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Les diagrammas suivants iilustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 mni mmmm im lii < i« ' » II ' Ogckn&iif, Uta^. KEEiprT HOUSE, J COMMESmL lotr '» A. K. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. 't-fy THE URGEST AND LEUHNff HOTELS IN OGDEN CITY, UTAH. Travelers Passing Through Ogden Have One Hour Por Meals \'l'^\^ i At thk Popular House on the arrival of all passenger trains, and will find| the Table equal to any between San Fe»nciaco and Omaha. S^^SeadquarteTB for Montana and Idaho Travel.^^ OUR kCCOMMQDATIONS FOR COMMERCIU TRAVELERS A.re unsurpasBed, as we have several large and convenient Sample Bpoips' in the business part of the Town/ and' convey ' Passengers and Baggage to and from tliem Free of Charge. Poirten will be in Attendance ON ALL TRAINS, and will handle all , Baggage Free of Charge. u*A ' I TERMS, $2.00 PER DAY. Meals, 50 Cents. ^ I ' 'I I tiiim « ;c -..i' mf lit .11). 1 .W > .l .! ii Wi- 'W Hi' iiii wIfrt i ni i fiyi' ,#"> #« iSem ii^!iti^^ * ■ w f^' N' ^ ' ">ll^^r■y|^^i l :^ l )^, ■ w^^•.1fl^B» |' i- ' i ' » ■ ;. ti ' :-.' :» 1868. VUblVFAci^RtfftS OK ^ Gbjpf & Steir Wirel '^■.': :^r^ ' ' ' HMIcHef aiticl '^olv0« of all ;|jkffi.-':=^^"'"i"/-'-'>'t".w^(v No vfaid, d^ 9r raHl cttli penetrate wliere Ihese ar0 applied^ .mi ll i i. < M < {( ";-, •»»! ■ > ■ A;, $. ifAtUDii, x^i^fW^^f^yi-' ," rf'.^ii.. ■^I?>^ li&K FBANOISCO. ;:^ I »> Ill >iii h iiiiii .wy^..< i * .Miuirrai0r«icc«aor tm .ieNiit.«tf 'HdFpmtt; (11% Tinaiwftii^f^ tii(|#(titiag Otw, eite.,«iir«i(lia|itll{iM^ fdilMii '1 '? ^ s IV. San Francisoo', Col. .r OVERLAND TICKET OFFICE, .» Oakland Ferry, Foot of Market Street. COMMKN.CIIf « TUESDAY .....r ..JUNE I, I880, And until further notice TRAINS AND BOATS WILL LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO: (BtegMtw Daily — Local Passenger Train via Oakland and to " Sacramento." C!«niiects at .Vallejo JancUon for Nap», Sonoma), St. Helena (White Salphur. Springs) «nd Callstojfa (stigee f or the Oeyaers.) '~ ■" pas'g'r train for Martinez, Antiooh and "Byron." uced Bates, to Sam FaUo. TaUeJo. Cmineeta ^so at Port Ciosta with local pas'gr train for , AlcetM. at Reau< Benlela and Martlaea. tinnday Bxenraion Tickets, at Re< and Martlaea. A. M. Daily — Local Passenger Train via Oakland, Niles, ^^ Llvermore and Stockton, arriving at Sacramento at 1:35 P. M., and ronneetlns Atlautle S^press. Connects at IVUes with train arriving at San Jose at 10:86 A. M. , and »t Qalt with train for lone. 9QQ A. M. Daily — Atlantic Express via Oakland and Benicia * O 'oi* Sacramento, Colfax, Reno (Virginia City), Battle Mountain (Austin), Paiiiade (Bu- reka,)Ogden, Omahaand East C3ounect«at Oavls, for Woodland, and at.Woodland(Snn- days excepted), for WUliams and Willows. Connects at Sacramento with the Oregou ExftraHfor Maryaville, Chlco, Red Bluff and Redding (stages for Portland, Or^^n.) I ft on •^- •^- Daily — Local Passenger Train via Oakland to %\Jt\J\J Haywardi and Niles. 3<>sfN P. M. Daily — Local Passenger Train via Oakland and • ^ ^ Niles, arriTlng at San Joi* at 5:20 P. M. 3/-J/-J P. M. Daily— LocbX Passenger Train via Oakland for *^^ MarUnes and Antloch. 4QQ P. M.' Daily — Arizona Express via Onklaud and Marti- * ^ ^ nez for Lathrop (Stockton and Gait), MerceJ, Madera (Yosemit j and Big Treoa), Vi(»- lia, Sumner, Mojava, Newhall (San Buenaventura, and Santa Barbara), Itos Anffelea, Santa Monica, Wilmington, Santa Ana (Sai; Plwo), Cclton and Yuma (Colorado River Steamers), cou- naeting direct with Dally Trains of the Southern I'aciflc Railroad of Arisona tor Maricopa (Stages for FhoBniz and Prescott), Casa Grande, (Stages for Florence), Tucson (Stages for Ouaymas, 8onora)r and for Pantano, 1,000 miles from San Francisco, (Stages for Tombstone, Patagonia, New Mexico and Texas). Sleeping; Cars between Oakland. IjOs Angeles, Yana and excepted, at Tallcjo Junction for Nap*,. St. Helena Ooanecta, Sandays andOaliatoga. 4QQ P.- M. Sundays excepted — Sacramento Steamer (from *^^ Washington Street Wharf) for Benicia and Landings on the Sacramento RIvm'. A QQ P. M. Sundays excepted — Local Passenger Train via Oak- n'O I*nd and Benicia, for "Sacramento." Connects at Davis with liocal Train for Woodland and Knight's Ijanding; and at Sacramento with the " Virginia BxpNM" tor Reno, OuBon and Virginia. tlleepinK Cars Oakland to Carson. P. M. Daily — Local Passenger Train, via Oakland for Haywarda, Niles and Livermore. 'lie Conreyanoes tor Mills Seminary connects at Seminary Park Station with all trains, Sun- days excepted. C no P- M. Z?«<^— Through Third-Class Train, via Oakland, ^ * ^^ Martiiei and Lathrop, for Los Angeles and points in Artiona. 5Qi-j P. M. Daily — Overland, Emigrant Train, via Oakland, *^^ Benio'a and Saorameato for Ogdeo, Omaha and the Bast. Coaaeetlons ft»r "Vallido'' made at Vallejo Jttnctloa trou Tr»iM IsMinc 8u Krudsoo 7 JO A. M.,»:M A. M.. 8.D0 P. M., 4.-00 P: M. 4:80 P. M. 4.3' PaEli( . FEI^RIES AND LOCAL TRAINS From "San Franclsro'' Daily. TO OAKLAND. A. M. B «.10 7.00 7. SO 0.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.80 11.00 11.80 llOO P. H 12.80 1-00 «1.80 XOO 8.00 8.80 4. 4.80 6.00 6.80 6.00 8.30 7.00 8.10 9.20 10.80 Bll.45 A. II 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 1^00 P. M. 1.80 8.00 •3.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 B*7.00 B*8.10 •W.80 B*11.45 A. M. B7.00 B9.00 BlO.OO P. S. B6.00 A. M. B6.10 7.30 8.30 9.80 10.80 11.30 P. M 12.80 i.oe 8.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.00 8.10 o.ao 10..S0 Bll.46 53 A.N. 7.30 10.00 p. t 3.0) 4.30 en A. M. 7.31 p. M. 3.00 A. M. 7.30 8.80 0.30 10.30 11.30 P. U 1.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 B6.30 A.M. B6.I0 8-00 10.00 12.00 P. M. 1.80 8.30 4.30 6.80 B0.8O Change Can at. Weat Oakland, To "San Vrancisco" Dally. P3* A. M. B6.40 B6.30 7.80 8.80 9.30 10.80 11.30 P. M. 1.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 Change Can At West OaKUiiU. ^l n 5s k p p ► A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. 7.00 B5.10 B8.00 B»5.00 8.00 B.^50 BlO.Ofl B"6.40 P. M. «.40 Bll.OO •6.25 2..S5 7.40 P. M. 7.00 3.60 8.40 B6.00 6.03 0.40 9.00 10.40 10.03 00 11.40 11.03 «3 P. M. 12.00 12.40 P M. IS 1.35 1.00 2.40 .s.oo P 4.40 •3.20 5.40 4.00 6.40 7.50 5.00 6.03 A. M. 7.10 9.00 B»7.20 P. M. 10.10 B*8.30 1.26 •10.00 FROM OAKLAND (Bruadway) A. M B5.20 86.00 6.60 7.20 7.50 8.26 B.-W 9.20 10.20 10.50 11.20 11.6(1 P. M 12.20 12.60 1.20 150 2.60 3.20 3.60 4.20 4.50 5.20 5.60 e.2.'i 6.50 8.00 9.10 10.20 Creek ROiite. From SAN FRANCISCO— Daily— 15.«0, B6.30, 7.20, g.lS, 9,16, lO.lS, 11.16, 1. M. 12,16, 1.16, i.25, 8.15, 4.16, 6;16, 6.1S p. M. From OAKLAND— Daily- BS.80, BlltO, 7.10, 8.06, 9.06, 10.06, 11.06, A M. 12.06, 1.06,- 2.16, 3.06, 4.06, 6.06, 105 '• X- ■ • " Official Schedule Time " - himiahad by Andenon & Randolph, Jewelera, lOl and 103 Montgomery Straet, 11. F. T. H. GOODMAN, Oen. Pass, and Ticltet Agent. A. N. TOWNE. ' _j^ ;__; Cfen. Supt. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. NORTHERN DI¥ISION. PASSENGER TRAINS will leave Ban Franciiwo from Passenger Depot on Townsend Street, betweun Third and Fourth Sts., as follows: «<|f| A. M. Dally, for Stn Jow • ZU and Way Stations. Stages for Pescadero (via San Mateo) connect with this train only. IiH /n a. M. Dally, for San Jose I '1I.4U Uilrov. HolIiRter, Tres Finos I'ajaro, Castroville, Monterey, Salinas, .Soledad, and all Way Stations. ATAt PA.TAaO the SANTA CRUZ R. R, connects with this train, for Ap- to8, 8oc|uei and Santa Cruz. Stage uonnei-tiuns made with this train. (Pea. vodero stageti, via San Mateo, excepted) 3 on ^- M- Oally, (Sundays .OU «ixeeptea), "MONTEREIi •» lY 'Jrtuui/OH EXl'KESS" for San Jose, Ullroy, (Holliater and Tres Pinos) Paja- ro and Monterey. £^At PAJARO the Santa Cruz R. R. connectH with this trai I for Aptoti, Soquel and Santa Crus. <|r P. M. Daily ESxpreaa, for *W ^n Jo^e and principal Way- Siutiunn. fiTSundays only this train stops at all Way stations. B — Sundays exvept<>d. • Akuncda passengers change cars ut Oakland. I in P. M. Dally, linndayH ex- •III ceptrd. for Menlo Park and 'Ky-&tutlon:i. 6.30 p. M. Dally, for-Menlo Park and Way Stations. 8e«ond-ClaaH Fare betwe**!! Han Franeldco and Ulan Jose tl.QO (On Freight Trains only.) ■xcnralon TIcketM, at It«dur«d RateN, sold on Saturday and Sunday Momingt, good for return until following Monday inclusive. TIeket Ofllcca— Passenger Depot, Townsend St., and 2 New .Munttromery St., Palace Hotel. A. C. BA88ETT, Superintendent. H. ft. JUDAH, Asst . Pass, and Ticket Agent. SOUTHERN DimiONS-Commencing Monday, May 19th, 1879. Passenger* for La« Angeles and intermediate pnints. as also Tuma and all points east of tb« ColonMloFf the Central Paciflo Railroad via OAKLAND. le»viii( SAN FHANCISCO, via Ferry Landing. Market Struct, at 4 o'doiik, P. M. , duUy, V"/ ' ® Mrmterey, Col. U4 X Hi Id CO I CO E-" CO I o CO s Q M ^C3 H P3 w3 3 UJ ;) c-;? -< n"! mJ P< Oh O S) ;z; III cc B E-H CO (X> Monterey, Cat. VMl Bathing Houses, Character of the Beach, etc. The beach is about half a mile from the hotel, and i& the most perfect bathing beaf;h upon the Pacific coast. The bathing-house is a model of beauty and perfection. Mr. W. H, Daily, the champion swimmer of the Pacific Coast, and who has mode himself well acquainted with the character of several of the most noted beaches from San Francisco to Santa Monica, says, in a letter dated Monterey, December 15, 1879: " I have made a careful examination of the b«ach at this place, as to its fitness for purposes of bathing. I find it au easy^ sloping beach of nnc sand; no gravel, no stones any where below high water mark. I waded and ■warn up the l)each a quarter of a mile, that is, toward the oast, and also westward toward the warehouse, and found a smooth sandy bottom all the way; no rocks, no sea weed and no undertow. The whiteness of the sand makes thewuter bean* tifnlly clear. I consider the beach here the finest on the Pacific Coast.. I was in the water an hour yesterday, and found it, even at this tim» of the year, nona-too cold for enjoyable bathing.' The Climate and Healthful less of Monterey. The weather at Monteroy is not«o'Atrann either in summer or winter as in other parts of California further south, but there is an even temperature that con be found nowhere else. From January to I>ecember, year in and year out, there is no summer nor winter weather. Indeed, the weather at Monterey, fronv one year's end to another, ^lertakes of that delightful interlude known in the East and South as " Indian Summer " The same balmy zephyrs breathe a delicious atmos- phere all the year round, and summer and winter, so-called, serenely face each other und exchange compliments. The following carefully prepared table presents the mean temperature of Monterey and many other health resorts and places throughout the world: Comparative Table of TemperaturOi PLACE. Jan. July. DiflF. Latitude. MONTEREY deg. 52 49 55 56 57 58 45 49 48 66 30 31 55 46 71 60 40 46 52 58 59 50 deg. 58 57 67 66 65 65 73 72 67 92 74 77 82 76 77. 70 73 77. 63 80 77 60 deg. 8 12 10 8 7. 28 23 19 36 44 46 27 30 6 10 33 31 u. 22 18 10 d^. min. 36 36. San Francisco lx)8 Angd'les 37 48> 34 Oi Santa Barbara 34 24 San Diego 32 41 Santa Monica 34 00 Sacramento Stockton Valleio ; 38 34 37 5ft 38 0& Fort Yuma Cincinnati New York 32 4a 39 06. 40 37 New Orleans 29 67 Naples 40 52 Honolulu 21 1& Funchal 32 38 Mebtone 43 71 Genoa City of Mexico 44 24 19 2$ Jacksonville St. Augustine Santa Cruz 30 SO 30 05. 37 OO i i It will be seen by the above table that Monterey has only one rival (Hono^ lulu) in equability of temperature. It must be understood, however, that ther* is a good deal of hot, disagreeable weather on the islands, and a multiplicity efi drawbaoks-whioh Monterey does not possess. There are seldom any high, cold winds at and around Monterey, and never any hot ones. ▼Ul. 8a/n Frcmciaco — China. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STE^i^sHiF aoi^ipj^isr'Y: FOR JAPAN and CHINA Leave Wharf, corner First and Brannan Streets at noon for Yokohama and Hong Kong, Connecting at 70Z0HAMA vniTa. Steamers for SHANGHAI. OCEANIC, BELGIC, GAELIC. f ASlSACtE TlCKmra.— Cabin Plans on exhibition and Vaamtt Ticlccts for sale at ^0. 2 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Passaice Bat"** aM ftollowH. Mubject to change. Payable in U. S. Gold Coin. •First-Class or Cabin. European Steerage. $ 85 00 Cliines« steerage. Distances from San Francisco San Francisco to Yokohama, Japan, $250 00 $53 00 4,764 miles. " Hiogo, 270 00 100 00 5,104 " " Nagasaki. " 290 00 100 00 62 00 5,444 " ^' : " Shanghai. China, 305 09 100 00 65 00 5,9e4 " " ' " Hongkong. " 300 00 100 00 53 00 '6,384 " " Calcutta, India, 450 00 19,385 " CmiiDRKN under 12 years of ago, une-lialf rates ; under 5 years, one-quarter rates ; under 1 year, free. Family Sbrvants (European) eating and sleeping in European Stecraite, one-lialf cabin rates; eatiHg in C^bin and sleeping in European Steerage, three-quarters cabin rates ; eating and sleep- ing in Ca^in, full cabin rates. 260 lbs. Baggage allowed each adult Fjret-Class or Cabin Passenger ; 150 lbs. each Earnpean Steerage ; 100 lbs. each Chinese Steerage ; proportionate to Children. 'i^'Ronnd Trip Tickets, good for twelve months, will be sold at a reduction of 12J per cent, f ron? regular rates. An allowance of 20 per cent, on return passage will be made to passengers paying full fare to Japan or China, or vice versa, who re-embark within six months from date of landing, and an allowance of 10 per cent, to those who return within twelve months. Famiukb whose fare amounts to four full passaoks will be allowed 7 per cent, reduction. Exclusive Use of Staterooms can be secured by the payment of half-rate for extra bertha. For Freight, apply to GEO. H. RICE, Freight Agent, at the PACIFIC MAIL 8. S. Co's Wharf, or at No. 202 Market Street. LELAND STAMFORD, President. T. H, eOOBMAM, Gen. Pass. Agent. California — Nevada. iz. Mi^IliM0mS SimM]^3 The Central Pacific and ^uthern Pacific Railroad Companies have land f rants direct from the U. S. Government, including Wheat, Farming, 'ruit, Qrazing, Dairy and Timber Lands. IQVAL TO TBI BEST IB AMIBICA, And adapted to all purposes of profitable agriculture, and will sell the same in tracts of FORTY ACRES AND UPWARDS, At prices ranging from $2. SO TO $20.00 PER ACRE, According to quality and situation. These lands extend the entire length of California and across the State of Ne- vada, and — excepting the tracts reserved by Government and those to which a valid homestead or pre-emption right had attached prior to the date of the grant, com- prise all the vacant, odd-numbered sections within twenty miles on each side of the main line of the Central Pacitic Railroad, within thirty miles on each side of the line of the California and Oregon branch of the Central Pacific Railroad, and within thirty miles on each side of the line of the Southern Pacitic Railroad. The course of these lines of roiid can i)e readily ascertained by reference to any late maps of California and Nevada. It will be seen that all this country ia situated in the midst of what wiU be, within a few years, a perfect network of railroads. Lands, therefore, anywhere within this section, must, in conse(|uence of situation, outside of their intrinsic worth, mcrease very rapidly in value. But, independent of situation, the general excellent quality of the soil, its great productiveness, its adaptability in many places to almost every species of agricultural production, to- gether with the mildness of the climate, the bright skies and the equability of the temperature which prevails over the greater part of its extent, render it a very de- sirable section for the immigrant or settler who wishes to make a happy home in a place where all the comforts und most of the luxuries of life can be had with but little trouble, and where industry and thrift will be sure to meet with an abundant reward. Tracts of not less that eighty acres will be sold, if desired, on a credit of five years; that is, twenty per cent, cash in hand, and the remainder of the purchase money payable at any time within five years, with interest at seven per cent, per annum. Circulars, giving full particulars, are supplied gratis, Apply to or address, B. B. BSDDINa, Land Agent, C. P. BailroacL JEBOME KADPSN, Land Agent, S. F. Bailroad. Comer Fourth and Townsend Sts.* San Francisco. Cal. z. San Francisco, Cal. Ticket Office, Washington Street Wharf. The Only Direct, and the Shortest, Quickest and Best Equipped BROAD GAUGE ItOAn TO THE Immense Redwood Forests of Sonoma County, A\D TIIK BEAUTIFUL SCENEBr OF THE RUSSIAN RIVER. The Grandeur and the Variety of the Views on the Line of this Road, are unsur- passed, and every facility will be offered TO THE INVALID, TOUEIST, MEHCHANT AND SFOETSM AN, In search of health, pleasure, business or ^ame. CAMPING PARTIES Will find it to their advantage to select their ground on tlie line of this Road, and for PICNIC PARTIES The Accommodations it offers cannot be beat. STAGE CONNECTIGNS. This is the Only Direct line to UKIAII AND SKAGGS' SPRINGS. This is the New line to EUREKA, HUMBOLDT BAY. This is the Shortest to MENDOCINO CITY and to SONOMA. This is the Best Equipped and most Comfortable to LAKEPORT, BART- LETT SPRINGS, HIGHLAND SPRINGS and SODA RAY. This is the most picturesque to THE WONDERFUL GEYSERS. Round Trip Tickets to which are issued via Cloverdale and Calistoga, under the careful management of the world-renowned drivers, Van Arnam, Kennedy and Foss. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS. For a pleasant day and a good time in the woods, the fields or on tht moun- tains, go by this route. General OfBce, 426 Montgomery Street ' •►„ 8cm Francisco, Cal. XI. North Pacific Coast Raifroad. I 8 /r A. M. for Alameda, WeHt San Lcandro, ,HQ West Han Lori'nzo, KuMMell'B, Mount Eden, Alvarado, Hairri.Newark. Mowry'^^^ Ah isi), Agnew'8, SanUi CInra, San .Ici^e, LoveUuly's, Los OatoK, Alma, Wright's, Glenwood, Fclton, Big Tree Orove, and Santa <:ruz. 3Qn P. M., for Alameda, Newark, San Jo8c> •wU Santa Cruz, and all intermediate pointR- Qn P. M., for Alameda, Nuwark, San Joge> .,0U SantaCnu, and all intermediate points. On flundUTM only, an additional train will leave San FraiiciBco at 7:40 A. M. (or Santa Crur and all intermediate point'i. tSf All through ti-ains will stop at Park Htreet ftnd Pacific avenue only. STAClBli COMN JT At Los Oatos with 8:45 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. trains for CONGRESS SPRINGS tt SARATOGA; at Wriurht's with 8:45 A. M. train for Wri^'ht's Sammit Ho^se, and at Glenwoood until Monday following, inclusii'c, to San Jose and return, 9^.50; Santa Cniz and Return, $5.00. Ferrieit and lioeal Trains Dally from «an Franelftro: •6:35—7:40—8:45 »:45 -10:30 -ll:;« A. M. 12:30— 1:30— 12:30— 3:.SO—4:3O-5:JJ0— 6:30— 7:30— 8:30— i 11:30 P. M. From HlKh Street, Alameda: "6:46 —•6:46 - 7:5(» - 8:50— 9:50— 10:38- 11:35 A. M. 12:35 -l:35-t2:35— 3:36— 4:35— 6:86— 636— »:80 and 11:30 P. M. ^Saturdays aud Sunday.s only. •Daily, Sundays excepted. THOS. CARTER, GEO. H. WAOOONER, Superintendent. Genl pMrgr Ag^. TAKE SOUTH PACIFIC COAST R. R. To ThfrdfAvenue Station, In Front of Premises* Seven Minutes Wallc from Masticic Station. B. HALEY & C. A. ED80N, - PROPRIETORS. Scm Frandaco, Gad. • •• xm. . % I NORTHERN DIVISION »@ith©ii Fa©ii€ laili@ai, THK FOLLOWINCl Wmw^wMm Bmmjmmw Mm®mm%w> ARK REACHt:i> BY THI^l lil^iE. PESCADERO, (via San Mateo.) MADRONE MINERAL SPRINGS, (via Madrone Station.) GILRO Y HOT SPRINGS , (via Gilroy.) ^"^U?" I MONTEREY, ^^^L [ The MoNt nellKhtrui iSoai«id« Resort on the Pacific Coast. lE I FROM SAN FRANCISCO HOURS. J By the New Broad Gauge Route (via CaatroTille.) All-Rail Route to APTOS, SOQUEL & SA.NTA CRUZ, (via Pajaro.) PARAISO HOT MINERAL SPRINGS, (via Soledad.) PASO ROBLES HOT SPRINGS, (via Soledad.) Spseial BOUND TBIP TICEEiTS to abo^e Point? at Eddticed Batee, Can be obtiiincU at the Priuuipal Ticket Office, PasseiiKer Oi'pot, TownHend ISti-cft, between Third and Fonrth. Also, at Ticket Office, Tilace Hotel, No. 2 New Montgomery Street, San FranciKo. For a SUBURBIAN RESIDENCE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS The attention of Buainesa Men and ramilies is especially invited to the many delightful places on the line of the Between San Francisco and San Jose. Schedule of Commutation Rates furnished on Application. These Tickets are issued only from cha General Office ot the Company, Room 88* Cor. Fourth and To^irnaend Sta., San Francisoo. XIV. San Francisco, Col. HOLBROOK. MERRILL & STETSON, IMPORTERS OF Metak. St@f I liti, 1 LEAD AND IRON PIPE, FORCB ANG tlFT PUMPS,^ ■ — a ■:x."aBt Plumbers' Goods, Copper Boilers, And a General Assortment of BOVSS FVBIIIS1IR& lABBWABZ. MANUFACTURERS OF Plain. Japanned and Stamped Tinware, TIN CANS, DAIRYMEN'S STOCK, ETC., II I and I 13 California Street, AND 1 7 and 1 9 Davis Street, SAir FRANCISCO, CAL. San Francisco, Cal. XV. PHOTOGRAPHER, Montgomery Street, SAN FBAITCZSCO, CALIFORNIA. TAKK THE ELEVATOR. Montgomery Street, corner Market. mini !A^ ft OEOROE (JAMPBKIiL. E. D. HEATLEY. DICKSON, DE WOLF &. CO., 410, 412 and 414 Battery St., San Francisco. CAMPB^SLL, HEATLE7 & CO., 11 Qeorge Yard, Lombard St, London. Sole Agents of the Celebrated O.itherwood's Whiskies, viz: A. A. A., Century, Eureka, Granston, etc. THE ABOVE WELL-KNOWN SUPERIOR MONTE DIABLO COAL, The most ecoDomical that can be used for Bteatn. is for sale in ]ott to aait, at Black Diamond Landing, Contra Costa Co., and at the office of the Company, S. £. corner of Folsom and Spear Streets. P. B. OOEITWALL, Fres't B. ]). 0. M. XVI. San Frandeeo, Col, ARTIST TAILOR, 237 BUSH STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. und':r occidental hotel. Card. AVE constantly on hand the finest and latest Importations ^ from LONDON, NEW YORK, BERLIN and PARIS, of V -^ N^ Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviot and Scotch goods ever before offered to the public of the Pacific Coast. To my former pat) jns and residents of interior cities I stand ready, at a moment's notice, to express a full line of samples of my latest importations, with descriptive fashion plates if desired ; also, rules for self-measunment; thus facilitating the ordering of Clothes. My wide-spread reputation guaranteeing perfect satis- faction in style and fit. All orders shall receive my personal supervision and be fillod with promptness and dispatch. Respectfully, HENRY STEIL Stiii Francisco, Cal. '\ xvii ®%nlM Mainifacturer and Importer of HAT AND HAT MATERIALS, Wholesale and Retail, IV. E. CORTVER Montgomery and Bnsb, FACTORY, 416 _ MARKET STREET, iLisJ SAN FKANCISCO VISITORS to SAN FRANCISCO Should not fail to order a pair of CHARLES DIETLE'S Odibmtd BmU m Ste 235 BUSH STREET, Occidental Hotel Building, S. F. 1 I ' XVlll San Francisco, Cal. W. f. KAY. W. R ANDKRSON. W. S. RAY « CO., Maiiufactiifcrs ami Wholesale Dealers in Moos'Sp 0fic6 ad Cooking StoveSp TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. Nos. 1 2 and 1 4 Market Street, San Francisco- Foundry, 288 Main Street. tS' Manufactures Kxtra nrieksaiul Liiiiiij^s for all kiiidi of Stoves and Itnn^es. k I >cu>u..uu.u.m»USaeBl Northeast Corner Nonigomery and Market Streets, Under Hiliernia I?:ink, San Francisco. The iindersiijnecl takes pleasure in inforniin;^ his friends and the |nil)Iic of the city and interior, that he has in stock the finest Frames, Mats, Passe-Pnrtout, &c.' in San Francisco. His attention is devoted entirely to this branch of business and as a'consequence he is enalaled lo secme many advantages to his customers. tm' Fini'Ht of Uoods at Bottom I*ri<'«>N. Re-Gilding done equal to new. LOUIS DAMPFa ,„.s B „,, „ DIXON & BERNSTEIN , * ' "™"~ «SO A «»« MARKET ST., 1« A 14 FRO!VT ST., MA7V FRAIVCISCO I FROM DENVER OVER THE COLORADO DIVISION _^_^ OF THE Union Pacific R. R. INTO THE ^Switzerland of America through the Famous Clear Creek Canyon. The Only Road Running into the Heart of the Best Gold and Silver Mining Camps of Colorado. For full particulars address W. N. BABCOCK, General Agent, Denver. Col. Or TH08. L. KIMBALL, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. Insurance e San Francitico, Gal. XIX TEUBNER & HOFFMANN, KNTIRE NEW STYLE OK jxlElTajm sHomr cases /|j,,.ri':ii:'iw"' ii ^ :i! liiii i'iil!iii!:,||riif|j?|^|K ' " '''**^i;i|i!|iimrnvi;:iig.' No. SHit Calit'oriiia Mt., Iii't. Kcat'iiy anil IlIoiitBOiiit'i'.v MtN., (HaMomont. SAN FRANCISCO. J. GUS BURT, General FircliasiiE Apit EUREKA & PALISADE Fou I RAILROAD. COUNTRY MERCHANTS! A^'" Conuects with all trains of the C. P. Mining: Companies. I r. r, to and from Eureka. Insuranci! eflfectecl in goixl Ci)ini)iiiiies at lowest rates. Office, 116 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO. T. V. liAWIiKK Gen. I'as. ami Ticket Agt. J. X. HI Mi, (ien. Freight. Agt. ESTABLISHED IN 1851. THOS. HOUSEWORTH & CO. AND nmwiP 12 Montgomery Street, I! P.O 1704. F mm I ■ XX San Fnmciaeo, Cal. em The pleasure of a visit to San Francisco is very much enhanced by a ride througli Golden Gate Park to the Cliff House; and the best place to get a team with which to thoroughly enjoy the drive is at the dmSUi Bush Street, aboye Z^zxny, just bslow th? California Theatre. Order by Telephone from your Hotel. E. RAAS « CO., IMPORTERS OK TAILORS' TRIMMINGS A SPECIALTY. 26 and 23 Montgomery Strest, between Market and Sutter, SAN FRANCISCO. J. S. FERNALD, BBOKER. Stocks, Bonds, Railroad, Gas, Water,, Powder and Local Securities, SAN FRAKCXSCO. Portland, Oregon. XXI FOR ALASKA. GiLIiIFORHIiL CARRYING THE U. S, MAIL, WILL SAIL FROM PORTLAND, OREGON. On or about the 28th day of each month, for Fort Wrangle & Sitka Calling at Port Townsend for the U. S. Mail on the first of each month, and Touching at And OTHER PORTS on the ALASKA ROUTE. For Freight or Passage apply to the Purser on board, or to 1>. B, CORNWALL, Corner Spear and Folsom Streets, San Francisco. r xxn San Francisco, Cal. ,i PHILADELPHIA BREWEB.T Corner Second and Folsom Streets, SAN FRANCISCO. The amount of Besr sold during the year 1879 was about 45,034 bbls I take the present opportunity of thankinjj my Krien('s and Customers for the liberal support heretofore extended to the PHILADELPHIA BREWERY, And notify iheni that I have added to my establishment By which I hope, throajjli the greatly increased facilities now possessed by me, to furnish, as usual, a Superior Article of Lager Beer That shall not only equal that previously furnished by me but convince them that I am determined to merit their continued patronasje and support. JOHN WIELAND. MixceUaiu'oHS. xxm B. I. ENAPP'S SIDE HUL PLOW The BEST and CHEAPEST in the Market. Is stronger and less complicated than any other Plow, working easle for Man and Te am. Is made of the best Steel, is warranted to work wel and give satisfaction on hill or valley. B. I. ENAPF, Manufacturer and Proprietor, HALF MOON BAY, CAL. Plow complete With Wheel S2 CO Extra Shears •S4 OO Extras can always be had. TO FARMERS EXCLUSIVELY. SOLK AdKNT FOR THE GREATEST AGRICULTURAL MANUFACTURERS IN THE UNITED STATES. INfUKI.NG Fish Bro's & Go's Farm, Freight, Spring and Header Wagons, Furst & Bradley Mf'g Go's Garden Gity Glipper Gang and Suikey Plows, Horse Rakes. Harrows, Gultivators. I. Gase & Go/s Threshers, Engines and Horse Powers. Lawrence & Ghapin's Diamond Iron Plows, P. Weyhrich & Go's Haines Improved Headers. Wheeler & Meleck Go's Le Dow Harrows. As we do not purchase these j^ood-., l)iU are sim])ly Manufacturers' Agents, we are prepared and instructed to name such i)rices as will defy any convjietition from any source. Before purchasing, send for Circulars, and list of prices. Address. CgQ. A. DAVIS, 327 MABEET STUEEP, San Fransisso, CaL XXIV San Francisco, Cal. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. T H p: laslifg jlffiei ieai Faeket Co"s DIRECT WEEKLY STEAMSHIPS CIMBRM, FRISIA, GEllERT, HERDER, lESSING, SILESIA, SUEVIA, WESTPHALIA, WIELAND, ja.v. ROBERT F. BUNKER, Ciircr and Dealer in California Su>far-('nred HA^MS, BAco:^r, Pork, Lard, Smoked Tongfues, Beef, Sausages, Etc. Absent fur H. 91. UUPfiB & VO'H 72 California Mariiet, iCIiicago Hams & Bacon. SAN FRANCISCO. W. J. JOHNiiON, Affent. 4'lub SkauHaffeH a Speflalty. Stalls 74 ^ 75, Pockin)^ House: llrannan St., bet. 5th and 0th, i '>i San Francisco, Cal. xxvu California Marlcet, Continued. E. Tkbry. S. Winant E. TERRY & CO., WholeHale Dcaicrs in EASTERN OYSTERS, 107 CALIFOBKIA KABEET. AND 27 Summer Street. LARKINS & SPOSITO, Wholesale and Kutail Uealens in FRESH & SALT FISH 101 & 102 California Market. JOE CIUSTI'S Oyster, Chop S Chowder House LadieM' Oynter Room np stairs. No. 105 California Market. OpCil all TKlKllt. Entrance on Summer St. OyNttM'M aiHl <'lainM In every Isltyle. ( ).vsters by the HundroJ, Gallon or Basket. The Finest lili|uors and Clears. Fan\ilieH, IIotclH, Sl)i|)ping and Restaurants sup- jilied at the shortest notice -delivered free. CENTER MARKET, S. E. corner Sutter and Dupont, N. DOD&E, Superintendent. P. Jeaunean & J. Lemaitre, „ ^P^^?*?.?^?*?!' . * . Formerly of the California Market. Dealers in , Wholusale and Retail dealer in ALL KINDS OF MEATSvFRESH AND SALT FISH Stall 67 Centre Market, \ stallsVo &Tcent7rMarket, Corner Sutter and Dujiont, San Francisco. ,suUer Street, San Francisco. . TRUWORTHY, [Established in 1857.] .Maniifncturcr of ©' lllj I IL P Burning Brands, Zincotypes, &c. And keep constantly on hand and for sale Stencil Brushes, Ink and Cups, and in fact everything; pertaining to the Business. Having been established for so many years in this city, and having the most skillful and experienced workmen, as well as the most exten- sive ''acilities, I am now enabled to till orders at j-rices that will defy competition. Ho. 318 Fio&t Stfd&t, Sem Fraiidsco, Gal. xxvm Boise City, Idaho. I 1864 ESTABLISHED 1864. Devoted to all that coDcerns THE TEUE INTEEEST OF TEE COUHTS?. In which the people are sure to find a friend and defender IN EVERY JUST CAUSE. THE LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS From all parts of the world is given in the columns of the Statesman and reaches its numerous readers in advance of that published in any other paper. The circulation of the Statesman exceeds that of all othe IDAHO PAPERS combined and affords by far the best means of adver- tising and the only paper Known to any extent outside of the Territory. Those who wish to know the Resources of the Mines, Fastural, Agricultural, and all other matters concerning Idaho, look to the Statesman for reliable information. The TRY-WEEKLY is published TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY MORNINGS, And the WEEKLY By MILTON KELLY, Publisher and Proprietor. I I San Francisco, Cal. XXIX Established, I860.] [P. O. Box 1668. D AWMM IMPORTERiSr Wholesale and Retail Dealers In AJVD SILVER-PLATED WARE, Table Cutlery, Lamps, Chandeliers, . QLASS SHADES AND HOUSE FUHNISHIITa OOODS. HOTEL, RESTAURANT & SALOON OUTFITS A SPECIALTY Agents fer Pacific Coast for Jewett's Ice Chests, Refrigerators and Water Filters. Blatchley's Horizontal Ice Cream Freezers. Illustrated Price Lists on Application. I 126, 128, 130 Sutter Street, bet. Montgomery and Kearny, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. J XXX Omaha, NehroMha. Vii@i Fasti© liili@ii ■!V CO!li!liRCTIOX WITH THE CENTRAI> PACIFIC, THE ONLY DIRFXT, ALL-RAIL ROUTE AND ALL POINTS IN Colorado and New Mexico. The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, in connection witii the Colorado Central Railroad, recently completed to Ciieyenne, offers a line possessing UNRIVALED ADVANTAGES! This New Route, ])assing through the fertile and highly cultivated agricultural dis- trict of Colorado, at the base of the Rocky Mountains, and in constant view of the far-famed Snowy Range, including Long's Peak, 14,215 feet high, affords the traveler a wonderful panorama of some of the most extraordinary and magniticent scenery on the continent. Connection is made with the Denver & Rio Grande R. R. for all ]3oints in Southern Colorado and New Mexico, ^ To the Gold Fields of the Black Hills, ^^^ And the BIG HORN, the Union Pacific Railroad furnishes the QUICKEST* SAFEST and MOST RELIABLE ROUTE. From Sidney and Cheyenne FAST STAGE LINES run to the Hills over good Government roads, and render military protection. THESE ARE THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS STAGE LINES TO THE HILLS,— the only lines running regular DAILY STAGES into the Hills during the entire year. The only Routes with TELEGRAPH LINES. The only Routes patronized regularly by army officers and the business men of the Hills. »^THE FINEST PULLMAN SLEEPERS RUN THROUGH -^^ir Between Omaha and Denver and Omaha and Ogden Daily. Speed, Comfort and Safety. The Finest Eoadbed and Equipment in the West. Steel Bails, Miller Flatfoxms, Air Brakes. Rates always as low as by any other line. Tickets for sale at all Ticket Offices. Full information and a new map of the United States, showing the Great Overland Route, its connections, Land Grant, etc., with views of scenery, will be cheerfully furnished on application to THOS. L. KIMBALL, General PaaseuKer and Ticket Axent, Omaha, Neb. k ) 4 San Francisco, CaZ. xxxi HOWARD BLACK, SHIRT MAKER M S'ff SAN FRANCISCO. M. J. NEWMARK. F. OT.EARY. MAX GIIUKNBEIIG. MICHAEL KANE. KANE, O'LEARY & CO., (ESTABLISHED 1860.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in fill Wilis MP Sole Agents and Proprietors of the following well-known brands of Whisky : Morning; Glory— Kentucky Pride— Winchester— Kentucky Farm- R. Main & Co. -Honey Dew— Daniel Boone — Old Dominion- 's Bourbon — Joseph S. Finch's- Celebrated Golden Wedding Rye— Hunter's California Wheat Whisky — and many other Brands. Also, all the favotite brands of BRANDT, RUM, GIN, SCOTCH and IRISH WHISKIES, PORT, SHERHY and other Wines, CHAM. PAGNES, Ac, in bond or duty paid. 221 and 223 Bush Street, SAN FRANCISCO. ir-, if XXXIl San Francisco, Cal. BENEDICT t( SMITH, Merchant Tailors WKl^^M UNDER OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, FIRST DOOR BELOW HOTEL ENTRANCE SAN FRANCISCO. ill Samples ai Self-HeasiiriDi Roles SENT ON APPLICATION. PACIFIC COAST DIRECTORY, Foze. CONTAINING ■.V 1 >: , ' NAMES, BUSINESS AND ADDRESS Merehants, Manufacturers and Professional Men; County, City, State, Territorial and Federal Officers, and Notaries Public, California, Nevada, Oregon, \A/^ashington, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, and British Columbia. Together with a Sketch of the different Cities and Towns, giving Description, Means of Support, Population, Etc. Complete Classified and Alphabetical Lists, Convenient for Reference. INVALUABLE FOR ALL BUSINESS MEN. OVER 35,000 NAMES. ' . ■ ^^ ' L M. McKENNEY & CO., PUBLISHERS, 543 Clay Street, Sar\ Francisco, Cal. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year i88o, by L. M. McKknney & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. " i' ."•i *1 i-J, I 1' t PRINTICD AT PAdPIC PRBMS PVBUBUiKO HUUBB, OAKLAND, CAu. 9\\^:v^ San Francisco, Oal. SAN FRANCISCO DAILY AND WEEKLY. f ME ia; 9 MOST RELIABLE AND BEST COMMERCIAL PAPER PUBLISHED ON THE PACIFIC COAST. No Merctat can M to t Vioiit It. To them its Review of the Markets alone is worth much more than the price of the Paper. Its bona fide circulation is greater than that ever achieved by any other Commercial Paper on our Coast. It circulates largely in the following places, viz : California, Nevada, Utali, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washing- ton, Alaska, Arizona, British Columbia, Central and South American Coast Cities, Sandwich Islands, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, and all Pacific Trade Ports. Terms of Subscription • Samples sent gratuitously upon application Weekly, 85.00 per Year. Daily, $12.00 " " San Francisco Journal of Commerce Publishing Company, Publishers and Proprietors. WM. H. MURRAY, Business Manager. No. 414 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cal. PREFACE. The prevailing custom amongst publishers of writing a "Preface " for their works should by common consent be relegated from their "prescribed duties," particularly when the confidence is warranted in the merits of their productions. A book that is worthy public esteem needs no apology, and one that does not satisfy the requirements which prompted its publicatif)n may be considered an "unpni'donable imposition." Feeling that our untiring energy towards the attainment of success in this branch of literary effort has been rewarded, we as- sume that a "valedictory" of this na^t^e is superfluous. Yet, now that we are in for it, we shall avail ourselves of thu privilege of a few modest utterances that opportunity confers upon us. The DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER is the work of many hands and its completion has involved no little expense and trouble. Thousands of letters have been written, many fatiguing journeys were made and a great deal of profanity could have been expended on unavoidable delays and petty carelessness had it not been that the "conscience of our pa- tience" rebelled against it. Patience is our redeeming virtue. It is an idol de- 'serving of worship. Therefore we pay it reverence. Our bump of gratitude is largely developed also, and we trust that an acknowledgement of our obligations to the various railroad, steamship and stage line officials for their many acts of kindness in lessening our labors and promoting the interests of our book in other ways is a confirmation of the statement. Our sincere thanks are also due county officials, postmasters and other co-workers for th^r zeal in expediting the pro- gress of our work. " With adieus kindly repeatetl and the hope that our volume for 1880-81 may be the medium of great convenience, we wish our patrons in particular and th« people of the Coast in general, unbounded prosperity and happiness. THE PUBLISHERS. A^-' 603UO San Francisco, Cal. SAN FRANCISCO, •TT" CONTENTS. -o- Acampo, Cal 41X1 Adaiiiuvillo, Or 247 AtlaiiiKville, Utah ix Adiii, fttl 4I«I Adiibt'town, Mmit 117 Aifiia Fria, AT 444 Alaincda, Cal 4!)«, 1401 Alamo, (.'ul 4!>7 Albany, Or •_'47 Allilon, Cal 4i)8 Albion, Idaho IW, 14(12 Albiim, Mc.nt lix Alfatras, Cal 41).s Alder, Or 240, 14(12 Alexandur, Cal 4lth Aluxandra, AT 44."i Allo(,'hany, Cal 4i»8 AlleiidftI •, Cal 4)»s Alien S)irii)(;s, Cal 4!)!t Alma. Cal IDO Aliiiotrt, Wash 37 Alpha, .Vuv IM) Ali)itiu ( itv. rti^h 18 Alpowu,W"T 377 Alboa, Or 240 AItu, Cal VM Alta. Utah IH Altai ille, Cal 4(t!» Altlioimu, Or 24!» Aiiinsvillo, Or 2ri3 Aurora Mills, Or 2W Aurora, Ncv 150, 14(12 Austin, Nov KiO Haird,(al r>(W HakcrCitv, Or a.Vt Maker C'tv, Or 14(1:! IJakcrsllold, Cal Htili Hallciia.Cal rx* »allHvill«, Or 2.'i4 UanddM, Or 254 llanifiir, (.'al .'iO'<|Honaii/ai City, Idaho . Ilaniior, Idaho l(in,MoiinvilU', Cal Hhic Canyon, Cal 61S nine Lake, Cul 1466 Hoea, Cal 616 llOI>iBozoinan, .Mont 110, 1474 Bath, Cul WiftiBi-adshaW, A T ...446 Battle Mountain, Nev Lltl] Brentwood, Cal 621 Bay ( eiitre, \V T • • • •.S77iBi idKep21 Bavnes Sound, B C 423|BridKevillo, Cal 6ii2 Bear liiyrrCity, Utah lillBrijrhuni City, A T 446 Bear's Mouth.'Mont Us BriKhivni City, Utah 20 Beartown, .Mont llis|Bvinhtiin, Cal 622 lltar Valley, Cal .M)0|Rrinton, Utah 21 Beaver, Or 2r)4iBristol, Nev l.'i) Heaver City, Utah 1», U(i.'ilBriti!'h ( ohuidiia (alphnhet- Altoona, Cal -.4l)li; Beaverhead Hock, .Mont 120 tcall\) 422 Alturas, Cal 4l(iljMea\erton, Or . 2ri4' British Columbia (classified). 43") Alvarado, Cal W Beeksvith, Cal ."iimjBron.'o, Cal 622 Alviso, Cal riOoillPdfiird, Mim' U.-ilrrooklle^d, W T 377 Alvor(l,Or 211)1 Bed Hock, AT 44 Amador City, Ciil .'■iOi)|Bellei ille, Nev I.is American Fork, Utah llljUellviile, Or -JUri American Itaneh, AT 44;i', Belleviie, Or 2")."i Amity, Or 241>,llellevue, Utah 20 . Anacortes. W T 377|BellpiiKsi, Or 2 Anaheim, (.'al .'ii'O Bull's Bridtfe, Cal TiOi) Anatone,WT 3;7 Belmont, Cal ^m Anderson, <'al .Mr.'lBflmont, .Mimt 110 Angel Islaml, Cal .">03 Belmont, Nev IW Anyci's Camp, i 'al ri()2 reiiiciii, Cal ,'i(i!» Annabella, Ulfih 14(12 IVnson, Utah 2" Antelojie, Cal i'os Benson City, A T Antelope, Or 2.^0iBensoii's Ijuidlnj;, .Mont Antelope Valley, AT 44 'i Benton Iduul, .Mont . . . . Anthony House, Cal :.():! Beowawe, .Vev Anti(K'h, Cal .'miH Penlao, (al Anvil llo( k, .\ T 41.". Be keley, Cal Apaelie Bass, AT 44.^ Berlin, Cal Applej,'ate, Cal l4(i2,Bei niinlo, tUvl Appli^h'ate, Or 2."iO Berry Creek, Cal AptOK, Cal , rid-l I'eth'any, (Jal Aqueduct ( ity, Cal : O.'j, Bethany, Or . . 44.- 14H: . lilt . ■ .Mt ..'ill , .Ml ..'■12 . . :>1 2 ..M2 . .r.i2 .14()i> Arbuekle, Cal fiO.'i Bethel, Or 2i Areadia, W T .'177 Bieber, Cal :612 Areas Island, \V T 377 Bit; Bui,' Creek, AT 44.'i Areata, Cal i'.O') \\<<| Bit,' \'idley, Cal r.l3 Ar^onta, Utah lOjBinjihaml Utah 20 Ariyaca, A T 445|Binjihami)ton, Cal 61.") Arizona, (al]ihabetically) 444'Binhville, Cal .M.S Arizona, (elassifled) 474; Bird's LnndinK, Cal 'ilSiCaliente, Cal 1474 Arroyo, Or .' 2iiOlBlaek Bear, Cal TiU California (alplmhetieally). . .491 Artondale, W T 377|Blaek Diamond, Cal :>14 I'alifornia (cla-ssified) 805 AHhland, ('al 6014 ('all's Fort, Utah 21 Brooklyn, Cal f'22 Br.x'ks, or 265 Bro« iisborouiih, (Jr '256 Brown's Bark, Utah 1471 Brown's Valley, Cal 6'J'2 BrownN\ille, ("'al 522 I'.rownsville, Or 255 Urownton, Or 266 Bruceport, \V T 377 Buchanan, Cal 523 Buck's Uaneh, Cal 623 Bueiia Vista, Or 256 Bullard's Bar, Cal 523 Bullion, Nev -.159 Bullionsvillc, Nev 169 Bumble Bee, AT 445 Burifettville, Cal 523 Burnt Pine, Mont 120 Burnt Ranch, Cal 1474 Burrard's Inlet, HC 423 Butcher Ranch. Cal -523 Butler\ille, Utah '21 Butte City, Cal 523 Butte City, Mont 120 liutle Cveek, Or "256 Butter » reek. Or 2.'i6 Butteville, Or 256 Bvron.l'al 563 Cable City, Mont 121 Caehe Creek, BC 423 Cahto, Cal 524 Astoria, Or 2,11 Atkinson, Cal !)00 Atlanta, Idaho 100 Auburn, Cal 506 Auburn, (Jr 253 Blauk's Station, Idaho 14H.T (,'amanehe, Cal 524 Blanco, Cal 514 Camas Valley, Or 266 Blockshurjf, Cal 514 Cambria, CSil 624 Kloomfleld, Cal ... 514 Cambridge, Nev I6» Bloomlntfton, Idaho loolcamorontown, B C 423 / v 1 f Contentii. Camp Xakor, Mniit 121 Camp Hiiwie, AT.. 44»i Cunip DoukIuh, I'tah 21 Camj) (Iroiit, (.'al 147ri Camp (Jraut, A T 44(1 Camp lluHvuk, Nov IMi Camp llariioy, Or 2riti Camix), Cal ." Siifi Campo SeiM), Ciil fpifi Camp I'olk, Or 117ri Camp Tlidimis, AT 44(1 Cnmptonvilli, t'al ^2.0 Camp Vurdu, AT 44(i Canby, Or '.'Ml Canilelaria, Nev 160, 147;i Cariiiun, Utah 21 Canton, iMont 122 Canyon Citj , Or 2r>(l Canyon City, Or 147r> Can} oi, Kerry, Mont 122 <:!apay, Cal Capetown, Cal 147f> Capistrano, Cul 52(1 Carlcton, Or 257 Carlin, Nuv 1(10 Carpenturitt, Cal f)2(i Carrolton, \V T M77 Carrollton, W T 1475 Carson City, Nev 100 Ca8a (Jnindc, AT 440 Casi'ftilu Locks, Or 257 Cascades, W T ;i78 Caspar, Cal 520 CasBiar, HC 42:! Castle Dale, Utah 117 Castle Dome, AT 44(i Caitlo Kock, VVT M7S Castroville, Cal .520 Cathlamct, W T 37b Cayueas, Cal 527 Cedar City, I'tali 21, 1470 Codar Creek, W T 1470 Cedar Flat, Cal 52 . Cedar Fort, Utali 1470 Cedir .luiK'tioii, Mont 12 Cedurville, Cal 51 Cedarvillc. W T ;i78 Cedar Valley, Utah 21 Center, I'tah 21 Center Hend, Or 257,1470 Centerville, Fresno Co, Cal. .1470 Centeryillu, O. 257 Centerville, Utah •.-.2 Central Ferry, Idaho 101 Centrol Mouse, Cal 527 Central Park, Mont 122 Central I'oint, Cal 527 Central Point, Or 257 Centrcville, Alameda Co,Cal..527 Centreville, Idaho 101 Centreville, Jloiit 122 Ceres, Cal ri'ss Challis, Idaho 101,1470 Charleston, AT 450 Charleston Utah 22,1470 Chehalis, \V T .•i78 Cherokee, H\itte co ('al 528 Cheiokee, Nev eo Cal 5'_'8 Cherry Creek, Idaho 102 Cherry Creek, Nev 100 Cherry Valley, W T ;i78 Chester, Utaii 22 Chestnut, Mont 122, 1470 Chewauean, Or 257 Chico, C»! 528 Chiso, Mont 1470 Chile Uuleh, Cal 5S5 Chinese Camp, Cal 535 Chino, AT 440 CWno, Cal 535 Cholame, Cal 535 (?hrlHlino, Cal 53.) Cluialar, Cal 535 Cieero, Mont 122 I'leneK'a, AT 440 Cinnabar, Cal 535 Cisco, Cal 535 Clackamas, Or 257 Claniy, .Mont 122 la(|Uato, \V T 37>> ClarkslmrK, Cal 63; (,'larkston, Utah 22 ClarkKVille, Cal 537 Clarksville, Or 2.'.7 Clatskalne, W T 378 ('lay, Cal 530 Clay tan, I'al 530 ( 'Icarwater, Idaho 102 Clenton, WT 1477 Cleveland, Or 257 Clifton, A T 440 (;lil'tiili, Idaho 102 Clift Or 257 Clinton, HC 423 Clinton, Cal 5.3i Clipii'T (iaj>, Cal .530 ('Ii))i)or .Mills, Cal 530 Cloverdalo, ( 'ul .530 Cloverilale, Nev 100 Coalville, Utah 22 ('o'eur DAleno, Idaho 102 Cold Spring, Mont 147 Cole's Valley, (Jr 25 Colfax, Cal 538 Colfa.\, WT 378, 147 Colleye (Mtv, ( al .53S ColIeKevI'le, Cal 53!) Collinsville, Cal 5;il) Colonm, (-'al 531) Colton, Cal 14 Coltou, W T 37!) Coluuihia, Cal 5o!> Columbia, Nev 100 Columbia Citv, Or 257 IJolumbia Hill, (.'al .541 Columbus, Nev ICO, 1477 Oolunibus WT 370 Colusa, Cal 541 Como.x, H C 423 Conipton, Cal 543 Conoi>rd, Cal 543 Connor l^reek, Or 2.58 Contents 5 Contention City, AT 447 Coos City, (Jr 258 Copperopolis, Cal 544 Co(|uille, (Jr 258 Corral Kill, Nev 107 ( 'oi'delia, Cal ."45 (.'orinne, Utah 22 (Cornelius, Or 258 Coniuccpia, N-.;v 10 Corvallis, Mont 122 Corvallis, Or 25>s Co.sumnes, Cal 54 C.>tta!,^e (irove, Or 200 Cottonwo'id, Idaho 1477 Coulsoii, Mont 122 CoultiTN ille, Cal 5 15 Coupville, W T 37!), !4:-7 Courtlami, Cal .'i4i! Cov.', Or 200 Coveland, WT 31! Covelo, t al .540 Cowichen, HC 423 Cowlitz, W T 379 (^rab Creek, WT 14 Criiwfordsville, Or 200, 1478 Creiss\ , Cal 540 Cresviile, Or 260 Cronn», Nev KiO Cross Keys, Or 1478 (JroMlen, Utah 24 Crystal Peak, Nev 187 Ciu'anioni.'a, ( 'al 1478 Cutfev'sCove, Cal MO, 14S Dallas, Or 200,1478 Canv ille, Cal 548 Dardanelles, Or 281 Dark Canyon, c;al 646 Darwin, Cal... ••■ 647 Davenjiort, Cal 547 Davis Creek, Cal 648 Davi.svillt,Cal 547 Dayton, Nov 107 Davtnn, Or 251 Dm ton, W T 871) Dead Man, WT 1478 Dease Creek, H C 423 Decoto, Cal 648 Deer Creek, II C 428 Deer bodge City, Mont 122 Deeth, .Nev 167 Delta, Cal 548 Democrat Culeh, Or 281 DenvortoB, Cal 548 De Uedwood, Cal 548 DesniMBo, Cal 548 De S( hute's Hridne, Or 281 De .Suhute's Ferry, Or 261 Deseret, UUih 24 Dexter, Or 261 Diamond City, Mont. ..123, 1478 Dianioiul City, Nev 107 Diamond Springs, (,'al 548 Diamond, Utah 24 DiUey, Or 261 Divide, Mont 123 Dixie, Or 262 Di.xon.Cal 649 Donahue, Cal 651 Dou^'liertv's Station, Cal 551 DouifhiB (Jity, Cal 551 Doufflas Flat, Cal 551 Dover, Utah 1479 DowiK V city, t'al 561 Dowmy villi,', Nev 107 Dottiiieville, (-'al 651 •• Drain, Or 262 Draper, Utah 24 Drvtown, Cal 5.52 Dublin, t'al ... .562 IJuukwater, Nev 107 Dufnr, Or 202 Dunemi's Mills, Cal 562 Duncan's Uetreat, Utah. 24, 1479 Dun (ilcii, Nev 107 Dunnigan, Cal .553 Dutch Flat, (-"al ,5,53 Dwaniish, WT 1479 Dwi Citv, Idaho 102 Ka','le Creek, Or 202 K.afrle I'uiiit, 262 KiiH:le Itock, Idaho 102 Kagle 8alt Works, Nev 107 Kaj,'uville, Vn\ 558 Fa.st bake, t'al 5 8 Kast Oakland. Cal 5.56 Kasl IVutland, Or 202 Kast .Sound, W. T 380 Kberhardt; Nev 108 KchoCity, Utah 24 Kueii, Utali 24 Kdgewooil, t'al 6.57 KdisoM, W T 1479 Khrenberg, AT 447 K\ ("ahon, Cal 557 KIluSL'o, fill .5.58 Kl Dorado, t'alaveras co Cal . .668 Ei Dorado, Cal 5,58 El Dorado, (-)r 263 Klihu, W T 1479 Elk City, Idaho it_ Contents. KIkCroek, Cal 568 Elk Flat, Or 2t);i Klk Orove, Cal BSh Elk Huad, Or 147l» Elko, Nev 16S, 1470 Elkton, Or 2(iH Ellonsburif, Or 2U4 EllonsbiirK, W T !I8() Elliott, Cal 8r>8 Ullawurlli, Nov 174 Elrna, W T 880 Elmira, Cal BriD El Monte, Cal 859, 1471( Elsliiore, Utah 1471) Ely, Nev 174 Emigrant Oap, Cal 651) Eniniatuii, Cal 55!) Empire Citv, Nev 174, 1470 Empire City, Or 'U\i Eiiiliantuil I'rairiu, Or 147U EnturpriHe, Or 204 Euterprlse, Utah 24 Eola, Or 204 Ephraim, Utah 2. Epperson, Cal 551) Erie, Cal 147i) Escalanto, Utah 147SI Esquimalt, H C 424 E;i8inifton, B C 424 Etna Mills, Cal fljl) Eufe'eno City, Or 2(i4 Eureka, Cal r)0() Eureka city, Utah 25, 1470 Eureka, Nev 174 Evurjfrcen, Cal 508 FairllcUl, Cal 5'i» I'airflekl, Or 20fi KairHeld, Utah 25 Fair (iroundH, Or 205 Fair OftkB, Or 205 Falrvie*, Or 1480 Fairview, Utah 25 Falk'8 Store, Idaho 102 Fall IJrook, Cal 500 Fall City, WT 3S0, 1480 False Cape, Cal 50!) Farniersrille. Cal 500 Farmington, Cal 500 Farniinjj'toii, Utah 25 Farmington, W T 1480 Fayette, Utah 2(1, 1480 Feiton, Cul 500 Feriidalo, Cal 500 Fernhill, Or 2«;1 Fidalifo, WT 980 Fiddletown, Cal 570 Fillmore, Utah 20, 1480 Fir Cap, Cal 1480 Firebau(,'h, Cal 570 Fish Creek, Mont I'M Fisherman's Itiiv, Cal 570 Fish Haven, Idaho 102 Fish Haven, Utah 20 Fish Ranch, Cai 570 Fisk'sMilUCal )70 Florence, AT 44; Florence, Cal 671 Florence, Idaho, 102 Florin, Cal 571 Folsoni, Cal .571 Forest City, Cal 571 Forest City Mont 1480 Forest City, Mont 123 Foreat Hill, Cal o Forest House, Cal 572 Forest Ranch, Cal 572 Forestvllle, Cal 572 Forster City, Cal 573 Fort Assinaboine, Mont 124 Fort Henton. Mont 124 Fort Bidwell, Cal .572 l-'ort ColviUo. VV T 380 irt Custer, Mont 124 KortOrant, AT 447 Forest drove. Or 205 Fort Jones, Cal 573 Fort Keo(fh, Mont 124 Fort Lemhi, Idaho, 102 Fort Lofjan, Mont 124 Fort McDerinitt, Nov 182 Fort McDowell, AT 447 Fort Ross, Cal 573 Fort Shaw, Mont 124 Fossil, or 1480 Fountain Oreen, Utah 20 Four Lakes, \V. T 1480 Fourth CroBsln^;, Cal 573 Franklin Cal 573 Franklin, Idaho 102 Franklin, or 200 Franklin, Utah 20 Franktown, Nev 183 Freejiort, Cal 573 Free|)ort, W T 380 Freeport, \V T 1481 French Ciunj), Cal 573 French Corral, Cal 574 French (iulch, Cal . .574 FreiKli Gulch, Mont 124 Krenchtowii, .Mont 124 Fresno lUty, Cal 574 Fre^^no Flats, Cal 570 Friday Harbor, W T 380 Frisco, Utah 20 l!as.|Uct, Cal 577 Ualcna, Nov 183 Ualesvllle, Or 200 Ualliitln Citv, Mont 124 Oalt, Cal ... ! 570 Uarherville, Cal 570 CJarden City, Utah,, 20 Uardcn Grove, Cal 57(1 Gardiner, Or 20!' Garden Valley, Cal 570 (Saribaldi, Or 14^1 Gas I'oint, '.M 570 Gaston, Or 200 (Jenesce < ity, Idaho, 103 Genoa, Nev 183 (Jentilc Valley, Idaho 103 Geor^ietown, (.'al 577 tJeortfctown, Mont 152 Georjfia Slide, Cal 577 Gennantown,<..'al 577 Gcrvai!?, Or 206 Gcyserville, Cal 577 Gibbonsvillc, Idaho, 103 Gibsonville CaX 578 Gillette, AT 448 Gih-'^y.Cal 578 Olad Tidings, Ov 207 Glenbrook, Cal 570 Glenbrook, Nev 183 Glcncoe, Cal 570 (Jlencoe, Or 207 Glondale, Mont 125 Glendalc, Nev 183 Glondale, Utah 20 Gleneden, W T 1481 Glen Ellen, t'al 570 Glenoni, BC 424 Glenville, Cal 580 Glenwocxl, Utah, 27 Globe, AT 448 Golconda, Nev 183 Ooldendale, VV T 381 Gold Hill, Nev 183 Gold Run, Cal 580 Goleta, Cal 580 Gonzales, Cal 5S0 Ooodyear's Bar, Cal 580 Goshen, Cal 680 Goshen, Or 267 Goshen, Utah 27 Grafton, Cal 680 Grafton, Utah 1481 Gruinlarid, Cal 1481 Grand Island, Cal. 581 rand Mound, W "' ....1481 Grand Ronde, Or 267 (inuid Slow, Cal 681 Granjfovillo, Cal 681 Granlto, Or 267 Granite (^reek, Idaho 103 Granite Hill, (!al 681 Gnint's Pass, Or 1481 Grantvllle. Nev 186 Graiitsvlllo, Utah 27 Gniss Valley, Cal 581 Gratorville, A T 448 (havol Ford, Or 1481 Grayson, Cal 684 Gray's River, W T 1484 Green Valley, Cal I>81 Greenville, Or 267 Greenwich, Utah 1481 Greenwood, Cal 584 Gridloy, Cal 684 Grizzly Flat, Cal 686 Grove Sprlnj,', Or 267 uadalouiHi, Cal 686 Guemes, W T 381, 1481 Guerneville, Cal 586 (hmnison, Utah 27 Hackberry. AT 448 Half moon' Bay, Cal 686 HuIkov, Or 267 Hani'ten, A T 449 Hamilton, Mont 125 llumllton, Nev 186, 1482 Hanford, Cal 688 Hantrsman Creek, W T 1482 Hanson vil:e, Cal 688*4: Hap))V Camp, Cal V*88", i^ Hardy villo, AT A^49*|4-" Harmony, Utah ."i/>7 Ilarrisburjf, Utah HM Harrisburi,', Cal sfll' Harrisburtf, Or. 2M^ Ilarrisville, Utah • . . . . 27 >», Havllah, Cul 589 Havden Ferry, AT 449 Hayden Hill, Oal 589 Haywards, Cal 589 Healdsbur>f , Cal 590 Hober, Utah 27 Hebrom, Utah .28 Helena, Mont . . ^ 125 Henry's, <.!al 594 Hcnsiiaw, AT 1482 Ilcjipner, Or- 20?. Ilermansville, Or 1482" - Hicksville, tial 694 Highland, Or 268 lliko, Nev 186 Hillhurst. WT 1482 Hillsborouifh, Or 208 Hillsdale, Utah 28 Hilts Ferrv, Cal 694 Hoko, Wt 381 Holden, Utah 28 Hollister, Cal 594, 1482 Homestead, Cal 595 Honcut, (.'al 1482 Hood River, Or 269 Hookton, Cal 595 Ho()))er Valley, Cal o;t. HooiKir, Utah 26 Hope, BC 424 Hopcton, Cal 696 Hornitos, Cal 696 Goose Creek, Idaho ^ 103 Horseshoe Bend, Idaho 103 8 Contents. \ Hot Creek, Nev 18fi Howard, Or 2^0 Howards, Cal hm Howell Prairie, Or 2(il) Kowland Flat, Cal 59(1 Huachuca AT, 449 Hubbard, Or 2«a Huenerae, Cal riOi) Humboldt, Nov 1 sii Humboldt, Or 2i)l) Huiirtaker, Cal "iDH Huiitiniftiiij, Xev 18'i Huiitle.v, Mont 1 -.'.^ HiititHvilie, 1 lali -IS. 14s'J Hyde J'ark, lltnli -JM Hydcsville, Cal f.Hil Hyrum, Ttnh -Js Idaho, (alphubetii'ttllv) fl^i Idaho City, Idaho . . ! . .lOo, US-' Idaho (classified) Iiii) Ib'O, C:U r.OV llwsco, \V T .\S1 Imusdalo, Cal W-u Independence, Cal W)? Independenuu, Or 2()!1 Iniloijcndynce, W T- I4,s;i fndex to advertisements .... 12 Indian Creek, Idaho 14S< Indian Valley, Idaho 104 Indian Valiey. Or 270 Inverary, 'Ttah 2s lone, t:ul no? lone City, \ev l,s(i Iowa Bar, Idaho J4s<;i Iowa Citv, <.;al "lilS Irene, W T :tel Iron Hod, ..Mont 128 Iron Sprina:, AT 44i( Irving Station, Or 27(i Isabel, Or .270 Island (.Mty, Or 270 l.,leton, Cal .Wh Jacinto, Cal ri9!) Jackson, ( 'al .'iOK Jacksonville, Or 270 Jacob city, irtah 28 Jamestown, Ca! (iOl Janal, Cal (io] Janesville, Cal (ii)l Jefferson, Or 271 Jefferson City. Mont 128 Jefferson Ishi'n'l, Mont 1 28 Jenny Und, Cal (10| Jersey Landing, Cal lio] John Day's Creek, Idaho. ..104 Johnson, Utah 14-:'. Jolon, Cal tiOl Jordan Valley, Or 27 1 Josephine, Cal tiOl Juab, Utah ■_« Judsonvdlc, Cal (iOl Julian City, Cal n:)\ Junction, Cal iiii2 Junction, Idaho 104 Junction, Mont 128 Junction, Nov ise Junction, Utah 29,14.83 Junction City, Cal 002 Junction City, Mont 128 Junction City, Or 271 Kalama, W t :t81 Kaniaa, Utah 29 Kamilchie. \V T 148,1 Kamloops, H C 424 Kanab, Utah 29,1483 Kanarraville, Utah 29,148;i Kanosh, Utah 29,1483 Kaysviile, Utah 29,14«,'? Keene, Cal 'Vii Kellogg, Or 272 Kelsev, Cal 602 Ki>ae> ville, Cal 002 Kelton, Utah 2i»,14'J3 Kerby, Or 272 Keinvillc, Cal 002 Klbcsillali, Cal 008 Kingsburjr, Cal 003 Kinffflton, Utah 30 Kin!{'s Valley, Or 2 Kitchis, Or " 1483 Kittitass, WT 3S1 Klamath A.iien<'v, Or 272 Klikitat, \V T. .' 3M Kilkltat l-ruulinj!-, \\ T 1484 Kniip])a, Or 272 l\nappl(-n, W T 3-:l Knight's Keny, Cal (i03 Knight's I,anding-, Cal 0(I3 Kdosliare.'.'. Utah 14-<4 La( enter, W T 381 La < 'onuer, \V T 381 f/iifayetto, t 'al 003 Lafa]\ ette. Or 272,1484 La tiraiiue. Or 273 La (irange, Cal (i03 Lake City. Or 14^4 Lake I'ciint. I'tah ,30 Ladeport, Cal 004 Laketown, Utah 30 Lakev ille, Cal Oo.i Lake view. Or 273 Laniha I'lanii, Cal (iO.') Langell's \alley. Or 273 l.,!!, I'lirto, ( '.nl ." ' fio.'i Ijai)Wiii, Idaho ',\ 104 La Sal, Utah ...1484 Latham, (»r . Latln'iii), (Jal , Latrohe, Cal. . . 273 .1484 .(iO.'S Luiiivl, Or 1484 lck. WT ]4S4 Little Story, Cal 008 Little York, Cal (iOS Litton SprinjTS, Cal «ii8 Live O..H, Cai 00s Livermore, Cal 009 Livingston, Cal 610 Loa, Utah 1484 Lockford, Cal (tlo Lodi, Cal 611 Lodi, Nov 186 Lojfan,_Utah 31 Lompoc, Cai 611 Lonfe Mountain Station, Nev. 186 Lone I'iuo, Cal 612 Lon;; 'in. Or 274 Long Valley, Cal 612 Looking Glass, C .■ 275 Lopez Island, \v T 382 Los Alamos, C.d 012 Los Angok" Cal 612 Los lian<..« Cal (126 Los Gato!), Cal 626 Louisville, Cal 626 Louisville, Mont 1484 Lovelocks, .\cv 187 Lowden's llaneli, Cal •'i20 Lowell, \V T 382 Lower Itoise, Idaho 1484 Lower Lake, Cal 626 Lo.valton, Cal 627 Liioki- (^ueen. Or 275 LMniini, W T 3S2 Lvnn. Utah 32 Lv-tton, Be 424 .\lab 1 LiiHi, Or 1484 Madeline, Cal 627 Madera, Cal 627 Madison, Cal t)27 Miul lliver. Cal... ..0->8 .Mahew's Ntatiim, Cal 628 .Maine I'rairie. Cal ti2S Malad Citv, Idaho 105 .Malheur, 'or 275 .Mammoth city, Cal 028 .Manmioth, Or 14S4 .Maiiehester, Cal 028 .Mann's Landing', W T ''^2 Manti, Utah 32 Maoe Bav, B C 424 Maieng'O, \V T 382,1485 .Maricojia, AT 449 .Marietta, Nev 1*17,1485 .Marion, Or 275 Mariposa, Cal 028 Marklecville, Cal (i29 .Marshall, C'al 62it .Marsh Masin, Idaho 105 Marshliehl, Or 275 Mart'nez. Cal 029 Mar\ sviile, Cal 031 Marysville, WT 382 Mason Vail y. Nev 187 Maxwell, i;al 641 .Mayfie'd, Cal (141 Ma'y View, W T 1485 .Mei lane's Creek. B ( ; 424 MeKenzic Bndge, Or 275 MeMillen, A T 4,10 MeMiiinville. Or 275 .\leadow, Utah 32 Meadowville, I'tah 32 .Mehamah, Or 276 .Mendociiio City, Cal >.i41 Mcndon, Utah 3a Slenlo Park. Cal 642 Merced City, Cal 042 .Meridan. Cal 644 MerrillviOc, Cal 644 Metalli<' City, Nev 1485 Michigan Bar, Cal 644 .Michigan Bluff, (Jal 644 .Middlcton, Idaho 106 Middleton, Or 276 Middletown, Cal 645 .Midway, Cal 645 .Midwav, Utah 32 Milbrae, Cal 646 Milford.Cal 646 Mill Citv, Nev 187 Mill Creek, Utah 33 Miller, Cal 645 Miller's SUtion, Or 276 Millville.AT 450 Millvillo, Cal 646 Contents. MillvUle, Utnh na Mill's Citv, Mimt 121) Jlilpitas, C'al 640 Milton, Cat .. t)4(J Milton, Or 27»i Milwaukee, Or i7t> Mineral Citv, Nuv 187 Mineral Hill, Nev 187 Mineral Kinjf, Cal (14 Mineral Park, AT 450 Mineral Station, Ne\' 1H7 Mii'crisville, Cal (ils Minorsville, I'tnh ;!:i,14ai Mink Creek, lilivlio 148.') Mii'sioM San .I(]se, Cal (148 Missoula. Mont lilt Mitcliell, Or ■>.Hi Modesto, Cal (i»>* Slohave, Cal (iaO Mohave Citv, AT 450 Moliawk, of 270 Mokeliinine Hill, Ca! ((50 Molalla, Or 27(i Mona, Utah ;« Monitor, Cal 051 Monmouth, Or 277 Monroe City, Or 277 Monroe, I'tah SH Mons^nat, Cal (i.')2 Montana ^alphithitically) ...117 Montani'. (elassiticd) i;t5 Monterey, ( 'al (551 Montesaiih,, \V T 382,1485 Montezuma, AT 451 Mjiiticello, I'al (i52 Montpelier, Idaho lO.-i Montjielicr, I'tah '';i Moore'.'iStariiiTi, Cal OS'. Moose Crt ek, Mont 148.' Moure's Klat, Cal (i5: Morcy, Nev 18i Mortfan City, I'tah .'i;i Morfjan's Kerry, AT 451 Mormon Isdaiui, Cal H5H Moro, Cal C5:i Moroni, Utah .'(4 Moscow, Idaho 105 Mountain City, Nev IS' Mountain Home, Jlont IKO Mountain Home, Idivho 10; Mountain View, Cal CM Mount liuUion.Cal (;5;i Mt. (.kirniel, Utah 1485 Mt. Coftin, WT 1485 Mount Kde ,, Cal (i5H Moiuit Kairvlcw, Cal ti5;! Mount Idaho, Idaho. .. .105,1485 Mount I'leosjuit, I'tah I Motuit Seott, Or 27 Mount Shasta, Cal (154 Mt. Tahor, Or 148.' Mt. Vernon, WT 'tsv Muek, WT 14.<() Mukilteo, \V T :i8'.: Murphy, Or 277 Murj'h'vs, Cal 054 Myrtle Creek, Or 277 Myrtle I'oint, Or j"" Nanainio, HI! 424 Napa City, Cal 054 Napa •lanetion, Cal (;(il Napavine, W 'I' Ss' National City, Cal (101 Natividad, Cal 001 Neah Bay, W T .182 Needy, »)r 278 Nelson, I'al 001 Nephi, Utah 84 Nestocton, Or 278 Nevada, (alphabctieallv) 140 Nevada City, Cal ' 002 Nevada, (elassiHed) 215 Nevada lUiilroada 140 New Almadcn, Cal (i(14 New Aukuni, W T mi New Hrid.ye, Or 148(i Ncwhnry, I'al (i(;4 Neweastte, Cal (i(;4 New Caatle. W T ^82 New Chiea^'O, Mont l.'io New DniiKeuessi, W f ;!S2 •N'ewelisviile, Or 278 New Era, Or 278 Newhall,Cal ti(i4 New tl.ivmoiiy, Ctali :'.4 New Hojie, Cal (itl5 New Lehanoii, W T ;>:( New I'ine » reek. Or '.^78 Newport, Cal 005 Nvw Port, Or 278,1 48(i Ne''- Taei ma. W T ;<^:< Orland, Cal 693 OrlcaiLs Bar, Cal 693 Oro Uell, Or 280 Oroville, Cal 093 Ortijjalito, Cal 006 (h-tiiiff, WT ;i88 Osceola, Nev 187 Oseeola, WT 1487 ( )Hwej,'(), Or 280 Oxfonl, [dah 106 Oysterv;|le. W' T 888 Paeheco, Cal 096 Utah .1487 . . (io: ..42; ..cm: . . im . . ()H5 . . (»i5 .;is;; . .ticic . (i(iii .(i(i' .()()() .27>> .0(11. . .'i-l Newville, Cal New We.stnunster, lie. New York liandiii'j, Cal Nicasio, Cal Nieoli.us, Cal Niles, Cal .V'lok.rathk, V.'T Nor02 Oneatta, Or 270,1487 Oneeho, WT 388 Oneida, Idaho 105 (Jphir, Cal 002 Ora Blaneo, AT 451 Oraii(;e, Cal (i02 Oreana, Nov i87 Oregon, alphabetically 245 Oregon City, Or 2" Oregon, eloHgiticd 320 Oregon House, Cal 00;i Oregon Bail Roods 240 l'ajaro,v.'al 097 Pala, (.al 097 Palisade, Nev 188 Palix Hiver, VV T 388 Palouse, WT 388 Panaca, Nev 188 Panguiteh, Utah 44, 1487 Paradise, I'al 097 Paradise, Nev 188 l'aiadis.>, Utah 44 Paragoonali, I'tah 44 Paris, Idiiho 100 Paris, Utah 44 Puik Citv, I'tah 44 Purker, A. T 4iil Parkerslurg, (n- 280 Park Valley, Utah 45 Parciwan, Utah 46 Pasadena, ('al 607 Paskenta, tal 097 Pas.. Uohics, Cal 697 PatahaCitv, WT 1487 Patterson, Cal 098 Patteison's .Mil,, ( >r 280 a,\ ette Store, Idaho 100 Pavson, I'tali 45 Peiuh Tree, Cal 098 Pekiii, WT 388 Penryo,Cal 608 Pcntz, Cal 098 I'eoVia, (h- 281 Perrvdale, Or 281 Pesiadero, Cal (i98 Pendleton. Or 280 Petaliima, Cal 099 i'et rs Station, Cal 704 Peterson, Utah 46 Petrolia, Cal 704 Phillipshui);, .\[ont 180 Philomath, Or 281 Plio nix, AT 451 Plioeiix, Or 281 Piioenix .Mine, Cal 704 Picaclio, A T 453 Piciii'lio, (.'al 704 Picket Post, A I'... 4.53 Piegaii, .Mont 'jO Pierce Citv, Idaho 100 Pilot Pock, 1 r 281 Pima, Cal 704 Pinal. AT 453 Pine (irove, Cal 704 Pine Springs, .\ T 454 Pine Valley, Utah 40 Pino, Cal 70.'> Pinola, Cal 70.> Pinto, Nev 188 Pinco, Utah 46 Pioche, Nev 1S8 Pioneer. WT 888 Pioneer Citv, Idaho 106 Pittshurgh, Or 282 Pittvillc, Cal 705 Placerv lie, Cal 705 Plaeerville, Idaho 106 Plain Citv, Utah 46 Plainficld, Cal 707 Plainslnirg, Ca) . . . 707 t'. |; ,1 1 -!', \ i :i 10 Contents. Piano, Cal 708 Platea, Cal "08 Pleasant Grove, Utah 4(i Pleasant Hill, Or '-isa Pleasant Home, Or 28"^ "leasanton, Cal "''S Pleasant Valley, Idaho 106 Plumb Station, W T. . . 388 Plymouth, Cal TOO Pocahontas, Or '^^'' Poeville, Nev 180 Point Axate, \V T 388 Point Arena, Cal 700 Point of Timber, Cal 710 Poraeroy, WT 388 Pomo, Cal 710 Pomona, Cal 710 Poney, llont 1"50 Portage, Utah 40 Port Aiife'eles, W T 38!» Port Blakeley, W T 3?0 Port Discovery, WT 380 Porterv He, Cal 710 Port Gamble, W T 380 Port Harford, Cal 710 Portland, Or iS-i Port Ludlow, \V T 380 Port Madison , \V T 389 Port Orford, Or 311 Port Townsenu, W T 380 Port Wine, Cal 710 Potrero, Cal 710 Potter Valley, Cal 710 Poway, Val 711 PraideCitv,Or 311 Prattville, Or 311 Preface 3 Prescott, AT 4.'>4 Princettm, Cal 711 Princville, Or 31'i Promontory, Utah 4ii Providence", Utah 40 Provo City, Utah 4i" Puller Springs, Mont 13(; Pumphrey's Landiny, W T. . .30i) Purissinia, Cal 711 Puyalhip, W T 300 tjiiartzbur.;h, Idaho 100 Quartzcreek, Mont 13ii QueBneile, li C 4i;0 (Quicksilver, (;al 711 yuilent, WT 1488 Quincy, Cal 711 Race Track, Mont 130 Eadersbury, Mont 13u, 14ss Uailroal Flat, Cal '12 Ttanch, Utah 14S8 Randolph, Or 1488 • Randolph, Utah 47 Hanler, Or 31.; Ravenna, Cal 71l' Red Bluff, Cal 71'i Ked Klnlf, Mont 131 Reddins;-. Cal 717 lledwood City, Cal 718 Reno, Nev . .'. 101 Reveille, Nov 11»3 Ricevillt, val 710 Kichlleld, Utah *7 Richland, Cal 710 Richracnd, Utah 47 Rickreal.Or 3l_' Riol,v"l. Cal 710 Rio Vl.,„i, Cal 710 Ripon, Cal 710 Riverside, (.'al 72ii Riverside, Or 312 Riverside, WT 300 Roberts' liandin);, Cal 7:il Robinson's Ferry, Cal Til Kobisonville, Or 312 Roc.;, Cal 721 Rock Creek, Idaho KHi Rocklin, Cal 721 Rock I'ohit, Or 31;2 Rockport, Utah 47 Rockvillc, Or 312, 1488 Rockville, Utah 47, 1488 Rocky liar, Idaho 107 Rohnervillc, Cal 721 Rooster Rock, Or 1488 Uoculmry, Or 312 Rosoville, Cal 722 Ross Fork, Idaho 101 Rouifh iitid Ready, Cal Rouiiil Valley, C:al Routier Statiim, Cal. . . Ruby Hill, Nev RubV Vallev, Ncv Rush Ukc, Utah.. .. Rutherford, Cal Rve Patch, Nev Rye Valley. Or Sacramento, Cal 722 .7-22 .722 .104 .104 . 4 •>•> 104 313 723 Satt'ord, AT 4.'i7 107 .... 47 7«1 St Charles, Idai Saint Georj!;c, Utah St Helena, Cal St Helen.s, Or 31s St .John, Cal 702 .Saint .lohns, Utah 48 St Jo.sel)h, AT. 437 St Josephs, Or 31-< •St 1/mis, Cal 702 St Louis, Mont 1480 Salem, Or 314 Salida, Cal 702 Salina, Utiih 1480 Salinas Ci;.' , Cal 7(i2 Sali-shurv, Mont 131 Salmon i'it; , Idaho. .. 10. , 1480 Salmon ( 'reek, ( 'al 704 Salmon Falls, Idaho 107 Salt Creek, Utah 1480 Salt Uke City, Utah 18 Salubria, Idaho 1480 Sami.sh, WT 301 San .Audreas, ( 'al 704 San AntHiild, Nev 104 San Vntonio, Cal 70;'> Sanllenito, Cal 70ri San Rernardino, Cal 7i>!^ San llrunii, Cal 707 San lUionaventura, Cal 70" .0 San (iabriel, Cal 773 San (l.irgonia, Cal 774 San (ire;ii)ria, Cal .774 Sanis Valley. Or 184,1480 San Jacinth 1, Cal 774 .San .lose, Cal 774 San .iuan, Cal 70^ San .1 nan Island, W T 3:>1 San Ucandro, Cal 703 San Iioienzo, Cal 700 .San Luis Ohisjio, (^'al 700 San Luis Rey, Cal 70s San .Marcos, Cal 70i| .Sao Mateo, Cal 700 .San Mijtuol, < al 700 San Pablo, Cal 700 .San I'cdro, A T 4.'i7, 1480 Sim yuentin, Cal 800 .San Rafael, Cal 808 SiiclliiiK, Cal 823 Snohomish, W T. 39H Snohomish City, W T 1490 ^ Contents. 11 SnowviUe, Utah 67 Soilaliay, "al 823 Soila Creek, t C 426 ScHia SpriiiKB, Idalio .108 Sodaville, Or 320 Solcdad, Cal 823 Somersville, Cal s23 Sonoma, Cal 824 Soiiora, Cal 824 Soquul, Cal H-J8 South Bend, WT 3i)() South Hutte, Cal 8iS South Cottonwood, Utah 07 South Fori, Cal 828 South Jordan, I'tah fi7 South S'de, WT VUi South Vallejo, Cal J-i"! Spadra, Cal X:>M Spangle, VV T 1400 Sjmnish Dry DiB:sfintf>*) ^'•'■^ • ■ -8:^!) Spanish Flat, Cal 820 Spanish Fork, Ttah fi7 St anish Uaneli, Cal 820 Sparta, Or 320 Spencerville, Cal 829 Spokan Hridye, W T 390 Spokan Falls, WT ..., 30fi Spring Hrook, W T 30" Sprin); Ci.y, S'cv 19."i Sprinif Citv, Utah 67, 1400 Spriniflii Id Cal 829 SprinjfHcld, Or 320 Sj.rinyr Lake, I'tah 67, 1490 Springville, Cal 829 Sprinjtvllle, Mont 131 SprinKville, Utah 67 Spruceuiont, Nev 19ri Speni'e & JoliTison xxvii S<(uak, WT 397 S(|ua\v Valluv, Cal S20 Stanley \' Van Winkle, B C. .426 Stiuk'» I'oint, WT 30" Staytcui.Or 320 SteanilKKit Sprlnjjs, Nev lOJ Steilari'oni, WT 307 Stcploe, W T 307 Steriiiii;-, Mont 131 Stcrli,!.:, WT 1401 SterliiiKville.Or 1101 Steven-t\ ille, Mont 131 Stillwater, Mont 131 Stillwater, Nev lO.'i Stillwater «'i>\e. Cal >'20 StoektDn, Cul 820 Stockton, Utah It" Stone Station, Mont 13, Stont'V Point, Cal 847 Strawberry, Cal 847 SulOiniity, or 321 S\iisun, Cal 847 Sulphur Creek, Cai M4s Simians, II (; 420 Summer Lake, Or 321 '^Uiumerville, Or 321 Summit, ('al 848 i-dimniit. Or 3-1 Sumni't, Utah ' iimier. Or 3-'l Sumner, W T 3))7 Sumter, Or "21 Suuoljflen, Ciil 848 Sui' Itiver, Mont 132 Sunset, AT 4.S8 Susanville, Cal 84s Sutro, Nev 105 Sutter, Cal 840 Suttcrvllle, Cal 8^9 Swnnhertf & West xxvi Sweet Orass, Mont 132 Sweet Home, Or 321 Sweetland, Cal 850 Sweetwater, Nev 196 Sycamore, Cal 850 rivble Hluflf, Cal 8n(i Table Hock, Cal 850 Taconm, W T 30 Tahoe, Cal 850 Tangent, Or 321 Taylorville. ('al 850 Tuyiorsvllle, ITtah 68 Tocoma, Nev 190 Tehama, Cal 851 Teliiihipa, Cal S.^O Ter.., jia, Cal 851 Teni weal, Cal i^'n Tempe. AT 4."<8 Teni Piute, Nev 100, 1401 Tenino. W T 39 Ten Alile Ho\ise, Or 321 Terminus, AT 45* Terrace, Utah 08 Terry & Co xxyii Tesmore S xxvii The Dalles, Or 321, 1491 Thibert Creek, H C 420 Three Itivcrs. Cal 8.52 Thurman's Mills, Idaho 108 Tia .luaiui, t-'al 852 Tide Water, Or 321 Tillamook, Or 323 Timber Cove, Cal 852 Tlmbuctof), Cal 862 Tipton. Cal 852 Tip Top, AT 45K Title Toaiif, Nev 190 Todd's Vallev, Cal . . , 852 Toll House, Cal .s.-i2 Tomales, Cal 8.52 Tombstone, AT. 458 Tooele City, Utah . 6'- Ti«iucrville, Utah 6S8 Townscud, Cal 852 Towns rei'oived t'lo late for rcHUlat insertion 1401 Tracv, Cal 8r2 TrcaBure City, Ne\ 106 Tres Alamos, AT 401 Tres I'inos, Cul 8,53 Trinidad, Cal 853 Trinity Centre, Cal 85 Tr\ukce,«'al 85 Tuiditon, Or 323 Tubac, AT 401 Tucson, AT 401 Tidalip, WT 30' Tulare, Cal .vV Tule Lake, Or :i23 Tiim Water, W T 308 Turlock, ( 'al . . S.'i7 'nirner, Or 324 Tuscai'orn, Ne> 100 Tuslin ( ity, Cal 858 Tuttletown, Cal 8.58 Twin ItridgCH, Mont 132 Tvbo, Nev 190 Tyuh Valley, Or 325, 1401 Tvrone, <'al 8 Uintah, Utah • Ukiub. Cal 858 Umatillu, Or 325 Unnupia Ferry, Or 325 Uncle Sam, Cal. 861 UiuonCity, WT 308 ITtiion, or • 325 Union llidjfe, W T 398 Union, Utah 66 Union House, Cal 801 Union I'ueifle R H (Sketch) 1493 Uniontown, Or 326 Unlontown, WT 308 Un'onville, Montana 132 Unionville, Nev 1»9 Upper Lake, Cal 861 Upper Mattole, Cal 861 Upper River Gulch, Cal 861 Utah Alphabetically 17 Utah Classified 71 Utah Railroads 18 Utint .... .133 Wal a Walla, W T . .... 398 Wallsburgh, Utah . . . 09, 1491 Wallula, W T 404 Walnut (ree';. AT 472 Walnut Creek. Cal 869 Walnut Uiove, Cal . . . . 870 Walsh's, Cal 870 Wansbip, Utah 69 Waiiinltia, Or 326 Ward, Ne\ 211 Warmsprinijs, Montai-0 Wilsonville, I'tah 14!I2 Wmnemueca, Nev 212 Winlock, WT... 404 Wintfville.Or 327 Windsor, Cal 880, 1402 Winsor, Iltiih 70 Woodside, Cal 883 Writ;hls, Cal .'883 Yainax, Or 328 Yakima, WT 404,1492 Yale, B C 434 Yankee Mill, Cal 880 Yankee Jim's, Vi\\ 880 Yelni, WT 404 Yocumville, Cal 886 Yolo, Cal 88« Voncalla, Or 3«8 Yo Semite, Cal S86 Yon Met. Cal 886 Younj;'.s Point, Mont 134 Yountville, Cal 8Sti Winters, Cal 8S0|Yrcka, Cal 8S7 Witter's Sprinjj.s, Cal 88l!Vreka, .Mont 134 Woodbri(lH:t, Cal Woodburn, (h' . . Woodford, Cal . . . . Woodland, Cal . . . Woodriilf, rtah... Woods Cross, I'tah . . . 8S1 ; Yuba Cit\-, Cal 889 . .327iYtinui, A. T 472 . . 881 'Ze-ii Zem, Cal 8SK ..88l'Zena, Or ...328 70iZi(.n, Or 328 vol STREKTB. Ave .\ venue K»t liattcry Bran liraninm Bdwy Hroadwuy Brod Hroderick Cal Caiifi.rnia Coral. . . . Conuneieial Dev l)e\i^adero Dol Dolores .4nRItKVIATIO\>i. T)or l>orland ; Hup Mujiont i Fdb Fdbert I Fill Fillmore j Fol Folsoni 1 Fro Fremont | Oner Ouerrero Har. Harrison llo'-v Howard i •laek .laekson ! Keav Kearny Ky liuntucky Leav lA'aveinvortb I Aid Leidtsdorlf .Menh .MereliiiMt .Miss .Mission Mont .Moiitv'onieiy O'lar O'Fanefl I'ae I'iicilic I'l Place I'ow Powel' .Sac Sacra?iiento San Siinsonj Stev StevtMS'in Sut Sutter Stock Stockton Tay Taylor Teiin . Tennessee \aln Valencia Wash Washington INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS, Abbott House 704 Agnew ,11) 1467 Ahlborn House 1007 Aiken & Ogle 14.')7 Ainley ,)ohn 170 Aitkcn & Fish 739j Alameda Ai-g\is ,8,sO Alameda County Kejiortcr, 872 Alameda Kncinal 129!l Albers A xxvii Aldrieh Oeo D tj07 Allen Mrs oo Allen B (; 780 Allen EH 846 Al varado J M ftSi Amador Dispatch 600 AmuUor Ledifer 600 Amador Sentinel 892 American togle Hotel 78 Anderan J xxvii Andenion A . . .' (i,', Anderson A J 39,=) Anderson & Johnson 1071 ndrewR E J 819 'AntiiK'b Lcilger .'i04 lAptos Hotel. Mi, lArens iV liarbec Oil') [Arizona Citizen 1201! [Arizona Star 466 Amies ft. Dallam 1440 Atkinson iV FariBh 206 lA\er 1. B iVAi< Hiiehelder .1 K 213 Mahney W H 714 Haker A: Hanulton 744 Ballard .Mrs L A 1424! Bancroft A L & Co, j Interleaf II04-S^ Bank of British Cohunhia.. 432| Barbleri J . sil| Har^jon .Martin ir)2 Barlow & Sanderson 8>*8 Barnard W K & Co (i«4 Barnes (J W 14»S Barnct It 171 Barnhart & Stahl «1 Bartlett V C 170 Barry * Baird, Interleaf. Basler (iec A 742 Batclielder Soap Co 44 Buttle .Mo.uitaiii .Mes.-,eti)fer. ir)7 Heardsley's Hotel 4lt Beerniann Carl 707 Belesis. M Kendich 29(1 Benedict it Smith xxxii Bejniitt Bros -^iM Benson A W 162 Benton .( .M H« Bernstein Abe xx /ii Berkeley Advocate H.'iS Bernanii .lo.sepb 317 Berteling & Watrv 1410 Bickel Fred, Margin line through book Bigelow Ben j fl;J5 Bilicke C 400 BilliuKif, Harbourne iSi Co.. 1318 Birkenseer Geo 81 1 Bishop FM ."iH Black Diamond Coal Co \v Black Howard 1430 & xxx! Block Samuel 714 Index to Advertiaements. 13 Hluniaiier L & Co, Margin line through book Bluinciitlml, (juiiihui & Co.l!ii)4 Bockler Robert 298 & 871 Bodie & Aurora HUge Co. . . fi'io Boesch Kniile 1SS5 Bomaii CE 143U BoneHtel, Allen & Co 14ll» Bonnej O 143« Boone & Osborn 1419 BontwickN W 1297 Bower F 1303 Bowers W H H «4 Bowlcv Bros 1333 Boyd Robert 827 Boyden J W 150 BrechtelH O 401 Breck.l M Jr & Co 296 Breitzinnnn R 182 Brewer M T & Co 740 Britton «i Key, Interleaf. Brixen AC 62 Brooke Bros 1418 Brooklyn Hotel 667 Brown C:ha8 R 460 Brown & Ooodinif 174 Brown J C 18.5 Brown Richard 1440 Brown Tasse'l & Co 18: Brownsviilu Woolen Mllln Co 256 Bruce I), back cover and 1428 Brucnn A 890 BrummGW 1468 Brunswick J M & Balckc Co. 1402 Bryan J H 4.S3 Bucliannn & Lyall 1337 Buchtel J 298 Buckalew & Ochoa 1091 Buckle & Son, Mar);ii> line through book Buckow Kinil & Co 742 Budd & Corcoran 839 BumivT 1297 Bunker H S. . . .* 1438 Bunker R K xxvi Bur^esH J VV 714 Burk Naiu! .%*» Burt iJ Ous xix Burton House 29k Burton ST 8S»4 Busch A C & Com 821 Bush J H 1094 Butler Oeo R «2.'^i Butte Cirtinty abstract 1487 Butterfleld & White 740 CaUUell .1 W 44 Cal Bellows Mfg Co 1314 Cal Market xxvi * xxvii California Dennokrat 1098 Callfori ia Freie Presso . . . .1098 Cal'fornia Ulue Works. .. .1100 California Independence . . . 1099 California Wire Wor.;s. Calkin-, A Beachy Callahan Oeo S Campbell R A .'.36 Cana\an & Le Van 181 Canevascini S J 704 & 1487 Capital Hotel 1.57 Capital Hotel 884 CaplUl Siirn Works 740 Cardinell Jno A 1340 Careless Ueo 63 Carniiohael C 29' Carruther R 388 Canon App eal .6>i Carter Thomas 64 John T Carey 741 Caaon C &o 467 C P R H Iv, V UPR R Undi Ix li .1468 .■>19 Chambers JO 38 Chapman & Boyer 402 Chnpniun S V 1297 Cherry C C 249 Chicujfo Burlington «fc ilwin cy R R 1096 Chicago & North Western R R 1088 Cliicaijfo, Rock Island & Pa ido R R 1284 Chico Knterprise r)34 Chico Record 532 Chilberg J P 3S3 Chumachcr C 4i)3 Church,! E 715 Citizens' Bank 664 City Arsus 1087 Closbev & Hogle 61 Clav on .M F, 743 Clear Lake Hotel 1297 Clevcnscr Geor^'e 789 (.^liff House Front cover Cloverdale & Clear Lake StixKC Line 538 Cloverdale Hotel .537 Cloverdale Heveille .538 l^oady R E 1021 Coast Mail Stage Line 772 Cortln & Kennal V 1468 (>)gr8well J L 1700 Cohen Ben 743 Colombo N 894 Colaon HW 8.59 Colusa House 543 Colusa Sui; 1478 (Jollegu of Notre Dame 786 «'ollin» Jno& Co 394 <.'olton Dental ANS4 Coplin A 13.^ CordeilTH 780 Cornwall A xxi ( 'oBmo|)olitan Hotel 625 .wiKjr H M 432 ( lawford F O .547 Crawford ,1 O 268 Crindle Elsie 1293 Crocker H S & Co 1101 Crcsby C Jr 894 Cross Samuel 747, 1488 Cross' Styloifrnflc Pen, Margm line thrcu^h book and back cover Cunningham, Curtigs & Welch 4 Cunnington & Co 58 Curran Mrs HE 209 Currj- N&Bro 1373 Cutting Packing Co, Margin lino through book Daily Evening Post 1089 Daily Morning Joiirual 624 Daly Mrs J M 743 Damonte A 792 Danipf Louis xviii Dangueuger M 207 Davidson I G 297 Davis ii Cowell 1387 Davis Geo A xxiil Davis Hotel 1492 Davis Sewing Macliine 1102 Dav Thomas 1100 Deaves t 1297 DeBuryhCR 297 Decker G A 820 Dcgcn LP 1314 De La Baume C 69 Dcnnev LP 585 Denniston EG 1401 Depot Hotel (Elko) 172 Depot Hotel (Reno) 189 Denpouy I 44 Devine J C 747 Devoy H M 565 Dewey iV Co 1419 Dickson De Wolf & Co .... xv Dicffcndorff C J 5.57 Dietle Chas x\ii Dinwootley Henry 62 Divoll Briiy & Co 828 Dixon & Bernstein xviii Dixon Pencils 1102 Dixon Tribune 550 Doane & Co xxvii Dolan .las W 1321 Domestics M 1348 Dooley .1.) 257 Do* le Henrv & Vo 1103 Drake B F.". 318 Dudley A K 849 Dunyon N 68 D'.itch Flat Forum 554 Dyer Bros 162 Dvmokc .lames 1469 Eagle Brewery 1822 & 1323 Eckhardt Henry 746 Eckstrom Mrs Thos E 846 Mgan MM:... 15 "Electrograph" Margin |!ne through book Elko Independent 169 Ellis W H 519 Ellison .IF 714 Empire Bakery 755 EiIj Railway 1294 Ernest Chas L 841 Ellinger S 1448 Eshbach & liamilton '841 Davles Orlffltii ..... . '.'.'.'.'.. . 304lFuehs Henry Eureka Sentinel 179 Evans & Askey 800 Fairchild Mrs S K 746 Fairflield Hotel 668 Falk D&Co 1469 Falkenstcin & Co 1387 Falkner Bell & Co 1458 Farrington R E & Co 450 Fatz Jacob 686 Ferguson O C 60 Fernald JS xx Fernandez Bernardo 70S Fetters and Williams 533 FiJield WE 628 Figel Joseph Caderg front cover Finck U 1840 Fireman 9 Fund , . .Back cover First National Bank Stockton 840 Fishbeck H & Co 1287 Fisher Henry 748 Fitch Failcy & Pomeroy 466 Fobs &, Burner 299 Fountainc J G . . 318 Fox M & H A 432 Francis, Valentine & Co 1428 Frantzen A 04 Freeman M P & Co 170 Freund FA 816 Frisbia Will 719 FryotteSJ 603 746 <'4 III If. i * 'Mi \\ i K I f-\ ' 14 Index to Advertise'rnenfs. Furhmann A M 14.')5 Gabbert Keeler H 27 Gaffonl House f)4S Galirido Hotel fS8f> Gardiner Mrs J i-''i i4arden Citv Collego xxv Gerkhardt H F "33 Gidluiid & Daley 748 Gille & Uoehri(rs 1448 Gilinan & Kaconillat 1448 Gilncr Salisbury & Co 400 Oilmore A 43r) Gilroy Advooatf 3!*1 GirardilissE 134 Giroux D 214 Glaadin^^ McHeaii & Co . . . l-2i)4 Glenn J (J- iTi Goldsmith \) E. interleiif. Goad & Sherwin WM Godfrey H J 804 Goldberg J ' 4W Golden Gate Academy (iS! Goldstein k Golin 137() Gorczy nski S «34 Gosling Geo N 1103 Gove & Wilson 3i)4 Grandjean Chas 13o() Granhnlm Chas 146" Grater John K 893 Gray M.. Margin line through bk Gray Sanil C 010 Gregovich Spiro 178 Grein Phil f>13 Giey E;iy:le Livery Stables . . 787 Gridley Hotel m Qriesell Jaeob 747 Gruenhagen C H 14;'),'; Grundel Julius G 1440 Guisti Joe xxvi Guillet^eT 40; Gandlath J & Co 1391 Guthrie Bros 748 Guthrie J VV 23, 24 Gutte & Frank Back covei Hachenev & Beno 302 Hadley E R & Co 23 Hahn F C Last page Halfpenny Miss IB 432 Hall J V 131" Hall RB& Co 13;)0 Halstead J 384 Hamburg-American S S Co.xxiv Hamilton W C 787 Hanson GF (ill Harkness H D 274 Harley Jas 748 Harris John 60 Hartn)aim G Phil 747 HasBmer Valentine 1 104 Hatch & Barclay 1344 Hatch I C 787 Hensley House 787 Herald Company 788 Hereford .t Zabriskie 460 Herrmann ( ' 1378 Hersey SO 20!) HeslopE 2W Heus.scr J <>0 Hibben F N & Co 433 Hil)bitsJno 171 Hicks D Hi Co 554, 97, 374 Hicks Mrs J B 717 Hill J F 74!) Hill Samuel 1138 HInton & Gordon Hirsch B S it c;o 1405 Hochstudtcr k Bro 036 Hockwell Peter 747 Hodifcs G Z •'■'4.") HodgesWA 60 Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson 749 and xiv Hold.-n & Son 6»< Hollistcr Enterprise 80] Homer and Donaldson 472 Honig & Baruch 1302 Hood R B 324 Hooi)er Wm B & Co 467 Hopkins II T 153 Home it West 1494, 1405 Horton House 773 Hotel Del Monte vi, vii KendiUl & Kellogg 1406 Kennedy Mrs A A 719 Kenyon'S W 1488 Kestler Martin 750 Key.Hcr & Elrod 164 Keyston Bros 1454 Kiesel F J & Co 42 Kirkland Wm 507 Kirkpatrick Bros 123 Kiss Tiouis 324 Kittredgc J 1384 Kein J E 1373 Klein DrN 787 Khme J B lOtt Knapp R I 587, xxiil Kna|>p Scwell 541 Knarston J H 1428 Koch & Wolff 207 Kohler k (Jhaso 1413 Krannn & Dievos 684 KrnuseJ H 636 KriderBros 450 Kriechbaum G H 944, 1350 Kroger F 1099 Kruse J H 14,57 Kunz Chris 590 Kiistel it Riotte 1304 Lachapelle E 193 Ijadies' Home Journal 1285 Lake Democrat 744 Lake E T 847 Hot 1 Uhein 12i)SJLamb Jno M 1471 Houghton VV A & C S, Lang Joseph 169 Margin line through bookiLangdon AG 1476 Houscwoith Thos xi\ Langland N P 1441 Howard Amos 606 Hucter Bros & Co 1303, 1418, 1450 Hiiftaker J S6s Humboldt Brewery 1322 Humboldt Times 5(i4 Hujicrs Mor'tz 609 Hurley DJ 1441 HuMUg R it Bros 1419 Hutchinson Dan 65 Idaho Statesman xxviii Indiana-iolis Chair Manuf. Co 1363 International Hotel. Eureka Langle\' Wm D^fi Langstroff J B 181 Lam-bcn M 685 Leach Steliheti W 686 Ledvard F K 787 Lcftwiuh J W 751 Leger's Hotel 651 LeonarpG B 20 Lester & Bvvn . . ; 789 Levin Alex 468 Ije\ ison Bros 1385 Levy & Co 509 L 'w-is L L it Co T't Nev 180 Lincoln StabI s 811 International Hotel, Austin, Lind James 166 Nev l,53|Liyerniore Herald 610 Inwall & Waldron 750 liongshore Jas 1448 Iribarne John 690 Isaacs 1 297 Jackson RW 1301 Jacobs C... ...1471 .lacobson Carston 061 Jahn & Foster 1347 Jardine J B 1206 Jenkinson W H 43.3 Jensen W 421 Hatch J S 1470; Jesse & Drew 144 1 Hathaway G 4.57lJeaneau & Lemaitre xxvii Hanchett J E 786|Johnson B F & Sons 67 Hauerbach A 65 Johnson F W 747 Hawley M C & Co 1301 Johnson Jacob 708 Hawley N E 1346 Johnson L 818 HawsBF 796ljohn8ton WD 1304 Hayes J S & Co 1104| Johnston W H 523 Haymond St, Magruder 1481| Johnson W J xxvii HayneB & Son 58 Jones C Ed 1297 Hayt Bros 451 Jones Lee 854 Hayward Chas 433 Healdsburg Enterprise 593 Hedges & Dlllensburg 1429 Heisterman H F & Co 433 Hold & Co 1405 Helfrlch EC&Co 23 Hendricks' Hot«l 647 Heodricks H W 394 HenleySM 170 Henshaw Park 1487 Jones T R 61|MathewB S F. Jos8el.yn JH 1424 Justis L M 878 Kane, O'Leary & Co. .1398, xxxi Keeney & Btgelow 171 Keeney House, Inside front cover Kelloffg J & Co 299 Kelly MrsJM 750 Kelly Peter 544 Lord & William 467 Lorentzen A P 1430 Loughmiller J A 327 Loutham Roht & Co 146!» Lovewell Geo H 507 I-owden O E 626 Lyngbcrg Fred Q 60 M'aclay & Moffltt 893 Mallon J & J B 208 .Mansion House 873 Man»on it Hendry . . , 434 Marincovich Peter 302 Marks L& Son 121 MarstersEJ 840 Martin Mrs RM SOS MarwedeIC F 1401 MarySville Appeal 637 Marysvillc Foundry 683 Mason& Sells 56 Mastiek S L . 316 Mathewson 8 R & Co 1291 Matteson & Williamson . . . 845 Matthews & Co 1432 Mayers Rob 1454 McAfee Bros 1432 MeCann The Tailor 752 McCaulev James 598 McDonafd Alex 647 JlcDonald H W & Co 1303 Index to AdveHiseraents. 15 McDowell S & Co 1332|Nor(leck Fred 153 McElroy P 179; North Pufiflc Coast R K. . . . xi McKarland& Fart 16a!Northorr) Pacific Hy 385 Mcauirc& Hcacil 203 Nuimn .1 J (iSS McKeiincy L M 134, 214'()akland Medical College. . . . 690 McK iiiiey & Ranior. 548, Oakland Times 687 McKinnie Murray 1457|Oakland Tribune 689 McMillan & Son 433!(rBrien John N 841 McMurtrcy AT 2071 Occidental & Oriental S S . . viii McWuinfc Uusscll 630 McWilliams II H 754 Meadcr Thos H 545 Proctor C E 1297 Pu j,'et Sound Argus 390 Pujfet Sound Steam Nav Co, 384 PughLM 158 Puller James 184 C^uadc Otto 384 yueen Hoot and Shoe Store, 624 Qulnn & Co 25 (iuinn Thos 403 Haas E tSi Co xx Kttdonich Morris 747 Hand, Wines & Dorsey 171 Ochsnor J 755 Odcll Hros 189 I Ogden Junction 43 Mendocino r.umhcr (;o 1400 Olema Hotel 692|llai)p C^hiis W & Co. .; 757 Mcnuocino and Westport Olive Jno IP 570illa\e A P & (Jo 1332 sta-jt lino 1095 Ollrich J H (i47|Kay W S & Co xvlii M- rrill DP finaloi-ango Hotel . .' (i93 Kavmond & Wilehire, Merrill k Worth 1418;Orogon & Cal lly 310 Interleaf, 1240-41 Mcrscreau AS 13:i,'i OreKonian ."iiisl (ieardan k Freer 695 Methodist Hook Depos'torv 300, 301, 302, 1232,' 1233, 1234, and marjrin line throuufh book Mcuasdorffer J C & Son, l!«i:k of book. Mciissdortfcr K JkussdoilTu!' M . Meyers Adolph Migl'iiva' cii (.J . Mitcbull .'»: Ci Mitcbell M.. MolsoM it Sons. .137 Oregon Kidney Tea 328 llcdfitld O T 627 , ( ircyon Ky k Vax' Co 3os Kedntone A E & Co 1401 Oreffon Statesman 317 Iteilstonc J H & Co 1419 Orcyon .stiani Xav Co •jOOJUeed A B 704 Ormshv House, inside back cover Heed (J .\ & Co 317 iOnirkOS Ul.^^HcedllA 64 . xviiiOsliorn If Vk Co 129,1, 13T 7 i Heed Kob 686 ..1413'(>ro\ille Mormrv (19(il Heed's Plioto (iallcrv 758 , . <;iU Overland Hotel" 1472!|[ocd it Nelson ". 1486 Miliaii Jas li 1432 I'acilic .\s|ilialtuni Works. .. . Reese Kiver Reveille 154 Miller A Sit Son 303' 1303, 1435!t{eiss BrOs A Co 1339 Miller it Smith Ii23 Patilic lliiiltfe Co KinI l!emar(iue J F 1488 Mllinjrton's .Xssnib'y Ilooms ti-*;'! Pacific llnsiiiess Colleye, lUiikeii H 685 Mima Thos () .t A . . 244 .Margin lino throiiijh book Reno Gazette 190 Mission liocU Waiohouso . . .128.'i' unil liaik of book, and 12'iS Uhodes AW 61 l:'.(i I'acitic Coast S S Co SosiUlchards it Snow 1424 •m\ Pacilic l.ifc 12s>8; Richards it Williams 42 •.W\ Pa .itic Metal Works 1404|Hickard W T 469 Monnier A 747'Pacili- Ocean House 12 Ricks T F & Co ,565 Moiinler Mmc Monta^'ue W W k Co, .Marsfin line throu);!) book. Midglcy J K ...141(1 Miller it Hichard, interleaf. Montealeagrc J (J 1340 Moody it Farish 1104 Moon it Crei^'hton 638 Moraghan M B xxvi Morettc J P 610 Morgan Oto 540 Morgan II H & Co 850 Morgan it ("o xwi Morris it Evans 03 Morrow Geo 1344, 1378 Morse House 1090 Mortensen ^ Snaddon 42 Morton A it E i: 1403 Mott J H it Co 1452 Mountain DeuKKTat 707 Mouser BT 1424 Mowry L C 611 Mowr'y It D xxvii MullerC 1416 Mullov&Paul, 57 MuH'hy Wni B 789 Naber, Alfs & Brune, Back cover Napa Collegiate Institute. ..I486 Napa County Reporter 6.59 Napa Gold Dollar 657 Napa Hotel 659 Napa Register 658 Napa Soda Springs 657 Napa Seminary 680 Nathan B & Co xxix Nelson C b 530 Nesbitt I& Bro 1347 Ncwbauer Jacob 754 Neustadt M M 87s Nevada Tribune 165 New Era 511 Newkirk DI 1451 NicoU The Tailor Back cover Noe& L«e 206 ■2 I'aiilic Press, front cover, in- terleaf (172 and 673 and 70, 4^9, 583, 046, 700, 7.39, lOSC I'acific Saw Co 16a Paine's Stables 7.54 Palmer H it Co, Margin lino through book Pa'mcr WE 310 Parker J (i 3s7 Parker J M xxv Parsons (i H 601 l'as.sev F 61 Patten F II 207 Patterson Alex 328 Patterson WD 433 PeirceC.M 59 Peo|)le.s' Cause 716 Pcjiper's Nurseries 704 I'crlE &Co 638 I'rry Geo a39 Petaluma Courier 703 Peters F I, M & Co 1283 Peters & King 303 Peters P 709 Pettit A P 468 Pettil & Russ Back cover Phelps Manuf g Co 1289 Philadelphia Brewery xxii Phillips H F 251 "^ierson H H . . . . Front cover Pinncy Ja B A & Co 1473 Pioneer Box Factory 756 Pima County Bank 468 Pitcher IIS 588 Placerville Stage Line 707 Plate A J & Co 1404, 1373 Plaza Hotel 792 Beckman J B 883 Poheim Joe 1446 Pollhanimer A 1356 Popper S 1439 Porter Iron Roofing Co 1005 PostSG ."^ 1481 Prouss Frank 155 Price Thos 1304 Ridley A E & Co 1443 Rivei-r Hros 60 liivett E it H 758 lioach John.... 1416 Roberts WC 1447 Kohins FA 1401 Uobinson EI 755 Robinson Jerry 846 Rogers' Hotel" 870 Kohr C M 303 Kosevear Robt 716 Ross EC &Co 638 Ross lilt Son 791 Rossetcr & Smith 1387 Itottanzi & Buzzini 1098 Rowell W H ...566 lloval St John 1438 Ruftino I, J & Co 1403 RufflnoS 877 Rusbv k Merv 531 Kussell R W 794 Russ House 1295 Russian River Flag 692 Sa(Tamento Bee 753 Sacramento Planing Mills 796 Sacramento Restaurant 758 Sadler & Co ... . 1348, 1358, 1384, 1419, 1420, 1438, 1442 Saflford Hudson & Co 469 St George Stables xx St Helena Hotel 793 Salazar & Rahn 470 Sale Dudley 171 Salisbury, Hailev & Co 98 Salt LAke Herald 1093 San Benito Advance 893 Sanden burger Ca 296 SFBulletin 1063 SFCall 16b 8 F Chronicle Front cover S F Journal of Commerce 2 S F Merchant 19B6 SF&NPRR X San Jose Art Palace 785 San Jose Candy Factory 7S9 ',»}; I .f t /^^ u i i I Ir u U ! 16 Index to AdvertiseDientK. San Jose Mercury "ftOlWarhhowt H San Joiwiiiin Hotdl 8i'S, Marjfiii linu throujfh book San .luan Htaxt Lino 893 Stoiirna N & Son 'im Sun Ijouiidro lleporter Ssl) Stueto .liinios (J&tio VMi Sttulo Mrs, I B VMi-> Steun ET Via Stoll Henry xv San Itelfael Livery Stable 801 Santa Clara Mill & Lumber Co "8i» Saroni Louis & Co i:U5 Saunders Henry 433 Stein V \\ 133" Saylor A L 2(>1 Stephens JO 3!l Schaaf V\\ r.22 Stevens S 38 SehiefferC H 1387 StiniHon Mrs A L 317 Schloth Chrs . .30B Stockton Ajfricultural Ware- Schmidt M & Co 13t)8, 1458| house • 844 Sohnoler Joat 403 SohoonfeUl SD 716 SchroderJ K 722 Schueler Jost fil» Schull JT 457 SchutnOhas 400 Schulze I' Schwahaeher Si Co Stockton Iron Works 842 Stockton Stables 843 Stockton Steuni Laundrx-. . . 840 Stone TN ".... 171 Streit HC 171 Strobel Carl 758 306j Sullivan James aS8 1473 Sullivan Thos 1338 Schwartz Chas 639 Schwin Wni — 15B Scott Bros 1300 Scott John McO ... 182 Scott J P fi3!) Scott Mathcw A 877 Seattle Post 395 Shaeffer J W & Co, Back cover and 1292 Shanley & Co 123 Shaw J 306 Shearer Geo D 1344 Shepard AH 813 Shopman WE 1365 Sherman Mrs E J 636 Shires William 1365 Short Rosanna 1384 ShreveOeo W 1373 SiddallD 324 Sidne\ Stagre Line 1492 SilvaVMC 39 Singer WmJr 639 Sloanaker I N 691 Slotterhek Chas 605 Small E r & Sons 5.50 Spooner AW 1473 Stanley E J 1492 Stuart J M 1488 Small J W 394 Swain LA 198 Sweasey W J & Son 507 Sweetser & Alsip Back cover Tabcr, Harker & Co 894 Vaber I W .w Tambling Mrs L C 1424 Taylor Joseph 208 Taylor Thos iS; Co 208 Terrace Baths -xii Terrv&Co 50» ThaxterG o C . Marjrin line through book Thomas E A 38 Thompson C V 841 Thompson Dixie 806 Thompson L 13.50 Thomson & Evans. . .1429 & 1401 Thicle E 182 Thrall HH 13.50 Tiernan R & Co 14!' Titus Samuel 513 Tickner Buniham & Co 533 Towle Bros & Co 555 Town Talk 789 Tracy Stoble 853 Tracy Geo H 1090 Traube H 1298 Truckee Hotel 857 Truckee Lumber Co 855 )5 jTruckee Republican . . . Smith AM Smith F J 568 Smith Mart 199 Smith Mrs M J 472 Smith & Starratt • 155 SmithTheoA- 44 Smith & Walling. 316 SnellJW 59 SnowH H 864 Soiano Times 866 Soper Miss Nettie 384 SouIeE 14.51 S PRK v. .xiii South Pacific Coast R R xi Spear, Meade & Co 1344 Spinnev Dr. . . , 1293 SponogleFM 1.58 Spratt Joseph 443 S{»ring Mcnzo 1287, 1310 Standard 307 Standard Soap Co Back of book State House 745 Stayton Wm H 540lWade W A & Co . .8.56 Trueworth, "F M xxvii Tuebner & Hoffman xix Tull Frank .508 Tully, Ochoa & Co 470 Tupper G A 817 Turner Bros 278 Tuscarora stage line 173 llkiah City Hotel 861 Ukiah City Press 860 Union Hotel (Chico) 531 ' Union Hotel 471 Walker lluv WS 328 Walling AG 306 Wungeuhcini J It 434 Wtirdlcigh H C 41 Waring ('has A 755 Washington College 871 Wussmann A 760 Watson & Randall 506 Watson Sarah . , 41 Watsonville Pajaronian 874 Weaver HA Front cover Webber Mrs John 894 Weber t«eo 893 Webster Joshua B 845 Weed & Kingwell 1321 Weinhard H 311 Wcitinaii Frank & C'o 158 Welch JC 695 Welisch The(Hlore 471 Wentworth House 1092 West « 'oast Signal 565 WeatE H 584 West & Heath 644 Western Oregon R R 244 Western House 640 Weston Mrs KG 171 Westall J 1368 WheatC D 1415 Wheatley, Cook & Co 1432 Wheeler it Wilson 691 Wheelwright MB 44 White Geo R 791 Whiting F B 711 Whitney & Marshall 1289 Whipple \ H 817 Whitney, .Sumner & Co 1386 Whitworth F H 396 Wicgand C & Co 210 Wiegand Conrad 210 Wiegand, Perkins & Co .... 210 Wicgand, Taylor & Co 210 Wightnian & Hampton 640 Wigginton D 318 WilderEB 60 Wilhelm Edward 182 Wilkinson H F 607 Wilton Jno & Co xxvli Williams C H 1486 Wilson J W 761 Williams J T 311 Williaihs R L 851 Wm Tell House 769 Willows Brewery 1322 Wiiiiior Hotel 688 Wischniann & Holthower. . . .396 Wixom Isaac 1 55 Wolfl & Loze 1:187 Wonderlich & Bryan 498 Wood Benj 211 Woodland Democrat 1300 Woodniff AL 666 WoodWB 563 Woods F N & Co xxvli Wren Thos 181 Yaple Frank 209 Yolo Mail 885 Yo Semite Hotel (Stockton). 842 Yo Semite House 821 Zeckendorf L & Co . . . . 1097 T, J Attorncj' u: Near IJ We wc and Mill Office at ' Town Sit given to j and Mine in which : disposal c Office, I Claimant volving tl o Diar Has ill his i AMEI In fine gold Ladies CHAS. H RICHARL m Gi Sao'mnento, Cal. 16a T. B, McFAMLAND, Attorney at Law, late Hcgister Sat'nununtu hauil Offlcf. G, W, FA nil, \a.ta Clerk SaiTaniento Luuil OflSco. cFARLAND « FARR, MI5 I nil 4f f Olllf Office, 6, 7 & 8, S. W. corner 4th and J Streets, Near U. S. Land Office, SACRAMENTO, We woulil respectfully call attention to our facilities for the prosecution of Land and Mininj^ Cases before the U. S. Land Offices of this State, and the Clencral Land Office at Washinfjton, D. C. Contested and Ex-parte, Homestead, Pre-emption, Town Site and Mining Cases promptly and efficiently conducted. S|)ecial attention given to Ai)iilicalions for Patents to Mines ; to Suspended Pre-emption, Homestead and Mineral Entries before the General Land Office at Washington, D. C; to Cases in which additional inoof is required, and to procuring title under the law for the disposal of Timber I.ands. Will also attend to business before the State Land Office, Land and Mine J'atents procured ; Blanks and Listruciions furnished Claimants. We will also conduct any Litigation entrusted to us in the Courts, in- volving the right to Agricultural Lands and Mines. McFARLAND & FARR, Sacramento Cal. NiK'ot'MMOi* to .1. 1». ?'1oIm'i^-. 226 J street, between Second and Third, Sacramsnto. Importer and Dealer in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Clocks Optical Goods, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Etc. Latest NOVELTIES in Jewelry lias ill liis store a complete assortment of all tfiailes ot AMERICAN WATCHES, 111 flue (fold anil silver cases, hiji'ily on.amented or plain, fine pfolil Ladies' or Qents' Chains, Etc. CONSTANTLY AUKI VI XG. WATCr: !9EPAIRINC A specialty. Under .1. 1'. Flohcr;,'. CHAS. H. GORRILL, President RICHARD W. GORRILL, Treasurer. PACIFIC California Street, SAN FRANCISCO. PACIFIC SAW COMPANY, N. W. SPAULOING & CO., 18 & 19 Fremont Street, SAN FRANCISO. KlaiiufacturerB of Circular Saws, Saw Mandrels, Planing Knives and Saws of all kinds. l()h San Frmicisco, Cdl. Representative Papers on the Pacific Coast. RELIABLE I INFLUENTIAL ! LAHQEST CIRCULATION ! PUULISHKl) ItV THE SAN l'RAN('IS<0 <'AI,l, I'OMl'ANV. 'rj.'i Mont^onu'rv .Street, Sim Fmiieixn. t'alitniiilu. The Morning Call - I'l IILIHMKI) K\K11V riAY IN TflK YKAR, Wnil A hll'l'liKMKST ON 11 ESIIAYS AM> A llnl III.K KIIKEI ON SINDAT8. .S'S.tlll A VKAIl, I'DM'I'Alll. The Sunday Call KKHI !• l'Al^K>. >1..MP l'i:l; VKAIl, I'll.HTI'Alll. The Weekly Call rUBLIHIIKl) UN TlirilKHAYS. SIX I'AOKH. KOKTY-KIOIIT COUTMNS. ?1.25 A YKAH. The SiNDAY and Weekly Call will be sent iiostpaid to one ntldress (or $2.00 a vcar. The Call contains the liatest News of tlie World, Tekxraphic, etc.; Corrcspnndcnoe from all parts of the Olohe; Editorials U]H)n the (jucstions of the Day; Political, ('ommcroial, Agricultural, and other matters independently treated; Resourues, Productions, Descriptions, etc., of the Pacific Coast. In short, they are reliable representative journals. ADVERTISERS ARE IMVITED TO KEA1> TIIG FOTiIiOWIXeriod 7,0S7,000 copies were priiited. He further deposes that the editions of TuE Mornino Call and The Weekly Call for that period were as follows: The Mornino Call, Sundays 45,000 Week Days »»«,<»40 The Weekly Call 11,4N)0 WILLIAM G. WATERS. Subscribed anil sworn to before me the seventh day of .May, A. D. 1880. SAMUEL S. MURFEy, Notary Public. Average Daily Circniation of the Slornlna; Call, 38,940 COPIES, in proportion to population a Circqlatlon unparalleled In the History of Amerlran Journalism, 1 Sn l^^l and ] ^^1 and^ ^^H an a: l^^l mour l^^l side ( ^^H eral 1 i^H Timp ^^^1 thou! I^Hi Thei I^H on th o^l mgo I^^H repre ^^^1 of cei I^^H and \ D^l they l^^l ing. iH^H have H^H ment ^^H sesset ^^1 andp D^H the sc I^H prove Oran^ ^H I^^H 111 BOI ^^H Heav I^H tains i^^l of nul pEnH horse Q^B Anotl M^U while «■■ line a and h H^H J^^H Lake ^^^f of soc ^^H eats. I^^P it. S ^^1 Itsdi ^1 sanda ^^ great . yean § . . mote •5c» produ Fargo fined l5 399 Utah, Wh v»l2 mgs V 1 when ered, must therei mills Co army UfU DCIIMnCD of Portland, Orrcon. Operative ChemMt, rwle proprietor ffinii rrUnuCn, the celebrated Otew Blood Portlier. H— Woaderflil Power. ^ so l< 399 ^ DO Co 3 esi UTAH. (ALPHABETiOALLY.) See alto, Liit of Towns Beceived too Late for Segolar LuertloB. Situated between the 37th and 42d parallels of north latitude, and the 109th and 1 14th meridians west from Greenwich, lyiuK north of Arizona, south of Idaho and Wyoming, east of Nevada, and west of Colorado and Wyoming, and having an area of 84,476 square miles. It is divided almost equally by the Wasatch mountains, which intersect its whole extent from north to south. On the east side of these lofty sentinels, are the Gre^'n and Grand rivers, which, with their sev- eral branches from the Colorado, while on the west side are Jordan, Weber, Bear, Timpanogos, Sevier and Salt Creek rivers, to whose waters the cultivation of many thousand acres of land and the reduction of vast quantities of ore can be attributed. The interests which involve the destiny of this promising Territory, are dependent on these beautiful and valuable streams. Without their presence, the many bloom- ing orchards, fields of rustling, ripening grain, and the hum of commerce, would be represented by desolation and waste. Irrigation is a necessity f orthe production of cereals and fruits, of which she can consistently boast in terms of enthusiasm and pride, for in all markets where the products of her soil have been introduced, they nave acquired a reputation, both for quality and size, that is truly encourag- ing. These facts, in addition to the one which experiments in mining industries have demonstratetl, ai-e worthy the consideration of all seeking profitable invest- ment in that direction, and certainly augur most favorably of her future. She is pos- sessed with a multiplicity of features which must prove of advantage to her rapid and pennanent growth, and not the least importance of these is her climate. In the southern part of the Territory, cotton is grown without risk, and experience groves that the silk-worm can thrive almost anywhere within her confines, ranges and other tropical fruits have been grown also in some localities, though in some sections the temperature reaches a degree of cold that is disastrous to stock. Heavy falls of snow are annually witnessed in the northern portion. The moun- tains are covered during the greater portion of the year with a luxuriant growth of nutritious grasses, on which large herds of cattle, Hocks of slieep, and droves of horses, grow sleek and fat, and become a source of great revenue to their owners. Another of her attractive features is Ihe dryness and purity of the atmosphere, while the water which courses constantly down her mountain sides, is cool, spark- ling and delicious. The sanitary condition of the Territory is highly gratifying, and her public school system is spoken of in the highest praise. The Great Salt Lake is a beautiful sheet of water, though so strongly impregnated with chloride of sodium, as to render it unfit for use in th6 promotion of the agricultural inter- ests. Very valuable salt is made by evaporation from the water which comes from it. So extremely salt is it that nothing endowed with animal life can exist in it. Its dimensions are 75 by 30 miles, and during the warm season it is visited by thou- sands of people, for the purpose of bathing in it. The buoyancy of the water is so great that it is found impossible for persons to sink in it. Each succeeding year witnesses an increase in the development of her inines, and the time is not re- mote when she shall wear the crown which credits her with being the leading bullion {troducing dependency of the Union. For the year ending December, 1879, Wells, i'argo & Co. handled 2,301,276 pounds of refined, and 26,441,359 pounds of unre- fin^ lead, 3,835,047 ounces of silver and 15,932 ounces of gold, the product of Utah, whose combined value amounted to $5,219,747.69. When the above figures are added to those of individuals who have not had deal- ings with the express company, the aggregate will have been largely increased, and when the fact that these interests are as yet comparatively in their infancy is consid- ered, the belief of her importance as a "lustrous gem " in our country's firmament, must become deeply rooted. Her population cannot exceed 150,000 people, though the resources are capable of supporting twenty times the number. Her saw and gnst mills are numerous in comparison with other sections, and give employment to an army of operatives. 2 -1 s c > < > o o o c 3 fi» c o O o o o 3 a I JELLY, THE JEWELER, Repairs Watches and Jewelry. , ffi HIUPilMOUC tt bU>f pattertii. llO, 112,"". lie and ilM Pftttery St.. S. K. H. IL (0 c o ■ o 35 (0 ♦; 3 IL •& c c O ■ o o o z o < (L h O 18 Utah — A damHviUe-Alta. ALI'IIABITTlrALIiT. RAILROADS. Through the spirit of enterprise which largely predotniiiatecl in the ^en who were prominently identified with the history of Utah, and who had lier welfare at heart, her progress was accelerated by the introduction of rapid transporation in the form of railways. Hoping to profit by the experience of public-spirited per- sons of " the States," they contributed largely from their funds of intelligence and finance, and through that energy characteristic of the " western element, " they found a remedy which soon relieved them of the evil of the stage-coach and heavy " prairie schooner, " and that was the iron horse and coaches. There are nine lines in operation in the Territory, namely, the Central Pacific, the Union Pacific, Utah Central, Utah Southern, Utah and Northern, Wasatch and Jordan Valley, Utah Western, Bingham Canyon and Cainp Floyd, and Pleasant Valley. THE CENTRAL PACIFIC Joins hand with the Union Pacihc at Ogden, and thus forms a continuous line from the Pacific to the Atlantic seaboard. The completion of this transcontinental roadway of steel was a success, unparalleled in the art of railway engineering and construction. Its machine shops at Ogden give employment to quite a number of men, and through its monthly distribution of wages, tlie Territory is greatly bene- fited. THE UNION PACIFIC • Also has its shops at O^den, and is a " power in the land," and an auxiliary to the sustenance of a population, that is of incalculable value. THE UTAH CENTRAL Is 37 miles in length, having Ogden for its northern, and Salt Ijake City for its southern terminus. It was built by individual labor in 1870, >/ith very little money, by residents of the Territory, the late President Young having entire si* "^r- intendence of its construction. It has proved to be a profitable investment. THE UTAH SOUTHERN Is the second rot.d that was built in Utah, and it is really an extension of the Utah Central, continuing southward from Salt Lake City. THE UTAH AND NORTHERN Is a narrow gauge, running from Ogden to a point beyond Kigle Kock, Idaho, though it is] the purpose to cxtund the line further into that Territory. It is owne X H PI C O O S -I «> v> ♦* 75 CO Ul X UJ o > 30 o O PI < UJ UJ CO CO § UJ C0 CO CO CO J Kobiii Shelh o Smitl u. Twed o Wads Wate ^ Webl TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. H. WACHHORST calls attention to filM €i}<>niilnr Mtfir- Una Mllvt*r\var«. 315 J St. E t: CO v> cd CO UJ X UJ CO ea CO Utah — American Fork-Beaver City. 19 ALPIIARRTICALLT. CO co n UJ C0 UJ CO CO CO eo o Railroad, about '25 miles from Salt Lake City. Its support comes from the min- ing industries. Bateman J T, justice of the i>eace Brougli C M, miniuK recorder Burgess U E, constaole and collector Collins C H, liquors Devers A R, hotel Fitzgerald A J, liquors , • O'Reilly J J, gen mdse • , Rettick Fritz, liquors Rowe VV P, meat market ' Schmidt Peter, Alta Brewery Scrimglour James, lesaee "Emma mine" Sickler C M, winra and liquors Simmons F H Dr, druggist, sundries and postmaster Strickley John, gen mdse Thomas Albert, Canyon House Tucker Jamea, gen mdse Wentzburg Jos, merchant Wright Martin, barber American Fork, UTAH COUNTY. A lively little town of about 1,500 in- habitants, 33 miles south of Salt Lake, and 15 miles north of Provo City. A postoffice on the Utah Southern Rail road. Adums A, Hour mills Adamson J, flour mills Bennett John, furniture Chadwick James, tailor Chipman James, gen mdse Co-operative Institution, gen mdse Crooks J, blacksmith Dunkley A, gen mdse Durant J, brewery Grant W, music, stationery, etc Greenwood W, notary Harrington L E, postmaster Higley W J, jeweler * Hogard J, market Jackson W W, lumber Keppemeck R, hotel Lee £ B, painter Miller A, hot«l MuUiner S, flour mills Paxman Wm, lumber Robinson J, wagonmaker Robinson W H, wagonmaker Shelley & Thornton, gen mdse Smith W, blacksmith Twede C F, hamessmaker Wadsworth T J, physician Waterman G A, gen mdse and drugs WebbF, bootmaker Argenta, SALT LAKE (X)UNTY. Bagley C, lumber Brighton R A, hotel Butler Alvin, lumber Butler Philander, steam saw mill Cunnipgton k Co, gen mdse Maxfield R, lumber HONX JAS T, notary public, recorder and postmaster Whipple N W, lumber Ashley, WASATCH COUNTY. Bentley C, blacksmith Britt & Carey, gen mdse Britt W C, justice of the peace and postmaster Coulton C E, agric'l implements and hardware Gibson James, gen mdse m CO m m Bear River City, BOX ELDEH COUNTY. ANDERSON N P, postmaster and surveyor ^ Andreasen J, carpenter Casper R, carpenter Holmgren P O, blacksmith Beaver City, BEAVER 30UNTY. Barton W & Co, gril.t mill Beaver Co-operative Mercantile Institu- tion, gen mdse Beaver Co-operative Woolen Mills Beteiison J, hotel Copeland W, sawmill Crouch Mrs E C. millinery Dowling & Flood, drugs Fennemore J, gen mdse Fields J, publisher Herbert G H, drugs Jackson Samuel, Sr, saddler Jones W P, hardware Livingstone M, gen mdse Matthews E C, hotel McDonough D, liquors Murdock J R, stock raiser Robinson J L, shoemaker Selig & Simon, gen mdse Thompson Wni, grain Wookhouse E C, gen md^ CO m "n ao m o S m r* CO $ CO CO -» 5* 3 o WHO'S YOUR TAILOR 7 '«aE¥'ai£riiS'fflS'5gr&2.'' L CSHit.' CTfirif of UTooIeiw and Tailor's TrlmmliiM,ltackle* Son, H rINt OiUOIl Tatlors and Woolen DraDem. Malt Lake City. w V i^ ■ll 9 (D I Q I M © u H (D Q H 20 (D Utah — Bellevue-Brigham City. ALPHABRTICALLY. Belleyue) WASHINGTON COUNTY. A postoffice 7 miles north of Toquer- ville and 320 miles south of Palt Lake City. Anderson P, gen mdse Birch J, gen mdse | Gates J, postmaster • • Johnson J H, produce Sylvester J, wme manufacture Ulrick Dr, physician Von Trott 0, justice peace Webb Frank, constable Wellman Henry, barber Wellman & Hoyer, druggists Wood H, assayer Benson, CACUE COUNTY. BOOEBS THOS, postmaster Bingham, SALT LAKE COUNTY, Is the terminus of Bingham Canyon and Camp Floyd Railroad, 28 miles from Salt Lake City in a southwesterly direction. The title of "Old Reliable" has certainly not been misapplied, for despite the rav- ages of depression and drouth, almost insurmountable in their nature, in the very face of driving and destructive ele- ments, which tiu itioned her right to "hold her own,' she has withstood every- thing, and is to-day one of the substan tial mining towns of the Territory. The place depends almost solely upon the mining interests, a feature that has filled her horoscope with gleams of bright promise in the form of development, steady and permanent. There are seve ral places ot business, as well as a public hall, a church, and a school. The popu- lation is about 600 souls. Bourgard Bros & Smith, meat market Coakley & Co, livery stable Cooper Wm, gen mdse Duncan James k Co, mining suppUea and liquors Gulianini — , barber Gunsen E A, mining supplies and liquors Jerguson J, meat market Judd Dr — , physician Keate J P, druggist Kinney L B, justice peace Lodders Gug, liquors MORRIS 1, postmaster Morris I & Co, gen mdse . Noland Sam, hotel Smith k Bourgard, liq'iora Smith Geo, hotel Tavey P, news depot Thompson Dr, physician Thompson Henry, county recorder Brig^ham City. BOX ELDER COUNTY. Brigham City is the county seat of Box Elder county, and is a town of 2,500 inhabitants. It is situated on the Utah & Northern and Central Pacific railroads, three miles east of Bear Rivei, and 18 miles north ot Ogden City. Its location is a beautiful one, being on a gradual in- cline, and 's near the mouth of Box El- der Canyon, In its corporate capacity, Brigham City extends to the boundary line of Cache county on the east, and takes in a most beautiful little valley surrounded with lofty mjuntains, and having in it a flourishing farming settle- ment called Montana, with a population of 350 souls. The town site proper of Brigham City is rocky and filled with gravel, making the ground most solid to build on, and the streets, which run at right angles, are as solid and level as if a:;tually paved by the hand of human in- genuity, the same having an efiect to make the ground uncommonly warm, so that a great variety of tine fruit is rais- ed in rich abundance which, connec- ted with the vast amount of flowers and roses growing in the summer, causes the place to partially resemble the tropical regions. A money order office is connec- ted with the postoffice, and here is also an express office. There is a woolen fac- tory and tannery of considerable capac- ity, besides a number of other manufact- uring establishments.such as blacksmith, wagonmakers, carpenters, etc. Stock- raising and dairying are amongst the ftrominent intci«sts to which the place ooks for support. Box E A, county attorney Brigham City Mercantile and Manufact- uring Association, gen mdse, woo) in fac^ory, tannery and shoemaking Burt John D, county judge Bywater Jao, 'county clerk and recorder CHRISTENSEN A, att'y at law. city att'y, sup't of schools and postmaster Fishburn R L, collector Horsley & Co, dry goods and groceries Janson A A, mason and builder Loveland C C, sheriff and city marshal Mortensen Lars, blacksmith •H as m CD V* s 5* CO o 35* CD CD W CD CD 53. S* s CD 00 ^ p i BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"SSigWSS5£iSf«.,«,«.^,. PACIFIC B1J»I- WM PFIINnFR'<( Ori«inal Orison Blomi PnriAer to not a Bitter WW Hit I I m^i/uii mpoiiinU Bure* ipwdy In «( action. Co Utah — Brinton-Center. 21 AliPIIABETICALLT. Nielsen J C, cabinetmaker Nielsen J J & Co, tailors Herce Eli H, agt U and N R R and U P express Bosenbaum M D, county collector Smith Samuel, mayor Stratford A & Co, tailors Watkins W L, county and city treasurer Wight Stephen, county surveyor Wrighton W H, carpenter and builder Brinton, SALT LAKE COUNTY. Brinton Bros, gen mdse Howard L A, liquors Miller J A, machinist NefFBros, millers Butlerville, SALT LAKE COUNTY, Butler N, blacksmith BUTLER PHIL, gen mdse, brewer, lumber, saw mill and postmastor Fuller Wm, brewer Cairs Fort, BOX ELDER COUNTY. BEATTY B H, postmaster Hnnsaker Abraham, gen mdse, and miller Camp Douglas, SALT LAKE COUNTY. PostoflSce address, Salt Lake City ; A military post of the United States, two miles east of the city, situated on the *' bench " or upland. The place is most tastefully laid out and conveniently ar- ranged, having a capacity for the ac- commodation of 3,000 troops. Cannon, TOOELE COUNTY. Ajax William, merchant Cook David J, stock raiser HILLMAN EMILT, postmistress Rockwells Horace, stock raiser Rockwell Parker, stock raiser Shursbory Lewis, stock rai-.er AVright Geo, stock raiser Cedar City, IRON COUNTY, Is on the stage line of Gilmer, Sauls- bury & Co., about 280 miles from Salt Lake city, has a population of 700 and is spoken of synonomously with activity and beauty. Coal of a splendid charac- tei: is found in great quantities only six miles from uhe place, from which the people are furnished with all necessary fuel. The buildings are of a substan- tial nature, the material used in their construction Ijeing chiefly brick and stone, all of which are of goc 1 archi- tectural design. AUdridge Richard, boots and shoes Bauer A, carpenter Bayley H, boots and shoes Birkbeck R R, carpenter Ghappin L R, flour mills Chatterley G, postmaster Coal Creek Lumber Co Co-operative Store, gen mdse Corry A, gen mdse Corry Wm, blacksmith Cox S, carpenter Hunter G, carpenter Leigh Saml, furniture Lunt H, hotel Makkaprang Wm, furniture Palmer Richard, blacksmith Root L, painter Urie James, blacksmith Walker Joseph, coal Walker T, lumber Wood Geo, liquors \ Woods G, hotel Cedar Foi^., UTAH COUNTY. Carsen W H, liquors Larsen J, hotel Simmons M S, liquors 3 z Cedar Valley, UTAH COUNTY. A postoflice 40 miles northwest of i'rovo City, and 8 miles east of Salt Lake City. Cedar Fort Co-operative, gen mdse Cook H F, hotel Hocking John, gen mdse Center, TOOELE OOUNTT. AJAX WM, Postmaster JELLY, THE JEWELER, has a full stock of Sterling Silver. H fi» ? o 3 9 C 3 io" o a CD o CO c S e of 3 a > » c o E 75 CD « C C (0 O ■ O o 0. D O . W. IllUW I AbUL a bU.> pBttemg. no. 112. lU, lie «nd IIS Battery St.. S. F. 22 Utah — Centerville-Corinne. AI/PIIABRTICALLT. Centerville, . DAVIS COUNTY. Baird James, blacksmith Brandou Thos J, attorney at law Capner Wm, cabinet maker Centerville C M I, gen mdse Coles Jno, painter Ford Jno, stock raiser Harriss J J, cabinet maker Mills Bichard, painter Prophet Bichard, boot and shoemaker KEEV]^ W, X'^^^'"'^^^'*' (county as sessor and collector Simms Alexander, flour Smith W B, probate judge Tree Jno, bootmaker Charleston, WASATCH COUNTY. Murdock N C, sup't Co-operative Store and postmaster Wright Wm, justice of the peace Chester, SAN PETE COUNTY. Allred Isaac N, gen'l sup't Chester Co- operative Mercantile Institution Allred B N,»presideut Chester Co-opera- tive Mercantile Institution Allred Bedrick B, stock raiser Beck Hans C H, county pouudkeeper Candland A W, postmaster CANDIAND DAVID, prosecuting attorney and notary public Carles Wm H, stock raiser Chester Co-operative Mercantile Inst, gen mdse Child Joel H, book agent Madsen Andrew, freighter ' ^ Neilsen Lars, musician West Thomas, freighter Clarkston, CACHE COUNTY. Carbine W V O, president Co-operative Store and postmaster Davis Geo J, carpenter H^;gie A W, manager Co-operative Malmberg J P, blacksmith Sayer Thos, shoemaker Stewart S, carpenter Yatea H, blacksmith Coalville, SUMMIT COUNTY, A county seat, and located on the Weber river, 42 miles east of Salt Lake City. Has a population of about 700. The coal mines, from which its name is taken, are its principal support, although there is some agriculture in the vicinity. Allen T L, wagonmaker Allison E M, sheriff Asper Elias, probate judge Boyden John, postmaster and gen mdse Cluff Wm W, selectman Coalville Co-operative Institution, gen merchandise Eldredge Alma, prosecuting attorney Evans Henry, county treasurer Gentry Samuel, blacksmith Peterson Geo N, blacksmith Bippon Eobt, wagonmaker Boundy J C, selectman SALMON ROB'T, county clerk and recorder Snyder Geo G, selectman Statey & Co, lumber Corinne, BOX ELDER COUNTY, Is situated on the C. P. Bailroad, 25 miles west of Ogdeu, in the beautiful valley of Bear river. It is the pioneer Gentile town of the Territory, and at one time in its early history was the scene of great activity and commercial enterprise. Since the advent of the rail- road, however, a gradual decline has been experienced, owing to the fact that it has been deprived of the freighting business, which was a feature that formed a most important factor in the support of the place. It is very desira- bly located, and may again assume pro- portions of some dignity. Mr. John W. Guthrie, who is prominently indentiiied with the history of the town, has a great deal of confidence in its future. The country surrounding it is of an agricultural nature, capable of support- ing a large population. M. E. Campbell is proprietor of the only hotel. Adams E P, agt C P B B Amshler M, brewery Black J D, ass't postmaster • BLACK T Ji druggist and postmaster BOESSEL MRS A, Bailroad House BOESSEL V E, watchmaker and jew- eler Boulware J B, physician TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. m O ■ o ■ H Z > X H m •n 3 ■n 5' S 3 o CO CO tt CO (D 9 a. (A o (D O 3 UJ LU ce »- CO H" CO o c^ CM CO m M i^' 99 Brown T Byers J '. n all the principal Cities of the United States and Europe. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTION. CORREliPOXDENTS : Kountze Bro«., N. Y.; First National Bank, Omnha. Neb. ; Sathcr & Co., S. F. ; McCornicl v Co., Salt Lako City, Utah; HarlcleM & Co., Ogden, Utah. E. C. HELFRICH & CO., SHIPPERS OF Butter, Eggs and Poultry. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, And with CORINNE, UTAH. 3 CD 3. o CD 3 1 E. R. HADLEY & CO., Dealers In HIIDES, I^EILTS, ■WOOL, Etc. CORINNE, UTAH. -n 3 o 00 o i WHO'S YOUR TAILOR ? ''«ar;!j'skf«surii:£*«"ci£ri5't2r . t* *<.. 4. WHO'S YOUR TAII nR 7 '^ryBnrklf* tlon.l08»alnt»tre«>t,opp. ffnu O lUUn lAILUn f %<'«iker lloa««. wait Lak« city. Utah: I I ■; ,1 I ' t 4) z £ o c o S CO O •o o c o '2 CB o CO o i S IL I » Ul I- X < X H (i ■ o Ul o 24 Utah —CroydeTi-Enterprise ALPIIABRTICALLT. J. W. GUTHRIE, WHOLESALE G-EOCEE AND DEALER IN Flour, Grain, Salt, Etc., CORINNE, - - - Box Elder County, Croyden, MORGAN COUNTY. A postoffice 9 miles east of Morgan City, aiul 54tnile8 northeast of Salt Lake City. Deseret, of MILLARD COUNTY. A postoffice 30 miles northwest of Fill- more City and 133 miles southwest Salt Lake City. Black Joseph, gen mdse Dewsnup Hyrum, Postmaster Diamond, SUAE COUNTY. Course R T, gen mdse Hills R A, gen mdse Murphy Joseph, shoemaker Stewart Simson, blacksmith Thurmond J T, blacksmith Draper, SALT LAKE COUNTY. Postoffice 18 miles south of Salt Lake City, on Utah Southern Railroad. Thomas V, shoemaker Wright J P, carpenter Duncan's Retreat, KANE COUNTY. A postoffice 1 1 miles east of Toquer- ville, and 340 miles southeast of Salt Lake City. Echo City, SUMMIT COUNTY. A postoffice 5 miles north of Coalville, the great coal producing town of the Territory, and 47 miles northeast of Salt Lake City. Beckwith & Lander, gen mdse Schenck Truman, agent U P R R Wickel li, confectioneries BTJNTRI CHAS, postmaster and gen mdse Edwards Solomon, sawmills - Hopkin Jno, mine owner Knigh George, stock raiser • Toone Jno, justice of the peace Toone Wm H, contractor Boberg Nelis, blacksmith Brown Wm, constable Fitzgerald Walter, school teacher Heward John, nursery Jacobson R, shoemaker JENSON JAMES, postmaster Nelson Peter, mason Pearson Henry, carpenter Smith F M, wagonmaker Smith L, blacksmith Sorensen Peter, carpenter Stewart I J, school teacher Stewart J B, school teacher Terry Joshua Jr, school teacher and jus- tice of the peace Eden, WEBKR COUNTY. EOGLESTON H, postmaster Farrell John, gen mdse Ferrin J L, constable Fuller E B, physician Pritchett L A, justice of the peace and carpenter Enterprise, MORGAN COUNTY. A postofiice 5 miles west of Morgan City, 50 miles northwest of Salt Lake City. S ■H m m 30 30 m o CO sk: m r- CD to I 3k ■ ■ CD s. ^1 ^■B* ^1 o CD -< I l^"** 0} ■ III »^ 3E H .aM«> c o E 75 w c c O ■ o o < Q. o h I- O W.W. MONTAGUE & CO., '!^yt^^iJmr^iiSiy'*s:iJ!lXS^ 26 ?7toA — Fayette-OUndale. ALPIIABB^ICALLT. Steed Hy & Co, griatmills WALKER WALTEB, postmaster, news and subscription agent, books and stationery, notions, etc. White T, farrier Wood J, gen mdse Fayette, SAN PETK COUNTY, A postoffice 23 miles southwest of Manti, and 156 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Fillmore, MILLARD COUNTY, Is the county seat of Millard coiTnty and is on the projected line of the Utah Southern Extension Sailroad, 169 miles from Salt Lake City. It was at one time, in the early history of the Ter ritory, the Territorial capital. Its popu lation is placed at 1,200. Anderson L, boots and shoes Bishop W, blacksmith Callister T C, supt schools Callister T & Co, flouring mills Co-operative Store, gen mdse Davis & Deardon, sawmill Duggert A H, hotel and postmaster Free Trader's Union, gen mdse Gibbs P F, wagons and plows Holbrook L, assessor and collector Huntsman G, gen mdse Jackson J, blacksmith Lyman F M, county clerk and recorder Lyman & Robinfton, flouring mills lIcBride R A, sherifi^ Partridge E, probate and county judge Pratt Nephi, county treasurer Robinson J, nursery Roof H, saddles and harness Stokes W, nursery Warner & Robinson, sawmill Fish Haven, RICH COUNTY. A postoffice 5 miles south of Randolph, the county seat. Fountain Green, SAN PETE COUNTY. A postoffice 28 miles northwest of Manti, and 105 southwest of Salt Lake aty. Berttisen 8, pottery CoUard C, supt co-operative store Doughall H N, flour Jerokes S, flour and lumber Johnson P, carpenter Johnson A, carpenter Llewellyn R R, postmaster and notary public Robertson k Johnson, carpenters Preston R, shingles Franklin, CACHE COUNTY. A postoffice 22 miles north of Logan, the county seat, and 88 miles north of Ogden. Co-operative Store, gen mdse Sadlock & Nash, wagonmakers Stalker A & Sons, gen mdse and liquors Webster. W L, boots and shoes Webster & Chadwick, gen mdse Frisco, BEAVER COUNTY. Boatright W, blacksmith Ferrell J J, hotel Frisco Banking Co Home Silver Mining Co Humphrey J, saloon Kelley & Co, saloon Lindsay J R, saloon ^ Malloy P H, saloon McKay D, blacksmith Norten Thomas, physician Olsen & Forgie, gen mdse Ormand & Lovett, gen mdse Ormond T, postmaster Pattee & Goldatine, gen mdse Ryan & Lochrie, saloon Saviour & Co, saloon ^ Schwarts P, gen mdse Woolf & Harris, gen mdse o O > > > X m O Garden City. RICH COUNTY. ALLRED BTROX H, postmaster and merchant Cook Phineas W, miller and carder Corder G, miller Femey Jas, school teacher Glendale, KANE COUNTY. Black Wm M, flouring milh Cutler Morton, gen mdse Cutler R J & Son, woolgrowers FOOTE WARREN, postmaster 0> O > CO O z -I -< m < > (^TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. H.WACHH0R8T. importer of je'^Sfry^^lSro'ad.. 315 J St., Sac. 0) « CO a cd >• c a a B e o 2 r (0 03 -J LU O (O o C0 UJ oe o fiC o a. UJ LU fie I- (O en fiC s Utah — Glenwood-IIeher. 27 ALrilABBTICAbLT. Olenwood, SEVIER COUNTY. Bell T, carpenter and justice of peace Briges G, boots and shoes Fielding Joshua, miller Glenwood Co-operative Institution, gen merchandise Haileson N, poundmaster Nordford A, blacksmith Oldroyd A T, gen mdse PIEBCE IS£AC W, postmaster Sampson Wm, stockdeaier Shaw A, groceries Speed H, physician Thornton Horace, miller Wall Joseph, hotel Goshen, UTAH COUNTY. Borup C, blacksmith Co-operative Store, gen mdse Edwards E, justice of peace Gourley P. carpenter < \ Jenkins J H, nursery Jergerson J, boots and shoes JOHNSON J B, postmaster Morgan J, hotel Nable P, blacksmith Noon A A, gen mdse Oklebery P, carpenter and butcher Page W H, constable Price & House, flouring mill Price W, sup t Co-operative Store Rouse J, freighter Budsta O H, tailor Taylor Mrs L, millinery Taylor Z S, school teacher White J W, blacksmith Grantsville, TOOELE COUNTY. A postoffice 12 miles northwest of Tooele City, county seat, and 18 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. and Bolinder & Olsen, blacksmiths CLARK J B, postmaster Clark J R, sup't county schools Jefferies Wm, mayor Johnson & Johnson, carpenters builders Judd W R, assessor and collector Kimball H P & Clark, gen mdse Lynn John, cabinet maker Ratcliffee Jamts, stock dealer Rich J T, stock dealer Rydalch W C, president Grantsville Co operative and stock dealer Wooley S W, stock dealer and justice of the peace Worthin|zton S R, stock dealer Wratheall Jas, stock dealer Gunnison, SAN PETE COUNTY. A postoffice 17 miles southwest of Manti, county seat, and 150 miles from ^It Lake City. Co-operative Mercantile Store, general mdse and grist mill Knighton John, gen mdse and shoe- maker Larrson John, carpenter and painter Ludvigson F, dealer in hides, etc Peterson Peter, carpenter and painter Robbins James, gen mdse and hotel Swalberg Carl, blacksmith Tollestrup N C, stonecutter and mason Harmony, KANE COUNTY. Co-operative Store, gen mdse and post- office H&rrisville, WEBER COUNTY. BROWN R D, postmaster and car- penter Chase Dudley, gen mdse Harris Martin H, gen mdse Later Peter, stockraiser Rawson D B, blacksmith Rawson W C, gen mdse Heber, WASATCH COUNTY. A postoffice and county seat, 40 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, on the Provo river. It is located in a rich ag- ricultural region, where the fruits, veg- etables and grain yield abundantly. Its facilities for transportation are as yet inferior. Alexander A J, justice of the peace Bell W, furniture Biglow Daniel, justice of the peace Getf M, gen mdse Giles G, boots and shoes Giles Thos H, probate judge Hatch A, general mdse Hatch J, general mdse 2 o 00 o o m m 'as n ■ m ■ o p> 3 CD ST — » a> 3 1. CD ■-^ O ? PIIMPTIIAI ITV Fashion, Economy. Buckle A Son. Tailors and r Unw I U ALI I I , Woolen Orapera, op. Walker Hoaae, tialt liake City. PIIMPTIIAI ITV FMihloB, Bconomy. Baekle A Son, mil«ni and runU I UALI.I I , Woolen Dr«pe». op. Walker Hoase, i»alt liake City. Ill I- o o €0 ft < < S CO o Ul u CO I- co 5 o 3 Of III I- X < X I- 28 Utah — HebroTir-Juab. ALPIIABIMCALLY. Jones Richard, sheriff McMullen D, boots and shoes Kasband Thos, coroner Hessiona John, surveyor iShelton Charles, county clerk and re- corder Shelton M J, district attorney Turner J & Co, lumber Wilt J W, lumber Wing Samuel J, supt schools Wright W, justice of the peace Hebron, WASHINGTON COUNTY. A postoffice 58 miles northwest of St ( ieorge, county seat, 307 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Arave Nelson, builder Co-oi>erative Store, gen mdse Cottle George, blacksmith and wagon- maker Manning H W, gen mdse Hunt Wilson, stonecutter Huntsman H E, carpenter 'i'erry Thos S, sup't Co-operative Store 'l^ler D M, justice of the peace and postmaster Hillsdale, IRON COUNTY. 1 'ejiraw Maroni, machinist .(ohnson Jas F, blacksmith Penney R C, blacksmith and carpenter WILLSON D J, postmaster \Villson Geo D, justice of the peace Willson & Sons, ndllwrights and carpen- ters, lumber, machinery, etc Holden, MILLARD COUNTY. A postoffice, 143 miles southwest of Salt Litke City. AshbyW H, carpenter BEirNETT B, general mdse and post master Cherington Juo, furniture Gyles Jos S, att'y at law and notary public Harman Willis M, carpenter Harmon A S, lumber and shingle manu factory Tanner E, gen mdse Teeples S, blacksmith Vickory A, shoemaker Huntsyille, WEBER COUNTY, la a small place, 15 miles south of Ogden. Anderson P C, wagon shop Fraudsen Jens, blacksmith Halls Wm & Geo, dairymen, cheese- makers and stockmen; postmaster Neilson L M, tinner Peterson Soren, merchant Wright Charles, school and music teacher Yeamans Thos, sawmill Hyde Park, CACHE COUNTY. A postoffice 5 miles north of Logan. Turner Fred, manager Co-operative Store and postmaster Hyrum, CACHE COUNTY. A postoffice 8 miles south of Logan. Co-operative ocore, gen mdse, lumber,etc Unsworth J, sup't Co-operative Store Inverary, o a Hooper, WEBER COUNTY. A postoffice near Ogden. SEVIER COUNTY. Gray Samuel W, weaver Hawley Asa, contractor Rose Oscar, constable Stewart W A, stationer and postmaster Jacob City, TOOELE COUNTY. John Franks, saloon McCALL S B, postmaster Juab, JUAB COUNTY. Badger R C, railroad agent Hartley Heber W, saloon and grocery Pepper Wm, blacksmith Phelps Mary, saloon 3 CD o 0> fid CD 3 » s CD n O e =3 — «« CD o' CD -S »< CD CO CD PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ?^&??lJSit?W"^r«^lt|r 09 ■■■■ o ST Si w no 01 3 That dr««d disease Rheamatlan and Bore BycM, Ufm- PfiinilAi* JL Pa cnred bjr that celebrated Orcmn Blood Farmer, eompoaadedby "*"l* rlUllUer « UO VJ-S I ||6 «0 Utah — Junction City-Kelton. 29 ALPIIABBTIOALLT. Sevan Branch Co-operative Store, gen mdse Stoddart llobt, saloon and hotel Taylor E, meat market Willes Fred il, gun mdse and'postmaster Witbeck Jno, hotel and ^able Junction, PINTO COUNTY. Baler John S, treasurer, sheriff and post- master Morrill Cliarles, assessor and collector MORRILL JOHN, assistant postmaster Morrill & Sous, gen mdse Savage David, coronor Whittaker James 8, gen mdse Wiley James, justice of the peace Young J W, county clerk Ksu&by KANE COUNTY. Johnson Nephi, gen mdse Uda!l, Mauger & Co, gen mdse Young B L, postmaster Eanarraville, CACHE COUNTY. Berry .f W, gen mdse BERRY W S, postmaster, gen mdse, and stock raiser PollocK S, blacksmith Roundy Joel, physician Roundy W W, geii mdse Kamas, SUMMIT COUNTY. A postoffice, 22 miles northeast of Salt Lake City. Burbidge J R, carpenter Gundersen h, sawmill Kamas Co-operative Store, gen mdse L.ambcrt .T (i, blacksmith LEONARD G B, postmaster , Leonard W F, book agent and novelties Pack Bros, gen mdse Pack W E, blacksmith Pack J & Sons, cheese manufacturers Swift Jas, sawmill Thayne J J, sawmill Turner & Co, sawmill Williams Samuel & Son, shingle manu- facturers Kamas City Drug Store. Qt. B. LEONARD, Fropri tor. Always on hand a full line of Drugs, Medicines. Perfumery, Toilet Ar tides, FAINTS, OILS, DTE STUFFS, Stationery, Frames, Chromos, Albums, Jewelry, Novelties and Notions. Everything Cheap! Give me a CaM! Kanosh, MILLARD COUNTY. A postoffice 12 miles south of Fill- more City. Barney Bros, lumber Crane Charles, woolgrower and stock dealer, breeder of pure bred game fowls, sheep and cattle Greener Thomas, postmaster Halsey & Co, saddles, harness, etc Hunter Wm, gen mdse Mills Wm, contractor Nadauld Albert, gen mdse Paxton A, real estate Penney Wm, architect and builder Kaysville, DAVIS COUNTY. A postoffice 23 miles north of Salt Lake City. Alder Alfred, blacksmith Barton Jos, county clerk Bom Wm, shoemaker Kaysville Co-operative Store, general merchandise Layton Chas Sr, flouring mills Lewis W L, county prosecutor STEWARD BROS, gen mdse, grain and produce STEWART HYRTJM, postmaster Stewart Wm, shoemaker Weinel John, flouring mills Williams E A, gen mdse Eelton, BOX ELDER COUNTY. A postoffice on Central Pacific Rail- road, 108 miles west of Ogden. Stage lines P I Q I p b H n 01 Q i» p Q 'i (D JELLY/THE JEWELER, "y^A? Am. Watches from Factory. mfm mmmm Will MAMTAniC JL rn Mh^rt Iron, nil MlKe« and Nnmben, llO, €0 i c o 6 t s s (0 c c o o o o z s o < 30 [7ifaA — Kivgaton-Levan. ALPIIAUKTIOALLV. leading to points in Idaho, Oregon and Washington Territory connect with overland trains at this place. Barnes A £, blacksmitli Chaplon James, hotel Ellsworth H M & Co, gen rndsc, forward- ing and commission Hacer F, liquors Holt Samuel L, wagon depot Howell Kcese, gen mdse Lewis & Co, gen mdse, forwarding and commission HULLEX S W, postinuater RILET W T, drugs and notions, books and stationery, and agent of U. I. & Oregon Stage Co Kosevear Jos, hotel Schonbacker & Barnes, salt works Sebree, Ferris & Holt, auricu'l imp's. Taylor G H, livery stable Toyer C W, liquors UTAH, IDAHO & OREGON STAGE CO, W T Riley, agent Kingston, PIUTE COUNTY. Chambers Geo, furniture INGRAM ALEXANDER G, builder and postmaster King Thos E, lawyer King Wm, gen mdse Miuere August, shoemaker Savage David, physician Thomas David, blacksmith Whitaker James, gen mdse Leeds, WASHINGTON COUNTY. A postoiBce22 miles south of Randolph, the county seat of Rich county. Birch J, gen mdse Boren B C, gen mdse ' Boyd G 8, liquors Bryant H, restaurant Crosby (t H, postmaster Clancy P, liquors Connelly C A, leaching works Day F W, quartz mill and smelter Decker & Co, gen mdse Leavey H, saloon Leeds Co-operative Store, G H Crosby, supt Louzcrz F & Co, leaching works Propts W T, harnessmaker Pipton R, gen mdse Retallack C, blacksmith and wagon- maker , Smcaton S, pssayer Vance Bros, blacksmiths Weatover C, meat market Wilkinson C, wagonmaker Lake Point, TOOELE COUNTY. WRIGHT H, propr Lake Point Hotel, a bathing resort for pleasure seekers and invalids; 18 miles west of Salt Lake City, on the Great Salt Lake. Lehi City, UTAH COUNTY. A postofhce 30 miles southwest from Salt Lake City. Laketown, RICH COUNTY. Berans C H, gen mdse Berans D O. physician Cheney J T, gen mdse and justice of the peace Gibbons W B, postmaster Nebeker W P, notary public SalstoQ J, sawmill Andreason I, builder Carlsen C, builder Cutler T R, supt Co-operative Store Dorton J, meat market Evans D, pres Lehi Exchange Evans David Jr, attorney at law Gibbs J L, bootmaker Gilchrist R, bootmaker Harwood J, harnessmaker Hawkins T, tinner Lantensack P, carpenter Norton J W, builder Southwick E, bootmaker Thurmon S R, attorney at law Trave T F, agent Lehi Union Exchange Wanlasa W, secretary of Lehi Union Exchange Woodhouse J, gen agt o CO O o > > > X H PI CD 2 a. 2 ea 75 2 E E o H. V Christ! Edwan Elmer Hendri salt ] Jacobs) Jacobs( Jensen Jensen Jorgent Kofod McCart Neilsen Ollartoi Peterso Peterso Peterso SHEPI and p Sherwo( Taylor ] erativ Thygers Taylor J CD H O 99 PI > CD O (0 c Levan, JUAB COUNTY. A postoffice 107 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Aagaard N, stock raiser I Bosh I, stock raiser e E c: « Ui C0 UJ o o ■M en H CO •< UJ ■^ w z 3 PI OQ < O > U. Is a com from O^ and Noi lation o fully siti somely h giving ei operati vi are the i former c( the lattei tion, wil neighbor! also situ stream, v caught d great nun is fine ani Ash Jno I Ballard I Ballif Mii Blanchan Brown J stone w Buder Wi Card & S( Cardon 1 and jew Chriatiaut Crockett. Croft R, Comacl Curtis Bn TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. WHO'S ■SISKSf^ '9^m.. H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. ^ ? (A g o £ E o o f/ifaA — Logan. AI.FIIABKTiCAbLY. 31 (0 e UJ C0 E e tu UJ en CO (O CD O O A. ChriBteusen E, tinsmith Edward C, stock raiser Elmer Edward, stock raiser Hendrickson A, justice of the peace and salt manufr Jacobson J, weaver Janobson M, dairvman Jensen Carl, blacksmith Jensen C, carpenter Jorsensen C L, furniture Kofod Hans, carpenter McCarty J T, stock raiser Neilsen C C, shoemaker OUarton Seth, weaver Peterson Erick, turner Peterson F A, machinist Peterson P 0, wagonmaker SHEPHBRB J W , stationery, notions and postmaster Sherwood T, tile cutter Taylor £, stock raiser and supt Co-op- erative Institution Thygersen P, gen mdse TayK)r M, stock raiser Logaii) OACHR COUNTY, Is a county seut and pnstoffice, 67 miles from Ogden, on the line of the Utah and Northern liuilroad, having a popu- lation of 4,000 persons. It is beauti- fully situated, nitiely laid out and hand- somely built ; has a large \A>oleu mill, giving employment to quite a number of operatives. The Tabernacle and Temple are the chief feature* of attraction, the former costing upwards of ^200, 000, and the latter, now under course of construc- tion, will cost, it id estimateil, in the neighborhood of $500,000. The town is also situated on Bear river, a pretty stream, where "speckled beauties" are caught during the summer season in great numbers. The health of the place is fine and the schools excellent. Ash Jno & Son, guns Ballard H, bishop 2nd ward Ballif Miss Julia, cashier Z C M I Blanchard Jno R, propr IiOgan House Brown J H & Son, steam marble and stone works, Buder Wm, watchmaker Card & Son, flouring mill Cardon Thos, city clerk and recorder, and jeweler Christiauson H J, harness Crockett Alvin, sheriff and marshal Croft S, master mechanic U & X R R Co machine shops Curtis Brothers, tin and hardware Davidson R, bishop, 3d ward , Davin James, plumber Earl Mrs Fannie, ice-cream saloon. Fames E, meat market. Fames M, hardware Goodwin Bros, groceries, hardware, ag- ricultural impts Groesbeck J B, physician and surgeon Groesbeck & Lumoraux, druggists Hall Dr R, dentist Hammon James, county clerk Hammon M, probate judge Hammond J T, books and stationery, wall paper, fishing tackle, etc Hatch H E, telegraph operator depot office Hemstrom Thos & Co, merchant tailors, Honson O & Co, merchant tailors, Hyde Wm, bishop, 5th ward Hymers Jas, city treasurer JAMES MRS E, millinery and fancy goods Jenkinson & Bros, furniture Johnson Carl C, music Kirkham R, artist Lamoruux I) B, music Lawson O J, shoemaker Leishman Jas A, notary public and land attorney Lewis B M, bishop Ist ward Logan U 0, foundry Lumberg & Garff, lumber, etc McAlister J A, sewing machine agent McAlister Mary, midwife Miles W H, brushes Neilaon P A, harness Nelson Josephine Mrs, dressmaker NIBLEY CHAS, sec'y United Ordjr, Manufacturing & Building Co Norcross W S, physician Olsen ('has, cabinet shop Ormsby O C, druggist, physician and surgeon Palmer Jane E, milliner Peacock Geo M, hotel Peacock Mary A Mrs, ice-cream saloon Peterson N E, Card & Son's mills Preston Wm B, mayor and carding mill Reed Jno F, dry goods, etc Ricks Ellen Mis.s, Deseret telegraph op'r Ricks & Hendricks, Deseret ^lills Ricks J, county treasurer Ricks T E & Sons, dry goods, groceries, etc Shirley R Q, postmaster Smith E W, first clerk U & N R R Co depot Smith T H, bishop 4th ward Squires Jno F, barber SWAN D A, train dispatcher U & N R R depot THATCHER GEO W, general super- intendent U & N R R depot m m O m m 30- m o m r- s CO a. O 3 WHO'S YOUR TAILOR 7 ",J^ffiS*5ki£"^r5£Wtrit2r A FINE STOCK of Woolens and Tallor'a Trtamlnvo. Barkle A Hoa, Tailors and Woolen Draper*, Italt JLake City. i l^ mi 5« Ut III c III o o CO III z s 3 ID g IL C < a 32 f/ifaA — Linn-Midway. ALPIIABBTIUALLT. Thatcher John B, uss't manager Logan Branch Z C M I Thatcher Joe, butcher Thompson Wni, bootmaker Union Mills, Thatcher & Sons proprs United Onler Foundry United Order Furniture Store United Order Manufacturing Co. UNITED ORDER MANUFACTUR mo AND BUILDING CO, Clias Nibley, secretary United Order Store, Haybell manager UTAH AND NORTHERN RAIL WAY, <> W Thatche. general super intendent Z C M I, dry goods, groceries, etc, Mos es Thatcher manager Lynn, WEBEH COUNTY. A postoffice 3 miles northwest of Ogden. Anderson G J, mason Cardon J, mechanic Lund W, stonecutter Peterson P, carpenter Romvell G, carpenter Stone E, furniture Stonehouse W G, carpenter Meadow, MILLARD COUNTY. A postoffice 8 miles south of Fillmore City, the county seat. Greenbalgh A, hotel STOTT E, postmaster Stott W H, supt Co-operative Store, gen mdse Meadowville, RICH COUNTY. MOFFAT DAVID, postmaster Moffat J S, gen mdse and stock dealer Manti, SAN PETE COUNT i', The county seat of San Pete county, has a population of 2,000 souls. It is 133 miles from Salt Lake City in a southerly direction. The vast deposits of beauti- ful white sandstone in the immediate vicinity 8\ npl" all the dero.ands for building material of that character, of which a majority of the buildings of the city have been constructed. There is in course of construction and rapidly ap- proaching completion a Taoemacle, which will fonn one of the attractive features of this pleasant little city, and which will servo the people most pecu- liarly as a monument of refined culture, energy and devotion to the cause of re- ligious doctrine. There is also a temple now building that will be an ornament to the city, and which will forever show the spirit which permeated the commu- nity of the present period. Barton W K, painter Braithwaitc R, boots and shoes Bybee K L, agricultusal implements Co-operative Lumber Co Dangard P, blacksmith Fox & Co, gen mdse Hall R, builder Hansciu Peter, builder Manti Co-operative Association Mendon, CACHE COUNTY. A postoffice 51 miles northwest of Ogden. Gunnell Frank, agent U & N Railway and postmaster Midway. WASATCH COUNTY. A postoffice county seat. 4 miles west of Heber, Alexander A J, sawmill Alexander J, justice of the peace Blood M, planing mill Davis L M, marble works Homer Hiram, gristmill Huben J, school teacher Jacob Q N, justice of the peace McCarrel J, lumber Midway Co-operative Mercantile Insti- tution, gen mdse, D Van Wagoner supt Olsen H, blacksmith VAN WAGONER D, supt Midway Co-operative Mercantile Institution, postmaster and lumber dealer Watkins John, sawmill Wootton A, school teacher m r- m ao a (D W "Si CD O CD O CD* 5L CD o o =1 c? s O CD 7* 00 £ ■ ■o O to PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •»tJK?"pe?=^. ?;,^p^ Book- Ulll PPIIIinPD •rrmtlmid, Orrcon. Op^ratlr* CIiaiiiM, mI« ftfrMtt If m, r r U raUCn, ik* Mli>bnitMl OrMmn BI«od Paritar. Hm Wtm**tf\ Power. Utah — Mill Creek-Morgan. ALPIIABinOAMiT. 33 1^- Hi Co MiU Creek, SALT iAKE COUNTY. A postofiSoe 6 miles south of Sal Lake City. Brinton David, gen miUe Gordon James, gen mdse Huestrom Geo, ^en mdse Miller Reuben, flouring milU' Neff Jno, flouring mills North Addison, gen mdse WALTEBS JAMES F, postmaster HlTlviile, CACHE COUNTY. BIOLOW J 0, postmaster Jessup Thos & Bros, gen mdse Yates Geo & Son, gen mdse Gamble & Veates, gen mdse Minersville, BEAVER COUNTY. A postoffice 241 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Behrmann J, liquors Clayton Frank, carriage and wagon- maker Clayton R, blacksmith Cooper J T, druggist Crotlr B L, blacksmith Easley J, liquors Gino & Dotson, butchers Lessing Louis, liquors Rollins Jas M, postmaster Seigal & Marks, gen mdse Turley Joseph C, liquors Wood Wm, sup co-operative store Zabriskie J, hotel Mona, JUAB COUNTY. A postoffice 87 miles southwest of Salt Lake City and 8 miles north of Nephi, county seat. Co-operative Store, gen mdse EUertsen John, gen mdsa Fausett Jos, blacksmith H aws J ohn, bishop JOHNSON W, seedsman and post- master Newton Wm, manager co-operative store and justice of the peace Webb Pardon, carpenter and justice of the peace Williams E W, carpenter and painter Monroe, SEVIER COUNTY. Allen J W, blacksmith Anderton Bros, gen mdse Andorton Peter, liquors Andrasen O C, bootmaker Bortleson & Sons, flour mills Bowman J W, blacksmith Doxford & Son, sawu;;ll Johnson M, attorney at law Jones Walter, gen mdse Ijungquiat F, bootmaker Madsen S, gon mdse MoCARTHT J H, postmaster Pates N J, musical instruments Powlson & Co, furniture Sorenson R, tinsmith Washburn A, bootmaker Woods Geo, blacksmith Montpelier, RICH COUNTY. A postoffice 18 miles northeast of Randolph, the county seat. Co-operative Store, gen mdse " Lesuer Bros, gen mdse Morgan City, MORGAN COUNTY. Clark Ezra T, flour mill Francis Samuel, attorney at law and county recorder Fry R, supt Z C M I, gen mdse and mayor Goodrich George A, sheriff Hall Jno K, superintendent schools Heiner Bros, stock dealers Hunter Edward W, surveyor Kingston Frederick, assessor and collec* tor Little J F, county coroner Murphy G M, blacksmith FAnKEA WM , chromes, frames, no- tions, etc, and postmaster Porter J R, prosecuting attorney Rich E E, msat market Smith & Rock, masons and builders Smith W G, probate judge Taggart George H, wagon shop Tagsrart & Hirnian, flouring mills Touks Wm, blacksmith Tucker James, supt Co-operative Shoe Store Turner Charles, lime Welch T R G, sewing machines and city recorder Williams D, gen*mdse and lime ■< 1 > CP 1 > O o o r or £* 3 Q» C. (»< O o o o 3 a «i O < JELLY, THE JEWELER, Repairs Watches and Jewelry. WW linMTAriirjIi rn stoves ami Ranxos. 500 different Bizea, stylw aci . W. IflUN I Abut « l»U., pttttemH. 110. 112, 114, 116 and 118 Battery St.. 8. F. ■ IL <0 (0 c S o o ■ 4-1 s c c (0 Q O O Z Q < O 34 Utah — Moroni-North Ogden. ALPHABETICALLY. Moroni, SAN PETE COUNTY. A postoffice 18 miles north of Manti, county seat. Cahoon & Peterson, carpenters Cook & Marley, blacksmiths Co-operative Store, gen mdse Fanx & Laifjen, carpenters I Co-operative Society, gen mdse Kemp C, millwright Nielsen C P, blacksmith Nielsen & Peterson, flour mill Mount Pleasant, SAN PETE COUNTY. A postoflice 2.3 miles northeast Manti, county seat. Beauman A J F, furniture Bjelkie C J, boots and shoes Larson L, superintendent Co-operative Tannery Madson M, news Neilsen P, superintendent Co-operative ' Boot and Shoe Facttiry Neilsen S J, gen mdse Page .T, postmaster Prichett L F, gen mdse Wall A, superintendent San Pete Co- operate Store Zabriskie Wm, attorney at law NepM, JUAB COUNTY, With a population numbering upwards of 2,000, whose chief characteristic is en terprise, and with excellent facilities for the transportation of all articles of com merce, as well as being located in a sec- tion where stock raising and farming are extensively engaged in, is a place which must become an important town of Cen- tral Utah. It is 91 miles south of Salt Lake City, on the Utah Southern Bail road, and is the county seat of Juab, Mt. Nebo, kisbiiig the sky at a hight i/ 12,«.H)0 feat, and one of the most magnifi- cent of America's peaks, culuu!i;,ting the Wasatch range, intrudes itself upon the vision near by, and iills the lieholder with feelings of wonder and admiration. fiurdick & Chalmers, wholesale lir^uors Co-operative Store, gen mdse Goldsborough Mrs E, milliner Goldsborough H, hotel Hague J & Son, millera Hawkins J A, liquors Hartley & Seeley, hotel Hughes J, blacksmith Jennings & Sons, gen mdse McCune M, drugs McCune E, liquors McCune A W & E F, grain and provi- sions Miller T, wagonmaker ' Pexton J, blacksmith Pitt J, blacksmith Pitchfoth S, millinery, etc Bead W P, saddles and harness Winn G, gen mdse Williams E H, gen mdse New Harmony, KANE COUNTY. A postoffice, 24 miles northeast of To- querville, county seat. Braner M, gen mdse Dodds G, engineer Pace H A, gen mdse Pace W D, gen mdse Prince F, gen mdse Redd, L H, gen mdse Taylor Mary A, postmaster Taylor Wm W, gen mdse Wanger (.', shoemaker Wolsey B, blacksmith Nortli Ogden, VVKUEI.l COINTY, Is about one mile north of Ogden, in a prosperous and thriving agricultural district, and has a population of 1,400. The town is well supplied with excellent water by several mountain streams, and has four district schools, all well attend- ed, thus sliowiug that an appreciation of educational matters is widely felt, and that the advantages of social and moral standing are conducive to good govern- ment and happiness. The residence of Sidney Stevens, Esq., is the handsomest in- the city, by whoso courtesy of de- meanor he has won t!ie respect of the whole comnuuiity, and has reaped a rich reward and a liberal patronage. Brown Thos, furniture and carpenter Burton Jas, shoemaker Campbell Sol, wagonmaker Co-operative Stoi*e, gen mdse Ellis Edmund, butcher Ellis Fred W, painter Ferriu Jacob, machinist Garner David, saw mill Godfrey Jas, butcher m O «0 « S r CO (A — 1 *¥^ z > m LU CO D 2 7i C 1- O CD O CO o 1- S S H o > 2 LU O UJ »— CO CD m 1— CO m o o a. CO o 3 CM CO > • o 2 UJ O C3 > _J :q ^ OD o u 2 CO CO UJ O z ■■ CO H -< oa o 2 Ll. 1 m O i < «k TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. H. WACHHORST calls attention to Mm GP'nniiKK Ster- liiis Milv«^rwai>(^. 315 J St. E r a O tn cd CO UJ X UJ CO CO UJ UJ CO CO ca CO UJ C3 o CJ CO CO CO 00 u u. a. i7to^ — Oak City-Ogden. 35 ALPHABBTIOAIjLY. Hand A J, carpenter Jones Richard, painter Kipp Joseph, carpenter Maycock Amos, bishop Norris Thomas, bricklayer Norvil Geo, physician Penrod Oliver, wagonmaker Rese H, carpenter Rose Cieo, school teacher Rose Rafe, blacksmith Shaw John, capitalist Sparks H, carpenter SpearsHenry, boots and shoes STEVENS SIDNEY, general merchan disc and grain Storey James, bookkeeper and assistant postmaster Thornton Thos, i.''oemaker Thomson Thos, . oemaker Vanderhoof J, blacksmith Wade E W, carpenter Walker W, carpenter Wliarton T, boots and shoes Williams Ezra, pliysician Williams Geo, mason Williamson C C, machini-'t Oak City, MILLARD Anderson Peter, Store Lyman Bros, lumber Overson — , blacksmitli Raper H, postmaster COUNTY, sup't Co-operative broad and smooth, running at right angles, and the places of religious wor- ship are numerous, while the eye fre- quently comes in contact with pretty school-houses, handsome residences and elegant places of business. Salt Lake City must look to her laurels, else her enterprising sister will outreach her in the frrasp for metropolitan honors. The residents are energetic and public-spirited and so far as morality is ooncerned, we opiao that her condition is truly flatter- ing, though it is hinted that, at one time, it "could be improved upon." The hotels of the city are good, and no trav- eler could consistently find fault with the treatment he receives while under the care of Mr. M. H. Beardsley, of the Boardsley Hotel, or of A. K. Zeigler, of the Kecney House and tlie Commercial Hotel. He is an experienced, trust- worthy ami genial gentleman, and no branch of business is represented by a better man. The newspapers of the place e\inoe an enterprise in the collec- tion anc. selection of subject matter that is highly commendable. A morning daily and two evening papers are among the number of publications. The future of the town is really bright, and we have a coiitidence in her growth that, if felt by all, would no doubt insure a rapid and very permanent growth. Og^den, WKBER COUNTY, Is the county seat of the county in which it is situated, has a jmpulation of (i.OOO souls, is beautifully laid out, and can boast an air of permanence that icw places no larger, yet older, could. It is the western terminus of the Union Pa- cific, the eastern terminus of the Central : Pacific, the northern terminus of the! Utah Central, and the southern terminuH of the Utah Northern Railroads, and coul'l very appropriately, thercfor(>, be called the junction city. It is supported largely by the railroad interests, though the country surrounding the place is emphatically overflowing with the rich- ness of a bountiful soil, being adapted to the pursuits of fruit-growing, stock- raising, and the production of grain and vegetables. The scenic features are at- tractively grand, the Wjisatch mountains forming a Tmckground to a picture that is seldom found among the landscapes of nature's art gallery. The streets are ADAMS L B, produce and com, 4th Alexander Daniel, books and stationery, Allen J;:mes, gen mdse Ashby TliDS, ,shof;m!iker BARRATT PERCIVAL J, att'y at law, ass't U S dis't att'y; collections a specialty; loans on mortgages eflfect- ed : cor Mam and oth BATCHELDER SOAP CO, Batchel- di'i- S \ and J Dennis proprs. South BEARDSLEY HOUSE, M H Beardsley pro])!', Union depot BEARDSLEY M H, propr Beardsley H(nise, Union depot Belknap (Jilbert, county collector and assessor Bingham Sandford, assessor Bond H M B & Co, groceries Bowring Mrs M, millinery and fancy goods. Main Boyle & Co, furniture, ^Tain ;>rown Monona, chief of police Brown William, sherifT Buduc Tlios, groceries BUDGE W C, yard m ster P R R Burton W W & Co, wag -is f.irmiug im- plements Calder D 0, pianos and organs 30 m CO o m 30 m CO m o :k m f CO CO CO (CI ii«a WHO'S YOUR TAILOR 7 'a; »»•••'»?.* S«n. 105 mam mreet, ©pp. •wf iw w ■ vwii I nibvn I i||raik«r Hoaae, limit Iiake €Uy. ITtaK. m. If^BSSp. A FINE STOCK of Woolens and Talloi'o Trlmnlnc*, Buckle A Son, Tailors and Woolen Drapers. Salt lir.ke City. ,> ■! (it :u 36 ■ I Utah — Ogden. ALPHABETICALLY. CALDWELL J W, carpenter and builder, 6th Carnahan Jno D, physician a surgeon Carroll & Dee, livery CHAMBERLIN HOUSE, south aide dth bet Franklin and Walls CHAMBEBLm T C, proptr Cham- berlin House CHAMBEBS J 0, books, stationery, news, etc Child M B, county road commissioner CHILD M G &SON, gen mdse, hard- ware, Main, one door south Z C M I Clark, Porter & Co, flouring mills CLAYTON J J, saloon. Main COMMERCIAL HOUSE, A K Zeigler proptr. Main Condon A S, physician Crawahaw & Wilson, gen mdse. Main CROSBY M J, foreman round-house CPRR DAILY MORNINO RUSTLER, MomingRustier Co, publishers DEE & CUNNINGHAM, saloon.Main BESPOUY ISLDORE. French bakery, 5th DOOLY J E & CO, bankers, cor Main and 4th Daoljr R M, agent Wells, Fargo & Co, Union Depot, Ogden Douglass G B, wagonraaker, blacksmith Driver J, physician Driver Wm & Son, wholesale and retail druggists and liquors Eccles John, cabinetmaker EDWARDS J M, agt Pacific Express Co, Union depot EVENING DISPATCH. Dispatch Publishing Co Farley W, wasonmaker and blacksmith FARR L & CO flouring mills. Main st FARR L & SONS, wooUn mills, Ogden Canyon road FEI-L A G, division superintendent CPRR depot FELSHAW D W, attorney at law. Main and 4th Field Jessie, bakery, Main FITZGERALD THOS, road master CPRR FOOTE JAMES E, agent Studebaker wagons, harness, etc, 6th bet Young and Main Forbes H B, shoemaker FORBES JAMES, freight and ticket agent CPRR tlepot Fowler John, musical instruments Fowler R, blacksmith Fulger F, carpenter Gale James, furniture Goodfellow J B, saloon GRANT & RICHARDS, insurance agents Greenwell A St Co, meat market Greenwell & Son, butchers Grill & Smith, butchers Grix Lamoni, gen mdse Hallstrom O, merchant tailor HARKNESS & CO, bankers, 4th near postolfice Harris G W, carpenter Hellwcll Robert, saloon Hetley Miss Agnes, millinery and fancy goods Hibbard W B, sup't W U Tel office Higbee & Smith, attorneys at law, Higginbotham & Co, dry goods and groceries Hodgman W A, saddlery and harness Hoflman Brothers, photographers HOLLAND JNO, merchant tailor, 5th Horrocks & Baxter, gen mdse Horrocks E G, millinery and dressmaker HOWELL H J, watches and jewelry, 4th Hughes & Gale, undertakers HTJSS A, bootmaker, 5th Jenkins David, county surveyor Jones T W, merchant tailor Kay David, produce KEENEY MOUSE, A K Zeigler propr, depot KELLER J N, agent U P R R, Union depot Kershaw A J, pumps, etc KIESEL FRED J & CO, cigars and tobacco, wines and liquors, groceries, and agents P Best's Milwaukee bottled beer, south side 4th, near Main Kimball Nathan, postmaster Kuhn A & Bro, dry goods and clothing. Lees S J, locksmith LEWIS A T MRS gen fancywork, Lewis H D, cigars and tobacco LEWIS J S, watchmaker and jewelry, west side Main Lowe Geo A, wagons and ag'l imp'ts Mackintosh William, clerk and operator UCBR Mahv;n John, liquors MARGARY U W; 0, attorney at law, notary public. Main MARKS I, gents' furnishing goods and clothing, west side Main McFarlane Peter, cigars and tobacco MoNUTT J W & CO, drugs and liquors, 4th McQuarrie Robert, county treasurer MILLER S & CO, produce, eggs, but- ter, etc, 5th Monch L F, county sup't of schools Morley James, restaurant Morrison Geo, varieties MORTENSEN & SNADDON, car- penters and builders, 5th MORTON E A, Star Saloon, west side Main ' Neale J G, bootmaker m r* m 30 a> » CD v> MO i^iUB(iii_pui!(ippiliii la/iyi prilMnPR'Q Orlclnal Orpson BlooA Parlllrr la not a Bitter ncf WW nil rrUllUfcno > Synm Imt It xtrift'v y«"'»t«hli' fwrnnnnml. iiure A wpeeiiy In iictlow. § . 1.6 y I Utah — Ogden. AIiFnABBTICAbLT. 37 Nelson J H, real estate agent Odell & Wright, groceries Ogden W B, dentist Ohlson G A, tinware Orth Chas, agricultural implements Parry Joseph, coroner Pattison A J, manager W U Tel office, PEARCE WM, gen blacksmithing, Main, bet 6th and 7th Peebles C L, druggist Peery D H, gen mdse and miller Peterson B, watchmaker and jewelry Pidcock B. A, gen mdse Pidcock W H, drugs Planz Philip, barber Pollock E Mrs, dressmaker Power" Austin, pumps PRATT MILANDO, agent Singer sewing machines, west side Main Preshaw S M, undertaker RAWLINS F S, train dispatcher C P RR REEDER F H, confectioner, 5th Reeve John, agent U C R R Remick J K, cashier U P R R Richards F D, probate judge RICHARDS E S, (Richards & Wil- liams, lawyers) probccuting attorney and notary public Richards &, Grant, insurance agents and vinegar works Richards L M, county clerk RICHARDS & WILLIAMS, lawyers, P O box 88 SCOVILLE H B, manufacturer brooms. Young Sebee, Ferris & Holt, farm machinery SHERBURNE A, master car repairer CPRR Shiells Fred A, bookkeeper v/ith L D Wilson & Co Shupe James, blacksmith SILvA V M C, hides, skins and wool agent Red Line Transit Co, cor Walls and 5th SmOER MANUFACTURING CO, west side Main, Milando Pratt man ager SLATER R H, propr Hot Springs, 8 miles north of Ogden, on Utah and Northern RR SMITH THEO A, job printer. Main Snively G W, hamessmaker Stanford Joseph, county recorder Stanford J, gen mdse Stayner T J, furnishing goods STXiPHENS J 0, pliotographer, cor 5th and Young Stem R & Co, groceries Stevens Sidney, lumber, wagons, etc St evens B ros, f oundn^ and machine shop STEVENS W H, cigars, tobacco, guns, ammunition and sporting goods, 6th Stoker W, hantessmaker Tanner Nathan Jr, attorney at law TASHEIRA LEW, resident engineer CPRR, office and residence Carlin TAYLOR J & SON, merchant tailors, 4th nr postoffice Taylor J M D, boot and shoemaker THE OGDEN JUNCTION (daily and semi-weekly), Jos A West business manager; Junction Printing Associa- tion publishers and proprietors THOMAS MRS CATHARINE, va- riety store, Main THOMAS E A, lawyer, 4th nr post- office; up stairs Thompson George, shaving saloon Thompson J, tinner Tribe Geo H, dry goods and groceries, Turner G W, stationery and notions Tyrrell Joseph, bootmaker UNION OPERA HOUSE, Wm Van Dyke manager, J M Langsdorf treas- urer, 4th st UNION PACIFIC R R, J N Keller, agent, depot UTAH VINEGAR WORKS, (pure goods), Gov't furnishing goods, Rich- ards & Grant, proprs U P Browery,Buchmiller & Wells, proprs VAN DTKE WM & CO, forwarding and commission merchants, grain, etc, Youns near 4th WADE W A. & CO, dispensing drug- gists, cor Main and 5th WALKER BROTHERS, wholesale dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats and caps, etc, west side Main, Henry Sadler, manager WARDLEIGH H C, general sewing machine agent, east side Main Watkins E J, bootmaker hWATSON SARAH, restaurant. Main WEBER LODGE A F & A M, No. 6, J W McNutt, sec'y Weston S, shoemaker White Barnard, himberyard WHEELWRIGHT M B, coal, wood and groceries, and commission mer- chant, 5th WILLIAMS R K (Richards & Will- iams), lawyers WILLIAMSON COLE, house painter and sign writer, 5th WILSON L D & CO, building mate- rial and hardware. Lumber yard cor 5th and Walls, hardware department east side Main Woolner Henry, liquors Wootton T, shoemaker Worthorspoon & Co, gen mdse WRIGHT E H foreman of bridges and building CPRR Wright Joe, meat market Wright W H & Son, gen mdse Young Warner, U 8 mail service tVQ H J? o 3 e 0) 9 C s CO o" » to 3 a CD O CD 3 m: i I ti.ifi 'f ' f . t ri \ r 1 f h IT <^\ / 'til- JELLY, THE JEWELER, has a full stock of Sterling Silver. WW MniUTAmir If rn Wtov^t«aii»»RaiiR<'«, boo different si*e». styles an l . V7. fflUN I AUU t a bll., ijuttemt.. no. 112, m, lie and 118 Battery St.. 8. F. 38 Utah — Ogden. ALPIIABBtlCALbY. c 'a S p > c o E 75 ■o c c (0 O O O O < Q. I- Z C M L dry goods, notions, groceries, hardware,, stoves, clothing, hats and caps, boots and shoes, millinery, sta- tionery, queensware, tobacco, cigars. etc. R S Watson manager, cor Main and 4th ZEIOLEBi A E, propr Keeney House, depot and Commercial House, uptown (BstabUshed in IMGS. E. A. THOMAS, SIDNEY STEVENS, Attorney at Law And Wholesale Dealer in Fourth Street, near Post Office, Merchandise, Live Stocl( and Grain. OGDEN, UTAH. Orders promptly attended to. North Ogden, Utah. Practices inallthe Courts of Utah, Wyo- ming and Idaho. h (0 u w X h O OS M J. C. CHAMBERS, ionery, • ^ • m o u o ■ -I z > H m 11 Any Book published can be procured when ordered, or any arti- cle in the Stationery Line. SEND ON YOUR ORDERS. Corner 6th and Main Streets, Ogden, Utah. (ft 3 2* E <• 3 o (ft 3 a O to S. (ft 3 9 (ft a O O 3 o TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. H, WACHHORST "%e^J^?**' than any house on the Coast. CO E r cd M ♦^ 75 CO LU X LU CO o OQ CO ca LU CO CO o a. CO CD CO CO LU CO OQ O 0. Utah — Ogden. ALFHARBTIUAI/LT. 39 V. M. C. SILVA, DEALER IN HIDES, SKINS AND WOOL, Cor. Wall and Fifth Sts., ®191M f HIGHEST PRICE PAID IN CASH. ' J. O. STEPHENS, Portrait and i laiscaje FMirajlier MAKES AND PUBLISHES VIEWS OF THE SCENERY OF UTAH AND SURROUNDINGS, 3 3. o 0> CD -» 3 INCLUDING THE Yellowstone National Park. Price Lists and Catalogues sent on application. mm OF FIFH AND YOUNG STREETS, OGDEN, UTAH. CD O CD a CD «< 0> CD CO SSL CD Tl i. 09 ■MB O SL $ CO tl o r'lM y\ Ji4' U/Un'Q VnilD TAII OR 7 Tiy Hiickl*' dli Moil, lUSMainMtrvet, oup. WnU O I UUn I AILUn l •Valkci- Houiie, Snit £.ake City, Utah. WHO*^ VnilR TAII flR 7 Try nnrkle * Hon. IIKI Main mrert. opp. ff nu O lUUn l HILUn f ^Valkcr llouN«. Malt Lake City. Utah. WM. ili : A I' I n 'n ^ 'm 1 tif i rrh> : -n; o u H X < z ■ o III a 40 Utah — Ogden. ALPIIABBTICAbbT. BEARDSLEY'S UNION DEPOT HOTEL, OGDEN CITY, UTAH TER. The Reasons why this House is the best, are: ItisstrictlyFirst-CteiiiEwyBesject. All Trains arrive and Start from this House, AND HAVE ONE HOUR FOR MEALS. Except Passengers to or from Utah and Northern Railroad, having only Forty Minutes. This ! Souse being most convenient to the depot of that road, it is best to let my Porters transfer your baggage, giving you ample time to get breakfast or supper. Union Pacific, Central Pacific and Utah and Nortliern Railroad . TICKET OFFICES. Also Pullman and Central Pacific Sleeping Car Offices, Western Union, Atlantic and Paciliic and Doseret Telegraph Offices ALL IN THIS HOUSE. Passengers supplied with Tims Table on application at the Hotel Office. DAILY PAPERS, WITH THE VERY LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, On the table at 6 A. M. and 5 P. M. All the Water used in this House brought in pipes from a mountain stream. GOOD FIRE PROTECTION. U. S. Mail Received and Forwarded. Any discourtesy if reported will be remedied. All Baggage handled Free of Charge. Parties going to Salt Lake and other points can leave exlra hand baggage and get checks for the same. TERMS: $2 to $3 per Day, according to location of Room. Have all your Letters and Papers sent care of this House. M. H. BEARDSLEY, Prop'r. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »''• teoKV*^ri\«Si5SJ*~ ^ A i 1 ^ ■ X3 " 1 I Perfi i j^H /.Is 03 C/> O U> 0> a. CD 3 THE w. ^ ■ V The un o o ■ 1 City. W a and we w ^^H CD ^H s. 5* CD l'|^4 Pric Day >< o III OI CD CO 1 ^ofi to S» r JELLY. li/M PniMnPR'Q Orrson RIooA Partner In the Remedy A>r a Torpid ffflflt rrunUCn O Mvim* nntl ikivoiiMotl Ki«lii<>v. Auk your DrujtgUtfJrl*. Utah — Ogden? AI>HABBTIOALLT. 41 W. A. WADE &. CO., DEALERS IN Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Surgical Appliances, Paints, Oils, Brushes. /, Iso, Fine Line of Domestic and Imported Liquors. OGDEN, UTAH. [H. C. WARDLEIGH, DEALER IN Fint-Class mm MACHINES Oils, Paints, Needles, Etc., East Side Main Street, OGDEN. UTAH. p. O. Box 40. THE PLACE TO GET A GOOD SQUARE MEAL IS AT I 1^- Co WATSON' S REST AHRANT The undersigned has lately opened a new and Commodious Restaurant in this City. We aim to set a good table and charge only bed-rock prices. Give us a call and we will use you well. Price 25 cts and upwards per Meal. Day Board $5.00 per Week. MAI?ir STHBBT, OPPOSITE WALKER BROS. STORE, OOIDEIsT, tjt-^h:. SARAH WATSON. e 3 (D tt W C S iS" S' CO o X tt a tt o (D fli CO o 3 JELLY. THE JEWELER. Best Assortment in Sacramento. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ViTWJ'SnWirJKitVJf/'^^keYV^? Li ■'tit II. CO ■• «A CO c w s o v i5 o > c o E 75 CO TJ O c c a O u o o < a. I- 42 t^toA — Ogden. ALFIIABBTICALLY. F. J. KIESEFi. O. OOLDBERO. FRED. J. KIE8EL & CO., Fourth Street, bet. Main and Youn^, Ogden, Utah. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TOBACCO AND CIGARS. SOLE AGENTS FOR Stonewall Whiskey, Valentine Cigars, Golden Rule Plug Tobacco, Phil. Hest's Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Lem]>'s St. Louis Bottled Lager. MORTENSEN & SNADDON~ ~ 9) GENERAL JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Stores and Offices fitted up on short notice. All Work warranted. FIFTH STREET, OCDEN, UTAH. F. 8. RlCHARDt^, City ani County Attorney, and Notary Public. R. K. WHililAHS, Formerly Chief Justice Supreme Court Ky. EICHARD8 & WILLIAMS * LAWYERS. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF UTAH AND IDAHO. OC3-IDEIsr, p. O. Box S«. UT^H. WM. VAN DYKE & CO., IS 111 m uomissi WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Young Street, second door South of Fourth, OGDEN, UTAH. o CO O o > > H Z > ^ m CO c D CO H O m <■ o > CO O o < > > TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. H. WACHHORST, Importer of a.^Xy'^iSlISS'nd.. 315 J8t, Sac. 75 CO > u e» e o ■■s c o u o •^ (0 o r (0 3 O" •o id (0 O S ■ (0 z o C0 Ui oc o < -I o (L UJ UJ oc V) (0 oc iZ s f/ifa^ — Ogden, AbPIIARBTICALliT. 43 II [DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKLY.] Published at Ogden, U. T. Being located at the converging point of four grand trunk lines of rail- way, the Junction is in a position to supply the public elsewhere with information and commercial statistics which cannot be obtained through other mediums. As a newspaper, it is all that itspositson demands, being independent, outspoken ana reliable, - In connection with the Junction, we publish at Logan, Utah, a Weekly Paper, devoted to general news and the interests of the people. The Junction and Leader occupy a field whicii enables them to otFer unsurpassed advantages to advertisers and business men who wish to cul- tivate a rapidly growing section of country. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY JUNCTION. DAILY, per year, ■ ■ - $9 00 SEMI-WEEKLY JUNCTION. SEMI- WEEKLY, per year. $4 00 WEEKLY LEADER Address, Advertising Bates famished on application. JUNCTION PRINTING ASSOCIATION, OGDEN, UTAH. o m a> m s 1 3 -I m 3 car 39 O (A O 9 2. e 2 PIIMPTIIAI ITV Fashion, Economy. Bnckle * Son, Tailor* juid r UNb I UALI I I , Woolen brapera, op. Walker Uoase, i , Salt liake caty. r r, Mi II ^ II Ul I- o CO < o u u CO h co o c 3 III I- X < z h o Id O PUNCTUALITY, fv'a!yb5ygS^^^^^ w'J£S^if..ySkiTgi£?c'iy. 44 f^faA — Ogden-^Park City. ALrilABBTICALLT. TilEOBgSE A. SMITE, PUIN I FANCr JOB PRINTER. PROPRIETOR OF THE Semi-Weekly Ogden Times. Sporting and Theatrical Slioet of the City. OCDEN, UTAH. p. O. Box 140. ISIDORE DE8POUY, French Bakery. Fine Bread and Confectionery, FIFTH STREET, OC3-IDEnsr, TJT^H. SAVE YOUR MONEY By Buying the Unrivalled Family Washing Soap MAMUFACTDRED BY BATCHELPEB SOAP COMPANY OGDEN, UTAH. K B. WHEELWEIGET, DEALER IN COAL, KINDLING WOOD. GROCERIES, / '^ i General Commission Merchant, FIFTH STREET, OGDEN, UTAH. J. W. CALDWELL, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. CARRY ON GENERAL BUILDING TRADE, FIFTH STREET, OGDEN, - - UTAH. Fantaquitch, IRON COUNTY. Crosby J W, assessor and collector Henrie James, a&a mdse Norton A W, blacjismith Norton John W, postmaster Sevey Geo W, lumber Steele M M, carpenter Paradise, CACHE COUNTY. A postoffice 54 miles north of Ogden. Oibbs Geo D, supt Co-operative Store Jackson H C, blacksmitn Shaw H A, secy Co-operative Store and postmaster Thomas Vf N, lumber Faragoonah, IRON COUNTY. A postoffice 5 miles northeast of Paro- wan, county seat. BARTON J P, carpenter, postmaster Davis D D, blacksmith Bobinson J R, miller Tapham J, butcher Watts B, tanner Faris, RICH COUNTY. A postoffice 9 miles north of Randolph, county seat. Badge W, manager Co-operative Store and postmaster Co-operative Store, gen mdse Fark City, SUMMIT COUNTY. Anderson C G, bootmaker Aschheim M S, gen mdse PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 2S?»^??SS!.t?aff!g2?«2:\LT. 3 CD 03 CD i 3 a o o o a CD CD CO SL CD »< 3 00 n s a 00 o 3 KH wmm wmm City. 3 1 s 1 iEY ^H CD ■ ioap 1 P 1 PANY i 1 ■ [T, A 1 ^ 1 OOD. ^- 1 CD ■ rch&iity •^ 1 1 ^ ■ • 1 tore and f 1 ^ 1 of Paro- i. 1 bmaster n 1 ■ s 1 mdolph, 1^- •s?§ re Store 3. ■ 5^HJ 1 ^ ^H . -s* ^^1 •^^S J 1 lograph Hours Co See pas ^^1 t' Collecf ciwd by tfcat wl«bnitwl Owwm Blood PBriWfr. eomiwiidwl fcf "»"» riUimPr « bO. ITifoA — PttrA; Valley-Payaon. 45 ALPIIABETIOALLT. Barnes & Lane, saloon Bowman Maggie, millinery Brim £ E, stationer Brogan & Duffy, saloon Byrnes E, bootmaker Cupit & Bronnan, saloon Snyder G G, livery Fischel F, restaurant Gleason Jno, butcher Gordon & Liscomb, restaurant Greeneawald J J, cigars and notary public Hayt Bros, gen mdse HATT F W , postmaster and notary public Heywood J, notary public James J G & Co, gen mdse Keeler D F, stationer Kreisch A, physician Lawrence & Shields, gen mdse Leith A, grocer McFalls David, physician McGrath & Byrnes, saloon Morrison & Biley, saloon Mosier & Judge, saloon Ong Long Charly, restaurant Ottenheimer Wm, gen mdse Pope & Bowman, saloon Simons L, hotel Smith A M, livery Snyder W J. attorney at law Street J S, aiuorney at law Tewksbury Chas, tinner Thiriot Bros, butchers Waddell R A, attorney at law Wiseman Wm, jeweler HAYT BROS., DEALERS IN Qrooeries and Boots aai Shoss. ' Canned CSoods a ISpeclalty. PARK CITY, SUMMIT CO. Park Valley, BOX ELDER 00. Godfrey Wm, justice of the peace Larson Adam, constable Rohner A C, postmaster Rohner C J, butcher Parowan, IRON COUNTY, Near the Little Salt Lake, on the stage line leading to Arizona, is a place of 1,000 or more, and is distant from Salt Lake City about 26 miles. The moun- tains surrounding the place abound with a rich growth of timber, from which the residents derive their principal support, though some farming is carried ou in the vicinity. Adams Charles, mayor Adams Q L, shcriif Brown J W, prosecuting attorney Co-operative Manufacturing Co, cabinet ware, blacksmithing, tannery, boots and shoes, Wm Adams presid nt Co-operative Store, H W Dane president Dalley John £, recorder Orton Samuel T, marshal Dalton Edward, county judge and sur- veyor Dalton J C, county clerk Dame W H, recorder Deavenport Thomas, treasurer Marsden Wm, dry goods McGregor W C, postmaster Mitchell W C, assessor and collector Smith & Co, tiour mills Wilcox Wm, lumber Worden N P, cabinetmaker Payson, UTAH COUNTY. A postoffice 66 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Clayson W. boots and shoes Douglass W, sup't of Co-operative Store Engberg Andrew, propr Salem Co-opera- tive Institution and postmaster Finlayson J, furniture Frostgrave J, watchmaker Hancock G W & Son, gen mdse Huish W H, furniture Hoffman & Co, blacksmiths and wagon- makers McClellan & Dion, tanners Mitchell D, boots and shoes Payge J T, sup't branch Co-operative Store Reid E, tailor Simons O, miller Wilson T A, sup't Co-o^ative Meat Market Worseucraft S, tinner I Q I i (D 2 mi "^ 0) S o H I % (D i JELLY. THE JEWELER, 'ysSTi/ Am, Watches from Factory. WUf unUTAnii: A t*l\ »»h»'«'* iron, all MlKfn iind ?'n"«'»£i*>i'l»' . W. mONI AoUt « bll.> im 1 14. ilO. and IIW llnttyry »t.. P. V. : '■' V ■ 46 Utah — Peterson-Providence. ALrllABRTICAIiLT. CO i c o ■ o a tf) C C CO O o o o z Z o < flL Peterson^ MORGAN COUNTY. HIRST F, postmaster, agent U P R R Express Co, and A and V Telegraph Co Pennington H L, gen mdso Williams Joshua, steam sawmill Pine Valley, WASHINGTON COUNTY. A postoffi('edi.stiuit from St. (Icorge, the county seat, in a northeasterly direetiou, 35 miles. Baker Thomas, miller Brown & Jacobsoii, sawmill Burgess Bros, sawmill Burgess Wm, postmaster (iardner Bros, sawmill > Hancock — , gen mdse Meeks V, telegraph operator Whipple Eli, sawmill I- O Pinto, IRON COUNTY. A postoffice distant from St. (rcorge, Washington county, 47 miles. Co-operative Store, gen mdse, postoffice Pleasant Grove, UTAH COUNTY. A postoffice 37 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. AUdridge Parsons, wagonmaker Armitstoud James, physician Bur Jolin, siioemaker Burs Franklin, gen mdso Christiisen Niels P, blacksmith Culmer A E, carpenter and builder r)ri<,'gs Benjamin W, gen mdse Driggs Shadrack F, wagonmaker Hansen Andrew, blacksmith .lensen J C, shoemaker Jensen .lens C, blacksmith ^ Long •lolin, bl.'icksmith Mayhew \V F, carpenter and builder MAYHEW £, postmaster Pleasant (J rove Co-operativo Institution, gen nidsu Rogers R M, physician Young Joseph C, carpenter and builder Plain City, WEBER COUNTY. A postoffice 10 miles from Ogden, tht county seat. Branwell (leorge AV, school teacher Carver George, school teacher Christensen N P, shoemaker Dreaney Samuel, carpenter England Jno, weaver Falkman C O, blacksmith Folkman Peter, gen mdse Goddard Edward, basketmaker Greene Peter C, cari)enter Lindelof N P, shoemaker MEOUIEE WM W,. surveyor, con veyancer, notary public and postmas ter Palmer EdwanI J, jeweler Peterson Jno, carpenter Poulson Peter, tailor Poxon Ellen, school teacher Rohson Thomas A, clergyman Spiers Jno, justice of the peace Stewart Wm, constable Wadmaii H H, botanic physician Wainwriiiht Wm B, knitter White John, jeweler Portage, HOX ELDER COUNTY. Allen L gen mdse Allen .1, freighter ANDERSON W H, druggist, physi- cian, justice of the peace and post- master Tims J, cooper Promontory, BOX ELDER COUNTY. King N M, liotel and gen mdse STONEHOUSE W G, postmaster and gen mdse Providence, CACHE COUNTY. Bullock H, cabinetmaker Bullock J, bootmaker Canipl)ell J H. lumber Fredricks A, tinsmith Haderly J W, carpenter Hammond M D, wagon merchant Low W W, sup't Co-operative Boot Store and postmaster Madison J F, confectioner Smith J, surveyor Themer F, blacksmith o H 5 0) o > > H H X > X H m 0) 3D C o 0) H ;q m <■ o > 0) 2 H -< 2 PI < > TRY DR. GUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. rni, liw, mt.. t». v. eat of Salt ;er th liUlcr H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. ker builder nstitution, nd builder FY. gist, physi- > o H O (i> o > H H X > X H m 0) o c o 0) 2 2 o. 2 CO 1 09 E E o O .22 c and post- H ■ a. 1 1 ' I c (0 in H E ^H c y» 1 0> a. TY. > 1 Ise 31 H UJ tmaster and 0) 1 LU 1 U 2 I o 'J 1 o ^1 Vi «i| H ge Wm L, minister Drapfi Z T, artist Hall J C, painter Rush Lake, TOUELE COUNTY. BRAClKEN & YOUNG, gen mdse BRACKEN W, postmaster Broughton Josei^h, smelting works Prosser Henry, saloon Wagner E C, physician Saint George, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Adams S L, blacksmith Bennett C W, bakery Blake B F, furniture Brooks — , stonecutter Burges M, cabinetmaker Co-operative Store, gen mdse ao m m m 30 ■< m m 30 m o m r- CO CO ■o o pa 3 CD :mc. WHO'S YOUR TAILOR 7 '^!;^.»i£^!^'&fuS"4iJiri2^e"^/trifit2r rinc OIUl/K TaUon and Woolen Drapern, l»alt liako City. 4S Utah — Saint Johns-Salt Lake City. ALPHA BBTICALI.r. Ul III o o CO CO Ul CO 3 o c < 0. Coxe J, wagonmaker Dodge W E, winemaker Eardley Jno, potter Hardy A P, butcher and 8heri£F Hardy J G, v» ood turnoi Higgins S 6, physician Ivina I, physician Johnson J E, gen mdse Ladies' Co-operative Store, gen mdse Lebna P, tinsmith Macfarlane Jno M, County surveyor and judge McQuirrir Hector, blacksmith Milne David, painter Nelson A, bootmaker Nixon J W, lumber Pendleton B F, blacksmith Piatt H Gr, hamessmaker Pyman Jno, postmaster, hotel and gen- eral mdse Pymm Setha, architect Biding C L, tinsmith Romney M P, carpenter, furniture and supt schools Slagowski H F, tailor Smith C, watchmaker Terry C A, winemaker and cooper Whitehead A R, county clerk, general mdse Wooley E G, prosecuting attorney Saint Johns, TOOELE COUNTY. BUERIDGE GEO W, supt Z C M I and postmaster Caldwell Isaac J, contractor and builder De San Jeor Frans, boots and shoes Green Richard R, rope and twine manfr Mcintosh Wm, blacksmith and wagon- maker Russell Elizabeth, propr medicated warm baths Stookey Enos, farmer and stock raiser Salt Lake City, SALT LAKE COUNTY, la the metropolis and capital of the Ter- ritory, the county seat of the county bearing the same name, is situated 34 miles south of O^den, and has a popula- tion of 25,000 people. Its streets are of nnusu'^l width, bordered by a beautiful and uniform growth of shade trees, while along the curbs there is a con- stantly-flowing stream of pure and sparkling water, which comes; from the mountains that shut out tV.e beautiful valley in which the city is situated from the cold winds of the north. There is an air of comfort eminently noticeable o in the roomy yards and commodious places of residence, while* the business houses, as a rule, are well appointed and of splendid architectural design. Of course, that peculiar class of persons kno\vn as Mormons predominate, ind it is but due to them to state that the city's beauty and growth is traceable only to their presence. Had not such men as Orson Pratt buckled on their armor of courage and self-reliance a quarter of a century or more ago, and defied the dan- gers of the tedious journey across the uninhabited plains, Utah could not boast of the cities and happy country homes which everywhere present themselves to-day to gladden the heart of the stranger and make his visits enjoyable. No such monuments of pride and of de- votion to religious doctrine as have been erected would be seen ; no such develop- ment of the mining interests as ahe has experienced would be apparent ; no such traftlc as is carried on by the railroads would be witnessed, nor would the marry music of clanking engines, ringing anvils, the hum of saws and the clash- ing trowel be heard in the land. But on the contrary, a solemn silence would reign supreme, and the bustle of the ' our would be supplanted by " nature's desolation." The Tabernacle and the Temple, whose mute yet suggestive fin- gers point heavenward the whole year through, and " watch the lonely vigils of the night " in courtship with the stars, would be numbered with the " things that are to be," while the moun- tains, solemn and majestic, would keep sole company with the companions of long ago. No theater, such aa she pos- sesses, would have reared its roof to witness the acting of the best histrionic talent the country produces, nor would the country have been so far advance > D O O c. 3 C. 9^ O o ■ o ■P o a 3 fii S JELLY, THE JEWELER, Repairs Watches and Jewelry. ■ CO i c I o IS 3 IL ■ If ■ HIUIl I «ltaUE PC \0V,f pattenlt, ilO. 118. "u, 116 and 118 battery >,.. 8. F. 50 Utah — Salt Lake City. ALFHABBTIOAbbT. (/ 1^' fii 11 < iflM jit fmm hf «!!■ mi 1 1 |! rt' If W' i 1 ''*''i 1 ti i i o < CL I- h P O Bockholt D, county clerk Borman J S, associate justice territory BOSSHARDT & CLABK, merchant tailors, 45 1st South Boukofsky N, liquors, 30 1st South^ BOWERS W H H, mechanical and contracting engineer, 103 Main Bowman Robert, gen mdse. Pearl BOWRINO W C, groceries, 1253 1st South BREDEMETER WM, notary public, mining engineer, U S mineral sirvey- or and manager Excelsior and Utah Con Silver Mining Company, s side 2d South bet Main and Ist East Bridge John M, harness and saddles, 2d South Brooksbank Geo, furnishing goods, 201 Main Brooks Geo F, groceries, 1249 1st South Brooks J G, millinery. Main Brown Arthur, lawyer. Main near White House BROWN FREDERICK, costom boot and shoe maker, rt^paiiing neatly done, opp Continental Hotel BROWNE & BROOKS, civil engineers and surveyors, 97 Main BUCSKLE & SON, merchant tailors, 195 Main BTJROESS M T, mining engineer, 1268 Ist 8outh Bums Robt, tents, etc, 65 1st South Burrows H, meat market, 2d South Burt A, city marshal, City Hall Burton R T, county assessor Button Mrs A, mliliner, l'J8 Main Button Chas, barber, 128 Main Buxbuuin M & Co, hides and wool, 3d West Calder D O, music and musical instru nM'>f\'<, tancy goods, jewelry, no *ioii»* y.fi'i toys, 68 Main CANNON ANGUS M, county recordei CARELESS 6E0, music and musical instruments, 1'2'M Ist tSouth CARTER TH08, kuhs. wununition. to])U(^'i, (lotioDK, >^U•, \'.i' Main CECIL / B ft CO, grce 1 feroccrs, 134 Main Chadd Mrs A M, groceriea, 1259 1st South CHADD MICHAEL, pioneer vegeta- ble, fruit and poultry stand, lt?58 Ist South CHAMBERS R C, sup't O s M Co, 1232 1st South Chapman & Whytock, dentists, over postoffice 2d South Cisler F, groceries, 231 Main CLARK ft JACOBSCN, barbers, 16 1st South CLASBET ft HOOLE, liquors, 149 Main Clawson H B, agricultural implements and commission, South Temple Clawson S H, dentist, 1218 1st South CLAYTON JOHN, cutler. Commercial CLAYTON N W, territorial auditor and notarj^ublic, Ist South CLIFf HOUSE, S C Ewing, propr Cohn Bros, dry goods, 102 Main Colebrook Mrs E, millinery and fancy goods, 52 Main CONRAD WALTER K, Delta Saloon, cor 1st East and 1st South CONTINENTAL HOTEL G S Erb propr, cor 1st West and Ist South Cooper Bros, real estate, 143 Main Cooper Chas, groceries. Temple Cook John, butcher, 1231 1st South COMBS H, livery, 1st East bet 2d and 3d South CONKLIN J C, Utah ore sampling mill, 97 Main Cottle & Rundquist, blacksmiths, 1st East Cowley W, tailor, Pixton alley Cowling Peter, grocries, etc, 2d South Cox E, barber, 1228 Ist South CRANE JOHN, house furnishing store, feed and livery, 33, 35, and 37 1st South Cr;.ig Jno, U S signal observer, Wasatch building Crismon (jeorge, county colltctor Crocheron G W, hsh, fruits, etc, 1267 1st South Crow & Bowring, harness and saddles, 44^ Main CULMER Q F, wholesale grocers, paints, oils, window glass and show cases, 20 and 22 1st South Cummings J W, county treasurer CUNNDfGTON ft CO, hardware and groceries, cor Main ind 2d South Cutler Bros, groceries, 1247 1st South Cutler, cigars and tob.icco, 179 Main CUTLER JOHN C, agent Provo Woolen Mills, 34 and 36 Main Duhl (Jlindii, drcssniaktr, ll70 lat South DALLAS S B & SON cabinet and jobbing carpenters, Ist West nr North Temple Davis (r W, groceries, 74 Main Davis, Howe & Co, foundrj-, 1st West DAVIS JOHN, restaurant, 2d South Davis R, dentist, 26i Main DAY ft CO, gen mdse, 106 and 108 Main DAYNES JOHN, pianos and organs, 66 Main •I -3 a* o to 'O -J -9 -a ^1. -3 CD CD O TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. H. WACttHORST calls attention ^iVS^yj*,"^,***"- 315 J St. CO Utah — Salt Lake City. ALPRABITICALLT. 51 ), 16 ■H . c 149 ^ ■iM aents -H ^ ith , ?3 ercial ' iditor IS »s )r 1 If fancy CO :iloon, o 3r > Erb CD .h fi> u> h o dand 3 -4 apling P s, 1st O -3 tf> CO South C3. store, ^ 37 1st o o usatch o >67 lat S 'O uldles, CD -J rocers, o show T3 '■a ■ re and ;h outh ain -> Voolen o , South (0 et and CD North C/> P> i-»i West r- outh V x* nd 108 CD o «■■ organs, ^ ■ CO CO Ul X yj CO CO UJ oe I- co co o CO C0 CO CO CO ca o DEIQHTON FBED, confectionery, stationerv, cigars and tobacco, post- office building Deseret Bank, cor Main and l..t So';th Diehl Chris, barber, 129 Main Dilly & Pearson, lawyers, Wasatch build- ing DUlWOOSEY H, furniture, wall paper, etc, 123871240, 1242, 1244 1st South DINWOODT JAMES, restaurant, 117 Main Dooloy J E, manager Wells, Fargo &, Co, 105 Main DB.XJCSE H, die sinker, stencil cutter, general engraver, and groceries, Com- mercial Dunford — , dentist, 120 Main DUNFORD OEO, boots, shoes, hats and caps, 104 Main DITNNE DANIEL, Ornamental Iron Wor.is, P box 471, cor 2d South, one block west of Main Dunne E F, attorney at law, 141 Main DWTEK JTAMES, books and station- en^, 76 East T< mple or Main DTS! MBS C E, millinery and fancy goods, 48 Main Earl M, tailor, Pixton alley Eastman Frank, civil er gineer, 146 Main Eicheuberg Christian, photographer, 20 Commercial Eliason O L, watchmaker and jeweler, 124 Main Ellis Geo, carpenter, 221 Main Emeison P H, associate justice Territory (Provo) Empire Mining Co of Utah, H A Van Praag secretary and treasurer Engstrom J P, cabinetmaker, Comm'l DINWOODEY H, furniture, wall paper, etc., 1238, 1240, 1242, 1244 Ist South EBB G S, propr Walker House, Main, and Continental Hotel, cor 1st West and 1st South Erick son John, liquors, 2d South EWING S C, propr Clift House Ferguson Mrs Ellen, music teacher, 72^ Main .FEBOUSON C, watchmaker and jeweler, 50 1st South Ff/bes Mrs C B, conservatory of music, Wasatch building Foster W H, wood turner Fihlin E V, bookbinder, 1st West Fowler Ailen, physician, 96 Main Fox & Symons, photographers, 142 and 154 Main FBANTZEN ANDBEW, groceries, 2d South, and groceries and gloves, 36 1st South Fursver John P, groceries, 2d South Qalligan John, d^ goods, 1270 Ist South Gardiner F. physician, 2d South Gardiner Rooert, confectioner and baker, 58 Main Gee W W, lawyer, Wasatch building GEBMANIA SMELTIHO AND BE- FININO CO, cor Main and 1st South GILCHBIST ft SFBAGTTE, attorneys at law, Wasatch building Giles B M, groceries, 76 Ist South GILLESPfB JAMES, groceries and vegetables, 2d South Gilmer, Salisbury &, Co, stage line, 105 Main Gilmore C J, agent Continental Oil Co, 3d West, bet 1st and 2d South GODBE ANTHONY, manager London Bank of Utah (limited), 95 and 97 Main Godbe, Pitts & Co, druggists, cor 1st South and East Temple GOLDBERG L & A, manufs and job- bers of clothing, wholesale and retail, 165 and 167 Main GOLDSMITH & CO, wholesale cloth- ing, furnishing goods, 145 Main GOLDSTIKEB M, meat market, 189 Main Gi^ldthwaite & Maxwell, attorneys at law 2(1 South GOODilIND BICHABD, ore sack manuf, dealer in milling and snow white tine table salt, gen mdse igent, 1268 1st South. Gordon James M, upholsterer, Main GOBBINGE WM ft SONS, harness and saddles, 1st East bat 2d and 3d South GOSS P F, superintendent U Mer- chant Tailors, 30 and 32 Main Graham J C & Co, job printers, cor Main and 1st South GBANT H J, insurance agt, 1st South Graves & Snyder, liquors, 6 1st South GBEGORY MRS J E, French hair store; u complete assortment of curls, braids, switches, etc, 1266 1st South Griggs T C, gen mdse, 1st South (iroesbeck N & Sons, capitalists GROVES WM H, dentist, 86 Main Grundlund N (i, groceries. South Tem- ple Guiver & Papworth, meat market, 70 Ist South GUSTAVESON C J, harness and sad- dles, and groceries, south side 2d South, bet Main and 1st East Hadley J R, physician, 64J Main Hagell John, lunch, 68 1st South Hagman John, tailor, 2d South Hallander Jno F, restaurant. Commer- cial HALL L E, manager Sitig^r Manufac- turing Co. 1222 Ist South m m CO o m 3D -< m CO m m r- CO CO CO o -J CD GEO. C. THAXTER, **Srilr„VXiW,2r" Carson Clty,Nev. rINb OlUbn TaUoyg. »p4 Woole^ Dif pewi. Hit liatec City. $ •H ID s r H (D !! A H I I 0) 6 52 Utah— Salt Lake City. AliPIIABBTICALLV. TTALL S A, groceries and provisions, 1278 Ist South Hamilton J F, physician, 150 Main Harmou G J, painter HARRIS ED, "Little Church around the Corner," cigar store, 12 1st South "HTAR'RTa JNO, confectionery, Com- mercial Harrison Robt, wood and coal, 2d South SAEVET ASBKEW, watchmaker, 62 Ist South Harper Miss A C, di-essmaker, 66 1st South Harper Mrs S, corsetmaker, 56 Ist South HAEFEE T E, confectionery, 56 1st South HATJEBBACH ADOLPH, watch maker, 20 Commercial HAYNES & SON, boiler makers, S Temple bet Ist and 2d West Heesch & Ellerbeck, plumbers and gas- fitters, 38 Main Hennefer & Burns, barbers, 175 Maiu Hepworth Joseph, coal and wood, 2d South Hepworth John, butcher, Maiu Hepworth Thos & Sons, meat market, Ist West Heinaii M, barber, Main HEITSSER JACOB, guns, pistols, am- munition, fishing tackle, etc, lOU Main Higgins C W, physician, 2d South HiU & Trewela, Wasatch Saloon Hill Wm, bakery and restaurant, 56 Main Hills L S, treasurer U C R R, depot Historians Office, Orsou Pratt manager. South Temple Hirschman Moses, sup't Flagsta S mine, 2d South Hobbs L, carpenter, 213 Main Hodder & Schofield. carpenters, Comm'l HODQES W A, assay er, 139 Main Hoge E D, lawyer, Wasatch building HOLIiAND J M, physician. 72i Main Hollister J, internal revenue collector, 143 Main Holmberg John, groceries, 1 st East Holmes L J, notary public and U S deputy mineral surveyor, 2d South Hooper W J, shoemaker, 67 1st South HOP WO & CO, Japan and Chinese goods, 46 1st South Huey C P, attorney at law, 2d South HTJLEERT WM, weaver, mountain cream polish, 57 and 59 1st South Humphreys F J, lawyer, 2d South Hunter John A, chief justice territory, Wasatch building Husle r & Gebhardt, bakery, 2d South HUTCHISON DAN, carriage shop. Commercial Hyde Wm, supervisor of streets, City Hall ILLINGWORTH WM, trunkmaker, 61 1st South IMPERIAL M & S CO, S E Under- bill secretary Ingburg F, watchmaker, 13 Market Row IRONS J W, ticket agent U P R R, 130 Main James David, tinner, gasfitter, etc, West Temple JAlOfiS J G & CO, groceries, 2d South JAMES MRS J W. millinery, 1272 and 1274 1st South Jenkins & Sons, saddles and harness, 2d South and 1st East JENNINGS WM, Vice Prcst U C R R, depot Jennings Wm & Sons, gen mdse, cor Main and 1st South Jensen C J, bootmaker. Commercial JENSEN J S, watchmaker, 91 Main J chanson S, tailor. Main Johnson A J, ag'l implts, 1 st East Johnson Augustus:, bootmaker, Comm'l J ohnson John, groceries, 2d South Johnson John, carpenter. Commercial Johnson P, willowware JONES T R. banker, 143 Main JONES WM, jeweler, 62 Ist South JOSLIN & PARK, watchmakers and jewelers, 150 Main KAHN BROS, wholesale grocers, 113 and 115 Main KAIGHN M M, attorney at law, 134 Main KELLEY BROS, bookbinders, 1222 IstSoutK Kelsey & Sons, attorneys at law, 1st South Kimball & Lawrence, groceries and hard- ware, Main and Ist South Lange C, bakery, 1217 1st South LANNAN P M, meat market, 38 1st South Lapham Mrs M G, millinery, 1243 1st South LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO, lum- ber and pioneer planing mills, cor South Temple and 3d West LAWRENCE & BURGESS, mming operators, ropi'esenting Eureka, Lidy Aspenwall, the Joab Lawrence, Rich- mond, Teresa, and Red Rover (Jold Mining Cos Lawson J, groceries, 2d South Leviberg J, saloon, 136 Main LEVIN MARTIN, bootmaker, Com- mercial Levy Sam, cigar raanufr, 151 Main Lewis S H, attorney at law, Main Little F, mayor 3 -< O m r" m SD to CD (ff CD n' ST CD e eo w S2. CD o CD* a o* 3 CD 7» <30 % V ^ I '^' >• H '^' ^ HI o ^^M ;2 & o. ^H WT ^'^ O bM ^ 2 ^^1 CD ^^1 ^^ e 1 1° BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '''T^Sl'fcimi'.K&^^t'S.rSri: M/M PniMnPR'Q Orlfclnnl OrcKon Bloml Pariller Is net a Bitter iMr fllfl. rrUi1Ui.ll 9 M Nvnin lint N«tri<-tiTT«'#tiihUr •^ outh to 1272 o» 3, 2d CD CA RR, B ^^ ^3 , cor M«» ■ Lidy Rich- o Oold :3 ttia at 51 "^ '^ :^cl 1^ Co it Utah — Salt Lake City. 53 ALPItAIIBTtCALLr. Little & Roundy, crockery and glass- ware, 54 Main Lindsley £, physician, 2d South LIFMAN M H, clothing, furnishing goods and hats, 155 and 157 Main Lloyd John, bootmaker, 93 Main Lollin John, saloon, 111 Main LOMAXJD, attorney at law, 1st South LONDON BANK OF UTAH (lim- ited), Anthony Godbe manager, 95 and 97 Main Long Mrs B S, fancy goods, 61 1st South Longstreet S P, attorney at law, 2d South Loth Bernard, lawyer, 143 Main Lowe George A, wagons, agricultural implements, 1st East LO WE JAMES, notary public, land agent, and attorney Lowell Jno W & Co, wagons and agri- cultural implements, 1 East LUCAS GEORGE, groceries, fruits, confeotiouery, etc, 52 Ist South LUCAS J L, groceries, provisions, for- eign and domestic fruits, "tc, 66 1st South LUKE GEO A & CO, knitting fac- tory, 1224 1st. South Lynch John T. postmaster LYNGBEEG Jb'RED G, groceries, pro- visions, fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish, etc, 40 and 42 Ist South Lynn S J, lumber, 3d West Madsen Amelia, millinery, 43 1st South Madsen Mrs L, ladies' clothing, 14 Main Mi^BSEN P "W, second hand goods, 40 Main MALTESE S, second hand goods, 225 Main Makiu Andrew, hairdresser, 1201 1st South Malquist & Puzey, black8mith3, Olive Manning John, ti-unks and valises, 15 '2d South Margetts Phil, saloon, 1260 1st South Marier Bros, baths, CommL-rcial MASONIC LIBRARY.Miss Mary E Allen librarian, 143 Main Marsdim & Donhalter, soda works, Com- uuTcial MARSHALL & ROYLE, attonaya at law, 105 Main MASON & SELLS, wholesale and re- tail lumber dealers, South Temple bet 1st and 2d West Matthews E (J, doputy internal revenue collector, 14, i Main MATTISON L B, wagons and agricul tural implements, 1st East Mattock & Mitchell, meat market, 2d South Mather Miss Helen, dressmaker, 2(1 South MAY & WOOD, meat market, 1223 Ist South MoBRIDE T A, attorney at law, 141 Main McCord Wm, tents and awnings, 2d South MoCORMICK & CO, bankers, 130 and 132 Main McDonald J, groceries. Main McKEAN THEODORE, sheriff McKimmons Mark, livurv. Main Mcknight JAMES, attorney at law. 2d South nr White House McLaren J S, stereo and electrotype foundry, 64^ Main McMillan H G, deputy clerk dis- trict court, Wasatch building McTierney James, saloon, 123 Main McVICKER J, assayer. Main Meredith J B, groceries. Temple Meredith, Manning & Gallacher, trunk factory, 1st East Midgley J, painter, 2d South Miller Peter, barber, 2d South Monheim H, architect, 141 Main Moore, Allen & Co, druggists, Main and 2d South Moore, Allensworth & Co, buggies etc, 227 Main Morgenson J, shoemaker, 193 Main MORRIS & EVANS, marble works, 18 Main MORRIS W C, general painter, Ist South Morton & Tufts, liquors, 10 Ist South Morrill & Keetley, livery, 2d South MOSS W J & CO, harness and sad- dles, 2d South bet Main and 1st East Mousley & Callister, job printers. Main Mower G W, harness and saddles, 2d South MULLOY & PAUL, livery and trans- fer staV>lps, 2d South, east postoffice MULHALL CHARLES, upholsterer, mattresses made and repaired, 1st South, opposite Continental Hotel MUTUAL LIFE INS CO OF N Y, H J (irant, agent, Jst South Niitlian SJ, clothing, 131 Main Naylor Uros, blnoksrniths, Ist East Neil .1 B. re^Mstcr U S Land Office NEWMAN & REED, "76" s- a, 72 I ill Mniith Now ton S 10, dentist, 2d South Niinu (j W, veterinary siirgoDii, 1241 2d South Old Telei{rapli Mininc; Co, 1st South ONTARIO SILVER MINING CO, K C Chambers. 8U))'t, 1232 Ist South ORDNER & PATTERSON, liquors, 2d South O'Reilly T B, clothing and furnishing goods. Main o 3 o 8 SH o 3 J? S* CO o fil a fi) o (D fi) 3 a CD e c 9 fi} JELLY, THE JEWELER, has a full stock of Sterling Silver. W W MONTAGUE & CO '^^**^''" **'^^'^"('^*-'-'!^ erenttitM.ftylMMil pftttemR. 110, 112. 114, 116 iti.a iJ8 Battery St., S. F. i i CO i c p (0 0) > o E a CO (0 O o o < 0. o 3 54 Z7toA — Salt Lake City. ALFIIABBTICALLT. Ottinger G W, supt water works, City Hall Pacific Ex Co, F C Gentach agt, Main Paiue Wm E, barber, 14 1st South PALMER FREDEBICK, lunch, 99 Main PARKER A L, meat market, South Temple near 2d West Parsons M K, clerk U S Land Office Parsons Thos, soda works, Commercial PASSE Y F, Gilroy's restaurant, cor Commercial and 1st South Patten Henry, harnessmaker, 1st East PATTEN T C, groceries, 74 1st South Payne J, shoemaker, 140 Main PECK BROS, blacksmiths, wagon re- pairers, 1st West and North Temple Pendleton A J, blacksmith, 2d South PETERS ROBERT, shoelast maker, 55 1st South Petersen W, meat market, 1225 1st South Peterson W H. meat market, 2d South PHELPS MRS ADA, dressmaker, 1276 Ist South PHELPS H E, dry goods and cloth- ing, 64 Main PHILLIPS M C. cigars and tobacco, 147 Main Pinnock W, groceries, 32 1st South Pitts W A, hotel, Main PLATT FRANCIS, harness and sad- dles, 2d South near postoffiee PODLECH A & GO, proprietors of the White House, Main and 2d South POPPER CHARLES wholesale butcher, 38 1st South Pratt R Bjphysician, 304 Alain PRATT HARMEL, attorney at law, 2d South PRESHAW & SKEWS, undertakers, 1280 Ist South Price W L, groceries, 1257 1st South Pritchard Thomas, groceries, Ist East Pyper A C, police justice. City Hall Quiar F A, saddle tree manufr Quinn G W, wood carver, 1st South RAWLIN6S J S, shoemaker, 10 Main Raybold W F, books and stationery, 152 Main REAB SAMUEL OEOROE, news, 49 Ist South REED H A, auction, storage and com- mission, 121 Main Reed J W, harness, 57 Main Reese John, varieties, 1st South and Main REESE JOHN, vapor and medicated baths, 1256 1st South Regjgel L, dry goods, 138 Main RHODES A W, assayer, 89 Main Richan Wm, tinner, 2d South Richards H J & Co, druggists and physi- cians, 44 Main Riggs & Young, sewing machines, 37 and 39 Main RISER OEOROE C, pioneer boot- maker, 1246 1st South RIVERS BROS, wall paper, one door south Walker House Robertson John, umbrella maker, 1250 1st South Robinson G W & Co, subscription agents, 141 Main Ronmey Joseph G, carpenter, 2d South Rosborough & Merritt, attorneys at law, 1st South RUMMEL MRS A, millinery and fancy Soods, 90 Main rSSELL & BURNS, Magnet Saloon, 133 Main Russell Wm, physician, 1st West liyan Martin, bootmaker, 1226 1st South iSadler Wm, boots and shoes, 60 Main Salisbury B, groceries, 3d West SALISBURY J M, jewelry and fancy notions, 18 Main Siilnion Wm, wood and coal, 1st West Salomon F, surveyor-general, Wasatch building SALT LAKE DAILY TIMES, J C Graham & Co proprs, cor Main and 1st South Salt Lake Foundry, Thos Pierpont sup't, 3d West SALT LAKE HERALD, The Herald Publishing Co, 65 and 67 Main Salt Lake Museum, Joseph L. Barfoot manager. South Temple SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, 2d South San Pete Valley R R Co, general office 144 Main Sampson Silver Mining Co, H A Van Praag, secretary and treasurer Sanberg J C, furniture, Temple Sanders James, groceries, 1255 Ist South Sander W C, harness and saddles, 2d South SAVAGE C I, art bazar, 12 and 14 Main SAVILLE GEO, boot manufacturer, 2nd South Schettler B H, notary public, 53 Main Schettler Paul A, city treasurer SGHOCK WM H. physician and sur- geon, Romney block. Main SchoppeFE, stoves and tinware, 211 Main Scott & Anderson, buyers of bullion. Main SCOTT GEO M & CO, hardware, 144, ^ 146, 148 Main Scrace Edward, confectionery, 10 Main Sears I, groceries and feed, 1245 Ist South SEARS & LIDDLE, flour, grain and seeds, 55 Main Sebree Howard, ag'l implts, Ist East ?5 5 ce -7 CD o Mi TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. H. WACHHORST ■*"hS'r*" than any house on the Coast. CO B 0> E t: cd a. O CO UJ X IXl o CO CO liJ UJ I- co CO o CO UJ LU CO CO UJ CO CQ o < a. Utah — Salt Lake City. 55 ALPIIABRTICALiLT. Senior Edward, barber, Com'l SHABP J AS, general freight and ticket agent, U C R R depot S^ARF JOBQf, president and superin- tendent Utah Central R R, depot Sharp & Taylor, dentists, Temple Shaughnessy M, U 8 marshal, Wasatch building Sheeks & Rawlins, attorneys, 122 Main Sherwood C W, shoemaker, 65 1st South Shingleton Henry, saloon, 78 Ist South SHOLES R H, shoemaker, one door north Walker House, Main Short Wm Jr, meat market, 1241 1st South Showell Wm, pres Wasatch marble and mining Co, 2d South Silver Wm J, iron works. North Temple SmOER MANTJFACTURIXO CO L E Hale manager, 1222 1st South SIN WAU, laundry, 53 Ist South Slade (t W, bootmaker, 2d South Sloan Mrs P L, dressmaker, 2d South Smedley Wm E, insurance, 97 Main Smith Bros, carpenters. Temple SMITH ELIAS, probate judge Smith G S, photographer, pictures, frames, etc, 1248 1st South SMITH JANE S, willow ware, 1219 1st South Smith J M, brass foundry, 1st East Smith T G M, shoemaker. Main Smith W 0, fruits and oysters, 8 1st South SNEDAKER B C, physician and sur- geon, Romney block. Main SNELGROVE EDWARD, premium bootmaker, 2d South SNELL JNO W, manufr salt, blueing, etc, commission merchant, dealer in dried fruits, cor 2d South and 1st East Snow Zera jr, attorney at law, 2d South SNOW Z, SR, attoraey at law, 2d South Solomon Bros, boots and shoes, (man ufactory), west Temple SOWELES & MILLER, sewing ma chines, 1230 1st South SPEIRS BROS, blacksmiths, 2d South Spraguc E T, clerk supreme court, Wa- satch building SaUIRES & PRICE, barbers, 24 Ist South Squiers & Sons, barl)ers, 59 Main STAHL W H, California Brewery Sa- loon, Com'l Stearns H 0, candies, 100 Main Steen L, meat market, 1229 Ist South Stevenson Chas L, U S deputy mineral surveyor, 2d South Sterling James, wood, coal and salt, 1st East Stromberg J A, tailor, 2d South STUDEBAKER MANUFACTUR- INQ CO, wagons, etc, 33 and 35 Main SUTHERLAND AND McBRIDE, attorneys at law, 141 Main SWAN GEO, secretary Utah Central R R, depot SWANER BROS, manufacturing jew- elers, 91 Main TAGGART J P, physician, 1270 1st South Tavey Joseph, bakery, 58 1st South TAYLOR A B, attorney at law, 141 Main Taylor H S, fancy goods, 41 1st South TAYLOR JNO & SON, merchant tailors, 7 Commercial Taylor Obed, architect, 1st South TEASDEL S P, gen mdse, 112, 114, llti Main THIBAULT FRANK, green grocer. 2d South The Bingham Canyon and Camp Floyd R R, J G Kennedy sec and treas, G M Young sup't Thacker & Aubrey, wood and coal, Com- mercial THERNING JNO, merchant tailor, 20 Commercial The Wasatch & Jordan Valley R R, J G Kennedy, sec and treas, G M Young sup't Thomas & Co, groceries, etc, 1229 1st South Thompson J, physician, Main Thurgood Geo, butcher, 20 Main Thirteenth Ward Co-operative Institu- tion, J P Frieze sup't, 70 East Tem- ple TIERNAN JOHN, operator in mines, 444 Main TILFORD & HAGAN, attorneys at law. Main TIMMS W J A, contractor and builder, 21 St. Ward Toms James, lock and gunsmith, 2d South Treseder R D, tailor, Commercial Tripp R B, lawyer. Main Tuckfield Thomas, boiler works. South Temple TuUedge & Crandall, book publishers, Wasatch building TuUidge & Co, painters, 209 Main TJNDERHILL S E, Secretary Impe- rial M & S Co, 2d South nr White House U S Land Office, Moses M Bane receiver, Main UTAH CENTRAL R R, John Shaup president and superintendent, depot 3. CD 3 p> CD 3 O CD a CD CD ■n 3 o Si i CO o 3: Hi .!. Vi V *■ ,* GEO. C. THAXTER, ^'^SSfl a^/eTAe^ttr'' Carson City, Nev. WHO'S YOUR TA:L0R ? ''!»„'fr.!?'Ji«^.«.\MSl%?.CTJIlff- 1 '■ :i. ,1 CQ o » (0 IB $ (0 c •s c O 2 SI c « 15 U h < X H o U a 56 Utah— Salt Lake City. AbPIIADKTICALLT. Utah Southern R E, John Sharj) presi- dent and superintendent, depot UTAH WESTERN RAILWAY Utah Forwarding Co, 1st South VALLEY HOUSE, Andrew C Brixon proprietor, opp Temple and Taber- nacle Van Zile & Beatty, attorneys, 1H2 Main VARNES J A, Western Meat Murket, l^d South WAGENER HENRY, liquors and proprietor Ci.liforniiv Browery, '2d South WAHLSTROM J, shoemaker, 60 Ist South Waldron 11 S, gents' furnishing goods, 4ti Main WALKER BROS, general merchandise and banker, cor Main and 2d South Walker C'has, waiionmaker, 1st East WALKER HOUSE, CiS Erb proprie- tor. Main Wallin & Pickard, saddlery, hardware, etc, 2d South Ward A, optician, 2d South WARNOCK R, wagons and ag'l impts, northeast cor Ist South and 1st East WATSON BROS, builders, South Temple Watters I, broker, cor Main and 1st South Wells Mrs E, editress "Woman's Ex- [tonent, " Main and Soutli Temple Wells, Fargo & Co, bankers, J E Droly manager, 105 Main WESLEY J E, herbal physician, 2d South and Ist East W U Tel Co, John Henderson manager, 03 Main Woiton James, butcher, south side 2d nth V c & Ward, liquors, 177 Main ocler A D, laud agency, Mr.in HITE & SONS, Pembroke meat market, 123i) 1st South WHITE I, physician, 120 Main WHITEfflEAD & GRAY, Favorite Saloon, 04 1st South Whittaker Henry, shoemaker, Templo Whittemore B F, hotel and groceries, South Temple and 3d West WICKEL & SON, livery and feed stable, Commercial Wiggins Edw W, notary public and mining enginee; , 2d South Wilcken C H, watermaster. City Hall WILDER E B, "lining and topograph- ical engineer and if S mineral sur- veyor, 141 Main Wilkinson Mrs W B, millinery 1232 lat South Williams & Young, attorneys, 37 and 39 Main Winder Jno K, city assessor, City Hall Wizburg L, groceries, 185 Main WO LEE, laundry, next door to Over- land House "WOMAN'S EXPONENT," Mrs E Welles editress, Main and South Tem- ple WOODS W W, attorney ut law, south side 2d South, bet Main tind Ist East WOOLF ISAAC, clothing and furnish- in;? goods, 87 and 89 Main WRIGHT H, wines and liquors, 1C9 Main, also propr Lake Pomt Hotel WRIGHT & JACK, groceries, 142 Main Yeager & Milner, blacksmiths, Ist East Yearian W H, gents' furnishing goods, 122 Main Young H S, sec U S R R, depot Young & Marks, 20 and 28 Main YOUNGBERG & SCHADE, Scandi- navian Saloon, 2d South Z C M 1, H E Eldredcre manager, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 Main~ ZION'S SAVING BANK AND TRUST CO, John Taylor president, 53 Main MASON & SELLS, WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DIJALEKS IN T. AND G. FLOORING, Rustic Siding, Latli, Windows, Doors, Blinds aitd Mouldings. LUMBER SAWED AND DRESSED TO ORDER. Yard opp. Geo. Q. Caannn'a Residence. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "'■ SZJ^„'>SS'iJSSSr' -I m m 39 m p S o (/) CD to -3 ^^ CD "» W -*• o o e 3 CD* S o' 3 (D (A C0 WM PPIIMnPR*Q Oregon Blood Pnriner la the Reaiedy ftr a TorpM ffin* rrUllUCnO Mvo** nM» » c o E 75 CO . c c n O ■ o o < 0. I- I- o 68 Utah — Salt Lake City. ALPIIABBTICALLT. CUNNINCTON ^ CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple I Fancy Groceries CUNNINCTON « CO. Wholesale and Betail Dealers in IRON, STEEL, BELLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, PICKS, SHOVELS, AXES, POWDER, FUSE, And a full line of BUILDERS' AND MINERS' HARDWARE, Rubber Belting, Hose and Fixtures, Carpenters' and Blacksmiths* Tools. We are agents for Giant Powder, Crescent Steel, and the Improved Ho'we Scales. CUNNINGTON & CO., Salt Lake City, Utah. HAYNE8&SON, MANUFACTURERS OF s o X Xj s ze s Lard and Oil Tanks, Coolers, Eettles, Fans, Etc. IShop and Residence. South Temple, between First and Second West Stipets, one and a hair Blocks East of Depot, SALT LAKE CITY. P. O. Box 626. t^ All work guaranteed. We refer with pleasure to any work done by us. _ OS^F. M, BISHOPj'SD e^- ^ Three Doors North of Salt Lake House, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Orders from a distance will receive prompt and careful Attention. Analylitioal work a specialty. Sulphides and Bullion melted. All Charges Reasonable and Work Guaranteed. 00 e o CO p 3 c/> o CD CD -1 CD P CD o TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. rt, •. V. ^ i o o CO 0} -< o. o o bl a. 30 » ies -< e c ^ H 3 ^d ^B o 30 1 oe •o ■ • < H • •8 FUSE, ■ e <> H (d PT ■ • ■• t. 1 (1) ARE, E tha' Tools. c/> 1 x: 1 O I UJ (0 ^1 • ■ ^ 1 Scales. P 1 /•A- r, Utah. ^^H ■ i ^^H tt 1 1 ''t i .1! =5, S I H Fans, Etc. ^ ■ ^1 S between jc H le and a CD ■ » H 111 . CITY. 1 UJ ■ -J ne by U8. mi ^^H o ?? 1 (0 M Ui z CD* 1 (0 n H CO UTAH. *< H o H u. ion. e ■ iiUion melted. teed. ^^M < H. WACHH0R8T. importer of je'^gfo.TSffly.;*.. 315 JSt, Sac. Utah — Salt Lake City. 69 ALPHABniCALI.T. IDAHO STOKE, Deal in and Manufacture Fine, Coarse, and Milling Salt, Large Quantities constantly on hand. COMMISSION MERCHANT Dealer and Jobber in DRIED FRUITS, etc. $ m 3 Hematite Iron Ores for Fluxing, located Tintic Mining Distript, and shipped by rail from Santa Quin. Cor. First East and Sscond South Streets, one block South of Theatre. GENERAL AGENT Branson New IMPROVED KNITTER Price 822. Knit 30 to 60 pairs socks per day. Send for Circular. You can learn to knit in one hour. JOHN WM. SNELL, Box 519, Salt Lalie City UtaK. C. M. PEIRCE, O S o m Boots aiil Stationery I School Suilies Main Street, first Door South of White House, SALT LAKE CITY. Arrangements have been made in New York for the procuring of AN!Y BOOK WHEREVER PUBLISHED, Or any article in the Stationery line that may be desired that we may not have on hand. 0> 3. CD S3. (D SEND US TOUR ORDER. SAM. ARCTIC SODA at ThaxteKs Drug StOi*e, Carson City. Ney. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 5< A 7. 1.0 I.I 1^ !!; lit <« 12.0 1.8 L25 iu 1^ V ^ c^^" A.'^ , ^^\%>..^ ^*>' HiotDgraphic Sciences Corporation 33 WES/ MAIN STRUT WiMTW.N.Y. U5«0 (716) •73-4503 '^ ■^ "(b^ L •< CO S > o o o 3 C o ^ , O o o V o 3 a Meals at all Hours, 20 cts. Beds, 26 and 00 cts. Board and Lodging, $6.00 per Week. CORNER COMMERCIAL ST. AND FIRST SOUTH, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 0) JELLY, THE JEWELER, %:k%' Am. Watches from Factory. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ""^It^lTl'iSSffTiViJSS^^^^: IB ^ il *^ St., M 1 i ' U^^tt ^H 1 ^ im i in f ■A V m V( C C o o o o z s < 62 Utah — SoUt Lake City. AIiPHABITlOALLT. VALLEY HOUSE, Opposite Tenple and Tabemaole, Salt Lake City, - - Utah. ANDREW C. BRIXEN, Proprietor. The House has undergone a complete change, both in its management and renovation. The present proprietor begs leave to inform the publio>that the best accommodation can be had at this House for the price that can be obtained any- where in the city. Patronage solicited and satisfaction guaranteed to guests. • RATES: $1.50 to $2 per Bay, and $8 to $10 •per Week, according to Room. EST-A-SLISOEIEnD 1857. HISNRir DINIKrOODZSlTp Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in All Einds of Furniture, Wall Paper, Baliy CarriaEes, 1,121 E it 1244 MMSimi,- MLakiCity. ■0 c z o H o O » o 3 H £. o o o « 3 3 a O ■ PI P? n o e (fi 9 « r TRY DR. GUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. E, H. WACHHORSt, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sa& tah ^ z o ^ H ftf H ^ r >» H -< s « i« 's g 1 0. O o gement and hat the bert I 00 btainedany- \? igueata. to $10 o 3 O O o a o 3 mre^ i o "9 Carriap, 13? Utahr-Salt Lake City. ALPRABR10At.I>T. 63 I POFUMB IMC STOBl. O £ O e MB o E E o o c e a !E « e « E B e The cheapest and best house in Utah for Tiollns, Ottitars, Accordeons, Banjoes, Flutes, And all kinds of Musical Instruments. MUSIC BOOKS. SHEET MUSIC. FOLIOS. PIANO STOOLS. BRASS INSTRUMENTS. AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSICAL LINE. Oeneml Aseney fl»r "KM ABB." •• ABIOM » and HABDMAIV PIAM08. "GBO. WOODIi," "BVBDKTT," and other Flrat CIms OBOABTS. UT Orders by mail promptly attended to. ~et GEORGE GARELE88, FIRST SOUTH STREET, - - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. MORRIS i& EVANS, I=». O. box: 1065, SALT LAES CITT, T7TAB. i r- m u (S u H -i r (0 u z w p (0 lo IS k Brave I Momiental Masons, FIRE BRICK — AND - Ha$t$r of Ms Manufacturors. OIPi-^IOE, IS ILJIaizi Stxeet. m 9: C9 e f KING. GEO. C. THAXTER. Druggist & Seedsman, Carson City. Nev. At ; f:ii'' A FINE STOCK *^fflgffUrw^gt>5SSSg»ttere'^^^ •H 64 Utah — Salt Lake City. AI.rHABBrCALI>T. THOMAS CARTER,. 1S7 MAIM STREET. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, — DXALBR IM — Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, I (P. r t f I d «1 CUTLERY, FISHING TACKLE, BILLIARD IMPLEMENTS. CARDS AND SPOBTINQ GOODS GENERALLY. IS" Also, a fine line of PLUG AND SMOKING TOBACCO. The lanrest stoek of CIGARS and CIGARETTES In the City. PIPES and Smolcera' Articles of every description When Yon are In the City xlve Me a (Tall. JL. ^^le/j^isTTZiLiisr's EMBROIDERY OR WITH FUR. r^3-ALS0, DEALER IN,=^-> GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CANDIES, 36 1st South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. All Orders promptly attended to. AUCTION, STORAGE I COMMISSION. Liberal Advance on Consignments. 121 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. W. H. H. BO^VERS, Mechanical & Contracting Engineer. Sole Agent for Pacific Coast, for Griffith ^ Wedge, Zanesville, OhiOf Manofactarers of Quartz Blillit, Pans, Settlers, Hoisting and Pumping Engines, Bowers' Air Com- pressors, Power Drills, Steam Pumps. Etc. PKns and Specifications Furnished for all Sizes of Quartz and Pan Hills, on Short Notloe. ritlslkaB CITT*. -< .o m m ao CO "^ p a «y o (0 ■ 00 o 3" O O 0) o o 3 §. o' 3 e» 5 0) ■0 o » 3 a. e ■» (0 (a o 3 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "'^•JieeKp.^TiSr.i^iSJK'''" mf UPPWH" pp" mmmm WMt PFUNDER ^?^*'^*^^' .^■^<'"*5: .^'s^^L'* <%{*i!i> "*i*.i!iv^*'*' •' the celokraM OrcRoa BIm4 Parlfler. Hm WmMlernii Power. Hi Utah — SaU Lake City-Santaquin. 65 ALPHABBnOALItT. A. ANDERSON, No. 53 Commercial St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Dealer In and Manufacturer of Fancy Salt Lake Gloves, Fur Robes, AND Eluckskin Suits, Etc. DAN. HUTCHINSON'S CARRIAGE SHOPS Commerdal Si, Salt Lake Citj. Wagon and Carriage Work of every description. Mininer Cars, with improved Dumping Apparatus. Blacksmitbing oi all kinds. y^ _ Carriage Patntlnc and Trimming. Call and examine WILL'S PATENT SINGLE CENTER SPRING, the BesI; and Easiest Riding Spring manufactured. iLBOLPH HAUERBACE, Practical Watchmaker. Watches & Clocks Repaired & Cleanel anil warranteilfor One Year. No. 20 COMMERCIAL STREET, SA.LT LA.KE CITY, UT^AH. Sandy, 8ALT LAKE COUNTY. Decker Chas, £:aiIroad House Harrison Isaac, postmaster and justice of the peace Hatch Samuel T, hotel and restaurant Holm an E, dry goods and groceries Judd C D, wi les and liquors Marriott Thomas E, blacksmith and wagon shojts Marriott Oeo, news dealer and fancy goods McGrath J H, saloon Mingo Furnace Co, R H Terhune mana- ger Osterman James, boots and shoes, dry Soods and groceries midt C J, drugs and medicines Schmidt Christina, doctor and midwife Schuler Jos, S&ndy brewery and saloon White A, harnessmaker Santaquin, UTAH COUNTY. Anderson A, tin and coppersmith Bamett W W, postmaster 1 ft I p. b) \ JELLY, THE JEWELER. Best Assortment in Sacramentr Wi Wi MONTAGUE v CO.f imnum, no. luTfunK mhi ii» BMuty y.^y c p if IB s s IL c c :i O 6 o 66 Utah — Seipio-Smithfidd. ALr0ABITIOALIiT. Blizt P J, harneasmaker Dubois C L, blaokamith Echlard A, shoemaker Ho(^e Jacob, blacksmith Holhday Geo & Co, gristmill Johnson C £, shoemaker Johnson L A, painter Swenson A, shoemaker Olsen C L, jKen mdsa Openshaw £, sup't Co-operative Store Alter L E, forwarding agent Samuelson C, photographer Saulsberg Wm, blacksmith Saulsbery F J, liquors Vanausdal J 6, shoemaker Wettelin F 0, tin and coppersmith Scipio, MILLARD COUNTY. Caldwell F, contractor and builder Croft Jacob, miller Groning J, carpenter Jacobson Jno, shoemaker McArthur Henry, carpenter Memm ot Th os, n otary public . MEMMOT WM, postmajter and drug- gist Miller Jacob, carpenter Pesterson C N, carpenter Philips Thos, shoemaker Player Jos, blacksmith Probert Wm & Co, gen mdse Quarenburge Jno, shoemaker Scipio Co-operative, gen mdse Stone Jos, blacksmith Sorrenson P C, miller < Q. Q Z P o Silver City, JUAB COUNTY, Is about 100 miles south of Salt Lake City, and a few miles west of the Utah Southern railroad, in the Big Cottouj wood mining district, whose yields of precious ores are fast gaining for it a wide-spread reputation. Blanchard C H Jr, postmaster Cushman M G, dry goods and groceries Oaks John, dry goocfs and groceries Wilkinson Morris, dry goods and gro- ceries Silver Reef, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Barbee ft Van Hagan, propra Mill and Mining Co Bemis J G, sup't Stormont Mill and Mining Co Csssidy Jno H, saloon Cochina M, liquors Cooper T I), physician Crane E M, sup't Leeds Mining Co Cronin J, assayer Donnovan M, restaurant Dougherty Kate, restaurant Fordonsky Isaac, liquors Grambs Mrs, restaurant Greenbaum S, gen mdse Hanrahan Mrs K, restaurant Harrison P, hotel Heitzelman & Poujade, gen mdse Hickox J D, liquors Huston & West, gen mdse Johnson J E, gen mdse Krause Hermann, postmaster Liddle Bros & Co, gen mdse Lubbach H L, sup't Christy Mill »nd Mining Co Lusk & Gaimer, butchers Malhoney Mrs, millinery Miller Geo, liquors Neibling & Fox, brewery Parker A M, surveyor Phillips K, justice of the peace Pike E, editor "Miner" Rafferty Wm, liquors Rice John H, cashier Wells, Farso k Co'sBank Siegel & Marks, gen mdse "SILVEB BEEF MINEB" E Pike, editor Sultan Julius, gen mdse Turrill J A, goii uuUe Tyson A, liquors Wagner J, druggist Welty P, brewery Westover Chas, butcher Winquest A, tailor Wolf & Jordan, gen mdse Slaterville, WEBER COUNTY. Bowne Henry, justice of the peace Holly H, gen mdse and postuiister Payne Geo, constable Smithfield, CACHE COUNTY. CANTWELL J S. postmaster Co-operative Saw Mill, lumber Co-operative Store, gen mdse Douglass Wm, gen mdse Hillyard Thos, pres Smithfield erative Saw Mill Mack James, flouring mills Meikle Robert, pres Smithfield erative Store Richardson Thos, gen mdse Co-op. Co-op- TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.BIumaU3r&Co., ':^>•sf•«s^ CO o a o 3 ta. o o 0) (D CD o c (A p ■fiP^W^^pWf ^|(»*wr-v«»iT?"i«i»TO'-W5 i|1wm4 I., t. r. Co Be t Mill uid se Fargo & " E Pike, •s s • 3 O •a (B IS peace r.i8ter ca » O e CD ster ler 0) i7 i i ield Co-op- O ield Co-op- 5 .lUIT«tt. u. CO I C0 s« eS R (0 o z < o Q Z O o UJ (0 H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches. 3tS J 8treet/8ac Utah — SnowviUe-Stockton. ALniAnrirA'jbT. 67 Roskelly Samuel, pree U O Tanners Sharp Francis, seo U O T United Order of Tanners and Black- ■miths Sktowyille, BOX ELDER OIMUITY. Davidson C H, physician Dille D B, physician ' Eynon Jno, carpenter Goodliffe Arnold, gen mdse Jensen H P, blacksmith Ostertout John, justice of the peace South Cottonwood, SALT LAKE COUNTY. Atwood Henry, brickmaker Atwood Wm, brickmaker Erekson Jonas, gen mdse Germania Smelting and Refining Works, F W Billing manager Howe Richard, sup't Co-operative M I Loventhal S M, brick and wagonmaker McMillian Wm, groceries and liquors Miller R & Son, flouring mills Warenski E C, postmaster and gen mdse Williams Jno G, blacksmith South Jordan, SALT LAKE COUNTY. Beckstead Henry B, postmaster and gen mdse Spanish Fork, UTAH COUNTY. Co-operative Store, gen mdse, harness, boots and shoes Jones Wm R, music, stationery, etc MOORE JOHN, postmaster Bockhill John, gen mdse Warren W J, gen mdse Spring. City, SAN PETE COUNTY. Black I M, boots and shoes Brough G, postmaster and book agent Brough Jonas, sawmill Crawford C, brodm manufacturer Downard G, painter Dngall tc, Co, sawmill EUiB J T, carpenter Fairbrass T, tannery Ford Wm, blacksmith Frautzen I, secretary Z M I Jensen R, boots and shoes • Miller J, blacksmith '1* Neilsen J, blacksmith Neilsen N P, gen mdse Puzey H W, wagonmaker Rasmusen Jas L, boots and shoes Rasmussen P, locksmith Rhode C H, watchmaker Spring Lake, UTAH COUNTY. Johnson B F & Sons, fruit, gen mdse and lumbat JOHNSON JAKES F, postmaster LeBaron D T & Son«kpoultry Openshau S, justice of t^ peace Willson Geo T, carpenter • B. F. JOHNSON & SONS, TJ. O. GARDENING, FRUIT PACKING, DEALING IN * Merchandise, Lumber, Nursery Stock, Garden Seeds, &c., SPRING LAKE, Utah County, UTAH. " Springville, VTAII COUNTY. Allen C, gen mdse Bissell J W, sup't Co-operative Store, gen mdse Coil E, gen mdse Crandall D L, notary public Crandall M P, hotel Groesbeck Bros, gen mdae Jackson & Stewart, gen mdse Packard Bros & Co, gen mdse Wing J S, physician Wing S A, physician Wood L S, hotel Stockton, TOOELE COUNTY, Was founded by General P. £. Connor, ia 1864, and bears the honor of being the first "Gentile " town ii) the Territo- ry. The works of the Great Basin Min- ing and Smelting Company are located here, and under the efficient manage- S •J s eft 1 as CD O CO 3: I o 6E0. C. THAXTIR, DRUGGIST, CARSON 6lT«i;MiirMl4 WHO'S YOlW TAILOR ? ''^SJIit!i*U&X:'»l!^aSr^Tif^tr 9 I E s 1 Id h < 6 u 68 tTtoA — Suvfvmit-Uintah. • ALrHABiriOAlLT. ment of General Connor. They have become quite A source of revenue to the Territory.* The place depends wholly upon the mining interests for its sup- post, and has a population of about 600 people. There are two other com- panies, the Waterman and Chicaso, that are extensively engaged at this Jtlace in smelting the ores which come rom the adjacent mines. It is on the Utah Western Bailway, about 40 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Ayres Geo B, srielting Ball H, meat market Benites L, gen mdse and hotel Brown T D, gen mdse Brown T D & Son, groceries Ch icago Sm elting Co OONNEB P E, manager Great Basin MAS Co Decourcey James, hotel Great Basin M & S Co, Gen P E Conner manager Lawrence John, liquors Neder Phil, blacksmith and wagonmaker Plum J D, druggist and postmaster Sherman £ S, blacksmith and wagon maker Ward D R, i bummity , IRON COUNTY. Dalley Wm, clergyman Hulet S C, me rchant OBTON WM 0, postmaster tico of peace Orton Caleb, professor of music Stoker M, wines and liquors White Wm, merchant, dry goods, groc eries, etc and JUS' Taylorsville, SALT LAKE COUNTY. Gerber John T, physician, machinist and gunsmith Trane A, cai'penter Webster John, postmaster Webster John & Son, blacksmiths Wiight Mrs C, gen mdse Terrace, BOX ELDER COUNTY. Clevis S H, general merchandise postmaster - Clark John, hotel and butcher Cunningham John, gen m<^ and Tooele City^ TOOELE COUNTY. Atkins Geo, sup't Tooele Co-operative Store B reanno Mo ses, saloon DTJNTOir NEWTOV, general mer- chandise and postmaster Go wans H S, probate judge Herman Charles, shoemaker Judd Riley, assessor and collector Lee S F & Son, blacksmiths and wagon- makers Linburge Johanas, shoemaker Lyman F M, county clerk and recorder Pickett John, sheriff Roberry W, blacksmith Slater & Herman, gen mdse Tooele Co-operative Store, gen mdse Tooele Co-operative Boot and Shoe Store, boots and shoes NEWTON DUNYON, DEALEU IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Faints, Oils, Druggets' Orossxies, Notions, Patent Medicines, TOOELE CITY, UTAH. Toquerville, KANE COUNTY. Bringhurst W A, gen mdse Dykes W L, notary public Hammond W W, general agent and deal- er in produce Hiller W N, stock dealer Nebeker A, sup't Co-operative Store Slack M, gen mdse Spilsbury C, gen mdse Uintah, WEBER COUNTY. Cleveland W K, agent U P R R and ex- press Corey Bros, gen mdse and shippers of produce DE LA BATIME CHAS, general mer- chandise, shipper of v^|;etable8, fruits, produce, and postmaster Dye Samuel, oommiuion merob^nt O 3(1 -< O m > r- m ao c/> p» (D a. CD O e o" 3 CD m o 3 ca o PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEfiE. »-5SJ5a/ffiWSl5Sr 'mm ^m*m>Mm:!^-'- ' ''■•'•■• f' ' ■' ; J "ii HJWTT'^'!?^'' ■'' ' '"*;;,»•„ Pt, •» *. VVkh, _ M^ESNeift^Ji^^^^^ ^ perative kl mer- er i wagon- O 33 -< m m c/> p recorder o oadse boe Store, (D [ON, lERIES, p:3ries, :ine8, TAH. 'J at and deal- e Store IR and ex- ■hippers of ^neral mer- ables, fruits, pch^nt Bdnrsus o (A P O e 3 a o s o 3. p CD (a e 3 !l5 lis i ^ Utah — Union-West Jordan. 'ALPnABinOALLT. 69 OHAS. DE LA BAUME, DMklvrln GENERAL MERCHANDISE And Shlppmr of Vegetables, Fruits, Grain, Flour, Eggs, Butter, Poultry, &c. CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY. Uintah, Weber County, Utah. All orders promptlj attended to. Union, SALT LAKB OOUNTT. Brady M H, constable Nowleens C, blacksmith 0B8TAD E, postmaster Richards Silas, justice of peace Smith Wm P, physician Tanner Alva A, news agent Lee M T, physician Nixon Stephen, gen mdia Nixon T S, carpenter P endleto n J, blacksmith SETHOLDiS WM, general merohandise and postmaster Rogers Chas, physician Wanship Co-operative Mercantile Luti- tution, gen mdse Young E R, gen mdse and flooring mill Young Robert, saloon Washington City, WASHINGTON C»UNTT. Chidester J M, gen mdse Clark T, gen mdse Nielsen Peter, gen mdse Rio Virgin Manufacturing Co, cloths, etc Vernon, TOOELE OOUNTT. tfWATtP JOHN, postmaster Virgin City, KANE COUNTY. Barker John, merchant Bebee L W, blacksmith Buroh C, gen mdse Hint on John N, carpenter J EPSON JAMES, miller and postmaster Owens H B, mason Spendlove John, shoemaker Sprague Edwin, school teacher Wallsburgh, WASATCH COUNTY. Boren W J, shingle maker Casup R E, ageut Co-operative Store Herbert & Coo'x, lime kiln . Kerby T, paii^ter Moore O, furniture Nuttall — , postmaster and sawmill Weber Station. (See Morgan City.) Wellsville, CACHE COUNTY. Baxter Robert, boots and shoes Brown Jos, plasterer Co-operative Lumber Co, lumber Darly W F, furniture and sewing ma- chines, and postmaster Deakin Wm, painter Duncan Alex, boots and shoes Haslam .las H, blacksmith Haslam & Stoddard, wool carders Hendry John, sup't Co-operative Store Hill Daniel, flouring mills Hantaman Wm, wagonmaker Lloyd Thos, harness maker Stewart James, blacksmith Walters Wm L, carpenter Williamson & Nelson, flouring mills Wanship, SUMMIT COUNTY. Gannon E O, physician Forbea M T, blaoksmith Fnuder M, hotel West Jordan, SALT LAKE COUNTY. Bateman Sam'l, constable Chlrstoffersean H, boot and shoemaker Cooper Bros, flour mill and merchants Cooper F A, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, etc, and post- master Cutler B L, gen mdse and juittice of the peace Dnggs Ben W, snp't Z C M I; sup't of West Jordan Woolen Mills, manufac- turers of fine cashojiere cloths, jeans, etc, etc '•9 o > e H X m IS ? JELLY. THE JEWELER. Best Assortment in Sacramento. w. w. MOMrAGUE A CO., ^fflif LViaitefeiBft«vy c o CO c .e S 8 O S o < a. > o 70 Utahr—WiUa/rd-Woods Crow. AbPHABSnOALLT. 0«rdener ft Sona, flour mills Olover James, blacksmith Ooff H k Co, gen mdse Hijl A, saloon Hafltaian Robert, boarding-house Jenkins W J, blacksmith Old Telesraph Smelters Rndd S, Dutoher' Sullivan C, saloon Z M I, B W Driggs, sup't, gen mdse Willard, BOX ELDER COUNTY. Barker John N, liquors, cigars and to- bacco Bndae Thomas, groceries Call cros, flouring mills Co-operative Store, gen mdse Dalton M W, hotel and lumber Balton M W & Sons, sawmill Dav^es Titus, shoemaker Edwards John L, meat market Jones Benj, shoemaker Lowe Jno, blacksmith Marsh Oeo J, attorney Miller Jno H, cabinet-maker MUBKAY JAMES 0, postmaster Wood Chas, carpenter Wood Jno P, carpenter Zundell Abraham, blacksmith Winsor, DAVIS OOUNTT. Alcroft — , gen.mdse Hales S, stonecutter Hartley C, stonecutter Johnson J, blacksmith King B W, blacksmith Lamb J, carpenter Lewis J, coal McNeil J, carpenter Muir W 8, carpenter Pearson C H, merchandise F'mpton H, blacksmith Beynolds B, carpenter Thurgood Wm, sup't Co-operative Store Woodruff, RICH COUNTY. Eastman, Sessions & Co, gen mdse and stock raisers Woods Cross, DAVIS COUNTY. Argyle Joseph, tinner Johnson John, blacksmith Muir W S Jr, carpenter Muir W S, horseradish bottled, cigars and postmaster Pearson C E, gen mdse FACmC PRESS FRINTINI} AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, 3 < O CO CO esi I ? z § s» *< O M 'I Book and Job Printing, Eloetrotyping, Stereotyping, Engraving, Book Binding, etc. THI3 DIRECTOHY PRINTED AT THIS OFFICE. Address Psellle Press, Oafclsnd, Oal., or 199 Kearny lit„.(taa P'Muielseo. tti o o o S C9 o P r- p sr <9 «9^TftY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. f^wp^ppp^^^CTP 'Wfm Tf^ »» oi bive Store mdM Mid », led, cigars o S 5 *< O CD 'I linding, »te. !*rftnel«co. CD n P r CD o a: I h n 12 £ a er I (0 o z < JO >- < oe ». WACHMOWSTJmpoilM'Of jjiayrjgffla^^ 31gJ8t, Sae. ▲OB {/toft. ATT 71 UTAH. (oLAsaiFieo.) 8m tlw, Lilt «f TowBi Baotind toe Late for Segnlar Intertifls* AGENTS. (See Insurance Agents, Railroad Agents, Real Estate Agents, and Telegrap>i Agents.) AGRICULTl IMPLEMENTS. (See also Hardware, also Wagons. ) Conlton C E, Ferris E R, Tucker A, Vance Geo, Oibbs P F, Holt Samuel L, Sebree, Ferris & Holt, Goodwin Bros, Bybee R L, Burton WWi Co, Orth Chas, Sebee, Frris & Holt, Stevens Sidney, Hammond M D, Clawson H B, Johnson A J, Lowe Geo A, Lowell John W & Co, MATTISOK L B, Moore, AUenswortn & Co, Sebree Howard, WAKNOGKR, Ashley Corinne Fairview II Fillmore Kelton II Logan Manti Ogden Providence Salt Lake II II II II II ATTORNEYS AT LAW. fJSBlBTESSBS A, Brigham Citv L'randon Thos J, Centenrille Johnson E P, Corinne W estwood K W, Fairview Gyles Joi S, Holden King Tlios E, Kingston Evans David Jr, Lehi Thurmcn S R, " Johnson M, Monroe Francis Samuel, Morgan City Zabriskie Wm, Mount J " BABEATT FERCr7AL J, FELSHAW B W, Higbee & Smith, MASOART H W 0. mCHABDS & Wlt!LIAMS, Tanner Nathan Jr, THOMAS E A, Snyder W J, Park City Street J S, " Waddell R A Dana D S, Baile y J A , BABiNTJM EM, leasant Ogden II II II II II II APOTHECARIES. (See Druggists.) ARCHITECTS. Penney Wm, Monheim H, Taylor Obed, Pyman Seth, Kanosh Salt Lake St George ARTISTS. (See Photographers.) ASSAYERS. Wood Harry, Smeaton S, nSHOP FM, iraioEswA, MoVIGKEB J. BHODES A W, Cronih J, Bennet t & H arkness, BnU) WMH, Blandin Chas F, Brown Arthur, Dilley ft Pearson, Dunne E F, Gee W W, OELgHBIST ft SF&AGU], Goldthwaite ft Maxwell, Hoge E D, Huey C P, Humphreys F J, KAIOn^ M M, Kelsey ft Sons, Lewis S H, LOMAX J D. Longstreet S F, Loth Bernard, LOWE JAMES, MABSHAIL ^ BOTI£, Provo City Salt Lake II If Bingham Canyon Leeds Salt Lake II McBride T A, MoKin0HT JAMES, PRATT HARMEL, Rosbor 1^ ft Merrett, Sheekti Jt Rawlins, Snow Zera Jr, s yow z sR, STrrH^LAND ft MelRIDE, SUver Reef i TAYLOR A B, II II II II u 11 « If II If II 11 l< ' («: If 11 If f< s m o m m J" m I lAM. GEO. G. THAXTER, DIIUGGIST, CARSON CITY, NEVADA. ■';lh > tti I- 5 < o ■> III K O CLEANING AND REPAIR ING '^gAt Sggi*Bg'S &!f I ' I ■ — I ■ ' ' 72 ATT lAia/i. BLA Utah, CLAMirilD. CO h I- < S i TILFOBD & HAOAN Salt Lake Tripp R B, Van Zileft Beatty, " WUliams & Young, WOODS W W, Gee L, Tooele City Qowans H S, Hamberton F I, Marsh Geo J, , Willard AUCTIONEERS. BEED H A, Salt Lake BAKERIES. BESFONY ISIDORE, French bak- ery, Ogden Field Jesae, " Bennett C Wj St George ABNOLD HENBT, Salt Lake Gardiner fiubt, " Hill Wm, Huster & Gebhardt, *' Lange C, .. Tavey Joseph, " BANKS AND BANKERS. ODTHaiE J W, Frisco Banking Co, DOOLT J E & CO. HABKNESS&OO, Deseret Bank, Salt Lake TQWva TV " LONDON bANE of UTAH, An- thouy Godbe, manager " MoCOBMICK &00, " WALKER BBOS, Wells, Fargo & Co, J E Dooley, agt " ZION'S SAVINOSBANk & TBVST CO " Wells, Fargu ft'Co'sBank, J HHice, caohier, Silver Beef BASKET MAKERS. Goddard E, Plain City BATHS. SLATER R H, propr Hot Springs, Ogden Rnsae:i Elizabeth, St Johns Marier Bros, Salt Lake RBESE JOHN, vapor and medi- cated, " BLACKSMITHS. (See also blacksmiths and wagon makers) Enens John S, AdamsVille Evans J T, " Crooks J, American Fork Corinne Frisco Ogden Smith W, Bentley C, Holmgren P O, McDonald R D, Mortenseu L, Butler N, Corey Wm, Palmer Richard, Urie James, Baird James, Malmberg J P, Yates H, Gentry Samuel, Peterson Greo N, Stewart Simsou, Thurmond J T, Boberg Niels, Smith L, Jensen N P, Jensen H H, Jensen Jorgen 0, CroiF John, Hjort N r, Ludwickson Niels, McGuire T J, Norstrom John, Eari J, Bishop W, Jackson J, Boatright W, McKay D, Nordford A, Borup C, Nable P, White J W, Anderson J, Bolinda J, Bolinder & Olsen, Olson C W, Swalberg A, Rawson D B, Johnson Jas F, Peney R C, Teeples'S, Fraudaen Jens, Pepper Wm, Lambert J G, Pack W E, Pollock S, Alder Alfred. Barnes A E, Thomas David, Vance Bros, Jensen Carl, Ashley Bear River City Bingham Canyon Brigham City ButlerVille Cedar City Centerville Clarksville << Coalville « Diamond « Draper << Eden Ephraim t< Eureka City Fairview Farmiugton Fillmore « Frisco i< Glenwood Ctoshen Grantsville Gunnison Harrisville Hillsdale . «« Holden Huntsville Juab Kamaa t< Kanarraville Kaysville Kelton Kingston Leeds Levan United Order Manufacturing Co, Logan Dangard P, Manti Olsen H, Midway Clayton R, Minersville CroflF B L, Allen J W, Monroe Bowman J W, " Woods Geo, " Murphy G M, . MoigMn City Tonka Wm, " m m m m 30 -< rr m ■n as m S o ai; m r ft 00 e 3. ST a a. O I o ? PACIKIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. •rthe coMt, am rwi m,.s.1 WM. PFUNDEB'8 ?gS!?a?SI5^ r TwwtaMit fwiwM. mnM ■»w4f tii art^M. BLA OLAMVBD. BOO 73 Cook ft Marley, Moroni Nielsen P, «( Hughes J, Ne^hi Fextoa J, Pitt J, <( Wolsey E, New Harmony Rose Kafe, North Ojden Vanderhoof J, II Overson — , Oak City Fowler B, Ogden FEABCEWM, II Shape James, II Norton A W, Pantaquitch Jackson H C, Paradise Davis D D, Paragoonab Co-operatiTO Manofacturing Co, Parowan Folkman C Plain City Christinsen Niela P, Pleasant Grove II Providence Richfield II St. Qeorge Salt Lake II Jensen Jens C, Long John, iSiemsen Heniy, Themer F, Christensen L P, Monson S R, Adams S L, McQuirrir Hector, Pendlenton B F, Cottle & Rundquist, Naylor Bros, PECK BROS, Pendleton A J, SPEIBS BROS, Walquist & Puzey, Yeager & Milner, Dubois C L, Hodge Jacob, Sanberg Wm, United Order of Tanners and Black- smiths, Smithfield Jensen H P Snowville Williams Jno G, South Cottonwood Santaqnin f m w FordWm, MiUer J, Neilsan J, Webster Jno & Son, LeeF, Roberry Wm, Nowleens C, BebeeL W, Forbes M T, Pendleton J, Haslam James H, Stewart James, Glover James, Jenkins W J, Lowe J, Lowe Jno, Zundell Abraham, Johnsoi; T, King B W, Rampton H, Johnson Jno, Woods Cross BLACKSMITHS AND WAGON- MAKERS. (See also Blacksmiths; makers.) Cottle George, Retallack C, Douglass G B, Farley W, Hoflinan & Co, Falkman C 0, Marriott Thos E, Mcintosh Wm, Lee S F & Son, also Wagon* Hooper Leeds Ogden II Payson Plain City Sandy St. John Tooele City BOARDING HOUSES. Jewell Mrs J, Evans Mrs Ann, Hallander Jno, Hufiiuann R, Corinne Salt Lake li West Jordan BOOK BINDERIES. Fohlin E V, KELLETBBOS, Salt Lake II Spring City Taylorsvillc Tooele City IC Union Vircin City Wanship 11 WellsviUe 11 West Jordan It WUlard II «i Winsor II BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Spencer H W P, ZCML WALKER WALTER, Stewart W A, Leonard G B, Leonard W F, Riley W T. SHEPHERD 3 W, Hammond J T, Alexander Daniel, CHAMBERS JO, Turner G W, Brim Bj E, Keeler D T, MILLER H P. DEIGUTON FRED, DWTER JAMES. Raybold W F, Jones Wm R, Brough G, BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. Webb F, American Fork Robinson J C, Beaver City Brigham City Mercantile and Manu- facturing Association, Brigham Ci^ Prophet Richard, Centei-ville Tree Jno, Centervilla Sayer Thomas, Clarksville Horn N, Corinne Mnrphy Joseph, Diamond JacoDson R, Draper Corinne Fairview Farmington Inverary Kamas II Kelton Levan Logan Ogden i( II Park City II Richfield Salt Lake II II Spanish Fork Spring City 8 •1 P m p. b) t JELLY, THE JEWELER, has a full stock of Steriing Silver. ^W MONTAGUE ft CO '•• IM.'ll* imll tf IL ■ c S N (A f > o E « CO c c O ■ o o 0. 74 BOO Utah. BBB Thomas V, Draper Knighton J, Gnnniaon Viokory A, Holden Stewart Wm, Kayaville Born Wm, Minere Aug, Oibbs J L, Gilchrist R, Sonthwick E, Nielsen C C, Lawson O J, Thompson Wm, Braithwaite B, Andrasen O C, Lunp:qnist F, " Washburn A, " Co-operative Boot and Shoe Factory, Mount Pleasant Kingston Lehi « If Levan Logan II Manti Monroe New Harmony North Ogden Wanger C, Burton James, Spears Henry, Thomson Thomas, Thornton Thomas, Ashby Thos, Ogden Forbes HB, HITSS A, Neale J G, Taylor J M D, Tyrrell Joseph, Watkins E J, Weston S, Wootton T, Anderso*:! C G, Byrnes E, Christensen L W, Burr John, Jensen J C, Bullock J, Biggs C M, Nelson A, De San Jesr Frans, Barr en C, BSOWK FBEDEfilGK, Hooper W, Jensen C J, Johnson Augus tus, LEVIN MABinr, Lloyd John, Morgenson J, Pa yne J , PETERS ROBERT, (shoe last maker), RAWLIHOS J S, RISER OEO G, Byan Martin, SAVULE GEORGE, Sherwood C W, SHOLES R H, Slade G W, Smith T G M, SHELGROVE EDWARD (Pre- miam)^ WAHLSTROM J, Park City If Plain aty Pleasant Grove fi Providence Rockville St George St Johns Salt Lake Fairview Fillmore Franklin Glenwood Goshen Grantsville Heber City Whittaker Heniy, Salt Lake Echlard A, Santaqain Johnson C E, " Swenson A, " Jacobson Jno, Scipio Philips Thos, '^ QuarenburgA Jno, " Herman Cnas, Tooele City Linburge Johanas, " Spendlove Jno, Virgin City Cnlristoffersean H, West Jordan Davies Titus, Willard Jones Benj, " BOOTS AND SHOES. (See also bootmakers.) Alldridge Richard, Cedar City BayleyB, Hansen C K, Larsen Niels, Peterson J, Anderson L, Webster W L, Briggs G, Jergerson J, Wahlstrom J, Giles G, McMullen D, Co-operative Shoe Store (James Tucker, sup't), Morgan City Bjelkie C J, Mount Pleasant Spears Henry, North Ogden Wharton T, " WALKER BROTHERS, (Whole- sale), Ogden Z C M I, Co-operative Manuf Co, Parowan Clayson W, Payson Mitchell D, " Co-operative Boot Store, Providence Lutz Albert, Randolph Oberg John, Richfield AUERBACH F & BROTHER. Salt Lake DXJHFORD GEORGE, Sadler Wm, Solomon Bros, " Osterman James, Sandy Jacobson J, Scipio Quarenburge J, '* Black I M Spring City Jensen R, " Rasmusen Jas L, ' " Tooele Co-operative Shoe Store, Tooele City Baxter Robert, Wellsville Duncan Alex, " BREWERIES. Schmidt Peter, Durrant J, ^^^ BUTLERiPHIL, O oi -< o c: 30 H ao ♦< 09 B O o w o CD U1 P 3 09 O CD O B (0 (D p CD q Alta American Fork Butlerrille TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L^BIumauer&Co., 'Si^tSU: ipp"^i>Fppi9i9PnpiPp! ^ ^ ilffPiPliPPIRlipiiii 3«V^ 1 X 1 SaltTdtke ' 9 •< 1 Santaqain « ^5 ■ " ; 9 I t! ' JE Providence ^ s Randolph p Bichfield 5f a 3 OTHiaR, , Salt Lake « ■V -» TS II X c (8 II o 11 c (0 £ Sandy CD (d Scipio 3 ti 9i 0) Spring City 7* ii r (0 p Store, jr z Tooele City (D < Wellsville o £ :8. e > Alta P < l^erican Fork • Butleryille H. WACHHOB^. importer Of j fJg^^yaasSd,. 315 J St., Skc. , , ^ m ,,,. .■ ■ '■'■ ' " ■ "" '' BRE 17" Lake Schuler Joseph, Sandy Neibling & Fox, Silver Reef WeltyP, BROKERS. BABHESCE, Crane R W, Pomeroy C E, Wattera I, Salt Lake BROOMS AND BROOM FAG TORIES. SCOVniLE H B, Crawford C, Ogden Spring City BUTCHERS. ' (See meat markets.) CABINETMAKERS. Nielson J C, Brigham City Centerville Capner Wm, Harriss J J, 11 Lind J P, Grantsville Lynn John, ^ " ' Peterson Erick, Levan Olsen Chas, Loaan Oji^en Ecdes John, Warden N P, Parowan Bullock H, Providence FranklandW R, Richfield Hansen H T, II Burges M, Hardy J G, St George II Engstrom J P, MiUer Jno H, Salt Lake WiUard CARPENTERS. (See Contractors and Builders.) CARPET WEAVERS. Jacobson J, Ollarton Seth ^TLET JOSEPH, HULHEBT """ IT WM, Levan II Salt Lake <4 <« •1 l( •< m Park City Rait Lake ii a it 11 (D ii Ii MUlard Woods Cross 1 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. (See also Cigar Manufacturers.) LEI WES H & CO, botinne KIESEL FEED J ft 00, ' Ogden Lewis H D, M cFarland Peter STEVENS W H, Z M I, Greeneawald J J, CABTEE THOS, Cutler , ^ BEIGHTON FEED, HABBIS ED, lievy Sam, i^HTTJJTS M C, Barker Jno M, Muir W S, CITY OFFICERS. CHEISTENSEN A, city attorney, Brigham City Smith Samuel, mayor, " Watkins W L, city treasurer, " GTJTHBIE J WtHiayor, Corinne HELFBICH W V, city recorder, " Johnson Harry, city marshal " Stover W R, city treasurer, " Anderson J, mayor, Fairview Sanderson 'I W, city recorder, " Tucker Ariasa, mayor, *' Westwooc R W, city attorney, " JeflFeries W m, mayor, Grantsville Cardon Thos, city clerk and recorder, Logan Crockett Alvan, marshal, " Hymers James, city treasurer, " Preston Wm B, mayor, " B'ry Richard, mayor, Morgan City Welch T R G, city recorder, " Brown Morona, chief police, ' Ogd«i Brown William, marshal, " Dee Thos D, city assessor and col- lector, " Doxey Thomas, watermaster, " Farr Aaron F, city treasurer, " Herrick Lester J, mayor, " Jenkins David, city surveyor, " Keyes Alma, chief lire department, " Richards k Williams, attorney, " Taylor James, city recorder, Adams Charles, mayor, Orton Sam'i T, marshal, Hellstrom J A, city recorder, Spencer Franklin, mayor, Burt A, city marshal, Little F, mayor, Pyper A C, police justice, Schettler Paul A, city tseasurer, Winder Jno B, city assessor, parowan Id I- 5 o CO ft < O » Id ft O I- o 9 CO < < O O CO Q h O < PUNCTUALITY, 8agfaiS5ra.WB£S*H: VMlni'.ibiia IftliiikeClty. 76 CLE Utah. O'AHSIFIItO. CON CLERGYMEN. Ballard H, bishop, Logan Davidson R, bishop, '* Hyde Wm, bishop, " Lewis B M, bishop, " Smith T H, bishop, " HawB Jno, bishop, Mona Maycock Amos, bishop. North Ogdsn Bobson Thos A, Plain City Bruadi^WmL, Rockville Dalley Wm, Summit CLOTHING. (iSee also General Msrchandise; also Diy^ goods and Clothing. ) KUHN A & BBO, Corinne HABKS I. Ogden AUEBBACH F & BRO. Salt Lake GOLDBERG L & A, " QOLDSMTTH & CO, (wholesale) " UPHAN M H. Madsen Mrs L, (ladies), Nathan S J, O'Reiley T B, WOOLf ISAAC, Rio Virgin Manufacturing Co, Washington COLLECTORS. Burxttss R E, FislilumRL, Clarl W H, Alta Brigham City Richfield COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CHinElCHFH, ADAKSLB. Corinne Ogden WBDQBLWBIQHT MB, ClawBon H B, Salt Lake ntam s A. SHELL JOHN W, Corey Bros, Uintah Dye Samuel, " CONFECTIONERS. Wickel R, Earl Mrs Fannie, Peacodc Mrs Mary, Madiso n J F, Ti.T.ien| gB. p H, Arboffart (^^, ARNOLD HEHBT. DEiaHTON FKBD, Uardiner Robt, HARPER T E, HARRIS JOSIr, LUCAS GEO, Scraoe Edward, Steams HO, Echo Logan i< Providence Oz'en Salt Lake « If lA (I tl II II CONSTABLES. Burgess RE, Webb Frank, Ryan D D, Smith H H, Brown Wm, Ferrin Josiah h, Allred J M, Page W H, Owen Wm F, Belnap Gilbert R, Biagham Erastus P, Rose Oscar, Sherner Peter I^ Tracy Helen H, Rose Andrew, Keyes Alma, Larson Adam, Stewart Wm L, Bybee John, Payne Geo, Babbett I C, Core" Warren W, Brady M H, B^teman Saml, Etherington Thos, Wilson Thos J, Alta Bingham Canyon Corinne II Draper Eden Pairview Goshen Harrisville Hooper Hunts viUe Inverary Lyua Marriott North Ogden Ogdan Park Valley Plain City Riverdale Slaterville Sprinff Lake Uintah Union West Jordan Weston Wilson CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. Bear River City II Brigham City II Cedar City Andreasen J, Casper R, Jansen A A, Wrighton W H, Bauer A, Birkbeck R R, CoxS, Hunter G, Davis Geo J,' Stewart S, Brown Thos, Byera J H, Lorensen Peter, Pearson Henry, TooneWmH, Pritchet L A, Ove lade Andrew, Defrieze John, Neilson Niels, Peterson N, Terry Ed, Tucker Geo, Cotterell W, Hinman M L, Johnson A, Johnson P, Robertson k Johnson, BellT, Gourley P, Oklebery P, Erickson S, Johnson & Johnson, Ciiristensen P O, Larsson John, Clarkavillti II Corinne II Draper II Echo City Edeu Ephraim Fairview II Farmington II Fountain Green II II ' Glenwood Qoshen 11 Oraatsville II Qanniaon 11 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •»lJB!r«SSSk%ftJS ^pp ipplipfl^w^wi mmm PI iMke CIt jr. In LSI WM PPIIMnFR*Q Orlslaal Omcoa Blo*l Pariller ta aM • Bitter Mr CON Utah. OAO 77 Gunnison << Harriaville Hebron Hillsdale Peterson Peter, ToUe atrup N C, (maaoif ) BROWir R D, Huntsman H R, Penney R C, Willson & Sons, Ashby W H, Harman Willis M, Arave Nelson, Hawley Asa, ^ Burbridge J R, Mills Wm, Penney Wm, Ingram Alex O, Am reason I, Car sen C, Lantensack P, Norton J W, Jensen C, Kofo d Hans, UNITED OBDE B MANUFACTXrE mo & BUUDINO GO, Logan Holden (< Hooper Inverary Kamas Kanosh i< Kingston Lehi << i< C CD PI PI ■< > PI -I s PI m PI CD -I JELLY, THE JEWELER, has a full stock of Table Cutlery. ill r( f J i c o S o o js (S V CD c c (0 O O O O z S o < Wt W. MONTAGUE & CO.t *l!MmOl0.nirfufWMdLLMBUUryM.,B.V. 78 DAY Utah. OlAUiniD. UTA DAVIS COIJirTT. Smith W B, probate judge, Farmington Haight H D, county sheriff, " Barton Jos, county clerk and sur veyor, Stayner Arthur, county recorder. S mith Ja s T, district attorney, " SEEVES W, county assessor and collector Centerville Lewis W L, county prosecutor, Kaysville Clark T 6, county coroner, Farmington niON COUNTY. Dalton Edward, county judge, Parowan Adams Q L, county sheriff, Dalton J C, county clerk. Dame W H, county recorder, Brown J W, prosecuting atty Deavenport Thos, county treasurer, Mitchell W C, assessor and col- lector, KANE COXTNTT. Bringhurst Wm A, probate judge, Toquerville Spilsbury A P, sheriff, BATTY JOHN, clerk. Slack Martin, recorder, Lewis James, prosecuting attorney, Spilsbury Geo, treasurer, Nebeker Ashton, assessor and col- lector, Johnson Wm D, surveyor. MILLARD C0T7NTY. Partridge E, probate judge, Fillmore McBride R A, county sheriff, " Lyman F M, county clerk and re- corder, " Pratt Nephi, county treasurer, '• Holbrook L, county assessor and collector, " Callister T C, county sup't schools " MOBOAN couirrY. Smith W G, probate judge, Morgan City Goodrich Geo A, sheriff, " Francis Samuel, county recorder, " Porter J K, prosecutiug att'y, " Kingston Fredrick, assessor and col- lector, " Hall Jno K, county sup't schools, " Little J F, county coroner, " PINTO COITNTY. Baler Jno, sheriff and treasurer, Junction Young J W, county clerk, " Morrill Chus, county assessor and collector, " Savage David, coronor, " HIGH .COUNTY. Howard Wm, county recorder, Randolph SALT LAKE COUNTY. SMITH ELIAS, probate judge, Salt Lake MoKEAN THEODOBE, sheriff, " fiockholt D, coimty derk, " Averill O J, clerk dist court. Salt Lake CANNON ANGUS M, county re- corder " Cummings J W, county treasurer Burton R T, county assessor, Crismon George, county collector SAN FETE COUNTY. Allred James, probate and county judge Manti Billing G P, sheriff, " Reed William, county clerk and re- corder " CANDLAND DAVID, prosecut- ing attorney Chester Maiben J B, sup't of dis't school, Manti Hougaard John H, surveyor, " SEVIER COUNTY. Bean Geo W, probate judge, Richfield Clark W H. assessor and sheriff Hellstrom J A, county clerk. Baker WnvG, county treasurer, Home Jas S, county sup't schools Kelly R, coroner, Peterson Jas M, county surveyor SUMMIT COUNTY. Asper Elias, probate judge, Allison E M, sheriff, SALMON ROSERT, clerk and re- corder, •• Eldredge Alma, county prosecutor, " Evans Henry, county treasurer " TOOELE COUNTY. Go wans H S, prob.ite judge, Tooele City Pickett John, sheriff, '* LYMAN F M, probate and county clerk, II 11 II II ii II Coalville II II II II Gee Lysmder, prosecuting att'y, Atkins Til anas J r, treasurer, Clark J R, sup't county school, Grantsville Judd W R, assesaor and collector, " Clark Joshua R, county superin- tendent, Tooele City Gillispie John, coroner, " UTAH COUNTY. Dusenbery W N, probate judge, Provo City Turner Jno W, sheriff, " CO -< CD o a CO en a o ■a o TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.Biumauer&Co., '»'«i>i> ■ «W ^ 1 i 31 ■ i* " |l P O o a (D S o a a a O 3. p 3 a. O a o PwimansUp, T«lcgra|»h)r- WM PPIIIinFR •rFsrUand, OrRCWi. Opantlr* OMalit, wl* »i«prietor FLO Utah. OLAMiniD. OEN 81 Mack James, Miller R & Son, JEFSON JAMES, Young E R, Hill Daniel, Williamson & Nelson, Cooper Bros, Gardiner & Sons, Call Bros, Smithfield South Cottonwood Virein City Wanship Wellsville 11 West Jordan (< Willard FORWARDING. Chester Goshen Keltou Madsen Andrew, West Thomas, Rouse J, (freighter), Ellsworth H Si & Co, Lewis & Co, VAN DIKE WILLIAM & CO, Ogden Allen J, Portagf Utah Forwarding Co, Salt Lake City Reter L E, Santaquin Hammond W W, Toquerville Dudley O H & Son, (freighter), Willard FOUNDRIES. Logan FURNITURE AND BEDDING. (See also General Merchandise. ) American Fork Cedar City Logan U O, United Order Foundry, Stevens Bros, Ogden Davis , Ho we & Co, Salt Lake HAYNES & SON, (boiler makers), McLABEN J S, (stereo and electro- type). Salt Lake Foundry, (Thos Pierpont, supt), " Smith J M, (brass), Tuckfield Thos, (boiler maker) " FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (See also Produce. ) Chadd Michael, Salt Lake City Crocheron Geo W, " OILHESPIE JAMES, LUCAS J L, LTNBEBO FRED G, Smith WO, " SNELL JNO W, Johnson B F & Sons, DE LA BATJME CHAS, Bennett Jno, Leigh Samuel, Makkaprang Wm, Bums E, (chair maker) Larsen J H, Uckerman C A Z & Co, Bell W, Cherrington Jno, Chambers Geo, Jorgensen C L, Jenkinson Bros, United Order Furniture Store, htone E, POWLSEN & CO, Beauman A J F, Brown Thos, Boyle k Co, Gale James, C o-o p e r a t i ve Manufacturing Co, Parowan Finlayson J, HuishWH, Raveller C, Traverler 0, Blake B F, Romney M P, BARl^TT BBOS, Sandberg J Cj DINWOODET H, Moore G, Darly W F, Eden Ephrain ■< CO 1 > o o o 3 fl» c o ■ o V o 3 a i J JELLY, THE JEWELER, Repairs Watches and Jewelry, W. W. MONTAGUE & CO^'^TS^r^MSmMST^Mf'- ^* ,8.r. 82 GEN Utah. CLAHiriRD. OEN <0 i c ID e i CO S c c CO o ■ O O o z S o < 0. O Beaver Co-op Mercantile Institution ALFRED BTRON M, Garden City Beaver City Cutler Morton, Glendale Fennemore J, (1 Glenwood Co-op' Institution, Glenwood Livingstone M, <4 Oldroyd A T, << Seleg & Simon, Howell Reese, II Wood J, X Lewis ft Co, II Co-operative Store,. Fillmore Whitaker James, Kingston Free Traders Union, *• o 'S o p r p 9 O 5" 0) e 0. <0 I* is P I o z < Q z < X o Ui (0 ORN Utah. OLAMiriBD. GEN 83 United Order Store, ZCMI, Fox & Go, Co-operative Store, Moflat J 8, Stott W H, Co-operative Store, Loean Manti Maroni Meadowville Moadow Midway VAN WAOONERD, aup't Co-op erative, Briuton David, Mill Creek Hueatrotn Geo, Jordon Jamea, North Adiaon, Gamble & Yeatea, Millvillo Jeaaup Thoa & Broa, Yatoa Geo & Son, Co-operative Store, Mineraville Seigal k Marka, Co-operative Store, Mona EUertaen Jno, Anderton Broa, Monroe Jonea Walter, Madaen S Co-operative Store, Lsauer Broa, Williama D, Z C M I, R Fry aup't, Neilaon S J, Pritchett L F, 8.'in Pete Co-operative Store, Co-operative Store Jenniaga & Sona, Williama E H Winn G, Brauor M, Pace HA, Pace \V D, Prince F, Kedd L H, Taylor Wm W, Stephena Sidney, Co-operative Store, Allen Jamea, CHILD W & SON, Crawahaw & Wilaon, " GrixL - Horrocka & Baxter, " Peery D H, Pidcock R A, ♦' Stranford J, " Wortherapoon & Co, " Wright W H & Son, Henrie Jaa, Pantaquitch Co-operative Store, Paradiae Co-operative Store, Paria Aacheim M S, Park City Hayt Broa, " Jamea J G, " Lawrence & Shielda, " Ottenheimer Wm, " Co-operative Store, Parowan Branch Co-operative Store, Payaon Go-operative Store, Montpelier II Morgan City Mount Pleaaant Nephi II New Harmony North Ogden Oak City Ogden Payaon Peteraon Piato Pine Valley Plain City Pleasant Grove II 11 14 II II II II Richmond II Ruah Lake II St George II II i Tooele City Toquerville Riohardaon Thoi, Smitbfleld Ooodliffe Arnold, Snowville Erekson Jonas, South Cottonwood Howe Richard, lup't Z C M I, " Warenski EC, " Beck stead Henry B, South Jordan Co-operative Store, Spanish Fork Rocknill Jno, Warren W J, Neilson N P, ZCMI, Johnson B F & Sons, Allen C, Coil E, Co-operative Store, Oroesbeck Bros, Jackson & Stewart, Packard Bros & Co, Hulet S C, Wright Mrs C, GAVESH, Cunningham Jno, DUNTON NEWTON, Herman & Slater, Slater ft Herman, Tooele Co-cperative Store, Bringhurst W A, Co-operative Store, Slack M, Spilsbury C, Cforey Bros, DE LA BATTME CHABLES, Barker John, Virgin City BurchC, Co-operative Store, Co-operative Store, Nixon Stephen, BETNOLDS WM, Young E R, Chidester J M, Clark T, Neilson Peter, " Hendry John (sup't Co-op' Store), Wellsville Cooper Bros, Cutler B L, GoflF H ft Co, ZCMI, Co-operative Store, Murray J G, Alcroft — , Co-operative Store, Pearson C H, Eastman, Sessions ft Co, Woodruff Pearson C E, Woods Cross GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. Thompson Wm, Si mms Alex, OUTHBIE J W, Mayflold W 0, Douffnll H N, Jorokes S, STEWABT BROS, MeCune A W ft E K STEVENS SIDNEY, VAN DTXE WM de Armstrong T C, SEABS & UDDLE, Beaver City Centervillo Corinne Farmington Fountain Oreon II Kaysville Nephi North Ogaen 00, Ogden Suit Lake GROCERS-RETAIL. (See also General Merchandise. ) Corinno Uintah Wallsburg Wauship Washington City West Jordan << II II Willard o E 75 CO c c (8 O • o o < 0. I- I- o W. W. MONTAGUE & co.,'*ssL?i?o.^isrir«fflr^ggy 86 EAR Utah. CliASSIFIKD. JUS Patten Henry, Salt Lake Qu!..r P A, (saddletree manufr), " Wallin & Pickard, (saddlery hard- ware), , " White A, Sandy Plyxt P J, Santaquin Lloyd Thos, Wellsville HATTERS. (See also Clothing; also General Mer- chandise. ) KUHN A & BRO. Corinne WALKER BROS, Ogden ZCMI, ATJERBACH F & BRO, Salt Lake DUNFORD GEO, IIPMANMH, HIDES, PELTS, AND WOOL. HADLET E R & CO Corinne IIUHN A & BRO, ^ Cutler R J & Son, (wool-growers), Glendale Ludvigsen F, Gunnison SUVA V M C, Ogden Crane Chas, (wool-grower), Kanosh Buxbaum M & Co, Salt Lake Haslam & Stoddard, Wellsville HOTELS. Devera A E, Thomas Albert, Keppemeck R, Miller A, Brighton R A, Betenson J, Matthews E C, Noland Samnel C, Smith Geo S, LuntH, Woods G, T^arsen J, Cook H P, Campbell M E, RAILROAD Boessel) Carson J no, Duggert A H, Ferrell J J, Wall Jos, Morgan I, Bobbins J, Stoddart Robert, Witbeck John, Chaplon Jno, Rosevear Joe WBieni fl, Blanchard Jno R, Peacock Geo M, Alta (1 American Fork Argenta Beaver City (( Bingham Cany en b propr, " Pilts W A " P0i)LECHA& CO (White House), '* WALKER HOUSE, G S Erb propr, " Whitemore B F, " Decker Chas, -■•' - Sandy Haich Sam'l T, Harrison P, Silver Reef Wood L S, Crandall MP, Springville Clark John, Terrace Frazier M, Wanship Dalton M W, Willard INSURANCE AGENTS. ORANT & RICHARDS, Ogden Anderson H, Salt Lake GRANT H J, MUTUAL LIFE INS CO (H Grant agent), " Smedley Wm E, IRON WORKS. DUNNE DANIEL (ornamental). Salt Lake Silver Wm J, '• JEWELRY AND JEWELERS. (See Watchmakers and Jewelers; also Watches and Jewelry. ) JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Bateman J T, Britt W C, Kinney L B, Von Trot Otto, Wright Wm, Ulack T J, Terry Joshua Sr, Toone John, Pritchett L A, Anderson J, Alta Ashley Binghiam Canyon (< Charleston Corinne Draper Echo City Eden Fairviaw 00 c e» CD (/) o o 3 a. o o o 3 w •a CD o 3r -J CO CO 2 JELLY, THE JEWELER, ha& a full stock of Steriing Silver. ■MmmU 8i.,8.r. . H. WACHHORST "•%SJ*5**" than any house on the Coast. ■ ■D c,' ^ ^m liil ■ Meadow h' inersville H "4 Nephi C= 5| l)erlin n 08;den H i"* (AK ■< • 2= eigler ! u II Park City '1 =5 pomontory ^1 »'e Richfield ' 9t ouse), '* propr, " W o P Sandy 3 Silver Reef to S| (( o s • Springville ^ 1^ Terrace 3 Wanship Willard a. £ MTS. C3) a Ogden o^ A 3 Salt Lake 3 01 <( c (H o -1 3 i< p O" << '3 CD M S «■ T5 c • lental), O m 5 Salt Lake <( ^ (0 P o l/ELERS. 3C CD z < jyelers; also -J E 7-) PEACE. X o ■MB (0 z o Alta P (0 Ashley 00 am Canyon i-ti >- Charleston P" P < Corinne X- Draper CD z Echo City s !*' Eden •< • H Fairviaw V} JUS Utah. C AS8IFIED. LIQ 87 Hurst Philip, Fairview WILSON LYCUEOUS, Bell T, Glenwood Edwards E, Goshen WooUey S W, Grantsville Wilson Robert, Harrisville Alexander A J, Heber City Biglow Daniel, " Clegg Henry, " Clulf Benjamin, " Jacobs TN, Watson TS, Wright W, Tyler D M, Hebron WillsonGeoD, Hillsdale Soule Emory W, , Hooper Bronson W W, '^ Huntsville Wiley James, Junction Hendricksen A, Levan Miller FA, Lynn Salisbury Thos, Marriott Alexander J, Midway Jacob Q N, Montgomery Nathaniel, Middleton C F, Godfrey Wm, Spiers John, ANDERSON W H, Gibbs J H, Baker Wm G, Evans Joseph, Dye Richard, Harrison Isaac, Memmott Thos, . ' Phillips K, Bowns Henry, -* Ostertout John, Openshaw S, ORTONWMO, Corey (Jeo L, Richards Silas, Cutler B L, Petterson Hans D, Wilson Wm, LIQUORS. Alta i< Collins C H, Fitzgerald A J, Rettick Fritz, " Sickler CM, McDonough D, ' Beaver City Sylvester J (manufacturer of wine), Bellevue Lodders Gus, Bingham Canyon Smith & Bourgard, Howard L A, Wood Geo, Carsen W H, v Simmons M S, Kousman M F, LEIWE8 H & CO, Bosworth J, Fairview Brinton Cedar City Cedar Fort « 9S P 2 A sn 't. $ :■ jj ta CD (0 i P (d ■ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, No. 9»0 PiMrt Street. BduMtea th«ii«iisliljr ftr Boalmeaa. U/M PPIIMnFR*Q br«s»n BIooA Pariller I« the lleoiietfjr fto m 'ITmemUi nm* rrUllUCn 9 nvfrinMl <»i«'>n«i«>«l KliliK'y. Askyonr Dnvglitforit. untain Green L-9 m IE* I LUM * Utah. OltAUIFIBD. MIL 89 Co-operative Sawmill, Johnson B F & Sons, Nixen J W, Dunyan Newton, Co-operative Lumber Co, Dalton M W, Smithtield Spring Lake St. George Tooele City Wellsville Willard MACHINISTS. Miller J A, Brinton Degraw Moroni, Hillsdale Willson & Sons, Peterson FA, , - Levan Sherwood T (file cutter), • Croft R, Logan Cardon J, " • ' Lynn Kemp C, Moroni Williamson C 0, North Ogden (:lerber J T, Taylorsville MARBLE WORKS. McFarlane P, Ephraim Brown J H & Son, Logan Davis L M, Midway MORBIS & EVANS, Salt Lake MEAT MARKETS. Rowe W P, Hogard J, Bourgard Bros & Smith, Alta American Fork Bingham Canyon Jerguson J, Chase H H & Co, EARHABTD, MEBRITT H C & 00, Brady W P, Fielding J, • Wilson H, Burreston J, Oklebery P, Westover C, Dorton J, Fames E, Thatcher Joe, (iino & Dotson, Heiner Bros (stock dealers), Morgan City Rich E E, Ellis Edmund, Godfrey James, Greenwell A & Co, Greenwood & Son, Grill & Smith, ^V'right Joe, lapham J, Gleason Jno, Harris J, Thiriot Bros, ThiriotJP, Rohner C J, Co-operative Meat Market, Burrows H, Cook John, Corinne « Fairview II Goshen II Leeds Lehi Logan II Minersville North Ogden II Ogden Paragoouah Park City II II II Park Valley Payson Salt Lake i< Salt Lake i( ■> c o £ 75 09 c c O o o < Q. O 90 MIL Utah. CLABBIPIBD. NOT Mingo Furnace Co (R H Terhune manager), Salt Lake Barbae & Van Hagan, Silver Reef BeamisJG, Crane E M, (sup't), Lubback H L, (sup't) " "Old Telegraph Smelters, West Jordan MILLINERS. Crouch Mrs E C, Wilson Alice, Taylor Mrs L, JAMES MBS E, Palmer Jane E Goldsborough Mrs E, Pitchfoth S, Bowring Mrs M, Hetley Miss A, Horrocks Miss E G, Z C M I, Bowman Maggie, ALLEN IffilS LOUISA, Brooks J G, Button Mrs A, DYE MBS C E, Colebrook Mrs E, JAMES MBS J W, Lapham Mrs M G, Madsen A, BTJMMEL MBS A, Wilkinson Mrs W B Malhoney Mrs — , Beaver City Fairview Goshen Logan tt Nephi Ik Ogden Park City Salt Lake Silver Reef NEWSPAPERS. DAILT MOBNDrO BUSTLEB (Morning Rustler Pub Co), Ogden EVENINQ DISPATCH (Dispatch Pub Co publis hers), " OGDEN JUNCTION (Junction Printing Ass'n, publishers), " SALT LAKE DAILY TIMES (J C Graham & Co proprs). Salt Lake SALT LAKE HEBALD. SALT LAKE TBIBUI^, WOMEN'S EXPONENT (Mrs E Wells editress), " SILVEB BEEF MINEB (E Pike editor), Silver Reef NOTARIES PUBLIC, Greenwood W, American Fork MONK JAS T, Argenta Thompson Henry, Bingham Canyon Ci^LAND DAVID, Chester HELFBICH W V, Coriime MUSIC AND MUSICAL IN- STRUMENTS. Grant W, American Fork Neilsen Lars, (musician,) Chester Christensen Wm, Fairview Gudmansen Samuel, " Wright Chas (music teacher), Huntsville Johnson Carl C, Logan Lamoraux D B, Pates N J, Monroe Fowler Jno, Ogden Hankley J B, Portage Calder D O, Salt Lake CABELESS OEOBGE, Ferguson Mrs Ellen (music teacher)," Fobea Mrs C B (music teacher), " Jones Wm R, Spanish Fork Orton Caleb (music teacher), Summit NEWS AGENTS. Fields J (publisher), Beaver City Tavey Peter, Bingham Canyon WALKEB WALTEB, Farmington LEONABD B, Kamas Madsen M, Mount Pleasant CHAMBEBS J 0, Ogden BEAD SAMUEL 0, Salt Lake Marriott Geo, Sandy Westwood Richard, Wilson L A, Llewellyn R R, Clark J R, Gyles Jos S, Nebeker W P, Lcishman Jas A, MABGABY H W 0, BICHABDS F S, . (Jre^neawald J J, HAYT F W, Heywood J, MEGUIBE WM W, Young B T, BBEDEMEYEB WM, Holmes L J, LOWE JAMES, Schettler B H, Wiggins Edw W Ciandall D L, Dykes W L, Fairview ti Fountain Green C :-antsville Holden Laketown Logan Ogden Park City Plain City Richtield Salt Lake Springville Toquerville NOTIONS. -< Tanner Alva A, Union (See also Varieties.) Simmons F H, Alta WALKEB WALTEB, Farmington Leonard G B, Kamas Riley W T, Kelton SHEPHEBD J W, Levan PABKEB WM, Morgan City CHAMBEBS J G, Ogden Turner G W, Raveller C, Richmond AUEBBACH F & BBO, Salt Lake CAMEBON & CO, CABTEB THOS. SALISBUBY J M, »< 00 o CD o CO to 3 o o w CD 2i CD CD p p o TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. H. WACHHORST, Importepof jj^iSfry'^iSlSSS'nd.. 315 J St., Sac. V I' I- « • t'fS •"a h| ^« Mb ye (0 o z < 51 < CQ X u z < NUR Utah. CLASJIKIED. PIA 91 NURSESYMEN, SEEDSMEN AND FLORISTS. Hayward John, Robinson J, Stokes W, Jenkins J H, Draper Fillmore Goshen PHYSICIANS. American Fork Bingham Canyon OIL COMPANIES. Gilmore C J, Salt Lake OPTICIANS. Ward A, Salt I-ake PAINTERS. (See also Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. ) American Fork Cedar City Center ville Lee B B, Root L, Coles John, Mills Richard, Hansen Louis, Ephraim Larsson John, Gunnison Peterson Peter, Barton W K, Manti Ellis Fred, North Ogden Jones Richard, WILLIAMSON COLE, house painter and sign writer, Ogden Hall J C, Rockville Milne David, St George Hannan G J Salt Lake Midgley J MORBIS W C, TuUidge & Co Johnson LA, Santaquin Downard G, Spring City Kerby T, Wallsburg PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. WALL PAPERS, ETC. (See also Painters; also. Druggists.) Miles W H (brushes), Logan CULMER G F (show cases),Salt Lake PHOTOGRAPHFRS. Cardon Thos B, - Logan Kirkham R (artist), Hoffman Bros, Ogden STEPHENS I 0, Draper Z T (artist), Rockville Anderson Geo E & Co, Salt Lake Eichenberg Christian, '■ Fox & Symons, '• Smith G S, " Samuelaon C, Santaquin Wadsworth T J, Judd Dr — , TliDmpson Dr — , Wellmann & Hoyer, Boulware J B, Cass D, Faust H J, Fuller EB, Norton Thos, Speed H, Roundy Joel, Savagf David, Beraus D O, Groesbeck J B, (surgeon) Norcross W S, Ormsby C, (surgeon) Norval Geo, Williams Ezra, Carnahan Jno D, (surgeon) Condon A S, Driver J Kraeisch A, ■ McFalls David, Armitstead Jas, Pleasant Grove Rogers RM, '* Young R M, AND^HSON W H, Wagner E C, Corinne Eden Frisco Glenwood Kanarraville Kingston Laketown Logan North Ogden Park City Portage Rush Lake St George Salt Lake << « Higgins S G, Ivins I, Bane H, Fowler Allen, Gardiner F, Hadley J R, Hamilton J F, , Higgins C W, , HOLLAND J M, Lindsley E, Pratt RB, Richards H J & Co, Russell W m, SCHOCK WM H, (surgeon) Smith Wm P, SNEDAKER B C, (surgeon) TAGGART J P, Thompson J, WESLEY J E, (hei:bal), WHITE I,. Schmidt Christina, Coo^r T D, Davidson C H, DilleDB, Wing J S, Wing S A, Gerber J T, Cannon E G, Lee M T, Rogers Chas, " PIANOS AND ORGANS. Caller D 0, Ogden << Sandy Silver Reef Snowville Springville Taylorsville Wanship so -4 m m o c/> CO (D CD CD CD CD ARCTIC SODA at Thaxter's Drug Store, Carson City. Nev. PUNCTUALITY, f^^lS^b J5ye°^?%. w'SSS'Hfa.ySkiTfflSS'cS?:?. 92 PIA VMM.' • SJ ■'■ rf M* Id > o o €0 < < €0 o Ul Ul CO Q Z < H 5 o tt O » III I- X < T O Ul Utah. CLAB8IVIBD. POS BELESS OEO. Salt Lake aYNESJOHW, PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES. PARKEB WM, Morgan City Smith G S, Salt Lake PLANING MILLS. Blood M, Midway Latimer, Taylor & Co, Salt»Lake PLUMBERS AND GASFIT- TERS. David James, Logan Heesch & Ellerbeck, James David, Salt Lake POSTMASTERS. In<{ram Alex G, Simmons Dr P H, Harrington L E, MONK JAS T, Britt W C, ANDERSON N P, Gates J, ROGERS THOS, MORRIS I, CHRISTMSEN A. ^ BUTLER FHILi^ER, BeattyBH, Hillman Emily A, Chatterley G, AJAX WM, REEVES^, Murdock N C, Candland A W, Carbine W V 0, Boyden Jno, BLACK T J, Dewsnup Hyrum, JENSEN JAMES, BTJNTRI CHAS, EOGESTON H, Quinn Geo, SCHNIDER H, . WILSON LYCURGUS, WALKER WALTER, Duggert A H, Llewellyn R E, Ormond T, ALLP"^ BYRON M, F001_ v". Pantaqu roh Paradise Paragoonah Paris Park City Park Valley Parowan Payson , Peterstjn Pine Valley Plain City Pleasant Grove Portage Promontory Providence Randolph Richfield Richmond Rockport Rush Lake St Johns St George Salt Lake Sandy Santaquin Sdjpio Silver City Silver Reef B CD o CD 3 CD S3 O O o CD CD 1 »< CD 1 CD O o 00 0? T3 o 0) s a. 3 o PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th model Coinmer«lsl Collei or the Coast. aXO Post 8t„ 8.1 That dread disease Bhenmatlam and Sore Eyes, \Un% Pfiinrfai* A Tn CTirwl by that ccltbritod Orwroii Blood Pnriner. eomponndedby •"■■■• rTUIiaer tt |rO. CD p o e CD 3 CD 13. Sebron « iUsdale S Holden - vnBville j ^ ntaville le Pork iiverary sob City Juab p [unction "* Kamas , Kanab 1 "^ arraville JJ Kanosh 1 -« iaysville . Kelton Kingston jaketown Leeds Levan I o Logan I ^. Mendon ^ jadowville Meadow Midway 4ill Creek MillviUe ilinersville Mona _ Monroe cT [)rgan City g it Pleasant -— Harmony - Oak City OgdP'i \^ fantaquroh j ' Paradise ' "" 'aragoonah [ © Paris Park City »ark Valley Parowan Paysou Peterson |Pine Valley Plain City jant Grove Portage Promontory Providence Randolph Richfield Richmond Rockport Rush Lake St Johns St George Salt Lake Sandy Santaquin Soijpio Silver Cfity Silver Beef Si CO 4^ 0? -0 o -I a ua e 3 ;5o St" oi« POS Utah. CLAMiriED. RES 93 Holly H, CANTWELL J S, Beckatead Henry B, Warenski E C, MOORE JOHN, Brough G, JOHNSON JAS F, OBTONWMO, Webster John, CAVE S Hj DTJNYON NEWTON. DE LA BAUME CHAS, OBSTAD E, SHARP JOHN. JEFSON JAl^, Nuttall — , REYNOLDS WM, BARLEY WF, Cooper F A, ITURRAYJASG, Muir W «, Slaterville Smithfield South Jordan South Cottonwood Spanish Fork Spring City Spring Lake Summit Taylorsville Terrace Tooele City Uintah Union Vernon Virgin City Wallsburg Wanship Wellsville West Jordan Willard Woods Cross POTTERIES. Berttiseu S, Eardlcy John, Fountain Green St George POULTRY. CHURCH FH, Corinne CHABD MICHAEL, Salt Lake LYNBEBG FBED 0, (fish), Le Baron D T ft. Sons, Spring Lake PRINTERS. (See also Newspapers. ) SMITH THEO A, Ogden Deakin Wm, Wellsville Thompson Jos M, Richfield Graham J C & Co, Salt Lake Mouoely & Callister, " TuUedge & Crandall (publishers), " PRODUCE. (See also J'ruits and vegetables.) Jolins ou J H, Bellevue CHIIBCH F H, Corinne GUTHRIE J W, HELFBICH J C & CO, KELLER JOS, SMITH H H, Clawson R, — Ephraim Greaves Peter, " Larsen Peter, " STEWART BROS, KaysviUe ADAMS LB, Ogden Kay David, MILLER S & CO, VAN;DYKE WM, Neal Charles, Plain City DE LA BAUME CHAS (whole- sale), Uintah RAILROAD REPRESENTA- TIVES. Pierce Eli H (agent U & N R R), Brigham City Adams E P (agt C P R R), Corinne Schenk Truman (agt U PR ::),EchoCity Badger R C, Juab SW^N D A (train dispatcher), Logan THATCHER GEO W (sup't U & NRR), UTAH AND NORTHERN R R (ii W Thatcher gen sup't), '« Gunnell Frank (agt U&N R R), Mendon FELL A G (div sup't C P R R), Ogden FORBES JAMES (agt C P R R) " KELLER J N (agt U P R R), REEVE JOHN (agt U C R R), " SHERBURNE A (master car re- pairer C P R R), UNION PACIFIC R R (J N Kel- ler agt), Hill L S, (treasurer U C RR depot). Salt Lake IRONS J W (ticket agt U P R R), " JENNINGS WM (vice president U C R R), SHARP JAMES (general freight and ticket ayt U C R R depot), " SHARP JOHN (president and sup- erintendent Utah Central R R, depot), SWAN GEO (secretary Utah Cen- tral R K, depot), " UTAH CENTRAL R R, (John Sharp president and sup't), ' ' Utah Southern R R, (John Sharp, president and sup't), " Utah Western R R, Young HSfaec'y Utah Southern R R), " Cleveland W N (agt U P R R), Uintah REAL ESTATE, LAND AGENTS, ETC. Paxton A, Nelson J H, Anderson Fred, Bailey J A, BIRD WM H, Cooper Bros, LOWE JAMES, Wheeler A D, Kanosh Ogden Salt Lake RESTAURANTS. Bryant H, Morley Jas, WATSON SARAH, Fischel P, Gordon & Liscomb, ■< s c > -< > o 5 o F c 3 fi> c (D -1 o o o SI "0 o ;^ ST 3 a Leeds Ogden Park City fi) s Rial colie»6 JELLY, THE JEWELER, %-^i' Am. Watches from Factory. m W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., *'^l^ln'iff,S^rTiVi.ll'S^:^}P. IL CO ■ €0 C "5 S o ■ o 09 (0 s 0) ♦rf 3 IL •o c c (0 O ■ O o o z S o < D. 94 RES Utah. CIA8SIFIXD. sun Ong Long Charly, Park City Aubrey Thos (lunch), Salt Lake DAVfe JOHN, DDTWOODY JAMES, Hagell John (lunch), '* Hallender John F, - " Hill Wm, PALMER FREDERICK (lunch), " Passey F (Gilroy's), Smith W (oysters), Hatch Saml T, Sandy Donnovan M, Silver Reef Dougherty Kate, ' " GrambsMrs, ^ " Hanrahan Mrs K, ': ' << ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. Green Bichard R, St Johns SALT AND BLUEING. Schonbacker & Barnes (salt), Kelton SNELL JOHN W (salt and blue- ing), Salt Lake SAW MILLS. Butler Philander, Copeland W, BTJTLER PHILANDER, Edwards Solomon, Christensen F, Peterson A M, Terry O L, Tucker A, Wilson L & Co, Davis & Deardon, Warner & Robinson, Yeamans Thoa, Gunderson L, Swift Jas, Thayne J J, Turner & Co, Williams Saml & Son, Balston J, Alexander A J, Watkins John, Doxford & Son, Gamer David, Williams Joshua, Brown & Jacobson, Burgess Bros, Gardner Bros, Whipple Eli, Richardson & Stewart, ZCMI, Brough Jonas, Dugall & Co, Baren W J, Nuttall , Dalton M W & Sons, Argenta Beaver City Butlerville Echo City Fairview Fillmore Huntsville Kamas SECOND-HAND GOODS. SMITH H H. MADSEN P v. MALTESE S, Corrine Salt Lake SEWING MACHINES. McAlister J A, Logan Welch T R G, Morgan City PRATT MILANDO (Singer), Ogden WARDLEIGH H C, HALL L E, Salt Lake Riggs & Young •' SINGER MOTTFACTURING CD SOWELES & MILLER, Darley W F Wellsville SMELTING, Broun;hton Jos, Rush Lake Chicago Smelting Co, " GERMANLl SMELTING AND REJTINING CO, Salt Lake Germania Smelting and Refining Works (F W Billing manager). South Cottonwood SOAP WORKS. Leeds << Laketown Midway it Monrje North Ogden Peterson Pine Valley! :: i Connelly C A, Louzer/ F & Co, SATCHELDER SOAP CO, (S N Batchelder & J Dennis propr), Ogden SODA WORKS. Maraden & Dcnhalter, Salt Lake I'arsons Thos, " STAGE LINES. Riley W T, (agent Utah, Idaho, and Oregon Stage Co), Kelton STENCILS. DRTJCE H, (dye sinker and stencil cutter) Salt Lake STORAGE. REED HA, , Salt Lake SURVEYORS. Spring City Wallsburg WiUard Richmond ANDERSON N P, Bear River City Hunter Edward W, Morgan City Dalton Edward, Parowan MEGHJIRE WM W, Plain aty Macf arhne J no M, St Georee BRpWNE ft BROOKS, Salt LaEe Parker A M, Silver Reef O H > ^1 00 c a » o 3 H O O o 5* o a o ■a -9 ?? te -J X o c (fi CD . ^^ 5 . opr), Ogden s. Salt Lake s. aho, and Kclton id stencil Salt Lake Salt Lake sar River City Morgan City Parowan Plain City St George ^ Salt Lake ^ Silver Reef ' - TAI CO o a. 2 1 e a' a* MX It Si t« ^5 a C (d £ (0 3 O" (0 UJ •4 < (0 z fie UJ Utah. CbABRiriRD. USO 95 TAILORS. American Fork Brigham Cit> Brigham Canyon Goshen Logan Ogden •• << « << Portage Plain City Payson Salt Lake <« Chadwick James, Nielsen J J & Co, Stratford A ft Co, Tavey Peter, Rudsta O H, Hanson O & Co, Hemstrom Thos & Co, Farr L & Son, Hallstro m O , HOLLAND JNO, JoneaTW, TAYLOR J & SON. Morris J S, Ponlson Peter, Raid E, Anderson Samnel, Barton & Co, Baumgarten Joseph, BOSSHARDT & GLARE. BUCKLE & SON, Cowley W, Earl M, GOSS P F, (sup't U O M), Hagman John, Johanson S, Stromberg J A, TAYLOR JNO & SON, THERNINQ JNO. Treseder K D, Winqueat A, Slogowski H F, TANNERIES. Brigham City Mercantile and Man- facturing Association, Brigham City Duncan Peter, Larsen L, McClcUau & Dion, Co-operative Manuf Co, Watts B, Fairbrass T, ^ ° United Order of Tanners and Black- smiths, Smithfield United Order of Tanners, TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. Deavenport Thos, treasurer, Parowan Borman J S, associate justice Terri- tory, Salt Lake CLAYTON N W, auditor, Emerson P H, associate justice Ter- ritory, " Hunter Jno A, chief justice Terri- tory, • " Salomon F, surveyor general, Sprague E T, clerk supreme court. THEATERS. Union Opera House, Salt Lake Museum, Ogden Salt Lake TINNERS. (See also Stoves and Tinware ; also roof- ers — metal.) Silver Reef St George Farmington Mount Peasant Payson Parowan Paragoonah Spring City TELEGRAPH AGENTS McDonald L, Ricks Miss Ellen, Hatch H E, Hibbard W B, Mackintosh Wm, Patterson A J, Hirst F, Weeks V, Henderson John, Corinne Logan (( Ogden Peterson Pine Valley Salt Lake Corinne Hunts ville Lehi Levan Logan Monroe Ogden {< Plain City Providence Park City Payson Santaquin <( Salt Lake « St George Woods Cross Salt Lake TENTS AND AWNINGS. Bums Robt, McCord Wm, Salt Lake CO m o Landick John, Neilson L M, Hawkins T, Christensen E, Curtis Bros, Sorenson R, -C Ohlson G A, Thompson J, Dixon Jas, Fredericks A, Tewksbury Chaa, Worsencraft S, Anderson A, WettelinFO, James David, Rcichau Wm, Schoppe F E, ^ Lebna P, Riding C L, Argyle Jos, TOYS. CAMERON & CO. TRUNKS. ILLIN6W0RTH WH. Salt Lake Manning John, " Meredith, Manning & Gallacher " UNDERTAKERS. Hughes & Gale, Ogden Preshaw S M, " FRESHAW & SKEWS. Salt Lake U. S. OFFICERS. BARRATT FERCIVAL. assist- ant district attorney, Ogden m CO m o m r- CO s a CO o CD a e KINC. GEO. C. THAXTER, Druggist & Seedsman, Carson City. Nev. A FINE STOCK •r WMleas ud Taltef's Trfamlan. Baekto * Moa, Talloni wtd Woolen Draporo, ifalt JLako caty. Ml III d s p H Q I A ■ I 96 uso Utah. OIiASBiriBD. WIN II BANE MOSES M, receiver U S Land O ffice, Salt Lake BREDEMETEB WM> U S min- eral surveyor, Crai^ Jno, U S signal observer, Hollister J, internal revenue col- lector, " Holmes L J, U 8 deputy mineral surveyor, " Matthews EG, deputy internal rev- enue collector, " NeilJ B, register U S Land Office, ' ' Parsons M K, clerk U S Land Office, *' Shaughnessy M, U S marshal, " Stevenson (Jhas L, U S deputy min- eral surveyor, " WHiDESI E; E U S mineral sur- veyor), " UPHOLSTERERS. Gordon James M, Salt Lake MTJLHALL CHAS, VARIETIES. Morrison Geo, Ogden THOMAS MRS CATHERINE, HOP WO & CO. (Japan and Chi nese goods, ) Salt Lake Reese John, VINEGAR WORKS. UTAH VINEGAR WORKS, (Richards & Grant proprs), Ogden Richards & Grant Vinegar Works, WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. (See also Wagonmakers ; also black- smiths and wagonmakers. ) Burton W W & Co, Ogden FOOTE JAMES E, (agent Stude baker wagons), Lowe Geo A, MATTISON L B, Salt Lake STUDEBAKER MANTJF'G CO, WAGONMAKERS. Morgan City Nephi North Oguen << Pleasant Grove 4¥ ilEllf ; SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. H i R nfioq P. 0; B&x 2031. .^KJ:-.M? ,7... .■;;.;, w^,] .•5^ ); : ■ ) ■I'MfOO JiL:i;!lft^ XIJE . iOKELERu ; Best AssortmoAt liv SiM»9iie^C| n •ill IL c « Z e I « « 1 s IL c c O ■ O o o z 5 o < Q. t O w. w. woNTAGUE & co.,»**!s*;'!fo.'fmriiy2nTrB^.s^g>:'?.v!* 98 Idaho — Boise City. ALPMAnirrrcAiiLT. "^TJLE, IBABO AND OBEaOlT STAGE COMPANY SALISBURY, HAILEY & CO., Prop'rs. Run a Daily Dine of Stages (leaving Winnemncea, C. P. R. R., on the arrival of Express Trains from San Francisco.) to CdmO McDermit Nev., Silver City, Boice City, Idaho City, Center- ville. Placerville and Quartzburg, in Idaho. Also daily from KoltOn, Utah, o" ^l^^' CI. R. Ry, (where close connection is made with Eastern bound trains) for Albion, Rock Creek, Salmon Falls, Mountain Home, (connecting with daily staore for Rocky Bar and Atlanta), Boise City, Payette and Weiser Valleys, Burnt River, Baker City, Union, Lagrange, Pendleton, Center- ville, Or., Weston, Walla Walla. Umatilla. Heppner, John Days and The Dalles. Distances and through Rates of Fare. M1L88. Fare. From Winnemucca, Nev., to Camp McDermit, .. 75 $12 00 '« " to Silver City 210 30 00 " « " to Boise City 270 35 00 " «« " to Idaho City 305 40 00 " Kelton, Utah, to Boise City 200 35 00 " " to l^ixter City, Or 390 50 00 " " to Union Or 425 50 00 '« «* • to La Grande Or 440 50 00 " « to Pendleton Or 490 50 00 " « to Umatilla Or 525 50 00 " '« to Walla Walla, W. T 535 50 00 " ' " to The Dalles, Or 675 60 00 JOHN HAILEY, Superintendent. General Office, Boise City, Idaho. TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumausr&Co., 'SSir&Slt o (D o o o CD 3 ■a (D a. o c (/> a P n t. . 8. ». H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches. 315 J Street, Sac. Y i I m B O PC (D o MI.B., p > Camp Denter- Iv from is made Salmon Rocky alleys, Center- 1 5 r, John 1 7^ o 3 Ui CO Fare. m 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 35 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 A o e (/) Ir 11 n ident. s kund. Ore- I. have It. CO >» C0 I, Is I' i tn 0. I Q Z O o u (0 IDAHO. (ALPHABETICALLY.) Sea alio. LUt of Towns Seoehed too Late for Begnlar Iniertlon. BouNOKD on tho north by Montana and British America, on tho east bv Wyo- ming, on th« south by Utah, and on the weat by Oregon and Nevada. The word Idaho, as we ore told by those familiar with the language of ttie Indians who in- habit that section of tho country, means the "gem of the mountains," a title that is perhaps well deserved on account of its pastoral, scenic and sanitary features. It was organized in 1 S63, at which time it included that vast area which has since been given tho name of Montana. The general character of tho surface is exceedingly mountainous, thouuh there are quite u number of valleys m'1io»i^ soil is said to be re- markably fertile and productive. The finest section of tlio Territory for agricultural fturposes is that probably found in tho Owyhee region. VVeiaer Valley, which is per- uips limiteil to 'iOO,000 acres in extent, contains excellent land, with an abundance of very tine water, und capable of being proHtably cultivated. It is being rapidly settled by un industrious and thrifty class of farmers, principally from the Western States. The Boise and Tayette are also considered most desirable valleys, as tho land is arable and of a supiiior character. Gold was first discovered in Idaho in 1852, on the Pen D'Oreillo rivei', which, however, excited but little attention until the re- nowned Oro Fino mines were discovered, in 1860, from which time a steady flow of immigration has been directed towards that quarter. Camas Prairie, in the northern portion of the Territory, is spoken of as being inferior to none other, where extensive agricultural lands exist. The Territory is 400 miles long north and south, by about 300 milles wide at its broadest part, and contains upwards of 80,000 square miles. The population is only 25,000. W'th the completion of railroad lines through its interior, and when u general t acnvledge of its mineral and other resources is imparted through the medium of it.