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OTTAWA, OXT.: Citizen ? intiu ai.d ^ubli^llin^c Company, Metcalfe Stn t M4- V ' r* |Hctv0politiiii .^ocictg F.I/; T.l>; I'llKVKNTIUM OK Cf{iri}l<¥Y 1^0 !5>fiMSif»y his or Jicr HuWscriptioii witliiii tiiroo monllis iirtor it has Ijccoiuc ihio 'nay Ik; ciaspd fVoiii tho Mt'in- liersliip lioll by tho Cominittcf ot Miiiiaj,'L'iuunt. Tho Comii»ittC(* may from timo t) tiiim elect PatronH and Honorary Moinbcis. OFFICERS. Article 4- — Tho Orticoi*s of tho Society shall Ix! a President, two Vice-l*ienidonts, a Secretary, a Treasurer, nntl ton Directors, who shall together form tho C'onnnittee ot Mrtnage- mont, and shall be chosen at each Annual CJenoral Mooting by the members present, from junongst tho members of tho Society. Tho Com- mittee shall direct all tho aflairs of tluf Society, and shall api)oint such ])ermanent OlHccrs and make such rules or by-laws as they may think fit, i)rovided that they bo consistent with this Constitution. They may also fill any vacancies that may occur in any of the ollices of tho Society before the Annual General Meeting. The OUiccrs shall hold oflice till the next An- nual (Jonoral Meeting after their election, and shall be eligible for re-election. ANNUAL GENP:RAL MEETING. Article •'>. — Tho Animal General Meeting of the Society shall be held on the first Wednes- day of April in each year, when the out-going Committee of Management shall present a General Report of tho proceedings of the Society and an abstract of tho state of accounts and general concerns of the Society during the past year, and the Officers forming tho Committee for the ensuing year shall then be elected, either by ballot or on nomination, as may be decided upon at the meeting. QUORUM. Article G. — At all meetings of tho Society, eleven members ]>resent (who shall have paid their subscri))tions) shall constitute a quorum. AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION. Article 7. — Any article of this Constitution may be rei>ealed, amended, or suspended for any length of time by consent of two-thirds of the members present at a meeting specially conven- ed for that purpose ; i)rovided that such pro- •"•• posrd ropral, aineutlnicnt, or stisponsioii slmll have Ikm'h H|»ecilietl in tho notieo coinoiiiiig tho lueetin;^. A fortnight's notioo shtill bo given of ft meeting for any such puritoso. SPKCIAL m;:::tixi:s. Article e provided for that purpose, copies of all letters written by him on behalf of the Society; and shall prcservo, on |ir(i|i«r tilcH, all lottern ivroivfil by liiiii on tlio Hivniu iicooiiiit ; and at cncli Htiituil nu'otini; of th« Socioty or Kxooiitivn ('(juiniittoe hliiill iL's[M'»!tively n^port tlio ooneH|ioiiil«'n(o ami rend tlio sumo or sucli jiiutH thcri-of as nmy be rerpiiiiMl. It hIiuU l)e tlio duty of tho Serrctniv iils<» to ^ivu duo notioo ot tlio tinio and |ilan) ot' nil nu't'tiii^s oi tlie Socioty, and to uttrnd tim same. ]I(! shall kt'Vp fair and accuiatd niinutt's of tho |»ror»'('(lin;;s of tlu» Socioty and rf«'ord tlio Humo wliLMi a|»|irovt'd, in tho Society 's Journal. Hi» shall givo ininiudiatt^ tiotico to the several ollicors and njuiinilters of tlio Society of rocee!! notify the Coniniitteo of Management of the dunth, resignation, or removal of any otilcer or member of tlie Society. Tho Secretary shall be, r.i; nj/icio, a memU-r of all committees, and act as Secre- tary thureot. THKASUIlEll. 15, 'I'll!' Treasurer shnll collect and. Keep tho funds of the Society, and accurate accounts of the same ; shall pay all bills, the expenditure of which 8li;dl have been authorized i)y the Cotii- mittee of Management and certified by the President, or (in his alisence or inaliility) tho ciiairman of tho Committee; and shall jtiesent to the Committee, at least ten days previous to the annual meeting of the Society, ii full account, duly vouched and audited, of all his doings. LEGAL ADVISEltS. 4. The fiCgal Advisers of tho Society shall have the general charge and conduct of all suits and proceedings instituted by ov against it, or in which the Society may be interested. With tho advice and consent of the Presitlent they may compromise or settle any such suit or pro- ceeding ; and may from time to time associate with and retain such other counsel as in the judgment of the Pi-esideut antl themselves may be advisable for the best interests of the Society. They shall receive for their services such pecu- niary compensation and fees na shall be deter- mined by the Committee of Management, but »* shall liiivc no votf in such ( 'uiiiinitt <>r Hflroting Hitch coinpcii- natiuii or fees. All iliHimrsuiiiuntN iiiiwle by them ill tin' exocutioii of thoir imjwl'Ih ami Unties uhail be n-paid oitt of the fiimU uf tho Society upon their certificate in writini; that thoy hiivu boon made, Npccifviiii; tho iuiiounts and giuunds thereof. INSl'KCTOII. a. The InHpertor, whih> nndor tin- ".'eneral tlirectioii of the ( 'onunitteo of Manai^einent.Hlmll be under the cuntnd and superintendence of fhu Hecretiiry, and Hhall report to him in all cases. Tho Secretary shall, if in his opinion it is advi- stiblo so to do, lay kiicIi reports befoie the President and legal advisors of tho Sociuty ftiid shall be governed by their atlvice as to the course to be followed with regard to tho matters reported on. Tho Inspector must bo ready to peiform duty at all reasonablo houis when so directed. He is recpiired to wear his I'adgo always on