swan, goose, teale, duckc, all easie to take ; besides the bless- • 
 ing of a tree, which in December blossomed, with leaves a suimgo 
 greene and yellow, of an aromaticall savour, and being 
 boyled yeelded an oyly substance, which proved an excel- 
 lent salve, and the decoction being drunke proved as whole- 
 some a potion, whereby they were cured of the scorbute, 
 sciaticas, crampes, convulsions, and other diseases, which the 
 coldnesse of the climate bred in them. At the opening of , i 
 the yeere also, there came to his ships side such abundance , 
 offish of all sorts, that they might therewith have fraught | ; 
 themselves for their returne, if Hudson had not too dcspe ' ' 
 lately pursued the voyage, neglecting this oportunitie of ' 
 * Seo note to page 138. 
 142 OF Hudson's discoveries and death. 
 storing themselves with fish, which hee committed to the 
 care of certaine carelesse dissolute villaines, which in his 
 absence conspired against him ; in few daycs the fish all for- 
 sooke them. Once a savage visited them, who for a knife, 
 glassc, and beades given him, returned with bevers skins, 
 deeres skins, and a sled. At Hudsons returne, they set sayle 
 for England. But in a few dayes, their victuals being almost 
 spent, and hee, out of his dcspaire, letting fall some words of 
 setting some on shore, the former conspirators (the chiefc 
 whereof was Hen. Greene, none of their allowed company, 
 These were but taken in bv Hudson himselfe: and one Wilson) entred 
 tlu worst, or •' 
 thTcom-°* ^^^ cabin in the night, and forced him the master, together 
 i""'y- with his Sonne John Hudson, Tho. Widowes,' Arn. Ludlo, 
 Sidrach Faner, Ad. Moce, Hen. King, Mic. Bute, to take 
 shallop and seeke their fortune. But see what sinceritie can 
 doe in tiie most desperate tryals. One Philip StafFe, an 
 Ipswich man, who, according to his name, had beene a prin- 
 cipall staffe and stay to the weaker and more enfeebled 
 courages of his companions in the whole action, lighten- 
 ing and unlightening their drooping darkened spirits, with 
 sparkes from his owne resolution ; their best purveyor, with 
 his peece on shore, and both a skilfull carpenter and lusty 
 mariner on board ; when he could by no perswasions, sea- 
 soned with tears, divert them from their divellish designes, 
 notwithstanding they entreated him to stay with them, yet 
 chose rather to commit himselfe to Gods mercy in the for- 
 lorne shallop, then with such villaines to accept of likelier 
 A few dayes after, their victuals being spent, the ship 
 came aground at Digges Hand, and so continued divers 
 houres, till a great floud (which they by this accident tookc 
 we8't/a"\<iy ^^^^ noticc of) camc from the westward and set them on 
 nrgument flotc. Upou the cliffcs of this Islaud they found aboundance 
 passayo 111 of fowlcs tamc, whereof they tooke two or three hundred, 
 the South 
 Woodhouse, or Wytlhousc, or Wydowes. 
OF Hudson's discoveries and death. 14o 
 and seeing a great long boat with forty or fifty savages upon "^,?;"";'.''" 
 the shore, they sent on Land ; and for some of their toyes ani'im'ts,' 
 had deeres skinnes well dressed, morse-teeth, and some few boyon'a"" 
 furres. One of our men went on land to their tents, one oi savnges. 
 them remaining for hostage, in which tents they lived by 
 hoords, men, women, and children ; they are bigge boned, 
 broad faced, flat nosed, and small footed, like the Tartars : 
 their apparcll of skinnes, but wrought all very handsomely, 
 even gloves and shooes. The next morning Greene would 
 needs goe on shore with some of his chiefe companions, and 
 that unarmed, notwithstanding some advised and intreated 
 him the contrary. The savages entertained him with a cun- 
 ning ambush, and at the first onset shot this mutinous ring- 
 leader into the heart (where first those monsters of trcache- 
 rie and bloodie crueltie, now payed with the like, had becne 
 conceived) and Wilson, his brother in evil, had the like 
 bloody inheritance, dying swearing and cursing : Perse, 
 Thomas, and Moter dyed a few dayes after of their wounds. 
 Every where can Divine Justicee find executioners. 
 The boat, by Gods blessing, with some hurt men escaped fjX',"',, ^f 
 in this manner. One Abacucks Pricket, a servant of Sir Imru'fmy 
 Dudley Disrares, whom the mutiners had saved in hope to wuh oihera' 
 •^ /^° ' . ^ m.iiiy for 
 procure his master to worke their pardon, was left to keepe tiuse pnm, 
 the shallop, where he sate in a gowne, sicke and lame, at "^"^ "' ■''"^^"' 
 the Sterne : upon whom, at the instant of the ambush, the 
 leader of all the savages leapt from a rocke, and with a 
 strange kinde of weapon, indented, broad, and sharpe, of 
 bright Steele, riveted into a handle of morse-tooth, gave him 
 divers cruell wounds, before he could from under his gowne 
 draw a small Scottish dagger, wherewith at one thrust into 
 his side he killed this savage, and brought him oft' with the 
 boat, and some of the hurt company that got to him by swim- 
 ming. Being got aboord with a small weake and wounded 
 company, they made from this island unto the northerne 
 continent, where they saw a large opening of the sea north- 
 144 OF Hudson's discoveries and death. 
 westward, and had a great floud, with such a large billow, 
 as they say, is no where but in the ocean. From hence 
 they made all possible haste homewards, passing the whole 
 straits, and so home, without ever striking sayie or any other 
 let, which night easily have made it impossible. For their 
 best sustenance left them was sea-weeds fryed with candles 
 ends, and the skins of the fowles they had eaten. Some of 
 their men were starved, the rest all so weake, that onely one 
 could lye along upon the helme and steere. By God's great 
 goodnesse, the sixth of September 1611, they met with a 
 fisherman of Foy, by whose raeanes they came safe into 
 ruoM kdok's nniEF prsroxTKRiK ov thk mttscoimv 
 (IMTRCUAS, III, P. 4fM.) 
 In the year IGOS,^ the said fellowship ;?rt forth a ship called 
 the ITope-woll, whereof Henry Hudson was master, to dis- 
 cover the pole ; where it a]ipeareth by his journal- that hcc 
 c'\nie to the hei"ht of eisfhtv-one de2:rees, M-hcrc he cfiivc 
 names to certaync places upon the continent of Greenland 
 formerly discovered, v.diich continue to this day, namely, 
 Whale l^av"^ and Ilakluvt's Headland ;* and heincc hlndred 
 with ice, returned home, without any further use made of 
 the country, and in ranoinsr homewards he discovered an 
 1 Tlie real date of the voyage to Spitzbergen is 1()()7. That of 1G08 
 was directed to Nova Zeinbla, 
 ^ The log-book of the first voyage, which forms pp. 1-22 of the present 
 volume, is ascribed by Purchas ])artly to John Playse, partlj^ to Hudson. 
 According to a side-note on ]>. 12, Purchas thinks that the notes from 
 the 11th of July down to the end seem to be due to Hudson. The log- 
 book contains, however, no mention of Hakluyt's Headland nor of Hud- 
 son's Tutches, both mentioned in the journal which Edge saw. The 
 observation about the distance from Greenland to Spit7,bergon, derived 
 by Fotherby from the same journal, is likewise not to be met with in 
 the log-book. 
 •' The naming of Whale Bay is not mentioned in the log-book. The 
 bay is, however, spoken of as Whale's Bay on p. 20. A description is to 
 be found on p. 14, from which it appears that the bay is near Collins' 
 Cape, somewhere about the north-west extremity of 8pit7,bergen, not far 
 from 80°. Hudson saw there many whales, and lost part of his line in 
 fishing for one. That same whale nearly upset his ship. This occur- 
 rence is alluded to on p. 20. 
 ■* Hakluyt's Headland appears on all the ancient maps of Spitzberger. ; 
i 'i 
 146 Hudson's first voyagk. 
 island lying in scvcnty-onc degrees, which he named Hud- 
 son's Tutches. 
 1 ' me: islands 
 (puuciiAS, III, P. 730.) 
 Having perused Hudson's journall, writ by his own hands, 
 in that voyage wherein he had sight of certayne land, which 
 he named Hold-with-Hope,*^ I found that by his owne reckon- 
 ing it should not be more than one hundred leagues from 
 King James his Newland,^ and in latitude 72° 30'. 
 for the first time on that of the arctic regions, of Jodocus Hondius, in- 
 cluded in the present collection. Still it is impossible to fix the exact 
 locality. The headland is very near Collins' Cape and Whales' Bay, but 
 still farther north-west. Modern maps place it on the north-west extre- 
 mity of Spitzbergen, on the mainland, or on some one of the neighbour- 
 1 A direct clue to this important discovery is not furnished by the 
 logbook. It contains no detailed entry between the ship's departuie 
 from Bear Island (74° 3U' N., 19° E.), and its arrival at the Farcer Islands 
 in 02°. Still there can hardly be any doubt about the fact, that Jlud- 
 son''s Tutches is identical with the Jan Mayen Island of our maps 
 (71° 20' N., 19° W.) The number of European islands in latitude 71° 
 is very small. Those to the north of Norway were too well known in 
 Hudson's time to be mentioned as new discoveries, even had he touched 
 one of them ; but they are many degrees too far east to fall into his track. 
 Then only Jan Mayen remained. To touch it Hudson must have sailed 
 rather more to the west than was necessary. His purpose in doing so is, 
 however, explained by his observations on p. 20. (See the passage to 
 which note 1 on that page refers.) 
 ^ According to the logbook (p. G) the latitude is 73°. 
 ^ Spitzbergen. The logbook contains no calculations, like the one indi- 
 cated here, as forming part of Hudson's journal. 
 ruoM VAN mktkken's histokte der nedeulanden. 
 FOL., HAGUK, 1614, FOL, 629. a. 
 We have observed in our last book, that the Directors of 
 the Dutch East India Company sent out in March last year, 
 on purpose to seek a passage to China by northeast or north- 
 west, an experienced English pilot, named Henry Hudson, 
 in a vlie boat,^ having a crew of eighteen or twenty hands, 
 partly English, partly Dutch.'^ 
 This Henry Hudson left the Texel the 6th of April,"* 
 1G09, and having doubled the Cape of Norway^ the 5th of 
 Wy hebben in t voorgaende Bocch gheseyt dat de Oost-Iudische 
 Bowindthebbers in Hollandt, in Meerte lest uytghesonden hadden 
 om passagie by het Noordt-oosten ofte Noordt-wcstcn tc socckcu 
 luic China, te wetcn cen Kloeck Enghels Piloot Herry Hutson 
 ^flicnoemt, met eenen Ylieboot ontrcnt aclithieu ofte twintlcli 
 Manuen, Engelsclic ende Nederlauders op hebbcudc, wel besorcht. 
 Desen Herry Hutson is uyt Texel uyt-ghevaren den sesten April 
 1009. ende hy diibbelde dc Cabo van Norweghca den vijf'dcu Mey, 
 ^ Vlie boats were rather flat bottomed yachts, constructed for the 
 (litTicuIt navigation of the sandy entrance to the Zuyder Zee, between 
 the islands of Vlieland and Texel, called the Vlie. These vessels and 
 even their name were imitated by the English, who called them fly-boats, 
 and by the French, who called them ff/Ues. (Compare Brodhead, /list. 
 of A\'u' York, pp. 23, 24, note.) 
 ^ There is no such notice in the preceding book of Van Meteren. 
 ' This is new style. Juet (p. 45) says that they sailed from the Texel 
 on the 27th of JVIarch. The difference between the two styles was, in 
 1()()!), ten days. Thus the 27th of March and the 6th of April are iden- 
 ' The North Cape, (Juet, p. -ir,.) 
 Hudson's tuikd voyage. 
 JNIay, directed liis course along the northern coasts towards 
 Nova Zembla ; but he there found the sea as full of ice as 
 ho had found it in the preceding year, so that he lost the 
 hope of efl'ecting anything during the season. This cir- 
 cumstance, and the cold which some of his men who had 
 been in the East Indies could not bear, caused quarrels 
 among the crew, they being partly English, partly Dutch; 
 upon which the captain, Henry Hudson, laid before them 
 two propositions ; the first of these was, to go to the coast of 
 America to the latitude of 40°. Tliis idea had been suggested 
 to him by some letters and maps which his friend Capt. Smith 
 had sent him from Virginia,^ and by whicli he informed him 
 that there was a sea leading into the western ocean, by the 
 north of the southern English colony. Had this information 
 been true (experience goes as yet to the contrary), it would 
 have been of great advantage, as indicating a short way to 
 India. The other proposition was, to direct their search to 
 ende hielt sijnen cours na Nova Zembla laughs de Noortsche Kus- 
 tcn, maer vondt uldaer de Zee soo vol ijs, als by 't voorgaende 
 Jaer gbevonden badde, soo dat sy de hoope van dat Jaer aldaer den 
 moet verloren : waer over om do koude, die eenigbe die wel \n 
 Oost-Iiidieu gbesveest waren, qualijck berduren Konden, zijn sy 
 twistigb gbeworden onder den anderen, zijude Engbelscbe ende 
 Nederlanders, waer over de Scbipper Ilutson hun voor hiel twee 
 dinghen, d' eeiste was te gacn op veertigb graden na de custeu 
 van America, hier toe meest beweegbt zijnde, door Brleven ende 
 Caerten, die een Capiteyn Smlt hem uyt Virginia gbesondcu 
 badde, daer mede by hem aenwees een Zee, om te vaien bun 
 Zuytscbe Colonic aende Noordt-zijde, ende van daer te gaen in een 
 Wcsterlijcke Zee dat welcke soo alsoo gbcweest ware, (alsoo do 
 ervaientbeyt tot nocb toe contrarie wijst,) soo sonde bet een seer 
 vorderlijcke saecke gbeweest bebben, ende eenen korten wegh oa\ 
 inde Indicn tc vaeren. Den anderen voorslagb was, den wegli te 
 ' Tbe probable nature of these maps will be explained in the intro- 
 Davis's Straits. This meeting with general approval, they 
 sailed on the 14th of May,' and arrived with a good wind at the 
 Faroe Islands, where they stopped but twenty-four hours to 
 supply themselves with fresh water. After leaving these 
 islands, they sailed on till, on the 18th oi" July, they reached 
 the coast of Nova Francia, under 44°, where they were 
 obliged to land for the purpose of getting a new foremast, 
 having lost theirs. They found this a good place for cod- 
 fishing, as also for the traffic in skins and furs, Avhich were 
 to be got there at a very low price. But the crew behaved 
 badly towards the people of the country, taking their 
 property by force ; out of which there arose quarrels among 
 them.' The English fearing that they would be out-nuni- 
 soecken door de strate Davis, dat welcke sy Generalijckcn besloten, 
 dies sy den 14 Meyc derwaerts toe zeylden, cnde quamen met 
 gocden Windt den lesteii Meye, aent Eylandt van Faro, ducr sy 
 ullecnlijck vieren-twintigh uren overbrochten, met vcrsche Water 
 in te nemen, vcrtreckende voeren sy tottcn 18 Julij tot op de Cus- 
 ten van Nova Francia, op vier en veertich graden, daer sy moesten 
 inloopen, cm eenen nieuwen voor-mast te bekomen, den haren 
 vei'loorcu liobbende, die sy daer vondeu ende opstelden, sy von- 
 dcn die plaetse bequaem om Cabbeliaeu te vanghen, als cock 
 otn TraiRque, van goede Huyden ende Pelsen, ot'te weyeringhc 
 dat aldaer om ecn kleyn dinghen te bekomen was, niaer het 
 schipvolck leefden qualijck mettet landt-volck, dinghen met ghe- 
 weldt nemende, waer over sy twistigh ondcr den anderen wcrden, 
 de Enghelsche vreesende dat sy vermandt waren ende weeckste, 
 ^ Juct has purposely omitted all statements concerning the voyage 
 liom the North Oapo to Nova Zembla, and back to the North Cape. 
 There is no eiury between the 5th and the 19th of May. For the im- 
 portant events which passed in the interval, Van Meteren is the only 
 ^ Near Pennobscot Bay, Juet, pp. GO, 01. Juet tries to justify the 
 couduct of the crew, saying that they distrusted the savages, and that in 
 robbing them and firing at them, they did so as the savages would have 
 dune to them. 
 : I 
 150 Hudson's third voyage. 
 bei'cd and worsted, were therefore afraid to make any fur- 
 ther attempt. They left that place on the 26th of July, and 
 kept out at sea till the 3rd of August, when they were again 
 near the coast in 42° of latitude. Thence they sailed on till, 
 on the 12th of August, they reached the shore under 37° 45'. 
 Thence they sailed along the shore, until we (sic) reached 
 40° 45', where they found a good entrance, between two 
 headlands, and thus entered on the 12th of September, into 
 as fine a river as can be found, with good anchoring ground 
 on both sides. 
 Their ship sailed up the river as far as 42° 40'. Then 
 their boat went higher up. Along the river they found sen- 
 sible and warlike people; whilst in the highest part the people 
 were more friendly, and had an abundance of provisions, 
 skins, and furs, of martens and foxes, and many other 
 commodities, as birds and fruit ; even white and red grapes. 
 'These Indians traded most amicably with the people from 
 ende daeromme vrecsden sy vorder te versoecken, aldus scheydcn 
 sy van daer den 26 Julij, ende hielden de zee tot den deiden 
 Augustij, ende quamen by landt op twee-en veertich graden, van 
 diier voeren sy vorder tot den 12 Augustij, sy quamen Aveder by 
 landt, op de latitude van seven-en ertich drie quart, van daer 
 hielden sy by lant, tot dat wy quamen op veertich en drie quart 
 graden, aldaer sy vonden eenen goeden ingangh tusschen twee 
 f hoofden, ende voeren daerinne den 12 Septembris, een alsoo 
 (I , .... 
 ' schoonen Reviere als men konde vinden, wijdt ende diepe ende 
 , goeden ancker grondt, ende was aen bey den zijden, eyndclijck 
 ;; quamen sy op de latitude van twee-en-vcertich graden, ende veertich 
 \ minuten, met hun groot schip. Dan haer schips boot voer 
 hoogcr inde Reviere. Voor inde Reviere vonden sy Kloeck end'' 
 ' j weerbacr volck, maer binnen in t'uyterste vonden sy vriendelijck 
 ende beleeft volck, die vcel lijftocht hadden, ende veel Vellen ende 
 , j Pelterijen, Maertens, Vossen ende veel ander commoditeyten, vog- 
 •-. helenvrucliten, selveWijn-druyven, witte ende roode, ende handelden 
 beleef'delijcken metten volcke, ende brochten van als watmede : als 
 the ship ; and of all the above mentioned commodities, they 
 brought some home. When they had tlius been about fifty 
 leagues up the river, they returned on the 4th of October, 
 and went a^ain to sea. More could have been done, if the 
 crew had been willing, and if the M'ant of some necessary 
 provisions had not prevented it. While at sea, they held 
 council together, but were of different opinions. The mate, 
 a Dutchman, advised to winter in Newfoundland, and to 
 search the north-western passage of Davis throughout. 
 This was opposed by Hudson. He was afraid of his mu- 
 tinous crew, who had sometimes savagely threatened him, 
 and he feared that during the cold season they would 
 entirely consume their provisions, and would then be obliged 
 to return. Many of the crew also were ill and sickly. 
 Nobody however spoke of returning home to Holland, which 
 circumstance made the captain still more suspicious. He 
 proposed therefore to sail to Ireland, and winter there ; 
 which they all agreed to. At last they arrived at Dartmouth, 
 sy nu ontrcnt vyftich mijlcn hoogh op dc llevierc ghewecst Imddeu 
 zijn sy weder-ghckeert den vicrdcn Octobris, cndc licbbcn liun 
 wcdev tcr /ce bcghcvcn, dacr hadden nicer konncn nyt ghcrecht 
 wordcn, liadde daer goedcn willo in t'sclnpvolck gliewcest, endc 
 son mede ghebreck van eenighe nootdruft, sidcks nict haddc ver- 
 hindert. In Zee hebben sy hmi beraedtslacght, cnde waren van 
 verscheydcn opinien, de Onder Schipper een Nederlandcr, was van 
 meyninghe op Terra Nova, to gaen verwinteren, ende de noordt- 
 wcste passagie van Davis te door-soecken, daer was de Schipper 
 Ilutson tegen, die vreesde sijn gemuytineert volck, om sy by 
 wijlen hem rouwelijck hadden ghcdreycht, ende datse mede, voor 
 de koudc des Winters, liun gheheel souden verterren, ende dan 
 moeten keeren, veel van 't volck teer ende sieckelijck, niemandt 
 nochtans sprack van t'huys nae Hollandt te varen, dat den Schipper 
 meerder-hande achter-denckcn gaf, dies hy voorsloech nae Irlant te 
 varen verwinteren, daer sy alle toestemden, dan ten lesten zijn sy in 
 Enghclandt, tot Dertmouth den sevenden November ghekomen, van 
152 iirnsox's thikd voyaok. 
 in England, the 7th of Novomhor, whonco they infornird 
 their employers the Directors of the East India Company 
 of their voyage. They proposed to them to go ont again 
 for a search in the north-west, and that besides the pay, fifteen 
 hnndrcd florins should he laid out for an additional supplv 
 •i»«"* of provisions. Hudson also wanted six or seven of his crew 
 Cj^J» exchanged for others, and their number raised to tAventy. 
 ^;5'^ He was then going to leave Dartmouth on the 1st of March, 
 Zi*;',1 so as to be in the north-west towards the end of that month, 
 r.j;;j) and there to spend the whole of April, and the first half of 
 "",1 May, in catching whales and other fish in the neighbourhood 
 of Panar Island ;^ thence to sail to the north-west, and there 
 ^mii to pass the time till middle of September, and then to return 
 *" ,0i to Holland along the north-eastern coast of Scotland. Thus 
 ' •••t ^ 
 "••"I this vovaLTc passed off. 
 1 \ 
 waer sy hacr Mccstcrs dc Bcwindt-hcbbcrs in IToUandl hcbbcn hacr 
 reyse vcrwittiglit, voorslagb docndc dat sy van het noort-wcstc to 
 gacn vcrsocckcn, met vijfthien hondcrt gulden in ghclde nicer in 
 noordruft tc bcstcdcn, bencffcns den loon, onde dat sy in t' schip 
 alrccdc baddcn, dies wilde by ses ofte seven van sijn voick verandcrt 
 hcbbcn, tot, twintich nianncn, 't goral op makcndc, etc,, ende soiidcn 
 van Dcrtmouth t'seylc gaen, ontrent den ecrsten Mecvtc, om in, t 
 noort-western tc wescn, tcgen t'cyndc van Mecrtc, cnde dacr dc 
 Macndt van April endc half Meye, over te brenghen met Walvis- 
 scbcn cnde Bcestcn tc doodcn, ontrent bet Eylandt van Panar, 
 cndc dan nac het noort-wcstcn tc varon, om aldaer den tijdt over 
 te brengcn tot half September, en dacr na door bet Noortoostcn 
 ^ No such name as Panar Island occurs on old maps. The only likely 
 explanation is that the island meant is the Vs. de Arena of Ortelius, 
 about 49°, near the coast of Newfoundland, then a general fishing sta- 
 tion, and undoubtedly a most fitting starting-point for a north-western 
 expedition. This Ys. do Arena was somehow turned into Panar Island '>y 
 the somewhat negligent editor who published the MS. of the last books 
 \ of Van Metcren after his death. This mistake has been rendered quite 
 I ludicrous by Van der Donck, who actually states that Hudson touched 
 the Canary IdamJs on his third voyage. 

 Hudson's third voyage. 153 
 A long time elapsed through contrary winds before the 
 Company could be informed of tlie arrival of the ship in 
 England. Then they ordered the ship and crew to return 
 as soon as possible. But Avhcn they were going to do so, 
 Henry Hudson and the other Englishmen of the ship were 
 commanded by government there not to leave England but 
 to serve their own country. Many persons thought it rather 
 unfair that these sailors should thus be prevented from 
 laying their accounts and reports before their employers, 
 chieHy as the enterprise in which they had been engaged 
 was such as to benefit navigation in general. These latter 
 events took place in January 1610, and it was then thought 
 probable that the English themselves would send ships to 
 Virginia, to explore the river found by Hudson. 
 van Schotlandt, weder te keeren na Ilollandt. Aldus is die reysc 
 afgheloopcn, ende eer de Bewint-hebbcrs hebben connen gead- 
 verteert worden, van haer komste in Enghelandt, is het door con- 
 trarie wint langc aengheloopen, ende hebben 't schip ende volck 
 ontboden ten ecrsten t'huys to komcn, ende alsoo 't sclfde soudc 
 geschieden, is den schipper Herry Hutson van wcgen die Over- 
 licydt aklaer, belast met te moghen vertreckcn, maer dienst te 
 mocten doei., sijn cygen Lant, also mode de andcr Engelsche die 
 int schip waren, dat nochtans vreemt velen dunckt, datmen de 
 schippers niet toelaten sonde reeckeninghe ende rapport te docne 
 van haren dienst ende besoingne, &c. ; aen hun Meesters, zijndc 
 uytghesonden voor 't gemeyne beneficie van alderhande naviga- 
 tien, dit gheschiede in Januario, 1610, ende men achte dat de 
 Enghelsche hem selve wilden mette Schepen nae Virginia senden, 
 cm daer de voorsz Reviere vorder te versoecken. 
 FOL., AMSTEnT)\M, 1625, 10.10. 
 (from book III, CHAP. 7.) 
 '' As to tlie first discovery, ^hc Directors of the privileged 
 I'*' East India Company, in 1G09, dispatched the yacht, " Half 
 I Moon," under tlie command of Henry Hudson, captain and 
 super-cargo, to seek a passage to China by the north-cast. 
 i Eut he changed his course and stood over towards New 
 France, and having passed the banks of Newfoundland in 
 latitude 43° 23',^ he made the land in latitude 44° 15',^ with 
 a west-north-west and north-west course, and went on shore 
 at a place where there were many of the natives with whom, 
 as he understood, the French came every j^car to trade. 
 Wat dc eerste ontdccldnghc bclanght, in den jarc 1609 sondcn dc 
 Bcwindt-hobbcvs van dc gheoctroycerdc Oost-Indische compagnie 
 het jacht de halve mane, dacr voor scbipper ende koopman op vocr 
 Hendrick Hudson, om in 't noordt-ooston een door-ganc naer 
 China te soecken : dan sy verandcrden van Kours, ende stakcn 
 over naer Nova Francia, ende de banck van Terreneuf ghepassecrt 
 hebbende op de 43' graden ende 23 minuten gheraeckten't landt 
 met een w. n. w. ende n. w. Kours op de 44 graden ende 1-5 
 minuten, ende landen daer by sckere Wilden, by dc welcke, soo sy 
 ' Near Cape Sable, Nova Scotia : see p. 53, note 1; p. 55, note 1. 
 2 On the coast of Maine, a few miles to the north of Pennobscot Bay, 
 where they afterwards cut a new foremast for their ship : see Juet, July 
 17th, p. 59 ; Van Meteren, p. 149, note 2. 
Hudson's thiuu voyage. 
 Sailing hence, he bent his course to the south, until running 
 south-south-west and south-west by south, he again made 
 land in latitude 41° 43', which he supposed to be an island, 
 and gave it the name of New Ilolland,i but afterwards dis- 
 vcrstondcn, dc Francoyscn jacrlijckx komcn liandclcn : van hicr 
 kccrdcn sy zuydt-waert op tot dutsc met ccn z. z. w. cndc z. w. 
 ten z. gangh wcdcr't landt ghcwaer wicrdcn op dc 41 gradcn cndo 
 43 minutcn, wclck sy mcyndcn ceii Eylandt tc wcscn, cnde gavent 
 den nacm van Nieuvv llollandt, dan bcvondcn daer nacr dat hct 
 * It is a question of some moment whether Hudson really called Capo 
 Cod New Uolland. His doing so would imply au intention on his side 
 to take possession of the country in the name of the Dutch. De Laet is 
 the only ona of our authorities who saw Hudson's own journal of the 
 third voyage, and if we could fully believe his statements, every doubt 
 would be removed. But the discrepancies between him, Juet, and Pur- 
 chas, and the luistakes committed by each of them with regard to Capo 
 Cod, render a satisfactory conclusion impossible. De Laet believes 
 Cape Cod to be in latitude 41° 43', Juet places it under 40° 10', whilst 
 1 urchas assigns to it two difleront latitudes, 41° 10' and 41° 45' (see pp. 
 (iJ, 6G, and Purchas's side-notes to these pages). On the other hand the 
 name of New Holland is on the old Dutch maps, not given to Cape Cod 
 itself, but to the peninsula of Barnstaplo, of which Cape Cod forms the 
 extreme point ; and the mean latitude of that peninsula is, indeed, about 
 41° 43', whilst Cape Cod lies under 42° 4', and has, on all the old Dutch 
 maps, one or even more names of its own, viz., Cape Cod, Cape James, 
 Statenhoek, Withock. It is also certain, from .Juet, pp. 04, ()5, that 
 Hudson explored part of Barnstaple peninsula. Under these circum- 
 stances it might be thought that a very small correction would set De 
 Laet's account right, and that the peninsula of Barnstaple Avas indeed 
 called Xew Holland by Hudson. But it is quite clear from Juet, p. (J6, 
 that the spot mistaken by Hudson for Cape Cod was in latitude 40° 10', 
 a reef in the sea, which he very correctly considered as an island. This 
 reef was probably situated south of Nantucket. It is, under these cir- 
 cumstances, to be feared that De Laet set the example, afterwards fol- 
 lowed by Van der Donck, of tampering with his materials ; and that he 
 made Hudson give the name of New Holland, because he desired it to 
 be understood that Hudson wished to take possession of the country, a 
 fact which is very improbable. The name of New Holland was given to 
 Barnstaple before the year 1G15. It is to be found on a chart of that 
 date preserved in the Archives of the Hague. (A facsimile in 
 O'Callaghan's IJist. of New Netherlands vol. i.) 
 covered that it was Cape Cod, and that according to his 
 observation, it hiy two hundred and twenty-five miles to the 
 Avest of its place on all the charts. Pursuing his course to 
 the south, he again saw land in latitude 37° 15'; the coast 
 was low, running north and south, and opposite to it lay a 
 bank or shoal, within which there was a depth of eight, 
 ^•* nine, ten, eleven, seven, and six and a half fathoms, with a 
 *<»k» sandy bottom. Hudson called this place Dry Cape.^ 
 ^^••* Changing his course to the northward, he again discovered 
 "''"•* land in lat. 38° 9'/ where there was a white sandy shore, and 
 •.„;if within appeared a thick grove of trees full of green foliage. 
 The direction of the coast was north-north-east and south- 
 •'"'Jf south-west for about twenty-four miles ; then north and 
 • '.'„ south lor twenty-one miles, and afterwards south-east and 
 -i.r north-west for fifteen miles. They continued to run along 
 ^^ *, ' the coast to the north, until they reached a point from which 
 '^„' ; the land stretches to the west and north-west Avhere several 
 I*' rivers discharge into an open bay. Land was seen to the 
 Cap Cod was, cnde dat het nacr hacr besteck wel vljf-en seventich 
 mijlen westelijcker leght als in alle Kacrten gliestclt wordt. Van 
 hier vervielen sy tot de 37 graden ende 15 minutcn, alwaer sy 
 weder landt saghcn, ende streckte hem z. ende n. Is een vlucke 
 Kuste, ende daer streckt een banck langhs de Kuste hcncn, waer 
 binnen het 8, 9, 10, 11, 7, ende 6 J vadem diep is sandt-grondt : 
 sy noemden dese plaetse de drooglie Cacp. Daer naer noordt- 
 waert aen loopcnde, gheraecktcn sy wtdcr't landt op acht-cii- 
 dertich graden en neglien minuten, ende was een wit sandt-strandt, 
 ende binnen vol groene boomen, streckte daer n. n. o. ende z. z. 
 w. outrent acbt mijlen, ende dan z. ende n. seven mijlen, ende 
 voort z, o, ende n. w. vijf mijlen : zeyldcn al langhs de wal noorden 
 aeii, tot dat sy aen een punt quamcn, ende t'landt streckte doen w. 
 I n. w. cnde was een baye daer ecnlghe ricviercn in qiiamen, van 
 ^ Probably Cape Charles, at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, 37° 10'. 
 2 Assatoaguc Island, near the coast of jMarylaud. 
Hudson's third voyage. loT 
 cast-north-cast, which Hudson at first took to be an ishmcl, 
 but it proved to be the main 1 ind, and the second point of 
 the bay, in latitude 38° 5-1'. Standing in upon a course 
 north-west by east, they soon found themselves embayed, 
 and encountering many breakers, stood out again to the 
 south-south-east. Hudson suspected that a large river dis- 
 charged into the bay, from the strength of the current that 
 set out and caused the accumulation of sands and shoals.^ 
 Continuing their course along the shore to the north, they 
 observed a white sandy beach and drowned land within, 
 beyond which there appeared a grove of wood ; the coast 
 running north-east by east and south-west by south. After- 
 wards the direction of the coast changed to north by east, 
 and was higher land than they had yet seen. They at length 
 reached a lofty promontory or headland, behind which was 
 situated a bay, which they entered and run up into a road- 
 stead near a low sandy point, in lat. 40° 18'.^ There they 
 dcsen hoeck sagen sy landt naei't o. n. o. welck sy meyndcn een 
 Eylandt te wesen, dan bevonden hot vaste landt, ende den tweeden 
 hoeck van die baye, op de hooghte van 38 gradcn ende 54 minuten: 
 ende alsoo sy haer Kours n. w. ten n. acn steldcn, vonden sy haer 
 sclven in een baye verscylt, ende ghemoeten vcel barninghen, soo 
 dat sy z. z. o. \veder uyt-stonden : sy vermoeden datter een groote 
 lievicr most uyt-loopcn, door de groote stroom die dacr uytsette, 
 ende velc sanden ende droogten veroorsaeckte : liielcnt van hier 
 voorts langs de wal, was wit sandt-strandt, ende binnen al ver- 
 droncken landt, ende 't binnen landt al vol boomen, streckte n. o, 
 ten n, ende z. w, ten z, daer naer streckte n. ten, o. ende was 
 hooglicr landt als sy nocli ghesien liaddcn, tot aen eenen hooghcn 
 hoeck, acliter de welckc een baye leght, alwaer sy op de rceden 
 lieppen, acliter een leeghen saudt-hoeck, op de veertich gradcn 
 ^ The bay and river are the Dclav.are Bay and River. The second 
 point of the bay, in latitude 38° o4' (incorrect by a few miles;, is Cape 
 ^ Hudson river. They entered near Sandy Hook and Sandy Ilook 
 Bay. (Sec Juct, p. 77.) 
 were visited by two savages clothed in elk-skins, who showed 
 them every sign of friendship. On the land they found an 
 abundance of blue plums and magnificent oaks, of a height 
 and thickness that one seldom beholds; together with pop- 
 lars, linden ti'ces, and various other kinds of wood useful in 
 ship-building. Sailing hence in a north-easterly direction, 
 ihey ascended a river to nearly 43° north latitude, where it 
 became so narrow and of so little depth, that they found it 
 necessary to return. 
 From all that they could learn, 'here had never been any 
 ships or Christians in that quarter before, and they were the 
 first to discover the river and ascend it so far. Henry Hud- 
 son returned to Amsterdam with his report, and in the fol- 
 lowing year 1610, some merchants again sent a ship thither, 
 that is to say, to the second river discovered, which was called 
 Manhattes from the savage nation that dwelt at its mouth. 
 And subsequently their High Mightinesses, the States Gene- 
 ral, granted to these merchants the exclusive privilege 
 ende achlhicn minuten ; dacr quamcn twee Wildcn by hacr in 
 clandts vellen gcklcet, die hacr alio teeckenen van vrientschap bc- 
 thoonden, vondcn daer acn't landt menichte van blauw pruymcn, 
 en de schoonste eycken van lenghte ende dickte die men sic-n konde, 
 poplieren, lonen, ende alderhande houdt dat van noode is tot dc 
 schepen te bouwen ; vocren van hier n. ten o. aen, ende de rievieren 
 op, to by de 43 gradcn by noorden de linie, alwaer de rievier heel 
 nauw werdt ende ondiep, soo dat sy te rugghe kecrden. Naer alio 
 'tgene sy kondcn oordeclcn ende bevinden, soo en warcn in dit 
 quarticr noch noyt cenige schepen ofte Christcnen geweest, soo 
 dat sy de eerste warcn die dese rievier ontdeckten, ende soo lioog- 
 he op voeren. Hendrick Hudson met dit raport wcder ghckceit 
 zijnde 't Amsterdam, soo hcbbcn eenighe koop-lieden in den jare 
 1610 wcder een schip dcrwacrts gcsonden, te wetcn naer dcsc 
 twecde rievier, de wclcke sy don naem gaven van Manhattes ; 
 naer de naem van de Wildcn die acn't begin van dcse ricvicrc 
 wooncn : ende in dc volghcnde jaren hcbbcn dc Ho. Mog. Hccron 
Hudson's third voyage. 159 
 of navigating this river and trading there ;^ whereupon, in 
 the year 1615, a redoubt or fort was erected on the river, 
 and occupied by a small garrison, of which we shall here- 
 after speak. Our countrymen have continued to make voy- 
 ages thither, from year to year, for the purpose of trafficking 
 with the natives, and on this account the country has very 
 justly received the name of New Netherlands. 
 Staten Generacl aen dese koop-licdcn octroy verleent om alleen op 
 desc rieviere te mogen varcn cnde den handel te drijven : wacr 
 over in den jare 1615 boven op de voornoemde rieviere eenredoute 
 ofte fortjen wierdt geleght met een kleyn besettinghc, daer wy hicr 
 naer noch sullen van spreken ; ende is dese vaert by de onse sints 
 jacrlijcks ghecontinueert, cnde door-gaens van ons volck daer 
 blijven Icgglien om den handel met de Wilden te drijven; wacr 
 door dit quartier ten rechten den naem van Niew-Nederlandt beeft 
 (FEOM book III, CHAPTER 10.) 
 Henry Hudson, who first discovered this river, and all 
 that have since visited it, express their admiration of the 
 noble trees growing upon its banks ; and Hudson has him- 
 self described the manners and appearance of the people that 
 he found dwelling within this bay, in the following terms: — 
 Hendrick Hudson die dese rieviere eerst heeft ontdeckt, ende alle 
 die naerderhandt daer hebben gbeweest, weten wonder te segghen 
 van do schoone boomen die bier wassen : de selve beschrijft ons 
 de manieren ende ghestalte van't volck, welck by stracx binnen do 
 baye vondt aldus : Als ick aent land't quam, stonde alle de Swarten 
 ^ These facts are not quite correctly stated. See Brodhead, Hist, of 
 New York, pp. 60, 61. 
 •' When I came on shore, the swarthy natives all stood 
 around and sung in their fashion ; their clothing consisted 
 of the skins of foxes and other animals, which they dress and 
 make the skins into garments of various sorts. Their food 
 is Turkish wheat (maize or Indian corn), which they cook 
 by baking, and it is excellent eating. They all came on 
 board, one after another, in their canoes, which are made of 
 a single hollowed tree ; their weapons are bows and arrows, 
 pointed with sharp stones, which they fasten with hard 
 resin. They had no houses, but slept under the blue 
 heavens, sometimes on mats of bulrushes interwoven, and 
 sometimes on the leaves of trees. They always carry with thcra 
 all their goods, such as their food and green tobacco, which 
 is strong and good for use. They appear to be a friendly 
 people, but have a great propensity to steal, and are exceed- 
 ingly adroit in carrying away whatever they take a fancy 
 In latitude 40° 48', where the savages brought very fine 
 oysters to the ship, Hudson describes the country in the 
 en songhen op hare wijse; haer kleederen syn vellen van vossen 
 ende andere beesten die sy bereyden, ende maken kleerderen van 
 vellen, van aller hande sorteringhcn, haer etcn is Turcxsche tarwe, 
 daer sy koecken van backen, ende is goet eaten; quamen al temct 
 aen boordt d'een voor d'ander naer, met haer prauwen van een 
 heel houdt gemaeckt ; haer geweer is bogen ende pijlen met scharpe 
 steentjens voor aen, die sy daer aen vast maken met spiegel harst; 
 hadden daer geen huysen, sliepen al onder den blaeuwen Hemcl, 
 sommige op mattijens aen malkanderen ghewrocht van bicsen, 
 sommighe op bladeren van boomen, dragon altijts al haer goet met 
 heur datse hebben, als eten ende groenen toback vvelck sterck is 
 ende goet om nemen ; schijnt vriendelijck volck te zijn, dan is 
 seer gheneghen tot stelen, ende subtiel om wegh te halen alles 't 
 gheene haer aenstaet. Op de hooghte van veertich graden ende 
 acht-en veertich minuten, al waer de Wilde seer schoone oesters 
 aen syn schip brachten, ghetuycht de voor-noemde Hudson van 't 
Hudson's third voyage. 161 
 following manner : — " It is as pleasant a land as one need 
 tread upon ; very abundant in all kinds of timber suitable 
 for shipbuilding, and for making large casks or vats. The 
 people had copper tobacco pipes, from which I inferred 
 that copper might naturally exist there ; and iron likewise 
 according to the testimony of the natives, who, however, do 
 not understand preparing it for use. 
 Hudson also states that they caught in the river all kinds 
 of fresh-water fish with seines, and young salmon^ and 
 sturgeon. In latitude 42° 18' he landed : — " I sailed to the 
 shore," he says, " in one of their canoes, with an old man, 
 who was the chief of a tribe, consisting of forty men and 
 seventeen women ; these I saw there in a house well con- 
 structed of oak bark, and circular in shape, so that it had 
 the appearance of being well built, with an arched roof. It 
 contained a great quantity of maize or Indian corn, and 
 landt aldus ; Is soo schoonen landt als men met voeten betreden 
 mach, over-vloedigh van alderhande houdt, om schepen te bouwen, 
 ende om groote vaten van te makcn ; t' volck haddc daer koperen 
 toback pijpen, waer uyt ick vcrmocde dat daer koper meet zijn, 
 als Dock yser naer der Wilden beduydinghe, dan sy en hebben 
 gheen wetenschap om 'tsclve te bercyden. De selve ghetuyght 
 mode dat sy op de rievier allerhande rievier-viscb met de seghen 
 vanghen, cock jonghc salm ende steur. Op de hooglite van twec-cn- 
 vccrtich graden ende achthien minuten was dito Hudson acn Uuidt ; 
 Ick veer (seght hy) met een van haer prauvvcn acn landt, met cen 
 oudt man die daer overste was, van veertich mans ende seventhien 
 vrouwen, die ick daer sagh ; in een buys van hasten van eyckcn- 
 boomcn wel ghcmaeckt, ende rondtomsoo gclijck of hct een verwelft 
 ^ This fact has been doubted. Dr. Mitchell, an American naturalist 
 informed Dr. Miller the New York historian, that no such fish had been 
 seen in Hudson river, as long as he could remember. But this may be 
 caused by the extraordinary movement even then (in 1820) existing in 
 the river's mouth. There is no reasonable ground to doubt that the 
 Hudson was, at the time of its discovery, as rich in salmon as many 
 other North American rivers are now. 
 beans of the last year's growth, and there lay near the house 
 for the purpose of drying, enough to load three ships, besides 
 what was growing in the fields. On our coming into the 
 house, two mats were spread out to sit upon, and immediately 
 some food was served in well made red wooden bowls ; two 
 men were also despatched at once with bows and arrows in 
 quest of game, who soon after brought in a pair of pigeons 
 Avhich they had shot. They likewise killed a fat dog, and 
 skinned it in great haste, with shells which they had got 
 out of the water. They supposed that I would remain with 
 them for the night, but I returned after a short time on 
 board the ship. The land is the finest for cultivation that 
 I ever in my life set foot upon, and it also abounds in trees 
 of every description. The natives are a very good people, 
 for when they saw that I would not remain, they supposed 
 that I was afraid of their bows, and taking the arrows, they 
 broke them in pieces, and threw them into the fire, etc." 
 He found there also vines and grapes, pumpkins, and 
 other fruits ; from all of which there is sufficient reason 
 hadde gheweest, was overvloedigh van Maiz en boonen van 't voor- 
 gaende jaer, ende daer lagh by het buys wel soo veel te droogben, 
 als dry scbepcn mocbton voeren, sonder dat nocb stondt en wics ; 
 by bet buys komende werden twee matjens gbespreyt om op te 
 sitten, ende terstondt eenigbe gbericbten voort gbebracbt, in roodc 
 bouten-backen wel gbemaeckt, ende sonden terstondt twee mannen 
 uyt met boogben om wildt te scbieten, brocbten twee Duyven die 
 sy wel baest gbescbooten badden, sloegben terstondt oock eenen 
 vetten-bondt, ende kregben bet vel af mctter baest met scbelpen 
 die sy uyt bet water krijgben, meenden dat ick die nacbt by baev 
 blijven sonde, dan ginck terstondt wcder naer bet scbip ; 'tis bet 
 scboonste landt om te bouwen, als ick oyt mijn leven met voeten 
 betradt, ende oock van aldeibande boomen ; ende is seer goet volck, 
 want doen sy sagben dat ick niet blijven en wilde, meenden dat 
 ick van baev bogben vervaert was, namen de pijlen, braken die 
 aen stucken ende worpen die int vier, etc. Sy vonden daer oock 
Hudson's third voyage. 163 
 to conclude, that it is a pleasant and fruitful country, and 
 that the natives are well disposed, if they are only well 
 treated ; although they are very changeable, and of the same 
 general character as all the savages in the north 
 wijngaerden cnde druyven, pompoonen cndo andere vruchten 
 A\ t Welches alles ghenoechsaem is af te ncmen dat hat een seer 
 schoon cnde vruchtbacr quartier is, cndc goet volck, als het maer 
 wel ghehandelt wordt; doch seer veranderlijck, cnde van den 
 selven acrdt als alle liet volck van die noorder quartieren. 