< own merits, the Terri- tory must become a populous and progressive empire. Each successive day pre- sents her more favorably, which must result in a prosperity especially flattermg. The capacity of its inexhaustible soil and its excellent climate for a wide range of productions, must be admitted in face of the fact that cereals, vegetables and fruits of every descripti}n are surpassed in no particular by any other quarter of the dobe. Its latitud3 seems specially adapted to the culture of fruits, whose flavor IS remarkable in its richness. The grazing lands are very rich in all varieties of wild nutritious grasses, and the almost illimitable bench and mountain lands present a very tempting bait for the stock raiser. We wish that our space would permit a thorough discussion of every particular feature, since there are so many that can be most favorably presented. The Territory also boasts of one of the three greatest falls in possession of North America, the Shoshone, which makes an unbroken descent of about 200 feet, and measuring more than 300 feet in width in their narrowest part. It is also rich in miner'\l springs, whose curative proper- ties for almost every disease that flesh is heir to, although not generally known, are said to be a feature that must become an important factor in its development. Timber is also plentiful, and many other advantages, with improved facilities, must form the sequel which will be revealed in a glorious destiny. Albion, OASSIA COUNTY. Bascom ft Robinson, gen mdse COBS GHAS, att'y at law and post- master Goodrich ft Co, flouring mills Gray T M, physician and county assessor Harrington J E. sheriff Riblet F, county surveyor Robison M G, county treasurer Weldon ft Snodgrass, blacksnuthB m ap CA a CD CO CD o CD CD C/» cT CD CD -O GEO. C. THAXTER, DRUGGIST/ CARSON CITY. NEVADA. WHO'S YOUR TAILOR 7 .'^.'fKl^'&ru^-^lS'^^^'^'iJvJlf^ CO 100 Idaho — Atlanta -Boise City. AbPHABmOALLT. T Atlanta, ALTURAS COUNTT. Bixby J L, gen mdse ( Davis Nelson, naloon Drake Z N, saloon V\'-?y C H, gen mdse Kitts k Davis brewery Myers Mrs W, hotel Smith & Steadman, saloon 8path L, shoemaker Swanholm H, gen mdse (.yj.iAO ■!C I i: Banner, BOISE COUNTT. Clifton H, blacksmith Elmira S M Go's mill and mines Grant Donald, hotel McDowell R M, groceries and clothing Robertson D, gen rndbo Stuck Geo &> Co, carpenters Taylor S, saloon Wilson J M, assayer Blackfoot, ONEIDA COUNTT. Danilson A T, gen mdse Danilson T T, postmaster, notary, gen mdse, ferryman Gairatt John, stock raiser > High J N, attorney Kirkpatrick W, stock raiser Lawrence & Holmes, mining Lewis W C, hotel McTucker Jas, county assessor Shoemaker J, justice of peace Stevens Fred, stock raiser Stout A T, stock raiser Ward, Pray & Co, mining Warren J, nvining :t i , n in Watson John, sheriff .,7 A,:;u,n lU'J. ■ 1,1 l(i ^:f'i Bloomingrtvon, ONEIDA COUNTT. Cproperative store, gen mdse j, j l,}^,, ■ f i!; Boise C7ty, J ADA COUNTT, Is the county seat of Ada county and the capital of the Territory, 450 miles north- east of San Francisco, on the Boise river; in early years it ^as a trading pr it of thd Hudscji Bay Fui: Company and qui^e <1 rendezvous fot trappei^' ti^d , emigr»nti who found their Wb> to' px&t stictioo. In 1863 Jt waa laid out asid hak grom^ steadily ever since, and the richness of its . diggings and the fertility of its soil war- rants the belief that its growth will be \ permanent and steady. It is the site of the penitentiary, has three newspaper. , '■ telegraphic communication, and a popu- lation of 2,000 souls. i-.:»i;i,<),« ifi Ainsle Geo, member ol congress Arnold Dr, dentist Brayman M, governor of Idaho Broadbent J B, jeweler Brumback & Cohalan, attorneys at law Buck N, U S attorney Burdge W H, county treasurer Bush J H, hotel Chandler W H, surveyor general Chase E S, marshal Clark John, judge Ist district CofHn & Co, hardware and ag'l im'ts Coffin & Kennaly, hardware Curry I B, photographer • ■ i Curtis E J, attorney at law '-••(•'H Curtis T J, if ;;''^' Davis & Himrod, grocers "' j''. , ,. Davis Levy, grocery. and bakery .J,'.,. Dymoke J, sewing machines ! , '',' Eastman H B, hotel ' '"'■ Ensign F E, attorney at law Falke D & Bro, gen mdse First National Bank of Idaho, (J H McCarty, president) Gess & Co, meat market Gray J S, notary, probate judge Hart J H, bakery Hasbrouck S, notary Haabrouck & Leonard, gen mdse Hatch J S, furniture flp wthome N M, county clerk, recorder and sup't schools Huntoon John, Ter treasurer and cashier national ban'i. Huston & Gray, attorneys at law Jacobs C, flour mill | Jackson J H, blacksmith Johnson £ Z, attorney at law Kinsey H H, candy Landiss *D, planing mill Lawrence & Smith, saloon Lemp Jolin, brewery Leyerzapf Chas, gunsmith Lonthan R & Co, gen mdse Marston A J, bl'ksmith and wagonmaker IvtcCarty J H, president 1st National Bank of Idaho McKay W W, physician Miller J B, register land office Morgan John T, judge second district Neilley Wm, bop^ts and shpes Nye W H tf, Co, dtuggistai Oldham J B, Sheriff '. ll'T^ Peffeflb M, birber , postmaster Pricki. t H £, judge first district Reed R B & Co, gen mdse Richardson A L, clerk second district Rossi St Morris, lumber Schwabacher St Co, sen mdse Sidebothan R A, s jc y territory Smith A, attorney at law Smith E, phyucian Sonna P, hardware Speigel D, gen mdse Squier H, clrrk first district Steidel A, bootmaker Stevens J L, physician Stout Jas, receiver land office Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage Co, (Salis- bury, Hailey & Co, proprietors) Wright J B, druggist Bonanza City, LBViHI COUNTY. Bennett St Co, gen mdse Boggs & Shoup, gen mdsa Bowden J W, blacksmith Butters St Taylor, liquors Clasby & Ho^le, liquors Colvin & White, butchers Watson Enos, saloon tiM-l/i'. Church A G & Bros, lumbar Cole J, painter Cunie Thos, photographer Duncan C, mason Gibbs Jack, blacksmith Harris J, cabinetmaker - . Havird C C A Co, feed stabla ': Horsely D, mason Jones Richard, carpenter Meffert C C, hotel and saloon Mills R, painter Murray David, butcher Offord W H, saloon and grroery iProphet R, bootmaker ' WALDROK MARION F, gen mdse. postmaster and agent W F & Co Whittaker T, carpenter Timms A, flouring mill , ,> Tree J, boots and shoes MARION F. WALDRON, Wholesale and Retail dealer in ' General Merchandise AND MINERS' OUTFITS, CENTERVILLE. IDAHO. Central Ferry, ONEIDA COUNTY, Is located one mile from Blackfoot on theU. and N. R. R., and on the regular U. S. mail route to the celebrated Salmon River mines, which intersects the old Emigrant road to Oregon and Washing- ton Territory, via Soda Springs, Fo."t Hall and Boise City. Centreville, BOISE COUNTY, Is reached by stages from Winnemucca, on the C. P. R. R., distant 30S miles. It is 9 miles from Idaho City and 44 miles from Boise. IS 90 -< O o c o CD m Challis, Ll^MHI COUNTY. fl ,1, Adams J, sen mdse Baird J, bCuiksmith Broisou Jos, shoemaker Capoaer Vf, «fwpeinter ' Cbeeiuty N^ gram, etc , ■•■,! l.v ;rh:llini() Bailey — , livery stable, Barston St Brines, blacksmith* Bumes S, hotel Clasby & Hogle, liquors Deardon St Raiuey, iiquot* Fisher S G, livery st^b^^ , Hinstetter C, bootmaker John W H, lawyer Johnson St Onderdonk, lawyers McNab & Co, livery stable ' Murphy Mrs J R, hotel Orcott W, liquorh ' Park St Vader, hotel Robinson T, lawyer Sharp Geo L & Co, gen md^li .^ Shilling & Sipple, batcfa«« Starrs P, gen mdse Tchirtchirki & Scott, liquors Tulles B, gen mdse Van Camp J H, notary and juatdat Watkina & Co, gen mdse i i:;i!i Wood J D, gen mdse and postouMitor i,! I m X in < TRY MURRAY'S UNQ AND iiVER BALSAM. WW MnUTACIIP JL a\ Pmnpsand Iron Pf-^^, all slupflrllO, llfl, . If. mUN I Abut « UU., 114. tlO and 11» Kattery fltree*. t».P. i c '(5 S Q «) iS > o i I en c c (0 O ■ O o a. z 102 Idaho — Cherrv Creek-Franklin. ALrtlABBTICALTjT. Cherry Creek, ONEIDA COUNTY. DUDLEY JOS W, postmaster Jardine Jas, weaver Jones John D, musician Tovey Daniel, stone mason Clearwater, NEZ PERCES COUNTY. Clendenning J & Co, gen mdse Clifton, ONEIDA COUNTY, Is six miles from Battle Creek station on U. and N. R. E., and depends on agricul- tural interests for its support. Has a population of 200. DIXON HAI,VEY, gen mdse and postmaster Howell H N, county sup't schools Marter Wm, butcher Vanluvan R, shoemaker Co'eur D'Alene, KOOTENAI COUNTY. (A Military Post.) Kober Geo M, physician Wheaton Gen Frank, commander post Yeaton M, gen mdse and postmaster DwiCity. Cox & Carter, gen mdse Kellogg J E, liquors Kennedy W, liquors I afeu C, gen mdse La Pier Frank, butcher Morris & Jackson, liquors Oliver Wm, postmaster Webster & Chadwick, gen mdse Eagle Rock, ONEIDA 'BOUNTY. Anderson Jno C gen mdse and notary pub'ic Bud' Orville, stock raiser Chamberlain D F, restaurant and saloon Ponaldson I R, express agent flash A J, blacksmith HEALD ISRAEL, postmaster Heath Geo F, stock raiser Higham Chas, stock raiser Idaho Snake River Gold Mining Co | Kelley Peter, market gardener Martin C G, stock raiser Oneida Salt Works depot, J C Anderson agent Ostram I P, miner Pace Jas S, hotel Saveer Caspar, stock raiser and dairy Snake River Water Co, J C Anderson agent Taylor Sam F, stock raiser Wright Thos W, stock raiser O CO -< o Elk City, NEZ PERCES COUNTY. Giles M, hotel Grosteiu & Binuanl, gen mdse Lowenberg & Bros, gen mdse Wolf Harry, saloon Falk's Store, ADA COUNTY. Butler J W, blacksmith Falk D & Bro, gen mdse Goodrich David, hotel G rover W'.n, shoemaker LENTITfiE C H, postmaster Fish Haven, BEAR LAKE COUNTY. Gardner Geo, cabinetmaker Pope Robert, gen mdse Shirley Thos C, blacksmith Shirley Wm H, painter STOCK JOHN, gen mdse and post- master Florence, IDAHO COUNTY. Carey John, hotel Chamberlain J B, meat market Clark Thomas, liquors Rhoads T J, geu mdse Fort Lemhi, LEMHI COUNTY. Hackinsmith J H, hotel and blacksmith Franklin, ONEIDA COUNTY, Is distinguished by its being the first town located in the Territorj', and has a population of 600. It is on the line of U. and N. R. R., and its support is de CD o ? 8 ^ A* CD f CD 1 P vr CD o JELLY, THE JEWELER. Best Assortment in Sacramento. I.F. ideraon j ■< airy ideraon H. WACHHORST. importer of ,.*^?f^!^5?:Iir«"^d.. 315 J St., Sac. i: ST o S9 and post- it 1, blacksmith ig the first -,', and has a 1 the line of [iport is d« B *B IS sS (.£ eg la 51 £ (0 3 CO (O o z < ^ >- < C9 /(fciAo — Genesee City-Idaho City. 103 ALnlABETICALLT. rived from the agricultural interests. It is in a healthy location and has a pros- pect of slow but substantial develop- ment. Society is good. Franklin Co-operative Store, dry goods, etc Hadlock 0, blacksmith Mecham L C, justice of the peace Nash Isaac B, blacksmith STALKER A B, postmaster and dry goods, etc Sumbury C J, blacksmith Webster W L, dry goods, etc- Mathison N, saloon McKay Jas, liquors Mitchell & Co, blacksmiths Myer & Smith, drugs and assayers O'Donell & Wagner, meat market b'lcUy & Blackman, livery Sti ekle Mrs D C, hotel Vigier Isidor, sploon Genesee City, NEZ PERCE8 COUNTY. Ashworth Geo, saloon and hotel Grostein R, gen mdse Jameson Geo, blacksmith Levy A, postmaster Wells W J, blacksmith this place, which is 16 miles from Idaho City. Danskin Bros, gen mdse and miners Horseshoe Bend, Clark H H, postmaster Gentile Valley, ONEIDA COUNTY. GULLEN P. postmaster and gen mdse Gibbonsville, i ^.MHI COUNTY. Barf 'i.»i J, notary public D ' .:•■.", tiw mill Fahey J, o'af.lT. gen mdse Fancy & *.<', ; a mdsp Piersou D J, saloon ?CANLIN JNO, postmaster ingley & Co, quartz mill Goose Creek, OWYHEE COUNTY. Wilson & Cleveland, gen mdse Idaho City, BOISE COUNTY, Was incoi-porated in 1864; is the county seat, and distant from Boise City, the Territorial capital, 36 miles in a northeasteily direction. There are daily stages connecting it with Winno- mucca, on the Central Pacific Railroad, and Umatilla, Oregon, on the Columbia River, passing through Boise City. Tt is the second city in size as well as in commercial importance of the Territory, and its location is decidedly superior, having gold and silver bearing lodes, be- sides an extensive agricultural and graz- ing district to maintain its supremacy. There are several warm springs in the vicinity of the place and are the source of much pleasure and health to the resi- dents who bathe in and drink of their waters. It is a prosperous and thriving place, having a population of 1,000 or more. It has one newspaper, several churches and a good school. Granite Creek, BOISE COUNTY. Placerville is the postoffice address of' m e m o m 30 -< •H m CO Ainslie Geo, atty at lav Barry E W & Co, gen mdse Brown J W, notary and atty Butler Gilbert, surveyor and mining en- gineer Cave J, blacksmith Coffin & Kennaly, hardware Cowen J, blacksmith Danskin J M, sherifi' Emery J B, dry goods Ensign F E, atty at law Friedinger H, cigars and tobacco Fulmer Ed, gexi mdse Harley John, blacksmith Hart T S, probate judge Hang N, liquors Hawley J H, atty Houston & Gray, attys at law "IDAHO World," (Heman & Jones, pubs) Johnson Oscar, barber Kingsley C S, atty at law Kroeber F W, agt Boise county bank Luney M G, hotel Lyons Thos, county coroner Mautz C, boots and shoes m a & 3 xa o GEO. C. THAXTER, DRUGGIST, CARSON CITY, NEVADA. O r'- /■' .' ' ' 1 1 CLlANlNe AND REPAIRING '^JP^^^^tfig^t? ! V HI t- o s o ■k tt! Ill H X < 1-: o m 1^ -ii i04 Idaho — Indian Valley-Lewiston. ALPHABITICALLT. Meyer & Smith, drugs and varieties McClintock D, livery Mentz Wm, shoemaker Miller P & Co, liquors Orchard A, assessor and tax collector Phillips J, hamessmaker Sichards G W, county clerk, recorder, auditor and supt of schools Sothwell Wm J, physician and surgeon Ruhle H, gen mdse SILSBT S C> postmaster, books and stationery Smith I, county treasurer and druggist Tincher & Holland, liquors Zipf H, physician Indian Valle 1 \ WASHINGTON COUNTTf. Denny Sam'l R, county assessor ant lector Gray Jas P, sheriff Hart Iredell M, county auditor, recor- der and clerk Jeffreys Thos M, county treasurer Underwood Thos C, probate judge Wilkerson J V, postmaster Portland It is connected vrith points on the Columbia River and the C. P. Railroad by a line of stages, which run regularly and carry the U. S. mails and Wells, Pargo & Co. 's express. The coun- try surrounding it is beautifully located, and rich agriculturally, and will at some period, not very remote, be a source of great revenue and give employment to a large population. The town contains about 700 inhabitants, and as soon as the Indian question concerning the right to certain franchises under treaty of the government are settled, it will no doubt become a city of great importance. John Day's Creek, IDAHO COUNTY. Clary Philip, gen mdse Junction, LEMHI COUNTY. Bush John, sawmill STEPHENSON A M, postmaster and hotel Lapwai, NBZ PERCE8 COUNTY. Ashford — , physician Loewenberg B, postmaster, gen mdse Warner C D, Indian agent Leesburgf, Wood J D, grocer and postmaster Lewiston, NEZ PERCES COUNTY, Is a county seat lying at the head of navigation on the Snake River, 90 miles northwest of Walla Walla, Washington Territory, and about 400 miles above tin- Adams H O, atty at law and notary Alexander J Baird Ezra, sheriff Baldwin J C, gen mdse Billings T S, harness maker Binnard A, county treasurer Bittner August, hotel Bonner Joseph J, paints, oils, etc Brearly John, assayer and banker Bunker & Squires, liquors Bunnell C C, hardware, stoves and ware Clark John, dist judge first judicial dist Coburn & Co, butchers Damas A, gen mdse Denny J W, liquors Gage J ames, gen mdse GaFe H J, liquors , Gilman A A, liquors i > Glass Geo, bo ^tmaker Grostein & Binnard, gen mdse Holbrook N B, livery stable Howe J M, reg U S land oflSce and atty at law Hudson Thos, county auditor, recorder and supt of schools Leland A, atty at law Leland & Son, pubs "The Teller" Loewenberg Bros, gen mdse McGrane Jas, bakery and restaurant McGregor A, druggist and postmaster Menomy J B, carpenter Monroe Richard J, receiver U S land office Moxley J Q, drugs Noland & Caldwell, livery Northnip J W, county assessor Poe J W, dist atty Rand Jasper, atty at law Rue Andrew, hairdresser Saux Raymond, hotel Silcott J M, Clearwater a,nd Snake river ferries. Spalding E E, jeweler • ' Stainton H W, physician . : ' Stevens J P, restaurant j "The Teller," Lekad ftlSonpube m m m -< m m m S c3 m Shamnald Edward, gen mdse and post- master Montpelier, BEAR LAKE COUNTY. Bowen Wm, browery Jones J, blacksmith Montpelicr Co-operative Store, general merchandise OSBOBN B» postmaster, hotel, livery stable Moscow, NEZ PERCES COUNTY; Blake H B, physician Craig T J, druggist Frye A J, postmaster Lienallen A A, gen mdse McConell W J, gen mdse- Reeder J W, physician .i.v,oit t CD I Mountain Home, ALTURAS COUNTY. Campbell D J, asst postmaster Clyde F J, postmaster Mount Idaho, IDAHO COUNTY. Allen &; McKibbin, blacksmith i :>, >r>; Auchinvole J N, saloon i'.iiuB' Brown H C, gen mdse , '• i^;;!i roil Brown L P, hotel ,.'! ,( ^+fi!i>1 Buchanan James, boots and shoes < Denny J, varieties ' Grostein & Binnard, gen m48e Hearthing J & A, painters Morris J B, drugs Oliver F, blacksmith Volmer J P & Co, gen mdse .M Oneida, ONEIDA COUNTT. Cohn Bros, cattle dealer* ' J'- '"^ iJ>'«tt Davis Wm R, butch*r -'• .'W^'' hovojO I H t jelly; the jeweler, fniskfytt stock iot ^Hltig BMv^ w. w. MONTAfiUE A CO., ^isrtr^tn^mriiiii^y''ss:i^ixi'f' CO i c "(5 S o 0) JS > o E « CO TJ O c c O o o z S o < 0. O 106 Idaho — Oxford-Rock Creek. ALI'HABETIOALLT. Fancher W M, restaurant Gruwell M L, stock raiser Harkness H 0, stock raiser HOBSON A IT, gen mdsc, produce and postmaster Jenkins Thos, hotel Stringer J H, dry goods and groceries Watson J S, sheriff West P C, agt U & N R R and assayer Oxford, ONEIDA COUNTY, Is an agricultural town, containing a population of 500 soula; is situated 4 miles from Swan Lake, a station on the Utah and Northern Railway, where the United States Land and Government Printing Offices are located. Bennett H M, atty at law Crawford & Fisher, atty at law Drake Isaac, physician and surgeon Finney W A, hotel Fisher W F, gen mdse Harkness & Phelan, gen mdse Harris John F, blacksmith IDAHO ENTERPRISE, J A Straight propr Kohen & Hurst, liquors PHELAN T W, postmaster • Richardson S, constable Rowell Wm, furniture STRAIOHT J A. propr "Idaho En terprise " Timoney E McB, atty at law Wyman Wm, boot and shoemaker Paris, BEAR LAKE COUNTY. Austin E N, county surveyor Co-operative Institution, gen mdse, tan- nery, and manufrs boots and shoes, and lumber Floyd L, county coroner HOOE W> postmaster and lumber Horsley T W, gen mdse Hunt L B, assessor Osmond Geo, probate judge RICH J C, county recorder and auditor Stucki J U, county treasurer Union Dairy Co.manufrs cheese & butter Wallantine Christian, sheriflf Williams E A, blacksmith Wooley Bros, furniture and wagons Fayette Store. ADA COUNTY. Baker E M, hotel Oroves Wm, shoemaker Jennings P, blacksmith McFarliiiid A J, gen mdse Wilson A, hotel Gindroff Frank, hardware Hepburn Jno, liquors Kinney & McCall, saloon Levinson & Co, gen mdse Millenovich & Bro, saloon Patricks (ireo H, blacksmith Pfeiffer A & J, gen mdse Reese David, saloon Pierce City, SHOSHONE COUNTY. Frazier D M, gen mdse Lowenberg Bros, gen mdso Swendson C, hotel Pioneer City, BOISE COUNTY. Madigan & Kennedy, gen mdse Wilson Benj, water, mining and milling company Placerville, BOISE COUNTY. Carvan A J, barber Cathcart M, boots and shoes Davidson J W, hotel Donovan D, liquors Fuld L, gen mdse Kohny Chas, saloon Martin C, blacksmith Pleasant Valley, ONEIDA COUNTY. Harkness L A, gen mdse and postmaster Quartzburgh, BOISE COUNTY. Backle Geo, liquors and postmaster Rock Creek, OWYHEE COUNTY. Dill Wm, hotel STRICKER HERMAN, postmaster Strieker Herman ft Co, gen mdse AValgomott C S & Co, gen mdse X O a> -< o J9 O OS c psr Co o 3 S pi t3 O W o CD o e (/) CD r p CD P TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer & Co., 'K^fSiv^K' TH , no, lis. H. W \CHH0R8T. Importer of je^^Sfry!^^}:^.?.;.!,. 315 J St., Sac. ^ X o c/> -< o cz 33 -4 > r- o ao •■o 7» -» TY. ty Y. ndse ig and milling le, Y. }es 00 c o O (fi o 3 U1 P. s 0? o ■o ts o (A alley, «TY. and postmaster rgh, [TY. postmaster 'eek, JNTY. JJ, postmaster gen mdse in mdse CD z O e (/) r p X CP p «^ Is h £>, ^1 li n **( ■s a? :^ SI S2 .? a 3 e 3 . o- (0 < (0 < (9 Idaho — Rocky Bar-Silver City. 107 ALrllABETICALLV. Hocky Bar, ALTURAS COUNTY, Is a place of 500 inhabitants, pleasantly situated at the junction of Bear and Steel creeks, and is 100 miles east of Boise City. It has stage connection with Winneniucca, on the C. P. K. If, via Boise City. Anderson Simm, county coroner Anderson V S, lawyer Andrawatha John, justice of the peace Callahan W P, county auditor and re- corder, and gen mdse Campbell M, sheriff Clark Geo, carpenter ,-,',- Clyde Jas, county assessor Dannels Mrs 0, hotel DILLEY S B> probate judge Dittoe Louis H, county assessor Hall E B, gen mdse Lockman & Van Scort, meat market McCabe Robt, blacksmith Meyer Mrs A L, postmistress Mulalley Wm, liquors Newcomfer S, hotel and justice peace Pfieffer A & J, gen mdse Rollins Frank M, mining sup't Scribner S, watchmaker and jeweler Settle Capt F, mine and mill owner Sidebotham K A, lawyer and territorial attorney Spencer Wm, blacksmith Swanholm H, gen mdse Vincent Frank, cabinetmaker Winkleback John, liquors and county treasurer Ross Fork, ONEIDA COUNTY. Shilling W H, gen mdse and postmaster St. Charles, BEAR LAKE COUNTY. Feaster F, turner and cabinetmaker Hutchensen D L, contractor and builder St Charles Co-operative Store, gen mdse St Charles Lumber Co Salmon City, LEMHI COUNTY, Is 200 miles northeast of Boise City and is reached via Utah Northern Rail road and connecting stage lines. Amonson k McFherson, bootmakers Andrews NJI, gen mdse Bcatty E T, att'y at law Birch & Lavis, sawmill Casey James, livery stable Criderman E W, painter Crydermun & Co, sawmill Duulap R, watchmaker and jeweler E III o CO < O u O h co O 3 9 ft lU ■H < < .< Q O O I 108 Idaho — Soda Sprvngs-Weaton. AlFHABCTIOALLT. Harley W S, county assessor and tax collector HAY J S, propr "Avalanche" Hayes Upham & Co, mining mill Huidelberger S, papers and stationery Hess H, restaurant Hunt F M, liquors Johnson J C, ooots and shoes Johnson R Z, attorney at law Jones & Adams, carpenters and fumi ture Joues Thos, sheriff Lee Song, druggist Lend H, tailor Leonard S T, mining mill Leslie H E, photographer Lessman Frank, boots and shoes Lynam Jas, county clerk, recorder, au- ditor, and sup't schools Martia Henry, attorney at law McGregor & St Clair, foundry Miller & Hoffer, butchers Miller Mrs L, restaurant Moody W, agent W F & Co Express MOOaE E H> stationery and variety store, postmaster Newsom G W, dentist Nugent E, attorney at law Oberdorfer Morris, gen mdse Orr & McDonald, livery Peters A W, physician Pinkham & Shea, livery Kanseller B, boots and shoes Regan Bros, hotel Rupert J A, druggist and assayer Scales & Wagner, mill men Seals W A J, tailor Simondi A L, banker and assayer Smith S T N, druggist and jeweler Stucker Allen, blacksmith and wagon maimer Sumnifcrcamp W F, liquors and brewery Trask J N, assayer Tutt P A, county treasurer Upham John, carpenter Wickersham J H, probate judge Weeks R H, stoves and tinware Williams W V, liquors vj..-- Soda Springs, ONEIDA COUNTY. Anderson Niels, blacksmith Bowman James, painter, Horsley H, hotel LAW DANIEL) postmaster Raymond C 6, sawmill r >se C G, gen mdse '• hrke L/ oiarpenter 'Oiijfl .vii.oU <>j v, xatemAUen, painter .'"'■■''■ ' ■ ' if Weaver W, saloon Williams E T, hotel Winschell W, brewery Zion Co-operative Store, gen mdse Thurman's Mills, ADA COUNTY. Davis John, saloon Jeffreys T M, deputy postmaster Jeffreys J &, Co, gen mdse Morehead & Cleaver, flour mill Smith John, hotel propr Standard Mill TKD&MAN W L, postmaster, flour mill, tannery, grain dealer, dry goods and groceries, blacksmith, harness and saddlery Washington, IDAHO COUNTY. In a rich mineral district, 473 miles from Winnemucca, Nevada, is reached by stage via Boise City. Church G, hotel Clark Thos, liquors Croasdale & Williams, meat market Freedenrich A, postmaster and gen mdse Grostein & Binnard, gen mdse Kelly & Dyer, blacksmiths Sanderson A H, justice of peace Storens M, gen mdse Willey N B, attorney at law Weiser, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Urddle Wm, blacksmith Weiser Bridge, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Cady Jno, saw and grist mill Cleaver & Morehead, grist mill JEFFREYS S M, postmaster Weston, ON£IDA COUNTY. Co-operative Store, gen mdse Gill W; machinist Hoopes & Warner, boots and shoea Jesperson , flour mill McCullough H, mason, limekilnt iuiuj^. Nelson J C, blacksmith ,: .■■,.■,•/ Jihuh (D "1 3 » a 3 a a- o o 3 ' ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS. (See also Hardware.) Coffin & Co, Wooley Bros & Rich, Boise Cit^ Pans ASSAYERS. Bearley John, Wilson J M, West P C, Myer & SImith, Rupert J A, Simondi A L, Trask J N, Lewiston Banner Oneida Placerville Silver City iU J fl ATTORNEYS AT LAW. (Sea also County Officers.) COBB CHAS, High J N, Brumback & Cohalan, Curtis E J, Ensign F E, ' ; Huston & Gray, Johnson R Z, Smith A, JohnWH, j-.u Johnson & Onderdonk.^ ^ . Robinson T, "" ' Ainslie Geo, Brown Jonas W, Ensign P B, Houston & Gray, KingsleyCS, Adanis HO, Howe J M, Lcland A, Poe James W, Rand Jasper, Cobb Chaa, Bennett H M, Crawford & Fisher Timoney B McE, Anderson V S, Sidebotham R A, BeattyfliT, Wood'Chas A, ,1*1 .>rjhnsoi R Z, .1. Martin Henry, ^Kvg^tE, 'Wil%NB, .(".■■■•.n,i ,ii Albion Blackfoot Boise City Challis Idaho City (< Lewiston Harsh Basin Oxford i< II Rocky Bar << Salmon City Silver CitV >.r ,....,l.(f, ,vl. :.:lnl.M. ! fWaifhitigtoii AUCTIONEERS. Vincent Joseph K, Lewiston BAKERIES. Boise City c CD in > m k 2: n m 2 iliy:» t ae' deWeuerv K4&^ ai luit^ 8i0ok 4mt\m omttt^. 'l 1 ■III 1 1 1 IL <0 ■I Si c (Q s o ■ o « s ■I "5 bL c c O ■ o o o < 0. E Will UAMTAPIir Jt rn mov<'nandR»n|tc«.SOOdlff«i«ntiiliM.iitylMMul . ff . mUW I Abut tt UU.| puttornii. 110. 112. 114. 116 »nd 118 BatUry St.. 8. F. 110 BLA Idaho. CLABglFIRO. CON Glass Geo, Yane Joe R, Wells J, Oley G, Martmcn D, Jones J, Allen 8c McKibbon, Oliver F, Harris John P, Williams E A, Jennings 1', Martin C, Mitchell & Co, McCabe Robt, Spencer Win, Herrington & Stahl, Jeanjaquet & Eussell, Jeanjaquet & Stevens, Davis B M, Stucker Allen, Anderson Niels, THURMANWL, Kelly & Dyer, Urddle \Vm, Nelson J C, Lewiston it Lidyville Malad City Middteton Montpelier Mount Idaho Oxford Paris Payette Store Placorville • r o so -i H •< n e o ST « (A o a (0 S MM 3 CO o ■a •a o w o 2. (D O e to a « r & TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer & Co., "^i-Siv^t IP tmim M.fltylNknd iryBt..8.F. Silver City Weston s. Atlanta Bannack City Boise City Lewiston Moutpelier Salmon City Silver Star Silver City Soda Springs H. WACHHORST.importepof ,.'i::fry^^t:li;'.:a.. 315JSt.,Sac. o (A -< O c 30 H > r o •4 KERS. Centreville Fish Haven Rocky Bar St Charles :ers. Boise City <( shal, Lewiston OBACCO. Idaho City 00 e o X ffl Ui o a (0 3 S. 0? NG. Banner INERY. Boise City kES. Oxford AND BUILD- Banner O T3 •a o ffi o t\ p 5rl (D •n XI o e (D Centreville p il I "^ >n), Dwi City I^ewiston Rocky Bar St Charles Silver City Soda Springs Weaton COU Idaho. OLABBIPIRn. DtlY 111 << i^ rHu %mi SHa «l* ^K ' ■>' eH< lis '■ COUNTY OFFICERS. ADA COUNTT. Clark John, judge 1st dist, Boise City Curtis T J, probate judge, " Oldham J B, sheriff, " Hawthorne N M, county clerk, re- corder and sup't schools, Burdge W H, county treasurer, ALTURAS COTJNTT. BILLEY SB, probate judge, Rocky Bar Campbell Mel, sheriff, Wiukelbach John, county treasurer, Callahan W P, auditor and recorder. Dittoe Louis H, assessor, Anderson Sim, coroner, BEAR LAKE C0T7NTT. Osmond Geo, probate jud^e, Paris Wallantine Christian, sheriff, *' iStucki J U, county treasurer, •' RICH J. C, county recorder and au- ditor, " Hunt L B, assessor, " Austin E N, surveyor, " Floyd L, coroner, " BOISE COTJNTT. Hart T S, probate judge, Idaho City Danskin J W C, sheriff, Smith J, county treasurer, Richards G W, county clerk, recorder, auditor and sup't schools, Orchard A, assessor and collector, Hawley J H, attorney 2d dist, Lyons Thos, coroner, CASSIA COTJNTT. Harrington J E, sheriff, Robison M G, county treasurer, Gray T M, county assessor, Riblett F, county surveyor, LEMHI COTJNTT. Wood Chaa A, probate judge^ Salmon City Young Samuel, sheriff, " Hogan Jno, county auditor, re- corder, clerk and supt schools, " McPherson M M, county treasurer, " Manasco C W, county assessor and collector, " NEZ FERCES COTJNTT. Clark John, dist judge, Lewiston Warner D J, probate judge^ Baird Ezra, sheriff, Hudson Thos, county auditor, re- corder and sup't schools, Poe J W, district attorney, Bbnard A, county treasurer, Morthap J W, county auessor. << << Albion II II fi 11 (I ONEIDA COTJNTT. Morgan J W, probate judge, Malad Oity Watson John S, county sheriff, White B F, county recorder. Thews W B, county clerk, Crawford W, district attorney, Jones W H, county treasurer, McTucker Jas, county a&sessor, " Howell H N, sup't schools, Clifton Evans H R, county surveyor, Malad City Forrest Thos, county coroner, " OWTHEE COTJNTT. Wickersham J H, probate judge. Silver City Jones Thos, sheriff, " Lynam Jas, county clerk, recorder, auditor and sup't schools, " Tutt P A, county treasurer, " Harley WS, county assessor and col- lector, Belknap D H, coroner, WASHINQTON COTJNTT. Underwood Thos C, probate judge, Indian Valley Gray James P, sheriff, ■ " Hart Iredell M, auditor, recorder and clerk, " Jeffreys Thos M, treasurer, " Denney Saml R, assessor and tax col- lector, " DENTISTS. Arnold Dr, Boise City Newsom G W, Silver City DISTRICT OFFICERS. (See County Officers; also Territorial Officers.) II « DRUGGISTS. « My < > m ft < < S III CO 9S < H CO i 3 It t s I- 8 n« DRV Idaha. ouMiriw. QEN Stinser J H, Fielding , Fifher Oneida Oxford Oxford Thurman's Mills Thurman W L, ENGINEERS. Butler Gilbert, (mining) Idaho City EXPRESS COMPANIES. WALDBON MARION P, (««ent W F 4 Co), CentrevUle Donaldson I R, Eagle Rock Moody W, (agent W F 4 Co express,) Silver City FEED STABLES. HavirdCC&Co, Centre ville FLOUR MILLS. Goodrich & Co, Jacobs C, Ridenbaugh Wm H, Timms A, ZCMI, Goodrich Jas, Packard & Foote, RichCC Morehead b Cleaver, Ti>arp*i"V7 L, Cady Jno, (grist), Cleaver & Morehead, (grist), Jeaperson, , FOUNDRY. McGregor & St aair. Albion Boise City << Centreville Malad City Marsh Basin Middleton Paris Thurman's Mills Thurman's Mills Weiser Bridge Weston Silver City FURNITURE. Hatch J S, Williams M U, Rowell Wm, Wooley Bros & Rich, Jon^ & Adams, Boise City ' y 1 i U Lewiston Oxford Paris Silyer City GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Bascom & Bobison Bixby J L, Fnr«yCH, Swanholm — , Robertson D, Danilsoh A T, DJHiilsonTT, Falke D &, Bro, Hasbrouck & Leonard, v / Albion Atlanta '■ ''. ]jerativeStpw^ ,jj .^j„„.., ^,\ (,;Pwi|l UsM- Malad City Marsh Basin Middletown Montpelier Moscow '-. , ' ' II Mount Idaho • ; , II I ,V/ i. >{tuU'' 3D ■< a m m 3 O O. C «< ■n ■ S' T <0 o O 3' O 3 a 1 i Vi C? 1^ m »; •0 ^H^ o ^H^: 2 p i j: i,Mii;seiSsm!kSi4r^ r*^ nm, rr II H UCni (h« ccli>brat«4 Ormnm Blood Parlflar. Han Woodorftii Poivm-. Bonanza II i< II CentNville 30 m ChalUa •; \: ■ II V.VA. " II r m ao Clearwater Clifton 44 >'enr D'Alene DwiCity II O (A e Easle Bock ,., Elk City I.) r II F»ik'B Store Fish Haven II Florence re, Frariliw Genesee City Gentile Valley Gibbonsville *< ■n S o X 9 Goose Creek Granite Creek Idaho City j » in Day's Creek lAPwai Lewiston' •I II II II •I ' MaladCity O o a' o 3 « 1 Marsh Basin (g Middletown ](iontpelier Moscow Mount Idaho i Qnada ■ , , Oxford ■0 O 3; P IV. GEN Idaho. ciiANHiriitn. HOT 113 McFarland A J, Frazier D M, Ijoweiiborg Bros, NTadigtan £ Kennedy, Kelly J n, Wilhehn A G, Field L, Harkuess L A, Cnllfthan W P, Hall E B, VHeflFerA&J, Swanholm H, Strieker Herman & Co, VValgamott C S & Co, Shilling W H, St Charles Co-op' Store, Andrews N I, Phillips Fred, Shoup George L & Co, O'Connor M, BigelowWD, Brooks Anthony, (irrahnm E, Hardiinan Wm, Oberdorfer Morris, Blackman & Bumby Delaney & Anderson, Rose C (i, Zion's Co-op' Institution, Lafevre Charles, Jeffreys J & Co, Thui-man W L, Freedenrichs A, Grostein & Binnard, Storens M, Co-operative Store, Payette Store Pierce City II Pioneer City Placer vi He Pleasant Valley Rocky Bur II II II Rock Creek II Ross Fork St Charles Salmon City Salmon Falls Silver City Silver Star II Soda Springs II Terminus Thurman's Mills ii Washington HARDWARE. Coffin & Co, Coffin & Konnaly, Pink ham &Perrault, Sonna P, Gindroff Frank, Coffin & Kennaly, Clough & Smith, Bunnell C C, Boise City Bonanza Idaho City Junction Lewistoii HARNESSMAKERS. Phillips J, Billings T S, Anderson & Halsey, Idaho City Lewiston Terminus HARNESS AND SADDLES. Pcrty P J, THOBMANWL, Boise City Thurman's Mills HAY, GRAIN AND FEED. GROCERS. McDowell R M, Davis H, Davis & Himrod Davis Levy, Offord W H, Wood J D, Wintsch Conrad, Stringer J H, Kelly M W, Brown J H, Bunyell Fred, THURHAN W L, Weston Banner Boise City Centreville Lcesburg Lewistoii Oneida Pioneer City Silver City II Thurman's Mills Cheeny N, Halleiibeck Jno, THUBMAN WL, Centreville Silver City Tlirman's Mills GUNSMITHS. Leyerzapf Charles, Boise City HAIRDRESSERS. Pefferle M, Johnson Oscar, Rue Andrew, Carvan A J, Boise City Idaho City Lewiston Placerville 8 HOTELS. Myers Mrs W, • (iriyit Donald, Lewis W C, » Lewis WC, Bush J H, Eastman H B, Meffert C C, Burnea J, Muri)hy Mrs J R, Park & Vader, Pace James S, Giles M, Goodrich David, Carey John, Hackiusmith J H, Ash worth GeorfT'; Luney M G, STEPHENSON A M, Bittner August, Saux Raymond, Lezgett Georgft, OSBORN D, Brown L P, Jenkins Thomas, Finnoy W A, Baker E M, Wilson A, Swendson 0, Davidson J W, Stickle Mrs D C, Dill Wm, Dannels Mrs O, Newcomer S, Atlanta Banner II Black foot Boise City II Centreville Challis • II II Eagle Rock Elk City Falk's Store Florence Fort Lsmhi Genesee City Idaho City Junction Lewiston II Middletown Montpelier Mount Idaho Oneida Oxford Payette Store ii Pierce City Placerville 11 Rock Creek Rocky Bar JELLY, THE JEWELER, Repairs Watches and Jewelry. c > ■< CP > o o o 3 c O e o o s IL « i c '5 S o o (0 0) c c (0 O O o o z IS o < flL h h O Will MflMTAPIir JL m StoTvnandlteiiltes, 800dlffermtiiiM,itylMMa t Iff • mllll I AUUC « VV.f patterns, HO, 112, 114, 110 and 118 Battery St., S. F. 114 HOT Idaho. CLARSinSD. MEA Edwards £ S, Pope ThoB, Webafcer A V, Andeisoa S T, Crete Jno, Bumzell f'red, Regan Bros, Horsley H, Williams E T, Smith Jno, Church G, Salmon City Salmon Falls Silver City Soda Springs Thurman's Mills Washington JUSTICES OF PEACE. Shoemaker J, Van Camp J H, Mecham L C, Finney W A. Andrawatha Jno, Newcomer S, Sanderson A H, LIVERY. Bailey — , Fisher S G, McNab & Co, McCiiatock D, Holbrook N B, Noland & Caldwell, OSBOBN D, Shelly & Blackman Casey Jas, Snook Jno W, Wentz & Fluster, Orr & McDonald, Pinkham & Shea, Blackfoot Challis Franklin Oxford Kocky Bar Washington Challis Idaho City Le^ idton Montpelier Placerville Salmon City Silver City LIQUORS. Davis Nelson, Drake I N, Smith & Steadman. Tayler S, Lawrence & Smith, Butters &, Tpylor, Clasby & H(<;{le, Hepburn Jno, Kinney &, McCall, • Millenvich & Bro, Reese David, Watson Enos, Meffert C C, OflFord W H, Clasby & Hogle, Deard.on & Raiuey, Orcott W, Tchirtchirki & Scott, Kellogs J £, Kennedy W, Morris k Jackson, Kuhn & Hawson, Chamberlain D F, Atlanta Banner Boise City Bonanza « Centreville Challis it a n Dwi City II << II Eagle Sock Woolf Harry, Clark Thos, Ashwcrth Geo, Pierson D J, Hang N, Miller F a, Co, Tincher & Holland, Bunker & Squires, Denny J W, Gale H J, Gilman A A, Lucht E E, Auchinvole J N, Kohen & Hurst, Donovan D, Kohny Chas, Matheson J, McKay Jas, Vigi3r Isidor, Backle Geo, Mulalley Wm, WinklebackJmo, Martmalley James L^ Pope Thos, Willis C C, Willis & Wheeler, Donovan Jno, Dewey W H, French Q A, (ireteJno, Hunt F M, Summorcamp W F, Williams W V, Weaver W, Davis Jno, Clark Thoa, Elk City Florence Genesee City Gibbonsvilfe Idaho City LewistoD Middletown Mount Idaho Oxford Placerville Quartzburg Rocky Bar • I Salmon Ciby Silver City Soda Springs Thunuan's Mills Washington LUMBER. Church A G & Bro, Centreville Davis E J & Co, Malad City Co-ojwrative Store, Paris HOGE W, St Cliark's Lumber Co, St Charles Fisk L J, Terminus MACHINIST. Williams M M, Gill G W, Lrfjwiston Weston MARBLE WORKS. Roberts A B» Boise City MEAT MARKETS. (iess & Co, Colvin & White, Murray David, Shilling & Sipple, Marter Wm, La Pier Frank, Boise City Bonanza Centreville Challis Clifton Dwi City a 9 (/) O 3 H O -3 w o o » 3 O -» V 3 (D n « o ■a -a ct -t X o e M 9 m 30 CO n (D ar o 55" o 3 5 a CD 00 STAGE LINES. UTAH. IDAHO AM) OREGOK STAGE CO (Salisbury, Hailey & Co proprietors), Boise City Broadbent J B, Spaulding E E, Scribner S, Dunlap R, ELERS. Boise City Lewiston Rocky Bar Salmon City BUSINESS PENMANSHIP O a. 3 O o 3 NlSSei tOliLUOK, 8«0 PMt St., «. F. City. rARE. Junction Lewiston Imon City lilver City lalad City irsh Basin Silver City nan's Mills ICERS. Boise City lei- and |jU|U| pr||MnFR*Q Original Orpffon Blooil Pnrlfler Is not m Bitter n*r If nit rrUIVUkn O aSvriintiiitHxtriftWvx'-otnhlitrnninnnnil. Nnr«Aflp««dr'iniirtioil. 30 -< leral, << ! 1st dist II list, list, supreme m m 30 (/> 0> o S •a ■n o (D ctor, Idaho City RS. d o£Glce, Boise City << Ld office, Malad City congress, Boise City fice, Lewiston ae .MaladCity ind office, Lewiston IS. Idaho City Mount Idaho Terminus Pans Terminus ^ND JEW- Boise City Lewiston Rocky Bar Salmon City |»'I€BIIMI: ■t ««••'• O » P O 3. o a CD -» -0 O P 9 o o 9 It? n MONTANA. (Alphabetically.) Bae alw, List of Towns Beceived too Lata for Regular Iiuertion. i Lying between latitude 44° 15" and 49" north, and longitude 104° and 116° west, is ono of our most isolated dependencies. It is bounded on the north by British America, on the east by Dakota and by a short distance along the 111th meridian by Wyoming, on the south by Wyoming and Idaho and on the west by Idaho. Its length east and west is 540 miles, and its average breadth is 275 miles, hav'ng an area of 145,776 square miles, or, in round num- bers, 9.3, 296, tJ40 acres, of "hich 38,000,000 are unexcelled for grazing purposes, 16,- 000,000 are of exhaustless fertility and susceptible of a high cultivation, 14,000,- 000 are rich in the possession of an excellent growth of timber, and the remainder — that which is not covered by streams and lakes — can be classed as mineral lands, from which more than $150,000,000 were taken during the rirst seventeen years following its settlement. One cannot form an adequate conception of its extent until the fact is stated that its area is equal to more than that of England, Scot- land, Wales, and Ireland combined, or the six New England States and the State of New York in our own country. When we consider, therefore, that a popula- tion numbering many millions is supported by each of those sections, with no natural advantages superior to those which can be obtained in this vast empire, it cannot be doubted that in a few years this must be the scene of equal commercial and manufacturing activity over the broad bosom of whose majestic rivers an interchange of the respective productions must be had with our foreign lousiiis. Its great diversity of resources, its genial, healthful climate and the magniticence of its unequalled scenery, are features that cannot long be lost siL'bt of. A des- tiny that every patriotic citizen woiild feel a pride in must be the wn that will adorn the history of the young Territory in the near future. Cipital hns not sought investment in this region because of its remoteness from the aue ot com- mercial centers, though with the advent of the Northern Pacific Railway, whir! is to penetrate its interior and pass through its whole width, an era of devt. |. ment of unparallelled extent is confidently auticipate CO cd 2 0) 0» ce 2 o o CO o I? It Sib- ils Montana — Albion-Bedford. ALPHABBnCALLT. Albion. Brainard A O, land office Case A B, hotel Clark & Riley, hardware Cline & Lelson, gen mdse .Darling A M, gen mdse Lewis D A & Bro, druggists Nelson W J, land office Nickerson A L & Co, gen mdse Peters John, land office Rice H, postmaster Winkley & Stockman, blacksmiths Argenta, BEAVER HEAD COUNTY. Ball E S, smelter Bryan Wm, blacksmith Fletche'' J P, freighter FRENCH £, geii mdse and postmaster Johnson P P, stock dealer Bryan Wm, blacksmith French E, gen mdse French E, postmaster r ' ' - Bannack City, BEAVER HEAD COUNTY, Is a county seat and 150 miles south of Helena. It has a bi-daily express and mail connection with Virginia City, and is depend) t on the gold bearing ledges in the immediate vicinity for its support. Its population is 400. Bear's Moufh, DEER LODGE OOUNTT. Burmingham C, postmaster Mitchel Jos D, physician Mussingbro — , physician Beartown, DEER LODGE COUNTY, Is a postoffice 50 miles west of Deer Lodge City. Abascal J & Co|,gen mdse and clothing Brown Z, gen i fiae and dotting Lesan John, saioon Mariton — , saloon Pelletier Paul, saloon Dart George W, hardware and county treasurer Dempsey & Co, gen mdse Duulap Mrs Kate C, druggist QRAETEB A E, county clerk and re- corder, and clerk of district court Harby Jas, brewery and saloon Konncilmann John, butcher Murray J P. sheriff Roe I & Bro, bankers Rote Orville, assessor Sears A F, probate judge Shepherd C M, county sup't of schools Steger & Russell, hotel Trask & Graves, gen mdse Turner C W, att'y at law Watson ThoB, blacksmith WBIGHT A F, general merchandise and postmaster Wright Wm R, county coroner Bedford, JEFFERSON COUNTY. Austin R, hotel and feed stable Bu'ley D J, justice peace Baker Wm, hotel and feed stable Bishjp Chas, shoemaker Bums John, flouring mills Church A W, livery and feed stable Clifford J C, saloon Cline C L, saloon Dalgeum Sami, stock raiser Deltit Byron, gen mdse Ellis J, gen mdse Fisk John, stock raiser Hamilton Wm, gen mdse Hofflin & Senish, druggists Holden Wm, <- rpenter Johnson Chas, livery stable JOHNSTON G, tiouring mills and post- master Johnston Philip, miller Kelsey Miss, school teacher Lbbihu C B, drugs and physician Mackie John, ca):penter McHone — , stock raiser Murphy & Payett, blacksmiths Raymond H, stock raiser Recce & McMillion, carriage and black- smith shop SAVAGE C W. postmastei Savage Wm E, ass t postmaster Smith J W, saloon Thompson N, hotel and feed stable Weir O, blacksmith Wengis Wm, blacksmith Wilcox Mrs, hotel o c H "0 > o z D O O fl) 3 3 A a (P <■ A o o S 3 ■ JELLY, THE JEWELER, has a full stock of Table Cutlery. H. WACHHOPST "''"j^Mp.r^** than any house on the Coast. !i H y x: u u L. 3 cr (0 C « L. o o z < to o CO >- < z ui (0 Montcma — Behnxmt-Bozeman. 119 PIIABRTICALLT. Belmont, LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY. Belmont Mining Co Cruse Thos, mill and mining Gloflter Mining Co, JUEGENS J H,J)08tma8ter JUBOENS & PRICE, gen mdse Langden John, hotel Mnth & Conrad, gen mdae Kichards Geo, gen mdse Sullivan Neil, hotel Benton Boad, LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY. Warner Geo, hotel Blackfoot City, DEER LODGE COUNTY. A postoffice 25 miles north of Deer Lodge City. Birdseye C, gen mdse and postmaster Davis Theodore, livery and blacksmith Hall Jno, saloon Quigley & Eley, butchers Quigley J R, gen mdse Schwartz Geo, hotel Speir Saul, gen mdse Boulder Valley, JEFFERSON COUNTY. A postoffice 40 idles southwest Radcrsburgh of Cook Hiram, hotel and postmaster Dealy VVm, liquors Concannon Jas, blacksmith Griswold C, cheese manufr Saeat & Moore, gen mdce Bozeman, GALIATIN COUNTY. I« a county seat and postoffice, 96 miles southeast of Helena. The valley in which it i^ situated is charming and very fertile. Au excellent quality of bitu minous coal is taken from a vein of 2!^ foet in thickness near the town, on the Yellowstone River. It has a population of 300. Armstrong F K, attorney at law Ash & Fridley, livery stable ••AVANT COTJRIEB." Alderson Son propra & Basinski S, saloon Bishop Dr C L, dentist Builey W H, jeweler Bogert J V, receiver U S land office Canee H B, photographer Cook S W, blacksmith Chestnut J D, saloon , Cooper Walter, guns and ammunition Clark A P, constable Dediwick J, justice of peace Engelfried & Esler, harness and saddlery EUis & Davis, liquors Edwards T R, attorney at law Engesser Mrs, restaurant Frick Edward, barber Geisdorff Francis, physician Gallatin Mills, P W McAdow & Bro Harper J H, saloon Harper Francis, blacksmith Kleiuschmidt & Bro, gen mdse Kay James, furniture Lewis S W, barber Langhorne S W, druggist Lockey R, grocery and bakery Lamme A & Co, gen mdse Mulvany B T & Co, blacksmith Maney Jas, saloon Marston Lea F, jeweler May R F, merchant Morgan & Wartield Mrs, dressmaker Mounts & Sanborn, saloon Monroe Dr G W, physician McKenzie W S, sheriflF McCaman J D, county treasurer and sup't public instruction Nichols G R, hardware Osborn S H, druggist Oakwood & Hofiinan, saloon Rich Chas V, groceries Strasburg & Sperliiiger, gen mdse Skehan Philip, Laclede Hotel Sanford J C, Doots and shoes Silencer Dr M H, dentist Speith & Keruge, brewery Souis & Flanaghan, restaurant Schwabe Wm, tailor Story & Goewey, guns, etc Sloan & Proffitt, meat market Story & Wilson, bankers Selin Jno A, masonry, etc Switzer J C, county coroner Taylor J H, postmaster, books and fancy goods Thompson k Bequette, painters Thomas Geo D & L A, flouring mill Vivion R P, district attorney Vivion & Pierce, attorneys 4it law Wartield T B, hardware Wakefield Geo W, hotel and livery Wilson Davis, register U S land office Worsham P P, saloon Wilson & Lewis, clothiers, boots and Bh038 3 o a. CD P a a. "11 i CD CD CO 0> 3 09 e ST GEO. C. THAXTER, *«Sl£'ja':i'\iiS!Sr*' Carson City, Nov. WVnU O I UUn I AILUn f W'alkei* Houn«^, Malt Iiak« City. Wta gp. 120 Mcmtana — Burnt Plne-Butte City. Abl'lIABHTICAI.LY. o c o (0 O ■> (D TJ 0) O €0 C (0 CI 0> e 2 '£ c I III H < X I- o u o Burnt Fine, BEAVER HEAD COUNTY. Aibour Josepli, saloon Cuming F & Kinney, boarding liouse Driacoll & Tuaffe, gen mdse Durell B M & Co, gen mdse Fall A, saloon Hiimilton & Cartier, meat market Miller R C, boarding house Morrison A M, saloon Tarbell Geo E, saloon and boarding house THOMAS, ARMSTRONG & CO. gen mdse Welsh D J & Co, gen mdse Beaver Head Rock, BEAVER HEAD COUNTY, Is a postoffice 40 miles southeast of Bannack City. Butte City, DEER LODGE COUNTY, The second city of importance of the Territory, is situated on the slope above tSunvmit Valley, seven miles above Silver Bow. Like most places of the pioneer days, it presented scenes of great activity and depression alternately ; and it was not until the year of our Lord 1875 that a permanent growth in the place was begun. The discovery of rich lodes in Janiiary of that year, and the introduc- tion of suflBcient capital towarrant their dcvilopment to their greatest capacity, cast the' glorious sunlight of a perma- nent and gradual improvement over the place, and it now has a population of 3,000 souls. With improved facilities for transportation, and an outlet by rail to the Union Pacifin, she must be- come a city of no little importance. Her schools are good, the society is ex- cellent, and the health is remarkably fine. No malarial, no pulmonary or bronchial diseases are ever recorded in this locality. Allen J F, foundry Anderson Fred C, barber Arthur J K, contractor Aylesworth & Mcfarland, hotel Bi'.eon J H, carpenter Baker Smitti & Co, hotel Baker T T, surveyor Barrett A H, justice of the peace Barnett H, dry goods and clothing Barrett & Warren, real estate agents Barton & Wilkinson, pub's "Frontier Index " Bateman K F, commission merchant Beal G W, hotel Benjamin (ieo, livery stable Bennett T A, assayer Bernard A W, mining Bielenberg Nick, meat market Black John E, blacksmith Boardman W T, mining Bogk (iustavus, bakery and restaurant Bohler Joseph, jeweler Bonner E L & Co, dry goods and cloth- ing Bowes J M, furniture Brown & Frank, cigars and liquors Brown Geo E, physician Brown H T, manager Butte mine Caplice Jno & Co, gen mdse Clark W A. banker and mill Cofl'man & La Land, saloon Cohen Alex, gen mdse Cohen D Sr, gen mdse Coleman W & Co, cisfars, tobacco, and notions Copinus W^, clothing Culehan J E, hotel Daley & Stack, saloon David & Bennet, assayers Davis A J, foundry Dellinser D N, hardware DeWoTf Steven, attorney at law Dingley Mrs M A, dressmaker Doe Miss Mattie A, dressmaker Donnel, Clark & Larabie, bankers Dovenspeck Jno, meat market Dunn W T, painter Dusseau A J, pliotographer Dyer Jas, candy manufr Ehrick Chas, hotel Evans David M, "lining Farlin J A, boarding Farraday Adam, mining Farrel Denis, saloon Fisher Bros, saloon Fitshen (Jeo, saloon Forbis Jno F, attorney at law Forbis Wm, constable Foster Lee W & Co, fc,en mdse Fox Jas D, jeweler French Milo, hotel Gamer Fred & Co, boots and shoes Glcason & McNulty, dentists Hale Geo T, druggists Halvorson CAB, watchmaker and Jew- eler Hamilton Wm, bootmaker Hassell II B, sup't Butte schools Hauser S T & Co, bankeis Hines Geo A, watchmaker Hirsch F, watchmaker and jeweler Holmes L E, physician Hoops Thos, liquors and produce $ H 0) H as m m O 30 > Z o 30 m o 0) S o m CD » a c (0 CD o 1 ■0 O ■f o 11 3 ■ 1 -* (D ^H a ^■t O ^VliJ 3 ^^H ^A CD ^w::h 1 < B^' P ns; «-ti ^Bl9J ^ Kit 3* O H|ui CD P) H<;"j CD PACIFIC CUSINESS COLLEGE, *•• tl^.oS£*iy*^"ria.f fe'iir * WM PFUNDFR*^ Orrxwn Blood Purifier l« the Kemedjr fbr • Tsi^ld not, rruravcno r.lv**!* nntl r»;x.-iiM. .1 KIiIih-v. A»k yoar Druygtot fur IL tobacco, and h3> n I. :* Montana — Butte City-Camp Baker. 121 ALPHABBTICAt.I.r. Hough C P, physician Houser C 6, liquors Houseworth Simon, livery stable Irving Caleb E, justice peace Jackey Chris, harness maker Jacob Henry & Co, clothing and fur nishing goods Jones R 8, mining Kessler H C, varieties King & Lowry, saloon Kinna & Jack, hardware Kuworth Jos, saloon Largey P A, mining Lavell & Co, lumber Leggat Jno A, mining Leggat R D, mining Manning & Lewis, groceries and produce Marchesseau & Valiton, gen mdse MABKS L & SON, stationery, toys, fancy goods, cigars, &c Marsh Geo F, surveyor Matthews Jas, liquors Mayer Henry, auction Mayer Max E, assayer '' McBride F T, atty at law McLean Wm, agt for Thompson & Dodge McMillan & King, blacksmith McMurphy Heury, agt Chas filum Mender C T, mill and mines, agt N Y Copper Co Mendelsohn D & Son, dry goods and clothing Morris Bros, tobacco Mosher Geo, express agt ,™ Moss J, commission met Mulville Sam, blacksmith • Murray James, mine Musigbrod & Johnston, physicians Neidenhoffer Mrs C, varieties Newell Mrs E L, dressmaking Newell J P, millwright New kirk Geo VV, liquors Nissler Chris, brewery Noyos Jno, mine Ohnstead H C, accountant Orstein J, market Owsley & Mantle, livery Pack J A, assayer Parchen & D'Arclieul, druggists Parks W S, hairdresser Perconia Prof, music teacher Pettit B, furniture Pfaff Montain, restaurant Pfeifer J P, saloon Pope & Noyes, specimen collectors Potting J F, meat market Pausom Joel W, mine Reed J B, editor "Butte Miner" Peins J P, constable Pickers Mrs G B, dressmaker Rogen Mrs M C, dressmaker Sands Bros, clothing and furnishing goods Scott Press, surveyor Simpson Dennis, hairdresser Singer J C, furniture Small &, Halford, saloon Smith Egbert W, postmaster and supt public schools Smith Mrs Lou P, milliner Spratt &■ Stapleton, attys at law Stanchfield L E & Co, cigars and tobacco Stenberg O, painter Stevans Wm, mining Stoner 1 1, livery Sullivan J T, jeweler Summit Valley Lumber Co Supfenant J V, milling Talbott James A, mills Tenner & Van Gurdy, saloon Thomas J D, gen mdse Thompson & Dodge, lumber Thompson J, physician Thornton C C, attorney Todd Geo W, saloon Trisberger & Boardman, druggists Trowbridge C B, liquors Valiton H G, livery Ward Sisters, hotel Warfield Carlos, tobacco stand Warfield W, livery White Jno, painter Whitford O B, physician Weissel J, lodging house Willard H A, hotel Woodward & Savage, cigars and notions L. MARES & SON., Dealers in STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, TOYS, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc., Cor. Main Street and Broadway, Butte City, M. T. Cable City, DEER LODGE COUNTY. Morjc Mrs J A, hotel NOWLAN MRS SABAH A, post- mistress Camp Baker, MEAOHER COUNTY. Gaddis Wm, gen mdse Holland & McKean, lumber o 8 "9 I* 2 f o c 3 CD O a fi» o fi) 3 a CO o c s 3 fit JELLY. THE JEWELER. Besf Assortment in Sacramento. I '; i c 75 S 5 e 3 S > o E « (K) C c (B O ■ o o a < Q. I- h D O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ?,T'?ff"dTirKfa'g?,'^'"^'^*' tery Mreef , M. F. 122 Montana- -CantoTir-Deer Lodge City. ALPIIABVriOALLr. Canton, MKAGHER OOONTY. Tiemey & Scott, gen mdse Canyon Ferry, MEAGHER COUNTY. A poatofifice 20 miles northwest of Diamond City. 'LEO'S JAMES> postmaster, gen mdse, hotel and ferry Leon & Perry, hotel andstore Cedar Junction, MISSOULA COUNTY, A postoffice 75 miles northwest of Missoula. Central Park, GALLATIN COUNTY. Cockrill V A, gen mdse Centreville. MEAGHER COUNTY. Hoover David, blacksmith Chestnut, MEAGHER COUNTY. Harris Z A, postmaster and gen mdse Cicero, MADISON COUNTY. A postoffice 12 miles northwest of Vir- ginia City. Corvallis, MISSOULA COUNTY. McQuirk Wm, gen mdse P rice J B, physician and surgeon SQUntiES W, blacksmith and post- master Coulson, CUSTER COUNTY. Alderson J J, hotel and telegraph offioe Courier David, gen mdse Day & Greenwood, sawmill Harr John, saloon and gen mdse McAdow P W geu pjdse Clancy, JEFFERSON COUNTY. Harvey G L, stock raiser Herrin D S, hotel Hil.T. H M, machine shop and brass foundry, assayer, postmaster, gen mdse and notary public Hill H M' & Co, Clancy flume and hydraulic mines Lyon Fred A, hotel • Redding Emanuei, shingle factory Deer Lodge City, DEER LODGE COUNTY, Is a county seat and postoffice, 53 miles southwest of Helena. Population about 1,000. Has a weekly newspaper, the "New North West," and a by-daily stage line, connecting with Hellgate. Aspling Thos, varieties Aylsworth & McFarland, hotel Bielenberg C P H, meat market Bien M, furniture Blum Chas, dry goods and clothing Boisvert I{, saloon and bakery Bonner E L & Co, dry goods and cloth- ing Botkin W W, warden of penif tiary Clark VV A, pres 1st National uank Coleman Lewis, county treasurer Coleman Wm & Co, fancy goods Contancin C Fish, brewery Curtis Mrs A R, millinery DICKEY J E, county clerk and re- corder Doll Geo M, saloon Donnell, Clark & Larabie, bankers Emerson 0, probate judge Fenner & Van Gundy, brewery First National Bank, W A Clark pres Galbraith VV J, associate justice supreme court Gerber John, saloon Gleason F E, public administrator and dentist Hanks Porter, physician and surgeon Hardenbrook K, county superinten- dent public instruction Hyde Wm, watchmaker, etc Irvin G W, clerk dist court Ives A K, physician Kellogg G A, civil engineer and surveyor Kennon & Zenor, hardware CO -< o o 00 o (A SSL P I" CD TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. ,11^ 11*, B«t,III.F. H. WACHH0U8T. importer of JS&,^^SSSIi4M, 315 J St., Sao. w ^T. -< O c l?eon SQ th and post- -H m^m r- o as f. •^ igraph offiiM H ^ ndae 00 B o X" City, NTY, jostoffice, 53 o 3 Population ' newspaper, ^ id a by -daily S Hellgate. Ul S p otel 3 j-ket (/) ffil* clothing ■ ery o is and cloth- 9 o enit tiary M nal uank s: asurer goods ^ p> clerk and re- ft" X bankers O e (/> CD wery \ Clark pres (/> ustice supreme P) p^ inlstrator and r ?r and surgeon A ty superinten- o A' etc rt f er and surveyor re e s o e t o 0. (0 Iff s 0) o CO (0 V o r >« 0) e o '■s £ e o U o c 2 u. e c (d E u a> (9 » e (d u 'C o E < Montana — Dlamumd OUy-Foreet City. ALPIUBiniOALLr. 123 Kleinsohmidt Bros, wholesale grocers Knowles Hiram, attorney Lansing Peter, boots and shoes Marchion John, meat markut Mayhew Alex E, dist atty McAndrev»s Jas S, sheriff McFarland D L, county surveyor Miller W B, harness and saddles Mills Jas H, sec'y of Territory Mitchell A H, physician and surgeon Murphy C, assessor Murphy, Higgius & Co, wholesale gro ceries Napton T L, attorney •• THE NEW NOETH WEST," Mills Bros prop'rs O'fiannon O B, lund a ,'ent, U S commis- sioner O'Neil Mrs B, millinery O'Neil John, hardware Owen E T, coroner p.vxon E S, painter Premont F, harness and saddlery Reed H 8, insurance agent Richard J, gunsmith Robinson J C, lawyer Roulean Chas, hotel Scott Sami, hotel SHANLEY & CO druggists Sharp & Naptou atty at law Stackpole E 8, postmaster Strickland Otis, livery Tetrault Frank, blacksmith and wagon maker Zosel Bros, blacksmiths and wagonmak ers E. S. Stackpolb. W. F. Shanlbt. SHANLEY & CO., Dealers in PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES Faints, Oils, Stationery, Blank Books, School Books, CUTLERY, ETC., Deer Lodge, Montana. Diamond City, MEAGHER COUNTY, Is a postoffice and county seat, 40 miles distant from Helena. Population about 500. Eckcr G, shoemaker Flemming Thos, meat market and livery stable Haase Wm F, gen mdse and postmaster Marks L, gen mdse and W F & Co. 'sex- press agt Marks & Patterson, livery staole McLean Donald, liquors Ramspeck H, brewery "RO(XT HOTJNTAIN HUSBAND- MAN," R N Sutherlin propr Suthei'lin R N, propr "Koocy Mountain Husbandman ' Divide, DEER LODQE COUNTY. Bow Wm, hotel Brancom A E, meat market Bryson Pat, shoemaker Copp M W & Co, lime Forrest Wm, hotel Gaffney W B, gen mdse Parker D R, sawmill Smith & Partridge, quartz mill W ilber A E, harness and saddles WTJNBERLICH CHAS, blacksmith and postmaster Wunderlich Ed, wagcn and carriage fac- tory Wunderlich L, hotel Jas. Kibrpatrick. ROBT. KiRKFATBICK. EZBEFATBZCE BBOS., Dealers In GROCERIES & DRIED FRUITS, MACHINERY AND WAGONS, Edgerton, Montana. Fish Creek, MADISON COUNTY. BBTTFFEY GEO A, gen mdse and postmaster Brassey Ed, hotel Collins T E, atty at law Forest City, 1IIS80ULA COUNTY. Caplice, 'Smith & Co, gen mdse m o -I X > X H m o o > 2 O CO m PI o 1 > s o -< » . ll < ILSAM. ARCTIC SODA at ThaxteKs Drug Store, Carson City. Nev. rUNU I UIILI I I , fVooleu bmpen, op. Walker Hoium», Halt Lake City. e .S t2 t: •a cd -J UJ o <0 bJ Ul 1- Lu 124 Montana — Fort Ai^einahoine-Oallatiyi City. ALFIIAHRTICALLY, Fort Assinaboine, CIIOTEAU COUNTV, Bruadwator, Hubbel & Co, punt traders Fort Bentoii) OUOTEAU COUNTY, is at the head of navigation on tlie Mis- souri river. Its aettlftncnt dates anter- ior to that of any other place in the Territory, and is consequently the old- est town. It was named after the dis- tmgaished Senator from Missouri. It has a population of UOO only, though for a place of its size it presents a scene of activity that is not apparent in many otfter places much more pretentious, which however is only during the sea- son whence steamboats arrive and de- l)art, from April to September of each year. Its location is beautiful, being on one of the low bottoms bordering the river. Its future cannot be otherwise than bright, since it is the entrepot of a very extended trade. Baine Frank, market Baker I ti & Co, bankers Beckman August, saddlery and harness Bourassa J C, saloon Buck W H, editor and propr " Fort Bon- ton Record" Cassady & McDevitt, stables Cleudenin Geo, steamer agt Crane G W, stationer and tobacco Croft Geo, saloon Donnelly J J, attorney Evans & Savage, saloon Flanagan M A, druggist Foster VVm, barber Gamble & Lee, bakery Grafs Mrs Annie, dressmaker Healy J J, sherifi' Hunter W £, drugs and physician Husberger & Malkin, hotel Joyce Wm, bootmaker Kanouse J A, atty at law Kleinschmidt & Bro, gen mdse Lily & Co, billiards Marshal L T, auctioneer Mee I & K, blacksmiths Milli Se^'nolds, boarding house Mills R R. hotel Morston O C, painter Murphy Neel & Co, gen mdse Power T C & Bro, freii^hters Rosencrans L H, saddlery and harness Smith & Castner, coal dealers Tindy Bros, market Trailkill & Crawford, stable Wackerlin H J, tinner * Welsh Nick, saloon Wetzil W M & Co, gen mdse Wheelock I \V, physician Fort Custer, CUSTEtt COUNTY. Allen & Crimmens, blacksmiths Bomp & Co, gen mdse Keenan T, wagonmaker Sagnier — , restaurant Tesson L S, physician Tessy T, physician Fort Eeogh, CUSTER COUNTY. Broadwater, HubbcU & Co, gen mdse Fort Logan, MEAGHER COUNTY, OADDIS WH, post trader, gen mdse and postmaster Fort Shaw, LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY, Is a postoffice, 85 miles north of Helena. McKnight J H, postmaster McKnight J H & Co, gon mdse French Oulch, DEER LODGE COUNTY, Mattie L, blacksmith Maturin Samuel, grocer Frenchtown. MISSOULA COUNTY. A postoffice 18 miles west of Missoula Mills. Demers T T, gen mdse, flour mill ami sawmill Demery T T, hotel Dufresne L, blacksmith Frenchtown Farmer Co, flouring mills LASSEBRE W, postmaster Lavallee T B, blacksmith Marceau O, saloon Gallatin City, GALLATIN COUNTY. A postoffice northwest of Bozeman 30 30 00 o (A s n "•I • I* P '4 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Vhi' aioflel Commercial Collea or the Coast, 8XO Post St,, 8.1 cmred >» that calobnitwl Or»toii Blood Pnriner. eomiNraiidwl kt nW, rTUIiaer OC UO Sour mill ami . -0 mi W m Montana — Oeorgetoivn-Helena. 125 ALPIIABRTICAbLr. miles, situated nonr the coafluence of the Joiferson, (TuUatin and Madison rivers, headwaters of the Misisouri, and also 70 miles southeast of Helena. Campbell (i H, gen mdse Georgetown, LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY", Is 20 miles northwest of Helena and a postoiBce. Oleudale, BEAVER HEAD COUNTY, Is a lively mining camp in the southwest em portion of the Territory, having communication with the adjacent places by the well-known stage line of Gilmer & Salisbury. It did not attract a great deal of attention until its importance as an ore-shipping point became known, when it rapidly climbed the ladder of notoriety, and in a verj' short time gazed upon quite an array of money-seuking population. The mines in the vicinity of the place are producing an abundance of bullion, and give employment to quite an army of men and a great deal of ma- chinery. Very codtly fuinaces have been erected. The population of the place is about 1,500 periions. Brown H W, photographer Burnett Jno G, hot^ Canovan Jno, hotel Chambers M D, furniture Dawson Fred, wagonmaker Durell B M & Co, liquors Evans James, hardware Fisher & Kramer harness makers Foster A H, liquors Gilg Frank, limiors Gilmer & Salisbury's stage line Grotevant & Forry, liquors Hamilton J L, boots and shoes Hecla Con Mining Co, blacksmiths and mining Keppler J C, jewelry Kinney H J, gen mdse Littlefield & Co, liquors Maddox & Martin, restaurant Mannheim Jno, gen mdse Metlin J C, liquors Munn T L, painter Murry & Kosencroft, livery stable Parchen &, Couchenour, druggists Peck & Fairfield, liquors Perkins G W, druggist Pond & Urlin, gen mdse and lumber Reynolds John, livery stable Kote & Germansen, moat market Scott Beuj, shoemaker Stanley & Taylor, meat market Stewart H, wagonmaker Thomas & Armstrong, gen mdse Weller T J & Co, blacksmiths Wells John, gen mdse Hamilton, OALLATIN COUNTY. Baker Wm, blacksmith Henon Wm, postmaster Ledheater & Sanborn, carpenters and freighters Potter John, atty at law, dealer in gen' mdse Wane W, blacksmith . Helena, LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY, Is a city of 5,000 inhabitants, the capita of Montana Territory, and the county seat of [jewis and Clarke county. Like most places in the far West, its early history was fraught with tragic features, crime and corruption stalking hand in hand through the streets, day after day, in most formidable array ; but when, in 1865, the formation of the organization which will be distinctly remembered as the Vigilance Committee, was effected, vandalism and other crimes became " beautifully less, " to the delight of her law-abiding and peace-loving citizens. When the i>lace first took its name it was known as St. Helena, named so be- cause of its striking resemblance to the place which acquired an undying fame through the possession of Napoleon. It was concluded, shortly after the event of its christening, at a meeting held a,t a log cabin, to drop the first part of the word and leave it as it now is. The city has had a great many obsta- cles in the form of various elemoiits to surmount in her pathway to develop- ment. In 1869 a great fire, news of which was telegraphed throughout the world, occurred, destroying nearly the whole city. Another equally as de- structive occurred in 1872, and another still in 1874. Despite the fate whicli promised destruction in a baptism of tire, the brave citizens went to work and have again rebuilt the city, and it is to be hoped that they may not be c di- ed upon again to pass through a fiery ordeal of such magnitude. The city is -< 1 > •< o» I > o o o 3 c O o ■ o •o ■0 o JELLY, THE JEWELER, HSalX' Am, Watches from Factory. • fft INUN I HUUC « wUif F«»Um«. 110. lit. M4. iuiaml IIH RaitorrM.. H. f. Ik IB 1 P S 4> O E 75 C c m O m o o o o 0. I- D c 126 Montana — Helena. ALPIUBITICALLV. well supplipd with scliools and churches, the people are pro^.{ressive and intelligent, and the aenural health of the place ia very good? There are two daily and two weekly papers nublisheil here, two bankin nousea doing an extensive buaineaa in their particular branch of trade, aa well M a full complemtsnt of wholeaule and retail establishmentii. Within a aliort diatance of Helena arc quite a number of very rich gold and ailver quartz mines, all being Hucceaafully workeil. To thia interest the city owes her chief aupport. Adams J, liquora Adams J, blacksmith and wagonmaker Albrecht Charles, boots and shoes Alden Isaac li, clerk supreme court Alleh W H, livery Anderson Bros, blacksmiths and wagon- makers Andrews Jacob, carpenter Andrews Geo Jr, U S district attorney Armer & Howe, tanners Arnold ft Di witt, meat market Ashby S C, \''agons and ag't steamer line Andrews J W Jr, U S district attorney Auerback, Wells & Co, books, stationery, musical instruments, cigars, tobacco, wall papar and wholesale liquor? Baily W U, jeweler Bartos Frank, jeweler Bateman G, justice of the peace Beach D W, hotel Boattio Alex H, clerk 3d district court Beaupre & Pelletier, liquors Beckney John W, liquors Borkenfeld A, cigars and tobacco Berkenfeld A, confectioner, guns, etc Bessett J, boots and shoes Binzel B, brewery < Black Joseph, carpenter Blake James, meat market Blake J M, dentist Bohler F, painter Botkiu A C, U 8 marshal Boyce J R, dry goods and carpets Brooke B C, physician Brown M, clothing Bullard Massena, lawyer , Bullard W R, U S surgeon Bandy C, photographer Burns & Tilton, liquors Butler Victor, blacksmith maker Cannon C W, groceries and tobacco Carr Robert, Mots and shoes Chadwich Walter F, lawyer Child W C, pianos and organs Chumasero ft Chadwick, lawyers Clark, Conrad ft Curtin, crockery, queens- ware and hardware and wagon- Clark Mrs G, dreaamaker and millinery Colbert Charles, liquors Cole J K carpenter Coruly Harry H, lawyer Cooper I^ewis, liquora Crounse S H, poatmaater, agent steamer line Cullen, W E, lawyer Cummiiigs T A, collector of customs Cunningham Frank, hotel Curtis ft Booker, carpets and furniture, auction and commission Curtis D W, pianos and organs Curry AUter: B, hotel Curry K T cariK-nter Dailey Benj, painter Daly Hugh, carpenter Davidson A J, harness and saddles, hides and palts Davis ft Tateni, machinists and foundries Davis ft Wallace, groceries, tobacco and cigars DeLiicy W W, surveyor Dann John, grocariea, wholesale liquors, cigars and tobacco Dingee William, liquors Dorey Wm, painter Dunphy K M, real estate Earnest Geo, hotel Eckert Mrs M A, photographer p]cklun(l ft Bisaonette, blacksmiths and wagon makers Edwards ft I'ilkinton, blacksmiths and wagonmukers Emerson 11 G, tailor Furry Dan, liquors Feldberg Jacob, clothing Figuli 1< S, j)hy8ician First National Bank, S F Hawser pres Flick Joseph, carpenter Flowerree , liquors Foller August, brewery Foote (tco B, surveyor and civil engineer Frank E, hairdresser Frary L M dentist Frederick W E, mana^r W U T Co Freyler Charles, meat market Fuller T P, cioHector of internal revenue Galen H F, stage line Gamer Fred, boots and shoes Gans ft Klein flnthing Garwood A, e vpunter Gerhauser A, liquors Gessrang Geo, painter Gilbert .1, carpttiiter (iilmer. Salisbury ft Co's stage line Glendennin Mrs S E, dressmaker and millinery Goodrich A, blacksmith and wagonwaker Gorham Thos L, county assessor Goyette O, liquora Grennwood, Bohm & Co, clothing i Guiliot H, tailor "« o o » o 3 O o o « 3 a S a (9 e -a •Mi PT CO •J O c > <« I 2 oaetoms \ J 1 «0 • 1 1 furniture, i 1 1 s I 11 ans H V 09 1 ? B H ig S- I i and saddlea, a 1 li and foundries » ■ 1! tobacco ttnd o H g: ^^1 is loaale liquors, m^ H It S. H i o ^1 2t , 3 H ^1 p> ^1 is tpher cksmiths and 11 ickamiths and o 1 o ^1 fi c A H t O ^H i< 3 ■ '3 H ^iS awser pres CD ■ £ ^^H i civil engineer o H T3 C <0 WrUTCo 'ket l| £ itemal reTenuo n ^M s oes o 1 (0 c ■ (0 , (D H oc ^^H UJ (/) ^1 u Si ^1 fiQ stage line ^ H < ressmaker ano p) 1 (9 nd wagonwaka (0 assessor A H 2 clothing ^H Ui H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches. 315 J Street, Sae. Montana — Helena. AliPllAlllTICAbLT. 127 Outhrie Wm H, moat market Haffgaman Chae, meat market Hale R S & Co, druggists Harding J B, hotel Harrison K B, U S oaaayer Harvey Mrs K S, dreaamaker and millin- ery Harvey Robt, carpenter Hauaer S T, president first national bank Hedges Cornelius, attorney at law, pro- bute judge and sunt court reporter. " HEAALD," (daily and weekly) Fisk Bros proprietors Herman Geo, furniture and undertaker Herrick Mrs 8 B, dressmaker and mil- linery Hershhcld L H & Bro, banker Uolter A M & Bro, distillery, hardware and planing mills Horsky Jumea, livery Horsky & Konck, brewery and liquors Howe V D furrier, hides and pelts Howe Kuubeu, carpenter Hoyt E M, real estate Hnyt Z, blacksmith and wagonmaker Iditings H A, auent (} & S stage line "INDEPENDiENT," (daily and weekly) Korley, MoQuaid & LaCroix proprietors IngersoU C S, phyuiciun Jenriea C M, blacksmith, wagonmaker and sheriff Juhnsnu Mrs Vj J, dressmaking and mil linery ' Johnston J A, lawyer and district at tornc^ .'. L i-istrict Johnson J "i, justice peace Jonea Wm, physician Jurgena & I'riws, vinegar mf'rs and gro ceriea Kellogg G A, county surveyor Kelley C S, dentist Kencic K, hotel Kern J no, painter Kessler & Miller, liquors Keaaler Nick, brewery King Fred L, painter Kinna & Jacks, crockery and queenaware Kleinschmidt & Bro, cigars and tobacco, groceries and wholesale liquors Knight E W, cash'r first national bank Kovitz C L, furrier, hidca and pelts Lake D 1', stencila Lehman Chas, cigars, tobacco, groceries Lehman Fred, groceries Leville H, painter Ijeviae S, tailor Lockey R, gioceries and bakery Loeb Bros, clothing LowenbergEmil, cigars, tobacco, guns, etc Lowry T J, lawyer Luke St Paacoe, liquors Madden P F, physician Major J C, carpenter Markam Chas, saddles, homeaa, hides and pelta Marka Isaac, liquors Marka & Patterson, livery and atoge line Marsh B F, county aurveyor Mirsh John M, aurveyor and civil en- gineer Ml aon R H, aurveyor general McFarland J H, livery Mcl>a»'vny James, stage line Mcllhennev S 8, physician McLean VV, hitel McFhail A, blav^ksmith and wagonmaker Meyendortf M A, U 8 melter Miflen Nick, boots und choes Mills James H, sacretary Territory Moe J H, secretary U S land office Moliter 8 F, assayer Morris Bros, crockery, cigars and to- bacco, and confectioners Morris W C, physician Murphy, Neel & Co. cigars and tobacco, groceries and liquors Nash H O, stage line Norria, Jerome & Co, meat mnrket O'Connell Miaa M, dreaamaker and mil- linery Odenwald Jake, liquora Oldham G H k 8ou, gunsmiths O'Donnell Terence, hooka and station- ery, pictures and framea Patoneiiudo A, blacksmith and wagon- makera Parchen H M & Co, druggists Payne C I, hotel Paynter, Brown & Weisenhorn, black- smiths and wagonmakers Piatt George H, livery Porter I B, lawyer, real estate Port-r James P, livery Potta Benjamin F, governor Power T C & Co, agricultural impl'ta and wagona Prenitt W G & Co, wholesale liquors, cigars and tobacco Proaaer Mrs H A, hairdresaer Raleigh k Clarkea, carpeta and dry goods Reahm Charles, liquora Reeco Thomua, physician Reevea George 1?, jeweler and eu^'t of schools Reinig Charles, confectioner Reinig M. bakery aad groceries Rinda & Sklower, hotel Roberts W H, treasurer Rohrbaugh J J, atage line Rosencrans & Klaue, cigars and tobacco, confectionery, news, books and ata- tionery, and picture frames Roth Charles, meat market Rowe Wm, atage line Ruddy George, liquors m m SD -I m Ui m m o a 00 25 m r- Ui s o p> a ex O I e KING. GEO. C. THAXTER. Druggist & Seedsman, Carson CHy. Nev. AriMF CTnrif or Woom* and Tallor^ii 'rri^ialncs, Buckle A Soa, r inC O I Ubil Tailors and Woolen Drapera. Halt J^ake City. (1) ^; •H «) r -P (9 •H ? H P h' •p I I 6, 128 AfoTito'n.a — Huntley-Junction. ALFIiABBTICALLr. Suinley Charles, assay er Saiidera Wilbur F, lawyer Sanders & CuUen, attorneys at law Sanderson Isaac, carpenter Sands Bros, dry goods and carpets Sanford& Evans, lumber Sanford J K, furniture Schuch Carl, furrier, pelts and hides Schwab & Zimmerman, hotel Senieur G, carpenter Senieur Wm, carpenter Schaffer & Yergy, planing mill Shed Theo, liquors SLober Jno H, lawyer ScLultz H A, boots and shoes Silverman M, cigars and tobacco Simoi\ton W Y, carpenter Smith Mrs B J, hotel Sonnefie?d & Gebauer, carpenters Stadler & Odeuwald, meat market Steadman Jno, machinist, stencil cutter and assayer Steele W L, physicir.n and county cor oner Steinmetz J, jeweler Sterling F P, receiver U S land office Sullivan & Burner, hairdressers Sweeney J M, agent stage and steamer lines Switzer J, cigars and tobacco, and whole sale liquors Taylor A B, undertaker Tehman Fred, cigars tmd tobacco Tietjen J D, liquors and groceries Toole E W & J K, lawyers Totten O B, county clerk and recorder U S Assay Office Vawter C L, agricultural impl'ts, gro ceries, wholesale liquors, and cigars and tobacco Volkay Mrs A D, hotel Votau A C, painter Wade D S, chief justice supreme court Ward Jno T, music, books and station- ery, cigars and tobacco Watson Jno R, groceries, cigars and to- bacco Webster N H, conf ■ ctionery, cigars and tobacco Weir & Pape, druggists Welcom Theo, hairdresser Weston D H. territorial treasurer White Thos H, liquors Whitehead & Co, stago line Williams J J, lawyer Wood F M, painter Woodward Henry, painter Woolfolk A M, lawyer Woolman Joseph P, territorial auditor Worick Sol, hairdresser Zigeler J A & Son, liver}- stable Huntley, OUSTER COUNTY, Is at the head of navigation on the Yel- lowstone river, in a rich agricultural region. Campbell A J, blacksmith and wagon- maker Frith & Coad, gen mdse Haskins & McGirl, gen mdse Keogh A J, attorney at law and posi;- mastcr Iron Rod, MADISON COUNTY. I^rge P A, grocer Jefferson City, JteFFERSON COUNTY. A postoffice 50 miles north of Radcrs- burg, and 20 miles southeast of Helena. It is situated in Prickly Bear Valley, one of the most fertile sections of the Territory. It was at one time a county seat. Dell & Wehr, meat market Dildina Henry, groceries and notions ELLIS rOREST W, postmaster Emerson Austin, hotel Kleinschmidt T H & Bro, groceries McLeod W H, hotel Rudd A F, physician Sanders J G, groceries Tice Thos D, barber Tole L H, saloon Whetstone Wm, saloon Jefferson Island, MADISON COUNTY. SADKY J W, postmaster Junction, MADISON COUNTY. A postoffice fi"e miles north of Vir- ginia City. Junction City. Brown & Davis, saloon and feed stable Gillune M, laundry Keiser H, gen mdse McCormick P, hotel and gen mdse McPartand F, blacksmith o c 30 -< O m m ao w to CD 0> ST CD « a: JELLY, THE JEWELER. Best Assortment in Sacramentr wmmm mm . ft. mUW I MUUC « VW.f patUrnn, UP. 118. 114, 118 »nd 118 Btttwy St., g. P. ■ IL ■ CO CO c s o CQ s c c « ■ O o o z s < Q. I- o 130 Montana — Mountain Home-Raderahurg. AbPHABETICALLT. Sperenbeig Vt', carpenter Stevens W J, att'y at law Wallace L, tailor Welch Dan J, gen mdse Woody Frank, county clerk and lawyer Woody Frank, att'y at law Worden & Co, gen mdae Mountain Home, ALTURAS COUNTY. Allen Frank, ass't poatmaster CAMPB''iXL JOHN D, agent Rocky Bar stuge line in Deer Lodge county, and is reached by stage running from the county seat. It takes rank among the foremost of the liveliest mining camps and has a future that may be considered very bright, as the mines in the vicinity are paying well and show no signs of being exhausted. The town site was laid out in 1866. The sanitary condition of the place is excel- lent. Bowie C N, druggist Caplice & Smith, gen mdse Coleman W T & Co, dry goods, clothing and notions Connelly N, hardware and groceries Hammond Wm, livery stable Harris Toney, shoemaker Hines' Public Hall Incamp Henry, liquors and cigars Kaiser House, Herman Kaiser propr Kroger C, brewery Lamb Henry, barber Lang Wm, saloon McDonald & Bradshaw, butchers McDonald Wm, blacksmith Mclntyre A, liquors MoLane John Q, blacksmith Milot — , saloon Robinson ft Bealer, butchers Silver Lake House, Murphy ft Jenkins proprs SmMONS H, postmaster Volmer Frank, shoemaker Weinstein Wm, dry goods, clothing and groceries Piegan, CHOTEAU COUNTY. Hill A C, physician Power John W, gen mdse • , Rebhausen G, postmaster Warner A C, gen mdse Poney, MADISON COUNTY. Allen Z M, hotel and blacksmith Cary ft O'Brien, grocers ISDELL N J. postmaster ISDELL N J & CO, gen mdse McAlees Jas, saloon Reed W R, hotel Schmalhausen H, physician Puller Springs, MADISON COUNTY. Collaway James E, stock raiser and at- torney atlaw Davie A B, stock raiser Donegan .Jno & Bro, stock raisers Donegan Thos, notary public Metzel A, stock raiser Peterson Fred, stock raiser PULLER JAS W, postmaster and hotel Sedman & Mc(Jregory, stock raisers Quartz Creek, MISSOULA COUNTY. McGrath Patrick, gen mdse Bace Track, DEER LODGE COUNTY. HOYT P> postmaster Radersburg, JEFFERSON COUNTY. County seat and postoffice, 40 miles from Helena, having a population of 400. Dougherty J E, gen mdse ■ CO a Z o c n 0) ta CD O C9 O CD W 0) » 5" 3 o 3 9 a TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Biumausr & Co., 'SSrHrilt ■■■Pi m^^ ■t»)M«n4 Skf. B. F. t Jenkins , clothing H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 31S J Street, Sac. If. mith mdse ngs, TY. > ■ o • z o (= Si H O ne. a Pi -J CD S2 in (A ■aiser and at- p_ S" raisers lie stmaster and t raisers ek) fcTY. ,ck, UNTY. irg » JNTY. iffice, 40 miles O a CD -» << l(D S.. 1(D o I (D ulation of 400. a '6 U. o 6. 2 C0 k it t" (S 1> ! is I h \h ik \^i t« !^ i* I I Monta/na — Red Eluff-StUlwater. 131 ALPIIABmOALLT. Halleck Charles, saloon Hamper Mrs J W, saloon and brewery Hoafeldt Charles, meat market Macumber Archie^ hotel Norem G E, blacksmith Parks Mrs M A, hotel Smith F M, blacksmith Warner D G, livery Wells Frank, een mdse Weston J R, drugs tobacco and notions Red Bluff, MADISON COUNTY. Bradlay D J, butcher Foster R H, blacksmith • ' ' Miner J L, shoemaker Olds Hurst H, quartz mill FECK C H, gen mdse, hotel and stock raiser Peel M, quartz mill Rogers John, hotel SANOTJIN S J, postmaster Salisbury, MADISON COUNTY. Bivens John, saloon Clopter J C, hotel GUMER, SALISBURY & CO, La Point Geo, blacksmith Nesbit John, hotel Page J M, surveyor FUEDTJM AMOS, gen mdse, county sup't schools and notary publL Sheridan, MADISON COUNTY. Bateman R P, gen mdse Brundage H, foundry and machine shop Hamilton & McCraner, gen mdse Hindman & Jobb, fiouriag mills Phillips Ira L, blacksmith Schultz F, hotel and liquors Scott Alex, liquors Silver Bow, DEER LODQE COUNTY. Dean Isaac, groceries Nissler C, brewery Weibold H C, groceries and dry goods Silver City, LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY. A postoffioe 16 miles northwest of Helena. Blackburn k Bundy, gen mdae Deloway J, hotel PuUhardt Louis, brewery Silver Star, MADISON COUNTY. Anderson John, postmaster Blackburn & Bumby, gen mdse and liquors Delaney & Anderson, gen mdse Fullhart & Lewis, brewery Springville, JEFFERSON COUNTY. A postofBce 14 miles north of Raders- burg. Sterling, MADISON COUNTY. Jackson P V, sisaessor Peck C H, grocer Stevensville, MISSOULA COUNTY. A postofficc 30 miles south of Mis- soula. Bass Bros, beef packers Bass, Decker & Co, flouring mills Bell Bros, hotel Buck Bros, gen mdse Chatfield k Bass, liquors Eddy, Hammond k Co, gen mdse Herman Jacob, blacksmith Landram Jno, wagonmaker McCormick k Griif, flouring millB Morris James, blacksmith Stillwater, GALLATIN COUNTY. Binson P, gen mdse Counteyman H, gen mdse, postmaster, hotel, and stage station Maturin .Samuel, butcher Mithoif H A, gen mdse Pease F D, gen mdse Rostel B, hairdresser Russell John, coronor Russell Wm, restaurant Sheridan Bros, stoves, tinware and hard- ware, agents White's sewing machines Sheridan T P, stoves and tiawara Smith Thomas, county judge —. 3 CD s o o CD CO SSL CD* o 00. i TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer & Co., .VMftlaiid. Ore. K*a. have It, mm^mmm OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. O c o S CO O (0 •D O o CO c o "2 10 o 2 o « u h X < z ■ ■ o o 132 Montcma — Stone Staticmr-Virginia City. ALPHABBTICALLT. Stanton H C, postmaster, and dealer in gen mdse, books and stationery Stevens Joseph, livery stable Watson J F, district judge " Western Star" (weekly),Flitt & Mosher publishers Williams L L, county clerk Willis W E, register U S land office Woodruif ,T, drugs and varieties Woodward W G, harness and saddlery Wright & Carlon, livery stable Wright W T, county treasurer Stone Station, DEER LODGE COUNTY. Horton B R, hotel Sun River, LEWIS AND. CLARKE COUNTY. Allen W G, sailpqn (^hurchill O H, 'mock raiser Qorson S M, wagonmaker Devine Jno, saloon ^ord Robt S, stock raiser ijealy J J & Co, flouring mill Maiux & Milat, gen mdse Perkins Jas L, freighter S'argent Jno, hotel Steel Geo, gen mdse Strong Jas, stock raiser Vaughn Robt, stock raiser Weigand A, shoemaker Sweet Grass, GALLATIN COUNTY. Bramble W R, postmaster Brown W R, stock raiser Cardwell Edward, stock raiser Cook G W, stock raiser Davis J, stock raiser Flaharty Wm, stock raiser Harrison Albert, stock raiser • '■ " Labverson O F, stock raiser Puet Wm, stock raiser * Short Felix, stock raiser Twin Bridges, MADISON COUNTY, Is a postoffice north of Virginia City 30 miles. Bams A, carpenter Comfort Jno, blacksmith Connor John, photographer Davison A L, physician Gillfoil John, liquors Haney James, contractor HOLDEN J it. gen mdse and postmaster Lewis G F, gen mdse Lott M H, hotel Parker A M, constable Rightenour D, carpenter Young W A M, attorney at law Unionville, LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY, Is a postoffice four miles southwest of Helena. Beucler F, blacksmith Conner Thos O, groceries CONSTATS PHILIP, postmaster and groceries Guthrie W H, butcher Hunt E, hotel P. CONSTANS, Dealer in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC., ' UNION VILLE. MONTANA, Vestel, DEAR LODGE COUNTY. Fisher G, saloon IngersoU A E, gen mdse Lindwell F, saloon Zembsch L, gen mdse Virginia City, MADISON COUNTY, Is the county seat of Madison county, situated at the mouth of a creek called Daylight. In 1863 the present site was a "raging wilderness," where nothing save the moaning winds and the noises emanating from the throats of the dusky savages and wild auimals broke the still- ness and awakened the echoes. The news relating to the discovery of rich placer and quartz diggings, spread like wildfire throughout the whole world, and the contagion which is bred of money- seeking was so greatly felt, that during a few short montha in the years 1863-4 the 2 o C0 r o a. (A i s. a> e o o c o (A o o (S u. ■o 3 CO o cn flC UJ < >• ec o PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "••tK:,»l?;g'.y*i*«.;ffer*'' ^^^T ,S.F. UfU PCItMriPR of Portland, Or(>«on. Oprrtitlre Chemifit, nm. rrUllUCn, tlii>r«>|pbr«to(IOr«>ttnnBlnourifl<>r. " ~ . Role prsprietor af Hon TFandcrnil Pnnrer. ' ■ B O » £ ostmaater O •a s SJ )UNTY, H M uthwest of , t/> ( s master and tT o> B O N8, c o lES, (A o i ;tc., TTANA, "5 ■ NTY. a. ity, % FY, liison county, creek called esent site waa [lere nothing nd the noises , of the dusky roke the still- echoes. The overy of rich spread like whole world, )red of money- that during a lars 1863-4 the f. KAavaUtm aolmesM. a> B ti \* tfi cc UJ < Ul o >- cc O o ifonia?ia — Virginia City-Warm Springs. 133 111 m ALPIIABniCALbT. population reached 10,000, a growth that was unprecedented at that time in the hiatory of mining camps. The excite- ment was intense during the period, and of course chaos ruled with a lavish hcvud. In 1866 it booame the capital of the Ter- ritory. It boadts the finest court house in the Territory and possesses excellent schools. The " Weakly Madisonian" is the only paper published here. The population is about 750. The support is derived principally from the min- ing and stock-raising interest, though that of farming is attracting aomo at- tention. The altitude of the town is greater than that of any other place in the Territory, it being 6,778 feet above the level of the sea. It is in a very healthy location and should command favorable notice in this connection. Amstrong W P, clothing ^ Amstrong F K, attorney at law Baker T T, surveyor Bartlott E H, blacksmith and machinist Blake Henry N, associate justice supreme court. Blake H N, district judge Buford S R, gen mdse Butler Mrs N F, jewelry, etc Cogswell Mrs M & Sister, restaurant Clark G H, furniture and undertaker Crockett S H, saddlery and harness Callaway J E, attorney at law Deimling F C, postmaster and notary public Douglass Wm, varietjf and notions Denn Joseph, saloon EUing Henry, banker French O D, grocer Galen H F, stage line Genzberger . Kohlberg, clothing Glasbey House, Anthon Freiler prop'r Gohn Geo meat market Greenhood, Bohm & Co, clothing Harrington & Baker, boots and shoes Herndon & Donnelson, furniture Herring A J, cabinet maker Hinchman , druggist Howell S H, agent Overland Stage Co Kohls J, wagon-maker Knight A B, surveyor Ketchum W S, saddlery and harness Largey P A, hardware "Madisonian," weekly paper, by Thos Deyarmon Morris J W, grocer and liquors Morris \V W, druggist Morritz G, barber Meyer Herman, groceries, etc Muffly Theo, attorney at law and clerk Ist district Mill Creek Mills, Sargent Hall prop'r Metzel Alex, stock dealer Nelson J P, soap works O'Donnell H, Siuoon Patton & Lambrecht, grocers and hardr ware Pfouts W G, groceries PHel J H, wagonmakor Pease H A. jeweler Rodgers & McGarry, saloon Raymond Bros, grocers and breeders of blooded stock Raymond, Harrington & Co, bankers Raymond M H, physician and 8urge'>n Roaenstein H D, tailor Rosenstein Sol, druggist Smith I C, physician Spratt James G, attorney at law Spencer J A, groceries and grain Strasbsrger I, dry goods Scanland J H, livery stable Schmaulhousen , physician St Mary's Hospital Saniord Mrs, dry goods and millinery Thesdon Geo. blacksmith Tilton A; Barber, grocers and stationery Turner C W, attorney Talbf>tt Dr A, dentist Trask C & Son, sawmill Vetter John G, boots and shoos Werken Henry, Uvery stable Wimmer J, saloon Waimington H, dry goods White William, meat market Warfield C P tinsmith Ward Saml, attorney at law Yoger E T, physician PC CD e Walkeryille, DESR LODQE COUNTY, Is supported by the " Alice " and adja- cent mines and mills ; population about 500 and rapidiy increasing; is IJ miles from Butte City, and is a bustling, busy place. Butcher & Archbold, hotal Cadigan & Larkin, saloon DriscoU Dennis, grocer FoUigan & Gwin, market Hughes & Nuuan, saloon Long J V & fo, grocers Noonan M, Haloon RTJATI WM, postmaster Stack Mrs Mary, hotel Warm Springs, DEER LODQE COUNTY. Girard E, gen mdse Stees Thos, hotel Stephens F, stock raiser 1 I CD (» o £ 75 CO c c (0 Q ■ O O o < Q. I- I- W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^^ytlS^VlTiS'^^'*''-'''-'''^-^' tery fWre^t, «. F, 134 Montana — Washington Oulchr-Yreka. ALPIIABSnCALLT. Washington Oulch, DEER LODGE COUNTY, HUBBAY THOS F, postmaster Watson, BEAVER HEAD COUNTY, Is what is called a "Home " Station by the Stagd Company, at a junction of the stage roads from Hplena and Deer Lodge to the terminus of the U. & N. R. B. . which is now seventy-five miles south of this place, in Idaho, where it has stopped for the winter. The track is laid this side of the terminus, and the road is graded to a point twelve miles north of the line between Montana and Idaho. Barrett T M, gen mdse ESTES SIM> gen mdse, agent Pacific Express Co, postmaster and hotel Gilmore, Salisbury & Co, proprs stageline McOwen J 0, clerk with Sim Estes Parker Wm, saloon Whitehall, JEFFERSON COUNTY. Brooks E G, hotel White Sulphur Springs, MEAGHER COUNTY. HIGGINS JONAS, postmaster and gro- ceries Wickes, Babson G J, meat market DEAN E B, postmaster Dean & Street, hotel The Alta, Montana Co, Smelting and Milling Co Wickes & Babson, gen mdse Young's Point, CUSTER COUNTY. De Mars Charles, stock raiser Herrington Andrew, stock raiser Miller Wm M, stock raiser Whitsitt W P, stock raiser YOUNO ALONZO J hotel and post- master Treka, DEER LODGE COUNTY. Morse & Brogan, gen mdse L M. McKENNEY'S « ■ fpmi, Colorado, NeMa. Territorial aid District DIRECT0EIE8 Are valuable to Citizens, Business Men, OfEcials, and all who have occa- sion to consult A Complete and Accurate Book of Reference. L. M. McKENNET, 543 Clay Street, Ban Francisco, Cal. Gi o I" p> <2 w fji O o o CD » p CD CD CD Ol 0? p o -t P 3 CD 3 JELLY, THE JEWELER. Best Assortment in Sacramento. LO, 1 158. 1 ir and gro- H. WACHHORST. importer of je'i:iV^^^".*.:d.. 315JSt.,Sac. ilting and it, o ■ n ** » (O iser £2 and post- P ki 3 {J (Jl (0 ^9 12 (0 o ■• z c/> < 8 a. S J'J 3 >- CD < ? u ramento. AQE Idaho. CLAMIRBD. BAlf 135 MONTANA. .; (CLASSIFIED.) See alio. Liit of Towns Bsceived too Late for Begnlar InBertioo. AGENTS. (See Insurance Agents, Railroad Agents, Beal Estate Agents, and Telegraph Agents.) AGRICULT'V 'WPLE- MENTS. (See also Hardware.) KIREPATBICK BROS, Ed^erton Ashbey S C, (wagons), Helena Power T C & Co, (wagons), " Vawter C L, APOTHECARIES. (See Druggists.) _ ,■ . ARTISTS. (See Photographers.) ASSAYERS. Bennett T A, Butte City David & Bennett, " Mayer Max E, " Pack J A, " HILL H M, Clancy Harrison R B, Helena Molister S F, " Rumley Chas, " Steadman Jno, " U S Assay Office, Jackson P V, Sterling ATTORNEYS AT LAW. (See also County Officers,) Turner C VV, Armstrong F K, Edwards T R, Richard J Robinson J C, Sharp & JMapton, Collins T E, Donnelly J J, Potter Jno, Bullard Massena, Chumasero & Chadwick, Comly H R, Hedges ST, Johnson J A, Lowry T J, Porter I B, Sanders & CuUen, Shober Jno H, TooleEW&JK, Williams J J, Wooli'o'.k A M, Keogh A J, Stevens W J, Woody Frank H, Callaway Jas £, Young W AM, Armstrong F K, Callaway J E, Muffley Theo, Spratt Jas G, Turner C W, Ward Samuel, AUCTIONEERS. Deer Lodge City Diamond City Ft Benton Hamiton ■ Helena Huntley Missoula Puller Springs Twin Bridges Virginia City Bannack City Bozeman Vivion & Pierce, , De Wolf Steven, Forbes John F, McBride F T, Spratt & Stapleton, Thornton J C C, Kanouse J A, Knowles Hiram, Napton T L, Butte City Deer Lodge City Mayer Henry, Marshal L T, Curtis & Booker, Butte City Ft Benton Helena BAKERIES. Lockey R, Bogk Gustavus, Boisvert R, Hugil Sol, Gamble & Lee, Lockey R, Reinig M, Bozeman Butte City Deer Lodge City Ft Benton Helena BANKS AND BANKERS. ^ Roe I & Bro, Bannack City Story & Willson, Bozeman Clark W A, Butte City Donnell, Clark k Larabie, " Hauser S T & Co, •« Baker J G jr, Co, Deer Lodge City m as m CO •H O m ao w m CO $ C9 a p 3 J. B. KLUNE, watch repairing a specialty, 226 J St., Sac'o. .. ! BLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. a < u > O CO < o. I- co O CO Id I- X < I- < < Q O CO O 136 BAN Montana. C',AS8IPIRD. BOO Clark W A, Deer Lodge City Donnell, Clark & Larabie, " First National Bank, W A Clarke pres, *' Firat National Bank, S T Hauser pres, Helena Hauser ST, " Herahfield L H & Bro, Missoula National Bank, C P Hig- ffins pres, Missoula Elling Henry, Virginia City Eaymond, Harrington & Co, *' BARBERS. (See Hairdressers.) BATHS. (See Hairdressers and Baths.) BLACKSMITHS. (See also Blacksmiths and Wagon- makers, also Horseshoers. ) Sauerbier C F, Winkley k Stockman, Bryan Wm Watson Thoa, Weir 0, Wengis Wm, ' Davis Theo, Concannon J, Cook S W, Harper Francis, Mulvany B T & Co, Black Jno E, McMillen & King, Mulville Sam, Hoover D, Nutten B F, SQUIRES W, WONDEILICH CHAS, Mattie L, Duf resne L, Lavalle T B, Mee I & B, Allen & Crimmens, Weller T J & Co, Baker Wm, Wane W, Becker Conrad, Blakeman H, McPartand P, Smith James, ^Ensch Mat, Murphy & Payett, Hemel &; Deschamp, Hoffman Jacob, Ferguson R M, McDonald Wm, McLane Jno G, Allen Z M, Adobetown Albion Argenta Bannack City Bedford ii Blackfoot City Boulder Valley Bozeman Butte City Centreville Chico Corvallis Divide French Gulch Frenchtown n Ft Benton Ft Custer Glendalc Hamilton n Jefferson City Junction City Laurin Lincoln Miles City Missoula New Chicago Phillipsburg Poney Norem G E, Smith F M, LaPoint Geo, Fester R H, Phillips Ira L, Herman Jacob, Morris James, Comfort Jno, Beuclcr F, Bartlett E H, Thesdon Geo, Radersburg Salisbury Red Bluff Sheridan Stevensville << Twin Bridges Unionville Virginia City BLACKSMITHS & WAGON- MAKERS. (See also Blacksmiths; also Wagon- makers.) Deer Lodge City Tetrault Frank, Zosol Bro3, Adams Jno, Anderson Bros, Butler Victor, Ecklund & Bissonette, Edwards & Filkington, Goodrich A, Hoyt Z, Jeffries CM, McPhailA, Pateneaude A, Paynter, Brown & Weisenhoro, Helena << << Campbell A J, Reece & McMillion, La Point Geo, Huntley Miles City Salisbury BOARDING HOUSES. (See also Hotels.) Miller R C, . Burnt Pine Wissel J (lodging), Butte City Milli Reynolds, ' Ft Benton BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Taylor J H, MABES L & SON, Crane G W, Auerbach, Wells & Co, O'Donnell Terence, Paichen H M, Rosen crans & Klaue & Co, Ward Jno T, Basinski — , Dickinson W H H, Tilton & Barber, Bozeman Butte City Ft Benton Helena K z o P" m > r- m > H ■n so m o o m r 09 •9 O 3. a au ta o a 'I'ltn MoUel Couiin«*r«ial Coli*>c« or tbe Gowt. 8iM» Pmt St., SLV, wM. PFUNDER's yggrfftysaay,"*^ '^••' •■ ■•• • ■""' •*• r T«wt«lil« tBK|wd, WW A ipeeily In ict.'t.i. 1$ 'U si' BOO Montana. OLAMinaD. COA 1^7 Onmer Fred & Co, Lansing Peter, Hiimilton J L, Albrecht Chas, Bessett J, , Carr Robt, Gamer Fred, Millen Nick, 8chultz HA, Deafline 0, Harrington ft Baker, Vetter Jno G, Butte City Deer Lodge City Glendale Helena Jefferson City Virginia BOOT MAKERS. (See alao Boots and Shoes.) Hamilton Wm, EckerG, Bryson Pat, Joyce Wm, ' Scott Benj, Bishop Chas, Harris Toney, Volner Frank, Miner J L, (shoemaker), Weigand A, Butte City Diamond City Divide Fort Benton Glendale Miles City PhillipsUurg Red Bluff Sun River BREWERIES. Harby Jas, Speith & Keruge, Nissler Chris, Contancin St Fish, Fenner & Van Grundy Ramspeck H, Binzel B, Foller August, Holter A M & Bro, Horsky & Kenck, Kessler Nick, FulkersonWW, Hays Jno, Kroger 0, Hamper Mrs J W, Nissler C, t'ullhardt Louis, Lewis & Fulhart, Bannack City Bozemau Butte City Deer Lodge City Diamond City Helena Missoula << Phillipsburg Radersburg Silver Bow Silver City Silver Star CABINET MAKERS. Herring A J, Virginia City CARPENTERS. (See contractors and Builders.) CARPETS Boyce J R, Jr, Curtis &6ooker Raleigh & Clarkes, Sands Bros. Helena « CARRIAGE MAKERS. (See Wagon and Carriage Makers; also Blacksmiths and Wagon Makers.) CIGARS AND Brown & Frank, Coleman W & Co, MABKS L & SON, Morris Bros, Stanchfield L E & Co, Warfield Carlos, Woodward &, Savage, Crane G W, Smith & Castner, Auerbach, Wells & Co, Berkeniield A, Cannon C W, Davis & Wallace, Denn Jno, Kleiuschmidt & Bro, Lehman Chas, Lowenberg Emil, Morris Bros, Murphy, Neel & Co, Prenitt W G & Co, Ro8encrans& Klaue, Silverman M, Switzer J, Tehman Fred, Vawter C L, Ward Jno T, Watson Jno R, Webster N H, Leiser J S, Weston J R, Delany & Anderson, TOBACCO. Butte Citj « ti Fort Benton (I Helena (( (I « << •* (< (( II Bozeman Butte City II II II II Deer Lodge City . II Helena II II II II Phillipsburg Virginia City II II o 9 CO en m O A* o E « CO c c O ■ o o < Q. h D Q 138 COM Montana. CLAHiniD. cou COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bateman R P, Hobs J, I Butte City CONFECTIONERS. Dyer Jas, Birkenfield A, Morris Bros, Beinig Chas, Webster N H, Gasper Geo, Leiser J S, Butte City Helena ■< Missoula CONSTABLES. aark A P, Forbis Wm, Reins J P, Parker A M, Bozeman Butte City Twin Bridges CONTRACTORS AND BUILD ERS. Holden Wm, Mackie Jno, Selin Jno A, (masonry), Arthur J K, Bacon J H, (carpenter), Ledheater & Sanoorn, Bedford Bozeman Butte City << Hamilton Helena Davis H G, (carpenter & builder), Chico Andrews Jacob, Black Jos, Cole J E, Curry E T, Daly Hugh, Flick Jos, Garwood A, Gilbert J, Harvey Robt, Howe Reuben, Major J 0, Sanderson Isaac, SenieurG, Senieur Wm, Simonton W Y, Sonnefield & Gebauer, Fredlive Jno A, Koon Benj, (carpenter), Noore Agnew, Rankin John, j Sperenberg W, Bamea A, Haney Jaa, Rightenour D, * " COUNTY OFFICERS. BEAVER HEAD C0ITNT7. Sears A F, probate judge, Bannack City Murray Jas P, sheriff, " GEA£TEB A E, county clerk and recorder, " Missoula << Twin Bridges It ft Dart Geo W, county treaa, Shepherd C M, sup't of acbooli, Wright Wm R, county coroner CHOTEATJ COTTNTT. Healey J J, sheriff. Fort Benton CUSTER COUNTY. McBride John, probate judge. Miles City Bnllard Wm H, sheriff, WIH^ON T B, clerk and recorder, " Flanagan A P, assessor, " Guy J C, county commissioner, " McMillan C F, co".->ty commissioner " VanUasken Wm, couuty commis- sioner, " Savage C W, sup't schools and cor- oner, " DEER LODQE COUNTT. Emerson 0, probate judge. Deer Lodge City McAndrews Jaa S, sheriff, " DICEET J E, county clerk and recorder, " Irvin G W, clerk dist court, *' May hew Alex E, . 315 JSi, Sac. t; It, 'i I' h 1.$ !! *a 'J hi. n ••B 't! 3 ■D B (d 2 (0 a o- W (0 o z < 10) l>- CRO Montana. OLAUIPIID. FLO 139 CROCKERY. Clark, Conrad ft Curtin, Kinna & Jacki, Morris Bros, DENTISTS. Helena Bishop C L, Spenoer Dr M H, Gleason F E, Blake J M, Frary L M, Kelley C S, Lombard W, Talbot A, ' Bozeman 11 Deer Lodse City II Missoula Virginia City DRESSMAKERS. Morgan & Warfield, Dingley Mrs M A, Doe Mattie A, Newell Mrs £ L, Bickers Mrs G B, Rogan Mrs M C, Qrafs Mrs Annie, Clark Mrs G, Glendennln Mrs S E, Harvey Mrs K S, Herrick Mrs S B, Johnson Mrs E J, O'Connell Miss M, Nichols Mrs A B, Pegg Mrs A, Bozeman Butte City Fort Benton Helena Missoula II DRUGGISTS. Dunlap Mrs Kate C, Bannack City Lewis D A & Bro, Albion Laghorne 8 W, Bozeman Osborn S H, Hale Geo T, Butte City Parchen ft D'Archeul, " Trisberger ft Boardman, " SHAMXEY & CO, Deer Lodge City Flanagan M A, Hunter W E, Parchen ft Couchenonr, Hale R S ft Co, Parchen H M ft Co, Weir ft Pape, Hofiinan ft Senish, Lebihu C B, Reinhard Jacob, Bowie C N, Weston J R, Hiaohman — , Morris W W, Rosenstein Sol, Ft Benton II Glendale Helena Miles City ■ I Missoula Phillipsburg Radersburg Virginia City DRY GOODS. (See also General Merchandise.) Harnett H, Boyce J R Jr, Sands Bros, Butte City Helena Raleigh ft Clarkes, Coleman W T ft Co, Weibold H C, Sanford Mrs, Strasberger I, Warmington H, Helena Phillipsburg Silver Bow Virginia City II II DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. (See also Dry Goods; also General Mer- chandise.) Mendelsohn D ft Son, Blum Chas, Bonner E L ft Co, Weiustein Wm, Butte City Deer Lodge City Phillipsburg ENGINEERS. Kellogg G A, (civil). Deer Lodge City EXPRESSES. (See also Wells, Fargo ft Co.) Mosher Geo (ex agt), Marks L (W F ex agt), Butte City Diamond City WALTERS GEO J (express agt). Junction City Mantle Lee (ex agt). Miles City ESTES SIM (agent Pacific Express), Watson FANCY GOODS. (See also Varieties.) Taylor J H, Bozeman MABES L & SON, Butte City Coleman Wm ft Co, Deer Lodge City FEED STABLES. (See also Livery.) Austin B, Baker Wm, Thompson N, Brown ft Davis, Bedford -II Junction City FLORISTS. (See Nurserymen and Seedsmen.) FLOUR MILLS. Bums Jno, JOHNSTON G, McAdow P W ft Bro, Thomas Geo D ft L A, Denvers T T, Frenchtown Farmer Co, Hindman ft Jobb, Bass, Decker ft Co, McCormick ft Griff, Healy J J ft Co, Hall Sargent, Bedford II Bozeman II Frenchtown II Sheridan Stevensville II Sun River Virginia City C» m 39 CO » a M CD *< X" CD CD s. 5* CD 51 CD CO (D Portland. Orc« son. have It. GEO. C. THAXTER. Drugoist & Seedsman, Carson City. Nev. H. PALMER & CO.. Frontinnan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. < < > u >- 5 o €0 ft < Q III ft O I- co O 3 CO ft III I- X < < O CO o 140 FOR Montana. OI.ASNiriRD. OBN FORWARDING. Power T C A Bro, Perkins James L, Fort Benton Sun Kivcr Butte City Clancy Helena FOUNDRIES. Allen J F, Davis A J, Newell J P (millwright), HILL H M. Davis ATiitem, Hteadman Jno (machinist), Brundage H (machine shop), Sheridan FURNISHING GOODS. (See also Clothing.) Sands Bros, Butte City FURNITURE AND BEDDING. (See also General Merchandise.) Kay James, Bowes J M, N Pettit B, Singer J 0, JMen M, Chambers M D, Curtis & Booker, Herman Geo, Sanford J R, Clark G H, Hemdon & Donnelson, Bozemnn Butte City Deer Lodge City Glendale Helena Virginia City << FURRIERS. Helena Howe D B, Kovitz C L, Schuch Carl, GASFTTERS & PLUMBERS. (See Plumbers and gasfitters, ) GENERAL MERCHANDISE. (A general assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Crock- ery, etc. Those keeping one kind of goods only, will be found under their respective headings.) Carey &0'Brien, Adobetown Cline & Leison, Albion Darling A M, <( Nickerson ALA Co, « French George D, Argentn Dempsey & Co, Trask & Graves, Bannock City << " WBIOHT A F, i< Abascal J & Co, Beartown Brown Z, it Deltit Byron, Bedford Hamilton Wm, II Mnth & Conrad, Belmont Bichards G«orge, << Jurgens & Price, Belmont Birdseye C, Blockfoot City Speir Saul, '* Quigley J R, Kluinschmidt ft Bro, Lanimu A & Co, May U F, Strasburg & Sperlinger, DriflcoU & Taaffe, Durell B M & Co, THOMAS, ARMSTBONG & CO, Welsh D J & Co, Caplice Jno & Co, Cohen Alex, Cohen D Sr, Foster Lee W & Co, Mnrchoaseau & Val?ton, Thomas J D, Gad(li3 Wm, Tierney & Scott, LEON JAMES. Leon & Perry, Cockrill V A, ATLSWORTH JIH. HILL H M, McWhirk Wm, Courier David, Harr Jno, Gaffney W B, Haase Wm, Marks L, EIRKPATRICK BROS. Edgerton BRTTPFEY GEO A, Fish Creek Caplice, Smith & Co, Forest City Broadwater, Hubbell & Co, Fort Assinaboino Kleinschmidt & Bro, Fort Benton Mnrphy, Neel & Co, " Wetzil W S & Co, Bomp & Co, Fort Custer Broadwater, Hubbell & Co, Fort Keogh Bozeman 'IIMnFR*Q Orl«fii«l Oi;i>Mii BIimkI Pnrifler la Hat • Bitter ii«r IfRIt rrUllllRnO aSyrupbHtaiiirlellyTraDtalilet I utmpowrM^ Mra* i^Mdy la MtloN. "So OEN Montana. CliAMIFirO. UAI 141 Cuplioo, Smith ft Co, Hammond Eddy, Welch Dan J, Warden ft Co, Chaplin, Smith ft Mianoula Featheiman J A, Caplice ft Smith, Power lino W, Warner A C, Ig CD o A' m, N.F. Boofe- ihlp, Talegrapbar. JELLY, THE JEWELER, has a full stock of Table Cutlery. * IL ■ CO . c "5 S o Will IIAMT ACIir Jt rn AtOTcn and nance*, boo dlffef«ntiliM,it)1ea ami < Wt m\tn I HUUIl « wUif r>ntt«m<. 110. 112. 114. 116 and 118 Battery St.. 8. F. o a « (0 T3 c c (0 O O Q O z 5 o < h O 142 HAR CLASBinBD. HOT HARDWARE. (See aim Stoves and Tinware.) Clark & Biley, Dart Geo W, Nichols G R, Warfield T B, Dellinger D N, Dellinger & Hyde, Kinna & Jack, Kennon & Zenor, O'NeilJohn, Evans J^mea, Clark C irad & Curtia, Holter A M & Bro, Burleigh W A, Beinhard Jas P, Connelly N, Largey P A, Patton & Lambrecht, Albion Bannack City Bozeman o 0) 00 0) o 3 3 JR tf I IIMP Importer an4 Draler In Dlamoada, Wat«h««, Jew* mmmmmm H. WACH H0R8T. importer of jf^grnT^fSSy^^,. 31 5 J St., Sac. Fort Benton fefferson City Junction City U II: 1= & SI tl b ^1 lUl (0 S ho >. < o HOT Montar a. CLASaiKIlLl\ LIQ 143 Schultz F, Deloway J, Bell Bros, Countryman H HortonRK, Sargent Jno, Lott M H, Hunt E, Freiler A, Butcher &; Archbald, Stack Mrs Mary Stees Thos, ESTESSIM, Brooks EG, Dean & Street, TOUNG ALONZO J, Sheridan Silver City Stevensville Stillwater Stone Station Sun Kiver Twin Bridges Unionville Virginia City Walkerville Warm Springs Watsoi Whitehall Wickes Young's Point INSURANCE AGENTS. Reed H S, Hall W S, Deer Lodge City Mis3oula JUSTICES OF the; PEACE. Bailey D J, Dediwick J, Barrett A H, Irving Caleb E, Mecham L C, Batcman G, Johnson J Y, Fairfax E J, Rooney H C, Butte City Coulson Deer Lodge City Bedford Bozeman Butte City Franklin Helena ti Miles City << LAUNDRIES. Gillum M, Junction City LIME AND CEMENT. Copp M W & Co, Divide Keogan & Turcott, (brick kiln), Missoula LIQUORS. Harby Jaa, Lesan John, Mariton, Pelletier Paul, Bannack City Beartown Brown k Frank, Coilinan & La Land, Daley & Stack, Farrell Denis, Fenner & Van Gurdy, Fisher Bros, Fitshen Geo, Hoops Thos, Houser C B, King & Lowiy, Kuworth Jos, Mathews J ames, Ncwkirk Geo W, Pfeifer J P, Sabolsky R, Small & Halford, Stanchiield Chas Sc Co, Todd Geo W, Trowbridge C B, Harr Jno, Boisvoert R, Doll Geo M, Gerber Jno, Mcljean Donald, Bourassa J C, Croft Gro, Evans h Savage, Lilly & Co, (billiards), Welsh Nick, Marceau O, Durell B M & Co, Foster A H, Gilg Frank, Grotevant k I^ottj, Littlefield & Co, Metlin J C, Peck& Farifield, Adams J, Auerbach, Wells & Co, (wholesale), Beaupre & Pelletier, Becknoy Jno W, Burns & TiUon, Colbert Chas, Cooper Lewis, Denn Jno, (wholesale), Dingee Wm, Farry Dan, Flowerree , Diamond City Fort^Bentou Frenchtown Glendale Helena (< II II II II 3 CD CD 3 0> Cline C L, Bedford Gerhauser A, 11 Hall Jno, Blackfoot City Goyotte-O, II Dealy Wm, Boulder Valley Horsky & Kcnck, II Basinski J, ;- w itnu Bozeman Kesslcr & Miller, II Cheanut J D, - K Kleinschmidt & Bro, (wholesale). II Ellis & Davis, II Luke k Pascoe, 11 Harper J H, II Marks Isaac, II Maney Jas, II Murphy, Neel k Co, (wholesale). II Mounts k Sanborn, I" Odenwald Jake, 11 Oakwood & Hoffman, II Prenitt W G & Co, (wholesale). II Worsham P P, II Beahm Chas, 1* Arbour Joseph, Burnt Pine Ruddy Geo, Shed Theo, II Fall A, II II Morrison A M, II Switzer J, (wholesale), 11 Tarbell Geo E, *i Tietjen J D, II CD 3 O CD a o CD CD CO P0 ■n 3 m m o' $ n J. B. KLUNE, watch repairing a specialty, 226 J St.,Sac'o. > III >- i ^ ft < o z < s 09 mi ^ o ™1 : Ul 1 u CO I- co O 3 U H < H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal.. '^iJ^VSL'Si;^!' O III 144 LIQ Montana. CLA88IFIRD. UEA Vawter C L, (wholesale), White ThoB H, Becker Conrad, Kessler & Winters, Tole L H, Whitsone Wm, Brown & Davis, Smith Burns, Williams fl L, CahnM, Clitlbrd J C, Reece Wm, Smith J W, Bay Wm, Hays Jno, Henault & Hall, Lyons W J, McNamara Thos J, Incamp Henry, Lang Wm, Milot , ■ McAlees Jas, Halleck Chas, Hamper Mrs J W, Bivens John, Clostun J E, Scott Alex, Scultz F, Blackman & Bunlin, Lelany & Anderson, Chatheld & Bass, Allen W G, Devine Jno, Gillfoil Jno, Fisher G, Lindwell F, Denn Jjs, Morris J W, O'Donnell H, Rodgers & McGarry, Kcanland J H, C^idigan & Larkin, Hughes & Nunau, Wimmer J, Noonan M, Parker Wm, Helena m so 0) CD W c •a ■a CD Q. cr o* CD 3* O CD W CD O O 3 •^ CD o 3 CD 00 00 o 3 a. O T CD la o 3' PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "nJKl-.SrSf^?;^';-^^^^ Hook* •mit^^^t^fmm UfU DCIIMnKTD •fPOTdand, Oregon. Opentire Chemiiit, mI« pnprlator nm. rr UaiUCrif the eel«brat«d O.'Mron Blood Purlfler. Hu WoRdcrtal Poiror. )eer Lodge City 1-3 hi MEA Montcma. CLASSIFIED. NOT 145 Norria, Jerome & Co, Roth Chas, Stadler & Odenwald, Dell & Wehr, Meyers C & Co, McDonald & Bradshaw, Robinson & Bsaler, Hosfeldt Chas, Bradley D J, Bass Bros (packers), (Juthrie W H, (tohu Geo, White Wm, FoUigan & Gwin, Babson G J, Helena Jefferson City Missoula Phillipsburg II Radersburg Bed Bluffl Stevens ville Unionville Vii;ginia City ii Walkerville Wickes Harvey Mrs K S, Herrick Mrs S B, Johnson Mrs E J, O'Connell Miss, Sanford Mrs, Helena V Vii;ginia City MERCANTILE AGENTS. Woods T P, Virginia City MILLS AND MINING. (See also Flour Mills; also Planing Mills; also Lumber.) Belmont Mining Co, Belmont Armstrong Noali, Burnt Pine Bernard A W, (mining), Butte City Boardman W T, (mining), " Brown H T, (manager mill), " Clark Jos K, (mill), Clark W A, " Davis A J, Evans David M, (mine), " Farrady Adams, " Jones KS, ' ^ " I irgey PA, ' ' *' J igat John A, " Liggat R D, . " MeaderCT, Murrj' Jas, " Noyes John, << Ranson JoelW, Stevens Wm, " Suprenant J V, •• " Coue Jno, Chico Talbot Jas A, Hill H M & Co, (Clancy Pluming and Hydraulic Mines), Clancy Smith & Partridge, Divide Olds Hurst H, (quartz mill), Red Bluff Peel M, (quartz mill), The Alta Montana Co, (smelting) Wickes MILLINERS AND DRESS JVIAKERS. (See also DresETuakers; also Alilliners.) Smith Miss Lou P, Butte City Curtis Mrs C C, Deer LoOge City O'Neill Mrs B, Clark Mrs G, Helena Glcndennin Mrs S E, MUSIC AND MUSICAL IN- STRUMEMTS. Perconia Prof (teacher), Auerbach, Wells & Co, (music), Helena Child W C, (pianos and organs), " Curtis D W, (pianos and organs), " Rosencrans & Klaue, " Ward John T, NEWS AGENTS. (See also Books and Stationery; also Varieties.) Rice H, Albion MARKS L & SON, Butte City NEWSPAPERS. "AVANT COURIER", (Alderson & Sou pub's), Bozeman "BUTTE MINER," (J B Reed ed tor), Butte City "Frontier Index," (Barton & Wilk- inson pub's), " "NEW NORTH WEST," Chills Bros ')roprs), Deer Lodi;e City "ROCKY MOUNTAIN HUS- BANDMAN." (R N Sutherlin propr), Diamond City "Fort Benton Record," (W H Buck editor and proprietor), Ft Benton "HERALD, (daily and weekly, Fisk Bros proprs), Helena "INDEPENDENT," (daily and weekly), " "MISSOULIAN WEEKLY," (Chauncey Barbour propr), Missoula "MADISONIAN," (weekly, Thos Deyannon pub), Virginia City NOTARIES PUBLIC. Carey Matthew J, Hill H M, Donegan Thos, Purdum Amos, Deimling F C, L 10 NOTIONS. (See Varieties.) Coleman W & Co, Stanchfield L E & Co, Woodward k Savage, Dildina Henry, Weston J R, Douglass Wm, a> Adobetown Clancy Puller Springs Salisbury Virginia City Butte City Jefferson City Radersbni^ Virginia City en 3* CO CD 7r- c» CD to O a: JELLY, THE JEWELER,, Repairs Watches and Jewelry. 'W. W. MONTAGUE & Gp.,>"*TS!;,-'!?gSfKrui?5m^SS^ f 11 inn .•• I JK ■ o5 CO c o 1^ I (0 0) 2 b. c c (0 O ■ O o o 2 o < c z p 3 O 146 : ;i»l! .t-siiin- PAI Montana. OLAMinSD. •■ivi.jrtl POS PAINTERS. (See also Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.) Bozeman Butte City Thompson & Bequette, Dunn W T, Stenberg O, White John, Faxon E S, Morston O C, Munn T L, Bohley F, Dailey Benj, Dorey Wm, Gessraug Geo, Kern Jno, King Fred L Leville H, Votaw AC, " ' Wood F M, Woodward Henry, Hall W S & Co, Deer Lodge City Fort Benton Glendale Helena Missoula PHOTOGRAPHERS. Calfee H B, Dusseau A J, Brown HW, Bundy O C, Eckert Mrs M A, Dickinson W H H, Connor Jno, Bozeman Butte City Glendale Helena Missoula Twin Bridges PHYSICIANS. Mitchel Joes D, Bears Mouth Mussingbro, GeissdorfF Francis, Monroe G W, Brown (Jeo E, Holmes L E, Hough C P, Musigbrod & Johnson, Thompson J, Whitlord O B, Byam Don L, GiesdorffF, Price J B, Hanks Porter, Ives A K, Mitchell A H, Hunter W E, Wheelock I W, Tessey T, Tesson L S, Brooke B C, BuUard W R, Figuli F S, Ingersoll C 8, Jones Wm, Madden P F, Mcllhenney S S, Morris WC, Reeoe Thos, Bozeman << Butte City Chico << Corvallis Deer Lodge City (. Fort Benton Fort Custer ' ' Helena Lebihu C B, Miles City Heuke Emil, Missoula O Lapalme L A, Hill A 0, 4t Piegau CO * Schmalhausen H, Poney Clark S L. Salisbury X Davison A L, Twin Bridges o c Raymond M H, Virginia Schmaulhausen — , «< a: Smith I C, 4< H Yoger E T, i< o PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES. (See also Varieties.) O'Donnell Terence, Rosencrans & Klaue, Helena PLANING MILLS. Holter A M & Bro, Schaffer & Yergy, Helena POSTMASTERS, CARET NICHOLAS, RiceH, Wright A F, Burmini^ham C, JOHNSTON 0. JURGENS J H, FLAHARTY B. Birdseye C, Taylor J H, Smith Egbert W, LEON JAMES, Harris Z A, ATLSWORTH SQUIRES d W, Stackpole 8, Haase Wm, wunoerlich chas, bruffet geo a, gasdis wm. Mcknight j h, lasserrew, Henon Wm, Crounse S H, KEOGH A J. ELLIS FOREST W, Sanders J G. SACRY J W. WALTERS GEO J, Laurin J B, Levengood J H, lAVAGE C W , Adobetown A'bion Bannack City Bears Mouth ,ir Badford Belmont Benson's Landing Blackfoot City Bozeman Butte City Canyon Ferry Ch'^tnut J H, Chico Clancy Corvallis Deer Lodge City Diamond City Divide Fish Creek Ft Logan Ft Shaw Frenchtown . Hamilton Helena Huntley Jjfferson City SAVAGE C W. MUes City Campbell jno D, Mountain Home Je^erson Island Junction City Laurin LevenpooJ MUes City o 3g 3" O » (0 P o rg o o vr w o S" "1 a> o •Hi o p •Hi O "1 3 •-*• P ha 3 % w p a 3 3 9 9. TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. H. WACHHOiSI calls attention ••/JiHTR'SlSSf 315 J St Si O a. C0 'i n j& •< IS El m IS •! I (0 o z < z I z Ui POS ifontana. TAI 147 siiikoirsH, Rebhausen G, Isdell N J, FTJLLEB JAS W, HOYTP. SANOXrik S J, Purdam Amos, Anderson Jno, COUNTBTMAN H, Bramble W R, HOLDEN J R, CONSTANS FHILIF, Read Wm, Deimling F C, MUEBAYTF, BEANER, New Chicago Phillipsburg Piegan Poiiey Poller, Springs K^kce Track Red Bluif Salisbury Silver Star Stillwater Sweet Grass Twin Bridges Union ville Walkerville Virginia City Washington Gulch Watson HIGGINS J, White Sulphur Sprirts;s ESTES SIM, Wickes YOUNG ALONZO J, Young's Point PRODUCE-WHOLESALE. (See also Fruits and Vegetables. ) Gri3-.vold C, (cheese manufr) Boulder Valley HDopsThos, Butte City Manning & Lewis, " REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Brainard A D, (land agent,) Albion Nelson W J, Peters Jno, Barrett & Warren, O'Bannon O B, Dunphy E M, Hoyt E M, Porter I B, Dickinson W &B,, Latimere J R, Rankin Jno, Trask C O & Son, Missoula Virginia City SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Nelson J P, Virginia City STAGE LINES AND AGENTS. Galen H F, Gilmer, Salisbury & Co, Marks & Patterson, McGarvey James, Nash H O, Rohrbaugh J J, Rowe Wm, Sweene_, J M, Whitehead & Co, WALTERS GEO J, CAMPBELL JNO Helena Junction City D, (agent Butte City Deer Lodge City Helena << RESTAURANTS. COOK HIRAM, Entjesaer Mrs, Souis & Flimaghan, Bogk Gustarus, Pfaif Montain, Hugil Sol, Sagnier — , Mannheim Jno, Boulder Valley Bozeman Butte City Doer Lodge City Ft Custer Glendale Cogswell Mrs &. aJ sister, Virginia City SAW MILLS. .f-w also Planing Mills. ) Redain;; I^manuel, (Shingle Factory) Day & Greenwood, Parker D R, Demers T T, Barker Bros, Maxwell ft Price, Clancy Coulson Divide Frenchtown Levengood Rocky Bar,) Mountain Home Haynes C C, (agt U I & O,) GIIMER, SALISBURY & CO, Salisbury COUNTRYMAN H, Still Water Galen H F, Virginia Howell S H, (agt Overland,) " Gilmer, Salisbury ft Co, Watson STENCILS. Lake D P, Helena Steadman Jno, ^ *' ' SURVEYORS. (Sec also among County Officers. ) Baker T T, Marsh Geo F, > Scott Press, Kellogg G A, De Lacy W W, Foote Geo B, Kellogg G A, Marsh Jno M, Page J M, Baker T T, Knighc A B, Butte City Deer Lodge City Helena, Salisbury Virginia City TAILORS. Schwabe Wm, Emerson R G, Guillot H, Levine S, Keough — , Zunmerman Phflip, Wallace Lewis, Rosensteiu H D, Bozeman Helena II II Miles City 11 Missoula Virginia City ^ ^ Itl 0i Si m m 5^ r ex f J. B. KLUNE ««• '-aaiKffS^*:uS7''"^ 228 J St., 8ac*o. 1*1 1 I h ' ■H 0) IS r bD H P H. pAlMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. IVM. PFUNDER 148 TAN Montana. Ct/ASSmSD. WAT H O H I I 5 TANNERIES. Armer & Howo, Helena TELEGRAPH AGENTS. Aldereon J J, (tel opr), Coulson Frederick W E, (manager W U Tel Co, ) Helena WAITEES GEO J, (telegraph opr) Junction City TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. Potts Benj F, governor,* Helena Mills Jas H, secretary, Deer Lodge City Mason R H, surveyor-general, Helena Woolman Joseph P, auditor, " Weston D H, treasurer " Smith Egbert W, siipt'public schools, Butte City Botkin W W, warden of the peniten- tiary Deer Lodge City Vivion R P, atty 1st dist, Bozeman Mayhew Alex H, atty 2d dist. Deer Lodge City Johnson J A, atty 3d dist, Helena Muffly Theo, clerk 1st dist court, Virginia City Irvine Geo W, clerk 2d dist court, Beattie Alex ' H, clerk 3d dist court, Helena Wade D S, chief justice of supreme court, " Blake Henry N, associate justice of supreme court, Virginia City Oalbraith W J, associate justice of supreme court. Deer Lod,f,'o City Alden Isaac R, clerk of supreme court Helena Hedges C, supreme court reporter " Fuller T P, collector internal rev- enue, Virginia City Cummings T A, collector customs, '• MeyendorfFM A, U S melter, " Willson Davis, reg U S land office, Bozeman Bogert J V, rec U S land office, " Harrison Russel B, U S assayer, Helena BuUard W R, U S surgeon, «• VARIETIES. (See also Fruits, Candies, etc.) Butte City Kessler H C, Neidhoffer Mrs C, Aspling Thos, Douglass Wm, Deer Lodge City Virginia City VINEGAR. Jurgens & Price, Helena WAGON {MAKERS. TINNERS. (See also Stoves and tinware; also Hoof- ers — Metal.) Wunderlich Ed, Keenan T, Dawson Fred, Stewart H, Landam J no, Carson S M, Kohls J, Pfiel J H, Divide Fort Custer Glendale Stevensville Sun River Virginia City WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Wackerlin H J, Warfield C P, Fort Benton Virginia City Herman (ivo, Taylor A B, Clark G H, UNDERTAKERS. Helena Virginia City UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Andrews John W Jr, U S dist atty • Helena Botkin Alex C, U S marshal, " Moe Jas II, reg U S land ofKcc, " Sterling F I', rec U S land office Bohler Jos, Keppler J C, Butler Mrs N F, Butte City Glendale Virginia City W^TCHJVIAKERS AND JEW- ELERS. (See also Watches and Jewelry.) , Bozeman 33 -< O m r- m 30 CA P> 3 a* o (A C "C "O o Q. •< S n 37 3- O S" CA o o o 3 CD -1 Bailey W H, Marston Lea F, Fox Jas D, Halvorson C A B, Hines (ieo A, Hirsch F, Sullivan J T, Hyde Wm, Bailey W G, Bartos Frank, Reeves (ieo P, Stoinmctz J, Pease H A, Butte City Deer Lodge City Helena Virginia City BUSINESS PENIMANSHIP >'''"^*JIL»"^ taacht at pacific BIJMI- (/> ■D O a. O n (D ua o 3 See also, Wa3 the twenty-th IS situated between la and California i^reced north by Oregon andl west by California I and the population is Jl'^^jf y cosmopolitai IS a table land, with a umiorinzty by „early t ''•gher. The-;e ranges ] separated by valleyfjjj J"g a so about the same which form easy passes masses. The vJl^ cept by an occasional bi t«ms disappear or contr or basins, some of whicl covered with groups of n-i^-able, soiSo "/ whjc t^ieir way to the surfac porous soil that is foui, other in the worn E I'^ryest of metals than" S^'^'Jooksofsli oftheargus-eyedinspecto "f silver, there havShe^ remarkable richnesl f siith large quantities o Fogress, we pre.lict w present decade her po,„u «'^n?uuie citizens. S w'; a'thi^'^^''" ''-"tutX; i he total production? JWber, 187!>.roachSf nch for agricultural pur J •'experiments show S] ^•"toanumberofiudust; I I'rewcrios, flourin., mills l3nieltingworks,etc?ec .tr?f- '■°'J»''*ment8 of rJ "truction of the four line try^drTci navis jt., 8, F. WAT Ufll pCIINnPR'Q Original Ori'KOa Blo«il PnriHer l« not a Bitter ■>•' III"' rruill/tn w » STnm imt II i.tr i-tiT Tcyptiiltlf faiii|>oiitn>, mire* mxcdy tw ttloa. -tor internal rev- Virginia City oUector customs, '* U S melter, c U S land office, '' Bozeman I S land office, " B, U S assayer, Helena S surgeon, UETIES. ruits. Candies, etc.) Butte City Deer Lodge City Virginia City ^» ine:gar. Helena 3Q ■< O m > m a c 5' ex a* ON MAKERS. Divide Fort Custer Glendale II Stevensville Sun Kiver Virginia City ; AND JEWELRY. I F, Butte City Glendale Virginia City AKER8 AND JEW ELER8. Watches and Jewelry.) F, AB, Bozeman i< Butte City Deer Lodge City Helena Virginia City !9 \\ NEVADA. (ALPHABETICALLY.) See also, Liat of Towns Beceived too Lata for Segulu Insertion, Was the twenty-third State admitted to the Union under the Constitution, and is situated between latitude 35° and 42" north and longitude 114" and 120° west, liaving an area of 104,125 square miles, being third in extent of territory, Texas und California preceding her in the rank of dimension. It is bounded on the north by Oresou and Idaho, on the east by Utah and Arizona and on the south and west by California. Its counties are necessai ily large, the number being only 14, and the population is variously estimated to be from 60,000 to 75,000, which is decidedly cosmopolitan, Americans predominating largely. The general surface is a table land, with an altitude of 4,500 feet above the sea, traversed with great uuiiormity by rearly parallel ranges of mountains rising from 1,000 to 8,000 feet liigher. Theoe ranges have for the most part a north and south direction, and are separated by valleys from five to twenty miles r/ide, the bases of the mountains hav- ing also about the same width. The mountains are frequently intersected by ravines, which form easy passes, and in some places arc broken into confused and detached masses. The valleys sometimes extend more than 100 miles, uninterrupted, ex- cept by an occasional butte or projecting spur, and frequently, where the moun- tains disappear or contract, unite with other valleys, or expand into broad plains or basins, some of which are unobstructed, while others are dotted with buttes or covered with groups of rugged hills. The rivers of the State are small and not navigable, some of which disappear in "sinks" or sloughs. Others again find their way to the surface after "losing" themselves. This is occasioned by the porous soil that is found there. The vast productions of silver ore which her mines have yieldeil has resulted in the acquirement of the title of the "Silver State." The "Bonanza" mines have a reputation unequaled by those of any other in the world, though the carbonate deposits of Colorado promise a richer harvest of metals than tac quartz mines of this very rich Statu. The stock rais- ing interests of Nevada are a source of revenue that few States or countries can boast. The cattle raised for beef command a higher price in Eastern markets than those of any other "Far West" State or Territory, while the wool clipped from her many flocks of sheep is said to be inferior to none that ever passed the scrutiny of the argus-eyed inspector at the greatest factories in the world. Besides her deposits of silver, there have been discovered lodes of copper, iron and other metals of remarkable richness. The future of the StatL>, while it is perhaps not so promising as it was during the excitement incident to the discovery of the precious ores in such large quantities, can not ba considered otherwise than Mattering. Her progress, wo predict, will bs steady and permanent, and ere the close of the present decade her poimlation will show an increase not anticipated by her most sanguine citizens. Ker schools are superior, her people enterpising and intelligent and her public institutions will compare favorably with those of States that have worn the "capo of time" sd many years longer. The total production of bullion in the State for the ten years ending with December, 187*.>, reached the fabulous sum of $350,000,000. The valleys are very rich for agricultural purposes, vei;etables, grain, tobacco, hay and other products, as experiments show, yielding quite an income to those thus engaged. There are quite a number of industrial enterprises throughout the State, such as saw mills, breweries, Houring mills, wagon-makers and blacksmiths, sash and door factories, smelting works, etc., etc. RAILROADS. The requirements of rapid transportation have bee'i fully satisfied by the con- struction of the four linos of railway which penetrate her boundaries. Of these :| OB s o 3 CD 3 o CD o -a 'TO m CO (A CD » CD 5 TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. tmi" iki ■MnUTAnilC J. f^H Mhret Irnn, all tUmtm wmI Mniabeni»I10, W. W. MONTAGUE a CO.. na lt4 ilO. »nd nw Battery Wt.. H.F. apll 'V'll ;i' ■' 75 S o ■ (S f( "rj^iffl - r V c c CO o O O o z s o < D. E O 150 Nevada — A Ipha-A ib8tin. ALrilABHTICALLT. THE CENTRAL PACIFIC Is the moat advantageous and the most important, which traverse* the entire width of the State from east to west, covering a distance of 454 miles. This road is the great outlet to the Pacific and the Atlantic seaboards, being an indispensable convenience to the whole population. Next in importance is the VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEE, Running from Reno to Virginia City, a distance of 52 miles. The road-bed of this line is said to be uTiexcelled by any in the United States, while the coachea are models of comfort ;iud beauty. THE EUREKA AND PALISADE Is a narrow-gauge of 82 miles in length, reaching from Palisade, on the Central Pacific, to Eureka, a thriving and prosperous mining camp of 7,000 people. THE NEVADA CENTRAL. A new line just completed from Battle Mountain to Austin, a distance of 95 miles, a road that has been greatly needed, and bids fair to be a profitable line, making a total of nearly 600 miles of railway in the state. Alphi EUREKA COUNTT. (Pine Station. ) Bertina Chas, restaurant and saloon Hauscn P N, ^;en mdse PATTERSON W M, postmaster and notary public Aurora, ESMERALDA COUNTY. Crocker A W, lawyer Davison H B, physician Dormer John M, sup't public schools FARWELL ISAAC N, county clerk Greeley A L, district attorney Hatch G H, county nsaessor Haw ley A H, pub idininistrator Kimball & Bookt ■ ^n mdse Levy J & Co, gen lae Lewis D J, attor y at law and county recorder Marden H, contractor Mcintosh & Wade, hotel • Noracovicli C, banker ' ■ Ogg Clem, sheriff SMITH SILAS B, gen mdse and post- master Austin, LANDER COUNTY, Is the county seat of Lander county, and the southern terminu.'' of the Nevada Central Railroad, 95 miles from Battle Mountain, on the Central Pacific Rail- road. The place was the outgrowth of the mining excitement incident to the discovery of rich quartz ledges in the Reese River District, dating its existence from 1863. A ye ir following the first of the tide of immigration which poured ceaselessly for several months into this then remote quarter witnessed an incor- poriition of the place, and when its shoulders borj the age of three years it had assumed all the importance of a dig- nified commercial metropolis, boasting of a population of 6,000. Extensive mills for the reduction of ore and the separa- tion of silver and other metals were soon erected, and the noises of the stamps, added to those of the din of traffic, soon resounded throughout the whole length and breadth of the canyon, and gave it an air of much moment. These monu- ments of enterprise and energy cost from $75,000 to §250,000, and the production of their combined capacity astonished the most confident. The construction of the Central Pacific Railroad, alas, was detri- mental to its interests, in the detraction of her lucrative trade, and its prosperity was less marked until it finally ceased altogether, so far as signs of improve- ment were concerned, and it is now without that recognition due to places of the "sure and safe " order. It is a well- |}uilt place, containing such buildings that towns of greater pretensions cannot boaat, among the most prominent of which are the Masonic, Odd Fellows and City halls, while the county buildings are commodious, substantial and attrac- tive structures. Its schools are good, people intelligent and hospitable, and the religious denominations are all rep- resented. The place boasts of but one newspaper, the "Reese River Reveille, " a daily, which contains telegraphic news from all JELLY, THE JEWELER, has a full stock of Table Cutlery. V itt..M.V. H. WACHHORST "^^Mpir^** than any house on the Coast i the entire , This road P ndispensable ^ id-bed of this coaches are . the Central )eople. istance of 95 rofitable line, e o g its existence ving the first which poured mths into this eased an incor- ind when its three years it rtance of a dig- ilia, boasting of Sxtensive mills .nd the separa- letals were soon of the stamps, I of trafhc, soon e whole length on, and gave it These monu- snergy cost from I the production ,y astonished the istruction of the , alas, was detri- a the detraction nd its prosperity it finally ceased igns of improve- and it is now n due to places of ier. It is a well- r such buildings retensions cannot at prominent of Odd Fellows and county buildings ntial and attrac- ichools are good, hospitable, and tions are all rep- ut one newsp&ppi", weille," f [)hic news 0) 1-^ o o X o $ 3" O » (A £. ST (/> f^ §; o 3 CD 1 < 3* (D 0) ■ » o » 3 n 3 iO n t. a. 3 2 RS 3 cr (0 ■n c a u z o (0 >■ < z ui Nevada — ilusii-n. ALPtIABmCAI.I>T. 151 parts of the world, able editorials and sparkling local and miscellaneous mat- ter, owned and conducted by that vet- eran of western journalists, Mr. John Booth, to whom the community owes a debt of gratitude for the enterprise he exhibits. It has a population of 2,000. AH QTJONO, restaurant Austin Reading Club BABOON MARTIN, merchant tailor Barnard J S, harness maker Barnard Mrs J S, millinery, fancy goods and dressmaking Barovich N, saloon ^ ^^^.«.t^ Bauer 6 A, brewery " *?'*■•=» Bicknell John, city marshal BOOTH JOHN, propr "Reese River Reveille" BOYDEN J W, attorney at law BRAY & THOMAS, City Meat Market Childs T B, dentist Cliflbrd Wm A, city clerk COLLINS PETER, saloon Converse W B, livery stable CRALL REV C W, clergyman (Metho- dist) CRESCENZO & GANDOLFO, proprs International Hotel ORES WELL H Ttattorney at law CROCKETT GEO H W, agent Wells, Fargo & Co, Grantsville stage line and Belmont stage line Curtis A A, sup't Manhattan Silver Min- ing Company DICKSON OEO W, Cross Meat Market BITS WORTH J ¥f harnessmaker Douglas (leo A, district attorney DYER BROS, grocers Dyer Chas A, notary public and county sup't schools Dyer Wm F, mayor EAGAN M M, liquors EICHHORN & LEARNED, Express Baths and hairdrcssing saloon Fersiuson J F, livery stable FINIGAN M, car])euter and builder FLEMING & WILLIAMS, black smiths & wagon makers Flint A A, furniture f Foster Wm, sup't Water Co Gage, Curtis & Co, grocers GAMES W W, hairdresser Gibson Wm, postmaster GLAHN &ENRY, United States Bakery and restaurant GREEN THEODORE, druggist HAMMOND J S, physician and sur- geon HOFFMAN BROS, dry goods, clothing, carpets, etc Hog an Rob t, boots and shoes HOPKINS R T, news and varieties photographer and agt Siijcer Sewing Machine Co WIXOK ISAAC JR. livery stable WRIGHT J A, watches, jewelry, and county treasurer McLaughlin Frank, liquors MARTIN BAR60N, W. F. DYEU. Suits made in Artistic Style and Quaranteed to Fit> GLEANING AND REPAIRING Done in the NEATEST STYLE and on Short Notice. MAIN ST., AUSTIN, NEVADA. GEO. M. DYER. DYER BROS., Wholesale and Iletail Dealers in iiosiEiie, Fiofieiois, it@. Comer Main and Cedar Streets, AUSTIN, NEVADA. M. M. ECAN, Hsale ui Retail Lipor Dealei I Best Brands of Wines and Liquors always on hand. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEYS, XXX ALE AND PORTER, MAIN STREET, AUSTIN, NEV. t^ACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ~«^ tllS^ft/^Tia-SSSS!*'' Tkiit drnUI dlseaae Bhenmatlsin aad Son By««. Wm Pf lindAP A Ca tifwl by that otobnitwl Onm>* Blaoil PTlHcr, eonpoiiNdMl by "•"• rlUIIUPF « VVt lEO. M. DYER. m hi [919 M I Nevada — Austin. AliPIIABrrl^ALLT. 153 Next door above the Central Market. Main St., AUSTIN, NEVADA. B. T. HOPKINS, Proprietor. Dealer In all kind* of Confectionery, Nuts, Can Fruits, Candies, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Fresh Fruit every Day. Apples by the Box. At the above place will also be kept constantly on hand all the popular Maga- zincB and Weekly and Illustrated Papers, and all the California and Nevada Dailies. GIVE ME A CALL. e CM IS. Creacenzo, A. B. GandolM. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL OW THE BIJROPKAIV PIexf-v:;„mex37", Etc., MAIN STREET, AUSTIN, NEVADA. A* €A o z p> €9 CO ' 4i. %° \ o^ I p m o B S ft o > ..c •o f 8 mreet, A.F. 1S4 , . T Nevada — Austi/n. ' * AIiPnABmCALtT. EISBSE ElYIl ElYElLUi. :.>©'5'flO^ NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRINTING ESTABUSHHENT, Main Street, 4-U8ti'n, Nevada. THE DAILY EEYEILLE, [Eatabliahed in 1868,] Is pablished every evening except Sundiiy, and its circulation being very general and extensive among mining and business people, etc., makes it the BEST AND MOST EFFICIENT MEDIUM FOR MINING. BUSINESS AND OTHER ADVERTISING. d BUSINESS MEN, PROFESSIONAL MEN, PRACTICAL MEN, Are respectfully lavited to a careful inspection and criticism of our ADVERTISING COLUMNS. Tbe Daily Beveille is sent to all parts of the country and the world. Subscription Price, $ 1 4.00 per *'8ar. THE REESE RIVER REVEILLE, AS A FIRST-CLASS DAILY PAPEB, U thoroughly identified with the best interepcs of the country, (^nd all classes of the people, from the miner, or the mechanic, to the merchant or the banker. It gives the latest news, tele- graphic and otherwise, from all parts of the world, and EVERYBODY READS IT. JOHN tPOTH, tulillslier and Proprietor, A# W MuMrav^s lung and liver B>UM.jt» 5^ ft* CO • z o e n X H O Z o CL a o » o 00 o o w o a Hi o "1 (J) CO CO p o 3 3 (D 3 pPWI!5Wwp^W5PPP!W!!^ 5!^^ i.Wi;i|»ii.i,V^.^i|]^W^..;j4,..y, ion being very ness ttuntry, And all CO o I Ul :Z; h O i Z CO < Q Z < S (0 Id u (0 z < h (0 5 3 K » U h X < z h H. W A6NNd^. hnpbf## L;3i5jitM "Nevadctr—Avstm. ISSt ACPnABRtOAUiT. SMITH & dlARHATT, DEALERS IN V* Iroil Steel litt: anl Mi Haterial STOVES AND TINWARE, MAIN STREET,' ! AUSTIN, NEVADA. FRANK PREUSS, Fine Dress and Business Suits Made of the Finest Broadcloths. Beavers and Cassimeres, on Seasonable Terms. A PEEFECT FIT CUARANTEEDi I s REPAIRING & ALTERING Promptly Attended to. MAIN STREET, AUSTIN, NEVADA. LIVERY, FEED ^ SALE STABLE I. WIXOM. Proprietor, OppoaiM Court Houx, - - MAIN STREET, AUSTIN, NSV. I deaCra to Inform my friends ami the public (renorally, that I km prepared tb fnratoh LIVERY, m ALL ITS BRANCHES, at Reasonable Rates. RaTlng Moured i hoiaoi, bjrtha day I manageptef I of lionM, pitrtiM vtt^tti^ t to my keeping. N. B.— I ihall, at the complctlot of the Railroad, run a oommodioua 'Bw to imid from all tralni. All 6tdeA IMt at the atable Will faoclve prompt attention. Auatln, January Stb, 1880. ' !• WIXOM. pa i" 1 A a quantity of the beat bay of the oonntry, I ihiill after thia dkte, mUce beMrdinff ay or weeli, a sp«eialty, and bV havlntr many years experience in the ear* ind boned, partie* vta^ttny Auirtin will find it to (heir advaotaga to entnut theiriMetik J. ft KLUNE, wiktch repairing a S|t6(iyy;226 1 St.;S4c'6: liwiiliPiipilip H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, 8. F. 156 Nevada — Austm-BaUU M&wntain. ALPHABinCALLT. o CO a: < 1 CO o u u CO MITCHELL & CO., CONFIDENCE SALOON. CHOIGK liiqVOBS. FIMB WINES, OOOD CIGABB, COME AND SEE US. Cedar Street, Austin, ITevafa. J. W. BOYDEN, ATTORNEY Ain> COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AUSTIN, NEVADA. I- co o a 9 X < X I- ■ t CAEPENTEE SHOP, WM. SCHWIN, PROPRIETOR. ALL EINDS OF CABPENTEB WOBZ Executed with PROMPTNESS and in % workmanlike manner. UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Shop— South Street, Austin, Nevada. Battle Mountain, LANDER COUNTY. A station on the Central Pacific Rail- road, 517 miles east of San Francisco and 96 miles north of Austin, the county seat. It is also the northern terminus o' the Nevada Central Railroad, a nar- row-^ange quite recently completed to Austm, and a daily line of stages which run to Tuscarora. The place is supplied with water from magnificent springs, distant about three imles. Population about 400. Altenbur g A da m, re staurant A MFAH B JOHN. Union Brewery BAGHSLDER J &, propr CosmopoU- tan Hotel Barclay A, agent D W Earl "BAITLE MOUNTAIN MESSEN- OSB" Sproule and Davis, prop'rs MSOM J A, gon mdse BSSLE B ^tumishing goods ir!-i3E?,JAMES. agent C P R R CAPITOL HOTEL, L D Huntsman a propr 8 ft Parker, Line proprs, Tuscarora Cope J P, postmaster Davis Walter, Manager W U T Co Dosang Joseph, liquors Dunphy Wm, meat market TgATiniig Q I,, stock grower Earl D W, forwarding and commission Gentry W 0, harness maker Gera tle J & Co, gen mdse GROV E AL People's Meat Market HUNTSMAN L J), prop Capitol Hotel Keiser C B, notary public T^TgW ATKE A D, liquors. Lemaire & Lucas, varieties MATO U, Gem Saloon MoWILuLAMS J W, gen mdse MOOKE W R Manager Capitol Hotel MOZINOO S G, blacksmith and wagou- maker Paul Bros, livery stable * Postles Chas, hairdresser FUGH L M, Gold Note Saloon Rae John, blacksmith and wagonmoker Robertson Alex, Aeent W F & Co and Tuscarora Stage Line Scott E A, attorney at law SPROULE ft DAVIS, prop'n "Battle Mountain Messenger SPONOGLE F M. physician, druggist WSTTMAN, FRANK ft 00, tinners, roofers, stoves and tinware PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. TliM Model Oonmrrelal C*liMm or the Coast, SiM FMt M,, S.T. r ('."w^idtifiiwiV-H' ''!^'-»'ir'{9.!^f'Wfr-!'\ «?' W^wf^^^fWy^^^^^^^^^W^^ nmt AreM Ataeaae Bhenuitlrai miA awe Kyea, Ufm Pfunilai* Jt Pa Nevada — Battle Mountain. ALPnABSnOALIiT. 157 CAPITAL HOTEL, Battle Mountaiu, Nevada, . L D. HUNTSMAN. PROPRIETOR. ALL TRAINS « stop at this House Twenty-Five Minutes for Meals. o CO PASSENGERS MAY BE ASSURED That our Table will be found up to the mark at all Times. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY SPROULE & DAVIS. I* n It* I THE PAPER OF CENTRAL NEVADA, Giving all the Local and' Mining Newa of that section. ONE OF THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN THE STATE, Being published at the junction of the NEVADA CENTRAL AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $5.00 PER YEAR. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. 3 o (D e eo 3^ lEUY, THE JEWELER, 'SUk'tf Am. Watches from Factory. npmiPiii mm <■; WrxWy MONTAGUE & COm ^[ttmr"in.iii.fi4rn««Miti8BiMitiw!rM.i«.i^ ' f » H f > l I ' ■ I I I I I '. I f I II I ■ I I > II I , I I , III. I ■ 1 I M I > III! ^ l.:i? ■i 158 Nevada — BatUe MourUain-Belxnont ' ALPRABtnOALIir. ' ' o 0. I- I- o FRANK WEITMAN £ CO., Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper and Brass Worker, Main Street, opposite Depot, Battle Sloxmtain, Nevada, I am prepared to do all work in my line In th( bast manner, and at reasonable prices. All my-warea are made of the very best mate- ,rial8, and warranted first-class. GOLD NOTE SALOON. Finest fines, lijinoss anl Ciw, Next door to OentlM it Co'n Store, FBOXT STREET. Battle Mountain, Nevada. L. M. PUGH, Proprietor. NEW DETJG 8T0EE,, Main Street, Battle Mountain, Nevada. DR. F. M. SPONOGLE, PROPRIETOR. Just opened in the new and elegant building, two doors below J. W. McWilliams' Store, where a complete assortment of DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., 'WUIbekeptconstantly on hand, of the beat quality that can be purchased in the San FMndaoo marked and sold at the lowest prices. Pi'eacrlptioii!* oarefblly eomponnded. Belleville, ESMERALDA COUNTY, A plaoe of four hundred inhabitants and has communication by stacre line with Carson City. It depends upon the min ins interests, chief among the best paying lodes is the Northern Belle. The water used by the residents is brought a dis tanoe of thirteen miles and sold by the company at two cents per gallon. Gamble & Co, fruit, candy, nuts, etc Jackson Jno A, saloon Johl &. Ooodwin, butchers Jones R Z, Sup't N Belle, M & M Co Kibbeft Blak eley, hotel MIHT A THOS OODEN, postmaster ImiTA THOS & CO, gen mdse Ostrander W H, restaurant Stone W S, gen mdse Tomer A J, justice of peace of the State. Belmont, NYK COUNTY, la the count]^ seat and has a population of 500. . It is among the olaest town« f)f Nevada and supported by the mining interests situated m the eastem portion Ball J A, furniture dealer and carpenter Bjtuer Chris, brewery "Bslmont Courier, " Andrew Mantopropr Bowman John, attorney at law Cailerty James, liquors Carey Simeon, hairdresser Carpenter S, liquors. East Belmont Courter J P, Sup't £1 Dorado South Con Mining Co Creswell H T, atty at law Curler Benj, diat attorney, atty at law Decker B C, livery stable Dufly Thos, liquors Dykeman Chas, liquors Emerson Geo W, druggist and varietiee Ernst George, county surveyor and act- ing county recorder and auditor Esser & S'aniLr, groceries, fruits and varieties Falkinham J J, sup't Belmont Mining Co, agt E ft P R K Co, and lumber dealer Flack Rev D, clergyman (Episcopal) Gates Urial, ice de^er Godwin D M, cashier Paxton & Curtis' Bank Granger W N, atty at law and notary public Hnyck Wm. H, sheriff P m X O to 3 CO CO (A a o' CD CD TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. pwp^wi^pwwi^ppiji H: WACHHORST, Agentfor Am. Watches, 3tb J Street, Sae. tnd carpenter I C0 I I Si h a* ■«■ h I' i 2 CO UJ C0 co z fie UJ Nevada — Beowawe-Candelaria. 159 King R M, druggist and hardwure dealer Maate Alidrew^ropr Belmont "Ooarier" McKenny D O, diat judge Nye T. .aider and Cnurchill counties, rea Austin McLean Adam, county treasurer Mestrieaii Alex, restaurant Moore 8 Orant, physician Moinan Thos P, meat market NichoU Geo, county clerk Ohlander J A, watchmaker and jeweler Owen Frank, atty at law and notary public Paxton ft Curtis, bankers Samter Louis, clothing, dry goods, boots, dioes, etc Seymour J B, liquoTS SineE P, atty at law Slaght Jacob, blacksmith and wagon- maker Stimler H P, postmaster Stowe Joseph, deputy sheriff and stable Stratton H H, liquors Tallman S ft Co, gen mdse Thomason J L, public administrator and coroner Thomas ft Wood, liquors Trolaon John, agent W F ft Co, Stage Co, and W U Tel Co Warburton Thos, county assessor Wood J 8, blacksmith and wagonmaker con- Bullionsville, LINCOLN COUNTY. Culverwell Wm, butcher- FULTON JULIUS, postmaster Gealioff Wni , gen mdse JACOBS & FuLTON, gen mdaa McKeog Thos, saloon McMahon A, saloon Saul John, restaurant Woldenberg L ft Co, gen mdse Cambridge, ESMSRALDA COUNTY. Blasdel H Q Jr, sup't Cambridge M ft MCo Cain W, stase agt Glann J F, dairyman Irving J G, hotel Little Wm, Webster Bros, stock raisers WILLIAMS J H, postmaster and agt Wells, Fargo ft Co, and gen mdso Willis E R, propr -Arrastra" ^ Beowawe, EUREKA COUNTY. BESTSON OIIVEB, hotel, gen mdse, and postmaster Bristol, LINCOLN COUNTY. Curtis J N ft Co, gen mdse FISHBACH JOHN B, postmaster and varieties Greenwood J B, saloon Leahigh Mrs K, boarding house McCarter D C, saloon McDonald W A, saloon Quinn John, saloon Riepe R, boarding house Bullion, ELKO COUNTY. Carpeauz E J, gen mdse Homnan Wm, hotel PhiUips Jas, hotel and saloon StockerM, saloon Camp Halleck, ELKO COUNTY. MEYER C £, general merchandise and postmaster Mayer ft Keith, hotel and blacksmiths McCain H, hotel Candelaria, ESMERALDA COUNTY, Is a very lively mining camp of 400, and depends solely upon that interest for iia entire support. The absence from water, and the expnuse of procuring it from Belleville, are features not conducive to the permanent growth of the place.' Haggelt C G, Northern Belle boarding house Hattery A J, justice of the peace Holland David, liquors McClane B W, news agency, clothing and varieties McKissick David, liquors McLaughlin Frank, liquors Nicholson John M, ban)er Pierce Z, gen mdse and liquors Roach John, liquors Stevens Henry, constable Summers ft Williams, market Traver P L, gen mdse and agt W F ft Co Vernon G H, postmaster Willoughby W M, liquors i 3) -4' ■» m m C3 m s St J. B. KLUNE haaliiitest ISSSSfiSyyiS"^ 226 J St, SaCo. i iui p rincipal support, however, is divided rom the machine shops of the railroad company, this being the end of the Humboldt division. The copper ore mined in . the vicinity is of excellent quality, and prospects for aq unlimited quantity are quite encouraging. There are several places where general mer- chandise is vended, a drug store, two physicians, and a blacksmith shop. AKNHEIM A, hats and caps, boots and shoes, queensware, dry goods and clothing Bei n B, shoemaker BUCUJB CHAj3>LES, boot and shoe Canton EDWABD, restaurant Coddington G W, division supt C P R R EABL D W & CO, commission and forwarding merchants Foster Thos, saloon and billiards Hall A C, physician Hendon V, groceries Holm es T, liquors and postmaster EUSLBUT W C, manager D W Earl & Co, forwarding merchants Jones &, Co, gen mdse Kane John, blacksmith Kappeler J B, meat market Kunn li A, train dispatcher C P R R KANSr^IELD JO^NNTT, hairdnm ing and shaving saloon MoUiU&E J C^ manager Sisson, Wal laoe ft Co's store Moser Geo, restaurant Russell ft Bradley, meat market 8avan J, liquors Shwetzer O, barber SISSON. WALLACE & CO. Chinese supplies SFONOOLE J D, physician and drug gist Washeim Chas, agt Wells, Fargo ft Co's express and gen mdse Washeim D, agt C P R R mainly on the wood and lumber interests for its support, though the valley in which it is situated is rich in agricul- tural resources. The plaoe is beautifully laid out, the streefe being broad and nicely shaded with a uniform growth of maples and other trees and running at right angles. There are several large and well-constructed places of business, a fine bank with a large capital, several handsome church edifices and public schools, while many of the residences are very attractive. The principal places of attraction are the State CapitoI,the peni- tentiary and the U S mint. The hotels are far above the average, especially the Ormsby House, kept by Messrs sharp Bros., who are affable and polite gentle- men, under whose attention and care the guests of the hotel must receive the best treatment possible, to whom we com mend a liberal share of patronage. Per- sons desirous of visiting Lake Tahoe, one of the most delightful summer resorts in the world, can avail themselves of the privilege by applymg to J. M.. Benton, Esq., who runs a line of stages between Carson and that interesting point, one of which that noted and careful driver. Hank Monk, has charge of. The city is on the Virginia and Truckee Railroad, 32 miles from Reno. Carson City, ORMSBY COUNTY. Is the capital of the State of Nevada and the county seat of Ormsby county, hav- ing a population of 9,000. It, depends and V& car- Adams Mrs E E, liquors Adams J W, lieut governor ADAMS MBS L, dressmaker Ainsworth E D, sewing machines musical instruments ABLINOTON HOUSE, B F Small propr Armstrong, bootmaker Babcock Jaroer, secy of state Batterman C C, warden prison Beatty W H, chief justice Bender D A, gen frt and pass agt T R R Bense H H, county assessor BENSON A W, blacksmith and riage mak«r BESTOH J M, livery and sale stables, and propr Lake Tahoe stage and city buss lines and Carson River Ice Com- pany Ber ryman R A, saloon BICKNELL CHAS F> clerk supreme court; Capitol BILLINGS C, dentist, Rinkel's block BOBOES A. hairdressing and shaving saloon BOSKOWITZ F, merchant tailor and clothing, county building opp Capitol Brothers Misses, millinery Brown R R, liquors PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •''•IrJ&Tl^SaSSSr^.^^S^ street, •Isro. r interests valley in a agricul- MAutifully broad and growth of running at teroX large { business, ital, several and public aidences are >al places of bol.the peni- The hotels ipecially the fessrs Sharp olite gentle- and care the ieive the best om we com ronage. PW" ke Tahoe, one mer resorts in iselvesof the J. M.. Benton, tages between a point, one of areful driver, ;. The city is ee Railroad, 32 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th«M«4«l or tk« CTMMt, mo ■I GrtlcM It m,. «.T. fi» kaker CD II I E o tn in '£ u Of O o OQ a v> en ctf a> O O X o •8 3: Nevada — Caraon City. ILPHASVTIOALLT, 161 BBTTLE B N, propr Miller's Hotel CAOWINft ALLEN, atationeiy and news Calamberti J, salo on GABSON OITT SAVINas BANK, Geo Taffy prest; Geo B Hill cashier CART W M, justice of the peace Cavanaugh Peter, propr New York Bak- ery GAVIN MBS N A> millinery and fancy goods; North Carson Cheeney Jno, sroceries Chesley J G, «feputy secy of state Circe D, French Hotel Clarke R M, lawyer Clarke W G, notary GLESOVICH MITCEEL, propr Mitch- ell Restaurant CoflSn T, atty at law GOHN M, drygoods, carpets, fancy goods and shoes Corbett & Bessette, saloon Crawford J, supt U 8 mint Crockett L L, state treasa 'er Crow & Su therl and, blacksmiths DAILEY WM, fruits and confection eries Dougherty W B, deputy controller Davies T W WMawyer Davis G T, groceries Dealy J £, commissioner of deeds for Cal (Gibson & Dealy) Decker & Fisher, liquors DBIESBACH H A, dist atty •PfA'H.T. p W & CO, forwarding and coimnission merchants, opp R K depot Edgecomb E, livery stable, 3d and Orms by sts Edwards T D, lawyer Elder Geo, blacksmith EPSTEIN LOUIS, propr Delmonico Restaurant FABBELL J F, manager W U Tel Co Fassett E N, deputy surveyor-general Foster B F, druggist Fox John G, books and stationery FOX J W, physician and surgeon, Orms- by block Friend C W, watches and jewelry • Fryer Geo D, liquors ' Geonie & Drake, liqu'ors QIBSON & DEALT, liquors and bil liards and lodi^ng (Sazerac Saloon) Gibson G L, (Gibson & Dealy) OILLIOAN M, boots and shoes Glancy Wm, liquors 6BE00VICU M F, liquors and bil- liards (Monarch Saloon) HALLOCK J F, state controller Harris Bros, gen mdse Harris C N, reg U S lando£E[oe and law- yer Hatch A J, ■nrveyor-genenJ; Capitol Hawley T P, associate justice HATES B, merchant tailor HATNIE J W ft CO, wood and lum- ber; opp VAT depot HHiL « FEBBIS, People's Market; opp U S mint Hill Lloyd, sheriff Hillyer E W. U S dist judge HODKINS H W, buckskin glove manuf and postoffice cigar stand Hodgkinson Miss Francis, state 4ibra- rian, C apitol HUNT Em, lumber; 2d and Fall sts Hunt J, restaurant Hunter H, mas transportation Ivancovich Jerome, groceries and fruits; 3 South Carson JACOB A, tailoring and repairing; South Carson Ja mes E , barber ^^ JOHNSON FBANK, merchant tailor Kaiser D, saloon and restaurant Lapsley J W, barber Laught on C E, aud itor and paymaster EE4BNET WM J, physician and surg eon EETSEB & ELBOD, Occidental Liv- ery Stable, cor Carson and Musser ; hay yard, cor Telegraph and Flaza King J R, train dispatcher King 8 D, district judge Kinkead John H, governor Kirby Mrs H M, restaurant KITZMETEB D 0, harness aiid sad- dle s. South Carson KTEZMEYEB G W^ furniture and upholstery, brick building, Telegraph and Carson Klem Jacob, brewery Kopple & Piatt, clothing LAnE D, shoemaker LEE S L, physician and surgeon, King and Curry Leonard R, associate justice Lilienfeld Alfred, dry goods Lilienthal Wm, clothing UND JAMES, harness and saddles. North Carson Lyon Geo G, private secretary MABSHALL J H, county clerk and fl> general fire insurance agent MABSTON A. Opera Bar (liquors) Maraton C A, photographer , Martin Chas, notary public, county bldg MASON ft COt groceries, hardware and crockery, Arlington block McKinnon & Leet, blacksmiths McLaughlin H C, watches and jewelry McMaster Wm, saloon McNeil A J, harness and saddles Meder B H, planing mill Meder J G, liveiy stable Mills R, itoves and tinware CO o 30 m k .1 I* II -I OLD POAT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., $02 Davis St., S. F. msm^ 1 . W. MONTAGUE a COt, r«ttMiioioMiirRvIi« and mB»»mt mk, 1. r IB s s 13 c c (0 O O O o z S o < a f- 16,9 Nevada — Ccvraon City. ALFHABITICAUiT. Moore JO. saloon "MOBJONQ APPEAL/' N V Mighelt prupr Momi L ft Co, dry goodi MULLEB Ji hairdreasing and shaving saloon and oaths, opposite Capitol MULLEB y A, liquors Murphy M A, atty general, Capitol Olcovich Bros, dry goods OEHSBY HOUSE, iShurp Bros proprs Pearson Wm, groceries and soda works Peranch Q, fruits, etc Pierce Mrs E D, hotel Porter N, barber Kaiietto G, saloon Bail £ B, hardware Beinstein S, groceries Binckell M, meat market Bobert Andrew, liquors Bobinson M, jobpriuter &OSSE& JOflll, propr Union Market iSuddler V, fruits and confectionery S chneid er H, bakery and cunfectiunery SCHULZ BEOS, Stoue Meat Market, North Carson Sessons D B, supt pub inst Sharkey M, shoemaker SHABF BBOTHEBS, proprietors Ormsby House S'ddons L L, watchmaker Siddona L M, mi SMALL B F. P' rlington House SMABTJSVx^ Soderberg N, lawyer -iciau Stampley O K, hotel Swanson Otto, tailor Swartz E, fruits Sweetl and W H, shoemaker THAXTEB OEO C, druggist and seeds- man, opp Capitol "THE DAILY NEYABA TBIB- UNE," £ J Parkinson publisher Tickner Henry L, acent W F ft Co Tobriner J, cigars and tobacco Torreysou W D, blacksmith and wagon- maker Turner F B, county recorder and auditor U 8 Stage Co, F Clugage supt Vieira J B, barber Waguer Mrs M J, millinery WAGNEB F A & CO, hard ware. North Cursoii and Musser Walker E, hotel WEBB B, auction and commission, upholstery and furniture Weilieubach G J, liquors Welch Samuel E, restaurant WELLS & STEWABT. attorneys at law, west side Carson White F J, physician White G C, postmaster • WDTQ M B, propr Delta Saloon, opp V & T Depot Wright R H, deputy treasurer Yager M L, county treasurer Yeriugton H M, general supt V ft T B B Youug J W, blacksmith O CO -< o A. W. BENSON, Ccmer Fositli and Carson Stisst:. 0ASS3N CIIT, NETABA, Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Express and Tiiorouglibrace Wagons, AND GENERAL REPAIRING. Blacksmithingr In all Its branches done on th« shortest poMible notice and in the neatest msoner. HorMshoe:ng a specialty, Patronage solicited and work guaranteed. TRY MIIRRAX'S JAGI9 Gil L Blumauar&Co., 'S«%v?Sr 00 e o vr a o U1 St. 3' xs r> o CD -J X o s CD 0) P o o e W^i": £.■.1 >ACIFie BUSINESS COLLEGE, •»«ff"pJ!!rX' ?:.'r.,5r'' v> id Medi- i. TBJB- lisher i ^ F A Co jo o las and wagon- and anditor pt i«^ 00 Iware, North I C L conuniflBion, • attorneyBat 1 = [ta Saloon, opp I --, asurer 1 g . I, NEVADA.' j o race Vfagons, |ln the neatest nannw. iTMttCCd. Nevada — Carson- City. 163 ALPHABVriCALLT. J. M. BENTON, Corner of Carson and Third Sts., CABSON CITY, NEVADA. LAKE TAHOE STAGE OFFICE. Parties visiting Lake Tnhoe will save money by purchasing THROUGH TICKETS, which can be procured at tne offices of the Virginia and Truckee Railroad Coaipnny, in Virginia, Gold Hill and Carson; also at J. M. Benton's and at the Ormsby -House, Carson, and at the Truckee Hotel, Truckee, California. Tickets to and information concerning this famous report can also be obtained of Sam Miller, Agent, No. 2 New Montgomery Street, San Fran- cisco. The presence of that noted and careful driver. Hank Monk, on this route is a guaranty against accidents as well as a source of ;• K V- X 9 O o <0ic of in Thbj C9 Sf . twbJ 5 SIX H. WACHH0R8T, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street Sac p H. ■mmi'' ■ BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '-S8aS*SS!iaff«?!B8.?S!*: It: S Ik T8. Nevada — Carson City. ALPnABmOAbLT. 165 T£3:S Hevala Tribune, PUBLISHED IN 0) cd o o e to I: S z o X o o z o •9 < CARSON CITY, NEVADA. STATE OFFICIAL ORGAN THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE STATE. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. ADVERTISE Uf IT. Tsuenvdis i^onDSDB.^'rs. The Tbibuhb has a larger circulation than any paper in the State outside of Storey County. Proof given if desired. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: CD i? S 3 I f I! I ONE WEEK (by Carriers) TWELVE MONTHS (by Mail) SIX MONTHS (by Mail) 25ct9. •10 00 600 ORDERS SOLICITED. E. J. PARKINSON, Publisher. -^ P H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE 4l CO., •?SS» Jjri.«.WiSriJ.5?55^i*ft 8 O < O u IK O «o I- < d o ^ 166 Hevada-^ Cherry CreeJo-Grom/o. AliPHABmOALLT. JAMES LIND, Uanafactarer and Dealer in Saddles, Harness, Bridles and Saddle Goods, North CaiEon Street, Carson City, Uevada. All kinds of work done at the lowest prices and in a workmanlike manner. Cherry Creek, WHITE PINE OODNTY. Alexander M, dry goods Ardant J F, fruits Banning Mrs, hotel Cochran M H, brewery and saloon Cosgrove George, saloon Delcker C C, saloon Drake W B, harness Filmore W H, blacksmith Gray & Collins, stationery Johnson M, shoemaker Moore A & Co, saloon Parker George F, restaurant Parker L, drugs Sisson J F, blacksmith Spencer Frank & Co, gen mdse Stokles G F, shoemaker Thacker George & Co, saloon Weame John, produce, etc Weber Jacob k Son, saloon Welch Mrs B, milliner Yonng A, grocer Cloverdale, NYK COUNTY. Williams J £, hotel Columbia, ELKO COUNTY. C G & S M Co, C A Wivtson supt Colnmbia Mining Co, gen indse Dayly Mrs James, boarding house Haws B F, hotel Huffhen R E, saloon JAAYIS L W, postmaster Reed G O, assayer Watson G A, supt C G ft S M Co Columbus, ESMERALDA COUNTY, Has a population of 200, and its support is derived from the borax works located a few miles away. In Fish Lake val- ley, a good agricultural district, consid- erable farmiug is carried on, which is a feature that forms an important factor in its foundation. Abraham B, gen mdse Aube Norl>ert, liquors Barker E D, liquors Barnes W W, propr "Borax Miner" Barry k Kemey Misses, restaurant Barton H W, agent Wells, Fargo & Co "BORAX MDIEB," W W Barnes Sropr dwell James M, propr Columbus Foundry Collins John, supt General Thomas Mill and Mining Co Dunlap & Peddicord, hotel Eldred J B, blacksmith and wagonmaker Harrall John, livery stable Hauke F A, supt Mt Diablo M & M Co Hock Charley, restaurant Marroltey A, physician Neuensc nnander Rudolph, supt Pacific Borax Works Parmentel Joseph, liquors Remington & H'itiker, livery stable Spencer A, gen mdne and postmaster Sutton D M, machinist and assayer Traver P L, gen mdse - Trudo & Banocich, liquors, wines, cloth- ing, etc Williams & Co, market Cromo, LYON COUNTY. CROHO HOTEL, J C Brown propr If CD A* o a 7h (D CD PC CD "1 CD TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Biumauer &Co., 'SSfSS^iT ppm ». PACinC BUSIHE^S COLLEGE, •»»i±iiri ..*'*»'. . _ keepinir, PcnimuMbip, TeleRntphjr. QOds, I : I. d in a I" l\ s support Ls located uake val- «t, consid- rhich 13 a int factor CO g. e Miner" urant strgo & Co W Barnes Columbus homas Mill CD a I CD 7^ Tagonmalter B M & M Co I ^ P .« IS** Bupt Pacific JO ry stable ostmaster I assayer wines. 9 'Y. ;, cloth- o a ifi CD I Nevada — Coral Hill-Eagle Salt Works. ALPIIABinCALLT. 167 Coral Hill, ELKO COUNTY. Shepherd O H, gen oidse Cornucopia, ELKO COUNTY, la a minia^ camp 56 miles from Elko, county seat, aud reached by the Elko and Tuscarora stage line. Greenbaum A Gratzer, groceries and clothing Hallum — , meat market Hallam & Bailey, hotel Ho^e L I, gen mdae Meachum A D, druggist, postmaster and notary Orr Wm, restaurant Plumb W J, hotel Ringgold J B & Co, livery and feed stable Rogers k McAvin^ liquor* •own propr ■MulMVVlt. Crystal Peak, WA8H0E COUNTY. Goldstein A, brewer Merrill W, hotel Dayton, LYON COUNTY. A postofHce and county seat; has „ population of 200, and is located on the Carson river. Lathrop .John, manager W U Tel Co Motley C W, constable Myer M, gen mdse, agt Wells, Fargo & Co, stockbroker Powell John Jr, dist atty Randall G P, blacksmith Sanders F £, blacksmith Seawell Hon W M, dirtrict judge Shaw J R, hay, grain and lumber Sims & Co, gen mdse Sims J D, treasurer St John L, boots and shoes Sutso J P, district clerk Swart J D, liquors Theater Hall, J S Dallas manager Winzell & Campbell, meat masket Deeth, ELKO COUNTY^ PORTER JAMES L, postmaster and gen mdse Seitz Ed, saloon Diamond Cily* ELKO COUNTY. HIOBT L L, hotel and saloon and postmaster Downeyville, NYE COUNTY. GATES G M> postmaster Ahl .T G, bootmaker BONHAM J A, books and stationery, jewelry, etc, aud postmaster Brant C F, county assessor Byron W W, public hall Casebeer J A, district clerk Cooke R A, sheritf Dallas J S, county clerk and ex-officio clerk district court Dayton J P, district clerk Fair James G, conscab!e Friedline A, barber Gruber J C, hotel Hackett K R, liquors Hanson — , liquors Hawkins T R, district clerk Hazlet J C, drugt;ist Hill Henry, constable Jazua Geo E, administrator Jaqna Mrs M L, hotel Keith G W, atty at law Liathro{. John, recorder and ez-officio auditor Duckwater, NYE COUNTY. IRWIM LOUISE, postmaster Don Olen, HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Crook D P, hotel Eagle Salt Works. CHURCHILL COUNTY. Chapman H, agtCPRRandWU Tel opr Fitzgerald T W, W U tel opr ax CA> f 3. SI !3 i! k r H PURE POfIT WINE, IDr KsAicmal P&moses, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO Pmapa wnd Iran Pive. aU •bM, lllk IM, M 114 1L to S p !fi o E 75 CO c c IB O • o o o < Q. o 168 Nevada — Eherhardt-Elko. ALPUABITICAbLT. Eberhardt, WHITE PINK OOCNTY, Is a small miDiue town, 90 miles from Eureka, reached by stage. Ahem Xora, restaurant Bush Mrs A M, boarding house Drake Oapt Frauk, manager Eberhardt & Aurora Manufacturing Co Hildreth — , livery stable Holmes N 8, liquors Jellison M, meat market Johnson Col, postmaster and stationer McDermott Robt, liquors Muir Alex, contractor Murphy D P, gen mdse Howell Perley, mill supt Elko, BLKO COUNTY, Is the county seat, situated on the C. P Bailroad, 60(> miles from San Francisco, and has a population of 1,200. Its loca- tion is desirable, being on a natural es planade, and as it is the distributing point of supplies for quite a section of mioing country its permanency is as- sured. It is also the tenninus of the Elko and Tuscarora stage line, besides being the site of the State University, a nice brick costing $10,000. The Court House is a Hue structure and an at tractive ornament. The Depot House, kept b} James Clark, Esq, a very genial host, is the principal hotel of the place. There are two weekly newspapers, the "Post" and "Independent.'* Its alti- tude, 5,063 feet, is a warranty of its health fulness. AUTLEY JOHN, stoves, hardware and wagons Alexander J, lodging house BARNET BO.BT, merchant tailor BARTIETT V C, Gem Saloon and Restaurant BERNARD C E, liquors BIOELOW R R, atty at law and no- tary nublic BIXEL ANTON, Humboldt Brewery and Saloon Bram James k Co, harness and saddles BROWN & OOOBINO, furniture. crockery, glassware, wall paper and undertaking BRUCE A, olacksmith, wagonmaker, horseshoer and general jobber Chase Hiram, groceries CLARE JAIOSS, propr Depot Hotel CLUOAOE ft PARKER, stage line Cohn Mrs E, n^ceries Davis James, Elko Flour Mills DEPOT HOTEL, James Clark propr Dorsey Bros, livery stable DORSET J W, district atty Dovey W C, principal State University "EUeO INDEPENDENT," (daily and weekly), 8 S Sears propr FANNOP L, boots and shoes FITCH J B, sheriif FLACK J H, district judge FREEMAN H P & CO. bankers and agents Wells, Fargo & Co" Giblin Thos, saloon GRANT H M , county treasurer Gree n O E, county clerk HENLEY S M, county recorder, audit- or and nota ry pu blic HIBBITS JOHN, Humboldt Saloon Hitt W T, groceries Hull Q W, postmaster Jack son \ V A, varieties KEENEY & BIOLOW, attorneys at law Kuhn Mrs M 6, lodgings Lane John M, constable LANG JOSEPH, Humboldt lodging and family boarding house Lucap G L, physician HoBRIDE J A, agent C P R R Muigs J J, pliysician Morgan L E, blacksmith and wagon- maker HULLER F F, druggist Mundell Henry \ , county assessor Peel Edwin, manatier VV U Tel Co RAND, WINES & DORSEY, «t- torneys at law RECKHART & FRAELICH, bakery a nd sal oon REINHART B & CO, general mer- chandise Riedel Frank, bootmaker ROSNESTOCK JOSEPH, dry goods, clothing, etc RUSSELL & BRADLEY, butchers and stock growers SALE DUDLEY, carpenter and builder SEARS S S, proprietor of "Elko lude- p«ndent" Simpson Jno, barber Smith F H, lumber State University, W C Dovey priu'l Steenbeek Wm, bakery STONE T N, books, stationery, news, etc STREET H C, attorney at law SUGGETT J itt, justice of peace Tucker Bros, livery stable VANDRIELEN W C, stage agent WESTON MRS EMILY G, nulUaery and fancy goods WILSON ft CUNEY, haitdroMers CO A 0> 01 -% to CD a Ui O o 9r o M O CO S' a CD (9 » C9 « CO CO {0 n 3 (D H. WAC!!HOSSL Importer of a.nJSr^^iS£;'id.. 315 J St., Sac. pi li|lippilli«l«MliMPipipHlli9ip9PP«P t. *. F. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEeE. "* .«JEffl,rS«J!Ssr i propr Jniveraity T^" (daily )r ankers and urer rder, audit- it Saloon Iff) i itorneya at 1 CJ 'o )ldt lodging I S. » R K O b and wagon- |W EMsesaor 1 Cg Tel Co p OESEY, »t. g [,ICH, bakery S general mer- [, dry goods, BY^ butchera \X^ o 09 ter and builder £ "Elko lade- (vey prin'l .tionery, news, at law of peace 8 stage agent i<^ p) o -I 3 o 9 y 0, millinery Ig^ bairdrewers list., Sac. E CO in o B e '^ o 75 (0 u o u (0 u C0 o z CO •9 Nevada — Elko. ALPIIABRIOALLT. 169 ELKO, NEVADA, 8. S. SEARS, . - - PROPRIETOR. f Ma aid f aae? Job f liitisi OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ITS VERY GENERAL CIRCULATION Makes the Independent an excellent Advertising Medium. * HUMBOLDT Lodging and Family Boarding House Comer Bailroad and Fourth Streets, in Bear of Depot Hotel, ^" NEVADA. .MJ™W % JOSEPH LANG, PROPRIETOR. This old-established and well-known House has been overhauled, refitted and refurnished, and arranged for the accommodation of boarders as well as lodgers. It contains a large number of pleasant, comfortable, well-furnished and properly ventilated rooms, which will be let by the day, week or month, on reasonable terms. The dining room will always be supplied with the best the market aflfords. Charges moderate. Fine Wines and Liquors by the glass, quart or gallon at the bar. U CO o 6> 93 •1 V I* 5l A ?» a? H K h 'I •^! 5s S8 ••5 n ^3 I H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. IT. IT. iotiTAfiOE « CO., *}»Mjasra UN Batt«i7 m. *«Mi IL c s Q 2 > 170 Nevada — Elho. Avmumiokvur. -o 1. p. FREEMAN & CO., BANKEK8, BKOKERS, And Dealers In FOREIGN EXCHANGE, ELKO, NEVADA. IB CO c c o a s O < Ol Particalar attention given to Collections on any point in Eastern Nevada. M. P. FREEMAN, Manager. 8. M. HENLEY, Recorder and Ex-Officio Auditor of Elko County, Nevada. NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Storching Recorda and furnishing Abstracts of Titles will be made a Specialty. JOHN AINLEY, Elko, Nevada, Dealer in * STOVES # HAKDWAEE, Manufacturer of ' TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE, Agent for the Celebrated Fish Bros. Wagon; also, for all kinds of Agricultural Implements. V. 0. BARTk.ETT. Gem Saloon and Restaurant, WINES AND LIQUORS. THE " BOSS " CIGAR. The Restaurant is supplied with all the LUXURIES IN THE MARKET. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. r OS M I Fresh Oysters hy Express Daily, Commerolal Street. Elko, Nevada. TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. 09 c: o PC o o 3 o 3 o o rot 3 ■3 a -i e 73 •a m o e (A (P « CO 9> 0) x CP mmmmm PACIFIC BUSWESS COLLEfiE, ••nr^SrpJISWritJS^ Nevada — Elko. ALPnABBTICALLT. 171 HUMBOLDT SALOON. JOHN BIBBITS. Frop'r. Foreign and Domestic Liquors, WINES AND CIGARS, Comer Eailroad and Fifth Streets, JSLKO, NEVADA. T. N. STONE, DEALER IK PERIODICALS S NEWSPAPERS, STATIOKERir, School and Mlflcellaneons Books. PostolllceKews Depot, El.s. , v. a. D. Kbbbit. R. R. Bi'-^LOW, Notary >*ublie. KEENEY & BIGELOW, Attorneys at Law, ELKO, NEVADA. Fancy (Joods, Toys, Stationery, Pens and Ink, Cutlery, Musical Instru- ments, Etc. J. L. WlNM. J. H. KAMD. J. W. DOIUKT, Dlst. Atfy. EAND, WINES & SOBSET. Attneys & Coiselors at Law, ELKO, NEVADA. Branch Office, Tuscarora. F. C. STREET, Attorney at Law, RAILROAD STREET, ELKO, NEVADA. C^ 3 MBS. EMIL7 a. WESTONr MIT-.LINERY, Fancy Goods and Dress Making. ;i5 saw DUDL'^'^ SALE, CARPENTER, Contractor and Builder. GENERAL JOBBING. RAILROAD STREET, ELKO, NEVADA. Hats and Suits made to order. ELKO, NEVADA. R. BARNET, Merchant Tailor. I Fine Goods, Superior Workmanship, Perfect Fit, Low Prices. ELKO, NEVADA. 1 i^.,r H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. IN ■■ W. W. MONTAGU^ * C0.r^iT»?i'5ri[AT.rKiSy'ftft«V^ IL CO c 75 Z s N 2 0) > ■> c o E 75 c c a O ■ o o < 0. o 172 Nevada — Elko. AtrHAIIHTIOitbliT. DEPOT HOTEL, 3 CD CD a » a a. ■n 3 a 3- o a CD X:iiKO, NEVADA. Passenger Trains Going West stop 25 Minutes for Breakfast at 7 A. M. Going East, Supper at 5:20 P. M. MEALS, $1 00. Coffee and Lunch Stand connected with the Hotel. JAMES CLARK, Proprietor. J cr "n 3 CD 00 "0 3 o 3 (ca e 3 H. WACHHORST. Importer of je^i^^'SSJSSSJ;*.. 315 J St., Sac. mmmmummm wmf^ *PW^^ ,, iia VS! PACIFIC BUSINESS C0LLE6E, "-.ajga^rng^jsisr > 1 o- 1 3, 1 £ S 1 2 3 ^H o ^H (« Gi ■ CO 3 1 "S p> 1 2f ■ I U i 1 •s 3 1 2 "^ ■ is £ 1 (0 ■« o o CO 7 ■ M 1 JJ ^ 1 o i vSTest i 1 B • *^3 S ^ ■^ ■ sc « A. 2. ♦* \ M. 5 O 0) C0 ?«• wD • o •V X es • :i CO S • o. he Hotel, p^ 1 1 * 3 1 1 < ^ I ^ etor. O 9 • r Nevada — J57Z&o. At Leaves Elko on the arrival of the Express going West. Arriving in time to connect with Express going East. TRI-WEEKLY FAST FREIGHT FROM Elko to Tuscarora, Cornucopia and Columbia. Daily line (Sunday's excepted) to and from the above named places. Through to Cornucopia in 12 Hours. CLUGGAGE & PARKER, Proprietors. W. C. VAN DRIELEN, Agt. 15 J St., Sac. 'J s ")S siABQ 208 tasoiLnid mmn i% '3NIM lUOd Bund CO as CO CO I 3 f 5 h H 91 W. W. MONTAGUE & C0.~*^-^*^«--*~*"*'^-*"^'»'*'^ pattami, 110, US, Rtm,K 4, lis andll8B»tt«r7M.,8'''. Ik i c 75 S o o S IL (0 O O o a z S o < 0. E O 174 Nevada — Elhwarth -Eureka. AI iCP Nevada — Eureka. ALrRABITIOALLT. 175 graphic communication. The place is well built alonff a canyon, and the enter- prise of its residents is shown in a "driv- ing" business with otlier places. There are some rich grazing and at^ricultural latads in the immediate vicinity and its wants in this direction are well sup' plied. Inty, Lb a population be Urmm of the llroad, a narrow \ which is ow"*- g The country Lis, and sever^ Iment to quite a liatant from San Vies and has tel- r a \l w Adier Moses, groceries Aiken C U, carpenter Aker Anthonv, cooper Albion Con M Co, E N Bobinson supt Alderson F B, agent Etna and Hartford Ins Cos, collector and accountant Alex B, gen mdse Allen J §, saloon and boarding Ammond Geo K, atty at law ASCHAHBAULT J B, carpenter ABBINQTON WH. supt Pheniz S MCo Ashims & Bro, gen mdse Bailey D E, atty at law BAIt/EY OEO, butcher BAKER G W, attorney at law BAKER JOHN T, attorney at law Aud notary public Ballich Luca, saloon BARTLETT M B, wholesale liquors and eiffars BEATTY JOHN, lodgings BEATTY PETER, bootmaker BEATTY R M, attorney at law Biahop A C, physician Bishop & Sabin, attys at law Bishop Wm W, (Bishop ii Sabin) Bissinger A, jewelry and fancy goods Blaser .J Chas, lodgings BONETTI, MARZANTINI & CO, saloon and billiard parlor Bremenkampf & Kogli, brewing and soda factory Broiiks W H, photographer Brown Bros, blacksmiths and wagon- makers Brown Mrs J, restaurant and lodzings BROWN, TASSELL & CO, boots and shoes Butler E J, notary public, and secratary Eureka Tunnel Co CALISHER BROS, books, stationery and news depot Campana R & Co, saloon Campbell A W, feed CAlfAVAN & LE VAN. Interna tional Saloo n CARPENTER HARVEY, receiver U S la nd offit e CASEY HENRY C, International bar ba r and baths CASSIDY ft SKILLUAN, proprs of "Eureka Sentinel" Castle A W, carpenter CarvaUho Alex, tailor Cavanaugh M G, mining recorder Cazaux A, butcher Chambliu M B, physician Christopher Mrs A, milliner CLARKE. LUTHER ft 00, Palace Saloon Clarv Jas, barber CLUTE F W, general merchandise, hardware, etc Cohn Henry, cigars and tobacco Cohn Isaac, varieties Colo F W (Hillhouse & Cole) Colerick J K, feed stables Conklin H H & Co, foundry Connor P Ed, sunt Eureka Tunnel Co Conti G k Co, saloon Cooper Saml, agt Wells, Fargo & Co and county treasurer Crawford Kev C B, clergyman (Episco'l) CROMER L W. justice of the peace CROSSAN R, Wholesale grain and bar- ley mill Crowcll H & Co, blacksmiths ' and wag- onmakers Davenport W H, atty at law Davids M & Co, provisions Da vidson M, clothing DAVIDSON W E, stationery and news depot DEAN E H ft SON, saloon DE LA MATYR C R ft C9, lumbsr DE LA MATYR J H, stone quarry Dijtter Thiimas, baker Dodge k Co, groceries Dodge E K, county clerk DOHERTY MICHAEL, bootmaker DORSEY T J, painter Douglas Mrs A C, lodgings Douglas Thos, saloon Doutrick B^.-ank & Co, gen mdse Dumas A, s:doon Dunkel & Co^ dry goods and clothing DURLEY ft ROSS, harness and s^- dle makers Englert & Greer, blacksmiths and wag- on makers Eureka & California Lumber C^, lum- ber, do:)r3, windows and bliuds Eurjka Con M Co, Thos J Read supt, W W Tritylor sooty "EUREKA DAILY LEADER," Ho- bart & Canfield proprs EUREKA ft PALISADE R R, Edgar Mills pres, P Everts supt, E If Oat- man sacty "EUREKA SENTINEL." (daUy and weekly ) Cassiday 4 Skillman proprs EUREKA TUNNEL CO, P Edward Cou nor supt, E J Butler eecty EVERTS P. supt E ft P R R FARMER ft UBSSSR. dry goods Fast J L, agt E & P R R m s H. PALMER & Cq„ Froirtinnan Wine, 302 Davis $L, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.,*gmr!fo.^y>rii!^.!!^^ CO i s .5 ■ a « S s c c « ■ O o o z S o < 0. z F O 176 Nevada — Eureka. ALPHABinOALLT. S VERBABIS ANTONIO, boot maker FEB&ARIS ft SXANXEE, boot mak en FISCHER JACM)B, blackamith Fiake Chaa H, restaurant Fitige rald A L, (Merrill & Fitugrald) FLETCHER ft CARPENTER, feed and sale stable For d A Hathaway, dairymen PRIEDM AN SAML, auctioneer and furniture and crockery Oallagher Rev Geo W Gallagher Mrs F, lodgings GarberE R, atty at law OAVIN OEO, tinsmith, gas fitter and plumber OEART CHAS, saloon Geraty Mrs E, boarding Gindici Jos, boarding and saloon Godfrey Mrs Lizzy, restaurant GoU &, Money, butchers Gorman F conatuhle GRAHAM ft CO, Empire Saloon OREQOVICH H L, groceries and veg- etables OREGOVICH SFIRO, French Notis- serie GnilloK James, varieties OITLIFOBD ft MoKEE, livery stable and saloon; cor Main and Bateman Halev ft Young, butchers WAT.T. ]) H, propr International Hotel HAMILTON CYRUS, dentist Harmon F H, atty at law and notary public Harmon J C, planing mill Harris Alfred, furnishing goods Harris Jack, cigars and tobacco Harris Phil cigars and tobacco HARTENSTEIN E A, barber HASKELL a. D, fire and life insur- anceagt HASE^ELL W F, furniture, crockery, paper hangings, etc, and undertaker Haskins ft Stevins, saloon Hawkes & Co, groceries HUlhouse A M, (Hillhouse ft Cole) HILLH0T7SE ft COLE, attys at law Hincklev ft Lockwo od, hot el HOBAkT ft CANFIELD, proprs "Eureka Daily Leader" Hasking Thos, saloon HUBBARD C 0, atty at law and no- tary public INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, D H Hall propr Jaooby Jacob, steam baths Joannes Wm, boots and shoes and sfew- ing m achi nes JOffii'SON TrrRAir , groceries JOSEPH MORRIS H, furnishing goods ftc, and supt Golden Rule Min- ing Company Kasten F, saloon Kayser N, clothing Keene David C, saloon and feed stable Kemp H R, boardin/y; Kind H ft J, groceries K K Con M Co, John A Porter anpt Knight H A, county assessor Ku^n Ernst, tailor Kyle Matthew, sheriff Lachman Boij, restaurant and bakery Lamoureaux G W, blacksmith LANOSTROFF JACOB R merchant tailor LANOSmO J, utty at law LASPETRE THOS, atty at law ' Lautcnnschlager Chas, brewery and saloon LAWLERT F, g«nl freight, naasen- ger and ticket agt of E ft F R K Lee S L, druggist Leeser MrsD, fruits and varieticfl LEVY BEllJ C, county recorder and auditor LEWIS D E, aaloon and feed stable Ley M M. groceries boots and shoes UTOOETT ft MALALTESTA, >a- lo on ____ LOONEY EUWARD, aaloon Lovich Chas, tailor Maggin etti Jo hn, propr Turner House MAOOINNI BROS, boarding and sa- loon MARLEY ft FAUST, New York Bakery MARTIN H A, druggist MARTIN WM. chop house Man H ft Co, 8 i brewery and saloon McCullough ft Williams, lodgings McDanell John, saloon McDaniel L, saloon McELROY PATRICK, propr Bureau Hotel McEwen B F, groceries McMahon Arthur, laundry MoMARTIN JAMES, register U S land o ffice MENDES JOSEPH, saloon Merrill ft Fitzgerald, attys at law Merrill G W, (Merrill ft Fitzgerald), dist atty Meyers ft Franklin, dry goods and cloth- ing Michel J H, saloon Miller Wm, wigmaker Mining Bureau of Nevada, Moore ft West managers Mochs Mrs John A, restaurant Moeller Max, assayer MOUNELLI, LAMBERT ft CO, conveyancers and real estate agents ; lessees Eureka Hall Monaco Louis, photographer Monteverde Rev — ^,clereyman (Catholic) Montgomery W A, batcher m s a. CD O O o I ft o 5" I H. WACHHORST, importer of ,e*Xy!^^**''* .315JSt,Sae. fftrf PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, Oyp. 1Jal«a _,_, ^ kMrttnir. PannMUMhlis T >l»gn> ph y. diUble r nipt 1 bakery h -< O m r- m merchant I p bUw' r and aslbon | (;) rht, paason- ietica I ^ ecorder and jed stable '*^ nd shoea 3on mer House diug and sa- . New York and saloon dginga propr Bureau register U S >n at law Fitzgerald), ods and cloth- da, lioore & irant KT & 00, estate agents ; 9 o CD o I- I e 9 <» a o 3 e E c CO in > 0} B O o 75 M 0) e JZ u o (A E u U CO o •8 ter (Catholic) J Si, Sac Nevada— Eureka. ALPIIARSTIOAiibT. 177 Moody James M, barber Moore Bros, livery and feed MOBRIS BBOTHERB, aaloon Mornson R K, sec'y Richmond M Co of Nevada Murphy Andrew, propr Jackson House Murphy Thos, bootmaker Murray Robert, barber Nnthan D, clothing NESBITT J A, physician OATMAN E F, sec'y E & P R R OTT OEO L, blacksmith, wagonmaker a n d painter OWEll J B N, phvsician and' surgeon Pr.'ly VVm, cashier VVhite Pine County xiunk * Parmenko & Ballich, restaurant PAXTON & CO, bankers Perry J V B, saloon PHENIX SILVEB HININa CO, Wm Arrington supt Poplin Mrs J, fruits and varieties Porter John A, supt K K Con M Co and mining engineer Powell William, wagonmaker and black- smith PBEITZMANK BOBEBT, manager Pioneer Drug Store PBEVOST C, saloon Price Hugh, saloon Probert E, managing director Richmond M Co of Nevada Ranft Mrs Kate, lodgings Read Thos J, U S deputy surveyor and county surveyor ana supt Eureka Con MCo Reid R J & Co, blacksmiths and wagon makers Reinhart B & Co, grain and flour Remington W H & Co, hardware Rich Joseph, pawnbroker Richmond M Co of Nevada, E Probert managing director, R Rickard supt, R K Morrison sec'y Rickard R, supt Richmond M Co of Nev Ricker Rev R A, clergyman (Methodist) Rives Henry, district judge, 6th judicial district BOBEBTSON WM, painter Robbias Frank, assayer Robinson E N, supt Albion Con M Co Robles Frank, restaurant Rockman M, physician Rodoni Frank, saloon Rosenheim A, cigars and tobacco BOSS MISS EM, lod^ngs BTTBT & DUVDEBBUBG CON M CO OF NEVADA, R Rickard supt, James Wilson sec'y Sabin G M (Bishop & Sabin) Sadler R & Co, gen mdse SCHATZLEIN & barbers {^ chille r Jaco b, t ailor 8CHMITH ft MENDES, proprt SUr Brewery SCHNEtDEB F J, dmggist Schneider Joseph, livery and feed Schneller Christ, restaurant Schwamb C, furn iture SCOTT JOHN MoO, insurance and mi ning broker SHANNON A E, depn<;/ collector in- ternal revenue and United States com- missioner Sholderer & Roborti, butchers Sloss & McMartin, harness makers Smith & Delfoch, bakery Smith James W, county administrator and coroner Smith & Kams, livery k feed SMITH ft MoDEBMOTT, black- smiths and wagon makers Smith W J, postmaster Smith W R, barber Spinner Wm, agt W U Tel Co Steler P. wa tchmaker and jeweler STEPHENS JAMES H, saloon Stewart J S S, feed stable StowellWH druggist Straus Julius, watehmaker and Jeweler Sweeney W H ft Co, livery stable Tatte C ft Co, boarding and saloon THIELE E, physician and surgeon THOMA G H, physician Tomaso Pescia, saloon Torre John, crroceries and saloon Traylor W W, sec'y Eureka Con M Co Uhl V, bootmaker YOBBEBO HEBMANN, C P Brew- ery and saloon Weaver Bros, varieties Wendell Mrs M, restaurant Wescoatt N, surveyor and civil engi- neer White Pine County Bank, E Woodruff pr e st, W m Pardy (jashier WILHELM EDWABD, watchmaker and jeweler Williams James, p hysic ian WILLOirOHBT WM, saloon WILSON ALEX, attorney at law WILSON JAMBS, sec'v Ruby ft Dun- derbu rg Co n M Co of Nevada WOOD HUB A, law student Woodruff E, prest White Pine County Bank WBEN THOS, atty at law WBEN THOS, prest Richniond M Co Young Geo, gun and locksmith Zanola ft Debernardi, saloon ZilJIfOW WM, bakery and restaurant ZOTTMAN MBS A E, Excelsior Bakery EICHHOBN, Zottman Henry, blacksmith and wagon- maker CA s f» S3. S. 12 H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St.,S,F. w. w. MONTAGUE A co^'^sci^iic.'Rninrjtinutpfinr |£ 178 i i e E To CO I c m Q 6 o o < Nevada — Eureka. AlTttkWWTiaikUJ. FRENCH ROTISSERIE, Three Doors below Joe Mendeii * EUREKA, NEVADA. o -< REFURNISHED AND REFIT £D. TBI First -Class Restaurant of Eureka. No Pains will be spared to keep this place in the Best Style. ELEGANT MEALS, FINE WINES, POLITE ATTENDANCE. SPIRO GREGOVIOH. C2 00 I O W o P (D U1 5' 09 c» -» (fi CD 9> 0» (» TRY DR. CUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. pappnpppppiiVMnippiPPBPipppp ssrST* eusiNESS PENMANSHIP '^,s»i»r;«^.fftAfi*«ftW:t'8»rW: ureka. \l test Style. ^ DANCE. „ riCE. \^H Nevada — Eureka. ALPIUmiOAIiLT. 179 A Ddl7& Ssitindi EUREKA, NEVADA. Caasidy & Slcillman, - - Proprietors. DAILY— One Year by Mail $15 00 Six Months, by Mail 8 00 " Three Months, by Mail 5 00 WEEKLY— One Year 5 00 BUREAU HOTEL, p. Mcelroy, proprietor. SOUTH MAIN STREET, EUREKA, NEVADA. Butabllshed 1870. H. VORBERC, Proprietor. LAOER BEER AND PORTER Of l^e tM8t quality only, conitontly on hand. A LABaS AND C0MM0DI0I7S SALXN Connected with the Brewery. H. VORBERC. OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis it, S. F. e pi I", a H 29 b 'M If 4 ft IL ■ CO i c 'i 1 S o z > o E 75 CO c c a O ■ o o o < 0. a h D O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^?^7ff 2„rr»riKu'g?y'SaeYVg 180 Nevada — Eureka. ALPHARKnOALLT. International Hotel, EUREKA, NEVADA. BID. I would respectfully inform the public that I have again rcKipened THU INTERNATIONAL. The building is a three-story brick one, fire-proof, Has lieefl Newly FumislieiTtaglioflt Suits of Rooms for Families and Commercial Travelers. Thankful for the patronage so generouely extended in times' past, I would ask for a continuance in the future. D. H. HALL, Proprietor. m m CD (0 CD o CD CD CO CD* o CD P CD % "0 o 3 a 3 o a H. WACHHORST calls attention *•£; SSViSlJiSS'- 3! 5 I St. te-opea®^ >f, [ravelers. times' past. I ft BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '^*iSSJ!'f;^,-«^^8^^ 181 Nevada — Eureka. ALrnABBTIOALLT, E 2 o CO 0) £ to Jo p. p. CANAVAM. D. W. LE VAN. 2 o o CQ CO cd IITIBIATIOMli SiLOOI, EUREKA, NEVADA, MESSRS. CANAVAN S IE VAN, Proprietors. JACOB B. LANGSTBOFF, MEBOEAKT TAILOB (Next door to International Hotel.) MAIN STRFET, EUREKA, NEVADA. o X Kaving just rccrived a fresii stock of imported French Doeskins, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, VESTINGS, ETC., I am prepared to furnish a Suit of Clothes. FIT GUARANTEED. THOMAS W^REN, ATTOENEY AT LAW, Southwest Corner of Main ani Clark Streets, ^EUREKA, NEVADA. 30 2 c= CO. cS CO o 30 m jl i» IS 1? si I? ?.! M. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. 1 ;. -V ' w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., »^sss'yi.'gJSrr»ssL5:ysi^gft Ul I- o o CO ft < CO o Ul u CO 182 Nevada— Eureka^Fort McDermitt. ALPHABETICAUiT. EDWARD WILHELM, EUREKA, NEVADA, CHRONOMETER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER. JEWELEB, MOBAVER AND OPTICIAN. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction, or positively no charge will bo made. CO 5 Q 3 JNO. McG. SCOTT, Immmm aid Mlimg i?®ke?i White Pine County, Bank Building, Eureka. Nevada. Mines Bought, Sold and Leased. Agent and Correspondent for Minisu Record, of New York, Minino Review, of Chicago, and Kconomist, of Boston. Ill h X < X o III DR. E. THIELE, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. AND OBSTETRICIAN. MAIN STREET. Two doors South of New Bri( k Building, (private entrance from Buci Street.) Office Honra : to lo A. M , and 6 to 7 P. M. Free OfBce Hours : 2 to 4 P. M. L Pioneer German Drug Store, Pkarmacie Francaise. Botica E'.aanoU, naln Street, S doom fiioath of New Brirk Boildlnff, Enreka, IVev. t Keeps a full assnrtmciit nf all kinds of for eiern and domestic UruKH ;«ually to be loundina flnt-dass Drug Store. Phrs'oians Prescriptions carefully compounded day and night. R. BRKITZMANN, Drugglit and Apothecary, Manager. BEOWN. TASSELL & CO., Dealers in Fine Boots and Shoes, EUREKA, NEVADA. B. & T. Fine Hand Sewed Men's Wear, and Sollcrs & Co's celebrated Shoes for sale by as. Fort McDermitt, HUMBOLDT COUNTY. BOWLINO C, gen mdse, blacksmith, agt U 1 & O Stage Co, and W, F Ex Co, and postmaster, meat market and hotel Brown O F, stock raiser Hoppiii H, stock raiser McCoIley H H, stock raiser McColIey J, miner McConnell C, stock raiser Ryan A Wood, forw<.«!V4. )i«ft pnmt m., m. w. KER. ide. 09 Review, of &C0., Shoes, Dk. lion's Wear, I ^ uted Shoes I p) Diitt) blacksmith, kndW, FKx t market and Co I Nevada — Franktown-Qold Hill. 183 AI.PIIABRICAbI.T. Franktown, WASHOE COUNTY. Dnvol Jno, hotel Harconrt J H, justice of the peace and art W, F & Co LEE C A, gen mdse, meat market and postmaster McClellen Thos, blacksmith Price W E, wood and saw mill Towl E B, een mdse Yager & Willis, quartz mill Galena, LANDER COUNTY. Hambley F, hotel Melander J, hotel Tregouing J H, hotel Wilson B F, gen mdse Genoa, DOUGLAS COUNTY, Is on the Bodie and Carson City stage line, 14 miles from the latter place. It is a pretty place of 500 inhabitants, at the base of the Sieri-as. It is the county seat and the oldest town in the State, having baen settled by Mormons in 1850. Banning Jno T, druggist Boles E A, blacksmith •'Carson Valley News." (AC Pratt propr) Dandel Chas, shoemaker Fray L, butcher Gardner John, coroner Galett Richard, livery stable Gillmin I^, hotel Cray W D, blacksmith Harris M, gen mdse Johnson & I31assom, gen mdse Livingston A, treasurer and liquors Longabaugh J T, auditor and recorder Montrose R (t, assessor Pratt A C, propr "Carson Valley News" and prosecuting atty Raycraft Jos, liverv stable Rice K, supt schools and hotel Spencer H F, shoemaker Vansickle P W, butcher WESSTEUr P P, clerk Williams J P, sheriff Young C P, surveyor Glenbrook, DOUGLAS COUNTY. BnrroU Mrs C, hotel Cobb W A B, hotel Oomstock Si Rice, saloon Phillip J W D, hotel Pray A W, sawmill Short J M, gen mdse Glendale, WA^HOE COUNTY. Wadsworth Mrs J J, hotel Golconda, HUMBOLDT COUNTY. ORADT J D, agent W, F Ex Co and C PRR LAT BROS, proprs Hot Springs Hotel and baths Lay T, postmaster Levy F N, gen mdse Meadar M, justice of the peace Gold Hill, STOREY COUNTY. Anderson A, physician BANK EXOEIANOE SALOON, E F McKenney propr, 183 Main BANK OP OOLD HILL, M G Stand- ijh cashier. Main Becker J P, restaurant and bakery Bernstein G F, groceries 391 Main BLAXJVELT W F, pres Bank of Gold Hill, and agent Wells, Fargo & Co,' M ain BLOCK L, hoots and shoes and gents' furnishing sooda, 214 Main BODEN JOSEPH,propr Nevada House, Main Boisot & Stewart, druggists, 203 Main BROWN J C, propr Franklin Hotel, 240 Main Cahen A, groceries, Main Canavan Matt, miniag supt Carri e A, hotel, Main CHEaWIDDEN RICHARD, saloon, Main Chubbuck S W, postmaster and books and stationery, li)0 Main COBB WALTER, undertaker (town sexton), 244 Main Cohn A, dry goods Connors .T R, saloon Conwell W 0, dentist, 206 Main Corcoran Jno, saloon. Main COVERDALE THOMAS, barber, 193 Main Curtis Samuel, mining supt Daly John, saloon. Main Dauchy H, meat market Day W H, liquors Donovan D D, constable. Court House Dimlop J C, bakery, Main O o \ P is 'a li :s ft H K 8? £l .-• ^3 "•2 * 1 KING. (1. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. i c p s a o IL ? c c O ■ O o o z S o < a. I- W. W. MONTAGUE & GO., ^iWffiJgyiriKiagy'g/^VV^?' 184 NeOada — G'oiti ^iW. ALPnABKriOALLT. DVFBEY 6E0&OE, restaurant, Main EMMETT GEOBOE, Gold Hill Foun- dry, Main Fanningham J P, justice of the peace, Court House Finch T E, liquors Fitsimmons H, lawyer Fitzpatrick M, hotel I'OLSOM F W, greceries and provis- ions and city marshal, 158 Main Forman Chas, mining supt Fox Jacob, wagonmaker FOX L T, uieat market, 203 Main FSANKEL BROS, stock and money brokers, Main FBANKLm HOTEL, J C Brown propr, 240 Main Frazier & Co, saloon. Main Fulton Foundry (estate of J McCone), 360 Main OALLAOHEB THOMAS, lumber, wood and coal, near depot Galland B, dry goods Gallitan & Folsom, hardware. Main Gallup O H, varieties, 185 Main OIBSOK W D C. liquors and cigars, 178 Main GLADDING & FOX, blacksmiths and wagoumakers. Main GOLD HILL BBEWEBT, S Schweis propr, 231 Main "GOIJ) HILL DAILY NEWS," News Pub Co proprs, 201 Main Gold Hill Mmers' Union, D McCarty sec'y Grant G & J, bootmakers. Main GBATiTT B W, furniture, carpets, etc, 199 Main Gray & Kobles, meat market Gray Wm, meat market. Main Hall G W, ins agt, Main Hall J U, physician Hall W N, hardware Hammock C, mining supt Hannon Miss M, dressmaking Haub C, hotel, Main Hillyer M C, mining supt Holt Geo D, mining supt James Chris, assay er, 207 Main James I, supt of Yellow Jacket (mining) Jewett & Miller, painters, 217 Main JONES JOHN JB, druggist and apoth- ecary, l94 Main Jones Samuel, mining supt Kearney Frank, liquors Keeler A T, agt V and T R R Larkins Chas, carpenter Lemery V, groceries Litchfield & Thurman, undertakers, car- penters, 141 Main Ma nson P, physician, 189 Main MATHAWS GEO C, physician and c" _jeon, 208 Main McCann M L, shoemaker, Main McGum T, groceries and provisions, 116 Main McKAT ISAAC, saloon, 181 Main McKENNEY E F, saloon, 185 Main Mercer Richard, groceries, 191 Main MOOBE & mK)K, Nevada Screen Works, 412 South MOOBE E, liquors, 170 Main Moore T, boiler maker, 373 Main NOBLE MBS C, dressmaking, 225 Main Nutter C T, groceries, Main Ockel Chas, saloon, Main Ogg S, livery, 169 Main P^dOE JOHN, Washington House, 372 South C PITCHFOBD J B, supt Gold Hill Foundry FOHL C, barber, 179 Main Pot ter T hos, saloon, 193 Main BAHILLY MATT, liquors and bil- liards, 176 Main Ralston T H, stock broker, 183 Main Randall J wagonmaker. Main R iley Su san, lodgings SCHWEIS S, saloon, 231 Main Semis A J, liquors Silvan M, barber. Main Smith C, shoemaker SNOW & SATTEB, hairdressina and shaving saloon, 172 Main STEVEN'S J M, saloon, 187 Main Stevenson C C, mining supt THOMAS JOHN B, miner Thorburn D, varieties and newsdealer, 204 Main Tobener Chas, saloon, 153 Main TBEZONA J P, miner WASHINGTON HOUSE, John Pas- coe propr, 372 South C WEIOEMAN CHBIS, Fashion Sa- loon, 202 Main Winterbauer J A, bootmaker, 173 Main WISE F A, notary public, commis- sioner deeds, 203 Main WOOLEY THOMAS, Gold Hill Boiler Works, 400 South C PULLER HOT SPRINGS AND BY JAMES PULLER. THE EXPRESS Will make regular semi-weckiy trips between the Springs and Virtcinia, carrying freight and pusengera at reaaonaVe rates. Virginia Offices at i. A. Spencer's and J. W. Morris' Stores. S CO -I ao m m 30 m n o S o m r- CD 01 a. a c &> 3. CD o o 3 s- a o a o H. WACHHORST '^^^aJSSS"** than any house on the Coast. k.v. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. of the CoiMt, SMO Post ISt., 8.11*. F ■ " Iz! 0118,116 <2 Iain I (/) J Main ilaia , Screen I m rn tin ing, 225 O 30 -I I- >n House, Sold HUl a 3 and Dil- 83 Main a Iain 30 im I en ■ S o 9c iressin^ and 1 jr\ 87 Main newsdealer, Main i John Pas- Fashion Sa- ilor, 173 Main Wic conunis- Ig Gold Hill ■^ 'o |(/> CD e a. CD 1 W o 1 \^ 3. (D \o 3 (D Ller. |e88 3" O llv trips between g 'ylDK treight and g. lencer's »nd J. W. the Coast. e £ u o CO in o CO c u e o (0 •♦-• cn « 0} ^ ■ O o *^ CO V u u (« u 5" O X C5 a o z a < 3: Nevada — Orantville-Hamilton. 185 ALPIIABBTIOALLT. FKANKLIN HOTEL, J. C. BROWN, PROPRIETOR. ^^.NigrtBg?-^' CUtod Accommodations for TRAVELERS. CilTE VS A €AIiIi. TERMS, $l.60 PER DAY. 2W Main St., Sold Hm.lTev. Orantville, NYE COUNTY. Alexander M & M Co, M San Pedro supt, Warner Crage aec'y Ballard J W, atty at law Blackmore Ben, boarding house and saloon Brett J K, assayer Callahan J J, physician Cirac Theo, bakery Dwyer &; Belyea, saloon Franklin A J, gen mdso Gage W S & Co, gen indse Graham Jas, livery stable Harlan T J, druggist Harvey A B, agt W, F & Co Howe W B, gen mdse Koch Wm, brewery and saloon Lockerman H W, barber McComb Jno, butcher POST S 0, gen mdse, groceries, hard ware, liquors, cigars and tobacco Bosenthall S, clothing Sailor A W, physician Snow C B, justice of the peace Stocker A a, atty at law Taylor F^varieties Terney Philip, livery stable Touhey Jerry, varieties Vaughn St McKeehan, saloon Hamilton, WHITE PINE COUNTY, Is a miuing town of 200 inhabitants, distant from Eureka 40 miles, having an elevation of 8,000 feet. It is the county seat, and lies on the northern slope of Treasure Hill. Allen Miss A M, school teacher Barker J B, atty at law Brown J W, livery stable Brown & Smith,blacksmiths and vrigpn- makers Burbank Geo B, county surveyor Bush Henry, justice of the peace and undertaker Carpenter Harvey, stationer and post- master Cliilds Geo T, mill and mining agt Coulter George, miuing supt Daley Mrs D, lodgings Davis B K, dist atty and atty at law Drake John E, dairy and carpenter Evarts & Co, gen mdse FORREST W R, county clerk Fassett N C, mining supt Flower W T, mining supt Gray Mrs — , lodgings Hagar Henry, physician Hagar James, constiible Hall M W, carpenter and livery stable Hauck Louis A, notary public Henry M W, mining and civil engineer Herrick H S, supt schools Hoyt A V, notary public Karbstein Charles, stock raiser Kendall J B, supt Jennie A and Black Rock Mining Cos Liddle Samuel, agt wate;- company Lockwood J H, saddles and harness Lovell J V, agt W U Tel Co Mau &, Heitman, liquors McConkey Geo P, agt Wells, Fargo & Co, stage agt, county treasurer and stock broker McCrea Miss, lodgings McGregor Miss, laundry Molitor John, restaurant Naylor W H, restaurant Premenko Theodore, fruits, candy, etc Raum Ed, sheriff Rielley James, auctioneer, groceries, commission merchant and notary pub Sam Sing, groceries Schmidt Caspar, brewery Sinnott Peter, contractor Smith & Woodin, liquors Starr Thomas, news agency Stede Henry, tailor Strickland Oapt D, liquors , c o E 75 etc T3 Q> C C m O t o o a h C 18G Nevadorr—Hika-Lime Mountain Station. AbPnARVnOAhLT. A, livery stable and drayman m, county recorder and au- Thomi Timson ditc- Tyson Col — , mining supt and smelter Vetterlin Fred, restaurant Wasmer P A, hardware "White Pine News," A Skillman propr Williamson J B, county assessor Willard E X, pub administrator Woodbury W, assessor ' y Wray Chas, jeweler Zadow Louis, meat market Hiko, LINCOLN CODNTY. ^EER A. postmaster Sharps Mm, saloon Sharp FT, blacksmith Ptorns I', rrprx mdse Wilson W M, grocer Hot Creek, NYE COUNTY. T.upfon Jns. Honors McComn« T .T. liquors Vew Philadelnbin. R M Co TroM'bridiTfi N S & Co gen mdso Williams J T, hotel Humboldt, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Is on the line of the C. P. Railroad, i2? miles from San Fmnrisco and 449 milep from Ogden. Trains going west stop here 30 minutes fnr dinner, and thosp poinsr east stop th« satrT? l^ntd-.h of time for breakfast. Tho Humboldt House, Meacham & Blakpslee, proprietors, is r cosy and pomf"rt.ible hotel, wherflcuesti^ are treated with the utmost civility and treated ip everything found in a first- class house. Blakeslee L A, postmnster Clark C .T, tel opr and agt C P R R Humboldt House Mencham & Blakeslee, proprs Humboldt House Melov E R, acr* C P R R and A and P Tel Co Huntington, ELKO COUNTY. TAFT Q W, postmaster lone City, NYE COUNTY. Oage W S & Co, rren. mdae Nun an S S, boarding house Williams J H, saloon CO Jefferson, NYE COUNTY. Ashbum C F. postmaster Ashbum & Shumwav, gen mdse Epirlcston B»nj, justice of the peace and livery stable Hodees Joseph, ment market Johnston .T C, oonstnble Norwood Mrs T, restaurant Slusher S. lumber dealer Vellman Edward S, liquors Junction, NYE COUNTY. SlUNlMN A E, postmaster Lewis, LANDER COUNTY. C0Z7EXS DAVENPORT, saloon and P'>stm''«t"r WTTX .JOSEPH, fen mdse Mellander C, boarding house Ramsdell V, B, fruits and varieties Stujirt F H, boarding house Williams Jno, hotel Lida Valley, ESMERALDA COUNTY. Severe S & Co, gen mdse Lodi, NYE COUNTY. Fisk S E, hotel Huntley D B, assayer KirkpatricV .T O, blacksmith Raymond W H, manager Argenta Uin- ing Co lone Mountain Sta- tion, Situated 24 miles from Elko, on the line SD »< CS e o , and agt C P R R Marietta, ESMERALDA COUNTY. Campbell Geo C, saloon Murray Ed, blacksmith Rhodes A J, gen mdse Smith B G & Co, gen mdso Smith Bros, Borax manufrs Wakefield W F, saloon Mason Valley, ESMERALDA COUNTY. Apsey Robert, atty at law Bennett E W, gen mdso Brann Bros & Smart, liquors Brown J H, pmpr Nevada House Carroll John, blacksmith Crais Jno D, hotel and store CBAIQ J S, Wells, Fargo & Co, post master and gen mdso Daniel Jasper, blacksmith and hardware Downey Js,s, saloon and groceries Fogg S B, carpenter and house builder Fitzgerald J P, blacksmith, wagonmaker Gallagher J B, atty at law Greenfield Hotel, J S Craig propr Houston J M, atty at law Leavitt G I, physician and sureoon Richardson A S, physician and druggist iSwasey H M, groceries, etc Mineral City, EUREKA COUNTY, Is in a mining district, 80 miles from Eureka. Mill City, HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Curliss Wm, livery stable OOTJU) JAMES, gen mdse and hotel GOXJLD J, postmaster Gould & O'Donnell, proprs Mill City Foundry Mineral Hill, ELKO COUNTY. BruflFy T B, hotel Crombie J C, mining supt Edwards E T, stock raiser Griswold Gilbert, justice of peace Hoanl John, saloon ISBELL T J, postmaster anc} gee mdae ^cCoy Geo, lumber Murdock Mrs H, lostaurant Schuster Jno, bakery Velta Mrs M, groceries and provisions Walker I, saloon Mineral Station, EUREKA COUNTY. Ward B F, eating house and agt E & P R R Tel Co Morey, NYE COUNTY. . ' Austin D V, saloon Cullum B F, livery stable Hammond &, Co, saloon Mathey A, assayer and surveyor Mitchell J C, saloon Moore J A, meat market OLIVER R N, hotel Randolph & Co, saloon RANDOLPH M F, postmaster Trippel A, mining engineer Mountain City, ELKO COUNTY. Bacon J H, hotel and gen mdso Farick A, blacksmith Oreana, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Ts on the C. P. R. R , 402 miles from San Francisco. Rusing E S, agent C P R R and Wells, Fargo & Co Torrey Eben P, gen mdse, propr Hope quartz mill and notary public Osceola, WHITE PINE COUNTY. Felsenthal P H, gen mdse Johnson N F, saloon Jonan A, saloon 09 CO CO I CO 3 iff ?l ,^ •I* H. PALMER & CO.. Frontignan Wine. 302 Davis St.S.F. ', n 1 CO i c 75 S p CO c c P O o o z s o < Q. I- h O w. w. MONTAGUE A co.,n'y::i»?no.^gfi^rirJ!i'ir^^^ 188 Nevada — Paliaade-Pioche. ALrilAliniOALLT. Palisade, EUREKA COUNTY. Bailey L E, ins agt Bailey H P, agt C P R R Baum E M, propr Depot Hotel and Res- taurant Carney S S, saloon Costitt' Geo, liquors and barber Hill J N, gen freight agt E 4 P R R ' Jewell T R, gen mJse Lawler T F, gen P & F agt E & P R R Marchant John, postmaster and gen mdse Southern B S, agt Wells, Fargo & Go's Express Sumerall Thos, shoemaker Panaca, LINCOLN COUNTY. E dwar ds Geo W, wheelwright FINBLAT A M, postmaster Gentry Ed S & Jos, blacksmiths Jorgensen Assmus, saddle and harness- maker Olesen Carl, watchmaker and jeweler Panaca Co-operative Store, gen mdse Wedge John, hotel Paradise, HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Banman F, saloon Billes C C, saddles and harness Bl ackw ood Charles W, physician BOWMAN E D, postmaster Cederholm Jno 8, wagonmaker Davis B H, attorney at law Ellis Henry, saloon Fisher George, painter Gillelan George, hotel Jackson A J, blacksmith Kemler Charles, gen mdse Kirshner & Co, brewers Luther B H, saloon Morse & Rickard, livery stable Nichols & Cragin, hotel Paradise , Co-operative Association, gen mdse and flourinc; mills " PARADISE KEPOBTEB/' H War- ren propr Powell J W, druggist and physician Swartz R, groceries Watson E M, manager W U Tel office Wilder H F, hotel Windel J H, attorney at law Pinto, EUREKA COUNTY. Ba,g|ra E, milling FISH HENA I , gardener and postmas- ter McAvoy J, dairyman Minolette G, stock raiser North J M, stock raiser Potter Jno, mining supt Smith N, hotel Pioche, LINCOLN COUNTY, Is distant from Eureka 192 miles, situ- ated in a rich mining district in the eastern part of the State, and has a popu- lation of 500 or more, and a weekly newspaper. It is the county seat, and has stage line communication with Eu- reka Adams R, tailor Addleman A, meat market Aemer M, grocer Alexauder G R, druggist Clark D C & Bros, gen mdse Clute F W, gen mdse and stock broker Cohn A & Bro, cigars and tobacco Duif T R, supt Aleadow Valley M & M Co Eilers Henry, liquors Eisenman J & Co, hardware Fox M, jeweler Fulks D A, county treasurer Gibfred & Brisacher, restaurant Goodman & Co, stationery Gorman George T, notary public Griffin W E, banker, stock broker, and agent Wells, Fargo Sl Co Hagerty & Barton, grocers HANJi OBD Z M, county clerk Henderson J. C, recorder and auditor, and dry goods Henderson W H, assessor Hoffman Julius, assayer Jacobs & Sultan, grocer Kipe Dick, restaurant Koch C, shoe store Lawson Mrs E, meat market Le Baa S, jeweler Lynch J C, liquors Mandich Alex, fruits and groceries McKee W L, sheriff METERS CHARLES F, postmaster Mills H, supt Raymond & Ely mine Morton E F, shoemaker Mott, Fish & Co, hardware Myers J & Bro, dry goods Nesbitt J & Bro, gen mdse Newman J B, liquors O O -< a m m 30 CO cr n w •a X3 5' A 3) o w> P O o o 3 CD a o 3 CD •0 o 3 a. O (0 ■a o 3 H.WACHHORST. importer Of Fine %Vat«h«s, Ql R I Qf ^flA Jewell^, DiMtt«nda, Ot9I Oli, QWn PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 7^"H?n;V^»-Kr?Ji?,K'A!r. 2 miles, situ- strict in the idhasapopu- ind a weekly inty seat, and tion with Eu- dae ' d stock broker 1 tobacco Valley M & M are irer laurant \i public ,ck broker, and iCo srs ;y clerk Tr and auditor, lor otrket id groceries iJ" postmaster fc'lily mine rare sds kdse o P a o a CD 5; O 3 s f O 3 o , CO ha o i3 c « E 2 u (d (0 in o (d (A u (0 o o a o 75 (A © D) o Nevada — PoeviUe-Reno. ALPIIABRTIOALLT. 189 Nichols F C, dentist Patchon C H, district attorney Pierson Mrs James, hotel " Pioche Record " Poujade T C, gen mdse Parson James, public administrator and coroner Roeder John, gen mdse Rosenbaum J, dry goods, clothing and fancy goods Saunders T, grocer Schustrich & Kline, brewers and liquors Sherwood T, lumber Shier J, grocer Stein Charles & Co, liquors Veitch Alex, saddler Wertheimer L, clothiers Poeville, WASHOE COUNTY. Barber S K, real estate Brown B F, notary public and district recorder Buckley I J, gen mdse Buckley S, liquors Campbell Thompson, notary publio Churchman Nye, notary publio Corlias J H, mining expert Gorman George T, notary public Griffin A D, mining supt Lake Mrs A A, boarding house Phillips H, hotel Taylor ChaS H, hotel Wicks L D, gen mdse DEPOT HOTEL, AT THE DEPOT, BENO, NEV IDA, WILLIAM R. CHAMBERLAIN, Proprietor. This House is situated beside the Railroad Track, and it is but a etep from the Building to the Oars of the C. P. R. R. on one side and those of the V. «& T. R. R. on the other. All the Attractions of A FIHST-CLASS HOTEL are snppliei ALL THE PASSENGER TRAINS STOP IN FRONT OF THE HOTEL The Office of Wells, Fargo & Co's Express is in the building. Connected with this Hotel is a First-class I %§> Lunch Room and Oyster Saloon, Where Passengers from the Cars, and all others, desiring^ a " Square Mpal," can get Oysters in every style, Clams, Crabs. Pigs' Feet, Cold Meats, Hot Coffee and Tea, and other delicacies. LAFAYETTE HOUSE, RENO, NEVADA. (Opposite Depot.) This House has lately been opened and has ample accommodations for the Traveling Public. Board and Lodging $7.00 per wsek. Cominorcial Row. ODEliIi BROS., Proprietor*. m CO c/> 3 3: 4 If M 'I -I 9b at «» • • ? ■ » 9 CD -s CD ■"4 o 115 J St., Sac. H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. r^ffi IV. W. MONTAGUE A CO..**^^""^"'"***'^*'"^^*'^-'^^ -* i c « 1 Q 2 > o E CO c c n Q ■ O o o z S o < D. O O ikttvm* in M«. ru. nAmi't I ID nnttnrv m. . n. r. 190 Nevada — ^eno. Al.rilARIITICAI.Iir. "0 c: O H C fr If 09 B s- O (/} o a 01 a o o a 3 ■a o •9 'O m X o e (0 (* (fi r 9 TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pi«ritk>«ll]r t««clit at PACIFIO B1TMI- NBHI* OOLIJKMK. SAO Pwt St., ■. V. Nevada — Reno. ALPHABinOAliLT. 191 Reno, WASHOB OOUNTT. This town ia pleasantly located on the Central Pacitic Kailroad, 154 milea from Sacramento. It is connected with Oar- son City and Virginia by the Virginia and Truckee Railroad. It is the county seat. The place has twice baen visited by disastrous conflagrations, which, both tunes, completely devastated the busi- ness portions of it, but such id the en ergy and enterprise of its citizens, that now it is built more substantially and beautifully than ever. Among tho many new buildings there is a very neat thea- ter, and a fine building used as a baard ittg school, which has accommodations for 120 pupils. It is under the control of the biitera of Charity. Business of every kiud is well represented. Its in liabicants are moral, iadustriaus, and are determined to do all they can to make their town as good as any in the State. Its present population u about 3,000. ABRAHAMS BROS & CO. gents' fur nidniug goods and clothiiig, Commer cial Row ARCADE HOTEL, D McFarland propr, Commerciui jiow ASH B W, agent D W Earl & Co, depot Avery Q W, constable, 2d BANK OF D A BENDER & CO. Com murcial Row Bardiua C, shoemaker, Centre Barker D H, county surveyor BARNES A H, propr Uolden Eagle, and sole agent I'aciiic Coast for W ^' firummer's Insect and Vermin D Btroyer, Patent Powder Blower, Sierra Baructt 1, dry goods, Commercial Row Baniett Thos, boots and shoes, Virgiuia Bac htel " W L, saloon, Virginia BECKER CHAS, Washoe Brewery, Commercial Row BECKER GEO, saloon. Commercial Row Beukcr J J, saloon. Commercial Row Bell Frank, division supt W U Tel Co Bslz John, barber, Commercial Row BENDER CHAS T, banker, Commer cial Row BENDER D A, banker, Commercial Row Bergman W, physician and surgeon, 2d Bianchi (1 B & Co, saloon, Virginia Bishop S, physician. Commercial Row BOAKDmAm W M. attorney at law, otlice Udd Fellows' building BONNOTTE C, uloon, Centre Bowman John, district attorney BOTO D B, county treasurer Boyutoa C H, C P R R ticket agent BRADY THOS, restaurant and saloon, Vir ginia BROOKINS C J, books and stationery, confectionery, varieties, pianos and organs, Virginia Brown M iss Lizzie, millinery and fancy goods, Virginia Buckley R, groceries. Commercial R3W Busch Fred, hardware, stoves and tin- ware, 3d BUTTERfTBLD DD, carpenter, Vir- ginia CAHLAN J. manager Farmers' Co-op' Asjociatiou, cor 2d and Virginia , Cain Wm, attorney at law Camp T B, surveyor. Commercial Row Cauthlin Wm, blacksmith. Sierra CHAMBERLAIN I, deputy sheriff Chase C C, saloo.i, Virginia CHATilELD B E, auctioneer, Virginia CHIEU)VICH £ ft CO, Wine Houses Commercial Row CLARK A J, general merchandise, Si- erra Coats M T, propr Coat's House, 3d COOKES J ii\ iodgiiig. Commercial Row COUCH MRS M, board and lodging, Centre Craig Mrs C, restaurant, Virginia Cunningham & Gibson, groceries, etc, Vi rginia CUNNINGHAM J M, varieties, Vir- ginia Dallam A P, bakery, Comm3rcial Row Daltou P, restaurant, Virginia Davidson S N, watchmaker and jewelry. Commercial Row Dawson A, dentist, Virginia DeBelle Jos, watchmaker and jewelry, Virginia DE IJORES, sister superior Mount St Mary's Academy Ddmers L, gen mdde, 3d DEPOT HOTEL, W R Chamberlain propr EARL D W ft CO, forwarding and commission. Depot Evans Pierce, attorney, Virginia EVERETT J K, (wholesale and retail) groceries, hardware, provisions, etc, cor 2d and Sierra Everetts W F, county assessor FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE AS- SOCIATION, general merchandise, cor 2d and Virgiuia Farver ft Mershon, saloon, cor 2d and Virginia Feliz A, propr Palace Hotel, cor Centre and Commercial Row O X ?i OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. 'i^i\ W. W. MONTAGUE & co.^'^s.rifo.^rm.M'iriiL^OTr 192 Nevada — Reno. ALPHAaincAi.br. CO c « e of !fi S & > o E CO c c O ■ o o a z S o < Q. I- I- Finla^son Mist Bessie, dressmaker, Vir Flint ft Co, moat arket, Virginia Fogg C H, meut market, Commercial Kow Fowle J E, harnessmaker, Sierra Fredrick I, watchmaker and jeweler. Commercial Row FULTON R L, proprietor "Reno Eve- ning Gazette, ' Sierra Oilson Jno 8, notary public and insur- ance agent, Virginia OOEOOEL WM> watchmaker and jew eler, Virginia GOLDEN EAOLE, A H Barnes pro prietor. Sierra Goodman Amelia, millinery and fancy store, Virginia GOULD A. fruit store, .3d Gratf J, bakery. Commercial Row GRAY D, deputy sheriff GRIPPEN £ M, meat market Gunthcr J B, harness and saddles. Sierra Hagerman J C, insurance agt, cor Com mercial Row and Sierra Hagerman ft Schooling, gen mdse, cor Oimmercial Row and Sierra Hammersmith N C, hairdresser, Com mercial Row HAMMOND & WILSON, livery, feed and sale s table, C'ommerciel Row HARNEY M A, milliner omd dress maker, Virginia HARRISON M, groceries, Virginia Harting Otto, bakery, Virginia Harvey ft Trumbo, auction and commis sion, Virginia Hawkins Hellen, restaurant, Virginia Higgins H W, freight agt C P R R and VftTR R HOGAN H H, physician and surgeon, office in Odd Fellows' block, 2d ' HOGE WALTER, Commercial Row HOLT & COFFIN, house and sign painters and paper hangers, 2d Hoy Jno, propr Ohio House, Virginia HOY R F, lumber yard, Plaza Hur d A L, dray and expressman, Virg'a HYMERS & COMSTOCK, proprietors Truckee stables, cor 2d and Sierra JAMISOM S M, postmaster, Commer cial Row JAMISON S M & SON, books sta tionery, etc, Commercial Row Johnson Roger, atty, Virginia Jones Chas, constable, 2d JONES C W, deputy sheriff, coroner and collector, 2a JONES MRS MARY, proprietoress Reno Exchange, 3d Kah n S & Co, coffee house, Virginia KELLEY R F Mi meat market, Washoe; nurseries. Sierra KINCAID JAMES H. manager The Reno Savings Bank, Virginia and 2d King S D. judjre dist court KINGSBTJRY ft MILLS,black>miths, Centre KINNY CHAS M, barber, Virginia KNOX W L, attorney at law, 2d KNOX W N| insurance agent reprft- sendng the following agencies: — Hutchmson ft Mann, Jacobs ft Kas- ton, Ed E Potter ft Co; musical agen- cies KNTJST ft JONES, books, stationery and hardware, Virginia Kolster F, tailor. Commercial Row LACHAFELLE E, Theatre saloon. Commercial Row LACHMAN ft MEYER, toys, candies, fancjr goods, stationery, cutlery, etc, Virginia; cigars and tobacco, Com- mer eialRo^v LAFAYETTE HOUSE, Odett Bros proprs Commercial Row Lnlce ft Beck, flouring mills LAKE ft HOUSE. E A Vesey propr, South Virginia Lane Benj, barber, Virginia LEE L W, livery, feed and sale stable, Sierr.'iand4th Levy M D ft Co, liquors. Commercial Row LEVY SOL, dry goods, fancy goods, boots and shoes, Virginia LOOMIS C A, manager Straussburger ft Co, Commercial Row MAUN S A, deputy clerk Manning ft Berry, groceries and hard- ware. Commercial Row Mari G, saloon. Centre MARSHALL I B, attorney at law, C P R R attorney, Commercial Row MAXSON H B, U S deputy mineral surveyor, Virginia McClelland ft Simpson, varieties. Com- mercial Row McFARLAND B, proprietor Arcade Hotel, Commcrui; i Row McFARLIN J Li blacksmith and wag- onmakcr, cor S.I and Sierra McGEE J C, harness and saddles. Sier- ra and 4th McKee Miss Eliza, dressmaker, 2d MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, (F Perkins proprietor), comer Commer- cial Row and Virginia Mershon Mrs G W, dressmaker. Sierra Mershon G W, manager Ohio House, Virginia Mershon Kate, dressmaker. Sierra MEYERSLI3N H, gents' furnishing goods and clothing, Commercial Row MILLS MRS H A, notions, Virginia MOUNT ST MARY'S ACADEMY. H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. or th** Vnnmt. HtMl Vnmt m., H. F. m La and 2a e 30 ncksmithi, rn \v> Virginift w, 2d I « jent ropre*- agoncies".— jbs & Ka»- Ifti asical agea- ^ 1, stationery q i\ Row m itre saloon, 9 boys, candies, cutlery, etc, tbacco, Cora- Odett Bros * O B r Vesey propr, in nd sale stable, J, Commercial fancy goods, Straussburger jries and hard" tomey at law, imercialKow leputy mineral varieties. Com- iprietor Arcade :smitbandwag- L* ierra „. {/) id saddles, Sier- j* rcomer Commer- ^ Ismaker, Sierra g, ler Ohio House, - Ler, Sierra U UntV furnishmg U fcjommercial Bo* » totions, Virginia ? [s ACADEMY. IstpeetTsacT 6 E 2 u 0) (0 2 « (A O o 0} » o c o o X C9 =3 O z Nevada — Reno-Reveille. 193 ALniAMSnOALLr. (0 ft •8 Murphy B F, salt works, Commercial Kow Myers & Honeywell, carpenters, Vir^dnia Myers J F, urufcgist and aputheoary, two doors west of P 0, Commercial Kow NAD9H ft BOICLAIEE, blacksmiths and wuGTonmaktirs NATHAN MfClothing, boots and shoos, huts and cups and gents' furnishing goods, Viri^inia Net'dham Wni, furniture, Virjrinin "NEVADA STATE JOURNAL" (daily) C C Powning editor and propri- etor, 2d NEVADA THEATRE, Hammond & Wilsou proprs, Commcrciol Row Noyes C D, wugonmaker, Vir;i{inia Orr Water Ditch Co (R A Frazier propr), 2d Oiliurn & Shoemaker, druggists, Com- mercial Row Paddock ^.Irs Elizabeth, dressmaking, Vir.'iniii nr 2«l PARISH MARK, county clerk PARROTT M A, guns, pistols, nmmu- ■ nition, gun and ioo'^smith, Virginia Piazza L D, sivloou, Virginia PECHNER D, baths, harbor, Virginia PECHNER ROBT B> tailor and cutter, Vifiiiiiiv PERKINS F, saloon. Commercial Row Phillipa W D, C P R R ticket agent PINNIOER & QUEEN, druggists, Virginia Quinii J J, hardware and crockery, Vir- ginia Rafael A, merchant tailor, Virginia Rankin (x A, atty at law. 2d REMINGTON W T, blacksmith, Vir t'inia "RENO EVENING GAZETTE," R L Fulton propr, Sierra •RENO EXCHANGE, Mrs Mary Jones propr, 3d Rcnn (las Co, J H Kinkead prcst, 2d Reno Laundry, C?ommercial Row RENO LOD^E A F & A M, NO 13, Ujnjjimiu Hunter secretary, cor Com- mercial Row and Sierra RoiT N, harness maker. Sierra ROSENBERG C W, dentist, (all work garanteed to give satisfaction), Com- mercial Row Ross & Bower, furniture, Virginia Ruhc Henry, meat market, Commercial Row Salter Richard, hotel, 3d SANDERS & NEAIJS, undertakers and furniture, cor Virginia and 2d Schaefer G, meat market, Sierra Shaw J D, propr Western Hotel, 3d Siltz Fred, saloon, Virginia Smith M J, blacksmith. Sierra Smith R H, agt Wolls, Fargo & Co Snow , physician and surgeon, Vir- ginia SCmIERS M J, boot and shoemaker, Viririnia STANAWAT J E, cigars and tobacco, cor Center and Commercial Row Stophor W, saloo'i, uor 3d and Sierra STRASSBERGEa A &C0, dry goods, Commercial Row Sunderland John, boots and shoes, Vir- gin ia THE/ITER SALOON. E LachapoUe propr. Commercial Row RMO SAVINGS BANK, L Batch- elder cashier, cor Vir^uia and 2d Tomamichel G & Bro, hotel Tompson J M, tinsmith, Virginia TRUCKEE STABLES, Hymers Comstock proprs, cor 2d and Sierra Updike & Clark, painters, 2d VARIAN C S, attorney at law, U (list attorney, Virginia VESET E A, propr Lake House, South Virginia Waldo & Julien, attys at law, Virginia WALKER W A, sheriff Ware S E, bootmaker, Virginia WATSON J, shoemaker, 3d Webster Wm, atty at law, 2d WILLIAMS J B, recorder and auditor WILSON U G, candi3S, Virginia Wintermantel L, saloon. Center YOUNG W H, justice of the peace, 2d & S THEATRE SALOON, E. LACHAFELLS, - Proprietor, DBALKR IX WINES, IIQUORS AND CIGARS, Commercial Row, (Opposite R. n. Depot,) o 13 Reveille, NYE CX)UNTY. Barnes W R, gen mdse, JH Taylor man- ager Bianchi Joe, saloon Everett ft. Driscoll, saloon Gila S M Co, mill and mining H O « t9 iff ii |i II ^[ if 13 '5 • * ?? n OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. WW MnMTARIIP A rn RM^Tf* ami RimKeii.CM different iiltM.ttytMKn4 IL CO CO O ■ o 8 (9 O a *-♦ — ••« s ■0 c o ■ o o o z < a o as P 8- :3 lO'l Nevada — Ruby Hill-Silver City. ALPIIABBTICAI.I.r Hawes Mrs, hotel Kerwood J C, meat market and stable iStroh A, saloon TAYLOR J H, postmaster Ruby Hill, EUREKA COL'NTV, Is a small place, r.bout two miles from Llureka, and really an extension of that place. Andrew Thos, brewery and saloon Bowman Mr^ E, lodgiags BROAWN J W, Euroka and Euby Hill stages DalyHenry, saloon Doyle Mii;hac1, saloon Hampton J, dry goods and clothing HOBEN EOWABD, City Brewery and saloon Harrub W B, Euby Hill Water "^'^orhs Harteustcin Jacob, groceries Kavanaugh M rs VV, boarJiag KYLE JAMES, saloon Lambert J W, gen mdse, butcher, and| poi tmaster lANii^ HISS LIZZIE, restaurant Lipski August, blacksmith Lukens J H, drugs aud physician Lyon M E, saloon Mark s Thos, saloon MIKEL & SANFOBD, Eureka and Euby Hill stages Morcom Edmond, grocerias FEABSON T H, superiateudent Euby Hill Wi.ter Works BEOLI BEN, sidoon REYNOLDS WH, saloon JDLUBY HILL WATER WOBKS. W B Harrub proprietor, T H Pearson su- perintendent SeNE Y JH . barber SWEENEY JAMES, hotel TAM JOHN & 00, bakery Tassell Geo, bootmaker TBOFATTER E T, hotel WERRY HARRY, boarding WILLIAMS THOMAS, saloon ZEJ^KFKIN ALFRED J. bootmaker Bye Patch, HUMBOLDT COUNTY". BORLAND J H, postmaster BORLAND JOHN, gen mdso, agent C PEE and WelLs Fargo & Co Kane Jno O, supt Nevada Stite MUl Morrison A, sujit Eye Patch Mill San Antonio, NVE COUNTY. San Antonio Silver Mining Co COURT CHAS, pustmaatcr and E E ageut Schellbcumey WHITE PINE COLNTV. Burke Wm, groceries and saloon Ruby Valley, ?LKO COUNTY. Conner Thos, blacksmith (ridney A W, gen mdsa and blacksmith SNOW WM, postmaster Wines & 8aow, >icv.r mill, hay and grain Sheephead, BOOP COUNTY. Bonhn J F, postmaster Murphy B F, salt works (Buffalo) Sheridan, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Beal Wi'liam, blacksmith Harris M, gen md-se Hill William, blacksmith McDonald J E, hotel WEINEB BEN, asst postmaster Quiuu Martin, blacksmith Silver City, LYON COUNTY, £s eight miles from Virginia City in Gold Canyon, near its eniSoudiure into the Carson Valley. It is a t(twn of some importance and derives its support from the mining interests. Alfred & Bennett, hotel Angell J F, livery stable BecKer Claus, liipiors Benr ett BroH, f u«d stablo BLACKMER C F, postmaster, grocer- ies, stationery, cutlery Burgi P, physician Courts Mrs Elizal>eth, hotel Doisenrotli Leo, barl)er Ferraro A, shoemakr^r Fontialla Lucas, liquors Fritt Matthais, hotel I Geyor Philip, bi-ewery o CO -< c ■a H > F o 30 H -1 •< 00 c CO C/) o 3 (0 U1 S 3 (A CD -» z o e M (0 (0 P r o o s << e TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.BiumaU3r&Co., '•s;l'."£2;?ir' PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «n«ne'?Sr„TC?;S; I'eiiTnsnNhip, I'o.i'urai'hv. So 1*4 [aVi J* Nevada — Silver Peak-Sutro. 195 AI.PIIARBTICALI.T. Qoetz Henry, meat market Grnr Jno W, act Wells, Fargo & Co Hall A^Noyes, Ui]uor3 Harkiiis D E, blacksmith Harris H, assayer Huse Mi's MiU-ia, lodging hnnso ' 'Lynn County Times, " T E Picotte propr MuGiiiiiii J M, l"ml>er, a Munckton Joseih., liqUii^s Paulson Jno, shoemaker Bipley Sc Haas, grucerieSi wines and liquors Rourko Mrs Jennie, boardiiig ftnd lodg- ing house Rchr^m Geo, shoemaker Uriii Jno, blacksmith Van Wugeneu Mills, principal public school Walter & Co, gen mdse ind stockbrokers Way Geo, meat market Weigi.istein Conrad, shoemaker Winters Eben, hotel Winzel Stock, bikery Z-ibriskiQ C B, physician Silver Peak, ESMERALDA OO'JNTV. Chiatovicb John, gen mdse Sixteen Mile House, ESMERALDA COUNTY. McGabray Kobt, hotel Springy City, HUMBOLDT OOUNTr. Boan & Elliott, saloon Buel G F, justice of the poaca BsU Geo T, gen mdse Bradley & Ojrie, saloon CARLOW W H, postmaster Clayton J, notary public Fountain L, rest'vur.int Foutuin & Za.-niry, h')tel Gintz A, agt W, F Ex Co, and books and stationery] Jowett J M, saloon Kirihner & Co, saloon and brawer Lutf J iS, saloo:i Luther & Buras, saloon Muilvaine ft Hitter, saloon Pinson ft Roujon, hotal Keinhart E ft Co. gan miso Wtiisiniller N, shoemAer Sprueemont, ELKO COUNTY. Callahan S, gen mdse Gi'man W B, livery Osbom E J, saloon Wheeler J B, saloon Steamboat Springs, WASHOE COUNTY. Rapp J & M, hotel Stillwater, CHURCHILL COUNTY, Is a smill pl.ice 47 miles distant from ~ Pop- Wadjworth, on the C. ulation about 50. P. R. R. Doane S A, county recorder Doolittle A W,, nham J A, gen mdae Brierly C B, pliysician Callahan M, iijuori Caseb3er J A, jnstica of ths peacs Collins M liquors Corbett John, li |uors Dalles John i?, prjpr S 4 V Stage Co Davis L, bakery Donnelly ft Co, liquors Ehner M, liquors Heidenreich ft Co, gen mdse McGurn T R, groceries McKni^ht James, shoemaker Mercer Frank B, propr "3utro Independ- ent" Maserve Wm, liquors Moran B, propr Bonanza Hotel Schweiss S, liquors Shaldcn H H, postmaster 8 ft V Stage Co, John S Dallas propr Sntro Hotel, M Kelly propr O X 03 o s -o I k It Is 1 « & PURE PORT WINE, for Meillfiliial Purposes, 302 Davis St., S. F. II VI m p i? til IL (6 ^' c '(5 s o o % o S 0) c c (0 O O o o z S o o z p W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^rttnt^JrTtr^i!S^U'*^Sih^Ml'f' 19G Nevada — Sweetwater-Tmcarora. ALPHABBTICALLT. '•SUTRO INDEPENDENT," Frank B Mercer propr Tishe John, liquors Wiazd & Campbell, butchers Sweetwater, ESMERALDA COL'NTi^. Aiken Wm, gea mdse ( McElroy Patrick, liquors and boarding Meyer Emanuel, liquors und varieties Paul S F, assayer and mining engineer Shine Timothy, contractor] Skinner J no, contractor Spaulding P E, assayer Tecoma, EI.KO COUNTY". Armstrong J C & Co, gen mdse Burton Bros, postmaster, gen mdse C P K E, agent telegraph office Clark, Cook & Co, patent medicines Lyndres Chas, blacksmith Malloy Jas, hotel Peck S, propr Tecoma Hotel and saloon Tern Piute, LINCOLN COUNTY. (See also list tpo late for ragular insertion) McBirney & Manheim, gen mdso Toana, ELKO COUNTY, Is 182 miles from Ogden and 93 from Elko, the county seat. One hundred people gain support by mining silver, gold and copper. DAVIS HARRY, Emigrant Dining Hall QOBBEL A W, postmaster JOHNSON WESLEY.Kail Road House Bipley J H, restaurant Spencer & Frank, gen mdso Treasure City, WHITE PINE COUNTY, Is on the northern slope of Treasure Hill, at jlevation of i),236 feet, hav- ing a pupulation of 72. Baldy G H, postmaster and mining re- corder Finlay Wm, mining .ontractor Tif'lynn Jno, mining supt ^Grullin^er M, gen mdse Har^r Kobt ti, dairy K'.rbstein Isidore, meat market ''jvons Moses, mining supt Marshall Thos, engineer Maxwell Wm, supt E & A Mining Co Tii/t^carora, ELKO COUNTY, Is a new and lively mining town contain- ing a population of 1,0W and distant from Elko, the county seat, about 50 miles, with which it is connected by a stage line. It is within four milas of the Owyhee river and is surrounded b^ a good stock-raising and agricultural district. Abbott B M, furniture and bedding Abbott Chas E, atty ai law and notary public Allen W M, restaurar.t ARGENTA MINING CO, L E Atch i son supt ATCHISON L E, supt Argenta Min- ing Co Babcock & Bacon, Tuscarora Water Co Bacon Bros, HL uscarora market Barratt Jno, blacksmith Behrend P K, cigars Bennett H, carpenter Bentley I) M, liquors BLISS MBS H, proprietor Cottage Hotel and restaurant. Weed Bowen J, painter BOYNTON E R, groceries, confection- ery, (juoensware, lamps, cigars, tobac- co, etc. Weed Bradley A V, assayer BROWN H W, (W J Ur'.on & Co) Knob Hill Burner Mrs J F, millinery, dressmakia^ and fancy goods. Weed Campbell J E, school teacher Capeii E L, liquors Carlin Fast Freight Line, Chas Holland agent Cassidy J P, restaurant GATHER WM J, ciiars, tobacco, books, stationery, gent^' furnishiii;' goods, clothing, etc, cor Weed aud Main Cellier Mrs L,millincry and ladies' goods Chapin E M, supt Tuscarora Mill Co Clark E W, agt W U Tel Co Clany Jas, barber Cockbin T H, barber Collins C, groceries Commonwealth Mining Co, J W Epley supt Cooker & Co, nnwi agta o H 30 •< O m > r- m so (/) 3 O" CD W n 5' a. ■n a n X" a 3" O ffl (A P o O 3 •Hi (D s, 5' 3 O T SI (0 H H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street Sac. no, lia. |o d boarding varieties . 5 engiaeer 1 ^ a m > r- m 30 (/) town contain- 1 p I and distant 1 3 sat, about 50 1 ^ connected by CO four miV33 of ' - lurrounded bj id agricultural id bedding aw and notary (J0,LE Atch ,t Argenta Min- ftrora Water Co BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Praetlrally tansht nt PACIFIC B1TMT. NRMH COI,l,V.«3V4. a«0 Pont Ht. IS. V. market jnrietor Cottage ;, Weed ccriea. confection- ips, cigars, tobac- J Urton & Co) nery, dressmakiuj, eed te^icber inc. Chas Holland "diars, tobacco, gents' fumwhuv^ tcTcor Weed and ry and ladies' goods ^acaroraMdUo 7 Tel Co igCo, J WEjley '] Street Sac. B ti u o a (0 Nevada — Tuscarora. ALPIIARETICALLT. 197 (0 Cooker J Fred, as3t postmaster I COTTAGE HOTEL, Mrs H Bliss pro- prietor, Weed Cowlcs G W M, mining recorder C'urreaux F, propr Owyhee Brewery "DAILY TEMES REVIEW" (The). Fairchild & D^ntiij propra, Main DALLAS A J, Cabinet >Saloon, Main Davis E S & Co, blacksmiths and wagon- makers D.vvy G A, book agent Dayton J B, sur>^ Grand Prize Mining Co Dodsworth Jno, cabinetmaker Dove & Jocks, foundry and machine shop Dow J C, atty at law Drake F N, physician Kdwards Miss Hattie, school teacher Edwards Mrs J F, lodging Eunor W H, (Smith, WoodrufF & En- nor) Epley John W, supt Commonwealth Miriiirr Co FAIU^lilLD & DENNIS, propria rs 'v Times Review" i' !u;:. ^D & ENNOR, postoffice iKWS sfcimd and varieties FAIRCHILD L C, postmaster FARTHING T T, now and second hand furniture Felton AV W, saloon GEORGE ELI, Occidental Lodging House and saloon GERBER & ALTUBA, Tuscarora meat m irket, Main Germain F, liquors fxheen L, painter (Jraham's Hotel, Mrs J M Graham propr (Irand Prize Hotel, T M Jones propr (irand Prize Mining Co, J B Dayton su perintendont Greer Bros, carpentoi'^ Gronosky A DeYo» nj,, i'liuora Gunniaon Saml, "•■ li'"i|jx, Guiselman — , h)df , Hamilton T J, i) 'k..; ;,;•/' ,mpcr hanger HARVILLE H A, c >p at.i > Rickey Mrs I, boarding hoi, .v Main Hill Mrs E A, dressmaker Hillman W S, second hand furniture HOFFMAN GUSTAVE. Tuscarora Bakery, Front Hogle Nlrs L I, loils^ing house Hogle Ij 1, feed stable Holbrook G, carpenter Holland Chas, agt Carlin Fast Freight Line Houck Geo, sf;- •. ^ hand furniture Huntingdon 'j /< j'^'xyttician and surgeon I HUHTSMAB I S, l- opr City Bak ery, Weed Hurley Mrs M J, dreaamaker Hyke & McDonald, blacksmiths Jack & Dove, proprs Tuscarora Foundry Co Jacob S, merchant tailor Jennens B W, assayer Johnson T M, detnity sheriff JOHNSON ROBERT, tinshnp and Jones T M, propr Grand Prize Hotel hardware. Weed Kimball Housa, J Kli^ball propr Kingston G A, atty at law La ncast er A V, qiiartz mill LATTBENHEIM P, groceries and pro- vi3ioni>, Weed Lawlor Miss, dressmaker and milliner Lewis S, gen mdse Liscomb Mrs A M, restaurant and lodg- ing; MART SMITH HOUSE, Mart Smith proprietor, corner Weed and Main Mateer J M, Pioneer Dairy May J T, supt Navajo Miaing Co McAllister W N, liquors McDonald 8 B, supt Tuscarora M & M Co McDougal Bros, blacksmiths and wagon- makers McGowi) J L, atty at law McLaughlin j, boots and shoes McMASTER CHARLES, insurance atreiit McMASTER MRS R, millinery and ladies' goods HcMILLAN & TODD, Blue Wing Saloon McNALLY JOHN, mining superin- tendent and druggist Mero M C, groceries Moats L E, carpenter Monroe J, carpenter Moore C H !*, Co, liquors Mooser Mrs Rosa, groceries Morrison & McLean, restaurant MUNTER CHARLES, dry goods and fnmishiug goods, etc. Weed and Main Murphy M G, carpenter and contractor Nars M C, varieties Navajo Mininct Co, J T May supt NICHOLSON JAMES, justice of the pence North Belle Mining Co, J W Powell su- perintendent Ottenheimer J, liquors Parsons M W, dent ist PAULDING WM, merchant tailor, auction, commission and real estate, Main ■ Pearson Chas, lodgings Pendleton J W, clergyman Phelps F H, drugs PLuOHOFF H B, hamesamaker PLUNKETT T C. Can Can Restaurant Powell J W, snpt ^^orth Belle Mining Co m as z u> a 00 r- m so CO CO p> 3 0> 3 3 'it ? H (To IS .a I* 9s 9 9 S3. f5 H. PALMER & ce., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. WUf un&ITJiniC A m Shf't Iron, all Stam nmj UTanilirni, tio, . W. iWONTAGUb « UUm llg 114- ilO. an Ul >- O CO O III o h co O O CO •k K Ul H X < < O CO O ALPIIABBTICAIiLT. Primeaux A, gen mdso Pr>)gres8ive Hotel, Mary Smith propr EICH^RDSON C A, hairdresser Biii>;uoId & Co, livery stable ROGERS C F, attorney at law and juunialist Rogers & Ham, liquors Bogers Pierce, liquors Kogers T M, hairdresser ROSE A A, Tusoarora Beer Hall, Weed Russell Chas & Co, liquors 8auci3r L P, lijuors Saucier Phi', supt Rev Mine SCHARLIN J A, watchma'ier and jew- eler Seitz Geo, supt Young America South Mi li ig Co Smith Miss Alice, school teacher Smith a & Co, Vir.'inia Chop House SMITH MART, agent W, F & Co, no- tary pub.ic, stock broker r.nd at,; age.it; proprietor M >rt Smith Hon i Smith Mary, propr Pro rrjssive Housa SMITH, WOODRU/Ji' & ENNOB, geuercii merchandi:se Smith W T, (Smith, Woodruff & Ennor) stockbroker Stacey C G, blacksmith and wagonmaker STEWAKER WILSON. Pioneer Meat M.rxet St Louis N & P, carpenters Stoyell T J, carpenter Stoyle T, carpenter Stoitz E J, clothing, etc Stump Jno H, real estate agt Sutherlund & McKay, saloon SWAUT E M, dentist, West Avenue SV^AIN L A, upholsterer and cabinet maker, Weed Tandy & Cook, photographers Taylor Jno, wagonmiker Tipple C, Columbia Restaurant Tolman & Huttm, liquors and cigars Tri.liag & Ivan, Tuscarora Brewery Tripp W H, penminship and bookkeeping Tdchudy Ju«, hairdresssr Tuscarora Foundry Co, Jack & Dove proprs Tuscarora Lodge No. 27, F 4 A M, J R Boyuton secy Tuscarora M & M Co, S B McDonald supt "Tuscarora Times," Fairchilds & Dennia proprs Tuscarora Water Co, Babcock & Bacon proprs URTON W J & CO, lumber, gr, in, wagons, wood, ston *, coal, real eatuti-, hardwure, etc. Knob Hill Walker W A, watchmaker and jeweler Weaver W B, deputy sheriff ' '• H H, assayer E A, car(tenter \'i .£ERT F, dealer in and manufact- urer of boots and shoes Wil bur L D, school teacher WILDE C W, marchant tailor, Main Wilson Fred, livery stable Wines J L, atty at law Woodruff & Ennor, gen mdse Woodruff L D, painter YEATES ELUAH S & CO, sewing machine agent, manufacturer of boots and shoes, guns and pistols for sale Main Yeates Miss Jessie, school teacher Youn? America South Mining Co, Geo Seitz supt Zeveifel Mrs, midw-7e DEALER IN FURNITURE AND BEDDING. a^ Repairing neatly done. Upholstering in all ""^ its Branches. Undertaker and Gabineimaker. WEED, near MAIN STREET, TUSCARORA, - NEVADA. TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC Oil L Biumauar & Co., '^IlL'rSllvlflS' PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «»n,o.^,"„n,"^"?'^^''- '^''- PennwiiHhIp, I'u.egranhv. ool teacher i ^ Milling Co, Geo Ig 1 « (D 1 W J* 16 ?! JV evada — ^aearora- Unionville. 190 /•LPItARVriCALLT. Comer T^eed and Alain Sts., Tascarora, Nev. MART SMITH, Proprietor. This House is strictly FirstCla.'S in all its nppointmeati, being newly furnished throughout. Telegraph, Stage, and Wells^ Fargo & Co.'s Express Offices in the House. MART SMITH, Prop'r. Tybo, NYB COUNTY, Is a mininz town of 400 inhnbitnnts, reachutl via Eiiroka, from which it in dis- tant lUi) miles by stagen. Bohlee Henry, brawery : Biouxher VV, constable Eilinati Jacob, bakery Gule Wm, barber Garrott Uha«, pub "TybD Sun" Garrett & J • ilyn, druggists Gi'm)r<3 Bros, liquors Gilinore Bros & Oakes, meat market Griffibli •) I, atty at law; a<;rt of Kurekn, Tybj & Bjimoat stage liae and Wells, Fargo & Co ILiwea Mrs 8, lodgings Keolor \V H, boocmakcr Killliam Jamvis, Imlgiugs Kuiil Henry, li ^uors Kiii^ht Geo, rodtaurant LatimJ T, atty at law Loe Jiio, reatiiurant Lu£: L 8, restaurant Manliiem H, broker Moore 8 urant, phy, justice of the psace, postmas- ter and notary public Tybo Con M Co, J C Ojden supt Tybo L Kl'^e F, H B Ihlee, N G •Tybo Sun," Chas Garrett pub Whitemore E S, groceries Unionville. nUMBOLDT OOUNTV. Banks F X, physician, justice of peace and notary Full J C & Co, gen mds3 Hadley T J, blacksmith Illiif & Organ, sidooa Langdon J as, saloon Lark C, agt W, F & Co Lavega Pablo, hotel and mdse Miller G N & Bro, stages Morass Frank, blacksmith MORSHEAD K, assistant postmaster WuggermanJ, titilor White John L, shoemaker CO I CA xa cs P> 3 (O a? U ! r 5«< li I '\ Q,, gwi. luivelt. PURE PORT WINE, Ar MeUciBM Porim 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^^y^!^i^^rs^l <>, nil MliM>(i, 1 lo, I la, -" «tr«««*t, w. V. M ■ T j « •/ ; 1 1 IL (6 c 'co s Q 0) o iS tifl o > ■> c o E 75 c» c c 03 O o o a < Q. a z p I- O 200 Nevada — Virginia City. AlPIIABRTICALLY. Virginia City, STOREY COUNTY, One of the mineral prodigies of the age, is a well-built city of iO.OOO souls, 5*/ miles distant fn m Keno, on the Central Pacific Railrofid, and the terminus of the Virginia and Truckee liailway. It ia, like all mining cities, very hilly, bsing built on the side of the majestic Sierras. At one time in its early history it was the scene of great activity, but of late years it has become a place of reliable and steady growth. The population is made up of a thrifty class of people, who rep- resent all nations on the face of the globe. Its chief support is divided from the mining interests, and the dense clouds of smoke wliich are continually bolched forth from the huge chimneys of the va- rious mills and shafts which arc seen in every direction, are the host and most suggestive means on which to base sucl a conclusion. The din arising from the active operation of the numberless stamps as they unceasingly crush the mountains of quartz ii sometimes almost deafening, though tlie retiection that it is the source of wealth is compensation enough for the annnyanca it occasions. The health of the city is splendid, thougli this is easily accounted for by the pres- ence of pure and sparkling water and an atmosphere free from the taint of malaria and 80 light as to lie a constant stimulant to the system. To this fact is attributa ble the raj)id and early advancement of school children, who evince a mental power not shown in those of lower alti tudes. The churches are idl well attend- ' I ', the places of business and pleasure are creditable, while the hrge s;dcs of goods attest the fiict that the city is the commercial emporium of the .State. In V^ir^inia City tlie stranger will find some of the handsomest women in the world, audit does not prove an exception to the rule in its possession of some of the homliest men the "age ever saw. " They are good, whole-souled fellows, how- ever. ABRAHAMS BRO & CO, clothiug, gents furnishing goods, 14. South C Adkinson A D, postmaster AdlerB, tailor, 7) A North C AGENCY BANKOF CALIFORNIA, J P Martin agt; J W Eckley cashiei, C and Tavlor AIKEN P J, physician and surgeon, 54 South C Aitchinson Geo, physician, 58 South C Allen Nells, chief police Ames W E, school teacher Angins John P, fruits, 13 South C Anghm Miss A, school teacher AMTHONY FERDINAND, book- binder, 24 South D rear "Enterprise" office Arlington House, Mrs M Dale propr, 57 North B Ash Augustus, U S marshal, bank of California building, room 1 ASH WM, books and stationery, mu- sic, 37 South C AUDE FRANCIS L, atty at law. Con- ger building Babcock C P, liardware, 1 1 North B Babcock E, hotel, 326 South C Babcock Mrs J, hair goods, 12G South C Baker Henry, liquors, 4 South D Baker H h\ principal, school teacher Baker Mrs S D, fancy goods, 126 South C Baker S D & C C, groceries, 94 South C BAIIRAN F & 00, Parisian Kestau- rant, 45 North C BANK C A, tailor, 5 North B Bank of Virginia, A W White manager, 68 South C BANNER BROS, clothing, gents fur- nishing goods, 40 C BASS & McKAY, meat market, 31 South C Beals A .1, photographer, 100 South C BECK H S. furniture, 61 South C BECKH S, furniture of all descriptions, 115 South C Beckert & Wolz, burbers, 33 South C BEISO A, wholesale liquors, m North C Belknap C H, attyatlaw, Maryo's build- ing, rooms 5 and 6 BELLANI P, winq?, lijuors, game and fruitc, iio North C BENNETTS BROS, proprs of Virginia and Gold Hill Busi line, livery, iael and sile stal)le, 144 North C BETTIN6ER GEO, saloon, cor C and Smith Biroth Bobt, harness and saddles, 79 South C Blakely Miss K, school teacher Block D & Co, dry goods, 18 South C B'ock H, pawn broker, 36 C Bloomlield E, tailor, 120 South C Boeh .S, biiots and shoes, 28 C Bjgle F, books and stati.)n3ry, 48 South C .BORHNI A. Grotto Saloon, 61 South C, res 41 South G Bornholdt Jno H, liquors, 2 South D Bowden W P, a doon, 8 South C BOYLE E D.supt of Lady Washington, Alta and Boiiton Silver Mining Co's, bank of California building S 30 CO H 30 m m ■0 o 3D o 30 m o CA ■n S o m r- CO CD a. c » CD -J w o n O o 3 CD O o' 3 CD -I < sr o » iD H. WACHHORST. importer of jfiSL^J'SISKid. 1.315 J St., Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "^^ .r.„irer,//«TA„.^„^%r'- Nevada — Virginia City. 201 ALPIIARBTICALLT. e u (0 0) in (0 x: »l e! o a *■• « "(5 0) o u o (/> I 0) «1 u t. a o z o I- z o o X « u ■ < Brady Alf.ed, cook, 128 South C Brewstei E A, deuti^*.. 1 South C Broderick R T, cor j«y coroner, Court House Brndek R T, baths and barber, 57 South C ^ONSON W S, physician and sur- ceou, 00 South C B&OOKLTN RESTAUBANT, J G \'ouug propr, 71 South C Brophy Miss J, school teacher Brown C M, undertaker, 30 South B BAO'WN B L. book and job printer, G3 South C Brown J J, plumber, 78 Union Brown & Tussell, boots und shoes, 62 iSoutli C BRUMSET J A, general fire insurance agent and adjuster, 45 South C Buckley Miss M E, school teacher Burke B, carriage inanuf, 308 South C Burke E, saloon, 7 South C Burke F A, saloon, Gl South C Burkett J M, blacksmith, 130 South D Butch & I'raet, watches & jewelry, 80 South C CAMPBELL F C. furniture and up holstery, 11)0 South C Caukiik G E, general life and fire insur. aace agent, 5S Soutli C Cardweli Ji.mos, A, hotel, E & Wash CARRACK B H> county treasurer. Court House Ciirrero P, restaurant, 10 North C Ciishion Miss M E, school teacher CAVANAGH MRS C. propr Chapin House, 133, 135 and 137 South C Cavanagli T. pianos, organs, 148 South C Channell J H, restaurant, 14 North C CHAPIN HOUSE, Mrs C Cavanagh, propr, 133, 4o5 and 137 South C CHAPMAN A, dentist, 150 South C CHARLES R H, agent produce, fruits, 8!) South C CHARLES MRS T, propr Occidental Loilgini,' House, 81) South Chase N W, hnrber, 13«i South C CHATAIN E, groceries and lic^uors, Wash and M Chatelain Emil, watchmaker, 30 C CITY LIVERY, F H Patten propr, 131' South Clarke Mrs B, dressmaking. Conger building ; Clarke W H & Co, stockbroker, 51 So C j Cleary Datiiel, billiards, 54 South C ! Cleator Kobt, shoemaker, 70 Union I Cohen & Neth, hairdrcsaing and shaving saloon, 15 North C Cohn Mrs A, pawnbroker and clothing, 98 South Cohn E, clothing, 74 South C COLE A M. druggist and apothecary, 88 South COMMERCIAL SOAP WORKS, Zei. gler andCrampton, propr, 307 Soutti CONBOIE & CO, undertakers, 83 So C Conn F M, physician, 92 South C Conn F W, physician, 90 South C Connelly Kate, school teacher Conrad Louis, barber, 309 South Craze Jno, liquors, 164 South C Cronin & Harrington, boots and shoes, 134 South C CTJMMINGS JAMES, liquors, 54 South C, res K and W ash CURRAN MRS HELEN E, millinery and fancy g wholesale wines and liquors, PJO Soutli C Deal W F E, school teacher Do F()rrest Mrs Brown, physician, 9 North C DELTA SALOON, P J Dunne propr, 6 South C Demling J, groceries, 27 South C DEMPSEY& ROACH, "C C" saloon, C and Sutton ave DERBY & GARHART, livery, 44 South B Dettciirei sewing machine agent, repuiring a specialty, 267 South C DREXLER L F & CO, stock brokers, room 1 , Odd Fellows building DalyMary, school teacher DDNNE F J, propr Delta Saloon, 6 South C ao s C/) ■H O SO m 3 II •f S! Si II K b it II 51 H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. if &M il ■ IL ■ CO i c S p (A O 3 f o > c o E c c CQ O • o o o < Q. H O W. W. i^OWTAGUE & CO. »v;ss'm.'a!n*n'rr«a"iign?t?y£T^i?g: 202 Nevada — Virginia City. Ai.niAHRTirAu.v. DUPAS OCTAB> locksmith, gum- smith, 105 South C Eat(nn John, atty, 37 South C Ec'ihardt A, fortune teller, 222 South C ECKHOFF WM, snloon, 33 South C Eu[an Jno, shoemaker, 150 South C Ehrlich L, clothing and dry goods, 132 South C Elli..tt& Thomas, attys at law, room 5 Odd Fellows' building Ellis Ida, school teacher ENQELS F H, physician and surgeon, tiS South C Ernster Mrs F, millinery, 100 South C ESCUBIAL A F Al^B A M, No 7., Bi iQtham T K, secy. Masonic Hall ESSELBTJBN L, Ceutenuial Saloon, 180 South C Evans Bro3, restaurant, C and Union Fair .las C, mining supt Fenton Mrs M K, cigars, 152 South C Fin'iey VV F, pai iter, 60 Union FIT2MIEB & ABMBRUST, City Bakery and Restaurant, 27 North C "FOOTLIGHT," D L Brjwn propr, 63 South C FORD P H, grocer, 85 South C Foulks & Leuis, wood and coal and soda works, 137 North E Fran ck C has, shoemaker, 92 South C FKANSEL L B, stock broker, 65 So C Frankli:! & Schroeder, brewery, 284 South C Fransciiii G * Co, li luors, 33 North D FREDERICKS JOSEPH AND FRANK, psints, oils, glass, wall pa- per, etc, 43 South C Fredrick M M, watches and jewelry, 76 South C Fredrick Moe M, hotel, 3 D Friedlander O, tailor, t)6 North C Friedman M, cigars and tobacco, SO South C Fullmann M, cigars and tobacco, 56 South C Gardella P, shoemaker, 1 35 North C Geoffrey Geo, saloon, D and Union Gerhardt Peter, barber, 47 South Germiin J (J, groceries, 17 South C Giles EoU, liquors, 99 North D Gi'li? John, hardware, 33 and 35 C Gilliaehnm C F, physician, 67 South C OILMORE JAS, saloon. 139 and 141 Sonth C Givard A, watches and jewelry, 81 NoC Glucksman I, ladies' furnishing goods, 107 South C Goldman Mrs C, lodgings, 102^ South C Goldswaite H W, liquors, 80 Union Goodfriend I, furniture, 15 North B Gosa Then, saloon, 287 South C 0BACE7 ft MEHAN, proprs "62" Saloon, 58 South C, ORAEBER A, contractor and builder Soiuth B OUAHAM MRS A, hairdressing, (ladies'), 67rt North C Graham Rev E, pastor Ist presbyterian church GRAHAM J H. atty at law, Bank of California building Grant — . physician, 76 and 77 South C Gray T B, school teacher Gregory Mrs S A, Iwlipngs, 1 South D Grob & Welch, furniture, 25 South B Grosjean I', barber, 45 North C Gross & Scroggius, carpenters, 38 North B Guffii J A, physician, 26 Nirth C Gunther F, bootmaker, 7» North B Habicht Mi^s A E, school teacher Hackett Mrs E, hotel, 36 South D Hullinan & Sweeney, saloon, 34 Hampton J C 4 Co, groceries, 35 and 37 North C HANAK A, propr International Hotel, Union and C Hancock William H, meat market, 32 North Hanley Miss M E, school teacher Harris Brothers, cigars and tobacco, 2 South C Harris Chas, watches and jewelry, 144 South C Harris D .1, birber, 43a North C Harris E B, phvsiiiian, 37 South C HARRIS J H, district attorney. Court House Hatch Bros, groceries, 19 South C H.iyes Mrs Deli.i, restaurant, 108 So Hayes k Nevin, groceries, 53 South C Heath M. physician, 88 South C Heffron Tlios, restaurant, 9 North C Hei^rich F, American Bakery and Res- taurant, 1 1 South C Henley M J, insurance agt, room 7 Odd Fellows' bui'ding Hertlein F, s iloon, 28 North C Hickox W B, insurance agt, room 7 Odd Fellows' building Hink J, saloon, South B Hill W H, school teacher Hill Wm H, insurance agt, room 2 Odd Fellows' building Hirsch S, tiiilor, 60 Union Hod res Miss, school teacher Hofiinan Jno, saloon, 29 North C Hoffinann & Craven, civil engineer, 63 South C Holmes Ada, school teacher Holmes M, surgeon and dentist, 93 South C HoopcT A, liquors, 5 North C Howard K, grocerieii, 170 Sonth C Huddy T. barber, 110 South C Hughs Wm, barber, 128 South C 5S 00 c o sr a o s. o 9 1 &) '3 (D -J (0 o -a •3 35" -J V) « (A r 9 TRY .JiURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. ■<"^[|»'|«!»|i" PACIFIC 1NISINES8 COLLEGE, ''^'\:Xrv.'!aT^,''.'J;,.:^''- Nevada — Virginia City. 203 1^. «0 ALPIURITTICAIil.T. HUMBERT F A, superintendent Bui- linn Mining Co, b-k Uoutb C, postoffice box «2 Hurt! Miss Elln, school tnacher leaner D L, glazier, 103 South C Israel 1 d, lijuors, 46 South C JACKSON D H, superintendent North JiJiiivnza and Flowery Mining Cos, Bank of California building; r>om 1 Jacksuu Mrs L E, milliuory. 116 South C Jncobs^n Mrs S, millinery, 118 South C JAMES BILLY, Magnolia Saloon, 110 South C ,Tei)80!i T, chop house, 29 South B Jpjsup F J, music, lUl South C Jcstop Mrs M B, school teacher Jewett .las. constable, Conger buildinc; Johnson Mi^s Alice, saloon, 71 North C J0NAS30N A M, carpe.t.T, 94 North C Jones Victor, linuora, i'4 C KENNEDY MRS E J, mi liacry and (Irossmaking, 'i'28 South C Kiefer ¥, shoemaker, South E King t) H, physiciim, !)0 South C KNArP P & 00, soda works, whole- 8 le liquors and ice, IIG North D Knight S, 8i>l( on, 19a South C Knox J, justice of the peace, cor B and Union Kruise Wm, groceries and wire rope, ^86 South C Kullmnti, Armerft Co. cisrar*, 10 South C lAIONEATJ ABEL, cofl'ee, spico and teasti.re, 142 ^outJj C LMnmon (Jeorge I, varieties, 78 South C LAMOTTV F.chop house, (50 Uni(m LANOEN 6c CO, brewers. North C lANGER J, musical director Piper's Opera House LAWRENCE & VOLLMERS, proprs Wm Tell House, 45 S<.uth C Loan •), saloon, I South B 1/! Oris J G, liijuors, 21 North D LEBNflART A, druggist and apothe- c.ry. 33 North LESER JOHN, merchant tailor, 21 North C licvy J & Bro, dry goods, 30 C Lev, is &, Deal, attorneys, 44 South C LINDSAY & DICKSON, attorneys at law, 21 South C LIPMAN S & CO, dry good%, 38 C LONKEY & SMITH, lumber, 102 North C Lord F C, U S int rev col, agent Oiint Powder Co, Bank of California building LOVEJOY J A, carriage building and pniiitin^% southwest cor Smith and D L uke Bros, livjry, 19 South D LXTKE W J, blacksmith and wagon- miiker. South B LTJKETICH E. groceries, 31 South C Lynch Ida, school teacher Madi'^an Julin, school teacher Madiii &, Lucich, saloon, 2 South Maginn Miss A T, fancy goods, 178 South C MaVianay J, tax collector Maber & Co, dry goods, 70 South C MALLON J & J B, groceries, wiuea and li-juors, wholesale, 44 South C MANDICH J & CO, fruits, tobacco, nuts and confectioneries, 17a North Manning W. watches and jewelry, 70 South C Manson J, physirian, 81 South C Murloni P, groceries, 2 North E iVIarshall Thos, tailor, 97 South C Marye Geo T & Son, bankers and brok- er.*, 54 South C MASEL & CK). proprs Empire Market, 41 North C May Hattie. school t3acher M lyer Mr- F, millinery, 28 C Mayne Thos, sidoon, 3*^ C McAlli«iter L> A, school teacher McCourt P B, sidoon, 9 North C McDonald J E, county clerk, Conrt House McDonald M E, restaurant, 90 South C McDonough Mt>tt, liquors', 40 South D Mc(>ivney Mrs M, restaurant and loOg- iiigs, l!(4 South C McdlJRN T R, groceries and stock broker, 100 South C and 39 North C Mcintosh K C, liquors, Carson and E McMillan & Co, groceries, 55 North C McMURTREY a T, physician, 63 South C McNiimara — , school teaclier Mesick H S, attorney at law, 48 South B Metcalf C L, c(m stable, cor B and Union MEYER BJEIOS, clothing and furnish- i 1!^ goods, 00 South C Michelson Miss J A, school teacher Miller & GoiHlfriend, furniture and bed- ding, 30 North C Miller J, liquors, 134 Sonth C Miller J D, shoemaker, 08 Union Mills M, saloon, 6h North C Mitchell R B, attorney at law. Odd Fel- lows' building Mitchell V, saloon, 27 North C MONACO & D£LPTJI, American Ro- tisserio (restaurant), 64 South C Monahan F & Co, groceries, 192 Sonth C Money Aunie, restaurant, 337 South CD SO a> CO B 3 ua ^9 ll it i ! li H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. IL 1 ^^^^^Hi • CO c «. * t'wBKMBBi o W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^m^^vmrnu!S^iy*'ist^^t\vi^' i J T 1 1 i2 he > C o £ c c a O ■ o o o t- O 204 Nevada — Virginia City. Al.rilABRTI(:AL'.V. Moaney Wm, livery, 22 South B Mor^'un Ida E, school toaclior MmarfcyD A, paiiitor, oorTiiyloramI B MORRILL i. propr Virginia House, 121 ami 123 South C Morris J, dry goods, 22 Smith C Miirris & Kosii, barbers, 2 North C HOSES THOS, justice of poaco, Conger building Mosher J, tailor, 30!) South C Mouta & O), bjatmvkjri, North C Mueller Chas, saloon, 1 South C Mundey D, shoemvker, 118 South C Murray J F, barber, 3H8 South (J Neall Miss K, school teacher NEVADA AMALGAM REFmma CO, copper, quicksilver, bluesto.ie and mill chemicals, 38 North (J Nevada Bank of San Francisco Agency, Bigelow & Borry, cor C and Taylor Newberger A, t .ilor, 128 Soutli (J NEWIAND J S, djntist, 17 South C NOCERjgroceriss, lijuors, country prj- duce and brick. 111 Nortli C NOE & LEE, (Jno S Noj & Tlios W Lee,) |)hotographer3, 82 South U Noltemeier C A, boots and shoes, 101 South (J Nutt dl Mrs C E, fancy go ds, 220 So C Nye H A, meat market, 121 North C Oats Wm H, sewing machine-", 138 So C OCCIDENTAL lODdmd HOUSE, O'L'onned D, wines, li luors, 80 South L' Charles Mrs T, 98 South C O'Farrell M iry, sclnol tJaclier OLD MAGNOLIA SALOON, Coson broch .1, agent, lli South C Oliver \V H, saloon, 130 South C O'Neill D F, hairdresjei-, 1D8 South C Oradoff & Magee, 6 South C OradoiT& Adkisons, books and statian- ery, 16 South C Orser W H, restaurant, 30 North C O'Toole Miss M E, school tjicher PACKER & TUf TS, physicians and surgeons, 58 South C Paddock Mrs R, lodgings, lOI.J South C Palmer Chas M, varieties, 102 South C FARDEILLANI. liquors and billiards, 47 North C FATTEN FH, city livery, 132 South C PATTERSON R, International Saloon, 3 North C, res 25 South A Patton W H, mining superintondent Pavola Fred H, bootmaker, 198 South C FEASLET A, plumbing and gas Uttini^, stoves and tinware, 3-i Soutn B Pendergast C C, agt Wells, Fargo & Co, 69 South C PenhawJno, saloon, 23 North C FENOYER H H, supt Gould & Curry and Best 8c Balcher mines, 129 South D, res 39 Sheldon, Gold Hill Perkins W A, druggist, 84 South Pcrrin & Whyland, millinery, 142 So C PETERSON C E, photographer, 175 South V I'hipps Wm, hotel, 9 North C PIPER HENRY, saloon, 10 South C PIPER JOHN, propr Opera House, cor B and Union Piper Joseph, saloon, cor B and Union PIPER'S OPERA HOUSE. John Pi- j>er propr, cor B and Union Poit Kate N, physician, 87a South C POSTIGLIONE G M A, m:>rchant tailor 17 Nortli C Potter Mrs A M, school teacher Price J H, barber, 118 South C Purcell Miss N P , millinery, SM) South C Quick J J{, shoemiker, 100 South C Quinlan Mrj J, loilgings, 119 North C Hals on T H, insurance agt, room 7 Odd Fellows' building Rnmello A & Co, groceries, 135 North C Kauhut Uobt, barber, 20 North C Recsa Hugh J, hotel, 134 North D IJeinor J, cabitiet maker, 54 North Richards Mrs D L, hairdresser (ladias), cor B and Union sts Richards Mis4 M, school teacher Rickctts A H, notary public, bank of Cat building RietFel & Delpui, restaurant, 7 North C RIEM J, wines, liquors and cigars, 3 South C Risin;^ Rich, dist judge, Court Housa Rittcr Ferdinand, gunsmith, 26 North C Robl) Jas, shoemaker, 174 South C Robinson B, physician, 6 North C Robinso 1 He > W, city assessor RICH BROS, clothing and furnishing goods, 04 South C Roman & Grabner, barbers, 82 South C ROOS .BROS, clothinL', gcuts furnishing goo.la, 22 South C Rosenbaum A, butcher, 5 South C Rosonbaum I, second hand goods, 16 North C ROSENBERG M & CO, liquors, wines, cigars and tol>acco, 164 South ROSENBROCE J, agent saloon Rotlienbiicher J, jeweler, 3a South C Ryan P 11, ticket agt V & T R R Sajons & Lipman, barbers, 39 North C Saltenber^er J, restaurant, 81 South C S mdrock & C >, tinsmiths, 58 North SAZERAC SALOON, Wm Eckhoff, pro[)r, 33 South C Sc >mman G E, carpenter, 30 South B Schierle J G, bootmaker, 60 Unioa at Schnoidan John, lodgings, 33 Sutt.mave Schoeneman H, guna and ammunition, 19 North C Schoenfcld & Heyman, furniture, 29 South C 3 -1 CD -1 3 a CD 3 ."i rp O o ::i -<» o o 3 rO "I >< &} o o CO cr CD 00 n CD g o Z to 3 a. O o H, WACHHORST. importer of ji2S^y!^^S:lL;i;4.. 315 J St., Sac >, 11*. lit.*'. hO 42 SoC her, 175 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "•• tli*o*r«RRU* ^T^* "*""•' naMlnrfwt. 3 a. n a S) CD -1 3 01 South C [ouse, cor 1 Union John Fi- outh C inirchant or C IK) South C Mitli NortW C b, room 7 35 North C rthO rthD North Uit (hMU33), chor ilic, bank of k 7 North inil cigara, 3 irt Hou33 I, 26 North C ;)Uth orth (J I330r furnishing 82 South C I S [t3 furnishing | O, CB 0> a (9 a ZT o o a — H (9 ^. O a , -I vr o o p , saloon, 5iS South C Skynne Wm, county asaosaor, Court House SMITH & AVERILL, blacksmiths and wa^t-nmakers, 1^0 North D and 133E ~ - Smith J P, harness and saddles, 12 No C Smith U, surgeon and dentist, 89a South C Sons; Win?, physician, 125 South C Souicr WE, shoemaker, 33!) South C SQUIER J> blacksmith and wagoumak- er, 17 and 19 South B STEARNS N, real estate insurance agt, 03 South C STEARNS V J, notary public and com- missioner of deeds, 63 South C Stephens & Kirkpatrick, lawyers, 58 South C Sterrett Miss E, school teacher STEWART & CO, groceries and pro- visions, 1'24 South C STONEHILL E B, atty at law, notarj^ public aud commissioner of deeds, 8/ South C Strnuse Mark, meat market, 17 South C STTJiiRT V A, propr Palace Saloon, 7 North C STURM CHARLEY, Concordia Sa- loon, 8 North C Suize Marie, wines and liquors, 140 South C Sullivan C, liquors, 134 South C Sullivan Miss M E, school teacher Swain k Hudson, lumber, 83 and 85 North C Swift M rs M H, 8ch.>ol teacher SWIFT MRS M H. dressmaking, 63 South B Taberna L, saloon, North C 09 TausigE, furniture, 17 North B TAYLOR JOSEPH, boiler maker, 330 South C Taylor R H, attorney at law. Union TAYLOR THOS & CO, wholesale wines and liquors, 68 South TAYLOR Wm, books and stationery, varieties, 230 South C TERRA £, assaycr, 54 South C Thicrman R, candies, 224 South Thomas C C, mining supt, 37 South THOMAS I, barber, 93 North C THORNTON THOS. saloon, 67 South C Treat & McDonald, stoves aud tinware, 25 North C TRITLE F A & CO, stock brokers, 42 South C TROMBUBY JULES, shoemaker, 67i North C- TUDSBURY & BISHOP. Virginia Mciit Market, 188 Soutii C TUSKA WALL J. deputy district at- torney, Court House TWOHIG M H. "The Grand" (liquors), 92 South C Tyrrell R. varieties, 220 South Uglow Jno, shoemaker, 146i South C Union Iron W^orks A J Towle supt, 303 South C U S Stage Co, I S Penfield agt, 61 South C Usher S, tnilor, 218 South "VIRGINIA EVENING CHRONI- CLE," D McCarthy publisher, Taylor, 2d tloor below C VIRGINIA AND GOLD HILL BUS LINE, Bennetts Bros proprs, office 144 Nortec VIRGINIA AND GOLD HILL WATER CO, J B Overton supt, 48 South B VIRGINIA HOUSE, L Morrill propr, 121 and 123 South C VIRGINIA LODGE A F & A M NO 3, M J Henley secy. Masonic Hall VIRGINIA MINERS' UNION LI- BRARY, North B Vucanovich P L, groceries, 100 South C VUCOVICH S,Spiro'8 Saloon (liqucra), 11 North C Wagner H, physician, 134 South C Wallace B F, city clerk Walton ,J E, cigars, 22rt South C Warren W T & Son, blacksmiths, 91 North C Waters A T, meat market, 6 South B Wnterson Wm, shoemaker, .32 South B Watson Mrs H, millinery, 112 South C Webster M, druggist, 208 South C Welch Mrs Kate, furnished rooms, 177 South C Wells, Fargo & Co, bank and express office, 69 South C o as T CD 3 CO 5 St VI 15 J St., Sac PURE PORT WINE, for Hedlcliial Fumose^ 302 Davis St., S. F. WUf II AUT I n I r Ml f*i\ 9i»mv*» •■•( Ransra, 800 different ■im, ityln uttt IL CO i £ S o (0 4> (0 «-* 2 •? c O ■ O c^ o z S o < a c P O 200 Nevada — Virginia City. ALriiAflirrkALi.v. L| drossmaker, , ciijara and tu WELLS MABIA 103 i^outh (J WaRTHEIJCEBi Mi bacc'O, ii'Z 8(iutti C Wheeler, Hull & C, harJwarj, OtSo C WHITCHER J W. attjruey nt law, 'Al 8outh \i ig machines, ]48a South C You II J C !^, coiinty nupt aciioola YOI]Nd JACOB JR, jobbing and tin- w^ro, JOU t'suuth C Youn^ John S, mayor YOUNG J S, reat.kuraut, 71 South C \oungworth Mrj A, rcitaurunt, 12 South C Z ngcrlo J B, physician, 311 South C ZIEiLER CHARLES, meat market. Ill faudSOV South U 3: o CO -< o Thos. W. Lee. John S. Noe. cto 3L.EE PHOTOGRAPHERS, 82 SOUTH C STREET, VIRGINIA CITY, NEV. Work c^one at Skortsst Notice in all Branches of the Bnsinesi o 1 e o CO 01 CO o -a o (/) CD -1 o c w p CO 0> O c 0) TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer & Co., 'K?»fivfsr J V B» . ri. K. _ X ,o }0 South C I (/) PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »•• .!rXr.."?«r.V„.1iJ',^*'» 30 agent for BW iiv< ma- t, room 7 !y at law, South C ^ > South 58 South C aight ageut, iiited Stntes 1^ 2 North D i)it« and New W 1 48a South C | § Ikoola ibiug and tin- 30 ••O CO C/) 71 South C uatauraut, 12 \H South _ moat market, j «P HN S. NOE. 1 5* iiRS, I iT, CD O c a r iCP O )li9 Btisiness. I |^«. luiv«tt. Nevada — Virginia City. 207 Ai,rnAiiiiTio*i,i,v. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR DR. A. T. McMURTREY'S Compound Medicines. COMPOUND LINIMENT, For RheumntiBin, riuinop, FprniiiH, Diptl.oiiii, Croiip, Ulcerated Sore Thruat, Nvurulgiit, Ucitduulic, &c. INFALLIBLE CANCER BEMEDT. A Dead-Shot in all casct of Cancer. Ccmpcund Infallible Tootli-Aelie Remedy. For nil diseases of the Teeth ond Mouth. COMFOUND OINTMENT AND SALT BHEnH REMEDY, , For Broken Limbs, Salt Rheum, Chapped Handa, &c. COMPOUND PILE REMEDY. A Sure Cure. CO m o m s H ^ GENEBALIOFFICE, 63 SOUTH C STREET, A^lllGINIA CITY, NEVADA. WITH CAPT. MTEARX9. 5« City Livery Stable, p. H. PATTEN, Proprietor. ITorsea hoarded by the month on Rcuwnable Ttirma, SalUe Horses am Boot Tnrnonts Funiii>he«l at short notics. 132 South C St, Virginia City. H. PALi^lER & CO., Frontianan Wino, 302 Davis St, S. F. t a 3 SI 5 S. CO Will MnUTAPIIC .*- "fi »«▼«•■ and Ban«e«,»Odlirefwtrit«,rtyi««»nd . W. MUN I Abut U tfU.f ^.ttAms. 110. 112. fU. llAiinil n8BA».t«ry 8t..8. t. n^.:i fill • ' 20d CO ■ (0 c S o <0 Nevada — Virginia City. AI.PnABKnCALLT. THOMAS TAYLOR « CO., Importers of and Jobbers in Wines and Liquors. SOLE AGENTS FOR P. 0) I From Jesse Moore & Co., Louisville, Kentuclcy, s CD No. 68 South C Street, VIRGINIA, NEVADA. r ili,X^] nanafactnrer of all kinds of o < a P O BOILERS. SHEET IRON WORK. Pump Columns, Mining Cages, &c., Repairing a Specialty. JOSEPH TAYLOR. 330 South Strset, Virginix City, Nev. J. )t J. B. MALLON, Wliolesale Dealers in FINE GROCERIES, 31 IN IN G SUPPLIES, "T^Tines sirLd. Uiq.-u.ors, 44 South C Street, Virginia City, Nev. H. WACHHORST. importer Of je^tXy!%f;;lL;i;d.. 315JSt..Saa 30 •< m m 0} o (A C CD cr 9 o CD O CD (A Si « o o 3 C? S o 3 (i w ■oi O P 3 □.j o tai 3 mmmm PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE/ •»'lr«^Slrt.!S2r,?.&!Ur Nevada — Virginia City. 209 e V £ g O 4) a B O 75 (A 0) ALrHABVriCALLT. BENNETTS BROS., PKOPBIETORS OF ALSO,- LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. I€4 NORTH C STREET, Virginia City, Nevada. GOOD TEAMS & SADDLE HORSES always on hand. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. it u e •*^ 0) to ij >« b. (0 o MBS. H. E. CUBRAN, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Virginia City, Nevada. Dressmaking done in the Neatest Manner and on the shortest possible notice. 'j-sanxs o Hxnos so '8)ue9v 8seu|sna lejoueo •BiaJOJ{[BQ pUB JfJOj^^ M3j^ .loj'epdaQ JO fuaaoissiniaioo 'onand smvioiv mm Bivisa im 'NOS 3 SNHVliS N 'liiV3 FRANK TAFLE, ACSENT FOB White and New Home SEWING MACHINES, CALIFOBNIA OIL STOVES, Stationery, Sewing Machine Supplies, Etc., 148a South Street, ^giaia Oity, Nev. CO m CO €: 3 o 00 CO H. PALiWER & CO., Frontlgnan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. 1^1 ' W. W. MOIITAGUE & CO. ^^TSS.rl'WRTuM^i^^^ I Hh 1 \i 210 Nevada— Virginia City. 1 ALPHABn-10Ai.l.T. ^ ■ im C. WIEOAND & CO., o 1 i^^l ■ t Assayers of Bullion and Ores, £5 H: ^^m "id TSTo, 38 North O Street, 30 I; ^^^1^1 VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA. H Note.— For many 3'ear8 Mr. Wiegand was the Commiasioned Snperviaing As- gayer of U. S. Mint at San Francisco, California. F o 3D ■. 1 ^^Hf^^HI WIEGAND, PEREDTS & CO., •^ H lllMI Bullion Brokers & Purchasing Agents, DO 1 ^^^^^Hl' 2 No. 38 North O Street, MM n IHh ^ VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA. a* J CONRAD WIEOAND, (0 o 3 IM^^H Agent and Superintendent of L liMmi J^EVADA AMALGUM REFINING CO. (0 Ul 2 1 ' n^HB'.' ~a' No 88 NOHTH C STKEKT, 5' 1 i ■■In « (llMM| ~1 VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA, ? DEALS lar o ■f IMB :.:§: traded Blue Stone, Salt, Cyanide, Sodium, X3 O :mSm ^ Acids, and Mill Chemicals in general. Also, buys, sells refines (or purifies) Quicksilver. ? in 2 Also, buys and sells Metallic Copper, Brass, Lead, 3? Antimony, Tin and Babbit Metal. > CP X WIEGAND, TATLOS & CO., o 1 tlMB '^^ DBALBRIi IM s? A. Crucibes, Assay ng Goods, Gassware, Cliemica Reagenls, AWD B£.ANK BOOKS, B£.ANK FORM8, 7 r JC o O IH t twIHIB ^ And other Printing adapted to Assayers, l^Iills and Mines, «i ? No. 38 North C Street, | HH ^ VIRGINIA CITY, NEV. TRT J>R. CUNN'8 RHEUMATI8M KING. Rr^*|iPH"PPHHPPipPiPHppp|i i^ PP BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"StSS'rj;oni5!«^«!5jli?a;t'gt?S?fe res, lo rviaing a»- \ q 30 rents, 1 09 o o a (0 G CO. ; GT, i3 00 general, jg Lsilver. ass, Lead, If -1 Vf \0i II? X 9 Mines, 3 i r H I* il If 1 O o OQ tat c a a (8 £ Q. (S (0 Nevada — Wadaworth -Washington. 211 ALPHABmOAIiLT. BENJAUZN "^000, TAILOR AND The Genuine STEWART SEWING MACHINES. 2J4 SOUTH C STREET. Virginia City, - Nevada. Wadsworth, VTASHOH COUNTY, Is on the C. P. R. R.,328 milca from San Francisco, with a population of 200, and an altitude of 4,077 feet. Amstein S, groceries and Chinese mdse Curey T N, Wadsworth Hotel Donaldson Wm, Nevada House Ferguson James A, croceries FOWLER EDWm, agent Wells, Fargo & Co, postmaster and varieties Funk Albeit, barber Gillespie P, restaurant Gladding A L, wagonmaker Griswolu E, groceries Hill R M. butcher Hunter D, agt C P R R Lee John, gen mdse I/ewis J V, liquors McGuire Michael, shoemaker McLaren D, blacksmith and wagon- maker Patterson G, hameamaker Proctor & Gibson, meat market Raphael M, gen mdse Sawyer G W, livery and feed stable Toomy T, harness and shoemaker WAGQONER F R, physician and aurgeon Whited J H, train dispatcher C P R R Walker Biver» DOUQLAS OOUNTT. Carter Wm, hotel Hoye Jnn, gen mds6 Mather H, hotel C. P. R. R., 120 miles from the former and 130 miles from the latter. Bacon & Co, liquors Basler John, gunsmith Basactt Mrs F, oysters Bassett W R, liquors Beenc H D, atty at lavr Bozarth J M & Oi>, liquors Clute F W, drugs and hardware Cohn A & Bro, cigars, tobacco, stationery Crane & Cowl, liquors Edwards Mrs J C, lodgings Evans Wm, livery stable Hagar H, physician Harvey, Clement & Co, gen mdse Hauck Louis A, notary public and cm- missioner of deeds Hilp Bros, gen mdse Jackson F W & Co, books, stationery, news, etc Kanenbley F, dentist Liddle J k Co, market McGill Wm A, surveyor Meagly k Derkey, market Meyer J & Bro, dry goods Mooro & Co, drug^sts Morse W B, liquors Mosier & Hamilton, dairy Mussprove Mark W, propr Ward Miner" Battee & Guldstein, clothing Perley & Smith, liquors Peters R M, liquors Pojade & Gur.-ighan, groceries Roach Samuel, livery stable Robertson .1 L, druggist Rockraan M, physician Schofield R G, watchmaker anti jeweler Scott John T, market Simpson R W, propr "Ward I1...1 x" Smith ft Mezs^r, brewery Sommerlott Chas, bakery and k'estaurant Taylor & Co, restaurant "W A R D M I H E R," Mark "W Mo.- grove propr ••WARD REFLEX," R W Simpaon W propr cisR & Summerlott, bakery and res- taurant Wisel & Gilbert, feed stable Woodberry k Bourgoise, market Yates Mrs, lodgings of "The Ward, WHITl PINB OOUNTT, biMtehedvJa Eni«k» or Wells, on the Washington, ESMERALDA OOUNTT. COLEMAN J W C, postmaster Murphy S, hotel Peartrue O H, bootmaker Risen W R, gen mdse Sevan D, butcher Tucker John, saloon O ^ c5 CO -H O ao 9 ••f i 39 4 ''» 11 II .». I KING. OLD PORT WIN^ H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. n ID z Q W. W, MONTAGUE ^CP..^i?.'?ffS,^T»rKa'gy"ga^^^^^^^^^ o E 75 CO IB o • o o o < a. I- I- O 212 Nevadii' — Waahoe-Winnemucca. ALPHARET(CAI>I.T. Washoe, WASHOE COUNTY, Ib a small station on the V. & T. R. R., __, 17 miles from Reno and 14 from Carson Wilson R, tinsmith City. " " Brault Gilbert, liquors Henn A E, lodging house and liquors Maker P N, clothing and provisions Murray O, saloon Power R, candy and stationery Wellington, ESMERALDA COUNTY. Qassidy Edward, saloon Wells, ELKO COUNTY, Is situated on the line of the Central Pacific Railroad 218 miles west of Ogden and 57 miles east of Elko, the county seat. Agricultural and stock-raising is the means of support. There are about two hundred and fifty inhabitants. The Depot Hotel, under the proprietorship of Martin ScherflF, is the first-class hostelry of the place. Badt M, gen mdse Byrnes P M, restaurant Dever Alex, harnessmaker and shoe- maker Dudley Fred, gen produce Freese P D, livery stable OBISWOLD E H, Exchange Saloon TTAMTTX Sc MEIGS, gen mdse TTAWTTfL ROBER'''. postmaster HANCHETT J C, t C P R R O'HARA D D, Gem Saloon §CH£RFF M, propr Depot Hotel Todd B dentist YAH NAMEE W J, restaurant groceries Woodruff & Ennor, agt W, FJ& Co and White Rock, ELKO COUNTY. Borrette H Ti, gen mdse Borrette H S, physician Borrette J S, saw and grist mill BORRETTE V J, postmaster and den- tist Brown Chas, blacksmith Davis Ben, saloon Griffith D E, blacksmith Ham £, meat market Painter BB, l^Voiy Panner John, sewing machines Steadman J, bootmaker Storff A, hotel Wisker M Van B, attorney at law Willow Point, HUMBOLDT COUNT^. MOORE ASA, postmaster and hotel Winnemucca, HUMBOLDT .COUNTY, Is situated on the Central Pacific Rail- road 463 miles from San Francisco, and a place of considerable importance, hav- ing a population of about 1,600. It de- pends mainly on the stock-raising inter- ests, though some mining is carried ou and contributes to the support of the place. The fact that it is the county seat of Humboldt county, ia an assurance that it will attract the bulk of the trade of the county. The Court House is a neat two-story brick and the officials in charge are efficient and poli^^e. The bar is repre- sented by an array of legal talent that the citizens feel pride in referring to. There is a daily (evening) paper pub- lished here. ABEL MRS J F, groceries Asebedo Carmen, liquors Bannister & Wetherly, gen mdse BARNES H J, undertaker, carpentur and proprietor Wabash block BEROER GEO, with Chas Kcsslcr, brewer Berk (ieo^meat market BARMBT THOS, wagonmaker Berry Geo (i, attorney at law BLEDSOE J B, tfiilor BONNIFIELD M S, attorney at law Bonuifield Wni s. att<)r;,(>y at law and judge 4th judicial diati i; t court BRI^ DAN, liquors BROWN MRS J M, millinery and fancy goods BUSCH HENRY, propr brewery, sa- loon and Nevada Bakery CHENOWETHCHAS,groceria, books, stationery and novelties COX JOHN* liquors and musician OAVIB H, blacksmith and wagonmaker D£ SAUS&fURE G A, drugs, medicinos and ch emica ls DICHL CHRIST, propr City Bakery and Humboldt Saloon o -< O m m 30 (/> pi a* CD CD o c» o » O o 9 ! (0 o a. 5" o 3 o H. WACHHORST calls attention '^ISi.'^ri'l^^SS" 315 J St. !.J^«','J»"',«"T.< 0. 11*. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '^^USSlS&SiS&^SlHTk law It, ad hotel rStt ?acific Rail- anciaco, and irtance, hav- ,500. It de- raiBing intor- Ls carried ou )port of the ie county seat an assurance c of the trade louse is a neat cials in charge lehar isrepre- A talent that referring to. ;) paper pub- •ies , ^ nmdse 1 3 iker, carpenter Jf block 2. Ohas Kesaler, -• )nmaker s law ttorney at law ,jey at law ami rict court linery and fancy pr brewery, sa- ery IAS, groceri ^ novelties id musician andwagonmaker drugs, medici" ■» jpr City Bakery e E 2 (d 0) 10 to «» CD '£ u o 2 (0 o o n V 75 (0 « o c '"5 0) o x: Fsvada — Wvnmxmucca. ALPHABKTICAIiLY. 213 FELLOWS FRANK 11, propr Fashion Sample Rooms JISK A W, lawyer and notary public OEBMAIN J, propr Lafayette Hotel OIBOTTX D, propr Winnemucca Hotel Grass S S, lawyer Gritzner A, restaaiuat OUTHEIE & liELL, liquors and bill- iards HANEY E, blacksmith HANEY P5 blacksmith Hanson T C, physician Hill J A, carpenter HILL J J ft CO, proprs "The Daily Silver State " HOFMAN M, gen mdse Ivory & Buckuer, saloon Job & Hadley, proprs Central^ Hotel JOB J H, county clerk JOHNSTON C W, dentist KANDVLSEl T, merchant tailor KEMLER CHAS, propr Winnemucca Flouring Mills KESSLEa CHAS, propr Mountain Brewery KLEINHANS A, groceries and liquors KRENKEL A, propr Depot House, liijuors, tobacco, groceries, etc Kyle C A, livery LAFAYETTE HOTEL, J Germain propr Levy Nathan, gen mdse Lewis R W, gen business agency Maddux L J, lawyer McMillan JmO, acting district at tt style. BREAD, PIES and CAKES kept on hand for the accommodation of Travelers. OVERLAND PASSENGERS will find the best accommodations at this House. 2.£E.^XjS, so CS2Ta?S. H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., "^Yt^llTutX^^^n^^^lt". II I '\ > III m I- o o CO < < s CO o u u CO 214 Nevada — WiriTiemucca. AbPHABBTICALLT. WINNEMUCOA HOTEL, D. CIROUX, Proprietor, Winnemueea, - - Nevada. ■0 o Is decidedly the Best Hotel in the City. The Table is well supplied and Guests are assured the best treatment. TERMS REASONABLE. FREE BUS TO AND FROM THE DEPOT. I- co 5 o 3 III I- >< < Z ■ ■ o Id O L M. McKENNEY'S Wyooiic, ColoraHo, NeDrasla. Territorial aid District - DIEECT0EIE8 ■ Are valuable to Citizens, Business Men, OfBcials, and all who have occa- sion to consult A Complete and Accurate Book of Reference. L M. McEENNET, 543 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cal. 18 09 B o ST O 3 o 3 A O "9 '9 CO -1 r (9 O 5 TRY DR. GUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP "T!aS!!%$eBa£8'fiS«S.'8,?W: L, I Ida. I'-' o treatment. I g y- POT. Mrict s. 3 a. o 2- A 3 o 3 jO a ference. ^al. KING. 0) r CD f ABS Nevada. OLARBmRD. ATT 215 CO (/> CD ft ■ c Q. (8 C 3 (Si (8 k (0 tt k I NEVADA. (CLASSIRED.) See «1m. Lilt of Towni BeoeiTsd too Lata for Segnlar Iniartlen. ABSTRACT OF TITLES. SHANNON P C, Virginia City ASSAYERS. Reed GO, Sutton D M, Crowell Ed, Moeller Max, Robbins Frank, James Chris, Brets J R, Huntley DB, Mathey A, Hoifmun Julius, Harris H, Paul S F, Spaulding P E, Bradley A V, Jennens B W, Webb H H, TERRA E. ^ WIESANJ) C & CO, Columbia Columbus Ellsworth Eureka << Gold Hill Grantville Lodi Morey Pioche Silver City Treasure City II Tuscarora Virginia City ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Aurora Crocker A W, Gmley A L, Lewis D J, BOYDEN J W. CRESTWELL H T, HATENBAUH HENRT, iScottKA, ~ " Bowman Jno, Curler Benj, Granger W N, Owen Frank, Sine E P, Clark R M, Coffin T, DaviesT W W, Edwards T D, Harris N, Soderberg N, WELLS & STEWABT, Keith G W, pfflE Y & BI 6eL0W, !L¥JS; J)??^ & DOB§ET, STREET n C, ii Austin Battle Mountain Belmont It Carson City ■ells Watchea cheaper than finy house on the Coast. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thn Mi»4el Ona_ •r the Coast. 4nM» im«lal C*llMm rimt mu, a.!'. 0) > b B o "(5 (A V o £ U o (0 (0 V w u (tf J > u (0 u z O H X » 3 O Z BLA Nevada. OLAsainiD. BOO 217 (0 I Filmore W H, Cherry Creek Sisson J F, Randall G P, Dayton Sanders F E, Lute J A, FISHER JACOB, Lamoureux G W, BOWLING 0, McClellen Thos, Boles E A, (Jray W D, Sharp H, Kirkpatrick J 0, Murray Ed, Carroll John, Daniels Jasper, Farick A, Gentry Ed S & Jos, Jackson A J, Cauthlina Wm (horseshoeing), KINOSBTJRT ft MILLS. NADON & BOICLAIRE, HEMINGTON W T, Smith M J, Connor Thos, Gidney A W, Lipski August, Beal William, Hill William, Quinn Martin, Harkins D E, Urin John, Lyndres Ctiaa, Barrett Jno, Hyke & McDonald, Trowbridge N S, Hadley T J, Morass Frank, Burkett J M, Warren W T & Son Handerson Jas, Brown C, (iriffith T> E, HANE7E, HANEYP, BLACKSMITHS & WAGON- MAKERS. (See also Blacksmiths ; also, WagoU' makers.) FLEMINO & WILLIAMS, Austin SCHULZE J A, Empire City Eureka ti Fort McDermitt Franktown Genoa (I Hicks Lodi Marietjta Mason Valley Mountain City Panaca Paradise Beno Ruby Valley Ruby Hill Sheridan Silver City i< Tecoma Tuscarora i< Tybo Union ville << Virginia City i( Wells White Uock 11 Winneraucca ii Brown Bros, Eureka Crowell H & Co, " Enzlert ft Greer, " OTt GEO L, Powell Wm, " Reid R J 4 Co, " SMITH ft MoDEBMOTT, Zottman Henry, " GLADDING de FOX. Gold Hill Brown & Smith, Hamilton Fitzgerald J P, Mason Valley Mof ABUN J L, Reno Davis E S & Co, Tuscarora McDougal Bros, " Stacey C G, " LTTSlE W J, Virginia City SMITH ft AVEBILL, SQUIE& Z, McLaren D, Wadsworth DAVIS H. Winnemucca PALMER ft DRAIS, BOARDING-HOUSES. (See also Hotels.) SENG MARTIN (Franco-Ameri- WATSON WM, llae John, MOZINQO S G, Slaght Jacob, Wood J S, Torreyson W D, EldredJR, BRUCE A, Morgan L E Battle lAountain i« Belmont o E i c c m O m o o o z S o < a a z F I- 3 C W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ?iT'7.y2»vviraagirigftA^ BOO 218 BOO Nevada. OLABtiriRD. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. (See also Varieties. PEICE&EEAD. „ CAOWm& ALLEN, Fox John O, Gray & Collins, Bon nam J A, STONE T N, CALJSHEE BEOS, DAVIDSON WE, Johnston Col, Morris James, Chubbuck S W, Carpenter Harvey, Goodman & Co, Wilson W R, Wriderhalt t Goodman, BBOOKINSCJ, JAHISONSH&SON, XNTTST ft JONES LACHICAN ft METEE, BLACKMEE C F, Gintz A, CATHEEWMJ, Fairchild & Eunor, ASHWM, Bogle F, OmdorfF& Adkinson, TAYLOEWM, Cohn A & Bro, Jackson F W & Co, Power E, CHENOWETH CHAS, Austin Canon City al1; "VBMM sAss&JSf £&%;&??»: lOM.) Austin Carlin •I Cwnron City i< II II ii [Jherry Crock O , "1 Dayton Elko Eureka II EE, II II o O e> (A o J. Genoa i ^g. Gold Hill Falisado (^ Pioche 1 5* Keno ' e o Ruby Hill 1 g. Silver City Spring City Sutro Tuscarora II CO. *' • Tybo XJnionville Virginia City II i< II II ii II II II 41 {low Jno, Watcraon Wm, McGuire Michael, Toomy T, Peartree H, Djver Alex, Steadman J, Metzger O, Virginia City Wadaworth II Washington Wella White Rock Winnemucca BORAX WORKS. Newenschander Rudolph, Columbus Smith Bros Marietta BREWERIES. Austin Battle Mountain Belmont Carson City Cherry Creek Crystal Peak Elku Eureka \< i Baur A, ^^^^^^ AHFAHE JOHH, B;iuer Chris, Klieii Jacob, Cochran M H, Golilatein A, BIXEL ANTON, Bremenkampf & Kegli, Liutenschlager Chaa, Miiu H & Co, SCHHITH & MENSES, (star,) VOOBERO HEKMANN, GOLD HILL BREWE&T, Gold Hill Koch Wra, Grantvillc Schmidt Caspar, Hamilton Kirehner & Co, Paradise Schustrich & Kline, Pioche BECKER CHAS, l^en Andrew Thos, Ruby Hill HOREN EDWARD, Mlver City Brewery, Kirahncr & Co, L'ureaux F, Trilling & Ivan, Bolilee Henry, Franklin & Nchroeder, LANOEN & 00, Smith & Mczger, BEROER GEO, BUSCH HENRT, OSSIER CHAGL MOUNTAIN BBlWERT, (Ch Kuwler) Silver City Spring City Tuscaroru II Tybo Virginia City II Wanl Winnemucca laa BROKERS. (Stock and Money.) Meyer M, (stock,) Dayton liich Joseph, (pawn.) Eureka FR&NKEL BROS, Hold Hill McConkey Geo P, (stock,) Hamilton Clute F W, (stock,) Pioche Griffin W E, Walter k Co, Silver City Tuscarora Vii^ginia City Smith Mart, (stock,) Smith W T, (stock,) Manheim H, Reveal W C, (stock), Block H, (pawn,) Clark W lift Co, Cohn Mrs A, (pawn,) DANA GEO H, (stock,) Douglass J M, Doufflass ft Thompson, (stock,) DEALER L P ft CO, (stock) FRANKEL L B. (stock,) Kirman K & Co, Manre Geo T ft Son, MoGTJRN T R, (itock.) TRITLE F A & 00, WEIGAND, FERKIns & 00, (bullion,) CABINET MAKERS. Dodsworth John, Swain L A, Renner J, WALKER GEO R, Tuscarora u Virginia City Winnemucca CARPETS. HOFFMAN BROS, HUBER JOSEPH. LEWIS H, COHNM. Austin Carson City CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Austin II II ii I- D O w. w. MONTAGUE A co.,'"^T2:n.r."inyfyc>»^^ 220 CIO Nevada. OhAHHiriED. CON saiELDSJW, Walton J E, WERTHEIHER M, Cohn A A Bro, KBENKLE G E, Ulrich Jacob, Virginia City Ward Winnemucoa CITY OTFICERS. Austin Bicknell John, city marshal, Murray James, city treasurer, Clitford Wm A, city clerk. Dyer Wm F, mayor, Crockett L L, treasurer, Carson City Folsom F W, city marshal. Gold Hill Allen Nels, chief police, Virginia City Mahanny J, tax collector, " liobinsou Geo A, city assessor " King Geo A, city assessor, " Wafiace B F, city clerk, " Young Jno S, mayor, *' CLERGYMEN. CRAIL REV C W, (Methodist) Austin Flack Rev D, (Episcopal), Belmont Crawford Bev C B, (Episcopal), Eureka Monteverde Rev, (Catholic), Kicker Rev R A, (Methodist), Pendleton J W, Tuscarora Graham Rev E, Virginia City CLOTHING. (See also General Merchandise ; also Dry Goods and Clothing.) Austin Candelaria Carson City HTTBER JOSEPH, McClana B W, BOSKOWITZ F, Kopple & Piatt, Lilienthal Wm, Trudo & Banocich, Davidson M, Nathan D, * Rosenthall S, Wertheimer L, ABRAHAMS BROS & CO, NATHAN M, GATHERS WM J, Munter C, Stoltz E J, ABRAHAMS BROS & CO, Virginia City BANNER BROS, Cohn Mrs A, " Cohn E, " MEYER BROS, RICH BROS, ROOS BROS. Pattee & Ooldsteia Ward COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. LAIONEAir ABEL, Virginia City COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Earl D W, Battle Mountain EARL D W & GO. (W c Hurbut manager), Carlin Rielley James, Hamilton EARL D W & CO, Reno Kpenccr & Frank, Toana Currie J C, Virginia City STONEHILL E B, « ^ WISE F A, Gold Hill CONFECTIONERS. PRICE & READ, DAILETWM. ISchneider H, WILSON U 0, Mondich J &, Co, Thierman R, Woolcock Chas, Power R, Austin Carson City II Reno Virginia City II II Washoe CONSTABLES. Columbus Eureka II GranivlUe Pioche Reno II Tuscarora II Shephard Geo A, Stowe Joseph " Stevens Henry' Fair Jas G, Hill Henry, Motley C W, Lane John M, Gorman F O, Donovan D D, Hagar Jas, Johnston J C, Avery G W, Jones Charles, HARVILLE H A. Brougher W, Jewell Jas, MetcaffCL, Austin Belmont Candelaria Dayton Elko Eureka Gold Hill Hamilton Jefferson Reno II Tuscarora Tybo Virginia City CONTRACTORS AND BUILD- ERS. Marden H, FINIOANM, Kling Henry, SCSHWIN WM, Ball J A, Muir Alex, SALE BUDLET, Aiken C U, Aker Anthony, ARGHAMBAULT J B, CaatleAW, Aurora Austin II 11 Belmont Eberhardt City Elko Eureka i< i< H.WACHHORST, importer Of o o ae ■< a m r- m 30 CD a, cr «< o CD O CD (A SJ, CD o O a j c?' a, o cu SI col PACfFIC 8U C( £ o (0 (0 e I. o 2 o » 0) X o o CO 'J z o h X (9 3 X (0 <8 Jewelry. DliMMadte, OI9 J 91., OaC Lnrkin Chas, Litchfield & Thai Drake John E. Hall M W, iSinnott Peter, i\ bJ^terfieli Meyers & Honey w is I iShiiie Timothy, W I Skinner John, Bennett H, Greer Bros, 10 1 Hill brook G, Moats L E, Monroe J, Murphy M O. Stoyell TJ, St Louis NAP White E A, OBAEBER A, Gross &, JScroflrcins mmosTk Scamman G E. BARNES H^J HillJA, ''' COUNTY CHURCHILI McKENNEY D C, Doolittle A W, dist « «oane S A, county re Murphy Wm, county Verplank J B, county DOUGLAS ^HamsJP, 8heriff WE0STEINFPcl Ix)n?abaughJT,audit, Lniugston A, treasure Montrose RG,a8se«io: Bice K supt schools, Young CP.surveyo;, Gardner John, corone; ELKO Co; BOESEYJW.dist a - ESMERALDA •^wuD J, county recol PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thn 1k*d«l 0»Mai#Milal c^IIvm i I (0 10 (0 e u o CON Nevada. OLAUmiD. COU 221 o u (0 :£ O O CQ ■ rt M O o £ 01 B V o r Larkin Chas, LitchfioUl ft Thurman, Drake John E, Hall M W, Sinnott Peter, foai S B» BiftTEKnELD D H. Meyers ft Honeywell, Shine Timothy, Skinner John, Bennett H, Greer Broa, Hiilbrook O, Moiits L E, Monroe J, Murphy M G, Stoyell T J, St Louis N ft P, White E A, OBAEBER A, Gross ft Scroggini, JONASSON A M, Scamnian H E, BARNES H J, Hill J A, Gold Hill >< Hamilton Mason Valley Reno II Treasure City II Tusoarora hn M, supt public schools EUREKA COUNTY. Rivers Henry, dist judge, Merrill G W, dist atty, Kyle Matthev, iheriif, Dodipj E R, covxnty clerk, LEVY BJSN 0, county recorder and auditor. Cooper Saml, county trea^^urer. Knight H A, county asaeasor, Alderson F B, collector. Smith Jas W, county administrator and ooronor, " Moody E A, county supt of schools. Empire City Read Thos G, county surveyor. Eureka HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Bonuifield Wm S.dist judge, Winnemucca Miller G M, sheriff, •• McMillan JNO, district attor- ney, " TURRITTON G F, county recor- der and auditor, " SHEPARD A J, county treasurer, " LANDER COUNTY. MoKENNEY D C, district judge, Austin Thoma s Caa si ns, s heriff, " MoCAFFERTY A C, county re- corder and auditor, Taylor Thos,' county surveyor, Laughlin Patrick, public adminis* trator, MILLER J A, county clerk. Spires C D, county assessor, Doudas Geo A, dist atty, WRIGHT J A, county treasurer, Dyer Chas A, county supt schools, II II II II II II Elko II II 41 II II 11 LINCOLN COUNTY. Pioche II II II II II •I o E a CO c « O O o W. W. BgQNTAGUE & CQ..'^rj:'n,'^'^f.^\??1^i!SlT^^ 222 cou Nevada. CbARSiniD. DRE Dayton Brant C F, county aasessor, Casebeor J A, dist clerk, Dayton J P, dist clerk, Hawkins T B, dist clerk, iSuvso J P, dist clerk, " Jazua Geo £, administrator, " NYE COUNTY. I^OKENNEY D C, district judge. Ikilmont O'Neil Lavid, sheriflF, Curler Baitj, district attorney, NICHOLL GEO, county clerk, Ernst Geo, county auditor and re- corder, Hawkins A M, county surveyor, Warburton Tho,i, county aasessor, " Doughetty J R, ounty supt schoula, " Thomasou J L, public administrator and coroner, " OBMSBY COUNTY. King S D, dist judge, Carson City HUl Lloyd, sheriff, DRIESBAGH M A, district attor- VAESBALL J H, county clerk. Turner F B, county recorder, Laughtnn C C, auditor, Yager M L, county treasurer, Bense H H, county assessor, STOEEY COUNTY. ■0 McConkey Geo P, treasurer, Hamilton Woodbury W, assessor, «« VVillard E X, public administrator Herrick H 8, supt schools, Burbunk Geo B, surveyor. II II CROCKERY. SOWEB M & A. Austin ARNHEIM A. Curiiu MAS JN ft CO, Carson City BROWN & g60DINO, Elko PIEDMANSAML. Eureka HASKELL WP, (iuiiin J J, Bono. BOYNTON E B, Tuscarorl CUTLERY. , (See also Hardware; also Varieties.) LACHMAN & MEYEB Reno BLACKMEB C F, SUver City II II o < c c Risine Rich, dist judge, Virjjinia City JOB J S, county judge, Wiuuemucca Williamson Chas, sheriff, Virginia City HABBIS J H, district attorney, " TUSKA WALL J, deputy district attorney, " HoDONALD J E, county clerk, " Wilkin 8, county auditor and recor- der, GABBACE B H, county treasurer, Ukyrme Wm, county assessor, Young C S, county supt of schools, Brudeck R T, county coroner, WASHOE COUNTY. King S D, dist judge. Bowman John, dist attorney, , WALXEB W A, sheriff. PABISH HABK, clerk, MANN S A. deputy clerk, WILLIAMS J B> recorder and au- ditor Boyd D B, treasurer, Evtiretts W F, auessor, WHITE PINE COUNTY. Raum Ed, sheriff, Hamilton Davis B K, district ftttomey, JgOBJOBT W B, county clerk, Timson Wm, recorder and auditor II II II Reno II II II II II It DENTISTS. Childs T B,' Austin BILLINGS C, Carson City HAMILTON CYBUS. Eureka Conwell W O, Gold Hill Nichols F C, PiiKihe Daw son A , Reno BOSENBUBG C W, Parsons M W, Tuscarora SWAIN E M. Brewster E A, Virginia City CHAPMAN A, * .. ^ Holmes M, NEWLAND J S. Smith U, Kaneabley F, Ward Todd B, Wells Borrettd V .1, ' White Rock JOHNSTON C W, Winnemucca DRESSMAKERS. (See also Milliners and Dressmakers.) Barnard Mrs J S, ADAMS MBS L Harmon Miss M, NOBI £ MRS C, HABNEY M A. Fiulayson Miss Bciuie, McKee Miss Eliza, Mershon G W, Mershon Kate, Paddock Mrs Elizebeth, Burner Mrs J F Harley Mrs M J» Hill Mrs E A, Lawlor Miss, Reindollsr Mrs T B» Austin Carson City Gold Hill II Reno II II II II It Tuscarora II II i< I>bo -< it OB B O o o 3 H » O fit o o » 3 O 3 i -I «> ■■ e -a 'O cor TRY DR. GUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. imiMi EUSINESS PEHMAWSHIP "•g^lSsel&SS&^i.'H^v. OQ ■0 7 « X ■0 a r (D c IB « 1^^ 5 I! DBB Nevada. OLAUmiD. FAN 223 Clarke Mrs B, SWIFT MBS H JS, WEtLS HAKIA L. Worden Mm J, Virgiaia City II II DRUGGISTS. Anstin •I OREEH THEODORE NOASEGK F&ED, SPONOQI£ F M> Battle Mountain Kmeraon Geo W, Belmont King R M, SPOlfOaLS J D, Carlin Foster B F, Caraon City THAXTEE GEO C, Parker L, Cherry Creek MEACUTJH A D, Cornucopi. Hazlett J C, Dayton HULLEB F F> ii^lko Lee S L, Eureka KARTIN HA. P&EITZMANS HOST, SCHNEIOEB F J, Stowell VV H, Bauiiing Jno T, B<)i8ot & S >vrart, JONES JNO JB, Harluu T J, Kichartlaon A S, Powell J VV, Alexander G R| Lee 8 U Oahum & Shoemak er, Reno pmnioEB & auEEN, Lukens J H, Ruby Hill Clark, Cook & Co, pat medicines, Tecomh Geno; Gold Hil II Grantvilk- Mason Valley Paradia. Pioche HcNALLT J. Plielps F H, Garrett k Joslyn, Reimlollar T B, Trowbritlge N S & Co, Lavefi;a Publo, COLE AH. LERNHABT A, Perkins VV A. WeLster M, WoodliffThoi Clute F W, Moon> & Co, ' Kobertson J L, BE SAUSSUBE C A. Stevens W F, Tuacuroru ti Tybo >i m c o E « CD C n O ■ o o < 0. H I- o Nevada. OLASSinBO. FUR FEED STABLES. (See alBO Livery.) Ringgold — , Cami)bell A W, jColerick J K, Keene David C, LEWIS D E, Lee J 8 S. LEEL W, Bennett Bros, Hogle L I, Sawyer G W, Wiiel & Gilbert, Cornucopia Eureka Reno Silver City Tuscarora Wadsworth Ward Premenko Theodore, Mandioh Alex, BOTHTON E B, MONDICH J dToO, Hamilton Pioche Taacarora Virginia City FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Austin FLOUR MILLS. Davis James, Elko CROSSAN E, (barley). Eureka Paradise Co-operative, Paradise Lake & Beck, Reno Wines & Snow, Ruby Valley Borre tte J S, White Rock TTBiMT/Rll. CHAS, (Winnemucca), Winnemucca FORWARDING AND COM MISSION. Earl D W, Battle Mountain EARL D W & CO, Carlin EABL D W ft CO, Carson City Ryan ft Wood, Ft McDermitt EARL D W ft U), R W Ash man- ager, Reno 3pencer & Frank, Toana Wratten J E, (freight agt), Virginia City Carlin Fast Freight Line, (Chas Holland agt), Tuscarora FOUNDRIES AND IRON- WORKS. (See also Machinists; also Boilermakers). Caldwell Jas M, Columbus Conklin H H & Co, Eureka EMMETT GEO, Gold Hill Fulton Foundry, " MOORE ft BOOK, (Nevada Screen Works) FITCHFORD J B, (Bupt), Dove ft Jacobs, Tuscarora Gould ft O'Donnell, (proprs Mill City Foundry, ) Mill City Tuscarora Foundiy Co, (Jack ft Dove proprs), Tuscarora FRUITS. CANDIES, NUTS, ETC. Gamble ft Co, Belleville Sadidler V, CarMn City PRICE ft READ. SOWER M ft A, DAILETWM, Perasich G, Swartz E, Ardant J F, GREGOYICH M L, Leeser Mrs D, Ramsdell E B, GOULD A, Angius Jno P, BELLANIP. Oppenheim M, Carson City Cherry Creek Eureka II Lewis Reno Virginia City II Winnemucca FURNISHING GOODS. (See also Clothine; also Dry Goods and Clothing.) FOLEIKGHORNE CHAS, Austin BRESSLER H, Battle Monntain Harris Alfred, Eureka JOSEPH MORRIS H, BLOCK L, Gold Hill ABRAHAMS BROS ft CO. Reno METERSTEm H, NATHAN M. MUNTER CHAS, Tuscarora CATHER WM J. Stoltz E J, " ABRAHAMS BROS ft CO, BANNER BROS, (gents), Virginia City RICH BROS, ROOS BROS, FURNITURE AND BEDDING. FLINT A A, Austin Ball .1 A, Belmont KITZMETER G W, Carson City WEBB G B BROWN ft 'GOODING, FRIEDMAN SAMUEL, HASKELL W'P, Schw amb C, GRANT R W, Needham Wm, Ro ss ft B ower, SAUNDERS ft NEALE, Abbott BM, FARTHING T T, Hillman W S, (second-hand), Houck Geo, (second-hand), BECK H S Virginia City CAMPBELL F C, (upholstery), " Goodfriend I. " Elko Eureka Gold Hill Reno Tuscarora II II II H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. W&tches, 315 J Street, Sac ■pp^^m^^^^vm^.upwfjpvi iiw ^IWf^WT H,ftylW«lA lT8t.,B.F. H X Im Hamilton in^ Pioche _ TuBcarora Igg V^irginia City IH ETABLE8. C Austin O II ' Carson City V^ O Cherry Croek — Eureka '^ t" l'^ Lewis gp Reno ^ Virginia City 1 Winnemucca '"' GOODS. , Dry Goods and © j) m [gj^g . Austin ICfl Battle Monntain j* Eureka \^ ^ Gold Hill & CO, Rr 15 TuBcarora a " IP t&co, ., L P^^'^irginiaCity O «• ipl ND BEDDING. <^ Austin 2 Belmont p Carson City 1- Elko L) Eureka U* Reno i "" ' TuBcarora Ind-hand), „ 13 l-^-'^^irginiaCity I 1^ (upholitery), 15 J Street, Sac PACjFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th« ]E«d«l OMiramwtal C»11rm or th** roant. IMO I*«i«t m., H.V. FUR Nevada. oiAasinm). GEN 225 o E 2 o Id 0) 0) g (0 e u o 75 12 « 0) O o GO fl> Id (0 « o c V o Groh ft Welch, METER BROS, Miller ft Goodfriend, Schoenfeld ft Heyman, Tausig E, Virginia Gty GAS WORKS. Reno O I- X u 3 O z (0 r,mo Gas Co, \Vinn«sinucoa Ga« Worki, (R W Wood), Winnemacca GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Hansen P N Alpha Kimball ft Booker, Aurora Levy J ft Co, ^TH SILAS B, SAB CEU CHAS & CO, Austin BLOSSOM J A, Battle Mountain GerstleJftCo, " MoWILLIAMSJW, MINTATHOSO&CO, stone \V S, Tallman S ft Co, Benson Oliver, Curtis J N ft Co, Carpeanx E J, Gealing Wm, JACOBS & FULTOM, Woldenberg L ft Co, WILLIAMS H, MATER CE, Pierce Z, Traver P L, Jones ft Co, SIS30N, WALLACE ft 00, Chinese supplies (J C McClure man) ' Washeim Chas, Harris Bros, Spencer Frank ft Co, Colnmbia Mining Co, Cninbaum ft Co, Abraham R, Spencer A, Traver P L, Shephenl G H, Hogle L I, Meyer M, Sims ft Co, PORTER JAMES I. Deeth Mnrphy^DB, Eherhardt City Belleville i< Belmont Beowawe Bristol Bullion Bullionsville Camhridi?e Camp Halibck Candelaria t< Carlin Carson Citv Cherry Creek Columbia «i Columbus Coral Hill Cornucopia Dayton Wilson B F, Galen*. Harris M, Genoa Johnson & Blaasom, Short J M, Levy FN, Franklin A J, Gage W S ft Co, HoweWB, POST S G, Everts ft Co, Stems L, Wilson WM,. Trowbridge N S 4 Co, GageWS&Co, Asnburn & Shumway, HILL JOSEPH, Sevenr 8 & Co, EMMONS Ha Rhodes A I, Smith BGftCo, Bennett E W, Craig Jno D, CRAIG J S. GOTJLD Ja!mES, ISBELLTJ, Bacoa J H, Torrey Eben P, FeisenthalPH, Jewell T R, Marchant Jno, Panaca Co-operative Store, Kemler Chas, Paradise Co-operative Association, Clark D C ft Bros, Pioche Clute F W, Nesbitt J ft Bro, " Poujade T C, " Roeder John, " Quillen Miles, Buckley I J, Wicks L D, CLARK A J, Demers L, •• FARMERS COOPERATIVE AS- SOCIATION, (J Cahlan, manager) " Hagerman ft Schooling, Barnes W R, Glendale Golconda Grantville Hamilton Hiko •< Hot Creek lone Jeffarson Lewis Lida Valley Lovelocks Marietta i( Mason Valley Mill City Mineral Hill Mountain City Oreana Osoeola Palisade Panaca Paradise Poeville Reno REINHART B ft CO, HOWK A J, Beer Thos, Stadtmuller ft Co, Alexander B, Ashim S ft Bro, CLUTE F W, Dontrick Frank ft Co| Sadler R ft Co, BOWLING d LEEGA, Towl E B, Elko Elsworth Empire City II Eureka Fort MoDermitt IVanktown Ifi Lambert L W, Gidney A W, Borland Jno, Harris M, Walter ft Co, Chiatovioh John, Bell Geo T, Reinhart E ft Co, Callahan T, Kaiser Chas, Heideureich ft Co, Armstrong J C ft Co, Burton Bros, MoBimey ft Manheim, Spencer ft Frank, Oallinger M, O oS o CO rn Reveille Ruby Hill ^Rnby Valley Rve Patch Sheridan Silver City Silver Peak Spring City Spmoemont Stillwater Sntro Tecoma II Tern Pinte Toana Treasure City OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., mtmrm and Bmutmi, M* 41 l«tlcni«, llO, 1117114, IMaad .■ljrlMan4 llSBitl«w3rfll.,H. P. s US I 2 IL C C CD o m o o o z S o < p o 226 OEN Nevada. ciiAUiniu). ORO Tuscarora CoUina C, ' Lewia S, Primeaux A, ' SMITH. WOODBUFF & EHKOB. Woodruff & Ennor, Trowbridge N S & Co, FaU J C& Co, Lav^a Pablo, Lee John, Bapbuel M, Huye Jno, Harvey, Clement & Co, Hilp bi'os, Kiaon W jR, Marker P H, Budt M, HAMIijL & MEIOS, Borrette H K, Bauuister & Wetherly, HOfHANH, Levy Nathan, Keiuhart C & Co, Kobina Frank C, Tybo Union ville << Wadaworth Walker River Ward << Waahingtou Wastioe , WelU White Bock Winaemucca t7hT r>hv. « HAR 227 Tybo I S Chase N W Cohen 4 Jfeth. iJ^onradLouis. Eureka Jjerhardt Peter Renol OAAHAJK MPS A iua- . x'uscarora I Harris D j' Virginia City Huddy T, ' " Hughes Wm, " ' Morris & Bosa, Virginia City Ward Murray J p fO'NeilDp,' Easier Jno, HAIRDRESSERS. EICHHOEW & I PA »*r«^ 1 p ?'!.""*, ^o'^rt. Price J H, «£ PostiesChaf • „ " W^ARTZ B Is C«rey Simeo\ ^^*"« Mountain THOMASI, ' 8«!> I Nicholson .r„„' »» BbJmont ,>","'^ AlberC, Candelaria ^ ,"****" * Co, Carli„p°'^'n8on Hichard, J Carson City! Wadsworth 'Viunemucca << HAIR GOODS. Eureka Virginia City B-ytonl™ , HARDWARE Austin EIkoM*>«° also General Merc!, V • I otovea and Tiuwa Empire Citv mCBOT To* tt^A*«STEIN 7 A ;. MASON Ann Woody Jainea i5^ -^ a, " Kail " B " ^' oniitn VV R ^*' i^ilvan M,' CostiffOeo, • BelzJohn, JjI^ersmithNC. SS?^CHASk. IICHNEBO Oeue^irothW C(jckbm T H, IJCtolDSOHOA. "owra T M, ^ ^ ««n«dy John, Belmont Carsou City «« i< Eureka .0 PahsadeEisenm.nTi'co Beno Mott Fish & Co^ Busch Fred Gold Hill Grantvillo Hamilton Mason Valley Pioche 'I Beno I? GilligJohn. Virginia City '""' '^*^^**«^"^^^ W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Vi7 Pnmpa and Iron Pli ■en PIpn. all ■!■••, 110, lift, lie and 118 Battery Street, M. wT I 1 1 i .i! 'm imp'' IL CO CO s o 228 HAB Nevada. CLAHinSD. HOT Krouse Wm (wire rope), Wheeler, Hall 4 Co, Clute F W, Stevens W F, WOOD aw, Virginia City u at c o o 15 « O o o (0 HOT Nevada. ASBirilD. INS 229 Wadsworth Mrs J J, LAT BROS. BODEN JOS (Nevada Glendale Golcohda House), Gold Hill II Steamboat Springi Stillwater Sutro Carrie A, v, Fitzpatrick M, FBANKLIN HOTEL (I C Brown propr), Hi.ubC, WASHINOTON HOUSE (John Pascoe propr), Wi Hams J T, Hot Creek HUMBOLDT HOUSE (Meacham & tilakeslee proprs), Hun.V,.3dt Williams Jno, ' rii Fiak S E, WEILAND JNO H (T/>ne Mo tiiiii House), Lone Mountain 8tat.o EHMONSH C, Lovelocks Brown J H, Maaon Valley Craig J S, Bruffy T B (Hot Spring), Mineral Hill OLIVER EN, Morey Bucou J H, ' Mountain City Baum E M, Paliaade AVedge Jno, Panaca (iillelan Geo, Paradise Nichols & Cragin, Wilder H F, Smith N, Pii;r3on Mrs James, Tcasnn Mrs James, Phillips H. • Tiiylor Chas H, ARCADE HOTEL (D McFarland) Keno Coats M T, " DEPOT HOTEL (W R Chamber- lain propr), Feliz A (Palace), GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL (AH Barnes propr), Hoy John (Ohio House), LAFAYETTE HOUSE (Odett Bros), LAKE HOUSE (E A Vesey propr), MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE (F Perkins propr), RENO EXCHANGE (Mrs Mary Jones propr), Salter Kichard, Shaw J D (Western), Tomamichel G & Bro, Hawes Mrs, Reveille SWEENEY JAKES. Ruby Hill TROFATTER E T, ' " McDonald J E, Sheridan Alfred & Bennett, Silver City Courts Mrs Elizabeth, " Fritt Matthais, •• Winters Eben, •' MoGabray Robt, Sixteen-Mile House Fountain & Zemery, Spring City Pioton & Rougon, " Tecoma •I Pinto Pioche II Poeville II If II II II II II Rapp J & M, Santord J M, Bonanza Hotel (B Moran), Sutro Hotel (M Kelley), Malloy Jas, Peck S. DAVIS HARRY. Toana JOHNSON WESLEY (Railroad House), " Cottage hotel (Mn h buss propr), Tuscarora Graham's Hotel (Mrs J M Graham), " Grand 'Prize Hotel (T M Jones propr), " KimbuU House (J Kimball propr), " ZlART SMITH HOUSE (Mart smith), " . roi^ressive Hotel (Mary Smith propr), " Lavega Pablo, Uuionville Arlington House (Mrs M Dale propr), VirgiuiA City Bal)cock E, " Cardwell Jas A, " CAVANAGH MRS C (Chapia House), DALEY MRS A, Fredrick Moe M, Hackett Mrs E, HANNAK A (International), LAWRENCE & VOLLMERS (Wm Tell House), Phippa Wm, Reese Hush J, VIRGINIA HOUSE (L Morrill propr), Donaldson Wm (Nevada House), Carey T N, (Wadsworth), Wadsworth Carter Wui, Walker River Mather H, " Mnr|)hy S, Washington SCHERFF M (Depot), WelU Storif A, White Rook MOOKB ASA, Willow P< int GERMAIN J (Lafayette), Winnemucca Job & Hadley, Muller & La Grave, WINNEMUCCA HOTEL (DGi- roux) 41 l< II I- 5 o CO < O Id IK o H CO O 3' U X < < < O O O 230 INS Nevada. 01 A8SinRD. LIQ Bailey L E, Palisade Gibson John 8, Reno HaKennan J C, , " Sirox w N, oMlSTEB CHARLES, Tuscarora BBVHSET J A. Virginia City OaukinGE, Henley M J, " Hickox W B, " Hill Wm H, KDrO ft THOMPSON, STEABNS N, '' Union Iron Works (A J Towle supt), ' Williams A, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. LOQAN W E, Turner A J, Hattery A J, CARYWM, SnOGETT J H, Hoover J A, CBOMER L W, Harcourt J H, Meadar M, Fanningham J P, Snow C B, Bush Henry, Egi^leston Benj, Gri awol d Gilbert, YOXWG W H, Beel G F, Odselteer J A, NICHOLSON JAMES, TURIN GEO, Banks F X, Knox John, . Osbjwn C S, Austin BsUeville Candelaria Carson City Elko Empire City Eureka Franktown Golon^da Gold Hill Grantville Hamilton Jefferson Mineral Hill Reno Spring City Sutro Tuscarora Tybo Unionville Virginia City Winnemucca LIQUORS-RETAIL .LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Cellier Mrs L, McMasters Mrs R, Glucksman I, Tus:iarora Virginia City LAUNDRIES. METTETAL F (French), Austin McMahon Arthur, Eureka McGregor Miss — , Hamilton Reno Laundry, Reno LIBRARIES. Austin Reading Club, Austin Hodgkinson- Miss Frances (State Librarian), Garson City YIBGINIA MINEBS' UNION LIBBABT, Virginia City Bertina Chas, Barovich N, COLLINS FETEB, EGAN M M, King Saml, "^ KLINGEB CHAS, LUEXJENSJOHN^D, Lynch Patrick, Martin Frank, McCourt & Barrett, MITCHELL & CO, (Confidence), PELTIEBN, StfTTH JNU, Steiner John, TIMLIN MICHAEL, (Express), TOWER &OHNGEMAR, (Magna TRIPLETT & CLARK, (Cosmo- pilitau). Alpha Austin II Dosnng Jos?ph, Battle Mountain LEMAIREAB. II MAYU U, II PITGH L M, 11 Jackson Jno A, Bellville Cafferty James, DulFy Thos, BeImo;it II Dykeman Chas, II Seymour J R, n Stocker M, II McKeigThos, Ballionsville McMahon A, II Holland David, Candelaria McKissick David .< McLuu;jhliu Frank, II Pierce Z, II Roach Jno, II VViUoughby W M, Foster Thos, 11 Carlin Holmes T, Savan J, — 11 Adam? Mrs EE, Carson City Barryman R A, II Brown R R, II Calamberti J, II Corbett & Bosette, II Decker & Fisher, II Fryer Geo D, II George & Dake, Ii GIBSON & DEALT, II Glancy Wm, GREGOYICHMF, II II Kaiser D, II Mara E, II MARRTONA, ii TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL LBlumauer&Go., 'Sl.'^v^ir ^^TT'^l' ' ■'' '-IST'i. '""''! I". '-'tf)^"t.f'^ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »>*>!rJS ,».w, kMplnVt PwnauMblp, T«le«i«i<>iv en 00 o o CO (A CO LIQ xTevada. OLAMiniD. LIQ 231 k : » •S « i ! ■P 'H 01 P in Cherry Crcdk Columbia II II Columbus II Comucnpin Dayton Deeth Diamond City East Belmont Eberhardt City II Elko McMaater Wm. Carson City Moore J Q, " MULLEB y A, Raffetto O, " Kohert Andrew, " WtiflFenbach, G J, " WING M E, (Delta), Cochran M H, Cosurove Geo, Delcker C C, Mooro A k Co, Th acker Geo & Co, Weber Jacob ft Son, Davis ft Dougherty, Hughes ft Ireland, Hus;he8 R E, Auhee Norbert, Barker E D, Pnrmentel Jos, Trudo ft Banocioh, Plumb W J, Rozers ft McAvin, Hackett K B, Hanson, Swnrt J D, Seitz Ed, Hi^ly L L, Carpenter S, Holmes N S, MoDermott Robt, BAlTtETT V C, BERNARD CE. BTXEL ANTON, GTBT,IN THOS. HTBBITS JOHN. RECKHARBT & FBAELIGH, " Freeman A C, Empire City T^ho T P ft Co, *• Wnlfersbarger G, " Allen J S, Eureka Bsllioh Tiuca, " BONETTI, HARZANTINI & 00," Cam nana R ft Co, " CANAVAN & IE VAN. CLARK LUTHER & GO, Conti O ft Co, " DEAN £ H & SON, Douglas Thos, " Diimaa A, " OEART CHAS, GRAHAM & GO, Oindici .los, " OULIFORO ft HoKEE, Raskins ft Stevins, . •• Hnskiiig Thos, •' Kasten F, " Keene David C, " I Ltntenschlaser Chaa, " LEWIS DE, H^i!^ A IIALALTESTA, " a MONEY EDWARD, 8 jAGam BRO& ' ^ MauHftCo. " Eureka W^ c c (B O • o o o < a. a z P I- O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ?.7rgg^Tl^iagy!g&.'ft.V^ 232 UQ Nevada. CIiA8BIMID. UQ Johncon N F, Junau A, C'arnry y S, Costitt' Geo, Bauman F, Ellis Henry, LutberBH, Kitera Henrj, Lynch J C, McCurmick J O, Me^vman J B, Schuiitrich & Kliat, Sti'iu Choa & Co, Wand J H, Buckley &, iJechtel W h, BECKEB GEO, Becker J J, Bianchi G 6, BONNOTTE C, Chiiae (J C, CHIELOVICHE&GO, i urver & Meralioii, LACHAPELLEE, Levy M D & Co, Man G, Petzza L D, PERKINS F, 8iltz Fred, Stopher W, Wiutoimautcl L, Biunchi Joe, Everett & Drisooll, Stroh A, Andrew Thos, Daly Henry, Doyle Michael, HOBIN EDWABSS, KYLE JAMES, Lyon M B, Murka Thoa, BE6LI BEN, Beyuolda W H, 'WILLIAMS THOS, Burke Wm, Becker Clans, Fontialla Lucaa, Hii (< Pioche Poeville Benu 4< 41 << II Reveille Ruby Hill Schellboume bilvcr City Spring City Sprucemont II Sntro Donnelly & Co, Ebner M, Mescrve Wm, 8chweiss 8, Tighe John, Peck S, Davis H, Johnson Wesley llipley J H, MuElroy Patrick, • Meyer Emanuel, Beutley D M, Cupeu E L, DALLAS A J, Felton W K, Gocr^e E, Germain F, Grunsky & DeYoudg, McAlister W F, McMillan & todd, Moure C U & Co, Uttenheimer J, Boi>crs Pierce, HOSE A A, Bussdil Chas & Co, iSaucier L Phil, Sutherland & McKay, Tulmnn & Hutton, Giluiure Bros, Kind Henry, Peoplei Jno, 8peuce & Brougher, llliff& Organ, Luugdon Jas, Baker Henry, BELLANI P, BETTINOEB GEO, BURLINI A, Burnlioldt Jno H, Bowden W P, Burke E, Burke F A, CHATAIN E, Criize Jno, CUMMINGS JAMES, DEMi>SEY & ROAGH, JUIUKMAN F, Dininger Jno, DUNNE P J. (Delta), ECKHOEF WM, ESSELBTJRN L, i<'ranscini G &, Co, (Jeiiflroy Geo, Giles Bobt, GILMORE JAS, Guldswaite H W, Goss T heo, GRACET & MEHAN, Hallinan & Sweeney, Herthein F, Hink J, Hoflman Jno, Israel I G, Sutro i< II II Tecoma Toana Treasure City II Tuscarora 11 II II II II II II II II II II II 11 11 II Tybo •I II II Unionvillo II Virginia City II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II H.WACHHORSL importer Of Sew9Lfy, J>iainoads. Ot9J 91., OSU m^rwm^ mm^mm^ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '- SSiJSSi.'Sn.Xsr' — r Sutro I — <« 1 30 « cn II Tecoma 1^ I. d Croaaure City ' •« ITJ Tuacarora IS i< 1 ^ It II II II II II II II II II iO 30 m o Tybo 2 >i II II Unionvillo It Virgiuyi City r: IC/) LIQ O E (0 ift (0 » IS 0) > Li 0) B O M o u o (0 M V ? Id -1 u cd u Z o h X C9 3 O X (0 6 i Nevada. OLAHiniD. LIV 233 Virginia City JAMES BIILT, Johnson Miaa Alice, Jones Victor, KNAPP P ft CO, Knight S, Lean J, LeOris JO, Mandin & Lucich, MALLON J ft J B, Muyne Thoa, * McCourt F B, McDonough Matt, McCiivney Mrs M, Mcintosh R C, Miller J, Mills M, Mitchell V, Mueller Chaa, NOGEB, U'Cuanell Daniel, ^ Oliver W H, Oriidoif & Magee, FAROEILLAK I, FATTEHSONB, Ptnhuw Jua, FIPEB HENBT, Piper Jos, BEIM J, ROSENBERG M ft 00. ROSENBBOCK J, (Old Magnolia), .SchitHer & Wentworth SHANAHA5 ft O'CONNOB, ^^illgletou J no, STUABT V A, SXUliM GHAKLEY, (Concordia), " 6uize Marie, Sullivan C, Taberaa L, THORNTON THOS. TWOHIO H H. VAC0VICHJ8. Arnistein 8, l^wisJ V, Bacon & Co, Bassett W B, Bozarth J M & Co, Crane & Cowl, Morse W B, Pcrley & Smith, Peters R M, Tucker John, Brault Gilbert, Henn A E, Murray 0, Cassidy Edward, Byrnes P N, OaiSWOLD E H. O'HARBADD, Davis Ben, Saloon, Asebedo Carmen, BRIAN DAN BUSCH HENBT. Wadaworth f 39 % ! • 3J^jSt7sacr B H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. I IL i c m I S i 2 S & > e £ 75 CP I c CB O ■ o o o < 0. H 9 O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ^^^nrVS^T^^^^Sl: 234 LIV Nevada. OLAMinRD. MBA Lee L W, Reno Kerwood J C, Reveill Angell J F, Silver City Oilin&n W fi, Spruceniont Ringgold & Co, Tuaoarora Wilaon F, Pageftpounel, Tybo BENNETTS BROS, (feed and sale). Virginia City CITYLIVERY^LF H, Patten propr) - King Oeo, " Luke Bros, Mooney Wm, FATTON F H, Sawyer ii W, Evans Wm, Roach 8aml, Streese P D, Kyle A, Naramore F, Rickard L L, i< li Wadsworth Ward ti Wells Winnemucca Young Oeo, FABROTT M A, DUFAS OCTAB, LOCKSMITHS. (See also Gunsroiths.) Eureka Reno Virginia City LODGINGS. Peltier Mrs Julia, TDaiN MICHAEL, GIBSON & DEALT, Alexander J, Kuhn Mrs M B, LANG JOSEPH. (Humboldt). BEATTY jomr, Blaser J Ch, Brown Mrs J. Douglass Mrs A G Oallagher Mrs P, McCoIlough & Williams, Ranft Mrs Kate, BOSS MISS E M, Riley Susan, Daley Mrs D, Gray Mrs — , McOrea Miss — , COOKS J F, Bowman Mi's E. Huse Mrs Maria. « Johnson Wesley, Cockbin T A, Edwards Mrs J F, GEORGE EU, Guiselman — , Hogle Mrs L I, Liscomb Mrs Ann, Pearson Chas, Hawes Mrs S, Killham James, Austin << Carson City Elko Eureka Gold Hill Hamilton 'Reno Ruby Hill Silver City Toana Tuscarora Tybo Goldman Mrs C, Virginia City Gregory Mrs 8 A. " OCCIDENTAL LODGING HOUSE (Mrs Charles T), Paddock Mrs R, •< Quinlan Mrs J, '* Schncidan Jno, " Singleton James^ " Welch Mrs Kate " Edwards Mrs J 0, ' Ward Yates Mrs — , " Henn A E, Wasitoe LUMBER. NICHOLLS A, Austin Falkinham J J, Belmont HAYNIE J W & CO, Carson City HDNT E M, Shaw J R, Daytou Smith FH, Elko DE LA MATYR C R & CO, Eureka Eureka & California Lumber Co, " GALLAGHER THOS, Gold Hill Sluaher S, Jefferson McCoy Geo, Mineral Hill Sherwood O T, Pioche HOY R F, Reno McGinnis J M, Silver City URTON W J & CO. Tuscarora LONKEY & SMITH, Virginia City Sierra Nevada Lumber Co, (J B Over- ton supt), " Swain & Hudson, " MACHINISTS. Sutton D M, Columbus MEAT MARKETS. BRAY & THOMAS, (City), Austin DICKSON GEO W, (Cross) LAMMERHART GECRGE,(Cen- tral). Steiubuuh Albert, Dunphy Wm. groVe al, Johl 8c Goodwin, Morgan Thos F, Culver«'ell Wm, Summers & Williams, Kappeler J B, Russell & Bradley, HILL & FERRIS, Rinckell M, ROSSER JOHN, SCHULZ BROS, Williums & Co, Hallum — , Winzell & Campbell, Jellison M, RXrSSEL ft BRADLEY, Battle Mountain <> Belleville Belmont Bull ions ville Candelaria Carlin II Carson City Columbus Cornucopia Dayton Eberhardt City Elko e z o it o » o o -J (0 o o » 3 '3 (D -» W o -a •a m ■X •n o e tfi CD (/> 0> P- P) X CD TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. >^"iiipp PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, kwfilntr, PaniiMMMp, ▼^eirmHiy' rginia City •I . II II II II II Ward II ■Wasi^oo Austin Belmont Carton City Washington White Rock Winnemucctt II MILLINERS. Barnard Mr? J S, Austin Brothers Misses, Canon City CAVIHMESNA, iSiddons L M, Canon City Wagner Mrs M J, " Welch Mrs B, Cherry Creek WESTON MRS EMILY G, Elko Christopher Mn A, Eureka Baggs E, Pinto Brown Miss Lizzie, Reno Goodman Amelia, " HARNEY M A, Burner Mrs J F, Tuacarora Cellier Mrs L, " MoMASTER MRS R, " CURRAN MRS HELEN E, (fancy goods), Virginia City Ernster Mrs F, " Jackson Mrs L E, " Jacnbsnn Mra 8, " KENNEDY MRS E J, Mayer Mrs F. *' Perrin 4 Whyland, " Purcell Miss N P, " Watson MraH, " Whyland M M, " BROWN MRS J M, (fancy (;ood8). Winnemuooa MINING COMPANIES. Manhattan Silver Mining Co, (A A Curtis supt), Austin N Belle M & M Co, (R Jones sunt), Belleville Conrter J P, (supt El Dorado South Con Mining Co,) Belmont Falkinham J J, (supt Belmont Mining Co,) Blusdel H G Jr, (mining supt),Cambridge Willis E R, (minini? mill), " C C G & S M Co, (C A Watson supt), Columbia Collins Jno, (mining supt), Columbus Hnuke F A, (supt Mt Diablo M & M Co), Drake Capt Frank, Ebcrhardt City Rpwell Parley, (mill supt), " Crowell G E, (agt Ellsworth mill), EUsworl h Haugh Danl, (supt Mexican mill), Empire Cf.ey Lavalliere R R,(8upt Brunswick mill), ' ' Lngan H R, (supt Morgan mill), " Alboin Con M Co, (E W Robertson supt), Eureka Cavanau^u M G, (mining recorder), " Eureka Con M Co, (Thos J Read supt. W W Traylor secty), " EUREKA TUiniEL CO, (Edward Connor supt, E J Butler secty), " JOSEPH MORRIS H, (supt Golden Rule Mining Co), " K K Con M Co, (John A Porter supt)," Mining Bureau of Nevada, (Moore & West managen), " fl» r s 3 i &» '^i il II i n P i I H. PALMER & CO, Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. mmm^ IL 10 i c Z Q 1 > o E 09 fQ o • o o o z s < a z p I- o w. w. MowTAeuE A CO., ^^t^rrvsTtiri&iiif^^ixi^ 236 MIN Nevada. CbASSiriBD. NEW PHEHIX SILVER MININa CO, , (Wm Arriugtonaupt), iilureka Porter John A, (miniag engineer), " ReadThos J, (supt of Eureka Con M Co). Hichmond M Co of Nevada^ (R Rick- srd supt, E Probert mauagiug di> rector, H K Morrison secty ), ' ' UTBY & SUNBEBBUiiaCON M COOF NEVADA, (R Rickard Bupt, James Wilson socty), " SCOTT JOHN McG, (mining brok- er), Traylor W W, (sbcty Eureka Con M Co), WILSON JAMES, (secty Ruby & Dunderborg Con M Co of Nevada)," WEEN THOS, (prest Richmond Milling Co), " Yager Sc Willis, (quartz milI),Franktowii Canavan Matt, (mining supt). Gold Hill Curtis SamI, (miniag supt), " Forman Chas, (mining supt), " Hammock C, (mining supt), " Hillyer M C, (mining supt), " Holt Geo A, (mining supt), " James I, (mining supt) " Jones Samuel, (mining supt), " Stevenson C C, (mining supt), " Alexander M Jc M Co, (M 8a i Pedro supb, Warner Craga secty) Grantville Childs Geo T, (mill and mining agt), Humiltan Coulter Geo, (mining supt), Fassett N C, (mining supt). Flower W T, (mining su^it), Henry M W, Kendall J R, (mining supt Jennie A & Black Rock Mining Co), " Tyson Col, (mining supt), '* New Philadelphia S M Co, Hot Creek Raymond W H, (manager Ar^enta M inning Co), Lodi CrombieJC, (mining supt),Mineral Hill Trippel A, (mining engineer), Morey Torrey £beu P, (propr Hope quartz mill), Oreana Potter Jno, Pintu Dulf T R, (supt Meadow Valley M & M Co), Pioche Mills H, (supt Raymond & Ely mine)," Corliss J H, (ming exp3rt,) Poeville Griffin A D, (ming supt), " Orr Water Ditch Co, Reno Gila S M Co, Reveille Kane JnoO, (supt Nevada State mill), Hye Patch Morrison A, (sv t Rye Patch mill), " San Antonio Silver Mining Co, San Antonio Baldy G H, (mining recorder). Treasure City Finlay Wm, miuiug contractor, " << << Flynn John (mining supt). Treasure City Lyons Moses, (mining supt,) " Maxwell Wm, (supt E & A Mimnjr Co) " Paul S F, (mining engineer,) " Argenta Mining Co, (L E Atchison supt,) Tusoarora Criiimonwealth Mining Company, (J W Epley supt) " Cowles GW M, jmining recorder,) " Grand Prize Mining Company (J B Dayton supt. ) Lancaster A V, (quartz mill,) McNALLT J, (mining supt,) Navajo Mining Co, (J T May supt,) *' North Belle Mining Co, (J VV Powell supt,) " Tuscarora M & M Co, (S B McDon- ald supt,) " Young America South Mining Co, Ge.> Seitz supt, ) " Tybo Con M Co, (J C Ogden,) Tybo BOYLE E D,. (mining supt,) Virginia City Fair Jas C, (mining supt,) " HUMBERT F A, (Bullion Mining Co,) JACKSON D H, (mining supt,) " NEVADA AMALGAM REJOIN- ING CO. Patton W H, (supt mines,) ,, FENOYER H H, (supt mines,) " Sierra Nevada Silver Mining Co, (A G McKenzie supt,) " Thomas C C, (mining supt,) " MUSIC AND MUSICAL IN- STRUMENTS. Ainsworth E D, BROOKINS C J. Cavanagh T, Jessup F J, COX JOHN, Carson City Reno Virginia City Winnemucca NEWSPAPERS. *' REESE RIVER REVEIL- LE," (John Booth propr,) Austin "BA'i'TLE MOUNTAIN MES- SENGER," (Sproule & Davis proprs}, Battle Mountain "Belmont Courier, " (Andrew Maute propr, < Belmont "MORNING AFFEAL," (N V M i labels propr, ) Ca raon City "THE DAILY NEVADA TRI- BUNE," (J Parkinson,) ELKO INDEPENDENT," (S S Sears propr,) Elko H. WACHHORST. Importer of ai'^S^Vo^lLViid.. 315JSt.rSac TTTTr ^^W"¥W ^vfm^ LO, It*. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "*»• aao Post street. IMflratr thrironiehly ftr Baalneiw. 3 3. o P 3 iBure City ti [ioiiig ^^ II chiaon Tuscarora ipany, ^^ )rder,) " ^y (J B .. y supt,) '' I Powell McUon- ^^ ning Co, ^^ jn.) Tybo .2 supt,) Yirgiiiia City CD i » a P> s ta. CD I O o 2. a o s CO ,n MminS g supt,) ''' . \ »• t mines,) iiig Co, (A ^^ )t,) SICAL IN- ITS. Caraon City Reno Virginia City Winnemucca CD (/> P CD , er CD CD % 00 [ers. n & Davis .2; f Battle Mountain p h-^S^imont a r^' Caraon City kDATEl-.. Ion,) tea 9 NEW I £ 2 o (0 £ e b o Td (A b « JC O o GQ Nevada. CLABS'PISD. PAP 237 © O JZ a c u z o z u o z (0 "EUBEKA DAUT LEADER," '.Hobart & Cantield uroprs,) Eureka "EUREKA SENXniEL," (Cas- sidy & Skillman,) " "Carson Valley News," (A C Pratt propr,) Genoa "(^LD HILL BAIIT NEWS," (News Publishing Co propr,) Gold Hill "V'hite Pine News," (A Skillman i)ropr,) Hamilton 'aradise Reporter," (H Warren propr,) Paradise •• Pioche Record, " Piochc "NEVADA STATE JOURNAL." (C C Powning propr,) Reno "RENO EYENXNG GAZETTE," (K L Fulton propr,) ' " Lyon County Times," (T E Picotte iiropr,) Silver City "SUTRO INDEPENDENT." (F B Mercer,) Sutro "TUSCARORA TIMES," (Fair- child & Dennis proprs), Tuscarora "Tybo Sun," (Chas Garrett,) Tybo DAILY TERRITORIAL EN- TERPRISE." (H P Cohen busi- ness manager,) Virginia City "THE FCOTLIGHT," (DL Brow n propr,) " "YIROINIA EVENING CHRON-i ICLE." "Ward Miner, " (Mark W Musgrove, propr,) Ward "Ward Reflex," (R W Simpson, propr,) " "THE DAILY SILVER STATE. " (J J Hill & Co propr,) Winnemucca NOTARIES PUBLIC. Patterson W M, Gibson John S Clayton J, Abbott Chas E, SMITH MART. Trowbridge N S, TURIN GEO. Banks F X, Ricketts A H, Reno Spring City Tuscarora << Tybo Unionville Virginia City SHANNON P E,(abstractB of titles), " STEARNS V I STONEHILL-E& Williams A, " Hauck Louis A, Ward FISR A W, Winnemucca NOTIONf^ SOWER M & A, Mills Mrs H A, CHENOWETH CHAS. Austin Reno Winnemucca 4 Dyer Chas A, Reiser C B, Granger W N, Owen PVank, Clark W G, Mnrtin Chas, ME&CHUM A D. HOIOW R R. HENLEY M S. BAKER JOHN T, Butler E J Harmon F H, HUBBARD G, WISE F A. Hauck Louis A, Hoyt A V, Rielley Jas, Torrey Eben P, Gorman Geo T, Brown B F, Cainp))ell Thompson, Churchman Nye, Oorman Geo 1. Alphn Austin Battle Mountain Belmont <■ Carson City 11 Cornucopia Elko 3 3 CO I 3 Eureka II II Gold Hill Paradise Reno II Tascarora II Virginia City a II II ii Eoreka Bi5]St.r8ac PURE PORT WINE, for KedlcM Fnmoses. 302 Davis St, S. F. MP mmmmm. mm ^""m tl w 'I li H' If, as c 1 o t i n z » 3 IL ? C C fO Q m o o o z S o < 0. E o W. W. MONTAGUE & co.,'^y;s^r!?oB^i!:rir^"T.i^^ 238 PHO Nevada. CLASaiFIRI). POS PHOTOGRAPHERS. WELLEB LA, Marston O A, Monaco Louis, Tandy & Cook, JSeala A J, SOE & LEE, PETERSON C E, Austin Carson City Eureku Tuscarora Virginia City II II II It II PHYSICIANS. Davison H B, Aurora HAMMOND J S. (surgeon), Austin HuntsiTian J A, Scott M P. TRASK S SPONOOLE F M, Battle Mountain Moore !S Urunt Belmont HaU A C, Carlin SFONOGLEJD, FOX J W, (s urge on), . Carson City KEABNEf WM J, (surgeon), Lee 8 L, SMART J S M, White J F, MarroIteA, Lucas G L, Mtii^ J J, Bishop A C, Chamblin M E, DE LA MATTR E B, NESBITT J A, OWEN J R N, Kockman Mj THIELE £, THOMAS a H, Williams Jamep, BOWLING C, TocUl D B, Anderson A, Hall J U, \ Manaoii i' MATHEWS GEO C, (surgeon , Columbus Elko li Eureka II If Fort McDermitt Gold Hill Callahan J .1, Sailor A W, Hagar Henry, Leavitt G 1, Richardson A S. Blackwood Chas W, Powell J W, Barker D H, Bergman W, Bishop S, HOGAN H H, (surgeon). Snow T N, Lukens J H, IJurgi P, Zabi iskie C B, Brierly C B, Drake F N, Huntingdon T W, Moore 8 Grant, BankiFX, (ifMatrillc H^Mtlton M««ori VaiMn Paruilise i< Reno II 11 •I .1 II II I. Buby Hill Silver City << Sntro Tuscarora II TylK) Unionville AIKEN P J, (surgeon), Virginia City Aitchison H()ii W n. Cope .1 P, MtilTA THOB 0, Stindor H P, Benson Oliver, nSHBACH JNO B, FULTON JULIUS, Vernon O H, Alpha Austin Battle Mountain Belleville Belmont Beowawo Bristol Bullionville Cambridge Camp Halleck Candelaria O -< > O ao a B O a CO o 5' (/i PACIFIC C9 CO HolmeB T, White G C, JARVIS I Spencer A, c 3 IL o 5-' C CD » ^ S" "1 ^■1 z >> o CO o » {? (0 (0 s k r (0 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Biumapjer & Co., '••^'««- ««- ■•a. Iiav* It fiONHAM . PORTER J (Jates G M, Irwia Louise Jr)hnston Col Hull L W, Howk A J, FEATHERS i Morris Jos, ! Smith W J, BOWLING C LEE C U, Lay T. Chubbuck S M Carpenter Hai OEER A, Jilakeslee L A, Taft G W, ^ I Ashhurn C E. IL HINIMN A r I COZZENS D£ .- I EMMONS H 5 CRAIG J S, I GOULD J, ISBELL T J, RANDOLPH Marchant Jno, FINDLAYA BOWMAN E; PISH FENrI Meyera 'las Fj JAMISi'/NSM TAYLOR J a Lnmbert J W. SNOW WM, BORLAND jf Court Charles, Boiihu J F. WEINER ^ BLAGEMER CARLOW W l{ichai-ds J W, Sheldon H H, Burton Bros. gOBBEL A Baldy G H, |AIRCHILD , TURIN GEO, ^ve,'a Pablo, ' Adkison A i). i FOWLER EDI COLEMAN J ; HAMILLROJ Burette V J. 1 MOORE ASA, wobms Frank cj ^iUPAUIEJ mm' ^^^^ ^^Pf .•i'5lHiNB»J:WJ(!h PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLECE, "-a!tJayj«-.JKar* POS en CO (/> CO ft c Q. c '5 c 3 IL (S >»' 0) » w I. ■ < Nevada. VLASBIFIBD. BAI 239 HolmcB T, White G C, JAEVIS J. W, 8peacer A, MEACHTJH A D, BONHAMJA. PORTER JAMES L, (iutes G M, Irwiii Louise Johaaton Col, Hull L W, Howk A J, FEATHEESTIN H, Morris Jas, Smith W J, BOWLING C. LEE C U, Lay T, Chubbuck S W, Carpenter Harvey, . OEEE A, Blakealee L A, Taft G W, Ashhurn C E, MINIHN AE. Carlin Carson City Columbia Coliimbua Cornucopia Dayton Deeth Downey ville Duckwater Eberhardt City Elko Ellsworth Ely Empire City Eureka Fort McDennitt Franktown Golconda Gold Hill Hamilton Hike Humboldt Huntington Jefferson Junctioi. PRINTERS-JOB. Robinson M, BROWN D L, Carson City , Virginia City COZZENS DAVENPORT, Lewis EMMONS H C, Lovelocks CRAIG J S. GOULD J, ISBELLT J, RANDOLPH MF, Marchant Jno, FINDLAT A M, BOWMAN ED, FISH FENRY, Meyers 'las F, JAMISON S M, TAYLOR J H, Lnmhert J W, SNOW WM. BORLAND J H, Court Charles, Bonhu .1 F, WEINER BEN BLACEMER C F, CARLOW WH Kichai-ds J W, Shel.loii H H, Burton Bros, GOBBEL A W. Baltly G H, FAIRCHILDOLC, TURIN GEO, Liive,'a Pablo, Adkison A D, FOWLER EDWIN, COLEMAN J W G, HAMILL R02T, Burette V J, MOORE ASA. llobms Frank C, Mason Valley Mill City Mineral Hill Moroy Palisailc Panaca Paradise Pinto Pioche Reno Reveille Ruby Hill Ruby Valley Rye Patch San Antonio Sheephcud Sheridan Silver City Spring City Stillwater Sutro Tecoma Toana Treasure City Tuscarora Tybo Unionville Virglr.!!* City Wadswoith \^'a8hingt(' Boynton C H, (ticket agt C P R R), Reno Hig!,nns H W, (freight agt C P and V & T R Rs), «« Phillipps W D,(tickct agt C P R R),'- Borlaml Jno, (agt C P R R), Rye Patch Trowbridge N S, (agt E P R R), Tybo Ryan P R, (ticket agt V & T R R), V rtiiuia City Hunter D, (agt C P R R), Wadsworth White J H, (train dispatcher P R R) HANCHETT J C. (agt C P R R), Wella Young J N, (agt C P R R), Winnemucca C0 u> O) hi ' H w H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. wmmmm W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.* ittt^f'in. m!^'urii. Union llqttare, ti, P. keepinir, Pennwiiihip, TaleKniphy. 3* O I ''* Wadsworth P Ward 1 o a o ,2. Weill ■ S? II c ■ £ II ■a ■ 4^ ■a ■ B I8T, II 11 o' ■ > II & ■ II cr ■ e II *< ■ ■e). II II T1 ■ IS II s I (0 o ■ , '•^ ■ II CD ■ (d II (0 1 1 $ I £ SEW Nevada. CLARSIFIED. TAI 241 SEWING MACHINES. YfELLEEL L A, Austin Ainsworth E D, Carson City Joannes Wm, Eureka YEATESELUAH S & CO, Tusoarora Davis Geo P, Virginia City DOYEN H J, Oats Wm H, SHEARER W D (Singer), YAPLE FRANK, (White and New Home), Fanner J, White Rock SOAP WORKS. COMMERCIAL SOAP WOREiS, (Zcigler & Crampton proprs), Virginia City SODA WORKS. Bromonkampf & Regli, KNAPP P & CO, Eureka Virginia City •I II II II X u % « « J >< b u (d u Z h X (9 3 iX STAGE LINES AND AGENTS. BELMONT STAGE LINE (Geo H W Crockett agent), Austin 6BANTVILLE STAGE LINE (Geo H W Crockett agent), " Clugage & Parker, Battle Mountain Robertson Alex, " Trolson John, Belmont Cain W, Cambridge BENTON J M (Lake Tahoc Stage ami City Bus Line), Carson City U S Stage Co (F Clugage supt), " CLUOAGE & PARKER, Elko VANDRIELEN W C, FEATHERSTIX H, Ely BOWLING C, Fort McDermitt McC'imkey George P, Hamilton BROWN J W (Eureka and Ruby Hill stages), Ruby Hill MIKEL & SANFORD ^^ reka and Ruby Hill stages), " S & V .Stage Co, Sutro SMITH MART, Tuscaroraj Griffiths J I, Tybo Miller G W & Ero, Uuionville Dayton Stage Cv \Dalla8 & Sy- | momls). Virginia City VmOINU & GOLD HILL BUS LINE (Bennett Bros pre a), " U S Stage Co, " UTAH, IDAHO AND OREGON STAGE CO (Salisbury, Hailey & Co proprs), Winnemucca STATE OFFICERS. KinkeFd John H, governor, Carson City Adams J W, lieut governor, " Babcopk Jasper, secretary of state, " HALLOCK J F, state controller, Crockett L L, state treasurer. Murphy M A, attorney general, Hatch A J, surveyor general, Batterman C C, warden prison, Beatty W H, chief justice, " Hawley T P, associate justice, " Leonard R, associatejustlce, " BICSNELL CHAS F, clerk su- preme court, " SrONE QUARRIES. DE LA MATYR J E, Eureka STOVES AND TINWARE. PARKER W H, Austin SMITH & STARRATT, WEITMAN FRANK & CO, Battle Mountain Carson City Elko Reno Tusoarora Virginia City Mills R, AINLEY JOHN, Busch Fred, Johnson Robert, PEASLEYA, Treat & McDonald, YOUNG JACOB JR, WOODRW, Winnemucca SURVEYORS. Westcoatt N, Mivthey A, McGill Wm A, TAILORS. BARGON MARTIN, PREUSS FRANK, BOSKOWITZF, HAYES B, JACOB A. JOHNSON FRANK, Swanson Otto, BARNET ROBERT, Carvalaho Alex, Kuehn Ernst, LANGSTROFF JACOB B, Lovich Chas, Schiller Jacob^ Stede Henry, Adams R, Kolster F, PECHNER ROBERT fi, Rafael A, Jacob S, 6 Eureka Morey Ward Austin II Carson City II II Elko Eureka Hamilton Pioche Keuo II II Tuicarora m €/> •B I! £? ;« 33. si Kb i3 r'¥ 115 J St., Sac. H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. itt 1' IL ■ CO S W. W. MONTAGUE A G O., *^y^**.*!?o.^fgri.K.aa L^^ TAI 242 Nevada. CLASSIFIED. VAR o E l! c (0 O O O o < a. I- o PATJIDmO WM, WILDE CW, Alder B, BASK G A. filoomKeld E, Davis L B, JBOUEFELD C, Friedlander G, Hinch S, LESERJOHN, Marshall Thos, Moaher J, Newbercer A, FOSTKj^LIONEOM, SIEGELD, Tyrrell K, Usher S, WolffTheo, WOODS. BLEDSOE J B. XANDULSKI T, iieals W A J, Tuscarora o (O en o -a a o V) CD CD 1 O s (A CD (A CD g c TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. e CM I* Onilloa James, Leeser Mrs D, Poplin Mrs j\ Weaver Bros. Oallup H, Thorburn D, iji Taylor Of, KM Touhey .Jerry. \l Ramsdell E B BROpKINS C I Cuuniiigham J M McClelland 4 Sim Meyer Emanuel. B lynton E R, Ditttlebaum P (gf Lammon Geo I, Palmer Chas m' Rosenbaum I (secoi laylor Wm, FOWLER EDWI Powers R, **^"* Dudley N, Oppenheim M (toys) oabme Jas E If ? WAGI •S I AINLEY JOHN, WAGONM a Fox Jacob, liaadall J. h, J J ai (B ft k l^lwarda (ico W Ceilorholm Jno S Noyes C U, Taylor John, li'Tke B (carriage Lovejoy J A (carriaito nl''«^-'^'"^e'«'right ■BARMBY THOM WALL I ^"REDERICKS JAS il WATCHES AN! (3 I WHIOHT J A, I, I ItiwuI c VV, jjj! MoLiii-hliu'H C, !*l Mo.istT Abe 0|U.Baa« • >^i 'f'Jielle Joseph. *t\ >«'te8ES&c"o iutch&pratt, irederick M M l^uard A, OLD PORT WINl f.'i *?r 'i •I H en I ►•I (D c '>» a Q) J a cs ft k 5i (0 EUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practlrnlly tanKht at PACIFIC BVMI- MRHM rOMTKUl!. HIM PoMt Mt.. f«. V. VAR Nevada. CLAH8IKIID. WEL 243 « Eureka Onilioz James, Leeaer Mra D, Popliti Mrs J, Weaver Bros, Gallup H, Thorburn D, Taylor F, Touhey Jerry, Ramadell E B, BROOKmS C J, Cunuiugham J M, McClelland & Simpson, Meyer Emanuel, B)yixtonER, Dattlebaum F (second-hand cluth ing), Virginia City Lammon Geo I, " Valmor Chas M, " Rosenbaum I (second-hand goods), " Taylor Wm, FOOLER EDWIN. Powers K, Dudley N, Oppeiiheim M (t'^ys), Sabine Jas E Gold Hill ti Grantville Lewis Reno Treasure City Tuacarura Wads worth Washoe C-'ity Wells Winnemucca WAGONS. AINLET JOHN, WAGONMAKERS. Elko Harris Chas, Manning W, Sabine Jas E, Virginia City Winnemucoa WATCHMAKERS AND JEW- ELERS. Ohlander J A, Belmont Siddotis L L, Carson City Steler P, Eureka Straus Julius, " WILHELM EDWAllBS, Wray Chas, Olseu Carl, Fox M, Goodspeed L C, Davidson S N, Frederick I, OOEaOEL WM, SCHARLIN J A, Walker W A, Chateluiu Einil, Rothenbucher J, Schofieia R G, Murphy E, Hamilton Panaoa Pioche <( Reno Tuscarora n9 1*11 \r ^■m '^M ij^^l iii^B BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrallj MRMM I ■ tansht at PACIFIC HVHI* JOIiLROK. 8«0 Poat HI., f*. F. E. m CO *^ >A. .rae ). o (D Oi O" ■n CO o (D 4 ;ht. p.m. ip.m. 5 " 5 ' s '• 5 " « " lO " W " LO " Wpjn: » V) sr o o 3. CD a. o a CD -1 $ o?! heridan, | gj oninouth hilomath nrsT 30 ■ ■ u -< ■ ■ (d ■ ■ (0 ^ m ■ m ■ 1 *-^ > ■ I S r- 1 ■ t (0 (0 .S c u o •J; 15 o t o "3 o o OQ o fl (0 £ o r C3) e (tt 0) o £ z o h Z a z (0 6 •9 ■ OREGON. (ALPHABETICALLY.) Bee also, Liat of Towiu Becelved too Late for Begnlar Inaertlon. boast. 30 -< Bounded ou the north by Washington Territory, on the south by Cal "omia, on the east by Idaho and on the west by the Pacific Ocean, across whost i)undless waters are anually exported the multifarious products of her remarkably fertile soil. It is situated between the42d and 4tith parallels of north latitude and 116th and 124th meridians of west longitude, having an average length east and west of 3G0 miles and an average breadth of 260 miles, cr an area of U5,274 square miles, or 60,355,360 acres, most of which are susceptible of high cultiv.ation. Tiie number of counties at present is only twenty-three, a suodivision that necessitates a sacrifice of cunveuicuce on the part of a great many resident taxpayers, yet this is rjudered essential onaccount of her sphere population, which is only placed at 150,000. When the fact is noted that her climate is genial, her sanitary condition excellent and her resources almost illimitable, the average " philosopher " finds a theme for his profound mind that battles his comprehension and he must needs conclude that the people of foreign countries "are not dead but merely sloepeth." Iter forests are supplied with an unlimited growth of timber, than which for r.U purposes none other in the world is superior, a fact that demands from " away down Kast " will attest ; her moun- tains teem with the " glittering ore " and are possessed the year round with a lux- ui'iuut growth of nutritious grasses, and her valleys offer advantages to the horti- culturist, the viniculturist and the husbandman that deserve the attention of eve y one in search of land for profitable cultivation. Through the enterprise of the State Immigration Bureau, comprising iutelligent, wide-awake men of keen discernment and practical minds, alive to the interests of the class for whom it was inaugurated, an immigration of industrious people has been turned to this Eldorado that must result in a rapid and permanent development ere the dawning future " wears the cap of age." In that quarter of the State which lies east of the Cascade range of mountains experiments in fruit and grain culture have fiatter- ingly demonstrated that this is a land of plenty, while browsing herds of cattle. Hocks of sheep and bands of horses, in excellent condition, attest with pleasing etfect the ricluicss of the soil and the hcalthfulness of the climate. Instances are known where the " fructifying hand of nature," assisted by the labor of man, has- confirmed the opinion that a yield of 75 bushels of wheat to the acre is indeed a "stern reality," and too without t/iorowjk cultivation. The pursuit of stock- raising has never, we believe, been attended with any but satisfactory results, while nulling, as yet, comparatively, in its infancy, has been successfully carried ou. Large returns have been the reward of investments in that direction, and we but echo the views of those " who know whereof they speak " when we predict for the mining interests a prominent place amongst the commercial features of this great commonwealth. With information truthfully given, with reliable authority for the guidance of those who contemplate a removal to the Far West, with such measures adopted as will secure to the person who comes remuneration for his labor, what is there left but a crown of sparkling jewels for this fair maiden of the Pacific North-west ' The products of the soil are carried to every nation oib the globe, and the superiority of the flour made from the wheat of this section to that of all others in the Union is conceded in the leading markets. Her flour has given Oregon a fame that will last through all time, while her fruits are acknowl- edged to be inferior to none in the world. Indeed her geographical, position, it has been gloriously proven, is particularly advantageous to her fruit-growing interests. Nowhere under the broad canopy of heaven can there be found fruit that will com- pare in quality with that of the Willamette valley, while in point of size there ia no section of the world that has aspired to the attainment which this region can ' '- Her people are all thrifty and prosperous, and evince a hospitality that H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. 1l CO c ID Z p CO JS > o E CO (8 o ■ o o o < 0. h I- o w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., 'i'^rt^rjirtr^!^y"s^:ih%}i^ BUSINESS PENM 244 WEL Nevada. CLA88inRD. CON Tickner Henry L, Barton H SV, Meyer M, FREEMAN W F & Cooper Saml, BOWLING a Harcourt J H, GRADY J D, Harvey A B, McConkey Geo P, Blakcslee L A, EMMONS H C, CRAIG J S, Rusi'ig E S, Southern B S, Griffin W E, Smith R H, Borland .Jno, (rour Jno W, Gintza A, MART SMITH, Griffiths J I, Carson City Columbus Dayton CO, felko Eureka Fort McDermitt Franktown Golconcla Grantville Hamilton Humboldt Lovelocks Mason Valley Oreana Palisade Pioehe Reno Rye Patch Silver City Spring City Tuscarora Tybo Lark C, Pendersjast C C, FOWLER EDWIN, Woodrurt" & Elinor, SHEPARD A J, Unionville Virginia City Wadsworth Wells Winnemucca THOS. 0. MINTA S CO. SuccESSOBS TO A. J. RHODES, Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BELLEVILLE, Esmeralda County, NEVADA. A good Supply of Table and Coarse Salt constantly on band. WESTERN OREGON RAILROAD. Trains Run Daily, Sundays Excepted ■ Bound lAouth. i liiTATlOXS. Bound Korth. No. 3 IXo. i No.» Wo. 4 Freisht. Mail. o Mail. Freisht. 6.30 a. m. 2.00 p. in. 1 V Porf lanil ar ll.»0 a.m. 4.S5p.ni. a.I7 " «! " ..4th Ht Bi-idse... " 11.13 " 7.10 " ss.tO " tt •' Summit " 10.50 •■ 3.43 " 7.5<» " 3.«5 " 1« " Keavi'rton " 10.ie5 '■ 3.05 " «.30 " H.Sa " Hi " Reeilvilie " 10 05 •• 2.3« " H.-w " .'J.;*.* " 1» " X«*wton " 0.57 " ««a " H.:iO " ;»,ia " «l " IlillMboi-o " 0.50 " a. 12 " «.i.» " ».w " '4* " <'or:ieliuM " »,35 " 1.50 " O.a.'i " 4.05 " isn " Forewt lll<\v't« " tt.5M> " 1.30 " lO.OO " 4/47 " 82 <>UMton " 1K05 '• 1.05 '• 10.15 " :4.ri7 ;• »4 Wapeto " H.SiS " 12.50 " 1< . .» " 4.!>5 '' 4» ...Xovt 1 Vamiiill ... " N.35 " 12. 20 " I !.«».■» " .>.«)>* " 4 " Carlton " «.«3 " 12.05p.ni. 1 !.•*.» " .VJ5 " 4'. " Mt. Joseph ■ h.05 " 11.35 " 50 ^1' ....SIcMinnvilli' •• ir 7.50 '• 7.30 " 11.15 ' ia.30 p. m. «.*»o " 54 " . d'OHsinis W V R R." 7.0S " 10.45 " ia.;so ' «.Ha • r»7 " Amity " «..'57 " 10.30 » l.-SS " «..=i5 i\'Z " McCoy '• 0.35 " 0.55 •• u:.',M» " 7.:iO " 70 " l»e i-y " «.W> " ».oo " ti.m* ■• 7.55 •' 70 " ....Indepen(1<>nre .... " 5.35 " «.20 " 3.'15 " H.'iO " HI " Parker " 5.10 " 7.45 '• S.50 " K.:fO " ► a " Soap Creek " " Weils " 5.00 " 7.32 " 4.15 " ^-.IS " ^« 4 45 •' 7.10 " 5.30 " ».»0 '• »7 ar CorvaliiH Iv 4.00a.m. O.OOp.m. CONNECTIONS. At HILLSBORO for West Union and Glencoe. At CORNELIUS for Greenville and Vernonia. At NORTH YAMHILL for Tillamook. At CARLTON for West Chehalem. At ST. JOSEPH for Dayton and La- fayette. At McMINNVILLE for Sheridan, Bellevue and Willamina. At McCOY'S for Perry dale. At Derry for Dallas. At INDEPENDENCE for Monmouth and Louisville. At Corvallis for Monroe, Philomath and Yaqiiina Bay. o H 30 -< m 30 CO (A e CD Q. o- "n ■ GO o' (D O O W P «r o o 3 m o (D -» Si 0!>i e « m t\ ( 8e» »l8o, list of (0 .5 c (.1 o 15 z o h z a o z (0 d ■ < Bounded on the north bv the east by Idaho and on tiJ, waters are anuallyexpSed and 124th meridians of west 300 miles and an average n^'Ies, or 60.365.360 acref ll'e nnmber of counties ai i^ecessitates a sacriHce of resident taxpayers vpt ff population. lS'ilt.w\ 'ler climate is .reni.! i^ ^ ^ ii;i|nitab,e.th:uClt^-- '>ai}les his comprehenlion and •nihmited growth of timber t superior, a fact that demand anis teem with the "a E -um list, the viniculturist am one in search of Ur^At ti'e State Immigration r'' J ni, ll«, i 1 A. Rnil I IN Battery At.. H.V. >- I- 5 o CO ft < S CO o u u CO H CO 5 o 3 Ul I- X < z I- o Id a 246 Oregon — Railroads. ALriUilBTICALLr. comments most favorably on their generous natures. The scenic features of the *' Webfoot State " are multifarious and varied in their nature. Some of the most sublime and awe-inspiring mountain scenery within the confines of the Republic is to be found along the shores of the Columbia river, a stream that is noted alike for its beauty nnd its possession of the finest fish in the world. It is from this classic stream that the best salmon find their way to all ports of the globe and "tickle the palates of the epicure." The canneries that line its shores afford employment to an army of men several months in the year and are a source of great revenue to the State. The water-power derived from the Willamette and Columbia and other streams is suiiicieut to drive the machinery of the world. This means of motive power invites the attention of manufacturers and offers special inducement to c pital. A few years more and the hum of machinery throughout the length and breadth of this vast domain will be as familiar as nur- sery rhymes, and the music of thousands of spindles will be added to the harmo- nious sounds of rushing waters and the ring of metals. The future is bright, the promise is bountiful, and a realization of "great expectations " must be the happy, joyous resultant of Oregon's merits. The system of public schools of the State is claimed to bo superior and the interest ti.ken in tlieir welfare is truly in keeping with the enlightenment and broad intelligence of her people, who seem to be endowed with the belief that "knowl^ge is , ower " indeed. The State University at 1 igene City is a hand- some brick building and speaks volumes in praise of the citizens. The instructors are i.ble nnd compet.nt, and by their energy in exacting proficiency in the branches taui ht exhibit a degree of experience that reflects greatly to their credit. The Willamette University, at Salem, is among the leading institutions of learning, and in point of age takes front rank. Besides these two, thei-e are colleges located at Corvallis, Philomath, Monmouth and McMinville. RAILROADS AND OTHER LINES. At present the number of miles of railway in operation in the State will not ex- ceed 350, though there are plans afoot that, when carried to completion, will add largely to her railway system, which is as yet in its incipiency. For some unac- countable reason foreign capital has not anxiously sought investment here, yet with an increase in settlements of the "Eastern country" the facilities for trans- portation must be augmented, and the "remedy of rapidity" can be found only in "lines of steel and the iron horse." THE OREGON AND CALIFORNIA Follows the banks of the Willamette River from East Portland to Eugene City, thence into the Umpqua Valley to Roseburg, a distance of 200 miles. This enter- prise was inaugurated in the year 186J), in which 20 miles of the road was built, the remainder having been constructed three years afterwards. Since 1872 Roseburg has been the southern terminus, and it is thought it will continue to lie for some time to come. It has been intimated that the Central Pacific was eager to obtain control of the line, but owing to some "hidden understanding" that gigantic cor- poration has been made to "grunt and sweat" under the decision of the magnats of the "little railroad. " It is intimated also that the consideration which pre- vented the sale of the road was the purchase of the company's steamers which ply between San Francisco and Portland. The road was built by Benjamin Holliday with Gr3nnin capital, on wliicli the interest could not be paid for some reason and it accordingly reverted to the bondholders, who now ow n and operate it, and from whose earnings the payment of dividends annually is made. The land grant- ed by government to secure its construction was 1,500,000 acres — no other subsidy having been secured. The rolling stock is in excellent repair, the roadbed is in good condition and its depots are comparatively good. The lands of the company are superior and are held at low rates and sold on reasonable terms. Every facil- ity and every courtesy is shown the land hunter by the company, who have spared no pains and expended vast amounts of money to secure the permanent progress of the State, and to whom the credit of her importance is greatly due. THE OREGON CENTRAL Extends from Portland, on the west side of the Willamette River, to Corvallis, though the intention is to make Eugene City, 124 miles distant, the terminus. o (A o » cx 3; o o 5* -9 CD O -a to o e (A O TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. mifm ■Pi BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '^BWJ«r.«^«%'Mi«.'St?S*fe on, will add CO e« CO 09 euB CO ! €m ft 5 ■ c Q. c '5 c 3 Si: ">» 0) (0 0) ■ I- ■ < m ■ Oregon — Railroada-A Ihany. 247 ALPIIABITICALLr. Besides these lines, there is a narrow jguage road running through Yamhill county for a distance of 30 miles, built by private capital for the convenience of citizmu of that county alone THE NORTH PACIFIC Is now under course of construction, with a prospect of completion at an early day. The original survey locates this line's western terminus at Seattle, on Puget Sound, Washington Territory, though the citizens of Portland are strenuously working to the end that that city may secure the much coveted prize. It is the intention of the company to complete 100 miles of the road by Fall of the present year (1880), or from the Cascades, on the Columbia, to Wallula, and with this object in view they have employed a large force of men, who are actively engaged in tho good work as we write. THE OREOON RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION COMPANY Was quite recently organized with a capital of $6,000,000, and which is the out- growth really of a consolidation of the O. S. S. Co. and the 0. S. N. Co., two pow- erful and wealthy corporations, with the above-named lines of railway. This com- pany now controls the bulk of the traffic of the State, and to it is greatly due th& credit of extensive internal improvements. The steamers owned and run by it are thirty-four in number,some of which, especially the sea-going vessels, are elegantly appointed and well equipped, lieing built of iron and of perfect model, and noted for their fleetness. Those which ply on the Willamette and Columbia Bivers are very handsomely furnished and make excellent time. Every courtesy is shown to the patrons by the efficient and polite employes. To the traveler who visits the "Web-foot State," cither on business or pleasure, we cordially suggest that bis trip is incomplete unless the pass&gc of her greatest rivers has been made. THE P. C. S. CO. This company is another "power in the land," though it seems contented with an equal division of the net proceeds of tho business of the lines which monopolize tho trade coming from sea navigation. It has but one steamer, the "State of Cali- fornia," plying between San Francisco and Portland, but she is inferior to none in points of safety, comfort and speed, being, indeed, the fleetest steamer on that route. Her best record from San Francisco to Portland, a distance of 700 miles, is 45 hours, or an averag*> speed of 15 5-9 miles an hour, which is rarely beaten by the fastest steamers of the Atlantic board. THE INDEPENDENT STEAMBOAT CONPANY Has a line of nicely appointed steamers navigating the Willamette river, leaving Portland for the upper towns each morning at G o clock. U B Scott, Esq, a pio- neer steamboatman, is president, and Mr. Z. J. Hatch is secretary of the Company, both polite and efficient officers. The Buchanan brothers also run steamers up the Yamhill river, making regu- lar daily trips. Both are courteous gentlemen. Adamsville. Evans J S, blacksmith Joseph Jos H, gen mdse and postmaster Simkins James, blacksmith Albany, LINN COUNTY. Albany is the county seat J nd con tains about 3,000 people. It is situated on the Willamette River and 0. i- C. 1. R., 81 miles south of Portland, beiiii^sii uated in the center of a rich fanning country, its resources mostly depena upon tho country surrounding it. It has a number of flouring mills, saw- mills, planing mills ,etc. C. C. Cherry, the proprietor of the Albany Iron Works, has an establishment equal to any in the State. Wate» jpower is fur- nished by water from the Santiam river by means of a canal 15 miles hmg. Al- bany has two hotels, the Revere House and St Charles — both good houses. Three weekly newspapers, the "Henild," "Register" and "Democrat," Theprin- cipal religious denominations are repre- sented; the town contains 7 churches. A new public school building is needed. I I .1 is n 1^ 8*! I? I? H f ll Si I H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis Si, S. F. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 2^ z 1.0 If'^l I.I 1.25 25 1.4 11.6 ^ V Photographic Sdences Corporation '1^ 73 X'flir MAIN STillT WlbS'iH.N.Y. 14580 (716) •72-4S03 4^. 5> !?^ mm\M mmm mmi pmi W W MONTAGUE & CO Pbup* and iron Pine, mil alMS, llO. US, It. Wf . muw I HWUC « UU., H4^ ^^ ^j ^^^ iSkery Street, A,vT IL S 5 o o » IS 18 O s ID 3 c c (0 O ■ O o o z s Q. I- 248 Oregon — A Ihany. ALPHABmOALLT. Albany Fanners Co, wheat warehouse, E ' P Mc Clor e supt "ALBANT HERALD," Pottinger, Barnes & Steele, proprs ALBANY IRON & BRASSWORKS. C C Cherry, propr ALLEN, ROBH^N & CO, sawmill ALEXANDER W F, physician Anderson Anders, cooper BALLARD ISAM & CO. flour mill Baldwin J W, atty at law Baltimore W U, groceries Baum £d, varieties, books and station- ery Baumgart M, liquors BELLANOER £, brewery Bentley J W, bootmaker BLAIN L £, clothing, hats and caps, boots and shoes, gents furnishing goods, Blevins & Powell, millinery and fancy goods Bough ton H J, physician Boyle E, bootmaker BRIGOS JOHN, stoves and tinware Brown J J & Son, boots and shoes Brown M V, propr "Democrat" Br uce J, c ounty treasurer BRUNK W H, bootmaker BRUSH J & SON, wire weaver Bryant H, county surveyor BUCHANAN EUGENE, representing Newbury, Hawthorn & Co Burkhurt & Chapman, brokers, real es- tate, insurance CARTER E & CO, aash and door fac- tory CHERRY C C, foundry and machine shop Churchill H J, physician Clark D G, hardware, agt Wells, Fargo & Co, mayor Clark & Davis, contractors and builders Cohen P, gen mdse Conley D M, atty at law Connor John, banker Cowan J L, county clerk Cunningham A, blacksmith Dannals J, furniture Davis J A, physician DEUBEL C F, tailor Dunning F S, furniture Dickey I C, county sheriff ENOLANDER uUS, Fashion Bathing Saloon ESMONIN CL, spice manufr FASHION SHAYDia SALOON, Gus Englander propr FIIH & CHAMBERLAIN, attys at; law, notaries Flint H, bootmaker | Foshay & Mason, books and stationery, ' druggists i FOSTER J H, flouring mills Fox, Baum ft Co, gen mdse FOX IGNATZ, gents furnishing goods FRENCH F M, watchmaker & jeweler FUCHS JOHN, groceries and bakery GILMOUR J A, saloon Godley C C, stoves and tinware. GRADWOHL J, hardware, crockery, groceries, paint and notions Graff & From, furniture GRAHAM W R. tailor GRAY DR G W, dentist. (Piices in praportiop to time and material con- sumed.) HACKLEMAN T P, atty at law no- tary public HAFFENDEN BROS, groceries Halter J L, city recorder Hew itt C H, attorney HEWITT & HAVEN, attys at law, insurance agts, notaries HOFFMANN & JOSEPH, soda works, cigars and tobacco, candies Horlacher & Gates, meat market Houk Mrs C, hotel Houk C, saloon * Humphrey & Wolverton, attys at law, notaries Hunt H A, city marshal Jackson I G, gen mdse Johns S A, countv judge JOHNSON & McDANIEL, dressmak- ers Kelh' C C, physician KpFER CHAS, brewery Kline L & Co, gen mdse Ligs;ett S M, county supt of schools MADY JAMES, restaurant Maine J H, carpenter Mansfield & Montieth, book and job printers MARTIN MRS A\ E, millinery and dressmaking McFarland & Harvey, stoves and tin- ware Mcllwain A B, gen mdse Merrick J M, sjuoon MEYER C, bakery and groceries Miller Fred, grocer MONTANYE L H. atty at law, notary Monteith Thos, douring mills MORGAN & KECK, marble works Moss C B, county assessor MULLAN J H, representative of Sing- er Sewing Machine Co Murray E, hotel NEWBURY HAWTHORN ft CO, agricultural implenients, 1^ ugene Bu- chanan manager Nolan J M, clothing Parks Mrs O 8, millinery Parrish Mrs L, milliner and dressmaker Paxton A B, photographer 39 CO -I CO -i 30 m m ■o o ag CO ■n • S c5 9; m CO CD 0> CD 3 I < ( <* a a a: > ft. a> o •♦-< cd od9 eler y ery. a in con- no- ao en -I C/) 30 m m m law, j n O orks. 1 ^^ O) » -n law, CO o X smak- m Z w SE CD P 3 ^3 C 0> d job 3. CD r and 3 — •• 1 tin- O 1 o O 3 -^ CD 3. lotary o rka CD ^ Sing- g, (ii^ k CO, g leBu- o CD m P imaker S* n B o ctf «0 lA 0} IS 0) 03 cd Cd CO O u o *^ CO ♦* CO § cd Cd Ci) C9 CO o «8 Oregon — Alhany-Avfiity, 249 ALPHABSriOALLT. FFEIFFEB BROS, proprs Revere House Plumber Chas A, druggist Powell ft Bilyew, attys at law Powell J 0, atty at law, ins agt Purdon E B, pictures and frames Putman ft Co, manufs of mill and farm machinery Ray mond P H, postmaster REDFIELD & IRVIirO, groceries ReidJ H, W U Tel opr REVERiS HOUSE, Pfeiffer Bros pro- prietors Rice Will B, agt O ft C R R Ries ft Cunningham, saloon « Rigby Frank, saloon ROBINSON GEO, saloon Roop & Simpson, as;'l implts RUBARTS & DTrBRUILLE, harness and saddles St Charles Hotel, Mrs Houk propr Saltmarsh R, druggist Savage B M, physician Scott ft Monteith, gunsmiths Senders ft Sternberg, gen mdse Shepard I, meat market Simpson C D, warehouse SORBIN J E, wholesale and retail deal- ers in liquors Staiger Bros, marble works 'tITATE RIGHT DEMOCRAT," M V Brown propr STAR BREWERT, Ed Bellanger pro- prietor Straham ft Bilyew, attys at law Strong G M, produce Surles J H, barber \ Thompson ft McCoy, harness and saddles TITuS BROS, watchmakers and j wel- ers, sewing machines Tweedale W C, stoves and tinware Voigt W, liquors Weatherford ft Blackburn, attys at law, notaries Webber Joseph, barber, baths Weller Geo, saloon West Coast Flax Co WHITING J F,artist (general designer) Woodin A B, flouring mills Young S E, gen mdse ZTTCkERMAN j, watchmaker and jeweler C. C. CHERRY, PROPRIETOR OF Albany Iron ITVorks, ALBANY, OREGON. Tl Vr/^TWip DTTTT T\1*1^ special attention j^lven to Mill and Warehouse Ma- LiSk VKlM Xl J) U aJuI/JCiA* chlnery. All kiudB of KepairinK done with dispatch. Bra!«s and Iron Castlnjts made to order. Office, Corner First and Montgomery Streets. Alder, UNION COUNTY. McCommick Wm & Co, gen mdse Alsea, BENTON COUNTY. Curtis Wm, blacksmith Rubl e David, saw and grist mill WUSTROW P V, postmaster Althouse, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. Beech k Flatter, gen mdse Alvord, GRANT COUNTY. ABBOT S H, postmaster Abbott & Whitendis, stock raisers Brown G F, stock raiser Catlow Jnn, stock raiser French & Glenn, stock raisers Shirp D, stock raiser Amity, YAMHILL COUNTY, Is on the West Side Railroad, 56 miles from Portland, has a daily mail and a population of 150. It is situated in a very fine agricultural section, the pro- J5 a> ^ I i ca. I 5 19 -5 If a last. H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2,50 perga!., »2J?5Si?irS?.'' HPiiP mmm W. W. WONTAGUE & CO., 'RT'Ti^-'-T.rKi.Sy'SSiyiVi? Ik CO i Oregon — Amity-Aahlcmd. 250 iiLPRABmOALLT. P & > c o E a i CQ o ■ o o o < 0. o daets being as much noted for their size and quality as they are for their abund- ance of yield. The county ia recognized as "the banner" one." BROWN W B, blacksmith and car riage ma ker BTJNTIN F E, hardware and tinware Oocher Dr, physician James R S, saloon HoCABTER P T &ABHSTBONG, blacksmiths and carriage makers Morrow & Harris, market Poppleton Ezra, gen mdse Putman R T, harness and saddles Robinson Bros, liverv stable ST CHAIILES HOTEL, H B Tingle propr Sanders A E, physician SIBBETS JOHN A, furniture SIMPSON B M, druggist, pntmaster Springer B H, notary public Thur rer C, saloon TINGLE H B, propr St Charles Hotel Woodson G W, gen mdse Antelope, WASCO COUNTV. Baird k Son, gen mdse Bolter G T, gen mdse Schemeckan A, grocer ing being of a superior nature its future cannot be regarded with any but favor- able eyes. The valley in which it is situ- ated is very rich aarriculturally speaking, and the stock-raismg interests are gradu- ally developing. The scenery in the vi- cinity is picturesque and the hum of ma- chinery in the sawmills, saafi and door factory and woolen mill are sounds that give it an air of manufacturing import- ance and leave an impression of its per- manency that is decidedly encouraging. The power derived from Ashland cre^ wc^uld be sufHcientto drive the machinery of Birmingham. Its climatic features are most favorable and the sanitary con- dition of the place is superb. A weekly paper, the "tidings," is in every res- pect an excellent journal and indicates an able management and good support. This is the home of W C Myer, Esq., im- porter and breeder of the celebrated Per- cheron horses. Applegate, JACKSON COUNTY. Benedict R, hotel Herriott W, blacksmith Kuble & Bolt, gen mdse * Matheny C B, blacksmith Sturgis A W, blacksmith and store Arroyo, UMATILLA COUNTY, Craft S C, blacksmith Eastland Robt, justice of peace Gallagher J, clergyman BEEDEB C y B, postmaster and deal er in patent rights Ashland. JACKSON COirNTY, Is a very pretty little town of 600 inhabi- tants, on the line of the C. & O. Coast Cverland State route, 31 5 miles south of Portland and 160 miles north of Redding, It is growing quite rapidly and substan tially, and its facilities for manufactur Anderson Laura, milliner ASHLAND FOUBINO MILLS, Wag- ner, Anderson & Co proprs ASHLAND HOUSE, J Houck propr ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS, Ash- land Wooden Manufacturing Co proprs BX7TLEB & BOCKPELLOW. gener- al merchandise CENTBAL HOUSE, Mrs M H Vin- ing proprietress Chan dler J, uawmill CHITWOOD J H, drugs and medicines Conway J, shoemaker Daley k Co, carpenters DePeatt E, bootmaker Fountain ft Farrow, gen mdse Gillette A V, sawmill Harris Niel ft Co, meat market HELMAN A D, postmaster HOUCK J, proprietor Ashland House Kentnor W VV, wagcmmaker Klum C K, saddles and harness Leeds ft Merritt^rinters McCALL JOHIT M, general merchan- chandise Mars h ft C o, carpenters MATFIELD W B, barber Morgan 8, blacksmiin Myer O R, jeweler and watchmaker Nutley Geo, shoemaker Patterson ft Marsh, sawmill PHILLIPS H F, livery and feed stable; stage line from Ashland to Sinkville Reeser B F, gen mdse and stoves Riggs J W, photographer Rus sell J H, marble works SMITH BBOS, blacksmiths VININOMBI& Central House M H, proprietor of CO n «< 09 B O CO S6 C71 to 3 CO e (0 A* CD in Is i4 09 CO 03 O U CD C/> o C0 CD CO < P ^ O m O o ^ > ^ ^ TRY MUfiftAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. ^mfm^^r^mm^ym^^^^fi' "PPilW 'tfimmmmm'mm BUSINESS PENMANSHIP "^SSSg"&5ESS£8'fiftK.'S..T'J: o CO ? CD CO CD n a IS p- P o 30 ^t •««> ik t. -< s« -I §& *< eg 09 s ^"h 3r •t • CD e» C/J" CO » o ^5 3 ^ •^^ _^ E CO Si ^3 ^^ ? •i^a 3 CO CO 03 «• C9 u e 09 C/3 U CD o Oregon — AahUmd-Aatoria. 251 H. F. PHILLIPS, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, ASHLAND, OREGON. STAGE LINES from Ashland to Linkville, daily. TRANSIENT TEAMS BOARDED and carefully provided for. Astoria, CLATSOP COUNTY, Is the oldest town of English Settlement on the Pacific Coast, having been used as a post by the Hudson Bay Fur Company .aa early aa 1808. It has a population of 5,000 who are permanent residents, though during the fishing season it is greatly increased by the addition of per- sons who follow the pursuit of Izaak Walton. The place is situated 15 miles above the eetuary of the Columbia, 100 miles below Portland, and is partly built on high, abrupt hills that surround it, though the greater portion of it has been constructed on piling above the water. The largest canneries on the Columbia dre located here and give employment to quite a number of men during the season when salmon are "running." The town depends mainly on the fisning interests for its support, though a large number of vessels annually receive the bulk of their cargoes here. Considerable lumber is manu ictured also in the vicinity. The Custom House and Postofhce, situ- ated in the coiiter of a pretty square, is a nice two-atory stone budding, from whose observatory the stars and stripes are con- stantly seen floating. There is a paper publiseed here, the "astorian," a daily and weekly, published by D C Ireland, Esq., which ranks among the best jour- nala of the State. agt Aberdean Packing Co, G W Hume Adair S D, cannery Adler C, hooka and stationery An tena lneo — , res taurant ABNST & FEBGHEN, machine and blacksmith aliop and agenta Giant Biding Saw ABRIGRONI MBS S K, restaurant "AStOBIAN" (Daily and Weekly), D C Ireland propr ASTORIA BBEWEBT SALOON, Barth & Meyer proprs Astoria Fishery, G Taylor manager ASTORIA SHIRT AND OIL CLOTH- ING . MANUFACTORY, Wm Mc- Cormick manager Badolet & Co, cannery BAIN C H & CO, doors, windows, sash, mouldings, etc Bake r W D, physician BABNES & ^EEN, fruits, cigars and tobacco Barry W J, chief of police BABTH & METEB, saloon Bear Mrs A E, dressmaker Beck Wm, bootmaker BEBENOES H, bootmaker BEBOMAN & BEBBT, meat market B ioloh A, saloon BINDEB MBS S, hakery Bock W, saloon Boot h A & Co, cannery BOBCHEBS J T, mauufKcturers bot- tled beer and proprietor Sandwich Cavia r Salo on BOBOLTJNI) N 0, restaurant BOWLBT J Q, attorney at law and county judge BBOEMSEB THEO, restaurant Brooks T G, portrait painter, Shuatcr'a building Buchel C, meat market BTjrCLTEB C, wood yard Cardwell 11 H, ci^v auditor and clerk Carow C G, bakery CASE I W, general merchandise, bank- er and insurance agent Canfield R F, druggist Chance W, postmaster CONE A W, bootmaker Cooper C, dry goods Corbin & Nickoli, cannery Corwin Mrs E A, dressmaker Crosby M C, hardware, atovea and tin- ware Daggett Mrs S, hotel m J CO o ae CO r 3 CO I 3 9 H. PALMEA & CO.. FroMiflnan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. WUf UnMTAfilir A rn stows and B«njE««, boo dlSenntiliw.ityIeian4 . Wi Mull I AuUC « bU.| pattenit, HO, 1X2, Tu, 11« and 118 BtUrj St., 8. F. IL ■ CO i c o 252 Oregon — Astoria. ALPHABBTICAtiLT. 3 a « C C (B o ■ o o o z s o < 0. h o Da mico S. cigars and tobacco DANIELSOll A, sample rooms DANZIOER S, clothing, hatr and caps, boots and shoes, trunks and valises, and gents' furnishing goods Davlin J A, cannery Dement W E, druggist Derby H A, millinery and fancy goods DEvIGH NICK, restaurant DIXON R, oyster house DOERFLEB G, restaurant Douglas W, carpeuter Dufner O, watchmaker and jeweler EDQAH W, cigars, tobacco, cutlery, stationery, guns and pistols Elliot M, atty at law FABRE F, restaurant Ferguson A W, contrector and builder Fishermen's Packing Co, G W Hume agt Ford T, saloon FOSTER I, cigars, tobacco, varieties and saloon Fox P H, tailor Flavel G, owner steam tug Fox J, machinist Franklin B B, undertaker Fry J W, bootmaker FtTLTON C W, attorney at law and State senator Gamarra Paul, barber GEARHART J W, groceries, flour and feed; county treasurer Goodman P J, boots and shoes Grant D, restaurant GRANT P, Gloucester House Gray 8, harness and saddles Grotke C E, groceries Hahn J, brewery Hambacher M, barber Hamburger B, gen mdse Hamburger H, notions TTA'N 'S'Kn' G, watchmaker and jeweler Hansen J, groceries and liquors Hare Wm D, U S collector custom house Harris S, shooting gallery Headington W B, carpenter Heilborn Ohas, furniture Hicks F P, dentist Hill G, variety theatre HOLDEN E C, auctioneer, real estate, commission and insurance agent Houseman F, furnitup Hustler J G, warehouse Hume G \V, wholesale grocer, commis- sion merchant ar \ lumber ILWACO STEAM Ni^VIGATION CO, (Astoria, Ft Stevcis, Oregon; Ft Canby and Ilwaco, Washington Terri tory) J H D Gray agent Jackson & Co, cannery Jackius & Hawes, stoves and tinware Jewett & Kimball, Dray and Truck Co Johnson A, hote^ Johnson A M, sailmaker Joplin J, junk dealer Kant M D, tailor Kinney A C, physician Knapp A, county assessor Krosel F, painter Loeb N, gen mdse Logan Thos, supt streets LOyETT GEO, cleaning and repairing tailor Malot L, saloon Marion R It, saloon Mattisou P, saloon MA Y C A, cigars, tobacco and notions M CCORMICK WM, manager Astoria Shirt and Oil Clothing Manufactory McFarland T, restaurant McINTOSH D A, fashionable tailor and practical cutter; (Occident Hotel building) McKean S T, dressmaker McKean S T, county si;pt of schools Mclaughlin w, taiior McLean G, blacksmith MEGLER & WRIGHT, proprietors Occident Hotel Merrill & McGregor, blacksmiths and wagonmakers MEYER M, brewery Milligan M V, Presbyterian minister Nicholas G E, barber NICK'S RESTAURANT AND HO- TEL NIEpERAUER J, barber and baths Norris F C, cigars and tobacco and W U Tel operator O'ERIEBTS HOTEL, J O'Brien propr O'BRIEN JOHN, physician and sur- geon OCCIDENT HOTEL, Megler & Wright proprietors ORLER L, barber Oliver W, constable * OUiver Dr, physician Orchard J C, dentist PAGE & ALLEN, groceries Parker C L, gen mdse Parker G W, groceries Parker H B, hotel PABKER W W, real estate and insur- ance agent Parsons J M E, pastor Perkins A, Eoiscopal minister PIONEER RESTAURANT, Mrs S A Arrigoni proprietress Quinn E A, groceries Raymon N D, civil engineer Reynolds A, hotel Ries P, aaloon ROBB J W, attorney atlaw anl no- tary public Rodgers J, groceries Rodgers M, repairing and machine shop as -<■ a rn m 30 s c m CD o CD (A » CD* o CD a o 3 2 a ■ o a. CD o H. WACHHORST. importer of je'^S^^^li.^lid.. 315JSt.,Sac. ,S.F. o c: H -< pairing a m r- m so C/) to 3 notions cr Astoria factory (A > tailor t Hotel ■a a. oola a- 7i arietors 00 ths and CO ister o (A DHO- baths aud W n propr nd sur- O Wright a o' 3 CD PACIFIC BUSINESS C0LLE6E. »?5,??.*i.?SSf?2?,S:'K|P s a d insur- F o 3. ers SA pi ani no- O 3 O 3 ine shop ,Sac. e e 2 o CO in c u o Hi- >^ 75 e CO u o (0 o o 00 ti w a O) 10 0) C0 o X d •0 Oregon — Astoria-Baker City, ALP'TABimOALLT. 253 Ross D, painter Ross Geo, saloon Rothe H, hotel Runey P, police judge SGHLUSSEL S> dry goods, boots, shoes and clothing Servem I M, physician Sherman & Murphy, meat market SHIP IKASTERS'^BEADINO ROOM, P Wilhelm propr Smith C J, boots and shoes Smith J, saloon Smit h L K G, cigars and tobacco SMITH W S, oyster saloon Sorenson C R, junk dealer Sovey 0, saloon Spedden R R, county clerk Spellmeir H, bootmaker SPEXABTH A G, cigars, +x)bacco, guns and ammunition SternsJjSaloon STE VIZI'S & SON, books and stationery STEWART J, marble works Taylor F J, attorney and notary public l^^LE LODGE NO 7 A F & A M. E C Holden secy TRENCHARD & UPSHUR, ship chandlerv and hardware TURLAT B B, justice of peace Turner H, saloon Twilight W H, county sheriff Uhlenhart VVm, barber VAN DUSEN A, agent Wells, Fargo & Go's E xpres s VAN DUSEN A & CO, gen mdse Wagner M, saloon WALLA WALLA RESTAURANT, Theo Broemser propr Warren & Eaton, meat market and gro ceries WASHINGTON MARKET, Bergman & Berry proprs Wat son Bros, cannery WELCSH M J, boat builder WELLS, FARGO & COS EXPRESS, A Van Dusen agent West Coast Packing Co, G W Hume agt Wieman N, saloon WILHELM P, sdoon Williams & Co's cainnery, G W Hume agent Willgren and Meagher, saloon Wilson & Fisher, groceries Winton F D, attorney at law Wirt J K, restaurant Wise M, dry goods and clothing Wright Cbas, chop house Auburn, BAKER COUNTT. CHUNG TI, gen mdse Graham Wm, gen rndsfr Littleiield D S, money broker Lung Sam, gen mdse Smith Thos, notary public Aumsville, MARION COUNTY. Asham Jos, shoemaker Cockerline M & Co, Hour mill Small Isaac H, grocers Woolfard Chas D, gen mdse Zumwalt & Skidmore, blacksmiths Aurora Mills, MARION COUNTY. Fry Wm, blacksmith Gerken O, grist mill Giesy M, drugs Giesz 1, hotel Kiel F&, Co, flour mill Keil F & Co, gen mdse Krause Geo, shoemaker Krouse S, shoe shop Krouse Thos, sawmill Perkins L, watchmaker RUGE CHAS, notary public Siesz H, tinshop Siesz N, wheelwright Smith S, wagon shop Wagner D, saddler Baker City, BAKER COUNTY, Is the county seat and has a population of 900. Its location in the lovely Pow- der valley is very pretty and desirable as a place of residence. Considerable mining is carried on and the stock-raising interests are largely developed, the graz- ing lands contributing quite liberally to that end. It is reached from Portland by the 0. S. N. Co. 'a steamers and a stage line from The Dalles, 247 miles dis- tant, and from Winnemucca by stage, distant 420 miles. Alfred Mrs M E, millinery Atwood J P, physician and surgeon Baer & Blosch, gen mdse Bailey D W, notary public Bamberger & Frank, gen mdse Basche P & Co, stoves, tin and hardware ''Bedrock Democrat," J M Shepherd & Co, proprs Bowen John, lumber Boyd E J, dentist Boyd J M, physician Brinker H, merchant tailor Brown Robert, propr sawmills and freight line CO a> 09 r- m ao » 3 f Iff If fB ? I CO H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. mm W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Wtmrrm aail 1I«bi if«. in. 114. 1M tIMl 1111 1 ■ CO i « o E T5 CO 7 IS O ■ o o o < 0. h o Ball M P, notary public Clark ft Carroll, blaoksmitht Coffey John J, notary publio Dill Frederick, liquors Dnrkee H C, manufacturer furniture and city recorder Ebert Oeo, bootmaker Elmer A B, watchmaker, jeweler and aa- aayer Erhardt Mra M, hotel Foster ft Ferguson, millinery Gardner J B, watchmaker, jeweler and dmgnst GlisanF T, liquors and billiards Grier ft Kellogir, livery and feed stable Heilner S A ft Co, gen mdae Henderson T P, hamessmaker Hulaey J B, physician Hyde T C, attorney at law and notary public Irland Mrs M, hotel Kastner Louis, City Brewery Laehner J M, hotel Lacha Julius, wagonmaker Lfithner Joseph, hotel Littlefield Charles, bootmaker Mann Peter A, hairdresser Manaudas Joseph, Cosmopolitan Hotel McCord S B, blacksmith and wagon- maker McDaniels D P, livery McGovem P, liquors Mcintosh R, carpenter and builder, plan- ing mills McKinney H N, drugs and varieties Miller W C, wagonmaker and painter Moomaw D L, collector : aige H C, agent W, F ft Co and N W Stage Company Palmer B.^os, fruits and varieties Pfeiffenbarger ft Walker, liquors Reynolds fklwin N, notarv public Ross John P, liquors and billiards Rust Henry, brewery and saloon Shepherd J M ft Co, publishers "Bed rock Democrat," Shepherd J M, attorney at law Shinn J H, notary public Shlund Frank, wagonmaker Sparks ft Secord,. liquors Stems ft Lichtenthaler, attorneys at law Stevens £ J, dentist St Louis Chi^, watchmaker, manufactur ing jewelery and musical instruments Tartar N, flouring mills, 4 miles north of Baker Tracy €reo H, books, stationery, musical merchandise and postmaster Twigg F R, carpenter and builder Virtue J W, banker Weller ft Henry, butchers Williams R, hairdresser Wisdom J W, drugs and groceries Ballsville, POLK OOUNTT. DICKSON N, real estate, postmaster and notary public Finch I V, blacksmith and wagonmaker Murry Mrs M C, hotel Bandon, coos COUNTY. Anglais L, meat market Baldwin A, wool merchant Baldwin P, minister Blacklock J, wool Blunett G, wool Bradley I, cooper Breerly Chris, foundry Butler W, gen indse CHLEMANTS H N, shipbuilder postmaster Clarke ft Dwyer, stock raisers Cox — , cannery Donnelly P, cabinet maker Erickson Wm, candies Hare E, lumber Hare J, gas-fitter Huggins Bros, engineers Huggins F, gunsmith Joyce H M, v > Joyce Mrs H, hotel Kennedy M, carpenter y Lewis A, fruit licwis J, gen mdse . ' -> Lewis Mrs, hotel Nelson ft Co, wool * , " Neilson O, hotel Meekum I, lumber Pino I, warehouse Robinson J L, fur dealer Smith C L, undertaker Smith Miss E, milliner and Beaver, . CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Howard C F, Hour mill Beaverton, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Allen O S, carpenter and painter Danks A H, wagonmaker Davis Miles ft Son, steam saw mill Fisher Jonn W, contractor HAMILTON A J, stove, railroad agent and postmaster Squires Ed, blacksmith and carriage manufacturer n o 9 o o 3 'S CD 3 5? res Brownsville Woolen Mill Standish N B, blacksmith Starr T W, physician and surgeon Thompson h), furniture Thompson ft Moyer, sash and door fac- tory Veuner J F, photographer Waters ft Morelock, gristmill Willig Phil, tailor WillMn Sam, hotel » > I § si I I la I II 51 .f * I m OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. Wt Wt MONTAGUE a CO^y pattoms^lO, UsTIh ilC and mB*t,t#i7 tSjt. r. IL CO ■I i c « Q i > o E 75 CO i c c O ■ o o < 0. Oregon — Brovmsville-Canyon City. ALrilABinCALLT. 256 BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS COMPANY. MANUFACTUKER8 OF Tweeds, Cassimeres, Flan- nels, Blankets, And all Woolen Goods, Brownsville, Oregon. Brownto N awma n F A, blacksmith NEWMAN & VINSON, hotel and livery Vinson John S, poatmafter il, POLK COUNTY. Delemater N, gen mdse Buena Vista, POLK COUNTY, Is a small villase on the Willamette river, 80 miles above Portland, where very extensive pottery works are located and whose productions find their way to every market of importtince on the Pacific (ioast. Baldwin D C, hotel Bettman & Rosenblatt^ gCL mdse Calbreath D M, drugcist Esteb & Rice, gen mase Freedman S, gen mdse Lee C D, groceries UNVILLE H, postmaster Merwin K & Co, saloon Miller Jefferson, boots and shoes Smith A M, pottery and tinware Smith J M, physician Smith Jos, sawmill Southworth L, blacksmith St John Wm, contractor and builder White F A, boots and shoes Wilcox W E, blacksmith Butte Creek, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Marquam A, gen mdse Thomas L I^ wagonmaker Butter Creek, UMATILLA COUNTY. Evarta L, gen mdse Lightfoot S G, justice of peace Butteville, MARION COUNTY. Cone B F, gen mdse Cone P J, salnon Dentz E P, shoemaker Galland S, gen mdse Hobach H, cider manufr Sawyer F F, warehouse Whitman N, saloon Camas Valley. DOUGLAS COUNTY Barr W R, gunsmith Coon J L, clergyman Johnson H B, clergyman Jones Chas, blacksmith Martindale A, postmaster Stanley J, clergyman Stephens P B & Co, sawmill ' Tenhar John, sawmill Camp Harney, GRANT COUNTY. Stevens & Snyder, gen mdse Canby, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Cole Bros, sawmill Knight Bros, gen mdse Knight Chas, drugs Canyon City, GRANT COUNTY, Is a place of no little importance, situ- ated on the John Day river, in one of the best mining distncts of the State, 295 miles from Portland reached by the O. S. N. Co. 's steamers and a stage line from The Dalles. The placer and quartz leads are rich in gold, and the products of which within the past twenty years have aggregated nearly $20,000,000. Stock-raising is extensively carried on and the development of the region seems to be of a permanent character. Good schools are an attractive feature, and the condition of the place from a sanitary standpoint is superb. It is the county seat and has good society. m ao m m o m 30 -< m c c t e c c o m % g w z u ■o G o ^ a. w CO 3 ■• o o •0 H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac .I'«^,|9WI,! -r^ W"w' ■'^*'!"*"^.!"''"' b4 ^B ■ 256 H 1 • 3 - rr • 1 and 2 E 3 0\ n s c ■s c 2 ■ r ( — « ■ • i U) • ( 3 ■ «^ ae ■ CO m I 30 I tS -< 1 B ■ U > ^ o O "S r- m 2 CO ' -- > tt r* ^ C0 CO 30 tt m o o ^ 00 o 10 r 0> a» -• Jg $ i^< H* e, situ- a o one of C/3 X State, r* C9 by the ^ s ige line ■« o quartz •oduots .1 X • y yean 00,000 1 P» •ied oi 1 - 1 seem ? o •9 Gooc ^ 3 e ^ andth anitar; ^ s count, y ? 3: PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. •r th^ «^oiiMl, )Mtt PoMt MC. ff. I.V. Oregon — Carletomr-Goos CUy, 257 VALPIIABinOAbLT. Carleton, YAMHILL COUNTY. Coldwell J B, shoemaker Fryer F J, gen mdse Powell David, shoemaker Smith J B, gen mdao Cascade Locks, WA8C0 COUNTY. Benn Alex M, gen mdse and postmaster Camerun U, gen mdse Darrh k Levins, meat market Center Bend, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Dimmick G W, gen mdse Clackamas, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Mather Arthur, gen mdse ClarksvlUe, BAKER COUNTY. Curtis W R, saloon DOOLEY J J. gen mdse and postmaster Dresher N, saloon Elliott Mrs D, hotel Pherson A M, meat market Turchin L A, bla<^.-ksmith Centerville, UMATILLA COUNTY. Caris M A, hardware and agl implts. Clemonu B D, blacksmith Cook & Irvine, druggists; agts W, F & Co and U I & stage line COOK W T, postmaster and notary public Coppock & Adams, livery Coy D G, gen mdse Dunton J & Son, wagonmakcrs Groou E S, blacksmith Hervey B E, harness and saddles Irvine J H, physician Locklard A J, grocer St Clair T C, blacksmith Sharp S T, physician Sutherland E M, gen mdse Swaggart B T, saloon Titsworth G W, grocer Wagner W, furniture Central Point, JACKSON CCUNTY. Masrruder Bros,' gen ridse McKenzie T T, flour mills J. J. DOOLET, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware, FAMILY MEDICINES. Hats, Capi, Bo3'.s, Slioss & itubbDr s, Ready-Made Clothing. Customers will find our stock complete, and sold Cheap for Cash. CLABKESVILLG, OREUOST. Cleveland, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Good F M, gen mdse Clifton, CLATSOP COUNTY. oREaoN PACKma co (j w * v Cook proprs), packers of salmon, eto SPENCER J 0, deputy postmaster Cole's Valley, DOUQLAS COUNTY, Is on the line of the 0. k C. Coast Overland Co.'s stage route, 290 miles from Redding. Chewaucan, LAKE COUNTY. Brittain T J, hotel Lewis E V, saloon O'Kelly Jno, blacksmith Steele & Cochran, gen mdse 17 O o o 30 m Columbia City, COLUMBIA COUNTY. BATJSER L A, deputy postmaster Brown T W, shoemiiker Bush Jacob, gen misa Caples C G, physician Gaples H, wholesale and retail gen mdse Harris John, oarpaater m Sac OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. J',""fl" W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., iwtMnM, m*Mm IIA. Ill 14. tl««Ml niiniiM*rrM|..H. I*. IL c a s IS ■ o t S ij. I c CO O O o o z S o < IL E 258 Oregon — Conner Creek-Gorvallia. ALPnAiinoAi.i.r. Conner Creek, BAKBR COUNTY. B3bner Fred, soloon Gritfin John, gen mdsa Coos City, OOOa COUNTV. ABRINOTON JAS M, postmuter O ■a a o 9 P CD n 09 I TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Bluraauar&Co^ '•'"•"•• •••^ IwvsUk. . r. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, 4 1 ropr ( 3 bol < ji < a s 30 I the , and -? utent f- Tha truc- o ao mado 1 WM H usto ibout ^ iitub- 00 domy a 16 I well S: r, the o drter, e» 9Litle- ivhoao o very a ndbo >le for — * Ya- $ about places 3E Buaon, 2. /steri. a ■vallis (/> ^ : o a a s and o ^4i ,ef tire O ^ l» *r s? 'Chas X o CS ^ ■« 0) p 0-¥ gents' r- ?r inters CD Eusette" o ^L5 •• , attor- s 1 estate • Or«- fU^ Dm. ValMi ■^■ ■r », P. F. ■••k* ■Miiinff, PMiiMMblp, T«i«grm)>hv. CO Oregon — Corvallia. ALPHARtmOALLV. 259 COHEN 8, clothing, dry goods, ^ents' furnishing g oods COPELAln) WM, cabinetmaker " OOBVALLTS GAZETTE," W B Car- ter propr Corvallis Plow and Agricultural Manuf Co, John P Kilton president CRAWFOKD W C, watches, clocks, jowolery, silverware, etc; repairing u specialty Drake & Grant, tsilors Dunning H P, Presbyterian minister Eglin J M, livery, foed i;ud sale stable Emery Joseph, M E minister EVANS W H, uphol!iterer Farra G B, physician Felger — , tluuriiiij mill Forsythe — , puiuter , Friendly M, Huwmill Friendly ft Senders, gen mdse Furst & Bradley, 63 North Despaines, Chicago, III GEBHABD M, cigars and tobacco Gerhard J, blacksmith Graham, Hamilton & Co, drugs, books and stationery Gray, Korthauer & Co, lionring mill Gretfoz P P, watchmaker and jeweler Green H, physician Goldson W H, druggist Groves VVm, city treasurer Htunilton W B ft Co, bankers HABBIS H £, gen mdso Haskins J J, hotel Hemphill S A, harness and saddles H BST.AP E, photographer Hodcfl G, gunsmith Holgate E, attorney at law HOBNINa & OBOVES, carding mill HOBNINO L L, carriage and wagon- maker (first-class work) Hudson R J, saloon HVFFHAN & BALDWIN, dress- makers (patterns sent by mail) HUFFMAN W T, carpenter Hughes H, brewery Irvin D B, bootmaker Irving B F, W U Tel operator and agent WORK Jacobs M, mayor Jacobs ft Nengass, gen mdse Johnson F A, physician Johnson F M, attorney at law Kantner W C, Evangelical minister Kelley Mrs J, millinery KELLT HOBS M J, dressmaker Kelsey J, attorney at law KENEDTc W, blacksmith King Solomon, livery, sheriff Kline L G ft Co, g«n mdse and agents Wells, Fargo ft Co Knig ht Mrs E A, millinery KNierT J A, furniture KNIOHT ft TTJBNEB, blacksmiths L ee J B , ph ysicia n LEWIS ft HULTZ, meat market Look 8 H, boots and shoes Mason Mrs J, milliner McFadden W 8, attorney at law and county judge McNuIty Mrs, dressmaker Mensiiiger John, blacksmith Mercer (ieo, county surveyor Miller C E, city marshal HUXEB I A, marble works Moure J 8, barber Morrill A, photcgraphpr Nash ft Readmaii, Fruit Drying Co Nuttin g G H j actorney at law OCCIDENTAL EOTEiL, Vouu^ ft Pol- ley prours P allnda y T H, bootmaker FENN J H, hardware, stovoj and tin- ware Pitman Wm, sash and door factory Powers Cyrus, saloon FUBDT A, wagonmaker BANKIN J H, fish market Ray J ft Sitn, groceries Rayburn J VV, attorney at law Rosenthal E, gents' furnishing goods SIMMONS B 0, livery, feed and sale stable • Smith W P, physician STAB SALOON, Wm Albrecht propr 8t Clair W. harness and saddles Stevens R L, Episcopal minister STOCK M ft CO, gen mdse Taylor E H, dentist TATLOB ft SON, maat market Van Linu — , Catholic priest VINCENT F A, dentist VINCENT HOUSE, Dr H W Vincent (lat e of New Enn;land House), propr VINCENT H W DB, propr Vincent House Wallace A C, carpenter Warrior H, groceries Weber J, stoves and tinware Wilson B W, county clerk WOODCOCK ft BALDWIN, hard- ware, stoves and tinware WOODCOCK M S, attorney at law and no tary p ublic WB Elaa ft HAMLIN, transfer WBENN ft HOLGATE, real estate, i nsur ance ap nts, and general agents YOUNG ft 1 JLLET, proprs Occiden- tal Hotel YANTIS J A, attorney at law and notary public e 5 j! u «i It H ••J rw PURE PORT WINE, £a Kellclial Pirposei. 302 Davit ^U S. F. mmmmm. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., W^Wt.^i-iril^ltSy'BS^YVl?' CO i c « S o o 0) CO s c c (0 O O O O z S p < a. h O 260 Oregon — Corvallis-Dallaa. AIiPHABRnOALLr. E. HESLOF, PROPBIETOB. mm n (Successor to L. GOLUSOTir.) The work done is unequ".lled on the Coast. Pictures from Miniature to Life Size. All kinds of Pictures copied and enlarged. PUPILS TAKEN ON REASONABLE TERMS. ik CORVALLIS, OREGON. Cottage Grove, LANE COUNTY. Baber R L, saloon Elliott J P, shoemaker Hazleton & Carey, blacksmiths Hazleton & Walker, flour mill McGowau G W, drugs and groceries Osborn & Co, drugs Spane A H, gen mdse Veatsch Samuel, drugs Whipple Bros, goii mdse , Cove, • UNION COUNTY. Clark J S, gen mdse French S G, flour mills Rees & Hayden, gen mdse Russell T J, blacksmith Crawfordsville, LINN COUNTY. Crawford & Fuller, planing mills Derrick H, blacksmith Glass & Bishop, gen mdse Creswell, LANE COUNTY. Belshaw & Martin, drugs Black & Allen, gen mdse Fitch H G, justice of the peace Gilfrey Juo T, gen mdse Harrington £, bootmaker HOWE N A W, gen mdse and post- master Hughes A, blacksmith Hughes John, blacksmith McGowan & Martin, hotel Scarbrough L D, physician Stevenson C, jeweler Swaggart N, hotel Turrell & Son, flour mills Dallas, POLK COUNTY, Is a pleasantly situated town of 400 in- habitants, and is reached by daily stages via Salem, 15 miles distant. The soil surrounding the place is a rich loam, and remarkably productive. It is also reached by steamboats plying on the Willamette and stage from Independence 9 miles away. The "Itcmizer," whose helm is handled by that experienced commander of the craft known so well to members of the " art preservative, " Mr. Geo. E. Good, is the only paper published here. Its circulation is such as to encourage the proprietor, and flU hira with confidence of the earthly future. Brown J F, barber Brown M C, grocer Brown W C, gen mdse Bums D N, livery stable Butler Ira F M, county judge Butler N L, lawyer Butler T L, county surveyor Campbell & Wills, furniture Collins J L, lawyer Cosper D, tinner Crider A S, cigars and tobacco and con- fectionery Daley J J, lawyer Elkiiis W S, hardware Ellis M M, county clerk Embrde T B V, physician Ford Robert, livery stable Fosf &, Grayson, saloon GOOD OEO E, publisher "Itemizer" Hall L M, sheriff Harris W G, grocer H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sao. i^ Pi ;«,110, lis, BUSINESS PENMANSHIP * n • o o VII z 0} 1 1 ^tv^ H E iieijj 3D -< g a m cd i*j I ^ CO Miniature to m 30 in }d. -■» CO 9» • aMS* 3 S CT CD (0 5 CO •o i*- » T3 c J<^ CD a. ^ gp » 1 *< c o T| i*- T, cs »wn of 400 in- a ^ by daily stages ST « ant. The soil CD id i a rich loam, « CA te. It is also < jlying on the o Independence O ^ lelm is handled CD "S nander of the P ^ embers of the CD o Jeo. E. Good, O o s led here. Its CO encourage the a to rith confidence CD o a s ; 1 o CO mJ (0 :* >< idge 2 1 ■^ c/> •Jjp yor t-^ o ire O) 1- i-4> ■ 3; CD bacco and con- TJ 3 O 3. O p • a CO a. \ O ci 2 00 "Itemiajr" o ■ a. ' • ^ NRMM ly tanKh :««. 8«0 Pont Ht.. ». P. Oregon — Dallaa-Dilley. 261 ALPHABKTICALIiT. Howe Wm, county treasurer Hubbard F K & Co, butcher Hnges C, shoemaker Huges P, shoemaker "ITEMIZEB," Geo E Good, publisher James J, jewelry Janney P shoemaker Keintoif Wm, jewelry Langworthy A J, gen mdse Lee J D, gen mdae Leigh W C, shoemaker Myer Mary C, millinery Norton E, cooper Parson M W, hotel ; Biggs & Miller, druggists Rowell C G, blacksmith Rubell Dr W H, dentist and coroner Sears D T, county assessor Simonean J, shoemaker Si tes J K , physician SMITH J D, postmaster Smith J E, blacksmith Smith T F, physician Teal J 6, wagonmaker Truitt Warren, lawyer Uglow A, miller . Waymire John, gen mdse Dardanelles, JACKSON COUNTY. Karewski G, gen mdse Nichlos & Detnering, gen mdse OLDS & CO, gen mdse RICHARDSON H W & CO, saloon RILEY 3 B, propr Dayton Hotel Uossner Adam, saloon SAYLOR A L, drugs and books, cigars and tobacco, insurance agent and postmaster Smith W K, gen mdse WATSON J T, hardware and house furnishing goods Dayton, YAMHILL COUNTY, Is a town of 200 population, situated on the Yamhill river, 30 miles from Portland. The means of access are those which are offered by a private stage line, connecting with trains on the West Side R. R. The place has a large flouring mill, several places of business, a planing mill of some capacity, and is quite a shipping point. Baxter S R, agl implts CAL L C C, harness and caddie maker CTJRTK HOUSE, J B Hutch propr DAYTON HOTEL, J B Riley propr EFTNS BROS, groceries, etc Hi llCQ III >- O CO < O lU O H CO O CO » OS u H X < < < O O CO o 262 Oregon — Dixie-East Portland. ALPIIARBTICAIiLT. Hallett J L, R R aupt Hyde E, wood JOHNS GEO S, postmaster and nurs ery McLeod A L, insurance agt McLeod Wm, gen mdse and gen frt agt Scoggin T & Wm, stock raiser Scoggin W G, blacksmith and land broker Smith T M, fancy goods Todd T P, graiu dealer Dixie, POLK COUNTT. Lucas T H, wagonmaker Tatum & Fox, gen mdse Drain, DOUGLAS COUNTY. AnlanflT Herman, saloon Drpin & Co, gen mdse , rii^h B B, blacksmith Hickothier A, shoemaker Krewson, Gardner & Co, gen mdse Kuykendill W, physician Mnlvaney & Bemis, sawmill Perkins & Son, varieties Sherrell A, hotel Stryker D S, drugs and groceries Dufur, WASCO COUNTY. WILLIAMS C D, gen public and postmaster mdse, notary Eagle Creek, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Burhardt & Witzig, gen mdse Devine & Gard, painters Elliott J \V, sawmill Elsander H W, banker Ram J T, bootmaker Wilbern H, gen mdse and postmaster Eagle Point, JACKSON COUNTV. Baker R L, physician Brown R H, gen mdse Buck J M, physician Daley A J, sawmill IHIiOW B&OS, gen mdse ; postmaster Pinkham L, justice of the peac« Pool A, blacksmith Purdin M, blacksmith ii:imon P, hotel East Portland, MULTNOUAn COUNTY, Is on the east bank of the Willamette river, directly opposite Portland, the metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, with which it is connected by steam ferry, and has a population of ),000. It is the northern terminus of the Ore- gon and California Railroad, and is the site of the State asylum for the insane. The country immediately to the east of it is perfectly beautiful at nearly all seasons of the year, while the soil is of exhaustless fertility. Its public schools are very good, while its jirivate resi- dences and places of divine worship are neat and tastily built. Angell H S, physician Barman Bros, gen mdse Barnard, O M, harness and saddles Bode Frank, grocer Breyer August, furniture Brigham D C, jeweler Bullock S, sign painter Burdin & Clurk, undertakers, I b3t 4th and 5th BTJRDIN E W, carpenter and con- tractor, I bet 4th and 5th, res cor G and 9th Carlyle Hattie, candies, 4th CHARLTON MRS C, physician, J bet 3d and 4th Clarke & Burdin, undertakers Coley H C, druggist and physician, 4th Celey H C, physician Couti 1 W F, groceries COULTER J M, groceries and cooper- age Culbertsnn T, rastaurant Dalton Wm, hardware, oils, etc, 4th DeBoes t .Tn o liquors DE BTJROH C R, contractor and builder, r.34 cor 5th and L Dennison J N, pastor M E Church DOTJI), NEWELL & CO, gen mdse. 4th Elliotu Mra C, groceries Fay John, saloon. Water and L Files J C, saloon, Wutor and L Frush Mrs A £, bearding George M C, atty at law GILLESPIE R L, hairdrassing and shaving saloon Gordon W 8, stoves and tinware, 4th Gritiiiiger Theodore, pinning mill Hawthorne Z C, physician and supt of Oregon State Insane Asylum Hill Bros, livery, feed and tale stable, I and 6th Hon G W, restaurant, Water and L Hutchinson B F, physician TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumausr & Co., l*or(luii(l. Ore« K«u. have it. P- » CD O tmmt *< ■0 C5 3! O O CO H CS 00 > o P- O .3 CO a» 60 r? ea •2 /-»« ;i 1 Cg 09 b'W B r»o o 1:4 »r > o 1^ If to ^« a it ^ \ o o n a ei 1 '■*-> nsane. 1? H Ttc. aat of 1 •ly all >il ia of 00 Kshools B 1 e resi- 3?" ^1 4t\ orahip O 1 \i Q> tn H 8 o a • ■ «'' H 1 •'^S 0) 1 ^-S 3t 4th o B> 1 H ■ 1 oon- a I ^1 cor O GL ^ h o J bet o CD a e -♦5 1th pt of ^4i P- PT ^GO CD ^ b1e,I O « i^« ^ L < ■ s Oregon — j&aa< Portland- Elkton. ALraAIWnOAU.T. 263 Hyde Fre ', barber, 4th Josephi S £, physician Kadderly J J, stoves and tinware, 4th Kirk A L, constable, 4th KERNS & OOX, books and stationery KERNS & COX, cigars, tobacco, sta- tionery, etc KERNS WILBUR, postmaster Kitchen J M, physician Krotz & Humb le, b rewery KROETZ JOHN, propr Humboldt Brewery Levy Saml, wrn mdse Listman & MuUer, furniture Logan F L, livery, feed and sale stable, "^j Lope Adam, liquors Lucas Mr3 J T, dressmaking Manning Mrs C, groceries, books and stationery Martin H, hotel Matlock & Kirk, real estate, collector and insurance agt, 4th Matlock T J, justice of peace, real estate and insurance tbut, 4th McGrew Jas, blacksmith McGuire & Beard, pubs "The Vindica- tor " and job printing Neppach & Sons, meat market, 4th Nottage G £, physician Fape B, blacksmith, 4th I'arker J B, blacksmith and wagon- mrker, 4th . Payne Frank, fonndiy POWELL JAMES, livery stable PRETTTMAN. CREITZ & CO, real estate agents. I near 4th Prettvinan W t), notary public RAITERTY BROS, druggists. J bet 3d and 4tii Kiifferty C H, physician and surgeon BlLEx M, shoemaker, 4th Kobinson & Snyers, saloon Itobitison Thos, drugs Ross & Welch, drugs Boyal W ^V, physician Ru83 H M, dentist, photographer, I Russ Mrs M A, millinery and varieties Snyers Geo, liquors Sheldim Kirk, hardware Shrogren H, blacksmith Smoer 8, restaurant Smith C B, physician Smith Mrd S, physician Smith S, physician Smith Win 8, gen mdse, cor I and 4th Struba Gus, muat market Sylvester B, blacksmith and wagon- maker Tackmier Wm, cooper Thayer C, atty at law Thayer W W, governor TWIO ROBT, meat market, 4tb and L Yerhag Futher, Catholic priest Wade h Bradley, butcher* Walders Ulrich, Itakery Went Mary, confectionery Went John, liquors West T B, gen mdse, cor 4th and L Wheeler C H, meat market, 4th WHEELER & FAFE, bakery and groceries Wolff John, shoemaker Woodward T, attorney at law, THE VINDICATOR. ^Publighed every Saturday by w. w. m'uitike. e. c. bbard. McUUIBE & BEABD, EAST PORTLAND, - - - OBEGOK. Per Tear, In advance, • •£ 50 Foar Wuekii, by Carrier, - SfiSvts.. JOB PRINTIXC. El Dorado, BAKER COUNTY. Stephenson Thos, gen'mdse Elk Flat, UNION COUNTY. Tucker J M, postmaster and justice of the peac3 0» CA CO cs 3. u I Elkton, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Baker & Co, gen mdse Baker C W, carpenter BecKley Heniy, prest Elkton Milling Co Beckley Jas W, notel Beckley Levi, road supervisor Beckley Simpson, notary public and jus- tice of the peace Blake Wilson, miller Elkton Milling Co, saw and flouring mills EMERY J B, postmaster Roberts J S, carpenter Stork Mrs J M, dressmaker Taylor A P, carpenter II I i n fig PURE PORT WINE, Or HeUciul Fitdoib, 302 Davis St., S. F. W'mmmmii. ^mmmmm 4L 4 .c p to s c o E 7i CM ? c (0 C • o o o .z s < & o I- o W. IT. mUW I WUUC « UU., 114. If and IIW Battery Htrret. W.P? 1»>4 Oregon — Ellenhurg-Eugene City. ALrRABBTIOAiiLT. Ellensburg, OOaBY COUNTY, Is a county seat, situated near the ocean on Rogue river, and is reached by sail ing vessels from San Francisco, 350 miles distant. It is surrounded by fine graz- ing and mineral lands and the scenery of the high chain of mountains is pictur esque and grand, Colvin H, blacksmith Culver D J, county assessor Cunningham T, coroner Gauntlett J H, hotel Gibson M B, county treasurer and shoe- maker Gillespie A M, county supt of schools Hazard S H, dist atty HoweL, blacksmith Hume K D, cannery Moore A H, sheriff •Saunderi? Jno, flour mills Sutton W, county clerk Strahan H, hotel i Walker J G & Co, saloon Watson J F, dist judge Woodruff D, county judge Empire City, coos COUNTY, Is on Coos Bay, a fine harbor for lisht draft steamers, 420 miles north of San Francisco, and is reached by steamship, It is in a heavily timbeied region though some farming and stock raising is carried on. It promises also to be a grod miner- al section. It is also i 55 miles south- west of Salem. Aiken A G, sheriff and dist attorney Camman H, gen mdse Campbell Jno, hotel Getty R H, livery Hazard & Hamilton, attys Jackson W, hotel Knowles & Floyd, saloon Lane Jno, county assessor Lockhnrt Wm, hotel Luse H H, sawmill and gen mdse Mackey T C, coroner and physician 3foore J F, county supt of schools Morse David Jr, gen mdse Nosier J H, county judge Reichart R, saloon Riley Jas R, saloon SGEuiTTEB FRED, postmnster and agent for Areata, Gussie and Telfair steamers to San Francisco, Cal Sengstacken H, druggists fipragne E W, saloon Stanff A C, county clerk Watson J F, dist judge Whitney H T, meat market Winchojter F, hotel Enterprise, ' BENTON COUNTY. Brooks Justus, warehouse Eola, POLK COUNTY. Grubbs Geo, blacksmith Hayde H, wagon maker Myer G W, gen mdse Wood D, saloon Eugene City, LANE COUNTY. Abrams Bros, sash and door factory Arzberzer Geo, b irhor ASTO& HOUSE, Chas Baker propr Babh A J, real estate BAKER CHAS,proprietor Astor House Bansch P, bootmaker Bellew A, livery BRIGHT J L, painter Brown J. notary public CALLISON R 0, books and stationey, groceries and county superintendent of schools CAMPBELL BROS, proprietors Eu- gene City Guard ♦ Chapman E F, gun and locksmith Cherry D & Bro, furniture Christman & Blatchley, transfer COMEGYS J J, tailor Cooper G M, broker Crain Bros, watchmakers, jewelers and music dealers Crouch & Brown, foundry and machine shop Davies L M, dentist OORRIP lENJ F. stoves, tinware and house turnishiug goods Dorris Geo B, atty at law and notary public Driver J D, minister * ■ Dunn F B, gen mdsa Durant W, meat market Eakin S B, sheriff ELLSWORT.TI & CO, drugs Eugene City Flouring Mills EUGENE CITT GUARD, Campbell Bros proprieto rs EUGENE CUT TRANSFER CO,E J McClanahan proprietor Farrell P H, marble works S (A H m m o 3d 30 m C/) CO CD PI PI e £ o tn d (0 o u a "5 (A u o H. WACHHORST. importer of jS!;:t^£iSL7m4». 315 J St., Sac ^ Ni 1« '0^ a i E' OS CO Os -1 On >. Pa t. f Pa u Pe z o Pe Pe 1- tl X 1 o Pr zs Ra o R] R] CO 1 ^ ■ Rl o Ro «9 R( < 1 • Re R( p. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, Va. mo Poflt Strert. MSAunUm thorooKlily tor BnalneMi. H ao m 3 m (0 e E 2 o ft (0 <0 o Id u 0) B O "5 60 M lan O o P ^ C^ "o «y. But X CD o Su- p> ^ ^3 •t- B (0 0> « a. ^ CD (S !^ -i nd -* >s O u -» t. ine o e (d nd 3 c? Z o a 1- ly o o CD s ^ o 0> r* <0 ^ d ell o «s CD E » <• « ^ Oregon — Eugene City-Foreat Oi'ove. 265 ALNIABmOALLr. Fitch C W, atty at law Friendly S H, gen mdse Gill J P & Co, druggists Gray J G, county treasurer OAJTSON J W, tailor HATS K B, saloon Henderson J H D, minister Hendricks T 6, gen mdse HODES G. saloon HOVEY & HUMPHREY, bankers; assignees of George Humphrey; insur- ance &nd general agents Horn G M, gunsmith Hunt A, boots and shoes Hyman I>, varieties Jackson A, photographer Jackson Mrs M M, millinery JAMES B H. stoves and tinware Johnson C F, restaurant Killingsworth J, bakery and grocery Kinsey Jno, wagons and carriages KNOX HOBACE, attorney at law and city recorder Lane County Mercantile Association, gen mdse; J H McClung manager LUGKEY J S, watchmaker and jeweler Lynch A, groceries Marx C, barber McCain J S, minister McCLANAHAN E J. Eugene Trans fer Co McClaren Jas, liquors McFarland & Bryson,millinery and dress makers McPherson B, county assessor Miller & McCornach, meat market MISEB S W, harness and saddles Nicklin A J, physician "OBEGON STATE JOTJBNAL," Geo S Kiticaid propr OSBUBN & CO, druggists Osborne VVm, physician , Ousley Dr, physician Patterson A 8, postmaster, books and stationery Patterson A W, physiciai) Pennington Mrs B 0, dressmaker Pennington B C, meat market Perkins H C, county surveyor PETEBS A V (general merchandise and W U Tele^, ^-^ .. operator Preston VVm, harness and saddles Rankin Miss A C, fancy goods BEAM J B, undertaker BENFBEW MBS A, St Charles Res- taurant BHINEHABT J B, painter Robinson ft Church, hardware B0BI5S0N B M, cigars, tobacco, oys- ters and manufacturer of candies and ice cream Rosenblatt S, cisrars aud tobacco BOSENBLATT S & CO, general mer- chandise Sharpels Dr, physician Shelton & Harris, physicians Shields J C, physician Sloan Bros, blacksmiths Steinheiser S, cigars Stevens M, variety store Thompson & Beau, attys at law, insnr- ance agts and notaries TITUS S M, livery, feed and sale stable Townsin Wm H, bootmaker Underwood Bros, agts Wells, Fargo ft Co's express Van Houten B C, insurance agt Vogel Jos, bakery WALTON JOSHUA J, county judge, attorney at law and insurance agent Ware Joel, county clerk Warshauer S, dry goods Wilkins F M, druggist Winters A, photographer Wooley A, pastor Presb'y church Withrow Mrs M A, dressmaker Fair Grounds, MARION COUNTS. Gies Chas, saloon Fair Oaks, DOUGLAS COUNTT. Sutherlin S, gen mdse Fairfield, MARION COUNTr. I Breyman E A ft Co, gen mdse Fern Hill, CLATSOP COUNTY. Dennis H T, postmaster Forest Grove, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Is 27 miles from Portland, on the West Side R R, and has a population of 300, which for some reason does not increase very rapidly. It has a pleasant locu- tion and is backed by a very productive agricultural district, which brings it in- to prominent notice by its largo ship- ments of cereals and other products. It is the site of the Pacific University and Tualitin Academy, classical and mili- tary institutions. Barrett H L, gen mdse SB -< S c= CO o a> -H O 30 m v. h i a? H SI ft II I n :S v§ H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. WW llhMTAfillF A rn •lM>e« IMS. an •!«» ■■« XaaiWn, lio. 266 Oregon — Forest Orove-Oervaia. i c 75 S s N > O E 75 CO 7 CO O ■ O o o < CL I- O ALraABCTICAU.r. Boot J G, hardware BOWIBT W, physician CLOW J H, variety store FOREST OBOVE HOTEL, Mm Sloan, propr HiUfPTON A H, propr Hampton House HAMPTON HOUSE, A H Hampton proprietor Harper & Walker, boots and shoes HUlMAN A, gen mdse and postmaster Hoxter W D, gen mdse Hudson W S, macksmith Hughes S, hardware and farmers implo' ments » Hyde H O, gen mdse MEYE& I, druggist ond real estate Pacitic University, J W Marsh prin SAPPmOTON & CO, meat market Sheane K, photographer SLOAN HBS C. propr Forest Grove Hotel SMITH & BXTKTON, furniture and undertakers Williams John, meat market Wills K P, gen mdse Franklin, LANE COUNTY. Bryant Geo, hotel Burgess H F, gen mdse Dent H, hotel Smith Daniel, livery stable Thomas G, blacksmith Galesville, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Chrisman Richard, blacksmith Levens D A, gen mdse Levens Wui, notel Newman J, blacksmith Gardiner, DOUULAS COUNTY. Brown L F, drugs Buchard E A, gen mdse Dan D F, saloon , Grills Mrs M, varieties Hinsdale G S & Co, gen mdse and saw mill Knownholm J J, hotel McGee W D, hotel Beid k Nelson, saloon, Simpson A M & Bro, gen mdse Varrelmaa F, saloon Oaston, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Brock Geo, hotel Campbell W C, blacksmith and wagon- maker in mdse postmaster Raymond Bros, gen BAYMONSCH, Oervais, MARION COUNTY. Brown S ft Co, gen mdse Cooley J H, livery Coolidge A, sawmill Coulter J L, gen mdse Crete Isaac, snoemaker Cusick W A, physician Egan W H, te?cher Goodman N, gea mdse Hair Mrs J T, hotel Henderson T H Rev, pastor Methodist church Kaneiiisky M, gen mdse Keppinger B, slioemaker Knessel Wm, tinner Matt Joe, saloon Mitchell I, gen mdse Mitchell M, cigars and postmaster Nathman ft Nichels, blacksmiths Segnin Louis, saloon Smith J \V, grocer Stevens B P, painter Stewart P G, jeweler Sullins J J, saloon Sutter E 0, drugs Taylor J D, saddler Taylor & Karster, meat market Thibendeau 0, saloon Thrall J, wagonmaker ' Vronman J B, carpenter White Mrs, milliner WUliams J S, agt ft C R R M. MITCHELL, Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars, BOOKS, Stationery, Sheet Music, Periodicals, etc. Oervais, Oregon. 03 B s* w o a o .■^ O 2. CD o 3 '3 CD ? O "a ■ "J CD « to CD O 5' e^TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. .OH PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ••'tJKlnJIISSSSlJ ?i5v.ffi L H 6N « • h I O o c '>» CL O J a Of a o CO Oregon — G2a<2 Tidings-Harriahurgh. 267 ALPIIARmiCAIiLr. Olad Tidings, CLACKAMAS C0UNT7. SteTenB Lovell, blacksmith Olencoe, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Brada James, hotel Connell Wm, blacksmith Fowler J J, gen mdse Johnson Wm B, suloon Muki C W ft Biley, flouring mill Goshen, LANE COUNTY. Hunsacker Bros, gen mdse Matlock Bros, gen mdse Grand Sonde, POLK COUNTY. Litchfield G C, gen mdsa , ' Granite, GRANT COUNTY. Taber — , gen mdse Greenville, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Huds3n C H, wagonmaker Inglos B B, blacksmith Mnnni'iK ft Russell, siiwmill FIERCE & MOOBE, gen mdso Grove Spring, BAKER COUNTY. EMMONS W B, postmaster <>luiiu W 8, gen mdse Tilaou J T, notary public Halsey, LINN COUNTY, Is a station and postoffice on the 0. C. R. R., 98 miles south of Portland, prettily located and commands a fair trade with the adjacent country. It depends on agriculture. Allen B H. blacksmith Barton Mias Sarah, milliner Bassett ft AUingham, planing mill BlackTJ, man Halsey Store and Ware- house Co Bkiaine liouis, hairdresser Cliue C* A, blacksmith Crawford Tames, harness maker Francis W W, bootmaker, Grebb L, groceries Halsey Hotel, H Penlan propr Halsey Store and Warehouse Co, T J Black man, gen mdse and storage Hayes 8 8, druggist Hughbanks Mrs M, millinery Kooutz M V, gen mdse, agt W, F ft Co and postmaster McFarlaud \V H, stoves and tinware Moore B F, wagonmaker Pearl J A, meat mnrket Penlund H, propr Halsey hotel Rector James, furniture Smith W P, drugs, books and stationery Starr P T, stoves and tinware Thompson Jacob, livery stable Thompson J H, agt ft C R R Co and W U Tel Co Thompson J ft Sons, gen mdse Harrisburgh, LINN COUNTY, Situated on the O ft N R R, 106 miles from Portland. It is a rich agricultural section. It has no manufactories. A weekly paper, the "Review," has just been issued. It contains one hotel, and several general business, houses. It has a good select school. It contains about 5(X) inhabitants Allison J M, propr •' Review " ALPHA HOUSE, J F Fronk, propr BBAMWELL W J, harness and sad- dles Brandenburg G W, watchmaker, jeweler an d eg g raver BBOWN LOUIS, liquors Canter A T, carpenter CBAW-FOBD J Q, photographer and job printer Curtis Misses, millinery Davis H A, physician Douglass L, p1ani:ig mill, carpenter Prisco W T, carpenter Ferri er M rs A E, millinery FBONK J F. propr Alpha House "HABBISBUBan BEVIEW." J M Allison propr Hay J, carpenter Hendee 8 B, agt O ft C R R and W U Tel opr, depot HO CO CO s 3 0> 3. i 8*1 h h 1^1 H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. ^ mmm mmmm W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Pamiw S0d Iron Pipe, all ■!■«■, IIO, 119, 114, llttiind UN tery mtrttft, «. P. ■ Ik (Q s p s & > C O E 75 CO •8 c c O ■ o o o < IL ♦- I- O 2C8 Oregon— Harriahurgh-Hillahorough. alfiiabbticai.lt. Hendrex J F, physician Holt B R, livery, feed and sale stable Hyde Marion, meat market I8HAH G W, justice o!^he peace Linnean Academy, S S Train prinl Martin W P, carpenter MAY & SENDERS, gen mdse Mendenhall W F, physician MORQAN FRANK, tuilor Morris & Cox, blacksmiths Porter T, principal public school RAMPT R A, druggist REAMS HENRY, furniture RILEY JAMES* barber, notary public SELLER & FALK, gen mdse SMITH & BRASFIELD, gen mdse, agt of VV, F & Go's express, ins agts, postmaster Smith k Briggs, flouring mills SMITH DAMON, druggists ! Smith J H, atty at law ] , Smith W B, meat market TALLEY WM, saloon Tandy E N, atty at law THURSTON LODGE A F & A M, Sig Falk secty TOMPKINS P, stoves and tinware Williams W A, physician Williams Wm, physician Wilman P, harness maker Willoughby R L, dentist Windom 8c Scott, carriage maker WOODBTJRY S R. blacksmith and machinist J. G. CRAWFORD, Portrait and Landscape Artist, HABBISBUBaH, OHEQOIT. I have the finest colloction of Stcrcnssop'c Views of Oregron Scenery in the 8tatc. fimbtacing Views of Columbia Biver, Willamette Eiver, Santiam River, Oreron City, Junction City, Soda Springs, Sodaville, Oregon State Penitentiary, Salem, Albany, Ijebenon, Harriaburg, &c. Heppner, UMATUr.A. COUNTY. Dennis & Hewison, fioar mill Gilmore J W, hotel Hallock O H, drugs Hayden D M, blacksmith Heppner Henry, gen mdse Kathan W, saloon ^ Kirk Bros, saddlers Leizer W J, tinware McGovem & Lichtenthal. shocmakeri Maddock &, Bishop, gen mdso Matteson & Bro, saloon Morrow & Son, gen mdso \ Shobe A J, drugs Stephenson A J, brewery Swaggart G W, saloon Warren Wm, dry goods and millinery Highland/ CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Tarwood D & Son, gen mdsa Wallace G, gen mdsa and postmaster Hillsborough, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Is distant from Portland 20 miles, and is situated on the Oregon Central R. R. It is the county seat, has a nice Court House, several places of business, a weekly newspaper, the "Independent," and a population of 500. It is very pleasantly located, and the County Agricultural Association hold their fairs here each year. The county is one of the best in the State. AXTELL G W, painter, office Dreery S tore ARCHBOLD A C, gen mdse Bailey F A, physician Boyce A Y, dentist BROWN E M< druggist and physician BROWN MARY A, postmistress Cave R, hardware DAVIS T W, carpenter and builder DUNCAN E, propr Tuallatin House FINNEY A, blacksmith, plow and wafjomnaker GREENE E C. barber HallJ C, county surveyor Hehrung H, furniture Hord G L, physician Lambkins S, tinware LAUGHLIN C, livery Luelling A W, county clerk Mathews J B, sheriff McKenney C, saloon McKINNEYCV, livery MTr.T.T.R & McDONAU). blacksmiths and wagonmakers MORGAN J W, deputy county clerk Orth John, shoemaker PIO G H, boots and shoes PITTENGER W D, gen mdse and county treasurer SEGERS & "ELEJJOtQ, meat market s, QIRICf Cai» JTawelfjr, Dlamouda, v ■ 9 J Oiif oau ^ mmm PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, Ho. mo PMt mrwt. lM«e«t* thoroashly for Baalaroa. er ae and s CO 58 ■0 o nitha derk o and :et 3 o • E (d u a (d 0) lA (d cd 2 "55 o o 00 o Id (/) e» fd C0 o CO o •9 Oregon — JE/ ilhhorough- Independence. 269 ALPIIABBTIUALLT. SMITH MAS C B, proprietress Wash injzton Hotel Smith W K, county judge SOXJTHWORTH P B, cigars and to bacco Stagg Thos H, harness and saddles Strusscr L, saloon Taylor O W, harness and saddles Tongues T H, attorney Tozier C T. county assessor TUALITIN HOUSE, E Duncan propr "WASHINGTON COTJNTT INDE PENDENT," H B Luce editor WASHINGTON HOTEL, Mrs B Sm ith propr WILEY R E, saloon, Main Williams L, groceries Hood River, WASCO COUNTY. Adams W L, drug store and hotel Barrett P G, physician CLtrk Newton, justice of the peace Lacky Nelson, blacksmith Neal John, sawmill Rogers & 8ons, flouring mill ,"'"\ Smith £ L, gen mdse Smith Lyman, sawmill STRONAHAN ADELIA A, postmis tress Stronohan O L, architect and builder Howard/ WASCO COUNTY. Blevins P, brewer Corum Henry, saloon Howard John, sawmill Miller L W, blacksmith Scott Wm, hotel Thompson A F, shoemaker Vauetta B F, gen mdse Hubbard, MARION COUNTY. Ashcraft John, blacksmith Friad M, gen mdse Fry S W, jewelry OLEASON a o, gen mdse and post- master Gray A, gen mdse Huush J H, physician How 8 T, dentist James Thomas, hotel Moshbcrger — , blacksmith Steinbayer John, blacksmith Taylor Geo, saloon W iley S, bootmaker Wooley A, shoemaker Wongerman G, harnessmaker Humboldt, BAKER COUNTY. Beers R, gen mdse Blair J, liTacksmith Copeland & Williams, gen mdse Independence, POLK COUNTY, Is on the line of the O. and C. R. R., 87 miles from Portland, and also on the Willamette. It is a growing, well-built town of 700 inhabitants, has a weekly newspaper, and is the shipping point for the bulk of grain produced in that sec- tion of the county. Its business men are energetic, enterprising and liberal; its society is good, and its liealthful fea- tures attractive. Howell Prairie, MARION COUNTY, It) on the stage road leading from Salem, the capital of the State and county seat, to Silverton, nine miles from the former place. The country surrounding it is strictly agricultural. ELLEDGE D W, gen master Stone S C, physician Swarts R L, lumber mdse and post- CO -I m o I i f to 3 con- and Assal A, neat market Belc & Son. gen mdse Bians H C, saloon Butler H J, harness and saddles Carlyle G, barber CASE G W, cigars, tobacco and fectionery COOPER & JOHNSON, saloon billiard hall Cooper J S, livery and feed stable DAVIDSON & LEE, physicians and surgeons Deminc A, bootmaker DODDER G W, tailor and repairing Graves C A, hotel Hedge, Burch & Co, sawmill Henkle E "t, barber HodginW L, postmaster IRVINE J P, groceries Kennedy & Chishan, wagonmakera Layton P D, tinner r\ PURE PORT WINE, for HedlcM FnrDOses, 302 Davis SU S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & co.,"*:ar?fo"^ llaiifira. too durmitt ilMi. iijrlM aM I, IK. 114, lie Md 111 Bftttorr M<. B. r. ,270 CO & e m i o CQ s 3 ito IL 18 c c (0 O ■ O o o z s p V z t o Oregon — Independence-Jacksonville. Ai.nfAiiirricAi.i.r Leonard & Oriswold, groceries LlJMi tS H M, furniture and undertaker MATHEWS JOSEPH, propr Revere Houae Moloney & Wheeler, blacksmith* Odulf A, gen mdae Pipe* M L, justice of the peace Piper W G, attorney P opplet on Ezra, gen mdse REVERE HOuSE, Joseph Mathews propr Riess Bros ft Doudy, XL Flour and Shingle Mills Riess Bros ft Whitoaker, stoves, tinware and farm implements Robertson ft Cooper, drugs and jewelry Roberts J M, dentist Rosendorf ft Hirschber, gen mdse Rowe E, wood turning mill Siniter F W ft F, meat market SLOPER BROS, grist mill and ware- house SLOPER C, sawmill SLOPER G W & J N, livery and feed stable ^^ SLOPER ft KELSO, gen mdse Smith R M, drugs •• THE RIVERSIDE," Quivey ft Wal- ler publishers Vi nduyn ft Smith, gen mdse WALLACE W. saloon Waller £ C, milliner Indian Valley, UNION COUNTY. Bennett W, stock raiser Boly M, clergyman McKenney C, strloon Cummins W, stool' raiser Elliott R. clersryman MORBIS M B, postmaster and phys: cian Wagner G J, sawmill Weaver I F, clergyman Irving Station. Basserman J E, gen mdse Conrad A J, hotel Cunningham 0, blacksmith and dealer in agr icnlt ural implements KITCHEN J H, druggist and post master Isabel, LANS COUNTY. COLE & postmaster Island City, UNION COUNTY. Berry J M, hotel Bussey E F, blacksmith Cuirnes ft Sterling, ilour mill Carter J L, drugs CuUen ft VViins, spddlers Dorria W H, tinware Frank Bros, agricultural implements Goodiiough Chas, gen mdse Harrison W A, wagonmaker Lindsay ft Barnhart, saloon Ryners.m Bros, blacksmiths Smith F K, blacksmith Sommer, Buer ft Co, gen mdse Jacksonville, JACKSON COUNTY, Is a pretty and prosperous town in the southern part of the State, 300 mden from Portland and 175 miles from Red- dins. It is delightfully situated on Jackson creek, a tributary of Rogue river, and is the chief commercial point. It is the county seat and has daily muils and communication with Roseburg and Redding by stages of the 0. and C Coast Stage Co. There arc rich silver and gold miues in the immediate vicinity, both placer and quartz, and the valley in which it is built comprises some of the finest grazing and farming lands in the State. Its schools are of a hi>(h ortler, its society excellent and its resi- dents congenial and hospitable. The population is ubaut 800. There are two papers published here, the "Oregon Sentinel and the " Democratic Times, " both ably conducted under efficient mauagerd. The climate is very fine and the sceuery picturesque. Aiken G H, physician Ankeney A P, propr Sterling mine Antenrieth E H, attorney BECKMAN C C, bank and W, F ft Go's exprf-^s office Berry 1 VV, millinery Bilger Mrs J, stoves and tinware Breckenfield F, varieties Britt Peter, photographer BROOKS E C, drugs and jewelry Bybee Wm, sheriff Cardwell Misses D ft M, millinery Cardwell J A ft Son, livery and feed stable Carter J L& Son, painters Coleman C, gen mdse Danforth L, physician I 3 s o CO Ul ■SHI a (/I CD to t O 4-* g tn 1 CD « » ftCo'i P 0) »3f r* k> 9 CD ■ r s 1- 1 feec I - < <■ 1 .Ore* 1 ▼elt. ■ Oregon — Jackaonville-Jundion City. 271 ALPHAIinOALLr. Doy Silas J, county iudge '*D£MOCRATIO TliXS," C Nickell editor and propr Dillon M, saloon Douegan Jno, blacksmith Donegan P, blacksmith Dowell B V, atty at law DRUM J groceries Elliott G W, gen mdse Feathers D U, tailor and sawing machine agent EICK H, meat market FISHEa & GOHH. gen mdse Fisher Newman, gen mJse and county treasurer Foudra^ E D, county recorder Fou Uin J D, county supt schools FRANCO-AHEEIGAirHO TEL, Jane Uo.t propridtreaa Oanung L G, dressmaking Gmldanl B (J, county assessor OROB ft TTLRICU, a doon and bakery Uauna H K, district judge Hanna S P, wagoumaker Uoflinan Wm, conveyancer, notary pub lie and stationery " ^ Howard C J, county surveyor HOWARD J S, gen mdse HOWARD J gf ft SON, civil engi- neers Hnifer J H, justice of peace Jackson W, dentist JACKSON VILLE HOTEL, O M Co- bum propr. Third JACOBS £, gen mdse Jones A C, lawyer , Jones S P, saloon Judge H, harness and saddles Kaluer & Bro, drugs and books Kahler C W, atty at law Kelly H, at)ty at law Kent T B, notary publio Kerewsky G, gen mdse Krause Frank, manager W U Tel Co Kubli K, gen mdse Langell N, boots and shoes Linn D, furniture Luy D, bootmaker Manning J W, livery Marques J, groceries Mensor H, gen mdse Mensor Wm, notions and fancy goods MILLER D C, blacksmith Miller J, guns and ammunition Miller Max, postmaster Myer J, wagonmaker Neil J R, lawyer and dist atty NOLAND ft McDANIEL, saloon and billiards Orth John, meat market FAFE H saloon Plymale W J, livery and feed stable Prim Mrs P P, millinery HIJ AT IffS BROS, gen mdse RIISUHARi) F, watchmaker and jeweler ROSTEL R New York hairdreMing saloon Ryan P J, sen mdse Savage C W, s.iloou SGHUMFF 0, City Barber Shop and Baths Schtttz V, brswery Solomon L, gen mds3 "THE OREGON KENTIHEL." Krause & Turner VROOMAN M> physician and surgeon WATTSON E B, attorney at law and county ttlerk Weber Henry, shoemaker Witterer Mrs F, Brewery WINJEN ft HELMS, aaloon and bil. Hard hall WOLTERS JNO, bakery Iff m o Jefferson, MARION OOUNTT. Baum S, gen mdse Brown J R, drugs Hamilton B W £ Son, gen mdse Hearn Edward, harness and saddlery Lynes David, moat market Mott A B, blacksmith Rigdon 8c W^aterman, lumbar ROLAND C B, postmaster ROLAND CB ft CO, gen mdss Rowland J W, confectioner Tauzler & Son, bootmakers Thomas, Thompson & Co, flour mills Vaughn Eli, wagoumaker Walters Ralph, hotel Waters Ralph, hotel i \ i H i Jordan Valley, BAKBR COUNTY. BAXTER J R, postmaster erul merchandise and gen- 3 &c. Junction City, LANE COUNTY, Is a small town on the line of the O. R. R., 110 miles south of Portland. Trains stop here for dinner. It con- tains one hotel, kept by J. H. Berr^. A good farming country surrounds it. Population about 3u0. Baber W H, gen mdse Baughman W H, livery stable BeeM J M, bootmaker * H. PALKSER A CO., Frontionan Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. mmmm ^r^mmm pp^ w^ ^^'m Wi W. MONTAGUE « CO.^ paturn^'lio. lll m. {le mmI ll8B»tt0ryM.,S, ~ r. CO i c « Z e i (0 I s c (0 O O o c S o < a o z p H 3 O 272 Oregon — Junction City-Lafayette. ALriUllltTIOALLT. Berry J H, hotel Blow Jnn, bliiclcBmith Bramlenburg S, wutchmaker Bailor J J, harness nud saddlery Cherry Jos, furniture Cleek ft Lewis, moat market Craig Al, liquors Craw Geo F, agent W, F ft Co, W U Tel Co and O ft C R R and notary pub lie Dreskil Wm, blacksmith Gilmore N, hotel Hanna ft Bro, blacksmiths Henderson E H, barber HOUSTON J E, boarding house Kratz ft Munch, Houring mills Kreutz J C, bootmaker Lafferty ft Quinn, groceries I^e N L, physician Lee W C 4 Co, drugs Milliom F A, wagonmaker and notary public Mulhollnnd R M, druggist Porter ft Parker, editors " Republican " Pritchard D T, jeweler Queener J H, dentist Salomon L, gen mdae Starr ft Son, stoves and tinware Sternberg, Senders ft Co, gen mdse Thompson T O, wagonmaker Williams ft Oriswofd, liquors Wortman ft Sons, gen mdse Wright J W, atty at law King's Valley, BKNTON COUNTY. Ch ambe rs ft CojCrist mill CANNOR & CROSNO, gen mdse Maxtield H T, harnessmaker Newman ft Son, blacksmith Price L G, blacksmith Klamath Agency, LAKE COUNTY. A postoffloe. NICKERSON L M, Indian agent and postmaster Knappa, CLATSOP COUNTY. Knapp A J, lumber and gen mdse Kellogg, DOUGLAS COUNTY. KELLOQO A B, postmaster Kerby, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. County Seat. Adams A J, county supt 'i Bain J W, blacksmith Cruse Kate, physician De Lamater N, gen mdse and postmaster Floyd T F, county judge and postmaster Huges James, saloon Hughes ft Adams, liquors Hughes Charles, county clerk Kruse C, shoemaker ' Lewis J P, county assessor Naucke Wm, gen mdse and condty treas Rider M, hotel Sifers J B, miller Smith J M, deputy postmaster Taylor J, county sheriff Trimble James, blacksmith Lafayeti YAMHILL OOUN'. , Is located on the Yamhill river, six miles above its mouth, and is distant from Portland via Willamette SO miles. It is also a station on the Oregon Central Railroad, has a population of 300 and is the county seat. The country surrounding the place is fertile, an Dw Fos o t) ITal a IT Ha> (0 ml Hea o Hen 3 CD ? Hin V» Hui (0 Johi $ U Lad Z "L (0 o H Xti h- Lebi €0 X McC ^ o Pprh O 3 O z IJob; Snoi 3. 1 . He a 1 <^ Som 1 .: Web O 3 Colw H. WACHHORSL importer of ae'S;L,;%:!L';:;d.. 315JSt.,Sao. H. I PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, -^JSSSrrSSSfi.'tSiS; I i e o 1 u o e rt u C9 o X (0 ■ •9 Oregon — La Grande-Leha'i^n. ALrilABmCALI.T. 273 OLDS J H, propr Euex Hotel Perkins F, barber BODERS_Et 1 HbhI c I ^^V^HEMii o i MBJIi^B^^Kii £ f f MHBBI « 1 IffiHi ■ • U 1 MwilSIBWl'EilllM "i ^ t^nUP c iHl^MfraDRL c 1 <'^i«iillliKi m : mmm O ■w^ ■ o o |l|p '^^WKi o I 'Wi z t^WH' o Iml^^yfmPii < li^H^il! IL i^^^n 1 O fIr^mMI z !■ > ' nPvHN^H .1- ^ ^WWtjWt'BWWJMW||IH 3 B O m If ■ HHIW I HOUC ublio Marion, - \ MARION COUNTY. Johns J M, gen mdsa Odea A V & J N, geu mdsa Siler B F , hotel and grain warehousa EXJTEERFORD R H, po8tir:.dtQr Marshfield, coos COUNTY, Is a postoffice, 4 miles from Lmpiro City. Bear Jno, saloon Chilson B F, jewelry ^ Cleaves I R, jewelry Conuell E O, hardware and tinware Doan E B & Co, gen mds? and sawmill Dcubner W C, blacksmith Devine T» boot and shoemaker Eliot VVm, blacksmitli Ferry & Bailey, hotel Golden C B, physician and druggist Harman J, blacksmith Haywood E, saloon Holland D, meat market Keuyon Jno, toys and notions Keragan M, hotel Lobree A, gen mdse and sawmill Mark F, furniture McColgan O, blacksmith Nasbura; & Hirst, gen mdse Owen T G, atty at law Reichart Wm, brewery and saloon deglin & Bennett, pub "Coos Bay News" Seglin J M, atty at law Smith £, dentist Stora Jno, saloon Timmerman F, maat market Tower C W, physician and surgeon Ward & Shingle, saloon Webster G, atty at law Webster W G, boots and shoes Werdea Bros, hotel Whitney H P, maat market McKenzie Bridge, LANE COUNTY. Foley A N, physician and propr Hot Springs Hill H T & Son, hotel Powers A S, mail contractor RENFREW F C, notary public and postmaster Sims J W, blacksmith Wycoff & Settle, propra Hot Sprir-^i (Belknap) McMinnville, YAMHILL COUNTY, Is on the line of the O;ogon Central Rail- road, about 5.3 miles from Portland. It has a population of 400, supports a good new8pap3r. tho "Yamhill Sep i'ter," and muiiitiuns a good school as well as other eiitsrpriaes. Its residents ars gen- ial and public-spirited, and it contains some V ?y nice places of business and private residences. ADAMS H & CO, Nestucka Sawmill, Lumbjrin r & Manufacturing Co. Bangfasser G & Son, gen mdse B >rnum G F, carpanter Bettmm L, gen mdse Booth W T, blacksmith Brown B F, boots and shoes Caswoll J, saloon CENTRAL HOTEL, J A Grosn propr Dielschaieder A, gen mdse Dunzer C, furnituro Eccleston E, bootmaker Edans H, harness and saddles Feker M, s iloon GARRISON W J, meat market GROSS J A, propr Central Hotel Harding E X, Tbootmaker HARDING S F, attorney and notary public Hartman Bros, gen mdse HENDERSON W G. Uvery and feed stable ao s c5 00 ■H O 30 I] II ^1 ^^ H 3.3 n K *l • •^ fit OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. IL CO c 9 W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., 't^rtlStln^irt^^'Siy'^S^rAH'!' o E « CO IB o ■ o o o < Q. 276 Oregon — McMinnviUe-Molalla. ALPUABCnCALLT. HODSON A H, hardware stoves and tinware HoU Wm, watchmaker Howard H B, painter Johnson C D, blacksmith Manning S A, tinware McOUIBE J, propr McMinnville Hotel MoMINNVILLE HOTEL, J McGuire propr, 4th and B sts MITCHELL & WARREN, gen mdse Nelson R, wagonmaker Nelson k Wafiace, bakery RUSS HOUSE, Mrs M A Wood propr Sax John J, flouring mill Snellins; G V, painter STMONS C, merchant tailor Todd R H, drugs Turner Bros, drugs Turner D H, postmaster Vanatta J J, city marshal Wyndham A C, baths and barber Young S A, physician D. H. TURNER. W. B. TURNER. TTTBITEB BBOS., DRUGGISTS i APOTHECARIES A ful;. line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Spon^^es, &c., constantly on hand at lowest prices In the city. McMinnville, Oregon. Mehamah) MARION COUNTY. Morris P, gen'mdse Middleton, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Winter John, gen mdse Miller's Station, LINN COUNTY. CROOKS J T, postmaster Fisher E T T. surveyor Johnson W, justice of peace and agt & C R R Co Miller Francis, blacksmith Miller I D, Grange Warehouse Newman H, gen mdse Milton, UMATILLA COUNTY. Brown W*S, planing mill and shmsrle mill Dustan Jno, livery and feed stable OHOLSON JNO F, deputy postmaster and variety store, cigars and tobacco, Yankee notions, eto Kreguer H, saloon Lewis J, saloon McDonald J, blacksmith Miller Jno. grist mill Palmer W P, phdtographer Richie Bros, meat market , Spencer W D, blacksmith Weston E W, physician Williamson Jno B, gen mdse , < Wonnington M V B, gen mdse Milwaukee, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, Is a postoffice on the O. & C. R. R., seven miles from Portland. It was once an important little place, but is now "much the worse for wear." Cahn I S, gen mdse Ware Stephen, blacksmith Mitchell, WASCO COUNTY. Giles & McCoy, sawmill Master^en Geo, blacksmith McCallum H, physician McCown J, gen mdse SARGENT I N, gen mdae, hotel and W postmaster are S, blacksmith Mohawk, LANE COUNTY. HOUSTON F B, postmaster Molalla, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Collin Geo, saloon Mayer Laramie, gen mdse Moody Bros, gen mdse Renearson F B, dru(,s and physician Sanford Richard, druss Stewart Charles, blacksmith Zeick John, blacksmith o 30 ■< m m so CO ta o M C 0> 3 CO e ? H. WACNHORST calls attention '*A!;%"v".V";^,Sl'" 315 J St. mm iiliffaiipip*i"9"""i"imfi iiM10,11)|. ;rc«t. M. V. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PHWtkwIly; taaSht at PACIFIC BITMf • W BMW C01<1^«3K. »fM Pont m^ M. F. ■ ■ Ty ^^B, o 3 ^^V c ^1 ^^H E »TY. I 1 and shmgle id stable by postmaster ^1 and tobacco, 30 ^H h (/> ■ ^ 1 a I IT) r C3> H (0 CD ^1 ;; 1 (d H e Ise o ndse ^^B !tl ee, «< ■ •s JNTT, ^1 t •. & C. R. R., 1. It was once 00 ■ 0) e. but is now ?^ H (/) r." o^ ■ ^ I o o ^ I OQ h sp ^1 o ~ 1 (tf ■ • o Or ^B le O 1 «9 id physician Id >- I- 5 o CO OS < < S CO o III u CO 4 i I- co o liii. Ul h >< < Z o u w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., '»^;s*?a"iiggmyiiL?t:yg^gfe 278 Oregon — Needy-North YamhUl. ALPHABVnCAbLT. Needy, OLACKAMAS COUNTY. Hardesty & Seonee, gen mdse Scott I 8, carpenter Sfionee J R, postmaster Wheeler H H, blacksmith Nestocton, TILLAMOOK COUNTY. Cohn St, Rosenfeld, gen mdse Htttcbins B P, gen mdse New Era, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, Is a new and prosperous town on the 0, & C. R. R., 21 miles from Portland. J, Casto is postmaster. GASTO JOSEPH, postmaster, physi cian and druggist Eaves M W, grist mill Foster J G, dry goods and groceries Parrot Jos, gen mdse Reif Jne, boots and shoes Taylor J M, architect and builder Vetetoo G W, drayman Zeecke I, blacksmith New Pine Creek, LAKE COUNTY. Brown & Cloud, blacksmiths Holliday & Co, sawmill and planing mill LOPEK B, state Line Milling Co and postmaster Moss S, State Line Milling Oonipany Robnett J & Co,State Line Milling Com- pany State Line Milling Co, gen mdse and grist mill Newport, BENTON COUNTY. Abbey P M, hotel Case S, gen mdse Hammond W, gen mdse Parker — , sawmill Williams C H, gen mdso Williams E, saloon Newellsyille, MARION COUNTY. HoefTer Gus, blacksmith Jette & Clark, gen mdae Norfolk, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Lyster John, hotel Mead H J, blacksmith MELVIN M M, notary public and postmaster North Canyonville, DOUGLAS COUNTY, Is 27 miles from Roseburg and 227 miles from Portland, and situated on the line of the California and Oregon Stage Company, and is a town of some im- portance as a mining and trading point. Aizner John L, blacksmith and general merchandise Blackwood W H, saloon COLVIG G W, druggist and operator W U Tel Co GROW S B, jeweler and photographer Gaunt T C, shoemaker Hackley Wm, blacksmith Harvey C, painter Hilton E O, livery KIMMEL C, wagonmaker LEVENS D A, gen mdse, grist mUl and hotel Levens H C, livery . Manning W, postmaster MERBiICSK C H, physician, office over postoffice Overland Hotel, J Beverley propr Packard J J, sawmill Parsley D, furniture Pickett & Wilson, sawmill Riddle k Manning, gen mdse; express ROBERTS N, Arcade Saloon SALTONSTALL D, tinware k stoves Schultz A F, flouring mills SMITH W, watchmaker and jeweler Stacey L, meat market Stenger L, saloon and brewery Toklas, Baden & Co, gen mdse Webb H P, notary Woods A E, harness and saddles North Powder, BAKER COUNTY, Welch Jas, postmaster North Tamhill, YAMHILL COUNTY. Ball William, carnage and wagonmaker Bedwell & Co, gen mdse TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMAtiSM KING. 3^ n 'I 00 c o CD o S. o o o 3 '3 o 0} CD 1 CD « 0> CD O Piipilippip BUSINESS PENMANSHIP 'TSSryggKgaiigSS^gSfc S % cus ce o- r ft C 0. (8 ♦^ C 3 lb 09 (0 (0 Oregon — Norton-Oregon City. 279 ALPHABVnOALLT. Edwards J D, blacksmith Haines J W, physician Marston H L, sen mdse McConnell W J, gen mdse Morgan H C & Son, blacksmiths Morris D J, physician Rice Wm B, wagonmaker RUNNELS A D, drugs and postmaster Salfisky Chas, boot and shoemaker Norton, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. CANTIELD D> postmaster and general merchandise Kirsham Walter, flouring mills Wilber A C, justice of the peace Norway, coos COUNTY. Reed & Nelson, gen mdse Oak Creek, DOUGLAS COUNTY. THOBNTON JEPTHA, postmaster and justice of the peace Thornton J J, blacksmith and stock raiser Oakland, DOUGLAS COUNTY, Is 19 miles from Roseburg and 181 miles from Portland, on the O. & C. R. R. Its population is about 500, and the town has a good trade. ABRAHAM H> m-ooI, grain and money broker Ackley J K, painter Brown A F & Co, gen mdse Canaday J W, gunsmith Caro Br os & Co, gen mdse COPLAND E f, saloon Dearling & Gibson, blacUsmiths DEPOT HOTEL, R Thomas propr. Trains stop here for meals Ellsworth B F, hotel Enbaiiks k Baltic, grist mill FBASEB W S. meat market Gibson D, hotel Hazleton J, harness and saddles Howard ft Hochkiss, saloon Johnson P, harness and saddles Mahoney J H, saloon McCuUa J, wagonmaker Merriman & Murray, blacksmiths McCuUoch J W, wagonmaker Page £ J, druggist Settle Geo, harness and saddles Shupe J H, groceries Smith R '& Co, gen mdse TAYLOB G A, postmaster and ndtaj public Taylor & Hall, stoves and tinware Venable J M, physician Young A C, livery Young EGA Co, gen mdse Olney, CLATSOP COUNTY. Postoffic^e. GBAY W H, postmaster Oneatta, BENTON COUNTY. Case Samuel, gen mdse Oregon City, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Oregon City is the county seat, and contains about 1,500 inhabitants. It is situated on the Willamette river and O. & C. R. R., 12 miles south of Portland. The falls of the Willamette at this point afford the best water power in the United States, being equaled only by that of the St. Anthony in Minnesota. Vessels can load here for San Francisco direct. Among the most important mills at this place is a large woolen mill, which gives employment to about 100 persona. It also contains a number of saw and lour- ing mills. All kinds of business is well represented. » Ackerman S, gen mdse Albright & Logus, meat market Apperson A J, flour mills Athey M C, atty at law BACON J M> postmaster ; liobks sod stationery Bailey A C, hotel B owe r s A W, Consregational pastor BUBHEISTEB C H L, watchaakcr and jeweler Campbell F W, county surveyor CAMPBELL J M» stoves and tinware CAUFIELD C H, money broker, no- tary, insurance agent Charman Thos & Son, gen ndse I h it ! ll 51 H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. <€0 \£ CD s 2 IS a « « c .c CO o O O o z S o < Q. O WW MONTAGUE & CO ^"i>" m^ i**" inj!>«' •" aims, no, ]i«, ■ lit rnUW I WttUC « U^li, 114, If and 118 Battery «tre»t. A. F^ 280 Oregon — Oregon City-Pendleton. ALPIUBSnOALLT. Chamig Kasper, bootmaker '•GLA^^itAS DEMOCKAT. ■ Fithi, J B ropr CSUFT uJirSE, T VV Khoadea propr COLIlxiS H T, barber CROSS H E, atty at law and county treasurer, insurance agt EASTHAM E L, atty at law, insur- ' an ce ag t EUDEx WM & SON, stone cutters an d mason HELDS THOS, groceries Fish VV, groceries Fish Walter, gen mdso FITHIAN J B, propr of the "Clacka mas Democrat ' Fonts \V H H, county clerk Franz H, barber Fuchs Geo, cigars and tobacco Gibbish J no, saloon Greep F C, hotel and saloon Greeves W C, county coroner GBIEP F G, propr Oriental Hotel Harding & Barlow, groceries and bakery HABDlNGOE0A,drugs HAEDING H J, agt w. F & Co Harding LD, boots and shoes HIGHEIELD W F, watchmaker HOWAED A W, harness and saddles, furniture Hughes B A, gen mdse Hufat S, atty at law HUMPHR YS J, fish market Imperial mill, grist mill Ingraham E H, physician Jacobs Bros, woolen mills Jagga r L, groceriei, feed produce j£WELL T W, cigars and tobacco, candies and fruits Johnson, McCown & Macrum, attys at law Kelly E D, dry goods and groceries Kester C M. photographer Lamb C S, agt O & C R K LA ROCQU^ G C, capitalist Latourette H, atty at law Lee M L, watchmaker Logua Chas, meat markt Mayer A, gen mdse May hew C F, saloon' McDonald J S, saloon Morriss & Farr, meat market Myers John, gen mdsa NonissJ W, physician O'Coanor W W, blacksmith OREGON CITT ENTERPRISE," J Bo«k propr "^r^on City ma-^ iring company a JZNTAL HOTEL, F G Griep propr Parker 8, physician Pillsbury J G, sheriflF Pope ft Co, hardware, stoves and tinWare Randall N W, county supt of schools RHOASES T W, propr CUft House fioss H W, druggist ind physician Schneider P, tailor Schram John, saddles and harness Selling J, gen mdse Sellwood J W, Episcopal pastor Shade J, bootmaker Sharp A S, parstor M E church Shepherd J H, painter Sheppard J H, shoemaker Teal J H, pastor Baptist church Trumboth J, saloon Wait J K, county judge Warren E S Mrs, millinery _, Welch J, dentist White J S, R C priest WILLIAMS & CO, druirgists WINESET C P, blacksmith, wagon and carriage maker and undertaker Zauner C, saloon $ 30 CO CO .3 i Ore Dell, UNION COUNTY. Gilham C A, blacksmith Held & Co, blacksmith Hugely Thomas M, wiigonmaker Snodgrass W J,gen mdse and postmaster Oswego, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Oswego Iron Company Prosser G W, gea mdse and postmaster Walling & Son, nursery Parkersburg, coos COUNTY. Coquille Mill and Tug Co, sawmill Gabriel S W, fish caun',/ Grube G, sawmill Hyde M H, drugs Leneve Geo, saloon , Perkins J M, tanner Patterson's Mills, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Patterson Wm, gen mdse Pendleton, UMATILLA COUNTY, Is 36 miles from Umatilla on the Colum- bia, 'n an excellent grazing and agricul- tural section of country. It has a popu- lation of 500 and itsprosi)ects for parma- nent and steady growth are quit" bright. O 30 m I s c5 ^ CD 3. CD O a s* s o' CD -I < to CD M Si. H. WAc:i::3RST -"hJSKr"*" than any house on the Coast. 1^ mm mssm 10, 119, PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th* IIo4eI OonaMMNfial C*I1cm or th« €oMt, aao Pwt St., 8. f. House ao nan CO H less CA H r 30 m I m H ■0 1 O 30 wagon irtaker S O 30 m o O) er ostm aster S O 7? m 1— ir. c/> )03tmaster CD S» CL a J. 3. CD rmill ^ „^ o -» O o 3 -«« CD Uls, a O • CD -1 < to r^ < r > o he Colum- CD d agricul- las a popu- forparma- lit" bright. • B g u cd CO CO CO Id (d CO (d V) o o o CO 0) s. (d (d Cd o z CO o «3 Oregon — Pendleton-Pilot Rock. 281 ALPIIABariOALIiT. There is a weekly newspaper, the Oregonian," published here. •East Bailey D W, atty at law Bailey G W, notary Bentley Jno, planing mill Bowman J W, livery stable Braraol T C, county surveyor Bull M P, pub "East Oregonian" Butler Julian, wagonmaker « Byers & Co, flouring mills Corum L M, planing mili, sash, door and blind factory Cram & Landry, hotel Despain Jeremiah, market Discsway & Sanford, liquors Everts Ijucian, atty at law Geisler William, bootmaker Gray £ F, saddler and harnessmaker Jacobson A, liquors KEENET J B, county clerk Lee L H, bakery and restaurant Lennox Jeremiah, bootmaker Lindsey J B, dentist Livermore & Beagle, gen mdse Livermore Lot, postmaster, agt W, F & Co and NW stage company Tusin & Bell, attys at law Lyons M, hairdresser Marshall W H, blacksmith Mc Arthur L L, dist judge » • McCay W C, physician Porter A H, drugs, fancy goods and no- tions Rothchild S, gen mdse Russell Wm, county assessor Sperry J L, sheriif Stang Adam, brewery Stenger George, tailor Sturm Chas, market ' Switzler Wm, gen mdse Taylor & Shoemaker, blacksmiths Turner & Bailoy, atty at law Turner James H, atty at law Viin Dorii J N, manfr of furniture Webb G W, stoves and tinware Wright David, livery stable Yoakum H G, county judge Peoria, LINN COUNTY. Finegan S B, blacksmith GILBERT J B, postmaster and gen mdse Holder W, druggist and gen mdse Storr J W, physician Van Caren W, painter Watts F A, gen mdse Ferrydale, POLK COUNTY. Butler James, saloon Davis H, school teacher Enes Richard, lumber, grain and com- mission merchant Gentry Henry, saloon Glandon Harry, blacksmith McCarty Thomas, butcher McGrew John W, hotel McGrew & Johnson, agt for agl impltt and wagonmaker Patterson Alex S, druggist Wells Mrs M C, hotel Wilson J W, hotel Philomatli, BENTON COUNTY. Allen & Harris, gen mdse Badger Luther, cari^euter Carter W A, physician Crow M M, stage line Enos D, lumbering, sawing and planing Heukle J E & Co, gen mdse Hite W S, blacksmith Kisor Mrs, boarding house McLain & Boon, butchers PHILOMATH COLLEGE, Rev W S Walker, principal "THE PHILOMATH CRUCIBLE," Rev W S Walker editor WALKER W S REV, principal of Philomath College and postmaster Whitney G A, physician Wilcox & Rust, blacksmiths Phoenix, CO JACKSON COUNTY. Alwell — , flour mill Berry J H, carpenter ' Burner F, saloon Craven — , physician and drug store Dunlap A, blacksmith Gilbert O E & Co, blacksmith Hackett J, saloon Lane & Hyde, livery stable Laurenberg O, hotel Sargent — , gen mdse Pilot Rock, TfMATILLA COUNTY, Clements E-M, physician Eberly Fritz, bootmaker Fletcher Eli, livery Fletcher W H, hotel and meat market Rhodes J S, clergyman (United Brethren) CO o CO CO I 3 C2. CO p» U3 sS (9 a? r *^2 Coast. H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal. 80» JDaTlB Street, liMi f ranclaeo. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO. ii/TiuT u« lis PlM.allSlM«.««'« • BaMcnr ■*!«« '*? BU8INEI IL ■ CO i c 1 p 6 & > o E 75 i c c (Q O ' ■ o o o < 0. I- o 282 Oregon — Pleasant Hill-Portland. AlPRARinOALLT. Stanley Bros, blaoksmitha Stewart D I, livery S tewar t H, hotel STURTIVANT A J, gen mdse and postmaster Sylvester &, Durie, gen mdae Wattson & Luhrs, lumber Pleasant Hill, LANE COUNTY. Briatow J J, wagonmaker Morgan & Parks, gen mdse Mulkey I N, blacksmith Sto3pB VVm, shoemaker Pittsburgh, COLUMBIA COUNTY. BROTJSE F> postmaster, saw and flour mill Hubert H, furs Pleasant Home, MULTNOMAH COUNTY, Aiken John, sawmill KeMy — , physician Ikluxwell W H, blacksmith Otis J S, carpenter Shafler J, propr stage line STEPHENS J 0, postmaster Pocahontas, BAKER COUNTY. Chambers Wm, flour and sawmill Portland, MULTNOMAH COUNTY, Is situated on the left bank of the Wil- lamette river, 12 miles above its junction with the Columbia, and 90 miles above Astoria, containing a population of 20,- 000 energetic and intelligent people. It is practically a seaport, since deep water vessels ascend the river with compara- tive safety, and at all seasons of the year. It is the commercial metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, and the horo- scope of the fyture plainly marks out a destiny that will always assure her this title. It is the principal distributing Eoint of supplies for the Umpqua, logue river and Willamette valleys, while all that country lying east of the Cascade Mountains, in Washington Ter- ritory and Oregon, depends entirely upon this bustling, well-built and beautifully laid out city for its articles of us3 and consumption. She is the center of wealth, refinement and culture, and to her, all other cities of the section pay respectful obeisance, acknowledging ner as the "mightiest of them all." Her private residences will compare most fa- vorably with those of cities of greater pretensions and age, in point of archi- tectural design and finisn, as well as in cost of construction. The business blocks are substantially built, with an eye to convenience and beauty, while the thoroughfares are cleanly kept, com- fortably broad and run at right angles. The public buildings are perfect gems in their ^ay, and are creditable to the high order of enterprise which characterizes her public-spirited residents. A pride in the permanent and beautiful growth of the city is everywhere apparent, and everything evidently is done to enhance the admiration of her visitors. Her hotels are numerous, well appointed and elegantly arranged. Her churches are beautiful structures, all well attended and ably conducted. Her market halls are the subject of wonder, eliciting ex- pressions of surprise from those who come from afar with no such thoughts of beholding such commodious, conven- ient and tastily arranged places of trade as New Market, especially, certainly is. The public and private schools are worthy the highest words of praise, and it is due to the educational interests to concede great credit to the "moving spirits" for these "ornaments of in- struction." The residents of Portland exhibit a literary taste in the support of more than twenty publications that is truly flattering. The members of the " art preservative " are, as a class, per- sons endowed with rare intelligence and experience, to which qualities the excel- lent management that is shown in the various departments of the respective journals is traceable. The "Oregonian " and the "Standard" are morning papers, both of which show a degree of enter- prise that few journals in cities of the same size can boast. The "West Shore, "a monthly journal, in magazine form, is a sprightly sheet of 32 pages. Its publisher, L. Samuel, is the embodiment of energy and enter- prise, possessing a knack that is essen- tially peculiar to the successful manage- ment of a newspaper. It is devoted to literature, science and art, and the re- sources of the section it represents. O CO o 30 CD CD C/) to ST CD o I. h CM h i I m U CO *S B o Hi- 3r .t CD <• e« m v> CO 03 o a ♦i— •i^ ^ E (O Ol o ^^ 3 a> c t^" a C/) se 03 ■• o o u "O 03 o • ^M TV CD E u Ph < o o O^TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. The "Merc Sunday, co ter and lo< proprietors, wide-awake established, scribera and of their die new field o nals we can and alive tc deavoring i the heaven bullets fly two evenin " Telegram, commercial which show city and th a paper tha interests, ably edited peculiar to The city railroads, h street rail senting mi phono com munication in the agr Her growt ful, more t been expen ings. TIm neat, thre« center of shrubbery Abell Frar Ach Mrs First ACKER] crockerj ADAMS notary Adolphis AINSW( OSN( Akers Wi Alisky CI ALISKi; factory ALUS^ machin ALLEN 20, 22 i Anderson Andritscl Madiso ARION Yamhi Armstroi ington H. PA BUSINESS PENMANSHIP FrMttMaiy tMWkt at PACiriO VliMI- ^■M» colCfeBoie. MO rwt at. P. r. I- (10 u EC n m U ! e .2 c/> 09 03 CO o Oregon — Portland. ALrHABBnOALLT. 283 The "Mercury" is a weekly, issued on Sunday, containing miscellaneous mat- ter and local gossip principally. Its proprietors, W. 8. \loss & Co., are wide-awake, and, alchough but recently established, are securing a list of sub- scribers and patrons that speaks highly of their disposition to succeed in their new field of labor. Of the other jour nals we can say that they are vigilant and alive to their interests, and are en deavoring to "hold the fort," though the heavens fall, and "the storm of bullets fly with danger." There are two eveniag papers, the "Bee " and the "Telegram," published here. Also commercial paper, the "Reporter," which shows that the merchants of the city and the adjacent towns appreciate a paper that represents their immeiliate iaterests, It is an eiglit-page weekly, ably edited and replete with information peculiar to its character. The city is also the terminus of two railroads, has water works, gas works, street railways, several banks, repre- senting millions of money, two tele- phone companies and telegraphic com- munication. Her annual exports amount in the aggregate to several millions. Her growth the past year was wonder- ful, more than a million dollars having been expended in the erection of build ings. The Government building is a neat, three-story edifice, situated in the center of a beautiful square set with shrubbery and plants. It cost $300,000. Abell Frank G, photographer, 169 First Ach Mrs H, dry and fancy goods, 231 First ACKERMAN H & CGL wholesale crockery and glassware, 87 First ADAMS W H, attorney at law and notary puMic, Dekum's building Adnlphis Df — , physician. First & Ash AINSWOBTH 0£0 J, general supt O S N Co, Ash and Front Akers Wm, livery stable, 28 Taylor Alisky Chas, butcher, 138 First ALISKT & HEOELE, stbam candy factory, 145 First and 28 Alder ALUS & BLACK, mill furnishing and machinery, 4 Morth Front ALLEN & LEWISf wholesale grocers, 20, 22 and 24 North Front Anderson & Co, saloon, 146 First Andritschke C R, saloon. Front and Madison ARION SALOON, G Franz propr, 28 Yamhill Armstrong Mrs F, dressmaking, Wash ington and Third Arnold L, meat market. Sixteenth and S Atkinson E, foundry. Fourth nr O ATKINSON & FARISH, publishers " The Sunday Welcome " and "Com- mercial R porter," B bet Third and Fourth, Atkinson & Wakefield, real estate and insurance agts, notaries public. Stark and Front ATJER F X, guns, ammunition and fishing tackle, 12 Stark Bachman J & Bro, brokers and ins agta, 122 First BACHMAN LOUIS, Union Hall (li- quors), 153 Front Bachler Mrs Wm, dressmaking, 123 Washington Bacon C P, livery, 93 Second BALDWIN WM. meat market, 138 First BALFOUB, OUTHBEE & CO, com- mission merchants Ball & Gregory, lawyers, 162 First BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AM- ERICA, J Goodfellow agt, 50 First Bailey & Bird, groceries, 47 Yamhill Baio Miss, hairdressing, ^Vashington and Third Barber M, lodging house, Morrison and Second BARBm & NICKLIN, dentists, 149 First BarbcT Jno, sewing machines, 32 Yamhill BARNARD J L, commission storage, and forwarding, Commercial Wharf Barnes Wm, confectionery, 67 First Barr S M, boots and shoes and sewing machines, 171 First Barrett C C, books and stationery, 109 First BARRETT JOHN, plumber, gas and steamfitter, 43 First BarroU F H, cigars and tobacco, 87 ■ First Barugh F, g roceries, 221 Second BARTSCH A, pianos and organs, 143 First Bayer & Stanch, metal roofers, 233 Sec- ond BEAL C, attorney at law and notary public, 162 First, room 14 Beck Jno A, watches and jewelry, 149 Front Beck & Wildman, clothing, 147 First BECK WM & SON, toys and fancy goods, guns, cutlery and fishing tackle. Front and Alder BEEBE W SCOTT, attorney at law, rooms 1 1 and 12 Union Block Belcher C T & Co, crockery and glass- ware, 223 First BELESIS & RENDICH, Vienna chop house and coffee saloon, 30 Yamhill H. PALMAR & CO.. Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. m CO o z CO CO s « CO nm m [< J w. w. MONTAGUE & co.,«ss;rifo.%':ic^ifjy^^^ IL f s (0 z i 2 y. c c (0 o o o o z o < I- I- o 284 Oregon — Portland. AI.rHARSTIOAIiT.T. 110 163 Bebock Bros, manufs of statuary, etc, 142 Third Bennett & Harvey, saddlery and har- ness, 129 Front Bennett W H, constable, 49 Clay Berger Henr y, h ouse painter, 9^ Alder BEnGER WM F, sign writer and painter, 48 Morrison Berlin L B, liquors, 83 First BERRY MRS M J, groceries, Mill and First Best -fos, barber, 7 Morrison HTfiR «.. FRED, wholesale and retail confectionery, 84 First BIEHLE FRANK groceries and pro- visions, 35 Yamhill BINOHAM H T, attorney at law, 145 First, upstairs, room 5 BIRD B, homoeopathic physician, Fourth and Taylor Bishop O H, stair builder. Front and Jetlerson BISHOP SCOTT GRAMMAR SCHOOL, B and Eighteenth BLACKWELL C, hairworker,- Morrison Bloom Mrs I, groceries, 403 Firat Bloom I, tailor, 10 Washington BLTJMAUER L & CO, druggists, Firat, and cor First and Stiirlc Boggs N, saloon. Pine, near Third Bonard L, cigars and tobacco, 253 First Bond Wm & Co, match factory, Park and A Boulard k Whillock, rastaurant, Second and Ash Bower J M, lawyer, 145 First Boyd H &, Son, insurance, 107 First Bnyd J H, saloon, 9 First BRENAN PAUL M, physician . BRENCKLE L, "Sunnyside" Saloon, 30i First BRECK J M JR & CO, druggists, lOi Morrison BRENNER H, propr Esmond House Braden Wm, supt streets, 129 First Brady John, boots and shoes, 227 First Branch F, groceries, Second and Salmon BRANDT J JR, general superintend- ent & C R K, and superintendent W & R R, Front and F BRANDT & LECK, tin and galvan- ized iron works, 33 Madison Brickel & Minville, dressmaking, 151 Third BRIGHAM J R, stoves, ranges, etc, 47 First Brigham P E, millinery and fancy goods, 103 First Brooks & Lamott, saloon, B and Second, First Brown & Besselleu, shoemakers, 5 Mor- rison physician and surgeon, 91 T C, confectionery, 226 Brown L, First Brown Mrs First Brown & McCobe, stevedores, 24 B Brown M L, prbpr St Charles Hotel, Front and Morrison BROWN & TOD, California meat mar- ket, 93 Morrison BROWN W B, fancy goods, 127 Third BROWN W F, manager Oregon branch New Zealand Ins Co, 7 First Bryan T S & Co, Holtou House Restaur- ant, 10 Alder Buchanan Bros, agts City of Quincy and Westport, foot of Morrison Buchanan John, barber, 52 First BUCHTEL J, photographer, First and Morrison Buck & Co, saloon, 153 Second AGENCY BUENA VISTA POT- TERY, J L Barnard, manager, foot of Morris on BTJNDSCHUH A, cider and vinegar works, E and First Bunting S G, carriage manufactory, 220 Second Burchard A, furniture, 201 First BURCHARDT C A, wines and liquors, 44 Washington Burckhard A, meat market. Central Market, Firat Burdiii Wm, saloon, 104 Front Burelbach M, groceries, G and Ninth Burkhard & Spaulding, butchers and packers, B and Second Burns Mrs D, cigars a%d tobacco, 15 Washington Burnside D W & Co, wholesale flour, 10 North Front Burrage C W, county surveyor Burtan E M, architect, 113 First BURTON HOUSE, I Fretland propr, F and Third Bush D B Jr, as;t Homa Mutual Ins Co of California,^ 100 First Butler A T, barber. First and B BUTTERFIELD A E & BRO, watch- makers to the trade, SE cor First and Morrison, rooms 12 and 13 Bybee R E, justice peace, 24 Morrison Cabaniss T T, physician and surgeon, 243 First CAHALIN E " Opposition " Boot and Shoe Store, 92 First Caldwell W S, insurance agt, 102 First Campbell Mrs, groceries, 65 Fourth > Capen Geo B & Co, boots and shoes, 75 Front Caples J F, district atty Caples & Mulkey, lawyers, 94 First CARDWELL J R, dentist, room 4, Dekum's building 30 ^^^H ■< m I ^ ^H r- ^H m ^^M 30 (A I "" 3 1 ^ CD I ^ (0 ^^M -a ^H "5. ^^M ^H 5' ^^H a. or ^H ^ ^ ^H H *A 71 00 1 ^ 1 ^ C9 I ^ « ^1 adtf ^1 « I ^ 1 ■ ^ CD B (0 C/> ^B 1^ {U 1 1 ^H ^2 I ^ 3 ^1 =41 ■ ^ CD ^H a*^ ri ^1 ^0 0' 1 ^ 3 1 ^ CD ^H -» H "* 1 JIZ 00 ■ ^^ ■> ^1 (/> I ® !% ■ ^ ^ 1 » m, I 3 TJ 1 ® I ^c 3. H P 1 ^ 3 H 3 o H. WACHHORST. importer of jr^&,;%^?.;«.. 315 J St., Sac. mm^^i^mmmmK^^m^^Wffmiiif^ ••n4 ■ ; i.r. 1 c . 1 • c 1 B . c ■ e ■ « 1, 91 ; I E « 1 g 226 K ■ ■ cd O 1 r Tl [otoi, : 1 > ^ mar- rri £ 30 Third CA c/> ranch -• 3 lA staur- a* n S y and (A B -a 'e t and "a o 5' IS a. 75 POT- a* o r, foot «< 1^- -n o inogar • £ y, 220 O 12 • iM quors, o ^ ^v« o Central 00 b o « CD C0 ath (0 ra and 5" o '.CO, 15 o i our, 10 3 en 51 t3 Si o 3 propr, CD o Ins Co 00 ♦- > z •^ o watch- J5. 1- irst and X S2 C0 rrison •« 3 urgeon, -0 o O oot and a. (0 2 First rth ' 3 • hoes, 75 o •9 3 ■ oa ^ •irat room 4, o 3 ■ ■ PACIFIC BUSINESS 'COLLEGE. •r th«> roMt. Mao p«Mt im.. 9. f. Oregon — Portland. AliPIUBinOALLr. 285 Cardwell W B, physician and surgeon, 163 First, upstairs CARMICHA£L C, contractor and builder, 48 Alder Carnthers Miss Jennie, dressmaker, 133 First Carpenter H, physician and surgeon, 155 First Carroll & Hubbell, livqry, 35 Washington CARSON J C, sash, doors and blinds, Front and F CARTWBIOHT J C, collector inter- nal revenue, Postoilice building CASE J I & CO (Branch House, G W Staver manager), manufs threshing machines, headers and portable en- gines, foot of Morrison Castendieck G, hotel, Second and Alder "Catholic Sentinel," L M McCormick publisher, 91 Second Cut] in John, attorney, 91 First Catterali Thos, carpenter and builder, 10 Washington Cavanaugh D, tailor, 1 1 Alder CENTRAL lOBGING HOUSE, J B Hayne propr, Third and Morrison Chalmers k Holmes, marble works, B near First CHAMBERS THOS, clothing and fur nishing goods, 25 First Champlin & HoUabaugh, boots and shoes, 109 First CHANCE GEO H, dentist. Odd Fel- lows' Temple, 141 First Chandler T H, wholesale wooden and willow ware, 42 Front CHAPMAN & WELLS, physicians and surgeons, 132^ First Chapman W S, city surveyor, 127 First CHENERT A P, cigars and tobacco, 172 Front Child J A, druggist, Morrison and Sec- ond Chiselin JT, physician, 10 First Chown F B, hardware, 243 First Church Wm, clothier and tailor, 165 Second City Hardware Store, hardware, 168 First City offices, 129 First CLACKAMAS PAPER CO, R Pittock agent, paper, twines and printer's ma- terial, 102 Front Clapp C, cigars and tobacco, res 93 North First CLARENDON HOTEL, Zieber & Knowles, proprs, First and F CLARK J saddlery and saddlery hard- ware, 130 Front Clark ft Upton, real estate and archi- tects, 120 Front Cobum W H, dgah and tobacco, 65 First COFRAN J W G. special agent Com- mercial Fire and Marine Insurance Co, 102 First COGGINS & BEACH, wholesale paints, oils, glass, painter's materials, doort, sash and blinds, 103 Front Cohen K, restaurant, 213 First Cohn A A, hides, furs and tallow, 76 Front Cohn F M, cigars and tobacco, 138 First Cole D & Co, stoves and tinware, Sal- mon and First Cole Geo E, postmaster Collier A; Campbell, foundry, 240 Front Collins Daniel, shoemaker, 74 First " COMMERCL&L REPORTER ' (The) Atkinson & Farrish publishers, B bet Third and Fourth Comstock & Pfluger, dry goods, 171 Sec- ond Congle J B & Co, wholesale harness and saddles, 1 10 Front Conrad &, Co, dyeing works, Salmon, near First Cook E, musician, 229 First Cook Wm B, saloon, 185 Second Cooke Clyde, artist, 64 Morrison COOKE H, undertaker, 111 Second COOKE MART, saloon. Fifteenth k S Cooper G, meat market, First and Tay- lor Corbett, Failing k Co, wholesale hard- ware, 53 and 55 Front CORBITT & MACLEAT, wholesale grocers, 29 and 31 Front, and 28 and 30 First Cotter John, barber, 26 Morrison OOVALT A B, gen manager Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co of Califor- nia, 102 First Cowie W H, groceries, Jefferson and Eleventh Cox L M, confectionery, 188 First CRAN JOHN & CO, dry goods, and gents' furnishing goods, 131 and 133 First Crandall k Hencrie, contractors and builders. Third near Ald^r Cronin P' J, harness and saddles Cunningham A G, secretary and treas- urer & C R R Cunningham R, tinware, 252 First Currier Wm k Co, merchant tailors, 91 First Dale k Vernon, saloon, 11 Morrison Daleleish D, woolen goods, 71 Front BAXiT JAS L, real estate and general agent, no tary public, 226 First D^DY GEN G B, quartermaster U S A, 155 First, upstairs DANGTJENG1S[ MRS M, Parisian Laundry, 211 Third Danziger D, cigars and tobacco, 215 First ., Sac. H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. ^^^mnixaaPMi W« W. WOWTAGUE dt CO.. r^twr-. >in T**^. {mmwHIWalt^ry S^. *f^ 286 Oregon — Portland. ALPHAimOALLT. c o E (19 18 C c «l O ■ O c a S IL O O 0, ph«tographer, SW ini" DAVIDSON I . ^ cor Firat uitd Yamhill Davia H W, justice of the peace, 215 Fourth Day & Nash, oarpeiuurs, foot of Cluy Dayton & Hall, hardware, 194 First Deudy Mathew P, U 8 district judge, Po stoffi ce buildiag DEBT7B0H C B, contractor and build- er, 66 First Deokenbach J, hotel, 232 Front De Jontrh E, optician, 153 First DE LASHMUTT & OATMAN, real estate and money broker;^, 04 First Delin A P, undertaker, 10^ Second DELL SIDNEY, attorney at law, 132i First Dennison B F, lawyer, 95 First "DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG," C A Lan- denber^er publisher, B and Third Dickson Janii's, physician and surgeon, 141 First DIEDHEKES & BTTODAHL, aaloon and liquors, 81 Second Dilg Julius, lock and gunsmith, 84 Front Dillen D P, barlwr, 206 First Dittenhoefer T, cigars and tobacco (whole sale), 61 Front Dodd C H & Co, hardware and agri- cultural implements (wholesale), 23 Front DODOE FRANK T, assistant supt S N Co, Ash and Front Dolind W P, notary public, 234 Third Dolph, Bronaush, Dolph & Simon, at- tornevR, 141 First DOTJOfiERTY & CONWAY, second hand household furniture and hard- ware, 70 Front DONNERBERG JOHN, plumbing, iras and steam fitting. Alder and Third Dnick Wm, machiaiat and tool maker, 72 Front Du Bois Mrs J M & Co, ladies' furnish- ingjffoo(l3, 165 Third DXT BOIS & KING, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, and agents MacNeale & Urban' safes, 112 and 114 Front Dnesbury H, artist, 167 First DUN R G & CO. mercantile agency, 49 Fi rat, up stairs DXTNBAB WM, feed, farm and dairy produce and commission, 89 Front Dunn Joseph, barber, 181 First Dunning M, physician, 73 First DUBB^M B L, city auditor and clerk, 127 First Durkheimer K, cigars and tobacco, 187 First Duvemoy F X, saloon, cor Pine and Second Dyer M, saloon, First EATON F B, oculist and aurist (dis- eases of the e^e and ear) NW oor First and Morrison Eaton Hen J U, chief paymaster USA 155 First Eddy & Snyder, blacksmiths and wagon- makers. Sixteenth and S Edwards & Birmingham, furniture, 169 a nd 17 1 Second EFFDTGER COL W H, atty at law, First National Bank Buildinz Ehlen & Zelner, nursery, Mornson and East Park Elkoles E, furniture, 133 Front Ellis P, junk store. Second and Taylor Emmond J, restaurant. Second nr B ENFEL BEBNABD, saloon, Yamhill and Second Ensijm M J, dressmaker, 133 First EPPEBLY JOHN ft CO, feed and commission, NW cor Front and Tay- lor, lessees No 1 stable and feed store, 332 and 334 Front EPPINGEB LOiriS,propr "The Bu- reau," First and Morrison Ernest 4 McCaflerty, restaurant, 15 Morrison Erway Mary, lodgings, 131 Front Erz Geo, coffee house, llj First ESMOND HOUSE, H Brenner propr, cor Front and Morrison Espey W W, carriage maker, Solomon, nr First Esaer Peter, liquors, 35 Stark EUBEKA HOTEL. G w Holsapplo propr, Firat and Jefferson "EVENING TELEGBAM," V D Palmer puliiisher. 102 Front EVEBDmG & BEEBE, commission mercliantd and wholesale produce, 47 Front EVEBDING & FABBELL, produce and commission, wholesale and retail, 140 Front Ewory & (iarnold, undertakers, Wash- in;^ton and Second Failing \V S, fish market. First Fairfowl J Stark Ford B A & A, phyaician, 369 Fint Foster D B, saloon, 8 Stark FOSTER S ft CO, paints, oUs and glass, 26 Main FOSTER ft ROBERTSON, wholesale hardware, NVV oor btark and Front FOSS ft COi postoffice confectionery and fruit store, NE cor Fifth and Mor- rison FRANCIS W W, manager Bank of Bri tish Columbia, Front bet Vine and A FRANK BROS, wholesale agricultural implements, 142 and 144 Front FRANZ 0, Arion Saloon, 28 Yamhill Fraser A, svlcon, 28 B FRASER £ F, physician, room 6 Union block, res 2/4 Second Frazer & Steeu, feed and commission, 170 Front Frederick E, shoemaker 29 Yamhill Froemun Thos B, blacksmith and car- riage maker, 2U4 Fourth French C, tinsmith, 163 First FRETLAND I, propr Burton House P'riedlandcr Wm, jeweler, 65 First FRY W B, manager Singer Manufac- turing Co, 186 Firat Funck C, pointer, Fifth nr Morrison Galli L, fruits and nuts, 191 First OALLIGK WM, produce and commis- sion. First nr Taylor Gallick Wm, commission merchant, 202 First Gambcll A N, insurance agt, 28 No Front Gandon P G, tailor, 47 Rlorrison Gardiner & Dorruncu, wholesale jewel ers, 105 First Garretson N W, insurance agt, 132^ First Garrison J B, fancy goods and sewing machines, 149 Front Gatens F, pawnbroker, 14 Washington Geieer W, barber, 207 First GENERAL OFFICES ft C R R, Front and F OEOROE JOHN L, cuttlery, surgical instruments maker, 230 Firat George Mrs, lodgings, Salmon and First OEOROE M C, lawyer and notarv public, 91 First, room 25 Union Block Geradehant F, cigar manuf, 25 No Front Gerdes B, saloon, 29 First Gerson E, cigars and tobacco, 181 First Geyer Chas, saloon. Fifteenth and S G'bbB & Bingham, lawyers, 127 First Gill J K & Co, books end stationery, 93 First Gillespie O L, U S engineer 129 First Gillette P W, real estate agt, 7 First Gilman & Co, auction and com, 42 First Oirard & Hamel, saloon, L and Thir- teenth Glass C G, physician and surgeon, 94 First OLFJTN J 0, dentist, SW oor Fint and Yamhill Gleason M, tailor, 9 Morrison Gleason M J, groceries, 95 Washington Glisan R, physician, 131 First Godard F W, agt Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines, 131 Third OODDARD ft FRAZIER, Oregon Stables, 154 Second Goldsmith L & Co, wholesale dry goods, 9 and 1 1 Front O0U)SMITH ft LOEWENBERO, wholesale stoves and metals, 50 and $2 Front Goldsmith L & Co, wholesale dry goods, 10 and 12 North First GOOBFELLOW J, agent Bank of Brit- ish North America, 50 First Goodnaugh A, contractor and builder, and Second Goodsell David, lawyer, 105 First Gove C A, jeweler, etc, 50 Morrison Graham Chas J, barber, 114 First Graton k La Rocque, Bon Ton Saloon, 124 First Grntton H, carriage works, Third near Alder Green J, confectionery, V4? First Gregory W M, lawyer, 145 First Grow & Dlggles, painters, Taylor near First Guild las H. manaqer Northwert Tele- phone Co, 102 First Guilliaume J M, boots and shoes, 27 OaK Guistin Geo, fish and poultry, 29 Stark GTJMBERT ft BTJCHNER, Metro- politan Baths and Shaving Parlor, 8 Washington Habersham Robt A, asst U S engineer, 1 29 Fir st HACHENET ftBENO, grocers and see dsme n, 195 First HAGNER FllTER, shoemaker, 104 Second Haight & McLaughlin, real estate agts and collectors, 50 Morrison Haley J B, meat market, 28 Oak Handkins J, blacksmith. Front and Main Hansen J, groceries, 43 First HANSON H, nursery and seedsman, 84 Front HAMILTON ft CO, ship chandlers and grocers. First and B O X w o X I a' -I If ?' OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. WW MnNTARIIFAnn St«^" ■"«! BMijBea, 800 different ilMe, ^*^\^ and ■ W. mUll I flUUC 0( \f\f.f iMtterns, HO, 112, 114, 116 and 118 Bktteiy BtT, 8. R J ill iff » CO c 'to o > o E CO i c c CQ O ■ o o a z S o < c I- I- 288 Oregon — Portland. ALriiABBTICALLT. HABKmS & PATERSON, marble works, 26 Salmon Harmon L, manager M Franklin Bros & Co, eenmdse, 125 First HABRINOTOX F.B, Louisville Liq- uor Store, 45 Morrison Harris & Lichtenstein, clothing, 143 Front HaiTis, Sal^^rn & Co, ice works, 246 Second HARRIS T, clothing and furnishing goods, 165 First Hartman Jno, machinist 4S North First HARTVIGSON & HEILMAIIN. Pine Street Coffee H.yuse, ]Pine and First Hass Geo A, umbrellas, 205 Second Hastings Mrs, dressmaking, Taylor HATCH Z J, agent Willamette river steamers (Independent), Pacific dock Hathaway H M, books and stationery, 171 First - HaydenT D, saloon, 23 Oak HAYNE J B, proprietor Central Lod,' j ing House, Third and Morrison ' HEALY J H, stoves, tinware and house furnishing goods, 14 Froat HEALY WM} coppersmith, steamboat, distiller,' and brewery work, 14 Front Hecht M & Co, wholesale boots and shoes, 1 and 3 Front Heiminn Jonas, liquors, Fourth and A Heini;z E, barber, Front and Madison Hellen & Co, groceries, 74 Taylor Henrichsen & Greenborg, watches and jewelry, 149 First Hensill R F, atty at law, 102 Front Herman R K, U S signal observer, 48 Fir st HERRALL & ZIMHERMAIIN, U S Brewery, Harrison and Water Her rman S, dry goods, First and Madison HERSEY T 0, Aurora Restaurant, 134 Front Heuschuch & Schmidt, groceries, 235 First HEWETT H He CO, exporters of wheat and Hour, and insurance agents Hexter & May, wholesale stoves and tinware, 124 and 126 Front Hibbard Geo L & Co, wholesale boohs ard shoes, 65 Front Higgins J J, cigars and fruits, 83 First Hildreth A T, saws and machiaery, 251 Front Hill, Dur'^am & Thompson, Iswyer8,145 First Hill E R, artist, 145 Third HIMES GEO H. printer and book bin der, 6 Washington HZRSTEL CH^S & 00, books, sta. tionery, notions, toys, etc, 106 First und 107 Front HOAO JAMES A, fly-paper decorator Hobin F, saloon. First and C Hocheisen F, boots and shoes, 74 Stark HODGE, DAVIS & CO, wholesale druggists, 92 and 94 Front Hodgkinson J W, varieties, GH First HOFFMAN C R, meat market, 26 Yamhill; residence 81 South Second Hoflrnan J J, atty, 45 First Hogue H A, lumber, 94 First Holden Saml, horseshoeing, Third near Alder Holman & Co, forwarding, ISDJ Front Holman F, lawyer, 127 First HOLMES JOHN, An^erican Laundry, F and Tenth Holmes Jos, furniture, Taylor and Second Holmt.-' L, lawyer, 133 First HOLTON DANIEL, proprietor Holton House, First bet Alder and Morrison HOLTON HOUSE, Daniel Holton pro- prietor. First bet Alder and Morrison Honeyman J & Co, foundry and ma- chine shop, Front and Columbia HOTALlNa A P & CO, wholesale liquors. First and A Houstin Chas, cigars and tobaccos, 288 First Howe & Co, bookbinders, 5 Washington Howe R E, upholstery, 353 First HOWE sEwma machine of- fice, Mr Forbee manager, 147^ Third Hudson H T, guns and sewing machines, 33 First Huerta M, harness and saddles, and painter, 29 Salmon Hughes E G, lawyer, 48 First IngersoU N, ship broker, 32 North Front IRVING ROBT & CO, Oregon Stand- ard Soap Works, F and Eleventh ISAACS I, hairdrcssir^ and shaving parlor, 123 Front, res 92 Seventh Isaac S, meat market, First and Jeffer- son I X L Auction Store, 63 First Jackson W & Co, wholesale crockery and glassware, 54 Front Jacobs Bros & Co, wholesale clothing, 3 and 5 Front Jacobs L, glazier, 214 First Janion R C & Co, commission merchants, 30 North Front Jay S J, ^i-oceries, 312 First Jennieson J £, restaurant, Alder and Third Johnson A, cigars and tobaccos, 49 North First Tohnson A H, meat market, First and A JOHNSON A R, Clay St. Market, Clay and First Johnson ft Co, planing mills, 32 C m c: m o o m o m so -< X o p- m w > p" m SQ m m o m I- <-^ o 3. o e H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th(> Model Oomairrelal C«11mm «r tHm r'4|,««<:. il«t4» Po«it Hit.. «.ll'. r, 32 North ion merchants, I I u ftf (0 o as "5 o 2 © (A O o OQ o o> o at e to H Z C0 3 O X » o •8 ■ < Oregon — Portland. ALFIIABKriOAbLT. 289 JOHNSON. McCOWN & MACRTJM , atcomeys at law, Itii) First, upstairs Johnson W 0, notary, IGi) First Johnston & Holden, plumbers and gas- litters, 168 Front Jones E A, physician and surgeon, 50 First Jones H E & Wm, physicians, 49 First JonCd J F & Son, col ee and spice (whole sale), 230 Front Jones J H & Co, lumber, Sixth and Alder JOBDAN & BUETSCH, St Louis Exchange, 205 First Joseph A, glazier, 205 Second "Journal of Education, " W W Laker edi tor Jublitz & Saling, barbers, 51 First Judkins J S, photographer, 90 Morrison June D L, notary public, il2 First Kafka S, stoves, Taylor and Front Kahn Bros, hides, fur, wool and leather, 106 Front Keck James, physician, 135 First Keil & Wagner, groceries, 81 Washing- ton jveith S, oysters, 25 Oak ETiLLER J Si meat market, cor First a»d Madison KELLER JOHN A, moat market, cor Fourth and Morrison Kelley Mrs H M, cigars. First and B Kelly John, collector U S Customs, P O bldg Kelly W J, city assessor, 129 First Kellogg & Davis, hotel, 174 Front Kellogi' Geo, physician, 249 First KELLOGO J & CO, forwarders and transporters, Yamhill and Front KENNEDY L P, a^^omey at law, (Patents a 261 and room 13, De Kurd's bldg specialty) Kennedy J, sboomaker, 138 First Kerron & Macbeth, dry goods, Second and Yamhill Kettler H, saloon, 73 First Kidd L, druggist. Alder and Third Kilbourn Oscar, auctioneer and U S ganger, 62 First Killeen J, cooper, Madison and Front King Mrs, dressmaking, 163^ Third Klosterman Bros, wholesale groceries. Front and G KNAPP, BURRELL & CO, agricul- tural implements, 33 and 35 Front, 32 and 34 First Knapp & Farwell, milk depot, 249 First KNAPP JTILE A, architect, 162 First, room 9 KNAPP J B, sign and ornamental painter, 9^ Alder Knoll R, wines and cigars, Third and Alder I 19 Knott Jos, manuf bags, 290 Front KOCH & WOLFr, Vienna coffee house, 45 Washington Koehler R, vice-president O & G R R, Front and F Koehler Wm, dentist, 243 First Kohn J, clothing, 161 First Koshland Bros, commission merchants, North Front and C Krengle Charles, msat market, Third KRiBs & McMillan, stoves tinware, 192 First Krumbein J, architect, 115 First Krug C H, shoemikei, 70i First Kuhn Ch L, manuf billiard tables, A and Third Labbe Bros, groceries, 32 and 34 Wash- ington Labbe P, groceries, 1 14 Washington LAVD C D, guns, rifles and pistols, 49 First LABD & TILTON, bankers, 101 First LAIDLAW JAME3, British vice-con- sul, 16 North Front LAIDLAW J & CO, commission mer- chants and agents Giant Powder Co, 16 North Front Lamson R H, clerk U S Circuit and U S District Courts and U S commission- er, P O bldg LANDENBERQER C A. propr "Deutsche Zcitung," B and Third Lappens James, chief of police. Oak and Second LA RANSIEUR J C, shooting gallery and ci^tars, 54 First Lamed M.ijor D R, paymaster USA, 155 First Legrand A, wines, liquors and cigars, 44 First Lehy G W, carriage repository, 107 Sec- ond Lemline L. cigars and tobacco, 160 First Lemmon Mrs J W, millinery, 27 Wash- ington Leonard % Si uot, s aloon, 148 First LENT & JENNE, assaycrs, 33 Stark Lerch Miss S, millinery ;.nd dry goods, 111 First LESTJETJR P, saloon and liquors. First and C Levi J, furniture, 46 First Levy A, barber and hairdresser, 9 Stark Levy Jj, watches and jewelry, 215 First Ijcvy S, sto /es and tinware, lOt First Lewis ft Strauss, dry goods and mil- linery, 123 First LEWIS & WILLIAMS, Palace Sa- loon, 11 Stark Lewiston E, hotel, E and Third HEBE &HOELBINQ, Oregon Bakery, 63 First 39 -< oS 3B o as m OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St, S. F. If m 111 <0 •I o o s o T7 C c O o o o z o < fi. c z w. w. MONTAGUE A co.,»*y>:^«^?n.'?!rff;^^rn'!{'^rn^,r!:^».vM 290 Oregon — Portland. AI.PIIABB''ICAM,r. Lindeleaf G A, boots and shoes, 72 Washiasfton UNDEMANN WM, cigars and to- bacco, 110 First lipmati S & Co, dry goods, 1 13 First Lownsdale J P 0, insurauco agent and notary public, 8 Morrison Luey H, blacksmith, 30 Oak Lundberg Wm, electrician, 29 Salmon Lundin P O, carpenter, 84 .Se3ond Lynch H J hotel, 50 and 52 North First Lyon S M, real estate, 124 First MacDougall C J, lawyer, 155 First Madr.ntz & Dueber, stoves and tinware, 27 First MADER T & LANNDBLAD, saloon, 47 Washin'jton HAGTJIRE JOHN, manager New Mar ket Theatre, First bet Ash and A Mairet A, watchmaker and jeweler, t Morrison Malarkey Charles, fish and pouUry, 31 Stark MALARKEY D J& CO. general -^om mission merchants, 10 and 12 Front Mallory Rufus, U S dist atty, postoffict buildino; MANCIET P & CO, St Charles' Res- taurant, SVV cor Front and Morrison Manheim G, tailor, 10 Morrison Margnam & Jones, saloon, 13G Second MARmCOVICH PETER. United States Rest:iurant, 114 First Marks H clothing, 205 Second Mnrks M, b^ots and shoos, 147 Front MARQXJAM P A, real estate and at toruey at law, 24 Yamhill Marsh & Co, Japanese repository, 22i First MARSHALL W H & CO, groceries, Central Market and First Marston J, picture framing, 227 Second Martin C, barber, 45 Nortli First Martin E, stair builder, Second and D MARTIN E & CO, wholesale wines ,nd liquor.i, 13i Front MARTIN MRS R M, shirt manufac- tory, 133 First MiVRX & JOR&ENSEN, wholesale liquors, 28 North Front Mash M, groceries, 107 Washington Mason & Ho^ -, lawyers, Ul First May Bros, meat market, 262 First Mayer A, clothier and furnishing goods, 121 First McAlestier T B, saloon, 248 First McBRIOE & WELCH -nd McKEAN & HAlf PTnif, proprietors Union Currio^'^Shop, blacksmiths and wagon make' a, 33 and 35 Salmon McCa/ton O, shoemaker, First iilcConnell J, saloon, 47 North First McCown F 0, notary public, 16 J First MoCCRMIGE BROS, printers and b )oks, Ul Second MoCRACKEN J & CO, oommissi)n merchants and agents of P S S Co 60-(ili Front McFEELY P, proprietor Richmond House McQEE & RICHET, Novolty Ivon Works, 441 Front Mc'orill D, horssishocing, 250 First McGinn Cb;is, bj^kery, 255 First McGowan H D, hotel, 302 Front McHUOH JAMES, t^aloou audliiuors, 8 J Second McKinnon N, shoemaker, 30 Yamhill McLENNAN D H, physician, Second and Ash MoPheliii J, groceries. Second and Stark McLaua;h!iii Hugh, s doon, 55 Clay McLERAN BROS, fburiug mills, n and Fourth McM^niis & Hazlett, plumbDrs, 127 Washington MoMerchsr k Thompson, books and sta- tionery, 103 First "MEDICAL JOURNAL." A A McAr- thur business inmager, 135 First M.'ior & Co, siloon, 1S7 First Mair & Frank, gen mdse, 182 First Mollis Bros & C.'. dry gor>ds, clothiti^, b lots and shojs, 12G First and 1l7 Front Mridelson A L, gen ml33, 1?5 Front MENDENHALL & BURNEy, attor- neys at law, 145 First, up stairs MENDENHALL J C, fish, gams and poultry, 33 Yamhill Mjr^es& Viispcr, mirblo work% 47 Stark Moston J J, bj >ki'in(br, 102 Fr^mt Mdussdjrffjr C H, hats and caps, 1G2 First M'^yrs H, saloon, ip First Micolai & Davidsj' planiaj mid. Sec- ond and E Miller & Aijlin, sriloon, 45 North First MILLER A S & SON, bridju builders, Uni m block Miller Frank, stoves and tinware, 132 Fr.)nt Miller (Jus, saloon, Fourth and Wash- ington Miller J A, boots and shoes, Morrison pd Third Miller & Long, carriage manufs, 2S2 First MILLER & RICHARD, tvpo foundry and paper warehouse, G North Front Mitchell & Damsnt, attorneys at law, 161 First Mitchell G, groceries, 50 Morrison Mitchell J, groc3ries, 34 Yamhill Moir John& Co, ship chandlers, First and£ 3: o CO ■< o O n CO o a CO 0> CO o a a o •*. CD to XT CO -J Z O a CD CO 0) Q o S»' TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC Oil L.BIumaU3r&Co l*i»rllnii«l. Or«* t iwu. hav It. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «'''lre.te"p.tfSS5?:p'.?;5n., 'hv. o eo o o eo (/} CD ce a. AM Pa • Si ^a : a ..a ■ • I.- k 8 I* «f 5:9 OrerjTo n — Portla/nd. ALPIIARBTIOM.LV. 291 Molony C, plumber and gasfitter, 33^ YamhiU MOLSON & SONS, cordage manufs t . 1 brewers, Ninth and D HOLSON & SONS, saloon, 69 and 87 Second Monnastes H W, crockery and glass- ware, 169 First "MONTHLY MUSICAL JOUR- NAL," D W Prautico & Co publish- ers, 107 B'irst MOONEY & VALENTINE, dry goods and millinery, 193 First Moore D M, brass works, D bet First and Second Moore Sc Harrington, 8aIoon,43 No First Moores T K, land commissiouer and no- tary, F and Front Moore J H, foundry, 07 Front Moore VVni, shoemaker, Second and C Morcland & Tanner, hiwyers, 167 First Morin P, 9tove re])airing. Second and Taylor MORAIS MRS L, fancy goods and no- tions, 102 VVushiugton MOr^E C C & CO, pictures, frames, m iif^s, pianos and organs, 163 Lxiillor H J, cigars and tobacco, 29 First MUNK A, fish and game market, 72 Ai- der Murrny Mra Frances M, physician and surgton, 162 First Murtha & Papwortli, meat market, 72 Washington Myer H, saloon, Front and Salmon Myers ii, merchant tailor, 27 Stark Myers M, vinegar factory, 484 First Naef A F, costumes, 241 First NATHAN & DWIGHT, auction and commission, 60 First cor Pine National Business College, W L White 83cty, 128 Front Neppach S A , drusraris'fc. First and Oak NEIKEYER f uiurchant tailor, 162 First Neunert A ¥, ferson Neustadter lirot. r i js. Eighth and Jef- u^, f:jrni3hing goods (wholesale) 67 ai. i j!* Front s-^ NEWBEREY M 0, comuussion mer- chant, 122 Front Newbury, Hawthorne & Co, agl implta, 260 and 262 First "New Northwent" (weekly), Mrs A J Duniway editor, 5 Washmeton NEW YORK HOTEL, H Rothfos propr. Front and B Nicholas H B, attv, 91 First Nicholaon A^ T B, general broker, 115 /iret Nicoloi & hi jithe «, trood turning, Sec- ond and K Nielson John S, carpenter, Sixtlx and Morrison NILE3.& BEEBE, lithographers and bookbinders, and printers, 87 Front Noltner A, publisher "The Standard," cor Ash and Fiist NOON W C, bag factory, 16 Front Norde u B L , sheriff NORTHRUP E J & CO, exclusively carriage and wagon hardware and wood work, 232 and 234 First Northup & Gilber* attys, 95 First NORTON H0TrS3, Harvey B Oatman & Co proprs, First and C Norton VV S, barber, 7 Alder OATMAN HARVEY B & CO, pro- prietors Norton House, First and C O'Brien T J, cigars and tobacco, 83 First O'Connor J, wholesale grocer, 120 Front O'Dea E, tailor, 14 Front Ogden G W, groceries, 109 First Olds & King, dry goods, 147 Third Olds & Summers, crockery, lamps and oils, 183ji First O'Neill B, hotel, First and G Opitz G, bakery, 145 Third OREO ON BOTANICAL REME- DIES, VVm Pfuadjr & Co proprs, P O box 218 ORE&ON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, W H Kinross principal ; F Vinton secretary, 170 First *' Oregon Farmer " (weekly), W L Ep- pinger publisher, 5 Washington OREGON FURNITURE MANU- FACTURING CO, Sam Lcwenstein 1)re3ident ; \Vm Kapus secretary, ^'irst and Yamhill "OREQONIAN" (The) (daily), H L Pittock business m inasjer, 102 Front OREGONIAN FUBUSHING GO, H L i'lttock manager, 102 Front Oregon Leather and Manufacturing Co, W S Stevens munager, 93 Front " Oregon Literary Vidette " (monthly), E O Norton & Co publishers, 5 Wash- ington Oregon Packing Co, J W & B Cook proprs, 105 First OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CO, Geo J Ainsworth general superin- tendent. Ash and Front Oregon Transfer Co, Second and Stark OVEREND C E, contractor and build- er, 47 Stark OSBORN D M & CO, harvest machin- ery, 261 and 263 Front O'Shea Bros, meat market. Central Market, First O'Shea W. pawnbroker, 26 Washingtoa Osvold & Avers, shoemakers, 30 Stark Owen E L, bakery, 61 North First o 00 o \ Is eti Ii 'I fS h **■ i' i I! ?! h PURE PORT WINE, ftf latteliil PmoM. 302 Davis St., S. F. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prafftlcnlly tenKht at PACIFIC BVtll. Vem* C0li1^.014. SjM Poat Mt.. H. V. Oregon — Portland. ALPRABBTICALLT, 293 c i ^0 publiah- < % 'io, I SiuB- O m I, 24 Stark n iconard sec- 9» s 1 ;obacco, 120 (D s 4 and 185 tf> 1 "O ■ 28 North "O, ■ ^c . . „,^ 5' I > ysician, 212 Q. ■ u 9i O" e 6 Second •< o t^roceriea nri % *- r, 28 Stark . ' rst 09 (0 irst nr Jeffer- o ;or and build- (d 383 Fourth S o st ^ ion institute, o o o » ctf t o o H X a 3 O X (0 t o < B0D8ERS, MEYER &C0, importers and commission merchants, 20 North Front Bodgers T, boots and shoes, 245 First Kodgers Thos M, stove works, 244 Front BOENICKE OTTO, book binder and paper box manuf, l*irst and Stark, up stairs Roessler A, meat market, 102 Washing- ton ROGERS E F, general freight and pas- senger agent O & C K R, Front and F ROBR C M, meat market. Third and Salmon Rosenfeld H & Co, cigars and tobacco, 41 Front Rosenfeld J L, commission merchant, 123 Front Ross Mrs C, fruits, etc, 214 First Kottner J, saloon, 248 First Roony Max, CoflFee House, 206 First ROYAL W W, physician and surgeon, 227 First Rummeliu & Gutmann, furriers, 82 First "RURAL SPIRIT" (The), W W Baker editor RUSSDR H M, dentist, 104 First Russ Ira & Co, groceries, Morrison and Third SADDLER E, Pioneer Bakery, 240 Second Salianger Al & Co, dry goods, 210 First Salzer J k Bro, hotel. First and D Sandeen Mrs C W, hairdresser, 203 Third SANKEN J VON & F WILDI, saloon, 204 First SAYLOR W H, physician and surgeon, room 1, Union block Schade John, hotel. First and Main Schenck CS, saloon. Front and F SCHERNER H I, Fulton Meat Mar ket, US Alder SCHLOTH CHR. meat market, 53 Washington Schwab & Anderson, book and job print era, 102 Front Schmeer John, saloon, 191 First Schmidt Chas, groceries, G and Thir- teenth ^^ SCHHITZ WM, Gambrinus Saloon, Pine and First Schramm Chas, saloon, 311 Front Schultze P, land agent O & C R R, Front andF Schuman & Botefuhr, saloon, 71 First SCHUYLER FHILIF C, general agt Liverpool, London and Globe Insur ance Cos, and Mutual Life of New York, 5 First SCOTT C C, New England Meat Mar ket, £ and Fourth flUABJ^ A F JR, attorney at law and notary public, room 6, Dekum's bldg Sears Geo C, county assessor Seavier Madame, dressmaking, 131 First Seller M & Co, wholesale queenaware, 13 and 15 Front Sellig K & Co, liquors and cigars, 163 Second SELUNO F, gen mdae, SE cor First and Yamhill Senofsky J, shoemaker. 14 Morrison SIBSON, CHURCH & CO, commission merchants and exporters wheat and flour, Ash and Front SIMOX J & CO, wholesale and retail paints, oils, doors, sash and blinds, 128 Front Simmons Ed S, restaurant, 52 First Simons S, straw works, 52 Main SINGER MANUFACTURING CO, Willie B Fry manager, 186 First SINGLETON A B & CO, detective and collection agency, room 10 Dtskum's building Sinsheimer H, musical instruments, 127 First Sinsheimer 1, manager Portland Furni- ture Manufactilriiig Co, 13 Washington SITES F & CO, groceries, 167 First Sitt H B, dress and cloak making, 134 Third Shanahan W T, picture frames, etc, Morrison near Second Shaprrar N, shoemaker, 60^ First Sharp Ross, cigars and tobacco, 227 First Sharp R M, cigars and tobacco, 149) First Shattuck & Killin, lawyers, 115 First SHAW J, American Exchange Hotel Sheridan J, manuf umbrellas, 11 Alder Sherlock S, wholesale saddlery, 74 Front SHINDLER & CHADBOURNE. manufs furniture and bedding, carpets, 166 First and 167 Front Shipper & Rybke, tailoring, 11 Oak Shorten Mrs, boai'ling, 49 Front SHORTELL ROBERT, propr " P K * Saloon, faro up stairs, 130 First Showers Wm, county treasurer SKIDMORE S G & CO, druggists, 151 First Slavich John, restaurant, 170 First SMALLBONE C R & WINTERS landscape gardenera and florists, 49 Clay Smith & Alden, dentists, 167 First Smith Bros & Co, sawmill, foot of Clay SMITH BROS & WATSON, iron works. Front near Harrison Smith Fred, blacksmith, 304 Front Smith James A, county clerk SMITH L K 0, wholesale cigars and tobacco, and smokers' materials, 101 Front m as ae CO CO CO p 3 3 m 9 4 I n s ft ? I »< o 58 H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. mmm m^m W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ?iT.'7gLVYirgitVi?/S2S^/V »«. CO i c "i S o (D z (D ;^ 3 ft. IL 0) fO O m o c a z S o < 0. 292 Oregon — Portland. ALPIIABBTICAIibV. "PACIFIC CHRISTIAN ADVO CATE," Rev J H Acton editor Packard J A, groceries, 269 First PAINE C H & CO, feed and boarding stable, Third and Ash Palmer W D, business manager "Tele- gram," 102 Front Patterson M, laundry, Jefferson and Sixteenth Patterson T, real estate, 105 First PAHBISH & CORNELL, insurance, real estate and money brokers, 149|t Front PAXTON F, notary public and law- yer. Stark and Front PllTERS & KINO, cigars and to- bacco, 72 Morrison Petterson J C, fruits, 252 First Penney J E, liquors, 88 First Permin Louis, saloon 85 North First PERRY JOSEPH, liquors, SE cor Sec- ond and Taylor Peter C, manuf jeweler, 167 Second Peyser S, clothing, 1 1 i First Pfunder Louis G, florist, 227 Washington PFUNDER WM & CO, operative chemists, and sole proprs Oregon Bot- anical Remedies PHILLIPS & ABELL, contracting engineers, 133 First Philiips L B, liquors, 27 Morrison PHELPS S, justice of the peace, 49 Clay Pietrzycki M; physician, 341 Third Pilger Mrs L, fancy goods and dress- making, 153 First PILKHfOTON J B, oculist and aurist, room 2 Dekum's building PIONEER BAKERY, K Saddler propr, 240 Second PIPER W W, architect, 50 First PITTS H H, commission produce, 80 Front PLUMMER P S, druggist and phy- sician, SVV cor First and Main Prager L, gen mdse. 183 First PRANQ H C, liquors, SE cor Wash- inuton and First PRENTICE D W & CO. pianos, or- fans and musical mcrcnandise, 107 'irst Prescott House, C nr First Price C W, insurance broker, 7 First Price & Maxwell, employment and real esta te ag ts, 213 First PROTHERO W S & CO, bookbinders and acts Appleton & Co, room 42 Union block Prosper B i, Co, restaurant, 15 Oak POLDEMAN ADOLPH, watchmaker and jeweler, 88 First POHL a, homoeopathic physician, room 22 Union block and Pope F, blacksmith ana wagonmaker A and Third ' "PORTLAND BEE" (daily and weekly), D H Steams & Co publish- ers, 5 Washington Portland Furniture Manuf Co, I Sins- heimer manager, 13 Washington Portland Gas Co, H C Leonard secre tary, 26 Stark PORTLAND HOUSE, P A Turk propr, 9 C Portland Library Association, 24 Stark Portland Water Co., H C Leonard sec- retary POTTER H N, cigars and tobacco, 120 First Powers I F, furniture, 184 and 185 First PUFTS A D, cooperage, 28 North First Pvan Den Bergh J P, physician, 212 P'-rst .} J, cabinetmaker, 106 Second Qu L W P, hotel and groceries Quini vV J, merchant tailor, 28 Stark Quirk Wm J, saloon, 33 First Racheiiberger L, saloon. First nr Jeffer- son RANDALL E 0, contractor and build- er, Third and Main Reen Daniel, meat market, 383 Fourth Reed J H, lawyer, 145 First Rees W H, oxygen inhalation institute. 174 First Reid G T, saloon, Front Reid Wm, savings bank, 48 First Reichert Paul, liquors, 211 First Ronnicks Geo, junk, 68 Front "Resources of Oregon .ml Washington," W W Baker editor Rex R G, physician, 163 First RICHERT F & CO, manufs coffee and s pices , 121^ Third RICHMOND HOUSE, P McFeely propr, Second and C Rice S W, county judge Riders G C, restaurant, Second and Washington Ricselmau R, boots and shoes, 123 Third Rieger John, boots and shoes, 48 North First Riggen fc June, real estate, 112 First Ril^ R R, wood yard, 234 Front Rines &, Newhouse, wood, 2 Oak Riviere J B A, hair worker, 129 Third ROBBINS & YATES, mouldings, framesjpianos and organs, 229 First ROCKFELLOW MRS N L, dress- makor (patterns cut to order), 63 Fourih RODOERS HARRY, boot and shea upper manuf, 231 First H. WAGHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J SUet, Sac. ■30 -< O m r- m 30 CD a. S" ■0 O e a WW MnNTACIIP Jt rn tUi**-* lr«" «I1 Hl>>«" and lVanib«ni, no, . ff. mUWI AtaUC Of \j\l.f me H4. il«. mm IIW Battery SH.. ». |.\ > III >- h O < O Id O h co 1 CO V H X < O 09 I- o 294 Oregon — Portland. ALI'IMRBTICALLV. Smith M. saloon, North Front Smith W H, stair builder, G and Second SMITH SENECA, attorney at law, 145 P'irst SMITH & YOXTNG, Occidental Hotel, Morriaon and First SODERBACK T, manuf and dealer cigars and tobacco, 7(5 Morrison Sohm Sisters, hotel, 'iOJ First Solnmon S A, restaurant, First and A SONNENEELD H (H Ackerman & Co), crockery and glassware, 87 First Southworth D C, livery. Front near Mi.i'i SPENCER THOS, boot and shoemaker. First near Sheridan Sprague D, constable, 24 Morrison Staenders A, barber, 85 Second "STANDARD " (daily and weekly), A Noltner publisher, cor Ash and First STAPLES C G, manufacturing confec- tioner, fruits, tobacco and cigars, 80 Morrison Stark Mr, hotel, P'ront and C STEARNS DAVID, cigars and tobacco, 73 Front Stearns L B, police judge, Second and Oak Stewart C F, watches and jewelry, 112 Fir^t STEWART E C, horse shoeing, 212 Second Stewart James, groceries, B and Eiorhth Stinson Mrs J A, dressmaking, 50 Wash- inoton STITZEL HENRY, shoemaker, 255 First Stoddard J R, lawyer, 132i First Stone B L, watches and jewelry, 155 First Stone Edward, restaurant, Washington Stone S L, confectionery and cigars, 41 First STORY GEO L, mnnager Home Mutual Insurance Co of Californii, 100 First Stott & Gearin, attorneys at law, 155 Fir^t STRAUS GEO M, boot and shoemak- er, 234 First Strode & Beach, lawyers, 95 First StronT; C C, physician, 1 15 First Stronsr F R (Wm Strong & Sons), notary public STRONG WM & SONS, attorneys at law, room 8, Dekum's buildin.? Strowbridge S A, leather and findings, 18!) Front St Vincent Hospital, Eleventh and M "SUNDAY MERCURY," W Moss & Co publishers, 5 Washington "SUNDAY WELCOME," Atkinson & Farish publishers, B bat Third and Fourth SiimmerBeld S, merchant tailor, 189 First Suksdorf H F, lawyer, 113 First Swanwick T F, pu))lishing and advertis- ing agent, 10 Stark Tabor Richard M, assistant U S engi- neer, 121) Front Talbot H P, cigars and tobacco, 203i First TAYLOR JOSEPH, Willamette Palace Saloon and Billiard Parlor, 135 Front TAYLOR P, vice president Willamette Iron Works Te ibosch J M, grain broker 16 Front Tichiier A, barber, 148 First Tilton J S, groceries, 251 First TINGRY C G, jeweler and diamond setter, Second and Morrison THANHAUSER L & CO, wholesale hats and caps, 8 North Front Thayer Claude, lawyer. Stark and Front Th;iyer & Williams, lawyers. Stark and Front Tliielsen H, chief engineer Oregon Rail- way Co, 155 Salmon THIESEN C, physician, 45 First Thompson D P, mayor THOMPSON, DE HART & CO, hard- ware (wholesale and retail), 175 Front and 174 First THOMPSON HOUSE, John J Osfield propr, cor First and Jeflferson Thompson H L, saloon, 244 First THOMPSON W S, president Willam- ette Iron Works Tone C, cigars and tobacco, 268 First Trauner K F, musician, 30 Yamhill Treukman & Wolff, tool makers, 62 and 64 Front TRIBOU & KELTON. carpenters and contractors. Ash nr Third Trickle D C & Co, fish and poultry, 31 Yamhill Trimble W F, lawyer, 155 First TROEGER ^ HENRY, Farmers' and Mechanics' Exchange (saloon), 294 Front Trubom R D, painter, 68 Washington UNITED STATES RESTAURANT, P Marincovich propr, 144 First Vagatins Bros, barbers, 29 First Van Beurden .T, watches, jewelry and diam-- .Js, 107 First Van St. luyver W J, wholesale liquors, 163 Front and 62 First Van Winkle Mrs H, dressmaker, 174 First Varwig H, saloon, Front nr Main Varwig Thomas, plumber, gas and steam fitter, 71 Washington Verdier B, coffee and spico, 33 Washing- ton Verdier H, fancy goods, 27 Salmon H 09 B O o (/> o o o o CD 3 o o o ■a T3 PC CO -1 X o c (/) o C/> CD r> TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumauer & Co., '^^r&Slt PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ••'tJRnJIJSr^ *'• "^' kae|t»' ^ I •H I CQ I o ! o Pi o o pq CQ •H O Vial Leon, wines Villard Henry, j res New York Volney V, picture frames, 153 Third Voss & Fuhs, bakery, 42 Washington Wadhams & Elliott, wholesale grocers, 46 and 48 Front Wager Cieorge, saloon, 314 First AVagner M, butcher, 106 Washington Wagner John, barber, HI Front Waldo J B, lawyer, 145 First WALLACE M B, constable and collec tor, NW cor Fourth and Salmon Waller E W, restaurant, 86 First WALLING A G, job printer and book binder, SE cor Ash and First Walter I3ro8, carpets and upholstery, 8^ First Walsh John E, groceries, 61 Ninth Warren (leorge, coffee house, 27 Oak WARREN S, manager Bartsch't music store, 143 First Wass E S, hair works, 64 Morrison Wasserman M & Co, M'holcsale cigan and tobncco, 7 Front WATKINDS WMH,wholesale saddle. and harness, 105 Front Wi'tkins il, meat market, Morrison ni Third Watkins W H, physician and surgeon, 141 First WATSON A J, gen mdse, Sixteentli andS Watson Thomas, restaurant, 93 Nortl First WEBB GEO A. agent Commercia' Union Assurance Co, commission, 16 P'roiit WEBBER L C, boot and shoemaker, 15 Wiishington Weber (i, tailor, 253 First Wibcr Henry, liquors, 225 First WEBER P, furniture, 225 Second WEEKS & MORGAN, groceries and feed, •-:4l) and '^51 Front WEINHARD H, City Brewery, B and Eleventh WEIBLER GEO W, agent S S Co, and proprs Wt'idler's Sawmills, Front and F Woudel M, siloon, 154 Front Wendt A, tailor. 108 First Welcli & Christensen, harness and 8 iddles, Welch J, dentist, room 4, Union block Welch John, groceries, 232 First Wells, Far^o 4 Co.'s Office, First and Wells J T, physician and surgeon, 132^ First WELLCOM L, tailor, 29 Second Western Union Telegraph Office, First and A Westfall J, livery stable, cor Salmon and Front Westley & Denny, rubber stamps, 33 Stark "West Shore" (monthly), L Samuel pub- lisher, Morrison, opp postoffice Whalley J W & Fechheimers, attorneys, 43 First Wheeler Bros, pictures, clocks, etc, 24 Main Wheeler H S, superintendent construc- tion U S Engineer's Office, 129 First WHITE EUGENE D, notary public and commissioner of deeds, 130 First White & Giltner, stock brokers, 130 First Wiberg & Kernan, boots and shoes^ 145 Front WIGGINTON & HASTINGS, groce- ries, 300 Front Wiat/ingerode C V, books and ' Matioa- ery, 143 First Wilcox J P, carriage painter. Main, nr Front Wiley J R, justice peace. Stark and Front Wilhelm Jacob, tailor, WILHELM JOHN, barber. Clarendon Hotel Wilhelm Ludwig, barber, 8^ Morrison "Willamette Farmer " (weekly), Clarke &, Craig publishers, 5 Washington WILLAMETTE HOTEL, John Han- ley pmpr, 227 Front WILLAMETTE IRON WORKS. North Front Willamette Transportation & Locks Co, fJeo H Andrews secretary WILLIAMS J T, bill poster, 9 Alder WILLIAMS W H, architect, room 17 Dekum's bldg Williams G & Co, glove factory, 224 First Wilson F R, lish market, 270 First WILSON HOLT C, pliysician and sur- geon, 151 First, upstairs WILSON R B, physician and surgeon, 2!> North Fourth Wise H, tailor, 16 First Wise W F, confectionery and groceries, 377 Fourth Witherell J R, employment office, 72 First Woicka Mrs M, dressmaker, 231 First Wolf E, clothing, 117 Front Wolf H & Bro, clothing, 121 Front Wolf H, dry goods, 20S First WoihI L, tailor, 26 Morrison WOOD T A, real estate and collecting bureau and notary public, 141 First WOODD H B, meat market, 100 First, cor Sheridan • Woodard C H & Co, druggists, 141 First 03 ao -< I CO ja b: p> 3 3. 'I PURE PORT WINE, for MedicM Fnrposes, 302 Davis St., S. F. IL CO i « p > o E 75 O < Q. 296 Oregon — Portland. PACIFI ALPIIARBTIOALLT. Woodcock W, feed stable, 312 Front Woodhfim Mrs T, dressmaking, 48 Washincton Woodward & Connell, real estate and insurance, 114 First Woodward & Magcon, livery stable, 194 Second Woodward, McQuiston & Co, dry goods. Second and Morrison WOODWARD & WOODWARD, at torneys and counsellors at law, 145 First, up stairs WRINKLE J F p & CO, dry and fancy foods and gents' furnishing goods, 221 irst TEAROAIX MRS EMILT I, pbysi cian and surgeon, room 19, Union block Yocum & Clamo, attorneys, 45 First Young Mrs A, straw works, 2G7 Third YOUNG CHAS, hairdressing and shav ing saloon, 32 Stark bet First and Sec- ond Young James, groceries, 267 Third Young Men's Christian Ass'n Rooms 128 First ' Young Wm, marble works, 60 Front ZAN BROS, wholesale wooden and wil- low ware and manufs brooms, 14 North Front Ziegler W C, eclectic physician Zeitfuchs Ulrich, saloon, 71 Second ZELLER M> saloon, 265 First ZIEBER & KNOWLES, propra Clar- endon Hotel Zimmerman F, wholesale liquors, 233 First ZORN ADAM, propr Adam's Exchange, 31 Washington THE COMMERCIAL REPORTER Portland, Oregon. Contains full Shipping Intelligence of the Pacific Coast, Market Reports, etc. ATKINSON & FARISH. Publishers. DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, Published every Saturday. 0fflc3, comer Third and B Strests, PORTLAND, OREGON. C. A. SANDENBERCER, PROPRIETOR. Vienna Chop House & Coffee Saloon, t^^^ ^n ^ j^orfTOJi BELESIS I? RENDICH, PROPRIETORS, 30 Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon. Meals at all Hours. Oysters in Every Style. J. M. BRECK, JR. &. CO., Corner Morrison and Fifth Sts., Portland, Oregon. DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines ^ Chemicals FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, SPONGES. BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, &o. Physicians Prescriptions carefully coin))ounded, and orders answered with care and IDispatch. Farmers and Physicians from the country will find our stock of Medici °s complete, warranted genuine, and of the best quality. H. WACHHiiRSL importer of j«'S:^!%{:r.".i«.. 315JSt.,Sac. s ^^^H 3j 3 ^M 1 C.C C/) H ■ s Conm CA ^ m ^ 48 ji m m , Betfl ■H • B tfl > PORTL ■0 o ^H All kinds ao 1 tlOffS 1 H p- ^H Communica will be promp 2 1 ^ • o 1 ~ k so m n o ■ e UND « ^1 *i A ^^ 1 CA 7» I « UNDE 00 ^M No.: 1 "^ PORTU m ■ $ r- Ui H Hi PARIS X H ^ n 3- MRS. M. D No. 2 e ■ tn o> H ^ POi 3. H ? » b e o (A Oregon — Portland. ALPIIABRTIOALLT. 297 C. CARMICHAEL, Contractor and Builder, 48 ALDEB STREET, Between Second and Third, PORTLAND^_ OREGON. All kinds of Store snd Ofllce Flt- tlngis made at Short Slotice, Communicate by Bell Telephone and orders will be promptly attended to. H. COOKE, UNDEBTAEER AND DEALER IN UNDERTAKERS' GOODS, No. HI Second Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. o o % V S) (d -1 t. « O H Z 3 O Z (0 ■ o < PARISIAN LAUNDRY. MRS. M. DANGUEUGER, • Prop'r, No. 21 I Third Street. PORTLAND. OREGON. Union Carpenter Shop. G. S. DeBUBGH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 66 FIRST STREET, Bet. Oak and Pine, PORTLAND. - OREGON. DR. J. G. GLENN, o CO m CO o CO "!• Comer First and Tamhill Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. MORRIS R. COX, AdOlBtant. Reduction in Prices! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Blankets, Flannels and Curtains Washed in iirst-clasa manner. NO CHINESE EMPLOYED. Washing delivered to any part of th« city. I. G. DAVIDSON, PHOTOGRAPHER Comer First and 7amlii.l Sts.. PORTLAND, OREGON Besides making the best gallery work, gives special attention to all orders for Landscape, Exterior and Interior View iug from any part of the Pacific Coast. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, 15 cte>. • 25cts. 25cts. I. ISAACS, 123 Front St, Portland, Oregon. Vienna Coffee House, 45 WASHINaTON STREET, Between Second and Third. PORTLAND, OREGON. KOOH & WOLFF, PROPRIETORS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 1i^ H. PALMER & CO.. Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., •^JJS'rr\«5l57|ri^*«!:^«: PACIFiC BU: 4 s s & I) > c o E « CP O a o o < flL 298 Oregon — Portland. ALPHAUVTICAIiLT. WALLA WALLA RESTAURANT CORNER OP S^ First and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. Rinsle Meals, 60 cts. 5, Or Three Meals for ^1.00 Board per Week $i.50 BOBEET BOCELEB, PROPRIETOB. 1853. 1879. BUCHTEL, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, Corner First and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. A NEW BRICK BUILDING, Corner Third and F Sts. Portland, Oregon. V. FRETLAND MANACER. FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE HOUSE. 0?. 5S c o o o 3 o o o CD :j O '3 (D ;^ o 'a •o -J o c (/) a » fi. POS' PLAIN 1 Dealers will do w Fifth and M AUEC Northwest cornt Good J a id: » c a ej k STEAMER DA port, TUESDAY, ' Slough, touching Cedar Landing, leaves Freeport at STEAMER TO Thursday at 6 A. at Freeport, Arkai and Saturday. ^r TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. H. PALMER & ». ^H ^ ■ 9 J — 5 e T"" r ; j '8 k '•? IS. : < 21 s> 9 ; Bta. : ! .00 a 3 ,.50 Y .4 t . } 03 c o .s 37 h2 CD • &» 1 CA r o 3 -» . o OQ " 2$ U) 3 c ca. ^ a o o 1 *-9 CD 3 o k ;on. 3 -3 n l;^ 1 Q) <• J O '3 ■0 • !■■ ^ a P ts CO Q^ -J X k o c (/) ■s c vy a p ;; (3 k ^ ? 1 o >^ »♦ *« BER ■ « n 1 i PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •^^^JJd'm^lSST^^ll^X Oregon — Portland. ALPHARmCALbV. 299 POST OFFICE 8T0EE. FOSS & DURNER, MANUFACTURERS OF PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES Wholesale and Retail, Dealers will do well by giving us a call. See our " Ad." ia Daily Papers. Fifth and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. AUEORA EESTAURANT 134 FRONT STREET, Northwest corner of Alder, ... PORTLAND, OREGON. S. O. HERSEY, Proprietor. Good Square Meals for 25 Cents. J. KELLOGC & GO'S 5a|t@i and f oleio FOR COWLITZ RIVER. STEAMER DAYTON leaves Portland, foot Yamhill Street, for Free- port, TUESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, at 7 A. M., via Willamette Slough, touching at St. Helens, Col. City, Kalama, Curolls Point, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Monticello, and all intermediate points. Returning, leaves Freeport at 6 A. M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. STEXMER TOLEDO leaves Portland for Cowlitz Prairie, Monday and Thursday at 6 A. M. via Willamette Slough and ahove landings, touching at Freeport, Arkansaw, Olegua and way landings. Returning Wednesday and Saturday. H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. r I 3 3. I* I' It If u mm* If II 8 IL ■ c 2 > w. w. MONTAGUE A CO.. ?.T'?,v^y.nrKt«yrVig&>yA.y 300 Oregon— Portland. PACIFIC Bf" IB C c (0 o • O O O z S o < a. •- I- AbrHABIITIOALLr. .^^?^^5b V3ZS ETHODIST Book Depository, 1041 Market Street, Between 6th and 7th, SAN FRANCISCO It is the Pacific Coast Branch of the Meth- odist Book Conoem of New York CitYf ""^^ represents Ua entire line of business on this Coast. It has one of the mast commodioua and cheerful of stores, in tht building erected for the accommodation of its (/rowing business, at the centre of the city of the very 1U4 MfU'ket Hti-eet, M. ¥. near future. Between 6th and 7th. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT of the Depository is always well stocked with the vary best supplies of LIBRARY AND MUSIC BOOKS. CARDS, MAPS. REQUISITES, PERIODICALS, itc. These embrace not only the full line of the "Mbtiiooht ISook Concekn," "Pudlisiii.no Housr op tiik M. E, C'hubcii, South," and "National Tkmpbrancb Publiuatiun Socinv's" issuvs, but also ehoiee leleetioru /rum all the very bent Pulluheff of the country. Attention of Pasioix and Superintendents Is especially invited to the variety and excellence 0/ our large »toek 0/ Sunday School supplies. THE BIBLE DEPARTMENT embraces cwr^ variety nfsize and style, from vest-pocket Bibles (the smallest made in the world) to the splendid Pai-lor and Pu pit editions— and at prices from fifty cents (and less) to as many dollar!. THE SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT offers fine inducements to enterprising Agents in any and every section of the country vest of the Rotky Mountains. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. The Depository is " Headquarters' on the Ouast of the " National Tbmpkrancb Purlioation So- CIBTT," which was org^anizcd in 1850, for the special work of creating^ and circulating a sound tem- perance Literature. It is constantly issuing tracts, pamphlets and bound volumes, presenting the temperance ques- -_ ■_-ii .i . ... u-j.._»i«.. r.-i._i.yg^ Social, Financial, Legal, etc. send for Catalogues, aitd should equip themselves lies. tiqn in all it varied aspects, Scicntlflc. Religious, Social, Financial, Legal, etc. ' ~ ' ltd ' supplies. The Publications of the "PuBLisuiNO HouiB OF Tiis M. B. Church, South," are in full line on Temperance Workers and Societies shou frvm this arsenal of «v; our shelves . STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. Our Stationery Department is well supplied with plain and fancy Stationery, Gold Pens, Cross' Btylogniflc Fountain Pen. etc., etc. Our Books are so'd at EASTERN CATALOGUE PRICES, and sent prepaid at those rates. Agency for the Pacific Coast of " Stylograph," or Rapid Letter Copying Book, " ElOCtrOgraph " and "Styiografic Fountain Pen." It ii our pleasure to have vihitors call and examine our excellent stock of Theological, Temper- ance, Sunday School and Miscellaneous Literature and Stationery. Correspondence from abro^ invited. Catalogues supplied. Any books procured and forwarded, wbcther from the San Francisco or Eastern Market. Address, Rev. JOHN B. HILL, Agent. 3 I a 3 a o a 3* a 5' a Note ■liei No. Letter ilie, ' fo. 1. fiixSt, " !!, sixSi " 8,Blx8l No. 0, Iia* 100 leavM, Price aoo soo 200 ' paged aud indexed 7ft 1.28 l.fiO 1.7B 2. BO B.60 4, 3ixl0 B, 8}xl0 " SOO " " 6, 8]xl0 " SOO Above are made of alternate sheets of Ruled Copying and Letter Paper, Fur those who desire to use their own printed Note and Letter Heads, we make all our copying paper the fol lowing size bookj: LetUr aia* No. 7, 8|xll, MO leavei, pagwl and indexed. IS-OO NoU " " 8, 7x10, SOI •• •• a.UO 9, 7x10, 800 " •' " 2.B0 LrialCapiia* 10 8ixl0, BOO " " •• 4.S0 ae 3@ JOHN B. HILL, lOil Market St„ S. F. Oeneral Agent for Pacific Coast. Attention of Dealers and Canvassers invited. Send for Circulars. eo 9 S d S'S:S -8' -Aril's ^ o .. fejfft.'S p^l*---^ ^^ t- a » o O - 2 -S§ 2 ^ o « C «• Sjo CO s a> 2 « > g es 8g:g:g. II « If ? "1 •3:g so ., 2 3 S'^'S I- w Hg.S', •c S "C *• ? s C 5 b 4a.«) t: 8 ct II 4» « - 4 PURE PORT WINE, Sir Keiiciiul Fumoses, 302 Davis St, S. F. 09 0> T 3 m m i c s e • Vf. mUniflUUC a OU.y pnturjH. no. 112.114. Il«andn8 Battery St,8.r. ii*Jji O z ♦>> iS s » E IL. c c a O ■ o o o s s < Q. o z h h 3 O Oregon — Portland. ALPnAINTICAblir Stylo^r-fi: .Fountain Pen Conti-.u^d. :p:e?.ioes. No. 1, $5.00. No3. 2 & 3, $1.50. No3. 4 & 5, $1.00. Nos. 6 & 7, $3.75. No. 8, $3.25. Pens Sent by Registered Letter on Receipt of Prtce. nDE30R.I3Pa?I03S7. Nos. J, 3, 5 and 7 are 6 inches long, and Nos. ?, 4, 6 and 8 are 4^ inches long. Nos. ], 2, 5 and 6 are of vulcanized rubber, mounted with 18 cavut gold. Nos. ?, 4, 7 and 8 are of vuicanizeil rubber, simply plain or chased. Nos. ], 2, 3 and 4 are guaranteed Iridum points. This is the material with which gold ijens are tipp«i, and is, pracfically, indestructible. Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 are of Iridum and Platinum alloy, and with fair usage should last for years. CCili'tioXL* — ^The proprietora have found it necessary t} publish as follows : "Every Genuine Pen bsars ihenime of the inventor, A. T. CROSS." This is the original pen whose merits have made the world-wide reputation. The name was not protected by law, and hence infjriar imitations have been sold under th3 sama name. We now put " A. T. Cross' Stylografic " on all circulars, placards, &c., and the name of "A. T. Crass " on every pen, and shall prosecute any iufriugement of this title." For Terms to Agents and Dealers, and for Circulars, address REV. JOHN B. HILL, lOil M xrkst Str33t, San Praasisco, General Agent for Wyoming, Montana, Jdciho, Utah, Washington Ter., Oregon, Nevada, California, Arizona, Sonora, ..iwer California, &o. FKAKK HACUEKEY. MICHAEL BENO. HACHENET & BENO, GEOCEKS # SEEDSMEN, N. W. Corner Taylor and First Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. A full Btock in our line conttt.'intly on linnd. Goods delivered to any part of tlie City Free of Charge. UNITED STATES RESTAURANT No. 144 First Street •> lortland, Oregon. ;i Peter Marincovich, - Proprietor. Good Square Meals at 25 eta. OTSTERS Served in any style for 25 cts. Meals at all hour», :*kTSras». NkH CONTRACTORS Owners ol tlie Right for Smith's Paieni Truss Bridge, for Oregon k Washington Plans and Speclflcatlous for all kinds of BridgeB furnished nn application. Office: Union Block, Front Street. PORTLAND, OREGON. NAP, FKTERS. JOS. KINU. PETERS & KIKC, Cigar Manufacturers And Dealers in SMOKERS' MATERIALS, 72 Morrison Street, PORTLAND, - OREGON. White Labor Only. C. M. ROHR, Dealer in all kinds of Fresh & Corned Meats No. 215, cor. 3d and Salmon Sis., PORTLAND, OREGON. Orders Delivered Daily L) any part of the City. CA m o o as ^1 s !• H I ft ii C9 ^ H. PALMER k CO., Frotitioiian Wine, 302 Davi8 Si, S, F. iffni Wi Wi MONTAGUE « CO., itTto*"io.iyfMrm.'>iKin8B^SyffT.y IL CO ■ CO c s o a s c c o o o a z s < Q. h 3d4 Oregon — Portland. ALrilABSTICAI.Lr. MOLSON tt SONS, Brewers, Mailers and Cordage Manufacturers, Comer D and 9th Straets, FOBTLAND, OBEQON. Corner of D and 9th Streets, POBTLAND, OREGON. H. WACHHORST. importer of ^liSr^^S^^MB, 315 J St, Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •-fttlTpJSKST^.Wi T«i«irim|iiliy. e o E a (0 10 2 » e o Id o I o O e ;> if J u |z |o |(9 Ix In r H I ■ k Oregon — Portland. ALFHABanOALLT. 305 TM MIL? 01 FRONT AND STARK STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON, Oregon Puhlishing Co., - Proprietors -r\ HENRY L. PITTOCK, Business Manager. Is ft large morning paper, containing the latest telegraphic ii. <;lli- gence from all parts of the world and has a larger circulation than auy other paper on the Pacific Coast outside of San Francisco. It is the rep- resentative journal of the Pacific Northwest and therefore an excellent advertising medium, CO m CO ? S I Xt THE WEEKLY EDITION Is larger and has a more extended circulation than any similar publica* tion in this section. ao S3. C9 SO H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. . W. nun I AUUC OC UU., patterna, 110, 112, 114, 116 and 118 Battery St., 8. F. 1L ■ c « o So c o £ CO 1 O • o o < 306 Oregon — Portland. ALPIIABKTICALLY. t D O IMMIGRANTS Will do well to call at tlio X O -< o OF THE Oregon $t California R. R. Co., PORTLAND, OREGON, Railroad Bniliing, Third Ploor, Boom No. 10, near Steamship Landing.* The Commisaioners of Immigration at Portland having resigned, the Land Department of the O. & C. R. R. is continuing their useful work, by giving disinterested advice and assistance to Immigrant^. Maps of Western Oregon will be fiirnished at this office to Immigrants free of charge. A large collection of samples of Oregon Product,9 is kept at the Kail- road Land Office for public inspection; also a complete set of Township Plats, showing all GOVERNMENT AND RAILROAD LANDS within thirty miles on each side of the Oregon and California Railroad. Immigrants will receive, on application, Certificates entitling them to HALF FARE on the Oregon and California and Western Oregon Railroads. P. 8CHULZE, Lind Agent O. & C. R. R. Co. AMERICAN EXCHANGE FRONT STREET, Bet. Madison and Jefferson, PORTLAND, OREGON. J. SHAW. Proprietor. CFree Coach to and From Depot. CHRS. SCHLOTH, Wholcsals and Retail No. 53 Washington Street, Between Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. G. WALLING, M Fiiiti? & B@@kMidif S. E. Corner First and Ash Ssreets, POBTLAND, OBEOON. 30 09 s o ST a CO o e a: (D A) r- a: ^ TRY DR. OUNN't RHIUMATI8M KING. ••mmfmmm BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '•"i*^;W«*7!',!5?^{i*»'5ir.J;St'S.?W. -< o 9 9a II - Is' Oregon — Portland. ALPIIABBTICALLT. 307 THE STANDARD, Corner of First and Ash Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS THE ONLY Daily DEKOCBATIC Newspaper IN OREGON. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. ■ 1 1 fl • 1 8 m r 1 :. 1 ffl > s 1 ^ ' z 1 c » ■ taa I 1 £2 1 » 1 S 1 k e I Q) " a-' ::; ST •0 "1 X e Q. (8 1 tt o ^7 r f f n s ■? 1 5 >i ^ V » A. NOLNER, PUBLISHER AND EDITOR. The Morning Edition furnished by Carriers at 25c per Weel(. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN OREGON. Weekly, $3.0O per year. Including semi-weekly Edition. Six Months, 9 1 .60. Dally Standard, per year, 88.00 " " Six Months, 4.00 THE STANDARD is the best commercial paper in Oregon. Contains all the Latest Telegraphic, State and Foreign News. THE STANDARD Has a large circulatioL, and daily increasing, which makes it an EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ao -< CO Z o 00 30 m ■ If if 9! 'L •'I f* • 1 if i i OLD PtRT WINE. H.. PALMER k CO.. 302 Davis St.. S. F. IL • CO •I Q 2 > o E |J|iWMIw|iB|if| WW (0 !' PUnilMI :; C i ^"IHBHB ' C 1 iSMMM ID ' iiBn 1 o 1 ..li n'HlHefi^Hi^HIBvtzK: i 18 iilili ^ a iiismmi ' t ^ o ' 'du^nn^jw '''•i < 1 |ME|i flL ImHM1^MH|pMJIbS ll.r o I z ' j^anm ' 1- ^ 3 IIB^BH O Hms^^^Hfi^ « IB HcBlfl^lHHIiRI !* i^mp ■j . W. mUW I HUUC « l/U.y 114. IIO and IIB Battery Street. l!». »'? 308 Oregon — Portland. ALrUABBTICALLT. FOE SAN FEANCI8CO, Carrying the United States Mails and Wells, Fargo & Go's Express. THE OREGON & NAVIGATII COMPANtY FACinC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY Wllili 1>1SPATCH EVERT FIVE DATS for the above Port, One of their New A 1 Iron Steamships, viz : OREGON, COLUMBIA, GEO. W. ELDER anl STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Leaving Portland at 3 A. M. Through Tickets sold to all the Principal Cities in the United States and Canada. For Particulars for Freight or PassagBt apply to GEO. W. WEIDLEB, Agent, 0. R. & N. Co., Cor. F and Front Streets, Portland, Oregon. J. M'GRACKEN & CO., Agents P. C. S. S. Co. 60, 62 and 64 North Front Street, Portland, Oregon. H. WACHHORST calls attention **fi;S?rv"eKS»!'- 315 J St EUSII o ^^H o ^^H • c^ ^^H o z ^^^Q ^ -* o 30 ^^H E A -< S Hnr m 1 »' urti r- - — ^ m ^H so ■ 1 Tl 2 a 1 ^ E=>^ o> ^H ^ > o ^H 1 (A ^^H ^^H h "H. 1 «• Q» 9 ^1 ''^ •< ^1 ^ • - •n ^1 *& ■ 1 ^ 00 I t pr 1 IL H ^ for dal: *• ■ c Stages les ^ ■ o (Shipping o ^^H jy CO « I for UMA & 1 ^ necti o H UNJ O 1 K£I o a ■ ^ for WAL s- H o, nectil ■ S forPALd O H IST( CD I A. ]\ ^ I PALOUS s H ALMOTi tJ% 1 z forASTol % I H for KALJ F 1 "S tle] o for SAlJ 3. I * day, j a I 0) ^ or day! O 3 oa o a • • ^H Fas:enJ •1 lenerall aso. jl H. PALI e E 2 t 10 '5 u o 75 S2 M O o 00 o 15 M 0> O c O X o •8 < BUSINESS PENMANSHIP "TSVsa'WK'S'iJS'lJS^S.'S.^S'fe Oregon — Portland. ALPIIABKnCALLT. 309 Oil S tm Nai aiE Co. i THE OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CONPANY S LEAVE PORTLAND for DALLES daily (except Sunday) at 5 A. M. Stages leave DAIiLES for CANYON CITY" Monday and Thursday. (Shipping point for CANYON CITY, CAMP HARNEY and OCHO- CO VALLEY.) for UMATILLA, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5 A. M., con- necting with the daily stages for PENDLETON, LA GRANGE, UNION, BAKER CITY, BOISE CITY, SILVER CITY, KELTON and WINNEMUCCA. for WALLULA Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5 A. M., con- necting with railroad for WALLA WALLA. for PALOUSE, TUCANON, PENEWAWA, ALMOTA and LEW- ISTON every Monday (during, navigation of Snake River), at 5 A. M. PALOUSE is the shijjping point for COLVILLE. ALMOTA is the shipping point for COLFAX and SPOKANE FALLS. for ASTORIA daily (excapt Sunday), at 6 A. M. for KALAMA daily (except Sunday), at 6 A. M., connecting with N. P. R. R. and through lines to OLYMPIA, TACOMA, SEAT- TLE, VICTORIA and all points on Puget Sound, for SALEM, ALBANY, CORVALLIS and intermediate points, Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 A. M. for DAYTON, Oregon, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 A. M. Pas:eiigers for Victoria should leave on Wsdnesday and Saturday. General Office, corner Ash and Front Sts., Portland, Oregon. aEO. J. AINSWOBTH, General Superintendent. FBANE T. SODai!, Assistant Superintendent. H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. > III >- I- z o CO OBI < < s CO o u u CO w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., '*v^ss'[S"if' 10:05 " 4-15 " 7'45 " It Eabt Portland ft 4:10 •' 9'53 " 4:25 " 7:58 " It Machine Shop II 4:00 " 9:40 " 4:37 " 8:10 .." 7 It Milwaulcee II &:48 " 9:23 " 4:4» " 8:23 " \l 11 Claika'nos i< 3:37 " 0:19 " 6:03 " 8:37 " 1(1 II Oregon City II 8:25 " 9:06 " 6:20 " 8:50 " 90 II Rock Island If 3:08 " 8:.iO •• 6:33 " 9:03 " ?5 II Canby II 2:.55 •' 8:35 " 6:45 " 9:14 " 29 Arrive : Leave : Aurora : Leave 2:41 " 8:15 " e:oo " : Arriv' 8:00 " 0:13 " 9:25 " HH ii Hubbard It 2:26 " 7:48 " 6:25 " 9:36 " 9:45 " 37 40 ii i' Woodburn II 2:12 " 2:03 " 7:36 " 6:33 " Gervais II 7:28 " 6:4S " 10:oO " 45 II Bi-ooks II 1:47 " 7:14 " 7:16 " 10:26 10:45 " 11:00 " 11:14 " 53 01 67 7' i< It . . , , , II II Salem 11 1:24 " l:OS " 12:45 " 12:35 " 6?47 " 7:37 " Turner's II 6:28 " 7:60 " Marion 11 6:07 " 8:10 " Jtfferson : 11 6:64 " 8:21 " 11:25 " 70 II Mi.ler'8 II 12:25 " 5:42 " 8:35 " 11:38 " 81 It Albanv 11 12:12 P.M. 6:30 A.M. 11:55 '• 87 II Tangent 11 11:56 •' 12:10 P.M. PS II Shudd's 11 11:40 '■ 12:25 " 98 It Halsey II 11:25 " 12:47 " lOfl It Harrisbnrgh 11 11:00 " 1:05 " 1:25 " 110 Arrive : Junct'on : Leave 10:40 '• 10:20 " Leave : ' — : Arrive ... ..... 1:43 " 117 It Irving II 10:00 " 2:0a " 124 11 Eugene 11 9:41 " 2:23 " 130 ti Goshen 11 9:25 " 2:45 " 1S^ II Cres^^well 11 9:08 •' 3:25 " 145 (1 I>atham 11 8:40 " 3:35 " 148 II Divide.. 11 8:30 '< 3:55 " Mi? II Comstoek's .. II 8:10 " .... ..... 4:28 " 101 i< Drain's 11 7:32 " 4:47 " 107 II Yont'ala 11 7:10 " 6:25 " 5:45 " 6:05 " 173 ISl Arrive : Leave : * * lUte Hill II 6:45 " 6:20 " 6:00 " Oakland . Leave ■ ■ • • ; Arrive • • . • ... 0::J2 " 1911 14 IJinpqua II 6:30 " 7:no " 20) Arrive Roguburg . , Leave 6:00 A.M. COXrSTBCTXO At Portland, with steamers for Snn Frnn- clsco and the East ; also for Port Townsend, Seattle, Stellaioom, Olympia, Victoria, San Juan, Nanaimo and Sitka, nnd with Oregon Railway and Navigation Cuiupany (or all points on the Columbia river. At Salrm, for Lincoln, AVheat'and, Mon- mouth, Dallas, Silverton and Independence. At Tamer's, for Aumsvillc, Sublimity, Stayton, Mehania and King's Praiiie. At Marion, for Scio. At Albany, for Lebanon, Coi-vallis, Philo- math, Yaquina Bay, Buena Vista, Sodaville, Sweet Home and Waterioo. At Halsey, for Brownsville and Orawfords- ville. At Junction , foi- Monroe and Qird'sS(ation . At 'EiiCftne, for McKenzie Bridge and Upper Ochuoo. At nrain's, for Enpire City, Marshfleld, Eikton, Suottsburg and Gardner City. At Oaiiland, for Cleveland. At Roselinric, with stages of California and Oregon Stage Co. for all points in Southern Oregon, Moithcm California, and the East. BUSINESS 0> ;? a> TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. n i| Brewers Country Office. 9 Alder St., Portland, J. Port o] CURRY c] Is reached by sea-goinl north of San FranciJ Carmen Asa, liqj^, Knapp Mrs RacJieJ. jJ Lomitzen N C. gen m Nelson Peter, blacksir Von der Green F 0. li Walha Chaa, blacksml fcor Wm, hotel postmaster H. PALMER mm^fm^m mmm BUSINESS PPNIi/IAM^HIP Prwtlrally tansht at PACIVIO nUMI. Oregon — PoHland - Prattville. ALPIIABBTIOAILT. 311 CITY BREWERY, PORTLAND, OREGON. MANUFACTURER OF @m sMi ^mim M%m AND DEALER IN Brewers' Supplies of all kinds. Country Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled* Portland Bill Posting Company, PRIVILEGES And Qooi Stand:. Office, 9 Alder St., bet. First and Front, Portland, Oregon. J. T. WILLIAMS. Port Orford, CURRY COUNTY, l8 reached by sea-going vessels, 380 miles north of San Francisco. Carmen Asa, liquors . Knapp Mrs Rachel, hotel Lorentzen N C. gen mdse Nelson Peter, blacksmith Von der Green F 0, physician Wallis Chas, blacksmith Winsor Wm, hotel WOLGOTT ALLEN D, gen mdae and postmaster Prairie City, GRANT COUNTY. BRET JULES L, gen mdse, Uvery stable and postmaster FlageoUet Frank, saloon Ford & Brodie, meat market Galbraith Wm J, gen mdse Hardman Joseph, hotel Golden Jno, nhoemaker Johnson C & Sons, blacksmiths Lawrence &. Shearer, gen mdse Mack J W, hotel Miller C & Bro, carpenters Morehead & Cleaver, flouring mill Shaw E & Jones, blacksmiths Starr A E, painter Thornton N W, blacksmith Watson James, shoemaker Worswick Jno, cabinetmaker Prattville, WASCO COUNTY. Mackie T W, gen mdse . 01 m CO I 3 CO B 3 i 1 H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. «9 h n 51 i 'Mm :^ W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ?,7.»7tyiJ!iT.rjlStffyiyr%\?.;.'g 'CO 10 « S (D g IL n C c 10 o O O C 2 s o < o 312 Oregon — PrineviUe-Rosehurg. ALPIIABBTIOALLT. Frineville, WASCO COUNTY. Breyman ft Somerville, gen mdae Chaml)erlain Brof, blacksmiths Circle Wm, hotel Colvcr Amos, hotel Gluzo T H, saloon Graham B, saloon Hamilton W C, shoemaker Ueisler ft Son, cen mdae LafoUette J B, blacksmith Nichols B F, drugs Nickelson ft Hamilton livery Pickett ft Thcmas, confectioners Rainier, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Is on the Columbia river, 15 miles below Portland. Blakesley A H, gen mdse BLANCHABl) SEAN, sawmill, gen mdse, lumber, contractor and buildtr, and postmaster Dobbins A S, gen mdse Forbes J M, saloou Merrill ft Dunegan, gen mdse Moeck Geo F, gen mdse Kogers & Hemphill, sawmill Silver Joseph, saloou Bickreal, POLK COUNTY. Dempsey J J, hotel Biverside, COLUMBIA COUNTY. Canari F, physician Cole Nelson, attorney at law Hawkins Geo, wholesale liquors Jones Charles, dancing teacher Jones J W , gen mdse KHOWLES C F, postmaster Lindgren G F, baots and shoes Lovell S L, tiouring mill Wallace John, dry goods Wood Fremont, attorney at law Wright J B, merchant Bobisonville, GRANT COUNTY. Daggett C W,'g6Q mdse Bock Point, JACK80N COUNTY. Haymond & McGruder Bros, gen mdse Bockville, WASCO COUNTY. Rockville Wool and Stock Raising Co Boseburg^, DOUGLAS COUNTY, Is the county seat and the present ter- minus of the 0. ft C. Railway, 200 miles distant from Portland and 275 miles north of Redding, and during our visit early in the winter of the present year showed evidences of a healthier com- mercial condition than that of any other town along the route. The population is placed at 1,200, and being geograpliically the center of a rich agricultural and stock-raising region, bordered by a deposit of minerals that must prove a valuable auxiliary to her development, the future of the place must be encouraging to those closely identified with her interests. This is also the northern terminus of the C. ft O. Coast Overland Mail Co, whose fine Concord coaches are run daily i)etween Roseburg and Redding, California, con- veying the U. S. mail, Wells, Fargo ft Co's express, and passengers with quick dispatch. The scenery along the route is indeed sublime and grand beyond des- cription, and the novelty of passing over Scott Mountain, whosealtitude is 10,000 feet above the sea level, is one that is attended with feelings of ecstacy, es- pecially in the summer season, when the towering peak of "Old Shasta," clad in eternal snow, glistens in the mellow sun- light. The town is quite well built, contain- ing several handsome buildings, both private and public. Its schools are good, its morals of a high standard, and its sanitary condition excellent. Abrahams, Wheeler ft Co, gen mdse Appel M, ciffars and tobacco BEATH GEO A, propr Esmeralda Sa- loon BELFUS LOUIS, watchmaker and jeweler BENEDICK F, furniture Benjamin W F, register U S land office Bitzer J, meat market Boweu J G, blacksmith S 30 (A H 20 m m o 30 O 30 m n o (0 ■n • S m r- w X (D Q. a c » 3. CD o O 3 « a o a (D < o 5" » H. WACHHORST •^ikSi^""* than any house on the Coast. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrally tanclit at PA€iriO BVMI. o CO o ea CO c/> 03 ca o. s c Q. c '5 c 3 (8 (0 (0 (0 k ■ I- ■ Oregon — Roaehurg-Rye Valley. ALPHA BBTICALLT. 313 BRENTANO M A, rcstausant Breckenridge 1{, marble works Brodie Geo A, attorney at law BUTTON W L. propr Metropolitan Hotel BTARS W H, propr "ThePlaindealer" CAMERON R> restaurant (bar in con- nection) Campbell A F, atty at law Campbell A P, physician Cullender J A, physician CANAN M A, propr Koseburg Hotel CARLON JOS W, livery, feed and sale stable Carlon Wm J, livery feed and sale stable Caro Bros, genrndse CHAMPAGNE A E, propr Cosmopol- itan Hotel Comstock J J, planing mill, lumber COMPTON MBS AW, millinery aad dressmaking COMPTON AW, saloon COSMOPOUTAN HOTEL, A E Cham- pagne propr CRANE W watchmaker DAVIS R M, physician De SoHzer Phil, oarber, baths "DOUGLAS INDEPENDENT," Kelly k Wells proprs DRY E C, saloon ESMERALDA SALOON, Geo A Bcath pr opr FENNER A W, Ked Front Cigar and Tobacco Store FENNER'S RED FRONT, (boss place for cigars, tobacco, etc Fisher H, restaurant Fitzhugh J S, gen mdse Floed & Co, gen mdse FULLER G J, agent Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express Fullerton J C, receiver U S land office Gcaddis C, couiity judge GILDERSLEEVE JOHN, furniture GOLDSTEIN S, cigars and tobacco, stationery, etc GRANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIA- TION. shipping and commission liouse, W F Owens manager Grisdale T, brick yard HAFFENDEN BROS, grocers Hamilton 8, drugs, agent W U Tel Co HANKS J D, saloon HERMANN & BALL, attys at law HIOLEY S B, druggist Hosan F P, county sheriff Holman G 0, attorney at law and nota- ry public Hoover G W, physician Humphrey W S, atty at law, broker HURSH E G, atty at law, insurance agent Jaskulek J, watchmaker and jeweller Josephson M, gen mdse Kri tzer T, brewery LANE HON L F, atty at law LANGENBERG BROS, boots and shoes, and dealer in violins and all stringed instruments Marks 8 & Co, gen mdse McGregor L, meat market METROPOLITAN HOTEL, W h. B utton propr MOSHER L F. attorney at law Newcomb K, notary NEEDERSTADT J, bakery Oaks O, photogi-apher OWENS W F. manager Grange Busi- ness Association PARROTT BROS, bootmakers Perkins & Carll, saloon - "PLAINDEALER," W H Byara propr Protzman G, bootmaker Purdom J S, agt O & C R R Raymond 8 K, dentist ROADMAN T S, atomey at law and notary public ROSEBURG HOTEL, M A Canan proprietor SCROGGS R G JR, druggist SCROGGS R G SB, physician 8heridan Bros, hardware, stoves and tinware Sheridan J C & R S, hardware, stoves and tinware Sheridan T R, county clerk Slocum H C, saloon Snider P, wagonmaker STRANGE J W, agent agricultural implements STANTON H C, general merchandise, postmaster STRICKLAND P G, agent California and Oregon Coast Overland and Coos Bay Stage Cos 8 wartz F, saloon Troxel Robert, candies VANBUREN J D, hack and dray transfer Watkins Bros, blacksmith WELLS, FARGO & COS EXPRESS, G J Fuller agent WESTERN STAR, Chaa L Mosher &Co Willi amson R, tailor WILLIS W R, attorney at law WOODWARD W G harness and sad- dles Wright W T, county treasurer Zimmerman & Frazier, foundry Rye Valley, BAKER COUNTY. Brouck D 8, saloon Frisco J, hotel O I mz II. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. mm fmm ■Vli ■ IL CO i c S 5 p 15 o > c e £ c c m O ■ o o a z S o D. C I- I- O w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., ^isri^si^rriVUkSi^^R^atxyt' 314 Oregon — Salem. AI.PIIAniiriOALLV. Salem, MARION COUNTY, The capital of the State, ia situated on the Willamette Hiveraml O. & C. R. K., 53 miles south of Portland. The town ia well laid out and seems like some quiet village back in the States. It con- tains a number of fine buildings, both private and public, among the latter may be mentioned the Cupitol, county Court House and Chcmeketu Hotel. It supports a number of newspapers, a number of weeklies and two dailies, "The Statesman," a paper of twenty- five years standing, and "Daily Talk," a young and aspiring little sheet. It has a number of manufacturing enterprises, chief among them is that of B F Drake's, iron worka and machine shops. It has two hotels, the Commercial and Cheme- Heta. The latter cost upwards of $100,- CkX), and would bo a building suitable for a place of four times the size of this. Salem contains about 4,500 people Adolph S, saloon. State Adolph S & Co, saloon. Commercial AION & FARNHAH, drygoods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, n'-tions, Commercial Applegate J A, attorney at law, Com- mercial Baker J A, county sheriff. Court House Bates L S, pictures, frames &c, Commer cial Bnyliss A, blacksmith. State BELT B F, music and nmsical instru ments, books and stationery notions. State BELT G W, atty at law, Commercial BERNAB.OI J, saloon. Commercial BEWLET & LA FORE, meat mar ket. Commercial Boehringer G, blacksmith. State BONHAM & RAMSEY, atty at law. Commercial BOON H D, books and stationery, State Boothby W F, architect, Commercial Brown J H, county coroner BRUCE R M, baths and barbsr. Com- mercial Burkholder J, shoemaker. Commercial Burnett (i H, notary Bym J T, saloon. Court Byrne L, groceries. Commercial Calvert Chas, county treasurer. Com- mercial estate. CANN T H, atty at law, real Commercial CANN MRS T H, dressmaking millinery, Commercial and Capital Lumber Co, A Preacott aupt. Ferry CHAD.WICK S F, atty at law, Com- mercial Chnse E Y, physician. Court CHEMEKETA HOTEL, 8 F Math ews propr CHURCHILL MISS MARY, dress- making. Commercial and Stata Cline Geo, carpenter, Court Cotfay Jamas, furniture, justice of the peac?, Commarciil COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Wesley Graves prour. Court COOPER, WHEALDON & CO, manu- f icturars of ai^ricultural implomants COULTER J S, architect, Commsrcial Cox & Wheeler, ins agt. Commercial CRAWFORD J W, stoves and tin- ware, Comtnercial Croaaman A B, clothing. Commercial Cross Mrs C M, millinery. Commercial CRUMP & REEVES, dressmakers, agts for McClure's tailor system. Com- mercial "DAILY TALK," Frank Conover & Co pr»»prs, Commercial Dalrymple J J, gen mdse. Commercial Dawne £ J; atty at law, notary public. Commercial Dearborn K H, harness and aaddles, Ciimmerciid De Guire Miss Louisa, dressmaker. Front DENNIS F, Houriug mills, Hi^h and Trade DIAMOND H, barber. Commercial Dickinson Jas, saloon. Commercial DICKINSON 0, seed gardens, Commer- cial Dipixill H, bootmaker. Commercial DRAKE BF, propr Salem Iron Works, Front and State Du Mars Wm, Tel op. Commercial Ehirbin & Smith, livery. Commercial Karhart R P, secty of State B DFj jl GEO A, county clerk. Court House EDWARDS MRS S A, cleaning and (lyiiig, Ci>mmorcial EMEaSON P F, restaurant. Commer- cial EXCELSIOR FLOXTRINa MILLS, F Dennis, propr Fisher (i, livery. Commercial Foley Patrick, saloon. Liberty FONTAINE J G. saloon. Commercial Ford T, atty at law. State FORSTNER BENJ, gunsmith, model- makinvr, Commtrcial FORSYTHE J M, carriage painter, State Foss J H, saloon, Commercial Fraser A, tailor. State O o 3D 00 c o CD CO o o t3 O w CD CD CD P CD o H ■« h n p ti n e 03 Vi 09 1MB ex o C9 U CO o K K » K » Li PL| < La Li o U La Le Li u m Lo S Mi ■ 1 a Ma «^TRY MURRAY'S LUNG /'M^ LIVER BALSAM. .£> PACIFIC BUSINESS C0LLE6E. JrV.J'n'iflWKir.KW. 8" u It i 09 Oregon — Salem. ALriUHRTIOALLY. 315 CD O 03 u CO o o H hi ■ a Gardner I W, music dealer, Commercial QILBE&T BROS, brokerj, ins agts. in- dependent 8toaml)oat li(ie, Commercial Gilbert J W, boots and shocn, Commer- cial (f olden T L, physician, Commercial ORAVES WESLEY, propr Commer- cial Hotel, Court Graves Wm, undertaker. Commercial Greene D L, painter, University Gregg J T, county supt of schools Hai les & Uoaliuer, mercliant tailors, State |TALL C H, physician, Commercial HAMMER SETHR, civil engineer and notary public, Conwuercial Hanson J, artist. Commercial Harding B F, dist judge. Court House Hellenbrand Chas W, candy manufry and restaurant. Commercial Henderson L, physician. Commercial Hirsch Ed, stati treasurer, Capitol Hirsch L & E, gjn mdse. Commercial Hodgkin F E, deputy secty of Statu Holmes W H, atty at law, notary pub- lic. Commercial Hultum F, restaurant. Commercial Howe & Hulliwell, saloon. Commercial Hubbell E S, druggist. Commercial Hughes John, groceries. State HYDE V R, atty at law, notary pub lie. Commercial Jarnof & Lynch, cofTee and spices Jessup S R, pliy^i lan. State Johnson Bros wat hmakers and jewel- ers, State JOHNSON C S, boarding, Stat; JOHNSON W P, photographer, State JONES & PATTERSON, real estate and insurance t\fit, Court KELLY & UNDERWOOD, black- smith and wagonmaker, Commercid KNIGHT JOHN, blacksmith. Com- mercial KNIOHT & LORD, attorneys at law Kwong Hop Leo Co, tea and China jroods LADD & BUSH, bankers, cor State and Commercial Lamport E, harness and saddles. Com- mercial LARSEN P J, wagonmaker, Commer- LAUOHEAD & WILLIAMS, meat market. Commercial Lawson (j W, atty at law. Commercial Levy F, gen mdse. Commercial Litchfiel(l G P, groceries. State LOOSEN P J, tailor. Commercial Lord W P, notary MAOERS J E, attorney at law, notary public. Commercial Magers W B, physician, Commercial Marquardt & Rattazzi, hotel. State Martin & Allen, groceries, Commercial MARTIN W W, watchmaker and jeweler. State MATHEWS S F, Chemokcta Hotel Mauzey T A, plumber. State MoAFEE J W, physician and surgeon Commercial McCauley T N, barbor, baths McCormu k J, iish market McCornack E P. clerk of board of school land com mission. ^rs MoCULLEY A, dei\tist, (.Commercial McCuUy St, Gilbert, groceries. Commer- cial McDonald J A, marble woika, C'>mmer- cial McDowell F D, watchmaker and jeweler. Commercial McFadden Mrs D, dressmaker, Court Meredith J VV, dentist, Commercial MEYER E, gen mdse. Commercial Millioan Wni, millinery. Commercial Moore M, groceries Oberheim P, groceries. Commercial O'DONALD J, carpenter, stair builder, State "OREQON STATESMAN," Odell, Doriss & Watts proprs, Commercial Paine F C, physician, Commercial Parmenter F & Co, dry goods, Commer- cial Plamondon & Stimpson, saloon, Com- mercial Porter J H, county assessor Powell L J, supt public instruction, Capitol building REED C A & 00, real estate and in- surance agts, cor Court and Liberty REYNOLDS J, physician. Commercial liice Chas, blacksmith, Commercial Ripinsky & Morris, saloon. State ROSENBERG J M & GO, gen mdse, Commercial and Court Salem Dray Sc Hack Co SALEM liXOURING MILLS CO, A W Kinney agt. Trade SALEM IRON WORKS, B F Drake propr. Front and State Salem Water Co, W F Boothby prest Santiam Water Works, Cooper, Wheal- don & Co proprs SCRIBER C W, blacksmith. Commer- cial Scott L S, postmaster. Commercial Seelig K & Co, winea and liquors, Com- mercial SEHLBREDE C A, attorney at law, notary public. Commercial Shaw & Burnett, attorneys at law Shaw J J, county judge, Court House Shelton J C, physician, Commercial - Shuster H S, photographer, Court m CO I a ci. 3 I • if f? ft a^ is* -I r • 1^ H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per ga'.. '"'i^^V^nttll^S^' mm IV. w. MONTAGUE A co.,^pX?nyiV'gmy2J'^rAgsy^^ IL m i c 75 s 'J p o S (0 0) S 0) c c (0 O ■ O o o z S o < a. I- I- O 316 Oregon — Salem. ALPHABKTICAt'.T. Skiff L S, dentist, Commercial Sloat E D, p&inter, State Small E C, Doots and shoes, Commercial SMITH F A & WALLING, photo- graphers, Commercial Smith H, dentist. Commercial SMITH H F, barber Dickinson build- ing, Commercial SMilH & MILLICAN, meat market, Statt SMITH T C & CO, druggists, state Snyder Mrs C D, book. bindery, State SQTJIBE, FABBAR & CO, groceries, crockery and glassware. Commercial STAIGEB WM, marble works, Court and Liberty STANTON W G, cigars and tobacco, Commercial Stapleton H, planmg mills. Front States H, notary and atty at law, Oom'l STINiSON MES A L, book and job printer, Commercial STRANG 6, stoves and tinware. Com- mercial STRATTON J A, attorney at law and state iiotary public STRONG & BAIN, candies and bak- ery. Commercial Swain Mrs L, dressmaker. Court SWICK B F, dentist. Commercial Thayer W W, governor Thornton J Q, atty at law. Commercial UZAFOYAGE C, boots andshoe8,Com- mercial Van Wagner G G, furniture, State Wade R M & Co, hardware, stoves and tinware. Commercial and Court Wade W L, pliysician, State WADE W L, general merchandise. Liberty Wagner D F, agt Wells, Fargo & Co, Commercial WAIT & BROWN, hardware and ag- ricultural implements. Commercial WAITE E M:> book and job printer, State Walker C H. ^'t sewing machines Walter D P, agt Singer sewing machine. Commercial WARNER & BARKER, painters. Commercial WEATHERFORD & CO, drug^psts, Commercial Wesetzky J J, tailor. Commercial West J, meat market. Commercial Westacott L, saloon, Commercial WILLIAMS, ENGLAND & CO, gen- eral broker. Commercial WILLIS H J, photographer. State Will is Leo, hardware WRIGHT J G, groceries, Commer- cial Yeaton A T, furniture. Commercial Zaeuker C W, bootmaker. Commercial Ghemeketa Hotel, Salem Oregon. This first-class Hotel, complete in all its appointments, has been leaded for a term of years by S.F.MATHEWS, Formerly of the St. Charles Hotel, Albany, and is now open to the public. CHARGES. Per Day, from $1 ,00 upwards, according; to location of room and attendance de- sired. Board and Lodging, from $5.00 a week, upwards, according tu room. Day Board, $5.00 a week. Frpe Omnibas to and from all Trains. From long: experience in Hotel buntness, Mr. Mathews fee's justified In cxpecttng a fair bhure iu will call aQ^aln. F. A. SMrrn. J. D. Walukc. SMITH & WALLING, flctogiap h aid Ai t Oalkty. We are the projirietors of two Traveling Ait Cars, all work baing fin- ished at our Gallery. We do all work from a small Photograph to a Life Size Painting. Give us a call and you will not regret it. o 30 •< O m m 30 CO 3 a* (A e 13 Q. a- 09 CD (A » (5* o o a a o' 3 CD -1 s ■• O 3. a a O 3 ■■a o H. WACHHORST. importer of ji;tXyVi>f:£;'ud.. 315 J St., Sac mtfifft/mKm ylM and • .8.F. ( n a c z eSiCom- H 30 te ■< i^es and t o m > liandise, r- m > & Co, 30 (/) and ag- ■^ rcial 3 printer, es (lachine. (A e 13 tainters, ■a •ugjpsta. lal a- ial 71 CO.gen- 00 n Stato JT (D *■ Commer- pcial ? nmercial O -^ fD r a term o 3 -«i J? a jublic. o 3 CD ance de- n g S tinegg, Mr. . ll'ig (/) ^ ^AUJNC. S2 ■ ■D o ;% JFvF 0) P«J» 3 9 a PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 'SP^u^PolL^T^^^lUVi^^y. Oregon — Salem. ALPUABBTIOALLT. 317 E g s in (0 (d (0 u o o (0 o o n o o c z h Z (9 3 O X (0 o JOSEPH BERNARDI, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Native and Imported Wines and Liquors Cigars, Tobacco, Etc., Commercial Street, bet. State and Ferry, Saiem, Oregon. C. A, Reed, Jennie C. Reed, Notary Public. C. A. REED & CO., MEMeSikruciiignls LOANS NEGOTIATED. Ascents for Seed's Opera House, Office, corner Couct and Liberty Streets, SALEM, OREGON. MRS. A. L. STINSON, Boob; and Job Printing, Society Printing, Catalogues, Order Books, .eceipt Books, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Etc. STOCZ CERTIFICATES A SPECIALTY. COMMERCIAL STREET, Opposite Chemeketa Hotel, SALEM, OREGON. Tbe Oregon Statesman Is Issued Every Day and Weekly at ODELL, DORRIS&\A^ATTS, Publishers. TERMS: Daily, $6, Weekly, $2. Advertising Rates Liberal. TSE XTE'WSPAPER OF THE STATE. Pnblished at tho Capital, and Beplete with good Matter for General Reading. C9 30 CO z o CO I CO p> 3 THE STATESMAN is the oldest paper in Oregon, the Weekly having been published a quarter of a century, and the Daily for more than half that time. 3. CO :r m A V- Hi * ■ ft* si H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. mppp i c '(5 Z p 5 & > » c o E « CQ ? C c ■ O o o z S o < 0. I- o . Wi Iwlim AUUC « bll.t i c o £ w •a o c c (Q Q • O O o < Q. I- 416 LIQ Washivgton. CLAxairiRD. NEW Stone Frank, Walla Walla Taylor H R, << Tetro L T & Co, (( TaUESDALL JOSEPH, (Poney), " Unjjerer M, •i Williams K J, i< Wind F H, << Boak Jno, Wallula Perkins T J, (( TTTBBS TONEY, (< Brown F, Washougal O'Brien P, Whatcom Adkins & Johnson, Yakima Churchill A. <( LIVERY STABLES. Baker B & Co, Colfax Davenport & Baker, n m > H TI 30 m o ■ S ^ m •4 tfi ■0 O 3. 3 a. 3 o 3 H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Saa PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th4* Mn & Stockwell, Dayton Olympia II Port Townsend Seattle II »i Walla Walla FAULKNER liage), Simons H 0, & JUDSON (car- •i Scminhmoo Sharon Sumner Sqiiak Utsali.ddy Union Hiil^t CHAPMAN & BOYER, Walla Wall. LAMAN J D. Shiirpsteiu B L, " Whitman E B, WARNER J K, White Salmon PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. WALL PAPERS, ETC. CHITBERG J P, New Tacoma SHOUDY W H, Seattle PHOTOGRAPHERS. Matzgcr W O, WOODWARD A B, MOORE GEO. I'eteraon 4 Bro, Robertson W F, Armstrong J N, Brodeck & Co, Odboru J Q, Dayton Olympia iSeattle II Tacoma Vancouver Walla Walla II PHYSICIANS. Morris R, M D, Beach \V W, Bunnell P D, Cole J A, Day W \V, l'r..ry T C, Hv3ur.th m W S, Shone A, Whituhouso L H, M D, 27 Castle Rock Culfax II Col ton Daytou II (< II Kalama •:r OLD PORT WKIE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. w. w. MONTAiiUE A co.,»**Ts:^r&.^}griirJ!i^ra^gg.y IL c 75 2 o 111 I, I o t i ID 3 £ C o • o o o z s < I- o 418 PHY Washington. CLA88IKIBD. POS Read W, Kittitasa Davia R 8, La Center Bryant J Cr, New Caatle Bostwick H C, New Tacoma Oatrander N, M D, Olympia STEELE AH, Frary T 0, Houghton J S, Lane N W, Gasaaway J M, M D, Minor T T, M D, WilliaonHO, MD, Kendricka F B, M D, Bagley A & H B, M D, Baker J, M D, Gale H A, HIQHWARDEN J, Root O G, Smith E L, Starkey D W, WEEJ) A, Brown M O, Hughea A S, Rowland O, Mineer W S, AlbanWG, Andrews Ida E, Andrews J C, (surgeon), Bingham J E, BLALOCK N G, (aurgeon), Boyd J M, Burch B F, (surgeon, CEOPP J F, (aur^'eon), KELLOQO St NICHOLS, Marion A N, Mauzey — , " Crook H P, (surgeon), Wilkeson PLANING MILLS. Pomeroy Port Gamble <( Port Townsend << i< Seabeck Seattle (< i< << <( Slaughter Skookumchuck VVaitsburgh Walla Wallii Hatch B H, Ritter & Holman, Cram W H, Dyer & Clarey, Card & Lair, WEBSTER J H, Cooper S M, Kendall BF, Glaaford Wm, Dayton (< Palouse Pomeroy Seattle Spring Brook Tumwater «( Walla Walla PLUMBERS AND GASFIT- TERS. (See Stoves and Tinware; also Tinners.) laaaca J C, Walla Walla POSTMASTERS. SPALDINa HENRY, Almota WHEELER N A, Alpowa HUNT MILES B, Artondale penton Wm, Blakeley Huntington Wm, Birnie A D, SMITH JAMES, URQUHART JNO, DOZ LUCIUS Miles Wm F, Renahaw W B, STANDLEY J B, Libbey J B, Day J M, McDonald john l, Laity John, Williams L D, Bell Geo, OLMSTED J D. Swift M L, Fowler J D, Urquhart W M, ATKINSON J M E, Morris J, Fife W H, BOYCE G P, HARRIS J R, Laughliii S D, GALE J N, WICKS M E, Wliitesell Henry, PLUMB E B, WILSON E T, Caatle Rock Cathlamet Cedarville Chehalis Cherry Valley Claquato Colfax Colton Coupville Dayton Elma Grand Mound Ilwaco Independence Kittitass Klititat Mukilteo Napavine New Castle New Dungeneas New Tacoma Novelty Oakville Olequa Olympia Onecho Orting Plumb Station Pomuroy JACKSON D L, (deputy), Port (Itamble ATTRIDGE R D, Port Ludlow LEARNED W H H, Port Townsend Smith Edward, H<)ly»)ke R, Carr O J, STEINWEO W L, PURDIN J H, FORD S S, TUCKER JOHN. CROSBY CJR, BALLARD L W, Crane J VV, Kramm John, Stark Mrs P J, TIBBETT3 G W, MILINEJ, Ki<;ney -0 o 3. m 9> a -> Q o 3 H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. ^mm^m^ rUSINESS PENMANSHIP '•^V'iW4r.'&/.«%'^VK»'S,?Srfc VAR Washington. OLASSiriBD. WEL 421 VARIETIES. (See also Fancy Goods.) Arment I N, McCoy C C, (Jilliliuid J H, GTTYOT G. ayLzmi o h, OEAVES A C, Mills M V, Sullivan J, Davis Chtu, o •0 < Dayton mmmmmTMM mmmik, ^W First Hotel from Steamboat Landing, ,,^33 VICTORIA, B.C. W. JENSEN, PROPRIETOR. First Class Accommodations at S I .OO per day. VICTOSZA AND NEW WSSTMINSTEB Leaves Victoria every Tuesday and Friday, at 8 A. M. And returns on Wednesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or Passage apply at H. B. CO'8 BUILDING, WHARF STREET, H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. S ae n OB r- m s a> 3 II H SM i! ? I 03 o it im * i PI it. iff* *s WW llflNTACIIF A CO tihcet Iroa. all •!■•• mm4 Tlmmhmwn, II*. . ft. WUrilAtaUt et bll., im 114. iie.awH l m* Battery «CmLf. till a < > 5 z s o Id OS o I- Ul H X < O CO h P BRITISH COLUMBIA. (ALPHABETIOALLY.) Sea alio, Liit of Tovu Bsoelred too Late for Bagalar Insertion. This province of tho English Government occupies that portion of the North American continent which lies north of the 4i)th parallel, south of Alaska, and between tho Kocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. "The topography of tho colony is generally mountainous. The Cascade Kange, a continuation of the Sierra Nevudas of California, intersects the entire length of the country, running from north to south at a distance of about 100 miles from the coast. Several spurs of the Kocky Mountains extend into the interior, one of which forms the range wherein tlft gold mines of Cariboo are located. A num- ber of large and voluminous rivers take their rise in these various ranges, the main stream — the Fraser — flowing through the country for a distance of about 1,500 miles, thfiroby ranking as tne second largest stream on the Pacific Coast. As it traverses thj most mountainous section of the country, its course is conse- quently through a continued chain of impassable gorges and canyons, causing it to be utterly unuavigable to steamboats, excepting 100 miles of its lower waters and about 80 miles midway between its source and mouth. Even its naviufation by boats, although frequently successfully accomplished, is replete with danger and has been frequently attended with disastrous results. The Pitt, Bridge, Thompson, Quesnelle, Cliiliwack and Hiirrison rivers are all branches of the Fraser, of greater or less magnitude and importance. A large number of lakes, varied in size, nestle between the mountain ranges. Some of these lakes are nav- igable to steamboats of light draft, and vessels of that class are at present employed on their waters. All these lakes and rivers, as well as the baycb and inlets along the coast, swarm with fish of different descriptions. Much of the country is covered with dense forests of pine, cedar and other kinds of timber, especially S3 near the soa co.a.st and in the interior mountain districts. The lumbar business has become quite an important one, the exports of that article amounting to about $250,000 annually. The spars obtained from its forests cannot be equaled elsewhere, in length and qualily, and large numbdrs are shipped annually abroad. Although comparatively an indifferent agricultural country, British Columbia's agricultural resources have l>een valuable assi.stunts in the development of her rich and extensive mineral diiposits, to whiuh the time and attention of a large portion of the white population bus been exclusively devoted. Sumass, Kamloops, Lillooet, Dog Creek, Soda Creek, Williams Lake and Alkali Lake are all valuaole agricul- tural districts, some of which are somewhat rxtensively cultivated and annually produce fine crops of cereals, thus effectually stopping the importation of bread- stuffs from Oregon and California to any point above Victoria. Thousands of acres of invaluable land, now partly subi.ierged by the flood tides, exist at the mouth of the Fraser river, wfiich, by an inexpensive system of dyking, can bo easily reclaimed and immediately placed under a high state of cultivation. The land is now being rapidly pre-empted, in anticipation of the speedy construction of the New Dominion Truiis-continental Railroad, and the establishment of the Pacific terminus at Burrard's Inlet. The soil of the country is in most places of a light character, deficient in depth and quickly exhausted. These low lands of the Fraser are, however, exceptions to the rule, and possess a rich and deep soil. 8ome portion of the interior also possess a deep and highly productive soil, as evidenced by the spontaneous growth of various kinds of fruits. In this respect the Similkameen Valley is a perfect garden, varieties of garden fruit growing abundantly in as advanced a state of perfection as the products of domesticated trees and shrubs. As a grazing country, British Columbia is probably prominent, the plains an^ valleys of the interior being covered with abundance of bunch and other nutritious grasses, and affording an unlimited range for the support of nu mberless flocks and TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumauer & Co., 'SS'Jl^v^sr 1) 11 3 o o o 3 Cft 3 (D t X o e M 9 i? o O 5 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •'^Sn.rsrm.K k<«plfiir, PoniiMiMhIp, T«it;|ir»|ihv. British Columbia — Barke'-ville-Deer Creek, 423 ALrilARRTIUAf.LT. herda Twenty thousand head of homed cattle are stated to be now feeding in the extensive valleys of the Froser, Thompson, Bonaparte and Nicomin rivers. These valleys are comparatively free from snow during the winter, and contain good feed tnroughout the year. Their peculiar adaptability for stock-raising has been indisputably established and demonstrated by the practical results obtained from several years' experiments. 8hccp-raiaing has of late years been introduced into the colony, and is proving a source of great profit to those engaged in it. Good markets for stock and farm produce are always to be obtained in the mining districts, which are situated in ungenial and unproductive parts of the colony. Barkerville, CARIBOO DISTRICT. Ball H M, judge Bowron J, govt agt Byrnes Geo, sheriff, agt B C Ex Chipp J, physician Cunio N, hotel Pcrlin I C, gen mdse Goodson J (i, bakery Kelly A, hotel Kwong \jee & Co, gen mdse Mason & Daly, restaurant Moses W D, harbor Nason I B, sawmill Nutt J, justice peace Ucnnie ^V, bootmaker Boss H, gen mdse <- Thompson .1 S, M P VAN VOLKENBURO BROS, i market Wa Lee, gen mdse Wilson N, gen mdse Wing Sing, gen mdse Baynes Sound, COMUX DISTRICT. Baynes Sound Colliery Co Haines & Cole, sawmill and gen mdse meat Burrard's Inlet. Dcighton Jno, saloon Fernandez G, gen mdse Manion Jas, gen mdse Michand Max, hotel Moody, Nelson & Co, lumber Wilson B H, hotel Cache Creek, LILLOOET DISTr CT. Campbell J, postmaster, geii mdse Maclure J C, agt B C Ex Co Mechlin I C, D Tel Co operator Camerontown. Rogers & Wilson, gen mdse Cassiar. Calbreath, Grant & Cook, gen mds» Lciser Simon, gen mdse Clinton, LILLOOET DISTRICT. Bu^rdB D, tliipfriBfi F W, justice peace and gen mdse Harper T, flour mill and sawmill Hayes C, Barnard's Express Marshal Mrs, hotel McCulley J, blacksmith Nelson & Wolfe, gen mdse O'Connor M, B C Tel Co, postmaster and govt agt Sanders E H, judge Tuck Kee, gen muse Comox, COMOX DISTRICT, Situated 140 miles northeast of Victoria. Population about 150. Support derived principally from coal mining. D^ible CrcOAjostmaster . ^^ Fitzpatrick JM, saloon :f(-' < ^^t^ T Home H E, gen mdse Pidcock VICTORIA. Bland W, saloon Daran Juhn, saloon Everett P, saloon Furgerson — , suloon Howard J, hotel, postmaster Martin T, saloon Porter J, livery Saunders H, groceries Selleck W X, hotel Thomas A, hotel ^" i!by H, vari<.-ties Williams &, Ai-thur, hotel Essington. Cunningham It, gen mdse Glenora. Lovell Jno B, gen milse Hope^ YALE DISTKICT. Galloway T, hotel Walker & Bowes, sawmill Wardle J, express Wirth J 6, gen mJae and postmaster Yutes W, gen mJiie EamloopS; YALE DISTKICT. Guerin J, blacksmith Mira J A, pjstmaater and justice peace Mara & Wilson, geii radae and agc B C Ex Co Mcintosh J, contractor Melutoah & Mcl'hadun, hotel Nimmo II A, gen radsj T.iit J, gen v.ulio Lytton, YALE DISTRICT. Bailie S Y, hotel Blackhord H, blacksmith Boucherat J, gen nuise Chapman J, fhour mill Coxon G, gen mdse Hautier L, hobel ' Kilroy P, hotel MoINTT&E JOHN, gen mdie, ajt B C £x Co, and postmaster McKay J & Co, livery Sproat R, hotel Wright W H, B C Tel operator Maple Bay. Baumont W, gen mdse McDane's Creek, Fletcher & Co, gen mdse Leider iSiinon, gen mdse Nanaimo, VANCOUVER DISTRICT, Sitnateil about 75 miles from Victoria, on the eastern shore of Vancouver Is- land, and is the shipping point for tlie exbeiisive coal fields in that district. It id a thrivi'ig business town, of abmt I,20J inhabitants, and the center for a much larger number of people if the mining population is taken into connd- eration. It has biweakly communicii- tion with Victoria by Spratt's cnmmo- dious steamer, "Cariboo Fly. " The Sit- ka steamers call here. Abrams J, clothing, boots and shoos Akenhead J, Nanaimo Meat Market Akenhead 'Valter, hotel Baker Geo, market Bate & Bryden, co-managers Vancouver Coal Co Bate Mark, Mayor of municipality and justice of peace Black Diamond Hotel, J W Brunstoa Brightman Ball, butcher Bulkley T A, colliery propr and justice peace Brian K, city councilor Brodie P, mcrcljant tailor Brown Jas, t.iilor Brunston J W, Black Diamond Hotel Bryden J, city councilor and justice of peace fil^ ,,//, ^, ,^ ty/^i^ii^ Carpenter C, sawmill ' ' Clunesi D, physician and surgeon Commercial Hotel, J A McDonald Dunsmuir, Diggle & Co, propra Welling- ton Colliery Dunsnniir Itobt, justice of peace Earl Wm, crockery Fawcett T L, ■ jvernment agt Fletcher, Beck &; Thames, contractors, builders and undertakers Gibson Kichd, gen mdse Gilbert Mrs J K, Temperance House Gougm Mrs Elizabeth, Nanaimo Hotel CO CO H m o 30 o 30 m o z CO ■n ■ m o m (A 0) a. ia c (a 3. o ■1 O o :j S" §: S' 3 (0 H.WAGHHORST. importer Of afXne lYntrhfa, QIRICf Car PACIFIC Bl 1 Brit #?| Gray ABAC Victoria Hous Harold Jas, attj Harvey Jas, gen Hazelton J H ft Hendry & McNe Herre W F, land countant Hirst Jno, gen n Hoath Chas, Jive Jenkins .Jno E, Kurst Chas, bak restaurant Lorimer Wm, car Lynch Edw J, bL Malirer Jno, soda M lyer A, gen md McDonald D S, m McDjnald J A, C McL ly Jas, ju.^tic „ I Mead Geo, luiirdn e Milburn T C, li ju O "iVanaimo Free Pj *' ' Nanaimo Market liead Newcastle House, Nightingale liiclid, Mjrrii Geo, puh " Old Flag Inn (boari proprietor Pa,'e L, painter Parkim Wm, gen iJ Piiwson J, justice c Peck T E, colle.-toi I'lnbury E, bookse PI inta J p, justice Plwice J H, stoves and hardware Pringls W, city co Kapcr Alfred & and news depot KaybouldMri, mil Ilei.l Wm, city cou I{uilly Peter, grocei IJenwick -Jno, blacl Koltinsoa & Clayto Komano Jno Q, get t>ai)iston Jno, city Smith Donald, liji Smith Henry P^ N •Smith J, Wiitchni.il Spdding W I{ cou fSurlea W J & Co, i Tamblyn J, watclii Uren J, photo^rrap WhII T, saloon Wutkins if, rastau Webb J, h.,tel Webb W E, baker Whitefiold J, bootl Wilson J, commies Wilson W, stoves, wren Jno, boots ui H. PALMER t PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, Mo. Sao Po(rt IStriN>t. Bdmwtm thoronchly tor Vtnmin^mm. British Columbia — Nanaimo-New WestTninster. 425 AlirllABBTICALbV. Gray A B k Co, dry goods, brawcn of Victoria House Harold Jas, atty at law Harvey Jas, gen miUe and ins Hazelton J H & Co, Mu^ic Soap Works Hendry & McNeiir, sasli factory Ilerre W F, land agent, collect jr and ac- countant Hirst Jno, gen mdse Hoath Chas, livery stable Jenkins Jno E, Old Flag Inn Karst Chas, bakery, oyster saloon and restaurant Loriiner Wm, carpenter and contractor Lynch Edw J. blaclcsmith Mahrer Jno, soda water manufr M lyer A, gen nidse McDonald D S, gen mdse McDonald J A, Commercial Hotel McL'y Jas, justice of peace Mead Geo, hairdresser Milburn T C, li]norii "iVauaimo B'ree Press," Geo Morris pub Nanaimo Market (meat), James A Ken- head Newcastle House, Henry P Smith propr Nightingale I? ichd, <'ity councilor Mjrris Geo, pub "Nanaimo Free Press'' Old Flag Inn (boarding), Jno £ Jenkins proprietor Pa'^e L, painter Parkiin Wm, gen mdse I'awson J, justice of p?ace Peck T E, collector of customs I'inbury E, bookseller and stationer Plmta J P, justice of peace Plwice J H, stoves, tinware, wall paper and hardware Piiagls W, city councilor llaper Alfred & Co, books, statiDuery and news depot Raybould Mrs, milli lery and fancy goods Keid Wm, city councilor Kuilly Peter, gri)ceries Keiinick Jno, blacksmith Robinson & Clayton, butchers ' Uomano Jno Q, gen mdse Sa'niston Jno, city c tuuoilor Smith Donald, lijuors Smith Henry P, Newcastle House Smith J, watchmaker Spilding W 15, county court judge Surlea W J & Co, drugs Tamblyn J, watchm iker Ureu J, photographer _^ WullT, saloon Wutkina It, restaurant - Webb J, h.,tul Webb W E, bakery Whitctiold J, bootmaker Wilson J, commission merchant Wilson VV, stoves, and tinware Wren Jno, boots and ahoes New Westminster, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT, Incorporated city, favorably situated for tra«.1e, on the Eraser, just ab')ve the junc- tion of the North Fork, 75 miles from Victoria, with whiiih place it has steamer communication twice a week. This city from its favorable position on a river that is second to none in commercial importance on the coast (for it is the outlet of a grett a2;ricultural and min- ing country), bids fair ia a few years to b3 a provincial ce:iter. The present population is 1,000. Anderson Robt, stoves and tiawaro Armstrong W J, sawmill Aruaud P, Coloni d Hotel Blackie iVilter, blacksmith and general dealer Bale W Norman, barrister at law and notary public Bowden Edw, a?t B C Tel Co Bradbury E, varieties Brown Ebjnezer, liquors Browne O W, luirdressir Chisholm Donald, li juora Cohen li S, watchmaker Cowie Jno M, merchant tailor Cunningham J & Co, gen mdse Deane H W, gen m Ise Deape J S & Co, fnh cannery Debju Henry, gen m ise Dickinson E, gov't land agt Dickinson Robt, market "Dominion Piciric Herald," (semi- week- ly), Jno C Brown pub Edmonds Henry V, land agt and auc- tioaeer Ewen & Wise, fish cannery Eickhoff F, gen mdsj Fickhott' Henry, gen mlaa aud propr of Union Hotel Ellar Jas, drygoods Euglis &, Co, fish cannery Eureka S M Co, J A U Homer aecy Ewen & Wise, tish can lery Finlayson & Lane, tish cauaery Eraser Jaa, watchmaker French W J, meat market (^raham T \V, carpanter Harvey Wm, bakery Hendry Jno, millwright Hennessy & Bender, lienors Herring Arthur M, druggist Hogan Henry, aoda water Holorook H, gen mdse Holbrook H & Co Hah cannery and gen merchandise Holt S F, blackamith and wagottmaker Homer JAB, commissi in agt ^ Howiaon W J & Co, gen mdse ao S o c/> o m II o', h Si 35 n :3 '•? i^ ft* n a H •J SI 5f i 11 '■> .1 H. PALMER & CO., Native Wmes, 302 Uavis Street, S. F. p O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., '^!f;SS'n°it'g,1!57.1^"iga^?;ys?!!^^^g: 426 British Columhia — New WestmiTiater-Victoria. ALrnABETICALLT. Hoy H, carpenter Hughea J C, land o£Sce Jackson Oliver, stoves and tinware Johnston Wm, bootmaker Karey Mrs M, boarding • Kaye Frederick, salmon packer Lamby T McK, books and stationery Lewis W, restaurant Lewis W K, livery stable Lord Jno E, furniture Lowe W H, collector of customs "Mainland Guardian" (semi-weekly), J K Suter pub Major Chas J, gen mdsfe McColl Wm, hotel McDonough Chas, gen mdse Mclnnes Thos R, physician Morgan Alex, hairdresser Murray Jno, bootmaker Nickels Wm, liquors Pearson T E, agt B C ex Peele A, druggist Robinson Jas, coal Rodick Thos, liquors Rosseau J, boots and shoes Sirr Thomas, liquors Tait V B, postmaster Thomas Robt, boots and shoes Townsend W B, London Markci Townsend Mrs W B, millinery Trew C N, physician Walsh Thos, tailor Webster ( r W, sawmill Willie Louis, bakery Wiutemute Jos, carpenter Wise Jas, gen nulse V/ithrow D, furniture Quesnelle, CARIBOO DISTRICT. Barlow A, t.rad<^r Bohimiioii - • '-a i'ir Brown A ' >tel ( "'n A. /.vkxmith I) .,./ f> ly, l.'»tel (iirvJ 'i , trivJ'-r Kwony |l/»e k ^'o, gen mdse Keid /, gi 11 iii'laA and agt B C Ex Co Skinner K J, g^■■n mdse 8tone Jas, agent B C Tel Co mmI post- master Soda Creek, LILLOOKT DIKVKICT. I>unM&r P C, hotel and »/t B C ex McIxjTC R, hotel and postrniuiter YeatcB H, B C tel opr Stanley and Van Winkle, CARIBOO DISTRICT. Austin Mrs, hotel . Bendixon Mrs, saloon Evans J, M P Fletcher & Naughton, gen mdse Houseman W W, hotel Lindsay A, agt B C Ex Co and post- master Sumass. Millar D,W,£en mdse Thibert Creek. Thibert Henry, gen mdse Victoria, VICTORIA DISTRICT, Is the capital of the Province and seat of government, the hcadqu.arters of all Dominion and local institutions, public associations and private institutions in British Columbia. Victoria ia a well located and beautifully situated city on the southeastern extremity of Vancou- ver Island, about 800 miles from San Francisco, with which it has commnica- tion by means of the P. M. Co. 'sand P. S. iS. Co. 's steamers several times each month, besides numerous sailing vessels. The harbor of Victoria is not the best but at Esquimalt, 3 miles from the city, is a very large and good harbor where the largest ships can discharge and take cargoes. There are many fine buildings here, both public and private. There are quite a number of manufacturing industries; namely, foundries and ma- chine shops, match factory, etc. Tliere are a number of hotels here, two daily newspapers — "The Standard" and "The Colonist." There are many good firms here, and business of all kinds is fair. Among the many projected enterprises are the niilroad and dry-dock, which promise now to be completed at an early day. The discovery of gold on the Ska- git river, for which this is the out-fitting point for those wlio go to the mines by way of the Fort Hope route, has given a fresh impetus to trade. The resources of this place are various. Situated as it is it becomes the distributing point for the Province, and the nucleus for foreign B % (ft ft* CO o o M a a. o o n a D s 3 O •o a (D 1 z O C U) (D •m (D O TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSIN€SS COLLEGE, Opp. VntoH Square, M. F. Back* keeping, Pentnanihip, Telegraphy. 