duty. He will be ro"iuired to have a knowleacity of the animal, and the labour exacted from it ; if for overloading, it is indispensable to show painful distress of the animal — e.;/., trembli;?g, falling, unusual per- spiration, or exhaustion — or to show violence on the part of the driver ; if for mutilation, or any other torture under the Acts of the Dom- inion of Canada, observe minutely and take down in writing the precise character of the same in detail. It is important also to remem- ber the exact words of the accused when stopped. In every case, if possible, obtain the name and address of one or more respectable witnesses willing to give evidence. If unwilling, a witness may be subpoonaed by the Magistrate to appear. Tlie iMagistrate haa power upon conviction for ill treatment to an animal which has sustained damage, to award compensation to the Owner thereof, in addition to the punishment upon such conviction, the said compensation to be paid by the offender. ///. JJij th'' Apjjrehension of tin' Accu$cd binder a Warrant. This is desirable in all cases where there is reason to believe the offender will evade a sum- mons, or is about to abscond. All the preced- ing ))recautions of course apply to proceedings under warrant. There is another means of punishment, to which particular attention is recjuested, as, perhaps, in Ottawa it will Ije by far the most successful of any plan for the repression of cruelty, viz ; IV. An Application to the Sccrdarj of this Society to prosecute in the stead of the Witness. The Secretary may be seen at his office between the hours of lU and 4 daily. Upon any respectable person furnishing him with the particulars of any act of cruelty, ho will insti- tute proper im^uiries, and, with sufficient evidence, conduct the prosecution without 12 without J.-: ''"/'itnes, or complainant, and Jue names of jjereons and letters Kiinnltr,-„„ ^ven\'r r "-^^""^-^'^^ Carleton will be gnen on application to the Secretary It i^ requested that t].e ,.articula., of anV act of cruelty forwarded to the Secretary ma vVn ade tlmtthoperson;r-;cnv^i^.r;:^^^^ proceedings to protect animalsTo.rtelm^^^^^^^^ of cruel nien will not deter n,en of hum.nitv effll^tcT"^'""*'"^ -ith the Ot«ce s ; th^r efforts to promote the objects of the .Society All coiiimunications must be addressed to W. C. BAKER, Si'i'rc/an'. L A."W^S or TRi DOMINION OF CANADA AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SESl'ICTINO TH« Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. [32-33 %(l!^fhr^.ap. 27, as .unenJ^n, ■13 lict. (1880), c/ir,p. 38.] '^ A. ^yhosoever wantonlv, cruelly oi- unno oessanl. beat.s, binds, illtreat.s, al.use over" drives or torture.s any l.orse, „are '^eulZ' bull, ox, cow, heifer, steer, calf n.ule, l.s.f h "r? lamb, p,^, or other cattle, or anvpou trv or mv dog or lace of confinement other than a penitentiary, for a term not exceeding three months, and with or without hard labour, or by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by both — such fine and imprisonment being in the discre- tion of the convicting Magistrate or Justices; and all cocks found in any such cockpit, or ou the promises wherein such cockpit may be, shall be confiscated and sold for the benefit of the niunicij)alitv in which such cockpit is situated. —[4-:i Vict, c. 33, s. 3.] C. Nothing in this Act contained shall pre- vent or abridge any remedy by action against the offender or his employer wliere the amount of the damage is not sought to be recovered by virtue of this Act. — [32-33 Vict., c. 27, s. 3.] T). When any oflence against this Act is committed, any constable or other peace otficer, or the owner of any such cattle, animal or poul- try, upon view thereof, or upon the information of any other j)erson (who shall declare his or their name or names and place or places of abode to the said constable or other peace officer) may seize and secure by authority of this Act, and forthwith, and without any other authority or warrant, may convey any such offender before a Justice of the Peace within whose jurisdiction the offence has been committed, to be dealt with according to law. — [32-33 Vict., c. 27, s. 4-) E, If any person apprehended for having committed any offence against this Act refuses to discover his name and place of abode to the Justice of the Peace before whom he is brought, such person shall be immediately delivered over to a constable or other peace officer, and shall by him be conveyed to the Common Gaol or place of confinement for the district, county or place within which the offence has been com- u I may and or afore 3tion dth Jving fus«s the light, lover shall or by or Icom- mitteil, or in which tlie offender Ins been mipie- hendeci, there to I'emain for any ttrni not exceed- ing one month, or nntil ho makes known Ids name and place of abode to the said Justice. — [32-S3 VicL, c. ii7, s. r,,] F, The prosecution of every offence punish- able under this Act must be commenced within three months next after the commission of the offence, and not otherwise. — [.i.'-S-! Vict., c. 27, s. r,] G. Kvery offence ac;Hinst any of the sections of this Act is a misdemeanour, ;ind may be punished as such or may be prosecuted in the manner directed by the Act respectimj the duties of Justices of the Peace, out of Sessions, in rela- tion to summanj convictio)is and orders, so far as no provision is horel)y made for any matter or thing whicli may be required to be done with resjject to such prosecution; and all the provi- sions contained in tlio said Actshall be applicable to such [JTOsecutions, in the same manner as if they were incorporated in tins Act.