 VOL. I, P. 85, FOL.) 
 Thk inclinations of the directors of the East India Com- 
 pany were much at variance upon the proposals of Hudson. 
 The directors of Zealand opposed it ; they were probably 
 discouraged by the fruitless results of former voyages, con- 
 cerning which they could obtain sufficient information from 
 their colleague, Balthasar Moucheron,^ who long before had 
 traded to the north. It was said they were throwing money 
 away, and nothing else. If private merchants would ruii 
 the risk they had no objection, provided the company was 
 not injured by it. The Amsterdam directors, nevertheless, 
 M'ould not give up their plan, and sent Henry Hudson, in 
 the same year 1609, with a yacht called the Half Moon. 
 manned by sixteen Englishmen and Hollanders, again to sea. 
 ^ Balthasar de Moucheron was a rich merchant, one of the active 
 emigrants who had left the southern provinces of the Netherlands during 
 the war of independance against S|)ain. He settled in Zealand, and was 
 the principal promoter of the maritime enterprise by which the young 
 republic rose so fast to a distinguished place among European powers. 
 Moucheron sent on his own account ships to Russia, to America, and to 
 the East Indies. The undertakings alluded to by Lambrechtsen arc the 
 three voyages to the North-East, which De Veer has described. Mou- 
 cheron was the principal instigator of these unsuccessful expeditions. 
 (See Dr. Beke's De Veer, Introduction, p. lii.) 
 I < 
 This vessel left the Texel on the 6th of April, 1609, sail- 
 ing towards the north. Prevented by the ice from reaching 
 the latitude of Nova Zcmbla, they went to Newfoundland, 
 and from there to Acadia or New France, till they were 
 driven into a bay known only to the French, who arrived 
 there annually to purchase hides and furs from the savages. 
 Hudson, unwilling to approach those chilling shores, re- 
 turned to sea, and steering south-Avest discovered land, 
 which was first considered to be an island, but which was 
 soon discovered to be a part of the continent, named Cape 
 This industrious navigator felt (although born in Eng- 
 land) so sensibly his relation to the Holland East India 
 Company, who had employed him in discoveries, that he 
 could not have hesitated a moment to give the name of his 
 adopted fatherland to this newly discovered country. Fie 
 called it New Holland. But not wishing to fix his per- 
 manent residence on this spot, Hudson preferred the sea, 
 talcing a south-west course till he discovered a flat coast in 
 37° 35', which he followed in an opposite direction. 
 At this time he discovered a bay, in which several rivers 
 were emptying, which, no doubt, must have been the South 
 river, afterwards named Delaware. It ha., a, projecting 
 point, which then or afterwards obtained the name of Cape 
 Henlopen, probably from the family name of the first dis- 
 coverer. Now the bay was again left, and they steered 
 north-east along the coast at 40° 18', where, between Barn- 
 degat and Godinspunt, named thus afterwards in remem- 
 brance of him who first discovered this cape,^ there was a 
 good anchorage, to explore the country, and to open a com- 
 munication with the inhabitants. But Hudson's curiosity 
 ^ Godyn wafi one of the Directors of the Dutch West India Company. 
 The cape was not discovered by him ; but received his name because 
 he possessed a lar^re estate in its neighbourhood. Godyns punt is iden- 
 tical with Colman's Point. Sec p. 80, note 3. 
 was not so easily satisfied. He went again to sea, following 
 the coast in the same direction till the mouth of a large river 
 was discovered, which then was named by the sailors the 
 North river, and afterwards, in honour of the name of the 
 first discoverer, Hudson's river. 
 The voyage was prosperous. But when he approached the 
 English coast a mutiny was stirring among the crew, among 
 which were several Englishmen. They compelled the skip- 
 per to enter Dartmouth, from which the rumour of his dis- 
 coveries ere long reached the capital. 
 Nothing Avas more averse from the views of king James 
 than of allowing to the Nctherlanders any advantage from 
 transmarine colonies, while he, in imitation of Queen Eliza- 
 beth, desired to convert the whole to the profit of his own 
 subjects, Hudson was considered as a person of import- 
 ance, and he was forbidden to pursue his voyage towards 
 Amsterdam, with the intention, ere long, to make use of his 
 After the ship, the Half Moon, had been detained at Dart- 
 mouth for some time, it was at length permitted to return 
 to the fatherland, where it arrived in the beginning of the 
 year 1610. 
 And now did the directors obtain such favourable reports 
 of the countries discovered by Hudson, that in their opinion 
 these were a full compensation for their disappointment in 
 their principal aim, the passage to India by the north. 
 1655, 1656, 
 This country was first found and discovered in the year of 
 our Lord 1C09; when, at the cost of the privileged East 
 India Company, a ship named the Half 3Ioon was fitted out 
 to discover a westerly passage to the kingdom of China. 
 This ship was commanded by Henry Hudson, as captain 
 and supercargo, who was an Englishman by birth, but 
 had resided many years in Holland, and was now in the 
 employment of the East India Company. This ship sailed 
 from the Canary Islands,^ steering a course north by west ; 
 and after sailing twenty days with good speed land was 
 DiT Lantschap is eerstmael gevonden en ontdeckt in den J are onses 
 llceren Jesu Christi 1609. als wanneer tcr koste van de Geoctro- 
 ycerde Oost-Iudische Compagnie af-gevaerdight is hct Schip do 
 Halve Maen, cm by Westcn eenen doorgangh naer het Coningrijck 
 van China te soecken : op dit Schip was Schipper en Coopman 
 eeiicn Hcndrick Hudson, wel ecn Engelsman geboortig, maer lang 
 onder de Nederlanders verkeert hebbende, ende nu in dienst en 
 macutgelt van de Oost-Indische Compagnie. Dit Schip, van de 
 Canarische Eylanden af t' zeyl gaende, stelde sijne cours West ten 
 Noorden aen, hebbende so by de twintigh etmael met redelijcke 
 1 See p. 152, note 1. 
 t I 
 (Hscovcred, which by their calculation lay 820° by west. 
 On approaching the land, ami observing the coast and shore 
 convenient, they landed, and examined the country as well, 
 as they could at tlie time and as opportunity offered. 
 spoct gczcylt, ontmoctcn landt nae hucr gissingc op dc drie hondert 
 en twintigh gradcn bj' Wcstcn, onde mcrckendc acn vcrschcydo 
 tceckencn, dat noyt ocnigh Christen daor tc voorcn gewccst was, 
 macr dat nu hot lant by gcval daer ccrst ontdeckt wcrde. Onder 
 hot landt dan nadcr komendc, en siende dc oust en strantbeqiiaeni, 
 begaven haer daer na toe, namen bet gesicht en besit daer van sooso 
 best kondc, naer tijdts gclcgcntbcydt. 
 The country having been first found or discovered by 
 the Netherlandcrs, and keeping in view the discovery of the 
 same it is named the New Netherlands. That this country 
 was first found or discovered by the Netherlandcrs, is evi- 
 dent and clear from the fact that the Indians or natives of 
 the land, many of whom arc still living, and with whom I 
 have conversed, declare freely, that before the arrival of the 
 Dutch ship, the Half 3Ioon, in the year 1609, they (the 
 natives) did not know that there were any other people in 
 Soo is dan oock Nieuw Ncdcrlandt, als ecrst van Nederlandcis 
 gevonden zijnde, mede ten aensicn, do vindingc also genaemt. Dat 
 dit Lant eerst van Nederlandcrs gevonden is, blijckt mode klaer 
 daer uyt, dat de Indlanen oftc Inboorlingbcn die der noch vecl 
 in 't leven zijn, ende wy dickwils en verscheyden hebben hoorcn 
 spreken, soo oudt datsc daer van heugen, rent uyt verklaren, dat 
 voor bet aenkomen van ons Neerlants scbip de Halve Maen, in 't 
 Jaer 1609. sy Inboorlingen niet wisten datter meer menschen in de 
 werelt waren, als daer van baers ghr-lijrk ontrent haer, veel niin 
 : 1 
 the world than tliosc who were like themselves, much less 
 any people who differed so much in appearance from them 
 as we did. 
 Their men were without hair on the breasts or about the 
 mouth, like women, whilst our men arc hairy ; they were ' I 
 without clothing and mostly naked, especially in summer, 
 while we arc always clothed and covered. When some of them 
 first saw our ship approaching at a distance, they did not 
 know what to think about her, but stood in deep and solemn 
 amazement, wondering whether it were a ghost or apparition 
 coming down from heaven or hell. Others of them supposed , 
 her to be a strange fish or sea monster. When they dis- j 
 covered men on board, they looked upon them rather as . 
 devils than human beings. Thus they differed about the ship r 
 and men. A strange report was also spread about the country j 
 concerning our ship and visit, which created great astonish- j 
 mcnt and surprise amongst the Indians. These things we ! 
 have frequently heard them declare, and we regard them as ' ' 
 certain proofs that the Netherlanders were the first finders 
 menschcn so veer van hacr slach en fatsocn vcrschillende uls hare 
 en onsc Natie, zijiulc hare Natie op de burst cndc omtrendt den 
 mont gantsch kacl, cndc den Vrouwen ghclijckt, dc onso heel 
 luiyrigh, sy onghcklect, cndc mcest ontdckt, voornemclijck des 
 Zomcrs, en wy altijt gcklect en bcdekt, so dat docn sommigc van 
 liaer, ons Schip van verre eerst sagen acnkomen, al heel niet \visten 
 wat daer van tc oordclen, ende in swaer beduchten stonden, of het 
 oock spoock of dicrgclijckc wcrck was, dan of het uyt den Hcmel 
 of uyt de Hcl moclite liomcn, andcre mcenden of het wcl een 
 schsamc Vis ofte Zee -monster sonde moglicn wesen, cndc of die 
 gene die daer op waren, beter nae Duyvels of nae Menschcn 
 gek'ken, ende soo voorts gclijck yder sijn vcrscheyden gevoelcn 
 hecft : altijt daer liep ccn heel vreemt gerucht van door tiet lant, 
 ende 't gaf groote versslagentheydt by alle de Indianen, glielijck 
 my dickwils verscbcyden Indianen gctuyght hebbcn, dies wy het 
 oock voor een scker bewijs houden, dat de Nccrlanders de eerste 
I (i 
 or discoverers and possessors of the New Netherlands. There 
 arc Indians in the eountry whose memory carries them back 
 a hundred years/ and if there had been any other people 
 here before us they would have known something of them, 
 and if they had not seen them themselves they would have 
 heard an account of them from others. There ai'c persons 
 who believe that the Spaniards have been here many years 
 ago, when they found the climate too cold to their liking, and 
 again left the country ; and that the maize or Turkish corn, 
 and beans found among the Indians, were left with thcni 
 by the Spaniards.'- Tliis opinion or belief is improbable, as 
 vinders en besitters van Nicuw Nederlant zijn, want dacr zijii 
 Wiklen die over de hondcrt Jarcn hcughcn, cndc soo der nocli 
 eenigli volck voor d'onse gcweest waren, dacr van soudcn sy al 
 yetwes weteu te scggen, soo sy't selfs niet gesicn hadden, soudcn 
 ten minsten van hacr Voor-oudcrs gehocrt hebbcn. Dacr zijn cook 
 luydcn die raeenen dat over vecle Jaren de Spangiaerts in dit lant 
 gewccst zijn, maer hot voor liaor wat tc kout bcvindcnde, wedcr 
 vcrlatcn licbbcn, en dat de boontjcs en Turksche tarwe of Mayes, 
 ^ The character and purpose of Van der Donck's book is explained in 
 the introduction to the present volume. He was anxious to prove that 
 New Netherland (a vast tract of land, of which the States of New York 
 and Pennsylvania form the principal part) belonged by right of dis- 
 covery to the Dutch. Being by profession a lawyer, he is not very 
 scrupulou"! in his special pleading. The argument drawn from the 
 memory of the Indians must elicit a smile in any one acquainted with 
 them. They have no means of measuring past time, they do not even 
 know their own ages, and are therefore themselves quite unable to ascer- 
 tain how far their memory carries them back. 
 '■^ Notwithstanding Van der Donck's assertions to the contrary, the 
 whole coast of New Netherland was undoubtedly known to the Spaniards. 
 The first of their vessels that visited these shores was commanded by 
 the Portuguese Estevan Gomez, who seems to have spent part of the 
 spring and summer of the 1525 in exploring them. Their ships 
 frequently visited them afterwards, and gave names to the rivers and 
 islands. Hudson's river was called by them Bio de Oamas (Roe river). 
 This matter is explained at some length in the introduction to the pre- 
 sent volume. 
■1 I 
 wc can discover nothin„ of the kind from tlic Indians. Tlicy 
 say that their corn and beans were received from the southern 
 Indians, who received their seed from a people who resided 
 still farther south, which may well be true, as the Castilians 
 have long since resided in Florida. The maize may have been 
 among the Indians in the warm climate long ago ; however, 
 our Indirais say that they did eat roots and the bark of trees in- 
 stead of bread, before the introduction of Indian corn or maize. 
 clacr van ondcr de Wildcn glieblcvcn sonde /ijn, maer 't is nict 
 waevschijnclijck, heb het cock noyt van de Wiklcn konncn ver- 
 nemen, ende dc boontjes met hct coorn, scggcnsc hacr van de 
 zuydtse Wildcn wcl ecrtijts overgelevertte zijn, die het oock voor 
 cen tijt, noch al vry vcel zuydelijckcr van menschen die dacr 
 woonen, bekomen haddcn, dat wel wacr kan weson : "Want in 
 Florida liebben aloverlangh Castilianen gewoont, ofle misscliicn is 
 dc Mayes oock wel eerdcr in die warme landen ondcr de I idiancn 
 gcwccst, maer onsc Wilden seggcn, ilatsc van te vooren, eersc van dc 
 Mayes wisten, hasten van boomen, en wortclen "n plaetse van 
 broot aten. 
 When this country was, in 1G09, first found by the Dutch, 
 they learned from the natives that no Christians had been 
 there before ; and considering themselves as the first dis- 
 coverers they took possession in the name of their High 
 Mightinesses the States General ; first along the South Bay, 
 Docn dan eerstmael in het Jacr 1609 by de Ncerlanders dit landt 
 op-ghedaen werdt, ende aen de Jnboorlinghcn bcmerckcnde, dat 
 sy aldaer de ecrste Christcncn ende Vindcrs warcn, namen sy op 
 den nacm cndc van weghcn hare Ho. Mog. mijn Ilecrcn dc Staten 
 Gcuerael der Vcrcenighde Nederlanden posscssic, ccrst by de Suyt- 
 buy acn Cacp Hinloopcn, die sy docnmacl soo noeuidcn, ghclijck 
 I I 
 near the cape, which they then called Cape Hinlopen,i the 
 name it still bears. Thence they sailed along the coast, 
 giving various names to rivers and places, till into the great 
 north river, which they sailed far up. The English on this 
 account call it Hudson's river. The first discoverers called 
 it Mauritius- river, after Prince Maurice, who was then 
 Statholder. Thence they sailed to Cape Cod, where they 
 took possession, calling it Neiv Holland.^ 
 sy den selven naem noch hccft, ende voeren so al voort langhs de 
 custc, ende op de Rivieren de plaetsen verscheyde benaminge 
 gcvende tot aen de groote Noort-rivier, die sy ver op voeren, soo 
 datsc dc Engelschc noch sommighe Hutsons Rivicr, willen noemen, 
 macr sy noemdense doen Mauritius Rivier, naer Prins Mauritis, 
 die docnmael in Nederlandt Gouverneur was ; van daer voerensc 
 voort tot voorby Caep Codt, daerse oock posscssie namcn, ende 
 noemden de selve Nieuw Hollandt. 
 ^ This taking possession is an invention of Van der Donck. They 
 never landed near Cape IIiulo])en, (See Juet, pp. 73 to 75 ; De Laet, 
 pp. 154, 155.) 
 ^ Tliis is also an invention of Van der Donck. The name was 
 given several years afterwards. 
 ^ This is quite inconect. They sailed straight home without 
 even seeing laud. Hudson touched the coast near Cape Cod lefore he 
 explored Hudson river. 
 VOYAGE (1609). 
 According to tradition they first landed in Coney Island, 
 opposite Gravescnd (Long Island), and now a part of King's 
 County, in this state. 
 the tradition of the american indians concerning 
 Hudson's first intercourse with them, as preserved 
 the following introductory note, as well as the explanatory foot 
 notes, are from the n. y, h. s. collections. 
 The following paper is derived from the manuscripts deposited among 
 the collections of the Society by the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D., to whom 
 it was communicated by the Rev. John Ilcokewelder, for many years a 
 Moravian missionary to the Indians of Pennsylvania. In a letter accom- 
 panying it, dated at Bethlehem, Jan. 2()th, 1801, Mr. Heckewelder says: 
 " As I receive my information from Indians, in their language and style, 
 I return it in the same way. Facts are all I aim at, and from my know- 
 ledge of the Indians, I do not believe every one's story. The enclosed 
 account is, I believe, as authentic as anything of the kind can be ob- 
 A Voluminous correspondence of Mr. Ilockeweldcr with Mr. Du I'ou- 
 ccRii^ concerning the languages of the Indians, together with an account 
 of the history, manners, and general character of the native tribes, de- 
 rived from personal observation, was published by the American Philo- 
 sophical Society, at Philadelphia, 1819, This paper, in a somewhat 
 altered, perhaps improved, form in respect to his phraseology, was com- 
 prehended in that publication ; but as the original draft is more likely 
 to convey accurately the language and style of Mr. Ileckcwelder's Indian 
 informants, there seems to be a manifest propriety in adopting it for 
 publication in the present collection. 
 The following account of the first arrival of Europeans at 
 New-York Island, is verbatim as it was related to me by 
 aged and respected Delawares, Momcys and Mahicanni 
 (otherwise called Mohigans, Mahicandus), near forty years 
 ago. It is copied from notes and manuscripts taken on the 
 spot. They say : 
 A long time ago, when there was no such thing known to 
 the Indians as people with a white skin (their exjiression), 
 some Indians who had been out a-fishing, and M'licrc the 
 sea widens, espied at a great distance something remarkably 
 large swimming or floating on the water, and such as they 
 had never seen before. They immediately returning to the 
 shore apprised their countrymen of what they had seen, and 
 pressed them to go out with them and discover what it might 
 be. These together hurried out, and saw to their great sur- 
 prise the phenomenon, but could not agree what it might 
 be ; some concluding it either to be an uncommon large 
 fish or other animal, while others were of opinion it must be 
 some very large house. It was at length agreed among 
 those who were spectators, that as this phenomenon moved 
 towards the land, whether or not it was an animal, or any- 
 thing that had life in it, it Avould be well to inform all the 
 Indians on the inhabited islands of what they had seen, and 
 put them on their guard. Accordingly, they sent runners 
 and watermen off to carry the news to their scattered chiefs, 
 that these might send off in every direction for the warriors 
 to come in. These arriving in numbers, and themselves 
 viewing tho strange appearance, and that it was actually 
 moving towards them (the entrance of the river or hay), 
 concluded it to be a large canoe or house, in wdiich the 
 i\Iannitto (great or supreme being) himself was, and that he 
 probably was coming to visit them. By this time the chiefs 
 of the different tribes were assembled on York Island, and 
 were deliberating on tlie manner in which they should 
 receive their Mannittoon his arrival. Every step had been 
 taken to be well provided with plenty of meat for a sacrifice ; 
 the women were required to prepare the best of victuals ; 
 idols or images were examined and put in order ; and a 
 grand dance was supposed not only to be an agreeable 
 entertainment for the ^lannitto, but might, with the addition 
 of a sacrifice, contribute towards appeasing him, in case he 
 was angry with them. The conjurors were also set to work, 
 to determine what the meaning of this phenomenon was, and 
 what the result would be. Both to these, and to the chiefs 
 and wise men of the nation, men, women, and children were 
 looking up for advice and protection. Between hope and 
 fear, and in confusion, a dance commenced. While in this 
 situation, fresh runners arrive, declaring it a house of 
 various colours, and crowded with living creatures. It now 
 appears to be certain that it is the great INIannitto bringing 
 ihcm some kind of game, such as they had not before ; but 
 other runners soon after arriving, declare it a large house of 
 various colours, full of people, yet of quite a different colour 
 tlian they (the Indians) arc of; that they were also dressed 
 in a different manner from them, and that one in particular 
 appeared altogether red, which must be the Mannitto 
 liimself. They arc soon hailed from the vessel, though in a 
 language they do not understand ; yet they shout (or yell) 
 in their way. Many are for running off to the woods, but 
 are pressed by others to stay, in order not to give offence to 
 their visitors, who cou.ld find them out, and might destroy 
 them. The house (or large canoe, as some will have it) 
 stops, and a smaller canoe comes ashore Avith the red man 
 and some others in it; some stay by this canoe to guard it. 
 The chiefs and wise men (or councillors) have composed a 
 large circle, unto which the red-clothed man with two others 
 approach. He salutes them with friendly countenance, and 
 they return the salute after their manner. They are lost in 
 admiration, both as to the colour of the skin (of these whites) 
 as also to their manner of dress, yet most as to the habit of 
 him who wore the red clothes, which shone Avith something 
 they could not account fur.^ lie must be the great jNlannitto 
 (supreme being) they think, but why should he have a 
 white skin ?' A large hockhack' is brought forward by one 
 of the (supposed) Mannitto's servants, and from this a 
 substance is poured out into a small cup (or glass) and 
 handed to the Mannitto. The (expected) Mannitto drinks ; 
 has the glass filled again, and hands it to the chief next to 
 him to drink. The chief receives the glass, but only 
 smellcth at it, and passes it on to the next chief, who does 
 the same. The glass thus passes through the circle without 
 the contents being tasted by any one ; and is upon the point 
 of being returned again to the red-clothed man, when one of 
 their number, a spirited man and great warrior, jumps up, 
 harangues the assembly on the impropriety of returning the 
 glass with the contents in it ; that the same was handed 
 them by the Mannitto in order that they should drink it, as 
 he himself had done before them ; that this would please 
 him; but to return what he had given to them might 
 provoke him, and be the cause of their being destroyed by 
 him. And that since he believed it for the good of the 
 nation that the contents offered them should be drank, and 
 as no one was willing to drink it he would, let the con- 
 sequence be what it would ; and that it was better for one 
 man to die, than a whole nation to be destroyed. He then 
 ^ Lace. ^ Their owu expression. 
 ^ Their word for gourd, bottle, decanter, etc. 
 I I 
 took the glass and bidding the assembly a farewell, drank it 
 off. Every eye was fixed on their resolute companion to see 
 what an effect this would have upon him, and he soon 
 beginning to stagger about, and at last dropping to the 
 ground, they bemoan him. He fiills into a sleep, and they 
 view him as expiring. He awakes again, jumps up, and 
 declares that he never felt himself before so haj^py as after 
 he had drank the cup. Wishes for more. His wish is 
 granted ; and the whole assembly soon join him, and be- 
 come intoxicated.^ 
 After this general intoxication had ceased (during which 
 time the whites had confined themselves to their vessel), the 
 man with the red clothes returned again to them, and dis- 
 tributed presents among them, to wit, beads, axes, hoes, 
 stockings, etc. They say that they had become familiar to 
 each other, and were made to understand by signs, that 
 they now would return home, but would visit them next 
 year again, when they would bring them more presents, and 
 stay with them awhile ; but that, as they could not live 
 without eating, they should then want a little land of them 
 to sow seeds in order to raise herbs to put in their broth. 
 ^ The Delawares calls this place (New York Island) Mannahattanink 
 or Mannahacktauink to this day. They have frequently told me that it 
 derived its name from the general intoxication, and. that the word com- 
 prehended the same as to say the island or place of general intoxica- 
 The j\Iahicanni (otherwise called Mohiggans by the English, and 
 Mahicandus by the Low Dutch) call this place by the same name as 
 the Delawares do : yet think it is owing or given in consequence of 
 a kind of wood which grew there, and of which the Indians used to 
 make their bows and arrows. This wood the latter (Mohicanni) call 
 " gawaak." 
 The universal name the l\Ionseys have for New York is Laaphawack- 
 king, which is interpreted, the place of stringing beads (wampum). They 
 say this name was given in consequence of beads being here distributed 
 among them by the Europeans ; and that after the European vessel had 
 returned, wherever one looked, one would see the Indians employed in 
 stringing the beads or wampum the whites had given them. 
»* ' 
 That the vessel arrived the season following, and they were 
 much rejoiced at seeing each other; but that the whites 
 laughed at them (the Indians) seeing they knew not the use 
 of the axes, lioes, etc., they had given them, they having had 
 these hanging to their breasts as ornaments ; and the stock- 
 ings they had made use of as tobacco pouches. The whites 
 now in\t handles (or helves) in the former, and cat trees 
 down before their eyes, and dug the ground, and showed them 
 the use of the stockings. Here (say they) a general 
 laughter ensued among them (the Indians), that they had 
 remained for so long a time ignorant of the use of so 
 valuable implements ; and had borne with the weight of 
 such heavy metal hanging to their necks for such a length 
 of time. They took every white man they saw for a 
 Manitto, yet inferior and attendant to the supreme Manitto, 
 to wit, to the one which wore the red and laced clothes. 
 Familiarity daily increasing between them and the whites, 
 the latter now proposed to stay with them, asking them only 
 for so much land as the hide of a bullock would cover (or 
 encompass), which hide was brought forward and spread on 
 the ground before them. That they readily granted this 
 request ; whereupon the whites took a knife, and beginning 
 at one place on this hide, cut it up into a rope not thicker 
 than the finger of a little child, so that by the time this hide 
 was cut up, there was a great heap. That this rope was 
 drawn out to a great distance, and then brought round 
 again, so that both ends might meet. That they carefully 
 avoided its breaking, and that upon the whole it encom- 
 passed a large piece of ground. That they (the Indians) 
 were surprised at the superior wit of the whites, but did not 
 wish to contend with them about a little land, as they had 
 enough. That they and the whites lived for a long time 
 contentedly together, although these asked from time to 
 time more land of them ; and proceeding higher up the 
 Mahicanittuk (Hudson river), they believed they would soon 
 want all their country, and which at this time was already 
 the case, 
 [Hehe ExNds this Relation.'] 
 Mr. Heckewelder received the tradition about sixty-five 
 years ago, and took it down verbatim, as it was related to 
 him by aged and respected Delawares, Monseys, and Mahi- 
 canni. Dr. Barton says the story is told in the same way 
 by all the Indians of the tribes of Delawares, the *' Monces," 
 and Mohiccans ; and in relating the incidents, they laugh 
 at their own ignorance. But what still further shows (says 
 Dr. B.) that considerable dependence may be placed upon 
 the tradition is this, that to this day the Delawares, the 
 INIonseys, and Mohiccans call New York Manahachtanienks, 
 that is, the place at Avhich we were drunk, being the name 
 they bestowed on the place immediately after the incident 
 ^ At the head of this article there is a t\ ographical error in the 
 name of a tribe of Indians — Mouieys should ' , Monseys, often written 
 Minsis. For an exact account of this and oilier Delaware nations, see 
 Gallatin's t^j/nopsin of the Indian Tribes, -tX work of extraordinary ability, 
 contained in Transactions of American Antiquarian Society, vol. ii, p. 
 44, etc. 
 (north-avest, fox, r. 70.) 
 In the road of Lee, in the river Thames, he caused Master 
 Coolbrand^ to be set in a pinke to be carried backe again to 
 London. This Coolbrand was every way held to be a better 
 man than himselfe, being put in by the adventurers as his 
 assistant, who envying the same (he having the command 
 in his own hands) devised this course, to send himselfe the 
 same way, though in a farre worse place, as hereafter fol- 
 1 Hudson (p. 93) calls him Colburne ; Pricket (p. 98) calls him Col- 
 bert. Hudson's version of the name, the only one that forms part of a 
 logbook written during the voyage, is most probably the correct one. 
 4to., AMSTERDAM, 1012, 1013. 
 The following accounts are all due to the same hand ; they even form 
 part of the ditt'ercnt editions of the same work ; and the natural suppo- 
 sition would therefore be, that they must be repetitions of each other. 
 This is, indeed, in a small degree, the case. But the variations between 
 them are very great and very curious ; showing, as they do, the uncer- 
 tainty of Gerritz's information, and how it was gradually corrected. It 
 has, therefore, seemed advisable to reprint them all. 
 An Account of the Voijage and New Fo2ind Ki'trait of Mr. Hudson. 
 Mr. Hudson, who has been repeatedly engaged in the 
 search of a western passage, long intended to undertake an 
 expedition for this same purpose through Lumley's Inlet, 
 a channel leading out of Davis's Strait ; as we ourselves 
 have seen pointed out on his map, which is in Mr. Plancius' 
 hands. He hoped thus to reach the Pacific by the west of 
 Mr. Hudson die ettclijcke malen Westwaerts eon dooi'gangh 
 {^hesocht hecft, had zijn oogh-merck oin door Lumbleys inlet in 
 Frctum Davis in een doorgaende Zee te comen, ghelijck wy sulcx 
 in zijn Caerte by Mr. Plantius gesien hebben-en by westen Nova 
 Albion in Mar del Zur tc loopc, dacr ecu Enghcls man, soo hy 
 ghclccckcnl liad, door ghcpusseert was. Maor nac veel mocytens 
 ■ \ 
 Nova Albion,! where another Englii^hinan had, according to 
 his drawings, passed tlirough. Hudson found after many 
 labours the way represented on our map, and he was only 
 prevented from following it further up, by the resistance of 
 his crew. This mutiny took place under the following cir- 
 cumstances. They had been absent from home about ten 
 months, being provisioned only for eight, and during their 
 whole voyage they had met but a single man, who brought 
 them an animal which they ate ; but ha been badly 
 treated, the man never returned. Having tixus left the lati- 
 tude of 52'^, where they had wintered, and having sailed up 
 to GO", along the western shore of their bay, they fell in 
 with a wide sea and with a great flood from the north-west. 
 The commanders intended to proceed further. The crew 
 then rose against him, and put all the officers out of the 
 ship into a boat, and sailed, home to England. For this 
 liccft hy desewech, die bier op decs Cacrte ghctccckcnt staet, gcvon- 
 (Icu, die hy vervolclit soude hebbcn, hadde 't g^^emcen Schceps- 
 vokk niet soo onwillich ghcwcest : want also 'el 10 maende 
 uytgcwcest hadden, dacrse noclitans maer voox .enden gevict- 
 alieert waron, ende op de heele week maor ccn man ghesien heb- 
 ben, die baer een groot Dicr brocbt dat sy atcn ; die, om dat hy 
 qualijck glietracteert wiert, niet wcer en quam, soo isset gemeen 
 Scheeps-volck (als sy wcder vandc hoochte van 52 gr. daor sy 
 vcrwintcrden, tot op de hoocbte van 60 grad. langbs de Wcst- 
 zydc vandc Baye, dacr sy in geloopcn waron), op-gbeclommen, 
 daer sy een ruymc Zee ende groote baren uyten Noordwestcn 
 vernamcn, cndclick tcgens baer Mcesters op gcstaen, die vor- 
 der voort wildcn, ende hebbcn d' Overheyt altesamen in ccn 
 Sloep ofto scbuyt biiyten scbecjis gbeset, ende zijn alsoo met hct 
 Scbip nat Enggelant gcsc}dt : Hicrom zijn sy, als sy t' buys qua- 
 ^ Nova Albion is a vague term embracing all the possessions of the 
 English in North America, The geographical notions involved in this 
 passage and in the rest of Gcrritz's various accounts will be discussed 
 in the iuti eduction. 

 01' Hudson's two last voyaoks. 
 cause they have, on tlicir arnval at home, all been put in 
 prison; and in the course of tiie present summer (1(51;^) 
 some sliips have again been sent to tliose regions by order 
 of the king and of the Prince of Wales/ to discover a passage 
 and to look for iNIr. Hudson and his companions. These 
 have received orders that, in case the passage be found, two 
 of them shall pass through it, the third shall be sent home 
 with the news, which we are expecting. 
 men, nltcsamen in prison ghcsct, ende dose Somcr zijnder op 
 iiicus schcpe ter ordonnantie van den Coningh ende den Prince 
 van Wallis dcrwaerts ghcsonden, om dc doorgangh vcrdcr t' ont- 
 docken, cndo Mr. Hudson met den syncn op te soeckcn : wclcko 
 schepcn bevel hebbcn om met him twccn, als dc passagic glicvon- 
 dcn sal zijn, door to passcren, cndc cen t' huysto scndcn met do 
 tydinghe die wy vcrwachtcn. 
 But as even after these voyages of William Barentz"'^ the 
 English had repeatedly tried that northern way, the Direc- 
 tors of the East India Company resolved three years ago to 
 QuoNiAM vero ctiam post navigationes praodictas Guilclmi Ber- 
 nardi, viam illam aquilonarem aliquoties Angli adhuc tcntaverant, 
 visum fuit ante triennium D.D. Indicai navigationis procfectis co 
 ^ Henry, Prince of Wales, a young man of great promise, who died in 
 November, 1()12. 
 ^ The preceding passages of the Prolegomena, or Preface to Ilessel 
 Gerritz's work, contain a short account of Barentz's voyages to the 
 North-east in search of a short way to China. The members of the 
 Ilakluyt Society possess Dr. Beke's excellent edition of De Veer's de- 
 scri[)tion of these voyages. 
 send there a certain Mr. Hudson, an Englishman. Pie, 
 having found no way to the east, but, instead of it, the ocean 
 ahnost entirely obstructed by ice, went to the west and re- 
 turned without any profit to England. He was then sent 
 out again by the English, and his voyage was far more 
 prosperous, but his own fortune far worse. For, having 
 after many labours passed beyond the Terra de Baccalaos^ 
 for about three hundred miles- to the west, and having win- 
 tered there in latitude 52^, and being sure to be able to go 
 still farther; then, not only he himself, but all his officers 
 were put into a boat by their mutinous crew i nd left to drift 
 on the waves. The sailors returned home without delay. 
 We have added his geographical observations to the present 
 book. We expect more certain news by the ships which 
 have already been sent there ; and even the much desired 
 report that they will have passed through the strait. These 
 ships will thus obtain eternal fame and glory. . . 
 mittere quendam M. Hudsonum Anglum, qui cum nullam ad 
 Ortum viam, sed ejus vicem Occanum invenesset glacie prorsus 
 obstructum, ad Occasum dcflexit, unde sine ullo profectu in 
 Angliam appullt. Emissus autcm de novo ab Anglis, cursu qui- 
 dcm longo prosporiorc, at detoiiorc tamcn succe?su usus est ; cum 
 enim post varios laboies ultra Terram de Baccalaos 300 circiter 
 milllaria Occusum versus emensus esset, inibique ad altiiudinem 
 graduiHu 52 jam hibernasset, et ulterius tendere certus esset, eccc 
 non tantum ipse, sod omnis cius Senatus (ut sic dixerim) nauti- 
 cus scaphae ab importunis nuutis impositus et in undas demissus, 
 ipsi sine mora domum reversi sunt. Nos vero notas ejus ad cal- 
 ceiii liujus libclli adjunximus, certiora per naves eo jam missas, 
 imo optatum de Freto pervio nuntium expect an te^. Quae naves hoc 
 ipso JEternam sibi famam paratura) sunt. 
 ^ Terra de Baccalaos, or Codfish land, is a vague terra, embracing 
 most of the codfish stations north of 49°. On tho old maps the name is 
 generally written in latitude 05'^ or 56°. For the origin and history of 
 the terra, see the introduction to the present volurao. 
 ^ Prol)ably German miles. The other accounts have leucas (leagues). 
OF Hudson's two last voyages. 
 These news of Pludson's recently found passage to the 
 north of Newfoundland and the hope of a strait, are con- 
 firmed by the testimony of the Virginian and Floridan 
 savages, who all state most distinctly that their country is 
 washed on its south-western side by a vast ocean, in which 
 they have seen ships similar to those of the English. 
 Confirmatm' ha^c nuper Inventi ab Hudsono supra Terram 
 Novam transitus sive P'reti spes, Virgiriiarum Floridanorumque 
 concordibus testimoniis, discrte adfirmantium, terras suas ab oc- 
 casu tcstivo vasto Oceano, in quo et naves Anglicanarum similes 
 An account of the Discovery of the North-western Passage, v:hich is 
 expected to lead to China and Japan, by the North of the Ame- 
 rican Continent, fo' hy Mr.. II. Hudson, an Englishman. 
 The English nation, encouraged by previous success, have 
 grown bolder and bolder in tlicir naval enterprise. Thus, 
 besides their frequent voyages to the cast, to Nova Zembla 
 and to Spitzbergen,^ they have made almost uninterrupted 
 efforts to discover a western passage or strait to China and 
 Felicissim^e Anglicoe gentis expeditioncs maritima^, et prosper- 
 rimi quibus in ijs usi successus, eos ad rariores quoque profccti- 
 ones tentandas magis magisque extimularunt : nam prajter crebra 
 suorum ad Ortum et Novam Zemlam Gra3laudiamq. itinera, per- 
 petuo fere laborarunt in investigando ad Occidentem, Chinam 
 * Gorritz has Groenlandiam. The curious history of this name and 
 of the geographical ideas and discoveries connected with it, will be found 
 ill the introduction to the present volume. 
 I 1 
 Japan. They expected that sailing by this road they would 
 have on their left the North American shores, where they 
 have founded their Virginian colony. 
 Several of those who set out in search of that passage 
 entered Davis's Straits. Their example was followed by 
 Captain George Winwood,^ who sailed in 1602 neariy five 
 hundred English miles up that strait, but was then forced 
 by the ice to return. He now attempted to find the desired 
 passage by exploring the narrows under 61°, which the 
 English call Lumley's Inlet. But having sailed a hundred 
 leagues into them he again turned back, partly on account 
 of the sufferings which the great length of the voyage pro- 
 duced among his crew, partly because he desired to explore 
 two more bays, situated between Lumley's Inlet and Bacca- 
 laos, whence the sea was streaming out with great might. 
 These facTf are stated in his logbooks, which Mr. Peter 
 Plancius, a diligent investigator of such mutters, commu- 
 nicated to Mr. H. Hudson during his stay in Amsterdam in 
 1609, when Hudson was going to undertake a search for a 
 atque Japonem versus, transitu, sivc freto, itlquc relicto ad Isevam 
 scptcntiionali America littorc, occupata jam illic et colonijs suis 
 insessa Virginia. Viam vero, quam eorum ploerique in freto hoc 
 indagando ingrcssi sunt, secutus est annos 1602 Capitaneiir, quo- 
 que Georgius Winwood, qui quingentas fere Anglicas leucas 
 in Freto Davis sursum decorsum vagarus, et prae fiflacie tandem 
 coactus retrogredi, tentavit num per sinum ilium, quern Angll 
 Lumles Inlet appellant, sub gradibus uno et scxaginta positum, 
 invenire forte posset optatam viam, sed centum in eo leucas Hypa- 
 fircum versus progressus, pedcm et hinc quoque retulit, tum quod 
 diuturna itinevis molestia nautioum vulgus esset attritum, tum 
 quod statu isset lustrare et alios duos sinus inter Lumles Inlet ct 
 Ba^ccalaos, unde cxeuntem vidissc: ingentcm fluxum pro ut constat 
 ejus Ephemeridibus, quas M. Petrus Plancius, curiosissimus talium 
 novitatum investigator, tradidit M. Henrico Hudsono Anglo, 
 * George Weymouth. The mistake, is corrected in the later editions. 
OF Hudson's two last voyages. 187 
 passage to the north of Nova Zembla for the Directors of 
 the Dutch East India Company. He did set out, but 
 achieved nothing in the east ; he sailed therefore straight 
 westward, to attempt again the way searched out and drawn 
 by Captain Winwood ; which way, after passing for about 
 a hundred leagues through a narrow channel, leads out into 
 a wide sea. Hudson hoped to find a way through this sea, 
 though Plancius had proved to him the impossibility of 
 success, from the accounts of a man who had reached the 
 western shore of that sea. Hudson achieved in 1609 nothin": 
 memorable, even by this new way. But he was again sent 
 out in 1610 by his own countrymen. He now followed the 
 way through Lumley's Inlet pointed out to him by AVin- 
 wood-^'s papers. Having passed under many labours through 
 the strait, he reached the latitude of 52°, where he wintered. 
 Here he fell in, for the first time during the voyage, with 
 one of the natives of the country. This Indian brought 
 some merchandise, and M'as armed with a Mexican or Japa- 
 Amstcrodami per id tempus, anno videlicet 1609, agcnti, et In- 
 tlica) navigationis prasfectis, in quserendo siipra Novam Zemlam 
 transitu, operam impensuro, qui et ipse cum ad Ortum nil pro- 
 fecisset, ad occasum recta defiexit, dcnuo tcntaturus ilium a Capi- 
 laneo Winwood qua;situm delineatumque mcatum, post centum 
 plus minus leucarum anguslias, in amplum tandem pelagus desi- 
 nentem, quod ipsum mare hie noster Hudsonus spcraverat fore 
 perivium, licet contrarium ei, ex relatione cujusdam, qui occiden- 
 tale maris ipsius littus adnavigaverat, idem Plancius ostcndisset. 
 Hudsonus, cum ne hoc quidem Itincre quidquam memoria dig- 
 mim gcssisset, anno proximo insecuto 1610, a popularibus suis 
 rursus emissus est, et secutus ilium in Lumles Inlet sibi a Georgio 
 Winwood ex parte calcatum tramitem, post multas tandem moles- 
 tias fretum hoc superavit, et ad gradus 50, et 51, progressus est. 
 Ubi et hibernavlt, atque liic demum, cum alioqui nuUos toto 
 itinere obvlos usquam et nescio quid pra;terea adferret in com- 
 mcatum crisso Mexicano seu Japonensi accinctus. Unde se non 
 nese cris ;^ from which circumstances Hudson concluded 
 that he was not far from Mexico. The native, however, not 
 being well treated, never afterwards returned. The Eng- 
 lish thus lost this only chance of adding to their victuals, 
 and being provided for eight months only, they left the 
 harbour they had entered and sailed along the western shore 
 of the bay till up to 62° or 63° north. Here they found a 
 wide sea and more powerful tides from the north-west, 
 which Hudson and the officers intended to examine further. 
 But the crew, who had already been two months longer 
 from home than their provisions had been intended for, rose 
 against their commanders, and exposed Hudson and his 
 friends in a boat in the open air. The crew then returned 
 by the way they had come and reached their home in 
 September 1611, where they were thrown into prison. 
 They are going to be kept prisoners till their captain will 
 have becii found. In search of him three ships have been 
 sent out this summer (1612) by the Prince of Wales and 
 procul a terris Mexicanis abesse noster illico suspicatus est. Vir 
 autem ille, parum comiter tunc exccptus, nunquam-postea redijt. 
 Quare Angli, cum pra^tcr octimestrem ilium, quem secum advexe- 
 rant commeatum, nihil aliunde nanciscerentur, e sinu, quem erant 
 ingressi, occidentale legcntes littus, septemtrioncm versus ex- 
 currerunt ad gradus 62, et 63, ubi et mare invenerunt late diffu- 
 sum, et grandiores ab Cauro impulses fluctos, qua} Hudsono 
 quidem et scnatui nautico animus erat ulterius indagandi ; sed 
 refragantes navales socij, quod bimestri jam spatio, ultra quam de 
 annona prospectum esser, dome abfuissent, insurrexerc tandem in 
 suos pra)fectos, atque Iludsonum una cum sais scapha exposuc- 
 rvmt in mare: ipsi vero qua venerant navi, anno 1611 Scptcni- 
 bri mcnsc, domum reversi sunt, iibi in carcerem hac de caiissa 
 i compacti, tantispcr asservantur, dum inveniatur Pra}fectus, qucni 
 requirerc jusste sunt tres ille naves, quas emiserunt hac ipsa icstatc 
 ^ Thus the Mexicans call their rtarac-shaped poniards. (Gcrritz's 
 some merchants. They are to explore the passage through- 
 out, and when they have found the open ocean, one of them 
 is to return with the desired news. This ship is daily ex- 
 pected home. 
 3ei.sim. VVallaj Princcps et mercatores, transitum plane perlus- 
 traturas, ac pernavigaturas, quarum iinl injunctum, ut detecto ad 
 plenu meatu recurrat, nuntium illud tarn diu desideratum feliciter 
 allatura, quod in lioras nunc expectatur. 