1. 'i ■jl ;i :■! ■ w 00 c '>» a Q) Q) J (8 £ a (8 (ifi to British Columhia — Victoi^. 427 ALPHABETICALLY. trade. It is backed by a rich farming and graziug country. Canning salmon, manufacturing lumber, mining coal and minerals all go toward making this city one of great importance. It contains about 6,000 people ; it has good schools and churches, and is steadily growing in wealth and prosperity. ALMON lEON WOEKS, J Spratt proprietor AUatt T S, carpenter Allen W, fruit and fish. Government Allsop & Mason, real estate and insur- ance agts and notaries, Government American Hotel, Thos J Burnes propri- etor, Yates Andean Wm, second hand goods Anderson ( J VV, groceries, Fort Anderson J K, broker, Langley Anderson W, stairbuilder, Port Andrews J, shoemaker Angel Hotel, Fred Carne prop, Langley ARCADE EESTAURAlfT, J Levy propr. Government Arcliibahl W F, \V V tel opr, Trounce Alley Armstrong VV W, cigars and tobacco ASH JOHN, physician. Fort Astrico Mrs A, hotel, Store Bagnall & Co, music and musical instru- ments. Government BAKER £ C, notary public and real estiite agent BAKER R & SON, wholesale and re- tail Hour, feed and fruits, Y.ites Ball C, blacksmith and waijonmaker BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, \V (j V/ard manager, Governnieiit Bank of British North America, K Burns maniger, Yates BANK EXCHANGE SALOON (free liincl'. every day), Yates B:ite3 M, restaurant, Government Barnard F S, ins agt, Yates BiiriMU J, nie:it market BATCHELOR B, meat market, Y'atcs Bauniann F, candy manufr, Yates Bjavcn llobt, real estate agent, Gov't Beciitel A J, saloon, Johnson Beckford — , carpiuiter. Fort BEEOAN F, shoemaker, Yates Bilmont Tanning, Boot and Shoe Co, W Dalhy manager Bennallack Thos, carpenter, Johnson Bliickall Geo, saloon Br C O £ 09 •o o c c G O O O < CL c p C w. w. MONTARUE A CO., y.CT.y2.v^>°«rjKjt^v;ur;;:y/^^ ^ 428 British Columbia — Victoria. At.rilAIIRTICAU.V. CHANOELLI P, groceries and li(][Uors, JohuBcm Cridge R C, surveyor CROWTHEB J, sign paintinp, Yates DAILY AND WEEKLY STAND- ARD, C McK Sniitli, propr Dassonville J, jeweler. Fort DAVEY MISSES, dressmakers, Gov- ernment Davie J C, physician Davies J P & Co, auctioneers and com merchants, Wharf DA'VIE & POOLEY, barristers and at- tomeys-iit-law, iiotiiries, Langley DAVIE THEO, barrister-at-law, no- t; ry jpublio, cor Fort and Langley DE29(NY WM, dry goods. Government DeWIEDERHOLi) & CO, coal wood and com merchants, J'ort and Wharf Dillon B F, saloon, Yates IXibinson Mrs J, fancy goods, Fort Dominion Gov't Tel Line, B W Pearse sni»t. Government DOMINION GOVERNMENT SAV INOS BANE, Jolin Graham, manager DOMINION HOTEL, » Jones, propr, Ytites Dougall John, machine shop and foundry, cor Peinhruok and Government DOUGHTY GEO, brushmaker, Fort DBAKE & JACKSON, barriitcrs-at- liiw, notaries, Lamjit-y Dr.uit J, bakery. Johnson DRIARD HOUSE, Kedon & Hartna- gel, propis, View Drumniond J S, stoves and tinware Earle Thos. wholesale grocer, Wharf EAST COAST LINE STEAMERS. J >rpr,itt, propr ■ ELliIOTT A^O. buiiiubcf ot In^', LniiM -lilli' 'IRv^^iiS^'''''-'*' J^'''"8on Ellis D, h^el Englehiirdt4> i'n\malf,»aA agt/P M S >S Co, Wharf ENTERPRISE GOLD & SILVER MINING CO, Wm Pollard, Sec'y EVANS D S w i^ mm ik3r, J )h h on Evans S, Park Hotel, Beacon Hill Fairhi.irn & Robertson, hlacksmiths and boiler works Fawcett 15 W, sewing machines lELKER, J R, propr St. Charles hotel Fell & Co, uroceries, Fort FELL THORNTON, attorney-at-law, notary public, (Jovernment Fellows A, hardware, Yates Field S, cabinet maker, Fort Fin V £ z |x X HEISTERMAN H F & CO. real estate anil ins agts, Langloy Henley J, b,iker, Fort HETT J ROLAND, atty-at-law llcywood .), pork packer, Yates HL8BEN T N & GO, books and sta ti )iiery, Goverumjut Hildebraiul Mrs Al, t.iilor Hi^'gi'is D W, propr "Tho Colonist," stationery Hil i'lrd J, tfroceries, Store HOLMES & DUDGEON, moat market, Fort HOWELL J J, saloon, Yatos HUDSON BAY CO, Wm Charles iniiiai{er, Wharf HUTCfiESON J, dry goods, Govern iiiunt Huxtable VV H, groceries, Fort and Quadra Irving J, steamboat owner ' Jackson & Jeffrey, saloon Jackson W, druggist and physician, (fos'ernmont JAMESON MRS M, wool and fancy store, Fort Jnni on R C, wholesale gen mdse. Store JAQUES GEO, watchmaker and juw- eler, Fort Jiiy & Co, seeds, Yatos JEfFREE W J, clothing, gents fur- nishiig goods, Governmsiit JENSEN W, propr UcciJeatul Hotel, Wharf JENKINSON W H, watchmaker and jiiwcler, Johnson Jeiiki'ison Mrs E, fancy work JO NSON E, attorncy-at-law, notary, Government Johnson P T & Co, seed^. Fort Jones Mrs B, drossm.iker KeaysG C, stoves and tinware, Yates Koe Sam, tuilor Kelly S L, stoves and tinware Kin;^ J, saloon Kii'sop (ieo, marble works KNIGHT H, fniit, groceries, Store KNIGHT J W, blacksmith, Johnson KOESTER H, City Bakery, groceries, . Inline, )n KURTZ JOHN, cigar manufacturer, (juvc'inient Lamont •, hotel. Fort and Donsjlass l^uge (i \V A, watchmakers and jewel cr», Ooverrimoat LAJIGLEV ft CO, wholesale and re- *,iildru>r!,i8t8, Yates Lmj^ley Mrs J, di-cssniaker, Broughton l/juovtu T, Hour and feed, \Vh irf L"vy Mrs E, candies, Goveriimeiit LE/y Ty restiuirant, (Joverumeut LEWIS LEWIS, clothing and gents funiishing goods, Yutes LIVERPOOL ARMS RESTAU- RANT, J C Wood propr, Johnson Loewenber^ L, real estate. Government LOHSE WM, Bank Exchange, (free lunch every day,) Yates LONDON HOTEL, C J Phillips propr, Johnson " Longhurst J, saloon. Government and Humboldt LOVETT J J, saloon. Government Lubbe T, furs and skins, Y,ates Lucas & Chapperou, b ikery, Johnson Mahood J A, civil cn;j;i.ieer, Langley MALIANDAINE & McDOWELL, architects. Government VtA^ . M at ooh ( J (' i n i vil oiigi l a nr, r ii ny i !i'umuu > U Mffy}fyfi.ughton D, hotel. Fort MciViiV Wm, s l.ton McPHEE^ N, wiiplesale a*d.xotiiil eerie.-', V'ates 'McQuado P & Sons, ship Wharf McTiornau P, pen mdse, Store McchauKs Litirary lustitutf, Fort MILLAR Ji blicksuiilh and Cirri «ge- maker, manuf icturi r iron Ikjam plows and W'lla'td's iiattl'» MITCHELL MRS J 0, millinery, Fort 1 ' IS, ship chandlers, yS :.? % PUaE PORT WINE, lor Melictail mrposcs, 302 Davis St., S. F. m i • 111 m\9lt I MUUCW \t\9.f pntt enn. 110, ir2. fliritftJtnd 118 Battery St.. 8. fT ' " ~' ' "" " " ' ■-,..,■■,.., n 430 CO o V >i' ;*.» ,4':ii hft) ■ o « S T3 4) C C o o o o z s < a o z p I- D o British Columbia — Victoria. ALrUABBTICALT.T. MONTOBIO G, grocoriea, Store Moore & Co, druggists, Yates Morison Geo, drugs, Government Jiorley C, soda works, Yates HOUTIMEB & REID. marble and franite works. Government near am*s Bay Bridge HUIRHEAD & MANN, planing mill, door and sash factory. Rock Bay Bridge MTJNSON & HENDRY, match fac- tory. Work st. Bock Bridge Nagle J, harbormaster Nesbitt S, bakery Nicholson T, groceries and liquors, John- son Norris F, harness and saddles, Govern- ment Norris VV G, hardware, Johnson NORTH PACIFIC SALOON, Wm Marshall propr, Yates and Wharf NORTON & NORCROSS, saloon, Gov- ernment Nuttall T C, insurance agent. Govern- ment OASTERHOXJT P, hardware and crockery, stoves and tinware, Johnson OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, W Jensen propr, Wharf Oldenburg A, pawn broker. Government ON HING, dry goods, cigars, Johnson Oriental Hotel, Wm McKeon propr, Yates PAINE ERED, barber, Johnson Papst J T, groceries, Fort and Blanchard PARDOE C, gunsmith, Yates PARKER JOHN, meat market, Fort and (Jovernmenfc Parry & Holinan, saloon, Johnson PATTERSON W D, land surveyor, etc, box liC), Fort Pendray & Co, soap works, Humboldt Phillips A, soda works Phillips Brcis, fruits, Fort PHILLIPS C J, Chief Engineer V F 1), .Tohnson PH(ENEX SALOON, J J Howell, Yates PLATZ GEO, cooper, Wharf Pleace A, tcleirrapli operator D G tele- grapli line, (Joveriinient Plummer Bobt, public accountant, Bas- tion PiaggioG, ^eii mdsc, Store Pierre Thos, tailor PIONEER STEAM MH^LS, (5 09 B % S" e* CO o a s. a m o o 9T CD 1 z o B (A p w r O O TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer&Co., "^S.^hiv^iT PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '^ SSiJSS^y'STi.JSlXr' British Columbia — Victoria. 431 ALrilABBTICALLV. CO 06 e> CP CO cs fit l! ?l 5 C 0. e3 c 3 Ik (8 >i (0 « (0 ■ I- ■ < « Smith & Matthews, bootmakers Smith M K, bakery, Fort SFENCE WM, tailor, Johnson Spencer David, dry goods, Crovernment SPENCER S A. photographer, Fort SFRATT J, propr Albion Iron Works Stahlschmidt & Ward, commission mer chants and insurance agents, Wharf STARR L M. steamboat owner ST CHARLES HOTEL, J V Wangen- heim propr, cor Douglass and Yates ST CHARXES MUSIC HALL, J V Wangenheim propr, cor Douglass and Yates Steele P, saloon, Bastion STEITZ BROS, restaurant and bakery STEMMLER LOUIS, coffee and spice factory, Wharf Stephens E, civil engineer, Buckley Orchard-Craig, Flower Road Stevens & Co, saloon. Government Stewart & Braden, plumbing and gasfit- ting, Yates Storey T, contractor, builder, and un- dertaker ST NICHOLAS HOTEL, Mrs S Fried proprietress Strachan R, saloon, Wharf Strouss C & Co, gen mdse, Wharf Syme J, architect, (loverunieut TiiylorChas, tinsmith Teinjue J, arcliitect "THE COLONIST," D w Higgins propr, (Toveriiiiient THE WHITE HOUSE, dry goods, J Hutchinson manager, (lovurnmcut Thistleton E, dressmaker, (Jovernnieat THISTLE WM H, San Francisco Sa- loon, cor Yates and (lovernnient Tliompsoa R B, dentist, Government Thornhill T, livery Tiedem;ii)n H O, architect, Langley TINSON W, trucks and tlrays, stand uiir Yates ami AVharf TIFFINS W J, candies, Fort 1 Todil C, chief of police Toild J H, wholesalii genmdse, Yates TOMFKINS G, blaclisinith, Douglass Turner, Beeton & Co, couunission mer cliunts, Wharf VANCOUVER QUADRA A F & A M No 2, C M ChaniliiTs socy VAN VOLKENBURGH & CO, meat market (ships, hotels and families supplied witli meat at the lowest prices), Yates VICTORIA HOUSE, dry goods. Wm Denny, Government VIENNA GEO, fruit, game, fish, gro- ceries, etc, Johnson VIGELIUS BROS, hairdressers and baths. Government VIPOND A, gunsmith and machinist, Yates Wah Lung & Co, gen mdse WAITT MW& CO, books, stationery, staple fancy goods, sheet music and musical instruments. Government Walkem G A, atty at law. Government Wallace Robt, postmaster Waller H, camhes, Fort Walther H & Co, brewery. Fort WANGENHEIM J V, proprietor St Charles Hotel and St Charles Music Hall, cor Douglass and Yates WARD W C, manager Bank of British Columbia, Government Warner H, saloon. Government WEIBER JOHN, wholesale and retail dealer in furniture, glassware, carpets, etc. Fort, pustoffioe box 218 Welch, Rithet & Co, commission mer- chants, agts Firo Ins Co, and agts Moodyville Sawmill Co, Burrard In- let, VVharf WELLS, FARGO & COS EXPRESS, A A (rreen agcuit, cor Government and Trounce WELSH F, dentist. Fort WENGER J, watchmaker and jeweler, Government West C, saloon. Fort WHITE BROS, saloon, cor Yates and Douglass WHITE JAS, harness, saddles, trunks, valises, etc. Government Whitley S, second dealer. Fort Whittuker Wm, barber, baths Wilby Misses, fancy goods and dress- makers Wilde C, custom broker Williams J W, livery, feed, sale, John- son Williams R T, bookbinder. Government WILLIAMSON MRS T A, dress- maker. Fort Wilson A & W, stoves and tinware, Fort Wilson & Co, dry goods, Government Wilson H C, stoves and tinware, Gov- ernment Tii»i)ins propr, Fort VICTORIA-COLUMBIA A F & A M No 1, C C McKenzie secy Wilton L H, sail and tent maker WINCH F K, wagonmaker, Johnson Wing Chong Sl Co, gen mdse €A m o CO VICTORIA BOOT AND SHOE Wilson J F, foundry, store MANUFACTORY, W Hcathora| WILSON JOHN J, bakery propr, (iovernmeut {WILSON W & J, clothing and gents' VICTORIA CANDY FACTORY, Wl furnishing goods. Government H. PALMER & CO., Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St., S, F. w. w. woNTAGUE & co.r•r:J;,r?."ff?'!^^r•''•'^-*?'-^•^^ I anil 1 11 R«i»«nr Rt. . H. p. PA IL ■ CO i c a I e i < Co ^if ati; ■ u c c 03 O o c o z < a. c z p o 432 British Columbia — Victoria. Ai.fiiAiiimrALt.r. Wood Ed, saloon, cor Pandora and Doug- lass WOOD J C> Liverpo<«l Arms Restau- rant, Johnson Wright k Rndge, marble works WBIOIESWORTH J, groceries and liquors, cor Yatos and Blanchard TOaK J, oii's Bay Co.) II, D. Ilurison, Esq., (Messrs. F.alkiier, Hell & Co., S.n Fnmcisco). Sir John Koi>c, B.arl., K. C. M. G., (Messrs. Morton, Rose & Co., London. ) liOndon Offlre— SH Cornhill, Londoi;. Hraiuhds at San Frand-ico. Califnrnla: Purtland, Orcgin ; Victoria, B. C; N. Westminster, B.C. AgontH in Canada nnd the United States— TIte Bank of Montreal. lliu Ban)< of Montreal will nndcrtake colleL'tiunM or other Banking business in conncctinn with the I'rovince of British Columbia thruugh the above Bank. Victoriu, B. C. H. M. COWPER, (Lato of J. ii H. M. Cowper.) BOOT I SHOi: DEALER, AND IMPORTER OF ENGUSB MADE GOQBS. Custom Work, S!ioe linding?. Etc., cinslanlly on li.ind, GOVERNMENT STREET, Ncxit to Bank of British Co'.uniLir, VICTORIA. M. & H. A. FOX, Importers of all kinds of Pen and Pocket Knives RAZORS AND SCIS.SORS, From Wojtcnholn'cs', Hri shaw-', Wado & Eutch- eiV, und Uod{^iTb', TABL.U C't'TIiEHY, Kickis aad Electra^FIated Ware, Ccssts, Etc., Etc., Britannia Metal Tea and Co.Tee Pols, CSOVERXIUEXT STREET, VICTOIllA, B. C. A. CILMORE, UEBCHAHT TAILOB, At the Commission S'.orc, Johnson St., Victoria, B. C. Has on hand a large stnck of Goods, consisting of Clothing, Furnishing Goois, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoefi, Etr. The aboA'e Goods will he sold at greatly reduced prices : also, Goods sold or. Uunnnlssion. Garments Hade to Order. MISS Z B. HALFPENNY, Manufacturer of all kinds of work In Human Hair, £ raids. Switches. Puffs, Curs, Ac, Made on shoit notice. HAIR JEWELRY, Watch Guards, Bracelets, &c., made a sjucialty. .Orders by Mail or Express promptly attended to C'onibinics made up. Yates St., het. Dou<,las and Blanchard, VIZTORIA. B. C. O 30 o m 30 M B t3 "P. 5' ca. cr CO o" X" CO 3" O o O 3 ft o' CD w •0 o 3. i» 3 p. o (0 en o 3 ■ ( D 4f e « — E t Sac •«> 1 a: 1 m CllA V (0 • % Corn #3 (/) tt i^ H. F. I B H. t V e o m '■5 5 tn TRAl « rn (0 And the I O Nc ^ o iC T u 1 o iM in *•* in 10 Boob >s u (0 c o z z is a o X o < M H. WACHHORST. importerof je';;iX.,?i{i;lL«''«d«. 315 J St., Sac. Vict Agent PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. •'•«r„nrrti:,;:?s5;.!f e E c (0 0) lA Jo m n v e o (0 75 v> V 1^ o 0} mi u a o X o •9 < British Columbia — Victoria. AliPIIAHRTICAMiV. 433 VICTOBIA FIONEEB Door, Window Blind (Moulding CIIAS. HAYWARD, Pkoprietor STEAM MILLS, Corner Langlcy nnd Broughton SIb., Victoria, B. 0. H. F. Heistermann'. J. W. FiNLAYSOK. B. F. EEISTEBUAIT & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS And Aq;ents for jhe TRAVELERS'of Hartford, ^ FIREMAN'S FUND. (Marine) And the of Sun I'ranuisco. MUTUAL LIFE, for Wnsh-n Tor. No. 2 Langley Street, TICTOKTA, B. C. T. N. HIBBEN & CO., (GstabliBhcd in 1858.) Booksellers & Stationers, Masonic Building, Government Street, VICTORIA, D. C. . W. H. JENKINSON, Watchmaker & Jeweler, JOENSON STREET. Bet. Oriental Alley and Gov'm't, viirroRiA, B. c. Walches and Jewelry carefully repaired. Chronometers Rated and satisfaction guaranteed. J.welry ani Watchts" for rale. McMillan & son, Book nnd Ornamental PMIMTE FORT STREET, Between Government and Broad Streets, VICTORIA, B. C. All Orderti promptly and carefully executed. W. D. PATTERSON, LAHD SURVEYOB, ETC. p. O. Box SO, FORT STREET, Victoria, B. C. I HENRY SAUNDERS, Importer and Dealer in ii@s, FeovIsIqii? liipQis Etc., Etc., STEAM COFFEE & SPICE MILLS, JOHNSON STREET, CORNER ORIENTAL ALLEY, Victoria, B. C. And Branch Store at Esquimalt. Aqent for Sieam Tug BEAVER, WINDSOR CANNING CO.,Skecna River, B.C. 3a CO m o 9* ■ n 5r a o CO :il ' t I r mm H. PALi^EK & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St., a F. t f '. • If. mUfi I HOUC tt UU.f pattema, llO, 111, 114, 116 and 111 Balterjr M., 8. r. \'\ i c CO p o E 75 CO c c IB O 6 o < I- P 434 British Columbia — Victoria- Yale. I ALrilAmtTICALIiT. ST. CHAKLES HOTEL, Corner Douglass and Yates Streets, "VIOTOI?.!^, BRITISH COLUMBIA. This Establishment has been recently Befurnished and Enlarged. Families will flhd a Ladies' Parlor, and comfortable Suits of HoomB and in excellent Table. The St. Charles is in every respect a first-class Hotel for the accommodation of the traveling public, except in respect of charges, which are always reasonable. J. V. WANCENHEIM, Proprietor. m%9 m Mmmim ffall «f The Pleasantest place on the Coast outside of San Francisco. BEST BESOBT FOB TBAVELEBS hM TOUBISTS To spend a Pleasant Evening. Corner of Yates and Douglass Streets, J. V. WANGENHEIM, Proprietor. VICTORIA, B.C. BBZTISH COLUMBIA Steam Match Factory. Having removed to more commodious quarters we are now prepared to fill all orders. Thanking the public for past favors a continuance of the same is solicited. MANSON & HENDRY, Prop^s. p. O. Box 141. Bosk Bay, Victoria, B. C. Wellington. Browtt C B, hotel Chantrell C W, hotel Harvey Jaa, gen mdse Tale, TALE DISTRICT. Alexander W L, hotel (14 mile house) Ash Newton, liquors Clair Matilda, gen mdse Crotty F, carpenter and builder Dart U B, hotel and gen mdse, 25 miles above Yale Dodd Wm. agt B C express DOUGLAS B, postmaster Douglas & Deighton, harness and sad- dlery Ellis P, physician Flink P, gen mdse, 25 miles above Yal Frickulton J D, physician Oovenow A L, agt B C Tel Co Harvey Wm, trader H B Co He Tie, gen mdse Ki Kee, gen mdse Kimball & Gladwin, forwarding Kwong Lee,' gen mdse Maharry Wash, liquors McQuarrie D, boots and shoes Nelson Uriah, gen mdse Oppenheimer Bros, gen mdse Qumn L, boots and shoes 8tott James, blacksmith Teague Wm, Gov't agt Tingley k Hamilton, managers B C Ex- press Co Tuttle Gus, hotel York Thos T, hotel BUSINE X o (A O 30 H -1 •< QD B n S o CO o 8 z a e -a -a e (A I (D o f a » a (8 AF HAIXANDi £XiL, Syme J, Teacue J, Tiedemann H ATTORI Bdle \\H, COUETNEY DAVIE&P( DAVIE THE DRAKE & J. ELUOTT A FECI THWU HETT J ROT JOHNSON E, McCreight J F POLIARDW Itobertson A K Walkeim O A, ' AUC Edmonds H V, Davies J p & C( Bi TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. Goodson J G, Karst C, Webb W E, Harvey Wm, Willie L, Burt S S, Drant J, Gerritson J, . Hall P J, (crackJ Henley J, KOESTER B Lucas 4 Chapt . Nesbitt S, RHODE J. Smith M R, I STEITZ BEOsl WILSONJJ,' olTport ^^^mm BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''",5*^S5l'r,ir.S?i«!«'5lJl?''''^ "^*a- Pant lit.. M. F. ARC British Columhia. CLAHiriRU. BOO 435 BRITISH COLUMBIA (CLASSIFIED.) Bea alMi Llit of Towns Seceived too Lat« for Begular Iiuertion. MALLANDAINE ELL. Syme J, 'J^acue J, Tieacmann H O, ARCHITECTS. McDOW- Victoria ATTORNEYS AT LAW. B(Ue VV N, N^fT Westminster Victoria COUETNEY H C. DAVIE & POOLET, DAVIE THEO, DRAKE & JACKSON, ELUOTT A C, /- FELL THORNTON, HETT J ROLAND, V JOHNSON E, McCreiuhtJF, follArd wm, Robertson A R, Walkeim G A, ,•' AUCTIONEERS. Edmonds H V, Da vies J P & Co, New Westminster Victoria BAKERIES. Goodson J G, Karst C, Webb W E, Harvey Wm, Willie L, Burt S S, Drant J, Gerritson J, Hall P J, (cracker), Henley J, KOESTER B, Lncas & Chap( uron, Nesbitt 8, RHODE J, Smith M R, STEITZ BEOS, WIMON J J, Barkerville Nanaimo New Westminster I Victoria BANKS AND BANKERS. BANK OF BRITISH COLUM- BIAt (branch), New Westminster BANK OF BRITISH COLUM- BIA, (W C Ward manager), Victoria Bank of B N A, (R Burns manager), " DOMINION GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK, (John Gra- ham manager), " GARESCHE, GREEN & CO, " BLACKSMITHS. (See also Blacksmiths and Wagon- makcra.) McCulley J, Clinton (lUeriuJ, Kamloops SlackhordH, Lytton Renwick J, Nanaimo Blackie W, New Westminster Holt S F, , all •Ibmi, 11«, .1 Iff, 1 14. 1141 nnA I1M li«t»4*ry Mtr«>«t, M. »*. 1L i c I S i 2 I > » c o E a CO 1 c o c 43G BOO British Colvmlii. CON OLABBinitU. <( << Andrews J, Victoria BEEGAHF, UO&DEH, GEXOEE L, OOWDY I, Hart O, HEATHOBNW, BEADJN, UuuUi &, Mathews, MuQaarrie D, Yale BOOTS AND SHOES. (See also Merohandise.) Wren J, Kouaseau J, Thomas B, Bdimoat Boot and Shoe Co, Cowper H M, Mausell U, Mayaurd K, Muynard & Stublw, McauA&aiE s, Nanaimn New Westminster Victoria Yalo It BREWERIES. BUHSTER HON A, UOwEN 0. Walthor H & Co, BROKERS. Anderson J R, Oldenburg A, (pavm) Wilde C, (Custom llouse). Victoria Victoila << << JRUSH MAKERS. DOUOHTT GEO, Victoria CANNERIES. Dease J S & Go, New Westminster Kngliih & Co, Ewen & Wise, Fiulaydoa & Lane, Hotbiook U & Co, Kayo F, CARPENTERS. (See Couiractora and Builders.) CARPETS. (See also General Merchandise ; also Furniture.) Burns k Co, Victoria CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Victoria <> « Armstrong W, W, Blott J, Campbell F, OAKDE, KUATZ JOHN, (manufacturer), MuOoimtU P, CITY OFFICERS. Byrnes O, sheriff, Barkerville bauderdEH, county court judge, Ciiut >u Youug C M, city clerk, Nauaini>> Uan-id T, city aaeritl^ Victoii^ Todd C, chiet pjlioc, " CLOTHING. (See also General Meruhandiie.) Abroms J, • Naiiaimo UILHOBE A, Victoria Uroeu D, " JEi'JfiiEE W J, UiiwIS IlEv^U. McLean A, " KEIOS&CO, WXiilONW«cJ, COAL. Nanaima Bate & Bryden, Duadmuir, Uie^gle & Co, " bayaes iSouud Cul.iery Co, B.iynes Sound Eobtnson J, New Vv estiiiiuater DeWIEDERHOLD & CO, Vict. ha iuigleUikrdt & Co, " COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. STEMMLER LOUIS, Victoria COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Homer JAB, New Westmiaiter iilaguire M, Victoria Bull W B, Davies J 1' & Co, " DeWIEOEaUOLDfrCO, Bhodes il & U>, " &OME A & 00, bt..hlauhmiat &. Ward, " Turner Burtoti & C>», " Welch, Bithet & Co, Kimball & Glad win, Yale CONFECTIONERS. Levy Mrs E, Victoria SMITH ft LILLET, (manuf's), " Tli'i'lNSWJ, WalkrH, run -< a m m ao (/> cr 09 o a* o « V* Si S" o o a a 3* a n :» s W ■o o o 3 to o 3 E £? o CO CO Pitcher I PIAT2 Buasell I CONTfl in CD o H. WACHHGRST calls attention "•iSS.mrXl?:^'" 315 J St. Mcintosh Fletcher S Graham T Hoy H, ^Viutemut AHatt T S, Aaderson Buivess J j ooiSin; Field S, (01 OBATS. McKillican Schnhl J (j( Smith A CI Storey T, Crotly F, cou Ball H M, Byrnes Goor Sanders £ Spalding W O'Bielly P, Pemberton il Cnldar J, Cool W P, HARTMAI Ahomiwoii B WELSH P, DOMII Kichanls A 1 Begbio M B, Creaso fl p p Gray J H, pi| Elliott A crl Elliott A C, Elliott A C, Smithe W, i agriculture! Vernon F G, *nd worksJ ippppl^ipl mm rUllNESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrally tsacht at PACIFIC lllTMf. iiPw>4 vnf,*\>«3V.. a«o i»o«» »•♦. ««. *•. « E e o m 1 C CA S «1 0) o H X C0 ft o •0 coo British Columbia. DRY 437 OL.ABfllPIRn. COOPERS. Pitcher M, PLATZ GEO, Russell DW, Victoria (atair), McKillican ft Elford, Schohl J (joiner). Smith ft Clark, Storey T, Crotly F, Victoria <• II II ir II II II II II Yale II II COUNTY OFFICERS. Ball H M, county court judge, Barkerville Byrnes Gooree, sheriff, " Sanders £ H, county court judee, Clinton Spalding W R, county court judgo, Nauaimo O'Rielly P, county court ju'lge, Hew Westminster and Yale Pemberton A F, county court judse, Victoria DENTISTS. Caldar J, Victoria Cool W P, HAETMANS Thompsou U B, WELSH F, DOMINION OFFICERS. Richards A N, governor, Begbio M B, chiof justice, Creaso H P P, puisne judge, Gray J H, puiano judge, Elliott A C, attoraey-general, Elliott A C, provincial secretary, Elliott A C, minister of mines, Smithe W, minister of tinanoe and agriculture, Vernon F G, commissiocer of land and works. Powell Lieut-Col, supt of Indian affairs, Victoria Wallace Robt, inspector of post- offices^ " Cooper Capt J, agt of marine and fisheries department, " Westgarth Thomas, inspector of steamboats, " Ni4{le Capt J, harbormaster and port warden, Hamley W, collector of customs. Peck T E, collector of customs, Nanaimo Lowe W H, collector of customs. New Westminster Bowron John, government agt, Barkerville Fawcett T L, government agt, Nanaimo Dickinson IS, government , agt, New Westminster Teague Wm, government agt, Yale Mouatt A, government assayer, Barkerville DRESSMAKERS. (See also Milliners and Dressmakers.) Victoria II 5 z o ^ f 5 I, aad lit* BiiMccy flc.. iji. v. X I- o m 438 DRY British Columbia. OLAKflPIBD. OEN Spencer D, Wilson & Co, TOBK J, Vict'>ria ENGINEERS-CIVIL. Mahood J A, Victoria Malsch C C, Stephens E, " EXPRESS AGENTS. Byrnes Geo, (agt B C Ex), Barkerville Mechlin I C, (agt B C Ex Co), Cache Creek Hayes C, (agt Barnard's Ex), Clinton Wardle J, (transfer), Comox •Mclntyre J, (B C Ex Co), Lytton Reid J, (B C Ex Co), Quesnelle Dimlevy P C, (P C Ex Co), Soda Creek OBEBN A A, (agt W F & Co Ex), Victoria Saivison 6 A, (manager B C Ex Cfo), Dodd Wm, (agt B C Ex Co), Yale FANCY GOODS. (See also Varieties. ) Dobinson Mrs J, FOX H & H A, Gorrie T, JAMESON MRS M, Jenkinson Mrs E, Shakespeare Mrs N, WAITT M W & GO, Wilby Misses, FLORISTS. (See Nurserymen, Seedsmen and Florists. ) FLOUR MILLS. Harper T, Clinton Chapman O, Lytton Victoria FOUNDRIES. Bramwell k Patterson, Dougall John, Shaw Sl Kuna, SFBATTJ, Wilson J F. Victoria «»V FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (See also Produce.) Allen W, Brown J, XNIOHTH, Phillips B ros, VISHHA GEO, FURS. Boscowitz L & J, Lubbe T, Victoria . FURNISHING GOODS. t^ILMOSE A, Victoria OBATAB&OO, JEFFBEEWJ. LEWIS LEWHf, Mansell G & Co, (household), '< B-iam s ft CO, wilsonwAj, FURNITURE AND BEDDING. (See also General Merchandise.) Lord J E, New 'Westminster Withrow D, " Andean Wm, (second-hand), Victoria CABVALHO MBS AMELIA, (second-hand), " Salmon E J & Co, " SEH L J, (man ufac turer), " WEILEB JOHN, Whitley S, (second-hand), " GASFITTERS AND PLUMB- ERS. (See Plumbers and Gasfitters. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. (A general assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Crock- ery, etc. Those keeping one kind of goods only will be found under their respective headings.) Devlin I C, Kwong Lee & Co, Ross H, WaLee, Wilson N, Wing Sing, Haines & Cole, BarCerville Victoria << o o o a 3 'O O "a ■ (D o e (0 o 0) n PACIFIC If TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHKUMATISM- KING. Kinnesr Jas, Caibreath, G Leiser Simon, Cunningham Lovell J B, Mara ft Wils( Nimmo R A. Tait J. Williams Mrs Boucherat J, h^\ CoxonG, iid Mclntyre J, . K I Fletcher ft Co, Leiser Simon, Baumont W, Gibson R, ^•^\ Harvey J, .2 Hirst J, <; I Mayer A, McDonald D S, ^-| Parkin W, 09 Romano J Q, Blackie W, Cunningham J < Dean R W, Debeu H, EickhoffF, Holbrook H, Howisoii J W ft Major C J, McDonoueh C. WiseJ, * ' Barlow A, Bohannon S. Girod J, Kwong Lee ft C( Reid J, ^ Skinner R J, Millar D W, Thibert Henry, Chu Chung ft C< yi'da y ft DurliaJ htosonbay] Janion R C, (whi Piaggio G, Robinson W C 'a1 Strouss C ft Co' g Todd J H, ' , ^ Wah Lung ft CoJ Wing Chong ft d Harvey James, Clair Matilda. Dart H B, |linkP,(26mile harvey Wm, He Tie, Ki Kee ft Co, Kwong Lee ft CoJ Nelson A M, Nelson U, Oppenheimer Br ^Tpalmer CO 0)1 CD o H iipip" w^m^mm PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. •r the OoMt, S»0 PMt at., «. H f I;' 09 09 e 09 O IB o GEN British Colurnbia. OLAMinBD. HAI 439 Cowichen Deah Creek Esaington Glenora Kamloops Lytton (I McDane's Creek (i Maple Bay Nanaimo New Westminster << Kinnear Jas, Calbreath, Grant & Cook, Leiser Simon, Cunninsham R, Tiovell J B, Mara & Wilson, Nimmo R A, Tait J. Williams Mrs, Boucherat J, Coxon G, Molntyre J, Fletcher & Co, Leiser Simon, Baumont W, Gibson R, Harvey J, Hirst J, Mayer A, McDonald D S, Parkin W, Romano J Q, Blackie W, Cunningham J & Co, Dean R W, Debeu H, Eickhoff F, Holbrook H, Howisou J W & Co, Major C J, McDonough C, Wise J, Barlow A, Bohannon S, Girod J, Kwong Lee & Co, Reid J, Skinner R J, Millar D W, Thibert Henry, Chu Chung & Co, Fiulay & Durham Brodie, HUDSON BAT CO, Janion R C, (wholesale), Piaggio G, Robinson W C, Strouss C & Co, Todd J H, Wah Lung & Co, Wing Chong & Co, Harvey James, Clair Matilda, Dart H B, Flink P, (25 miles above Yale Store), Harvey Wm, He Tie, Ki Kee & Co, Kwoug Lee k Co, Nelson A M, Nelson U, Oppenbeimer Bros, GROCERS-RETAIL. (See also General Merchandise.) . Esqnimalt Victoria Quesnelle Sumass Thibert Creek Victoria II II II It « AVellington Yale Dunston Wm T, Saunders H, Anderson G W, BOSiSI 0, BOSSI St OIESSELKAirN, BOTOJ, Cameron J, CLATS. CRANOl&IIIP, Fell & Co, FINLAYSOirj, Goswell J, HAWKINS J, Hedin J, Hilliard J, Huxtable W H, KNIGHT H, KOESTER 6. MANETTA t McBROOM A, McFHEE N7 McTieman P, HITCHBLL GEO, HONTOBIO G, Nicholson T, Papst J T, BJtODE J, Rickman & Ofner, SAUNDERS H, Shore S & Co, Silver J, VIENNA GEO. WRIGLESWOBTHJ, GROCERS-WHOLESALL (See also Grocers — Retail.) CARR R, Victoria CASAHATOU A & GO, Earle Thos, " PITTS J5 J, GUN AND LOCKSMITHS. Victoria II u u u u II II II II II tl II «i .1 14 II W -< o •I FARDOE C, Short A^ Simpson, IFOND A, II ti 11 II •I II HAIRDRESSERS. Moses W D, Brown O W, Morgan A, Geiger & Becker HARTHAN S, PAINE FRED. VIGELIUSBROS, Whittaker Wm, Barkerville New Westminster II Victoria t H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per ga!.. "SifSS:;^'* ■ ff . HIUIl I ftUUC « UU.f iMUmu, no. IK. 114, IK md 118 Bjatiy 8t.. 8. f. ' I I? IL (0 .JC p z 2 IL 1 c 10 O o o o a I- P 440 HAI British Colurribia. CLASSinKD. LIQ HAIR WORKERS. HALEPENHT MISS I B, Victoriu HAETHAN S, HARDWARE. (See also General Merchandiae; also Stoves and Tinware.) Fellows A, M irviu Edgar, Mathewei, Richards & Tye, Norris W G, 0AS7EBH0UTP, VictorLi HARNESSMAKERSANDSAD DLERS. BBOPHT ft GO, MANN ft HERON, Norrid F, WHITE JAMES, DougUiis & Dcijhton, Victoria 41 Yal HATTERS. (See also Clothing; also Dry Goods and Clothing; also General Murchaudise.) REED S ft 00, Victoria HAY. GRAIN AND FEED. Leneven T, Victoria BAKEB ft SON, HOTELS. Cnnio N, Kelly A, Mil-hand Max, Wilson B H, Furgason A, Marshall & Smith, Galloway T, Kinuear James, Howard J, Selleck VV X, Thomas A, Mcintosh ft McPhaden, Bailie G Y, Uantier L, Sproat B, Brunston J W, Jenkins J E, Sibson P, GUbert Mrs J K, Gough Mrs E, Smith H P, Webb J, Arnaud -P, EickhofTH, McCoU Wm, Barkerville Burrard's Inlet It Clinton << Comox Corvicheu Esquimult Kami oops Lyttuu Nancimo New Westminster « nt H, LONDON HOTEL, (C J Phillips), McNttUghten D, '< OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, (W Jen- sea), " Orientul Hotel, (W McKeon), <• RHODE J, Secloy W C S, , " ST CHABLE3 HOTEL, (J V Waugenheiui), " ST NICHOLAS HOTEL. (Mrs S Friwl), " Brown C B, ^Wellington Chantrell C W, Alexander W L, (14 Mile House), Yale Uurt H B, (25 miles abave Yale), " Deiatre Mdme, " Tuttle Gu8, '« York Thoa F, " INSURANCE AGENTS. Harvey J, Nanaimo AlUop & Mason, Victoria Barnard F S, HEISTEBMAN H F ft CO, Nutall T C, BOME A ft CO, Stalilschiaiilt & Ward, " Welch Rithet & Co, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Nutt J, Barkerville Ferguson F W, Cliiitou Bate M, " Nauaimu BrydeuJ, Dunamuir R, " McLay J, Pawsuu J, " Planta J P, LIQUORS-RETAIL (See also Groceries; also Hotels; also Restaurants; aldo Liquors— Whole- sale.) -< a m -» a» a M S a a. < 00 (D O e a S. 5' a A (A CO •0 o a BUSINES « E o ftf (0 Deighton Jno Fitzpa trick J B^rry & AdJe Bland W, Uoran J, ^ Everett P, (0 Martin T, Wil.iams St Ai Wraith 1>, Bi-uwn E, Chishohn D, ilenaessy ft B( Nickeld Wm, Rodick T, Sirr T, , Bechtel A J, Bluckall (Jeo. Blume & La Fi Bomstein R, Borthwick ft B: Ciiadwick T, COLEMAN 0] tolhug Geo. COWESAa l>ilJon b iC HOWELL J J Jackson ft Jeftn Kimj J. LOH^WM, Luughurst J, LOVETTJJ. MARSHALL^ McCaiidlish J. McNiff Wro. NORTON ft N Puny ft Jiohnaii Saunders Frank. Sehl F, .Steel P, Stevens ft Co, Strachan R, THISTLE W W.ruerH, WHITE BROSJ WRIOLESWol Ash Newti-n, ■ Mahurry W, Alayts W^ C, LIQUORS *: CAfijAMAYOUi (0 8-lc), o •8 H. WACHHORSL importer of ji2:&>;%^;';id. .315 J St., Sac liveryI Porter J, McKay ft Co, Heath C, i«wis W R, ll. PALMEl w ■■■ BUSINESS PENMANSHIP "^*^S5:'riftn!8?;,{^'r**^"''«""*'- R'SO Vnmi «♦.. m. f. LIQ British Columbia. OI.ASRIFIRD. NEW 441 Deighton Jno, Fitzpatrick J M, B':'rry & Adler, Bland W. Uoran J, Everett P, Martin T, Wiliama & Arthur, Smith D, Brown E, Chishohn D, llenneaay A; Bender, Nickfld VVm, Kudick T, Sirr T, Btichtel A J, tilackall (lieo, Biuuie & La Fremere, Bornatein It, Borthwick & Brown, Chadwick T, (JOLEMAN GEO, OolhuB Ueo, GOUYESAC. Ddlon B F, HOWELL J J, Jackson & Jefirvy, Kinu J> LOfll^VrM, ixtnghurst J, LOVETTJJ, MAHflWALr. WH, MtCaudlish J, McNiff VVm, NORTON & NOBCROSS, Parry & iiolmau, Saunders Frank, Sehl F, Steel P, Stevens & Co, Strachan B, THISTLE W H, VVuruer H, West C, WHITE BROS, Wowl hd, WaiOLESWGBTH J. Ash Newton, Muhurry W., Mayts VV C, Burrard's Inlet Comox Deer Creek Esquinialt << << Nanaimo New Westminster ti <( c o E « CO 7 O o o o < 0. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ?iT'7»YLVy»rgfag;teeVV i«^ 442 NOT British Cohithhia. CLASainBD. STE NOTARIES PUBLIC. New Westminster Victoria BlaelWN, BAKER EC. DAVIE Tffito, FELL THORNTON, JOHNSON E. POLLARD WH, PAINTERS. (See also Paints and Oils Page L, Nanaimo Cou ghlan J, CROWTHER J, (sign), Harrison E, Victoria 11 PHOTOGRAPHS. AUsopft Mason, BAXEREC, Beaven B, HEISTERMAN H F & CO, Loewenberg L, RESTAURANTS. Victoria i< <( Mason & Daly, Watkins R, Lewis W, Bates M, LEVY J, Ragazzoni I, Roala A Co, STEITZ BROS, WOOD J C, Barkerville Nanaimo New Westminster Victoria M aynnrd B , SPENCER S A, Victoria PHYSICIANS. Chipp J, Cluness D, Mclnnes T R, Trew N C, ASH JOHN, Davie J C, Geiger C E, Powell & Harrington, Mathews J B, Ellis P, Frickelton J D, Barkerville Nanaimo New Westminster 41 Victoria -Yale PLANING MILLS. HAYW ARD C, Victoria MT7IRHEAD & MANN, POSTMASTERS. Campbell J, O'Conner M, Drebble Ceo, Howard J, Mara J A, Mclntyre J, Tait V B, Stowe J, Wallace Robt, McLeese B, Douglass B, Cache Creek Clinton Comox Esquimau Kamloops Lytton New Westmmster Qnesnelle Victoria Soda Creek Yale PRINTERS. McMillan & son, victoria REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Herre W F, Dickinson E, Edmonds H V, Hughes J C, Nanaimo New Westminster SAWMILLS. Nason I B, Haines & Cole, Moody, Nelson & Co, Harper T, Pidcock & Gillard, W^alker Sl Bowes, Carpenter C, Armstrong W J Webster G W, Raymur JA, (agt), Sayward VV P, Young Bros, Barkerville Baynes Sound Burrard's Inlet Clinton Comox Nanaimo New Westminster If Victoria SEEDS. Jay & Co, Johnson P T & Co, Mitchell H, Victoria SEWING MACHINE AGENTS. Fawcett R W, FLETCHER T W, Victoria 11 SHIP CHANDLERS. Marion E B, McQuade & Sons, Victoria << SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Pendray & Co, Victoria SODA WORKS. Mahrer J, Morley C, Phillips A, >Janaimo Victoria II STEAMERS AND AGENTS. Engle hardt & Co,(agts P M Co), Victoria GOODHUE J P, (agt steamer Cal- ifornia), " O CO -< o cs ao 1 o S" o a a (A O (0 5? .v<) nroven that the produutioa of cereals can be nijst protitub y euL^a^^ed in, wh nutritious grasses of luxuriant growth o.i her grazing lands afford an arr incontrovertible as to the feasibility of s&ouk-raisiug. There is in man^ i^. rters of the T'."'''itory an abundance ol tine timber, and in the manu- facture of lumber to supply the heavy d^smauds for building purposes an army of men are given steady employment. The mines of the Territory are as yet un- developed, though capital seeking investment is finding iti way hither in unlimited amounts. Prospectors are swarming through the guluhcs and on the m mntain side?, locating claims preparatory to the erection ot mills for the reduction and spparation of ores, and the annouacement is mode in every quarter of the country that immigrants are still making preparations tocome. If a diversity of resources, such as Arizona is fast becoming noted for, can contribute to a rapid ami per- manent growth, then her near future will be crowne4l with that glory. Her des- tiny will place her in the front rank of tho prosperous States ot the Pacific Coast. Travellers and tourists of the highest authority have prjnounced this to be one of the richest scenic sections of the globe. With the charms of nature spread out in so many ways to moke Arizona attractive, there can be no doubt that in a short time this quarter of our happy nation will be populatetation and ranch Wilson W C, smelter Symes Thos, smelter S H (A H 30 m m •H o 39 f t o 30 m a o • 5 m r (A X n » a, a s » n o o: o 3 a, 5' 3 n t £ o N X o o n o M « o , e € V £ Ale: YAVAI Barnnm F 0, gro Collins Thos, bla( DILSJOSIAH,] D.)aelan P, hotel E lis & llobins, li( liiiids F, butcher Hooper Wm B Sc Mulrenon Wm, li TraiaorThos, hot « Antelo] E YAVAP.' HAMILTON J B Americs YAVAPAI Stage station on tli have road, ten mile Lee J H, station k( \o \h X p z I u AnvU Stage station on M road, ii'2 mdes norti WUder P C, statioi Apach PIMA ( Tally, Ochoa & Co, Arr PIMA Bernard A W & Co 1^ H. WACHHOKST **"«!;«•£;;''*'* than any house on the Coast Bed: YAVAPi»i Austin Joe, enat-law KIEVE ABR, reporter Levy D & Co, gen mdse MoKeuzie J, carpenter Miner S £, boaniing Moore J M W, hm \ym Pierce N P, deputy sheriff Poland D H, capitalist Iteese John, assuyer Schumacher Geo \i, notary public Steadmun A C, postmaster T.ift M 8, sawmill Van Nam3 Wm, siwmill Vinzaut tSam, carpjnter Benson City, Fifty miles ea^t of Tucson, on Tomb> stoau stage road. Ohuesorgen Wm, stage station Big Bug Creek, YAVAPAI COUNTY. (See Bod Rock.) Bradshaw, YAVAPAI COUNTY. Aron & Alexander, gen mdse Bennett E J & Co, gon mJsa (Jrove W H, hotel Shekels N C & Co, gen mdse We«4els 8 M, hotel WOOD Ifi>A, postmaster, dealer in fruits, stationery, cigars and fancy articlos and news depot Brigham City, APACHE COUNTY. Anderson Andrew, dry goods, eto l(iilian.l .los'jph, blacksmith BalLrd William, wagonmaker Isaacson Peter, f uremiin farmer Jorgeusuu Jor^en, Hour mill Like (^oorge, hotel Marrell Wm, s awm ill OYEBSON OVE C, books and tionury and p istmaster Plumb Merlin, bootmaker Sims John, cubinetij^uker sta- Bumble Bee, YAVAPAI COUNTY. Bobo Jas, station keeper and gen mdae and postmaster II. PALMER & CO., P,ure Sherry Wine, 30^ Davis bt., S. F. in i6 CO I 3: 11 11 11 ' B -» Ik i c 75 I o E 75 CO 7 s m 8 < A. I- o W. W. MONTAGUE A CO.,'^TS!;:-?fo.'?ffri3^.l!^^^^ 446 Arizona — Gamp Bowie-Cliftan. ALPH4BBTI0ALLr. Camp Bowie, PIMA COUNTY. One hundred and five miles east of Tucson. DeLong S R, postmaster TuUy, Oohoa & Co, gen mdse Camp Orant, PIMA COUNTY. One hundred and ten miles north-east. of Tucson. Castle Dome, Norton Chas T, gen mdse Norton Geo, supt Iron Cap Mining Co Stein Jos J & Co, saloon Norton, Stewart & Co, gen mdse Stewart M W, postmaster Camp Thomas, PIMA COUNTY. Collins J B & Co, gen mdse Wood W V & Co, gen mdse Camp Verde« YAVAPAI COUNTY. Forty-two miles east of Prescott Burton H 0, physician Hea d C V &, Co, geu mdse ' TTgAH W S, post trader and post' master HullG \V, justice of the peace Maxwell T, justice of the peace Robinson D L, notary Casa Grande, PINAL COUNTY. Southern Pacific Railroad station, 67 miles north-east of Tucson. BUGKELEW & OCHOA forwarding and commission merchant's, (B Heine mann) Fish J p, teleg raph operator S P R R PR-V yH JZKE, hotel and saloon Heinemann B, with' Buckelew Ochoa Hooper WS, agt S P R R LOIlO TEE, restaurant Smith & Watzlavzick, gen mdse forwarding, (£ O Stratton agt) Stewart RB, saloon Stratton £ O, \Hih Smith & Watzlavzick Tung Lee, bidceiy and and Charleston, PIMA COUNTY, Is situated on the San Pedro river 9 miles from Tombstone; stage connection from Tombstone. Brooks G W, saloon Brown E, physician Clark &; Griffin, liquors Dohrig J, liquors Fontana G, jeweler Gattell A I, postmp.ster Keren a & Co, gen mdse McClure Ernest, col of U S customs McMorria — .blacksmith Merrill & Co, gen mdse Morton Mrs, varieties Peterson B H, physician and druggist Sanford h Hilton, meat market Scott W B & Co, gen mdse Smith & McDowell, brewery Stilwell & Brenham, hay yard Stilwell & Co, liquors Swart J W saloon Welisch H, gen mdse Chino, YAVAPAI COUNTY. CHINO P M> postmaster Cienega, YAVAPIA COUNTY, Is 29 miles east of Tuscon. Dunbar J O, hotel and saloon and corral Clifton. APACHE COUNTY. GRANT WM, postmaster Larimoon W T, geu mdse Lesinsky H, pres Longfellow Copper Min Co Smadbeck Louis, secty Longfellow Cop- per Min Go ard Jno J, gen mdse B s- O (A e 3 e o 3 o a -a f « 1 o e M 9 m r TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KINC. ff^fff^m^m^ii^mfiiimmmilj^^^^i^'m^'^wmimf^ry^mif iiiii i*i i^i wmi" ji BUSINESS PENMANSHIP •^fiia'iW*r.!S^«*«|«S,'8.?S'fe £ Arizona — CorUention City-Fort McDowell. 'U7 ALPIIAIimOALLr. Contention City, Sixty-flve miles east of Tucson Cowon C W, agt W, F & Co Hopkins C W, restaurant Marks S, uon mdse Mnson Robt, hotel McDermott John, saloon Western M & M Co, gen >upt Josiah H Whi6e; Robt Bumham supt of mills ('iO stamps) Ehrenbergf, YUMA COUNTY, Is 177 miles southwest of Prescott on Colorado river Goldwater H, postmaster (toldwater J & Bro Florence, PINAL COUNTY, Is a prosperr OH and thriving town of 1,000 inhabitants, on the line of the Sout'iam Pacific Railroad, 24 miles east of Maricopa. The country surrounding the place is adapted to grazing, and min eralii are also found in abundance. Bailey W J, observer U S signal service BAILET W L, stock raiser, stage sta- tion. King road BEEBE W J, sign, carriage painter, paints, oils and glass; Main Bichard N, propr Adamsville dour mill Boatwick Sami, barber B&ADT P B, propr Gila Mills, and county treasurer. Main Brash James, propr douring mills Brown Geo A, agt W, F & Co and deputy postmaster and agt S P stage line; BUCKALEW ft QCHOA, gen mdse and commission merchants, Main Bush Thos H,uuder sheriff, Court House Collingwood J, postmaster; deputy Geo A Brown COLLINGWOOD JOSEPH ft 00, gen mdse, Main DaileyChas R, receiver U S land office BEVIKE JOHH J, county recorder and clerk 7th dist court, Seventh French G G W, chief justice 1st dist OABELIEL J Bi sheriff, assessor and tax collector, Court House GONZELEZ OBEQORIO N, saddle and harne ss maker, Main GRIFFIN F M ft 00, blacksmiths and horseshom. Main OBIFFIN THOB H, deputy county recorder and deputy clerk, Seventh Guild W E, managjer U S military tele- graph office. Main liarvuy Wm, physician. Main IrwinFrederiuk, meat market LEWIS CHAS, propr Lewis House, l iquo rs LEWIS HOUSE. Chan Lewis propr Lopez Salvador, groceries. Main McCllenand Thos, constable Miller John, justice of the peace MINERS RBSTAURANT ft LODG- INGS, •'im Sam propr. Main Montgomery H B, ai(t Picket Post, Sil- ver KiiifT and Globe stage line. Main OURT G fi, atty at law and dist atty, Court House Palmer C F, public administrator Palmer fJ W, saloon, Main Paulijon Chas M K, r U S land office Picket Post, Silver K' !i and Globe stage lino, i B Montj^omery agt, W H Sutliorlar d proj ' , Main Rooha AUina, blacksmith Ruffgles Lnvi, acting rec U S land office SAM JIMf propr Miners Restaurants and Lndsangs, Main SCHOSHUSEN HENRY, moat mar- ket. Main Schulze Chas, bootmaker. Main Sherman Merritt M, teacher Smith &, Watzlavzick, bakery and gro- ceries. Main Southern Pacific Stage Line, Florene to Picacho, Geo A Brown agt SULLIVAN ft RAPP, saloon. Main SUMMERS H B, atty at law and no- tary public. Main SUTElt JACOB, stoves and tinware. Main Tuttle Joseph, saloon, Main Walker J D, probate judge Watson James, repairer U S military telegraph. Main Whitaker Wm, wagonmaker. Main Will Peter, brewery, Main Wilson & Bryson, stable corral. Main WRATTEN GEO L, atty at law and notary public, near Court House Fort Orant, PINAL COUNTY. Norton & Stewart, gen mdse Fort McDowell. SMITH JOHN- T T, post trad«r w OLD POiT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 802 Davit St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO,«»l!Krai^'Wr(JrJl!XSSffS^ m CO c IB s Q 2 S) > o E C c ffS O O o a z S o < CL I- H o 44.8 Arizona — GUlett-Hacleherry. AI.PIIABBTlnAHjT. Oillett, YAVAPAI COUNTY. Anderson Jno, g>}n mJ^9 ani poafcmoster Arnold I', brewery Coffi'i B F. blackimith Curtis G \V, hobel aiul saloon Olobe, PINAL COUNTY. Ono hundred miles north of Tucson populatiau I, '253. Abraham Jac »b, b vths and b irbar Bluebird Mining Co, Gjj C Perkins owner Boschc E, saloon, Broad B »s=i Mi;ie, Pipjr & Co owners Butrjo Miniag Cj, C A MsDonnoll supt B'irnsCon, blacksmith anI wagoamaker. Broad Bro:nan M W, sawmill and lumber Brown £ O, atty at law Centennial Mining Co, Wilson & Co owners Centralia Mining Co, Salter tt Co owners Champion Mill and Mining Co, — Fore man, supt Chilson Gib, supt Xugget Mill and Mil inj Co Chloride Mine, Ilaye* & Buck proprs Duryea W H, gea m la Eaton, Bailey & Co, gea ml33. lumbsr and sawmill Em^lino Mine, Hayes & Buck proprs Frannh Henry, boots and shoe i Gliibj Mercantile Co, gen mise, John H Hiie mana.^er Golleii Ea>rle Mill and MiuingCo, Major Si»3n supt Grim J Ci'jer •, photographer HACKNEY A H, propr "Silver BjU," (weekly). Broad H imilt m James, s.doon, Broul H imtnon*kvale) Heiiiemm S C, druggiita Hicks — , atty at law Hlse John & Co, gen m Ise Iitabolla Mill and Miaiu^ Co, Major Sijson supt, Ni^'k Palmer asst ttupt Jalius Mine, ilaye» & Bnck proprs JUnUS MEETE ASSAY OFFICE, Chaa H;iye» junayer Kullnt>r E, ^ea mdse Kiusey Lauins, as^Kyer Kliuu & Co, geu mdse Lacy — , livery and feed stable Luiidjr J C, blacksmith Mansneld Si Co, sawmill, lumbar and mining McCormick Mining Co, Mansfield & Co oWiiers McD inAl C A, physician McMorris Mill and Mining Co, Mijor B ddwi I supt Mc.Velly & Kn >x, ailoon. Broad Mi una Mid and Mining Co Miller Peter B, notary publio' and con- veyancer Mil.ier & Watson, miiiig and milling M ) )rj Mrs M J & Son, h )t3l. Broad NcA-tou Gjo a, watchmikerand jewelar Palmjr Nick, asst supk Isabjlla Mill an I Mining Co Pascoe B F, propr Pascae Houss Pea lleto.i A G, surveyor ami civil en- ginsjr, U S djputy mineral surveyor, B.-oad Piujr, Bis jig & Midler, proprs Pinal B.'jwery Rail & M ) tre, saloon, Broad S jott — , h )tel ••SIGVEa B3LT" (we3kly), a h HackiiJ/ propi-, Broad Silver Kra H »tol Silver Era Mi ling C >, — Wat»-)n supk Silver Famj Mi u, H iyi3, Buck & Oi-o.ie proprs Silver Nugget Mill and Mining Co, Gib Chilson supt Silver Star Mtnc^, Hayse & Buck propn Siij )n M ijir, supt l3;ibjlla Mill and Mi.iing Co Swaijy G A, justice of peace an I notary pu!>iic, mi.iiag and real estate ago, Broad Th itcher E C, physician Tumor & Son, livery an I feed stable Van Vagnen & C' >, gen mdse Vosbnrgh — , pnstm ister Wjstmjyer Fro I, go i mdse Wildy S >muel H, utty at taw Wiley & Crawford, mjatm.trkat, Broad Wdli mi & Somurvilk', bukery Zimermunu Win, carpenter Greaterville, PIMA COUNTY. Katzcnsteiu Skml, gen mdao Hackberry, IIOII.WE COUNTY, On Mohave and Preacott stage road. Crozier Sam, gen mdao m c= so m (A ■H O o •n m o o m o p- m m ■n m p S o m p" w s C/) ■0 o "» 3 o o .J o 3 Austin F L, geni Burton Ed C, he • H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac PiilPPP!WifipP"fiiiP^?WP ^^mm vm PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. •rth> rnmrnt. ««» P«M« Mt.', fl.P. Arizona — h amdenr-Mavicopa. 449 ALPHABVnCALLT. i (0 ID (0 I » 1 e « 8 « e .e •o o X C9 (0 < 3i Hamdeh, MOHAVB OOUNTr. Collins F S & Co, gen mdae Hardyville, UOHAVE COUNTY. On Prescott and Moh&ve stage road to Colorado river. Hardy Wooater, postmaster, gen mdae and ferry Hayden Ferry, MARICOPA COUNTY. Asher Ellis C, gen mdse Baalow J A, carpenter Brown E K, saloon Brown & Wight, blacksmiths Durham H, justice of the peace GregK J L, physician Hayden C T, gen mdse, Houring and blacksmith shop HILL CHAS W, notary public postmaster Homsley Joel, wagonmaker Fort A J, gen mdse Shannon PC, saloon mill and Huachuca, PIMA COUNTY, Is 75 miles southeast of Tucson. Austin F L, gen mdse and postmaster Burton Ed C, hotel Little Oiant, PINAL COUNTY. Anderson T, hotel IX)WE & CO, general merchandise LOWE J A, postmaster Tripp li B, physician Maricopai PIMA COUNTY, S. P. R. R. station, eighty-nine miles north of Tucson. .mer- Iron Spring, Is 8 miles from Prescott, Black Canyon road. Atkinson R J, hotel and aaloon BARNETT & BLOCK, general chandise and forwarding BABNEY JAMES H, general mer< chandise, lumber and forwarding Batts & Backer, hotel Bonsall Edw, tel opr S P R R Cottrell \Vm F, gen mdse and fruit FABBINQTON RE & CO, general merchandise, forwarding, commission and postmaster OILMER, SALISBURY & GO. pro- prietors of Mail Stage lane to Phoe- nix, Prescott and Wickenburg; office R R depot Graf Leopold, blacksmith and wagon- maker LAMB PATRICK, feed yard Moore Theo I, manager military tel, R R depot Naylor Ohas H, agt S P R R POSTMASTER. R E Farrington Quarter Masters' Store House U S A, N Willcox quartermaster's agt Sam Hiug, restaurant YANDERVER CHAS, agt for James M Barney YAH FLEET M B, agent Wells, Far- go & Go's Express and Qilmer, Salis- ury & Go's stage line to Phoenix, Prescott and Wickenburg Venton A, manager W U Tel Co, R R depot Wells, Fargo k Go's Express, M B Van Fleet agt, R R depot Willcox North, quartermaster's agent USA WILSON P, proprietor of stage lin* to Florence, connecting with Globe City and Silver King 29 W m OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO.. 302 Davis St., S. F. «W. WMWONTAGUE A (!0^»^tS:A^S!mSiStS5£:iS!i.r e 3 ; '-'i I « E Ik 1? '4: o d p o s o a m E o 450 Arizona — Ma/Hcopa-Mohave City. ALPnABniOALI.T. B. E. FABRINOTON & CO., DEALERS IN FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. Purchase, Sell and Ship Gold, Silver and Copper Dres. We have facilities for moving Fast Freight or Heavy Machinery on short notice. MAEICOFA, ARIZONA TEBBITOBT. ' 1 o 3 McMillen, MARICOPA COUNTY. Boyd T M, butcher Everman Juo, blacksmith Fox B G, saloon Hannibal S M & Co, Josiah Flournoy superintendent Jones Juhn M, feed stable Kellner E F & Co, merchants La Rue J D, justice of peace MATHER II W, postmaster May H G, hotel McMillen Silver Mining Co, J K ^mith superintendent STRONG GEO C, merchant Van Slyck J \V, atty and notary public WashiDgton S M Co, J L Clark supt MiUviUe. PIMA COUNTY, « Is on the San Pedro, nine miles west of Tombstone. Corbin M & M Co, \Vm G Lamb secy Fields D C, agt Wells, Fargo & Co, secy Tombstone M & M Co and notary public Gird Bichd, supt Tombstone M & M Co I.dmb Wm G, secy Corbin M * M Co Steidenger J H, mining engineer ToMbstone & Corbin Quartz mill (26 ■tamps), Frank Corbin supt Mineral Park, MOHAVB COUNTY, ty seat of Mohave miles northwest of Prescoti The county seat of Mohave county, 134 ih Atchison Chas, saloon Baker Mn, restaurant Breon k Spear, gen mdse Bucksbatuu H, deputy iherifiF Comstock A, sheriff Cuzimo Calvin, restaurant - Davis A E, atty at law Fehr Wm, shSemaker Gann W H, butcher Gross Chas, gea mdse Hamilton Haml, atty at law Hyde J J, druMist and physician Koch Wm, barber KRIDER BROS, general merchandise and livery stable Langley W A, county treasurer Lasselle L J, probate judge Lawrence J B, physician May G, butcher Silent Chas, dist judge Smith Danl, saloon Tweed C A, dist atty and atty at law White H, saloon W^right C, county recorder and district court clerk KRIDER BROS., Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ETC. livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Post Office Building, MZNESAL PABZ, ABZZONA. Mohave City, MOHAVE COUKTT. BRIOH ft 8PEAB, gea mdM B O o to 3 0) o o M A' (D (A r » (D o ar Sands James TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.Blumauar&CoM 'SSTJIfv?!? ■; >■'. iifPiiPPPPiiliiPiiiP FACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "'^^^^SiS^Sl^SSSSt^.^.^^i^rJ:. CO O0 o o CO i: I K a CO o Pi & M o o n I ilri2r fit M •a "n o CD O 5* o o 3 3* S. o a P 8 ^(» (0 o » a a I Horse and M EHSINESS PENMANSHIP 'TaSsa'«»S4«f PACIVIO Bipi. ■mi- ilri;2rona — Phoenioi-Pinal. ALPOABinOALIir. 453 ThomBon J W, physician and drags, east of Plaxa Trumper Valentine, watchmaker and jeweler, Washington Tnttle J W, carpenter and builder, Washington U S Militarir" Tel Office, 8 E Patton manager. Centre Van Slyck Julius W, asristant U S dis- trict attorney, town of McMillen Waterman H, deputy sheriff town of Seymour Wharto n J E, physician, Jefferson WHITE "DiiStEL L, aaloon. Wash inoiton White O W, ossistant U S Military Tel Office, Centre Woodhead ft Gay, (Geo F Goats agent), fruits, produce and nursery stock, Washington Woodside P B, attorney at law, Wash- ington Wiley C W, auctioneer, Washington Mrs. J. Gaxiiner, Proprietress. PHCENIX, ARIZONA. A Cool and Quiet Resort. Special attention paid to Families. J. H BRYAN, Xorthwest Comer of Town, Fhcenix, Arizona. llaekssltMig, Wnpn MaMig Horse and Mule Shoeing, Shop Repairing, and all work in this line promptly attended to. 0nCTVMVW|||V||VfV I am prepared to forward all k'nda of Freight, particularly ff IlJftlllll A in lla Heavy Mill Machinery, with my own teams. J. H. BRYAN. Picacho, PINAL COUNTY, S. P. "R- "R' station between Casa Grande and Tucson Bamira Manuel, station keeper and sa- loon Bower Geo H, agt S P Mail Stage Co and W, F & Co Picket Post, (See Pinal.) Z in ■ 4 Pinal, PINAL COUNTY, Known as Picket Post; postoffice named Pinal. Population 1,000. Amott W H, hotel Benson W H, justice of peace Bluett W H, physician, (eclectic) Brooks k Benson, gen mdse Brown P A, assayer and attorney at law, and notary public Callaway C A, saloon Cavanesa & Beasley, blacksmiths Copper Top Mine, — Elmore manager Davis H H, physician Egloffft Fenton, snlooa Golilman L tt, Co, gen mdse Grande Stage from Casa Grande, con- necting with S P R R Hall B & P, saloon Hewitt Hugh, station hotel, stage road 22 miles from Florence Hughsou R F, uttorney at law • Hunt Josephus B, saloon Last Chance Mining Co, — Elmore man- ager Lombard Joseph, meat market ' Mason Aarou, supt Silver Kiug Mining Co Miller Geo L & Co, gen mdse Miller Geo L, postmaster Murray H B, suloun Nicholas T, meat market Reymart J D, atty and notary public Sarrick G H, saloon Sevcntv-six Quartz Mill, (5 stamps), J T Elmore propr ShampGus, hotel Silver King Mining Co, A Mason rapt i A m H. PALMER A CO., Native V.ines, 302 Davis Street, S.F. S § SS i 3 9 B''-!r m W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., '"nS'inriJ'lf > O CO < O Id H X < < O O ; im* i 1 w&ttCTaMSr^«.*gl 454 Arizona — Pinal-Preacott. ALPIIAianCALLT. Silver King Quartz Mill, (10 stamps), Aaron Mason supt Stone & Benson, (2 stamps), quartz mill Snrijriser Mine, D T Elmore dupt Swain — , mining Whitlow & Lew Bniley, stage station Casa Grande ft Globe Uoad Whitrock W H, gen mdse Wide Awake Mining Co, Frank Cym- oaki supt WiUey W H, hotel Pine Springs, YAVAPAI COUNTY. MARSHALL HTJOH, postmaster Frescott, YAVAPAI COUNTY, Is the Territorial capital and county seat of Yavapai county, is beautifully and healthfully situated in a mount- ain flat, surrounded by groves of stately pines, at an qltitude a trifle over a mile above the sea level. The surrounding mountain tops are snow- capped, and breezes wafted from their bights to the valley below are loaded with a freshness that often drive the people from the streets to the refujje of their household firesides. Prescott is decidedly an American town, and her buildings, both public and private, are models of comfort and elegance. The surrounding forests of pine furnish ma- terial of su{)erior quality in abundance. Her chief resources are mining, stock- raising and lumber manufacturing. Her great disadvantage is in her isolated position, which it is believed will shortly be overcome by the establish- ment of railroad connection that is now made » probability in the construction of a line from Santa Fe, N.M. Whipple Barracks, one of the pleasantest mili- tary stations in the Territory, is situated about f miles from Prescott. Prescott is reached by Gilmer, Salisbury & Co. 's stage coaches from Maricopa, on the S. P. K. R., at a distance of 150 miles. This route, under Superintendent Stuart's e£Scient management, affords safe, com- fortable and expeditious transit to pas- sengers for Prescott. The population of Prescott is estimated at 3,U00. Two ably-edited newspapers, the "Miner" and "Democrat,^' furnish the people news and opinion! on leading topics daily. Adams Rev Or H, supt of missions M E Church, Arizona, and publisher "The Methodist," Marino Allen O, meat market, Gurley ANDERSON JOHN E, assistant sec- retary Arizona Territory, Gurley Antelope Copper Mining Co, C C Bean agt and supt Aram Eugene VV, atty at law and nota- ry public, Gurley ARIZONA BREWERY, Julius N Rodeuburg jirqpr, Montezuma " ARIZONA DEMOCRAT, " (daily and weekly) Gideon J Tucker editor and propr, Montezuma "ARIZONA MINER," (daily and weekly), Chas W Beuch editor and propr, Montezuma BASHFORD L & CO, general mer- chandise, iron, steel, hardware, stoves and tinware, Gurley BEACH CHAS W, editor and propr " Arizona Miner," Montezuma LEAN CURTIS C, mining. Bank build- ing Beckers Geo T, Gurley Blake & Co, assayers and banking, Mon- tezuma Blake F W, agt Wells, Fargo & Go's Express; Gilmer, Salisbury & Go's Stage Line, and ins agt, Montezuma Bones & Spencer, cigars, <" indies and fruits, Montezuna Boujjhton Josiah, dept U S marshal, Marino BOWERS & RICHARDS, mining and ten stampquartz mill, Cortez BRANNEK P B & CO, wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco, and gents' furnishidg goods, Cortez Bray T C & Co, dry goods and clothing, Cortez BRECHT FRED 0, blacksmith and wagonmakcr, and city councilman, Gurley Brooke Gideon, real estate, Monte?iuma Buck & Milligan, barbers and baths, Montezuma Buffum W M, gen mdse, Montezuma Butler P W, restaurant, Gurley Butler T J, treas Arizona Territory, Montezuma Campbell & Baker, stock raisera CAMPBELL JOHN 0, general mer- chandise, delegate from Arizona Terri- tory to House of Representatives, Montezuma Campl)ell M D, carpenter, Cortez Cate C F, justice of peace, Montezuma CHURCHILL CLARK, atty at law. Bank building Clark tt Adams, sawmills and lumber Clark E P, Territorial auditbr o e o o I o 3 CD -1 CO i: ii H ! •H CQ O M e e n I -Arizona — Preacott ALPIIABinCALLT. 45.5 Clay Jaa W, feed yard, Gnrley Colman Q N, bootmaker, Goodwin Connell Robert, liquors, wholesale and retail, Montezuma Cook E J, county treasurer Cordis Thomas, U S internal revenue collector CORT WH. agent JohnO Campbell, Montezuma Crane Joseph C, saloon, Montezuma Crocker Charles, bootmaker, Cortez CURTIS GEO W, lumber and sawmill, McCormick , PAyR C P. U S Marshal, Marino Daly James, saloon, and city councilman, Montezuma Day W E, coroner Dickinson Chas, bootmaker. Granite Dodson J M, city marahal, Gurley D0U6HERTT BROS, groceries, Gur- ley Dowlin G W, hamessmaker, Gurley Dunning Miss R A, teacher ECEHOFF & RIECKEB, civil and mining encineera and publishers official map of Arizona, Gurley Ellis N & G, groceries, Cortez Fisher F G, blacksmith and horseshoer, Cortez Fisher J L, auctioneer, chairman coun- ty supervisors, Cortez Fitch & Churchill, attorneys Fisher P M, coroner and public admin istrator, restaurant and lodgings Fleury Henry W, justice of peace Foster Wm C, dept county clerk and i-ecorder, Court House Frederick & Hill, stoves and tinware, Montezuma FREMONT JOHN C, governor Ari- zona Territory, Gurley French Wash, groceries, McCormick and Gurley Gerard C, liquors and cigars. Granite GILMER, SALISBURY & COS stage office, F W Bluke agent, Mon- tezuma Given Miss M A, dressmaker, Cortez GOLDWATER J & BRO,. general merchandise, hardware, agricultural implements, furniture and carpets, Cortez and Union GOSPER JOHN T, secretary Arizona Territory, mining, and stock-raiser, Gnrley * GRET EAGLE LIVERT STABLE, G Hatheway propr, Granite GUILD J A, propr AVilliams House Restaurant, Gurley Gulliver Miss, teacher Haight Mrs M E, dressmaker, Cortez Hall & Rhoades, meat market, Mont« zuma HARORAVE JOSEPH P, probate judge Yavapai county and attorney at law. Court House Hartin John, blacksmith and wagon- maker, Gurley Hask ell A S, city councilman,, Cortez HATHEWAY GILFORD, Grey Eagle live^, feed and sale stable,. Granite Hatz Daniel, bakery, saloon,, lodgings, and restaurant, Montezuma Head C P & Co, gen mdse,. Hardiivare and tools, Qurley and Montezuma , Heespring Joseph, cigar manuf, cigars and tobacco, Montezuma Herbert Henry M, under sheriff, Court Ho use HERZOG E, groceries, fruits and con- fectionery, Montezuma HERZOG M T, village assessor, Mon- tezuma Hoffman Frank, saloon, Montezuma. Howey J, blacksmith, Cortez JACKSON & TOMPKINS, saloon, Montezuma KELLY & STEPHENS, books, sta- tionery, notions and news depot, Gur- ley and Montezuma KELLY WM N, register U S land office and mayor, Gurley and Monte- z uma KENDALL GEO D, physician,, surr geon and druggist, Gurley Kirwagen & Siucs, Sazarac Saloon, Gur- ley AR] LARKIN MATT F, teller The Bank of Arizona, Gurley and Cortez Levy D & Co, gen mdse, Montciuma LEWIS SOL, president The Bank of Arizona, Gurley and Cortez LINCOI^N OSCAR, druggist. Head's block Lindsay A M, gardner and ice packet, Montezuma Lloyd John, deputy county clerk and recorder, cleric board of supervisors, Court House Long J F, house and sign painter, Cortez LONG THOMAS, saloon, boarding and feed yard, Camp VVhijiple Uoad Lount Geo, receiver U S land office, Gurley and Montezuma Marcon Stephen G, horticulturist,. McCormick Marks Jakr, mining, Gurley Martindell C R, insurance agent, Gnr- ley Masterson Murat, atty a1^ law, asst U S dist atty and dist atty Yavapai county, Court House MASON A J, boots, shoes, saddles and harness, Cortez MoCANDLESS J N, physician and surgeon, Montezuma Mm s 31 ; m J PURE PORT WINE, IDr HeiUcisal Pnmoses, t02 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO,, ?,T'7,V^!,TirCig!;/a&.V^» «. 456 A rizona — Prtscott. Ais U I. O X C9 3 O (0 ■ Q-ze3r SsigrlQ Stsilole, C3-. H^TH-A-^W^-Z-, Livery and Purchasing, Feed and Sale Stables, g GuriagN asil Eones to Let | Hones Boarded by the Day or Week. GRANITE STREET, PRE8COTT, A. T. PLAZA LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, South Side Plaza, Goodwin Street. JOHN T. SCHULL. Prop'r. Preacott, A* T. Sa£ford, PIMA COUNTY. One hundred aad thirty miles northeast of Tucson. COTREAL GEO & CO, proprs Star Flour Mills FRANKUNAH postmaster FRANKLIN A M & CO, gen mdse SOLOMON I, gen mdse Saint Joseph, APACHE COUNTY. Ladd S G, county surveyor and justice of the peace RICHARDS J H, postmaster and pre sideiit U St J United Order of St Joseph, stock-raising, dairy and mechanical work San Pedro, PIMA COUNTY, Dodson J N, juatioe of the peace Seymour, MARICOPA COUNTY. Fifty miles northwest of Phoenix. GILMER, SALISBURY & CO, stage station KIRKLAND E E. agt M L Peralta, and dept postmaster Levy I H; gen mdse FERALTA M L, gen mdse and postmaster Rowe W A & Co, gen mdse Strickland G A, hotel Vulture Mine and Mill (80 stamps), H Shipman supt Silver Eing^ Postoffice PINAL COUNTY. Thirty-five miles from Florence, on Globe Trail, MacKenzie K, blacksmith Nichols F, butcher O'Boyle VV C, hotel Silver King Mine, Aaron Mason supt ■ • l! ■) H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. wm d m I 8 2 I > W. W. WONTAGUE jl CO., ntS*fyiffiaffr,gtf,?>?5^ril'fr 458 Arizona— ^Silver King Potttaffice-Tombatone. AiniABmoAr.LT. 8 8 < Q. Tho mpson & Bowen, gen mdse, saloon THOHFSOIT E F, notary public and postmaster Williams Robert, hotel Smithy ille, YAVAPAI COUNTY, Thirty-three miles cast of Prescott, on Camp Verde Road. De Kuen Richard, saloon Golden Era Mill and Mining Co, A M Smith supt GOSPER & SMITH, gen mdse Spaulding — , saloon Sunset. APACHE COUNTY. Blanchard & Breed, gen mdse Foster Chas, machinist RIPKIN J K F, assistant postmaster Smith M L, dry goods Tempe, MARICOPA COUNTY, On Salt river 9 miles east of Phoenix. Ellis & Asher, gen mdse Grezpt — . physician Hayden C T, flour mills Homesley — , blacksmith Post A, f^en mdse Wright & Brown, blacksmiths Terminus, PIMA COUNTY. Bar.4v.it k Block, commission, forward- ing and gen mdse Dane C H, postmaster, forwarding and commission Finlay A J, agt S P R R Germain E & Co, commission, forward- ing and ffen mdse Hntchins Mai R A, quartermasters agt USA Logan D H, hotel . Tip Top, YAVAPAI COUNTY. Behan John H, saloon Bostwick John A, saloon Cate C F, saloon Rowe W A ft Co, gen mdse St James tc Dawes, gen mdse Tip Top Mine, Geo E Webber supt Tombstone, PIMA COUNTY. AGENCY FIMA COUNTT BANK P W Smith agt. Fourth and Allen ' Arizona Trading Co, C H Light supt Quartz Freighters, Fremont Atchison T A, stoves and tinware Fourth ' BACON JOHN H, assayer. Fifth BAUER A, U S Meat Market, Fre- mo nt , BILIGEE C, propr Cosmopolitan Hotel, Allen Blair Thos, deputy postmaster, Fourth an d Fr emont BLAND J T, livery and feed stable, Fremont Brin k W B, p hysician, Allen BROWN Chas R, propr Brown's Ho- tel , Alle n and Fourth BROWN GEO, propr Delmonico Res- taurant, Fifth BROWN'S HOTEL, Chas R Brown propr, Allen and Fourth Bro wn Mr s R J, dressmaker, Fourth BROWN, TATLOR & CO, livery and feed stable, and water works, Allen Cadwoll & Stanford, liquors and gen mdse , All en CALISHER M & CO, gen mdse, Allen Carrigan Thos H, '-.Uoon, Allen Cashmnn Miss Nellie, boots, shoes and furnishing goods, Allen Clum John P, propr "Tombstone Clar- ion" Codv John, saloon, Allen Coflfee 4/ Acker, meat market, Fourth COMSTOCK & BROWN, Mt Hood Saloon, Allen Corbett Wallace, forman Western M & M Co COSMOFOLITAN HOTEL, C Bilicke propr, Allen Dauner & Owens, saloon, Allen and Fifth DAVIS,^ UFLINGER. carpenters and cabinet makers, Allen Dee Wm, blacksmith and horseshoer, Al- len DEXTER LIVERY, feed and sale sta- bles, Allen DIANA LODGINGS, and saloon, Kel- logg & Morris proprs, Allen Doling John, saloon, Allen Doremns G W, carpenter and wagon- maker. Fifth Dunham J N, physician, Allen Eastman W A, carpenter and builder, Fremont Eaton & Rice, druggists, Allen Eckley Chas, civil engineer, U S deputy mineral sarveyor, Fifth -< ll 09 B O c/> O 3 — o O o ST a 3 'a o ■ p? CD -1 o e (A O « (A » r » TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •^^SSTvSSSffit A Hzona — Tombstone. ALPIIAHIITiaAM.T. 469 [, gen r.idM, Fourth and Miji Co, A W Stone EDWABDS Allen Empire Mill and Bupt Each & Hotz, saloon, Allen Eyemar Alfred, btirbor, Allen Farrish Tho«, supt Head Centre Min Co FAY A E, propr "Daily and Weekly Nugget,' Fremont Feltcr Miss £ C, dressmaker, Fremont Fickas B A, notary public and convey- ancer, Allen and Fifth Field D C, secty Tombstjne M & M Co Fly C S, photographer, Fremont T&EDiRlCSL S 0, nssayer, Allen Fry & Ackerson, saloon, Allen Gage E P, supt Grand Central Min Co ohm an H L, shoemaker, Allen Oiscnhofer O W, bakery, Allen Gininl Min Co, R H Upton supt Gird Richard, po8tma8ter,a8sayer, metal- lurgist, milling engineer and supt Tough Nut M & M Co Goldtree J & Co, cigars, tobacco and no lions, Allen Grand Central Min Co, E P Gage supt GBAT & GRAY, real estate und min ing office, Fremont & Sixth GRAY Ml justice of the peace, Fro mont and Sixth GREER J H, physician and surgeon Allen GREEN JOHN, saloon, Allen Griffin Ed, blacksmith, Fremont HaiTurd R F & Co, wholesale liquors and ciears, Allen HARWOOD W A, lumber dealer, no tary public and insurance agent, Fre mont and Fourth HAifNE ABTHTJB, mining engineer, Fifth Haynes, Lucas k Street, attys at law. Fourth Head Centre Min Co, Thomas Farrish supt Helyar & Joyce, barbers and baths, Al len Heme John A, saloon, Allen HOEFLER JOSEPH, gen mdse HOLLY MRSL C, propr Rural House, \llen Hunsaker W J, atty at law, Fourth Jackson J H, lodaiinfs, Fremont JONES & FELTISl, attys at law, Al- len KEARSINQ & WALKER, assayera, Fourth Keating Frank, cigars, tobacco and fruits, Allen KELLOGG ft MORRIS, proprietors Diana Saloon and lodgings, Allen KEELY AUSTIN, saloon, Allen Leavenworth S M, atty at law, Allen Leigh & Miramontez, saloon, Allen Tjcvanthal B, gen mdse, Allen Light C H, supt Arizona Trading Co, Frem ont LOVELL B> roofing, Fremont and Seventh LOWRY ARCHER. Palace Saloon, Allen Lukirii & Staglono, chop house, Allen MARCOVldk PETER ft CO, chop house, Allen Marsh Frank, watchmaker and jeweler, Allen Matthew F M, cproenter. Fifth Matthews H M, physician. Fourth Mclntyre Rev, pastor M E Church McKean & Knight, groceries, Allen MeKee J H, physician, Allen McLANE ft GRAY, Dexter livery, feed and sule stables, Allen Millar Wm S, physician Millnrd G A, dentist. Fourth Mitchell Alex J, mining engineer and notary public, Allen MONTGOMERY ft BENSON, Uverv and feud stable and O K Corral, Allen O'GORMAN MICHAEL,lumber agent Huachuca Sawmill, Fourth O'Leary Timothy, mining expert OTIS A D ft CO, builders, lumber, doors, hardware, lamps and crockery, Fremont Pardun W W, saddle and harness mak- er, Fremont PASQUALE N ft CO, saloon. Sixth PEACOCK ED, sign painter, Allen PHILIPPSON H, news depot, station- ery, cis;ar8 and tobacco, Fremont POMEROY ft GREER, druggists, Allen Randall Alder, mayor, Fremont Randolphp Mining Co, Cummings & Cole proprietors Roberts Edw, saloon, Allen Robinson Ravel, tailor Uodig Chas, shoemaker, Allen RURAL HOUSE, Mrs L C Holly pro- prietress, Allen Safford A P K, prest Tombstone M &■ M Company SAFFORB, HUDSON ft CO, (branch) bankers, Allen Shaffer M P, gea mdse, Fremont Shilliam VVm, groceries. Fourth Sinc lair E W, assayer, Fremont SMITH P W, general merchandise,, furniture and carpets, and agent Pima County Bank, Allen and Fourth SMITH & PEAKE, eggs, butter and fruits,and fast freighters from Tucson,. Allen SMITH WM, restaurant, Allen H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. 0» ' ■ 1 W. W. MONTAeUE « COh ^ s i I > m c o E a 1 C o ■ 8 S < a. f- I- o 14. 1 ■•••4 II Sf^^H^ 460 Arizona — TVnnlw^one. ALniABvnoALir. Specgle ft Furlow, newi, stationery and fruit*, Allen Spicer \Vella, atty at law and notary public, Fifth Stenger Chas R, ast H C Walker & Cos Stage Co, Fourth STEHBINS A H, mining. Fifth Btoue 8 L, aaaayer Stowe A W, sunt Empire M & M Co Stumpf Jos, bakery. Fifth Sulohnrate Mine, K H Upton supt Taskerft Hoke, liquors and gen mdse, Allen and Fifth TATLOB ft AMORT, agents Cortland wagons and D M Osborn's machinery, Allen 'THE NUOQET" (daily and weekly), A E Fay proprietor, Fremont Thompson D R M, harness and saddle maker, Fremont "Tombstone Clarion" (weekly), John P Clnm propr Tombstone MAM Co, Richd Gird supt TBIBOLET BBOS. wholesale and re- tail meat market. Fifth Upton R H, supt Sulphurate Mine Gir- ard Mining Co Vizina ft Cook, saloon, Fourth Voftan ft Flynn, saloon^ Allen Voisard E P, mining engineer and assayer, Allen WALKEB H ft 00, proprietors of Tucson ft Tombstone Stage Co, office Fourth WALKEB HOUSE, H S Walker pro- Wjrietor, Fifth ALKEB H S. propr Walker House Wallace T,real estate and miuing agent Allen ' WABD THOS P, meat market, Allen Warren Mrs Kmma, groceries, produce and fruits, Allen Waterman ft Goodrich, stoves and tin- ware. Sixth Wehrfritz ft Tribolct, brewery and sa- loon, Allen and Fifth Western Mill ft Mining Co, Jnsiah H White supt, Wallace Corbett foreman White Josiah H, supt Western Mill ft Mining Co Williams Marshall, agt Wellii, Fargo ft Co's Express and H C Walker ft Co'a Stage X >~ Fremont and Fourth Wong Fon ^staurant, Fourtli SE®Wli'S SOflEi, Comer of Allen and Fourth Streets, TOMBSTONE, A. T. CHARLES R. BROWN, PROPRIETOR. Sleeping Apartments neatly furnished and Largo Dining Hall attached. CHARGES REASONABLE. ^1 Allen Street, Tombstone, A. T. The Oldest Established and Largest Hotel in the District. C. BILICKE, Proprietor. Stages from all parts arriye end depart from this House diuly. 3 a 3 a o a 3* o a CD (D M ■ni 3 $1 ■A a, 091 a (Ol 31 H. WACHHORSTJmporterof jj;i;&r!%i:£.'ii«.. 315JSt.. Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '*• «S!USiriy*^r^'..ff; Arizona — Tree Alamoa-Tucaon. AhriUBirrinAtLr. 461 Tres Alamos, PIMA COUNTY. Sixty milea eait of Tucson. DTTNBAB THOMAS, po«tmaat«inces Mininu and stock-raising are the interests which support it, and the country that surrounds it' is said to be capable of sustaining a much greater population thou is at present found there. |(0 r ABABIE PAUL & CO, saloon, Camp and Meyer Agey W H, marniger U S military and si^pal service offices, Ott Agutrre & Pacheco, restaurant, Mesillia Aguirro Petor, oounty supervisor AIFI3A S. attorney at law and notary public, Meyer Ainsa Santiago, justice of peace Alcala Guadalupe, groceries, Meyer and Stone Allis Solon M, civil engineer and U S deputy mineral surveyor Anderson Claude, agt W, F & Co's Ex- press and Arivaca Stage Co, Congress Andres Frank, bakery, Tully are Augeilo Ventura, groceries "ABIZONA QTIZEN" (daily and weeklv), R C Brown proprietor, oppo- site Church Plaza ARIZONA ICE CO.M E Clark pro prietor, Camp and Congress Asqeam Nasorio, restaurant, Meyer Baker Mrs T J, dreumaker, Ifaiden Lane Baloom R O, carpenter and builder. Eleventh and Heroert Ballesteros J M, inspector U S Custom House, Main Barron Edw, carpenter, Camp Barslow — , painter. Camp Barthelemy Casimir, groceries, Meyer Bennett S, erooeries. Court BE&QER ft, watchmaker and jeweler, dealer in watches, clocks, diamondi, jewelry, sowing machines and attach- ments, pianos, organs and musical in- struments, opp postoffice. Congress Besson A, restaurant, Mesillia Black Mrs K J, lodgings, Conall and Stone ave Blasdel H V, tel opr S P R R BOEHHE O£0,*toves and tinware, cor Ponningten und Main Bonner W, groceries. Main Bourland W A, groceries. Congress Bragg A M, blacksmith and horseshoer, Ocnoa Bravo B, groceries. Congress BRICHTA A & CO, Snug Saloon, Meyer and Camp Brocu Isaac, city marshal, Meyer Brown C O, saloon, Meyer and Congress BROWN B C, publisher " Arizona Citi- zen," (daily and weekly), opp Church Plaza Buckalew O, freighter and forwarder. Cemetery Buell James, attorney at law, (land and mining), and notary public, Meyer Buhmanu Henry, photographer. Con- gress Bums F H & Co, meat market. Con- gress Bushman WM, tailor, MeslUa Buttuer A O, deputy sheriff. Court block CABT & VARELA, Commercial Res- taurant, Church Camacho Francisco, groceries, Meyer Campbell & Ferguson, carpenters and builde rs. Co ngress CARPENTER S W. propr "Tucson Daily Record," county recorder, uo- tarv public and conveyancer, Court Carrillo Juan, barber Carrillo Leopold, groceries. Main Carrillo Mrs Teodosia, groceries and pawn shop, Meyer CARKOLL JAMES, Pioneer Livery and Feed Stable, Pennington Cash Thos M, agent S P R R CASON C & (X),proprsMaison Doree Rotisserie, Meyer Cassamayou Paulitte, bakery. Camp Casteo Prudenoio, groceries, Meyer CAZABON ftNIOkOLOS, Tucson Re>. tanrant, Mesilla ± «« i? I ■ ■ Ml I .jEj'W'ls 1/";L' if* fi^ i'V-'t^ 11 V'3 li 1 fl III ''■ ia ifi it-- ilviH^ ■',« '* ImHI^ S')^ ■Sffl mil)- PURE PORT WINE, ftr Mediciiil Pinnui. 302 Davis St., S. F. Ill CO Z p I a S s IL C c CO o ■ O O O z S o < IL I- O o WW MniUT A nilF A rn I ^ ^p 1 ffi A 1 £ H «« W ■ e t 1^ 1 e I CT 4i' »< (d ^rf 71 (0 09 fd 5* (A p 9 9 a o 5 ft (0 • o a. a a o i P Arizona — Tucson. ALriumriiCAUY. 465 u o e fd u o X cs 3 O X (0 o Southard J B, atty at law, Camp SPAULDING G "W, attorney at law, notary public and commissioner of deeds for California, Court block Sresovich Joseph, commission merchant, fruit and produce, and saloon. Con- gress Stanford, Earll ft Smith, attys at law, Mesilla Stiles Theodore L, atty at law and notary public Stocks J G, shooting gallery, Congress STURM y H & CO, forwardins; and commission merchants, and wholesale liquors and cigars. Main Suasteugi B, watchmaker and jeweler, Congress Sullivan & Evans, architects and build- ers, Stone Ave Sullivan William O, carpenter, McCor mick Tapia Eufemio, groceries, Meyer and btone TAFIE GTJILLATJME. billiard saloon, Meyer Tappeiner John, shoemaker, Meyer Taylor & Amory, livery and feed stable. Convent and Ochoa Terrazas I, blacksmith, Stone Ave "THE ARIZONA STAR" (daily and weekly), L C Hughes editor and propr Tucsou and Altar (Mexico) Stage Office, Francisco Arevales agt, Pennington Tucson and Arivaca Stage Co, Claude Anderson agt, Congress "TUCSON DAILY RECORD," S W Carpenter propr, Camp Tucson and Tombstone Stage Line, J D Kinncar propr, office Meyer Tally Carlos, propr La Souora, Camp TULLY, OCHOA & CO, «;en mdse and agts National Mail and Transportation Co, Main TULLY P R, president Pima County Bank, Congress U S Custom House, W F Scott deputy collector, Main U S Military Telegraph Office and Sig- nal Service Office, VV H Agey manager, J H McKenna assiatant, Ott U S Survey or-Oeneral's Office, John Wasson surveyor, McCormick and Main Velasco Carlos, groceries Vclasco D, commission merchant, Me- silla Van Pelt Samuel K, surveyor. Con gress Vasquez Manuel, commission merchant, Mexican goods. Main Velaca Antionio, groceries and meat market, Camp Velaaco D, Mesilla Vila & Douville, tailors. Camp Vosburg J S, mining and biuiker, Con- Wrress ALKER H C ft CO, propr Tucson and Tombstone U S Mail Stage Line, W L Martin snpt, office Congress Walsh & McCann, saloon. Congress WARREN ALBERT L. groceries, seeds, fruits and vegetables, Meyer Warner Solomon, propr Mission Flour MUls, southwest suburbs Wasson John, surveyor-general, McCor- mick and Main Waters J W, physician and surgeon, Meyer WATSON C P V, physician and sur- geon, Meyer Weihs Albert, shoemaker, Meyer Weise R & Co, liquors, Meyer Welisch Theodore, millinery ^d fancy goods and gen mdse. Main Western Union Telegraph Co, B W Rice manager, Congress Whaling Michael, atty at law, Meyer WHEATLEY W, veterinary surjj;eon and horseshoer. Court and Penning- ton Whitaker J C, shoemaker, Penning- ton WHITNEY JOHN ft CO, real estate and collection agts. Main Wilkins Alex, barber and baths, Meyer Williams & Co, real estate agents, Meyer Witfeld G, druggist and chemist, opp Church Plaza Witherell W F, supt Arivaca Milling Co, Arivaca Wilzinski & Frank, gentlemens' fur- nishing goods. Congress and Church Plaza Woffenden Mrs Martha Hollett, physi- cian Wong Hop, restaurant Wood J S, probate judge WOODMAN W W, lumber dealer. Camp Yerkes E A, deputy county recorder, Court block Yolez Dolores, m3at market, Meyer Yslos Genaro &, Co, groceries, Meyer ZABRISKIE J A, atty at law and notary public, director Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co, Meyer ZECKENDORF L ft CO, gen mdse, wagons, wholesale and retail. Main, Pennington and Pearl ZECKENDORF ft STAAB, gen mdse and wagons, wholesale and retail, Main Zuni20 Maximo, barber, Meyer 30 tn m o 9> \'H ■11 ■ 11 ■ I': i » M H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St , S, F. i!'> i4 ^•» CO IS IS -466 Arizona — Tucson. ALrRABVnOALLT. B. a'PoMMT, T. FiTOii. Hugh Faslbt, ' O. a Disk Atty. mat. Atty, Pliiia Co. J!ITCH, 7ABLE7 & F0MB07, llloneifsIiWorsilLiw, OFFICE, Cor. ICeyer and Fenningtoi Sts., TUCSON, AKIZONA. J. A. Zabbiskh. D. II. UaaBroaA, HEBE70BD & ZAIBISEIS, TUCSON, AB/ICMM, Attorneys i Counselors at Law AKD Offlso on Meyers Street, Opp 5? CD -I X o r 0) X" o o ■< 0) TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. Pliplpipip WW HPfP^iP ^1 BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"8«gl'&RS8£a!fi*Saf8.rSPfc 'i H •« fi {a ? ID c a 0) ti J TJ a (8 » c a cs Arizona — Tucson. AbPHABanOALbY. 467 WM. B. HOOPER, 124 California Street, S.in Francisco. JOHN S. CARR, JAMES i AULD, Tucson. WM. B. HOOPER & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in In^ii ^l§mcr4 and f lg«tf#$ Mesilla Street, s. e. corner Jeff^non and Maricopa Streets, PHCENIX. Between Main and Meyer Street, TUCSON. j^TixzoisrA.. LORD « WILLIAM, DEALERS IN ^EIliEAli 11E014IBISS, , -iiw. T. ALSO, LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS IN LARGE VARIETY. MAISON DOREE ilsl 1 ILUVU^vLv C. CASON & CO., Proprietors, MTBR STHBBT, TUCSON, A- T. Fres Eastern Oysters. Ice Cream anl all tlie Delicacies of the Season. Parties, Balla, Weddings and Suppers furnished at short notice. OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis SU S. F. e» oS CO O) •H O ao m I In tx •5 <*^ • I* if u is • * H -- z < CO o Ul III CO S 5 a III I- < o Ul w. w.wioNTAGUE A CO., '^tss'n^itgffTir&s^yagi^ffl 470 ArizoTut — Tucson. MPHAranoAitLr. 8ALAZAR & RAHN, Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Assayers. ASSAY OFFICE AND LABORATORY, MEYERS STREET, OPPOSITE PALACE HOTEL, TUCSON, ARXZOHA. Aiwayn and Analysis of every description of Ores and other substances made. Highest degree of accuracy guaranteed. Reliable reports and information on mines in all parts of Arizona nnd Sanora. Plans, Specifications and estimates furnished for mines, mill and other works. Underground surveying and mapping a specialty. English, Spanish, German and French Spoken. B. SALAZAR, Graduate of Royal Mining School at Freiburg, and of Imperial Royal Mining School at Clausthal, Oermany. F. RAHN, Graduate of Imperial Royal Polytechnical School ot Ber- lin. Formerly assixtant at Metallurgical Laboratory at Tarnowitz, Ger- many. Late from Virginia City, Nevada and from Contention, Tombstone. P. R. TuLi.v, > ^ liSTEVAN 0CHOA,P""°"- EstabLBhed 1863. S. R. DeLong, Fort Bowie. TULLY, OCHOA « CO., TUCSON, ARIS!iO?itA. To their numerous friends and ptilrons once more they scn;l greeting', and would respectfully announce to all interested that they are receiving and oi)enin^ a NEWiCOMPLETE STOCK of GOODS From the great Eastern and Western Markets consisting of DB7 GOODS, CLOTHING. HAHDWAHE, aUEEITSWAHE, For all all ranks, sexes nnd coiuliiions. Vfyp TrainC • I^^^t^'cr. Harness. Saddles. Bridles, Collars, Chains, r Ul II alllo . Whips, Ciirriajre Axles, Mulis, Spoke.*, Rims, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, in fact everything required for Outfitting Trains. OUR STOCK has been selected with great care by one of the firm of most extm^ive experience, and with especial reference to the requirements of this mar- ket. We are confident we meet the necessities of our custoniersat as Reasonable Ratea as any house in the Territory. To examine our stock and prices would be to purchase. TULLY, OCHOA & CO., Tucson, Arizona. TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. 09 B O PT O a* CA O a o o o » a ? •a A o CB 1 O a (V o 5 mmm PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. S'5.frt5i?B»W»'.«'JlT. I' P k * If (A 09 Arizona — TitcAon. AI.raABITIOAU.r. 471 THE WHITE HOUSE DRY GOODS AID MILLI!iERY, Wclisch liuildings. THK f flITE eODSE, BRAHCH STORE. CEIERHL MERCHANDISE. Main Street. THEODORE WELISCH, Importer and Dealer in White Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, &c. CO m i SPECIAL 1>EPARTXE!VT OF (A 0) (/I CB o o Ik o s N Fine Millinery in all its Branches. Ladies' and Children's Ready-made Uaroieits. Cloalcs and Suits of Every Description. Wclisch Buildings, Rear of Palace Hotel, / TUCSON, ARIZONA. H. C. WALKER & GO'S Tucson t Toistoae Daily Stap Line, Si I 3 m 2^ Carrying U. S, Mails and Wells, Fargo & Go's Express, Making close connections with S. P. R. R. at TUC30N.— T C. NICinLS, oppoi'te Sifforfl, Hudson & Go's Bank. TOJiasrONB.— MAUSK.VLL WILLI.WIS, Fifth Street. U. PALWIi£H & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal., "^'S-rlTnetoS?* i >im 'f.ri 4' h |^i|!^! ^i ni-'l i I S « s •h. H c c •CO o « O O O z S o 0. 1- WW MflMT AfillF A rn mavc* and Ransra. I06 durerarit iIm. Mylw m 472 Arizona — Tucaon-Yuma. ALriunriOAbLT. MRS. M. J. SMITH, Ladies'^liildreii'sFur&isliiasEnpon ELEGANT MILLINERY, And • Qratnl Aiiottmiat of TOILST ASD FAICY O0QS8. Materials for all kinda of Ladies' Fancy Work for sale at reasonable prices. CHURCH PLAZA, TUCSON, ARIZONA. Verde, TAVAPAI COUNTY. HULL W, postmaster Hull Q W & Co, gen mdse Stewart J J, blaokamith Walnut Creek, Stage Station on Prcscott and Mohave Rom, 40 miles north of Prescott. Culi umber M B, postmaster Scholey Ed, station keeper Wickenburg, MARICOPA COUNTY. Sixty miles northwest of Phoenix. Arvesa 6, butcher Brown C NV, agt W, F & Co.'s Express, and Gilmer, Salisbury & Go's Stage Line Conger Daniel, saloon and feed yard Cumberland Mine Ganiii Gus, carpen ter C ILMEB, SALISBUBT & CO, stago station, C W Brown agt Gloff J E, blacksmith OBANT £ 0, gon mdse Grayduu Alex, blacksmith Hodges T, hotel Johnson T, deputy sheriff Kay Z L, teacher and justice of peace Klein H W, hotel WBI6HT D P, postmaster and saloon Williamson's Valley. Station on Mohave and Prescott Road, 22 miles north of Prescott. Horn Louis, station keeper Willows, Stage Station on P. and M. Road, 100 miles north of Prcscott. Imus Bros, station keepers Yuma, YUMA COUNTY, Is on the line of the Southern Pacific R. R., 731 miles from San Francisco. It is nicely located, and is surrounded by a very fertile grazing and agricultural dis- trict. Alexander H X, atty at law, notary public and deputy collector of iuteraal revenue and dist utty Amabesca Felipe, meat market, Maiden "ABIZONA SENTINEL" (weekly), J F Knapp propr, Muin Barney James M, gon mdse, commission and forwarding Briuley Chas H, justice of peace and notary public. Main Casey Henry, quartermasters' agt USA, Yuma Depot Colorado Steam Navigation Co, J F Knapp agt Cordon Jos K, physician, Main DE CORSE Dxt A £, county treasurer, First DE CORSE & TAOGART, physicians and surgeons. First FITZOERALD H S, gen milse, agt W, F & Co i Express, postmaster, and forwarding and commission, Main FITZFATRICK J L, saloon, Main Forest Mrs M E, restaurant. Main Fox D & Co, bakery FOX H, propr Palace Hotel, Main Furrer L, hay and feeil yard 6IN0CCHI0 ft CO, gen mdse, Main H. WACHHORST. importer of j/:t'J&i%!:i;"u HORI r" ^ smit 3 ^M 10 chine 1 S. % a ■ «S Color ? I ^ 1 Levy I( M ^1 H Maid* Lyons I Mabbitt 5* I i . MART. ery, o« H paints 9 1 Mauderf tary 1 vice U H (0 Napoleo] S 1 Neahr D CD PAIAC Porter D m^ ■ ~ POST! 1 1 fancy o PITRfif county o ■ "g House CD (A I JK ■ (tt 1 C. Ho O O H *^ O 1 ^ S. 1 *" o I ^ a CD 1 ^ 1 "* s ■1* Z U> P Hi 1- ^i^^ » z C9 f^S. •m 3 ""x^v ■0 O >/ \ > o z . ^-mJ"^ 4 w Hea a a « O ^ OurWoJ ^ 1 ■ < 1 ?s 1 - • horI ' ^ H. PA BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prurtlrall; I i I e o o « e o e to MBW&<^' t PAOIVIO SIWI- »»o PoMt m„ n. p. 1 fd 7. 3 -1 3 >i "B u 1 u R> 5 U ^ Z o % H z £S u ■ 3 Ti o o z a. (0 p> a o O «B 3 < a ^» i ^ ^rirona — F»7na. ALriiAiivnoAi.ir. 473 GAWLET BOBERT, blaoksmith, wagonmaker and horsethoer, feed y aw, Main HANES WH. saloon, Main HOLT THOIIAS 0, saloon, hay and feed yard. Main HOBITER ft DONALDSON, black- tmith and wagoumaking, and ma- chine shop, Gila & Doton Huffhea Thomaa, saloon, Main XIlAFF J F. propr "Arizona Senti- nel," agt S P R R, W U Tel Co and Colorado Steam Navigation Co, Depot Levy Isaac, propr Colorado Hotel LOKETTE A, gen mdae and liquors. Maiden and Third Lyons Isaac, gen mdse. Main Mabbitt Ira, under-sheriff, Court House MARTIN OEO, drugs, books, station- ery, news depot, sewing machines, paints, oils and glass, Main Maudertield Wm C, manager U S mili- tary Tel office, and observer signal ser- vice U S A, Yuma Depot Napoleon Nicanor, shoemaker. Main Neahr David, gen mdse PALACE HOTEL, H Fox propr. Main Porter DeForest, dist court judge POST MISS M E, dressmaking and fancy goods. Main PUBDY SAML JB, probate judg ■nim H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. II fj'i ^ VI ^MIt", , rff! ' U a i Z I > o E m CO c c O ■ o o o o < Q. Q W. W. WIONTAGUE A CO., TOrTgLVT.naaiwss^vvt*' BU8INES3 PI 474 lOR CIiAMiniD. ATT . ARIZONA. (CLASSIFIED.) 8m tlm, Uat of Towni BeoelTtd to* Lata for Begnlu Inttrtloa. AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS. (See also Hardware.) Abbott Don £, Phoenix OOLDWATER J ft BRO. Preacott APOTHECARIES. (See Druggists. ) ARCHITECTS. PETIT C L, Sul.ivan & Evans, Tucson •I ARTISTS. (See Photographers,) ASSAYERS. Moore J M W, Bod Rock Iteesc John, *• JULIUS MIITE ASSAT OF- FICSE, (Chaa Hayes usaayer), Globo Kinscy Lanius, " HATES CHAS & C E BUCK, Oak Valo Patrick H R, Brown P A, Bluke & Ct>, St:ihl Edwnril, , BACON JOHN H, FREBEaiCK S 0, (rird Richard, KEARSma & WALKER, Sinclair E W, Stone SL, RICHARD W T, Tucson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Phoenix Pinal Prose >tt Tombiitone ti II II Johnson E T, OURY H, SUMMERS H B, Wratten Geo L, Bro wn E O, Hicks — , Wildy Samuel H, Bed Rock Florence I. II Globe Van Slyck J W, McMillen Davis A E, ilinei^al Purk Hamilton Samuel, « Tweed C A, Wright C, «« ALSAP JOHN T, Baker A C, BoIaii P J, Cox Frank, Cox I H, Hancock Wm A, LEMON & MoCABE, '"Stephenson J W, Woodside P K, Brown P A, Hughson R F, Reymart J D, CHURCHILL CLARK. HARGRAVE JOSEPH P, Mastersoii Murat, Noyes A O, RUSH & WELLS. TUCKER OIDEO]^ J, Wells Ed W (Ru8h& W), Haynes, Lucns & Street, Hunsaker W J, JONES & FELTER, Leavenworth S M, Spiccr Wells, AINSA S. Buell .Jnmes, FARLEY HUGH, FITCH, FARLEY & POMROY, Giilan C.rlos F, HAYNES JOHN, HAYNES, LUCAS & STREET, HEREFORD B H, HEREliORD & ZABRISKIE, HUGHES L C, l\iiiluy Joseph M, LIGHTHIZER H B, Morgan Benj, Neu^as3& Anderson, Neiiifass Joseph, 0/ITE3 JAMES W, OSBORN WM J, POMROY EVERETT R Price Lyttleton, Roman John, Southard .1 H. SPAULDINGJW, Phoenix II II (I H. PALMER & C( F WW BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ■*«aaT,«SI»ffBl?K.'8.?W: ATT Arizona. OLAUiniD. BOO 475 Tucson ti II II Yuma Stanford, Earll k Smith, StileaTheo L, AVhalins Michael, ZABRI8XIEJA, Alexander H N, AUCTIONEERS. Wiley E W, Phoenix Fiiber J T<, P. eecntt Shirpaer David, (auction atore), " Noyea K W, Tucson BAKERIES. Tnnor Lee, Smith & Watxlavzick, Willi'ims k Somerville, HEmSON JACOB. Schernir Carl, Hatz Daniel, Gcisenhofer O W, Stumpf Joaonh, Andri'a FranK, Cassamayou Paulitto, Duran H, (Janz Wm, Mayr Anton, Miltcnher^ Frank, Fox D k Co, Yet Hing, Caaa Grande Florence Globe FhiBnix II Prf«cott Tombstone II Tucson Ynma II BANKS AND BANKERS. BANK OF ARIZONA AQENCT. (M W Kales agt), I'hienix BUke A Co, Pi-escott Ki.lea M \V, (caohier bank), " Ixiwis Sol, (president bank), " THE BANK OF ARIZONA, (Sol Lewis ]ir>'8iJent\ " AGENCY PIMA CDUNTY BANK, (PW Smith act\ Tomlwtono SAFFOBD, HUDSON & CO, (l)ranch\ " Jiicol)8 Lionel M, (bank cashier^ Tucson PIMA COUNTY BANK, (B M .lacohs casliior), " SAFFORD. HUDSON & CO, Smith P W, (bank president), " Vosburg J S, BLACKSMITHS. (Sco also Blacksmiths and Wagon- raukers.) Collins ThoB, Alexandra Griif liTopdld, Maricopa HERRICK & lUTGERDING, Phoenix Cavancsa k Beoslry, Piual Howey J, Radczuwaky Jaoob^ Meyer Geo, Genoa Juan, Terrazas I, Stewart J J, Froacotk >i Tuoaon II m m B * 1 iP «\ ' m iifl m ^!^ im %^A H ti I w ' i:i .,s'''fl^>>?rA« '■■■ '.■.^■!4, W. W. MONTAGUE & CO, TO.TffiS^I\flKiS!,'SSy.'VJ* lb ■ CO i c o « f S E IL c ' c Q 6 o o S o < Q. H O 47G BOO CLABBinBD. CLB BOOTMAKERS. (See also Boots iuid Sho8<«.) Plnmb Merlin, Schalze Chas, Fehr Wm, Olson Tobiss, Forbach Peter, Colman O N, Crocker Chas, Dickinson Chas, Sch/nidt August, Gkhman H L, Kodig Chas, Curta-de-Franco, Lope? Romon, Manyoso A, Tappeiner John, Weihs Albert, Napoleon Nicanor, Brigham City Florence Mineral Park Phoenix Piina Preacott Tombstone Tucson Yuma BOOTS AND SHOES. (See albu General Merchandise. ) Frauch Henry, Globe MASON A J. Predcott KANDALL & KLINE, Cashm in M ias Nellie, Tombstone CZERWIHSKT T & CO, Tucsan Lowensteiu & Co, " BREWERIES. Minjes Bros, Alexandra Miiiges Josepik, II Smith & McDowell, Chirleston Will Peter, Florence Arnold P, Gillett Pinal Brewery, Piper, Bissi'^o & Midler, Glob3 Backer Gustave, Phojaix LUKE &THALHEIMEB, i< ARIZONA BREWER X, PAGUIC BREWERY. Huible propr,) RAIBLEJOHN, Pr23COtt (John 11 11 RODENSTJRG JULIUSN, Wehrfiitz & Tri:>)let, i< Tombstone LEVIN ALEXANDER. Tucsoa MONDELIUS C « C3, 11 BROKERS. Bodrignez Francisco, Sepulveda P, Tucson BUTCHERS. (See Moat Markets.) CABINET MAKERS. Brigham City Tombstone Sims John, Davis & Uplinger, CAPITALISTS. Boggs Theodore W, Poland D B, Bad Bock i F O IV. w. MONTAGUE A co..**,n:rn?"t'o'^yfriiy!ininrB*.?!;^CTr 478 cou Arizona. CLAUIKIItn. FLO Maatsrson Murat, district attorney, Fretoott Cooke E J treasurer, " Ficher P M, coroner and public administrator, " Eisley E W, photographer third district con rt, • *' Fisher J L, (chairman,) supervisor, " RODENBUBGJVLN, supervisor, " Sullivan J W, supervisor, " YUHA OOTJNTY. Porter De Forest, district judge, Yuma PURDT SAMUEL JB, M C probate judge, county recorder and supt of schools, " Tynor Andrew, sheriff, asaeaaor and tax collector, " Alexander H N, district attorney, " DE CORSE A E, county treasurer, Tdggart J H, coroner, (( CROCKERY. OTIS A D ft CO, Tombstone Otid A D & Co, Tucson DENTISTS. Ryder Emmons P, Millard G A, Hitchcock T S, Presci.tt Tombstoue Tucson DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC. (See also Planing Mills; also Lumba Copeland E A, Wilson & Haskell, ) Pboonix Prjscott DRESSMAKERS. (See also Milliners and Dressmakers.) Barrnth Mrs S, Given Miss M A, Newell Mrs L B, Brown Mrs R J, Felter Mri E C, Baker Mrs T J, POST MISS M E, rhoBiiix Preecott Tombstone <« Tucson Yuma DRUGGISTS. Peterson B H, Charleston Heiueman S C, Hydi 'J, KENDALL GEO D, THIBODOO J, Thompson J W, Kendall Geo D, LDTOOLN OSCAR, Eaton k Kice, POMEROT ft OREER, Globe Mineral Park Phoenix Prescott •I Tombstone n METER CRASH, RICE B W. Witfeld G. MARTIN GEO, Tucson << n R, Coujfer Dan), GAWLE7 ROBT, Mnricopa McMilloii Phooiiix « << Prescott Tucson Wickenlmrg Yuma 51 o M o o ST ;a O 3 3 a « o a 9 ■ 01 3? to n X o e (A (9 • D) r » 5" Cottrell WmP, Speegle & Furli Pierce & VV»hx1, WARREN a: ScBur Andrew, Woodhead ft G BRANNEN . Casluniiu Miss SMITH MRS Wilziuski ft Fr TRY GUNN'8 RHBUMATISiM KmC. eUSINESS PENMANSHIP |i St < I c a J PnMttlnillT tMiKht St PACIFIC BVIil. WRMM 9'OM^lii^OK. 9KM» INMt At. !«. P. FLO Arizona. OLAMinRD. GEN 479 Cotreal Geo & Co, (propr Star Flour). Sanord Hayden C T, Tempe Fiah E N, Tucsou Lee James, " Warner Sploman, " FORWARDING AND COM- MISSION. Fletcher E, Smith & Watzlavziok, BABNETT &BLOCK, BARNEY JAMES mT Miller Bros, Burnett & block, Germain E & Co, Arizona Trading Co, SHITH&FEAEE, BuL-kaiew 0, Fish EN, Sresovich Joseph, STBUMYH&CO. Bur.iey Jamua M, FITZGERALD HS, Bed Rock Casa Grande Maricoi)a Prescott Tei-miaus i ?! •ym !'><' m CD i a S i I > o E « CD ? C c CO o • O O o < W' W MONTAGUE A CO «t«v«>fland]Uii«f>a,IMdtatoM»ilMi,aiiiw»A < If. mmi I wove « uv., patunw, no. ii«.m. m ud iii Ba^ac.T f: 480 GEN OLASSinBD. ORO Phoenix ti Final II Prescott II Safford i< Seymour II II r- m ■n 30 m o ■ GO O m r- CO s a c/> ■0 o 5" 3 a O o e 9 UASON A J. H. WAGHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th« Model Coaiainrelal a»ircM- or the ciNwt. s)to PMt y.. m,w. GUN Arizona. 0I<«88imD. ICB 481 GUN AND LOCKSMITHS. Boberts Jno, Oruber Jacob, PLXTHMER PAUL, Freacott Tucson << ID S cd 1 e S: m t « o M e e O X CD 3 O (0 < 9i HAIRDRESSERS. Bostwick Saml, Florence Abrahani 'acob, Globe Koch Wm, Mineral Park Dupish Edw, Phoenix STUBENBUBG WM, Beckers Geo T, Buck & Milligan, Bobinson B, Snyder WB, Eyeman Alfred, Helyar Joyce, Carrillo Juan, Cooper W T, Hutton Edw, Freciado Roman, ROSENSTOCK ALBERT H, \V ilk ins Alex, Z unigo Maximo, SHUMAKER HENRY, Prescott << Tombstone <( Tucson Yuma HARDWARE. (See also HORSE SHOERS. WHEATLEY WM, Tucson HOTELS. Donelan P, Trainor Thos, Grove W H, Wessels S M, Lake Geo, Dunbar J Oj FRYER JERE> Mason Robt, BAILEY W I ■/ Alexandra Bradshaw « ■ Brigham City Cieneea Casa Grande Contention City Florence 4< << Huachuca Iron Spring' Little Giant Maricopa McMillen Pinal it also General Merchandise; Stoves and Tinware.) BASHFORD L & CO, Prescott GOLWATERJ&BROS, RANDALL & CLINE, OTIS A D & CO, Tombstone Otis A D & Co, ' Tucson HARNESS AND SADDLES. MASON A J, RANDALL & CIINE, Thomrson D R M, CLARKE & FATTON, Pi-escott (I pr), " BROWN'S HOTEL, (Charles R Brown propr), " COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, (C Bilicke propr), '• Glassman Henry, Tubae COSMOFOUTAN HOTEL, (Paul L Purrer L, lOLTTHOSG, Morouey propr), Maish ft Dnscoll, Scholey Ed, Hodges T, Klein H W, Imus Bros, l^vy Isaac, ^^ PALACE HOTEL, (H Fox propr), ICE. Tucson MMtBanscw, mo dlflar«ntilMi,itylMu If. If. mvn I AvUC « UU.^ p»tMn», no. m. nviM ■>« ns B^twr K. s. i> «4 ■ b. s I 2 I z IL o o o z S o < t o 482 INS CLA8BIFIBD. LIQ INSURANCE AGENTS. \ Atibott Don E, KalflB M W, Blake F W, Martindell C R, GARWOOD W A, iScott Wm A Jr, Phoenix << Preacott Tombstone TucBon Globe Haydea Ferry <> McMillan Mineral Park « r « o TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumau3r & Co., 'S^-KveiT CO ^ ♦ o CO o Q P O o I 0) ?ACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ""iJSSTr.''*'^- -'• '"'" keepInK, Pennuuiahip, T*lcfr»pby. LIQ Arizona. OLABBIFIED. HEA 483 II II II li Vizioa & Cook, Tombstone Vogan * Flynn. " ABADIE PAUL & CO, Tucson BRITCHTA A ft CO, Brown CO, " Childa S C, " Cook H B, •• DACHENA ANTONIO, FOSTER & HAND, FBASER BOBEBT, Goldtree laidor, Green A P, HOOPER WH B & CO. HOBTON HENBY, Hucke (Jeo, LAVOIE JOHN A & CO, LEVIN ALEXANDEB. Maguire John, HARKS MAX, HEBEDITH J A. TAPIE OUILLAUME, Walsh & McCanu, Weise K & Co, BEBGEB J M, WRIOHT D P, Wickenburg Conger Daniel, " FITZPATRICK J L, Yuma HANES W H, HOLT TH3S 0, y Hughes Thos, LORETTE A, Scott C W, LIVERY STABLES. Mulronon Wm, Alexandra Wilson 4 Bryson, Florence Lacy — , Globa Turner & Son, " KRIDER BROS, Mineral Park HAMLIN & LABAREE, Phcenix Mayer K, GREY EAGLE LIVERY STA- BLE, ((' Hiithcway propr), Prescott HATHEWAY GILFORD, SHULL JOHN T, BLAND J T, Tombstone BROWN. TAYLOR & CO, McLANE & GRAY, MONTGOMERY & BENSON, CARROLL JAMES, Tucson Coltou E F, FIELD & MORGAN, Taylor & Amory, Black Mrs K J. Dj Beanfort Henry, O'Ruurke Thoa, Tucson II II LUMBER DEALERS. Bremen M W, Globe BARNEY JAMES M, Maricopa Gregory J M, Phoenix Clark k Adams, Prescott CURTIS GROW, Parker G R & F G, " HARWOOD W A, Tombstone GORMAN MICHAEL, OTISAD&CO, Otis A D* Co, Tuscon WOODMAN WW, ", MACHINISTS. Foster Chas, Sunset TAYLOR & AMORY, agt D M Osborne's machinery). Tombstone HORNER & DONALDSON, Yuma MEAT MARKETS. LODGING HOUSES. FISHER P M, Prescott Urfar Gottlick, " DIANA LODGING HOUSE. (KeL logg & Morris propr), Tombsione Jackson J H, " OLLOGQAMOBBIS. Hein Fred, Hinds F, BjgiTs T W, Sauford & Hilton, Irwiu Fretleriek, S(^OSHirSEN HENRY, Wiley & Crawford, Boyd T M, Gauu W H, May (i, BALSZ& KELLY, Lombard Joseph, Nicholas T, Allen O, Hall k Khoades, Kogera C T, Nichols F, BuriisFH&Co, Golez Dolores, Mendoze (Suadalupe, MILLS JOSEPH S, Moaeuegro Eugene, Monguillo Jesus M, Palacio J J, Push & Zallewegor, SCHAAF PHILIP. Velaca Antoui , BAUER A. Coffee & Acker, TRIBOLET BR03, WARD THOS P. Arvesa Q, Amabisca Felipe, Soeur Andrew, Alexandra II Bed Kock Charleston Florence II Globe McMillen Mineral Park II Phcenix Pinal II Prescott Silver King Tucson Tombstone •I Wickenburg Yuma 41 PURE PORT WINE, for U^m Pirsoses. 302 Davit SU S. F. ' -jfi r t I I ^ 'r '*^i, I 111 :" r? ir'i! 1 '-i W^i c a p I « z IL O o o o z S o < 0. I: O w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., ?grf»ys,y*".ri;;t^y!gfteVvy 484 MIL Arizona. CLAasiriiD. MIL MILLINERS. Frescott Tucsoo 4< Watson Miss S L, O'Keefe Miss Ella, SMITH MBS E J, MILLS & MINING. Arivaca Milling Co, (W F With- eral, sunt) Arivaca La Grande Min Syndicate, (J S Bogle, snpt). Bed Bock Partridge & Stokes Min Co, (T H Swallow supt), STEA])MAN A C, Norton Geo, (supt Iron Cap Min Co), Castle Dome Longfellow Copper Min Co, (H Le- sinsky), Clifton Western M M Co, (Josiah H White supt). Contention City Bluebird Min Co, (Geo C Perkins), Globe Boss Mine, (Piper & Co owners), " Buffalo Min Co, (C A McDonnell), *' Centennial Min Co, (Wilson & Co owners) " Centralia Min Co, (Salter & Co), " Champion Mill & Min Co, (Foreman supt). Chloride Mine, (Hayes ft Buck projprs), " Emelme Mine, (Hayes t Buck proprs), " Golden Eagle Mill & Min Co, (Maj Sisson snpt), " Haskin Mill & Min Co, (Lanies supt), " Isabella Mill & Min Co, (Maj Sisson supt), " Julius Mine, (Hayes &, Buck proprs), McCormick Min Co, (Mansfield & Co owners), " McMorris Mill & Min Co, (Maj Baldwin supt), " Miama Mill & Min Co, " Milner & Watson, " Silver Era Min Co, (Watsou supt), " Silver Fame Mine, (Hayes, Buck & Crone proprs), '• Silver Nugget Mill & Min Co, (Git Chilson supt), " Silver Star Mine, (Hayes & Buck proprs), Swasey G A, Hannibal S Min Co, (Josiah Flour ney supt), McMillan McMillen S Min Co, (J K Smith supt), Washington S Min Co, (J L Clark supt), Corbin Mill & Min Co,(Wm G Lamb ■eety), Millville Fields D C, (secty Tomb«tone M k MCo). (I Gird Richard, (supt Tombstone M & M Co), MiJlvUle Tombstone & Corbin Quartz Mill, (Frank Corbin supt), " Copper Top Mine, (Elmore manager), Pinal Last Chance Min Co,( — ,Elmore man- ajBier), " Seventy Six Quartz Mill,) J T El- more), «« Silver King Min Co, (Aaron Mason supt), Silver King Quartz Mill, (Aaron Ma- son supt), ** Stone & Benson, " Surprisers Mine, (D T Elmore supt)," Swain — , '• Wide Awake Min Co, (Frank Cyr- nnski supt), " Antelope Cop Min Co, (C C Bean supt), Prescott BEAN CUBTIS C. BOWEBS & BICHABDS, (10 stamp), *• Marks Jake, " Prescottt Min Co, (C C Bean supt), " Vulture Mine &, Mill, (H Shipman supt), Seymour Maaon Aaron (min supt), Silver King Golden Era Mill & Min Co, (A M Smith supt), Smithville Tip Top Mine, (Geo E Webber supt), Tip Top Empire Mill 4 Min Co, (A W Stowe supt), Tombstone Girard Mining Co, (R H Upton supt), " Gird Richard, (supt Tough Nut M & M Co), •• Grand Central Min Co, (E P Gage supt), •• OBAT & GBAY, (min office), Hayne Arthur, (min engineer), " Head Centre Min Co, (Thos Farrish supt), " Mitchell Alex J, (min engineer), " O'Leary Timothy, (min expert), " Randolphe Min Co, (Cummings & Cole proprs), STEBBINS A H, Sulphurate Mine, (R H Upton supt)," Voiaard E P, (min engineer), " Wallace T, (min agt), " Western Mill & Min Co, (Josiah H White sunt), " Arizona Milling Co, (W F Witherell supt), Tucson OBAND CENTBAL MIBINO CO, (E B Gage .upt), Pena N Diaz, i-^ '^ " SALAZABft;BAHH;(min tngi- neer), ^..^ " Cumberland Mine, Wickeiibiu;g (I BUI o o o m r- m CO CD (0 O 1. o x* CD CD O o a a o* (D :» ■0 O 3 e e a • MUS GUber PLU] lO (See a , Hamm iS PHIL] CO ^eegJe oj HAllS ^ Martin e o « e e o (0 s "SlLVl propr] & Mc( "TEBI J Tucl "ABIZO Beauh "Method publisl "JIUGG O I- X a o "Tombs! Clum I "ABIZU Brown "ABIZO "£ FI Velascd "LA SO] ..^Propr),] (« w T "ABIZOJ KuappT m O «8 H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street Sac N Schumacll BobinsonI SUML_ Wratten Miller Pel Swasey HILLC, Van Slycl Fields D\ STUAB1 AISAf . CoxIH,] ITpAi BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ■^*iS;;Ste!ilS&«!f'*^*'"^ "^*- . JKM Pwit M«.. H. i*. MUS Arizona. CLAUmiD. PHY 485 i s I I « B O o « o i e d) to o e cd -i MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS. Gilbert Mrs H D, Tucaon FLUMMER PATH, NEWS AGENTS. (See also Books and Stationery; also Varieties.) Hammond & Bell, Globe KELLY & STEPHENS, Frescott PUILIPPSON H. Tombstone iSpeegle & Furlow, " MA&SFELD J S, Tucson Martin Geo, Yuma NEWSPAPERS. "SILVEB BELT," (A H Hackney prtipr), Globe "PHUENIX HERALD," (Gosper &, McClintock propr), tlicjcnix "TERRITORIAL EXPOSITOR," (Kiggs & Reed propr), " "AR^ONA DEMOCRAT," (Gideon J Tucker propr), Prescott "ARIZONA MINER," (Chas W Beach propr), " •'Methodist," (Rev G H Adams publisher), " "NUGGET." (A E Fay propr), Tombstone "Tombstone Clarion," (John P Clum propr), " "ARIZONA CITIZEN," (R C Brown propr). Tucson "ARIZONA SlJkR," (LC Hughes bioi,r), I'uci s o U Hancook Wm A, Stephenson J W, Brown P A, Phosniz i< Pinal Reymart J D, WELLS ED W, (Rush k W). Prescott THOMPSON E F. Fickis B A, HARWOOD WA. Mitchell Alex J, Spicer Wells, AINSAS, BuellJames, CARPENTER S W, FARLEY HUGH, HAYNES JOHN, HEREFORD fi H, HUGHES L C, UGHTHIZER H B, OSBORN WILLIAM J, POMROY EVERETT, Price Lyttleton, Roman John, SPAULDING G W, stiles Theo L, ZABRISKIE JA, Alexander H N, Brinley Chas H, - - Silver King Tombstone Tucson Yuma ucson "iL "FRONTERIZO," (Carlos Y Velasco "LA SONORA," (Carlos H Tully propr), ' "TUCSON DAILY RECORD." (8 W Carpenter propr ' "ARIZONA SENTINEL," (J F Knapp propr), Yumu NOTARIES PUBLIC. Schumacher George, Bed Rock fiobiuson D L, Camp Verde SUMMERS H B, l<'iorcnct- Wratten lieo L, " Miller Peter B, Globe Swasey G A, HILL C W, Hayden Ferry Van Slyck J W, McMillen Fields D C, Millville STUART CHAS D, Montezuma AI8AP JOHN T, Phoenixl Cox 1 H, NURSERYMEN, SEEDSMEN. AND FLORISTS. Maicon Stephen G, Prescott Woodhead A Gay, Phoenix WARREN ALBERT L, Tucson PAINTERS. BEEBE W J. Florence KELLY & VICKNELL, (car. riuge). Phoenix Long J F, Prescott PEACOCK ED, Tombstone Burslow — , Tucson O'LearyEd, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Florence Yuma m 30 3 f II 1 BEEBE W J. MARTIN GEO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Grime Cicero, Uothrock G H, MITCHELL D F, Fly C S, Buhmann Henry, Globe Phoenix Prescott Tombstone Tucson H I PHYSICIANS. Burton H G, Camp Verde Brown Dr, (druggist), Charleston S3. 09 H. PALMER & CO., Native Winss. 302 Davis Street, S. F. J W. W. MONTAGUE I CO. ■hr»t Ifn IIS. 1 < > u >- S < o Id O I- co a 3 lU •f- X < % o <0 14, il«. aw* IIW lt«* iid Kichard, Tombstone MERCER LILLIE T, Tabao LORD C H, HULL G W, Verde Culliimber M B, Walnut Creek WRIGHT D P, VVickenburg FITZGERALD H S. Yuma PRODUCE. (See also Fruits and Vegetables.) Warren Mrs Emma, Tombstone Pierce & Wood, Tucson Woodhead & Gay, Yuma RAILROAD AGENTS. Hooper W S, (agt S P R R), Casa Grande Naylor Chas H, (agt S P R R), Maricopa Finliiy A G, (agt S P R R), Terminus Ciisli Thomas M, (agt S P R R), Tncs :)n KNAPP J F, (agt S P R R), Yuma REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Swasey G A, Globe Brooke Gideon, Prescott GRAY & GRAY, Tombstone Wallace T, Fried I S, Tucson Noyes E W, WHITNEY JOHN & (30, Williams & Co, " RESTAURANTS. LONG YEE. Casa Grande Hopkins C W, Contention City SAM JIM, Florence Sam Hing, Maricopa Baker Mrs, Mineral Park FY G W, Phoenix Salari & Co, i< Butler P W, Prescott FISHER P M, pr), " SICHENBACH OTTO, Wong Hop, Forest Mrs ME, Yuma ROOFERS. LOVELL C B. SAWMILLS. Tnft M S, Van Name Wm, Merrell Wm, Bremen M W, Mansfield & Co, Clark k Adams, CUBTIS GEO W, Parker G li & F G, Tombstone Bad Rock Brigham City Globe <( Prescott SCHOOLS. Motlern School, (Prof J M Silva), Tucson Saint Joseph's School, " St Augustine Parochial School, (M E Riordan principal), " SEWING MACHINE AGENTS. BEBGEB J M, MABTIN GEO, Tucson Yuma SODA WATER MANUFAC TURERS. . Brix P eter, Phoenix INNES J F & CO, Tucson STAGE LINES AND AGENTS. GILMEB. SALISBTJBT & CO, ( stage station), Agua Fria Ohuesorgen Wm, (stage station) Benson City Brown Geo A, (agt S P Stage Co), Florence Montgomery H B, (agt), " VAITFLEET M B, (agt Gilmer, Salisbury & Co Stage Line), Maricopa WILSON P, (prop stage to Flor- ence), " Loring George S, (Gilmer, Salis- bury & Co), Phoenix Bower Geo H, (agt S Kao M Stage Co), Prescott GILMEB, SALISBUBT & CO, Pima Withlow Lew & Bailey, ( stage station), Pinal Blake F W, (agt (iilmer, Salisbury & Cos Stage Line), Prescott GILMEB, SALISBUBT & COS STAGE OFFICE, (FW Blake agt). Meador J F, (agt Prescott and Mo- have Stage Lme), " Prescott and Mohave Stage Line, (Hugh White propr), " PBESGOTT & SANTA FE STAB STAGE CO, (W J Tompkins agt), " SOUTHEBN PACIFIC STAGE LINE, ( Fred W Williams agt), " TOMPKINS W J, (agt Prescott and Santa Fe Star Stage Line), ' GILMEB, SALISBUBY & CO. (stage station), Seymour Stenger Chas R, (agt H C Walker A Co's Stage Line), Tombstone Williams Marshall, (agt H C VValk- er & Co's Stage Line), " Anilerson Claude, (Arivaca Stage Co), lucson Arc vales Francisco, (agt Tucson and Altar Stage). '* PATAGONIA MAIL STAGE LINE, ( W R Ingram and Co), " Tucson & Tombstone Stage Line, (J D Kinnear propr), '* TULLY, OCHOA & CO, (agents Tucson and Santa Fe stage), ** WALKEB H C & CO (propra Tucson & Tombstone U S Mail Stage Line). "■ Brown C W, (Gilmer, Salisbury & Co's Stage Line), Wickenburg STATION KEEPERS. 3\ J? 3 Lee J H, Wilder P C, Calderwood H M, Spaulding Henry, American Ranch Anvil Rock Agua Fria PURE PORT WINE, M HeiUGinal Porposes, 302 Davis St, S. F. ! I . I' *i ! i 1 4l 4 Q W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ?,T'7giJlrrirgiff;y'lKft«t.'g s c c ■ 8 O < i88 8TA Arizona. OLAMirilD. UNI Bobo James, Horn Louis, Bumble Bee Williamsoa Valley STEAM NAVIGATION COM- PANIES. XHAFP J F.Colorado Steam Nav- igation Co, Yuma STOVES AND TINWARE. (See also Tinners.) SUTER JACOB, Florence Pasqueira Miguel, Phaeuix BA8HF0RD L ft 00. Prescott Frederick & Hill, •' Atichisou T A, Tombstone Waterman & Goodrich, " BDEHMSOEO, Tucson DAVIS WM C, Druchman & Wolf, " SURVEYORS. (See also among County Officers.) Pendleton A O, Globe Chillson L D, Tucson Harris John, ' ' Van Pelt Samuel K, " TAILORS. Bamth Simon, Uobiuson Kavel, BUSHMAN WH, :F£&EIN JOSEPH, MuUer \Vm M, Villa & Douville. Phoenix Tomestom Tuacoii TELEGRAPH AGENTS. Fish J D, (S P R R), Casa Grandi Guild W E, ( U S Military tel opr), Florence Bonsall Edward, (tel opr S P R R), Miiricopt Moore Thoa T, (Military tel), Venton A, ( manager W U tel), " Patton S E, (U S Military tel), Phoenix Menmuir Geo P, (opr U S Military Tel Co). Preacott Narry J J, (manager U S Mail tel olhce), " U S Military Tel Co, (Miss G A McCliiitock opr), " Vowles Oliver, (repairer U S Mail Tel Co), Agey W H, (manager U S Military Tel), Tucson Blasdel H V, (tel opr). AICE B W, (manager W U Tel Co), Tucson KNAFP J F, (agt W U Tel Co), Yuma MamlerHeld VVm C, (manager U S Military tel office), « TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. FBEMONT JOHN C, Governor, Prescott OOASPEB JOHN J, secretary of state. • «' ANDERSON JOHN E, asst sec. " Pomroy E B, atty-generai, Tucson Waasoit John, surveyor-goneral, " Clark E P, auditor, Prescott Butler Thos J, treasurer, " Sherman M H, supt public instruc- tion, " Hughes F G, pres leg council, Tucson Stewart M \V, speaker leg houav, Camp Grant Campb3ll John G, delegate to con- gress, Prescott Thurow Geo M, supt territorial prison, Yuma French C G W, chief justice, Tucson Porter De Forest, associate justice. Phoenix Silent Charles, associate justice, Preacott Rush Chus B, reporter, " UNDERTAKERS. SMITH E J, undertaker, Tucson UNITED STATES OFFICERS. PBIETO FRANCISCO L, con- Rulado de Mexico), Tucaoii Silent Charles, third diat judge, Prescott POMROY £ B, dis atty. Tucker Gideon J, third dist com, " Dailey Chas R, rec U S land office, Florence Pauliaon Chaa M K, rcg U S land office, " Lount (ieorge, rec land office, Prescott Kelly VVm N, reg land office, " McClure Ernest, col U S customs, Charleston Cordis Thomas, col inter rev, Preacott Ballesteros J M, inspector U S cus- tom house, Tucson Keen A J, inspector U S custom house. " Scott W F, deputy col U S custom house, * " Alexander H N, deputy col inter rev, Yuma Sherman Thomas, U S deputy mar- shal, Phoenix Drake Crawley P, marshal, Prescott S 3 5 H CA H m 5 m o w 09 O m 3. 3 o o a (8* S. o' 3 o 5" M 01 S" il. WACHHORST. Importer of j^rJlrZfryVSiiS^^Si^^. 315 JSt., Sac Hi o m r- A P* 3 o e a a PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '••««', H*. MO P««l atM^t. thor««Khly far BaalawMi. I E o lA S I 0) B u e 0} e (d UNI OLAMiniD. WEL 480 Bailey W J, (U S A and signal ser- vice observer), Florence Patton S £, (U 8 signal service), Phoenix Nanry J J, (observer signal corps U S A), Prescott Casey Henry, (quartermaster U S A), Yuma Quartermaster's Store House U S A), (N Willcox agt), Maricopu Eckley Chas, (U 8 deputy mineral surveyor). Tombstone VARIETIES. WOOD IRA, Bradshaw Morton Mrs, Charleston MENAOEE H, (second hand), Tucson VETERINARY SURGEONS. WHEATLET W, Tucson WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. (See also Wagonmakers; also Black- smiths and Wagonmakers. ) ZECKENDOBF & STAAB, Tucson TAYLOR & AMOEY. (agt Cort- land wagons), Tombstone WAGONMAKERS. (See also Wagons and Carriages ; also Blacksmiths and Wagoumalcers. ) Ballard Wm. Whikaker Wm, Homsley Joel, Graf Leopold, Brii^hnm City Florence Haydea Ferry Maricopa Kooke Chas, (wheelwright), LUHRS H N, Phoenix WATCHES AND JEWELRY. (Sae Watchmakers and Jewelers.) MORGAN T J, BEROER J M, PLUHMER PAUL. Prescott Tucson WATCHMAKERS AND JEW- ELERS. (See also Watches and Jewelry.) Charleston Globe Phoenix <• Tombstone Tucson Fontana O, Newton Geo A, Kucher Gustavo, Trumper Valentine, Marah Frank, BERGER J H. Nilsou P F, Suasteugi l{, •« WELLS. FARGO & CO.'S AGENTS. Cowan C W, Brown Geo A, VAN FLEET M B, Fields D C, Loriiig (ieo S, Bower Geo H, Blake F W, Williams Marshall, Anderson Claude, Brown C W, FITZGERALD H S, Contention City tlorenoe Maricopa Millville Phoenix Picacho Prescott Tombstone Tucson Wickenburg Yuma PACIFIC PRESS PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, CO t/» r^^^^^fsm o a 1 » K Z 0) > n z > o ^ ' CD H Book and Jo b Printing, £/ectrofvping. Stereotyping, Engraving. Book Binding etc. H. PALMER & CO.. Native Wines. 302 Davis Street S. F. km . If. Wf itlflJI't « OUm na 114 il«.»w O E 75 CO ? c c a O o o < Q. o P I- 3 O 490 CLASH FIBD. GILMER, SALISBURT & GO'S STAGE LINE, Carrying U. S. Mail and Weils, Fargo & Go's Express. LEAVES MARICOPA DAILY On arrival of S. P. K. R. Train from the West, for FHCENIX, SETMOUR, WICEENBER6 and FBESCOTT, CONNECT AT PRESCOTT, with Line of Stages for MINERAIPARK, CEKBA?, HACEBERR7 and FORT MOHAVE. ALSO WITH STAGE FOB CAMP VERDE, LITTLE COIORADO, FORT WIN&ATE and SANTA FE, N. M. Comfortable Coaches and Careful Drivers. Time 30 Hoars, Maricopa to Prescott. JAS. STIC WART, Superintendent Arizona Lines. ?! 09 B O I o o « r O TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AMD LIVER BALSAM. mim PAICIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, a o h GO Opi».Union Oqaare^ lit-. F. Jto«k- keepinir, Penmtnabip, Tahtxraphy. CALIFORNIA. (ALPHABETICALLY.) 8m also, List of Towns Beceiyed too Late for Begalar Insertku. There in, perhaps, no other in the sisterhood of States that has been looked upon with eyes of such high favor and true esteem as the great and wonderful Golden 8tate, a description of whoso unlimited resources and attractive scenic and climatic features must, from the nature of our work, be necessarily brief and incomplete. Although less than a, third of a century has been recorded in the world's history since the memorable event took plane that witnessed the cession of Culiforaia to the United States, her broad area is covered with smiling towns, cities and villages, well improved and thoroughly cultivated farms, and mammoth "monuments of bone and sinew" and handsome temples of justice and learning; while it is checkered with lines of railway, and her rivers are utilized by a large fleet of elegant and well-appointed steamers. The vicissitudes of time and the presence of King Commerce have wrought a dcvelopmtnt that has scarcely been paralleled in other commonwealths. In the remotest corners are found to-day proud evidences of iugenuity, enterprise and energy, elements so essential to the progress of all countries. The music of industry, whoso accompaniments are the hammer, the saw, the stamp, the trowel und the plane, awakens the echoes of the once uninhabited fastnesses of the mi>untains; and the clear toned bells of the schools and churches ringing out upon the morning air, the din and clatter of the drays, cabs and tiuck-wagous are added to the songs of the farmer in the valleys as he drives his team atieUI. How magical is the touch of Commerce ! How beautiful are the resultants of her twin brother. Manufacture! One cannot con- ceive the immensity of tlieir combined works until a tour of this powerful de- pendency has bet>ii made. From her extreme northern boundary to the southern- most border bho panorama which is made up of man's genius und Nature's ecstatic charms, is like the figures of a kaleidoscope, — ever changing, ever beau- tiful Those two extreme localities present a diversity of climate that is peculi- arly astonishing. In tiio northern counties in the Winter season an abundance of snow and ice and a raw and chilly atmosphere, are features most noticeable; while ill those of the south there is perpetual sunshine and a balmy air, ladened with the fragrance of orange blossoms and rare tlowers. Here the i'.ivali I whose physique and hacking cough suggest consumption, is found contending with the inevitable because the soft and tender vespers of tlie region whispers words of en- couragement in his willing ear; while the hardy Nimrod, on his snow-shoes, scal- ing bulwarks made of ice, is searching at the nortli for the burly grizzly or the nimble and graceful deer. One need not necessarily "shiver and freeze," or "sweat and burn" in California, for every season of the year can be found at all times ! Truly, truly, the climate of Calilornia is "glorious." Her soil is of inexhaust- ible fertility, her mountains still teem with untobl wealth, and her "big trees," and beautiful lakes, alive with trout, are factors that must contribute largely to her continued growth and prosperity. Her educational system stands out a promi- nent example of efficient management and unlimited interest. The youth of the State, under the careful discipline of capable preceptoi., attain a greater degree of proiicioncy in their studies than those of other States, as a rule. Tho colleges of the State arc generally handsome and commodiou:'. structures. Be it said to her credit, statements of envious and malignant visitors to the contrary notwith- standing, her morals are of a very hi^h stamlard, as her thousands of magnilicent churches, if that is any criterion, will attest. RAILROADS. It fell to the lot of the present century to disclose the fact that rapid progress and development of a country was attended only by the construction of railway lities. The experience was acquired from pereonal observation and practical solu- H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. tti w k 3 ■ i s : r ' < ■ t, i tk ' m mm W. W. MONTAGUG & CO., Ik i 1 9 o E « ? C c « ■ O o i S o < a. H H O .^ ■« Ii*Mi PIM, all w»mtm,t\0, in. 492 Califor^iia — Railroada. ALPIlABKnCAr.I.T. tion by those who had great pecuniary interests at stake, and whose ambition was to place California far above the plane of mediocrity, in advance of the natural laws governing her standard, that rapid transportation was aiford(xl only by "bands of steel and the iron horse," and to the end that these requirements liiight be fulfilled, plans for a railway system such as few other States possess, were inaugurated. How successfully the genius of those in whose minds the prodigious scheme originated, resulted, is shown in the presence of numerous lines of railroads penetrating every section of the State. The first of these, tb j vanguard as it were, was the SACRAMENTO VALLEY RAILROAD, Which was constructed from Sacramento to Folsom, a distance of 22) miles, in the years 1855-56, at the enormous cost of $1,100,000. The investment, however, ? roved a profitable one, for its business was immense for several years afterwards, 'rosperity of the section it permeates, finally sought other "pastures new " for its sustenance, and the earnings of the road gradually decreased, though we be- lieve it is more than self-sustaining. THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY AND PLACERVILLE Is an extension of the first nrmed, having been completed from Folsom to Shingle Springs, a distance of i!6 miles, its present terminal point, in Kl Dorado county. The next in order of construction was the San Francisco and San Jose Bailroad, which is now known as the NORTHERN DIVISION OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC, Which runs from San Francisco to Soledad, a distance, with its branch from Gil- roy to Tres Finos, of 162 miles. This road is finely equipped and managed, and traverses one of the most picturesque of California's lovely sections. Tlie coun- try as it spreads out from the highway, clothed in its dress of verdure, and fringed by the Santa Cruz or Cocst Knnge, with beautiful residences dotting the plains ''nd breaking the monotony which their absence might offer, is delightfully charm- ing. This is a source of great revenue to the owners, and an indispensable conven- ience to the residents of the famed Santa Clara Valley, whose remarkable yields of berries, fruits, vegetables and grain rre transpoited by this line to the "City of the Bay." The next in the State's catalogue is the wonder of the age, whose construction was an achievement that "knowing ones" were assured would be utterly impossible. In thus referring to this gigantic enterprise, need we say that it is the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY? They who furnished the brains and the money that brought about the permanent organization of the company that completed this line, have endeared themselves to the people of the coast who have its welfare at heart, and have had their names inscribed upon monuments that will crumble only with time. The generations of ages in tlie labyrinthian passages of the dark and very remote future will point to the Ruccess, to the energy and to the intrepid courage shown in the colossal un- dertaking which was entuiled upon this enterprise of enterprises. The passage of heavy trains of cars at a rapid speed across the towering Sierras seems, even in this age of wonders, this age of broad enlightentnent,refined culture and genius, to be a marvel whose creation mijjht be traced only to a fertile mind "rich in fancy but poor in fact." We remove this "vapor of deception" in a trip across these mammoth upheavals and realize that the work is done. We rub the lamp of magic and the glories of labor stand revealed ! The projectors were discouraged by the use of strong argument and the almost insurmountable obstacles were spoken of in exaggerated terms. But the matured intelligence of Theodore D, Judah, an accomplished and veteran engineor, strengthened by keen perception and sound judgment, was treated with high consideration, and his opinions con- cerning the feasibility of the enterprise inspired the "moving spirits" with im- plicit confidence. These "moving spirits" were Messrs Mark Hopkins, E. B. and Chas. Crocker, C. P. Huntington and ex-Governor Inland Stanford. To the in- domitable energy of these gentlemen, the government in general and the people of the Pacific Coast in particular, owe the presence of the trans-continental line of railway. Who, then, with the germ of gratitude lying dormant in hts breast, 3 CD 3 S3 O O o a e a (D »< (0 3 o (D 09 ■0 o 5" 3 «a e a H. WACHHORST. importer of ji'«t:£^%[££:;".;d.. 31 5 J St.. Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "<*• iitreet. Kdarate thoroachly t»r BuhIiiomm. I E i in S o California — Railroads. 493 ALPHABimOAIibT. t o e 00 (4 (0 V o Dl e Z o X (0 3 O (0 u < i will not allow its development through the application of that fertilizer called deep appreciation. It is true they have acquired Croesus-like fortunes through their connection with the great route, yet who can truthfully or consistently deny that such a reward has not been particularly merited ? The assurance that the Centred Pacific is under efficient management is made "doubly #jure" by the fact that men of such prominence in railroad circles asMessrs.E.H.MiIler Jr., Secretary; E. W. Hopkins, Treasurer; W. H. Porter, Auditor; S. S. Montague, Chief Engi- neer; A. N. Towne, General Superintendent; J. A. Fillmore, Master of Transpor- tation; E. C. Eellows, Assistant Superintendent; J. C. Stubba, Genera) Freight Agent and T. H. Goodman, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, are closely identified with its interests. It is a powerful and an indispensable corporation. THE OREGON DIVISION OF THE CENTRAL PACIFIC Traverses a rich agricultural section and has contributed largely to the develop- ment of Northern California. It reaches from Eoseburg to Redding, a distance of 170 miles, and its completion to Roseburg, connecting at that point with the Oregon and California Railroad, will no doubt be witnessed ere the lapse of many years. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC, Connecting with the Central Pacific at Lathrop, runs almost through the entire length of the Southern portion of the State, and passes through some of the most picturesque country on the coast. Along the line of this great route there are 12,000,000 acres of excellent farming and grazing lands, which the company offer for sale at reasonable rates and on the most favorable terms. It is being rapidly pushed forward to its destination, the object being to open up all that section of country in Arizona and New Mexico that borders its route, and to secure an outlet to New Orleans and th» Gulf of Mexico for the multifarious f products of Southern California to England and other European countries. The ength of this line, which is leased to the Central Pacihc, together with its branches, is about 1 ,000 miles, but when completed will probably be in the neigh- borhood of 2,000 miles. THE SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFIC Has its initial point near Petaluma and is completed to Cloverdale, with a branch of 16 mil^s from Fulton to Guerneville. It permaates one of the richest districts in the State and the "big trees," hot springs and geysera are reached by this route. It was built with private capital and is still controlled l>y the projectors. It is splendidly equipped and is a valuable auxiliary in < 'le promotion of travel and shipping interest. CALIFORNIA PACIFIC AND NORTHLiN RAILWAY. The main line of this road has for its terminal points Benicia :in : Sacramento* being the quickest and shortest route to the capital city from ban Francisco* The travel oy this line is immense and the country it passes through i perfectly enchanting, — agricultural in its nature. It branches are those which run from Davisvillo Junction, eight miles from Sacramento, to Knight's Landing, in Yolo county, and from Vallejo to Calistoga, through the bsautif ul Napa vidley. NEVADA COUNTY NARROW-GAUGE. The construction of this line was begun in February, 1875, and its completion to Nevada City, 23 miles distant from Colfax, followed on the 24th of May, 1876. It was built by local subscription and cost 1590,000, $250,000 of which was cash and the balance was paid in bonds of the company, drawing eight per cent, inter- eat semi-annually. Close connections with all trains on the Central Pacific Rai ' road and stage lines leading to Downieville, Camptonville, San Juan, etc., are made. The officers are : John C Coleman, president ; T. W. Sigoumey, vioe- 5 resident ; Geo. Fletcher, seoretarv and auditor ; F. G. Beatty, treasurer, and no. F. Kidder, general superintendent. The general office* are at Orass Valley NORTH PAOIFIO COAST Runs from Saneelito to Dnnoan's Mills, » distance of 74 mile*. The oonntty it psiies throngh is rery rich •griculturally and in grazing features. PURE PORT WINE. Ir IMldlll Pinon, 302 Davis St, S. F. J5 m €0 r 3 CO I 3 i Will mnilTAfttlP A rn movrMandRan«rif.80oaiff«rariiitMt,ityt«gwBtf ■ lt» mUll I AUUC Ot vUif |«ttemi«. HO, 114. 114, 116 «nd 118 Battery St., S. r. PACIFIC I IL 2i C S p « z (A E IL C c O o o o z S o < Q. 494 California — Railroads-Stage Line»-Ite8orta. ALPirAB*nCAI.I.T. SOUTH PACIFIC COAST !■ a narrow-gauge and but quite recently completed. Its length is 62 miles and its terminal points are San Francisco and Wrights. The country through which it passes is unsurpassed for scenery anywhere ui the State. SANTA CRUZ RAILROAD Is a short line, 21 miles in length, having for its termini Pajaro and Santa Cruz, the " Long Branch " of the Pacific Coast. VACA VALLEY AND CLEAR LAKE Is a private line, owned and operated by parties in Vacaville. Its length is about 30 miles, and the region through which it passes is very fertile. THE SONOMA VALLEY Is a short single-rail railroad of the prismodial order, the only one we believe ia active operation in the United States, if not in the world. This line, when com- pleted, will extend from Norfolk to Sonoma, a distance of ten miles. It has proved a paying experiment, having been built for the purpose of transferring freight and passengers to and from the steamboats which are ran to San Francisco in connection. SANTA CRUZ AND FULTON Is a narrow-gauge line eight miles in length THE SANTA MARIA AND SAN LUIS OBISPO Is a short line of eleven miles in length. STAGE LINES. In the early history of the far West the stage coach was the source of great convenience to the residents, and its ])re8ence, indeed, was a necessity. Of course with the advent or the iron horse this "ancient mariner" has become almost a thing of the past. Yot the rattling of its wheels is still familiar in a few remote places of the coast, and it is still prized for its advaatages. THE C. AND O. COAST OVERLAND Rnn a splendid line of Ccmord coaches from Redding to Roscburg, a distance of 275 miles. The attractions along the rotite are Interesting Resorts Accessible by Central Pacific and other Railroads and their Connections. THE CHIEF. And most widely known of California's attractive features is the wonderfu' Yosemite valley, whose remarkable ch.-ism, tow ring cliffy, clothed in ftt'.rnal snow and ice, rugged peaks reaching far int ■ the lovi ly sky, and its picturesque plane, bordered by meandering streams of sparkling water, form a picture that is eulo- gistic even of Nature's handiwork. By taking the Southeni Pacific Railroad to Merced, the valley can be reacheii after a ride of 86 miles vii Coulterville, or 91 miles by the way of Mariposa. The trip is made by taking one route and return- ing by the other. Kither one will afTonl a view of those wonders of California's natural curiosities, the "Bis: Trees." No visitor to the fioUlen State should fail to see these mammoth "offshoots of Nature's virgin soil." The next in impor- tance is the grove of BIG TREES, Of Calaveras county, which are reacheii by stages fro>v Milton, the present terminus of the CoppcropoUs Division of the Central raciilc Railroad. The laifi;estof this grove is the "Mother of the Forest," meamiring 321 feet in height and £0 feet in circumference at the base. The "Father ef the Forest" lies pros- O Ml -< O s • m o XI a o (A a (0 -I X O e w i? r ■r e» O e I CO s CO & IB k&' trate '.pen th( thickaess, and and 1 10 feet ii that it had st( Is the petrified evidently brou, reached by th« Nature that w< Noted for its ( waters, which is visited by tl villages built oi accommodation immediate vicin follow the trail from Truckee, c There are many ject matter su£ months, which companies. The U. S. Fisi point to attract visit this place c points of interei Springs and Stn or Lowe's Soda i ing and hunting, one of Nature's i an impression th 5 miles from Bai on the Sacramer iiig and .iahing, that a reasonabl times the free se Dick," who is al wily trout, or p is a clear, cold s son's, at Strawl ding, is the hea< Mount Shasta, \ Soda Springs, ai Sisaon makes it csnd Mount Sh perienced and c crosses the beau at Major Bannoi the Klamath La the paradise of ♦ Lava Beds, the From th6 8isk| nuny objects of i TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer & Co., 'SS.'tf ;fr H. PALMEI PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, thoroachly ttr Baslaeaa. CO 06 i CO I i C 0. (8 «i« C 3 IL attract the travelers attention. Accommodations for tourists wishing to visit this place can be had at AUin's Station. Next in the route come various points of interest on the Sacramento river, notably Southern's, Bailey's, Soda Springs and Strawberry Valley, all of which have numerous attractions. Bailey's 1 or Lowe's Soda Springs, is attractive for its five springs of soda water, good fish- ing and liunting, and for affording the best opportunities for views of Castle Rock, I ouc of Nature's maater-pieccs. This magnifient scene, viewed at sunrise, leaves an impression that will always be remembered with pleasure. Upper Soda Springs, 5 miles from Bailey's and C!) miles from Redding, ia the principal place of resort on the Sacramento river. Here the pleasure seeker finds not only the best of hunt- ing and .iahing, but he finds the Soda Springs House suppliea with every comfort that a reasonable man should desire; an accommod.*ting host, and at any and all times the free services of that genial old pioneer fisherman and hunter, "Uncle Dick," who is always ready to point out to the angler the favorite resorts of the wily trout, or pilot the ambitious Nimrod to the haunts of the noble buck. There is a clear, cold spring of delicious soda water at the very door of the house. Sis- son's, at Strawberry Valley, 8 miles from Soda Springs and 77 miles from Red- ding, is the headquarters of parties wishing to tfisit the Upper McCloud or ascend Mount Shasta, which ia 14,440 feet in altitude. This place is the only rival to Soda Springs, and the unprejudiced writer hesitates to give the palm to either. Sisaon makes it his business to fit out camping parties, or parties wishing to as- cend Mount Shasta, and furnishes guides, of which he is himself the most ex- perienced and capable. Further northward, just on the Oregon line, the route crosses the beautiful Siskiyou Mountains, and at their foot on tlie northern side, at Major Bannon's, is a convenient stopping place for parties wishing to explore the Klamath Lake region, which abounds in objects of interest. This region is i;he paradise of the hunter and fisherman, Clevato Lake, Py venial Lake and the Lava Beds, ths scene of the Modoc war, are located in this region. From th6 Siskiyou Mountains to the terminus of the line at Roseburg, there ar« many objects of interest, and many good places for rest. j!,*;: CA H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. iir ■'It. ■i; 1 ^11 A t '* tj h ,l',« 3 ■ i \: W. W. MONTAGUE A CO, StAren and IlmfirB. ^ 4i*n«nt riiw, ilylM aai t <.nt.t<>m<. 11A. 118. 114. 116 and tit Baktary M., 8. V. ■ Ik is c a p i o 3 IL c c CO o m O O o z S o < Q. E 496 California — A campo-Ala/meda. At.niABBnOALI.T. AcampO) SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. A postoffice and small town on the Western Division of the Central Pacific R&ilroad, 16 miles north of Stockton. Denehy Dennis, blacksmith Denehy & Mullen, gen mdse Gilm an John, l iquor s KIRKLANS WM, postmaster, mdse, wood and coal Morris 6 W, blacksmith gen Aidin, MODOC COUNTY, Is situated in a good farming and mining district, and takes its name from Aidiu McDowell, Esq. It is a postoflSce, and has a population of 400 "AIDIN HAWEEYE," Lafayette Barnes propr BABNES LAFAYETTE, propr "Aidin Hawkeye" Beecher James U, gen mdse Blaske A, gen mdse Bofinger &, Bedford, brewery Cutter J C, justice of peace Fiock & Morse, butchers Frank A J, propr Franks Hotel Groves & Wilson, planing mill Hall C F, physician Henderson Geo, saloon Hendricks L, gen mdse Ingram & Harper, liverv stable Ingram & Wilson, blacksmiths wagonmakers Magnus H, saloon McCash C A, physician and druggist Miller & Ross, boots and shoes McDowell Aidin, flour mills Mitchell — , varieties - Mooers S C, hotel Parker J W, atty Par kers A Cutter, ins BOSEBEBRY & KNIQHT, gen mdse and postoffice Schminck H, stoves and hardware Striplin A J, blacksmith and wagon- maker and Alameda. ALAHEDA COUNTY. A pretty place of 3,000 inhabitants, lying across the bay, opposite San Fran- dsoo, from which it is eight miles dis- tant. It it oceupi«d by a large nombtr of San Francisco bnsinesb men as a place of residence. Ackley & Harter, carriage factory "ALAMEDA ABOU^" T G Daniels propr, Park bet Webb and Santa Clara aves \ ALAMEDA BBEWEBY, V Rudhardt propr, cor Santa Clara and Third ave "Alameda encinal/' Fredk k Krauth propr and pub, e s Park, bet Lincoln and Webb aves Alameda Free Library, G H Stipp U- brarian, cor Park and Eagle ave ALAMEDA 0ABDEN8, Conrad Stolze propr. Prospect near Railroad ave Alameda Musical Institute, Mme E Pattiani prin AlamtHla Nursery, Wm Meyer propr BABBEB A S, grocer and gen store, cnr Santa Clara ave and Park BABLOW MBS SUSAN, proprss Loyal Oak Hotel Beretta Wm, restaurant Berry J A, liquors, NE cor Central are and McPherson BIBD OEO, liquors. Birds Point BOEHMEB F, grocer. Park BOYD JOHN, liquors. Central bet Webster and Third BBEMEB H, Schutzen Park, Central ave bet Prospect and McPhersoa BBOWN JAS B, liquors, cor Webster and Santa Clara ave BYLEB W P, justice of peace, Web- ster 8 doors from R R ave Cabral Alexandre, bootmaker COADY B E, Encinal Livery Stable, Encinal ave bet Oak and Park Connelly F J, liquors Corbett J J, restaurant Cox RS, architect DAVIDSON AUOTJST, liquors, Cen- tr al a.e bet Web ster and Third aves D£ CHESNE HENBY.'A M, druggist and physician, cor Webster and Santa Clara Edwards John, liquors Ellswort h John, atty at law ENCINAL LUMBEB YABD, Ren- ton, Holnes Sl Co proprs, E B Ren- shaw manager Encinal Park House, Wm Horst propr Fassking'^ Park and Hotel, Louis Fass- king propr HBST NATIONAL BANK. J B Baker cashier Frank Andrew, liquors Gallagher E, boot* and shoM Gilbert k Brovn, real estate and ins Gochnauer P L, batcher Gre en Arb or Baths, Jno T Gilman propr OBEEN A J, druggiat, Park 1 I 1 H SQ I i ^ ■< a 1 •». H m ^1 1^ ■ 0) Hi r" 1 5 I lA H( 30 (A 1 (S H( I ^ 1 oT Hi B> B Ml 3 ■ S; Ka O 1 « KI ■ s ■ ^ Klc ■ B Kn •o H ^^ a MBS I ^ EG lei' V 1 „t *< ^ KB 71 ^ LOJ 09 0' e G 75 \^ 2. S"^} 1 2 Mcl > Mc Z MI] Ra CA s^ Mer » Mor S Moi s* §" *^ NOl « c3 a JB Neld c? e PA a M en 3 ^ Pari t Pari A ■1 <• M Peri « Peai $ Z A. ■■* ^v ft h- Poln S Port S5 W Prie • ^ w 2 I'rol •0 e 5 Quai * Quit a (A Reic 1 . Key Koi w ^ ^1 •^ m H lA SQ ^^ 0> ■ (0 1 « 3 ■ 1 V I 0) (ft 1 0} ^1 f ] CA ■ *- e plied 1 » o- o *< ;« re • ^ CB o ^a o (tf sr (A o o et - o al $ g O "S er — • b- ^ o O ^ a ftf -1 e m> 3 >» ist -^ 8 ita ffi M* O !ft H en- ._ Z en- Jg ■ C9 3 opr -C s WB- S , a »s B PI • a o •B o • i < v\ i' California — Alameda-Alamio. ALrilARirriCALLT. 497 OBIPP HENBY, cigars and tobacco, Webster near Santa Clara ave GUILLETTE T, saloou, Central ave next to Scbutzen Park HALET ft EDSON, Terrace Baths, Central ave cor Third Hartwick A S, horseshoeing andwagon- mnking Hecker Adolph, hardware HOLTZ WM & SON. grocers, S£ cor VVebrfter and Railroad Hunter W B, justice of the peace and real estate agent Kalis Frank J, barber KINSMILL MBS M J, dressmaking, Santa Clara ave near Park Klebsnh & Fuetterer, liq^uors Knowlton Mrs L A, stationery, varieties and post mistress KOHIiMOOS HOTEL, Kohlmoos Bros proprs, s B Kailroad ave, bat Second and Third aves KROPPCH, grocer licmkie C H, barber LONG BRANCH SALOON AND OABD£N> E Mayrisch propr, cor Webster and Railroad ave LOTAL OAK HOTEL, Mrs Susan Bar- low pronr, Park near Pacific ave McKee J VV, real estate Mclean Stirling, ins MILLS & FISCHEB, plumbers and gastitters, Park Merrill & Fossing. fruit and produce Morris & Powell, house and sign painters Moulton Garry H, constable and col NOBMANN JOHN H, furniture, SE cor Park and Kailroad ave Nelson Hans, liquors PALMER N W. town treasurer, tax collector and notary public. Town Hall, Webb ave Park Hotel, Artaser Cannon propr Park Opera House Perkins F J, cia^ars and tobacco Pearson Jno W , Long Branch Bathing Association manager, Central ave, foot Webster Polarski P, liquors. Central ave Porter B B, stationery and varieties Priest H, merchant bailor Probst liouis, bakery Quast J, gasfitting • < Quirk & Kemp, carpenters Reichrath Louis, boots and shoes KeynoKls J M, real estate Robertson Mrs John, fancy goods, stamp- ing and embroidery ROTHERMEL & CO, grocers. Mastic St'ttion, Railroad ave RUTHARDT VICTOR, Alameda Brewery, Santa Clara and Railroad ave Sandy Beach Baths, Cook propr Schaberg William, liquors Schroeder & Victors, hay, grain, lime, ceme nt etc SCHNUTENHAT7S L J F, Neptune Gardens, Sea Baths and Family Re- sort, Central ave Shead D L, fruit and vegetables Shepardson H F, real estate Shoaif P L, notary public and convey- ancer SHBEWSBTJBT MBS N A, milli- nery. Park Row bet Santa Clara and Central ave SMITH A THOMAS, real estate. Park SMITH JOHN S, merchant tailor, Santa Clara ave near Park STOLZE CONBAD, Alameda Garden Saloon Sunny Cove Baths. Geo W Traner propr, Thalia Garden, August Marks propr Tivoli Garden, Henr y Sch onan propr TURNER ft MARTIN, livery stable, N£ cor Park and Railroad ave Wachter E, meat market, Wheeler & Relfe, wood and coal Wood A B, dentist Women's Temperance Coffee House and Free Reading Room, Mrs R Cook manager, Santa Clara near Park WONOERLICH ft BRTAN, New- port Baths, cor Central and Second aves Yoscmite Hotel, I N Kay & Son proprs NATIONAjJALOON. WINES, IIQUORS AND CIGARS, CENTRAL AVENUE, Next to SohutMn Park, AI^AMIGDA; CA BEER 5 CENTS. T. GUILLETTE, Prop'r. Alamo, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Is a small place and postoffice, 15 miles southeast of Martinez. HABDT MBS C, gen mdsa ,.. . Hardy Jas, carpenter Henry J B, gen mdae^ postmaster and hotel 32 y> Gi 3 aifc H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. tU 11/ UAMT A PIIC JL rn MtovcM and R»ns«'ii, sno (1IIT«r*ni MxM, nylM «n,t If. ff. rnuninUUE. ex wU«t i„i»pnH. no. n? Tm. ii««ii»>'i n»i?-....,r, «♦ UK li ^ IL ■ c z p til! c E a CO 493 Cal'fjmla — A Uimeda-A Uendale. ALrdAHirirAL'.v. NEWPORT SWIMMING BATHS "8 C C CQ o ■ o o a ■z 5 < IL O z p h O Corner of Central anil Second Avenues, ALAMEDA. Magnificent SjiiuI Beach. High Waterat all Houm. Uiidoultcdiy one of the finest rcHorts for families on the Pacific Coast. Can acioniiuotlatc 2,000 gnct.t3. Kach bath liouse has a gla^s rouf so that bathcru on coming out of the sea receive nature's own warmth. WOi^DERLICH & BRYAN, Proprietors. Albion, MENDOCINO COUNTY, A postofficc, reached via Duncan's Mills, on the N. P. C. E. R., and stage lines frum that point. Handley Bros, lifjuora ^ , Johnson C C, market •lohnson J E, gen mdse Mac|iherson & Wcthcrheo, sawmi'.l Mulson H, liquors Salmon Creek R K Co Salmon Creek Sawmill Co Salmon Creek Shinijle Mill Co TEAOTIE ALLAH, tel opr White LEA Co, gen merchants White W H, gen merchant Alcatraz, BAN FRANCISCO CODNTT, la a postoffice of the U. S. military pris' on aud fort in the Buy. Thomaa Chas, postmaster Alexander, SONOMA COUNTV, Six miles from Healdsbur '. WASREir W T, post ster Alleghany, SIERRA COUNIV, Is a postoffice 9 miles from Downieville. Bradbury J T, dry goods and market Biiinerd Chas, livery stable CRAFTS & CO, postoffice and general merchandise Fay F A, varieties Hauber F J, wheelwright . Hooper W N, hotel [icf ever J, i>hysician Thom|>8on D iiS, hotel West k Clute, suloon Young F E, carpenter Allendale. SOLANO COUNTV. AT.T.TtW M, postmaster, grain ware- house and fruit grower O 2D O 09 s o CD w o 3 (/> ■ a I (A 0> (D O e (0 o a P PI O < » TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ■s •1 •J Hi O O CQ tt c *>» a o o o a (9 » c a (8 O QD Pnirtlrally trnisht nt PACIFir RVMI. IVRMH vni.i.v.uv,. a«o itmt nt.. h. k. Calif omia — Allen Springs-Alturaa. 490 ALrilABBTICALLV. Allen Springes, LAKE COUNTY. ALLEN A B. postmaster ALLEN BROS, agents Wells, Fargo & Co, general merchandise, liquors and proprietors Allen Springs Hotel Alma, SANTA CLARA COUNTY. Aram J H, ngt S P C R R Cook Mrs M A, hotel D-.vfs Thos, biiggagemaster, S P C R R Pa is SamI, coiiductor, 8 P C 11 li !• mmett Elias, carpenti'r Floyd Jno (i, hotel and postmaster Robinson F C, saloon Stewart H & J. gen mdso Timm (ieo, surveyor Alta, PLACKR COUNTY, A postolBce 53 mile? east of Auburn, on the Central Pacihc Raiiroad. ALTA BRANCH PIONEER BOX FACTORY, Cooke & Son pioi)riutort Banvanl E M, hotel and postmaster Bush E«hv, machini;it Damsguard Jno, sawmill Kellogg K M, carpenter Kfllogg Geo 1>, agt Bear River Mill Co Kellogg & Pickens, gen mdse, hay, grain, worn!, lumber, etc Lindley Wm, carpenter - St Louis Mining Co Terrill J B, agt C P R R, W, P & Co'e Kx and WO Tel Co W bittern F G, liquors Altoona, TRINITY COUNTY. CRANDALL CHARLES, general mer- chandise, postmaster and superinten- dent A Q Mining Co Altaville, CALAVKRAS COUNTY, 145 miles from San Francisco, is a very pretty little place of about i'50 inhabit- auts. It is reached rut Stockton. ALTAVILLE HOTEL, B R Prince proprietor Baker Jno, brewery Deiueroat D D, foundry Nnnin ge r Henry, gen mdse PRINCE B R, general merchandise, ■ilk grower, iuaurance agent, mine owner, eto Alturas, MODOC COUNTY, (Dorr is Bridge postofBce.) A place of 400 inhabitants, reached ria Oregon Division of the Central Pacific Railroad and stage line from Redding; distant from San Francisco 489 miles. Berry C, bootmaker Sowman & Short, blacksmiths Bowmer J C, atty at law Breeding Wm, blacksmith Combs W J, hotel EDWARDS W F, pnb "Modoc Inde- pendent" Estes L C, livery stable Ewing F W, dist atty Fitzgerald N, notary Forrest J M, pliysician Gayiion A, saddler ' Giroux & Hironjmonf, liquors Greenslet C D, painter Grubbs E P, county supt schools Harrii G F, superior jud^e Holleman J, atty at law Howard Jas W, county assessor Hudnall W L, physician Keree David, restaurant LAIRD J T, postmastsr Lauer E, gen mdse Ijondon Jno M, market Mann & Skinner, saloon Mark & Sanders, gen mdse McKay Geo A, wagonmaker Mitchell & Estes, livery "MODOC INDEPENDENT," W F Edwards pub Monday D L, carpenter Neleker &, London, butchers Nichols R F, carpenter Payne & Gagnon, harness makers Rine N B, county treasurer Saulisbury W A, county surveyor Skinner W L,' liriuors Stanley Jno, public administrator and coroner Tenner E, atty at lav/' Thompson A E, carpenter Turner E, atty at law Wak efield Jas & Son, livery stable WELCH GEORGE W, county clerk and recorder Weller O D, sheriff and tax collector Williams W ,liquora OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 30? Davis St., S. F. Gi jl^ as m I* II r. W. W. MONTAClUE & CO., ViT'TiVl c S p o E a CO (0 O ■ O o c < Q. o Iron PIpr. all aiiiefi, 110, lift. and IIH_Battf r.v Htri'rt, M. P/ 500 California — Alvarado-Anaheim. ALPIIABBTICALLr. Alvarado, ALAMEDA COUNTY, Sixteen miles from Oakland, South Facitic Coast R. K. on the Dettelback J B, gen mdse Goldman J, gen mdse Helwig Philip & Co, market Hezer August, bakery Lowell A J, stoves and tinware McKeown Jos, blacksmith and EICHMOND E A, agent W, F & Co, postmaster and justice of the peace Standard Sugar Manufacturing Co Stekes J J, gen mdse Tay Geo H & Co, stove foundry wagon- AlvisOj SANTA CLARA COUNTY. Braley — Rev, warehouse California Transportation Co, (Nelson & Anderson) Carter John S & Co, grain market and warehouse Emerson Austin, carpenter and builder Ham U K, hay, grain and storage Hutchinson Robert, hay and warehouse Martin John, hay and grain McCall Wm & Co, hay and warehouse Nelson & Anderson, (C'al Transportation Co), warehouse Ortley John J, hay and grain, and stor' age Pelle Jules, hotel Pray Frank, flouring mill Thompson Thos, hotel Tilden Susan Mrs, gen mdse Wade H G, hay and grain, and ware house Wade Miss Mary A, postmistress Wright Wm, hotel ! Amador City, AMADOR COUNTY, A mining town of 800 inhabitants, reached via Amador branch of the C. P. R. R. to lone, thence by stage 8 miles; distant from Sacramento 55 miles. Dunlap J R & Co, drugs and varieties, agent W U Tel Co and postmaster Eclipse Mill k Mining Co, Geo W Kling supt Fleehart C, agent W, F 4 Co Greenwood J, furniture and undertaker Gundry J, justice of peace Gundry Mrs M, boarding Henderson F B, hotel Hewitt & Hammeek, gen mdse HurdW G, watchman JEFFREY MBS E J, millinery Kerr Thos, livery stable Keystone Mining Co, O C Hewett supt Kirkland Jas, grocer Kirkland Wm, gen mdse Kling Geo W, propr Pony Saloon KOmLER H J, bakery, restaurant and liquors Mayon J L, physician Mayon T H, physician Miller D H, blacksmith and wagonmaker Mooney Michael, liquors Payton W, constable Peyton Wm, liquors Priddy Rev W B, clergyman, (Metho- dist) Rafael N, tailor Smith S H, liquors Thomas J H, gen mdse Weil A, geii mdse Werner S. Sutherland, butchers Amador Mill & Mining Co, J R Johns supt Basso A, bootmaker Bianchetti B, hotel Bunker Hill Mine, John Palmer supt Chiechizola A, gen mdse Culbert T S, blacksmith Anaheim, LOS ANUELES COUNTY, Is twenty-six miles southeast of Los An- geles, on the San Diego branch of the 8. P. R. R., 13 miles north of Ana- heim Landing. The town is situated in the center of a level plateau, 160 feet above the sea level. It is 13 miles from the Pacific Ocean, and on three sides is, more or less, enclosed by foot-hills four miles distant, and little mountains 10 miles distant. To the eastward, 60 miles off, are the high mountains of the Sierra Madre, with snow-capped tops. To the westward is the ocean, with a fine sandy beach of 30 miles in extent. The surrounding county is very fertile, and is planted in fruit orchards, vineyards and orange groves. Owing to the great fertility of the soil, and extraordinary quick growth of trees and vegetation in Southern California, homes may be raised in a very short time whose beauty it would take scores of vears to attain in less favored localities. The population of Anaheim is nearly 2,000; the society is good, and musical entertainments are frequent. Game is BUSIN o -< m r- m SD O) r> P> 3 §• M B CD n CD CD O o 3 51 o 3 CD 09 O 3. 5" 3 o tt o 0} o I- X C9 (0 o H. WACHHORST calls attention '^^'iy^'lS^SS'- 315 J St plentiful, tains, to < plains and The tem though ih{ the year r ■ively hot, starry, anc falls at ii months, an the morniii Jng. It k both of p] have visitec is unsurpaa valids, espi diseases of instances w to this couii from Easter home cured, as to bo ab their avocat Most pla( are healthy, and situatioi ble, and few( ties for inval this part of i Anaheim terian churcll and a fine sc a well edite( zette," two 1 Anaheim, t and numeroi manufacture! valid's home This Sanit modious and to the invali( clime. The propr Queen's Colli College of PI iuburgh. propr Backs F & j\ sewing ma| Bailey Alexa Bailey AlexJ BAirk oFi president, | Bauer Geo, Barham R I.. Bennerschei(| Bennerscheic fitting an^ Bettnear An] RIIQINPQQ PPMMAM^UIP l*rM>Clrally tnnKht ni l*A<^iri« nlTltt. in S £ o O 2 O 0} i C0 a o z o California — A naheim. 501 ALritABCTICAI.I.V. plentiful, from grizzly bears inthemoun tains, to quail and wild duuk on the plains and creeks. The temperature is very equable, and though the days are warm and sunny all the year round, they are never oppres- sively hot. The nights are bright and starry, and cool in mid-summer. Rain falls at intervals during the winter months, and almost invariably at night, the mornings being fresh and invigorat- ing. It is the unanimous testimony, both of physicians and travelers who have visited Anaheim, that the climate is unsurpassed as a health resort for in- valids, especially those suffering from diseases of the chest. Numbers are the instances where persons who have come to this country under sentence of death from Eastern physicians, have returned home cured, or been so greatly benefited as to bo able to enjoy life and pursue their avocations. Most places in Southern California are healthy, but Anaheim has u climate and situation, with more of the desira- ble, and fewer of the- undesirable ({uali- ties for invalids, than any other place in this part of the world. Anaheim has Episcopal and Presby- terian churches, a Roman Catholic chai>el and a tine school house. There are also a well e H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. V} m W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Mhrrt Iron ll« 114. > u >- o CO ft < < CO o u u CO o z < co 5 o I, all MlMrM and MumlMT*, im 502 California — Anaheim-A ngeVa Camp. Ul X < Ai.riiAKariOALi.v. o III Kroeger H, wine grower LangeabwTuer A, gun niilao, agricul impl and agt \V F i. Co und wiau grower Langeiiburger F, ina agt Law ton A J, roul estataagt LEONARD & DAOWN, meat market, CouCre Lewid L F, livery stable Loreuz C, wiiiu urowor Luedke H, waCuhiuaker und jeweler and wine grower McUorniiitt Henry J, blaokamith and wugoninaker McKiniiij Mr NeipJolin, winegrower OLliEN WM B, agent Steame's Itaiulios und real estate and insurance agetit, Oentrd Payne V 1{, city marshal Pelli3grin P, watchmaker and jeweler PL^TEBS HOTEL, E Dunham pro prictor, Ctiiitro and Ljs Angeles Reiser Tiieodore, wine grower Kiinp lu Theodore, ins agt Kuelimiiin Frederick, saloon SAHIIAQO GOLD AND SILVEB MINING CO, T A Darlinc; mmager and vice prosiient, offije U U Djpot Saxton — , town trustjo SEIBEBT B F, cashier Bank of Ana- heim, iniurance agent, and agent H imbur^-Americau Packet Co; drafts drawn o.i uU European cities; Ceutr^i Sex Mis4 Juli^i, dresjuiaker Schneider Mrs, wine grower Scott K \V, atty at law and notary pub- lic SMITH A GUY, (A G S & Co), agent Imperial, London, Northern aud Quee I Insurance companies SMITH A GUT & CO, lumb.^r, grain aud produce and commission mer- chants, saw, planing aud grist mills, brick yard and warehouse, IC K Depot Snolgrass B J, constable Stackpole J VV & J E, Mloon aid lodg- Steinhart A NV, cashier B^nk of P Davis & Bro and ins agt STOUGH H A, blacksmith & wagon- maker. Centre Strodthof D, wine grower THE SANITARIUM, Dr. Ileginald A Fer^usaoii propr, Lamon, Second aud ■South TUFFBEE J K, real estate agent, Los Angeles War.ing O, harness and saddles Werder H, town trustee \Verder H, wine grower, Wehineyer H, wine grower White A E, horse^hoer aud blacksmith Wilie C, coopjr Williams D K, drayman Wiatieid Mrs M J, dres^imaker Yoouin J H, physician Zjyn John P, town trustee, winegrower Anderson, 8IIA8TA COUNTY. Abbott J W, hotel Anderson E, hotel and agt W, F 4 Co Anderson E F, act Cal & O it U Anderson Hans, bbckiinith Anderson W 8, clerk and postmaster B.iker Goorge, maiiuf furuituro aud up- holsterer Bedford Wright, merchants Beccher & Chuniptiu, murchauta BjU Thomis, liquors Burke B W, harnessm-tkor Calhoun J Gil, physician and surgeon Cliurch F B, groceries KImore W W, constable Keeber B B, painter Lovell J G, livery stable Parhan D, wagon and carriagemakor Koburts B F, dist school teacher Spame J W, justice peace Stuart B W, butcher Wolf Samuel, blacksmith If 00 e o o Angel's Camp, CALAVEKAS COUNTY, Is on the Sonora and M jkalumn? Ilill stage road, 14 miles from Sonora and 140 miles from San Francisco. Miuiug is the principal msans of support. The population ii 600. ANGEL'S HOTEL, Goo Tryon propr. Main Browner Fred, butcher Caster Jacob, saloon TRY DR. CUf!i^'8 RHEUMATISM KINC. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th" Motlel C*miii«*rrliil Csllrcc A*' th** 4'MiiMt. Itim PiMt Mt . t*.V. •4 .«. tft 03 ♦••• 09 •aw o c/> u CD California — Amgd'a Camp-Antioch. son AM'lUHirfK-AI.I.T. Gaxton Wm, saloon CooIeyJohii, ahnemiker Cofgrove Ktitc, hotel Cmwfdnl Mra J, bakery Crooks W Hj news agt CROOKS WM, po8u..r.V:nr "MOTJFTAIN ECHO," Myrou Reec: propr Myern John B, constable r»jachy H J, p.. inter Peachy T H, uupt schools Peirautt John, gen mdae Peirnno J, uen nidse REED MYRON, e.!itor and publisher "Mountoiu Echo" ^ . RohiiiHon L, biiibor SCRIBNER J C, dry goods, furnishing goods, gr.icoiiua, drugs, queonswars*, hiirdwnre, ci^urs and tobacco etc, ugt W, F ft Co SpiUiier Wip, shoomnker Stickle E ft H, geii nidie Tiiit Win, juitfej of the peace TRTON GEORGE C, propr Angels Hotel Waterman £ K, blucksmith Ang^el Island, MARIN COUNTV. Military station and postmaster. MILLER CHAS. postmaster ^Vaithia^^tou B, post trader Antelope, BAOIIAMENTO COUNTV, On the C P R R, 10 milus from Sacra men to. Anderson W G, bkcksmith ASTIL RICHARD, provisions, flour, gr4>iii and lumlier, pnstinuster Bruster D 1>, wheelwright and carpenter Powell W II, mill and warehouse iSiJns P V, blucksmith Cole C J, hotel RAPP ATJOTJST, postmMter Rathbum H B, hotel Anthony House, NEVADA COUNTY. A postoffioe, 12 miles from Nevada City; reached by stage. Antioch, CONTIIA 008TA COUNTY, A thorough thriving town of 1,200 in- '\iibituntB, pleasantly situated at the mouth of the Hixn Joaquin river; distant from San Francisco 55 miles, from which it is reached by bpat or C. P. ft N. R.R. .\BBOTT J P, editor and propr "An- tioch Ledger Amber.? JoH, Iwrlx-r AMEEICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, i* lirirtiii pr )pr Angel ft Coiulor-i, fruit nnd produce "ANTIOCH LEDGER," (weekly) J P Abbott editor and propr Antioch and Somersvillo Stage Line, J G Chase propr Buker J U, postmaster Baker ft OMcn, drugs, express and tele- grnph opr Buylids Kit, li({uors Behnn T, liquors Brewer H W, undertaker, carpenter and builder BRUNKHORST W A, «en mdse OALLtrORNIA DISillliING CO, J O'it ft Adler, proprs CARMAN G C, groceries Caning tun John, pastor Congregational chutch Chase J G, propr Antioch and Somers- villc Stage Line Cruikshan'i .las 'I', alty at law DAHNKEN FRED, liquors Donnelly Peter, drayman Do:iovun C, liquors Empire Coal Mine ft R R Go's, Judson Belshaw ft Rouseproprs FARMERS HOTEL. U S StiachSeld pr.'pr Gagen Jno, sodawater manuf GRIFFIN P, proprietor American Ex- chan:.;e Hotel , HANDY ISAAC, drayman ll..rns Mttrk, butcher HOMBURG MARTIN, general mer- chandise, ship chandlery and furniture Jacobi M U, dry gomls Johnson ft Henniag, hotel Jos! ill L B, saddle and harness J03T & ADLER, proprs California Distilling Co Judson BiHshaw & Rouse, proprs Em- pire Coal Mine ft R R »^o Keiser J G, liquors Lee ft Waldie, painters H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $^50 per gal. 80« l»«vlii Mtreet, ItaB Vnuaelae*,- C/> i 3- I' < ^ ■ 40 d H s o i « o o WW MONT A I2IIP Jt rn StOTeii and Ranfcea, SOO different jisea, iitylet ami » XI, m\3n I WUUC PC UU.> imttem*, no. 112, lU, ll» and 118 Batteiy St.. 8. f. 504 California — Antioch-Aptos. ALPIIARirriCAul.T. Lieber Ljfl;en mdse LOKEtEiTA, liquors, cigars and to- bacco Lobree I gen mdse Martin Thos, liquors McCabe Edward, stationery, etc McDermott P, horseahoer ^ McNulty Francis Meinken Fred, liquors ' Meyer Gabriel, gen mdse Moore W A, dentist Nicholson Isaac, pottery Nolan James, liquor^ Page S B, gunsmith FASKISONMC. druggist Peers H, liquors Petei-s s, Stamm, boot and shoe dealers Peterson Ned, blacksmith and wagon- maker Radke Albert, watchmaker Reed & Lee, undertakers Rembree W, liquors Rouse, Formaii & Co , lumber dealers ROUSE & FBINE, gen mdse, STINCHflELD HS,propr Farmers Hotel Taylor R P, tinsmith Timonds Miss Johanna, millinery and fancy goods Upson C E, watehmiker and jeweler USRESTAUEANT, R W Walker W>ropr ALKER R W, propr U S Restaurant Wemple E L, pbyiiician White T B, grocer Wild C, tailor Woloott Oliver, atty at law Wright G C, stoves and tinware THE ANTIOCH LEDGEK A WEEKLY PAPER PUBLISHED AT Adit loch f Contf'a Costa Co,, Cal, J. P. ABBOTT, PROPRIETOR. HAS A GOOD CIRCULATION. < IS REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS. TERMS, in Advance* ... Three Dollars. Aptos, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, | Situate! on Monterey Bay, ci^ht miles from Santa Cruz, and 12 from Watson- ville, convenient by rail to either place. Mr. Claus Spreckles, who owns a large estate at this place, has erected a magni- ficent hotel, adapted for the accommoda- tion of summer travel. The location is a very desirable one, and as a resort is the most convenient and eligible on the coast. At present writing the place is being prepared for the reception of guests, and the influx promises to be a large one thisseason, which sets in about April. Many improvements are being made by the lessee, Mr. W. H. Stcd- man, formerly of Congress Springs,] who, being thoroughly versed in the re- quirements of such a place, can be relied upon to bring out the resources of the establishment. The main building, con-| taining 54 rooms, each and all large and elegantly furnished, stands on a rise of ground, overlooking the bay, and is' fronted by a lawn and flower beds, and a stately fountain, towering 40 feet in hight. A'l interesting spot, situated 100 yards dib^ant from the house, across the creek, and appronohed \>y a rustic bridge, seems to have been designed especially for picnic parties, being fur- nished by nature with nunierous live- oak trees, and improved with arbors, swings and lounges. The dining hall, frequently converted into a ball room, is a feature of the place, and one in which the management take great pride. It is a large room, handsomely fe»t(>oucd and lighted, and itf^ floor is second to none that we have ever stepped upon. Bath rooms, closets and parlors abound in the house, and an excellent quality of gas is manufactured on the premises for every room, i'retty cottages, for families, are tastefully grou^jed in the grounds. At a little distance across the lawn are the bar room, billiard hall, bowling alley and club rooms, furnished with all the modern appliances. The general external appearance of the place suggest warmth, ease and recreation. C5 O -< O m m 30 (A -^ (0 s o O (A o O 3 a S' a M CO O 5" o a H. WACHHORST. importer of ji;tX>>%(;l2r."ud.. 31 5 J St., Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrally timclit at PA€f FIO BVMI- (0 o < California — ^ ptos-Arcata. 505 ALPIIARieTICALI.r. and it is said that when lighted up by lanterns on gala nights, the effect is very pleasing. Every inducement in the way of amusement ia offered. Fishing, boating and hunting can be indulged in sea shells, mosses and fern of the lo- cality. ARANO JOSEPH, gen mdse, postmaster „ ^ „ Rice D M, liquors at leisure by gentlemen, while the ladies STEDMAN yf H, hotel may occupy themselves in gathering the Walsh P K, liquors TOS ISOTBL, AptoSf California, Tlie Most Fopn'.ar Besort in California. Now 0p3n for the Season. Rates. From $12 to $14 per Week. W. H. STEDMAN, Proprietor. Aqueduct City, AMADOK COUNTY, (Postoffice, Pine Grove), A mining village, 12 miles from Jackson. Moore k Skelton, jewelers and photo- graphers Pert & Cross, gen mdse Kuser & Bailey, hotel Vauglian L N, atty at law and notary public Cook Jacob, carpenter Ham A C, hotel Ludekins L, justice of the peace and gen mcls^^^ market BUBNS ROBERT, tin and hardware Cave U B, grist mill Chilsnn — Rev, pastor M E Church Cleverly H C, watchmaker CuUbei^ Isaac, gen mdse BEMINO B, justice of the peace, atty at Liw and collection agt DEMINO E A, wheelwright and blacksmith Devlin Thomas, tannery ERIC^ON A W, books, stationery and umsic, agt W U Tel Co Falk & Chandler, saw and grist mill Fickle W Y & ISon, shingle mill Fleming H VV, physician ( Jaliuger A B Mrs, varieties ' Gingery Joseph, bootmaker Ureenwald Julius, gen mdso Hally John, livery stable Uarpst & Spring, gen mdse and harness Hawkins A, cabinet maker Hopkias G W, justice, atty and notary H\j5TER WM J, bootmaker Uuestis Theo F & \V P, painters KALACICH MARXm, saloon and restaurant KIREBY W H, Pioneer Livery Stable, ' and propr Eureka and Trinidad Stage and Mail Line, SE co r Plaza ENIGHT & RICHERT, liquors and bd.i..rds TiyARfo<«t tut. ti, V, 09 a B E o 03 a o (A U CO California — A uburn. ALFIIARBTICALLV. 507 o p 8, constibie Craig £ L, attorney at law C'ri88m%n Ben, liquors CEOSBY C C, Empire Livery Stable Curley & Mahon, depot liTjuors Dwyer & McConnick, groceries Edlvr F A, gunsmith and justice of the peace mPIKE LIVERY STABLE, C C Crosby propr rENTOH H W, editor and propr " The Piacor Argus" FUCHER & KINCADE, publishers "The riacer Herald" Fitch J Ives, attorney at law Fried H, dry gootls and clothing Fulweiler J M, atturney at law and no- tary public GRA HU l ER JOS> varieties and restau- rant OROHS F, Auburn Brewery (iubb^y F, groceries . ; , Hale J E, atty at law Hamilton Jo^ph, atty at law Hell wig Chus J, iiarm»s and saddlery Hi.llu E F, bjkery HouBcr Ij, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoe-o, huts and cups Hughes W B, carriage painting liieger J»)hn, liquors KEEHNER A, liquors Kiiikade J 1", atty at law LARDNER "W B, district attorney, utty at law and notary public Lipiett A, hotel LOYEWELL GEC H, photographer Lowell U P. gen mdso Lubeck D VV & Co, dry goods and cloth- ing Muuomb Goo B, tin and hardware Manu V V, furniture and undertaker McClollan Mrs 8, dressmaker McCumb (t B, stoves, tin and hardware McCjnnick J as Jr, constable Mc(Juiro VV B, liquors McKiuley J, aRsoosor District No 3 Merrill \V C, tailor Meyrcd B F, huparior judge Mitchell John H, asses4or District No 1 Munsou W L, assessor District No 2 Newtoii k Lowell, gen mdse NichoU T J, county clerk "PLACER HERALD" (weekly), Fil- cher & Ki.icado publishers Predoui Moses, blacksmith and wagon- maker PUTNAM HOUSE, Terry & Co man agers Futuum 8, lumber «ad planing mills Rapier R G, barber and baths Reeves E J, carpenter and builder Reeves Tlios, barber REEVE3 W J, freight clerk C P R R SEAVEY F, county supt of schools 6hackleton E L, physician and surgeon Shay Mis E, restaurant Siefert & Brood, butchers bimon C L, liquors Smith J J, propr Auburn Hotel, depot Siiowdon E C, drugs Spear D W, atty at law Siophens T E, gen mdsa Stevens S M, druggist and tel opr W U Tel Co Stone Henry, blacksmith Stone S M, danti t Tumpliu \Vm, meat niarket TEKRY &W0, mauag. m I'utmanHouse •"I'HE FLACJia ARIUS" (weekly), 11 \V Fouton editor and proprietor Todd S H, (Motliodiat) cler^yiu in Todil T M, physician and surgeon TULL FRANK, proprietor American lluta Warmiugton J, fruits, vegetables and varieties Walih E, notary {)ublic and in? agent WaUh Ja9, boot ami Hhoemaker Wiiito & Hi.ikle, blacksmiths and car- riage buiUleri ' Widis J R, postmaster, books and sta- tionery WILLMENI MRS G, agent C PR R, grocunus, feed and hardware LOVEWELL'S nmnm m m ilEADqUAKTUBM AT CARSON CITY, NEVADA. BBAXCII At Auburn, California, WILLIAM ZmZLAND, Dealer in GROCERIES. LIQUORS. UAKDWARE, DRY L.OODS, Clothing. Stitianerji aid General Merciiaoiiisei ^ AIho Whuleiule Utialcr In COBD W03D AND CHABSOAL, ACAMPO. W o z w H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St, S, F. m W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^^r7tniJmrS^i^^^^^^^^^''^n^ CO i c z I s « s s IL c c (0 o ■ o o o z s o < a O lattery Btrey*. H. v T 508 California — A uhum-Bartlett Springs. ALPHA BBTIOALKY. THE NEW AND ELEGANT PUTNAM HOUSE Is now open to the Public. This Hotel is conveniently located on a picturesque and commanding site near the RAILROAD DEPOT, AUBURN. Furni- ture New and Elegant. Apartments Large, Light and Airy. Hot and Cold Baths for the use of guests. THE BAR always supplied with Choice Wines and Liquors. Free 'Dus to and from the Railroad Depot. TERRY & CO., Managers. Mmmmm&m AUBURN, PLACER CO., CAL, FRANK TULL PROPRIETOR. The largest and most safely constructed House in the place. The accommoda- tions are emphatically first-class. 'Bus in attendance at all trains. The location is the finest of any house in Auburn. It commands an excellent view of the moun- tains and valleys. ONLY WHITE HELP EMPLOYED. Provided with reading-room and bar-room, also sample-room for commercial travelers. Terms Reasonable. Patronage Solicited. Baird, SHASTA COUNTY. A charming hunting and fishing resort. Campbell J B, fiah poud Osgood E L, hotel and postmaster Stuac Livingston, U 8 nah commissioner Ballena, SAN DIEUO COUNTY, Fifty-five miles northeast of San Diego. Green D, station keeper Mclntier John L, gen mdso and post- master Mulkins J W, blacksmith Keed Mrs li, gen mdse Sawday ft Holmes, gen mdse Bang^or, BUTTE COUNTY. Allen J E, gen mdse amd postmaster Andrews A, blacksmith Manson J 8, millwright Payne J E, hotel Rickmau & Co, propra So Honcut M Co Banta* SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, Situated on the C. P. R., 75 milea from San Francisco, by Livermore route, and 17 miles from Stockton. Population about 100. A stage leaves Banta daily for San Joaquin City, Grayson and Hill's Ferry. Through tickets cau bo procured on the train. BSICHETTOG & CO, gen mdse and saloon Godchaux L, liquors Israel I G, postmaster ISRAEL W C, livery and daily stage line to (irayson and Hill's Ferry LAMB W 0, raiser of fine stock fjuce Douglas, justice of the peace and physician HcARDLE EUGENE, blacksmith and wagonmakcr PORTER BROS, (T G & A J), liiuors Prather B F. hotel WILLIAMS JOHN C, constable and co llector WILSON OLIVER H, Railroad Res tauraiit and saloon WOOD ROTAL JR. agent C P R R, W, F & Co and W U Tel Co; dealer in grain sacks and ins agt Bartlett Springs, LAKE COUNTY, Is reached via California Pacific Railroad to Calistogo, thence by stage 4(i miles ; distance 114 miles froin San Francisco. S 30 (A H 30 m m O 30 o 30 m n o (0 S o m r 9 » a. a e »i :i (D o o O 3 a o a a I PLUMAS Binmham W C, hotel Gibbiai W B, physic! Gibson ft McFarlane, H. WACHHORST -"toJSKr'"* than any house on the Coast PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th<> Moil«l Commrrclal Collrce or till' Votmt. »mt Po«it Mt.. H.V. c I o £ in e u e California — Batavia-Benicia. AIirllAIIBTIOALI.T. 509 Alexander D, liotel Burtlett, McMahon & Clark, proprs hotel Gaynor & Alexander, liquors Scudumore, Reynolds & Co, gen mdse Yonge J F M, postmaster Batavia, SOLANO COUNTY, Is a pretty place on the Calif oruia Rail- road, 61 miles from 8au Franciaco. BAYLEY G G, agt C P R R and Wells, Fargo & Co Byrne P, saloon Byrae Mrs P, hotel and feed stable Coulter & Bayley, grain warehouses Coulter G, postmaster Francis E, machinist Frazer D A, blacksmith Houut M, saloon O (0 o o CO TS (A o o e H X o p p X (0 Bath, PLACER COUNTY. A mining village and postofiice, six miles from Forest Hill Beckstream John G, Bowers David L, lumberman Eureka Pitch Co Hazard Mine, James H Keohen supt Mountain Chief and Blue Gravel Co, J B Lellier supt Simmons P, saloon Van Emou James A, district assessor LEVY & CO, general merchandise LEVY L, deputy postmaster Smith E 0, atty at law LEVY & CO., Bear Valley, MARIPOSA COUNTY. Newman & Hammatt, iivery stable and butchers Beard H, saloon Pendola N, merchant Quierolo Joseph, justice peace RICE EDW A&D M, hotel and post master Troboco L, merchant Wilcox Jno VV, atty at law Beckwith, PLUMAS COUNTY. Bingham W C, hotel and saloon Gibbias W B, physician Gibson k McFarlune, blacksmith! DEALERS IN General Merchandise, BECKWITH, Plumas Co., CaL Beirs Bridge, SHASTA COUNTY. BAEEE REUBEN, postmaster Belmont, SAN MATEO COUNTY, • Distant from San Francisco via Southern Pacific Railroad, 25 miles. Noted for its handsome residences and lovely land- scapes. Emmett VV A, saloon Hamnierson A, blacksmith JANEE C F. Belmont Soda Works, gen mdse and postmaster O'Neil M J, livery stable Waltormire A F, hotel Benicia, SOLANO COUNTY, Situated on the Sacramento river, 35 miles from San Francisco, was at one time the capital of the State. It is reached by the Central Pacific Railroad, whose c:^ s are transferred across the river by the largest steam ferry-boat in the world. It contai&J barracks, a con- vent, a college, and the only arsenal on the P.'tcifio Coast. Its population is about 1,700, and bids fair to emerge from the cloud of depression under which it has lately been. Ainsworth W H, clookfi, jewelry, etc ABSENALi J McAllister lieutenant col ordinance, D Bache surgeon and major USA H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. CO CO k 3. > «;i hi 1 .4 iw m ■ CO d c S o 0) o s > c o E 1i (O c O ■ o o o < Q. WW MnNT A ft IIP A rn *♦«▼<•" n"*! HanB^, BOO dUferwt aln*. itylet aim 510 Ca^ ifoi'nin — Benicia. Al.ril\nKTIOALIjY. Atwond L C, agt W U Tel Co BARRY JAMESi general merchandise and agt for t'ominereial Union Ass'u Co, notary public and justice of the p^ace Benne J 1», planiTig mill "BENICIA CHRONICLE," W H Foreman manager BENICIA WATER CO, S C Gr.iy sue, otfico cor First and G Blake Wm, stoves and tinware Bri>wn J R & Co, tanners College of St Augustine, Rt Rev J 11 D WingKeld DD LL D presb Daltim S \V, liquors Danforth IC P & Co, tanners and leather merchants Da\ is Clias, carpenter DRISCOLL D, Mines and li^uorj l-)urner Chas, confjctionery and tobacco ICwiriir James, gen mdse Fcrrin .lohn, shoe stock manuf Fisher Joseph, teacher Folaom E C, physician and druggist Folsom Myrick, hotel FOREMAN W H, general mercliandise GILIEY & CO. (f A Uilley & C 11 Vosburgh), tinners, plumbers and gas fitters Glyne J, blacksmith (loodycar Andrew, contractor GRAY EDWARD, physician GRAY S A^rtist GRAY SAMUEL C> real ostato and insurance aguut Hank John, bakery Harriiran M, painter HASTINGS D N, capitalist HASTINGS W F, justice of peace HOUGHTON C B. lumber Howarth .Jas, plumi>er KINGSTREY THOS, groceries and liquors Kuhland W, bootmaker, stationer, etc Jones J W, gen mdsa LENTON CHAS, watchmaker and jeweler LYNCH JOHN, attorney at law Maloncy 1), bootmaker Manning Mrs Mary, candy and notions MANSriELD L D, doctor St Mary's ilall boarding and day school for ladies MASSLE & GNAUCE, brewery AlcDoucll A, postmastjr and agt Wells Fargo imd Co McKay & Chisholm, tanners MELlON CHAS, general merchandise, gents' furnishing goods, etc MERRIMAN MRS M G, miJinor and (IrASiniaker MI2NER L B..Jittorney at law MoiincaJohn, li [uors " NEW ERA," A W Fergusson & Co proprietors Opperman Julius, tailor Ormsby E S, watchmaker Philips R !•', dentist Pruyh \V W, station agt Northern R R Quigg Chas, liquors Reynold-* Lr« A, hotel Robjrts J, harnessmaker Roskcllcy Josej)h, li([uor3 RYDER & SHERMAN, carpcntcTs and builders Sanders Mary, dry goods Sanborn L I), undertaker Smith J B, shooting gallery Smith M .1, blacksmith and wagonmaker St Catherine's Convent, Sistjr Mary Jo8e|>h lady superior Stevens John, liquors Stoddard A M, butcher Tiiomas & Oliver, restaurant Von Prister K H, liquors WEIMANN L, principal of schools Weimann Mrs Julia, hotel SAMUEL C. CRAY, B14& Sil411 bie: o IsthoFoaghly acquainted viith Real Estate Property in Benicia, condition of Titles, &c. Orders reitpoctfully solicited. o A* 09 o 3 » 3 CX I o 3 o 3 m o e 9 (D "1 (0 r J' o 5 TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. CUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prsptlrmlly taoKht at PACIFIC niTMl- 1. 1 California — Beni c ia-Berkeley. 511 ALPnARRTICAIXT. f KB SIW 52 (Q c a IJ ■!S a 10 l£ (8 k A WEEKLY JOURNAL of LOCAL & GENERAL INTERESTS. Published EVERY SATURDAY by A. W. PERGUSSOX & CO., Publishers and Proprietors. ■".iJE BUILDING, FIRST STREET. r^ Subscription, $3.50 per Annum. 41^ wmmB %w mm w%mm Done with Ncatiics9, Promptness and Dispatch. Bdrdan, BUTTE COUNTY. BEBDAN M J, poatmaater and hotel Berkeley, ALAMEDA COUNTY, Is eight miles fro:ii San Francisco, reach' ed m C. P. R. H.; fare twuity cents. Acheson J, hotel Adams k, Fenton, boots and shoes BACHMAN J, (iemiauia Garden and Ftititkuraiit Bates C P, dentist Bauml W L, inanufr cigars BERKELEY GYMllASnrM Brom Antonio, tinware Boynton Iru, justice peace Brandt F, saloon Brennnn Bros, saloon and livery stable Bruiu H & Co, grocers and gen mdse Bunce H A, carpenter Bunne Mrs H A, Revere House BUERIS'.JOHlf F, Berkeley Gymna Bium Carnall & Chapman, red estate CHAFIE, TAILMAN & CO. grocers and hotel Elder Mary, drugs EMERSOM D L, attorney at law and teachtr of reading EMERSON D L & L H, real estate and general insurance agents and at- torneys at law, iShattuck ave Fidchel I & Co, butchers Flemi.ig A, postmaster Fleming Thos, harness maker Foley Mrs Sarah, saloon Fowler W C, fruit and produce Fricks Christ, shoemaker Gottshall & MeClain, gen mdse and agts Wells, Fargo & Go's Ex Hann Tl)08, butcher . Higgins Jas, saloon Huston R G, hotel and groceries Jones T, horseshoer Knott R K, hotel Landers Mrs 8, stationery and confec- tionery Larson Gilbert, boots and shoes , Lehrnass Richd, saloon Maloney Cornelius, hotel Marks Lew is, g rocericg MABQUABl) H IT, pub and propr of "Berkeley Advocate' OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., ^. F. • If. mUll I AUUC 01 UU.y iwttnnt. 110, 118, lU, 11« and 118 BMUry ft:, s. rT tL c Q C O E n CO 1! (Q o ■ o o a z S o < a. 512 California — Berkeley-Biggs. ALPHARVriCALLV. Merrill S S, postmaster, stationery, books and drugs More A, justice peace, agt Berkeley land and town improvement Morgan & VVangerin, gen mdse Morris A H, constable Monterichard M, butcher Payne F H, physician Percy W J, wagon maker Ramsey Vierra, Willow Grove Park Richardson Thos, mana trer lumber yard SCHUSTER & VIEHATJS, Berkley Planing Mills Semeria J, dry and fancy goods Shuey Sarah 8, physician Standard Soap Co Steinmetz A k Geo Lux, bakery UNIVERSITT OF CALIFORNIA, Joha Le Coate prest, D O Mills treas, Martin Kellogg dean of the academic senate, Geo C Edwards chief of mili- tary instruction, Kobt £ C Stearns se retary and superintendent of grounds, J Ham Harris land agent and assist ant secretary Wakhim S, painter Wentworth Boot & Shoe Co, I M Went worth prest Wood C B, boots and shoes Wright Jonathan G, bakery and taurant Bethany, SAN res- Berlin, COLUSA COUNTY, A postofRce on the California Northern Railroad. WQHLFROM F A, general merchan- dise and postmaster Bernardo, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Is 28 miles northeast of San Diego. Graham P A & Co, gen mdse LIBBT B F, postmaster Morgan Rufus, manufr comb foundation for bees Ober Wm, blacksmith Berry Creek, BUTTE COUNTY, A postofBce 28 miles from Oroville, reached via Marysville. Cu shm an E, varieties JOHNSON D, postmaster and hotel Johnson Russ, hotel and blacksmith JOAQUIN COUNTY, HUTCHINOS JAMES 0, gen mdse, liquors, blacksmith and wagonmaker; postmaster Bieber, LASSEN COUNTY, Reached via Oregon Division of the Cen- tral Pacific Railroad and stage lines. BIEBER N, postmaster BIEBER N & 00, general msrchandise Brownell Bros, gen mdse Brownell D R, notary public Burgell Wm, hotel and blacksmith Carmichael M A, sawmill Goerig Wm, livery stable Harris E, county assessor Kenyon & Watson, liquors Lamburth W F, blacksmith Philliber C, hotel Powers L, supervisor 3d dist Ralls Bros, varieties Schoober W R, county supt schools Shubert & Ralls, liquors Smith M G, constable Stearnes Wm, restaurant Way A, justice of peace Biggs, ' BUTTE COUNTY, Has a population of 500, is a very pros- G irons town and is located on the Oregon ivision of the Central Pacific Railroad, 73 miles from Sacrameato. It depends on agriculture solely for its support. "BIOOS RECORDER," FFCarnduff propr Bussey F B, phys ician BUTLER ft OAWJUNS, druggists CECIL D L, agt C P R R, W, F & Co and W U Tel & Co COHN H & BRO, gen mdse CARNDUFF FRANK F, prop "Biggs Recorder'" notary public and atty at law Davidson & Co, gen mdae Doty L W, justice Do ty Mark , tinner FLEMINOT.Ri lumber and building mater ial FLINT J C, conatable Gile £ H, livery Geddes Samuel Y, saloon m 30 m H m o m -< E m m as m o ■ S o m r $ M w e 5* PACI I SE OREIN HARRl I HAWK HEOOX ISRAEl Kemper J La Point I'A SH wagonr lakf: Manning ' Marshall . MARSHi smith ai MyERS. BARKEII Quimby C Reese Snml SATLE3 (Iressniuli SHEA JO shoer SKINNEI jeweler Smith G K, SMITH M o w Threshera •Sj Palntsd o X (I Cjj j Smith M G, 3 Wiiy A, juBtil o' ^ x: (0 •0 3 a o a H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Saa BinJ soil Is reachetl by miles distant.! SMITH W and wagonik Davis Mrs E, 1 e E g ft (0 in 1 «} (A O o CO o 75 O C3) C x: PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE *>*** "•<><'> co„,m«>n>i«i r«iieM CalifomUi^Blggs-Bird'a Landlncj AIiPHARRTICAI.Lr. 513 OBEIN FHH, propr Planters' Hotel HAK£Y J £*> i^xchango Saloon HAWKINS G, physician HECOX W B, varieties ISBAEL A, Bon Ton Saloon Kemper F O, harnea i and saddles La Poi nt B ros, vnriet;«i8 LA SHELLS A F, blacksmith and wagonmaker . . , LATZ FELIX, irarieties Manning Thos, restaurant Marshall A, gunsmith MABSHALL SILVESTEB, black smith and wagonmaker MYERS J W, carpenter and builder BARKER S W, Delta saloon Quimby C S, moat market Keese JSnml l>, barber SAYLE3 MBS W 0, millinery and (Iresamuking SHEA JOHN, blacksmith and horse- shoer SKINNEB OEO L, watchmaker and jeweler Smith (r K, gen mdsa and postmaster SMITH MBS ISAAC P, restaurant STANLEY JNO D, blacksmith and horsoshner TITUS SAMUEL, hardware and agri- cultural implements TOPPINO C T, water works and bar- ley mill Webb Wm, undertaker , . ; WeigtSA, saloon • -. PLANTERS' HOTEL, BIGGS, CALIFORNIA. Tho Table will be Rupplied with the best thut the Market alTords. The BAR is constanllv stocked with the Choicest Quality of Wines, Liquors and Ci.;ras. By attention to business I shall endeavor to merit a share of patron- aje. PHIL GRBIN, Proprietor. m m SAMUEL TITUS, ,, , ,. ' .-.;,■,':;■ DEALER IN .,;. , , „ ,., . '..,../, litlf iltitsl l»-iliiiist HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, ENGINES, ■■ - Threshers, Headers, Reapers, Mowers, Rakes, Fan Mills, And everything kept in a first-class Agricultural Store. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac, i^iciGS, butte co., cal. Big Valley, o Z o (0 o LASSEN COUNTY. (Berber postoffice. ) Smith M G, constable Way A, justice of the peace Bing^hampton, SOLANO COUNTT. Is reached by stages from Dixon, seven miles distant. Birchville, NEVADA COUNTY. (Postoffice, Sweetland.) Distant from Marysville by stage 36 utiles Newell G B, groceries SMITH W H, postmaster, blacksmith oaaki and wagonmaker Davis Mrs E, milliner Bird's Landing^, SALANO COUNTY. Near Rio Vista on the Sacramento river. Arnold Tames W, butcher Berg Julius, shoemaker 33 OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. 1 I MMlMi i p t i s ? O C S o < a. O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., IwlMma, \Vt. { ||mn«e«, MO dlt«r«nt ilMi. f^\m tnk . Il«. fl4. im tmA IIM ItoM^yr W>.. w. p. 514 California — Bird's Lam.ding-Bloomfield. ALrilABVnOALLT. Bird Jno, warehouse BIHKEISPIEL M, postmnster DUIKELSPIEL M £ A, gen mdae Hilton J, justice of the peace Hoskinf;s Win, gen mdse Jones Mrs Am e lip, grocery Krause E E, blacksmith Mein Bobert, warehouse Owens O Z, wagonmaker and blacksmith Pafte W, saloon Pond, Leveridge & Co, fish cannery BogeiS — , paiuter Thompkins Benj, junk Thompson B O, wheelwright Warren J, painter Weiiignrtner.D, hotel Winters J, liquors Smart C M, blacksmith »nd wagon- maker Turner A C, hotel and stable Blanche, MONTEREY B. COUNTY, blacksmith FANETJF E wagon mak er LOUIS CHARLES, gen mdse and CO Black Bear, SISKIYOU COUNTY. Farrik George M, liquors Fytieltl J P, gen mdse STEPHENS JOSEPH, deputy post master and gen mdse Blocksburg, UUMBOLDT COUNTY. Situatp'l '>n the Cloverdale and Eureka Stage road, 75 miles from the latter place. It depends chiefly upon its Inrge stock interests for support. Population 200. Black Diamond, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. PostofBce near Mount Diablo. BARQION P, postmaster, act W, F & Co and supt Black Diamond Coal Cu RR Baltz Antone, liquors Cornwall A W, tel opr Hadley A A, fruits Hund Frederick, hotel Jnnto Roscoe, boat builder Millini G, liquors Rogers Thos, liquors Van Dorn Henry, carpenter Williams Joseph, blacKraiith Black's, YOLO COUNTY. A Postoffice on the California Pacific Railroad, 11 miles from Woodland. Becker St Gray, saloon Dennis A, ugcnt N R and W U Tel Co Huston K M, agent W, F & Co LATTGENAUR J D, gen mdse Marzolf Jacob, saloon Miller H P, pliysician Nugent Thos, meat market Smart C H, blacksmith and wagon- maker Anderson W D, liquors Beauchemin P, iiotel Blockburger B, firen mdse CHARLES OED, stock-raiser Cooper & Hoglun, meat market Friend John, hotel Gratto A, bootmaker Harris W C, hotel Helmkc ' ^en mdse Hendrickn 11 Frank, liquors Hoglcn k Cooper, liquors Hop3 Victor, hotel and bko'csmith MVLFORD P H. druggist and master O'Connor D L, hairdresser Ross Thomas, livery stable Thompson John, liquors Tooby Geo, hotel post- Bloomfield, SONOMA COUNTY, Has a population of 260, and is 57 milca from ban Francisco. The country in which it is located is strictly agricul- tural. BIG VALLEY HOUSE, O M Lefobvre propr Cline Jacob, blacksmith Close T, waifonraaker Cockrill L B, justice peace Dabner John, hairdresser Hickmen B F, harnessmaker HOAG J W, printer Knapp C H, photographer KHAPP A H, gen merchants LEFEBYRE M, propr Big Valley House "MONTHLY ADVERTISER," J W Hoag propr B O CD a> I s s «• a CO 1 a* o 5? 1 O s M 9 r PI O O ♦< C S TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.B!umau3r&Co., rvrtlaiMl. «»re. Juiv«it. CO •6 CO 9\ 1 i it u if CO o M o o I I PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »'''i.,«Rn^»a!S!;.l?Ji.,!l!r''- California — Bloomfeld-Bodie. 515 ALrilAHRTICAM.V. Oliver k Mooney, blacksmithi Palmer H, tia and stoves Parks &, Son, wagons, paint, blacksmith etc Percival W C, flour mills Peters G M, boots and shoes Pohinson A, gea merchant STEWABT C. agt W, F & Co and gen merchant Stillwell V, butcher Swan G 0, liquors > i- - White W H, livery stable Blue Canyon, PLACER COUNTY, On the Central Pacific Railroad, 42 miles east of Auburn. mOOINS CHARLES C, postmaster Mosher A B, gen nulau and hotel Patrick C B, agent C P R R and W, F &Co Feterman S A Mrs, hotel and gen mdse Boca, NEVADA COUNTY. Boca Brewery Co, AV M Htrsse, supt Boca Ico Co, Alex Mcintosh, manager Boca Mill Co, planing and sawmill and gen mdse Bragg, Folsom & Co, sawmill Brogaii J B, gen mdse Brown J A, agt C P R R and W U Tel Co Doan L E, agt VV, F & Co Doan W, postmaster and notary public Ferguson R P, shingle mill, hay and grain McDonald James, boarding McHenry James, blacksmith Schat-fer Louis, hott-l Bodega Corners, (See Smith's Ranch.) Bodie, MONO COUNTY. Although the district in which this bustling mineral prodigy is situated has been known for some years to be one of the richest and most extensive mining sections in the world, it did not receive cny impetus to an astonishing growth until the year 1877, when the town site was laid out, and when an influx of prospectors and capitalists swpoped down upon it like a " wolf on the foliL" Enterprises were speedily inaugurated to reuich the deposits of valuable ore, and plans were rapidly miitured by which the law of '-supply and demand " in traffic mi^ht be complied with. The erection of business houses of a perma- nent nature, private and public homes and manufactories, immedi ituly fi>llowed nt a remarkable pace, and thu announce- ment was soon made tliat "the child was born." There ii no parallel, except thut oflbred in the city of LeadviJo, whore cities of such importance have sprung into an existence that bids fair to lust through many generations, and which she certainly enjoys. The streets are alive with a surging mass of human iKiings, and her population of 7,000 is the embodiment of indefatigable euergjr, enterprise and intelligence. The alti- tude is 0,000 fuet above tJie level of the sea. There are several banks, employing an immense capital, four daily news- papers, wtiU conducted and liberally supported, and a full complement of good hotels, all teated to their utmost capacity. A line of railroad, which is greatly needed for the transportation of vast amounts «f bullion and freight, will soon connect Carson City, Nevada, with this city. The project is uuder advisement and is universally encour- aged, and the lapse of a short time, we doubt not, will witness the entrance of a screeching locomotive and its train into this city of bright promise. Abbot J M, painting and papering. Standard ave Addenda Mining Co, G A McComick supt ALBERS JOHN, blacksmith and VS Wiigonmaker, Main ALIlN OSCAB, liquors. Main Anderson C L, U S deputy surveyor and civil and mining engineer, Main Anderson W W, hairdresser. North Main Ashley Daniel, constable . ...; Barron K N, clothing, Main ' "•■•!-'^- BASS & CAMEBON, wood, Fuller nr Green BABTON BOBEBT, pi^ident Mono County Bank, Muia Buule N, livery. Main ". '^ • ■■■" Bechtcl G M Co, I G Messec supt Beck Harrie, furniture. Main BEOGS HISS J M, dressmaker and milliner. Main Belvidiere Gold and Silver Mining Co, Porter Holmes supt \i f. In < '< iR mi ^'S'^' m PURE PORT WINE, m Meilciul Pirpoies. 302 Davis St., S. F. IL ■ CO 2S C p » s 0) s IL u c c (0 o ■ O O o z s < Q. o z h h O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., y,T'7iVa,VT.f to tVrVar;:;,'/^^'!*. 51G California — Bodie. ALriUBKriCALLV. Berliner E, varieties, Main Berwiti 8, merchant tailor, Main BLACK HAWK GOLD MINDTO 00, !!i B Ferguson supt BLACKWOOB T J, physician, Main Bodie BlutrCon Mining Co, A N Harris supt B01>IE BREWERT, A A Carion & Peter Krnst proprs. Main "BODIE CH&ONICLE DAUT (evening), Uobert M and Alex (J Folgcr proprs Bodie Con Gold Mining Co, H A Whit- ing supt BODIE TOTJNDRY, Wells & Kilpat- rick pruprs, Muiu BODIE HOTEL, Tower & Fullride proprs, cor Wood and Standard avo BUDIE TUNNEL MINING CO, Thos Bufkley supt BOISOT & STEWART, 'Irugs and paints and oils. Main BOLAN MRS N M, dressmaker. Main BUN-TON LODGING HOUSE. Mrs C A iiubjohn proprs, tireen Booker Gold and Milver Mining Co, A M Kllsworth supt BOONE & WRIGHT, gen mdse and liuy und gniin feed stable B«scacci O, groceries, Main BOSTON CON, Martin Jones supt Boucher & Piuit', saloon, Main Bradford H !>, artist, Main Brodrick J, livery. Main BROPHY J E, funiiture and auction- etT, Main Brown J, hotel, nr Noonday Mine BROWN T J. hairdresser and baths, M.iin BUTLER WILSON, blacksmithing and wagonmaker, eor Mill and Menu Byan H C, restaurant. Main CALDWELL & FALKINHAM, ci gars anil tobaccoes and billiards and stitionery. Main California Gold and Silver Mining Co, S B Ferguson supt CALLIHAN GEO S, Can-Can Restaur- ant, iM North Main CAMPBELL A D, bootmaker, Stand- ard ave CAMPBELL J M, blacksmith and wagonmaker. Main CARION & ERNST, proprs Bodie Brewery Cassin Father, clergyman Central Lodging House, Mrs F A M Smith proprs CHAMPION HOTEL, Walsh & Smith proprs. Main Champion Mining Co, L Manchett supt Chapman Kol)crt, painter, Main CLARENDON HOUSE, W B Byan propr, Fuller nr Green Clark B, liquon, Main Cobe & Evans, restaurant. Main Cohn Jonas, clothincr, Main COMSTOCK HOTEL, J B HominK propr, 7 Main ° CON PACIFIC, Martin Jones sunt UOWNOVER C W, lifiuors and bil- liarils, Mbiii Cnesus G<,ld and Silver Mining Co, S B Furguson supt "DAUiY BODIE STANDARD," John 1 Ginn editor and uunager, T S Harris propr "DAILY FKEE PRESS" (morning'), H C Osborne editor Daniels N, justice of peace Davisnn H B, piiyiici.in, Main DAVISON WM, Mammoth Saloon, Miiii Deal D L, physician. Mill Deguire Ben, liiiuors, Main Diiinis Kichurd, liquors. Main Dogtown Hydraulic Gravel Mining Co, S B Furguson supt Drake F V, attorney, Main DREW & GIVEN, blacksmiths and wagonmakers. Main Dudley Gold and Silver Mining Co, Por- ter l^Iolmes supt EGGLESTON BEN, groceries and pro- visions. Main ELLIS W H, standard Drag Store, cigars and tobaccoes, stationery and billiard parlor, Main Ephraim & Trapp, loan office, Mnin ESMERALDA BREWERY DEPOT, liudalf Vogel propr. Main Eyselcc A, hairtiresser, Main FAHEY PATRICK, Mono Brewery, i) Main FLEMING J B. propr Comstock Ho- tel, w s Main FOLGER ROBERT M.&ALEX C, immrs " Evening Chronicle" BREST THOS M, blacksmith and wagonmakers, Main FOB,T J B, manager for Silas B Smith, dry goods, Main Fc/ster C vV, saloon. Main Friend Mrs A C, tumituro and under- takers. Main Furguson K D, attorney. Main (rallagher P, liquors. Main GENSLER S, agent clothing and gents' furnishing goods, Main GILBERT JAS, machinist and black- smith, Upper Main GILL F C, hairdresser and Bodie Baths, Main GILLESPIE M M. stationery, cigars, etc, Main Gillson, Barber & Co, gen mdse. Main and King o 3D -< O m m 30 01 CD 5' X* n o « o o a S" s o 3 O S w (A •0 O ;i 5" 3 a O 3 o 3 H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '•^v[;ri»^Ar.w.jj.'^*.v«:»'S.!*W: California M t a e o (0 9 o x: o o t) mi o H X a 3 O (A a O Gipiey Queen Gold Mining Co, A Ellaworth aupt GOLD HILL RESTAURANT, Mo- Curtcv & Tobia proprs, Muiu OOLDBERO R, merchant tailor, Main GOODSHAW GOLD MINING 00, Thos Buukley supt Gorhuni Geo C Jr, attorney, Main (iowen E W, rest;*urant, Main Greeley J L, attorney. Main GRTJSST & FHIERMAN, restaurant, Main (iunn J J, saloon. Main Haas A k Co, dry goods, Main Hanak H, hotel. Main HARRINGTON & GOMES, Hiuors, Main IlariiDgtou G & S Mining Co, L A Lee Grange supt Harrington James, constable Harrison, Epstine & Co, tailors. Main Hart Mrs J K, restaurant. Main HASTINGS HF, cashier Mono County Bank, Main Hiiywftnl Chas F, livery. Wood HUlLBRON F, meat market. Mills and Low Heilshorn J H, liipiors, Main Hi'tzel Seidell, attorney, Main HYMAN I, cigars, tobacco and sta tioiiery, Main II inkle (t H, Methodist cler^mnn, Miin HOERCHNER H C. U luors, Muin HOFFMAN C & BROS, Jry and fancy (^ood^, Milin HOLLANDER LEO,jowclor and watch- maker, M lin HOMER MILL MINING CO, Martin Jones supt HOOLE H i', oJi^.or " Mornin? News " Ho wart h & Shaw, carpenters. Main IRWIN WM Bupt Standard (iold Min ing Co James J &, Co, cij[ar3 and tobacco. Main Johnson S, merchant tailor. Main Johnson W A, hotel, Main JONES MARTIN. si;pt Consolidated Pacific Mining Co Jones W P, dentist. Main KELLT & CARDER, furniture. Main KEMP & COLEMAN, Occidental Ho tul, Main Kemp H, photoifrapher. Main KILGORjB C H, meat market. Main Kins Bee Miuint; Co, H A Gould supt KINGSLEY J W, liver: and feed stable, M^in KIRSCHBRATJN, SON & CO, grocer- ies. Main KOPPEL & PLATT, clothing gents' furnishing goods. Main Lafee A, r^taurant. Main Bodie. ALPIIARmOALL*'. LANJu J M & 517 Mill Corn- Lord Ci 00, real estate agent* S and notary public. Main LARDI LOUIS, groceries and game market, Mnin LAST CHANCE, Martin Jones supt LAWTON H A, acent U 8 Stage Line, office Grand Central Hotel LOBDELL Fi cigars, tobacco and no- tions. Main LOPEZ JOE, hairdresser. Main Ijorgea Mrs S, milliner. Main Love & Hudson, butchers. Main Love & Whitehill, attorneys. Main LUTHER T M & CO, assaycrs. Main LYONS T H, litniors, Main MAHLSTEDT H, Uosedah Saloon, next door to Bodiu Bank, Main Mammoth Stage Line, M L Wilson agent, Greene and Main MARDEN H, teed yard, freighter and contractor, otfice near Standard **■" Marks M & Co, liquors, M lin MARSHALL & BLEAKLEY, stock Suloo I, Main McClinton Gold Mining Co, 11 F 8UI»t McCormick Magie, liquors. Main McDonnald J W, liquors Muiu McDonald O C, atty. Main McKlroy T, gunsmith and locksmith. Standard ave McKennuy, C F, boarding house McLEOD A, propr toll road and grain dealer McQuaid John A, atty. Main McVARISH & McPHEE, liquors, M ill MEINKE & ROBERTS, Chicago Brewery and liquors. Main MEYERS F J, bootmaker, Standard ave Miletich & Povlovich, confectionery and groceries. Main Miner K S, atty. Main MOLINELLIP P, line wines, liquors and cigars and tobacco, Mill and Main MONO BREWERY, Patrick Fahey propr. East Main Mono (iold Mining Co, H A Whiting, supt MONO HOUSIi. Kings & Bennett proprs. Main Moore S W, notary public, Main Mora V, mirkel. Main "MORNING NEWS," H F Hoole, editor Morris U ]^\ machinist and builder, Main MORRIS MRS H D, dressmaker, Main and' Neblet W N H, hairdresser. Main Nevada & Cal Tel Co, Main Newman Thos, justice peace, Main CO H. PALMER & CO., Native Winss, 302 Davis Street, S. F. 'um i< I ^■■i\ M 111' ■ ff ■ '.tit } ; J W':- > U >- O CO < Q u O H CO O D CO u < < O (0 C w. w. moNTAGUE A CO., *?!ss'nri»'g£.'S7tyig,s:ysgJL'fr 518 Co liforv ia — Bodie. ALPIIABBTICALLY. Noonday ft Nwth Noonday Gold Min^ iag Co, B K Taylor supt North Bulwer Co« H A Gould supt North Standard Co, H A, GouM supt OCCTDEITTAL HOTEL. Kemp ft Coleman proprs. Main O'Donal Mrs S, lodging house, 9 Main Oltien N, liquors, Main O'Neill E, restaurant, Main C'Neitl J, mttrchant tailor. Main ORIENT MININQ CO, iHoa Buckley supt Orimual Summit Gold'Mining Co, A M £l!»worth supt Oro Mining Co, Thos Steele supt O Oornp H C, editor "Daily Free Press," Main OSGOOD M T, haniessmaker PAOE,WHEAT0N&C0. gen mdse, stoves, hardware, dry goods, and gro- ceries Pault'tte Georgf, blacksmith and car- ria^mith. Main PEARSON BROS, soda works and ice dep( it. Upper Main PETERSON JGt L. justice of the peace and notary publii", Main PHELEOER & SULLIVAN, station ery, ciirars and tobacco, Main PIONEER BREWERY, I Franken burger & Wm Davison proprs. Green and Wood POPE W H, cashier The Bodie Bank PORTER L & CO. lumber, Green POWELL & LIEHaJT, produce, and fruit. Wain PRESHAW R DB, dentist, Main Purdy Jtimes, liquors, standard ave Queen Bee (JoUl Mining Co, J C Turner supt Eadovich ft (jillespie, reataurant. Main RAYMOND BROS, harness and sad- dles, Main I Roddy P, attv, Main REINSTEIN & WOLF, clothing. M' i > . . Rich Bros, cloth'ng, Main RITCHIE J R, groceries and provisions. Main Robertson H D. physician. Main Robinson KP, justice of tiie peace Robsou !Wm & Co, blacksmiths and wp.gonmakers, Mono ROE M J, physician and surgeon, Main and Mill Rogera Nathani, pliystcian, Main Rogers W H, physician, Main Rooney ;J, Jiunors, Main ROTH & WAGNER, liquors, Main RUEGER' CELAS C, miuinu engineer and deputy U S surveyor, Main, Post office building RYAN'S LODGING HOUSE, w B Ryan.propr, Main Ryan T P, atty, Main SALISBURY & RICHARDSON boota i;nd shoes, North Main ' Santa Miua Gold Mming Co, J P Keat- ing supt SCHIICARTZ M, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps and furnishing ^Toods, Main SCOWDEN L A. U S deputy mineral surveyor and civil engineer, Mill and Main Scully James, liqiiors, Main SHANNON D, Senate Saloon, Main Shaughnessy Mrs M, restaurant. Main Shaver & Co, watchmaker. Main SIEGEL & CO, cigars and tobacco, 27 Main SMITH SILAS B, dry goods and gents furnishing goods. Main SODA WORKS Pearson Bros proprs, Uppi-T Main SODERLING A, Virginia assay office Main South Bulwer Mining Co, J C Turner S'.ipt South Noonday Gold ft Silver Minin» Co, J C Turner supt South Standard Gold Mining Co, D C Norton supt SOUTHWORTH & ENOS, Parole Saloon, Main Spaulding Mining ft Mill Co, S B Fer- guson supt STANFORD CON MINING CO, Thos Buckley supt STANDARD GOLD MINING CO, Wni Irw.n supt STANDARD MILL, James M Dawley foreman Stebbins S (t, constable STEPHENS P A^attomey, Main STEVENSON BE, physician and sur- geon, Grand Central Hotel, Main STEWART'S HOTEL, M Y Stewart nropr, Main STEWART J W & CO, lumber yard, (ir-xin and Wood STEWART M Y, hotel. Main SULLIVAN C W, notary public and conveyancer, Main Summers & Co, meat market. Main SWANN MRS F, confectionery, Main Sweeney M M, stoves and tinware Tauti)haus Bros, meat market. Main THE BODIE BANK, W H Pope cashier, Wm Irwin pres. Main THE MONO COUNTY BANK, Hobt Barton pres, H F Hastings casltiiT, Main Tioga Gold Mining Co, C II Goldiiig supt TORTILOVIUS A, fruits and varie- ties, Main "I 5 St I <» CA o o » a o o 3 3 PI 5? (B o e M ? 7 r I TRY MURRAY S MAGIC OiL L, Blumauer & Co., ^'SSL'.-ilivelT PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •'•«"nEr-pJSSr„'J!;tp'.?;5ra,l? CO •0 o o CO W i:i*OT AND BILLIARD PARLOR. Agent for San Francisco and Vir^'inia City Dally Papers. Main Strd:t, Boiie, Cal. i 3 TMt QAN^G^M RiSTAyB^MT, IfRESTAURAif^'^' ) n.„- ..--^1111 B 111 I 111 ^'^\ nr f^lTpffr.' &^0■^C^E S. CALLAHAN, OlUUhUli .lj PROPRIETOR. No. 69 Main Street, BODIE, CAL. All the Delk'acius nf the SciRon on hand and cooked to order. Private Rooms f(>r Families open day and nigh I. M o o m JOST SCHUELER, M.iniifacturer of and De.iler in soil mm Main Street, Walla Walla, Washington Territory. All kinds of French nnd American Calf and Kip, and thu Best Santa Cruz ISolo Leather. Repairing neatly doue at the shortest notice. Two doors below St. Louis Hotel. t ,14 PURE PORT WINE, for HedlcM Purposes, 302 Davis St., S. F. w. w. MONTAGUE & CO.. ';r^!^rrjmr^it'^^rst::^}f^vi'^ PACIFI 520 California — Bodie. ALPIIARItTIOALLr. CO i S 5 p (0 0) 2 I > C o E « (0 c c O • o o < CL h h O F. CLU6AGE, Gcn'l Sup't. THOS. IBWIN, Genl Agent. V. H. PEASE, Ass't Sup't ^nd Auiitor. AroaM iBoiP.S .StiieCo. General Offices: Carson City, DAILY THROUGH LINE CARSON CITY to AURORA & BODIE CARRYING U. S. MAIL AND W. F. & GO'S EXPRESS. Oonneclin^ Daily at Aurora with Stage Lines for Marietta, Belleville, Candeiaria, Columbus, Benton, Silver Peak and Lake District Mines. Leave San Francisco via C. I'. K. U. at 9. 30 A. NL daily. Connect at Rcnn, Nev., Willi V. and T. K. R. 10 Carson. Arrive at Carscn at 8. 15 A. M. next day'. Thence hy Stajje to Aurora ami Uodie. P.issciiL-ers Icaviii}: Sin Francisco daily, except Sundays, !)y 4,30 P. ^L Ex- press Train via Benicia for Virginia, Mev., arrive at Carsoasanie time as aiiove. Through t'me to Aurora and Tiodic from San Francisco. 30 hours; to Belleville, «. oiiii'iius and iScnton, 45 hours. iC^Thih \* tl.*- 011)7 »UK*Liiie to the abavo named (iluciis ruTinlng comfortable Concord t'oarhos and mak,n.ii;'*" ■'(iwwrtmi* with K. K. Trams tv ry (l;._v, liotli ways. l'iVH»eii.ifer8 aiul bii;,';,^!^ gi> throut^li i'> t.jiM< iM.4 vitli- S $ ST CD (A P O C/> Pi o' a n -1 ♦< P o 3 o PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, H«. S»0 Poirt Htrort. Kdnratea tkoroavhly for VniilnfMM. California — Bogus-Bridgeport. 521 o ALPHABITICALLT. Bog^s, SISKIYOU COUNTY. iHoCLINTOCK W K, postmaster Bolinas, IIARIN COUNTY, '-■(■ I', / Betten Henry, dairyman Betten Wm, gen mdse Biirjie George, hotel Clark Sainl, butcher Fecney P, cooper Fiiinio T W, justice of the peace Flood John, dairyman Gibson J C, gen mdse Iiigeim.in A, dairym'.a .lohnsoii NV, ship i)uiluer McCoy John, L, couniy cormer and public administrator (ileson — , groceries Harriden H F, gen mdae Hayes Bros, gen mdae ■ Hopkins S, ctrntractor and builder Kirkpatrick A, blacksmith LEAVITT H I, hotel MILLER BEN H, county clerk, ra- corder and auditor Nye P, supt of shingle mills OlHiuchain T J, justice of peace Parker W (), dist atty Sliowers Jas, sheritl' Stanton W, liquors Stewart & Irvine, livery and feed stable Sullivan Mrs C W, supt of schools CO m Ml ri I j m mm 'iy. mm H. PALMER iV CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. . ff . muii I imuc « i/V., na H4 ii«. mm* iiw Battfry wtriS.rl IL ■ CO c s p 2 s & > c o E 75 CO c c CO o • o o Q < Q. 522 California — Bridgeport-Brownsville. AbPIIABBTIOALLT. Thompson J G, county surveyor Tinkum Z B, county treasurer Welch J J, county aasesssor Whitman G N, atty Wilds R B, justice of peace Bridgeville, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Fifty miles south of Eureka. Adams S S, blacksmith and wagon maker Col well A. gen mdae HALE J J, postmaster, hotel and feed stable Kelley T B, hotel Look A P, saloon Brighton, SACRAMENTO COUNTY. A postoffice, five miles cast of Sacra- mento, on the Central Pacific Railroad. Dunnen E, blacksmith and wagonmaker FOSTER SAMUEL 0, postmaster, justice of peace and groceries Gothold F, harness maker Harlow Jno, carpenter Lockett R S, prest Distillery Co Manlove W S, physician Naglee J, liquors Perkins T C, secy and treas Distillery Co Ruci liquors Prosser R, blacksmith and wagon maker Pugh S H, blacksmith and hotel Bronco, NEVADA COUNTY. A postoffice and mining camp, 93 miles east of Nevada City. Mountain Ice Co, S D Smith People's Ice Co, J S Thompson Pierce E W, agt C P R R, W, F & Co and W U Tel Co WICKS A M> hotel, woodyard gen erul merchandise and postmaster Brooklyn. (See East Oakland.) Brown's Valley, YUBA COUNTY. A poatoiBce and mining camp, 12 miles northeast of Marysville; reached by stages. Daggett D O, justice of peace Hague 1 1, physician Holmes Mrs Mary, hotel Olmsted I M, blacksmith and wagon- maker Robertson Jas, blacksmith Rule & Frank, proprs Solo Mining Co SCSHAAF F W, general merchandise and postmaster Sersanous M, boarding house and saloon Smith Jno B, hotel F. .W 8CHAAF, Dealer in SrjIionlSj&nsUirilware MEDICINES, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes & Enblasrs Roady-Made Clothing, &c.. Brown's Valley, Cal. if Brownsville, YUBA COUNTY. The Knoxdale Institute at this place was founded September 128, 1878, by M Knox, Esq. Batts Geo, atty at law Crane Wm & Bro, lumber and planing mill De Turbeville — , physician Gaston Mrs — , physician ilankins &, Hawiey, gen mdse and insur- ance agents Hill E K, atty at law, notary public and principal Knoxdale Institute Howell Wm, hotel Ktnsey S Rev, clergjrman KNOXDALE INSTITTTTE, E K Hillprofessor KNOX M, hotel, postmaster and pro- prietor Knoxdale In&titutn licach A M, lumber Meek Misses May & Alice, milliners Pendin S tlev, clergyman Ramsey T J, ins agt and atty at law RuflF C & Co, market Sooy C, blacksmith and wagonmaker 9 C/> o o a 3 O •a n 9 Habhju-d A F, tfOOERS J £. ter Selvester Wm, h Butler Jno, drug Eng:ell J F, propi fiilbcrt .Tames, c. Jones Wm, blac! MARTIN T P, McKiiis MILLER & SMITH, Dealers in Burgettville, SHASTA COUNTY A postoffice 80 miles from Bedding; reached by stages. Hubbard A F, blacksmith MOOERS J E« gen mdse and pnstmas ter Selvester Wm, hotel and wagonmaker Butcher Ranch, PLACER COUNTY. A postoffice on Stony Hill turnpike, 10 miles frt>m Auburn. General Merchandise. Butte City, Cal. Byron, C-'NTRA COSTA COUNTY. Carlston Antii^w, restaurant Casaelinan W J, railroad agent FABIAN F & CO, gen mdse Gallagher H C, propr Mextd's Hot Springs Jaqifillard T, blacksmith JOHNSTON W H, postmaster and newsdealer Peers Chas, saloon Phelps F F, blacksmiths Severn Bros, livery stable Wilkeuing Henry, hotel Butler Jno, drui^gist and varieties En'i^ll J F, propr turnpike Gilbert .lames, carpenter Jones Wm, bl.ickainith MARTIN T F, p >»tnia8tcr and hotel McKinsty E, wut«r ditch •oilier Mrs R, hotel Butte City, COLUSA COUNTY. A postoffics 18 miles north of Colusa. It is quite a trading point of a populous farmiiig community. W. H. JOHNSTON, BYRON, Contra Costa Comitij, Cal, AUKWT hVr all ttao loading Sun Francisco and Eastern Newspapers and Periodicals, Sent to any Post Otttcu iif the United States or (.'anada at I'ubliiiburs ratoii. J;, ( ■ K^ H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., fltov(*M and Rani imltprn"!. 1 d Itansra, 800 dlffanntalBM, itoiM uA in. 112. 114. 116 MMt 119 Ratl^rv H.,H. V. CO i c '(5 S o i ?*i' IB «> C c O o o o z < a. 524 California — Cahto-Camhria. Al.rilABRriCAI.IiV. Cahto, MENDOCINO COUNTY. Mail station and trading post for Long Valley, 45 miles from Ukiah on Clovtrdale and Humboldt stage road. Benton J B, saddles and harness Glover & Ward, liquors 8imnson Bros, gen mdse SIMPSON & WHITE hotel and gen mdse; postofiico Stewart l^d, liquors Ward J D, liquors Williams 8 G, blacksmith Calistoga, NAPA COUNTY, Is charmingly situated at the terminus of the Niipa Valley branch of the Califar- nia Pacific F -ilroad, where stages start for the diilereut spriiij^s and towns in Lake county. It iias a population of about 300, maintained by tourists ami agriculture; it is 72 miles from San Francisco. Bettinger J, geu mdse Bcesch E, wagoninaker and undertaker Bouns dl Broi, tin and hardware Bounsall John, tailor Brooks iSiliis, blacksmith Brown J B, blacksmith Bryant W S, gen mdse and real estate Champion F, agt CulFucilic K li and W, F&Co Chapman S, notary, real estate and ins agent Chcsebro J A, Magnolia Hotel Collins T W, justice of the peace and no- tary public Cook .1, li(juors Fisher W F, llTcry stable and propr st.'ve lines Fnedberg M, gen mdsu (i.irdner O M, physici.m (Jctlcson II, gou mdse f Jrauas Joseph, l)aker Haeckel Louis, liiiuora Hildebr.iiidt J, b jotmakcr Hiltc'll John, liquors Hirscliman .J, l)ootmaker Jewell & Son, real estate agts Jewell Wm, postmaster John .1 Miss, dressmaker JOHNSON GEO W, Calistoga Hot Splines Hotel KORTUM L, wine gr.'ver Lardic- F, agt W U T. 1 Lilliu Geo, gunsmith and feed mill Nichols J E, barlxir ii ..r NORTON MBS NB,milli Smith W D, physician Strattou W h, liquors Stender Henry, liquors WIBBKE JUUUS, hamesa and sad- dlery Williams H, livery stable and propr Harbin Springs Williamson H T, barber Wilson B F, druggist Woolley E B, butcher Yarrington James, wagonmaker Young C H, hotel ' Camanche, ' CALAVERAS COUNTY. A postoifice, 16 miles from Mokelumne pill. Cavaganaro T, ge:i mdse Chereaux A blacksmith Dedose F, ealoon Dous^herty — , gon mdse DuHTy M, hotel and livery stable Lawson liaus, saloon Zimmermen M, gen mdse, postmaster and ^V, F & Co's agent Cambria, SAN LUIS OIJISPO COUNTY. Pacific coast steamers to San Simoon from San Francisco, IGO miL-s, faro $10; stage from San Simeon 10 miles, fare §l.'Ju; st ige from Paso It iblos .'{5 inilei, fare §.'{; stage from San Lui< Oliispo 35 milcf', fare yi.oO. The town is pleasant- ly si' iiated ill a canyon 1 mile from the beach and 34 miles n irth of Sau L'tiiis Obispo; it contains a jwstoffict*, telegraph anil express oflice, ami other l)usiiie8s for which see list of nam?8. The hotel, a three-story dlilice conducted by Mr. John Smith, affords every comfort de- sired by the tourist or cimmercial traveler. The chief support is the diiiry iiitiTest, l)jaii, potatou and barhy crop. Several rich quicksilver mines are in the vicinity, l)iit are not opor.ited at present ow i ig to the low price of m-jtal. A wharf and warehouse accomm xlato schooners in winter, and passenger steamers in summer; principal landiiuat San Simeon. The population is estimat- ed at 'iOO. Apsey J E, deputy shcrilT and constable Haker & Nlarcli, Cambria Lumber Co Bright Miss Jennie, millinery Brown Edwin, constable Cambria Lumber Co, Baker & March g ■ "g ■H 1 ^ 30 H ^ -< ^M u ^1 (d O ^1 ^0 m H 1 *^ r* m 1 £ 30 1 **' w I ^ "^ 1 m^ » H a ■ in ^1 ^"* Mk H (o w B T3 mmt CD cr 00 n CD CD CO* o o 3 ■Hi CD ej O CD CO o o -I CD o cd 10 o o 00 £ fd 09 0) c « o a O < Cai Cai Cit Cof A COJ n EU Gail OR ri o£ T« 0R( Han JAB mi JOH Stii Kaet pu Leffii mil Lull I Lynn Man( Mann cou MoOl sur, Mi no SS Nohk Ott F PnlUK PRO( Qun Hader Ivania pea Scott SHEl tr SMIH loot Stiles sum; smi TOGl TUB m\\) WOO mak H. WACHHORST. importer of je'ilsro- «l2mo"«d.. 315 J St.. Sac. Gaski Gaskil PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »^- tr^o?,r,.*;«Tiin J^^"^' WMnrntf e E 2 o {0 2 » O o CO « « O x: c O ft o CaUfomia — Camhria-Capay. 625 AlilMURHTICALLV. Campbell Jas D, livery and feed stable Carey Lafayette, stage Citrun A, geii indse Cofer E M, (Grant, Lull & Co), agt American Central Ins Co COLE GEO M, saddler and harness maker EUBANKS & SONS, blacksmiths Gaiis & Co, gen mdse OBANT, LULL & CO, gon mdse, «g ricultural implements and mining sup- plies GRISmGHER LORENZO, William Tell Saloon GROSS S, gen mdse Harriman J F, carponter JANSSEN J H> furniture and cabinet maker JOHNSON JERRY, livery and feed stiible Kaetzel Philip, wagonmaker and notary public Letfingwell & Sons, wharfingers and saw- mill Lull Oo W, postmaster Lynn Edgar, mjat market Mandcrschcid Bn s, drugs Mannoii James JM, notary and deputy county assessor McOURDY SAMUEL, physician and surgeon Minor K A, stoves and tinware, agt P C S S Co, W U Tel Co and las agt Noble S W, ph()to,^rnphcr Ott Froderick, bootmaker Piihner O S, curpeuter PROCTOR HOUSE, John Smith propr aUILLIN JOHN, saloon Kadir J H, blacksmith Ilamage (J W, gen mdse, justice of the peace and agt W, F &. Co Scott A \V, iiliysician SHERMAN THADDEUS,wagonmak- tr SMITH JOHN, Proctor Ho ISO and sa- Idon Stiles J W, jeweler and watchmaker SUMMERS & HACKNEY, black- Hiiiiths and wagoninakcrs Tcj^ido MiL'uel, barber TOGNAZZI B G, gon mdso TURNER J N, atty at law and notary jiutdio WOODS F H, carpenter and cabinet maker Campo Seco, CALAVERAS CX)UNTY, A postoffice, reached by stages from Lodi on tlie C. P. li. It.; 1'2 milea from San Andreas. Besoux G, gen mdse and agt W, F & Co Bowman A, livery stable Creiiht James, teamster (iollao J C, stock-raiser fiate J jM, stock-raiser NYE D B> gen mdse and postmaster Peck F C, bootmaker Itoman A. livery Sanford N F, gen mdse Todd J, meat market VIeinot t J, grocc ries Wooiey Win, li^iuors ui Campo, SAN DIEGO COUNTY. Gaskill Bros, gen mdse and blacksmiths Guskill L U, postmaster Camptonville, YUBA COUNTY, Is 95 miles from Sacramento v!n Marys- ville, from which it is reached by stages. Baden W J, blacksmith Baker J \V, carpenter Bliss C A, justice of the peace B!i33 Mrs K H, hotel Brown Mrs A L, dressmaker Brown J P & Co, bankers Calvin Wm H, drugs and notions Dameille F, hotel Douj;l.is Geo, dentist Erwin Jos, blacksmith Gassner M J, tanner Gerweiiier Casper, shoemaker Graliam J K, shoemaker G rover W H, livery MANSUR C F, dry goods and post- master Marrow & Verrell, carpenters McLelliin J (0 g 18 c c (0 O ■ O o o s < 0. I- I- o ■ ft. WIUIl I WmiC 01 WV«f .-wtteniH. 110. 112. 11«, ilB »nd 118 Battery 8t: . 8. 9. 526 Calif om ia — Capay-Castroville. ALPIIABKTICALI.r. Duncan H C, livery stable and propr of Cal Q S M Stage Line Freeman F S ft Co, gen mdse Lang Jno A, saloon Levy David, gen mdse Levy W, gen mdse Lewis Jno T, harnes maker Lovoll & Parker, blacksmiths and wag onmakers Hunger W D, blacksmith Perkins E E, postmaste.* and justice of peace Strohback H, saloon Capistrano, LOS ANGELES OOUNIT. A postoiBce, 75 miles from Los Angeles, Carlson Christian, blacksmith Charles Heury, wool grower Congdon J K, constable and collector Dancri J B, justice of peace Dartigue Louis, wool grower Egan Richd, \V U tel opr and county supervisor Erreca Bernardo, wool grower P'uller J J', justice of peace Garcia Dolores, saloon and stable Lopera C, constable and collector Mendelson M, geu mdse, postmaster and ins agent SALABERRI JUAN & CO, general merchandis e an il liciuors WAGNER CHAS, saloon Carpenteria, SANTA KAHUAUA COUNTY. A stage station and trading point on the Coast Stage Eoad from Santa Bar bara to Los Angeles. Stage from Santa Barbara 10 miles; fare, ;J1.00. Stage from San B-mnaveiiti. ra 1.0 miles. The place is surroundeil by a most thrifty farming popul 'Hon. Anderson ^V saloon Benn Jno, ■ .loable Dodge C K, . n mdse Muncton. Henry, blacksmith Thurmonil CJ E, gen mdse and postmaster Way Wm, justice of peace Caspar, MENDOCINO COUNTY. Beached by the N. P. 0. R. R. and connecting stage lines or Pacific Coast steamers. It is 1(30 miles from 8an Francisco. Bromley D, blacksmith CumniingH J, siloon D£ CAMP C E, postmaster Gregor J, blacksmith Huldt Danl, saloon Heldt Go, livery JACKSON J 0, general merchandise, C E Dj Camp manager Kelly Frank, g(ftn store King Jno, saloon ' McDonahl J K, tanner McDonald Jno, hotel , . , Van Ahweu M, saloon ' Castroville, MONTEREY COUNTY, Is on the Southern Pacific Railroad, 15 miles from Monterey, and has a popula- tion of 800. It was named after J. B. Castro, Esij. The place depends upon stock-raisinL{ and agricultural interests for its support. It is also the junction for the railroad leading to Monterey. BLACK & SON. CastroviUo Flour Mills BOWERY JOHN, veterinary surgeon Brown Wm H, hairdresser CASTRO J 6, farmer and land owner "CASTRO\nLL£ ARGUS," Joseph Morritt propr Cooper J B H, gen mdse GIBSON W H, grain buyer, flour deal- er and agent Well-s, Fargo & Co GRANDPRE H D, harnessmaker Henry Walter saloon Johnson Israel, postmaster Keating L B, geu mdse Kelly P, farmer and gardener KING M, restaurant and saloon Knoeh & Zimmerman, meat market Longley A H, stoves and tinware Mathews Monroe, barber MERRITT JOSEPH, propr "Caatro ville Ar^us" Merritt M ii, notary public MEYER LOUIS, Snug S.iloon Miller & Co, croceries MILLS JOHN, saloon and restaurant Mitchell .1 \V, varieties Parent T I), blacksmith PARKER JOHN, druggist and physi- cian Pierson W S, agt S P R R Pomber .J .VI, livery stable REIRDON JOHN, harness and saddles Roth lliram, i^aluon SMITH F M, propr American Hotel STREBOST WM, boots and shoes also maker O 01 CO CO u> 09 CO w w w W W I B 09 ■ c O a 1 ^ • 1 ^ 8 1 c ^1 a^B m 1 A tt 1 c M 1 3 m 1 O 1 IL J oca and Pac the gra] Bro iiur W CAS COS ft DE Gem GRi \v Grisi HA MO WA Lu Wrii SIM ho TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumauer&Co., *TK;"*£iv?Sr o i? r- 9 sr o s o CO (0 /I o OAbrai Crissl by sti ■ wa h Proii GOD ■ line < Hivoi Jones « Kistt( Monc H. F PAciFrc BUSINESS COLLEGE, "- .'K'™!r»/srA-..K'as'~ CO 06 00 ca i p ft c o 0. C (8 #* C 3 O Ik » O Si: o CO M (0 California — Caatroville-Centreville. 527 AbrllAHRTICALLr. WALSH F M , wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco and agent Mountain Brewery beer Watson J £, varieties Whitcher C R, blacksmith WHITE OECk Salinas Bre^^ery Saloon WOOD, DUTOHEB & CO, gen mdse Cayucas, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. A small but pretty place on the sea coast, ISO miles south of San Francisco, and is most conveniently reached by the Pacific Coast steamers. It depends on the dairy interests mainly. It has tele- graphic communication. Brocksieb Chan, carpenter Burroughs Abbott L, postmaster and W U Tel Co CASS. JAMES & CO, agricultural im- tilements, general merchandise and umfier COSMOFOLITAir HOTEL, Morganti ft Brignnlj projjrs SE ROME A T, blacksmith Gemmill David, butcher and farmer GRANT, LULL & CO, gen mdse, VV Watson mnnager Grisiagher A, snloon HANDY JOHN H, blacksmith MOROANTI & BKIONOLI, hotel WATSON WM J, manager Grant, Lull & Co Wright C W, justice of peace Cedar Flat, THIN ITT COUNTY SIMMONS & MORTON, gen mdse, hotel and postoihce Cedarville, MODOC COUNTY. A postoffice reached via Central Pa- cific Railroad to Reno, Nevada, thence by stages 225 miles. Alirams J, wagonmaker Crissler & Bonner, groceries and bard- ware Pronillard Wm, flour mill GODFRET G E, postmaster and mil- linery Hivonymous J, hotel Jont'8 J C, bootmaker Kistter Bros & Co, dry goods Monchamp J, hotel Norton M L, market Roberts Wm, waeonmaker Simons J R, blacksmith Wylie Jas, blacksmith Central House, BUTTK COUNTY. A postoffice, 12 miles south of Shasta. Dum ar Harry, blacksmith HUTCHINS J S, postmaster Central Point, MERCED COUNTY. B ily J, blacksmith Drummond Jno Q, supt San Joaquin & Kiiig's River Canal Co HOFFMAN G L, gen mdse, I^otel and postmaster Centreville, ALAMEDA COUNTY, Is located in a rich, fertile district, 33 miles from San Francisco and 3 miles from thd C. P. R. R. at Niles. A stage connects at every train. Has a popula- tiou of 400, and a Masonic Lodge of (30 members. ALLEN CYRTTS H, physician BANE & DODGE, gen mdso B£0£ C&ARLES, saddler and hameaa maker BECK D H, een mdse BLACOW MRS R, French merino sheep range «i COLEMAN J W, livery stable, Stage Line COLEMAN & SANDHOLDT, saloon Dyers M C, saloon Hainan .fames, stoves and tinware Hilton F H, boot and shoemaker Huxley T C, atty at law LEWIS B J MRS, United States Hotel Lucio J, boot and shoemaker Morter & Moaher, carriage manufr and blacksmith ^"^ . ■*" ^ Pendergest Matthew, boot and shoe- maker FRAG CONRAD, gen mdss and post- master Riser & Smith, carriage manufr and blacksmith RoWrtaon J W, carriage maker SALZ & CO, gen mdse, agt W UTel, and W, F & Co H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davi« St., S, F. (A m ^ M '\l i J M %* < .! W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ^■T'fiylln^T.r^ltVyttf;!;:^ Vf.?' CO ■I c o 0? 0) 2 tlfi > » c o E a CO CO O ■ O o a z S o < 0. h I- 528 California — Centreville-Chico. ALrilARRTICAIil.r. Silver Manuel, barber Tifoch Jim, saloon UNITED STATES HOTEL, Mrs B J Lewis proprs Waltoa W, blacksmith Woodham C H, hamessmaker. WORSHAM K MKS, Milton House YATES L 0, notary public and dentist YonswMia D L, physician and druggist Ceres, STANISLAUS COUNTY. Annear J G, blacksmith Averill Bros, blacksmiths and wagon makers Cantield \V L, painter Cross J H, groceries Tynan Dr. Rrain WHITMOkE D, postmaster and ware house Whitmoro &; Howard, Market stages. Depends on minine chiefly for its support. J. J. Moston, Es-i., is the proprietor of the Cherokee ilutel, the best in the place. Population about 150. Bristow VVm, meat market Fitter Mrs John, hotel Morgan Henry, postmaster Morgan James L, groceries MOSTON J J, propr Cherokee Hotel Cherokee, nUTTE COUNTY, A postofficc, and quite a pleasant little place, 12 miles north of Oroville. fancy Bader C, liquors Bagnclle — , hotel BARBEE B E, postmaster Barbee Mrs li JO, millinery and goods, dry goods and notions Beatson James, tobacco Blackburn W K, gen mdse Derrick A S, liquors France C, physician Glass L, notary public Glover M, liquors Goodny L, gen mdse Hollop F, bootmaker Horusman H, liquors Knowls M, confectionery Medowich G, liquors Miller & Vogt. meat market Parker L A, liquors Rogers J H, druggist Ryan A, hotel Weloughby N, hotel and justico of the Wieace ILLIAMS WM H, supervisor Wolf R, gen mdse Chico, BUTTE COUNTY, Is one of the prettiest places in the State, and has a population of noai-ly ta and shoes, Main DOOLEY THOS, oyster and chophous?. Second DOOLITTLE IRA R, propr Union ilutel. Main and Third Dorn G W & Co, gen mdse. Main and Second DRAPER WM, bootmaker, Btoadway Duun J F, livery stable Eitel J M Fr.ink, druKS and books EMPE & ST JOHN, blackamiths, Junction Emp.irium of Fashion, millinery and hair ^oods ESPINOSA JOSE M, bits and spurs Fargo & Frost, blacksmiths Farrar JLjgro' tu ,s FAUliKNEEl '"'a AS, caaldor Bank of Butte County i.nd a ;t W, F & Co FETTERS ft \:UI^lAJSa, furniture aud undertaking, Mu.u FINEGAN JOHN, New York Livery Stable, Main Fink Hennr, hairdrcaier FRANEY JOSEPH, merchant tailor. Br.tadway FRYEHH, photographer, Second' GARRETT ft MAGEE, proprj Butte Hotel GIFFORD A J, «tty at law and notary public GOODDAY M ft 00, dry goods and cloihing Graf & McMillan, blacksmiths GRAVES G W, druggist. Main and Second HACHHANN HENRY, tailor and dealer 8 jcond-hiiiid clothes, Broadway HALLET ARDREWS, justice peace, notary and loans negotiated HALLI^ ft LOY, furniture, carp3t3, un- dertaking, sewing machines, paints, etc, M lin and Third HAWLEi H C ftCO, hardware and ag ricultural itnidcinants HENDERSON B, hairdresser and baths, tje cond HENDERSON G T, physician and surgeon, Second HENSHAW PARK, atty at law, Broadway Hibbard & Sommar, jewelry, stationery, music and fancy goods Hildreth L A, postmaster Hill Sl McLennan, siiloon Hohr.rt C V & Co insurance, Second HOOLE EDWARD, propr "Chico En- terpriae" HULL ISRAEL, wagonmaker. Junc- tion Jackson F M, jeweler. Main JACKSON J Si physician and surgeon JACKSON PETER, hairdraassr and baths. Main Jacobs & Oajr, dry goods and clothing Johnson D, wagonm:iker JOHNSON N ft S3N, grocarioa, Broad- way and Third KERBLE ft DAVISON. Bank Ex- change Saloon, Second KING W Z, dentist, Dorn's new build- ing. Second Knnwlton A L, county surveyor KNIGHT MRS H A, millinery and dressmaking LETl W, druggists, Broadway Lewis H, barber Lonccdon J B, liquors LONGFELLOW ft BECKHAM, hay. (train and feeil, Junction LUCAS A J, furniture, justice peace and police judge, Broadway Luak F C, atty at law MASON C C, phyaician and surgeon y n r H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. a :um^ ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Hi 128 |2.5 1^ Ui 12.2 1^ |j4 i— ^ lis |2g — im 1.25 1 U 1 1.6 L ^ 6" 4V^ 7 ,c FhotDgraphi' Sciences Corporation '. ^ WfST MAIN STRUT WIBSTIR.N.Y. USSO (716)173-4503 6^ \V. W. MONTAGUE & CO.."VSr.Jl?'?f»'?,T "14. 1 1« ami |1« V««tM^ m;. H. K. 530 <0 s p IS & O E C CQ o ■ o o S < •- California — Chico. ALrnAB*ncAi.Lv. McOOSMACK BBOS, druggists, See- ««d IDsSSER W N. stage, sale and feed stable, proprs Chico a Powellton Stage Liae M^yer Aogust, saloon, Main MOAD J N, dentist, Broadway and Second HOOBE MISS M F, millinery and agt fiutterick patterns., 28 Main Mor se E B, canned fruit and produce "SELBOH CHAS L, horseshoer. Sec Olid and Saleiti Nenhirth Jno 'I, ci^ar factory NEWMAN J F, stoves, tinware, plumbing and gasfittiug, Broadway next Bank of Chico Nichols EC, saloon NOONAN J C, druggist. Main NOUBBE OEO F & CO, groin buyers Nye Mrs L, dressmaker O'Hair I'eter, groceries Ormsby J M, statijuery and agt W U Til Co PETEBS F & BBO, hoot* and shoes, dry goods and clotiiiicr. Main PILLOT F A, cigars and tvibacco. Main and Second BEQOEDWABI) S, Gem Saloon N£ cor Main and Fifth Reilly & Hubbard, hardware and aj;ri cultural implements Reiitcr L A, harness and sad'iles Kinehart & Cook, lumber rtobbie & Bruce, granite works B(i])er J W, insurance B ose E , saloon BUNDEL B T, city marshal and as- sessor BTJSBT & MEBT, Chico Fonndery, Eiuhth snd Broadway 8CHWEIN M, propr Bailroad House, Depot SGHWEINft FETEBSON. Junction Meiit Market SHEABEB & EVANS, Hvery SHEBWOOD W H, blacksmith and wagonmaker, Broadway and Fifth Sierra Lumber Co, lumber Silver H C, iam agt Silvorstein H, furnishing coods SIMOB B J, restaurant. Main Stan shnry O, physician ETWAIN G B, hardware and agricul- tural implements, Broadway and Fourth SWEABINOEN WM W, house and si\n» i^iiter, Bn'adway TANFIELD ANTHONY, carriage piiinter, Broadway and Fifth Thiel A L, cigars, news and insurance TICKNEB, BUBHHAM ft 00. gen milse, Third and Main TUTON MBS MATTIE, Chico Res- taurant, Uicond Frank Geo, barber Trimble J M, saloon UNION HOTEL, Ira R Doolittle propr. Ah.iu and Third . ' *" » TJSHEB MBS W H, dressmaker, Mam Utterbi.ck L, Sidoon WABBAMS W H, gunsmith, guns and ammunition, Broadway Walker & Cole, groceries Walsh Thos, hrrness and saddles Warren C G, city clerk and recorder WABBEN B £, Chioo Pioneer Candy Factory, Mcia Waste * Harnard, livery stable WATEBLANB WM, merchant tailor, Mtiiti WATKINS & CO,genmdsc, Second and Br«>adway Watts Nelson, physician "WEEKLY B J I'TE BECOBD," Geo H Crowtte propr WETHEBBjEE & WOOD, proprs Cliifo Hotel, iSec ond a nd Nalem WHITE & LUCKWELL, groceries and provisions, Broadwiti8@. Sign aott ;""""" rAaS^uK"""""^} Prices to SuH THE TIMES COLV8A <51TY 1 -AXIf* VMil'I03 -X Chico Irom Works and Foundry. Jas. Eusby. c a J V a c a a ft. RVSBT & MERT, niannltectarers of M. L. Mery. Corner of Eighth Street and Broadway, Ghico, Ca!. All kinds of Agricultural Machinery put up and rep.ured, HORSE POWERM AWD PWPS for Irrlsratlon. iMien ,11 CHICO, CAL. IRA R. DOOLITTLE, PROPRIETOR. Formerly ot the Williams Hjuse, Oilrbjr, and lately of the Mansion Houie, Wataonvllle. Having purchased the Furniture, and o')tained a Lease of this popular house for a term of years, I have opened it to (he pulilic, after a ihorojgh retittin{^, nnd sh.,11 conduct it as A FIRST-CLAS S HOUSE IN EV ERY RESPECT. The TABLE wlU b3 SE30ND TO NONE In North:m Cali&mia. ao -< Z ss c3 CO -H O ao m ■*>i »M is jl 9l IS |B f* 3? SI ,3 I* H 4 19^ Special Rates to Commercial Travelers and Theatrical Troupes, tST STAGES for all inland points leave the house daily. Free 'Bus to and from the Cars. IRA R. DOOLITTLC. 5! OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. IL ■ CO i c a S p 1^ 2 > § E m CO O ■ o o < a. W. W. MONTAGUE ^ CO., 'ftT'^ff JJn'dT.fiKttaarSfr'^^^^ ^^^^^ 532 California — Chico. BUSINESS ALTHABBTIOALLT. Wm iitti B@@@fd! GEO. H. CROSETTE, Proprietor, AND GEO. H. CROSETTE, Proprietor, THIS PAPER IS NOW IN ITS Iwentf «ie¥eiil& ¥®lvm® f PLACING IT AMONG THE OLDEST PAPERS IN THE STATE. The RECORD circulates through Butte and surrounding counties, amm it a mm m^m For Business Men wishing to Advertise in that Section. so -< o m m 30 (A o (A B "O ■o S" Q. ■n ilii i fit ilil All work Executed with Dispatch and warranted to gire satisfaction. H. WACHHORST calls attention '•ISitifXll^^SS'- 315 J St o w 1 5 o ;i a o. O 3 % ? ft o Ticknc s >r ^ o e ^ £ ^ « ar o ^ CD « M o «a o ^ O Ol o c a •43 9 1 5 IIMPORTI Um'e, Bo: CroJ THE URGES! Til GRAIN 8J X C9 3 O X 0) d <9 Cor. I ^1 Offices of Westel tliis Hotel. I Hotel dail h^^alSer" BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '^*J'JtI«Ur,«>.«'4&Jt«.K;S.?Srfe California — Chico. ALPRABinOALLT. S33 FETTERS & WILLIAMS, 10 S E o UNDERTAKERS And Dealers in FURNITURE AND BEDDING, Window and Plato Glass a. o & « e I i Matd Streot» @Moa)> ©alifaraiai. Tickner, Burnham tc Company. L^nssj CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, M:n'8, E07S' anl Tonths' Clothing ani Fnmishing Qcsds, Crockery, Glassware and Groceries. o z THE URGEST S BEST STORES OUTSIDE of SAN FRANCISCO. TICKNER, BTTRNHAH & CO., Tl^e TJ^TTrxite Ciiico KCo"CLse, BUYERS OF GRAIN AND WOOL, GRAIN SACKS AND WOOL BAGS at San Francisco Prices. H. F. CERKHARDT, PROPRIETOR CD s o m « IS -'I 'f s5 Cor. West and Second Sts.. Cloverdale. Ca!. Offices of Western Union Telegraph and Geyser Springs Telephone Co.'i at this Hotel. Free Coacii to and from all trains. Stages leave the llotel daily for the Great Geyse'rs, only fifteen miles away. Fine Livery Stable attached to the Hotel. 3^ ^> I K 4 I t5 51 H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Uavis Street, S. F. ■* » HH '» 111 u I- o o CO OS < CO o u III CO w. w. MONTAGUE Si CO.. *vy£S*;^^ffir.'yr.rjin?t?s^ g!'yft 634 California — Chico. ALPiiAimncALbr. mmTmmwmmm IS ONE OF THE BEST and MOST POPUUR PAPERS in NORTHERN CUIFORNIIt, Circulating largely among the Farmers of Butte, Coluia and Tehama Coiiutics. Tt is the Um% Mf®itl$li9i I IN THESE SECTIONS. The JOB PRINTING Department OF THE CHICO ENTERPRISE IS FULL AND COMPLETE, WITH ALL THE Latent Styles of Type, together with Power Press, Two Qorden Presses and Hand Press. All kinds of PLAIN AND PRINTING li it o o I o 0* o o a 3 (D 3 9 (ft r p 9 Exscuted with Neatness and Dinpatch at the Lowest Prices. On the San A Hill f joge road, ■* Laatemier G B, Was once a livel inhabitants, but itsi.iines, it*Iccr« rapidly, and it n It 18 26 miles fr pendent on Yoset Ciirrie L D, phot cuTxnrocB postmaster, am ' Egling Ij, blackaii Kempaton John, Limpjon R M, pi Mann J C, saloon Mttuza P, b3otmal Mayer L, butcher McAdams T, groc M'-rris A, groceru P«iiner T, barber Keifiin!}hau8 R, tt Soliusky C W H, Wheclock S 0, aa Akin I T, physicl Aros A, nen uuUel CioUlsmith S, gen \ Youut David, blaj 8.\N LUIS BUSSELL 0A\ dine and xraatmd UENDOol Gunley Andrew, master, brewer^ UONTlFf Situated on the iJ TRY OR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ^^ Model Caimaerrtol CsIImm California — Chile GiUch-Clarkahurg. JkLPHABBTIOAU.r. 535 ChUe Oulch, OALAVER.iS COUNTY, On the San Andreas and Mokelnmne Hill r^e road, 1) miles from the Hill. Lantemier O B, liqnors O u 09 U ID Chinese Camp, TUOLUUNE OOUNXr, Was onco a lively mining camp of 2,600 inhabitants, but through the failure uf its i.iines, it decreased in p' ip jlation quite rapidly, and it now oiitains only 150, It is 26 miles from Miltoa, and i» de pendent on Yosemite travel for support. Currie L D, photographer CUTTIKQ C Bi justice of the peace, postmaster, and gen mdse Egling L, blacksmith and wagonmaker Kempaton John, 1>ootm:iker Limpdon R M, physician Mann J C, saloon ,■ * , , Mauza P, bDotmaker * " V Mnyer L, butcher ' , Me Adams T, groceries Mi-rris A, groceries and dry goods Paiiner T, barber Reiainghaus R, tailor Soliiisky C W H, hotel Wheclouk S C, saloon cific R. R., 11 miles soatheaat of Salinas City. Blinn Harrison, hotel DB.OOE JNO C, postmaster DE09E JNO C & CO, gen mdse Mauk Frank, agent 8 P R R and W U Tel Co Peterson M, hotel '« Peterson Peter, blacksmith ' Piel Chris, hotel .'■• Ray Juo, shoemaker Whitnrorth Jno, agent Chualar Orant Cinnabar. BAN BENITO COUNTY. Branigan A, dairyman Davez!fii> S, groceries HAMMOND C T, postmaster Melintly Henry, sawmill Powers A W, physician Rock wood Capt, sawmill Thompson A, justice of the peace Chino, BAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. Akin I T, physician Aros A, geu uulse and pjstmaster GoUlsinith S, gen mdse Youut David, blacksmith Cholame, a<\N LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. RUSSELL DAVID, general merchan dine and jrastmaster Cisct*, ' PLACER COUNTY. A postofHce on the Central PacifioR. R., 5t) miles northeast of Auburn. A supply puiut for adjacent mines. Christine, MENDOCINO COUNTY. Gunley Andrew, hotel, gen mdse, post- master, brewery and distillery Chualar, UONTEREY COUNTY, Situated on the line of the Southern Pe' 8| r 3 CO t 3 Ashburn Josaph, ditch agent CAMPBELL R A, geu mdse» hotel and i>ostmast6r Hughes Robert, agent C P R R Leonard A Willett. frei'jthters Palmer U C, operator \V U Tol Co R. A. CAMIPBELU Dv-ialer in Hotel and Agent Wells, Fargo & Co., Cisco. Piacer County. Nearest Point to the Meadow Lake Mines, Ten Miles from Cisco. Clarksburg, YOLO COUNTY, Is a steamboat landing 61 miles bslow H. PALMEB 4 CQh Port Wine $2.50 per ga I SU« l»nvlM Mtrt)4>t, IL «6 i CO 1 S I « S iL e c Q ■ O O z S o a z F W. W. MONTAGUE A CO.^'^T^n.r'^fo.-'fffyi.y^^'^iS.lgt'a^^ 536 California— 'ClarkavUL -Cloverdale. ALPHAIianOAbliT. BUSINEJ Sacramento, on the Sacramento river, la a fruit ahipping point. WEBBER D C, gen mdie, poatmaater, and Wells, Faigo ft Co 'a agent WilLrd Juhu, blacksmith Clarksville, BL DORADO COUNTY. Carstin Geo, dairy Daniels & Co, gen mdse EureG, dairy Fagan 1', shuemaker Fitch G C, daily Grigg G, Macksmith Johnson Mrs H M, dressmaker Karonel J, saloon Kyburg (•, dairy and notary public Maltby — , dairy Mori^on A, d; iry Sice Oscar, dairy Kynn P, dairy and fanner TOKY S, justii-e ot the peace, post- master, wheelwright and builder Tony Jno^ hotel Clinton, AMADOB OOUNTY, Eighteen miles from lone City. Ponu. lation 100. ' ^ Clay, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, On the Amador branch Central Pacific B. K., 10 miles east nf Gait. STEELE THOS, go" mdse and post- master Clayton, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Is a postoffice, and has a population of (MM). Depends on agriculture fur its sup- port. Condie J no, hotel Curry J&tnea, livery Davison 1>, blacksmith Ferjuson K, nadiles and hamessmakcr INORAM HENRY, jnstice of the pence, druys and ((rocerica JAMES MORGAN, liqnors Notlinuham M F, blacksmith SHEINHART JAS, l>oots and shoes Khin e C'hi s, gen mdse and notary public RHINE'S W)TEL, Jacob RhiniB propr RHINES JACOB, propr Rhine's Hotel Kobrecht Frank, brewer Winters W W, constable ZOPFY ADOLPH, mail carrier I Bayrie .T, gen mdse and constablo Spagnoli ft Bro, gen mdse 8pagnoli D B, jiwtice of the peace Clipper Gap, PLACER COUNTY. A Station on the C. P. R. R., ^ milea nortlieast of Auburn. Judkins Samuel, saloon MuGre>{or Mra R, boarding house Clipper Mills, BUTTE COUNTY. Binet Eil ft Son, sash and door factory CLARK H F, gen mdse and pustmaster Filck J C, hoiol 2jchultz J F, hotel Cloverdale, SONOMA COUNTY, Is a place of 700 inhabitants and the terminus of the S. F. and North PaciHc Atailroad. It is surrounded by a roman- tic locality, and is the poiat at which stages are taken for the Geyseri, Uki.ih andf Lakeport. Ifis JK) miles from Sau Fruncidco. Abraham C, gen mdso Abraham Ij, tinsmith BERLIN A C MRS, millinery and dre^sinuking Boggs J O, physician and druggiit Brodkins Misa A E, millinery and fancy goods Brush W T, groceries, etc Carrie J A, gen mdso Chombaud .1, winery CITY HOTEL. C W Smith propr. o s West CLOVERDALE BREWERY, Schafer ft Anker proprs CLOVERDALE & CLEAR LAKE STAGE CO, W C Van Arnam & (Jo proprs CLOVERDALE HOUSE, M Menihan propr Cloverdale Library Association, J Ramcy librarian i -< a rn m 30 I M S' O o 3 n o a CD ! M ■ ■0 o ta a a. O ■a o I g CO (O M 'a-OVBR] ^ Walker pi Conway J M Coomn A W Cootes W F DAVIS A, I Pi»on John. ETHRIDOl ter er oerkhar: Geyser Spni propr Grant ft Bentl gonmakers Huehl H, justi Haupt J, 8tov( Heald J G, ho Hesse C, black HoadleyJF, < bar Hook Samuel, Hnnziker G, w Kline J A, luni Lance J A, con Lank 8, larber Levy J, i,„n mi\ Library Hall, h Linvilfe B ft So Livemash J H, , Marks S, gen m Markell R S, pi Mc Donal d A cj MENLSAN House Mitchell Bros, rieti^js Mitchell Chas H. WACHHORST. importer of j«';^:f;^%[;£;ii4.. 315JSt.,Sac Til WestI M. MENl Startli The Hotel hnj and Xative li^ PALME BUSINESS PENMANSHIP "'a«8!'j;,SS«i8'.'M«K8.f8rfe I E i in to a #^ t/> o e o tn o 73 u O s o X C9 3 O X c «9 i California — Cloverdcde. 637 ALfHARVnOALItT. 'CLOVERDALE Walker propr W REVEILLE," propr Conway J M, paator (Catholic) Coomes A M, dentist Cootes W F, gen mdae DAVIS A, ^en mdse Davia G V, Uvery and aale stable Dixon John, liquors ETHRIDOE U, bricklayer and plas- terer FIELD JOHV. real estate OSBKHABDT H F, propr U 8 Hotel Geyser iSprings Hotel, Win Forayth propr Grunt & Bentley, blacksmiths and wa- gonmakers Huebl H, justice of the peace Haupt J, stoves and tiuwaro Heald J G, hotel Hesse C, blacksmith Hoadley J F, com merchant and lum- ber Hook Samuel, bootmaker Hunziker G, watchmaker and jeweler Kline J A, lumber Lance J A, corral Lank S, larber Levy J, v;dn mdse Libraiy Hall, H Hachl prnpr Liiivilfe B & Son, gen Jnds3 -? i^ --s Livemash J H, furniture and undertaker Marks 8, gen mdse Markell It 8, pliyaician and druggist McDonal d A C, hotel MENIHAN H, propr Cloverdalc House Mitchell Bros, cigars, tobacco and rietitjs Mitchell Chas D, liquors va- Moore Mrs 8 M, fruits, vegetables, eto Morgan D B, justice of the peace and notary pnblio Muntz J, Dootmaker Murray W E, harness and saddlery Neal W W, flouring mill Preston L M, livery Barney J, physician Reeves John A, butcher Roger s Jn o, hotel SGHAFER & ANKER, proprs Clover- dale Brewery Schwartz M, aen mdse SHAW ISAAC E, groceries, hardwara, agricultural implements, etc, agt W, F& Co, and postmaster Shelton J G, pastor M £ S Church Shipley RJ, propr Alder Glen Springs Sims Thos, li.iu jrs 8i3Mnfi;out John, hay, grain and feed SMITH C W, propr. City Hotel Smith Mrs J, taaohcr of music Smith Joheil, butcher Spurr Dante;! F, atty at law TWITED STATES HOTEL, H F Ger- hardt propr VAN ARNAM W C & CO, Cloverdale and Clear Lake Stiige Co WAITE & FRENCH, blacksmiths and waxoninakorii WALKER W S, editor and propr "Cloverdale Reveille" Westlake J, bootmaker Whitney S P, pastor Con^^regational Church Willmt Mrs P, teacher of music Willey Mrs E H. hotel Williams C A, carpenter Wolford S, flouring mills Til OliOfEEBAliE West Street, Cloverdale. Sonoma County, Ca!. M. MENIHAN, - PltOPBIETOn. starting Flac3 of Stag3s for all parts of thd Coontry. The Hotel haa been enlarged and refurnished throughout. The Foreign and Native Liquors and the Table-d'hote are unsurpassed in the State. A Free 'Bus to and from the Cars. li. PALMER A CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 3Q2 OavM St, S. F. ■■■■■i IL CO i c c o E « C c O 9 o o a o D. h h D C w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., TOr^.y';.VY.^Ci>yy!s;^y.v;^ 538 California — Cloverdale-Collegi City. BUSmEl Ai.niAinrnoAU.T. CMale ai Clear lake Stap Line. FIB8T-CIport and Upper Lake. Cheapest and Quickest Route to Clear Lake. lf»re from San Franr.iseo to Clear Lake Kq Hq Tickets can be procured at offices of S. P. & N. P. R. R., 426 Montgomery St. San Francisco. W. C. VAN ARNAM & CO., Fro?ri9to:8, CIOTrdale. W. S. WALKER, Editor anil Proprietor. CLOVEBDALE, - - - CALIFOItNIA, Satocription, $3.00 n ypnr. Independent in politicn. For the interest of Cloverdiile nnd tfunuinu County in gencrul. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK EXECUTED PROMPTLY. Bill ^^Pi"'<, Note Heads, Poster*, Letter Sheets, Envelopes, Dod,rers, etc., execu- ted with neatness and dispatch. Colfkx, PLACER COUNTY'. Is » place of 1,000 inhabitants, 54 miles' east of Sacramento ou the Central Pa- cific Itailroad. It is also the juncti >n of theN, C. N. G. K. K. with the Central PaciKo. It takes its name from ex-Vicd President Colfax. Allen & irnrris, m eat market BENJAMIH WM, harness and saddles Blanchmuriede G G, liquors Butler John, books and stationery, druggist and postmaster Culver J A, blacksmith and wagon- maker Cnrley & Mahon, hotel Davenport John, liquors FarrellWm, hotel Fawcett Geo H, b&rb?r Harris, Smith k Co, groceries Hayford, Perkins & C^, gen mdso Hutf S \V, barber Kuensly Jacob, justice of the peace and operator W U Tel Co Lawrence — , watchmaker and jeweler Leeds L D, liquors Lobner M, agt C. P. R. R. L rd T J, livery stable McCarty J, b )otmaker Mi^hlcr M, meat market V Murphy B, li:|uorj Nickull & Plank, groceries and clothing Pepan L, restaurant Queen Mrs Julia, millinsry and ^ess- ma*{ia ' Rooney R F, physician Storey W B, agt W, F & Co and notary public Symonds Gen, bakery and rostaurant Tope O P, liquors Treasure Wni, liquors Wales H, tiuket agt and opr O P and N C N G K Rs Webster E, constable College City, COLUSA COUNXy. DAVIS S, physician and postmaster Dtviiiny N, grocer Folsom W D, architect Fondi A, physician Thifflebw'am J, gen mdse Walker & Hewitt, manufr wind mills O 0$ ft* o a CA a; P (D "1 O e (A O o o ff Crabb A, scl GihMrt John LAWSEN. poatmastei Minor Geo F Snow W H, Co SC Is 55 miles fi Savmmento r at 100. Frui are its interei Brown 8 H, 1 Dolmnnte Fra HOSJONOl <-handis(>, WelU, Farj Jones Wm, ge Page Wni, sal Richsnlson W Sacramento R, supt EL One of the 1 and is noted i was first discd fruit-growing extent for itf minus contribu Allhoir Martil Anderhalden Bayne Wm, el Biers Juo, bul Borland Alex Bothwell Wl. Brjwer H H, Brock J J, Brockway S 'Jurijess A M Chalmers Roi Coloma Viii Clark Jcshua Clussju P, sh Cox Roger, tt Gr.iy J, llfjuo Harney ThosJ Johnson C'hai Kane P, orch Kane Thos, TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. H. PALMI BUSINESS PENMANSHIf FmrUfMlly tMcht at PAnVIO niWI. I ^RMM California — CoUegevUU-Columbia. 639 ALniAmmOALLT. Collegeville, BAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. A amall place 8 miles eaat of Stockton. Crabb A, sohool teacher Qilae rt Joli n O, wn gonna aker LAW8EN ANDBJUW, gen mdae and ^oatmoster Minor Geo F, blackamith 8uow W H, butcher Collinsyille, SOLANO COUNTY, Is 56 miles from San Francisco, on the Sacmmento river. Population estimated at 100. Fruit-growing and agricultural ore its interests of support. Brown S H, hotel. •' v . v l Dolmonte Frank, carpenter HOSKINO WILLIAM, general mor- chandisc, hotal, postmaster, agent Well*, Fargo & Co and justice of peace Jone^s Wm, gen mdse Page Wni, saloon K ichanlsitn W, carpenter Sucramouto Kiver Packing Co, A Booth Bupt Coloma, EL DORADO COUNTY. One of the oldest towns in the Stato, and is notetl as \maa the place where gold was tirst discovcreit It depentls on the fniit-growinj|( interests to a considerable extent for its support, though the mines contribute largely. Allhoff Martin J, tel opr '' Auderh'dden Jos, shoemaker and saloon Bayne Wm, gardener and orobad Biers Jno, blacksmith Borland Alex, clothing store Bothwell Wm, saloon Brower H H, constable Brock J J, market Brtickway S H, winery 'Jurgess A M. blacksmith Chalmers Ruht, wine cellar and propr of Colomi Vineyard Houso Clark Joshua, butcher Clu8S3U P, shoemaker Cox Roger, toll keeper > . «.. ^ . . Uray J, liquors Haruey Thoa, orohardist Johusou Chas, vineyard and orchard Kane P, orohardist and winery Kane Thos, stage' driver Last Chance Qnmrta Mining Co Lohry Adam, gen mdss Markham C K, teacher Marshall J W, vineyard McBdth Robt, orohardist McBride B, saloon McKay Robt. winery Meyers Mrs Henry, prop Meyers Hotel Miller duo, tailitr Mit'ihrll Mrs Thoa, orohardist Murphy Mrj E, orohardist Neuw Chas, winemaker with Chalmers 0th ick W D, winemaker Price Jno, griicer and postmaster Rusmussim A, wi:iemaker Smith E M, propr Pione«r Garden Staarns Wm, orohardist St>>rer Jno H, carpenter Storer Wm, saloon Stutslager J, supt Union Mine Touscher .Tno, coopsr Vernoa Wm P, oroharvlist and ditch agt Weller E, grocery store White W, notary public Wilder Jonas, gurdener Young C P, justice of peace Columbia, TUOLUMNE COUNTY, Is a very pretty m-^untain town of 700 inhal>itaiit:<, 14*2 miles from Son Fr.incis- co, raached via Stockton and Copperopo- \ii Diviitio'i of the Central Pacitio Ruil- r >ad and Messrs. M tttisan & Co.'s stage line. Its scenic and sanitary features are manifoUl, and the nnmbar of tourists and invalids drawn hither through these mediums each year is very great. The altitude is '2,*200 feet above the soa level; the atmosphere is pure, light and dry, and easy of inhalation: the wat)r is ex- cellent ; i^nd society splendid — foreshad- owed in the rj(iui:ig influences of the el- ements found invariably in the presence of good ashools and churches. Fruit- growing and minin;j ara extinsively ou- gaged in. The plac3 has bt^n destroyed by conAagratious several timss, yet it prasentd a handsome appsaranoe. Ashton J T ft C>>, saloon and rostaurant B irnheim Henry, saloon Brady M, groceries Brunot L, gen miss Butler H, restaurant Calla^ han D, shoemaker CITY HOTEL, G«orge Morgan propr Cortri^ht Isaac, wheelwright Cummings Jno, shoemaker Davis J, constable DAVIS J N, aaloon and rvataurant 3 H. PALMER & CO.. Frontionan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. R Ik i c « I p 10 o s 2 IL I C 10 O O o o S o CL a z P H 9 O w. w. mnnm 4co. TO.y?,vA.v^gtegyteyvi^ 640 Califomia-^Columbia. ALriUIRIOALLT. EBgT justice of peace KLUfiER H, wholesale dealer ia im porte M C o e 1 C0 o X o •8 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ^r f, I'n^m*. n*tt m>»t Mt . ♦•, California — Columhia-ColiLsa. 641 SEWELL KNAPP, DEALER IN Eroceries. Earlw are, MiDing Sngglies, FEED, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, PATENT MEDICINES. Cigars and Tobacco, etc., Complete Stock always on hand at prices to suit the times. Columbia* Tuolumne Co.« California. Columbia Hill NEVADA COUNTY, Is 14 miles north of Nevada City, has tri-weekly mails and a popuUtioa ot' '200. Baker Mrs Ooo, hotel Sott Mrs Jas, liquora Wilson Jas, liquora Woo«lruff A L, groceries, minors' plies and postmaster sup' Colusa, C0LU8A COUNTV, Is the county seat and a thriving place of 3,000 inhabitants. It is very pleas:>ntly situated and depends on the agricultural interests for aupport. Tlie soil in the vicinity Uving remarkably fertile and productive. Its future growth, though it may lie slow, will be curtain for sov cral yean to come. Disti^nt from San Francisco via Cul. P. stage lino, 132 miles & N. R. R., and ADAIR ft WEST, physicians and druKuists, Fifth ADDINaiON ft GREEN, proprs "Cohisa Sun" ALVERADO JOSEPH V, carriage, house, sign and ornume^itai painting anclpiper hanger ALLElf S H. liquors Banks J M, pnysician Barnett Root, treasurer Bassott F O, jeweler BATHE RICHARD, atty at law, Fifth Belton W H, phys ician BICKHELL THOS, furniture and un- derta king BINK8 ft MAHSO, haii eeaaen. Fifth BOBST J R, watches and jewelry BOEDEFELD JOS, dry goods, olotbi.ig, bootii and shoos, hati and citps BOND A, Stir Saloon, liquor j and oya* ters, Fifth BOirr ""AMES, propr Colusa House BRASH f'lEXiU WH, justice poaco Breadon ,';i^n9, cutlery, stationery, harness and sad- dles BROWN Z W, stoves and tinware Cl)ami)crd & Mitchell, saloan Cheney John, livery stable Cohn k Goili ler, «en mdso COLUSA COUNTY BANK, W F Harriii^tm c:ishior COLUSA HOUSE* •Times B-tnd prnpr COLUSA ICE MANafACIORY, J B Cooke propr CoUisia Stage Co, E A Harriugtan supt, Mary^vifie and Willows "COLUSA SUN." Addington and' Oreen proprj COLUSA WATER WORKS, J B Cooke propr COOKE J B, aupt C li & M Tel Co, {ropr Colusa Water Works and Colusa ce Manufactory CRAIO ft TULL, proprs Natianal Hotel, Main and Sixth, Bowling Al- loy ami Fifth CRANDALL GILES G, insurance DE JARNATT J B county clerk, re- corder auditor and searcher of rec- ords De.rarnatt ft Rich, gen mdse DEUEL J C, atty at law. Fifth Dewey L H, varieties DYAS ftBRIDGFORD, Attys at law. Fifth ENTR BMONT ft BRO, saloon, Fifth ENTREMONT FRANK, restaurant and sil oon. Market and Fifth EUREKA HOTEL. S P French propr. Main Folen & McSherry, restaurant ff> C/> CO 3 3. t Yflk u I it I? il n ■I 92 : ' • H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. i £ CB p s 2 iS 9 o c o E To CO ? c c «1 O O o a z S o < a h w. w. NONT^GUE A co.'*^^^:!^r;t'.'fyffr.'.y!i;!}'^B*,?5:^ff^y 542 Col ifomia — Colusa. ALPHA RKTICALLT. WH, attorney at law, prapr Eureka Hjtel, FRAZIEB Market EBENCflS F M «in FUATH J, gen miiif>rs JONES E W & CO, grain and wool buyers. Fifth and Levee JONES J H, postmaster JONES JH & SON, books, stationery, cigars and tobacco Jorss J F, tailor Kcser L mis, bar icsi and saddles Klewe Henry, Market LARK C E manager W U Tel Co, also C L & M Tel Co La Rosh Frank, photographer LEE FATRICK, saloon, Main LIENING JNO H, notary public and collector Lightner L S, saloon Mulnne A F, dentist MANN F T, bakerv, confectionery, cigars and tobacco, Fifth Martin Rev W H, clergyman, (Chris- tian) McGrath Mra J, millinery and dress- making MoKAIGW W, atty at law Miles W H, i.isuranc3 UILLER & C3. proprs Colusa & Williimi 8tagj Lin3, al.tj B^rthtts & Allen,^ MITCHELL H. hardware, stoves, tin- , ware, cro3*ery, paints aud oils Murdock S R, staamar agt NELI^ON J'F, cirriage, sign and oma- m3nt«l paintar, Miin Nickjldbur^r M & Cj, gen miie 0'Brie:i Daais, boota and sh.>e j, Fifth FADILLA L, hairdresier, Fifth Parker A; Norri?, wat3he3 and jewelry Perdue W H, livery stable Ping W J, constablo FROfiST B, bjot3 and shoes, dealer and manufacturer. Fifth Pryor B A, agt \V, P & Co Puget Sound Lumber Co, R T Polk agent FUTMAN F M. groceries and pr>- viii mi, J aud Fifth ,, ,„, - itice M L, curpjnter Riley Wm bLiok>mith R03INJJN ftBARNETT. druggists. Fifth ROBIN30NLUKE,physi3ian, Fifth R03HE WM, blacksmith and h3rse- ahOwT SALLADT 0, groaerias, varietias, cigars, tobacco, candiei, nuts, oto Seubj B & Co, li juors ■ Sheehan James, painter Smith FZ, denti it Smith Jos3ph, saloDn Spauldiug A P, hlac'csmith • St3ele Jno M, sheritF Stover 8t Atherdjn, druggists SWANK C, blacksmith and wajon- makir Swiaforl E, atty at law Tott jn M B,. >ruas:nit:i WARE G W, g3n m Ue Washbura P L, iamranca WELSH P J, st )ve3, tinwar3, hardware, grooeriss, etc, J and Fifth Wesoott B F, saloon Wesc >tt Henry, town marshal Wharton J F, justice peace and atty at law WHITE G W, house and sign painter Williams Jacob, saloon Wood A, liquors ? s- a o o 3 s X o I Ml IT 9 J TRY DR. CUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. CUSINESS PENMANSHIP '•Trrr«W^r.!i^.*,IJ*«i??:«,^^^^ 'J H I ii « I California — Coluaor-Concord. ALPHABRTIOAI.Lr. 543 Corner of Fifth and Main Streets. Colusa. Jas. Bond, Proprietor, o o CO c *>» a o O o •I T3 <^ a es a a o „:iJ Good Assommodatio ns for Fami li es. Bo ard by Day or Wesk. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS AT THE BAR. STA.GES leave the House Daily. Comptoii) LOS ANQELRS COUNTY. BARBET J L, li R ogt aad manager \V U Tel Co, Dap It Bull is John J, cheese fact'try Harshman J J, chseie factor/ Huun I K, bootmaker Haylock Geo, varieties •lohnson k Engelhardt, gen mdao Lucas Edward, lumher McFarland A, poatmxitor, physician and druegist Newmark Max, gen mdae Proctor A, blacksmith Smith W D, blacksmith Concord, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Vs a postoffice, and located a few miles irom Pacheco. It is a prosperous town, aud depands npon the agncuUural in- tcresta for its support. Population, 700. BACOH ft CO, gen mdje Bacon 8, postmaster Bauman VV, blacksmith Bonto Chas, blacksmith and wagon- maker Brickenridga M X, stoves aud tin- ware Gavon Mrs L, millinery . GoUer Michael, bootmaker <}oodale J M, gen mda3 Hernnndjz J, grocer Jaquith E J, blacksmith and wagon- miker Juley A, bootmaker Klein Philip, hotel Latimer U H, druses and stationery LEWIS FRANaS W, farmsr FiOring Ilcnry, hotel Mahooncy & Bravau, livery stable MAETIHEZ I N. barbar and liquors McFaydeu .f, physician Moreno L F*, hurnessmaker Murphy B .1, operator W U Tel Co NAVAS C, gen mdae NEUSTAEDTER B, gen mdss Pablo Rnis, bar ber PARKER SAMUEL, liiuors Perec K, liiuors REIF CHAS. liquors Shafter Miss Nellie, dressmaker SWAN F S, painter and musician TRASK ALjBERT S, farmer VENEOAS M, liquors Yoakum G H & Co, butcher 1^ ! f a •3 It H \l 'I I ii n OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A Ca, 302 Davis St., S. F. J W. W. MONTAGUE « CO^'-^SX^HSKH^iS'V^^ IL ■ CO c a Z p laiidlllBMI«y«.,t.r. Q. o 544 California — Copperopolia. ALrHABmCALLY. Copperopolis, CALAVERAS COUNTY, la situated in a rich mining di.'trict, whose productions are confined almost exclusively to copper ore, 1 26 miles from San Francisco, via Stockton and Cop peropolis Division of the Central Pacitic Kailroad and the stage line of Messrs. Matteson & Co. from Milton, from which it is distant about 15 miles, The lack of demand for the miaeral resulted in the exodus of its residents, until it became a " mere shadow " of its former self. At an early period it was a bustling town, and its future u as full of bright promise. The population in placed at 125, and the town contain several places of commerce and manu facture. It has a daily mail and ex press. ALLEN J Bi saloon, choicest liquors and cigars always on hand Baker J M, notary public BRMDS CHABLES, general black smith and horseshoeing done on the shortest notice Campbell E W. meat market CASE WM H, drugs, groceries and aet W, F & Co FONTANA ANDREA, dry goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps, gentle- men's furnishing goods, millinery goods, queensware, hardware, nails, mining tools , groceries, liquors, etc FOBD JOHN L, Brick Saloon, choicest liquors and cigars HODOES G Z, propr Union Hotel HONET CALVIN, postmaster HONEY MILTON, drug store, cigars and tobacco, notions, etc KELLY PETER, livery, feed and sale stab le KEYSTONE LODGE, No 161, F and A M MEADER HOUSE, Thomas B Meadcr propr HEADER THOMAS B, propr Mcader House NEELY ISAAC NUTON. saloon, choicest liquors and cigars Turner William, blacksmith and wagon- maker UNION HOTEL, G Z Hodges propr COPPEROPOLIS LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLE, Carriages, Buggies, Saddle Horses, ^ Mountain Turnouts on Most Reasonable Terms. Spe^dty made of Big Troo, 7o Semlts and Cava City Tra7e!. Also a large Stable and Yard for the accommodation of Teamsters. tr AH Telegrams to PETER KELLY, Proprietor, ■'* Will receive prompt attention. m m o m m m o ■ S o :k m r- s 0) o a. 3 O. « O 3 ta e H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac w^^^ S CO 1 1 o e x: B <5 i C0 a o z CO ft o PACrnC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 2?r,.f?!jfJL,«Wr^T',;?!>i!fr California — Copperopolia-CoultervUle. 64^ ALPUABmCAIiLT. COPPEROPOLIS, CALAVERAS COUN TY, CALIFORNIA. This Hotel han been newly furnished nn«I fitted np. It is on the nearest and moat direct route from Stoclcton to the Mammoth Tree Orovo. A Party of Fifty Farzons cia b3 a:393iii3iat3i in a faw hours' notica ^- STAGE OFFICE IN HOTEL. Q. Z. HODGES, Prop'r. ' Copperopolis, Ca!averas County, California. I am prepared to accommodate Pleasure Seekers an d Transient Travelers in First-Class Style. My house being first-class in al! its appointments in fact second to none in the State, apartments can lie secured by telegraphing to THOMAS B. MEADER, Proprietor. Cordelia, SOLANO COUNTY, A small place on the California Pacific Railroad, 40 miles from San Fran'isco, known formerly as Bridgeport. Bihler Henry, butcher's shop and saloon Bridgeport Hotel, Mrs C J Pittman propr Buhnncister ft Siebe, gen mdse Burchurd J L Rev (Methodist) Crowley James, saloon Dunn Mathew, blockmaker Eber L, blacksmith Hnling W H, blacksmith Humphreys J H, postmaster, groceries Leavens Peter, carpenter Mason W W, box factory McConnell Thos, blockmaker Meyers Paul, butcher Norris — , carpenter Richards O C, school teacher Rogers Chas, hotel Siebe Claus, carpenter Siebe John, carpenter Stode C, saloon Turner Jas, shoemaker Uhling Wm, blacksmith Wilson Curtis, stage agt Cal P Depot, andW.FftCosfft 86 Cosumnes, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, A postoffica on the Cosamncs river, miles from Sacramento. 18 Bagwill A D, hotel Burritt R, blacksmith Davoe Albert, hotel Gibbs G F, phvbician Grimshaw W R Sr, atty at law Grimshaw W R Jr, hotel HOWELL S A, gen mdse, flour, grain, hay, Uqjuors and wines, poatmaatar Jones F M, hotal Russell John, blacksmith Swales Wm, blacksmith and wagon- maker I Coulterville, MARIPOSA COUNTY, Is a nunin:^ town of soma imp!)rtanca to the saotion in which it in situated. It is on one of tha roads leading to the grove of big treas. Adams Z T, druggist, physician and sur- geon Aaatiu H O, physioiaa O o CO OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 802 Dtvis St, S. F, I « s p « 1 Z c c 6 o o I- H 9 O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.,«*!:rLr!fo.^Rri.«raSL» 546 California — Coulterville-Dark Canyon. ALPUABniCALItT. Brnschi Francisco, gen mdae Canovia G, gen mdse Cappuro F, bootmaker Castro P, jeweler and gunsmith Debalt Juo, liquori Girard L, tinner Harloe J, blacksmith Harlow U W, blacksmith Hobron Geo ^y, sawmill Hoilon Geo, coastable Jell'rey Geo, hotel Johnson Jane, liqnors Jones Kalph, jeweler Longhnrsc Peter, liquors Marzitmo G, liquors McCarthy Wm, agt W, "" & Co Mehtzcr Jno, livtry stuts in diameter, and itself tributary to Ukiah. Population, £50. Chambers Thos, livery stable Cramer D B, hotel Cunningham J K P, liqnors Montague L D, liqnors Byan Alra, dressmaker and milliner Willis W E, blacksmith and livery stable Cuffey's Cove, MENDOCINO COUNTY, Is 186 miles from San Francisco, reached by coast steamers. Berry Dr J L, hotel Buchanan C J, livery stable Cameron Geo, shoemaker Conway John, gen mdsa Foiishu & Keed, butchers Hoihnan Juo, restaurant Kimball Chas, hotel Kimb:;ll J S, gen mdao Lifoo Chas, barber Lynch Thos, saloon McMannus & Keough Misses, millinery and fancy goods and dressmaking Murriiy IJobert, carpenter BETTER B F, postmaster Buche Jn<>, liquors Koche Thf)8, hotel Smith Peter, blacksmith Danville, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. Close J E, blacksmith and wagonmokcr Cohn M, gen mdse Conwpy .lohn, gen mdse EABY JOBli; wheelwright Hansen Chas, hotel Nelson & Graffan, harness and saddlery TIUKEY PATEICK, liquors TIBBY P T, faimer Dark Canyon, nUMBOLDT COUNTY. STOOBY D M, poalmastcr MCIFI 1 o i^l Cerro Gordo Darwin Wat DiarB, mea Ij'keland C P Lander C I peace O a* o a 0) o a M TV » CD O o 9 Drngwell Thon Swirtzor G, bla ITiompsonS, g postmaster Bai VOI I" a nice little p srtuated in a r growitig distric the California 09 '^«^■^»^ll^ TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauor&Co., ''ZS^kiiJLT GOOD ri Also proprietor | MCIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '^'iX'rSSSli.'i-Z i: 'si hrr.'.iff CO as California — Darwin^Davisville. 547 AbPHAnirrioALiiT. Darwin, INYO COUNTr. Cerro Gordo Freighting Co Darwin Water Works Diar K, meat market Ekeland C P, liquors Lander C H, thilor and justice of the peace I^Cyr Job, liverv stable Morriasey P T, boarding house and liquors O'Brien C F, postmaster Saccocia B, fruit store Davenport, ._■' ,., BANTA CRUZ COUNTT. Dingwell Thomas, hotel and saloon Swirtzor G, blacksmith Thompson S, grocer, W U Tel agt and postmaster Davisville, YOLO COUNTY, Is n nice little place of 500 inhabitant?, situated in a rich fanning and fruit- growing district, at the junction of the California Pacific and the Knight's Landing branch of that road, eight miles from Sacramento. Adams John, livery BROWlr E W, hardware CoUi'is A C & Co, druggists and agt W, F Ac Co COLLINS & CAMERON, blacksmiths and wagoMmakers CBAWFOKD FRED, Eagle Saloon and livery stable OAFFORD J W, propr Gafford House Gardner M^hysician HAMFTOll W H, lumber, doors, sash, blinds and building material Hoag B H, fruits, vegetables, etc Hofl'uian Geo, harness and saddles Mardea W H, postmaster, hotel and meat market Olufe O B & Co, groceries O'NEAL MRS & ZENDER MRS, drd8.tmakcr;i Peters Sc Cu, blacksmiths makers PHILLIBER CHAS L, h&irdreaser PLANT L J, cigars and tobacco llubson Wm, hotel Simpson John, agt C P R R & W U Tel Co TATE ISAAC E, bootmaker WEBER OEO, Yol^ Saloon Wells Edwin, painter WILLIAMS & CO. gen mdse and wagon- F. G. CRAWFORD, Uiniji Feed mi Sale Stable, GOOD TURNOUTS on Reasonable Terms. Careful Drivers furnished when required. Davisville, Yolo County, Cat. Also proprietor EAGLE f/ALOON. Good Liquors, Choice Wines. P\IR£ PORT WINE» Ht MM Pvpom; 302 Dtvis St^ S. F. i i, |«:i e I p I i IE a* s IL c c CO O O o o z S o < 0. E 648 CaZi/omio — Daviaville-Diamond Sprvnga. AliPHAlWIOALliT. GAFFORD HOUSE, CORNER FIRST AND OLIVE STREETS, Davisville, - - Tolo County, Cal. Qt. W. GAFFORD, FROPRIETOB. This hotel is conducted on the European plan and is first-class in all its appoint- ments. Only one block from the Railroad Depot. Davis Creek, MODOO COUNTY. Ja qpe J, blac ksmith MoKENNET ft RAHER, ae^ mdse and postoffice, and agt W, F & Oo Page W, cattle dealer Roberts J, butter barrel maker McKENNEY & RAMER, CA.SH STORE, Dealers in Boots and Sho3s and Clothing. Buyers of Wool, Hides and Grain. Ms Creek, Moiloc Co., Cal. Post Office and Express Office. Decoto, ALAMEDA COUNTT. Dennett C £, contractor and builder Graesslin Wm, liquors PTAlMt A J, postmaster, gen mdse and and^tCPRR Henry Samuel H, atty at law Mathews Patrick, blacksmith Sallivan Dennis, gen mdse Delta, SHASTA COUNTT. Farley ft Cahow, market Pilt Robert, sen mdse Shoemaker M, blacksmith Smith W T, gen mdse, hotel, poitmaiter Denverton. SOLANO COUNTY. NU&SE S E. gen mdse, warehouses, Soatmaster ana agt W U Tel Co livan Daniel, blacksmith ' DeBedwood, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY. Aiken Charles, judge, atty at law Aiken ft Sons, in ' t growers Allen C H, prof State Normal School Burrell J B, fruit growers Chase Josiah, lumber Kea st Re v Wm, fruit raiser KENNEDY ft WEST, hotel Miller A J, judge, fruit raiser Miller & Sons, fruit growers Morrell H E, fruit grower Norton H B, prof State Normal School Sears Rev A L, fruit raiser Slaughter Thomas, fruit grower Smith, Comstock ft Bro. lumber Spalsbury Edgar, atty at law WEST jB F, druggist and postmaster Wright Bros, fruit growers Descanso, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Thirty-seven miles northeast of San Diego. Picken J C, postmaster Diamond Springs, XL DORADO COUNTY, Is located thirty-one mile* from Folsom, has a population of 160 and is supported by mining and agricultural interests. CD M (D er •< "n ■ 60 er Carpenter Milton, blacksmith and wag- onmaker CASEY JNO, blacksmith and wagon- maker COLLYER R A, Mint Restaurant and Saloon Cotton J W, real estate, insurance and notary public "DIXON TRIBUNE," A B Nye propr EATON BROS, groceries Eppinger & Co, gen mdse Evans G H, physician Ferguson WR, gen mdse' ' Frarier P B, boarding house Geiman Fred, bootmaker Giesecke Aug, bootmaker GoefTert Hen.y, harness and saddles Gordon E A, physician Gruenig Geo, oakery and saloon Hall Wm, postmaster HAMILTON J T, bootmaker Hardie J H, saloon Harkinson R, cashier Bank of Dixon HOHMANN V J.hotel Ilgner Mrs W, dressmaker Kasten A J, notary public KERR ROBERT, merchant taUor King's Hotel, Brinkerhoff & King proprs KINOSLEY & HEMPHILL, black, smiths, wagon and carriagemakers KIRBY A, druggist, stationer and jew- eler Kirsch John P, harness and saddles Knox & Kasten, attorneys at law T.TJAITTi ED E, agent Cal Pacific R B, W, F & Co, and W U Tel Co Leigh A H, meat market Little S G, president Bank of Dixon Lukes Bros, fiour mills Lunney C, saloon MARTIN GEO S, wagonmaker Martin J P, constable McBAINW, dry goods McBride E J, drugt;ist and stationer Miller ,Mrs Maria, laundry MISFELDT JACOB, Bank Exchange Saloon NYE A B, propr " Dixon Tribune" OLNEY P F, dentist O'Neill 0, livery stable O'Neill & Rochford, hotel PALACE HOTEL, E F SmaU & Son proprs PLUMB B K. watchmaker and jeweler Powell J H, lumber Pratt A H, physician PRICE J B, groceries, provisions, frait and vegetables rf'HIRMER CHAS, hardware, stoves und tinware SCHNITZLEIN F A, saloon SHAW MRS M B, millinery and fancy goods Shaw S F, bootmaker SHELFORD S R, meat marjcet SIEBER & OBERHOLZER, Dixon Brewery SMALL E F & SON, proprs Palace Hotel Smith H, varieties SMITH W H, hairdresser and baths STENGE MORRIS, merchant tailor Stone Miss M D, millinery Upham F F, dentist Wagner A J, hairdresser W BIHK EDWARD, exchange broker, insurance agent, liquors and cigan WELLS GEO S, attorney at law and notary public WILLOT P R, propr Arcade Hotel m u 3 H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. >nrt rl' I*-"'- WW MONT AfillF A TO •li««t iMSt «■> Mmm •" I- o CO a X < < I ' O 550 CcUifomia — Dixon. ALraAB«nOALI.T. inoi weehiTy Tiiiim, Dixon, Solano, County, California. AlfrvM B. Nye, - - Proprietor. Size 38x24 Inches. Established in 1874. Subscription, - - S3.00 per Year. ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. HAVING A LARGE CIRCULATION In one of the Wealthiest Farming Regions in the State, and being puhlished in a YOUNG AND GROWING TOWN, THE TRIBUNE IS A FIRST-CLASS ADVERTISING MEDIUM, Especially for the Merchants of Sacramento, both wholesale and retail. For dealers in Agricultural Implements, Farmhouse Utensils, Stock, Seed, etc., the TRIBUNE has no superior. E. F. Small. H. F. Small. E. F. SMALL & SONS., Proprietors. Corner First and A Streets, Dixon, California. -o o "I 09 I o a» o 3 Peimanent and Transient Boarders will be dealt with on the most liberal terms. Bar fanushed with Be:t Brands of Wines, Liqnors and Cigars. THE TABLE A SPECIALTY. Sample Roam in connection with the Hotel. » O 3 'O o o 'O f CO -J (A P CO I- TRY MURRAY S MAGIC OIL L.Qlumauer&Co., '£;^rs:;:rsr mmfi PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, —iXnSSSSff.'iiSi^r. CO CO 0*- 9* it II m o Pi & o I California — Donahue-Doiunieville. 551 Ai4PiiARin0Ai.LT. Donahue, SONOMA 'C0UNT7. This place is located oa Petaluma creek, distant 34 miles from San Fran- cisco, and is the terminus of the 8. F. & N. P. R. R., whose cars connect with the steamer James M. Donahue at this place, for San Francisco. The population id about 400. Anderson F, propr Sonoma House Burdick S W, liquors Dougherty's Station, ALAMEDA COCNTT. GBEEN J, postxiaster Dougflas City, TRINITY COUNTY. Ileauefly D, saloon Ticonanl H W, hotel Mason & Thayer, gen mdse Douglas Flat, CALAVERAS COUNTY. Gaf;liardo A, gen mdse Gagliardo M, shoemaker P^BiRT S A, postmaster and gen mdse Valeate F, geu mdse Downey City, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Allen A G H, saloon BANKS J K, agent S P R R, W, F & Go's Express and W U Tel Co, R R Depot Baruch & Loew, grain, groceries and hardware Buster J W, justice of peace and notary public Burke S W, teac'-er Capitani F, bakery and maccaroni man nfacturer CENTRAL HOTEL, J F Rickey pro prietor, Crawford COOPliB W F, blacksmith, wagon- maker, insurance azent and county supervisor, Crawford Cohen T, gen mdse OONDIT W H, atoves, tinware and pumps, Ci-awford Decker Zachariai, barber "DOWNEY CITY COTJEIBR" (week ly), A Waite pub FULLER MRS W B, milliaory and dressmaki ng, Crawford FULLER JOBS, constable and col- lector, Crawford FRANKEL BROS, general merchan- dise and agricultural impl^-menti^ Crawford Gaw M, pastor M £ Church Graney Miss M M, teacher Griffith J M & Co, lumbar, J R Smnrr hISlRIS & TOWNSLEY, black- smiths and wagonmakers. First Holliday J B, blacksmith Hollaway J B, atty at law Jenison & Greening, druggists, dry goods and groceries Jonson Max, carpenter and cabinetmaker Justice Wm, justice of peace KINUAN NATHAN, livery and teed stubLes Larsoa Miss Emma, dressmaker Levy Saml C, gen mdse McDonald B F, teacher McDonald W P, teacher McGarvin Jno, meat market McKeller Miss Josie, teacher ' Meyer E & Co, dry goods, clothiag,boota and shoes MITROVICH J A, geberal raorchan- dis3 and liqunrs, Crawford and Second Moores Wm, M E minister Pollard L C, saloon Rice Mrs M, boarding and lods^ng RICKEY J F, propr Cdutral Hotel, Crawfonl Rives B E, physician Settle M G, M E minister Shortridge C S, harness and saddles Smith Jus, teacher Smith Joshua, shoemaker Smith W C, physician Smith D A, painter Smnrr J R, agt for J M Griffith & Co Skidm( re E U, drayman Tarwater B W, constable WAITE ALONZO, editor and publish- er "DjwnayCity Courior," Crawford WELLS. FARGO & COS EXPRESS. J K Banks atrent, R R D^pot WESTERN UNION TEL CO, J K Banks manager, R U Depot Williams E, atty at law Wolfe T W, postmaster and varieties El Downieville* SIERRA COUNTY. A mining town of 500 inhaitants and the county seat of Sierra county. Reach- ed by stage from Marysville, distaak 67 miles or Nevada City 40 miles. PURE PORT WINE, lUr Medlcliil Fnmoses, 302 Davis St, S.f. . 'film 3!|.l:^ ml m W. W. MONTAGUE « CO., i. II. ml ■Q s i I > C O E n c s to 8 < t o P««pii Ml4 Wtmm l*lM)» 1^1 •!■••, lift, 1 iflL PACIFII 552 California — Dotvnieville-Duncan's Milla. ALruArarioAUiT. Anderson Frank, atty at law Blohm J A, liquors Bosch Ferdinand, brewery Brown & Ward, hardware * Buzinet Louis, liquors Brilliant ft Co, dry ({oods and clothing Byington Lewis, moat market Cohn A ft Co, dry goods and clothing Cowden D U, atty at law Crignon A, liquors '' Davidson 8 B, atty at law Dorrell Wm, harness maker ''DOWmEYIIXE MESSENOEB.' Vaughn ft Downer proprs Escbbuchcr T A, hotel Fish W B, sheriff Farley M, atty at law Garilxkldi Jos, grocer Hartling V, harness and shoemaker Howe A J, superior Judge Ift George, blacksmith Johnson I \V, hairdresser Jones Isaac G, county surveyor Jump Alemby, county physician Kaiser Fritz, liquors Latreiile B, clothing, boots and shoes Lutheif W T, county assessor McDonald Owen, hotel McGuire A J, carpenter and builder McKinsey A J, public administrator and coroner Meany X H, liquors Meroux J M B, grocer Nessler Loreuz, brewery ' Nixson J S, county supt of schools Noland ft Sons, blacksmiths Orear J W, guns and tobacco and sta- tionery Osgood L H, atty at law Purdy H H, jewelry and candies Scamman H, banker Scott Jno, county treasurer Smith S A, atty at law Soward T D, dist atty and atty at law Stackins T M, furniture and upholstery Spaulding, Mowry ft Co, grocers Stewart J U, liquors STBANGE H, county clerk, auditor and recorder Weir ft Mead, livery stable Wiggins J S, liquors RY AN WM, postmaster Drytown, AMADOR COUNTY. A little, and almost deserted mining town, of 400 inhabitants, 40 miles from Sacramento via Latrobe. BABHET E S, supt tiou Works Phoenix Reduc- Burchell H, constable Burlingame M B, hotel and agt Hanul- ton's Stage Line Church M B, justice of peace French C L, constable Gnim Geo, dry goods and clothins Jennings Wm,postm8ster, gen mtue and manager W U Tel Co and W, F ft Co Le Moin Geo W, blacksmith Malson A, constable Mehon Chas, supt Yellow Jacket Mine Norman W A, physician FH(ENIX BEIlUCTION WOBKa E 8 Barney supt Silva Thns. butcher Yellow Jacket Mine, Chas Mehon supt Dublin, ALAMEDA COUNTT. Coughlan P, harness maker Dougherty C M, stock raiser OREEN J, gen mdso and postmaster Marsh Albert, hotel Martin W H, butcher Murphy Ed, hotel Wells T D, blacksmith and wagonmaker Duncan's Mills, SONOMA COUNTY. Beacom Thos, justice of peace Duncan A, flour mills Duncan Sami, postmaster DUNCAN SAMUEL JB, gen mdso Heller Mill, K R Land ft Lumber Co Johnson Jno, boots and shoes Meeker Mill, Meeker Bros Moor F B, blacksmith Mosco w Mill, R It Land ft Lumber Co MUBFHY M L, wa(;onmaker North Coast Stage Line, Allman i Queen proprs OBB JOHN, liquors Queen C, Wells, Fargo ft Co's agent Queen ft Clark, livery stable Rielly Mill, K R Land ft Lumber Co SLOAN CHAS F, hairdresser Streetno Mill, R K Land ft Lumber Co Thompson, Rien ft Co, butchers Tyrone Mill, R R Land ft Lumber Co Vanalsine W D, boarding house Wilson Frank, carpenter WOOD W B, hotel s a s -H ao m ?i o n M O m • PI i 3 o o 3 o 5* s BUI W. B. Thiafavori Good Hun DUNCA] and is the c 9 s e I- z a o X d BanderT J, cl Clark Jonas, Earn Wm, g, ft Co and t Goodwin Wr Gray G W, d] postmaster Gray J B, liq Lewis ft Finle Lewis Geo B, Mitchell ft ' wagonmuke Watson G W, Wilkinson B Du PL. Is a place of on account of being remark; fast approach becauHc of th( demands mad tion is about the vicinity It is ou the miles from 8a ANDEBSL. Barrett C A, Boek Herman Brannan H Brinkmann BBOWN^ Cedar Cr eek CENTBAL propr CLAYLOL — Knight I Cohnft^,, H. WACHHORST. importer of J[^^^£:;..m .315JSt.,Sac. H. PALI PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ^•^ STrJSXtfSS •tMct. MhM«MM a in S I e 1 1 u e in I s o X €0 6 (7a^/ornia — Dunrcm'a Mill-Dutch Flat. Ai.rHABmoAi.Lr, 653 fl» EUSSIAN EIVEK HOTEL DUNCAN'S MILL, CALIFORNIA. W. B, Wood, - - - Proprietor. This favorite Summer Resort open the year round. House oewly fur- nished and kept iu lirst-class style. Good Hunting and Fis hing. Fine Bathin g and Boating Facilities. DUNCAN'S MILL is the terminus of ths N. P. C. B. B. (narrow gauge) and is the connecting point for Stages to all points on the Northern Coast. Dunnigan, YOLO COUNTT. BanderT J, clergyman (United Brethren) Clark Jonaui, physician Eurll Wm, i;eu mdae, agt Wells, Fargo & Co and Col P It K Goodwin Wm, butcher Gray G W, drugs, varieties and deputy postmaster Gray J B, liquors Lewis k Finley, gen nulso Lewis Geo B, liotol and livery stable Mitchell & Yarrick, blacksmiths and wagonmakers WataunG W, tinsmith WUkiiison B D, opr W U Tel Co Dutch Flat, PLACER COUNTY, Is a place of some historical importance, on account of ita mines a( an early period being remarkable productive, which ore fast approaching un exhausted condition because of the continued and extensive demands made upon them. Its popula tion is about 1,5U0, and the sceuery in the vicinity is picturesi^ue and gnind It is ou tlitt Central Paciho It. K., (iti miles from Sacramento. ANDERSEN HANS, saloon Barrett U A, varieties, news and tailor Boek Herman, saloon Brannan U C, photographer Brinkmaiin & Jameson, barbers BROWN ADAH, varieties Cedar Creek Mining Co, F M Chadman CENTRAL MARKET, c M Kopp propr CLAY LODGE, No. lOl, A F & A M, — Knight secretary Cohn & Co, gen mdn Colgrovc & King, livery Davis A, saloon DEPOT SALOON. J R Faller propr DISQUE H, agent C P R U and insor- anuo DUf'FEY E> telegraph operator "DUTCH FLAT FORUM," W G Rac som propr DUTCH i!