— [3--33 Vict., c. 27, s. 7.] H. The Magistrate or "Magistrates before ■whom the proceedings are taken shall, for the purpose of the said proceedings, liave all the powers of a Justice of the Peace.— [43 Vict., c. 38, .V. 4.] I, All pecuidary penalties recovered before any Justice of the Peace under this Act shall be divided, paid and distributed in the following manner, that is to say : one moiety thereof to the Corporation of the city, town, village, town- ship, parish or place in which the offence was committed, and the other moiety, with full costs, to the person who informeil and prosecuted for the same, or to such other person as to stich Justice seems proper. — [32-33 Vict., c. 27, s. 8.] J, Every sum of money ascertained, and awarded, adjudged, by any Justice of the Peace under this Act to be paid as the amount of any damage or injury occasioned by the commission of any of the offences hereinbefore nu-ntioned, shall be paid to the j-erson who has sn.st;uned such damage or injurv. — [32-33 Vict., c. 27,5.9.1 Iv. The term "cattle" shall include any lior.se, mule, ass, swine, sheep or goat, as well as any neat cattle or animal of the bovine species, and Nvhatever be the ago or sex of the animal, and whether castrated or not, and by whatever technical or trivial name it may be known, and shall apply to one animal as well as to many. — le [32-33 V;cL,c. 27, «. 10; 32-33 Vict., c. 2\, n. 1 ; imu -10 ric(., c. 29, s. 1.] Injl'uius to Cattlk axi) Othkk Animals. (S,*-3i Vict., Chap. .?,.', amended bif 41) Vict., Chap. ^"J.J A. Whosoovor unlawfully and maliciously kills, nmiins, wounds, poisons or injures any cattle, is guilty of f(?lony, and shall bo liable to be imprisoned in the penitentiary for any term not exceeding fourteen years and not loss than two years, or to be imprisoned in any other gaol or ))laco of confinement for any term less than two years, with or without hard laljour, and with or without solitary conHnement. — [S^-3-^j Vict., c. 2.2,8. 45.] B. Wliosoever unlawfully and maliciously attempts to kill, maim, wound, poison or injure any cattle, or unlawfully and maliciously places poison in such a position as to be easily par- taken of by any cattle, is guilty of a misde- meanour, and shall be lialjle to be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court.— [J,?-.W Vict., c. ?2, s. 4^;.] C. V/hosoever unlawfully and maliciously kills, maims, wounds, ])oison8 or injures any dog, bird, beast, or other aninuil, not being cattle, but being either the subject of hiroeny at com moil law or being ordinarily kept in a state of confinement, or kept for any domestic i)ur- pose, or purpose of lawful profit or ailvautage or scieu'^e, shall, on conviction thereof before a Justice of the T'eace, at the discretion of tho Justice, either bo committed to the common gaol or any other j/lace of confinement, there to be imprisoned oidy or to be imi)risoned and kei)t to hard labour, for any term not exceeding three months, or else shall forfeit and i)ay, over and above the amount of the injury done, such sum of money not exceeding one hundred dollars as to the Justice seems meet ; and whosoever, having been convicted of any such offence, afterwards commits any of tho said oifences in this section before mentioned, and is convicted thereof upon indictment, is guilty of a mis- demeanour, and shall be liable to be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, in the discretion of the Court : Provided always that the prosecu- tor may, if he sees fit, proceed before a Justice of the Peace as for a first ollencc. — [J2oJ Vict,, c. 32, s. 47.] 17 D. Tlie term "Cattle" sLall incln.l,. anv liorse, ninle, ass, swine, sheep or goat, as well as any neat cattle or animal of the bovine species, and whatever be the ago or sex of the anunal, and whether castrated or not, and by whatev.'r technical or trivial name it may bo known, and shall apply to one animal as well as to many.-f,i?:>.JJ rict., c. ::>!, ». J, amended by 4'^ \ IC( , C. .10, 8. 2.] -^ Cut'KLTY To AXIJIALS WIIILtl IV Tr.VNSIT HY ItviLWAV Oil Other .^[kans of Coxvey- A.vri^ WITHIN THE DoMINIOX OF CaNADA. [HS Vict., (1875), c. 4^i.\ A. Ill this Act the terra " Cattle " shall in- elude any horse, mule, ass, svrine, sheep, or .'oat as well as any neat cattle or animal of" the bovmo species, and whatever be the aj,'e or sex of the animal, and by whatever technical oi trivial name it may be known, and shall a/-i)l7 to one animal as well as many.— [,?6' Yicf., c. ^} s. J.] ^ B. No railway company within the Domin- ion ot ( 'anada, whoso railway forms any part of a hue ot road over which cattle are conveyed from one Frovince to another Province, or from the L nited States to or through any rrovinco or from any part r.f a Province to another part of the sauj.', nor the owner or master of any vessel carryin- or transporting cattle from one Province to another Piovinoe, or within any Province, or from the United States throuoh or to any Province, shall conHne the same in" any car, or vessel of any description, for a bnger period than twenty-eight consecutive hours wiUi- out unlading the same for rest, water and feed- ing for a ].eriod of at least five consecutive hours unless prevented from so unlading and furnishing water and foe 1 bv storm or other unavoidable cause or bv necessary delav or detention in the crossing of trains. ' In reckon- ing the period of confinement, the time duiinc» which the cattle have been confined without such rest and without the furnishing of food ami water on any connecting railways or vessels from which they are received, whether in the United States or in Canaiiv person refuses admission to such peace officer or constable acting under this section such person shall be deemed guilty of an offence against this Act.