 A Description and Chart of the Discovery of the Strait or Passage 
 by the north of the American continent to China and Japan. 
 The English, stimulated by the happy success of their 
 maritime enterprise, undergo without hesitation the troubles 
 which these expeditions involve ; and in spite of the labori- 
 ous nature of their voyages to the east, to Moscovia, Nova 
 Zembla and Spitzbergen, they are still bent on new dis- 
 coveries. They have chiefly made uninterrupted efforts to 
 find a passage in the west, where they have already occu- 
 pied Virginia and peopled it with their colonists. This 
 Felicissim-E Anglorum navigationcs, et prosperrlmi, carum suc- 
 cessus, magis ac magis isti genti stimulum addidcrunt, ut facile 
 omnia taidia devorarint et novas detcctiones suscepcrint, quic licet 
 laboriosissima! fucrint in Orientem ad era Moscovite, Novic Zemla) 
 ct Grocnlandia;, nihilominus desudarunt in partibus Occidentalibus 
 (occupata jam ctiain illic, et colonijs suis inscssa Virginia) ut sibi 
 passage they have sought for between Greenland and Nova 
 Francia. Their eflforts have as yet been fruitless, and 
 through ice and snow they have in vain fought their way 
 up to 70° or even 80° of northern latitude. The strait which 
 they have thus explored bears the name of its first disco- 
 verer, John Davis. The last navigator who went along 
 that way was Captain George Weymouth, who sailed in the 
 year 1602, and who, after a voyage of five hundred leagues, 
 was, like his predecessors, forced by the ice to return. But 
 on purpose to draw at least some advantage from his expe- 
 dition, he directed his course to the bay under 61", which 
 the English call Lumley's Inlet, and sailed a hundred 
 leagues in a south-westerly direction into it. Having gone 
 so far, he found himself landlocked, and despairing of a 
 passage, he was, by the weakness of his crew and by other 
 causes, forced to return. He, however, first explored two 
 more bays between that country and Baccalaos, and found 
 there the water wide and mighty like an open sea, with very 
 great tides. 
 This voyage, though far from fulfilling Weymouth's hopes, 
 transitum, intra Groenlandiam, ct Novam Franciam quoererent scd 
 frustra hactenus, seducti via in Scptcmtrionem obducta nivibus et 
 glacie, elaboratum est, usque ad altitudinem spptuaginta, aut 
 octaginta graduum, nomenque traxit frctum ab invcntorc primo 
 Joanne Davis, postremus qui idem iter instituit, pra^fectus fuit 
 Georgius Weymouth, qui anno millesimo sexcentcsimo sccundo 
 quingentas leucas navigando emensus est, scd glaciei copia coactus 
 est, ut et alij antecessores, in patriam redne. Sedne irritus plane 
 esset conatus, navigans denuo, ad altitudinem sexaginta et unius 
 gradus, per sinum quern Angli Lumles Inlet dicunt, ibi ob occi- 
 dcnte in meridiem deflectens centum leucas, postea objectu terras, 
 transitum non inveniens, imbecillitate sociorum, alijsque dc causis, 
 coactus est reverti nihilominus ct duos alios sinus lustravit, non 
 sine maxima aquarum copia maris in star, et maximo fluxu ct 
 refluxu, intra tcrram banc, et earn quam Baccalaos appellant. 
 ' 4 
 OF Hudson's two last voyages. 191 1 r 
 assisted Hudson very materially in finding his famous strait. 
 George Weymouth's logbooks fell into the hands of the 
 Rfev. Peter Plancius, who pays the most diligent attention [ 
 to such new discoveries, chiefly when they may be of ad- I 
 vantage to our own country ; and when in 1609 Hudson I 
 was preparing to undertake a voyage for the Directors of I 
 the East India Company, in search of a passage to China 
 and Cathay by the north of Nova Zembla, he obtained these 
 logbooks from Peter Plancius. Out of them he learnt this 
 whole voyage of George Weymouth, through the narrows I 
 north of Virginia till into the great inland sea ; and thence i 
 he concluded that this road would lead him to India. But 
 Peter Plancius refuted this latter opinion from the accounts 
 of a man who had searched and explored the western shore 
 of that sea, and had stated that it formed an unbroken line of 
 coast. Hudson, in spite of this advice, sailed westward 
 to try what chance of a passage might be left there, having 
 first gone to Nova Zembla, where he found the sea entirely 
 blocked up by ice and snow. He seems, however, accord- 
 Htec navigatio licet turn temporis, votis, non responderit, tamen 
 cliaria Georgij Weymouth (qua? inciclerunt ip mamis D. P. Plantij 
 curiosissimi rerum novarum investigatoris, in usum patriae hujus 
 reique nauticsc) usui fuerunt maximo, H. Hudsoni, in investiga- 
 tione hujus famosissimi freti, cum enim anno millesimo sexcen- 
 tesimo et nono, ille ageret cum Prsefectis Indies navigationis, do 
 via inquirenda in Chinam et Cathayam, supra Novam Zemlam, 
 lisec a D. P. Plantio impetravit Diaria, ex quibus totu istud iter 
 Georgij Weymouth per angustius supra Virginiam didicit, usque 
 ad Oceanum qui earn alluit, hinc ista opinio invaluit, hac via sola 
 patere aditum ad Indos ; sed quam fallax sit, docuit ilhim D. P. 
 Plantius, ex relatu cujusdam, qui in parte Occidentali, terram esse 
 continentem asseverarat, eamque lustrarat. Hudsonus nihilominus 
 in Oriente, et Nova Zemla, viam sibi a glacie, nivibus, praeclusam 
 videns, in Occidentem navigavit, ut quid spci superesset inquireret; 
 non recto itineve (ut hie i'ertur) ut patriaj huic nostrae, et prsefectis 
 ing to the opinion of our countrymen, purposely to have 
 missed the right road to the western passage, unwilling to 
 benefit Holland and the Directors of the Dutch East India 
 Company by such a discovery. All he did in the west in 
 1609 was to exchange his merchandise for furs in New 
 France. He then returned safely to England, where he was 
 accused of having undertaken a voyage to the detriment of 
 his own country. Still anxious to discover a western pas- 
 sage, he again set out in 1610, and directed his course to 
 Davis's Strait. There he entered in latitude 61° the path 
 pointed out by George Weymouth, and explored all the 
 shores laid down in the present chart,^ up to the height of 
 63°. He then sailed to the south, down to 54V where he 
 wintered. When he left his winter quarters he ran along 
 the western shore for forty leagues, and fell in, under 60°, 
 with a wide sea, agitated by mighty tides from the north- 
 west. This circumstance inspired Hudson with great hope 
 prodessct, tantum in Nova Francia mercibus suis commutatis, pro 
 pellibus, salvus in Angliam reversus est, ibique accusatus in detri- 
 mentum Patriae Anglian navigationcs suas instituissc. Itcrum iter 
 succepit, non minori studio de transitu investigando in Occidente, 
 tcndens in Fretum Davis, anno millesimo sexcentesimo e dccimo, 
 usque ad altitudincm unius et sexaginta graduum, ingressus semi- 
 tam Georgij Weymouth, omnes eras lustravit, hac in tabula deli- 
 neatas, usque ad gradus sexaginta tres, dcflexit in Meridiem usque 
 ad gradus quinquaginta quatuor, sub ijs hybcrnavit, solvens istinc 
 littus Occidentalc leges, ascendit usque ad gradum scxagesimfi, 
 recta navigans, quadraginta leucas, amplu pclagus depreliedit, 
 fluctibus a Cauro agitatis superbiens : Ex his non exigua spcs 
 transeundi Hudsono affulsit, nee voluntas senatui nautico defuit, 
 sod fastidium, et malevolcntia sociorum scrupulum injicere, ob 
 victus inopiam, cum ijs tatum in octo menses prospectum esset, 
 nihilque toto itinerc alimcnto dignum in manus eorum incideret, 
 ^ His Chart {Zyne Caerte), according to the Dutch edition. 
 " 52 degrees (52 ste. graed) Dutch edition. 
OF Hudson's two last voyages. 193 
 of finding a passage, and his oiTicers were quite ready to 
 undertake a further search ; but the crew, weary of the long 
 voyage, and unwilling to continue it, bethought themselves 
 of the want of victuals, with which they had been provided 
 for eight months only, and to which no additions had been 
 made during the voyage, except one large animal which an 
 Indian brought. This Indian was armed with a Mexican or 
 Japonese cris (poniard), from which fact Hudson concluded 
 that a place which possessed Mexican arms and productions 
 could not be far distant from that country.^ At last the ill will 
 of the crew prevailed. They exposed Hudson and the other 
 officers in a boat on the open sea, and returned into their 
 country. There they have been thrown into prison for their 
 crime, and will be kept there until their captain shall be 
 safely brought home.'^ For that purpose some ships have been 
 nisi forti Indus quidam, qui Crissio Mexicano, sou Japoncnsi 
 armatus, fcram attulit, ex quo Hudsonus conjiciebat, se non longe 
 a Mcxicanis abessc, qviorum arma, et commercia vidcret. Tandem 
 pvaivaluit sociorum malevolcntia, qui Hudsonum, cum reliquispra)- 
 fcctis scaplia oxposuerunt in mare, ipsi patriam peticre, quam cum 
 appulisscnt, ob scclus commissum in carcercs detrusi sunt, ibique 
 ilctincntur, donee pra^fcctus corum Hudsonus salvus suis rosti- 
 tualur, ab ijs, quibus id nogotij superiori anno millcsimo sexcen- 
 ^ Whcrefrom it appears that the people of that country have some 
 communication with those along the Pacific Ocean. {Daer wt dattet 
 schijnt die natie daer te lande (jhemeenschaii te hehben met die aen de 
 Zwjder Zee.) Dutch edition. 
 '^ The Dutch edition, i)ulilishcd several months before the Latin, has 
 from this point an entirely different termination : "He is being searched 
 for by the ships which have been sent out this summer by the mer- 
 chants and by the Prince of Wales, who is said to assist them. These 
 ships are not expected to return before they will have been in Mare del 
 Zur. We wish them good luck." {Die c/hesocht ivort van de scheepens 
 die dese somer derimert gesonden zijn van de Cooplui/den ende van den 
 Prince van Wallis die daer de hand aen /tout, soo gheseyt wort, Welcke 
 sc/wepens men meent niet te sidlen weder komen eer sy al heel sidien tot 
 ill Mar del Ziir geweeat hebhen, daer lOji haer gheluck toe icenschcn.) 
 \ I 
,.. :^ 
 sent out last year (1G12) by the late Prince of Wales^ and by 
 the Directors of the Moscovia Company, about the return of 
 which nothing has as yet been heard. Wc may therefore 
 hope that they have passed beyond that strait, and we do not 
 think that we shall hear anything about them before they 
 return to England from East India or China and Japan, 
 by the same road by which they went out. This, we hope 
 and pray, may come to pass. Nor has the zeal of our 
 fellow citizens of Amsterdam cooled down. They have 
 some months ago sent out a ship, to search for a passage or 
 for Hudson's Strait, to try whether any convenient inter- 
 course can be established with those places, or, if this should 
 be found impossible, to trade on the coasts of New France.^ 
 tesimo et duodecimo, jussu Principis Wallite pise memorise, et 
 Prsefectorum Russise navigationis commissum est; dc quorum reditu 
 hactenus nihil inauditum, hinc spes aliqua afFulget, eas angustias 
 illas superasse nee judicamus quid certe nos inaudituros prius- 
 quam ex Indise Orientali rcdierint, aut ubi cum Chinensibus, 
 aut Japonensslbus sua transegerint, eademque via in Angliam rcdie- 
 rint : quod felix et faustum sit precamur unice. 
 Nee fervor iste in nostris Amsterodamensibus deferbuit plane 
 superioribus enim mensibus ab ijs emissa est navis, eo tantum fine, 
 ut de transitu, vcl Frcto Hudsoni inquireret, et num commercij 
 locus sit in istis oris, si vero eventus votis non respondeat, in oris 
 Novse P''rancise negotiabuntur. 
 ^ Henry, Prince of Wales, died in November, 1012, between the pub- 
 lication of the first and second editions of Hesscl Gcrritz. The ships 
 sent out were commanded by Button, the discoverer of Button's Bay, a 
 gentleman of Prince Henry's household. Button wintered in Hudson's 
 Bay and returned in autumn, 1613. 
 ^ For an account of this expedition see O'Callaghan, History of New 
 Netherland, i, p; G8, 69. 
 RIVER), A.D. 1524. 
 The following paper is a new translation of the letter written by 
 Vcrazzano on his return from his first voyage to the western con- 
 tinent, giving an account of his discoveries to Francis I of France, 
 by whose orders he had undertaken it. It is made from a copy of 
 the original manuscript in the Magliabeccliian Library at Florence, 
 which was presented to the New Y'ork Historical Society by G. W. 
 Greene, Esq., now Consul of the United States at Rome. A trans- 
 lation of part of the same letter is printed in the first volume of 
 the Society's "Collections", which was ttiken from Hakluyt,'who 
 followed the original as given by Ramusio ; but as that varies in 
 substance, in some few instances, from the Magliabecchian ; and 
 as Hakluyt's translation is throughout obscure and antiquated in 
 language, it seems requisite to publish the one which has been 
 made from the Society's copy. This letter is in itself highly inte- 
 resting and important ; and is rendered still more so from the fact 
 uf its being the earliest original account in existence of the Atlantic 
 ' From IlakluyVs Divers Voyages, a new edition of wliicli, liy J. Winter 
 .'I'Mos, Esq., forms part of the publications of tlh; llalduyt Society. 
 coast of the United States, nearly the whole extent of which was 
 visited by Vcraziiano during the voyage described in it. It is 
 worthy of remark that the name by which the western continent is 
 now known, is not used by Vcrazzano in the account of his visit 
 to it, owing probably to the recent and not universal adoption of 
 it: it is possible even that he was ignorant of its having been 
 With respect to the comparative authenticity of the manuscript 
 used by Ramusio, and that from which our copy is taken, we have 
 nothing conclusive to offer : we can only say that the internal evi- 
 dence is greatly in favour of the latter. Mr. Greene, who took up 
 the whole subject in an article in the North American Revieiv for 
 October 1837, remarks that there are in Ramusio such variations 
 from the Magliabecchian manuscript as can only be accounted for 
 by supposing that the editor must have worked the whole piece 
 over anew, correcting the errors of language upon his own autho- 
 rity. Something of the kind was evidently done : the language of 
 the two is very different ; and that used in the manuscript from 
 which the present translation is made, has strong marks of being 
 in the very form in which it was moulded by Verazzano. It is 
 throughout just as sailors of little education commonly write : little 
 or no regard is paid to grammar ; the sentences run into each 
 other ; the subjects are thrown together confusedly ; parenthetical 
 clauses constantly break the thread of the narrative ; and there are 
 no points from beginning to end. From such a labyrinth of words 
 it is not easy to affirm that the precise meaning has always been 
 unravelled ; but all possible pains have been taken to render the 
 Italian original as exactly and as clearly as the barbarous style in 
 which that is written would admit. The cosmographical descrip- 
 tion at the close is not found in Hakluyt, and it was not published 
 in the volume of " Collections" before cited. It is now added, 
 rather on account of the curious evidence it furnishes of the state 
 of nautical science at that time, than of any valuable knowledge 
 to be drawn from it. 
 J. G. C. 
 New York, Jan. 9th, 1841. 
 The editor of the present volume, whilst acknowledging his 
 great obligations to Professor Cogswell, cannot share his opinion^; 
 about the cosmographical appendix. Before that appendix was 
 published, Verazzano's voyage seemed without a purpose. In the 
 appendix it is clearly stated that Verazzano, like the Cabots and 
 Hudson, and like nearly all the north-western discoverers, sought 
 a way to Cathay. This fact, which connects the first discoverer of 
 Hudson's river so closely with the navigator whose name the river 
 bears, is of paramount importance for our subject. It is the prin- 
 cipal reason for inserting the letter in this collection. 
 Captain John de Verazzano to his most Serene Majesty 
 THE King op France, writes : 
 Since the tempests which we encountered on the northern coasts, 
 I have not written to your most Serene and Christian Majesty con- 
 cerning the four ships sent out by your orders on the ocean to 
 discover new lands, because I thought you must have been before 
 apprized of all that had happened to us ; that we had been com- 
 pelled, by the impetuous violence of the winds, to put into Brit- 
 tany in distress, with only the two ships Normandy and Dolphin ; 
 and that, after having repaired these ships, we made a cruise in 
 them, well armed, along the coast of Spain, as your Majesty must 
 have heard; and also of our new plan of continuing our begun 
 voyage with the Dolphin alone. From this voyage being now 
 Da poi la fortuna passata nellc spiaggo scttcntrionali, Ser'"" Signore 
 non scrissi a vostra scrcnissiina et cristianissima Macsta (piello chc era 
 RCguito dclli quattro Icgni chc quclla mando per lo oceano ad iscoprir 
 nuove tcrre, pensando di tutto sia stata certificata come dalle iuipetuose 
 forze de' venti furamo costretti con sola la nave Normanda c Dalfina 
 afflitti ricorrcre in Lrettagna dove resturate avia V. S. M. inteso il dis- 
 corso facemmo con quelle arraate in guerra per 11 lidi di Spagna, di poi 
 la nuova disposizionc con sola la dalfinu in sc(iuirc la prima navigazionc, 
I . 
 returned, I proceed to give your Majesty an account of our disco- 
 On the 17th of last January we set sail from a desolate rock 
 near the island of Madeira; belonging to his most Serene Majesty 
 the King of Portugal, with fifty men ; having provisions sufficient 
 for eight months, arms, and other warlike munition and naval 
 stores. Sailing westward with a light and pleasant easterly breeze, 
 in twenty-five days we ran eight hundred leagues. On the 2 1th of 
 February we encountered as violent a hurricane as any ship ever 
 weathered, from which we escaped unhurt by the divine assistance 
 and goodness, to the praise of the glorious and fortunate name of 
 our good ship, that had been able to support the violent tossing of 
 the waves. Pursuing our voyage towards the west, a little nortli- 
 wardly, in twenty -four days more, having run four hundred leagues, 
 we reached a new country which had never before been seen by 
 any one either in ancient or modern times. At first it appeared 
 to be very low ; but on approaching it to within a quarter of a 
 league from the shore, Ave perceived, by the great fires near the 
 coast, that it was inhabited. We perceived that it stretched to the 
 south, and coasted along in that direction in search of some port 
 dalla quale essendo ritornato dard adviso a V. S. M. di quello abbiamo 
 Dallo dcserto scopulo propinquo alia isola di Madera del Scr'"" re di 
 Portogallo con la detta dalfiua alii 17. del passato meso di gcnnajo ooii 
 cinquanta uomiDi forniti di '.cttovaglic, armc ct altri strumcnti bellici c 
 muniziono navale per otto mcsi partiramo navigando per zeffiro spirando 
 sub.solano con dolcc e soavo levita, in venticinquc giorni correramo Icghe 
 800, c il di 14 di Febbrajo passammo una tormcnta tanto aspera quanto 
 mai alcuno clic navigasse passasse. l)ella quale con lo divino ajuto c 
 boutadc laudo, del glorioso nomo e fortunate fatti atti a sopportare la 
 violenta oiida del mare, fummo libcri, c scguiramo nostra navigazioue 
 contniuando verso 1' occidcnte pigliando alquanto del scttentrione, c in 
 venti cinque altri giorni corremrao piu oltre loghc 400, dove ci apparsu 
 una nuova terra mai da alcuno antico o niodorno vista. jNIostravasi 
 alquanto bassa al principio, ma approssimatici a un ([uarto di lega cor.os- 
 cemrao quclla per li grandissimi I'uochi facevano al lito del mare esserc 
 abitata: vcdemmo correva verso I'Austro, custrandola per trovar alcnna 
 porto dove potessimo con la nave sorgorc per invostigare la natura i-li 
DISCOVERY or Hudson's river 
 in which wc might como to an anchor and examine into the nature 
 of the country ; but for fifty leagues wc coukl find none in which 
 wc could lie securely. Seeing the coast still stretched to the 
 south, we resolved to change our course and stand to the north- 
 ward ; and as we still had the same difficulty, we drew in with the 
 land, and sent a boat on shore. Many people who were seen 
 coming to the sea-side, fled at our approach ; but occasionally 
 stopping, they looked back upon us with astonishment, and some 
 were at length induced, by various friendly signs, to come to us. 
 These shewed the greatest delight on beholding us, wondering at 
 our dress, countenances, and complexion. They then shewed us 
 by signs where we could more conveniently secure our boat, and 
 offered us some of their provisions. That your Majesty may know 
 all that we learned, while on shore, of their manners and customs 
 of life, I will relate what we saw^ as briefly as possible. They go 
 entirely naked, except that about the loins they wear skins of small 
 animals, like martens, fastened by a girdle of plaited grass, to 
 which they tie, all round the body, the tails of other animals, 
 hanging down to the knees. All other parts of the body and the 
 head are naked. Some wear garlands similar to birds' featliers. 
 The complexion of these people is black, not much different 
 quella in spazio di leghc 50 uon trovammo porto prossimo alcuno dove 
 sicuri potessimo posare e visto che contiuuo scendeva verso 1' Austro 
 dcliberamrao tornare a rigarla verso il settentrionc Jonde il medesimo 
 trovammo sorgendo alia costa mandando il battello a terra avemmo vista 
 di molta gente che venivano al lido del mare ct vedendo approssimarci 
 fuggirono alcuna volta fermaudosi si voltavano addietro con grande 
 amndrazione risguardando, ma assicurandoli noi con varj segni, venivano 
 alcuni di quegli, mostrando grande allegrczza a vederci maravigliandosi 
 di nostri abiti e figure c bianchezza facendene varj scgni dove col battello 
 dovessimo piit commodamente sccndore ofi'erondonc di loro vivande: 
 fummo alia terra e quelle potessimo di loro vita e costumi conosccre con 
 brevita diro a V. S. M. Vanno del tuto uudi salvochti alio parti pudi- 
 bunde portano alcune pelli di piccoli auimali siraili a martori con una 
 eintura d' crbe tessutu con code d' altri animali che pendono circucndo 
 il corpo seno alle giiiocchia il resto nudo, il capo simile. Alcuni di loro 
 portano ccrte ghirlaude simili di pennc d' ucccHi. S.u di colore ncri 
 from that of the Etliiopiana. Their hair is black and thick, and 
 not very lonfr ; it is worn tied back upon tlie head, in the form of 
 a little tail. In person they arc of good proportions, of middle 
 stature, a little above our own ; broad across the breast, strong in 
 the arms, and well formed in the legs and other parts of the body. 
 The only exception to their good looks, is that they have broad 
 faces ; but not all, however, as we saw many that had sharp ones, 
 with large black eyes and a fixed expression. They arc not very 
 strong in body, but acute in mind, active and swilt of foot, as far 
 as we could judge by observation. In these last two particulars 
 they resemble the people of the East,* especially those the most 
 remote. We could not learn a great many particulars of their 
 usages on account of our short stay among them and the distance 
 of our ship from the shore. 
 We found, not far from this people, another, whose mode of life 
 we judged to be similar. The whole shore is covered with fine 
 sand, about fifteen feet thick, rising in the form of little hills. 
 non molto dagli Etiopi difforme i capolli neri c folti non molto lunghi i 
 quail legano insieme dietro alia testa in forma d' una piccola coda. 
 Quanto alia similitudiue dell' uono somo bene proporzionate di mezza 
 statura c piu presto a noi eccedono in nel petto ampli, nolle braccia dis- 
 postc le gambe e 1' altro del corpo bene composti : non hanno altro 
 salvo alquanto nel viso tcndono in larghezza, non perd tutti che a molti 
 vedemmo il viso profilato, gli occhi neri e grandi la guardatura fissa, 
 non sono di molta forza ma di ingcnio acuti agili e grandissimi corri- 
 dor! per quello potcmmo per esperienza conoscere. Somigliano per due 
 estremi agl' oriental! massime a qucgli delle ultime region!. Non po- 
 teinmo di loro costum! molto in particulare comprendere per la poca 
 stanza faccmrao alia terra, per essere suso 1' ondc alia piaggia. Trovammo 
 non lung! di quegl! altr! popul! dc quali pensiamo !1 vivere sia con- 
 1 The resemblance between the nations of the eastern shores of Asia and 
 the abor' 'ncs of North America is a fact more and more confirmed by 
 modern ri-'^ ^arch and travel. Still Vernzzano, the first man who asserts it, 
 could not possibly make the comparison. His repeated assertions can only 
 be taken as proofs of the tendency of human nature strikingly descril)ed by 
 Ciusar : " Iloiiiines fere libcntcr quod volant, credunt," He wished to reach 
 Catliay ; and, therefore, li<! believed hiniself to l)e near it. Another not less 
 striking instance of the same tendency is to be found in Hessel Gorritsz's 
 remarks about the poniard of a Hudson's Bay Esquimaux, (p. IKK.) 
 about fifty paces broad. Ascending farther, we found several arms 
 of the sea, which make in throu<i;h inlets, washing the shores on 
 both sides as the coast runs. An outstretched country ai)pears at 
 a little distance, rising somewhat above the sandy shore, in beau- 
 tiful fields and broad plains, covered with immense forests of trees 
 more or less dense, too various in colours, and too delightful and 
 charming in appearance to be described. I do not believe that 
 they are like the Hercynian forest, or the rough wilds of Scythia ; 
 and the northern regions full of vines and common trees ; but 
 adorned with palms, laurels, cypresses, and other varieties, unknown 
 in Europe ; that send forth the sweetest fragrance to a great dis- 
 tance ; but which we could not examine more closely for the reason.': 
 before given, and not on account of any difficulty in traversing the 
 woods ; which, on the contrary, are easily penetrated. 
 As the "East" stretches around this country,' I think it cannot 
 be devoid of the same medicinal and aromatic drugs, and various 
 riches of gold and the like, as is denoted by the colour of the 
 ground. It abounds also in animals, as deer, stags, hares, and 
 forme, e 11 lito b copcrto tutto di una minuta rcna alto piedi quindici, 
 estendosi in forma di piccoli colli largo passi cinquauta. Poi ascendendo 
 si trovaiii alcuni bracci di mare che cntrano per alcune foci rigando il 
 lito dair una all' altra parte come corre il lito di qucUo. A presso si 
 mostra la torra lata tauto eminente che eccede il lito arenoso, con belle 
 campagne e province pieue di grandissime selvc ; parte rare c parte 
 dense, vestite di varj colori di abori di tauta vaghczza c dilettovole guar- 
 datura quanto esprimere sia possible, ne credo quelle sicno come la 
 crcinea selva o le aspre solitudiui di scitia o piaggic scttentrionali prere 
 di viti e arbori, ma ornate di palmc, lauri, e ciprcssi e altrc varictil d' 
 arbori incogniti alia nostra Europa quali da lungo spazio spirano sua- 
 vissimi odori i quali non possemmo conoscero per la causa sopra narrata 
 nou che a uoi fosse difficile per Ic selve discorrerc die tutte sono pcnc- 
 trabili, ne pcnsiamo participando dello orieute per la circumfereuza 
 ' The cui ious reader will fiiul a furtlior dcvolopineiit of ^'^'l•i^zzilnu's geo- 
 giniihiciil uotious iu his cosniographiciil niipcmlix to tlio IctUi' to Fiaiiins 1. 
 Il is easy to perceive that tliese notions, tliough oxpresscil in cli'nr i;nil ol'tiii 
 vi'ry precise terms, were extremely vague, and tluit they cannot, without 
 violence, he tortured into a pitl[iahle shapi'. 'I'lii'y are, in this respi'ct, closely 
 akin to the cunlenqiurary fjenyraphical (lelineutiuus. 
 many other similar, and with a great variety of birds for every kind 
 of pleasant and delightful sport. It is plentifully supplied with 
 lakes and ponds of running water ; and being in the latitude of 
 34°/ the air is salubrious, pure, and temperate, and free from the 
 extremes of both heat and cold. There are no violent winds in 
 these regions ; the most prevalent arc the north-west and west. Tn 
 summer, the season in which we were there, the sky is clear, with 
 but little rain. If fogs and mists are at any time driven in by the 
 south wind, they are instantaneously dissipated, and at once it be- 
 comes serene and bright again. The sea is calm, not boisterous, 
 and its waves are gentle. Although the whole coast is low and 
 without harbours, it is not dangerous for navigation, being free from 
 rocks, and bold, so that, within four or five fathoms from the shore, 
 there is twenty-four feet of water at all times of tide ; and this 
 depth constantly increases in a uniform proportion. The holding 
 ground is so good that no ship can part her cable, however violent 
 the wind, as we proved by experience ; for while riding at anchor 
 sieno senza qualche droghcria o liquore arontatico ct altre divitic oro ed 
 altro de quale colore la terra tutta tcndo, e copiosa di molti animali 
 daini, cervi, lepre, e simili. Di laghi c stagni di viva acqua copiosa con 
 varj numcri d' uccelli atti e commodi a ogni dilcttevole piacere di vena- 
 gione. Sta questa terra gradi 31, 1' aria salubre pura e teuiperata dal 
 caldo e dal frcJdo. Vcuti uon impetuosi in (pielli regione spirano e quelli 
 clie pill continui rcgnano souo coro e zcftiro. Al tempo estivo del quale 
 noi fummo il cielo e screno con rara pluvia, e sc .alcuna volta da vcnti 
 australi 1' aria incorre in qualche pruina o caligginc in uno stante non 
 durando ii diafatta tornando pura e chiara, il marc trau(juillo e non Hut- le onde del quale souo placide ancora che il lito tutto rcnda in 
 bassczza, e nudo di porti non per5 e infcsto a a navigauti essendo tutto 
 netto e senza alcuno scopulo e profondo the per insino a 4 o 5 passi si 
 trova presso alia terra scuza flusso o riilusso picdi venti d' acqua cre- 
 scendo tal proporzione uiiiforme alia profondita nel pclago con tanto 
 luiono territorio che qualsivoglia nave da tcmpcsta afflitta uiai in quelle 
 ' Either tliis indicfition, or tlio iliroctimi of the course mentioned next pa?e 
 (line (i^, nuist be wrong. This citcnnistunce rondcn's a Ciii'cal invcstigutioii 
 of Vernzznno's track nbsohitely impossible. We must bo satisfied with the 
 rather vngue assertions, tbat the sliore ho first saw now forms part of 
 on the coast, we were overtaken by a gale in the beginning of 
 March, when the winds are high, as is usual in all countries ; we 
 found our anchor broken before it started from its hold or moved 
 at ail. 
 We set sail from this place, continuing to coast along tlie shore, 
 which we found stretching out to the w^est (cast ? ); the inhabitants 
 being numerous, we saw everywhere a multitude of fires. While 
 at anchor on this coast, there being no harbour to enter, we sent 
 the boat on shore with twenty-five men, to obtain water ; but it 
 was not possible to land without endangering the boat, on account 
 of the immense high surf thrown up by the sea, as it was an open 
 roadstead. Many of the natives came to the beach, indicating, by 
 various friendly signs, that wo might trust ourselves on shore. One 
 of their noble deeds of friendship deserves to be made known to 
 your Majesty. A young sailor was attempting to swim ashore 
 through the surf, to carry them some knick-knacks, as little bells, 
 looking-glasses, and other like trifles ; when he came near three or 
 four of them he tossed the things to them, and turned about to 
 get back to the boat ; but he was thrown over by the waves, and 
 so dashed by them, that he lay as it were, dead upon the beach. 
 When these people saw him in this situation, they ran and took 
 him up by the head, legs, and arms, and carried him to a distance 
 parti non rompendo Ic funi potra pcrire e questo abbiamo provato per 
 espcrieuza. Iinperocchu per valore ncl principio di Marzo come sempre 
 ogni regiouc essere t o^ j le forze de vcnti seudo noi in alto mare surti 
 da procella oppress! prima trovammo la aucora rotta che nel foudo 
 arrasse o faccsse moviuiento alcuno. 
 Partimmo di questo luogo continue scorrcndo la costo qual trovammo 
 tornava alio occidcnto veggcndo per tutta quella grandissimi fuochi per 
 la moltitudine delli abitatori. Surgendo in quolla alia piaggia per non 
 tenere porto alcuno, per nccessita d'acqua mandammo il battello a terra 
 con 25 uomini, per le grandissime oude gittava il mare al lito per essere 
 la piaggia aporta non fu possibilo seuza pericolo di battello che alcuno 
 potesso in terra scendere, vedemmo molta gento venivano al lito facoudo 
 varj segni d'amista mostrando fussimo a terra, fra quali vidi uno alto 
 itiaguifico come intendera V.S.M. Mandaudo noi a nuoto uno giovanc 
 dc' nostri mariuaria terra portando a quegli iilouuc fantasie come sonagU 
 spocchi cd altrc gentilizze, ed essendo 3 o 4 giuuti prossimo a (^ucgli git- 
 from the surf. The young man, finding himself borne off in this 
 way, uttered very loud shrieks, in fear and dismay, while they an- 
 swered as they could in their language, showing him that he had 
 no cause for fear. Afterwards, they laid him down at the foot of 
 a little hill, when they took off his shirt and trousers and examined 
 him, expressing the greatest astonishment at the whiteness of his 
 skin. Our sailors in the boat, seeing a great fire made up and their 
 companion placed very near it, — full of fear, as is usual in all cases 
 of novelty — imagined that the natives were about to roast him for 
 food. IJut as soon as he had recovered his strength, after a short 
 stay with them, showing by signs that he wisbed to return aboard, 
 they hugged him with great affection, and accompanied him to the 
 shore, then leaving him that he might feel more secure, tliey with- 
 drew to a little hill, from which they watched him until he was 
 safe in the boat. This young man remarked that these people were 
 black, like the others; that they had shining skins, middle stature, 
 and sharper faces, and very delicate bodies and limbs ; and that 
 they were inferior in strength, but quick in their minds ; that is all 
 that he observed of them. 
 Departing hence, and always following the shore, which stretched 
 tando loro le mercc e volendo adietro tornarsifu tanto dalle onde rlmosso 
 che quasi morto cadde trasportato alia riva del lito quale visto la gente 
 della terra. Subito corsono pigliandolo per la testa e gambe c braccia 
 lo portarono alquantolontano onde veggendo il giovane in tal forma por- 
 tarsi da terrora spaventato metteva graudissimi gridi — il che loro in 
 loro lingua simile facevauo dimostrando non temesse — de poi quollo in 
 terra a pie d'uno colletto posto facovano grandissimi atti di ammirazione 
 guardando la bianchczza delle sue carni per tutto lineandolo e spoglian- 
 dogli la camicia ed i calzamonti e restate nudo feciono apprcssodi quello 
 uno graudissimo fuoco approssimandolo al calore. II che visto i mariuari 
 che erano al battelo restate pieni di spaveuto come in ogni case nuovo o 
 costume di quelli pensavauo che per cibo lo volessero arrostiro, riavuto 
 lui le forze, con quelli alquauto dimorato per segui diraostro volersi tor- 
 nare alia nave e quelli con graudissimo amore tcnendolo scmpre stretto, 
 con varj abbracciamenti 1' accompagniarno fino al mare e per piii ar-si- 
 curarlo allargandosi in uno colle cmineute stettero a riguardarlo fino che 
 quelle fu vA battello. II giovane di queste gcntc couobbe che tali souo 
 di colore ncro come gli altri c le carue molto lustre di mediaua statrua, 
 to the north, wc came, in the space of fifty leagues, to another 
 hvnd, which appeared very beautiful and full of the large forests. 
 We approached it, and going ashore with twenty men, we went 
 back from the coast about two leagues, and found that the people 
 had fled and hid themselves in the woods for fear. By searching 
 around, we discovered in the grass a very old woman and a young 
 girl of about eighteen or twenty, who had concealed themselves 
 for the same reason. The old woman carried two infants on her 
 shoulders, and behind her neck a little boy eight years of age. 
 When we came up to them they began to shriek and make signs to 
 the men who had fled to the woods. We gave them a part of our 
 provisions, which they accepted with delight ; but the girl would 
 not touch any; everything we offered to her being thrown down 
 in great anger. We took the little boy from the old woman to 
 carry with us to France, and would have taken the girl also, who 
 was very beautiful and very tall ; but it was impossible because of 
 the loud shrieks she uttered as we attempted to lead her away. 
 Having to pass some woods, and being far from the ship, we de- 
 termined to leave her and take the boy only.^ We found them 
 11 viso piti profilato, il corpo e 1' altre membra assai piu dilicati di molta 
 poca forza e piu presto d' ingegno altro non vide. 
 Di qui partiti seguendo sempre il leto che tornava verso settentrione 
 pervenimmo in spazio di leghe 50 a un' ultra terra che molto si mostrava 
 bella e plena di grandissime sclve. Giugnemmo a quclla andando 20 
 uomini circa duo leghe fra terra c trovammo le genti che per paura s'erano 
 fuggite alle selvc, cercando per tutto scontraramo una femina molto 
 vecchia ed una giovane d' anni 18 in 20, le quali per timore si erano 
 ascose fra l' crbe. Aveva la vecchia due fane iullettc quale purtava sopra 
 le spalle c dietro al coUo uno fanciullo tutti d' eta d' anni viii in circa, 
 giuntc noi a quelli cominciorno a giidare e farno segni agli uomini 
 che s' erano fuggite alle solve. Donammoli noi a mangiare delle uostro 
 vivando quale con gran gusto accettorno, la giovane tutto rinunziava e 
 con ira a terra gittava e pigliammo il fanciullo alia vecchia per mcnare 
 in Francia, c volcndo prendere la giovane quale era di molta bcllczza, 
 e d' alta statura, non fu mai possibile per i grandissimi gridi spandeva 
 la potessimo coudurre al marc avendo a passare per alcune selve ed 
 ' When we compare this conduct with that of the natives related in the 
 last page, we may well ask, " Wliiclj are the savagcsT' The i-arly navigators, 
 fairer than the others, and wearing a covering made of certain 
 pUints wliich hung down from the branches of the trees, tying them 
 together with threads of wiltl licnip. Their licads are witliout 
 covering and of tlie same shape as the otliors. Tlicir food is a 
 kind of pulse, which tliere abounds ; different in colour and size 
 from ours, and of a very delicious flavour. Besides, they take 
 birds and fish for food ; using snares, and bows made of hard 
 wood, with reeds for arrows, in the ends of which they put the 
 bones of fish and other animals. The animals in these regions 
 are wilder than in Europe, from being continually molested by the 
 hunters. We saw many of their boats, made of one tree, twenty 
 feet long and four feet broad, without the aid of stone or iron, or 
 other kind of metal. In the whole country, for the space of two 
 hundred leagues, which we visited, we saw no stone of any sort. 
 To hollow out their boats, they burn out as much of a log as is 
 requisite, and also from the prow and stern, to make them float 
 well on the sea. The land, in situation, fertility, and beauty, is 
 essendo dalla nave lungi deliberammo lasciarla portandosolo il fanciullo. 
 Trovammo costoro piii bianchi che i passati, vestiti di certe crbe che 
 stavano pcndenti k rami degli albcri quale tessono con varic cordi di 
 canape silvestra,il capo nudo nella mcdesima forma degli altri il rivere lore 
 I in genere h di legumi de quali abondano differenti nel colore a grandezzo 
 f de'nostri di ottimo e dilettevoli sapere. In oltre di venazione pesci ed 
 ' ucelli quali pigliano con lacei cd archi fanno de duro legno, le freccie 
 di calamo e nella estremita mettono ossi di pesci, e d' altri aniiuah. 
 Sono in questa parte le fiere piii salvattiche che non sono in la nostra 
 Europa per la continua molesta hanno dei venatori. Vcdemmo moltc 
 delle lore barchette construtte d' un solo albero lunghe picdi 20 larghe 
 piedi 4 non con ferro o pietra o altro genere de metallo sono fabbricatc 
 imperoccht tutta quella terra in spazeo de fyhe dugento che vi oor- 
 remmo alcuna pietra d' alcuna sorta mai da noi fu vista. Auitansi del 
 quarto clemento del legno tale parte quanto basti alia concavita dela 
 barca ed il simile dolla prora e poppa tanto che navigando possa solcare 
 le onde del mare. La terra del site, bonta e belczza e come 1' altre selve 
 vare di vario genere d' alberi piene ma non di tanto odore per essere pii^i 
 prompted by too natural a curiosity, and not respecting men whom they con- 
 sidered as little better than wild beasts, tried to kidnap some of the natives 
 ■whenever opportunity ofTered. They thus caused the spirit of distrust and 
 hostility, which was afterwai'ds evinced by the North American Indians. 
uiscovKRY OK Hudson's kivkk. 209 
 like the otlier ; abounding also in forests, filled with various kinds of 
 trees ; but not of such fragrance, as it is more northern and colder. 
 We saw in this country many vines, growing naturally, which 
 entwine about the trees, and run up upon them as they do in the 
 plains of Lombardy. These vines would doubtless produce ex- 
 cellent wine if they were properly cultivated and attended to, as 
 we have often seen the grapes which they produce very sweet and 
 pleasant, and not unlike our own. They must be held in estima- 
 tion by them, as they carefully remove the shrubbery from around 
 them wherever they grow, to allow the fruit to ripen better. We 
 found, also, wild roses, violets, lilies, and many sorts of plants and 
 fragrant flowers different from our own. We cannot describe their 
 habitations, as they arc in the interior of the country, but from 
 various indications Ave conclude they must be formed of trees and 
 shrubs. We saw also many grounds for conjecturing that they 
 often sleep in the open air, without any covering but the sky. Of 
 their other usages we know nothing ; we believe, however, that all 
 the people we were among live in the same way. 
 After having remained here three days, riding at anchor on the 
 coast, as wo could find no harbour, we determined to depart, and 
 coast along the shore to the north-east, keeping sail on the vessel 
 only by day, and coming to anchor by night. Afnr proceeding 
 settentrionale e frcdJa. Vcdemmo in quelle molte vite dalla natura 
 produttc, quali alzaudosi avvoltano agli alberi come nclla cisalpina 
 Gallia costumano, Ic quali se dagli agricoltori avcssino il pcrfctto ordine 
 di cultura senza dubbio produrrebbono ottrini vini, pcrche piil volte il 
 frutto di quello bccndo, veggendo suave c dolce non dal nostro diffcrento 
 sono da loro temiti in ostimaziono impcrocchS per tntto dove nascono 
 levano gli arbuscoli circustanti ad causa il frutto possa gcrminare. 