*LAT HOTEL, E Mallows Sropr il Eshbach D M, dentist and watchmaker FALLER J R, suloou at depot and car- riage painter Gold Run Ditch & Mining Co, J L Gould supt Halscy Geo II, blacksmith Hay ward Mining Co, J Spaulding supt Ueppard Rich, painter Higgius S, Saloon UiUhouso W H, stoves, tinware and hardware HOOS F C, saloon Ilous J F, shoemaker Hudepohl H It, dry goods Jameson James, justice of peace Jones J T, druggist King £ li, pastor M E Church KOPP C M. pri>pr Placer Hotel LANDMANN J C, watchmaker HffMCTiTl S, gen mdse MALLOWS £, propr Dutch Flat Ho- tel Martin W, physician McClure E L, banker, agent Wells, Fargo & Co, manager W U Tel Co and insurance agent McINTOSH JAS, saloon M£y£R JOHN, constable and eolleo- tor NEFF & CO, g6n mdse and agents Cal Powder Works Nelson J W, restaurant NichoUs W & P, bankers and insoranoe agents Perry A, gun and locksmith Peters John, notary public H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. i! ii Ik ■ CO i I > c e E W. W. MONTAGUE A CO. *»«» ?yiiga7.yg,g!ys^j'» 654 California— IhLtdk Flat AkniARinOAbbT. Pitts U. saloon HOTEL, C M Kopp propr PIQWSIT J El attorney ut law and notary publio RablinJonn, saloon Bnnokel J H, groceries S mart D £, postmaster and varieties SQUIEBj), bootmaker BT CLAR L P, meat market 8tokeman Henry, tailor SiiUivan J H, blaeksmith Swenson k Chadwiok, grooeries TOWLE BROB ft 00, lumber UNION MARKET, L P St Clair propr Vineyard L, attorney at law Wales F W, pastor Weeks C S, saloon Wilson M W, physician Wren £ C, county surveyor c ■ o o < Q. f IE DUfCl FUT FOEm AN INDEPE!«DENT NEWSPAPER, SeCiB iVifilY THIIiRSI^AY. AT DUTCH TLAT, W. G. fiANSOM, PROPRIETOR. This Paper has the Lnr^rest Circulation of any Paper in Placer County. Therefore, making it the beat medium fur Advertising. If QD e g o A» o o f o 3 D. mCKS. P. 0. Box 2031. D. HICKS & CO., N. A. JUDD. Mo. MS m^MW SlBllf » SAN FRAXCISCO, CALIFORNIA. a? -1 O s (0 r o TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. The Yard is Iocj PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •»'.;.%rpJ!MT;.%£;.» I California — Dutch Flat. ALrHABinOAbbr. 656 •ll I \ U) c a i> J a C8 K » a (8 HEADQUARTERS AND OFFICE AT DUTCH FLAT, PLACER COUNTY. 1IA!«1;FAVTURBB» of ATVD I>B.lLBRii IX SUGAR PINE, YELLOW PINE. SPRUCE AND FIR. 3^ Mouldings and Building Lumber, s 3 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. lAyiMN ffll} TIBER A SPECIALTY XnE COMPANY MAMUFACTTCBBS Joist, Scantling, Flooring^, Sustic, Ceiling, Laths, Pickets, Shingles, Shakes, Etc. Tho Yard is located on tiie C. P. R. R., near Alta, in Placer County, and connecting with tiie Mills by tlie narrow-gnuge railroad, atfurdd the best facilities fur rapid transportation. Orders for any quantity and every Character of Mountain Lumber promptly filled. An experience of twenty years has given the firm a thorough knowledge of tho busino&s, and the wants E i/i E o C0 t « o M e e 00 c (0 V e C0 o z o Kohler F, laundry, 1070 Fourteenth ave Lamb Jas, tiah market, 852 Fourteenth Larue L B, coiiimiasion lumber dealer, Eait Twelfth and Thirteenth ave LEBER & CALVERT, fruit and pro- duce, 55J East Twelfth Liebel Jacob, liquors, 780 aud 782 East Twelfth Liese Henry, butcher, 765 East Twelfth Loud H A, barber, 621 Eaat Twelfth Manefeld G, liquors, 1055 Thirteenth ave Martin — , dressmaker, 555 Eaat Twelfth Mason W C & Co, grocers, 301 East Twelfth MuthewB E 6, real estate, 628 East Twelfch May A W, livery stable, wood and coal, SE cor Eleventh and Twelfth ave Mayer Adulph, furniture, 619 East Twelfth McGrawP H, blacksmith, 1056, 1058 and lOCOThirtucnth ave McWortny F J, sheep butcher. East Twelfth foot Twentieth ave Melvil & Co, druggists, Sixth ave and East Twelfth Nedderman Bernard, bootmaker, 705 East Twelfth NORTHET ft WAOAR, Brooklym Carriage Manufactury, East Twelfth and Sixteenth ave Nuson L M, nur8«ryman, 151 East Twelfth Oakland, Brooklyn and Fruit Vale B B Co, 1064 Sixth ave O'Keefo Dtn, boots and shoes, East Twelfth and Twelfth ave Pacific Jute Mill, B F Rector supt, Third ave bet P'Jiat Eleventh and Tenth Parsons L W, grooer, 614 East Twelfth Purrington Joseph, hpv, grain and feed, Scnny ft Brown, gen mdso Diggles J A, druggist Klmoro & Moxluy, butchers Frantz ft Wallis, cxbinetmakera Geniiy Henry, saloon Hyde D H, barber Hydo D H, shoemaker Kepplar Chas, flour mill Kirat ft Birnbaum, brewers Messncr J, hotel Nutting C VV, physician Ritz John, livery SINGLE J M, postmaster Smith .) M, cabinetmaker Smith N, hotel Sullivan H \V, livery Swan A, forwarding merchant Young E, butcher H. PALMER A CO.. Frontkinan Wino, 302 Davit SWS, F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.. 7lT^/ff2Jffir«i»"S^'SK!fe*\*V*? d ID s e i I > o E « CO i c c fO O a o o I- 9 Q 560 California — Eureka. AiiPiiABanoibiiT. Eureka, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, la aitaated on Humboldt Bay, 230 milea north of San Francisco, and only aecond to that city aa a seaport in California. Eureka haa a population of about 4,000, chiefly dependent upon the timber and atock interesta of the county for aup port. The city ia one of the moat ex penaively and taatefully laid-out on the coaat. Many handaome businesa blocks and public bulidinga adorn her thorough fares. The streets are rectangular and kept in good condition; while the facilitiea for numerous vessels "along the wharves" are quite adequate. Eu reka ia lighted with gaa, and poscases many of the uaeful institutiona of a me- tropolis ; including churches, achools, a free library, two daily and three week- ly uewapapera ably conducted, and hotel accommodations that would do credit to many larger cities. The Vance House is a stately three-story buildiii.?, with a towering observatory from which may be had an extenaive view of the aur- rounding country. It is situated on the corner of Second and Gr streets. The hotel ia run on atrictly first-claas princi- ples. Its rooms are all elegantly fur- nished, supplied with running water and gas, and heated by steam, — a novel feat- ure and a good one. The Bay Hotel and Finson House (temperance) on E street, and the Lick and Revere Houses on First street, are alao comfortable hotel a and receive a fair ahare of patronage. Com munication is kept up all the year round between Eureka and San Francisco by the faat aailinsr, ataunch and comfort- able steamer ''Humboldt," built for and apecially adapted to thia route. She ia ably' commanded by Captain Paton, and both ateamship and master command the confidence of the public. The Hum boldi County Bank has a capital of $200,000, with which it does an import ant business. Real estate in this county has been well nurtured by investors and is in a healthy condition; although there ia aome valuable city and country prop erty for sale. Meaara. Watson and Ran dall, the real estate agenta here, will cheerfully ana wer any communicationa on the subject by mail or otherwiae. The advanti^ea of her climate bring Hum boldt county into prominence aa an agri cnltaral and dairying country. Never haa drought interfered with the pro8' pecta of farmera here; in fact it ia nO' ticeable that when other parta of the State ara aufforing from extremely dry years, thia favored locality yielda larger cropa than uaual. St. Joaeph'a Inati- tute and the Humboldt Seminary offer the beat educational advantagea to thoae who contemplate making Humboldt their home. The seminary was founded in 1873 and ia in a nourishing condition. St. Joseph's Institute is under the, su- perintendence of the Siatera of Mercy, who have had a life-long experience m the training of youth. Their primary object ia to iuatiU into the minds of young giria a noble and laiidable emula- tion to form their hearts to virtue and to tit them to be future ornaments of society. The school waa founded in 1871. It is situated in the centre of the city on an eminence which commands a full view of the bay and surrounding coun- try. Tne place is remarkably healthy, and the grounds well laid out. Parents desiring the comforts of a home for deli- cate children, would do well to avail themaelvea of the auperior advantages offered here, minute attention being ren- dered to any requiring care of weakly constitutions. Ihe course of studies is the English language, but there is every facility for acquiring the knowledge of French and others. Lessons in vocal and instrumental music, drawing and painting in all its styles and branches, are taught by very competent members. A library of carefully selected works, adapted to the age and capacity of the pupila, insures excellent reading matter for spare hours, thus rendering even re- laxation conducive to mental culture. Plain and useful needlework are consid- ered indispensable ; but, at each one's selection, pupila may take lessons in all kinds of fancy work, including hair and wax flowers, and any other. The scho- lastic year is of two sessions: from the first of August to Christmas, and from the first of January to Jane, exclusive. The course of instruction, which em- braces the elementary ai well aa the higher departments of education, com- E' rises all the branches taught in the est academies for young ladies. The sawmills of Eureka are of an aggregate capacity of 280,000 feet of lumber daily, though not at present working to their utmost. Until recently the shipments of lumber from Humboldt have averaged 70,000,000 feet per year; but from vari- ous cauaea thia important induatry haa diminished, only to resume its former atanding when the state of society in Cal'fornia ia more reassuring. In no Eart of the State is the anapension of uilding in San Francisco more keenly I CD a i E o d IA PACIFI felt than i debted to t for the gen Ance ana ui the canvai Messrs. ^^ Times," an the "West < thanks for f (O ^ sr (n O o i J3 -4» B O •S a ■■1* ir o 0} a c CD o ^ T5 a to ^ « gp M O V) o CD (A o £ *» o ^^ *< ■g 3 5 ^^ M SS yp « . 09 e a. C9 S3 o w •9 H. WACHHORST. importer of j.%&,!%S:";«., 315 J St, Saa Allen D B, and Four! ARCHER ainith, E I AXE FRI ii «nd H ATRES V "Standard 3ailey Mrs J F and G Baird Thos, street wha Baldwin & makers, coi Barn:inl J K, BARMAN I disi!, c >r .Se BARirUM ( BAY HOTE etors, cor !• BELL FRE siir.incj ago missioner o Beiwlixoa H BIGELOW maker and Fonrtli Boot's .r tan BONSTEIL luitsic, piet BOSSONa iSiicoiid iinii Bradford W and F BRETT W] Urodirick Mr Fifth an.l l| Bruinli.;l(l \V I'nnvii Cliriai BROWN Tl t'x-offioio t;i Buck S M. jit BUHNER agricnltiiral and F Buhne U If I County BnJ EAOLE RJ^ californI ^ Frc Itf o X a o ■ o ■ < California — Eureka. ALPIIARRTirALtV. 561 felt than in this county. We are in- debted to the good people of Humboldt for the cenerous tender of their assist^ nnoe ana uniform kindness to us during the canvass ; and especially to the Messrs. Wyman of the " Humboldt Times," and to D. E. Gordon, Esq., of the •'West Coast Signal," do we return thanks for favors received. Allen D B, cabinet maker, E bet Third and Fourth ARCHER J A, machinist and gun smith, E bet Third and Fourth /^TTR FRED, postmaster, Second bat (J «nd H ATRES WM, publisher Democratic "Standard," Fir^t bet E and F 3ailey Mrs M, varieties, Second between F an.l ilr Buird Thos, agt Humboldt S S Co, F street wharf Baldwin & Mercer, saddle and harness makers, cor D and Second Barnard .t K, surveyor of logs, Ot Second BARMAN HENRY, general mercluiu dist!, c 'r iSeuond and F BARNUM G N, liquors, F BAY HOTEL, I>aby & Knott propri otors, cor K and Third BELL FRED W, real estate and in- surcincj agent, notary public and com- missioner of deeds, \ll Second Bendixon H D, ship builder, Kairhivcn BIGELOW C E, 1)liu-!-3uiitli, plo.v maker and farriui-s, E bet Tliird and Fourth Boot s '^, tannery, cor Tiiird and L B0NST13LL W T, books, st iti mcry, njiisi(% nicturo^ and franii-is, I "20 Third B0S30Na HENRY G, bakery, bet Secoml and Third Bradford W H, feed stable, cor First and F BRETT WM, liqiior-i, 132 Firit Briidfrick Mrj S J, druasmaker, corner riftU and V Bnimlield \V II, atty at law. Second Brown Christ, saloon, cor First and E BROWN THOMAS McG, sh^iid" i^'ul ex-ofiicio t;ix collector Buck S M, atty at law, 170 Second BUHNER H & CO, hardware a-id agricidtural implements. First bet E and F Buhne H TI, vice-president Humboldt County Bank EAGLE RESTAURANT, Lettnuich & M.izan. First bet E and F CALIFORNIA INSURANCE CO, Fred W Bell agent, ".t4 Second CALIFORNIA WINE ROOMS, Jas Montgomery, cor Third and E Carr J, livery stable, cor D and Third Casterlin J B, county supt of schools CHAMBERLIN J D H, atty at law, H bot Second and Third Chops Alex Jr, horaeshoer, cor D and Tuird Chope A ft Son, carriage makers and hlHcksmiths, Second CHRI3TEN39N C, cigars, tobacco, fruits and civndie?, 125 Second CITY LAUNDRY. F A Weaver, Second bet 1> and E CITY OYSTER SALOON AND RES- TAURANT ,'Tno Fischer propr, Ebet Second and Third Clark .Tonatlian Dr, real est'^te CLOSE & MERCER, carpenters and builders cor First and li opp Vance's Mill Cooi)er Salomon, rcc U S land offioa, car F and Third COONAN J F, agt W U Tel Co, Vance Hous) CDLLINS CHARLES, liquors, E bet First and Second CRYSTAL PALACE, Cccorgo Horn )>ropr, F bet Second and Third Cnrlcy .las, liquo s, cor Fir.: a' A o 9* m H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wino, 302 Davis St., S, F. mi !i»l Si iff i ;■! I i c S WW mnNTAfillF A rn Stoir«>naii HANNA & STECK, attys at law Sec- ond opp Court House HARPER JAMES, Humboldt Brew- ery, Filth and A HAVNESJOHNP, superior judge Henderson J W, pres Humboldt County Bank Hermence Peter, painter, First Herrick K F, county surveyor HETHERINGTON & CHELST- RAND, merchant tailors, F and Sec- oii d TTTT.HE'R CHARLES, cabinetmaker, 'ornamental ami elk liorn finisher, F bet Third and Fourth Hopkins ,t P, carpenter. Third HORN GI^RGE, watches and jewelry, crockery and silverware, F bet Second and Third Huk & Co, brevory Halt J, painter, E bet Third and Fourth HUMBOLDT BREWERT, Jamea Hai-per, Fifth and A HUMlJOLDT COUNTT BANK, J W Henderson pres, H H Buhne vice-pres, W M Huntoon cashier; E bet Second and Tliird Hurlbutt L S, propr stage lino HUMBOLDT SEMINART, H D La- throp D D priucipal, K and Fifth HUMilOLDT SODA WORKS, A Mon- roe & Son proprs, 104 Second HUMBOLDT STEAMSHIP CO, W j. Sweasey & Son general agents. Second and a "HUMBOLDT TIMES," (daily and weekly) J E ^V yman & Son proprs, Fourtn and F Huntoon W M, cashier Humboldt Coun- ty Bank IDMAN JERRY, Palace Saloon.Vance block, 1:^7 i^econd Jacobdoii B, boots and shoes. Second and G Janssen E & Co, gen mdse, First Johnston W H, stoves, tinware and hardware. Third and E Jones L> It & Co, sawmills, office H JONES WARREN, candy factory. cigai s and tobacco and billiards, F bet Second and Third Kelsey D B, boarding. Third and I Kemp k Hunter, meat market. Third and F KENDALL & ACHESON. Humboldt Liveiy and l"'eed SCabit;, Second and D KIMBALL GEORGE H & CO. gro- ceries and provisions, t and Tlitrd KIMBALL JOHN H, justice of the peace, Ititi CJecoud KINGSTON HENRT, commission, produce and storage, D st wliurf Kinsuy L T, county treasurer Knight Ceo A, atty at law, (} Knight Ci A Mrs, teacher of piano Lauigan T J, foundry, Firat bet D amlE Lathrop H D, D D, principal Humboldt Seminary LETTU1«ICH & MAZAN, Eagle Res tuiirant, t*iist bet E and t' Leventhal A, gen auctioneer and com- miss.on merchant, 12i) ^:ejond LEWITT F A, physician and dentist, 170 Mecond « LICK HOUSE, I> Murphy, First and V LIVINGSTON & CO, li'iuors, (Our Sa- loon), I) and First Luswenlhal Jacob, clothing &c, 112 and 114 Second Loheide & Sanders, clothing, cigars and tobacco, F b jt Second and Third Luther Chr, meat market, E bet Third and Fourth Q> CO e z e e (A a: CD O B M lat'ksnnth, F OUR CORNER SALOON, Livingston & Co, cor D and First PALACE UVERY STABLES, T F Ricks & Co ^prs, cor F and Fourth PARKER B M • groceries, cor E and Third PETERSON F, merchant tailor, F bet Second and Third FH(ENIX AND HOME INS CO. Fred VV Bell agt, 94 Second FIERCE WALTER, undertaker and agt Petaluma Marble Works, 160 Second PORTER MRS R dress and cloak maker, cor D and Second Pratt W H, furniture and bedding, cor F and Second Purser S, librarian Free Library, cor Third and F QUOSIG H, watchmaker and jeweler, Vance block, Second Rcilinger Henry, tobacco and cigars and furnishing goods, cor Firr' and F RENFRO D K, liuuora, Bay Hotel REVERE HOUSE, Peter McGeorge propr, lOG First Rev-oy John, groceries. First bet E and F RICHARDSON C W, hairdrcsaur and baths, Bay Hotel Richardson Chas, molding mill, foot of Third RICKS T F & CO, Palace Livery Stables, cor F and Fourth Robertson G, marble works. Third bet Hand I Roberta C ^, register U S land office, cor F and Third Rohner & Ellcry, groceries, cor Second and(i Ross Charles L, mining, 115 Second liottcrmund H H Jr, blacksmith and wagonmaker, E bet Third and Fourth Rouse O T, soda water manuf. Second ROWELL W H, Finaon Houae, cor Fourtii and E ROWE & HOLMEB, blackamiths, horaushoers and cari'iagc buildera, cor I) and Second RUSCOE & LUNDBLADE, manufa and (lealera in furniture and budding. Second RUSS JOSEPH, sawmill owner and butcher, olKce 1 17 Second Ryan M iss J, millinery and dress goods, 118 Third ST JOSEPH'S INSTITUTE, cou- ducted by the Sisters of Mercy, block F and G Seventh and liijjhth, (see description) SAWTELL A L, liquors, cor Second and D Schenck August, physician. Second Scott D C, justice of peace Shaw George H, county assessor Simpson George, harnessmaker, 90 Sec- ond Smiley J C, pniiiter, F Snider Mrs V A, dressmaker. Third Snow t Co, gen mdse, cor Second and E m ?3 ' y I* it i? <* B!r,.' i m OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. ii s t o CL 2 S a> o mmtm V o o to o CO •o 0> cd CO DC w. w. MONTAGUE & CO.. y.T'7."«r;!.!.T»r'&%tyr'v"ar;;.v.vvr >- 5G4 California — £turelea. AI.PII«lll(TIO.«I.I.V. Spenoer M, phyaician, F bet Second and Third Sprague Lliss A, teacher Humboldt Sem- inary Spring H, public administrator and coroner Stoffi)rd C G, atiy at law, Vance block STECK JAMES F, (Hanna & Steck), attorneys ut law, Second, opp Court House Steck .T F. atty at law iSTEWABT E J. figars and tobacco and news agt, 1 13 Second STEWART JOSEPH P, hnirdresser and wigmaker, F SWEASEY W J & SON, gen mdso and gen ai;ent stoamjr "Humboldt," cor Second and G TAYLOR DAN S B, gon mdsc, guns and ammunition, Second liat E Gordon publisher, cor Secoiul and E WILSON EW, district attornny and iittorriuy at law, Kimball's bluck Wood G. wood and feed, H WYMANJE.& SON.proprs "Hum- Iwhlt 'i inies" and insurance agts, cor Fourth and F Yuill James, city cxprass. Second and E THE r ^E steam Printitig Estahlishinetit, EUREKA, HUMBOLDT CO., - - - CALIFORNIA, J. E. WYMAN cfe SON, Proprietors. THE DAILY @ WEEKLY TIMES, CITY AND COUNTY OPFICIAL PAPERS. Have a larger circulation than any paper in Nf)rthcrn California, andofFer buperior inducemuiiti toudvcrtiserii. THE ONLY PAPER IN HUMBOLDT COUNTY That receives regular Press Dispatches from the California Associated Press, AN EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE Connected with the Times Establishment, where superior work ia turned out at iSan Francidco Prices. Liberal Allowance made to steady advertisers. O C -• H 2 O ■0 > o i o o D) 3 3 o Q. 0) 3 o 3 < o (0 o S D 3 Cf) <■ CD ■ H. PALMtrt & CO., Port Wine $^50 per gal.. ^^^V^H;::^' PACIFI W Corner S( «| DAVID E. I T cr 2 C9 J, o < ft Ui z o V) «« >■ Is piil)Iis OnP Y<-ar. h Wx MonthH, IVr \Vv«k, Is **ix MOMtbN. Thr«?e •• Boo/c a l^i (0 CO! The Palace Sta| Tliey are |)ii have iJ P'irticu/ar Atte\ All Fui EUREKA, Hul ITWACHHI PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. rrhr?£i?sa?v:if «S!W. Califomin — Eureka. ALrilABBTICAtLV. 565 1' FASHION LIVERY STABLES, Corner Sesoni am H St3., (naar Vano) Hou33,) EUBEZA, H. B. H. Ml. DEVOY, Proprietor. FINE CARRIAGE TEAMS ANU SAFE SADDLE ANIMALS A (Sl*ECIAt.TY. a ii I •z e 3 9 (A 2 J. a. (0 z o (0 •9 >- (0 n-2xcellent accommodations for transient custom, and all at Reduced Rates. West ^®ail PuhlisMng and Printing House. DAVID E. GORDO)!, - ■ FOUMJER AND EDITOR THE DAILY SIGNAL Is pul)Iishctl every Evening (Sunday Kxcepted) at the following Rates: Ono V>-ar. by Mall. In advanr« sn^OO Mix MonthM, «<»0 Tiir«»«' " " " " 150 IVr Week, by Carrier Jt^ THE WEEKLY SIGNAL Is published every WEDNESDAY, at the following Rates: Por Vonr, in advance 99 SO Mix MOMthH, > 1 «» Three " '^ 1 «0 Booh and Job Printing at Lotv Hates, Address DAVID E. GORDON, Publishsr. THE PALACE mt if iif t i ',35 CORNER OF FOURTH AND F STREETS. The Palace Stables are the largest and nio>t complete of any north of San Francisco. They are ))rovided with first-class double and single lurno.its, and the horses have been carefully selected with a view to style and gentleness. Particular Attention paid to Transient Stock. Horses Boarded by the oay or week. All Furnished at the Most Reasonable Rates. EUREKA, Humboldt Co., Cat. T. F. RICKS A CO.. Prop*rs. c/» c/> CO -*► s* ?! t is S3 H. WACHHORST calls attention "^/^l^^rvlVwiS^" 315 J St. Pf p'ii p ' 1itj"'Si»ii Mi >• o < < s CO o u Ul CO co 5 o U h < X I- o III a w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., ''V;;ss'yi»'gffrr»yiig,?t?s^ig!!^^.'g: 666 California — Eureka. ALrllABimCAHiV. (A TKMPBRANOK HOUSE.) E Street, bet, 3rd and 4th, Eureka, Humboldt Bay, Cat. W. H, BOWPLL, Proprietor. BUSIN NEW FURNITURE & GOOD FAMILY ACCOMMODATIONS. Centrally Located, Roomy, Well Kept and Quiet. SINGLE MEALS, : TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. A. W. RANDALL. JNO. A. WATSON. WATSON & BANDALL, Real Estate, Eusinos iln iira&cel|e&c]f Loans Negotiatsi, Titles Ssarchsd, Colle:ting and Conveyancing. Humboldt Co., Cai. Office, No. 1 1 1 Second St., Eureka, THE VANCE HOUSE Corner of Second and G Sts., EUREKA, CAL. BwmmTmn wimmw^^^Ami PRICES VERY REASONABLE, if. ~ y •;" t SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TRAVELING MEN. TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. o CO »< 00 o o o CO Ul c/> o CD M O p r O O C Will make Jackso Sailini Is a new! W.I H. PALMI BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '•'\visii'rAr.'«?.*;«%v/;«:.'S»rCT: California,'-' Eureka. 5«7 alpiiahrtioai.it. iFOie. Eureka, Imliolll Ba; \ Creicsnt Ciiy CALiIFORNIA. lO i Tlie .^ 1 Stea33a.sla.lp % « e ai e Harlware, Mdiioines. Wines and Liquors, lints, Caps, Boots, Shocii and Rubbers, B£ADV.3IADE CLOTIIl!VG, «r. Customers will find our stock con pirto, com- I>riionds on tho inturcstsof ngriculturu and iruit g.owiiig for its support. A post- otlicn was estublishod Fuuruary, i8bO. Blnck A \V, hotel BUCKLE A J, district attorney and attorney at law Chnniburl lin F \V, county usaessor Coiihlon () 1{, attorney DOBBINS A J, attorney at law and no- tary pnblic Donnelly James, wagonmaker Fiindlam J no, sheriff Ferguso n K F , salocn FITCH WM W, county surveyor Fontana & Solari, groceiios (lootlwiii H IT, blacksmith HAEVEY JOBL A, county clrrk HOOPER T P, propr Fairfield Hotel and podtmimtcr Iloyt \V K, c'lunty treasurer JOYCE THOS. propr Fairduld IIouso Liimont (ic(> A, attorney Jjcinon J B, wool buyer 'i McDonaM .Ino, hotel MuKenua Jnsuph, attorney at law 8utphun A W, county supt \V( unnann F 1*, county recorder WENDELL & KELIEY. attorneys Yost E K, livery stable FAIRFIELD HOTEL, - FAIRFIELD, Solano Co., Oal. THOMAS P. HOOPER, - - PROPRIETOR. Thi3, a First-class Establishment, situated' but u few stops from the Court House, u especially adapted for Transient Guests ; and persons visiting TMi eoyNTY SiAT ,n. "Will find this a most desirable place to gat their Meals. o > V T -rcM'T-i'^-Jv* tf..i 80 (A n X" CD O 7 o CO o 3. 5* a O 3 a o a BUSiMESS PE FaUI BAN DIEOO Sixty miles northeast fy CV, „pi„ri,t t,>x Chas, apiarist Kichio U V, postmasb False ( nUMDOLDT ( W I Is ft way station 5 mil, pleasantly t.tuated on '^ Sweet A, postmaster Farmers TUI.AKB CO! Farming ^? ?n the Stockton an diVHion of tho C p B'-uthoast of jStockton,' t it H surroundwl by an . t!>o . and tho soil^ifeu "vcly and with profit. h'","*" ^l^'iry, sJoon 8lioc«, groceiios, etc an l-inmerdon C VV iZl and W, F S Co '.ai^lKierlieo, moatmnrkc ^'^m^cr Chos. bootmaku Witham O, blacksmifh Felton H. WACHHORST. importer of jr«^'j&^';$[;lL;"ad.. 315JSt.,Sac SANTA CUUZ COl woods, a few miles from S; county seat, with whic: c « i'ad by the uarrow-gu I'opulation 200. * BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"^%aii'r'«r.^;i,;s%'«ri«:;s.?CT: California — Fall Brooh-Femdale. SCO Ai.riiAMirricAi.i.v. Fall Brook, BAN DIEOO COUNTY, Sixty milos northoaat of San Diego. Ely C r, npinrilt . . , Fox Chun, apinrisit Ilicbio C V, poHtmastor and guu mdsu False Cape, nUMDOLDT COUNTY, In n wny station 5 milrs from Fcrndalo, pleasantly bttuutcd on the ocuaii bjacli. Swcot A, postmaster , . Farmersville, TULAUE COUNTY. BRTJNDAOE T J, gon mdso and post mnstur Comfort IT h, l)lnckamitli Fleming J If, saloon Farmington, BAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, Is on the Stockton ajul Copperopnlis division of the C. P. K. It., lU milos southeast of Stockton, the u miity seat. It \i surronndetl l>y an u^rriculturul dis trict, and the soil it cultivated exten- sively and with prt)tit. Cbosc Miss Uuttie, school teacher C'lus^teu lienry, s.duon Dyke & Co, dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, groceiijs, etc, and postmaster Emmerdon C VV, Idaeksmith Frjit U C. agi.ib S & C 11 R, tal opr, and W, F H Co Gan.iiuer lieo, muat market , I Lijgiujor Chos, bootm.kkur Littiiigcr Chas, shuemukir I'uol & Tbunnand, suloon UussoU C C, propr Uusasll House Van Vlcur U F, buraes^moker and sad dler I Witham 0, blacksmith Felton, SANTA CUUZ COUNTY. A small place situated in the red Bows Niit, constable California Beet Sugor Co Chase, Daken h Young, moat market CreiKhill A, blueksmith Creiner Tho-i, hotel Cummini{sChaa, lumber Do Wolf 8, liiinors Ftirnaworth J as W, express wagon Clefun H, blacksmith Hayes I N, hotel , .. , Hiltburd C W, e >oper Hubbird T B, lumber Kent I) l<. gen ukUj and postmaster Lull M 8, Milroad contractor McKlroy J H, attorney nt law Uountrco A L, hotel and justice of the pjace Saulsbury .1, bootmaker • «S|)r.tguo .1 M, blacksmith Sprague \t W, livery and feed stable Tilb.it W H & Co, Eagle Fuse Factory Winter C H, gea mdsu Iwoods, a few miles from Santa Cruz, the Icounty seat, with whici^ cnmmunication lis had by the uarrow-guuge railroad. Pupulatiua 200. Ferndale, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Is twenty miles south of Eurek.t, situ- &iM\ ill miiUt of the finest Beeti>in of of the county from an agrieultur.d jM>int of view. A line of steamers is being establidhod via Port Konyoii, on the I'kil river, which will take pr.xlneo from thii valley t^ San Francisco direct, aild- i.ij,' materi.kily to the value «>f agri- cultural and dairy interests. P'eradale ranks s.-cond to Eureka in importance i:i the county. Population 1,0 JO. Avery presentable weekly newspaper — 'The EuterprisL-," is published here. Alford Bros, agti W, F & Co Alfonl F .A, pliysiciau and dentist ALFORD \IV B, ilrugs, bouk,^ stationery and ei'.;ar8 RARBIGER ALEXAHOER, Mil- waukee ISrewery IJep it and salooa Barton & Variju, Market Berding A, gen mdse BONETTI R watchmaker, jeweler and dealer in watches and jewelery Ii-)ynton F C, president Ferndale Gran- ge Business Association Bricn Joseph A, stoves and tinware Brjwn Br.)8, blacksmiths Bri)wn 1{, justice pjiice CODY & McUOLLUM, Ferndale Hotel CUMMINOS £ C, manufr and dealer in furniture, bediling and undertaker Dexter (i M, Congregational clertjymen Dougherty James E, carriagemaker Duuhesneau J C, wagonmaker O A* ; I ! '^l■^f Up- 4 J im M ■ lU II. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., '?iT»7.l^*^n^T.rKi."^rV'Sr;trVV*? (J !, m CO i c « p 0? > c o E CO c c a O • o o o o Q. 570 California — Ferndale-FisMs Mill. AlPIIAIIIinCAMiT. DYER MBS D A, milliner, dressmaker DYER D A> tinner and roofer "FERNDALE ENTERPRISE," weekly, W G Jones & Co publishers FERNDALE ORANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, FC Boynton, presi- d ent, D Vervftlin manager FERRILL J D, justice peace Fra ncis ThosP, plumber ' FROST &KINZEL, carpenters and manfacturers sash and doors Gcisfielmau John, bootmaker Glascock A A, physician OORDON E H, Ferndnle Laundry ORINSELL & DUNN, blacksa>iths Grinsell & Whitman, carpenters and un- dertakers Hart C B, hairdresser HART P F. atty at ^aw JOHNSTON & HALL, blacksmiths JONES WO & CO, publiihers "Fern dale Enterprise" Kennedy Rev, pastor Catholic Church Kinf & Adams, livery Lewis J H, phyaician Loveland A, ■ ■ »tmaker MOLLER il H, varieties and groceries Nichols B B, barber Palmer L, clergyman PEARSALL JOHN, liquors Phelps O S, physician RacklilT& Colburn, carpenters Buss & Bobarts, meat market Buss, Searles & Putnam, gen mdse Sim))son O S, phyaician Slittinjrs D, constalile STEIN HFSjSANN A, bootmaker Stone K M, hotel Toll W Bjphotographer TRACY TF, saloon TROST JOHN H, gen mdsc, postmaster and agt W U Tel Co Wilkenson Chas, blacksmith Vervaliu D, manager Bemdale Business Association WARD & DAMON, harnessmakcrs Fiddletown, AMADOR COUNTY. (SeeOleta.) Firebauifh, FRESNO COUNTY. Thisp'AJe is merely • station on th« San Joaquin river. Crook s David, saloon yBYE RS JACOB, gen mdsc, postmas ter and agt W, F k Co Woldenberg Samuel, hotel, saloon and livery stable Proprietor. Stable Connectsd with the House. risk's mil, 80N0HA COUNTY. Byrnes J, blacksmith F(MSTERH, gen mdseand postmaster Leibeg F, gen md^e Luttringer J, hotel Stevenson A C, hotel Warran B F, hotel BUSi Fish Ranch, ALAMKDA COUNTY, Situated on the Mount Diablo road, eight miles from the cer ..re of Oakland, hac ioni; been celebratr-u as a summer re- sort. There is no -/ici^ enjoyable ride on the PociKc Coajt than that between Oakland and this place. Mr. John H. Olive's House offers the best entertain- mert to tlie pleasure seeker. Fine trout fishing and hunting in the vicinity. 0$ FISH RANCH HOTEL. John H Olive propr OLIVE JOHN H, propr Fish Ranch Hotel, eight miles from Oakland, % splendid drive FISH RANCH HOTEL Eight miles f.om Oakland, Cal. , Furnished FIRST-CLASS. Accommodations for all wishinj» to spend a sliurt time in the couniry. Fisherman's Bay, SONOMA COUNTY. Bihlcr &, Koss, chute and landing, Bihler's Point Byrne J, wngonmaker Dellane James, blacksmith FISK BROS, gen mdae, chute and land- ing Knipp &Stingel, butchers P M Co, sawmill Richardson H A, speculator i 9 e IP 8 3 CO e CO CO NAOEi j^ I wagon Si A postof the C. P. ment, su] agricultui Alexander carpentf Burell 4 I Crenshaw Goddard A Herrick H the peaci Jones treo, McCormicl Merrill W. suooen: postmaati C P It li CO (0 (0 o ■ I- ■ SAC A placo ol one time, bi to conquer 1 inaugurate her action, it, however, fttrepot, and former acti\ The branch j of construct pleted, may age .0 its prt 1,600. Dist miles. Addison S, )i AMERICA] Mrs Kate . Anderson H, ARNOLDS Bates B F, d« Benson John. BROWN J tinware Burnham J _ t.'o, banker CADYH V f^WBALj J^ohn h, gpocel Crosett W C, TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PnirtlrallT taaKht at I>ACIFIC BVtn- MFMH VOLIMfiK. ff«0 l*OMt Mt.. t«. P. CO o« CO oo CO ti- lt -2 ft • « S c Q. c "5 c 3 O s Si: o Us O O ■ ■ < California — Florence-Forest City. ALriMBBTICALLY. Florence, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. NADEAU JOSEPH F, blacksmith, wagonmaker and postmaater Florin, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, A poatoflice and promising village on the C. P. R. R., 10 miles west of Sacra- ment, Bupporteil by fruit-growing and agriculture. Alexander W G, windmill manufr and carpenter Burell &. Reoae, windmill .nanufr Crenshaw TiConard, blacksmith Goddard & Merrill, meat market Herrick H, wagonmaker and justice of the peace Jones Geo, hotel McCormick Frank, blacksmith Merrill W, notary public SUODEN FREDERICK, gen mdse and postmaster, and agt VV, F & Co and C P R R agt Folsom, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, A place of considerable importance at one time, but at present is striving hard to conquer that fate which proniibcs to inaugurate a retrograde movement in her action. The country surrounding it, however, still recognizes it as the entrepot, and it mry possibly assume ita former activity Injforo a great while. The branch penitentiary is under course of construction here, and, when com pleted, may be a factor of gre.it advant- age vU its prosperity. Population about 1,500. Distant from iSacramento 'J miles. ' er CENTRAL HOTEL. J C Rand propr Cohn 8, grocer Crosett W C, atty at law Doll M, hotel Donley Mrs Henry, livery Durant F C, physician Ecklon & Gable, butcher Engesser Philipp, liquors Fiel Mrs J, varieties "FOLSOM TELEGRAPH," Howe proprss GERMAN HOTEL, Chas Zimmermann propr Gilman Jno, carpenter HALEN ALBERT, agt Natoma W & M Co HAMILTON MRS KATE, proprss /merican Exchange Hotel Henblein L, saddles and harness Hoess Frank, tailor Holz Mark M, barber Houston (Jeo, liquors HOWE MRS J F, proprss "Folaom Telegraph ' Hoyle Edward, painter Humphrey Jas, gen mdse and news agt Hyinan Jacob, dry goods and clothing Joerger Louis, bootmaker Kay Samuel, lumber Kinney J, opr W U Tel Co and agt RR Klumpp Jacob, bakery Levy E R, liquors Mayer Wm, lock am i gunsmith McNamee Mrs Annie, groceries Miller J, furniture and undertaker Mueller J C G, watchmaker and jeweler NATOMA WATER & MINING CO, Allwrt Halen agt (wine growers, etc) Nichols & Stegeman, blacksmiths RAND J C, propr Central Hotel Rignay Peter, liquors, Rothe John, blacksmith Shannon John, liquors Smith .F H, grocer and postmaster SPAULDING & FENWICK, ware ant) tinware Strubel Wm A, livery stable and stable Sturges J H, jeweler Sullivan P M, atty at law Townsend E B, butcher Vandermark A, blacksmith and wagon- maktr Wible Rev E H, clergvman (Methodist) ZIMMERMANN CHAS, propr Gor- man Hotel Forest City, SIERHA COUNTY. Archambeaux U, hotel i Bickford H P, carpenter Bradbury J F, butcher Byington L, dry gooda H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St., S. F. « i S p I CO S 2 IL 1 c O ■ O o o z 2 o < a o E 9 O W. W MONTAGUE & CO I*""*1Mt an^ iron Plit*. «11 alwn, lltf, U% ■f . If. mun I AUUC « UU., ] 14/ 1 m .^^ | m littery MtrA«>t. A. p. PAt 572 California — Forest City-Fort Bidwell. AI.ritARItTICAI.I.r. Daniels F H, bootmaker Daniels Mrs F H, uiilliner 1 >errickson & Nelson, groceries Ellery Henry, hotel Fields Ed, jeweler Huskiiis Wm, carpenter Hintzcn Charles, banker and grocer Jewett Stanley, dentist Klein Jacob, liquors \ /: •, / ' •. Lawrence George, hotel Loveland George B, liquors Low Mrs Agnos, milliner '.!..i' McPhail A 8, l)ootmaker Miller A H, dry goods • ""'.' ' ' ' Miller E, hotel Miller George, butcher Fhillipa John, blacksmith Kedmond Henry, liquors Suhctter Oliver, liquors Scott J M, livery stable 'I ' Wayland Wm A, varieties WESTON R S, druggist, agt W U Tel Co and postmaster West & Knowles, liquors Forest Hill, PLACER COUNTY, A place of 700 inhabitants, and sup- ported chiefly by the mining interest of the locality thouijh fruit-growmg and the culture of grapes are pursuits that ]iromise to contribute largely to her growth. It is connected with Auburn by stage. Albrccht Chas, groceries and hardware Allen E, carpenter Andres Joseph, brewery Arfstien J, barber Benfcldt Henry, (groceries and restaurant Chapmrin S E, physician Clark Anthony, surveyor COWDEN M H, drugs, groceries, post- master, notary public, express, tele- graph and banking Kphn.im M, clothing Everett J K, painter Garrison J (J, gen mdse Hanver J C, dentist Hatch J A, saloon , '.', , „ ^ Iioifman Fre«l, liquors HufTner k Dilts, blacksmith Hylsnd Mrs I>, hotel Jacobs J M, photographer -* Tjockhnrt Jeff, livery stable and liquors Marks Peter, »!uri)entt'r Miller Henry, carpenter Ore Jose E, jeweler Powell Peyton, stage lino Eea Wm, iiotel liomler L, dry goods, clothing, etc Scott J C, liquors and varieties Smith J F, dentist Smith W C, wagonmakcr Stetson Josiah, carpenter - , Stone O I, blacksmith Stone P, saloon Taylor & Morehead, meat market Virt Aug, licjuors Volland Christ, bootmaker Wetherbee J B, bootmaker Forest House, AMADOU CdUNTV. Fisher B, hotol and wine munufr Honno John, liquors True Mrs A B, gen mdse Wetzid Fred, blacksmith Forest Ranch, BUTTE COUNTY. Bonham Wm, lumber Hhinehiirt & Cook, lumber •Sierra Lumber Co, sawmills WELD H D, hotel and pustmastcr S 30 CO CO m m i § Id CO in CO Forestville, SONOilA COUNTY. Gibnev P, liquors Legg 'J'hos, hotel Oliver J li H, blacksmith Shamburij G N, rustic chair factory Fort Bidwell, MODOO COUNTY. Ar'.ams L, hotel and livery Ayers Irwin, gen mdse Culdcrwood J E, stage line (Ft B and Reno) Conlen H, blacksmith D.dmett P H, restaurant Fulcher & Weilman, brewers Gatz k Ward, s.doon Halcomb A A, livery JeflForson W, carpenter and bnilier Jopf & Brown, sawmill Rapasder & Smith, wagonmaker Ri tes J K, stage Hue (Ft B and Wil- low Branch) SANDERS JNO H, postmaster, riotarv and varieties Tanningson J H, meat market as a n CO o m r- <• CO CD 01 to (9 O C ■a "-^ a I Id CJ 2 o o fiQ JS a Albert Barr j Becm . Cartofc] Digglei Dudley Fichu a] Green J I HelLr Horn L Hnghes Kelly ^ Kc-Iky. M.iuk J, McSlN Ncwiou Reynold Richmai Sterling Stone ii T.ylor 1 Tiekner Waster u AVlKcLvr O CD CO o fl) C5 O z CO ft o < 3: Is 70 mi placo ofci BIACK niidst.r Black fiii( BLANC Berry D, Call *; W landin Lcilii^ LuMis E, Piuno J RUOFi- Liiidin Schroytr Schuyur Sfofi.ld TOMMA Timber B H. WACHHORST -"•uJSSJ'*''" than any housQ on the Coa$t A postoffi Vryant M Giiuldin ] SOTO P ^ muster iTpAu PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. r;v„?jr..'*as:«?.ir'i:i?. I E in o o CO o ctf CO 0» o CD o o CO ■ < « 3: California — Fort Jonea-French Camp. 673 Alil'IIARirriOAIiliT. Fort Jones, 8I8KIVOU COUNTS. Alberts J H, liquors Barr A, gen mdse Beem A A. livery stable Buteher & Cotter, watches and Jewelry Cainotik A B, banker Dixies U J, gen mdse Dudley & Hurt, black-smithf Fiebush L, watchmaker Green 11 fS, atty at lav/ HelUr L, notary public, photographer Horn D, watches and jewelry Huj^hes Mrs A M, hotel Kelly Mis3 E, milliner Kc'Uy J C, miiil contractor M^ick ■lohn, lii{uors McSINE M J, postmaster Newloii J, physician KeyuDlds 1 A, atty at law Kichman ft lii'yuolds Hour mill iStorliiig Mrs E hoti'l Stone iv 1), geii mdse T;:yl()r 11 !S, blacksmith Tickner F L, mail contractor Waster J 15, gen mdse Whccl'ir Mrd 1, milliner Fourth Crossing, CALAVERAS COUNTY. Coster Lew, gen mdse Hall James, blacksmith Hill J P B, sswini; machine agt Hill John, physician McCort Clias, professor Oneto L, gen mdse Kcfldick Frank, hotel REBDIGK WM, postmaster, gen mdse Tharp Capt, quartz miner Waiters James, miner Franklin, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, A postoffice and npricultural villaa;e of lOJ souls; 14 miles from Saer..munto. Fort Ross, SONOMA COUNTY, Is 70 miles from San Francisco. Tlic place occi'pioil by the llussiuns up to 1SU7. Bloomfiold Wni, blacksmith Brown Benj, blacksmith Cojsy Ispuc. .-.cock r.usjer Jiiiinson Joseph, teacher King Aaron, l)utchcr Korn Jacob, postmaster Lytlo Frank, blacksmith Pic'.ictt Edwiird, s.doou Schlutius 11, saloon Stevenson 1, teacher Wautlin Clinton, carpenter BLACKTORD £, gen mdse and post master Biackfi'rd Edwin, justice of the poacy BLANCHARDJM,hotcl Berry D, liotel Callii W, d.iry and owujra Fort llo^ landing Lcibig F, gen mds3 Lewis E, hotel ^ ^ I'ierec J K, constable RUOFJF JNO, owner Stilwatcr Cove Lauding Schroytr A, dairymnn iSchuyer A, dairy and wood Seoli< Id F, libicksmith TOMMASIN G, g*!'» mdse and owncv Tiuibcr Cove Landing Freeport, COUNTY, Forster City, BAN DIE(JO COUNTY, A postoiBce 65 miles north of San Diego. Bryan*: M P, liotel and stable (liiuldiu B F, blacksmith SOTO P W, g«i« mdse, lumber and post- muster SACllAMKNTO Is a small town of about 100 souls, 6 m^le^ frun Sacramento. Ajrioulturo is its chi^f support. FOUNTAIN GEO W, dairy b'rick Mrs Annie, hotel iJroer A, bootmiikv-r Lee & Kirtlaiul, blacksmiths and wag- oiniakvrs MiilirC 1!, cari>entcr RIEHL GEO P, postmister RIEKL P G & S JN, gun mdso Boldon Wm, postmiister Cill J, blacksmith McLellan W F, propr Sampson House SAMPSON G W, constable O 30 -< 3 French Camp, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, Is situated on the old San Francisco stage road 5 miles south from Stock- ton. Derives its support from the agri- cultural interests, and has a population of 200 souls. ?! u ;s a? it Is -8 si H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. WU/ MnNTAHIIP A rn IStovfHandRnitf(«>S.aoOdifferentttsM,MTlMui« . W. mUW I ^taUC tt 1>U.. ,,,H«-rT,« no. 110. Tm. iiAiina ii8B«»»flrvfMif.H. ir i c 674 California — French Corral-Fresno City. O E CO c c « O ■ O o o < 0. I- I- ALrilABBT10Al.bT. French Corral, NEVADA COUNTY. Wa- &;c Bell V G, aupt Milton Mining and tcr Co and notary public Bolton John, carpenter Bushnell ft Co, mining claims Campbell P, stock-raiser Carmichojl James, bootmaker Cory J E, blacksmith D^hlberfi A R, liquora, candj', cigars Dameal Bros, gen mdse Dauscher Erwin, blacksmith De La Quettier, physician Docknm & Sampson, mining claim Edwards M R, blacksmith ' Esperance Mining Co, V G Bell secty Evans Gardner, watchmaker French Corral VVelchman Co, J B Vil- ian agt Freschot — , p.-rdener German D, bl. M^-ith Graves G H, ti, J Griffith E, carpen, Heath Steve, blacksi ih Howard James, stock-raiser Kohlman John, hotel Malvesin E, bakery Melville R, capitalist Miller N C, secty Milton Water and Ditch Co Milton Mining and Water Co, V G Bell supt Pocomock Quartz Mining Co, W Moul- ton agt Pollard J P, gardener Potter M B B, school teacher Serze Pascal, carpenter Skahen W H, hotel Smith Charles, hotel Trevana N, blacksmith Trevaua Mrs N, board and lodgings Williams Mrs Surah, postmistress French Gulch, SHASTA COUNTY. Franck E ft Co, gen md^e Hanker & Whitney, butchers Huntci & Whitney, liquors Mathewson Mrs E, liquors McConnell F. blacksmith r Mosher F S, hotel Murray T, blacksmith PLUMB T, gen mdse, postmaBter agt W, F ft Co Plumb 'J', physiciim Willey H E, hotel and Fresno City, FRESNO COUNTY, Is distant from San Francisco 195 miles; is the county seat and has a population of 1,200. It is on the Visalia branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad and', is a prosperous, thriving town, dependent mainly on the agricultural interests of the locality for its support. Abbey Willis, dairyman ' Albiu J N, saloon '•'■ Auglave L, saloon BALEY & THOBNTON, groceries Beers W J, carpenter and architect BERNHABD GEO. meat market, gro- ceries and pork packer, Mariposa Boyle ft Gilbijrt, painters Bramlet R H, county supt, pub instruc- tion and auditor Brownstone J, gen mdse Burch J W, mason and plasterer Burkes L, druguist Burleigh J M, varieties and fruits Camy Simon, hotel Carroll Josejih P, saloon Church M J, temperance colony CLARK A M, county clerk and recor- der CLABK & HcKENZIE, searchers of recorders, notaries public,couveyancer8 and real estate agents COOPER J C. dentist, Mariposa Covell A, as^ \Vashington Colony Creed ft Eunty treasurer THOMPSON. & SAYER, druggists, books, stationery, sewing machines, pianos, organs, cigars and tobacco, paints and oils, Mariposa TomI)) A, saddles and harness TUPPER H C, attorney at law, no- tary public and justice of peace, Mari- posa TUPPER WALTER D, attorney at law and notary public, Mariposa VAUQHAN & HARRIS, attorneys at law and notaries public, Mariposa Vellguth Wm, drugs, dry goods, sewiag machines, fancy goods, and barber Wainwright C L, deputy county clerk and recorder WIMMER F, propr Wimmer's Livery Stables, Maiipusa Winchell E C, attorney at law Wyatt W 8, under sheriff YUUNO AUGUST, shoemaker, I Ztis Geo, saloon OLD PORT WINE, H. fALMER A CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. u t If. IffUfl I flUUC or UU.y ,«tteni«, 110, 11«, lU, lieaiHi 118 BMtM7 wH, U. f. IL CO c s O s til) c o E "5 U) T3 c c ra O ■ o o a z S o < 0. I- O 576 California — Fresno Flats-Oaa Point. ALPIIAHKTICALLV. Fresno Flats, FRESNO COUNTY. Fifty-two miles east of Muderia. Gash M& Co, hotel Hall W, yhysician Hogue \Vm & Son, liquors v' . ' Hunter L M, blacksmith IniT im D C, liquors LAZAR St postmaster Lewis D S, lAacksmith rho'ps N L) & Co, gen mdse SCEMITZ & LAZAR, gcu mdsa Gait, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, lation, on the C. P. R. I!., (listiint 1:7 miles south of Sacra Is a town of (500 popul.n til miles monto, and is connected by bnncli roatl with lone City, iind from thereby stage with .lackson, Amad^ir and Caliveras Bi>( Trees. Tiic hotel accommodations at (lalt are very a,ont\. The Harvey House, kept by C. \V. H.irvey, is tiistclass iii all m- spects, and travo'ei-s will find tlie liost a gcnii.l one, and full of couitusy to those vi:itia2 him. Smith M, justice of peace and notary public Sparks & Baker, blackomiths and wag- onmake s Stewart & Armstrong, proprs Qolk Bar- ley Mill Thompson J W, bootmaker Wall John, liquors Wentworth A A, barber Whitaker & Hay, gen mdse Adams M, b:)otmaker Beckwith J W, harness, saddlery and hiirse furaishiuu; goods Bnttiinore W T, blacksmith BREWSTER JNO, yen mdso CONTNER JAS E, li'iuors and billiard Sdloon Kvans Kvaji, oiacksmitli and wagon- maker Farmer & Burkctt, butchers Ferris James, attorney at law Fiigitb C C, constaldo Fuuittft Mitchell, bakery, confectionery, friiit-J, etc HARVEY C W, hotel Harvey Ot)eJ, physician and surgeon Hatch T, blacksmith Hicks .Jamep, liquors Holmes W O, agent W U T Co Jenks a W, physician and surgeon L:>ti'urrette P H, stoves and tinware Marengo A & Co, vegett-Vile ptxidlcrs Martin T, dentist McKinstry James, livery Monti iuo Alex, physician and surgeon Mo.-re L A, operator W U Tel Co Noble G AV, barber Phelps F F, watches, jewelry, fancy goods, stationery, picture frames, mu- sical instruments; and sowin'.; muchiues Pomeroy F C, agoiit CPU it Ray Don, postmaster Garberville, HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Amberson Wm, blacksmith Anderson Itich, blacksmith Arvold I J, bootmaker , Bruner J M, physician D;de & Ward, saloon OARBER J C, postmaster and gen mdsc Hardin M I>, saloon McCiruies Mrs R A, hotel McMillan — , feed stable Schumacher G E, hotel m m m 30 -< Garden Grove, LOS ANUELES COUNTY, Five miles southo»stof Anaheim. Howe C k Co, gcu mdso Webster Da\ iil, postmaster Garden Valley, EL DO 11 A DO COUNTY, Is a small town M miles north of riacor- viUe. Alderman K M miuin;^ supt ' B'trliniiian N I), ass:iyer IILIPPINI R & CJ, gcQ mdae and pdstmawti-T Fox D W, fruit grower Hartles Benj, stock raiser llubbiird .Foiir), st ick raiser La^'irsen F, blacksmith Mall>y H G, minirt!,' ongiuocr Parker J B, engineer Peduni M, dairyman Yow J J, bootmaker Gas Point, SHASTA COUNTY. Gonlen J W, gen mdso Uoi)crt8 & Thomasou, gen mils* Shnffleton H H, notary publio St.iton C C, sidoon WILLIAMS J S, postmaater m r- m so m « S o 9x o 0) CD o 3 I E £ CO lOf < o *s / ^' C h plateau, 2,GJ0 foel above the ssa, siirroundcd by beautiful scenery, and comniaudiii;^ a griviid viev of the jiacramunto valU-y and the snow- clad )>caks above. It is the central town of one of the most prosporous mining districts in the >Statc. It is uls) in the midst of a fruit growing region, furnish ing largo (luantitics of supjrinr apples, puacbep, cherries, etc., for tiio markets abroad. As a resort for pleasurj ami health, Georgetown cannot ba excullu;irl>er and baths BUNJDSHTJH R, pmpr American IIo- t.l California Water Co, E R Pease supt Ciirwin K A, clergyman, (M E) Corwin \V S, chnj^yman, (Methodist) CRAWFORD E L. notary public, at- torney at law iintl insurance DAINES & SON, carpenters, builders and und(:rt;; iters; alsu proprs Daines' I'atent Spring Beds and agents D Boatty's pianos and organs and white bronze monuments Deinuth K, tluuiini; mill Dryer J L, pliywici lU and surgeon Kp[)S I B, constable I'lt/igcriild C M, manager W U Tel Co FORBES J JR, li luors IRANUIS ALEX, liquors Fuller H H, livery " GEOR ETOWN GAZETTE," U W ilulbert editor and propr Higgins .John K, mining engineer HUIBERT H W, alitor and publisher " Oeorgetc wn Gazette" Jackson I P, groceries and tinware, and notary public Jerrttt Daniel, dry goods and groceries La BuiVl, blacksmith Lew is & Lovejoy, propr Georgetown & Auburn Stage Liue McliCan L B, justice of peace Noble Ivobert, sawmill a? Orelli A, liquors, boarding and lodging Pursen (> \V, lijuors Pease E R, supt Cal Water Co Placerville & Georgetown Stage Line, ■ Wm Smith propr SHEPHERD B F, hotel, gen mdae, drugs, postmaster, saddle and harness- maker, books ami stationery, paints, oils, etc Silva Frank, teamst'^r and butcher SMEDER & FRANCIS, butcher Smieder F, carpenter SMITH WM, proprietor Placerville & Georgetown Stage Liue Sornber^er & Lane, hardware, grocsriea, and agent W. F & Co Spencer C (r, pliysician and surgeon Stephens Wm, liquors Swift I G, carpenter and cabinetmaker Walk Jamns, blacksmith Watson E H, dry goods Went worth John, wagonmaker Whitcsides Hall, Odd Fellows manager Williams Wm, tailor Georgia Slide, EL DORADO COUNTY. Barklage Bros, gen mdse Garmantown, COLUSA COUNTY. A prcJmising village G miles from Wil- lows. Boehmker Hans, bl.icksmi Uriektle A, bodtmaker EPFINGER & CO, gen mdse Fralin M livery GERMANTOWN HOTEL, A Koppo propr Griep Hans, snloon Hageman M, hotel Hdli'mann F H, blacksmith KOPPE A> propr Gennintown Hotel Matzen P & Co, brewery Me Lane W, saloon Newmann T, gen mdse Uathfon B F, butcher Schulze Oscar C, notary public Shwenk D, h.irnessmaker White W J, saloon and wagonmaker Geyserville, SONOMA COUNTY. A smnll town situated on the S. F. and Morth Pacific K. K., 48 miles from Pctaluma. Aii iaterostiug resort. n C2 o CO ao m ^ vl ', 1 OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & TO., 302 Davis SU S. F. (0 i c "(5 S ? o o » «) O s (0 c c O Ell., iif.i o o o z S o < c z p o WW MHMT A C 1 1 P A PH Stovm and Raiixea. boo dlfferant thm, ttrlM m4 578 California — Oeyserville-Gilroy. AlirilARRTICAI.t>r Brown A M, carpenter Dann.*! M T) \V, carpenter Fcaby & Phillips, blacksmiths and wag- omnnkers GEYSER VILLE HOTEL, C W JSkaggs propr, Miiin Harii-t VV F, carpunter Hill Milton, cabinetmukiT KEITH A D, asieiit W.;ll3, Fargo & Co anil S F & N P R R, depot HOORE A P & GO, geii nuUe, Main iShiiui & McDonoiif^h, meat market SKAGGS C W. propr GeysjrviUo Ho- tel Tiiby &. Phillips, blacksmiths Uriah J H, pliysician Gibsonville, SIKRRA COUNTY, Reached via Marysville and Orovillc, be iug 28 miles from the latter place. Brassell J, brewery C'orl)ctt & Frazier, liquors Could J, liquors Holloway Thos, bootmaker Kara (Serhard, jeweler Newhouse Henry, geu mdse O'Neil J»o, bootmaker Perry .James E, hotel Spencer Chas, livery Siitherlaud Hod, meat market Van Ziiii Alexander, hotel Wincliel G, notary public and justice of the ])eace Wolters & Bros, gen mdse Gilroy, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, On the Southern Pacific Railroad, ii 81 miles southeast of San Francisco, with n population of about 2,500, poling a vote of 450; is an agricultural town of some importance. It is the station of Gilroy Hot Springs, n pleasant resirt. Abraicli of the Southern Pacific Railroad also run ficm hcic to Holistcr and Trcs Piuos Alexander & Pheglcy, groceries Apezarora H & Co, hotel Atkiiixou T A, clergyman (Methodist) BAILLAIGE A P. California Market BALDACCI S, barber shop Bank of Gilroy, G E Hersey cashier Bartlett H D, breaking and training stable Bassimiano V, foreign and domestic fruits BASWIGK RICH M, farmer Jtcane J W, gents furnishing goods Bennett & Son, butchers BERMICH R M, farmer BLAKE JF W, propr "Gilroy Advo- cate" Blanchon .T, saloon BRANNAN WILLIAM, livery BRIGGS H W, gen mdse and poat- mastiT Britton R J B, clergyman, (Episcopal) Brown Mrs Marg, groceries BRYANT B, honuepathic physician Buirel C, Santa Clara Valley Flouriair Mills ** Canet Victor & Co, liquors Cantr.>roilz U & Bros, clothing and dry goods Castro y, cigars, tobacco and candies Christy L M, marshal Cobl> K, bo .ts and shoos Cohu 1*, tailor Convent of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mensia Ilartorano Sister Su- pt-rior Ct rreiic Peter, baker CORY MRS JH, millinery, fancy goods iind agt Wilsju Sewing Alachintj Dau^herty T L, (Icjiuty sheriff Dcvia Francisco, liquors Dowdy rerry, justice peace Drydeii D A, furnituro and cabinet- maker Dryden R D A, clergyman (Mothndiat) J'.i'if.dt Si. Hosliiigei', lioots and shoes EIPPER WILLIAM T. barber and bath house Eisner M, cigars and tobacco EMLAY OL, ngt VV, F & Go's Ex, and manager \V U Tel Co Eustice (Jcorge, carriage manufr, horsa- shoeiug and blacksmith Farley C K, physician Farmer E H, carriage manufr and wag- onmaker FITZGERALD BROS, livery stable "GILROY ADVOCATE," F W Blake GIlIoY GAS WORKS, Thomas Rea president, Frank Smith secy, J S Woxisey supt Graf Rudolph, l)ootmaker Guilhamet k Clavere Bn s, restaurant Hanna William, boot and shoemaker Hawkins Mi is Ionise, dressmaker HERALDADAM, Giroy Brewery Hickman ft Kline Misses, millinery and fancy (rooer John, harbor Rivard L O, groceries and saloon Reither Jacob, groceries and crockery Robinson Am63, stoves and tinware ROGERS ELISHA P. dentist Rogers & Horner, dentists Satterwhite Thos D, notary public and city clerk Schiicper Fred, groceries, liquors and crockery Schanahau John, saloon Schrepfer Bros, lodgings and board SEAMAN OEORttE, propr South Pa citic Hotel Shepherd W V, hay yard Shoi-t 8 8, R It Exchange dining room, R R Depot Smith & Baxter, hardware and agricul- tural impleiaenta SOUTHERN PACinC HOTEL. gca mdse, liquors, tobacco and cigars Holmes 1 1, mining supt McNoblc M, gen mdse Glen Ellen, SONOMA COUNTY, On a stage road midway between Santa Rosa and Sonoma. Behler C, shoemaker Gibson J, saloon McHarvey — , blacksmith Turrant U F, gjti mdse O 09 O PURE PORT WINE, llr IMiclul Pnmitt. 302 Divis Si., S. F. CO d c o ■ o a (0 o T5 C C (0 O O O O z S o < Q. I- IV. w. MONTAGUE & CO., ?trrro"'iinr.".riB;u^vvx";.v.v 580 Calif onna — Glerwille-Grafton. Al.rilAHKTICAI.I.V. Glenville, KERN OOUNiy. Early Mrs — , hotel Guritctt Ij, blacksmith Lavris D & Co, goii nidsa Murphy J J, geu inilsc WOUB L N, pustinustur and gon mdae Gold Run, PLACER COUNTY. A mining town, 2 miles from Dutch Flat, on the C. P. 11. 11. Danforth Miss L, fancy goods iJixon k Dunn, meat market HALEY J, saloon Harri^son J A, saloon Herrin.inn Fred, saloon Hunt VV H, groceiit'S Jones Wm !Sr, hotel Kryger Chri^, hotel Le.teh I 1), saloon Oliver A, gen mdso Shade 'i'ho.<, druggist, postmaster and ngt W, F & Co Strohlburjf J, bootmaker Van Buren J, saloon Weber F B, saloon Goleta, SANTA IJARBAUA COUNTY, A pnstofficc, a fe-.v miles from Santa Barbara. . Barnes J W, mad oversioer '* Culver 1) M, .Moora's Wharf FOSTER & BROS, ««" mdio Foster Hi, postmaster (lunn Chap, rjitauriint Hill H 11, blacksmith Kello,'g F K Jr, school teacher Ketcham I) H, physician Koster H H, bootmaker Nichols W K, veterinary broom maker Pettis B F, blacksmith Bich H, wagonmaker Sexton Jos, nursery 8ur;;eon and Gonzales, MONTEREY COUNTY, On the Southern Pacific R. R., 134 miles from San P>ancisco. Ames N & Co, gen mdso Brackman H, suloou Burke T, saloon Faw k ICdwards, warehouse KardwickC, hotel McClregar VV, saloon Boot E 8 8, physician Sarles & Wideman, gen mdao Sourles W, postmaster Goodyear's Bar, SIERRA COUNTY. ACKERLY F, gen milso and post- ni.ster Daly Patrick, saloon Fluke Estate, hotel Stewart S C, sawmill Goshen, TULARE COUNTY. GOSHEN HOTEL, •! oh n McCabo propr McCABE JOHN, hotel, saloon andpo.-it- niaster, stable and foud store; opposite •h'pot Schiveley C H, agt S P R R, W, F & Co find \V U Tel Co Williams Geo W, propr hotel and saloon rii Grafton, YOLO COUNTY. Arnold & Schroth, Eaglo Flouring Mills Biiily S, blacksmith CL>we M E, grain dealer Dyer J, liiuors Kds »n Wolnter, fancy goods and notions Finher A If, painter FRYETT S J, postmaster, agt W, F & Co an to tant 3( DIEF] posti ^'ilmou ^' rim OS Koljjieii Partaii Peart K Stottler \Villiam { 551 KITCHE Wool, iii COSINESS PENMANSHIP '•"S5V^'H"J»rAr.'a?A;^%';^»^^»'S.rW: Si in I Calif ornui — Grand Idand-Oraaa Valley. 581 o o s C0 o X o Ai.riiAnmcAiLY. Grand Island, 0OLU8A OOUNTV, Is reached by stoamcra f nm Kni jht'd Ijamliiig, oil tho Sucramoato rivur, dis- tant 30 miles. DIEFENDORFF C J, gon mdso and poatntaatcr Oilmour Sainuul, bnotmvker drinios C, liqiiora and hariicjsmaksr Kolpion Jiwpur, blackamitli I'artaii S, blaukamitli Pearfc K C, j{jn u» 1*3 •Stottler •] C, market \Villi.imsun J H, wa^onmaker Grand View, TUI.AKE COUNTY. Ki'iohloo Bird E, saloon KITCHENEa & CJ, ajti, imnorbora wuol, etc, hutel Granite Hill, EL DORADO COUNTY. Tunnel P.)inb Mini i;;; Co Vcruamj) Frank, postmaster Graniteville, NEVADA COUNTY. Bohanan Michael, gen mdse, liquors, cigars an 1 tobacco Clino .1 T, propr Granitovillo Water Works Elli:! (tjo, winos, liiuora and cigars Hartman \Vm, brewer Ilortwiuk Jos, hotel a:id bakery Milton, Enrok I Lake and Yub.i Canal Co Kobb.J W, hotel Kohrig Crustavc, wines, liquora and cigars Schultzc Fred & Co, butchers TYLER J E, postmaster TYCER J £ & CJ, varioti33 WuILt F E, li juors and cigarj Grangeville, TULAUE COUNTY. Barboro Chaa, constable and gon collcc tioii ,a"»v»cy BELDEN A F, blackimith and wagon- maker BRADLEY A, physicivn and surgeon and ]>roMidoiit yle Jno J, n itary publia and justice peace Fritz Isaac, restaurant (Jrangcvillu Hall Association Ormseville & Kingsbury Stage Line, E }1 Tuclo-r propr fSranceville Library and Reading Room Hill R M C, cnrjieiitt-r and builder Hnrlbut E R, hotel and livery Kanawycr P A, livery Last Chance Wat^r Ditch Co, C Rels buck president NATHAN HERMANN, deputy post- master and insagt Peoples' W D Co, E Sanborn propr RwkIW D. blacksmith SCHWARTZ B, gen mdse and ag implts SULLIVAN J L, druggist Thomo & Andrews, proprs Mussel Slough Flour Mill Williams T C, dragsjist Worswick Wm H, justice of the peace Grass Valley, NEVADA COUNTY, Is a pretty little city of 4,00D inhabi- tint~4, 16 miles from Colfax, the junc- tion of tho C. P. and X. C N. U. Rail- ways, on the latter road, whoso general otficjs are lociitad here. Tha va'loy in wiiioii it is sitnateil is picturjsqne and quite productive of most excellent fruit, and the mount.diis at one time wer^the s >urce of an abundant mineral supply. Several extensive mines were the out- cr.)wth of this feature, thougii it is thought that the constant search for ores for a groiit many years has at last nearly exhausted their wealth. How- ever, this industry no doubt can be car- ried on with some proHt to those who engage in it. Tho place is supplit^ with churches and school?, the residen- ces as a rule are neatly and tastdy con- structed, the business houses are well built and the streets run at ri^ht angles. m o Andrew W, liquors and hotel Aumer Frank, meat market Avery S D, blacksmith Bamberger Bros, gen mdse Bearden A J, photographer Bee Wm, hotel Behrisch Chas, liquors Benndorf Charles, bootmaker, (Boston Ravine) Bennetts J A, bootmaker W o D 2 'a H si ?i 5? 1 o % CO CD 71 H. PALMER & CO., Native Winss. 302 Davis Street S. F. WW MnNTAHIIP Hi rn Ml><*rt iron, all MiRm an«1 Mnmbeni, no, 582 California — Grann Valley. AI.I'IIAHRTIUAIiLY. III I- o o CO < o ■k III a o co a 3 (0 III H < O CO O Benson \Vm H, hotel Best John, boutinukcr, 58 Main BigL's 10, hardware, stoves and tinwiiro Binkcliniinn D, hruwcry Bluckford Mi^s Susie, huir goods Blakey (.1 D, atty at law Boyiiton Mrs L 1), dressmaker BRADY A B,niiiiiii Mill Brunstoter P, planing mills BXJANIE Ai i^lothin.; and sowing ma- chines, Mill Burrows A, atty at law Byruo M Jr, livery Camphjll .lames, blacksmith Cimbell Wni, groccrii's, (Boston IJavino) Carson (Jeorije, harness and su(hllc3 Ciirter If, boardiiig Chanipion Henry, groceries COD£ J K, blacksmith and wagon- maker. Auburn Collins John, li(juors, mill Conawny J C & Br^, lumber, Aubuni ConnellJno, liquors Coombi.I L, physiei^m CROCKER J R, blacksmith and wagon- mukcr, Mill Cryer I{ o a ex o o (D 01 ■a CO o •o CO CD CO 0> CD O •< PAC McCor McNti Mea«|i( MEEil Merrill Miller ( Mitchel MITCI Daily Mitdiel Moore I Morun 'J Monin 1 Morateu Murphy Murphy Murphy Nathan ( Ni>iMis W NORMA Mill Northey i Novit/ky e^ I Novitzky i5 Novitzky mH "'-onnor J? ORCHAB et<-, N,,v Valley a Orr Janu 8, Othet Thr etc. ">;{ (I Palmer J i'air Mrs I Pearce & C Perkins lid Peters Jam] Peyser ^V, Ptiliilaso J()| ''"pc \\ V, [ I'owell l{e^^ PRODGL jeweler, ., I'loiitT, inJ QUIRK JI ris' budij] Bel ley J \\\ REINOLJ constable I RIDGE A pidjlic, 7ol Bi.bcrt-i 10 /Vf ROBERTS! t.'ry publir Boberts Josi Boberts Ificl TRY MURRAY S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer & Co., 'i;;;!?;:;';^;^ I PUCIflC Oi'dpni f prooiiitiy PUREPOl CO CO CO It '9> II s • 0* 'I 2 •iH CO o Pi o O o I PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''"iXrr!!SX;.'rir.;.,T"''- California — Grass Valley. 583 Ai.niAnmicALLV. McCormick Wm, phys'icivn McNtill C F, booka ntnl xtationory Muiitfliur D, liiiuor^i, 45 Main MEEK J D, «lr»g«iot, '2ti Mill Merrill W C, merchant tailor Miller (J E, wagonmikor Mitclioll t^ Cans inti.'it iinrket MITCHELL CHAS H, propr "Tin Daily Uiudu," Main Mifcohull \V H, hotel Moore Kulix, blacksmith Moruu T F, bootmaker Moran ThuH, barber Mor.iteur A, groceries (Boston Itaviuc) Miirpby (»eo, painter, res Main Murphy MrsM, inilliucry, fancy goods Murphy P S, liipiorj Nathan C k Co, dry goods, etc Ni'uii^ Win, varieties NORMANDY FRANK E, groceries. Mill Northcy S T, variety store, 7"J Main Novit/.Uy H, cigars and cob.ieco Novit/ky S, clothiii.; Novit/.ky iSani, dry goods and carpets O'Connor Tim, lii|Ui>rs ORCHARD EDMOND, H I'lors, ii,'ars, etc, Novada roail, halt-way b;^t Grass Valley and Nevada City Orr .lami'S, meat market Othet Thos, uT'iceries, h;iy, grain, Hour etc, ')!{ and •").'> Mill I'almcr J W, li(juor-i and billiards, I'arr Mrs L i', boarding ho»si>. Mill I'earce & Ciuldy, m-iat ni irkct IVrkins Kev F H, Coii4ro.^atio.ial pastor I'etors ilame.x, constable Peyser W, clotliingetc Pdliilase .lohii, grocer and butcher Pope W C, ;nutioneer Powell I{ev \V C, Kjiisc >p:il pastor FRODQER JOHN H, watchmaker and jeweler, Mill Piout T, meat market (Bo-iton llavine) aUIRK JAMES, l.hoto-rapher, liar ris' budding, Mill Pelley .1 W, dentiit REYNOLDS WM, city marshal and constable RIDOE A J, atty ut law aid notary public, 7o Muiu KiibertH K A, student at law, 45 Main ROBERTS £ W, atty at law ami no- tary public, 45 Main Roberts Joseph L, liquors Roberta Richard, groceries Ruck Antone, bikcry SANDERS J, clothinz, furnishin;^ goods anr)tH and shobB, 'M Mill SANKS ISAAC T, bill poster and col- lector Scadden H, groceries, liquors and cigars Scobcl John, liquors Secba Chas F, candy factory, chop and oy.itor house Shairer Mrs Mary, restaur.int, DO Main Sheldon VVm JI, iiistiiu of the peace SHURTLEEF W T & CO. gi..eerie». provisions and liquors, wholesale uud retail. Mdl Silva J R, barber .*>ilvc3tcr H, groceries. 74 Main Smith C W. lodgings, 91 M..iu Snow li ],, biiotmuker Sp'-idi'l .roscpb, meat market SPENCER WM j£, b >ok< and stati-in- cry. general news agt, notary ))ublic ami lire itis agt, opp llolbrojke llouso Stevens (1 W, b lotmaktr STODDARD W S, "Kent N C N G R R Mtokes A M, liquor.^ SM Main Sykes J I, postm labor Taylor Conielius, ntty at law Taylor M C, foundry and machine shop Temb'y \ (^uii:k, liquors "THE DAILY UNION," Chas n Mit- chell priq)r. Main Thomas Henry, hutjl Tietjrn A I', cigars and tohaccf> TOMPKINS E A, ph^ siei.m, Churolv Townstiud C C, manager for S M Ui.nis,. varieti is Uphoil" H, liqnors, G'J Main VAN ORDEN W B, groceries anil gen m Ise, 4"J Main V'imont M, wagonmakcr VINCENT RICHARD, moat nurket, 4-J Main Vogflimn H, boots and shoes AValoott II H, wagonni iker Watt k Co, groceries, 16 Main Webster L R, physician , Webiter Thos, barber Weisbeinn Bros k Co, bankers WEST £ R livery stable and feed st 'r>', :i«, 40 and 44 Main WEST W F, gunsmith and harness maker, 41 ^li.in W w 'A m ' m ■ ;('. J .11 u';i' "ft 1 1' ! 1: J' .1 1 ^ I li t| > ! 'I , c Sacr .niento, on tho Oregon Division of the C. P. iJicil- road. It has a Homing mill and other manufac'toiiis. It was named after G. W. CJridley, Esq. The country surround- iiyji it IS rich iigrieulturdiy. Agprd Marcus, wjigonmakor RRTgllP. It Ml stoves and tinware S 3 w -4 w -I as m m PA e Birc gl salt Burk JSt Cole I ^\ Grain ^\ dek: -I DUS] ui Ui trac Eichlej Ellli FLElfl mate QTBLAH lAKG Maul P Neel H NOAM and j PORT! PBICE PBICE saloon Qnimby ROBBIl Roilgers scsroA] and far m p" 01 CD 3 09 0> fc Si 9 SI O a O 9 C9 O CO d «0 '3«S"lSffil8"*'--"M"ii'M |OJa^ioduji'isuOHH9VM'H Ii. PAI tti B e u CO to > fc s C9 CO o «8 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ""^ i^j:^,y^ir'^„j^:^::r' California — Oridley. AI.rilARRTICAM.V. 585 BUCXIET CHAS A, livery, feed and sale stable Burk Wm, wagonmaker Cole Ben, constable Crain Mrs Julia, hotel DENNET L F, windmill, pumps and well-lioiinat DXJSTIN & COLE, carpenters, con- tractors and builders Eichler Oscar, painter ELLISON At liiirness and saddles FLEMING T R, lumber and building material ORAT B D, supervisor HARRIS J T. physician LANQLEY WM, O K Saloon Maul Philip, bootmaker Neel H H, gen mdso NORMAN GEO H, druggist, dentist and justice of peaco PORTER & BRO, carpenters PRICE J M. liquon", cigars and oysters PRICE J N, propr I'rice's Hotel also saloon adjoining Quimby C !S, meat market ROBBINS W S, hairdresser Ikoduerd & Carus, blacksmiths SCHORR JACOB, liquors, beer, cigars and fanner Stiles Edwin, drayman Stone L C, gen mdse, agent W, F & Co, CPRKandW U Tel Co STORY F F, furniture, stationery and undertaking TAYLOR MRS E, rrop"etrcsj Grid- lev Hotel Wl^ARTON H C & BRO, general int'iohandise WHARTON J E P. postmaster WILL H, blacksmith WILLIAMS J M, Pony Saloon WM. LANGLEY, PROPRIETOR 0. K. SALOON. GOOD LIQUORS, Choice Wme?, Fine Cigars GRIDLEY, CAL. L. P. DENNEY, GENERAL AGENT T0¥1, m ^ IMK %i m » ' DEALER IN Wi WATER TANKS, IRON PIPE, Force and lift Pumps, Rubber Hose, EtCc Well Boring done on Short Notice. W^ LARGE WELLS ARE MADE A SPECIALTY. GRIDLEY, CALIFOKNIA. o so 3 CO c5 ■H O ao m II. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Sti^et, S. F. Ill i m : IL c o (ft 2 iS 4) > C o £ c c o • o o < Q. WW MONTAfillf & on ISheet lr«n. all «lis«« and IfambAra, no, PAC 586 California — Gridley-Half Moon Bay. ALniARKTICALLV. -^ GKIDLEY HOTEL, MRS. E. TAYLOR, .... PROPRIETRESS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BiiST IN THE MARKET. ROOMS COMFORTABLB AND AIRY, Cridley, California, Near Railroad Depot. Grizzly Flats, EL DORADO COUNTV, A po8to(Rce ill a miningdistrict 1(3 miles from Placerville, the county seat. Berry .S, hotel Bui lard J, Biiloon Christian W, justice of the peace Grab: m A J, blacksmith Hanna D.iviil, uiiiie owner Hoskiu iS P, j;en milse Lambanl O E, mine owner Lowery Thos, mine owner McClellen — . boarding bouse Morcy K K, quartz operator tSbippy Jonathan, bootmaker Stare 8aml, carpenter Stule \Vm, constable Teade J, miner Whatt C, supt Eclipse Mine Wilson D, saloon Ouadaloupe, 8ANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Is nicely situated in a rich agricultural region, on the stage road lemling from San Luia Obispo to Santa Barbara, 70 miles from the latter place. Population 100. Abernethy Robert Jr, stoves and tin- ware Abernethy Robt Sr, blacksmith Ayres W \V, druggist Buckley P J, l)oot» and shoes DUNBAR JOHN, stationery and toys, postmaster, notary public and justice of the iKjace Fenton Wm M, hotel Montana M J & Co, gen mdse poodchild C W, atfcy at law ' uthrie K J, liquor* G ^ Hart Thomas, blacksmith and wagon- maker Hudson J W, livery stable Kaiser L M & Co, gen mdso Laughlin H J & Co, gen mdse Lswty D, liquors Lucas W T, physician Morse Jame^, contractor and undertaker Phillips Bros, gen mdse Point Sal \Vharf and Lumber Co.lumber Tagnini Carrie, hotel Taguiiii & Tomassiui, brewery Triplett W C, harnessmaker Guerneville, SONOMA COUNTY, A small town on the S. F. & N. P. K. R. 20 miles from Santa Rosa. BAGLEY J W. postmaster Bell & Keaton, market Coon — , blacksmith Florence M, chair factory B'olks J no, hotel (iuerne & Ludwig, sawmill JONES J E, liquors, Maiu Korbel F & Hro, sawmill Lunsford R H, shingle mill Marshall J as, gen mdso Miller H H, barber Murphy Bros, sawmill Olsen S, imot and shoemaker Schloss S, gen mdso Shoemaker O. liquors Taggart Jno, hotel Half Moon Bay, 8AN MATEO COUNTY, Sometimes called Spanish Town, is situ- ated un the bay from whence it derives its name, 34 miles from San Francisco, with which it hat connection by stage to I 9 It 00 o O CO » i •i I- Kb .1 hi m o o m c ■>» a o SanW pointe road, Taft. 700 in; tions a Chief s Knapp and JV£ latter i t '5. Alamed Ames J BIRDS BOITA nttprnoiiHgor Benj, ai-t S P 1{ P, W, F & Co, W U Tel Co and ins agt FB.EEUAN H H, proprietor Freeman House FREEMAN HOUSE, II H Freeman jiroprietor F'ULIER JAMES, blackwmitli and Wiigonmaker rjeorge P S, painter Hager Mrs M S, millinery, dressmaking anropr Heinleii A F, lumber HEINLEN J R> moat market, ware- house iiud ins agt House A D, constable * Hoy P A, carpenter Manning K A, supt M S D Co Miithcus J, barber .. , , Melone J H, gen mdso Oppenheimer & Co, gen mdse and agri- cultural implti PARKER AW. saloon PEOO T F. propr Hanford Hotel PLUMMER £ J, postmaster and con- fectionery PLUMMER MRS E J, millinery and dressniaking Beid J M. propr Like Hotel and saloon SCIARONE ANDREW, aaloon SHARP CHAS & CO, hardware, agri- cultural implements, sewing machiiics, pianos and organs SIMONS, JACOBS & CO, gen mdso SIMON "K, cigars, tobacco and fruits SLIGHT GEO, carriage, sign and house painter Stanton R, shoemaker Weismau J, boots and shoes Hansonyille, YUBA COUNTY. Hanson J H, horticulturist, manufr wine and brandies Howell \Vm, hotel Houzc Pauline, architect JlutrChas, sawmill Shattuck T F, gen mdso Sooy '^,'has, blacksmith Union Manufacturing Co Wetmore J M, gen mdse Happy Camp, DEL NOllTE COUNTY, A small place 90 miles north of Crescent City, the county seat, which ii on an indentation of the coast, 274 miles from iSan Francisco. Caddily M, hotel Camp J & Co, con mdse Clvupinan M, blacksmith Deniiek .pr Central Hotel Lacona Au;Tiist, liquors Lander Henry, liquors LarriilMje II F Mra, dres=imaker LAVAL LEE SAMUEL, caniago maker Net!' B, brewery Stretch li H, propr Warrington M & M Li7Jki;;& Allen, hnrdware Co I - - - . - Thurston S D, propr Delphi Quartz Mill Van liuskirk — , bootmuknr Wilson J (J, hotel Hayden Hill, LASSEN COUNTY. Preston E B, justice of the peace Haywards, ALAMEDA COUNTY, A town of 1,000 inhabitants, on the Central Pacific Railroad, 21 miles from San Francisco; supportinl ly agricul- ture. AKERMAN A E, carriage and aign painter ALLEN W W, news dealer Anspucher Broa, gen mdse Austin Jnmca, hotel Au stin J D. justice of the peace BENNETT R H, warehousing BROWN L H, gen mdso and express Bulber E, tailor Carpenter G P, bakery Mack H H, tin and stoves MAY ADAM, butcher Miiyue \V T, pastor M E Church MilliT M .1, millinery Mindd .losjph, barber Mullor Henry, bootmaker NiMSon .1 K, gen nulaa and lodging houso OAKES A G, notary public OAKES HOTEL, Tony Oakes propr Palmt ig L^'fipold, propr Layn'a Brewery Paun John, li.|Uor.i I'ai)') Christian, liquors PEARCE WM, variety store I'uff Cli.18, unilurtaker lianun Hirnian, bootmaker U.isinnsicn Curl, liquors and boardin^r Khoileliamel W H, agt San Lorenzo lla Pi vers J L, liqifors RUSSELL J, ins agt and atty at law Sawyer Bros, furniture dealers Sc(|ui'ira J .T, bootmiker Smalli'v 1>S, livery stable SMITH SIDNEY, physician and sur- geon Sorunson Hans, liquors and boarding Strobel & Neudeck, butchers Thomas F J, blacksmith White Mrs M J, millinery ■ ' Williams Benj, atty at ' \w Winters Chas, harnessmaker Wolflf Abraham, gen mdso ZAMBRISKY PETER» boots and shoes and hata PURE PORT WINE. Ha Meticiial FOTDOses. 302 Davis St., S. F. Ui m -< o z CO o » 4 h h -» ra s» 9 > li mm mm IL €0 i C ei S o o t s (0 S » *•* 3 &. IL ? C C (Q o ■ o o o z s Q. I- I- o WW MflMTARIIP A rn Stovrn and Ransrs, flOO dlfferont lizm, MylM Mid . If. IflUlllMUUI. OC UU., pntfemx. no. 112, 114, 110 and 118 Battery St.. 8. F. 590 California^-Haywards-Healdahurg. Abl'IIABBTICALbY. CHRIS. EUNZ, Proprietor. IIAYWAlinS, - - - CALIFOIINIA, Boardemg by the Pay , Week @r Mi@nitti« Boarillnsr ana Iiolsins, per M'eek 93 OO and fliS 00 Boardlnj;, withont Ii»dsintf, per Wrvk $t4 50 Boardlns and Liodsinx. pvr Day nt. oo Healdsburg, SONOMA COUNTY, Is one of the substantial towns of Cali fornia, lias 2,500 i.ihabitants, a theater, all the churches, gas works, Wiiter works, h()S2 company ami chemical firj engine; an acackniy, public library, litemry, secret and musical s:)cietica. It is an incorj)oratetl city, out of debt, governed by a board of Hve trustees. The fumoiis (ieyser, ISkaggs' and Litton hot and miiicnd springs and Magnolia Farm uw adj.'iCL-nt, and a mo.st wondei fully pro ductivc farming, wine, stock jind wool- growing region surrounds. The rich bottoms of IJussian river and its tribu taries extend in every direction, and tiic main track of the S. V. & N. 1'. 1{. H. passes close by. The mountains adja- cent .abound iii minerals, and the Oak- land, (ireat Eastern and Mount Jaek.son Quicksilver Mining Com [janies, in active operation with powerful maehinery and hundreds of men, make Healdsburg tlieir eiitrefiot. There rre two wcoKly newspapers, tlie "Mag" and **Ent^r- prijie," both well edited. Allen O S, physician BAGOE F C S, associate editor "Rus sian liiver Fbig " BAILHACHE J N.cashier the Bank of ilcaldsburg Bank of Hcaldsburg, J N Bailhache ciiBliicr Barnes D H, president Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Healdsburg Barlow B, liquors Biddle E W, dentist Block & Colder, winery Bloom &, Cohn, gen mdso Bloom Jonas, pres The Bank of Hcalds- b urg BOSTWICK H W, livtiy, fee»l and sale stable Carter Chas 1), agt S F & N P 11 R Chantih-r II L, propr Oak Lawn House CLACK JOHN W, propr Sotoyomo ilotel Cuminings Wm, livery stable Delano & Mead, butcliers Doxter 8tiible, VV Brice propr De WIEDE&HOLD A £ S, propr fciotoyouie \\ iairy and Distilloiy Douglity A ]{, a.dcllery and harness Ely E, pliysiciun Emerson J P, j ustice of peace and atty at law Ent.rprije Hotel, Mrs Minnia Starck propr^s Fanning Miss Carrie, millinery and dress- making Farnurs & Mechanics' Bank of Hcahh- buiy, 1) H Burnes pres, li H Warheld caslii.r Fenno James E, watchmaker and jeweler Ferguson H 0» grocer Forsman James, physician Foroter Annie Mr.-*, inilliiiery Fried Henry, liquors (iladden \V N, Houring milb (johhtiin Jl, dry goods, etc Oond«yu T W, gunsmith (j rangers' Business Association, gen mdao, wool and grain, A B NuUy pris, \V S Gladden 8^cy,G W iStedmau man- ager Griest & Young, furniture and under- takers Gum & Z;me, liquors Gunn J M, grocer GBATE£ J F, propr Union Hotel, \Vl8t Hull S J, saddlery and harness "HEALDSBUKQ ENTERPRISE," Mul.rew Bros propra, riouth Healdsburg Flouring Mills, W N Glad- den propr HemkrJ, bootmaker Hofgaord Charles, buckskin manufr and fur tanner Hudson & lieynolds, real estate and ins TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer & Co., 'S'Jrsiv^IT s •<, K" C9 o ^H f^ d 1 CO 30 -J 1 £> r" o B — ^ ao ^H £t ^ 1 H ' ■ Is ^ CD 1 9 a* ■ M ■ ■ M o 1 ^ _^ ■ 1^ Mi S ■ ,Z Mil z 1 (S vc ss ■ c ^"^ f2 ■ 3 CI ■ T Nail s ■ O No,- o ■ IL Not 2 H Owr o ■ r I'i'ii ■ f^ Trie < ■ (B PR 01 I ht Kile -1 ■ Q Rose X H ^ R08( o ■ ^ :-. s 9 s CO (0 (0 o ■ ■ < JOJ col First J PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "»• CO CO euo CO I' c Q. c 'S c 3 O Ik o (0 M O rno Post Mtreet) Bdnratc« thoroachly far BnMn«>tiM. California — Healdah urg. 591 AI.niARRTICAI.Lr. Jacobs M & A, tailors Jenkins Belle Miss, milliner '•'' - Jenkins M J Mrs, dressmaker JONES C ED, painter aud bill poster, 8otoyome House JORDAN LESLIE A, editor and propr "liussian Kiver Flag," cor Powell aud Center _ , ,^, Krueger & Huebner, dentists Lannan & Dcmpsy, grocers Lemoine E, blacksmith Love Bros, gen mdse, agts \V, F & Co and WUTelCo Lucdkc Julius, watchmaker and jeweler Martz Mrs Belle, millinery Mason & Smith, grocers May G W, photographer Maguire Mr& Jno B, dressmaker McCormick Mrs S A, dressmaker McDonald M C, clerk VV P White Metzger Bros, stoves, tin and sheet iron MEYERS F I, carriage and wagon- miiker, horseshoing, blacksmith and repairing M^yer 8aml, gen mdse Miller & Curtiss, butchers Moreland W W, atty at law Muller Citrl, propr Healdsbur^ Briwery MULGREW BROS, proprs "Healds- burg EnttTprisu" Nally A B, pres (J rangers' Business Asso- ciation Naugli E K, atty at law Norton L A, atty at law Nottingham John, junk Owen W D, tailor Pliilips & Favour, planing mills Price Andrew, pliototrrapher PROCTOR CHARLES E, drayman W, F & Co PRUETT EDWARD, liquors. West Kaalie M, stoves and tinware Riley & Fox, drugs Bosenl)erg W, dry goods and clothing Uose J W, atty at law RuflFner W, gen mdse "RUSSIAN RIVER FLAG." Loslio A Jordan editor and propr, F (J 8 Bagge associate editor, Powell and Centre Ryan Patrick, boots and shoes Sargent H, boots and shoes Hchnelle William, furniture Schwart F J, bootmaker Seawell Bros, butcher SOTOYOME HOTEL, John W Clack propr. West Soules S, flour and feed Starck Mrj Minnie, propr Enterprise Hotel Stedman G W, manager Grangers Busi- ness Association Sterling P W, marble works .Stussy David, barber Smith W M, fanner SOTOYOME WINERY AND DIS- TILLERY, A E S de Weiderhold. propr Swan W G. atty at law Swisher J R, physician THE BANK OF HEALDSBURG, Jonas Bloom president, J N B^ilhache cashier, Powell and West Tucker J S, variety Turner G J, bakery UNION HOTEL, J F Grater propr. West Vaughn E K, atty at law Vc'io A T, l>akery Walker E S, livery stable Ward N, luml)er dealer Wartteld II H, cashier Farmers and Mechanics Bank of HealJsburg Waterman George, barber Wieberts & Prince, grocers White W P, gen mdse Winter DanijI, bootmaker WRIGHT & BROWN, drugs, books and stationery, West York Bros, blacksmiths JOHN F. CRATER, .... PROPRIETOR. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN AND AMEBZCAN PLAN. First-Class in every respect. A three-story brick, fire-proof building. All modem improvements, and best Family Hotel iu Sonoma County. (A m o CO H. PALMER A C9., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davit St, S. F. Mlj "ill m f . 6< W. W. MONTACUE & CO., TOW,^2«^T.^«I••?;,?!»;.!VJ1•^ ■ IL £ IB I p 2 iS & > » c o E To 09 ? c c O ■ o o < 1-1 I- Q 592 California — Healdsburg. Al.rllARimOAM.T. ESTABLISHED 1868. RUSSIAN RIVER FLAG LESLIE A. JQBDAN, Editor and Proprietor, ^ HEALDSBURG, SONOMA CO., CALIFORNIA. OLDEST PAPER! LARGEST CIRCULATION! LEADING PAPER! In Polities-Republican. Subscription. - Three Pnllars per Annum. ADVERTISING RATES .REASONABLE. SEirO FOB SFECIMEU COPY AND BATB3. For Descriptive Sketch of llealtlsb .-ig and Northern Sonoma, see "Healdabiug " in this Directory. £^^^ By roforenco to the columns of the Flag the character of its matter and amount and style of its advertising patronage will be seen to be iirst-class, equalled by no competitor, and excelled by few coun- try journals in the State. 3 o X" CD o O H. WACHHORST. importer of jr«i;;i^7»^;nu.. 315JSt. Sao. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''^^JSZ^P^SSS^.'^^il^' »hv California — Healdsb urg. 503 ALPIIARItriRAM.r. 3i lA to B O 81 « u e to e s C9 O X ■ o lEALOnC ENRSISE, MULOSEW BROS., Proprietors. HEALDSBURG, CAL. iiiiiiiiiaiif i ijif 11 OF NORTHERN SONOMA COUNTY. .■^---'N" tirj^iil ^irfitliitiorii litt fwllg ^tte-|{itlf* S3: O lv£ S O TJ T S X D IB. SPECIMEN COPY AND ADVERTISING RATES ■'. -" > BENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. Subscription. Three Dollars a Year. m o 9» f 'A If 2> a 2i e o E « CO c c 10 O O o u a < t 594 California — Henry'8-Hollit>ter. A\.f«Animo\u.r. Henry's eONOMA OOUNTT. (Fostoffije, Soaomii Cove.) Hin'laoii Fran'c, blaokamifch Heurj •lamoa,' hotel' MORGAN W 0, postmasfcer, gen mJje and jewelry Petera Davii,, blackamitb Hicksville, BACKAMENl'O COUNTY. Horbcrt L, hotel and livery Jettersan W H, blackainith Payue John, blacksmith Keemi Itcv, M E Church Swain J H, liquors Packett J M, wagonmaker HilVs Ferry, STANISLAUS COUNT V, Is a p1ac3 of 200 people, situated on the San Joajuin river, district. ta an ajricultura. Barnes A L, liiiiora OAMBIINO J C, postmaster (tardner P F, liiuorj Harris C P, lumber and notary public Horn £, shoemaker Uubiier C G, livery stable Kahn Bix>!<, gen milso Jklanniii'^ Pat, liquors Miller C F, physician Newman Simon, gen mdso Petersen & Ahrena, hatul llccht Jacob, hotel Kup L, hotel Vance A W, physician HoUister, 8AN BENITO COUNTY, Is the county seat and principal city of San BenilN) c>>unty, is pleasantly located nc»rly in the center of the San Benito valley. The town is connected with San Francisco by a branch of the S. P. K. It and ij the chief shipping point in the county. It has an extensive flouring mill, a splendid system of water works, and three newspapers, also contains an Odd Fellows' Loil^e, with one hundred members. The town has 2,500 inhabi- tants and polls GOO votes AlexandiBrJalius, barber shop AHOOtJSTU&ES ]DCBAEL,batcher, San Buuito Baldwin dt Griffith, gen mdse BANK Of HOLLISTER, JS Hawkias prdsiieut, J T Bowea oaahior, 8an Bdnito BABDUEWV, surgeon and dentiafe, San Bjuit* BAYLE D, French Hotel, Fourth Bull \V A, photoj^apher BXiAOK j JC, furniture and undertaker, Sa n Ben ito BROWN J S, hay, grain, wood and coal, Fourth and U, It Bohland Guatavc, merchant tailor B3TD AF, lumber, doors, sash, build- ing material, etc, San Bjnitu Boyer J H, druggist Bruiisun L>, boot and shoemaker Bruslauer B, groceries BRiaOS & HAWKINS, attysatlaw, ban Benito Brittherton K 11, attyat law and notary public B\jCHANAN WILLIAM, Western li»tul, European plan. Fifth and East near depot Burnette J J, carrixgoand wagon minufr and gen blacksniitn Caldiira FS, saloon CARLTON ft HARRIS9N, propra "Hollidter Telegraph, " dan Boiiito CAMPBELL E H. Central Market, iSan Benito CENTRAL HOUSE, Reuben Edwards propr. Fifth Coleman R, boots and shoes Coleman M|s R, millinery and fancy gO(Nls Coulan Thomas, saloon Courtney William, groceries, crockery, cijars and tobacco Crepin H, i>hy8ici.in and surgeon CREVLING D H> cabinetmaker. Fourth Cunning F A, fruit, produce, groGcri(>s Degener William, paints, oils, wall pa- per, etc Eastman & McClure, saloon Eaton Alex, blackamicli, horseshocr Eaton U A, dentist Eaton Ed, druggist Eaton Mrs M G, millinery EDWARDS R, propr Central House Fairchild E W, groceries, fruits, cigurs and tobacco Parish ft Chappell, gen mdre Frazier Joseph, bourd »nd lodging (jrluckman David, bootmAor GoldKsh J, gen mdse Graves G H, groceries, wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco Graves Mrs 8, dressmaking and millinery GXJRT J F, stoves, ranges, tinware, plumbing and gasfitting, San Benito -< 3 (A z 01 a 00 -a -a o (/» ;¥ o » i R» « o TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KINO. rusiNESS PENMANSHIP '••^W'H*4Y^:!iw.;i*„v.VJi:*'S.rW: I. •I o o c a o o California — Hollwter-Hoopa Valley. 595 Al l"ll«BKTICAM.V. a s o OTJSSEFELD WILLIAM^ merchanl tailor, McM.'>hon House, t'ourtli Hamilton J (>, harneswnaker and Ratldlei Hanfl Alfred, saloon Hitnia M, gen mdse Harmon A St Co, feed stable Hodges J I, livery stable "HOLLISTER ENTERPRISE.' .'o'ln llkcUonij;Ie jropr. Fifth Kaat HOLLISTER FIOTJRINQ MILLS Muikelfoidft Hinds propis "H0LU8TER TELEORAFH." Carl tiin ft Harrison proprs, 8un lieiiito HOLLOWAT & SON, wagon and plov mitkem and gen bluckbmiths, Sui Benito Howtird L K, physician Johnson G G, real estnte and ins agt. collector, conveyancer, searcher o. recirds, notary (luhlic JOHNSON JAMES, carpenter, Sar liuiiito Ki ly Mrs A, Workingmen's Hotel Klucker (icorge, barber shop LARABEE WILLIAM. Kailroad Ho t el, Fourth LATHROP C 0. (snccessor to Snyder &, Lathrop), hardware, iron, steel, I mmnnition, p>.ints, oils and glass, Sua Ik-uito Latture & McCoy, livery stable Lee W G, court conimi^siouer, atty, and justice of peace I.urascbi Frank, bootmaker Marchetti .loseph, hotel May J J , att y at law > McCarthy W T, common center Saloon, San Benito McCrosky John, produce McCros'tpy B B, atty, justice of peace MoOONIGLE JOHN, propr "HuUistet Enterprise," Fifthaml Last McMAHON HOUSEi Rector Bros proprs McMahon Thos, gen mdse Mcars Jumes, books stationery and va- riiities Montrfcimery O B, auctioneer Meal H, physician Nottiiig J .1, barber NYE JACOB, watches, jewelry, musi cal instruments and sewing uiachiues, San Benito O'Donnell Thos, hotel Owens J A, justice of pence PALMTAG WnJlAM. wholesale and retail liquors, cor Fifth and Sau Benito Peck D, meat market Pier H, tailor . Poole J K, saloon Rankin B, physician RECTOR BROS, proprs MoMahon Hnuiie, Holliatcr Risdon F T ft Co, groceries and crockery Kochat Frank, i^uusmith RjMenlierg Bros, gen mdse 'UiiAs Jamtv, hotel "SAN BENITO ADVANCE," Rob hhuw projir, Sun Benito 1 ndl Schcrer Louis, upholsterer and carriage tri mm er SCHADEK ALBERT, baibj.-, San Bonito >^chultz Herman, bakery Shac'ielford .1 F, bootmaker Shnkclford ft Hinds, Hollister Flouring Mills SHAW J B, merchant tailor. Sun Benito SHAW ROB, propr "San Benito Ad- vance," San Benit> Sherman 1 S, wagoumaker and black- smith SMITH A L, agent Wells, Fargo ft Co's Express and W U Tel Co, ins agt and ngeat New Idra Stage Line, San Benito Smith Carmen, restiiurant Sniblcy Heury, stoves and tinware Talleyr ind T A, c mnty surveyor THORNTON L, saddler and hamesa- makur, Fifth Townsend J H. butcher VARCOE HENRY, Hollister Brewery and s loiui, ^tun Benito Vnchc Theophile, liquors VValber,' 1. K, blac'ismith Webber W J, carpenter Wells S A, dressmaker Wells S T, wagoamaker and bla>>ksmith Werz Anton, boots and shoes YOST THOMAS, books, stawionery and postmaster Homestead, PAN DIEGO COUNTY. SHECKLER B R, postmaster Hookton, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, O m •Shipping point for steamer once a week. Eel River Valley Holt J W, warehouse and commission i-i Hoopa Valley, nCHBOLDT COUNTY, / Is thirty miles south of Orleans. K! .!;.■■ n -?1? ;■;' ' ■ •I'ii i : '-^^ '■; ■il til OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER it CO.. 302 Davis SU b. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.. ViT'7,^"2.!r.''.r«;irJrr '*'"••"'••' rv M*r"'t. **. V, CO i c z p of 0) o E To CO c c CQ O ■ o o a z S o < CL 506 California — Hoopa VaUey-Hi/desv'dU. *t.PHAIIIino\M.V. BAIR TH03, Sfin mdse, hotel, post miutcT, commidiioii morchttut and far warder Bnyco W J, cirpontor and o'>ntrnctor HOOPA VALLET HOTEL, Thomu B..ir propr MotiuirdJua, blnoksmitb I'ricj (J K, pttysioi^n ' Riigan J, birbar Sh ineasuy J, tailor Titlovv M, millwright Walker Kobt, blucksmith Hopeton, MERCED OOUNTr, la six miles from 8n6llin^. GRADE WM A. ^o'l mdso and post- Hitlstj.id k Simi, bJHckiimiths Hannah i^e > W, hot^l Wikhum M D L, wagonmakor Hornitos, MARIPOSA COUNTV, Is a small place 22 miles from Merced. Population 400. Adams Wm, blacksmith and notary Arthur K SIERRA OOUNTV. (See TuLle Bock.) Howards, Berkc L D, butcher Doty W L, hotel McCaughey J, gen mdm Pau.'L, li'iuors Taylor W F, livery 8t.able Wooley J A, physician Haeneme, VENTURA COUNTV. Oi the southjrn cjast, M18 uilca from Sau Francisco. Bardy T R & Co, Wharf & F.ighter Co Uiiirk L C, harness and saddles Ham Jame'i, liquors Korts B 11, liqtiori LI\aNaSTON R 0, gon mdjo and postuiastor McCoy C U, butcher MoCy D D, hotel Uasmus'ten Joh, c ibinet maker Salisbury & Burd, lunibjr Stovell A B, notary pub.io War.lH W, blaoksmith Wolif & Levy, geu mdsa Hunsaker, TULAKE COUNTV. Hnnva'cer Henry, trader SHUEY S D, postmaster atophjasuu — , phytiiuian Hydesville, IIU.MBOI.DT COUNTV. SQ]|th of Eureka 25 miles, on the CIo- verdoie anwell T W, wat jhm;ikor ' . Newman Jos, feed stable Porter Robt, gen mdse, agt W, P'4 Co, W U Tel Co and notary public SMITH E 0, p^'stmastur, bootmaker and varieties SWEASEY T W, liverv stable WEBSTER WM I, justice of peace, hotel and saloon S H. PALi'Sr; & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal.. "l^ii'KXaS:'' PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Till* ]|«4rl CMnMfrrlal r«ll«>M oi* lh«* 4'OBMt, HiM» Vmtt m . H.V, C/> 03 CO Californifi — Iff o- lone. 597 Ai.riiA'inrAi.i.r. Iffo, SHASTA COUNTT, l3 T>ino miles southwest of Shnsfx ami has apoHtotfiuQ rjcmitly est^bluhoJ. nnnham Hnys, hotol Duiih.'ini & Loiter, g ni mdio Knglu O coustiiblu En^Iu W S, phyHii'ian Harvey !( '..'. c;i:pt O C T & F Co lIoMc .V 1', HUpt oi Hchno'a Kin^shury C N, jiisiico oi poaco " " icksinitS p(iHtin:i8tcr 7 I'etty .1 A, blucksiiiit:^ SMITH D I ojnxxix JJ JL'i p>)(i(;iii:iHT,br Will.'.nl Uoo k, gfii iiwUj Imusdale, MONTKRKV COl.NTV. Austin .1 (', saw m»l griat mill Filler N W, physiciiiTi Fonl J \V, jiistiuc of poaco fiouM (! s, gcti m(No Hunt K II, atty at law Tins Alfred, s;iwinill Micll Oibsoii, e.'irpentor RUSSELL Q, postmuHtcr Uinl Jno \V P, (list atty Lank -Ino A, county oorunor Jjovy H, ri«tHurint Muirs O I, livery stable ' May Tho4, county asa 'ssor Meysur L'has, c uiity siiptirviaor Moit'at S 1', ntty at law M'loro Wm L, shorilT Fitrkor Abraham, blacksmith ISeilily V, atty at law Koti* hilil J >S & Co, gen mdso ' iSowlcy J H, postm tstiT Schallen J oh, justlicu of pcaco Suhuiidt Christian. 'Irii'^gisb Socloy Jos, county surveyor Smith J W, shoriif Hnelling It H, dist atty Stccker A, carpenter Syinea J NV, county sunt of schools Thomaon V (}, propr lilani-y lluusu Woud L, gon uuUe Independence, INYO cor NT Y, Ii a very pretty little county sent and u Hitiiiited ill a piuturcs'iuu and rich ai/ri cnltiirid rejiion. It is rcHheendeMt" Childs H Fi. deputy U S i it nv cid Conklin A I>, n 't >ry pnlilic CROUGH JOHN, county dork, auditor and reconler Eibeshutz A W. notary public Fembaeh Jos,, brewery Fromn L, restaurant Hannah Jno A, sujicrior judgo Hanly O H. county treasurer Harris k Khine, gen mJse, bankers, ex press and ins agency Hughes J K, notary publio Irwin Jno C, liquors lone, AMADOa COUNTY, Is one of the most pleasantly situated of theinteri'T towns frr.v No- ^ailas. It ia the terniiniis of the Atn^xlor br nch of the C. I'. R. K. and ia the fri'i.'ht dcpi>t fur supplies to Jackaon, Sntter Cn-ek, Amndor City, P'ymonth, N'ole.ui", Dry town and nil otlicr j)li cesof imptrtaucj in Amador and iidjacont ennnti fs. The Forest Lino of stages, Wni. Hamilton, iiroprietor.and J. Rugs- dale, ntrent, run hnely e |uip|><'d e laclies fnnn lon'i t<» Jackaon ami Mokelnmno Hill and aldn to Sutter Crv-e'c, Amador City, Drytown and riymouth over good r> da and throu;/h ]>ietnrc8 |ue soeiery. The po|mlatii)n \i about 800; ilistauco from Sacninento 51 uiihis; from San Francisco 151 miles. ' Adami A L, physiiiau "AMADOR TJMES," J C Waldrou edi- t tr aiis W S, constable CSORNEAL A, Hqnors and billiarc Cnmmines Jas, grist mill Farrow K, physician and surgeon Ferrier J P, liquors m, II*, > lU >- I- O CO < O CO o u bl CO O z < co a 598 California — lone-hleton. ALPHABRTICALLV. u h X < z h o u a Ford & Gray, dmgs, varieties, watch- maker and jeweler Fux Wm H, stoves and tinware French F M, watchmaker and jeweler Hall FC.aBtCPRR HAMILTON WM, propr Forest Line of Sjtage j Isaac B & Bros, gen mdae, wholesale flour and trrai i Kennedy Phil, liqunra Kingsley Mrs M R, hotel MABCflANT & STEWAET, butch- ers McCAULEY JAS. propr Arcade Hotel McMurry J W, postmu»t'ts and shoes My rick J \V, propr Water Works New York & Placer Co Orion Mining Co, W W Andersoa supt Ossiij J, nijut m irket Fitrker John, blacksmith I'lirker S K, gen mdse PeiiMi»ylvani.i Mining Co Peterson O H. physician Pioneer Mining Ci> Reconitructi HI Mining Co RetKl & Spancer, livery San Fr inci^co (i M Co Schmitt John, Itrewery and liquors Silva A, liquors and livery Smiloy John, gen mdse Spjiicer E(J, lumberman Spencer O J, lumlK>rm.m Sprague S M, moat market Stone A J, gen mdsn Stone J, ))ootmaker St-me P, justice of the peaca Wile >x C H, carpenter Wolverine Mining Co Youuj' J, hotel Ol JOHN Hotc PoolJ( Vance] Isleton, SACKAMENTO COUNTY", A postofHce on Andrus Inland, Sacra- meuto river, 40 miles Itelow Sacramento. Ames H M, Cal sn^ar manufr Armstr.>ng H, butcher Annitr mt; H C, livery and constable Brown B B, li [uors California Sugar Manufr Co, H li. Ames pr 'pr Ci.rter J J, li]uora Cr mer 8, ge n mds? GARDINER P H. gen mlso and agt W, F ft Co ISLETON HOTEL, W H Johuson pro- prietor 00 o o" en o CO 5' o CD O CO p p o O s Aamnm agt V\ Oalland Glenn J] King p, Klockne Mnrphy SuUivam Is the coi consider* and stock tribute vi It is 146 reachcil vi tral Pacif lone City. anprletor8. JACKSON, Amador County, Cal. Established, 1854. RICHARD WEBB, "■ '- EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. The Oldest, Largest, Cheapest and Most Widely Circulated Paper in Amador County. Terms : - - $3.00 a Year, in advance. Jackson, Amador County, Cal. DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN THE (;OUNTV. Publ'shed eTery Saturday. WM. M. PENRY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Terms: One Year, $4. Six Months, $2. Main Street, Jackson, California. H. WACHHORST. importer of ji;t"LyVD[;r.'*i;d.. 315 J St, Sac 9 CD (A o O o s £ CO o a « c o £ Id (A 0) o o I** .J 8 o z m O «9 BUSINESS PENMANSHIR Prartlrally taccli* M ^AriFIC BfMI. 1IRMH rAI.I>.«>K. RAO IMm* («t« H. V. California — Jameatown-Jullan City. 601 Ai.piiAHimrAi.iiV. it in i » Id Jamestown, TUOLUMNE COUNTY, Is a mining town and postofficc, 31 miles fruu) Milton. Aula FjCrncet ies and fancy goods BUTTEftFIELD B F, ^en mdsc, ogt W, V & Co and Phoinix Home Ins Co, po.'tma8ter and S J & C C Tel opr Daigle Jos, board and livery stubla Jones O F, 8.tloon Leluiid G A, bakery I'l-eston A B, meat market and notary public l(u^pi CbaR, groceries and li mors Itivolo Frederico, groceries WatcrbouMO Wm 11 11, blacksmith and feed y.rd \Vliyte r, restaurant and lod^^ing Janal, BAN DIEUO COUNTY. HTDE ELISHA, postmaster and gen niddu Jolon, MONTEREY COUNTY. Aldnco Dolores, grocerisa Bolton 1 M, 8touk-ri>iier Cataliinatt H, butcher Dutton (ieo k Co, gen mdse, postoffice and agts W, F & Co Fleiuming William, hamcssmaker and constable Mcndoza Augustino, (.'roccries Murray W J, blacksmith Josephine, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, On the road from Paso de Eobles to Cam- bria. Ktagu from Paso de Itobles, 17 miles; f..re, $2, ■ » — I Humphreys W S, gen mdsc and i)0st- mootcr Janesville, LAS8GN COUNTY, A village 12 miles cast of Suaanvillo. Biingham K Cr, justice of the peace (ii ddy C, coadtablo Jcllcsoa J E, justice of the peace Jenny Lind, CALAVERAS COUNTY, A mining camp reached by stages from Mi.ton, bO miles distant. Meyers Mrs Jrcob, hotel propr Milier M. saloon Orengo (I M ft Bros, gen mdso Keeley Joe, blicksmith Ugo C, gen mdae and postmaster Judsonville, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. B:iglcy D, saloon IIoImo 1 J, livery stable .funes J P, hotel Lam In &. Cross gen mdso LANBO J JR, postmaster L>ve Mrs Margaret, biarJiag .Mc(iuirc P, blacksmith Ui.n K, b.rlicr Tyler N A, hotel Jersey Landing, CONTR.\ COSTA COUNTY. KYLES W C, groceries, liquors, dry goods, hrrdware, agricultural implo- ments and poatmoater Julian City, SAN DIEUO COUNTY, Is a very pretty mining town, 45 miles distant, in a uorthetister'y diieetion, from San Dijgo. The Nceuiu features are magnilict- at ttttractious, and the cli- mate ii unsurpassed. Bailey I) D, livery st.iblo Bashtord O 1^ saloon Kiuidy Thos, saloo:i Clough Mrs M A, (irand Hotel Dean (Seo, constable and collector Kinir & McDowell, gen mdso Levi Isaac, gcji mdse ' McDowell iS A, postmaster Made Thos P, atty nt law •Stratton Thos, blacksmith Swniu (ieo W, justice of poaco Wilson Henry, gen mdae II. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine. 302 Davis St., S. F. I ^1 1! ^n '■J 'J cr m ■'A c S p S & > » c o E 75 ? c O O o o Q. I- I- 3 O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO^ V.OT.lf'iinV^.'ir^Siffy^^il^y vg 602 California — Janction-Kemville. Junction, LASSEN COUNTY. Ingram Robert, carpenter LENT A E, postmaater McKisaick J, cattleman Roberts J C, hotel Roberts S M, hotel Ross Allieit, stock-raiser Ross Roberto, capitalist Stiemberger J M, hotel Junction City, TRINITY COUNTY, A small place, 9 miles southwest of Weaverville. Berein John, saloon DAT C W, hotel nnil postmaster Jiiven VV C, butcher Mippler Chas, blacksmith Raub L F, saloon Versteaag P, drugs and confectionery Whitmore & Reed, gen mdso Eeene, KERN COUNTY. WELLS H P, postmaster Kelsey, EL DORADO COUNTY. A mining village 6 miles north cf Plucerville Allen Tho^ liquors Anderson VVm, gen mdso licwis Tho8, gen mdse Newel \Vm, justice of the peace Poor John, gen mdse Roelke (i H, constable Siesenop A, hotel SBBSENOP J A. postmaster Eelseyville, LAKE COUNTY, (Uncle Sam postoflice), Is distant from Cloverdale ^5 miles, and ia reached via Cloverdale and Clear f^ike Stage Line. It is beautifully located at the f Hit of Uncle Sam mountain, and is the central point «if the county, seven miles from the county seat, Lakeport, and on the border of Clear Lake, distant 1^ miles. The population is about 250, and the resources are chiefly agricultu- ral. Four churches are here, the M. E., the Presbyterian, a Campbellite and a Catholic. There is a mound here from which is- sues a natural gas, a hole b.i ig dui; a few feet in diameter, and one or two feet deep. Upon throwing in a piece of lizhted paper, the gas at once ignites, and a oaau* tifid blue tlame appears, burns fiercely a short time, and then gradually dies out. Bole H C, saloon , Boone J T, physician and ci ruggist Ci>x J L, justice of peace aud feed stable DE PENCIEB BROS, mi m Ise Fox Kev B, ftastor Catholio Church (jii>rd John, saloon <«reene A D, liquors Hayter D S, wagonmaker HOWE IRA, pr«>pr Uncle Sam Hotol .Tones C P, pastor M K Church Kelsey John, gunsmith Merritt R I), pork packer Mitchell J A, pastor Presbyterian Church Noble S B, blackaiiiith Ormiston Mrs L P, propr Kelseyville House PETERSON A, shoemaker Piner Bros, butchers SLOCUM A A, gen mdse and agent W, P * Co UNCLE SAH HOTEL. Ira Howe propr YOTJNQ W G» postmaster and general murchaiKliso Kemville, KERN COUNTY, la distant from Havilah 18 miles, and is reached by, stages. CO ■< o o H "» »< o ft* CO 2 a (A Billis .Fames, gen mdso Bole Frank, market Brndy I* T, blacksmith and livery stable BROWN A, gen mdse and pustuiaster Cook Wni, lirowery and liquors F«y Alvin, notary public }{o«)ver M, physician Linn .lackson, lii{uors Micliels I k Co, gen mdse Murphy J .1, gen mdse it Peterson N P, hotel Rawlings J S, liquors Sumner I W, livery stable Tibbetts R (;, hotel Wyatt Mark, blacksmith CD s Sr.lNLSl TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. Bnrnes Mrs, hotc DiliiiufOtto, liqi Dolling Victor, b Ferris )n ti, blao Foster P B, hara< BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ^RM<4 4^1, insht nt SMO V»m* Mt.. H. **. C3 CO to CO KM ft If ft 5 c 0. c '5 ** c 3 (? (8 CO » (ft ■ ■ California — Kiheaillah-La Grange. 603 AliPIIARBTIOAI.Iir. Eibesillah, MENDOCINO OOONTf. Anderson A, bootmaker Banker Fr mk, livery stable Brnker T H, hotel Barrett J VV, saloon Claxton Ci W. justice of peace Hatch 8 B, bldckimith Uiinter J S, sawiaill Hunter & Stewart, gen mdsa Powell U T, justice of peace fiobiiisou J L, harness and saddlery Smith (r \V, saloon Smith K J & Sous, hotel Whipple F A, insurance agent and post- m ist r Whipple H E, attorney at law WHIPPLE H £ & SON, genmdse Whi(»ple & Henry, furaitiire factory Whipple J F, niiuager W U Tel Cj Kiugsburg, TULAUE COUNTY, Is ori the Visalia division of the South era Pacific K. K., 20 miles from Fresno Bariant A, blacksmith Bariunt Antony, harnosa and saddles B.irlow Jno M, saloon D.ivis S, gen milsc D ilch Hujrh, saloon Draper E J, hutel EiidiC'itt Chits, bliicksmilh Uosncr Wui T, justice of peace (iuudjUinger E. gen mdse Kinney E B, pojtm.ister and express agent Mayticld A C, harncs) and saddles Porlior It, fruits and vegetables Peaks Wiu, hotel Pooge S C, attorney at law Scott W W, tlruggistJ Simpion P, hotel Welsh Juo B, deputy sheriiT and con stable Franklin James, carpenter Fur^s :>n Wm, blacksmith (Jreen D D, blacksmith Ham A, viueyard Haslaclier J & Co, gen mdso Jones Pi, hairdresser Lowe J H, phvsician McAllister 8, butcher and constablo McCluin &, Co, hotel Mcliean A, hotel Miller Freil, liquors Schell A & Co, wine distillers Shell & Co, vineyard Stewart W E, friiit grower VALPY A M, gen mdae, -ont W, F 4 Co Vogt Caspar, bootmrvker Viyle L, livery stable W.irner John, pjstmister, notary pub- lic and justice of the pjucj Williams Janus, saloon Knight's Landing. (See Grafton.) S. J. FRYETT, Postmaster ani Exprass Agent. DBALEK IN Drugs, Medicines & Chenisals Fftasy aal XjUs*. Acticles, Sponges, Brush js, Peifamsiy, &c. KXKiiHTti IiAlIDIXs a population of uboitt 40. Brown W, flouring mill Hastings N, hotel ShiTve Bjnj;irain, gen mds3 and post- uiiister Thompson P, blacksmith La Orange, STANISLAUS COUNTY, Has a popul.ttion of 160, and is inp- H. PALMER & CO.. Fronti({nan Wine. 302 Davis St., S. R 01 m o -o Gi 3 B 3 ;B I 'I'M ;■!:# 1Si;W WW MONTAGUE & CO 1*""*1M «n«1 Tt«n rin^. all Mlaen, 110, 119, c « S o C04 California — Za Grange-Lakeport. ALrilAOKTICALI.V. O $ I? CD O S 0) *5 k. IL tJ O c O ■ o o a z S o < Q. O z p ported through the combined iatereste of miuiag and agriculture. . ,,; , ,. ,. Basso Mrs M M, hotel Butes Mrs M J, blacksmith and wagon- niiiktT Brown Benj, livery stable Coakley Caleb, blacksmith and wagon- niakcr Gannon Cichard, saloon Oilman Jno L, liquors Hammond Bros, gen mdse HAMMOND J A. justice of the peace, notary public, agent W, F & Co, and ])ostnin8ter J^nepan J L, supt D & II M Co Joaquin Antone, bootmaker Morton Bros, saloon Olcese & M iitevt ide, gen mdso I'eters Jno, bootmakir ]{udy liro.s, butchers Vignos Jno, gen nulso Lakeport, LAKK COL NT V, Has a prpul: tion of S()0, i? n prowin and jirosperous town, Iho county aj;it anddist.tnt from San Francisco I'J'JnuUs, reactu'd r.Vi San Francisco and North Pacilic IJiiilro.id. The country immedi- iitcly surroundiuir it and tiil)utary to it, is a rich gr.ziag and agricultural sectiju. AdiimiJ D, liquors ARNOLD M,l>«si•^t.»ntc^.8lli^^ Bank of BANK OF LAKE, Alex F Tate nrost, Frank 1) Tunis cashi r and M Ar- iio'd r.sst c ishit r, Main r.racli Mrs J, rt'st.iurant and bakery BIGERSTAFF W J, postni,.ster, Mriil BldQI ANGELO, watolnnakcr and m.nuf icturin<{ jeweler, M..i.i Bocthel K, b >otinakcr BOOOS H C, prost Farmers' isaviugs Bank Boggs L If, asst. cashier Farmers' Sav iugs Bmk Brav Mr^j A, restaurant and bakery BDNDY T, boat builder Bur^e J B, phot"graj)her Burnette i'eter, county sheriff and col- lector Burriss B F, cler^fyman (Methodist) Butler W J, butcher Carson Auo J, urocerios CHAPMAN MRS 8 V, proprietress of Mound Cutt igo ilutel, Main Childs H F, liquors 'Lako CLEAR LAKE HOTEL, J N Miller jtropr Colin H & Son, gen mdso COOK JOHN R, proprietor of "Lake Democrat" Crawford Woods, atty at law CRUMP & JACKSON, proprs County liee" Ci ump K W, dist atty Crumpton H J, physician ' Davenport A E, bartender Davis Thos, barber Downes J S, physician l':iliott J W, atty at law Everett J' W, secy Farmers' Business As8'>ci;ition FARMERS' BUSINESS ASSOCIA- TION, •' B Ifobitison i)re8i.leiit, H C Bcgga vice-prtsident and J W Everett seeretnry; gen mdse FARMERS' SAVINGS BANK. II c Boggs prcst, J W Mackull cushiorand li 11 Boajijfs asst cashier CreeneW W, hotel (iully & liCO, gen mdse Ilediiik Dr L, tlentist Hudson K J, supeiior judge Ilutf \V B, painter Jenkins C C, blacksmith and wagon- maker Kediy J A, couTity surveyor Keiniedy B, cariK-nter ""INYON f " t .I)l<', Maui KENYON S W,pr.i>rLikeport Livery Ligassick .luo, boot and s'locmaker "LAKE COUNTY BEE," Cnimp & Jacks >n iiroors "LAKE DEMOCRAT." John ll Cook LAKJ&ORT LIVERY STABLE, S \V Kenyoa projir, Mui.i Ii"vy & Luviiie, gen mjsj Lilly Cr B, furnitur>.' Lilhrl (! II, clrr^yman (Bptist) Lyon (!eo A Jr, nows depot anJ W, P & Co's aj^t M.icki 11 J W, casliijr Farmers' Saviiigs Bank M lo .las, carpenter and coroner Mathews Mac, county supt of schools McCarty A P, atty at law and uutary ])ublic McQEE J B, gc" mdso McOEE W D, manager C L & M Tel Company McIIarvey C F, harnossmiker Mewhinuey Isutc, wheelwright MILLER J N. propr Clear I>uko Hotel Moore (iuwn, butcher MOUND COTTAGE HOTEL. Mrs S V Ch( pmnn proprietrt ss, Muiu Mundy W B, photographer Noel A E, atty at law $ SO 0) H 30 m m o 30 o 30 m a o 2 « (A s c5 m p" n »> a. a c » o Q O o a -4a O a o' a (9 < 9 H. WACHHORST ■*"hc^Sr"*^" than any house on the Coast. PI PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. :rr^ Moael Commrrrlal ColleM or tti4> «ion*it. H«n Po«t m . h. r. B a> E u 0} to (0 e u o u o o M o o CO o 73 M 0) o c V o Z O H X C9 a o (0 ft o •9 < California — Lakeport-Latrobe. A'>riivii«riOAtiTiY. G05 Oliver H A, county clerk and recorder Paul £ M, juatica of paaco and notary pub ic FHELAN C E, druggist Phulau N, couaty assesaor • Porter N M, carp3nt jr Portfrlield J \V, harness and saddlery KiddieiMra SM, millinery and drjss- m;ikin| BOBINSON J B, prcst Farmers' Bus- inass AsiiojiHtiuu Roetbel Eilw VV, bootmaker l{oss Hm, blacksmith and wagonmakor lidss k Hurh, blackimithsi SAVI3ABE J, tailor Siium HIS L G, liquors and billiards Siip'ns J F, bootmaker T)/ 'i,?PY N, stoves, tin and hardware, SLOTTEBBECS CHilBLE3. gun- smith and telescopic title maker Smytlie J L, utty at law St lab H G. tailor St vrr M, iljur mill STUART J M, undertaker and cabi- net m^ker TATE ALEX F, prest Bank of Laka, Main TH3RNT0N P H, dru-gist and sur- geon, M lin Thoini)3 )n K L, liquors Thompjou W H, liquors T(JXI3 FRANK D, cashior Bank of Lik.;, M lin Woi bm ma Otto, brickmaker • Wolih & Bi-itt, attys at law William i Davi.l, cuauty troasuror CH>. *LES SLOT/ERBEK, GUNSMITH AND TELESCOPIC RIFLE MAKER. Lakeport, CaL Lakeville, BONOMA COUNTV, Is a point, on the S. F. & N. P. Railroad, distant from San Francisco 37 miloi, audi ii the point of transfer for Sonoma. Botlwell C A, postm ister Holly & Co, blacksmiths Lancha Plana, AMADOR COUNTV, Is aicoly situated in a rich agricultural, milling an I fruit-growing region, tiftocu miles southwest of Jackson. Earlc L M, justice of peace La Porte, PLUMAS COUNTY. A small mining town on the ridge wJiioh divides Yuba and Feather rivers, It has an elevation of 4,500 feet above the aea level. Babb Geo, livery stable Bank of I^a Porte, Dixon Brabban prest Buckley H, hotel Canny .1 &, C, butchers Cayvit Mrs, hotel Chaml)crlin B H, saloon Darlin T J, varieties (Joailiiard 15, restaurant Hirria A, stoves and tinwaro Misoii II, gen mdso McNeil H, boota and shoes Mussey J M, physician RUineliart M, physici in Roseuberg Bros, gen mdsa Russul S S, hardware Turner J \V, atty at law and notary Wmhlic ASHINGTON HENRY, druqs and varieties, justice of pjoce and post- niustor Whoeler S, cashier Bank of La Porte, not iry public and agent Wells, Fargo &Ca Latrobe, EL DOll^VDO COUNTY, A small town on the Sacramanto and Placcrville Railroad, '.iS miles from the fprmer place. ; Adams A .T, postmaster Dudon C W, railroad and tel a-rt Edwanls C \V, blacksmith maker and wagon- H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. SO o r cs 3 U J 3x If M s3 ■ Z H 1 - urn i I p 1^ I > o E 75 CO c c n O ■ o o o 0. o IV. w. M0NT/6UE & co..»««r.-!'"f>"?f."f:-,',y:„rKr!::r i?'''^'?* 1 r Goa California — Ln t I'ohe-Lincoln. Ar.i>ii\HiirruAL(m8, gen mdao Treuholtz E, phyaiciuu Leesville, COLUSA COUNTY. Bliss Wm, hotel Clark ft C hamberlnin, gen mdso I'crduc Peter 8, hotel Lemoore, TULAKE COUNTY, BEATER OSCAK, aaloon Hrewster S (i, cpr Park House, wool prower FURNISH & LEE, saloon OILROY L, gou indse, agt W, F ft Co and sewing machines, notary public, ins agt and agricultural implements Goodman Josi ph, ins agt Gray W A, atty at law and notary pub- lic Ham I H, manager flouring mill com* pflny HAMlIN B, druggist, paints, oils and gliiSS Heinleu A E, meat market, lumber ' yard and ins agt Heinlen J R, warehouse Hite A Swoetland, groceries INGRAM WM, propr Lemoore livery and fee«l stable Jacobs J Jr, atty at law and notary pub- lie Lee Ed, barber LEMOORE LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Wm Ingram propr Lobbell 8 A, photogra|ther Lovelace L M, physician and surgeon, eounty coroner and administrator Lovelace M H, constable MAGX S L. gen md->e, banking, ex- chungo and insurance M"pe8 A 8, harness and saddles Martin 1', shoemaker Meri'iani C C, atty at law Mooney A, gunsmith and varieties Moore Dr L L, farmer PARK HOUSE, G N Furnish propr PHELPS F M, Miller's Germ-u com- prutwoi yeaat. Oakland Si>ub«)m Mrs b A, milliuery and dress- makiiiK SCHLICKEISER ALBERT, adoon ■Schwartz B, gun mdite, furniture, bed- ding and agi icul implts Snott Rev G W, pastor (Biiptiat) Travin J D ft Son, stove and tinware Wiohman Chri*, barljer Wils.>n R F, blacksmith and wagon- makur lewiston, Berl)cr W H, lioti-l and saloon Hays ft Cunuin^hum, gen mdso HAYS H B, tx'Btmastcr Larsen 1, bootmaker Paulsen Jacob, gen mdse Phillips O, bliicksmith Van Matre M, butcher Lime Kiln, TULARK COUNTY. CARTER D F, postmaster Lincoln, PLACER OOINTY,' Has a population of 400, and is very pleasantly locatc■' i,L • If. mUH I AUUC c o E CO c c (0 O ■ O O z S o < DL O G08 Cal'ifai'nia — Little Lftke-Live^ Oak. AM'IIAHRTICAM.V. Little Lake, MENDOCINO COUNTY, (Postofficc, Willits) liocated '22 miles from Uki ih, is a town of modern growth, it having been laid out in 1878, and alreudy numbers u IMipuIation of about SOO. Its principal strk-et is graded and graveled, and the people poES as vim and enterprise. The Mendi>cin>i Agricultural Assuciition h .e its grounds ueur this place, and to the efforts of the citizens its inauguration i ■ mi.inly due. The town is the center 'f tra4ie for some 25 siuaro miles, situated in Little Luke valley, which id about four miles in diameter. Bamett E. gon mdae Brown & Davis, hotel and livery Buel E C, carpenter C<>ate» B F, drugs Crowley Alex, livery stable Day K O, restaurant Dobkins J 8, blacksmith Holman Bros, liquors Hopper & Young, lic^uors L'imbort & .Siinoiison, gen mdse Mi:Bt B Cw, butchers McC'arty W A, blacksmith Morzan k Kelley, gristmill NORTON BROS, lumber mill dealers ia general morcliauiHjO Parsons A 0, harness and saddlery llo« O A, pastor (Congregational) Vincent l>'S, wagonmakcr Willit4 Hir..m, gen uidso and master aud post- Little River, MKNDOCINO COUNTY, 0-1 the coast, ICO miles abjve San Fran- cidco. Coombs & Per'.; ins, lum1)er and gon mdse Corri^an J S & Co, gon mdso Dennon J N, carpenter Kent \Vm H, meat market Mablmaun A F, hotel Norager Cha<«, hotel PuUen C, millwright 8am|NSon K , gen md^c Lib.Tty Hill Mining Co, H S Rogcn agt Little York Water and Mining Co, D W Balch supt Mammoth Blue Gravel Miaing Co, D \V Balch supt Planet (Jravel Mining Co, H U Ivins l{emin.;toa Ditch Co, John Hussy agt biiickt^m Milling Co, E P llubb,.rd agt IStehr Henry, w.iter right and ditch 8wamp Angel Mining Co, G A Frick agt Wild Cat Miaing Co, James Fhillipi agt Litton Springs, SONO.\IA COUNTY, Is situatwl on the S F AN P R R, 7C miles from San Francisco. Boutoti A, orchard and narSary, near station Live Oak, SUTTER COUNTY, Is cijht miles north of Stockton. Andrews S R, black.smith Armstrong ft Mc Far land, groceries Brown Austin, boarding Enbers Win, liquors GODFREY H J,gen md^o, warehouse, postmaster, agt C P It 11 and W U Tel Co Rumsdell I N, liquors m m m m as m S o ■o o 3. 9 O H. WACHHORST, Agent tor Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Saa PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 5!»;^»W.t?W«?'M'?:'ST in California — Livermore. GOO At rilAIIICTICAlLT. Livermore, ALAMEDA COUNTY, Is a thriving, growing town of 1,000 in- habitants, beautifully located in Liver- more valley, 47 miles from Sail Fran- cisco tia C. P. R. K. » 1 e & e s C9 a (0 ft u Alvres A J & Co, snlonn an«l barber shop ALVISO VALENTIN, landowner Aiiselopuln I'H, biikery ANSPACHEa BROS, gen mdso Autlioiiy F A, Htovus, tinware aud hard war e ATJBURT ELLIOTT, atty at law Aylwtird Johii, wagon nianufr BAUDILLINI A. Washington Ifotcl BABTLETT W P. propr "Uveimoro Herald" Bastian Geo, saloon Beazeu A <•, blacksmith COMSOYS, BLOCK & GO, gen mdse, hardware, and agriuulturul imple- ments Conrad Henry, barber CUTLER L H, druggist and physician Dutcher V D, stoves and tinware Flanasan Patrick, blacksmith FRANZEN PETER, a doon OAROE|fETER C & BROS soda works ami saloon Gelich Pasquale, cigars, tobaceo, candy and priMlnuo Gillis James, apn mdso ORAK\M ROBT W, justice peace and furniture d ealer QRASSI FRANK, Morning Star Hotel Corner Themlore, saddler and harness maker Harvc-y John, livery stable Heslep P C, agricultural work Hilton Gilley, town marshal Hobbs S, hay merchant Holmes N B, uarriai^e and wagon manu- facturer and gen blacksmith HORTON & KENNEBT, lumber and windmills HTJPERS HORITZ. Farmrrs Ex- change, 11 It ave and L near depot JaccardH P, watchmaker and jeweler JAOOE ROBT H, boot and shoemaker JAHNIOEN OU&TAV, saloon JARRETT G B, physician JORDAN WENDELL, Livermore « Brewery Jenkins Mrs W P, hotel Keene Cornelius, bootmaker ' '"* LAVICEISTER WILLIAM F, Liver more Flouring Mills licvy S, gen mclse Lindloy Curtis U, atty at law and no tary public "LIVBRMOEE HERALD," W P Bartlett propr LIVERMORE ROBERT landowner LOVE M F H, notary public and attj liow W N, Li verm ore Hotel NOONAN DENia constable Muck M F, boot and shoe store MALLT F, gen mdse, boots, shoes, clitthing and stationery MoCAw D, B^nk Exchange Saloon McKeane Peter, butcher MoLEOD A J, postmaster Meodenhall D A, ft Co, dry goods and clothing Mitchel J T/, R R Express and ins agt Mnrotte Chas N, haraessmaker MORETTE J P, harness and saddles MOYE & CONNOLLY, Livermore Meat Market O 'hrien James, harness and saddler PINK LEWIS, postoffioe and saloon Power F P, priest (Catholic Church) Ryan Miss Kuttie, millinery and dress- maker Schmidt Chr, saloon SCHOENSTADT M F, Magnolia Saloon Sheldon Thnmns, saloon SMITH J D, Livermore College SMITH NIC3LAS, saloon Smith W S, livery stable Stanley Oeo, undertaker STEVENS & WILKINSON, ware- house rooms Studer I'Ved, Imot and shoemaker Taylor J, c irriage manufr THOMAS D E. saloon TRIPLER CHAS S, wineraiser Waterman M ft Co, warehouse and grain merchants Wetterau Simon, bikery and saloon Wilkins George, tailor e» WHE/i/ YOU GO TO LIVERMORE I>oa't Fail to Stop at Tbe mm_ WMM aoos BQ&ss Am) soaiis. Sinif'e Meals , 26cU Roar J and Lodgingr, per day $1 00 to $1 SO D.)arJ Slid Lodginif, per wsik $3 00 to $a 00 tlie oldest and best kept house in Livermore. 2.9 ICOBITZ EUFESS, Frop'r. 3r> OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & COh 302 Davis St, S. F. 1!| I'm !■■ 'llfMI I .f --lil l!-/i "m IL i Q i n o I s 1 IL I W» W. WOWTABUE & CU.» ^ »ti>rw« Mn. iirmrim •»«» nil iiuttMT Ml . n. r. 610 California — Livermore- lAJckej'ord. «i.piiAiiiniOAM.r. J. P. MORETTE, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness, Satts, GIOTes, Botes, Etc., PRIC'KH TO SUIT Tin: TIMES. MOItETTE*S BLOCK, LlVEMOItE AVEKVE, TAvertnorc, Almncda County, CnU A BBiaHT, SFIC7. AND INTENSELT LOCAL T^rE:E Devot*' Ac, aa H-eil ns" i>uaiiio8!i institu TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauar&Co., 'SL*U;nr PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ~- .r»«lM.v'V„TA-..r!!rr' Califo^'nia — IjOfikcford-fjcmpoc. Gil AIJilAHRTIlAkLV, HoIoinnO, civil engineer | Mowry M C, butcher Owens Geo, wheelwrijjht and Jnatioe peace PuHcoe W IT, elerto'inan (Conijm;ational) Kinder Oeo, saloon and oonNtable Kogrra Isnac, hntol .Shenlen F, butcher .. • - ■ Smith E, cleryvtnan (Methodist) Stitcy Benj, ulaoksniith and wagon- maker Thompson Jno (}, tinner Waguer K O, caqwuter and surveyor Wilsim (Jeo, bootmaker Wright k Miller painters Lodi, BAN JOAQiriN roUNTV, Is Hituttted on the C. IV K.li. 14 miU-s frr)m Stockton. The vicinity in eolehrated for its rich soil nuil lurge crops. Lodi iH a town of 7()0 iahahitunts, and posses^uH A chair factory, tlouriiig mill, H.iwinill Ac, as well ns xovcrai other nourishing' i>usinoB!i institutions. Ames J r, lilncksmith and wapr>ii!iiiikor Baker .facob, hamesitniaker and s.'iddler Beckwith B T>, drug'/iit and postmaster Chambi-rsA C. liquors Clapp Thos .1. cnr;»enter and builder CL\J^ MBS GERTIE DE FORCE. editres s and propr "Valley Review" CLTUT & SMITH, agricultural imple- ments and undertukeis rolUnl .John, litiuors vVmatock N A, carpenter and builder Cope Kobt, bootmaker DeForct'.John, chair factory I)OBZIKSKY SAM. haii«cent. The city is beautifully laid out, has some magnili- ccnt resiliences and charmin)^ yards, while the business portion of the place is quite substantially and tiistily built. The drive to the Pacific Ocean, 17 miles distant, is an enjoyment any summer day that few, if any who have experi- enced it, do not remember with expros- sions of ecstacy. If cloudless skiesk lovely landscapes, balmy atmosphoi'e, laden with the sweetest fragrance from CD m r- m 3 (A -CI o a S" CD ar CD ^ S •g CD o ♦* O CO e a m 51 1 s. M CD $ a ■ o ^ 1 i -m m V o 1 » 3. 1 * s 1 *^ « E d o I < i 1 w o ■ ? I ^ H. WACHHORST, Afldiitfor Am. Watcbesi 315 J Streeti Sac CtrSINES the orange fr pefi ture, tog( cief y, are the the "coinposi 'iertainly "th c>xact counter Abbot Mrs S house, 8 ani ADAM F, me Adams O B, 1 Allen W C, sa* 138 Main Allen W \V, j ALVAHEZ j ket, Jo Sprii Alwcrd W W, Main Antoni Ed, gro ■Apablasa C, bl Asbestine Sub- secretary, 1^ Austin H C, Muiti AYERS JAM agor "Kvenii Ayon A, barhei Ayoti Mrs A, uicda Baggiotti Franc and tiunin?, Baker Mrs M Spring Ballade P, hoti Bank Hermann, Barclay & Wi Spring Barney J O, p| Barton C C, pir Bath A L, black 108 Spring Baumrich John Bayer Joe, resi qucna Bayle Clevis, gt Ikjiudry IVude High Bea^idry Wate 81 Now High Beck J V, lot Spring Bcgue & Saubi Pedro Behasque & C Atiso and A BELL A T. sac and maker), 1 Bell Horace, a1 block Bell R L, groc< Spring BENKBTT] Spring H. PALME ■"WPWHipmpp C(rS1NE$S PENMANSHIP Prartlrany tnnsht At PACIVIC B17MI. California — Lqs Avgdes. 613 ALPIIABRTIOALbV. i S I t B e 1 the ordnge trees and an equable tem- ped, ture, together with excellent so- ciety, are the only necessary elements in the "composition" of a Paraflise, then certainly "the city of angels" is an jxact counterpart. , Ho v e f 8 m o H X (0 e X Abbot Mrs Merced, oyster and chop house, 8 anil IQ Main ADAM F, merchant tailor, 13 Spring Adams O B, barber, Postoffice Arcade Allen VV C, saddler and harness maker, 188 Main Allen W \V, atty at law, 2 Spring ALVAUEZ & CASNAVE, meat mar- ket, lo Sprin!{ Alwcrd W W, board and lodging, 189 Main Antoni Eil, groceries, 72 Lc Angeles Apablasa C, blacksmith, 9& Aliimcda Asbestine Sub-Irrigation Co, N Earl •ecrttary, 1^ Spring Austin H C, atty at law (land), 131 Muiti AYERS JAMES J, editor and mnn- ngt-r "Kvoning Express," *J3 Spring Ayon A, barber, liil Alameda Ayou Mrs A, dressmaker, 159 Ala- meda Baggiotti Francisco, plumbing, glazing and tiuninsr, Olvera Baker Mrs M J D, dressmukcr, 149 Spring Ballade P, hotel, 141 Alameda Bank Hcnnann, cabinetmaker, 3 Second Bardiiy & Wilson, attys at law, 2 Spring Barney J G, physician, COJ Main Barton C C, physician, Gl Main Bath A L, blacksmith and wugonmakcr, 108 Spring Baumrich John, saloon. Court Bayer Joe, restaurant, Muiu and He- quena Bayle Clevis, groceries, 77 Aliso Ikiiudry Pmdent, real estate, 81 New High Btia^iary Water Works, P Beaudry, 81 New High Beck J V, board and hnlging, ISO Spring B<:!gue & Saubion, meat market, I San Pedro Behasque & Co, groceries and liquors, Aliso and Alameda BELL A T, saddles and harness (dealer and maker), 115 Main Bell Horace, atty at law, 56 Temple block Bell R L, groceries and provisions, 73 S pring BENIIBTT M * SON, bootmakers, 62 Spmg Cff m o Beringer F, watchmaker and jeweler, 3i Spring BERNARD JOHN JR, distillery, Ala- meda BERNARD JUAN, wine manufr, propr U S Bonded Warehouse, Ala- meda Bernero G, groceries, opp S P R R l>epot Bernstein & Co, clothing and furnishing goods, 73 Main BERRY D M, editor "The Daily Com- mcrciHl," 1! Spring BERRY F E, publisher "The "^^ily Commercial," 11 Spiing Bertrand C H, bakery, 219 Main Bicknell & White, attys at law, 13 and 14 Temple block Bildarain Jesus Juan Cappe, manager saloon. 24 Main Bilderrain R, city assessor, 78 Temple block BILLS & GLOVER, propr Southern Pacific Transfer Co, cor Afarket and Spring Birnhaum .T, tailor, 47 Main Blaiichar Pierre, meat market, 182 New High Blanchard .T H, atty at law and notary public, 54 Muiii Bliss Oliver H, orange grove and vine- yard, Alameda Bjbenrieth & Votteler, saloon, 19 Court Boettscher F C, saloon, '20 First Boggs* & Ripley, cari).cntcr8 and builders, 5 Second Boisseranc Joseph, saloon, Aliso and Alamcdn Bonebrakc & McManis, wagon, carriage and harness repository, 27 Main Bouille A, groceries, 45 Sixth Boutte a, groceries, 5 Upper Main * Bower &. Baker, foundry and machine shop, 35 Spring BRADSHAW T & CO, auction and conunission, 52 Spring BRAOO B F, physician and surgeon, 2 Pico House Breor Louid, blacksmith, 41 San Pedro Breson .loc, saloon, 97 Main Bright k Egan, saloon, cor Spring aud Court Bright James C, dry goods, clothing, boots r! •,{ I \hwfi kiii^il H. PALMER it CO., NatWe Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. K. . W. mum Abut a l»U., ii« 114. no, and IIHMalt«ry Nt..M.F. < < > u 5 o CO < O III o I- co a Q CO €14 California — L08 Angeles. AbPIIARBTIOALLV. Brown Otto, barber, Commercial BfiOWN THOMAS B, atty at law and district atty, i)l and D2 Temple bl«>o'i BRUNJIS JOHN, saloon, 123 Main BRUNSOSr & WELLS, attya at law, cntn.uce 14 Baker bluck Buchiiniian S H, architect, 51 and 55 Baker bluck Buinell Mrs N K, drensmiikor, MJ6 Spring Burdick H, stoves, tinware and hard- Wiire, SO .Spring Burkhardt Mrs M S, dreaamaker, 107 Fort Biima J, Hewing-machine ag% 148 Main Burton Mi^s Carolean 0, hair work, 137 M.in Bush C H, watchmaker and jeweler, 44 Main BUTLER GEO R,Hupt Fasldon Livery and Mi.ck .stable, 'Ji» Mai i Butler JessL'e H, watchmak'-r and jew- eler, I3ck CASENAVE P & CO, I'r.pr^ L A Meuui I ollieaud.^pici' AIiIIh, .Seventii iku M in Collins M T, saloon, Ala-.ied.i and Com- mercial Collins 1{ L A. Co, intait maiket and pro- visions, ;{7 .Spring CoineniS F, Imtel, cor Alisj and Ala- meda COMMERCIAL BANK, i K Holleu- bu'ck pro-s, K V .Spjuce ci^ahijr, GO Main Ciintidence Engine Co No 2, Itobert Kck- hardt furem.iu, 158 Mai.i GONTERNO D, musij teacher, 30 . iSocond CONTERNO'S BAND, O D Conterno Icider, HO .Second Continental Oil & Triuisportatiou Co, I H Oastott agt, 7il .Spring (.'ook & Coiiiillo. b-irbfi-s, '29 Spring Cooley W K, furniture aivd beildi.ig, 27 .Sjiring Coiiliuer C L, merchant tailor, 14.) M in CORONA MRS D S, dresjmaking and liulicM' g.irinunts, 45 M.dn Coronol Antonio F, orange gt /o and wi.ie grower, Alameoji, 55 I Am Angele* COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Hammei & Ojiiker propi'K, 45 t.i 51 Midn Costa M II, kirber, S ]' K K Depot Coulter B F. ilry goods and furuiahing g(K)da, 32 M,.in County llosjjitiil, J llannoD county phy- siii in in cliuge, Fast Los Angolos CoupilCteo, shoemaker, 101 Spring Coverrubijwtf, livery and fo*xi stable, IS Muia Crawfonl J S, dentist, 12 Downey bhvjk Crimmi ui John, gy & IVinks, barbers aitd batlia, 8 Commerci.il Crump & Young, Imkery, 1 Upp3r M.'.m CuUen W B, county tax collector, C;>i'r» Ho UNO Cunningham R G, duntist, 74 Main -< 'I 09 B o o » a a. o o eming, J (flour) A Alamedj ^•morest and cann l^en H S, pi FVench Main Del Valle I, i'emple b: Desmond I), DeTurk-, I>evereMr«' Dcvine Mar l67Miuii DILLONS and g«.utl, Main I>oak A Co, pattt»«kweiler . Dohs Fre«l, L I>ol V, restal I>omblidt», , geles . Doonor P \\J Downey bl DOTTEH carjHJts, li 80-^ M J DOUGLAS f uieiittl pal DRAKENJ su ranee a^ Drakenfeld \ Duljourdieu Vista DiicoinmumJ Main Dunbar .„^ l>>'iikeiberg3 'ir Fir»t TRY MURRAY S MAGlC Uo is and geutlemeiis' furuishing gtKxls, 80 Main Doak & C<>, sewing machines, domestic patterns, 4.'iA Main DOBINSON GEO A, atty at law and notary public*, 7r> Nliiin Dobinaon & Williams Mrs, fancy goinl.' and sewing machines. l*i,'> Main Doikweiler Henry, saloon, l.'>0 Main Dohs Fre»l, barber, l'J3.\ Main Dol V, restaurant. Main Domhlidiw &, Semot, saloon, 02 lx>s An- geles Dooner P W, atty at law, K> and IS Downey block DOTTEE ft BRADLEY, fnmituiv, cariHJls, upholsUry and wull-pajjef, SO-84 Main DOUGLAS A H, artist, sign and orna- menttl painter, 2 Temple DRAKENFELD B F, tire and life in- Burance agt, 4 Temple block Drakenfeld Ceo B, ins agt, 4 .Spring Dulwurdieu Bernard, brkery, 1 10 Buena Vista Oiicommum C, hanlwan) and tools, 54 Main Dunbar Edgar, meat market, 38 .Sixth Diiukelberger I R, postmaster, .Spring ,\r First DUNLAF J D, U S deputy marshal, 30 Baker blcjk DUNNE THOM&S S, broom factory, 25 San Peilro Dupuy J & Co, li very and feed stable, ill) Los Angeles Durfee & Reichard, livery and feed stable, 162 Main Diirr I oseph, meat marked, 105 New- High Earl C N, secy Asbestine Sub-Irrigatioa Co, 1 i .Spring EASTMiOSr, HALEY. KING ft ROB/IRTS, attys at law, 40 Spring Eat >n Frederick, supt I job Angeles City Water Works, opp Plaza Ebinger Louis, Ivikery, 94 .Spring Kdelmau Beuj W, cigars and tubacoo, 5C Main Edmonds C H, M D, vetenaary s9rgeon, 136 Main EINTRACHT SALOON. Joe Maier jKiipr, 3i Siiring, opp Court House ELLIOTT J Ml ashir L s AngeleB County Biuk, I Temple block Ellis C J, atty at law. Baker bl>ck EUi.s Voluey E, hides^ pelts and wool puUia^r, Macy Etcheverry Pascal, s:doon, opp SPRR 1 Kpot EUREKA LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, Isaac Ciiblw, -^1 Fifth "EVENINJ EXPRES3" (dn]y and weekly), Jas J Ayers editor andmaa- iger, l3 Spring EXOTIC GARDENS ft NURSERY, l.oi.i.s J .Stengel ]>iopr. New Los An- geles bet First and Third Falvey — , staicbiiil.ler, 2"i7 Alameda FARitf ERS & MERCHANTS' BANK OJJ' LOS ANGELES. iHaias W Hell- man |>res, John Milnersecy, 51 Main FASHION LIVERY AND HACK STABLE, Cieorge U Butler supt, 29 Mai.l Feadeulle Francois, saloon, Sanchez and Arcadia , Felliws Isaac, physician (homoiopathist), 2 Odd Fellows Buildiug Fener Simon, jiawnbroker, 4 Commercial Ferguson & Rose, lively and fe-cd stable, 39 Main Fernandez — , physician, 144 Spring Fish L W, medical electrician, 62 Spring Fish Mrs M S, dressmaker, 102 Hill Fisher J A, justic*> of peace, 81 Temple block Fisher, Ricluirdaon & Co, nurserymen, 55 Spring P'lieschman Jacob saloon, 62 Spring MwkI J P, Spring St Plttuiug Mill, 96 Spring z w fi> 00 CO I 3 o ^ 9 II ; i i ' '^\- ] ■■i^ '1 >\: i^ ,ij ■\ I ! Ill '<4 , it'll 'm •M t (li 'Ml P'JRE PORT WINE, fi)r Meflicinal mm, 302 Davis St., S. F. I lif. w. MONTAGUE & CO.. *?s?r?/y2/r."tr«:«war;:ieVVJ«? aiQ Caltfomia^-Loa Angdea. AliPHABRTICAbLT. m C; iS > c o E H CO c c 10 O ■ ' O o o < Q Foeh 'Chas, saloon, 9 Aliso Forguefl Jacob, boardingaaloon, ]6 Aliso Fox Chaa J, notary public and short- himd reporter, 8 Downey block FOX H Oj funcy goods, furnishing f(00«1s, hata and c^^ps, 38 Spring EOT 8 C, saddles and harness, hardware (wholesubund retail), teitsand wngon covers awnings, etc, 17 Los Angeles FBAMBES S, A M, principal Los Anveles Academy, 229 Main FSANCIS S A, water overseer, 7 First Frank brof, 8 b Dewey manager, agri- cultural implements, 99 Spring French Hospital, — Nudeau physician, Castt^lar FRENCH LATJSDRY ASSOCIA- TION'. De l.t Nux, Mertau & Co propra, 175 Main French hW, dentist, 84 Miin Freosti N, groceries and li juors, Sprint: and M.ia Frick J B, druggist, 54 Spring FrKshliuyer & Frank, meat nisrkct, 144 Main Funey W>C, hardware, stoves and tin- Wdi-e, 33 Spring Fiirinan N, ttd opr^S PR R Depot Gage H T, atfcy at law, 9 Downuy block Gale T C, physician, 71 Main Gallwas F, tailor, 131 Sprin;^ (ianuhl F, atty at law, 5 Downey block GAne3 P, editor and pro,)r "L'Uuion Nouvelle," 19 Downey block Gaiitt J }\, coffee house, 4G Los Angeles Garoia DiiniiiKO, saddles and huracs.i, 28 Commercial Gaidintr W P, atty at law, 40Sprin;:| (iai'ibaldi Lorenzo, grucerics, 51 Upper Mi.in GAAVEY SICHABD, mining andwiu l^itrick, hurdeshoer, iU7 Spring Gos4 Thits, brick yard, Bueiia Vist^ Gould Will 1), atty at law, 82 aud 83 Temple block GRAllAM D M, real estate and loan broker, tiO'i Main GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, John P Hill propr, 38 and 40 M .in Grand R, (>1 icksmith and wagonniaker, l()(i New Aliso GRANGE HOUSE, Mr. P J Quinn pr.'pris, 144 New Ljs Anjo'cs Giavt-s & CUiipman, attys ut law, 4 Baker Hock C» raves .1 A, utty at law and notary pub- lic, 3 and 4 Baker block (iray \V H, atty at law aud notary pub- lic, 80 Temple block (irclMi Chris, rjstauraut, 1 12 Main Grolx) .Joseph, board and Ixlgi.ig, G2 Spring (irounbaum E, cigars, tobacco and no- tions, 98 Main Gregory J K, physician, 74 Main (ireen iil K, windmdls. Temple (ireun Lewis 1), janitor siliiorijr court rooms Griffin Ed, bootmaker, 33 Spriu;{ Grithn J E, atty at law, 45 Temnle blook Griffin J S, physician, Main GRIFFITH J M ft CO, pUniig uulU, lunib>3r, lime and phucer, cor Firvt fxul Al.imeda Griffith Mrs Nancy, boarding and lodg- ing, 7 First PACIFI 3! m m m o 01 ■n • S o m n a. i 3 o o 3 I 3* a E\ GrimondJ, SGuillory A, i| Hahie S C. HAMHEL mopolitau HAHMON fanrygoo Hanna FG, Spring Hannas L H Hanrion J p| Hansen & Si Wock Harback Add Hanly Mrs li HareM D, Temple Hargitt Godfi Temple HARPER 1 stoves, tin fitters, 110 Harris E, dot( block Harris L, clot Hastin^^ O S. HAVERSTfi •listrict land Hay Mrs RiHa = 1 , lOOddFello S Hayes & Ben ja * I 121 Main I Jr-tyosJoha, b. Hayman B, hh Hazard H T, block (0 Haze.'tino Wni HEDIIANN., G \V(iil«onl Heinsch Hennl __'">d lifirdwan HEDrZEHAI ^ wholesale nnJ C HELLMAN, 1 g grocers, ha nil I '6 I^s Anal mercial HELLVAN , Fanners' and] Main HELLMAN , toys, 95 Mair Hemleraon ft H stec'l and wau HERDICAN ond real eotatl Herlck J, feed ; HiTimndez (; a o X (0 3f „i^pper Main HSAOLDpR Los Ang«l«B Hess J H, fruit Sprioj) i ir. WACHHORST. importer of j.''^:£ry!%;!^"n4.. 315 J St., Sac. H. FALMl -iA. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »»^Jai,naiSSr,i:W»,lS I E i I 9 ^ O « U e o e Id o X C9 (0 ■ California — Zos Angdes. 617 o AbPHitBKriCAbI.r. Oritnond J, saloon, 4 Aliso ^ > ' (iiuillory A, blackamith, Macy Hiih-ie >S C, real estate ogt, 2 Spring HAHMEL ft DENKER, proprj Cos mopolitau and United 8tates Hotel HAMMOND MISS L J, millinery and fancy goods, 30 Spring lianna FG, agricuUural implements, 80 Spring Hunnas L H, b.irbor, 1 Temple ' Hanrion J physician, 61 Main Hansen & Salano, surveyors, 78 Temple block Plarbeck Adolpho, saloon, 62 Spring Harvly Mrs M, dressmaker. Temple Hare M D, constable and collector, 7 Temple Hargitt Godfrey, carpenter and builder, Temple HARPEE MOORE ft CO. hardware, stoves, tinware, plumbers and gas fitters, 1 10 Main Harris E, detective agency, 1 1 Downey block Harris L, clothing, G~> Main Hastin^^^ S, electrician, 3 First HAVERSTICK J W, receiver U S district land otficc, 131 Main Hay Mrs Hilla G, M D, physician, 8 and 10 Odd Fellows building Hayes ft Benjamin, boot and shoemaker, J2I Main Hayes Johii, bootmaker, 1 36 \ Main Hayman It, blacksmith, 38 Aliso Hazard II T, atty at law, U Djwncy block Ilazeltine Wni, dentist, 116.^ Main HEIMANN RICHARD, manager for C \V (fil»st>n, 4t< and frt) Sprin' Hcinsch Hermann, saddles ami harness and Imrdware, 22 L^s Anu^lea HEIHZEMAN ft ELLIS, druggists, wholesalt' and rotail, 72 Main HELLMAH, HAAS ft CO, wholesale, grocers, hardware and liquors, 14 au I 16 Ln* Angeles and 14 and 16 (.'om mcrcial HELLMAN ISAIAS W, presilent Fanners' and Merchants' Bank, 51 Main HELLMAN S, books, sUttioncry and toys, !*5 Main and 8 Spring Henderson k. Marshall, nanlwm', iron, steel and wagon wood, 131 M lin HERDMAN ft J0NE3, insuranou and real eutate agents. Main Huriok J, feed and sale stable, 107 Spring Hernandez Gua, 127 Sprioj) Hewitt £ F, asst snpt S P R R, Dapot HEWITT R H, editor and pronrietor "Morning Journal," 4 Downey block Hildreth J, carp3nt3r, 9 First HILL JOHN P, propr Grand Central Hotjl and saloon, 38 and 40 Main Hinton J W, county supt public in- struction. Court House Hirschfeld P, books, stationery, fancy gooy t A K & Co, furniture and bedding, 70 Spriig; HRANOVELLI GEO S, Central Res- tauraut and Chop Houso, 132 Main Hubbv.dl Geo, carpjnter, 9 First Hubbjll S C, attorney at law, snpt Spring and Sixth Street R R Co, 54 M.iin HUQHE3 ROBERT, Russian, electric, arid inedicatud baths, 15 Main HFTTON A W, atty at law, 11 and 12 Toinj.lo hloolt ILLICH JEERT, restaurant and oys- ter saloon, 1 17 Main ILLIGH'S OYSTER PARLOR AND CHOP HOUSE, 117 Mai. Irwin Mrs J K, drenmiker, 91 Spring .lacks »n John E, city surveyor, 78 Tem- ple block .lac'i-on, Ker^khofT ft Cuzner, lumber, do >rs, blin Is ami |ilastjr, AUineda and First JACOBY CONRAD, alitor nd propr "MiH'dCalifoniische Post'' and notary public, 74 M lin Jacoby L, clothing and fnmishiiiggooda, 'rciiijilf' block' JAMfiB ALFAED. register U S dist land otlice, 131 Main Johnson Chts R, secy Ueal Estate Asw- ciates, 9 Temple block CO ll!;-ri;|nir M H. KALMER d CO.. Nattvfi Wines. 302 Divift Street, S. F. I in ■I i 5 o 0) o > c o E To ts c c O • o o < Q. o WW MONTARUE A HO (*»••«>( iron, all Mix** Bn«l Nnml>«'rM, ll«. 618 Califomla — Los Afige^ ALPHADRTICALLr. Johjison Mrs P V, cisara, tobacc^o, fruit anSan Fernando opptj- site S P 1{ U rXipot KINQ A J, atty at law and notary pub- lic, 40 iSpiintc King Jlenry, chief police, '2G Spring Kirkpatrick J C, i>hynici in and Hurj4e( (li'ina'pitliic,) tj5 Spring Kiicll J I), music teacher, 1 KS Los An- Kn.ix M M, physician, 3 First KohlcrA, convt'yanci.'r 84 Tcnipli! tihick Kostilwy Joseph, shoemaker, 174 Com- mercial Kowidrtki J B, manajjt.T for 1 ''ohn, 7".i Main Kreamrr M, city tax col!cct«pr and ins !ii:t,-J7 Spriii'.' KUCKD, "y/i^" Fountain Saloon, 07 Sjiriiiii KUCK JOHN, PhiladeJijIii;. Hcer, llIS Mj.in Kurtz Jfis, {jliysician, S4 M.iiu KWQNGHING & CO, -i^ar., tobacco, Cliinesf uidse and .Jajianese ((oods 3i> Spring Ky-Hoiit llciino8Hy, architects, 131 Main Ijilwrca Luid, (ifroccriiw, 131 New lli>;h Lalxnigi! A, baths, l»arbcrM and chirojidiist, '2 IJwjufiia LA CRONICA, (Spani.sh wc«.kly,) Pas- tor dc (Vli-, tMlitor, 'J Downey block LA FETRA C W, propr I/>h Ani^ek-s lUisiuoss ('(>ll(!i4c, 1-4 Odd Fellows buiMin;^ IjuJando ]', groceriea and liiiuors, 70 First Iwimb C (', county reconler. Court House Lauiboum & Turner, f^roceries and pro \ isions, 'it) Aliso Lami Sl Ardant, blacksmiths, 130 New Aliao Lami Louis, groceries, 128 New Aliso Lamoreanx C L, bakery, 72 Spring Lankcrshim & Co, flour mills, 47 Com- mercial La Kennissance A, dyeing and scouring, 111 Aliso Lattin Milton, blacksmith, 107 Main Lauth Phil, brewery. Third and Main Lawlor W B, justice peace, 304 Spring I^awrence A M, cigars and tobacco, ,igt Telegraph Stage Co, (58 Main Laughlin T groceries, 3 Upper Main Leake Kdwd, tiro and life ins agt, 1^ Spring Lecrnq Mrs, dressmaker, and agt But- trick Pattirns, 28 Spring liCe I) W, government store keeper, 14 liaker block LEE HT atty at law, 11 and 12 Tem- ))le block lichman Andrew, IxKitmaker, 138 Main Leon Halph, ci.ars, tobacci aud pip«s, 02 Main Ivcvi L. nii'.nufr cigars, »5 San Siviano lA'vy ,Jac((ue8, meat market, opi)osite S !• K K Depot Ivovy Mioheal, whosesale iijxiors, ci^irs iind tobaoi-o, ',( I^os Angeles LEVY SAMUEL, hides, jwlts, wool, firain, Towarding and comuiissiou mer- ehauts, 'M Aliso Ix'win littuis & Co, nuisic, musical in- stninicnts, books und stationery, S|ii ing and Postoflicc Arca4le LEWIS BROS, (M E & M,) bootd and slioe.M, 57 and 5it Spring Lichtenbcrger U carriage mauufr, 145 and 147 Main Lick Lorenzo, groceries, I'.K) Alain Licvcr John, guns, pistols, ammunition anil gunSj 11 Commercial, Lindlcy Milton, county treasurer. Court House Lindl'y Walter, i)iiysiciau undsur^joon, lit Fort Limle Frederick, watchwaker, jeweler and seal engraver, 71 Main LINDftUIST F, merchant tailor, i:0 Spring Littiil^oy Wm, dniggist, 102 M in Lloyd Wm, corpentcr and builder, 10!) Main ly>ckhart Wilson, physician aud surgeon, 54 Main Lockwood J, train disj)atcher, SPUR dcpt Logan Mrs M, dressmaker, 63 Spring Lony Geo K, assignee Teuiple & Work- man Pank, 1 1 and 12 Templp block LOS ANGELES ACADEMY, S FramlH* A M principal, 22'J Main o o o o 0) 3 Q. ^ O O a a O 3 ■a O •o PI CD -1 o e (A * a o o t o J a (8 Of £ a (8 to California — Ia)h Angeles*. C19 ALPIIABBTICALLT. LOS ANGELES BAR ASSOCIA- TION, W De Buxton librarian, 21 TtfUiulo block LOS ANGELES BROOM FACTORY, Thos S Daiinu propr, ii5 San Pctlr » LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COL- LEGE, t! NV La Fetra propr, 1-4 Odd FelluwH building Los Au.;t'les City Water Co, Frad Eaton Bupt, opp pbizu LOS ANGELES COUNTY BANK, I S hi .us )ii pres, J M Wliott caanicr, ] Temple block Los Augelea (las Co, Chas S F Himpkins supt, Turner Los Au^elM Ice Co, G E Millikoa supt, Ann oppo 11 R depot Ix« An^clea Infirmary, conductad by Si-'ters of Charity, oppiwtite 8 P 11 li LOS^ANQELES STEAM COEFEE AND SPICE MILLS, l' Cas^uave & Co prjpr.i, Stnonth and Olive Lo« Angeles & Ventura Stagu liine, F M Covert pr.ipr. Temple and New Hi^li LOS ANGELES WOOLEN COS MILlS> Tor.l & Homer pr>.prs, I'earl bet Fourth and Fitth Lowe & \V'illit3, meat mtrket 'J4 Spri ij LUITWIELEfi SAML W, wagon and Citrriage rjpo«itory, agt rttutlebaker, Faun & Co, land, platform and Hjuiu^ wagoiiH, 1 1 A' is ) "L'UNION NOUVELLE," (French weekly), I' (ianee edit'ir and propr, \\. Downy block LlfNCK JOSEPH D, editor ami man- ager ''.Mor.ung Herald" I'H Spring MahUtinlt I>, pmpr rhiladilpliia lirew- pry A iao h Sanivian Mahomy Hev M, piiator St Viviina Ca tholr i (Catholic), Main Ixit Second and Third MAIE& JOSEPH, Eititarcht Saloon.lU Sliring opp I'uurt Houhj M.iu Street i-nd Aj;ricultnr d I'ark U K, John () ^Vhct•h'^ t Commcrci.il MANNING THOS F, plumbing and gas litti ig, Ho Spring M.bastieldJohii, atty at law, 51 and fiO Temjtle block Marrnr Sanil, livery and fet-dstablc.Ali.io ^^arHh dl (" IL p i 't'r, Temple MARSHALL & SON, caip.-nter^ an.l build rs, (iG Spring Marteeu Hor.ttio, tailoriig, S Ali^) Martin K & C'O, wiioIes.de wiaes and li juors, '24 Main Mascotti F (i, grooerics, I'Jl liuena Vi«ta MATTHIE3EN PETER, »-lcKm, Los Angeles and Commeiic^il Maxuy & Co, meat market, 14*.( Alameda Maxwell & Erickson, pointers, 44 Lo Angeles MAXWELL WALTER S, commission nurcliuit, wool, grain aud live stock, 13 Court Mnyer L, saloon, 130 Main McCaffrey T, telegraphy operator, S 1* li R d pot McConville J A, merchant tailor, 1 Spiing McCrea John, ticket agent, S F R R de- pot Mc DONALD A S> b;>ots and shoes, 34 Spriii I Mci.iar\ i i F, meat market, 46 Spring Mc'^iarven & White, blacksmith audcar- ri ige m ikers, % Sprin;^ Mcl»i.iiii.< E T, salo > i, 57 M lii McKenzid A'ex, wines, li juois and ci^;- ars, I'Ji) Mil McKINLAY BRD3, imraerymen and orohardists, San Pe E, supt Lis Angeles Ice Co, An:i oppo K K tlfp it Miliier .lolm, s.'ety Farm era, aud ^Mer- chants, Bii^ik, 51 M tin MIRANDETTE J S, '"e;it market, 66 Aliso Mitchell II M, ntty at law and notary publio, 77 Temple block Mihantr PR, in;at market. First and Alamjot Moore CiiaM,secund-iiaiid fiiruituro store, 136 Main MOORE WALTERS, iusuranco agent, 13 Court Moore Wm, hxlgiuga, 31 First cn 319 09 2 o I 3 n \K r !h \ H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davi5» St., S. F. w. w. MONTAGUE & co.,"*r»'::,r?o^''firi.'**"^'^ ~'^^ 1 1« and 1 18 Batt«r? fH. , H. 9. M 11;., If f IL ■ (0 C To S o i z 3 IL 0) c c (0 O O c o < H 9 O (120 California — Lo8 Angeles. ALrUAIIRTirAI.LV Miioro Wm, wirveyor, 16 Downey block Moral) 8, puiuter. Temple Moreno .lesua F, aaddles and harness, 13 Aliao Morford \V E, ins agt, (life), 13 Spritip Morgan G W. real estato agt, 11 Odd Fellows' building "MOBNING HERALD," (daily and weekly), Joseph D Lynch editor ami manHLMT, 'J3 Spring "MOBNING JOTJBNAI," (daily and weekly), U H Hewitt editor anil i)ro piietor, 4 Downey block MORSCH & MANNmO, house, sign and ornamental pi>intord, 8 and 10 Court Moya M, gen mdsc, 13 Upper Main Mullally Joseph, brick yard, Buena Vista Murray David, atty at law, 40 Sprino; MuBSiy Miss C E, dressmaker, 1.00 Main Mytrframuel, crockery and glassware, 7 Commercial IfASEAU H, phyaician, 131 M tin Najile D, boots and shoe^, 88 Main Nau Spring Omie H .S, physician, 74 Main Oslxirnc John, Osborne's Transfer Co, 3 Market OWENS CHAS, hay and wood yard, 1B7 tipring Pacitic Salt Works, cor Alameda and Marcheflsanlt PALACE OF FASHION, Mrs D S Coronn, 45 Main Palmer F M, dentist, 64 Main PAPINEAU OTTLEY, -addles and harness, 144 Hill Park Mrs M K, millinery and fancy goods, 40 Spring Parker F, photograph gallery, Temple block PATTON OEO S, atty at law and no- tary public, 88 Temple block Pearson R C, saloon, 61 Main Pelleqrin G, saloon and hoarding;, 12 Aliso Pelletier & Co, bakery, 10 and 12 Negro alley Pellissier Eugene, hotel, 69 Los Angeles PENTI SIMON, merchant tailor, 5 Comincrcial Peppa id ids Carrie, dressmaker, 45^ Main Perkins A 0, boot and sheemakor, 4 Temple FERRET GDSTAVE C, saloon, 128 Spring Perry S M, gasfitting, plumbing and rooKng, 16 Main Perry, Woodworth & Co, planing mills ami luml)or, 76 Commercial Pcschkc & Merz, groceries and liquors, 76 and 7S Al iso PFEIFFENBEROER L, merchant tiiilor, :UMain PHTTjiP P, insur.ince, c mmission, real estate and collection agt, 8i Commer- cial PHILIPPI J, saloon, 4-5 Market PICO PIO, real estate, 1 Main I'ier A (!, groceries and provisions, Sixth and Olive Pigne — Duputren J B, physician and Hurjjeon, IDS Main Piletique Padro, meat market, 2 Aliso Plvennies O V, teacher of German and English school, .Second and Charity POLASKI L & SON, dry goods and clothiig, 58 Main PQNET & ORR, undertakers, dealers in pictures and frames, 66 Main Ponet Mrs V, millinery and fancy goods, 78 Mil in Ponyfourcat J, saloon, 8 Los Angeles PONY STABLES, John Zens propr, 136 Mi) ill Potts A W, county clerk, Court irousu I'otts J W, county public administrator FOUND W W, hay and feed yard, 29 Aliso Prager Chas, dry goods and clothing, 64 Main Prager Saml, liquors, 69 Main Pray J no M, blacksmith and wagon- maker, 190 Spri.-ig m m ao CD o CD O CD I o e a a ■■•• o CD ! 00 M. WACHH0R8T. Importer of jeWoTOlHS'-d.. S15JSt..Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '''^- .'^rJIXiy^lSr^.Ji tS4vrmt9 nrmm. California — Loa Angeles. ALI'IIARCTin^liLY. 621 S ■ ml ■ ^ 1 CT ■ (0| 9 ■ I • fi E ^^ ^H e «■■ ^H »• ■ (0 ^1 L9 ^ ■ *< ■ "S e 00 ■ v I o ■ , S 1 (A o e ' ^ 1 GO 7 ■ O t e ■ (0 ■ U> 1 {g ■ tt e 1 £ c^ ■ ^ 11 c « 3 ■ o ■ » kI .-* ■ 4^ .d $ 1 » z rs 2 ■ o Z l», ($ ■ C9 3 • ^1 O iTJ I X ^^ 1 s ■ A I (0 fii H * tor 3 ■ o 20 ^ ■ 4 64 ? I • < oa- r ■ i Preoido Ilario, restaurant, 25 Upper Main PreuBS & Pironi, drnsrgists, 21 Spring Pridhjiin Wm, agt VVelU, Faryo & Oo'a Express, cor Main anil Market Pai saaiju r Padro, bikery, 8 Upp>}r Main QUHnf MRS F J, proi>rietn.aa Grange Uouse, 144 Los Angeles Kalphs Bros, groceries and liquors, Spri'ig and 8ixth BAnlREZ F P, atty at law, 72 Tem- ple block Rammer Henry C, house and sign paint er, 4 First Ramstii'i Jacob, shoemaker, IS ] fit RAPHAEL CHAS, paints, oil Jasa, show cases, windows, doors and i>liuds, *J'J M;iin Rapp & Philipson, cutlers and lock smiths, 41 Spring Raynal A, blacksmith and wagonmaker, ]'M Alamctla Reul Estate Associates, (Chas R John- son secy), y Tuniple block Rees & Wirsohing, carri ige and wagon painti.'rs, makers and dealers, 35 and 37 Loa Angeles Reid Edward, saloon, 48 Muin Reilly T, painter and wliiteaer, 5 First REINE&T EDWARD, Pioncor Coop- erag C, watchmaker, clocks andi watches, 28 Spring | Robinson W W, auditor and clerk of city council, 47 Spring Koeder Louis, wagon and carriage maker, 87 Sprint; ROGERS^ RALPH. woo«l, hay and coal yard, 43 aud 45 Los Angeles Ross \V W, physician, 84 Main Rothschild & Ixiiss, confectionery and ice cream saloon, 125 Main Rothschild Myer, meat market, 192 Spring Kouguy Louis, groceries, 15 Commercial Rowan Geo 1), groceries, 30 Main. Howan T E, bakery, 153 Main ROWAN T E, real estate, insurance and commission agt, 75 Main Rowe Mrs, dressmaker, 84 Spring ROWLAND WM R, sherifi; Court Uouse CALIFORNIA," & Rice pubs, 58 Sentous Louis & Co, meat market, 1 AHso Seymour & Co, groceries, crockery.glixss- ware, boots, shoes aud agricul implts, 133 Main SHAFFER JOHN, manufacturer of touts, wagon covers and awnings, all kinds of canvass sewed by hand aud machine, GS Alameda SHAMROCK HOUSE SALOON,Jamca Cosgrove propr, 55 Los Angeles Sharp &, Blucser, furniture, caqieta and Ixidding, 141 Main Sheuble Joseph, saloon, 43 Main Sborb A S, physician and surgeon (hom- cepathic), G9 Spring Signal Service US A, E J Kuble ob- server, 11 Ducommum block i aio m A* o T i m A ■»•■ PURE PORT WINE, iff tttldiil Timota, 302 Davis St., S. F. 1 I I ■ ■ i I ■ IL s c E o 6 s IL c c (0 O ■ O o a z Z o < E O . ft. IflUra I HUUC Ol Itli.f votttrnM. tin. 112.114, llOiind I IM Battery St. , H. P. G22 Cijdifomia — Lm Avgeles. AI.PMABftnrAl.l.T. Bimmons H W, blaoksmith, 179 Kprina fe$ifl«on & Witllace, gen miiie, < pp b P R R depot •STJEO-CAIIFORNISCHE POST," (weekly) Conri^d Jututiiy oiliior nod propr, 74 Main SifitcrH iSt^'hool, eoiidnuted by the Sisters SuaitndO I., hntiiM and barlMsr, 50 Main of Charity, Alameda SIANEY WH, boots and shocn, 1 01 Miiin SLATJSON I S, pri» TiOs Angoli« Coun- . ty iiunk, 1 Temple block Slottei b(!ck H & Co, guna and pistols, 75 Ml in SMITH & BROWN attys at law, »1 and 4>*2 Ttrnple IJtick Smith Chus, livery and feed stable, 143 "THE" FOUNTAIN SALOON, D cashier Commercial M ill SMITH H M, real estate agrnt and money broker, (i Ducommum block Smith Thomas H, attorney ut law 38 und 'Sii Temple block Smurr C F, Hmnt 8 1' l\ 1\, depot Solomon ]j, tailoring, '2it Comnurcial SomoMH Augusti.iu, b;;rlH.'r, 4 Short Sormano& Sani. saloon, 1.5 and 17 Muin Soulii^tt li, bluoksmith and wagon- maker, OS New Ali.io SOUTHEBN PACIFIC TRANSFER CO, lii'la & (ilover propr, Market and Spii.ig Sparks A A, coffee house, 3 Tempi SPEEDY S & CO, I>ork packers, 5(5, 58 and (K), Alia.t SPENCE £ F, «<5 Main Spring and 8ixth stro.^t It K Co, S C llnbbclt Bupt, 54 M.«in Spring Street I'laning Mill, I P Hood propr, '. 5 Spring Stiickpole T W, watchmaker nnd jew eler, 3<) Mi. in STFNOEL LOUIS I, nurserj-man and tlorist, Los Angeles Inst Second and Thinl Stiphens 1)Ct, Temple Street Livery 8ta bl' , Temple and Siovr High Stephe.'jB \V'm D, ;>tty at Lw, 85 Ttmple • block Stephenson Walter I), attorney at law, Temple block Steveson H J, surveyor, 5 Downey l>lock Stewart G V. manager W U Tel Co, Main anil Arcadia Stoll Chas, tailor, cleaning, 46| Com- mercial Stoll H W, !5oda works, 38 Sansiviaue Stoll S books, stationery and news, agency, 9 Spring STRAUS B, cigars and tobacco and pipes, 10 Spring Strooridge T W, propr White House, Los Angeles and Commercial StrohmThos, groceries 63 l, 103 Main TURNER GEO S> leather and shoo tiiiilingH, leather, buots and shoes, (wholesile), 103 Main Tuthill W H, . seuiiig m^chiate, 28 Spring Ullman Daniel, collector Los Angcloa Gas (.'o. Turner Union Soda Works, W J Nordhalt propr, 5 First U S BONDED WAREHOUSE, J Ber- nartl propr, Alameda UNITED STATES HOTEL AND SALOON, Hammel &, Denker pruprs. Main opp Conn Ifouse VACHE i!'RERES,inanufs and dealers in wines, liquors and vinegar, Heinsch block, SK cor Los Angelea and Com> mercial Valder J A, pictures and framea, 38 Spring -< SUSSKIND HENRY, clothing, furn- ishing goinis, lH>ots and shoea, 120 Main SWEETSER E H, watchmaker and manutacturing jeweler, watches and jewelry, 07 Main T;ibulari Mrs K, gi-oceries, 21 San Podro Tlinyer &. (iraham, real estate agents, 29 Spring I e a £9 t c» TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL I^.BIumauer&Ctt., 'SL'S^nr f^ CO •% PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, tho on-'hly for llw^lin'tw. California — Lo8 AngeleH. G23 ALPHARKTIOAbbV. CO eo [ c Q. c "5 ¥> c 3 IL (8 e£ >» CO ■ I- ■ VALLA & TONpNI, muiiufa untivu wiiioa and braadiM, Alameda and 01- vera Velsir Jiimoti, miwitur maohanio S P R R ' ntuud houM) Venuble J \V, uoaaty aj»39a3ar, Court Uuuso iVenezuela K, caudiea and variutiea, 4 ' Loa Angeloji VERBAQUEB BEY PETEB. rector Church of Our Lady of the Au;jtil8, (R C), opp Plaza Veysset F, m ;rchaiit tiulor, 7 Spring TILLALOBOS JOAQUIN, ahoomaker, H5 Commercial VIDAL A Y. watohmakor and jew- eler, \i(S UpiM-r M.iiii Villtt David, nordeahour, '22 Aliso Victoisin Herman, poultry and game, l(j'2 Spring Vickery & Hinds, mjat market, I'J'J Mili:l Wagtnhach Chiis, dyeing and scouring, 131 •Spring WALDBON DAVID V.propr Wash ' iiigton Ple.iHuro (r.inleni and Saloon, \VuRliiiigtou and Muia Wulnh M C, lodsjiiigH, IG Commorcial WANQEMAN BB03. pianoj, or^ns, UKiBiciil insirumunta and sheet muiiio, 5S Spring Warner J J, attorney at law ami notary publir, U S register in bankruptcy, 74 Teniplo block WASHINOTON GABDEN3. (picas ure), i>avid V WuKlrja propr, NVaah- injL|;t.)n and Main WATJQAMAN JOHN, gold dry washer, 44 Firat •* WEEKLY MIBBOB," Yamell & Cayatiie piib'.iick , Winter Mia II M, drosa and cloak niiki ig, 03.J Spring • Wise K I>, physician, IIG^ Main Wolcott k V'a'i Home, wood F W, real estate agent, 81 New Hi-h WOODHEAD & GAY, wholesale and retail deulura in nursery stock, fruita, produce ami seeds, 10 and 42 Spring WOODWOBTH J J, groceries, 14 M lin Woollacott Henry J, wines, H.^uora and ci^ar.^, 40 Spring Workman E H, s.uldlea and hameei, 78 Main Wortliington H, physician. Baker block WBIGHT E T, county surveyor, 3 D.>wney block Wright S L, restaurant, 5 Spring WTJLFF F M, cigara, tobacco and pipua, 78.^ Mai.i YABNELL & CAYSTILE, propra Mirror Publishing, Printing and Book- binding House, 9 Temple YOBBA B A, county aaditor, Court Houae Young J S, master car repairer S P R R car shops Zabolita Pantaleon, shoemaker, 20 Com- mercial Zech Henry A, cigar manuf, 100 Hill ZENS JOHN, propr Pony Livery and Feed Stable and Saloon, 136 Main J» i 3 s J '.I :'!■ ■'n'S- H. PALMER & CO.. Frtntionan Wino. 302 Davit St., S. F. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 lAilll |2.5 |5o ■^" H^H 1^ 1^ |2.2 m m ii II 2.0 U 11.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation ?3 Wt^7 * <716) AAIN STtlfT N.Y MSM •73-4503 4is \ 6^ li if n W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., "?STTffi'2nVi".r«iSr'^:i.V*i?*? lb ■ CO e « I Q 1^ 2 > * e o E 75 CO c a O ■ o o Q S o < IL 62« California — Loe Angdea. ALrllAIWnOALbT. FftsMoisiMs Boot & Slio@ StofOi 104 fSr^ain Street, opposite the Court House, LOS ANGEILES, CAL. ,. . , Largest, Best | Cheapest Stock. LABIES' AlTD GENTS' CUSTOM W03E A SPECIALTY. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO COUNTRY ORDERS. Goods sent C. O. D. to any part of Arizona Territory. AOENCT FOB BUST'S FINE SHOES. Baily lomiig Iromalp LOS ANGELES, CAL Hewitt & Co.f - - . Proprietors. 3 PI P* n n 6 LEADING PAPER IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND THE ONLY PAPER IN LOS VNGELES, RECEIVING TELEGRAPHIC DIP PATCHES. Circulates Hirongh SOUTBEBXT CALIFOBITIA ani ABZZOITA. WEEKLY JOURNAL HAS A URGE EASTERN CIRCULATION. Office: Downey Block, Main Street. CD Vt 3 o o s 9 This NcA contains ne; comfortaI)le and cold ba H. WAGKHORST. importer of J *;*:£^rSK£;;U.. 315JSt,Sao. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •»'t..%S-pJ222ffi?JiJS I i I I £ t •> e e I I 8 z o X CD a e s 0$ c5 •V California — Zoa Angeles. 625 ALPIUBRIOALLT. J The Only Reliable FIrst-Class Hotel in Los Angeles. ■ A ■-*-*«ie>ii(^««^^ijaj£^, J» The FINEST HOTEL in Southern California. HAMMEL & DENKER. Proprietors. .•-Iv This New and Elegant Hotel is situated in the center of the city of Los Angeles, contains nearly a hundred spacious and airy room«, newly furnished in the most comfortable style. Rooms in suites for families and parties on every floor, with hot and cold bath«. Will always be furnished with the 1 est supplies that can be procured in the market. A FHBB COACB[ Is always on hand to carry guests to the house. No pains will be spared to make guests comfortable in every, way. A large Reading Room open night and day. HBTiRT UAMMXIa, A. H. DKNKBB. ^9 ir 29 Main St., opp. Arcadia, Los Angeles, Cal. Ms, Utk, h^ Mmir: ui SiggitS' GOOD DRIVING HORSES, BOTH SINGLE AND DOUBLE. The Best Stock and Lowest Prices, Horses boarded by the Day, Week or Month Give us a Call. (}sa B. BUTLEB, Snpsrintsiideht. 40 3 H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO. movm and SaaB^a, WO dlffavant i/lim, i»r%maaA ' I ,.'*t<"w 'in 'I* r*, liaiird (IB 1»"M«— • «» o V. i : P ^ « I o c IB ■ o o < i O 626 California — Loa Banos-Lower Lake. *' ""All TTAM.T. Los Bancs, MKROED COUNTY, Ib a po3toffice, and is reached via Gilroy. Pupalatioi^ 150. Karau Fml, liinors Kom M, postmaster XOBN M & SON, gen mdso TJKiruton U W U, hotel Wi&ier & Cuhn, geu mdsa Zahu Aiidrevr, blacksmith Los Oatos, SANTA OLARA COUNTY, Situated ia the foothills 10 miles from 8aa Jode, on the line of the 8. P. C. K. R. Population about 350. This pic- turesque little town enjoys the purt'ec tioa of climate to such a degree, that the worthy physician of the place has been pcrsuadixi to uccept the udice of justice to help keep him employed. The in dudtries of Los (iatos aru quite impjr tant. They embrace a large flouring mill, hme kiln, tttone quarry, and a blacksmith shop. Mr. O. iSeauor's plan- ing, grist and shingle mill and wagon factory combined, is quite an extensive eitablidhment. The Coleman llouse, acress the creek, offers good accommoda- tions; meuU '25 cents. Arery Lyman, barber Eih.p and candies BOTDDIiN JAMES> sulouu COLEMAN JASf, s il'>on and boarding DAHL SidVEBUi, biotmaker Davis & Corvell, Imie kiln Eddy Jumos J, hotel Fowler — Rev, M E clergyman Harris J T, physician Johnson Ltuter, meat market McFarlaiid A J, age it S P C R R, S P C Express Co and telegraph operator Los )B Manufacturing Co, tlouriu^ mill and stone quarry LUSE A S, justice of the peace phvsiciin Lyndon J W, gen mdse, wood lumber, and insurance agrnt McMurtry W 8, postmaster Nick elso I George S, hurnessmaker PARSES BROS, blacksmiths PETERSON MRS M E, millinery PETERSON REV P, M E clergyman Richardsitii Monroe, res Summit, six miles from Los Gates Rogers W E, gnn mdse SEANOR GEO, planing, shingle and feed mill, and wagon maiiuf Smith Joise Rev, M E clerLryman VAN DER VAART H W, bootmaker and and Louisville, nT'i EL DOBADO COUNTY, la 7 miles from Placerville and 29 from Auburu, Placer county. Poor John, gen mdsa Lowden's Ranch, TRINITY COUNTY. Lowden O E, postmaster O. E. LOWDEN, PROPRIETOR Ivv^d^n •< o o i AND STABLES, Lowdeii*s Ranch Postofficc, . TRINITY CO., GAL. SITPIUtlOR ACCOM9IODATIOX8 Moderate Charg;'"* Lower Lake, LAKE COUNTY, Is distant in a southeasterly direction 25 miles from Lak(port. It is very pleas- antly situated in a productive mineral region, copper, borax, quicksilver anti sulphur IioiuK found in abundance. It is 40 miles from Calistoga, reached by stages, and has a population of 500. BACCTJS J B JR. propr "Lower Lake Bulletin'' Bitytoa & Moore, liquorn * Boynton & iShowaltcr Misses, milliners Bynum J, physician Cowden Jus, market and liquors Dietz G, watclimaker Getz Joseph & Bros, gen mdso Goldsmith W C, hotel Gruwell L H, livery stable Healy John, bootmaker Hill R, photographer and real estate agent Kelley Wm, restaurant Lee Mrs Eva, milliner and dressmaker Lee (J R, cjirpenter licvy M ft Bro, gen mdse " LOVER LAKE BULLETIN," J B Buccus .Tr priipr Manson D H, attorney at law z a* m m at o SL t e s 9 a W ft c» I I a* EUSi^^ll Mather i Miller l> Mitchell ' Murray i Nichols l\ Shreve T STANLZ publip, J and m.ir Thompson Thompson WdkerJ AVard B P Wardluw ] A minini? a ville. BATTELI postiiiaste Darius C, lu Enscoe J, ge hr\ J^*^g«MJoli ** Houghton B '• ' Huyck R A maker Levy Brds g< I'ritcliard M, Schul)ertTh, Smith H A, 1 KtLasou J L n LA Takes its na and id situate. midway Ixtw Valley. The kept by Mesa are also the i dairy and furr ij for sale. T able for stock- of cheese and poiut are surp £ CHENEY ft Q.I FORD o; (8 TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. OLDPORfl Bus;-:^ESS penmanship '"^5*jit?j'r.An'»;«* '^^'""^ ■«*■• , »♦!» |»0«« «♦. •«. ••. I. •I O O CD 4) t J a (8 c a (8 (D California — Lower Lake — Madison. ALPIIARmCALdV. 627 Mather & Linck, brewery Miller I) L, justice of the peace Mitchell T A K, blacksmith Murray & Grijjler, saddles and harness NichoU Ritlph K, civil engineer ShreveT U, blacksmith STANLEY T B postmaster, notary puhlir, reul estate asent, conveyancer and m.innger C Li M Tel Liuo Thompson L (i ( ', bnotmuker Thompson 8 H, wagonmaker Whlker J A, physician AVard B F, bootmaker Wordlaw B It, sutveyor Loyalton, RIERRA COUNTY, A mining camp 45 miles east of Downie- ville. BATTELIE T F, notary public and postmaster Duiius C, humess and saddles Enscue J, gen mdse Hodgess John, attorney at law Houghton Bros, market Huyck K A, bLckamith aal wagon- maker Levy Bros, sten mdae I'ritclianl M, physician Schubert Th, homoepathic phyaiciaa Smith U A, liquors .StLasou J L, hutsl Madeline, LASSEN COUNTY, Take* its name from Madeline Plains, and id situateil in a pictarosque locality, midway Ixtweeii Houey Lake and Bi- Viilley. The hotel and po.-t )ftice ar kept l>y Messrs. Cheney & Furd, whr are also the propriuUws ot an extensiv' dairy and farm, and which,' we are told. ii for sale. The location is most favnr able for stock-raising, and the quantitie. of cheese and butter shipped from thi poiut are surprising. CHENEY ft FORD, stock raisers FO&i) G 0, postmaster Madera, FRESNO COUNTY, ANDEirON JOHN, saloon A iders m c o E 75 CO o ■ o o < IL I- o 628 Califomia — Madiaon-Maripoaa. ALFIIABBTIOAbLT. Penny John, agt W, F ti, Co, W U Tel opr and gen freight agt V V & C L B R Sisdon A I), physician Sandy John, carpenter Sevey W, gen mdse Stephens J J & C •), warehouse Tandy Geo, hamessmaker Wilber John, carpenter Willard Mrs M A, hotel Wouten S & Son, liour mill W. B. PIPIBLD, ^. D., UASisoN mm stobe» MADISON, YOLO COUNTY, CAL. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cigaru, Candies, Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Mad River, nUMBOLDT COUNTY, A postoffice 6 miles from Areata BOTNTON W N, liquors VANCE JOHN, sawmill and railroad Mahew's Station, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, Is 9 miles from Sacramento on the S. & P. R. R. Mahew L, agt S & P R R and liquors Maine Prairie, BOLANO COUNTY, Is at the head of Cache Creek Slough, in a very rich and picturesque agricultural district. Stages running to Dixon, dis tant 12 miles, on the California Pa- cific Railroad, tri-weekly, are the means of communication. Population 250. FRENCH JAS A, gen mdse, postmas- ter and agt W, F Co Lewis Jas, constable Le^vis Mrs Rebecca, hotel and livery Luttges G, justice of the peace and no- tary public Petrus F W, blacksmith Rathkee W F, liquors Vail W D, lumber and grain Mammoth City. MONO COUNTY. Alverson B B, saloon Becker ft Craytor, brewery Bennett John, livery stabln Bennett Paul W, atty at law Bequette & Sneden, atty at law Blackmnre Wm, propr Lake and Bodie Stage Line Block D, cigars and tobacco Bunker ft Co, hotel Burke Morris, mining recorder Currier ft Rutter, restaurant Dellahide R, saloon Derham ft Youngt saloon Eddy & Shaw, assayers Elliott T H, hotel Garrous A, saloon Giles ft Co, saloon • Hart \V M, livery and feed stable Hutchinson J F, meat market Jones J E, flour mill Lilieu W S, U S deputy mineral sur- veyor Lynch Mrs J, hotel "MJSJIMOTH dTT HERALD/'Wm VV Buraeapr>>pr Mammoth Steam Saw Mills McBride Wm, surveyor McCarthy ft Carnrike, saloon '" McMillan A, photographer McQuaid Jno A, atty at law Miller H R, secty True Blue Min Co Neall J M, justice of the peace Pattie John, constable Ragan P J, physician Reddy P, atty at law Rogers Bros, restaurant Stevens Geo, stoves, tin and hardware Tubbs L E, atty at law, Wagner P A ft Co, hardware, stoves and tinware Watterson James, gen mdse and shoes -< O m r- m ao a> o p> or 9 CO o Manchester, MENDOCINO COUNTY, A small town 69 miles from Duncan's Mills. Haygreen J, dairyman Reiuking C W, justice of the peace Shoemake W, stock-raiser Taylor S H, blacksmith Viuegarholtz H, school trustee Mariposa, MARIPOSA COUNTY, Is reached via Southern Pacific Railroad to Merced, thence 41 miles by stages. It o e a $ (9 3. o 3 H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $^50 per gal.. "VLl^ViSJ^lSL'' PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEOE. Th«>> llodrt Ornnoi^relal r«IlM(e or the <;out. wto PoMt m,, m,!?. in CD <0 CO e CI « O en fd o C7aK/omia — Mcriposd-Martlnez, 629 ALPIUHHriUALIir. i» a mioi' ..; town on one of the roads leading to the Yosemite Valley. It is the county seat, has a weekly paper and contains about 1,000 inhabitants. C9 (A «8 Bogan & Co, gen mdse Clarke John V, sheriff Cliff James P, wagonmaker Contreras Mrs E, restaurant Corcoran John M, superior judge Counts Geo, county treasurer Daut F, machinist Daveny Manuel, carpenter * ' Dow Joseph, tinner Egenhoff David, gen mdse Egenhoff W D, county supt pub instmc tion Famsworth C E, blacksmith Fritz J 6, meat market and blacksmith Gallison Winslow, hotel Gallison Sl Famsworth, blacksmiths Godano J B, bootmaker Gpucher G G, dist atty Highman John, gen mdse Hoskins Chas T, miller Jones L F, lawyer and notary Kane R, aupt pub schools Kavanaugh W S, physician Ketncy David, boots and shoes Kiel Jarvis, surveyor liaurie Jas, barber I^a Geo W, wagonmaker Miller J H, express and stage agt postmaster Newman M, county assessor Poison C, laundry RETKOLDS AHOEVHIE, propr "Mariposa Gazette,' atty at law and notarj^ Schlagetcr H, hotel Schlageter & Royal, blacksmiths Stahl C, gen mdse Stewart Geo, liquors Streeter Jarvis, county clerk and recor- der Temple G W, justice of the peace Thomas John W, carpenter Thomas R B, county surveyor Toddson Chas, saihnaker Turner J T, physician , : Volk Adam, liquors Weiler John, brewery Whorton L G, justice of the peace Williams Robt, liquors Cronkite John, treasurer Griffith S W, diat atty Harvey W W, county cl6rk, auditor and recorder Hawkins D B, surveyor Maxwell M, justice of the peace Parker P W, supt of schools Scott J B, constable, sheriff and tax od- lector Stalker Daniel Wade James H, assessor Wade J R, constable i Marshall, SIARIN COUNTY, A village on the N. P. miles from San Francisco. C. R. R.. 48 and Dutton W, station agt Ford & Cawalsky, gen mdse Hanney J, blacksmith Howard C)ias, gon mdse ' Petterson P A, hotel Tammasi M, boots and shoes \ o» Markleeville, ALPINE COUNTY, Is reached by stages, 37 miles from Car- son City, Nevada. Amot N D Tr, raperior judge Clogston Wm, justice of the peace Martinez, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. A pleasant town, situated on the Cen- tral Pacitic Railroad opposite Benicia, about 33 miled from San Francisco, in a fine agricultural country. It contains about 1,500 inhabitants and is a great resort for holiday folks from the larger cities. Stage to Pacheco, Concord and Clayton daily. Anderson L, lumber Bank of Martinez, W M Hale cashier B arry M, bootmaker BElnfETT S J, livery stable keeper Bl umS & Bros, gen mdse BOWIE G W, atty at law Bray Bros, lumbci- and grain dealers Briarc F D, restaurant Brown Thos A, superior judse Bulcer Bros, carpeutera and builders Bunker & Porter, proprs "Contra Costa Gazette" — - CattaneoG, restaurant' CHASE ELI B, dist atty ''Coutra Costa Gazette." Bunker & Por- ter proprs "CONTRA COSTA NEWS," Wm R Cranna editor DOHRMANN H G F, restaurant Donnelly .Ino, hotel Douglas W J, cigars, tobacco and fancy goods BOWNBT W M, Exchange Hotel Fish & Blum, dealers in grain H. WACHHORST calls attention '""SS^'^rX^wSS'- 315 J St WUf llhMTACIIP JL rn Wli«'<'t iron, all Mam wir^- M«. ««. y. i-fii; > Id >- I- O CO ft < < CO o Ul HI CO I- co 5 o III h X < X I- ■ i G30 California -Martinez. Af.i'inHirrirAM.r, FORD W H, justice of pence Uill & Brown, cigars and tobacco and shooting guUery Girvin Wm, hotel HAMBLIN & FATHER ornamental paiiiterd Ili.thuway R B, cennty treasurer Hiller & Johnson, imdertukers HillerE VV, c >roner Hoey Ja8, gcii mdse HOuOH F E. Propr Hough's Hotel Railruad Headquurters, tirdt ho.el iroin the depot HOUOH W J, wines and liquora Junies O K, pnstniastor Jeuitt J M, Itlacksmith JOHNSON S W, livery A, druggist and agt Wells, Fargo & Co Small (leo \V, candy, etc SMITH F M, produce and real estate agent Stage Lino to Pacheco, Concord and Clayton (diily), S W Johnson propr Stewart .)a», groceries Stow J M, a83J8)r Stnr^is Jusiah, hotel THIELE W C, baker Tinker I) B, station master Vnch Miss J, dressmaker Walker David, physician Walsh Peter, tailor Weiss I, gen mdss Whitman ft Scanlan, butchers Wills Miss N J, milliner Wittenmyre L C, cituuty clerk CO iMt ii§it iiT/§$ MARTINEZ, CAL. LABGEST CIBCULATIOH m TSS COUHT?. ao 09 B t O Ui o CO t» CO 8 CD ALSO, UTTr ' lEIIOIA ClEOmOlE, W. H. FOREMAN*, Manager. READ IN TWENTY-FOUR TOWNS. WM. B. GRANNA, Editor and Pablishor. (D CO IS TRY J>R. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PUSINESS PENMANSHIP "•'^U'Jt!»rar.W.5i«45A*iX!;.'S«rrfe California — Maj^aville. G31 O *»rfMiimc»itT. Marysville, TUBA OOUNTV, Is a well-bnilt city of 7,000 inhabitnnta, ■ituatfld at the junction of the Yuba and Feather rivers and is also on the line of the Oregon Dividiun of the Central Pa- cific R. !{., 42 miles from Sucrainoiito. It is surrounded by a very fertile and pro- ductive agricultural district from the cultivation of which it derives its prin- cipal support, though in its earlier his- tory its dependence was wholly on the Elacer diggings. It is the county seat, as several beautiful business blocks, el- gant churches and school houses. Its residents are enterprising and hofipitnlilv and show a pride in their little city that speaks well for their loyalty to its inter- ests. The future prosiKTity of the place is reganled as certain; though the debris from the mines in Nevada county ia con- stantly filling up the rivers, and unless Government or istate aid is secured for its removal it may offer a serious o1>sta- cle to ler growth. We hope that such means of escape from the distress of a failure to remove the barrier may be se- cured very soon, AARON FRANK W H, secretary Marysville Savings Bank, 44 D Abbott A, ins ngt, J) and Tliird Aiken E F, meat market, iSeventh bet A anell W Ij, atty at law. Court House CARSTENBROCK JNO D, liquors. Fourth anil A CASAD M R, city marshal, 106 Third CASEY BROS, poultry and produce. City Mitrket Cassiday Hugh, saloon, Second ami G Clark KG, varieties, 122 Third Cohn E, clothing, 59 D COHN J G, dry goods, clothing, car- l)ets, etc, 84 to 88 D, and furniture 63 D C0LLE3E OF NOTRE DAME, sis- ter Aloysius superioress, block bet B and C and Seventh and Eighth Colusa Stage Co, E A Hani.igtoa supt, fc2E Condon Bros, marble works. Second ' and High COOLE X GEO S. grocer. Fourth and C Cousins ft licwis, nairdressers, 64 C CRADDOCK J H, atty at law, &S D Crane L T, receiver U S land oftce. Third and E CUMBERSON A J, groceries,. }18 Thirtl Davis A ft Co, dyers, C » Davis E E, lawyer, 44 D DAVIS & SON. watches and jewelry, 67 U Deaner ft Featherly, pianos and ofgans, 74 D U> (/> m H. PAUM^K & CO., Native Wines, mi Uavis Street, S. F. 4 s IS w. w. BiDWTAGUE A coM'^y^^'^fo.^firJ.r.^'ri^>:yg?r CS2 Ccdiforttia — Mary&ville. Ai.piiAniinoALt.T. ■Mj m i I: 1! C C IB o '■ o o o HBCKEB ft JXWETT, bankers, 60 D Dick <>'ha8, hariieasmaker, 83 Divkey J T. varieties, 09 Second Doucull Thos, dry goods 98 D " "' Dowell J W, liquois, Third DUKE S, tinner and plumber, 59 C Eamshields V L, harness and saddles, NE cor Third and C . Eastman J F, postmaster, Second and High Eastun & White, blacksmiths and wagon makers, Third XBEBLEIN WM, liquors, ales and cordials, 70 D Eilennan B, justice of peace. Court IHouse Eilennan Henry, tailor, 123 .Second PUis W T, grocer, D and First ^BtTGffiL P, watches and jewelry, 78 D Eauland Wni, druggist, 103 D JESOCHS £ W, Honcut Saloon, 72 C EXJISKA DRUG 8T0&E. 87 D, Odd Fellows ' building TAEWHAM A. propr Golden Eagle Hotel , Second and C EUHER AMOS, carriage trimmer, 83 *C' nr ITiird JISHER PHILIP, boots and shoes, iBlaiuiery P J, boots and shoes, 91 D Jt JJKWmKkH lS J F, saloon. Third and Miiden lane Joseph, physician, 1 1 6 Third W P, druggist and physician, 116 .ird Fxey^>6rger Fred, feed stable. Sixteenth andfi !Frouk i) B, coroner. Second and High iKrorik A, (rlidden, undertakers. Second and High FROST & SHAFFER, furniture, 24 and 26 D Fidlar 4l Uowser, attys ut law, 138 Third FITLIXR J B, agt W, F & Co and ins aut, Secon d nnd D QjOULETT & ELDER, grocers, 144 Third cur High GassawayJ H, barber, 136 Second GEQ&OE P, guus, pistols, ammunition, 101 Sec ond; harness and saddles, 54 C GSRBERE, bootmaker, 62 C Gorkeu A Meyer, tailors, 47 D 6ILMAH B F. propr lied House, 93 D GOFF AM, waaonniaker, 99 C GOLDEZr EAGLE HOTEL, A Fam- ham pVopr, Second and GORCZYJISKI S, jewelry, clothing uiid second-hand goods, 69 D OORDOV F D, job printer, i)5 D GORHAM CHAS M, insurance, Fourth andH Gray C N, carpenter, E Greeley Justus, president Buckeye Mill Co, Fifth and A GREEN W H, expressman, stand op- posite St Nicolas Gribner Jno saloon. Fourth and Gunning S O, county recorder, Court Hou se GWTNN WM, lime, cement and plas- ter, U it depot Hardwick Edgar, confectionery manufr, D and Fourth HARE JAMES K, groceries SW and SE cors Seventh and B Harriiigton E A^aints and oils, 27 D HARRINGTOSrC C, physician, Odd Fellows building, res 129 D HARRIS H M> harness and saddles. Third and C HEINTZEN GEO, feed and sale stable, Seventh and A Henderson J, hairdresser. Third Herberger C, upholsterer. Second Hoblitzell H S, ins, 58 D H0CH8TADTERftBR0,clothing,94 D Hoilart \Vm, saloon, E HoflTman & Mnrker, liquors. Third HOSTETTER J IT, grocer, D and Fifth Homuns <¥, druggist, 72 D HOWAjU)AM0Bt watches and jewelry, 64 D HUDSON F D, president Union Lum- ber Co HUNT G P, blacksmith, 07 C JENKINS & BUSHNELL,. livery stable, 102 Second Jepkius St Crowell, meat market. City Market Jenkins ft Gillespi, feed stable, C JOHNSON ft WILLIAMS, hairdress ers, 56 1) Jory H, fruits, candies, nuts, etc, 105 D KATZNER. RUSSELL ft CHASE, blacksmiths and wagoumakers, B and Sixth KERTCHEM D J, auction and second- hand furniture, 113, 115 and 117 Sec- ond Kerns J H, saloon, 96 D Kettnnucr I'h, cigars ami tobacco, 57 C KLEIN WM, hatter, 76 D and clothing 83 D KNIGHT D E, 8uj)t MarysviUe Woolen Mills and MarysviUe Gas Co Knight W H, furwarding and uommis- sion, depot Knorsa .), bakery, C Korb Jacob, pickle manufr, 58 Maiden lone KRAUSE FRED L, insurance agent KRAUSE J H,real estate,' conveyan- cer, notary public and ins agt KUHN LEOPOLD, cigars, tobacco and varieties, 78 D 8 m r- m (A f a o a. s 00 o 3 o a WACHHORSL importer Of ai'.tXj^'inilLVud.. 315JSt.,Sac BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PnM>tl4>allr taaclit at PAOIPIO BVMI. I S lA CO 1 e To I- C9 O mm m O California — Marysville. 633 AiirnAHiiTio*i.T.r. Lambert Wm, rapt C N R B, Odd Fel- Iowb' building LANET ft DIERIKOEB, carriage INkinters, Third and Virdn alley Lask Louis, clothing, 80 D Launder Mrs I E, dressmaker, Second nnd £ LAWRENCE W L, harness, saddles and carriages, 103, 105 and 107 Second LEFAVOE W F, broom factory, 32 D lOGKWOOD & DAWSON, proprs "Marysvillo Appeal," Second and Mai- den lane LOWBEY & NELSON, Hvory stable, 82 E MAESTBETTI & VIGIZZI, game ftoultry, eggs and gen produce. Maiden ane MABCUSE M & CO, cigars and to- bacco. Second and D Mi^CUSE H, president Marysville Savings Bank, 44 D Marker J P, bootmaker, Second "MABTSVILLE APPEAL," (daily and weekly,) Lockwood & Dawson proprs. Second and Maiden lane MABYSYILLErOUNDBT, Booth & Ecknrt MABYSYILLE OAS CO, D E Knight agent XABYSmLE SAVINGS BANK, M Marcuse president, 44 D Marysville Water Co, L H Babb supt, Fourth and D MABYSYILLE WOOLEN MILLS, D E Kniuht agt. Second and B McCABTY HAS, liquors, cigars and tobacco, 89 D McConanghy James, manager W U Tel Co, 142 Second MeCOY H L, sheriff. Court House McDonald J B, livery stable. Second MoWAIN & BXJSSELL, marble works, A bet Fifth and Sixth MECHANICS' HOTEL, B Peel propr, C bet Third and Fourth MEEK & DICKEY, books, stationery, news, music, fruits, cigars, etc, 74 D Mehl Mra C, bakery. D Merritt Oeo, real estate, insurance and iiotnrv, 103 D MILUBB S, saloon, cor Second and C Monr()e S, carpenter, C MOON & CBEIOHTON, boots and •hoes, 75 D MOBOAN H, blacksmith, C bet Fourth ' and Fifth MOSEB LOmS, cigars, tobacco, Bm9k- ers' articles, etc, bfl D MULLEB ft BAUMGABTNEB, Magnolia Salooa, 65 D MTJIi E W, oysters and wine room, cor Second and High MUBFHY W 0, atty at law, cor Third and High Murray M B, liquors, cor Seventh and A MYERS E C H, wagonmaker, C bat Fourth and Fifth Nagle M E, varieties, 53 C Neaemanti Mrs &, Co, lodgings, cor Sec- on d and C NEWBEBBY ft HOLMES, insurance (hre and life), 64 D Newhnnl .1 M, saloon, 142 Third OGDEN W G ft SON, blacksmiths and wagoiimakers. Third bet E and Com- merciiil alley OVANDO JOSE, propr Lafayette Res- taurant, Slaiden lane but Second and Tliird PEACOCK G W, secretary Buckeye Mill Co, cor Fifth and A PEEL B, Mechanics' Hotel, C bet Third and Fourth Peffer Jno, planing mill Pender J H, produce and fish, 107 Third Pender Mrs L, millinery, 1 12 D PEBCY ANDBEW J, Eagle Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, entrance on Third and C Peri A, confectionery and dancing, 92 D PEBI E, confectionery and ice cream, cor D and Fourth Pierce A, bag factory, 29 D Popert N D, varieties, 68 D POST D Y, boarding house. Seventh bet A and B POWELL D, physician and surgeon, 92 D POWEB T J, White House Saloon, 138 and 140 Second PBICKETT E S, gunsmith, 73 D Kaish Chus, blacksmith and wagon- maker, 103 Thinl BAND3LPH T E, junk dealer, iron metals of ail kinds, rags, sacks, etc, cor D an 3. c» 3 o o a ar e A DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF SCOTCH AND AMERICAN GRANITE. PI PACIFIC 1 E Ni: C0 CO ^ Tl to A Jo e s TH 9i £ Have a coi Jg the S O X z (0 Circulat f Reaches the ^A^eekl Oaily, Advi H. WACHHORST '•'llSiS^r*""' than any house on the Coast H. PALMI PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, 'SKu^r^.f^SSS'^'fS.''ir.V^. % I CO Jo OS Id 12 « o CO e « 1 0) C0 O Z 9: California — MarysviUe. 687 ALPIIABBTIJAIiLT. NINETEENTH TEAS OF PUBLICATION. THE DAILY AND WEEKLY /APPEAL MABTSVILLE. CAL. /. IT IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT REACHES THE INTERIOR OF THE STATE. XHK Silli is ^-%"^?- mi '^' Have a combined circulation larger than any newspaper published in the State out of the cities of San Francisco and Sacramento. Circulates in all the Towns of Northern California. Reaches the fireside of every fivrmer of any importance in the Northern part of the State. ^A^eekly, One Year, ----- $3 80 Daily, One Year, ------ $10 00 Uvertisements Inserted at Reasonable Rates. LOCKWOOD & DAWSON. Publishers. S c^ r CO I 3 u I' I "J i H. PALMER * CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. f. I I i f w I tw II- iri. II m- CO i CO I IS i > c e CO c c IB O ■ o o < Q. I- w. w. MONTAGUE & co,.«•rt::.?'??^■f??f^^?^n1lW,:l::t•5':s C38 California — Marysville. ALPIIABBTICALLV. MOON &, CREICHTON. Manufacturers and Dealers in 3 If B00to mmi Sbeee 75 D Street, Marysville. REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. All work warranted. E. PERI & CO., Canilj Factor; aal Ice Cream Saloon, CORNER OF D AND FOURTH STREETS, f! R. C. UOSd. J. E. BOOOMAN. E. C. ROSS & CO, DEALERS IN Cooiii, Parlor any 0! Ires, PUMPS, HYDRAULIC PIPE, CUTLERY, TIN WARE, Crockery, Plated Ware, Coal Oil, Etc. Galvan- ized Iron Water Tanks, ISTo. SS 3D STIBBE'T, MARYSVILLE, CAL. I o a a o o f 3 I 3 a* 7 I TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. COSINESS PENMANSHIP "^V»'«*4'J^Wfi?/,S*&&^,Kt'S»fCT: I •I .1 o o tt a o % J a es c Q. (S tD 10 California — Marysv'dU. 639 Ai.pn*MwnoAi.ir. CHAS. SCHWARTZ, Importer and Doaler in the Celebrated Cook Stove The Best Wood Cook Stove in the World P'ire-back guaranteed to last fifteen years. Tin, Sheit-Iron and Coppar-ware, Crookery, Sto!i3 ani Qlassware, Coal Oil Lamt)? and Eitchea Fnmitnra of all kinds. HallaUay Standard Windmill, F0R3E AND HAND PUMPS, Galvanizad Iron Tanks and Water-Pipe of all sizes. JOBBING and REPAIRING done on short order, at No. 152 THIRD STREET. MARYSVILLE. Well Boring attended to. . . J. P. SCOTT, " ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, WM. SINGER, JR., I as h Masonic Building, IT. S. Land Office. MARYSVILLE, CAL. Soldiers' Additional Home.stoad Scrip, Lieu, Warrants and all kinds of Land Scrip fur sale. i •ft II \ \ OLi PORT WINE, H. PALMER k CO., 302 Davis St^ S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., TO^'iYHn'dT.rJKi.'?'*'--^"''**^' "*•• 114, llA and lift Battery fttrert, M. V. s Ik ■ CO 1 B > o E 75 CO 1 e IB o o o o < 0. I- D 640 Califomior—MarystdUe. Ai.rnABinoAi hardware Grijzgs ^2!^^™8? HiJEtDEN BxtOS, atorage, commiasion I >d notarv public LINSTROm C. hnr leaa maker MAZWELL HOTiSL, Mrs M O Mine- fee McOOY W S, livery MoNABB —.livery HINEFEE inrRft M 0, hotel FRDIE J K> Maxwell & Cuiuaa Stage Co SACKETT ft FRENCH, blackamith and wagonmaker Schar z Jonn, blackamith TTJLL J M. saloon Oudet J, bakery Page Wm, lumber Panillon L, liqaora Ponce J P, blackamith and wagonmaker Rich A G, gen mdae Roas J L, phyaician Rr ienblum J, gen merchant Rowley Mrs A A, grocer > ! Ryan P P, boota and ahoea ' Smith C E, carpenter Stanley M A, hvery atabla Velati C, butcher Wallace J, atty at law Mayfield, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, la a nice little place on the Southern Pa cific Railroad, 35 milea from San Fran oiaco. Ita location ia very picturoaque, and the intereats of its support are agricultural. BORDONI A. liquors • Crow Job, liquora Douohuti F, blackamith and wagonmaker Discombor A, baker Ducker Distel, brewery Ducker Chas, hotel Fiaher E, butcher (Hllum B T, fruita, etc Grijialba S, liquora ( Jriniley P, livery stable and liquors HAMUN T. atationery HOHMAN J, boots and shoes Laulnr T H, carpenter MARTIN L J, liquora Miiycr B, poatmaster and druggist Miiisch A, liquors McCloakey J, hamesamnkcr McC'racken Rev Geo U, clcrpyman (M E) McNamara T J, tinware, atoves, etc Miller Jno, blackamith Mendocino City, MENDOCINO COUNTY, la reached by ocean ateamera or vkx-N. P. C. Railroad to Duncan's Mills, thence by stage 80 miles; or via 8. F. k N. P. Railroad to Cloverdale, thence by stage 75 miles. It is on the coast 160 miles above San Francisco. It haa a popula- tion of 800 whose dependence ia on the lumbering interests of the locality, which ia carried on very extensively. 41 Ainsley Wm, painter Barnard Leu, propr Ukiah k Mendocino and Mendocino & Westport Stage Lines Berry J S, barber Bever Bros, hotel Bowman Fred, saloon Brown Eugene, gen mdae Carlson J E, hotel Eatell Fred, saloon Everaon O W, gen mdae Fairticld Ed, undertaker Flanigan Jno, saloon Galbraith C, saloon Hammond W, phyaician Hanson P, bootmaker > . Holl Goo, carriage maker Jarvia Sc DoUard, gen mdse Jarvis H H, tinsmith Johnson S, bootmaker Kelley W H, gen mdae Liiibur^ Jno P, hamesamaker McClellan P, tailor McCloud Jno, blackamith Murray J D, gen mdae anl drugs Norton W H, hotel Packard C O, druggist Rogers A T, blacksmith Smith T H, physician Switzo & lioyd, livery Thonina Manuel, hotel Ti Kee, gen mdae WhittoU A P, phyaician Wilson W T, restaurant S CO r 3 I' h 4 OLD PORT WINE, A. PALMER & CO., 802 Davis St., S. F, I t^4 '■ m }■' •(« mm 11! I- IP IS ' iT' Ml '0. o w. w. woNTAGUE & co.,»gsii.r!fo.^resident Merced Bank and secretary Merced Woolen Mills, U S deputy mt rev collector and no- tary public, office El Capitan Bearwald Henry, stoves, tinware, pumps and crockery, Front Bibby N, county supervisor Bost John W, county surveyor, Court House Breen N, justice of peace and carpentei*, Seventeenth Browning W J, cigars and tobacco, Front CASACCIA A R, gen mdse, Front Castor Mrs J W, dressmaking, Seven- teenth Chapman Harry, notary public »nd searcher of records, Court House Clark Mrs M £, dressmaking, Seven- teenth CLOTJOH A Q, furniture and bedding. Seventeenth Clough A W, prtpr Mariposa Hotel, Seventeenth Cocanour J B, county supervisor Corley & Manchester, blacksmiths and horseshoers, Front COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. M F Mo- ran propr, M and Seventeenth Cross Geo D, watchmaker and jeweler, Front DELON M, saloon and brewery agent, Front Dixon E T, druggist and supt of public instruction. Front Evans Chas E, hotel. Front Fahey Wm, hotel, Seventeenth FARMERS' CANAL CO, J W Mit- chell president, Silas (Jeis secretary, M and Eighteenth FARRAR FRANK H. district attor- ney and notary public, Court House Fleming C liJ, under sheriff and notary rfublic, Court House ANCE MRS KATE, lodgings and saloon. Front OALLIAN^ G, propr Merced Soda Works, Eighteenth and J Gardner W C, attorney at Uw, Court House OARVIN J M, books, stationery and news depot, F'ront Geia Silas, attorney at law, attorney and secretary Farmers' Canal Co, M and Eiyhtoenth GfOLDMAN M, gen m CD CO p- X CD O a: TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauar&Co., ^SS^r'Slt PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE or th** <;o^«w nniimrrlal Collfse «0 FMt St.. ». F. California— Merced. Ai.pnABarnALLT. 643 Hunter M, blackataitb, 17th and L Imfeld Louis, bakery, Seventeenth Isaacs Geo E, planing and feed mills and lumber, opp depot Irmscher Herman, bootmaker. Seven- teenth Jackman £!, attorney at law and notary public, M Jacobs Joseph, meat market, cigars and tobacco, Front King Samuel A, postmaster Kirkland Rev — , pastor M E Church Kocher J, stoves, tinware, hardware, crockery and agricultural implements, Front Lagomarsino Antonio, groceries, Seven- teenth LANDRAM C, books, stationery, watches, clocks and musical instru- ments. Front Laiigl)ein K, barber. Front Law John K, attorney at law and notary public, Front Lee Geo F, physii iiin, Front lioeker H W, liainess and saddles, L Leeson Jos, cousta)>lo and bootmaker, L Leggett T A, justice of peace. Seven teenth and L Lopaz M A, saloon. Seventeenth Marks Chas H, superior judge. Court House Mashmeyer J A, harncssmakcr and car riage trimmer, Sevehteenth McClcuathan & CoflFman, livery stable. Seventeenth McCready & liOggett, marble works. Seventeenth McDonald WM, blacksmith anr^ wag<)ninaker, Seventeenth MoFEELY JONN', propr S F Boarding House, Front and K Mclnernoy Mrs Mary, gen nidse. Seven- teenth McLean Rev E U, pastor Cumberland Presbyterian Meany A J, sheriff. Court House H£RC£D BANK, Samuel C Bates president, J B Kiilston cashier. Front "MERCED EXPRESS." (weekly), Stoneroiul k Co publishers, Seven- teenth and L Merced Orange Warehouse Co, Thomas Upton pres, R S Clay secy MERGED MARBLE WORKS. Wm H t: Wilson propr, L MERCED SEGURITT SAVINGS BANK, Eliiis Perkins pres, W W ? Westlwiy cashier. Front MERCED.SODA WORKS, a Galliano propr. Eighteenth and J Misch Josepn, dentist. Front MORAN M F, Cosmopolitan Hotel, Seventeenth and M Muller John, blacksmith, Sevei teenth Murray P B, wagonmaker, Seventeenth and L Nudescher Joseph, tailor, K Northrop Robt J, hotel. Front Noziglia Lewis, groceries, L OLCESE & GARIBALDI, gen mdse, agricultural implements and wagons, L and Front Oliver W 0, carpenter. Ninth Oppenheim Benj, varieties, fruits and cigars. Front Packer £ A, saloon. Seventeenth Peck Rev H P, pastor First Presbyterian Church, Twentieth PERKINS ELLAS, pres Merced Se- curity Savintis Bank, Front PIERCE IKE, Merced Stables, Seven- teenth Price Rev James K P, M E Church South Quigley W^ J, county treasurer. Court House RALSTON J B, cashier Msrced Bank, ins agent, Front REIDY J L, dry goods, boots, shoes, millinery and cloakmaking, Seven- teenth and K REILLY & DWYER, saloon and brewery aats, Seventeenth REUTER GEO, barber, Front Riordan John, shoemaker, Fropt ;,: i Robertson John W, atty at la^ and notary public. Front Rolfe Nelson, boarding, Seventeenth Rosenthal A, tailor and sewing machine agt. Front Rucker H N, county coroner and, public administrator iiussell Mrs S A, millinery and dress- making. Seventeenth Salazar J A, saddler. Seventeenth Salter Mrs A G, dressmaking. Seven- teenth "SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ARGUS" (weekly), Robert J Steele publisher. Seventeenth Sawyer A K, meat market, Seventeenth Searing Chas, Eagle Stables, Seven- teenth Sell Wm, ticket agt C P R R and W U Tel Co, El Capitan Sesusearos J E, saloon, opp depot Sherwood Wm, saloon, Seventeenth and L Silman WG, livc/y stables, Seventeenth Silver Solomon, varieties and fancy goods. Front Simon, Jacobs & Co, gen mdse and agri- cultural implements, Front SIMON SILAS> gen mdse, wool, hides and produce. Front Simonson John H, county clerk. Court House A* PURE PORT WINE, llr MMieUH mm 302 Ravis St., S. F. ! t m\ .1 )ti Bt *. jt: o < a. h O W. W, MONTAGUE A CO., VtTnftVJJST.rCtay'SauV.Vg 644 California — Merced-Miehigan Bluff. ALrilABBTIOikLliV. Simop ^ Keogh, lumber, Front Smith J C, liquors, Front and M , Sohlke J A, drusaiat. Front ' Spears tt Lewis, uacksmiths and wagon- makers, Seventeenth Spears Mrs L F, ladies' hairdresser, Se- Tenteenth and K Sproule I H, freight ast C P R R STEELE ROBERT?, publisher "San Jitaquin Vidley Arsus, Seventeenth STOEEROAD & CO, publishers of " Meroed Express " Swan A, restaurant, M Tackett Miss May, teacher Turner A D, farmer and stock-raiser Turner W H, ins agt, Orangera' Ware- house TWOMET WH, Court Exchange Sa loon and ice agent, M and Nineteenth Upton Thos, county supervisor Walsh M H, deputy county recorder, Court House Ward R H, atty at law and notary pub- lic. Court House Washburn £ P, agt Yosemite Stage and Turnpike Co, El Capitan Washington & Rucker, physicians, Front Weisbam & Miller, shoemakers, K WESTBAT W W, cashier Meroed Se- curity Savings Bank, Front Wigffinton P D, atty at law and notary p«n[)lic Williams J E F, undertaker and cubinet maker, Seventeenth Williams Miss Kate, millinery and dress making, L Wilson N H, watchmaker and jeweler, Front WILSON WM H, Merced Marble Works, L White Mrs, teacher Yosemite Stage and Turnpike Co, £ P Washburn agt, £1 Capitan 2iirker M, cigars and tobacco. Front Schellenger C H, blacksmith Smith L N, saloon Smith, Wiseman & Co, gen mdse Wood M C, ferry Herrillville, LASSEN COUNTY. Cramen Bros, stock raising Folsom M 0, stock raiser Hall W P, stock raiser HURLBUT F D, lumber and post- master Kunelson L, stock raiser . ' - Summers W P, cooper Tumson A L, stock raiser ^ „ Watson T, stock raiser White O, cooper Michigan Bar, SACRAMENTO COUNTT, Is six miles from Latrobe, on the S. ft P. Railroad. Was once a lively mining town but now almost deserted. Brown k Heath, butchers Brown W A, blacksmith Byam M S & Co, gen mdst TTRA TTI J, postmaster and express a^ hum an 0, saloo n an d lodging WEST & HEATH, gen mdso Meridian, SUTTER COUNTY, Is quite a shipping point on the Sacra- mento river, 17 miles from Marysville, with which it has stage communication. The agricultural resources of the vicinity are almost unlimited. ex- Burgett, Moon & Co, gen mdse and press office Devore C P, physician GLADDEN J M, postmaster, notary and insurance agent Hu nter R C, physician ROCKHOLD J W, hotel C. H. WEST, San FnnciMO. JOHN HEATH, Michigan Bar. WEST A HEATH, (SuccesMTi to C. H. West,) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP BBOCSBIES, SBY BOODS HARDWARE, Drugs, Paints, Oils, and Fancy Articles, MICHIGAN BAR, CAL. Gold Dost Bought Qoods Delivered. Michigan Bluff, PLAC£R COUNTY. Abrams John, hotel Barrett £, gen mdse Kenton J A, bootmaker Bleaks John, carpenter Brown, Elk ins & Co, miners Buchanan Mining Co Bunker Henry, propr F H & M B Toll, Road e I o o e a S* a e 3 $ e O 3 o H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. i I I a t a e 1 I -5 I •9 PAciFia BUSINESS COLLEGE. "•• .rr«rat"^Ti-K!s:*^ Ccdiforma— Michigan Bluf-Miller. 646 ,Bam« Robt, school teacher Campbell Chae, blacksmith Davis Wm & 8on, mining Dooley E Ij^ butcher *Do4>ley L, butcher !Dunlap J W, supt Ditch Co lEll worth Fred B, shoemaker Elsen John, saloon Farrier Wm, barber Ferguson Duncan, hotel _ . Fiedler M, mining supt Hard E D, carpenter • Jones Andrew, blacksmith Moaria Frank, saloon Morgan John, saloon < Peny Henry J, blacksmith Polifka Edward, gen mdao Powell P, hotel Scutt J W, saloon Scott & Squier, saloon Smith, Dooley & Co, miners ' Snedican R T, carpenter Squier D D, saloon Taylor (jeorge, mining supt Thompson Isaac, physician Udell C P, propr Yankee M Co Vim Emmon U L, propr Big Gun mine Westfall August, butcher Wild Mrs, dressmaker Willey Wolter, gen mdse Williams M H, hotel , ; Wiasinger James H, saloon , - , , itlddletown, LAKE COUNTY, Has a population of 500, and increasing gradually. It is 18 miles from Calis toga. Arjall H, liquors "^ ■• • Asner J, gen mdso ■' Bidhop C Fi, bootmaker ; 1 Cameron F, bootmaker i ^ •' '^ ' Davidson A G, gen mdse Do Pencicr Bros, gen mdse Gooil Wm, blacksmith Green J, saloon Kellogg J H, blacksmith Kiiittle ft Siegle, livery Lobree D & Co, gen mdstt ,Mane &, Day, gen mdse Muutz & Scottt brewery &AWSON' W, wheelwright and postmaster neinioke J, blacksmith Smith J £, hotel Worren Geo, liquors Williamcoh Rev R W, olergymaa (M. E. ) r Midway, ALAMKDA COUNTY. Carsten Mrs M, groceries Haera Fra»)f t, hotel T yATtl^A KElNlfOIJ). postmaiiter Milford, LASSEN COUNTY, Reached most conveniently from Reno, Nevada, from which it is diatant ,67 mles. Dakin H H, flour mill DOTUB S A, hotel and postmaster F&tfchiltl T H, sawmill Glascock T J, whelwright, undertaker aftd carpenter Harrison M, gen mdse Thompson Geo A, liquors True I'haxter, blacksmith Tyler Jerry, hide mcht, groceries, drugs, Eropr Tyler's patent Hay and Grain ^nloader and Stacker Hillbrae, SAN MATEO COUNTY, On the Southern Pacific Railroad, 17 miles from San Francisco. Anderson F, blacksmith Ebright H, hotel Fifield W J, dairy Garnot G, groceries and saloon OREEN A F, postmaster Greer A F & Co, dairy Green CD, agt S P R R, W U Td Co and W, F & Co's Express Luyten P, hotel and livery stable Murcier M, boot and shoemaker Regli & Miller, dairy ■■ Pi^a Miller, MENDOCINO COUNTY, Chopard L, farmer Hall A W, Tanner KIDDER MBS M A, postmaster KidddrR D, blacksmith Monroe W, farther Short J R, fairmer Steward T I, farmer WaUh "thomas, fiirtaer 63 H. PALfl^ff & m, Nalive Wkids, »)2 Davis Street^ a F. >l i; lli > >- I- O CO < O ■> III o < O O O . If. mUN I AbUC Oe bU., lis. 114. ii«, m4 UN Battery IM.. M.F. 1646 California — Millville-Milton. ALPIIAimnCALLT. HillyiUe, 8HASTA COUNTY, la ■ituated on the C. and O. Coast Over- land stage route, 15 miles from Redding. Auklin Mrs H, gen mdsc Averill O W, dentist BAKER & TEEL, gun mdse Bidwell &, Bro, blacksmiths Boyle Pat, liquors Brown F R, physician Carr Francis, atty at law Chatham A, wagonmaker Connelly & Son, carpenters and con- tractors Cromwell O, photographer and varieties Gault T L, justice of peace Harrington M S, saddles and harness Kegan H, tailor Kegan Mrs G, dressmaker ,.^ , Key Tnos, stone mason . King D, blacksmith ■ • > , i Martin R P, physician O'Neall Joseph, atty at law Overmier C E, blacksmith Overmier J D, hotel Presly & Lambert, boots and shoes Roxhim F, blacksmith and wagonmaker Scraiiton N R, wagonmaker Simi>son T J, hotel SMITH C H. editor "Shasta County Record " Snow N D, tinner Stevenson D C, hardware and furniture TEEL CHAS A, postmaster and man- ager Millville and Amlerson Tel Co Wheatley John, ins agt Wilkinson k Ross, dour mills Olinder C F, blacksmith Pixley M, liquors Topham Crony, warehouse and grain Milton, OALAVERAH COUNTY, la the terminus of the Stockton and Copperopolis Division of the C. P. K. R. 28 miles frofn Stockton, and where connection with Mattcson k Co.'s Stage Lino for the Yosemite, Bi|; Trees and mountain resorts generally is made. Alexander McDonald, a popular livery man, also furnishes transportation of the best character, indcpt-ndeut of all other companies. The pursuits of ahcep- raining and farming are engagc- nora, Murphys and various moun- tain towns. Quickest and safest route to Bodie McClellan J J, blacksmith and horse- shoeing McClenehan F W, notary public McDonald ALEX, propr pioneer Livery Stable, finest turnouts on shortest notice OLLRICH J H, blacksmith and horse- shoeing Simpson H L, saloon Sletway Chas, bootmaker Trump Wm, wagonmaker Weston J, saloon WOLCOTT OSCAR, poatmaater and confectionery store Woods Miss Laura, dressmaker PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING HOUSE lath and CUwtro tHreotii. Oaklaad, Cal. I No. 1)M Kearny titreet. Han Franewco. The Lsrgul mil Most Complele Priiillii{ ud Puklishlng Hook od the Coast. 0> e o n f (D "1 9 9 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL LBlumauerACo., "SSrcivfir PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '*»*L-.£r„!rF & I' I { u 11 kMpinff, PenniMMtaip, T«iiinm>ht. California — Milton-Mineral King. CAT ALPIIAIRlOAbLV. H. OLLRICH, HORSE SHOEING. BLACKSMITHINO. JOBBING & REPAIRING SHOP, MILTON» CAL. Wa^jons made to Order. Machinery Re- paired. All wark warranted. Charge* mod- erate. 0> PIONEER IS LIVERY STABLE, MILTON, CAL.. (Next door to the Milton Houite.> ALEX. McDonald. - - Pnpmetor. (.'irriai^'8. lUiifgleii, Wagona & .StukH* Hones- (or hirv on ruauonnble termii. All UtloKranis unxwered (rt-e ol cost. Addnw- Al^EX. MC- DONALD. Partle™ ?olnK t'» the Mouiitiwrw, IWk TrecN, Yosemite Falls, wfehinp teams, can lie (urniMlied with driver it desired. Spt-clalty made of IHk Tre», Ve«iiuit« and Cave (..'ily Travel. Also a large Stable and Yard lortho Ac- iconiniodatlon of rbaiiiHters. I^ki' B#tol t MILTON, CALIFORNIA. y, W, HENDBICKS, - - PROPMIETOK^ This House has jtist been letitted tlirougliout and furnislieH tWbest accommodations to tht^ traveling public. Stable ami Feed Yai'd. iik connection with the iioiise. CALL. Mineral King, TULARE COUNTY. Bacigalupi T, saloon Baker P V, assayer and justice of peace Beaver Oscar, saloon Burke U A, saloon ClodfetterChas, hotel GL0TFETT2R DAN, propr Half-way House, Mineral King Road Crystal Mine, Peter Mallett Cunningham Francis, justice of peace t)a niel8o n W, saloon DAVIDSON Wi groceries, postmaster Kmpire Mine, R P Harper atipt Empire Store, Col C Wagner manager HALF-WAY HOUSE, Dan Cloifetter propr, Mineral King Koad Herrington Mrs £, restaurant Hoy J C, hotel Johnson Frank, miners' supplies^ Lamberson C G, saloon McGinnis Mine, Abe McGuuiis supti Neill & Kedfield, sawmill Smith S E, hotel Taylor Jonathan, deputy sherifT T ranger H, agt New England Mining C* Weishar A, sawmill and ccntractor White Chief Mine, A S Drais sapt PURE PORT WINE, IDr Meliclial Pursoses. 302 Davis St., S. F. ^1 5 ! , I Pi If ■ ' 'v. m 1 if 4 k' ii 4 i i p W. W. MONTAfiUE A CO., ^-.T't.VJJiT.rKlWynCW/.VJ* G48 California — Mineravill^-Modesto. Ai.pnAiivnoAt.tr. Minersville, TDINiry COUNTY. BATES Ft gflneral merchandiM »nd poitmaater Sourt«llott« J H, bUoIumith and hotel Mission San Jose, ALAMEDA COUNTY. la one of the oldeat towna of Call for nia, two milea from AVaahini^tou Cor npra and five milea from Niles, haa a population of about 300. Andrewp Mra J, dry gooda B tary public. Tenth Brichman J B, saloon, Ninth Chantry Mn Mary, tuiloring, Tenth Chapman .1 J, atoves and tinware. Tenth Christ Herman, liukery. Tenth Clark Mios C 'J', dressmaking, 11 Clayes 8 H, druggist and oigara, H Claypool \Vm, saloon, H Cleveland ti Hardesty, undertakers, II '"olt, saloon. Ninth Duncan Mose, hotel. Eighth Easton & Li^ht, saloon. Tenth and I ENOLEHABT PHILIP, blacksmith and horsushoer, H Farish & Mallnry, groceries. Ninth Fitzpatrick Chus B, atty at law. Ninth and II Freeman Moses, blacksmith, and wagon- maker, Tenth nnd I Frei/oso Feliz, painter. Eighth Fulkerth A S, sheriff and tax ooUeetor, Court House Fnqnay A F, gen mdse, H iA H. WAOHHORSTJmporterof sSIISryT'wSlS^iAB. 315JSt,Saa PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •"t.SSTrSSSSf.'i-JiJS i I i i o a o X Calif om la — Modisto. ALnuwmoALLr. 649 Gallo P O, barber, H 0*nierBam(7 B, aaloon, Nintb QILBERT I E & CO, gen mdie and iuiuraiice ageuta, H und Ninth OraiiK« Company of Modesto, groin, ffrain baga aud twine, Ninth, Uarriaon Turner prefet, Jno Duviea aecy Qreunleaf 8, wutchmakvr and jeweler, H Grollmun William, harueis unu saddle*. Tenth OBOS GEO & CO, cigarx, Front apd I Hull M U, county treas, Conrt House Hammer Andrew, saloon, H Uartui Jas, blacksmith and wagonmak or, Tenth Jlurtcr Mrs J, dressmaking and sowing muchinoB, Tenth Hayes J H, shoemaker, H Uewel A, superior judge, Court House Uoltham Wm J, act C P R K and W U Tel Co Huvey 1) H, barber and baths, Ninth Howard W B, teacher Husband David 8, suloon. Ninth Husband Mrs D 8, millinery and dress making, Tenth Junu'S H (t, meat market, H Jtmes J \V, balcksmith, H .lefts A, watchmaker and jeweler, H* JIRAN W, mtrchant tuilur, H Juhnsoii & Huzen, attys at law, Court House Johnson I, boots and shoos, H Jones Mrs A, millinery aud dressmaking. Tenth XNOWLES & SOir, raradUe Flouring Mills, Fnuit I«ine Jas M, meat market, Tenth Jjttue & Williams, druggists. Ninth Lester Geo, painter, H Ijewis F J, furniture. Ninth and H Lovcnthal 1 S, restaurant, H Maddux J H, groceries. Tenth Maddux & Simmons, attys ut law, H May John C, gen mdse and sewing ma chines. Eighth May U, tador. Eighth MAXWELL CUAB, pub "Modesto Herald," H MoCA&THT CHAS F, deputy county clerk, Court Uouso MoCARTHT JOHN W, county clerk. Court iiouiM MoGOY JOHN, oouuty recorder and auditor, Court House McHeury Hobt, cashier Modesto Bank MEDLEY P H, books, stationery, news depot, cigars, tobacco, varietiss and insurance agsnt, Front Mcl^ean IS M, phyaiuian, Eighth Meiaecke Frederick, soda works, Ninth Merry L, nataurant, H Modesto Bank, A L CreMny pre* Minor W 0, dist atty. Court Home "MODESTO HEBALD" (weekly), Chsa Maxw«ll publisher, H MODESTO HOUSE, W Dawaon propr, Front Monmert & >Son, restaurant. Ninth Morris ft Co, saloon, wool, hidts aild pelts, Ninth Nathan Bros, dry goods and clothing, H Udnm W W, cuipr't weaver. Eighth PATTEESON C D, livery and feed sta bles. Tenth and I PAYNE C L, agt E M Derbj ft Co, Ninth Perkins Isaac, hardware and agricultural implements, H Perluy Geo, notary public and searcher of records, Court House Porter ft Mullins, saloon, I PRENTISS HOTEL, J W Prentiss, H and Eleventh PRENTISS J W, Prentiss Hotel, H and Eleventh „ Ray |), physician, H Riee \V II, physician. Ninth ond H Robinson R B, county surveyor, Court Houso Robinson W H •!, county supt of public instruction, public administrator and coroner. Court House Rouers iStinipson P, asst cashier Modesto Bank, ins agt and notary public Ross F H, livery, I ROSS HOUSE, J C Traner propr, opp depot Ross W G, constable, H iSchell Spencer publisher f STONE £ T, atty ut law aud notary I public, Eleventh Stuart J W, saloon, H 8URBAU0H J T, dmggist, physieiaa and surgeon, stationery, cigun and tobacco, U m § IS h ll H. PALMER A CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. IKI0NTA6UE & CO., -n? .■[S-|««'KS7i!riS.Sr?^'^A*ft 050 Califoi^iar-^Modeato-Mokdumne Hill. •}.'! ^ ! 1 « c o S > o E « CO (B O ■ o o o 3S o Q. I- O •LrilABETICALLT. SWAIN JAMES F, postmaster and agt W, ¥ & Co, H TRANER J C, propr Ross Homse, opp depot Treat R B (Schell & T) atty at law and notary public, H Treeea VVm, saddles and harness, Front Tucker J F, county assessor, Court House Turner Garrison, pres Grange Co and ins agt, Ninth Turner Wm E, atty at law. Eleventh Wagner E H, blacksmith and wagon- maker. Front Wallace Thomas, livery, H Walthall L B, ins agt, notary public and county supervisor , , ., ) Walters F, tailor. Eighth ' ] Warner James, county supervisor, Court House ♦V^hitby F G, chairman county super- visor, Court House Wilhite W D, physician, Tenth Williams Mrs P A, human hair and patterns, L Wood & Turner, hardware, paints, oils and agricultural implements, H and Ninth WOLLNEB JACOB, cigars, tobacco, varieties, clothing, and ice agt, Ninth WBIGHT C C, atty at law and notary public, I Mohave, KERN COUNTY. Boyd E H, propr Mohave Hotel and saloon Charlton E, livery and feed stable Cohn E, gen mdse and agt W, F & Co's Expret.a Halstead W U, agt Cerro (Jordo Freight ing Co Hampton Wm, propr Kern and Inyo Stage Line Lowenberg Sol, postmaster Mahony \V H, agt S P R R and W U Tel Co Price B H, agt Kern and Inyo Stage Companj' ^Mokelumne Hill, CALAVERAS COUNTY, Is a pretty little place of 600 inhabitants, reached via stage lines oonnecting with the lone branch of the Central Pacitic Railroal. The Leger's Hotel is the popu- lar house of the place and !s deserving of its honor because the management merits it. Bach F, variety store and barber Boucher W K, atty at law and notary public Burce E P, shoemaker Casta M, gi'oceries, etc Dauz & Flemming, undertakers Dauz J, furniture Davidson & Peek, gen mdse Disbrow & Co, brewery Flemming GW, wagoumaker Fuller Jacob, saloon . ;,;,.,; .; Furgeson Mrs Mary, hotel ' i, , J Gardella C, carriagemaker ; • - ,,, Grauier A, dentist Hexter K, meat market Higby C B, propr ''Calaveras Chronicle" Himmighofen & Suessdorf, brewery Hutchison W M, tiu shop Jacob Chas, gen mdse K££ CHIJNO, groceries, cigars, tobacco and medicines KEEWINO, dry goods, tea, tobacco, etc Lamphire D C, lodging house LEG!EB'S EOTldL, Alolph Pechade manager LEQEB SISTEBS, proprs Leger Hotel LOUTTIT T S, blacksmith and horae- shoeer ■ ; ; ,. Mayer Fred, hotel » i " McClain John, bakery NcFadiu Peter, salooa C^iJ*' Mutlis Geo, shoemaker .. Nye 1) B, geu mdse PECHADE ADOLPH, manager I^ger Hotel PEEK F W, variety store and confec- tionery t ! i. Peek & Wells, livery stable PEEK WM P, postmaster Fellaton A, dry goo ^ 1'^ H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S..F. . , ;I '\fM m . 1.- ! Ik i e a Z o i CO Z s IL c c ID O o o z S o < a. o W. W. WOMTAGUE & (iO..*^*:^V^..iuTu7i^n^ ^^iJeS^S^.^ 652 California — Monterey-Moore's Station. Al.ryABKTICALLT. Girardin L, lodging house GOLTZBACHTALEamifE A. biv- versmith, and manufr bbulone shell, jewelry Goldstein A, clothing Gomez Felipe, postmaster and varieties Hadsell & Keed, drugs, stationery, news, music, &c HAMPTON 0, propr Hampton House HARPER THUS, merchant tailor HOUGHTON D J painter, house, sign and carriage; justice of the peace JAMES W W, stoves and tinware Keating A C, druggist Kpffle Solomon, saloon T.AMB Wiblacksmith, wagonmaker* LAHBERT T 0, lumber and building material; notary public Laporte Wm, gen mdse Leese David, saloon Linhot Isaac, barber UTILE MRS MILTON, proprietress Ocean House Lockwood Albert, hotel Marks S, dry goods and clothing Mauk Frank, agtS P K K, MIGHAELIS liRNEST, hairdresser Miller J W, meat market "MONTEREY CALIFORNIAN." H B Watson propr Norton J B, groceries OLIVER OEO, carpenter and builder O'NEILL & MEBACH, furniture and undertaking PRINZ H, lumber dealer, carpenter and builder Ray F H, paints and oils llngglesJ k, tailor . Ruunls Jno notary ST CHARLES HOTEL, R C Womet projjr Sanchez Audel, blacksmith Sanch ez B ros, saloon SGHAXTPELE&OIRARBIN, watch- makers and jewelers Schmidt £ H, groceries Serrano Pedro, livery stable SHAT S TLUuion Saloon SIMONEAu J, restaurant, Itcer depot SNIVELT J B, agt \V, F & Co and W KJ Tel Co, groceries, cigars, tobacco and c onfectionery TIBBETTS WM, Blue Wing Saloon Tootltiiker LS, wagonmaker Walter Manuel, livery sthble WATSON H B, propr "Monterey Cali- fi'rnian" WESTFALL A, pbysician WESTFALL & CO, druggists Wheet F E T, bootmaker WILLET R H, atty at law Monticello, On a City. NAPA COUNTY, stage road, 27 miles from ITl^ Dallas Jas, carpenter ■••v : Fowler T B, saloon HUNTER J & CO, gen mdse and po«t- master Jackson G W, physician Little J^D, carpenter McKenzie A, blacksmith < > < McKeuzie U S, carriage builder Meyer M, bootmdkcr Morrison H B, blacksmith Morrison I{, wagonmaker Munroe D, blacksmith Peacock K A, hotel Seawell J H, justice peace Monsenat, sAn dieuo countt. (Postoffice, Pala.) Wright S E, gen mdse Moore's Flat, NEVADA COUNTY, A mining town and postoffice, reached by stages from Novuda City, 20 miles didtant. Caldwell S, druggist Donald •! O, liquors Heam W, liquors Hegiirty &. Co, gen mdse KcUtrup L G, furniture La Baree J, physician Morrt»w Mrn, hotel Peachel C, liquors Shea Mrs, hotel Weiser A, tobacco s 5 o m m 3 s a ■n 00 Moore's Station, DUTTF COUNTY. Bliss W J, justice peace Flood 1{, liquors Gough Thos, blacksmith ' Kirkpatrick Daul, liquors Mead M, hotel MERRILL D P, gen mdse and post- master, agt W, F ft Co, and liquors Shaw — , school teacher WORNES RO, propr St Charles Hot«lj Steinkamt J P. hotel and agt P C S S Co | Upham Jabez, aheep-raiaer 3 H. WACHHORST. importer Rfji'4:^ViS!:i:s:;«.. 3ISJSt,St& e s CO in S e & s Id C0 3 u •8 PACIFit BUSINESS COLLEGE, »^ t^roiSri/^Sg^^affr Caii/omio — Moore's Station-Mount Fairview. 653 ALPIIABVriaAbLT. D. P. MEBBILL, DEALEVt IN GENERAL MERCHANDISl Wines, Liquors and Cigars, MOORE'S STATION, BUTTE COUNTY, CAL. Mormon Island, 8ACRAMENTO COUNTY, A poatoffice 4 milea from Folaora. Broder Oswold, vinter Ueust^n Joseph N. blacksmith Mettec Henry, vin ter STEPHENSON THOS, groceries and postmaster Townsend E B, m'eat market . Walker James, saloon Moro, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Is reached by steamships from San Fran Cisco, .disti^n^ 1^^ ntilos. It has stage communication with all the neighboring towns. Its support ia derived chiefly from the dairying interests, though flax and potatoes are extensively cultivated. Allen Jas, capitalist Greening David, constable Jordan J M, warehouse and lumber Pu;e K W, reiil estate agt STOGKINO E B, gen mdse and post master Stocking J C, blacksmith and uragon- niaker and justice peace Smiley H A, pliysician Whitney B (>, saloon Dowms Gao W, physician FOSS WH F, teacher, notary public nnd ins agt Galindo M M, butcher Oilman N A, station agt OLEASON Q D. bote! Grimley R, liquors GutH Chas, hay, grain and warehouse Hayes Richard, liquors Haverty J, butcher Hornberger J A, grain deakr Liyva P, hairdresser HAIICH)T H D, gen mdse, postmaster McKae — , liquors Merkel John, liquors Mountain View Hotel Niff A L, carpenter Kingstortf H, hay, grain and warehouse SAIIGHAN WEELHEIMEB. gen mdse and agt W, F & Co Smith &, Mockbee, blacksmith TAYLOR S A, hotel WAGSTAFF G T, liquors and reading room Weilheimer A, harness Weilheimer Saml, gen mdse Whelan D, blacksmith and wagonmaker Wolever D, carpanter Wright J A, carpenter tn CO CO Mount Bullion, MARIPOSA COUNTY. Bichard k Sharon T & W, orchard BICHABD TOM, mining expert and postmaster Fur an J, hotel 3 CO I 3 Mount Eden, ALAMEDA COUNTA, Is reached by stages from Haywards, distant 8^ miles. Mountain View, SANTA CLAIJA COUNTY, Is 12 mites northwest of San Jose, on the S. P. R. R. The support of the vil- lage is derived from agricultural inter- ests. BOOGS E W, hotel BOWMAN A, brick manufr Coblintz L, gen mdse Barron Rich ard, warehouse and landing BRTJSTGRTJEN F, gen mdse and post- master Christensen Chris'inn, saloon Lund ChriitiiUt, saloon Meisinger H, blacksmith and wagon- maker Petermm H, saloon and gen mdse Reiser Mrs A, hotel and boarding house Mount Fairview, SAN DIKOO COUNTY. Irving W E, postmaster Jones S A, gen mdse Ormsby E, gen mdse Stone L, apiarist PURE PORT WINE, fir KelMiil Pinioses, 302 Davis St., S. F. il ft 1 ij 1 1 >1" < r c I s I O s (0 3 ft. C C (Q o ■ o o o z s < Q. O w, w. MONTAGUE A coM*^^rA^?grir,ni}?iri;^sg'!?r 654 California— Mount Shasta-Napa City. ALPIIABRriCALLT. Hoimt Shasta, SISKIYOU COUNTY. DimmickC A, blacksmith V <•>'<'' MoGBATH THOS, gen mdse and post master Shepherd Irwin & Co, tlonnniU Murphy's, CALAVERAS COUNTY, Is 18 miles southeast of San Andreas on the stage road leading from Milton to the Big Trees. At wood Henry, propr Sperry's Hotel Baratini D & iSegall, blacksmiths Brt^nch B. H, saloon Castracca A, saloon Comptrc V, gen mdse Creso H, VV U Tol opr FISK F W, variety store and bakery Fisk & Sackett, saloon Kimball & Cntting, mill owners MATTESON & OAKLAND, feed and sale stable and office son & Co Stage Line MeliaJ, barber Ruffe & Keilbar, meat market Schwoerer L, shoemaker SENTER R, gen mdso Sperry J L, hotel Stanghitte G, gen mdse livery, Matte- Napa City, NAPA OOKNTY. Situated on a river of the same name, 46 miles from San Francisco, reached by the California PaciKc Railroad, in u beautiful valley where large quantities of fine wine are produced. Jt has at pros ent a populati(m of al)out 4,(X)0 and is growing in importance; it is well adapt- ed for manufactories, of which there are several, as the railroad runs through the town, and vessels ply continually lie tween there and San Francisco. Stnges to Sonoma, Knoxville and other places run daily. A branch of the State Insane Asylum, a handsome building, is in the neighborhood. It is the county seat and has excellent schools and society. ALDE-N £ B & CO, clothing and fur nishing goods. First and Main and at Suisun AMSTUTZ H L, watchmaker and jew eler. Second l»et Main and Brown Anderson C A, blacksmith, Brown Angell J W, physician, Main lodgings, BACHELDEB HANUFACTUBINO CO (windmills), Jno-Bachelder propr Bank of Napa, W C Watson cashier, Main and Second Barroco L, bootmaker. First BABTH 0, German Hall, wines and liquors. Brown Beal Bros, dry goods. Main Beck Miss Grace, agent, W U Tel Co, Beebft Jas, harnessmaker. Main Begelspacher Max, baker. First Belasco Miguel, saddler, First BEBGBEK B E> wines and liquors, Brown and Division BLATJEB ALBERT J, dealer in table delicacies. Main Bloch M, clothing and furnishing goods, Boggs & Brink, milliners and dressmak- ers. Main Boggs W M, notary public, real estate and ins agt. Main Boke J H. ins agt. Second Borreo F, groceries, provisions, hay, wood, coal, etc, First BOYNTON E N, druggist, George W Lawrence manager, J(5 Main Bray ton J G, photocraphic gallery, 2d Brick C J, watchmaker, jeweler. Main Brown R H, deputy collector U S inter- nal revenue. Mam BRTJCK LOUIS, searcher of records and notary public. Second Buckman O H, civil engineer. Brown Capelli A, wines and liquors, R R Depot Chapman Mrs L, milliner, dressmaker an d hairdresser. Main CHASE H B tinner. First CEASE MRS L A, milliner, First Christie (» VV, butcher. Main CLARK A & CO, stoves, hardware and agl impts, 118 Main Clark H A, a^t Cal Pac R R Clifford (i H, livery stable and propr of Sonoma A Santa Rosa Stage Line, Main and Brown Clifl'onl Rev (Jeo, clergyman (M E) CLOSE STUART, collection agency. Main, room li Kdgington's building Cole Benj, restaurant. Main COLEMAN MRS MARY, Brooklyn Hotel Coleman F W, County Coroner and Public Administrator Colmaii F W, physician, office Pioneer Drug Store, Main Council M O, boots and shoes. Main Coombs F W, dist atty COOPER J H, propr "Napa Daily Gold Dollar," Main and Second Coc^per VV R, Vernon Flour Mills CORLETT W P & SONS, carpenters and stair builders, Brown opp Court House oi 9 A* 9 s a i M a: o o SI PI 01 o c TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer&Co., 'Si^nlv'S^ CO CO 8> C O 0. c s c ■o IL O '2 Si: o $ MRttM roiil^KAK. IDMI POMt Mt., H. P. California — Napa City. 655 AI.PHAIIBTIOALLY. Cottier W T, inventor, box 94 poitoffice Cowan J H, propr Revere House, Sec- ond opp Court House Crouch k Johnston, attys at law, Bank block, Second Crowey 6. W, propr Crowey's Opera House, Main Cuff K, livery stable, Main Damon Rev W 0, clergyman (M E) Devlin Chas, Shade House, Main Dewoodey T J, surveyor Dodge A H, physician. Main Donnelly Jas, groceries, grain and liq- uors. Main Donnelly Mrs Mary, whipmaker. Main Donnelly T C, gen mdse, Main Dunn J H, dentist. Main Edgington Jas, livery stable. Main and Third Edwards S & Co. stoves, hardware and agl inipts, Main Epley & Paccaiid, hooks, stationery, etc. Main Fischer Franz, bootmaker, First Fowler & iShaw, blacksmiths, Third FRANCIS & SPALDING, proprs of "Napa Register," Main Fraser (i W, barber and baths, Main Fraaer I K & Co, candies ani cigars. Main GARWOOD & MARVm.blacksmiths, Mniu Giesecke F, barber. Brown '-' GILES JAMES & CO, furniture, car pets and undertaking, under Crowey's Opera House, Main Oottschalk Mrs A, wine and liquor deal er, Main GOODMAN JAMES H & CO, bank ors, Miiin (Treenfield T (J, wagon and carriage mak- er, Main Griclley E S, city treas, ex-officio clerk and tax collector, .Second Haas 1> L, books, stationery, cigars, etc, Main Haas & Ford, dry goods, clothing, etc, 104 Main Habermehl C F, wines and liquors, Brown Hackett k Dean, dentists. Bank block. Main and Second Hammett J B, fishinonger, First HOGAN MBS E A, propr Napa Hotd, Main and First Hottel k Smith, groceries and provi- sions. Main Howe A, wines and liquors. Main Howland J H, postmaster. Main Hug J J, druggist. Main HuLL A J, attorney at law and notary public. Bank block, Second Hunter Wm, wagonmaker and black- smith. First Insane Asylum, Dr Wilkins physician and manager Jacks W S, nurseryman. Grand ave JACOBSON CARTSON. propr Ameri. House, Main and Third Jacobaou k Westfall, liquors. Main Jaensch W, gen mdse, Brown and First James Bennett, sheriff James k Boggs, lumber dealers. Fourth and Main Jepsen J, saddler and hamessmaker, Main JOHNSON C A, tailor, 2d and Main Johnson S M, restaurant. Main Cather Albert, butcher, Main Kean John, assessor Keig D, boots and shoes, Main Kimball E, stoves, tinware, etc, Br ^vn King Mrs M, propr Washington Hotel, R R depot Kline R H, minister Episcopal Church Knapp H H, lumber dealer and insur- ance agent. Main liamdin J F, agent Wells, Fargo 4; Co, Second Lawrence J, wines and liquors. First Lipman S k Co, dry and fancy goods, 98 and 100 Main Ludlow F G, druggist. First Lulwes & Jander, German House, First and Brown LYMAN G G, city engineer and supt of sfreets and insurance agents, Second and Brown liynch P, liquors. Main Mabes A, boots and shoes. Main Maclay Rev W J, clergyman (M E) Mallett J H k Son, butchers, First and Brown MARTIN & ROGERS, marble, gran- ite and artiKcial works. Brown HANSEN & OLSEN, merchant tailor,! MARVIN & GARWOOD, feed and clothiers jvnil furnishing goods. Main! sale stal)le, First Hatt A, coal, wood and provisions, also propr of Napa line of schooners Hatton Jos, barber, Main i Haun F, physician. Main ' Head Geo, boots and shoes, Main Hein J N, tinware, etc, Third and Brown Hen ning W F, atty at law. Second HENRY JOSEPH, butcher and treas- urer Mason James, baker. Main Mattes N, groceries, fish and vegetables McBAIN THOS & CO, curriers and tanners McCarthcy J D, blacksmith. Main MeClelland J A & Co, groceries, crock- ery, roc, Main Mcdonald F a, propr Napa Ladies* Seminary m o c/> 0) 3 O 3. (A H. PALMER & CO., Frontianan Wine, 302 Davis St, S, f. n 1^ l:<-fr 1 % ■' ':'•■ ^^' ''' ■'■P»! m H' '■" iKli 1 1 0: --M ■' ■1^1 WS- ''ir'' '' 9 wPH iJi II W. W. MONTAGUE A CO.. '7^rttV^Lrr,rtMyrs^:r^:rT ,an«taM.lt«.ll«, IL ■ m m C Q B & > o E CO c c S ■ O o o < Q. I- h Q es6 California — Napa City. AbraiunncALLT. MoEncmey Mrs, hotel. Main McGraw Wm, training stable, Main MELLOR & SONS,fumituro, bedJing, carpets, etc, and undertakers, Main near Stone Bridge Miano & Desmone, fruit, Main MIOLIAVAOGA 0, wine manuf and distiller, Brown Mitchell J, wogonmaker, Main Moody T M, blacksmith, Main and Brown Muller Auguste, boots and shoes. First Murphy J B, baker, Brown Myers O P, watchmaker and jeweler. Main Myers \V G, blacksmith. First KAPA COLLEQIATE INSTITXJTE, A E Lasher uriiicipal "NAPA COTJNTT REPORTER/' Mrs G W Gift propr, Main "NAPA DAILT GOLD DOLLAR," J H Cooper nropr. Main and ^Second NAPA lAJ)IES' SEMINART. F A McDonald A M, principal, Seminary "NAPA REaiSTER," (daily and weekly), Francis & Spalding proprs. Main Neilsen S H, clerk and recorder Newkom 8, cigars and tobacco, Main Nichols J M, wines and liquors. Main and First NICHOLS & WESTFALL, wines and liquors, Second and Brown Nusaberger J, hotel. Brown and First O'Day M, liquors. Main Parks D G, harness manuf, Main PEARGH GHAS, paints, oils, etc, Fir«t PEARSON I N. gloxo manuf, Main Pearson T A, liquors. Main PETTER ftVAROZZA, Swiss Hotel, Main Pfeiffer P, brewery and cooper, Main Pond J E, atty at law and justice of the peace, Main Pond M B. physician, office Pioneer Drug Store, Main PORTER S, physician. First Puget Sound Luml)er Co. A Powell man- ager Reed A K, cigars and tobacco, Main Keimers C, gen mdse Sannd Gus, restaurant. Main Sawyer B F & Co, tanners, wool, hides and tallow, Grand ave ScliT«^ab M A, wood and ivory turner, Brown Schwartz J & H, dry goods and furnish- ing goodn. Main Schmied VV H B, watchmaker and jew- eler, Main Schwarz U, hardware and furnishing goods, Main i •• -i •- GOEELET ft nCKFORD, bankars. mi Brown and Second SEELET C B, notary pnblio and agt. Brown and Seeand ■■ Semdril'e B, groceries and liquors, First Sheehy Robt, grain warehouse, Brown Shurtleff B, physician. Main Silvea M, Napa Soda Works and liquors. Main and Steuart Simmonds Mr.i L, dressmaker, Main Singlor B, barber. Main Slattery M D, minister Catholio Church SMITH, HOTZ ft BOKE. dry and fancy goods. Main Smith W C S, groceries, crockery, etc, Main and Third Stcere & Kobinson, attys at law. Main Sterling R H, notary public, Main Steward N K, auction and commission, Main Stillwagon W W, physician, 05 Main Stoffels & Hort, wines and lijuora, Main Sweet J J, toys and candy, Main SWISS HOTEL, Patter & Varozza proprs THOMPSON ft BEARD, gen mdse. Main Thorn Mrs M A, milliner and dressma- ker. Brown Tobin Mary, restaurant. Brown Todd E S, minister Methodist Church Tool & Andrews, groceries and provis- ions, Second Topping William, wines and liquors. Brown Towle G W, atty at law^, notary public and justice of peace. Main True John, fish and vegetables, Second Van Baaren, John, clothing, Second Van Bever P, wine manuf and grape brandy distiller, Fourth and Main Vandorlip J T, dentist, Main Volks Wm J, candy manuf, Main WALKER C M, A M, principal Oak Mound Schnr:l nnd county supt, Ran- dolph and Pine Wallace Wm C,- superior jud^e West William, guns and Hshiug tackle, First WIPRUT MORRIS, tailor, First Wolf & Wagener, wines and liquors, Main Wright G A, carnagcmaker and painter. Third Weslie R, minister of Presbyterian Church JCeigenfusa P A, butcher, Second ZIMMERMAN MAY, wines and liquors, First ZIMMERMANN X N, saloon 3 3. § a> 3 a n O e S* 2. o • a o ■1 »< 9 I S' $ 00 ■n o 3. 3 ta H. WACHHORST. importer of ji'^'.'Ly^iSll^l^a.. 3t 5 J St., Sac wmm^ PACIFIC BUSINESS CCLLE6E, •»Sr..%?-pJ52a7p.9&JS CO s I S e I California — Napa City. 657 AliPIIARITICALI.Y. TKI3S o X CD CO ■ Cd •0 IS OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AS A Bold, Carefully Edited and Thorouglily Livs Local Newspaper. Since its establishment it has enjoyed a period of Having doubled its circulation within two months. Being also THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN NAPA ! It offers superior advantages to Advertisers. J. H. COOPER, PUBi^ISHBR AKX> PROPRIBTOR, NAPA, CAL. BROOKLYN HO^^ Near Railway Depot, Napa City, California. Board and Lodging, per Week $6 00 to $6 GO Board and Lodging, per Day $1 00 to $1 50 g-OOP BEI3 DS. MRS. M. COLEMAN PROPRIETOR. cr» 5» t si 4 CD* 9 il COL. JACKSON, Proprietor. eg 3 .a CO 42 H. PALMER & COm Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. '!|i ^ ! 1 I - 1 Ifl -i, i ' k .am ^! W. W. MONTAGUE & C0.,'~r"'!f^WR:i.?l!l."!S5i.'SffS'.lf' k h "8 IB o ■ s < Publical ft> ^ e Tlie Oldest 3 ID s ^ The Napa tweniy.four ) c It i;ofs into I a and Solano. ■Hit 3 I'ORTf.R. (A m ^ k Q) ;.* ■•-' .n. , 1 I ■ "''■ i: <■ ^ J ' » fr •0 E. A. H0( (D a X (S c e gi tt 9 ^ Adjoining C ^ » First-CI r 0) SI 9r (8 o >< ? CHABaES >• 4^ c . >t Agency for Sf ^ 0> 3- • « Free OLD PORT •I o c '>> GL Q) ti J a (8 c Q. es tm BusiNEss PENMANSHIP '•'^*^aij»?^r.fe?.«.«%'*3t^iK?s»rrfe California — Na-pa City. ALPIIARRTtCALLV. 659 THE NAPA COUNTY REPORTER , MRS. GEO. W. GIFT, Proprietor. PUBLISHED every FRIDAY AFTERNOON At the City of Napa, County of Napai California. Publication Office, RAain Street, opp. Napa Opera House. The Oldest Established Paper in Kapa Co., and bas the Largest Circulation. The Napa County Reporter h.is ' -n a constant visitor to Napa firesides for tweniy-four years, until it has gained ilic confiilencc ami affection of the people. It yoi's into nearly every home in the coiiniy, and into niiiny in Sonoma, Lake, Yolo and Solano. Whoever wishes the trade of the peojile shovdd advertise in the Re- roRTf.R. E. A. HOGAN, - - - - - PROPRIETOR. CORNER MAIN AND FIRST STS., Adjoining Opera House, NAPA CITY, CAL. M First-Class In Every Particular. Good Beds, SPECIAL RATES TO THEATRICAL COMPANIES. CHAnaES, from $1.00 to $2.00 per Tay. ACCOBDIITG TO HOOK Agency (or Opera House and Headquarters for Knoxville and Monticello Stages. Free Carriage from all Trains to the Hotel. 0> S -I ao m ?f »l 1^ si II ? I* i 9. n OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. i I I IL ■ CO c « I Q W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., V.W,•^ll«^T,^KiAV;fcU*V^^ IB CO I c s m o o o < D. O 660 California — Napa City. ALPIIAUmOAI.LY. HAVE YOU A DAUGHTER TO EDUCATE ? If SO, send for a Oatalogno of the An Institution, which for tweaty yeara has furnished to young ladies un- surpassed facilities for the acquirement of a complete English education, together with most thorough instruction in the several departments of Music, Art and Languages. Attention is called to the following advantages oifered by the Napa La- dies' Seminary. The thoroughly competent corps of instructors employed. The comprehensive course of study necessary to graduation. The unusual advantages ofTered in Music, Art and Languages. The HOME-LIKE surroundings and excei.lf.nt table board of the Institu- 1st. 2d. 4th. tion. 5th. The location of the School in a valley so famed for its healthful climate. DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. LIT£RARY« — Preparatory embraces all the studies of the Common or Gram- mar School Course, with an introduction to th» Languages, Music and fine Arts. COLLEGIATE. — Literature, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Ancient and Modern Languages, Philosophy and Hygiene. MUSICAL. — Organ, Piano, Violin, Voice Culture, Harmony, Composition and Class Drill. FINE ART. — Pencil and Crayon Drawing, Painting in Water and Oil Colors, Sketching from Nature. Our classification is adapted to all grades of pupils, from the Primary to the Post Graduate, and it is wholly practical aad rational. The School is now better prepared than ever for the great work of education. Although the best for all departments has been provided, the rates hav« been re- duced. Liberal reduction made when two or more scholars are sent from the same family. Catalogues now ready, are mailed free to any address. Inquire in person or by letter of prominent citizens of Napa, or of past or present patrons, in re-jard to the standing of the Institution, the character of its instruction, its working or results. Apply for Catalogue and Circulam to F. A. Mcdonald, a. m., Principti, Napa, Califoraia. H. WACHH9RST calls attention "Si'iSr^SXSLr 315 J St 8 m ao CO o a o M ft 9 e o s ■0 o 9 Q 1 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, s-s.? ai?a»«i?i£;w. I s 5 cd 75 o e e CO O 1 o o California — iVapa City-Ndaon. G61 ALriuraTiOAi.i.r. AMERICAN HOTEL, Corner Main and Third Streets, Napa, Cal. $1.00 to $1.60 per Say, according to Boom. Board by the Week or Month at Reasonable Rates. CARSTON JACOBsdii^ ■ ■ - - PROPRIETOR. C. MICLIAVACCA, Wim Oilkf aid B^tilliij DEALER IN FOREIGN tc NATIVE LIQUIDS, Napa City, Napa County, California, Napa Junction, NAPA COUNTY. BENGSOK MRS C E, agt C P R R and postmaster McPhail Miss J, W U Tel opr Cd V O 5 o Z o 3 O X (0 o < National City, SAN DIEQO COUNTY, Is a village five miles southeast of San Diego. Blackmer E T, prof of music Copeland Fred, contractor and surveyor Haydon Z, blacksmith Kimball Bros, land agts FA.HSONS H, gen mdse, postmaster G. H. PARSONS, DEALER IN GROCERIES ANU GENERAL MERCHANDISE. NATIONAL CITY, Natividad, MONTEREY COUNTY, Alpito M, saloon Husson F, gen mdse and postmaster Patton J W, hotel Tholke W, hotal Nelson, BUTTE COUNTY, Is 83 miles from Sacramento, on the Oregon Division of the Central Pacific Railroad. The town takes its name from A. D. Nelson, Esq, a prominent farmer who resides about one mile from the place. It is built on an old Spanish grant, which will soon be divided into small tracts and sold. The land is very fertile and nicely located. The town is in a thriving condition and promises to be one of the best on the road. » 8 «? 1 3 Ui CAIiirOBMlA. AHBROUSE J N, painter BRUTON SAML J, justice of peace Burroughs Geo, gen milse Delavan L, caip inter JONES ADi^M F, blacksmith Mcintosh & Bruton, warehouse McINTOSH J W, postmaster NELSON PC, act C PRR.W, F& Co, and W U Tel Co H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal. ""^ •**^"- *"**'• 411 1 ■•• liaa Framelsett. W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., -V«'JlS"l.«r«'S7irii!«r.:S?^A'ft h) >■ I- o CO < o < z CO o III yi H CO 5 3 C62 III I- X < o III o California — Nelson-Nevada City. ALPIIABniOALLT. Nelson Miss Lucy, aohool teacher I'ixlcy A, laloon Sftndrock Adolph, wagonmakor SHILLINO J S, l>luckamith STEVENS A B, farmer Tillotsou L B, meut market Nevada City, NKVAIU COINTY, Is the northern terminus of the Nevada County Nurrow-Gauce Railroad, 22 miles from Culfax, on tho Central I'acitic Builway. It is thocounty seat, and has a popuhition oi 3,500. Its mines are the chief source of support, from whicli se- veral hundred thousand dollars in ore are taken nnd crushed annually. The country surrounding the place is quite productive of fruits and griipus, while its scenic features ai-e numerous. It is surroundeil hy high, abrupt hills, and in the Spring time, when tney don their suit of greiiu, it presents a romantic ap- pearance. The Court House is a very pretty structure, costing $75,000. The High School building is quite an orna- ment, and cost $15,000. There is n bank, with a paid-up cash capital of ^,000. The residences are above tho average of places of the same size, the streets are cleanly kept, and the places of tr.ide are well built. There are several breweries, two foundries and several other places of manufacture. The people are hospitable, enterprising and intelli- gent, and the sanitary condition of the place is excellent. Allen B T, sunt City Gas Works Allen Geo O, foundry and machine ^hop Anderson John, justice of the (Miace Baltz &, Gucnther, liquors Barton \Vm, blacksmith Baruh A, liquors Breckman C, liquors Belden P H, druggist Beverton D W, dentist, " Tranec ript " block Blasauf Mrs John, brewery BLOSS A A, carpenter, Sacramento Bloss A C, supt El Capitiui Mine Blumberg A, merchant tailor Blumenthal A, dry goods and carpets Bobo Chas D, physician BOWERMAN JO, variety store, Main, next door Union Hotel Bradley H S, civil engineer Brand & Bassett, books and stationery and musical instruments Brand C J, jeweler, Broad Brodie ft Uicks, meat market BROWN ft CALKINS, publishers and proprs " Nevada Daily Transcript " Brown E M, collector City Water Works Brown J £, supt South Yuba Canal Co and Nevada City Water Works Buelow F Von, physician Bushel! L, blacksmith Caldwell J I, atty at law and notary Caldwell John, suucrior judge Curr J E, county clerk (.'flB[>er K, city clerk and boots and shoes ailZENS' BANK, John T Morgan cashier, E M Preston pres. Broad CLANCEY PATRICK, blacksmith Clutter SamI, wagunmaker Coo Wm 1{, boots and shoes Colley J K, meat market Collins ]>, county assessor CONLAN C, Arcade Restaurant CONLAN ROGER. Milwaukee Beer Depot, (>S and 70 Broad Conn J B, liquors CORNELL MRS C W, Bon- Ton Lodg- ing House Crawford W H, agt Eureka Express ft Stage Lino Dickerntan J C, carpenter Ditzel John & Co, liquors Donnelly J C, liquors Downing J W, merchant tailor Drey fuss L W, city treasurer and brewer DUNN J S, supt V Flume Wood and Lumber Co (Town Talk) Eckart Mrs PI J, candy factory Eddy S A, liquors „ Egun John, liquors "" ' ' Eilannan F A, hotel Eisen A, dry goods and carpets Englebright W F, civil engineer Erskine ft Enright, groceries, Broad Eustis ft Sukeforth, furniture Ferrand Chas, photottrapher Fisher Mrs E E, watches and jewelry Fogeli Caspar, brewery. Main Garthe L, real estate and ins agt and notary OAITLT AT.T.Y r groceries and bakery, 70 ond 78 Broad Gay lord E H, dist atty Gay lord George, groceries (Jillet Felix, barber Godair Louis, barber " ^ , . (Toodwin S S, blacksmith Graham Jno, livery stable Gray Miss M A, varieties Groves W C, undertaker Guild F C, auctioneer and furniture Hanly Michael, liquors Harris S M, dentist Harrison J H, meat market C^ 09 B §: o (/> o CO a' o xa I A* O X" CD (A CO p CD o A* TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '«;vJ'j»i'r^wn?A«*r«r^.'S,!'B'R^ California — Nevada City. OGS 1: Ai.piiAnirriCAU.r. CO CO H : V St si »5. 1 o M o o I i Hartwell A O, county surveyor Iloasell J C, barber Herziiiger John, bootmaker Uitlbrouk J a, poBtmaater IlolinoB Wm, harncsamuker Hook Jno F, btinakor Hooper Wm,.linuor8 Sunerfauth P, liquors UFP OEO S. utty at law and notary public, Broftd , Hurst Jno, bukery Hubs Frank, County Coroner Hyman Bros, clothing laonrd A, liquors Jack John, cigars and tobacco Jenkins Jos, harness and saddles Johnson & Cross, lawyers, Broad Kstinoy James, bootmaker KI31T CHAS, Keystone Meat Market, Commercial and Main Kent Wm, dentist Kinkead Jamos, iipholsturer Kistlu Johnny, ]i(]Uors Klingcn^por & Walters, barbers KORNHAMMEB CHB, bootmaker, (52 Broad I^ Cofj C, restaurant Lawrence & Barlow, foundry and chine shop Legg & Shaw, liardware Lester & Crawford Mrs, millinery fancy goods. Main Long W I), attorney at law ond tary Loiii.' W S, city assessor LTJETJE F C, watches and jewelry, (50 Broad Lutz B, l)ootinaker Lutz Henry, liijuors Maloncy Mrs .Sarah, restaurant Mann Kev Mr, pastor M K Chnrch Meagher Father, Catliolic priest Merrill W C, merchant tailor Miller BH, clothing Mills H C, feed stable • Monro James, meat market Moran T C, li<|uors MORGAN JOHN T, cashier Citizens' Bank MULLOT CHAS E, groceries and li (piors, 52 Broad NaflTziger Chris J, m'sat market NAFFZIOER J, P opr Union Hotel, Main "NEVADA DAILY TRANSCRIPT," L S Calkins editor, N P Brown busi- ness manager "NEVADA HERAID" (triweekly), Gray, Davis ft Herzinger proprs Nivens Archie, cigars and tobacco, and manager W U Tel Co Osten G, barber, Main Ott James J, aasayer propr Hotel, Broad National ma- and no PEARSON CHAS E, Exchange Hotel, Pt'ttit J V, li(juo ■ ■ ;».t,i. Pingree I O, liquors Powell Kev — , pastor Episcopal Church Powell Wm, liqiiors. Union Hotel PRESTON E M, pres Citizens' Bonk Kankin (> W, photographer Bapp Jno A, county recorder Hichards Phillip, broker Richards W(», groceries Richards Wm, hotel Uobinson C F, groceries ROBINSON & FEENET, horseshoers. fiiot of Broa) F, druggist Rudolph Mrs J F, photographer SANQUINETTI B, confectioneries, groceries, fruits, vegetables ond va- rieties, -Main and Union Schmidt F M, tailor Sehniittburg U V, county treasurer Scott Wm, constable Seaman Wm, blacksmith and wagou- makcr S.EARLS, NILES & SEARLS. at%s at law, oi)p Court House Seely Jno A, agt N Co N G R R SELIM D, editor "Herald"- (ilri- weekly) Senner John Sr, groceries Seymour C H, surveyor Sliaw M A, li({uors SHURTLEFF W T & CO, groceries, provisiiins and liquors Sigourney W A, varieties Silva Jos, liquors Simmons Geo, hotel (Town Talk) Simon Robert, ice Sime Alex Jr, Public Administrator Sims J J, p.istor Congregational Church Sloan Alex, liquors Smith Frank, liquors Smith W H, groceries and hardware Smoot Richard M, varieties Sterling Mrs M A, dry goods, millinery Symington R B, U S mineral surveyor Tarn A, oysters and candies Thomas E B, restaurant Tompkins E O, sheriff Tower H, agent Wells, Fargo & Co Turner (ieo E, hardware UNION HOTEL, J Naffziger propr, Main C^< a>< P" i;tr m^i H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street. S. F. ( ■ 40 ■I •c I i f ±i S Ik I c IL' O WUf MnMT ACIIP Jt rn moTm antl Rancrs, BOO dtffermit iIm. itjlM u4 . W. BIUWIAOUC PC v U.y i)>tteni«, no, 112. 114, 11« Mid 118 BatUry 8t. . 8. r. 664 Galifomia — Nevada City-Newcastle. ALPIIABKTICALLT. PLUME WOOD AND LTlOfBEB CO, J S Dunn supt, (Town Talk) VHlentine H W , physician Vinton W D, druggist YOIOHT W C, physician and surgeon Walling J M, lawyer and notary WEISS E Nevada Brewery, Sacra- mento Welch Geo W, books and stationery, watches, jeweler and insurance ageut Wellington D, livery and propr Eureka Stage Lin< WHITE JOHN, upholsterer, paper hanger and pain'er, opposite Cfity Hall Wickes Jno T, srot county schools Wilkin Fred, li'^uors Withington G E, painter Wolf Wm, groceries Zekind A I, varieties E. M. Prestox, Preaident. John T. Morgan, Cashier. ©If iMiMi* m^mm NEVADA JSITY, CALIFORNIA. PAID UP CAPITAL, ■ - 7 - ■ $30,000 Correspondents.— FIRST NATIONAL GOLD BANK, S. F. D. O. MILLS & CO., Saeramento. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, New York. Draw Sijjht Drafts on Sacramento, San Francisco, and New York. Sell Fxchangs on aU leading cities in Europe. Buy and sell U. S. Bonds, County Warrants and other securities. We have special facilities for making collections throughout the northern portion of the State. Newhall, LOS ANUKLK8 COUNTY. California Star Oil Works Co, James Feore agent CAMPTON GEO, gen mdse, postmas ter and lumber Fields D W & Co, gen mdse and proprs Southern Hotel Feore James, agent California Star Oil Works Co Gifford John T, agent S P II R. W U Tel Co, Wells, Fargo & Co and Tele- graph Stage Co, depot Learning Christopher, mining, district recorder and notary public Moore Chas, feed stablu and saloon Powell M \, saloon Turner J H, justice of peace New Almaden, t NTA CLARA COUNTY, A 'Jiining town 12 miles south of San Jose, situated near the lidgo dividing Santa Cruz from the Santa Clara Valley, Beitty RevG W, cle rgyman (ME) D ERBY & LOWE, g»n in( se LOWE BALPF, postmaster Wiin S E, physician Newbury Park, VENTURA COUNTY. Mills H W, hotel, gen mdse and post- master Newcastle, PLACER COUNTY, Jsi on the line of the Central Pacilic R. R., five miles from Auburn, and has a population of 150. It depends mainly on the fruit growing interest, a pursuit that is extensively engaf^ed in. The scenery is beautiful at tins place, the foothilLs surrounding it being rich with Nature's clinrms. Abbott A O, blacksmith and wagon- maker Culver E W, dry goods, clothing, sta- ticmery, and postmaster GOODBICH E, groceries Hogans k Albei^ hay, grain and grocer- ies Husse L, bootmaker Larkin Rev Geo, clergyman (M E) Mitchell Berry, liquors BICE D A. agent C P R R and opera- tor W U Tel Co m o» o I e (0 £ <« T O a. o J Q 14. WACHHORST. importer of ^^^^lU^^^:^., 31 5 J St., Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practlrally tanKht at PACIFIC BtMI- NBHIM COIiliKOl!. A«<» Post filt» ». #. I d (0 I B e o e to Id 8 CD O X California — Newcaatle-Niles. Ai>pnAiimoAiions. Haxdware, Tinware & Crockery. ALSO, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, • Tobacco, Oils and Paints, lilchool Books and Stationery, And many other Articles to make up a complete oasortment usuully to be found in a flrst- claaa count) ^ store. Nlrolaus, (!al. Niles, ALAMEDA COUNTY, A station on the C. P. R. R., also a iunciion of the San Jose branch. Popu- lation about '^00. A stage connerts Niles and Centreville here. Bedard Thos, blacksmith (^abcs Albert, bootmaker Dusterberry Henry, supervisor and far- mer Hinckley L M, blackcmith and saloon KINO W B« restaurant and lodgings McDole Lewis, boot and shoemaker Mortimer Wm, agent C P R R, W U Tel Co and Wells, Fargo & Co Niles Mills, Joseph Rogers propr SNYDER WM> gen md and post- master Virgil John A, hotel H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. II M lH' k4 ■■'it >' !-. m^^ W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., n-iT*?.v.;nr.".rK«'S?y'Sr!^v.v*?' 1 M} Si i IL ■ CO i c a s o c o E 75 CO c c O • o o < 0, O 666 California — Nord-North San Diego. ALPUArariCALL?. Nord, BUTTE COUNTY. • Barnard A M, livery stable COLBY & FOXD. postofEce, general mdse and agents Wells, Fargo, & Co, CPRRandWUTelCo Finnegan B D, saloon Lang M H, bootmaker .' Mills L F, blacksmith Pond Chas L, notary public Wrrren 3ros, (E H and J W), hotel Nordhoflf, VENTURA COUNTY, Named after Charles Nordhoff, Esq., a veteran journalist. It is reached from San Buenaventura by stages, distant 12 miles. Barrovs F P, hotel Fisher Joseph, blacksmith GILBERT THOS, gen mdse and post mHster McKEE W S, propr Oak Glenn Cot ta£re OAK GLENN COTTAGE, one mile east of postolfice, \V S Mclvee. propr Perry J M, physician and surgaon Norman, COLUSA COUNTY. Callahan G A, liquors Cote A, harnessmaker B'ANTEUIL GEO, postmnster Isemoiiger Thos, livery stable Jackson S H, real estate agent Therien H, wagonmaker Wilson Charles, cabinetmaker North Bloomfield, NEVADA COUNTY, Is 15 miles northeastvf Nevada City and reached by stages. At)nle & Bean, blackumiths CiiANOALL T r> gen mdae and post- master Cummings Ed, liquors Edwards Ge.i, hotel «' ;/ * ^ielwig & Trood, butchers * JespersoD J P, bootmaker Jetter Geo, restaurant Lund P, hotel Marriott tc Sons, butcher* Mobley F F, hotel OstromJ, livery Rohr John, liquors Simon M, gen mdse : > >■ Skidmore K D, liquors Smith Sc Knotwell, druggists Vance 0, bootmaker North Branch, CALAVERAS COUNTY, On the Milton and San Andreas stage road, 25 miles from Milton. Macchiavella A, gen mdse and postmas- ter North Columbia, NEVADA COUNTY. , Baker Geo, Ixtarding Broderick J C, lumber Garret C L, blacksmith Hawley C B, lumber Holland David, liouors . Scott J M, liquors Wilson .lames M, Hquoi-s Wood Jere miah , boarding WOODRUFF A L, gen mdse and post- master A. L. WOODRUFF, Wholesale and Retail Deulcr in Groceries, Provisions. Licjuors, Tobacco, Cigars, Produce, Hardware, Crockery, Cut'.ery, Tinware and Glassware, ITorth Columbia, Nevada County, VAI/IFORNIA. North San Dieg^o, 8AN DIEGO COUNTY, Is in a rich agricultural district and is 4 miles from San Diego. Population about 200. AHEKICAN HOTEL, Patrick O'Neill propr Llucia V, gen mdae O'NEILL PATRICK, American Hotel, li ]uor8 and notary Rose liouis, postmaBtei Thompson Philip, saloon m a e s 8 z 3 2 e a.' 2L O o if « 5? T:^Y MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVEH BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th" nodel ^^mififrrlal Collrgce o> tU'- VntMt. »*» PoMt m.. M. F. (0 s c s 5 o o S IL ? c c (3 Q ■ z < z h California — North San Juan-Oak Bar. G67 AU>"ABBTICALLT. 01 North San Juan, NEVADA COUNTY, la a postofiice and a mining town of 400 inhabitants, 14 miles from Nevada City, the county seat from which place it ia reached by daily stages. Buhring Louis, groceries Buja T, liijuors ^ Butler P H, druggist, books and sta- tionery CRALL MRS S M, millinery and dress- mvking Crane A N, watchmaker and jeweler Dixon Joseph, blacksmith Downey John, wagonmakcr Farley G S, physician Furth DanI, clothing Gaynor P W, liquors German John, lotel GILBERT JACOB, harness and saddles and bootmaker Harris & Co, dry goods Harris T, bootmaker Hicks W H, groceries Hogan John, livery Joye K V, physician Kietfer A, blacksmith Koch a W, San Juan Brewery Kozmiiisky IS, dry goods and clothing Kramer Geo, barber Lancaster C E, dentist Murks I, dry goods Mayott J F, Florjuce sewing muchinos Menner &, White, hardware and agricul- tural implts NATIONAL HOTEL, A J Putman pnipr N«trthrup E, constable PUTMAN A J, propr tjalter Job, mt-at mirket Schmidt Fred, li(iuors , Sherman Chas, liijuors .Spence S J, dentist SriDOER JAMES, atty at law and notary public Stids{er P, atty at law and ins agt Stotlar J, physician and justice peace SWAN ANSON B, postmaster, agt W, F & Co and manager \V U Tel Co Weston Geo B, carpenter and undertaker ^Villiams Mrs J H, millinery and dress- making National Hotel Barnard J P P, liquors Black Diamond Coal Mia Co, M Morgan Bupt Chriitensen N, stoves and tinware Dodge W W, gen mdse Green H S, livery t>table Hughes John W, lio|norB Jones Mrs P, varieties Laurens Jns, barber Mills Kichard, liquors Moore A & Co, butchers Ra n Fre d, barber RANKIN JAS, gen mdse Taylor E C, physician Thomas Henry, bootmaker Tinginan W J, agt W, F & Co, tel opr and postmaster Wal l W W, justice peace WILLIAMS J D, liquors Williams Watkins, propr Black Dia- mond Exchange WOODRUFF D P, drugs WOOLFORD J S, physician Norwalk, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Is on the Southern Pacific Kailroad, 18 miles from Los Anyeles. . , CO , saloon; choicest liquors and cigars always on hand Bolia Jacob, wholesale and retnil liquors and cigars Corey Ammon, tinner Crawford E C, agent and tel opr S i C RR Emery A S, justice peace Emery J S, gen mdse Gage A S, painter Greiersen Geo, gen mdse HAMLIX T T, steam Barley Mill HAMMOND E, Fashion Saloon and Billiard Parlo ; fine cigars and liquors always on hand Hans on N T, carpenter HATHEWAT R W, druggist and apothecary Hazen Chas C, physician Hill C S S, notnryj)»blic JACKSON MARTIN, confectionery and toys, cigars and tobacco Jones Mrs A & Co, millinery and dress- making KERR JOHN S, dry goods, groceries, liquors, hardware, paints, oils, crock- ery, glassware, gents' furnishing goods, clothing, agricultural imple- ments a specialty; a^ W, F k Co and poitmaater Lewis M A, forwarding and commiaaion merchant Lovell Robert, hamessmaker Martin P N, jeweler Maun Mrs A J, millinery Maun M V, carpenter Moulton A M, grain, storage and com- mission Osier C H, physician Perez C, blacksmith Rodden & Qraham, groceries, etc Rutherford &, OUaham, Oakdale Saloon Ryer & Hall, Central Market Seebcr B, wagonmaker Segura N B, groceries, etc Sproul Bros, market Stanton John, barber Talbot & Clark, blacksmiths Trowbridge Edward, pastor M E church Tuson James, black^ith Tuson &, Vernon, blacksmiths Vincent R W, saloon Werth Wm G, bootmaker Wcyer Fred, propr Weyer's Hotel Wiflinms Mrs L E & Co, restaurant Wright E M, painter Oak Grove, SAN DIEGO OOUNTY, Is SO miles northeast of San Diego Fain J C, postmaster Oakland, ALAMEDA COUNTY. As its name would indicate, thisl)eauti- ful city of 40,000 inhabitants derived its appellation from a grove of live oaks that once occupied its site. With very few exceptions, if any, there are no prettier places in the State. Its streets arc all very broad and smooth, well shaded and ornamented by some of the han c o g n CO IS c c (0 O ■ O o < Q. h P BEATTT WM, grocer, 783 Twelfth BEAUDRY &McAVOY, undertakers, 873 Wastliiagton Beboe Koleii, artist, 864 Broadway Beel Bros, dry good^, 1005 Bm idway Beesou \V E, ;j;i«Hjerie9, 1*263 Sun Pablo avc Bell R E, druggist, junction Telegraph ave and New Broa«lwny Bellevue House, 11 T Keynolds propr, 1305 New Broadway Benedict, Capell & Logan, real estate, 457 Ninth Benedict Newton, notary public, 475 Ninth Bernstein & Co, clothing, 869 Broadway Bernstein K, dry goods, U17 Broadway Beninger Wm, hay and grain, S\V cor Market and Third Bettman Mrs J .1, milliner, 1000 Bdwy BettB J, \W \5 tcl opr and agt C V li B, Market Street (Upot Betz rhilip, liquors, NE cor Franklin and Eii^hth Beverton S, crockery, Iiardware and cut- lery, 471 Ninth I Beyer A, contractor. Telegraph and Du- r:int I Bigelow E, real estate, 1008 Broadway | Bigelow T B, real estate, 1(M)S Broudwayi BLAIR WALTER, capitalist. Centen- nial House, b'2'1 Fourteenth I Plank (r A, candy mannfr, 460 Seventh Blessing & Frost, second liand furniture, 460 Sixth Bliven James I & Co, proprs Pioneer Soda Factory and agt Pacific Congrossi Water and Eastern ciilcr, NE cornerl Thirteenth and Franklin j Block & Wcrtlieimber, saloon, 7U) Bdwyj Bor.rdman W F, assessor Oakland town- ship. Court House, room 3 Bocqueraz A, liquors, SE cor Sixth and Broadway Boericke & Tafel, Homtepathic Pharma- cy, St?! \Vashin^toll Boiiham J N, piumlwr and gastiltcr, 808 W^ashington Bonnemazou & Bidache, bakery, Dl'J' Franklin i BOOTH JAMES A.deputy city marshal, ' City Hall | Borein P K, county recorder, Court House, room'.) Borelle J, merchant tailor, 472 Eighth j Boudreau & Co^ haraessmaker, 8'2() Bdwy! Bourgin E, locksmitli, macliinist and gunsmith, 6(>0 Washington Bowman H, druggist, !H3 Broadway Boyce S B, stock broker, '.(06 Broadway Boyle Owen, grocer, 1601 Market Bralley Mrs A, hairdrcser, l'J39 San Pablo ave Brondataater Joseph, baker and confec- tioner, DOS Broadway Branuan J J, butcher. Forty-second and Telegraph avo Brearby Frank J, atty, 850 Broadway Breen Jno, Pioneer Cigar Manufactory, 365 Twelfth Bredhoff & Cordis, liquors, SE comer Broadway and Sixtii Brimes k Chanaron, hairdresser, 834 Broadway Brink Marccllus, hats and caps, 925 Broadway BROAD C A, boots and shoes, 1103 Broadway Brinckmann it F E, real estate, 912 Broadway Brokamp Benj, tailor, 480 Eighth Bromley J L, real estate, 91 1 Broadway Brooks W L, dentist. Eighth and Bdwy Brown H A, wood and coal, 414 Nintii BROWN HIRAM P, lawyer, 911 Broadway Brown J AI, photogrnphcr, 509 Seventh Brown W (Jardner, dentist, J 116 Bdwy Brown, Craig & (,'o, ins agtM, 1002 Bdwy Brown & McKinnon, merchant tailors, 1020 Broadway Brown & V'iolidi, clothing, boots, shoes and hats, fSI3 Broadway BRUENN ADOI.PH, musical instru- ments, sliet't music and agt for Stein- way & Son's pianos, 911 ^Vashinl;ton Bruenn Adolph, physician, 1156 Bdwy Brucnn Henry H, artist, 363JI Twelfth Bruning Bros, wholesale confectionery, 471 Seventh Buck C P H, liquors, S7'J Washington Bnek 1' W, physician, '.Ml Broadway BUCKLAND WALLACE 0, physi- cian, California Medical College, Clay BUNDY J H, physician, California Medical CoUeg , Clay Burgi.sH lioliert, second hand furniture, 717 lJroa >« O CI •a ca -1 o c (/) CD p CD TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KINO. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pnetlrally tansht at PACIFIC BVMI- NRMM COMJK«S1C. »*0 Pwnt Mt.. »«. F. California — Oakland. ALrilABariOALLV. 671 BTJSWELL E 0, paintn, oils, glass and artists' materials, 86-1 Broadway BUTLER & BOWMAN, book and job printers, 468 Ninth Butler P W & Co, grocers, 461 to 4C3 Fourteenth Butt P C, grocer, 2202 Peralta Buttcrfield A J & Co, livery stable. Thirteenth bet Broadway and Frank- lin Butterick's paper patterns, 961 BJwy Cain Harry H M, jeweler and watch- maker, I -'56 8an Pablo ave CALHOUN B, Oyster and Lodging House, 661 Webster CALIFORNIA BUILDmO CO, Alfred Burrell prest, M E liyau secy, Second and Crove California Door Co, J P Farrell manager, 460, 462 and 46-1 Second California Fire & Waterproof Paint Co, 555 Broadway CALIFORNIA MEDICAL COL- LEGE, Prof Danl MacLean dean CALIFORNIA MILITARY ACAD- EMY, Kev David McClurc Ph D prin- cipal, Telecra|)h ave .and Prospect CALLAOHAN^J,real estate and notary public, 424 Ninth Camp Bros, gents' furuijhing goods, 863 Broadway Campbell & Sr)iar3, oysters, 19, 21 and 23 City Market Canning Mrs M, Erie House, 1113 Broadway Carbary Mm K, notions, Taylor and Cam|)l)ell Card D J, donti.it, 162 Ninth CARLETON & ALLEN, wood and coal, 1307 Telegraph ave Carney .1, liquors and lodgings, 417 Sev- cntit Caro S, clothing, '.101 Broadway Carpenter VVmC, BaltimoroKeataurant, Kleveutli and Broadway Carpenter O, dentist, 1055 Broadway Carr LT, atty and justice of peace, 483 Seventh Cary C A, photographer, 475 Seventh Casey .Jno, farrior, 418 Seventh C ASSAD Y JAMES, Cassady's Cross- ing Saloon, Railroad and San Pablo ave Casswent A, saloon, 715 Broadway Castello Aestas K, lawyer, 456 Eisjlith ( 'astro L, county surveyor, Court House, CAVANAGH EDWARD, sewer con tractor, 1170 Broadway, res 1164 Twelfth ave CHAPIE, TALLMAN & CO, Oliver Branch House Chaigneau A & Co, painters and zinco- graphcrs, 536 Clay Chartrand Louis, hotel, 560 Franklin ' Chevalier L M, barber, 701 Broadway Chevinton & Calou, French Laundry, 1916 San Pablo ave Child Edward, contractor, 1207 Broad- way, lodgings, P203 San Pablo ave Church A M, justice of peace, 463 liisjhth CITY HALL, Fourteenth, nr San Pablo ave , "CITY ITEMIZER," (monthly). R S Gladding manager, 1152 Broadway ' City Miirket, E A Heron manager, bat Eleventh and Twelfth and Broadway and Franklin Classen & Trost, barbers and cigars, 1010 Broadway Clayton & Kirk, cabinetmakers and car- penters, 408 Tenth Cleaveau Louis, grocer, 752 Clay CLEMENT MRS A B, deputy supt schools, City Hall CLEMENT C H, supt schools. City Hall Clivio C, fruits and groceries, 920 Bdwy Coe .lolm T, collector, 921 Broadway, VVillcox block Coffee M H, dry goods and clothing, SW cor Broadway and Eighth Cohen Simon S, grocer, Adeline and Twenty-sixth Coindre F, produce, 669 Broadway Colo R E, dentist, N\V cor Eleventh and Broadway Collins J, produce, 773 Sevetith COMMERCIAL PROTECTIVE AS- SOCIATION (The), C C Jonks man- ager, 911 Broadway Cowing M, music, 1257 San Pablo ave Conklin Bros, carpet beaters, Twenty- first, bet Broadway and Telegraph ave CONNER & MURPHY, Plaster Or- nament Manuf, 1228 Broadway Consuliue P, grocer, 218 Sixth Contra Costa Laundry, 867 Broadway Contra Costa Produce Co. Slitz & Jones, managers, 369 Twelfth Contia Costa Water Co, A Chabot prest, Williiim HMeadsecy.R Chabot supt, 458 Eighth Cooper A J, lodjjing house, 475 Ninth Coplin A, ladiei' furnishing goods Cornor, C W, bootmaker, 325 Twelfth Cornwall A, dentist, 1069 Broadway Coutolenc E F, butcher. Third and Jef- ferson Cowles P C, watch and clockmaker, 1106 Broadway Cowper Mrs J, varieties, 1461 San Pablo ave Coxhead John,phy8ician,476 Central ave Crocker L & A, dry goods, 458 and 460 Ninth I ■7 BSi ^1 r« -a i r :;J 'l!t''... ml ..:. !' 'I OLD PORT WINF, H. PALMER A Ci.., 302 Davis St., S. F. IL i c « S Q 1^ 2 > o E 75 (0 7 CO O 8 O < Q. I- 3 O w W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^iT.'Ti-irllnV^r.rKiSy'SSSjSV^f 672 California — Oakkmd. ALPIUBVnOAUiT. Sarah Mn, groceries, 1651 D, liquors, 752 San ' Crompton Myrtle Cronin Stephen Pablo ave Crope James, grocer, 1701 Adeline CROWLET DD, physician California Medical College, Clay Cruft Ch, music teacher, 615 Sixth Cunningham Mrs M, milliner, 960 Bdwy Cashing J.ohn, groceries, 478 and 480 Ninth CUTTINO JAMES B, city marshal. City Hall Dalziel James, tinware and stoves, 1465 San Pablo ave Daleiel &, MoUer, stoves, ranges, tin- ware, 1 151 Broadway DALL C C, Columbia Soda Works, 754 Clay Daniels S F, justice of peace, 864 Bdwy Davis A G & Co, insurance, 1 152 Bdwy Davis C M, wood, coal, hay and grain, Cleveland and Teie^traph ave Davis H, stoves and furniture, 718 Broadway Davis Mrs Ida A, millinery, stamping, 1063 Broadway Davis P E, detective, 1063 Broadway Davis Thomas, livery stable, foot of Broadway Day Clinton, architect, N£ cor Broad- way rnd Twelfth Day Mrs Lot, lodging house, 503 Eleventh Dean, Watson &, Co, building material, lumber. Third and Brush DeForrest — , job printing, 856 Bdwy De La Montanya M, stoves, ranges and tinware, 1011 Broadway Denis J B, butcher, 810 Broadway Denison O I & Co, real estate and ins asts, 952 Broadway D^iLON J H, city assessor, City Hall Denaut E, groceries, 459 Third Denehle John J, contractor. Forty- fourth Dewitt Elou, livery and sale stable, SW cor Market and Tenth Dick B C, ins agt, 956 Broadway Dick William & Co, dry goods, 476 Ninth Dimmick Joseph, dentist, 869 Washing- ton Docking T, physician, 821 Washington DODGE CHASF. notary public and conveyancer, SW cor Seventh and Peralta Dodge S J, lodgings, 616 Broadway DODB JAMES, city clerk and treasurer. City Hall Doe, (Irifl^ & Co, ins agts, 958 Bdwy Doe Luke, roftl estate, 958 Broadway Dohcny & Marum, dry goods, 1017 Bdwy Doody & Hooley, house and sign painter, 270 Twelfth Dowling R J, builder, 621 Seventh Draper Charles F, physician, 855 Wash- ington Dreyer J H, boot and shoemaker, 870' Washington Dulion £, cigars and tobacco, 950 Bdwy Dunbar J, groceries, 1425 San Pablo ave Dunham Murry, photographer, cor Eleventh and Clay Dunmire S S, carriagemaker, 266 Twelfth Durham Mrs, millinery, 1169 Broadway DURHAM & BUFFETT, carriage manufr, 509 Eighth Eayer J N, surveyor, 921 Broadway, Willcox block Edmonds W J, barber, 902^ Broadway Edwards & Arthur, fire insurance agt, 469 Ninth Edwards Bros, fish and oysters, 818 Broadway Edwards B F, barber, 467 Seventh Edwards R VV,joweler and watchmaker, 961 Broadway ELDBIDOE J> auctioneer, 460 and 462 Eighth Elkan A, boots and shoes, 401 Twelfth Elliot W W, boarding and lodging, 869 Washington Ellis W G, jeweler, 954 Broadway Ellsworth Mrs C F, Kohler & Chase House, 953^ Washington Ellsworth Mrs L, i&essmaker, 1156 Broadway Eme E, jeweler and watchmaker, 967 Broadway Emerson R & G W, agt South Pacific Coast R R Co, Oakland Telephone Co, Bay Coast Tel Co, 1152 Broadway, cor Thirteenth EMEBT J S, pres Oakland R R Co, 921 Broadway, Willcox block Emlay &, Co, harness and saddlery, 1 160 Broadway Erie House, Mrs M Canning proprss, 1113 Broadway Estey J C, wood and uoal, 1318 San Pablo avfl Eureka Hotel, H H Meyer propr, Se- venth and Washington Evans Edward, saloon, 754 Seventh Everson W &, M, hardware, SW cor Ninth and Broadway FAIBCHILD W 0, grocer, 1350 Mar- ket F&Us J H, coal oil and lamps. Sixteenth and San Pablo ave Farwdl B E, livery stable, 1688 Tele- graph ave Farwetl F M, painter and whitener, 371 Eighth m €0 m > r- m m 00 o m r w s 09 o 3 3 e 3 H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watohes, 315 J Street, Sac C^l .•V^Si^JB BOOK BINDING. « FIRST -CLAS pj\ special a' tent ion ~ Orders by ivfail or on application Ad mMMlH Wbw -kn 4, — * -♦— B' BOOK BINDING. BLANK BOOK WORK, PAPER RULING. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT ^REASONABLE PRICES. p^ Special a*ientioH given to orders from the country. ~ Orders by Mail or Express receive prompt attention. Estimates furnished on application. Address p;ioiEIO PI^Bj53, Oakland, Cal. — — tf-^ m m fe'u m n^f^^^, -sUg^S^A*- + I2th and Castro Sts., Oakland, Cal. Ci"=— ' — — :■•— Tins lari;c' ami ll.iui i^liiii,:^ in.^liiiitiun is liiiiiu,boot and shoe manufrs, 368 Thirteenth Hall S P, deputy dist atty, 464 Ninth Hall T W, dentist, NE cor Broadway and Twelfth Hallahan Bro, hairdressers, 844 Bdwy Halsttid K K, sewing machines, 1015 Broadway HalstedMrsKK. millinenr, 1018 Bdwy Hamiltou N, attorney, 859 Broadway HAMILTON WIIlIAM T, unJer- taker, 1 1 12 Broadway Hamilton W T, county coroner ffummeltenberg W, grocer, 602 Franklin Uampel H F, carriagemaker, 1414 New Broadway Hampton 4 Co, wood and coal, hay and grain, 1600 Telegraph avo HaniHn J J, saloon, cur Broadway and Seventh, and Broadway and Four* toenth Hanrahan J, grocer, 229 Third Hansen Theodore, liquors, 380 Tenth Htipgood Chiis, stationery, school books, 1^57 San Pablo ave Harmim K A, liquors, 800 Franklin Hard R B, collector, 468 Eighth Harris Brus, clothing, 915 Broadway Harris Jacob, fancy goods, gentlemen's furnishing goods, 1317 San Pablo ave HARRISON M B, attorney and not- ary public, 859 Broadway Haswfll F B, notary public and agt Central Land Co, 922 Broadway Haui^childt Henry, boots and shoes, 1057 Broa 9 3 a I o CD CB ■ 9» ci» O cs PI TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Biumauar & Co., '':::^*i;;^v?;:' PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. T^'hfnSLS^SSr i*wt lit., n. 1? ^i i 4 !! u 1 CD 03 03 • ■■■ E 'c/> ca o o California — Oakland. ALPHAIITIOALLT. 675 Herget E W, gun and lookimith, 410 Tenth Heron E A, cud «atate, 422 Twelfth Herring Wm B, butcher, 351 Seventh Hewlett L, flour, hay, grain, 1321 Now Broadway*j|id-,I328 Telegr.tph ave Hickethier H, confectioner, 41ti Twelfth HICXEY ft DOWLINO.carpet-beating inucliino and uphoUterera, 3til to 3U3 Thirteenth Hickok B E. City Flour Mills, 417 Third Hienda & Johnson, real estate and col- lectors, 1232 Broadway Hii/gs Henry, carpenter, 1319 San Pablo ttve Higgs L Mrs, bakery, 1319 San Pablo flv e HILTON CHARLES W, marshal's clerk. City Hall Hilton Misa S, dressmaker, 1423 San Pablo ttve Hinds A L, Dexter Stables, Twelfth and Harriaon Hirshberg Leon & Co, wholesale liquors, 851 and 853 Washington Hirahherg S, hats, caps and furnishing goods and notary public, 1103 Bilv y Holmes Chas F, propr John F Snow &, Co, dyeing and cleaning establishment, ]0ti3 Broadwiiy Holmes Mrs J E, fancy goods, 1911 San Pablo ave Hook E, furniture and carpets, 1108 and 1110 Broadway Hopken Albert, grocer, 1301 Center Hopkins ThoB, 729 Brush, cor Fiftli Hurd J Tenuis, drugs, 1256 San Pablo ave Homn Frederick M, variety store, 1272 Market Horr Mrs F, dressmaker, 520 Ninth Horton 11, grocer, 771 Seventh Hotte Z, carriage manufr, West and Twelfth Houghton M K, boots, shoes, gaiters and uppers, 408 Eighth Hovendon John, notcl, 855 fVashington How J E, house and sign painter, 422^ Ninth Hubbert John, butcher, 1830 San Pablo ave Hughes Enoch, grocer, 220 B Hunt M, lodgings, 1273 San Pablo ave Hunt Wm B, lif^uors, SW Seventh and Adeline Hurley Daniel, blacksmith, 414 Eleventh Hutchinson James, Bny Nursery, NE eor Telegraph ave and Twenty-sixth Hyatt & Leonard, planing mill, 1305 Telegraph ave HYDE E H ft CO, crockery, cntlery and fancy goods, 1 167 Broadway Hyde T J, fancy goods, 966 Broadway lucapie H, boots and shoes, 410 Ninth Inaersoll W B, photographer, 1060 Broadway Ingram K H, straw works, 962 Bdwy Inwall Henry, saloon, 461 Seventh Irwin Harry F, saloon, SW cor Seventh aiid Br oat I way Jacobs P, furniture and crockery, 871 Washington Jacobs M, plumber, 808 Broadway Jacoby Joseph, grocer, NE cor Fitteonth and Market Jafle L, wood and coal yard. Sixth and Franklin, offlce 872 Washington Jahn Henry, machinist and locksmith, 373 Eighth James E A, music teacher, 1167 Brush JENKS C C, manager The Commercial Protective Association, .lawyer, 911 Broadway JENKINS T F, sanitary inspector, City Hall Jensou S, reatnurant, 614 Broadway Johnson Miss A A, dressmaker, 1068 Broadway Johnson Eben, grocer, NE cor Twelfth and Market Johnson Mrs E W, dressmaker, Brayton block. Twelfth Johnson M, lodging ;>ouse ancf restau- ront, 901 and «J03 Washington Johnson Wm, boot and shoemaker, 1381 Telegraph nve Jonas A & Bros, clothin?,843 Broadway Jones Mrs M J, fancy goods, 1313 Sau Pablo ave JORDAN BROS, contractors and build- ers, 360 Twelfth JORDAN WILLIAM H, manager The Real Estate U iiion,921 Broadway, Wilcox block Jurgen Chas, liquors, 10^ Twelfth Kahu & Sons, drygo kU, 1101 Broadway KuUahan P, hurso-shoeiig, 321 Tenth Keating Wm J, ciyara and tobacco, 457 Seventh Keller M J, gents furnishing goods, 1013 Broadway Kelly E J & Co, real estate, 414 Seventh Kelly James, wagonmuktr, San Pablo ave station KELLY M, real estate, 414 Seventh Kelly R T, watc iinaker and jeweler, 867 Broadway Kelscy & Flint, druggist's, 10t3 Broad- wa y KENDRICK CARROLL, physician, 1069 Broadway KENDRICK JOSEPH J, physician, 1069 Broadway KENDRICK JUUEN C, physician. 1069 Broadway '';' I'l O i \i ^M\ ■M :t PURE PORT WINE, ftr HNMlH PtnoKl. 902 Olivia St., S. F. w; w. (woitTAguE & CO., TO.'Tga.yy.rgfa'g/igfejgvg' I « s s IL c c (0 Q ■ O o a z S o < Q. o 670 California — OaMcmd. ALPnABVnOAI.LV. KENNER J A. clerk police office. City Hall Kenny John, Uquor^, 420 Seventh Kent W, wines, liquors and cigars, Seventh and Washington Kellett S, plaster decorator, 470 Eleventh King A P, cigars and tobacco, 1202 Broadway King J N, wood and coal, 1 658 San Publoave King M G, civil engineer, 1004 Bdwy King & Mount, poultry and produce,!, 3 and 5 City Market King & Williams, carriage makers, 414 Eleventh Kincsland Thos G, Blake House, 1059 Washington Kirchheimer H, candy manufr,1253 Tel- egraph ave Kirk Wm, architect, 954 Broadway KIUHPF ft ALLARD, carriage man ufacturer, 421 Third Kneipp Otto, liquors, 422 Eleventh Knowles F E & (Jo, granite works, Seventh and Castro KNOX J W, treasurer Oakland Rail- road Co, 921 Broadway, Wilcox block Knoz Thos E, shorthand porter, 859 Broadway Koeing k J ones, real estate, 1002 Bdwy Kohler & Chase, pianos, organs and sheet music, 1)5^ Washington Kohler Wm, aalov a, 461 Seventh Konecke H, boots aull, candies and ' fruits, Broadway Depot, Seventh Ma\Vliew8 J C ft Son, architects, 1004 Broadway Mathias Chas, wood and coal, 516 and 518 Third Mattarn Harry, market, 1263 San Pablo ave Mau Charles, architect. 456 Eighth Mauvias Zeuo,mu8ic dealer,420 Tweltth Mauzy R D, physician, 7>'0 Eleventh MauEV W I, physician, 730 Eleventh May Henry, butcher. Seventh and Fil- bert May Jno, butcher, SW cor Chester and Seventh May L, Empire Bakery, 709 Broadway McAllister Mrs H A, Kelsey House, Telegraph ave and Elm McCabe M, groceries, 751 Seventh cor of Market McCall Chas, grocer, 1663 San Pablo McCarthy Miss Mary, boarding, 415 Seventh McCallum J G, atty at law, 859 Bdwy McClanes W S, stock and sale yard, San Pablo and Park aves McCleverty ft Noblett, livery stable, 862 Broadway McCloud C H, livery stable, 852 Ninth McClure Bros, watchmakers, jewelers, gunsmiths and machinists, 1073 Bdwy McConnell J D. saddler and harness- maker, 809 Broadway McCourtney Paul, plumber, Forty-sec- ond and Telegraph ave McCulIoughft Co, produce,SE cor Eighth and Washington McCrackon Hugh, grocer, 1237 Peralta HoBAHIEL T J, collector and atty, 455 Eighth McElroy James, groceries, Seventh and Clay McFadden B, lawyer, 456 Eighth McFadden M, liquors, 814 Broadway McGovern ft Cahill, paper hangings and window shades, 1155 Broadway Mclntire J J, box factory, 507 Second McKeand -^, searcher of records, SE cor Fourth and Broadway McKenzie Wm W, undertaker and cor- oner, SE cor Eighth and Broadway McKenzie ft Co, bakers and confection- ers, 910 Broadway McLaughlin ft Macdonald, ins and V«al estate, 456 Central ave McLean Eil, real estate, 1009 Broadway MoLEAlf J, ijrodnce and poultry, 1309 Telegraph ave MeKee Robt L, lawyer, 456 Eighth 1^ H. P4LMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. w. w; MONTAGiJE A CO., "tsf Jn"iS2Wir«:y§cr«: > >- '< o o X I- s g < 678 . CkUifomia — OaJdand. AbFHAranCAIiUT. McKioley D A* wood and coa^, Tenth and Washington M oNalege J H, saloon, 801 Broadway IfcWethy E, batcher, 1708 Telegraph ave Meacbam H A, propr Bartlett House, 473 Seventh Meedicus A, florist and seedsman, San Pablo ave and Twenty-seventh Mee Miss M. dressmaking and fancy goods, 1315 Sau Pablo avo Mellor & Uyan, auctioneers and second hand furniture, 466 and 468 Central ave . J H07KE D, groceries and provisions, Broadway and Sixth Menomy H C, agt for Cnonnel pottery, 470 Thirteenth MENTZ FREDERICK, grocer. Cen- ter and Sixteenth MERRIAM & COt groceries and pro- visions, 1221 Broadway Merrinan A F & Son, dentists, NW cor Eleventh and Broadway Merritt Saml, Oakland Lumber Yard, First and Washington; ofiice 22 Cali- fornia st, room 1 1 , San Francisco Merritt 8, capitalist, 404 Twelfth Mertz J H, windmills, 1368 San Pablo ave Metcalf Geo D, lawyer, 921 Broadway, Willcox block Meyer A, hats and caps, 107 1 Bdwy Miloury Saml, real estate, 956 Bdwy Miller F B & Co, wholesale and retail grocers,, 413 Twelfth Muler Fred J, paper ruler and book- binder, 921 Broadway, Willcox block Miller Jnn, blacksmitbing, San Pablo ave station Miller V, assistant jailor. Court House Miller Flora, hotel. 417 First MILLER & SMITH, attvs at law, SE coi* Broadway and Eighth Miller & Winsor, sewer and chimney pipe, 1200 Broadway Mdhkeu S, dressmaker, 1361 Telegraph ave MILLmOTON J f., tuochcr of danc- insr, 377 Twelfth Milloni C A & Co, fish, 9 and 11 City Market Milloslavich J, restaurant, 459 Seventh MIRAHOA J B, liquors, 407 Eighth Mitchell Juo H, grocer, NW cor Fifth an d Cast ro MITCHELL S H, bailifr, City Hall Milchell V P, sign painter, 406 Eighth Mix Gustavo L, searcher of reconk, 481 S even th MONTAGUE W W ft 00. atove* and and kitchen furniture, NW corTwdfthj and Franklin Montgomery Ed A, cigars and tobacco, Seventh and Washington Montgomery Zach, lawyer, 921 Broad- way, Willcox block Moody V D, prest F N Gold Bank, 969 Broadway Moore A A, lawyer. Ninth and Bdwy Moore T S, boarding and livery stable, 457 Eighth Moran Bernard, liquors, San Pablo ave and Thirty-sixth MORGAN a, importers and dealers in wines and liquors, 326 Central ave MORGAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, S W Leach director, 528 Eighteenth bet San Pablo and Tele- graph aves Moraan G L, cityattorney. City Hall MORGAN T W, city engineer. City Hall Moriey Miles, boots and shoes, 857 Broadway MORSE H, propr "Ladies, Home Jour- nal" and millinery, J 115 Broadway MORSE H N, law, detective and col- lection agency, SE cor Broadway and Eighth Morton H, merchant tailor, 505 Seventh Mosco Euesto, saloon, SE cor Sixth and Broadway Muller Fred, Liberty Bakery Mueller & Steifunoni, jewelers and watch- makers, 923 Broadway Mulliken Mrs H L, restaurant, 1167 Washington Mullhaupt Rudolph, boots and shoes, 1624 San Pablo ave Murphy J W, saloon, 1756 Telegraph ave Myers F F, lime, iron stone sewer pipes, Third and Washington Nagle George D, brick manufacturer, 271 Fourth Naismith J S M, fancy goods, 1161 Broadway Naismith G S, groceries, 531 Eighth NASH, BROWN ft CO, groceries, SE cor Eighth and Webster Negrini James, restaurant, 459 Ninth Nolle Wm, butcher, 371 Twelfth Neller k, Fuegel, liquors, agent for Fredericksburg Lager Beer, NW cor Fifteenth and San Pablo ave Newland A, pmpr Newland House, 472 Seventh Newland k Pumyaa, livery stable, Sev- enth near <]ei>ot NICOLL ALEXANDER, merchant tailor, 853 Broadway Nicholl John H, propr NichoU House, Ninth and Washington Niohols Mr* K S, lodjpngs, 921 Broad- way, Willcox block fr Hi O 3 e a O 3 3 -1 M CD « (A 0» a I' I o o .8 n California — OaJdavd. ALPHABmOAtiLT. 679 Noisat P, liquors, 580 Jeffenon ccr Fourth Noll J, liquors, SW cor Eighth and Webster Nordhausen C & A, Novelty Auction House, 839 Broadway HUNAN J J, marble works, 1417 San Pablo ave ; - Nye E, grocer, 315 Second NYE STEPHEN Q. Iawyer,g21 Broad way, Willcox block Oakland Bank of Saving^s, E C Sessions presiilent, NE cor Broadway and Twelfth OAKLAND BREWERY, Kramm & Dieves proprs, cor Telegraph ave and Diirant OAKLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, D C Taylor principal, SE cor Twelfth and Frmkin OAKLAND COURIER AND JOB PRINTINa OFFICE, McMullam & Thacker proprs, 1004 Broadway "OAKLAND DAILY TIMES," J B VVynian manager, i>52 Broadway OAKLAND DENTAL ROOMS 1116 Urxadway, rooms 1 and 2 Oakland Dime Express, John Ruth propr, 105 2 Broadway OAKLAND FREE LIBRARY, Pres- ton Moore president, V M Campbell secretary, Miss Ina diolbrith .libra- riiin. Fourteenth near City Hall Oakland Ous Light Co, J West Martin president, 421 Minth OAKLAND HOME INSURANCE CO, 409 Ninth "OAKLAND JOURNAL." A M Schutt publisher, (ierm vni.i Hall buil<1i'i(( Oakland Light Cavalry, una -tied, 1069 Broaifway OAKLAND RAILROAD CO. J ^ m ery president, H H Town secretary, J \V Knox treasurer, (i V Loring supt, 021 Broadway, Willcox block OAKLAND WHITE LABOR CIQAR FACTORY, Tliirteenth and Center O'Connell Jumos, liquors, 1092 Twenty- Fourth, cor Filbert O'Connell ft Co, dry goods, Broadway and Thirtoenth O'Connor J, marble yard. Seventh and Castro Odd Fellows Ilnll, P J Ipsen librarian, Franklin and Eleventh OODEN R C. short hand reporter, 921 Broadway, Willcox block O'Oroy E, liquors, 001 Franklin O'Keete John, groceries, 1642 Telegraph ave Olmstedt L H Mrs, lodging, 1253 Bdwy Obey & Co, real estate, 1106 Broadway O'Neill Edward, grocer, 1248 Center Opitz B, cigarmaker, 1380 Broadway OREGON HOUSE, J C Gage propr, 1156 Broadway O'Shea J J, plumber, San ^^blo are and Twenty-fifth O'Toole J P * Co, dry goods, 953 Wash- ington Outram D J, boots and shoes, 1219 Broadway Pacific Pottery, J C Parkinson agent, 1164 Broadway PACinC PRESS PXTBUSHING AS- SOCIATION, bjok, job and music printing, electrotypinir, stereotyping and type foundry. Twelfth and Cas- tro Page F S, groceries, 46-t Elleventh Page Geo F, music teacher, 1316 Tele- Sraph ave m C, cigars and tobacco, SW cor Seventh and Broadway Palmer Charles E, treasurer and tax col- lector. Court House, rooms 1 and 2 Palmer H A, cashier Union National Gold Bank, SE cor Ninth and Broad- way Paquis A, liquors. 1259 San Pablo ave Parker Miss S, dressmaker, 476 Central ave Partenscky Chas, laundry, 1370 Cen- tral ave Paul C, stoves, tinware,'etc, 1618 Tele- graph ave Paul John A & Son, bakery and confec- tionery, 815 Broadway Patronuk k Jones, butchers, 1321 and i;W3San Puhloave Pawn, Chu k Co, Chinese and Japanese goods, 464 Central ave Pearce S E, physician, Fourteenth and Broad vay I'erry s A & Co, picture li iie.^ and ar- tist-," materials, 1151 Bro.ulway I'ei u Wni, suloon, 47 ' and 475 Eighth Pfester .) ilinn. grocci, ^E cor .San Pablo ave and Adeline PHELPS F M, Miller s ( iniiu Com- i)re38ed Yeast, (i.")! Washiuutoii PHELPS, MURPHY & CO, lumber dealers, door-" wiiulows, blinds and glass, SE cor Second and Washington Phillips D J, sewing uiichinc agent, 762 Seventh PIERCE ft CO, harlnare and cullery, 1209 Broadway ■■> 1210 San 1 ablo ave Pinkerton T H, physician, 418 Twelfth PLOMTEAUX ft RAL'^, dontisft. NE cor Broadway and Twelfth PLUNKETT J C, lawyer, 4694 Ninth Pond & Divis, livery and sale atftble, 1471 New Broadway OB m I 3 3 J8 ", II ?' I ' 5i*iy $'■ PIWEPORT WINEr ftf MMidUl PirpHO. 802 Divlft 8t, S. F. w. w. moNTAeuE & CO., ^»rvjr JATi?»it^y*s»SV« 680 California — Oakland. ALraABVnOALlT. i Q I > c e E n CO 7 a O ■ o o o < 0. I- FOOPE HORACE £, phyrlcian, 1116 Broadway, rooma 1 and o Portal A, propr Sw:;,^ Cottage, Twelfth Porter Bros & Wing, produce, 462 Eleventh Posey A O, physician, 1156 Broadway Ponnstone A L, advertising agent, 921 Broadway, Willcox block FRATHEB W L, notary public. 483 Seventh Pratt ft Miner, wood, coal, hay and grain. Telegraph ave and Bay Prenveille Mrs K, dressmaker, 617 Sixth Price James K ft Son, wood and coal, Sl£ cor Seventh and Peralta Pulcifer A \V, blacksmith, 1362 San Pablo ave Pumyea N D, cigars and tobacco. Seventh near depot Quaokenbush Geo, groceries, 1473 San Pablo ave RADEKAGHER A P, sewer contrac- tor, 1 nOBroadway, res N W cor Wood and Seward RADINO FREDERICK, upholsterer, 1229 Broadway Raffs Bros, groceries, wines and liquors, 671 and 673 Broadway Randlett H A, propr liindlett House, Park ave opp race track RANLETT HORACE D, president The Real Estate Union, 921 Broad- way, Willcox block Raphael M, second-hand fnmiture, 703 Broadway RAT JEN D, groceries, NW cor Fifth and JeAbrson Raver C E, pro duce, 1712 Telegraph ave READ WINFIELD S, deputy con- stable, 483 Seventh READ WINIXELD S & CO, collector, 483 Seventh Reading J, jeweler and watchmaker, 1019 Broadway REAL ESTATE UNION, (The), Hor ace D Ranlett president, \Vm H Jor- dan manager, 921 Broadway, Willcox block RECTOR L J, deputy city clerk, <^ity Hall REDMAN R A. lawyer, 021 Broad way, Willcox block Reed F M ft Co, millinery, 1161 Bdwy Reed O P, livery stable, 1316 San Pablo ave REED ROBERT, artificial limbs, 954 Broadway Reese John, lamp stock, coal oil and crockery, 507 Seventh Regensburgor M, physician, 469) Myrtle Reichenberg B V, fancy goods, 1111 Broadway Reichert E, grocer, Brash and Seventh Rei^hert L F, grocer, 1673 San Pablo Reiliiy ft Bradway, physcians, NW cor Eleventh and Broadway Railly P J, druggist, 847 Broadway REHILLARD BRICK COHPANT, P N Remillard prest, nr Webster St Bridge RENKENH, professor of Baunscheidt's Healing Method. 461 Ninth Reuter Charles, dyeing and cleaning, 916 Broadway Reynolds R T, Bollevue House, 1305 New Br oadw ay RICE JOHN, wood and coal, 1214 Market Rice ft White, butchers, 2, 4 and 6 City Market Richard W A, livery stable, 514 Four- teenth RICHARDSON J B, lawyer, 921 Broad- way, Willcox block Roberts Henry, butcher, 466 Eleventh ROBERTS W E, merchant tailor, 466 Eighth Robinson A, carpetl>eater, 523 Second Rocer John, liquors, 710 Broadway RODE C. locksmith, 869 Center Rodolph ft Co, stationer and bookseller, 1003 Broadway Roff Harry Ij, inst ogt, 1004 Broadway Rohan Mrs L, employment office, 525 Eighth Rosenberg L, cigars and tobacco, 909 Broadway Rosenberg N, cigars and tobacco, SW cor Eleventh and Broadway Rosunk (lustav, M I), 456 Seventh Rosenthal A, dry goods, 812 Broadway Rouse Warren A ft Co, commisaiun merchants, 1 358 Telegraph ave Rowan P, liquors, 716 Franklin Kowse Samuel, butcher, 312 B Ruck F R, board and lodging house, 476 Central ave Ruth John, liquors and shooting gallery, 1052 Broatlway RUTHERFORD C B. house and sign paintt-r, 1016 Broadway Ryan M J, saloon, W8 Seventh Sackett School, D P Sackett principal, 529 lloLitrt Sagehoru W T, hay and grain, 473 »Sixth SALINGER BROS, dry goods, 1105 Broadway Salmon* Mallett, butchers, 578 Jefforson Salomon Aron, clothing, 831 Broadway Samm Jacob, flouring mills, First and Cluy Samuels Bamett, tailor, 813 Sroadway Samueln S, jeweler, 912 Broadway Santos .1 , advei tising agent, 769 Seventh Sandford Bros, gen mdse, groceries, 1802 Telegraph ave S n o SB O ao m • S o m r- 9 m i 3 m 9 H. WACHHORST. importer of je^SWr^STiiu. 315 J St., Sac PAGIFIt BUSINESS CdLLEGE, o^ij^mii« >«««.. b-f. epinar. PmnuMhlp; TvteffirmTihy. OaUfomia — Oakland. 