— [JA' Vict., c. 42, s. €.] O. If fiiy person is guilty of any offence against this Act as in tho last preceding section mentioned, he shall for every such offence for- feit and pay such a sum of money not exceeding J,>, all ible or )er- ents ard able per- or rsou this encc !tion for- tUng ]U twenty (IjIIiu's, nor loss than five dollars, with costs, us to any one Jnstire of the I'eaco lor the district, county or phico in wliicli llid offence lias l)ecn coininitted may soeui uieet. — [J.V Vkt., c. 4.\ s. 7.] II. Tlic offender siiall in default of jiaymeut be coniiuittod to the conjinon gaol or other place of conlinoment for tlie district, county or place in which the offence was connnitted, there to be imprisoned for any time not exceeding thirty da^s.— [.,?.V Vict.,c. 4t,s. S.] I, Nothing in this Act contained shall pre- vent or abridge any remedy by action against the offender or his employer where the amount of tlie damage is not sought to be recovered by virtue of this Act. — [.IS Vict., c. 4^, *. !>.] J. Every penalty recoverable under tl»is Act shall belong to the Crown ; and every proceed- ing for tlie recovery of such penalty shall be commenced witldn one month next after the committing of the offence. — [3S Vict., c. 4^, s.lOl] K, Every offence against section G of this Act may be prosecuted in the manner directed by the " Act respecting the duties of Justices oj the react out of /Sessions in relation to siimmari/ convictions and orders," so far as no provision is hereljy made for any matter or thing which may be required to be done with respect to such ))rosecution ; and all the provisions contained in the said Act shall be applicaljle to such prosecutions in the same manner as if they were incorporated in this Act. — [S8 Vict., c. 4^> «• -?-?•]. TXFEC'TIOLS OR CoNTAGIOU3 DiSKASES AfFECT- Kvu Animals. [43 Vict. (1879), c. 23.] A. In this Act " Cattle " means bulls, cows, oxen, heifers and calves ; " Animals " means, except where it is other- wise expressed, cattle, sheep, horses, swine, gof.ts and all other animals of whatsoever kind ; ** Infectious " means comraunicable in any manner whatever, even at a distance ; *• Contagious " means communicable by close contact or inoculation. — [42 Vict., c. 23, s. 1.] B. If any person turn out, keej) or graze any animal knowing such animal to be infected with or labouring under any infectious or conta- gious disorder, or to liave been exposed to infection or contagion, in or upon any forest, wood, moor, beach, marsh, common, waste-land, 8a otcn {'u'\i\, vo.iiWuh: or other vin liviileil or iitien- closcd liiiid, such |)(!rHoii sliiill, on coiivictioii tlmn'of, forf'fit ami pay a huih not t'X'.'ef'«ling two Imntlred dollars. — [4 J Vict., c. S3, 9. S.] C Any person bringing or attcnipting to bring into any market, fair or other |iliii-e any animal known by him to lie infected with or labonring under any infectious or contagious disoriler shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and iiav fur every such ollence a sum not exceed- ing two hundred dollars. — [.'^2 Vict., c. 2-J, a. 4-] O. Tn iiise any animal infected Avitli or labouring under any infectious or contagions disorder be ex[tosed or olfere. ! for sale, or be brought or attempted to be lirought for the purj'ose of being exposed or nijcred for sale in any maiket, fiiii- or other open or public jilace where other animals are commonly exposed for sale, then, and in any such case, it shall bo law- ful for any clerk or inspector, or other ollicer of such iair or market, or for any CiUistaltle or policeman, or for any other ])er.son authorized liy the Mayor or Keevp, or by any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction in the place, or for any person authorized or tippointoil by the Govei-nor, to seizn the same, and to leport the seizure to the !Mayor or lleeve, or to any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction in tlie place; and it shall be lawful for such !Mayor, Jteeve or Justice to cause the same, together with any l>ens, hui'dles, troughs, litter, liny, straw or other articles which he may judge likely to have been infected thereby, to be forthwith destroyed, or otherwise disposed of, in su-.-h manner as he shall deem jtroper, oi' as may be directed, as provided by this Act.— [4.? VicL, c. 2o, s. 7.] E, The Governor may, by Order in Council, when the owners are reported Iiv the Minister of Agriculture iiot guilty of any negligence or offence against the piovisions of the first seven sections of this Act, order a compensation to be l)aid to the owners of animals slaujjhtered under the j)rovisions of this Act as foUov.-s : Where the animal .slaughtered was alPjcted l)y infectious or contagious disease, the compensation to be one-third of the value of the animal before it became so affected ; but .so that the conij ensation do not in any such case exceed twcnt}- dollars ; in eveiy other case the compensation to be two- thirds of the value of the animal, but so that the compi'usation do not in any case exceed forty dollars ; in all such cases the A-alue of the aniaial is to be determined bv the I^linister of 'I t ai Agi-iciiltni-p ; Ijut if such o\via.r.s ur tlirir rt'iire- sciitutivt'H Ii!iv«» boon guilty of an (.trenc il.