 Trovaranio rose silvcstrc e violc gigli e molte sorte di erbc e fieri odori- 
 feri da nostri difFerente. Le abitazioni loro non conoscemmo per esscre 
 dcntro infra terra, estimiamo per molti segni vcdemmo sieno di Icgno e 
 erbe composte, credendo ancora per varie congetture e vestigii molte di 
 quegli dormire alia campagne ed altra che il cielo non abbiano per 
 copcrtura. Altro di costoro con conoscemmo, pensiamo tutti gli altri 
 dclla passata terra vivino nel medesimo mode. Essendo in questa terra 
 diraorati tre giorni, surti alia costa per la rarita de' porti dclibcrammo 
 partirc scorrendo sempre al lito infra settentrionc cd oricnte, il di sola- 
210 VI',UA/,7,,\No'.S VOYAOK, AM) IMUS'l' 
 one luindii'd leagues, \vc t'oiiiul ii very plca.stmt situation amon^ 
 some steep hills, through wliich a very large river, deep at its 
 mouth, forced its way to the sea; IVoiu tlie sea to the estuary of 
 the river, any sliip heavily laden might pass, with the lielp oi' the 
 tide, which rises eight feet. But as we were riding at anchor in a 
 good berth, we would not venture up in our vessel, without a know- 
 ledge of the mouth ; therefore we took the boat, antl entering the 
 river, wc found the country on its banks well peopled, the inliahi- 
 tants not differing much from the others, being dressed out willi 
 the feathers of birds of various colours. They came towards us 
 with evident delight, raising loud shouts of admiration, and show- 
 ing us where we could most securely land with our boat. Wc 
 passed np this river, about half a league, when we found it formed 
 a most beautiful lake three leagues in circuit, upon which tlu y 
 were rowing thiuty or more of their small boats, from one shore to 
 the other, filled witli midtitudes who came to see us. All of a sud- 
 den as is wont to happen to navigators, a violent contrary wind 
 blew in from the sea, and forced us to return to our ship, greatly 
 regretting to leave this region which seemed so commodious and 
 delightful, and which we supposed must also contain great riches, 
 mente navigando c la notte posando la ancora in termini di leghc cento 
 trovammo un sito niolto amcuo posto infra piccoli colli cmincnti uel 
 mezzo do' quali corrcva al marc una grandissima rivicra, la quale dentro 
 alia focc era profonda e dal marc all' ominenza di qucUa col ricresci- 
 ujcnto dcllc aoquc quali trovammo piedi otto e vi passata ogni oucravi:i 
 nave a per esserc surti nella costa in buono ohbligo non volemmo scnza 
 intcllcgeuza dclla focc avcnturarci funimo col battello ed entraiulo 
 nella riviera alia terra (juale trovammo molto populata c le genti quasi 
 conforme all' altre vcstiti di pennc d' uccelli di varj colori venivano verso 
 I di noi allegramcntc mcttcndo graudissimi gridi di ammirazioni mostran- 
 i done dove col battello avossimo piii securamcnte a possare, entraninio in 
 i detta riviera dentro alia terra circa mezza Icga dove vcdemmo faceva uu 
 I bellissimo lago di circuito di leghc tre in circa, per lo quale 
 i discorrendo dall' una all' altra parte al numcro di trenta di loro bai- 
 ' chette con infinite genti chc passavano dall' una all altra terra per vcr- 
 derci. In uno stante come advenire suole nel navicarc movendosi im- 
 petuoso contrario vcnto dal mare fummo forzati tornacci alia nave 
 I lasciando la detta terra con molto dispiaccrc per la commodita c vaghezza 
 nH the hills showed many imlieatlons of minerals. Wciffhing 
 anclioi',' wc sailed cij^hty lea<iues towards the cast, as tlio coast 
 stretclied in that direction, and tilways in sijj,lit of it; at len<ftli we 
 discovered an island of a trianj^ular form, about ten leagues from tlie 
 main land, in sJ/c about equal to the island of Rhodes, having 
 many hills covered with trees, and well peopled, judging from the 
 grea*; nunibcr of fires whicli we saw all around its shores ; wc 
 gave it the name of your Majesty's mother.^ 
 "We did not land there, as the weather was unfavourable, but 
 proceeded to another place, fifteen leagues distant from the island, 
 where wc found a very excellent harbour. Before entering it, we 
 cli quella pcnsando non fosse senza qualchc facoltadi prczzo mostrandosi 
 tuttc li colli di quclla minerali. Lcvata 1' ancora navicammo verso 
 r orieutc clic cosi la terra toriiava, discorse Icghc ottanta. Scmpre a 
 vista di quclla discoprimnio vma isola in forma triangolarc lontauo dal 
 contineute legho x. di grandczza simile alia isola di Rodi picna di colli, 
 coperta d'al:>cri, c molto populata per li continui fuoclii, per tutto 
 interno al lito vcdemmo clio facevano. Hattezzammolo iu nomc dclla 
 vostra clarrissima genitvice. Nou surgendo a quclla per la opposizione 
 del tempo vcnimmo a lui' altra terra distunto dalla isola Icghe xv tro- 
 vammo uno hulissimo porto e prima iu qucllo cntrassimo vcdemmo circa 
 ' It is qnito clear, from llio course of the vessel, that the river liore de- 
 scribt'tl is the Iliulson, ami the buy, its moutli. Tlio doscripliou also is per- 
 fectly accurate. As is stated further on, by Professor Cogswell, an American 
 historian, Dr. ^Miller was of opini(in,that not the bny here summarily sketched, 
 bnt the one move amply depicted on a later page of Verazzauo's journal, is 
 Kew York harbour. Dr. iMiller was most probably misled by his patriotism. 
 The charming description of tlie second bay cannot bo misi dien for that of 
 the moutli of the Hudson, by any one whoso judgment is oi".iiely unbiassed. 
 Tlio mistake has for a long time been generally acknowledged in America. 
 The second bay, wliieli Verazzano afterwards entered, is Narrangaset Bay 
 (Newport harbour, Piliode Island). The praise given to it by its discoverer 
 is not by any means oxagg(!rated. 
 - It may perhaps be allowed to hazard the conjecture that this tribe was 
 descended from the Welsh emigrants, who had reached America in the early 
 pnrl of the middle ages : and of whom many travellers, but most especially 
 Mr. Catlin, believe to have found some traces. They need not huve been 
 venj white to appear fair to a sunburnt Italian mariner. Tlie emendation 
 introduced into the text by ^Mr. Cogswell, seems of too bold a nature. Di 
 colore bianchissiino can hardly be interpreted into inclining to a white 
 [lifonzc) colour. 
 saw about twenty small boats full of people, who came about our 
 ship, uttering many cries of astonishment, but they would not ap- 
 proach nearer than within fifty paces ; stopping, they looked at the 
 structure of our ship, our persons and dress, afterwards they all 
 raised a loud shout together, signifying tliat they were pleased. 
 By imitating their signs, we inspired them in some measure with 
 confidence, so that they came near enough for us to toss to them 
 some little bells and glasses, and many toys, which they took and 
 looked at, laughing, and then came on board without fear, among 
 them were two kings, more beautiful in form and stature than can 
 possibly be described ; one was about forty years old, the other 
 about twenty-four, and they were dressed i, the following manner : 
 The oldest had a deer's skin around his body, artificially wrought 
 in damask figures, his Lead was without covering, his hair was 
 tied back in various knots ; around his neck he wore a large chain 
 ornamented with many stones of different colours. The young man 
 was similar in his general app-^arance. This is the finest looking 
 tribe, and the handsomest in their costumes, that we have found in 
 our voyage. They exceed us in size, and they are of a very fair 
 complexion ( r) ; some of them incline more to a white (bronze?), 
 and others to a tawny colour ; their faces are sharp, their hair long 
 and black, upon the adorning of which they bestow f;reat pains ; 
 XX ba.vchette di genti che vouivano con varj gridi c maraviglie intorno 
 alia nave non a[)prossiniandosi piu che cinquanta passi fcrmavansi 
 vedendo lo edifizio nostro cfligie ed abite : di poi tutti insieme spanJc- 
 lano ua altro grido, significaudo rallcgrarsi assicuratigli ahjuanto imi- 
 tando loro gcsti si approssimurono tanto che gitamrao loro alcuni sonagH 
 e spccclij molte fantasie quale prose con riso e riguardandole sicura- 
 mente nclla nave entrorno. Erano inira quelli duo re de tauta bclla 
 statura e forma quanto narrate sia possibilc 11 primo d' anni 40 in circa 
 r altro d'anni 24, 1'abito de' quali tale era — il piu vecchio sopra il corpo 
 nudo aveva una pcllc di ccrvo lavorata artifiziosamanto alia damaschiiui 
 con vai'j ricanii, la testa nuda, li capelli aditro avolti con varic Icgaturo, 
 al coUo una catena larga ornata di molte pietri di diversi colori. Jl 
 giovane quasi nclla mcdesiina forma. Era questa la piu holla gente c la 
 pill gontile di costumi abbiamo trovata in questa navigazionc, eccedono 
 !i(ii di grandezza. sono di colore bianchissinio. alcuui pcndono piii in 
 biaucliixza ma altri in colore llavo, il viso i>iolihito, i oapcgli luiighi c 
 their eyes are black and sharp, their expression mild and pleasant, 
 greatly resembling the antique. I say nothing to your Majesty of 
 the other parts of the body, which are all in good proportion, and 
 such as belong to well formed men. Their women are of the same 
 form and beauty, very graceful, of fine countenances and pleasing 
 appearance in manners and modesty ; they wear no clothing except 
 a deer skin, ornamented like thoac worn by the men ; some wear very 
 rich lynx skins upon their arms, and various ornaments iipon their 
 heads, composed of braids of hair, which also hang down upon 
 their breasts on each side; others wear different ornaments, such 
 as the women of Egypt and Syria use. The oUlcr and the married 
 people, both men and women, wear many ornaments, in their ears, 
 hanging down in the oriental manner. We saw upon them several 
 pieces of wrought copper, which is more esteemed by them than 
 gold, as this is not valued on account of its colour, but is considered 
 by them as the most ordinary of the metals, — yellow being the 
 colour especially disliked by them ; azure and red are those ir. high- 
 est estimation with them. Of those things which we gave them, they 
 prized most highly the bells, azure crystals, and other toys to hang 
 in their ears and about their necks ; they do not value or care to 
 ncri nei quali pongono grandissimo studio in adornargli, gli occhi ncri e 
 pronti, la aria dolce e soave iinitando molto Tantioo. Dellc altrc parti 
 del corpo uon dir5 a V.S.M. tenendo tutte le proporzione del corpo 1' ap- 
 partiene a uno bene composto. Lc donuc loro souo della medesima 
 forma e belle/a uiolto graziose e di venusta aira e grato aspetto di cos- 
 tumi e continentia, nude con solo una pelle di cervo ricamata come gli 
 iioraini alcune alle braccia portauo pclle di lupi ccrvieri molto ricchc, il 
 capo con varj ornamenti di trcccie composte de' medesimi capcgli che 
 pondono dall' uno e I'altro lato del petto. Alcune hauno altro accon- 
 ciaturc come le donue d' Egitto e di Soria usano, e (jucste sono quoile 
 che eccedono alia ctsl e giunte in spozalizio agli orecchi tengono varie 
 fautasie pcndcnti come gli oricntali costuuiano cosi gli uoniini come lc 
 douno a quali vcdciumo luultc lauiinc di ramc lavoratc da quelli teuute 
 in prcgio piii che 1' oro ; il quale per il colore non stimano ; imporocchc 
 fra tutti i mctalle da loro per il piii vile e tenuto per il giallo colore che 
 ahorrono, lo azzurro ed il rosso sopra ogni altro csaltando. Quello cho 
 ila noi gli lil doiii\lo che piii tcncssino in prczzo crauo sonagli. cristal- 
 Uui iizzuiri cd allrc tautatfic da tcucrc agli orocohj cd al collo iiou proz- 
 have silk or gold stuffs, or other kind of cloth, nor implements of 
 steel or iron. When we showed them our arms, they expressed no 
 admiration, and only asked how they were made; the same was the 
 case with the looking-glasses, which they returned to us, smiling, 
 as soon as they had looked at them. They arc very generous; giv- 
 ing away whatever they have. We formed a great friendshij) with 
 them, and one day we entered into the port with our ship, having 
 before rode at the distance of a league from the shore, as the wea- 
 ther was adverse. They came off to the ship with a number of their 
 little boats, with their faces painted in divers colours, showing us 
 real signs of joy, bringing us of their provisions, and signifying to 
 us where we could best ride in safety with our ship, and keeping 
 with us until we had cast anchor. Wc remained among them fif- 
 teen days, to provide ourselves with many things of which wc 
 were in want, during which time they came every day to see our 
 ship, bringing with tliciu their wives, of whom they v.ere very 
 careful ; for although they came on board themselves, and remain- 
 ed a long while, they made their wives stay in the boats, nor could 
 we ever get them on board by entreaties ov any presents we could 
 make them. One of the two Kings often came with his Queen and 
 zano drappi di seta o di oro o di oltri goncri di drappi, no si curano 
 quclli avere, simile do mctalli come acciajo ferro, pcrchc piCi volte m(^s- 
 trandoli delle uostre armi non no pigliavano ammirazione e di (piellc 
 domaudavano solo lo artifizio risguardando dolli speccbj il simile facevano 
 Bubito quclli guardando, ridendo rcnunziavano. Sono molto liberali die 
 tutto qucllo hanno donato. .Facemmo con loro grandc aniista cd uno 
 giorno avauto cntrassimo con la nave ncl porto stando per li tcinpc 
 adversi una Icga nel marc surti venivano con uu numcro di loro bar • 
 chette alia nave puntata ed acconci il viso con varj colori mostrandoci 
 Tcro segno di allcgrczza putandone dcUc loro vivande, facendoci segno 
 dovo per salvazione della nave nel porto avessimo a surgere di contiuuo 
 accoinj)agnaiidonc pcrfino a (|ucllo posammo la ancora, pel quale posaiu- 
 ma giorni (piindici rostauraudone di molta opportuiiita, dove ogni giorno 
 vcniva gcnte a vederc alia nave mcnando lo loro donuc dcUe (juali sono 
 molto curiosi imperocchc cntrando loro in t|uella dimorando lungo spazio 
 facevano Ic loro donue aspcttarc nolle barchette e con quanti prieghi li 
 faccssimo offerendo donarc loro varic cose non era possibilo die laciah- 
 sino (jucllc in nave cutrarc c moltc volte vencuilo uiiu dolli duo re cuii la 
 many attendants, to sec us for his amusements ; but he always 
 stojjped at the distance of about two hundred paces, and sent a 
 boat to inform us of his intended visit, sayinj^f they would come and 
 see our ship, — this was done for safety, and as soon as they had an 
 answer from us they came off, and remained awhile to look around ; 
 but on hearing the annoying cries of the sailors, the king sent his 
 queen, with her attendants, in a very light boat, to wait, near an 
 island a quarter of a league distant from us. while he remained a 
 long time on board, talking with us by . , and expressing his 
 fanciful notions about everything in the ^.'.ip, and asking the use 
 of all. After imitating our modes of salutation, and tasting our 
 food, he courteously took leave of us. Sometimes, when our men 
 stayed two or three days on a small island near the ship for their 
 various necessities, as sailors are wont to do, he came with seven 
 or eight of his attendants to incjuirc about our movements, often 
 asking us if we intended to remain long, and offering us evtiy- 
 thing at his command ; and then he would shoot with his bow, 
 and run up and down with his people, making great sport for us. 
 We often went five or six Iragues into the interior, and found the 
 country as pleasant as is possible to conceive, adapted to cultiva- 
 regina c molti gcntili uomiui per suo piaccre a vcdcre in prima si fer- 
 mava scmpre a una terra distantc da noi 200 passi, mandando una 
 barchetta, ad avisaruc della sua vonuta, dicendo volarc venire a vedoro 
 la nave, (jucsto facendo in spezic di sicurta, c come da noi avovano la 
 risposta sul)ito vcnivano e stati aluuanto a risguardare scntcndo il nojoso 
 clamore della turba niarittima mandava la rogina con le sue damigelle 
 in una barchetta molto Icggiera a riposare ad una isola distante da noi 
 un quarto dc Icga rcstando in grandissimo spazio ragioi'ando per scgni 
 e qucsti di varie fantasic riguardando tutto lo sostanze delUi nave 
 domandando in particolare la propricta di quelle imitando i nostri sahiti, 
 gustando i nostri cibi, di poi benignaraento da noi si partiva cd alcuna 
 volta due e tre giorni stando le nostre genti ad una isola piccola vioina 
 alia nave per varie necessita come e costume de' marinaj vcniva con 7 o 8 
 Jo suoi gcntili uouiini in quolla guardando nostre operazioni, doman- 
 (lundone piu volte so volcvauio restar quivi per lungo tcnqio ofTerondone 
 cgui sua facidta, di poi tiraudo con 1' arco corrcndo faccva coa li suoi 
 ^eutili uomini varj giuochi per darne piacerc fumrao piii volte infra 
 terra v o vi leghe quale trovammo tauto amcna quauto narrarc sia possi- 
 tion of every kind, whether of corn, wine, or oil; there .ire often 
 plains twenty-five or thirty leagues in extent, entirely free from 
 trees or other hindrances, and of so great fertility, that whatever 
 is sown there will yield an excellent crop. On entering the woods, 
 we observed that they might all be traversed by an army ever so 
 numerous ; the trees of which they were composed were oaks, 
 cypresses, an'l others unknown in Europe. We found also apples, 
 plums, filberts, and many other fruits, but all of a different kind 
 from ours. The animals, which are in great numbers, as stags, 
 deer, lynxes, and many other species, are taken by snares and by 
 bows, the latter being their chief implement ; their arrows arc 
 wrought with great beauty, and for the heads of them they use 
 emery, jasper, hard marble, and other sharp stones in cutting 
 down trees, and with them they construct their boats of single logs, 
 hollowed out with admirable skill, and sufliciently commodious to 
 contain ten or twelve persons ; their oars are short, and broad at 
 the end, and are managed in rowing by force of the arms alone, 
 with perfect security, and as nimbly as they choose. We saw 
 their dwellings, which are of a circular form, of about ten or twelve 
 paces in circiT inference, made of logs split in halves, without any 
 bile, atta a ogni genere di cultura frumento, vino, olio, impcrocchc in 
 quella sono campagne larghc xxv iu xxx Icghe apcrte o nude d' ogni 
 iuipediracnto d' arbori, di tanta fcrtilitii che qualsivoglia seme in quclla 
 produrebbe ottimo frutto. Kntrando poi nolle sclvc tuttc a ogni uume- 
 roso escrcito in qual modo sia sono penctrabili, dclle quali gli arbori 
 sono qucrcic, ciprcssi, cd attri incogniti nclla Europa. Trovammo pomi 
 luculliano prune, avcllano c molte altrc frutto. II genere di esse e dif- 
 forcnte dalle nostre. Auimali vi sono di grandissimo numero, cervi, 
 daini lupi ccrvieri, o di altre spezic quali nel modo degli altrc pigliauo 
 con lacci, archi, che sono per loro principalc armo, le frcice do quali 
 sono con molta pulchritudinc lavorate ponendo nella estreraita per fcrro 
 smeriglio, diaspro e duro marmore cd altre taglicnti pietre dclle quali si 
 servono per ferro ncl tagliarc albcri c fabricare le loro barchctte di uii 
 sob fusto di Icguo con mirabilc artifizio concave, nclla quale couiiuo- 
 damentc andra x o xii uomini, cd il remo corto nella estrcmita larga 
 operandc quel solo con forza di braccia in pelago senza alcuno pcricolo, 
 con tanta vclocita quanto a loro piace e stcndendoci vedemiuo loro abita- 
 zione in forma circolare di x in xii passi di and)ito fabricate di serai- 
 regularity in architecture, ami covered with roof's of straw, nicely 
 put on, which protect them from wind and rain. There is no 
 doubt that they would buiUl stately edifices if they had workmen 
 as skilful as ours ; for the whole sea- coast abounds in shining 
 stones, crystals, and alabaster, and for the same reason it has posts 
 and retreats for animals. They change their habitations from 
 place to place as circumstances of situation and season may re- 
 quire. This is easily done, as they have only to take with them 
 their mats, and they have other houses prepared at once. The 
 father and the whole family dwell together in one house in great 
 numbers : in some wc saw twenty-five or thirty persons. Their 
 food is pulse, as with the other tribes ; wliich is here better than 
 elsewhere, and more carefully cultivated. In the time of sowing 
 they are governed by the moon, the sprouting of grain, and many 
 other ancient usages. They live by hunting and fishing, and they 
 arc long lived. If they fall sick, they cure themselves without 
 medicine, by the heat of the fire; and their death at last comes 
 from extreme old age. We judge them to be very affectionate and 
 charitable towards their relatives, making loud lamontulions in 
 their adversity, and in their misery calling to mind all their good 
 circoli di legno separate 1' una dall altr.a sensa online d' architcctura, 
 coperte di tele di paglia sottilnicnte lavorate che da vuuto c pioggia li 
 ttifondono, non e dubbio se avissiuo la pcifczione dcgli artifizj, noi abi- 
 amo che conducessino magni edifi/.j, imporocchc tutto il lito maritlimo 
 ili vivc pictre d' auralee e cristalliuc e di alabastro c picno c per talo 
 causa e copiose di porti c ricettacoli di aniniali. Pormiitauo Ic dctto 
 cose di uno in altro luogo secondo la espcrienza del cito cd il tempo iu 
 quello diraorati — levano solo le tele, in uno stantc hauuo altrc abita- 
 zioni fabricate e diniora, in ciaschcduna padre e fanuglia in grandis- 
 simo numero c in cpialchc una vedemmo xxv o xxx animc ed il viverc 
 lore e come gli altri di legumi i (piali producono con piu ordine di cul- 
 tura, dcgli altri asscrvando nolle scmenzo lo influsso liuiarc il nasci- 
 lucnto delle biade e molte modi dall antichi dati — iu oltre di veriagionc 
 c pcsci — vivono lungo tempo. In egritudiiie incorromo so da 
 soiio opprcssi scnza floniito col fuoco da loro medesiiui si sanauo ed il 
 fine loro b dolla ultima vccchioza quidichianio sicno di loro prossimi 
 molto pietosi e caritativi, facondo nolle advcrsita gran lanienti, nolle 
 iniscrio ricordando tutto Ic loro fclicita od i parenti 1' uno con 1" altro 
 I i 
 fortune. At their departure out of life, their rehitions mutually 
 join in weeping, mingled with singing, for a long while. This is 
 all that we could learn of them. 
 Thif region is situated in the parallel of Rome, being 41° 40' of 
 north latitude; but much colder, from accidental circumstances, 
 and not by nature, as I shall hereafter explain to your Majesty, and 
 confine myself at present to the description of its local situation. 
 It looks towards the south, on which side the harbour is half a 
 league broad ; afterwards, upon entering it, the extent between the 
 coast and north is twelve leagues ; and then enlarging itself, it 
 forms a very large bay, twenty leagues in circumference, in which 
 are five small islands of great fertility and beauty, covered with 
 large and lofty trees. Among these islands any fleet, however 
 large, might ride safely, without fear of tempests or other dangers. 
 Turning towards the south, at the entrance of the harbour, on both 
 sides, there are very pleasant hills, and many streams of clear 
 water which flow down to the sea. Tii the midst of the entrance 
 there is a rock of freestone, formed by natarc, and suitable for the 
 construction of any kind of machine or bulwark for the defence of 
 the harbour.' 
 nel fine di loro vita usano 11 pianto siciliauo raisto con canto jier lungo 
 tempo durando. E qucsto e qua'ito di loro potcssimo comosccre. Questa 
 terra e situata nel paralello di lloma in gradi 41? ma alquanto piil 
 fredila per accidcnte, non per natura, come in altra parte narrero a 
 V.S.M. descrivendo al preseute il sito di detto posto guarda verso lo 
 austro augusta mizza lega dipoi entrando in (|uollo infra oriente e sct- 
 tentrione s' esteude leghe xii dove allargaudosi causa uno amplissimo 
 seno di circuito di leghe xx in circa nel quale sono v. isolette di molta 
 fertilita e vaghezza piene di alti e spatioso alberi infra le quali isole 
 ogni numero di classe senza timore di tumpesta o di altro impedimcnto 
 di fortuua secura puo quiescere. Toruando iwv vorso meridio alia cii- 
 trata del porto all' uuo c 1' altro lato sono amcuissimi colli con molti rivi 
 che dalla eminenza al mar j saituriscono chiare acque. Nel mezzo della 
 hocca si trova uno scoglio di viva pietra dalla natura prodotto atto a 
 fabbricarvi qual si vuole niacoliina o propugnacolo per custodia di 
 1 Tliu tibuvu doscripliun applies lo Nnnagunsot, 13iiy iind Ihn harbour of 
 NcwjjoiM in l!li(iil( rslmiil. althoiif,'li inistukiMi by Dr. Rlillcr, in his iliscourso 
 Having supplied ourselves witli everything necessary, on the 
 fifth vji' May we departed from the port, and sailed one hundred and 
 fifty leagues, keeping so close to the coast as never to lose it from 
 our sight. The nature of the country appeared much the same as 
 before J but the mountains were a little higher, and all, in appear- 
 ance, rich in minerals. We did not stop to land, as the weather 
 was very favourable for pursuing our voyage, and the country pre- 
 sented no variety. The shore stretched to the cast ; and, fifty 
 leagues beyond, more to the north, where we found a more elevated 
 country full of very thick woods of fir trees, cypresses, and the like, 
 indicative of a cold climate. The people were entirely different 
 from the others we had seen, whom we had found kind and gentle ; 
 but tlicsc were so rude and barbarous that we were unable, by any 
 signs we could make, to hold communication with them, 'ihey 
 clothe themselves in the skins of bears, lynxes, seals, and other 
 animals. Their food, as far as we coulil judge by several visits to 
 their dwellings, is obtained by hunting and iishing, and certain 
 T'lssondo di ogni nostra oppurtuiiita rcstaurati il giorno sei di maggio 
 partimiuo dall dctto porto continuaudo il lito uon pcrJeudo mai la vista 
 dclla terra navigainmo Icghe loO, trovandola di una modesinui natura cd 
 alquanto piu alta con alcune montagne che tuttc si mostravano minerali, 
 non posammo a quella per la prospcrita del tempo ue serviva in rigare 
 la costa pensammo fosse all' altra contbrme — correva il lito alio oriente, 
 in spazio de Icghe 50 toiiando piu al scttentriouo trovammo una terra 
 alta plena di sclvc molto folte dcUe (^uali li albcri furouo abeti, ciprcssi, 
 e simili che si gcnerano in regioue frcdda, la gcnte tutf < lalle altre dif- 
 forme e quauto i passati erano d'ogui gesto gcntili, questi erano di ruvi- 
 dezza e visi tanto barbari, che mai potcmmo con quauti segnali 11 faces- 
 simo avcre con loro conversazione alcuna vestono di pelle di orsi, di 
 lupi cervieri consocore aiiJando piii volte dove avcvano la abitataziouo 
 stemiamo Ic piii volte sia di vciiagione e pcsci c di alouni frutti che souo 
 !■ 'I 
 before this Society (us publislu'd in the firsl vohmio of the tVu'iiier sorios of 
 Collections), for llie bay and harbour of New York. The latter nre briefly 
 described in a in'ocedin;^ iiaragraph of this translation (p. 45) witii siillicient 
 clearness to ailniit of their being easily recoj^'nizeJ. The isbnul, "of a trian- 
 gular form, resembling the i-.laiiil of llhoiles" ( \vh it'll Vorrazzuiio mentions 
 as fifty Icagi'.is to tile east of New York, — ji. l(i),is iloubtless Hbck l>liiiiil. 
 — Cv/.suv//. 
 fruits, which are a sort of root of spontaneous ,t,no\vth. They have 
 no pulse, and we saw no signs of cultivation. Tlic hind ai)pear3 
 sterile, and unfit for growing of fruit or grain of any kind. Jf we 
 wished at any time to truilick with them, tliey came to the sea 
 shore and stood upon the rucks, from which they lowered down by 
 a cord, to our boats beneath, wliatcver they had to barter, conti- 
 nually crying out to w^ not to come nearer, and instantly demand- 
 ing from us that which was to be given in exchange. They took 
 from us only knives, fishdiooks, and sharpened steel. No regard 
 was paid to our courtesies. When we had nothing left to exchange 
 with them, the men at our departure made the most brutal signs 
 of disdain and contempt possible. Against their will we penetrateii 
 two or three leagues into the interior with twenty-five men. When 
 we came to tlie shore, they shot at us with tlieir arrows, raising 
 the most horrible cries, and afterwards fleeing to the woods. In 
 this region we found nothing extraordinary, except vast forests and 
 some metalliferous hills, as we inl'er from seeing that many of the 
 l)eople wear copper earrings. 
 Departing from thence, we kept along the coast, steering north- 
 east, and found the country more pleasant and open, free from 
 spezie di radici quale la terra per se medisima produce. Non haimo 
 logumi nc vedenmio segno alcuno di culturaj uemmouo farebbe la term 
 per la sterilita nou alta a producerc frutto o some alcuno. Se da (juegli 
 alouna volta rciiunziando volevamo dellc loro cose nc veuivauo al lito 
 c'ol maro sopra alcuuc pietre dove, piu frangcva e staiulo uoi uel batello 
 con una corda, quullo ciic volevan dare ci maudcvauo, contiuuo griJaudo 
 alia terra non ci approssimassimo, domaudando subito il cauibio alio 
 incontro, non pigliando se nou coltclli, lauu da pescare e metallo tagli- 
 eute, ne stiinavano gentiliczza alcuna, e quaudo non avcvamo piu cho 
 pcrmutaro da loro partendo gli uomini nc facevano tutti gli atti di dis- 
 pregio verecondia che puo faro ogni brutta creatura. Funuiio contra 
 loro volouto dcutio fra terra due o tre leghe xxv uouiiui e quaudo sceu- 
 devano al lito ci tiravano con loro avchi mcttando gridi grandissimi, poi 
 si fuggivano uclle selve. Nou coniioscomnio in (picsta tena facolta (ii 
 mouiciito alcuno fec non gniudi.shime selve c(Hi alcuni colli jiu.^souo avcro 
 qualchc metallo che a molti vcdeninio pater no.stri di ranie alii oreccbi. 
 Partimuio scorcudo la cu^ta infra oriente e sctlcntrionc <jua!c truvaauau 
 woods ; and distant in tlio interior wc saw lofty mountains, but 
 none which extended to the shore. Within fifty leagues wc dis- 
 covered thirty-two islands, all near the mainland, small, and of 
 pleasant appearance ; but high, and so disposed as to afford excel- 
 lent harbours and channels, as we see in the Adriatic Gulf, near 
 Illyria and Dahnatia. We had no intercourse with the people ; 
 but we judge that they were similar in nature and usages to those 
 we were last among. After sailing between east and north the 
 distance of one hundred and fifty leagues more, and finiling our 
 provisions and naval stores nearly exhausted, we took in wood and 
 water, and determined to return to France, liaving di.stovered o02, 
 that is 700 {sic) leagues of unknown land. 
 As to tiie religious faith of all these tribes, not understanding 
 their language, wc could not discover cither by sign or gestures 
 any thing certain. It seemed to us that they had no religion nor 
 laws, nor any knowledge of a First Cause or Mover, that they wor- 
 shipped neither the heavens, stars, sun, moon, nor other planets ; 
 nor could we learn if they were given to any kind of idolatry, or 
 offered any sacrifices or supplications, or if they have temples or 
 houses of prayer in tlieir villages ; our conclusion was, that they 
 have no religious belief whatever, but live in this respect entirely 
 pill bclla, apcrta e nuda di selve con alte montagne dcntro infra terra 
 diininucndo verso il lito del mare — in leghe cinquanta discoprimmo xxxii 
 isolc tutte propinque al coutinentc, piccole e di grata prospettiva, alte 
 tcncndo la verzura della terra fra le quali si causava bcllissiini porti o 
 canali come uel seno adriatico, nella Iliredo e Dalmazia fanno. Non 
 avcmina con la gente couosccn/.a e stimianio come le altre lasciate di 
 costumi e natura siano. Navigaudo infra '1 subsolano ed acquilone in 
 spazio (U leghe 1.50 e di gih avendo consumato tutte le nostre sostanze 
 navali e vettovaglic, avendo discoperto leghe (302 cioe leghe 700 piii di 
 luiova terra fornendoci di acque o legnc dcliberammo di tornare in 
 Quauto alia fede tencgono tutti questi popoli abbiamo trovate per 
 luaiicauicuto di lingue non possemmo couoscere ue per segui o gesti 
 alcimi. Consideriamo tenessino legge o fede alcuna, ne couoscono una 
 per una causa e motore ne veuerasino ciclo o stello. Sole luna o altri 
 piancti, iic uianco tenessino spezie di idolatria ne conoscemmo facessino 
 sagriticio o altre prcci no iu la loro populazionc hanno teuipj o case di 
 free. All which proceeds from ignorance, as they are very easy to 
 be pcrsiiiulcd, and imitated us with earnestness and fervour in all 
 which they saw us do as Christians in our acts of worship. 
 It remains for me to lay before your Majesty a cosmograi)hical 
 cx2)osition of our voyage.' Taking our departure, as I before 
 orazione. Stimiamo non tcngl\ino fedc alcuua ma vivino in qucsta 
 libcrta, c tutto dalla iguoranza proccde pcrchc sono molti facili a persua- 
 dcre tutto (lucllo hauno i cristani circa il culto divino vcndcvano fare c 
 faccvano con qucllo stimolo e forvorc che noi facciamo. 
 Restami a narrare a V. S. M. 1' ordine di dctta navigazionc circa la 
 cosmographia.^ Come di sopra dissi partcndo dalli prefati scopcrti chc 
 ' In the remainder of this loiter, which is cliieily cosmngrftphical, Vtiriaz- 
 zuno sliows how many degrees lartiier westward he liad sailed, than the kiiow- 
 leilge of the ancients extended, and liow erroneous were their notions about 
 the relative proportions of land and water, on the earth's snrface. As to the 
 lirst point, the whole cnleulaiioii it will he observed is based upon an error in 
 estimating his meridional distance, whieh is too large by nearly one half, and 
 of coiuso his diU'erenee of longitude in the same proportion; but this is no 
 disparagement to his nautical skill, for navigation was in its infancy at tlie 
 time of his voyage, and he had not the aid of a lunar observation or a chro- 
 nometer to correct his dead reckoning. Nor does it appear from the letter 
 precisely in what way he determined his ship's progress ; he says only that he 
 took observations of the sun (probably with an astrolabe as Jie quadrant had 
 not then been invented), and that he kept notes of his daily run; but the 
 %yhole account, and particularly his deductions I'especting the relative 
 proportion of land and water, prove how very imperfect all such knowledge 
 then was. This part of the letter is now, we believe, for the first time, 
 translated into English. In giving it lliis new dress we have endeavoured 
 to keep as close as possible to the original ; but such is its obscurity and 
 confusedness of exi)reshion, that we do not venture to assert wo have derived 
 the exact meaning of every passage; still we are confident that no essential 
 idea has been omitted or nustrauslated. In the numerical computations the 
 fractional parts are neglected, as they were found to be often wrong, owing 
 most likely to the copyist's carelessness, and as they are not important to the 
 right understanding of the statements. Cogsivcll. 
 2 Some very summary remarks about this cosmographical appendix will 
 be found in tlic introduction. If it was the object of the present book to 
 illustrate the voyage of Yera/.zano, not that of Hudson, the cosmographicnl 
 appendix ought to have been treated at grtat length, as being one of tlic 
 most curious monuments of geographical literature. Its complete elucida- 
 tion recjuires however a very ample eonimentary ; and it would be un- 
 justifiable if wc were to introduce such a treatise into the present already 
 somewhat overgrown volume. 
 observed from the above mentioned desert rocks, whicli lie on the 
 extreme verge of the west, as known to the ancients, in the me- 
 ridian of tlio Fortunate Ishinds, and in the hititude of 32 degrees 
 north from the equator, and steering a westward course, we had 
 run, when we iirst made hind, a distance of 1200 leagues or 4800 
 miles, reckoning according to nautical usage four miles to a league. 
 This distance calculated geometrically, upon tlie usual ratio of the 
 diameter to the circumference of the circle, gives 92 degrees ; for 
 if we take 114 degrees as the chord of an arc of a great circle, we 
 have by the same ratio 95 degrees as the chord of an arc on the 
 parallel of 34 degrees, being that on which we first made land, and 
 300 degrees as the circumference of the whole circle, passing 
 through this plane. Allowing, then, as actual observations show, 
 that 621 terrestrial miles correspond to a celestial degree, we find 
 the wliole circumference of 300 degrees as just given to be 18,759 
 miles, which divided by 360, makes the length of a degree of lon- 
 gitude in the parallel of 34 degrees to be 52 miles, and that is the 
 true measure. Upon this basis, 1200 leagues, or 4800 miles 
 meridional distance, on the parallel of 34, give 92 degrees, and so 
 many therefore have we sailed farther to the west than was known 
 son situate nel fine dello occidcnte alii antichi noto, c ncl mcridiano dc- 
 scritto per Ic insule fortunate in latitudiuc gradi 32 dallo c(|uatore del 
 nostro cmisperio navigando alio occideute perKno alia prima terra tro- 
 vammo legho 1200, che contcugono raiglia 4800, computando iniglia 
 cjuattro per lega sccondo lo uso marittimo degli navclerii goouictrice 
 giusta la proporziouc tripla scttima del diametro alia circoTifcrcnza gradi 
 ^^T> V ?' V ^' 3"' ^°'^ ^^^ ^'* ^^^ essendo la corda del arco del massimo 
 circolo gradi 114-fi e la corda del paralello gradi 34, dclla prima terra 
 da noi trovata alia raedesima proporzione gradi 9o2 5^ l^osserc si nostra 
 I'ambito di tutto il circolo gradi 300 IV, I--.' cho daudo per ogni grado 
 corao confermano la maggiore parte di quelli cho hanno specimentato 
 rispondcre in terra alia proporzione del cielo miglia G2i fariano miglia 
 187o9J_- A quale ripartite in 360 perveneria per ciasoheduno miglio 
 521 9 r. e tanto vale uno grade di longitudine in detto paralello di 
 gradi 34, Soi>ra il quale per la retta del meridcano di detti scopcrti che 
 stauno in gradi 32 abbiamo calculata la ragiono in questo che Ic dette 
 leghe 1200 per rctta linea in gradi 34 da occidentc in oriente abbiamo 
 trovato, pcrvcnia adunquc perquella gradi 02-^^4-,^,^,^,^, e tanto abbi- 
 V MP^ 
 1.0 .'fiM IIIIIM 
 •^ IM 
 t 1^ 12.0 
 1.25 mil 1.4 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 to the ancients. During our voyage we had no lunar eclipses or 
 like celestial phenomenas, we therefore determined our progress 
 from the difference of longitude, which we ascertained by various 
 instruments, by taking the sun's altitude from day to day, and by 
 calculating geometrically the distance run by the ship from one 
 hori/on to another ; all these observations, as also the ebb and 
 flow of the sea in all places, were noted in a little book, which 
 may prove serviceable to navigators; they are communicated to 
 your Majesty in the hope of promoting science. 
 My intention in this voyage was to reach Cathay, on the extreme 
 coast of Asia, expecting, however, to find in the newly discovered 
 land some such an obstacle as they have proved to be, yet I did 
 not doubt that I should penetrate by some passage to the eastern 
 ocean. It was the opinion of the ancients, that our oriental Indian 
 ocean is one, and without any interposing land; Aristotle supports 
 it by arguments founded on various probabilities ; but it is con- 
 trary to that of the moderns, and shown to be erroneous by expe- 
 rience. The country which has been discovered, and wh'ch was 
 unknown to the ancients, is another world compared with that 
 amo navigato piu alio occidente e non fu cognito alii antichi, nel detto 
 paralello de gradi 34, questa distanza a noi fu nota per la longitudine 
 con varj strumente navigando senza cclissi lunari o altro aspetto per al 
 moto solare pigliando sempre la elevazione a qual si voglia ora per la 
 differenza faceva dall uno all' altro orizzonte correndo le nave geome- 
 trice, ne era note lo intervallo dall uno meridiano all' altro come in un 
 libretto tutto amplamente notato insienie col crescimento del marc in 
 qualsivoglia clima ad ogni tempo ed ora il quale non inutile stimo abbia 
 a essere a naviganti, spero meglio per la teorica conferilo a V. S. M. 
 Mia intenzione era di pervenire in questa navigazione al Cathaj alio 
 estremo oriente dell Asia pcnsaudo trovare tale impedimcnto di nuova 
 terra quale ho trovata, e se per qualche ragione pensava quella trovare 
 non senza qualche futo dl penetrare alio oceano oricntale essere stimava 
 questa opinione di tutti gli antichi e stata credendo certcamente il nostro 
 oceano orientale di India uno essere senza interpozeone di terra questc 
 afferma Aristotile argomentando per varic similitudini la quale opinione 
 e molto contraria a moderni e la espericnza falsa imperocche la terra e 
 stata trovata da quegli antichi incognita un altro mondo a rispetto di 
 quella a lorj fu note — raanifestamcnte essere si mostra e di maggiorc 
before known, being manifestly larger than our Europe together 
 •with Africa and perhaps Asia, if we rightly estimate its extent. 
 We shall now be briefly explained to your Majesty. The Spaniards 
 have sailed south beyond the equator, on a meridian 20 degrees 
 west of the Fortunate Islands, to the latitude of 54 ; and there still 
 found land. Turning about, they steered northward on the same 
 meridian, and along the coast to the eighth degree of latitude, near 
 the equator ; and thence along the coast, more to the west and 
 north-west, to the latitude of 21°, without finding a termination to 
 the continent. They estimated the distance run as 89 degrees, 
 which, added to the 20 first run west of the Canaries, make 109 
 degrees; and so far west they sailed from the meridian of these 
 islands. But this may vary somewhat from truth. Wc did not 
 make this voyage, and therefore cannot speak from experience. 
 We calculated it geometrically from the observations furnished by 
 many navigators who have made the voyage, and affirm the distance 
 to be 1600 leagues, due allowance being made for the deviations of 
 the ship from a straight course by reason of contrary winds. I 
 hope that we bhall now obtain certain information on these points 
 by new voyages to be made on the same coasts. 
 della nostra Europa, della Africa e quasi della Asia se rettamente specu- 
 liamo la grandezza di quella come sotto brevita ne faro un poco di dis- 
 corso a V. S. M. Oltre lo equatore distante dal meridiano dalle insule 
 fortunate verso lo occidente gradi 20 -3 2 o. ^ o. glj spani verso lo austro 
 gradi 54, hanno navigato dove hanno trovato terra senza fine tornaudo 
 poi al settentrione giusta la detta linea meridionale correndo il lito per- 
 fino in 8 gradi propinqui alio equatore piu alio occidente participando 
 pill al settentrione giusta la detta linca meridionale continuando il lito 
 perfino in gradi 21, nou trovando termine gradi 89 2 9109 hanni na- 
 vigato quali giunti con gradi 20 ^^ 4 ^ -6. 1^ fanno gradi 110 J. | i s 
 e tanto hauno navigato del detto meridiano dalle isole fortunate piu alio 
 occidente nel paralello gradi 21 della altitudine, questa distanza da noi 
 nou e stata sperimenta per uon avere fatta detta navigazione potria 
 variare poco piu manco abbiamo quella calcolata geouietrice per la 
 notizia di molti navicalieri che la hanno frequentata quali affennano 
 esscre leghe 1600 giudicando per lo arbitrio il discorso della nave 
 sccondo la qualita del vento per la continua navigazione spero in breve 
 '•{ i 
 Ad J^ 
 But to return to ourselves. In the voyage wliicli we have made 
 by order of your Majesty, in addition to the 92 degrees we nm 
 towards the west, from our point of departure, before we reached 
 land in the latitude of 34, we have to count 300 leagues which \vc 
 ran north-eastwardly, and 400 nearly east, along the coast, before 
 we reached the 50th parallel of north latitude, the point where wc 
 turned our course from the shore towards home. Beyond this 
 point the Portuguese had already sailed as far north as the Arctic 
 circle without coming to the termination of the land. Thus, add- 
 ing the degrees of south latitude explored, which are 54, to those 
 of the north, which are 66, the sum is 120 ; and therefore more 
 than are embraced in the latitude of Africa and Europe, — for the 
 Jiorth point of Norway, which is the extremity of Europe, is in 71 
 north ; and the Cape of Good Hope, which is the southern extre- 
 mity of Africa, is in 35 south ; and their sum is only 106. And if 
 the breadth of this newly discovered country corresponds to its 
 extent of sea-coust, it doubtless exceeds Asia in size. In this way 
 Ave find that the land forms a much larger portion of our globe 
 than the ancients supposed ; who maintained, contrary to matlic- 
 matical reasoning, that it was less than the water ; whereas actual 
 experience proves the reverse. So that wc judge, in respect to 
 ne avremo ottima certitudine dall' altra parte noi in questa nostra 
 navigazionc fiitta per ordine di V. S. M. oltra i gradi 02 che dal dctto 
 meridiano verso lo occidente dalla prima terra trovammo gradi 34 
 navigando leghe 300 infra oriente e settentrione leghe 400 quasi alio 
 oriente continue 11 lito della terra siamo pevenuti per infino a gradi 50, 
 lasciando la terra che pi\l tempo fa trovorno li Lusitani quali seguimo 
 piu al scucentrione pervenendo sino al circulo artico il fine lasciendo 
 incognito. Giunta aduntpie la latitudino settentrionalo con la mcridconale 
 videlicet i gradi 54 con le gradi 66 fanno gradi 120 che tanto contieue 
 di latitudine la Africa con la Europa perche giungendo lo estremo della 
 Europa che sono i limiti di Norvegia che stanno in gradi 71 con lo 
 estremo dell' Africa che e il proraontori di capo di Buona Speranza in 
 gradi 35, faranno solo gradi 106 e se lo equestre di detta terra in parte 
 cori'esponde al lito marittimo non e dubbio di grandezza la Asia ecceda 
 in tal forma troviamo il globo della terra molto niaggiore non hanno 
 tenuto gli antichi a ripugnanza matematici quelle rispetto alia acqua 
 sia minima il che per esperienza lo opposite veggiamo e quanto alio 
 extent of surface, the land covers as much space as the water. 
 And I hope more clearly and more satisfactorily to point out and 
 explain to your Majesty the great extent of that new land, or new 
 world, of which I have heen speaking. 
 The continent of Asia and Africa, we know for certain, is joined 
 to Europe at the north, in Norway and Russia ; which disproves 
 the idea of the ancients, that all this part had been navigated, from 
 the Cembric Chersonesus eastward as far as the Caspian Sea. 
 They also maintained that the whole continent was surrounded by 
 two seas situate to the east and west of it ; which seas, in fact, do 
 not surround either of the two continents ; for, as we have seen 
 above, the land of the southern hemisphere, at the latitude of 54, 
 extends eastwardly an unknown distance ; and that of the northern, 
 passing the 66th parallel, turns to the east, and has no termination 
 as high as the 70th. 