681 ALrBAimOALLT. Sanford £ P, druggist, Tenth and Bdwy Scanlon Mrs Ann, grocer, 753 Market Sr aefer k Welti, restaurant, 1022 Broadway Schaffer L, butcher, 828 Broadway Scharman M, cigars and tobacco, 1067 Broadway Schayer H, liquors, 1307 San Pablo ave Schellhaas H, furniture, carpets and crockery, 404 to 412 Eleventh Sshetzel Aug, garden, 572 Seventh Schinkler H, bakery, 1700 Telegraph ave Schlotzhauer P H, saloon, 482 Eighth Schmidt ft Fieberling, liquors, 842 Bdwy Schmitt ft Grunewald, saloon, 46G Seventh SchoU C If, machinist, gun and lock smith. Tenth and Washington Sch'apm Matbieu, artist and grapher. Market St Station SGHSEIBEB CHBISTIAN, carpets and furniture, 1107 Broadway •Schuler J, grocer, 842 Webster Schultz ft Kock, groceries, liquors, gen mdse, NW cor Forty-fifth and Tele- photO' graph aye Schui " unhoff B F, druggist, 462 Seventh Scott Charity & Co, grocers, 802 Bdwy Scovill Ives, Oakland Iron Works, 511 and 513 Second Scranton Theo E, books, stationery, toys. 861 Broadway SCBIBNER W, butcher, 1233 Bdwy Sears Edwin B ft Co, carpenters, 512 Seventh Seeglets August, barber, 807 Broadway Seitz ft Mauser, blacksmiths and wagon makers, 1008 Franklin Selfridge J M, physician, 1068 Broad- way, room 8 Selna ft Becht, liquors, SE cor Eleventh and Broadway Senram F, boots and shoes, 963 Bdwy Seris James, spring bed raanuf, 1310 San Pablo ave Sessions E C, office, Highland Park Tract, 422 Twelfth SHATTTJCK & CO, real estate, 467 Ninth Shea M J, saloon, cor First and Brush Shearer Sextus, justice of peace, 476 Eighth Shaw M Mrs, lodging house, 462 Ninth Sheell W, house mover, 367 Seventh Siesbuttel D, machinist and model maker, 364 Ninth Siesbuttel M, sign painter, 367 Ninth "SIGNS OF THE TIMES" (The) Twelfth and Castro Simon O S, butcher, 1553 N Broadwav Simon John, machinist, locksmith, bell- hanger, 004 Washington Simons J, liquors, 415 Seventh '> ' Simpson R F, livery stable, 1352 San Pablo ave Singer Sewing Machine Co, F Wm Sher- wood agt, 915 Washington Skilling D, physician, 1 1 16 Broadway Slicer Hugh, pres Alameda Macadamis- ing Co, 954 Broadway SLOANAIIEB J N, dying, cleaning and tailoring, 1247 Telegraph ave Smith Mrs A C, dressmaker, 1156 Bdwy Smith C H, gents furnishing goods, 951 Broadway Smith Chas H, butcher, 1319 Brush Smith C -L, engraver and litographer, 1313 N Broadway Smith Christian, butcher, 858 Broadway Smith E M, dist assessor Smith John N, carriage painter, 520 Seventh Smith J H, saloon, 477 Ninth Smith Wm, liquors, 401 Tenth Smith ft Jacobs, barbers, 1214 Bdwy Snow and Ragsdale, ins agts, 1162 Broadway SNTDER A J, real estate 467 Ninth SNTDEB S P, manager Galindo Hotel, Eighth and Franklin Sohst Bros, carriage builders. Eighth and Franklin Spence George, artisan well-borer, 522 Ninth Spence Mrs W G, dressmaker, 522 Ninth Si)encer John, plumber and gasfitter, San Pablo ave and Twenty-sixth Sproul* Sisters, dry and fancy goods, Broadway opp Fourteenth Stack Wm, butcher, 802 Harrison STANDABD FIRE INSUBANCE CO OF NEW ZEALAND, J B Miranda agt, 407 Eighth S+ange ft Hmk, dry gootls, 871 and 873 Broadway; Sixteenth and Capp,S F Star Mills Depot, Star ft Co proprs, Foster's wharf, Franklin Starkweather ft Son, carpets and oil cloths, 1155 Broadway STEEN F, deputy assessor. City Hall Steen A, tailor, 902 Washington Stephenson S, house and sign painter, 483 Seventh Stevenson F R ft Co, china and glaas- %vare, 1082 Broadway Stevenson ft Ware, boots and shoes, 1163 Broadway Stewart Mrs E J, ladies hairdresser, 470 Ninth Stewart W H, employvient office and barber, 470 Ninth Sticer C B, livery stable, 613 Broadway Still well ft Son, bill posters and distiibut- ers, Washington and Ninth Stokes Wm. architect, NE oor Broad- way and Twelfth X o I if II '■ i H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street S. F. c a S e m 3 S & > o E « CO . If. mUll I HOUC « UUm ii« 1 14. J 16, •■STiW ItaMeiy •iCii.rl 1$82 Ca£i/amu& — OaMwnd. ALPnABinOAIiIiT. IB o ■ o o o < Q. I- D o Stockhatn Q H, physician, 471 and 473 Seventh BTRATHEBN WM, merchant tailor, 1206 Broadway Strcit Wm, liquors, 1050 Franklin Strickland L Sidney, stationery^ ^apd bookseller, 1061 Broadway Strong J D, photographer, 1223 Bdwy Stuart D, boots and shoes, 961 Washing ton Sullivan James, saloon, 462 Sixth Sullivan James, marble cutter, 1624 San Pablo ave Surryhne VVm & Co, real estate, 483 Ninth Swale H L, engraver, 958 Broadway Swift T, wood and coal, SE cor A and Hannah Swiss Cottage, A Portal propr, Twelfth opp Lake Merritt Taft H C & Co, dry goods, 1165 Broad way TAlfET JOSIAH D, carpenter and builder, 371 Eleventh TATLOR CHAS L, carpets, wall paper and furniture, 1060 Broadway Taylor k Co, dealer in lumber, foot of Washington Taylor Edward, agt "Call," "Bulletin." and "Alta," 855 Broadway Taylor John B, butcher, San Pablo ave and Grove Teehan Danl, grocer, SW cor Hannah and A Teeter Ann, restaurant, 412 Tenth Temey John, liquors, 854 Broadway Terry Chester N, atty at law, 1001 Broadway ThackerThos, butcher, 971 Third Thane J E, cashier Home Mutual Fire Ins Co, 922 Broadway Thayer E F, saloon, 464 Eighth Thayer Ned, billiard parlor, 863 Bculi8t and aurist, NE cor Broadway and Twelfth Woodard W W, act Adams' Chronolo- gical Chart, 952 Broadway WOODWARD ft TAGGART, real estate, 460 and 462 Eighth Woolaey E H, physician, NE cor Broad- way and Twelfth Wong Ty, physician and surgeon, 469 Eighth Worthington C N, physician, 1156 Broadway Wright G F, searcher of records, 475 Eighth Wriuht G H, grocer, 272 B Wythe Rev J H, clergyman, 965 West Yates ft Co, paints, oils and lamp stock, 953 Washington Young John F, jeweler and watchmaker, 1003 Broadway YULE JOHN, atty at law, 921 Broad- way, Willcox block I. C. CONNER. J. H. MURPHT. CONNER & MURPHY, MiJctiinlllrMffliMaksr!, Centers, Brackets, Etc. No. 1228 BROADWAY, Oakland, Cal. Whitening and Plastering Repaired. OS ■ii- ■IJii!' yf- H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. ■fi'i: WW. MONTAGUE A CO., •ffi;:s.r??oSi^ 684 Calif&mia — Odidand. ALrilAnSTIOALLT. i c IB 1 p i S •> 2 IL c c ID O ■ o o o z s < 0. •- o W. E. BARNARD & CO., Anctaeernnl CoH^^ AND BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, 1315 NEW BROADWAY, • • - OAKLAND, GAL. Property of eTery description boui;ht and acid on comminion. Lo» iS negotiated. Rents col- lected and proiierty looked after for non-rexidenti. Sale of HonicH and Carriat^eii made a ipecialty, public lalea of which are huld every Saturday. PartioH in the country, having atock to eell, can conaigb to us and bo a«Rured of having them disposed of satUfautorily. 30 -< O m r- m ao » a ? M % iOLDlI MTE ACADEMY, OAKLAND, CAL. REV. H. E. JEWETT, PRINCIPAL. A Preparatory School for College or Business Ufa. Location Unsurpassed. Instruction Thorough. Military Drill Three Times a Week. " Academic and Preparatory Departments. For Circular address Principal. 9: 9 9 • I 3* a CHA8. KBAMM. JOS. DIEVES. KRAMM &. DIEVES, O^KL^MB lEEWllY S. L Cor. Telegraph Avenue and Durant Sts., 364 NINTI ■/ vi I';.' H. WACHHORST. Importer of tSSSr^'SSS:^*,, 315 J St., Sae. PURE PORT Wl PACIFIC BUSINESS COiLEGE. »•• .WJTSySJIfcJSSS!:'' I I California — Oakland. ALPnABimnAliLT. 685 d. ; Cor. Eighth and Franklin Streets, Oakland, Cal. 03 o (A o i o e B •9 r O z (0 o X (0 u 4 I < i All New ami Eiefjaiuly furnished. Superior AccommocUuions for Families. Applications for Families should be made two or three days in advance. FRANK LATHROP, Proprietor. JACOB FATZ, Manufacturer of all kinds of Iravelin^ Straps, 354 NINTH STREET, OAKLAND, CAL. TURBINE WIND MILLS AND JOHNSON'S NOVELTY MILLS, Manutactored at So. 701 AdoUno Stresti OAKLAND, OAL. IIOI«B ACIB9IT. MILLINGTON'S Assembly Rooms, 377 TWELFTH STBEET, Corner of Franklia, OAKLAND. A perfect system for learners in Waltz- injj — shortest possilile way to perfection. Private lessons or by classes. Please call and see us. H. RENKEN, ProfeRSor of the GEXIJIIVCi SamM Eeiig Moil, Calls the attention of those sufTering from disease to the fact that under his treatment all deadly diseased matter is thoroughly eradicated from the system. 461 Ninth Street, OAKLAND, CAL. I CO o CO T 3 CO B 3 I •ft H if il IF ?! PURE PORT WINE, ftr ttiUM Fvbom, 302 Davis St., S. F. I . M J, Ik i i e i 2 7 IB o 6 o o z S o < 0. h w. w. moHTAGUE A co.,'nss;r!fo.%rRru?M:?sit^ 686 Ccdifomia — Oakland. ALPnABRnOALLT. MR. STEPHEN W. LEACH" Begs to inform the residents of Oakland and San Francisco that he ha« undertaken the entire and sole management.of the Mop Consemtorj of Mui (Founded some three years since hj the late John ^P. Morgan,) and hopes by the employment of thd best Teachers, close attention to busi- ness, and strict personal supervision, to make it in all respects worthy of patronage. MR. LEACH'S long experience as an Opera Singer and Actor will enable him to invest his Operatic Classes with 8{>eciul interest to the Student. ■' Attention is called to the Where Students of the Piano may enjoy the opportunity of playing once a week with the best Violin and Violoncello players. 0» Terms and all particulars can be obtained at the Conservatory, now removed to a more commodious and desirable building. No. 53S Eighteenth Street, Oakland, Between San Pablo and Telegraph Avenues. SHOULD 70U DESIBE TO FIHICHASE AN ARTIFICIAL LIMB, It would be well for you to call and » ,; , Ezamine my Improvements before Purchasing Elsewhere. I manufacture Dr. Blys' Celebrated Artificial Lejjs and Arms, with Reed's Im- proved Ankle Joint with latteral or side motion, like the natural one. Prices RedMced, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send for Descriptive Circulars. Sent free upon application. .BOB. BEEB, 95^ Broadway, OaMand, Cal. OB I O i ss i 3 9r PL Successor of the TRY MURRArS MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer & Co., 'SS.'tf^nr BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '^S^Stl'^ftSi^/aa^atSKt'S^Wfe CO •0 CO it. 1 C a. i c 3 Ik CaUfomm — OdtdanA. ALPHAIIITIOALLT. C87 THB ^ THE ONLY MOBNING PAPER In Oakland ior in Alameda County. THE TIMES succeeded to the buaineaa and good will of the oldest dai- lies here (the News, eatablinhed sixteen years ago and the Transcript), and has additional facilities for transacting the steadily increasing busi- ness, which is now under the sole management of the IT IS THE OFFIC ULWPER OF THE C ITY AND COUNTY. Alameda is one of the richest counties iu the Etate, and Oakland is the second city on the Coast, having A Population of over 48,000. 8 (8 CO M tt or ■ I- « ContaiM-a daily history of events occurring on this Coast, giving Meteor > logical Reports monthly and annually, and is a FIRST-CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Successor of the Alameda County Gazette, contains a careful summary of the events of the week. 8 5» n tf PI I Daily Times, one year Weeicly Times, one year ; (In advance, postage paid by the publishers.) 86.00 92.00 TO AGENTS AND CLUBS. Extraordinary inducements to Agents and Clubs are offered in GOLD COIN. Particulars on application. All correspondence promptly at- tended to. THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, 3 ' '! I ■ I, 4 ''A i'l I 1* H. PALMER & CO., Frontianan Wint, 302 Davis St, S. F. IL p 1^ 2 > o E To CO c c CQ O ■ o o o 0. ¥- h w. w. MONTAGUE I CO., ^itri^inVrtri:kSftSi}r4^!K' 088 California — Oakland. ALPHABVnCALLT. J. J. NUNAN, WiBSt Side San Pablo Avenue, Near Eighleenlh Street, OAKLAND, CAL. All kinds of Mantel Work, Plumbers' Slabs, Monuments, Gravestones and Granite Work. All work executed in a workmanlike manner at low rates. JAMES SULLIVAN, 14th St. and Broadway, OAKLAND. All kind! of Mantel Work, Plumb ers' Slabi, Gravestonw, Monumcnta, Etc., done in the best manner and at the lowext Ratea. 3 c» 3. s a s> a 3 a O e a 3 C. C. WHEELER, Proprietor. S. "W. Corner of Ninth and Washington Streets, O AKLAND, CA L- SUITES, per Month, from $20.00 to $40.00 SINGLE ROOMS, im- Month ." .$8.00 t:. $25.00 LODGINGS, per Night, from 50 cts to^Sl.OO MEALS AND LODGING, per Day, from $1.50 to'$2.00 BOARD, per Month $2L50 nS^EJLXj HZOTJK.S: BREAKFAST . . 6 to 9. LUNCH . . 1 2 to 2. DINNER . . 5 ;to 7. SUNDAYS. .. .8 to 10 A. M. and 6 to 7 P. M. (A 9» I OB ! (9 O 3 Advertising ir The Tribune H. WAChHORST. importer of j£i%r!%S?ii«.. 315 J St.. Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »«• tTS*roi:.T.ri^TA-.K:rr California — Oakland. ALniAimTIOALI.V. m> i I I I ifi "6 e Tb!! Dailf id VeiildY Tile ARE THE Leading Newspapers in Oaicland. Cal. The Daily TiiinuN.". has more than Double the Circulation of any other paper puliiishcd in Alai.ied i County. It ii the only papor in Oaklund that receives] and publirih^s the Ai^sociated Prea^ Diapatcl.od simultaue< oudly with the San Francidco Dailies. It published t \e Latest. Fiest aeMlfi Local Reports ITS EI»M®MI AILS Are written by the Best Talent in the State, and itH News Departntonts are always full and complete. It contains a daily epitome of The News of the World. Testimonials from some of tlie Leading Oakland Merchants As to the Advantages of Advertising in the I f^ o X CD S d Having advertised in THE Oakland EvEKiNO Tribune for years, we find it the best medium for advertising on thin side of the bay. WOODWARD & TAGGART. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers.. I believe in advertising, as I have proved by twenty-five years' business experience, and I tind The Tribune the best medium in Oakland. D. STUART, Manufacturer and dealer in Boots and Shoes. Advertising in The Tribune pays for itself several times over. HARRIS BROS., Clothing Merchants. The Tribune is always our choice for advertising. . "~ " J. GREEN HOOD & BROS., Fancy and Dry Goods House. We have advertised extensively in The Oakland Evening Tribune, and do not hesitate in saying that it is the best adverti-tiut; medium out- side of San Francisco. KOHLER & CHASE, Piano and Music Dealers. TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY. 3 53. <• W. E. DAROIB, Muutirer. 44 A. K. P. HARMON. Jr., Sec'y. H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davit St., S, F. i o CA 1 m €0 H m m ro ro ro c/) CO (/> 1. CIO 5* (D on c a J Q. (8 £ a a BUSINESS T7 I. N. S miLOeiliS, DYEING, Id the Best Style u Clothing taken 1817 Tel«>ic:ra|i Oal KIIAS' A'lains K, bliicki Baker E, t.acl Bell W, pliysiciii Fender A, black Jackson .t, iidtur MORLEY W ^ luitster Myers, I'earHon, Hediker & Oweii! Occ BONO! Bailey S H, car BLAMET A J Burk J D, butcl Colister Oscar, n Connolly J D, hi Dotjr W L, liqu< HetlTon A J, bla Martin EJamuel, OLD PeRT \ BUSINESS PENMANSHIP •^V!SS'MCffiB£«!«ft%'8.?S?fe I. Die i! h a J a (8 £ a (8 California — Oakland-Olema. 691 ALPIIABBTICALLT. T^^l^eeler & T^TilsorL The E:siest Ennning. Fastest Stitching, Back-Feed, Straight Nesdle fl3 NOW IN USE. Kot the Wheeler and ^VIIhoii Improved, but an Kntlrely New 9Iaehine. 479 Ninth Street, Oakland, Gal. V. A. FORHYTH, IHanaser. McCa i;hy & Robinson, merchants McCrellis J VV, carpenter nnd joiner Meekcrs M E & A r, sawmills Meeker S A, carpenter and joiner Pare L, liquors In the Best stylf un.l at the verv lowest j.rlccs. i P^rry J C& Kunisclell G, photographers ' Stittou W, carpenter and joiner I. N. SLOANAKER, miLORilS, DYEING, CLhMiliS liND REPAIRING M m i(» Clothing taken in Exchange for Work. Iitt7 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland. Oak Run, BlIASTA COUNTY. Adams E, blacksmith Baker O E, t-acher Bell W, physician Fender A, blacksmith .lacksoii .1, notary public MORLEY W W, gt-n mdse and post master MytTB, rearson, Wilson k Co, lumber Kediker & C)\venn, sawmilla Taylor W ]'', livery stable Woolly J A. doctor Olancha, INYO COUNTY. WALKER WM, station master and postmaster Olema, MAUIN COUNTY, Is 18 miles northwest of San Rafael. Occidental, SONOMA COUNTY. Bailey S H, carpenter and joiner BLAMEY A Ji postmaster Burk J D, butcher Colister Oscar, notary public Connolly J D, hotel Doty W L, liquors , Heit'run A J, blacksmith Martin Samuel, shoemaker AmU-rson IS' (), house carpenter CRANDELL WM L, gen mdse and puatmaster I'Vietllandur & Co, gen mdse (rarison Wm, farmer (iarcia .luan, butcher Haag F, boots and shoes Hennsey M, miner McMillian J no, lK)ot and shoemaker Miller Frank, blacksmith Mills (ieo L, painter Naa v Fred, bootm aker NELSON JOHN hotel and livery stable OLEMA HOTEL, J Nelson propr Olstead M, stoves and tinware iShafter James C, physician and surgeon Trimble I, surve>'or WALKER HUGE, general merchant ?! I', i! I OLD PtRT WINE. H. PALMER & CO.. 302 Davis SU S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., TO«•f,".^2.V•,",^Jg:}t^Vv'l5^r'::oVVJ^ i i: IS i I > «> c e E « 1 c O ■ 8 O ! < D. O 692 California — Olemor-Orange. ALPIIABKTICALLT. OLEMA, MARIN COUNTY, f CALIFORNIA. To Tourists in quest of Health or Pleasure this House is unequalled by any other in Marin County. Faniiliesor parties wishing to spend a vpcation in the country, GIVE US A CALL, and they will be thoroughly satisfied with the treatment they receive. JOHN NELSON, Proprietor. Oleta, AMADOU COUNTY, Is distant from Sacramento 48 miles, { from which it is reached via Amadorl Branch of the Central Pacitic Railroad. Population 400 ; support derived from the mining interests. It was formerly' known as Fiddletown. Atkinson Cdas & Bro Burt F L, liquors Cooledge S, justic« of peac« Erauw Pet«r, gen mdse Farnham Chas, lumber Gray J T, constable Head J B, gen mdse Jewell Bev J B, clergyman (Presby- terian) Pigeon Alfred, blacksmith and wagon- maker Schallhorn Christopher, wagonmaker Schroder Henry, brewery Sloat E A, bootmaker Townsend Mrs E, hotel Voto Mrs M, hotel Wright K B, druggist, postmaster, agt W, F A Co and notary public Yates E B, justice of peace and notary Olimpo, COLUPA COUNTY. BEERHAN A, gen mdse and master Reinhart B, blacksmith Body Brothers, liquors post- Omega, NEVADA COUNTY, la 12 miles north of Nevada City. BRAHDON W H, postmaster Ophir, PLACER COUNTY. Choate Moses, gen mdse and liquors Enig Peter, stone mason Gillmore Mrs, saloon Hamilton Win, mechanic Hutchinson John, boarding house Hutchinson Mrs W L, saloon Keller Adam, saloon Kittlcrs Mrs E, boarding house Leavitt C U, hotel Lineger M D, carpenter Merrow VV C, blacksmith and maker Michels Mrs Caroline, saloon Multncr F, gen mdse Peck Bev N B, clergyman (M Ej Peterson Chas, mechanic Pillow Wm, boarding house Bittinger. — , blacksmith Bobinson S, painter Staples & Hathaway, gen mdse Sutton W D, blacksmith Tamplin W, butcher 30 m > r- m 30 (A o PI o CA e xa wagon- Orange, L08 ANGELEB COUNTY, On the Southern Pacific Bailroad, 33 miles from Los Angeles. ANDERSON J W, ogt A H McClelland Beach Chas, orange nursery Beach Joseph, orange orchard and plows Clark A B, orange grove Coldwell B, shoemslcer Crowd)! r B L, gen mdse and ins agt Davis Miss Bosa, teacher Green Bev John B, pastor M E Church Hayward D C, or ange nursery HARWOOD NATHAN D, postmaster and school supplies Howard M K, mill and wheelwright (D O o I 9 o o 3 ft a 5' s m o 3. HUNT WB, H. WACHHORST calls attention "•{SittlX^wSS" 315 J 8t ,«.fljai»»»ii«i< ««»*■** PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. The Medel <)*miner«Ia1 Collrce or the Coast. JMO Post St., M. P; California — Orange-Oroville. 693 ALPIIABKriCALLT. e o o b Si in e u o 2 V (A O o CO o e z o H X u o z (0 ft o < HUNT W B, blacksmith and wagon- maker Isbell J F, constable Jenkins J Y, justice of peace Joslin E M, physician and surgeon McClelland a h, (j w Anderson iigt), gen mdae, hardware and agricul- tural implemeuts Medlock J R, physician Mosbaugh G J, orange orchard ORANGE HOTEL, VVm L Uubottom Peters M A, supt Santa Ana Valley Irri gation (^o BUBOTTOM W L, propr Orange Hotel and blacksmith Rusk Samuel, orange grove Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co, A B Whitney secy, M A Peters supt Scott Wm M, orange orchard Sibley W E, orange nursery Squires W E, teacher Whitney A B, secy Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co and ins agt Wright Chas, orange nursery Los Angeles Co., GaL W2I. L. RUBOTTOM, - Proprietor. Excellent accommodations for com meicinl travelers and tourists. An ac comniodation wagon attends all trains at Oraiige Station. Passengers conveyed to all points. Oreg^on House, YUBA COUNTY BROWN BROS, livery, sale and feed stable Brown — , constable Cole & Bernhard Misses, millinery and dressmaking Corothers Jno, saloon Coulter C, saloon Freeman & Klemmer, tin and hardware DODSONTH. justice of peace Dyer R E, tin shop Griffith J, blacksmithing and variety store HANBY J W, bakery HEATON A A, harness Uoaton Miss E, millinery and dressmak- ing JAMES JOS, saloon LEWIS & CO, gen mdse LEWIS J S, assistant postmaster and dressmaking \ Martin J F, carpenter Michael & Co merchandise Nichols & Hulburt, attys at law and no- tary public Obermeyer F, bootmaker PAPST & BRO, gen mdse Poole C B, hotel and wagonmakcr Poole — , barlier PROTJT J W, livery and feed stable Raphfiel &, May, gen mdse SAVY C T, ♦'irand Hotel Vincent Frank, physician and agt W, F & Co's Express WILLIAMS & WATTS, meat market Winne F, blacksmith Orleans Bar, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Is reached by stage with difficulty via Shasta, on the C. & O. Coast Overland Stage Route, and Trinidad, on the sea coast. It is a mining town and has a weekly newspaper. Is reached by stages, and is 23 miles from Marysville. Housh (Jeorge P, liotel JOHNSON W. gen mdsu and post- master Morris A, blacksmith Orland, COLUSA COUNTY. Is forty-five miles northwest of Colusa, und is u prosperous agricultural town. ANDERSON J & AULPAUGH, Or land Flouring Mills Briutou T J, drugs and medicines Oroville, m Aber Mrs E A, hotel Arrata — , gen mdse Briza d A, branch of A Brizard (rraham .1 W, sawmill Poarch .1 A, sawmill Vanzandt — . blacksmith Wasnnith P W (estate of), gen mdse Wilder H, wine manufr SCOTT HENRY P, postmaster and boarding house BUTTE COUNTY, Nestles in the footliills of the Sierras and is surrounded by a country rich in H. PALMER & CO., Port Wind $2.50 per gal. »U4 UttViM C»tr««»(, Mam Vranvtae*. J;! WUI MflMTAHIIP Jt rn (Slh^^t Iron, all 8lB«a and Mambcrs, ll«, BUSINESS 694 > U o CO < < CO o kl u CO h co 5 o u I- X < z h o w California — Oroville. AlirilARBTICAbLV. scenic features. It was, in the early days of California's history, a lively and very important mining camp, but with the failure of its rich placer diggings its population decreased very rapidly from thousands to hundreds. It is the terniidus of the California Northern l{ailroad, 28 miles from Marysville. It is the county seat and depends almost entirely upon the interest of agriculture for its support. ADAMS & KAOEGEB, Ophir Meat Miirkct ABENTS HIRAM, propr Union Hotel ANTHONY BEOS, liairdressers Bean Jack, stage agt Bell H C & Co, groceries BIRD HENRY, undertaker, furniture, bedding, mattresses, parlor 8ets,loung- es, etc Bolton W, physician BOYNTON S S. stationery, cigars, fancy goods, wools, toys, candy, nuts, etc, etc Brigham & Wasley, dentists BROCK & TABER, Imrdwnre BURT & HAMILTON, attys at law BURT J M atty at law "BUTTE COUNTY REGISTER," \Vm tSharkey propr CALLOW & STEVENS, livery stable CLElOiNTS 3 A, lively stable, har ness anil saddlery OORDY GEO H, blacksmith, wagon maker, agt for Studebaker's and Fish's wagons, McCormick's reapers and Bilz's "C" spring sulky CORDY J J, harness maker and car- riage trimmer Delancy Richd, county treasurer DeMOTT WM. propr "Oroville Week ly Mercury" Dzergowski N, clothing, etc ELLIOTT MRS W M, millinery and dressmaking FERGUSON J A, h.iirdrcssor FOGG & PER]QNS, insurance agents Freer K I), act Cal Nortiiern II II FREER PETER, propr I'ahice Saloon Frischholz M, bootmaker GALE JOHN, dist atty and atty at law (ilich P, candy, fruit, etc (joldstein A, dry goods and clothing Goldstein N, dry goods and clothing GRAY & GALE, attys at law Uray Jas C, hardware GREEN JAMES, county clerk GUIDERY JOHN, deputy county as- BORSOr HANSON JOHN, saloon HARKNESS ED, title abstract of Butte county Hays D B, notary HECKER FRED, boots, shoes., hats and caps, (dealer and manufacturer) Hecht & Ephraim, dry goods and cloth- ing Higgins Edward, soda works Higgias W S, wagonmaker HOGAN J H, photographer HOLMES & HEINTZ, brewery and sa- loon HOOFS LEWIS W, propr United States Hotel HOWARD AMOS, watches and jew- elry Hundley P 0, superior judge Jenkins T J, physician •Tones A F, atty at law KLEIN CHAS, Fashion Saloon KURT HENRY, merchant tailor KUSEL E A & SON. varieties, fancy goods, toys, notions, wools, picture frames, glassware, cand^', nuts, clotli- int; &c LAUER FRANK,blacksraith and wag- onwaker LEHN F W, Capital Saloon LEONARD JNO P, justice peace, no- tary public and sjarcher of records Lott Chas F, atty at law Lumpkin Mill Co, lumlter MARKS B& CO, dry goods and cloth- ing Martin Wm E, saloon MATHEWS & IRVINE, dry goods. boots and shoes McCLELLAN SAMUEL, county as scssor McDERMOTT A, druggist McDennott W P, physician MILLER C F & CO, boots and shoes MILLER ERNEST. Washington Sa- loon MILLER P B M, physician Mitchell Mrs J K, millinery and dress- maker "OROVILLE WEEKLY MER- CURY," Wm DeMott, propr OSGOOD GARDNER, county recorder and auditor OSTROSKI S & CO, •d -< o ^3 CO 3D t/> -♦ £ S» CO n o 3Q 'cr •^9 H ,? eg *< .u 00 : 4) c o .•* XT S: O 2r e» US- (/> :<2 o a o2 ** CB>. 3 s? Of 0- o "a I CD -I (D (D r> rSf fa* fit M o o m I REDSCHER wines, liquo and retail Eeece T W, civ REESE R F, Reich U A, bal REYMAN M, RIDEOUT, S] ami a^ent W ROBERTS & STSURECHil grain Schneider Wm, Schu J A, bootr SHARKEY ^ ty Register" SIBLEY F W SILVERSTEI bacco SIMON S S. ha SIMON & WA Smith Jno J, pos stationer SMITH RW, Siiow J, saloon SOVEREIGN picture frame. SPRAGUE F i SPRINGER G hor.Meshoer STOUT & BR] ding, upholste spring maitrcf lor furniture Stroever Peter & i O-en-e The 'Bus will 0y Noi J. C. WEL Charge Meals to be ha Crabs, 8h TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. H. PALMER BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"^'^:;!^vi^:}y!^i.^^r^Sf:^i^f^lTk Calif omia — Oroville. AbrHABRTICAbLT. 695 0) CO •6 eo eu; ce • fa : ii -•S Mb ill %| «<^ I M O o o m I O I 8 SEDSCHER JACOB, Pony Saloon. wines, liquors, cigars &c, wholesale and retail Eeece T W, civil engineer BEESE R F, dentist Reich (i A, bakery BJBYMAH M, cigars and tobacco HIDEOUT, SMITH & CO, bankers and agent W, F & Co ROBERTS & SHARP, liquors ST SURE CHAS W, groceries, hay and grain Schneider Wm, brewery Schu J A, bootmaker SHARKEY WM, propr "Butte Coun ty Register" SIBLEY F W, contractor and builder SILVERSTEIN IKE, cigars and to bacco SIMOlf S S. hairdresser SIMON &WATJGH, saloon 8mith Jno J, postmaster, news agent and stationer SMITH RW.agtWU Tel Co iSiiow J, saloon SOVEREIGN GEO W, undertaker, picture frames and architect SPRAGUE F A, sheriff SPRINGER GEO B, blacksmith and horMeslioer STOUT & BRANDT, furniture, bed- ding, upholstery, patent l)ed lounges, sprinu! m.ittresses a specialty and par- lor furniture Stroever Peter & Co, meat market TOWNSEND THOSE, Gem Saloon Treaaskis J W, forwarding UNION HOTEL, Hiram Arents propr U S HOTEL, Louis VV Hoops propr Wagner S, jewelry, notions &c WABJD J M, supervibor Washburn W A, county coroner and ad- ministrator Washburn & Weyman, saloon WELCH J C, I X L Chop House and Oyster Saloon WELCH L S, wagonmaker Wilson Mrs A L, varieties Wood Jess , county supt sch i,A Worthing N, saloon WRIGHT & HANCOCK, blacksmith- ing, horse shoeing and engine repair- ing Zambellich N, saloon T. B. Rkardan. L. D. Freeb. EEAHDAIT & FSEEE, m Orovilh, Suits Comity, CALIFORNIA. AND CS-enexa,! ST-A-O-E OFIFICE The 'Bus will he at the Depot to coiivey Passengers and Baggage to the Ilutel. H. ARENTS, Proprietor. Oystej Sakoi and Ohap iaus§, North Side of Montgomery Street OROVILLE, CAL. J. C. WELCH PROPRIETOR. Charges by the Dish from 10 Cents, upwards. Meals to be hnd at all hour-i. Everything; in the market can be had on the shortest nutice. Crabs, Shrimps, Pigs' Feet, Etc., always on hand. I'll. i!V: H. PALMER & CO., Native Wmes. mi Uavis Street. S. F. I: C S . ff . WlUrl I UtaUC « UU.> i)ittunn, UP, 118, 114, in and 118 Battery St.. 8. g. BUSINESS '690 California — Oroville-Pacheco. ALPHA RRTICALLT. Z 1 ID o o o s < i- AMOS HOWARD, DEALER IN MclieSp Clocb, Jewelry I Silverware, Montgomery Street, Oroville, and 64 D Street, Marysviile. Pins Watch Repairing a Spssialty, by an Ezpsrisnced Workmsn. OROVILLE, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WM. DE MOTT PIiOI*MIETOIt, THE MEBCUBT IS THE OPFICIAL COUNTY OHQAIT, And has double tho circulation of any otlier Weekly Newspaper jmb- lislied in Butte C'ounty. Ortigalito, MERCEn COUNTV. CAANE JOHN ISA, gen mdae and postmaster Celing (ieo A, druggist Hi'I Kev Patrick, priest lEIBARNE JOHN, gen mdse, wool and gi-ain;ajrt Imperial, Northern and Qnoen Ins Cos LiUigan John, atty at law liviugstou W T, dentist •Scaanel \Vm, civil surveyor ScJimitt Geo, carpenter and painter JOHN IRIBARNE, DEALKR IN ' ^eiti al ^crdjcuiilbe, WOOL AND GRAIN, Ortigalito, Merced County, Cal. AGKNT FOR Inperlal, MorthPrn and <{neen Tn- Muranvp Companit'ti. Facheco, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Is reached by stages from Martinez, 3 miles distant. It is the entr('})of of the rich agricultural region surrounding^ it. BA£TN£TT D G, blacksmith and way- onmaker, and agt M C Ilawley & Co S F BONZANI H, igt Phila,'cles; fare 50 cents. Allen Wm, orchardist Baker J H, blacksmith Banbury Jaliez, carpenter and builder Banbury Thos, justice peace Bennet H G, nurseryman Blatenberg J, carpenter Bristol A 0, constable and collector Paskenta, TEHAMA COUNTY. Abbott T J, blacksmith Bryan M, stock raiser Cobb G O, hotel Coomhe Jno, stock dealer Doughton F, stock raiser Floyd M D, stock ranch Frames J, sheep raiser Herring Chas, siieep raiser Jordan David L, stock raiser Lowrey G M, stock dealer Miller W S, stock raiser Morris P, sheep raiser Parsons F, stock raiser Roser Wm, blacksmith Scfibner L S, gen mdse Squires J B, carpenter Turner Mrs E M, hotel Whittock & Coburn, blacksmith and wsigonniakers Whittock J, stock raiser Williams O F, stock raiser Wright J E, stock raiser O X Paso Robles, SAN LUIS OKISPO COUNTY, A postoffice, is reached via Southern Pa- cific R. K., and connecting stage lines, 80 miles from San Imis Obispo. BLACKBURN bIrOS & JAMES, Sroprs Paso de Robles Hot Springs lotel and Cottages iw ■ 'ni : fl h *? 'i'li H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. .: 'm IL ■ CO CQ Z Q 2 > c o E 75 CO c c CO O O o o z s < 0. W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ?.T'7.yil«^T.riKi«VrV'!gA.VVg 698 California — Paso liohlea-Peacadero. ALPIIABanOALLr. Dunn Patrick H, gen mdse, postmaster, agent W, F & Co, and notary public McLean John, operator W U Tel Co PASO DE ROBLES HOT SPRINOS HOTEL AND COTTAGES, Black burn Bros & James, proprs Patterson, NEVADA COUNTY. (See Cherokee.) Peach Tree, MONTEREY COUNTY. Grcenboum Wm, gen mdse Goldwater & Co, gen mdse M.tpini John, hotel LANDRTJM M L, postmaster and col lecbing agent Penryn, PLACER COUNTY, A place of 250 inhabitants, 1 1 miles west of Auburn, on the Central Pacific R. R. Barter Wm, blacksmith Boggs J C, boarding Chapman H L, supt Alabama Gold Mine Clemens A, hairdresser Grant E, hotel Gregory J H, produce Griffith G, granite quarries, marble works and gcti mdse Hagerty J H, liquors Hojran J J, physician HOLDER JOHN, agent W, F & Co, manager W U Tel office and agent C P K R Co HOLDER & SON, gen mdse HOLDER W F, postmaster Miti'hell J H, assessor rev district No 1 Noye ThoB, liquors Puffer W H, blacksmith Robinson Wm, supt Chicago Gold Mine Schuetze A H, market . . , i: Wheeler W H, liquors Williamson & Co. nursery ;. >) HOLDER & SON, DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND MEDICINES. Teas, Coffees, Spices, Flour, Salt Fish, Pork, China and Glass Ware, Kerosene Oil & Lamps, Field & Garden Seeds. PENRYN, CAL. Customers will find our stock complete, eom- prisliiff many articles it is impoxalblj hero to oiiunierate, and all sold at moderate prices- Pentz, BUTTE COUNTY. Brooks J F, achobl teacher Bunnell A VV, stock raiser Burt Aaron, blacksmith Clark E D, stock raiser Curtis Mrs LAB, school teacher Horn Frederick, wheelwright Parish A, lime burner Patterson S. mechanic and miner Pence M, hotel and stock raiser Sewell H S, liquors Pescadero, SAN MATEO COUNTY. This pleasant agricultural town and summer resort is situated just south of Half Moon Bay, ;i8 miles from San Fran- cisco, by coast line, and .^8 miles from Santa Cruz. It is approached on either side by htages which connect with the several railroad systems at Santa Cruz, and with the S. P. R. R. at San Mateo. Through fare from S.anta Cruz to .San Francisi^o, via Pescadero and Half Moon Bay, S5. The delightful situation of Pescadero and its equable climate makes the place popular, and those who go there to spend a few days seldom go away again as soon as they originally intended. The Swanton House, su^^es- tive of the tincst Eastern resorts in its splendid accommodations, ranks witli them in all particulars. The house stands in the center of the little town, and is surrounded by taatefuUy-arr.'tngcd grounds and detached cottages, intended for the accommodation of families, Tiie main building contains well-aired and lighted rooms, parlors, closets and every convenience that a consideration of the comfort of guests can suggest. , . ,; , o ■< o 8 m e (A a: 9 9 TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th« Motlrl Commcrnlal Collrse ni- thf Vnnmt. H*tt Pimt Mt.. H.V. CO eo 03 cs V p ft ■ C o Q. c '5 c 3 O IL (S o CO O California— Pescadero Petaluma. 690 AI.niABBTICALLT. Abraham G A, tinner Beatty B F. physician CEKEOHINO & DEBENEDETTI, gen mdse, branch of Half Moon Bay Cumins M, constable Fi?^ J B Rev, pastor Methodist Church 1AR&ETS0N JOHN, tlealer in gen mdse and liquors, postmaster, agt W U Tel Co and W, F & Co, and i)ropr San Francisco, San Mateo and resca- dero Stage Line George Joseph, barber Goulson John, blacksmith and wagon- maker Hami lton James A & Co, freight line HUOHES J H, gen mdse KOSTER FEEDERICK, blacksmith, wagonmaker and horseshoer MARSTOX E W, Hverv stable FESCADERO STABLES, E W Mar- ston propr Roe & Raynor, butchers Stanbaugh S S, physician Strong J H Rev, pastor Congregational Church Strykcr P G, Pescadero House SWANTON G W, propr Swanton House »nd Livery Stable THOMPSON A P, gen mdse, Main Olid San (iregorio Thomj son W J, justice of the peace Tufly John, flouring mill Wouf or James, bootmaker Fetaluma, SONOMA COUNTY, Is sitimted on San Pablo Bay, distant 42 miles from San Francisco, and id reached by steamer and rail in two and one-half hours from there. The country round about makes this its market for all kinds of dairy produce, and it certainly can lay good claim as one of the chief entreiiots for butter, cheese, poultry, eggs, etc. Having the advantage of lo- cation at the very head of navigation, and surroundeil as it is with a country BO rich in these products, it soon took the load which it now holds, and is at this nfectionery, Western ave Brush G M, bill poster Bryant & Perry, butchers, foot of Main BUCKIUS J J, stoves .and tinware, 26 Main Buckius W L & Co, hardware, Main andB Burgtorf C N, harness and saddlery, 28 Main CALOER & SPOTSWOOB, black- smiths, Washington and Keller CO ■Ml ■i % wm m ^ ..J'.'-lM-i m -ft;':- I ' Tt'i'i p!^M ,'! ' I i te:/ H. PALMER & CO., Frontianan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. d..-vJ--.. » WW MnMTACIIP A rn MtovcHanrtRimfcra. 800 different ■IsM.itylwaM <0 i c S p I J? S •I 1 IL ? c c (Q O ■ o o o z s o < Q. I- I- 700 California — Petaluma. ALPiiABarioALi.r, Campbell Joseph, dry goods, clothin;;, boots and shoes, 72 Main CongroveMiaa A A, drossinuker, Main Casey B, liquors, Washington Carothers W O, fancy bazaar, Main Carpenter W W, physician, Main Carpenter 4 Meyerholtz, butchers, Wash- ington CANEVASCnn S J, propr Contra Coata Livery Stable, Western ave and Keller Cancpa L, gen mdso, Washington and Kentucky CAVANAGH JOHN, lumber, notary public and justico of the peace, East Vutahuna Cavanautth Peter, liquors. Main CHRISTIE J B, physician, Main CHURCHILL MRS ELLEN, liquors, Miiin CITY HOTEL, A B Reed propr, Wes- tern ave and Kentucky Conley A B, grocer, VVestern ave nr Mam CONTRA COSTA UVERT STABLE, S J Cauevasoini propr, Western ave and Keller Connolly B F, manufr of soda and sar- saparilla and bottler of ales and porter, foot of Main Cons?dou Joa W, atty at law, Main and Western ave Corbett J H, blacksmith. Main COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, II th'.as propr, foot of Main Cowen Philip, books, crockery, etc. Main Cox & Fritsch, grocers. Main Crane J H, physician, Mi.in CUNIO A, wood and coal, Kast Peta- luma Davidson James, livery and sale stable, Washin^rton DIAS I L> dentist, SW cor Main and Washington Donahue John, propr Mechanics' Bfiard- ing House, Washington, East Peta- hima Dowe L, photographer, 08 Main Drees A H, produce. Western ave and Keller Dunn Philip, vegetables and produce, Wasliington Ediemann (J W, dealer in Sonoma winoH and brandies, NE cor Washington and Main Ellsworth Loe, furniture, M.iiu Erwin N, grocers, NW cor Washington and Main Fairbanks D H, cashier Petaluma Sav- ings Bank, Main Fairbanks H T, prest Petaluma Saviugs a. Bank, Main Mat- toys, Falkner M H, secy Sonoma & Marin Mutual Beneficial Association, Main FARQUAR C S, atty at law and no- tar^ public. Mam FEDDERSON H M & CO, saddle- tree niaiiufrs. Fourth bet F and 0- First National Gobi Bank, I G Wicker- sham prest, and II H Atwater cashier, Main Frank Herman, dry goods and clothing. Main Fritsch & Bowman, plumbers and gas- fitter.^. Western ave Fuller V U, livery and sale stable, Main Fuller Isaac, cooper. Third and B Geary T J, atty at law anil notary pub- lic. Main an(i Washington Gerokoiis & Pfau, proprs Union Hotel, Main Gilbert T A, varieties, Main Glass Philip, liquors, Washington near Bridge Goldstein IT, clothing and dry goods. Main Grannel W H, bootmaker, Washington nr postoffice Gwiun & Brainerd, harness and saddlery, Washincton HALE BROS & CO, dry goods, cloth- iut;, boots and slioes. Main ilphen A, wholesale liquors. Main HANBRICH &LAMBERTL liquors. Western ave Horstmann A, cigars and tobacco, 13 Main Harter B, blacksmith and wagonbuilder Westorii ave and Kentucky HARRIS J W & CO, stoves and tin- ware, Miiii HASBROUCK & MISNER, butchers, Main Haskias Thos, crockery and glasswarv3. Main Haskell B. dry goods, etc, Washington nr Main HASKELL W B, atty at law. Main Hess & Ci-i I .;liiuo, li(juors. Main Hildburgh I'.roa, grocers. Main HILL WM, prost Bank of Sonoma County, Main and Washington Holm & Abraliain, li(|Uors, Main and B Holms & Palmer, grocers. Main and Western ave HOPES & CAMERON, carriage milk- ers and blacksmitlis, VVashington an. :! ,j ao Ui -I ■H ao m m H m O ao o m ■n 5 o m r- B) 3. CD 3 £1 o CD (D (A H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. J^;uri^;!.t^T^'^^tVt?}ir.9. «> E g I CO O £ o 1 o 75 CO o Gallfomia — Petaluma. ALriMRRTIOAIiLT. 701 Jacobi Jno, marblo works, Main Jucobs Mrs A, dressmaker, Mtiin Jahn Fred, Imirdrcsaer and baths. Main JEWELL I R, cheeso and butter dairy, Ptituluma Johnson Adolph, furniture and carpets, Main Karov G, boots and shoes Keating & Corliss, paints, oils, wall pa- per, etc, Main Kelloy Mrs A, millinery, 68 Main Kelley C ( !, ntty at law. Main KINOERY S S> cnn^enter and builder, li II nd Fourth KINO N, justice of pence, SE corner VVashiutiton und Main Klcy &, Kiieso, restaurant. Main Kookcn Mrs A K, 'Mi Maiu Lackey Alex, plasterer, Wiishington Hotel Lusky B, dry goods and clothing, Wash- ington Luwrenco Jno, barber, Main Leeds E B, fniita and vegetables. West- ern ave ur Main Lcs»ol Adolph, drugs. Main and Wash- ington Lip])ett E S, atty at law anShattuck pres, Frank Adel manager, Washington Petaluma Brewery, Goo Robinson propr, Main "PETALUMA COURIER" (weekly), W F Shattuck propr, SW cor Main and Washington " PETALUMA WEEKLY ARGUS," Weston k Co publishers and proprs, NE cor Main and Washington Petaluma Soap Factory, A N Barnes propr, Main Petaluma Livery Stable, D R Wilson manager, Main PETALUMA SAVINGS BANK, H T Fairbanks pres, D H Fairbanks cashier, Main Peters Mrs Mary, dressmaker, Washing- ton Perry M A , grocer , Washington PEPPER'SNUBBERIIS, W H Pepper propr, Washington and Keller a» AS m\.i "' vi ! %■■ H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. i H. WACHHORST "'"j^^^'i?*;"** than any house on the Coast. BUSINESS I i c « I S i I > c o £ 10 7 fO O ■ O o < 0. 702 California — Petaluma. ALrilAimOAULT. PEPPER W H, nunerymiu and fruit grower, VVajhin^to:^ and KoUor Perkins C O, dentut, M uu Pfau John, livery undaaluatible, Main PhillipaJ, tailor, Miin PhilliusU M, deutist. Main POEHLMAN BA03, butol.er, M Philibjrt, bakery, B and Poudicre Fourth Pumotta D, b ikory, ')2 M:iin Putnam D VV & (Jo, caniage builders. Western ave an I Keller Hoed J Q, photo^ra[jhur, M un BEEO A B, propr City Hotel, Western aveand Kentucky Reidi V, liquors. Main, foot of English REMARQUE MRS CH, midwife and lady doctor, Washiiiutoii and Liberty REMARQUE JOHN F, physician and surgeon, Washington and Liberty Ilegner Frank A, barber, Main RIESE FREDERICK, furniture and upholst.u'er, Washington RobusonlK'o, propr I'etaUuna Brewery, Main Rogers Rlward, wholesale liquor dealer, Main ROSS GEO, phot >grapher, 'M Main RUPP & OSIER, l)aib.'rd,Waslungton nr Postollice RugK John T, bakery, foot of Miin San Fraueiaoo Stt inib >at Transportation Co, D Walls agt, ottice foot B Savage John, manufrof jewelry, NWcor Washiugt )n and Main Schnitz X, t:iilor, M lia SCUDDER N W, "'tud estate ami in- Bur.mce, N K cor Main and Wash- ington Schniitt (jieorge, gua mlse, Main and B Schlosser 'V C, stoves and tinwaro, Main SEATON D M, «tty at law and notary public. Main and Western ave SHATTUCK F W, atty at law and notary publio, N VV enr Wasliington and Main SHATTUCK W F, p«opr "Petahum Courier," SWeor Main and Washi-.g- ton Shepherd J S, pres Sonoma an 1 M.irin Mutual Beneticial As^oci itiou. Main Shirek & Co, dry goods, Main Show A J, dry goods and clothing, Main SmOLEY CHARLES E, W U Tel Co opr, depot SINGLEy JAMES, agt s F & N P K R, depot Sloper & Fuller, planing mills and box factory. Third and fi Smith John B, physician and aurgeon, WaabingtoQ and Howard Snow J, real estate, Main Sjuoma County Water Co, F W Lougoe 8i)oy, cor Main and Washin:,rtoa "S9irOMA COUHTT PRESS" (weekly), F W Cohnon pub and propr, Wuahington and Main Sonoma & Marin Mutual Beneficial As- sociation, J S Shepherd pres, M H Falkuer secy. Main Soldate & Cereghino, proprs Washington H )tDl, Wasliington STEARNS F R, jowelar and optician, Washington nr Main Steiser P J, gunsinitii, 'M Main StocV.dale H, hoti-l. Main Stolk'ir W, shoemaker. Main Symonds & Lam )reaux, gen mdse, Main Tharp T W, wood and coal. East Peta- luma Towne Smith I), drugs, Miin TRUELSON CHRISTIAN C, watch- maker an I jeweler, ALiin Union Hotel, Gerokens & Pfau proprs. Main VAN DOREN J S, cashier Bank of Sonoma County, Main and Washing- ton VALENTINE C, painter and grainer. City Hotal VealeA Roach, grocers, 32 Main Walls I), a<'t S F T Co, foot B Walsh M, boots and shoes. Main Warnekros A, gunsmith. Main WATERS J F, boots and shoos. West- ern ave Waters Mrs S J, dressmaker, foot of Main WELLS THOS H, attorney at law, Main Western Union Telegraph Co, II B llig- bue manager. Western ave WESTON & CO, pn.prs "Weekly Argus," NKcor Main and Wasliing- ton Whitebread Clias, barber. Main Wiiitiiey A P, grocer, Main Wickershani 1 (1, pres First National (Jold Bank, Main WIERS & SPOTSWOOD. black- smitlis and wagonmakers. East Peta- luma WIQAND TH, physician, Kentucky Wilson 1) R, inanager Petaluma Livery Stable, Main Wiswell J A, ])aints, oils, sash, blinds, etc. Main nr Washington Woods Wm, bjotmaker, Western ave YOUNO CHARLES, grocer, B and Fourth Young (jreorgc C, gen ins. Main ■ Zartman W & Co, carriage builders, Western ave and Howard o co" CO o a o o CD 3 o 3 'O (D 5? CO « CO CD ?r a O •< T PUBL W. F. SHA Subs The Coi'uiEU is in Con mw u PU ^ BOOE £ a (8 ; ,-v , .1 ■• >> \ RAisr TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. OLD PORT \ BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"SaaS'WWftia'fiJWI.'S.fS'k -il 'I California — Petaluma. ALPIIAMTIOALbT. 703 THE PETALUMA PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING. ID c a J a (8 £ a C8 » W. F. SHATTUCK, • PROPRIETOR. O X Subscription Price, $3.00 per Year. The CoiiKlEU is a Family Paper, devoted to the interests of Petaluma in particular, and Sonoma County in general. Connected with this Establishment is a iirat-clasM IN WHICH EVEIIY UKSCKIITION OF BOOK @ JOB FEINTING WILL HK KXECLTEl) WITH " n.:atne88 and dispatch, AND AT ' • o I IS I •A if •A 91 J OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 302 Davit 8t,.S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^^rtl'^.Jri'tri^iS^y^'^^lf^jrt' PACIFtC BUS . c I IS c o E « CO c c (0 O ■ O o o z s o < a. I- 704 California — Petaluma-Pine Grove. ALFHABBVIOAliLT. •Jfffl' m W ■IMiiapJ PETALUMA, SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Best accommodations for the traveling pul)lic. FREE COACH To and from this house connects with all trains. A. B. REED, Proprietor. PEPPERS' NURSERIES. ESTABIilSHED. 1M5S. For sale a jfencral oBsartment of FRUIT TREES & SMALL FRUITS ALSO, Choice Ornamental Shrubs, Roses, etc. A limited supply of Cook's Seedling Ap- ple, one and two years old. Cata'ogue and list of jirices fnriii'fhed on ap- plication. Address W. H. PBI'PBR, Petalnma, Sonouia Co., €al. CONTRA COJTA Livery, Sale I Boarding Stable, S. J. CANEIfASCIMI, Proprietor. Cor. Wostsm Ave. ani Zslbr, Sts , PKTALVSIA. Carriages, Mm & Saddle Horses On the Most itcusonablc Tonns. Particuhr attention given to Itoardiug Ilorsee. Peter's Station, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, Junction of S and C Division of the Central Pacitic Railroad, where change of cars 13 made for Milton, Oakdale and iStocktou. It has 'i.ti inhabitants. Flarity P. hotel Webb T J, saloon Petrolia, HUMBOLDT COUNTT. Macky Jno, postmaater Rudolph, Gill & Co, gen mdse Sanders, Tohiil k Co, gen nidse Phoenix Mine, NAPA COUNTY. DaveBport Ci, R, justice of the peace Hill G P, gen m I" m rn o ■ S o m $ (A CO no o o -I OB in CONTHA C Wholesale a EL DORA H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sae, PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thi> aiodel €>omni 'atmaster Frazer 4 A, blacksmith L: cko J 1{, wheelwiiglit O'Brijii Mi"3 Mary, liquors BERNARDO FERNANDEZ, Wholosale ami Ilotail Dealer in CEIIEmilEECElillDISE, GROCERIES, TAINTS, OILS, Glaiwwarc, Ilardwnre, Ktc. ALSO. WINES, LiaUORS & CIGARS, Opiiosilo Kailioad Statlun, PINOLE, CAL. Pittville, SHASTA COUNTY, Is situited oil I'itt river, i i the eastern liiirtion of the county. H bus stngu comiiuiiiic.ition witli Redding, imd iL jtends on stock-raising and agricuitur tor its support. M irks L, hottil PENROSE C, gPi> mdse and postmaster Youiige C, feed stable Placerville, EL DORADO COUNTY, One at the oldest raininz towns in the State, and origiiial'y called Ilangtown, is the county seat of ona of the tinost fruit growing counties in tlie St.ite. The inin- iiig iaturostd, which have for some tim'3 boeu at low ebb here, are pickiii;; up 45 with the development of quartz and gravel discovtriea of late, and prospects are bidding fair to make this place one of the most important of tlic inland towns of Califoriii.i. Aldju S J & Co, drugs Aldersoii Rich, li juors Ald>•r.^f>u R .Ir, U S gu.aper ALDERSON THOMAS, g«n mdso and l).iuk T Allen II S, gunsmith Anderson J M, surveyor Bailoy James (J, deputy sherilTand con- stable Ball :r(l & Siirimona, liquors BARS3 F F, watohin.iker and jeweler BARTHOLOMEW & PRATT, livery, sale and feed stable Bella Augclo, lii|Uor3 , ■ Blair T & .1, lumbar Blanchard oh J W, hirnesa, saddlery, leather findi'ig.-., ""v. lug machines and tire- nrms Ditson \Vm, liquors Donahue Win, eler'^ Cary llouao DONAHUE W M. propr Cary HouRe Dunn I), blacksmith Dunn Nelioii, carpenter and builder Eisni & Co, dry gootU, cluthiug and no- ti')ns "EL DORADO COUNTY REPUB- LICAN," li F Davis propr I o> a. CO I -_M. : -ti. 1 OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO^ 302 Davis St^ S. F. w WW MnMT Aft IIP JL rt\ fittovfn and Riuicr*, eoo different -^.sm, itylM tni , «. F. PACIFIC B i! i ! ii IL CO ■ CO c (0 o ■ o *-• s 2 C C CO O d o i I 706 California — PlacervUle. ALiniAIIKTICALLY. Elliott Rev — , pastor Methodist Church FALES W M, painter Flashni.in Mrs lulln, milliaery J'ox John, horseshoer Fraser Thos, notary public Gallanor G \V, attorney at law Gait Thos A, r.ssessor and collector Giobenhi.im Mrs M, brewery Gilbert G H, photographer Glynn P W, dentist Graham Rev, elerijyman (Presbyterian) GRAVES & HALL, groceries aild pro- vision Green Benj, gunsmith GrilHtb H .1, marble works Grubb Mrs Thos, milliiery Haunnan W IT, liquors HETTICH FRANK, butcher Hilbert Charles, bakery and confec- tionery Hoftneiiter Fredk, hotel Hulburd Canning and Drying Co, II G Hulbiird siipt Hull A P, drugs, books and stationery HUNGER FREDERICK, intcher Inch ?>helley, st.^tioiiery and varieties Ingham (ieo 11, dist atty Irwin Clias F, atty at law .Jersey D, bill poster Jolinson W H, birlier .Jolly & MeLure, drugs and druggist sim- dries .Jones Chas H, deputy sheriff and deputy treasurer Keespe .Jos, gen rndse and varieties Kemjt Wni, cooper KEMPTHORNE J H, liquors Kiene Mrs E, hotel Kimble Geo N, county surveyor KENNEDY A J, atty at law and U S deputy collector Kuhn .S \V, pliysician Kunkler K \V, physician Landecker Isaac, barl)er Landecker L, groceries and {irovisions LAHTG D, proi)r Placerville and Row- la .i -t;ij-e Line LIKE»8 W W. atty at law l/^»r/ A .), postmaster, fiyt, W F& Co Murkhin .1 M, i»<*la water manufr Meiig)(*r Frank, reataurant Mell John, liciuors I Merrill C E, coroner and public adminis- trator METZLER M C, butcher Mierson, Jewell & Co, gen mdse and bankers • Morey H S, machine shop and foundry "MOJNTAIN DEMOCRAT," W a Selkirk eUicor rnd propr Mull M A, watchmaker and millinery Myers Geo, li piors O Keefe Jos JS, bartender l)on;.liuo Ex- change Parkluirst O P, gen mdse Patton & Meyer, blacksmiths PHELPS C E, liiuors Placer\ ille Academy, K B Conklin pmpr PLACERVILLE AND ROWLAND SIAGE LINE, t' i> Ling propr Placervdli! and .Nhin^le Spriajis t>cage Line, I \l Stephens projii; Polhemus Eri •. clerk (.'ary Houae Post li F, carpenter Proctiir A M, jjhysician Rogers Julius C, tailor J^ulleri Jos. liijuors Scott Mrs, laundress Sciiultz H. li juors SELKIRK W A, ecUtor and propr "Mountain Democrat ' Sherwood Biiuj, justice peace Sieg Fredk, liquors Sigwart J A, watchmaker and jeweler Simon M & Sou, gen mdso Simpson J. as, bakery Spencer W E, dentist .S(juires Ogden, atty at Uiw and notary pul)lic Stepliens 1 R, propr Phwjervillo and Sliiiigle Springs Stage Line STURGES J B, stives and tinwar > Stewart J 10, agt W U Tel Co Theiscn Jolm, ex-sheriil' Tracy A N, boot and shoe dealer Tucker Daniel S, constable Tyson C, dentist VEACH S M, l>ropr Central House W EATHER WAX & WOOD WARD, hardware, tin aiuJ stoves Williams (ieo E, superior judge Witmer E W , county clerk .lud recorder VVonderly N, blacksmith and v/agou- niaker Worthen H \V A, physician YARNOLD R, groceries and hotel Zeisz Jacob, propr California Brewery PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING HOUSE l«th and C'aMtro NtrprtM, Oakland, I'ul. I No. l*i\ Kearny Mtrcet, ' Mau FriinriMco. lbs Larfetl and Moit Complete Priniing and Publishing House on the Coast. '^^9(r o o c: as H > F o "I ■< CO c: o o 10 "So Is II 81 II Vi South Side Oldest OFFICI And lias tlic L w • mam Til 3 (/» Pacervi se cu a o o -a ■a .si Leave PUCE o E s: {/> CB 01 o STEA Affording Tourist JT o Sunimil of the Si< ^ — 1 Cuaclics are fitted X o c (A (9 » 9 o TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Biumauer A Co., 'Slilll^vVir Pla YOLO ("offnian A, blac't French Henry, ec Waldorf S W, ge Plaii MERCl Is 1 2 miles southi Abbott ft Ross, 8i Abbott W W, ho livery stable rUHE POR vi,.^,<^..»4.J.>- PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ru.i'%1i,?:«SV^;:?Vt!»W. h "So If California — Placerri'le-Plainshurg. 707 A'l'lHItKTTAMV. ^ e 3 C ESTABLISHED, 1864. W. A. SELKIRK, Proprietor. South Side of Main, Two Doors below Cary House, Oldest DEMOCRATIC PAPER in Caliiornia. OFFICIAL PRESS OF EL DORADO COUNTY, Air.l has the LAR(iEST CIRI.'ULATION of any Papei in the County. i Placenille anfl EowM's Stap Im o 03 i C/) C3 CARRYING U. i^. MAIL. Leave PLACERVILIE SUNDAYS and iHURSDAYS at 5 A. M. For ROWLAND'S, connectin,t,' with STEAMERS AT LAKE TAHOE, Affordinjj Toiiiists and Travelers a 'Iclii^hlful trip tlHou;^h the trolhills and over the Summit of the Siurr.i Nevad is lo this most l)eiutiful Lake ol the Co;Uin?nt. The Cuachi'a are fitted up expre.isly for the cuiiveiiience and comfort of the passengers. O. D. LANG, Proprietor. o CD \ Plainfield, YOLO COUNTV. Coffinan A, blac'vsinitb nml wagonmaker French Henry, school teacher Waldorf S W, gen intUe and postmaster Plainsburg, MERCED COUNTV. Is i2 miles southeast of Merced. Abbctt ft Ross, saloon Abbott W W, hotel, agt W, F ft Co and livery stable Albeck A J W, Ren mdse Baucainpen & Heacock, blaeksmith and wa'^onmakers Bdwden Wm, hotsl Dale .1, bottinaker Donovan J3anl, constable Howoth Nelcou, saloon Jacobs Abraham, gen mdso Lander A ft W, wugonmakers l^ander Andrew, justice peace MePhtnon — , agt S P R R and W U Tel Co . McPhcrson W B, agt C P R R McSwain John F, agt Granger's Ware- house Co Ross A H, constable n WA \.' '('■ ' yA ry i?E PORT WINE, fir ttttUti Pimo, 902 Davis St, S. F. w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., n"»T\%vri:nr.",rjs;««'eVvSfA>j^^^^ M I 11 IL CO ■ CO c '(5 s a CO s ■MB 3 ki IL 73 C C (0 O ■ O o o z s < I- o 708 Californ la — Plainsh urg-Pleasanton. ALPIIAUKTICAI.LY. Sage Chas, meat market btaiiton John, hotel Thorup John, gen mJso and postmaster Van Camp & Hicox, blackainith uud wagonm.ikers Waller Jiimes, blacksmith Welch P Y, uotary public Piano, TULARE COUNTY. Atkinson & Hopkins, groceries B.boock L B, blacksmith BeiblJoscph, bliicksmith Lloyd J VV, m 111 contractor EusscH Gnio H, carpenter and photo- grapher RusKoll P J & J H, livery Thompson A J, mail contractor Tulare City to Piano THOMPSON WM, commiision aud po&tmastcr Flatea» SAN BENITO COUNTY. PLATEA P M, postmaster Pleasant Grove, SUTTER COUNTY, Is 25 miles southeast of Yuba City. Branta Wm, physician Barrows O, contractor and builder Brouniii;; FCJ, hotel Donaldson A, notary puhlic Phillipps I, waponmakcr SALISBUfiO S A, gen mdso and post muster Saunders I D, blacksmith iSchnyiKr A P, architect Schnyder & Phillipps, blacksmiths Fleasanton, ALAMEDA COUNTY, Is named for its pleasant location; it is « thriving village ou the C. P. It. R., 42 miles from !San Francisco. It has COO inhabitants. AKENDT H, gen mdso, postmaster, express »gt and commission mcrchaut ANDERSON CHAS A, barkeeper BENETT JOHN, aalouu Basa Cyrus, physician BILZ J A, blacksmith and carriage manufacturer Boydston U A, C P R R agt and W U tL'l opr Connor Jas, boot and shoemaker Darcy M, saloon DEAVELA S, boot and shoemaker DETJENS H, Germania Hotel FARMERS' HOTEL, Jacob Johnson propi ijtor GERMANIA HOTEL, HDetj ens pro- prietor GO YETTE JOHN, saddler and hamess- maker Harris Wm, livery stable HARMS AUGUST, aaloon and fiiruur HERBERT MRS M. dressmaking Hewitt Andrew, constable and collector HORTENSTINE & STOVER, gen nidse, dry goods, clothing and fancy goods JOHNSON JACOB, F.nrmers' Hotel Koib Philip, bakery and confectionery Mark I M, physician MORRIS MRS H, dressmaking Muipliy -I no, hotel Myor, Chadbounie & Co, grain ware- house and lumber Napier Wm, saloon Nelson Mrs Matilda, restaurant PALMER J R, atty at law, notary public and insurance agent Pleasanton Hotel, Wm llairia propr Pinkney M, hardware, tinware, stoves and farmers' tools Schwartz Jacob, bootmaker Silva M S, saloon and barber shop •Stoane C B, carriagoamith TvansTheo R, produce WATERMAN M & CO, grain deal- crs and warehouse Wellcr H 0, agt for Waterman & Co's warehouse WHEN YOU go to PLEASANTON DON'T FAIL TO STOP AT Gdoi Board and Hoozns. NIaslo HcalA 3.1 C. Iloai-d uad Ixtdslnic. per day. #t OO Board and l^odKiuiCi P^r wei'k. 5 00 The o.d'»t and l>e8t kopt bouso in I'leaatntoD. JACOB JOHNSON, Frop'r. -< O m m ao e CD cx IT S* 9 O (A O a s 5' a o H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. H. PALMER i wm* PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »^»,'£5:»«f:^r*M"/«':^V„J„^r-r'' California — Plymouth-Point Arena. 70D e «0 » I t » e o ? u o t( •J 8 (9 3 (0 o ■ AI.PIIABBTICAM.V. Plymouth, AMADOU COUNTY, Is reached v/a Latrobe, 48 miles from Sacramento. It is supported chiefly by the mining interests of the locality. It has a population of 900. BLOWER JOHN, bootmaker Brace M 8, liquors and omfectionery Coblentz S & Co, gen mdse Coleman S C, hotel COMMERCIAL HOTEL, B W Walk- er propr Davis J D, tailor Davis Thompson, livery strible DUNCAN A H, gen mdso and drugs Easton T W, propr Forest House Ekel J J, coiistablo Empire Gold Mining Co, E L Montgom- ery supt Falk A, gen mdse, agt W U Tol Co and manager for Wells, Fargo & Co French Uoo, watchmaker (Jazzolo (} B, li(plor.^ and boarding Heilr.ith J, stoves, tin and hardware and blacksmitliing Hiiikson & (Jcsslor, livery Irvine It C, harnes-t and saddlery JACKS3N JACOB, barber King Sol, liquors Kliiic (Jeo, carpenter lA.'onliardt !•', liipiors LEWIS MRS S G, postmistross and varioties mLLER W E 0, butch r M >nt4omery E L, supt Empire Gold Mining Co NEEDHAM J E, uadertikor NEEDHAM & PEARSON, cjutrac tors and biiililers Nickolaus Henry, butcher Norris Bros, liquors I'eirano Davcfuio, winery I'otter K !S, phwnber licevcs D I), juHtioo of 'iKiaco and deputy mine surveyor Heynolds A J, barber Kii:li:ir.lson H M, notary publio and justice of pjaco .Salmon Jno, varieties Smitli A C, p'lysici in Stimpsiin .S F, piiysiciin T.iylor Mrs Mary J, dressmaker Tiiylor Wni, l»arb>ir WALKER D W, propr Commercial 1I..U1 Watkina Thos, confectionery Wenzel A, blacksmith ;uivl wagon- maker Weston W S, l)0(>tmakor Williams J C & Co, geu mdso Point AreLa, MENDOCINO COUNTY, Is reached either by the Pacific coast steamers or N. P. C. R. II. and connec- ting stages; distant fr>im San Francisco 140 miles Arthur & McClurr', gen mdso Bacon T F, physi iaii B mrns R, i)Jotmaker Bowen A S, constublo Brelle F, tinwiiro Chalfant A, carpenter Cohn J, tailor Curley C M, livery stable Dillon Biibt, piinter Fowler W, harnessmaker l^ '. p >Jtm:i3t3r and agt Alhnan's Stage Liao (Juimhy D S, hairdresser lli'yiiolds .F A, tannery Shcppard L F, i)Uotogr.\pher Sp^l ling (ten S, atty at 1 iw Steiiil>jr:;er C If, physician Stevens S S, i':n\) 'ntjr Svinoads II S, watelnnakcr Warren J B, m irket m o o o W 9 9 m • a KB «? »• 2? ?! n p. PETERS, DKAI.I.n IN General Merchandise. POSTnASTEK. • AGENT AllMAti'S STAGE IINE, Point Areni, Cal. a -o O CD CD (/) ' mA 1., k' H. PALMER & CO., Native Winas, 302 Davis Street, S. F. WW MnNTAfillF & nn ^^''^'^ iron, an Hir.«m an«1 Nnmbern, 110, . f¥. rnunil HUUC a UU., ll« 114. no, audi in Ha — 1 1 iff 1! ■);! ■i < > U I- O CO ft: < o ■k III tc o (0 O 3 O CO » III H < < <0 o Mattery Ht.. M. F. PACIFIC Bl 710 California — Point of Timher-P< 'er Valley. AI.PIURBTICALIiT. Point of Timber, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. Buah n inry, blacksmith Carey J i^ ^^, justice of peace Comiers Byron, black'^mith (rallapher H C Mineral springs Jaqnillard Tiieobcld, blacksmith Lipiiiiiu Jsi.lor, gcii imlse McCabe J P, pos'.mastor Wilkeuiiig H, lutel aiul liquors Fomo, MENDOCINO COUNTY, Is a small tradiii'^ pose iu Pottor valley 16 miles from Ukiali. Puj) illation 5U. BRANSFORD Z W, gen mdse anil postmaster Coolley T j, blacksmith KiIl)ourii W B, gen milso ^'uttiM!,' H C, iiotcl PartenMrs M, liotel Sti'cet C \', boutmukcr Redd II C, atty at law and notary pub- lic Sigler W L, constable Stolz Peter, bootmaker Stoneman V E, hotjl Williamao:! (I A, juatioo of peace and notary public Port Harford, SAN LUIS OIJISI'O COUNTY, On the Southern coast, 201 miloa bclov/ San Francisco. Pomona, LOS AN(iEI.ES COUNTY. Alexander IjU(\ uen mdse lliiusu P 1*', 8 llimn Kirkp.itric!; \\ (', pliysician -Mills .1 .1, ,itty at law PARKER J B, P">^tm:isti,T and justici' (if pe i(;e Uuth 'I'litMi, yen mdsu and clni^s Toanor P C. attv at law Porterville, Tl'I.AIlE Cdl.N TV. Al)l)v A A, livciv stalili' Alf.-V,! H M, [iliysi. i.ni i5:ikir ii(ii). It, yen iiid.-tii IVIkiiiji V (r, 'I'lilr iiiviT Indian agt Ht'UiiiLi.slcy J 1), livery C.iriDll .l..i'k "n :at m ir^vot (-■hapiriaii P il, ! iiysician and druggist Ciinnir .1 !•!, lienors F.iy & 'i'wi^clK'll, Itlaeksniith.-i Field .1 T, ujen nin & Hilton, llnuring mill Mi^rrii! K P, drujjgiat Putnam II Porter, gen mdse Crirrco A, hotel MANDERSCHEID GEl, W U Tel Co and a,t .S L () and S iM V K It Port Wine, SIKllUA COUNTY. Abbott N B saloo-i CAYA M, hotd, livery and pootmiister Isjin m •!, iiotel Lowid .1, hotid Kudu'c Mr.-', saloon Wollf M, brewery Potrero, SAN IMK(i() C0I;NTY. ^IcAlinond L" 'J, pD.stmaster Potter Valley, MKM)()(;i.\() cot .\r\ , Is a lively little |ilaeo IS miles from Ukiah; p ipniati.in 7'». \\.\kvv 11 \V, lidtjl 11 iyl'>r I' "-li'', inidi'rt ikcr B JYES W R, ii t.i Car iiT Ani'irosi', bootmaker (,'i r.icr l\iidi.ir.l, t.cd mill Carne.' M, b i.s'votm ikcr Clark Pi'V. cli r.vnian CJMPTON T J, postm:ist'jr and gen mdse' Durd.'ip Kcv |{ 1{, eliT.-ynian iMi^elman I* D. undertaker Fo.ster .lacob, Macksmitii itader \\ \\ varieties and photographer Pidide K F, lii|U(ir.i Whitney B P, blacksmith -o C3 m Z o O -* CO P od p; o SAN DI ^^ H -< CO Blaisdell S G, h i/t canvasser ?? fU Chapin S, nun « Dods'.n N ir, ati = 1 •%# FRENCH £ D f- muster II It Luce S C, grocer • C9 9^ PriB B ^t O COL I 7T • t< O * ij Is a nice little ag; fi» J i'diabitant-i; roac Hams; distant 'J4 C/> o r-' Aldersloy & 15 -nt 5a B.'utley D, agt \1 ter Crroll \V F, iiot -1 Chandler Clias, .'■ 5" K gle Dr, drugji: 1* Flemur Tony, livi ta (. l'\-lis .1, l),irl>jr 3 ca. (leotiVrt A A, sa dies ^ Hilton & Covt.r, 1 a makers o 4 MoColh^in 1), sal 3 4 Miiri)li>' TlioH, m fcs liol)iiiso;i S A, re o and justii'e p.;a •a £X .S'uitli .>te[)he.i, g n> ■»V^ "■ -i >> Pur o •a ^ SA.N MA 'O o a •4-9 Doln i-ty IJichari ^ CO loon O P. I.immle F & Co, Uhuile & Co, gen w n O — o P Qiiic e M VOf.O O o o ( ^1 Q S Mi 1 Co, pq sMirn s E, p. r- •H Qm tj TLU.MA CD o A Is a mining and -♦-» eoiinty scat, has •?. 0} reached iiy stagec • » li.") miles. It is v in Ameiiean valk TRY MURRAY S MAGIC O.L L.BlumaujrdeCo., **;:i'urj;:;vlT PURE PORT ...„., . . ^:i«.»*.««K» PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ^''^rn^e'^rS ?:,f;v,,Sr''- CO CO fU RS ex. k • ^ Pi • w d Bw »• ^• at O ! •M •H 0} O I ^1 n to •H o California — Poivaij-Quincy. 711 ALPriABRTlCAIiLV. Poway, 8AN DIEGO COUNTY. Blaiadell S G, horticulturist and book canvasser Chupin S, nuraeryman Dotisoii N H, iitty at law FEEXCH E D, physician anil post niusttT Luco S C, groceries Princetown, COLUSA COUNTY, Is a nice littlo agricultural town of ."iOi iiihabitfint-i; reached hy stages from Wil Hams; distant 'J4 miles. Aldersloy & Bjut, tlouri i:^ mill Bv-'iitley D, agt W, F & Co and p;)3tmas tcr Carroll W F, hotel Chmller CIuis, saloon K gle Dr, dru^ji.st Kleniur Tony, livery stable Fi'lis .1, l),irl>jr (icdll'irt A A, saloon, harnesj and sad dies Hilton & Covt.'r, hlaoksmith.sand wagon ni ikers MoCollein 1>, saloon .Mni'iihy Thos, moat mirkct Uiilnasoii S A, restaur, tilt, notary piililic aiiU'[)ln!.i, gen imlse Purissima, SAN MAlT.o ror.NTV. Diilurty llirh.ird, ptistmasiter and sa 1(1(111 L iiniiile F (t I'o, hi. eksinitlis lihode (t Co, geii mdso Quicksilver, ( ;1 Q S Mi 1 ( '(), gen ind-io SMITH S E, po.tmisler Quincy, and surrounded hy the Sierra Xevada range. The healthfulnesa of the climate is among its most attractive features. Blach T, cnunty assessor Byers Wm, county clerk Cate L F, physiuian Chapman ■) M, ins agt Cheeny W A, judge Clough (t, superior judge Clougli & Kellogg, attys at law Cohen A, gen mdse Dempster .las, dentist Kdward .1 E, liotcl and mnrkot Fisk H \V, coroner and public atlminis- trator Coodwiii .1 r>, atty at law Haguard '1' ll, county treasurer Hail F (1, county siipt of schools Hall A, liijuors H.dstead I' L, sheriff HapifOdd X ir, justice of peace Hoadel C W', surveyor Hi^yward 1', li'juor.s Hogan K T, atty at law Hughes li 15, varieties HundleChiLs, county surveyor Kcddie Artlinr W, surveyor ivellojg W W, atty at law and notary public K-teiiuin .1 A, cmiuty recorder Kiihn (icd, b idtmaker Ijawr.'Hce C H, hotel IjCc C, gtiii nidic Owens Criliith C, b:irber I'oi-ter ML, jiistic of p'ace •'PLUMAS NATIONAL," Wm E W.inl editiir liobiiisoii iMiucati, e:ir[iiMiter S -hlattT Will, bivwcry Variel U H F, varieties, atty r.t law and di.t atty Van Orl-'i S A, watches and jcMclry Ward Win l], editor " Fhnn.is N.^tional" Wiiitlook .1 11, gen mdse, agt W U Tcl, ins ■Alii and postmaster "WHITING £ B, county clerk and autUtor I' I. U.MAS (JUL NTV, I.H a mining and agricnltur..l town and ciiiinty seat, has a weekly papui', and i.s reached by stages from Oroville, di.stant (i."! miles. It is very pleasantly situated in Ameiican valley, a very fertile region, m ao z CO -^ CD 00 P- m 39 CO u> B to ta i F. B. WHITINC, CONVEYANCER, Searcher of E:c:rd3 ana Titles, aUINCY, PLUMAS CO.. CAL. Al)-tr;u'ts > f Tltlos iiiiui(,' lit slioit notice. P;iri,i('-i doaliii'.' ill I!l'!i1 I's'ut.' shoiiUl I'C silt s- Ik'd iis to (■ iiiilitioii .if Tid^ b foro piiicliiisiii^;. .V f w ('() liir< senu'tlnics e\|Kii(liil \'% ¥ ll :3 il • m I E 9 P o CO ■^v I ■ .: ■ .i; »i it: PURE PORT WINE, for Medicinal PBrposes. 302 Davis St„ 8. F. IN, W. MONTAGUE & CO., n".T'7,y'.ln^T«^^^H^VV!y;Jt'V^'^ ■ IL <0 (0 c : o « "S c c n O d < 'C 'I- •12 California — llvilrond Flat-Red Bluff. AI IMIMIKTIC'AM.V. Railroad Flat, CALAVERAS COUNTY. Clnrk W V, siuvniill McC'aity I), s.iwnull TAYLOR EDWIN, postiua.ster gen mdao and Ravenna, LOS ANOELES COLNTV. Bowers \\ C. agt S V R IJ,\V, F & Co, \V U IVl Co II nil postiuastor IiiKy Jas, gou iikUc Red Bluff, TEHAMA COLNTV, Is the county scat of Tcliaina county, and has a inLiiiii'ip il form of j;i>vornnu'iit under a cln.rtiT of iiieiir|>or.ition. its top(»:;r;i|)liy iis desirable for the extensiini of its limits, Ihiiii,' on ;'■ natural osplan- <■ de on tlie west l)ank of tlie Sacrani 'uto river, at the he;.d of navi^'.ition, and on the l)re::o:i Divisimi of the Centi'al I'a- cilic llailro.-.d, 1M5 miles from .Sacra- mento, the State capital. Its natui'l i.dvantages f>ir a permanent and ste;;dy growtii are of such a nature and so mul- tifarious as to warrant tlio helijf tln.t tho place will hfconie a city of ccMisid.r- al»!e imp irtince in a peri id not very '■mote. It is snrroundi'd l)y a very i-ieh iiody of agricultural 1 iinl, and tlu op- pi'rtnnitie-i for devi'lupia^ th^! stock- r I'iii'j, horticultur.d and cere.-.l-pruihic- in^ inter, sts are nianifo'd. 'riuse fac tH are l)i.ing taken advaiit.ij.;c of yearly l>y j).'rsins wliii eiiga;4e in tlie pursuits of the hnshandman. New lauds are h.ia;,' leiifd up, ami an iiicrease in tlie acre- .;e sown t> ;^r in and otliersvioC cidti- v.ited is aniuudly l).'iii'4 ni ide. Kver_)- thiuu iudi^'cnous to tln^ lititud,; urows luxuri.intly, and l:ir.!c cropi are yearly harvested, it is m duly to the a^ricu,- tural iiitercst.s that the rajiid t;r iwth of the place is due, tiiouuh lund)er of splen-j did (juality is niaiiuf.icturcfl i i gr^^.t 'c woolen mills, as the liaik of the wool grown in Southern and l-^astcrn ()i-c,'(in and Niuthern < '.difornia (las.ics throu^jli this place. 'J'he yearly pr.iduct of wool of Teh.-.nia county reaches aim ist l',000,()00 pmnd.s, which is a great source of rovcnue to iti capital. \Vith the superior facililijs for the matiufac- turo of woolen goods olTered by unexcel- led water privileges taken advantage of, we think un investment in such an on- tcrpri.se would bo aproiitable one. The popuhition of the place \i put down at i<,500 people, and it lias a full coniplo- meat of f.ictoriea, mills, etc. Its citi- z.'iis are endowed with a spirit of energy ami public improvement that adds gre.itly to their high recommcudatioii of intelligence .ind mor.dity. The public schools are spoken of in the highest tjrins, a perfect system for the education of pupils seeming t;) lo the result most sought aft'jr. All the reli;4ious d u.inii- nati Ills are r.'pre.sout.'d, while a sub- .stanti.l l)..nk su[)plics the rcsidjuts with capiti 1, ami two newspapers furnish them with local news. Allbri-ht FT M, bl ick.smith ANDREWS J, ptopr J{ed Bluff Hotel A.diurst & lJ;'ayii.ird, attys at l.iw BAHNEY W^H, druggist, st.iticmory, wat'jlies iind jeivclry BAiaD GEO, saloon BANK Ox'' TEHAMA COUNTY, ^V \\ C ho nio c.shii'r BiiNKS JEROME, atty at law and notary public Bitrl C.idwal.ider Ch s, pres Bank of Teliain.i CAH03NE W B, ca.shiM, WACHHORST. importer of je''*i;Tr3*DJi;mrud«. 315 J St., Sac u. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''^^iXrvI!^'!!^:!:X^.'^i^;r.Sr''- E c in JC u (d « o o <0 >^ u I. (d w X o o z y .lackson, comity asHessor EDWARDS WM, propr Littio Giant Saloon ELLISON J F, attorney at law Kppcrdon Daniel, wagonmaker ESTERLE A M, dentist IICKERT C W & SON, furniture and niidertakiug, wall paper, paints and oils FINCH. BURTT & CO, «en m . FISH C E, piopi- Palace Salooi FOSTER C F, slieritr Frank Samuel F, forwarding and wool buyer GARWOOD WM, food stable GERSTENBER'GER & KUHN, watelies and jewelry Greene Chas If, county clork and re eordcr GRIMM J F, hainlresscr liirkniaii Klijali, coroner and udminis- tr.tiir HICKS MRS JB, millinery and fanny g(joil8; als > ice cream parlors and lodg- iiiii biiuse HOOK M R, real i state, insurance, no- t,:ry public, justice of peace and claim ilg(!llt HUNTER S J, furniture and bidiling llutcliiiison l> 1', cii^armaktr Jones T .1 & Co, liLicksmiths and wag onmakors Kiii.;8lfy's (ilove Factory Klot/, If, nieit market l^aiidis .hi'), saloon L;inijc G W, liairdresser LANGE L H D, hides, pelt.«, furs, t»ll()W and produeo Leonard it Siwtfll, guns and gloves r^ewis K .1, superior judge Lilian! Lafayette, county surveyor l-iugseheiil A, boots and slioes LOGAN JAS D, Ik iidresscr L"iiniis A .1, pork packer MALLERC WD.s b.on MATLOCK J T, attorney at law and ili^triet attorney Mayliew C K, saloon Mayliew F.I, tlour mills iNLiyliew (J II, gen mdse Ml Giirtliy Giias, lM)otu\aker McCarthy phil w, wine room Morris & Campbell, dry goods and mil- linery Oleadorf W D, physician Olmsted M L & d', goii mdso Otto C, bootmaker Owens A G, harness and saddles PAYNE J A. propr Wool Exchange "PEOPLES CAUSE," (daily and weekly), .1 H I'ryor propr PHILLIPS L P, fruit dealer Piorco G W, livery Prater \Vm, mo;.t market PRYOR J H, propr "People's Cause" RANTZ H C, a-ent Singer Manuf Co, Mam RED BLUFF HOTEL, J Andrews propr Jkichart & Collino, harness and saddles Koberts J B, livery ItobinsoM Ibiiiry, saloon ROBINSON W R, saloon and restau- rant ROSEVEARE ROBERT, druggist Uyan T H, piupr gasworks SCHOENFELD S D, books, stationery, jewelry, cutlery, guns, ammunition, music 1 instruments, toys, fancy guoJs Schroder A ilk B, saloon Scott P G, county tr.iasurer "SENTINEL," (daily and weekly), A Town- a Si U I- 'a Pi H:V !"> Ml H. PALMER & CO.. Native Wines, 302 Uavis Street, S, F. r ' WW MflNTAftllP A rn MlK'eC Iron, all miafm and Numb4>ni, 110, PACIFIC BUI ' ■ * 1 714 Cailfomia — Red Bluff. AMMIAnitTlt'ALLV. 09 CO S p Z CO SAMUEL BLACK, ■o o iiiryl.1 CMJi TJII Corner of High and Fine Sts., near Main, WEB MMJWWo CAIL. « & > c o E To CO T3 O c c (0 O ■ O o a z S o < o z p H 3 O mmn m m: clothe, Made up of own cloth, and A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. First- Class WofUmanshi p. Has on hand th: LATEST STYLES of Goj^s. W. H. BAHNEY, UlvM,i:il IN Drugs, Medicines, Paintsif Oils BOOKS .\: STATION KRV, Clocks, Watch i:s and .Jicwkluy. pub: wines ano mmm mwmv use. Cu;it<)mcrM will (Itul inv Sicick nf MKIiI INEii tifiiiiilete, W'lrriiiitiMl ;,'riuiiiu^ mid of till; Ijosl qilii ity. Main Street, Eed £M. Tremont Hotel, Main S:ro:t, Red BlufF, J. W. DUROKSS, . PROl-RIF/rOR. Tlii-i house has bcPM tln^roir.'hly ruiiovMtCil ninl ii now tliu LeailiDg Hotel in Norilicru Califoriiia The Bst Hotel in the City. Free 'Bus to ;uul from all tr,uii>;. J. F. ELLISON, COBNER MAIN AND OAK STREETS, RED BLUFF, CAL. ^1 09 B O ST o o a a. ^ o a o 3 3 CD O '9 '9 ?? CO -1 X o c w (9 0> (9 Practices in all the Courts of the State. Collections ■ ■ Promptly Made. TRY MURRAY'S LUNG Ali3 LIVER B/ILSAM. Joseph S. Coi H. PALMER i T5 a (8 £ Q. (8 w do Hats i Caps, Boots! Shoes, BE0CEEIE3 AHD PEOVISIOKS, Grain, Produce, Etc, ORDERS SOLICITED. l\ 3s ii 'J H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. ' I 1' 1 V t ty IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 IM 1^ u, m Sf Bi * 2.2 2.0 U III 1.6 ill V] 7] / Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ \ rO^ \\ ^\^\' -<^1^ 33 WKT MAIN STIIIT WnSTit.N.V. )4SS0 (716) •73-4S03 '^ ll i I I i:i ft WUf imMTAPIir JL rn moTenandRanK^*, II00dlfferantilMt,M)1«uid . ft. mUn I nuUC Of vUm T«H<>m4. iin. 112.114. llAand IIS B*tt«i7Sk.,8. F. 1L CO » 4 c "5 S e 716 California — Red Bluff. AliPHABKTICAM.V 'V 'IE, nAILY AND WEEKLY. ESTABIilSHED 1!V 1800. The Oldest Newspaper publiHhed in Tehama County. ■> (0 s IL « C C (Q o ■ o o a z S o < a o z H 3 O Published every SATURDAY and Daily, at RED B.LUFF, California, by J. H. PRYOR. BOOK & JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT THE PEOPLE'S CAUSE is published in the midst of the finest Agri- cultural, Wool-Growing, Manufacturing, Lumbering and Mining Region in the Upper Sacramento Valley, of wliich it is the Representative Journal. , THE PEOPLE'S CAUSE advertising rates will be furnished on ap- plication. J. H. PRYOR, Publisher and Proprietor. ROBERT ROSEVEARE, DEALKR IX Drugs, Medicines $t Chemicals, TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use, IlED BLVFE, CAL. « . Physicians' Proscriptions carefully coinpounded at all hours. S. D. SCHOENFELD, Dl,ALKU Booh, Stationery, ffatclifis, Jew olry, Tab!e and Pocket Cutlery, Guns. Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Cro>;l.-cry, Glasswnre, Musicnl InslrumentF, Toys, Perfumery, Willow ware, Yankee Ni)tiiins, etc. Arrent for Tehamn Coiiity lor Steinway Pianos. Mason A HamL'n Origans, Ma^Ic Stop Or;|^aas, and WJson Sow.nj Jllaohines. MAIN STREET, BED BLUFF, CAL. H. WACHHORST. importer Of ji;::L3>%!^'*.;ds. 315J$t./Sao. o o 30 -< O m m so (A e or (A o e 3. ■0 e ;i o I P PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th^ aioiel C^mnerplal ColIrM of tit- Vonmt. S9M> Po?«t Ht.. H. P. e t) E S ffi i t in S fit 1 « e i e e € Id « o X to a o z CO California — Red Bluff-Redding. 717 AuiilARKTlnAutV. C. VOLKER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Clothing. Ladies' & Gents' Furnisliing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, JOBACCO, CIGARS S YANKEE NOTIONS, Main Street, Red Bluff, One door South of the Tremont HotoL Orders from the Country will receive prompt attention. CO' MRS. J. B. HICKSi DEALER IN MILLINEBY SO OSS, Fanc} Mh Ladies' and dil'dren's Ondemear, Etc., Etc., Main Street, Il3d BM, C&l. Ice Cream Parlors. Redding, SHASTA COUNTY, Is the northern terminus of the Oregon Division of the Central Pacific Railroad, and has a population of 500. Every- thing indicates a healthy growth, und its destiny as a place of commercial im portance is assured. The country sur- rounding it is agricultural in its nature and is capable of supporting a dense population. It is also the southern tur- niinus of the Calit'oruia and Oregon Over- land Stage Co. It is the entrepot of a large area of thickly populated country where wool growing and stock-raising are extensively carried on. AVERHL G W, dentist An derson E G, carpenter ASmfUSLD J, carpenter and builder Bemis ft Whittmore, saloon Berry E, st oves an d tinware BOISE ft BENVIE, blockMoiths BOLTOK JO, laundry Breslauer D, gen mdso Breslauor N ft Co, gen mdse BROWN M M, meat market Bush C C, postmaater BTTSH & JOHNSON, oommission mer- ch;mt!J andfi)rwar hotel, restaurant and sa- loun Chr.ppell J N, agt Oregon Division C P ItU Close & Glaszer, blacksmiths Centner J, merchant tai)or Cook Mrs E A, carpet weaver Craddock John, livery Curtis E D, physician DICKINSON £, fruits, etc Eckels 8 A J, drayman and constablo Fader L .1, livery and corfal GLEAVES J M. di umst GLEAVES & LAWRT, druggists Greenwood Jos, bootraaker GroveH (ieo, express Groves Mra G, millinery Gruttnor O, bakery and saloon Hall J 1{, saloon Hoff Peter, meat market Hyman M, watchmaker Kauifmann I, gen mdse LAWRT J, physician Levy E, dry goods Madison John H, barbar Major ft Culverhouso, propr Redding and Alturas Stage Line McCormick Jas, notary, assist postmaa- ter and justice peace McCormick Soaltzer ft Co, gen mdse Miller Frank, ^eu mdse MORRIS B R, harness and saddles, Tehama Mullen Bros, livery and feed stable FENNSTLVANIA. BOARDING HOUSE JAND CORRAL, J George propr Parker E G, saloon , Powell ThoB, iMotmaker Quinn ft Chmpbell, restaurant BEDDING HOTEL, B Conroy propr C^ C/>' IM- PURE PORT WINE. IrMKacliilPirpinei, 302 Davis St, S. F. Will UnyTAI2lir JL Pfl Stovenan, gen merchant Jamieson P, plumbar Kaufman Mis li, fancy goods KENNEDY MRS A' A, pr.prss Hotel De Redwood Kincaid H, dist atty King H, hairdresser Kirkpatrick C A, physician KreijsK, brewery Kuck K H, liquors Leary D J, painter Loveland E W, physician, county coro- ner and public admini:strator McCarthy P, boots and shoes Millikcn A, physician Mullen D, hur.icssniaker NEUNKOTTER C E, iquore, Main Nolverta Mrs R, dressmaker NUTTING H N, atty at law. Main l^frang J, bakery, Bridge Phelan & Kind, millinery Plump G, gen merchant Pool J no, express Potter G R, agt S P R R Prebble G W, gen merchant Projonovirt P, chop house Rice Geo H, searcher of record* Robinson E, drassmaker Robinson J L, boots and shoes Ross G C, atty and notary public ROWLEY E 0, atty at law and pub "San Mateo Co\mty Journal" "SAN MATEO COUNTY JOUR NAL," R G Rowley publisher Saunders Bros, lumber dealers ScoHeld H A, justice of peace Sertors F, liquors Shankey W, boots and shoes Smith T J, gen merchant Spinier J, hairdresser Stattbrd & Dugan, livery stable Stafford J, gen merchant Stephans H, nursery STEWART WM, druggist, Bridge Thiol G A, jeweler ' 'Times and Gasette" (weekly), San Mateo pub Co Tremont House, Chaa Ayera propr O (A -< O r- Q ao a I 8 m 9 X o i r pi ? e sr ii: TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumauer &Co^ 'STf iHivali eUSINESS PENMANSHIP Piwtlrally tancht nt PACIVIC nVMI- CO 00 C3 CO (/> 09 bP CO k4 ft e ■ c a. c c 3 IL c (8 » (0 (0 lb California — Redwood City-Rio Vista. 719 ALrllAHBTICALLY. Underbill A, cigars, fruita, etc Walker Henry, county clerk and re- corder Walsh Michael, ins agt WELCH R C, collector, police judge, iiisurauce pnd real estate ag'^.nt Whooten F, painter Wilcox W J, county treasurer Latouratte P H, carpenter Kublee Alfred, stockraiser Whitcomb Jus, stockraiser Williams N, physician , HOTEL DE REDWOOD, A Wild and Healthful Mountain Resort. In the Santa Cruz Mountafiis, 20 mile < from San Jode, 15 iniluH trom Siinta Criiz aiul 10 iniluii from Muiitcrey Uay. Dellghiiul Camping and Reciedion Grounils. mtaic"*! for Manta Cm^., connecting with tlio South I'uciflc Cn-.ist Ktiilrouil, pass the Hotel daily. Price per Week, - S7.00 Table (jood — proved by tryin_;^. MRS. A. A. KENNEDY. Pioneer Drug Store, Main Sti<:et, Bsiwooi City. Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, TOBACCO, CIGARS, School Books, Stationery, &c. POST Ol' FICE. WILL FRISBIE. Rio Dell HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Painter Mrs Amy P, doctor FAINTER 1, propr lUo Dell House aud postmaster Biceville, TEHAMA COUNTY-. AITKIN A B & CO, postoffice and gen mdse Bonham B B, physician Cannon J C, blacksmith Davis Wm, livery stable Donovan J J, meat market (ranlner H S, hotel and livery stable Liersch Wm, blacksmith Lown M, carpenter Million Wm, hotel and liqaors Sapper J B, bootmaker Sichland, 8A0RAMXKTO OOUNTT. A postoffice on the Sacramento river, a 1»w mike below Saorameato. V, Ripon, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. Dickitiaon E C, school teacher , Dickinson S W, blacksmith Finch—, MD Funk Jiio, c irpentor Kiimey David, c;irpenter Leury J O, section boss Praeter A, hotel Pygall Geo, shoemaker Strahle Jacob, billiard manufr Swett Jno, carpenter Wright 1 S, storage merchant YAPIE D F, gen mdse storage and commission Rio Vista, SOLANO COUNTY, Is situated on the Sacramento river, dis- tant from San Francisco 73 miles. It is finely laid out, has a population of 500, good public schools aud also a young ladies' academy, (St. Gertrude's.) This is quite an important shipping depot for fruit from the surrounding country. • ^— ^— ALLENDER & HORET, fruit, vege- tiblos and confectionery Boll P, tinsmith BROWN B B, propr Biver View Hotel Bruniug Jos, lumber dealer and ware- house Calvert Frederick, wagonmaker CHASE E M & L> fruit, confectionery and iiewH dealers CHRISTENSEN M, wharfinger, wood and coal dealer CLARRIDOE GEO A, propriet j- S^ew Western Hotel CranalA H, gen mdse CRANER S, gen mdse Davis Chas, planing mill Diusmore E F, pastor Congregational Endicott R H, physician ERLANGER ft OALINGER, gen mdse aud agent Commercial Union in* ■urauce Co m o w s H. PALMER A CO, Fraotignaii Wine, 302 Davit St, 8. F. WW MnNTACUE A CO >*anp« m c o E a CO 720 California — Rio Vista-Riverside. ALPIfABKnCALLT. c o • o o a z S o < a. h O Fallman Bros, blocksmithB and wagon- makci 8 FEROTJSOir WILUAH. blacksmith and waffonnjaker Fiscns J Tl, livery stable FItASER OEORGE, butcher Gavan Jiio, liquors Gurnel Jacob, liquors Hadlpy S, blacksmith and machinist Hench Mrs £, boots and shoes HoMerbach Jos, blacksmith and wagon- maker IngorsoU J D, justice of pence Johnson ft P]mi^, warehouses KEIBN^N THOS, undertaker and picture frame maker Lawsou H, liquors Ij<'fl)er Jiio, physician Mi.lone Jno, bootmaker Mnrshall Sl Smith, butchen McGraygh Danl, liquors MERKITT CHAS ft CO. dmga HERRITT CHAS. manager Montezu- ma Tel Co and notary public Miller Louis, painter Montezuma Tel Co, Chas Merritt man'r Nelson Chas, liquors Norenpcra M, liquors HEW WESTERN HOTEL, George A Clarridge propr ORTNER O P. tailor Parker Miss A E, millinery and fancy goods PETERSON ANDREW H, livery stable Randle P \V, physician RIVER VIEW HOTEL, B B Brown propr Bol)erts O W, liquori Kublo L C, postmaster Rutik Mr' L C, hotel SORENSON S P, furniture dealer nntj propr iSorcnson's patent chair braces Stiill C M, harness aud saddlery .Stumm F J, jewelry and millinery THOMPSON GEO, liquors Wadsworth Wm, gen mdso Weslar Geo, barlier WILCOX, RUBLE & DOZIER. mdse and agents Wells, Fargo & Co Wilson J £, horseshoer magnificent orange orchards. It is ii quite a prosperous condition, and its outlook is decidedly promising. It is on the South- em Pacitic R. R., 7 miles fiom Colton. gen Riverside, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, Is a new and most delightfully-located place of 1,200 inhabitants, surrounded by a rich agricuUcral and fruit-growing district. The climate is 8ui>erb, and the town is quite a resort for tourists, owing to its many natural features of attrac- tion. Among thtt most noted are its Allen J, physician and surgeon BoydJohn, saloon Brown E G, justice of peace and ins agt Burt B D 1- Bro, gen mdse Carroll C J, bakery and restaurant Conway E, atty at law Craig Wm, propr Riverside Hotel and justice of peace Cross Rev WmH, pastor Congregational Chiirch Cunningham G D, blacksmith and wag- onmaker Cunningham R F, propr Riverside House, real estate and ius agt Dickson & Preston, livery stable Gill C J, physician and surge a Q. 3 o o a 3" a o a (D e e 1 I e » N mi 8 H X CD 9 O S CO d PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ^*^ .r«i:^./^riJ^;.,s?e":r California — Rlverfdde-Rohnervllle. 721 ALHIARRTICALLT. Shagarb K D, physician and surgeon Stoiio John, meat morkut Vial A, Hilooii WiliKr Chas, barber Wilioii Rov Wm, pastor Episcopal Church Boberf s Landingf, BAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. ROBERTS MARTIN, postmaster Bobinson's Ferry, CALAVERAS COUNTY, Is on the Sonora and Mokolumne Stage Itoud, miles from Suaora. Salaro Peter, a[.?n milse WOOD HARVET, postmaster county suxiervidor third district nill and Bock, YOLO COUNTY. BEATT JOHN, blacksmith and post- muster Cumsjy D C, quicksilver mine Bocklin, PLACER COUNTY, Is the fl.-iRterii terminus of the Sacra- mento Division of the Caitrid Panitic 11. R., 2'J niilea from that city. Its lo. C!:tiou in quitJ pretty, and its support is derived cliieily from the mauhiao shupa uf the Railroad Comp:)ny. BURCHARD J P, H-inors CASSIOY JAMES, liquors (Jlyilesilale Joha, ins agtaud collector Crocker L I>, groceries DERRICK Wm. livery stable Dunn Edsvani, b>)otmakcr JVedorick fi F, tailor GOVE MRS L, proprs Railroad House (inmt Diial, liquors JOHNSON OEO, hairdresser LAYENSON M,gen mdso Lcvison Dros, gen mdse McCONVIIjLE a, cigars and tobacco McGREEDY Q W, propr Trotfs Hotel MTJIR J A, agt and train master C I 1' R and mannger W U Tal Co PFOSI JACOB,T>*kery EODRICK FRANK, hairdresser Schle^elmi'Ch Mrs Mary, hotjl Schmitt Adam, saloon Sehnetzc W F, meat market SMITH B F, justice of paa^e SMITH L0> <>ruggist, st itinner, notnry public, pmtmastor, agt V7, F &; CV> and iii9 ugt S9ULB OB. l»l"o'^ SWEENEY JOHN, liquors' and groce- ries, depot Taylor .J N, granite Walden Jamos M, constable Wood E P, physician Bohnerville, nUMBOLDT COUNTY, Is situated on the Eureka and Clovepdalie road, 2*2 miles south of the former p^ico. Its main supports are the lumber, wonl and agricultural interests of the locality, which are very valuable. The town U built on a healtliy site, and is in a flouridhinqr condition. It posseses a good hotel, a newspaper, printed al- together ill the town, and a grist nnd sawmill, the latter a cumx)letc establish- ment.' Ash G O, pastor M E Church Bamum W S, ins agt and atty at law Bo wman D aniel, blacksmith BREWER G H, blacksmith BRIDQES H J, boots and shoes and hairdresser CRABTREE S H, furniture and bed- ding nnd postiniister Davis HAP, justice of the peace and watchmaker "EEL RIVER ECHO," W H Runnels publishor FEIQENBAUM J & BRO, gen mdse FELT T D, livery s.ablo and physi^ cian Fields J L, paator U B Church GILL A M, gen mdse, hardware and agricultural implements (Jrav George, market * KEYSER & CO (Rufus Kcyser ^nd' S> H Little) hot«-l KIMBALL JOSEPH B, grist and saw- mill < IjeachF, blacksmith and wagonmaker LEVINOER M, agt W U Tel Co i MIDDLETON THOMAS, liquon MILLER JACOB, cooperage PERROTT MATHEW, livery and feed st.'iblo Perrv A M Mrs, millinery PEaRY P, carriage maket Reynolds — , bootmaker 46 ■ 1 H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wino, 902 Davis. ^ S, F. m o <0> I? mJ -;»? 1 i WW linMT ACIIP Mt f^t\ MtOTm and Iton|r»a, boo diffarmt iIms, rtylM an.| • !¥• HlUra I AUUC « UU.f |»ttemii. llo, U2, 114. lis ud 118 B»».t«nr St., 8. F. 722 i \-\ •o 2 I > o 1 O o o S < t a o California — Rohnerville-Ruthevford. AliPHMmiOAIiLr. BXnniELS W H. propr "Ed Riverl Echo " and dealer in varieties Siapson Georse, harneaa maker Smith A I\ blacksmith TYBHELL A J, drugs and varieties, and a^t W, F & Co Va'i .Sickle Thos, saloon WEEKS TgT.TJATT , liquors White Emery, bootmaker Roseville, PLACER COUNTY, A small agricultural town at the junc tiuu of the Oregon Diviaioa and the muiu line of the Central Pucitic Kailroad, 18 miles from Sacramento. BERBiT JHO C, carriage, house and sign painter BEART T A, saloon and barber BLAIR JESSE, liquors and billiards Fitzgerald J M, blacksmith and wagon Jones Thos E, agt C P R E, W, F & Co and VV U Tel Co EEEHNER CHARLES, blacksmitli and propr Double "A" Hi>rrow LEWIS WMi blacksmith and wagon - maker Miles Nathan, restaurant Moore & Elliott, livery stable and sa- loon NEFF D S, Eoseville Hotel Neher Si Co, harrow makers Niles Wm B, phy&ician Pierce Mrs M C, restaurant and varieties PRATT J D, gen mdse and post master Scott .Tames, meat market Scott W, (i olden Kagle Hotel THOMAS & SON, gen mdso WATSON J R & CO, liquors Aough and Ready, NEVADA COCNTT, Is an agricultural and mining town, 8 miles southwest of Nevada City, on the Marysville stage road. Crowell C H, school teacher Hill — , shoemaker and harness Melbourne E L, saloon S chlot tleaur E ti, gen mdse SCHRODER JOHN F, gen mdse and postmaster Stein W, dry goods Single J, blacksmith J. F. SCHRODER, DEALRR IN BOUGH AND BEAL7, Nevada County Cal. Round Valley, INVO COUNTY. o (A O Q ao H r o 00 e STOUTENBOROTJOH J H, gen mdso and postmaster Routier Station, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, A postoflSce on the S. & P. K. E., 13 miles from Sacramento. Bryan A W, stock dealer Carpenter E (i, capitalist Dougherty W J, constable and collector Hicks G D, miller Mahew Leon, saloon Menke A, hop grower Patterson A D, justice of peace, post- master and agent Sacramento & Plac- erville K E Routier James, fruit and wine raiser Schmidt Herman, blacksmith Taylor John B, stock raiser Rutherford, NAPA COUNTY, On the California Pacific R. R., 14 miles from Napa City. O a S0 ui 3 p» MB! a (0 e ■a -o o 0) a: § r T 9 Carpenter D H, physician Chopson Thos, justice of the peace Hortop H, blacksmith Lockwood F PJ, gen mdse ROBERTS W B, postmaster Smith E B, hotel Wyatt W H, railroad agent TRY DR. QUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSII^ESS PENMANSHIP PnM>tlpally taasht at PACIFIC B17MI. !«RM«4 roi.lJK«aW. S«0 Vnmt Mt.. M. V. California — Sacramento. 723 ALPIIAHRTICALLT. tt! c *>» a t 0) J a (8 ft! £ Q. C8 Sacramento, SACRAMENTO COUNTY. Situated on the cast bank of the Sac- rnmcnto river, in the lovely valley bear- ing the same name, is the handsome capital of the Golden State. Until the year 1870, she was the western tirminus of the Central Pacific Railway, the na- tion's grandest highway; but with the construction and immediate consolida- tion of the Western Pacific with that line, this honor was surrendered th the "suburban city on the bay,'' and she DOW contents herself with the title of a station, which that event conferred upon her. However, the possession of the machine shops of the powerful cor- poration is a source of great revenue, as there arc constantly employed about 1,000 operatives, and through this fact her loss amounts to very little. Besides the Central Pacific, there are several other lines of railway which converge and diverge from the city, and they must ever prove valuable factors in the promotion of her commercial interests. Her position geographically is decidedly favorable, rendering the business men of the city invaluable aid in enlarging their trade, which, in their absence, must be circumscribed to very narrow limits by the competition of >Siin Frauci«co mer- chants. By the energy and enterprise of her .citizens, who have always been alive to the development of their city, slie has reached the second place as a commercial emporium, and we besjieak for her u continued growth and an hon orcd place in the rank of tl le most sub- stantial cities of the coast. Her many avenues of trade are ornamented with splendid structures, well paved with cobble stones and biilli.nntly illuudnated with gas, while many of them are tra- versecl by lines of street railway, and well drained by an excellent system of 8ewer:igo. In the residence portions of the place the roomy yards, studded with palms and ferns, and ablaze in most seasons of the year with rare tiowera, there are many objects of attraction. In the possession of magnificent private homes, Sacramento will compare favor- ably w ith any city of the same size in tiie Union. The railroad depot, con- structed in the summer of 187i^, and the beautiful capitol building are features of the place that deserve special notice. The former is composed principally of iron and glass, is upwards of SOU feet in length, and is conveniently subdivided into compartmeuta peculiar to itself. The latter is a handsome structure, very commodious and attractively situated in lovely grounds, and surmounted by a dome, ISO feet in bight. Its cost was in the neighborhood of $5,000,000. The city is also well supplied with dailv and weekly newspapers, the "Record- Union," a morning piper, taking rank in age. The " Bee, ' an evening jour- nal, is a sprightly sheet, and the "tState Democrat," a Democratic publication, issued in the morning, and the "Jour- nal," a German semi-weekly, ably represents the class in whose interest it is published. The press of the city is a credit to it, and the circulation of the papers show an appreciation that is commendable. The con- struction in the past year of many substantial business houses and resi- dences, and the contemplated investment of capital in similar improvements the {)rcsent year, is a happy commentary on ler future growth. Ihe population is estimated at 'J6,000. Abramovich John, fruits, nuts, candies, etc. Third and J Abrams & Tuney, contractors and build- ers, 401 M AGEERMAN & CO, crockery, glass- ware and plated ware, 62t> J ADAMS C E, hay and grain, 727 J Adams McNeill & Co, wholesale grocers, Front and L Agard J J, insurance, 101 1 Fourth Agricultural Park, Alleu Roberts propr. Twentieth AITKIN & FISH, marble works, lil7K ALBERS CONRAD, naloon, rm K Albion House, Mrs R Mazeaux proprie- tress, 510 K ALEXANDER D E, atty at law and notary public, NE cor Fourth and J Alexander Mrs Mary, tailor, 806 K Alexander S, clothing, 800 K Alfaro Isidore, saloon, cor Front and P Allen David, agent VV U Tel Co, Capitol Allen J F, ma«ager W U Tel Co, Second bet J and K Allen J H, bootmaker, 820^ K ALLEN ROBERT, lessee Agricultural Park and liquors. Twentieth and G Allmond John D, sewing machines and cloves, SOtt J Allmond Miss Katie,photograph colorer, 806 J. ALSIP E Ki secretary Occidental and Union Building and Loan Associa- tions, 1016 Fourth ALTHOUSE JOSIAH, Baloon, lOOS Fourth 30 3 n» (H D PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis SU S. F. IV. w. Moi^TAGUE & CO., v.T'7.'^^^T.r«:i*!.v\?'isr;-.v^.v^ II. CO i c « B IS o I 0) > o E 75 CD c c (0 O O o o < 0. I- h O 724 California — Sttcramenio. ALPIMBCTlrAliI.T. Amnrionn BiMe Society, 1023 Ninth AMERICAN EAOLE HOTEL, T S Wilkiiisoa propr, J and Twelfth Anderioii & Bt>r^, p tinters, 810 K Anduivon J, meichaiit tuiior, 1018^ iSixth ANDEBSOK ft JOHNSON, fnaliion- ahlu inon^liant tailorH, lUlti 8oveuth Anderson Rev T H B, clergyman M E South ANDEASON W A, attorney at law, NE cor Thinl und J ANOBEW A, mannger Continental Oil anil Trausportutiun Co, 07 and OU Front Andrews Asa P, secretary Sacramento Pioneer Association, Seventh bet J nnd K Annis 'f hos, wood and coal yard, 420 K Anuido Hot<'l, Thomas Guinoau propr, Se4on E C, president Sacramento Business College, 710 I AYhtiY J M, president Capital Fur uitiire Co, 010 J AXTELL FRANK, manufr Goode nou;rh Bed Sprinif, 622 K Buokus •Samuel W, adjutant general, Capitol Bailey Josrph, agent for the.itre, 423 K Biiilcy W li, harnesxmuker, 1030 K Baker B, hotel, 818 K BAKER & HAMILTON, hardware, n)j!ri>-.ultural implements, wagons, etc, 10:», 111, 113 and 115 J Baldwin C C, grocer, NE cor Twelfth and (} Baldwin W H, physician, 1029 Second Baptinte J ft Co, cigar mannfa, 320 K BAT^IBER M, hay and grain. Eleventh and J Barnes Chas, cigars, tobacco, sacks, etc, 910 J Baron Chas L, barber, 624 K BARRT JNO, liqnors, lOS K Bnrtlett J A, manAger Studebaker Bros Mannfacturing Co, 217 and 219 J WART.TeW. GEO A> propr Fountain Liv- ery Stiibles, 10 04 an d 1006 J BASLER MARTIN, saddler »nd bar nessmuker, 1003 K BATCHELOR, VAN OELDER ^ GO, miinufs, (for Pucifio Coast), Spring Tooth Harrows and Cultivators, and dealers in agricultural implumoutj s;02K BATES GEO E, attorney at law, 914 Fifth BATES GEO ft CO, hardware and agricultural implements, '103 and ^07 J Bauer Bros, tinners and coppersmithi 729 K Baumle Frederick, cooked meats, 426 J Bayer & Co, grocers. Second and BAYER EMIL, grocer. Second and Bi*als H S, photographer, 415 J Beard M li & Co, 8tationer>, news, etc 312J Bearnson N, stoveo, fumitnre, crockery, glassware, tinware, etc, 829 J BEATTY H 0, receiver U S land oHice, Fourth and J BEAUMONT DUNCAN, land agent, 1018 Seventh Buckman VVm, president Peoples' Sav- ings Bank, Fourth and J BELL ft KOLLIKER, druggists, SW cor Sixth and J Bummercr August, cutler, 519 K BENING BROS, furniture, bedding, crockery, glassware, (new and second hand), etc, 1019 Fourth BENNETT ft HAftVEY, propr Sac- ramento Sign ^Vcrks, Ws.i Tenth Bennett Mrs H. proprictrAs Larduer b uildin g, Fifth and K BENNETT I, fruit, candy, cigars and tobacc, ".>20 J Beniiott Miss M, dressmaker, I and Sev- enth Bennett Michael, saloon, 807 J Bontlcy Rev Robert, clergyman, (Metho- dist) Berck L P, grocers, N\V cor Thirteenth amlK Bcrgmann A, picklo and vinegar fac- tory, L Bcrkoy T H, county clerk, Court House Bernard H M, blacksmith and carriage raakera, L and Sixth Bertin Mrs E, drossmaker, 919 Fifth Bertin P, upholsterer, 919 Fifth Bcttencourt J S A, barber, 1031 Front Bien Louis, dry goods, SW cor J and Eighth « Biewener & Hagemann, meat market, B'onrth and M BILLINGS E L ft CO, wholesale li- nuors, 417 K EILUNGSLEY ft CO, wood and wil- low ware, 311 and 313 J BINOAT MRS E 0, teacher of draw- ing, Ninth and K H. WACHHORST calls attention SHwSlSZSS'- 315 J SI i PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. •rth«* 4*oaHt, HIM Pomt Ht , M. F. Ctdifornin — Sacramento. Ai.pii^Nin'ioALt.r. 725 Bishop Chai E, county nipt schools, Court House If BU'^siog & Guthria, propr Capital Hotel, Suveath and K Blue lUnl, bootblack, Alo Vaults Bar- ber Shop, 302 J Bohan J, rostuurant, 45 Second Boeckliott' O, dyeiug and cloauia;^, m K Bohl Potor, real estate and ins, 3^5 J Bnhror Josonh, linuors, fi*^2 K BOND & HtJNTSMAN, millinery and fancy goods, 523 J BOOTH & CO, wholesale groccrn, Front Tlii« iii the oldest firm in the city; flrst established in the Spring of 1850, und< r the stylo of •' Forshee, Booth & Co.," composed of John Forsbec, L. A. Booth and Job Dye. The tvro latter gentle men retiretl in the Spring of 1851. About the sauio period Chiirtcs Smitii and Newton Booih established busi- ness under the namoof Smith ft Booth. After the tire of \!^5J, L. A. Booth lH:came u meml)er of the tirm, which was then known us Booth & Co. Kleinlians & Co., established in 1852: Theodore P. and D. Kleinliams, part- ners. The latter firm united witii the Kleitihans coii8titutin<{ the tirm. The KUinhaiiB retired in 18tiO, and Newton l!ooth again entered the tirm. L. A Booth anver be- came a member. This tirm still con- tinues, and that, too, with all the surroundings of prosperity. Its busi- ness relations extend not oaly through the northern and southern counties of the State, but also through the entire State of Nevada. The tiim idso do Imsi:ies8 in San Francisco, under the firm name of VV. W, Dinlgc & Co. Borchers W F, brewer, NE cor Twelfth anilH Bostwick E R, lodgings and restaurant, 1117 Fourth Bottoniley J M, Delivery Co. 820 K BOWERS & LONOASiAUaH. Capital Ale Vaults, 302 J Bowers Mrs, physician, 919 1 BOTD MRS J W, dressmaker, 505 J BOYD THOS, confectioner, 824 J Boyle Miss Katie, dressmaker, Ei'hth Boyiie Wm, marble works, 712 K Brag & Almond, pattern making wood turning, 1107 Ninth Brandt A, lailies' underwesir, 507 J Brannon ft Rooney, carriage factory, 1107 ami 1109 Seventh Brenillin A, baker, 1128 I bet Eleventh and Twelfth 1014 and BREUNEB JOHK, furniture and bed- ding, (i04 to U08 K. BREWER A, Eagle Hotel, 1 J 19 to 1«2I Front BREWER B B, dentist, 628J J BREWER U T & GO. fruit and pro- duce merchants, 130 and 1^2 J, cor Second Brigi'S \V A, physician, 212 J BBlGQS W E, oculist and aurist, 42i»i J Brooklyn Hotel, J E Mooney propr, 83 and 87 Frimi Brothers Misses, millinery, Gil J Brown Bros, bl.icksmiths and wagon- makers, 9*.0 K BROWN B F. propr Bruce House, 1018 J Brown Daniel, blacksmith and wagon- maker, 9i0 K Br.)wn I S, atty at law, NE cor Third and J Brown Isaac, s.lloon, 1214 J Brown J l{. iusuranc, l(tO(i Fourth BROWN MISS EMMA, hair goods and hiiirdresser, 517 K Brown Mrs V A, ludies' hairdresser, 1020 Fifth BROWN W B C, atty at law and not- ary public, IOI8SovHuth BRVCE HOUSE. B F Brown propr, 10I8J Bmner Klwood, ntty at law, G28i J BRYDINO PETER, Tremo.it Hotel, 112 and 114 J Bucikley Henry L, dist atty, Court House Buckley p. T. tailor, 716 K BUCKOWEJnL & CO, wholesale 11- qiiors, 725 K Budil & Forrest, fish, 5 Front Bull«rd Ben Jr, brass foundry and finisher. 918 Third Bursjhardt A 1>, pUbter, I and Seventh BURKE M A,n"mager for Sidsun,VVal- liice & Co. 129 J BURNS D M, secretary of state, Ci Itf I- o CO < < CO o u u CO 720 California — Sc^cramen to, Abl'IIARimOALI laloon, Senond and I Co per (leo, poultry, game, flah vagetablen, 516 K and JNO tancy goods, toys, zophy- Sev- COOFEB music, musical instruments, wools, J and Sixth Coojier Wm J, constable, 916 Fifth Coppersmith J H, grocer, SE cor cnth and G COFFIN R ft CO, auctioneers and , dealers in secoad-haud furniture, 727 K CORBDT J H, liquors, 218 J COBDANO JOHN, bootblack, 424 J Corrada B, hotel, 1225 Front Cordes Ernest, hotel, SE cor Twelfth and I CORRAL SALOON, ChasNessel propr, llUH'hird CossR, stair builder, 1117, Fourth Counts J P, atty at law, I and Seventh Coy Z L, feed stable, 1226 J Crime S S, physici.ui, 1 101) Fifth CRAVENS ROBT 0, state Librarian. Capitol Crescent City Hotel, J E Dixon propr, U21 and 02:) J Crocker B 1{, C P R R and P I store honsp, 101 Front CROCKER H S & CO, priutcrs and 8t:itiouer8, 208 and 210 J CRONIN W F propr Golden Eagle Restaurant, 616 K CROSS SAMUEL, atty at law and searcher ot icconU, 421) J Crowell & Caverly, auction and com- mission, N\V cor Fourth and J Crowley Juo, 8 dooii, 1410 {"rout Cunningham A J, builermaker, 212 and 214 1 CUNNINGHAM J, carriage painter, lllOK Curtis Mrs A C, school teacher, (pri- vate), 604 L CURTIS & CLUNIE, attys at law, !»20 Sixth CURTIS N OREENE, (Curtis & Clunie) Dnhringer k Brown, blacksmiths and wagonmakers, 1 1 1 3 J "DAILY RECORD UNION" Sacra mcnto Publishing Co proprs. Third bet J and K DALE & CO. music, toys, zephyr wools., fancy g^ods, etc, 625 J, twenty seventh year in business Daly .1 S, saloon, 426 K DALT MRS J M, dress and cloak maker, 1012 Third DanG;!er Chas, saloon, 1025 T ird DASSONVILLE FRED, manager Marcus C Hawley &. Co, 213 J DAUOHERTT & CO. grocers, 907 and 90J Front Davis k Hogan, restauran'ti, 302 K DAVIS J F & SON, oarriuges, 1013 and 1016 J DAVIS J rOi furniture and beddings 411 K DAVIS RICHMOND, r«al estata aid: insurance, 402 J DAVIS S H, hardware, 704 J DAVIS ft SMITH, stoves, and" tin* ware, 826 J Davis Wm J, official court re^iortftr and, notary public. Court House DeBARNARDID ft CO, fruitr; fish. vegetubles, poultry, fam^ produce, etc, . 30^ and 310 K De LONOE JB. Diana Saloon, 521 K Dennery Alphonse k Co, crockery. 618J Denson S C, superior judge, Cdnrt. ^{ouae "DENTAL JAIRUS," W OThrailkiU itiitor iin)otmaker, 1011 Nintb< Deuel S A, physician, 407 J DEVINE J C, Capital Marble Works, 722 K DEVINE MARTIN, grocer, SW cor Sixth and N Didiou John, liquors, 414 J Diefeiibacher k Newman, barbers and baths, 223 K Dierasen D, grocer, SE cor Ninth and L Diorssen & Toland, groceries, SW cor Seventh and E DIETERLE ED, Fifth Avenue Honse^ 1015 Fifth Dietrich k Rump, pror Ebner's Hotol, 116 and 118 K Dingley N, coffee and spico mill, 113 I Dixon J E, propr Crescent City Hotel. 621 and 623 J DODGE V C, Star Glove Factory. 101)5 K Dohn Charles, saloon, 90S K ;l DOLE NICK, propr Oak Hall,^ four miles from Sacramento Dombrowcr S, t vilor, 203 K Donahue John, grocery, NE corTwelftli and D DONOVAN MISS E, dress and cloak- maker, 1020 Eighth I Donovan J, liquors, SW cor !>■ and' Third Dorney M L, boot and shoomaker.^ 1305 Fourth DORSET H W, barber, 1319 Front Doraey L P, Fountain Saloon,. 1006.J Dough«r^y Mrs Ann, lodgings,. 122 I£ Doyle Jchn, horseshoer. 1021 K Dreman & S'liels, house paintor.. ITIS J Drew N L, & Co; lumber. Second and S£ m ■B ■• i^ H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street S. F. ^^i'jr 4 IV. ft. Wliri I MOUC PC UUm |.i.tt«»nm. Ilo. 112. lU. lie Mid 118 Battec Ht.. B. f. 728 Californm — Sucramenio. ALPIIABBTICAI.I.V. ID 9 ; ) E u. 18 c c c ■ o «o < DUCK lEWIS, groceries, 420 K DTTCoINa Eugene, hairdresser. 431 K Diiif/ Jdim H, otty at law, Seventh and J DTJNLAP ISAIAH, Golden Eagle Hair drosjing iSaloon, 621 K Duul.ip I'rcsli'jr, (Dunlay & Van Fleet) Dunli'P & Van Fleet, uttya ut law, ()03i Dwinell Rev I E, clergyman (Congrega tioiial) DWi ER M, lifiuors, cor K and Eighth l>wyer iS, gen mdae, NE cor Sixteenth and J Dyer Bros, barbers, 1031 Second EA£L,D W & CO. forwarding and ci>mmi3.>ion EASTERBROOKS J S. drayman and piuiio niovtr ; furniture and piiinos moved with care ; order on slate at •Singer oftice, 41 1 J EBERHARDT "WM, gunsmith and turner, G02 K Ebuit E G, merchant tail >r, 529 J EBNER BROS, wholesale liquorci, 1009 i*burth Ebiicr's Hotel, Dietricli & Rumpproprs, no and 118 K ECKHARDT HENRT, guns, pistol?, it.mmuiiition, etc, 523 K Edaerton Henry, atty at law, 209 J EOL A, fruits and confectionery, 510 J Elder B. crocer. Second and N EHMAHN CHRIS, grocer, SW cor M and Second EIGHMAN & HOCKEL, barber3,517 K Kilers D \V, (grocer, Teuih andO ELDRED £ P, ctishier State House, Tenth and K 'RT.'nyRTt H, propr State House, Tenth and K ELDRED HOUSE, John Conran pro- prietor, 1010 K Ei.KXJS L & CO, whf-lesjde clothing, boots and shots, blankets, etc. Front .■nd .r Elliot Archie, grocer, o02 L I EIIIOT C W, manager for Friend & Terry Lumber Cr, J 310 Second El'is P, bootmaker. Fifth Emery E H, agt Wlieeler & Wilson sew- ing machine:', 527 J Emmons Miss I> H, millinery, 517 J EWERS NICHOLAS, grocer, NE cor Thirteenth and H EWERS OTTO, Bank Exchange, Sec- ond and K Falrti.n Bros, groceries, 8S7 J FAIRCHILD MRS S K, dressmak- er, «KH J FAIRFIELD MRS CASSIE, dress and cloak maker, 8W cur fcixth and J Falkenstc'in J A, bootmaker, 5'J5 K Famsworth W C, sujit city cemetery, 804 J FarrB A, propr Telegraph House, 1222 J BARREN JOHN, hoiseshocr, blO K FARREN JOHN, blacksmitli, 810 K FARR GEO M, propr Mint Saloon, 128 K FARR G W, (McFarland & Furr), no- tary public. Fourth and J Felch \V C, real estate and insurance, 1013 Fourth FELDHUSEN C, grocoric?. Eighth and L Felter Jns I & Co, wholesale lijuora, 73 Front l)et K and L FERAUT B & CO, groceries. Second and N • FerjiUSi)n R C, whitewashcr, 417 M FiUno 1*, grocer, Third andQ FISH & COLLINS, drugi,i,t3 and uii^nutacturing chemists, 1007 Fourth Fisher G S, frnits, nuts, etc, 8i5 J FISHER HFNRY, c:.n.«3K. »«o PMt mu. H, P. California — Sacramen to. 729 e i <0 <0 -a o B O 'S « « o x: o o >« u u «« o Z O C9 13 O X ■ o Abl'lURRTfCAMiT. FBIEND & TEBBY LUMBER CO, C W Elliot matiHger, 1310 fieuoiid aiicl cor Twelfth ami J FRITZ & MILLER, undortakera liori K Froat A L, U S int rev collector, Sixth and K Frost — , clerswman (Baptist) FTTCHS HENRY, varieties, piir-has- inj{ agency nud propr Fuchs' Uuir Be- sturative, o'2d K Fnchs PottT, cigai-8, 405 K flatos M E, freiulit agt, SPUR, Front OATTMi^Jnf J M & CO. cigars and tol»'cc(>, 62.'2 K GARDNER D, wood and coal, NE cor Fourth and I GARDNER L & CO, wood and coal, iSixth liet K and L GARDNER M, physician, 318 J (liihi iiig Fred, hiirncfis and saddluH, 912 J (Jeoi'ge F a, haiidressar, 1014 J Oeorge M is Jos, groceries, Fifth and N do. r^e Wilbur F, i.tty at law, 401 J Gerbcr Bros, whulcsulo butchers, J and Tenth GERBER HENRY, Plaza Moat Mar ket, J and Tenth Gerber Win E, county auditor and re corder, (.'imrt House GILES J W, hairdresser, lOt K GIDLUND & DALEY, painters, ii;.'G J (Jicbel Corneliui', bookbinder and paper- box factory. Eighth bet K and L, Oillitran Miss, dresainakcr, 513 J Gillis 1), lively stable, 917, 919 and 921 Eighth Gill J B, Sacramento Telephone Ex- chance. 6il7 J GILMAN C H, propr Red House, 706 J OILMAN J P & CO, clothing, (124 J GILMER THOS W, justice of peace, 918 Fifth (Jiiisbei'gJSninl, cigars and tobacco, COS J GLASOU L J, >^^cut Domestic Sowing Machines, 017 J GUi.'isiin J J, plumbing and gaalittiag TOOK GluisiHi Mrs Ellen, hotel, 814 J (ioepel H, bootmaker, 803 J (locings R E, dnii;<-i«*t, Wt J GOU)EN EAGLE HOTEL, F A Horn l)lower pn)pr, N W cor F and K GOLDEN EAOLE RESTAURANT, W PCrouinpn.pr, 010 K Goldman S, groceries. Second and J Gonuet A, SE cor L and Sec >nd 600DELL N D. architect, Seventh bet J and K GOODHUE A P, manager Sacramento Lumber Co, Second but L and M Guusner B, billiard table manuf, 515 K GOTTORSKIW,junk, sacks, metal &c, Fifth and I Gottiiet S, meat market. Seventh and N Gouldiu Thos, teacher of phonography and barber, 804 K Grafmiller A, feed stable, 1016 Ninth ORAFM, ivory turner, 10!i5 Fourth Grahler John, liquors, 522 J GRANGERS' CO-OPERATIVE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, W H Heveuer manager, gcu mdae aud agri- cultural im|)lemetits, 1000 K Grangci's' Sti^ble, Robt Hill propr, 1117 Seventh (>rant Mrs, drc!>8maker, 1015 Sixth Gray C A D, cutler, 319 K Greene S A, feed stable, 1019 J Gree'i k Traiiior, meat market, 124 K GREER E & CO, groceriua, MW cor Ninth and K GREGORY J, fruit and produce,* 1£G and 128 J Gregory Rev, clergyman (Baptist) GREINER GEO, piano tuner and re- pairer, 1019 Ninth ORIESEL JACOB, harness and saddles, 10.2 J GRIFFITH S J, Pony Exchange, 75 Front, bot K & L Gross Frank W, ckrk of supreme court GROTH JAMES H, Forest Saloon, 415 K Gruhler E & Co, brewery, SE cor Six- teenth and K Gruliler aud Solli iger, ico and coal, 91^0 Fourth Guineau Thos, propr Arcade Hotel, Sec- ond bet J aud K Guinn W H, b .rber, 1010 Fourth Gullion D H, grocor, NW cor Twelfth and I Gunu E, blacksmiUi, 212 and 214 I GUTENBEBGER WM, Sacr^amento Foumlry, cor Front and N Guth George, grocer, 1131 Twelfth, c<>r I GUTHRIE BROS, plumbers, roofers aud tiunerd, 1'.7 J Hale Bros & Co, dry goods 812 K Habcrkorn W, t.'.ilor, 127 J HAHN JNO, saloon, 924 Second HAINES G, justice of the peace, 1018 Fourtli Haller Oinl, saloon, 1014 Third HALL MRS J R, ladies' hairdresser, 5:54 J HALL, LUHRS & CO, importers and wliolesalu grocers, 228 and 230 K cor Third HAMBURGER A, dry goods (People's Storrf), GOO J cor 8ixth Hamilton Ed R, cashier Sacramento Sav- iaga Bank, Fifth and J 00 o I JO !7 ^i h S.S =3 •*% fi «^ 9 r -i H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Dayis $t,, 8, p. N l! W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., W^^%"^„Vn".^Ki.•eVVS^5;^♦'•A.'*^ IL ■ CO c o iS > c o E CO (8 o ■ o o o < Q. I- O 730 Calif o mia — Si i cramento. AlFnAII1(TICALI.r. HAMILTON W H, architect, 627 J Hammer L K. music and musical iistru- ments, 820 J HAMMEA M S, druggist, Fourth and K Humm Mrs Maggie, liquors, 313 L Hanly J W, Cronk beer, Fifth and I HANNAN P, atty at law, 625 I flanuou Owen, saloon, 325 K Hanrahan M, wood and coal, L and Eitrhth HANSON OTTO, merchant tailor, 408 J Uardesty Thos, fruit and confectionery, cigars cand t!>bacco, 830 K HarKins Juo P, poultry, fruit &c, Sixth and K HABLET JAMES, junk, metals, sacks etc, 918 K HARPER THOS, boots and shoes, 323 J Harris L K, liquors. Tenth and K Harrison T E, restaurant, 306 J HART ALBERT, Governor's private secretary, Capitol Hart A L, atty-general, Capitol HARTMAN G PHIL. Oriental Mar ket, 418 K HARTWELL, HOTCHKISS & STALKER, Sacramento Planing Mills, Front and Q Harvey Mrs S A, Plaza Glove Factory, lOOi) Tenth HASTENPLUO P J, saloon, SE cor T went ieth and H HASWELL & AMSDEN, Pantheon Saloon, 1022 Fourth Hatch F W, physician, 318 J Hathaway A, carpet-beating machine, O and Twelfth Hawley Mrs A M, dressmaker, M liet Fifth and Sixth HAWLEY MARCUS C & CO, hard ware and agricultural implements, 21 1 to 215 J Hayden C C, conveyancer, real estate, fi re an d life ins, 17 J HATFORD BROS & CO, gen mdse, J and Ninth Haymond & Allen, attys at law. Fourth and J HAYS BROS, stoves, tinware, plumb- ers and gaaiiltcrs, 1122 J Heath J 15, watches and jewelry, 820 J Hector John, saloon, 1017 Tenth Hector J O, liquors, 314 K Heilbron A, sheriff. Court House Heilbrou Bros, wholesale butchers, G19 J H eilbr on Fred, meat market, 01 'J J HEINRICH CHAS, groceries, 301 L HEISEN C, Court Exchange, I and Seventh Hellenize W, wood and coal, N bet Third and Fourth Hellinge Wm, wood, N bet Third and Fourth Henessy P J, grocer, 2330 K Henry A G, physician, Tenth and J Henschel J, carriage trimmer, 1111 Eighth Hermm F, liquors, 708 K HERZOQ PHIL, City Meat Market, 118J HEVENTiR W H, manager Grangers' Co-operative Business Association, 1000 K Hey man Arnold, agt Stein way & Son's Pianos, 620 I Heyum H, cigars and tobacco, 602 J HICKMAN P L. real estate and in- surance, 1005 Fourth Higgs Mrs M L, lodjings, 419 J Hillard C, butcher, Third and L Hill & Cornell, grocers, 922 J HILL J F, manufr of and dealer in wagons and carriages, Thirteenth and J HILL ROBT, propr Grangers' Stable, 1117 Seventh Hines E, varieties, 1028 H bet Tenth and E leventh HINKSON ADD C, atty at law and notary public, 627 J HIRSH MARKS, junk, 8I3 J HOBBY & HARPER, white bronze monuments, filters and coolers, 329 J HOCKWELL PETER, Jersey Res taurant, 1317 Front Hodgdon T G, atty at law, 625 I Hodgdon W, propr Mansion House, Seventh bet I and J HOEHN JACOB, coal, 513 and 515 I HOFFMANN A, boots and shoes, 609 K Hoit N S, musician, 1021 Fourth Hook & Falconer, contractors and car- penters. SE cor I r .d Seventh Hook Wm, carpenter, Fourth bet K . and L HOLBROOK, MERRILL & STET- SON, stoves, tinware and metals, 221 and 223 J HOLL S SOLON, atty at law. Sixth and I Holman, Stanton & Co, agricultural imi)lemcnts and hardware. Second and J HOPFE HENRY, carriage painter, 1013 Ninth HOPPER P J, atty at law and notary public. Fourth and J Hopping W C, postmaster. Fourth and K ' HORNBLOWER F A, propr Golden Eagle Hotel, NW cor Seventh and K HOTJOHTON W A & C S, wholesale booksellers and stationers, 615 J Houston ft Co, employment olHce, 1112 Fourth O CO ■< i? CO OS CO c/> «« -1 f >il C9 .?? ■ W c e a o •• Q. a c ■ ^B s (8 3' 4-* c CA 3 mtt i e 11. XI IK e » CO <» c 9» a o j^our Jermiii >t enth «rf JollltHn (0 JOHN! 919 '. (0 0) Jolmso JOHN stubi JOHN! 920 1 JOHNi ■ 816 1 H Johnso Johnso ■ Fron < JOHNI ond m • JOHNS and J TRY MURhAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. rv..w«";i.?^^r/;;i?'H^?w. California — Sacrame rito. ALPIIABKTICALIiY. 731 eo OS CO c/> euca CO fit ft ft c Q. c "5 c 3 O IL » O o M 0) O ■ Houston Joseph W, county assessor, Court House HOVEY J J, jeweler and watchmaker, 1023 Tenth Howard House, K bet Front and Second Howard k Sellers, grocers, M and Eighth Howe Mrs B, dressmaker, 521 J Howe Mrs Lowell, dressmaker, 1107 Eighth Hoyt VV H, plumber, 1010 Third HUEBSCHHAN JKO B, Albion Sa- loon. 5IS> K HUGHSON W A. physician, 628 J HTTNTINOTON, HOPKINS & CO, wliolesale hardware and metals, 2*20 to 226 K HUNT J A & CO, M St Saw and rianing Mill, M bet Front and Sec- ond Huntoon \Vm F, cashier People's Sav- ings Bank, Fourth et Sixth and Seventh JOHNSON GROVE L, attorney at law, i»20 Fifth JOHNSON & HIGNETT, liquors, 816 K Johnson J, cutter, 618 J Jolmson Josiah, supt City Water Works, Front and I JOHNSON MRS L A> saloon, 804 Sec ond JOHNSTON D, land attorney, Fourth and J, res SE cor Eleventh and F JOHNSTON F H, coffee saloon, 617 K Jones C- T, (Martin & Jones) Jones & Givens, general agents for the Glidden Patent Barb Wire, Tenth andK Jones & Ingram, blacksmiths and wag- onmakers, 1011 Ninth JONES MISS L, straw works, 1003 Sixth JOSEPH & GRIBBLE, groceries, Front and I, liquors. Second and I Kaerth J, boots and shoes, 425 J Kaine Joseph, agent Phil Caduc, 1009 Third KARNOFSKY & BURTON, hair- dressers, {at Capitol Ale Vaults), 302 J cor Third KATSCHINSKI B, hairdresser and baths, 508 K Katzenstein & Bradley, millinery, 605 J Katzenstein Geo B, G VV secretary I O G T, Fourth and J KAY SAMUEL H, merchant tailor, 50'J K Kearney Mrs James, lodginjr, 212 K Keating J \V, grocer, 1 731 Eleventh Keber Jno, grocer, SE cor Fourteenth and G Keber Jacob, grocer, NE cor Tenth and F Keepers Mrs J T, dressmaker, flllO Sixth Keller VV B G, attorney at law, 429 J Kello;i2 Ljonard, stoves, luirdware, crockery, funiiturs, etc, 819 and 821 J KELLOQQ MISS L J, physician and propr Electro Vapjr Baths, 1 and Sev- enth KELLY MRS J M, dressmaker, 605 J Kt;lly P, li'iuors. 605 I KENDEL PHILIP, tarber and baths, 217 K KENFIELD D M, state controller, Cipitol KENT MRS G F, boarding, I and Seventh KERTH J G, cigar m:inuf and dealer, 916 J Kerth k Nicolaus, brewers, NE cor Twelfth and I KESTNER P R. wholesale produce, fruits, vegetables, butter, e fgs, etc, 322 .) KESTLER MARTIN, blacksmith and wiigonmiiker, 1012 and 1014 Ninth Kiilder N A, harbor master Kili-y Wm, shirt maker, 1010 Sixth KILGORE & TRACY, grocers, 913 and 915 K Kimborly Mrs D C, lodginps, 415^ K Kimze B, bakery, M and Ninth King M J, groceries, SW cor L and Second Kinny Thos, grocer, 1219 Fourth O z T Gi 3 €A 3 I ri 1 H. PALMER & CO.. Frohtianan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. WONT AGUE & CO.. Wtoven anil Ranffrs, 000 dlffenrnt attM, nylw muI 1 Mivr- l-^ M" 1M, IIP iin.l i|» W«»t»Tr «t. 1 F 732 California — Sacramento. M.i'i»A»»rTin»!,i V. O KIRK H C & CO. druigists, 416 J KLEBITZ & O&EEN, saloon. 1020 Fourth KLEES JOHN & CO, mannf^ of Xasli & Cutt'a Gr liu Sep irator, 824 K Klein A R, saloon, 918 J Klink C F, (Inijjgist, Sixth annt and L Koenii^ K, groeer, Fourth anhne Henry, saloon, lOOti Fifth KORN LEWIS, liquors, 5-8 J Kozminsky L. cigars and t' d»acco, 307 K Krebs C H & Co, paints, oils, glass, wall p.vp(.'r, etc, 626 .1 KAEUZBEROER L. groceiies, 416 K Kripp Fritz, b.,rl)er, 126 K Kr.iptf Win, carriage painter, 913 Eiglitli KUEHNEL M, bootmaker, 928 J, res Ninth and T Kunz Peter, propr Empire Nursery, SW cor Third and K KUHN WM, propr Central Bjer Hall, 604 .J Kuhule Wm, carriagemaker, 1114 K Laml>ert J &, Co, grocers. Tenth and K Liimet E, bakery, 910 Fifth Landos F L, city supt of schools. Ninth andK Lsindrum Mrs JT, boarding house, 1116 Third L ind VVm, jiropr Western Hotel, 203 to 21l»K Luug (tco F, agent and collector, Fourth and L LANQ JACOB, steam dyeing and clean- ing works; <-ountry work promptly attended to, 714 .1 LANSING JAS. propr Intcr^iational Hotel, .^20, 32'2, 324 ;iiid 326 K Liiraway O O, grocerifs, S-ixth and N LARKIN JOHN N, proi)r " Sacra- mento Luader, " 20s and 210 .J Lascano F, eigarettoj and tubacco fac tory, 40i» M Lathrop H C, asrent C P R R Co's ste.imers, foot of K Lanfkotter C, 1 inner and roofer, 1007 Tenth LAVENSON GUS, boots and shoes, Fiftli and J Lawry Mr:* H T, dr .smaker, 027 J L iwsoii Powell S, roofer, 413 K Lee Mrs F, dresjuiuker, 1123 Tliird lEFAVOR W F, propr Broom Fac- t .ry, 10^7 Front LEFTWIGH J W, photographer, 5;:1J Lol<)y Louis, barber, liquors, cigars and tob-iooo, 222 J LEONARD A, real estate, insurance, notary pubic and secretary bacra- munto Building and Loan As^ociatiou, 1012 Fourt'.i L roy .T F, morohant tailor, 712 K LESLIE DICK, liiuors, S\V cor K and Fourth Ltivy M, tailor. 121 K LE/Y R, tiuit and commission, 220 J LEWIS I, groccrijs and liquors, G and Seventh LEWIS L L & CO, stoves, tinware, hardware', g.ia fixtures, crockery and p'ated ware. Fifth and .1 LIEBRICH E F, physician, 707 J LINDLEY & CO, grocers, 212, 214 and 216 K Liiiuro I'r.ink, licpiors, 122 K LIPMAN S & Ca, dry goods, NE cor Fifth and J LITHATJER L J, clothing, 418 J LitzlKTi; M, boots and shoes, 314 ,f Llewellyn & Spoissur, meat market, L and Stventh LLOYD ANDREW, stoves, tinware, plumber and gastitter, (507 K LOCKE & LAVENSON, carin^ts, oil clothe, tentniiikers, etc, 318 ■! Lm^tiin & Antiiony, proprs Fulton Mar- ket, 428 and 430 K LORYA S, clothiiiiT, furnishing goods, boots shoes, bats etc, 207 K LOTHHAMMER A, piano and organ tuner and rei)iiirer, 1021 Ninth LOTHHAMMER LOUIS, saloon, 716 ,) LUCE ISRAEL & CO, marble works, 611 K Lueey B, liquors, 1 110 Second Luebbering.lohn, insur.ince,I011 Fourth Lus:«i X, prnpr Helvetia House, 1011 and 1013 hitth Lutting F, jjrocer, Seventh and N LYON & BARNES, wholesale produce, . 123 a.i.l l-^.) .J LYON E & CO, dry goods, 700 J SE cor MACEWEN ALEX W H, U .ivorsity i'ubliMliiiig Co's agent for California ami a^ent American Metric Bure>.u, 610 J Maina Marco, Chop Hous^ lOOt Third MALINM. blacksmith. 1228.[ M innin'< A, atty at law and notary pub- lic, (Jourt House MANNING F M, Capital Glovo Fac- tors >ind liquoff, cigars statijuery &c, 1007 K Mannoiny F A, painting, glazing and paperliangiiig, 1208 Fourth Muustieiil John, lieutenant governor S (n ao m m no o 30 d *£ » E Mai c 8< u Mai 4 ai 09 Mat » 7; *6 MfT g MA ^tf ta CO S< », MA ID MA 1 CO Mar m MA v.. 30 m c/> ■n S o r- 03 i^oant. a»4» Fo«it Mt . 19. V. to E c o c« CO •c e (0 (A e a> O I- X o o X u •8 Calif orv ia — 8 icramento. 733 AI.PIMRKTIfAMiV. Mansion House, W Hod^don propr, iSoveiith bet I and J Murkort & Driver, groceries, Eijhteentli and M Marktiwitz G, baskets and varieties, 730 J Mi rks Hnrris, boots and shoes, 722 J MAKTIN ED M, (Martin & Jonea) no- tary public, Wj I bjt Sixth and Sevt-nth MARTIN JAM, hardware, 920 J MAKXnr & JONES, attys at law, 607 1 hot (Sixth and iSeventh Martin Josi h, second-hand booki>,605 K MASLIN £ W, secty State Buurd of Equalization, Capitol MuBon Fred, shirtniaker, 102-^ Fourth Matilda Madam, fortune toller, 1213 Four> I MAX'' (TELL GEO W & CO, mnnagers Itetuilers i'rotactive Uuiuu and cuUec- ti»i ajency, 101 1 Fourth McCANN H, merchant tailor, 728 J McL'aragherJ, groceries, Fifth and L McCarthy Michael, hotel • McCarthy michael. saioon, 615 K McCaw Jcmes, wood and coal. Second l)ct L and M MoCLATCHY J & CO, proprs "Sacra- ment.. Bee," Third bet J iind K McCloUun W B, notary public and real estate act, 423 J McCRE^Y C & CO, Sacramento Flour Mills, 1213 to \'2-23 Front McKlaney M, horseshoer, 1118 Fourth McFadden W F, propr .Union House, lliuhth and J McFARLAND & FARR, land and mine attorneys, Fourth and J McClee Bros, livery, 1118 Second nr Tj Mcl^iiinisa C, groceries, Eighth and MoQUIRE JAMES, iron door and shutter manufr, 520 K McK>.y D, harness and saddles, 800 J McKEE MAY, dressmaking, lOOG Seventh McKee S B, nssociato justice MOKENNEY L M & CO, Directory I'liblishers. Publishers Pacitic Coast Directory, including San Francisco, California, Nevada, Oregon, Wusliiau;- ton, Biitish Cohunbiu, Idaho, Mon- tana, Utah and Arizona. PublisihRrs Business Directory and Kailroail 13 Fi-oiit MEBIU3 & CO, wholesale gracers, 109 to 115 K Mechiinijs Exchange Hotel, Jacob Schmid propr, 16, 18, 20 and 22 I Mechanics MilU, lumber, Taft, Totmsn & Farnsworth proprs, M and Fifth MECHANIC'S STORE. Weinstock & Lubiii proprs, boots, shoes, hat-i, dry goods and clothing, 400, 402, 404, 406 and 408 K Me.lley J C, constable, 916 Seventh MEHARRY WM,Ophir Saloon,603 K Meierdierk & Co, groceries. Eighth and O Mcister A, carriage maker, Niuth bet I and J MEISTER JOHN R, druggist, Ninth and K Mendel C J & J H, liquors, 412 K Mondel J H, saloon, 1024 J Mendel & Warren, litpnrs 206 K Merrall John II, tiusn ith and cutler,714 K Merrill Frank, fruits etc, 1028 H Merrill W C, merchant tailor, 516 J Mertes F N, propr Fox's Hotel, 1115 Fourth METRIC BUREAU, (American) Pa- cilic Coast Depository, 610 J, Alex W H MacEwcn agt Metropolitan Tiieatre, 421 K Miller Chas, bootmaker, 1227 J Miller P'rank, cashier National Gold Bank of DO, Mills* Co Miller J H, secty Sacramento City Rail- way Co, Twentieth and K Miller M, livory stable. Ninth be* I and J MTrXIgB. WM B, watches and jewelry, 628 J MILLIKIN JNO M, wholesale liquors. Third anil J MINT SALOON, Geo M Farr propr. 128 K Mitchel & Gilbert, painters, 518 L Mitchell R T, fruits, 1620 Seventh MOnR & YOERK, meat market, 1024 and 1026 J MONNIER AUGUST, watchmaker and juwuler. Fifth and K MONNIER MBIE, milliner, 513 J MONTGOMERY J F, physician, 429 J 63 30 3 !S i m H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., TO.-^ffSn^TirJKttSr-^'^*^' '^* liitt«>ry Strfot. H, W. m IL i ' 734 California — Sacramento. ALniARRTICALLr. Mooney S E, propr Brooklyn Hotel, 85 antl 87 Front MOORE OEO A, pres Paci5c Mutual Li!!e Ins Co, Second Mooro a W, liquo/8, 820 K Morris Michael, tailor, 1027 Sixth Moreliouso Goo W, butcher, 724 K Moriia H, bootmaker, J025 Fourth Morrison R F, chief justice MOBRIS SAMUEL, new8,books, sta J til )nery, varieties and fancy goods, 400 J MORSE N, propr Morse House, Fifth iind K MORSE HOUSE, O N Morse propr Morton Mrs Laura E, deputy state libra rian, Capitol MOTT E B JR, secty PaciHc Mutual Life Ins Co, Second Mott S C, billiards. Second bet J and K MUDDOX GEO, capital pottery and vlcritied stoneware, Twenty-ninth and K MUND CHAS, Mint Chop and Oyster House, UOS Second Mui-phy John, varieties, G13 K Murray B F, carpenter, 1418 Seventh Myrick M H, associate justice Nailor Thos, bootmaker, 1124 Third Nash H D & Co, manufr grain cloaner, 906 K NATHAN AARON.'^igii'S and tobacco, 205 K; (a specialty in photographs of all leadiuG; actresses) Nathan C V, clothins, 628 J NATHAN S J& CO, clothing, 301, 303 and 305 K, NE cor TItird Nathan Saml & Co, clothiin,', 519 J National Gold Bank of D Mills & Co, Frank Miller cashier, J and Second NEART FRED, fashionable bootmak- er, 1010 Seventh Ncidliardt W, carpenter and cabinet maker, 612 L | Noilaeii H B. grocericH, Seventh .and N ! NELSON CLARENCE, harness and; saddles, 327 K Nelson Geo, grocer, Third .ind N ' Nelson H W, physician, 407 J I NESSEL CBLAS, propr Corral Saloon, 11 lit Third Nessel k Garl)c, tailors, 1008 Third NEUBAUER JACOB, ladies' hair- »eo A Moore pres. Second PACIFIC WATER CURE, M F Clay- ton propr. Seventh and L PALMER E B, agt Singer Manufactur- ing Co, 41 1 .1 PARKER J E, harness and saddlery, 518 K Parker J S, wood carver, 808 K Parker Richard, propr St George Lodg- ing House, Fourth and J It If 00 c o CD w o 2J. 5" CD 3 o 3 73 CD o 73 CD -I O C (A CD r PT CD O A' TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. L Parke II '9 I and Parsons Parson . Parsons fce SWc ves PATCI h eler, El Paulk i Is Payen 1 PEARS t, £i Goodi ,4 Pearson i^ Mill, fa h Peltier . Pendery ^:i and J People's < 1 pres, PERK] nia, C ^ PERR1 Sacrai Tenth Petersor CQ Petrie ^A PETRO CdD PETTI C and ti PFOTE >« and hi a PHILB Fourtl Pichot & Pieraccii 522 K PIERSC PI£RS( counts Pike J '1 J Pike & S Piko & 5 !S maker PILCOl Q. politai PIONE] (8 tt Son pi Pizano h Polity, (i goods, Pommer » POSKA X bottles s Post C J Capito Potter I' Cifi POTTE 829 K Powelsoi Fourtl Pratt R CPR depot OLD BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrally tansht at PAriPIC Rimi- iwRM«« roT.i>.«i>K. a»o pnMt mt.. m. p. a (8 O California — St rramento. 735 ALPIIAHKTtOA/.Lr. Parke Mrs S S, restaurant, Seventh bet I and J Parsons James, boots and shoes, 603 J Parson John, bootmaker, 318^ K Parsons, Kilgour & Co, dry goods, 630 J, SW cor Seventh FATCHEN T A, watchmaker and jew- eler, ]023 Ninth Paulk H hi, groceries, 814 K Pay en L, restaurant, 1120 Second, cor L PEARSON AW, architect with N D Goodill, Seventh bet J and K Pearson Amsden & Burnett, Telegraph Mill, J and Twelfth Peltier A, butcher, 1131 Second, cor L Pendery B F, physician, SW cor Fifth and J People's Savings Bank, Wm Beckman pres, Fourth and J PERKINS GEO C. governor of Califor- nia, Cfipitol PERRY MRS HERMON, principal Sacramento Seminary, 1012 I bet Tenth and Eleventh Peterson W F, candy factory, 620 J Petrio Wm M, clothing, 622 J PETROCCHI A, bootmaker, 1 10 K PETTIT R H, cigar factory and cigars and tobacco, 225 K PFOTENHATJER OSCAR, city baths and hiiirdressing saloou, 809 K PHILIP ROBERT, general engraver, Fourth and K, over Postoffice Pichot & Andriiit, grocers, Second and N Pieraccini S, ornamental plaster manufr, 522 K PIERSON H H, dentist, 415 J PIERSON JIM C, civil engiKjcr and county surveyor. Court House Pike .1 T, groceries, 724 K Pike & Seaman, carpenters, 1117 Fourth Pike & Young, blacksmiths and wagon makers. Fourth and L PILCOVICH BARTOLOMEO, Cosmo politan Kestaurant, 403 K PIONEER BOX FACTORY, Cooke & Son proprs. Front and M Pizano Frank, liquors. Third and L Politz (j, clothing and gents' furnishing goods, (500 K cor Sixth Pommer Chas, hairdresser, 608 J POSKA SAMUEL, j>'nk, rags, sacks, bottles, metals, etc, 717 J Post C N, deputy clerk supremo court, Capitol Potter P, harness and saddlery, 202 K POTTER W A, flour (now process), 829 K Fowelson Mrs J A, dressmaker, M bet Fourth and Fifth Pratt R H, supt Sac & Oregon Division C P li R & Cal P R R and Branches, depot Pritchard & Miller, Phcjnix Flour Mills, Thirteenth and J Pritz Jno, liquors, 105 J Prytz Jno, restaurant, 918 Second Pry tz Jno, saloon, 908 Second Putnam Geo E, grocer, 721 F Pyburn Geo, physician, Sixth and I QUANCHI & SIMONI, restaurant, 915 Front QUINN & BURKHARD, capital sign works, 321 J Quinn D H, hatter, NE cor Fourth and J Quinn John, furniture, 405 J RademicherC, saloon, 1011 Second RADONICH MORRIS, restaurant, 1025 Second Raetshmer Wm & Co, plaster decorators and paper hangers, 309 J RAPP C W & CO, sTocers, 511 J Have C H, locksmitii, 1010 Sixth Raye B V, printer, 1109 Eighth Ray J R, surveyor, 429 J Red house, dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats, caps, etc, 706 J Reeber Gottlieb, b;ikery, 823 J Reedft Brown, barbers, 1027 Sixth REED W, photographer, 419 and 421 J REIFFARTH OTTO, saloon, 1014 and 1016 Sixth Rice H H, clergyman Westminster Proa Church, 1610 Seventh RIDGWAY S B, druggist, 214 J RIVETT E & H, job printers, 1018 Sixth Bobbins N W, carriage trimmj|ig, 800 K Robin Chns, clothing, 702 J ROBINSON EDWARD J, atty at law, 628 i J Roddy James, boot and shoemaker, wm Third ROOT, NEILSON & CO, Union Iron Works, 1405 to 1417 Front Rose M R, Capital Iron Works, 904 K Roscufcid Samuel, cigars and tobacco, 304 J ROSS & ANSEL, meat market, Sev- enth bet U and I Ross & Bauer, furniture, 315 K Ross E At, associate justice ROSS RUEFF, whitewasher, 1223 Fourth Rothfeld Bros, dry goods, NE cor J and Sixth Roth S, harness and saddles, 619 K ROWAN J P, carriage painter, 1111 Seventh RUHSTALLER FRANK, propr Frank's Saloon, 422 K RUSSELL P H, grocer, 719 J Ryan J, boots and shoes, 810 J 11 5| i 1 im '/ill' t Hi OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. :i| ' wBi w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., 'tr:''U'ffVmrii:ir^i::'s^:^.t\vi^ % IL CO i c p (0 > c o E a CO 15 o ■ o o o z s o < D. I- h 73G Califoiiiia — Sicramento. >ii.pn*wrTir*i.i.T. Kyan Martin, liquors and lunch h*uae, 114 K "SACRAMENTO BEE" (daily and weekly), J McC'latchy & Co proprs, '•Bee*^' building, Third bet J and K Sacramento Business College, E C Atkin- son pres, 716 I Sacramento City Railway Co, J H Mil- ler secy, Twentieth and K Sncratnento Cracker Co, 83 Front SACRAMENTO mSTITXTTE, con ducted by the Christiim Brothers "SACRAMENTO JOURNAL." K F Wiomeyer & Co propr, 305 J "SACRAMENTO LEADER," John N Larkin propr, 20S and t>10 J Sacramento I'ree Liltrary, Cary O Han- cock librarian, I bet Seventh and Kighth SACRAMENTO LUMBER CO, P (iomihuo manager, Second bet L and M Sacrnmento Mechanical School, Josiah Johnson trustee , L and Sixth SACRAMENTO NEWS CO, wholesale news dealers, 1014 Fourth SACRAMENTO PUBLISHINq CO. proprs "Daily Ktcord Union" and *.' Weekly Union," Third l)ot J and K Sacramento Savings Bank, Kd II Hamil- ton cashier, cor Fifth and .1 SACRAMENTO SEMINART, Mr» Hermon Perry principal, 101'-2 1 Sacramento Tntnsfcr Co, Ciiswell & Jjandsbnrough proprs, 5'24 K Sacramento Wood Co, J 11 Roberta secy, 165 Front SaiTord W S, governor's executive secy, Capitol Saint Joseph's Convent, Sister Mary Vin- cent sister superior. Ninth and (r SALSBUR7 T G & SON. wood, coal, hay and grain, depot H bet Sixth and Seventh Sanders A N, bootmaker, 802 K San Lung & Co, shirts and Chinese good s, 5;T6 J SANTOS J A, sign painting and adver- tiser, 80 J K Sartini J, liipiors, 330 L Saulsbnry & Son, hay and grain, 607 H Sawtelle C A, books and stationery, 524 J SAYRE I B, Sayre's Palace, 228 J Scanlon Itev F, clergyman (Catholic) Seventh and K Schaden A, grocer, Sepond and M Schaden ft Kodegerdts, groceries, 1230 Fourth Schafcr 0, cooper, 89 Front Scheibt.'l CjI«o Sr, saloon, 925 Front Schepp ft Schaumlaffel, butohen, 129 Twel/th bet E and F Sohindler C, carpenter, 710 K Schiudler Mrs H, cigars and tobacco and vaii3ti38, 710 K Sehmoelzle Louis, barbsr, 620 K Schmid Jacob, propr Mechanics' Ex- change Hotel, 16 to 22 I Schmidt Jacob, saloon, 915 Fifth Schmit Jacob, liiinors, 730 K SCHMIDT & MENKEN, Plaza Sa- loon, \¥28 J Schuler Frank, hotel, 1023 Front Schuler L, butcher, SW cor Fourteenth and G Schroer ft Bros, Eagle St^am Cracker Bakery, 718 and 7*^0 K Sehroth ft Arnold, proprs Eaglo Floor Mills, 122 and 124 J SCHROTH GEO, Pioneer Bakery, 122 and 124 J SCHWAMB T W, pictures, framo!., moldings, news, books, stationery, etc, 804 J SCHUMACHER THEODORE, hair- tlre^aer, 818 J SCHURR C, Empire Bakery, 1003 J >Schwarz J, Imotmaker, 1023 Sec >nd Scotield ft Tevis, oils, E U Forester manager, 67 and 6 Third SEMENZA A. Campi's Restaurant, 125 K SENATZ A J. City Hotel Saloon, 313 K SERMONET GEO, groceries, G and Kighth Sevtrncy Anto.ne. dyeing, 702 K Scydel K A, horsesh'io.r, 1113 Seventh SHANKLm JAMES W, surveyor- general, Capitol Sharpstein J R, associate justice Shattnck Wm, wagonmaker, 1228 J Shaw Mrs VV A, dressmaker, 52;»J K Shear ft Brewer, saloon, K and Front SHEARS CHAS H. hotel at entrance of Fuir Grounds, Twentieth and (i Sheppard fieo W, whitener, 1022 Eighth SHERBURN & SMITH, auotiun and commission, 323 K Shields F M,dentiat, S W cor Fifth and J SHULMEIR HENRT, Railroad Meat Market, Second and O SICHEL GUSTAYE, manufr celebrat- e«l stomach bitters — called the "Life Tonic" and "People'a Favorite," for coughB,*colds and hoarsneu, and cock tail hitters sour; 1016 J SIDDONS W M,uloon. Occidental Ex- change 204 J m (A o o z rri m 30 ■< X o t- m (A > r- m 30 m o • S o m r (/) v> O o 3 to o 3 If H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th* ll««i^l OomarrwUil c»II«m m i I o B 8 Z a 6 < California — Sacramento. 737 ALrHABmoAixr. 8iabenthal«r P, saloon, K and Eighth and Tweuti«tU and H Silva' D B, barber, Second, bet J and K SIMMONS D J| general anctioneere, 402 J Simmons O L, physician, 212 J SDOipNS M J> real estate and general auctioneers, '4 12 J Simon Mrs I H, ladies and children's suits and droesmakiug, til? J SXHOER MANUFACTUBINa CO, KB Palmer agent, 411 J SIS80H. WALLACE & CO, g«i mdse and Cliiuese supplius, J 29 J Skelton Jno, wond and coal, 909 Fifth SLATER J F, hatter, 409 J slaughter Jesse, liquors, 1 1 16 Third Smethurst Mrs K M, tlressmaker, 1213 Se vent h SMITH A M, plumbing and gasfitting, 610 K SMITH GEO D, artist's matsrials, pic- tures etc, 7'25 J SMITH G y, sign and ornamental painter, 423 K SMITH J D, Sacramento Restaurant 321 K Smith & Johnston, blacksmiths and wagonmakers, Twelfth and J Smith & Vannatta, carpenters, 1011 Ninth SMITH ft WILSON, Center Meat Mar- kct, 10 24 Third SMITH W L, paper hanger, 102S Fourth SMITH MRS W L, glove factory, 1023 Fourth SNIDER T At physician, S£ cor K and Second Sonna A, bootmaker, 816 J Spencer J, watches and jewelry, J and Thirteenth Sperry Wm, liquors, 1109 Second SPIEKER J J, druggist, N W cor Sixth andK SPINKS ft ACOCK, real estate and in- surance, 402 J Stanley I/ce, livery stable, 1017 K Starch J T, barber, 828 K Starr Warren, candy factory, 428 J State Board of Equalisation, £ W Mas- lin secty, Capitol •^TATB DBMOGRAT/'Ford ft Clarke proprs, Third and J STATS HOUSE, H Eldred propr, Teuth and K Staughter J, whitewasher, Filth bet L audM S teinhardt F. d ry goods, S09 J 8TEDIAI7HR B, propr Wm Tell House, 900 J oor Ninth Steinaoer M, liquort, 802 K Steinmann H, jewelry and broker,200 K Steinmeyer F W, crooeriee. Fourth and P Stein Nathan, baroer, 704 K STEIN SAMUEL jnnk dealer, SOS J Stephenson G A, artificial limb maker, 51*5 K Stevens C A, freight agt C P R R depot Stevens C H ft Co, dry goods and ladiee shoes, S£ cor Eighth and J Stober Jno, meat market, 921 Sixth STOLL JOHN T, saddle and hamewi manufactory, 610 K Stoner W P, painter, 1117 Fenrth STOlf E R ft CO, harness and saddles, saddlery hardware, leather and find- ings, 520 J Strauss Louis, Concert Hall and liquors, 304K STROBEL CARL, real estate andoom- uiission agent and mercantile and in- surance oueut, 321 J, rea 420 L STRONG W R ft CO. fruit »nd pro- duce, 100, 108 and 110 J Struts Julius, wholesale liquors, 209 J Studtfbaker Bros, wagons, 217 and 219 J Sullivan John, chief engineer Sao F D, 1113 Fourth Sullivan P, bootmaker, 605 K SUMMIT ICE CO, Jacob Uoehn supt, 513 and 516 I Sweeney Goo, gasfitter, 1006 SWEETSER ft AL8IP, real estate and iuburiuice, 1015 Fourth Swift Elijah, real estate and collector, 210 M Swift C H, pres Sacramento Savings Bank, Fifth and J SWIFT FRANK, constable, 1018 Fourth Swinerton G H, stoves and tinware J and Seventh Thft, Totman ft Famsworth, proprs Me- chanics Mills, M and Fifth Talbot J, ticket agt C P R R, depot Talibuer C, clergyman, 283 I Tartas Louis, bootmaker, 1025 Tenth Tattersalls — , auction and commission house, 1016 Fourth Taylor Ed F, reg U S land office, Fourih and J Taylor L S, atty at law, 628^ J Tebbets F F, dentist, 627^ J Telegraph House, B AFarr propr, 1222 J Ten Eyck Mrs L, lodgings. Third and J THIELEN JOSEPH, Chicago Hotel. 310 J Thornton J D, associate justice THRAILKILL WO. D D 8.dentid de- pot and pdblisher "Dental Jairus," Sixth ana K Tioe ft Clements Mrs, millineiy, 621 J Todd J A, photographer, 318 J . Todd J W, bootmaker, 424 J d »m Z*4 5! i ( OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER A CO^ 802 OavH Ot, S. F, I m, Wt MOWTAGUE w CDtt i,,tf«ni>i. tio.ir«7nvli«»mini«B>««»iTt>..i.y 738 California — Siicramiento. ALriiAmncAbLT. IL ! . iv- - ' I : o o S o Tn dhunter L H , meat market, 312 K TOWVSEND ISADOBB, propr Union Hotel, 8econd bet J and K Tracy Felix, agt W, F ft Co, Second bet J and K Trarbuoh John J, clothing, NW cor Third and K Trasic Mrs M, dressmaker, 1220 Third T&EMONT HOTEL, Peter Bryding propr, 112 and 114 J Tngg Wm E, fancy goods, 516 J TROMENSGHLAOEB J SEP H. tuilor, 1U2U Eighth , Trope A A Jr, hatter, 427 J Trope Peter, hatter, 427 J T&OWBBIDOE J S, diuggist, NE cor Second and K Tryon S, supt Capital Woolen Mills, 8i;2 J TTJfiBS J C, attorney at law. Sixth an d I TUFTS A C, druggist, J and Tenth: general ivgent fur Merrell, Thorp & Lloyd's Spucitic Tinctures Turner Bon, b irber, 803 J ' Tyrrell (i (^ physician, 429 J XJflL FBEDEB.ICK, Uquora, 210 K Unde rbill H J, physician, Third and K UNIOH HOTEL, Isadore Townsend propr, SeC'Mul but J and K VALENTINE C B, (Watt & Valen- tine) Golden Eagle Saloon, NW cor Seventh and K Valleau Mrs Belle, lodging house (The McC'ormick House) VANCE C J, propr Sncnimento Up- holstering Munufry, lOlo Sixth Van Fleet W C, (Dunlap & Van Fleet) also notary public Van Heuscu & Uuntoon, furniture,? 12.1 Van Orden .lohn, merchant tailor, 1007 J Vaughan Geo VV, carpenter, 907 Fifth Verm> la A J , county coroner Venuble Abraham IJ, editor "State Dem- ocrat" and notary. Third and J VEBMILTA A J, undertaker, 410 J VICE DAVIO, Philadelphia Saloon, 221 K Vickers Mrs, ladies nnrse VINNEMYER JOSEPH, merchant tailor, 808 J Voiller Uennan, physician. Ninth and K Vogel ft Maier, bakery, 1121 Third WACHHORST H, watches, jewelry, diamonds and silverware. 315 J Wagner J, grocer, NE cor Tenth and E Wagner John, livery and feed stable. Ninth and I Wfunier M, Wiloon, I and ^inth WAH SHUNO & CO, shoes and slip- W»ers. 525 •! AIT 8> druggist SE cor K and 8eccnd Wallace W I, route agt«' "Sacramento Bee" and supt of Union Telegraph line, 617 P WALLIS JOSEPH, attorney at law, 322J Wallis T H.deputy state librarian, Capi- tol WARNING OHAS A, utty at law, 027 J WASHBXTRNE ft REBHAN.atntion- ery, school books, fancy guuds and chiMrens carriages, 010 J WASSMANN A, boot and shoe nianufr, 528 K cur Sixth Waterhouse A ii, patent agt, 407 J WATERHOUSE ft LESTER, hard wood lumber, 708 and 710 J WATT ft VALENTINE, pn. - Oold- en Eagle Saloon, NW cur Seventh and K WEAVER H A, ^>ook and job printer, 327 J Woblier K, butcher, SW cor Eleventh an.l H Weber P H L, grocer, L bet Twelfth and Tinrteoiith WEBSTER J R, groceries, 1301 J Weil •lohii, statu treasurer, Capitol WEIMANN D, stoves and tinware, 914 J Wcinreioh & Bartels, wholesale liquors, 612 J WEINSTEIN ft LUBIN, proprs Me- chanics' Store, 400 to 408 K WEISEL ft CO, butchers and pork packers, 2l8and2'iO L Wtisel C ft Co, market, 218 and 220 L WEIMANN ft DAMM, proprs Pa- cific Oyster autl Chop Houiie, 706 J Wells, Fargo ft C<», Felix Tracy agent, Seci»nd bet J an«l K Welty D W, attorney at law, NE cor Fourth and J Werner C, bootmaker, 424 K Western Hotel, Wm Land propr, 209 to 219 K WETZEL M, groceries, Fourth and N WHEELER J S, borseshoer, 1 116 Sec- ond WHITE CLINTON L, attorney at law, (5:7 J White I) C, feed and sale stables. Tenth bet H and 1 White tr A, physician, SW cor Sixth and J White ft Spilman, grocers, M and Sev- ent h WHITMAN A T, insurance, 1005 Fou rth WHITTIER, FTTLLER ft 00, pnint!<, oils, glass, doors, windows, wall pa- ipor, 1020 and 1022 Second ickes Rev — , clei>gyman, (Methodist) W?c TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumausr&Co., 'SS.*£fv?sr -< o o H *^ OB I » (A o a « (A e -a A' « PI n X o § (A M 9 s m PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ff&rMifWrjtSS'i^^KV. California— -Sacramert to. 739 ALPiuiiirricuM.T. WHSDMAHV ft HEOMADA, whole sttle OHiiily nuuivfB, 410 K' WIEMBYBA K F ft 00, propr. " iSttcram ento Journal," 305 J WnSSL J ft SOV, ll6rMshoera, 1024 Ninth WILCOX, POWERS ft CO, wholesale ]iqui>ra, 505 K WILKE CHA8, manufacturing jewel er, SVVcor Fitth and J WILKINSON T S, propr American Uoule Hotil, J and Twelfth WILLEM J W, propr Central Meat Mitrkot, 410 K Williama T, bootmaker, 1 10!) Fifth WILLIAH TELL HOUSE. B Stein- Hue r pToyr, 1(00 .1 cor Ninth WILLIAHS W 0, ngint Detroit Safes, with M 11 Beard & Co, 812 J Williumatu k Co, proprs Capital Nur- stTV, Sixteenth and U WILLIAMSTON HENBT, junk, Hia L WilHon Abe, barber, 1023 Fourth WILSON J A, furniture, bedding and iip liolatcry, 415 J WILSON J W. propr Central Stubles, 318 K Wilson M, tailor, 618 K WILSON ft MITCHELL, pmpr Gold- en Eagle curriugud, stand Li ulden Kagle Hotel Wiukleman W, liquors, loilgings, 50G K Wiseman & Ni^wniun, barbers and baths, 1.1:7 "K A. AITKEN. Wise & MoNair, black«miths and wag* onmakers, J and Eleventh Wolfe Jacob, propr Poesta Saloon, 828 J WOLFE 8 A, photographer, S\V oor Fifth and J Wollbb Chas, notary public and secre- tary Oermiinia B and L Association, 1005 Fourth WOOD S H, manager for L J Lithauer, 418 J Wot WYMAN C H, land and mine attorney, Fourt h and J TOTJNO J D, aupt state printing, Capi- tol YOUNG ft YOUNG, attorneys at law, SE cor Fifth and J Yuhre W'F, grocer, L and Seventh Zaeh Muthias, saloon, BIG J ZIEMER BROS, dry goods, fancy goodti, liuliuH and childrens' cloaks, 505 J Zinnncrman C, grocery, SE cor Twelftli, and E Zollur L, butcher. Eighth and M F. N. FISH. Premium Pioneer MAEBLE WORKS, 617 K STREET, Between Sixth and Seventh, SACRAMENTO. Monuments, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table Tops, Wash Stands. Etc. All kinds of Work done in Italian and Vermont Marble. Scotch Granite Monument*. PACIFIC PRESS mmm house. IXth and Castro litreeta, Oakland, €al. I Itfo. iseo Kearny Htrect. ' Man Franeisea. r The Lariest ind Most Complete Printini mil Publlshliii House on the Coast. PURE i PORT WINE, ftr Hdicliil Puious, 302 Qavis 8t, $. F. I ' ■! t .' ■!: %. W Hi m m W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., 'TaiSLVTtrKk^'tSiilXlf' m d i e if e IL C g ■ o p c S o < o E 9 O 740 CoZi/artiia — Sacramento. ALrMAnmOALLT. 1. T. BREWER & CO., SEEDS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS. AND GENERAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. 139 and 132 J Street, corner of Second, Sacramento Cal. California purchasing Agency for all descriptions of Mcrchandiie. BUTTEEFIELD & WHITE r s a 9 9 Country Orders Solicited at Bed Rocic Prices I nr nr^imii t Send in Tour Orders or Give TJb a Call. N. E. corner 1 0th and J Streets, SACHAMBNTO. I J. C. QUINN. W. BURKIIARD. 321 J Street, Sacramento. PLAIN km ORNAMENTAL SIGNS. Theatrical Scenery and Fresco Painting. i\ » e. I I represent a in ihe agt;regatc mento, and eual security to the s H. WACHHORST, Agtiit for Am. WatohM, 815 J Strnt Sm. PACIFIC BUSINESS^ eOLLEGE, "NRJ5^W«Si!???^;!V Calxfomia — SacrammJto, 741 i I ALPHA UmOAbbT. I JOHN T. CAREY, MtamatLafilarfPnic COLLECnOHS k SPECIALn. Conyeyanccs of all kinds Carefully Prepared. Bdal Estato and Insurance Agency. I have for sale at all tiincn farms and farming lands in tho best grain-producing coun*ies of the Sacramento Valley. At this time I have for sale several well improved and highly cultivated farms in Sacramento, Yolo, Butte and Colusa Counties. City property, business and dwellings for nale and to rent. Rents collected and taxes paid for non-residents. C H » X 10 t » INSTTRANCE. . . Agency of The Home Mutual of San Francisco- • • $591,106 The London & Lancashire of Liverpool, $1 ,800.000 The La Conflance of Paris 5.329.321 The La Caisse Generals of Paris 4,636,302 I represent altoprether \^ Companies (Home and Foreign), with assets exceeding in the aggregate ^27*000*000, ni.iking mine ly far the ,large.ling me to place the largest risk iu varlojs compaiues w'lh perfect securiiy to the assured. ii (I il m 3 t 8 I B x e i^ \ To loan on Real Estate, and Warehouse Receipts on any of the Railroad Lines, or Sicraniento River Land Warrants. State, City and County Bonds bought and sold. Address, JOHN T. CAREY, No. ioo6 4th Street, Sacramento, Cal. 09 I- < o lU o 742 CleiiMi>h«. California — SoiCramefnto. WSt CO CO 18 I b ALPII4 BRIOAIibV. AND ECLECTIC HEALTH WSTITUTE. Nonhwest Comer 7tli aad L Streets, Sacranento^. C&l. f Being fully prepared to treat all forms of disease on the latest and most. scientifiiB: principles, we, .vith confidence, ask for public patronage;, *.. M. F%> CLAYTON, MS. D«. Hedicatel Batbs of all Descriplious. Separate Bai Booniifer laillcs.. BEN COHEN/ Nos. 419 and 421 J Street, Sacramcaito. 15 E? ■Si p'i! It Si -jI I'ilu 1 Ij 'if! I if I ^mmm W, W. HONTAGWE & CO., TO.»Tff :J!.■r,^Ki«^nKW^^?i^ FACtFK 2S CO Z Q (D > » c o £ 744 Cali/omia — Sacramento. ALratmmrAM.r, BAKER & HAMILTON, Importers and Mamitacturcrs o( AGSICULTTTBAL Iipleaests &Bi Ml\i% AND I09, III, I 13 and I 10 J STREET, SACRAMENTO. •'^rf^: >.#If 13, 16, 17 and 19 FRONT STREET, San Francisco. All Orders Promptly Pillai Send for List of Prices. T JH B o o o < I- JOHN R. COOK, Editor and Proprietor. 3IAIX STREET, - - LAKEPOItT, CAL Subscription, $3.00 per Tear, in Advance. *■ The Lakk Dkmocuat has the largest circulation of any paper published in Lake County, also has a 1' ;a circulation in adjoin- ing counties. It is the lead ng paper of the county, an'l its cir- culatiou is constantly increasinj '«• Q ASVEBTISINQ HATES FAIB AND REASONABLE. The Most Complete Job Office in Lake County. Job work of every description done in a neat and satisfuctory manner. s ^H a 1 ^ H 1 ^ ' jfi CO H I ^ n 30 1 ra^ m I ^ ^ 3 1 "^ V^ -• ^1 lA T) ^1 .^ O as I ^' Cox. H ^1 *< n ^1 ^ Jk ^1 M a 1 ^ o ao I ^ m ^B o z 1 9 oS 1 ^ 7^ 1 * m 1 ^ o 1 V 9C m r- 1 U I '^ 1 1 o E EL] a. A ^1 s 1 ■•■.■'/■■ i a Board an 9 1 1 Board, pe "1 Single IMc 1 ® Family R o Single Ro a ^H CD 2 ^H 3 ^ ^ rm :} 1 z ft 1 «> FINE WIN ^ I ^ t 2, 1 ^ i I ^ P 1 * PRE H. WACHHORST. importerof j:^:Sr,!%;;l7i;«.. 315 J St., Sto. H. PALM FACtFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '»»i;^-Jr-F , «.». _. I Califa:^ia — Sacramento. 745 ALrnAnmoAtbr, a J- ;.!'«'*,»* « « d I I £ « e o 1 1 « e (0 Cox. ^H sind. TerLtlb. Streets, (d fd o o Z (0 a o t u ;s SS c5 o m m 3i Si 'I I* H H. ELDBEB, PEOPRIETOR. Board and Lodging, per Week $6 00 to $12 00 Board, per Week $4 00 Single Meals 25 Family Rooms $1 00 to $2 50 Single Rooms 50 FINE WINES AT THE BAR. A BILLIARD ROOM AHACHED. Street Cars pass ths door ovory Five Minxitds. FREE OMNIBUS to and from the House. H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. d Si i i\ "t ■i.' I i ,1 '\m i?i III , j| -iM ij »p I ;.' lb. m C0 75 p OB s . If. IHUlf I AbllC: a OUm na 1 14 il«. ana ll** »iitt#ry «».. ».V, 740 CaUfornia>— Sacramento. ALfflABmCAIXr. HENRY ECKHARDT. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Guns. Rifles, Pistols, and all idnds of Sporting INaterials On hand and sold at reaaonable prices. Particular attention palJ to repairing ail kinds of w «■» f^ o p 3? CD -3 X o c CD c/> p r- p CD o A' sr TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AMD LIVER BALSAM. BasIneHfi PAciric wrsiNEss college, "•- ,^js:!^^f%^n^^' California — Sacramento. 747 i I V I < I m ID c a s J a (8 C a 0)^ AbPiiAinrnoALLT. J. C. DEyiNE, lu. porter and Manufacturer o( all kinds of MABIrtii: AMI* GRAIKITB Uo&uaeatsr, 3«adsto&es, Mantle Pieces, Furniture Slabs, Etc.. Etc., 722 E Street, bat. 7th and 8th. SACRAMENTO. ' " Country Orders Holiclted Parties living me orders from the Country will buy 80 |>er cent, less of me by correnpondence thsn thsydcan from other travelinic a)^ntH. !• Premiums and tiold Medals— 1871 & 1875, PETER HOCKWELL, ;| Jers ] Hsiaurai 1317 FRONT STREET, '^< - ' Sacramento, Cal. Good Mealfl, Reasonable Charges. COME AND TRY HE. JACOB GRIESEL, Manufacturer of and dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, COLlkRS, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Etc., No. 1022 J STREET, Bet. lOth and 11th, opposite Central Hay Yard. t SACRAMENTO. N. B.— Bspalring alwaya well done. SAMUEL CROSS, AND L STREET IIVERY,AUCTI0N,SAIE&FEED nSTABLES, if Bet. 0th and 7th, SEARCHER Of RECORDS, 4^9 J STREET, SACRAMENTO. BosineHH In all the roui*tN oarc- fully «tt('nilr4l to. I ♦•♦' AND Steam Sausage Manufactory. 418 K STREET, Botween 4th and 5th, opp. Metropolitan Theatre MACRAMKWTO. G.PIIIL. HARTMANN, rropr, Dealer in Fresh Meat8, all kinds of Sausafrea Ilunn, Baeon, Etc. Orders from the country, ■olioltM rnni promptly attended to. t^acramento. F. W. JO HNSO N, Prop'r. liararest, Cheapest and Healthiest in the City. No underground Stalls, plenty of ventilation. Nit da>i),'ur from fire. Stalls for l.''>0 head of horses. Larffe and commodlouB corral. AUGUST MONNIER, PRACTICAL AND DEALER IN Goli and Silver Watches, J:wsli7, I^iamomlH, Etc., Cor. Fifth and K Streets, SACRAMENTO. Jitwclry repaired in the boat manner, and all work giiilraiitucd forimo year. Watchcii eleuned from >(l to ifi. Highest price paid for gold dutit. THE BAY 1 026 Second Street, Between J and K, SAVRAMBKTO. En9'?A and California Oysters in every style Privu-« Rooms for Ladies and Families. 0()eu Day and Ninht. USBSXS SiSONICH, Fioplr. IVi ( I H. frUMEa & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W» W. wONTAGUE cc CO.t T^m^,!^\j^fnt!l^{i»tJl^Sif9i M* VttNflff^'flv* f n* Vi 748 California — Sacramento. AT.PHARI(TM1AI.t.r. HENRY FISHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Confectionery, Foreign and Domestic Nuts, S08 jr STREET, SACRAMENTO. m iCE CREAM AND DINING SALOON, Wedding Cakes. Etc. Party and Weflding Dinners and Collations, supplied at short notice. A. C. GIDLUND. W. R. DALEY. CIDLUND dt DALEY, Plain and Decorative Paper Hangers, KALSOMINING, ETC., Sliop. 1126 J Street Soutli Side, SACRAWIENTO. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. o GUTHRIE BROS., Manufacturers and Dealers in Tin, Sheet Iron $t|Copper Ware, PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND JOB WORK. Special Attention Paid to Booing. All Work done ou Reasonable terais. 25 J Street, SacracmetitQ), ©al. Ag;ent for California Fire-Proof Paint Company. JAMES HARLEY. 918 K STREET, bet. 9th and 10th, SACRAMENTO, Cal. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR WOOLEN I COTTON M AGS Paper, Copper, Bra<8, Iron, Zinc, Lead, Glass, Rope, Bottles, Etc. SECOND-HAITD BAQS FOB SALS. JUNE AND BAa DEPOT. -< o m f m 30 PI a <» M m s? O ST o o I I s e 3. 5" o J H. WACHHORST. importer Of j.'.tKvr^&SSI;*.. 3l5JSL,8aa PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. VtuTt^^f^^ ifffilailJMlMm WM p«Mt m..i California — Sacra/mento. ALriUBHnOAdLT. 749 s in S T. . ZZZXdXd. MANUFACTURER OF COR. J AND 13th STREETS. SACRAMENTO, CAL. g « I m p. o. BOX it»n. CD O E * t IB Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, IMPORTERS OF Tinners' Stock, Pumps, Wire, Lead and Iron Pipe, Plumbers' and Gas Fitters' Goods, and General House Furnishing Hardware. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper $t Sheet Iron Ware, . I 221 sin-d. 22CB. T Stzeet, ... SACRAMENTa V r . r St ;-^r^ 'mi hV \. PURE PORT WINC Ir liildul Pirpn. 302 Dtvto St, S. F. il i i i c .1 S fs s y. c c A O ■ o o o z s < o z E D O Wr W« MONTAGUE ft v ^SlttrniMio, m!*n4ri(e mmI lis Bkitwy Bkf, i. r. BUSINE 750 California — Sacramento. AI.PIUBIiriOALLV. MARTIN KESTLER, Manufacturer of all kind's of tssO CT3 PE4 CO (r=? Noi?. 1012 & 1014 NINTH STREET, Between J and K, ' SACRAMENTO. # DRESS AND CLOAK MAKER, Teacher of Wallace's J\^ew Systevi, 606 J Street, between Sixth and Seventh, SACRAMENTO. MRS. BMW/fcLL & W^LQBOPf, 417 J STREET, SACRAMENTO, GAL. ' (: >. Hakirfig Irt tKte Latest Styles. CUTTING AND FITTING ATENDED TO. TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL UBlumauerACo., 'Sf.'^^sr ■0 c — ■ o g -H «= : iiJ s 1 V* ' ^ ;< SI . ca a. ci 525 111 0» 09 c 1 k m u ■ 0) o 3 ■ ^ s c t— 1 L g 0. h 3 c u s 3 sa. o o S c 3 3 b. •t< ^ o o ■a (8 a. CO D z » O (0 (0 ra P (0 Bembrai r ■ 1- d Critic: (D ■ o < • f b: UPALI BUSINESS PENMAMSHIP '•'^',ia5J'i^!W&/,a!^^t%;a* California — Sacramento. ALPHAHBTIOAILV. 761 CO o0 CO to CO t.4 fit 'd a, J «; J. inr. iiSFTwricH's f .nunTnpniDUiP Dim nop, ^ 525 J Street, betw een 6 th and 7th, Sacramento. Wp Tiim uuiim liiu i miLorir H ■ c 0. c c 3 \L (8 (0 (0 ■ I- ■ CO w « h u h oa H D CD CD V> tn •<[ CD PC o 3 CD o o ID > o o I" o m FINE WATER COLOR PORTRAITS. S3 C/9 ■ if I! I Pi 6) 3 Bsmbrandti Boudoir and Panel Cards a Specialtj. A Critical Examination of my Work will convince any of its Superiority. j525 J Street, between 6ih and 7th. J- J I 3. It f 1 1 I I W ' if ill ^1 i-^ I'll s*;l M ill m *i«>. ''' i ■ {.iMfi H. PM.1NER & CO.. Frontianan Wine, 802 Davis St, S, F. tjti w. w. MONTAGUE « co„ TOrrff«rnriws,'S!ftA'.v»? c I e 2 762 o < 0. h O ALTHABSmULLT. ^fcwM "^ 1^1^ liH W v« and ■•■■»■. mo dUlM«nltliM,ilTlWM4 ': ■' 1 ,11 lb ■ 1 N i I > e E c 8 o z 5 o < 0. t D o 764 California — Sacramento. ALrilA»TICAI.I.V. H. H. McWILLIAMS, FOIMT k MACHl SHOP Iron and Brass Castings, RIA^QMUNEBY Q>f ivery Q)a3QHptcon. Blacksmithing: in all its Branches. AND SOLE MANUFACTUKER OF Carlisle's Patent Derrick and Newell's Middling Purifier, ©IS FMOKT S'TMEETn Between I and J, SACRAMENTO. JACOB NEUBAUER, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER AND MANUFACTUREK OF ' Wig9, Toupees, Braids, Curls, Hair Jewelry, DEVICES AND EVERY EIND OP HAIS WORK. 413 J STREET, Between Fourth a-d Fifth. SACRAMENTO. 'Mmm o (A -< o rxies FKOCE'. LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE. Good Carringes and Saddle Horses ^ always on hand, To Let. Particular attention paid to Boardingr Horsca. C. 0. WINQATE, Prop'r. 6 1 2 K St,, bet. 6th & 6th SA^'RAMEIVTO. 09 V J" t XI IS m 5? 1 7f A O a* TRY DR. CUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. dUSINcSS rCNMANSHlr wk* )'of.«V«.!if n«rn |>A«* Mt. m. w>* 1 California — Sacramento. 75« ALPIIARVriCALkT. t ! Tj J. OCHSNER, Cooper and Tank Builder, 721 Z Street, between 7th and 8th, Sacramento. IS c '>» a ti J a (8 » c ^\ a Butter Firkins, Wine Casks from 100 to 10,000 Gallons. lias constantlj on hand all kinds of Beer, Wine and Liquor Kegs, made of Eastern States Timber. Also, all Sixes of Vats and Tanks of Wood or Galvanized Iron for Water and Wine. Ste:^niin<^' done to order. EDWARD I. ROBINSON, liiloruyaiiil!oms!ls?&tLaw, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OPPICE: No. 628 J ST3EET, SACRAMENTO. CHAS. A. WARING, UllorujasiCoiiisdloratLa' No. 627 J STREET, SACRAMENTO. H a: A. M. SMITH, |}lmttki! I ^as fitter, No. 6IO K STREET, Sacramsnto, Cal. All work in this line, in city or country, promptly attended to. Empire Bakery. 0. SOHURR, Proprietor. DEALER IN Bread, Fies, Crackers, OAEES & CONPECTIONEIIT, I003 J STRZET, Two doors above Tenth St., North Side, SACRAMENTO, CAL. 1 {"8 m J ?! OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO.. 302 Davis %U S. F. w. w. MewTAfiUE If ce.. 7.7'i','S'5.^T,rjK;;s;.'SJ3iit' Vl^ PACIFI Mi ■ffl m m IL i c « o (0 o I > o E CO c a O ■ o o c < 0. I- C 766 California — Sacramento. ALrnABRTICALLT. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, MANUFACTUniyG BMANCII, Alta, . - Placer County. Branch at New Castle, Placer Comity, SAMUI'X McGAlIAY, Manager. Branch at Vacaville, - eiolano County » G. P. PLAISTED. BRANCH AT LOS ANGELES, WOODIIEAD &■ GAY, \i%m\ |rl!iiis§ on |qk9|I a |pGi3Uy. H. WACHHORST calls attention ''S^HS^iiSS^ 315 J St ol d ■ cl ^ ^1 i CHAS. ^ sol ol & c ml i sl^ il « IM] vH S oSI vH ^ ^H 4*« H ■ ^1 y) kselle "gilt ^ e ■ O Il 1 al o nl S ^H n oH u 3^1 ' ■ ^ Bicliard S| z M 1 2 Rolled 1 '*^B X i». t 5 o CO < < Z CO WW KAMTACIIF X TO Sl><^«t iron, aU StJBM M«t nrnmbera. 11«, . ff » mgW I miUC « pp., lis 1 14. 1 1«, M« 1 1« Battery «t.. «. fI 768 California — Sacramento. AbPnABHTICALIiT. zsiBsr^'s fi^ifii 419 A 421 J STREET, SACRAMENTO. Crayon Work, India Ink Work and Colored Work a Specialty. ARTHUR HUPMAN, Artist. CO 5 HI h X < X H O u E. 1^ H. RIVETT, Book anl Job Fri! I } 1018 Sixth Street, between J and X, SACRAMENTO, CAL. PRICES PtJEUISHEB OK APPUCATIOIT. Address P, O. Box 403. 321 J Street, Sacramento, Cal., BUTS AND SELLS leal |iil9ie & ||e7El(a&dl$e sn |oiffli$$io!i, leaking Agricnltnral Implements and Hardware a Speci.'^lty. The most desirable Farming Lands and City Property for sale or e5»< c ^e on reasonal>le terms at all times. Correspondence solicited and purchasers cordial!/ inyited to call. 2 Q ao 00 (A § o f i Table will at all times bd suppUedwlth the best the market affords. BOARD AND LODGING AT REASONABLE RATES. The Bar la well at««ked with Choice lilqnara and Clear*. fiH^;: J i ■.•jP •■111 m N. PALMER A CO., Native WinM, 302 Bavit Strttt, S. F. ! -ill I (■; : ; :\ 1 1 W. W. MONTAGUE A COM^S^iT^t^TrirJII^tri?^ ■»...». CO S p CD I 760 Californm — 8(wra7Mfnto. ALrUABBTIOALLT. ADOLPH WASSMANN, Successor to A. HILLEBRAND, MANUFACTUHKH OV AT-- IP E i ■'■! IL 7 c c \ IQ 1 " ■' O !■'...■ d \ ^ ', o o i ■,i- i z Z o ^ n < 0. Viu. HIC HALL, cornor 6th and Z Sir$$t$, s^o K.^nvwd:E3srTO. Jlepnirhtg a SpecinTtu, All Work Warranted. AMERICAN EAGLE HOTEL, Corner of Twelfth and J Streets. SACRAMEyTO, CAL. I- I- Q Lately rebuilt and refurnished throughout. Those wishing a nice, quiet place — with well-vcntilat"d room*, aingle or in suite — will find everything to their convenience commouly found at first-cljASH houses. Table supplied with the delicacies of the season. Board and Room, per Week, $5.00 to $7.00 Meals, - - 25 Cents. T. @» WILIKINSOI^Q FROFMIETOfi. H. WACHHORST. importe"of ji^;;;!;,- Di^iX^ad.. 315 J St., Sac BU9IN o o cs -H SB -< g a 10 m CO • ^w *- (0 in 2 *V V H V L3 N^ >< 11' ^^1 71 S-A.C ? % 1 <^ SHOES H (A ■ ® i o 1 "^ Moasui Utpaiii « ^H M ■ 1 •^ 1 ° S 5 t I ^1 ^^ A pnispcron ■ M 04 niiKM tr n 11 fonii;i I'iiciti 5' a WlllO gl'llUICI Ions of whic a vi llcy. WJi r» 1 f ncigliboihooi $ ALDIH & ^ hiniishiiig a I o vitut H n se H ^ B ric L, win( ■ « ■ z BARR W ( n Bench (; Jl, a e H o B.riiiger liio Zl ■ s Ills pi Buck M D, m a fiUSSENIUS •« 1 ^ oi s, etc O Cnrvir 1) IJ, i 1 ^1 *^ CHILES W ^^H Ciagh.trn.Ioh 3 • ^H < Creamer Juuu 1'' Dally K, toil,, DawHoii W J H. PALMC e o ** ifi 75 o O w «> e z o X c o z o BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '••^USa*fo*^^S%'^^\:/S.?g»: California — Sacra/mevto-St. Helena. 761 AIiPHAIIBT10AI.IjT. J. W. WILSON, K Street, between Sd & 4th, Sacramento. WAH SHUNG & CO. Ui.. 625 J STREET, r>otwoeii Mil 1111(1 (Ith, 2iiil duor above Si\th, s-^c^^.A.:Lvd:E3^To, ALL KINDS OK SHOES AND SLlFPZliS MADE TO OBDEll. Measures taken to Order Uciiairiiif; (Ii)iie nt short iiotlct.-. St. Helena, NAPA c()i;ntv, A prosperous town of 1,3(H) inhabitants, 04 laiKvtfr mSiin Friini-isoi', on tlioCiili- foniia I'iicitic li It., in the center of the winegrowing tlistiiet, two niiltinn giil- lons of whii h :ire ni.idu aniiuiilly in tlie viUey. Wliito sulpiiur sprin^H in the iicigliborhooil; agre.t summer r^-sort. ALBIN & MERRIAM, clothing an.l furnishing gnods Baclius Sound Lumber Co, A Powell manager Hnhn Henry, fish and vpgctables BAMPENDAHL OTTO. I>ropr Na- tional Hotel '\i -41 H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. .r w. w. IIWNTA6UE & CO., ^t7'^t[^vr;{ri:;£^rs^iVR' :. « CD i c n Z o CD I > o E 75 m i c c CO O ■ O o a 1^ o < flL I- Q 762 CcUifcrnia — Sf, Helena-Salinas City. ALPHAB«nCALLT. Ralmina Battiata, liquon BCHEFiXEB W, wine grower and dia tiller Schram Jacob, wine grower Stamer O, winea and liquora Stevea J H, stoves, pumps, eto Simmons K, blacksmith SMITH W A C, notary public, eollec tor and insurance agent Spurr & York, butchers "ST HELENA STAR," C A Gardner propr Straus J E, geu merchandise and insur- ance agent TOKOLLA A, propr St Helena Hotel Ulrich J, barber Van Derwerker W N, bootmaker Van Taasell Theo, lumber and real es- tate Weinberger J C, wine grower St. John, COLUSA COUNTT. Halton A C, blaeksmith Hinds James A, liijuors Millsap A J, stock raiser Papst C J k A, geu mdse Reynolds Alexander, liquors Taylor Mrs, hotel St. Louis, SIERRA COUNTT, Is reached by stages from Oroville, 68 mile* distant Bmndise Chas, saloon Carmichael Alex , bu tcher CONLAN DANIEL, gen postmaster Swarts Christian, hotel mdse and Salida, STANISLAUS COUNTT, Abbott Chas 8, agent C P R R and W U Tel Co, depot Andrews A, postmaster and blacksmith Elmore A H, secretary Salida Grange Co and insurance agent Elmore Benjamin T, gen mdse and agent W, F * Co Elmore, Parks t Reybum, proprs Ha- lida Feed Mill Fisher A, shoemaker McHenry Robert A, warehouse Meyers Fred, hotel Murphy John, blacksmith shop, saloon and farmer , Salida Feed Mill, Elmore, Parka ft R^- ■ burn proprs Salida (irange Co, grain and storag j, A H Elmore secretary Salinas City, MONTEREY COUNTT, Postoffice and county seat, is a thriving and pniaperous little city of 2,600 inhab- itants, situated on the tSouthern Pacific Railroad, 113 miles from San Francisco. It ia also reached by the Pacific Coast Steamship Company's line of elegantly appointed steamers, whose docks at pres- ent are at Moss Landing, 12 miles dis- tant, from which they contemplate cen- structing a canal thut the necessity of re-handling freij-ht may be avoided, and which will be a great source of conven- ience. The city is supplied with water works; ia very tastily and conveniently laid out, the streets running at right angles and being broad and smooth; and has a magnificent new Court House, which coat $(50,000. The place is alao well supplied with excellent schools and splendid hotels, and is noted for its high order of society. The flouring mills of Messrs Toboy ft Hudson are very exten- sive, and the flour manufactured at them is found everywhere on the coast. The country aurrounding the city ia pictur- esque and presents a spectucle of luxu- riance, comfort and ease. Her business houses as a rule are substantial and neat structures, while her residences are mod- els of elegance »'v.l architectural beauty. ABBOTT E K, druggist, physician and s^^ationer Abbott H E, market ABBOTT HOUSE, E J Swift propr ABRAHAM JACOB, groceries, furn- ishing goods ftc ALEXANDER J E, superior judge, Court House ALLEN CHAS C, horseshoer, Main Ball H S, mayor and ware house propr BARLOOIO&BRESSCHINI, proprs Swiss Hotel BATTLES W W, grain buyer, Main Beeman T, atty at law BIRLEM J F, Grand Saloon BRANDT JOSEPH, Pajaro Brewery depot. Main Brower J D, painter BROWN H P, merchant tailor. Main Carpenter W L, county assessor CARR J D|Prei>ident Salinas City Bank OOHIIf LxON. books, stationery and varietiea. Main I I E f TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC IU3INES3 CtLLECE. •r ti><* f:*aMt. »»• p«Mt int.. M.1i<. CO •6 % C/} 09 H H c a. c '5 c 3 IL In es >» « (0 California — Salinas City. 763 ALPIAIHICALLT. Concdon G W, groceriei Conklin A: Samuel*, gen mdae CONNOR W R, livery stabl* Cunrads W G, bootmaker CUTTER SAMVIL L, atty »t law and notary public Dean S L, aaloon Dexter M L, county clerk DODQX ft CLIPPXRTON, attys at law, Main DORN N A, atty at law and dist atty Dunham Fred, painter Duiilap A G, constable Eitzert Peter, stoves and tinware Fall M, hora esho er FRANKS CHRIS, •heriflF, Court Huuao Franks k Loan, livery stable OARRIQUS L H, grain buyer and in- surance agent Gates Fredk, gunsmith OEIL S F, Atty at law, Main Gill U J, huirdresssr Gregory ft Shipsey, attys at law Hagau. fames, plumber and ganfittcr Mall ft Co, dry goods and clotliing Hamilton Miss Dcssie, dressmaker Harris J H, groceries Harris T (i, auctioneer Hart W, varieties Hartnell U, county treasurer and tax collector Hay Jno F, groceries HEERDT HARRT, watches and jew- elry. Main HILL W J. propr Sali»aB "Index" Uitz Francis, paints, oils, etc HOLZBEROER W, hairdresser and baths HUDSON ft HOLLOWAT, Standard Mills HUGHES M, harness Kiid saddles, Main Ingals F iS, county surveyor IvERSON BROS, blacksmith and wagon utakera and machinists, Mun terey and Gabilan Jacoby Miss C E, dressmaker Jeffrey J, hotel Johnson Henry, hairdresser JOHNSON JOSEPH, Pulace of Faahion Saloon JOHNSON W S, cashier Salinas City Bank Jonas 11 , fruit Joy J G, county auditor KERNS p. saloon, Main King D B, livery stable Lacy J V, blacksmith and wagonmaker LAPIERRS 0. French Hotel Restau- rant and Oyster saloon Lawrence F A, saloon LEIOH J W, propr "Monterey Detno- erat" LEMON G B, dentist LINB H J, manager Abbott House Lloyd D W, vaiieties LOEWEN C, physician, Main LXTRZ ft MENKE, Salinas Brewery Martin W J, manager W U Tel Co Mautnor A, cigars and tobacco MAYER PETER JOSEPH, meat mar- ket McDougall J H.postmaster and varieties Metcalf Mrs S W, restaurant MATER ft FRIEDLANDER, general merchandise MILLER GEO S, agt W. F ft Co, Main "MONTEREY DEMOCRAT." J W Leigh propr Moore A •!, blacksmith Nance C P, gen mdsc O'Hare James, bootmaker Palmtag G, saloon Parker J W R, groceries PARKER W M R, atty at law and no- tary public Peckham B A, agt S P R R Jiaymond J P, grain buyer Reinhardt E, bakery Renison Thos, justice peace Richardson Mrs A E, varieties Richardson J A, saloon RIORDAN MISS FANNIE, dress- maker Rossi E, hotel Ryan Thos hotel St John E ft C 0, meat market St John W, druggist, stationer, sewing machines and attachments SALINAS CITY BANK, W S John- son cashier "SALINAS INDEX," W j Hill propr Schafer F, stoves and tinware Schuchard C F, cigars and tobacco Scott J B, groceries Shearer S M, county supt schools Sheehy Edward, liquors Sietfhold C, w atcht's and jewelry 80PSR KRSM A.nullinery and dress- making, Mrs M U Hessell manager Soto R M F, atty at law S{)eegle M M, county recorder Stanley J P, furniture and undertaking STOKES JAMES, merchant itilor, Main Stone ft Eardley, real estate and ins STRXLLNAUER R, groceries, confec- tionery, liquors, tobacco, cigars, sta- tionery, toys etc SuBser Jacob, bootmaker S wen iling Jno P, aaloon SWIFT B J, propr Abbott House 8WINNBRT0N S M, »tty at law and notary public Tholcke Julius, saloon SB I I 3 Bto f I ,1'r mm i'f?li :jFJ.:i ■■,!;■ H. PALMER ^ CO.. Froirtkinan Vi;3ie. 302 Davis St., S. F. ■1 m H jM m i w WW UAMTAAIIP A rn MtOTi'H anil Rancea, BOO different alM*. MylM Mi« I! . 1 ,;1 « C s o o t S (0 0) s 0) 1 IL T3 C C (0 O O o G z o < o z p o 7C4 California — Salinaf* City-San Andreas. AI.PIMHKTICAM.V. TOBET & HUDSON, Empire Flour Mills TOLMAN A, bnota and shoes, ftf^ain TRIMMER S, physician and sur- ccon TROPE F H, Salinas Hotel Tnttlc H P, physiciiin Viindcrhurst, Sanbora & Co, gen racUe Walker John, harness and aaddlus WALL J A, atty at law and notary public, Main Wallace Martin, saloon Warren (iijfi, groceries WEBB & WALL, attys at law. Main Wt'bstor J A, st'ivos and tiiiwaro Wcilcr C \i, hotel WETZEL P, hairdresser, Abbott House Whibconib Bros, bluoksniitha and wag- onni.tkers WHI TE T E, uTidei taker WIEBCKE HENRY, bootmaker WIi.'nt and pleas ant gentlemen. It boasts an array of le- gal representatives of which any com- munity might feel proud. It wau, in an eirly day, the ocene of excitim; bustle incident to the riciiness of the goM bear- ing loads in the vicinity, though nt pres- ent nothing in comparison Cau be seen. It depends, however, mainly on its lodes for support, yet fruit-growing and btock- n^ising i^re important f.ictors ia the nourishment imparted to her growth. 'Ilie altitude is 1,000 feet. It is a very healthy place. Agosti'ii C, groceries ALLEN H 0, pastmastcr and W U tol oiKsratir AMERICAN RESTAURANT, H Watson propr Bates AllH-rt, meat market Bloom J no, lircwery Bode H, tin shop "CALAVERAS ADVERTISER," \Vm O Sweiison edii.or "CATAVERAS WEEKLY CITI- ZEN," odd Kelloy W A, county coroner and publio adiniiiistrator I^iwis W T, dist atty Lloyd C Iv, gen mdse li'ive A, county iiasessor Ma'^tcr.^on P, livery st ible and snloon METROPOLITAN HOTEL,B F Haw- es propr MURPHY WM M, physician and surgeon Noriega Miss Anita, dressmaker Oviiitt S M, dentist PEOPLE'S MARKET, J Salcido pro- prietor Pfortiier Wm. burber Keddick J B, atty at law and notary public Kedin nid II M, county clerk, auditor anil r cnler REED JUDQE IRA H, atty at law and notary piibli", othce Court Ilousa Rover ■lohn Biiptist, shoemaker RUSSELL R W, livery, feed and sale Nt.ible and gen stiigc line ottic3 SALCIDO J. People's Market SEBREAN JOHN, propr "Calaveras Advfi tis.-r" SHINN J M, clerk Metropolitan Hotel Steel Jao, shoemaker Swens >n Win O, atty at law THORN BENJAMIN K, sherifT. otfice Court House $ 30 ■H m m O SO o m o Ui S o ^ m r- X CD PI a. a c 01 CB •41 O "I O o a •41 a o' 3 a n < o 5" (0 H. WACHHORST. Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS CSLLEGE. Jl^^^PS^f'WV^^VnVl:!^. m i E e 7S o 2 (0 o Id e e Id o e O X (9 3 O X M California — /San Andreas-Sa/n Bernardino. 765 Ai>pn4iimoAt.Lr. TrMt J F, county trensurer Veniiinr Louia, grain, etc Whahbnrii J F, lumber merchant WATSON H. restaurant WESSON G S, deputy aheriff Whitloeic & Koworth, -^vin milao Wyllie A C, forwarding and coiiuniaaion iBorchiUit San Antonio, MONTEREY COUNTY, la 80 milca southeast of Monterey, the •onuty scat. If ast^'rn Henry, hlacksinith SYLVESTER FRANCIS, Rcn mdso, auent VV, F & C) and pudtniiwtor Walkor A E, c;ou nidso Warrou Alfred, hotel San Benito, 8AN TIENITO COLN'TY. BROWN GEORGE, poatimistcr Ciii-michael Jim, shminiikcr (roldeii & ruririton, hlaukdiniths Iji'oiiiird A, hotel Schlt'Bi»ijj;er \, t{on mdso Willi..nu W, liotel San Bernardino^ 8AN nEUNARUINO COUNTY, Is a place of 3,0()() inhalntunta, heauti- fully situated in h lovoly valley Undsur- round»'d by tlio most fertile u'lil product- ive hoilijH of aj;ricultur;d l.ind in the Sfcitc. Its sehools and churehes nw well Hnpporti'tl, the climate is ])crfect anil the s mitary condition decidedly su- jwrior. There ure quite a numluT t)f nianufacturin f and industri dentrprisi's IKirmmautly CHtahli.-thed, and the ele- ments si> essential to the 8teaer ami a ])nre, stimulat- ing a(nio8X>here. It is the county scat, and is reached by a stage drive of three miles from C'oltou, on the iSoutheru Ta- ciQc Kailr«ud. Arkenn.tB Herman, restaurant Allen Clias W, atty at law and notary Sublic ij k Cxohran, livery and feed stable Allison Frank, dry goods Aaaker L, dry gavda amd clothing Armentront E A , planing mill Baca Bros, meat market Bailey Mra M, dremmaking BANK OF SAN BERNARDINO, Lewis Jacobn manager, Third Bonninger Jno, aaloon Blanche C, fruits and confectionery Ulcd8')e U E, atty at law BLOW R T, agent VV U Tel Co »nd W, F & C.< fl Express, also cigura aud tobacco, Tliird Bovanl Kev (ieo F, pastor (M E) B4)yer J l>, atty at law Braunhart B, wholesale and retail wines^ liquors, cigars and tobacco Bright & Chute, blacksmiths and wag- onmakera niinkineyer II, suloon Brocker & Koiuhold, furniture, bediliig and undertakers Brttwn Haik, city hay and feed yard Brown J B, asst postmaster Brown Jno Jr, utty at law and notary public Bmnn I R, ins ngt Byrne M, gen mdsc and lumber Caro IjCw is, lumber tlealer and gen mdae Olio.itp & Iatcnn<'llia S.doon CONDEE & MITCHELL, searchers of records, rj- 1 estate and insurauca agta and notaries pul)lic, Third Conner Henry, gen mdso Craig Jos, iiss.iyer and gunsmith Cr im Le^vis V, county supervisjr Jurtis Mrs K H, teacher Curtis \V J, atty at law and notary public Daley Ed v, county supervisor D'lvies Win, Hourmii mills Davis Mrs R A, milliucry and fancy goods Devil C.myon Toll Road, Wm E Van Slyke prest DREW H L, hardware, agricultnrd inqdomeuts, stoves, tinware, iron, steel and coil, Third E«ldy Mrs E A, boots, shoes and fancy goods Ellrington Thos, confectionery and vari- eties Kvaus D J, physician and surgeon Ford Kev J T, pastor of Congregational Fox & Condeo, druggists Fox E. dry goods and clothing Fox VV R, pliysician and surgeon Foy John M, saddle aud haracsamakor and ins agt (Fanier M 1*, meat market Gates E H, county superviaor, (P O Chino) Gibson Jas A, atiiy at law and ooort commissioner Giffin VVm, cigar maiiufr fl> S 3 2. '3 i J** A'* Is si I fl S H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 DtvK Ht., S. t-. % i n \ ■ y. W. WOHTAGUE i CO., ?CT,v;.W.inKtgiWa!iA'.Vg IL i c a s o & > c o E CO ! i ' C c fS ' i o i ■ , • i \ r O "■' a ''! z IBB ' !■"■ >d ■ 1 ^^ o " ■■>-■ < ■ ^i!:. 0. a * 14!^ z ■■i -. i'*, H H 3 f ■ ^ >i O 766 California — San Bernardino. AtrHAIvriCALLT. Goodcell Henry Jr, atty at law and no- tary public Gregory H S, atty at law- Grove Rov M F, pastor M E Church HAILE SMITH, groceries and agri- cultural imploiiienta, Fourth and D Hale & Keovoj, watches, jewelry, fancy goods and sowiiii; machines Hall Ed, propr Mammoth Corral and and auctioneer Harrison A, machine shop HASWELL GEO F, attorney at law. Third Hawley Wm, saloon Hight & Tipton, meat market Horowitz A, clothing Hughes & McFarlane, auctioii store Jolmson F M, cnuiity assessor KENDALL T C, real estate agent.Tliird Kcuni.stun & iinuelton, livery and feed stable Kern Chaa, saloon King J no C, sheriiF King K H, haru-ss and saddles Kinsky Marks, tailor Knox Jno T, justice of peace Kurtz & Evans, proprs Southern Hotel LamlK'rt S, barber Lander Chas A, livery and feed stable Laurent Henry, s iloon Lciwsou Bros, cigiira and tobicco Linvilie W J, sash and door factory and j)?aning mill Littiepage K F, atty at law Livingstone Miis Nellie, teacher Martin Miss lulith, teacher Matthews liouj F, llouring mills McOall Jno, ho seshoer McCoy Dennis, hay and feed yard McDOXALD WM, furniture and bed- ding, Third McKenney A F, county clerk and recor- der McVicar C, watchmaker and jeweler Mee Bros & Kowell, blncksmitha and wagonmakers Meycrstein & Co, dry goods, clothing, Iniots and shoes MILLS MARY, saloon, Second Moore C H, stationery and news depot Morris Jno M, justice of jwace Newburg & Rathbun, gen mdso Oliver Harris m, groceries I'aine C J{, teacher Paris & Allen, attys at law Parker T C, marble works Parsons B F, blacksmitii and horseshoer Parsons T M, county surveyor Penlew Mrs A L, board and lodging PORTER W R, pub "San Bernardino Valley Index," postmaster and notary public, D Potter M, shoemaker Powell John G, dentist, Pratt J E, gen mdse Raudle Mrs E A R, dressmaker Reed John, assaver Rene G A, physician and surgeon Reutiui^er LJ H, bakery and cotTea housa Rice H W, physician and surgeon, (Homoepathic), coroner and public administrator Rittler Mnrris, gen mdso Uoo C F, (Roe i Osborne,) ins agt Uoe 9l Ojborne, agricultural implements Roen Chas, barber Rolfo H C, superior jud »e Rolf'j Samuel, commia PMt St.. M. V. California — San Bernardino-San Buenaventura. 767 ALPIUBITICAIil.T. atty at Uw and notary (chairman), county bu- Waters Byron, public Waters J as W, pervisor Wliitlock A, dentist Wit{siius W R, Krocoriei WILLIS HENRY M, atty at law, Third and E Wilson John H B, shoemaker Wilson Warren, propr, "San Bernar- dino Times" Winklur August, saloon Wise A B, blacksmith, wagonmnker, livery and feed stable Wixon Chos, saddler and harness- maker WORTHINGTON JOHN G carriage anS i' K li and postmastur San Buenaventura, VENTURA CuoNTV, Is the county seat of Ventura county, pleasantly situated on the sea coast and IS the principal point of trading in the county. It is a place of sereral manu facturing and industrial enterprisers, chief uniong which ar« rock 8oai>, mi i- i:iL;, coal oil ruHniiiir, grist and planing mills. It boasts the largest furniture manufactory south of !San Francisco. It has two weekly newspapers, several churches and schools. Tho society is of a high order and the most attractive feature of tho city. It is (juito a resort for tourists. Its climate is unsurpassed and its healthfulne.s8 is conceded to be remarkable. BAKER F W JR, hardware, tinwar^ iron, stoves, steei. and agricultural im- plements. Main Bank of Ventura, P R Bard president, Henry Clay cashier Bard C L, physician Bard P R, president Bank of Ventura Barlow Chas A, saddles and harness Barnard A D, land agt Barrows Thomas, sewing machine agt Bartlett Bros, watches, clocks, jewelry, ticket agt P C S S Co, stationery, music and scwin;; machines Bennett Peter, meat market Bcronio (I, groceries Berry Wm J, gunsmith BLACK HAWK LIVERT STABLE. W S l{iluy propr Blackstoek N, atty at law Bledsoe N C, atty at law and notary public Blumcnthal J, tailor Boeker F H, carriage painter BOQUIST C V, Ventura Livery and Feed .Stable Brewster J C, photofrrapher Brooki J M, atty at law and dist atty Burch J D, groceries and crockery Cagnacci Jacob, bootmaker CHAFFEE & McKEEBT, genmdse, iron, steel, wagon lumber, agricultural implcmcnta and agti Phoenix and Home Insurance Co, Main and Palm Clay Henry, cashier Bank of Ventura Cohn Mrs H, gen mdsc Conner H \N & C\), groceries Conway J A, county assessor Corey J A, groceries Daly & Rodgers, lumber Daly T H, livery and feed stable Delmont F, physician, surgeon dru.?gist Dc Nuro D D, county supt public in- struction Dotr(>y Josaj»h, sheriff and tax collector EASTIN L F, county clerk, auditor and and reconier, Court House Arcllanes Luis, saloon Ayers Albert, county treasurer AYERS HOTEL, Wm Ayers Main AYERS WM, propr Ayers stage agt, Main propr. Hotel, Einstein & Bernheim, gen mdse and agl inipts Krburn M, saloon Fcrand J ules, groceries and liquors Foster E R, supt Santo Water Co Franz E, saloon and variety store (iaudolfo Alex, groceries, liquors, cigars and produce shippers Glasgow ft Stiles, saloon Goodwin J W, watches, clocks, jewelry, books, stationery, cigars, tobacco, fancy goods and postmaster Granger L C, atty at law and notary public GRANT & PETERSON, blacksmith, wagon and machine shop. Main w '■)'• I m , I'l' :' !. jl'l OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE « CO. IL d 114. It« and lin iMtmrj ~ " iiMW, I mir. ■ I'M IMmcti M. I'' 768 California — Sim Buenaventura-San Diego. ALrn4iiiinoAi>i c o E CO i c c O ■ o o o [Id o < Q. I- I- D o Gray T F, manager W U Tel Co Hall K S, fttty ut law and notary pablic HARE ED T» general inmiranco a({ent HMrtmann V, saloon and brewery HAVELOCK W A, dru^^^iat, Main Hill K W, county coroner and publi adniiniatrator Hinea J D, superior judge Hinchfolder E, funiisbiag goodi, boots and ah' tea Hobson Mrs I J, rostauranl Huebner C, dentist K:>rt»T VV. sprint; lied and cuhiiictmaker REVERE HOUSE, Wagaer&Co, pro priet'tr.'', M.iiii ami Oak Ri"o W I, justiei! of jmjucc RICHARDSON JOSEPH, furniture Stuart Mrs M, dreamnaking Stuart 8 L, dentist Sudden Capt Kobt, wharf owner Thompson F A, aearoher of rocorda and notary public Todd C D, harlware, tinware and stoves (Jstusanstegia Victor, Santa Clara Houso "VENTURA FREE PRESS," Mc- Ijomi & Sons, pubM and propra. Main VENTURA LIVERY & FEED STA- BLE C V Boquist propr, Main "VENTURA SIGNAL" {weekly). Shiridaii Uri>sput>3 and propr) A VV, baths and barber Hi ,'h tM Francisco, grocx'ries RILEY WM S. Black H.iwk Livery and Feed Stable, California Roth I F, salo >n Koth .los, b'lots and shoes Kulan«l Mrs H A, candy maker Sanehez .1 V, bailn-r SANCHEZ PEDRO, barl>cr. Main Schell II, blacksmith and horscsiiovr Shaw F P, cii5.ir3 and tobacco Sh'ildon & Vicker^, blacksmiths and wa^onmivkers Shejjherd VV E, atty at law SHEPPARD S A, atty at law, Main SHERIDAN BROS, pubs and proprs "V'lutura Signal," Main Sheridan S N Sr, city marshal and con- stiible Simms (>hae, physician and surgeon Soule C K, ju:itice of peace Spear Houry, saloon Stow Jno 1, surreyor San r SAN UIEOi, TO, Is the county !,<':;t and is pleasantly sit- uated on the bay of thu same name. The harlK)r h exeelieut; tho bust, in faet, on the sou. hern coast, iK-in;^ conipluuOy land-locked. .Sii.n Uit-j^o is notiti as a hi-alth resort, tliJ climate Ixjii;.; the most eijuable in iSouthern Califurnia. Sha is destined to Iw the prineipil sea port of th.it section at no distant day. Th'To ia a tine system of water works, a weather signal station, military station, and eu.s- torn house. The Paciiic tJoast stoiiuurs CJill regularly every live d;y8, and th.To iire daily stipes eoimectii»g wiih S.ai Franci-sco vitt Los Angeles and Saiit* An I. The stage Hue is under the per- sonal 8up<'rvisioa of the owner, Mr. A. L. Seeley, a veteran stjigiMuan, and is a Hrst- class line in every respect. The Horton House, an elegiutt hotel, under the m oi- agement of C. P. Gerichtcu, extjiids every comfort and luxury sought by the tourist or business man. The popula- tion of San Diego is estimated at 3,000. Allison Jos k Bro, meat market, I and Fifth Arguilaz Bernard, hotel, Fifih and I Aaher J M, sursery depot, Fifth and B rn ■o c ae m O o a: m o m 3D X O P- m > m 39 m S o m r- « 00 ■0 O a. »> a o aa o a H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Saa PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. The M«4el OwMMrrctfl OsIImm <»r «h> Vnmmt. IMO 9imVmt,. A. IP. California — San Diego. 289 ALPnAimOALLT. (0 in e I e e ••§ o 75 u o i/i In a u CO >. b u t» u O H X a s o X (0 ■ o •3 < BAILET BOE baIooii, 77 Firth Barnes (I W, physician, Sixth nr D Barly H, propr 8an Diego Iron Works, Eighth and M Bsera W A,groc«rieB and vaiieties, Fifth Begolo W A, stoves, tinware, hardware and roofing, Fifth Bennis Sam, chop house, Fifth Benson Lieut H M, Seventh Infantry USA, San Diego barracks Bidwell James, machine shop and feed mills. Eighth and L BntDSALX J D, propr Lyon Hotel, Seventh and I Black Jno ,T, saloon. City Brewery Booth Lieut A C, supt U S Military Telegraph Cal and Arizona Division, Fifth and D Borden O H, supervisor Bowers W W, collector of customs. Fifth and K Boyd Jno B, atty at law, notary public and abstract of titles. Fourth and D BRABT (B & Sons), notary pub- lic, real estate ugent and conveyancer. Fifth and D BBADT & SONS, groceries, liquors, cigars an Brown H II, saloon. Eighth and L Brown k Terry, San Diogo I'luning Mill Co, Ninth and (i Bucll E J. superintendent of San Diego Water Works, Fifth and I) Burnes Tillman A, s.il«on, K and Fifth Burns Mrs I', boarding and lodgings. Sixth and If CANTLIN MARTIN, cnrpcntcr and niaiuifr itf wiinhnill*, I'ijjhth CARAVIA GABRIEL, groceries, Eleventh and K CAVE D, S.B00dUfai«ntiiMs.iljlMM)4 . If. WlUWIlHaUC « OU., p»n*m».llo.n2.n4. ll«»ndimBi>tt«»rrllt..ll.>. 290 California — San Diego. AI.PIUBCTICAIitiV. Uaden Lieut J J, post adjutant Eighth Infantry IJ 8 A, San Diego barracks Hamilt )n & Co, gen md^e, agriculturitl iinploinents and hardware, Fifth Hamilton Al D, county assessor, Court House Hatleberg J O, wagonmaker and black- smith. Eighth and J Heeraniiner Johp. michine shop., saw and planing mill and cojpsrjgt, Sixth and K HEINE.ICH LOUIS, guns, pistols, am- munition and cutlery manuf, Seventh and J Hendrick E W, attorney at law and U S court commissiouer. Fifth Hermann D C lodgings and liquor3, Fifth Higgins Albert E, insurance agent, Fifth Higgius & Ke3d, real estate and insur- ance agents. Fifth Higgins TkosJ, (Hii^gin's k Keod), propr Co ntinental Oil Store, Fifth HINTON & GORDON, proprs Fashion Livery and Feed Stable, Second and D Hiscock A H, mine owner, Tiiird and D HITCHCOCK GEO N, atty at law, Bupt public instrucftioii, notary pu'.;lic, commissioner of deeds and land agent, Sixth HOLM & SURBECK, barl)ers, 77 Fifth I. ir G Hoi con A E, real estate, D HORTON'S HALL, J li Richardson lessee, F and Sixth Hortou House, C P (Jerichtcn propr, D bet Fourth and Fifth Hotchkiss A B, city attorney and attor- ney at law. City Hall HOWARD BRYANT, cashier and secretary Consolidated Bank of San Diego, Fifth Hylund A Ihlstrom, ebon house. Fifth JONES & KAMPLmO, propr. l^en tral Livery Stables and Feed Yard, F and Fourth Jorres William, county treasurer, Court House Josse Adam, hair work and barber, Fifth JOURNEAT GEO, propr Central Liv- ery and Sale Stable, Sixth bet E and F Julian A H, stoves, tinware, pumps and ban (ware. Fifth JULIAN & B^'^ER, publishers "San Diego News,' Fifth JULIAN STAGE LINE, (see a Keating M, notary public, conveyancer, commisHior.er of deeds and real estate agent, Fifth Koster P, wa|jon and carriagemaker and j_ blacksmithing, Fourth and P EUHNER JACOB, meat market. Fifth La'ikershim I & Co, proprs San Di^o Flour Mills, K and Twelfth LARSON THOS, wood and coal yard, Seventh and J LARSON & WESTCOTT, draymen. Seventh and J LEACH & PARKER, attorneys at law, Fifth and U Leavitt J B, carpenter and builder, J and Eighth Lehman 'i'heodore, merchant tailor. Fifth and U Leonard Joseph, justice of peace, insur- 'ancc agent and cabinetmaker Llewelyn D, cigars and tobacco, B^ifth Llewelyn \Vm, notary public and real est ite agent, Fifth ruckling L L, city engineer and county surveyor, E LOUIS ISIDOR, cigars and tobacco, oyster, (fresh), saloon, Fifth LUCE MOSES A, atty at law. Fourth and D LYON HOTEL, J D Birdsall propr, Seventli and I Mackintosh F J, boots, shoes and gro- ceries. Fifth MACLAGAN HENRY, saloon, F Mainassis J S & Co, real estate and live stock dealers. Fifth Mantania J D, boots and shoes. Fifth Marston Geo W, dry goods, clothing, carpets and oil cloths, Fittli MASON W H, agent J Kuss & Co, Front and J May C E, saddles and harness, H and Fifth McCanu Cha«, horaeshoer, I McCarthy M J, saloon. Fifth McCoy Frank, insurance agent. Fifth McDonahl (I \V B, lumber dealer, L bet Fifth and Sixth McDowell S A, supervisor Mc(iurck Edward, second-hand store and auctioneer, Fifth " McNealy W T, superior judge. Court House Millard F A, druggist, physician and surgeon. Fifth and 1 MORGAN R, lumber agent W W Stewart A Co Morse E \V, city treasurer and insurance agent Mott Lieut Wallace, post quartermaster and ACS, San Diego barracks Neal Chas, saloon. Fifth Noell C P, notary public and real eatnto agent, F'ifth P C S S GO'S warehouse, wharf and ticket office, J H Simpson agent, foot of Fifth 0) '< o e H F o ao SI H o ST ft* o a o a a o M ST O 5? X O 9» r 7 5 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.BIumauerACo^ 'S!^'^ lumit a ■4 u U If if «9 0? u 03 CO PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. of the i i.MMt. »«(» Public. Fifth Rennio tiilbt-rt, county recorder, Court House RICHARDSON JOHN H, sign writer, upholsterer and dealer iu paints, oils, glass, siishea. doors, etc, Sixtli bet E antl F, and lessee Ilorton's Hall Robinson C B, dairyman, First bet C and I) ROOT M S, watches, clocks and jewel - rv, Fifth RD'SS J & CO, lumber dealers, W H Mns«in anent, Front and J RUSSELL JAS, deputy sheriff, con- stable and collector, Fifth Sau I)io;;o Barracks, U S military post, department of Arizona, Col AT Smith conimantler San Diego Chamber of Commerce, City Hdl San Piego Fire Department, Phillip Kos- ter cliief engineer, Sixth Sau Diego Flour Mills, I I^ankershim propr, Twelfth and H "SAN DIEQO NEWS," (daily and weekly), Julian & Baker publishers. Fifth San Diogo Planing Mill, Terry & Brown proprs. Ninth and \l ^ "SAN DIEGO UNION." (daily and weekly), Dougliut Gunn jjublisher, Sixth, next to postotfice San Diego Water Co, E J BuoU supt, Fifth and D SAUNDERS CHAB J W, meat mar- ket. Fifth and F Schiller H M, secretary for consul of Mexico, Fifth SCHNEIDER A, books, stationery, tiauos and organs, music, cigari, to- acco, pictures, frames, news depot, wall paper, paints and glass, Fifth Sihuetter Henry C, suloou aud feed yard, K and Thirteenth SCHWERER FREDERICK, batha and barber. Fifth Selwyn Geo A & Co, butchers. Fifth Shepard C H, books and stationery. Fifth and G SHERRIFF J A, photograph gallery, views ot San Diego, Fifth Signal Service U S Army, W H Clen- dtiuon observer SIMPSON J H, local agent P C S S Co, foot of Fifth Smith Col A T, commander U S military Iiost, dept of Arizona, Sau Diego bur- racks SMITH WILL M, attorney at law and district artorney, Court House SNIDER CHAS. barber aud baths, i^'ifth Snyder B F, wheelwright, Fourth and F Stanovich John, chop house. Fifth Statler S, county clerk. Court House Steele S G, painter, whiteiier and car- oenter. Fifth STEINER, KLAUBER & CO, gen indse and agricultural implements, wholesale liipiors and cigars, H and Fifth, (S F office 312 Sacramento St) Stevens J, blacksmivh and wagonmakcr. Second and E Stewart Mrs Annie, boarding and liq- uors Tliird and I Stewart E, stoves and tinware. Fifth STEWART W W & CO, dealers i" wheat, wool, honey, lumber and lime, and agents P M S S Co, Fifth and K. and R Morgan agent, Beacii Stockton T C, physician and suri^on, city health officer, county administra- tor aud cronor, E and Fifth STOW JOHN P, saloon, 41) Fifth Switzer E D, watches, docks, jewelry and sewing machines, F bjt Fifth and Sixth Tallman E H, carriage painter and build- er. Sixth near F Tasker Mrs Mary M, millinery, fancy goods and dressmaking., D Terry & Brown, proprs San Diego Plan- ing Mill, Ninth aud H THOMPSON J W, agent W, F & Co, manager VV^ U Tel Co and a^ent Sau Diego MaitfStage Co and J ulian Stage Co, Fifth aiid D Tighe Thomas, aaloon. Sixth bet F and G Traak P H, barber, Fifth ■If' f m m i !1 PURE PORT WINE, ftr Irtlcliil PVDOIN, 302 Davis St., S. F. tit 1L ■ CO IB 1 O 0) « Z c c (0 O ■ O o o z Z o < D. I- I- O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^iT'ti'S'^.Wir^ltt'^rVSf^* V^ 292 California — San Diego. ALrnABBTICALLT. Tremaine Miss A M, millinery, Fifth Tyler J H, stable aud feed yard, Eighth near K U S Collector of Customs, W W Bowers, Fifth and K U S Military Telegraph, California and Arizona Division, Lieut C A Booth •upt Verde J B, consul of Mexico, Fifth Verlaque T, liquors. Fifth and G Von Poser Henry, general agent Walker W J, attorney at law. Fifth Wallack D, clothing and furnishing goods, Fifth Weeger E H, groceries, fruits and can- dies. Fifth WELLS, FASGO & COS EXPRESS, J W Thompson agent, Fifth and D W TJ TEL CO, J W Thompson mana- ger, Fi fth an d D WENTSCHER a, produce commission merchant. Fifth WILLIAMS MARCO, Paris Chop H ouse aud Oys ter Saloon, I and Fifth WILLIAMS W E, pumps, stoves and tinware and plumbing, I and Fifth Winter L & Bro, bakery, Fourth and H WITHERBY S, pres Consolidated Bank of San Diego, Fifth Wolfsheimer C, cigars, tobacco aud can- dy, Fifth Young & Gray, undertakers, furniture and bedding. Fifth TOTJNO JAMES M> furniture andbed- PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »- ♦r^JT^jny^ffi^n.^o-.^*'" California — San Disgo-San 0ter A J, blacksmith Rualdi C R, oonatable San Gabriel, LOS ANGELES CODNTT, Is on tlie Southern Patilic Kailroad, 10 miles Ironi Los Angeles. Allen IVtor, postni ister and gen mdse Cuneo ^I, l);irber (fiiioccliid A, groceries and liquors (ilidden E C, machine a^f Orand \j, blacksmith Hamilton Ily. rohard, capitalist and justice poac Hillard F S, physician Kellog T I), physician Lasscro Dominique, sm' on Mayl)erry K L, cajvit i.st Ponsonnelli J & < ' •akery Rebout Frank, lii.teksmith liobbins James, meut market Sevell S K, hotel and orchard Shorb J DeBarth.orchardist, winegrow- er and distiller Stephens W H, atty at law Stoneinan Gen Geo, distillery and wine grower Tuck Nathan, liquors and gen mdae CO *< e S3. 00 CO H. PALMiiK dt CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. t •ik i:i 1 m < > III >■ O CO < O u ft O H « a O CO » ft Id H X < < O CO O P o WUf UAMTJIPIIP JL m iShcrt Iron, all Sisea and urniabeni, 1141^ . ff. IWUWIfttlUlltt uU.> iig. 114. IIP, aim liw Battery «t..w. P. 294 Calif orn'ui — San Gabriel-San Joss. Ai.riiAHBric\ '.V. Twichell C C. h^cel Valencia C, saloon Wilson Mrs B D Winston W H, orcliardist San Gorgonia, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, Is "5 miles southeast of Sa" Bernarilino, E»ia;ar W F, physici m» WESTON E, postmaster San Gregoria, SAN MATEO COUNTV, Is C6 miles l>y stat'c from San Mat.o, on the Southern Pacific li.iilroad. Day D C, blacksmith Keep E, s:il()on liCvy — , postmaster LE /Y BROS, gen mdsc Moore Alr-s, saloon San Jacinto, SAN DIKUO COUNTV, Jordan J C, poatin.istcr San Jose, SANTA CLARA COUNTY. More than a century liaselaps'id since theSpaiish missiun iii>;s scttiol tlie place whose n.nu', "Tlie Iksmtifiil," ii so well applied, in point uf si/A' and wealth the city ranks fourtli ainoiii; tiiosv; nf the tSt.t'', while in aiipearaneo none are so handsome "hut do it rv^viT' noi-, " and co.icede it.ssupiri8. Its scho ils ami colie^' is f,rj of a very hi;;h ord r; iti eliurche.>< are m tdelsof Ijcauty and itsCourt House, the finest in tiie Ntat^', \^ in ke7 First Allen Wi ey B, music, 'J3i> Santa Clara ALPHA SALOON, Second and Fouu- tait alley Alvord Henry B, hanlware and agricul- tural implements, .'WO First AMMEN R S, drug{:i8t, '-SO First Anderson Pobt, chiropodist, liTOi Santa Clara Andrews & toykend.ill, paekera and ]irovision.-i, Central Market Ajipletpii J, elothiny, .XIO First Arelier L, atty at law anneei Spring Beil Factory, and ste.,m c.rpet beating machini", '.VJi M^;rket ' Anltman Free?, miehini-it, The Alamoila AU2ERAK HOUSE, s W ChurehiU ]iropr, :.lii Santa Clari AUZERAIS & POMEROY. groccrie.^ hardwari-, crockery and agricultural implements, Iltl,') to.S7I Market BACKESTO J P, phynician. 4:ili First Bac(juie E, barbir, 853 Santa Clara •T' c: o -I n .a 03 c cs o 3 P O 3 3 CX o o » 3 o ■a CD (it O '3 •o (0 -3 z o c w p (A r X" (9 o TRY MURRAY S MAGIC UlL L, Blumauer & Co., ''^iMvi'iT PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •»'»t„»!»v*^-?^ ^- "• ^»'* I'enmanNhii), 1Vle«miiliv. California — San Jose. 295 ALPHABBTICALIiV. CO o CO v» CO 1 ■ h 'I 1 s? ■■, •H OB P4 Q n ♦• 3 s BAILETS W R, Eagle Bakery, 355 Siinta Clara Bailey C P, gloves and robes, 343 First Builty D C, postmaster, Santa Clara and Market Bailey J R, agt W U Tel Co and A M Dist Tel Co, 295 First BAI'BACH JNO. blacksmith and wag- onmakcr, Second and Fountain BALTZ PETER, Eldorado Bakery, i:74 BANK OFSAN JOSE, T Ellard Beans 1 (resident, NE cor First and Santa Cliir.i Barbiire Mrs M C, hotel, 340 First Barker S A, atty at law, 2!i7 First BARKER W 0. propr New York Ex- changu Hdtcl, First and St John Barrett A A, baths, i;0'.» Third Barntt M A, furnishing gooda, Santa Clara bet Third und Fourth Barry Jului, hotel, 444^ First, livery, 440 First Barsot K, saloon, 377 Santa Clara Baudouin A, dyer, 4'J5 Second BAUER L, cabinetmaker and furni- ture dealer, 4Ulj First B:y and Const Tel Co, Ceo Cirson nianiigcr, -80 Santa Clara Beach 'I'yler, iuc, coal and wood, '281 St .lohn BEANS T ELLARD, president Bank ot San Joae, N K cor First and Sant Cliira Ik-dwell W E, harnessmakcr, 432 First behrciidt Fdward, stoves and tinware, 413 First BELL JOHNi notary public, land loan and insiirance aut and ai.'t Cuuaid (European) Steamship Line, 331 Santa Clara Bflloli •' A, groceries, Third and Sau Fernando Ik'UKiit T, wagonmaker, ilS2 San Fer- nando Beufcy Miss Ma D, teacher of elo- ci:ti"n, 'J7(i Fir.st BENOIT BROS, merchar t t;.ilors, :i'JL I'ir.st BENSON & LORIGAN. attys at law, V7t) Fir.t BENTLEY G J, physician, 54 Santa L'l..ri Ikrce ,1 J, Poultry, lish, etc, *. ^5 First liiTgstrom C, blacksmith, I.S2 San Forniiido BEBNHARDT & REDMOND, t:ro cers, 33;) and Mi Market Birastiin .1, tailor, 3:i(i First Uurriager & Evans, feeil mill, hay and jrraiii, 1 14 Market BERRY R D, Garden City Feed Mill, H'SJ and 3VJD San Pedro Bertelsmann C, furniture, 433 First BINKS B R, cigars and tobacco, 407 First Bishop Mrs H, ladies' hairdresser, £04 Santa Clara BLACK MRS B W, millinery and fancv '40ods, 431 First Black J C, ^rocer, 280 First BLACK J C, atty at law, room 18 Knox block BLACKFORD G W, atty at law and notary public, room 8 Knox block BLANCUARD & CO, meat market, 133 First BLANCH ARD & O'NEIL, granite works, Santa Clara and IJiver BLAND J C, notary public, auctioneer, connnissioa and real estate agt, 334 Santa Clara BlauerB, cooked meats, poultry, etc, 411 First Bloom Tj, clothin", 335 ifarket BLYTHE & MADDOX, gmin and commission merchants, •-:S7 First BODLEY E C, coal, lime, hay and vrain, 'J71 F'irst BOMPARD & CO, grocers, £08 Santa Clara P.onetti Cr, cutler, 372 Market Borin!j S \V, notary, 2iil> First BORING & WRIGHT, real estate and iiiji, 2110 F'irst Bosatino ti, barl)er, 33G First Bosohken J, hardware, 417 F'irst Biadlee & (iosbey, boots and shoes, £51 Santa Clur.i BRADLEY C, West F:nd Carriage Factory, White and The Alametlu BRADLEY MARK, American Bak- eiy, '.SO St .lolm BRADLY MRS T S, dressmaker, 3£7 Santa Clara BRALY J M, stock broker, 280 Santa Clara • BRASSY & CO, litiuors (wholesale), 3(15 Market Ibann C W, dry goods and clothing, 402 1 irst BRAZELLE MRS A J ft CO, p t- tern house and dressniaking establish- niiMit. 3i.\S Santa Clara BRIESEN A E, C. smopolitan School, Sicond and San Fernando BRITTON JOHN, box factory, Julian and S ,n I'cdro BROHASKA J H, Opera House Sa- loon, 31)5 Santa Ctar.i Broon (iidd, cigars and tobacco, candy and toys. '-'.'O Santa Clara Brown .laeob N, physician, 321 Santa Chra BROWN J E, rcid estate, iua and notary I public, 28'J First 63 3 Si M PURE PORT WINE, for Mellcinm Purposes, 302 Davis St., S. F. In > : • Hl:l m '^'' ■1 I .-Jwli?.'.' I III Pi 1 1 /■ ■ ' IL i c i p 0) S > o E « c c IB O • o o o E ^ o < 0. h D O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^iWi'ffSJr.nr^Sit^V/SS^YVI?' 296 California — Sam, Joae. ALPIURRTICALIiT. Brown John, saloon and restaurant, 260 Market BRUNER F H, atty at law, rooms 17 and 18 Martin's block, 276 First Brunst F, cigar manufr, 465 First Buckner R B, justice of peace of police judge, 290 Market BUFFINGTON & LANGFORD, Junction Market, 621 First BULL GEO. agricultural implements, 332 Market Bull Geo P, groceries, Market and San Salvador BDNEMANN F, cisrar manufr and dealer, 282 Santa Clara BURNS MRS MARY ANN, restau rant, 2()J El Dorado BURT & PFISTER. attysat law, 276 First BYRNE M, dry goods, 317 Santa Clara Cain Frank, auction, 312 Market CAMPBELL JAMES H, atty at law and (list atty. Court House CAMPBELL MILTON, stoves and tin- ware, b'irst and San Antonio Campiglia A, fruit, 353 First Canon A J, saloon, 1 1 7 Santa Clara Capt Gus, jeweler, 381 Market CARFIELD JNO, horseshoer, 423 Santa Clara CARLSON & SWANSON, Scandina vian Exchange Hotel, 285 El Dorado Carr Dave, saloon, 366 First Carrol Wm, hotel. Second and San Fer- nando Carroll T A, horseshoer, 208 Santa Clara Carson Geo, Telephone Exchange, 280 Santa Clara CARTER J S, srain dealer, 293 First CASTRO & BRO, muiufr jewelers. Fountain Castro M, painter, 318 Second Central Market, 373 aid 375 First Chaizc liouis, brass foundry, 148 Santa Clara Chanchut Jacques, barber, 376 Market Chandler J W & Co, photo, 'aphers, 367 First Chappcl Mrs S L, dressmaker, 276 First CHILDS T F, fruit and varieties, 222 First Chipman L F, county supt schools Christian Jno, blacksmith. First and Wniiam CHRISTY J E, carriage painter at West End Carriage Factory, White and The Alametla CHURCHILL S W, propr Auzerais House, 275 Santa Clara CITY OF SAN JOSE, dry goods, 313 Santa Clara Clark James, harness and saddlers, 593 First Clark S A, groceries, 372 First Claus L F, carriage trimmer, 318 Second Clauss George, blacksmith and wagon- maker, 333 to 337 Lightstone Clayton J A, real estate and ins, 288 Santa Clara Cleal C A, cracker factory, 664 First ClelaudT S, wood and C()al, St John CLEVENGER GEO, job priater, 367 S.iut.i Clara CLEVENGER & SALISBURY.proprs "Town Talk. " 367 Santa Clara CLOSE M C, groceries, 188 Santa Clara COCHRANE A H, physician and sur- ireoii, 284 Santa Clara COGEBURN GEO J, bootmaker, 266 First Coffe Frank, bakerv, 241 Market Cole J L, lodgings. 328 Market COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME, Sister Mary Cornelio superioress, Santa Clara Collins W T, blacksmith, 716 First COLLINS R E, drugsn^t, 455 First COLLINS W H, utty at law, 276 First Comins Cooper, employment office, 463 First COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK OF SAN JOSE, H Hoifmau cashier. First and Santa Clara Conistock Bros, lumber, San Pedro Conmy J J, job pi-iiiter, 384 First CONlrpR PROF E P, author of "Pro. gressive Penmanship 'and "Connor's Compendium of Penmanship," Garden City Connnorcial College Connor P, wood, coal, hay and grain, 491 First Cook J W, dry gootls, 400 First Cook M A, news, cor Santa Clara and Market Coomb W L, laundry, Lightstone CoomlH! Jno, surveyor, Knox Mock CORCORAN & MAGUIRE, pUunhors' and gastittcrs' pumps, 351 haiit:i Clara Corcoran T J, agtnewCalifornia Thuater, Second CORDELL THOS H, searcher of rec- ords and notary public, room 23, Knox block Cordiviola G, saloon, 291 Market Corkery Denis grocery, Santa Clara and IMcasant Cory A J, physician, SE cor First and Santa Clara CORY ft KELLEY, physician and surgeon, 398 Firdt, cor San Fernando Cottle & Wright, job printers, 338 First S m O 39 H O ao m n o 1\ O m r PI a g i e O o 3 I e a 9 ft i I & H. WACHHORST. importer of jrJiTJry^^'If^iJL^n^. .315 J St., Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •''!4."nrPe?rSfn'.'?;.5;i.,K § u o ti tn 0} (0 e u o lis o u » (A O o CO o (0 » o x: en o H X o <0 « < California — Sa/n Jose. AbPIIABmOAbLT. 297 COTTBELL CHAS T, collector, 290 Market COVPIE PETER, French- American Sa- loon, 262 Market Cox J B, phyuician, Farmers' Union buildinjc; CrandcU O L, capitalist and real estate owner, opp S 1' C 11 11 depot Crippen Mrs M A, dressmaker, 315 Santa Clara Crossett F M, atty at law, 276 First CROWELL BROS, Art I'alacc, 329 Suiita Clara Crydenwiso C S, wagon maker and wagon material, 314 Second CURTIS C W, employment office and stencil cutter, 269 First CURTIS H H, livery and feed stable, 264 San Pedro Curtias Mrs C M, dressmaker, 274 Santa Cl.ira CUTTER. HORACE L, cashior San Jose Savings Bank, 286 Santa Clara "DAILY TIMES," S W I)e Lacy propr, 338 Eirst DALBY E W, The Almaden Saloon, 276 Santa Clara DAMONTE A, Premium Candy Fac- tory, 264 Market Davis Mrs C, furnishing goods, 441 First Davis Nick A; Co, saloon, 26-4 First DE LACY S W, propr "Daily Times, " 338 First Delgrosso L, bootmaker, 376 Market DELLWIO E, California IJcstaurant and Bakery, 281 Santa Clara DELBLAS JOSEPH, pork dealer. Cen- tral Market Derieux J T, cigars and tobacco, 371 First DESIMONE J & CO, fmits, produce, etc, stall No 1 Central Market Dcvine .1 J. groeeriea, 321 Majket DEWEY MRS J, dressmaker, 247 Santa Clara Dit'triek Miss A K, teacher of penman- ship anil drawing. 276 First Dilley James S, real estate and ins, 276 First Pittmar C E, saloon, 129 Santa Clara Dittus & Toney, meat market, 453 First Doermer Chap, gunsmith, 251 El Dorado DOERR CHAS. New York Bakery, 439 First Doerr Philip, saloon, 435 First, and brewery, cor Fourth and William Dolan T, Omnibus Line, stanil First and Santa Clara DONOVAN M Lflrish American Hotel, 273 Market Dotta Bros, hotel, San Pedro and El- Dorado DOUGHERTY WM P, aupt Santa Clara Valley Mill i, Lumber Co,Foarth and San Fernando Draiwr E W, feed mill, 666 First oor Grant DREW CORNELIUS, contractor and builder, Santa Theressa and San Au- gustine DREW H C, stair builder and turning, Fourth and San Fernando Dulion J B, meat market, 278 El Dorado Dunlop R B, groceries. Market and St John Dunn James T, real estate, Knox block Dwyer \Vm, saloon, 312 First ]"]dwards N B, meat market, 316 Market ELITCH JOHN, Music Hall Oyster and C^hop House, 281 First lilliott Mrs Geo W, dressmaker, 431 First Ellis \V F, city assessor and clerk, City Hall El wood J H, music teacher, 303 First EMPEY & LENNARD. harness and saildles, 289 First ENRIGHT JOSEPH, foundry, ma- chine and )K)iler shop. First and Wil- liam ERKSON WM & CO, grocers, 352 and 354 Santa Clara Erie Fredk, saloon, 480 First Ernst C li, saloon, 385 First EWING & SPENCER, Occidental Liv- •ry Stable, 27i» to 283 Second EYSTER DAS, aecty San Jose Water Co. .303 I'irst FAIRFIELD H, county assessor, Court House Fanning Welsey, commission house and workshop, 279 St John Farmers National Gold Bank, John W, Hinds pres. First and Santa Clara Farmers' Union, gen nidse, Wm (Jinty manager, Santa Clara and San Pedro FAULL WM, propr Second-street House, 325 Secontl FEIST BROS, dry goods and carpeta, Santa Clara and First Fellom C J, saloon, 249 El Doratlo Fetherston Geo, cigars and tobacco, 290 First FIELD FREDERICK, Excelsior Mar- ble Works, 277 Second FIKES J H, wood and coal liyery and feeil stable, Santa Clara bet Third and Fourth Finch J B city supt of schooU, 297 First Finigan L, dentist, 255 Santa Clara FISCHER PETER, Eintracht Saloon, 32 First FISCHER WM» groceries and liquors, &c, 255 Santa CI&tsl; The People'* Grocer It C/$ m ir ^'1 V t (Hi ;)-' f"^ |,, H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street. S. F. . ff . mvn I AUUC « UU., ii«. 114, iie. and liat Battery St., m.V. Pi! ! It' :if CO C o ID O 2 iS & > » c o E a 09 o o o < 0. h h C 298 Calif orrtia — San Jose. ALPllABimCALLr. FISHER C W, druggist, 322 First P'ishcr Mrs Eleanor, dressmaker, 43U First Fitzgerald James & Edward, wagonmak- er, li!5 Santa Clara Flack S, kalsominer, 287i St John FORNI & BONNETTI, Swiss Uotel, 150 Market Fraser D, tailor, 266 First FREITAG C F, books, stationery, cigms and tobacco, etc, 457 First Friiiiit A & Co, grocers, 423 and -±'25 First FulKr A C, sewing machines, 2S9 Sec- ond FURMAN & HUGHES,, books, stiitionery and frames, 42'J 1" irst 0;ill(i,l>:kcTy, 663 First GARAND MISS C, dressmaker, 31! Second GARDEN CITY COMMERCIAI COLLEGE, H B Worcester pr^in-, Hiintii Clar.i and 8an IVdro Giirditier i\, dmguist, 333 First Garrison Mrs A, physician, 417 first Gash John, architect, 248 Santa Clarr. Gaston A A, dentist, S\V cor S.int. Clara and Fir^t GEBHARDT & MAGISTRETTI, International Hall Saloon i nd United States Brewery depot, 2'.!0 Market George (Jivens, s.tloon, '.8(5 First GerlKT Jnlius, barbjr, 351 Fir.-t nd Harris Will F, hackman, stand 210 Santa Clara Hart .las, grocer. Second and San Fer- nando Hart Jas&Sons, dry goods, ,327 and 415 First Harton Owen, saloon, 277 First HARTZOKE JOHN, cigar factory, 314 First HASKELL DANIEL N, chief of po- lice. City Hall HATCH I C, harness, buggies, carriag- es and robes, 224 Santa Clara HATMAN & NORMANDIN. car- riage factory, 208 Santa Clara Haub .Jacob, saloon, 21)6 Market HAYDEN E B, liquors, 271 Santa Clara Hayes k Downer, proprs Now Califor- nia Theatre, Second Haynes N, carpenter, Santa Clara bet Third and Fourth HEGELY MRS ROSA, bakery and saloon, Santa Claru uud Fourth -< 30 CO ! CD Co o CD cn ' o ■a CD -J O B W i CD i- iC/> IP I in 12 c TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEaE, No. 8SO Po«t Street. IMneatf* thoi'oavhly tar BaMneMN. California — San Jose. 290 en AliniAIIRTIOALLY. Helliesen Chas, liquors, 270 First HENSLEY C B, roal estate aiul insur- unuc, 1:83 First HENSLEY HOUSE, Mrs N M Greely propriutressi, 'J33 8uut i C'Lira "HERALD" COMPANY, pubs "D.uly Hrt-uM," "Weekly Herald" and "Ar gu8,"381 First Heruaiulez M, horscshocr, 318 San For- iin ndo HEBOLD PHIL, boots, shoes and leather Ihidings, 320 Santa Clara bet First and Second s s Herriniiin Miss M, millinery and fancy good'*, 274 S;mt.i Ciarn HEREINGTON D W, atty at law, 284 Santa Clara Hermann Bros, civil cnginecra and sur- veyors, 27(5 First Hirtel Chas A, {grocers, 656 First Hervey Will U, music teacher, Sant.. Clara and San I'edro Hess Louis, dyor, 443 First HEYLER C J & CO, hats, gents' fnr- nishiiig goods and sliirts insulc to or- der a spjcialty, 31 1 Santa Clara HEYLER J, boots and shoes. Boos' Slioe Nt.ore, .^Oi) Santa Clara HIGGINS R L. real estate, 295 First Hill 'I I', propr lack House, 3i)l First HILTON W E & CO, real estate, 264 .Santa Clar^i Hindic \Vm, feed stable, The Alameda Hinds Jno W, i)re8t Fanners' National (}(ild Bank, S\V cor Santa Clara and First HINDS S J, i'ttty at law,rooms 16 and 17, Knox block HINES & DAGGETT, fruit, 456 First HINGSBERGEN H, marble works, 4()4 First Hirsch B S & Co, millinery, 323 Santa Clara HOBSON JACOB, constable and col lector, 2liO First HOELBE RUDOLPH, Mint Saloon, 01 Santa Clara HOF JOHN, tlealer in liquors, wines and brandies, 436 First HOFFMAN H, cabliier Commercial & Savings Bank of Sau Jose, SE coi Fiist and Santa Clara HOFFMANN R Cwatcbes and jewelry, .So.") First Ilollis W H, blacksmith, First and Vir (,'inia Hnlinan .las, truckman, San Pedro liohnes S F, freight agt C V and S P It H. depot Hooker A 0. dentist, 220.^ Santa Clara Hoover H, livery stable, 240 First HORTON E J, agent for D M Osborne & Co, Sautu Clara between 3d and 4th HOUGHTON & REYNOLDS, attys at law, NE cor First and Santa Clara Howard Franklin, barber, 457 First Howes Saml P, searcher of records, 27& First HUGHES P D, cooper, 121 Santa Clara HUSING ALBERT, propr "San Jose Courier," 521 First HYDE M D & C9, musical merchan- dise and statioiury, 285 First Hyland & Maraouder, Hsh, poultry, etc, Santa Clara and Second INGHAM JOSEPH, wagonmaker, Firjt and Willi im Isaacs Mendel, clothing, 325 Market Isaacs M'lses L, clothin?, 331 Market JACKSDNJR, agenffor "rhe Kl- dredge", "The Domestic," "The Wil- son," and "The Davis" sewing ma- chines and other good machines, also dealer in attachments, 321 Second Jaeger Chas A, fur.iiturc, 32'.! First Janu.iry Wm A, county treasurer and colle( tor. Court House Jarm ui J 1*, painter, 287i St John •lensen k Moier, harbors, 326 Saiita Clara Jewell Kev F F, cler^'ymen, (Mjtho- diat) 284 Second Johnsvin A, saloon, 216 Santa Clara .lohnson Jerry, barber, 320 First JOHNSON JOHN, propr Crandall Ho- tel, The Alameda Jolinson Jos W, justice of peace, 290 First J ilinson L, m?at market 347 First .Jolinston li, meat market, 342 First JOHNSTON S N, lumber and building m. tjri d, 'Tliirtl nr Moody's Mills Jnndt K, sidoon, 298 Market .futh K, saloon. Fountain Keiser P, harness and sadiUes, 322 Market Kcllv Ji s V, int rev collector, 303 First KENNEDY W C, atty at law, room iS Ivnox block KEY. J W, Park Livery Stable, San Fornandi) l»et Second and Tliirtl Kilburn C.irroll & (Jo, lumber, 463 First Kimball O B, wood, cool and hay, Santa Clara and Third Kimball Thoo, p.antcr, St Mary and The Alameda Kins' 11 W (J, painter, 208 S.anta Clara KLEIN F, stoves and tinware, 227 Siinti Clara KLEIN & HIGGINS, insurance, 295 First KLEIN N, dentist, 284 Santa Qara KNAPP J L, notary public and con- veyancer, room 11 Knox block KNICKERBOCKER E, ^vooil, coal, hay, grai i and lee, 266 First Kniwles Harry, haruessmaker, 440^ First CA ■ H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. ItB ■v. % 1! •i 1 i I in ; » ■ £ C S p W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.,"^tt;?nr?fo n. iTv. MM dlftaiMit ■!■•■, itjlM uid U, 116 and US Battor? M., 8. P. 300 California — San-Joae. ALPIIARVTICAI.Lr. o i (Q s (0 ±* 3 IL c c (0 O ■ O o o o < a, o z O Koch A J, hairdresser, 282 Santa Clara Kocher & Blauer, watches and jewelry, 31 (> First KOENIO JACOB, boots and shoes, 387 First Koerber Geo, wood, 278 St John KOPPEL J C, cigars and tobacco, 260 Santa Clara KriegKobt,secty San Jose Savings Bank, 28(5 Snnta Clara KRUMB LOXJIS, Krumb's Hall and Brewery, 377 and 37!) Second KUCHENBEISER F, iron door man- ufactures, 370 Third Lace Miss M J, physician, 274 Santa Clara LAOAHDE A, groceries, crockery and hardware, 3'JO Market LAKE ALBERT, box factory, 146 San l'e news agency, stationery, confectionery, cutlery &c, 235 Santa Clara Lick House, J L Hill propr, 391 First Limerick P, wagonmaker and black- smith, San Antonio Linggi Chas, saloon, 451 First Lion (Jus, fancy goods, 218 Santa Clara Lion L, gloves and carpets. First and San Fernando Lion & Stcinbach, drygoods and cloth- ing. Market and Santa Clara Lopez Uosn, restaurant, 281 Market Los Gatos Four Mills, office 296 First Lossman L, tailor, 445 First Lotz Joseph A, city treasurer and collec- tor, City Hall Loud S D, boots and shoes, 293 El Do- rado LOVE & MULVENNA, Bank Ex- cha.ige Saloon, 322 First Lovell Wm M, atty at law, 314 First Lowe James B, atty at law and notary public, Knox block LIJSSON P M> lAiysician and surgeon, 247 Santa Clara LUTHER & SCHROEDER, liquors, groceries, cigars and tobacci), SK cor Santa Clara and Second Lux H, butcher. Central Market Machefert L, watches and jewelry, 265 Santa Clara Maddux C H, capitalist, 285 First MaiTre H, saloon, 225 Santa Clara MAOUIRE Pi propr Atlantic House, 491 and 493 First Malone J T, notary and atty at law, 314 First Malony John, blacksmith. El Dorado and Market Mann & Merges, bakery, 373 Santa Clara Manner G C, hotel, 270 Market Mansticld Jno, groceries. The Alameda Martin Calvin, capitalist, 276 First Martin C J, dry goods. First and San Fernando Martin Edward, saloon, 267 El Dorado Martin Geo N, livery, 316 Santa Clara MASON FRED H, Magnolia Saloon, 351 First MASON H A, atty at law and notary public, room 1 Knox block Muthiot A, l>ootmakcr. The Alameda Matty A, meat market, 330 Market Mauvais K, agent sewing machine, 317 Second Mayer Mrs, ladies hairdresser, 258 Ssn Pedro MATER B, wood and coal, 258 San Pe- dro McARDLE JNO> blacksmith. Fourth and Santa Clara o -< o m m (ft M ■o 5' a. er o ar (ft e I O I o s CO at e • MB o o O X a a o z (0 o «9 PACI McCroi g— McDoni Mills, McDufI MoOR] First M6QR] First MoKoe( First Mo Kee J MoKEI McXm First a MoKISI SE cor MoLEO] Clara MoMahai Clara McMalioi McN.'.Ily MoNEII ers, Kn Mcljuaido MEADE Clara MESSIN4 uesH, 37i Meyer A, Michelli N Milasich Millard Clara Miller W ( Minahan J Minor P public, 1 Miocevich Miotke IV, Moll,, p, „, MOLONE^ '284 El U Mdlonoy Ji rndo MONTBOl cian, 331 Montgomei ins, 279 MOODY A MOODY & Clara am MOORE, attys at 1 Moorehead goods, 26- MORRISO Clara MORTON stationerj MoBconi G, KOULTRI block H. WACHHORST. importer of ,,«':'S&y^iS!;!L';".;d.. 315 J St., Sac. ■ PURE PO PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. j^';?r!rJi..%"5!r?::?'.cw. Califamia — San Joae. 301 1 10 S2 o (0 J< o o CO o 73 (A o D) o o JZ o H X C9 3 O Z o ■ < ■ MoCroMon Jameii, hotel, 279 Market McDonald A, aupt San Jow Woolen Mills, 27U First McDutT Peter, saloon, The Alameda MoQBEW W H, atty at law, 282 First XoCFREW WM K, atty at law. 282 First McKeu Geo B Sl Co, paints, oils, etc, 391 First MoKeeJ D, carpenter, 287 i St John MoKEE J 0, architect XoKENZIE J J), San Jose Foundry, First and San Au touio MoKISICK ft BANKIN. atty at law, SE cor first and Su^ita Clara MoLEOD M D, liquors, 325 Santa Clara MoMahan M S, physician, 290 Santa Clara McMahon A, physician, 341 First McN:.lly Thos, livery stable, 2G1 First McNEIL BROS, druggists' label print LTS, Knox block McQuaido .Tno, blacksmith, 237 Market MEADE E S, phyaician, 325^ Santa Clara MESSIKQ H ft SON, saddles and har- ness, 378 Firat Meyer A, bootmaker, 513 First Michelli N, bootmaker, 258 Market Milasich Antone, chop house, IMO First Millard Levi, feed stable, 192 Santa Clara Miller W (!, atty at law, Knox block Minahan Jno, liquorn, 2(59 First Minor F O, atty at law and notary public, Knox block Mioccvich M & C»>, restaurant, 403 First Miotke Frank, tailor, 303 First M'lllt! V, LTocer, 1 SI Santa Clnra MOLONEY BROS, tish and .produce, i'84 Kl Dorado Moloney E.lward, saloon, 282 El Do- rado MONTBORNE H P, botanic physi- cian, 331 Stcoiul Mont;^omery & T ownsond, real estate and ina, 279 First M30DT A £, insurance, 2!)3 First MOODY & BRO, Moody's Mills, Santa ("lani and Third MOORE, lAINE^ ft JOHNSTON, attya at law, 20-1 Santa Clara Moorehead J M, millinery and fancy S>ot:iry public, Knox block^ FATZER L, Vienna Chemical Steam Dying Works, 224 First 0» I I •m I 3' ' 'Id I' el PURE PORT WINE, ftr leticiiU PamoseB. 302 Davis St., S. F. IL c S p . W. IVIIIN I AUUC tt wUi) vHtteniH. Iln. 112. fu. lIHnncl DM Bnttery Ht., H. r. 302 CD SI IL ■ ■ :,1 El ■ 11 I ■ 1 li-M-- ' c c H ^1 ' '.W»| ' ID IB ^|B|| H ^m f :|[HPf BHf 'flH L >wl^^B^ :• • B B \mKi'' n i'^P? Bfl ■;m'; ■ fl ^ m z ' Ml f 1 B( ' < 1 1 ■ !:::j ' . 0. 111 ■ ''T - H B z M^l "InHi ' ' ' 1 B ' '^ > h 1- ^B »"B 3 {^ro '^HB hH^ ';| ill i ! ! ■ California — San Jose. ALI'MABWIO ALLT. PAYNE D S> atty at law, room 13 Knox block Pcckhnm K F, president San Jose Woolen Mills, 276 First Pcirftno O, groceries, 240 Mar'tet Pellerivno Fred, saloon, 26(5 Market PEMBROKE JAMES W, jeweler 288 First Fene Joseph, blacksmith, San Pedro and El Dorado PETERS MATHEW, Mat's Bottle Beer depot, lri\\\ First Peterson August, junk, 180 Santa Clara PFEFFER OEO, iSangcr Hull Saloon, 501 First cor San Carlos PFISTER A, hardware, iron and stetil, 850 Santa Clara PFISTER A & CO grain and cnmmin- sion and proprs Vineyard Mills, 856 Santa Clara Phillips John, bootmaker, 274 Market Phillips Mitch, searcher of records, 286 First PIATTI C, general nuenf, Knox block Piebrach F, saloon, 668 First Pieper J H, city surveyor. City Hall Piessncckcr H, Garden City D»u^ Store, Santa Clara and Second PIONEER MATTRASS AND SPRINO BED FACTORT. and steam Cari)et Beater, L Aubert propr 322 Market Pitman William, bootmaker, San Fer- nando PLATT W H, real estate agt, room 1 Knox building PLITT J D, propr Alameda Palace, S P C K R »lepot Ponti A, bootmaker, 268 Market POPPELWELL OEO B, The Old Bur ton Ale Saloon, 349 First PORTAL J B J, prest S \V R R, gen ins agt and money broker, 247 Santa Clara Porter & Manley, real estate and ins, 297 First POTTS & CALDWELL, physicians and su geone, 'A^\ First POULAIN A, Alameda Feed Mill, The Alameda Powers John, bootmaker, 286 First Prevost A L, physician, 308 First PRICE J J, upholster and cabinet- maker, Santa Clara bet Thinl and Fourth Prindle Homer, blacksmith and wagon- maker, 28? St John PROMIS ft LiPSETT, groceries, 448 First Fryce Mrs H A, dressmaker, 264 Santa Clara Pyle 'Mrs 8, dressmaker, 247 Santa C'ara Quevedo A G, groceries, First and Wil- liam Quilty D, merclmnt tailor, 288 First Quiniby F A & Co, money brokers, 280 Santa Clara Quimby & Skinner, real estate and ins, 280 Santa Clara Raabe Chas E, groceries and liquors, 206 Siuita Clara Radulovich L G, restaurant 452 First RAQOIO 0, groceries, provisions and pnidueiB c tmmission merchant, 253 and 255 Market Rau8chenl>ach Louis, ])inkles, sauer kraut, etc. Central M.irkct RAY & PARKER, Avenm- Meat Mar- ket, Santa Clara bet Fourth and Fifth RAY T W & CO, insurance. 283 First Redmond C C, miiciunist, 860 Santa Clara Reecc J H, physician, 815 Santa Clara Reed Elliott, agt W, F & Co, JiiS First REED E P, money broker, NE cor First and Santa Clara REED & WELCH, real estate and ins, NE cor First and Santa Clara Regli P, boots and slioes, 388 First Renzel Conrad, groceries, 524 First Rhodi's B J k Co, driigdsts, 855 First RICH & BLUMENTHAL, cl >thing, l'7l» Santa Clara Richards — , county surveyor. Court House RICHARDSON & SON, fed stable, hay, grain, wood and coai, t. j i'Mrst Richardson W, tailor, 818 Santa Clara Ridingcr Mrs E L, dressmaker, 289 Sec- ond RINALDO BROS, cigars and tobacco, 806 First Rinaldo D, painter, 347 Santa Clara RIVERS T J, painter, 361 Santa Clara Roberts Austin, seoy Sun Jose Gas Co, Tlurd and Sun I'ernaudo ROBERTS RETURN, Bupt San Jose Water Co, 808 First' Robinson F C, saloon, Lightstone Rock John, nursery, 268 lirst Roderick J R, musical mdse, 220 Santa Clara Roelir Henry, cigar factory, 385 First Ross C H, painter, St John ROSS L & SON. fruits, groceries, seetls. trees, etc, 381 First RUCKER & PAGE, real estate and fire ins agts, 303 First, over Commer- cial Bank of San Jose Ruff Chas, shirt maker, 288 First RUSS JOSEPH, R R Refreshment Sa- loon and Restaurant, R R depot, cor San Pedro and Dame Sage A A & Co, grocers, 343 and 345 First SS 03 e o ■'■•a O CA O 3 i! o S) 3 a. o o » 3 O 3 •o (9 3 o ■o n • 3? CO (A r X (D o Busir St Jamoi SAUNIl row-uti "SAN J 1.'!^ l»ri SAN ire o-i^CT SAN JO ^ pres T publish SAN JOS ^, & JAJl San Joso J Sun Jose 1 , tress lib "SANJOl weekly), t'lara SAN jos: Leon in I SANJOSI berts sup San ,Joao \V pros, 276 SANTA C &LUMJ Fourth an Savid;,n J, Santa Clai Scot'chitano SqSERREj M irket an SCHIELE Pacific Ho Schillin;^ l'r;i tion and gi Schlesinger A Clira Schmidt fJco Schneider D, Schoeiilieit A Schroder C, Clara Schumacher Scott B V gr Scott J D,'ph SOOTT MIS I Santa Clara Scoit Kobt, w SEEB&CH loon, 272 M Senter Chas f Setta G, barb< Settle CT, pi Clara and Sj Settle Miss J< I ^ S-intfi Clara I 8HARRATT maker, Thir I Shaw h Callisc ISHEEHAN, »nd plumber TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL LBlumauerACo., "^'"S^flT BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrally tiMiKht Kt F.%«;iri«? HITMI- NKHH Vni.t\V4iV.. HUM P«Mt M*. M. V. CO O0 fU CO I ft s c a c '5 c 3 (8 « ■ California — (S'an Joae. 3U3 ALrilAHRTICAIibV. St Jitmes Hotel, 232 First SAUNDERS A & J M, lumber, Xar. row-xaiixi! (lupot "SAN JOSE COURIER," Albert Hus- li!^ prour, 521 I'irst SAN JOSE FURNITURE MANU- FACTURING CO, 422 ttii>l •4-J4 lirat SAN JOSE GAS CO, Jamos Hugm. preit, Third auerta siipt, 3U3 i'U'itt San Joso Woolen Mills, II F reckhani pros, 27H First SANTA CLARA VALLEY MILL & LUMBER CO, Win H Hall pros, Fourth and San Fernando Savidim J, veterinary uurgoon, 212 Santa Clara Scocchitano A, fruits, 46.) First SCHERRER GEO, K^glo Brewery, Market and Sun Carlos SCHIELE CHAS M ft CO, proprs Pacific Hotel, 373 and 375 Market Schilling Frank, guns, pistols, ammuni- tion and gunsmith, 285 Kl Dorado Schlesingcr M, varieties, 1* irdt and Santa Clara Schmidt (^«co, saloon, 254 Santa Clara Schneider I), saloon, 324 Santa Clara Schoeuheit A, druggist, 2(>2 Santa Cl.ira Schroder C, candy factory, IWK Santa Clara Schumacher 1", bootmaker, 358 First Scott B F, groceries, 047 First Scott J D, physician, 150 Santa Cliira SCOTT MISS N L, dressmaker, 321 Santa Clara Scott Robt, wood and feed, 588 First SEEBACH HENRY. New York Sa- loon, 272 Market Senter Chas N, atty at law, Knox block SetU G, barber, 2!>4 Market Settle C T, pres Farmers' Union, Santa Clura and San Pedro Settle Miss Josie, teacher of elocution, Snntii Clara and San Pedro SHARRATT J W, wagon maker, maker. Third and Sant i Clara Shaw ti Callisch, druggists, 3d2 First SHEEHAN J M, gaatixtures, gasfitter and plumber, 446 First Silva Jno, saloon. The Alamada Simindd A W, auction and oummiBsion, 442 I'irst Simpson James, saloon, 252 First Simpson J H, carpenter, 248 First Sisk John, saUion, 3U'J First Smiih Miss E C, dressmaker, 276^ Santa Clara Smith Frederick, grocery. East and Tho Alamudi SMITH & RYDER, watches, jewelry, diamonds and silver ware, 307 First SMITH WM, U S Hotjl, 251) and 2G1 San Pedro Sued iker E, ticket agt C P R R 4 S P It R, depi»t SncU E, phyaician, 273 Firit Solomon B & Bro, dry gooils and cloth- iiU, 413 I'irst SONNICHSEN CHAS, bookbinder, 311 M irkut SONTHEIMER J J, county clerk. Court iiouse SOPER T, carpenter and cabinet mak- er, 410 I irst SOURISSEAU F, importer and dealer in guns, piit >ls, ammunitiim, tishin'^ tackle, cutlery, etc, 'S62 and 3t>t Fir.jt South Pacific Coast FJxprcss Co, 287 I' irst SPANSWIGK MRS A E, proprj Ar- guello Hous'j, 252 First SPAW & WHIPPLE, dontista, SE cor I' irst and Santa Clara SPEIGHTS R, hairdresser, 365 First Spencer & Covel, real estate and ins agt, 278 Santi Clara Spoor Mrs M E, dressmaker, 315 Santa Clara SPRING T W, dry goods, clothing, caqjets, bttots and shoes, etc, Santa Cl.ira and Market Stebbins F, bootmaker, 206 El Dorado STEELE WM, books, stationery and fancy goods, 274 First Steiner A, l>oots and shoes, 409 First STEPHENS C C, attorney at law, Knox block STEPHENS H W, ounty recorder and auditor. Court House Stern M, harness and saddles, 330 Santa Clara STEVENS IRA, saw iiUng and grind- ing, 287 i St John Stillwell St, Son, bill poster. Second STOCK J, stoves and tinware, 376 First Stockliu Juo B, carpenter and cabinot- maker, 248 First STR/1.US L, grain dealer, Fountain Straus S, dry goods and clothing, 370 First Studabecker Wm, bootmaker, San Fer- nando bet Second and Third m n C/9 0> 3 ; t' 1 ki) H. PALMER & CO.. FrontlonaR Wine, 302 Davis St, S. f . : I i' '-ill !-•'' !fti IL c e ID > o E CO 13 «> IC c C d o c z S o < 0. h h D O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., 1 14. imawd lift Battery fttrf^et. A. fT 304 California — San Jose. ALPHARSnOALLT. Tennyson D D, pension agent, "The Pioneer, • Alex P W SULLIVAN F J ft CO, undertaken, Market and Santa Clara SULLIVAH PATRICK, bootmaker, and boota and shoes, 330 ^ First SUZZALLO PETER, propr Pacific Chop Honse, 351 Market SWADT R S, supt Sail Jose Independ- ent Mill and Lumber Co, San Pedro SWARTHOUT E H, collector, 293 First TABBR ORRIN, agricnltural imple- m euts, 28 3 First TEICHNER ft WOLFRUM, dancing academy, '^'^i, Santa Clara, Washing ton block 276 First Murgotten pr opr, Fi rst a nd Santa Clara THOMAS FRANK H, fruit and con fectiouery, 443 First Thompson Mrs E R, lodging house, 276 First Thorne W i.\ physician, 255 Santa Clara THORPE JAS M, secretary S C V M & L Coj Fourth and San Fernando Ticlinor Chas, barber, 233 Santa Clara Tisdale W D, cashier Fanners' National Gold Bank, SW cor Santa Clara and First Tisdall J V, agt S P C R R. The Alameda "TOWN TALK," Clevenger & Salis- bury propra, 307 Santa Clara Tracy A, hotel, 370 Market Trevillian John, groceries, 137 Santa Clara TRUEMAN ft WOODROW, under- takers, 40« First Tureniaii W S, stocit broker, 2^-7 First Turiier J, physician, 419 Second Vella L & Co, saloon, 2i)2 Market Veuve E L, watchmaker and jeweler, 220 Santa Clara Veuve W P, attorney at law, ;W3 First Vinter W C, tinner, Santa Clara and Third Voltz E, saloon, 205 El Dorado Voltz Eugene, boottnakor, Lit^htstone Voltz Mrs Sophie, baths, Lightstone VoBS E, bakery, 528 First Waldteufel A, music, books and station- ery, 315 First WALE ft BOWEN, wood and coal, blacksmiths and wagonmakers, 4G7 First WALLACE R, propr Gray K-Jgle Liv- ery Stable, 3 86 F irst WALSH DAVID, blacksmith, Third and Santa Clara Walsh Iratriok, horseahoer, 176 Santa Clara Walt Jno, blacksmith, 660 First Wampach Chas, groceries, 623 First Wurkentin P, saloon, 382 First Waters Wm E, livery stable, 250 Santa Clara Watson Mr9 Jennie, millinery, dnn- making and hairdrewiDg, 363 First WEIL EDWARD, cigan.and tob»oco, 285 Santa aara Weiland F M, hotel, San Pedro and San Augustine Weine r M, clothing, 319 Santa Clar^ WELCH GEO, (firm of Reed & Welch), NE cor First and Santa Clara Welch Pat, livery stable. 275 First Wendt G, meat Uiurket, Market and St Joh n WENSTROM JNO. propr Central Ho- tel, 323 San Fernando WEST MRS M, dressmaker, 328 San- ta Clara Wheeler E W, fancy goods, toys, etc, 222 Santa Clara WHITE A W, tinsmith and manufr of White's Patent Pump Valve, 3tiO Santa Clara WHITE G R, photographer, 359 First White James J, stoves ind tinware, 428 First White J P, machinist, 119 Santa Clara WHITING WM, porter, 267 Santa Clara Wilcox Charles F, attorney at law, 303 First WILCOX E J, boots and shoes, 394 First WILCOX M W, clove and broom fac- tory, 278 Santa Clara Witkowaky E, clothing, 319 Market Willard L, fancy goods, 283 Santa Clara Willr.rd M, cigars and tobacco, 261 San- ta Clara Willey C F, painter, 2S6 San Fernando Williams Bros, hatters, 313 First Williams Ed, prusiilent San Jose Water Co, 303 First WILLIAMS F E, sherifT, Court House WILLIAMS MRS M F, music teach- er, 276 First WILSON GC, billiard saloon, 391 First Wise Mrs D, millinery, 367 First Wood k Brown, druRuists, 301) First Woods J S, hatter, 277 Santa Clar;i WORCESTER H B, propr Garden City Commercial College, Santa Clara and San Pedro Worley M H, sowing machine agent, 345 Santa Clara Wri^tht C D, attorney at law, 297 First WRIGHT W F, agent Singer Maiiu- facturint; Co, 329 Santa Clara Wright W W, photographer, 284 Santa Clara Wufltafeld August, saloon, 234 Santa Clara 3 o I a i a 3 3 a o a^ o 3 a o* 3 CD -I •< e o M •< ■n 3 P- m s* i4 o IT a a O 3 la I YOCC g= wan Yoell J5 YOEL ► I cor f ^ YOUN "' I nasg] ■^ I Zarcone PROF H. WACHHORSTJmporterof j«'^:Ly!%l;:;iid.. 315JStMSac H. PALME PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "•' tVS^SSSfj^^nS i: California — San Jose. ALPHABWnCAblT. 785 E Id u a CO in S 6 IS >> u a e o (0 o "5 (0 o JZ X o o (A U e (0 I. u (d u C X U a ■ u t ■ TOCOO JNO & CSO, Btoves and tin- ware, 267 Firat Yoell George M, attorney at law, 297 Firat YOELL J ALEX, attorney at law, XE c or F irat and Santa Clara TOUKOBERO C A, painta, paper haaginga, etc, 292 Firat Zarcone G, barber, 295 El Dorado Zecovich Antonio, restaurant, 226 Santa Clara Zeigler ft Althaua, boots, shoes, 294 Firat Ziegler Otto, saloon, 290 San Fernando Zi<4er Thoa, aaloon, SO Santa Clara ZIHMERER ANTONE, bootmaker. 334 Market ZING6 JOS, gun and Ipcksmith, 346 Firat PIOTOEWHS in all STILES 329 Santa Clara Street, San Jose, Cal. PROF. E. P. CONNOR, AUTHOR OF AND mmi mnmm of penmiinsiiip. THOMAS H. CORDELL, SEAECHEB of ESCOEHS Notary Public & Conveyancer. M Office Room, 23 Knox Block, SAN JOSE, CAL. VL harden City Commercial College, «ffleeiioars.o A.M..f5P.M. SAN JOSE, CAL. Abstracis of Title made at Lowest Rate*. I'rompt personal atttintinn |{iven to all business. 50 H. PALMER A CO., Frontignan Wint, 302 Davis St^ S, F. ?i, ■ !¥• mUil I MUlli: OC UU., patterm, 110. 112, 114, 116 and 118 Bat.t«i7 St., 8. F. %'i ti -m I". ■I c 75 p (0 I > o E a CO 7 O o o Q. 786 California — San Jose. ALPIIARBTICALLV. SAN JOSE, CAL. !r/ifs Institution is under the Superintendence of the Sisters of J^otre (Dame, ivhose primary object ts to instill into the winds oj young girls a noble and laudable ernulation, to form their hearts in virtue, to fit theni, to be future ornaments to society. The college was founded in 1851. In I855 it was incorporated by the State Legislature, and subsequently the same body so extended the original charter as to confer all the rights and privileges of collegiate institutions in the United States. It is situated in the City of San Jose, .Santa Clara County, and is surrounded by a be.iutiful and extensive pl.ay ground, furnished with every facility for the amusement of the pupils. The building, of brick, is large, commodious, and well ventilated. The entire (ront is one luuulred and sixty feet long. The cast wing runs back to the depth of two hundred and fifty feet; the west wing is one hundred and three feet deep; the whole affording accommod.itibns for a large number of jiupils. Minute attention is paid to the comfort and health of the pupils, and in case of sickness, they receive the most affectionate care. tail LIVERY, FEED AND SALE. J. E. HANCHETT, - - - Proprietor. «V'^*«V* 209 Santa Clara Street, San Jose, Cal. Elegant Turnouts an d Splendid Teams fur nished at all hours. Stock BoaidfMl by tlio Day, W(!ek or Montli, at $16 per Month. ALSO, THE FINES T HEARSE , at LOWEST RATES. Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain. Horses bought and sold on commi&siou. O o 00 s o (A o a iS CA e e if r 9 o 5 TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KINO. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"%'^!S'VWiy^h;^J^^l^t'^lTk '8 I California— San Jose. 787 ALPIIABRTIOAIibV'. GREY EAGLE LIVERY STABLE, 386 First Street, San Jose. R. WALLACE, - Proprietor. Carriages anil liyery Of all Ms. ^^:i Orders left at the Stable promptly M attended to. Terms Reasonable. c t J (8 OF SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH OF VARIOUS STYLES From Several Celebrated Factories. ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF HARNESS AND ROBES. 224 Santa Clara Street, WashiiiKton Rlock, onjH)sUe the Post office, I T /"^ T-IAT'/^U t4A!v jo»(K. iJai. i 1. o. n/^. 1 on. W. C. HAMILTON, CABFENTEB&BUILEEB 361 Santa Clara Street, Next door to the Opera House, SAN JOSE, CAL. estimates ^iven on all clasBost and styles ot work. General .lubbinff promptly attd.iiled to. Onces and Stores neatly flttcd up. c a 9 Cor Santa Clara anri Market Sis. SAW JOSE, C'AIi. N. ^. 0EEEL7, Proprietor. Conducted an a Fintt-C'laHfi Hotel, on both the European and Aiucricitn IMans. U(K>m8,; and Suits ot Itoonis elegantly and comfortably' turnliihcd, suitable fur ruiuists, Tt-avelers, Boarders and Families. Terms moderate, ao- oorUlng to the accommodations required. I DB. N. KLEIN, SURGEON DENTIST, Over San Jos 3 Savings Bank, Next to Wrlshfs Picture Gallery, SANTA CLARA STREET, SAN JOSE, CAL. F. K. LEDYARD, 321 Santa Clara Street, Bet. First and Second Sts., SAN JOSE, CAL. ao -< o CO ■H O m ■ is |s II if 15 I ! I'! f- :'Kfi OLD PBRT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis %U S. F. .;! I' I I ri I' !(> t i \ ill IL £ I p c o E CO (0 O ■ O o < 0. h H O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ?,7'7iySnV^i"irJKt«':?^v'\:f;5;i>VVJ^^ 788 California — San Joae. ALPHABimOAUiT. HERALD COMPANY PUBLISHERS OF THE >ftS£^> o o 39 ■< m m o IB AND liHiSili ^ (The Consolidated "Herald" and "Argus"), San Jose, Santa Clara County, California. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN CALIFORNIA. Subscription to Daily, per annum $6 00 " " Weekly, per annum 3 00 Adyertising Sates Furnished onSApplication. H. WACHHORST calls attention '•JSi^NS?^S£'- 315 J St. o e a o 3 9 P CO e 3 a O 3 9- BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"SSaS'MS^i'.r^^iKJS.fS?*: 1 t 1 12 « (0 e e a o d e e O X (9 o X < IS California — San Jose. ALPHABBnOALUr. 789 LESTER & BTBN, Hous9 aad Siga Fai&ters, Paper Hanging, Graining, ZALSOMINING & WHITENIITQ, 372 3Iarket Street, SAN JOSE, CAL. WM. B. MURPHY, f Room 24 Knox Block, SAN JOSE, CAL. Practices in a!l the Courts in the State. NEVADA HOUSE, B. G. ALLEN, Frop'r. SOUTHEAST CORNER First and St. John Streets, SAN JOSE, CAL. FirRt-class Roums ^ith board at reasonable ratei. Single Me»ls, 20 cts. First Street Cars pass the door. SUNJOSEWni MAURICE O'BRIEN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CANDY MANUFACTURER, No. 331 First Street, SAN JOSE, CAL. Ise Cream and Soda in Season. SANTA CLARA VALLEY ILL tc LUMBER COMPANY, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MANl'FACTUKERS OF Sash Doors, Blinds Shutters, Window Fram:s, Mouldings, And Evtry DcMoription of InMidr FiniMh. BRACKET AND SCROLL SAWING, WOOD TURNING, Etc. Kxtiaiutui k,'ivi'n on all kinds of work in uur line. N. & S. W. Cors. San Fernando and Fourth Sts, OFFI€K-Maii Fernando, M'eHt of Fourtli, iiiAX JOSK, CAL. DAILY TOWN TALK ' ORGAN OF AMUSEMENTS. One Thousand Copies oirculated Free Every Day CLEVENQEE & SALISBUB7. Publishers & Proprietors. GEO. CLEVENOER, Book and Job Printer, 367 Santa Clara Street, Opera House Building, San Jose. fl) -< S2 o ■H 30 m m IS f a 6 p. m \ I! I i ! M H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. I! i'v' tl! Will HnMTAGIIP A rn PHOTeiiandllsiiKes, MOdtSermtaliM, itylMuiA - . W« mUn I Mb U II m UU.* iMtterni. 110, U2, 114. 118 and 118 B»ttei7 St. , S. F. e a » I S IL c c IB O ■ o o o z s o < a. h D O 790 California — San Jose. ALrilABVnOALLT. FlisliiQg ui MM Coipany. J. J. OWEN, - Editor and Manager. Is Published Every Morning, Mondays excepted, at the following Rates: Per Annum, by mail, in advance $fi 00 Six Months, " '< 3 00 Three Months, " " 1 50 Per Week, delivered by Carrier 15 Sixty cents extra for postage for all yearly Subscriptions out of the County. ffiffi m ill Jffflxi Is Published EVERY THURSDAY at the following Rates: Per Annum, in advance • §2 50 Six Months, " 1 50 Three Months, •• 1 00 Twenty cents extra t.r postage for all yearly Subscriptions out of the County. mM s J@B ^miMTim A.T LOW^ RA^TES. o o c: z -4 -<■ O m 30 (A (A e ex •n S s* CD (A o a a o' a n s a 0? ■0 o 5" a J s TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KlliC. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. i?^.ft^;Lr:'T^v^Vu%:i^, California — San Jose. 791 AlPIIABWTIOAILT. CO o CO 03 ca LYMAN ROSS. OSCAR D. ROSS. L. E08S & SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ie,i ft* CM Nuts, Confectionery, s •H M O Qi Q P O CO AND- 381 First Street, San Jose. GEO. R WHITE, %i ,ti» lIAVI.^Ci HAD MANY YEARS experience in the PHOTOGRAPHIC RUSINESS, ALSO, I AM PRErARED TO DO FIMSIT-CILA ©MIK. T i CO 3 Water Colors, India Ink and Oil Portraits a Specialty. . 3i@ Ffipst Street. San lose, ©at. H. PALMER & CO.. Port Wine $2.50 per gal.. ""It^V^n^ii::^' 'Mb: ii," ili'''l [I'm ;•[, WUf MIIMTACIIP A rn tih«4«t Iron, all Mines and WaMbera. IIO, . If. MUNIAtaUC a l/U., IIS. 114. il«, and I IN Battery flt..M.r. PA( 111 hr ' t! m > U >- o CO < < CO o u u CO H CO 5 a 3 III I- X < z I- o ttl 792 California — San Joae-San Juan. ALPIIARmCALLY. A. DAMONTE, Proprietor. Hanufactui'tr an J De:k1or in No. 264 Market Street, San Jose, Cal. p. o. Vox too. Leading Whalesale Candy House in San Jose. San Juan, SAN BENITO COUNTY, Is 92 miles from San Francisco, 86 miles via Southern Pacific Kailroad to Sar- gent's, thence by stage six miles. It is one of the oldest towns in the State — an okl land mark in the form of a church 104 years of age contirmiiig this state- ment. It haa a population of 500 and depends on agriculture and stock-raising for its support. Allen J H, blacksmith Anderson J, stoves, tinware and crock- ery BACHER F a, t'en mdse Beger Henry, bootmaker BEUTIEK & BECK, San Juan Brew ery BOWIE JOSEPH gen mdse Bowman E \V & Sons, blacksmiths and wagonmakers Bowm.an W H, painter BREEN E J| farmer and stock-raiser Breen J F, superior judge BREITBARTH JULIUS, boots and shoes BULLIER LEON, hairdresser CAMOURS AUGUST, propr Plaza Hotel CAROILL C G, postmaster, agt W, F & Co, \V U Tel Co, physician, drug- gist and stationer CARMEN ARGELAGA, sister super- ioress St John Institution Chalmers (ieo, justice peace Chatelieu Saml, jeweler Duriii S, gunsmith, blacksmith and ma- chinist FILOUCHEAU M, drugs, liquors and gen mdse Gardilla Marie, varieties (rerl)et Victor, wine munufr firaeme A L, meat market (Jross Chas, constable Harris S, varieties Heritage J O, saloon and justice peace HODGDON J R, carpenter and builder LacostaJohn, bakery McMahon J F, atty at law and notary £ublic AZA HOTEL, August Camoiirs pro- piietur 'PulKn (ieo, National Hotel REGAN MARK, pr^pr Sargent's and San Juan, and Hollister and San Juan Stage Lines I Roach James H, constable I Royer Joseph, carpenter ST JOHN INSTITUTION, sister Car I nion Argelaga, superioress SCHERRER LOUIS, saloon Silvas Leon, saloon Sota Mariana, hairdresser Stanley James, harness maker ZANETTE ANGELO, Plaza Livery Stable AUGUST CAMOURS Proprietor. SAN JUAN, SAN BENITO CO., CAL. ©■ood- ISoono-s for :Fa.a2Q.ilies- TERMS REASONABLE. PRIVATE ROOMS. TABLE WELL SUPPLIED. 3 § as o ao o ■o A' o 5? o ■J o (D CO r p) 9 O A' »< if) e lA <0 O (01 O 2 « Oj col — I « .El I BAR] Bauml Clarke Dick in Driver Eagle i Eber£ Enoslk ESTU propi Flemin; Fradera Gallet J Gannon wagoi Garcia ] GATES GEMS. GIBLIl dro ro; GOOCH Hotel GORMi! Saloon dealer Hale H J HANSE Hill Hira Hodgkin I H<)p|iOi A liorsesli Johnson J KAHN KNOWf] and ha I.*vy Abr MARSH dro Re] O X a a o w SUPE ^ One Block «8| H. WACHHORSTJmporterof ji'wS&j^oufr.'.id.. 315JSt.,Sac N. PALI PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th«^ nodeUCoMrilrr^lM College or tho CoiMt, »»» Po«t Mt., H.1r. California — San Leandro-St. Helena. ALMIARKTICALLT. 793 if) in (d o o 2 (0 o o CQ « e hn, liquors WeblKT Mrs M. hotel WHITE HOUSE, H Resser propr San Leandro road ST. HELENA HOTEL A. TONOLLA, Proprietor, St. Helena, Napa County, California. SUFEBIOB ACCOMMODATIONS FOB TOUBISTS. One Block from the Depot. White Sulphur Springs only two miles away. Charges Moderate. Stage leaves for Ailnn Springs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Pope Valley and Walters Springs. at -< A* T 3 B 3 5 f ii r 5 il ii m in .. 1 >< H. PALMER & CO., Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St., S. F. !-1i < iv 4-.f - V]- '■ .1 [ '{*' ^ -kl 1 IHu ' i IL c o (0 4) S ■> (D 3 C c o ■ o o o z s < Q. o s I- h o WW MnMTAfillP Jl rn SUoTmKndiUMea, aMdlff6ran«itoN,ii«7lww« 794 California — Salinas City-San Andreas. ALPIIAnRTICAIiI.r. SALINAS CITY, CALIFORNIA. E. J. SWIFT FBOFBIETOB. X s R.W. RUSSELL'S STAGES RUN DAILY FROM Milton via Jenny Lind, Valley Springs, San Andreas and Sheep Ranch, Also Mokelumne Hill to Sonora, PASSING THROUGH San Andreas, Fourth Crossing, Ane:ers Camp, Robinson's Ferry, Tuttletown, Springfield, Shaw's Flat, Columbia, arrive at Sonora. This Line of Stagfa is in connection with Mr. RusseH's AT SA?»[ ANORBAS, WHO CAN FURNISH Single or Double Private Conveyances. ON SHORTEST NOTICE. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, In JMetropolitan Hotel, San Andreas, Calaveras Co., Cal. All Telegrams to R. W. Russell receive prompt attention. O 69' O o } 3 is l! I f 9i H. PALMIER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine. 302 Davis St., S. F. !'? 'nS m ) .'11 I !.! ■ w Pll' ^.I i¥\ i c a Z 8 ■> <0 0) iS So 0) o E 75 (Q ■ o o a z S o < 0. -I- I- W. W. MiMTAGUE A CO., ViT'Ttyj.'r.'VrKk'^ry.g;^^^^^^^ 796 California — San Andreas-San Liiia Obispo. Al.rilAHKTICALLT. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, CORNER OF MAIN AND COURT STREETS, Smi Andreas, Calaveras Co,, Cal, B F. HAWS PROPRIETOK. This Hotel is furnisiiccl throutjlio'.it in the l)est of style, nnd is not only home- like but is first-class in nil its nppuintments. The culinary department is in charge of an experienced lady cook. To pleasure seekers this Hotel offers great inducements. SACRAME NTO PLAN INC MILL, HARTWELL, HOTCHKISS & STALKER, MANurAcnnKKs or BRACKETS, SCROLL SAWING AND TURNING, Corner Eront and Q Streets, Sacramento, Cal. San Lorenzo, ALAMEDA C&UNTV, A village IJJ miles southeast of San Lc- andro, formerly the county suat. Bertram & Boesche, hotel Bilger Wm, gen mdso Coleman — , physician Du Boys — , physician Hanson Andrew, hotel Roberts Wm, lumber SHIMAN JOHN L, gen mdae and post- master Silver Joe, shoemaker Smyth Henry, farming implements and barnessmaker San Luis Obispo, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. The town is pleasantly situated, hav- ing ami)lc drainage by the creek that passes through the entire length, thus making it exceedingly healthful. Water is supplied by a splendid system of water works, and the streets and buildings are lighted with gas. The first settlement wiia made in 177-, when the old mission church, which still stands, was built. The county Court House was erected in 1 874 at a cost of $50,000. On the out- skirts of the town is a county hospital, built at a cost of $10,000. The City Hall, built in 1878, cost $8,000. Besides the (4 5 I (A e e o (A r a o 5 f H. WACHHORST, Aaent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PrMtlmlly tancht at PACIFIC BVMI- !f RMH VM.tM*iK. SMI PMt Mt.. •. V. Catifomia — San Luia Ohiapo, Ai.PiiARimnAi.iiV. 797 old miuion church there are four (>thers, — Epiicopal, Presbyterian and two Methodiata; there are two public school buildings that cost $11,000; there is also a Catholic Seminary. The population of the town, estimated by the number of votes cast at the last election, roaches 2,600. in I « e e o z o H X a 3 O Z (0 < ABADIE JOSEPH, French Bakery Abel Henry, saddler Academy of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, sister Knymunda Crumadell superioress Ahrens W H, carpenter Andrews J P, pros Bank of San Luia Obispo Arana if, saddles and harness Armstrong J L & Son, feed mill Armstrong Wm M, (Phillips k A) "Southern California Advocate" and notary Bank of San Luia Obispo, J P Andrews pres Barneburg k Brcgsc, saloon Barnes (i W, justice peace Bayer Theobold, blacksmith and wagon' maker Beckett .Fohn F, county supt pub in' struction and r^ropr nursery Bennett J B, our W U Tel Co BLACKBURN ft OODCHAUX, pro prietors Cosmopolitan Hotel and su loon BXiATTE JASB, agt Commcrci.'il Insur- ance Co und Fire Association of Phila delphia Blochman A & Co, gen mdse, furniture and carpets Boll M, slioemaker Boll Mrs M, dressmaker Booth A K, drugs Branch A W, hotel Brewster S K, sudilless and harness Brown & C.istro, livery stables Burks J >.l, dentist Byer Bros, saloon Carman Mr and Mrs W L P, Commer cial school Carpenter Ezra, county surveyor Cassuer Nathan, wutchmuker, jewelry, cigars and tobacco Cerioelli S. oda water works and saloon Constiue J. uis, dry goods and clothing Cook Mrs Mary, dressmaker CORTSSI D A, furniture, upholsterer and Mattrass manufr COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Blackburn k (lodchaux proprs Crepia E A, physician DANA E 0, county treararer DELEISSIOUEZ ft CO, meat market Dennis J D, drugs, cutlery, fancy goods and news Do .Simoz Jaun Jose, shoemaker DEVOTO ft CO, gen mdse, fruits and candies Dillard k Spencer, attys at law Dillurd W B, atty at law and notary Dorsey M F, painter Dughi Cr, groceries, clothing and candies Dunbar David, saloon EAGLE HOTEL, Stark k Cooksey proprs EAOAN M, sccty and supt San Luis Oljispt) Water Co Kstradiv Jaun J, spur and bitmakor FASHION LIVERY ft FEED STA- BLE, A H Hucox propr Fislicr J F, gunsmith and variety store Forrester P A, ins agt, notary and po- lice judjic FRENCH HOTEL, Louis Pegot k Bro proprs Gaugler Bros, cabinet makers and un- dertakers GIMBAL HENRY, saloon and chief engineer S L O Fire Dept GQLBTREE BROS, gen mdse, agricul implts, furniture, wool, hides and pro- duce r.oodman k Phillips, tailors GOODRICH J A, books, stationery, fancy goods, toy a, pictures and frames; agt S F "Chronicle" and "Alta" GRAVES ERNEST, district attorney (irnvfs W J, atty at law GREEN E, merchant tailor Hardie A M, county assessor Harrington Dennis, saddles and harness Hartnacko V, county coroner and pub- lic adminstrator Hartnacke k Kodgers, undertakers and upholsterers Haskin Ozro, horseshoer Hasse Clias, barber Hnuaer F k Co, San Luis Brewery HAYS W W, physician and surgeon HECOX A H, Fashion Livery and Feed Stable Henderson M, justice peace Henderson W A, gen mdse and mayor Heyd Louis, tailor llildenbrand Joseph, bootmaker Huntington k Kussell, lumber, doors and lime Hurdes John A, livery stable Jersey R M, livery stable Jewett Henry, constable Kalisher I, cigars and tobacco Keller ft Wiegrand, brewery King Nathan, county clerk, recorder and auditor • • Knap John F, hotel IB l| OLD POKT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 302 Dtvis SU 8. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^ir^^^TSnV^r.r^St/Sy'^^'SjXVS I ft ■ c z p <0 til) > c o E 75 CO c c CO O ■ O o a S o < 0. h O 798 California — San Luis Ohispo-San Luis Rey. ALPIIARSTIOAuLT. Knight Saml C, painter ^,:' . . . Krebs E, druggist ' ; v, i - KUHL Wt Wiitchmaker and jeweler LANGE W H, agt Singer Sev. ing Ma- chine Lasar E, gen mdse Laughery H -nry, board and lodging Lawrence and (Jaxiula, barbers Lim.* .1 1', hotel Loewensteiti J, tailor Loobliner H & Co, gen mdse Loomis R A, real estate and ins agt Mallagh David, agt S L & S M Valley R R Co MABTIN L, saloon Matos J T, shoeinak(;r Mauk Geo W, real estate and ins agt Maxwell E L, deputy sherifl" Mayers D L, dry goods and clothing McCiiffery T A, wi ne m anufr McCONAUGHY WM, attyatlaw.city atty and notary public McMurtry Louis, superior judge MedeirosJ E, barlwr Mchlmann H, saloon MOTZ GEO, furniture and bedding Motz Henry, carpenter and upholsterer Nelson W If, dentist Neabitt Mrs J \V, millinery and dress- making Noah M, meat market OAKS W J, sheriff and tax collector ORTEGA J C, agent Imperial, London, Northern Queen. Pha-uix, Home, Ins Co's, Western Assur-nce Co, North British and Mercantile Ins Co's, Cierman-American Ins Co, Connecti cut Ins Co and Travelers Accident Ins Co Osgood H M, watchmaker and jeweler Parker Courtland, blacksmith Parker J M, wagon maker PARKHURST RUSSELL, county coroner, physician and druggist PATTISON & HANSON, stoves, tin- ware and phnnbiug ul^iiry work a siKicialty) Payne Geo M, livery stable PiGOT LOUIS & BRO, French Hotel PHILLIPS & ARMSTRONG, p"l>» "Soutliern California Advocate, Monterey PHILLIPS C H.clitor "Southern Cali- fornia Advocate," real i-statc and agt Liverpool. London & (MhImj Ins Co Pollard k James.propr Eagle Flour Mills Pollard Robert, city clerk PREFUMO P B, gen mdse (original (jirangiTs' storj) Preston R M, atty at law and notary public Rackliffe L, gen mdse Ransom J, physician Ready Phillip, horseshoer Remick & Orr, meat market RIORDAN DANIEL, manager J J Sullivan's Shoe Store Robbins Geo \V, city marshal Roderiquez Frank, painter Sanbrano Antonio, l)it and spurmaker SANDERCOCK WM, drayman and wood yard San Louis Obispo FinDept.Henry Gim- b.il chief engineer SAN LUIS OBISPO GAS CO, James H Blackburn manager San Luis Obispo & Santa Maria Valley R R, David Mallagh agt SAN LUIS OBISPO 'TRIBUNE," (weekly) "Tribune" Printing Co pubs, Monterey San Louis Water Co, B D Murphy pres, M Egan secty and supt Saner Andrew, bakery, confectionery and grocery Schwab Frederick, sausage factory Schwarz Miss Florence, millinery Schwar/ Gabriel, candies, fruits and veg- etables Schwartz, Harford & Co, lumber Seaten J H, physician Simmler J J, postmaster SINSHEIMER BROS, gcu md ^c Solis Mrs B, restaurant Soper W H, gunsmith and ammunition "SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AD- VOCATE," (weekly) C H Phillips & Wni M Armstrong pubs and proprs, Monterey San Luis Rey, 8AN DIEGO COUNTV, Is 4i) miles north of San Diego. Alvarado Thos, wool grower Ciisson Jean, wool grower Couts Mrs T B, stock raiser and wool grower Crouch Herbert, wool grower Fischer Henry, saloon Fitts D C, stable Forster .lohn, stock and wool grower Foss 1) R, dairyman and justice peace Freeman A A, blacksmith and gun- smith GoMbaum Simon, gen mdse, postmas- ter and hotel f^oldbauni Wm, opr W U Tel Co Hayes J C, deputy notary public Merchado Louis, wool grower Scott Chalmcr, stock -raiser Waterman Walter, teacher m ■0 c so C3 m so ■< m (A > r m •n ao m D s c5 m r (/) s O a o O o la o a \i n TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thit jlloclel Oommprclal CoIIca or th4* C^oant. »!eo Po^t (lit., m. J California — San Marcos-San Fahlo. 799 ALPIIAnBTICALLY. San Marcos, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Is 20 miles northwest of Santa Barbara, VALENCIA LEO, hairdresser Vint S, confectionery Webber J S, tinsmith Whitehead J, liquors ^Vilcy J S, house painter Gladhill Jas, carpenter Goldtree & Co, gen mdse Huey Wm E, constable Jeffreys Walter M, hotel Kelcher James, blacksmith and wagon- maker Sittenfeld A, saloon SPEYER DAVID, postmaster Turner Jasper N, collector and notary public San Mateo, SAN MATEO COUNTY, Is a pretty town of 800 inhabitants, pleasantly situ.ated on the Southern I'a- citic llailroad, 21 miles from San Fran- ciscOk Alt W C, boots and shoes BARTLETT A T, liarness maker, real estate and ins agt, li and Second ave Bickford J 11 S, gen mdse Brown M, blacksmith Byrnes James), liquors and livery stable Camplxill K, boarding and lodging Colaman T, blacksmith CRONINF, fruit, tobacco, etc De Marr Mrs, M dressmaker Easton A S, surveyor and ins agt Fisher (J H, real estatti and ins agt Goodhue S CJ, dairy farm Goodspectl J H, physician and postmas tcr Haver D, carpenter BUSING E A, grain and feed stv^rc and gen nivlsc Jaszynskv Louis, agt S P U K, W, F & Co and' P & II M Bay Stage Co Lewis M J, livery stable McKernan H, liquors MORSE C M, 'Iruggist Morse L D, pliysieian PLOUFF GEO, li'iuors Pope S, Uailroatl House Price W C, butcher PROCTOR CHAS E, house i>aintcr ST MATHEWS RALL, Kev A L Brewer principal SAN MATEO HOTEL, K Walker pro prietttr Segee D, liquors Tatfl A, Stage from San Mateo to Santa Cruz Til ton A M, boarding and lodging Truman T C, butcher San Miguel, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, (Postoffice San Marcos.) Is 30 miles north of San Luis Obispo. GOLDTREE & CO, gen mdse, a>^8 W, F & Co, W U Tel Co and postoffice Jefferies Walter M, hotel Kelleher James, blacksmith Sittenfeld A, saloon Speyer David, (Goldtree & Co) postmas- ter San Pablo, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, la pleasantly situ.ited near San Pablo Bay, 15 miles southwest of Martinez and miles north of Oakhmd. Androda .1, saloon and restaurant Antoni A, hotel Bouquet F, saloon Chevesich C, saloon Dixon A F, teacher Doran P, hotel Dyer A F, wagonmakcr and blacksmith Greenhood Bros, gen mdse .Tacob D, gon mdse STEWART JOSEPH JR, agt N P C 11 II and \V U Tel opr Stone & Hay den, harness Lee .J W, agt C P K K and W, F & Co's Express Marich K, saloon May W li, ;itty at law McMannis E, blacksmith Quillnian E, iiotel Uomor J, bulilier Hose Bros, saloon Ram rill A^cr.i, justice of the i)eace Silva F, saloon Tennon & Mniholland, butchers Tillotson & Co, gen mdse TILLOTSON H I, postmaster, notary ])ublic and W U Tel opr Tillotson F L, livery N'alencia M E, bootmaker Ware John, painter Wellemlortf L, physician Wilcox John, uonstablc Young Mrs Thos, saloon 03 9> w'-rtViftfeil H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S F. ii i' 1 i:, i. ' 'it '1:9 '1 w. ilk Mi i Q c o E « CO c c O ■ 8 O I- W, W. mONTAGUE A CO., ^.'tffLVY.r^^tt'g^lKg^'^^^^^^^ 800 California — San Quentin-San Rafael. ALPnABmOALLT. San Quentin, MARIN COUNTY. Ames J P, prison wiarden Arms & Dallam, woodeuware Balink Mrs H, boarding (Jal Door Co, doors, sash, etc Cal Furniture Manufr Co, furniture Chambers B, prison captain 1st night watch Gorbon J J C, prison gate keeper Edger J C, prison gate keeper Ellis J, prisoh clerk Farrell J I), propr Point Ho-^se and post master Johnson J C & Co, harness McKae John, hotel Schumann Joseph, feed stable Shepard Hotel, John McRae Sherman lioto!4r,'vnht'r BUTTERWORTH E, Mechanics' Sa- loon Hriuii* *i * J. restaurant Brouiif Win, f.moy [,'oods CENTRAL HOTEL, M Connor propr ("UfA t (i, hay ftnd grain Ooss Wm, ri:»taurant Corry 'J\ harness maker />kmpi«T Wm, treasurer Drtviij^ieo W, clerk and recorder i>odtir^ < Jeo M, county surveyor Donnelly k Dunley, plumber DXJLXz M, Magnolia Restaurant Duparque L, tailor Spinar F G, hardware Dymodd J, boots and shoes EDEN E, coroner and public adminis- trator Fagan J, bootmaker Fisher F A, bakery GERMAN HOTEL, Mrs H Mahnken i>ropr ESKE J C ft SON, groceries GILBERT HOUSE, S C Edwards propr Gordon U M & Co, bankers Green J J, auctioneer Grosjeau C, grocers Guffoz J J, stationery Hanson T H. lawyer Harding & Mclson, blacksmiths Haskell & Co, grocers and gen mdse Heilfrom B, butcher Heuny A J, grocer and gen mdse Herzog M, butcher Hichheimer S, butcher Hiorson H, wood and coal Hoxie J, liquors HUGHES WM S, justice of the peace Irwin O, savin^is bank Johnson J T, physician King F C, li(|uors Kinsella Johnson, millinery and fancy goods Kinsella Richard, plumber, tinware, stoves, etc Konstand J, tailor LAFLEURE JOSEPH, boarding house Landgraf Uolwrt, jeweler Loweufeld Wm, hairdresser Magncs liros, boots and shoes MAHON E B, atty at 1 .7 Mahon T J, Muhon Hous- "MARIN COUNTY JOURNAL," T liaratow propr Mi'rtin (t, fruits Mayer L & Co, dry goods McLain A F, dentist MILLER WM J, real estate Murrey M, livery stable Murry A, lumber and cement Olin I'eater, carriage manufr Parisian House, Ktienne Sivierou propr Parry J, fruits Pirkius Howard, express agt Peter S, tailor Pratt F H, postmaster Pulsom L, iK^uors Ramor M B, restaurant Rotche R A, assessor SALE WM, furniture, upholstery, otn Sandord & Jacol)s, plumbers San Rafael French Bakery, ^idrerr (J Olin propr Sc hneid er J J, tobacco, cigars, etc SCHWIESAN £, grocer SHAVER ISAAC, planing mills aud general lumber s 3 I O w 01 3 ex. o ■a (D 1 o •o •a SL (D 1 O c at 9 m SSL r « A 5 H. WACHHORSr, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Stt. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th<> Mo'tel Commercial Collece or V- «""a«t. nao Po«t «t.. f».F. California — San Rafael-Santa Ana. 801 ALPHABBTICAbLT. E (d u o (0 in IS 0} > u 0) c o 'ip (« (0 ■(5 (A 0} Spinar F G, hardware Sprague A A, station agt Taylor W O, physician Thompson L H, druggist THOMAS J W, house painter Towuseud James, sheriff and tr.x oollectr ALVA JEWELL. Towle G M, dist atty Tumpertz H, merchant tailor Walmsley D H Jr, upholsterers Walsh F S, liquors WILKINS H, atty at law WOLF JOHN, druggist W. H. JEWELL. SAN RAFAEL LIVERY STABLE Corner 4th and B Streets. The oldest Stand in the County and the best Stock. Elfgant Tiirnoiitiii, I>oiil>l(' and t^iii^sle, of Every f>«'>» u u (d u Z o »- X u o (0 ■ < Barrett .las, hotel ]ibble H B, druggist and cigars DIBBLE R H, stoves, tinware iilumbing iTjI3 T J, surveyor. Sycamore Inundorf Wm, dentist 3 ta and If OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. . ■i'. ' ■■ , s I m I' s'T ■ CO c 9 I w 1 IL ? c c CO O -m o o Q Z o < o z F I- W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., St«vr« and BUi p«tt«rni, 110, lUuiMS, no dUfwtnt riMM, itylw Ml4 lia, 114. lie mnd 118 Bttwy ■».. g. >. 802 Califomia — Santa Ana-Santa Barbara ALPHABWnCAI.Im San Francisco or Los Angeles to Newhall, and Ttjle- graph Stage thence, 78 miles. The town is delightfully situated in a smooth valley sloping from the high mountains on the north to the sunny beach on tlie south. Tlit'se mountains ofroetually shut off all north winds, and make tiic town-site one of tlio finest imaginable. The eiVeot and contrast formed by tlios-j nigged barriers iu the background rising so abruptly from an evergreen and ftrti''^' val'ey must be seen to be appreciate The climate of Santa Barbara is quiti mild, and is beneficial for .avalids ami persons having weak lungs. The ^lo 's- urcii of Santa Barbara consist . . 'nving, horse-back riding, hunting, nahing and bathing, for the enjoyment f all which she affords the beat facilities. The im- provements of the town are very c i- aiderablc. There are eight chuiclics, besides the old Mission, that Mas built over one hundred years ago; one college one academy, besides a fine public school o (A •< o OB I (A O a s a (9 o •o O » CD Z O 5 (A Pi r V O 5 s n 7 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.BIumauer&Co., ■^"Cl^?!;- PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th«* M«tl«I Cemmerelal C^Ilei •r tin*' Coast, 8«0 Pimt St.. 8.1 California — Santa Barbara. 803 ALPHABBTICALLT. 09 U 03 O CO ADAMS ASA, pork packer, State Adler E H, junk store Ahem Miasea, millinery and fancy joods AFOTHSCABIES' HALL, B Gutier- rez, cor State, and Ortega AEHBGTON HOTEI., D W Thomp- sou manager. State ABIINOTON STABLES, I>W Thomp- son Austin N P & Co, gen mdsc ' Barker J L, surveyor Barth P J, auctioneer Bates C B, physician BELL & HUNT, boots and shoes, 676 State Birabent J M, hotel Blood James A Jr, undertaking, carpets and furnitu e B0S80& Ferreratt, bakery Bovard — , pastor M E church Brecht August, barber Briiikerhoff (1 B, physician BrinkerhoflFS B, physiciiin Burdick F H, clergyman Congregational church Cantield A, aupt Mission Water Works Canrield R B, atty at law Castanio Michael, saloon Chambers E B, watchmaker and jew- eler Chard k Higgins, meat market CHASE, ^RREN & CO, publishers "Santa Burharii ludcpiBndeut " CHASE WARBEN, state senator third district and oJitor ".Santa Barbara Independent Childs Mrs (i, librarian Odd Fellows' Library Clcale J A, painter Collins ( jJ H CO ' 1^^' c 1 \w S ^H IBS ' ^H ' 'HWtn ^ ■ ^9 o ^B vIBUti' 4-1 1 ' p IS ■ i 1 '■ ■ 9h 't 1'' . o HH *' ^ 4-* ffl : ,; ; i. •• O |M:'- w Wtm P^' ♦rf ^m Jjl.-I (0 vMi ijo o Ml ! ■ ■ ! s (0 T3 V c c (0 O O O O z o < Q. a z P h O w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., ?iri%"j'Lr»"ii!Kt&vyar^eV.v^?' 804 California — Santo arbara. ALPIIABETrCALIiT. Hunt & Bates, blacksmiths and wagon makers and agts Studebaker wagons HUNT C C| groceries, crockery and glassware, (570 State HUNT & MOORE, book and job printing Hunter John M, supervisor first township Hunter W'm, agt sewing machines Jack Misri S, watches and jewelry Jamison T B, supervisor third township Johnson Geo N, musical instruments, cutlery and candy mauufr JOHNSON J N, Victoria Feed and li- very stable, Victoria Kaeding & Covarrubias, saloon Kingsbury Frank, opr W U Tel Co Kimlierly Mrs J A, private boarding KINCAID J H, dist atty. State KNOX S B F, physician and surgeon, cor State and Carillo Lee D B, dentist Lehner Saml, meat market Iceland (Jeo VV, livery and feed stable LEVY CERF, wines and liquors. State Levy J, cigars, tohacco, fruits, candies Lincoln A L, cashier First Nat (>old Bank LINDEN J T, oyster saloon, liquors and cigars, State Lobero's Theater, Anacapa and Canyon Perdido Logan I) |), physician Longawa .lohii, carriage and sign painter Loomis S, saddles and liarncss Maguire .1 A, ciuars and tobacco Maltby Clias, collector U S internal re- venue McNeiiy C H, agt Fireman's Fund Ins Co, California Ins Co, Commercial Union Assurance Co and Travelers' Acciileiit Ins Co McNulta Tlmmas, atty at law Mcl'hail H A C, hunks, statidncry, music and fancy goods McPHAIL & SON. furniture and Ad- ding, titl-t St:ite Meany .Inlin, uasiittcr and'])lunil)er Miller Israel, watclies, clocks and jew- elry Mi.sfiion Water C If, sccond-h;ind furniture RUTHERFORD GEO, borseshoer. ( 'aii\ on I'ei'dido RYNJERSON C C & SON, Santa H;u- liara Flour .Mills, Cliapala St \ iiicent School, conducted by daugh- ters of ( 'liarity Santa Barbara Colleu'e, conducted By Mr.s Flwood ( 'ooper Santa Barbara County Bank, Wm .M Fildy i)resident SANTA BARBARA FLOUR MILLS. C C Kyncrsoa & Son proprs, Clia- pala Santa Barbara Gas Works, Wni Tomp- kins supt 30 -< O m m so to or CD M CD Q. O" n CD CD W o o 3 c? o 5' 3 CD "s w •V O 3. 5" a a O CD ua o a H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE/ «^-s„!:«r.,«;^ri„re°;r' California — Santa Barbara. ALFIIAUKTICAIjLY. 805 lA s I I a B e 1 e Vi v 8 C9 3 O X (/) o •8 Santa Barbara Hot Springs, L Stark propr, five miles NE of town "SANTA BARBARA INDEPEND- ENT," (weekly), F A Moore publish- er and propr. State SANTA BARBARA MARBLE AND STONE WORKS, S T Moore propr, State bet Ortega and Deloijara "SANTA BARBARA PRESS, " (daily and weekly), H O Otis publisher and proprietor. State Scarzolo Jo,s, meat market SCRIMINGER E M, constable and collector, State Sexton Joseph, Santa Barbara Nursery Depot, Geo H Wyatt managar Shaw J B, physician Sheffield E S, cashier Santa Barbara County Bank Shepard H T, planing mill and feed mill Sherman Chas E, siieriff Short .las M, supervisor second townshii) Simon Silvian, bakery SING CHUNG, Chinese morchaut. Canyon IV-rdido Smallwood A B, city tax collector Smith E.I, stoves and tinware Smith F L, blacksmith Spaulding Miss .J E, pliysiciaii, (Hom- (I'jiathic) Spc'iicc .lolin, nurseryman and tlorist Si)roul Wni, drayman S(|uire Bros, marble works Stafford \V H, city liill poster Staijicr .J .1, manager Steele Bros meat market Stauiford Ceo B, "Tribune I'riiitiiiL' Co," ai.'t W, F i*t Co's Fx, Coast IMh- Stage ( 'i> and Tel St.i'ji' ' '<> STARK & COOKSEY. l r pr^ i:agie Mole! Stark L, Santa Barl)ara Hot Springs, five miles N 1-] of tow n Sti'i'le liros, meat market STEARNS JOHN P, St.arns' wharf :iiid warrhousc STEPHENS WML. am'tio,u.,.r, con- st, ilile, lollcctoi', leccl stablisind board- iiii: house Stew art \\ F, casliicr Tlie Kauk of S;in Luis Oliispo Stnild.inl Henry, [)ostmaster STORKE C A, atty at law and notary jiulilie, State \ Stratton W C, atty at law I Streetei' Wm, carpenter Sti'iedl Mil heal, boots and sliois StriiiLitieid A M, |ihoto;;raph ;;allery TELEGRAPH STAGE CO, A E Has- kell supt, P building THE ORIGINAL GRANGERS STORE. P B Prefumo propr Thomas B F, atty at law Thomas (i W, toys, candy, cigars, tobacco Thompkins Wm, supt S B Gas Works Thompson C A, atty at law and notary Thompson Carl, saloon THOMPSON DW, The Arlington Hotel and stables Thornton O F, city assessor Thurman (1 E, county supt public in- struction Tilley W J & Son, groceries, crockery and glassware Tomassini Jas & Co, saloon Tones August, restaurant Trew A C L, rector (Episcopal) Trinity Church "Tribune Printiu!,' Co," J K Tuley, W \V Waters .and C B Staniford Tuley .1 K, "Tribune Printing Co" Turner S M, stoves and tinwaie UNG HI, laundry, Victoria Valenznela ( luadalupe, saddler Van Valkenbur^ Fdiiar, s;doon VENABLE McDowell R, atty at law and notary [tublic Verlaijue .S; groceries Vila James, priest. Church Virgin Mary, (Catlu)lic) Vogt Carl, physician ^Valcott J, groceries, crockery, glassware Warn I C, blacksmith Warn T F, wheelwright Waters W W, "Tribune Printing Co" Wtals Thomas, bakery Wethered Lewiu, a^t Tyson Manu- facturing' Ci), Maltimore U'lieatou W 11, soap factory Wiieaton Wm, lodging iiouse WILCOXON JM, atty at law and no- tary public Williims A B, c(nuity clerk ' Williams Henry, restaurant ' Williams N W, ins agt ] Winehe.sti'r H K, propr Santa Barbara ! Street K Iv Winchester K F, physician WINTONN W, real estate, agent I'liuMiix aiul Home Insurance Co, .Etna Ins Co, lioyal. Norwudi, Union ami Faneashire '\\h Cos' and notary public. Cold Hardv building Wood I'' A, |)hysi >■ O CO < O Id o h WW MANTAnilP JL no Millet Ir*a, all MlMtii and naaben, 11«. 806 California — Santa Barbara-Santa Clara. AI.PIIARin'ICAI.Lr. ^MM ^M£elM@^®M< ,«♦« ■:i < < o CO h O JIBIAMJI CALIFORNIA. ^^ DIXIE TnOMPSON, Mannircr. This House is the most elegantly arranged Hotel in Southern Califor- nia and oilers superior accommodations to families and tourists. Santa Clara, BANTA CLARA COLNTY, Is a pretty little town of 1,200 inhabi- tants situated four miles from Sau Joso, with which it is connected by horse and Bteum cars. Aberduner M, druguist Allen A L, ilrcssmaker Bergen & Co, dry goods Billings J M, postmaster and varieties Bossert Chas, bakery Brackctt (J T, painter Bradbury E C, blacksmith and wagon- maker Burk E E, constable Clencay V W, justice peace COLEMAN THEO, editor "Santa Clara Journal" Collin 1 J, teacher Cramer K, feed, wood and coal Davies E H 1>, machine shop Davis J K, blacksmith and wagon- maker Dibbla J H, hardwiirc, stoves, etc Dickson John, wagonmaker and black- smith Dinegan J H, merchant tailor Donovan R B, butcher Duncan L, gen mdse Eberhardt Jacob, tannery Elliott S A & Co, stoves and tinware C3 H C r % o (A O 3 I O ID 3 a o o 9 3 o 3 (B 2 O •o (D n X o c 0) o • (A P r p> o TRY MURRAY S MAGIC OIL LBIumauer&Go., Poi'ifkiiiil. Ore* Kou. have it. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •»»'tee';Sr-P,?rS!p.W«.*v California — Santa Clara-Santa Cruz. 807 ALrilABCTICALLr. EITTEPRISE MILL ft LUMBER CO, J P Pierce prest and J P Finley BUpt Fatjo Ant, gjrocer Fitta Wm, city marshal Fljrnn P H, blacksmith Guiraud Louia, ^ocer Goldbuch J K, liquors Gosbey J F, boots and shoes Gummer 8 P, carpenter Habich Aug, grocer Ham K K, livery stable Hart L, dry goods Hicks H, boots and shoes JENKINS C, notary blic, real es- tate and insurance a^eui, Kingsbury VV B, dentist Knowlea J, fruit and varieties LAM9BY E, grocer wholesale and re tail, Franklin Lanch (Jeo, brewery Ledgurd J, butcher Lick Paper Mill, A D Remington and F Ainsworth proprs Madan A, hardware, paints and oils M;uUlen E, millinery and dre83making Menzel li, tinware, stoves, etc Michiil Jno, liquors Moulin J B, confectioner Mueich F W, blacksmith Nacc J A, books, news depot and agent ^Vell^ Fargo & Co Nelson M, supt Pacific Manufacturing Co Pacific Manufacturing Co, coffins, M Nelson sunt PASCHOLY JOSEPH, Valley House and Ucst lurint PATERSON W T, house and sign painter Rube L, jeweler Ruh A, liiiuors Saitit Palais H, butcher SANDL H, li ■> c o E CO ? c c (0 O ■ O O o S o < Q. O 808 Califoi'nia — Santa Ct'uz. ALrilARBTICALLT. to the tourist and business man. The house contains 100 rooms, handsomely furnished, and all the modern appurte- nances. Mr. Fargo, the gentlemanly clerk, is possessed of the information of a directory for strangers; and Mr. E. J. Swift, the worthy landlord, is ever ouj the alert to the wants of the most ex- acting. The city is lighted with gas,' has an excellent water supply l>y two companies, and a line of street cars, run- ning from the Mission to the ocean beach. Bowman's carriage factory, the most ex- tensive in the county, and employing a number of men, is located here. Keal] estate in Santa Cruz has not escaped the' general depression of tiie last two years, j but judicious investinunts have been steadily advancing in value becaus's of; the solid attracti(y mail or otherwise. The drives of this vicinity are as enjoyable as they are inuuerous ; tliat along the bay sliore to Aptos is not surj)asscd anywhere. Securing a spank-' ingteam at iiincola'.s we have driven it,' and know whercDf we speak. For de-| scription of Aptos see elsewhere. A; favorite route ill returning to San Fran- cisco from Santa Cruz is that by stage r/W I'escadero and Half Moon Bay, which connects with the Southirn Pacilie J{. W. at San Mat.o. Tlie trip is made ;ihnost' entiri.ly alonj; the eoa.st, in the sight of ohl Oci-'an, and i.s replete with .scenes of interest ami deligiitiul pro.spects. Stages' run re,adarly. Through fare to San' Francisco, live doUar-s. AMNER THOMAS, Santa Cruz Foun- dry and Mac.'hiae .shojt, IJiver Archer & Conner, fancy goods Armstrong Thos, linuors, Pacitic ave Aston Frank, assessor, Court House AUGSTEIN HENRY, barber, Front BAILEY F E, physician. Bridge Baih-y J H, agt W U Tel Co, Pacific avenue Bailey S H, watches and jewelry. Pa- cific ave Baldwin A, bootmaker, Mission Baldwin J E I), pliotograplier, Pacific BANK. EXCHANGE, H H Clement, BANK OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, Elbert Austin president, S J Eyuch vice-president, E J Cox cashier BABBIERI J> propr French Restaurant and Hotel, cor Pacific ave and Mission, (sec advertisement) Barnct S, clothing, Pacific ave Bausch Henry, propr Santa Cruz Brew- ery Becker F M, painter. Pacific ave Beck & Koelin, proprs Pacific Brewery, Mission Bennett M V, surveyor, Park place BERNHEIM J & CO, gen mdse. Pa. eific ave, ojjp postottice Bird vSamuel, bootmaker, Laurel BIRKENSEER GEO, city bill poster, propr of stands in all the principal parts of town, office Ocean House, (see advertisement) Bliss F W, dentist. Pacific ave Bolton A E, attorney at law and notary public BOWMAN EDWARD, carriage fac- tory. Front BOWMAN G, stoves, tinware, hard- ware and crockery. Pacific ave Braser J, postmaster and books and sta- tionery, Pacific ave Brioily Edward, groceries. Pacific ave BRUNI J, propr New French Li(iuor Store, Pacific ave Bueb l>, saloon, Front Butler .) E, flouring mill Butterficlil Charles H, groceries ami pro- visions, I'acific ave California Powtler Works, Bernard Pay- ton supt Cappelmann C, li(|Uors, Pacific ave Carro A, bo(jtniaker, Front Chaee H C, clothing, i'acifie ave Chace J I), meat market, Pacific ave Chamberlain W W, saloon, cor Pacific ave and JiOeust Christal J F, druggist. Pacific ave CLEMENT H H. propr Bank Exchange Saloon, Pacilie ave COFFIN H, publisher "Local Item" Cohen Emanuel, cigars and tobacco. Pa- cific ave Con art J!, attorney at law. Pacific ave Cooper & Co, groceries. Front Cope Jesse, groceries and liiiuors, Front COFE W T, hardware and agricultural implements. Pacific ave Craig . I limes A, agent Pajaro Nursery, Pacific avi^ CREAM BAKERY, Stillman & Pvan- eer proprs. Pacific ave CRISTOFANINI ANT, li z (d a c "* L. o 30 o «5; m o Lama De Voll and pa De Wolf, ery, pj Die8ing_^C D0ELT2 Downing DONOVi Duke W : Co Efley Wii citic ave ELYFl cilic ave England \ I'ark pi; Ernst (Jeo Evans (icfi FAGEN : office Pi House, I Farnham ] Farnham 1 Fay P & C Felker Wn Field & So Fitch & Cf Fitzgilibon Flagg D S, Flintofl'Jo Foster Edv Francis U (iadsby B ( Garcelon C j{ n Co Carratt J{ touB n ( OINOCCH wiAes, li ave near GOLDSBY notary ])i (Jonlon (J building (ioss Carrie Pacific av (ioss (;eo \\ maker am (■rindley T ' irooine T E H;.udley Mi I Jl.u-rington JluifChrisf HAZELS lext to 0( Heacock E ( Heath & By cific ave H. WACHHORST. importer of j,r^.srr,W«monds. 315JSt.,Sac. H. PAL PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •«'«"„rP.