^'ainHt any of the first seven sections of tliis Act, no valuation shall ht- nnule, and no coni|>i'inatiou ahull bo i)ai.l to them.— [,^,? Vict., c. Q.i, s. I.',.] IMI>OLNi)IXO OF ANIMALS. (lif-viseJ Statutes, Chap. lUo.) A. Every Poundkcopcr, and every person who impounds or conlines, or cau.ses to he impounded or confined, any animal in anv common Pound or in any open or close Pound", or in any enclo.sed place, shall daily furnish the animal with good and suflicient food, water, and shelter, during the whole time that such animal continues impoumied or confined.— [A'. 6'.. c. 105 8. J4.] ^ i ' ' 15, Every such person who furnishes the animal with food, water, and .shelter mav recover the value thereof from the owner of the animal, and also a reasonable allowance for his time, trouble and attendance in the premises.— I A' A' ' c. J!JJ,s.J5.] ^ ' "' C. The value or allowance as aforesaid may be recovered, witli costs, by summaiv ]>roceeding beforeany Justice of the Peace within wliose jurisdiction the animal was impounded, in like manner iis fines, penalties or forfeitures for the breach of any Bydaw of the Munici?>alitv mav bylaw be recovered and enforced by a single Justice of the Peace; and the Justice shall ascertain and detei-mine the amount of sucli value and allowance when not otherwise fixed by law, adhering, .so far as applicable, to the tariff of Poundkcepers' fees and chai-fes estab- lished by the By-laws of the Municipalitv.— [/i'. S., c. 195, s. 10.] D. The Poundkeeper, or person .so entitled to proceed, may, instead of such summaiy pro- ceeding, enforce the remuneration to which la- is entitled in manner hereinafter mentioned — [/?. S.,c. 195,s. 17. \ E. In case it is by aflidavit proved before one of the Justices aforesaid, to his satisfaction, that all the proper notices liad been dulv atKxed' and published in the manner and for the respec- tive times (above) j)resc)-ibed, then if the owner 91 or some frin f.ir liim docs not witliin tin- timo specified ill tlio noticoH, or liefoi-o tlin miIc of tlio atiiiual, rp|ilt>\v or rcduoiii tii« nuiui! in niiinncr iiforosiiitl, tlio roundluiidt'd llie nnimul, or if tlio iH.TSon who took ii|» the animal did not deliver Huoh aninml to any PoundUfcpsr but retainod the Huino in Ids own poHso-suion, then, any I'oundkoeper of the Municipality, may piiWlicly sell tho animal to tli(! liighoHt hiddor, at tho timo and place niontioned in tho aforesaid notices, and, aftordoiIuctih,'?the penalty and tho damages (if any) and foe.s ainl clnir^^fH, shall aj)ply the produce in dischari,'!' of the value of the food and nourishment, loss of timo, trou- ble and attendance so supplied us aforesaid, and of the expenses of driving or conveyin;j[ and impounding or confniing the unimal, aud of the sale and attending thesaine, or incidental thereto,, and of the dftinago when legally claimable, not exceeiling twenty dollars, to be ascertained aa aforesaid, done by tho animal to the property of the jierson at whoso suit the same was distrained, and shall return tho surplus (if any) to tho original owner of tho animal, or if not claimed by him within three months after the sale, the Poundkeeper shall pay such surplus to the Treasurer of and for the use of the Municipality. — [/i'. .S'., c. 195,*. 18. J Protection' of Sheki'. (Revised Statutes, c. lOi.J A. Any i)er3on nuiy kill any dog which he sees pursuing, worrying or wounding any sheep or lamb.— [A*. S.,c. ]di, s. 10.] B. The defendant in any action of damages for killing a dog under tho circumstances in the jjreceding section mentioned may plead the general issue and give this Act anil tho special matter in evidence. — [li. S., c. 194, a. 11.] C On complaint made in writing on oath before any Justice of the Peace for any City, Town or County, or Union of Counties, that any ])erson residing in such City, Town or County, or Union of Counties, owns or has in his possession a dog which has within six months previous worried and injured or des- troyed any sheep, such Justice of the Peace may issue his summons, directed to such person, stating shortly tho matter of such complaint, and reijuiring such person to appear before him, at a certain time and place therein stated, to I i li tlie jcial ath ity, that or s in hIx des- eace son, lint, ilui, , to 23 aiiswtT to Hiich ooinphiint, aii'l to Im' t'uitlioi »|MiiltwitIi;ii'. •online to law. — [I,'. S., «•. \'J\,$. 12. 1>. Thit procot'iliii^s on mich ooinplaint am K\uniiioiiH sliall l)n rf'jjulatf'd hy tlio Acl rcspecthnj Sinmnai'i/ Conrirtiona before Justices of th: J'eace, which uhall apitlv to casi'S uinler this Act.