 In a short time, I hope, we shall have more certain knowledge 
 of these things, by the aid of your Majesty, whom I pray Almighty 
 God to prosper in lasting glory, that we may see the most import- 
 ant results of this our cosmography in the fulfilment of the holy 
 words of the Gospel. 
 arce corporalc, di spazio non meno la tcrre che la acqua posscdcrc 
 giudichiamo come alia prcscnza meglio spero e con piil ragione espc- 
 riraentare c mostrare a V. S. M. tutta quella nuova terra o nuovo mondo 
 che disopra abbiamo narrate contienc Insicme congiungeudo alia Asia 
 ed Africa ct che sappiamo certo porria giungcre alia Europa con la 
 Norvegia e Russia che sarebbe false secondo gli antichi quali dal pro- 
 montorio do cimbri quasi tutto il scttcntrionalc decono cssere state 
 navigate alto oriente circucndo circa il mare caspio il medesimo afFer- 
 mano restercbbe adunque solo iuterclusa da due mari situati dallo 
 orientale ed occidentalc, e equellc due nc chiude 1' uno e 1' altro pci'che 
 oltre a' gradi 54 della equinoziale verso lo austro s' estende alio oriente 
 per lungo spazio e dal settentrionale passando i gradi 6G. Seque tor- 
 nando in verso lo oriente giungende perfino a gradi 70. Spero con lo 
 ajuto di V. S. M. ne avremo in breve migliore certitudine, la (juale Die 
 omnipossente prosper! in diuturna fama ad causa veggiamo ottiujc fine 
 di questa nostra cosmografia che si adempie la sacra voce dello cvau- 
 On board the ship Dolphin, in tlie port of Dieppe in Normandy, 
 the 8tli of July, 1524. 
 Your humble servitor, 
 Janus Vekkazzanus. 
 gelio' — nella nave Delphina iu Normandia in porto di Diepa a di 
 8 Luglio, 1524. 
 Ilurailis Servitor, 
 Janus Vebrazzanus. 
 (PuucHAs HIS P1LGRIME8, V. iii, pp. 518-20.) 
 I thought good to adde hither for Barents or Barentsons sake, 
 ccrtaine notes which I have found (the one translated, the other 
 written hy him) amongst Master Hakhiyts Paper. 
 This was written by William Barentson in a loose paper, 
 which was lent mee by the Reuerend Peter Plantius in 
 Amsterdam, March the seucii and twentieth, 1609. 
 The foure and twentieth of August, sttlo nouo, 1595, wee spake 
 with the Samoieds, and asked them how the land and sea did lye 
 to the east of Way-gates. They sayd, after fiue dayes iourney 
 going north-east, wee should come to a great sea, going south-east. 
 This sea to the east of Way-gats they sayd was called Marmoria, 
 that is to say, a calme sea. And they of Ward-house haue told vs 
 the same. I asked them if at any time of the yeere it was frozen 
 ouer ? They sayd it was. And that sometimes they passed it 
 with sleds. And the first of September 1595, stilo nouo, the Russcs 
 of the lodie or barke affirmed the same ; saying, that the sea 
 is sometimes so frozen, that the lodies or bprkes going sometimes 
 to Gielhsidi from Pechora, are forced there to winter ; which 
 Gielhsidi was wonne from the Tartars three yeeres past. 
 For the ebbe and flood there, I can find none ; but with the 
 winde so runneth the streame. The third of September, stilo nouo, 
 the winde was south-west, and then I found the water higher then 
 with the winde at north north-east. Mine opinion is grounded on ex- 
 perience : that if there bee a passage, it is small, or else the sea 
 could not rise with a southerly winde. And for the better proofc to 
 know if there were a flood and ebbc, the ninth of September, stilo 
 [ II 
 nouo, I went on slioarc on the soiith end of the States Hand, where 
 the crosse standeth, and layd a stone on the brinkc of the water, 
 to prouc whether there were a tide, and went ronnd about the 
 iland to shoote at a hare ; and returning, I found the stone as I left 
 it, and the water neither higher nor lowere : which prooucth, as 
 afore, that there is no flood nor ebbe. 
 A Treatise of Ivcr Boty a Gronlander, translated out of the Norsli 
 langunge into High Dutch, in the yeere 15(i0. And after out of High 
 Dutch into Low Dutch, by WilHam Barentson of Amsterdam, who 
 was chiefe Pilot aforesaid. The same copie in Iligli Dutch 
 is in the hands of lodocvs Hondivs, which I hauo seene. 
 And this was translated out of Low Dutch by Master 
 William Stere, Marchant, in the yeore IfiOB, for the 
 vse of me Henrie Hudson. "SVilliam Barentsons 
 Booke is in the hands of Master Peter 
 Plantivs, who lent the same vnto me. 
 Inprimis, it is reported by men of wiscdome and vnderstanding 
 borne in Gronland, that from Stad, in Norway, to the east part of 
 Island, called Horn-nesse, is seuen dayes sayling right west. 
 Item, men shall know, that between Island and Gronland lyeth a 
 riffe called Gombornse-skare. They were wont to haue there pas- 
 sage from Gronland. But as they report, there is ice vpon the 
 same rifFe, come out of the long north bottome, so that we cannot 
 vse the same old passage, as they thinke. 
 Item, from Lono-nesse, on the east side of Island, to the aboue- 
 said Horn-nesse, is two dayes sayle to the Brimstone Mount. 
 Item, If you goe from Bergen in Norway, the course is right 
 west, till you bee south of Roke-nesse in Island, and distant from 
 it thirtcene miles, or leagues. And with this course you shall 
 come vnder that high land, that layeth in the east part of Gronc- 
 land, and is called Swafster. A day before you come there, you 
 shall haue sight of a high mount, called Huit-sarke ; and betweene 
 Whitsarke and Groneland lyeth a head-land, called Hernoldus 
 Hooke ; and thereby lyeth an hauen, where the Norway merchant 
 ships were wont to come ; and is called Sound Hauen. 
 Item, if a man will sayle from Island to Gronland, hee shall set 

 r^*9 1 
 his course to Snofncsse, which is by west Roke-ncssc thirteenc 
 miles or leagues, right west, one day and nights sayling, and after 
 south-west to shun the ice that lyeth on Gombornse-skare ; and 
 after that one day and night north-west. So shall hce with tins 
 course fall right with the abouesayd Swafster, which is high land, 
 vnder which lyeth the aforesayd head-land, called Hcrnoldus 
 Hookc, and the Sound liauen. 
 Item, the caster dorpc of Groneland lyeth cast from Hcrnoldus 
 liooke, but necrc it, and is called Skagen Fovd, and is a great vil- 
 Item, from Skagen Ford cast lyeth a called Beare Ford : 
 it is not dwelt in. In the mouth thereof lyeth a rifFe, so that great 
 ships cannot harbour in it. 
 Item, there is great abundance of whales ; and there is a great 
 fishing for the killing of them there, but not without the bishop's 
 consent, which kcepeth the same for the benefit of the cathedrall 
 church. In the hauen is a great swalth ; and when the tide doth 
 runne out, all the whales doe runne into the sayd swalth. 
 Item, cast of Beare Ford lyeth another hauen, called Allabong 
 Sound ; and it is at the mouth narrow, but farther in very wide : 
 the length whereof is such, that the end thereof is not yet knownc. 
 There runneth no streame. It lyeth full of little iles. Fowles 
 and oxen are there common : and it is playne land on both sides, 
 growne oucr with greene grasse. 
 Item, east from the icie ■ . ^ayne lyeth an hauen, called 
 Fendebothcr; so named, because -Saint Olafes time there was a 
 ship cast away, as the speach hath beene in Groneland, in which 
 ship was drowned one of Saint Olafes men, with others ; and those 
 tliat were saued did burie those that were drowned, and on 
 their graues did set great stone crosses, which wee see at this 
 Item, somewhat more east, toward the ice mountayne, lyeth a 
 high land, called Corse Hought, vpon which they hunt white 
 beares, but not without the bishops leaue, for it belongeth to the 
 cathedrall church. And from thence more easterly, men sec 
 nothing but ice and snow, both by land and water. 
 Now wee shall retm-ne againe to Hcrnoldus Hooke, where we 
 first began to come to the first towne that lyeth on the east side of 
 Heinoldus Hooke, culled Sliagcu Ford : and so wc will write the 
 names of all that lye on the west side of the ford or sound. 
 Item, west from llernoldus Hooke lyetli a dorpe called Kodos- 
 ford, and it is well built : and as you sayle into the sound, you 
 shall see on the right hand a great sea and a marsh, and into this 
 sea runneth a great streame : and by the marsh and sea standeth 
 a great church, on which the holy crosse is drawnc, of colour 
 white : it bclongeth to Enelncsse de Ilokesong, and the land to 
 Peters Wike. 
 Item, by Peters Wike lyeth a great dorpe, called Wartsdale, by 
 which lyeth a water or sea of twelue miles or leagues oucr, in 
 which is much fish : and to Peterswiko church belongeth "Warts- 
 dale Boy or Towne and the villages. 
 Item, necre this boy or towne lyeth a cloyster or abbey, in which 
 arc canons rcgnlar; it is dedicated to Saint Olafes and Saint 
 Augustines name. And to it belongeth all the land to the sea-side, 
 and toward the other side of the cloyster. 
 Item, next Godosford lyeth a ford, called llompncs Ford ; and 
 there lyeth a cloyster of nuns of Saint Benedicts order. 
 Item, this cloyster, to the bottom of the sea, and to Wegen 
 Nerke, was dedicated to Saint Olafe the king. In this ford lye 
 many small iles. And to this cloyster bclongeth halfe the ford 
 and the church. In this sound are many warme waters. In the 
 winter they arc intollerable hot, but in the summer more moderate ; 
 and many bathing in them are cured of many diseases. 
 Item, between lloinpnes and the next sound, lyeth a great 
 garden, called Vose, belonging to the king. There is also a costly 
 church dedicated to Saint Nicholas. This church had the king 
 before this. Neere it lyeth a sea of fresh water, called > 
 in which is great abundance of fish, without number. And when 
 there falleth much rayne, that the waters doc rise therewith and 
 after fall againe, there remayneth vpon the land much fish drie. 
 Item, when you sayle out of Emestnes Ford, there lyeth an inlet, 
 called Soutli-woders Wike ; and somewhat higher in the same 
 sound, and on the same side, lyeth a little cape, called Bloming ; 
 and beyond that lyeth another inwike, called Granwike ; and 
 aboue that lyeth a garden, called Daleth, which belongeth to the 
 cathedrall church. And on the right hand, as you sayle out of the 
IN Hudson's rossrssiox. 
 same sound, lycth a great wood, which pcrtaj'tieth to the church, 
 ■where they feede all their catlell, as oxen, kinc, and horses. And 
 to the church pertayneth the sound of Emcstncs Ford. The hi^li 
 land lying by Emcstncs Ford is called the Ramos hayth : so called, 
 because that on those hills doc runne many roe dccrc, or reyne 
 deerc, which they vse to hunt, but not without the bishops Icaue. 
 And on this high land is the best stone in all Groneland. They 
 make thereof pots, because fire cannot hurt it. And they make of 
 the same stone fattes or cisternes, that will hold ten or twclne 
 tunncs of water. 
 Item, west from this lycth another high land, called the Long 
 High Land : and by another called , whereon are eight 
 great orchards, all belonging to the cathedrall church. But the 
 tenths thereof they give to Warsedall church. 
 Item, next to this sound lyeth another sound, called Swalster 
 Ford, wherein standeth a church, called Swalster. This church 
 belongetli to all this sound, and to Romse Ford, lying next it. In 
 this sound is a garden belonging to the king, called Saint 
 Item, next to that lyeth Ericks Ford ; and eutring therein lyetli 
 an high land called Eiicks Ilought, which pertayneth the one 
 halfe to Deuers Keike, and is the first parish church on Groneland, 
 and lyeth on the left hand as you sayle into Ericks Ford : and 
 Deuers Kerke belongeth all to Meydon Ford, which lyeth north- 
 west from Eiicks Ford. 
 Item, farther out then Ericks Ford standeth a church, called 
 Skogel Kerke, which belongeth to all Medford. And farther in the 
 sound standeth a church, called Leaden Kerke. To this church 
 belongeth all thereabout to the sea, and also on the other side as 
 farre as Bousels. There lyeth also a great orchard, called Grote 
 Lead, in which the gusman (that is, a chlefe or bayliffc ouer the 
 boores) doth dwell. 
 And farther out then Ericks Ford lyeth a ford or sound, called 
 Fossa, which belongeth to the cathedrall church : and the sayd 
 Fossa Sound lyeth as men sayle out towards Ericks Yovd; and to 
 the north of it lye two villages, the one called Euer-boy, and the 
 other Forther-boy, because they lye so. 
 Item, from thence farther north lyeth Breda Ford, and after 
 that liormont Ford from that west, and from TiOrmont Ford to the 
 west is Ice Dorpc. All these are places built, and in them dwell 
 Item, from the caster bnildcd land to the wester dorpe, is twcluc 
 miles or leagues ; and the rest is all waste land. In the dorpe, in 
 the west, standeth a church, which in time past belonged to the 
 cathcdrall church, and the bishop did dwell there. But now the 
 Skerlcngers haue all the west lands and dorps. And there are 
 now many horses, oxen, and kine, but no people, neither Christian 
 nor heathen ; but they were all carryed away by the enemic, the 
 All this before written was done by one lucr Boty, borne in 
 Gronland, a princlpall man in the Bishops Court, who dwelt there 
 many yeeres, and saw and knew all these places. He was chosen 
 by the whole land for captayne, to goe with shijjs to the west land, 
 to driue away their enemies, the Skerlcngers. Bat bee comming 
 there, found no people, neither Christian nor hcathm, but found 
 there many shecpe running, being wilde, of which sheepe they 
 tookc with them as many as they could carrie, and with them 
 returned to their houses. This bcforenamed Indo Boty was 
 himselfe with them. 
 To the north of the west land lyeth a great wildernesse, with 
 clifes or rockes, called Hemel Hatsfelt. Farther can no man 
 sayle, because there lye many swalgen or whirlepooles, and also 
 for the water and the sea. 
 Item, in Groneland are many siluer hills, and many white bearcs 
 with red patches on their heads ; and also white hawkes, and all 
 sorts of fish, as in other countries. 
 Item, there is marble stone of all colours, also zeuell stone or the 
 load stone, which the fire cannot hurt, whereof they make many 
 vessels, as pots, and other great vessels. 
 Item, in Groneland runneth great streames, and there is much 
 snow and ice : but it is not so cold as it is in Island or Norway. 
 Item, there grow on the high hills, nuts, and acornes, which are 
 as great as apples, and good to eate. There groweth also the 
 best wheate that can grow in the whole land. 
 This sea card was found in the iles of Fero or Farre, lying 
 betweene Shot-land and Island, in an old reckoning booke, written 
 aboue one huntlrcd yccrcs agoc : out of which this also was ull 
 Item, Punnus and Potharsc hauc inliabited Ishmd ccrtayne 
 yceres, and some times hauc gone to sea, and haue had their trade 
 in GroneUvnd. Also Punnus did giue the Islanders their lawcs, 
 and caused them to bee written ; which lawes doe continue to this 
 day in Island, and are called by name Punnus lawes. 
 (from n. y. uist. soc, n. s., v. i, p. 20(J.) 
 Tjiat there should be no miserly desire for the costly metals 
 among the natives, few will believe : still it is true, the use of gold 
 and silver, or any metallic coin, is unknown among them. The 
 currency which they use in their places to which they resort, is 
 called wampum, the making and preparing of wliich is free to all 
 persons. The species are black and white ; but the black is worth 
 more by one half than the white*. The black wampum is made 
 from conch shells, which are to be taken from the sea, or which 
 are cast ashore from the sea twice a year. They strike oflT the thin 
 parts of those shells, and preserve the pillars or standards, which 
 they grind smooth and even, and reduce the same according to 
 their thickness, and drill a hoV- through every piece, and string 
 the same on strings, and afterwards sell their strings of wampum 
 in that manner. This is the only article of moneyed medium 
 among the natives with which any traffic can be driven ; and it is 
 also common with us in purchasing necessaries, and carrying on 
 our trade. Many thousand strings are exchanged every year for 
 peltries, near the sea-shores, where the wampum is only made, and 
 where the peltries are brought for sale. 
 Dcscriptio (ic (hUneafio Gcnyraphicn Dctectionis Freti. Sive 
 TransltVH ad Occusum, supra terras Avwricanas, in Chlnam 
 atq: Japoncin ducturi, Ilecens invcstKjatl ah M. Henrico 
 Jlndsuno Aiujlo. Item, Narratio Ser^"'''. llegi HisjHmitv facia, 
 super tractu, in quinta Orhis tcrraruni parte, cut Avstraliie 
 Incoynifai nomcn est, rccens dctecto, per Cap'itaneum Petrum 
 Ferdinnndez de Quir. Vnu cum descriptione Terra Sanioie- 
 darvm et 'Finyoc&iorvni, in Tartaria ad Ortum Freti Wai/yats 
 sifa; nvpcrq : Impcrio Jiloscovitanan siihactce. Amsterodami, 
 Ex ujicina IlesseliJ Gerardi. Anno 1612. 
 Hue quic'inq. novas ardes cognoscere terras, 
 Hue iuleas, atq. isto fontc levato sitini. 
 Hie liber cxtronios Borea) Oauriq. rcccssus, 
 Et frcta iaiu uautis pervia nosse dabit. 
 Pervia ; quid reiiuis I possunt, qui posse videntur. 
 Et maiora dodit sapi vidcre Deus. 
 Si tamcn addiibitas, turn tu tc confer ad Austrum, 
 Et lege queis ccrtam fasadliibere fidem. 
 LvcKi et utilitatis spes animos hominum numquan!. non excitavit 
 ad percgrinas rcgioncs natloncsq' lustrandas. It;'. pretiosEB like 
 nobis (i mcrcatoribus Russis allatoc pelles mcrcatoves nostrates in- 
 flammarunt acri quadam ciipidinc incognitas nobis ipsorum terras, 
 si fieri posset, peragrandi. Profuit ipsis quadam tenus hac in 
 parte iter quoddam a llussis conscriptum, Moscow ia Colmogroviam, 
 atcpie inde Pctzorani (ubi incolaj anno Ciivisti 1518 Christiauam 
 fidcni amplcxi sunt), liinc porro ad fluviuni Obi, pauloquc ultcrius 
 ducens. Quod quidem plurima falsa veils admiscet, puta de 
 Slatibala anu ilia (ut fertur) aurea, eiusque filijs, nee non monstu- 
 iosis illis trans ipsum Obi hominibus. Transtulit vero descrip- 
 tionem banc Russieam, camque suis de regionibus Moscovitarum 
 libris inseruit Sigismundus ab Ilerberstein, Impcratovis Maximi- 
 liani Orator. Ediditque postea tabulam Russiaj Antonius quidam 
 "Widus, adjutus ab Joanne a Latski, Principe quondam Russo, & 
 ob tumultus post obitum Magnl Duels Joannis Basilij in Russia 
 excitatos, in Poloniam profugo. Quic tabula J. euidam Copero, 
 Senatori Gedaensi, dieata, Russlcisque & Latinis descriptionibus 
 aucta, in lucem prodijt apud Wildam anno Christi 155o. Aliam 
 quoque Russian tabulam ediderunt post modum Angli, qui in traetu 
 illo negotiati fuerant. Atque hdc quidem tabulae, & qualescunque 
 descriptiones, qu£)eque pra;terea do regionibus hisce comperta sunt, 
 clicuerunt Oliverium quendam Bunellum, domo Bruxella, uti eon- 
 scenso navigio Eucliusano, animum induxcrit eo sese conferre. 
 Vbi aliquandiu vagatus, & pellium pretiosarum, vitri Russici, crys- 
 tallique montani, ut vocant, adfaliin n<' :tus, omnium opum suarum 
 scaphae commissarum in undis fluvij Pcrzora^ triste fecit naufra- 
 gium. Qua? tum Anglorum, tum hujus Bunelli, qui & Costinsar- 
 cam Novae Zemkc lustraverat, navigationes, cum & Batavis nostris, 
 opum Chine nsium Catliaicarumque odore allectis, animum acccn- 
 dissent, Nobiles ac Prsepotentes Provinciarum Fccderatarum Or- 
 dines, duas naves, ductore Joanne Ilugonis a Linschot, versus 
 Fretum quod vulgo Weygats, totidemque ductore Guilielmo Ber- 
 nardi suasu D. Petri Plancij, recto supra Novam Zemblam cursu 
 Scptcmtrionem versus ituras, destinarunt. Et Guilielmus quidem, 
 cum pervenisset ad altltudincm graduum 77, ac apud Insulas Oran- 
 goDas terram inter & glaciem esset obsessus, Calendis Augusti 
 domum revcrsus est: Linschotanus vero & Fretum ipsum emesus 
 est, & 50 ipsa milliarid ultra illud progressus, tandem & ipse, flan- 
 tibus fere perpetuis aquilonibus, temporisquc oportunitate jam 
 lapsa, coactus ad suos reverti. Anno proximo insecuto, qui fuit 
 Christi 1595, iterum uterque co cursum instituit, animo signa sua 
 ulterius proferendi, vel & navigationem banc feliciter absolvendi. 
 Sed enim frigoris vehementia & immensis glaciei montibus impe- 
 dlti spe sua frustrati sunt, neque vol ipsum Fretum potuere trans- 
 mitlcre, sed ad Insulam Oidinum cum venissent domuitioneui 
 parare coacti sunt, metuentcs videlicet, ne totum Frctum glacic 
 tandem obstrueretur Gulielmus anno 1596, tertium repetito cursu 
 non paulo quam primo itinere longius progressus, navim. coagmen- 
 tatis e glacie montibus supcrimpositam, eo quo pervenerat loci 
 destituit, in perpctuam cxtrema3 ad Septemtrionem navigationis 
 mcmoriam. Cuius veri prodigiosan! Historiam, dolenduin interi- 
 tum, turbae que nauticoo in HoJlandiamreditum, qui volet, ex ipso- 
 rum Ephemeridibus publico extantibus discat. 
 Nos, ut qualemcunque illam, quam mercatores nostri ex itino- 
 ribus jam dictis consecuti sunt regionum istarnm notitiam, quo ad 
 fieri potest, promoveamus, ex hibernis liic inirrationem quamdam 
 super novo Russorum in Tartaria? partibus dominata, quae prajter 
 descriptionem Siberia, situm quoquc exponit regionum longe trans 
 Obij ad Ortum vcrgentium. 
 Adjunximus liuic Siberi Septemtrionaliorisq. Tartaria? descrip- 
 tioni tabulam quamdam omnium illis adjacentium regionum ex 
 idiomate Russico versam, & multis in partibus cum accuratis Lins- 
 cliotani locoruni aliquot delincationibus concordantem. In qua 
 Russi delinearunt nobis universum ilium Freto Weygats ab ortu 
 adludcntem Oceanum, & simul viam inde Mcridionalem Cathaiam 
 ducentem. Sicci autem ilia ipsa via videbitur a?quo Septemtriona- 
 lia, pro ut sane ex ipso tabuloj adspectu apparet : veri simili tamen 
 est, usque ad ipsum Obi, vel alium aliquem majorem fluvium mari- 
 timo itinere perveniri posse : cum Russi oras istas navigijs suis 
 obnaviget, inde que vel scaphis, vel & teriestri itinere, tendaut in 
 mcdltcrranea, ubi notabilia multa detcgi posse, veri simillimum est. 
 Quoniam vero Fretuni Weygats per ipsam quoque anni itstatem 
 tantum ad breve tempus apertum est, ut constat ex Linscliotani & 
 Gulielmi naviga*^iouibus, difficilis admodum foret hicc indagatio. 
 Videtur cnim natura cupidltari nostrse coerccnde? glaciem ibi & 
 frigus, ceu repagula quaedam opposuisse. Nee obstantibus tamen 
 hisce tot peritissimorum naucleorum, Gulielmi Bernardi, Jacobi 
 Heemskerckij, Joannisque Linschotani exemplis, & parum pros- 
 pecte itineris a Kerchovio quodam, nomine Isaaci Lemerij, in eas 
 oras facti evontu, ausi sunt imperiti quidam homines apud illustris- 
 simos ordines ac rerum maritimarum Consiliarios instare, pro obti- 
 nendo itineris ad Aquilonem supra Novam Zemlam de integro 
 reperendi commeatu atque diplomatc, temere asserentes, remissius 
 esse frigus ad 80 Sc 85, qimm ad 72, altitudinis gradtis, ac pvopc 
 convcn'.ontes cum Hclistco llo9.tino doctore Hanovicnsi, qui ad cal- 
 cem libelli, Foederutis ordinlbus apud Beigas inscripti, palam ad- 
 firmat, a^stivo tempore, quo propius polum accesseris, eo esse cali- 
 dius, nequc posse navigijs uUum a frigorc glacievc obstacluni 
 adferri. Quin cxistimabant insupor nostri homines, ut quidem pvaj 
 sc forebant, solem in extrerao Septem rione salem potuis gencra- 
 turun esse, quam glacicm : obliti videlicet, ipsum solem, qui inibi 
 demum operationes suas efficasissime pcvficit, ubi radios suos ex 
 alto directe in tcrram excrit, in Aquilonaribus illis locis tota hieme, 
 ipsisque adco 23 hebdomadis nunquam splendere : quin & bonam 
 a-statis partem usqueadeo deprimi, ut non nisi obliquis radijs 
 tcrram ipsam illustrct, ncque brevi illo tempore, quo ad gradus 28 
 in ipso tantum mcridie supra terras crepidines elcvatur, fieri posse 
 ut illos e glacie montor, dissolvat. Hac itaque opinione imbuti, 
 aimo superiorc 1611 anclioram illi solverunt, idque initio statim 
 veris, ne videlicet impcdirentur a glacie per sestatem solvcnda, 
 magnorumque flumlnum ostijs cvornenda ; (^nvc nulla quidem ipsis 
 occurrit, sed enim mare, in quo salem se inventuros speravercnt, 
 prajter opinionem, sua ipsius glacie tam dense invcnerunt adstric- 
 tum ut nihil plane memoria dignum officere potuerint. Quarc 
 glacie prajpediti, littora Nova Zemla.', ubi et Costcnsarcam lustra- 
 runt, legere, indeqne accepto non lev! detrimento Kildunam, Lappitc 
 Insulam pefere, resarciendae rulna; coacti sunt. Vnde rursus 
 digressi hibernatum profecti sunt ad littora Nova3 Francia;, sub 44 
 graduum altitudine. Vbi quidam eorum Prsefectus, alioqui fere in 
 triclinio nautico deletcscere solitus, cum descendisset in terram, 
 barbarorum sagittis, una cum alijs quinquc confectus est, longe 
 quidem extra suam opinionem, qua persuasus erat se per extrcmum 
 Scptemtrionem longinquo supra Novam Zcmlam cursu, ad pridem 
 quaisitas Cathatam Chinamquc, Icvi negotio perventurum. Et ex 
 hoc comitatu altera navium cum Proofecto suo reversa est, altera 
 vero Joannes Cornelij cognomcnto Antropophagus, valde a peritia 
 rei nautica) commendatus, rursus ad Aquiloncm profectus est, qui 
 oportuno tempore plura quam hactenus nobis comperta sint, detoc- 
 turus speratur, cuj usque navigationis cvcntum nos brevi narraturos 
 tibi confidimus. Quonia vero etiam post navigationes pra)dictas 
 Guiliclmi Bernardi, viam illam aquilonarcm aliquoties Angli adhuc 
 tentavcrant, visum fuit ante triennium D. D. Indicsc navigationi« 
 Praofectis eo mittere quendatn M. Hudsonum Anglum, qvii cum 
 nullam ad Ortum viam, scd ejus vicem Oceanum invcnisset glacio 
 prorsus obstructum, ad Occasum dcfiexit, undc sine uUo profectu 
 in Angliam appulit. Emissus autem de novo ab Anglis, cursu 
 quidem longc prospcriorc, at deteriorc tamen successu usus est : 
 cum enim post varios labores ultra Tcrram de Baccalaos 300, cir- 
 citer milliaria Occasum versus emensus asset, inibique ad altltu- 
 dine graduum 52 jam hibernasset, & ulterius tendere certus esset, 
 ecco non tantum ipse, scd & omnis eius Senatus (ut sic dixerim) 
 nauticus scaphoo ab imjiortunis nautis impositus, & in undas de- 
 missus, ipsi sine more domum reversi sunt. Nos vero notas ejus 
 ad calcem hujus libelli adjunximus, certiora per naves eo jam 
 missas, imo optatum de Freto prorsus pervio nuntium expectates. 
 Quae naves hoc ipso aeternam sibi fama ac gloriam paraturae sunt : 
 tot potentibus vitis, sagacissimisque Naucleris tot jam annos com- 
 pendiosam ad Carthaitc, Chinee, Moluccarum, Pernanorumque 
 populorum divitias adfectantibus viam : inter quos, praetcr nos- 
 trates (qui in Aquilone & Oriente sua ediderunt specimina) fucrc 
 Martinus Forbisherus & Joannes Davisius, qui annis Christi 1585, 
 86, 87, inter Terram novam atque Groenhxndiam Septemtrionem 
 versus currentes pervcnerunt ad gradus 72, sed glacie praepediti, 
 re i)lane infecta, ad sues reversi sunt. 
 Confirmatur hsec nuper inventi ab Hudsono supra Terram Novam 
 transitus sive Freti spes, Virginianorum Floridanorumque concor- 
 dibus testimonijs, diserte adi'umantium, terras suas ab Occasu 
 aestivo allui vasto Oceano, in quo & naves Anglicanarum similes 
 viderint. Legcrc quoque est apud Josepluim Acostam cap. 12, 
 lib. 3, natural. Indiue Occident. Ilistor. Hispanos sibi habere per- 
 suasum, Thomam Candium Anglum ccrtam habuissc Freti istius 
 notitiam. Et feruntur Hispani viam hanc sedulo occultare, qua 
 eorum nonnuUi post expugnatas a se Philippinas in Hispaniam 
 sunt reversi. Atque hinc adeo est, quod Philippus II, ut ex fide 
 nobis relatum est extruendam curavit validam illam arcem ad mare, 
 quod vulgo appellant Vermeis, supra Novam Granatam, quo vide- 
 licet impedirel, ne aut nostrates, aut' alij sui hostes, opes illas 
 immensas, quas ad marc del Zur pacifice possidet, per hanc viam 
 aliquando vehirent direptum. Quod si ergo haec via rcsponduit 
 suis principijs, compendium sane hominibus nostris futura est, non 
 ad Chmas duntaxat, Moluccas, atque Peruviam, sed ad eas etiam 
 gentes, qu^ Australem Maris del Zur tractum incolunt, perlustran- 
 das, explorandumque quosnam inibi portus & merces invenire sit 
 Neque defuturum est usquam ijs, qui ad iter hoc se accinxerint 
 unde refocillentur, nauseamque marinam excutiant, sive ad Insulas 
 illas accedant, quas lustravit Antistes Quitensis (de quibus constat 
 nobis ex relatione nautae cuisdam nostrates, Episcopi in itinere 
 comitis. qui & Amplissimo Barneveldio, & Indict navigationis 
 Pra^fectis multa hue pertinetia denarravit) sive ad Continentem. 
 De quo tractu exhibemus tibi discursum seu relationem Ducis 
 cujusdam Hispani, sperantes id non futurum ingratum ijs qui ad 
 commercia in ultimis iUis Mundi partibus exercenda adspirant, 
 quive tenentur globi terrestris & Incolarum ejus magis magisque 
 cognoscendorum adfectu. Cujus quidem cognitionis studium ut in 
 ammo tuo accrescat, donee solide perficiatur, utque & opes tibi & 
 immortalem gloriam adferat, omnibus votis exopto. 
 Hesselius Gerardus Assumensis 
 I I 
 ' ■ 1 
 Dfiscriptio ac dclineatio GeograpMca Detectionis Freti. Sive, 
 T'runsitus ad Occasuni supra terras Americanas, in Chinam 
 atq : Japoneni ducturi, Mecens investigatl ah M. Henrico 
 liudsono Anglo. Item, Exegesis Regi His2)anice facta, super 
 tractu recefis detecto, in quinta Orbis parte, cui nonien, Avstra- 
 lis Incognita, Cum descriptione Terrarum Samoiedarum, et 
 Tingcrsiorum, in Tartaria ad Ortuni Freti Waggats sitarum, 
 nuperq : sceptro Moscovitarmn adscitartim. Amsterodami, Ex 
 ojficina Hcsselij Gerard i. Anno 1613. 
 Qui cupis ignotas Lector cognoscere terras, 
 Corpore c^uas fulgens contegit Vrsa ="0, 
 Et simul extremos Borcac Cauriq. recessus, 
 Et freta iam nautis pervia fluctivagis. 
 Quasq. Samojedns commutet vellere raerces, 
 Quam late Moschus proferat Imperium. 
 Impiger Hudsonius freta quoe petretraverit, efc quce 
 Restat adhuc Batavis gloria Martigenis. 
 Me pretio parvo redimas animoq. rcvolvas, 
 Sim licet exiguus commoda magna feram. 
 Vt antehac uovoe terrarum detectiones, laboriosissimocquc naviga- 
 tiones, tarn Hispanorum, quam Anglorum, necnon Batavorum, 
 maximo novitatum stucliosorum oblcctamine, in lucem editae fuerc : 
 Non alienum a publico commodo duxi, in Theatrum orbis hac 
 tabulam Prsefecti H. Hudsonis producere dc navigatione ipsius 
 American!, in Chinam, & Japan : maxima cum viderem earn a 
 proDftantissimis viris magnopcre expcti : Ne autem ob brevitatcm, 
VI i|l 
 exiguitatenique apud nonnullos vilcsccrct opusculum hoc adjunxi 
 historiam Ducis Petri Fernandez de Queiros, qiiam in libello sup- 
 plici Ilegl Hispanioe exhibito, narrat de regionibus Meridionalibus, 
 detectis in mavi del Zur ; earn nonnulli magni fccerunt, aliq li qui- 
 bus de certitudine rei constat, veram esse asserunt. Octavius 
 Pisanus, in sua totias Orbis tabula, quam invcrsa delincatione, 
 circulo comprchendit, de Regionibus a Petro Fernandez dc Queiros 
 detectis, delineationem suam se coparasse ait, t\ Nauclero quo- 
 dam, statuitque eas a, parte occidentali, Lima?, cidado de los reyos 
 in Peru. Viginti quinque gradus in longitudinem, qui supcrant 
 tricenta, & quinquaginta miliaria Germanica, extcnditurque secun- 
 dum illius delineationem, plus quam quingenta miliaria Germa- 
 nica occidentem versus, at versus Meridiem extenditur usque £l 
 octogesimum gradum ab ^quatore. Sed cum superiori Anno ab 
 Illustri Viro Emanuele a figueiredo, Geographia), & Hydrograpbiaj 
 Professore Vlixbonte, nunciatum esset, Petrum Fernandez a Quei- 
 ros nihil Geographiae dignum prodidisse, sibiq : relationem tantum 
 obscuram delatam esse, situ, latitudine regionum carentem : in- 
 super hoc adderet, se diligentius inquaisiturum, num quid apud 
 eum esset, quod usui esse possit ; & adhuc cum esse in Curia vel 
 Aula Regia Madritij, nee quid certi de profectione ejus statutum 
 esse ; Exemplar Octavij Pisani secutus non sum, maxime cum hie 
 ex amicis quidam, affirmet apud se esse delineationem Regionum, 
 aut Insularum novitu detectarum in Mari del Zur, quam brevi 
 impetrabimus, eamq : cum Octavij Pisani delincatione conferemus. 
 Cum vero apud Batavos ferbuerit aliquandiu studium investigandi 
 transitum, in Chinam & Japoniam, eumque tentarint nonnulli Sep- 
 temtrionem versus, nonnulli per Weygats & mare Tartaricum, 
 opera) pretium duxi, in publicum proferre, quae a Russis proxima 
 loca incolentibus detecta sunt. Tabula ab Isaaco Massa ex Idio- 
 mate Russorum translata, ut quid de oris Somojedarum sit sentieii- 
 dum certo constet. Assiduse etiam navigationes Cantabrorum, 
 Batavorum, Anglorum in Septentrionum, venatione balaenarum, & 
 euniculorum marinorum, gaudentium, quos Morsas idiomate pro- 
 prio Russi nominant videntur quid certi promittcre, de oris Novae 
 Semlae, Nieulandiae, usq : ad Groenlandiam adhuc incognitis, sed 
 de futuris contingentibus non est determinata Veritas. 
 Sir, — Some time ago, I made, by your Majesty's order, overtures 
 to an Amsterdam merchant, named Isaac Le Maire, a wealthy 
 man of considerable experience in the East India trade. He 
 offered to make himself useful to your Majesty in matters of this 
 kind, and intends to form (for this purpose) an association with 
 some other merchants. He also wishes to engage the services of 
 some mariners, pilots, and sailors, acquainted with northern navi- 
 gation, whose services he has provisionally retained. He has now 
 repeatedly urged me to give him an answer, and I have always 
 told him that your Majesty could not come to any decision in this 
 affair before it had been settled, whether the present negotiations 
 to obtain a truce for the States General would be successful or not. 
 Sire, — J'ai ci-devant confere par commandement de votre Majeste, et 
 sur les lettres qu'il lui a plu m'ecrire, avec un marchand d'Amsterdara, 
 nomme Isaac Le Maire, lequel est homme riche et bien entendu au fait 
 du commerce des Indes d'Orient, desireux d'y servir votre Majeste, sur 
 les ouvcrtures que je lui en ai faites, et de joindre avec lui d'autres 
 marchands, comme aussi des pilotes, mariniers et matelots exp6rimentes 
 en telles navigations, qu'il dit avoir empeches de prendre parti d^s le 
 temps que je lui en parlai. Or, comme il m'en a presse plusieurs fois, je 
 lui ai toujours dit que votre Majeste n'y pouvait prendre aucune resolu- 
 tion qu'apr^s celle des Etats, et le traite de tr^ve qu'on poursuit k 
 present fait ou rompu : ce qu'il juge etre bien veritable, et s'est aussi 
\] V 
 Le Maire considered this to be perfectly fair, and was satisfied with 
 the answer. But a few days ago he sent to me his brother, to in- 
 form me that an English pilot, who has twice sailed in search of a 
 northern passage, has been called to Amsterdam by the East India 
 Company, to tell them what he had found, and whether he hojied 
 to discover that passage. They had been well satisfied with his 
 answer, and had thought they might succeed in the scheme. They 
 had, however, been unwilling to undertake at once the said ex- 
 pedition, and they had only remunerated the Englishman for his 
 trouble, and had dismissed him, with the promise of employing 
 him next year, 1610. 
 The Englishman, having thus obtained his leave, Le Maire, who 
 knows him well, has since conferred with him, and has learnt 
 his opinions on these subjects ; with regard to which the 
 Englishman had also held intercourse with Plancius, a great 
 geographer and clever mathematician. Plancius maintains, ac- 
 cording to the reasons of his science, and from the information 
 given him, both by the Englishman and other pilots, who have 
 been engaged in the same navigation, that there must be in the 
 northern parts a passage corsesponding to the one found near the 
 south pole by Magellan. One of these pilots has been there, three 
 contente de cette reponse ; mais il ra'envoya ici son frere, il y a quelques 
 jours, pour me faire entendre qu'un pilote anglois, lequel a 6te deux 
 fois en mer pour rechercher le passage du nord, auroit ete mand6 il 
 Amsterdam par la Compagnie des Indes d'Orient, pour apprendre de lui 
 ce qu'il en auroit reconnu, et s'il espcroit de trouver ce passage ; de la 
 reponse duquel eux etoient demeures forts contents, et en opinion que ' 
 cette esperance pouvoit reussir. lis n'avoient toutefois voulu pour lors j 
 faire la dite entreprise, mais contente seulement I'Anglois, et renvoye 
 avec promesse qu'il les viendroit trouver en I'aunee suivante 1610. Ce 
 cong6 lui ayant ete donne, Le Maire, qui le connoit fort bien, auroit i 
 depuis confere avec lui, et entendu ses raisons, dont il a aussi comma- ] 
 nique avec Plancius, qui est grand goographe et bon mathematicien, le 
 quel soutient, par les raisons de son art, et ue ce qu'il a appris tant de 
 cet Anglois que d'autres pilotes qui ont faik la mSme navigation, tout 
 ainsi que du c6te du midi on a trouve en la mer du Sud, approchant le 
 p61e antarctique, un passage qui est le detroit de Magellan, qu'il y en 
 doit pareillcraent avoir un autre du c6te du nord. L'un des pilotes, qui 
 (thirteen) years ago, engaged in the same search, and has gone as 
 far as Nova ZcmUi, which is situated under the seventy-third 
 degree of latitude, on the coast of the sea of Tartary towards the 
 north. This pilot has declared that he was at that time not suf- 
 ficiently experienced, and that instead of penetrating into the open 
 sea, which is never frozen, on account of its depth, and of the 
 great force of its currents and waves, he kept near the coast. He 
 there found the sea frozen, and both he and his companions were 
 prevented from penetrating any further, and were obliged to 
 The Englishman also reports, that having been to the north as 
 far as eighty degrees, ho has found that the more northwards he 
 went, the less cold it became ; and that whilst in Nova Zembla, 
 the land was barren, and there were none but carnivorous animals 
 of prey, like bears, foxes, and the like, he had found under the 
 eighty-first degree grass on the ground, and animals that lived on 
 it. Plancius confirms this by scientific reasons, and says, that 
 near the pole the sun shines for five months continually ; and, 
 fut aussi, 11 y a trois^ ans, employe en cette meme recherche, et passa 
 jusqu'fl Nova-Zembla, qui est ii, soixante-trcizc degrfes de latitude en la 
 c6te de la mer Tartarique, tirant au nord, a declare que, pour n'etre lors 
 assez experimente en cette navigation, au lieu d'entrer avant en pleine 
 mer, ou elle n'est jamais gelee H cause de la profondeur et de la grande 
 impctuosite de ses fiots et vagues, il se 'lontenta dc c6toyer les bords, oil, 
 ayant trouve la mer gelee, lui et ses compagnons furent arretes et 
 contraints de s'en retourner sans passer outre. 
 L'Anglois a encore rapporte qu'ayant eto du c6t6 du nord jusqu'a 
 quatre-vingt-un degres, il a trouve que plus il approchoit du nord, moins 
 il y avoit de froidure, et au lieu que vers Nova-Zembla la terre n'etoit 
 couverte d'herbe et n'y avoit sinon des b^tes qui vivcnt de chair et de 
 proie, comme ours, renards et autres semblables, il avoit trouve, ^sdits 
 quatre-vingt-un degres, de I'herbe sur la terre, et des betes qui en vivent : 
 ce que Plancius confirme par raison, et dit que prfes du p61e, le soleil 
 luisant sur la terre cinq mois continuels, encore que les rayons d'icelui 
 1 This trois ought probably to be treize. The expedition meant by Jeannin 
 must be that of Barents in 1590, this being the last Dutch expedition to the 
 north-east previous to 1009. 
 although his rays are weak, yet on account of the long time they 
 continue, they have sufficient strength to warm the ground, 
 to render it temperate, to accommodate it for the habitation of men, 
 and to produce grass for the nourishment of animals. He 
 compares it to a small fire, which is but lighted, and then 
 immediately extinguished. He also adds, that one ought not to 
 be satisfied with the opinion of the ancients, who considered the 
 regions round the poles as uninhabitable, on account of their cold, 
 and that they may have been mistaken in this respect, as much as 
 they have been with regard to the tropics, which they also con- 
 sidered as uninhabitable on account of their great heat. For the 
 tropics have nevertheless been proved to be habitable, temperate, 
 fertile, and favourable to the existence of man : and there is more 
 heat on the borders of the tropics than near the line. For this 
 reason, Plancius thinks that the cold increases (as you proceed 
 from the north pole), and is greatest under the seventieth degree ; 
 but that passing nearer to the pole it becomes less. Thus the 
 Englishman and other pilots, who have gone to these regions, have 
 found it to be ; and they conclude, that to find the northern 
 passage with greater ease, we ought not to sail along the coasts in 
 y soient foibles, neanmoins, a cause du long temps qu'ils y demcurent, 
 ils out assez de force pour ochauffer le terroir, et le rendre tempere et 
 commode pour I'habitation des horames, produire herbe etnourrir butail; 
 alleguant cette similitude d'un petit feu qui ne feroit qu'etre allumo et 
 aussitot eteint. II y ajoute aussi qu'il ne se faut arreter a I'opinion des 
 anciens, qui estimoient la terre pres des deux p61cs inhabitable il cause 
 de sa froidure, et qu'ils se peuvent aussi bien tromper qu'en ce qu'ils ont 
 dit la zone torrido etre inhabitable a cause de sa grande chaleur, qu'on 
 reconnait neanmoins par experience etre habitee, fort temperee, fertile, 
 et commode pour la vie des hommes, et qu'il y a aussi beaucoup plus de 
 chaleur sous les tropiques du Cancer et du Capricorne que sous la zone 
 torride ; et par cette meme raison, Plancius juge que la froidure croit, et 
 est toujours plus grande jusqu'au soixante-sixi^me degr^s, mais qu'en 
 passant plus outre devers le p61e, elle devient moindre, et ainsi I'ont 
 trouve I'Anglois et d'autres pilotes, les quels ont ci-devant fait tels 
 voyages, dont ils concluent que, pour trouver le passage du nord avec 
 plus de facilite, au lieu de rechercher les cotes de la mer a soixante-dix, 
 I i 1 
 the 70, 71, 72, and 73 degrees, as the Dutch have done; but 
 that, on the contrary, we ought to advance into the open sea, and 
 so go as far as to the 81, 82, and SJi degrees, or even further, if 
 necessary; because the sea not being frozen in that latitude, they 
 trust to be able to find the passage ; and then sailing eastwards, to 
 pass through the Straits of Anian, and then following the east 
 coast of Tartary, so go to the Kingdom of Cathay, to China, to the 
 islands of Japan, and also to the Spice islands, and the Philippines. 