^~?;r; . ?;.r„«pr ''• e E o (0 0) 2 e u o 2 » 75 (A o c ti o H X O o «3 California — Santa Cruz. 809 ALFIIADRTICALLV. Dakcu Elmer, aheritf, Court Houso Duniols L A, propr Transfer Express Dftvcnport J I*, justice of the peace Delahunty John, bootmaker, Pacific avo De Lamater G B V, geu milse De Voll P H, agent sewing machines and paper patterns De Wolfe Mrs E A, books and station- ery, Pacific ave DiesincrO, beer depot. Pacific ave DOELTZ LOUIS, nursery, Bridge Downing Wni, litjuors, Front DONOVAN NEAL, bootmaker, Locust Duke W H, manager Santa Cruz Water Co Efley Win, watches and jewelery, Pa- cific ave ELY F Wi furniture and bedding, Pa- cific ave England W P, machinist and gunsmith, Park place Ernst (Jeorge C, licjuors. Pacific ave Evans (Jeorge, litjuors, Pacific ave FAGEN P B, pliysician and surgeon, ofHce Pacific ave near Pacific Ocean House, res Union near Mission Farnham 11 (», hay and grain, Water Fainham E, justice of the peace Fay P & Co, druggists, Mission Felkcr Wni, undertaker, Water Field & Son, groceries. I'acificave Fitch & Co, market, Pacific ave Fitzjiibbons >I, market, Pacilic avo Flagg D S, maible works, I'acific ave FlintofT.Ioscpli, blacksmith, Front I'Vistcr Edvvare Lamater 's building Gosh Carrie A, liomupathic physician, Pacific ave Goss Cieo W, produce, conunission, boot- maker and broom maker, I'ark Grindley T R, physician, Pacific ave Groonie T B, liquors, Pacific ave H;;udley Miss K, millinery It.iiTington M, gen mdso }1; ug Christ, liquors. River HAZELS J T, druggist, Pacific ave, ;iext to Ocean House Heacock E G, insurance agt, I'acific ave Heath & Byrne, stoves and tinwai*e. Pa- cific ave Heitmann Henry, tailor, Front Hicks A 8, saddlery and harness, Pacific ave HIHN F A, ro.il estate dealer, propr Santa Cruz Water Works and presi- dent Santa Cruz R R Co, ofliee and res Locust Hinds A J, real estate agent, Pacific ave Hobbs W H, supt of schools and book- seller, Pacific ave Hodson J R, photographer, Pacific ave Horn W H, groceries, Water Hughes David P, merchant tailor, Pa- cific ave Hunter Wm, blacksmith, Mission James Theo, wagonmaker. Front Jarvis (Jeorge M, groceries, Pacific ave Johnson T B, liijuors Kelly Jeremiah, boarding, Front Knight M D, pliysician, Water Kobcr F, bootmaker, Pacific avo Kroepflie Jacob, liquors and boarding Lake (J P. wagonmaker, Front Langenbeck J F, bootmaker. Front Langdon Jno W, blacksmitli, Pacific ave lx!il>randt — , bath houses Leor.cbacker Miss & Mrs Eastlack's ^'oung Ladies' School, Pacific ave LESSER J M, attorney at law, Pacific ave LEVY M & SON, dry goods, clothing, Ijoots and shoes, coi' Pacific ave and Church Liddell Wm, bath houses and boarding LINCOLN & CO, propr San Lorenzo Stables, Pacific ave near Ocean House Lindler Edward, bootmaker. Front Lindsey David M, carriagcmaker. Water Littlcficld & Co, expressmen. Pacific ave Littkticld li C & Co, groceries, Pacific avenue Logan J H, superior judge, Court House Longley O A, painter. Locust Lukcns Evan, wagonmaker, Park Lyman Joseph, bootmaker, Pacific ave Ijynch S .1, vice-president Santa Cruz Savings Bank and Bank of Santa Cruz County MaKiiiney H E, county clerk and re- corder. Court House ^LlIlor .1 H, groceries. Pacific ave ^Llrion &(ianlner, groceries, Pacific ave Martin C C, propr Santa Cruz House, Front ^L'trtin & Goodwin, livery stable, Front Martin Mrs & Kooser Mrs, milliners and dressmakers, Pacific ave Martin W H, foundry, River McCann F J, attorney at law, Pacific ave McMenomy J J, liquors. Locust Mcpherson & waldron, pub- lishers " Santa Cruz Sentinel " -< 09 CO o -I G 30 m I. I'iiilil ■'! I 1; :l|lH[i| H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I i.25 Hi |28 |Z5 1^ 1 2.2 I- |20 I ^lii^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WIS! MAIN STIliT -%f^6tH,N.Y. 14510 ,716) •73-4S03 ^ 4^ ^ :1>' <^ 6^ H ' ^^^ff^^' 1 ,H|h; 1 |B||r ■ |H|k IL 'l^Btii ■ hHI CO ' wKm 1* ■ : ^^^HM ^f «rf ' H'' ''' CO ': B'i'' c i'Hili "5 L^Hf^ S 1 MnpV' «. iR * : ^1 o : ,^^:! ' ** ' ^mi'- N ' m^i' ■■ li ■ O 4-> '' 19 H?'^! V ! 1 0-^ jf ^B 1 '■'''' (B jH ■•! ' «> ill I 'y E 1 ^i^'^- ■> 1 '1 ii-'' a ■ ■■ ■« f ; il J|; s ' 1 " IL '* 3 ' 1 i ' ■ V i i HH-: V 1 'i Hl^' c 1 'ilBl'' ''' c ' 'i'mW' ' (0 ' ff''^' O •Bl'^ ' ■ ? • Hr '' !' li'iij' o '' ^'ii^' o 1 ;; 1 ij': . z ' '^ iffi^i' ^B ': 'i> K[<' 1' M ,: ji W|^-j : o '^^ffilt ''" t m''' Q. o z p r 'Sir ■ 1- ! 'i >. 3 1 i ?i o W.W.MONTA€UE^CO.,' fitt*rn«. 1 » a s J ;d Q. (8 Weber C, dressmaker, Locust Weber H, saloon, Front Weber & Pratschner, Germania Hotel, cor Locust and Vine Wente Daniel , boa rding. Front WERNER CHRIS F, Arion Saloon, agent Philadelphia Brewery (S F), cor Front and Pacific ave Werner John, harness maker, Pacific ave Wheeler T A, agt Singer Manufg Co Wilkins House, P V Wilkins, Paci Pacific ave Wiiley Her.ry, hardware. Pacific ave Williams E L, deputy clerk of internal revenue WILLIAMS RICHARD, tinner, plumber and roofer, Pacific ave Williamson k Garrett, groceries Wright T W^, county surveyor. Court House Wulbecke H, locksmith, Locust Young Miss Lydie, dressmaker. Water Young M, confectionery. Pacific ave Young W P, butcher, Pacific ave Younger Charles B, atty at law, cor Pa- cific ave and Front Zaro M, restaurant and oyster saloon, Pacific ave GEO. BIRKENSEER, BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, Pacific Ocean House BoolacUtanl, SANTA CRUZ, CAL. FRENCH RESTAURANT AND HOTEL, ( PARIS STYEiG. ) SANTA. CRUZ, CALIFORNIA.. J. BARBIERI, Proprietor. This Restaurant is supplied with the best the Market affords. Will be furnished in flrst-class s'^yle at the Lowest Rites. £ a (8 Freeh Oysters from my own Reservoir at the Beach, in Every Style. Private Dining Rooms ITp Stairs for Families. Iiadies' and Qentlempn's Private Dinins Room Down Stairs. SAN LORENZO LIVERY, BOARDING AND SALE STABLES, Pacific Avsnue, adjoining Ocean Hous3, Santa Qnz, Cal. FI(IST-@L/^SS TIGRIS I TUGlMi^UITS At Lower Prices than any ether stable in the City. HORSES BOARDED AT THE LOWEST RATES. H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. A 3 J- ll 9 I' Jr I' i I •:, I i m U i ll n If 'ii I: J I' ■Hi m \^: W (I h i CO i c '(5 S 5 p 0) « iS tic > o E 75 CD c c O ■ o o a < 0. O WW MnNTARIIF A m sheet Iron, all 9i>es anil Numben, no, . W. mUN I AUUC a OU., na. 114. lie. and llMnat*ery St.,».B'l 812 California — Santa Cruz-Santa Monica. ALFIIABITICALLT. fmwm 9CEAI 101 SANTA CBUZ, CALIFORNIA, E. J. SWIFT, Proprietor. STRICTI^Y FIRST-CLASS :S fQf GQllEBCIAIi TBAVELEES. RATES REASONABLE. Santa Maria, SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. GM)ODWIN & BRYANT, gen mdse GOODWIN J F, postmaster Jones T & Son, undertaker, oils, paints, hardware, stationery, etc Kreidel & Fleislies, gen mdse Miller J T, pliyi^ician Santa Monica, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Is a resort for tourists and pleasure- 1 seekers on the ocean bead'., 15 miles from Los Angeles, with which it is con- 1 nected by a narrow-gauge railroad. Tlie climate is very line, and the country is picturesque. It has a population of 800, and is in a prosperous condition. BASSETT RALPH, gen mdse. Third Beeler Mrs A J, candy factory Bohme Geo, stoves and tinware BOYCE M B, atty at law, postmaster, ins agt and notary public. Third CHAFINE K, justice of peace. Third Cudehy John, saloon Donald John, agt Santa Monica Land Co Downs Miss Blanche, teacher Elliott — , physician daddy M K, livery stable ( Jiroux H & Bro, groceries Hart Miss Jennie, teacher Huie J M, blacksmith and wagonmaker Jefferics J P, physician Johnson M D, hotel Morgan John C, atty at law Niudecken A H, groceries OLMSTED JOHN C, books, stationery and varieties, and agt W, F & Co.'s Express, Third O'Melveny E H, agt L A & I R R ami manager W U Tel Co PERKINS HOUSE, Joseph Perkins propr, Third and Oregon ave PERKINS JOSEPH, propr Perkins House, Third and Oregon ave Perry Franklin, barlwr Rogers Geo I, constable and collector Sadlier Francis A, saloon Santa Monica Bath House, Chas Waller propr Santa Monica Hotel, M D Johnson propr Santa Monica Land Co, John Donald VAWTER W D, gen mdse. Third O (A ■< O > F o H »< 00 s o 5" CO O 3 CO U1 o •o •a o w A' (D 5F n z o e CA (P P r CI H. WACHHORST. Importer of afaSfry^ilSSSid.. 315 J St., Sac. ■ ^WRE POI w c o ST O CO lU1 pry 5? 9 1 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thv Model C'onimercial Collecw or tin- t ^ si 1 'j:'!^ ' 1, ■ « ■ ■ ! s p if «D •> s s IL c c 10 O ■ O o o z S o < 0. h h O 814 Calif omia — Santa Rosa. ALPHABItTICAM.T. BOYD JAMES* propr Grand Hotel, cor Main and Third Brown Felix G, opr W U Tel Co, 221 Fourth BROWN JOHN, atty at law and jus- tice peace, Mendoclao Buckland L H, harness and saddlery, Third opp Plaza Burbank Luther, nurseryman, cor Park and Tupper Burger ft Allen, butchers, 235 Fourth Bnrkhalter J, atty at law, cor Fourth and Mendocino BTINOTON H W, livery and sale sta- ble, 149, 151 and 153 Fourth BTINOTON WALTER, cashier Occi- dental Hotel Byne M, propi Byne's Hotel, opp depot Caldwell F M, dentist, 203 Fourth Campbell J J, confectionery, Thinl opp Plaza Campbell J T, atty at law, Mendocino Carithers D N, dry goods, clothing and gen mdse, 185 Fourtli Clark J L, blacksmith, cor Third and e s Plaza CLARK J P, livery stable, 15 Main Clausen N, grocer, Mendocino Clifford & Gregg, butchers, cor Fourth and Davis Cole H, dentist, 19;.J Fourth Colemun John, grocer, cor Band Fourth Conrad Chas, restaurant and bakery, 171 Fourth Cowen Phillip, books and music, 221 Fourth Cox A L, county, surveyorB bet Fourth and Fifth CREAOH M, boots and shoes, 184 Fourth Creighton Thos, tinwoi'c, Mendocino, above Fifth CRUTHERS B, furniture and bedding, Ma sonic block CUPF & MTJLLER, furniture and bed- ding, under (iraud Hotel Curry J L, tobacco and cigars, 187 Fourth Dannigan & Wright, liqours, Mendocino Davia Giles, liquors, Mendocino and Fiftli Davis & Roller, undertakers, 152 Fourth Davisson DD, real estate agt,217 Fourth DENISON A G, barber De Turk Isaac, wine and brandy manu- facturer. Railroad ave Dinwiddie J L, sheriff, Court House Doran M M, confectionery and varieties, 1S2 Fourth Doychart J, manager \V U Tei Co, 221 Fourth DOZIER & HALL, drugs, cor Fourth andB Drever Mrs Harriet, boarding house, c or Fou rth and Mendocino DUFFT T, gen mdse S Santa Rosa Duparque L J, barber and wigmaker, 218 Third EMPIRE FLOUR MILLS, J Mather & Co proprs, Willson bet Sixth and Seventh Evans W M, ins agt, 183 Front FARMER E T. prest Santa Rosa Bank Fick Frederick, liquors, 190 Fourth Finlew \Vm, physician and surgeon, 217 Fourth Fisher & Kinslow, proprs Santa Rosa Marble Works, cor Fourth and Davis Fox C M, dry goods, 237 Fourth FRAZEE C D, druggist, 223 Fourth Frehe L, bootmaker, 191 Fourth GAMBLE & BRYANT groceries, provisions, crockery and glassware, cor Fourth and B Gardner L B, jeweler, 189 Fourth Gerken Jno, liciuors, 150 Fourth GERMANIA HOTEL, Jno Haas pro- prietor, 25 and 27 Fourth GLENN J H, gen mdse, 22 and 24 Fourth Goodwin Chas B, hairdresser. Main Goss John, atty at law, 203 Fourth GRAND HOTEL, James Boyd propr, J H Lafferty cashier; SE cor Maia and Third Gray & Prindle, bulchers, 197 Fourth Greathouso k Proctor, agts Wells, Fargo & Co, 225 Fourth Grigsby M E, grocer, 174 Fourth GRISSIM W H, bartender in Palace Saloon, 177 Fourth GITERNE & LUDWI6, contractors and builders, opp Railroad depot HAAS JOHN, propr Gennania Hotel, 25 and 27 Fourth Hahman Henry C!, salesman with P Co- weii, 221 Fourth Hall (ieo, e s Plaza HALL J E, deputy recorder. Hall of liecords Ham E I), atty at law, cor Fourth and Mendocino Heisel P, bootmaker. Fourth Heitz Jos & Son, restiurant and bakery, 3 Ridgway block. Third HENLEY BARCLAY, atty at law, Kohlc's building, w s Plaza HENLEY D & CO, liquors, Main Hcmsworth Mrs T W, coffee house, Mendocino bet Fourth and Fifth HESSE FRED & CO, gunsmith, 154 Fourth Hirsch S, prof of music, 187i Fourth Hirth F, butcher, 4 Ridgway block, Third 3^ o a. S i O o 3 (8* S. 5' 3 9 1 *< TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer&Co^ 'S^.^STv^iT PI 3 a o ! ft (9 ■0 o a a O 3 e ? BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prafftlvally tavBht at PACIVIG BVHI- NRMM rOMJK4SK. S«0 Pout St.. M. P. .1, ■ •(! ■■""l! lit California — Santa Boaa. 815 ALFHABITIOALLY. CO •0 o o CO e Q) 1 (8 C 3 IL c (0 « ■ > I i< Hoag k Whim>le, uttya at law, cor Fourth and Memlociuo HODGSON RICHARD, tailor, B bet Fourth und Fifth HOFF^SR FREDERICK, bakery, 199 Fourth HOLMAN J H, canvasser, 55 B Hood Geo, jeweler and watchmaker, 25 Main Hood T B, grocer. Third, opp Plaza Hudson T F, drugs and stationery, 6 Rklgway block, opp Plaza Jacobs M & A, tailors, 177 Fourth Jamieson E, physician, B bet Fourth and Fifth JOHHSON A, atty at law, Kohle's buildini! w s Plaza JOHNSON P, prbpr Santa Rosa Hotel, Main nr Briclge JOOST JACOB, liquors, Fourth near dep ot JUD CHRISTIAN, liquors, cor Fourth and Davis Justice A L, physician, Ridgway Hall KELLY FRANK, billiards and liq uors, Grand Exchange, cor Main and Third Kerr R A, boot and shoemaker, Third opp Plaza Kcser Louis Jr, harness and saddlery, 181 "ourth Kcssing C, gen store, Main Kirsch J, barljer, Main nr Grand Hotel KOCS AUGUST, '. hairdresser, cor Fourth and Mendocino KOHLE AUGUST, liquors, w s Plaza KORBEL F & BROS, lumber and planing mill, cor Fourth and VVillson Kraft Edwards, gen store, e s Plaza ZUPF & MQLLER. furniture and beddinj.', (irand Hotel Kurlahandur Jos, tobacco and cigar man nfacturer, 183 Fourth LftBET' & BRO, propr Pinafore Cigar Store, 17.')^ Fourth LABEL H, dry goods and clothing, 173 Fourth Liiijidon C VV, real estate, 188 Fourth LAUGHLIN A D, atty at law, notary public and justice of peace, Kohle's old!/, w s Plaza Lee Bros, express and draymen, Wells, Fargo & Co Letold J G, stoves, tin and hardware, 28 Fourth LIEBMAN L> dry goods, clothing, carpets, boots and shoes, w s Plaza Lohrman J, fruits and produce, 1 Ridg- way block. Third LOUCKS A H, dealer ir the finest brands of imported wines and brand- ies, 43 Mendocino Lyford W G, liquors, 170 Fourth MMOon H K & Co, real estate agts, 197 Fourth Matern F, grocer, 189 Fourth MATHER J ft CO, proprs Empire Flour Mills, Willson bet Sixth and Seventh Matthes Wm, butcher, 160 Fourth McAnalTy VV W, physician and surgeon, B bet Fourth and Fifth HoBREEN T, groceries and country produce, 168 Fourth McConnell W E, attorney at law, Mendo- cino McGee J H, atty at law, cor Fourth and Mendocino McGEORGE ROBT, back driver. Oc- cidental Hotel McGregor R, livery stable, Fifth nr Mendocino Mcllmoil Miss N.dressmaker and millin- er, B bet Fourth and Fifth Metcalf & McMinn, blacksmiths, car- riage builders and agents for Stude- baker wagons, Mendocino METZGER & HOLTINNER. proprs Santa Rosa Brewery, foot of Willson Miller Jno, wagonmaker and black- smith, 41 and 43 Foui-th MILTZ ft SWART, photographer, 184 Fourth Mohr Henry, bootmaker, Main MOLLER HENRY, billiard parior and reading room, 203 Fourth MORAL N & BRO, dry goods, cloth- ing, carpets, boots and shoes, cor Third and B MORRIS W H, propr Palace Saloon, 177 Fourth Morrison Bros, gen mdse, 4 and 5 Ridg- way block, opp Plaza Morrow James Jr, stoves, tin and hard- ware, 1!>5 Fourth Moxon W H, gen mdse. Main MULLEN A J, watchmaker and jew- eler, 201 Fourth MURPHY WYMAN, lumber. Grand Hotel MUTHERS FRANK, cigars and to- biicco, 218 Third Nagle J L, searcher of records, 203 Fourth Neeco Abram, postmaster. Third opp Plaza NEYCE J H. searcher of records, cor Fourth and Mendocino NOONAN GEO P, cashier Savings Bank of Santa Rosa OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. O A Tupper propr, cor Fourth and B O'Rear & Smith, grocers, cor Mendocino and Fifth OVERTON A P, pres Savings Bank of Santa Rosa H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. m o CO ■ 1 8 Si sl I! ss 3 3 .a 09 4. ' It > lij iL J] m li'I I" ■' >t: CO ■I i c (a p 01 S & > ■> c o E n CO c c (0 O ■ O o < Q. h Q w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., y.T^^y;ln'r«".^jgStt■Jl?/af^;.^n.'^^ 81G California — Savta Cruz. ALPIIABITICALLr. PALACE SALOON, billiards ami liq- uors, W H Morris propr, W H Gris- sim bar-tender, 177 Fourth Patterson L C, pianos, music, &c, 201 Fourth Patterson Wm, propr Empire House, cor Sixth and Adams Peery Thos E, grocer, 172^ Fourth PEUGH T il, real estate. Occidental Hotel Pilgor W & Co, steam dying and clean ing works, 245 Fourth PmAFORE CIOAR STORE, Label & Bro propr, 1754 Fourth Pressley J G, superior judge. Fourth Prince M, furniture, 158 Fourth Proctor & Reynolds, real estate and ins, 185.\ Fourth Rea T L, photographer, Third opp Plaza Reed W C, druggist, 225 Fourth ROXET & PRINCE, wholesale liquor dealers, 175 Fourth Roney & Wood, liquors, cor Fourth and Mendocino Rose & Hillis, real estate and ins, 203 Fourth Rons H J, livery stable, Mendocino Royal J E, harnessmaker, 37 Fourth Runsheimer John, liquors, RUSSILL H D, marble works, cor Fourth and Wasliington Rutledge Thos, atty at law, cor Fourth and Mendocino Sacry D S, groceries and varieties, 21 ti Third SANTA ROSA BANK, E T Farmer pres, W B Atterbury, w s Pl.iza SANTA ROSA BREWERY, Metz ger & Holtinner projirs, foot of Will- son SANTA ROSA HOTEL, P Johnson propr. Main nr Bridge Santa Rosa Marble Works, Fisher & Kinslow proprs, cor Fourth and Davis Santa Rosa Soda Works, P J Sullivan propr, 100 Third Santa Rosa Temperance Reform Club, S Allen pres, A Shepard secty. Main Santa Rosa Water Works, Fourth Savage C W, dentist, 217 Fourth Savage G N, boots, shoes and clothing, 217 and 219 Fourth Savage S L, dentist, 217 Fourth SAVINGS BANK OF SANTA ROSA, A P Overton pres, George B Noonan cashier, w s Plaza Schmitt C H. barlier, 45 Fourth SEEOELKEN A p & BRO, wines, liquors and groceries, cor Fourth and Willson Shane A, grocer. Third opp Plaza SHANNON A G, atty at law, cor Fourth and Mendocino Shattuck A E, deputy, Court House Smith & Colgan, blacksmiths and car- carriage builders, Main Smith J, supt pub schools, Fourth Smith Mrs W R, ladies, and chil- dren's underwear and dressmaker, 6 Ridgway block Smyth E H, paints, oils, wall-paper and nursery, w s Plaza Sonnois E, liquors, cor Willson and Sev- enth "SONOMA DEMOCRAT," Tlios L Tliompson pub and propr, w s Plaza Southard J B, atty at law, 203 Fourth Sparks G W, comity assessor. Court House Spencer & Armstrong, grocers, 231 and 233 Fourth Sproehnle F A, liquors, Main Stewart Mrs G W, millinery and dress- making, 243 F^ourth Struckmann Mrs F, hotel, 86 Fourth Sullivan P J, propr Santa Rosa Soda Works, IGO Third Swett Frank H, ins and collections, w s Plaza Taylor & Mc{ 0) c o <0 (0 W s^ Is 12 mill a great rJ liithor on Springs, propurtic u o (0 ** M » IS •J 21 c a SI « I Statin < Blabon Brewer \ Brown Bi Eastin Ti Johnson King E T MeVViUia Saratoga Shirley V\ Smith A J ^V'hi|»ple } }y'"ippIo ,] waifppi bjoks, fi Pant PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '^•- r^roW, Arfc..SJSS!*' California — Santa Rosor-Sciucelito. 817 Ar,piiABBTio.\ii:r. E g i in to c >• u c o (0 (0 75 M O o o o (0 V WRIGHT JOSEPH, farmer, 17& Fourth WAIGHT & OVERTON, stationerj and news depot, 201 Fourth TOUNQ F W. real estate and ins, 20C Fourth g Z C Z u o z (0 < J. H. NEYCE, Searcber of Becorls & Coayeyancer, Office, opposite Court House, Corner of Fourth and Mendocino Streets, 8AXTA ROSA, CALi. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, Cotaer Fouith aod B Streets, Santa Bosa. FIRST-CLASS IN EVERT RESPECT. Free 'Bus to and from Hotel. C. A. TUPPER, Proprietor. WALTER BYINCTON, Cashier. Saratoga, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, Is 12 miles south weat of San Jose. It i a great rv-'sort for invalids who are drawn hither on account of the Pacitic Cou'^ess Springs, whose moJiciual and curative properties are widely known. Blabon Oticc Jr, livery Brewer W S, groceries Brown Bros, straw board manufrs Eastin Terry, blacksmith Jolnison .1 E, marble cutter King K T,8traw wrapping paper manufr McWilliam J, blacksmith Saratoga Paper Mfg Co Shirley W M, saloon Smith A K, carpenter and builder Whi[tple Frank E, saloon Whipple .1 M, phy-jician and druggist Whipple V M, stationery, 'school bjoks, fancy goods, etc; postmaster V. M. WHIPPLE, General News Agent AND DEALER IM Stationerj, School Boob, Fancy Goods, Etc., SASATQBA, CAL. Sargents, SANTA CLARA COUNTY. A st^ition on the Southern Pacific Railroad, G miles from Gilroy, aud the stivge station for San .Tuan. Chappel Frank, farmer Foster J H, agt S PUR and W U Tel Co OOpDHUE C H, hotel Miiic FJ, farmer Ui>ss B, trader S^JIOEXT BR03, stock -raisers Sh Ado Cr \V, farmer Saticoy, VENTURA COUNTY, QTJE3XEL J P, postmaster, carpenter and builder Rolslcr G F, blacksmith Saucelito, MARIN COUNTY, Is on the N. P. C. R. R., 15 miles south of San Rafael. Communication with San Francisco is had by Bay steamers. Allison P, carpenter Baraty J B, butcher KiUrude J S, gen mdsfl Broderiuk J, grocer 53 c/i f I CD o eg H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis St, S, F. CO • ftt HIUll I nUUC n vUi^ p*tt«rn*, no. 112,11*1 m mmI l" B»tUrT 8t. - - ,8. P. ■■f -^1 818 s i ! > c o 15 o o ^ o < & •- I- o California — Saucelito-Sebaatopol. ALrilABVnOALLV. CENTBAL HOTEL, Jamea HHussey Colman T, fruits CoBta J. grocer CBANE PETER, restaurant and liq- uors Enas Geo, dairyman Faucia L, bakery Forrest C, constable Gamalpais, livery stable Gingg .f, butcher Kennedy E H, harness maker Kennedy E Ij blacksmith Lauriano Jos, grocer Leaze N, liquors MABIN BOAT HOUSE, L Johnson propr McLeod A, carriage maker Nickles A, liquors Pearson 6 P, postmaster Rety fi Mrs, hotel Kise F, hairdresser Kyan J H, liquors Schnell Jacob, lumber Severance Chas, justice of peace SAUCELITO MARINE BOAT HOUSE L. JOHNSON, Proprietor. Constantly on hand to let at Reasonable Rates. REFRESHMENTS SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE. Oysters fresh from the Water. Give me a call. L. JOHNSON, Saucelito, Cal. Savannah, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, station on the S. P. R. R., 11 miles suuth of Los Angeles. Bennett S, hotel and saloon Bodkin J J, teacher Breeden L, agt S P R R and W U Tel Co Snyder D, gen mdse and postmaster Soward C, teacher Sawyer's Bar, SISKIYOU COUNTY, Is a mining camp 40 miles southeast of Orleans. Bathnrst E W, physician Bigelow Geo W, blacksmith and saw- mill Birdsall S H, gen mdse DORAN R, postmaster Dunphy P F, gen mdse Eldridge H J, gen mdse Grant & Nally, butchers Grant & Patton, hotel Hughes ft Bro, sawmill Jencks B W, atty at law McNUlis Wm, liquors Morrow L, tinsmith Nally James, hotel Robinson Henry P, liquors Sheffield S R, atty at law Scenega, VENTURA COUNTY. Postmaster aud HAINES HEEMON, gen uidso School House Station, SAN MATEO COUNTY. Brown John, liquors Bryant Jacob, blacksmith Collopy Geo M, liquors Pasiaque A, gen mdse and postmaster Sebastopol, SONOMA COUNTY, Is 6 miles distant from Santa Rosa, on the stage road and in a rich agricultural district. O 0$ •:2 OB I a A> (fi o a « s » 3 ? e e X 9 1 'I,' 1 Allen B B, physician and notary Briggs Geo S, gen mdse Campbell ft Dunwoody, blacksmiths DoughertyBeni G, salo on DOlfOHERTT JOHN, postmaster r 9 I I BA t< Gri( Low Phil Woo c a t J Si 5.1 Is la situ pe, afi( pf'Iier. . chine TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. OLopei BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practlrnlly tniiKht at PACIFIC HVMI- ^VMH )Mt|, I i I i ? C a 0) t J Q. (8 £ fl 10 e| California — Sehaatopol-She^ Ranch. 819, ALPIIABarlOAIiliV. Dougherty h Pasaons, gen mdso Morris J H P, market VVadworth C C, physician Wiley Alix, real estate and collector Wilson Mrs E, hotel Wilton & AndrewBigen nidse and agt W, F&Co Seiad Valley, SISKIYOU COUNTY. BAILET C M, gen mdae and postmas Grider W, hotel Lowden J S, hotel Phillips M B, blacksmith Wood J C, blacksmith Shasta, SHASTA COUNTY, Is situated at thu base of the majcHtic peak bearing the same name, in a rich mining district. Tlie country in the im- mediate vicinity is also very heavily timbered witii spruce and pine of ma;i;ni- ticent growth. It is located on the line of the C. & O. Coast Overland Stage Road, 6 miles north of Redding, at the head of Sacramento valley; altitude, 1,160 feet above the sea-level. It is a well-built and prosperous town of 1,000 inhabitants, and has an outlook emphati- cally promising. It is the county seat, also, and has a splendid weekly newa- pai»er. BEHBLE & LITSCH, proprs Wash- ton Brewery Bell Aaron, superior judge Blumb H, bakery BOELL C, bakery and saloon Briceland M, physician BYSTLE D r, furniture, wagonmaker, undertaker, county coroner and public administrator Carter W L, pub "Courier " Coleman A & Co, hardware Coleman Mrs D M, county supt schools CRAODOCK J. livery and feed stable DOBROWSKT ADOLPH. U S receiver and ''eweler Dobrr wsky E, gunsmith and sewing ma chine agt DABIiDfG C H, Darling's Patent Washing Fluid EAMES C W. blacksmith EMPIRE HOTEL, John V Scott propr, Main GARTER E, attorney ORAT C R, attorney GREENE MRS H L, restaurant and' ho tel GROVES G, Redding and Shasta Ex Hartmunn W P, barber Hoif & Brakel, meat market HOPPING WM E, U S register Hull S, sheritf and tax collector ISAACKS S, blacksmith Isaacs J E, justice of peace KltMBT -T'i I), groceries Kidder W S, county assessor KNOX G Ri saloon, billiard and read- ing-room and notary public Tjciter Julius, gen mdse Ticwin £ & Co, watchmaker and jeweler Litsch F, gen mdse Lynch O, groceries Markert C, merchant tailor McDon ald C , saloon MEAGHER & SCHELER, saloon O'Connor M J, ppinter PAIGE C L. druggist, cigars and tobac- co and T:,istmaster PREHN* F, varieties, cigars and to- bacco and glassware RARHNE& J G, wagonmaker Ripley R, inmnty treasurer Sehroter (.i C, harness and saddles SCOTT JOHN V, Empire Hotel SCOTT W A, bi)otmaker and Singer Sewing Macliine agt "SHASTA COUROR" (weekly). W L Carter editor and pub Stockton J E, county surveyor TAYLOR CLAY W, atty at law, dist atty and notary public Tiffin F C, county clerk, auditor and recorder Voluntine E, tin and sheet-iron WASHINGTON BREWERY, Behrle & Litsch proprs Weil & Bros, dry gouds and clothing Shaw's Flat, TUOLUMNE COUNTY, Is 2 miles from Sonora, on the Coppero- polis Stage Road. BULLERDIECK A, drugs, groceries, liciuors, cigars and tobacco, postmaster and notary public Sheep Ranch, CALAVERAS COUNTY. Is 155 miles from San Francisco, via Stockton and Copperopolis Division of the C. P. R. R. and Milton, the ter- minus, and R. W. Russell's and B. W. Dughi & Co's stage lines, which carry m CO o CO •»• IC. ■ OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. i\iil tOU' /•<' :.) Ik ■ CO i c m 1 5f Q i 8 > O E CO c c (0 O • O O < 0. h O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., V.r^|y'^„^T,^Jg:M°oVV'>g^:'.oV.^V^ 820 California — Sheep Ranch-Sherwood Valley. AI.PIIARRTICAM.Y. daily mails and express. Ifc is spokon of as a prospcrnus place, whose lively appearance at tiie time of our visit wnr- ruutod such a bcliof It depends on the mining interests solely for its support, havinjt four stamp mills always in active operation, givin5{ employment to 250 men. It has a population r{ 800. The scenery is picturesque, the water splen- did and the sanitary condition of the place is excellent. Anderson Charles, livery stable ANDERSON S HOTEL, Charles An- derson propr ANDRE \¥S E J, propr Central Hotel Bassett II W, barber CENTRAL »H0TEL; E J Andrews propr ■*"" Dagos W, blacksmith Davis V N, blacksmith f )eKauna C, hotel w« DoTan A Gove, gen mdse Freidberger A, gen mdse Hughes D 8, hotel I X L Store, gen mdse Kean P H, justice of peace and notary public AIcKjiy .Fames, saloon MINUUS JOHN A, deputy sheriff and constable Pendola 1\, meat market Swan .1 S, druggist Smith Wm, saloon E. J. ANDREWS, IMlOrUIKTOR AND STABLES, Shsep Banch, Calaveras County, Cal SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS fand Moderate Charges. Miimnioth Corral attached for convenience of Large Tearai. Sheridan, PLAOEK COUNTY, Is 23 miles west of Auburn. Ackcrman Anna, liquors Adams W N, hotel Clock Daniel, flour mills Davis Mrs M L, varieties Frichett I'cter, blacksmith Kcnncritz Mrs M V, liquors Ijong •) M, druggi.'^t and physician Long W H, agt VV U Tel Co Murphy C W, agt C P U U Pcrrott B R, hotel liichardson & Sparks, gen mdse Kobertson .Ino, liquors BOOGERS E C, postmaster Scwalbe Joseph, gen mdse Sherwood Valley, MENDOCINO COUNTY, Is 35 miles northwest of Ukiah. Burnett Mat, atty at law DECKER A, poBtmastcr, hotel, gen md^e and feed stable Disher (feo, road overseer Hatch H T, sawmill and lumber I^igh A U, shoem-iker Parson A O, saddler and humeps maker Sherwood A E, importer and raiser of Angora goats Snell J O, clergyman (M E church) Tuttle L C, importer and raiser of fine sheep G. A. DECKER, Sherwood Valleyi MeniJocino County, Cilifornli. PROl'ltlKTOR SHERWOOD VAllEY HOTEL And Dealer in Groseries, Hay, Feai, Et:. Office of Slag;o Lino runnin(r to Eureka and Clo- verdulu, in '. ho Hotel. The Guests nt the Houre wl.l recpivo erery at- tention. Ctlve me a Gall. O ■< O s r m ao M o M a M e "O o a 5 5- sri o 9 W o" 3 a of 3| "ll H. WACHHORST calls attention *«fi£;^rv;rfe California — Shingle Springs-Silverado. ALPIIAHRTIOALLT. 821 ao n A e O I? e fine of ■Ml Irnli. fEl IClo- Shing^le Springs, EL DOllADO COUNTY, The present termir iis of the S. & P. II. li. 11 inilus Houthwestof I'lucervilie. Berry U K, agt S & P R R, VV, F dt Co and W U Tol Co Brown \V H, Hour ond grain BURDIS JNO, gen mdsu (iufney Junius, uutciior OBAHAM J A, liquors HALL T D, hotel Hunter M A, geu mdse and physician LEAHEY DONALS, liquors Meyer Frunz, hotol FIliRCE S 0, postmaster, notary pub- lic and dry goods Schtnitgen Bernard, liquors White T U, geu mdse s Sierra City, SIERUA COUNTy. Abbe G H, livery Bjckwith Junies, carpenter Bigelow H H, hotel Bunker K H, blacksmith BUSCH L C> postmaster BUSCH A C & CO, geu milse, express, postollicc and gea i:is agt Gark 8 L, watchmaker Contar John, hotel Freeman & Uuthieson, m&it market Giuorvich Joseph, saloon Goff Peter, livery , gen mdse Olsen J, gen mdso Rowland F M, grn mdse Smith A S, tinsmith Stewart T J, saloon Vandevere S V, hotel Winthrop H, bootmaker Wood Geo, drugs A. C. BUSCH & CO., DEALER.) IN General Merchandise. E. C, V, STORE, No. lOOl Main Street, SIERRA CITY, CAL. EXPEESS AN.!) POST OFFICE. Ueiieral Insiurunce AK«u«y, Silverado, L08 ANOELKS COUNTY, A postofBce and mining town, 25 miles east of Santa Aaa, present terminus of the Southern Paciiiu R. R. Altitude, 4,000 feet. Anderson D, saioon Block Star Coal Mining Co, B F Seibert secy Blue G 4 S M Co of Los Angeles, W 7 Lawton pres CLARK F A, notary public and post- master Harvey Cash, hotel Harvey Thoa, muson Hawkms G W, blacksmith Hill Juo C k, Son, painters Kneel F M, atty at law ^'^eel H, propr ailverado and Santa Ana jtage Line ears.m & Co, gen mdse i:*earson P, justice of p^oco Pickering W, hotel Pullen E A, constable Rasey & Harvey, livery stable Santa Clara Coul Mine, Cassida & Curry proprs Santa Rosa M & M Co of New York, H S Knap pres Santu'^o G & S M Co of Anaheim, T Bo jjd pres Smith B, apiarist A 3 S2 (A •»• it] ^ Mil \\. i-^J Si ■ ^' CALMEK & CO., Native Wines. 3U2 Uavis Street, S. F. ^. . 1ft iwUri I AOUC Of l/V.> patterwg. 110« 112, 114, 116 Mid 118 Brttery St.. 8. F. : lali ;,:''i i c i Q n « I E IL 7 CD o m o o o z Z c < a. h h O 822 California — Skaggs' Springe-Smith's Ranch. ALnUBinOALLT. Skaggs* springs, SONOMA COUNTY, Is SO'iniles nurthwest of Santa Rosa. SEAOOS A, propr Skaggs' Springs Hotel Slack's Canyon, MONTEREY COUNTY. Alesworth J W, butcher apiarist and justice peace Moore E h, gunsmith MOBOAN E H, hotel, atty at law notary public and deputy postmaster Taylor Alex J, saddles Slide, HUMBOLDT OOUNTT. Emmerson B N, tanner Greig T G, livery Gulligan L, liquors Hafner J, bick smith Masson A, lumber Kobben B, bootmaker Rolley Joseph, m.inufr' sheep dip SWOORTZEL W J, gen mdse postmaster Tuttle T G, hotel and Slippery Ford, EL DORADO COUNTY, Is forty-six miles northeast of Placer- ville. Fitch Geo, dairyman Fountain G, hotel Johnstone Dennis, toll-keeper and stock raiser Lyans Wm, dairyman McCoy — , hotel Moore Mrs Ma y, hotel Palmer \V, stock raiser PEARSON WM, postmaatcr Watson Mrs Chas, hotel Wilson E, dairyman Windmiiler — , stock raiser Wright W, dairyman Smartsville, YUBA COUNTY. Beatty John Jr, opr Berry Mrs C, school teacher Bowman Alex, wagonmaker Bradford N D, painter Butler P, liquors, cigars, etc Carr T H, school teacher Cassidey H, capitalist Caughie John A, physician and surgeon Chamberlain Wm, liquors Coleman Rev W,pastor Catholic Church Conlin Thomas, livery, sale and feed stable Cory D, carpenter Co8i,'rovc .loiin, gen mdse Crawford M .F, ins agt Crawford W D, barber Davis A Henry, plumber and gas fitter Davis E M, blacksmith Davis Reuben, blacksmith Deuahy J, liquors Dougherty Daniel, gen md^ Duham C C, gen mdse Excelsior Store, gen mdse Excelsior Water & Mining Co, Daniel McOanny supt Farley H D, carpenter Flint Joseph A, water agt and <;ounty supervisor fourth district Foust L P, blacksmith Frazier Benj, bootmaker Gratiot Henry, orchardist Jeffrey Geo, blacksmith and wagon- maker Jewell E H, atty at law Karr Miss Anna Bell, school teacher Kelley M J, bootmaker Kennedy Thomas, bootmaker Kerri(;an Mrs P, board and lodging Mahoney John, butcher McConnell Mrs M, drugs and stationery McConnell T J, druggist McC'racken James, carpenter McKce Alfred, blacksmith McMcnamin Miss Mary, school teacher McNutt John F, justice peace Mooney Thomas, hotel propr Murray Thos, stable keeper Nevada Reservoir and Ditch Co Peardon John, hotel propr Pearl Wm M, druggist Petit N J, gen mdse Slattery C C, meats wholesale and re- tail Smith Barney, hotel Smith & Murray, livery stable Symons Geo, bootmaker Tharp A W, liquors Tifft R W, physician Ward W W, liquors Welsh John, stock ranch Q r o ao ■4 OB e o 5* (0 o a Z 3 a: o » 5? o n Z o o Smith's Ranch, SONOMA COUNTY, Is 20 miles from Santa Rosa. Postoffioe 'address, Smith's Ranch r y I 9 •m it H PA ^l Case tt«l Fay. Good _ Good col Hack Ml HcCj mat IB I McLa Murra Robins mak Samuc, Stewar Stump h la fiftee City. 2 1 fse Anthony h Bledsoe y hlBROOKl notary CotTmtin Crantz C, Cnisuis L Goodliii J Haight D. Johnson I Keen S J, I-.ake J c McFayj', Mooney & '•^imson J(, Tack & Cr j"l Thorworth P> Umphlett Jj Van Pelt, ' ^ WentzJ pi •H Wcstbrook 09 Pi ft* M OB 9i ^8 delightfu f'ver, in Mei 'ertile in the from 1851, regularly ;. •*ecaiiie the ] since been rt_ the Stock tui: It is a pronii 9 a TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. Anderson MJ ^ertrandias J l^anevaro A,] Cassity P Ji'' PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thn Ho4«l OoBiBieKtet CofleM- or tli« Coast, 8»0 Pafit Ht., tl. F. 0) (0 3 Vi a iZ r 3 CO o CO M 09 « H ".8 iots and shoes Stump James, liquors Smith River, DEL NORTE COUNTY, Is fifteen miles northeast of Crescent' City. M n Anthony J (J, jurist mill Bledsoe Anthony, blacksmith RR.OOKING JAS, hotel, justice peace, notary public uiul postuiixster CotTman Wm, siwmill Crautz C, cooper Crusuis Louia, butcher (toodliri Jas, cooper Hiiight Daniel, gen mdse Johnson Peter, cooper Keen S J, cooper Lake J C, gen mdse McFayJ A J, butcher Mooney & Ilaiiies, blacksmiths Simsou Henry, saddler Tack & Crook, saloon Thorworth .1 F, physician Umphlett Alonzo, livery stable Van I'elt, Thos. Hawmill Weutz.I P, saloon Westbrook Airs C, gen nulse Snelling, Cox J G, manufr of fruit drier» and dealer in preserved fruits Halstead Geo W, blacksmith, and wagon- maker Harrelson J A, atty at law HORSLET J R, hotel, postmaster, jus- tice peace and notary Russell Geo, meat market Simon, Jacobs & Co, gen mdae Truesdale & Halstead, livery stable Witherspoon VV D, physician M EllCED COUNTY, Is delightfully situated on the Merced river, in MtTced vallty, one of the most fertile in the State. Its settlement dates from 18,51, tliough the town was not regularly Jaid out until ISSli, when it became the county seat, but which has since been removed to Mcrcjil. It is on the Stocktoi: road leading to Mariposa It is a promising place. Anderson Mrs A B, hotel Bertrandias A, saloon Canevaro A, gen mdsa Cauity P F, physician Soda Bay, LAKE COUNTY. Soda Bay Hotel, A K Gregg propr Soledad, MONTEREY COUNTY, Is 35 miles southeast of Monterey. Beard Chas, hotel BREEN E J, farmer and stock raiser Day & Sobiiranas, saloon Everett A E, gen mdse Goldwater — , gen mdse Riley John, school teacher Seeverscrop Peter, hotel andlivery stable Somersviller CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Is six miles from Antioch, and situated on San J oaquin river. It depends on the coal mining interests of tlje locality for its support. Baker Samuel, secretary Pittsbur^kCoal Miniu,:; Co Brown P, liquors HUGHES W J, gen mdse Lando .loseph, gen mdse Pinkorton J W, supt Pittsburgh Coal Mining Co Pittsburgh Coal Mining Co, Lavi Stev- ens president, Samuel Biker secretary, J W Pinkerton 8Ui»t PITTSBURGH HOTEL, I E Scam- mon propr Pittsburgh R 11 Co. Levi Stevens presi- dent, Satnuel Baker secretary, J W Pinkerton supt SCAMMON G H, postmoater SCAHUON J E, propr Pittsburgh Ho- tel SPOWART DAVID, liquors Stevens Levi, president Pittsburgh Coal Mining Co § 3. 3 % H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal. *S!,fK£i%C?> WUf linMTACIIP Jt rn i91t«>e« iron, all mx^m an III >- I- o CO < < s CO Q III U (0 California — Sonoma-Sonora. 5 o 3 lU H X < X I- o III o AlKIIAIIRTICALir. Sonoma, SONOMA COUNTY, Is most chcirmingly situated in the pic- turesque valley ot the same name, where the luscious graj)e is extensively grown and where wine is manufactured in abundance. It is at the head of navij^a- tion on iSonoma Creek, 18 miles from S.'tn Pablo Bay. As a place of residence it is unrivalled, for every feature that is necessary to make it attractive is found here. Adler Louis, liquors) Aguillon O, wine cellar Beauvuis A li, surveyor BISHOfij' VALENTINE, barber, e s Plaza Buchan Edward, blacksmith Caldwell II G, dentist Clark Geo W, bontniaker CONVERSE ALLEN A, carpenter and builder, cor Second and West Corbaly & Carrigan, livery stable Cornelius Louis & Levy, butchers DBAHMS A, publisher "The Sonoma Index, "c s i'laza Duhring F & Co, general store Dunbar Mrs M, dressmaker OAFFNEY JOHN, propr Travelers' Home, United 8tutes Gilbert E, cooper l-oethe A, cooper GOLDEN & HUNTER, bakers, cor United States and Broadway Hester M, shoemaker Hope & Co, blacksmiths Hubsch A J, liquors Jacobs C, tailor Laux Hermann, li(iuor8 Litzius r^ouis, liquors LYON R B, blacksmith, BroadwFy Lyons Miss >«'ellie, telcgr.iph oi)erator Martin Janice, blacksmith McDonald 11 A, litjuors McLean D, county treasurer Monahan .1, assessor MIJLDRY MARTIN, Hquors, Broad- way Murnan J T, supt of schools Puuli G T, gen mdse Pauli K ■), insurance agent Pi'ppe Mrs J A, general store POTTER I J, county clerk, recorder and auditor PRINCE D S, dry goods, Broadway Kooney .1 1', superior judge Kuffnal Jiimes, varieties Schmiilt Kol)ert, harness and saddlery SCH03KEN S, «cn mdee, Vallejo SMITH C R, liquors, United states Sonoma House, Mrs E(ilyun propr " SONOMA INDEX," A Drahms propr and publisher, e s I'laza Sonoma Valley Bank, David Burris president, Jesse Burris cashier Sonoma Valley K K, J T Peters agent Taroai A, propr Tecino Hotel 'i'eciao Hotel, A Taroni propr TIVNEN JOHN, nf)iary public, cor United States and Broadway TRAVELERS' HOME, John Gaffuoy propr. United States Union Hotel, F Oettl propr Van Harlingen J, county coroner and public administriitor VonGeldern Clias, ithysician Von Geldcrn Miss M, music teacher Waters James, tinsmith Webb C A, attorney at law WEGNEtt EDWARD, grocer, w 8 Plaza WHITE J P, mMon, Sonoma House WILSON W P, painter, Broadway near Plaza Wilt T J, district attorney Wooster Mrs Martha, po8tinistres.iyd Ben, saloon Boyd Mrs B, dressmaker BOYD EOSERT, propr Pioneer Livery Stable, Wasliinj^ton BRADf OBD S S, planinz mill, lum- ber yard, box factory and barley giiad- ing BRAT JOSEPH, propr Star Mills Brcsciii J B, groceries, etc Britton J \V, agent isiager Sewing Ma- chine BURDEN CFAS, furniture, picture frumiis, mirrurs, undertaker, etc, Wash ington Burk 1*, wheelwright BUSH GEO C, saddlery and harness Wiishiigton BUTLER BEN F, propr Bodie Ex eh inge Saluou, Washington CADT J S, paints, oil, glass, paper hangings, etc, Washington Carkeok Andrew, boots and shoes Cavesut J M, restaurant CENTRAL DRUG STORE, S Crich- ton propr, Washington Chamberlain W H, groceries CITY HOTEL, L Bemis propr Coadit J 11, hardware, Giiiut powder, groceries, glassware, etc Cojarretto B, saloon Connolly James, city marshal Conrad F, barber Conrad Samuel, saloon Coo^wr W S, civil engineer COYLE HUGH, marble works, Wash- ington Crepin H, jrroceries and saloon CRICHTON S> physician and surgeon, ottice Central Drug Store, Washington Dart J P, mining engineer DIVOLL J G, propr Star Mills DIVOLL A M, propr Star Mills DIVOLL, BRAY & CO, proprs star Flouring Millit, lower end Washington Diiraey Culeb, attorney at law DUCHOW BROS, (J C, W A and H F), proprs "Tuolumne Independent" Duchow W A, notary public EICHELROTH WM £, physician and surgeon, Washington Faxon John T, constable FREUND F At propr Yosemite House, VVasliiugton Gallut V, stoves and tinware Galvin E K, attorney at law, notary public and district attorney Gidt Mrs M A, school teacher Grahiim Mrs A, dressmaker Gray Mrs Josephine, dressmaker Uaag A, queen?ware, confectionery, etc Haag & Klefeker, saloon and groceries Hall Josiah, groceries Hall J, city treasurer Hartvig Wm, painter ilennessy Mrs Ellon, dress and mil- linery goods Hennessy Miss Margaret, milliner Hennessy Mias Sar>ih, dressmaker Hosking J L, shoemaker Hughs Mark E, blacksmith Jalumstein Z, watchmaker and jeweler JOHNSON JOHN & ANDY, proprs Turn Vereiu Hall, finest wines, liquors and cigars always on hand, Washing- ton Keil Edward, saloon Kelly Miis Kate & Co, dressmakers Lang C E, proi)r Union Bakery LEONARD THOS, soda works, saloon and county supervisor, Washington Ijcon Sanmel, tailor Lertora (i, s:tloon Lick Mrs John, restaurant LIVINurSTON A C, boots and shoes to order, and dealer in leather and shoe findings, Washington Lonj' W (It, supt Hunter Mine MADSON B i, (Smith, Madson & Ma- 8 m) MADSON J G, dealer in gold aust, groceries and provisions, Wash'agton Marble D N, lodging house and restau- rant MARKLEY R, clerk with Benjamin F Butler, Washirigton MASON LYSANDER, (Smith, Madson &, Muson) Matsou E A^hysician MATTESON & CO, stage office, City Hotel, SVashington McCORMIGK MRS M, groceries, etc, North Washington McLean, Kelly & Co, livery stables McLEON DONALD, county treasurer MuQuadc (ieo, deputy sherill' Menendez .1, dentist Miller J L, justice of the peace and city assessor Ml lek A, dry goods, clothing, etc Monahan John, county assessor MOORE A A, with W K Moore, Waah- ington MOORE WM K, hardware, stoves, etc, Washington Mouron Julius, druggist and physician MUNDORF JOHN, hardware, grocer- ies, books and stationery, toys, no- tions, etc, Washington Mumau .Ino T, county supt of schools Nicol F D, atti'rney at law O'BRIEN J J, dry goods, clothing, gents' furnishing goods, boots, shoes, etc, cor Washington and Stockton CM H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St.. S. R WW MnMT ARIlP A Of\ »♦•▼••'• "»"^ nanff^n, MO different liiek, nylee uit ,8. p. iA:i: H!: ii 05 c o (0 (0 ♦^ 3 IL c c (0 O ■ O o o z s o < Q. H O 826 California — Sonora. ALrnARSnCALLT. proprs boots, OFFENHEIMEB H. groceries, crock- ery, books and stationery, hardware, queensware, toys, notions, cigars, to- bacco, musical instruments, etc, etc, Washincton PABSONS EDMOXD. propr Union Sa- loon and Billiard Hall, Washington Phelps, Shepard & Cowie, foundry Pioneer Stage Line, Parsons, Vnssalo & Lick proprs Pitts Abner, watchmaker POTTER I J. county clerk, ex-ofRcio recorder and auditor Randall Clias H, insurance agent RAXDALL & ROBERTS. "Union Democriit" Redmond •^ D, attorney at law REEB M, dry goo«ls, cl Miing, shoes, etc, Washington Reid A (r, saddler and harnesam.iker RIORDAX MRS D F, millinery and fancy goods, Washington Roberts .1 L. carpenter R0D6ERS E A, attorney at law anoatnffice TUOLUMNE INDEPENDENT," Duchow Bros editors and proprietors, Washington "UNION DEMOCRAT," Randall & Roberts proprs Van Harlingcn John, public administra- tor and coroner Walker J, drugirist and physician WELLS & SEARS, proprs Sewall's Arfc(}idlerv, Washinijton WELLS TfiOMAS W. photographer, Washinirton Wetmore H G, mining snpt White J.'uncs J, saloon Whitto Thos, mining Williams Miss J A, dressmaker Wilziuski T & Son, dry goods, etc Winzel F A, wagonmaker, blacksmith Witt N B, attorney at law Witt T J, c o E a c c CO O ■ O o o < I- O 828 California — Sonora-South Vallejo. Ai.i*HAHirrir*?,i,v. Mn l\i\ Floiriii Mills LOWER END OF WASHINGTON STREET, Tuolumne County, California. SE¥®£;]&$ SE&¥ m €#«$ PROPRIETORS. • We make the best Granulated Flour Graham Shorts, Corn Meal, Ground Barley, &c. We pay the Highest Prise in the Market for No. I Wheat. Soquel, SANTA CttUZ COL'NTV, la situated on Monterey Bny, four and one-half miles from Suuta Cruz. I'opu- lation about 200. Stage;:! utup at Mann's Hotel. South Butte. SUTTEtt COUNTY, BLISS W, hotul and assiatant post- master Bennett J F J, liijuors and justice peace Bostwick & Dickens, market Bowtuan John, stoves and tinware Brown John A, varieties Cumming 1) J, gen mdse, agt W, F & Co and ins agt Msmore L V, feed mill Floidig I, gen mdse OETZSGHMANN A, Park House Hall C H, blacksmith Kropf \Vm(jr, barlx-'r MANN T W. hotel Meachen D ./, blacksmith and wngon- maker O'Neill Bros, South Coast Paper Mill PARK HOUSE, (b )ard and lodging at reason riblc terms), A (>etz.schman prupr Porter Edward, gen mdse, and post master Shields Wm, bootmaker West J E, livery stable Wheaton W E, agt W U Tel Co South Fork, MODOC COUNTY. BERGSTROM JOHN, postmaster Jackson H, ])hysiciau Marsh Mrs E, hotel South VaUejo, 80LAN0 COUNTY. (See Vallejo.) Barnes I> << & Co, planing mills Brennun D J, bootmaker D.inoen P, lifju ora DARE JOHN, gen mdso DunphyS F, buotmakir 'l>yar Mrs H E, propr Frisbio Hotuo Eaton C H, liquors Egery & Iiamont, groceries Liona A T ile F, barber Pope & Talbot, lumber S 30 w H 30 m ■ ■0 o 30 o 30 m n S m I" tx CD 3 O o a o a (D M H. WACHHORST. Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street. Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '^V['«W,ir.!i?.*.i^%'5;^V^'St?Srfc CO in I CO M e CO & 8 u CO ■ o California — South Valf^jo-Stockton. 829 Al.niABKTIOAI.r.V. FUOET SOUND LUMBEB CO, A Powell manager Reeng J, liquors KeyiioUlB Chas, hotel, wines and liquors Shelling F A, W U tel opr Stnrr & Co, Houring mills StcflF.in J k 1', butchers Sheridan D, liquors Trahy Wm, liquors Tyrrell B, livery stable Watson Mrs I, hotel \Villiams A L, agt Cal P R R Spadra, BAN BEUNAKDINO COUNTY. Is a station on the S. P. R. I{., twenty nine miles south of Los Angclea. Bowers Geo M, a^t S P R «, W U Tel Co and \V, V & Co CALDWELL A B, gen mdso and post iiiaHter Clcinonta Oliver, druggist EADS JAMES M, assistant postmaster KganJohn R, blacksmith CJrcon J D, gen nidao Kiikpntrick R C, physicinn MaLott Joseph A, gen mdso Jtubottom W W, hotel SCOTT WHH, saloon Thompson Joseph, saloon Springfield, TUOLUMNE COUNTY, Is three miles from Sonora, on the C<)p- peropolis Stage road, 33 miles from Milton. HENDERSON EDWABD, saloon and place of entertainment Springville, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Is i;0 mill's south of Eureka, on the Eureka and Cloverdale Sta^e road. Spanish Dry Diggings EL DORADO COUNTY. Bucknam VV A, gen mdse Spanish Flat, EL DORADO COUNTY. Lewis T 1'', gen mdso Spanish Ranch, SONOMA COUNTY. THOMPSON & KELLOGG, gen mdse Spenceville, NEVADA COUNTY. BargcrC supt San Franrisco Cooper Co HYMER JOHN, gon mdse and post muster Payn W H, machinist Sherman I>, blacksmith Stiner ft Waterman, gen mdso Tearby Jno, hotel Tearby Wm, liquors GILLIGAN L, liquors (Jreiy Thomas ti, livery Hafuer JoHopli, blncksmith Mason & Co, ttouring and sawmill Rc.bhon Bernanl, bootmaker Rollcy Joseph, nianufr sheep dip Spiiiigv illo Siiw and Flour Mills', S WORTZEL W J, gen mddc and post- master Tuttlc T G, hotel Squaw Valley, FUE.SNO COUNTY, DOWNING JOSEPH, poetmaatcr Still Water Cove, KONOMA COUNTY. 1. ".)cy F, gen mdse Roult Mra — , lauding Stockton, > SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, Is the county scat and situated on tho Western Divison of the Central Pacitio Railroad, lU miles from San Francisco, and 48 miles south of .Sacramento. It is iiLio at the head of navigation on the Stockton Slough, an arm of the Sau Joaquin river, and a terminus of the CopiR-'ropolia Division of the Central Pacific Railroad. It is the chief com- mercial city of the San Joaquin valley, and tho country lying contiguous to it within a radius of several miles contrib- utes largely to its support in its demand for supplies. Tlie city is widely known as an entrepiit for tho deposit of vast quanti- ties of grain from many sections of the State, and is the site of numerous exten- sivo warehouses. The country immodi- ICH 1 fi* 1 s 1' s« ii 1 OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. WW MONTAnilF A Hfl ■'nmimMnl Iron PlDf>. all hIk^ii. 1 10, IIW, . W. mUW I AUUC OC l/U., 114, im and MM Bntt«>ry fltrp«'t. m. V. Ih . ! !i 1 i 1 Ik E s IS ■k s > o E To CO C c (0 o • O O Q. I- I? IBg! ;ij.: 830 California — Stockton. ALPIIARRTICAliliT. ately surrounding the city is pictnreaque and remarkably fertile, and statistics show it to he second to no other section, in point of agricultural productions, in the State. The soil is a dark, sandy loam, very porous an 1 i-asily cultivated. The streets of the city are broad and smooth, and run at right an^jlus. The privat residences are generally neat and hand- some, the churches are numerous, well built and well attended: while the many blocks of elegant buildiu'^s of tratlic arc in keeping with the intelligence and en- terprise of its residents. There are sev- eral foundries, planing and Houring mills, furniture factories, tanneries and other places of industry. The Public S((uare, in the heart of the city, is very pretty, be- ing set with 8hruhl)ury and plants. It is also the site of the Mtcitc Insane Asylum and the Nevada Asylum for the insanu. It is in a prosjH'rous condition, has a population of lo,U(K) and two tl.kily papers. Abemathy J, saloon, 180 Main Abramsky M L, real estate agt, McKee's block /VPAMf^ A Ji clerk Stockton Laundry, 184 (>rant bet Main and Wabcr ave Aditms J F, saloon, cor San Joaquin and Weber ave Adams S, blacksmith, California ALEGBETTI G, wholesale and retail groceries, provisions, wines and licj uors, cor ^V ashington ami Center Allen E H, assessor. Court House ALLEN E H, propr Eagle Hotel, •27:i Wel)er ave AHender Wm F, horseshoeing. Main bet California and American AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, Ranselor Tuttle propr, '2'.V.i, •_•."{.') auil '-'87 Ctenter Amyx H, attorney at law, Milco block Anaya Frank, b.nber, Hunter and Main Andrews J H, siuldle.s, harnesa, etc, 'JOli Center Arendt M, dry goods and furnishing goods*, 1!H) Main Arnold Fred, boots and shoes, I'Jl Main, cor Main and Eldorado Arrivey L, junk store. Center between VVashingtoti and Market ATJST JOnN G, carriage manufactur- ing, horseshoeing and general black smithing, California bet Main and M arket AUSTIN BROTHERS, dealers in iron, steel, lead and iron pipe, Hunter bet Main and Market Austin O A & Co, fancy goods, etc, Main and Eldorado Avenue Hotel, Owen Fallen propr, Web- er ave bet California and American fiachinann C, wagon factory, cor Chan- nel and American Badger Bros, paints, 200 Main Baggs W M & Son, grain and storage cammission, 102 Lovee Baggs W T, bookkeeper at paper mills, Tule, Stockton P O, box B Baird E A, musical instruments, 179 Main Baker M I), ins a^^t, notary public and secy Stockton Budding and Loan As- sociation, 18:^ Hunter Baldeck I, boots and shoes, 155 Hunter B.ddwin F T, atty at law, Main Baldwin H, books and stationery, '20i Main Balthis Jno A, horseshoeing, cor Weber ave and Sutttr Bank of Stockton, H W Tully cashier, cor Main and Center Barkliorn & Tous, agents Phihidolphia Brewery, Levee BARLOW F N.p-wturof First Baptist Church, cor Hunter and Lindscy BARNEY J H, commission and grain dealer, I7'.>.\ Center Barricklo D D.millinery and fancy goods, cor Sntter and WcIm-t ave Basilio L, groceries, Flunter and Market BATCHELDER B P, photograplicr, ISS El Dorado Beardsley W 1), livery stable, cor Chan- nel and American Beasley C, architect. Hook's bldg, Main Bfhrman Henry, restaurant. Hunter BEHRNS C, crockery, glass and china ware, 177 El Do ratio Beiso ( t, groceries, cor Center and Church Btlding Chas, mainifr soda water, cor San .Jo mniii and Weber ave Bt'lding W J, dry goods, 180 El Dorado Berdine D H, steam job printing, etc, Eldridge l)lock Bertrcnd L, merchant tailor, 258 Main Boswick Frank, livery stable, cor Center and Washington Bircli T W, carpenter ami builder, Web- er ave nr California BIRDSALL REV E, rector St John's Episcopal Church, cor Miner ave and Lindsey Black & Bro, staple and fancy groceries, cor Main and Center Blair N J, dressmaker, room 2 Hook's bldg Blake A N, undertaker, Hunter Block D, dry goods, 202 Main Block E, cigars and tobacco, 203 Main BlumenthalL, clothing, 224 Main Boepple F, bootmaker, Main nr Califor uia o ST o o a Q. o o o a a 3 a 2 (D 1 • r PT a TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th« nodel Commercial Colle« or the Coaat. 8«» Font «t., S.F. CcUifomia — Stockton. ALP11ARRTICAI11.Y. 831 £ a 61 BOEBNER & WIRTH, proprs San Joaquin Brewery, cor American and Weber ave BOISSELIER H 0, grocoricH, provis- ions and yeast powdur manul'r, 174 EL Dorado BOND M H, undertaker, ready made coliius and caskets always on hand, 21)5 Weber ave above Calil'ornia Boscher EH, druggist, 101) Main Bostwick 1 8, grain and commission merchant, 171 Center Boswell Sam, saloon. Market nr depot Bouche Nelson, gen blacksmith. Center bet Washington and La Fayette Bowen 8 B, agricultural implta. Main Bricdenbach Joseph, i-ropr Philadelphia House, 15 Bridge Breith Chas, What Cheer 8aloon, Levee Brown &, Co, produce and feed store, 17S . Levee Brown Phil T, plumber and gastitter Water Works bld^. Hunter Bucklej- W 8, sujHinor judge. Main BUDD & CORCORAN; attys at law, rooms '2, W and 4, Eldriilge block, opp Court House BUDD J H & J £, attys at law. El dridge block, room I BTJLI^RD JOHN C, clerk Yosemite House, 8tockton . Burns John, gen blacksmithing, 'J31 Center Burton & MeseroU, dentist, cor Main and El Dorado BTERS& ELLIOTT, attys at law.JJO Main, Eldiidge block opposite Court House BTERS J C, attorney, •J'JG Main Cadieu & Bagley, clothing, -'52 Main Chahill 8, cigars and tobacco, 18U Center California I'aper Co, Egljert Judsoni)re8, and Eugene T Coo^wr secty, U B Lane manager, Stockton CanipbmCeorge, saloon, 17'J Center CAMPBELL J C, district atty andatty at law, Odd Fellow's building, rooms 2 and 4 Caples & Brannen, granite works. Main nr American Caragnaw F, Farmers' Union saloon, cor Levee and Center Carlon (i C, propr bonded warehouse No 3, cor Market and Sutter GARO MORRIS, tobacco, cigars, etc, 257 Main CARROLL JAMES, barley mill and feed depot, Hunter bet Market and Washington Carter J 8, carpenter, 203 Main Carters L, city atty, McKee's block Carter Stanton L, city atty, building, Main saloon, 369 Cool Comer CASTELU FRANK, Center CASTELLI & WEBER, Saloon, 301) Center CAVEN JAMES, propr Yosemite House, 251, 253, 2u5 and 257 Main Cavis Joseph M, postmaster. Center CENTRAL HOTEL, John Henderson propr, cor California and Channel Chalmers Alex, dry goods, etc, 11)4 and 11)0 Main CHALMERS OEO, staple and fancy dry goods, carpets, etc, 178 El Dorado Chambers Mrs U L, dresdmaking, Main bet Stanislaus and American Chicard, Sperry & Worth, wood, 182 Center City Brewery, Levee and Elk Clark A, physician, 191 Hunter Clark F K, principal Stockton Business Colleiie Clark Z P, ins agt, Odd Fellows' build- ing Clayes J B, ins agt, McKee's building CLOSE H, variety house, 186 El Dorado COLUMBIA HOUSE, Alois Lutz propr, San Joa(|uin and Channel COMMERCIAL HOTEL, F C Hahn propr, 273 to 27S> Main Compton H T Jr, county surveyor, Court House Compton Wm T, gen ins agt, cor San Joaquin and Weber ave CONDIT J H & CO, agricultural im- plements, builders and farmers hard- ware, rope, twines, giant and black powder, sporting goods, garden seed% etc, 181) Hunter Condy Madam E V, dressmaker, cor Sut- ter and Weber ave CONDY R, merchant tailor and musi- cian, 185 Main Cornwall Arthur, owner and manager Steamboit Line and coal tlealer, 15 Channel Couturier Nicholas, hair store and hair- dressing, cor Weber ave and California Covington E H, carriage trimming, cor California and Weber ave Coyle Kev John, pastor M E Church, San Joaquin bet Main and Weber ave Crawford S P.physician, cor San Joaquin and Main Crawford T A, commission and general agency. Levee CROSS JAMES H, House, cor Hunter anil Cr oss L E & S N, physicians. Hunter CUNNINGHAM T, sheriff, San Joa- quin McKee's, Curtis C, piano tuner and repairer, 249 Main a aa -< CO c/> s » propr Mansion IJ; I Weber ave 1 i«' H. PALMER A CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. . i v!^\m !t.;t &! ;iii WW MOMTARIIF A TO »«•»«•<•« >ro«»i «" «!»!<'• n»»«t Wnmbrr*. 110, . W. mUiHIMUUC « \j\J.. im H4 jio. niMl lixnntt.'ry M*.. H.y. I: l> I, I h. Ml IL CO 4 o o E 75 CO c c m c o a o < Q. 832 California — Stockton. AliPIIARRTIOAI.LV. Curtis W G, assistant supt S and C H K office, depot on Lovoo CTJTTINO L M, 'ire, marine, life and nccideiitul ins, rcul estate and notary pulilic, C'himnol Czartoryski M, physician. Hunter DagKctt William C, City Mdit Market, i!58 Mnin "DAILY EVENING HERALD.' I'retiton ft KM proprs, JIuntcr l)ot Mil in iind Market Dnrcy &, (iall, saloon, cor Main and ¥A I).»r;ido DARCT PETER, Sample Room, Con- tur and Mnin Davenport A C, dentist. Center Daves Mrs Jenni", drissmalier, cor Web- er iivo and Califnrnia DeLANO & DOUGLASS, barbers, ir»i M'lin DENIG WILLIAM M, pnblidvr "The Commercial Uooord," I8.'l Kl Dorado D^'V'illidon Isabel, restaurant, cor Hun- ter and Marktt Devoll H H, sewing machine agt, Weber ave Devoll William, cigars and tobacco, 180 Main Ditz <}, gunsmith, 18(5 Main Doak & Dunning, Main Street T.ivery Stable, San Joaquin bet Main and Market Dodge D F & Co, notions and fancy jroodi, 180 El Dorado Doherty Danl, boot and shoemaker, 178 Main Dohrm.tn Charles W, ins agt, 203 Main Diihnnann Julius, hairdn^sm'r, 'JOU Main DORRANCE H T, saddlery, harness, saddlery hardware, leather, collars, etc, 185 Hunter DOUGLASS J B, Yosemito Billiard Pailor and Saloon, 'Jii? Maiii DRASCOVICH &DUDICH, National ]vestaurant and Saloon, Center bet Main and Market DiMscovich M, saloon, 158 I^vco DUDLEY W L, atty at law, room 6, Odd Fellows bnildinc; EAGLE HOTEL, K H Allen propr, 27:5 W'-lHjr ave EASTON A, furniture, El Dorado near Main EASTON A, upholstery manufr. El Dorudu near Maiit Eckstrom A, hairdressing, 202 Tjevoe Eckstrom Albert, upholstery, 254 Main Eckstrom Miss Emmr, millinery, 254 Main Eckstrom Geo F, agt Davis Sewing Ma- chine, 254 Mnin ECKSTROM MRS THOMAS, millin- ery and fancy goods, 254 Main ' Iron Iron CO, 181 Eddy O J, physici m and lurgeon, cor Main and El Dorado Etlwards James & Son, contractors, McKee's building Eldred & Koberts, marble works, 269 Mai'i ELLIOTT A T, grain and wool broker, Center bet Main and Leveo ELLIOTT LW, atty, 220 Main Elliott L W, homtupathic physician ENGELHARDT A, proi)r Wehcr House, cor Ceitter and Main Englaiul J W, foreign and domestic fruits, 2^7 Main ERNEST CHARLES L,hnnlwan>, tin- ware and criickery. ISU Main Eshltach Mr^i C & Ci>, millinery cooda I8:« El I)(.rado ' ESHBACH & HAMILTON, job priiitini: tifHce, 183 El Dorado FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE UNION OF SAN JOAQUIN YAL- LEY, Eureka Warehouse, I, '2, 3, 4 and 5 I/evec, I R Wilbur secy FARRINGTON H L, Stockton FARiamGTON H S, Stockton W'orks FARRINGTON, HYATT & Stockton Iron Works, 177,170, and 183 C.difornia FEE PATRICK, propr Avenue Stable, Wi'luT avo b-'twoen California and Americai? Fw'ley J, boot and shoemaker, 20^4 Ijcvoo Feri;n8c»ii John, merchant Uilor, 181 Main Ferguson Mrs P M, millinery, 181 Main Finnan John, hackman Yosemitc House, Stockton Finnegan M, groceries, cor Orora and Channel FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STOCKTON, H H Ifewlett cisl.ier and manager, cor Main and Hunter Fisher M C, capitalist and land owner, ofiice ABC and D McKee's building, Muiii Fisher W R, agt M C Fisher capitalist, Main FISK & STROMEIMER, Eureka B.ikery, 50 Ch annel FITZERALD & HENDERSON, planing mill. Main and California FORD JAMES, propr United States Stable, 225 Center For ai(Ml(>l Oomairrelal C*IlrM nr th<> <'<>f«<«*. a^eo p««t wt.. m. V. California — Stockton. A'.PMAWKnOA'.tT. 833 i u V e o '-§ *< (A « 75 (A U o e (d J f o Z o X o o z o •9 ■ < FHirry L, carp<;nter, Cliannol Oulgitini V, Halt and vegetables, 188 lioveo Oall A, hakeiy, 170 El Dorado (iazznlo Aiiiii J, groceries, etc, cor £1 Do- rado and Lafavetto Gerlach Louis, til Dorado Market, IT2 El Dorado Gliilliazza U & Bros, groceries, cor San Joa(iuin antl Lafayette Gianclli ( t, inanuf wines and brandies, cor (Jalifornia anil Fremont Gianelli l! B& Bros, groceries, California and Fremont OIBBON WM Ml 'ktty and notary pub lie, Odd Fellows' building, room Gillivaud N, barlxT, Main Giovanessi Frank, toys and fruits, 170 El Dorado Giranl Miss Emma, millinery and fancy goods, 187 El Dorndo Givanovieh A, Tourist Restaurant, '2(il Main Glaser Adolpli, propr "Tlie Stockton Banner" (Uermaii and Eiiyliili paper) OLICK J, watclunaker and jewelry, p.H) Kl Dorndo GLOBE IRON W0RK3, .T<'h;i Caine propr, cor Main and Cmnnierce GOAD &SHERWIN. gen advertisin a^ts, C'eutor nr Stockton and (.'opiKr (Jrahani Wm, builder-*' hartlware, 'JOi) GRANGERS' UNION OF SAN JOA ftUIN VALLEY. An.lrew Wolf l)rest, John X Wood secy, 'J80 and 'JS'i Main and California Cira»bur>,'er & Simon, saloon, Hunter Gritlin Mrs L, dressmaker, 18 Sutter (iriH«im Harry, lienors, 18() Center Gross C A, i)verall niaunuf. Main i)et Stanislaus and Amcrioan fiross & Greenwood, market, Center tiruusky Ciiarles, county recorder. Court House Guernsey & Allen, books, stationery, picture frames, musical instruments, etc, 184 El Dorapr3 T'acilic Tannery, eor Oak and El Dorado La Miss J C, dressmaker. Hook's b , Main LA .J2 E J, cfintractor and builder, Sutter. Everthing pertaining to his trade witii neatness and dispatch LANE HARRY, Bonanza Hoot block, 'S.W Main LANE R B. Lane's Mills, 25i3 to 2')') VVel)cr ave Langdon & Clark, physicians, I 111 Hunter Lanjidon Samuel, physician, lill Hunter Lan^mack H. watchmaker, \\)\ El Do- rado Liui^m::id O (I, chief police LAUMEISTER LEWIS, groceries, provisions, wines, etc, cor Miner ave and Sacramento Lelnjuder & Stalling, Levee Saloon LERCHER&BRO, Tyrolean Hall, I'.l!) Hunter Lertora P, groceries, cor Washington and Aurora Lesher Peter, saloon, 17") Hunter Ijcsher Wm, saloon, 11)8 I^vec Levy T 1, produce and poultry, ISO Ijcvce Licginger H & Son, boots and shoes, 259 Main LISSENDEN G & CO, proprs Pacific Agricultural \* orks Long E O, agt impts Looncy Thomas, saddlery and harness, cor Chatinel and Hunter Lothrop & Noble, hats, caps, etc, 247 Maiu m I » (A O a s s St 3 (A e (D O "I o 0) O »' 9 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer & Co., "^"f^v^it PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th«* !lfo«l«'l Commerrlal rell«'ae or tin- 4'nnMt. »*tt PoMt Ht.. M.V'. 09! Ml SI California — Stockton. ALPIUnniUALLV. 835 law, LOUTTIT JAMES A, atty at Odd I'ullows' building', rouiii 4 LOUTTIT W R, HDcciul ugt "S V Chronicle," *'Alta,'' "Uecord-Union," lUittrick'a PattMriia, etc, 173 Huiitur tir old Postortice LOVROVICH FRANK. SteninLoat Luiidiiig Ucataurnut, 18H Lovi^e Liisignau T, bootmaker, EUlorudo iir Main LUTJE & GROSS, candy tnimufra and confi!Ctioni)-8, 17'.* El Dorado LUTZ ALOIS, propr Columbia House, cor Man Joaquin and Chiinnul Lyon li K, roiil estate nnd ins agt, Me- Kee's building MACKENZIE REV ROBERT, paxto, Presbyterian church, >San .loaquin but Mikin and Market MAOER ADAM, old Lodge Saloon, 'I'M Main MAONER MAX, propr Bonanza Sa, loon, 'I'M) Main Magtiire Andrew, tailor, cor Channel and El Dorad > MAIL PUBLISHING CO, Hardin. Colnoh & Nunian proprs, 'I'lA Main Mallon T (", real cHtato agt and notary puMic, 176 Main MANSION HOUSE, 'an.es H Cross ])ropr, cor Hunter and WuIht ave Marble & Alders, Eureka IJeer Hall, 'J(17 Main Marks H, merchant tailor, 'J.IO Main Marks M, cigars and tol)accti, Ijcvee and El Do.ailo MARSTERS E J, self-feoderH for threshing machines, self-regulatirif.- windmills, portalilo grain elevattirs, cor California ant, Levels O X t! ■ i- !,|| ^ '^it\. PURE PORT WINE, flir Meticiial Purposes, 302 Davis St, S. F. ''HPP^' "' 'ft IL ■ W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^,Tr.^"«"2nrl"l^*a«^VV'^^cV.Vi-^ Wi. i'.y: i.T ill; CO c S o s 0) o O a z < Q. o z h h o 83G California — Stockton. AbPllABBTICMitY. Near G W, grain merchant, Levee and Center Newell Sidney, capitalist, P O box 21 Newell T W, caiiitalist, V O box 125, of- fice 202 Main Newman Chas, gents' furnishing goods, Hunter nr Levee Nichols & Horton, agts Chicago Screw Harrow, 102 I^evee Nicola Milco & Co, fruits, etc, 205 Main Nunan Jno J, business agency. Hunter nr Weber ave O'BRIEN JOHN H, wholesale wines and liijuors, 222 Main O'Conner Kev Father,St Mary's Church, Washington Offer & Friedman, cigars, tobacco, etc, 203 Main OKEFIJE P„K & BRO, Cliarter OuK Saloon, 170 Levee Olmstcad Mrs F, glove mannfr. Main bet Sutter and California OTJLLAHAN D J, wholesale liquors and c.gJir.s, 177 M.iin Overton F, lodging house and saloon, cor Center and Marlict Owen Chas E, musical instrument?, 24',t Main PACIFIC AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Lissendc'i (i & Co propria, cor California .'uui [jafayette PACIFIC TANNERY. Kullman, Wag- ner & Co proprd, cor Oak and LI Do- rado Patten R C, agt Sonera, Murphy's and San Audroaa Stage Linos, ottico Yo- Semite House, Main Patei'sou A V H, superior judge PARKER R B & CO, wholesale and retiil grocer. Hunter bet Main and Market Paulk C C, police judge, opposite Court House PAULSELL A C, president of Eureka Waroiiouses, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Levee Peckler Chas, bakery, cor Weljer and California Perkins Bros, groceries, etc, 1S7 Hunter Perrin Otis, roc U S land oilioe and prest Stockton Ice Co, Odd Fellows' bldg PERRY GEORGE, collecting, real es tate and insurance agent, 234 Main opt) Court House PETERS J D, grain and wool mer- chat, 154 Ijevee Peyser Albert, barber. Commercial Ho- tel, Main Peyton Setb, saloon, 228 Main Pierce & Smith, restaurant, El Dorado l)et Washington and Market Piser S, merchant tailor, cor Main and Sutter PIXLEY W B, druggist and apothe- cary, 176 Main Plumer W P, stair builder. Commerce bet Levee and Main POLYMATH ANDREW, practical watchmaker, jeweler and optician, 17i) and 181 Main Quinn Jno, painter. Main bet California and Anil rican Quinii cfe McDoug.ald, painters. Main bet California and American Kaab & Miller, proprs What Cheer House, cor Center and Levee Kalpli C R, county assessor. Court House llapiiael .), clothing, 187 Main Kead T Y, agt Wells, Fargo & Co, 182 Main Ileichlein Mrs, midwife, bleeding, cup- ping and leeching, cor Weber ave and Sutter llenland M, saloon, Weber ave bet Cal- ifornia and American Reynolds Menick, grain buyer, corner Levee and Commerce Lihodos Alonzo, r;ial estate and insur- ance agt, 231) Main Rider A S, hack business, Yosemite House, I^Iain RiefFel Louis, bakery, cor San Joaquin and Washington Riuaro A, groci^ries. Hunter bet Miner ave and Lindsey RingC IJ, auctioneer and coroner, Main Kink L S, saloon, cor Center and Main RIORDAN DANIEL, saddlery and hariu'ss, 1S!> Main Ritter C M, principal L'lfayette School IJobinson H (J, builder, I'^l Dorado ROBINSON JERRY, architect and builder, L03 Main Robison W M, express messenger W^, F & Co nodonbush — , saloon, next to postofEce on ( 'enter ROGERS & WILLOWS, coal, wo(kI au(i ice, 200 Kl Dorado Rohbecker & Roerner, saloon, cor Hun- ter and Ciiannel ROHRMCHER & MAGER, Old Lodge Saloon, 23i Main ROHRBACHER PHILIP, Old Lodge Saloon, 234 Main ROLAND A, Depot Saloon C P R R Rosenbaum D S, clothing, 240 Main Jiosenl)lum M, clothing, 173 Main Rothonbush D, brewery, cor Stanislaus and Park ROWE ROBERT, hanlware, stoves, tin, sheet inm, copperware, builders' hardware and mechanica' tools, 200 Main Rossi Antonio, propr Colombo House, 150 Main o -< m m 30 (A to a CD (O c O 00 o CD o ST (A S" o 3 ■Hi Q O a 3 (D s v> O 3. 5* pen (lay and night). Center Safferhill David, saloon, cor Hunter and Levee St Mary's Catholic Church, Washington bet Hunter and San Joaquin Sampson & Gray, meat market, 1258 Cjuifoinia SAN JOAQUIN BREWERY, Boer- ner k Wirtli proprs, oor Anuricun and WebiT avo SAN JOAQUIN HOTEL, F Stoetzer propr, cor San Joatpiin and Weber av San Joaquin Lodge No It) F& AM, Chas A liugsles secy San Joaquin Valley Bank, F J Huggins casiiier, 210 Miiin Scalerandi Mrs M, restaurant, 174 Mail SCHMIEDER C&HOLMAN, proprs United States Hotel, eor Center and Market SCHMITT PHILLIP, staple and fancy firoceries, fresh meats, wines and liquors, cor Main and (jrant Schrack Mrs S l\, hainlressing, stamping nnd pinking, Mdn bet Californi '. and American Schulz '.{, wagonmakcr, cor California and Wel>er ave ScuttHB& Co, manufr barbed fence wire, cor Califoruia and Lafiiyette Seavers F, meat market, cor Channel and Hunter iSeick J, hai. dresser and shaving saloon. Center bet Main and Market Seilnacht F, bootmaker, 186 Levee Severy M, real estate, 108 Main Shaver John 1', s.doon, Miiin Shaw H C, manufacturing works, 201 and i:o:< I'll Dorado SHEARER BEN, manager W U Tel Co, 'jm Main SHEPHERD & BRO, bides, pelts and l)r ? ■ r^ ;'*;■, '. 3 ; 11^ a , , If.: 'i i i'* '., Qi I [.. \i:' ■ ' fe:*' 7» H. PALMER & CO., Native Winss. 302 Davis Street, S. F. m i' i' CO Ilk i c 'k S o *■* IS Vi o > ^' i » C ii" H O '1 ^ E ■ ■ (C ' J CTi 0) c c O 6 o a < Q. O H O WW MflMTAfillP A on SlM'ct Iron, aU Slaea and NnnlMrfm 110, . ft. mUW I MtaUC PC UU., iig 114. jiet Caliiiirnia and American Wilhoit It E, notary public and convey- ancer. Court House Wilkes P S, atty at law, Eldridge block oi)p Court House WILLIAMS JOHN R, jobbing and retail druggist, manufr Dr Elliott's Great Discovery and National Cough Syrup, Main TRY MURRAY'S MAGIJ; OIL L, Blumauer 4 Co., 'JSi-fiivX ■< IS ?2 Pt 09 c o o (/> 3 O O o o o o •o PC M; :i ii > '' mI ^'- ui z >- j ^r h J ^^^ w^ i'B; O 1 ' MK-S-' L::^ Z ; ^! :|p|' fi-: CO '■ 'P' tt '' -p < ■ ■' i o ; i 1 lU >' 11'' K •i 111' ' '"ir H f 1 CO . .;■ 1 !J i O ■ w 3 tt O CO » St\ tt ;■[[;! III ill' h m X 1 1 . < i ! ' ; z 1- 1 ^f H , 4 •' ■ < ■■ '.1.' • < <■■! a ^ i CO o _ .; , ^B h i O . ff. mUniMUUCO UU., ■!« 114 11 a, and 11M Battery »*.,». F. 840 California — Stockton. AI.PII ARRTICAT.TiT. Authorized Capital, $500,000, Cold. Paid-in Capital and Surplus, 9366,000, Cold. m %f A\ LlilL^, .^ - m.mmm> m m\ ^'TPTr lAL OF STOCKTON, CAL. H. H. HEWLETT, - - - Cashier and Manager. Transacts a General Banking Business. Collections made on Favorable Terms in ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Correspondence, \ f,*^^^ National Bank New York *^ } h iitsT National Gold Bank, ban Francisco. New York Reference, — J. D. Jones, Esq., President Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, New York. Money deposited with our Correspondents paid here. E. J. MARSTERS, MANUFACTURER OF SELF-FEEDERS FOU fMB'lilBili'6l KJIiJSiiill'i. Self-Regulating Windmill TEMPEST." Partable Griiin Elevators, Models for Patent Office, Etc., Corner of California and Washington Streets, STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Post Office — Stockton, California. o 30 m > r- m 3Q O) » Z3 IT CD (A CD Qi ■n 00 « CD O CD (/) o O 3 CD O 5" 3 CD n 00 art w 0) ■0 o 0) CD (fi o 3 ^ 191 ^ Manuf Roi 183 Eld H. WACHHORST. importer of je':^:£r,?%[:!L';r.;d.. 315 J St., Sac z C9 3 Z • (0 ^S Jt It •a • < ■ ^ c •s H. PA PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «'^W»ne?SlS!S;f;;^5;,r E 2 o (d £ to (0 .5 c o "5 o California — Stockton. AbrilABKTIOALLV. 841 C. V. THOMPSON, IMPORTER AND Gommissioxi merchant, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. Agent for Santa Clara Cheese. Choice Potatoes a specialty. 190 Levee Street and 169 and 171 El Dorado Street, S'X'OCK'X'ON, CALIFORNIA. CHARLES L. ERNEST, UEALEIl IN (0 (0 o aI Ml IRON PIPE, TINWARE, CROCKERY, Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Lift Punijjs, with Stock's Patent San Jose Valves, the beat in use. 256 Main Street, Stockion, Cal. Roofing and Johhinff ilone to order. ISBMBA^M Ss MAMSILTO^H, to O z o •3 < 183 El Dorado Street. Stockton, Cal. , wm i 6G C®MMEMC3IA1. IBEC©MB«^ <;ir«>nlation SWKi. l»iHtribnted Free. 183 Eldorado Street, Stockton, Cat. W. M. DENIG, Publisher. JOHN H. O'BRIEN, WHOLESALE DEALER IN t*' 222 MAIN STRBBT, as o H. PALMER A CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. li ;; >l LJ tf^' I l:ir '^ \'i ! Il^ -:^1 W. W. MONTAGUE & (iO.''TZ'^''m'\T^^*riX^^^^S::tr IL i c s 5 o ■ « E 3 Ik 842 California — Stockton. ALPIUnETICAbLY. H. I<. l''arrine;ton. «. C. Hyatt. H. 19. Farrlnston. o o c z S o < Q. 3 STOCKTON IRON WORKS, 177, 179, 181 aid 183 California Street, Stockton, Cal. FARMNGTON, HYATT & CO., MANUKACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES. Iron M Brass Mm Of Every Description. ^I^S&^m''' o. p;(i!s<9^^"3,v 0> -< O Nos. 251, 253, 255, 257 and 259 IVIAIN STREET, STOCKTON, CAL. JAMES CAVEN PROPRIETOR FIMST-CILAI This House ia the Leading Hotel of the City, containing all the Mod- ern improvements. General Ticket Office for the Bip Trees, Yo Semite Valley, B o 3 n ^ s c l[ M a, t J V a a (8 lb tUD MC PATR( TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. H.PAL PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLECE. *•• .^ „?;ir..v*/«Ti-JKSS!*^ 1. H li California — Stockton. ALI'IIABBTICALLY. 843 STOCKTON ilM.FEED^ME STABLE FRONTING ON aitip Sutter and Market Streets STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA, c^ c a J ;d Q. a c a s Si) n HMMIS &_ PI\OPRIETORS. PI 3 3. oa ■ r. II l@st fisMoiabl© f iiioiti ON SHORTEST NOTICE. MOUNTAIN TURNOUTS WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. 8 I PATRONAGE SOLICITED & SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GIVE US A CALL. I ■3 "I I I !l if.!' 1 lit; .all H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W'l. :. . ■!.;-i. ■w-i ^I:-;T' m |p' ■''•11 iil'i ^% i i ' i ( y, I Ml IL CO i c a e « S & > w c o E 15 CO c c (8 O ■ o o o < 0. WW MONTAGUE & CO i^npiiMd iron pib«.«ii •!■«•, no. iia, . If. muwiWHUC « UU.i 114. 1 14 and ll« Anttery Mtreet. H.vT 844. California K. Jdon. ALPIIAHETICALLV. Stockton AOSICniTlTRAL Warehouse, JOHN CAINE, successar to H. C. Shaw, Astricultural Ware- house, 801 and 203 El Dorado Street, Stockton. E. HCOTT. C^aMhltM-. p. o. Uox 98. K^l'rUca Reduced— Turiiis to suit Purchascra.jRJf MTOC^HTOW iiA\a I*I.OM' GLOBE IRON WORKS. Foandry. Iron and llraMH 4'aMtinteH, and Work in all Itranclii-H. IMarhinr steamboat, Miiiiniraiid Ajfrioiiltural .Machinerv, riinips, Horse I'owjrs, House Fronts. Stockton (imjr. Sulky and Sin>;lj Plows, Kxtras of cverv deticription. Kastern t hillt'd I'oints, Molds and Liiidsidcs, l,ar(,'e htock o'f reversible Steei .Moldf.alw.i.\s in stuck, at wholesale and retail, Iluckuvc and Woods Mowers and Koapers for It-SO, Portable Derricks to set on Wa;.'ons to hoist Derrick Forks, Steel Harb Fence Wire, wholesale and re- tall. Farm and Header Wajjons, Holt .t Youmj's omblntd Head« ' md Threshers, KcHtt'H Ulowers for ventllalinj,' iniups, and a larjfe slock of Mixed Paintv at cost. Oils, Ropes, Beltj*. Nails, Hardware, Ac,, &c. All the above will be sold at tjreatlj reduced prices, to make room for our large stock to arrive and in cour.Je of construction. AddrcHM JOHN CAINE, Globe Iron Works, Comer of Main and Cominerce Streets, ne-ir the Steamboat Landinir, 8tooK on, San Joarjuin County, Cal. K. Scott. Ca.shier. O. box 05. StucfderbikerWjg Stockton (iang Plows a specialty - 2 to 8 pi iws uie 1 i\ these ^mj^s, Oin, Sin and lOin standards with rever.-ihie or stationary molds, all width and thickuem, with front or reir Seeders, --r),rjOO have been sold and warranted a success. A large sotck of reversible Molds, Standatds and Wheels, all kinds, uliolesale and retail. Land^^, Points and Molds f ir cast and steel plows, viz., 2K, IH, 81, 3.S, li>, lO.J, Vio. '21, XI, .\IJ, X'i, X8j P.ows. C0III1.H, Moline. Puford. (Jolorado audall otlierstyles of steel and oa.st Plows. Harrowi, all sizes. All kinds of KaH'.ern chilled Plow Casting; extras. Special notice is directed to my lartje Htock of Studebaker Improve 1 Farm and Sprini^ Wagons aud HujfU'es, Header Trncks, warranted, and If not perfect, money will be returned. Improved Kan- dolpb H ader for 1880 and other improved Kastern and Stockton Hcadors. Huckeye Harvesters and Mowers. Ini|iroved Wood's Mowers and other brands of Mowers. Horse Kukes, Tlire.shin|r Derricks run by belt from threshing enj^'iue to hoist derrick fork. Lurtce lot of mixed Paints ajid Oils, KoiK's, Helta and Hardware. 1 have patterns for extra costing's used in this valley for the last 22 years. HevI> I to in all part^ of this State anil of the United States. PRlKCIPAIi OFFI€K, Bcom No. 1 Eliriigo Building, (up stairs) opposita ths Court Houso, SXOCICTON-, C^AT.riroUTsriA. Residence 278 Li ndsny Street. PateiitM Proi'uroil, C'av«>atM Fih'tl, MuitM for Inl'rinffPinciit of Patcnti* ProMi><eotiat«Ml. fv?' InvoMtniontN niailr in 1>4'Mirahl«> <'it,v aii«l Coniitry Propi'rty. 9Ioii4'.v IjOukoiI ii|ion Nort|{aK>'M uiitl FirHt-ClaNN Mi'«*iii'itit>M at tli** best pri'vailiiiK rate of intt'i-cHt. MATTESON & WILLIAMSON, IRON FOUNDERS AgricultuTaiTm^^^^^^ Foundry located on Aurora Mtrcct, l>*'t. Xnin and Market. Office and Axrieultural WorkM, Corner Main and (California titreetM. STOCKTON, CAL. CO m as T 3 3 (0 Haviuf); erected a First-Class Iron Foundry in connection with our other Works, wo are now preparod to do all muiuier of work iu that line promptly, in the l)est manner, ami at moderate prices. Our usual Bii])i>ly of Afg^ricultural Implements kept constantly on hand, consisting of tlie Richard's Improved Header, "Stockton Chief." Threshing; and Stacking Derricks and Forks, Ploivs of variinis construc- tion, including; the colubrated Sulky Gang Plo^, " American Chief," uow« by recent improvements, brought to the standard of perfection, being adapted to all kinds and conditions of soil; the Patent Diamond, or t^iro-edged Ganes, Singrle, Tule, Railroad and other Plows, Steel-bottomed Road Scrapers — a superior article, Patent Chisel Cultivators • Grain Trucks, etc., etc. Heavy Forgrm^, Machine Work and General Jobbing promptly and neatly done. Liberal discounts mado to the Trade. Send forCatalogucs and Price List. MATTESON A WILLIAMSON. 4 n'* t ll r 1 **'\ I m lilMl \m H ;■-•:! iifl m mi PURE PORT WINE, fiir Meiliciial mm, 302 Davis St., S. F. 'Ii! ■ mi$ IL ■ <0 Wi ■ i^^i ' CO c ■' (0 s l||; <- ^^ ': i U WUf UnklTAGIir Jb rn Stovm and Banska. BM different •liM,rtylMui« • If • IflUfi I AUUC « UUif patternH, 110, 112, 114, llfl mnA 118 B«ttery St., 8. F. 5r o a (0 Z •I (0 7 c c n O o o o z iZ o < Q. O 846 California — Stockton. AliPHABRTICAIiLV. ■0 EAGLES HOTEL, (TEMPERANCE HOUSE.) WEBER AVENUE, between Sutter and California Streets, STOCKTON, C-A.L.. E. H. ALLEN, PROPRIETOR. Board per Week-S4 GDI Single Meals 26 cts. Board and Lodging, per day $1 OOto9l 26 JERRY ROBINSON, Plans drawn, Kstimatcs made and Buildings erected on abort notice and and at lletsonuble Katod. OfSLce, 203 ^vCain Street, Next door to Western Union Telegraph Oliice, STOCKTON, CAL. STOCKTON STEAM LAUNDRY No. 184 Grant Street, Between IVIain Street and Weber Avenue, STOCKTON. L. SELLMAN, Proprietor. Laundry Worl< called for and delivered to all parts of the City, and done with Neatness and Dispatch. Palace of Fashion. 254 Main Street, opp. Yo Semite House. MRS. THOS. E. ECKSTROM, ivi£r^ 1^.' '.m i;ililk« The Latest Sfyles of Plats and Bonnets, Novelties and Notions, always on hand. Ladies' Underwear, Laces, Kid Gloves, Pinking and Stamping. Agency for Mme Demorest's Reliable Patterns. STOCKTON, CAL. Alwo, ScwlnR Machine AttaohmentH. 9« ■ ■ o » (A o 3 H » o o o « 3 O 3 n 1 CO e ■o 2L 5? CD O C I/) ? (A r X TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer&Co., ^a'-'S^V^lT BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrally cnnKlit at PACIICIC HVIAI. NRMM rOlil>:«<>K. A!CO PoMt At.. M. P. ro •0 CO 3 ■ C Q> Q. c '5 *•* c 3 (S >» 0) (0 (0 lb California — Stocktovr-Suisun. ALrilARRTIOALLY. 847 £. T. LAKE, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER And General Carpenter, Sutter Street, near Web:r Avenue, lAtocktoii, Calllteinin. Stony Point, SONOMA COUNTS. Hflinim H, butcher HOLLY.Sn)NYB,geii nulse, agricul- tural iniplenients, hardware, glass, paints, oils, etc, and postmaster Lewis S F, hotel Mayson W H, blacksmith and wagon- maker Strawberry, YUHA COUNTY. !>rakeJ H, merchant Knierson K A, butcher I'rindle C T, blacksmith Ikobertson .1 H, (.olumbus House YOULEN WM, postmaster Suisun, SOLANO COUNTY, Is on tiio California I'aeitic Railroad, 4',t mill's from .San Francisco and one mill' from Fairlii'ld, the county seat. It is also situated on an arm of Suisun liiiy, at the head of navi^'ation. The country surnmndiiig it is rich a;,Ticul- turally ami an abundance of fruit and iicrries is ^a-own in the locality. It has a population of c o E 75 CO c c CO O ■ O o o z s < Q. h I- O 848 California — Sulphur Creek-SusanvUle. AI/PirARRTICALLV. Sulphur Creek, COLIJ8A COUNTY, Is reached by stage via Williams, dis taut 40 miles. BLANK MRS LOTTIE, gon mdse, postotlice and Clark's Uut Sulphur Sprinj/8 Brame .7 S, propr Wilbcr Springs Cherry Wm, propr Ceiitnil (rold Mine Disturnell Bros, propr Excelsior Quick Silver Mine Hughes D, propr Manzanita CSold Mine IlobcrtsJohn L, stage Summit, I'LITMAS C01;NTY. Bobo B F, farmer Ede Walter, farmer Geigeutash — , shoemaker J(mes & Co, hotel Moffatt Jas, farmer Fanzero D, blacksmith Peyser Abe, wholesale butter dealer F£YS£B OAVE, postmaster Peyser Samuel, geii mdao Wiltsio B> stockman Sumner, KEIIN COUNTY. Alphonse P, saloon oi)posite II R AMY & ARDIZZI, gen mdse and wagons AMY VICTOR, postmistor Buttum (Jeo D, Everett House Chittenden J C, justice peace Felice Miss Victoria, saloon Griffith .[ohn, blacksmith La Fontain Jbldward, hotel, saloon and feed yard Le Moyne Wm J, constfable Miller 1) K, propr Central Hotel Mills E, propr Brewery Depot Murphy J J, gen mdse Sampson J A, agt S P R R, W, F & Co and W U Tel Co Sauches Miss Silva, saloon Sunolglen, ALAMEDA COUNTY. Batchelder — , atty Susanville, LA88EN COUNTY, Is situated in Honey Lake valley, east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the country surrounding it is (juite fer- tile though irrigation is found necessary to iusure crops. It is the county seat, and is reached via Reno and Chico also, !rniinus of tlie Amador branch of the Central I'a- citie Itailroad. Tliere are several good mines in tlic vicinity tliat are being prutitably worked, employing a large munbcr of operatives. Its social features are superior and it is a promising, thrifty place. Amador Canal and Mining Co, II H Towns gen manager Amador Minim,' Co, I) T Oaviea sunt AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. A K Dudley propr Bawden Jos, gen mdso Bird W H, barlKir BISBEE EOBT T, Hquora Boro A, li(iuora Brignoli B, gen mdse Brian M A Bro, gen mdse and ins agta Brodek Mrs H, restaurant Brown J A, county surveyor Brown W H, constable Bvirlingham llev, clergyman (Ca^-'.-olic) Byrne Jas, li o fS 3 3. CO ■ J Ml ! ,i; .' • H'-'f ,>! ■ ■''■:■ ■ ;u '...■■ J- 'I tn Uf MflMT A fillP A Pn BtOTrnaik^l Rancps, 600 different atxM,itylM MA 111 Ifi mvn I MUUC. « UU.f pBtternii. llu, ii2. 114. 110 end 118 Batteir St., S. P. •■! '-*! Ii;;:. '•' I ( I I, I;, j I'i i£ JC 1 o tn s > c c E ■ O o o z S O z >- o 850 California — Sutterville-Teldchijpa. ALPIIARRTICAIibY. DeLange 6 B, liquors Forsman J G, blacksmith and wagon maker GEOENEVEID M F, propr Sutter ville Hotel Lincoln J M, justice of peace Morlath P, hotel Silvers Wm, Halfwny House and liquors StiTTERVILLE HOTEL, M F Gro- eneveld propr Thielen N, brewery Sweetland, NEVADA COUNTY. Graham Peter, liquors Patton K B, justice of peace Warner Wm, groceri''s Wood J ames, groceries and postmaster Sycamore, COLUSA COUNTY. Ashley J S, ha. --.f^iismaker Brown VV H, oc-nool teacher Comer Jno, carpenter Crese J no, carpenter Davis Howell, gen mdse, agricultural im pigments, grain buyer and positmaster Dunlap L S, carpenter Luckenbill John, school teacher Nelson W L, justice of peace Peterson Frederick, liquors Price J D, machinist Eeavis H M, M; >^ksmith Kippey Wr.i, engineer .'•hoemate J P, licjuors Smith Jasper (J, machinist and boiler maker Wise Chas, school teacher Table Bluff, nUMHOLDT COUNTY, Is on a stage road, leading from Eureka, 12 miles distant. Kinman & Hollaml, blacRsmitha McNaughtoi'. I'lielau, hotel McNULTY JEREMIAH, pon mdse, /^'tmaster and agent W U Tel Co C^^ oseph, bootmaker Pav :ck ABA; Co, gen mdse Quiur. W^Ack, liquors Table Rock, SIERRA COUNTY. Becker Frank H, hotel Brown W A, bootmaker Carmichacl A, butcher Casker Mrs C, hotel Haley C W, saloon Hitsman M, bla. ksmith McFARLAND T A, fren mdso and postmaster Prasoas W H, attornc at law Small Jacob, gen mdf .« Stout H C, hardware and groceriea Tharp J H, justice of the peace White & Sciiwering, saloon Tahoe, PLACER COUNTY, Is distant from Truckeo, on the C. P. K., 14 miles, reached by stages. R. Avery D W, captain stmr Niagara Bayley A Q, hotel Burton H \i, boaiding CAMPBELL & FORBES, propr Tahoe Custom House, otoragc and forward- ing CAMPBELL IB, deputy postmaster Huntington Louis, livery Hurley John, lishery Morgan ^V VV, captain stmr Hy Yr.h Pomin J H, captain stmr Gov Stanford Poniin Wm, hotel Sexton 11 H, lumber Williams John M, carpenter O •< o cs ae Taylorville, MARIN COUNTY. Pioneer Boarding House, S P Taylor propr Pioneer Pr.per Mill, S P Taylor propr Tehichipa, KERN COUNTY, On the Southern Pacific E. R., 45 miles from Bakerstiuld. Baker Wm, fiour mills Boden Fred, blacksmith Dcirnal & Spence, hotel Eastwood Vf S, liotel Ellington Thos, livery stablo Hall A T, druggist HIRSHFELD^M, gen mdse and post- master Murphy J J, gen miso Ilisou A R. saloon f'poncer k Durnal, hotel Taylor & Glonn, blackamiths Thomas J A, wagoumakur I ST (A O 3 s' \ e -a T3 o 5? CD z e PC CO ^ oft 09 cue ce • h : V .s V •2 California — Tehamor-Temescal. 851 AI.PIIABEI'ICALLT. Tehama, TEHAMA COUNTY, Is on the Sacrameuto river and the line of the Oregon Division of the Central Pa- cific K. R., 12 miles south of Red Bluff; is in a pleasant locality, and supported by an excellent farming and stock rais- ing section. It is at the head of navi^^a- tion on the Sacramento river, and is the most northerly of the agricultural towns Its outlook is decidedly briyht, and the present condition indicates a thrilty and substantial growth. AHRENS FRED, bootmaker AZTKEN J S, meat m;irket AITKEN R B, drug^^nst, stiitioner, jew- eler and postmaster Brachman S, groocries and dry goods BRIOGS IRA J, warehouse and stor- age 1 Cutter & Kelly, pi oprs Tehama To;;sin ' DIONNE EDMOND, wagonmr.kcr 1 HNNELL JOHN, farmc r | GYLE H, V iriuties 1 * 1 >. - 1 o (D ■ I "^ n ♦H X o 1 (0 p (fl 5L M ft- r i m 9 +3 s e A s *» !> .« GYLE S A & GO. gen mdse HARRINGTON & MOSES, proprs Pioneer Livery Stable Hnrvey Chasten mdse HEIDER CB^IS, propr Heider House HOY CHAS A, agent C P R R, W U Tel Co and general insurance KARMELENSKI J, hairdresser and propr Karmelcnski's Hair Tonic and Dandruff Eradicator Kelly J R, blacksmith LAGES LOUIS, merchant tailor MARLEY L H, propr Tehama Hotel Matlicws W :n P, physician Merrill S M, lawyer Nanglc C, bootmaker S "*" jy PSON JNO, hardware, stoves, i^^^^icry and agricultural implements Swi.ii David, constable Small & Hobson, livery stable SPRAGTJE A, physician an. I surgeon TAIT CHi^S, P^'opr Tait House and Hall TESREAU V T, carpenter and builder WILLIAMS R L, saddler and harness- maker, anil justice of the peace R. L. WILLIAMS, SADDLER & HARNESS MAKER TEHAMA, CAL. Bridles, Whips, Spurs, Blankets, Robes, Etc., Ktc, Eto. Job Work ani Eopairing a Spscialty. 2^/' Curritige Triinniiiig in all its branches. Temecula, BAN DIEGO COUNTY, Is G5 miles northeast of San Diego. » Wolf Louis, gen mdse and postmaster Temescal» ALAMEDA COUNTY, Is a small place, about 1 1 milea north- west of San Leandro. Barii A, roetauraut Bauter Christ, saloon Oilliland Mrs Isabella, fancy goods and toys Harliourne & Cassin, propr Bay View Saloon Humboldt Park Hotel, H C Babcock propr Larkiu & Harrington, butchers Lusk L r, hi'y, grain, wood and coal Miller J A, physician and druggist NORRIS C R> postmaster and general merchandise FEDRINI C, gen mdse Pinkham Geo, groceries Saver Alfred, boot and harnessmaker Solomon Mrs Mary A, toys and bakt.y Stewart & Kingston, butchers H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal.. "^'aiTrlrn^i^Jr C/) m o w p. a 21 fig. I- • « o C/) "111 i mfi m !|li' % I ml' W ,! ]\' ' « i :. n M "i 1 B® i.hl a-a ! ■ ' i * f D2 :\\ S"* M^' •a ■ 'il «§ ^M f h 5 •■:? 1 '^K< .■ eis .;•'•. ^? t;,|.j M^ m\ . ill ;■ ?(:■■ l! :ii' il. .' '-x- I'; . IL ■ CO i c 'a o 0) o > e E 75 CO c c (Q O ■ o o o z o < Q. a h h O WW MOMTARIir A r.n Pnmi.(i»anil Iron Pino, all sIri-h, 1 lO, 11«. 852 California — TViree Rivers-Tracy. ALPHABKTICALLY. Three Rivers, TULARE COUNTY. CLODFELTER D. hotel Grove F N, gen mdse Grove Henry P, saloon OROVE L E> millinery and postmaster I'ague — , hotel Kedfield — , sawyer Thorp II, stock dealer Tia Juana, SAN DIEGO COUNTY. DRANGA N G 0, postmaster Laue \Vm, gen mdse Timber Cove, SONOMA COUNTY, Is 45 miles northwest of Santa Rosa, reached by stages. Anderson John, blacksmith Blanchard — , hotel C'olman & Kenney, dairymen Gibbs E, school master Tomasini Ji iian, gen mdse Timbuctoo, YUBA COUNTY, Reached by stage from Marysville, 18 miles distant. THORP A W, tobacco and confection ery, postmaster and saloon Toll House, FRESNO COUNTY, Thirty-five miles east of Fresno. Tipton, TULARE COUNTY. Feary Mrs Annie, postmistress Todd & Treybal, yen mdse VAN VALKENBERG CHAS C, phy sician Todd's Valley, PLACER COUNTY, Is on the Auburn stage road, 18 miles from that place. Page J H, blacksmith Quivolo N, saloon Stone Peter, saloon Turlcy John, shoemaker ADAMS WM, gen mdse and postmas- ter Bennett C M, machinist Bering A T, gen mdse Don:ilioo M •!, lumber Donoiioe P P-, blacksmith Henderson & Combs, gen mdse Taggart D, saloon Yancey C A, hi)tel Tomales, MARIN COUNTY, Thirty-live miles northwest of San Ra- fael. Bank of Tomales, T J Abies cashier Bonnuau T C, hairdresser Dutton G VV, physician and dn g ^:.u (iuay .Jolin. livury stable GULDAGER LOUIS, blacksmith Hagerty M, hotel Knhn A. gen mdse King D, liquors Kowalsky & Co, gen tadse LANG F H, cheese factory Miistoff Nelson, liciuors McGintv iJohn, tinsmith MURPHY M L, wagonmaker MULVAY P, liquors P.atten Jolm, harnessmakcr Hank F A, hotel Thompson C T, butcher and farm pro- duce Townsend, TULARE COUNTY. TOWNSEND H and blacksmith C, postmaster, hotel Tracy, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, Is situated on the C. P. R. R., where the Livermore and Martinez branches meet, 83 miles from San Francisco and 1 9 from Stockton. The site is a favorable one, and the town commands a considerable share of the trade of the surrouuding country. The business formerly done at Ellis', 3 miles distant, has been trans- ferred to this place. Tlie Odd Fellows 3 (a a. 3 <.-) 3- o 3 •^t 0» CJ 5' 3 CO O « u 0) c o (0 CD O o of Tracj , 13 in number, have a commo- dioua hall, where they meet once a week. AGLER JAMES, agt W, F & Co, W U Tel Co and C P R 11, real estate, ins agt and collector BUSCHKE GAD, harnessmaker and saddler FABIAN P, postmaster FABIAN P & CO, gen mdse aiu! agri- cultural impts (branch of Byron, Con- tra Costa county) FINCK HENRY, butcher, route bet Tracy anil liantas Hay Jolin, blacksmith and wagonmaker HAY WM P. justice of the peace LANDGRAF CHAS L, blacksmith and wagonmaker, pumps and wind- mills repaired LEWIS P H, constable LUDWIG CHRIST, San Joa(iuin Ho- tel MATIVIA JOSEPH, livery stable and saloon (ste advt) McLean Joseph, liquors and hairdresser NORERO G B, gen mdse I'cck James A, carpenter SAN JOAQUIN HOTEL, Christ Lud- wig propr (sec advt) Sohn I'cter, bootmaker TRACY HOTEL, Edward Wacksmuth WACKSMUTH EDWARD, Tracy Hotel Tres Finos, SAN BENITO COUNTY, Is on the Southern Pacific R. R., 100 miles from San Francisco. (0 ISANJOAQUIKHOTEL C. LUDWIG, J'roprietor, Opiiositt" the S. and V,. V. W. R. Deiiot, TRACY, CAL. (A 0) -I u L. 2:< C X o z ■ o •8 This Is one of the hest HotclH in San .louquin County, and tan tlierufore offer superior nei'oni modatinns to the truvuling publie at tlie t'othiw- ing TeriiiK: Rceiilai' ]fl(>nl>4 'i^ and Rxtru MealM 50 to 75 4'<>iitM. BrdH, «5, 5U uiiil 75 Ct'iitM. TRACY Livery and Feed Stable JOSEPH MATIVIA, Prop'r. Bonnell B F, tinsmith Cornitios E, wagonmaker Darby L, atty at law Guest Mrs, dressmaker Ilerrera V, liquors Hooper J, hotel and stable Kelly R T, blacksnuth Larius M 1', meat market Marchetti Joe, fruits and coffee house Peek C, bootmaker ]{a>as .T, saddler and barber Schceline B, gen mdse Severa F, hotel Silva H r, watches Trinidad, HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Situated on the coast, 25 miles north of Eureka, Trinidad depends upon the extensive lumber claims which surround her. Population about 300, There is a liolit-house on the headland a little way from town. Childs Wm, gen mdse and postmaster Fitch Thomas, blncksmith Flaherty .lohn, livery (iastman Henry, carpenter Kilcr .reremiah, lioht-house keeper MILLjiR & PHILLIPS, liquors and billiards Neidey N F, meat market Thomas William, r.iner Trinidad Mill Co, F P & J A Hooper proitrs WATKINS WARREN, Occidental Hntcl XiaUES FRANK Hi, iiquors and barber shop Trinity Centre, TIUNITV COUNTY, Is reached by stages from Redding, 51 miles distant. Offers the best !\cconni)0(lationa for traiiHici t triivulcrs. Safe saddle horues and biivrh'iu!* fur liiru. Tracy, California. -< w S 00 CJ C/) -H O 30 m Hall k Hall, hotel Hall & Murray, saloon Larsen J, blacksmith Maxwell & Williams, sawmill and lum- ber yard RUMfELT A, gt^n nidso and post- master i^fi ! li , ^f , \.\ ■lOr '•' >M ^m ir ; H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. '■■ ;. I . ^%|1 ■ f-mm :|i [ ^^n ^m^ ■ ■ ^B IL H §& ■ CO 1 i ^■1 W' c ^^^^^B CO ^^H Z 'Iffin' ' -'^ 5 o ^^^IH ' 9 k'i 4-1 ■ 1 ■ ■ ; I ■ B| S ^^Nh 'i f 1 (0 H ■If' . ' H :»lir '' 1 1^ B IL H; 'J! 1 1 ^HKH '.M iijH C HIJhB ' '' ^M IB hH 1 o ^■HB i 1-^' » Wml 'd i d ^mH i l1*f 1 } i o o z R^KiBH ■■ ^H^^H 1 1 o M il < Q. ^vSH i a z 19 ' ''i^ h Ifl ' h WW MflMTAHIIP Jt rn Mtov^-B an«l Ranjcoai, BOO different ileei, rtylet Ml* . W. WlUri I IHUUCI W UU., ptttterns. 110, 112. 114, 116 and 118 Battery St.. 8. V. 854 California — TrucJcee. Al.rilARKTICALLT. Truckee, NEVADA COUNTY, Is a thriving and pretty town of 2,000 inhabitants, situated in the Sierra Ne- vada mountains on the line of the Cen- tral I'acilic Railroad, 119 miles from Sacramento. It depends mainly on the lumberinu interests of the locality for its support, though the railroad is a source of revenue that contributes very materi- ally to its growth. It is the terminus of a line of stages running to Lakes Tahoe and Doiiuer, whose beauties are spoken of in terms of greatest and sin- cere ccstacy. The trout caught from the river of the same name, only a short distance from the town, are very fine, and during the summer season anglers are seeniu gre i i umbers trolling for the wary beauties. .'' p^odIs of tlu; place rre good, and tn iry condition of the place is excellei , ADOLFH JULIUS, clothing, boots, shoes, h.its, etc Bittoncourt T M, s:doon Bort Miss Emma C, niilliMcry BRICKELL & KRUGER, proprs Truekee Lumber Co BURCKHALTER F & CO, gen mdse and bankers Cbism Mrs (r C, dressmaker CURLESS W M, pliysieian and sur- geon CURLESS W M & BRO, .lruggis B, postmaster TRUCKEE HOTEL, Jno F Moody tKkEE lumber CO, lumber niannfis and dealers "TRUCKEE REPUBLICAN," C F iMctJlaslian propr Van Vleet H, manager W U lei Co Welkr 8 B, tlry goods and clothing Whitney Tlios, saloon Wybaille Alexis H, bootmaker YOUNG C W, watches and jewelry LEE JONES, DKALKR IX CEDCSHIES, FEOflSlS, WINES, AND LIQUORS, Cigars, Tobacco, Croskery, Hardware, et:. Front Street, Truckee, Cal. O CO -< o -1 09 c: o jc o o U1 ■MS a o ■a X n 1 X o e M n P r p x O p ROl TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '■■^yi'«w.ir.«J?;.;^%^«^^':rfs,^^^^^^ California — Truckee. ALPIIARRTIOAlIiV. 855 CO o CO bO CO it 'J t" il I' l£ E. J. BRICKELL MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND CLEAR DRESSED LUMBER, RUSTIC AND BEVEL EDGED SIPING, LATH,", SHINGLES, DOORS, WINDOWS, PICKETS, Etc. 8« O O X P4 o o e p CB (/) M P H> r m « o 'i 9 o «5 { e « E 8 Packing and Fruit Boses a Specialty. San Francisco Office, 320 Kin^ Street. In Our FURNITURE Department Will lie found constantly on hand, anil for sale at lowest rates, BED ROOM SETS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, DESKS, CRIBS, MEAT SAFES, BOOK CASES, Of Latest Patterns, manufactured from best material and furnished in the uiosi Artistic Style At OUE SUPPLY STOKE We are constantly rcceivinjj and have for sale MILLMEN'S SUPPLIES, such as RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Lack Lkatukr, Br.i.r Smns, Rivins, Files, Lcmricatini; Oil, eic. Also a full supply of Plain and Fancy Groceries, Choice Tea, Coff3e and Tobacco, Crockery, Common Clothing, Boots land Sh03s. en- CO I C/>rt SO' n Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Coal Oil of difforfnt brands, also Plain and Fancy Soap from the celebrated Standard Soap Co., and other mimufactarers. BRICKELL & KRUCER, Truckee, California. OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F 11 'I Si'* 3| H i ^ ! -I *fii. t : l-il •ii ■'■ * '[ ■ il:-:! i: ')'• I T ■■ ' ' ill M i ,H WW MinMTARIIP Jt rn Mhi>pt Iron, all Miiseii and Nnmbera, 11«, . W. muni AuUi: 0( l#U., lue. 114. 11«, andHNnnttery Ht., H.r. ■ 4''i > III O CO < < S (0 o u UJ CO Q Z < CO 5 o 3 oe: III h X < X h ■ O ■ o ui 85G California — Truckee. AM'IIAHKTICALLY. THE TRUK RMBLICi C. F. MsGLASHAN, Publisher and Proprietor. * Leafc Jomal i Sierra i?aJa. The Best Advertising Medium in Eastern California, Published Semi-Weekly— Wednesdays and Saturdays. T B R M 8 : One Year $6 OO I Six Months $3 00 JI|l€F| of l^f §cmw i»% ILLUSTRATED EDITION NOW IN PREPARATION. Address C. F. McGLASHAN, Author and Publisher, Truckee, Nevada County, Cal. o 30 -< O m r- m 30 V) CD V) c ■a CD Oi 00 n CD CD V) £L CD* o 3 -*» CD, O 5" 3 CD T 00 CO "V o p 3 a o -J CD o 3 H. WACHHORST. importer of jJ^iXy* DiuX^ud.. 315 J St., Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLFRE Opp. union square, H. F. rftUiriU DUOintOO UULLCUC, "^ koi-iiirnr. Penmanship. Telcjp Book' Telcjfrajihy. California — Truckee-Turlock. 857 ALPirAHRTICALLV. E tt u u (d tfi 0} i/i in 'E u o "3 52 » (A O o OQ « © o x: e M#ll& f JNO. F. MOODY, Proprietor. The only point lor Tonnsta going Last or West wishing To Visit Lalte Taho e M k Pleasure R esorts of tiie Sierras. This, the only Fii>i cl;iss Ikiiclin '["nicUef, is coiivciiicnily located for Tourists wlio desire to visit the " Gem (if l!ie Sierras," Lake Tahoe. Tiie accominodaliuns are excellent, and every attention will be shown j;iii'sts to make tliein comfortable and llieir trip a |)leas;int one. Tiu- lioii^e has a Sia;,'e Line connecting' with Mr. Moody's Cir. Old Central Iloiel at Lake T.ihoe. Leave the Hotel ilaily for T.ihoe Ciiy, 15 miles, connectin.; with steamer A'iagara across ihe lake lo (llenlirook, there coiipectinL; with 15eiiton\ Stai;e 1/ine ior Carbon City and the V. and T. \\. R. lor Vinjinia, (Jold Ilili, iVc. Stai;es leave for Sierraville, 2S miles; Loyallou, 2S miles; ICiiieka Mills, 48 miles. X C0 3 O X o < Tulare, j TIM.AUK (X)UNTY. ASHER JACOB, propr Funeh Hotel liiii'kland (ieo, bhieksniitli and liorse- 8hoer Hiieknnui J'^ T, ina ayt Ciirnenti'r ^Vln, w;ii;onin:iker CHATEATJVERT LOUIS, salooa Cotton A '1', stovt.'s, tinware, hardware, crockery, paints and oils ])urii> Hrt)*!, yea nidso l""lannayaii T .1, l{ it en>.;ineer FRENCH HOTEL, .laeob A.sher propr, (ipp depot (iarrison V. 1*, drayman (iohlman.r & Co, yen indse j Herini; .lohnd, i)arl)er lldlcoinb.Suml F, yrocories | .liiuchiiis Henno \V, saloon j Jiiinistou Seymour, master meehanic S P 11 Jl Kulsey Harland, meat market Lovejoy .1 O, justice of peace, notary public and ins ayt MADDEN D W, propr I'aeitic llotel opp depot Moore Nathaniel VV, carpenter and painter Morris & Michael, gen nulsa Murphy L 1), physician, druggist and groceries Nelson Mrs J, millinery and fancy yooda PACIFIC HOTEL, DW Madden propr, opp depot FILE J R, shoemaker I'lotts & Cill, livery and feed stable Postithee, Sis.sou, Wallace & Co PRATT L A, upholsterer, carpenter, undertaker and ins agt, Tulare and H Sissiin, Wallace & Co, gen mdse and agri- cultural imolta, and agts W', F & Co Taylor Frank E, saloon Taylor W A, agt S P U It and W U Tel Co Treadwell Herbert, librarian Tulare Library Assu W^ard Miss, teacher Turlock, STANISLAUS COUNTY, Is on the Vandali.i Division of the South- ern I'aciticlL lL,oO miles from Lathrop. 00 r- m 39 ■ is »^ "a ^% PS t ■* XM pa 3i .»? •$ ■ a 9 9 ALLEN JAMES M, Turlock Hotel and Stable Brown Wm .), agt C P K 15, W, F & Co and W U Tel Co H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine, 30? Davis St., S, F. "V .'■\ O ' .' 'i 'i': w iv ■ ' I \ !■*• i ,;■),} . '' i C/9 U £!■ t-t' ' ; . ( m ;.';■ !;! J , -^ - I; « • ; /^, ^i 1 i i T i' ( 'If §' "' • % ' i, 1 I'm. 'V M| ; I'M ■ :- ! it, (0 i c s 5 o ■ o c c (0 o O O O z S o < Q. a z P h 3 O WW MflMTACIir Jt rn MtOV«-HNii<1 «r.anKr*,600 dlffenint ■!««•, nylw mm 858 Califoi^ia — Turlock- Ukiah. ALrilABRTICALLT. Coulthard Sc Bro, bootmaker Dimick Mrs M, restaurant Donovan W, blacksmith Giddings I D, grain Hnmmcltenberg Chas, hotel Kittrclle M B, meat market Lauder I C, guu mdso and postmaster Lane A F, carpenter Mitchell .Folin \V, warehouse, farmer and stock-raiser Punly J C, saloon lioss Jnmus M, restaurant Russell Henry C, storage, shipping and ins iigt Shaver & Bradford, blacksmiths Tanebium Samuel, cigars, tobacco and vjirieties TURLOCK HOTEL, James M Allen propr Vary Michael, barber WARD JOSEPH F, justice of iwace, not.try puldic and ins agt WARD ISAAC, geii nidsc Weakley & Koss, varieties and fruits Tuttletown, TUOLUMNE COUNTY. I'ostofHce addrcs=<, Columbia, G miles northwest of Sonora. Boyhaut E, rostaurar-t GROSS F J. saloon and billiard hall MATTESON & CO, stage stables and oihco Tustin City, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Is reached by stages from Anaheim, 7 miles distant. EDDY SAMUEL L, blacksmith, C HeweSiN, teacher Tustin Columbus, postmaster UTT L, gen mdse and ins agt, Main Tyrone, SONOMA COUNTY. FIELD C E, postmaster Uussinn Jiiver Land & Luml)er Co, gen mdse, sawmill, express and telegraph olhce Ukiah, MENDOCINO COUNTY, Is one of the oldest towns in the State, having been Lid out in 185G and select- ed as the county seat three years after- ward. Geographically it is in the center of the county, thus making it the most desirable for the honor it bears. It is a prosperous town of 1,500 inhabitants, well built and pleasantly h)catud. Its Court Mouse and jail cost, in 1872, up- wards of $40,000. It is the distributing point of mail matter for a largo section of country, five routes terminating here. There are a number of springs, both hot and cold, possessing mcilicinal properties that arc hi;4hly prized by invalids, es- pecially those troubled with rheumatism. I'ersons afllicted with cutaneous erup- tions find a remedy in these waters that entirely remove them from theif skin. It is in the heart of a rich agricultural and pastoral region the productions of which contribute lar.'cly towards swell- ing tlie exports of the State. The secret orders are all in a flourishing condition, and all the religi(ms denominations are iei)re.sented. It has two weekly news- p.iper.s. The sanitary condition of the place is very good. Ackerman C H, harness and saddlery Alans '11 J M, pastor M E Church All)ertson & Cunningham, undertakers and cabinet makers Ambrose & Malony, gen mdse B.ink of Ukiah, It Mcliarvey prest, Saml Wheeler cashier Barnes 1- M, atty at law liarn;'.s Mrs K M, dressmaker Barnes T L, justice of peace B tteman Cephas, pastor Baptist Church Bluett .) W, pastor M E Cnurcli Bond Thos B, atty at law Bransfonl W L, county clerk Hti.'gs M C, propr Arcad' Saloon Hrown .luliiis & ("o, geii mdse Bruiiner F, niatuilrand dealer in stoves, tin and li rdware BUCHNER GEORGE, furniture deal- er. State CAROTHERS THOS L, attorney at law and notary public, fetate CARPENTER A 0, photoprapi.er. State CARPENTER & CO, proprs "Ukiah City Press," Stat J Cave ]{, hott.-l CHARLTON THOS, blacksmith and wagonmaker, State ClilT & Metzger, stoves, tin and hard- ware COLSON R W, boot and shoe dealer, State Coop r J A, atty at law Cunnintrham W W, justice of peace Day L T, county assessor O CO o 30 1 09 s r> s o CO o a ui 3 a' 0) o ■o O £2. O S? CD 1 O c M CD o O TRY DR. GUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practlrally tnnslit at PACIFIC BVM1> WRMM 4'01ilJR(JK. Hieo PoMt Ht.. H. V. California — Ukiah. AU'IlAnRTICAM.V. 859 CO CO c/> 09 CO I! ■ C 0. c '5 c 3 IL (8 ki (It » (0 (0 "DEMOCRATIC DISPATCH," A W Seftou pr.ipr Donohoe J H, sheriflF Dozier B irton, physician Jind drugcfist FoMO W H, propr Ukiah & CloverJale Stage Line Fowger Jas, county treasurer (lihson A .1, livery and sale stable OILLASPIE H L, «itty at law, Perkins GILLASPIE & ROGERS, attorneys at law, I'erkins OILMOR R S) watchmaker and jew- eler, Stanley Grey .Fas M, ntty at law flwinn & BraiiuTd, harness and saddlery HAAS MISSES, f^vncy goods 'State HAGANS W A, propr Ukiah City Hotel ITa;,'aii3 W M, liquors Hiiile & Ferral, attys at law HarlKirson T \V, oimty asi.'ssor HarnH;>n Thoa, county aurvoyor HART J S, opr \V U Tol Co, St uilcy n H IMaza Heucr Jacob, tailor HENRY PURD, liquors, state Hcrrick A 1>, liquors Hocker (i A, groceries and crockery H itrin m \V A, drugs and gen mdao HOFMAN C, g'en mdsc, Stato Holdeu \V, atty at law Holliilay \V F, carpenter Hudson & R2 tver, restaurant and bakery Johnston Mrs S A, niillinerv KINGSBURY & TUCKER, grocers, state MARKS A & CO, gen mdsc, State MARTS & COHN, gen m Is.,-, State Martin t>, b xitni ikor Mason (J T, county coroner and public mhniuistr.itor McBride 11 B, pastor Presbyterian Church McGOWEN GEO, D D S. dentist, State MclJarvey IJ, superior judge MoKindley U, feedstiblo "MENDOCINO DEMOCRAT," Alex M •ntt^omery pub. Church Mitchell H H. dentist MONTGOMERY ALEX, pub "Men- docino Democrat," Church Moiitgoin 'ry & Ilolden, nsal estate agts MORGAN R H & CO, gen mds.-, Statj Morris J W, butcher Morrow .T J, county rocorder NELSON CHAS, barber, State Page J, barber Page II H, baths and barber Perkins J F, blacksmith Perry & Hinshaw, livery and sale stable Phelps & Dicks, bor£;^hoerr, and black- Bmiths PHILIPS J G & F, gen mdse, State Pressey Mrs H S, dressmaking and milli- nery Price H, pastor Christian Church Riley A P, saloon ROGERS J T, notary public, Per- kins Scliaat Andrew, bof>tmaker SGHLARBAUM JOHN C, gunsmith. Studey SEFTON A W, propr "Democratic Dispatch" SMITH A J, watchmaker and manufr of the American Spring Socket Caudle Stick ,N\V State and Smith Smith & Haskill, butchers Tanner D, propr People's Hotel Tlioni IS J 1{, school supt Tlionipson A W, postmaster TnruerCJ I, b ikery and confectionery UKIAH CITY HOTEL, W A Hagans pr(q)i', St.itf •UKIAH CITY PRESS." Cari>enter & Co proprs and publishers, State Ukiah & Cloverdale Stage Line, NV H Forse prijpr WALLACE W H, boot and shoemak- or, Stat.! Wheeler Samuel, agent Wells, Fargo & C> WHELAN JOHN G, Whelan's Sam- ple Koonis, li juors, a a Plaza White W H, tailor Wise Mori-i.s, liquors Yell A, dist atty YELLOW SHOE STORE. R. W. COLSON, Proprietor. PRIZE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER WiioIet;ale and Retail Dealer in Boots & Shoos. State St., Ukiah, Mendocino Co., Cat. R. H. MORGAN & CO., DEALE113 IN General Merchandise, Wmss, Liquors, Stc, Ukiah, Mendosino Co., CALIFORNIA. c „'( ' i'i fr W- p:^ %^\'[ Bk>''; m M 1 H. PALMER « CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. Wh hi ! I i V I-' '■ W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., V,r.%TJn^T.rjKkVrV'H"r;:^«Vi? c '(0 s o 0) o s So > c o £ CO T3 O c c (0 O O O O < Q. H I- 860 California — Ukiah. AMMIARRTICAMiY. AN INDEPENDENT-REPUBLICAN FAMILY NEWSPAPEE, Having Largest Circulation in IVIendocino County. ilK« ^j0mm .% €\^ ^-■flol l.l ,^§|^l|^'^ ^mmxtt ^ 'y^mm CARPENTER & CO., Proprietors. Published at the county, scat, and in the centre ot" the finest lum- ber, wool and hop section of the Pacific Coast. THE POPULARITY QF THIS PAPER Makes it welcome in most of the Families of this County, IT IS AMONG THE BE.ST. Subscription, $3.00 per Year in Advance. ADVERTISING AT REASONABLE RATES. ^i OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NEATLY DONE. S 30 H 30 m m o 30 > Z o 30 m n o z ■ S o m n (D a c :i CD 2 o o o 3 •Hi (D a o 3 O T >< H. WACHHORST. Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''•^•^S^'r.rj^/.^^'Si^/ii^t'S.^lirfe in o a e o •a ti (0 o 1 o u I b z o H X C0 (0 ■ ■ < California — Ukiah-Vacavil/.e. 861 AtiPIIARKTirAl.liV. Ukiah City Hotel A FirMt-ClaMH llouHe in Kvery lCt'M|ieot. WM. A. HACANS Proprietor. OPPOIilTR TIIR COURT II01JHE. A Palace Saloon and Barbor Shop conncctsd with the Hotel. mtojct'M for <;iov«>i'(lale, lliiiiil»nlnUV«' tIliN ll«>IIM •> c o E CO ? c c CO O O o o z S o < Q. O WIAf MnMTAfillF A C.t\ Mhrpt iron, all Mlism and Nambrrn, no. . W. mllWlMtaUi: g UU.» na. 114 ilO, ami HW Itnttory Ht.>.F; ■ '.' H H . Mr 3 O 862 California — Vacaville- Vallejo. Al.ritABRTICAKliV. EVERSOLE HENKT,car])tinter build cr and iindertiiker FEROTJSON JNO, saloon frreK'iry IJev U, pres Cal Collego HOLT NATHAN', dray and general ex pressman Kinsniill T K, li.irnessmakcr LAMBERT GS,l>li>ck8mitii LAWRENCE MRS L M. millinery and dressmaker LAWRENCE W E, jeweler and gun smith Merchant & Cernon, blackamitha Miller J M, druggist Morgansteiu & Milzuer, gen mdso Keyiiolds J W B, physician RICH W W, bootnmker STEVENSON A M,i>'os W & C L II 11 Stevenson (1 H, supt Vaca Valley & Clear Lake K 11. Stevenson W T.a'^i; Vaoa Valley t Clear LakeK R Stone a A, agent \V, F & Co and W U Tel Co Wartl J 1*, justice i>eaco WHEELER WM, saloon AVooderson & Scarlett, moat markcti Wynne Owen, tailor Vallejo, SOLANO COUNTY, With a population of about (5,000, lies in a northeasterly ilirection across the Bay from San Francisco, distance -8 miles It was originally founded by tyi T 3 : i; 1 j^t. • i'i j. ji ji t ii;l= i tl i Ji ■ It -Jli ■= ■ IL ■ CO i n Z p (0 0) I > c o E « CO c c (0 O ■ O O o < a. h h Q i . W. WJU.IIHUUC Of bU.. ng n^ no, nud llf* llntt«-ry Wt.. )«». F. 864 California — Vallejo. ALniAHRTICALLT. Murray Mrs — , Capital Hotel, Virginia Munroe (4, justice peace, cor Virginia and Sacramento Newcomb C A, cigars and tobacco, 192 Georgia Newconib L S, propr Benicia Stage, 192 Georgia Nicholson W T, cigars and tobacco, 164 Georgia Noonan John, wines and liquors, railroad cr.issing North John, groceries, 244 Georgia Odd I'ellows' Hall, 12ii (ieorgia O'GRADY F, Empire Soda Works, wholesale and retail wines and liquors, cor Sonoma and 1' lorida Orphans' Home, Dr Halscy treasurer Pelhani Alex, bootmaker, 804 Marin PENDLETON & VOORHEES, den tistH, i'Mh (ieorgia Peyser N, tailor Sacramento PLUMMER & ROBINSON, clothing, gents furnishing goods, cigars, etc, 151 (ieorgia HAINES THOS, house, sign and car- riage painter, Alarin near York Kadke P, propr Bernard House, (ieorgia Redding liev A S, minister, (Metliodist) Reinquin P L, tailor, 217 Santa Clara Richart (i B, harness, saddles, etc, 172 Georgia Riley (i W, jus e ixiace and notary public, V^irginia Roberts T W, liquors, 63 Georgia Rogers Thos, wines and liquors, 164 Georgia Roe Geo, propr "Solano Times," 177 Georgia Rodgers J, barber, 105 (ieorgia Rowland H, Eti'tioa master North Vallejo Sancts J N, wood and coal, Virginia Wharf SAIINUERS W G, pianos, organs and nuisic, 26r) Capital SCHROTH GEO, wines and liquors, i;j7(reorgia Seabury C A, milliner, Sacramento Silvey T H, restaurant, 123 (ieorgia Smith (J Ryerson, liquors, cor Georgia and ^^arin Skinner W W, butcher, Georgia SLATTERY WM H, wines and li (juors, cor (ieorgia and Sacramento Smith Van B, constable, c-.r Virginia and Santa Clara Smith J (i, photographs, 164 Georgia SMITH F & J, Pioneer Brewery, cor Marin and Carolina Smith C F, barber. 192 Georgia SNOW & PETTIS, Ken nulse and ins agts, cor (ieorgia and Santa Clara SNOW H H, real estate ugt and ins broker, (ieorgia "SOIANO TIMES" (daily and week- ly), Geo Roe propr, 177 Georgia Shiliingsburg Wm, nurseryman, 65 Main Steften & Co, butchers, cor Georgia and Marin Stewart Robert, upholsterer, 300 Marin ST VINCENT'S BENEVOLENT SO- CIETY, P C Lynch pros ST VINCENT'S CONVENT SCHOOL, Dominican Sisters, Floriila TAYLOR W E, physician, 144 Georgia TopK-y James, ilruggist, 160 (ieorgia Thompson J D, express, (ieorgia Tobin J F, butcher, 71 Georgia Towle C B, principal of sciiools Vallejo A A, professor of music "VALLEJO CHRONICLE' PUB- LISHING CO, A J Brownlie & O il Hilton directors, A J McKnight socy, 10! (ieorL'ia "VALLEJO CHRONICLE" (evening), H P 'J'aylor managing editor, Toi (ieorgia V^allejo Library Association, Jas Pliillips secy and librarian, Sacramento Vallejo Savings and Commercial Bank, E J V'ilson pres, J R Englisii cashier, cor Georgia and Sacramento Vanderlip O W, watchmaker and jewel- er, UiO (ieorgia Vallejo Water Works, A Chabot pres, A J Mcl'ike supt Walker Wm, luml>er, Vallejo Waltenbaugh J B, carpet manufr, 412 Georgia Walsh P R, stoves, tin and hardware, 1 80 < ieorgia WARD & McDonald, wines, liquors and billiards, 155 Georgia WEILL BROS, boots and shoes, 175 (iecryia WILSON HENRY, wines and liquors, cor (ieorgia and Marin Wilzinski A, dry goods and clothing, 136 Georgia Widenmaiin & Kothcnbusch, brewery, Marin Woods George, salooil and boarding, (ieorgia Wood (ieorge, locksmith, saw-liling and guns, etc, Sacramento Wright M J, stoves, tin, hardware, etc, and postmaster, 186 Georgia H. H. SNOW, B©a[ istat© kgmt AND INSURANCE BROKER, VALLEJO, GAL. 3 -J n to CD -1 3 3 CD O o 3 s- O S' 3 CD CD CD (0 C/) •D o 5" o -J a o p r H. WACHHORST calls attention '•iil;'^?rv"e?^i2.r- 315 J St. E 2 c (0 (0 w m in •" (0 (0 4 in > u V c o (0 Vi « 75 (A 0) ■n o S o 4^ Q. ■ (0 4^ 09 M 0) n O) 3r L. CD Id <« ml 00 >. h IS t. A o o z (3 3 O S (0 ■ «9 5fl?^ C ' \» TheO The CI Wee Dail] OLD PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. r;v:?««?^Sr^;^r«v!W. California — Vallejo. ALi'nABETICALLT. 865 in U v c o (A « (0 o o (0 (A 0) D) (0 > u u (d o o X o (0 < DAILY AND WEEKLY. PUBLISHED BY THE 90 \f • V ■ IflS No. 101 GEORGIA STREET. |l^€i| ^€d| I job f,¥mlifi IS onp: of the largest in the state. THE! IF^-^^^IE^EIEe Is worked upon a First-CIass wi^ s 3 zs IS 5*^ The Oflice has been recently furnished tliroughout with New Type and has everything necessary fur doing all kinds of Printing. The CHRONICLE is more extensively quoted than any paper oq the Pacific Coast. Weekly, Der Year- Daily, per Year- •• •S2 60 $6 00 Yallejo Chronicle Publishing Co. If P. Vi ^ *? il 65 OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO^ 302 Dtvis St.. S. F. III . ■ ..i- ■: I : t.l9| \Ai . . -^^B ^ ^nHKfH 'Hn '^^ ''wK Hni' ' : iW ''^ 'B'H 'M;ii;fli|m ii rftw 'Im 1 m:m m JL! c 8 S w. w. MONTAGUE & co.,»K;Lruo!^fi5rii?*^w^Ss?:* «66 Calif ornia — Vallejo- Viejaa. ALniABETICALLY. DAILY AND WEEKLY EDITIONS. JYo. 177 Georgia Street, Vallejo, Cal. GEORGE ROE, Publisher. The TIMES is the only Democratic Paper in Solano County. It circulates largely among an industrious and enterprising class — mechanic, business man and farmer — and its excellence as an advertising medium is generally acknowledged. THE TIMES OFFICE For executing Job Work of all kinds at bottoin figures. GEORGE ROE, Publisher. o tA -< o a OB e o 5* (A o S t t-^ c c (9 O o o o z o < H D o Valley Centre, SAN DIEOO COUNTY, 40 miles northeast of Saii Diego. Bearel A S, justice of peace Heuelilon Oeo, road nutstur KITCHING A C, gen nulse and post- master Shelling J T, blacksmith Valley Ford, SONOMA COLNTV, Is a place of 100 inhabitants, on the N, V. V Ik. I{, 04 miles from San Francisco. Brown & LeBaron, gen mdae Cota A (', boots an, undertaker Parry Isaac, tinsmith lUen Mrs Ann l\, hotel Vallicita, CALAVERAS COUNTY, Is J!) miles southeast of San Andreas, on the Milton stage road. Arata .1, gen nulse Bacigalupi V, gen mdse, postmaster, agt W, F & Co (Jreenwold K; hiacksmith Kohler Chas, Union Hotel Mitcliell A M, gen mdse Mitchell A M, livery stable Monteverilc .1, saloon Kufe ncr. Court House Hcring ( ieo, barbii-, ilof .1 15, pliysiciaii .uul surgeon (homoe- patliic) Hullaker.l \', propr Oviiland Li\ ly Stables Hvde J I), .egister U S land olHce Hyde 1! K, pivs The B ,ni; of Visalia, lumber (lealcr and pres Visalia UK Co Jacob E, gen mdse Jell'erds K M, deputy county ssor, Court House Jeilerds F C, county as.s. i. Court Hou.se JOHNSON L A, ,«en nulse and propr Visalia House and Eagle Flouring Mills, Main Jordan John F, county auditor. Court House Keener Henry A, county treasurer, Court House m ^ff[i ■ i ■■• ri; :i ; I 1 PURE PORT WINE. Ibr MemcUid Furnoses, 302 Davis St., S. F. ivii ] \i :j5a 1 I I 'fi 1 ' IL CO ■ CO c "(5 o o Bi;1. (0 Hi' I'ii +> mW (0 o i; ;■ s iri; ■ » O O o c z < Q. a z h h O w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., ViT^%'S'2nrinn;;it^v;iSt7eeV.VJ^f 868 California — Visalia. '.LiPIIABBTICALLT. KERN FREDERICK, sad iles and harness (denier and miikf>r), Main KEYES JOHN A, nor,i,mii8ter, Church KIMBALL & JACKSON, liouse, sign and carri.ige painters, Main and Court KNOX JOHN G, county clerk, Court House Kroehle Jacob, bakery Laugrick & Hall, meat market Lovinger Ike, cigars and tobacco Levy Julius, notary public, ins agt and collector Lieves Philip, cigars and tobacco Lindsfy Tipton, receiver U S land office Luce L A, stoves, tinware, woodenware Mack Addlph, driij.'gist and assayer Mack J J, cashier Bank of X'isalia Midloch 1), livery and feed stable Mason Mrs Mary C, millinery McNAMARA T M, atty at law and notary public, (,'liiirch Miekley .) J, watchmaker and jewelry Milkr Henry, sewing machine agt and merchant tailor Mooney M, l)rewery and soda factory Morris H, dry goods and clothing O -Bannoii U S, county recorder Osborne W T, county supervisor Owen Bros, blacksmiths aiul wagonmak- crs PALACE HOTEL, ike Harter propr. Main Pendergrass T \V, physician and surgeon Pratt J B, barlK!r l{eyncrson Jacob, justioeof peace llussell & (.'rannis, pliy ici.uis and sur- geons Salazar .1, saddk'ry Sanders ( ►, atty at law Sayle it (irady, attysat law .Seli^Miau Louis, cigars, tobaccf> and va rii'ties iSellick l>, propr City \Vater Work^ Sli^ire .bJiii, county supervisor SHUHAM & CO, saddles and harness Main SLOCOMB HENRY, barber, Main Smith Seth, county surveyor Spangler& Co, painters Stanton M E, shoemaker Steuben Zane, agt Wells, Fargo & Co Stevens & Wilcox, gen mdse, agl impts and sewing machines Stewart W C, drayman Sweet S, secy Visalia 11 R Co SWEET S & CO, gen m.lsc, hardware, iron, steel, furniture, agl impts, grain and wool, Miiin Tauscher (ieo M, fi-uits Thompson A A, blacksmith and wagon- maker TULARE VALLEY FLOURING MILLS, (steam and watei-), Boal & Beattie proprs. Main "TULARE WEEKLY TIMES," M C Butz & Bro pubs, Main Tun/e 0, furniture, mattresses and bed- ding U S Land OfHce, J D Hyde reg, Tipton Lindsey rec Van Valer Peter, deputy colUSiutrev VISALIA HOUSE, h A Johuson pro- prietor. Main Visalia U 11 Co, R E Hyde prest, S Sweet secy "VISALLA WEEKLY DELTA," F .1 Walker & Co pui)s. Main Walker \) K, saddles and harness WALKER F J & CO, pubs "Visalia Weekly J)elt::," Main Ward J C, books, stationery, toys and musical :nstrunients Wati'ous S W, photographer Weislier Augti>t, carpenter and Iniildor WELLS M J, sheritl'and tax coUuctor, Court House Williams Jno W, city marshal Wren J N, saloiin ZUMWALT D K, searclierof rrcords, ab^itraet otfii'e, notary public, r.;d es- tate; and insurance ai^eiit and local I agent of S P R R lands. Coiiit J. V. HUFFAKER'S LIVERY, FEED JL SALE STABLES, Court Street, Visalia. I- ra o- A (A C ■a ■o S' < ■n ■ a o' o » Si » o o 3 a o o 3 a V> PAC c o I e e e JZ e « o e e n r 8 mi- O (fi K r* z * (0 •0 a O e a. z PI . • 3 (0 a ■m u o ■1 « n o < 3 ■ i H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac A mil Jackson reached Adams , Bibbeiis Boydsto pher Brandon Campi G I Campi Ji j Cassi:;eil Cassiiielli I Carpeiitei Clute P A Coleman Coiisoiida Mining Deuazer i Devitt it 1 Friar Ji F, Frye & Or 'Goodrich ( (Jraves — , Hall Juiiui Jluey K W of peace Jerome Ale Jon.is Pete Kelley Den Kessi'ler A, La>;Iaj;i)nar Ix'slie Jjis, Lil)p J ii, t bllcot F'Jlliro Llll'dt \it:l, McCiiny J( McLaiiie F;m Amador ( Miller J;,s. Miller L. ,.o -Moraii |{,,l,t I'etty A, eoi Petty Solom Pro vis Jiis J liicliards W, Kiiilrick Pol l^ose lloiirv Knssi Aiigeh Street fs i.ic ''^tiirman I N I'^m Orsini, ^V'allenluirg i ^Vliitiuore F Walk) SACK Is distant fro H. PALM PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ^f*- tTroT^Sti^^^*'^^' "''"'"*'" for niiMinoHH. California — Volcano- Wa Inut Creek. 869 ALPIlABRriCAUiV. Volcano, AiJADOR COUNTY. A mining town 12 milos northeast of Jaekson; has a population of 700 and is reached by stages. Adnms J, livery stable Bibbeiis (> W, mine supt Boydstone E S, druggist and photogra- pher Brandon A, sawmill Campi (lioranni, shoemaker Campi ■'no, shoemaker Cassi'ioili L, postmaster Cassiiielli L & Bro, gen mdae Carpenter Thos, gen mdse Ciute P A, gen mdse Coleman J, gen mdso Consoliilatcd Amador Hydraulic Gold Mining & I^and Co Deiuizer I', liquors Pt'vitt k Provis, liquors Friar K F, blacksmith Frye & (ioodrioh, blacksmith (loodrich C 15, blacksmith (Iraves — , teamster Hall .Fuuua, IjlacUsmith lluey E \S\ billiard saloon and justice of peace Jerome Alex, liquors Jimas Peter, hotel Ktlley Deiuiis, lumber Kessi'lcr A, j)hy>ii(ian aiid surgeon Laj;lagoiiar Ciiio, liquors U^lic ,las, lumber liipp .1 B, teamster liUCot Hui,'en(', liquors Lucdt Nicholas, liquors MoCuuy .bmatiiati, teamster McLaiiie [;aiu;hliu, l)aiiker and supt of Amador Canal and V^olcauo Ditch Ci Miller .las, butcher Miller I,, county supt of schools Mcran Uobt, liquors Petty .\, county assessor Petty Solomon, iuveutor Provis .las V., liquors lliclianls Walter, lii[uors Rddrick Uobt, teamster Hose Hoiiry T, sawyer Kossi Augelo, gen mdse Street Isiac N, sawyer Sturinau I N, constable Tmiu Orsiui, liquors Walleiiburg C, hnnber Whitinore F \V, sawmill population estimated at about 15. It is a shipping point for fruit. ALLENDER A T & CO, gen mdse, postmaster and agent Wells, Fargo & Co Walker's Landing, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, Is distant from San Francisco 78 miles Walnut Creek, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Is a handsome little place at the base of Mount Diablo, distant from Oakland 17 miles. The drive to this place is un- surjiassod for beauty. It is reached by Moore's Oakland and Walnut Creek Stage f.ine. Sulphur springs in the vicinity of- fer a most attrictive feature. A fine ho- tel, kept by \V. B. Rogers & Son, is a source of great convenience. Popula- tion 400. Annis Alex, stoves and tinware Avery H 1\, pnstor, Presbyterian BURPEE W S, li(|nors GRIfiB E C, stationery, notions, gents furuistiing goods, school supplies and a perfect line of cigars ami tobaccos; postotlice and \V, F & Co's agt, agri- cultural implts Dustau .las, tailor Hook \V K, iiliysieian HUNTINGTON & GRABER, black- siuiths and wagonmakers .loliiisou S I'', millinery KIRSGH M, blacksmith and wagon- m-iker MOORE E S &BRO,?r(>pr Oakland and W'ahiut CrcokSt.igi! Liiie MORENO F E. harness and sadillery Niicr (has, wjitchmaki^r and jeweler OAKLAND & WALNUT CREEK STAGE LINE, l'^ -"^ M"'>ie & ''^'^ Y^^- priutors Pearson .Joseph Vj, physician and drug- ROGERS HOTEL, W B Rogers & Son ROGERS W B & SON, proprs Rogers Hotel SANFORD FARMER, Uvery stable SCHUPBACH JACOB, liquors SHUEYHS.geumdso SHUEY M M. uvu m Ise SMITH FRANK C, bookkeeper E C Cribb Stow .las M, notary public, gen mdse andj)ostmaster TURNER M H, justice of the peace Urney \V S, pistorM E church WILSON &GAMBS. yon mdse Wilson & Stow, insurance Yoakum & Co, butchers m u> f • 9 SI It Pi* -I h! -o O c/) a I r 'm^ |..;j H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. m urn \i\ r?l';,ii;l^ Si i ■ ■-!' '' I. ■ IL ■ CO i CO 5 p iS ttJD 4) > C O E To o ■ o o a z Z o < 0. I- I- O WW MnMT ARIIF A m <»h«*«t iron, all ISlKe* luid Nnmben, no, . ff . mUW I MtaUC « V/U.f me H4. 11«. and 11W Mattery Ht„H.V. 870 California — Walnut Creek- Washington Corners. , ALPIIABETICALLT. ROGERS' HOTEL, W. B. ROGERS & SON PROPRIETORS Walnut Greek, Contra Costa Co., Gal. Fitted up ni'l c )n lime 1 as lir-it cla-;s in every res|)-^:l, Coiitainin;^ a line hall for balls or parties. Fine drives in all directions. The Sulphur Sprin;^s are in the immediate neii^hborhood. This is the most desirable resort for families wishing to spend a few weeks of recreation. Walnut Grove, SACRAMENTO COUNTY. Alder Joseph, harnessmaker Bradt & Corbin, carpenters Brown A, liotcl Holttum W, agt Cal Transportation Co Maack H Z, blacksmith RADQESKY L, g» n mdsc, postma.stcr and W, F & Co and ins agt SHARP J W, postmaster SUMMERS H A. physician Town & Wickers, butcliers Walsh's, SACKAMENTO COUNTY. Patton .Tas, blacksmith and wagonmakcr WALSH J M> groceries, liquors and postmaster Washington, NEVADA COUNTY. BUISMAN H, liotel and postmastc. Ely & Dooso, butchers Grissel C, lu.tel Heigeson O C, elotliing JansenJ, shoemaker Kohler H, gen nulse MaloneT, shoemaker Washington, YOLO COUNTY. (Postoffice Sacramento City.) Bell fieo W, justice peace Brooks Wm N, carpenter, boat-buildcr Buckingham Kobt, justice peace Conrad Mrs L, boarding house Dewey VV A, contractor and builder Green W M, liquors Hanson C 0, hotel Hanser J & V, butchers Hess .Ino, tinsmith LYNCH PATRICK, bootmaker Millard T, blacksmiti) Murray Kobt, liquors Kol)erts D, boarding and liquors Smith J B, grocer and liquors Yager Peter, brewery and liquors Washington Corners, ALAMEDA COUNTY, Is a small town and statiim on the San Jose branch of the C. P. 1{. K., 27 miles from Oakland; population HOO. The ^Vashin,i;ton College, one of the best schools in the State, is located here, also •m Odd Fellows' and (!ood Templars' Lodge. "ALAMEDA COUNTY REPOR TER," Kvorell F Calkin proi)r CALKIN EVERELL F, propr "Ala- iNt'da County Reporter' ' CLARK BROS, gen m.lsc CONNER D M, justice of the peace and attorney Covert K, druggist CROWELL H, carriage, wagonmaker and blacksmith Foster Therony, hotel and livery HARMON S S, propr Washington CoUe-e HIRSH JOSEPH, gen mdse KEANY PATRICK, Horist and nur- seryman Mack Wm H, dnigs and stationery and postmaster McLachlan — , saloon Thompson A C, boot and shoemaker WAMSLEY J E, agt c P K i{, W, v& Co and manager Wm'Mortimer's ware- house TSASHINGTON COLLEGE, S SHar nion prinevjKil ZIMMERMAN CHARLES, hotel 00 c n CD o H o -1 o o CD 3 o 5 'O CD o •o 5? CD ■1 o c CD w 1 b en 1 ^f !l 1 ' ^1 » T'Az's Institution occupies a commanding site adjoin- ing the Village of Washington, Alameda County, Cat. It is in the center of a rich agricultural district, oc= cupied by an intelligent and enterprising community. The view from the grounds extends m,any miles rJong the San Jose Valley, and embraces the larger part of the (Bay of San Francisco, and the shores and villages beyond. In the background, at a distance of two miles, rises the mountain range which forms the eastern boundary of the valley. A tnore inviting and appro= priate location, with a range of scenery so wide and varied, cannot be found in the State. The Location of Washington College Is witliin two luindred yards of the Washinj;ton Station of the San Jose branch of the C. i*. It. It., and may be reached in an hour and a half from San Francisco. It is easily accessible from all parts of the State, By railway from San Jose, Hollister, Santa Cruz and the Sa1ina«» Valley, and from the great San Joacjuin and Sacramento Valleys, hy the Southern Pacific and the Central Pacific Itailroads. It has a large corps of expcrienc d and most efficient teachers. On January 8lh. 1880. it commenced its sixteenth Se^ion. The pres- ent term will close May 2Gtli. The next Term will commence on Thurs- day, July 20th, 1880. For further information, or for circulars, address, S. S. HARMON, Principal. Washington, Alameda Countv, Cal. i-aummi 09 0» Patronage Solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. PURE PORT WINE, for Medicinal Porposes, 302 Davis St., S. F. ROBERT BOCKLER. Proprietor. til the Delicacies of the Season on hand and Cooked to Order Meals at all hours, both day and nijjht. and prices very reasonable. 3 ^ 'ii-'f'l 11 mii ;>1 tm a. 1)1: ^M 5? :.|'!J-«|| ;^J]I;|H 1 1 : k < > U O CO < Q u o co O 3 U I- X < I- < o o o WW MnNTAftllP A rn dheet Iran, all illiiPii and IVanib«r«, 110, . W. mUPilAtam: « OU., ng H4 ilO. cud IIW Battery Wt..W.F. 872 California — Washington Corners-Wataonville. ALPHABKTICAliLT. THE A LOCAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, EVEBELL F. CALKIN. Publisher. Washington Corners, Alameda County. lSTIEIR¥IB©IIDir IKIEAID^ I1*o The beat medium for Advertisera to reach the district which it represents. SUBSCRIPTION: ' One Year $3 OO Six Montlis $1 50 Tliree Months 75 ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT CITY PRICES, And Satisfaction guaranteed. POSTER WORK A SPECIALTY. Waterford, STANISLAUS COUNTY. Curtzwaler Chas, saloon Davis .Janus, hotel Fauro A, uen iiulse and postmaster Greysuu W, blaeksniith Watsonville, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, j Is a pretty and prosperous town, situa-j ted on tlie Soutluru Paeifio Hailroad,' 100 miles fiMm San Francisco. Tliu; I'ajaro valley, of wliich Watsonville is! the ei mniertial emporium, is one of tliei richest, aL;ricnlturally s))eaking, in the State, and conseijuently the place looks to the interests of graziit;; an (A C T3 ■o S' a. o CD O o (A » O o CD O Q 00 w m ■0 o 3. 5" O 3 H. WACHHORST, Importer of je'';2L>?'i;JH;;;r«d» .315 J St., Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''-' ^^..oT.Xirr^r{i.J^^::r California — Watsonville.. 873 E 2 (0 in e u o 73 o (A u V "3 in o o c 0) O X C9 (0 < ALrilABETICALLY. DOILARD MES M E, stationery, fancy goods and news Dougherty J F, hatter Drussel Daniel, meat market Duulup Saml B, constable Eaton II W, wagonniaker Fletcher Sibley, agt S R R Folger Mrs, varietirs Folger Peter, skatiii^^ rink FONTANA & DEKAHTINI. irroce- ries FORD CHAS u :i mlsj FREIERMUTH GEO A, luir.lware. stoves, tinware and crockery Grant Misa E V, nitinayor \V U 'I'cl (Jo Grant II T. livery stable HAMILTON G S, harness and saddles Harris 1 VV, harnessniaker Hechcrin<,'ton If, bootmaker HOLBROOK L D, justice of peace, no tiiry public and iiisiinmce HOLBROOK MRS L D, millinery Howaril .lolin, machinist Ingham James, blacksmith, wagonmakcr Itelan L, iihysici.ui JACKSON HENRY, grain dealer and ■•en commission mercliaiit, and a.^t ComniL'reiid Assurance Co JESSEN CONRAD, pr^.pr Scandina- vian Hotel, constable and eullector Jones C I', watclies and jewelry Joseiih H M, h!iirdrcsser KENNEDY THOS, livery stable Larkin J'atrii'k, saloon LAURITZEN P, groceries, crockery, liiiots anil slides LEE JULIUS, attorney at law and uotaiy public LEWIS A & CO, general mercliandise LEWIS HOUSE, A Lewis propr Lcilies M S, LfPdeeiieS LORENZEN LORENZ.Westcrn Hotel Luiiil fl J, jeweler LYNAM JNO, boots and shoes, dealer and maiiut.ieturer LYNAM MRS M, milli.ury MANSION HOUSE,.' M Staples propr Manlucrd I'eter, restaurant MARTIN ED, books, stationery faiiey yoods MARTIN E J, pliysieian and surgeon Maulbateh S, bootmaker McADAM A, blacksmith, wagonmakcr McLEAN N, blacksmith and wagon- maker and manufacturer of all kinds of cylindi-r teeth Mooney James, lu)tel Morey David, gunsmith Morris M, clothing O'CONNOR & TURNER, meat mivrket O'Neill Chas, furniture OTTENBERG J, hairdresser FALMTAG C, Pajaro Brewery Pardee Geo, commission merchant Patterson W A, druggist and physician Peckham Geo W, job printer PECKHAM P a, paints, oils, glass, wall paper, etc Perret Francis Gay, groceries POPwTER J T & CO, agents W, F & ( ">, and real estate, insurance and com- iniu-iioii PORTER JEROME, notary public Putnam l> 1,, restiuranc iiiebanU W S, uroeerie.i RODGERS WD, physician, surgeon ROGGEWM, bootmaker RUDEBECK I PETER, saloon SCHNEIDER KASPER, m^M-chant '•SEMI-WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT," Wm H Wheeler propr Seevers W, clothing and dry goods Sheppard Mrs, millinery Sinunons S S, druguist and physician Slight E T, candy factory and bakery Smith Car!, saloon Smitli J H, saloon Siiodu'rass Tlios, harness and saddles STAPLES J M, propr Mansion House Steen A, barber Stewart J \V, cigars and tobacco Stoef-Sir Otto, h-irdware and groceries Swasey & Peckham, painters Taylor C E, lilacksmith I'liomas Clias Ij, tlour mills TODD & SON, carriage, sign and house painters Tuck Isaac A, groeeries ••WATSONVILLE PAJARONIAN," Cunnnings & Uadclill' proprs Werner Fri'd bootmaker WHEELER WM H, propr "Semi- weekly and California Transcript" Wichman C, hairdresser Wiener Albert, dry goods and clothing Wilcox O I', jeweler Williams . I (', borseshoer WILLIAMSON J N, hotel, feed stable WRIGHT & SEWELL MRS, millin- ery and dres:,making audi Voacham & Tuttle, meat market I Zi'igle & Co, mark(;t Zmiidowaki Martin, bootmaker Watsanville, Cal, PROPRIETOR. G» -< S2 c5 en :3Q m 19 H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. :i I n h ■■III m m ^ ■'JM '■ ;■ ' ' Bw ' ■'• : rltfJK; .rr^ffi! 1. i 'Sirt ; ' ill SiS.itl?! . fV. mUN I AUUC « \t\t.f patterns, 110, 112, Tu, 116 Md US Bkltwy M., 8. F. I m IL ■ CO i « S o 874 California — Wataonville- Weaverville. Al.rHABinCALLY. (0 ■> (ft C c to o C O Q o < a. h h O TENTH YEAR OF ITS EXISTENCE. D8?oted to t!id Iiterssts of Fajaro Valloy. alicii?llli Pajiiiiiai THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE PAJARO VALLEY. ■< Has the Largest Circulation of any Paper in this section. TERMS: One Year, in advance $3 oo Send to us for OUR ADVERTISING RATES. CUMMINCS & RADCLIFFE, Proprietors. Weaverville, TRINITY COUNTY, I A county aoat and pnstofficc, 40 miles from Keddini; ; re.ichcd Ijy stages. It is a well ami tastily built place, and is supported by the mining, stock-raising and agricultural interests of the locality. Balch .J R, clothing Barnikel .1, drugs and stationery Benner H W, liijuors Condon Wm, hotel Craig C W, insurance agent and propr "Trinity Journal" Estes Jno M, county clerk, reconler and auditor Grady J F, dentist firilHn M F, county treasurer Hansen 1), cigars and tobacco H.aynes C VV, dentist HeiLsley S J, liijuors Hocker Henry, provisions Irwin John G, atty at law and dist atty Jones T E, county judge Karsky & Abrahams, dry goods and clothing Lang M, groceries Lord John, physician Fjove Alex N, litpiors Tjoveridge M, county surveyor Lowden W S, U S di-puty assessor and county surveyor Marshall A H, county assessor Martin J c o E 75 CR> c c (0 O d o o o <: a. I- o 876 California — TTesi Oakland. Ar.PIIAnRTICALLY. Fisher k Morison, cigars and tobacco, 1802 Seventh Fisk L, grocer, 07 1 Adeline Flaherty Timothy, carpenter and build- er, ir>l 1 Seventh Flint L, bootmaker, 1785) Seventh Fn'v John, jeweler, 1708 Seventh FUCHSP, coal dealer, 1-244 and 1240 Center Oet)rge Joseph, bootmaker, 183!) Seventh OERNREICH & THORNBURG, grocers, NE cor Eightli and Center Gibbons & Conan, grooers, 1529 Seventh Gibson Alexander, picture frames, 1708 Seventli Giese Louis, li(iuor8, 17;")! Seventh Ginu'w Ulrich, barber, 1508 Seventh Grabs August, butcher, I78;{ Seventh Gray Mrs M, i)akery, 1)15 Seventh Haar Henry & Bro, grocers, 1472 Sev- enth Halloran Michael, boots and shoes, 1710 Seventh Hall Wm M, liotel, 1703 Seventh Haiiley MieUai'l, lifjuors, 1507 Seventh HANSA HOTEL, Hennaua Kirchner 17:.'5 Seventh Hansen A H, liquors, 871 Wood Harding Frank, lii|uors, tobacco and no- tions, ISOS Suventli Heckman F C, bootmaker, \v s Wood nr K U avc Henniu^er Jolin, hotel, 1750 Seventh Hefhicr Fred, Ijiirbor, 834 Wood Ht'iniieo, eiijiir nianufi-, 1 520 Seventh Heine A.nroetr and nianufr of windmills, SE cor Kiglith and ('liester j JEMERY JOSEPH, barber, 80!) Wood JcnnigG I), t:iilor, 175!) Soveuth " i Joyce Martin, liijuois, 1837 Seventh Jukes Mrs Mary, bakery, !U 1 Seventh | KEYES JAMES, butcher, 1407 Sev- enth K oilier 10 F, lifjuors, 1502 Seventh Kri^ Fred, fruits and vegetables, 1809 Seventh I Lant;tord Thomas, cigars and tobacco,! 1708 Seventh \ Lawless James, licjuors, 1815 Seventh i LAWRENCE DEWITT C, propr ''Oaklaiiil l'ress,"aiid notary public, SE cfr Seventh and Willow I Lay ton Mrs J H, boarding and lodging, 1803 Seventh Legler Dr H T, physician and surgeon. Market Lehrbass llichard, Iii|uors, 919 Seventh Levy Wolir, tailor, 913 Seventh Long Wm, l)utcher, 1753 Seventh | Lort'h Matthew, boots and shoe", 1453 Seventh Loud W, liquors, 1730 Seventh Lynch John, licjuors, 1457 Seventh ' MacLoan D, physician and surgeon, 1702 Seventh Magner Michael, restaurant, 1787 Seventh Marlett Mrs Mary, bakory and notions, 904 Seventh Martens C, licpiors, 1840 Seventh MARTIN & SANDELIN, druggist, 1702 Seventh McKay Edward, bootmaker, 832 Market McLaughlin M, fruits and confectionery, w 8 Wood nr 11 R ave McMillan & cox, grocers, 837 Mar- ket MeNamara Mrs M, groceries, 951 Third Meyer Mrs F H, fancy goods, 1452 Seventh MEYER F H, drugs, 1450 Seventh cor Center Miller Frank, butcher, SE cor Peralta and Seventh Miller & Hanlen, druggist and apothe- caries, 1700 Seventh Moran & (talavan, plumbing and gas- fitting, 801 Wood Murphy Daniel, liquors, 1841 Seventh Musselman David, bootmaker, UOi) Sev- enth Naismith Geo S, grocer, SE cor Eighth and Myrtle Naismitii Mrs G, fancy goods, 1701 Kightii Nash P E, hardware, 1704 Seventh Niemann Mis C, fruit ami vegetables, 1400 Seventh Nor Chris H, livery stable, 1734 Sev- enth NUGENT JAMES, wines, licjuors, etc, 140:) Seventh Parker Joseph, furniture, etc, 907 Sev- enth Perdue T, boots and shoes, 1733 Seventh Preuer Antone, bakery and confection- ery, 1054 Seventh Querolo James, liquors, 1802 Seventh aUINLAN JAMES G, liquors, 1454 Seventli RAMIREZ J R, fruit and vegetables, 1781 Seventli Reek Wm, liquors, 1105 Seventh Uogovieh L, fruit and vegetables, 1757 Seventh ROSE J M, barber, 835 Market U K Exchange, H Markwalder propr, 1880 Seventli Pudolph G II, restaurant, 1811 Seventh Samson M, butcher, 1301 Peralta Sanders Henry, grocer, 1 101 Seventh Scheiding T H, litjuors, 1810 Seventh Scherrer John, boots and shoes, iCGS Seventh Schuler F, hardware, 1 720 Scv»»nth Seadler Jas, architect, 1500 Seventh S O) H as m m ■n ■ SS o m p" X « OL B ^. 31 3* -I 3 a o' 3 9 :! o M PI H. WACH H0R8T. importer of je^^SS.;! »[imo1id«. 31 5 J St., Sac. ril^lNFS<$ PFNMAN^HIP Prwllrally tnaarht nt PACIFIC RFMI. California — West Oukland-WkeaVand. 877 Al.rilARKl'ICAIil.Y. E c o e in e u o 0) (A o o flQ 0} "5 (A « O JZ $ en c Z o H- X C9 3 O Z (0 o ■ < Seventh Street House, J H Comer propr, 1804 Seventh Shannon k Hooncy, pluinl)era and gnsiit- tors, ".too Seventh Shftw C K, furniture, 808 Willow Shaw .lolui. cr«;ccr, !>51 Fifth Shirrott E, vivnoiy store, 1514i Seventh Sicotto Ferdinantl, oarriiigu und wagon- maker, o s Wood lAoar 11 U ave Smith A W S, groceries and provisions, NW cor I'lighth an I CiimplHjll STOCKY J, liquors, 1774 Seventh, res I()(>l Kighth Stowell & Driver, grocers, 1G5»' Suvontli Stu!z & Schi'Uo, b.irhur sliop anlhttl'i, 17»i'J Seventh SUNOL J D, wood and coo,l, 1733 Sev ontli Sweeny Miss Kate, fanry goods, 1510 Suveiitli Taller Isaac, M D, physician, 1506 Sev enth Thaler Conrad, hukor, NW cor Eighth and ( 'enter VANE JAMES F, plumbing and gas- tittini,', HWO Seventh Venaglia E, propr J{ailroad House, SE cor Seventh and Bay Von (ilahn J Frederielc, grocer, 1451 Seventh Wagner W S, real estate and notary W)'.it)lic, ITOCi'. Seventh ALSH WM. li'px"-'*, 13'^'0 Peralta, junction of (.'enter Wist Oakland Free Heading Room, S M l>ay curator, 1704 Seventh Wilkins Mrs F II, millinery and dress- making, I71'S Si'ventli Wilson .las A k W S, priiprs Star system (if niwasurcnu'iit for ladies' clothing', ilO'J Sfvt.iitli Wilson Wni, grocer, 8G3 Wood Winn A, ^jrocer. \'i~'.\ Third WulilMohii, bakery, 1810 Seventh Zeiss Harry A, butcher, SW cor Eighth and Chester Zuliiisky & Trumbley, grocers, NE cor Seventh and Willow Ziinniernian W H, fruit and produce, 8G5 Wood Kutnno S, gen mdso and postmaster Schenaker A, saloon Smith John, blacksmith Z ivalla J & C, butchers Zavalli Joe, saloon 8. RUFFINO, WEST POINT, CALIFORNIA, Uuiieral Dealer in Dry Goods and Groceries, Pat«'iit niodivint'M, Boots, Shoes Hardw:r\ CroDkery^ I'ailltH, OilN, Ill'IIB'M, Fancy Goods, Hats aiul Caps, Anil all oth«'r uooiIm iiMiially kept ill u i'ouiiti*)- Mlttrc. Wheatland, YUBA COUNTY, Is on the line of the Oregon Division of the Central Pacific Kailroad, forty miles from Sacramento, having a popu- lation of 450. The Orders of Odd Fel- lows, Masons, (irangers and IT. O. W. have lodges here. It is beautifully situ- ated, has three churches and a public sciiool buildinjr, in which an ellicient pedago'_nie teaches the "youn^ idea how to shoot," ten niDiiths in the year, and which coat «:4,000. West Point, CALAVERAS COUNTY. Baccigaluppi R, gen mdse Cavalli.los, saloon Kckert M, restaurant Flanders Samuel S, livery stable Hepburn Mrs W, hotel Hoskins Mrs Samuel, hotel Novilla T, gen mdse Pacheco Peter, gen mdse HOTEL, E J Seibold blacksmith and wagon- blacksmiths and m o z T 3 3 AMERICAN prupr BAUN J F, BEVAN & SWIiT wanimniakera Hevau T F, constitble BEAY & LOWE, propra Bank Ex- change Saloon BHAY P M, justice of pc'ice Calincs & Hoss, harness and saddles CENTRAL HOTEL, M M >.eustadt cilLSON & REYNOLDS, milliners and dressmakers COOPER T F. watchmaker and jeweler DALBEY F, hamoKs and saddles, car- riage trimmer and upholsterer Dcwane M I), wagonmaker DUPLEX EDWAED P, hairdresser and justice of peace Duplex Mrs S E, lad"es' hairdresser Durst D P, physician and president Farmers' Bank of Wheatland n I? 8 9 SB -3 •"ft PURE PORT WINE, for MmA Pnrpsses, 302 Davis %U S. F. 'If! i ' '^ ■ ■ ; 'J m WUf MnMTAni[r;Lrk'> StOVfS an <1 Ranges, 800 different slzei, stylet and • W. mull I AUUC , constable Walker J F, dentist Wheatland Mill Co, F R Lofton supt Wilson J L, saloon WOLF SIMON & CO, gen mdse L. M. JUSTIS, Dealer in Grcceries, Provisions, AND PRODUCI£, Also I'ropriutor CITY M14T MAEIST, WHEATLAND, Yuba County, California. CENTRAL HOTEL. M. M. Neuatait, - Proprietor, WHEATLAND, V'uba County, California. Also Proprietor Wheatlantilivery I Feed Stable MATHEW A. SCOTT, Front Street, Wheatland, Cal. Proprietor of Scott's Elixir Tar, Liquorice and Honey (for the cure of Couglis Jind Coldrt), and Scott'd Anti-Billious< Pills, (sure and never-failing remedies). Sample boxes of the Pills mailed to any address upon receipt of price, 25et.s (in stamps), or a bottle of the Elixir Tar to any place in the State, by express (pre-paid) for .^L25. White's Bridge, FRESNO COUNTY. BURCKHALTER A, postmaster White J li, gen mdse Wild Flower. Jones P D, gen mdse, postmaster and agent W, F & Co Potts J L, hotel 00 c o S" W o =3 O -J o o CD a -J w ■a CD -J w o •a •a ^ CD "1 O ? (A CD TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer&Co., "^Jfiliv^'ir BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practleally tansht at PACIFIC B17MI- VFMH COTiliK<.!l{. HUn Post »4t., M. F. 2. O o CO 3 •a CD -1 W o ■a ST |CD M 2 California — WilliaTns- Willows. 879 ALPIIABBTICALLY. CO (/> CD DC CO at c c "5 c 3 (S kn Williams, COLUSA COUNTY, Has a population of 400 people, and de pends entirely on the agricultural inter- ests for its support. It is on the California Pacitic and Northern Railway, 10 miles from the Coast Kange of moun- tains and 25 miles from sulijhur springs that are highly valued. It was named after W. H. Williams, Esq., its founder. CD 1 CO X o (0 c (0 CD •m k Balcom B G, agt Northern Railway CHAMBERLAIN P B, varieties, books, stationery, cigars, tobacco, etc Cole & Peters, blacksmiths Connelly Thns, saddles and harness CRUTOHER & MANOR, gon mdse Ualman Sclig, saloon FOUCH BROS, druggists, toilet articles and cigars and tobacco iJlovcr 1), harness and saddles HARVEY L S, propr Cosmopolitan House HYMANM&CO.genmdse Kiml);dl K N, tinner LONG M A & SON, Central Livery Stable and Saloon Matlu'son D;i.vid, saloon ?»IellJiio, bootmaker MILLER ALEXANDER, saloon and I'iirnier .Miller it ('i>, lively stable and stage line MORRISON SMITH, saloon Nelk N, wa'.{i>umaker Newman A & Co, gon mdse Noon A, car[)eiiter and lumber Iviekey & Crowder, pbysicians Kiddcil i; i:, lihicksmitli RUMMERSBURG H hairdresser RYDER & CHAMBERLAIN, ai,^^ \V, V & Co and ins Kyder .F S, teK';;r.iph opr Smitli W A, blaeksmitli Stovidl .1 C, scales and warehouse WILLIAMS W H, propr \Villiams Hotel and postin.'istiT WILSEY CHARLES, constable WILSEY R A, justice of peace Willows, COLCSA COUNTY, A 1)1. CO of 000 inhabitants, on the line ot the projected Northern Calitoriiia I'ailn al. It is beautifully situated in a rich ; gricultural district, and promises to be an important point of supplies. Barry Jno, bootmaker Bass John, undertaker and agt Paget Sound Lumber Co Bates Z, auctioneer and saloon Batz Z, saloon Baylor & Tooley, physicians Baylor W C, physician Bridges H ^V, saloon BROOKS P P, constable Calhoun Jas (I, physician CARMODY & i?ARR, meat market CAROLOFF ALICK, atty at law, jus- tice of peace and notary public CENTRAL HOTEL, (^ W Williams propr Culver & Richardson, saloon Culver Sam, saloon Dress J A, R I! agt I'Veemp i & Klemmer, hardware and agri- cultural implts (i rover Bros, hardware, stoves and tin- ware Halet & Loy, furniture Hanson Bros, druggists HART ELIJAH C, propr "The Wil- lows .lournul" Hill W W, warehouse Hochheimer & Co, gen mdse and agt W, 1'' & Co Jackson A A, hotel and manager Colusa Lumber Co Johnston .1 O, livery and sale stable and propr Wi lows and Orland Stage Line Johnston Wm, postmaster .Jones Tlios, warelKuise .lones Mrs Z C, dressmaker and mil- liner Kaha & Col)l('ntz, watches and jewelry, \ arieties, tobacco and agt W U Tel Kyes & Brower, soda manufrs LiJielle (), barber Marko & Bender, bakery Mar.shall N B, livery and feed stal)le MARSHALL W W, livery, feed and s.ile stiibk' Me( line M \', atty at law McN'ortiin Frank, notiiry public and conveyancer Miller (Jc(,rge, blacksmith and wagon- maker Millinuton Setli, school teacher M umoii !■], saloon MURDOCK W C & CO, bankers, real estate, insurance, commission and wool merchants Newman Clias, gen mdse Ojjle 1"., harness and saddles PARK W J, atty at law I'attoii .1 A, gen mdse and agricultural impJH I'ricc Will, hotel I'liget Sound Lumber Co, A Powell agt Putnam J C, druggist m V9 9 3 -0 o (/I a 0» ) . 1 H. PALMER & CO., Frontionan Wine, 302 Davis SU S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., '7':S!^{S^LTl\r^^irS^:^}rA}¥!' ■:} i ' ): IL CO i c '(5 S o 0) > C o E 75 Ui 0) c c O o o a z S o < CL h D O 880 California — Willows- Winters. ALFIIARBTICALLT. RAINVILLE JOSEPH, blacksmith, wiij^onmaker and painter Rathbun E, contractor and builder Saunders Jno S, atty at law Schultz F, tailor Scott Thoa, barber Shinn Mrs, restaurant Stone F \V, watches and jewelry Thomas A B, geu mdse Thomas E B, groceries and fruit Todley Tj P, physician and coroner TOOMEY J B, harness and saddlery Ward Jos, hotel VVegan Chas, saloon Wegaii W K, brewery WILLIAMS G W, Central Hotel Wilson Wm, physician Youut G W, photoo;r;ipher Wilmington, LOS ANUELES COUNTY. Anderson & Jorgenson, saloon Baniiiuj; Phineas, storage, commission and lumber Boushoy S & A, mining, Santa Catalina Island B ial L B, barber Burklo F, saloon Carey Mrs Mary E, boarding and lodg- ing Crowley Tirnotliy, blacksmith Deaber Col (!i'o, saloon D.nvning Major P H, collector of cus- toms Frazcr Thos, bootmaker (Jarratt Hobt, wagonnuiker (ioiiiotti .lohn, saloon (Jreen Mis If, varieties H.iwkiiis Will, b lUory HoiFiicr < loo, saloon HOLTON G M, atty i>t law, Canal Jaeoby lionnaii, gen mdse, ins agt and siiippitig KeiuR'tly Jolin, stoves, tinware and LAuisERSHEIMER A, druggist and postmaster, Caii.il Maldiiii Antonio, li(juors and tobacco Morrison .Fohn, gen mdse Poggi Itiifael, saloon and l)oarding RAILROAB LODGING HOUSE, s a Tliompson, Canal Rios P, livery and feed stable Roiiaii Timothy, i>lack8mith Salazar A, fruits and tobacco Sarraro .lohn, l).irber SAVAGE W H, atty at law. Canal Seyler Chas, agt S P R R, W. F A Co and W U Tel Co Silva Joseph k Ikn, restaurant ^)ilva Siiml, saloon SYLVA J P. groceries and saloon, Ca- nal THOMPSON S G, saloon and lodgings, Canal Van Valkeuburg Henry, saddles and harness Vickery & Hinds, meat market Wildman Mrs Mury A, fancy goods Windsor, SONOMA COUNTY. Bixley Walter, gen mdse Chrishobn & Bro, painters Davis L T, physician (iraham .fames, blacksmith .fekonie Thos, gen mdse LINDSEY & CLARK, gen mdse and postolKce Luther lj, physician Maekender t!eo, blacksmith Martin Hyram, gen mdse Morgan Bros, butchers Sliuier Ceo, blacksmith Winters, pliysi- YOLO COUNTY. Antonc & Co, barbers BELL BROS, dru^'gists and phyaiciaos BELL H R, physician BELL W T, physician Bibli L, varieties BOWEN BROS, Hvery stable Brock .t i'ritehott, blacksmith CJflANDLER F B, lumber and build- ing materials Clark 1{, atty at law D.iwiiey & W^eaver, blacksmiths i:.i\vard 1) P, hotel 1011 iott * Co, groceries Kitzjerald It 1), bootmaker l'"it/.rer.ild Mis It l>, millinery GREGORY J D, druggist and oiaii Hill Bros, warehouse HULSE J C, j''stit;e peace and notary public Iliiniplir'v E A, harnessmaker IRE LAND E, wagonmaker .lames .le{itiia, meat market .leans .1, butcher KAUFFMAN L & CO, gen mdse LATON M F, Parker Plouse liOgan JOlder J, clergyman (Christian) Massa Antone, hairdresser McARTHUR J B. agt Vaca Vailey ft Clear Lake R R, VV, F A Co aud W U Tel Co Mc(' O $ 09 ■0 O ft o 3 o ? Jewelry, Viamoudii, 315JStMSac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '^^ .r.„JX^;„rAu JiJeVr California — Winters-Woodland. 881 ALPIIAnKTICAI'LT. E i 0) > u v e o (0 » "(3 (A » O u o (0 % 0) (0 u I. (0 u C h- X 3 O Z (A O •9 < Morris V, warehouse Murray Josepli, painter Pipkiu J, constable Keardon James, saloon Rice A K, salouu Shaw if M, wagonmaker Shaw W, b )otmaker SPAULDINQ & HARLAN, generJ miTchaiulise STEWARD J P, carpenter, constable and collector Ward F, carpenter Willis T W, tinner VViUon Mrs D, millinory WILSON & HACKE, Brick Saloon Wolfe C H, carpenter Witter's Springs, LAKE COUNTY. RadnlilTJ O, livery stable WITTER D, hotel and postmaater Woodbridge, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, Is situat3 o E c c ta O ■ o o < WW MnMTAftllP A rn MtOT<*Man«IKan|(e«, boo different ■icM.itylei; ma I 111 mUn I AUUC. « \t\3>f (.atteniB. IlO. 112, 114, 116 and 118 Batte;7 St.. S. F. 882 California — Woodland. z ■ i( 1- •h' h i A, , S.: 3 tei O * •- ALPHARnTICAbbT. Davidson Mrs, Menee Restaurant Dehler Auton, saloon Denzler Adam, restaurant Dick AN, deutist SIETZ L, harness and saddles, Main Dingier Emil, hairdresser Dry f us L, liquors Dumphey & Knox, blacksmiths and wajfomnakers DTJRSTON FRANK, bill poster and advertising agent Eaton J H, groceries, crockery, etc Eaton J I, groceries ELLIOTT 0, photographer ELSTON J B, drugs and books, Main Everett L P, county surveyor Fiske Iteo 1), real estate and ins agt Fitzgerald Peter, blacksmith Fitzgerald 11 A, aat W U Tel Co FBAZER & CO, tresli meats and live stock, Main FREEMAN F S & CO, hardware and agricultural iin[jleinunts Frost C S, atty at law and notary public Garoutte H, dist atty GASSNER JOHN, l»ropr Craft Hotel Gilmoro Mrs il L, shirt maker GLENDINNING E, confectionery, fruit, etc GOIN G Wi county supt of schools GRANT HUDSON, atty at law and notary public GREENE G W, jewelry and station- ery. Main drey C S, watches and jewelry GRISWOLD C F, stoves and tinware. Main Hofky Mrs P, varieties Harris Frank, hairdresser Hodgen f N, deutist HOEMLEIN E G, carriage and sign painter, cor Mdii and Fourth Holcom \V D, county recorder HOLMES L B, F o :39 • Cff o 3 a' i o 13 e :v 9 5? ca z o Si « Oi r X <■ 3 7 OO LIV O •H o P Ml Oj Pharis S 'Sauruleryl TRIPPI iii!< andl Winkler .J 09 l8 situatedl the eutranl f- C. It iJ present wJ rapid rate! tie over a il "^ a serie/ TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KSNG. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ?.^: iHodPl Commercial CoIIpm or tilt' C'woMt, HiCO PoMt m., H. F. 06 CO c/> CD cue CO a. at : « 9SZ o o P< o Q M OQ •H a California — Woodland-Wrighta. 883 ALPIIABBTICAbLY. TACKNE7 MATT, propr Capital Hotel THEOBALDS W W, propr "Yolo Mail" Thomas C F, notary public, Bank of Woodland TIPTON J E, Woodland Restauraut, meals 25 cts Tobias D & Bro, harness and saddles TORRANCE M H, propr American Exchange Hotel Tucker A W, public administrator Turner & Whitmore, feed and training stable Valentino E, agent Cal P R R Van Diveer W J, photographer Voorhec & Berry, saloon Walker L, postmaster WEAVER ANDREW, blacksmitii and waironmaker WEBB BROS, dry goods, clothin, hats, caps and fiiruisliing goods WEBBER MRS JNO, dressmaker, Main Whittemore & Higginson, druggists WILLIAMS M, Union Bakery. Main Williams Wm, bootmaker WINNE W H. contractor and builder WOOD HENRY B, hardware, agricul- tural implements, paints and oils, Main "WOODLAND DAILY DEMO- ORAT," Wm Sauuders propr V/oodland Gas Works, J Q Brown [>ropr "WOODLAND REPUBLiCA N," Beach Bros proprs Woo-iu \V VV, s.Ui.on "YOLO DEMOCRAT," Wm Saunders propr "Yf- OLO MAIL," ^V W Theobalds propr Zeclior .[no, l)()otmaker Zirker L, tailor LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE, First Street, bet. 'Main and Court, WOODLAND, CAL. THE BEST IIVERY TURNOUTS Kiirnishni on the Shortest Notice. J. B. POCKMAN. Woodside, SAN MATEO COUNTY. Phiiris S P, shingle mill fSaundery A & J N, lumber TRIPP R 0, groceries, hardware, inn •""' postinastor Winkler .lohn, wagonmaker clotli- Wrights, SANTA CLAKA COUNTY, la situated in the Santa Cruz Range, at the entrance of tunnel No. ;i, of tlie 8. P. C. R. R., 18 miles from San Jose. At present writing work is progressing at a rapid rate in this tunnel, which is a lit- tle over a milo in length. It is the last of a series of seven between this place and Santa Cruz. Thi! system, when com- pleted, will represent three and one-half miles of ditliiult boring and is one of the greatest worlcs in America. It is expected tiiat the mad will be in operation to Monterey Bay when tiiis work is pub- limned. C). ii. (:a.stle of the hotel at W'rigiit's will make sacrifices for the comtort of his guests Aram Josopli, agt S P C R R CASTLE B, hotel and saloon CLELAND & CO, (T S Cleland and R H Mowbray,) gen mdso C'omstock Bros, sawmill Lawrence D M, blacksmith Morrel! Bms, sawmill MOWBRAY R H, (Cleland & Co), postmaster Rud S W, Iic-tel Slaughter Thos, hotel Wright J R, hotel m o CO ■a fit »• §8. B.a Si 1: I o S3. C/) CD (/> ■■'■ ■ ■ ' - . 1 H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal.. «?;li»iiT^r«?r^'' W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., W•7.nr;!„^T.r«^i.•^V;'2^rW.V^•^ ;:!.;:!,! ■ 1^ R f!j'. 884 California — Woodland. AI,rlMFFTI(;AU c o E 75 CO c c fd O ■ O o 0. I- WOODLAND, CALIFORNIA. MATT TACKKEV, Proprietor, Largest and Most Centrally located Hotel In the City. NEWLY RENOVATED AND RE-FURNISHED THROUGHOUT. THE BEST of BOARD I ROOMS AT REASONABLE RATES. First-Class Wines, Liquors and Cigars AJT THE B^I^. Free Omnibus To and From all Passenger Trains. 3 CO n CD -J 3 3 » 3 CD 3 o o 3 Q 5* 3 C0 < O CD » cf CD ■ 00 o CD E cd <0 col to (0 <0| V e o (0 o w ei o o (0 ^' (A V e s (0 _» Z ^ O r^ 1- (/} z m u a "0 o c s ;i P) u V c o o 75 ISSUED EVEBY THURSDAY. T>^rms, $3.00 per Annum. 30 -< CO o 3 THE YOLO MAIL Is now in its Eleventh Year, and has gained a front rank among the coun- try papers of the Pacific Coast. u o (0 % (d > t. A o Z O X o z (0 u < ^>S^ A LOCAL PAPER It stands first in Yolo County, and is supported hy all who take a deep iutcroiit in home allaira. The MAIL has a very large circulation in Yolo County, and Advertisers will do well to consult iUi Proprietors before making contracts. Addrev, W. W. THEOBALDS, Woodland, Cal. E H. PALMER & CO., Native Wmes. 302 Uavis Street, S. F. [ ; I t \ m lb i a I i M i f s IL c c IB O ■ o o o s z o < a. h O WUf MOMTAPIIir jL Pn MUovcii and Ransea, 800 differant iliM, itylM Mi4 . ITi IwUWl PUUC OC %t\I,, ,,attorng, 110, 112, 114, llfl »nd 118 Battery St., B. r. 886 California — Yankee HUl-Yountville. ALPHA BBTICALLY. Yankee Hill, BUTTE COUNTY. Forty-nine and Fifty-six Quartz Mine Miller Bros, butchers Sugar Pine Lumber Co Venus Quartz Mine WELLS M H, gen mdse and postmaster Yankee Jim's, PLACER COUNTY. DONELINMW, postmaster Doneliii Timothy, gen mdse Hurleman Jnhu, hotel Lord David W, carpenter Orr Diivitl, saloon Scliultz [>avid, pen muse Trafton Chas, pliysician Yocumville, SISKIYOU COUNTY. FYFIELD J T P, gen mdse and post m:ister Orcutt A, sawmill Yolo, YOLO COUNTY. BORACHJ, Kcnmdse BRADSHA W R M, bootmaker Bryan .In<>, saloon CLARK J, physician Cramer Fiouis, market DODGE E 0, gen mdse Button Oscar, tinner Fox (i W, saloon GREEN GEO, saloon GRIFFITH & BURKE, ngts Randall rulverizing Harrow and Warrior Mower Kast Henry, blacksmith and wagon- maker Knight Leonard, hotel Krause Fred, saddler Mering S N, flour mills Mullen M F, agt Northern Railway, W, F & Co and W U Tel Co PETTIT ASA, blacksmith and wagon- maker Powers J W, saloon ReidJno D. hotel WHERRT G F, postmaster, grain and storage WHERRT & SAFFORD, gen mdse Yo Semite, MARIPOSA COUNTY. Bernard John K, hotel and postmaster Flores M, laundry Drew Colville, meat market Harris A, gen mdse Hedges Marcus, livery stable Kinney & Hro, livery stable Ijcidig Frederick, hotel May Ali)ert, carpenter Sinning Adolph, cabinet maker Smith & Hayes, saloon and baths Snow Albert, hotel Steamiu & Son, livery stable and agt W, F & Co Tiscornia A, gen mdse o -< You Bet, NEVADA COUNTY. Barker W C, mining claim BroM 11 <} S, milling claims Kastern Mining Co, A (J Turner agt Hankins C H, mining claim Hunsen .lolin, saloon .leffers Frank, mining claim .Tones W H, milling claims Kiiiuht H, mining claims and water ditches Lawrence & .Jordan, mining claims McDonnell D, mining claim and water ditch Meyers Henry, mining claim Poor Bros, milling claim Siiell & .lordan, gen milse Staley A J, mining claim Yountville, NAPA COUNTY, A small town of about fSO inhabitants, 48 miles from San Francisco and 10 from Napa, on the California Pacific IX. R., siipportetl iiy agriculture. Allan .lohn, bootmaker Davis J R, butcher firiftin F, justice of peace (iroe/inger (J, wine manufr Haskiii D C, station agt Cal P R II and agt W, F & Co Howe Nelson, blacksmith and wagou- maker Huff J, saddler .Jolinson R I & J W, hotel Lambert C, gen mdse McDonald D W, liquors McGillis H, blacksmith and wagon- maker Moore S D, soap manufr 09 B O o a en a' o •a "a i. (D 1 O B W CD 0) c TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumaner & Co., •'SSWv^rr BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Piwticnlly tanzht nt P.%€IKtr nrHI. Calif umia — Yountville- ^^reka. 887 ArPIIAIIKTICAlUY. CO •0 S CO e» etc Patterson J, tinware, pumps, etc J. otts Thos, blacksmitn Uttiug H N, hotel Treka, SISKIYOU COUNTY, Is ono of the oldest and most important places in that section of the State, the town-site having been laid out as early as ISiil. The richness of the placer dig- gings at that time brought the locivlity into favorable notice, antl consequent on the announcements of "rich finds the papulation increased with remarkable rapidity. It is on the line of the Over- land .Stage road, 1 15 miles from Redding, situated in the Shasta valley, on the west bank of Yreka creek, whose supply of water is sufiiuienc; to drive the ma- cliinery of the State, and which contains some of the finest fish in tlie world. Its mines are still being profitably worked, and the pursuit of stock-raising is en- gagetl in. it is the nniin point of sup- plies for that region, the county seat, tlie head-cjuarters of the Overland Stfij;e Co., and contains a population of '2,WM Allen C, harbor Antenrieth & Co.propra Yreka O as Works Bratten C, gen mdsu Brown Mrs H, groceries BURROWS A H. ;,''neral agent Cal & (*r.'f;w & Sanderson proprs, W S Stone supt CARRICK E, blacksmith and agricul- tural inipk'inents Clarkson J, blacksmith Cleland & Ijchnors, gen mdse Cooley Wm, county coroner and public administrator BeWitt Elisha, county assessor DeWitt R O, druggist DUElfKEL H, saloon Foil .lohn, meat niarkot FRANCO AMERICAN HOTEI.Tohn B Kohrcr & Co propr Fried (1, livery (iillis H B, (list atty Hager .1 , shoemaker H.OI^SEN J, photographer. Miner Harvvood S S, physician Herzog C\\u^ Jr, meat market Heybrook D, furniture and notions IFFLEND MRS C. millinery luuker Chas, Bella Union Saloon JACKSON G S & BRO, furniture, pic ture frames, mouldings and upholstery JENSEN & RILEY. United Stat-s Bakery and cracker manufr Kessler Joseph, gen mdse King F J, gen mase Kinir W H, physician Klinge Mrs A, |^en mdse Lash D N, sheriff and tax collector LAWTON & SKINNER, iron works and planing mill MAIRS THOS. merchant tailor MARTIN & IRWIN, livery and feed stable McManus P F, gen mdse MILLER HUGO, stoves and tinware Miner M, gen mdse Morse H A, county school supt Myers M, tailor NJ^RBASS & HARMON, black- smiths and wagonmakers, agricultural implts and hardware Nichal A, livery NIXON R, propr "Oregon Journal" Nordheiin < 1 A, srunsmith "OREGON JOURNAL," (weekly) R Nixon editor and propr Owens .1, boot and shoemaker Paine A E. jeweler and watchmaker Pitsberg .r, cigars and tobacco Potters Chas, saloon Poland P, watchmaker Kammers .lohn H, furniture Uaynes A E, postmaster Kayuus & Pyl*'. furnishing goods and clothincr RANOUS E, carpenter l{i!Miifr M, saloo.i REPP H, blacksmith Kice .1, county clirk, recorder, auditor IJichards A D, restaurant RIDDLE J W, contractor and builder and saloon Riniie F, harness and saddles ROGLER FERNANDO, druggist Slicarer E, atty at law Steele Elijah, superior judge Stiinmel H E, stoves and hardware STONE W S, general supt Cal & Oregon Stage Co SWAN S, groceries and agricultural im- plements ' Tcsh D, saloon Vance & Wall)rid!:e, gen mdse Varniim L H, county surveyor WADSWORTH E H, bunker, agt VV, F & Co and insurance Wallis W J, agt \V U Tel Co Watson W E, watchmaker Western Union Telegraph Co, office Wetzel A, barbjr AVinckler A, gen mdse Young T, saloon Yreka Oas Works, Antenreith & Co proi»rs "YREKA UNION," (weekly) J Bird pub and editor O a> 3 3^ 4 Si w (22 'ft 1 1 l-'.) •♦ ! Mm ■I ' i|H ;^H OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER it CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. WU/ MinNTARIIP A rn t*hrrt Iron, all lllx«« and I«ainb«ni, ll«, . W. nlUlll AbUC a bll.. M lU > O (0 ft o ■I z < €0 o u u CO z < S o 3 ft i]| ft 111 »- X < I- d ■ o III o 888 California — Yreka. Ai.piiAHrrriGAi.i.T. CALIFOHmA AKB OUm STAGE LINE BARLOW & SANDERSON, Proprietors. o DailylifleflfFouri Six Horse Coacte IJETVVKEN ROSEBURG, Oregon and REDDING, Cal, MAKING CLOSK CONNECTIONS WJTH Trains of C. P. R. R., at Redding, and 0. & C. R. R. at Roseburg. Speed, Safety and Comfort Assured. Passengers have chuice of Scott Mountain and Sacramento River Route between ReJding and Yreka, Cal. ALSO, Daily Lino of Stages between Redding arul VV^eaverville, Cal. W. S. STONE, Gen1 Sup't. A. H. BURROWS, Gen'l Agent, Yreka, Cal. m m 30 CO o ta a (A •s CD a. "n ■ 09 n CD O CD (/) CD* o o 3 CD s o' 3 CD :* 00 •Ik w (A ■0 o 3. 3 a O 1 a o ' 3 a, WACHHORST. importer of je'^^tel^yVolim^ua-. 315 J St., Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Opi».rnIon«nn«re.N.F. Rook. ■'^^"'^*»*» ww*.^i.Mfa| kaciilntf, PeiinmiiMhl|). TalcunMilyy. Calif omia — Yuha City-Miscellaneoua. AMMIAniCTIVAbliV. 889 I o e (0 in e u o 2 e o 00 (d (A V o JZ en c (0 0) i M aw I* Sa • • I 9 i O ss. CO i; a- 1 ( i !i '''1 '','1 r| ■■?![ in? 11 IL ■ CO i c n I o . WW. WIUWIMUUC PC UUm |,utt^m«. I in. 112. "14. 116 »nd 118 Battery St:, g.r. 890 Calif wnia — M'lHcellaneoua, AI.PIIAHRTICALLY. *M1ET liIJSI€. «tat^*^« (0 CD T3 (0 O o o a z S o < Q. I- O A. BRUENN, 91 1 Washin^on S-reet, Oakland, Cal. General Affency for tlie ('elobrated SOHMEK I o s nl e 9\ AND AdKNT FOR STEINWAY & SONS, EARNEST CABLE, KRANICH AND !3ACH, HALL -ANU- SMITH AMERICAN ORGANS. Sheet Music iind Musical Goods a sjxicialty. Latest Music furiiishecl nn application. 2^'/''Seiid for Price List and Catalogue. A. BRUENN, 91 I Washington St. TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. RII^INF^Q PFNMAN^HIP Prartlmlly tHiisht at PAriPIO lirML California — Miscdlaneous. 891 ALPIIAnRTICAI.I.Y. CO 00 CO CO a. '.1 p ■ c (L c '5 c 3 Ik (8 I. (£ (0 (0 ■ h I GILROY ADVOCATE, F. IF. BLAKE, Proprietor, (ESTABLISHKl) 1808), Gilroy, Santa Clarrx County, California. Published in a flourishing Agricultural locality, has a large ciroula* tion, and is an EXCELLENT MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING. s RATES REASONABLE. All Kinds of Job Work Neatly Executed. THE HOLUSTER ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, — AT — HoUister, San Benito County, California. THE ENTERPRISE will be rcndablu, inturcstiii!;, and devoted to the material interests of th« coiiiiuunily in which it is publiHlied. Subscriptions Itespcctfully Solicited, RATES OF SUUSCUIP'riON : One year, payable in advance $3.oo We have a new Quarto Metlium Nonp ircil Job Press, and other New Material, and are prepared to do Job Printing of all Kinds^ IN THE NEATEST MANNER. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Posters, Proj^rammes, Circulars, Cards, and All Zinis of Plain and Ornamental Printing. . JOHN MvGONlCiKii:, Proprietor. H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. it \ J '. If i; i !■; ,'!■ ill 1:; ': ■ ii iM \i :!..', L*; ll> ■' ''i ■' 1 ■ B ; M w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., ''t^^^rrn«Trtrr^Siy"s!?^^t'V¥^ B[ urn ;•:■ IL ■ CO i c '(Q p IS > c o E 75 w ■g c c (0 O ■ O o o 2! Z o < a o z H H 3 O 892 California — MiacellaneotLS. ALPnABRTICALLY. THE — OF- JACKSON, AMADOR COUNTY, CAL., PUBLISHED EYERY WEDNESDAY BY TURNER & SANBORN, PUBLISHERS AND rUOl'BIETOBS. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN AMADOR COUNTY. CIRCULATION 900 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $3.00 H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac $ ■ 1 TI ^H « — 3 ■ ^ H H a ^H ;o a ^^^1 m' n rr I S *^^' ^^1 O ■ » CO 30 ^H H r- H S Firsf. ^H M 2 ^H P ■ £1^ s H ■ l^J ltf ■1 ^1 03 H O ■ 2 1 '•§ !:< W I ^ Thf ■n I m 1 1 pojml s ingm ing foi m J" 500 (0 1 ^ ^ 2 I <^ ^t3 ^ 1 ^ a H t! e I n 1 ^ Frii o H Rl 1 iU. 3 1 "* ^1 ■ ^ o 1 1 ^ m. O o Tourists 3 z 9 o O 3 (D »ffeiit8 fo "1 s o W Jrocer 3" t- Cro:: O •8 C lothing, r 1 .» ^ 1 OLOP BII^INE^^ PFNAIAN^HIP Pnw'tlrally tancht at PACIFIC BITMT. i tf ftf (A 0) to California — Miscellaneous. AT,I'IIARKTinAI,I-Y. 893 0) e o (0 75 (A JOHN F. GRATER, - - - - PROPRIETOR. OOHDUOTBD ON THE SUROPEAH AND AMERICAN PLAN. First-class in every respect. A three-story brick, fire-proof building. All modern improvements and best family hotel in Sonoma County. AM BlMIf # i^M$ ROBERT SHAW, Proprietor, EHtabliNhed 1S71. IIOLLISTER, CAIi. 00 o z o H C0 o X •0 Tho Advance is upon a good foumlatioii, well conducted, and a popular paper in its locality. The locality is one of the most flourish- ing in the Stat ', making the Advance an excellent medium of advertis- ing for business men. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. CONNECTS MORNING AND AFTERNOON, Fm San Francisco =,ft San JMfl 86r stages Daily to and from Hollister. «^(r Tourists ought to visit .San Juan, it bcin .; an old and beautiful town with a lovely climate. MACLAY & MOFFITT, AjenU for Baker & Hamilton, San Francisco Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Hartee Grocery Wars, Dry Goods, Clothing, Drugs, and Patent Medicines, Paints, DyeH, Etc. SAN FERNANDO, Los Angeles Co., Cal. CEO. WEBER'S Yolo Saloon, DAVISVILLE. The Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A FINE BILLIABDITABLE. ; ?. S % Hi I Hi P ra "'M' Ml <- OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F, , ■ I ■ m I:.- mk.3'^'^- ' 1 tih' w I; i; m •if'' liu a CO ■k c Z p o Z s > m c o E "a (0 T3 C C (Q o d 5 WW MONTARIir A t\(\ tSli«'«'t iron, all SIzeH and Hiambrni, no. . W. mUW I MtaUC « l/U., 118. 114. no, and US Mati^ery «♦., ». F. 894 California — Miscellaneous. ALPHABKTICAijLY. TO 1?^nEi MRS. JOHN WEBBER, AT THK %VHITi: HOVSE, Has just received the Latest Spring Style Patterns, And is ]>re])ared to make Dresses on short iintic'e and at reasunat)Ie rates. Dresses (Jut, Fitted and Made, and satisfaction warranted. WertdiiiK OutiitM a Specialty. I am constantly in reoeij)t of advanced pat- terns for seasonable styles, and employ none but the very best nssistaiieo to do the work. H. Jl. GODFREY, DKALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, I1EI7SS MD HOTIOIS, At Lowest Prices for Cash. LIVE OAK. CAL. C. CROSBY JR., Dealer in General Merchandise, Centreville Station, N. F. H. B., Lewis County, Wash. Ter. C. W. COPELAND, DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, CONPECTIONEIiY AND FRUIT. ALSO, looks, Sta.tioiieF7 mi Fancj- 4rti:cle9. Main St., Le.mookk, Cal. S. T. BURTON, I)i:,\lvKK IN COUNTRY PRODUCE L')Ujjl»t and Hold on Commission or taken in -rxchanue lor .lOods, s, BOOTS AND SHOES, lats, Hardware, Crackery, Gracsries, I'AINT.S AND OILS, Yankee Notions, Fancy Goods. &c. A<,'*'nt for all kinds of .\<>iRIC'UliTlIKAIi IMI>LRnEXT!4, Siorraville, Sierra Valley. N. COLOMBO, Dealer in ALL KINDS OF FISH, Pickled and Salted Salmoii, Sardines. Etc. GRAND OPERA MARKET Mission Strcit, bet. Third and Fourth, Sun Fraii«'iH ^H r- ^H H ^H -< ^H ?4 H hi ^s ^1 -a< h ^1 So H 'f? s ■ h FAY H £g Jucl>c ■ .|; iiates 9? ■ ^S HAB (D ■ 4 Boyd e* ^1 CO B » Af o ■ J^ •. 3 , 1 oiins ' iSiintoa 7f ^H C 1 l!w(l J ^1 H GOAD o ■ ^ DURS ^ 3 1 & 1 (See lua ^ 1 ^ Reiii O o 1 Agm 3 I ^ AGI D 1 ki •a H ■ Q) Cahon ■ Jl Diivis J' o ^H liinu'cnl •a ^H GAt.TI Murphv CD ■ a WRTrj ■ K gran: -1 ■ ^ CASS, J z O ■ J: haWl ■ V iiuhli.ird a ^B reillI o SWADfl 0) ^V inters 1 r 0) R h BlGELoi PC" R ferklI C) < |»i a TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM! KING. K. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. The Model Comniprclal Collexe or the f^oast, .T^O Poi^t St., ». F. ABS California. CLAHSII'IRD. AOR 895 ^1 ;| ess 1? li £2 I I OQ c a CALIFORNIA. (CLASSIFIED.) See also, List of Towns Received too Late for Regular Inseortioo. ABSTRACT OFFICES. ! «mith & Baxter. Gilroy hcliwartz B, (irani;eville FAYMONVILLE BERNARD, Fresno! KNAPP R I, (manufr patent side- Jud>on (iillette & (Jibson, Los Angeles hill plows), Half Moon Bay Bates & Hamilton, Merced OppunlicinKT & Co, Han ford HARKNESSED, Oroville SHARP CHAS & CO, Boyd John B, San Diego MYLEg 'W C, Jersey Landing GILROY L, Lenioore ADVERTISING AGENTS, comegys black & co, Livermore Oakland IKsJeys 1* L', (a-l works), " " I CLUfF & SMITH, Lodi San Jose Frank Bros, TjOS Angeles Stockton GIESE HENRY, Woodland Hanna F(i, " I Si'ynMur & (Jo, " RiEDFIELD T, Madera I WHITE, COOLEY & CUTTS, (See Insurance Agents. Railroad Agents, JSLirysville Heal Fstate Agents and Telegrapli WIGHTMAN& HAMPTON, c/> rounstoue A L, iSantos J, Ueod iniiott, GOAD & SHERWIN, DURSTON FRANK, AGENTS. J a (0 £ a (3 Agents.) AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS. (See also Hardware.) Cahen Hippolyte, Davis P & uro, Langoiiberger A, GALTESPAUL, Murpliy ■! .1, WEILL BROS, Wlierltr (ico \\, TITUS SAMUEL, GRANT, LULL & CO, CASS. JAMES &C0. HAWLEY M C & CO, Hul.l);inl & Karl!, REILLY& HUBBARD, SWAIN C B, SHAW ISAAC E, Winters .1 1>, (derricks), GOLJ}MAN M, KocIk r .; OLCESE d GARABALDI, Simon, .laci'lw & Co, Buisie Jas, I'crkius Isaac, WoO'l & Turner, AnahoinJ CLARK AG&CO, ,, Kdwarils S & Co, Merced Modesto Napa Bakerstield Biggs Cand)ria Cayucas Ciiieo North San Juan Oakdale Orange Cloverdale Davis Downey City Mcnncr & W'liito, KERR JOHN S, Beach .los, McClelland a h, CORDY GEORGE H, Oroville BARTNETT D G, I'acheco DALTON H M, (Pachcco Plow works), " BAUER L, Tetaluma Vohiutiuc it Manassp, Ked Biutl" GILL A M, llohnerville KEEHNER CHAS, (harrows), Hoseville Neher & Co, (harrows), " BAKER & HAMILTON, Sacramento .- FRANKEL BROS, - . -. ^ BIGELOW C E, (plow manurr)j:ureka BATCHELOR, VAN GELDER (J) BUHNS H H & CO, " I & CO, (manufrs for Pac Coast of C I FERNEALE GRANGE BUSI- spring tooth harrows and cultiva- NESS ASSOCIATION, Forndalc _ t'JI^l 'I'sojl^'ilt-rs in agl impts), to DONAHOO J M, EINSTEIN LOUIS & CO. KUTNER « GOLDSTEIN, Fresno BATES GEO & CO, HAWLEY MARCUS C & (Fred Dassonviile manager), CO. -< CO o z o CO 03 CO a U3 • Pi it bS. n'* » aw ra I ^a |a =1 r (■a m h Mi '^•'m % I 1 m i ? ! : > 1 1 I ■1 i'?) I t! V. H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^'VlS^frrir" '"^*^-?"-*? ?'-"»'r^^ '-'«• ( /'f CO i c n S 2 S & > » c o E To CO c c O ■ o o o z S o < Q. H O IKi, and UN llaUory Hi., t».V. 896 AGR California. CI.AHSIFIRn. ART Holtnan, Stanton & Co, Sncramento KLEES JOHN & CO, (manufrs of Nash & Cutts' gmin aepanitor), " Nash H D & Co, (manufrd of grain cleaners), " KETTLEWELL J £ & SON. St Helena DREW H I, San Bernardino HAILE SMITH, Koe & Osbvirne, " Tittle \Vm S, BAKER F W JR, San Buenaventura CHAFFEE & McKEEBY. Einstein & liernheim, " (lordon & Hazzard, San Diego Hamilton & Co, STEINER, KLATJBER & CO, (Siui Francisco office 312 Sac st), " Miicliiy & Moflitt, San Fernando Alvord Henry B, Sun Jose AUZERAIS & FOMEROT, BULL GEO, HORTON E J,fagt Osborne & Co), OSBORNE D M, TABER ORRIN, SWEEPSTAKE PLOW CO, (plows, F A Hill supt), Man Leandro Smyth Henry, San Lorenzo 60LDTREE BROS, San Lnis Obispo (jildmacher L & D, Edwjirds & Boeske, COPE W T, THOMPSON Q W, Bo we 11 S B, CONDIT J H & CO, HUMPHREY T G, Long E (), MARSTERS E J, (threshing ma chines*, " MATTESON &:WILLIAMSON, (mnnufrs), " Nichols & Horton, " PACIFIC AGRICULTURAL WORKS, (Lissenden G & Co pro- prietors), Shiiw H C, (manufrs), HOLLY SIDNY B, Stony Point Diivis Howell, Sycamore SIMPSON JOHN, Tehama DOUGLASS BROS & CO, Visviia Stevens & Wilcox, SWEET S & CO, CRIBB E C. Freeman & Klemmer, FREEMAN F S & WOOD HENRY B, GRIFFITH & BURKE, (apt Ran- dall's pulverizing harrow and War- rior mower), Yolo CARRACK E, Yreka SWANL, Santa Ana Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Santa Kosa Stockton <( APIARISTS. Ely P, Fox Chas, HILL & DEAN, La »alle Chas, Stone L, Crannel Nicholas Smith B, Alesworth J W, Bosserman S, Cox A W, Harbison J S, Fall Brook «i Lompoc «• Mt Fair view San Dicguito Silverado Slack's Canyon . Viejas APOTHECARIES. (See Druggists. ) ARCHITECTS. Walnut Creek Willows CO, Woodland Cox R S, Folsom W D, Beers W J, Buchmnan S IT, DAVIS CHAS W, Kysor & Hennessy, B.ibson & Seadler, Day Clint m, (ruthbertson W J, Kirk Wm, Man Chas, Mathews J C & Son, Stokes W, SOVEREIGN GEO W, Ackermuun & Hunter, Schnyder A P, Clark J no J, COOK A A, GOODELL N D, HAMILTON W H, PEARSON A W, (rash John, (Joddrioh L, LEUZEN THEO, McKEE J 0, Nixon Thomas, lieaslcv C, ROBINSON JERRY, Seadler James, Alameda College City Fresno LoB Angeles Oakland Oroville Petaluma Pleasant Urove Sacramento San Jose Santa Barbara) Stockton If West Oakland ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. REED ROBERT, StcpheuBou G A, Oakland Sacramento ARTISTS. (See also PhoUigmphers,) GRAY S A, B<-"i' Bradford H L, Bebee Follen, Brucnn Henry H, Bush Richard, Bsdid Oakland 0) 3 a. 3 O O o 3 CD a S" 3 CD -J •< » 3" O CD* (/) J» CD* CD o' X o 00 "0 o O O 3 PA( e' AIlm( P Bush lal C«1lrn or tito rniiMt, meo Pant Mt.. H. K. ART California. CLA88inKD. ATT 897 E rt u c in r" (0 o e o 0) Allmond Miss Katie, Sacramentu Bush Noitcin, " JACKSON WF, SMIi'H a£0 D, (artists' materials), " WoodiDH, Font U C, Santa Barbara Miller 0, Stockton ASSAYERS. LUTHER T M & CO. SOD£B.LINa A, Burlinghan N D, Woodhull S D, Goldsworthy John, Edly & Shaw, B ikcr P Y, Puck* y C O, BICHARD TOM, Ott James, Craig Josuph, Beud John, Mack A, Bodie Garden Valley Independence Los Angt les Mummoth City Minenil Kin, Monitor Mount Bullitm Nevada (.'ity tjan Bernardino t( Visalia ^ ti ir Vi o a (D o (/) £ V ^ (D ♦- O O" iX «< u o (0 (D ^ a. 1 Cfl 1 0) ra 1 E o 1 ce X 1 •1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. (See also County Officers.) Adiii Alaniud^ t CO u o »- z S.3 3 C •8 rarkes J W, BYLEa W P, l-.Usworth John, Browiier J C, Alturas Uollcinan J, Skinner J VV, Turner E, Miintgcniery Victor, Anahi iin Scott ii W, " Ciuiksh.uik Jas T, Antioch W'olcott Oliver, V,.ugliaa C L M, Arlmckle DEMING B Areata ll.p^insUW, Biilloik W H, Auburn Lruig E L, Fitoli J Ives, Fiilweiler J M, lliile J E, li.'iviiiit'in Joe, Kiuki .io .1 T, LARliNER W B, Sp..i r D W, Ar.cic U ]•;, Bakersfiold C.lt.y 1' T, fow^iill C C, FREEMAN J W, llar.lsou John A, RAOilES THOillAS. SMITH GEO YENABLE, Wilcox J. u> W, BearValloy Smith EC, Buckwiti LYNCH JOHN, H^m. i. MLNER LB, EMMSON D L & L H, Berkeley CAUNDDfT FRANK k\ lt'«i;'^ Drake F V, Furguson R D, G orham Geo C Jr, (ireeley J L, Hetzel Selden, liove & Whilehill, McDonald O C, McQuaid J A, Mirier RS, Red.ly P, Ryan T P, STEPHENS T A. Davis & Murphy, Whitman G N, Batts (ieorge, Hill E K, Kains'vT.T, TURNER J N, Hnxley T C, GIFFORD A J, HENSHAW PARK, Ludk F C, Spurr Daniel F, Grecnrv Henry S, BAYNE RICHARD, DEUEL J C, DYAS & BRIDGFORD, FRAZIER WM. GOAD. ALBERY & GOAD, GOAD W F. HARRINGTON JOHN T, HART & MeKAIG, HART T J HATCH JACKSON, M-KAIG W W, Swiiiford E, Wharton J F, fihinshaw W R Sr, Henry Samuel H, Aiken Charles, S[>;.l:ibiiry liklgar, Ku'X & Kisten, WELLS GEO S. Hollaway J B, Williams — , Aiulersoii Frank. Cowdun D H, David^iin S B, Farley M, Osgood li FI, Sniitli S A, Sow I 111 !-' D, PREWETT J E, N'niL'vanl \j, lUiid J I", Camp C K, nrmiilid.lW H. l$iuk S M, CHAMBERLAIN J D H, Dol-avoii J J, Bodie Bridgeport <> Brownsville Cambria Centreville Chico It II Cloverdale Colton Colnsa it i( (« it ti u (( u II u Cosumne Dec )to De Redwood De Redwood Dixon 11 Downey City II Downieville ])i Us. I U B, HANNA JAMES, HANNA & STECK, 57 as CO T CO xa P» 3 la 3< 'i Dutch FItt it Etna Eureka St ?: K h J ^1 OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. W- f 1 iH ! ?l IL CO i c ■ o Z ■> 0) (0 o S ■> «) 3 IL c (0 O ■ O o c z s o < I- O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., '^^Tttr.nT^i^'^l^f'rt^i.lfVR' 898 ATT California. CIiAflSIKlBD. ATT Kniglit a A, MEXENBY J M. Eureka StjflFordCG, II STECX JAMES F, Tompkins G VV, II II WEAVER J H 0, II WILSON E W, II Dart Miirtin, Elk Grove Dixon Alfred, II BUCKLES A J, B-airfield Coghlan R, II DdBBINS A J, II Lamout Geo A, II M cKenna Joseph, II Wendell & Kelley, ■ 1 McElvoyJM, Felton HART P F, Ferndale Crosftt W C, Folsom Sullivan PM, ii Green It S, B'ort Jones Reyn lids I A, II Bichman & Reynolds, i' Creed & Edwards, Fresno Dixon H S, II Grady W D, 11 (iriffith E J, II TUPPER H C. II TUPPER WALTER D, II VAUGHAM & HARRtS. Winchell E C, II J'erris Jainea, Gait Crawford E L, Georgetown Hoey P F, Gilroy Hoover W W, • < TULLY T B, ti Blakey G D, Grass Valley Burrows A, (1 DIBBLE & KITTS, If RIDGE A J, <( ROBERTS E W, n Taylor Cornelius, n (ioodchild C W, Guatlaloune BIRDSALL SAMUEL T, Half Moon Bpv ABBOTT RUFUS, Hanfoni BABGOCK M S, 1 1 RUSSELL J, Hay wards Williams Benj, it Emerson J P, Heald8l)ur>' Moreland W W, *i Norton Ij A, If Rose J W, 1 f Sw.in W G. ft VauL'hu E K, If BRIOGS & HAWKINS, HoUister Protlicrton 11 l\, If II..y .1 J, ft Lw W G, 1* McC'roskfy P 15, (f Peiuiet & MoiFat, Independence Brii.'^s II M If Conklin A R, f 1 MolKitS P, II Independence Reddy — , Reddy & Conklin, Hunt SH, Cunningham E, Dudley C 'J, Brown A C, Camiuetti A, Eagon J A, Farley T, Hall E S, Lamar J B, Moore Geo, Penry Silas, Phelps T J, Porter J M, Slade Thos P, Whipple H E, PoaKe S C, Crawford Wooda, Elliott J ^V, McCarty A P, Noel A E, Smythe J L, Wclsn & Britt, Turner J W, Gray W A, Jacobs J, Jacobs J Jr, Merriam C C, AUBURY ELLIOTT, Lindley Curtis H, LOVE M P H, HENNING J P, Pond C E, Allen W W, Austin II C, Bareay & Wilson, Bell Horace. Biekuell & White, Blanchurd J H, Brossenu Julius, BROWN THOMAS B, BURNSON & WELLS, Cabot (J, Chapman R II, I Hi ValloR K, DOBINSON GEO A, l>o()ii <;oa8t, »«0 PoNt Ht.. N. F. ATT California. CI.ASRIFIKD. ATT 899 09 El col Lo8 Angeles < o o (^ hi HOWARD FAANK H, Howard J G, Hubbell S O, HUTTON A W, Judaou A H, EDTOAJ. LEE HT, LOS ANGELES BAR ASSOCIA TION, (W DeBuxton lib), Mansfield John, Mitchell H M, Murray David, O'Melvtfny H K S, FATTONGEOS, RAMIREZ F F, Kussell W H H, Sentt Jonathan R, SMITH & BROWN, Smith Thomas H, Ste^ihens Wm D, Stephenson Walter D, Stump J W, Thorn & Stephens, Thompson John S, Trantum <), Warner J J, WHITE C, White tSttnjheu M, WHITNEY B C, Wicks AWicks, WIDNEY R M, Miiuson D H, Hodgess John, REOFIELD T, Bennett Paul W, Bequette & Snedon, McQuaid Jno, Heddy P, Tubbs L E, licvnolds A, BOWIE GW, Mills & Junes, Ashford L .1, AYERLB.(land) BELCHER EDWARD, BELCHER IS, BLISS SM. (.'iunpbell W L, CRABDOCKJH. i D.ivid K A, 1 Fuller & liowser, MURPHY W G, i SINGER WM J, (lan.l) SWEZY CHAS E, (land), Wallace J, Mayfield Gardner VV C, Merced (iii-'s .Silas, " Jackniau E, " Law John K, Udhertson John W, " Ward 11 H, Wiggiuton P D, Carr Francis, Millville Lower Lake Loyalton Madera Mammoth City Mariposa Martinez Marysville Mokelumne Hill (< Monterey Napa Nevada City Oakln nd OneallJ, Millville Coldwell Thomas A, Modesto Fitzpatrick C B, " Johnson & Hazen, " Maddux & Simmons, " SCHELL & TREAT, STONE E T, Turner Wm E, WRIGHT G C, Boucher W K, TIBBITS F, WILLEYRH. Crouch & Johnson, Henning W F, HULL A J, Pond J E, (Steerc & llobiuson, TowleGW, Caldwell J 1, HUFF GEO S, Johnson & Cross, " Long W I), '• SEARLS. NILES & SEARLS, " Walling J M, STIDGER JAMES, North San Juan Stidger OP, " ADAMS H L & GO, Biearby Frank J, BROWN HIRAM F, Carr L T, (.'astello Aestas E, Foote W W, FOWLER W W. French W H Vtilcrest 8 F, Glasscock J K, Classcock W H, GRAHAM W H. Hamilton \', HARRISON M B, Havens J V, JENHS C G, Langau G W, Lawton Israel, Leake H A, LEWIS W GEO, M;irt;ii James C, McCallum J ('<, MoDANIEL D J, McFaddenB, McKee Robt L, Metcalf (ieo D, MILLER & SMITH, Mdutgiiniery Zach, Moore A A, NYE STEVEN G, FLUNKETT J C, REDMAN R A, RICHARDSON J B, 'I'erry Chester N, Tnttle C A, VAN VOORHIES WILLIAM, VROOMAN & DAVIS, .-• ij % ,^ PURE PORT WINE, for Heliciiial PorDOses. 302 Davis St., S. F. WW MflNT ACIIF A Hfl Sto^*** •■> o E w c c O ■ o o o < D. o P h O 900 AIT California. ATT CIiAHBiriRD. Oakland i< 4t t< tl Orlimd Oroville Watt Thomaa, Webster E J, Whitney G E, Wi,'gin Marcus P, YTJLE JOHN, Nichiils & Hulburt, BURT & HAMILTON, BURT J M, OALE JOHN, GRAY & OALE, Jom-sAF, Lott Chas F, REARDAN & FREER, l^iui^an John, Ortigalito Markhnm H H, Pasadena Bliss Win D, Petaluma Congdon Jos W, FARQUAR C S. Geary T J, HASKELL W B, Kelley (J (;, Li))])ett E S, MUNDAT CHAS F, I'o.irce (ieorgo, i SEATON D M, SHATTUCKFW. WELLS THOMAS H, Blanihaid Geo G, Ph^cerville Dean J E, (l.-md), GallanorG W, Irwin C'hiia F, KENNADY A J, LIKENS WW, Squires ();i4den, PALMER JR, rieasantou Mills I ,r, Pomona To.n..rPC, IJeiiil 11 (', Portervilk Dodson N n, Poway Morse LG, Point Area; CIoukIi & Kfllogg, Quiiicy Spalding (ii'o ,S, " (JoodvMti.T 1), Hn-an ]•: T, V ,.g-r W \V, ' ui i; II F, " SHURST & BAYNARD, Red Biud ANKS JEROME, C.HIPMAN& GARTER, D.rSliidds K.1, ELTISON J F, MATLOCK J f. l\\V. \v. NUTTING H N, KoHs ( J G, K.iulcy It G, CVuiw.iy K, Barmnii W S, AIEXANDERDE, ANDERSON W A, AFMSTRONGJW, BATES GEO E, Brown I S, Redwood City I»ivcr.id( RoIiikTViHl' iSacramonto Sacramento 14 II If <( l< II l< II II II II BROWN WBC, Bruuer Elwood, CADWALADERGEO, Cmtwell W B,* CAREY JNO T, CATLIN & HAMBURGER, Clark & Venable, CLUNIETHOSJ.; Coggiiis P H, Counts J P, CROSS SAMUEL. CURTIS & CLTWIE, CURTIS N GREENE. Dodgtl )n F (J, Dufty JohnH, Dunlap & Vanfleet, Edgerton Henry, FREEMAN AC, FREEMAN & BATES, Gi'oi'ue Wilhur F, HANNAN P, Hart A L, H.'iyinoud & Allen " HINKSON ADD C, HULL S SOLON, HOPPER P J, JOHNSON D, (land), JOHNSON GROVE L, JONES C T, Ktlior W B G, " MARTIN ED M MARTIN & JONES, McFARLAND & FARR, (land and mine) " MclCine J H, Manning A, '' O'BRIEN M S G, ROBINSON EDWARD I, Taylor LS, " Tuhlis & Cole, " TUBES J C, VanMwtWC, WALLIS JOSEPH, WARING CHAS A, Welty 1) W, WHITE CLINTON L, WYMAN C H, (la-ul and mine), " YODNG & YOUNG, I5.I ni;in T, Salinas City CUTTER SAMUEL L, DODCJE & CLIPPERTON, UORN N A, GEILSF, Gregory & Sluploy, " PARKER W MR, Soto K M F. " SWINNERTON S M, WALL J A, WEBB & WALL. Wo. dside P K, H; rp Benton, i{<(hlick.l B, REED JUDGE IRA H, II i< Son Andreas m m ao (A 8» CB O (D M O o a SHE] S WIL S WILJ § CfiAS » CIe\-f>|J ft CONld 1 G.iteivJ HITCJ ^ ''"tdii; I: LEAQ TiUceI PAINI smitI ^V^alkerk StepJienJ ■ArcJier r •Arques , I R.irkf'r .1 benseI buokI 2 J-rossett I M HINDS 1 * Leil) s {?] J I^vell M^i {f «'e Jas ^* ^«Ione J H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac SHMd o 3 A O a $ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. "•• .■TJKlSv'Wtn.R'r-'.':'" ATT Cal'iprrnia. CI.AB. IKIBD. ATT 901 San Andreas San Benardino i( II II i< II 11 II II II II San Diego ^ m o ^ H H- ■ Z (/) ■ u ^ 1 9 ' '■ o « 1 Z ^' 1 M p> ■ . • => H O ^ 1 « f 1 ^ H « 1 ^ a ■ Swenson Wm 0, Allen Chas W, Bledsoe R E, Boyer J D, Brown John Jr, Curtis W J, Gibson J as A, Goodcell Henry Jr, Gregory H S, HASWELL GEO F, Littlepage E F, Paris h Allen, ROWELLCWC, SATTERWHITE & CURTIS Talbott & Harris, T.dbott L VV, Waters Byron, WILLIS HENRT M, Blackstock N, San Buenventnra Bledsoe N C, Brooks J M, (4 ranger L C, HallES, Pettinos LC, SHEFFARD S A, Sheulierd \V E, WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WT, Bovd.loiin H, CHASE LEVI, (.'levelimd Daniel, CONKLINNH. (Jiitewood W J, Het.drick E W, HITCHCOCK GEO N, li-tchkiss A B, LEACH & PARKER, LUCE MOSES A, PAINE J W, SMITH WILL M, Wulker W .1, Stejihens W H, Arclier L, Arquea Luis', Riirkcr S A, BENSEN & LORIOAN, BLACK J r, BLACKFORD G W. BRUNER F M. BURT&FFISTER, CAMPBELL JAS H, COLLINS W H, Crossett F M, HERRINQTON D W, HINDS S J. HOUGHTON & REYNOLDS, KENNEDY W C, Leib S F, Lovell Wm M, Lowe Jas R, Malone J T, MoGREW W H, HASONHA. San Luis Obi>4po II II San Gabriel Sun Jose II II II II 11 MoKISICK & RANKIN, Miller W G, Minor P 0, MOORE, LAINE & JOHNSTON, MOULTRIE J A. MURPHY WM B, PAYNE D S. Seutor Chas N, Stephens C C, Veuve W P, Wilcox Charles P, Wri,'lit C D, Yoell Geo M, YOELL J ALEX, Dillard & Spencer, Dillurd VV B, ( Sraves W J, McCONAUGHEY WM. Preston II M, VENABLE MoDOWELL R, WILCOXON J M. May W B, Hanson T H, MAHON E B, WILKINS H, Bethuae J B, Hfiithman W F, Montiiomery Victor, C iiifiuld H B, DILLARD R M, Furniild Chas, Gray V, HALL & HATCH, Mc\ult,i Thos, OGLESBY A A JR, P.ickjird A, RICHARDS & BOYCE. STORKE C A, Stritton W C, Thomas B F, Thoiii])3nn C A, WRIGHT PAUL R. Boltmi A E, C'xnait H, GOLDSBY Z N, LESSER J M, McCanii F J, STOREY W D, Van n'i2< Santa Rosa II II II II II II II II II II m o o» H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. "M«. n . M a '■f \ . ,' S5 3 . * ' ■I 'A' il - -, I /. ?i ' i ;iii \d r -^ ? IL ■ CO i o N I ifi O s (ft C C o o o a z Z o < Q. z p h P WW MnNTARIIF A C.ft Mh«^^t iron, «11 sues miiI NnoibAni, 110, . ft. mUWIMtaUC « UUm lia 114 il«. and UN Battrry mt.lH. F. n 902 ATT Caifurnia. OkAHHIKIRD. AUG Rutledse Thos, SHANNON A 0, tSoutlmrd J B, Thomas A, Wiire A B, Willson H S, Jencks B W, Sheffielil S R, OARTEa E, GRAY C E, TAYLOR CLAY W, Santa Rnsn Sawyer's Bar «» Shasta Sherwood Valley .'"'ilverado Slack's Canyon Sinartsvillo Snellin;^ Sonnra Burnett Matt, Kneel F M, MORGAN E M, Jewell E H, Harrdson J A, Doraey Caleb, Galvin E R, Nicol F D, Redmond .ID, RODGERS E A, Streit C L, " Wel)b C A, Witt N B, Amyx H, Stockton BaUlwin F T, BUDD & CORCORAN, BUDD J H & J E BYERS & ELUOTT, BYERS J C. " DUDLEY W L, GIBSON WM M, Hogan J M, Hosnier J A, " Huffman D H, ISREAL G C, LOUTTIT JAS A. McKINNE BARNA, McStay ii E, " MINTA WESLEY, Smith Ansel, " TERRY DAVID S. TERRY & McKINNE. TERRY S L, WEBSTER JOSHUA B, Wilkfs P S, Bachelder T F, Goodwin 4; Barstow, McClaskey Calvin, Spencer E V, Randolf I N, Prfvsens W H, MERRILL S M. Darby L, Ford T S, McOLASHANCF. Barnes EM, UUiah Bond Thos B, CAROTHERS THOS L Cooper. I A, " GILLASFIE H L, GILLASPIE & ROGERS, Gray J as M, Sunolylen Susanville Sutter Creek Table Rock Tehama Tres PinoM Truck ee Washington Corners Watsonville Weaverville Haile & Ferral, HoJden W, Hilbron S G, ATWELL & BRADLEY, BRADLEY N 0, Cullom W B, HA WES HORACE, McNAMARA T M. Sanders O, Savlo & (irady, CONNER D M, LELL JULIUS, Irwin John (r, Williams C E, CARALOFF ALICK, McCune M V, PARK W J Saniidurs Jno S, HOLTON G M. SAVAGE W H, Clark R, BAKER F E, Ball J C, CRAIG & GRANT, Frost C S, GRANT HUDSON, LAMBERT J, Sibley P H, Sprague C S, Steele E, AUCTIONEERS. Ukiah << Vallojo Visalia Willows It Wilmington <( Winters Woodland Yreka Bodie Chioo Eureka Gilivy Grass Vidley Jackson Los Angeles Marysvilie n Napa Nevad I City Oakland BROPHY J E, Daniels & Sprague, Leventhal A, Taggart C G, Pope W C, Norton W H, BRADSHAW T & CO, BROWN H R, Northcraft W H & Co, KERTCHEM D J, SHAFFER W C, Stewart N E, (iuildFC, Bankhead & Co, BARNARD W E, ELDRID6E JOS, Lyon & Kinsey, " Mellor & Ryan, Nordhausen C & A, " WHARTON. BOYD & CO, COPPIN R & CO, Sacramento Crowell & Caverly, " SHERBURN & SMITH. SIMMONS D J, SIMMONS M J, Harris T G, Salinas City Hall Ed, San Bernardino Hughes & McFarlaue, " McGurok, San Diego BLAND J C, San Jose X O C/) -< o o so 00 PC s* (A o U1 a' o ■o ■a o TV p PT CD n o B w

(•'alt Georgctokva Ueruiantowa ( I il r. ly r«o8lieii Oriiv^oviil ' Grufii Valley II Gibsonville Gridley Gnadaloupo Uulf Mom Bay Han ford II Uavilah it Haywards BOSTWICKNW. Cmniniiigs Wm, Doxtor St d)l ', (\V Brioe),, Walker K S, Hubuer C G, H..d,'esJI, Litiurj & McCoy, T.ylor W F. SWEASEYTW, Irwin & Ljvy, Main O J, SURfACEJW&JP, liOiHt & Spencer, lIoiT'inan Frank, Palmer U W, Diigle Jos, |{ob8'>n J, B iley D D, Br;uly P T. Sumner I W, Banker Frank, Kness A, Vogle Litwis, Brown Benj, Uoaldalmi til 14 Hill':! Ferry HoUiatur II llowardi Hydesvillo Indepomloiico II lone City Iowa Hill JuckHoa 11 Jamestown Judsonvillu Julian City Keruvillu Kibesill di Knight's liaiiiliiiu •Knight's Ferry Ka (J range Livorm )ro l/odi Lo!n|» >c Lono Pi I • Lod Alaniod Los A iwliM LAKEPORT UYERY STABLE, (S W Kcnyon pres), liakcjxrt Bibb Geo, La Porto INGRAM WM, (Iximooro Livery and Feed St.ible), Luin lorc Brown it l)avi<. Little bake Crxssli'y Alex, BARDILLINIA, Harvey Johu, Smith W S, I'^llUon ft Bunker, Walker t!t Warn, l>(.d;.'eJ C, SiiyilrJ I', BIJTLERGE3R, * 'ampbull IKIos, Close & CoUwtiii, Civenu'iiiis O. Dirf e iV Kciehard, (atul feed), GIBB3 ISAAC, Fur^iisoii & itoac, Jo'U« J H, M irrer Saint, SCHNIDEK JOHN, Smith Chas, Sti^phons I) G, ZENS JOHN, (Jriuvell L H, Cnrtiu .Jamis^^, Hurllmt I) B, Ljwis Mrs Kob3cca, IViiinett John, H .rt W M. BENNETTS J. JOHNSON S W* BALL B. JENKINS & BUSHNELL, LOWREY & N£LSON» McDonald J B, Lower Like Mailora M'ldis III Maine Pniiio Mammoth City II Mait noz II Marysvillo O -< Q O CO e o o w o a a 3 a o "a T3 o a a "1 Z o s ifl (0 r p> X a o a f* pi 7 i TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prnrtlraily tauKht nt PACIFIC IIIMI. "»■ ^Utt'l •»•»•» Po«t «t.. H, V, LIV Cdiifornia. riAMHIKIRK. LIV 1019 CO i 0) fd 0- St MS , Hariar.l A M, Is4'inoiiii(oux liouis, " DERRICK WM, Rooklin FELT T D. RohnerviUc PERROTT MATHEW, Moiire k Klliott, Roneville BASLER GEO A, Sacramoato FOUNTAIN LIVERY STABLE, ((.eo A Busier propr), GilliaD, <*t. M. V, 1L ■ o IS & 0) c o E « cr; •8 c c AS 9 o o o z S o c 1020 LIV Cul'ifiirnia, LIV CLAMHIMRI). Suliuiis City San Androas San Itcruardiiio CONNER W B, KraiikH & liOiiii, KiiiK D K, Miist«?isoii Patrick, RUSSELL R W, Alley & Coclunn, KonniBtou & Bruzulton, " L'tiulcr C'luw, " Khaber J F, Wist' AH, " BUQXJIST C V, Sim Bneimventum Di.ly T 11, RIiEY WM S,_ VENTURA LIVERY STABLE,, (C.; V hip(|ui8t nroitr), * HINTOX & QORDON, (FiBbio.i). San Dioyo JONES & KAMPLING.(Ceutral), JOURNEAY GEO, (Coutr li), TyJir J IJ, Biirry Jno, San Jose CURTIS H H. EWINQ & SPENCER, (Occi dent.'l), FIXES H J, HANC^TT J E, Hfw.ver H, KEY J W, Miirtiit (ic-ii M, McNally Thos. WALLACE R. NViiters Wni E, \V«lcli I'at, ZANETTA ANOELO. (tHiiet J A, Sauta Riwa S!trato;:{a S^tUirclito Miistii Sheep IliiiLh ShcrwcxMl Valley hierra t'ity it Silvcrndi) Slide Smith Kivcr Stnartuvillu *< San Juan San Luaiidro Strattoii Wttltor J, J8on, a ao m n Q • 5 o 9« m r 2 (« Bi a c o 3 ? 3 ? a < •li 9 H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prmrtlrally fansht nt PAC^IFir HUMI. \'rH»» lOl.l><4JV:. »1M» IVMt Hi.. H, V. LIV Cidlforma. ci.AxHiriKn. LUM 1021 IT) f- (0 » i I e 0) B e I L'.ndoti S D, il'iKkr & Hiirlnnd, CoiiKliraii VV W, Huffiker J V, Mullock I), (ir.nt K T, KENNEOY THOS. fSuiifonl Kariner, FoBtor Thcroiiy, FliiKlern SiUiil S, LONG M A & SON, Miller & Co, JdliiiHton J (), Mi.rMliiill N IJ, MARSHALL W W, }'i..» »', BOWEN BROS. Klliott VV (', MiinliH it li.iwHon, FOCKHAN J B, Miiitli A NV hito, Htdgos Marcus, Kinney & Bros, SU'miiiau & Son, Fm.lU, MARTIN & IRWIN, NKhul A, Vinu Viaiiliu i< Independence it, o o 8 3R O \- X (9 S O X M t o •8 ■ < WittBonvillc «i Walnut CrjoU Washington (^'ornois Wont JViiat Willifinis «t WillowK Wilmin'jtoii WiiiUirs Woodbridgc WoodliMul Jamestown LiiUirop I.ioa Augoloa 11 •I Yo Semite Yroku ENCINAL STABLES. Horses, Ciirria','c», Ro'kuwajs nml Biiirjd « ol cvviy tl(vjL'ti|>ti>>ii to lut on ri'n.si)iiulilu tc'rtr>8. Boardihff IIoi*n«-m a Mp«*«^iulty. Encinal Avenue, ncur I'ark Street, AlameJiv. B. K COAI»V, Proprietor. Oakland liire D C, Mokulumne Hill (iiranliii L, Montoh-y EARTH G. (fJennan Hall), Nupii CORNELL MRS C W. Nevada City .silva .los, •• HiunsThoM P, Canninu Mrs M, Child K N, HudorirWmO, Hou»eni!in I'xl K, Overton F, FontijiuruBO Mrs, RAILROAD LODGING HOUSE. (.S (i Thompson), Wilmiufjtou THOMPSON S G, BiddloJ W, Yreka LUMBER. RENTON, HOLMES & CO, Alameda Kuho^g & Pickens, Alta II II ■I II II i< II 11 .4 » c o E CO IS c c 10 O ■ O Q O z S o < fl. o z O WW MnMTAfillF A rn Ml»''<*t imn. nil nifu^ nn«1 1«aiiilM>rN, lin. 1U22 LUM CI.AHMIKIKn. LUM SMITH A, OUT & CO. Au.Jioiin Klotchor .1 T, Angel's 0..i«i» AliTIL RICHARD. Aiitui.>iK- UouHO, Ftirmuu i!lc Co, A itioch Aruyle I F, ArJmoUlc Piititain S, Aiihiini Ciirlovlc k, UobI), BakL>rstio!(i Bowers David L, Biith Furriii .Fohn, Doiiiii.i HOUGHTON C B, iii6liiirownievi:lc TOWLE BROS & CO, Dntcl. Fiat Larue L B, Kaat Ouklimd Maxw.ill W T & Bro, Kd^wood CHANDLER F B. (building matt'- CainbriH Cay 1 1 WW Cliico CIovL'fd.do Col ton ColllS.i Ooniiito?! D.ivi^ Do iwood rial), Chiim J B, (.'ummin<4S C, Hubbard T B, Farnham Ciiaa, Addison S, K;iv S lUiuel, SJ'tO P w. Bonli.un VVm, Bhincbart & Cool; tlopf & Brown, FUSTER BROS. ICIniir.'i Emigrant tia] Felton Fiddlrtowii Folsom ForsttT City Foroat Baiicli it Fort BidwoU Frcaiio WHITEHURST & HODGERS, (iilroy Coiiaway .T C & Bro, Grass ValU-y Mohiiwk Lumber Co, " FLEMING T R. <^Jridky Point Sal Wharf and LumlK>r C(<, Cuadaloupc Hanfonl Happy Camp Hcinlen A l\ FrittaJ A, Moore W A J, Ward N, HarriH C P, BOTD A P. Salisbury & Bvrd, Healdsburg llill'M Ferry Hollister Uuouenie Woolaoy (Jo >, loiio City Spuiieur O J, It)vva llnl Brandon A, Jmikw m Butt rtiild J A, lli-nloiu A Iv, Lonioor.) IL-inlon .1 B, •■ ALDRICH GEO D, Line >ln Klt^niiii,' A C, " NOdTON BROS. Littlo I^ako Cooinlt.s Hi- I'orki'iK, Littlo liivir HORTON & KENNEDY. Livu.n .re LOBI LAND & LUMBER CO. ( r Stodd.rd (jupt), L'xli llutledKO A r, " S mtidtri C L, Lomino GRIFFITH J M & CO. I'os Aug. k« Hcnd.T'ou it Marsliall, " .Lickmoii, K»'rclioil\1[ Cuznor, " M idiir 1 Flnniu & Tratliug Co, Muk-ra CHANDLER F B, M uiis ,„ Vi.il W I >, M^ii.iPraiii) Anderson L, Martinez Bray Bros, " Stmwood B (i, M:ry.svillo UNION LUMBE?. CO.(FDHud. son propr), " WHITE, COOLEY & CUTTS, (wa.(oii), " Pago Wm, Miiyti.M Isaacs Geo F, Mcrcoil Sinion k Kco^jb, " HURLBUT P D, Mtrrillville DEBBY E M & CO. Modesto rortint MuUius, • " LAMBERT T G. Moaturoy PRINZ H. Jordon Jas M, M'lfo Mor 1 Luinlior Co, " Kntjip II II Niipa •lames & liog'.'B, " Pugi't Sound liUinbor Co, " CAMPTON GEO. Newi.all V FLUME & LUMBER CO, (l S Dunn aupt), Nevada City M.;Kad» a 3 ■ ^ Q I -J •J ■ • 1 '^ ^ < ■ Cl P 1 » to Bru»i»}{ Joseph, Kio Viatu lIititMoii, Ackvriiiim& Ct>, UudMruodCiry iSutiniloTri Bros, " Drow N li ftCo, Sacramo itt> Fi-.»»ir W K, £1U£ND & TERRY LUMBER (jil iC \V Kliiutt ni iu!i(jer), (SoouhuuOl', " Tift, Totmaii * Farnswortb, " SiiCRAHENTO LUMBER CO. ((> t' ruurr.) Li wis, ' Jlolfo Siitiiucl, Villi Slyku A Sommcr, Daly A Uoj^e.rd, San Buenaventura Walton W J, Mcl><«iiil»l (} \V n, Sau Di«^(» RaSS J & CO. ( VV H M ison agt), STEWART W W & CO. Sliidrion 11 V, S:in (iabricl (Jiiiint'ick linf*, Siin Jose ENTERPRISE MILL & LUM- BER CO. Killirii I'i.ii-i.l * Co, JOHNSTON S N. SAf«TA CLARA VALIE7 MILL ft LUMBER CO. (Win 11 u.til SAn'jOSE INDEPENDENT MILL & LUMBER C J, ]{(p|»crt.i Will. San Lnroiiz • Hiuitiu^t >n & IkUssiill, San Laid Obinpo Scwiirt/, H.irt'.inl & (J.>, " Mnrry A, San Uafiiel SHAVFJl ISAAC, 15 iiily & M;l''ail, Santa Cruz KORBEL F & BROS. MURl»HY WX MAN, Santa Rosa Soliii.'ll (.M!ib, Siuc.^lito ii.di'h H T, Sherwooa Vi.ll.y Mas -on A, Sliiio BRADFORD S S. S"nor.. I'lipc k TiiUiot, South VuUi'jo FUQET SOUND LUMBER CO. HICKINBOTHAM JF,(wa-on), Stuukton Simpson & (rr.'iy, CHRISLER P J, Suisan BOBBINS R D. feext-u K 11, Tahoe Uonahor M J, Toll House Maxwell k William^ Trinity Center Truckoc Vacavillo Vallt'jo Kllcn Kilo. RICHARSON BROS. TRUCKEe'lUMBER CO.(Urickull & Kill;; CI" iiruurai. ' CORN D K. A'luii Uro«, MoCudilun Jus, W.ilkor Win, Mjriitt I* K, Kully i>'Miiii-<, lr!-ll.l.r, *• Simon .loliii. " H.iiiiiltnu Wm, 0[>bir r.trnoii ('h;in, '• STANDISH 3, Pachoco PiilCcrd'iii A, I'entz iVi'.r.y II S, Placervillu Cuiiiiiii^iham A J, (boiler maker), Sacramento FISHER N. IVERSON BROS, Salinas City Hi riisoii A, San Bernardino GRANT & PETERSON, Sau Buenventura San Di("^(j €0 3 CO o 'mi T C/) a a P> 3 ua I? Ridwoll Jumos, Hoerandnt'r John, Lyater W«>rn, llo, ii [.:^?i IL ■ CO s s > c o E « CO c c (0 o o o a z s < Q. o 1024 MAC Culifoimia. CI.AHHIKIKI). HEA Ens?l;)n(l W P, I'ayn W II, DmihoHv D& Co, Price J D, Smith .liiajxir O, CHriiiichaol A, Pie:iaetfc C M, H'uvnrd .(ohii, PEERT & HARRIS, Santa Cruz Speiiceville Sutter Crwjli Sycauioro Ta1)le Uock T..11 Kouso Watsouvillu WolkHu.kI MACHINISTS-SAW FILING. TiOveren .S 8, Cli.ifihC, SIEMENS IRA. EurL-ka Sacramento (saw-filiny and S.in Jose MARBLE WORKS. Cruy A, Alamuila Doveus Tho3, Angei'a Cinij) Bra.llty W U Cliico DAVIS F E, K.)i)l>ii & B.uee, (;3Tanite), " Kolwrlsiin a, Euroka Howartli & Morrison, Gmss Vallfy Stirling V W, Ilwildsbur^' McHENRY R A. l^'»l> Disclez VVni. Los An<.'olua Miller Jacob, '" Coi\(lo I I'.ris, Marysville McWAIN & RUSSELL, M.'Cru u'y & Lc^L'ctt, Merced WILS3NWMH. Martin & Ko^erH. Nap.i Knowlea F K & Co, Oakland NUNAN J J, O'Connor J, Sulliv.in James, (cutter), " Woliiinioth & Scliallhorn, 01et:i (iritiith a (iritiith n J, riaccrvi!!.. Shurtz K II, Ue.l IMnt; TavlorJ N, ('iranitc), .Uwklui AITKEN & FISH. Sacramciit,. ii(iyne Wni, Carroll J .V S mi, DE7INE J C. (Capitol marble and yraiiit*; worku), LUCE ISRAEL & CO, r irkir T C, iSau Hornardiiio Frick W n. San l»iugo BLANCHARD & ONEIL, (L-ran- FIELD EREDERICK, HINaSBEHGEN H. jji. & l>i! I/mi^, MOORE ST. .Sipiiro IJros, FlaKi;I)S, Thurob.;r I L, Fi^hc^ & Kinslow, San Jose ii II II Santa Barbara II Santa Cruz II Santa Iios;i RUSSILL H D. Johnson T K, COYLE HUGH, CMplos & Brauner, (granit(i), Eldretl it Rfh Arc ita Aubu rn FINCK HENRY, Newman A Hammatt, Fisher .loseph, Stoddard A M, Fischcl P & Co, Harm Thomas, Moiitiriehiini M, guiinby C S. Arnold Jas \V, \ii;;"nt 'I'hos, Cooper 4. lloylcn. Still well V, Mnrrav Thos, HEIIBRON F, KIL60RE C H, liove & Hudson, Mora V, Summers & Co, Tautphaus Br(«, Clark Saml, TuIUt (!eo, Tulltr John, Aipiire I'eter, Kuirc:&Co, Wooliey K B, Lynn i; 3 3 •n Ct> 3 CJ 3* O o 3 CO o o 3 C9 1 3" O CD (A » CD T! "I CD a o O 00 (A •0 o 2 Up U3 o ;,: I: H. WACHHORST calls attention to Mh 4ii4'nnin«> Nt«'r> lllltf !!»ilVCl*»'Ul*i), 315 J St. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thr St«. MEA i to IT) IS t a B e 1 o 75 « o o o Caii/ornia. CLAS8IPIKD. MEA 1025 Gemmml David, Gayucas Norton M L, Cedarville Whitmore & Howard, Cerea Bristow Wm, Cherokee Miller & Vost, Ackerman F, ALLINGER CHBIS, Chamberiuiu R A, SCHWEm & PETERSON, Mayer h, Chinese Camp Reevea John A, Smith Joheil, Allen & Harris, Miahler M, Snow W H, Brock J J, Clark Joshua, Kenyon Ueo, SAN LIN SING & CO, Schoettgcn F J, Wo Ye & Co, HALES & MUBFHT. Klewe Henry, Chico Cloverdale <( Colfax << CoUegeville Coloma Colton Columbia Colusa i o X C0 a o z (0 ■ o •0 Yoakum G H & Co, Campbell E W, Bihler Henry, Meyers Paul, Rihns J C, Fouaha & Reed, Harden W H, Farley & Cahow, Leigh A H, SHELFORD S B. *Ic(lfirviu John, Pyington Lewis, Silva Thos, Martin W H, Thompson, Rein & Co, KOP? C M. SX CLAIR L P. Davis J H, (ilaze J W, Licse Henry, Mo Worthy F J, WilNon L, Wah Jno, Biiiicuml) k I^wia, Martni J VV, Hamlin Arthur, Elmore k Moxley, Young E, Kern)) & Hunter, Luther Chr, RUSS JOSEPH. Gartliuer George, Chase, Daken k Young, Barton & Varieu, Ru88 k Uobarts, Kuipp k Stingel, Godiiur k Merrill, Kcklon k Gable Townsend E B, Bradbury J F, Miller George, Taylor & Morehead, Tanningson J H, King Aaron, Hanker k Whitney, BERNHARD GEO, KOHLER GEO & CO, Farmer k Burkett, Francis A, Silva Frank, SMEDER & FRANCIS, Rathfon B F, Shinn & McDonough, Sutherland Hod, BAILLAIGE A F, Forest City Forest Hill Fort Bidwell Franklin French Gulch Fresno Gait Georgetown Germantown Geyserville Gibsonville (California), Gilroy Gold Run Grantville Grass Valley Concord Copporopolis Cordelia <( Coulterville Cuflfey's Cove Davis Delta Dixon i( Downey City Downievil'e Dryto'^ n Dublin Duncan's Mills Dutch Flat i( East Oakland El Dorado Elk Grove • < Elmira Etna Bennett k Son, Johnson C, (Central), Dixon k Dum, Schultz Fretl k Co, Aumer Frank, Mitchell k Care, Orr James, Fearne k Caddy, Polgiiise J, Prout Thos, ypeidel Joseph, VINCENT RICHARD, Wixjilbury Isaac, Quimliy S, Bull k Keaton, Campbell Robt, Schuyler \V, HEINLEN J R. 1" . trich I, Houaur U D, Ciilp D, MAY ADAM, Strobc'l k Neudeck, Delano & Meatl, Miller k Curtiaa, Seawell BroBj " ANGOUSTURES MICHEL. Holliater CAMPBELL E H. (Central), Peck O D, Gridley Guerneville Half Moon Bay Hanford Happy Camp Havilah Hay wards Healdaburg Eureka Farmington Felton Ferndale , McCoy C B, Gray George H, Bro 3 Howards Hueneme Hydeaville Independence «< & STEWART, lone City Iowa Hill Isleton Jackson Jamestown Jolon Junction City Kelseyville Kernvillo s if It SB «." 33 I I ft -O e CO M :i ^■11' PURE PORT WINE, Itir MedlcM Tirposes, 302 Davis St, S. F. H-. •i r j ,i. ■ CO i c S o t (0 «> S ID c c O o o o z s < a. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., 'i'^rtlS^LTriS'^i^'^^illXg^ 1026 MEA California. CXABBIi'lBD. MEA McCallistcr S, Knight's Ferry Dooley E L, Michigan Blu fF McGrifF& VVeisner, Knight's Landing Dooley L, 44 Rudy Bros, La Grange Westtall August, • ( Butler W J, Lakeport Abel Hy, Milpitas Moore (iawn. tt Jjimes liG, Modesto Canny J k V, La Porte Lane J imes M, «4 Krausse F E, Latrobe Simon John, 44 Heinlen A E, Lenioore Hexter K, Mokelumne Hill Hemlen J li, << Cronkite & Harvey, Monitor Larish H, (< Doud Francis, Mout(!r(;y •4 Van Matre M, Lewiston Miller J W, VOGT JACOB, Lincoln Townsend E B, Mormon Island Mast B (1, Little Lake Galindo M M, Mountain Viuw Kent Wm H, Little liiver Haverty J, 44 McKeaue Ptter, Livermore 11 u lib & Koilar, Murphy's MOYE & CONNOLLY. Christie H W, Napa Mowry M C, Lockeford HENRY JOSEPH. 44 Sherden F, i( Kather Ali)ert, 44 Smitli W D, Lodi Mallett .1 H <& Son, 44 Brown & Sloan, Loinpoc /einenfuss 1' A, 44 Howard Paul, Lone Pine 'i'illotson h B, Nelson ALVARAZ & CASNA VE,Los Angeles iinulie & HickB Nevada I'ity Begue& Sanbion, ColleyJ E, 44 Bhmchar Pierre, Harrison ,1 H, 44 Collins U L & Co, KENT CHARLES, 44 Delwit .1, Monro James, 4» Dunhjir Edgar, Nall'/iger Chria J, 44 Thirr .loseph. Welch E M, Nicasio Froehlinger & Frank, Enuasser Charles, Nicolaus licvy .lae(|ues. Heiwig & Trodd, North Bloouilielil Lowe & Willits, Marriott & Sons, 44 MARANDETTE JS. Powell & Salter, North San .liian Maxc}- & Co, Salter .lob. 44 Mc(Jarvin F, Moore A & C, Nortoiivilli! MalioiHiP R, Aniter H, Oak Bar Piletii,'uel'edro, Jensen C H IT, " Jvothschild Myer, Ifyer & Hall, Oakdalo Selialnio Ste'e, Sproule Bros, tl Sejitoiis liOuis & Co, Agart Louis, Oakland SPEEDY S & CO, (Pork Packers), " Brannan J J, i( Viektry & Hinds, (t Cohen John, 41 Cowden .lainoH, Lower Lake Coiitulenc EF, (( Ilouulitnn Bros, Loyalton Denis J B, kl Cunniiigiiiini T & J, Mailera Fishel M, It Henrich F N, Madison (lay Uobert, it Hutfhiiison J F, Mammoth City (Jeiss Harry A, ** Peterson J P, Marshall GERHARDY PHIL J. (SauFrun- Hock& Hark ins. Martinez c'isco). Whitman k Seanlan, 41 (iilman J A, Aickeii ]•; F, Marysville (i raits August, Jenkins & Crowell, K (! ray son ilurrell & Co, (wholesale), ** SLATTERYPC, l> Heron '' A, *< SMITH WM E. 14 Herrii A'm H, f 1 Wititc A B, 41 Hul)bert John, Doty J W, Maxwell Lail'erty Owen, Fisiier E, Maytiehl LeeP W, Velati C, Mayhew L(mg Wm, lilanehard B, Mcnlo L'ark Lough A; Wilkinson, Hurssell Wni M, 44 Marguardsen & liecker, " i Banks & Bedeson, Merced Mattern Harry, (f 1 .Tac»;tts iIo8ej)h, iSawyer A K, 4< May Henry, " 1 .: Chas, MILLER W E 0, Nirkolaus Henry, 2 IvcTson N, 2 , Warren J li, , Carroll .lack, J ! Murphy Thos, Wl/lward .1 E, ; Klot/ I!, flu I Lnoinis A J, 3< MIDDLETON & ENDIGOTT. ]j I'raU'r Wm, W VESTAL G W. 2 BROWN M M, Sacramento « (I It Occidental Olenui (Met a Ophir Orland Orovilk' Pasadena Peuryn Poseadero Petahnna 03 O m E w o ca Placerville PlaiiiMmri; I'lynumth Point Arona Portersvill Princeton Qiiiiiev Ited BluiF Hotr r, Davis llros, HINDT, Donovan .1 J, FRASER GEO. Marshall &. Smith, Stone .lohn, Sdiuetz W r. Gray (Jeo, cott Jamca, S Keddin;^ ii Redwood City EiccYille Rio Vista It Riverside Rooklin Rohnerville RoseviUe ARNOLD JACOB. Baumle Frederick, Biewener & Hagemann, Christianson & Bro, •Corber Bros, (wholesale), GERBER HENRY. (jiottliub S, (Jreen & Trainor, HARTMAN G PHIL. Heilbron Bros, (wholesale), Heilbron Fred, HERZOG PHIL, lliilard C, Llewellyn & Speisser, Longton & Anthony, (Fulton), MOHR & YOERIt, Morehouse (ieu W, ODELL M F & CO, ODELL M M & SON. J'elti.aA, ROSS & ANKEL, Schepp & Schaumlairel, Sciiuii-r L, SHULMEIR HENRY, SMITH & WILSON. .Stober John, Todhunter Ii 11, Webber |{, WEISEL C & CO. (Baltimore), WILLEM J W. ZiiUer L, Fisher C W, Spurr & York, Canniohael Alex, Abbutt H F, MAYER PETER JOSEPH, St John i: & C (), Bates Albert, San Andreas PEOPLE'S MARKET. (J Salcido propr), " B.ica Bros, .San Bernardino (iarner M B, " Hi;,'lit i^l: Tipton, Beniiet I'otoi', Kaiser . I M, Allison Jd^cph i^ Bro, KUHNER JACOB, SAUNDERS CHAS J W, Selwyn (leo A it Co, *' l\obl)ins James, San (Jabriel Andrews & Coykondall, San Jose BLANGHARD & GO, lil.iiKr ];, " BUFFINGTON & LANGFORD, (Junction Market), " Central Market, " DELMASJOS. (pork dealers), [)ittu8& Toney, Duliou J B, Kdwards N B, HANKS & GAY, Hyland & Maraouder, Joiuison L, St Helena << Saint Louis Salinas City San Buenaventura Sau Diego » c o E (0 CO ? c c 09 O ■ o o < Q. I- o 1028 MEA California. CLABSIPIED. MEA San Joae 14 Johnston L, Larroude P, Lazier & Co, LEDDT & BRO» LETTON & 0£AY. LuxH, Matty A, MUNN £ C, BAY & PARKER, (Avenue Meat Market), Wendt O, Graeme A L, San Juan Eber H P, San Leaudro URY DAVID, DELEISSIOUEZ & CO, San Luis Obispo Noah M, Kemick & Orr, Schwab Frwl'k, (sausage factory), Staiger J J, (manager Steele firo's Meat Market), Steele Bros, Price W C, San Mateo Truman T C, Romer J, San Pablo Tennoii Mulholland, " Heiltiom B, San Itafael Herzog M, " Hichheimer S, " DawHon & Powell, Santa Ana Sohrode \V W, ADAMS ASA, (pork packer), Santa Barbara Chard A Higgins, " Davi.s A, " Fisher I K, lichner Samuel, " PerhamDK, Scarzolo Jos, Donovan R B, Ledgard J, Saiiitprdais IL, Chaoe J 1), Fitch & Co, FitzgibboiiB M, Young W P, Burger & Allen, Clifforil & (Jregg, Hirth F, (Jray & Prindlo. Matthes Wm, Baraty J B, < 'ingg J, Grant & Nally, Morris J II P, Hoff& Brakel, Pendola B, Gafney Jas, Freeman ft Huthieaon, Alesworth J W, Mahoncy John, Slattery C C, Crusuia Louis, McFav J A J, Smith River Russell Geo, Snelling Cornelius Louis ft Levy, Sonoma SONORA MARKET, (- McCor- micks props), Sonoro WOLFLINOJOHN&OO. Santa Clara Santa Cruz Santa Rosa Saucclito 41 Sawyer's Bar Sebastopol Shasta Sheep Ranch Shingle (Springs Sierra City Slack's Canyon Smartsville 44 Smith River Bostwick ft Dickens, Steffan J ft P, Daggett VVm C, Gerlach Louis, (jToss & (ireenwood, Hampton Geo, Sampson & Gray, Hclnnidt Phillip, Seavers F, TINKHAM H. Wagner J, Helman H, Emerson E A. Rice H, SloMS ft Ament, Werner ft Sutherland, AITKEN J S, I^arkins <& Harrington, Stouart ft Kingston, Thompson C T, Larius M P, Nealey N F, MAKZEN JOS, FASCHEN R D, Kelsey Hnrland, Kittrelle M B, Mnrris J W, Smith ft Haskell, Buck noil R, Wooderson ft Scarlett, Brown Samuel, Fitzmaurice E, Mc<;ill J, McGiUTF, Skinner W W, Stetfen ft Co, Tobin J F, Rufa(}, Barkley J F, Blain Wm, Laugrick & Hall, Williams JnoW, Miller Jas, Town Wickers, Yoakum ft Co, Ely ft Dooae, Hhuser J ft V, DruHsel Daniel, O'CONNOR & TURNER. Yoacham ft Tattle, Zeigle ft Co, Todd Wm, Bush ft Wheeler, KEYES JAMES. Miller Frank, Samson M, Zavalla J, Sequel South Vallejo Stockton Stony Point Strawberry Valley Suiinin Susan villc Sutter Creek Tehama Temescal 41 Tom ales Tres Pinos Trinidad Truckeo 44 Tulare Turlock Ukiah Upper L.ike Va«aville Vallejo Vallicita Vina Visalia Volcano Walnut (Jrove Walnut Creek Washington (I Watsonville Weavenille West Oakland Wert Point •< m m as V* o a cr w e -e •o^ 5* a or o e a 3 O $ M 1 5" a a O 3 a o 3 S JD 5 hCai C Vic § Mo ^ j Jan «l Jeai ^^ BAJ -* FBd « Ogbi (O Johi . Mill. • Cran Of I Drev AA Davii 09 Foil, «} ' oil I x: Herz( ** Moor V e e % ifi o 75 (0 jS o .e (0 (Sees Oreen SERE JEFFJ Brown > Timon( •J; Briz;m ® MERl "* I i^oryea M(*k \ HORT Bright (Jwlfrej Barbee = I MOOR J Berlin J Brookii >» Kbeler . *" ' (raVflll SHAW stone M FULL! ^tchimm Sillwrlje Miirr M Dwyer Byan * Daniel. . I Low M <0 Kelly - ' Whuek. Oilmour OpRY] Hickmai Johns M M M H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. u < >) LoydTtil I Murphy I lO m s O e a o e a 3-. 3 3 o 1 ft 0) agton Inv iUe ii Jfnille II II i< Point >ac. e a 3 a O 3 o 9 FACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, N*. 8»0 Pom IStreec. SdneatM thorooirhly ftir Bnnlneflfi. I i IS m 39 to V> ^ » MEA California. ciiAasinBn. MIL 1029 e o 1 o JirSTISLM. X/armmly ft Farr, Vickery k Hinds, Morgan Bros, James Jeptha, Jeans J, Perr ott Q «orge, BABNES&CO, FRAZER&CQ, Ogburn Mrs U U, Johnston Lester, Miller Bros, Cramer Louis, Drew -Colvillo, Davis J R, Foil Jno, Herzog C Jr, MooreOhorloa, Wheatland Willows Wilmington Windsor Winters it Woodbridge Woodland Wrights Yankee Hill Yolo Yo Semite Yountville Yreka • I. u Id u X O Z o o X (0 ■ u < MERCHANT TAILORS. (SeeTaUors.) MILLINERS. (See also Milliners and Dressmakers.) Oreen Theodore, Alameda SHREWSBURY MRSN A, JEFFREY MRS E J. Brown Mrs Flora, Timonds Mrs Johanna, Brizaril Mrs A, MERRIMAN MRS K E. Loryea Mrs S, Met'k MiiMOs May & Alice, NORTON MISS NR. Bright Miss Jenuiu, (Jodfroy (} K, Barboe Mrs R E, MOORE MISS M F, Berlin Mm C, Brookias Miss A E, Ebeler Mrs Wm, (lavrtii MrM L, SHAW MRS M D, stone Miss M l>, FULLER MRS W B, Schimn»el[)feuig Amador Anaheim Antiocli Areata Benicia Bodie Brownsville Calistoga Cambria Cetlarville Cherokee Chico Clovenlale Columbia Coiioord Dixon Dixou Downey City East Oakland Silberl)erg Mrs 8, Man- Mrs Wm, Dwyer Mrs J W, By an Mrs .f, Daniels Mrs F H, Low Miss Agnes, Kelly Miss E, Wheeler Mrs I, (liltnour E, CORY MRS J H, Hickman k Kline Misses, Johns Mrs Jane, Loyd Thos, Murphy Mrs M, Ralph Mrs G Castera C, Coroua Mrs D S, Daly Mrs S, '« Devere Mrs R R, *• HAMMOND MISS L J. Park Mrs M E, •« Ponet Mrs V, " Mills Mrs M C, Boynton & Showalter Misses, Lower Lake Wills Miss N J, Pender Mrs L, WRIGHT MRS C D, Pool Mrs (J, REIDYJL. Renan Mrs, Cutting Mrs D C, Redmond H L, CHASE MRS LA, lister & Crawfonl, Mann Mrs A J, licttman Mrs J J, CHuuin>{hHm Mrs M, D.ivis Mrs Ida A, Durham Mrs, Hnlsted Mrs K K, MORSE H. Uciid F M & tV), Kullcy Mrs A, McEuery Miss Kati", Flashman Mrs E, (rrubi) Mrs Thomjus, Mull M A, HICKS MRS J B, Morris & Camplx>ll, Martinez Marysville << Menlo Park Merced Millville Modesto Mokelumne Hill Napa Nevada City Oakdale Oakland PeUiluma II Placervilla Red Bluflf Elk f J rove Eureka II Forest City ti Fort Jones 14 Fresno (lilroy II Grass Valley 'Tri)vos Mrs (t, Kauj^hnian Mrs — , IMulan k Kind, Parker Miss A E, .Stuumi FJ, IVrrv Mrs A M, boKd &huntsm/^n. brothers misses, CALLIHAN MRS F A. Emmons Miss D H, KiitziMistcin & Bradley, MECHANICS' STO^. MONNI^£R MME, Tice & Clements Mrs, Gordon Mrs V C, Redding Redwood City II Rio Vista II Rohnervillo iSacramouto O » o \ S9 •i m ' * ^i 3^ •! ?! »^ It 1- Ik ^1 St Helena :i^ m 1 f ^ Hi ru ' nHi MB i ii IHI m \i H i ' i I^Hl Ii • l.j M^H H n 1 1 ■1^ flH 1 t: v^^H^ |j i' ii'i OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER k CO^ 802 Davis St, S. F. Ik » tii ■ (ft c '(5 0) OS ♦- n ft' c. c: r; O d o c z ■Ml < c z p D c WW MnKiTAftllP JL rn Mh«>et iron, all Blxeti and Numbers, llo, . W. MUNI Ab UK « bU., na 114, ilO.and llNIIattery Ht.,M.Fl 1030 MIL California. CLAfHIKIKD. MIL San Diego f ft San Jose Sim Itafiu'll Santii IJiirl'.irii' " ! Santa t'niz McGeorge Miss K, St Helena Davia Airs II A, San Bernanlino Small Mrs J E, McDONELL MRS H R, Cosper Mrs A A, Tremaine Miss A M, Armstrong Mrs M, BLACK MRS B W, Herrim.in Miss M, " HirHdii r. S .\: Co, " Moorolit'.id J M. O'BRIEN MRS J W, Wise Mrs D, Nohander Mrs S U, San Leamlro Sclnvarz Miss Florence, San Lnis Obispo Yoniit,' Mrs T If, Kinsellii. JohnscMi AIkm'u Miisi's, JIainer Mrs M F, Handlcy Miss K, Nearv Slissos K it M, OWuil Mrs M .1, Vanderlioof Mrs Zella, HoniRssey MissM, Heniu'SH'y Miss S, " RIORDAN MRS D F, liarrioldoD i>, Stockton ECKSTROM MISS EMMA, ECKSTROM MRS THOS. Esliluch Mrs C & Co, F.r,'us(.n Mr-, 1* M, <;ir;iril Miss F.nnna, ". IlnotlMrsC, Wcl.ir MrsS A. Zi/iu-o M A, PITZPATRICK MISS H E, Snisun Mails Mrs M A, Sutter Crick VERSALOVICH MRS A, GROVE L E. '\'\\wv Kivcrs Hort Miss Fiiiina C, Truoki'c Diinio Mrs \V C, " Ni'lsou Mrs .1. (fancy goods), 'I'ldiuc .lolinsipii MrsSA, I'kiali LAWRENCE MRS L M. Vacaviiio MiLLINERS AND DRESS- MAKERS. Santa Kosa Sonnra Josvlya M rs L, Landu'll Mrs M, Malioiiy Miss N, Sealiiiry C A, Mason Mrs Mary (.", .lolinsoii S F, HOLBROOK MRS L D, Li' MAN MRS M, S]ic|pj):ird Mis, .(onus Mrs Z ( ', I'it/g..rald Mrs U I>, Wilson Mrs D, I'orter Mrs W \V & Co, PETERSON MRS M E. IFFLEND MRS C, Vall( ■J' N'isalia Widmit Creek Watson villi' Willows Winters Woodland \Vright8 ^'loka (See also Dreasmakers; also Milliners.) Minor Mrs E A, (tardemeycr Mrs A, Packard Mrs N 1!, SAYLES MRS W Gr BEGaS MISS J M. KNIGHT MRS H A, ((•neen Mrs .lulia, Mcine Mrs S A, ilyaii Miss Katie, Steward Mrs, Lee Mrs Kv;., SHERMAN MRS E J, Kwssfll Mis S A. Wi'lianis Miss Kate, Unsl.an.l Mis D S, .loiu's Mrs A, Sr 1 11 ire Mrs M E, Hau'.'o it ISiiiik, Cli.'|iiiiaii Mrs I/, 'I'lioni Mrs MA, CRALL MRS S M. Wilk.-ns Mrs !•; II, Cole it Hi riiliard Misscs, lifalciM Miss K, ELLIOTT MRS W M, Mitchrll ,1 K, llradv Mis .1, SOPER MRS M A, Wri^iit »V, llobsoii .Misses, Sail lUienaveiit u-a TaskerMrs M;..ry M, San Di-o Watson Mrs .li'iiiiic, San .losti "WILLIAMS MRS J H, San .luai. Ncsbitt Mrs .1 W, San Lnis Ohisp.) Chandler Mrs & (larnsey Miss.S inta Ana Mai\i Ijotn|iii(' Lower ]/d to 1^9 o 30 -1 1= r;" i o ,13 tsto "O .. lO ' w ! ^ .'; l);i ™ t . $ P Inan 1 ym l.uiil 1 CO 1 1 1 T l:iini ' " il '11 ' o ivilk' 1 2 " W uma jP *-'>ty v> p it'ira r* )i''UII — .losi! ^ p ,Iiiau 1 PT 1 ■ ™ bisp'i lAiia 1 O I'lara ! <* , '»< ( rnz • I'lO.sa C 11 r* t» 3" MIL Calijornia. MIN 1031 ULAHMIKIEll. (/} C0 MALOXEY& GILLON MISSES, Noonday & N Noonday Gold Miji Co, Vallcjo (BR Taylor supt), Bodie WRIGHT & SEWELL MRS, ORIENT MINING CO. (Thomas CHILSON & REYNOLDS, Wlieatlaud MILLS. (See I'Mour Mills; nlsn Planiiifj Mills; also .Sawiiiills; also Mines, Mills, etc.) Watsonville Buckley supt), Orii^iual Summit (Jold Min Co, (A M Ellsworth supt), " Oro Min Co. (Thos Steel supt), " Santa Mina (iold Min Co, (J K Kuat- injf supt), " Sduth Standard (Jold Min Co, " iSTaNDAR^ GOLD MINING MINES. MILLS. ETC. Stanford "consolidated j^a : Kellogg (ico .D,(agt Bear iliver Mill MINING CD.(ThosBucldey supt)," .fa { Co), ' Altai Tioga ( Jold Min Co, (C H (lolding ft , St liouis Min Co, " j supt), " *i 1 Alttiona (.>>uicliHilverMiii Co, (('has » Tunur J C, (min supt), " -•« C:andall supt), Altoona UNIVERSITY MINING CO, (D Amador Mill & Min Co, (.1 II Johns I F Moore supt). m supt), Amador AVhitn«'y if A, (min sujit), " Solo Mill Co, (Rule & Frank projjrs), linnvn's Valley Last Ciiance tjUiart/ Min Co, Colomo •a «t U Hunker Hill ^Mine, (.1 Talmer sui)t), " •a F.eliiwe Mill & Min Co, ((i W Kling ■Sit 8i'l't)> e3 Keystone Min Co,f<)C IFcwett supt),*' | StutshiKiT .1, (.supt Union Mine), '' Sj Itiektnan & Co, (South lloncut Min , BARNEY E S, (a"l»t I'lueiiix lic- it ('(i), liangor diiction Works), l>ryt"vn i' Jla/.ard Mine, (.fas H Kcohcn supt), 'Yellow .lacketMine, (Chas Mehon >i Bath supt), " J'« Mountain Chief it Blue Gravel Co, (Vder Cu'ck Min Co, Dutch Flat •** ' (.1 B SiHi.rn Hui.t), " , Cohl Ihni Ditch & Min Co, (J L \ Addenda Min Co, (M A McCornick (iouidsnpt), " eS sni)t», Bodie Ifayward Min (.'(i,(.I Sp.iuldingsiqit), " - ' NATOMA WATER & MINING CO, <■'"" H Bedington prcst), Folsom ThaiiiC'ap, (inininu), Fourtli Crossing Bill V C, (supt Milton .Mill & Water Cn), French Corral BushiicU i^ (/o, (min clainis), " Doc'kuin »^ Sam]ison, (min claim), " I'Nprralu'e Mill Co, (V C Bt'll s(!ev), " Milton Mi : & Water Ci>, (V C Bell supt!, . " l'i.i<.niock <,iuart/ MinCo, [W'V. n^ ton aut). AliUriiian 1". M.diiin supt),* larJcu Valley llohnes I I, (nii'i supt), (llcncoe 'I'lmiu'l I'diiit Mm Co, Cranite Hill BRADY A B, (agent), Crass V: lley llaii'ia David, (iniiie owner), Crizz! vFlat LMrd)ard () II, (mine ow i./r), " LosMTV Thos, (mine owner), " Whatt C. (supt F.cliiisc MiiK'), " Maiuiing I) A, ^supt M S l)CJ SOME TUNNEL MINING CO, fH (Thos Ihii^Kli'v sujit), P iiooker Cold I't Silver Mill Co, (A .H M inisworth Mi|it), « BOSTON CONSOLIDATED, (M O' .ll.lHH SUllt). P* C'liatniiioii Min I'o, (I. Manchett iJ M.l.tl. H CONSOLIDATED PACIHC. (M ^J^ .loues supt), " ^ Dudley <;ohl iS: SilvcT Min Co, ii'or- ® t^r ilolnies supt). 5 Ferguson S B, (min supt), " Wi Cipsy t^Uieeii (iold .Mill Co, (D C 13 Norton supt), " M (Idoilshaw (Jold Min<.'o, (Thos Buck- rl I'-'.V ^"I't), ^ (l.mld 11 A, (min supt). 2i llaiTiiij.'toii Cold & silver Min Co, n (L A Bee (Jraiige sujit), " O. HOMER MILL & MINING CO, " a LAST CHANCE, (M Jones supt), '• McClinton Cold Min Co, (11 F Lord Bupt), " C/» ? =1 n SI II s O CO (A 3 a IS f ^. ''?, \l^ \i p>i t . H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO. fct IroB. all Blacd imd ll«Bik«>a, tl«, IK 114. 11«.«nrt1IH1tatt«rr •W..II.V. < > O CO < o U I- X < X I- < a o o o 1032 MIN California. MUS Jackson Pioneer Min Co, San B'rancisco G M Co, Rose W, (supt Zeile Min Co), Valparaiso Quarti Mine, Jeriiogan J L, La Orange Birds £ye Creek Gold Min Co, Little York Canden Min Co, Liberty Hill Min Co, Little York Water & Min Co, Mammoth Blue (jravel Min Co, Planet Gravel Mining Co, Snicktam Min Co, Swamp Angel Min Co, Wild Cat Min Co, OARVET RICHABD. Los Angeles WAUOAMAN JOHN, (gold dry washer), Burke Morris, Miller Henry H, Brown, Elkins & Co, DaviH Wm & Son, FrieiUer M, Smith, Dooley St Co, Taylor Geo, Udell C P, Van Emma H 1., Crystal Mine, Empire Mine, Mdiinnis Mine, White Chief Mine, Kimball & Cutting, Bloss A C, Black Diamond Coal Mammoth City Michigan Bluff Mineral Kim Murphy's Nevada City Min Co, Nortonvill Oakland Penryn Fresno It Gait HoUlater Hanford Lofl Angeles Marysville Phoenix Mine (I Placerville If I'lymouth Quicksilvor Uock San Die;{<) Silveruio Angelu.s, " Ludlum & Mather, Chapman H U Uobinaon Wm, I^wley & I'atteu, Rhodes M C, Crawfonl J J, Park Canal & Min Co, Empire (rold Min Co, Cal Q S Mill Co, Rumaey I) C, Hiscock A H, Black Star Coal Min Co, Blue (i & S M Co of Los Santa Clara ('oal Mine, Santa Kiwa M & M Co of Now York, " Santiiigo (} & S M Co of Anaheim, " Excelsior Water A Min Co, Smarts ville Pittsburg Coal M Co, SomersvilK' lAniit W G, Sonora Wetmoi-e If G, WhittoThoa, Cherry Wm, Sulphur Creek Diaturnell Bros, " Hughes I), Ama«lor Canal & Min Co, Sutter Creek Amador Min Co, Lincoln Min Co, Bibbeus ii W, Volcano Iowa Hill! Con Amador Hydraulic Gold Min k Land Co, Volcano Boushey 8 & A, Min Santa Catalina Island, Wilmington Forty-nine and Fifty-six Q Mine, Yankee Hill MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS. ERICSON A W. Areata Hibbard & Somuier, Chico HOSMERWS, Culusa SWAN F S. Concord BONSTELL W T, Eureka WECK F A, GREENUP ft REID. THOMPSON ft SATER. Phelps V K, NTE JACOB. SHARPCHAS&CO, CONTERNOOD, Day & Hodgkina, Hirshtield I', Ijcwin Ijouisft Co, WANOEHANBROS. Doaiiut & Featherly, MF^JK ft DICKEY, Vv'iiuiier H, LANDRAM C, Hadaell & Rec'd, BrftiKl& Bassett, BUENN ADOLPH, (agt Steinway way & Son's pianos), Oakland Cowing M, '' Kohler & Chase, " Muuvais Zeno, " MORGAN CONSERVATORY OF : MUSIC. (S W Ixiaoh director), Viclif Andrew J, " CHRICHTONW, KowK-y H A, SCHOENFELD S D, COOPER JNO F. DALE & CO, GREINER GEO, (piano tuner and repairer), H annuo r L K, Heyman Arnold, Unit N S, LOTHHAMMER A,(l)ianoand or- gan tuner and repairer), Nolto Henry, SCHNEIDER A, Allen \N'iley H, Hamm Mrs M A, HYDE M D ft CO. (music), MORTON C, Roderick AH, " Waldtenfel A, •' CRANE ALPHONSE, Santa Barbara i< , Gofxlrioh J A, CRANE ALPHONSE. Banta Barbara Wright G W & Son, Santa Clara Taylor A A, Santa Crux WRIGHT & OVERTON, Santa Rosa San Bernardino San Jose San Luis Obispo Whipple V M, PALMER S G. LOUTTIT W R, HARRISON G W. McElroy P, DOLLARDMRSME. Berg E, Saratoga Suiaun Stooktoii Truckee Vallejo Watsonville Woodland NEWS AGENTS. (See also Books and Stationery; alsn Varieties.) Porter B B, Ey Frank, Crooks W H, Scribiier W H, JOHNSTON W H. Thitl A U HOSMER W S, Barrett C A, Drew W C L, MATHEWS JAMES STEWART C J, Humphrey Jas, MAYER SAMUEL. ShitnklinJ T, SPENCER WMK, Fanin^J, ALLEN WW, LyonUeo A Jr, Lewiii Louis & Co, Stoll S MEEK ft DICKET, OARWIN J M. MEDLEY P H Hadseil & Reed. Bums T R, Taylor Edward, Alameda Anaheim An^el 8 Camp Bakersfield Byron Chico Colusa Dutch Fldt El Dorado E, Eureka I* Kolsom Fresno II Grass Valley Havilah Hay wards Lakeport Ixw Angeles II Marysville Merced Modesto Monterey Oakland S ss o CO 3 NEWSPAPERS. "ADIN HAWKEYE" (Lafayette Biirnes pubr), Adin "ALAMEDA ARGUS," (T G Dauielis propr), Alameda "ALAMEDA ENCINAL" (Fredk K Krauth propr ami pub), •• "MODOC INDEPENDENT." (W I' Edwards), , Alturaa "ANAHEIM GAZETTE,"(Richard Melrose iiropr), Anaheim "MOUNTAIN ECHO, THE," (Myron Keed i)r(>pr). Angel's Camp "ANTIOCH LEDGER," (J P Ab- hiitt propr), Antioch "ARCATA LEADER," (W B Thorpe), Areata "PLACER HERALD," (Fletcher & Kincade pubs). Auburn " THE PLACER ARGUS," (H W Fenton editor), " "COURIER CALIFORNIAN," (A T Warren), Bakera&eld "KERN COUNTY CALIFOR- NIA," (A C Maude propr). " "KERN COUNTY GAZETTE," (.) F liinthicuui pub), '• "BENICIA CHRONICLE," (W H Foreman nuinager), Benicia "NEW ERA." (A W Ferguson & Co propra), *' "BERKELEY ADVOCATE." (H N Mwrijuand propr), Berkeley • • BIGGS RECORDER,"(F F Carn- duff propr), R^gg^ m iiily BoiliL- Stiiiulunl," (.1 1 (Jiim linmr), " "DAILY FREE PRESS," (H c OsliDriif cilitnr), " "MORNING NEWS," (HT H..0I0 ^^ "(IaSTROVILLE ARGUS," ('- 8i,'i)li .M'-rritt iiropr), Castroville "CHICO DAILY RECORD, ' («ii' H Cnissiitti' pi'<)|ir>, C'liico "CHICO ENTERPRISE," (H), Cdlton "COLUSA SUN," (A,l.liM:,t<.n & "HOLLISTER TELEGRAPH." (L'lirsrdi A Harrison nrfiprs), Hr), " "INYO INDEPENDENT," (C'l.ai- till it it TarUcr jiniiirs), liiile)iuni|tmcc "AMADOR TIMES," (» «' Wai- ilroii), lone City " AMADOR DISPATCH," (W M IVnry iiropr), .lacksoii "AMADOR LEDGER." (U Webh "AlffADOR SENTINEL," (T.u iicr iV Saiilinni itroiir^), "LAKE COUNTY BEE," (Ci'i- iicp tt JackHiiii iPi'oin-s), !inl, hutt'li lliit^ li-; inoiirl " "BROOKLYN VIDETTE." i"L'UNION NOUVELLE, (P I'.ast Oaklamll < ;:,uc.' iimiMl. " "DEMOCRATIC STANDARD." ••MORNING HERALD." (daily it l>o\viur pii'is), "DUTCH FLAT FORUM \\ III Asi'is), Miiroka "HUMBOLDT TIMES,' (i i: \\'mii:ii it Son), Muivka "WEST COAST SIGNAL," (daily and \i ci'kly 1. I ' II < Jurdon, aiidwrclih: ,1 1» l.yncli cdit.ir), "MOBNING JOURNAL," (d lily and wcfkiv. It II lli.'wtdt ))nip;i, " "SEMI-TROPIC CALIFOR- " FOLSOM TELEGRAPH." ( M rs I ^^?^1'}'^'''Z\'^'^''^^ i:'":!"'' .1 F llow p'-'.prssi, Fnksonil "WEEKLY MIRROR." (^ ai- " FRESNO EXPOSITOR." (.1 w I .. 'i'';!,^ '^'^^^'lig^'oVli'',, ,v „" r,.,- Misnn pnl.). Fivsno! "WEEKLY RESCUE." (^ 'inwll "FRESNO REPUBLICAN," „;^*^;;>':^*i 'irvr. bttttx. " (^..-klyi, S A Miller jml., " |"IOWER LAKE BULLE- '•GEORGETOWN GAZETTE." \ ..TSIS'ULilTrT^vxTri>*T;i'. •''''" (H W IhilLuit pr.jn), ( i.M.r-(-townl MAMMOTH CITY HERALD. "GILROY ADVOCATE." (IMV (W W I'l.irai.s prc)[n'l, Maiiinintli City Hl.aki' pi-ci])r1. '•DAILY UNION," (Cl.as .Mitdiell ]>riiiirl. < Jr;iHn V.illcy "FOOTHILL WEEKLY TID- INGS," ('^C L-'wis i.ropr), "HAY WARDS JOURNAL." (l^ M Dallam nditor and projtr), Hay wards "HEALDSBURG ENTER PRISE," (M>il!-''''W liro.-i), Jleald.sl.urg "RUSSIAN RIVER FLAG," (Leslie A .lordiui), (iilrov "MARIPOSA GAZETTE," (A •' I- 1.1 ,,..1 M ,,.;. i;c\Miil(is |'i'i)]ir), M n-ipos.i "CONTRA COSTA GAZETTE." ( liniikcr it i'ortfr), M.irtiucz " CONTRA COSTA NEWS," ( W m 1; ('I'.uiiia cditiu'and iirojir), " "MARYSVILLE APPEAL," (Lockwoodit l>ii\VKon), Marysvillo " MERCED EXPRESS," (weekly; Nti>neroad it Co, iinlilishcr.s), Mei'oed " SAN JOAftUIN VALLEY AR- GUS." (IJobert .1 .Steele pub). c: 2 Ci cr C9 c a o C» cc o ca 3 a Q O o 3 9 a o 'a ■ w X C9 "I X o c i/> « (A r i » r o TRY MURRAY'S MAGtC U.L L. tnuuvdUar^iio., •*wi't.<.kaiu. Ore- Koa. have It C9 e C) o ;3 y), AL.k.luimie Hill "MONITOR ARGUS," d* W Par- kir 'tlitor), Monitor *i i " MON T E R E Y CALIFOR- '•.' NIAN," (11 H Wi.tson), M..iitnr.:y ill "NAPA DAILY GOLD DOL- Ir LAR."(-' H C.HmcT). Naiuv .a! "NAPA REGISTER" (rraiici3& hf Spiiuliliiij,' iir(>)ir.s), " .- ''NAPA COUNTY REPORTER." < (Mrs r(i|ir), ' "DAILY TRANSCRIPT," » (Hiowii & (.'alUiiiH jmbs), Ntvada C'ity ^ "NEVADA HERALD," (r), Nortii Smi Juan .. "CITY ITEMIZER." (i: sci.-i- QJ] (lin^ in.iiKiuiT), Oakland C "EVENING TRIBUNE," (Wm •■• I) M.iiLiii" ni'ULU;ii'), " >» "LADIES' HOME JOURNAL."" QL (II Mdrsriiiupr), " "OAKLAND COURIER." Mc Q.Niiill in it 'riiiK'kcr I'mpis). '* "OAKLAND DAILY TIMES,"" ^ I (.1 l> Wyiiiim iMiinaviT), " © I "OAKLAND JOURNAL," (A M ** "OAKLAND PRESS," (D^ Witt w (' I.HWii'nc(>|iroiir), " J "SIGNS OF THE TIMES," " . " T RIBUNE" PUBLISHING CO, TJ (Win K Kar^^ii' nianaun), " .- "BUTTE COUNTY REGISTER," '~ (\\ in Sliai'lciv itmiir), OiMvilic n "OROVILLE WEEKLY MER- |y CURY," (\V>a l>oMutt lu-iM-l, " * "PETALUMA WEEKLY AR la GUS," (NV.v-ton v^ C.i), I'ltalunia "SONOMA COUNTY PRESSE," (uciklv, I" \V Ciiluii'n pr(ii>r\ * "THE PETALUMA COURIER,'" C (W !•' Shattui'k in-uprK fii "ELEORADO COUNTY REPUB- (3 LIOAN," (!'. K l>avi« pivi.r), k I'lacorvillo hfl 'MOUNTAIN DEMOCRAT," ft (W ASolkirk iM-oi.rl, lONAL." (Wm 2 1 "PLUMAS NATIONAL. >»' . E Ward). 10 tihiiiioy "PEOPLES" CAUSE." (J ll Pryor proiir), Jioil IJlnty "SENTINEL." (A Townsend), . " " THE LEDGER," (Frank W Siuitli i)ronr), J led liluff LEDDING INDEPENDENT,' (!'' M Swasiy inil)), Koddinu " SAN MATEO COUNTY JOUR NAL," (ll <^ Uowley nub), Ivi'dwood (.'ity San Mateo I'nblisliing Co, ("Times and Oa/ettf). " "PRESS AND HORTICUL- TURI3T," (1. M Holt pul)), Itiverside "EEL RIVER ECHO." (W ll Itiinuols), liolinerville "DAILY RECORD-UNION." (S.K'rauuMito I'ul) (.'()), SaiTaniento "DENTAL JAIRUS," (W o 'I'liiailkill vroin-), " "SACRAMENTO BEE," (J Mc- (.'latcliv & Co), " "SACRAMENTO JOURNAL." (K 1'" Wicnu'vcr & (.'oproprs), " "SACRAMEl^TO LEADER,' (.l>iliii N liirkiii iiropr), '' SACRAMENTO PUBLISHING CO, (■•l>,dly ilroord-Union" and "\V«'i:!i>r,s). " "M ilcluna Star," (C A (iardnor\ St Hi Una MONTEREY DEMOCRAT,' !■) W li i ll piKiir), Salinas City "SALINAS INDEX," (W J H Hdl). "CALAVERAS ADVERTIS- ER." iWniO Swonson), i^an Andr<;as "CALAVERAS WEEKLY CITIZEN," Kr F Lfavitt propr), " "S,in I'cruarduiii 'rinic-, "' (^Varl•^. ii \\ ilsiMi pr 'pri, San Bi'rnardino •'SAN BERNARDINO VAL- LEY INDEX," iW i; Pcrtoi), " "VENTURA FREE PRESS,' (Mr I, can it .^im), San lUiL'navi.ntiira "VENTURA SIGNAL." (Si.cri- dan l',]'i)s prKpi'sk '" •'SAN DIEGO NEWS," (Julian it li iki r pmIp^i, San Dio^'o ••SAN DIEGO UNION," (d.iiy and wi't'klv, I'lnmias < iurm pnl)), " "DAILY TIMES," (.^ W IVLacy jnoprl, San Jose "PIONEER."" (Ali-x FMnrL'ottun). '■ "TOWN TALK." iCluvi-nger & Salisliury), •SAN JOSE COURIER."' (Al- bert Ha.-iim proi»r), " "SAN JOSE HERALD," (Her- all Conui.-iny jiiilis), " "SAN JOSE MERCURY."' (.1 .1 OwfU manager), . " "SAN LEANDRO REPORT- ER," (H A Marsliall), han l.eandro CO m o a> o B • B £S •5 «; a' Ba 5* I o CO CD CD c/> I I I i !(• li IJ i Wm H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. M2 uavis Street, S. f. 1 I ill I i ii: ; ■ '5 |{ hl'lir; W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., TOrTiTLVriratSSrlKW^Vi? c 1036 NEW California. NOT oLA»«inw, 10 10 "8 C c O ■ o o S o < I- O "SAV LUIS OBISPO TRIB- u!NE," (Tribuna Printing t'o patw), San Luii Obiapo "8 OUT HERN CALIFORNIA ADVOCATE," (C H Phillips & Wm M Armstrong propra), " "Marin County Journal," (T Bar- stow prqpr), San Kufael *'MARXN COITNTT TOCSIN." lashan propr), Truckee " Democratic Despatch, " (A W Sef- ton propr), Ukiah ••MENDOCINO DEMOCRAT." (Alex Montgomery pub), "UKIAH CITY PRESS," (Car- penter ft Co proprs), Ukiah "SOLANO TIMES." (a«o Roe »rour), Vallejo " VAtLEJO CHRONICLE,"(£ve. ning, H P Taylor editor), " " TULARE WJSEKLY TIMES." (M C RutK ft Bro pulra), Vislia " ALAMEDA COUNTY REPOR- TER," (Everett T Calkim). Washington Corners "CALIFORNIA TRANS- CRIPT," (W H Wheeler propr), Wutsonville "SEMI-WEEKLY TRANS- CRIPT," (W H Wheeler propr), " " WAT80NVILLE PAJARONI- AN," (Cummings ft Uadclilf), " "Trinity Journal," (C W Craig propr), WeavervilU " THE WILLOWS JOURNAL," ( K J Hart propr), W illows "WOODLAND DAILY DEMO- CRAT." (Wm Saunders), Woodland " WOODLAND REPUBLICAN." (Beach Bros proprs), " "YOLO MAIL." (W W Theobalds "«rS?'- !00N JOURNAL." (R Nix- on piib), Yreka " YREKA UNION." (J W Bird), " NOTARIES PUBLIC. PALMER N W. Alameda Shoatf P L, Fitzgerald W, Montgomery Victor, Scott R W, ltl4>«IIy t«asht at PACIFIC BIMI- MBIM VOI.LKUIS. SIM r««t BU •. I>. NOT California. CLAMRirilD. NOT 1037 lO S 1 o o Z C0 3 e X CO TTTBNXRJN. Young J K, Merritt M R, TATES L 0. GImsL, OIFFORD A J. Hallet Andrew 8, Rhino Choa, Morgan D B, Storey W B, White W, Davenport N, White E E, UENINO JNO H, Bilker J M, BRADBURY E 0. Cotten J W, Knsten A J, WELLS OEO S, BiiHter J W, Pct cfB J ohn, PREWETT J E, BARRETT J H, BELL FRED W. DoUison J K, MELENDT J M. DOBBINS A J, Cumininga E C, Wright R B, Yates E R, Merrill W, Cowden M H, SANDERS J.M. Heller L, Bell V G, CLARE &M0KENZIE. Creed & Edwards, Dixon H S, Gnuly W D, HILL S H. TUPFER H C. TUFFER WALTER D. VAUOHAM & HARRIS. Smith J M, Shufflleton H H, CRAWORD E L, JackaonJ P, Schulze C, Wiuchel G, Satterwhite Thoa D, Cambria Harria C P, Camptonvillej Brotherton R K, Castroville, Johnson G G, Centreville StovoU A B, Cherokee Porter Robert, Chioo; Conkliu A D, " EiboHhutz A W, Clayton' Huahes J R, Cloverdale SURFACE J W Colfax Afironaon W, (voloma Riclitniycr B F, Colton; Camiiiotti A, Columbia' Spftjifiioli U B, Colusa I Preston A B, Copperopolis^ Fay Alvia, Diamond Springs Warner John, Dixon Downey City Dutch Flat Elniira Fairfield Ferndale Fiddletown Florin Forest Hill Fort Bidwell Fort Jones French Corral Fresno Doyle Jno J, KrITSCHASW, RIDOEAJ. ROBERTS EW, SPENCER WMX. Brown T C, Dixon F R J, DUNBAR JOFN. CADWELLD. ABBOTT RUFUS, BABGOCKMS. Cohn E, OAXESAO. HAMMOND J A, McCarty A P, Paul E M, Tunis Frank D, Turner J W. Whw'ler S, OILROT L, Gray W A, Jacobs J Jr, Weyand Julius, LOVE M F H, Meeker A C, Ilcnning I P, Blanchard J H, Chapman R H, DOBINSON GEO A, Fox Chas J , (» raves J A, (Jray W H, Holmes A C, Kays J as C, KING A J, Mitchell H M, FATTON GEO S, Warner J .1, STANLET'J R, BATTELLE T F, SIMPSON RICHARD, liUttges (t, Reynolds A, Jones J P, Miller C Ed, KRAUSEJP « Merritt Geo, HARDEN BROS. BATES SAMUEL E. Chapman Harry, FARRAR FRANEtH. Fleming C K, Gribi John, Hicks James E, Jackman E, Law John k , Robertson John W, Ward R H, Havilah Wiggington P D, Hay warda Gladden J M, HilPa Ferry HoUiater «c Hueneme Hydeaville Independence lone City Jacinto Jackaon Jamestown Keniville Knight's Ferry La Grange I^keport La Porte (I Lemoore Little Stoney Livermoro L»di Lompoc Loa Angeles Gait Gas Point Georgetown Germantown GibaoDville Gilroy Grangeville Grasa Valley Grayaon Greenwood Guadaloupe Hamburg Bar Hanford J5 CO T 3 I 3 Ijower Lake LoyaltoD Madera Maine Prairie Mariposa Martinez < Walthall L 15, K WRIGHT C C, it Boucher W K, Mokehimne Hill TTBRTTS F. If Maxwell M, Monitor LAMBERT T Q, Monterey lluimls Jiio, i< FOSS WM F, Mountain View Bog^s W M, Nai)a BRUCK LOUIS, << HULL iN J. II SEELYCB, Stcrliii!,' 11 11, 41 II TowleU W, (1 Caldwell,! 1, Nevada City (Jaithe L, II HUPP GEO S, II Lo. .', \V L), II VV.aiiig J M, II licaining Christopher, Ncwhall Pond Chas L, Nord O'NEILL PATRICK, North San Diego STIDGER JAMES, North San Juan Stidger J as A, II Stidg'ir P, II Hill C S S, ■ Oakdale Benedict Ncwtoii, Oakland Burrall W H, II CALLAGHAN J, II DGDGE CHAS F. II HARRISON M B, II Haswell F B, yn lok J as. Fox (J W, Rosa (r C, GREVES JAMES P, ALEXANDER D E, BROWN W B C, Davis Win .), FARR G W, HINKSON ADD C. HOPPER P J, LEONARD A. Miuiiiiiig A, MARSTIN ED M, McClcllan W li. V'enablo A 15, Wollel) ChjKS SMITH W A C, CUTTER SAMUEL L, PARKER W M R, SWINERTON S M, WALL J A, Hc.ldick .1 B, REED JUDGE IRA H, Allen ChasW, t>i>n Bernardino Brown .loiin .Iv, " CONDEE & MITCHELL, Curtis \V,J, <• St Helena , Salinas City San Andreas PORTER W R, Bledsoe N C, ^ H Q H ti ? H ^ ■ >i p ■ V CD ^B CO 1 ^m » X ^B tt H c ■ CO ■ a H k. P H 41 r ■ " p ■ ^ H il a ■ It n ■ II S ■ Obispo II "^ I I- ■ < Pearcc S O, Clark P A, MORGAN E M. BROOKING JAS. HORSLEY J R, TI^NINJOHN, Diichow W A, Galvin E R, ROGERS £ A, street L, Baker M D, Cutting fi M, FRAZER P B, GIBSON WM M, Mallon T C, McCarty Jas M, WEBSTER JlifOH, Without R E, Dunlap T, Abies Thoa J, Fisher A L, Lovjoy J A, WiiRD J F, CAROTHERS THOS L, ROGERS J T, Thompson 1) P, Blackman H, COXWRJR, HUBBS CHAS H. Riley ii W, BRADLEY N 0, Cullen W B, GIDDINGS C J, IjGvy tlnlius, McNAMARA T M, ZUMALT D K, DAVIS T M. HOLBROOKLD. LELL JULIUS, PORTER JEROME, Young Frank W, Shaw's Flat Sheep Rancli Shingle Npriugs Silveradi* Slack's Canyon Smith River Snelling Sonoma Sonora Stockton 4< • 1 Sutter Creek Tonialcs II Tulare Turlock Ukiah II Upper Ijake Vallejo Visalia Watson ville ;ht Chas, Bennett H G, Mills Bros, Williamson !c Co, PEPPER W H, Blaisdell S ( ;, Chapin S, (iunniiig .], Stephans H, Knnz Peter, O'Brien Thoa, Williamson &. Co, Kohler J B, Asher J M, Rock John, ROSS L & SON, Beckett John T, Ford G W, Sexton Joseph, m o Napa Oakland II Orarge O s ' S »^ £' ^1 • {■ I Pasadena II Penrj'n Fctaluma Poway II Redwood City ''«rf MKI m \^ U. PALMER & CO.. Frontlonan Wine, 302 Davis St. S. F. w im ■jNi Mi! IL ■ CO i c a S S 2 c o E 75 CO c c (0 O ■ O o o < a. O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^ and IrMi Pipe, an 11« ud 118 ; 111 VJ? 1040 NUR CcUifomia. CLABBinitD. PAI Spdnce John, Santa Barbara CraiK James A, Santa Cruz DOELTZ LOTTIS, Burbank Luther, Santa Ros; Smyth E H, " Tucker A F, " Shillingaburiz Wm, Vallejo KEANY PATRICK, Washington Corners Strong Robert, Westminster Railey James, West Oakland OCULISTS. ORESSLER CHAS BRIOOS W E, Cooksley — , A, I*]ast Oakland Sacramento OFFICERS. (See County Officers; also State Officers; also U S Officers.) OIL. Onstott I H, Ijos Anpt'les California Star Oil Works, Newhall Falls J H, Oakland CONTINENTAL OIL AND TRANSPORTATION CO, (A Andrew manager), Sacramento Scofield & Tevis. ORNAMENTAL PLASTERING. McLean Wm, Pieruccini S, Raetshmcr Wia & Co, Stevenson James, Ix)B Angeles Sacramento Stockton OYSTER SALOONS. (See also Restaurants. ) Heceland Jacob R, DOOLET THOS. BOND A, FISCHE]bl JOHN, PRICE J M, Tomicit (Jovani, MTJLLE W, Calhoun B, Campbell A Spiars, VISCOVICH JOHN. Haloon), Walmsley P & Co, Mund <]!has, LAPIERRE 0. LOUIS ISIDOR, EUTCH JOHN. LINDEN J T. Doan J S, nUZAR AX, Alameda Chico Colusa Kurcka c«.st'r>ri Lodi O w a f H. WACHHORST. importer of .iJS^^7iSI^^4.. 815 J St. Sao. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, Mo. »»• P<>at titreet. KintmU thoroaoly fl»r BoHlaeiMt. E g tt in (0 » o IS to e o 0) CD 75 (A O o o lA 0) (d u Z C9 3 O X PAl California. PAI 1041 CLAHSIFIBn. Austin W H, Lompoc OOVGLAS A H, Los Angeles iLriuy Chas, " Marshall C H, Maxwell & Erichson, '' Moran S, " MOfiSCH & MANNINO, Kannnerd Henry C, (sign), " Reilly T, Shroder J C & Sons, " HABIBLIN & PAYNE, Martinez ANDKEWS S, Muryaville IJroifdoii Win, " LANET & DERINQER, (car- riawi), " SAUL & DEPXIY, (carriage), Ainsley Wm, Mendocino Holmquest N R, (carriage), Fell? f leifoso, Lester George, Adilison J H, HOUGHTON D J, Wright «r A, (carriage), AMBROUSE J N. WHITE JOHN, Witliiugton G ii, OAOE A S. Wright E M, Barker Alfred Z T, Uoody & Hooley, (sign), Farwell F M, Fiuuigan M J, GreenuB ft Oaks, (sign). Hall F T, How J E, Mitchell V P, RUTHERFORD C B, Siesbuttul M, (Smitli Jno O N, Stephenson S, Mills (ieo L, Rohiiisnn S, PETERSON N. Schiuilt Geo, Given W J, VALENTINE C, FALES W M, Dillon llobt, lu^fiim A B, HANSON E H. U'ury D G, Whootcn F, Miller L mis. Mercad Modesto t< Monterey >< N(ip;v Nelson Nevada City it Oakdale Oakland Olcma Ophir Oroville Ortigiilito Pacheco Petaluma Plncerville Point Arena ii Redwood City Rio Vista BERRY JOHN C> (carriage), Roseville Aiiilersiin Borvr, Sacramento ASH ROBT W. (carriage), BENNETT ft HARVEY. (Sacra mentii Sign Works), Cttlvyn & Chipinan, (sign and orna- mental paintin"), (niNNINOHAML Drein an k S hiels, OIDLUND ft DALEY, << << n ii Ii HOFFE HENRY, (carriage), Sacramento Kropff Wm, (carriage) " Mannony V A, (glazing and paper hanging), '* Mitchell & Gilbert, " aUINN & BURKHARD, (sign works), " Rowan .1 P, (carriage), " SANTOS J A, (sign painting and iidvertiaer), *' SMITH Q Vt (sign and ornamen- tal), Stoner W P, " Brower J D, - Salinas City Dnnhiim Fred, " WORTHINGTON JOHN G. S.m Bernardino Boeker F H, San Buenaventura Murray & Co, " Pearson A B, San Diego Pierce W W, RICHAST>SUN JOHN, Steele & (i, Tallman E H, (carriage), " Castro M, San Jose CHRISTY J B, (carriage), GREENINGER ft YOUNG, .Tarmen J P, " Kimball Theodora, KinwJl Wm G, " LESTER & BYRN. Hinaldo !», RIVERS T J. Koss C H, Will.y C F. YOUilJBERG C A. Bowman W H, San Juan Clark lsaac,(house and sign), SanLeandro Smith Henry, San Lorenzo Darsey M V, (carriage), San Luis Obispo Knight Saml C, " Uoilerimiez Frank, " PROCTOli CHAS E. San Mateo Wil.y J S, Ware .Ino, ANDERSON CHRIS, Ii ii 11 Arnoudts C, THOMAS J W. Cleale J A, Longawa .Ino, (carriage), Br.-.cUett C T, FATERSON W T, Bicker F M, (Jadsby B C, Longley O A, O'Connor M J, Hill Jno C & Son, Bradfonl N D, WILSON W P, Hartvig Wm, Haycox T J, 66 San Pablo (carriage), San Rafael Ii Santa Barbara ii Santa Clara Ii Santa Crux Shasta Silvctado Smartsville Sonoma Sonom Stockton J5 -< o T u> H. PALMER & COm Port Wine $2.50 per gal. ■11' u. I i M m >;■■! Tr,i ni n i i z S E D O .1 W. W. MONTAGUE & C0., -?STW^JI„^T.^JKitfrVS^^;XVJ^^ 1042 PAI Caifmmia. CLASSIFIItD. PHO Kidd Jas E, Quinn Juo, Qnian & McDoughald, Stelling F, Wenk T B, GOLDEN MABE. Jones T E, Falconbridge J, Crellin J, (glazier), Emerson Jas, (carriage), RAINES THOS. (house, sign carriage) KIMBAIX & JACKSON, Stockton Suisun Sutter Creek Truckee Vallojo i< and << , Visalia Swasey & Peckham, VVatsonville TODB & SON. FEANCEE CHAS, Wheatland Chrisholm & Bro, Windsor Murray Jos, Winters Card W D, Woodlanil HOERNLEIN E G, (carriage), " K. 3, OILS, GLASS, WALL PAPERS, ETC. (See also painters ; also Druggists.) DRUBT J S. Bakersfield BOISOT & STEWART. Bodie MITCHELL H, Colusa Barnes H W, East Oakland THOMPSON & SAYER, Fresno SHEPHERD B F, Georgetown Foster A J, Grass Valley Baker J T, Hanford Degener Wm, Hollister LATHROP C G. HAMLIN B, Lemoore Baggiotti Francisco, (glf,2ing), Los Angeles DOTTER & BRADLEY. Howard, Bryant & Co, RAPHAEL CHAS, Harrington E A, SAUL & DEPUT. Wood ft Turner, Ray FH, FEARCH CHAS, Bailantyne Wm, BUSWlELL E G, Cal Fire ft Waterproof Paint Co, McGovern ft Cahul, Marks A, (glazier), Whittier, Fuller ft Co, Yates ft Co, Keating ft Corliss, Petaluma Wiswell J A, FICKERT C W 4 SON, Red BluflF GHADDERDON J L, Sacramento COHEN BEN, (curtains), KrebsC H ft Co, WHITTIER, FULLER ft CO, BUSSENIUS H R, St Helena Hitz Francis, Salinas City Marysville << Modesto Monterey Napa Oakland RICHARDSON JOHN, SCHNEIDER A, McKee Geo B ft Co, Bundy ft McFadden, Madan A, Jones T & Son, Smyth E H, CADY J S, Badger Bros, HOLLY SIDNY B, KERNS J W. l^rk A E, PECKHAM P A. WOOD HENRY B, San Diego (I San Jose Santa Ana Santa Clara Santa Maria Santa Kosa Sonora Stockton Stony Point Suisun II Watsonville Woodland PAPER HANGERS. ALVERADO JOS, WHITE JOHN. SMITH WM L. Cloverdale Nevatla City Sacramento PAPER MILLS. Lick Paper Mill. Santa Clara Brown Bros, (straw board), Saratoga King E T, (straw wrapping), " Saratoga Paper M.inufactory, " O'Neil Bros, (South Coast), Soquel Pionetjr Paper Mill, (S P Taylor propr), Taylorvillo PATENT AGENCIES. Waterhouse A (r Sacramento WEBSTER JOSHUA B, Stockton PATTERNS. McKinnie Mrs A K, Anaheim MOON MISS M F. (Butterick's)Chico Williams Mrs P A, Modesto McMillan mrs m. (Buttencks), St Helena BRAZELLE MRS A J ft CO. Sun Jose Santa Cruz Vallejo De Voll P H, Hathaway S F, PHOTOGRAPHERS. Moore ft Skelton, LOVEWILL GEO H, Knapp C H, Kemp H, Noble S S, Ratler R E, Cu rrie L D, FRYE H H, Kice J M, La Rosh Frank, Brannan H C, FLAGLORAF, GRANT MH, Arbuckle Auburn Bloomfield Bodie Caml)ria Centreville Chinese Camp Chico Columbia Colusa Dutch Fl»t Eureka a H r o 09 00 I 9 » O a Z » a (A o XI •a 9 M SI A J? » s O Si « r n TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. i''l ij PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thri K«del Ctonamwlal C»1I«m •r th« Comt. 8»0 PMit »U, «. F. S n o Pi M o o m o I PHO California. 0LAM8IFIKD. PHY 1043 Haywards HetUiUbur^ It Hollistt: Jackson liakeport Lemoore 41 Lo8 Angeles Lower Lake Mammoth City Maryaville Millville Merced M odcato Napa Nevada City Oakland Toll W B, Ferndale Jacobs J M, Forest Hill Heller L, Fort Jones Jones J W, Fresno Moore A R, Gilroy Berdea A J, Grass Valley QUIRK JAMES. Dunham Murry, May G W, Price Andrew, Smith Alfred L, Kay W, Burge J B, Mundy W B, Disney M, Lobbell S A, Parker F, Hill R, McMillan A, Reilly J J, TIEMAN CHARLES H. Cromwell O, Higgins E R, Brown & Etiwarda, Bray ton J G, Ferrand Chas, Rankin G W, Rudolph Mrs J F, Bailey A P, Brown J M, Cary C A, Dunham Murry, IngersoU VV B, Schramm Mathien, Strong J D, WOODS AMOS. Perry J C & Rumsdell G, Bamkiael H, HOQAN J H. Dowe L, Reed J Q, ROSS GEO, (iilbertGH, Rusecll Geo H, Sheppard L T, Worthington — , ASHER J. B««tl8 H S, LEFTWICH J W, REEDW, Todd J A, WOLFE S A, Vale W A, Brew ster J C, SHERRIFF J A, ART PALACE, proprs). Chan dler J W & Co, WHITE OB* Wright W W, " Butler Cook, * San Rafael Pellegrin A L, Santa Au» Hay ward & Muzzall, Santa Barban Oletii Orovilli Petalumii Placcrvilh Plane Point Areni Red Bluti Sacrament San Bemardin< San Buenaventnn San Diego (Crowell Bros San Josi Santa Barbara Santa Cruz tringfield A M, Baldwin J E D, Hodson J R, •« MITZ & SWART, Santa Rosa Rett T L, " WELLS & SEARa Sonora BATCHELDER B F, Stockton Spooner J P, *' Stinson L J, Susanville Gage H K, Truckee Ci^FENTER A 0, Ukiah Smith J ii, Vallejo VVatrous S W, Visalia Boydstone S, Volcano Yrunt G VV, Willows ELLIOTT 0, Woodland King J W, Van Diveer W J, " Watkins — , Yo Semite HANSEN J. Yreka PHYSICIANS. Hall H F, Adin McCa«h C A, DeCHESNE HENRT. AM, Alameda Reynolds " Lefever J, Alleghany Forrest J M, Alturas Hardnall VV L, Miiyon J Ij, Mayon T H, FEROTJSSON (English), Yocum J H, Calhorm J Gil, Kelly W A, Wemple E L, Gibbons C H, Fleming H W, MEEKER LOUIS E. Menefee P M, Shackleton E Ij, Todd T M, Giesea F A, Phipps Chas, Rogers C A, Stern L, Thornton G F, Wheeler W D, Luce Douglas, (iibbins W B, Folsom E C, GRAY EDWARD. Payne S H, Shuey Sarah T, Bussev P B, HAWKINS C, xMiller H P, Hackett John J, Piggott A K, BLACKWOOD T J. Davison H B, Amador it REGINALD A. Anaheim t< Anderson Angel's Camp Antioch Arbuckle Areata Auburn <( BakersHeld ti 11 << i< • ■< Banta Beckwith Benieia i( Berkeley << Biggs t< Black's Bodega (< Bodie m o CA t l:i 'I % w f^ tl^B- 3 !s'' f» «rTKY MURKAY'b lUNG AND LIVER BALSAM..^ ■ Iff WWIIf I'MDUC 01 vUif |>attern(i. 110. 112. 114, 110 and lHfB»tUTT St.. S. P. ii. P'li IL ■ C « I e I CO I c (0 O ■ O o o < Q. 1044 PHT California. CLASSiriBD. PHT Deal D L, ... Bodie Robertson H D, " ROEMJ. Rogers N, M D, " " R..tfer8 VV H, M D, STEVENSON BE,MD, VAN ZANDT JOHN W. M D, " Munlove VV S, Brighton Hague I I, Brown's Valley He Turbeville — , Brownsville Gaston Mrs, Devore J W, Butte City Spencer J S, " Gardner A M, Calistoga Smith W D, McCURDT SAMUEL, Cambria Scott A W, PARKER JOHN. Castroville Cochrane S R, Centerville Graves \V L, ALIEN CYRUS H. Centreville Cockrill — , Yonseca D L, France C, Cherokee Clarke B F, Chico CRAPO G W, Davis G W, DAWSON J A, HENDERSON T. JACKSON J S. MASON C C. Stausbury O, Watts Nelson, Lampsoii KM, M D, Aikin I T, Powers A W, M D, Boggs J O, Morkell R S, Raneey o, Rooney R F, DAVIS S, Fondi A TONO TU SAN, ADAIR & WEST, Banks J M, Beltoii W H, ROBINSON LUKE, McFarland A, McFayden J, GibbsGF, Ad ims Z T, Austin H G, MestcU D D, Gardner M, Evans G H, Gorgon E A, Prutt A H, Rives B E, Smith W C, Jump Alemby, Norman W A, Clark J, Martin N, Chinese Camp Chiiio Cinnabur Cloverdale << Colfax Oolleje City Courtland Davis Dixon Downey City 3 1 £ 3 1 ^ a. I "1 ■ *'* CD ^H ^* 3 ■ CO .■J ^1 3* ^H o I *B o ^1 cL a ^M O ^ H its CD ^M ^^ a I ^ o 3 ^1 4^ CD 1 O 1. < 1 ^ ] S 1 ^ ^ ST 1 1 I O 1 O (. S 1 ^ 1 » 1 4} % 9 1 4tf I 1 ® ^ or < 1 5 L •n 1 * !i CD a. m 1 e ^ 00 1 ^ « o 3P ^ ? <9 40 H. WACHHORST calls attention/*^%-vS^££" 315 J St H. FACiFic BUSINESS COLLEGE, •'■iijs:iry±a%,!ije'- >- ■ 4 J ■ 1 1 *\ 3 1 i ) ■ Si ' 1 s n ■ « 3 ■ € P p» u a 1 £ iA Q] ■ Ui .a = ■ c >• ■ ^ n rr to 1 c B 3 s ? •k - T « ale ( 1 3 -4» •s i c« 01 n * U lill O #B lies 3 o ing rral < t iich V m ^if " s 1 i2 'lata ? ■ e s " ICA ■ if 1 c II ^ uleta 11 09 «1 i2 zalea « (ville iiUey 11 $ II •^ o arg EljE, Foosmaa James, Swiafaer J R, Miller C P. Vance A W, BABDTJE W N. (surgeon), Crepin H, Howard L K, Nei:! H, Kaukin R, Brico C E, Wooiey J A, Steph«nson — ,. FARBAR M C. Engle \V S, Falea N W, Biekuell F T, George W H, Adams A L, Brusie L, Farrow E, Pettersou O H, Brown C Y, Todd Wm, Hoover M, Boone J T, Kier Henry M, Lowe J H, Crampton H J, Downes J M, THORNTON F H. Mussey J M, Rheinhart M, Frenholtz E, Duncan N P, Latimer J 0, liovelace L M, Moore L L, Morse S, CUTLER L H. Garrett G B, Foote E N & Son, Gordon €ha8 H, HARTEL C A £. TABOR MRS PC Williamson C V. DIMOGKHC. JohnBun J T, Callou — , Barney J G, Barton C C, BRAQOB F. Deu R S, Fellows laaao, Fernandez — ^ Gale T C, G'iberson — , Gregory J R, Griffin J S, Hammon J, HayMrsRUlaa. Kirkp«inck J C. Healdshurg 11 Hill's Ferry II HoUister Hoopa Valley Howards Hunsaker Hydeaville Ibo Imsdale Independence II lone City Iowa Hill Juckson II Kernville Keyesville Knifi;ht's Landing Knight's Ferry Lakeport La Porte 11 Latrobe Lemoore Livermore II Lockeford Lodi II << i< Lompoc II Lone Pine Los Angeles II 9 Ik 6 M:|, ■ i CD I S s IL 7 m\'} o o o c S o < 0. E O w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., »tts* .'a'i/garrig&sa^sgyft 1046 PHY California. CUABMIPIKI). PHY Valantine H W, VOIOHTWa Wiau S E, Eideumiller D C, Perry J M, Farley G 8, Joye E V, Samuel Henry L, Stotlar J, Taylor E (J, WOOLFOKDJ S. Hazen Chao C, Osier C H, Adams J 8, A gan l A H, AVERT AD ALENE Nf Barber E T, Barrett Mrs E M, Boericke & Tafel, Bruenn Adolpb, Buck E W, BUCKLAND WALLACE 0. BUNDTJH. Cnxhead John, CROWLEY DD, ' Docking T, Draper Chas F, FEARNJOmr. Foutkes James F, , Geary L C, Gietner J T, Hempstead W F, KENDRICK CARROLL. KENDRICK JOSEPH J. KENDRICK JXJLIEN a Lawlor W H, Lawrence L B, Lilienkrank HEAL, MACLEAN D. MACRAE A. Martin W N, Mauzy R D, Mauzy W J, Pearce S E, v Pinkerton T H, POPE HORACE C, Posey A C, Besensburger M, fieilay & Bradway, Rnsenk Gustav, SelfridgeJ M, SKILLINOD. Stockham G H, Tabor Isaac, l^icker 8 G, Verhave A, Warren O P, Wharton Mrs Maria, Wheeler P, Wilson Mrs, WonaTy. Woods R, /' Woolsey E H, Nevada City << New Almaden Nicoluus Nordhoff North San Juau Nortonville (t Oakdale i< Oakland • < «< •< << << 41 Worthington C N, Bell W, Woolly J A, r ..fter Jas C, ikddington D M, Joslin £ M, Medlock J R, Vincent Frank, Bolton W, Jenkins T J, McDermott W P, MILLERPBM. Conger O H, Lord ISP, Beatty B F, Stambaugh 8 8, Hogan J J, BERG DANIEL M. Carpenter W W, CHRISTIE J B, Crane J II, Patty L M, REMARaUE MRS CHAS. REMARQUE JOHN F. Oakland Oak Run Occidental Olema Oleta Orange t< Orland Orovillo it u t( Pasadena «> Poscadero (( Peiiryn Petaluma SMITH JOHN B, WIOAND THEO. Kuhn 8 W, Kunkler F W, Proctor J M, Worthem H W A, Banta Wm, Bass Cyrus, Mark P M, Smith A C, Stimpson 8 F, Bacon T F, Steiuberger C H, Kirkpatrick R C, AlfordBM, Chapman P E, Gere (»eo, FRENCH E D. Cate L F, Cameron J S, Olendorf W D, Curtis E D, Lawry O J, Bradbury Geo F, Kirkpatrick C A, Milliken A, Bonhara B B, Williams N, Painter Mrs Amy P, Endicott R N, Lsffler John, Randle P W, Finah — , Allen J, Gill C J. Shugart K D, WoodEP, FELTTDr Niles Win B, Placerville Pleasant Grove Pleasanton »t Plymouth tt Point Arena >< Pomona Porters ville Poway Quincy Re'^' < ' ■ ! -■ Ml m ^H M ' 8 J: z s s 5 p IS >- K < X * ■ O fel a 1048 PHY California. CLAMiriRD. PIC Briceland M, Shasta Long J M, Sheridan Hunter M A, Bhinglo Springs Sawyer J J, Sierra City Caughie John A, Smartsville Titft R W, << Thorworth J F. Smith River Cassity P F, Snelling Withtrspoon VV D, << Von GeWern Chas, Sonoma CRICHTON S. Sonora EICHEIROTH WM E. It Mataun E A, << Mouron Juliiia, li REARS WL, << Walker J, ii Jackson H, South Fork KirkpatrickRC, Spadra Clark Asa, Stockton Crawfonl S P, (aurgeon), Truckce Goss R J, Murphy L D, Tulare CARPENTER A 0. Ukiah Dozier Barbou, Beynolda R G, Cunningham J S, Reynolda J W B, Anderson VV D, DOANJF, FROST JAS, Kirkup E, TAYLOR WE. Hampton J E, Crabb J N, Baker M, Beitn John, HaU A £, Hof J B, Upper Lake Vacaville ) - lT $ l5 _« (A Z *« O (/) >- Si X a C9 It "0 a * o o '" a z in Capwell H C & Co, Sacramento 8CHWAHB T W. SCHNEIDER A San Diego IfVBMAN & HUOHES. i^an Jose QOUDKIGH J A> Man Louis Obispo Stockton •Susan ville Woo?o Yreicu (Juemscy & Allen, McKinsey N 8, OEB AID JAMES S, JACKSON S & BRO, PLANING MILLS. Aflin Adin Planing Mill, (JrovesA Wilson, SMITH A GUY & CO, Anaheim Putinun S, Auburn Beano J If, Bcnicia SCHUSTER & NIEHAUS, Berkeley B..ca Mill Co, Boca Cmne Wm & Bro, Brownsville ^AT.T. GEO W, Calunilia Barnes Bros &(iedge, Ikist Oaklanil Eiist Oakland Planing Mills, " lUchanlsen Clias, Eureka Bruiisteker P, Grass Valli y Philips & Favour, Healdsbv.rg Floo d J P , Los Angeles GRIFFITH J M & CO. Perry, Woodward h Co, Peller John, * Marysville SWAIN & HUDSON. Isaacs tieo E, Merced Humhani, Standeford W & Co, Oakland Hyutt & Leonard, Nay L (J A Co, Petaluma Sloper & Fuller, Davis Chas, Rio Vista Hai'twell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, Sacramento HUNT J A & CO. Pwirson, Anisden & Burnett, " Armcntront E A, San Bernardino LiiivilleWJ,, Wright WG, San Diego Planing Mills Co, San Diego Terry & Brown, ENTERPRISE MILL & LUM- BER CO, San Jose Gillespie T J & Co, SAN JO S E I N DEPENDENT MILL & LUMBER CO. K S Swain fiupt), Santa Clara Valley Mill & Lumber Co, SHAVER ISAAC, San Rafael Bhepard H T, Santa Barbara Santa Croz Lumber Assn, Santa Cruz KORl^L F & BROS. Santa Rosa BRADFORD S 8. Sonora Barnes D G & Co, Sonth Vallejo FItZOERALD & HENDER- SON. Stockton THOS, Anaheim Benicia it Chico Femdale Los Angeles CALDWELL S> Woodland SEANOR GEO. Wrights LAWTON & SKINNER. Yreka PLUMBERS AND GAS-FIT- TERS. Cannon Thos, Alameda Engel S, M&LS & FISCHER, t^uast J, Beiinersoheidt Jos, GILLEY & CO. Howaith JiiH, NEWMAN J F, Francis Thos P, Buggiotti Francisco, Crimmons John, HARPER, MOORE & CO, MANNING THOS F, MoMENOMY & CLAYTON, P erry S M, " DUXES. Marybvillc FREIERMUTH H, Mission San Jose Bonhani J V, Oakland Fox L, Gemmell A, " Jacobs M, " JVIcCourtney Paul, • " MacdonaldJ AC, " O'Shea J J, Spencer John, Shannon & Rooney, Fritsch & Bowman, Potter E S, J em son P, BUSH GEO T. Hi{hs Abl>ott L, GODFREY G K. PRAG CONRAD. HOFFMANN Cf L. HUTCHINS J S. WHITMORE D, BABBEK S £t Hiu Butte City Byron Cahto Calientu Calisto^a Camanehu Cambria Campo Campo St'co Camptonville Cap.iy Cupistruno Carpentoria Ca^pLT Castroville Cayutas Codarville Centreville Central Point C«ntral House (3ore8 Cherokee Chico Chinese Camp Chiuo Choi ami Christine Chualar Cinnabar Cioco Clarksburg Clarksville Clav Clipper Mills Cloverdale Colfax College CitT College vilfe Coliiusville Coloma Colton 0$ o ao I 9 tfi o a a o M o ^■ S. 5? (D n o e M r 9 r TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KINC. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '•'St&'lSSISl&ff.lS&^SiilVk .■i i I'08 CcUifornia. CLAHNIKinn. roH 1061 •6 CO I n 6 C Q. (8 C 3 Ik a (0 •> (0 (0 In ■ LEVT LOUIS, W<>odniffAL, JONES J H. McFarland A, Bacon H, HONET CALVIK, Humphreys J H, HOWELL S A. SEED HENBT ] Kahn Paul, Blum Simon, SETTER B STOOBY D O'Brion C F, THOUFSON S. Munl uu VV jH . HcKENNET & &. HARE A J. Smith W T, HTTRSE S K, WEST E F, Picket! J C, BRADBURY E G, Hall Wm, GREEN J, PERRY 8 A. Wolff T W, RYAN WM. RECKART JACOB GREEN J, Duncan Samuel, (Jray O W, (deputy), Smart D K ^ .lormingB Wm, BERLINGER J, Mt'rrill M8, CAVANAUGH JOS. Knox A L, Childa— , Drew W C L, DUGHI B & 00. PYLEWH. mSENERNS. DaviiUon N L, HORN A J. CAFFYN b, UPHAM J H. EPPERSON B C. Siaele J M, AXE FRED. SMITH F J. HOOPER T P. Richie V V, Sweet A, BRUNDAOE T J, Dyke vt Co, Kent D L. TR06T JOHN H. Wright R B, Meyers Jacob, FOSTER H, Columbia Columbia Hill Colusa Compton Concord (Joppcropolis (,'onlulia Coaumno E, (assistant), Coulterville Courtland Cucamonga Cuffcy's Covt' Dark Canyon Darwin Davenport Davis RAMER. Davis Creek Ducoto Delta Deuverton De Rfxlwood iX'Bcunso Diamond Springs Dixon Dougherty Station Douglas Flat Downey City Dowiiiovillel DowsPr irie, Dublin| Duueun's Millsi Dunni^fau' Dutch Hati Dry town! Eagloville; Kast Ik'rkeloyi txlgwood El Cahon Kl Casco' Kl Dorado '■ It I Mk Creek 1 Elliott| Elmira' El Monte Emigrant (Sap! Kmmaton> Epperson; Etna Eureka Evergreen! Fairfield Fall Brook False Cai)e Farmers ville Farmington Felton Ferndale Fiddletown Firebaugh Fisk's Mill NADEAU JOS F. SUGDEN FRED'K, Smith J H, WESTON R S. COWDEN M H. WELD H D, SOTOP W. SANDERS JNO M. Ikeddick Wm, MoSINE M J. BLACKFORD E. Kr>rn iliicob, RIEHLGEOP. Boldcn Wm, Williiims Mrs Sarah, Froelich Otto, LAZARS PLUMB T. Kay Don, Webster David, Pbilipini K, OASQUET HORACE. WimAMSJS. SHEPHERD B F. BRIGGS H W. Berry Ci W, Wood L N, FOSTER I G, ACKERLY F. Soarles W, McCABE JOHN, DIEFENDORFF C J, Horence Floriu Folsom Forest City Forest Uill Forest Ranch Forster City Fort Bidwell Fourth Crossing Fort Jones Fort Ross Franklin Freeport French Camp French Corral Fresno Fresno Flats French Oulcb Gait Garden (>rove Ganlou Valley ()(iisquet Gas Point (Georgetown Gilroy Glencoe (irlenville (ioleta Goodyenr's Bar Gonzales Goshen (>rand Island NATHAN HERMANN, Vercunip Frank, Tyler 1 E. ROHLFING HENRY Wharton .1 E P, DUNBAR JOHN. BAGLEY J W, Pitcher H S, CALDWELL DAN, PLUMMEREJ, Peacock c; W, Cooper J G, MORGAN W C, GAMBLING J C, JOST THOS. «hcckler B R, BAIRTHOS, GRADE WM A, LIVINGSTON R G, SHUEY S D. SMITH £0. SMITH D t. RUSSELL G a. Rowley J B, McMurry J W, ChinnJ W, Pool Josiah, Aaronsou VV, Meek C M, , ButterfieldBF. Grange ville Grunt Hill (■ranitevilla F, Gi-een Valley (Jridley Guadaloupe Gueruevitlo Half Moon Bay Hamburg Bar . Hanford Harrisburg Haywards Henry's Hill's Ferry Hollister Homestead Hoopa Valley Hopeton Hueneme Hunsaker Hydesville Igo Imu«dale Independence lone City Iowa HiU laleton Jacinto Jackson Jamestown i> ■ ■itri \KJ\"ii \i % H. PALMER « CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. W. W. MO^'TAGUE & GO., TO.'?/ffJ„W.M^SJy*±^ff.Vif^ i' '1 n'M tli 1 ■(: i c 1 c o E li C c O • o < I- 1052 pos California. CLASmt'IRD. POS HTBE EUSHA, MYLES W C, Dutton Geo &, Co, Humphreys W S, McDowells A, DAY C W. LEFT A E, WEIXS M F, SIESENOP J A. BROWN A. YOUNG W G. Whipple F A, Kinney E R, FRYETT S J. Warner John, Sherve Benjamin, HAMMOND J A. Bigerstiiff W J, Bod'^ell C A, WASHINGTON HENRY, Shepherd J A, Adims A J, COPELAND C W. HAYS H B. CARTER D F. Ingram Wm, Willita Hiraui, Stevens Isaiah, DAVIS J R. GODFREY H J, McLl :^ A J, OLDS E J, Locke D J, Beckwith B I), Tucker B F, Stewart J •), DOYLE J W. LESLIE A. D.;nkciherger I 11, KORN M, Lowden O K, STANLEY J R, BATTELLE T F. FORD GO. MOORE E, FIFIELD W E, FRENCH J A, Kphruim Solomon, James O F, Eastman J F M lyer B, BACON J DALT0!7. King Siiniiicl A, GLADDEN J ^. HVRCBUT P D, HEATH J. RAi¥SON G W. HABEA REINNOLD. jmLE S A, 0RE3N A F. KIDDER MRS M A. Janal Jenny Ijind Jersey Landing Joloti Josephine Judsonville Julian City Junction City Junction K''ene Kelsey Kernville Keyesville Kibesillah Kingsburg Knight's Landing Kuight's Ferry Lafayette La Grange Lakeport Lakcvillc La Porte Lathrop Latrobe liCmoore Lewistou Lime Kiln Lincoln Little Lake Little River Little Stoney Live Oak Livermore Livingstone Lockeford Lodi liompoc Ixine Fine Long Valley Los Alamos Los Angeles Los Banos Lowden's Ranch Lower Lake Loyalton Mad'jliuo M.idera Mali:ioa Maine Frairie Marshall Mirtiu ;z Maryiville Mayfi'jld M ixwoll Merced Meridian Mjrrillville Michigan Bir Middletown Midway Mdford ] MillhraO ' Miller TEEL C A, CLARK P, WOLCOTT OSCAR, DAVIDSON W. BATES F. SWAIN JAS F, Lowcnberg Sol, PEEK WM P, , Millville Miipitas Mil ton Mineral King Minersville Modesto Mohave Mokclumne Hill RUTTER ROYAL J. Monitor GOMEZ FELIPE. Monterey HUNTER J & CO. Monticcllo MERRILL D P. Moore's Station STEPHENSON THOS. Mormon Island STOCKING E B. Moro MARGOT H D. Mountain View Bichard Tom. BRUSTGRUEN F. Irving Washington E, McGrath Thos, Rowland J H, Mount Butlinu Mount Eden Mt Fairv? jw Mount Shastii Napa BENGSON MRS C E, Napa Juncti PARSONS G H. Hussou F, Mcintosh J W, Holbrook J S, LOWE RALPH, Mills C W, Culver E W, CAMPTON GEO. Thornton A, TAFT H F, ARENS & BARBEE. SNYDER WM. COLBY & PONDt (UllK'rt Thos, D'ANTEUIL GEO. CRANDALL T P. Macchiavclla A, WOODRUFF A L, SWAN ANSON B. Tin^'nian W J, Faguiano .1 B, Swi^art Jacob, MACPHERSON T. Smith I'rank, KERR JOHN S, Fain J C, MARSELLUS E P. MORLEY W W, HLAMEY A J. Walker Wm, CRANDELL WM L, WIGHT R B, BEERMAN A. BRANDON W H, HARWQOD NATkAN D, JOHNSON G W, LEWIS J8.(asst) SCOTT HMRY P. Smith Jno .), on National City Natividad Nelson Nevada City New Alm.'deu Newbury Park Newcastle Newhall New Hope Nioasio Nicolaus Nilea Nord Nonlhoff Norman North BloomKeld North Branch North Columbia North San Juan Nortonvillc Novate Norwalk Noyo Oak Bar Oakdale Oak (Jrovc Oakland Oak Run Occidental Olaucha CARNE JOHN IRA. CllCRTON W, VealWin, Olcma Oleta Olimpo Omega Orange Oregon House Orland Orleans Bar Orovjile Ortigalito Pacheco Pala a5 CA -i (A H ao m m H o o m • S o m r (A o as a a § 9 O 1 o e a ar o a 9 e 9 9 ^ ^ ^ ST£ s Ho: C OA] It Dun ^ Mor to I B e s s « e i o I ft -J i 8 z DttB SMI o CHA K- SCR z a fiTrn 9 oiv e z Pattt • VSLi CO ROB • Hopt o Carv< « CX)N • Audr < Men • ATT u ALL SYL H. WACHKORSt. Aaent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street. Sac ■IP $ ao (A H CA H ao m m H "0 O ao iW O tat ae pa m on n s o 2 on V» ty (A leu Tl trk a tie a all o )pe 9C 810 tus 1C8 m r (4 >r(l off X an o »>1() Qi ich a a Dia s » lan ille i ato a aik a!a BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pravtlrally tansht at PACIFIC HIJMI. WKWH rofii^">, THOMSON WM, PLATEA P A. SAIISBURO S A. ARENDT H. LEWIS MRS S 0. McCahe .) P. BRANSFORB Z W, PARKER J B, PETERS P. QILLIAM S M, CAYA M, McAlinoiid C G, COMPTON T J, FRENCH E D. BENTLET D. Ihtherty Kichd, SMITH S E, Whitlock J H, TAYLOR EDWIN, BOWERS W C. FAINTER L, Hubl.H.C, GEEVES JAS P, ISu. 'i C t Paradise Pasadena Pascedero Paso De liobles Pat^oraon Peach Tree Penryu Petrolia Petaliima Picacho Pine Gmvc Pino Pinoli Pittville Placervillo IMainfield Plj'.inshurij; Piano Platea I'leasant Crave Pleasanton Plymouth Point of Tinilx3r Porno BROWN GEO, San Benito PORTER W R, San Bernardino CUNNINGHAM RICHARD. San Bruno Goodwin J W, Choate D, Padon Alfred, MOFFETT A R Allen Peter, WESTON E. Levy — , Jordan J C, Bailey D C, CARGILL C G. STURTEVANlf N G, SHIMAN JOHN L. Simnjler J J, (joldbaum Simon, SPEYER DAVID, (rdodspewl .1 U, TILLOTSON H J, Piatt T H, Frankle Leopard, , SPURGEON W H, Pomona| Stoddard Henry, Point Arena Portersville Port Wine I'otrero Potter Valley Poway Princeton Purissima Quicksilver Quiiicy Railroad Flat Ravenna Kio Dell Uio Vista Riverside ReddiuL' Hillin^rs J M, Brascr J, GOODWIN J F. BOYCE M B, SHEPARD A H, Irvine Saml, Neece Ahram, I'V-rrill J D, WHIPPLE V M, Pearson ii P, aUESNEL J P, CLEMENTS JOHN. Re.l Rluif FRISBIE WILL, Redwood City ROBERTS MARTIN. Robert's Laudin Wood Harvey, Robinson's Kerry BEATY JOHN, Rock SMITH L G, Rocklin CHABTREE S H, Rohnerville SCHRODER JOHN F. Rough and Ready STOUTENBOEOUGH J H. Round Val:;jy Patterson A D, Roatier PRATT J D. Roneville ROBERTS W B, Rutherfortl Hopping VV C, Sacramento Carver I) B, St Helena CONLAN DANIEL, St Umia Andrews A, Salida McDoiiuall J H, Salinas City AY X E^ H G> San Andreas SYLVESTISL FRANCIS.San Antouioj Snyder 1), DORAN R, HAINES HERMON. Paslauua, A, School House Station DOUGHERTY JOHN, Sebastoi,©! San Buenaventura Sao Diego San Dieguito San Fernando San Gabriel San Gorgonia San Gregoria San Jacinto San Jose San Juan San Leandro San Lorenzo San Luia Obispo San Luis Roy San Marcos San Mateo San Pablo San Rafael San Simeon Santa Ana Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Santa Maria Santa Monica Santa Panla Santa Rita Santa Rosa San Quentin Saratoga Saucelito Saticoy Savannah Sawyer's Bar Scenega BAILEY C M BUSCH A C. BURTON S T, PAIGE C L. BULLERDIECK A. Ro^'^ers K C, DECKER G A. Pearce S O, MORGAN E M, Seia ni i W' m OLD PORT WINE» H. PALMER & CO., 302 J)avis St., S. F. B I I jB fl ji.;: ;| J !l r m m %. i 1 h w {!• 1 m i V : ■ ft. J a e . W. mure I MlaUC « UU., ng. H4. iio, and IIM »att«>r»- sCpi.f1 -•313 ilM c 'O E li CO "8 IB d o < a. 1054 POS California CI.A8niFIKD. ^RI HTHES JOHN. SpenceviUe SWORTZEL W J. Springville Cavis Job M, Stockton HOLLT SIDNT B, Stony Point TOTTLEN WM, Strawberry Valley BLANK HRSLOTTIE,Sulphur Creek AMY VICTOR, Summer FETSER DAVE. Summit Dennis Jackson, Sutter Creek Wood James, Sweetland DOWNING JOSEPH, Squaw Valley Dav is H owell, Sycamore McNUITY JEREMIAH. Table BluiT MoFARLAND T A. Table Rock CAMPBELL I R (deputy), Tahoe HIRSHFELD M. Tchichipa Aitken R B, Tehama Wolf Louis, Temecula NORRIS C R. (xrove \j E, DRANGA N G 0. THORP A W. Feary Mrs Annie, ADAMS WM, HOLLAND T M. TOWNSEND H a FABIAN P. Childs Wm, RUMFELT A. Towner I) B, Sisson, Wallace & Co, Lander I C, Tustin Columbus, FIELD CE. Thomiwon A W, Brainard (t, SINGLET GEO H. BLTTMM. Wright M J,. Kitching A C, Biicisjftlupi F, CLENDENON W S. DICUS S C. KETESJNOA. Cassiiielli L, ALLENDER Temeacal Three Rivers Tia Juana Timbuctoo Tipton Toll House Tomales Townsend Tracy Trinidad Trinity Center Trucket! Tulare Turlock Tustin City Tvnmo Ukiah Union House Upper Mattole V^acavillt Vallej. Valley Coiitrt Vallicitii Viejas Vina Visalii) Volcano CO. CRIBBEC. RADGESKT L. BURSMAN H, Hack Wm H, Faure A, TAYLOR C J E. Hull T C, Ruffirio S, LANDIS JOHN, White Jos R, Jones P D, WILLIAMS W H. Jo hnston Wm, LAUBERSHIMER A. MOODY LORENZO, A T & Walker's Laridiim Walnut Creek Walnut (irove Washinf^ton Washington CorncrH Waterford Weldoii WestminstiT West Point Wheatland White's Bridge Wildflower Williams Willows Wilmington Winters WITTER D, Vitter'a Springs GERALD JAMES S. MERRILL W P, Walker L. TRIPP R 0. Mowbray R H, WELLS MH, DONELIN M W. FYFIELD J P T, WHERRY G F, Bernard John K, Raynes A E, OWES J C, Woodbridge Woodford Woodland Woodside Wrights Yankee Hill Yankee Jim's Yocumville Yolo Yo Semite Yreka Zem Zem POTTERIES. Nicholson Isaac, Antioch Brannan Danl, East Oakland Menomy H C, (agt Channel Pot- tery), Oakland Pacific Pottery, (.1 C Parkinson agt), " MTJDDOX GEO, Sacramento POULTRY. LARDI LOUIS. Bodie lioldstein Mrs S, Los Angeles Victorson Herman, (i Amy M, Oakland Franke A R, «( KiuL; & Mount, I* McLean -. i< Cooper (ieo, Sacramento Hark ins Jno P, 11 Borcc J J, San Jose Levy T I. Stockton POWDER. Talbot W H i Co, Felton Ca)ift)rnia Powder Works (Bernard Pay ton supt Santa Cruz PRINTERS. (See also N"ew8papers.) Rice C H, (Novelty Job Office), East Oakland YARNELL & CAYSTILE.Los Angeles GORDON F D. Marysville BUTLER & BOWMAN. Oakland (.'haigneaa A & Co, " l)e Forrest — , " PACinC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, CROCKER HS& CO. Raye B V, riVett e & h, ROWAN J P, CLEVENGER GEO. Cottle & Wright, Coumy J J, McNeil Bros, Sacramento San Jose ■0 e o H C r ^ !?.■ e 9r o (A o a SI » 3 a o o 9 3 3 (D t» i a. M '5 B€ t.« Pe 'J .lie s tee 1 Mt SA f^ An Fo on ex a J a (8 3r n 1 tt X ■^ o c M 9 • X (A a Hk (8 f w ^ 9 « TRY DR. *GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. The model C!i»iniii»r«lal Gollrce of th« Coast, 8»0 Pout 8t., S. K. PRI California. CLAHHIFIKD. RAI 1055 Murgotten Alex P, Berdiue D H, ESHBACH & HAMILTON San Jose Peyser Abe (wholesale butter), Summit Stockton Peckham Geo W, Watsonville PRODUCE-WHOLESALE. (See also Fruits and Vegetabbs,) Alameda Anaheim Autioch Berkeley Bodi< Chsco Downey City Gilroy Uollidter Livermore Los Angeles Martinez Marysville LANG F H. (cheese), Thompson C T, DATO HAMLET. Tomales Truckee « Merrill & Fossing, SMITH A. OUY & GO, Augel & Condors, Fosvler W 0, POWELL & LIEMAN. Morse ii B, Baruch & Loew, Prince valle J, Cunning F A, McCrosky John, Oelich Pasquale, WOODHEAD & GAY. SMITH J'' M, CASEY BROS. Pender J H, MAESTRETTI & VIGIZZI. " SIMON SILAS. Merced Albcr A & bon, Oakland Amy O M, Barnum S ^ ** Cointlre F, Collins .1, Contra Costa Produce Co (Slitz & Jones managers), " Ford Dli, Uwis C U & Co, McCuUough & Co, McLEAN— . I'orter Bros & Wing, Uayer C E, Uregory J H, Drees A H. Duun Pliiiip, Ivans Theotlore R, DAVENPORT J S. LANGE L H D, BREWER M T & CO. GREGORY J, KESTNER P R. LYON & BARNES. STRONG W R & CO. (iaiulolfo Alex, 8an Buenaventura STEWART W W & CO. Sau Diego MALONEY BROS. SanJose RAGGIO G. Fust S, Lohrman J, (fruit), MoBREEN T, Blown & Co, Ford W B, Levy T I, Monotti A, SHEPHERD & BRO. THOMPSON C V. (wholesale and retail), 1 Ponryn Uthuna Pleas.' :»t< 111 Red Blutl If Sacramento Santa Barbara Santa Rosa Stockton 11 II PROVISIONS, (See Grocers.) PUBLISHERS. McEWEN ALEX W H, Sacramento McKENNEY L M & CO. (office 543 Clay St, S F) Thompson & West, Oakland RAILROAD REPRESENTA- TIVES. Aram J H, (S P C), Alma Teriill J B, (C P), Alta DARLING F A, (S P), Anaheim Andersim E ¥, (C & O), Anderson Empire Coal M & R R Co (Judson, Belshaw & Rouse), Antioch REEVES W J, (C P), Auburn WILLMENT MRS G, (agt C P), " Taylor Miss Addie R, (S P), Banning WOOD ROYAL JR. (C P), Bantas BAYLEY G G, (Cal P), Batavia l'rui>h W W (Northern), Benicia CECIL D L, (C P), Bi, Dennis Aaron (Cal P), Blac Patrick C B, (C P), Blue Canyon Brown J A, (C P), Boca BnrdL-n Rhode-, (C P), Borden EASTABROOjC CK, ('), Colton BARBEY J L, Compton vSimiKSDU John, (Cal Pac), Davisville HARE A J. (C P). Deoota LEAKE ED F, (Cal lac), Dixon BANKS J K. 1^ ' Downey City Earll Wm. (Cal t ao), Dunnigan DISQXJE H, (C P), Dutch Fiat Andrews J H, (C P), Elk Grove Kendal) C B, (C P), Elmira BURKE H. (S P), El Monte Banvard L A, (C P), Emigrant Gap Frost H C, (S & C), Farmington Lull M S, (controotor), Felton C/> !' m m m H. PALMER & CO^ Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. W,'-^: Bi 'i i* 'i ' i c I S cS. :5!,i e E a CO o ■ o o o z s o < a. h O WW MnMTARIIF Jb m >9hvi>t Iron, all MIxM uiA Kambf>ni, tio. 1056 RAI California. cLAHBinin. RAI SUGDEN FREDK, (C P), Florin Kinney J, (S & P), Folaom Donelin T J, (S P) Fresno Poraeroy F C, (0 P), G»lt KEITH A D, (S F & N P), Qeyserville Hornback Chas, (S P), Gilroy Schiveley C H, (S P), Goshen FLETCHER GEO, (Auditor N C N G), Gniss Valley KIDDER JOHNF, (gen supt N C N G), Stoddard W S, (N C N G), Donager B, (S P), Hanford Cart<=r Chaa D, (S F & N P), healdsburg Hall F C, (C P), lone City Wright J H, (C P), Knight's Landing Borry Fred T, (C P), Lathrop Diiden C W, , Latrolnj Dickson James, (S P), Lemoore Fleminc A C, (C P), Lincoln GODFREY H J. (C P), Live Oak Koppikua 1) \V, (C P), Lodi Cabot C, (laud S P) Los Angeles Hewitt EC, (SP), " LockwoodJ, " McCrea John, (S P), Sinnrr C F, (S P), Volsir J as, " Young J S, McFarlan.l A J, (S P C), Los Gatoa Bordjpn Sheldon, (C P), Madera Denny John, (V V & C L), Madison VANCE JOHN, (Mad Kiver R K). Mad River Mahew L, (S & P), Dutton W, Tinker D B, (C f), Buinl Geo H, (C P), Mahew s Station Marshall Martinez Marysville Lanilwrt Wm, fCiil Northern), BALLARD C JR (Cal P & N),Maxwell Sell Wm, (C P), Sproule I H, (C P), Green C D, (S P), Darling K \V, (C P), Glaafoitl \Villi,.m, (S & C), Hnltham Wm J, (C P), Mahony W H, (S P), Mauk Frank, (S P), Gilman N A, Clark H A. (Cal Paol BENGSON MRS C Merced Millbrae Milpitas Miltoi-i MndeMto Mohave Monterey Mountain View Napa E.(r.iP) Naji.t Junction Nelson NELSON FC'CP), Seeley John A, (N C NG), Neva a 3 f 2. H II ■ff I 3 67 ^1 J 1 1 11 m r 1' >S M mm vi fl ' i Si ^j, 1 ii :? \ m I :| rd PURE fORT WINE, IDr MeUclial Purposes, 302 Davis St., S. F. 'ir mmmm ■MW W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., TV^W^LWir^Si^ ■11 •!«»■, 110. Ill, -;"!' I'lt', Mr,",! I ii'" I m IL ■ CO c 75 S o o « E h. c c IS O ■ O o a z S o < a. 1058 REA California. OliABSIPlBD. REA Oakland Koenig & Jones, KBmOELBACHOTTO, Ludlum & Mather, McLaughling & Macdonald, McLean Ed, Milbury Saml, ^ Olney & Co, SHATTTJCE & CO. SNYDER A J. Surryhiie Wm & Co, THE REAL ESTATE UNION, (Horace D Runlett prea), Todd J C & Co, Warren Franklin, WETMOREJL&CO, WILCOX PS. WOODWARD & TAGGART, GRAHAM DM, , Pasadena SCUDDER N W, Sno\^ J, HOOK MR, Von Poser Henry. Porter T C, BELL JOHN. BORING & WRIGHT. BLAND J C. BROWN J E, Clayton J A, Crandell L, j Dilley Jamca S, Dniin James T, HENSLEY C B. HIGGINS R L. HILTONWE&CO, , Montgomery & Townsend. MURPHY JM& SON. PARKHURST W A, PIATTI Clgeneral agent), PLATT H W, Petaluma' Porter & Manluy, •' I Quinhy & Skinner, Red Blufi REED & WELCH, San Diego San Fernando San Jose WELCH R C, Redwood City RUCKER & PAGE, Cunningham R F, Riverside' Speiicfr h CJovell, ALSIPEE, (secty Occidental & LcomisR^, Union Building & Loan Associa- j Mauk lieo VV, tion), Sacramento; PHILBPS C H, BEAUMONT DUNCAN, (land agent), Bohl Peter, Cadwaladcr & Parsons, CAREY JNO T, CHANDLER L C, Coleman W P, DAVIS RICHMOND. Felch W C, Hayden C C, HICKMAN P L, LEONARD A, McClellan VV B, SIMMONS M J. SPINKS & ACOCK, STROBEL CARL, SWEETSER & ALSIP, Swift Elijah, Wolleb Chas, Van Tassel Theo, Stone & Eardley, WINHAM W P L, CONDEE & MITCHELL, San Bernardino KENDALL T G, Barnard A D, San Luis Obispo BARTLETT A T, San Mateo FislurO H, Miller Wm J. San Rafael HUMPHREYS C W. Santa Ana Saulishury B J, " MOREBROS. (HH&JF), Santa Barbara WINTONNW, Woodbridge W H, Jenkins (i C, HIHNFA. Hu n Is A J, MEYRICK & CO, Pray & Drennan, Santa Monica Land Co, Davitfson D D, Langdon C W, Matfoon H K & Co, PEUGH T M, St Helena' Proctor & Reynolds, Salinas City] Rose & Hillis, YOUNG FW. Wiley Alix, Abransky M L, Lyon L E, San Buer wentural if"!