— [A'. >'., c. Ill I, ». iX] K, In caso any pcraon is cotivictnl, on the oatli of a cn!ilil»h5 witneHS, of ownitu,' oi- liaviMy ill his possession a dog which h.is wdiiied and injurtnlor destroyed any sh 'cp, the Justice of tlie I'eace nuiy make an order lor the killini; of such dog (descril'ing tlio sumo according to tho tenor of thu description given in tlio complaint and in tho evidence) witiiin threo days, and in ilefaiilt thereof »nay in his y tho owner or possessor, as aforesaid, of any sheep for tho recovery of damages for tho iiijury dono to sucij slieep in respect of which such conviction is had. — [A*. »S'., c. i'j\,s. in. J ix, Tho owner ot any sheep or lamb killed or injured l>y any dog shall Ic entitled to recover tho damage occasioned iherehy from tho owner or keeper of such dog, hy an action for damages or I'y summary proceeilings heforo a Justice of tho Peace, on information or com- ]>laint heforo such Justice, who is hereby author- ized to hear and determine uuch complaint, and proceed thereon in tiio manner providoil by the Act respectinj tSuniviary Couoictionn hefovi'. Justices of tho Peace, in respect to proceedings therein mentioned ; and such aggrieved party shall be entitled so to recover on such action or proceedings, whether tho owner or keeper of such dog knew or did not know that it was Ticious or accustomed to worry sheep. —[A'. S., c. 194, s. IC] II. The owner orkce[)er of any dog or dogs to whom notice is given of any injury clone by his dog or dogs to any sheep or lan»b. or of his dog or dogs having chased or worried any sheep vc lamb, shall, within fortv-eight hours after such notice, cause such dog or dogs to bo killed ; and for every neglect so to do he shall forfeit a sum of two dollars and fifty cen:« for every such dog, and a further sum of one dollar and twenty-five u coiit.s for eacli such dog for every forty -eight hours tliereafter, until the same is Icilled, if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Justice of t4ie Peace before whom proceeiUngs are taken for the recovery of such penalties tl'at such dog or dogs has or havo worried or otherwise injured such sheep or Iamb ; but no such penalties shall be enforced in case it api)('ars to the satisfaction of such Justice of the Peace that it was not in the power of such owner or keeper to kill such dog or dogs. — [A'. ^'., c. 194, s. 17.] I. In case the owner of any sheep or lamb so killed or injured procoeils against the owner or keeper of the dog that committed the injury, before a Justice of the Peace, as provided by this Act, and is unable on the conviction of the otfonder, to levy Mio amount ordered to be paid, for want of sutlicient distress to levy the same,, then the Council of the Municipality in which the otTender resided at the time of the injury shall order their Treasurer to pay to the aggriev- ed party tlio amount ordennl to be paid \>y the Justice under such conviction, saving and e.Tcei)ting the costs of the |)roceedings before such Justice and before the Council. — [/»'. IS., c. VJL s. 18.] J. The owner of any shee)) or lamb killed or injured by any dog the owner or keeper of which is not known may, within three months, npply to the Council of the 3Iunicipality in which such sheep or lamb was so killed or in- jured for compensation for the injury ; and if such Council (any memlier of which shall be competent to administer an oath or oaths in ex- amining parties in the premises) is satisfied that tiie aggrieved party has male diligent .search and inquiry to ascertaiix the owner or keeper of such dog, and that such owner or keeper cannot be found, they shall award to the aggrieved party for compensation a sum not exceeding two-thirds of the amount of the damage sus- taineil by him ; and the Treasurer of such Municipality shall pay over to him the amount so awarded.— [A'. S., c. 19 ^, s. 19.] K. After the owner of such sheep or lamb has received from the Municipality any money under either of tlie preceding sections, his claim shall thenceforth belong to such Municipality ; and they may enforce the same against the offending party for their own benefit, by any means or form of proceeding that the aggrieved pai-ty was entitled to take for that purpose, but 2$ in case sucli Municipality recovers from the offender more than they had paid to the aggriev- ed party, besides tlieir costs, they sliall pay over the excess to such aggrieved party for his otvn use.— [/i*. S.,c. 194, s. 20.] L. The owner of any sheep or lamb killed or injured while running at large upon any highway or unenclosed land shall have no claim under this Act to obtain compen.sation from any Municipality.— [/,'. S., c. 194, s. 21.] M. If the Council of any County or Union of Counties by By-law decides to dispense with the levy of the aforesaid tax in the Municipali- ties within its jnri.sdiction, the owner of any sheej) or lamb to the contrarv may nothwith- stantling sue the owner or keeper of any dog or dogs for the damage or injury done by the said dog or dogs to the said sheep or lamb ; and the same shall be recovered in the way and manner provided by .section G of this Act — [A*. S.,c. 194, .S-. 22.] ^. Eveiy Ju.stice of the Peace shall be entitled to charge such fees in cases of prosecu- tions or orders under this Act as it is lawful for him to charge in other cases within his jurisdic- tion ; and he shall make the returns usual in eases of conviction, and also a return in each case to the Clerk of the Municipality, whose (luty It shall be to enter the same in a book to be kept for that purpose.— [/,». A'., c. 194, s 23 ] Pkotf:ction' ^tv Game and Animals. Fur Beakino [43 Vict. (1880), Cnap. .31.] A. None of the animals or birds hereinaftr-r nitMitiuu.