 For east and west join on account of the spherical shape of our 
 earth. This whole voyage, both out and home, can be finished in 
 six montKs, without approaching any of the harbours and fortresses 
 of tlie King of Spain ; \ hilst by the road, round the Cape of Good 
 Hope, which is now in common use, one generally requires three 
 years, and one is besides exposed to meet and to fight the 
 He proposed to me in his overtures with regard to the northern 
 passage, that your Majesty might undertake the search openly, and 
 in your Majesty's name, as a glorious enterprise, or else under the 
 name of some private man, whose success, if good, would not fail 
 soixante-onze, soixante-douze ou soixante-treize degr&s, comme les Hol- 
 landais ont fait ci-devant, il so faut avancer en pleine mer, ct monter 
 jusqu'il quatre-vingt-un, quatre-vingt-deux et quatro-vingt-trois degrfes, 
 ou plus, s'il est besoin, 6s quels lieux la mer n'etant point gelee, ils se 
 promettent qu'on pourra trouver ce passage, et par icelui, en tiraut vers 
 Porient, passer le detroit d'Anian. et suivant la c6te orientale de Tar- 
 taric, aller au royaume du Cattay, h, la Chine, aux iles du Japon, comme 
 aussi, attendu que I'orient et I'occident aboutissent I'un a I'autre, h 
 cause de la rondeur de la terre, aller par meme moyen aux Moluques et 
 aux Philippines ; lequel voyage, et toute cette navigation, tant pour 
 aller que pour retourner, pourroient etre faits en six mois, sans approcher 
 d'aucuns ports et forteresses du roi d'Espagne ; au lieu qu'a le faire par 
 le cap de Bonne-Esp6rance, qui est le chemin ordinaire qu'on tient i\ 
 present, on y met ordinairement pr6s de trois ans, et si on est sujet aux 
 rencontres et incursions des Portugois. 
 II me proposoit done cette ouvcrture du passage du nord pour savoir 
 si voire Majeste auroit agreable de I'entreprendre ouvertement, et en son 
 nom, comme chose fort glorieuse, et qui lui acquerroit une grando 
 louange envers la posterite, ou bien sous le nom de quelque particulier, 
 to be attributed to the kin<j. Le Mairc offered, in the name of his 
 brother Isaac, to furnish the vessel and the crew, unless your 
 Majesty should wish to employ some of her own men, togetlier 
 with tlioso whom he would send out, and who arc experienced in 
 this kind of navigation. lie says, that to execute this enterprise, 
 he would require but three or four thousand crowns at the utmost, 
 which money he wishes to obtain from your Majesty, because he, 
 who is but a private man, would not lay out so large a sum ; nor 
 does he dare to speak about it to any one, because the East India 
 Company fears above every thing to be forestalled in this design. 
 Therefore, Isaac Le Maire would not converse about this matter 
 with the Englishman except in secret. Ho also adds, that if this 
 passage be discovered, it will greatly facilitate the means of 
 forming an association to traffic with all these countries ; and that 
 more people will engage their capital in the new society, than in 
 the East India Company, which is already in existence. The East 
 India Company will not even have a right to complain, because the 
 charter granted to them by the States General authorises them to 
 sail only round the Cape of Good Hope, and not by the north. Of 
 this latter passage the States have reserved to themselves the right 
 dont on nc laisseroit do lul. attribuer I'honnour si le sucecs en etoit bon, 
 oft'rant do la part de sou frore, de fournir le vaisscau et les hommes, si 
 non que votre Majestu y on vcuillo aussi employer quelques-uns des 
 siens avec ccnx qii'il y uiettra, Ics quels sont cxperimentcs en tols 
 voyages, disant f(uc, pour executor cctte entrcprisc, il ne faut quo trois 
 ou quatre millo ecus au plus, lesquels il desire tirer de votre Majcste, 
 pour ce que lui, qui n'cst qu'un particulier, n'y voudroit employer cette 
 sorame, et n'en ose communiquer a personne, d'autant que la Compagnie 
 des ludes d'Orient craint sur toutes choses qu'ou Ics previcnne en ce 
 dessein, et qu'il cctte occasion son fr^re n'avoit oser parler a I'Anglois 
 qu'eu secret. II dit encore que si ce passage est trouve et decouvert, 
 qu'il facilitera bien tort le moycn de faire une compagnie pour aller en 
 tous les lieux susdits, et que plus de gens y mcttront leurs fonds qu'en 
 I'autre qui est deja faite, sans que la Compagnie s'cn puisse plaindre, 
 attendu que I'octroi qu'clle a obtenu des Etats n'est que pour y aller du 
 c6te du cap de Bonne-Esperance, non de celui du nord, dont les Etats se 
 sont reserves le pouvoir dc disposer au cas que le passage puisse en etre 
 of granting the privilege in case it should he discovered. And in 
 order <o encourage some hold piluts to undertake this search, they 
 promised a reward of 80,000 livn j to the first discoverer. 
 I told tlie hrother of Le '^iairc who had made me these 
 overtures, and I have also writte . to him, that I would immediately 
 submit the matter to your Majes'' , to know your pleasure, and that I 
 would inform him of it as soon '■s possible ; for he says, that if one 
 wishes to engage in this voyi ^e in the present year, one must 
 begin it in March at the very latest, if any success is to hoped 
 from it. Others who have beiorc begun it in July, have suffered 
 gr'^atly, and have been overtaken by the winter. Having also 
 been informed that Plancius had come to the Hague two days 
 after the above conversation, I invited him to call upon me, in 
 order to speak witli him. TM? I have done, without, however, 
 letting him know that Le Mai 'e had made overtures to me, for Le 
 Maire wishes nobody to be a^lare of it. Therefore I have spoken 
 to Plancius only in the wa^' of a scientific discussion, on the 
 northern passage, and as if I were desirous to instruct myself, and 
 to learn what he knows iibout it, or what he concludes on 
 scientific grounds. He has confirmed to me all the above facts. 
 trouv6, et pour inviter quelqiies pilotes couragcux de se hasarder a en 
 faire la recherche, promis vingl-quatre mille livrcs de loyer a celui qui 
 eu seroit le premier inventcur. 
 J'ai dit au frcrc de Le Maire, qui m'en a communique de sa part, et 
 lui ai aussiecrit que j'cn donmrois incontinent avisavotre Majeste pour 
 en savoir sa volonte, et la lui faire entendre au jilus tot, attendu qu'il 
 dit. si on veut penser a ce voi age des cette annee, qu'il le faut com- 
 mencer en mars au plus tan I pour en esperer bon succes, et que les 
 autres qui I'ont ci-devant fait en juillet s'en sont nial trouves, et onteto 
 surpris de I'hiver. Ayaut aiissi etc averti que Plancius etoit venu a la 
 Haye deux jours apres avoir communique au frbre de Le Maire, je le 
 maudai aussitot pour en conft er avec lui, comme j'ai fait, sans toutefois 
 lui faire connoitre quo Le Uaire m'en eut fait parlei", ni que votre 
 Majeste eut aucun dessein '-'entreprendre cette recherche ; car le dit 
 sieur Le Maire ne d6sire pa? que personne en sache rien : n'en ai- 
 je parle a Plancius que ;;ur forme de discours, et comme etaut curicux 
 de m'instruire et V'.ipprendre ce qu'il en sait, et juge par raison pouvoir 
 etre fait ; icijuel m'a confirme tout ce que dessus, ct qu'il avoit excite 
 and he also told me that it was lie wlio incited the late Jacob 
 llcomskerk, the admiral of the fleet which beat the Spaniards in 
 the Straits of Gibraltar, to undertake the above enterprise. 
 Heeniskerk had consented to do so, and Plancius had expected 
 great achievements from him, because Hcemskerk was greatly ex- 
 perienced in navigation, and was anxious to acquire the honour 
 of finding a passage through the Arctic Regions, like Magellan, 
 who had discovered the passage to the Sou'h Sea. But 
 Heeniskerk fell in that battle in the Straits of Gibr.iltar. 
 It belongs to your Majesty to command me what I am to do in 
 this affair. The truth is, that one cannot guarantee the success 
 of this enterprise with certainty; but yet, it is also true, that Le 
 Maire has for a long time inquired into the chances of the under- 
 taking, and that he is generally considered to bo an able and 
 industrious man. Besides, the risk would not be very great. 
 When Ferdinand of Spain received the offer of Columbus, and 
 caused three ships to be fitted out for him, to sail to the West 
 Indies, the proposal seemed still more hazardous, and all the other 
 potentates, to whom he had applied, had laughed at him, con- 
 sidering his success as impossible, and yet he has obtained such 
 great results. It is also the opinion of Plancius, and of other 
 feu Ams(|uerque, amiral de la Hotto qui fit Texploit du detroit de 
 Gibraltar, de faire cette entreprise, lequel s'y etoit rosolu, dont il csperoit 
 bien, pour ce que le dit Amsquerque etcw fort entendu aux navigations, 
 et dosircux d'acquerir cet honneur, comme Magellan avoit fait de- 
 couvrant le passage du coto dc la mcr du Sud ; mais il mourut eu ce 
 combat. C'cst a votre iMajcste de me commander co .^u'il lui plait que 
 je fasse en cet endroit. La verite est qu'on ne pent ropondre du succes 
 de cette entreprise avcc certitude ; mais il est bien vrai que dcs long 
 temps Le Maire s'est informc de ce qu'on pouvait esperer de telle entre- 
 prise, et qu'il est tenu pour liomnie avise et industrieux ; puis on n'y 
 hasarderoit pas bcaucoup. Quand Ferdinand re^'ut I'avis de Christophe 
 Colomb, et lui fit equiper trois navires pour aller au voyage de? Indes 
 d'Occident, I'cntreprise sembloit encore pour lors plus incertaino, et tous 
 les autres potentats aux quels cet homme s'etoit adresse s'en etoient 
 nioques, jugeant son entreprise impossible ; et toute-fois elle a produit 
 un si grand fruit. C'cst aussi I'avis de Plancius et d'autres geographcs, 
 geographers, that in the northern parts there are many countries 
 Avhich have not yet been discovered, and which God may be 
 keeping for the glory and the profit of other princes, unwilling to 
 give every thing to Spain alone. Even, were nothing to come of 
 this search, yet it would always be honourable to have undertaken 
 it, and the regret will not be very great since so little is risked. 
 This letter having been terminated, and I being ready to send it 
 to your Majesty, Lc Maire has again written to me, and has sent 
 to me the memoir, which is joined to the present letter, which also 
 contains an ample discussion of the above subject. He also writes 
 to me, that some members of the East India Company, who had 
 been informed that the Englishman had secretly treated with him, 
 had become afmid that T might wish to employ him for the dis- 
 covery of this passage. For this reason, they have again treated 
 with him about his undertaking such an expedition in the course 
 of the present year. The directors of the Amsterdam chamber 
 have written to the other chambers of the same company, to 
 request their approval ; and should the others refuse, the Am- 
 sterdam chamber will undertake the expedition at their own risk. 
 Le Maire, nevertheless, persists in advising your Majesty to 
 qui ont ecrit que du c6te du nord 11 y a encore beaucoup de terrcs qui 
 n'ont etc decouvertes, lesquelles Dicu pcut reservcr a la gloire et au 
 profit d'autres princes, n'ayant voulu tout donner a la seule Espagne. 
 ;: Quand mome il n'en succedcroit rien, sera toujours chose louahle de 
 i I'avoir cntr-jpris, et le repentir n'en sora jamais grand, puisqu'on y 
 hasarde si pen. 
 Cettc lettre etant achev6e, et raoi pres de I'envoyer a votrc Majesto, 
 Le i\raire m'a derechef ecrit, et envoyo lc mcmolre qui est ci-joint, 
 lequel contient un discours assez ample, ensemble les raisons uo ce que 
 >..essus. II me mande pareillemcnt qu'aucuns de la Compagnie des 
 Indes, ayant ete avertis que TAnglois avoit coaferc secrctement avec lui, 
 sent entres en apprehension qu'il s'en vouloit servir et I'employer lul 
 memo pour decouvrir ce passage, qu'a cette occasion ils ont de nouveau 
 traitt' avec lui pour entrcprendre la dite navigation d5s cette annee, 
 ayant ccux de la chambre d'Amsterdam ecrit a cet effet aux autres 
 chambrcs qui sont de la meme compagnie pour le faire approuver, avec 
 declaration, s'ils le refusent, qu'ils cntrcprendont eux seuls. Le Maire 
 ne laisse pourtant exhortcr votre Majcstc a cettc entreprisc, memandant 
 engage in tins enterprise, telling me that he has at his disposal 
 a pilot, who has alrcad}' been engaged in a similar voyage,' and 
 Avho is more experienced and more capable than the Englishman. 
 It belongs to your Majesty to order what I am to do. I Jiave 
 had several conferences with other men about expeditions to the 
 West and East Indies, and I feel confident, that when it will 
 please your Majesty to take the matter into serious consideration, 
 with the intention of profiting by it, there will be means of ob- 
 taining very able and experienced men. There are also many rich 
 merchants who will gladly join in the commerce with East India, 
 and yet more willingly if this northern passage be found ; but 
 as to the West Indies, they all think that far greater armaments 
 will be required. It is true that the voyage is also shorter, and 
 those who have some knowledge of the intercourse which may be 
 established with tliose parts, promise great success. They also 
 prove this by such good reasons, that we may well believe them.^ 
 qu'il a un pilote, lequel a deja fait ce meme voyage, et est plus experi- 
 mcnte et capable que I'Anglois. C'est a elle de commander son inten- 
 tention. J'ai eu plusieurs conferences avec d'autrcs, soit pour les 
 voyages dos Indes d'Orient ou d'Occident, et suis assui'c, quand il lui 
 plaira d'y penser a bon escient, et pour en tirer du fruit, qu'il y aura 
 moycn dc lui faire avoir de trcs-bons homraes, et fort experimentos ; qu'il 
 y a aussi de riches marchands lesquels seront de la partie pour le com- 
 merce des Indes d'Orient, et plus volontiers encore si ce passage du nord 
 est trouve : mais, quant aux Indes d'Occident, ils tiennont tons qu'il y 
 faut employer un plus grand apparcil de forces. II est vrai que le 
 voyage est aussi beaucoup plus court ; et ccux qui ont quelque connois- 
 sance des entreprises qu'on y peut dresser, en promcttant tout bon 
 succ^s, dont ils discoureut avec de si bonnes raisons, qu'il y a sujct d'y 
 ajouter foi ; j'cn attendrai ses commandcmens, priant Dieu, Sire, qu'il 
 donne h, sa Majesto et a sa Royale famille tout heur et prospcrite. 
 Votre etc. 
 De la Ilaye ce vingt-cinquUme Janvier 1C09. 
 1 Probably Nai. 
 2 Tbe principal advocate of the West Indian enterprise was William Usso- 
 linex, who at that ver}' time published several very eloquent pamphlets in its 
 dofLnce. He is most probably the person referred to by Jeannin. 
 I am expecting your Majesty's commands, praying God, sire, that 
 he may give to your Majesty and to the whole lloyal family all 
 happiness and prosperity. 
 The Hague, the 25th of Jaimary, 1609. 
 NEAV NETIIERE. T, p. 33.' 
 The only trace of this voyage that was to be discovered in the 
 papers of the East India Company, consisted of a memorandum 
 in one of the ship books, stating the fact that the yacht Halve 
 MauH, of forty lasts burden, had been sent toward the north in the 
 year 1G08. 
 The subsequent career of the Half Moon may perhaps interest 
 the curious. The small ship book before referred to, which I found 
 in 1841, in the Company's archives at Amsterdam, besides 
 recording the return of the yacht on the 15th of July 1610, states 
 that, on the 9th of May, 1611, she sailed in company with other 
 vessels to the East Indies under the command of Laurens Reael, 
 and that, on the 6th of March, 1615, she was wrecked and lost on 
 the island of Mauritius. 
 ' Great efforts have been made to procure facsimiles of these two docu- 
 ments, but in vain. The editor of the jiresent volume has, however, received 
 from Holland a MS. copy of the first document, from the above quoted 
 privately printed work of Mr. Murphy. But as Mr. Murphy seemed desirous 
 not to let the writer of the present pages obtain a glimpse of that pamphlet, 
 it would have been contrary to the rules of literary intercourse to take from liim 
 in secret wnat he would not communicate openly. The title of Mr. Murphy's 
 pamphlet, togetlier with a descriptive note from a catalogue of Mr. Fr. Muller, 
 of Amsterdam, is to be found in our bibliographical list. 
 apud Blctsoc, Juhj 2Q)th, 1G12. 
 A. Beginning. 
 James, by the grace of God king of England, etc. Whereas, we 
 are credibly informed that our cozens and councellors Henry 
 Charles Earl of Northampton, keeper of the privy scale ; Charles j 
 Earl of Nottingham, admirall of England ; Thomas Earl of Suffolk, 
 chamberlain of our own household ; our right trusty and well 
 beloued cozen Henry Earl of Southampton ; William Earl of 
 Salisbury, our right trusty and well beloued Theophilus Lord 
 Walden, Sir Thomas Smith Maunscll, Sir Walter Hope, Sir 
 Dudley Diggs, Sir James Lancerote, Knights ; Rebecca Lady 
 Romney, Francis Jones, one of the aldermen of our city of 
 London; John Wolstenholme, Esq., John Edred Robert Sand}', 
 William Grcenwell, Nicholas Seats, Hovet Stapers, William 
 Russell, John Mericks, Abraham Chamberleine, Philippe Burlo- 
 mathis, merchants of the cittie of London ; the Muscovy Company 
 and the East India Company of the sixth voyage, did in Aprill 
 one thousand six hundred and tene, with great charge sett fourth a 
 shippe called the Discovcnje, and certainc persons under the com- 
 mand of Henry Hudson to search and find out a passage by the 
 north-west of America to the sea of Sur, commonly called the 
 south Sea, and have in that voyage found a strcight or narrow sea 
 by the which they hope and purpose to advance a trade to the 
 great kingdoms of Tartaria, China, Jaj^an, Solomons Islands, 
 Chili, the Philippins and other countrys in or upon the said sea . . . 
 B. Summary of the grant fat the bottom of the charter J. 
 This bill conteyneth your Majesty's grant unto the merchants of 
 London, discoverers of the north-west passage, to be made and 
 treated a corporate body, and to be invested witb powers and 
 capacities thereunto incident, so that the trade through that 
 passage may be managed with some order and government, and 
 not loosely at the discretion of every private adventurer. The 
 frame and constitutions of this company is not restrained to any 
 number certain, nor confined to any particular citty, town or place, 
 nor tending to any degree of monopoly. The Prince is the 
 supreme protector, under your Majesty, of this company. The 
 custom subsidy, and impost accruing to your Majesty of all goods 
 and merchandize shipped outwards and homewards through the 
 said passage, in the 7th year after the date of the present patent 
 (by which time it is conceived the trade may settle and growe some- 
 what beneficiall) are therein graunted to the first discoverers, in 
 consideration of their charges in the discovery; and the like graunt 
 to Captain Button, and the masters and marines in the two shippes 
 lately sett forth for the perfecting of the said discoverye, of the 
 customs, subsidy and impost happening in the 5th year after the 
 date of the present patent (which as supposed will be a lessc 
 matter), in consideration of their services therein. 
 AMERICAN.l^, p. 295. 
 Nunc diccndum est, quid e regione Groenlandiao objaccat ct 
 recessibus, ante commemoratis. Furdustrandaj nomen terrae est, 
 ubi tantum gelu est, ut quantum scire datur, inhabituri non pos- 
 sit ; ab ea austrum versus est Hellulandia, regio Scrselingorum 
 appellata ; inde brevi spatio abest Vinlandia Bona, quam nonnulli 
 ex Africa protendi aestimant. Inter Vinlandiam et Groenlandiam 
 est Ginnungayap, quod influit ex mari dicto oceano, totum terra- 
 rum orbem ambientc. 
 (treatise of IVER ROTY ) 
 Hoc relationes servattc sunt ab arcliieplscopo Nidrosicnsi Erico 
 Walckendorph, qui anno 1516, novam ad Grccnlandiam iterum 
 inveniendam expeditionem molicns, varia ad hujus terroo descrip- 
 tioncm pertinentia collcgit. Procter supra, p. 282, allata manu- 
 scripta et editiones, quarum Extrupii ex. manuscripto Rcgitc 
 Dresdensis Bibliothcca?, G. No. 52a, signato est dcsumta, alieo 
 versiones quscdam adhibcrl merentur. [^Ilere /ollotvs the title in 
 English, as to he found on pay e 230.] 
 Quam multlfariam nominum topographicorum in Danicis manu- 
 scriptis, et graviorem quidem in duobus horum vetustissimis editioni- 
 bus dcpravationem consideremus, similis, et ex aliqua parte pcssima, 
 confusio in translatione, qua} tria porro diversi generis idiomata, 
 Germania), Belgia) et Angliae permeaverat, minime erit miranda. 
 At nihilominus dictam versionem vetustissimo cuidarn originalis 
 exemplari, quod bonas quasdam Icctiones servaverat, superinstruc- 
 tam esse cernimus, quam igitur (P notatam) in hac collatione negli- 
 gere noluimus. Addidit hujus transcript! auctor (p. 230) ipsam 
 relationera in insulis Fiereyensibus fuissc rcpertam, in an old 
 reckoning hook tvritten ahove one hu7idred yeeres ago. 
 Hudson'' s Strait: Rio Nevado (Sebastian Cabot, 1498). 
 Hudson's Bag: Baia dos Mcdaos (Ortelius, from the Portuguese 
 Hudson's Touches : Jan Mayen Island (Jan May, 1611). 
 Hudson's Point : Rudson's Point (a corruption ; Zurgdragcr, 
 Hudson's River: Rio de Gamas, Rio Grande (Spaniards, 1525- 
 1600); Cahohatatea (Indian name); Manhattan's Rivier, Grootc 
 Rivier, Noort Rivier, Montaigne Rivier, Maurits Rivier (Dutch 
 Maps, 1615 to 1664). 
 Adelung. Geschiclite der SchifFahrtcn und Vcrsuclie wclclic 
 zur Entdcckung des nordostlichen Wegcs nach Japan und China 
 von vcrschiedenen Nationcn unternommen wurden. Zum Behufe 
 der Erdbeschreibung und Naturgcschiclite dieser Gegenden ent- 
 worfen von Joliann Christoph Adelung. Halle, 4to, 1768. 
 Akerly. An Essay on tlic Geology of the Hudson river, and 
 the adjacent regions : illustrated by a geological section of the 
 country, from the neighbourhood of Sandy Hook, in New Jersey, 
 northward, through the highlands in New York, towards the 
 Catskill Mountains : by Samuel Akerly, one of the Vice-Presi- 
 dents of the New York Lyceum of Natural History. New York, 
 12mo, 1820. 
 Alcedo, see Thompson. 
 Amekican Biography. The Library of American Biography. 
 Edited by Jared Sparks, assisted by several of the most distin- 
 guished writers. First Series. Portraits. Ten vols., 12mo, New 
 York. Vol. X, pp. 187-261. Life of Hudson, by R. H. Cleveland. 
 Antiquitates Americans sive Scriptorcs Septentrionales 
 rerum ante-Columbianarum in America. 
 Saniling af de i nordens Oldskrifter iiuleholdte Efterretninger vmdo gamle 
 Nordboers Opdagelsesreiser til America, fra det 10 de til det 1-L de Aarhun- 
 Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. Hafniaj. 
 1837. (Edited by C. Rafn.) 
 Aech^.ologia Americana, see Gallatin. 
 Barrow. A Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic 
 Regions ; undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering a 
 North-east, North-west, or Polar Passage, between the Atlantic 
 and Pacific : from the earliest periods of Scandinavian navigation 
 to the recent expeditions under the orders of Captains Ross and 
 Buchan, by Sir John Barrow, F.R.S. London, 1818. 
 Beeciiey. a Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, 
 performed in His Majesty's ships Dorothea and Trent, imder the 
 command of Captain David Buchan, 11. N., 1818; to which is 
 added a Summary of all the early attempts to reach the Pacific by 
 the way of the Pole. By Captain F. W. Beechey, R.N., F.R.S. 
 one of the lieutenants of the expedition. Published by autho- 
 rity of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. (With a map 
 and many illustrations.) 8vo. London, 1843. 
 Begin en Voortgang von de Nederlandsche Oostindischc 
 Compagnie. 2 vols., 4to, obi., consisting of twenty-one parts with 
 separate pagination. Amsterdam, 1646. (Daniell's Map, part i, 
 p. 13; Hudson's Voyage, part i, p. 54.) 
 Beke, see De Veek, Gerrit. 
 Bescherelle. Grand Dictionnaire de Geographic universelle, 
 ancienne et moderne. Par M. Bescherelle, aine. 4 vols., 4to, 
 Paris, 1856-7. 
 Beschryvinoiie van Virginia, NieuAV Nederlandt, Niew- 
 Engelandt, en d'Eylanden Bermudes, Barbados, en S. Christoffel. 
 Dienstelyck voor elck een derwaerts handelende, en alle voor- 
 planten van Nieuw Colonien, met Koperen figuren verciert. 't Ams- 
 terdam, by Joost-Hartgers, Bouckverkooper op dem Dam, bezyden 
 't Stadthuys, op de hoeck van de Kalverstraet, in de Boeck- 
 winckel, anno 1651. 4to. Title, 60 pp. Map. 
 BiBLioGRArniE Neerlando-Russe, see Ortehus. 
 BiDDLE, see Cabot, 
 BioGRAPHiA Britannica, or the Lives of the most eminent 
 persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from 
 the earliest ages down to the present times : collected from the 
 best authorities, both printed and manuscript, and digested in the 
 manner of Mr. Bayle's Historical and Critical Dictionary. London, 
 folio, MDCCE. (Volume the fourth, pp. 2691-2695. Hudson, Henry). 
 BioGRAPiiiE Universelle, ancienne et moderne, ou Histoire, 
 par ordre alphabetique de la vie publique et privee de tous Ics 
 hommes qui se sont distingues par leurs ecrits, leurs actions, leurs 
2G0 uiULioauAriiicAi, mst. 
 talents, Icurs vcrtus ou Icurs crimes. Oiivrage cntierement ncuf, 
 redigi' par unc Societe de Gens do Icttres et de Savants. Tome 
 xxi. Paris, 1818. (Page 10-12, IIudHon Henri.) 
 Blaku, ^Vilh. et Joh. Lc Grand Atlas, ou Cosmographic 
 Blaviane, en lequel est exactemcnt descritte la terre, la mer et lc 
 ciel. Amsterdam. J. Blaew. 1GG3. 12 vol , fol. 
 Blefkin. Dithmavi Blefkenii Islandia, sive populorum & 
 mirabilium qua; in ea Insula rcperiunter, accuratior Dcscriptio : 
 cui de Gronlandia sub finem quondam adjecta. Lugduni Batavo- 
 rum. Ex Typograplicio Ilenrici ab Haestens. cioiocvii. IGO. 
 pp. 71. 
 Brockiiaus. AUgemcine deutschc Ileal Encyklopadie fiir die 
 gcbildeten Stiindc. Conversations Lexikon. Zchntc verbesscrte 
 und vermehrte Aufiage in 15 Biinden. Leipzig -. 1851-55. (Vol. viii, 
 p. 102, Hudson's bay). 
 This edition, wliich is to be found in the reading room of the British 
 Museum, does not contain the Anskoold Mytli ; on the contrary, tho discovery 
 of Hudson's Strait is attributed to Sebastian Cabot. But in the earlier edi- 
 tions, we believe down to the eighth, the Anskoeld story exists. 
 Brodhead. History of the State of New York, by John 
 llomeyn Brodhead. First Period, 1609-16G4. Illustrated with a 
 Map of New Netherlands, according to the charters granted by 
 the States General, on the 11th of October, 1G14, and the 3rd of 
 June, 1621. Svo. New York, 1853. 
 BucHAN, see Jeannin. 
 Cahot (Sebastian). His great Planisphere. A copy of this 
 celebrated work, bearing the date of 1544, is preserved in the 
 Imperial Library in Paris. This map is pasted upon a roller. On 
 both sides of the engraving there are pasted explanations in letter- 
 press, on one side in Spanish and on the other in Latin. The 
 whole map is very lar^?. The Latin letterpress alone fills more 
 than twenty pages in a reprint which we are about to speak of. 
 It is in one of these letterpress explanations that the date of 1544 
 occurs. Mr. Jomard has published part of the map in his " Monu- 
 ments de Geographie" ; that is to say, three of the four sheets it is 
 composed of. But the most important sheet, containing North 
 America, is yet wanting. The letterpress also has not yet ap- 
mHLIOGRArillCAL i ^ST. 261 
 There seems to have been a second edition of this map jiublishcd 
 in tlic year 1549, probably in EngUxnd, where Sebastian Cabot was 
 then residing. 'J'his is to be concluded from a book by Nathan 
 Chytrajus, called " Itinerum Dcliciro." ChytroDus travelled through 
 vai'ious parts of Europe and visited Oxford in 15GG. lie there 
 copied a series of inscriptions, corrf^sponding, except in some very 
 slight respects, with the Latin explanations of the Paris map ; but 
 with that important difference, that the date is 1549 instead of 
 1544. These inscriptions are reprinted in the " Itinerum Delicia)." 
 In Hakluyt's Collection we find the following heading: "An 
 extract taken out of the Map of Sebastian Cabot, cut by Clement 
 Adams, concerning his Discovery of the IFest Indies, tvhich is to be 
 scetic in Her Majesties' privie Gallerie at Westminster, and in many 
 other ancient merchants'' Houses.^' This heading is followed by a 
 description of Baccalaos or Terra Nova, which is evidently bor- 
 rowed from the 1544 or 1549 edition of the Cabot map, but it is 
 not by any means a literal copy. One important change consists in 
 the alteration of the date of the voyage described in it, which is 
 1494 in the earlier edition and 1497 in that of Clement Adams. 
 Adams has besides completely altered the phraseology of his text, 
 which he has made most bombastic; lengthening out the passages by 
 superfluous u Iditions, so that his text is by about one-third longer 
 than that of the original, without containing any new information. 
 It would seem doubtful from Hakluyt's above-quoted heading, 
 whether Adams had copied the whole of Cabot's map or merely 
 the delineation of Terra Nova ; because the word extract might 
 refer to an extract made by Adams from Cabot's map, or to an 
 extract made from Adams's map by Hakluyt. This doubt is 
 removed by a passage in the third volume, p. 807, of Purchas' 
 Pilgrims, where the same map is more fully described. Purchas 
 has evidently himself seen the map, which was most likely the 
 identical copy also seen before by Hakluyt in Whitehall Gallerv. 
 It is not certain whether another map mentioned by Willcs as 
 having been in the library of the Earl of Bedford, is also identical 
 with that seen at Whitehall. This map contained a delineation 
 of Hudson's Strait, the description of which we have reprinted 
 in the Introduction. This description does not correspond in 
 all its parts with the 1544 map, and there are besides some 
 more details given by Willcs, which arc in still stronger contra- 
 distinction with the indications of the Paris copy. This circum- 
 stance has led us to the supposition that tlic Earl of Bedford's 
 copy also belonged to the Clem jnt Adams' edition, and that Adams 
 had altered the lines of the chart as well as the words of the 
 text. We cannot suppose that he would have dared to do so in 
 Cabot's lifetime, and therefore think that Adams' map was pub- 
 lished after Cabot's death (about 1557). 
 A Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the His- 
 tory of Maritime Discovery. Illustrated by Documents from the 
 lloUs now first published, by R. Biddlc. London, 1831. 
 Notices concerning John Cabot and his son Sebastian ; 
 transcribed and translated from original manuscripts in the Macrian 
 Library at Venice, by Rawdon Brown. Communicated to the 
 Society by Edw, Cheney. Philobiblon Society, Bibliographical 
 and Historical Miscellanies. London, 1854-56. 
 Catlin. Letters and notes on the Manners, Customs, and Con- 
 dition of the North American Indians, by George Catlin. Written 
 during eight years travel, from 1832 to 1839, amongst the Wildest 
 Tribes of Indians in North America. With 312 Plates. 2 vols., 
 royal 8vo, pp. 264 and 266. New York, 1841. 
 Chytb^us. Variorum in Europa itinerum Dcliciae, seu, ex 
 variis Manuscriptis sclectiora tantum inscriptionum, maxime re- 
 centium Monumenta. . . .Omnia nupcr collecta et hoc modo digesta 
 a Nathans Chytra;o. Herborna) Nassoviorum, 1594. 
 (The same book, second edition, ibid., 159!) ; the same book, third edition, 
 ibid., I'JOO.) 
 Cleveland, see American Biography. 
 Collections of the New York Hist. Soc. For the year 1809. 
 Vol. i. New York, 1811, 8vo. 
 P. 19. A discourse designed to commemorate the discovery of 
 New York by Henry Hudson, delivered before the New York 
 Hist. Soc, Sept. 4th, 1809, being the completing of the second 
 century since the event. By Samuel Miller, D.D., one of the 
 pastors of the first Presbyterian Church in the city of New York, 
 and member of the Hist. Soc. 
 P. 41. A Communication from Dr. Mitchill, with respect to the 
 several sorts of fish to be found in the Hudson. 
 P. 45. The Relation of I)e Verazznno to the King of France, 
 of the Land by lum discovered in the name of II. M. 
 P. ()1. The Voyage of 11. Hudson towards the North Pole, 
 anno 1G07. 
 P. 81. A Second Voyage of 11. Hudson for finding a Passage 
 to the East Indies by the N.E., anno 1G08. 
 P. 102. The third Voyage of H. Hudson towards N.»va Zcm- 
 bla, etc., and along the coast to 42 degrees and a half, and up the 
 river (the Hudson) to 42 degrees, anno 1609. 
 Collections of the New York Hist. Soc. Second Series. Vol. i. 
 New York, 1841, 8vo. 
 P. 37. Verazzano's Voyage. 
 P. 69. Indian Traditions on the First Arrival of the Dutch on 
 Manhattan Island. 
 P. 75. Lambrcchtsen's History of New Netherlands. 
 P. 125. Van der Donck, Description of New Netherlands. 
 P. 281. Extracts from De Laet's New World. 
 P. 317. J net's Journal o'' Hudson's Voyage. 
 Conversations Lexicon, see Bkockiiaus. 
 Daniel. Map of Spitsbergen, London, 1612, see Begin und 
 Voortgang, part, i, p. 13. (The knoivledye ivhich up to the present 
 day we have been able to obtain of this new country, which our 
 people call Spitsbergen and the English Greenland, we are going 
 to represent, in a small map, in ivhich tve folloiv, for the most 
 jrnrt, the Design made in London, in 1612, by John Daniel). The 
 map in the Begin und Voortgang, to which this notice alludes, 
 corresponds in almost every particular with the map of Spitzbergon 
 in the last edition of Hcsscl Gcrritz's " Hudson," which is also to 
 be found in a special work on Spitzbergon by Hessel Gerritz, 
 published in two editions in the year 1613. 
 Davis. The Seaman's Secrets. Dcvidcd into two partes, 
 wherein is taught the three kindes of sayling, Horizontall, Para- 
 doxall, and sayling upon a great circle : also an Horizontall Tyde 
 Table, for the easic finding of the ebbing and flowing of the Tydes, 
 with a Regiment newly calculated for the finding of the Declina- 
 tion of the Sunne, and many other most necessary rules and 
 instruments, not heretofore set foorth by any. Newly corrected by ' 
 the author, John Davis, of Sandrudge, ncere Darthmouth, in the 
 countic of Devon, Gent. Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson. 
 4to, 1607. 
 De Laet. Nieuwe Weieldt of'te Beschrijvinghc van West- 
 Indien wt veclerhande Schriftcn ende Aenteekoningcn van ver- 
 scheyden Natien by een versamelt door Joannes de Laet, ende 
 mit noodighe Kaerten en Tafels voorsien. Tot Leyden, In de 
 Druckerye van Isaack Elzevier, anno 1625. Met Privilegia der 
 IIo. Mo. Heeren Staten Gcnerael, voor 12 Jaren. Fol. Title, 
 xxil a, 526 pages. Chapter vii to xi, pp. lt)0-109, description of 
 New Netherland. 
 — ^— — Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien door Joannes De 
 Laet. Tweedc druk : In ontallycke plaetsen verbetert, vermeer- 
 dnrt, met eenige nieuwe caertcn, beelden van verschcijden dieren 
 ende planten verciert. Tot Leyden by de Elzeviers. Ao. 1630, fol. 
 De Quir, see Gehritz-Hessel. 
 De Veer Gerrit. Three voyages by the Norlh-East towards 
 Cathay and China, undertaken by the Dutch in the years 1594, 
 1595, and 1596, with their Discovery of Spitzbergen, their resi- 
 dence of ten months in Novaya Zcmlya, and their safe return in 
 two open boats. Edited by C. T. Beke, Ph.D., F.S.A. 8vo, 
 London, 1853 (Hakluyt Society). 
 DoNCK (Adrian Van der). Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland, 
 Weghens de Gheleghentheydt, en soberen Staet deszelfs. In's 
 Graven-Hage, ghedruckt by Michiel Hael, Bouckverkooper woon- 
 ende op 't Buyten-Hof, tegenover de Gevangc-Voort. 1650, 4to. 
 Title, 49 pages ; a vignette in wood on the title. 
 '■ Vertoogh van Nicu Nederland und Breedcn Raedt 
 aende Vereenichc Nedcrlandsche Provintscn. Tico rare tracts, 
 printed in 1649-1650, relating to the Administration of Affairs in 
 Neiv Netherland. Translated from the Dutch hy Henry C. Murpky. 
 4to. New York, 1854. 
 Beschrijvinge van Nieuw-Nederlant, ghelyck het 
 tegenwoordigh in Staet is, Begrijpende de Nature, Aert, gele- 
 gentheyt en Vruchtbaerheyt van het selve Lant ; mitsgaders de 
 proffijtelijcke ende gewenste trevallen, die aldaer tot onderhout 
 der Menschen (soo uyt haer selven als van buyten ingebracht) 
 gevonden woorden. Als metle de maniere en onghemcyne eygen- 
 schappen van de Wilden ofte Natureleen van den Lande. Ende 
 een bysonder vcrhael van den wonderlijcken Aert ende hct Wccsen 
 der Bevers ; dacr noch by gcvoeght is eon d'scours over de gclc- 
 gentheyt van Nieuw-Nederlandt, tusschen een Nederlandts Patriot, 
 ende een Nieuw Nederlander. Beschreven door Adriacn van der 
 Donck, beyder Rechten Doctoor, die tcgenwoordigh noch ni Nieuw 
 Nederlandt is. t' Amsterdam. By Evert Nieuwhof, Bouckver- 
 kooper, woonende op 't lluslandt in't Schrijfboeck, anno 1G55, 4lo. 
 A second edition, under nearly the same title. Ito. 
 Amsterdam, 1C56. 
 Du Ponceau. Report made to the Historical and Literary 
 Committee of the American Philosophical Society by their Cor- 
 responding Secretary on Languages of the American Indians. By 
 P. E. Duponceau. 8vo. Philadelphia. 
 Eden. A treatyse of the Newe India, with other new founde 
 landes and Ilandes, as well Eastwards as Westwards, as they arc 
 knowen and founde in these oure days, after the description of 
 Sebastian Munster, in his booke of Universal Cosmographie ; 
 wherein the diligent reader may see the good successe and rewarde 
 of noble a'.id honeste enterprises, by the which not only worldly 
 ryches are obtayned, but also God is glorified, and the Christian 
 faylh enlarged. Translated out of Latin into English, by Richard 
 Eden. Prater sjoem sub spe. Imprinted at London, in Lombard- 
 street, by Edward Sutton, 1653. 
 The History of Travayle in the West and East Indies, and 
 other countrcys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitful! and ryche 
 Moluccaes. As Moscovia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Acgypte, Ethio- 
 pia, Guinea, China in Cathayo and Giapan. With a Discourse of 
 the N.W. Passage. (" In the Hande of our Lord he all the corners 
 of the Earthy — Psal, 94.) Gathered in parte and done into 
 Englyshe by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, augmented and 
 finished by Richarde Willes. Imprinted at London by Richarde 
 Jugge, 1577. Cum privilcgio. See also Martyr. 
 FousTER. Geschichte der Entdeckungen und Schiffiihrten im 
 Norden aller Nationen, von J. H. Forster, Dr. der Medlcin und 
 der Weltweisheit, etc. Berlin, 1 784. 
 History of the voyages and discoveries made in the 
 North, translated from the German of John Reinhold Forster, 
 T.U.D., and elucidated by several Maps. London, 4to, 1786. 
 FoxE. North-west Fox, or Fox from the North-west Passage, 
 beginning with King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zenis oi 
 Isclanil, pjstotilantl, and Dorgia ; following with briefe abstracts 
 of the voyages of Cahot, Frohisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, 
 Hudson, Button, Gihhons, Bylot, Baffin, Haivhridge : together 
 with the Courses, Distance, Latitudes, Longitudes, Variations, 
 Depths of Seas, Sets of Tydes, Currents, Races, and Over-Falls, 
 with other observations, accidents, and remarJ ble things, as our 
 Miseries and Sufferings. Mr. James Hall''- ree voyages to 
 Gi'oynland, with a Topographicall Description of the Countries, 
 the Salvages lives and treacheries, how our men have beene slayne 
 by them tliere, with the commodities of all those parts, whereby 
 the Marchant may have Trade, and the Mariner Imployment. 
 Demonstrated in a Polar Card, wlierein are all the Maines, Seas, 
 and Islands herein mentioned. With the author his own Voyage, 
 being the xvith, with the opinions and collections of the most 
 famous Mathematicians and Cosmographers ; with a Probabilitie to 
 prove the same by Marine Ilemonstrations, compared by the Ebbing 
 and Flowing of the Sea, experimented with places of our owne coast. 
 By Captaine Luke Foxe, of Kingstone upon Hull, Capt. and Pylot 
 for the voyage, in His Majesties' Pinnace the Charles. Printed 
 by His Majesties' Commands. Printed by B. Alsop and Tho. 
 Favvcet, dwelling in Grub-street. 4to Map, 1635 {quoted t^. Ivii). 
 Fkobisher. a true discourse of the late voyages of discoverie, 
 for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the North-Weast, 
 under the conduct of Martin Frohisher, Generall. Devided into 
 three Bookcs. In the first wherof is shewed his first voyage, 
 wherein also by the way is sette out a Geographicall Description 
 of the Worlde and what partes thereof have bin discovered by the 
 Navigations of the Englishmen. Also, there are annexed certayne 
 reasons to prove all partes of the Worlde habitable ; with a gene- 
 rall Mappo adjoyned. In the second, is set out his second voyage 
 with the adventures and accidents thereof. In the thirde, is de- 
 clared the strange fortunes which hapned in the third voyage, with 
 a severall description of the countrey and the people there inhabit- 
 ing. With a particular Card thereunto adioyned of Mcta Incognita, 
 so farrc forth as the secrets of the voyage may permit. At London. 
 Imprinted by Henry Bynnyman, servant to the Right Honourable 
 Sir Christopher Hatton, viz., Chamberlaine. Anno Domini, 1578, 
 4to, pp. 68. 
 Gallatin. Synopsis of the Indian Tribes of North- America, 
 by Albert Gallatin, LL.D. 
 Archa;ologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American 
 Antiquarian Society. Published by Direction of the Society. Vol. i, »vo, 
 pp. 430. Worcester, Mass., 18^0 ; vol. ii, Map, 8vo, pp. xxx and 57!]. Cam- 
 bridge, 18-"16; vol. iii, pp. cxxxviii and 377. Boston, printed for the Society, 
 1857 (vol. ii, p. 44). 
 Galvano. Tratado dos vurios, e diversos caminhos por onde 
 nos tempos passados a pimenta e especiaria veio do India as nossas 
 partes, e assim de todos os descubrimentos antigos c modernos 
 que sao feitos ate a era de 1550 com os nomes particulares das 
 pessoas que os ficerao, em que tempos e suas alturas. 8o, Lisboa, 
 por 1560. 
 Galvao. Tratado dos descobrimentos antigos e modernos, 
 feitos ate a Era de 1550, com os nomes particulares das pessoas 
 que OS fizerao : e em que tempos, e as suas alturas, e dos desvaira- 
 dos caminhos por vnde a pimenta e especiaria veyo da India as 
 nossas partes ; obra certo muy notavcl, e copiosa. Composto pelo 
 famcGO Antonio Galvao. Lisboa Occidental na Ofiicina Ferrei- 
 riana, mdccxxxi. (We quote this edition.) 