-d shall be huntful, taken .n- killed within :he [periods hereinafter limited : Deer, Elk, Moose, Reindeer or (Jarilwo be- tween the Hfteenth day of December and 'the first day of October. Grouse, Pheasants, Prairie Fowl or Partridc/e between the tir.st day of Januarv and the lirst ilay of Septeml)er. Wild Turkeys or Quail, between the first dav of January and the liist day of October. Woodcock, l)etween the first day of Januarv and tlie first day of August. Snipe, between the first day of January an.l tiie htteenth day of August. Waterfowl, known as Mallard, Grey Duck, J>Iack Duck, Worxl or Summer Duck, between S0 the first diiy of January an.l the fifteenth day- pf August. Otl^er Ducks, Swans or Geese, between the first day of May ani the fifteenth day of August. Hares between tlve first day of March anr^ the first day of September.— [1.3 Vict., c, 'i\, 8. 2.] B. No persion shall have in his possession any of the said aninxals or birds, or any part or portion of any of such animals or biidl, durinij the pevio.ds in which they are so protected Provided, that they may be exfKWed for sale for twenty d»ys, and no longer, after sucii, periods, and may be had in possession for the, private use of tho o vner and his family at any time ; but in, alJ cases the proof of the time of killing, taking or purchasing shall be upon tho. person so ijv possession. — [43 Vict,, c. 31, «. 3,] C. No eggs of any of the birds above men- tioned shall be taken destroyed, or had in pos- session by any person at any time. — [43. Vict., c. 31, s. 4] D, None of the aaid animals or birds, except tlie animals mentioned in section F of tliis Act, shall be trapped or taken by means of traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines, or other similar contrivances ; nor shall such traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines or contrivances be set for them, or any of them, at any. time ; and, such traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines or contrivances liiay be destroyed by any person, without such jrtji-son thereby incurring any liability therefor. — [43 Vict., c. 31j s. 5.] E, None. gf the contrivances for taking or killing the wild fowl known Jis Swans, Geese or Ducks, which are described or known as l>aL- teries, swivelguns, sunken punts or night lights, shall be used at any time. — [43 Vict., c. 31, s. 6.]- F* N,o Beaver, Muskrat, Sable, Martin, Otter or Fisher, sh}>.Jl Ije Imnted, taken, or killed, or had in the possession of any jierson between, tlie first day of May and the first day of November ; and no Mink between the first day of April and the first day of November, nor- shall any traps, snares, gius or other contrivan- ces be set for th^m during such peiiod ; nor shall' any Mu,skrat house be cut, broken or destroy- ed at any tim^ ; and any such traps, snares, gins o.r other cont'-ivances so set may be d^^stroyed by any person without . such |»erson thereby i^icurring any liability therefor ; provitled that tjiU section sh,-dl n(H apply to any. person ,d^- 27 »fc\x>ying any of tlie sai«l iinimals in dcffencR oi- p eservation of liis property. — [43 Vici., c. 31, «. 7.] G. Offences against this Act shall be punish- ed, on information or comi>laint before a Justice of the Pettoe, as follows : — 1. In cas^ of Deer, Elk, Moose, Reincieervor Cariboo, by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, nor less than ten dollars, with costs, for each offence. 2. in the case of birds or eggs, by a tine not exceeding twenty-five dollai-a nor less than five ilollarH, with costs for each bird or egg. 3. In the case of tlie fur bearing animaJH mentioned in the section F of this Act, by a tine not exceeding twenty-five dollars nor lesa than five dollars, with, costs for each offenoe. 4. In, the case of otli^er breaches of thi«. Act, by a tine not exceeding twenty-five dollni-s nor Less then five dollar?, with costs. — [43 Vict., o. 31, .9. 8.] H, The wliole of such fine tO' be paid to. the prosecutor, unless tlie convicting J'ustice has. reason, to believe that the prosecution is. ini collusion with aiad for the purpose of benefiting the accused, in woich. case the siiid Justice may, order the disposal of the fine as in, ordinary Oises.— [43 Vict, c. 31, », 9.] I. In all. cases, confiscation of the game shall follow conviction ; and the game so confiscated: shall be given, to. some- ohaiitable institution or purpose, at the discretion, of tlie- convicting Justice. -[43 VicL,c. 31, «. 10.] tJ. In order to encourage persons, who. have heretofore imported, or hereafter import, difler- ent kinds, of giune with a desire to breed, and' preserve the same on their own lands, it is enacted that it shall not be lawful to hunt, shoot, kill or destroy any such gauie without the consent of the owjier of> the property, wherever the same may 'le bred. — [43 Vict., c. 31, ». 11.] K., It shall: not be lawful for any person to. kill or take any animal' protected by this Ai't by the use of poison or poisonous substances, nor to expo'ie poison, poisoned, bait or other poisoned substances in any place or locality wliere dogs or cattle n»ay have access to the same.— [43 Vici., c. 31, a, 12.J , Ij, No person shall at any time hunt, take, ur kill any deer, e.k, moose, reindeer, or cari- bjo, fur the purpose of exporting the same out of (,)utario,, aiid in. all' o.uses the onus of, prov- 28 ing that any such deer, elk, moose, reindeer, or cariboo so hunted, taken or killed, is not in- tended to be exported as aforesaid shall be upon the person hunting, killing or taking the same. Offences against this section shall ')8 punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, nor less than five dollars, for each animal.— [43 Vict., c. 31, s. 13.] M, No owner of any dog trained or accus- tomed to hunt deer shall |)erniit any such dog to run at large (if such dog is accustomed or is likely to resort to the woods nnaccompanirovisions of this Act and be paid such salary as m.iv bo muturtlly agreed upon. — [43 Vi :L, r\ 31, .V." 1.5.] b ai bi oj o| wl hi cl t| oj ol kl e| til tj ii PROTR('TroV OF IxSE(!TIVOROUS AND OTHER Birds Bkn'eficial to Aorfcultl're. (Revised Statutes, Chap. 201, Amended bt/ ii Vict., Chap. 29.) A. Nothing in this Act continued shall be h«lu to affect The Act for the FroieiUiou of Game and Fur Bearing Animals, or to apply to any imported cage birds or other domesticated bird or birds generally known as cage birds, or to any bird or birtls commonly known as [)oultry. [Ii. S., c. 201, s. 1.] B. It shall not be lawful to shoot, destroy, wound or injure, or to attempt to shoot, destroy, kill, wound or injure, any bird whatsoever, save and except eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, wild pigeons, king-fishers, jays, crows and ravens, and the birds especially mentioned in The Act for the Protection of Game and Fur Bearing ^ Animah.~[R. S., c. 201, 8. 2.] d9 C. It aliall not be lawful to tiiko, capture, buy, soil, exposo for sale or have in possession any bird whatsoever, save the kinds herein- bt fore or hereinafter excepted, or to set, wholly or in part, any net, trap, spring, snare, cage or other machine or engine by which any Itird whatsoever, save and except eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, wild pigeons, king-lishers, jays, crows and ravens, might be killed and ca[)- tured ; and any net, traj), spring, snare, cage or other machine or engine set either wholly or in part for the purpose of either capturing or killing any bird or birds, save and (^vcept eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, wild pigc^ons, king- tishers, crows, jays and ravens, may V)e des- troyed by any person without such person incurring any liability therefor. — [li. ^., c. 201, X. 3.] D, It shall not be lawful to take, injure, destroj' or have in possession au}' iiest, young or egg of any bird whatsoever, except of eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, wild pigeons, king-fishers, jays, crows and ravens. — [A'. S'., c, 201, s. 4.] E, Any person may seize, on view, any bird unlawfully possessed, and carry the same before any Justice of the Peace, to be by him confis- cated, and if alive to be liberated; and it shall be tlie duty of all INIarket Clerks and Police- men or Constables on the spot to seize and confiscate, and, if alive, to liberate such birds. — [R. S.,c. 1H)1, s. 5.] F. The Commissioner of Agriculture, and all persons authorized by him to that effect, may grant written permission to any person or ])ersoiis who may l)o desii-ous of ol>taining Itirds or egg^ for houd fiile scientific purposes to ]»i-t)- cure them for that purpose, and such person or persons sliall not i)e liable to anv penalfcv under this Act.— [/.'. S., c. 201, s. G. j ^ G". The violation of any i)ro vision of this Act shall suViject the offender to the payment of not less than one dollar and not more than twenty dollars, with costs, on summary couvie- tion, on information or complaint Ijefon* on(> ur more Justices of the Peace ; 2. Tiie whole of such fine shidl lie i)aid to the prosecutor, unless the convicting Justice or Justices liave reason to Ijelieve tliat the prose- cutor is in collusion with and for the {)urpose of benefiting the accused, in which case the said Justice or Justices may order the disposal of the fine as in ordinary castas ; 30 3. In default of payment of such fine and coats, the offender shull be imprisoned in the n 'areat Common Gaol for a period of not less than two and not more than twenty days, at the discretion of such Justice or Justices of the Peace.— [A\ S.,c.20\, s. 7.] H. ^'o conviction under this Act shall be annulled or vacated for any defect in the form thereof, or for any omission or informality in any summons or other proceeding under this Act, so long as no substantial injustice results therefrom.— [/e. S., c. 201, 8. S.] [U Vict. (1881), Chap. 29. J I. Nothwithstanding anything contained in the llevised Statutes respecting the Protection of Insectivorous and otiier Birds beneficial to Agriculture, Chapter two hundred and one, any piirson may, during the fruit season, for tlie purpose of'protectiiig his fruit from the attacks of such birds, shoot or destroy on his own pre- MiSKS, the birds known as the Robin and (Jherry bird, without being liable to any penalty under the said Act.- -[44 Vict., c. 29, s. i.] Horse Racing. {Revised Statutes, Chapter 35.) A. It shall not V)e lawful to carry on any horse racing during the days appointed for holding anv Exhibition by the AgriculturfU and Arts Association or by any Electoral District Society, within five miles of the place of holding tilt} same. <■•!•*• 2. Any person wlio is guilty of a violation ot this section sluill be liable, upon summary con- viction before a Justice of the Peace, to a fine not exceeding filtv dollars, or impiismiment m the Common Gaol of the County for a period not exceeding thirty days.— [A\ S.,c. 35,8. ll^.J fine and led in the not lesf} y days, at cea of the 1- si 1 all be the form •mality in nder this ce results itained in Protection lelicial to lI one, any 1, for the lie attacks OWN PRE- ,nd (Cherry ilty under TV on any Dinted for iltnral and al District of holdiiii; ^'iolation of uuiry coii- to a tine lonment in. 'or a period 35, s. 117.]