 Gekritz-Hessel. Detectio Freti. First Edition. Exemplar 
 Libelli supplicis, Potentissimo Hispaniarum Regi exhibiti a Capi- 
 taneo Petro Fernandez de Quir : super Detectione quintse orbis 
 terrarum partis, cui Australioe Incognitac nomen est. Item, Relatio 
 super Freto per M. Hudsonum Anglum qua3sito, ac in parte 
 detecto supra Provincias Tcrrte Novae, novajque Hispanioe Chinam 
 et Cathaiam versus ducturo : una cum Freti ipsius, quatenus iam 
 detectus est. Tabula Nautica. Nee non Isaaci Massa; Harlemensis 
 Samoiediaj atque Tingoessa; llegionum ad Orientem ultra Fretum 
 Wcygats in Tartaria sitarum, nuperque Impcrio Moscovito adquisi- 
 tarium descriptio. Et Tractus ciusdem Tabula Russia. Latine 
 versa ab R. Vitellio. Amsterodami. Ex oiRcina Hesselij Gerardi, 
 anno 1612. 
 Contents : 
 1. In tractatus sequentes Prolegomena ad Lectorem : signed 
 Hcssclius Gcrardus Assumcnsis Philogeographus. Six pages. 
 {These Prolvyomcna are reprinted in the present book, pp. 236, 241). 
 2. Reliitio memoilulls libclli supplicis Majestati siuu oblatl, 
 per Cupitancum Pctrum Fernamloz cle (liilr, etc. , , Eleven payos. 
 o. Samojoilunim. . . .cfKgic's (a woocleut). One pafj;e. 
 4. Apograpluim Descriptionis llegionum Siberia) Samojediic et 
 Tingoes'uo. Eight pages. 
 5. Itineruia attpic Eliiviorum, Ortum & Atpiilonem versus in 
 Moseoviam & Siberian! Samojediani etc dueentiuni, Descrip- 
 tio. Thirteen pages, one page white, one white leaf; then follows : 
 Deseriptio ac delitieatio Geographiea Detectionis Freti. Sivc 
 Transitvs ad Oecasuni, supra terras Americanas, in Chinam atq: 
 Japonem ducturi, Recens investigati ab ]\I. lleiirieo lludsono 
 Anglo. Item, Narratio Ser"">. Regi llispania) facta, super tractu, 
 in ipjinta Orbis terraruni parte, cui Avstraliie Incognitic nonieu 
 est, recens detecto, per Capitaneum Petruni Ferdinandez de Q,uir. 
 Vna cuiu descriptioiie Terrio Sanioiedarvni et Tingoesiorvni, in 
 Tartaria ad Ortum Freti Waygats sitio nu|)er(i : Imperio Mosco- 
 vitarum subacta\ Amsterodami, Ex otlicina llessclij Gerardi. Anno 
 1G12. Three i)ages (^reprinted in the j'rcsc'if voltiine, pp. 185- 
 Second Edition. The Second Edition, or what, perhaps, may 
 be called so, has been produced in the following manner. The 
 first title has been cut away, and the supplement, with its title, 
 Deseriptio ac Delinvatio, etc., has been placed at the beginning. 
 Nearly all the existini^ copies of the 1G12 edition answer this 
 In both shapes the 1612 edition ought to contain the following 
 maps. a. The "World in two hemispheres; h. Hudson's map; 
 c. Massa's map of Nova Zembla, etc. (a fac-simile in Dr. Rckc's 
 De Veer). 
 Third Edition. Deseriptio ac delincatio Geographiea Detec- 
 tionis Freti. Sive, Transitus ad Occasum supra terras Americanas, 
 in Chinam atq: Japonem ducturi, Recens investigati ab M. Henrico 
 Hudsono Anglo. Item, Exegesis Regi Hispaniic facta, super tractu 
 recens detecto, in quinta Orbis parte, cui nomen, Avstralis In- 
 cognita. Cum descriptione Terrarum Samoicdarum, et Tinga'sio- 
 rum, in Tartaria ad Ortum Freti Waygats sitarum, nuperq: sceptro 
 Moscovitarum adscitarum. Amsterodami, Ex oflicina Ilesselij 
 Gerardi. Anno 1G13. 
Ml iti.iofniAriiicAi, i,isT. 2(5!) 
 1. Pri)lcgomcnii. Three i)iif^eH. 
 12. Dearriptio, etc. (IIiuIhou'h Voyage, see present volume, 189- 
 104). Three jiages. 
 ;5. lOxegc.sis Libclli sujjplicl.s ohhiti Kcgiir Mujestati l[i.s[)aniu} 
 a Duee Petro l''eni:indez iW. (iuir, etc. Ten pages. 
 4. Deseriptio Jlegiomiin Siberia-, Saniojcdiu!, Tingojesia^ etc. 
 Seven pages, one page white, 
 C). Itrevis Descrlptio itinerum dueentiinn, & fluvioruni hihciitium 
 e Moscovia Oricnteni &. Atpiihinem versus. (^Signed Ivj l.s(uu: 
 3l(isN(i, llucrlcm.) I'Ueven pages, one page while. 
 (). In prel'ationc, etc. (^l)i-svriplion of Nai\s \''i)i/i(ij(:,) 'i'l'rec 
 8. I)e (letcctlono terra; polaris sub latitude octoginta graduum 
 ^by llcsad (/crri/z). Three pages. 
 i). Balena woodeut. One l)age, one page while. ]''»r niujui and 
 phites sen iicrt ctHlion. 
 FouiiTii MniTioN. The lourlli edition is almost ideutieal witli the 
 third, only it contains an appendix of I'our pages, consisting — 
 a. 01' a preface by Jlessel Gerrit/, beginning with the t'oUovving 
 words : Cum tcmcre v.t hwonsidvntta antca scrlpscrhii. . . .One page. 
 b. Of a treatise by i'eter I'lancius, intitled : llefutatio rationum 
 (piibus Angli Dominationem ])iscationis ad insulam Spitzbergen- 
 sem. .pretenderc. .conantur. Three pages. 
 The third and fourth editions ought to contain the following 
 illustrations, a. The World in two hemispheres. f>. Hudson's 
 Map. c. Massa's Maj). d. An engraving representing two sea- 
 horses, c. In the fourth edition there ought to be a map of Spit/- 
 bcrgen and Nova Zembla. 
 ]Jeschryvinghe vander Samoyeden Landt in Tarta- 
 rien Nieulijcks onder 't ghebiedt der Moscovilen gebracht. Wt 
 de llussche tale overgheset, anno 1009. Met een verhael vandc 
 opsoekingh cnde ontdeckinge vande nieuwc deurgang ofte straet 
 int Noord-westen na de Rijcken van Ohina cnde Catliay ; ende 
 cen Memorial gcpresenteert aenden Conningh van Spaengien, 
 belanghende de ontdcckingho ende gheleghenheyt van 't Land 
 ghenacmt Australia Incognita, 't Amsterdam, by Ilessel Ger- 
 ritsz., Bocckvercooper opt Water ijulc I'ascaert. Anno 1612. 
 Contents : 
 1. Tot den Leser {Preface, translation of the preface to the Latin 
 edition of \G12.) Six pages. 
 2. Verhael van d' ontdeckinghe vandc nieu-ghesochte Strate 
 in't Noord-westen, om te seylen boven langhs de Landen van 
 America en Japan, ghedaen door Mr. Henry Hudson. Three 
 pages, one white. 
 3. Copie van de Beschryvinge der Landen Siberia, Samoesia, 
 etc. Eight pages. 
 4 Een Cort Verhael vande Wege ende llivieren uyt Moscovien 
 Oostwaerts, etc. Fourteen pages. 
 5. Verhael Van seker Memoriael ghepresentcert aen zyne Ma- 
 jesteyt by den Capiteyn Pedro Fernandez de Guir. Six pages, 
 one page blank. 
 Gilbert. A Discourse of a Discoverio for a new passage to 
 Cataja, written by Sir Humfrey Gilbert, Knight. Imprinted at 
 London by Henry Middleton, for Richarde Thones, anno Domini 
 1576, Aprilis 12. (Map.) xS'ee also Hakluyt's Collections, iii, p. 16. 
 Hakluyt. Divers voyages touching the discoverie of America, 
 and the Islands adiacent unto the same, made first of all by our 
 Englishmen, and afterward by the P'renchmen and Britons : and 
 certaine notes of advertisements for observations, necessarie for 
 such as shall heereafter make the like attempt. With two mappes 
 annexed heereunto for the plainer understanding of the whole 
 matter, by E-ichard Hakluyt. Imprinted at London for Thomas 
 Woodcocke, 1582. 
 Hakluyt (Richard, Prebendary of Bristol in the year 1582). 
 Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America, and the Islands 
 adjacent ; collected and published. Edited, vvith Notes and an 
 Introduction, by John Winter Jones, Esq., of the British Museum. 
 Svo, London, 1850 (Hakluyt Society). 
 Hamel. Tradcscant der Aeltere, 1618, in Russland. Der 
 Handelsverkehr zwischen England und Russland in seiner Entste- 
 hung. Riickblick auf einige der iilteren Reisen im Norden. 
 Geschichtliche Beitrage mitgetheilt der Kaiserlichen Akademie 
 der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg, von Dr. J. Hamel, Akade- 
 miker, etc. Mit Tradescant's Portrait und einer Karte. 4o, 1847, 
 St. Petersburg. Leipzig. 
 Haskei, and Smith. A complete Descriptive and Statistical 
 Gazetteer of the United States of America, containinj^ a particular 
 description of the states, territories, countries, districts, parislies, 
 cities, towns and villages, mountains, rivers, lakes, canals, and 
 railroads; with an Abstract of the Census and Statistics for 1840. 
 By Daniel Huskel, A.M., and T. Calvin Smith. New York, 8vo, 
 pp. 752. 1814. 
 Heckewei.uer. a narrative of the Mission of the United 
 Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from 1704 
 to 1808; interspersed with anecdotes, historical facts, speeches of 
 Indians, and other interesting matter, by John Heckewelder. 4to, 
 Philadelphia, 1820. 
 HoMEM. A Portolano of nine large Charts on vellum, drawn 
 on a plane scale by D. 11. MS., British Museum. 
 No. 4. A Chart of the Work), on a phxne scale : 
 " Universalis Mundi figura atque Navigationum Orbis tcrrarum 
 scitus." Dicgus Homem cosmographus fecit hoc opus anno salutis 
 No. 10. The Eastern Coast of North America, tlie West Indian Islands, 
 with the westernmost coasts of Europe and Africa, southward to Cupe liosse. 
 {Quoted p. xcvii.) 
 Jeannin. Les Negociations du President Jeannin, publiees 
 dans les Collections des Memoires relatifs a I'Histoirc de France, 
 depuis I'avenement de Henri IV, jusqu'a la Paix de Paris conclue 
 en 1763 ; avec des Notices sur chaque auteur et des observations 
 sur chaque Ouvrage, par M. Petitot, Paris, 1822. 
 Lettre au Roi ecrite par M. Jeannin, le dit jour vingt-cinqui^me Janvier 
 1600, sur la recherche du passage du Nord. 
 Vol. XV, p. 141. See also Pantheon litteraire ; Choix de Chroniqucs 
 et Memoires, sur I'Histoirc de France, avec Notices litteraires par 
 J. A. C. Buchon. Paris, 1838. Negociations du President Jeannin, 
 p. 578. 
 Jonas. Brevis Comentarius de Islandia : quo scriptorum de 
 hac Insula errores detcguntur, et extraneorum quorundum convitijs 
 ac calumnijs quibus Islandis liberius insultarc solent, occurritur; 
 per Arngrimum Jonam Islandum. 
 A briefe Commentarie of Island: wherein the errors of such as have written 
 concerning this Island are detected, and the slanders and reproaches of cer- 
 r ' 
 taine strangers which they have used over-boldly against the people of Island 
 are confuted, by Arngrimus Jonas of Island. Written at Holen Hialtednlein 
 Island, the yeere of our Lord 150;?, the 17 of tlic Kalends of May. 
 See Hakliiyt's Voyages, vol. i, j). 515. 
 Jones, see Hakluyt. 
 Lambuechtsen'. Korte Bcschrijving van dc Ontclckking en 
 dor verdere Lotgevallen van Nicuw-Nederland, weleer cenc volk- 
 planting van het gcmecnebest der verecnigde Nederlanden in 
 America, door Mr. N. C. Lambrechtsen van Ritthem. Te Middel- 
 burg, bij S. van Benthcm, mdcccxviii. With a Map of New 
 Lele"\vel. Gengraphie du Moycn age, etudiee par Joachim 
 Lelewel, accompagnee d'Atlas et de Cartes dans chaque volume. 
 4 vols., 8vo, Bruxcllcs, 1852. Atlas, 4to obi. Bruxelles, 1850. 
 LiNSCHOTEN (van Huyghen). Itinerario Voyagie ofte Schip- 
 vaert, von Jan Huj'ghen van Linschoten. Folio. Amsterdam, 
 1595, with following supplements : a. Bcschrijvinghc van Guinea. 
 b. Rcys Geschrijft van de Navigation der Portugaluysers. c. Een 
 seker. d. Extract vande Renten des Coninglis var Spaengien. The 
 same, second edition, folio, Amsterdam, 1G04 and 1605. Third 
 edition, folio, Amsterdam, 1614. Fourth edition, folio, Amsterdam, 
 1624. Fifth edition, folio, Amsterdam, 1644. 
 Voyagie ofte shipvaert, van Jan Huyghen van Lin* 
 schoten, van by Noorden vm langes Noorwcgen de Noortcaep, 
 Laplant, Vinlant, Ruslandt, de Witte Zee, de Custen van Can- 
 denoes, Swetenoes, Pitzora, etc., door de strate ofte Engte van 
 Nassau tot voorby de Revier Oby. Waer inne seer distinctelicken 
 verhaels ghewijse beschreven ende aenghewesen wordt, alle t' 
 ghene dat hem op de selve Reyse van dach tot dach bejeghent 
 en voorghecomen is. Met de afbeeldtsels van alle de Custen, 
 Hoecken, Landen, Opdoeningen, Streckinghen, Coursen, Mijlen, 
 ende d'ander merckelicke dingen meer : Gelijc als hy 't alles selfs 
 sichtelicken end waerachtelicken nae 't leven uytgewerpen ende 
 gheannoteert heeft, etc. Anno 1594 end 1598. Ghedruct tot 
 Franekcr, by Gerard Ketel. Containing a large number of geo- 
 graphical diagrams. Second edition. The same title. Amster- 
 dam, 1624. 
 Lopez de Gomaka. La Historia General de las Indias, con 
 todos descubrimicntos, y cosas notables que han acacscido en ellas, 
 dcndc que se ganaron hasta agora, cscrita por Francisco Lopez 
 de Gomara, clerigo. Afuidiose dc luicvo la dcscrij)cion y tra^a 
 de las Indias, con una Tabla alphabetica de las Provincias, Islas, 
 Puertos, Ciudades, y nombres de conquistadorcs y varones prin- 
 cipales que alia ban passado. En Anvcrs. Anno M.n.i.iiii. 
 .liiTHK (Li'iTicK). 'lcTi)ip(>i;paTiioo nyrt'iiiocTiilo wh ctiii('iiiii.iii .TcuibiitmII 
 OiJcaiii, concpuiciiiioc no iioDp.ifeiiiio IlMiicpaTopa A.ioitcaii.ipa I, iia iiO(!iiiioMi 
 ftpnrS "IIOBan BL-Jun," Bb 1821, 1822,1823 u 1824 rojaxi., <RioTa Kaiiirraiii- 
 JciiTCiiaiiTOMTi OcAopoMi .liiTUC. CaiinTncTppdvpr-b 1828, (2 Vols. 4t(). niaiis.) 
 LuTKK. Viermalige Reise durcb das nordlicbe Eismecr. Ger- 
 man translation by Erman (forming vol. ii of Bcrgbaus's Kabinets- 
 Bibliotbek dcr neucsten Rciscn). 8vo, Berlin, 1835. 
 M'Clintock. The Voyage of the Fux in the Arctic Seas. A 
 Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and bis 
 Companions, by Captain Sir F. Leopold M'Clintock, R.N., LL.D., 
 Honorary Member Royal Dublin Society. With Maps and Illus- 
 trations. London, 1859. 
 Marco Polo. The travels of Marco Polo, a Venetian, in the 
 thirteenth century ; being a description by that early traveller of 
 remarkable ]>laces and things in the Eastern parts of the World. 
 Translated from the iailian, with notes, by William Marsden. 
 With Maps. London, 1818, 4to. 
 Maksden, see Marco Polo. 
 Martvr. De orbe novo Petri Martyris Anglcrii Mediolancnsis, 
 Protonotarij, & Caroli quinti Scnaloris, Decades octo, diligent! 
 tcmporum observatione & utilissimis annotationibus illustratcc, 
 suoque nitori rcstituta} ; Lahore et industria Richard! Uakluyti, 
 Oxoniensis Angli. Additus est in usum lectoris accuratus totius 
 operis index. Parisiis, m.u Lxxxvir. 
 The Decades of the Newe Worlde or West India, 
 conteynyng the navigations and conquestes of the Spanyardes, 
 with the particular description of the moste ryche and large landes 
 and ilandes lately found in the West-Ocean perteynyng to the 
 inheritaunce of the lunges of Spayne. In the which the diligent 
 reader may not only consyder wluit commoditie may hereby chaunce 
 to the hole Christian Worlde in the tyme to come, but also learne 
 many sccreates touchynge the lande, the sea, and the starres, very 
274 innLioGTiAriiicAT, list. 
 ncccssario to be knowu to al such as shal attcmptc any naviga- 
 tions, or otlicnvisc have dclite to bcholdc the strange and woonder- 
 full woorkes of God and nature. Wryttcn in the Latine toungo 
 by Peter Martyr of A.nglcria, and translated into Englysche by 
 llycharde Eden. Londini. In aidibus Guilhelmi Powell, anno 
 Meteren (Van). Emanuels van Meteren Historie der Ncder- 
 landschcr cndc hacrdcr Naburen Oorlogen cndc Geschiedcnissen, 
 Tot den Jarc mvicxii. Nu dc laestemael bij hem voor sijno 
 doodt merckelyck vcrbctcrt end in xxxii Boecken voltrocken. Is 
 mcde hier by gevocgt des Authcuvs leven. Verrijckt bencfFens 
 de Land-Caertc met by na hondevt correcte Contcrfcijtscls vande 
 voortreflijeste Pcrsonagicn in dcse Historie verhaelt. AUe cicrlijck 
 na d' leven ghcdacn ende in Copcren platen gesteken. Gedruckt 
 int' Jaer ons Hcercn mdcxiv. In s' Graven-Haghe by Hille- 
 brandt Jacobssz, Ordinaris ende Ghcsvooren Drucker van de Hog. 
 cnde Mo. Heeren Staten Generael, anno 1614. Met Privilegie. 
 Folio, pp. 671. (Map.) 
 MoLYNEUx Globe. This Globe is mentioned by John Davis, 
 in a work called " The World's hydrographical Description," 4to, 
 London, 1594, from which an extract, containing the passage hero 
 alluded to is to be found in Hakluyt's Collection, vol. iii, p. 120. 
 The following is the passage in question : " Hoiv far I proceeded 
 and in ivhat fourme this discovery lyeth, doth appeare upon the globe 
 ivhich Master Sander so7i to his verye great charge hath published, 
 tvhose labouring endeavor /or the good of h's coimtrie deserveth great 
 favor and commendation. Made by Master Henry Mtdlineux, a 
 man icell qualified, of a good judgment, and verye expert in many 
 excellent practises, in my selfe being the onely means ivith Master 
 Sanderson to imply Master Mtdlineux therein, whereby he is now 
 groione to a most exquisite perfectio)i." 
 A later edition of the same Globe is to be found in the Library 
 of the Middle Temple. It is about two feet high, and bears the 
 following inscription : Lectoris. In hoc globo scribendo, amice 
 lector, ubique sequuti sumus castigatissimas chartas marinas, qui- 
 bus Hispani et Lusitani in suis Americis et Oricntalibus Indicis 
 navigationibus utuntur. Nee non Anglicorum aliquot hominum 
 excellentium probatissimas geographicas descriptioncs in septcn- 
muuoouArHicAi, list. 275 
 tiionallbus hiijus Globi dclincandis purtibus, siimma cum fide, 
 diligentia, summaque cura imitati sumus. Anno Domini 1G03. 
 Emerius MuUencux, Angl. sumptibus Guilelmi Sanderson! Lon- 
 dinensis dcscripsit. 
 There are also some other inscriptions, especially a long dedi- 
 cation to Queen Elizabeth ; and the following note, which ia in 
 letterpress : This glohe, helonyiiuj to the honourable Socicfi/ of the 
 Middle Temple, ivas repaired In the year 1818 by F. ^* W. Newton, 
 Globe makers. Chancery Lane. 
 Sir John Barrow, who saw the globe shortly after its restoration, 
 thought that the date (1603)must be wrong, because Davis had made 
 mention of this globe in 1594. Sir John is, however, mistaken. 
 The globe in the Middle Temple Library contains liarents' deli- 
 neation oi Nova Zembla, which was drawn in 1596 and published 
 in 1598. The date of the globe is therefore very probably correct, 
 only the copy in the Middle Temple is not of the first edition. 
 MouLTON. see Yates. 
 MuiLKEUK, Mynheer Eerg van Dussen. Bydragen tot Ges- 
 chiedenis onzer Kolonizatie in Noord-America. Two parts, with- 
 out place or date. (Amsterdam, about 1851.) 
 MuLLER, «eeBj[BLioGUAriiiE Neeiilando-Husse, AecMuuniY, 
 see Ortemus. 
 MuRPiiY. Henry Hudson in Holland. An inquiry into the 
 origin and object of the voyage whicli led to the discovery of the 
 Hudson River. With bibliographical notes. By H. C. Murphy. 
 Hague, large 8vo, pp. 72. 1859. 
 Aprhs V impression de cette feuille f at regu la notice tres-interes- 
 sante de Mr. II. C. Murphy (^Ministre des Etats-Unis aupres de la 
 cour des Pays-Bas), sur H. Hudson et le livre de Massa, travail 
 hautement remarquable qui traite a fond tout ce qui se rapporte d, 
 ce sujet. Cette notice qtti n^est tiree quW tres-petit nomhre d'ex- 
 cmplaires et pas dans le comynerce n'cst fut distribut par I'aufeur 
 qu^d peu de personnes. Fred. Muller, Bibliographie Neerlando- 
 Russe, p. 172. 
 Mr. Murphy is said to be a studious man, who bestows con- 
 siderable pains on his researches. He is the translator of Van 
 der Do7ick's Vertoogh {see Donck), 
 Navaretxe. Colleccicn de los viages y descubrimientos que 
 hicieron por mav los Espanolcs tlesde fines del siglo xv. con varlos 
 documcntos incditos conccinicntes a la Historia dc la Marina 
 CastcUana y dc los cstablecimientos espanolcs en Indias, coor- 
 dinada e illustrada por Don Martin Fernandez de Navarrete, dc la 
 orden de San Juan, etc., etc. Tom. v. Madrid., 80, 1825-37. 
 NoKTii Amkuican Rkview and Miscellaneous Journal. Com- 
 menced in May, 1815, at Boston. Vols, i to ix, forming the First 
 Series, i^ublishcd from May, 1815, to September, 1819. New 
 Series, . x to Ixxxv, from January, 18:^0, to October, 1857, 
 and conunucd quarterly. Two parts forming a volume. 
 O'Callagiian. History of New Netherlands; or. New York 
 under the Dutch, by E. B. O'Callaghan. Two vols., 8vo, New 
 York, 184G {quoted [ip. Ivi, Ivii). 
 Oktelius. Ortulii, abr. Theatrum orbis Terrarum. Antverp. 
 Aegid. Coppcnius Diesth. 1570, fol. [lieunprim^ par le meiiie 
 cditeur en 1571 et en 1573, et puis chez Plimtin en 1584, 1592, 
 1595, IGOl, 1624, etc.) Fr. MuUer, Bibliographic Ncerlando- 
 Ilusse, p. 118. 
 Petitot, see Jeannin. 
 Pj( > l -^iBLON Society Miscellanies, see Cabot. 
 Po> Ts. llerum et urbis Amstelodamensium Historia. In 
 qua Hoii^ tia) primum atque inde Amstelandia?, oppidique natales, 
 exordia progressus, privilegia, statuta, cventaque mirabilia cum 
 novis urbis incrementis comercijsque ac navigationibus longinquis, 
 aliaque ad politiam spectiantia, additis suo loco tabulis eri incisis, 
 ad haec usque tempora, observata annorum serie accurate omnia 
 deducuntur. Auctore Joh. Isacio Pontano. Accedunt sub calccm 
 auctores vetustiores duo nunquam editi. Quorum nomina et 
 seriem versa pagella indicabit. Amstcrodami. Sub Cane vigilant! 
 eicudit Judocus Hondius. An. D. 1011. (Folio, pp. 292 ; App., 
 pp. 40.) 
 Historische Beschryvinghe der seer wijt beroemde 
 CoopStadt Amsterdam. Waerinne benevens de eerste beginselen 
 ende opcomsten der Stadt, verscheyden Privilegien, ordonantien, 
 ende andere ghedenskwcerdighe Geschiedenissen, met het ghene 
 de nieuwe vergrootinghen der Stadt, als oock de handel ende 
 verre reysen ende Politic betrcfFende is, tot desen tegenwoordighen 
 tijt, nae het vervolch der jaercn verhaelt werdt. Eerst in Latyn 
 ghcstclt xin'd bcschrcven door Joh. Isacium Pontacum. Endc by 
 den sclven oock vodcrhundt wcerstich ovcrsicn ende op vccl 
 plactscn vermccrdcrt cndc verbetcrt. Ende nu wt dcs Autbcurs 
 laetste Copijc in Nedorduyts overgbcsct door Pctrum Montanum. 
 Allcs met copcrc Figurcn afgbcbov^U ende vcrciert. Tot Amster- 
 dam, gliedruckt by Judocum Hondium, wooncnde in de Cilvcr 
 Straot, in den Wackoren Hont. Anno 1G14. Met Privilcgic. 
 PuRCiiAS. His Pilgrimage, or Relations of tbe World and the 
 lleligions observed in all ages and places discovered from the 
 creation unto the present. In foure parts. With bricfe descrip- 
 tion of the countries, nations, states, discoveries, private and publikc 
 customes, and the most remarkable rarities of nature, or humane 
 Industrie in the same. London, by William Ilanby for Henrie 
 Fetherstone. 1613. Folio. Contains an account of Hudson's 
 Voyage from Gerritz. 
 His Pilgrimage. The third edition, much enlarged, with 
 additions through the whole work. London, 1617. Folio. This 
 edition is, at least as regards the chapter on Hudson, like the one 
 of 1626. The Hudson chapter is to be found on pp. 924-926. 
 Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Pilgrimes. Con- 
 tayning a History of the World, in Sea Voyages and Lande 
 Travells, by Englishmen and others. Wherein God's Wonders in 
 Nature and Providence, the acts, arts, varieties, and vanities of 
 men, with a world of the world's rarities, are by a world of Eye- 
 withnesse related to the world. Some left written by Mr. Hakluyt 
 at his death, more since added, his also perused and perfected. 
 All examined, abbreviated, illustrated with notes, enlarged with 
 discourses, adorned with pictures and expressed in maps, in fewer 
 parts, each containing five Bookcs. Purchas, his Pilgrimage. The 
 fourth edition, much enlarged, with additions, etc. London, by 
 William Hanby for Henry Fetherstone. 1625-6. Folio. Five vols. 
 Rafn, see Antiquitates Americans. 
 Ramusio. Navigazioni e viaggi raccolti gia da M. C. B. Ra- 
 musio. Vinegia, Giunti. 3 vol. in fol. 1550-1613. 
 RiBEEO, see Spuengel. 
 RuNDALL (Thomas, Esq.) Narratives of early voyages under- 
 taken for the Discovery of a passage to Cathaja and India, by the 
 N. West; with selection from the Records of the Worshipful 
 Fellowship of the Merchants of London trading into the East 
 Indies, and from MSS. in the Library of the British Museum, now 
 first published. 1849. London (Hakluyt Society). 
 ScoRESBY. An Account of the Arctic Regions, with a History 
 and Description of the Northern Whale-Fishery, by W. Scoresby, 
 jun., F.R.S.E. (Maps and Illustrations.) Two vols. Edinb , 1820. 
 Smith. Description of New England, by Capt. John Smith. 
 London. 4to, pp. 61, and a Map. 1616. 
 Sparks, see American Biography. 
 Sprengel. Ueber T. Ribero's alteste Welt Charte, von M. C. 
 Sprengel. Weimar, 1795. Containing the following Map : Charte 
 von Ame ica aus der altesten noch unedirten Welt-Karte von 
 Diego Ribero, Cosmograph Karls V. vom Jahre 1529, ausgehoben 
 und nach dem handschriftlichen Originale in gleicher Grosse ge- 
 zeichnet von F. K. Gussefeld. 
 Stow. The Annales or Generall Chronicle of England, begun 
 first by Maister John Stow, and after him continued and augmented 
 with matters forreyne and domestique, auncient and modcrne, unto 
 the ende of this yeere 1614, by Edmond Hov^^es, Gentleman. Lon- 
 dini. Impensis Thomse Adams, 1615. 
 Thompson. The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of 
 America and the West-Indies, containing an entire translation of 
 the Spanish work of Don Antonio de Alcedo, with large additions 
 and compilations from modern voyages and travels, and from ori- 
 ginal and authentic information, by G. A. Thompson, Esq. In five 
 volumes. London, ^^to, 1812-1815. (Vol. ii, pp. 263-266. Hudson.) 
 WiLLES. For M. Cap. Furbysher's Passage by the Northwest, 
 Or China in Cathayo, situated in the East side of Great Asy. Of 
 the Hand Giapan, and other litle lies in the East Ocean, by the 
 way from Cathayo to the Moluccaes, by Richarde Willes. To the 
 ryght honourable and vertuous Ladie, the Lady Anne, Countesse 
 of Warwyke. (Eden, History of Tnvayle in the Indies, p. 230). 
 Winter Jones, see Hakluyx'. 
 Yates and Moulton. History of Now York, including its 
 Aboriginal and Colonial Annals, by John V. N. Yates and Joseph 
 W. Moulton. 8vo. New York, vol. i, A. Goodrich. 1824 ; vol. ii, 
 E. Bliss, 1C26. 
 Adams, Clement, his Map, a pre- 
 tended copy of Seb. Cabot's Map, 
 civ, clii, clxxi 
 Adelung, see Bibl. list 
 Adrey, John, one of the crew, second 
 voyage, 23 
 Akerly, see Bibl. list 
 Albany, see Hudson's river 
 Alcedo, see Bibl. list (Thompson) 
 American Ant. Soc, see Bibl. (An- 
 tiquitates Americana;) ; Biography, 
 see Bibl. list 
 Anian, Strait of, a mere delusion, 
 Anskoeld, !fyockbaus', corruption of 
 the namp: of Johannes Kolnus, 
 Antiquitate3 Americana), see Bibl. list 
 Appendix, contents of, 1 
 Archcologia Americana, see Bibl. list 
 Archives of the East India Company, 
 search for materials relating to 
 Hudson, XXXV 
 Baccalaos, meaning of the term, 
 Ixxxvi ; or cod fish, Ixxvii, Ixxviii 
 Balak, see Belgians 
 Barentson, see Barents 
 Barents, Wm., see Dutch ; map- 
 making ; papers of, 11 ; writings, 
 Barnes, John, one of the crew, second 
 voyage, 23 
 Barrow (Sir John), see Bibl. list 
 Barton, Dr., Legend of Hudson's 
 arrival among the Indians, xli, 179 ; 
 confirms the tradition of Ilecke- 
 welder, 179 
 Bassendiue, see Moscovy Company 
 Baxter, Thomas, one of the crew, 
 first voyage, 1 
 Beacon Hill, 89 ; see Hudson's river 
 Bear Island or Cherie's Island, see 
 Hudson's geoj^raphical notions, 
 clxi ; touched b}' Hudson, cxc, 22 
 Beechey, see Bibl. li.^t 
 Begin en Voortgang van de Neder- 
 landshe Cost Indische Compagnie, 
 reprint of Van Meteren, account of 
 Hudson, xxviii ; French translation, 
 by Constantia de Rennoville, xxix ; 
 see Bibl, list 
 Beke, Dr., see Bibl. list (De Veer) 
 Belgians, origin of their expeditions, 
 Oliver Brunei's expedition, his an- 
 terior adventures, cxxxi ; Brunei 
 made a prisoner by the Russians, 
 sent to the Oby, and to Nova 
 Zembla, is sent to Antwerp, calls 
 on John Balak, cxxxii ; Brunei 
 goes to Enchuysen, sails to the 
 Pechora, is shipwrecked, cxxxiii ; 
 Brunei is introduced to Mercator, 
 Balak's letter, cxxxiii ; first Dutch 
 expedition, Brunei, Moucheron, 
 Peter Plancius, cxxxiv ; Mouche- 
 ron (Balthasar de), his undertak- 
 ings ; Plancius (Peter), founds a 
 school of navigation, his pupils, 
 Barentz and Hceraskerk, cxxxv 
 Belgium, emigrants from, in Holland 
 and Zealand, xxi 
 Bell Sound, clxxxix ; see Spitzbergen 
 Bescherelle, see Bibl. list 
 Beschryviuge van Virginia, Nieuw 
 Nederlandt, etc., xxxiv; see Bibl, 
 Best, see Bibl. list (Frobisher) 
 Beuberry, James, one of the crew, 
 first vo_v ,\ge, 1 
 Bibliographical materials, li 
 Biddle, see Bibl. list (Cabot) 
 Biographia Britannica, see Bibl. list 
 Biographic Universelle, see Bibl. list 
 Bird, Cape, see Vogel Ilookc 
 Blaeu, see Bibl. list 
 Blefkin, see Bibl. list 
 Boncts, meaning of the word, 50 
 Braunch, John, cook, second voyage, 
 Brede Bay, see Lou sic Bay 
 Breyde-Fiord, see Lousie Bay 
 Brockhaus, see Bil)l. list ; Conversa- 
 tions Lexicon, see Anskoeld 
 Brodhead, Romeyn John, researches 
 in the European Archives for docu- 
 ments, Iv ; History of the State of 
 New York, Ivi ; see Bibl. list 
 Browne, see Moscovy Company 
 Brownei, see Brunei 
 Brunei, Oliver, mentioned by Hudson, 
 40 ; see Belgians 
 Burrough, his voyage, cxxv; discovers 
 Burrough strait, cxxviii ; Strait, 
 see Novaya Zembla 
 Busse island, a geographical illusion, 
 its origin, cix ; not to be seen, 49 
 Bus island, see Hudson's geographical 
 notions, clxix 
 Button, three ships sent out (1612) 
 for his search for Hudson, 188 ; ex- 
 pedition in search of Hudson, 194 
 Cabot, John, influence of the Scandi- 
 navians upon him, Ixii ; his early 
 history, Ixvii; supposed death, Ixxii 
 J., S., Ludovico and Sancio, 
 patent of 1496, Ixviii 
 J. and S., start the search for a 
 N. W. and N. E. way to China, Ixiii ; 
 origin of this scheme, ib., Ixvi; first 
 expedition, discovery of America, 
 Ixvii ; first expedition, its date, 
 Ixviii; Pascjualigo's letter, ib.; first 
 voyage and discovery of America, 
 S. Search for N. W. passage, 
 1498, Ixxii ; voyages in 1516 or 
 1517, ib. ; discoverer of Hudson's 
 and Davis' strait, Ixxxiii; his return 
 to England in 1548, ciii ; re-enters 
 the English service, his adventures 
 since 1497, cxx, cxxi ; his plan to 
 sail to the north-east, its origin, at 
 first intended for Venice, cxxii-iii ; 
 planisphere, Clement Adams' copy, 
 clxxi ; the real originator cf the 
 logbook, his precepts followed by 
 the Moscovy Company, clxxix ; see 
 longitude ; see map-making 
 Canada, the coast of, clxxii 
 Cape Charles, see Virginia 
 Cape Cod discovered by Captain Gos- 
 nold, 66 ; Juet's and Purchas' mis- 
 takesabout its latitude, ^■6.; whether 
 discovered by Hudson, 165 
 Cape Hopewell, Scandinavia, 43 
 Cape of Norway (North Cape), 147 
 Capo Sable, 55 
 Cape Severe- Vostochnoi, see Hudson's 
 geographical notions, civ 
 Cape Tabin, see Hudson's geographi- 
 cal notions, cliv, civ; cxcv; (Capo 
 of Tartary), Fromontorium Scijthi- 
 cum, 36 
 Cape Taimur, see Hudson's geogra- 
 phical notions, civ 
 Cape Tapin, Pliny's only authority, 
 Cape Walsingham, see Davis 
 Cape Weggs, see King James his Cape 
 Cape Wolstenholme, 96, 106 
 Cartier, see French 
 Cartwrighte, John, see Waymouth 
 Cathay or Northern China, vaguely 
 described by Ilubruquis and Marco 
 Polo, Ixx ; searched for by the 
 Cabots, supposed to be found, Ixx 
 Catlin, see Bibl. list % 
 CatskiU Landing, 87 ; mountain, see 
 Hudson's river 
 Chancellor, Richard, reaches Russia, 
 Charles's island, clxxxvi; see Hudson's 
 geographical notions, clxii ; see 
 Mount Charles 
 Cherie Island, see Bear Island 
 Chesapeake, see Virginia ; Bay en- 
 tered by Hudson, 73 
 Chytrajus, see Bibl. list 
 Claudia Island (Maria's Vineyeard), 
 see Verazzano 
 Cod, crew of the Half Moon, fishing 
 for, 57 
 Cogswell, Joseph, see Verrazzano 
 Professor, translation of Ve- 
 razzano's letter, side notes, 1 
 Colbert, st'e Coolbrand ; Colbert, Cole- 
 burne, Coolbrand, see Colcburne 
 Colburne (Colbert or Coolbrand), 
 Master, fourth voyage, xliii, ccx, 
 93, 98, 180 ; see Coolbrand 
 Coligny, t<ee French 
 Collections of the Hist. Soc. of New 
 York, see Bibl. list 
 Colin's Cape, s^c Hudson's geographi- 
 cal notions, clxii, clxxxvii 
 Collins Cape discovered, 14 ; in 81° 
 30', IG 
 Collins, William, mate, first voyage, 
 1 ; lands on the shore of Spitz- 
 bergen, 14 
 Colman, John, boatswain of the crew, 
 first voyage, 1 ; lands on the shore 
 of Spitzbergen, 14; his death, 30 
 Colman's point, 80 
 Columbus, influence of the Scandina- 
 vians upon him, he visits Iceland, 
 Compass, see Longitude 
 Coney Island, tradition about Hud- 
 son's landing, xlii; see Hudson's 
 Cooke, John, one of the crew, first 
 voyage, 1 ; boatswain, second 
 voyage, 23 ; goes on shore in Nova 
 Zembla, 33 
 Cornelisoon, see Dutch 
 Cortereal, Caspar de, his voyage, dis- 
 covery of S. Lawrence river, Ixxvi ; 
 explores Newfoundland, Ixxvi 
 Cortez, Ferdinand, interest in the 
 search of a passage, relatio quarto, 
 Ixxxiv ; plan, Ixxxv 
 Costin Shar, cxcv ; exploration of, 
 Costing Shar (Costing Sarch), name 
 of Strait in Nova Zembla, 40 
 Cris, name given by the Mexicans to 
 a flame-shaped poinard, 188 
 Cross-staff, 15 
 Cumberland Strait, see Davis 
 Current near Greenlaud, 4, 29 ; near 
 Scandinavia, 47, 4!), 51 ; near the 
 new England shore, 02, 03 
 Currents, N.E., clxxxviii ; near Nova 
 Zembla, 34 ; polar, 7G, 95 
 Da Cosa, see Map-making 
 Daniel, clix, clx 
 Davis, John, first voyage, ex ; dis- 
 covers the south of (ircenland, and 
 calls it Desolation, discovcrsCiilbert's 
 Sound, discovers Cape Walsinghara, 
 explores Cumberland Strait, cxii ; 
 ;-.ccond voyage, reaches the south 
 of Greenland, reaches Gilbert Sound, 
 mutiny, cxiii, cxiv ; second voyage, 
 sends the Mermaid home, sails in 
 the Moonshine, explores Cumber- 
 laud Strait, Frobishcr Strait, 
 Hudson's Strait, Davis' Inlet, 
 Tovuctoke Inlet, cxv; third voyage, 
 sails to Gilbert Sound, tries to set 
 up a pinnace destroyed by the Es- 
 quimaux, leaves Gilbert Sound, 
 sails up to 72^ 12', returns, crosses 
 Davis' Strait, explores Cumberland 
 Strait, visits Frobishcr's and Hud- 
 son's Strait, cxvii-viii ; see Bibl. 
 list. ; see map-making 
 Davis' Inlet, see Davis 
 Davis' Strait, see Davis, John ; clxx ; 
 exploration of, cxliv ; discovered 
 by Cabot, Cabot's map, Mr. D'Ave- 
 zac's opinion, Ixxiii 
 Day, Richard, one of the crew, first 
 voyage, 1 
 Deer Point, 39 ; see Nova Zembla 
 De la Dale, see Dutch 
 De Laet, John, Director of Dutch 
 East India Company, xxix ; cele- 
 brated geographer, his description 
 of America, its character, xxxii ; 
 makes Hudson return to Amsterdam, 
 xxxiii ; tries to connect the voyage 
 of H. Hudson with the West India 
 Company's claim, xxxiii ; manu- 
 script materials, false rumour about 
 their having turned up, xxxiv ; 
 Nieuw Werelt, when published, 
 XXXV ; see Bibl. list 
 Denmark, see Hudson's geographical 
 notions, clxii 
 Desolation, see Davis 
 De Veer Gcrrit, sec Bibl. list 
 Diggs, see Cape Digs 
 Donck's, Van der. Description of New 
 Netherland,xxxvii;ncw statements 
 seem to be spurious, xxxvii ; 
 Vertoogh van Nieuw Nedcrland, 
 its purpose, xxxix ; Beschry vinghe 
 van Nieuw Nederland, its purpose, 
 inventions with regaid to Hudson's 
 career, xxxix ; legend of Hudson's 
 arrival among the Indians, xli ; 
 fictions, :,il ; sources, xli ; note 
 about ^Vampum or bead money, li ; 
 description, extracts from, about 
 Hudson's third voyage, 107; anxiety 
 to prove that New Netherland be- 
 longs by right to the Dutch, 170 ; 
 observations about the Wampum, 
 285 ; see Bibl. list 
 Drake, Francis, see Frobishcr 
 Drift wood, in the Gulf stream, 25, 27 
 Dutch, first expedition, Enchuysen 
 men, Vaick, Maelson, Nai, Lin- 
 schoten, cxxxiii ; the Mercury, 
 Linschoten, Tetgalcs, Cornelisoon, 
 cxxxv ; the Swan, Nai, Strick- 
 bottc, De la Dale, Spliudler, cxxxv; 
 Amsterdam vessel, commanded by 
 Barents, cxxxvi ; they Hail,cxxxvi; 
 Nai and Tetgales penetrate into 
 Kara Sea, believe to have passed 
 the Oby, cxxxvii; Barents separates 
 from the others; Nai and Tetgales 
 sail through Pel's Strait, calling 
 it Nassau Strait, cxxxvii ; different 
 instructions given to Nai and Tet- 
 gales by Maelson, and to B.arents 
 by Plancius, cxxxvii ; Barents dis- 
 covers the Orange Islands, returns, 
 meets Nai and Tetgales, they sail 
 home together, cxxxviii ; Lin- 
 schoten's exaggerated account, 
 cxxxviii ; second expedition, seven 
 ships under Nai and Barents, no 
 success, jNIoucheron and his friends 
 give up the N.E. search, cxxxviii ; 
 third expedition, Plancius' plans, 
 rewards promised by the States, 
 two vessels fitted out under Ileems- 
 kcik, Barents, and Ryp, cxxxix ; 
 Ryp and Barents quarrel, dis- 
 covery of Bear Island, discovery of 
 Spitzbergen, cxxxix ; Spitzbergen 
 explored, Dr. Beke's and Mr. 
 Peterman's theory, Ilondius's 
 ophiion, cxl ; Barents and Ryp 
 separate, Barents sails to Nova 
 Zembla, winters and dies, Ileem- 
 skerk's return, cxli 
 Dyre-fiord, see Derefer 
 Du Ponceau, see Bibl. list 
 East India Company, its purpose, and 
 privilege, cc ; Archives of the, at 
 Middleburgjfateof, xxxvi ; present 
 state of, XXXV 
 Eden, see Bibl. list 
 Edge's Journal, xix 
 Enchuysen, see Dutch 
 England, see Hudson's geographical 
 notions, clxii 
 English, privileges of the Ilanse, 
 profits from them no longer 
 adequate to the sacrifices, cii ; 
 suffer from the changes in the 
 roads of trade, cii ; return of 
 Sebastian Cabot, ciii 
 Engroneland, 4 ; of the Zeni, cxciii 
 Esopus Island, see Hudson's river 
 Everet, see Juet 
 Fair Foreland, clxxxvi 
 Faroe Islands, 22, 149 
 Faroer Islands, see Hudson's geogra- 
 phical notions, clxii 
 Feirce, Michel, one of the crew, 
 second voyage, 23 
 Fishing for cod and herrings, 57 ; 
 savages, 59, GO 
 Florida, meaning of the term, Ixxxvi 
 Foreland Fiord, clxxxvii 
 Foreland, see Prince Henries Cape 
 Forster, see Bibl, list 
 Fotherby'b Journal, xix 
 Foxe's, Luke, Captain, description of 
 Hudson's fourth voyage, 180 ; 
 (North-west Fox) its character, 
 xlii ; insinuations, xliii ; see Bibl. 
 French, North West Expeditions 
 begin, Ixxviii ; discover the St. 
 Lawrence river, Ixxix ; colonize 
 North America, Cartier, Roberval, 
 Coligny, c ; continue their fishe- 
 ries near Newfoundland, ib. 
 Frobisher, Gilbert, and Willis, their 
 illusions, civ 
 Martin, his voyages, their cha- 
 racter, their originality much ex- 
 aggerated, cvi ; advised by Willes, 
 Gilbert, Barrow, Dee, Ilakluyt, and 
 Lok, lb. ; brings much powerful in- 
 terest to bear on his enterprise, ib.; 
 first voyage, cvii ; second and third 
 voyage, cviii; voyages produce geo- 
 graphical errors, ib.; tries to raise 
 money for a fourth voyage, his 
 ill-success, assistance of Francis 
 Drake and of the Earl of Leicester, 
 ex ; voyages, their geographical re- 
 sults, cix 
 Frobisher 's Strait, exploration of, 
 cxliv ; see Davis ; errors as to its 
 situation, cviii-cix ; (Lumley's In- 
 let), clxx ; see Bibl. list ; see also 
 Willes and Ilakluyt, Bibl. list ; see 
 map making 
 Gallatin, see Bibl. list 
 Galvao, see Bibl. list 
 Gainas, Rio cle, see Hudson's river 
 (lorauia, see map making 
 Geographical notions of the fifteenth 
 century, Ixiv 
 Gerrard, see Gerritz 
 Gerritz, or Gerrard Hessel, names 
 iSpitzbergen, 5 ; his position, xliii ; 
 Collection of Voyages, xliv, xlv ; 
 German reprints, xlviii ; charac- 
 teristics of them, xliv ; accounts of 
 Hudson's two last voyages, 181 ; 
 third and fourth voyage from the 
 Prolegomena, 153; Hudson's third 
 and fourth voyage from the Latin 
 cilition of l(il:i, 185 ; Hudson's 
 third and fourth voyage from the 
 Second Latin edition, 1G13, 189 ; 
 see Bibl. list 
 Gilbert, Humfrcy, attributes a voyage 
 for a north-west passage toScolmus, 
 a Dane, cv ; see north-west passage ; 
 see Bibi. list 
 Gill)ert's Sound, see Davis 
 Gilby, liumfrey, one of crew, second 
 voyage, :!3 
 Godyn, one of the Directors of the 
 Dutch West India Company, 
 Gomez, Estevan, Peter Martyr's 
 opinion about him, Ixxxzii ; unde- 
 served contempt, Ixxxviii ; chart, 
 ib.; meets Cabot at Badajoz, Ixxxix; 
 opposed by Peter jNIartyr, il>.; offers 
 to find a north-west passage, ib. ; 
 opposed by the king of Portugal, 
 xc ; sails, ib.; his explorations, ib.; 
 captures savages, ib. ; outline of 
 Hudson's river, xci; anecdote about 
 claDos or esclavos, ib.; did he explore 
 the Hudson's River I xcii ; was he 
 acquainted with Verazzano's voy- 
 age I xciii 
 Gosnold, Bartholomew, discovers Cape 
 Cod, G6 
 Greenland, called Groenland, Grone- 
 land, and Engroneland, Ixi ; called 
 Groclandby Koluus, xcviii; history 
 of its geography, Zeni chart, Hon- 
 dius' map copied from the Zeiii, 
 Ortelius, Mercator, Frobisher made 
 use of it, clxiii ; exploration of, 
 ib.; given unto the Zealanders to 
 fish, cxci; names of, 4, 20 ; Hold 
 with Hope, the land of, ; Moiuit 
 of God's Mercic, 3 ; Young's Cape, | 
 ib.; is Spitzbcrgcn, clxix ; see Hud- 
 son's geographical notions 
 Grocland, see Greenland 
 Groneland, 4; is Greenland, clxix 
 Gronland, see Groneland 
 Gylbert, Adrian, receives letters 
 patent for a north-west voyage, ex 
 Hakluyt's Headland, clxxxvii ; see 
 Hudson's geographical notions 
 Hakluyt, see Bibl. list 
 Half Moon, The, compelled by the 
 crew to enter Dartmouth, Uifi; de- 
 tained at Dartmouth, and returns 
 to the fatherland IGIO, ib. ; sails 
 to the Canar}' islands, 1(57 
 Hamel, von, see Bibl. list 
 Haskel and Smith, see Bibl. list 
 Heckewelder, Dr., legend of Hudson's 
 arrival among the Indians, xli; see 
 Bibl. list 
 Henry VII assists Seb. Cabot, Ixxii ; 
 patent to the Cabots in 149G, Ixviii ; 
 privilege to the three Portuguese, 
 Henry VIII, Thome's letter to him, 
 xciv ; sends out a north-west ex- 
 pedition in 1527, fate of that ex- 
 pedition, xcv 
 Herrings, near Nova Scotia, 57 
 Ililles, Thomas, one of the crew, 
 second voyage, 23; sees a mermaid, 
 Hist. Soc. of New York, see Collec- 
 tions, Bibl. list 
 Hold with Hope, clxxxv 
 Holland, sudden growth of, xxi; see 
 Ilomem, Diego, see Bibl. list and map 
 Hondius, Jodocus, map of Arctic re- 
 gions, xlix 
 Ilopoghan, see Iloboken 
 Ilore, Master, his expedition, xcv 
 Hudson, Henry : i. Notices concern- 
 ing his 2^erson : Biographical frag- 
 ments, elxx ; he could not well 
 understand Dutch, xxxiv ; his long 
 stay in Holland according to Van 
 der Donck, xl, 167 ; his and Plan- 
 cius' intercourse, xlviii, 181, 186, 
 187, 191 ; his intercourse with 
 Jeannin, cxcvii ; was he a gentle- 
 man l clxxvi 
 - ir. Papers left ly him: His share 
 ill Playsc's logbook of i\vQ Jirst voy- 
 age, vi, vii, xix, 145, 140; his own 
 journal of the second voyage, vii, 
 viii ; his share in Juct's journal of 
 the third voyage, x; Van Mcteren's 
 account of the third voyage proba- 
 blydue to Hudson, xxviii; fragments 
 of Hudson's own journal of the third 
 voyage in Do Laet, xxxii, 158; ab- 
 stract of his journal of the fourth 
 voyage, xii, xiii, xiv, 93 ; letter 
 from Iceland, xv, 1.35 ; chart of 
 Hudson's Bay and Strait, xliv- 
 in. His geograi^hical opinions, 
 IV. Summary of his career, ill 
 V. First Vogar/e, Hudson takes 
 sacrament at Saint Ethelburga, 
 April 19, 1G07; his crew, 1; sails to 
 the North Pole, id. ; mentioned as 
 author of part of the logbook of the 
 first voyage, 1-12 ; Young's Cape 
 discovered, clxxxiv, 3, 0; Mount of 
 God's Mercy discovered, clxxxiv, 
 3, 6, 8; Hold with Hope, clxxxv, 7; 
 Spitzbergen first seen, 8 ; the first 
 navigator who sailed along the ice 
 barrier, clxxxvi ; Vogel Ilooke 
 Vogel-hoeck, Bird Cape, Fair Fore- 
 land), clxxxvi, 9; Ch.arles Island, 
 clxxxvii, 10; Foreland Fiord (the 
 Great Indraught), clxxxvii, 11 ; 
 west coast of Spitzbergen; morses; 
 seals, 11; colour of the sea, ib., 12, 
 13; Collins sees the north of Spitz- 
 bergen ; Colin's Cape ; Ilondius' 
 chart, clxxxvii, 13; Newland of the 
 Dutch, 13 ; Hakluyt's Headland, 
 Hondius' chart, clxxxvii, 145; Col- 
 man and Collins land on the north 
 shore of Spitzbergen, 14 ; Whale 
 Bay discovered, clxxxvii, 14, 20, 
 145; a whale comes under the keel 
 of Hudson's ship in Whale Bay, 14; 
 footprints of animals, il>.) passage 
 to the north stopped by ice ; no 
 passage between 7h^° and 82°, IG; 
 highest latitude reached by Hud- 
 son ; north-east current ? clxxxix ; 
 discovery of Bell Sound, ib., 17 ; 
 Ice Sound, 12; Point Lookout, 20; 
 intends to return by the north of 
 Greenland through Davis' Strait, 
 ib.; southern part of Spitzbergen, 
 cxcii, 21 ; Bear Island, cxc, 22; 
 Faroe Island, if>., ib. ; Hudson's 
 Touches (Jan Mayen), cxcii, 145; 
 Hudson's Point; Young's Foreland, 
 cxcii ; Faroe Isle, 22 ; home, ib. ; 
 the original plan of his first voy- 
 age developed by late experience, 
 VI. Second Voyage. His crew. 
 23 ; Lowfoot (LofFoet), Loffoden 
 Island, Norway, 24; North Cape, 
 35; driftwood, ib., 27; search for a 
 passage between Spitzbergen and 
 Nova Zembla, cxcvii, 27, 28; whales 
 seen, 28; mermaid seen by Hillcs 
 and Rayner, 28-139; bears roaring 
 on the ice; seals, 30; Nova Zeml)hi 
 in sight, 32 ; Swart Clifte (Nova 
 Zembla), ib. ; Yuzhnuy Gusinuy 
 Musi (Nova Zembla), ib. ; Cooke, 
 Juet, and Ludlow go on shore, 33; 
 grass in Nova Zembla, ib.; crosses 
 in Nova Zembla, ib. ; whale fins 
 found in Nova Zembla, 34; birds 
 and eggs in Nova Zembla, ib. ; Cost- 
 ing Shar river and island, cxcv, 35; 
 Hudson intends to pass the Oby, 
 cxcv, 3G; Juet lands, 36; deer in 
 Nova Zeinbla,37 ; theriver searched, 
 38; Deer Point, 39; ice formed by 
 the many rivers, ib. ; Ludlow Ar- 
 nold goes ashore, ib.; Wardhuus, 
 Cape Hopewell, North Kiene, North 
 Cape, 43 ; Hudson unfit to go 
 through "Vaigats Strait, cxcv ; in- 
 tends to try for a passage through 
 Frobisher's or Hudson's Strait, 
 cxcv, 44; summary of his second 
 voyage, cxciv-cxcvi 
 • VII, Third Voyage, from Van 
 Meteren's Hist, der Nederlanden ; 
 Meteren's erroneous reference to 
 30th book, 147 ; Hudson at Am- 
 sterdam, cxcix-ccii ; his vessel a 
 vHeboat, 147; Half Moon, 154, 
 254 ; Goede Hoop, cciii ; crew 
 partly English, partly Dutch, ccv, 
 148 ; mate a Dutchman, 151, ccv ; 
 Hudson's propositions ; either to 
 go to the coast of America, as 
 suggested by some letters and 
 maps sent to him by Captain 
 Smith, or to direct their search to 
 Davis's Strait, 148 ; directs his 
 course northwards to Nova Zembla; 
 some of his men had been in the 
 East Indies; ijiuirrels between Eng- 
 lish and Dutch, 148; John Smith's 
 maps, ccvi, 148; North Cape, 45, 
 147 ; Assumption Point, Scandi- 
 navia, 46"; sun spot, ccvii, 46; Lo- 
 foote, ih., 47 ; Wardhouse, 46; Scn- 
 jen (Zenam, Sanien), ib. ; Faroe 
 Islands, Strome and Muggenes, 48, 
 149; Busse Island, sought for in 
 vain, 4!) ; Nova Scotia (Nova 
 Francia, Newfoundland), 55, 150, 
 154; Banc des Sables, off Mahony 
 Bay, 57; fishing for cod and her- 
 rings, ib.; savages, 59, 60; cuts a 
 new fore mast, 60, 14!) ; quarrels 
 with savages, 61, 149; Harnstaple 
 Peninsula, savages, 64; tobacco and 
 pipes. 65; copper, i7>.; Cape Cud (0 
 155 ; Barnstaple, whether Ci\llcd 
 New Holland by Hudson, 165 ; 
 Stage Harbour, Massachusetts, i\<i; 
 James River (King's River), Vir- 
 ginia, 70; off Nag's Head, South 
 Carolina, 72 ; banks of Virginia, 
 73; York River, ib.; reaches Cape 
 Charles, 74, 156; Now Point Com- 
 fort, 74; Virginia Islands probably 
 Smith Islands, ib.; Delaware Bay, 
 ib., 157; Sandy Hook, 77, 157; 
 Staten Island, 78 ; Coney Island, pro- 
 bable landing \)\-ACQ,ib. ; f ui's, mantles 
 of feathers, hemp, ib. ; dried cur- 
 rants, ib.; several sailors land, ib.; 
 yellow and red copper, ib.; stores of 
 maize, ib.; the country full of grea"; 
 oaks, ib.; the natives come aboard 
 and seem very glad and civil, ib.; 
 mouth of Hudson's river explored 
 by Hudson, ib. ; natives bring to- 
 bacco in exchange for knives and 
 beads, ib.; John Colman lands, 80; 
 slain in the fight, ib. ; Colman's 
 Point, where Colman was buried, 
 ib.; East Sandbank in the Narrows, 
 good harbour, 81; intercourse with 
 Indian; two men taken; one escapes; 
 Indians accused of treachery by 
 Juet ; they bring copper and pots ; 
 they bring oysters; twenty canoes 
 full of men, ib., 82; Hudson's river 
 full of fish, salmon, 83; Verplanck 
 Point, ii.; Hony Point, ib.; Round 
 Top, ib. ; Catskill or Kaatshcnge 
 mountains, ih.; Hudson lands, 84, 
 161; neighbourhood of Albany, 84; 
 Indians bring maize, pompions, and 
 furs, ib. ; bring beavers' and otters' 
 skins ; scene of drunkenness, 85 ; 
 highest point reached in Hudson's 
 river by Hudson, ib,; boat expedi- 
 tion to the sources of Hudson's 
 river, return, ib., 158 ; Hudson's 
 Town, 87; stores of chestnuts, ib.; 
 Eso])Us Island, 89; trade with In- 
 dians, 150; they bring vnaize; ap- 
 proach in a canoe, 89; supposed to 
 be treacherous, 90; a stone to cut 
 glass with (Ai)rilis ib.; a cliff, 
 supposed copper or silver mine, 91; 
 Ilooken, oj)})osite New York, ib,; 
 Skirmish and slaughter of Indians, 
 ib, ; fight with Indians, Hudson's 
 river, by Juct's order, ib.; Manna- 
 hata (Manhattan), the country of 
 New York, ib.; leaves the coast of 
 America, 92; the mate, a Dutch- 
 man, advises to winter in New- 
 foundland, to which he is opposed 
 by Hudson, who, fearing they 
 would consume their provisions, 
 sails to Ireland, 151 ; arrives at 
 Dartmouth, 93, 151; the company 
 order Hudson to return, but he is 
 commanded by the government not 
 to leave England, 153; return of 
 Half Moon to Amsterdam ; Half 
 Moon finally lost, 254; summary of 
 his third navigation, cxcvi 
 — VIII. Fourth Voi/ac/e. Table 
 ccx; abstract of the journal, 93; 
 sails from Saint Katharine's Pool, 
 ib.; Harwich, 98; Sheppey Island, 
 ib.; Coleburne (Colbert, Coolbrand) 
 sent to London with a letter to the 
 Adventurers, 93, 98, 180; Orkney 
 and Shetland Islands, 94,98; Faroer 
 (Farre) Islands, ib. ; Westmony 
 (Westman or Westmanna) Islands, 
 ib.; Iceland, Hudson's letter, ib., 
 135; Mount Hecla, 98; Dyre-fiord 
 (Derefer, Diraford), 99 ; Breyde- 
 fiord (Lousie Bay), ib. ; Green- 
 land, S. E. (Frobisher's Straits), ib.; 
 Greenland, E., Groneland, ib., 99 ; 
 Greenland, S. E. (Desolation), ib. ; 
 Resolution Island, 95, 100; coast 
 of Labrador, 95; (Akpatok) Desire 
 Provoketh, ib., 102; Saddle Back 
 ami neighbouring islands (Isles of 
 Goil's ]\Iercy), !)(J, 103; Long Island 
 (Hold with Hope), 90 j great and 
 whirling sea, 97 ; entered one 
 hundred leagues further than any 
 one else had been, 101 ; Mutiny in 
 Ungava Bay, ih. ; ice, aground in 
 one hundred and twenty fathom 
 depth, 102 ; Jackmau's Sound (a 
 great bay), 103; driftwood, ih.; 
 a covey of partridges, ih,; North 
 BlufF, 104; North Coast, Upper 
 Savage Islands, ih. ; South Coast, 
 Prince Henries Cape or Foreland, 
 ih. ; Queen Anne's Cape or Fore- 
 land, 105 ; King James his Cape, 
 ih.; Mount Charles, ih.\ Salisbury 
 Island (Salisbury Foreland), 97, 
 105 ; Salsburie, 106 ; Cape Wol- 
 stenholme, Cape Diggs, scurvy 
 grass, fowls, 97, 107 ; they lose 
 their anchor, 109 ; sea of two 
 colours, black and wliitc, ih. ; North 
 Bay, ib.; Michaelmasse Bay, pro- 
 bably Hannah Bay, ih. ; they see 
 footing of a man, ih. ; they strike 
 on a rock, ih. ; Juct, the mate, 
 and Clement, the boatswain, de- 
 posed, Bylot and Wilson in their 
 stead, ib., 137 ; they spend three 
 months in a labyrinth without end, 
 find a place, haul the ship aground, 
 and are frozen in, 110; John Wil- 
 liams, gunner, dies. 111; Greene's 
 bad condition, ih. ; his conspiracy 
 and quarelling, 112, Hudson dis- 
 putes with the carpenter about the 
 building of a house on shore, ih. ; 
 they suffer greatly from cold, 113 ; 
 stores of ptarmigan, which left the 
 place with the coming spring, ih.; 
 antiscorbutic medicine, 114 ; In- 
 dian comes to their ship, ih. ; they 
 go a fisliing and catch five hundred 
 fish, 115; Green and Wilson con- 
 tinue to plot to take the net and 
 the shallop, ih.; they weigh and 
 start north-west, fall again into the 
 ice in sight of land, 116 ; Hudson 
 orders a search for bread, 117 ; 
 Green and Wilson tell Pricket that 
 they Avill shift the company, ih. ; 
 Greene tells Prickett that he must 
 take his fortune in the shallop, 118; 
 Green and Wilson swear on the 
 bible not to harm any man, ii.; Juct 
 endeavours to persuade Prickett to 
 join the mutineers, 118 ; Michel 
 Perie, John Thomas, Adrian Molcr 
 join Green, 119 ; Prickett endea- 
 vours to persuade the mutineers to 
 desist, ih. ; Bennct follows Green, 
 ih. ; Prickett obtains from Green 
 and Wilson that the carpenter 
 should be spared, 120; Prickett be- 
 seeches the mutineers to desist, 121 ; 
 Green and another man bind Hud- 
 son, ih.; the crew put all the officers 
 outof theship and sail home to Eng- 
 land, 122 ; the shallop is hauled up 
 to the ship side, and the sick men 
 put in, 121; the carpenter follows 
 Hudson, his farewell, 122 ; names 
 of the persons exposed in the 
 shallop, ih. ; the shallop is left to 
 its fate, 123 ; they came to an 
 island and anchor, ih. ; they find a 
 weede which they called cockle 
 grass, ih.; Greene proposes to Juct 
 the charge of the ship, 124 ; they 
 go north-east contrary to Juct's 
 desire who wanted to go north- 
 west, ih. ; they reach foure islands, 
 probably not far from Portland 
 point, ih. ; Green accuses Prickett 
 of treason, 125 ; they reach the 
 Romney's island (certainly near 
 the Mosquito bay), ih. ; they go 
 into Mosquito bay, ih. ; they lose 
 their way, 126 ; they double the 
 point of the north land, ih. ; t ley 
 come nearer to the mouth of the 
 streights (Capo Diggs) and anchor, 
 127 ; they meet some Esquimaux, 
 128 ; Indian manner of fowling 
 (with a snare), ih. ; Esquimaux 
 dogs, 129 ; Indians prove traitors, 
 130 ; Prickett assailed by the 
 savages, ih. ; Green slain, ih. ; 
 Wilson dies, 131 ; Verse dies, ih. ; 
 Isles of God's mercy. Cape Chidley, 
 132 ; desolations (south-east coast 
 of Greenland, ih. ; near the coast 
 of Ireland, 133 ; Juet's death, ih. ; 
 they reach the Bay of Gal way, 
 Dursey island, Fowey, assistance 
 of Way mouth and Taylor, 134; 
 they arrive at Plymouth, 135 ; the 
 king orders an expedition for the 
 search of him and of his com- 
 panions, 183 ; mutiny, accordinp; 
 to llcsscl Gerritz, 193 
 Hudson's (Hudson's) Point, cxcii 
 Hudson's River, discovered by Ver- 
 razzano, Ixxxi, 211; did Gomez 
 explore it '] xcii ; called Rio de 
 Gamas, xciii ; Sprengel's opinion, 
 xciii ; on early maps taken from 
 Ribeiro, copied by Lok, from Vc- 
 raz?!ino, cli ; oysters and beanes 
 brou;4ht by Indians, 82 ; stores of 
 salmon found in, 83 ; very pleasant 
 place to build a town on, 89 ; 
 Dutch, supposed to be the first dis- 
 coverers, 170 ; said to be discovered 
 by the Spaniards, Van der Donck, 
 170 ; called Mauritius river, 172 ; 
 see Hudson's third voyage ; see 
 Bibl. list, Verrazzano 
 Hudson's Strait, discovered by Cabot, 
 cxliv; Wilkes' note, Ixxiii; Galvani, 
 ccxvi ; navigated by the Portuguese, 
 xcvi, xcvii; not discovered by Aus- 
 kocld, xcviii; entered by Frobisher, 
 cvii; its mouth, crossed by Davis, 
 cxv, cxviii ; called furious overfall on 
 the Molyneux globe, mentioned as 
 such by Hudson, cxcv, 44 ; Way- 
 mouth sails into it, cxix ; title and 
 prolegomena to the first edition of 
 the Detectio Frcti, 236 ; see Davis 
 Hudson's Touches, cxci, cxcii, 145 ; 
 see Edge's logbook 
 Hudson, John, son of Henry Hudson, 
 one of the crew, first voyage, 1 ; 
 second voyage, 23 ; is exposed with 
 his father, 120, 142 
 Ice barrier, the great, see Hudson's 
 geographical notions, clxii 
 Iceland, letter from, probably by 
 Hudson, authorship doubtful, xv ; 
 exploration of, cxliii 
 Ice Sound, see Spitzbergeu 
 Inclinations of the needle, observa- 
 tions of, 4, 25, 26, 29, 31, 34 
 Indians, mouth of the Hudson, two 
 of them come aboard, the one is 
 taken, but leaps over board, 81 ; ac- 
 cused of treachery by Juet, ib.; in- 
 tercourse with, Juet's distrust, 82; 
 bring copper and pots, ib.; twenty- 
 eight canoes of, ib. ; bring maize, 
 pompions, and tobacco, 84; opinion 
 with regard to the first discovcrera 
 of the Now Netherlands, 169, 170 ; 
 tradition concerning Hudson's first 
 intercourse with them, 173 ; tra- 
 ditions concerning the first land- 
 ing of Henry Hudson on the shores 
 of New York, third voyage, 173 ; 
 reception of the whites, 175, 176, 
 177, 178 ; Hudson's arrival among 
 them, legends, xli; tr.ade with, 150 ; 
 savages in Barnstaple Peninsula, 
 64 ; savages of Nova Scotia, inter- 
 course with, 59, 60 ; savages of 
 Nova Scotia, ([uarrels with them, 
 61 ; savages, French trade with, in 
 Nova Scotia, 60 
 Indraught, see Spitzbergen 
 Iver Boty, a Gronlauder, his treatise, 
 Ivuctoke Inlet, see Davis 
 Jackman, Charles, see Muscovy Com- 
 James' River, 70 
 Jan Mayen, discovei'ed by Hudson ; 
 identical with Hudson's Tutches, 
 Jcannin, the president, ambassador 
 of Henry IV of France at the 
 Hague, cxcvii ; see BibL list 
 Jonas, Angrim, see Bibl. i .st 
 Juan Fernandez, see Nantucket 
 Juan Luis, island of, see Nantucket 
 Juet, Robert, mate, second voyage, 
 23; his nationality, x, xi; probably 
 an Englishman, xi; his name spelled 
 Everet, 36 ; called of Limehouse, 
 third voyage, 45; Journal of second 
 voyage, viii, 23, 30, 45; journal of 
 third voyage, viii; its character, ix ; 
 position on the card of the Half 
 Moon, X ; goes on shore in Nova 
 Zembla, 33; Juet's career after the 
 third voyage, xi 
 Kara Bay, see Hudson's geographical 
 notions, clvi 
 Kara Sea, cxcv ; see Novaya Zembla ; 
 Hudson's geographical notions, 
 King James his Newland, see Spitz- 
 King's River, see James River 
 Knatshengc, see Catskill 
 Knight, James, one of the crew, first 
 voyage, 1 
 Knight, John, his north-west voyage, 
 Kolnus, Johannes, his voyage to 
 Greenland, corruption of his name 
 into Scohnus, and Anskoeld, xcviii 
 Kostin Shar (Kostinscharck), see 
 Hudson's geographical notions, 
 Labrador, the coasts of, clxxii 
 Lambrech tsen's history of New Nether- 
 land, statements borrowed from 
 e.arly documents at Middelburg, 
 xxxvi; extracts from, 104; see Hibl. 
 list; see also Collections, Bibl. list 
 Latitude, nearly correct observations 
 made ; very early instruments im- 
 perfect,; errors very common ; im- 
 pediments to correct observations 
 in the north, cxlviii ; observations 
 on, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 10, 17, 
 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 
 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 45, 40, 47, 48, 49, 
 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 50, 57, 58, OU, 01, 
 02, 03, 04, 00, 08, 69, 70, 71, 72, 
 149, 150 
 Leicester, Earl of, see Frobisher 
 Lelewel, see Bibl. list 
 Le Maire, Jacob, a ship's captain, 
 discoverer of the Straits of Le 
 Maire, xxiii 
 Le Maire, Lsaac, a merchant from An- 
 twerp, xxiii 
 Linschoten, see Bibl. list ; see Dutch ; 
 see mapmaking 
 Loffbet (Loftbden) Islands, see Hud- 
 son's geographical notions, clxi 
 Lok, see Hudson's River 
 Long Island, see Hudson's Bay 
 Longitude, Cabot's system of observ- 
 ing them by magnetic variations, 
 cxlvii; not observed by early navi- 
 gators; not b/ Hudson; Davis' ob- 
 servations incorrect; Cabot's obser- 
 vations of the mouth of Hudson's 
 Strait, nearly correct, cxlvii 
 Lookout Point, see Spitzbergen 
 Lopez de Gomara, see Bibl. list 
 Lovvfoot, 43 
 Ludlow, Arnold goes on shore in 
 Nova Zembla, 33 
 Lumley's Inlet (Frobisher's Strait), 
 Liitke, see Bibl. list 
 Liitke and Barents land, see Novaya 
 M'Clintock, see Bibl. list 
 Maelson, see Dutch 
 Magna Britannia, 90 
 Muhony Bay, see Banc des sables 
 Maize brought by Hudson's river 
 Indians, 101 
 Mannitto, Indian great or supreme 
 being, 175 
 Map making, modern system of; 
 character ; first charts, their 
 character ; early Ilydrographers : 
 Da Cosa, Cabot, Ribeiro, Ilomem, 
 cl ; planispheres and portolani ; 
 Ribeiro's and Cabot's planispheres, 
 cli ; Barents, Davis, Frobisher, 
 Linschoten, Molyneux globe, cliii ; 
 Gemma. Mercator, Ortelius, clii ; 
 Maps ; Ilondius' chart (lOJl), cliii; 
 Hudson's chart (1010 and 1011), 
 cliii ; Marco Polo, see Bibl. list ; 
 his Cathay, Ixvii, Ixx 
 Martha's vineyard, see Verazzano 
 Mast-spend, a, meaning of the term, 
 Matsyn land, see Hudson's geogra- 
 phical notions, clviii 
 Matthew's land, see Novaya Zembla 
 Mercator, see Belgians ; see map- 
 Mermaid, 28 
 Mcteren (Van), Belgian emigrant ; 
 . Dutch consul, xxiv ; publishes 
 his memoirs ; character of this 
 book, XXV ; it consists of two parts, 
 XXV ; Hudson's voyage in the 
 second part, xxvi : false reference 
 to the 30th book, account reprinted 
 in Begin en Vooi'tgang, xxviii ; 
 Hudson's third voyage, 147 ; see 
 Bibl. list 
 Miller, Doctor, essay on Hudson's 
 third voyage, liv ; see collections 
 Muscovy Company, Bassendine, 
 Woodcock and Bronae, arc ordered 
 t( search to the cast and west of 
 Kova Zcmbla, cxxviii ; attention 
 paid by the, to Cabot's prints, 
 logbook, observations, clxxvii, 
 clxxx ; Pet and Jackman sail to 
 Wardhuus ; they separate, cxxviii ; 
 Pot reaches Nova Zembhi ; dis- 
 covers Pet's Strait ; reaches the 
 Sea of Kara ; struggles with the 
 ice ; is joined by Jackman, cxxix ; 
 their return ; renewed struggle 
 with the ice ; they pass back 
 through Pet's Strait ; Pet's return ; 
 Jackraan's death, cxxix-xxx ; a 
 vessel reaches the mouth of the 
 Oby ; agents of the Muscovy Com- 
 pany procure information with 
 regard to the roads to the Oby, 
 cxxx ; protest in the state paper 
 office, cxci 
 Mouchcron, Balthasar de, a merchant 
 from Antwerp, xxii ; see Belgians 
 Moulton, .see Yates 
 Mount of God's mercy, clxxxiv, 8 ; 
 see Greenland 
 Muggencs, see Faroe 
 Muilkerk, see Bibl. list 
 IMurphy's Hudson in Holland ; no 
 copy to be procured, Ivii, Ix ; Mur- 
 phy, see Bibl. list 
 Nai, see Dutch 
 Nantucket discovered by the Span- 
 iards, cxlvi ; Island called Juan 
 Luis, or Juan Fernandez, c 
 Narragansot Baj^, see Verazzano 
 Nassau Strait, see Nova Zembla and 
 Navarette, see Bibl. list 
 Netherlands, revolution in the, xx ; 
 political parties ; Belgian emi- 
 grants, Calviuists, Orangists, demo- 
 crats, war party ; Arminians, 
 Republicans, peace party. Truce 
 of Antwerp negociated by Jeaunin. 
 Oldenbarnevelt and Hugo Grotius, 
 leaders of the Arminian or Repub- 
 lican party ; Peter Plancius one of 
 the chiefs of the Calvinist or 
 Belgian party, both wished to 
 obtain Hudson's services. The 
 East India Company formed by 
 Oldenbarnevelt, its privileges ; 
 cxcviii, cc 
 New Brunswick, the coasts of, clxxii 
 New England shore, clxxii 
 Newfoundland, the coasts of, clxxii ; 
 exploration of, cxlv ; meaning of 
 the term, 03 ; bank of, 55 ; see 
 Newhind, see Spit/.bcrgen 
 New Nethcrland, Dutch title to, 
 xxxvii ; description of, by Van dcr 
 Donck, xxxvii 
 New Point Comfort, see Virginia 
 New World ; its existence noticed by 
 S. Cabot, Ixxi 
 New York historical society, collec- 
 tions of, liv 
 Niculand, or the land under 80", 
 clxxxvii ; Spitzbergen, see Hudson's 
 geographical notions, clxi 
 North American coast, exploration of, 
 cxlv; review, see Bibl. list 
 North Cape of Tartary, see Cape 
 Tapin ; see Hudson's geographical 
 notions, clxi 
 North-eastern search, its beginning, 
 North Kien,see Hudson's geographical 
 notions, clxi 
 North Kiene, 43 
 North Pole, Hudson's expedition to, 1 
 North star, observation of, by Juet, 
 North-west passage, the search for, 
 begun by S. Cabot, Ixxi; search 
 for, advocated by Frobisher, Gil- 
 bert, and Willis, ciii ; rumours of 
 its discovery, Ixxxv 
 North-western expeditions, character 
 in first and in second period, Ixxiv, 
 Ixxv ; expedition to the north-west 
 in 1536 ; Master Ilore, his ship's 
 company, great sufferings, cannibal- 
 ism, xcv 
 Nova Francia, 149 
 Nova Scotia, the coasts of, clxxii 
 Nova Zembla, crosses found there, 
 33; birds and eggs, 34, 35; herd of 
 white deer, 37 ; ice formed by the 
 many rivers, 39 ; whale finncs, 34 ; 
 Costin Shar, 35 ; Costin Shar, bay 
 and river, 37; pleasant and green; 
 deer feeding there, 39 ; group, voy- 
 ages to, and explorations of, cxli-ii, 
 cxcv ; group, 'see Hudson's geo- 
 graphical notions, clvii ; Swartc 
 Klip (Swart Cliffe), 32, 33 ; disco- 
 vered by Willoughby, cxxiv 
 Novaya Zeml)la, description of; its 
 ishuKls, Waigats ; Movaya /oinlya- 
 projicr, cxxvi ; clescription of; ef- 
 forts of north-eastern navigators to 
 pass Iieyond or through It, cxxvii ; 
 a natural harrier hetwcen Spit/- 
 hergcn sea and Kara sea, cxxvii ; 
 AFatthew's Land, Lutke and ]Ja- 
 rents' Land, cxxvi ; Waigats disco- 
 vered, cxxvii; IJurrough Strait dis- 
 Oby (Ob), Hudson intends to pass by 
 the, ;}(; 
 Oby river, cxcv ; mouth of, see Hud- 
 son's geogra])hical notions, clvi 
 O'Calhighan, history of New Nether- 
 hand, ivi 
 O'Calhighan, see Bibl. list 
 Oldenharnevelt, sfg Netherlands poli- 
 tical parties 
 Orange islands, see Nova Zembla and 
 Orkney, Isles of, 08 
 Ortclins, see ]V\h\. list ; see Map mak- 
 ing; map of Anicvcia, Hudson's Bay 
 drawn upon it; Hudson's Bay call- 
 ed Maia dos iMedaos, clxx 
 Overfall, the furious, see Hudson 
 Strait, cxcvi 
 Pigeons, brought by Hudson's River 
 Indians, 102 
 Pantheon Littcrairc, see Bibl. list. 
 Pasqualigo, Lorenz, see Cabot 
 Pet (Arthur), see Moscovy Comp. 
 Philobiblon Society, see Cabot, Bibl. 
 Plancius, Peter, communicated with 
 Hudson, 1()()9, 186 ; probably re- 
 ceived Hudson's chart, xlvi ; see 
 Netherlands political parties 
 Playsc or Pleyce, John, one of the 
 crew, first voyage; his logbook; au- 
 thorship of, whether divided or not; 
 character of, v, vi, vii; his rank, vii 
 Pleyce, see Playse 
 Pontanus, see Bibl. list 
 Pontanus's history of Amsterdam,xlix 
 Portuguese north-western voyages 
 begun, Ixxv; three proposed north- 
 west expeditions, Ixxvii ; begin 
 tlieir cod fisheries, Ixxvii; explora- 
 tions in the north- west from 1529 
 to IHTO; they discover Hudson's 
 Bay, xcvi 
 Poughkeepsie, 8!) ; see Hudson's river 
 Pricket, Altacuk, larger discourse of 
 the fourtli voyage ; its character, 
 xiv, !)8; Purchas' o|iinion about it 
 Proniontorium Scythicum, see Cape 
 Purchas, documents in his Pilgrims ; 
 origin of these documents, iv; side 
 notes about Spitzbergen and Nova 
 Zembla, xvi, xvii, i;5, 40 ; motive 
 appended to Wydliouse's paper, 
 xvii; Pilgrims, fragments in, xviii; 
 Pilgrimage, chapter cntilhul of 
 Hmlion''s Discoveries and Deaths 
 and side notes to it, xviii ; post- 
 script to Pricket's discourse, xvii ; 
 see Bibl. list 
 Queen's Cape, see Queen's Foreland 
 Rufn, see Antiquitatcs Americana), 
 ]5ibl. list 
 Ramusio, see Bibl. list 
 Rayner, Robert, one of the crew, 
 second voyage, 23; sees a mermaid, l'8 
 Ribeiro, Juan, his planisphere, xci ; 
 present at Badajoz, ih. ; mistakes 
 regarding Gomez's discovery, xcii; 
 see map making 
 Rio de Gamas, see Hudson's river 
 Rio de Tormenta, clxxi; see Hudson's 
 Roberval, see French 
 Round Top, see Hudson's river 
 Rundall, see Bibl list 
 Russian coast, exploration of, cxliii 
 Russia, northern shore of, clvi ; see 
 Hudson's geographical notions 
 Ryp, see Dutch 
 Saddle Back, 9(5 
 Sail, lay it a trie, meaning of the term, 
 St. Lawrence, exploration of, cxlv ; 
 see Cortereal 
 Salisbury Island, 97 ; see Cape Salis- 
 Salmon in Hudson's river, 161 
 Sandy Hook, see Hudson's river 
 Sanien, see Seiijen 
 Scandinavians, their discoveries, Hx ; 
 their settlements in Iceland and 
 Greenland, Ix ; they construct geo- 
 {graphical systems of their own, Ix, 
 ixi; fifoographical comiminicatioii.s, 
 Ixi, Ixii 
 ScandiiiJivin, northern part of, .scf 
 lliiilsou's geojrra})hioal notions, clx 
 Peorcshy, nee IJihl. list 
 iScothind, clxii ; see Hudson's geogra- 
 phical notions 
 Sea, colour of the, black, 11 ; Mac 
 and green, 12; blue — blue sea freest 
 from ice, lU; green, ib.; black, 2(i, 
 41 ; i)v. Scorcsby's observations, 
 cxiv; Hudson's observations on, if). 
 Seals, an incredible number near Nova 
 Zembla, 30; .see Spitzbergcn 
 Seamen's secrets, by Davis, clxxx ; 
 Davis' jMolyneux globe, cliii 
 Seven Islands, see Spitzbergcn 
 Shetland, clxii; see Hudson's gcogra- 
 j)hical notions ; islands of, 1 
 Shotland, see Shetland 
 Siberia, coast of, civ ; see Hudson's 
 geographical notions 
 Skrutton, James, one of the crew, 
 first voyage, 1 
 Smith, see llaskol and Smith 
 Smith, Captain John, see Bibl. list 
 Smith Islands, see Virginia 
 Soundings, o7, /Jt), 59 
 Spaniards, search for a passage along 
 the west coast of America ; under- 
 take fishing expeditions to New- 
 foundland, xcix ; sail to Hudson's 
 river and to Nantucket, c 
 Spanish, N. W. expedition, begins ; 
 Dorvelos ; Agramonte ; Vclasco, 
 Ixxxii, Ixxxiv 
 Sparks, see American Biography 
 S])itzbcrgen discovered, cxxxix ; ex- 
 ploration of, cxliii ; names of, 4 ; 
 given by Ilessel Gerritz, 5 ; Vogel 
 Hooke, Dr. Petermann's opinions 
 about its situation, 9 ; indraught 
 or inlet between Charles Island and 
 Spitzbergcn, JO, 11 ; west coast of, 
 1 1 ; morses seen near, il>. ; seals 
 seen near, ib. ; discovery of, by Sir 
 Hugh Willoughby, according to 
 Purchas' opinion, 13, 4(^ ; great 
 ■warmth in 80° of latitude, 14 ; land 
 stretching into 82°, supposed to be 
 the Seven Islands, 15 ; no passage 
 between 78° 30' and 82°, 16 ; Bell 
 Sound, 17 ; Ice Sound, 18 ; Point 
 Lookout, 20 ; Whale Bay, 14, 20 ; 
 the southern point of, 21 ; see Ilud- 
 soji's geographical notions 
 Splindler, see ])utch 
 Sprengc! see Bibl. list 
 Stacie, Philip, carpenter, second voy- 
 age, 23 
 Staten Island, see Hudson's river 
 Stony Point, see Hudson's river 
 Stow, see Bibl. list 
 Strickbolle, see Dutch 
 Stromo, see Faroe 
 Strutton, James, one of the crew, 
 second voyage, 23 
 Sturgeon, in Hudson's river, 1(11 
 Sun, observations on the, 12, 15, 24, 
 •2(>, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 48, 
 50, 51 
 Sun's spot, 40 
 Tabin, see Cape Tabia 
 Tetgalcs, see Dutch 
 Thorne, Robert, plan of sailing across 
 the north pole, xciv ; letter to 
 Henry VIII, if>. 
 Thompson, see Bibl. list 
 Tobacco and pipes in Barnstaple Pen- 
 insula, 05 
 Tomson, Richard, one of the crew, 
 second voyage, 23 
 Ungara Bay, see mutiny 
 Urdaneta, a friar, his pretended voy- 
 age through the north-west pas- 
 sage, cv 
 llssclincx, William, an Antwerp mer- 
 chant, founder of the West India 
 Company, xxiii 
 Vaigats Straits, cxcv 
 Valek, see Dutch 
 Vardoiihuus Lsland, 43 
 Variations, observations of, 2 ; of the 
 needle, 23, 24; west, 25, 47, 49, 53, 
 54, 55, 50, 58, 61, 02, 68, 09, 72, 
 77, 82, 92 
 Verazzano, Juan de, his geographical 
 notions, Ixxx; his letter; ai)pendix 
 to it, Ixxxii; report to the king of 
 France, 199; voyage and discovery 
 of Hudson's river, 1; original letter 
 preserved in the Magliabecchian 
 library in Florence, 1; searches for 
 the passage to Cathaya ; crosses 
 Atlantic; reaches Carolina; ascends 
 the coast; discovers the mouth of 
 the Hudson ; enters it ; di (.overs 
 Narraganset Bay and Claudia Is- 
 land ; returns ; writes to Francis 
 the First, Ixxxi, Ixxxii; probable 
 death, xcv; see Iludsou's river 
 Verplanck Point, see Hudson's river 
 Vines and grapes, Hudson's river, 162 
 Vlie boat, called flute by the French, 
 Vogel Hoeck, clxxxvi 
 Waigats, see Novaya Zembla 
 Wardhuys (Wardhuus), see Hudson's 
 geographical notions, clxi 
 Water, colour of, in the Gulf stream, 
 Waterford red hook, 87 
 Wampum or bead money, observa- 
 tions about, 235 ; see Van der 
 Waymouth, his voyage ; sails up to 
 C8° 53'; mutiny caused by John 
 Cartwright; returns ; enters Hud- 
 son's Strait, cxix; Foxe and Bar- 
 row's opinion about his voyage, 
 Weymouth's, Captain George, endea- 
 vours of, finding the passage, and 
 failure, 190; logbooks fell into the 
 hands of Plancius, 191 
 West India Company, Dutch, its cha- 
 racter and origin, xxix, xxx, xxxi 
 Whale Bay, clxxxvii 
 Whales and morses observed near 
 Spitzbergen, cxciv 
 Widewes, see Wydhouse 
 Willes, see Bibl. list; see north-west 
 Willoughby, Sir Hugh, Purchas' opi- 
 nion about his discovery, 13, 40 
 Willoughby's Land, 13, 40 
 Willoughby discovers Nova Zembla ; 
 perishes in Lapland, cxxiii-iv; see 
 Moscovy Company 
 Willoughby's Land, clviii; see Hud- 
 son's geographical notions 
 Winwood, see Weymouth, 186 
 Woodcock, see Moscovy Company 
 Woodhouse, see Wydhouse 
 Wydhouse (Woodhouse, Widowes, 
 Wydowse), Thomas, note found in 
 the desk of — last document pub- 
 lished in the Pilgrims, xvi 
 Wydowse, see Wydhouse 
 Yates and Moulton, " History of the 
 State of New York," Iv; see Bibl. list 
 one of the crew, 
 ; discovers Young's 
 Young, James, 
 first voyage, 1 
 Cape (Greenland), cxcii ; discovers 
 Young's Foreland (Van ^ln,ycn),ib. 
 Young's Cape or Greenland, clxxxiv, 
 Young's Foreland (Jan Mayen), cxcii 
 Zcni, the brothers, the chart of, clxiv- 
 clxviii, 3 
 Zenam, see Senjen 
 Zorgdragcr, see Bibl. list 
 T. uioiiAuns, aniiAT qukkn strkkt. 