^" iP2.i'« Santa Clara Sauta Cruz Santa Monica Sauta Kosa (I Sebastopol Stockton BRADT G G, (B & Son), Briant W D, Faivre Joseph, Hiic^gins & Reed, HITCHCOCK GEO N, Horton A E, Keating M, Llewelyn Wm, Mannasse J S & Co, Noell C P, Pauly A, Si.a Diego PERRY GEO, Rhodes Alouzo, Severy M, TULLYJNO, Smith A A, AGLER JAMES, Blackman H, SNOWHH. GIDDINGSCJ, Zumwalt D K, ALEXANDER TD. << << «< « K << Susan ville Tracy Vallejo If Visalia II Wataonville I O (A O C 30 O 30 00 c o CA o s so 3 0) o 5? A O e M O (A r o o A' P) TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AUO LIVER BALSAM. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thi* nodel Osmoierrlal Gollem or the Coast, aao Po«t HU. S. v. REA California. CLAHHIFIEI'. RES 1059 PORTER J T & CO, Wagner W S, Murdock W C & Co, Fiske George D, Watson ville West Oakland Willows Woodland RESTAURANTS. (See also Oyster Saloons. ) , BAROTEAU ATJGUSTE. Alameda Beretta Win, Corl)ett J J, Diilmon R, Diedrichsohn A, Koch Adam, Keree David, Koehler H J, WALKER R W, Kalacich M, (Vienna), GRANGER JOSEPH. Shay Mrs E, Borsi Clemente, WILSON OLIVER H. Thduiiis & Oliver, Wright Jonathan (1, Manning Thos, SMITH MRS ISAAC P, Byan H C, CALLIHAN GEO S, CoIm! «t Evans, Gowen E W, GRUSSY & THIERMAN, H'rt Mrs J R, Lafee A, McCarty & Tobin, O'Niell E, Radoviuh & CJillespie, ShauL'hnessy Mrs M, Tuhinf) D. WAGNER D, WALSH & SMITH, Wihus & Co, Stearns Wm, Carlston Andrew, MILLS JOHN, DOOLEY THOMAS. SIMOR B J. TILTON MRS MATTIE, Syinond Geo, Pepan li, Ashton J T & Co, Butler H, DAVIS J N. ENTREMONT FRANK. Folen & MeSherry, Reed J W, Hoffman J no, COLLYERRA. Nelson J W, BACHMANNJ, Anderson J, Gnspard F, KJDHBALLJASH. Koderiques J C, n Alturas Amador Antioch Areata Auburn tt Bakcrsfield Banta Benicia Berkeley Bi^'ga i( Bodie it ■( <4 ■ < << << Oi SO CO CO J, 3 Lower Lake Madison Mammoth City << Martinez Marysville Ji ii; •>; . 1 I Lit m : '' V- .li :\ I "'' 1 ' '! i : ' ' ' ■■ 'I r,A ^if u '1, 1.' 1 c a S e f I > 8 a z g o F W. W. MONTAGUE A CO •f pattorni, lift. llt,n4. lie and 111 Sftttary K. •. f: 1000 RES California. CLA8SIPIID. RES KINOWB, Jetter Geo, Niles North Bloomfield << Williams Mrs L E ft Go, Oakdale Bagge Bros, Oakland Baseizza G, Carpenter W C, miNOSWOBTH S, Fisher & Bailey, Furniss M, Jenson S, Kosta & Co, Lundy W, Marques J, Martin's Oyster & Chop House, Milloslavisch J, Mulliken Mrs M L, Negrini James, Portal A, Rudolph G R, Schaefer & Welti, Teeter Ann, Turner & Strawb ridge , YISGOVICHJOHN, Williams N, WELCH J C, Brugere Lewis, BeIg DANIEL M, Kley &, Kriese, Meagher Frank, Nelson Mrs Matilda, Robmson S A, COOLETBB, Crandall Mrs C G, BOBiNSONWB, Quinn & Campbell, Projonovirt P, Carroll C J, Miles Nathan, Pierce Mrs M C, Boban J, Bost vick ER, CBOinH W P, Eagle), Davis & Hogan, GOLDEN EAGLE BESTAU BANT, (W P Cronin propr), Harrison T E, HOCKWELL FETEB, Maina Mearco, MUNDCHAS, Ostrander & Moberly, Parke Mrs S S, Payen Louis, PICOVICH BABTHOLOMEG. Prytz Jno, atJANCHI & SIHONL BADONICH MOBBIS, Rya n Martin, SEHENZA A. SMITH J D, WEIMANN&DAHM, Woodard M, Metcalf Mrs S W, Salinas City AMEBICAN BESTAUBANT, (H Watson propr,) San Andreas San Bernardino San Buenaventura •t San Fernando San Diego Oroville Pacheco Petaluma Plaeerville Pleasanton Princeton Red BluflFl Redding Redwood City Riverside Roseville Sacramento < (propr Golden Fletcher Andrew, Ackerman Herman, Hobson Mrs I J, Whitehouse Wm, Glinn Jno, Bennis Sam, Hylund & Ihlstrom, Stawovich John, <' WILLIAMS MABCO, Brown John, San Joso BUBNS MBS MABY ANN, DELLWIG Et (California), ELITCH JOHN, GLrUBETICH JOHN, (Universal)," Gliubetich M, '< Lopez Rosa, << Milasich Antone, •< Miocevich M & Co, " Ortega Luz, " Pancera Jno, , " Radulovich L G, " BUSS JOSEPH, SUZZALLO PETEB. Zecovich Antonio, " MABTIN JOSEPH. San Lcandro Solis Mrs B, San Luis Obispo Torres August, «' Androda J, San Pablo BABNABD M E MBS, (Delmoni- CO), San Rafael BriggG&J, •' Crose Wm, «« DULEY M, Ramor MB, " Murat Mrs J, Santa Barbara Raffour Mrs J, •« Williams Henry, '< BABBIEBI J, (French), Zaro M, onrad Chas, Heitz Jos Sc, Son, Henisworth Mrs T W, CBANE PETEB, Atchison W H, Cavesut J M, Lick Mrs John, Rudorff Wm G, Steinmetz Mrs E, Behrman Henry, De Villalon Isabel, DBASCOVIGH & DXTDIGH. Givanovich A, KINDEBMANN G. LOVBeVICH FBANE, Mallon T C, MEBSFELDEB L, Mitrovich M & Co, Pierce & Smith, Scale randi Mrs M, CHBISLEB A. Brodeck Mrs H, Santa Cruz Santa Rosa Saucelito Sonera Stockton m ao n •I e o 9 e 9 M m o e a ar a o a 9 s ft MO, ■V O 1 » a a O 3 (Q a t Sutter Creek H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''•' t^rJS&/^ii^:SSf^ California. CLARHIFIBD. SAW 1061 s ifi Mi m >» « e o 1 o Kelly J R, Barh A, , Marchetti Joe, Hamilton Noah, SHEBRITTJ, Dirnick Mrs M, Rosa James M, Beyhaut E, Hudson & Beaver, JOHNSON L, Silvey T H, DEAIS A & Esteven Wenn, Mardocco Peter, Putnam B L, BLUE WIND CHOP HOUSE Tehama Temesoal Tres Pinos Truckee J Donahue propr), CUSICK RICHARD, Magner Michael, Eckert M, Shinn Mrs, Silva Joseph & Ben, Davidson Mrs Menee, Denzler Adam, TIPTON J E, Richards A D, Turlock •ft Turtletown Uklah Vallfcio ««' Viaalia (metal), Eureka Perry S M, Los Angeles QUTHRIE BROS. Sacramento Laufkotter C, " L.iw8on Powell S, " WILLIAMS RICHARD, Santa Cruz SADDLERS AND HARNESS- MAKERS. (See Harness Makers and Saddlers.) SADDLES AND HARNESS. (See Harness and Saddlery.) SAFES. TURNER GEO, (agt Mosler's Safe Lock Co), Los Angeles WILLIAMS W G, (agt Detroit Safes), Sacramento SAW MILLS. (See also Planing Mills.) Macpherson & Wetherbee, Albion Salmon Creek (Shingle) Mill Co, " Damsguard John, Alta SMITH A, GUY & CO, Anaheim Falk h. Chandler, Areata FiokeU W Y, (shingles). DOLBEER & CARSON. Fay G M & Bro, (shingle), Flanagan, Brosman & Co, Jones D R & Co. McEAY A & CO, RUSS JOSEPH. VANCE JOHN. P M Co, Sierra Lumber Co, Jopf & Brown, Benjamin D W C, Noble Robt, Stewart S C, Lunsford II B, Gurne & Ludwig, Korbel F & Bro, Murphy Bros, RuffChas, Fritts J A, Austin J C, lins Alfred, Whitmore F M, Kunter .1 S, Eureka Fisherman's Bay Forest Ranch Fort Bidwell Georgetown Goodyear's Bar Guerneville Hansonville Happy Camp Imsdale iTackson Kibesillah Noyo Mill (A W Macpherson), Noyo VANCE JOHN. Mad River Mammoth Steam Saw Mills, Mammoth City FairchildTH. " " ' Neill & RedHeld, Weishar A, Brown, Harris & Co, Rediker & Owens, Meekers M E & A P, ««* Irra. aU •!■•■ and naoiben, no. :'r. 1062 SAW mi if : c 75 o I « s IL c c O ■ o o o z S o < 0. h o California, CbAWilFIRn. SCH Coffman Wm, Smith River Van Pelt Thos, " Rohner, Gushaw, Masson & Weber, Spriiigville Mason & Co, " Donahoo M J, Toll House Trinidad Mill Co, Trinidad Maxwell & Williams, Trinity Center Russian River Land & Lumber Co, Tyrone Upper Mattole Volcano O e o (A o a (A e •o o (A 5? (D 1 O e (0 a (A r o O A' •< f TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer & Co., '*'»^»^ can. IwTett, PACtFlC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »•• .rj:„r.y"^TA«.1^.-.^ Ediirat^fl 33 a> e o 0) o a s » o |m 1 ^ |5? CD o |C (A (D Lrbara (/)- If |P California. CliA8flirlKD. 1003 CO •6 CO I e" « 1 I THE SAN FRANCISCO r ?Jif? «t ■!« mmill Has been longer established, and haa a larger circulation than any other evening newspaper on the Pacitic Coa^t. It iathe only San Francisco newspaper which publishes all the Supreme Court Decisions. Served by carriers in the large towns at 25 cents per week; by mail, one year, $12; six months, .1^6; three months, $3. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN AND FRIDAY EVENING'S BTJLLETDT FOUMINO TOOKTIIKIl The Most Complete Semi-Weekly Newspaper Published on the Pacific Coast, is supplied at $3.00 PER TEAR FOR THE TWO. There are many persons in tlie couiUry, remole from tlic Fost Office who do not find it convenient to obtain their maii every day, and therefore do not subscribe for a daily pajier, and yet desire to l)e informed of the worM's doings more frequently than once a week. To supply this want, the WKF^Kl-V BULLETIN, issued •I WEDNESDAY, and the DAILY of FRIDAY will be served at the old Weekly H rate of subscription. The two papers, to:;ether constitiitiiifj a splendid semi-weekly, will contr.in six- teen pajjes each week, or double the .-imounl of readin;^ matter of any weekly pub- lished on this Coast. t r ■ I Cruz p> ■ ^ H 1" o ^m ckton H a o ■ savillo allcjo ?l i- e. ■ (( C ^1 o CQ O o p M o o n I m 0» ■ f It II S SI $1 9 SUBSCniPTTON RATES: The Weekly and Friday Bulletin. One Year $3 OO Six Months $1 50 Weekly Bulletin Alone. One Year S2 60 Six Months $1 26 Soecial Rates and Premiums to Clubs. 1^ U sent; to foreijfn countries, except Canada and the Hawaiian Ulaiids, 81 per year must be added to tlic above rates for postage. ' Any subscriber can have his address chanjod by (.)rwardinsr tlic old as well as the new one. RcmittanccB by Draft, Postoffljo Order, Wells, Kar^fo &Co's Express, and KugUtercd liCttcr. at our risk. Address, S. F. BULLETIN CO., San Francisco, Cal. *< 3 Si CO ■ % \ ) H. PALMER A CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. M^ ■') i i f t ■ SI}' \y^ iC: > >■ < o 3 :(■ i I- < O O p w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., *Wi\yi,'g,^'rr»yi«aysggg. 1064 SEA Califomia. OLAMiniD. SEE SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Brooks Win H J, Bakersfiold SULLIVAN CW. Bodie DeJARNATT J R Colusa CLARK & MoKRNZIE, Fresno Johnson G G, Hollister Brooks, Clark A Russell, Los Angeles JUDSON, GILLETTE & GIB- SON, " Kohler A, NeelyTheo W, , STAJTLET J R, Lower Lake Aeyuolds A, Mariposa KRAUSE J H, MarysviUe Chapman Harry, Merced Perley Geo, Modesto BRTfCK LOUIS, Nnpn LAWRIE A G, Oakland McKeand — , Mix Gustav L, '* Wright G F, " LEONARD JNO P, Oroville Kice Geo H, Redwood City CROSS SAMUEL. Sacramento CONDE & MITCHELL, San Bernardino Thompson F A, San Buenaventura BRADT G G, San Diego FairchildJA, CORDELL THOS H, San Jose Hftlsey Ed, Howes Sam P, " KNAPPJL. Phillips Mitch, " Cooper A S, Santa Barbara WRIGHT PAUL R, Nagle F G, Santa Rosa NEYCE J H. WEBSTER JWO H, Stockton GIDDINGS C J, Visalia ZUMWALT D K, McNortmi Frank, Willows BUSH E R, Woodland SEEDSMEN. (See Nurserymen, Seetlsmen and Florists. ) SEWING MACHINE AGENTS. Backs FJ, Anaheim POULEUR J B & CO. Areata Scribiier W C, Bakersficld HALLBTT & LOY, Chico HOSMER N S, Colusa Hill JPB. Fourth Crossing GREENUP & REID. Fresno THOMPSON &SAYER. Vellguth Wm, Phelps F F. Gait Cory J H Mrs, Gilroy BUbNIE A, Grass Valley SHARP CHAS& CO, NYE JACOB, . Follett G W, GILROY L, Burns John, Dobinson & Williams Mrs, Doak tc Co, (Hidden E C, Tithill W H, RANTZ H C. Rhoades I N, Rosenthal A, Hartor Mrs, May John C, Mayott J F, Hanford Hollister Lemoore II L'vktM'3.) SHORTHAND REPORTERS. 0) Sulphur Creek Oarber Simeon, Susanville White John N, Force W H, (propr Ukiah and Clov- erJale Stiige Line, Ukiah Newcomb L S, (propr Benioia Sta^e), Vallejo OAKLAND AND WALNUT CREEK STAGE LINE. (£ S Moore & Bros proprs), Walnut Creek Miller & Co, Williams Johnston J 0, (Willows & Orland), Willows BURROWS A H, (gen agt Califor- nia & Oregon Stage Co), Yreka CALIFORNLA AND OREGON STAGE CO. (Barlow & Sanderson proprs), '< STONE W S, (gen supt Califor- nia and Oregon Stage Co), " STATE OFFICERS. PERKINS GEORGE C, governor, SacramoTito Mansfield John, lieut-governor, " BURNS D M, secty of State, Weil John, treasurer, «' KENFIELD D M, controller, Hart A Tj, attorney-general, " MASLIN E W. secty boaril of equalization, •' SHANKUN JAS W, surveyor- genera), " Campbell Fred M, supt schools, *' Morrison R F, chief justice, " Kinstrey E W, associate justice, " McKee S B. associate justice, " My rick M H, associate justice, '• Thornton J D, associate justice, I{os8 E M. associate justice, " (Jros0 Frank W, clerk of supremo court. " Post C N, deputy clerk of supreme court, " CRAVENS ROBT 0. librarian, ' HAST ALBERT, governor's pri- vate secretary, •' YOUNG J D, supt printing, STEAMER REPRESENTA TIVES. B F Siobert, (Hamburg-American Packet Cos agoficy), Aualioim AGENCY HAMBURG-AMERI- CAN PACKET CO, (Weill Bros agents), Bakerstield Minor R A, (P CSS Co's agt), Camliria Murdock S R, Colusa Baird Thomas, (Humboldt S S Co), Kun^ka HUMBOLDT S 8 CO, (W J Sweasy ft Son gen agents), " McLELLAN H, (agent P C SSCo. Los Aiigelea Haskins Chaa A, (agt P C S S Co), Port Harford T5' c: o IS C9 s o o a o a a. $ o o n a O 3 O T3 2. (D 1 X O e M O « 0) 7f O 3 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer&Co., 'SS.tJiTir s o o a o 2 a o » a litiolil iliria |)lusa n;ka n •1 X e c I/) 0) (A o Lrford lit PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''^^iS^rv^^^,^^'Jt^^!r^ STE California. CliAHBiriBD. STO 1067 CHBISTENSEN M. (wharfinger) Rio Vista Foster Albert, ass't supt C P R K Co Lathrop HC, (agent C P R R Go's steamers), " Bartlett Bros, (ticket agents PCS Co), San Buenaventura SIMPSON J H, (local agt P C S S Co), San Diego BELL JOHN, (agent Cunard Steam- ship line), San Jose Frankle Leopard, (P C S S agent), San Simeon SAGAR GEO H, (P C s s Co), Santa Cruz Stockton COMMIS jjg Cornwall Artliur, STORAGE AND SION. Alviso Anaheim Maxwell Redwood City iStockton Ham R K, MILLER DE, HARDEN BROS, Christ . T as, Baggs N & Son, MILLER GENJF &WC. CAMPBELL & FORBES, Tahoe BRIGGS IRA J, _ Tehama Banning Phineas, W ilmington STOVES AND TINWARE. (See also Tinners; also Hardware.) U o Q) 3 'C3 I (D 4) 2 •• J o •a ^ T3 flM ■ Q. ^ C8 p> 5? K lb £ a Schminck H, Eugel S, VoaburghJ B, Lowell A J, Bennerccheidt Jos, Fesenfeld Wm, Wright ity De Iia Montanja M, U> CO \\\ ' H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. Kl. ^'1 'llti '"in 1 '■' c p CD I c e E « CO I c ID O ■ o o o < ft. I- o W. W, MONTAGUE ^ CO., ^T'^ffLyAyg&aWSauS^^^^ 1068 STO California. 0LABSIF1ED. SUR Oakland « ' Olema Orlaud << Pachece Fetahima << & Placerville WOOD- << Pleasanton riymouth Point Arena Redding Redwood City Riverside Sacramento & MQHTAOTJEWW&CO. Paul C, Olstead S Dyer R E, Freeman & Kiemmer Lit tlefiel d& Wiggins, BTTCHinS J J. HARRIS J W & CO, Schlosser T C, STUROES JB, WEATHERWAX WARD, Pinkney M, Heilrath J, Brelle F, Berry A E, Norton H, Marsh Isaac, Jackson S J & J M, LEWIS L L & CO. LLOYD ANDREW. Swinerton Vr H, Kellogg Leonard, Bearnsen N, HATS BROS. WEIMANND, DAVIS & SmTH. HOLBROOK. MERRILL STETSON, Steeves J H, St Helena Eitzert Peter, Salinas City Schafer F, Webster J A, DREW H L, San Bernardino Ruffen k Biays, B^KER F W JR, San Buenaventura Todd C D, Julian A H, Stewart E, WILLIAMS W E. Behrendt Edw, CAMPBELL MILTON, KLEIN E. STOCK J. White Jaa J, TOCCO JOHN & CO. Anderson J, PATTISON & HANSON, San Luis Obispo Smith E J, Turner S M, KINSELLA RICHARD. San Rafael DIBBLE R H. Haywood J S & Co, Edwards & Boeseke, Roeder & Ott, San Diego San Jose San Juan Dibbla J H, Elliott S A & Co, Menzel R, BOWMAN 0. Heath & Byrne, Bohme Geo, Oeighton Thos, Santa Ana it Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz i< Santa Monica Santa Rosa Letold J G, Morrow Jas Jr, Voluntine E S & T, Bowman Jno, Hogan Howard, Mills Jas T, ROWE ROBT. RUHL & FLOTD. KERNS J W, Lark A E, Grable S W & Co, Callaway & Mitchell, SIMPSON JOHN, McGINTRY JOHN S STEVENS F P, Cotton A T, Brunner F, Cliff & Metzger, Baer B, Luce E A, Walsh P R, Wright M J, Anms Alex, Cox C J, FREIERMTJTH GEO (i rover Bros, Kennedy Jno, Shields Thos, Bentley H, ORISWOLD C F. Kuliu H & Bro, Morin C D, MILLER HUGO, Patterson J, Santa Rosa (< Shasta Sequel Stockton Suisun t( Susan ville Sutter Creek Tehama & T, Tomales Truckee Tulare Ukiah ti Visalia Vallejo it Walnut Creek Watsonville A, tt Wilmington Wheatlatul Woodbridge Woodland Yreka Yountville STRAW WORKS. Castera C, Ingram R H, West Mrs Annio, JONES MISS L, Los Angeles Oakland Sacramento SUGAR MANUFACTURERS. Standard Sugar Manufactory, Alvarado California Beet Sugar Co, FeVf.ou California Sugar Manufactory Co, (II M Ames propr), Isloton SURVEYORS. (Sse also County OflBcers ; also Engineers. ) Timm Geo, Alma Saulisbury W A, Alturas Spurr D F, Cloverdale Gaither J W, Epperson Barnard J E, (logs), Kurcka Herrick R F, Seeloy Jos, Independence Kelly Jno A, Lakoport Wagner R O, Lockeford Goldsworthy Jno, Loa Angela* S ■n 09 ■■1 e ao i (A £ H & (tf (A to H ao 1^ m o q £ CO ID O ^ m n o M O m r (A s a s :i 3 o la a e a 3 s I I in o (0 2 (0 it o e a o (0 o » e JZ 0) • H. WACHH0R8T. importer of sSSi^^OZinm. 315 J St., Sao, PURE O X m ir 5 a Its. 1 9 iulo ■» .,, I iiras dale rsou rcka [" lence port lord zolei 13 o I BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Praetloally tancht at PACIFIC B1TM|< I E 5 § (A (0 H m 1 2 ^« o as ID H »— r* (D ^ : z rt ' a -e 1 •• b o a ao s m (d n (merchant), PETERSON F, Thompson James, Holland Simeon, Dutch Flat II Fraser D, Hagerty Jno, Harlen H J, Lossman L, Quilty D, Miotke Frank, NicoU The Tailor, Richardson W, " Goodman & Phillips, San Luis Obisno OREEN K. Heyd Louis, ' " Loewensteiu J, " Dupargue L, San Rafael Koiistanl J, « Peter S, « Tumpertz H, " PARISH W B. Santa Aua Connolly Daniel, Santa Barbara Fluehe A, " Hease Bros, " Moley N J, " Dinegan J H, Santa Clara Heitmann Henry, Santa Cruz Hughes David P, •< Sheraniake M, «< Bloomiiigton L, Santa Rosa HODQSON RICHD, Jacobs M & A, " Wei n ate in M, " Weiiistein ^l, << Market C, Shasta Jacob C, Sonora Leon Saiul, •< Sierra H, '< Bertrend L, Stockton CONDY R, Hasket Jas, •< Maguire Andrew, " Marks H, " Peiser P & Co, " Pieser y, " Sheridan ft Anderson, •' Weber K C , « HARRIS HENRY, Suisuu FRITCHIE M. True' »e Lages Louis, Teliei.,a Heger Jacob, Ukiah White W H, Wynne Owen, Vacaville Davison John, Valleio McSORLEY CHAS. Peyser N, " Ueingusor P S, " Miller Henry, Visalia GassenbergerChas, " Diiiistan Jas, Walnut Creek Alexander Abram, Watson ville SCHNEIDER KASPER, Schultz F, Willows ButzIA. Woodland Zirker L, ' , " MAIRSTHOS. . Yreka Myer M, " ■9 Z o 09 B n « o o a o o 5" TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Biumauir A Co^ ^'SSXt^ 3 ■o n to 5? (D t z O e M 9 « (A r o O 7 B to ottl ■o\ ■CO CO Bel •i\ I We ft 1 f, c c Devi Devi Brow Danf< McKj GassE AfcDc iiivHn ORIS Bootei Snow McBai IJeyno! fiURG Frank SANT Emm er mt c aiPAcii q( & W, IL t I TEl 0\ 'CI (Bi Oi 09 1 kl . < 14 •aPAi BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''^\igsJ'r;^r.fi?/.s'«'^»^i!;iSt'St»S?^: TAI Calif&imia. CLAHaiFIBD. TEL 1071 to I cs I CLAUB AN0KR80N. A. O. .TOHNBON. ANDEHSON & JOHNSON, FASHIONABT.K MERCKANT TAILORS No. 1012 Seventh Street, Bet. J and K, vSacraniento. TANNERIES. ■ C Areata Palmer U C, (W U), Cisco AUhoff Martin J, Coloma Mosher L E, (W U), ' Colfax Eliaa Ed. (W U), Columbia COOEE J B. (C L & M), Colusa LARKCE, (VVU&CL&M), Benicia c 3 Devlin C, Devlin Thos, Brown J R & Co, Danforth E P & Co, McKay & Chisholm, Gassner W J, McDonald J K, (iirard L, CRIST & CO, Bootes J s Sno^rN D, McBain Thos H, Kf-ynolds J A, BURGER HENERY, Frank Bros, SANTA CLARA TANNERY, Santa Clara Enimerson B N, Slide PACIFIC TANNERY, (KuUman & Wagner propra), Stockton CamptonvilU Casper Coultervillc East Oakland Eureka MillviUe Napa Point Arena Redwood City McGinnis Thos, Vallejo (8 >l (0 , I 14 TELEGRAPH AGENTS DARLING F A, (WU), Anaheim TEAGUE ALLAN, Albion TerrilJ B.{W U), Alta Dunlap J K & Co, (W U), Amador Hanna Harry, (W U), Anaheim Baker & Olden, Antioch Caasidy Mrs B D, (C P), Auburn Stavens S M, (W U), (Joodrich E W, (W U), Bakerstield Taylor Miss Addie R, (W U), Banning WOOD ROYAL JR, (W U), Banta Atwood L C, (W U), Benicia Cornwall A \V, Black's Diamond Dennis Aaron, (W U), Black Station CECIL DL,(WU). Brown J A, (W U), Nevaila&CalTelCo, Borden Rhodes, (VV T), LoveEB, (WU), Lardner F, {W U), MinorR A, (WU), Eagan Richard, (W U), Burroughs Abbott L, (W U), Compton Concord Davenport Davis Dpnverton Dixon Downey City Drytown Dunuigan Dutch Flat f < El Dorado Elk Grove Elmira El Monte Eureka << Femdale Folsom Forest City Forest Hill Fresno Gait Georgetown Gilroy Goshen Greenwood Gridley Moon Bay Hanford Healdsburg m o Bi SALZ&CO.(WU). Ormsby J M, (W U), Mauk Frank, (VV U), Sg8 Boca Bodie Borden Calicntc Calistoga Cambria' Capistranoj Cayucaa Centre ville Chico Chualar BARBEY i L, (^^ U), xMurphy B J, (W U), THOICPSONS, Simpson John, (W U), NURSE S K. LEAKE ED E,(WU), BANKSJK, (WU), Jennings Wm, (W U), Wilkerson B D, (W U;, DUFFEY E, McClure E L, l\\ U), Hirsch & Cobkntz, (W U), Lawrence Chas, Kendall C B, (W U), BURKE H, (W U), COONANJF, ERICSON A W, (W U), FROST JOHN H. IW U), Kinney J, (W U), WESTON RS, Cowden M H, DonelinTJ, (VV U), Holmes W A (VV U), Moore L A, (W U), Fitzsrcrald C M, (VV U), EMLAYOL, (WU), Schiveley C H, (VV U), Naglor Chas, (VV U), Stone L C, (VV U), LEVY BROS, (W U), Half Donaper Benj, (W U), Love Bros, (VV U), (.'areson & Harrison, (Hoi Tel), Hollister Porter Robt, (VV U), Hydesville RAGSDALE J, (W U), lone City Carder J B, (W U), Iowa Hill Amador Telephone Co, Jackson BUTTERFEELD F F, (S J & C C), Jamestown Whipple J F, (WU), McGEE W D, (C L & M), Berry Fred, (VV U), Duden C VV, Fleming A C, (VV U), GODFREY H J, (WU), Rudolph & Son, (W U), Koppikus D W, (VV U), Furman N, McCaffrey T, Stewart GQ,(WU), McFarland A J, STANLEY J R, (manager Lake and Mendocino Line), T^ower Lake Borden Sheldon, (W U), Madera Penny John,(W U), Madison Dutton A W, (N P C), Marahall > Z O o CO s» S^ K ' a a' E9 Lc Kibesillah Lakeport Lathrop Latrobe Lincoln Live Oak Lompoo Lodi Angeles Los Gates Clear O c/> ill t M ill m ' ■*' t i: ?*■■•* ■!■! 1 i-.S^5 .H. PALMER « CO., Frontlonan Wine, 302 Davis St. S. F, »'ii'j W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., '^^JllS^t.Ti'tr^^i&^'St^^t^Xl^ S>; il :' -1 sii IL ■ CO ■> c I e S & 0) > E CO c c (0 o ■ O O < Q. h I- O 1072 TEL California. CLABBiniiD. TEN McConaughy James, Sell VVm, (W Marysville U), Merced Green D, (W U), Millbrae TEEL CHAS A, (manager Millville & Anderson T Co) Millville Glasford Wm, Milton CLABK P, (W U), Milpitas Holtham W J, (W U), Modesto Mahoney W H, Mohave TEREILL & PETERS, ( W U), Mokelumne Hill SNIVELEYJB,(WU), Monterey CregoH, (VVU), Muphy's Beck Miss Grace, (W U), Napa McPhail Miss I, (VV U), Napa Junction RICE D A, (W U), New Castle Gifford John T, (W U), Newhall THORNTON & ZORLAND. New Hope Nivens A, (W U), Nevada City Mortimer Wm, (W U), Niles COLBY & POND, Nord Swan A B, (W U), North San Juan Tingman W J, Nortonville CravfordEC, Oakdale American Dist Tel Co, Oakland Betts J, (W U), Emerson R & G W, (Oakland Tele- phone Co), Emerson R& G W, (Bay Coast Tele phone Co), Western Union Tel Co, SMITH R W, (W U), OroviUe McLean John, ( W U), Paso De Robles HOLDER JOHN, (W U), Penryn OARRETSON JOHN, (W U), Pescadero SINGLEYCHASE, (WU), Petaluma Western Union Tel Co,(H B Higl>ee manager), Stewart J E, (W U), Placerville McPherson — , (W U), Plainsburg Boydston U A, (VV U), Pleasanton Fafk A (W U), Plymouth MANDERSCHEID GEO. (W iJ), Port Harford Whitlock J H, (VV U), Taylor (i W, (W U), Parker Miss H E (VV U), Bowers VV C, (W U), Montezuma Telegraph Co, Overton Miss K F, (W U), MUm J A, (W U), LEVINGER M, (W U), Jones Thomas R, Allen J F, (W U), Gill J B, (Sacramento Exchange), Wallace W I, (W U), Abbott Chas S, (W U), Martin W J, (W U), ALLEN H G, (W U), BLOW R T, (W U), Quiiicy Red Blutf Redding Ravenna Rio Vista Riverside Rocklin Roseville Sacramento Telephone Salida Salinas City San Andreas San Bernardino Gray T F, (W U), San Buenaventura THOMPSON J W, (W U), San Diego GRISWOLD H W. San Fernando Slosson H V, (W U), San Gabriel Bailey J R, (VV U and Dist), San Jose Bay & Coast Telegraph Co (George Carson manager), « Carson Geo, (Telephone Exchange), " CARGILL C G, (W U), San Juan Bennett J B, (W U), San Luis Obispo Goldbaum VVm, San Luis Rev GOLDTREE & CO, (W U), San Miguel Hoge T M, (manuger W U), Santa Ana HASKELL A E, (supt), Santa Barbara Kingsbury Frank, (VV U), " Norcross Miss J, (VV'' U), " O'Melveny E H, (W U), Santa Monica TILLOTSON H J. (W U), San Pablo SHEPARD A H, (W U), St Paula Brown Felix G, ( W U), Santa Rosa Dpychart J, (manager W U), " Foster J H, (W U), Sargent's Station Bailey J H, ( W U), Santa Cruz Breedan L, (W U), Savannah STEWART J JR, (W U),SanQuentin PAIGE C L, ( W U), Shasta Long W H, (VV U), Sheridan Berry R K, (W U). Shingle Springs Bowers Geo M, (VV U), Spadra Lyons Miss Nellie, Sonoma STREET CHAS E. Sonera Wheaton W E, ( W U), Soquel Shelling F A, (W U), South Vallejo SHEARER BEN, (W U), Stockton Leake W S, (WU), Suisun Sampson J A, (W U), Sumner HOY CHAS A, Tehama AGLER JAS, (VV U), Tracy Van Vleet H (VV U), Truckee Taylor W A, (W U), Tulare Brown Wm, ( W U), Turlock HART J S, (W U), Ukkh Stone G A, (W U), Vacaville Haines I H, (VVU), Visalia Grant Miss E P, (W U), Watsonville McFee W J, (W U), Wheatland itydorJS, Williams Kahn & Coblcntz, (W U), Willows SeylerChas, (W U), Wilmington McARTHUR J B, (W U), Winters GERALD JAS S, (W U), Woodbridge Fitzgerald R A. (VV U), WootUaml Mullen M F, (W U), Yolo Yo Semite Tel Co, Yo Semite TENTS, AWNINGS. ETC. FOY S C, LoB Angeles SHAFFER JOHN. LOCKE & LAVENSON. Sacramento 3 » s a '■a i Bi a a a. o a* O e a S" n 1 ftt 9 ! a o w I H. WACHHORST, importer of JSS^iSSSi*,. 815 J St Sie, 3 s » a LI) )0 0» a ^y a. p1 ua ra ■n 3 a o a* ica bio o iiln. 3 c. lento e f 9 •< 1 "^ 3 IP- 9 o a !>• O 3 1 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, IVo. SSO Peat Street. JMaeate tberooKiily fttr BanlBeiMi. I I c (0 (0 I 0) c "(5 o % \ (d o Z c X C9 3 O X ■ THE California. CLAHHiriRD. TRA 1073 THEATRES, HALLS, ETC. Park Opera House, Alameda BERKELEY GYMNASIUM, Borkeley Whiteside Hall, (Odd Fellows man- agers), Georgetown Grangeville Hall Ass'n, Grangevillc LOVE'S HALL (Thos Love), Jackson Isaac B & Bro, lone City Opera House, (G W Crowey ), Napa Gerniivnia Hall, Oakland GLADDING R S, (manager Opera House), Tcutonia Hall, (David Wemmer), " Metropolitan Theatre (Jos Bailey atceiit), Sacramento HORTON'S HALL, (J H Richard- son lessee). San Diego RICHARDSON JNO, (lessee Hor- t^a's Hall), • V C'iilifornia Theatre, (Hayes & iwiiei), Sun Jose b. JAMORE HALL, (Renter Bros), Santa Ana Crane's Hall, Santa Barbara Lobcro's Theatre, (Anacapa & Can- ni'H proprs), " HOWARD F A, (propr Town Hall), Sutter Creek TINNERS. (See also Stoves amlTinware; also Roof- ers — Metal.) Marsh Isaac, Bfiner Bros, GUTHRIE BROS, Liufkdtter C, Merrall John H, Jacks Samuel, Webber J S, Bo.le H, Vinter W 0, WHITE A W, KNO^^LES & Riversidn Sacramento << St Helena San Mateo San Andreas San Jiise BAINBRIDGE. San Leiindro WILLIAMS RICHARD, Santa Cruz Morrow L, Smith A S, Waters Jas, Bonnell B F, Gonner John, Hess Jno, Bullock John C, Kimball E N, Willis T W, Dutton Oscar, Sawyer's Bar Sierra Valley Sonoma Tres I'inos VuUejo Washin;top. West Oakland Williams Winters Yolo TOYS. (See also Varieties.) Ti.ylor R P, 6ILLEY & CO, Doty M.irk, Al)r.iham L, liaupt ,r, Watson (J W, Wiiito & Waterman, Brioii A .1 03, DWYER D A, P^irry Isaac, Doakin .1 F, Hicikiiiau K R, RICKMAN W F, B'akcly F A, Dale Wni. Tiioinpson Jolni G, Haii^iotti Francisco, Howell H, DUKES. Jarvii H H. Hut'jhisoii W M, Kay H C, CHASE HB, Miiiiaon Joi, Coft'y Aminon, Ash Henry, Abraham G A, BellP, Antioch Beiiicia HiijL's Clovertlale Duniiigan East Oakland Fernd.de HELLMAN S, Sweet J J, Scr ntoii Theo E, COOPER JNO F, DALE & CO, Wheuler E W, GOODRICH J A. HobbsW H B, (ieovanessi Frank, Solomon Mrs Mary A, Wartl J C, Los Angeles Napa Oakland Sacramento << San Jose San Luis Obispo Santa Cruz Stockton Temescal Visalia TRANSFER COMPANIES, \'alley I'ord (rr.iyson Half Moon B ty ILmford Hayward.s Locke ford Los Angeles Madison Marysville Mendofiiio Mokclumno Hill Napa Nicolans Oakdale Oakland Pescadero Rio Vista -I a z g en o «^ T a cn a s (a f 1 California Transportation Co, Alviso BAKERSFIELO & SUMNER OMNIBUS LINE, (Ansou Cross I»ropi), Bakerslield JAMES F, (Gilroy Transfer and Express), Gilroy GEORGE THOS, Grass Valley BILLS & GLOVER, (propr S P Tr insfer Co), Los Angeles GLOVER R C. (S P), Osborne .lohn, (Osborne's Transfer), " Walls D. (S F T Co), Petaluma Sacramento Transfer Co, (Caswell & Luidsborough proprs), Sacramento GRIFFIN BROS, (Omnibus) San Jose Dolan'l", " NIHILL MICHAEL. D.iiii'l LA, Santa Cruz San Lorenzo Fluma &, Transporta- tion Co, (K M (iarratt supt). *' GOOD & ROONEY, (propr Vallejo and S F express), Vallejo 68 ►2 •;3 -t ""ft i y: y. H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal sure I»:ivii4 Mtri««^t, •« MttU VlllUClHCO. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Wrr.VJnVT.rKaS/K^liSVV?' j'i1 Hi' i 1074 TRA 1» i Z I > 1 c ID o o o o s o 0. Cai/bmia. CLA8SIFIBD. UND JttjSJSJL jS JKf MOOKE WM, Holttam VVm, Vallejo Walnut Grove TURNERS-WOOD AND IVORY. Schwab M A, Napa Brag &, Almond, Sacramento GRAFM. Parker J S, DBEW H C, San Jose TYPE FOUNDRY. PACIFIC PRESS, Oakland UNDERTAKERS. Greenwood J, Amador Backs T & J, Anaheim Brewer II W, Autioch £eed & Lee, " Mann V V, Auburn NIEDERAUB JACOB, Bakersfield Sanborn L D, Benicia Webb Wm, Biggs Friend Mrs A, Bodie WARDH. Baylor Leslie, Centreville EnKelman L D, " FETTERS & WILLIAMS. Chico HALLET & LOY, Livernash J H, BICKNELLTHOS. PIERCE WALTER. CUMMINOSEC, Grinsell & Whitman, Miller J, LAW A J, DAINES & SON. TYRONAB. Huss Fr.ink, Johnson B, STORY FF, Morse James, Simmons Adam, Puff Chas, Grist & Young, BLACK J M, CREVLINQ D H. Bales & Buttcrfield, Lithgow Jno. STUART J M, Clinton & Fink'v, Stanley Geo, CLUFF & SMITH. Buthledge A T, Neitzke E, PONET & ORR, Hiller & Johnson, Barnes A P, Fronk & Gliddcn, Fairfield £d, Cloverdale Colusa Eureka Ferndale (A Q a 0* i Q xa x» St ir 1 91 r X o 3" CO TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 3?.'H?SJif^?St'.5r'A:iP UNI Califori. la. CI.AHHiriRIi VAR 1075 CO •6 o cr» 40 ex CB p 1*0 h ! «•• to OB o p o o IS o I UNITED STATES 0FFICERSJ">'t''^!.'r8"«ir^V«'r'i.'','f^ Lindaoy Tipton, (rec U S land office)," Lindsay T L, (U S court com), ' Angel's Camp Lindsay T E, (U S com), Van Valer Petor, (deputy col U 8 iut rev), Lowden W H, (U S deputy assessor), VVeaverville Downing Major P H, (collector of U S customs), Wilmington UPHOLSTERERS. (See also Cabinetmakers.) fftone Livingston, (U 8 fish com), Baird Kcberts C F, (reg U S land office, Eureka Cooper Solomon, (recv U 8 laud office), Briggs 11 M, (reg U S land office), Independence Childs H L, (dep U S int rev col), " DTJNLAP J D, (dop U S marshal), Los Angeles * ^^^ — 1 JAMES ALFEED, (reg U 8 laud office), Warner J J,(U S reg in bankruptcy), " HAVERSTICK S>.(dist rco U 8 land office), " Signal Service U 8 A, (E J Kublo observer), " WHITINGS C, (U 8 court com), " Lilian W E, (U 8 deputy mineral surveyor), Mammoth City Bradley John C,(reg U 8 land office), , Marysville rudey R. Crane L T, (rec U 8 land officer), " glJ^EY & DOWLEWG. Brown R H, (col U 8 int rev). Napa v AWnx-' n T Kolfo I J. (U 8 col int rev), Nevada City ^lJ^ifi^„K'' Averan J, 8tackins T M, FOSTER BROS, Nichols Danl C, Bremer Louis, KEYMER H J. Sclierer Louis, Davidson K C, Dottor & Bradley, Herberuer C, WHITE JOHN. Alameda Bakcrsfield Downieville Fresno (i Grass Valley Hollister Lemoore Los Angeles Marysville Nevada City Oakland Oroville Sacramento WILSON J A, I RICHARDSON JOHN H, Mitchell J H, (U 8 rev assessor dist No 1), Ponryn' A'trOTPT^'TnTnQ' Alderson R -r, (U 8 ganger), PlacerviUe ^i/5«ir^ JiOUlS, - ,j.,, „,-,u II \rt\L\jjU J J, San Diego San Jose KENJiADY A J, (U S deputy col), Biickus Saml W, (adjt cen), Saerauiento BEATTY H 0, (rec U 8 laud office)," Frost A L, (U 8 int rev), Taylor Ed F, (reg U 8 land office), " Hendricks E W, (U 8 court com- missioner), San Diego Smith Col A J, (commander U 8 mili- tary post, San Diego Barracks, dept of Arizona), *' M W Bowers, (U 8 col customs), " Kelly Jas V, (int rev col), San Jose Waltby Chas, (col U 8 int rev), Santa Barbara Otia H G, (U 8 treas dop Alaska), " Patterson E U, (U 8 deputy marshal), Santa Cruz Williams EL, (deputy clerk iut rev)," DOBROWSKY ADOLPHUS, (rec U S laud office), Shasta HOPPINQ WM E. (reg U 8 land office), McKenzie G A, (reg U S land office), Stockton Pcrrin Otis, (rec U S land office), " Lockwood J R, reg U 8 land office), Susan ville HAWES HORACE, (U S court CORTESI D A, Hartnacke & Rodgers, Motz Henry, SALE WM, Walmsley D H, Cruthers B, EASTON A, Eckstroni Albert, PRATT L A. BAKER FRANK. Stewart Robt, Arnold — , DALBEY F, JACKSON G S & San Luis Obispo San Rafael II Santa Rosa Stockton II Tulare Vallejo BRO, Watsonville Wheatland Yreka VARIETIES. (See also Fruits, Candies, etc.) commissioner), Mitchell — , Dingman D J, Knowltou Mrs L A, Porter B B, Fay F A, Dunlap J R & Co, Halmsen Mrs E, Crooks Wm H, Galinper Mrs A B, m o 09 ■ 9 m ft if 11 PI I 3 Visalia' GRANGER JOS, Adin Alameda Alleghany Amador Anaheim Angel's Camp Areata Auburn «rTRY MURRAY'b LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM..^ CO , i ■'1! i? rM «? ■i '^ . »iLi?'' ■"f "* \i 11 i • 1 >\lj W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Mtovrs ■■(! Rbui iHtltprna 1(1 RBiigf«. OM dUhmt rfMB. iljtai ut4 o E a CO 1 CD O o Q < 0. h O 1076 VAR California. VAR CLAHgiriBD. Warinington J, Auburn CTTBELOA, BakersReld, " | Cuahinun E, Berry Creek Kails Bros,, A Biclter HECOX W B, Biggs La Point Bro8, ti •lATZ FELIX. •t Mulford E H, Blocksburg Berlinger E, Bodie LOBDELL F, i> TORTILOVIUS A, hiison Mrs P F, Venezuela R, FIFIELD W E, Clark E G, IHckey J T, .lory H, KXJHN LEOPOLD, Nagle M E, Popert N D, Opponheim Benj, Silver Solomon, Cromiiell O, WOLCOTT OSCAR, D )blin J & Co, MEDLEY P H, WOLLNER JACOB. Bach F, PEEK F W, FISK F W, BOWERMAN J 0, iiruy MissM A, Rolierts Stephen, ROSENTHAL A, SANGUINETTI B, .Siguurncy W A, Smoot Pkichd M, Zckiiid A I, Botts Mrs Antonc, Jones Mrs P, Cowper J, Hornn Frederick M, HAUSER & CO. WIGHT R B, Grirtith .f. BOYNTON S S. KUSEL E A & SON, Wilson Mrs A L, Wagner S, Btruh H, Carothers W 0, (Gilbert T A, Eisen & Co, Inch Shelley, Kcespo .los, LEWIS MRSS G, Salmon Jno, Gr.^y N E, GILLIAM S M, Ruder R C, Hughes B B, Variel — . CLEMENTS JOHN, Walbridye K B, RUNNELS W H, TYRRELL A J, Pierce Mrs M C, COOLOT A, Friedman M, Hines E, Lemoore Li icoln Lodi Los Angeles II i( Madison Marysville Merced II Millvillo Milton Modesto Mokelumne Hill II Murphy's Nevada City it i< (C New York Landing Nortonvillo Oakland Oleta Oiland Oroville Petaluma Placer\-ille Plymouth II Paint Arena Portersville Potter Valley Quincy II Red Bluff II Rohnervillo II Rosevillo Sacramento en ll'iU' H. WACHHORST calls attention Ut Mt* liti^aulni' Mt«r- lins ttllverware. 315 J St. n CD • MM •a (0 Hro\ CLO • n 1)0(1; $ m* Ken STO Util; (A z Vera C/) o GYI h- Taui • X We;. •0 a Dine Ti 3 iSeliu O X BEN l>c A 3 a. ■9 (0 Folgt Sherr O o nX^l n OHA CD « K;.i.„ o 'ireer 3 < Bibb Breni Curti OLD BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PriM^lrmlly taacht at PACiriC BITMI. o E 2 u ft £ in CO 'b u o "5 « (0 o o OQ « w s. o c 0} o X o o z \V, McDougall J H, Ikichardson Mra A E, Kllriiigton Thus, Suhr P C, Franz E, San Buenaventuni BecTi W A, San Dieg DALY JOHN C, DcHiuond John (ornamental shells), " GHILDS T F. San Jose fSchlesiiiger M, (■iirdill.i Marie, San Jiinn Harris S, Fijfher J F, San Luis Obispo CHANDLER IRA, Santa Ana BOWE B N. TUBNEB E, Levy J, Santa Barbara Parma Gr B, Sninmcra Mrs E J, Thomas (ieo W, BilliuKS J M, Knowlus J, Morrow Miss E, Piirrufnio J & Co, OLMSTED JOHN C, Doran M M, Saory 1) S, PREHN F, Davis Mrs M L, Kutritid Jas, Brown John A, CLOSE H, Dodgo D F & Co, K« inedy W T, STOCKMON D M, IJtligow J no, Versidovich V, GYLE H. Taiuiebaum S, Weakley & Boss, Diiieley S, Seliuinau Louis, BENJAMIN CHAS W, Do Avila G, Folger Mrs, Sherrott E, West Oaklhnd I.ij)!* A P, Wheatland CHAMBEBLAIN P E Williams Kiilui & Coblcntz, Willows (Jrecn Mrs Henrietta, Wilmington Bibb L, Winters Breiidel F W. Woodland Curtis Mrs H, Jlafky Mrs P, La Bousier Joseph, O'Connor J C, St Louis (ieo C, BINGHAM W Vf, Woodland Yuba City VETERINARY SURGEONS. BOWEBY JOHN. Shelley T B, lidmondiCH, MD, Wiedman A, ShaiTer Fritz, Castroville Marysville Los Angeles Lo9 Ban 08 San Fernando VINEGAR AND PICKLES. Bergmann A, Korb Jacob, LAZIEB D & CO, Buuschenbach Louis, Sacramento Marysville San Jose WAGONMAKERS. (See also Wagons and Carriages; also Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers.) i< Santa Clara a Santa Cruz << Santa Monica Santa liosa (f Sh.ista Sheridin Sonoma Soquel Stockton Suisun 11 Sutter Creek Tehama Turlock t< Visalia Watsonville Hanber F J, McKay George A, Miller \) l\, GANNON THOMAS L. Parh.m D, Bruster D D, Percy \V J, Thomp.sen B O, Close T, Selvester Wm, Yarrington Jas, Kaotz -1 Philip, Allegliany Alturus Amador Anaheim Anderson Antelope Berkeley Bird's Landing Bloomfield Burgettvillo Calistoga Cumbria SHEBMAN THADDEUS, Abrams J, Cedarville Huberts VV, liobertson J W, Centreville Ci niper H W, Chico HULL ISBAEL, Johnson D, " Tony G S, Clarksburg Gilzert John G, Collegeville Cartright I^jaac, Columbia Nelson Amel, " EABY JOHN. Danville MABTIN G S. Dixon NOBTHEY &WAGAR, East Oakland Hill Jno D, Elk Grove Donnilly James, FairHeld Dougherty J E, Ferudale Diiohesneau — , " Scballhorn Christopher, Fiddletown Byrne J, Fisherman's Bay Herrick H, Florin Smith W C, Forest Hill Bapasder & Smith, Fort Bidwell Porteous James, Fresno Wentworth John, Georgetown Oi a» T I 3 3. ua 3 il !i I! I" a*! % t Si ,: 'i •:t ^ OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO.. 302 Davis St.. S. F. ■,.i\ 1:^i. 'lii . H Wt Wi MONTAGUE « CO.f ffS!tni"io. nC^4, iu MMllUBktUi7M.,ll.r. 'Wl i r 111- ■ I I B IL 1 c O ■ o o o z S o < Q. O z p 3 o 1078 WAO Ccdifomia. CLAMiriRD. WAO German town Oilroy Goleta Grand Island Grass Valley White St J, Eustice Geo, Fanner E H, Rich H, Williamson J H, Miller C E, Vincent M, Walcott H H, Ai,'urd Marcus, Gridloy Biirk Wni, Axtull K, - Hunford lAVALLEE SAMUEL, Haywurds MEYERS F I* Healdsburg Tackett .1 M, Hicksvillo Wikham M D L, Honcwon BRUSH D A, Hydesvillol Paquettu & Girauard, Jncksou! Mewhinncy Isaac, Lakcporti Edwards C VV, Latroho Vincent I) S, Little Lake Aylward John, Livennore Taylor J, "I Daily Thos, Lockeford Owens Geo, " FRISBEE J A, (wheelwright), Lompoc Lichtenberger L, Los Angeles Moloney & Fennossy, " Kees & Wirsching, " Koeder Louis, " BonChrake & McManis, " Schmidt & Hafncr, " Thompson 8 H, Lower Lake Johnson Wm, Madison Arlams James, Manchester GOFF A M, Marysville LAWRENCE W L, MYERS ECH, HoU (ieo, Mendocino Arnoldy Chris, Merced Murray P H, OLCESE & QARIBALDL RAWSON W, Middletown (ilascock T J, Mil ford Chatham A, Millvillo Eoxhin F, Scranton N U, Trump Wm, Bergmann Nicolaus, Flemmintt G W, GardellaC, Tooth akcr L S, McKenzie G S, Morrison li, Greenfield T G, . Napa Hunter Wm, Mitchell J, Napa W'rightGA, Mcintosh & Bruton, Nelson Sandrock Adolph, Clutter Saml, Nevada City Comstock L B, Nicolaus Holmes J H, Therien H, Norman Downey John, North San Juan Weston (Jeorgo B, '• Seeber B, Oakland ALLEN M W. (Oakland Carriage Factory,) " Dunmire S S, " DURHAM & BXTETETT, Galvin & Lebrecht, " Hampel li F, Itatte Z, " Kelly James, " King & Williams, " KLUMPF & ALLARD. Sicotte Ferdinand, " Sohst Bros, '* Weymouth TD, , " Howard M li, Orai\go Poole C B, Hig^ins W S, Orovillo WELCH L S, WHITE JNO W. Pachcco HoUiiigsworth H T, Pasnadea Horn Fred, Pentz Putnam 1) W C & Co, Potaluma Zartman W & Co, Milton Misoion San Jose Mokelumne Hill Monterey Monticcllo Lacke J B, Lnndar A W, Phillipps I, DAWSON BROS, Kpperaon Danl, SciimmanJ F, Cubert Fredk, Cunningham G D, Pt!tchnor& Alder, LEWIS WM, PERRY P, Braunon & Rooney, HILL J F, JOHNSON & BLUE, Kuhnle Wm, Muistcr A, Shattuck Wm, Mcflavin G, McLINNANDR. McMELLANB W. Siiydtr B F, Talhnan E H, ADELWT, Heinent T, BRADLEY C, Crydenwise C S, litzgerald James & I'Mward, Hatmaii & Normandin, INGHAM JOSEPH, Limerick P, Muthwillig Joseph, Overahiner G J, SHARRATTJW, Parker J M, Olin Peater, Holzgrafe Ferdinand, Dunshee John, Warn T L. Pinole Plainaliurg Pleasant (Srovu Bed Bluff Ileddiug Rio Vista Riverside Roscville Rohnerville Sacramoiito Bt Helena San Diogo San Jose (( i< San Lais Obispo Han Rafael Santa Ana Santa Barbara g • s CO -< •0 o s o CO -« c/> I s a i O X» e (0 9 9P r 9 o a: *< e PA( B0\ Jam Laki Lind Luk( McL Bow BurN AUS Bach Covii Hem MIL Schu TRA Soule Tlion DIOI MUS Conii Caipe K.Tr DAL] Heiidc DODS Eaton Dcwai Nclk J Garral IREL Shaw Wiiikl SEAS WAG (Sec a CI mm LUIT QCi DAv: HILL — I Studel >» HAT( *^ HAR MILL CO (0 (0 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumaner & Co., 'JSfSavJS- ALLE Cooste Hutch McCai: Nelson Ortley Wade Wade Powell Coulte: Bird J Mein 1 ir7 I;; n PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE opp. vniM bpham& C roily, Jiinlon J.ns M, IJarron Kichard, •Slioehy Kobt, ( lage Jas C, MeSwain John Warehousp,) ARENDT H, WATERMAN M& CO. Wuller H O, (VVaturman& Co), E, (agt Milpttu» Moro Mt i:den Na]>.'i Cnkland ranker }'liiiniil>nrg I'leauanton Kio Vista Saf?ranionto S.flida Salinas City Santa Bar1>ara Santa iJosa Stockton WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. (See also Wagonmakers; also Black- smiths and Wagonmakers.) DONAHOO J M. Eresno LUIT WEILER S W, Eos Angeles BAKER & HAMILTON. Sacramento DAVIS JF& SON. . HILL J F, Studehaker Bros, HATCH J C. HARRIS HENRY. MILLER W P, San J nse Stockton WAREHOUSES. ALLEN M. Coostcr JohnS & Co, Hutchinson Robert, McCall Wm & Co, Nelson i Anderson, Orfcley John J, Wade Henry, WadeHG, Powell W, H, Coulter A; Bayley, Bird Jno, Mein Robt, Allenc'ale Alviao Bruning John, .(ohnson & Emigh, Carroll J H, McHenry Kobt A, iiall H S, Stearns John P, Boyce J E, Carlon ( f C, EUREKA WAREHOUSE, (A C J'aul*.|l pros,) STOCKTON AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, Mitchell John \V, Turlock IJussell Henry C, Wanisley .) E, Washington Corners Stovall J C, Williiims Hill W W, Willows .lones'l'lios, • '' Kill r.roH, Winters Morris V, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Antelope Batavia Bird'a Landing IMlogrim P,^ Scliribner \V H, Ainsworth W H, HORN GEO. BALL CHAS, llibbavd & Somnier, Bassett 1-' d, BOBST J R, Parker & Norris, Purdv H H, BONETTI B. Butcher & Cotter, Horn D, Phelps E E, Eisher Mrs E E, 0> CO cS CO o Anaheim Bakei'sHcld Bcnioia Eureka ChicO" Colusa DownioviUe Ferndale Fort Jonea Grass Gait ' Valley H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianaii Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. if' i i 11 I; 6: • ii ii: im' s s !:. 1 t:M ■n, : ,1 t; mt if,} : L. "■RBPTW'"''"^ I 1 >1 ■ s if''- ;,! ■ Su M 4J ii !t|i t W IM MnMTAfillP A rn ii*h«*et Irou. all tilcfw an 1080 WAT California. WAT CI.ABHIFiRn. la HAAS E Haywards SalvaHP, Tres Pinos Fenno James E, HeaUisbury Ridley J, YOUNG C W, Truckee m ItYEJACGE Hollister 11 >- iieichliuu; P, Jackson Chapman J S, Watsonville 1- BI6GI ANGELO. Lakeport Jones C C, It Hill U W, Loili Kuhn & Coblentz, Willows o Santa Oruz M G, Los Angeles Stone F W, II Sweetser E H. *( GERALD JAS S. Woodbricke z o Bal.hviii S D. Marysville O DAVIS & SON, KKJEL P, WATCHMAKERS J VND JEW- CO GORCZYSISKI S. <( ELERS. DC HOWARD AMOS. stone W F, Wapncr H, < <( (See also Watches and Jewelcry.) Q LANDRUM C, Merced Muth Jno F, Arbuckle BORT)£N J B, Monterey Kurd W G, Amudor ■> GLOTiiBACH VALENTINE A. ' Leake B, Anaheim Z (ub-ilone shell jewelry), « Badke Albert, Autioch < as FialuT Mrs E E, Neva M, Dutch Fl;.t < .Sv, itzer E D, 4( LANDMANN J C II HOFI MAN R C. Ran 'lose Mueller J C G. Folsom Kochcr & Blauer, it Stiir^es J H, II X Levi son H, .« Fiilds Ki], Forest Cihy 1- Maoliifert L, (( Oro .luse E, Forest Hid PEMBROKE JAS W, (1 1 iidiiish L, P'ort J(>:i('S ■ SMITH & RYDER, << ]']vanH (t;irdnor, French Corr.il o Pellogrin K J, Santa Ana DOLLENMEYER A G Fresno (iriiKiiid B, Sauta Barbara Schell Joseph, II ■ Jack Miss S, (( K.ir.s (ieihard. Gibsonvillo o Miller israel. it Hunter M E, Gil my III BobTi V, it THIRIET OH AS, II ■Hi p KeeurWU, Stockton W.^rner H C, II Wooife Lewis, '' (1 (Joldman S, Grass Valley H. WACHHORST. importer of j.?;X*^S[sad.. 315JSt., Sac. 2 30 -< a m > m 30 w o M C CD a* »< o to Mi 5 (D (A W » o o =1 o O 3 CO 1 00 33 ■< a m "n o CD (D CA W 5" o CD o a CD 00 -0 o 3. ill>' O ■n my CD t ( nnc Hill GLOTZBACH VALENTINE A, (silversmith), Monterey SCHAVFELE & GIEAllDIN " AMSTUTZ H L, Nap i Brick C J, Myers P, Schniied W H B, Brand C J, Crane A N, Martin P N, Cain Harry H M, Cowk's J 0, LMwhrds R W, Ellis W G, Enie E, Kdly R T, L.itlirop 8, MARTIN P N, AlcCluro Bros, Mueller & Steffiinoni, Heading .[, Siinuiels 8, Young John F, Rowley A A, Panhceo Baur John, Petulunia lSavui;e John, STEARNS F R, TRUELSON CHRISTIAN C, (I Nevada City North San Juan Oakdale Oakland ^'ARSS F F, Mull M A, Siuwart .! A, Flench (Jeo, 8ymouds H S, Hynian M, Thiel G A, Ihivia H A P, HOVEYJJ, Hynian K, KLUNEJE MONNIEB AUGUST. Placerville Plymouth Point Arena Reddin Redwood City Rohnervillc 8acrumento I* (I Olsson Jno, PATCHEN T A, WILKE CHAS. Me Vicar C, VVitherell R H, Witlierspoon M C, GASS A M, AHLERS HENRY C, Ccipt (iua, CASTRU & BRO, Lansing E D, Veuve E L, Chatelii-'u Saml, (Jfissaer N"atii.ui, KUHL W, Udgootl H M, Landgraf Rol)ert, Rubottom Chas E, Chamberd E B, Reebe L, Bailey 8 H, J'^fly \Vm, Gardner L B, Hood (.ieo, MULLEN E J, Lewi. I Fj &, Co, Clark 8 L, Jalumsteiii Z, Pet I a Abuer, 8egrLt H, TOWLERH, GLICK J, Haas Cluia A; Son, Hoisholt F & Bro, Knlm Frank, ij.ingniack H, POLYMATH ANDREW, Muirliuad A, ROGEL FRANK M. Van >iordju T A, Lutntsky V, AITKEN RB, \V euver J ni ) T, GILMOR A S, SMITH A J LAWRENCE W E, BEilGA&SuN, l-'it'V Juhn, Vanderlii) O V.', BRAVERMANM, Cross A J..y, Mickley J J, iS'iner Chis, Lund H J, \Vilcox O P, McCauslandET, Kriy .lihn, COOPER T F, Barclay .) A, GREENE G W, Grey C 8, I'aine A A, Poland P, Sacramento it X San Bernardino San Buenaventura (( San Diogo San Jose San Juan San Luis Ubispo San Rafael Sant.i Ana Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Santa Rosa Shasta Sierra City Sonora Stockton Suisun • ft Suaanyille Sutter Creek Tehama Tomales (Jk'ah ii Vacaville Vallejo Viaalia Walnut Creek Watsonv lie Weaverville West Oakland VVlicatland Woodland >< Yreka Oi m •»a # ■v!'I^. 'iSiC H. i^ALMtiK ik CO., Native Wines. 6iil Uavis Street, S. F, mm wmmmmmn" WW MnMT A CUP A rn Mtovm and RaamB, cr* itSfumt tHaet, ityitm mt , IT. m\in I WUtlC PC l»U., ^atu>nl».■ Un. 112. 114. tl6 ;*nd 118 Battery St. 8. T. lii^ Wr' fi IJ'K ri I'll iit'vfi iili CO c S o 1082 WAT Gcdifomia. CLA88inBD'> WEL o » a a a> S (0 3 k. IL C C (0 O ■ O o o I o < A. WATER AND DITCH COM PANIES. City Water Works, Anaheim BENICIA WATER CO. (S C Gray secy), Benicia TOPPING C T, Biggs MeKinstry E, Butcher Kanch San Joaquin and King's River Ca- nal Co, Central Point Chico Water Co, (A H Chapman supt), Chicd COLUSA WATER WORKS, (J B Ci>oke propr), Colusa COOKE J a (propr Colusa Water Works), ' Darwin Water Works, Darwin Milton Water and Ditch Co, (V G Bell supt), French Corral FAYMONVILLE BERNARD, (secy I'resno Water Co), Fi-esno FRESNO WATER CO, (Louis Leach propr), ' Calif(»rnia Water Co, ^C It Pease supt), Georgetown Last Chance Water Ditch Co, (C Railsback prest), Graugeville Peoples' W D Co, (E Sanborn prest), ' Cline J T, (propr (jraniteville Water Works), Graniteville Milton, Eureka Luke and Yuba Ca- nal Co, Myrick J W, (propr Water Works), Iowa Hill Bush D E, (prqjr Ked Dog Water Works), Little York Stehr Henry, (water riyht ditch), " Asbestine !Sub Irrigation Co, (C N Earl secy), Lod Angeles Beaiulry Water Works, (]* Beaudi-y prest I, " FRANCIS S A, (water oversoer\ " L')H Aiii^eles City Water Co, (Frjd E.iton supt), " Marysville Water Co, (l)r 11 Biibb supt), Marysville FARMERS* CANAL CO, (J W Mir.chell prest), Merceil Gi'« Silas, (secy Fi-nners' Canal Co), " l>unlap J W, (supt Ditch Co), Micliigan BlulT Krown J F,'«upt City Water Works), Nevada City Piirinton C A, 'ditch owner), Oleta Santa Ana Valivy Irrigation Co, (A B Whitney sec M A Feters supt), Oranjie .Sonoma Water i\^, (F W Longee "♦''■y), IVtaluma RIVERSIDE LAND AND IR- RIGATING CO, (S C Evnns prtat), Riverside City Water Worki, (Joaiah Johnson supt), Sacramento Mission Water Co, (A Canfield supt), Santa Barbara HIHN F A, (propr Santa Cruz Water Works), Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Water Co, (George J Bowman prest, W H Duke man), " Santa Rosa Water Works, Santa Rosa McPike A J (supt Vallejo Water Co), Vallejo Vallejo Water Works, (A Shabot prest), " Sellick D, (City Water Works), Visalia McLaine Lanchlic, (supt Amador Cariil and Vojoaii Ditch Co), Volcano Santa Ana Water Co, (E V Foster supt), San Buenaventura Buell E J, (supt San Diego Water Co), .San Diego San [Htiiio Water Co, (F J Buell), "" SAN JOSE WATER CO, (Return Koberts supt), San Jose Williams lid, (prest Jan Jose Water Co), EAGAN M) (secy and supt Snn Luis Water Co), San Luis Obispo San Luis Water Co, (B D Murphy prest), " Knight H, (w.ater ditch). You Bet McDonnell D, (water ditch). WELL BORERS. Munson Josr^cph, Speuce George, NicoIauF. Oak< eo A •6 »J A ^^ eo M E P ce L( CI „t^ Zi • Ri fit B( G &i Fi 1 SJ W B« SI Is .St «t H s M( Se I'r ■ c Ci w Ml d M. VV c Co M( a BT ** c LI 3 U .lei IL Qu Fa » Me » Hn An (3 Da BU Wf Frc AH Wi Ml' *•* su tn i:iL r. 1 1 tf) Ho tf) Sdl Ke k. m Sh. Scl h Do Na Sto < w Oo « I\. • Lo TRY DR. GUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practlrally tancht at PACIFIC HV»t- 'WR*»«« vnuTviiiK. aao Po«t *«t.. s. r. -< o 39 09 B n o CO o a 3 S W a CA •* ilauF. >• . u;i(l> X i.ulcir CD h(;iin "C M-son n JiiJii}) e icklf M O rcutii (/> t P l)Hr;l •■^m t* ■-.tlc'ltl Ihlll^ r '>Mit.;i p) X tiaia o IllClil r» ctiley A' ^il-,S < iiond - .'ok'n c e. ifielil ? CO •0 CO OS or CO I ft c Q. c '5 c 3 IL » ■s i^ (A 0) ■ ■ < WEL California. CLAH8IFIKD. WEL 1083 Patrick C B, Blue Canyon Doan L E, Boca HcCAUOHAT & CO, Bodega Atlee W A, Bodie Mannassa N, Borden ESTABROOK C B, Brentwood Pierce W W, Bronco Love E B, rjalic!!to Champion F, Calistoga Zimmermen M, Camanche Ilamage G W, Cambria Besen G, Campo Heco GIBSON W H, CastrovilK. Frankenau Max, (FresnoCo), Centerville SALZ & CO, (Alameda Co),Centrevillc VVehber ]) (', Clar'isburii SHAW ISAAC B, Cloverdale Storey W B, Colfax HOSKING WM, ColliasviUe Moslier li K, Colton Sevening H, Columbia I'ryor li A, Colu-^a CASE WM H, Coppcropolis Wilson Curtis, CoiiU'lia McCarthy \Vm, Coultervillo Meyers Henry, Courtlaiul W.iterman & O'Brien, Darwin Collins A C& C«>, Davis McKENNEY & RAMER. Davis Creek BRADBURY E G, Diamond Springs LEAKE ED E, Dixon | BANKS J K, Downey City j Duiinij^'a;'! Duncan's Mill Dunni;;.iu Dutch I'latI El Dorado Elk (J rove I Elinira ElMoiiU' Eureka Farnunjzt'iii Ferud.ilo Fiddletown Fireb;ui<,'li Florin Folsiim Fresno Frtsno Flats Calt Georgetowii (ieyserviUe Gilroy Gold Eun Goshen Grass Valley (Jrait^eville (Jridley Half Moon Hay Hanford Harrishurg Healdsburg SMITH A L, ( W, F.& Co and W U Jenning Wm, Queen C, KarllWm, McCluro E L, Hirseh & Coblentz, Andrews .1 H, Davids' m N L, BURKE H, Watson John A, Frost H C, Aiford Bros, Wright K B. Meyers .l;'col), SUGDEN FREDK. II;:rnhani .1 H, Kiustein Louis, L:iz;ir Sol, Holmes W O, Siirnlierger & Lane. Keith A 1), EMLAY L, Shade Thos, Schiveley C H, Dorsey S P, Nathiin H, Stone L C, WALKER CH AS C, 1 'onager B, Peacock GN, Love Bros, T Co), Porter Robt, VVcolsey (jleo, GARDINER FH, Aaronson W, Richtmyer B F, BUTTERFIELD B, Dutton Geo & Co, slocum a a, fryettsjT VALPYAM. HAMMOND J A, Jjyon Goo A Jr, Wheeler S, Shepherd J A, GILROY L, Lohsc Herman, Mitchel J L, Ivory C O, Tucker B F, Piidham Wm, MOORE E, I't.'nnv .)f)hn, FRENCH JAS A, Sheini.iii ( i A, FULLER J B, BALLARD C JB, AVakelee Thomas D, BATES SAMUEL C, (irecn C D, Cromnell O, CLARK P. Gl.'isfonl Wm, ilWAIN JAMES, Cohu K, Holliater Hydesville lone City Isleton J aciuto Jackson Jamcston Jolon Kelseyville Knight's Landing Kniglit's Ferry La Grange Lakeport La Porte Lathrop Lemoore Lincoln Livfcimore Lodi Loinpoc Los Angoles Madera Madison Maine Pniirie Martinez Marys ville Maxwell Menlo Park Morcod Millbras Millville Milpitas Milton Modesto Mohave TEiiRILL & PETERS, Mokclumne Hill North SNIVELYJB. MERRILL D P, Tin!;ni;ui W J, L;ini(lin J F, NELSON F C, Tower II, (liliord JohnT, Tuft nv, Mortimer Win, Colby & l'(>nd, Sw.u'i A \i, BISHOP F, KERR JOHN S, GASKILL R C, RIDEOUT, SMITH & CO. Dunn l';itrirk 11, HOLDEB. JOHN, GARRET30N JOHN, Loomis J O, Lowry A J, Abbott W \V. ARENDT H. Falk A, COMPTON T J, BENTLEY D, Monterey Moore's Station Nortonville Najm Nelson Neva c o E «i C c (0 o ■ O O C s < CL C 1084 WEL California. CliAHfllFIRD. WIN Dunn R G, Reddington CHAMBERLAIN & WILCOX, Redwood City Bowers W C, Revenna WILCOX. RUBLE & SOZIER, Vii> Vista Lyon & Rosenthal, SMITH LG, TYRELL A J, Jones Thus K, Lazarus L, Tracy Felix, Elmore Benj F, MILLER GEO S. River-ide Rocklin Rohnervillv Roseville St Helena Sacramento Sal id Salinas City SYLVESTER FRANCIS.San Antonio BLOW R T, Wagner .John B, THOMPSON J W, M..ffitt A B, Slosson H V, GARGILL G G, Staaifi)rd anl, DICUS S C, Stuben Zane, ALLENDER A CRIBBEC, RADGESKY L, Hochheimer & Co, •Seyler Chas, McARTHUR J B, Beutley H, MOSES W F. Mullen M F, Ste,;man & Son, Haskin D C, WADSWORTH E H, Willows Wilmington Winters Woodbridge Woodland Yolo Yo Semite Yountville Yreka WHITENERS. PLASTERERS, ETC. Fleming John, Coombs S C, Gillingham J W, .Tackson, Kerchhoff & Cuzner, ReiUy T, RIPLEY C J. WILLLAMSON C C. Farwell F M, Kellett S, Lackey Alex, Burghardt A D, Ferauson R C, ROSS RUEPF, Staughter J, Flack S, Eureka ' Jackson Los Angeles Marysville If Oakland <( Petal uma Sacramento San Jose WiNDMILLS. PUMPS, ETC. Walker & Hewitt, College City Rid'^r B H, Colton CONDIT W H, Downey City Alexander W G, Flinia Bu.'ll O Reese, DENNEY L P. Gridley HORTON & KENNEDY. Livermore (ireenKK, Los Angeles McMENOMY & CLAYTON, WHITE, COOLEY & CUTTS . Marysville BACHELDER MANUFACTUR- INGCO, (inoBachelder prupr), Napa Heine A, Oakland LAURSEN M, (agent Johnson's Xov.lty Windmill), LAURSEN M, (Turbine windmill mauufry), " Madsan .Julius A, " Mortz J H, (tanks, windmills), " .Steov. ,1 J H, St Helena CANTLIN MARTIN, ^'.n Diego COKCORAN &MAGUIRE. s.m.Jod. GORR & KEATON, (agents Ir- Tuibine windmill), " WHITE A W, (manufr Wliitj'a ]iatfnt pnnip), " MARSTERS E J, . Stockton .Stowell John, (windmill manufr), " King — , Woodland Patterson J, Yountville $ 3 30 e M (^ H ftf tf) CO H J 3Q tfi m ■^ m in m ^* "0 (0 o 30 S r 0} > 2 £ D ♦* B O *" 30 m 0} n c Q e 2 € « 10 4^ (A w « 71 S3 o o 1 r t . « e M JC u Z CD P) e a *" JQ (A PI §* a « » ml 12 >> T \ O a 2 3 Hi O y K- % Z ■■1 o U ■J 3 O ■< Z «t tfi f^ % o o « (D < M ta i H, WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. I e E o (0 in S I » e e (0 « o u o (0 r o Z C9 < BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrttlly tanxht at PACIFIC BITMI. V|!:m<4 roM^.«lK. auto Font Mt.. M. P. WIN Califoimia. CLA^HIFIRD, WOO 1085 WINE GROWERS. Boege Henrich, Boeue Timotliy, ' B.^ldt Mrs H E, Burkle K, Dreyfus B & Co, Eschelbach Peter, Hanimes Philip, Hartiuig Fred'k, K'lenis; W, Koni F A, Kuelp Mrs E, Kroeger H, Leake B, Lorenz C, Metz Mrs M, Neip John, Reiser Theodore, Sclmeider Mrs, .Strodthof D, VVehineyer H, Wenler H, Zi-yn John P, Wine Growers' Ass 'n of Brighton, Anaheim << (Bich S Locket priu), KORTUM L. MarsliiiUJ W, Kerr J H, Jacobson Alex, Skinner Jas, Zentgraf Jacob, Ham A, .Scht'U A & Co, Charles Hop, GRIFLER CHAS T. Bliss Oliver H, (.'oronil Antonio F, Keller M, K iefer J & Co, N.ud E& Co, PALMER B. PALMER 6 C. Biiniioa L, Kaiser Jno, Boutier Jas, Beriiisfer Bros, HEYMANN EDWARD, KniLT ('has, SCHEFFLER W, ISchrani Jacob, Weinberger J G, WINERIES. Brighton Calistoga Colom.i Elk Grove Green Valley Knight's Ferry *( Livermore k'-fev-.; ■ lii- ■■■■'■ 'I V la. ; ' 1 * . W. muri I AUlIC « UU., na, 114. ii«, and IIM Mattwry Ht., I».f1 I'r 1 11 ,5;«i IL ■ CO c a S c o E a 1 c IB o ■ o o o < tL o I- o 1086 woo Calif orni' OLAHHiriRP. YEA Pratt k Miner, Price .J as K & Son, RICE JOHN, Swift T, Thomas W R, GUNIO A, 'J'haru T W. CHEISTENSEN M. Annis Thos, C'aduc Phil, Castro .r M & Son, GARDNER D, GARDNER L & CO, Gruhler & Sellinger, Hanrahan M, Hellenge W, HOEHN JACOB, McCaw Jas, Osborn H P, Sacramento Wood Co, SAISBTJRY T G & SON, Skelton Jno, DREW H L, LARSON THOS, Oakland << Petaluma Rio Vista Sacramento « K <( San Bernardino San Diego San Jose Beach Tyler, BODLEY E C, Cleland T S, " Connor P, . d IlKES H J, Kimball O B. KNICKERBOCKER E, Koerbcr (Jeo, " MAYER B, NEWBY H C, RICHARDSON & SON. Scott Robert, " WALE & BOWJIN, SANDERCOCK WM, San Luis Obispo lliorson H, San Rafael Bundy A MeFadden, Santa Ana Cramer K, Santa Cbira Chioiird, Sperry k Wortli, Stockton HARTLEY CF. " I ROGERS & WILLOWS, I^u.sk L I', _ 'i'eme.scal Holtiig J J & Bros, ' Vallejo McCudden Jus, Sancts ,1 N, " i Clofiiiy & 0'P>iien, West Oakland FINdH & BARNHISEL. FUCHS P, SUNAL J D. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. (See also Groceries; also General Mer- chaudiso. ) Canier M, (basket maker), Centreville (ieandrot A J, (basket maker), Eureka Roberts R, Nevada City Foldmann L & Co, Oakland Laacombe E (basket maker), " BILLINGSLEY & CO, Sacramento Markewitz G, " Newell P N, SantA Barbara Luce E A, Visalia WOOL BUYERS. Dart H J, Eureka Lemon J B, FairKeld Kitoheuer & Co, Grand View BECKWITH L C. Hydcs\ ille CONE & KIMBALL. Red Blutf Frank Samuel F, PAYNE J A. Orcutt L J & Son, Sacramento STEWART W W CO. San Diego ELLIOTT A T, Stockton PETERS J D, Stewart & Smith, " WILLL&MS C E & CO, BLUM M, Vacaville SWEET S & CO, VisHlia Murdock W C & Co, Willows WOOLEN MILLS. TORR & HORNER, (proprs Wool- en Mills), Los Angeles MARYSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS. (D E Kni-ht agt), Murysville BATES SAMUEL C, (secy Aler- oeil Woolen Mills), Merced GOLDMAN M.(l)re8 Merced Wool- en Mills), Capital Woolen Mills, (S Tryon sijpt), Sacrjunento San Jose Woolen Mills (R F Pcck- hani ))ris), San Jose Doughty & Tatterson, Stockton YEAST POWDER MANUFAC- TURERS. Scott li R k Son, BOISSELIER H G, Sacramento Stockton PACIFIC mil mmm house VitU iin«l €aMtro Ntrr4>tN. Oaklniul, ^'n^. I No. 1^4} Koai'iiy Ntrect. ' Man FruiK'isiro. l|^=*Ilie Largest and MosI Complete' Printing and Potilisliing House on the Coast. •0 c 2 s C5 S H e > r 4 H H •< 1* tl 9* «S B* «< ^." .*. f'O Sa a Eg e *S x- ^'5 » M w 09 3 *-' *• H .s s. £ g Ui — tt C= 3 «^i« Q, cktoii O II 1^ II » caville 3 Q, r'isiiUa illowB $ O o (D 3 ol- a ii^olcs 2 N •a ysville n r- 3 IlTCCcl <« ol- c ■a •o >n ■ ineuti) $ i- 0) n Jose PC jcktoii CD -I X ■AC- o e (A a incnto U> )okton 2L t* r reots. ^ o reot. 1 ,_ ! O »^ ■ — ^■4^ !«< ^W f wiFJc BUSINESS COLLEGE. si'5.?;ti..?sarvs;r'*r4:K 1^ San Francisco. 1087 Established 1878. IS THE *"^ (/} *-' 3 S E o « '5. o u 03 U cd o C3 M Ph O O BRIGHTEST, SPICIEST AND MOST READABLE WEEKLY PAPER On the Pacific Coast, and the only one that Illustrates Important Events, Noted People, &c. BOLD, FEARLESS AND INDEPENDENT. Subscription Rates, per year, $4 00 Sent, Post Paid, on receipt of price. ALL NEWS DEALERS AND POSTMASTERS Are authorized to act as Agents, to whom liberal commiasions will be paid. -I m -< to o z T o 3 €0 s 3 I I? II PUBLISHED EVERY SATUBMT 1-4 1^ •<4 i;y 405 Kearny Street, San Francisco, Cal. BBO'T E. CTTLBBETH, Editor WH. W. B&NDALL, Business Manager. 9 I II •15 r Ft c. H. PALMER A CO., Pure Sherry Wino, 302 Davis St., S. F. ■} a m ir„ I i!;^' '■'\i rh '^% f i :i?» tm^m VV. W. MONTAGUE & CO.. *W?n"i.'S'rnW,:"ft?^!'.;!t'^ri'ft ■ CO £ m i o E CO o ■ o o o z s < 0. h h O 1088 Chicago. OVERLAND PASSENGERS The Very Best Route East, Thnt Route is via the 0110410 1 lOlTlWSSf 111 rllir. The Shortest, Safest and Best Route to !IJI !KWS f.Fr PJTTSBURC, MONTREAL, BOSTON, NEW YORK, CL.BVBl.A]!Sk[X>5 BUFFA-bO, AIuBAKY, AND ALL OTHER POINTS EAST. Australian, New Zealand or China and Japan Passeng^ers should go by this Road vehen en route to ENGLAND or any point in EUROPE. jt?3r Its Acfents in San Frandsc 1 ein Hu 1 yon Through Tiokots thro' CnnadaanJ via Niujara Fal!8 : alto: viaTilcdo, Unirulo, I'itt.-'liiir;,'-, or via any Riilroal Kant of ChioaifO. Do not liu ileoeived into takliiijf tic'iots by longer or imiru uircuitous routes, no matter what the Aifonts of tliuse route < may nay to you ! You want thu very last, and can get it In no way .-■ave by sceini;' that your ticltut^ East of Uounuil Ulutfa read viil Chicago and IVortlliVfSt- ern Kail way. Do not for rot that the IToi'th-W'-'st^ril is the Only Western Road that runs the world- renowned PiriiIi1IA:W IIOTKli CARS*. Tho83 are not iniitall >n Hotel Cars, nor the so- railed Dini'i; Car, but they are the last and best and favorite (irLHiuution of the celebrated I'ul.- man I'ala' e Car Co. ear Rf mvnilti'r tliat tlie IVOKTII-WRt^TF.RX inalcen ]>irRct Conn«c- tioiiM witli ail tlie Triinlv Line RuilroailM Rant ol' CiiicaKO. TIIROIJd^lI TIC^KETt^ via this Route to all Eastern Points can be procured at the Central Pacific Railroad Ticicet Office, Foot of Market Street. A. MALPAS. ' Ticket Agent. And at 2 New niont^omery Street, San Francisco, JOHN TALBOTT, Ticket Agent. Sacramento, Cal., and at all Coupon Ticket OiBjcj of Central Pactflc and Union Pacinc Railroads. H. P. STANWOOD, Oenoral Agent for California. MEREDITH DAVIS, Western Passenger Agent. No. 2 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET, Man FranriMce, in Palace Hotel. tST Do not fail to see one of thcsj parties before you buy, and then read your tickets to see that they are over the North-Western Route. 3 (D 3. o P> 3 a » a a o a* O o a s* o o a n -1 •< &> o (A » a* »< 1 a a o (0 S w "0 o 3. P) 3 p. o -1 (D U3 O 3 H. WACHHORST calls attention '%'^riViTeVVwi;r- 315 J St. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGL JAVlJ'rJ^V.^^VSf.^'W! San Francisco. 1089 I I in S I 9 e e o e o e CO -I s z o X C9 3 O X (0 o •s « a; DAILY EVENING POST HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY EVSNIHB FAF^a PUBLISHED IN AMSBICA, OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK. AND IS THE Most Popular Evening Journal PUBLISHED ON THE PACIFIC COAST. A3 A IT SURPASSES ALL OTHBatS. 5 09 r- m ao 3 Its Circulation is more than DOUBLE that of any other Evening Paper in California. DAILY POST. Delivered by Carriers at Fifteen Cents per Week. One Year $6 00 Six Months 3 00 Three Months 1 50 WEEKLY POST- Enlarged, Two Dollars a Year Postage Free. 69 PURE PORT WINE, for MeHicM Purposes. 302 Davis St, S. F. f if if I I o 3 09 h; I If i ^1 111 ■ i in ■1^ H ul li mi : I, ■ w, w. MONTAGUE & CO., ^i7rrA":-rr.r^.v;!;ssi.vvi? IL i c To S s IS i i s IL c c o '■ o o o z 5 o < IL a z P h .3 O 1090 Miscellaneous. ^M) rets ?\ Corner Fifth and K Streets, Is Newly Furnished throughout, and supplied with all modern Improvements. Board and Lodging, $1.00 to $2.50 par Day. Moals, 25 Cents. A Coauh beariiiK the name "f tlio IIouho will lie at all trains iind bouts to convey paHsenKors and sniull hajiiin;a to and from the Hotel '.rce ii( uhurj^o. i o (A ■< O Baths Free to 4»neMt8. Saloon I'oniiertod with the Honeir. O. N. MORSE, Proprietor. GOAD ^ SHERWIN, EIBAO OFFICB: STOCKTON, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Cards, Circulars, Handbills, «S6C., distributed throughout California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona. Advertising Sign Boards a Specialty. Bill Posting and Fence Sign Writing. Show Cards placed in Hotels and other desirable places. Being the owners of a large numl)er of Bill Boards and prominent positions through California, we can post 160,000 sheets to good advantage, disiributc 860,000 Circulars or 5,000 Advertising Sign Boards.' PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. Agent for San Francisco, E. B. MAKIN, 124 California Street. CEO. H. TRACY, ALBERT N. VARNEY, Bookseller & Stationer, ALSO, DEALER IN Dealer in DEY MOBS, CLOTHm, MUSICAl MERCHANDISE Hats and Caps, AND Boots and Shoes, Provisions, Groce- YANKEE NOTIONS, ries, Stationery, Etc. Mil iiCITY, OREGON. Rocl(ville, Oregon. o 30 :? •< o (A o 3 $0 3 w o •a ■a o M A' a S. 5? (D ■» z O e (0 n r o O A' •< Mi e TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. ? PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLECE. SY^fSlSLflBSKS'ieW. ?^ is. •8 ftiirt DUHC >r. ts -< o 1 7f 0) o f^. ■ u 3 ornia, W ■o :inS-|| o isitions 1 P iiribute J n kreet. jg 0) r O iGroce- !- CO ^5 ■J ilri«(ma. 1091 L. ZECKENDORF & CO., Main Street, Tucson, Arizona Territory. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in fm m MV NJ^ m Mi Groceries, Dry Goods, T77"in.©s, I-iiciijLOXs, ToTosicco- '3 A WAGONS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MINERS' SUPPLIES. BUCEALEW & OCHOA, Casa Grande and Florence, Arizona Territory. m o P M o o tJJJ o I Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in miui mmimm. Wines, Liquors and Miners' Supplies. BY OUR OWN TEAMS AND TRAINS. 09 3 I 3. tta as I'Haiiidlliiitg @f Hl@av^ H'mtiiig RiaieCilii@i'^ A SPECIALTY. It ^ H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ z i %$ 1.0 Z8 |2.5 US Uii 12.2 no u U4 I.I l"^ 1^ L25 ii.4 il.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 2i :s,«$T MAIN STRUT WnSTIR.N.Y. 14S80 (716)I72-4S03 V .V •^ \\ ,*i 'A w ci^ m n U' t ■itf'Fi;.,:, I ^H ?!'!>■!»! i p iil:i f'PlJJ ifi If. SI Ml!?! 5; hi Wf, \-4 IL ■ CO ■I i c a S p CD O E CO CO 7 IB o • o o < Q. o O WW UnilTAfillF A nn •«•▼•■ •■«B«q|MiiHOdifl«MtibM,ii^M« . Wt IWUIl I AtlUC « \f\M.f jmmna, 110. IM. Hi. IM and llg Btttwy ■£:. ^.IT 1092 Denver, Colorado. s THE A. H. ESTES, Proprietor. o m m 39 Curtis Street, bet. 1 5th and 1 6th DENVER, COLORADO. An Elept Foiir-Story BM BiJim. mST-CUSS IN IVIBY BSSFICT. WELL KEPT. CENTRALLY LOCATED, The Rooms Large and Airy f Newly Furnished. O « .ar o 9 I 9 O e a e 9 9 The proprietor, Mr. Estes, knows well how to keep a Hotel, and . his .patrons will find nothing lacking as to Comfort and Attention. s CO e » a a J o ? H. WAGHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Streeti Saa PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "••tKoTffl/ffi&.JSSSir o -g o E o ti to Id a e o 1 (0 Salt Lake City, Utah. 1093 o o e ! "i t Z SI P SI 'I 1 OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A CO^ 802 Dtvis St, S. F, |r -;' Ii:^i f'rS' I'/S: IL ■ « i c "5 S e WW linNTAfillF A nn •!&««€ iron, an «IM« and Hasiben. HO, . W. mUW I AlaUC « UU., ng. 114. jie. and ll» Battety 8^8. f1 1094 JSoise City, Idaho. % a re S ■> CD ;M 3 c c (0 O ■ O o o z z < Q. h I- 3 O Corner Seycnth and Idaho Streets,) BOISE CITT, IDAHO TERSITORT. THIS HOTEL IS BEING RE-FITTED WITH ISTEW F-umsriTURE, — A N D — Thoroughly Renovated Through the kEntire Building. — A N D IS NO W — ifii III ti miiffiti $t iiiiti It is our aim to fdrnish our patrons with GOOD ROOMS AND BEDS, AND HAVE THE Table Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. We ask a liberal share of patronage of the generous public, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. J. H. BUSH, Fropristor. TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumauer &Co., 'Si^iiJSi: -< o 3D -♦ P O ao -4 <^ I » CO o 3 SO 3 0> e o (A O 5? (D 1 O 9 r Q F tlMld, OM* PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »f. «w F«?t ««•!. M«rate» thoroButhly ftor Bnslnesa. eo : (j « I? *1 O P. 0) P o o 09 •H I Miscellaneous. 1096 THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OK IN THE UNITED STATES. CAN GIVE BEST OF REFERENCES In every State and Territory. PORTER IRON ROOFING CO 101, 103 & 105 West Front St., i'lISClSISIATI. /// kinds CORRUGATED IRON furnished. t&' Send fur Illustrated Cireulars. Heulocii M Vestprt Stage Line. LEN BARNARD, Proprietor. MEWnOCINO CITY, CALIFORNIA. CA 9* n i Stages connect daily with Ukiah, canvinjr the United States Mail and Wells, Far^o and Cf)'s Express. GOOD COACHES AND FINE STOCK USED. And no pains spared to make travelers as comfortable as possible. s i P *< O S. 09 f I' *' r 11 I :!rt? j|-i-' ! 111 In! h\ H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. gf: 'il ■MP Pi < > HI >- O o I- m X < < < O O «D o O . If. mUfilAtiUC OC bll., Its 114. j|«. and lit* Battenr ■<..». F. 1096 Council Bluffs cmd Chicago. The GREAT BUEimGTON ROUTE Best Constrn';>tedi and Most Completely CSqnIpped Railway In America. OFFERS TO THE TRAVELER BETWEEN COUNCIL BLUFFS AND CHICAGO every inducement that'can he given to any people, in the way of (iipeed, Comfort and SalVty, three vcr<- importunt items to be taken iiitu oonsiilei-ation wlien ilecidiDjf upon a route. To the old and experienced Traveler \ia tlie Ovi'l'iaiid Kont«*, it is not necesaary to state that the B1JRIilSf PI (A e o a n a 9 M O o 3 S o 3 9 :* s ■0 O 2 3 a O 3 o 3 H. WACHHORST calls attention ••/i;SKV"w.Si'- 315 J St PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ••WTp^rSSi^iS ttmfort and "O If upon a route. SS iessary to state I W iween the nd it Is the en- Aveling Oommu- Jl in superb onle'' ntWe Conductors io not Indulge in rains and in same are good t'oaclios i;!ass Pas-icnvters than by any |«"*•««»- CMi, hAvelt IrilanA. Ore> I. luMrvftk PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •^^JSSTv.'SSSff^.'iiSiJS. San Francisco. 1099 The CaUfornia Independent IS THE Boldest, Freest Outspoken Journal on this Coast. Conducted upon a basis of high moral character, it seeks to elevate the lowly, right the wrong and correct the errors and abuses of the evil-disposcd, in all the walks of life. It strives to ELEVATE LABOR and adjust its relation prop- erly with its foster brother CAPITAL, belit-viiig that the two are not, and of right ought not to be antagonistic. The California Independent is purely an American Jaurnal and will strive to maintain the ijlorious principles of ihe Republic unimpaired, chief among v/hich is the FREE SCHOOL SYSTEM* asking no quarters from its enemies, and giving roue. It is uncompromisingly in favor of a thorough aifd radical reconstruction of our NATURALIZATION LAWS; believing that this country is no longer an asylum lor the paupers, criminals and infirm and impure generally of the whole world. All who believe in these Principles are respectfully solicited to give it their support. Sibscription $3.00 a year. Office, 026 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. BURNHAM & BOYER, Publishers. Robert Mchaezleln. Frederick Kroner. CALIFOBHIA SILVER | FLATSD W ABB F ACTOBY F. KROCER & CO., Cold and Silver Platers. DESIGNS FOR PRESENTATION SILVERWARE. RACE AND YACHTING CUPS. MEDALS, ETC. ]via.de: and icxKCXJTKr). i@%es fw Ik. Q). y. W. to M M^Uh. No. 13 Trinity Street, near Montgomery, Between Sutter and Bush Streets. CO «• II ^1 H. PALMER & COm Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. i S& ' r fl| k|| il Si , \ ■SI 1 ■ Hill 3* 11- ||: • I Eil S • II i Oi ww^ 3 i ; I w£lj ^ 1 HI BEt^ ^^ Kip, , •^ m'dl ^ ll VmW C' ,^' Bi^ ' S3. ■\ kI;; a> ffiw* i-*i {■uStt! 3 t^mi 9 EH^i ^ .^ HrjIn R 7* wk m • i H ;;« III':-; iff 1 r'i ij'fl p i« i '■. ■ i- »%''i J' pi' :• :«!■ ■ , ■ . fj-'f'- :.:S: • rrf,: '■ ''■l'>'»'' '^l' t' J'i'- ! ■: '£ ..•;:((:■-■ ■ ^:lf? ' "i 1 ' ■ i :.'t : ; ' Ipi'ji l'-:l'i: ^i'fe '.;; / ii'!'. '/•-'., ' " 111:1 i:li!.ixL:' i 8 e ? C c O ■ o o < o 3 o w. w. MONTAGUE & CO.. TOrJiT2AT.ria&r«av* 1100 San Fra/noiaco. CALIFORNIA GLUE WORKS, MABTIN HOLJE, I^roprietor, Factory, De Haro and Sixteenth Streets. I warrant them to be superior in QUALITY AND STRENGTH to any Glues ever before offered in this market. A test from consumers and dealers that are using Glues, is all I ask. All Orders should b3 sent to the Factory, 16th and Se Haro Streets *'Mark well the hour when nature's rights demand The skillful practice of a Dentist's hand." A great principle to success in life, in Personal Appearance, and a Good Consti- tution, of which ihe Teeth are an Indis- pensable Requisite. Have your natural teeth filled and saved if possible; ever bearing in mind "that delays are dangerous." Substitute a well inoile set of Artificial Teeth, if the natural ones are missing. FiKST. For the purpose of masticating food to prepare it for digestion. Second. For the purpose of articulation and ornament. Let azure eyes with coral lips unite, And health's vermillion blend with snowy white. Let auburn tresses float upon the gale. And flowery garlands all their sweets exhale; If once the lipt in parting should display The teeth discolon, ' — wasting with decay — The spell dissolves, and l)cauty in dc8])air Beholds her fond pretentions melt in air ! tm J. L. COGSWELL, 232 Sutter St., near Kearny, San Francisco. THOMAS DAY^ 1»« and tiet SUTTER STREET, - • - MAW FRANCISCO, CAL. DKALRR IK Gas Fixtures in Crystal, Gilt, Steel and Bronze, Fine Clocks ii MarMe I M or Imitatioo Brooze, Fountains and Aquariums, all Size-*, for Lawns or Conservatory Use, Garden Ornaments, Vases, etc.. Cabinet and Enameled Wash Stands, B;]!«AMBL.K0 BATJH TUBS, (Soinothinjf New,) GARDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS, And all the Latest ImprovementR in Bath and Basin Cocks, Copper Boilers, and all Plumbers' Supplies. H. WACHHORST. Importer of jSSS^lSSSitM. 315 J St, 8a& 3 30 CO o o m o P" m > r m • S c5 m r (0 o :i 5" 3 a 3 e a BUSINESS PENMANSHIP "•^^SUSSS^^.SAWllSVt. 1 mind "that are missing, an. Second. ISCO, €AL. I i •s I o e & o 75 (0 o e iSon i^rttncisco. 1101 M. S. CB©€1C1B & €©., pmiMfiEi AND 208 ANO 210 J ST., SACRAMBNTO, ^^i o-TOci 4^3 Sansom St., San Francisco, ao s S2 o CO 30 I f aoiliUe^ to \io?k ol all I^U^^e? moad to .SM. C0 O X (0 A Full Liie of Stationery Direct Ironi Hannfactnrers, INCLTJIDINGS- IS ARNOLD'S INKS, FAIBCHILD?S GOLD PENS, FABEB'S PENCILS, and GILLOTTS PENS. PURE PORT WINE, ftr Mrtlclnl Fnmoses, 302 Davis St, 8. F. I a? II Is W. W. MONTAGUE A CO.,"^T:-ri?o.'?J?R::i.M'lr«i.tW'«!'.'?r 1102 San Francisco. hi mi UTt! i c S e (8 s •M S c c (0 O O o o < 0. E The *^ Davis Sewing Machine Is Durablet Lig^ht Running and Simple. 99 It is being used in our principal Factories and by our l>est Families nistrlbutins Ofllce fY>r the Pacific titatCM the Mandwlrh Islundi* and BrltiH^ Colniubla. and Territoriew, Mexico, 130 Post f t. San Francisco. MARK SHELDON, General A^ent. House Established, 1827. Only fiold Mesial for Pencils, Paris, 1878. THE DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. Railroad Avenue, Monmouth and Wayne Streets, JERSEY CITY, N. J. PENCILS, CRUCIBLES, STOVE POLISH. Graphite, Plumbago, Black Lead, PREPARED FOR EVERY KNOWN USE. Office, Cor. Bailroad Avenue and Monmouth Street, Jersey City. Cedar Mills at Tampa, Fla. Graphite Mines and Mills, at Ticonderoga, N. Y. Okutbb 0UCVEL4ND, I'rcsldetit. John A. Walkrr, Secretary, Wm. A. Bkown, Tio-'«urer. F07E SBOS., Managers, 507 California Street, S. F. o ST (A o » a a. $ o o o a O 3 eet, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Representing the following well-known and Leading Eastern Houses. Fall dtork on hand of the bttlow mentioned WareN. J. ANDRADE Sc €0., TVew Ifork.jW. A. HOYT A CO., BoMton, Mass., N. \., Manut'acturorH of Feathur DustcrB. .Vnnufactuiersof the justly celebrated Hoyt'B _ New Kluriil ColoKiie. liOITIM A. MAIiOMOW, New York, N. Y., JJanufacturer and Dealer In Culord and Dye Stuffs HEIiliKR Jk MERX, New York, N. Y.,Maiiu(acturorsol Hall Blues and Ultra- marines. m o 9* OIRARD WREWCII CO., «^irard, I'cnn., Manufauturers Standard and Ai;ricultu- ral Wrenches. UERMAN BEHR A CO., Mew Yurk, N. Y., Manufacturers of Sand and Emery Palters. WITTEMAMN BROS., Mew York. N. Y., dealers in Brewers' and Wine Growers' Materials. RKSTORFF, BKTTIHAMM A CO., New York, N. Y., Muiiufaotiircrs of the Sara- tO);a and Waterproof lA'itthor Drosoingd. TEMEVIME CO., BoMton. IHasM.- Tcncxino, a Liquid Ulue, Mucilage and Cement. Can be used for any of these purposes. Never fails. HOBART B. IVES, Mew Haven. CoP'i, Ives Patent Simple Morti'je Door Bolts. Please Send for Catalogues, Price Lists, etc. tland4 0M. lUITOtt H. PALMER A COh Frontifliwn Wine, 902 Davis St, S. F. O J5. 3 CD ■\ \ n-. m m\\ it! I. m u^i Bommmm mmm ■■PHHIi 1 i!i. i i ifiii ml i. ?'i f 1 ■ : ! ■J . -ii i fi ■ H ml ■Nil. ii^ ^i S Si ■I i c « p I > o E CO e c O ■ o o o 0. H D O w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., TO^giJiranBug; 1104 San Francisco. J. 8. HAYES ic CO., Cuilagi and Wagon Kaktn And General Blacksmiths, I 1 6 Washington Street, Detween Davis and Drumm, San Francisco. Light and Heavy Wagons constantly on hand. Re' pairing done in the very best manner at the lowest olty prices. Also, Painting and IVimming. Alao, Horaeshoelnc HASSMER'S NJ I FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE Throat and Lungs, Catarrh, Fevers, Etc. rr WILL CUBE CONSUMPTION. Has been subjected to a thorough analysis by skillful chemists in both America and Europe, and pronounced free from injurious or p«isonous matter. Its effect upon the System is entirely harmless. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Take a wine-glassful three times a day, before meals. As all wine-glas- ses are not of a uniform size, it will be better to say one-fourth of a pint, divided into three doses, to be taken daily. As this syrup is a valuable tonic, containing no hurtful drugs, the patient may increase the number of doses per day at will. Numerous certificates of cures can be seen upon application to VALENTINE HA88MER, 933 Washington Street, S. E. Comer Powell, San Francisco. p. O. Box, Mo. ISHO. MOODY & PARISH, WOOL Commission Merchants No. 210 Davis Street, SAN FRANCISCO. ISrWool Bags, Hop Cloth, Twine, Sheep Shears, Sheep-Washes and Tobacco for Sale. Cash AdTances made on Consignments. H. WACHHORST. importer of J ■iKs;^!^!:^;^ 315JSt.Saa i;' . , A. L BANCROFT & COMPANY,' ''i Pulillsheri, MauuftctunMs, Impoi tern anil AVIioletale ami netail Dealers In Books, Stationery, Pianos, Music, Etc. ALSO, Printers. Lithographers. Engraue's and Binders. The most complete business of its kind in the country. It is tlioroughly sy-stematized and divided into deportments — each being in charge of a competent Manager — as mentioned below, '■ I' lilt Headquarters located on the first floor. All business connected with the wholesale and jobbing trade is referred to it. The immense stock of Stationery in all its branches, occupying portions of three floors, is under its management. ' ^ ! )ilin 1 ! Mi.ni. On the first floor. Whatever is for sale in this entire establishment can be purch.ised at retail in this department. The miscellaneous, scientific, medical aiul ' theological books are specially under its supervision. All are thoroujjlily classified, there being n-^arly ' two himdred divisions and subdivisions, embracing every prominent subject of reference. '^ *' 'i 11! i!i_ On the first floor. It emhr.ices the lawbooks-— over one hundred volumes; and the legal blanks— over 1500 — published by the firm; and a v£ry large and complete stock of text- books and reports imported from the Kast and Great Britain. ■■■■••.■ . 1. li On the first floor. It includes such school books and school stationery as are published and m.inufactured by the firm, and. an immense stock of schoul books, school apparatus and school furniture impfiried from the Kast. The main stock is stored in deep alcoves extending along nearly .one entire side of the basement. '»)'■•:,' t '■■)! 1! I iin'iii. Printing,' Lithographing, Engraving and Blank P.ook Manufacturing, especially for Banks and Public Uflicers. Also, the best qualities of Stationery for their use always in stock in ciuantities., ^ Embraces several lines of pianos, square and upright, and a large variety of cabinet organs and melodeoris. Also a fine stock of sheet music and music books. Latest music periodicals kept on file for free reference. ■ ••■■'' On the second floor. The firm has the ,igeucy for the best and ' most popular subscription books, maps and pictures published in 'he East and has a large corps of suli. agents const.-intly in the field in every part of the coast. Agents wanted. ■' 1 ' ii ' 11' This dep.irtment occupies the entire third floor, and has the necessary steam presses and machinery for executing all kinds of printing, Litlm- graphing, engraving, initial stamping, etc. •^'" '• .1'. .IP.. ' ". pai t iiKiit Occupies the entire fourth floor, 75 by 170: contains '.he most complete set of machinery for rtding, folding, binding and manufacturing bl.nnk books to he found on the Pacific Coast. 'I'he machinery of the printing and binding departments is prop< iled by an engine and boiler located under the Stevenson Street sidewalk. ' • ' '• , (i Mniii. Bancroft's Ilistorigal Library, on the fifth floor, is the basis of important scientific and descriptive works of a local nature, and niaps and books of reference relating to the Pacific Coast, to be issued by the firm from time to time. The stock of merchandise and manufactures comprised in the above Pepartment? is the most complete and varied of any single establishment in this line of business to h"^ found in any country in the world. .S/ct/.j/ /i»es of goods and sfeciul features of tlie business are mentioned below. American Decisicns. Agents for A. H. Andrews ^ Co., Manufacturers of the Celebrated Triumph School Furniture. Agents for the Celehrated JCnn/ie J'ianos, Agents fir the A'. )'. Silicate Hook Slate Co. Agents for J he Owen Paf>er Co. Agents fr the Prince Organs, orer 54,000 of ■:i'hi. 'i are now in use. Agents for the 'Jyf>c Writer. Hank and Counting Jlou^e Stiiti, ::"■'■ Hlank IScok Manufacturers. Hlanks and Books for County Oficiah to order . li.Htkl'inders Hook and Job Printers. < 'ofifier Plate J'rinters. Die Sinkers. /incyclofedia Pritannica, i'.ngriners on Copper, i,teel and Stone. I'ashionable Stationers. General Agents for Subscription Books, Maps, etc. /ill porters of p'oreign Stationery, frring J'ianos. Initial Stamping, Labels designed, engraved and printed in any desired combination of colors. Law Blank Publishers. Law Book Publishers and Importers. Lithographers, Law Blanks punted to order. Lithographic Jointers, Law Stationery, Medical /looks and Periodicals, Monogram P^ngraTing and Stamping. Music Books and Sheet Music, Paper Kulers. J'irtnos and (Organs. Prince Cibinet Organs, Publishers, Publishers of most of the Pacific Coast Law Boohs. Printct s. School Apparatus and Stationery. School /1,'oks at wholesale and retail, .Seal Cutters. Sheet Music. Suhcription Books, Maps, etc, Sh nday, School Books, I isiting Cords engraved and printed. Wedding Cards and Imitations. Wholesale and Retail Hooksellers and Statiomrs. Il'riting Cards. ."' A. L. Bancroft & GC 721 Market St., San Francisco J -1* ■JY, PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, No. 880 Post mtweet. ednr«t« thoronarhly tar BnMlneMU Etc. ?rs, id and divideil below. iness connected ionery in all iw le in this entire ific, medical ami ;re being nearly undred volume?; ete stock of tcxl- ooks and schoul of schoul books, i stored in deep ind Blink l^ook tationery for their nd a large variety cs. Latest music ;y for the best and large corps of siili- 3 the entire tliird of printing, Litlio- » floor, 75 W '7": nufacturing blank ing departments IS ir, is the basis of reference relating lenH is the most Jul in any country ed below. iorieri. If.iwfihig. [c Coast La'!!' f! Ml r o •4 I 9 » (A a r 9 , K 9 5 TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th«< Model Ctomnemlal Collece or tht^ Coast, S«0 FONt St.. «.>. i tinware, 1009 M iranco Co of In&Manuugts, CO CO t/i CO O QQ O & o , o I /S'an Francisco. ALPHABKTICALLT. 1107 AHLBOBN HOUSE, 321 and 323 Du pont l)et Sutter and Bush Ahlborn & Boeckmann proprs Ahlborn W D,'physician, 419 Laguna Ahlenfeld M D, variety store, 103^ Fifth Ahlers & Buckmann, groceries, N\V cor Polk and Austin Ahlers G, liquors, 220 Spear Ahlers J D, grocei-y, SW cor Valencia and Twenty-Third Ahlert Frederick, bakery, 2215 Post Ahnert August, junk, 818 Francisco Ahren J H, liquors, 218 Davis Ahrens C, watches and jewelry, 616 Washington Ahrens D & U, liquors, SW cor Mission and Main; fe-oceries, cor Thi.d and Everett AHRENS H & CO, Chicago Brewery, 1420 Pine Ahrens & Shattuck, groceries, cor Sec- ond and Minna Ahumanda Joseph M, real estate, 137 Montgomery Aid Union, Geo Wentzel manager, 21) Kearny AIKEN &OOIE, wood and coal, cor West Twenty-second and Valencia AIKEN WM H, utty at law, G20 Washington AINSWORTH D H & CO, patent fire kindler, 770 Bryant Aitken Chas H, master mariner's benev- olent ass'n, Druids Hall Aitken & (Jo, business brokers, 331 Kearny Aitken W, real estate, 331 Kearny Ajax Gold and Silver Mining Co, (Bodic) A F Main secy, 30!> California Alabama & Humboldt Consolidated Min- ing Co, '.iO'2 Montgomery ALACBAN SILVER MINING CO. L L Kobinson pres, 320 Sausoin Alamtda Building and Loan Ass'n, M Friedrich secy, 30i> California Alameda Ferry, foot Market Alameda Land and Inv'!stment Co, Frank Coy & Co agts, 430 Mont Liif.ieda Mining Co, (Nevada), Fred'k R Bunker secy, GOG Montgomery Alameda F.ral Estate Associates, Jas E Damm manager, 007 Montgomery Alameda and S F Express, F W Greeley propr, 3 Market Alameda and S F Express, A VV Lind propr, 331 East Alaxandra A, tailor, 303 Stockton ALASKA COMMERCIAL CO, J F Miller pres, SlOSansom Alaska Mining and Commercial Co, C W Crane secy, 318 Pine Albany Brewery, F Hagemann & Co, 71 to 75 Everett Albaugh Edward, agt Columbus Buggy Co, !l Merchant's Exchange Alberigi D, wood and coal, 315 Bdwy ALHERS A, >y8ter saloon, 50, 51 and 52 California Market Albcra Marcus, liquors, 335 Fourth Albertson J A, physician, 111 Powell Albiez Erhardt, liquors, cor Folsom and Tenth Albion Con Mining Co, 327 Pine Albion Potterj', (Antioch), W S Kay & Co agents, 12 and 14 Market Albrecht John, tailor, 528 Bush Albrecht liichavd, bakery, 109 Taylor Albright Fred, liquors. Long Bridge Alcayaga Jose, groceries, 524 Broadway Alceroth & Moller, grocers, cor Gough and Austin Alden Fruit Prcis Co, A J Hawes secy, 220 Sanson! Aldrich L, atty at law, 607 Washington Aldrich W A, capitalist, 314 California Alers A, physician, 10 Ellis Alex J F, coffee saloon, 140S Stockton Alex Jos, restaurant, 1408 Stockton Alexander Chaa, tobacco and cigars, !)75 Market Alexander C M, stoves and tinware, 21 1 Fourth Alf xander J), cigar mannfr, 208 Mont Alexander Esther, portrait painter, 311 Sutter Alexander H, clothing, 772 Howard Alexander I E, carpenter, 7 Trinity Alexander Isaac, boots and shoes, 404 Pacific Alexander Jas, wholesale wood dealer, Berry Street Wharf Alexander Mining Co, A B Cooper secy, 328 Montgomery Alexander Orlando, mdse broker, 214 Sansom Alexander P, dry goods, 2702 Mission Alexander Mrs K, boarding house, 311 Sutter Alexander II S, shipwright, 15 Drumm Alexander S & Co, manufr and dealer in clothing and furnishing goods, 4 Battery Alexander Mrs T, physician, 709J Mc- Allister Alferitz Peter, grocer, 521 Mont ave Alhambra Mining Co, 414 California Alkus Emil, boots and shoes, 26 Fourth Allardt G F, civil engineer, 432 Mont- gomery Allari Jos, tripe, brains, tongues, 55 and 56 California Market AUason E 0, boarding house, NW cor Fillmore and Francisco Alldack J, wood and coal, 333 Third ALLDACK JOS, groceries, SW cor Bush and Devisadero m o €/> P 'b I n ga. *9 J 1 ■ I^TRY MURRAY'b lUNG AND LIVER BALSAM..^ ;":'>1 ]•. -x -i L fil«M*l kn> >\ UtiiJl' Ti-f I-:*' WUf MflMT ACIIP A rn l*tov<*ii anti Ransm, 800 (ilflorent iHzm, ityla ant ■ IV. mUillMUUE: « UU.f pattemg, no, 112, 114, lie WMl 118 Buttery St. , K. F. ■ IL C S Q O E 75 CO 7 (0 O o o o < 0. h h O 1108 San Francisco. ALPIIABRTICALIiY. AUegretti I, confectionery, 143.S Polk ALLEMANNIA FIRE IXSTJB- ANCE CO of Pittsburgh, '20S» Sansom Allan P M, physician, 1080 Mission Allen Chas K, coal merchant, _ 1*20 Bcale Allen Con Mining Co, IlIO Pino' ALLEN D H & GO. wholesale import era of wines and liquors, .'}2'J-324 front Allen E L, secy fiedwood Manufrs Ass'n, 18 Market ALLEN E T, manufr's agent of fire arms, hardwai-eand cutlery, Ula Mkt Allen Harry, barber, 8G0 Howard Allen H H, mining, 318 Pine Allen Hugh, nursery, 932'!).^ McAllister Allen Jas M, judge superior court No 8, 42 Montgomery Allen & Lewis, com merchant, Portland, Or, and 202 California at Allen L S, shipwright, 107 Bryant Allen M, liquors, 309 Pine Allen Mrs, bakery, 320 Sixteenth Allen W H, atty at law, G28 Montgy Allen W H, mining secy, 306 Pine Allen W H, collector, 85 Mont Block ALLEN WM R & CO. gas fixtures, plumbers, 761 Market Allen & Young, stevedores, Battery near Union AUenberg Chas, mining secy, 521 Market AUeon Frank, oyster saloon, 87 and 88 Center Market AUis Rev Jno M, pastor Presbyterian Church (Larkin St), Abbotsford House AUman Mrs H, fruits, etc, 1)23^ Folsom Allsop J P C, cigars, 521 ^ Valencia AUwood Henry, wood carver, Bryant bet Fifth and Sixth AUyne & White, Pacific Oil Works, 112 114 Front Almaden Quicksilver Mining Co, 214 Sansom ALMON D & CO. dealers in second- hand cases and cans, coopers, 38 Coml Alms House, county and city, Ocean House Boad AlpersChas, business agent, 700 Mission Alpers Chas W, bandmaster, 1623 Pow Alpha Con Mining Co, .30'.) Montgomery Alpine Gold and Silver Mining Co, 328 Montgomery Alsen J, boots and shoes, 521 Hyde ALSOP JOHN S, umbrella maker, 041 Bush Alt Chris, bootmaker, 608 Vallejo " ALTA CALIFORNIA," Fred'k Mac Crellish & Co pubs, 529 California Alta Silver Mining Co, 302 Montgomery Alta Soap Co, Wm A Engwer & Samuel Weintraub proprs, Oregon bet Front and Davis Altar Gold and Silver Mining Co, 32 Merchant's Exchange Altemus Jno, bakery, cor Twenty-sixth and Columbia Altendorf ,T, saw filer, 32 Front Alterdorf Julius, polisher and gilder, 32 Fremont Alterit/ P, groceries, 521 Mont ave Althof & Bahls, bookbinders, 329 San Althof Bros, restaurant, 626 Market Althof Theo, oyster saloon, 626 Market Altmayer Abrum, merchant, 29 Battery Althouse Wind Mill Co, 13 Front Altoona Quicksilver Mining Co, Chas AUenberg secy, 521 Market Altschul, Seller & Co, crockery and glassware, 119 Battery Altshuler L, clothing, 243 Sixteenth Altshuler Mrs L, millinery, 237 Six- teenth Altura Mining Co, 309 Montgomery Alvarez Eusebio, bakery,, 13 Pinckiiey Alvord Mrs Mary, bakery, 759^ Howard Alves D, c oal oil and lamps, 1244 Mkt ALWOOD "W, Prest Pacific Rolling Mill Co, 16 First, and prest Bank of California, 404 California, postoflSce box 2032 Amador Mining Co, 318 Pine Amark Fred, cigars and tobacco, 518 Battery Amazon Consolidated Mining Co, John Crockett secy, 203 Bush Amazon Distilling Co, 123 California AMAZON INSURANCE CO, A D Smith agent, 310 California Ambrose & Horan, poultry and game, 28 and 29 Centre Market Amelung Julius C, wine and liquor broker, 65 Merchants Exchanite bfdg American Button Hole Sewing Ma- chines, 1216 Market American Central Fire Insurance Co, 319 California American District Telegraph Co, 222 Sansom "American Druids Journal," Daniel Brown pub, 606 Montgomery American Exchange Hotel, Thos Bryan propr, 319 Sansom Air^encan Fire Insurance Co, Jonathan Hunt, Son & Co, 313 California American Flag Mill and Mining Co, .310 Pine American Flat Mining Co, 331 Mont American Grape Sugar Co, W J Currier agt, 205 Front American Home Missionary Society, J H Warren supt, 7 Montgomery ave American Mining Co, (Nevada), M E Sperling secy, 309 California American Mining and Dredging Co, £ Moreau secy, 220 Sansom American Pipe Co, Calvert Mead* man- ager, 324 Pine > 3 n 'ft CO n 3 0) a » 3 a ■n 2 3 O O O 3 (f O e 3 (D 1 < r «■• CA P cr »< ■n T a ■ a X 2 » 3 ^\ ** I o a (0 e 9 H. WACHHOBST calls attention '•/li;^,'Ve'r"^.14?'' 315 J St BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrally tnnsht at PACWVic BITMI. XKKH ?'OTi»><:w. 3«» I imt St., H. F. San Francisco. ALPHABETICALLY. 1109 £ u 0} in u ■•»- o (A t. « (A O O Richards & Snow agts, 408 Market Anchick Mrs Elizabeth, fancy goods, 703 Brannan ANDERAU JOSEPH, Swiss sausage, stall 27 California Market Anderson Brothers, carriage makers, (507 Buttery Anderson Mrs H, bakery, 703 Hyde Anderson A, colt'oe sr.loon, 540 Market Anderson Andrew, licixiors, SE cor Washington and Drumm Anderson Andrew, liquors, 250 Spear Anderson & Co, saloon, 200 Jackson Auderfiou Mrs Elsen, bakery, 504i Sixth Anderson E E, tailor, (525 Merchant Anderson F A, liquors, 215 Davis Anderson (t W & Co, Oakland and San Francisco Express, 331 East Anderson H C, oystera, <3tc, 41 and 42 (Jrand Western Market Anderson Hugh, photographer, 500 . Valencia Anderson J A, physician, 110{> Folsom Anderson John C, groceries, cor Twenty- ninth and Sanchez Anderson X, secy California Transpor- tion Co, cor Jackson and East Andersen N, cigars and tobacco, 522^ Sixth Anderson R C, attorney, 225 Bush Anderson Richard K, carpenter, 2 Tyler Anderson Rollin C, books and station- ery, 408 Third Anderson W B, caq)enter, 2 Tyler Anderson Bros, carriagemakers, (507 Kearny Anderson H P, carpenter, 1007 Folsom Anderton F C, tannery. Eleventh bet N and P, South San Francisco Andrew Misa C E, hair goods, 251 Third Andrews Oliver, wholesale hog butcher. Fifth ave bet K and L ANDERSON THOMAS, wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of coal, 16 Drumm Andes Silver Mining Co, Butler Bur- ns secy,30!> Montgomery Andler Mrs A, Occidental Laundry, Fil- bert bet Gough and Octavia Andrade Z, cigarmaker, 035 Pacific ANDREWS A, Diamond Palace and jeweler, 221 Montgomery Andrews H, secy Real Estate Protective Association, 30;» Montgomery Andrews Mrs H, lodgings, 536 Market Andrews Manuf (Jo, 203 Busli Andrews Wm, varieties, 34 U Fifth Andros Milton, atty at law, 224 Sansom ANDTJRAN C &'.C0, wholesale liquors, proprs Uncle Siim Wine Cellar and Distillery, Napa City, 515 and 517 Sacramento Angelina B, lace cap factory, 419 Stock Angel & Francis, attys at law, 302 Mont Angell J W, druggist, 272 First Angelo (), fruits, 181 1.^ Powell Anger Madam F, milliner, (521 Larkin Angier Miss, nrivate school, 618 O'Far- rell Anglo-CalifornianBank,! Steinhart man- ger, cor California and Leidsdortf Ankers Mrs (.', coffee saloon, 717 Miss Ankers Christ & Co, show case manufr, 1032 Mnrket Ansberg B, liquors, 34 Austin Ansliell Siimuel, fancy goods, 214 Sixth Ansley \V, cooper, 14 Merchant Anson Patrick F, house and sign painter, 38 California ANTELOPE MINING CO, 203 Bush, room 26 Anstett — , grocer, 331 Fifth ANTHES PETER, liquors, 102 Geary Antliony Rev Chas, pastor Central M E Cliureh Anthony E T & Co, repackers gen mdse, 407 and 409 Commercial Anthony G W & Co, brokers and cigars, SE cor Bush and Kearny Anthony & Maass, groceries, cor Mary Lane and Berry ANTISELL T M & CO. pianos, cor Powell and Eddy as -< CO o CA 3 (O S.9 1 I? an ^9 ■? OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. i e WUf MAMTAPIIC Jb rn MtOT4*M and Kanftra, 800 different fliM, itylaa aaA » W. IwUPIIIIUlHl PC vUi> i,>ttenn. 110. 112, U4, lie and Xlg Battory gt. ,8. F. s S B IL O o o o o < 0. h h D O 1110 San Francisco. ALPIIABRTICALLV. AntoUle E & Co, comnusaion meruhant, 514 Sansom Antonio Clara, physician, 108 Geary Antonio Francisco, barber, 505 Bdwy Antony F, liqnors, 705 Bryant Antony Frank, groceries, 1042 Folsom Autuuovich F & Co, restaurant, 403 East Antunovich F, rcHtaurant, 520 Sac Antunovicli M ich, iolUc saloon, cor lOast Ariustron; anil Conmjercial , Folsuni Autz Henry, butcher, 1 and 2 Oraiul Armstrong & Figel, cigars and tobacco. Western Market 'A'-iS Bush Apothecaries' Hall, Win J Bryan propr,' Armstrong (.} M Co, 310 Pine, room 15 Armbnister Adolph, li(juors, cor Sixth and Shipley AT ^TMrTJl & i)AIiLAM* wood and wil. low ware, brooms, brushes, baskets, twine, cordage, matches, building pa- per and paper carpeting, 115 and 117 Front Armitage Jose^)!!, druggist, SE cor Six- teenth and Howard Christopher, groceries, lOlti SE cor New Montgomery and Market Appel Louis, liquors, 315 Montgy ave Ai)pel Simon, tailor, 780 Folsom Appelgate J H J r, secretary Wales G & S M Co, 10!> Washington Apeple Miss T, fancy and dress goods, 28 Sixth Apply Wra, nursery and florist, 2325 Mission Applegate J H, attorney at law, 721I Montgomery Armstrong (;r & S M Co, 203 Bush Armstri'iiig J, plumbing aud gaslitting, 133 Ninth AHMSTBONO J L, atock broker, 444 California ABHSTBONG BVOOLFH, cooperage, 121 Jackson and 72 Oregon ABMSTBONO THOS C, propr Hay- wards, San Leaiulro Express, 1 Couil Armstrong & Wright, maniifs boots aud shoes, 07 and O'J Stevenson ApprillU, boots and shoes, 303 Stockton ^BNAUD ALBEBT, H'luors, NWcor Appostolo Lezore, fruits, cor laylor andj °^,^^^ and 5upont Arnhtim Julius S, dniggist, 248 Oak Ellis Arata David, grocer, 321 Broadway Archer Wni, crockery and glassware, 919 Folsom Archibald P L & Co, livery stable, 1324 and 1326 Market ADABI> ALBEBT. liriuors, NE cor Post and Dupont Arents A, mining engineer, 328 Mont Arfort J no B, wagonmaker, 023 (Jeary Argenta Mining Co, Stock Exchange building Argonaut Mill & Mining Co, James L Fields secretary, 240 ^lontgomery Argonaut Mining Co, (Arizona), 702 Market ABGONAUT PUBLISHING CO, pub- lishers "Arg"• ■pn» have 1^ CO 06 Kit t ft 6 ■ C «) Q. c '5 c 3 o Ik o o (0 (A ■ I- ■ < P ACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ""fc.ynrp.?SSK&?ifjJK San Frandffco. 1 in ALPIIADI(TiaAI.I.Y. Arpe Domenico, fruita, 61V) Kearny Arringtoii NicliO, collector, ()03 Wash Arta & Oassassa, commission merchants, 515 Davis cor Clark Arthur W H, carpet beatine, 21 Tyler Arthur Wm S, bakery and confection- ery, 53'J Second Arthur W J, carpet beating, 21 Tyler Artigues K &, Co, tripe and canned meats, Bay City Market Asch Benjiimin, barber, 215 Sixth Asch Wm, cigars and tobacco, 215 Sixth Asche H T & Co, glovemakers, N W cor Kearny and Geary Aschen E F, grocer, NW cor Bush and Octavia Ash Alfred, fruit, 233 Eighth AhIi Mrs Ellen, groceries, 15 Tehama place Ash l,dycr, 315 Hayes ASH ROBERTt atty at law, COl Cal Ashbumer Wm, mining engineer, 240 Montgomery, room 8 Ashby E W, atty at law, tiOl California Ashdown A, attorney, 507 Montgomery Asher A P, varieties, 408 Fourth A slier C, tobacconist, 1(>44 Sutter Asher M L, bakery and fruits, 1027 Larkin Asher & Smith, manufrs oil clothing, 325 Davis Ashley Mrs Sarah, bakery, 358 Third Ashley Warren, attorney, 43(5 Montgy Ashley Mrs W H, dressmaker, 120 Sut Ashton Chas, real estate agt, 138 Mont Asmussen A, dry goods, cor Eighth and Harrison Asmussen Geo, hay and grain, SW cor Shotwell an(l Twentieth Asmussen Mrs S, dO' goods, 401 Eighth Asmussen W A & Co, groceries and boarding, cor Eighth and Bryant Asphaltetl Wrought Iron Pipe Co, 204 Sutter Assion Jos, merchant tailor, 205 Mont Assion Jos C, tailor, (525 Morchiint Astorg Bros, butchers, 5 and (> (irand Arcade Market Astreuo A, liquors, (»35 Washington Astrico J A, licjuors, 207 Fourth AsztaloB S, grocer, NW cor Mason and Francisco Atchinson B M & Co, dairy produce, 16,17, 28 and 30 Centre Market Athearn & Co, grocer, Steuart Atherton F A, collector, 507 Mont Atinger C, bootmaker, 117 Leidesdorff Atkinson David, Cal Laundry, Russ alley Atkinson, Doud & Co, stock-brokers, 337 Pine Atkinson Geo F, manufr fancy wood buttons, 25i) First Atkinson &, Gilmore, dairy produce, cor Twenty-second and ShotweU Atkinson James, liquors, ti22 Markeb Atkinson & Kistcr, blacksmiths,, 42 Vallejo Atkinson L & Co, manufr shirts, 22 Sansom Atkinson N, real estate, 330 Pino, room 5 Atkinson Thos T 4; Co, stock brokers, 337 Pino Atkinson Thos, real estate, 520 Seventh Atkinson Thos E, mining secretary,. 405 California Atlanta Mining Co, (A F McGrew secy, > 420 Montgomery Atlantic Consolidated Mining Company ^; 328 Montgomery, room 21 Atlantic Giant Powder Co,. (Albert Dib> blee pres, office 10 California Atliintic Powder Co, (x^ Du pern secy, i 10 California ATLANTIC STRAW WOR£S,.(J M Forrest, 132 Fourth ATLAS IRON WORKS, (J B Jordin prop), engine and boiler manufrs, 135 Beale Atlas Mining Co, (A F McGrew secy,) 420 Montgomery Attel M, watchmaker, 344 Third Attell Seymour, merchant tailor, 53 Third Attinger Gotleib, shoemaker, 117 Leid Attridgo James, groceries, 2001 Leav Attridge Lizzie, litjuors, fruits, etc, 247 Clara Atwill Jos F, mining secy, 106 Leid Attwood Alice, physician, 834 Folsom Atzeroth & Moller, grocer, NE cor (iough and Austin Aubert A, pork packer, 10 San Fran- cisco Market Aubry & Son, upholsters, 260!) Mission Auerbiicli, (ioldborg & Co, retail and wholesale cigi rs, 410 Sacramento AUERBACH & THOMPSON, (Pacific Fringe Factory,) 751 Market AufrichtigM, fancy goods, 116 Sixth Auger B E Si Co, commission mer- chants, 4 )!> Battery Augustiny John, meat market, oiS Turk Auman Fredk, liquors, 610 Jackson Aumann Fritz, liquors, 622 Kearny Auradon A L & Co, game and poultry,, 515 Merchant Aurora T & M Co, 203 Bush, room 26. Aurouze Marius, barber, 203 Mont »ve- Austin B C, Tin Can Box Factory, 41:4 . Clay Austin H, dentist, 634 Washington Austin Marcus E, broker, 639 Kearny Automatic Sewing machine Co, 124s Post flaa fTI' H. PALMER & COm Frontianan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. WUI MflMTACIIF A m Mh'rt Iron, all Nines and MaHber*, 11«, 1112 San Francisco. AIiMIABKTICAI.LT. h 5 o CO OS < < s h co a o 3 III h X < X s "AvAlanclio" (The) Insurance Monthly, (R B Cavorly editor, 410 Calif oniia Avery UR & Co, fruit etc, 18 Centre Market Avy Euuene, wool cominiasion nierchaut and wnoluaalo butcher, li'20 8auaom Axel Alice, bakery, 1711 Market Axt Ludwig, ahoeuiaker, lOoU Howard ▲xtman Leopold, bakery, 5UU Hayes Ayer & Morrow, house and sign paint- ers, 018 Cul AYER WASHINOTON, physician, 410 Kearny Ayers & Co, pubs "The Farmer" and proprs Lion lUke, •2r)4 and *J5G Mkt Ayers Frederick, litjuors, !)(">!• Mission Ayers Harry, wiues and licjuors, cor Ellis and tStoukton Ayers Joshua, minini< secy* 1 1 1 ^ Leid AYERS M> niuuager \) M Osborni- & Co, •jr)4 Mkt AiRES JOHN 0* broker, stocks, bonds and loann, 420 Cal A/urc King Min Co, ;W0 Pine, room 'M B Babb M E, atty at law, 214 Sansom BABBITT J H, Excelsior Straw Works, I'M) Fourth BaccMS II T. butclier, >\V cor O'Farrdl and Mason BACH ALBERT, atty at law, 'J 14 Sanson! BACH. MEESE&CO.( formerly United Anaheim Wine (Jrowers Association,) wines and liijuors, \i'2\ Mont Bachelder .1 W, atty at law, &2'2 Clay Bachelder T F, atty at law, (J'J'J Clay Bachelder Windnull Maufacturing Co, cor Market and Bealo Bac her M mc K A, milliner, 40(5 Kearny EaCHMAN BROS, importers and jobljers in dry yoods, 1012 Battery Bachmann Jacob, hardware and cuttlery, 720 Clay Bacigidupi A Casassa, fruits and vege- tables, 007 Washington Bacigalupi & Chelini, fruits, NW cor Union and Mason Bacigalupi 05 Grove BACON & CO. printers, paper rulers and book biiulers, oOS Clay and 500 Sansom Bac({uirc H & Co, liquors, NW cor Broadway and Stockton Badger Chas W, mining secy, 315 Cal Badger Miss J, bakery, 514$ Third BADGER HILL ft CHEROKEE MINING CO, H Pichoir secretary, '.V20 Sansom Badger Wm G, pianos and organs, 7 and 1 li Sansom Badlani Alexander, city and county as- sessor, New City Hall Badovicii Bozo, liipiors, 1201 Fillmore BAEHR J W, liquors, 414 Sansom BAEHR WM.inanufg jewelry, (140 Sac Bacttge P, boarding and sale stable, I ] Q Washington Bagala Leo, bakery, SE cor Alabama and Twonty-Hfth RAGGETT W T & CO, lawyers and publishers, law books, 511 Moiitgy BAGOT FRED, nolicitor McKoimey's Uuvciories, 543 Clay Balinrt Martin, groceries, 31 1 Seventh Bahr Wm A, boots and shoes, 107 Sixth Baid Mrs L), millinery, 512A Hayes Bailey i' A, real estate, 320 Sansom Bailey Frank & Co, coffee house, 10 Mason Bailey H, wood and coal, 128 O'Farrell Bailey . I C, wool, hides and leather, 218 California Bailey Joseph & Co, books and station- ery, 1513 Stockton Bailey Marj;aret, grocer, 71 Minna Bailey Nathan J. butcher, 515 Bryant BAILEY R S, saloon, 222 McAllister Bailey S C, plumber, 1(115 Ellis Bailey Tiiomas & Co, wool merchants, NW' cor Bluxome and Fifth Bailly Bros, hams, bacon and toikgues, 71 California Market Baird A, broker, 3 12 California Baker A & A, picture and mirror frames, 742 Mission Baker Miss A W, ladies' underwear, 430 Sutter BAKER BROS, grocers, SE cor Sutter and Taylor BAKER GEO H> lithographer and engraver, 320 Sansom Baker I M, groceries, NW cor Eddy and Mason Baker L F, com merchants, 113 Wash- ington Baker Nick, boarding, 11 an nty us- m 9 more M soni WJ Sue s a blti, 110 llubuma ? era and (A e >ntyy ■o [euney's a venth *• 07 Sixth W «s lyes iHoni 71 ouse, 10 QB 'Farrell ^ thor, -2 IS 2. « stution- o ST (A iiita liryant ;Allii?ter |P> erchnnts, « tongues, e a -4t ce r frames, a o ivear, 43U a or Sutter s her ami Kt •or Kildy a :{ Wash- J2 3 Vacilic ■0 o outgy 2. 3 lardware IS to I'J a Co, -.iU e k aker, 84: i a • BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Praftlrmlly ttiacht at FAOiriC Bimi. _WI!»«rOM>«14. sao PMt Hi.. M. F. u e in e e d> 7i M e C0 O (Sfan Francisco. ALPIIABRTIOALLT. 1113 Baldridge M, B'iockbroker, 314 Montgy Baldwin A K, capitalist, 3'28 Montgy Baldwin A S, roal-estate agent, 502 Kearny Baldwin R T., capitalist, Baldwin Hotel Baldwin H S, physician, Olii Clay Baldwin Lloyd, iitty at law, GOO Montjiy Baldwin O D, restaurant, 35 and 3/ (Jeary Baldwin S C, physiuian, 850 Market Baldwin, Sexton & Peterson, diamond importi-rs, 1 "20 .Sutter Balonsl (», fruit and vegetables, SW cor Davis and Clark BALFOTTR. GUTHRIE & CO, com mission mereliuntM and insurance agents, 310 California Ball A E, atty at law, 50'J Montgomery Ball & Julian, wool, n s Townsend \wt Fifth and Sixth Ballard ( i, stoves, etc, '215 Second Ballard tireo, painter, 115 Davis BALLARD MRS L A. homceopathic Shysician, '205 L'owell lard, Duane & Co, com merchants, '2'2 California Ballard & Hall, com merchants, 3*20 San Ballantine Uobt, liquors, 4*25 Busli BAUfY A J, importer and mannfr feathers, (M)H Slarket BALOUN JOSEPH, tailor, 013 Wasli Baltimore Con Mining Co, 331 M Baltimore Min Co, 30(1 Pine Balirs A, insurance broker, 3'2*2 Cal BALZ L & COt tanners, San Bruno Uoad BALZER HENRY & CO (0 Berthan Jr), importers and com merchants, agts Hamburg-American Packet Co, North (Jennan Fire Jns Co of Ham- burg, New York Underwriters, agency of N y and Bremen Underwriters, Danube (Imperial Royal privileged), Austrian Insurance (Marine) Co of Vienna, '20U Sansom Bamlwr .1 J, batlis (swimming), foot of Montgomery ave Bancois <>, colFee stand, 1J> Vallejo BANCROFT A I- & CO, booksellers, stationers, printers, engravers, litho- graphers, publishers, bookbinders, pianos, organs and nmsic, 7'21 Market Band Frank, Hayes Valley Brass Foundry, 5'2*2 Fulton Band J, butcher, NW cor Kighteenth and Valencia BANDMANN, NIELSEN & CO, com merchants, gen agts forCiant Powder Co, '210 Front Bangs E & Co, warehouse, cor Channel and Fourth Bank of British Columbia, SE cor San Bom and California pres. lontgy BANK^OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, A McKinlay agent, 1>'21 Sansom Bank of California, Wm Alvord 404 California Bank of San Francisco, rm '23 Stock Ex- change bldg Hanks (Joo S, livery 8tabl(!, 70".l Jones Banks J, cigars and tobacco, 1204 Mkt \UukA T C, capitalist, 110 California Bankou H, saloon, cor Cemetery ave and (ieary Banner Un.o, imprs and manufrs cloth- ing' Hud furnishing goods, cor Sansom and Market Banner , I d RaiiMa, wo difwant •!■••. Mylw mm 10. 112. n4, lie Mid 118 Baltarr Bt, 8. T. 1114 San Francisco. ALPIIABaTIOAU.r. CO i c p «> I ■I 1 IL c c o ■ o o o z 5 o < a. h o Baruett J, crockery, 814 Sixth Barnett Mrs, fruit and produce, 211 Sixth Barney Jns M, com merchant, 3in Cal Barney M, livory Mtuhle, lli*J3 Market Barot K, grocer, SW cor Fill and Post Barr J D, umbrellas, 3:23 Bush Barra Ezekiol I, cigars, IIU First Barra Hall, liiiuors, N W cor First and Minna Barreda F L, manager I) de Castro & Co, cum merchant!), 213 Sansnm Barrett A, watchmaker and jeweler, 42 Fourth Barrcttu F & Co, Hsh, 31 S F Market BARRETT ft WALKER, stock brokers, 4 IjeideadorlF Barrett VV H, carpenter, 537 Valencia Barrilis Diego Lorenzo, Italiaa Consul, 525 Front Barringer K Mrs, pattern house, Otili)' Mission Barron C J, painter, 815 Market Barron Edward, capitalist, 21 Nevada block Barron \Vm, grocer, 925 Clay Barrows VV H, atty at law, (528 Montgy BARRY ft BAIRD. book and jol, printers, 4I Montgomery Barry U, li(|uurs, cor Eighth and Ifcrou Berry David J r, butcher, 520 Twenty- second Barry Edwnrd, real estate and mining agent, 415 Montgomery, room 1 Barry Matthew, grain, SE cor Railroad and Sixteenth avea Barry P, groceries, 540 Natoma Barry Theo A, Cal wines, 11(> Montgy Barry Thos F, atty at law, 302 Montgy Barsi Michelc, fruit, 1308 Dupont Barstow Alfred, atty, 00(5 .VIontgomery Barstow D P, atty, room 10 Stock Ex- change building Barstow F O, dentist and physician, 1330 Sacramento BARSTOW GEO, atty at law, 30!> Cal BARTATJDEH, French Port House, 1515 Polk Bartels H, upholsterer, 426 Hayes Bartels P H, liquors, SW cor Front and Union Barthcl Robert & Co, liquors, l.'MM Pow Bartholme John, liijuors, 1012 Battery Bartin P, dying and cleaning works, 1212 Polk Bartlett Columbus, atty at law, 12 Mont Bartlett E, atty at law, 628 Montgy Bartlett Washington, atty at law, li Montgomery Bartliiig & Kimball, bookbinders, 505 Clay BartoH John, fruit, 1427 Hyde Burtoloni E, liquors, 766 Bronnon Jiartoluoci Ginsopp, boarding house, 307 Broadway Barton A Sc Co, horsushoers, 22 T> ler BARTON B F ft CO, Pioneer Salt Works, inanufa yeast powder, etc, 211 and 213 Sacramento Barton G E, atty at law, 629 Kearny Barton J, bootmaker, 810 Battery BARTON JOHN, Union PaciHo Salt Co, 21(i Sacramento Barton Robert, mining engineer, 406 Montgomery Bartram iJ A, atty at law, 504 Kearny Bartz C, tailor, (i38.^ Mission Barutdt Bellocq, liquors, 1401 Powell Baruth Wm, groceries, SW cor Clay and Webster Baruth Ernst F, grocer, J 629 Fillmore Barz August, blacksmith, Montgomery ave, liet (ircenwich and Filbert Bash H, tailor, 2 Bryant Place Biisch Louis, shirt manufacturer, 206 Kearny Bnscom ' B, tailor, 1 15 Geary Bascom i.. M E, dressmaker, 115 (jeary Baselauski ., fruit, 17 and 18 Grand Western Market Basler & Jewell, pi'.ints and oils, 1005 Market Basluglia C, fruits, 741 Vallcjo Bass I H, Elcho House, 863^ Market Baes T J & Co, artist's materials, paints, oils, glass, etc, 27 Dupont Bassan & McDonnell, dry goods, NW cor Twfinty -second and Mission Bassett C F & Co, com merchants, 304 Davis Bassett J M, propr "Golden Ern," 60G Clay Bassett Joseph, grain and produce, 221 and 223 Clay Bassignano Peter, cigars, NVVcor Sixth and Howard Batuvia P, barber, 651 Merchant Buteman F, grocer, 62i West Mission Bates A T, atty, 426 California Bates C M, physician, 224 Kearny Bates Geo, propr University School, 320 Eddy Bates J C, atty at law, 434 California BATES MORRIS U ft 00, publishers "Commercial News and Trade Re- view, " 42" Washington Bates ThoF! D & Bro, houae brokers, cor Fourth and Stevenson Batran Chas L, saloon, 541 Jackson BATTENGHI A marble yard, SE cor Dev isadero and Ellis Battariby J, watchmaker and jeweler, 13 Third Ol o ST o a 8 s » a CO If 9 p, 20G e .^ ■, 115 8 Grand s p> s, 1005 a CA r* kct ^m >MilltB, e , NVV 1 (A 8, 304 3: 9 ,"GO0 ^ P> ■. '2'2l l?P CO •0 CO CO Wa^i Francisco. ALPIUHBTIRALLY. 1115 ■ C o a. c ■5 c 3 O IL O s & o CO o ■ Biittin Q, marble uutter, Geary nr Cem- etery ftvo Battle Wtiers, boer hnll, SIS Pacific Battles & Gilleran, grocera, NK cor Fourth niul Clementina Bftucli P c o J CO ^ (0 b o o z S o < IL 1116 San Francisco. ALPHABRTirAliLY. Becker Peter, liquors, 113 Sixth BECKER WM, basket maker, G28 Market Becker Wm, groceriea, cor Mission and Spear Beckmann Bros, groceries, SVV cor Hyde and Green Beckmann P W, groceries, SW cor Fif teenth and Mission Bedell Wm, R R agt, 2'2 Montgomery Bee S, hardware, :i4G Third Beeching R A, atty at law, 320 Sansom Beeching R, secy S F Benevolent Assn, •JO Webb BEEMAir WILIIAM, trusses and artilicial limbs, CIO Clay Beer B & Oo, fruit and produce com- mission merchants, 2:24 Washington BEERS & HUBBARD, dentists, '->30 Kearny Beerstechwr Chas J, atty, 320 Sansoiji Behagel A, atty at law, 500 Fell Behan W J, jewelry, 230 Kearny Behnemann & Joost, groceries, SW cor Taylor and O'Farrell Behnseu Chris, cigars and tobacco, 18 Sixtli Behre Robt L, atty at law, 502 Montgy BEHRENBT H & CO. manufrs trunks, valises and traveling bags, 107 8ansom BEHRENS ANDREW, lodging house, 228 Montgomery ave Behreus Bros, grocers, ,\'K cor Twenty- fourth and Potrero ave Behrens F, grocer, cor Twenty-fourth and Potrero ave Behrens (ieo, liquors, 038 Commercial Behrens H C F, physician, 22 Montgy Behrmann C F, bakery, 121S Pciwell Behrmanu 1 H, wood and coal, 838 Harrison Beidel Conrad, pork dc'lcr, 1417 Dupont Beilles T B, barber, 124 Montgy ave Beisel & Cook, tanners, I'ennsylvania ave bet Santa Clara and Mnriposa Beker Elsie, liquors, !>08 Kearny Belando & Co, wood and coal, 1210 Powell Belando J &, Co, wood and coal, 438 Minna Belcher G & S Min Co, 8 8 F Kxchange bldg Belcher S Min Co, John Crockett secy, 203 Bush Belcher W C, atty at law, 520 Montgy Bc'.dep E C, phonographic it-'porter su- preme court, 040 Cliiy Belden E S, shorthand reporter, 037 Kearny Belden J osiali, capitalist, 314 California Bttlden & Orton, insurance agents, 313 California Belding Bros & Co, Carlson &, Currier agts, spool silk, 509 Market Belinge F A, physician, 1019 Polk Belknap David P, atty at law, 604 Merchant BELL ALEXANDER G, manager "S F Merchant," 323 Front Bell & Com, stationers, 039 Kearny Bell D B, fish 31 Grand Central Market Bell Isle Mining Co, Stock Exchange bldg Bell J B, hairdresser, 123!) I'olsom Bell JolinJP, atty at law, 213 and 215 Sansom, rooms 8 and 9 Bell Joe S, cigars and tobacco, 113 Jack Bella Union Theatre, Saml Tetlow propr, 803 to 807 Kearny Bellay Francis, artist, 718 Greenwich l>et Powell and Mason Belle Union Quicksilver Mining Co, 31-1 Montgomery Bellefontaine Mining Co, 411 California Bellemere A, manufr jeweler, 331 Kear Belli (1 & Co, ■'oin merchant, 120 Clark Bellingall & Miller, Custom House brok- ers, 425 Battery Bellinghani Bay Coal Co, cor Spear and Folsom Bellmer J H C, restaurant, 104 First Belmont Mining Co, 310 Pine, room 15 BELLOC & CO, bankers, 524 Montgy Betts Spring Co, carriage springs, 218 Fremont BELT T WfPiopr Brooklyn Hotel, 210 and 212 Bush Belvidere Mining Co, 203 Bush, room 20 Betzohl & Niemann, bakers, 20 Dupont Bemis Chas C, U S supervisor inspector (Istdist) of steam vessels, U S Ap- praisers' building Bemmerer August, cutler, 1521 Polk Bemton iiiohd, liquors, 040 Market Benard A F, saloon, N H cor I'ifth and Howard Bender .lacob, Imtcher, 10() Twelfth Bendit Sand, auctioneer and com mer- chant, 53>5 and 538 California Henecke H 1), groceries, 520 Broailway BENEDICT & SMITH, merchant tailnrs, (see advertisement opp title page), 130 Montgomery Bendt Wm, liijuors, 12 Clay BENHAM A M> wholesale pianos, or- gans, musical merchandise and agent J I' Hale's pianos, 047 Market Benjamin A F, notary public, atty at law and commissioner of deeds, 417 Cal BENJAMIN H A & CO (T s Hen- shaw), natural mineral spring waters, depot Pacilic Congress Spring water, 29 Mew Montgomery cor Jessie Peiijamin Mrs R, clothing, 984 Folsom Benkle.nan Mrs Rosalia, liquors. Rail- road and Ninth aves m m ■ S n m r- CD a. (D 3 "1 9 ft C» 9 H. WACHHORST. Agent For Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. ».F. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practtrally tanxht at PACIVIC BVMl- - < ■ S 1 2 yurrier ; 1 30 , ( M k H », 604 ( Ui aiiager H 30 m ny m Vlarket ■H ge bldg • nd 215 O ao -H 13 Jack r- r propr, > 2E jenwich P Co, 314 O 30 m lifornia « 1 Kear o Clark z sc brok- ut )ear auolk » kct 3. fth ami CD 2J» Ifth m mer- "1 a California Market BENNETT & JONES, attys at law, 215 Sanson! BENNETT NATHANIEL, atty at law, 215 Sansom Bennett Patrick, saloon, 837 Mission Bennett Thos, physician, 4(5 O'Farrell Bennett W, plumber, 1015 Clay Bennett Wm, liciiiors, 51i> Pacific Bennett Wm, physici.an, 1015 Folsom Benning A, grocer, S\V cor Montgomery ave and Chestnut Bensen Conratl, grocer, 2029 Polk Bensen Henry, grocer, NE cor Sixth and Bryant Benson Jno A, engineer and surveyor, 507 Montgomery Bent E F & Co, grain brokers, 18 Cal Bentliam Harry, licjuors, 538 Market Benton Consolidated Co, 302 Montgy Bentschler Jno, wagon maker, 1()24 Aliss Beppler Jno, butcher, 1518 Dupont Beiiuette 1>, prest Cosmopolitan Milling Co, 028 Montgomery 1 Beran Adolph, bootmaker, SE cor Maaon! and Lombni-d ! Bcran E oootmaker, 9224 Folsom C0 tn a O •0 * B«r"iowitz Mrs E, cloak store, 1008 otockton Berlin Cologne Insurance Co, Hutchin- son - St.. ».F. ■I c p <0 Siv^ •■• > c o E fi ■ o o o < I- I- 3 O 1118 San Francisco. ALrllAUKTICALliY. Bester Jno H, liquors, 543 Jackson Beathom H, liquors, 7 Stevenson Besthorn H, boots and shoes, ^Oti Post Beator H T, architect, 652 Market Betancue J P, pjiotographer, 40*2 Kear Betzer Ed, bootmaker, 04H.i Merchant Beth Adoli)l\, lic^uors, SE cor Post and Kearny Bettencourt J DeS, physician, "232 Sutter' Bettia O J, carriagcuiaker, lilM ,Iack Bettmnn M, soaps, caustic soda, rosin, 311 Commercial Boty O'Xeal Mining (.'o, 11 W Heath secy, 318 Pine, room 17 Betzel L, manufr clothing, 20 Sansom Bit^old & Niemarin, bikery, 418 O'Fiir- roU Beuiico B, liquors, 1507 Dupont Beversen Bros, groceries, 8E cor Seventh and Stevenson Beversoii H & M, groceries^ 13 Seventh Beyan J M, stoves and ranges, 130Tlurd Beyer A, liquors, 'I'M Sixteenth Beyer (}, litjuors, 2221 Powell Beyer Lewis H, hairdresser, 1330 Dup Beyerdorf & McL'rillis, li(|Ui)rs, 542 Mkt Biagi D & Co, fruit and produce camniis- sion merchants, 500 and 502 Wasli Biauchi Chas, marble works, 1250 Mkt Bianconi I, sawtiltr, 2420 Post Biarnez Mrs A, I'rcnch laundry, KIS Larkin Bibbius & Townsend, mining agency, 314 Bush Bibliothequedc la, Lieque National Fran- caisa, 120 Sutter Bichard Nicholas, luml>cr and coal, lO Howard BIDDLE & DOUGLASS, commission merchants, 123 Washington Biedenbach August, li(juors, NK cor Third and Mission Biclenberg Peter H, grocer, 31 Teliam.i Bii^lski & Mennheim, dairy produce, 13 Centre Market Bien Joseph, machinist, 412 Comintreial Bienenfold Klias, dry ^'oods, 1015 Larkin Big Prize Mining Co, 328 Mont, room 13 Bigarze L A, sewing machines, 1227 Stockton BIGELO'T & MORRIS, manufrs wrought iron girders, trusses, prison cells, etc, 310 Mission Bit^elow S C, ciipitalist, 314 California Bigelow Bros, groceries, NK cor Clay and Davis Piggs A 11, liquors, SW cor Pino and Sansom Bill C, restaurant, 29 Drumm Billings D R & Co, groceries, 1311 Stock BILLINGS. HARBOURNE & CO, books and stationery, 3 Montjjomery, (see adv under books and itatlouery) Bine & Georges, merchant tailors, 1 19 Sutter Bine S, fancy goods, 130 Kearny Bink A, carriagemaker, 1711 Mission Birch Wm H, engineer aiul machinist, ll*)Beale Birchall JMmund, fruit and produce, I(i03 Eddy Bird N J, physician, 101 1 Mission Birge J J, dentist, 313 Kearny IJisbee, VVilliams & Co, mining and metallurgy, 32 Merchants' Exchange BizchofF D, groceries, SW cor Geary and Jones BischofF Fred, groceries, 1423 Powell Biachoff & Leichen, groceries, cor Fourth and Harrison Bishop 1'], stoves, lamps, etc, and money broker, 7(K) Market BISHOP THOS B, atty at law, vice prest Cal .State l^emocratic Club, (i30 Commercial Bissiiiger & Co, hides, pelts, etc, GOO and 1)02 Froot Bizion L, lifpiora, 1413 Dupont Bizzolara & Kaccalagliala, wood and coal, 1015 Washington Biter John, ilorist, SW cor Waller and Fillmore BLACK CHARLES, city physician and police surgeon, 514 Kearny Blachman Mrs E (», millinery, lOl'J Liirkin Black Boar Quartz Mining Co, 310 Mont BLACK DIAMOND COAL MIN CO, 1* B Cornwall prest, E cor Spear and Folsom Black E H, painter, 514 Sixteenth Black H M & Co, carriagemakcrs, 851, 853 and 855 Market Black Hawk Mining Co, H A Charles secy, 41'.l California, room 22 lilack Hills Canal and Water Co, 40!) Montgomery, room 4!) BLACK HOWARD, slnrt manufr, 39 Sutter, (sue advt next title and under HJiirt manufacturers, classified) lilack Jack Mining Co, H A Charles secy, 419 California, room 22 Black .Ino \V, collector, 410 Montgy Black It M, gents' furniHhing goods, 200 Montgomery Black Wm, marble work , 1121 Market Blackman M .1, phunbing and gastit- ting, 225 Hayes Blackwell Mrs S B, fancy goods, 108 Seventh Blade & ILdnier, hatstore, 910 Market Bli'ir A J, mining, 330 Pine, room 28 Blair k, Chuso, hay and grain, 1912 Market Blair, Van Tassel & Co, insurance agts, 210 Sansom 09 e o ST o O o o 5* 3 •a 3 O C M O m 0) O Mil TRY DR. CUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. The model Commprclal Collese or the Coast 8>10 Post »U, li. F. bailors, 1 19 Waller and I r t CD (Sftt-n. Francisco. ALPIIABEriGALIiV. 1119 Blake A E, dentist, 5^ Kearny BLAKE & BLAKE, attys at law, 417 Kearny Tiliike Chas E, physician, 906 Market Blake Charles K Sr, dentist, 5^ Kearny Blake Geo M, mining, 30!) Montgomery Blake H H & Co, agency Celluloid Col lar Co, 405 Front Blake J, tailor, 421 Sutter Blake Jno, harness and saddlery, 2"i'2 Second Blake J AV, physician, 1911 Geary BLAKE* BOBBINS & CO, paper ware house, paper bags, 51G Sacramento and 519 Commercial Blake S C, stationery, 503 Kearny and 017 Montgomery Blakenian T O, 418 California Blakiaton J S, siiilmaker, (> Clay Blanc M, liquors, 217 Beale Blanch B, carriage manufr, 054, (550 and ()58 Howard BLANCHAED ALMON, City lUU posting Co, 020 Commercial Blanchard & Combatalade, li(iuors, SW cor Dupont and Pacific Blanchette Louis, hoots and shoes, 510 Montgomery ave Blanding Gordon, atty, 324 Pine, room 18 Blanding Wni, atty at law and State harbor commissioner, 324 Pine Blaney K W, prosecuting atty. Old City Hall Blaney James xV, saloon, SW cor Mis- sion nnd Fourth Blank Louis, jeweler and watchmaker, 832 Market 5 Blankman Wm, dentist, 208 Stockton Blaser A, tailor, 20 Stockton Blaxham C, stationery and toys, 304 Sixteenth Bleily .los K, barber, 418 Bush Bley A, milliner, 750 Market Blind Spring Mill and Mining Co, Stocli Kxcluvnge building Bloch A B, clothing and furnishing goods, 204 Mongoniery ave Bloch Constantino, dentist, 318 Hayes Bloch & Davidson, morocco manufrs, linings, etc, 223 Battery Bloch J, butter and cheese, (iO Centre Market Bloch h & A, butchers, 823 Greenwich Bloch [.«opold, cloaks and suits, 11*.) Sixth Bloch W, 139 Stockton Blockman & Cerf, lime, cement and brick, 24 and 20 California Block Em, salt, 207 Front Block Israel, cigars ami tobacco, 228 Sut Block James N, (Comegys, Block & Co, Livermore), office 207 Front Block John, tailor, 048 Commercial 03 Ui Blodes Theodore, liquors, 1243 Folsom Blohm John, liquors, 923 Kearny Blohm Peter, wines and liquors, NE cor Mission and Beale Blohm & Olferman, grocers, cor Tenth anoardman Jos, real estate, 593 Sixth Board of Engineers of the Pacific Coast, C S Steuart president, 533 Kearny Board of Fire Underwriters, 418 Cal BOARD OF TRADE OF S F. C F Wy- man secretary, cor Pine and Market BOAS JUDAH, broker, 420 Montgom- ery, room 3 Boca Brewing Co, (Boca, Nevada Co), ofHce 415 Sacramento Bocarde & Whittier, wood and coal, and roofers, 008 Third Boccanovich P, coffee saloon, 161 Steuait Boch & Blum, butchers, 519 Geary -< CO o T en 3 3 If H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis SU S. F. P-W 11- ■■■j,' i.,%. ■:] ;t| . ]\ .f ■ !' m ^ i i if t^- i> w 1 WIA/ MflMTAHIIP Jb rn t$h<>ot Iron, all Sixes and Wnmbera, llO, . W. mUW I MUUC a UU., na. 114. ii©, and IIH Battery St., S.F. U ( e s & 0) > o E 75 CO IB o ■ o o o < Q. I- I- 3 O 1120 San Frwncisco. ALPHABRICALLT. Boch Mrs R, bakery and confectionery, 21 17 Fillmore Bock Joseph, bakery, U88 Folsom Bockea & Bacc.ala, restaurant, 540 Coml Bochinau J (J, grocer, 535 Fourth Bodetxeo C, prea Seattle Coal & Trans- portation Co, 33 and 34 Market, and U 'S Bonded Warehouse, cor Battery and Filbert Bode & Searl, Free and U S Bonded Warehouse, foot of Battery Bode Win, artist, etc, 1 Middle Boden John H & Co, ship and custom house broker, 504 Battery Bodrish Wm H, atty, 712 Montgomery Bodie BluflF Con ii Min Co, :WJ Montgy BODIE CHIEF MININO CO, D F Verdenid secretary, 3"J7 Pine Bodia Con Mining Co, 30!> Montgomery Bodie & Danfortb, Internal llevenuo Bonded Warehouse, cor Battery and FiUxTt Bodic Hydraulic Mining & Water Co, 30!> Montgomery BODIE RESTAURANT. Mrs M Mor- chio & Son proprs, Leidesdorft Bodien John, upliolsterer, SE cor Tay- lor and Ellis Bodine Miss Ida, milliner, 54 Thirti Bodwcll 11 H, propr Excelsior Windmill and horse power work^, 211 and 213 Mission Boeileker & Spencer, groceries, NW cor Kcarnv and (ireen BOERICKE & TAFEL, druggists, (homoopathic pharmacy), 2.'U Sutter Boese H J, bu teller, NE cor Clark and Davis Boese N, groceries, 913 Bryant BOESH EMILE, propr Pacillc Lamp and Ketlector Factory, 5(i!( Mission Boettger Chas, livery stable, 55 Clay Bolinger J, metal spinner, 10 Stevenson Bogart O II, mining secretary, 100 Leid Bogel C H, liquors, SW cor Mason and F rancisco Boger F K, cigar factory, 520 Hayes Boggan Owen, grocer, NE cor Bush and Buchanan Bogiier Chas, tailor, 1 1 Sutter Bohan James A, groceries, i)2I Howard Bohemian Club, 430 Pine Bohm W, manfg jeweler, 016 Merchant Bohn John, stoves and tinware, 112 7th Boisse Eugene, hiiirdresser, 520 Coml Boise Hicliard, liijuors, 250S Bush Boisscau & Son, boot and shoemakers, 324 Dupoiit Boi8son& Pichon, poultry, 15 SF Market Boitano F, wood and coal, 1510 Stock Bolan M J, physician, 737 Market BOLOER MRS ANN, propr (ilobe House, SE cor Sixth and Brannan Bolger & Davis, whiteners, 46 Fourth Boiler F J, butcher, 1230 Dupont Bollinger Francis, b.trber, 115^ Jackson Bollinger Mrs H II, dressmaking, 3 Ma- son Bollinger J C, collector, 624 Montgomery Bollinger & Miller, meat market, 5 Jackson ; BoUmcan J & Co, mcinuf Russian cigar- itos and imprs Turkish tobacco, 40!) Washington Bolton Thos, dentist, 804 Howard Bolton Jas K, capitalist, 618 Merchant Boltz J F, saloon, 003 Market Boma F, groceries, NE cor Twenty-sec- ond and Mission BOMAN C E* carpenter and builder, 1 3 Stockton Bonacina J M, furniture, 17 Mont ave Bonacina A, restaurant, 535 Merchant Bonacina J M, furniture and carpets, 1 7 Montgomery ave Bonde J, carpenter and builder, 1110 Dupont BONESTELL, ALLEN & CO. paper warehouse, wholesale news, book and wrapping paper and twines, 413 and 415 Sanson! Bonnet B, brick manufs, 402 Montgy Bonnet E, asphaltiim and brick maker, 402 Montgomery BONNEY 0, band, circular and spring saw and fanning implement manuf, 221 Mission Bonnheiin Albert, agent Weinstock & Lubin, 524 Market Booker Con Gold Mining Co, .300 Mont- gomery, room 02 Booker W Lane, British Consul, 319 California Boole Ceo, shipwright, etc, 5 Spear Boome Henry W, physician. City and County Hospital BOONE J L. atty at law, 320 Cal BOONE & OSBORN. solicitors of patents, .320 California Booth Andrew (i, attty, 325 Montgy Booth E B, mining secy, 320 California Booth Cold Mining Co, Geo R Pinney secy, 310 Pine, room 44 Booth H J, mining and foundry work, 419 California, room 17 Booth L A, real estate and commissioner, 402 Front Booth Sydney, canned salmon, 318 Front Booth Thos, cigars, tobacco, 007 Davis Bt)oth W F, atty, 502 Montgomery Boothby Adolph F, chop house, 312 Townsend Boothby Mulville, liquors, 333 East Boothe Wm H, mining secy, 320 Cal BOOTZ ADAM, propr Bootz Hotel, 435 Fine 3 3 n P» a a> i » a » a a. ■n o a o (A fi> ■n o* X* CD 8 (A ■p o » 3 Q. o (D e H. WACHHORST calls attention ^ASSirv"e'r";^££''- 3l5 J St. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •»iiJgWSS5g5i;ft&« to s 1 o 73 o o i2 e e flfi o 75 o « C0 O X •9 (Saw Francieco. ALPHABinCAIiLT. 1121 BOOTZ'S HOTEL, Adam Bootz propr, 435 Pine Boradt Henry, liquors, 528 Valencia Borax Factory, W L Bromley propr, 417 Chestnut Borbeck John, cigars and tobacco, 503 Pacific Borboa J, grocerieB, 1336 Dupont Borcher J C, i)hy8ician, 540 Washington Bordenave A J, restaurant, TOli Montgy Bordenave John, saloon, cor M at and Fifth ave Bordeoux V & Co, restaurant, 539 Jack Bordner J, carpenter and builder, 641 Mission Bordwell Geo A, architect, 318 Pine Bordwell Sl Rogers, mechanical engineers 240 Montgomery Borel Alfred & Co, bankers, 601 Montgy Borel F, hotel. 037 Pacific Borgatrom Mrs Jenny, milliner, 122 Montgomery ave Borgatrom Mrs Minnie, 322 Montgy ave Boris Lambert, clothing, 1127 Dupont Borkhim Herman, tailor, 5324 Pi Ik Borland Mrs, dressmaking, 16 Mason BomChas, barber, 417 Post BORNHfANN FRANK G, (cash), U S SubTreas, 610 Commercial Bernstein Bros, mens' clotliing and fur- nishing goods, 844 Market Bornstin Louis, cigar mauufr, 113 Sixth Borowsky M, saloon, 514 Hayes Borreman Chaa, dry goods, 1011) Stock Borremes A, bootmaker, 317 Pacific Borrmau J C, grocery, NVV Eighth and Howard Boruck M I), pub '* California Spirit of the Times," 621 Sansom Boschen N, retail grocer, NE cor Fifth and Minna Bose August, grocer, NW cor Folsom and Rausch Bose Chaa M, grocery, SE cor Ellis and Fillmore Bosq R, lapidary, 17 Trinity B0SQT7I EDWARB & CO, fine art printers, engravers, designers, litho- graphers, 523 Clay, 518 Conunercial Boston Con Mining Co, 31^0 Pine Boston and I'hiladelphia Marine Board of Underwriters, J S Bacon agent, 318 California BDSTWICK A, oyster saloon. Bay City Market Boawell S B & Co, stock brokers, 318 California Botcher Albert, groceries, NE cor Fell and Laguna BOTmN, DALLEMAND & CO, im porters and manufs, wholesale dealers teas, coflees, apicua, 305 and 307 Front Botaford W, pbyuiciau, 8 Mason Botts C T, atty at law, 628 Montgomery Boucher Edmund, restaurant, 308 Mont- gomery ave Bouchet & Boyer, liquors, 1122I>upont Boudin & Gleizes, bakery, 1412 Dupont Bourgoin A, jeweler, stationery and fancy goods, 206 Montgomery ave Bourgoin Chas, dentist, 121 Powell Bourguinou A, boots and shoes^ 1034 Kearny Bourjade C, liquors, 1513 Dupont • Bourjade (t, liquors, 1509 Dupont Bourne J B, stock broker, 12 Leidesdorff Bousquet A M Mme, dyeing and scour- ing 726^ Howard Boutes J F & Co, liquors, 51 1 Wash Bouvy Fermen, portrait painter, 240 Montgomery Bovee & Crago, restaurant, 719 Market Bovec Wm H, real estate broker, 500 California Bovo G, liquors, 1302 Dupont Bovyer W L, carpenter, 212 Leidesdorff Bowe W & Fricke F, grocers, SE cor Sixteenth and Potrero ave Bowen A H, dry goods, SEcor Sixteenth and Valencia Bowen Bros, grocers, 432 Pine BOWEN £ J, seedsman, 815 and 817 Sanso m BOWEN F, artist, 746 Mission Bowen H D, varieties and dry goods, 841 Valencia Bower Gto, liquors, 2208 Powell Bower S M, upholsterer, 1322 Polk Bowers J Milton, physician, 23 Kearny Bowers Mrs S E, physician, 919 Sac Bowie Aug J, mining engineer, 217 San Bowie W A, paper dealer, 120 Tyler Bowles & Darrow, carpenters and build- ers, 223 Post Bowles Jamea, atationery and cutlery, SE cor l^eideadorff and Commercial BOWLEY BROS, carriage repoaitory sale stables, SW cor Mission and New Montgomery, office 9, and harness and saddle importers. Merchants Exchange Bowman A W, real estate, 314 California BOWMAF JOHN S & CO, wholesale cigar manuf, 213 and 215 Battery Bowman Wm J, grocer, 1565 Market Bowron & Brown, restaurant, 519 Clay Boyton Geo, show cards, 9 Geary BOTCE S B, commission stock broker, 307 Montgomery Boyd & Davis, capitalist, 126 Kearny Boyd E F, plumber, 840 Clay Boyd Jas T, utty. 324 Pine Boyd John, express, 717 Montgomery Boyd John F, mining, 309 Montgomery Bovd T C, stock brr ker, 219 Sansom B)yd Wm, livery stable, 1009 and 1011 Valencia 3 3^ 71 J» f ii : " PURE FORT WINE. Idr HedlcM PoniGses, 302 Davis St., S. F. mmm W. Wt MONTAGUE Of CO.f pikMwm. no. Ul^nvlu lad U» m., 8. w. m^ yi IS s -«ia, ovC IB *0 c 1122 (San Francisco. ALniAiimCAbLT. Boyker J Adolph, druggist, cor Ninth and Mission Boyle Geo S, dentist, 223 Kearny Boyle John, collector and contractor, 436 Montgomery Boyne T, boarding house, 45 Vallejo Boysen Julius, hatter, (KM Merchant BOTSON THOS, physician, office and res 112 Kearny Bozio & Leturc, liciuors, 145) Fourth Boez Vallejo Brace Miss, dressmaker, 32$ Sixteenth Braclc Oswald, leather findings, r)23 Pac Bradbury W B, doors, sashes, etc, 560 to 572 Brannan Brader Mrs C, bakery and fancy goods, lllGiFolsom Bradford A C, atty at law, (50(5 Montgy Bradford Geo B, real estate, 413 Montgy Bradford W, drauglitsman, 137 Montgy Braiiford W B, com merchant and man- ager Sac Kiver Packing Co, 318 Front Bradley B, painter, 031 Mission Bradley Patrick, fruit, 711 Brannan i Bradley & Rolufson, photographers, 429 Montgomery "Bradley Th, atty, 502 Montgomery . Bradshaw A, candy fact'y, 508 Sixteenth Bradshaw Geo H, com stock broker, 419 California BRADSTREET COHFAXY ''THE/ ? improved mercantile agency, New York and 230 California st BRADY DAVID> pictures and frames, 226-4th BRADY & DONLEAVY. restaurant, 53a Market Brady Edward, pluml)er and gasfittcr, 423 Pine Brady & Farrelly, liquors, 610 Market Brady Hy J, atty at law, 402 Montgy Brady John, wholesale oysters, 30 and 32 S F Market and 1 and 2 Arcade Mkt Brady M, restaurant, 253 Steuart Brady Patrick, roofer, 1 320 P'olsom Brady Mrs S M, fancy goods, 1339 Pine Brady T F, confectioner, 1903 Fillmore Brady Thos, saloon, 4 Fourth Braga Frank, saloon, 415^ Drumm "Bragg Robt, maimfr steering wheels, 322 Main Brammann Eros, grocers, NE cor Perry and Fourth ■ Brampton Fred, butcher, 11 and 12 Hayes Valley Market /Branistedt J H, licjuors, 251 Steuart Branch House, L J Ewell propr, 424 Sivnsom, cor Clay Brand Ernest, cigars, Oand Hotel Brand Herman, manufr and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 304 Battery JBRANB H J, nianufr jeweler and dia- mond setter, 230 Kearny Brandenstein G H, cigars and tobacco, 21 Kearny Brandenstein M & Co, wholesale sheep butchers, 529 Clay Brandon F D, atty at law, 528 California Brandon J R, atty at law, (504 Merchant BRANDON W VL, real estate, 223 Kearny Brsmdt B I>, painter, 404 Montgomery Brandt Frederick, grocer, 417 Third BRANDT I B L, atty at law, 215 San Brandt & Miller, publishers "California Freie Presso," 515 California Brandt Otto, groceries and liquors, 1038 Market Brann F R, atty at law, 22 Montgomery Bramiau P R, horseshoer, 821 Geary Brannan S, wood and coal, 1161 Howard Branson & Armitage, sailmakers. 111 Broadway Brash Angelo, fniit, NW cor McAllister and Turk Brauer & Peters, liquors, 314 Post Braverman & Levy, watches and jewelry, 119 Montgomery Bray Bros, com merchants, grain, wool and Hour, 220 Clay BRAZELL J M, mining secretary, 328 Montgomery, rm 3 Brearty Dani, blacksmith, 019 Grove Breckel Fred, pork dealer, 26 Centre Market Brede H J, groceries, 1501 Market Bredhoff Henry, liquors, 423 East Brcdull August R (>, physician, SW cor R R and Fourteenth aves Bree H & Co, tanners. Serpentine ave nr Columbia Bree J, musical instruments, 942 Mission Breede H A, liquors, 813 Clay Breen Jolin, livery stable, 222 Valencia BREEZE & LOUOHRAN, commission merchants, SW cor Wash and Davis Brehm R W, turner, 221 Mission Breig & Scliafer, soda water; 38 Hayes BREMEN UNDERWRITERS, 209 Sanson! Bremer Herman, hotel, 228 Bush Bremer John H, grocer, 1330 Vallejo Bremer Joseph & Co, manufr cigars, 310 Sacniniento Bremer Wm H, insurance, 310 Sac Brendlien George, cabinet maker, 1523 Market liiciuiiin T W, liquors, NE cor Kearny and Ci^y Bieiiner h, fish market, 02 Centre Mar- ket Bresevell W F, millwright and pattern- maker, 223 Mission Breslauci H, club room, 419 Pine Brealin John, wines and liquors, 123 I'^remont CO 3D •-0 1 *< CD c o CD CO o CO (/> o ■a ■a o (A CD CD o s w CD P CD o \% TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AAID LIVER BALSAM. jSI PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. L^ Of th*' CnnMt, »»0 PUMtt Mt., M. I? , M2 Mission W, CO od en cs r« 6" I- «? ?■ e San FrancUoo. ALPIIARVriCALLr. 1123 -5 O o Q> P o o o Bresliu Owen, lodgings, N£ oor Sierru and Louisiana 3rotonel J V, lupidary, 328 Bush Bretz Aaron, special agt insurance, 410 California Breuer Hermann, groceriea, 1301 Dupont Brenner M, coffee saloon, 826 Market Breuas C H, liquors, 28 Stockton BBEWER Fj&ANCIS A, doutist, » Montgomery Brewer J H, atty at law, 330 Pine Brewster Holla £, mining, 314 Montgy Brewer U G, li(iuors, 512 Front Brewster John, painter and glazier, 17 Beldeu place Brewton J G, liiiuors,.'422 Kearny Brickett J B, retail fruits, 325 Turk BRICKWEDEL HENRT & CO. wholesale dealers in foreign and do- mestic whies and liquoi-s, UOS and 210 Front Brickwedel Jacob, wines and liquors, NE cor Mission and Fremont Brickwedel & Mc(ireevy, liquors, cor Spear and Harrison BRXG6S E & CO, manufra and retail cigars ;uul tobacco, (540 Market Briggs Cf W, stoves and tinware, 532 Altuityomery ave Briggs Laura Mrs, fancy goods, 114 Turk Briggs S R, tobacco and cigars, 200 Oal Brigliam, Whitney tfc (Jo, com merchants, 320 Front Brignole It, fruit, 504 Third Biignoue D & (Jo, hay and grain, 010 Broadway Brill John H, boots and shoes, cor Mich- gan anil Sierra Brilliant Min Co, 309 California Briiicatt & Do Manuel, poultry and tlairy produce, 4 Clay St Market Brind C, candy factory, 1508 Folk Brinkinan H, manufr cigars, 1005 How Brisboia Antoine, satldlery, 735 Brannan BRITISH AMERICA iFIRE) AS SURANCE CO of Canada, Butler & Haldau general agents, 413 California British Benevolent Association, Jolin 1 McCurrio secy, 730 Moutgonii^ry BRITISH & FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE CO llimited), Balfour, Guthrie & Co agts, 310 California Britten & Floiniug, pork packers, 427 Hiiyctf BRITTON.& REY, lithographers. 525 (Jommercial Brizzivo & Moresi, liughtou Cha.s, liquors, 818 Clay Browell .), patent chimney pote, 800 Montgomery Brown A & Si>n, stoves and tinware, 39 Eddy Brown Bros & Co, agts Oregon City Woolen Mills, 24 and 26 Sansom Brown C F, real estate and (ire insur- iince, 37 Merchants' Exchange bldg Brown C H & Co, livery stable, 113 O'Farrell Brown Mrs Cliarlotte Blake, physician, 435 ( ieary BROWN CHAS, stoves and tinware, l!S Dupont BROWN, CRAIG & CO, g^^n insur- ance agents, 215 Sansom Brown D, advertising agent, 6015 Mont lirown 1) & Co, commissioii merchants, 006 Montgomery » H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., move* Wid . »m, 800 dlBerent ilaM, «rlM m4 patterni, 110, tn, 114, lie uid 118 Battery St., S. r. 1124 San Francisco. ALPilABItTIOALLV. J t L' i ri ■ CO flO c o I i B IL 1 c c O ■ o o o z s < a. h O Brown E O, real estate, 535 Clay Brown G H, dentist, 1()12 Mission Brown Harvey S, atty, NE cor Fourth and Towiiseitd Brown Henry, hotel, 810 to 816 Battery Brown H J, crockery, 414 Thinl Brown J D & Co, wood and coal, 2'J Montgomery ave Brown J F, printer, 535 Clay Brown & Jolinson, liquors, cor Howard and Steuart Brown & Maxwell, short-hand reporters 604 Merchant BROWN & METZNEB. importers and agents (yorticcUi silk, 541) Market Brown & Terkins, liquors, SE cor Washington and Montgomery Brown li J, capitalist, 328 Montgomery Brown Mrs Kachael F, bakery, 1131 Pacific Brown Richard, capitalist, 215 Sansom Brown Richard, fruit, 911 Harrison BROWN RICHARD, soap factory, Channel bet Fourteenth and Fifteenth Brown S C, real estate, 320 Sansom Brown S G, barber, 215 Sixteenth BROWN T A, photographer, 608 Kear BROWN THOS, supt California Market Brown V & Co, clothing and furnishing goods, lOS Battery Brown Wm, saw filer, 222 Jackson Brown W C, printer, 419 Sacramento Brown W H & Co, fruit and vegetables, 30 and 31 California Market Brown William H. contractor (night work), 221 Dupont Browning August, gun and locksmith, 651 Clay Browning & Scheele, grocery, NW cor Mission and Nineteenth Browning W, liquors, 541 Clay Brownaton Isaac, grocer, NE cor Post and Larkin Broyer John, grocer, 623 Second BRIJCE DONALD, printer, 618 Sac Bruck A, physician, 1400 Powell Brucklmaier C, watchmaker and jeweler, 34 Second Bruckner W, mining engineer, 328 Mont Brugge & Baettge, livery stable, 110 Washington BRUGQEMANN HENRY, merchant tailor, 526 Montgomery Bruggemann Henry, asphaltum roofei', 208 Sutter Bruhns Hans W, liquors, SE cor Fil- bert and Battery Brumagin J W, real estate and atty at law, 34 Nevada Block Brundage J P, butcher, 2201 Polk Brune A E, physician, 22 Kearny Brune August, manuf Front and Clay cigars, SE cor Brnner W H, physician, 23 Poat Brunet E, watchmaker and jeweler, 614 Merchant Brunjes J, grocet, SE cor Kearny and Vallejo Brunjes Henry, grocer, 432 Brannan Brunning Wm, soda water, 733 Union Bruits Peter, groceries and liquors, cor Third and Burry Brunner J A, insurance broker, 225 San Brunner L, news and books, 339 Hayes Bruiiicr Eugene, bottles, 1019 Kearny Brunings & Myers, liquors, 600 Market Brunner J A, insurance, 225 Sansom Brunns & Watterstcin, saloon, 800 Kear Bruns & Borinann, liquors, NW cor Bryant and Main Bruns Brothers, grocery, NE cor Mis- sion and Sixteenth Bruns Conrad, liquors, 1303 Kearny Bruns H H.iron and shipping merchants, 7 and 9 Beala Bruns Henry, liquors, NW cor Folsom and Twenty -sixth Bruns H F, SW cor Fifth and Town- send BRUNS & KOHNKE. retail liquors, 120 California Bruns N, liquors, NW cor Third and Berry Bruns Nicholas, grocer, 407 Broadway BRUNS NICHOLAS, coal and groce- ries, 617 and 619 Davis Bruns Wm, physician, 820 Greenwich Brunsen Martin, liquors, 539 Pacitio Brunswick Mining Co, D L Thomas secy, 203 Bush Brunswick House, D Stern propr, cor Sixth and Howard BRUNSWICK J M & BALKE CO, manufrs billiard tables and billiard goods, 653 and 655 Market Brusaber Chas H, liquors, Kentucky bet Sierra and Nevada BRUTON DANIEL, agent for Mor- burg Bros, Baltimore; S Jacoby & Co and Geo Bruce, New York; 206 Front Bryan J M, roofer, 130 Third Bryan Thos, propr American Exchange Hotel, 319 Sansom Bryan Wm J, druggist, NE cor Turk and Taylor and Grand Hotel cor New Montgomery and Market Brydan & Hinckley, draymen, 360 Na- toma Bryant Mrs A, dressmaker, 128 Fifth Bryant A J, prest State Investment and Insurance Co, 218 and 220 Sansom BRYANT C W, atty at law and prest Safety Fund Benevolent Association, 126 Kearny BRYANT & 600K, commission mer- chants, 8 Davis o 30 m 30 C/3 n (O 3 cr c» (» c ■a cr e o X CO CO « (San Francisco. Al.PnAllimOAl.LY. 1125 Bryant Georgo & Co, boots and shoes, 769 Market Brvant & Hoffman, wood carvers, 308 Mission Bryant ft, Sayera, attys at law, 214 San Bryant & Taylor, acts Diebold, Morris & Co's safes, 312 California Bryce Jas H, asst sergeant U S signal service, 42 Merchants Exchange bldg. Bryson Cyras, junk, 527 Fourth Burch Mrs Pauline, bakery. 26 Dapont liuchari J, boots and shoes, 230 16th BUCHANAN & LYALL, wholesale tobiicconiats, 315 Battery Buchi & Leemann, liquors, cor Kearny and Morton Bucholz Henry, pluinl)er and stoves, 222 Sixth Buck Daniel, mining secy, 30!) Mont Buck John, grocer,* NE cor Second and Clementina Buck VV H, chimney sweeper, 833 Geary Bnckenmoicr Jos, liquors, 1428 Stocktoi Bucking D, cooper, 758 Bry.int BUCKING & PILSTEE. grocers, SW cor Bitch and Bryant BUCKINGHAM A HEGHT, mauufrs boots and shoos, 528 and 530 Market and 27 und 29 Sutter Buckley C F, physician and surgeon, 423 Bush Buckley D, hot^l, 547 Mission Buckley E P, real estate agt, 424 Mont Buckley Frank Jr, cigars and tobacco, 842 Market Buckley Geo D, atty at law, 636 Clay Buckley Mrs C A, dressmaker, 336^ Bush Buckley E P, real estate, 494 Monti? Buckley Ned, Adelphi Theatre, 607 Cal BUCKLEY & SHERIDAN, Terminal Hotel and Ilcstiiurant and liquors, 606 Fourth Buckely & Tracy, saloon, 1000 Market Buckman A E, street contractor, 704 Montgomery Buckmann J & W, grocer, NW cor Greenwich and Taylor Bucknall G J, physician, 305 Sutter Buckniim & Langrehr, galley, cabin and cooking stoves, 22 Steuart Buckncr & Co, cabinet makers, 463 Natoma Buckner k Kley, carpenters and build- ers, llOGesry Budd W C. atoc'" broker, 440 California Buecken &, Kupirsky, bakery, 2129 Mission Buehlmann Fredk, grocer, NE cor Eiphth and Minna Buena Vista Vinicuitural Society Cal Wines, 409 Battery Buffalo German Ins Co, 216 Sauaosi Buffalo Grape Sugar Co, 205 Front BUFFINOTONJ M, mining secretary, 309 Cal, rms 3 and 4 Bulford 8 F, presS F laundry, 33 Geary Bugbeo Chas L & H P Merritt,draught8- mon, 318 Pine, room 22 Bugbee .John S, atty at law, 628 Mont BUHLEBT JULIUS, law and collec- tion otHce, 605 Clay Bujan Antonio, liquors, San Bruno road Bujannoff & liohrbach, wholosile jewel- era, 13 Trinity Bulkeley L E, atty at law, 603 Wash Bull James, merchant tailor. 107 Third Bullard James H, commissiom, 102 Druniin Bullerdieck & Mertz, wood, coal, hay and gr.'iin, 1632 Midaion "BULLETIN," (daily evening and week- ly) G K Fitch, L Pickering and J W Simouton proprs, NE cor Montgomery and Merchant Bullier John, harbor, 1916 Market Bullion Min Co, 328 Montgomery Buh k L L, real estate and miuiug, 606 Montgomery BULLOCK & JONES, men's furnish- ing goods and tuiloriiig, 105 Mont Bulotti & Perrini, wholesale wines, 304^ Montgomery avc Bulwer Con Min Co, 309 Montgomery Bullwinckel John F, grocer, 25 Louisa Burnley W L, Borax Factory, 417 Chea- nut Buneman H k Co, wholesale liquors, 321 Battery Bunenfeld E, ladies furnishing goods, 1015 Lurking Bunker Chas D, California State com- mistiioiicr of immigration, 508 Battery BUNKER HS, Custom House broker, 508 Battery Bunker R F, mining secty 606 Montgy BUNKER^ ROBT F, packer and pro- visions, 74 and 75 California Market Bunnell E F, dentist, 31 i) Kearny Bunnell II P, coffee saloon, 9274 Market Bunner A J, agent S F Stonmboat and Traiisnortiition Co, Jackson st wharf BUNNER A J, mining secty 411 J Call- fornia, room 3 Bura Adolpb, cigar and tobacco, 104 Dupont Burbank Albert E, fancy poultry, 43 and 44 California Market Burbank Chas D, twines, cordage and kitchen furniture, 19 Dnpont Burch Juo C, atty, 526 Montgomery Burck J L A, bakery, 205 Kearny BURCKHARDT MAX, propr 'Hum- orist," (weekly), 622 Clay Burd Mrs R M, fancy goods, 323 Hyda Burdick J C, oils, 208 Pacific O e* i •A I? H ^> r« •"2 ' B ^1 S \ i f' ■ I ■ 5; OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER A CO^ 802 Davis St, S. F, WW MONTI RIIF A Hfl iil>««* Imbi au m«^ an^ mtaiben. il«, . If. mum AbUC a UU., ii«. 114. il6.Biii HH Battery St IkF. Ik ii« .i r |M''f ■rr ! ^^■ [' f 10 1 e i S ■I (A C C (0 O a o o o z S o < a z h h 3 O X12« San FrancMco. ALPIIABICTlnALLV. Burger Jacob, barber, 5'i3 Paoitic Burses John B, bootu aud shuus, 122 Third Burgess C A, capitalist, 6*2 Nevada block Burgess Q H, portrait painter, 126Kear Burgess O O, physician, 32!) Geary Burhans J H, reataurant,202 McAllister BUBiKE F| justice peace and atty at law, ()5!t \ViiH)iin.;tnn BURKE FRANK H. (sontractor, r.2S Califiirni i, rmmi rannan Burke Michael, grocer cor Scott and Ellis Bxirke W A, model and musical instru- ment maker, <>20 Pino Burke W J, liquors, I".M4 Market Burke Wm, grocer, 1120 Howard Burkett Mrs O, lodging, 17 Third Burkhard John, merchant tailor, SVV cor liailroad and Tonth ave Bnrkhardt Geo, hoots and shoes, r)40 Washinaton BURKHARDT MAX, importer, lito- grapher, engravings, etc, 545 and 547 Washington Burkhofer M, liquors, 200 Steuart Burling Jas W, stockbroker, 4i;{ Oal Burling Fredk, collector and ins broker, 21!> Sansom Burleigh VV E. physician, SE cor How- ard and Sixth ; Burmeiater A & Co, grocer. SW cor C'al-| ifornia and Leavenworth j Bumicter A & Mehitens A, grocers, 1300 California j Burnap .F, groceries, 425 Davis | Burnell A & Co, bookliindcr, 521 Clay BURNELL & TURNER, a.^t. Albion Ale and Porter Brewery, 510 Sac ; Burnett C 0, apothecary, .■i27 Montgy j Burnett G G, apothecary, 327 Mont j Burnett J M. atty at law, ()23 Montayl Burnett W C, atty at law, 220 SansomI BURNHAM & BOYER, pt^pr "Cali- fornia Independent, " 52tl .Montgy Burnham J W & Co, importers fiirni tare, carpets ami bedding, (518 Mark ket and 15 ami 17 i'ost BURNHAM & LYNCH, grocers, \m Market BURNINB M & YERKOVIGH A, restaurant, 813 Stockton Burns — , shoe store, 1 12 Third Burns H, boots and shoes, 210 Third Burns H W, restaurant and saloon, cor Battery aud Filbert Bums I, shipsmiths, 20 Steuart Burus N, wood and coal, 617 Davis Bums Patrick, horsoshoer, 139 Fifth Bums P, veterinary surgeon, (5094 Grovo Burr Alfrtfd, wood engraver, 518 Sac Burr B J, merchant tailor, 22 Mont Burr Bartlett, poultry, M Mission Mkt BURR C C ft CO, manufrs of Golden California Mustard and 8i>ices aud sole agents Champagne Baking Pow- ders, 13 Pine, [Tnion block BURR C H & G W. patent invisible weathtu* strips and slop hoppers, Cj7 Mission Burr & Fink, tailors, 22 Montgomery Burr L, li<|uora, 5 and 6 Bay Burrcll & Bowcher, furniture, 27 Sixth Burrell Chas K. cigars and tobacco, 231 Kearny and 310 Montgomery Bnrris Hutlcr, mining secy, 30!> Mont Burrows H L, com merchant, 423 Wash BURT J GUS* jfeneral purchiising agent, 1 16 Front Burt W J, house mover, 2817 Minna Burton C. hv^iincs, 107 Fifth BURTON BANIEL, manufacturing agent, 2()(i Front Burton W H, awnings, 150 Now Mont BUSBY FRED H, manufr of every deserption of gloves and mitts, 412 Market Husch Jos, Iwiots and shoes, 124 Seventh Biischardt Edw, bakery, 418 Brannan Bush C W, i)ainter. 202 Powell Busli J )avi(l, gastittersand plumbers' 3up» plies, 22 Post Bush E I), com merchant, 405 Front BUSH H, pliotogi-apher. SE cor Clay ;ui(l Kearny Bush H P, mining secy, 27 Merchants' Exchange Bush Louis, dentist, 8 Kearny Basil ysand fancy goods, 24S I'ourth Bush Mrs Rosii, liquors, 421 Drumm Busli Street Tlicatre, Chas E Locke pro- prietor, 323 Jiiisli Bu.sliinann .Ino, groceries, NE cor Third and Folsiim BUSHNELL A M, jol) printer, 722 Montgomery Bustillos Doloios, grocer, 313 Mont ave Buswell A 1% Co, bookbinders, 521 Clay Biiswell W 1', pattern m ik Market Butter worth T, stoves, etc, 1114?; Fol Butterworth Surah, dry yooda, li;V.).\ Fol Buttcricks k Co, patterns, Djmijig & Barrett agtH, rJ4 Post Bussolino S, bootmaker, 150") lAipont Buxtorf 0, cigars and tobacco, 4'2',i San Buxton & Co, ypDcerios, I'M Fourth BUYAB REICH, importers and job- bers of zephyrs, worsted, trimmings, ribV»ons and notions, l*2S> Kearny BUZZINI G & CO. liquors, cor Cloli- fornia and Central ave Buzziui & Giaiiettoni, liquors, "_'!) Sixth Byington J S, manager for John Han- cock Mutual Life Insurance Co, 417 (.'alifornia BYRINO H, pioneer ropaeker, 'JiM Jackson Byrne C, wood and coal, SF cor 'I'urk and ilonis Byrne J K, atty at law, SIO Pino Byrne Michael, liiinors, 114'J Folsoni BYRNE P, wood and coal, SW corner Fifth and Harrison Byrnes Mrs S A, varieties, 'JlOO Steiner Byron T F, dry goods, 1815 Stockton Byxbee J F, com lumber merchant, 10 California Cabinet Consolidated MannfacturingCo, 328 Montgomery, room 21 Cabinet MaS^ers Co-operative Associa tion, J J Jacquezerr prest and man ager, Henry Euler secy, 304 Mission Cabrera Rnina & Co, importers and aom« nicrchanbM, 123 California Caccia Arnold, grocer, 421 Union Cachat M A, physician, 34 Third ! Cadeiuisso G, artist, 7 Montgomery avc (.-•aisar J, chop house, 1022 \urket Caferata Antonio, grocer, 403 Powelf Caf lisch L, wood and coal, 2247 Misaioa , Cagney Tim M, erocer, 340 Minna Cahalun Julia, dry goods, Valencia nt, Twenty-sixth Cahen Aug, agent, 320 Sansom CAHEN BROS & CO, hides, leaiher and tanners, 41 Clay Cahill K & Co, stock broker, 40C Mont . Cahill K J, civil engineer, 316 Califoiiiit.. Cahill Jas, groceries, 737 BrannaiL Cahill Jjvs, groceries, wood and coal, SE . Fell and Webster Cahill J L, honso and sigh ;paiikter, 209:' Cahn Aaron, capitalist, 1 13 Battery Cahn Lamlwrt, capitalist, 115 Battery. CAHN M« successor to J Herzog & Co,., Eureka Hair, 4 1() Sacramento Cain & McKay, fruits, nuts and confec- - tionery, cor Turk and Taylor Caire Justinian, hard ware and crockery, 528 Broadway Calabasas Land Ik, Mining Co, room 32 Mechants' Exchange Calaco Max, cigars', 782 Market Calaveras Gold Mining Co, 328 Mont Calderwood & Bradley, coffee stand,. 13 Leidesdorff Calderwood Saul, livery stable, 2012 Mission Caledonian Gold Mining Co, DF Verde- ual secy, 327 Pine Caledoni.i Silver Mining Co, R Wagoner secy, 414 (California Calergan M is, fruits, 530 Sixteenth: Calevi F.inilio, restaurant, 535 Mercliaiit Calhoun D'l", sirocers, 517 Mission ♦'CALIFORNIA ARCHITECT & BUILDING REVIEW," James E Wolf editor and manager, 240 Mont California Aitificial Stone Paving Co,. W T Smith secy, 402 Montgomery California Bible Society, 757 Market California Brewery, SW cor Seriwntiiie ave and Twenty-sixth California Brush {''actory, Fi^ur Bros., proprs, (!15 Sacramento CALIFORNIA CHEMICAL WORKS, John Reynolds propriutor,. Twentv-eiiihth and San Bruno Road' CALIFORNIA CLOAK & SUIT MANUFACTURING CO, Charlte. Mayer propr, 521 and 523 Market California Coal Co, (wood and coal),. €&l' Byrne manager,SE cor Turk andJooes* •'CALIFORNIA WHBONIK." 53e and 533 California "Ot ! 1 ' i! i ^ r ' ' J ■ 1 i r 1 I ii H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S^F^ Gix 1 IK 'P? ' i| <- || ^. |i -^ fll ;^ll ■Milk -»* ■. "O -\ -In ^ r«>- \ '' * \' Mm a»» -t '' v' iX'Sa 3 1 i^ii T*" Ihk 1'^ m > ■p Ih -n» Ki i ^w •■ ■ ii !■;■ H ■■iiife' J is U-iA > o «- K ^ w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., '^rtxisrtrKasrssiitVK' 1128 ALPnAMTICALLT. California Collection Co, G C Spray manager, 053 Clay CALiro&NIA CORSET CO, ma'iufrH and whclosale dealcra, U iiucaombo manager, 53S) Market QALITORNIA CRACKER CO.crack- er factory, 801 to 8i:{ Hattory, otticu '208 Sacrfluiontu "CALIFORNIA DEMOKRAT," ^m and 538 Calitorniii GALIFORIHA DISTILUNG CO, (distillery Autiuch), Jost & Adlur nroprs, 3*21 Battery 'California Dry Dock Co, W C Gibba secy, 318 California, room 3 CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS 00, 702 Market California Electric Light Co, J R Har- denbergii prest, Kddy, room 17 Califoniiu kiectricul Work8,(}co 8 Ladd prest, Andrew White secy, 134 8utter Calitornia Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur- ance Assooiatoin, 310 Pine, room 31 "California Farmer, " Warren & Co proprs, 3*20 Clay ^'California Freie Pressc," (weekly), Brandt and Miller pubs, 515 C'al California Furniture ManufrCo, N V Colepres, '2'20 to 220 Bush CALIFORNIA FUSE ASSOCIA TION. 10 Front CALIFORNIA FUSE WORKS. Jus Eva & Co proprs, 230 California, P O Box llUl Cal Glove Co, P & F Cunken proprs, 535 Market CALIFORNIA OLUE WORKS. Mnrtinilolgepropr.cur sixteenth and De Harro California G Mining Co, 300 Pine California Hotel, J E Gray propr, 210 Mont ave California House, Samu(;l I Schneider & Co proprs, 024 and (>20 Cal ''CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT." Bum ham Sc Boyer pri>pr, 5l0 Mout CALIFORNIA IMMIORANl UNION. NV H Martin age:it,1 5;i;i Kearny California Insurance Co, tire and mu- rine. C T Hopkiuspres, Z Crowell sec, 318 Cal CALIFORNIA JEWELRY CO. (Levi- son Bros), 134 .Sutter "CALIFORNIA JOURNAL,* (weekly), D, Klintworth • propr, 802 Montgomery CjU Label Press, 530 Clay California Market, Thos Brown supt, Pine to Ctl bet Kearny and Mont California Meat &, Refrigerator Co, 727 Fourth California & Mexican S S Co, J Ber- minuham act, 10 Market CALIFORNIA MINING CO. C p Gordon secy, 30!) Montgomery, rooms 23 and 24 California & Nevada Ice Co, Lloyd Tevis X)res, 350 'lohaina and 309 Mout CALIFORNIA & OREGON CIDER WORKS, Preble & Co proprs, 218 Davis CALIFORNIA FAQFIC RAIL ROAD OFFICE. NK cur Townsend and Fourth California Paint Co,Avorill mixed paints, 27 Stevonsim CALIFORNIA PAINT CO, C w Bench manager. 410 Jackson CALIFORNIA PAPER CO, Kgbert Judson pres, Eugene T Cooper secy, otlico 10 Cal, mills Stockton California Portland Cement Co, .330 Pino, room 3(5 CALIFORNIA POTTERY & TER RA COTTA CO, W E Stevens agt, cor Hayes and Market CALIFORNIA POWDER WORKS, John F Lohse secy, 230 Cal California Printing Co, 325^ Bush California Prison Commission, 028 Mont California Ramio Machine Manufr Co, 41 1 Cal California Real Estate Co, J B Whit- comb manager, 208 Montgomery California Itefrigerator & Meat Ship- ping Co, wholesale meats, 727 Fourth California* Savings and Loan Society, 1 Powell California School of Design, Virgil Williams director, 430 Pino California Silk Manufr Co, RR Yates agt, 585 Mnr'tet "CALIFORNIA SPIRIT OF THE TIMES." M D Horuck editor and propr, 021 Sansom CALIFORNIA SPRING MANUFR CO, 147 New Mont "CALIFORNIA STAATS ZEIT- UNG." 53() and 538 Cal California Star Oil Works Co, L DFisk secy, 402 Montgomery CALIFORNIA STATE DEMO CRATIC CLUB, «5:iO c<.ml California State Woniens Hospital, Dr John Scott surgeon in chief, 44 12th California Steam Navigation Co, Wm Martin secy, T C Walker pros, oflico and landing Washington St Wharf California Stock Exchange Board, 20 LeidesdorflF California Street Railroad, Thos Sealo supt, NE cor Cal and Larkin California Sugar Refinery. C Spreckels, cor 8th and Brannan, office 215 Front tU. WACHHORST calls attention "^S^tW^i^^SS" 315 J St o m r- m ag (A o M e o ex er o a o a s o 3 (D s 2 • ■0 O ;a 5" o 3 e a PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •^^SST*, iplnar, Panmanaklp. Ttlognphv in to 1 o B (0 e 2 e c 0> C9 9 O X (0 ft o San Francvtco. ALPIUBirriOALkT. 1129 California Theatre, 414 Buiih California Tool Works, Blockamith ft Machine Shopa, 143 lioalo California Transfer Co, Ilnyeii k Co propm, 6*J4 Davis California Transit Co's Ex, 5'i4 Davis Calilornia Transportation Co, NW cor .lack sun and East California Tu^ Co, Joa M Koilmond pres 100 Steuai t California Varnish Works, SK cor Hanta Clara and Kun^ius California Water Co, .115 Cal CALIFOBNIA WIRE WOBXS CO. A 8 Halliilio prch, 1^ S Howanl secy, office and salesroom (i Cnl, (sco udv p li) Callaghan D 8t Co, yeast powdir, 121 Front Callaghan J D, physician and surgeon, 85*2 Folsoni Callaghan J J, grocery. 1426 Kearny Callaghau Kate, confectionery, 815 Point Lolios avo Callaghan U O, boots and shoes, 216 2411 (,'allahan A Denehy, liquors, 18 Sixth Callan Thomas, 616 Montgomery Cnllandreau J, physician, 12:^4 Stockton Callender H A, watches and jewelry, 724 Market (Jalkii'ler .1 T, liquors, 5 Broadway Callinan Jno V, barber, 152 Second CALLINOHAH W J & CO. ins agts, 2I!{ Sansom Calnan Jno J, harness and saddlery, 258 First Calvert John, druggist, NW cor Fourth and Howard • Calvert William, dentist, 20i) Geary Camarinas D, fruit, SE cor Sutter ond Powell Camera I*, Iwots and shoes, 618 Btlwy CAMERON MISS AONES, stamping and embroidering, dying and cleaning, 1 16 Taylor Cameron & Campbell, artists, 6 Eddy Cameron H M, business ngt, 232 Sutter Cameron & Hull, uood turners, 40!) Mission Camilloni J, fish, 5 Clay Street Market Camous Andre, locksmith and bell hanger, 436 Hush Campl>ell Alexander, atty, 526 Mont Campbell Alexander Jr, attorney, 526 Montgomery Camjitell A & H C, atty, 530 Cal Campbell Colin, atty, 530 Cal, room 13 CAMPBELL JAMES. California 1^1- lows Manufactory, 32 Frefont Campbell Joseph, atty, 62!) Kearny Campbell J ^V H, grain commission merchant, 433 Cal Campbell Murdock, shipwrights, caulk- ers, joiners tools, 7 Steuart Campbell Samuel J, butcher, 263 Third Campbell Mrs Sarah, fruit, 12!) Sixth Campbell Thos J, butcher, cor K itch and Folsom Campbell W H, agt Haiidasydea compo- sition, 402 Front Campbell W S, notary public, 503 Mont Campo Fredk, grocer, 218 Second Campi! Henry, groceries, 1601 Howard Campi's Kestnurant, 531 and 533 Clay Campion ii W, atty, 623 Montgomery Campodonico S, marblo works, 1061 Market Cajinguier V, mfrs kid glovea.8 Kearny Canavan P, livery stublo, 1 125 Howard Cunavan P H, real estate, 328 Montgy Candttir F & Co, liquors, 206 Third Caudularia Water Co, 327 Pine Cano John, liquors, l6Steunrt Cane & Toague, dentists, 142^ Fourth Canepa Peter, barber, 323 Montgy ave Canfield M T, watches and cIookb, 1524 Polk Canham W F, house and sign painter, 1712 Pacific Canney F E J, physician, 632 Howard CANNON C H, agt Mills & Gibb. N Y. fancy goods, rin 48, 126 Kenrny Cause Mrs, bakery, VXii Mission Cantel Mme Annette, laundry, Howard Cantel Mrs, lace cleaner, 712 Geary Cantin Joseph P, stockbroker, 311 Cantus & Eybs, wines and liquors, SW cor Stockton and O'Farrell Canty L, ship stores, 1329 Sansom Ca ity T, tailor, 820 Howard Cauty Thos, gioccr, 523 Fourth Capis C, poultry, 33 Grand Central Market CAPITOL HOUSE, P L Turpia propr, 537 Sacramento Capler Ixniis, pickle mfr, 2422 Bryant Capt A B, teacher Hcald's Business College, 24 Post Capp (• S & Co, read estate agents, 418 Montgomery Cappcl Bernard, grocer, SE cor Thir- teenth and Islais Cappeli L, grocer, 171!) Stockton C'araffa D & Co, bakerx, 130!) Dupont Caraicci F, grocer, SW cor Buchanan and Ellis Caralletti D, collector, 837 Broadway CARD W H. dontiat, 646 Market (.'ardinell Jno A, collector, 234 Montgy Cardinet E H, poultry, 83, 84 ond 86 (.'alifornia Market Cardozo John & Co, board and lodging, 415 Drumm Carey James C, judge superior court No 4, 628 Montgomery Carey Mrs A M, dressmaker, 126 Kear 955 Cal S as 0» s 3 Gi O S5. m H. PALMER & COe, Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. 1 i' i- \l't m ■ CO C S o (0 4) 2 o > c o E CO ? c c a O ■ o o a o < Q. h W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.^TZf^^^'^Hf^hT.^^^^SSIiffTr 1130 (San Francisco. ALrnARvrioALLT. Carit J A, importer and com merchant, 312 California Carl A R, bakery, 1318 Polk Carl Andrew, cooper, 204 Commercial Carl David E, blacksmith, 1504Vallejo CARL WM H, cooperage, 105 Oregon Carlau Win, blacksmith, 722 Broadway Carleton T H, grocer, 111, 20, 21 and 22 Grand Western Market Carleton & Spencer, shipping agents, 5 Spear Carli C, Iwotniaker, i)03 ( Jrcen Carlin John, insurance, 819 Cal Carlisbe A & (Jo, stationers and pictures, 1 12 Leidusdorir Carlo Derico, hotel, 410 Pacific Carlson & Currier, com merchants, igt Belding Bros & Co's spool silk, iiO!) Market Carlson & Johnson, cofliee saloon, 425 Drumm Carlttm C C, ins, 31 1 California Carlton Frank H, dairy produce, 20 and 22 ' Jrand W'^stcm ilarket Carlton Henry 'r, ins, 31) California Carmack W 1) \. Co, liquors, GtMJ Mis- sion Carmai^ Wm, physician, 410 Post CARMANY J H & CO. pubs ami prin- ters, 40".t Washington Carnmny & Croseit, furuishir.g go()(l8,25 Kearny Carm.itz Adolpli, watclunaker, 527 San Carmen Island Salt Works, 249 Steuart, i office 207 Front CARMOUCH^ M P & E, ohair mfrsi 124 Main CARNALL& CHAPMAN, real estate a^icnta, 320 •Sunsoni CARNES GEO A, librarian Odd Fel- lows Library, 325 Montjio'iicry Caro liCiuis, dry goods, 23(1 I'ittli Caro Morris, tailoring an .Mmitave Carpenter Mis Florence, ius broker, 317 California Carjienti I W H, veterinary surgeon, 9tU> Ifoward Carr Ja"V"^, boarding house, 54 Sac Carr Alisa .adia (J, niilJiner, 1 1(5 Sixth Carr P J, new and second hand furni- ture, 2757 Mission Carr Thos, saloon, 30(5 Minna Carr Wm li, enpitalist, 310 Pine, rm 25 Carrabe Jno, frui , 1589 Folsom Carran Jos, butcher, NW cor Mission and Ninth Carroll Bros, groceries, 123 Third Carroll Dennis, grocer, SE cor Capp and Seventeenth Carroll J F, retaU liquors, NE cor Pine and Sanson! Carroll John, capitalist 410Montgy Carroll John, wood a*, i coal, 238 11th Carroll John C, bakery, 110 First Carroll Miss Kate, bakery, 428 Folsom Carroll Martin, fruit, 1513 Market Car.'oll P, marble works, 28 Main CAiiROLL R T & CO. wholesale li.i- uors, agents Occidental, Imperial and Nectar brands whiskies, 328 to 33G Sansom CARSON JAS G, atty at law, 49 and 50 Montgomery block Carson John B, atty, I Montgomery Carson Mathias H, contractor, 1518 Broadway Carson Samuel, manufrs agt, 120 Sutter Carsten Fretl, groceries, N\V cor Seven- teentl) and Mission Carstulovice John, restaurant, 1022 Lar Cartan, McCarthy & Co, wholesale liq- uors, 513 Sacramento Carter & Cole, attys at law, 328 Montgj' Carter F S, mining secy, 3IS Pin- Carter (Jeo Kwd, stock and note broker, 307 Montgomery Carter Miss Liz/ie, ndlliaer, 90(3 Market CARTER R W, real estate and money broker, 302 ^lontgonlery, romn 10 Carter Wm il, propr " Pacific Appeal," G22 Clay Cartv Luke, grocer, 1329 Sansom CARUSI THORNTON, atty at lav,, (il 4 M.rch.int CARVILL A D, P oh Ca.vill Manufg Co (carriajcK), 7 I'ud 9 Pt>\vell CARVILL MANUF'G CO, carriage nuitiufrs. 7 and 9 Pow and ISO .IcHsic CiirvJ (.', jiid'^o of supreme court, ()2S .Nlnntgoiiierv (■'ase Chas \], dentist, 209 Kearny ('ar"s A, bodtin.'iker, 702 Ih'oadway Casev .1, lii|uorN, SI-; (mr How an .,hoes, 12."! Sansom Casey Mrs Maria J, confectionery. 1131 Mission Casey Owen, '.'iMecti', 938 Bryant Casey Tli'Ks, itevi.rc House, 4S Fi^urth CASHIER GOLD MmiNG CO, D l Verdenal secy, .327 Pine Cashwiler J W, mining opertr, 327 Pirn Cashwil(!r S F. mining opertr, 327 Piiii' Casnei" J & Co. ciga. makers, (J 1 5 Sansom Casscil Jno F, capitalist, 322 I'ine CASSERLY E, utty at law, 318 Cal Cassidy Kdward. grocer, SE cor Post and I^arkin TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer & Co., '••^»"d,ore. ■•B. have It mmnmmm I^WMil Mmr mT, s. r. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLECE. , 1 1 Third 5 C ?.^ *.'? cor Capp and * i> ■ NK cor Pine { < 3 21 I) Montgy : s il, -238 1 1th First il , 428 Folsom U Market H 8 Main wholesale liii- Imperial and Pgk 1, 328 to 330 law, 40 and 09 • ontgomery c o < itractor, 1518 2 • (D » ijjt, 120 Sutter ft> ^ i\W cor Soveii- (/) rnnt, 1022 Lar o wholesale liii- a 4 W-, 328 Montjry ^ 1 6fi 318 Tin- Cn 1 c ul note broker, _ 1 er, 90(5 :Mivrket 3' a late and nionty •y, rooii\ U) •acitie Appeal," (A Saiisoni e ■0 lb , atty at law, T3 (0 L'a.A'ill Manufg 3: 4) Powell 1» 1 J CO, carri;iL'e $ and ISO -leMMii.' » T uiiie court, ti'JS 5? ••« (B a Kearny n (8 llroadway How and ITtli X e Of , numut'r and an<; .,hoes, \'l') n t'ctionery. 1131 » » s £ IJryant r a He, 4S Ki>nrtli p (8 lb riNG CO, i> 1 (D e )pertr, 327 Tim pcrtr, 327 I'iia do .ers, 1)1") Sanson ■• >i 322 Pine C ** ;law, 318 Cal n SE t'or Post ani ' ?• Th« nodel CtommrntlBl Cell< m of till' €oaat, S»0 Post SU. 8. F. San Francisco. ALPIIAHKTICAMV. 1131 CaasidyM, livery stable, G2 Minna CASSiN F & F J, wholesale liquors, 12 and 14 California Castagnet & Co, liquors, 530 Merchant Castagneto John, dry goods, 1234 Dup Castenetto Andrew, butcher, SE cor Stockton and Greenwich Castagnetto P, groceries, 140G Diipont Castel George, furniture, 415 /> Powell Castelhun F J, atty at law, 009 Sac Castillo Key, physician, 151!>.J( Dupont Castis N, rcstaiirant, 140 Sixth CASTLE BROS* wholesale groceries, 21,3, 215 and 217 Front Castle Chas. cigars, 35(5 Tliird CAST.LE FRED L, grocer, 213 and 215 Front Cistle Micliael, capitalist, 215 Front Castoruettie A, butcher, SW cor Stock ton and (Jreenwich Caswell Mrs K E, millinery, 28 Post Caswell Thos H, V, S G C 11 A M, NW oor Montgomery and Post Catania Jos, grocer, SW cor Californi; and I^nrkin Catechi John, fruit, 204 Second Catharticou Mi'uufg t'o, A J Welch nianagc-r, 434 California Cathcllier & Spience, manufs jewelry, 120 Sutter Cf.tlow John, wholesale butcher, 331 Montgomery, room 24 Catoir J, butcher, 1402 Pacific Cattermide (has, grocer, N\V oor Davis and 1! road way (^'iittcrmoli diaries, groc ries, SK cor Mason and Vallcjo Cavaguaro F, bootmaker, 1427 Dupont Cavaguero D, groceries, tl2S !'/n);ulway (';ui>Uera S, grocer, cor Kills ...i."> Centre Markvt, Cedicy Mrs F, laundry, 733 ()'!''arrell ('efous.liis, hairdresser, '.tO')". Hewanl Ceuingorato F, cigars and ivuit, ISIO Union Cella A, fruit, 11(5 Second CcUuen William, cigar factor}', 717 Siinsom Celluloid taiir and Collar Co, W M Smith & J D }• Tiller agts, 405 Front Ceutanam Loren/o, fruits, 70 i Turk CENTENNIAL CHAIR FACTORY. (iuil'e &, Tanson successor to George Fischer, 141 and 143 Freelon nr Fourth and 5(50 Brannan Central ( 'alifornia Colony, Wnt S Chap- man, 30(5 Pin«, room G Central Gardens Asa'ii, P B Nagle pros, 411^ California CENTRAL PACIFIC HOTEL, M Farrell, 348 Fourth CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD, genotKces NE cor Tov/naeud and 4th Central Pacific R It steamer agency, A B Crist agt, Washington St Wliarf Central Presbyterian Tabernacle, Rev J W Smith, Tyler bet Taylor atul Leav Central (street) Railroad, ,32 Tui ,v Ceutras Con Mining Co, 330 Pine, nn IG (Jentro Market, SE cor Dup. ut and Sut Cercghino Ii, wood and coal, 428 and 430 Pacific (Jereghino Kocco, grocer, Mission bet Twenty-nino and Thirtieth (Arelcs .Jacob, grocer, SE cor Twcuty- sixtli and Valencia Cerf J & ( .'o, eroekory and glaaa are, 517 and 510 Market Cermi Frank, junk, 205 and 207 Davis (Jeva Audreii, hairdresser, cor Broadway and Dupont Chadborne .labe/., atty at hr.v, 528 Cal Cliadborue F S & (.'o, furniture and bed- ding, 735 Market Cluuli)ourne .F & (.'0, Hour .and grain, 208 Davis Cliadbourno Thomas J, b.akery, 1412 to to 1418 Dupont, office 214 .Sacrimento ChadbiHuue T J, l>aker, 1414 Ihipont Chiidwick (.'has, liquors, Gcean Beach Road, three miles from ClilT House (.'liadwick N (!, carpenter .and ]>uilder, lii37 liroiulway Cliaigman P& Co, printers and engrav- ers, 53(( ( 'l;iy Ciiallenge ("on Mining Co, 203 lUi .Ii Chaloner — , plumU'r, (ill Sutter CliamberhuM Geo W, atty, (iUi Sac CHAMBERLAIN H, Receiver J S land oiliic, 010 Commercial Cliiind)iile A & C.., wines and liquors, 'M\ l''ourth Chanq>ii>n Mining Co, .lohn Crockett secy, 8 S V Exchiuige liuildiug Chandler ('has, liquors, (.'alitor'iiia Tho- at< r. lUish Ciiaiidler (ico, tiiilor, 1(5 Annie Chandler U D, coal and ire.i, 1 IS and 120 Paeitic (■lianhomme ,), fancy goods, 850 Wash (.'haiiiu C A, suiiai-, 313 M;hysii.i.in, NW cor .lackson and Montgomery (chapman H, jewiUer G14 Merchant CHAPMAN HENRY, naturalist, GO ' California CO m o o I CO 9 S| If II "T3 O 3 CO 1 i . PortUad, Ore* COB. have It H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. r I mm W. W. MONTAGUE & CO. ?tT'7ff 2/rarKtff^'SS:;.V.Vg S p 1132 San Francisco. ALPIIAHITICALl.T. Chapman J F & Co, ahippinc and com mission merchant, 22 California Chapman B, real estate agt, 137 Montgy CHAPMAN WM S. real estate, 306 Pine, room 6 Charbonnat Paul, hairdresser, 24 Mont gomery avo Chariot Jas, watchmaker, 719 Valencia Chariot S, dyeing and scouring, 7I!> Vala Charles H A, mining secy, 4 It) California Chariot Mnie M D, ladies' hairdresser, 1638 Polk Charmak H & Co, pawnbroker, 846 Market Charpiot Joseph Jr, painter, 1110 Dup Charter Oak liife Ins Co, Frank Eno agt, 531 California Chartier Auituste, liquors, 324 Sixth Charlton & Groeper, stables, i) Wash Chase Albert, physician. International Hotel Chase Mrs, dieasmaker, 1 1'J Ellis Chase ft Co, manufrs boots and shoes, 1059 l»?arket CHASE ECBERT P. physician and surgeon, 121 Turk Chase W 'J', carpenter and builder, 24 Howard Chase W W & Co, hay and grain, 1912 Market CHASE & WOLFFt stevo f'x\ C'hipman Marshall, phviJ'cian, -J'; M . C'hisholm D, tailor, 7 Auburn Chismore Geo, physician, 920 Market Chittenden N \V, atty at law, 803 Mont^oinei-y Choin A. China wear, 1615 Polk .Chollar Min Co, 203 Bush, rm 8 Chollir, \oreros8, & Savage Shaft Co, 203 Bush Choyiiiski i, stationery broker, 28 Sai Choyiiiski I N, antiquarian hook dealer, 34 (ieary Christ Edward, liquors, NE cor Wash- iiiLTton and Montgomery Christensen h H C, liquors, 245 Towns- end Clirisf.an Richanl, dyer and cleaner, 41 ( Je ry Chriatiiiii Mrs Sophia, bakery, 842 Val- lejo (ynristian Chas, liquors, 313 Hayes < 'hri8to])her Louis, cigars and hainlresser, 1405 Polk Christopher Telfer. dentist, 135 Kearny Christy James, sliipsmith, 126 Iksrry Christy Mill and Min C<>, (Jeo RPinney secv, 310 Pino, rm 44 CHRISTY & WISE, wool and com- mission dealers, t>07 Front Chrest J, brewer. Twenty-fifth and San Bruno road Chretien J, fruits, 400i Geary Chretien John Si, atty at law, 230 Montgonicry Chroniger Mailame, wigmaker, 115 Stock Chrysolite Min Co, 309 Montgomory, room 25 I* O 3 a. H WACHHORST. importer of sSH^Tm^^**, 315 J St, Sac naker, 115 Stock ^■ BUSINESS PENIMANSHIP '■^il*!**: «»««[»»» «t PACIFIC uvtii. San Francisco. ALPIIABBTICALli'r. 1133 B O I 0} B O i « 75 (A « O o e ^ .1 X C0 Church & Co, wholesale grocers and com mo^ch^nt8, 405 Front Church S 1\, «oiil merchant, NVV cor Main and Folsom Chnrch W A, propr Empire Lodging House, 63G Commercial Cicclii, Lodovico & Co, Italian paste, 43.3 Broadway Cincinnati Brewery, S\V cor Fulton and Lyon Ciprico (ieo M, pres Cumberland Min Co, 328 Montgomery, rm 8 CITTI CLAUDEf enj^raver, 605 Mont City and County Httspital, Potrero ave bet Twenty -second and Twonty-third Citizens' insurance Co, ti02 Sansom City Advertising & Bill Posting Co, O'iO Commercial CITY ARGUS PTTBLISHINO CO, K K Culbretli, 405 Kearny CITY MABBLE WORKS, Orossiiii & Co, 1049 Market, and (iold bet Mont- gomery and Sansom CITY OF PARIS, Verdicr, Moreau & \,'o, NE cor Montgomery and .Sutter City K U Co, iHaac Hyde pres, M E Wil- lis secy, 14 Mission City Transit Co & T C P D Co, 10 Post Clabrough .1 P & Bro, guns and ammuni- tion, KIW Montgomery Claffey Chas, li(|uora, '212 .Sansom Claire John, tailor, 105 Jackson Clancy Owen H, grocer, Eliza'.)eth bet Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Clapp & Jessup, coffee and spice mills, NE cor Mission and Fremont Clar J, fancy dry goods, Vl'lO Polk CLARA CON QOLB MINING CO. D F Verdenal secy, ;{27 Pine Clarendon (J & S Min Co, 405 California Clark A K, secy Seattle Coal & Trans- portation Co, 32 Market Clark, Bros, soap works, Nebraska bet Fifteenth and .Sixteenth Clark Chas, atty at law, 515 California Clark Chas, bootmaker, (HOi Howard Clark Chas, fruit and vegetables, (irand Opera Market, 711 to 747 Mission Clark E & Co, foreign parcel express, ]08 Leidesdorff Clark (r, boarding, 110 Pacific CL^RK GEO A & BROS, spool cotton, 511 Mivrket Clar 'lioW, paper hangings, window shades, 645 Miirket Clark H, otHeo furniture, 531 California Clark 1 A, physician, 40 (ieary Clark J K, homoupathic physician, 32i Geary Clark L S atty at law, dOO Montgomery Clark M, wood and coal, 1537 Howard Clark P P, boots and sho^ss, 306 Sixth CLARK R F, physician, 914 Howard Clark K L, carriage maker, 1062 How CLARK, RICKHOFF, BLACK & KREBS. Spring Mattress Manuf Co, SW cor Sixteenth and Harrison Clark Saml J Jr, atty at law and U S register in bankruptcy, 25 U S Court bldg, cor Battery and VVashiLigton Clark Thomas E, hairdresser, 2015 Mission Claik T S & Co, woven wire mattresses and iron bedsteads, 217 Bush Clark & WelAstfir, shipwrights, etc, 24 Howard (71ark Wm C, l)arl)er, 63 New Montgy (.'lark Wm H, atty at law, 808 Montgy Clark W M, liijuors, 40'J Fourth Clarke Alfred, atty at law, old City Hall Clarke .1 ,1, physician, 106 Stockton Clarke J Jr, atty at law, 420 Montgy Clurken M.itthew, atty at law, 61 1 Wash darken Kichd M, atty at law, 611 Wash Classen Bros, liquors, 1 Front Classen & Hiwids, hotel, \\ and 13 Clay Classen J C, carpenter and builder, 516 Kearny Classen J M, real estate, 62 Nevada block Clausen F, jewelry, 410 Kearny Clauss J, perk butcher, 36 and 38 Grand Western Market Claussen Geo, gun and locksmith, 1030 Sutter Clausen H 11, veterinary surgeon, 332 Bush Clava Con G Min Co, 327 Pine Clavio Louis, painter, 824 Pacific Clay Fretl, capitalist, 113 Leidesdorff Clay Street Market, Clay bet Sansom and Montgomery Clay Street kailroa, physician, 604 Loav eleven Miss C, toys and varieties, 223 Sixteenth ClitFord Robert, meat market,234 Fourth Clynch Bryan .1, architect, 637 Kearny Clinton Mrs Mary, bakery, 450 Sixth tn o> n PURE PORT WINE, fir MeHldial Parposes. 302 Davis St., S. F. w U'- ifii '' K ■ ll ^ i m m ■ ^1 KPMIHI^PMMP ^mmm» WUI MflMTAfillF' Jt rn Ml>««t Iron. aU «Um« and Muabeni, no, r«'! !(. - i ■ CO c 9 (0 > o E 75 CO c c (8 O ' ■ o o o < a. 1134 /San Francisco. ALrHABItTICALLT. jjroctii'ics, 2*21 ami CLIP PERRESTAUEANT. Geo Dett ner propr, 31 1 ami 'AV^ Pacific Close William, physician, 15ti Third Clot •!, engineer and machinist, 303 Mission Clough Frank M,ii,tty, 402 Montgomery Clough tJ H, tinsmith, 2002 Folsom Clow Mrs Sarah, dressmaker, U4S Howard Cluett ' Olay "COAST RE V " (monthly insur- ance journal), . Kd wards pub, 320 California Coatcs (.', liquors, 37 Sutter Coats Caleb, lic^uors, ."ilio Market Cobb H A & Co, real estate and gen auctioneers, 4 10 Pine Cobb M G, atty at law, 850 Market Coblincr Bros, importers fancy and mil linery goods, 543 Market Cochran J T & Co, produce and con> merchants, 1U2 Clay Coclirau Michael, groceries, 15 Valencia Cochrane E O, dentist, 850 Market Cocian N, restaurant, 1025 Diipont Cockrill T (i & Co,, wholesale li(iuov8, 324 Clay Code, Klielt & Co, pickles, preserves, canned fruits and cider, 314 Wash Codington \\ H, Corporation Yard ot S F, cor Folsom and Steuart Coe John T, collector, 328 Montgomery Coe O i!, health lift, 402 Kearny COELHO JOAQUIN, li.iuors. (iO clay. res 4'.i3 Greenwich Coen l-'i'ank, liijuors, 531 Jackson Coey James, postmaster, I'ostollicc Cottee Andrew J, notary public, 50l.t Cal Coffey .lohn .1, atty, t)53 Clay Coffey J as V, atty, 530 Calitornia COFFIN GEO F & CO, shipping and couuiiission merchants, 13 I'ine Collin & Hendry, ship ciiandlers, 2 to b Market and 1 to 7 haeraniento CoHin & Mayiiew, druggists, Sli cor Six- teenth anU X'aUncia ColHn & Mayhew, druggists, >rW cor Mission ami Twentieth Coftin, Sanderson & Cook, stock lirokcrs, 312 i'ine Cogan James, exchange broker, 403 Cal Coggeshall J H, druggist, SE cor Bush and Pierce Coggeshall VV A, lumber surveyor, pier 10 Steuart Coghlan D W, stationer, 1»24 and 926 Larkin Coghlan John, stationer, 519 Taylor Coginasse Mrs A, dressmaker, 25 Taylor Cogswell Jas L, dentist, 232 Sutter Cohan Henry, cigars, 020 Market Cohane L, carpenter, 710 Tiirk, jeweler, 124.', Sixth Cohen A, tailor, 510i Mission Cohen Aaron, cigars and tobacco, 231 Kearny Cohen Alfred A, atty at law, 328 Mont Cohen Benj, clotiiing, 215 Seventh Cohen D k Brother, clotlung, 58 Fourth Colien & Davis, match factory, SE cor Fourteenth andShotwell Cohen E, tailor, 035 Mission Cohen G, tailor, 44 Geary Cohen Mrs Hannali, ladies' furnishing goods, 1575 Market Cohen Herrman, importer and dealer in artists' materials, moldings, frames, engravings, etc, lv( Uupimt Cohen Jos, clothing, 210Pacitic Cohen L, tailor, 408 Pacific Cohen Louis & Son, syrups, bitters, cor- dials, 410 and 418 Sacramento Cohen Meyer, clotiiing, 510 Fourth Colien Micliael, tailor, 410 Pacific Cohen Morris, lioots and shoes, 910 Lar Cohen Morris D, cigars, 959 j Mission Cohen N, tailor, 934 Market Cohen P, barber, 12 Sacramento Cohen Prof, a-strologist, 425 Kearny Cohen Miss Hose, hairgooils, 20I^angton Cohen VV & Co, iiupoiters and manufrs gents' furnishing goods, 13 aiul 15 Bat Cohen VV'm, sewing niuehino agt, 904 Market and 139 Sixth Colin A &. Co, fuKiiiture auction, 1148 Market Colin Aaron, clothing, 810 Montgomery Colin Alcxannlur, crockery and glass- waro, 1015 I'olk Colin David, bcllhangor, 1102 Folsom (.'ohii David, physician, 421 O'Farrell Colin Ed & Co, cigars ami tobacco, 225 Montgomery Cohii & Frank, money brokers,4 18 Moat COHN G & CO, cigar manufactory ami dealei in leal toluieeo, 1 17 and 1 19 Tint; Colin 11, wikMcii niulirwear, 012 Market Colin r, barlior, 50-1 Clay Colin I, nianagir Mission Woolen MIHh, Folsom Ix-'t Fifteenth and Sixteenth C^ohn J, bootmaker, 103 Paeilic Colin J M, mens' elotliing and fun'i«h- ing goods, 824 Market and 228 Sixth C ■< pa *» 00 e o (A O a o (0 o o o 3 3 •a (D e •o 0) 5? Z o c (A « 0) r V) T TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Plumauer&Co.. 'Si*-J|Jv?[r mmim Uoh' furnishing • auction, 1 148 rokcr.sUSMoiit liiivufiictory ami 117 ami imriuo car, Ol'J Aliirket y 11 Woolen AlillH, .mil .Sixtooutli I'ucilio iig ami fun'.irtli- aml 'i'2S Sixtli BU3INE8S PENMANSHIP ^^'UfSll^SSl^^llS^k San Francisco. ALFHABRIOALLY. 1135 CO euo CO I ■ C c c 3 Ik (8 CO (0 (0 C'ohn John, clothing, 731 Montgomery Cohn Joseph, clothing, 731 Montgomery Cohn Ij, bootmaker, 500 A Pacific Cohn M, bootmaker, DIO Larkin Cohn M, clothing, 510 Fourth Cohn Marcus, clothing, boots and shoes, 244 Fourth Cohn M B, clotliing, 131 Jackson compounders' Cohn P, oils and liiiuoi material, 320 Clay (oiiw, Koaenblum & Co, dry goods, 1337 Pacific Cohn Samuel, grocers, 501 Hayes Cohn S & Co, gents' furnishing goods 152 Third Cohn Simon, clothing, 421 Kearny Cohn Miss T, millinery, 428 Hayes and 122 Fourth Cohn W L, dyeing, 425 Pine Cohn William, groceries, 1 Franklin Cohn Max, boots and shoes, 23 Hyde Cohn T, tailor, 821 Jackson COHNBEICH BROS. Boot and shoe manufrs, 804 and 800 Market Coin 11 & Co, hotel, 420 Jackson "^ Coit B H, chairman of \he S F Stock Exchange Board Cokeley Jeremiah, liijuora, 236 Town- seml Colbert & Lynch, horse and cattle yards, cor Market and Tenth Collniru A, mining sec, 3 18 Pino room 15 Colby <' W, president ({rangers' Bank of California, 4'J (Jaliforaia Colby Z F, fruits, 322 Francisco Cole C, atty at law, U S Court Build iiig, cor Battery ami Wasliiagtoii Cole'chaa I), real estato agt, 304 Mont Colo Edward P, atty, 328 Montgomery Cole Oliver H, insurance agent, cor Bat- tery anil California COLE & KENNEYf brooms, brushos, wood ami willow ware, 1 14 Sao Cole U lieverly, physician, 5LS Sutter Cole Sewurd. mauager Salatn.iml r Fit ting Co, 317 California Cole Thomas, mining, 331 Montgomery, room 3 Coleman A, barber shop, 218 Pacific Coleman Mrs Annie, bakery, 134 Fifth Colanain C H, barber, 527 Sacrametito Colcimm Mrs Catherine, clothing, 227 Third Coleman 1), shoemaker, 15 Hayes Coleman l> K, shipsmith, Vallejo Coleman H, tailor, 521 Hyde Coleman J, physician, 520 Valencia Coleman Jas V, 8tock broker, 300 Mont Coleman .Ino E W, painter, i)24 Folaom Coleniitn John W, stock broker S 1-' Stock Exchange Building Coleman W P, (Coleman & Smith), no- tary and commissioner, 307 Montgy near COLEMAN W T & CO, shipping and commission merchants, 203 Calitornia and 180 Pearl, New York Coles A 1>, painter, 808 Larkin Clollans J, tailor, 010 Pout Collie W H & Co, Horists and nursery- men, 18 Post Collins Barney, bakery, 1037 A Folsom Collins C J & Co, hatters, 227 Montgy C'ollins 1), repacker, Pringle Court uec Greenwich Collins Daniel, fruit, 212 Twenty-fourth Collins 1) B, livery stable, 222 Fifth Collins Md F, restaurant, 822 Montgy COLLINS & FELLING, commission and produce, 420 Sansom Collins Gertrutb (i, landscape painter. etc, 324 Turk Collins J C, real estate, 509 hush Collins John, liquors, eor M and Tehama Collins Michael, groceries, SE cor Val' lejo and Leavenworth Collins Patrick, groceries, 138 Fifth COLLINS S P & CO, saloon, restau- rant and oyster house, 511 California and 320 Montgomery Collins W, machinist, 1 15 Stevenson Collins* W'appel, restaurant, 204 4th Collins Wm H, atty, 504 Montgomery Collopy Jas, baker, 053 Bryant Coleman Mrs A F, fancy goods and sta- tionery, 433 O'Farrell Colman Bros, manufs and imprs cloth- ing, NW cor Sutter and Sansom and 8\V cor Mi>ntgomery and Bush Colman J J, harnessmaker, 412 Folsom Colman Martin, saloon, NE cor Kearny and Pine COLMAN N E physician, 204 Sutter and 1413 Bush Colman Solomon, tailor, 410A Pacific Colombat A, fringe, gimp and trimming manufr, 105 Stockton Colombo Hotel, Zeiro & Chiappari proprs', 021 Broadway Colombo Market, s s Pacific bet Front atid Davis COLONADE HOTEL, e a. 3 S. CO VI': H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis SU S. F, ■i ■ 1 ^■f' '''''■ 1 ■ f%f : ; It fill' '' :■>• ^ir * ¥ IJl i; t M >; i 1- MKi; " p ''. Wl ■ IL s c s B IL o o o z s < 0. E O W. W. WONTACUE & CO., 7».'7/?2JSri?%iS«aa;V? 1136 er8 wines and liquors, -'04 and 200 Mar- ket and 5 and 7 Pine Commonwealth Con M Co, 217 Sansom Commonwealth Ins Co, 210 Sansom COMPAONIE 01 NER ALE TRANS AT L ANTIQUE STEAMSHIP TICKET AGENCY, J F Fuguzi agt, 5 Montgomery ave Compion P W, copyist, 51 1 Montgy Comstock M Co, E W Scott see, 137 Montgomery Comto A Jr, manager Franco-American Savings Bank, 428 Montgomery Conant Benj H, confectionery, 1137.i Mission Concannoii L, groceries, 1577 Market CONCORDIA GOLD & SILVER M CO, 005 Clay Concoi-dia Mining Co, 310 Pine, room 25 CONDE JOAQUIN G. consul of Mexi CO, 215 Sansom Condon F & Co, liquors, 20S Third Coney Mrs S A, dressmaking, 438 Hayes California Silver Mining Co, K Wegener Boc, 414 California Congdon iico, real estate, 30!> Montgy Congdon H B, real estate, 240 Montgy Conger B T. printer, 32i» Sansom Congregational I'ublisliing Society, llev F E Sliearer agent, 757 Market CONKLIN ENOCH, sec Mt Diablo Ho- tel & Land Co, 531 California Conkliu'Frank, stationery, 310 Sixth Conklin P & F (i, glove manufs, 535 Market Conklin I C, brush factory, 418 Fourth Conklin Thompson & Co, commissicm, forwarding and purchasing, 123 Court Conkling G W, gents' furnishing goods, 010 Market Coulin & Uoberts, metal roofers, 728 Mission Conlon Mra H, fancy goods, 707 Hyde Conlon Micliaol, liquors, 924 Brannan Conly & Gowell Con G Min Co, 314 Montgomery Conn & Connelly, liquors, 213 Montgy Connecticut Mutual Life Ins 'Co, 315 California Connell Michael, grocer, NW cor Twen- ty-fourth and Ellen ave Connell & Smith, paper hangers, 510 Geary Connelly Mrs Fannie, fruits, 908 Folaom Connelly F J & Co, liquors, 213 Mont Connelly Jas & Co, furniture and bed- ding, 217 Bush Connelly J &Co, furniture, 312 Bush Connelly J D, justice of the poace, 059 Washington Connelly Jno J, physician, 202 Sixth Connelly Martin, wood and coal, 1008 Howard Connelly T, groceries and liquors, 2529 Mission Conner Mrs J L, artist, 865i Market Conner Wm, bakery, 7 Webster Connerton Owen, groceries, 170 Ninth Connolly M G, lodgings, 222i Fourth Connolly & Kiernan, liquora, 043 Mercht Connolly T, poultry, 7, 9 and II S F Market Connolly Wm J, butcher, 1837 Market Connor P, boots and shoes, SE cor Fil- bert and Taylor Conolley Edward, liquors, 10 and 18 Leidesdorlf Conor F, lapidary, 223 Kearny Conra• b «> B e to « 7S o u o 10 c X C9 0) ■ (San Francisco. ALPHABBTIOALLT. 1137 Constine Bros, grocers and liquors, Ellis and Larkin, Eddy and Leavenworth Consul of Spain, C Martin, 312 Mont CONSULABO DE LA REFUBUC ]D£ MEXICO, Joaquin Qarcia-Conde rm 7, 215 Sanscm Consumers Gas Co, rm 29, 203 Bush CONSULATE GERMAN EMPIRE, Adolph Rosenthal consul, 321 Battery Consulate of Guatemala, L B Parrott consul, 306 California Continental Ins Co, 216 Sansom Continental Oil and Transportation Co, 120 and 122 Front CONTOLENC Dt butcher, 303 Mont ave CONTRA COSTA LAUNDRY, Hal lett, Bartlett & Dalton proprs, 28 Sac- mento, 30 Geary and 158 Second Convey Edward, butcher, NE cor Hyde and Green Conway Bernald, liquors, 993 Market Conway D, liquors, 993 Market Conway James, saloon, 1200 Market Conway M G, harneasmaker, 673 Mission Conway Patrick, wood and coal, 133 Second Cook Mrs A O, hair jewelry, llowera preserved, 115 Kearny Cook Bros, books and stationery, 34 6th Cook Mrs B, bakery, 521 Fourth Cook Mrs C A, physician, 224 Post Cook Carroll, atty at law, 309 Montgy COOK DANIEL, mining, rms 4 and 5 309 Montgomery Cook E, wines and liquors, 221 Ellis COOK E E, plumber, 1210i Polk COOK & ELLIS, leather belting, liose and lace leather mfra, 37 Fremont Cook Fernando C, physician, 716 How'cl Cook W< I. • ■ ' H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gaL 80!« UiiviM Hti'eet, liaD FrancUico. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., TO.'7A"Jln'dTirKttVi?y'Sf;i«Vff' 1138 tSan Francisco. ALPIIABRTICAILT. i e E m O ■ o o o < H O Corkery & Quill, groceries, SW comer Fifth and Howard Cormack William, plumber and gasfit- ter and improved can and box manui'r, S15 Commercial Cornuhrens H, groceries, S)88 Howard Cornelius F O, watchmaker and jeweler 300 Fourth Corner C W, physician, SE cor Third and Hunt COBNING & CO, wood and coal, 11 Taylor CORNWALL P B* wood and coal and Alaska steamsliip line, cor Spear and Folsom Cornwall Wm A, atty at law, (!40 Clay Comyn J, hotd, 212 and 'J 14 First Corriveau L, hairdresser and baths, 1 13 (icary CORTICELLI SILK CO, Brown & Metzner agents, 5411 Market Cory B B, livery stable, 10115 Market Coryell Jno IJ, physician, 315 Fine Cosbie Wni, harnessmaker, 423 Mission Cosgrift' Mrs A G, milliner, 5() Third COSGROVE CHRISTOPHER, atty at law. (i52 Market COSGROVE & CO, real estate broken, 052 Market >1K cor Kearny Cosjiriive Mrs M, board and lodging, JOO McAllister Cosgr(..e P, Iwardiug '.house, 43 Vallejo Cosgrove WmF, hairdresser, 1134 Fol Cosnif:politan Hotel V)lock, (closed), iSVV cor Bush and iSansom Cosmopolitan Milling Co, G2SMont Cosmopolitan Mining Co, 30it Mont Coso House, L J Kwell propr, 411 San Costa C, liquors, 314 Tacitic Costa Jno, grocei ies, 843 Pacific Costello J V, saloon, 850 Howard Costcllo M, grocery, 230 M inna Costello M & Co, house and sign pamt- crs, 2M0 Minna Costello P, bootmaker, 700 Larkin Costello Saml, licjuors. Old Ocean House Eoad Costigan Thos, wagonmaker, 404 Jack COTREL THOS JR, "spiccs, baking powder, extracts and starch, 405 Front Cotte Madam, laundry, 411 (Jeary Cotten tl W, real estate, 0O4 Merchant Cotter Mrs, ilower preserver, 120 O'Far- rel Cottrell Edw M, insurance, 218 Sansnm Cottura Peter, basketmaker, 720 Front Couch H M, boots and shoes, NE cor Twentieth and Valencia Coughlin Jno D, butcher, 41 and 42 CI rand Arcade Market Coughlin J J & Co carriage trimmers, y03 Folsom Coughlan Mrs, milliner, 919 Market . Coulbum T W, secy Twin Peaks Min- ing Co, 414 California Coulter (}p" T, mining secy, 320San8om Coulter I.obt, agt Wakefield Rattan Co, 38 Geary Coulter W A, marine artist, 515 Cal Counihan Jno, tanner, Carolina between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Counter C E, house and sign painter, 1820 Market County Jail, cor Broadway and Pinck- ney place Courg Jno, carpenter, 1517 Market "COURRIER DE SAH FRANCIS- CO," (daily), E J^erbec propr, 530 Clay Coursen G A, broker, 405 California Cousine A H, restaurant, 420 Folsom Cousins Wmrk packer and butcher, 303 Montgomery ave Cowan U H, physician and chiropodist, 230 Kearny Cowdery & Preston, attys at law, 534 California Cowt^ll J H, real estate agt, 621 Sansom Cowles & Drown, attys at law, 021 Clay Cowles G W M, straw works, 1017 Mkt Cowles S, physician, 2017 Mission Cowles Saml, atty at law, 021 Clay Cox Chas, poultry and game, 81 and 82 California Market Cox H, secy and librarian Young Men's Christian Association, 232 Sutter Cox James J', manager Standard Firo & Marine Insurance Co, MOti Sansom Cox Jennings S, secy San Francisco Art Association, 430 I'ine COX J W & CO. counnission mer- chants, hides and wool CUNNINGHAM'S WAREHOUSE, NW cor Front aiul (hnii COX P & BRO,iuauufrs and wholesale dealers in boots and 8hoe9,320 Sansom Cox Thos A & Co, seeds, 40'J Sansom Cox Thos H, physician and druggist, Mission nr Twenty-ninth Coxen John, engraver, 517 Clay and 510 and 51(5 Commercial Coy Frank & Co, real estate, 430 lont Coyle Henry, boots andshocs, 402 Tiiird Coyle Jno, house 'mover, 022 Harrisou Coyne D, bootmaker, ItoOA Howard Coyne Jas, boarding stable, J4 14th Crabb Henry, variety store, 806 20th Crabbio John, fruit, SW cor Twenty- »'.'<( !i ; nd Bryant Cradilock C F, atty at law, 200 Sansom Craig A, atty at law, 000 Montgomery Craig Mrs A G, stationery, 930 Wash Craig & Co, earriagemukers, 14 Taylor Craig Hugh, insurance agt, 307 Cal Craig J & Co, blacksmiths, 14 Tyler Craig Jas, livery, 713, Commercial TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. r«et, I*, v. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tht' Modrl C^mmrrrlal Collem or tiw> 3'2 Sutter "itandard Firo & .;ut') Saiipom ,n Francisco Art O 9 3 S. a (A i o L "S inmnssion nicr- J| I » VAKEHOTISE. * .'1-8 and wholesale hoe9,:V20 Sausmii i, 40'J Sansoin ,u and druggist, iuth 517 Clay and 510 ;state, 430 lont [ shoes, 40'J Tliird U'i'i Harrison obi Howard able, 14 14th itore, 806 '20th W cor Twenty- aw, 209 Sansom 00 Montgomery icry, 930 Wash ikers, 14 Taylor agt, 307 Cal lithB, 14 Tyler Commercial a Z O CO K 1 «— t 2 1 ^■* Q 1 CO "^ 1 c/> 3 § o •H tQ O « P s •S 3 o o r pi PQ « 3 o :3 i San Francisco. ALPIIABRTICALLT. 1139 Craig Jas, liquors, 258 Spear Qraig James D, court commissioner, 328 Montgomery Craig Jno Jf, plumber, 35 Eddy CBAIO. LE£ D, notary public and commissioner of deeds, 401 Montgy Craig & Meredith, attys at law, 328 Montgomery, room 23 CRAIO & MOSEBACH. searchers of records, notaries public and commis- sioners of deeds, 401 Montgomery Craig & Mosher, photographers, 22 Kear Craig Peter & Son, undertakers, 22, 24 and 26 Mint ave Craig K P, mining and machinery, 401 Montgomery Craig Wm, atty at law, 328 Montiiy Crall Mrs Geo, milliner, 1527 Market Cram W'm, saddles and harness, 248 3d Cramer Fdwin F, cigars, 450 Third Crane A E, real estate agt, 410 Montgy CRANE & BRIGHAM, wholesale druggists, .I'JO and 522 Alarket and lit and 21 Sntter Crane C W, advertising and purchasing agt, 318 Tine, room 3!> Cnme E .1, agent, 211 Sansom, room 3 Crane, Hawtinga & Co, liquors, 121 Cul Crane II F, atty at law, 213 and 215 Sansom, room 12. ('r;ipe& Kace Hetinishing Co, 1J4 Turk Crarens Sisters, importers of patterns, 126 Post Crary Leroy R, butcher, 1127 Howard Crawford A & Co, shipchandlers, 25 and 27 Market Crawfor ' C D, dentist, 1415 Stockton Crawley James, Santa Clara Hotel, (temperance), 444 and 4 16 Hraunan Creamer Aaron, barber, 31!) Sanaom Cretan J H, liquors, eor Sixth and How (;reii;h Jno I), atty, '.)03 Sliotwell Crei^htcn J, umbrella maker, 61 Third Creiuhton P, liquors, SW cor Fifth and Folsom Creighton Mrs P, lodgings, 81 Natoma Crescent G & S Mining Co, 306 Pine Cressaglia M, restaurant, 15 Tliird Crist A li, agt Central Pacific Steamer auency, Washington Street Wharf CRIST W E & CO, machinist model makers, 10 Stevenson CRITTENDEN C S, Hvcry stable, 40i) and 411 Taylor Crittenden M, liquors, 627 Clay Crittenden M C, liquors, 114 Second Crittenden & Moses, attys at law, 5i) and and 60 Merchants, Exchange building Crittenden Parker, auctioneer, 25 Mer- chants' Exchange Croce & Marchaud, »vatchcase makers, 621 Clay Crockard H, shipsmith, 20 Mission CROCKER H S & CO, wholesale sta- tionery and printers, 401 and 403 Sansom Crocker L & A, fancy goods, 1100 Stock Crocker & Suydam, stock brokers, 218 Pino Crockett J B, atty, 438 Cal CROCKETT JOHN, mining secy, 8 S F Exchange building Croesus G & S M Co, 328 Mont, room 5 Crogan Thomas, groceries, SW cor Sixth and Urannan Cronan John, liquors, cor Fillmore and California Cronan W J, metal roofer, 030 McAUs'r Croiiin I)ii.\ id, grocer, 15'J Minna Cronin John J, painter, 227 Tenth Crook E W, shirt nianufr, 12(5 Kearny (.'rooks WniH, fniit, 1203 Polk Cro(mii) Wm, dentist. 823 Market CROSBY WM, atty, 65!) Clay Cronkey Jlol)i!rt, licpiors, 22!) Hayes Crossett — , dental rooms, 10 Third CROSSETT &C0, employment office 230 Sntcer Crossett James L, real estate, 230 Sutter CROSSMAN & BAKER, mine brok- ers, 3l'4 I'lno Crostiiunriti M, plumber, 2027 Fillmore Cr.nidaee i'' ^V & Co, book printers, 620 Merchant CROWE & COOKE, steel and copper plate en;.'ravers and printers, 22 Montyomery CROV/"^ M L, (Crowe & Cooke), 22 Monii.fihnory Crowe TimoUiy, boll hanger, 115 Fourth Crovvell J 1', dentist, 215 Kearny Crowley Cornelius, groeei-,, 334 Third Crowhy & Co, grocer, SW cor Twen tieth and (iuerri'ro Crowley D F, grocer, 1338 Washington Crowley George, plumber and stoves, 230 Mxtlr Crowley & (ioodnian, stock brokers, 446 Cidiforni.'. CROWLEY P, chief of police. Old City Hall, 722 Kearny Crowley T J, atty at law, 42!) Montgy Crown i'oint Extension Mining Co, 310 Pine, room 44 Crown Point G & S M Co, 203 Bush Crown Point Ravine G & S M Co, 309 California Crown Sewing Machine, 634 Market Cruikshank P, shipwright, etc, NW cor Solano and Mississippi C rusader S M & Co, 302 Montgomery Crussell F R, bell hanger, cor Fifth and Brannan Crystal Soda Water Co, soda water, ginger ale, etc, NE cor Stockton and Union W U> 9 m ■M B« 'b «s if i. '! o s. ', a 1 5 fjl! 1 M KING. (^TRY MURRAY'^ lUNG AND LIVER BALSAM..^ • If. mVn I flOUC Of VUif i^ttern*. 110, US, 114, 11« Mtd lit Battery Bi. " " B.T. m Ik i ■si! IS i 2 I > o E I c CO O ■ O o < O 1140 fiian Francisco. AliPIIABITIOALLT. Crystal Vinegar Works, C A Robinson propr, 15 Van Ness avo Cubery & Co, printers, 415 Market Cuddy S G, tnilor, 904 Folsom Cuello Joseph & Co, saddler, 525 Pacific Cuff D, boots and shoes, 762 Brannan CULBRETH R E, editor. City Argus Publishing Co, 405 Kearny Cuilici A, liquors, 306 Montgomery ave Cullan T. liquors, NVV cor Ellis and Devisadero Culley & Brook, stoves and tinware, 1006 Market Culligan Mrs H, groceries, 218 Ritch CuUigan J, nursery, 708 Turk Cullinan Dennis & Co, commission, 406 Commercial GULP J D & COf manufr of cigars and impr leaf tobacco, 16 Front Culver Jno P, civil and hydraulic engin- eer, 204 Sutter Culver S M, confectionery, 1214 Market Culver Wm H, atty at law, 202 Market Cumberl.aud Min Co, 417 California Cumming J M, mining engineer, 417 Cal Cummings C C, bakery, 152 First CXTMMINOS, GIMMEL & CO, produce, 424 Battery Cummings & Grace, horseshoers, Leavenworth and Ellis Cummings & O'Connor, 204 Market Cummings & Hous, watchmakers 327 Kearny Cummins P, atty at law, 630 Clay Cummings W B, com merchant, 528 Cal Cummins Thomas, grocer, SE cor Twen ty-second and Mission Cunard Line Royal Mail S S Co, Wil Hams, Dimond k Co agts, 202 Market Cuneen Arthur, grocer, S\V cor Mont gomery and Filbert Cuneo Augustine, fruit, 612 Broadway Cuneo C, liquors, 539 Washington Cuneo Francisco, dry goods, 546 Green Cuneo G, meat market, 309 and 311 Broadway Cuneo J, grocer, 502 Francisco Cuneo J C & Bro, fruits, nuts, etc, SE cor Pine and Dupont Cunnane & Farrcll, wood and coal, 424 Fulton Cunniff Wm, stock dealer, Twelfth and Market CUNNINGHAM, CURTISS & WELCH, importing and wholesale stationers, 327 to 331 Sansom (sec advt) Cunningham R B, ins and real estate, 320 Sansom Cunningham Robert D, stationery, 131 Fourth Cunningham T H, liquors, 301 Kearny Cunningham Wm. secy The Safe Deposit Co, S£cor Montgomery and California com cor and Cunnins T, grocery, SW cor Twenty- second and Mission Cunorogato Ilia, fruit, 1819 Union Curlett k Eisen, architects, 330 Pine Curlley &, Hughs, grocers, cor Twenty- third and Alabama Curley 1, liquors, NW cor Twenty-sixth ami Valencia Curley J H & Co, merchant tailors, 32 Montgomery Curley P, liquors, cor First and Fremont Curley Miss M A, dressmaking and la- dies' underwear, 1 100 Stockton Curragh J M, pharmacist, 413 Bush Curran & Bernard, liquors, NW cor Clara and Berry Curran Hugh, hotel, SE cor Sansom and Pacific Curran Jno, hay and grain, SE cor Six- teenth and Guerrero Curran Mary H, physician, 22 Geary Curran Michael, baker, 717 Brannan Curran Patrick L, saloon, NW cor Fourth and Berry Curran Thomas, fruit and produce, 18 and 23 Metropolitan Market Currie Arthur L, news dealer, 514 Post Currie Jno B, liquors, 156 Steuart Currier Amos, pictures, frames and en- gravings, 103 Dupnt Currier C H, pump and block maker, 28 Market Currier Willis J, agt American and Buf- falo Grape Sugar Co, 205 Front Curry John, liquors, 523 Mission CURRY N & BRO* imprs and manufrs shotguns, rifles and pistols, 113 San Curtaz B, pianos, 20 O^Farrell CURTIN CALLAGHAN. dry goods, 913 Market Curtis James, grocer, 480 Jessie Curtis Con Min Co, H S Stone secy, 419 California CURTIS, DIXON & CO, cigar manufr. 309 Clay (PO box 998) Curtis E ll Mrs, cloak and dressmaker, 16 Stockton Curtis M, wine an,«ie. s»o poHt fit., w. r. Clny, room 18 Dnethuway Hall, VM iVmt Diissinann Wni, grocers, 1701 Howard Dastugue U, butehor, 1 'J Clay St Market Dauntless Sewing Machines, (ilM Market Dans Isidore, dry goods, 1400 Dupont Daverkosen F, butcher, 12512 Bush David & Lynch, ^'lumbers and gasfittcrs, 1018 Stockton David L N, second-hand books, C'25 Washington Daviil L, manufs ^cnta' fur goods, 7 Broadway Davidson Jns I), bell hanger, 812 Market DAVIDSON J M, atty, 8 Montgomery Davidson J 1{, physician, 217 Post Davidson J W & Co, dry goods, 103 Kear Davidson M, crockei/ and glas8ware,231 Sixth Davie John, dairy produce, 32 Califor- nia Market Davies J Meredith, agent Chicago and Northwestern R K, 208 Montgomery Davies It P, rigger, 508 Battery Davies S & Co, cabinet makers, 5>05 Clay Davis A, tailor, (»0l» Third DAVIS A E, pros S P C P. R, Pacific Land Investment Co and Bay & Coast Tel Co, 20 Nevada block Davis Alexander, licjuors, 13 Stcuart DAVIS BROSt fancy goods, notions, hats.plated ware, brackets, frames, etc, 718 Market and 410 Kearny Davis & Co, palace crockery, 30 Fourth DAVIS & COWELL, manufs of lime, importers of cement, hair, marble dust, lire tile, fire bricks, lire clay, etc, 211 and 213 Drumm Davis Capt, master schooner, res 37 Sac Davis David, cigars, tobucco, 545 Cal Davis Edward, tailor, 347 Third DAVIS G A, manufr's agt for agricul- tural implements, 327 Market Davis (j E, physician, 108 Stockton Davis H, furniture, 730 Montgomery Davis Henry L, pres National (Sold Bank and Trust Co, 401 Montgomery Davis Horace & Co, Golden (J ate Flour Mills, 41 to 40 First Davis I, tailor, 404 Third Davis Jacob, barber, 17 Geary Davis Jacob, tailor, 131 Second Davis J N, liquors, NE cor Sixteenth and Dolores Davia J B F, insurance broker, 406 Cal Davis J T, supt Pulverizer Co, 405 Cal Davis L H, atty, 500 Koarny Davis Marks, merchant tailor, R R avo bet Eighth and Ninth avea Davis Max, tailor, 1024 Folsom Davis Morris, furniture, 1040 Folsom Davis Pulverizer Manufg Co, 405 Cal Davis Robt, mdso broker, 405 Front DAVIS R D W & GO. auctioneers and com inorchants, 21 1 Pino Davin Samuel, real estate, 310 Cal Davis & Sanger, dentists, 137 Montgy Davis E k. Schiuitt G, liquors, NE cor Bush and Kearny Davis Sewing Machine, Mark Sheldon gen agt, 130 Post DAVIS W. harness and saddlery and saddlery luirdware, 410 Market Davis W H, real estate, 320 Sansom Davis Wm H, money broker, Montgy R E building Davis Wm J, bakery, 23^ Second Davy Silas, cigars, tobacco, 1330 Market Dawson (Jeo, li(iuorH, 321 California Dawson John H, druggist, SE cor 24th and Alabama DAY THOS, gas fixtures, 122 and 124 Sutter Day A, liquors, 810 Graenwich Day Robt, agent "Guide" Pub Co, 521 Clay Day Silver Mining Co, 310 Pino, ro' " 5 Day T J, engraver, 137 MontgouK Dayton Gold and Silver Mining ' Bush Dayton Miss I E, artist, G Ediy DEACON WILLIAM* iredumical en- gineer, 131 Main Dea designer and engraver on wood, 608 Market, (see advt) (A ■< 30 00 s CD o U1 0) -a o (A ^t o j? o -I (A (D (A r (a o P TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumaner & Co., 'SiS.-SfvSsr PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. on>:V"i«"» (0 (0 6 ■ t- /San Franci»co. AI.rilABimOAIiI.Y. 114a De Bonnet A, florist, 519 Post De Bordeaux C K, meats, etc, 500^ Bush De Bus H F & (Jo, coffee saloon, 604 Montgomery De Castro S, liquors, 400 PaciHo Decons Hrs H H, stationery and fancy goods, 10 and 18 Polk DECKER CHABLES W. dentist, 925 Market Decker John W, grocer, 1031 Hyde DeConstant — , restaurant, 1119Dupont DeCorsey Jno, liquors, *Jol Third DeCourcy Kdward, manufra ngt, 50(5 Market DeCourcy \\ agent, 120 Sutter Dccourcy Mrs F, milliner, 1907 Filmorc Di'courtieux k Co, hutchers, 27 and 29 S F Market DeDerky F F, physician, 17 Dupont Deearey Mrs M, fancy goods, 508 Six- tiienth Deely Jas, grocer, SW cor Polk nnd Pine Deering J'^ P, atty at law, 038 Mont Deering •) H Jr, attorney, 34 Montgom- ery Block Deering M, civil engineer, Fourth and Townsend Deerks ft^folmsoii, hotel, 18 First Deferrari (r B, painter and paper hanger, 307 Montgomery ave Defiance (JoTd Mining Co, 30!) Montgy De Fremery James com merchant, 410 Battery DeFEEMERT JAMES, prest s F Savingd Union, 532 California De Fremery HS, ship and Custom House broker, 508 Battery De Freyo B C, physician, 1230 Stockton DEQAN L P, California oak-tanned belting, 10 Fj^mont Degan P, stonecutter, Brodorick, Ellis and Cemetery ave nr Post Degoiier & Co, gen commission morohts and ins agts, 'M)S California Degcnhart Louis, tailor, 130 Mont ave Dedroot, Birge & Co, mining engineers] and assayers, 318 Pine Do (luigne C, agt Comptoir D'Escompte de Paris, 401 California DeHaro Mining Co, 409 California Dehuc &, Ccrardin, housesmith, awning maker, 620 Commercial DEITZ A C & CO, importers and deal- ers in paints, oils, glass, varnishes and lamp stock, 224 Front Deitzler G VV, capitalist, 220 Sansom De La Montanyit J, stoves and metcils, 214, 210, 218 and 220 Jackson DeLabrousse A, veterinary surgeon, 1513 Howard Delaney P, artesian well borer, 704^ Howard Delanoy F X, mining secy, 315 Cal Do Laveaga J V & M A, capitalists, 258 Market DolerJ, Irnlies' hairdresser, 12 Kearny DelHno Joseph, fruit, 127 Third Dellepaine& Co, commission meruhauts. 425 Battery DellwigT, bakery, 1811 Polk Deloche T B, poultry and dairy produce. 2, 4 and H F Market DeLONO F, successor to Sweetsor SC DeLoiig, cider and vinegar inanufr,. 1 17 Pino and Novate Ranch, Marift county Delpliin 1 i i -f- illl I k ||'.;? '48 m ■ i -J '■■;V,1 H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St, S. F. rsa r/» y>- "UN I AbUE, « bU., na, 114. ii«, ud tlM Batt«ry mCf^W, ^ilir^ I- o o < s il 1144 AIiPIIABBTlOAI'LT. Ul •- < X I- D^pen Mrs D, embroideries and fancy goods, 213 Post Dep«y & Bowman, hay grain and milch cows, 9 and 11 Bluxome Derbaum John C, house painter, 817 Market SXBBEC £. propr "Courier de San Francisco" (daily), 536 Clay Dcrbm & Meyer, sawiilers, 27 Coin! Derb^- C W, butter and eggs, 19 Metro- politan Market DERBY E M* lumber and commission merchant, 226 Clay Derby Thomas, merchant, 320 Sansom Derby Manufacturing Co, 203 Buah Dermot M E, dressmaker, 222 Stockton De Roncoray L & Co, pictorial painters, 11 Geary d'Erlach Arnold, mechanical engineer, 13o Main Desimoni Bros, fruit. 1105 J Howard Desirello & Isola, grocers, SE cor Mis- sion & Godous Desbeck John, atty at law, 628 Mont Desby Rob, atty, 611 Clay Desbrock F, liquors, NE cor Fourth and Brannan Desmond & Sons, insurance agts, 410 Cal HiESMOND THOMAS, sheriff. Old City Hall, 722 Kearny Desmu Mme, restaurant, 327 Mont ave DeSOBLA ETJC ^NE, commission mer- chant, 40 California de Tavel A, veterinary surgeon, 811 Howard Detcls Branch, M Detels & N Schneider, i:sE cor Pacific and Davis Detels & Co, liquors, 7 Sacramento Detels M & Co, grocers, 8E cor Main and H>iriiiQ:i ■Detela & Schneider, liquors, SE cor Pa- cific and Davis Detgen Henry, 6I9A East Detrick Sl Co, mauufr bags, tents, awn- ings, duck hose, twines, etc, 123 Clay Detrick E & Co, second-hand bag dealer, 124 Clay Dettmar H, oysters, 47 to 50 Grand Central Market r jttmer Jno, liquors, 415 Davis DETTNER GEO. Clipper Restaurant, 311 ami 313 Pacific Deucher Alphonae, liquors, 2'* 3 Second Deuprey Eugene N, atty r.„ law, 214 Sansom Deutsch Julius, harnessmaker, 1408 Polk Deutsch M, restaurant, 322 and 324 Bush Devany John A, grocer, 10 Heron Devaurs F, liquors, 643 Broadway Devening Henry C, physician, 44 Third De Vorcy A F, real-estate iigent, 418 Montgomery Deverell R, wood and coal, cor Union and Kearny Do Veuve H, civil engineer, 330 Pine Devine James, druggist, 214 Kearny Devlin John, cigars and tobacco. 124 Fourth Devoto Antonio, fruit and vegetables, 1529 Powell Devoto D, bootmaker, 609 Vallejo Deviieze F, sausage maker, 823 Pacific Dewane A, dry goods, 1118 Folsom Deweeso C Jr, Bay Warehouse, Sansom bet Lombard and Greenwich DEWEY & COf patent solicitors and publishers, "Mining and Scientitic Press" and "Pacific Rural Press," 202 Sansom DEWEY EXJQENE E, stockbroker, 308 Pine Dewey & Jordan, jewelry, 433 Montgy Dewey S P, capitalist, 308 Pino Dewey W P, capitalist, ;W8 Pine Dewing E P, atty at law, 628 Montgy Dewing F & Co, book publishers, agts, 207 Dupont DE WITT T B, physician, cor Butte and Kentucky De Witt & McCausland, carpenter and builder, 320 Jackson De Woloski Alex S, piano teacher, 8 Mason Dexter Albert G, bell hanger and saw- filer, 203 Seventh DE YOUNG CHAS & CO, publishers "S F Chronicle," NE cor Bush and Kearny Dexter Frank, manufr and wholesale confectionery, 526 Washington Dezaux A P, cigars and tobacco, 832 Market DIAMOND SHIRT FACTORY. E Reeb propr, 19 Sansom Diana G & S Min Co, J T McGeoghogan secy, 31 S Pine, rm 13 Dibbleo Albert, shipping and com mer- chant, 10 California Dickasou Miss Alice, artist, 724^ Mkt Dickenson E J, hotel, 225 Bush Dickenson J E, butcher, NW cor Pino and Broderick Dickey James R, liquors. Sixth ave nr Fulton DICKIE BROS, shin builders and naval architects, 18 Market; yard, Potrero Dickinson E .1, hotel, 225 Bush DICKINSON J H, atty at law, 234 Montgomery DICKINSON J N, atty at law. 234 Montgomery Dickinson J R, artist, 6 Eddy DICKSON. DE WOLF & CO, shipping and com merchants and imprs wines and liquors, 410 to 414 Battery M, WACHHORST. importer of j.'^:^!Vi^'ud. .315 J St., Sac mmmmm BUSINESS PENMANSHIP WTBHH* COI^TroIB. S»0 INmi. Mt., (». F. , cor Union 330 Pine Kearny )bacco. 124 ^allejo J23 Pacific Folsom iiae, Sanaom ich ilicitors and id Scientific ural Press," stockbroker, 133 Montgy Pino J Pine i2o Montgy •lishers, agts, an, cor Butte jarpenter and no teacher, 8 iger and saw- DOf publishers 3or Bush and -< o ti a tP m r- ts m £ ag 4^ 09 1 «« (A a*. o CD (A and wholesale hington tobacco, 832 ACTORY. E McGeoghogan and com mer- 9t. 724ii Mkt Bush NW cor Pino Sixth ave nr Iders and naval yard, Potrero ) Bush y at law, 234 at law, 234 Eddy & CO, shipping id imprs wines : Battery 5 J St., Sac o O 3 Battery, cor Pine DINKELSFIEL & NORDMANN. watchmakers, tools and material, 12U Sutter Dinkelspiel S B & Co, diamond import- ers, 313 Bush Di Nola Leon, druggist, 1600 Howard Dinsmore 1\, stockbroker, 228 A Montgy Dippel & Mounicot, wagon makers, R R and Sixth aves Dippel W G, tailor, 106 Dupont Diss k Co, groceries, 957 Market Ditmar A C, machinery, 626 Fourth Di Vecchio Stephen, meat market, 440 Hayes and 371 Mission Divisich & Buja, restaurant, 332 East Dix & Straub, groceries, NE cor Filbert and Fillmore" Dixon Mrs Ann, oyster saloon, 15 Stock Dixon Bar Min and Hydraulic Co, 211 Sansom DIXON & BERNSTEm, show-case manufrs, 250 and 252 Market and 12 and 14 Front (see advt) Dixon Clement, saloon, 8 Summer Dixon G L, restaurant, 2645 Mission Dixon Mrs H H, stationery, 1618 Polk Dixon Isaac A, contractor, 638 Market Dixon Jno, capitalist, 238 Montgomery Dixon & Putnam, milliners, 48 Geary Dixon Saml, stock broker, 238 Mont Dixon T H, secy Addenda Gold & Silver Mining Co, 238 Montgomery DOANE & CO, wholesale oysters, 92 California Market Doaue Geo W, bakery, 1019 Howard Doane & Henshelwood, dry goods, 132 Kearny Doane J G, hay, grain, wood and coal, NE cor Tyler and Webster Doble A, toolmaker, 13 and 15 Fremont Doble A, prest Farmers k Mechanics' Bank, 528 California Dobner Morris, dry goods, 1120 Stock Dobi'cnsky Mrs R, candies, 616 Larkin Dobrogoiski & Czquerro, liquors, 627 Washington Dobrzensky Mrs Julia, bakery, 21 Sixth Dobrzensky Mrs R, confectionery, 615 Lurkin Docking Joel, brick mason, 634 Vallejo Docking's Hall, Joel Docking propr, 407 Montgomery ave Dodge Bros, stationers, printers and rubber stamps, 116 Post Dodge Danl, butcher, 159 Steuart Dodge (ieo S, capitalist, 302 Mont Dodge k Gore van, merchant tailors, 511 Montgomery Dodge M M & Co, merchant tailors, 80iti Market Dodge, Sweeney & Co, wholesale provi- sions ml com merchants, 114 and 116 Market and 1 1 and 1 3 California Dodfc 3 W W k Co, wholesale grocers, N »V cor Clav and Front DOE B & J 9, wholesale doors, win- dows and blinds, 44 to 48 Market DOE CHAS F, redwood and Oregon lumber, cor Spear and Howard and cor Beule and Bryant Doe J S, Pacific Soda Co and groceries, 109 California Doehring Chas, bakery, 336 Third A C^ Piasat Antoiue, h»irdr«uer, 511 Kearny I Doerrer W G, paints, oils, 1744 Market K. PALMER ii CO., Native Wines. a02 Mavis Street, S. F. I^' 'l m E' » '^S > ''i\ W» W. mONTAGUE « i»U.» patt«m*."lO, mTm. iie ami 118 Battery St.. R. F i'H IL CO C S p o « S t 1 ! It C C (B o ■ o u . o ' z z o < o p 1146 San Francisco. ALPHABBTtOAI/LT. Doeacher & Seege8,groceriG8,541 Natoma Doherty H, hotel, 214 Broadway Doherty J, plumbing and gusiitting,SW cor Pine and Kearny Doherty Jno W, gen manager N P C R R, — Montgomery Doherty J W, vice-prest and gen man- ager N P C R R, 328 Mont, room 10 Doherty Timothy, f niit and vegetables, 303 Uayea Doherty W K, physician, 216 Kearny Dohrmann & Co, Washington Mills, cor Washington and Drumm Dobs & Buchanan, wagonmakers, 974 Harrison DOLAN J W, manufacturers' agent for boots and shoes, 414 Market Dolan M E, watchmaker and jeweler, 920 Howard DOLAN THOMAS) Champion Soap Factory, bet Alabama and £1 Dorado Dolau \V B, liquors, 145 Third Dolbeer & Carson, lumber, 22 California Dole R, grocery, cor First ave and IGth Dolliver Bros, leather and> shoeiiudings, 107 and 10'.» Post Domenici Giovani, boots and shoes, 413 Broa» CO (A 0) o ■ I- I < San Francisco. ALPHABRTIOALLT. 1147 Douglas Jos, shoemaker, 523 Pine Douglas W A, physician, 126 O'Farrell Douglas W A & Co, gen com merchant, 106 Washington Douglas Wm, stoves and tinware, 240 Fourth Douglass James, boarding house, 215 Broadway Dow Martin, variety and notions, 124 Second Dowd D, boarding house, 625 Davis Dowda G W, grain and wool merchant, 202 Cal Dowdall J F, plumber and gas fitter, 543 Hayes Dowland MrsS, fancy goods, 1329 Bush Dowling Evvn A N, atty at law, 621 Clay Diiii-ktT John, f^rofcries, NE cor .Six^ll an. I Mission Drv.cker \V M luntist, 224 Stockton Druhe John ii, gmcer, 1334 Howard Druid's Hall, 413 uttor Drum — , attorney, 715 Clay Drummond k Lemont, wood and c 433 and 435 Valencia Drury Wm, merchant taib u. (533 Kearny 1. ers, 38 California D'Oyly & Nigel, stockbrokers, 317 Mont DRABY DAVID, picture frames, etc 230 Fourth Drady Thos,'tailor, 151 Fourth Drager & Diederichsen, hotel, 608 and 610 Sixth DRAKE E B, atty and law, 646 Wash Drake & Eknerson, fruit com merchants, 521 and 523 Sansom Drake Geo W, wood, foot of Battery f l\ Doyle Patrick, harnessmaker, 8 Taylor] Dryer C V, livery stable, I! 1 5 Stockton Doyle Rodney, blacksmith, 822 Folsom, Duane C P, real estate, 63(i Clay Doyle & Wilson, ship and freight brok- Duane E, butcher, 6(Jrand Central Mkt DuBois Si King, gen com and ft)rw;irdiug merchants, 416 Battery DuBravcie Dinke, restaur;w ai Polk DuBrutz F C M, atty at la\^ , •-:34 Mont DXJCASSE At manufr artificial flowers, and importer millinery goods, 807 i Mission DuCastel E, French teacher, 327 O'Farl Ducato G, fish, 21 Metropolitan Market Dudgeon Ed, street contractor, 22 Mont Dudgeon Eneas M, machini8t,706 Minna f i if 1 ;i i 11 im- %*'■ m <« H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis SU S. F. W. W. imONTAGUE « CO., W.'T'iVLWirKrfiraSlilW** ■ d c S is ■k « 2 13 & > O E To CO c c IB O ■ o o o z S o < IL I- O 1148 Sai^y Francisco. ALPHABETICALLY. 1^^ Dudley & Dudley, attys "i law, Old City Hall Dudley Min Co, 309 Montgomery, rm 22 Duff & Co, com merchants, 316 Davis Duffey Bros, liquors, 631 Merchant Duffey Bros, poultry and game. Bay City Market Duffey E, fish, 237 Sixth Duffey William, restaurant, 1055 Mkt Duffy Bros, marble works, 23 Tyler Duffy E, grocer, 914 Sau«nm Duffy J J, vegetables, 9, 10, 42, 44 Cen tre Market ■Duffy T, garden rustic work, cor O'Far rell and Leavenworth Dufour A, artist, 612 Fourth DUOAN FATRICK, grocer, 520 First Duggan Edward, saloon, 131 Fifth Duggan T, wood and coal, 1019 Clay D ugray Frank A, atty, 426 California DIJHEM C & CO, Photograph Art Gal- lery, 7:^9 Market BUISENBERT CHARLES & CO. importers, commission agents North German Lloyd Steamship Co, 314 Sacramento Dulicn H J, butcher, 903 Pacific Dulion Leon, butcher, 705 Pacific Dulion Leon, liquors and lodgings, 1031 Dupont Dumout Victor, commission merchant, 712Sansom Dumore Wm, horse shoer, 3 Anna DUN R G & CO, The Mercantile Agency, Jay Lugsilin manager. ;^:.'0 California Dunand Louis, atty, 7 Montgomery ave Dunbar L L, dentist, 2."$ Ke;irny Duncan George & Co, asphaltum roofer, 052 Market Duncan J, tanner, Brannan but Eighth and Ninth Duncan Johu-M, plumber, 1130 Mission Duncan Wm, lestaurant, 113 Seventh Duncan Wm, horseshoer, 220iLcav Duncan Wm L, stock broker, 306 Mont Duncan Wm T, stock Ijroker, 312 Pine DUNHAM. CARRIOAN & CO. )> r.l ware, miuiug supplies, machine ti 'Is, iron, steel and metals, 107, 109 and 111 Front Dunham Patrick, liquors, 418 Pacific Dnnker Christj butcher, 322 Folsom Dunlap Albert, upholster, 15'204 Dup Dunlap Annie W, physician, 214i Sixth Dunlap D L, cigars and tobacco, 21 Leitfesdorff Dunlap John, retail grocer, 327 Tehama Dunlay Wm, grocery. SE cor Grove and Buchanan Dunlevy Jeremiah, harness and saddlery, 178 Jessie Dunn ft Blutcher, hay, grain and feed, NW cor Fillmore and Lombard Dunn D E, barber, 330^ Montgomery Dunn H D, fishing tackle and lamps, 405 Front Dunn J, grocer, 718 Stockton Dunn J, wood and coal, 905 Pacific Dunn John J, pattern maker, 143 and 145 Fremont Dunn John P, city and county auditor, New City Hall Dunne & Co, liquors, 30!) Third Dunne James, bootmaker, 1622 Mission Dunnigan & O'Dea, horseshoers. 130 Post Dunning Mrs K M, dressmaker, 126 Kearny Dunning Thomas, grocer, 253 Clara Dunny Laurence, saloon, 200 Fourth Dunpny & Hildreth, cattle dealers, 504 Kearny, room 1 Dunphy L, tailor, 2010 Polk Dunsmuis &, Diggle, coal, 620 East Dupont Otto, hairdresser, 1419 Octavia Du Py Octave G, atty, 315 California Duperu N, secy Giant Powder Co and Atlantic Powder Co Dupuy Eugene, physician, 317 Stockton Dupuy Mrs Hattie, hair dressing, 1023 Market Dupuy J & Co, carriage maker, 630 Broadway Dupuy T, feathers, 739 Broadway Ihirand Adrian, interpreter and collec- tor, 604 Merchant Durbrow A K, mining secretary, 309 Montgomery, room 69 Durien Clias & Wm, hotel, 1309 Stock Durban Jos, grocer, 143 Clara Durij John, liquors, 545 First DXTRK & HINZ, proprs Yolo Mills, cor Mission and Main Durkeo John L, fire marshal. Old City Hall, 722 Kearny Durkin John M, real estate and note broker, 507 California Durkiii P & E, real estate agents, 507 Cal Durney Miss I, variety store, 1532 Tyler DU ROSE F F. bed comforter factory, 29 Second Durroux fc Favarel, liquors, 1500 Polk Diissol Gustavc, capitalist, 522 Montgy Dutard H, grain and produce, 217 and 219 Clay DUTCH WM. dentist, 24 Montgomery Dutcher Mrs S L, photographic views, 8 Montgomery DUTTON HEIfRY JR. wholesale and commission dealer in hay and grain, pier 7 Steuart DUTTON & WITHINGTON. imprs and m'.nufg stationers, 306 California Duvalle , hoU', 619 Broadway Duveneelf ', Co, groceries, NW*^ cor Sev- enteenth and Dolores, and SE cor Seventeenth and Eureka O as m o (A ■ S o ?c m r 9 a 3 o e a a e 3 s o 9 IS H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PvM!tl«ally tawkt at rAB. 8«» PMt HU. «. W. wholesale aud lay and grain, (0 S I I s e o B e I e e ^ C0 9 O X o /Sfan Frcmciaco. ALriIABSTIOAIiI.T. 1149 DWELLE J H, sewing machines, 507^ Stevenson Dwelling H use Underwriters/Hutchin- aon & Mann, gen agts, 322 and 324 Cal Dwinelle J W, atty, 509 Kearny liwinelle Samuel H, atty, 526 Montgy Dwyer & Cartan, wholesale cigars, 513 Sacramento Dwyer Geo R, grocer, NE cor Dupont and Francisco Dwyer J, physician, 219 Pacific Dwyer John, boots and shoes, 523 Dupt Dwyer Michael, fruit, 337 Sixteenth Dwyer Timothy, liquors, NW cor Sev- enth and Howard Dyer J S, contractor, 528 Cal, room 6 Dyer J S, liquors, 628 Merchant Dyer M, stoves, etc, 749 Mission Dyer W D, portrait painter, 62 St Ann's Building Eagan E, boarding, 510 Mission Eagan Richard J & Co, furniture, 807 Howard EAGLE BRASS FOUNDRY AND FINISHING WORKS, Greenberg & Co prmirs, 205 Fremont EAGLE BREWERY, w D Smith propr, SW cor Folsom and Fourteenth Eagle Coffee, Drug and Spice Mills, N Pearson & Co proprs, 8 and 10 Stev Eagle Silver & Copper M Co, 310 Pine Eagles & Wild, lifiiiors, 602 Mission EAGLESON & C0> mens' furnishing goods, 4 and 6 Kearny Eagleson & Deveau, marble impr, G Lan- don Jr agent, cor Bdwy and Sansom Eakius M A, milliner, 24 Kearny Fames Manly, cigars, 1231 Market TiATtL EDWIN F, fruit packer and shipper, 329 Market Earl John, liquors, SE cor Drumm and Clay Earl John O, mining, 401 Cal, room 2 EARL J & SON, manufs' agents and commission merchants, 329 Market Earl W, forwarding and commission merchant, 226 California Earle Halford, insurance and advertising agent, 415 Market East Crown Point G & S M Co, 328 Mpnt East Mammoth G & S Min Co, 330 Pine East Mount Diablo Min Co, 324 Pine, room 1 East Noonday G & M Co, 203 Bush East Sierra Nevada G & S Min Co, 324 Pine, rms 8 and 10 Easterly Rancho Co, N K Masten pres, 12 Montgomery Eastern Belle Gold & Silver Min Co, 309 Montgomery, rm 22 EASTERN CIDER CO, I> G Mitchell supt, 719 Bryant Eastern Oregon Land Co, Edw Martin manager, 20 Montgomery Eastland Chas, liquors, 112 Berry Eastman Mrs E R, portrait painter, etc, 11 Kearny, rm 18 EASTMAN F & C3. printers, 509 Clay and 513 Commercial Eastman Thos S, carriages, 40 to 46 New Montammery EASTON & CO. real estate and house- brokers, 22 Montgomery Easton Fred VV, secty S F S & T Co, Jackson st wharf Easton John, cabinet maker, 261 First Easton O W, min engineer, 22 Montgy EASTON W, manager Washington Ir- rigation Co, 22 Montgomery EATON CHAS S, Hazleton Bros cele- brated pianos, 647 Market Eaton Fred W, secty S F S & T Co.,Tack- son st wharf Eaton James, physician, 314 Hayes Eaton J F & Son, wood and coal, Third st wharf Eaton & Son, wood and coal, 717 Vala Eaton T F, saloon. Point Lobos ave Ebbets Arthur M, coal, 113 to 115 Sac Ebbinghausen H & Co, groceries, NW cor Twenty-first and Mission Ebbinghausen Henry, groceries, SE cor Howard and Third Ebeling & Richter, manufr jewelers, 620 and 622 Merchant Eber Albert, dry goods, 102 Sixth Ebert Mrs E, Branch Bakery, 323 5th Ebert Julius, crockery, 1417 Stockton Eck A, bakery, 804 Greenwich Eckel Jno N, physician, 324 Geary Eckford R, tailor, 122 Tyler Eckle Fred, liquors, 634 Pacific Eckstein Alfred B, cigars and tobacco, 5 Leidosdorff ECKSTEIN & SCHOENBTJRG, Hq- unrs and billiards (old headquarters), NW cor Bush and Montgomery Eddy N B, insurance broker, 322 Cal Edelmann Jos, locksmith, 721 O'Farrell Edgar John, boots and shoes, 104 Jack Edgerly S A, stationery, 203 Mont ave Edgerton Calvin, atty at law, 331 Mont Edmonds M A, judge of superior court No 6, 628 Montgomery Edmonds P A, hairdresser, 119 Sixth Edmonds & Taylor, riggers. Union bet Battery aud Front Edonart & Cobb, photograph guilery,504 Kearny Edwards D, pawnbroker and gen mdse, 653 Washington Edwards Mrs D, dressmaker, 121 Stock Edwards Ellis, min secty, 330 Pine l\ i: I?; 'i :j. !■; if K., [fsl OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. 1 ■ f M ttm 1 1 w 1 HI. rl i ■ , W. mUW I MUUi: a l/U., na. 114, lie, and IIS Battery St., 8.f1 l:h ' ' J i I ■. ■ ' -li * 'i Jii. ;s} C S Q 0? 0) B > o E 75 CO 7 (0 O ■ o o o < a. 1150 San Francisco. ALFIIABKTICALLT. Edwards Frank G, carpets, paper hang ings, etc, 628 to 634 Clay EDWARDS J G, publisher "Coast Review" (monthly insurance journal), 320 California Edwards Perry, dairy produce, 332 6th EDWARDS. PICKEKS & FULTON, proprs "The Commercial Agency, 401 California Edwards R M, importer of optical and mathematical instruments, 3ti5 Kear Edwards & Son, manufr jewelers, 618 Merchant Edwards & Stephens, fish and oysters, 33 Central Market Edwards T M, druggist, NE cor Kearny and Jackson Edward Wm & Co, stockbroker, 303 Pine Edwards W T, groceries, 1603 Mission Eel River & Crescent City Steamer Line, T P P \Vhitelaw agt, foot of Second EFINGER CHRIS, hardware and crockery, 623 Pacific E^an Mrs Mary, bakery, 416 Hayes EOAN MJ, "tty at law, 103 Montgy Egan R J & Co, second-hand furniture, 807 Howard Egan W, liquors, 43!) Valencia EGERTOX HENRY C,com mcrcliant, mill and mine supplies, cutlery and agent Peter Bros Duryeas Starcli, 16l> California, rm 7 Eggeling Mrs C, millinery, 1 120 Market Eggers & Co, com merchants, 208 and 210 California EGGERS HENRY, grocers and liq- uors, 228 Braiinau Eggers.) C, miuing,41!) California rm 11 Eggers J FG, saloon, r)33 California Eggers Mrs Mina, bakery, 10 lU Pacific Eggert W, hotel, 724 Mission Egglestou A T, agt Wilcox & (lil)bs' sew- ing machines, 124 Post Eggletou (Jeorge, livery stable, 11'.) and 121 Jackson Ehinger Pv, liquors, loOl Mason Ehlen & Co, grocers, 873 Washington EHLERS J. livery stable, 1221 Pierce EHLERS JOHN, hotel, 1221 Pierce Ehlcrs Wicchen, grocories.SW cor Kenr- ny and Vallejo EhmannChasE, photograi)licr, 115 4th Ehrenberg T A, phj'sician, 316 Sutter P^hrenpfort Wm, carpets, 14 Third Ehrhard Adam, clothing, 264 Third Ehrhardt George, boots and shoes, 106 Dupont Ehrhorn A, bootmaker, 1220 Larkin Ehrhorn Charles, boots and shoes, 305 Dupont Ehrhorn R, bootmaker, 405^ Turk Ehrich R, grocer, SE cor Vallejo and Battery Ehrich James E, stockbroker, 326 Pine Ehrman M & Co, importers and whole- sale grocers, 104 to 110 Front Ehrman M & Co, soap manufrs, 110 Front Eibenlaub John, liquors, 412 Jackson Eichers Jno, physician, 310 Mont ave Eichler Heury, tailor, 7 Turk and 118 Taylor Eichost Frederick, saloon 28 LiedesdorfF EickhoflF & Graber, poultry, game and fish, 82 to 84 Centre Market Eickhoff Henry, atty, 436 Montgomery Eickhorat & Lehmus, groceries, NW cor Greenwich and Pierce Eidingcr E, tailor, 2239 Minna EighfHundred Silver Min Co, 330 Pine Einsfeld Peter, hairdresser, 650 Mkt Fvinfeldt Mrs Martha, bakery, 501) Miss Eiselbaoher S, boots and shoes, 1404,\ Powell EISEN BROS, propr Pioner & Alta FlouringMills, mills Stevenson above First Eisenberg A, wholesale jeweler, 206 Kear Fiisenberg & Bro, cigar manufrs, 603 Front Eisenberg I, merchant tailor, 130 Mont Eisenschimel Carl, teacher of penman- ship and drawing, 235 Kearny EisfelderWm, ins agt, 202 Sansom Eitner Rudolph, wood engraver, 62i)Clay I'^kelund 1\, gi>ld and silver plater, 62O ^Icrchant Elder Bros, dry goods, 317 Hayes Elder & Dobbie, stoves and tinware, 60G Clay Elder & Harpstcr, coal yard, NE Bu- chanan & Hayes Elder Mrs Mary, bakery, 256 First Kl l^orado South Min Co,330 Pine rm 18 EldridgoB(r, groceries and dairy^pro- duce, 17 Metropolitan Market EMri»»F. ker, 326 Pine a and whole- rout I ^ nianufrs, HO | r^ 12 Jackson 10 Mont ave ?urk and 118 28 Liedesdorff ry, game and rket Montgomery leries, N\V cor [inna n Co, 330 Pine r, GoO Mkt iery, 501) Miss 1 shoes, 14(UJj Pioner & Alta ;eveu8on above iweler, 20G Kear • inanufrs, COS lilor, 139 Mont ler of penmaii- Kcarny O-J SansDm yravcr, &2'^ Clay ilver plater, G'iO 17 ITayea md tinware, COG yard, NE Eu- , '2.')*) First o',:{:'.Orine rm 18 and dairy^pro- Market , ;<0'.» Sansom lies, G3t Market cs Spring Valley vUfoniia . >nt|iy 1) Haines propr, maiiufrs and im- furnishing goods, and jeweler, 315 I jrljcra, 217 Mont- Sansom lNT. Liebschntz SE cor Pine ami acturing jeweler, PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th« MoAel Cottim^rclftl Collecv of th«' Coast, 8«<> Pont St,, 8.1*. It us if 09 03 '5. o u 03 E "tn a ta o San Francisco, ALPnABRriCAIiLT, 1151 Ellen Gowen Mining Co, 309 Mont Ellenbergen C, butcher, 2 Mission Mkt Ellenberger G, sausage, 61 Centre Mkt EUenbrock Fred & Co, groceries, NW cor McAllister and Buchanan EUerhorst H D commission, 117 Drumm EUinwood C N, physician, 715 Clay Elliot Benjamin, foundry facings, 41 Fremont Elliot C B, builder, 417 Kearny, room 14 Elliott C E, mining secy, 327 Pine Elliott & Co, fruit and commission mcr chants, 509 Sansom ELLIOTT H A, of the firm of Wad hams & Elliott, res 311 Dupont and business 20G Front Elliott Richard, stockbroker, 45 Mer chants Exchange bldg Elliott V, groceries, 1438 Pacific Elliott W L, mining secy, 328 Mont Elliott WW 4 Co, lithograpliers, 100 Leidesdorff Ellis C, carpenter, 620 Jones Ellis Mrs C, fancy goods, 922. Larkin Ellis John M, barber, 53 Fifth Ellis Mrs M, toys, 20()G.i Mission ELLIS M C & SON, North Star Flour ing Mills, 220 Clay ELLIS & MILLER, hay and grain, 21 and 23 Spear Ellis Seeley E, frnit, 43 Third Ellis & Tindal, com merchants, 500 San Ellison James, grocer, 335 Tenth Ellon R, real estate agt, 310 Pine KUswoith H M, forwarding and com mission merdiant, 331 Montgomery Elmer Mrs M E, l(idjj;ini; house, 314 l?ush Elmers N, grocer, SVV coi" Powell uul (Jreenwich Elms John l>, atty at law, 215 Sansom Klocsser Elo, job printer, 414 Clay El Tesoro S M Vo, 214 Sansom El well Frank, tailor, 315 Sutter I'^ly (i & S Mining Co, 328 Montgomery Ely W A, physieian, 1 1 1 Powell Eniauuol L & JO, mannfrs and importers furniture, 319 and 321 Pine, factory Bejry bet Fourth and Fifth Embody Obadiah, capitalist, 232 Mont Emerich Capt Joe, gen siipt S F Steam- boat and Transportation Co, Jackson St Wharf Emeric Joseph, real estate and capital- ist, 621 Sanson Emerson, Colville & Co, salmon canners and sattera and wholesale oyster deal crs, 320 Sansom EMEESOX D W. shoe factory, 77 New Montgomery Emmerich Balthasar, hairdresser, 2610 Mission Emmerson D W, boots and shoes, 2508 Mission CO Emmett C Temple, atty at law, 224 San Empire Brewery, J Harrold propr, 420 Chestnut Empire City and Marshfield Steamer Lino, F Barnard & Co agts, 213 Jack Empire Coal and R R Co, Judson, Bel- shaw & Rouse, 402 Front Empire G and S Mining Co, 318 Pine Empire Soda Works, 1721 Market Endl F T, liquors, 1019 Market Endris W, bakery, 778 Folsom Engle & Son, wood, Fillmore St Wharf Engelberg Emil A, bakery and confec- tionery, 416 Kearny Engelbert P H, cigars, 4 Fourth Engelbrecht, Fox & Co, wholesale to- bacco and cigars, 312 and 314 Front Engels Wm, Brass Works, cor Twenty- fourth and Utah "ENGINEER OF THE PACIFIC" (THE) Joseph Mosheimer editor, 507 Montgomery Englander F E, ciga«3 and tobacco, Ellis and Stockton Englander F M, imported cigars, 214 jDupont Englander Leopold, atty at law, 636 Clay, room 1 1 Engle & Miller, groceries and liquors, cor O'Farrell and Powell, Engle & Son, lumber and wood, SE cor Fillmore and Francisoo Englen B, German sausagemaker, 213 Fourth English G and S Mining Co, 328 Mont English J, biikery, 1SS5 Mission ENGLISH JOHN F, conmiission mer- chant, 31S and 1515 Davis English Joseph M, mining, 328 Montgy English J W, real estate, NW cor Fol- som and Twentieth English & Lynch, horseshners, 228 Miss Engter Glerman, baker, 409 Union' Enguist A A, notary public, 436 Mont ENGWER & WEINTRAUB, Alta Soap Co, 109 and 111 Oregon Ennis C, crockery, 706 Larkin Ennis Mrs K, bakery, 1905 Geary Kuo Frank, atty at law and agt Charter Oak Life las Co, 531 California Enos Joseph L, boarding and liquors, 1 1 7 Jackson Enright I'] P, groceries, 226 Fifth Enright John, grocer, 219 Fourth Enright P, grocery, cor Howard and Rausch Enright Patrick, groceries and liquors, cor Main and Folsom Enright Thos, liquors, SW cor Howard and Seventh Enright Wm & Co, plumbers and gas- fitters, 39 Sutter Ensign Saml, varieties, 1726 Eddy C/> CO U3 KING. Ji. PALMER & CQ^ Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. WW MnNTACIIF A Hf) »l>«*«t lr*»t aU Staea aiiA llnaton, llf, r 'f ^ m- i e E 1 10 O ■ 8 < a. 1162 /San i^roncisctf. ALPIIABBnOAbLr. L Ephraims E E, attv, 426 California El^INOER & CO. grain and commis- sion merchants, J16 California and Dixon and Germantown Eppinger Jno, hairdresser, 1559 Market Epps Geo, plumber and gasfitter, 117 Washington EPPSTEuf & CO* stockbrokers, mem- bers of S F Stock Exchange Board, 304 Pine (branch house Eppstein, Cohn & Co, 35 and 37 Broad st N Y) Equator Mining, 309 Montgy, room 29 Equi J & Co, fruit store, NE cor Hayes and Octavia Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wm U Garland manager, 240 Montgomery Erasmy John, butcher, 1921 Bush Erb A & Bros, clothing, 244 and 246 Sixth Erbe Adam, barber, 5 Stockton Ebenberg Louis, tailor, 5 Trinity Erickson P E, cigars and tobacco, 500 Kearny Erie Con Mining Co, 240 Montgomery Erlanger H, commission, 300 Front Errico F A, importer jewelry, 230 Kear Ertola Biago, machinist, 1508 Dupont Erzgraber & Oesting, dairy produce, 108 California Market Erzoqui Frank, liquors, 649 Pacific Esberg, Bachman & Co, cigars and to- bacco, 207 to 213 Battery Eschelbach Geo, cigars, 323 Pacific Eschrich Christ, liquors, SW cor Bush and Kearny Espina's Writing Academy, 33 Kearny Essex G and S Mining Co, 309 Cal Essex Mining Co, E B Booth secy, 320 California Essmann Ernest, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, 714 Montgomery ESTEE & BOALT, attorneys at law, 419 California, room 19 Estrada Fred, candy manufr, 429 Kear Estrade P, carriage manufr, 708 Battery Estrem Joseph, clothing, 345 Kearny Etthofer H, shoemaker, 602 Fourth ETTINO W A, hardware and tools, 1108 Market ETTINOER St manufacturer of fringes, gimps, tassels, cords, etc, 105 Post Ettinger Samuel, furniture, 1016 How'rd Eureka Con Blue Gravel Mining Co, 310 Pine, room 44 Eureka Con Mining Co, 309 Montgy Eureka Gold Mining Co, R Wegener secy, 414 California Eureka Mills, Humboldt Bay, John Kenfield & Co proprs, 9 Howard Eureka Mining and Smelting Co, James Bole secy, 308 California Eureka and Palisade Railroad Co, Edgar Mills pres, 426 California EXTBEKA SEAMLESS OLOVE FACTORY. August Hesthal propr, 22 Sansom Eureka Shoe Factory, 125 Sansom Eureka Soda Works 223 Elm ave Eureka Stone Manutr Co, M McDonald supt, office 306 Montgomery, factory 635 Brannan Europa Mining Co, 240 Montgomery EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP TICKET OFFICE, J F Fugazi agent, 5 Mont- gomery ave EvA JAMES & CO, California Fuse Works, Alameda and Channel, office 230 California "Evangel," (weekly), J T Prior publish- er and editor, cor Fifth and Je^jsie Evanno J, hairdresser, 712 Pacific Evans A, apothecary, NW cor Hayes and Laguna Evans G A, veterinary surgeon, 303 Main Evans J F, special agt U S Treasury De- partment, Custom House Evans J J, stationery, 319 Sansom EVANS J W, agt Domestic and G rover & Baker Sewing Machines and Do- mestic Paper Patterns and sewing silk, 29 Post Evans P, judge superior court No 7,628 Montgomery Evans & Sharp, saloon, 515 California EVANS WEST* commission, lumber, ties and wharfinger, 10 California Evans Wm, carpenter, 822 Larkin "EVENING POST," Post Publishing Co, (daily and weekly), NE cor Montgomery and Sacramento Evenij Star No 1 S Mining Co, 302 Montgomery EVERDINO J & CO, commission mer- chants and manufacturers of Wheaten Starch, 48 Clay Everett A P, commission merchant, 405 Fron t EVERS A C, market, etc, SE cor Montgomery and Vallejo Evers Adolph, cigars and tobacco, 522 and 524 Kearny Evers Henry, liquors, 801 Kearny Everson & Co, real estate agents, 128^ Fou rth EVERSON WALLACE, general agent for Paci^c coast. New England Mu- tual Life Ins Co, 328 Montgomery, room 2 Ewald Theodore, hairdresser, 1218 Stockton Ewell L G, propr Branch House, 424 Sansom, and Coso House, 411 Sansom Ewing Chas G, optician, 120 Sutter Ewing J, horseshoer, 856 Howard H. WACHHORST calls attention to hlH Oenulne Ster- llnx IStlverwiire, 315 J St. 9 Sansom Elm ave , M McDonald jomery, factory California Fuse Channel, office P Prior publish- 1 and Jeissie 12 Pacific NW cor Hayes r S Treasury Do- use 10 Sansom estic and Grover .chines and Do- rna and sewing )r court No 7,628 commission mer- irers of Wheaten m merchant, 405 5t, etc, SE cor lejo and tobacco, 522 01 Kearny tate agents, 128^ JE, general agent iw England Mu- 28 Montgomery, urdresser, 1218 ranch House, 424 o House, 411 I, 120 Sutter 'j6 Howard Foundby: Edingburgh, Scotland. Warehouse: London, England. Branches: — Toronto, San Francisco, Melbourne, and Sydney. CALIFORNIA BRANCH OF THE- MILLER & RICHARD Scotch Type Foundry DKALERH IN ALL KINDS OK Printing Material, Presses & Paper. J. J. PALMER, Manager. Specml Agents for English awl Foreign Manufacturers of Printing and Lithographic Machinery avd Material. 529 Commercial and 205 Leidesdorff Sts. HAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. P. 0. Box Itiir,. Pacific Coast Papers using our Type are as foiiows: ( All furnished during the past year. ) Daihi Examiner San Franoiseo " ■ Stock Exchange " " C(rmmereial !sew)i " " Fnotlight Argimant " Pacific Life " Figaro " Rnral and Scientific Pre*» " Fitaiemld't Home Journal " liecnfd-Union, Daily Sacramento. Ilepuhliean, Daily Lot Angele*. UeraUi, Daily Stockton. Daily StateKinan Salem. Oregon. " Merctinj " ' •' " Standard Portland, " • " Democrat Albany, " " Democrat Oakland, Cal. " Legal Tenier " " " Appeal Cargon City. •' Ifutel Qazette San Ffancixeo. " Gazette Anaheim. " Gazette Keno. " Chr.nwle Virginia City. Benidex nome Fifty Weeklie*. Also, the foiiowing large offices in the United States: Mathem A Warren Buffalo, N. T. Warren, Johtuon A Co. " " Yminy, LockwooA A Co " ' Leader Printing Co Cleveland. Fairbanki, Benedick A Co " Nive.n* Brot " Weed, Parnnm A- Co.., Albany, N. Y. R. J. Oliphant Oswego. Daily Union Office Schenectady, N. V, Xeteepaper Reporter Sew York. The Sc.otti«h- American " i*; ' il i\"h i IP m^^- ' fflffi M I '7 , %^. I t ill ,. :«if ;|: ': ■J BARRY & BAIRD ^/^ Sacramento Street, SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL PRINTERS NO SPECIALTY! All Kinds of Printing Well Done -A.T HjOVTEST FKIOBS Of monufrs cigaritoB, 414 Sacramento FANNING EDWARD, contractor. 31:0 Chestnut Fanning John, groceries, NW cor Ma- son & Green Faraday Kichard, insurance, 210 Sansom Farewell WG, physician, 413 Post Fargeon Sol, book printer, 621 Sansom FAROpEA&CO, wholesale liquors, 316 Front cor Cummercial Farley G, liquors, 2131 Mission Farley James, boots and shoes, 1612 Polk Farmer H W, tailor, 187 Jessie Funnei-s' and Mechanics* Bank, A ^ Doble pres, L G Harvey secy, 528 Cal Farmlacher & Himmefstoas, bakory. 1218.J B'olsom Farnham & White, shipwrights, etc, 11 Steuart Fanisworth E D & Son, insurance agts, li02 Sansom Farnsworth E P, mining secy, 202 San Farnum C A & Co, wood and coal, 410 Lark in Fanjuharson D, pres California Saving aud Loan Society, 1 Powell Farragut Lns Co, 202 Sansom Farrand Mrs II B, dress and cloak mak- er, 717 Valencia Farrar B F, spring mattress maker, 1557 Market Farrar L & Co, mens' furnishing ^oods, 10 Kearny Farrell D, liqiiors, 140 Thinl Farrell & Gaffney, butchers, 432 Third Farrell James, groceries, 458 Natoma Farrell Tames A, liquors, 1 10 Berry Farrell John, bakery, 442^ Third Farrell John, grocer, 323 Fourth Farrell John, stockbroker, 113 Leid FARRELL M, Central Pacific Hotel, 348 Fourth Farrell M, liquors, 523 Mission Farrell & Meherin, blacksmiths, SW cor Broderick and Geary i n CO CO I 3 CO I H t, : iife Hj PURE PORT WINE, M Hefllclial Pimoui. 302 Davis St, S. F. Hf. W. mONTAGUE A co.,"w:j;.rfo m. 4. ilC ahd us BMtorr M., •. r. ii 4 i I a I c I 1 C s 1154 Son Francisco. ALPIIABinoiliLT. Farrell Peter E, liquora, Valencia nr Six teenth Farrell Robert M, auperior judge, dept 11, 729 Montgomery Farrell W D, liquora, 162 Firrt Farrelly & MuGrutlor, liquors, NW cor Fourth and Jessie Farren J W, wagonmuker and black ■mith, 121 Beale Farro — , carpeuter and builder, 4 Spring Faas A, tailor, 808 Stockton Faas Nathan, tailor, 603 C^ifnrnia Faasman A, bootmaker, 10 Third Father De Smet Con G Min Co, T Wid- maun secy, 404 Montgomery Faubel 1, butcher, 156 Sixteenth Faubel John, butcher, NE cor Sacra mento and Fillmore Faubert P, butcher, NE cor Twentieth and Shotwell FauU Jno A, capitalist, 326 Montgy Fauss Bros, liquors, 1042 Mission PATJ8S & CO. Willows Brewery, SE cor Mission and Nineteenth Fauster T, gi-oceries and liquors, NE cor Sixteenth and Howard Favarel L, liquors, 1500 Polk Pavor K, physician, 14 Geary Fawcett & Augsburgh, fruit and vege- tables, 69 Centre Market Fay Andrew, butcher, NE cor Twenty- second and Mission Pay Caleb T, com merchant, 320 San Fay Jeremiah G, stockbroker, 330 Pine F'ay Michael, liquors, NW cor Twenty- sixth and MiHsiou Fay Philip S, stock and money broker, 330 Pine Fazzi Ricardo, fruit, 911 Bryant Fear Mrs Mary, bakery, 1213 Kearny Fearon Mrs Mary, grocer, 341 Jessie Featherston Peter, grocer, 17 Zoe F«chbeiiner, Goodkind & Co, manufrs And impoi-ters clothing and furnishing goods, 16 and 18 Sansom Fechheimer & Steele, trunk and valise manufra, 109 Battery Fedda Bros A Co, planing mills, 30 to 40 Spear Fedda L, butcher, 9 Metropolitan Mkt Feder Isidor, tailor, 907 I^rkin Feder M M ft Co, manufr and imprs of cents' furnishing goods, dry goods and Yankee notions, 33 Battery F«der Robt, dry goods, 419 Hayes Federal Hotel, ChasScheggiapropr, 1205 Stockton Federlein B, fumishins goo'ls, NW cor Twenty-fourth and Howard Feehan Mrs Mary A, groceries, 142 First F«liii«maiui M, gcooeries, NW cor Orean •nd Larkin Feibush Marcus, groceries, SW cor Franklin and Fulton Fcig Alexander, furniture, 155 Third Fcigel H, carpenter and builder, Stev FEIO£NBAUM ft CO. fancy goods, notions, smokers' articles, toys, bird cages, childrens' carriages and veloci- pedes, musical instruments, brushes, etc, 120 to 126 Sansom and 217 and 219 Pino Feil L D , groceries, 002 Ellis FEINBEBO ft CO, purchasing agts and com merchants, 324 Clay Feinberg & Mayer, com merchant, 405 Front Feintuch M, jeweler, 240 Kearny Feiser F T, blacksmith, 1509 Mission Feistel & (terrard, chiropodist, 838 Mkt Fuldman John I), groceries, 766 Folsom Felder Franz, liquors, 621 Merchant FELDMANN CHRIS F B, liquors and cigars, 3*27 and 329 Bush FELDMANN L ft CO. importers and dealers in wood and willow ware, house and furnishing goods, brush and broom manufrs, 315 und 317 Sac Feldachau Adolph, co£fea stand, 615 Montgomery Fell J B, dry goods, 1034 Howard Felning Fred, butcher, 967 Mission FELTON C N. pres Oil Co, 402 Mont Felvey Lorenz, cooperage, 5 l>rumm Fengeler H, bootmaker, 639 Clay Fenkhauser & Brauuiiuhweiger, wholesale liquora, 414 Front Fenn k Co, ahirt factory, 1506 Market Fenn F G W, pastor Fifteenth ave M E and 520 Montgomery ave Fennell Dennis, harncssmukcr, 622 Bat Fenner Channiug G, atty at law, 213 and 215 Sansom, rm 12 Fenner Obadiah F, machinist, 1 1 1 Miss Fenuessy David, blacksmith, 1851 Miss Fennessy John, boots and shoes, 42 Sixth Fenser Charles, butcher, cor Railroad and Fifteenth aves Fensternuacher M, saloon, 637 Fifth Fenton Mrs J J, employment ofhce, 334 Sutter Ferguson John, liquors, 304 California Ferguson J P, livery stable, 814 Mission Ferguson T H, dentisc, 22 Geary Fcrrini J, restaurant, 12 Ellia Fer n Wji), siiloon, 506 Washington FEBNALD J S, local atock and bond broker, 213 Sansom Fernandez P, cigars and toba«eo, 306 Kearny Fernandez P, hatter, 604 Kearny Fernbach M, capitalist, 327 Pine Fcmbach Victor, mining aecy, %7 Pine FerraioU L, barber, 13 Montgmnery ave IRYi HURRAYS tltNCI IJMII^ LW^ BAtWN.4tt PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ST, I* ■•ti«i OMICO U r 1 CO CO g, iSon Franciwo. ALPIIABRriOALkY. 1155 Ferraioli V, artiit, 6 Eddjr FerruU Kobt, judgo superior court No 12 Ferrari 8, fish, 37 Clay 8t Market FerrenbacV» Otto, butcher, NVV cor Van Ness ave andAlarket 7EBBJiR HENA/, oculuit, aurist and laryngosoopist, 16 Geary Ferretti tr B, wood imX coal, 615 Pacific Ferrick A, clotiiing, 350 Tliiru Ferrier J 8, butcher, 44 and 45 Grand Central Market Ferris Anson 8, physician, 14'^ Fourth Ferris David, boots and sh.^s, «V.]3 Merchant Fetsch Jacob, curiosities, 271 First FettChas, groceries, 931 Folaom Fetz Joseph, wines and liquors, SW cor Geary and Dupont Fiala Mrs I, dry trooda, 1512 Polk FIELD A & SONSt ut^Ha, tacks, eye- Icti, upholstereri), shoe tacks and nails, 511 Market Field Thomas, artist, 9 Post and GOS Market Ficldti J L, mining secy, 240 Moutgy Fieltz VVni, grocer, NE cor Fourth and Folsom Fierrc F Santiago, editor " La Voz del Jiuevo Mundo" (semi-weekly), G22 Clay and 025 Merchant Fifield Wm H, atty at law, 230 Montgy Fifth Avenue Hotel, Bernard, Lagravc & Co, cor Fifth and Railroad avcs FIFTH ST FURNITURE FAC TORY, ii Kihn, 6.i5 and 547 Filth "FIGARO." J P Bogardus propr, 532 M ruhant FIOEL JOS, merchant tailor, 21 1 Mont Figel 8, insurance broker, 409 Culifurnia Figer Bros, brush mauut'ra, til5 Sac Fifippu's Academy of Jjauguages, 235 Kearny Filliot F, provisions, 123 Sixth Felix J, fruiter, 1101 Powell Finch W G, coffee saloon, 522 Cal Finck Geo, watchmaker, jeweler, etc, NVV cor Kearny and Geary Finck k Gundlach, confectionery, 1312 Dupont FINCK H, coffee and spice mills, 2304 Mission Finck W, groceries, 1019 Pacific Finigan B, bootmaker, 526 Valencia Finigan Holmes, physician, 622 Clay Finigan Peter A, capitalist, 406 Montgy Fink i. Co, saloon, 17 Leidesdorff Fink J L, tailor, 22 Montgomery Finkbeiuer G«o, crockery, 1429 Dupont FIKKE A, (widow), manufr California champagne, 809 Montgomery fHake H. grooeriw, 2501 Post Finkenstedt H, dry gooda, 1307 Stock FbkiBgiRicli, taUor, 222 O'Fariell Finkler Henrv, bailf sup court, 640 Clay Finley & Dickinson, butchers, 6 and 6 California Market FINLEY J K ft CO, law collectors and real estate, 405 Kearny Finn Jjis, grocer, 1121 Folsom Finn .1 P, judge superior court. New City Hall Finnegan J, liquors, 42 First Fiimogan John, groceries, 137 Hayes Finnegan John, saloon, 111 Oregon FIRE ASS'N OFPHILADELPHU. (.'has A LatouKon ugt, 405 California FIREBAUQH H C, utty uc law, 628 California Fir'< Commissioners, David Sconnell chief engineer, 235 Kearny FIREMAN'S FUND INS CO of Cal, 1) J staples jtres, (ieo D Dornin secy, 401 California Finnin J L E, plumber, 224 O'Farrell First National l}old Bank of S F Cal, R C VVoolworth prus, 312 Montgomery First Philipp, liquors, First ave 8 8 F Firth Jos B, wood and coal, 625 Howard FISCHBECK ft CO. soap factory, 16 Nebraska Fischer Alex, b.irber, baths, 923 Montgy Fischer Miss E, music teacher, 31 G Jones Fischer Henry 1, insurance, 429 Montgy Fischer M, shoemaker, 611 Californio Fischer Sigmuud, furniture and carpets, 113 Third Fischer* Walter, "Abend Post" job printing, 535 California Fischer Wm, bootmaker, 202 Mont ave Fish A lilt Co, Knowles' patent steam pumps, 9 and 1 1 First Fish Mrs L W, electrician and nurse, 652 Market Fish Nathan, stationery and periodicals, 60 Second FISHBECK H & CO, New England soap factory, NE cor Nebraska and Potrero Fisher Mrs A & Co, pickle mannfrs, 207 Second Fisher C C, real estate, 218 Pine FISHER ft, CO, hatters, 9 M' ntgy Fisher F, barber, 817 Battery FISHER 6 A, manufr's agt, 109 Cal Fisher Geo W, mining secy, 324 Pine Fisher & Hanson, butchers, 928 Post FISHER J Hf mauufr mustard, cider, vinegar, pickles, Worcester sauce, 509 Commercial Fiaher L P, newspaper advertising ajiency, 20 and 21 Merchants' Ex- change Fisher Peter, barber, 306 Fourth Fis her S amuel,' clothier, 403 Kearny FISHESt W J ft CO, wholesale liq- uor, 407 Front A 3 3. i I i 1 'jHi H. FAiMEB A CO., Pura Shwry Wine, 302 Dttfls St, S. F. |. jfri f-,ii . W . RIUN I AbUC « WU-. iwttorns. 110. us, 114, 116 and 118 Battery St., S. V. IL ■ i c 5 o u (0 s IL c c CO o a O O o z s < Q. f- o 1156 San Frcmciaco. AbPHAUBTIOALLY. Fishermen's Market, NE cor Front and Vallojo FISK A8A> notp broker and capitalist, 240 Montgomery Fisk L D, secy Pacific Coast Oil Co, 402 Montgomery Fisk W H, pres Oakland Gold Mining Co, '240 Montgomery Fiske H (i, metal and asphaltum roofer, 819 Market Fiske H M, physician, 652 Market Fitch J K, stock broker, 312 Pino Fitch G L, physician, 14 Geary Fitch Henry 8, miner, 240 Montgomery Fitch L E, mdae broke', 05 Front Fitch T S & Co, real estate agents, 436 Montgomery Fitch W S, atty, 127 Kearny Fitschen Jno, liquors, 305 California Fitter Eibe H, liquors, SVV cor Jackson and East Fitts Edward G, dry j»oods, 34 Fourth Fitzgerald Mrs Bridget, groceries, SE cor Fifth and (^ara Fitzgerald & Conlon, bVery stable, 1515 California Fitzgerald Mrs E, branch bakery and fancy goods, 4 Turk Fitzgerald Jas, grocer, 560 Mission Fitzgerald J F, bootmaker, NE cor Grove and Lagima Fitzgerald J W, blacksmith, 8 Everett Fitzgerald Luke, grocer, 2'23 Perry Fitzgerald Mary, bakery, 143 Second Fitzgerald P, boarding, 411 Drumm Fitzgerald Patrick, grocer, 525 Mission Fitzgibbon D, dancing academy, 771 Market Fitzgibbon G J, physician and surgeon, 106 Fourth Fitzhenry Jas, liquors, 534 Commercial Fitzheury k Lawton, plumlxsrs, 502 Hayes Fitzmuurice Wm M, atty at law, 217 Sanson Fitzpatrick A G, carpenter, 516 Koamy and 328 Pino Fitzpatrick & O'Brien, groceries, 106 Fourth Fitzsimmons Chas, fruits, 403 Geary I.tzsimmons P, butcher, 1330 B^olsom Flach Jos, butcher, SVV cor Seventeenth and Dulores Flanagan E Sansom FleminiT & Stetson, draymen, 408 Bat Flenniken Hobt, dry goods and clothing, 724 and 726 Montgomery Fletcher Chas A, physician, 23 Kearny Fletcher C A, meat market, 1262 Mkt Fletcher Mrs Hannah, fruit, 91 1 Folsom Fletcher J, beds and furniture, 271 Ist Fletcher & llaith, restaurant, 209 Davis FLETCHER & SHATTTJCE. manu- facturers of printing and lithographic inks and rollers Flicourt Edw, hairdresser, 217 Montavo Flinn Mrs, milliner, 106 Third Flinn P T & Son, hay, grain and feed, SW cor Howard nnd Eighth Flinn Thos R, grocery and liquors, SE cor Eighth and Mission Flint A P, iaa agt, 313 California Flint B P, wpol dealer, foot oi Battery Flint Mrs E, physician, 317 Mason Flint M M, carpenter and builder, 1125 Sutter Flint, Peabody 4 Co, shipping and com- misHion merchants, 408 California Flint Wm C, atty at law, 330 Pino Flielir & Kiefer, hairdressers, 5 Powell Flood A S, cari)enter, 509 Bush Flood B, tailor, 959* Mission FLOOD J C & CO. capitalists, 6 Ne- vada block Flood Jno, livery stable, 823 Folsom Flood M, pictures and Itooks, 831 Mkt Flynn Mrs Margaret, bakery, 1206 How Flood Noah F, attorney at law, 501 Kearny Flood P H, physician, 720 Market Florence Blue Gravel Mining Co, room 32 Merchants' Exchange Florence Sewin? Machine Co, Daniel Hill agt, 634 Market Flores Trinidad, saddlery, 1010 Kearny H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COllECE. "^ SfrJSS&y'St.^S^ E Jo 0) to e o 1 M CD O o (0 « •I 8 X C9 ■ O IK Sam, Francisco. ALra&BRTIOAiiLT. 1157 Florida Hill Mining Co, K Wegener secy, 414 California Floto J H, physician and surgeon, 402 Kearny Flowery Mining Co, 309 Montgomery Floyd & Co, retail grocers, 12 Fourth Floyd Lawrence, fruit and vegetables, NW cor Nineteenth and Folsom Floyd Richd S, capitalist, 608 Mont- gomery block FLOYD T W, propr Pioneer Ware- house, cor Battery and Filbert Flyim E, liquors, 537 Post Flynn Hugh, wood and coal, 856 How Flynn J, bootmaker, 44 Second Flynn Jno, wood and coal, 1115 Mission Flyun Jno, liquoni, 417 Fourth Flynn M, liquors, 226 Tliird Flynn P, butcher, 703 Brannan FOABD LOREITTZ, new and second hand ship material, 3 and 5 Steuart Fogarty F, liquors, 3 Merchant Fogarty J. bootmaker, 3 Turk Fogarty Jas, butcher, 71 Centre Mkt Fogarty Mrs M, bakery, 8624 Twentieth Fogarty Mrs M T, confectionery, 2029 Fillmore Fogel B, tailor, 907 Battery Fogel G, clothier and gents' furnishinj; goods, 10 Clay Foley & Curley, .horsoshoers, 5 Beldon place Foley Dennis, liquors, 947 Folsom Foley Edmond, grocer, NW cor Mont- gomery and Alti place Foley F & (/O, com hides, wool and sheep skins, 219 and 221 Drumm Foley J, bootmaker, 78it Fol-om Foley James, '"hop house, Grand Opera Market Foley J F&Co, commerchant8,321Davia Foley M, hotel, 217 Broadway Foley W M, liquors, cor First and Miss FOLOEB. SCHILimO & CO, Pio neer Steam Colloe and Spice Mills and importers and wholesale dealers iii coffees, China and Japan teas and spices, 104 and 106 California between Front and Davis FOLKERS J H A & BEO, importers s'.irgi(;al instruments and duutul goods, 118 Montgomery Folley D J, livery stable, 1812 Powell FQLIIS R H, prest Utah Silver Min- ing Co, 309 Montgomery, room 25 Folsom Albert, carriage factory, 217 Ellis Folsom Jno, wood and coal, 2815 Miss Fontaua & Bartlett, candy manufrs,519i Post Fontana J, 1433 Polk Fontana M J ft Co, shipping and com- misaion mercluuits, 217 Saeraraento FOLTZ CLARA SHORTRIDaE. at- torney at law, room 51 Montgomery block Foorman Siinon,oapitalist,76 Mont block "Footlight," (dramatic daily), J D Rob- crtson pub, 621 Sunsom Fopiano Frank, liquors. Mission nr 29th FORBES ANDREW B, general agent Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York, 214 Sansom Forbes A J, cabinetmaker and contrac- tor, 217 Market Forbes Bros, importers of bags, etc, and commission merchants, 308 California Forbes C F, homujopathic physician, 417 Bush Forbes R S, atty at law, 402 Montgy FORD J B, prest Mendocino Lumber Co, 40 California Ford T J, plumber and gaafitter, 1007 Post Forderer J F, manufr of ornamental galvanized iron work, 226 Mission Formes Carl, vocal music teacher, 222 Turk Formes L R, physician, 222 Turk FORREST J M, Atlantic Straw Works, 13'2 Fourth FORSAITE & DODGE, wholesale provisi(»u and dairy produce, 325 Front Forster Mme Louie, school, 912 Sutter Forsyth W C, plumber and gasfitter, 1077 Market Fortier Mrs S, Branch Bakery,219Tyler Fortmanu Bros, saloon, 323 Turk Fortuna Gold Mining Co, 324 Pine Fos Bros, butchers, 1320 Dupont and 821 Pacific Foss A S, cigars, 29 Fourth Foss Oscnr, photographic materials, 512 to 518 Washington P'oss & Schoof, neck-tie factory, 5 Post Foster Geo, fruits, 324A Broadway Foster (r H, ins agt, 210 Sansom Foster J (t, liquors, ClifT House Foster Mrs S K, dressmaker, 39 Fifth Foster N P, physician, 43 Second Fluster S & Co, grocers, 36 California Foster T W & Co, confectioners, 1035 Market Foster Wm, atty at law, 224 Sans^tm Foulk (J & S M Co, 302 Montgy, room 4 Foundlings' Repository, 1420 Folsom Fourth of July G & S M Co, 310 Pino Fowkr Chus, restaurant, NE cor Pacific and Kearny Fowler (J C, wholesale wood and coal, 415 Pacific Fowler Geo H, druggist, SE cor Seventh and Mission Fowler M H, druggist, SE cor Sixth and Harrison Fowler Wm, liquors, 214 Stouart (fi I I* ft • ff h •! JIJSJ •I h m lAr^i ' -■■■ n ■ I 'V I' 5 i III n: I OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO^ 302 Davt$ SU S. F. H 1 fe: ii i 1 II || Ik 1 1 1 '1'' ii Iil' Ii. i oS ii ffl ';1L;' H ' 1 ir iil •i . :" i '■ H' t! i 1 ■ 1 1 ■'' i I "iyj ■; !i'' c I> u }M iri - III ii 2 i ^ * i III ^ h' '■'■•■? , ' ■ ■ ', ■ 1 vl^ ■ ■ ' 1 11 n^ ^ W '■^''- ' ■ ■ 1 P 1 j"| «■ !'■ - -'■■ 1 II w 11; '^"^l-;:.'! II 1 1 'l:-;J t -'l^';: 11 1- ^ ,; :i i " ^M ii' ^ ii '*.*'"'■ II i. ng i''-ti II 1 1 1 Hn 2 1 If' '? i ■ i ''1* ■ ■ " r ''i c iiit - •■' 'P' ^^ if jr. i| c |;: '1 1 ■;' rl IB Mi'. III ** II if;. I ■ V ill ^ I'M' ' ' ■ f , '■ M II ^ -'^•'I'vl ii; 5 fii • ^ ■''lij ' ' J m m ^ mm ^ m ^' ^ 1 ^ ^ t :|:- 1 i ^ 1 ( z ;;i' •': i ^ p ^'■S ■ ; ' 'M*' . ■ ' if ^ i 3 ^iff ■■■' i ::■ i ^ i ^S 111 . W. W. W0WTA6WE & CO., •ns'iirii8:srfirA»s?5?^5"A?ft 1158 (iSan iVawciaco. ALPHABIOTICAIiLT. Fox AW kCa, stock brokers, 304 Mont Fox Chas J, liquors, 620 Market Fox Chas N, attorney, 530 California Fox C W, stock broker, 439 California Fox ft Duley, wood and coal, 1713 Miss Fox H B, dentist, 120 Fourth and 762 Folsom Fox Henry L, stock broker, 430 Cal Fox & Horner, druggists, SE cor Third and Hunt Fox J M, mnnajjor Union Mutual Life Ins Co, UOl California FOX & KELLOQG, attorneys at la^v, 530 California, rooms 1 , 2 and 3 Fox Robert, toys, 1415 Stockton Fox Samuel, barber, 021 Davis Fo ye A da, medium, I'iG Kearny FOTE BB.OS, agent Dixon Crucible Co, 507 California Foye E J, druggist, 2602 Sacramento Franche A, wood, 1503 Fillmore Francis A, grocer, 2100 Bush Francis (jr C, carpenter and builder, 31 4 Jackson Francis Geo G, commission merchant, 117 Pine FRANCIS, VALENTINE & CO, printers, engravera and designers, 517 Clay and 510 to 516 Commercial Francis W H, glue agent, 117 Pino Francis W M, atty, 1 1 Montgy block Francisco Joe, shoemaker, 423 Drumm Francisco L, shoemaker, 812 Sansom Franciscovich Matthew, restaurant, 6 Fourth Franck Geo, painter, 508 Hayes Franck Henry, saloon, 1254 Market Franck Henry, liciuors, 108 Sacramento Franco k Rennert, furniture, 1051 Mkt Franconi Louis, notary public, 322 Cal FRANCO-AMERICAN PERFUM ERY CO, lOS) Battery Franco-American Savings Bank, G C Perkins prea, 428 Montgomery Franicheivih N, cofTwe stand, 15 Vallejo Frank August W, painter, 235 Mont- gomery ave Frank B, furnituro, 1304,^ Stockton FRANK & CARSON, attorneys and counsellors at law, 131 Montgomery, rooms 6, 6, 7 and 8 Frank & Co, stationery, 400 Sansom FRANK fiSlOS. impra agricultural im plements, 31*.) and 321 Market, and Portland, Oregon Frank C & Co, boots nnd shoes, 605 Kearny Frank Chas, real estato agent, 509 Cal Frank D, fruits and nuts, 1022 Market FRANK E* bats, caps, gents' furnish- ing goods, etc, 535 and 537 Kearny Frank F, painter, 918 Pacifio Frank Geo W, atty, 131 Montgomery Frank Gustave, stock broker, 307 Mont Frank Henry, groceries, NE cor Twen- ty-first and V alencia FRANK HENRT> bedding and furni- ture, 212, 214 and 216 Commercial Frank Isaac, insurance, 210 Sansom Frank Joseph, capitalist, 131 Montgy FRANK J & SONS, tanners and deal- ers in hides and leather, 406 and 408 Battery Frank L J, mining engineer, 131 Mont I'rank M, physician, 905 Market Frank N, tailor, 135 Post Frank Nathan H, attorney at law, 628 Montgomery Frank Phil, pickle manfr, 1594^ Bush Frank Samuel & Co, stock brokers Pacific Board, 316 Montgomery Frank S J, exchange broker, 413 Cal Franke R, bootmaker, 51 2^ Geary Frankenburg Bros, cigars and tobacco, 1 14 Dupout Frankenburg Jos, harnessmakcrs, 220 Drumm FRANKENTHAL & CO, fancy goods cutlery, notions and pipes, S\V cor Battery and California Frankenthal F, mining sec, .330 Pino Franklin A, pawnbroker, 409 and 813 Kearny Franklin A, tailor, 205 Pacific Franklin D, physician, 137 Montgy Franklin G, clothing, 511 Davis Franklin (travel Mining Co, 310 Pine Franklin Hotel, Hugh Curran, 321 Pac Franklin John, pawn broker, 905 Kear Franklin Mrs Jane, variety store, 305 Hayes Franklin M & Bros, jobbers, dry goods, 18 and 20 Battery Franklin N J, pawn broker, 1 106 Market Franklin S M Co, 302 Montgomery Franklin S S, clothing, 213 Pacific Franks & Gray, stock brokers, 318 Mont Franks John, liquors, SE cor Fillmore and Herman Frannetta John, liquors, 33 Post FRAPOLLI B & CO, Vict'a wine cellar, 710 Sanson: Fraser E J , physician, 221 Powell Fraser Hugh, Everett House, 55 Second Frassi A, fresco painter, 7 Mason Fratinger & M oil, cloaks and suits, 105 Kearny Frances WillordH, agt Santa Cruz glue, 117 Pine Frazee V, architect, 137 Montgomery Frazer J W, dancing academy, 119 Post FRAZIER F F, agent Kerr's System l{enovator, 325^ Bush Frear Stone Co of Cal, U Wegener secy, 414 California Frederick B,. coffee aaloon, 234 Sutter O 0$ -< o i o so 00 B o o CO o a (0 a' 09 o •o •a o Si 5? o O B (A O r o e TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL LBIumauerACo., 'SH^St^ s« o P< P o o m I PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. »- .?!»,JSR •Kr;fc„KI5Sr /San Francisco. ALPnABKTIOALLr. 1153 Fredericks Jos & Co, carpets, 649 and 651 Market Frederick Wm A, Jackson brewery, 1428 Mission Fredricks & Gercke, furniture factory, Berry bet Third and Fourth Free Bros, grocers, 819 Market Freechtle J, harness maker, 811 Larkin Freeborn &, Co, stock brokers, 316 Pine Free Labor Exchange, G W Schrooder manager, 33 and 35 O'Farrell Freeland K G, mining secy, 19 Mercht's Exchanire Freelon T W, judge superior court No 11 Freeman & Baker, Mrholcsale produce, 111 and 113 Davis Freeman G M, physician, lOlOFolsom Freeman James E, civil engineer, 102 Montgomery block Freeman John H, U S inspector of hulls, U S Appraiser's buildinii Freeman li L, propr City Transit < andTCP DCo, 16 Post Freeman, Smith & Co, shipping and com merchants, l'i2 California Freeman W R, artist, 137 Montgomory Freeman & Wren, stoves, etc, 326 Third FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Chas H Kobiiison, librarian, 428 Bush Freese A C, stevedore and contractor, 3 Mission Frei A, furniture factory, 331 to S'^D King Freiberger Chas, boots and shoes, 1501 Stockton Froidenrich David, atty, 426 Montgy Freitas M T, restaurant, 43 Second Freit.*r A, tailor, ISi Fifth Frtuch F J, atty at law, 528 California French Hospital, Bryant bet Fifth jind Sixth French J B, livery stable,' 91 9 Tyler I'rench J M, real estate, 206 Front French L, pork packer, 5 Grand Central Market French Library, Daniel Levy pres, E Francozsccty, 120 Sutter French Mutual Beneficial Ass'n, Chas Maubec sooty, 729 Montgomery French Mutual Building & Loan Asso- ciation, L li Dennery secretary, 729 Montgomery French & Peterson, oculists and aurist.o, 207 Kearny French TJ & Co, grocery, 2331 Miss Frenner Ignacio, fruit, 109 Sixth Frerichs & Lohman, liquors, 28 Seventh Frese Christian, liquors, 518 Battery Frese H, boots and shoes, 327 Dupont Fresno Enterprise Co, Wm H Allen secty, >- I- < o 3 < •- < 8 O % ft 1160 iSan Francisco. AIiPIIABRTIOALLT. FUGAZI J F» European Steam Ship Ticket Agent, 5 Montgomery ave FUHEMAHN A M, Pacific Wire Works, 751 Mission Fnlda Bros & Co, planing mills, 80 to 40 Spear ]^ulda Lesman, butcher, 9 Now Metro politan Market Fuller A F, dairy produce, 27 Grand Central Market' Fuller C H, dentist, 6 Eddy Jirller F W, machinist, 419 SacrameiUo Puller O, insurance broker, 322 Cal Fuller Thomas, saddle and harnessmitk- or, 312 Jackson Fulton A L, dyer, etc, 92S Harrison FullgraffRiohd, liqxiors, 440 Bush Fulton Chas & Theodore, liquors, 501 Kearny FULTON G F, physician, 808i Mission FULTON IRON WORKS, Hinckley, Spiers & Hayes prbprs, 213 Freemont Fulton James, U S navy, paymaster. A ppraiser's building FUNCKE & COt tanners, tannery Ninth near Brannan, office 312 San Funel Mmc, modes, 240 Sutter Funk C C, sail makers, 46 Clsy Funke Dr R, physician, 324 Kenrny Fuiikenstein 0, com merchant, 320 San Funkenstein E, draughtsman, 320 San Funkcnstcin J, real estate, 320 Sansom Furlong & ManS' u,show cases and coun ters, 823 Market Fnrman Mrs C J, lodgings, Stevenson building, 331 Montgomery Furst Philip, gents' furnishing goods, 1413 Stockton Furth Simon, (Furth Bros, Maxwell, Cal), office 207 Front Fustini P, florist, 9 Eddy Gabinett & Shirley, wholesale game and poultry, 50G Clay Gablcr (rustavo, sausages, 1412 Polk Gabriel (», fancy feathers, 637 Wash Gabriel Jacob, teacher oflanguagcs, 711 Hyde Gadsby K H, painter, 510 Market Gaerdes Bros, grocers, 534 First Gaestel Jos, grocer, 1016 Kearny Oaetjen Henry W, saloon. King bet Fourth and Fifth Gaifka Ernst, cigars, 443 Bush Gaffncy M (J, liquors, 812 Kearny Gaffncy M H, liquors, NE cor I*oIk and Jackson Gafliicy M H, liquors, SE cor Second and Natoma Gagan Mrs T, dressmaker, 1517 Market GAOLIARDO & CHICHIZOLA, groceries, 725 and 727 Sansom Gailhard Hotel, Ch Gailhard propr, o07 and 509 Pine Goillard Joseph, liquors, 229 Sixth Gaillaird P, groceries, 1426i Uupont Galan Carlos F, atty at law, 028 Mont Oidbraith William, liquors, 759 Brannan GALE J W & CO, fruit, grain and produce commission merchant, 402 Davis and 122 and 124 Washington Gales T M, liquors, 536 Merchant Galimberti C, restaurant, 522 Pine Galinger & Mayer, butchers, 623 Hyde Gallaghen E M, painter, 438 Jackson Gallagher B, wagon manufr, i!22 Miss Gallagher C, wood and coal, 9l7 ISth GALLAGHER C E. Oakland and S F Express, 309 East, S F, and 905 Broad- way, Oakland Gallagher C J & Co. plumbers, 419 Grove Gallapher I) W, iron works, 151 and 153 Bealo Gallagher James k Son, blacksmiths and wagonmakers, 843 Harrison Gallagher John, Hciuors, 222 Third Gallagher John P, restaurant, NE cor Front and Market Gallagher Patrick poultry and game, stall 14 CJrand Central Market Gallagher Wm P, boots and shoos, 2017 Filmore Gallagher Wm R, furniture, 20 Fourth GALLANDETT JAMES. Hsh bait, boats and tackle, Merrimac bet Fourth and Kentucky Galleano A, ci^jar manufr, 802 Monts/y Gallmann & Trumpler, carri.oge painters, 1711 Union GALLOWAY W T, lithographer, 640 Clay Galli ,Io8, machinist, 504 Clay GalliO, fruit and vegetables, 1514 I)up GALLI A & CO, commission merchants, 516 and 518 Sansom GALLI B & CO, Venice florists, 246 Sutter Galpin Philip, atty, 402 Montgomery Gait House, 632 ^iarket Gamble Alexander, atty, 90 Mont block Gaml)Ie & Co, butchers, 52 and 53 Wiirtiiinuton Market GAMBLE JAMES, nen supt Western Union Tel Co, 302 Minitgy, room 18 Gambs H, com stock broker, SO'l Cal Galvin Martin, grocer, NE cor Eighth and .Shipley Gamma A, liquors, 711 Mission (iander H, barber, 423 Broadway GANNON PETER T, cigars and to. baceo, SEcor Fifth and Market, junc- tion Post and Market O e ■< a m > m as n M S ■o •o S' a. O o a a o a a $ Ui ■0 o a a 3 O 3 H. WACHH0R8T calls attention -/Ji;!irrv"e'r"XiSir- 315 J St FACIHC BUSINESS COLLEGE. W the CofMt. «C0 Fmt m,. B,V, U li I to r o o CD o (0 o B w o a o (0 o San Francisco. ALPIIABBTICAUV. 1161 Ganel k CuUen, bankers, NW cor Mont gomeryand Commercial • GANTNER JOHN, propr Swiss Hotel, 6ii7 aud <329 Commercial Gautzgen F, crockery, 131 Second Oanzhorn Chris, liquors, 643 Clay Garl)er John, atty, S F Stock Exchange builil«ng, room 13 Oarber, Thornton & Bishop, atty at law. Stock Exchiinj^e building, room 10 GARCIA CONDE JOAQUIN, Du La Kepublica Dc Mexico, *2)5 San, room 7 Garcia Francisco, liijuord, 718 Monta^- Garcia Frank & Co, reataurant, 7 IS Montgomery Garcia Jose A, cigar and tobacco nianufr, 413 Sacramento Garcia M K, cigars and tobacco, SW cor Washington and Sansom Garcin L P & Co, manufrs of machine- ry, 204 Howard GARCKEF.pi'opr William Tell House, 317 Bush Gardanowski E V, physician, 103 Post Garden C P, tailor, 672 Mission Gardiner Baldwin, stock broker, 314 Montgomery Gardiner & Co, liquors, 707 Davis Gardner (r M & Co, liquors, 429 Davis Gardner Isaac G, vice prest and mana- ger Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins Co, 310 Pine GARDNER JAMES W, manager Pa- cific Press agency, 126 Keaniy Gardner J H, Custom House broker, 50^1 Battery (Gardner J N, liotol, 8]4 Montgomery Gardmeyer Mrs D, hnir goods, 70!) Filb Garfield John Q, pla.'jterer, 807 Market Garibaldi J, grocer, E2r> Union (rariot A Jr, stock broker, 418 Montgy Gnrissere F, hair and perfumery, 113 Thipont Garland L, grocer, lt)01 Fillmore Garland Wm D, manager E(iuitable Life Assurance Society, 240 Montgy Garlick James O, coni merchant, 329 Market Garms Peter, grocer, 20 Everett (iani W, cap manufr, 423 Pino (iarniss James R, insurance, 320 San Garnsey C A, locksmith, 200-14 Mission Garratt W T, Brass and Bell Foundry, cor Fremont and Natoma Garretson William k Co, publishers, 629 Washingtcm Garrett k (Jreegan, commission produce, SE cor Clay and Sunsom Garrissere k Stein, barbers, 600 Mont Garvey J P, atty at law, 324 Pine Garvey P, game and poultry, 23 S F Market Garwood Wm T, physician, 225 Dup Gas Consumers' Association, J Merritt, prest, P W Ludovici secy, 202 Bush Gashwiler Jno W, capitalist, S F Stock Exchange building GaaqueH F, groceries, 701 O'Farrell Gassner V, bootmaker, 40.^ Post Gately P.l, liquors, 1139 Market Gates C E, fruits, 2013 Mission Gates J H, drugs, cor Howard and New Montgomery Gates Justin, wholesale and retail druge, Turkish aiul vapor baths, 722 Mont (Jate« .1 U & Co, (Ini agists, 417 Sansom (iatto A, wood and co;d, 3505 California Gatto Micliu'.l, voot and coa), Larkin nr (ireen Gaubart Mrs, florist, COt California Gaudron A, shooting gallery, 811 Mkt Gaudron Mme, dressmaker, 235 Fifth Gauggel Leo, bootmaker, 181 Minna Gault Mrs Mary, laundry, 106 Stockton Gaussail E A, liquors, 1239 Stockton (Jauthier E & Co. stock brokers, 306 Montgomery Gawne Chas, preat Stockton Transpor- tation Co, 124 California Gay Chas, gen agt, 523 Montgomery Gay J E, hotel, 2!0 Mongomcry avo (Jaynor J P, architect, 309 (California Geiintit A, butcher, 16 and 18 S F Mkt (ieary D, groceries, NE cor Fremont and Folsom Gearty Jas, crocer, 224 Clara Genry Street R K, ortice cor Geary and Buchanan, 11 Morton snpt Geavon Mrs M, bakery, 812 Valencia (Jebl)ie k Barrie, pubs, 120 Sutter (ieddes Chas, architect, 52P California Gedge F J, shirt manufr, 126 Kearny (ieffaney Peter, boarding, 206 Steuart GcL'gus & Fishcl, butchers, 1020 How (Johan Mrs Mary, bakery, 1050 Howard (iehrels & Luhbeu, liquors, SW corner Davis and Sacramento (Jehrenbock Albert, cigars, 200 Mont av Gehret C, propr The Geneva, 118 Ellis (Jehret Mme Sophie, corset manufr, 120 ?:ili8 Gehrig, Lurman k Ganus, brewery, 614 Seventh Oehrt Henry, grocer, 703 Dupant Geil H, butcher, 25 and 26 Grand West orn Market Geilfuss H, architect, 33 Kearny Geimann Wm, merchant tailor, 609 Montgomery Geisendorfer Mrs Mary, books, 158 2d Gtishaker A, furniture manufr, SW cor Mission and Main Gelicn K G, manufr Havana cigars, 315 Davis Gellatley Jas R, books, SW cor Fourth and Jessie W i H. PALMER A CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street S. F. 3 "'■'fi' tti V'W\ lH^lll 1 1. 1 * I m^. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., 7J7.^iVW'Yir«kS/lff5;.'nW ;i "ii 'i ■■'■ I' i IB 1 P <0 0) f bfi > o E « CO 1 (0 O • O Q z S o < 0. h h D o 1162 San Francisco. ALPHABRICALbr. Gellert Bros, hairdresBcrs, 214 Bush Oellert I, tailor, 521 Sacramento Oenardini B, hotel, 618 Pacific Geudar J W, confectionery, 26i Sixth Gendotti A, liquors, 436^ Hayes General Lee Silver Min Co, 21 1 Sansom Generale Traus-Atlantic Co, Belloc & Co agts, 524 Montgomery Genesee Mill Co, flour mills, n s Gold bet Montgomery and Sansom Genesee Mining Co, 306 Pine, mi 3 Genesee Valley Mining Co, 240 Montgy Genl Thomas Mill & Min Co, 30'J Mont Genster J, barber, 808 Larkin Gentil Arthur, barber, 706 Pacific Geo Dougliiss Mining Co, 409 California George J no, restaurant, 205 Third George Julius, atty at law, 507 Montgy OEOROE & LOUOHSOEOUGH. at torneys at law, 507 Montgomery OEOROE PETER, fruit, 735 Bdwy Georgia Ice Co, 301) Montgomery, rm 49 Grcorgia Silver Min Co, 11 Wegener secy, 414 Califoiinia Geotjen Bros, grocers, SW cor Sacra- mento and Stockton Geraghty M, books and fancy goods, 1127Folsom Gerber J B, bootmaker, 1053^ Market Gerberding A, grain and com merchant, 214 California GERCKE FREDERICK, Wm Tell House, 317 Bush Gercku G W, bakery, 1123 Howard Gerhard F G, bakery, 1123 Howard Gerhow Fred, groceries and licinors, 2 and 4 Mission Gerichten Philip, perfumery and bar hers' materials, 1212 Market GERKEN CLAUS, manager Hotel Phtiii, «!09 Kearny Gerken Henry, bootmaker, 416 Fourth Grcrken & Wobber, liquors, SW corner Spear and Mission Gerlach Geo, physician, 1313 Tyler GERMAN AMERICAN FIRE IN- SURANCE CO OF NEW YORK. ThosC (irant gen agent, 213 Sansom German Fire Insurance Co of Baltimore, 425 California German General Benevolent Society, 114 Dupont German Hospital, Noe bet Fourteenth and Ridley German Hotel, Dicrks & Jansscn, 18 First German Insurance Co, 202 Sansom GERMAN SAVINGS & LOAN SO- CIETY, I^ (iottig prest, Geo Lette secy, 526 California G«rmania Life Insurance Co of New York, 216 Sansom Germer Jno Ch, butcher, 511 Pacific Germon A ft Co, shingles and shakes, llSMissiftn Gerow Mrs G C, corsetmafcer, 702 Lar- kin Gerrish Mrs M E, wax florist and point- lace maker, 118 Ellis Gerry S R, resident physician City & County Alms House, 640 Washington Gerson N, atty at law, 426 California Gesoret — , Custom House broker, 417 Washington Gethings J E, cigars and tobacco, 30 Montgomery OETLESON & LANDIS, French calf skins, leather findings and boots and shoes, 543 Market Getz Bros & Co, com and provisions, 301 and 303 Front Getz & Hirshfeld, dairy produce, 16, 17 and 18 Grand Central Market Getz, Levin ft Co, dairy produce. Bay City Market Geyreswaldt L, saloon, 538 Hayes Ghetaldi Emil von, liquors, 516 Battery (ihio Felix, tailor, 721 Montgomery Ghiola S, umbrella maker, 13l4 Stockton OHIRARDELLI & DANZEL. coffe<. and spice manufactory, 415 and 417 Jackson Ghiselli G, tailor, s s Clark nr Front Giampaoli G, wood and coal, 910 Stock (riannini H G, laundry, 824 Laguna Giannini J, restaurant, 617 Mission OIANNINI P A, watches, 109 Mont Giant & Old Abe G M Co, 309 Montgy Gii nt Powder Co, Albert Dibble prns, F Roller supt, office 10 Californi;i; Bandman, Ncilson ft Co agents, 210 Front Giannotti L & Co, fruits, 601 Post OIBB JAS, liquors, 617 Merchant (jibb & Vallejo, warehouse, SE cor Front and Vallejo Gibljcs C D. civil engineer, 118 Mont blk Gil)be3 ,1 T, civil engineer, 1 18 Mont blk (Jibbon E F, pawnbroker, 625 Kearny Gibbon John F, physician, 623 Kearny (iihl)on W R, harness and saddlery, 1323 Polk Gibbons Eleanor P, wood engraver, 60(5 Montgomery Gibbons Henry, physician and pub " Pa- cific Medical and Surgical Journal," 26 Montgomery Gibbons Henry Jr, physician and pub "Pacific Medical and Surgical Jour- nal," 26 Montgomery Gibbons Wm, attyat law, 606 Montgy Gibbons W E, physician, SE cor Union and Montgomery avn Gibbs C E, atty at law, 8 Montgy avo Gibbs CVS, adjuster marine losses, 318 California TRY MURRAY'S MACIIC OIL L. BlumauerACo^ '££."£&?? an and pub " Pa- rgical Journal," ysician and pub d Surgical Jour- jiw, 606 Montgy in, SE cor Union PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "'"i^Sr.^SSSTi. ^.J^K San Francisco. ALPHABRTICALLT. 116S OIBBS GEO W & C0> importers and dealers in iron and steel, 33 to 31) Vve- inont and 34 to 40 Beale Gibbs R F, saw filer, 79 i Stevenson Oibbs W C, adjuster marine losses, 318 California Gibeau & Buthe, blacksmiths and wagon makers, 2944 Mission Giblin James, grocer, N VV cor Zoe and Frceloii Giblin T J, liquors, 1222 Leavenworth Giblin Wm, bootmaker, 1107 Howard (Jibney Miss Mary, bakery, 1838 Howrd Gihnan & Racouillt, propr Pacific Tule Bottle Cover Factory, cor Ninth, and Harrison Gilman F L, painter, 422 Commercial Gilman, Walker & Co, wholesale liq- uors, SW cor California and Front Gilmore J H, aupt Mechanics" Exliibition Building, 27 Post Gilmour Jno D, shipsmith, 209 Main Gilmour Thomas, saloon, NE cor Grove and Laguna Gilmour Wm, carpenter, cor Laguna and Birch ave GIBSON C W, wholesale grocer, 205} Giltner F, wood yard, 141 1 Octavia Sacramento, and 48 and 50 Spring, I .n Geo H, mining, 324 Pine ' Cr'' n J F, restaurant, 10 Sacramento ^^ J W & CO, sheet music and . - oks, 647 Market Gibaoi. "s L, photographer, 81 1 Markt Gibson \.m, hairdresser, 1308 Polk Gibson & Preston, gents' furnishing goods, 34 Montgomery GicU Frederick, saloon, 562 Brannan Giese Bros, grocers, NE cor Battery and Pacific Giese Kilian, hairdresser, 434 pacific Giffin J, tinner and plumber, 605 Mont goniery ave Gihon Thos, card and seal engraver, 109 Montgomery Gila Silver M Co, 330 Pine, room 16 Gilbert Aug, candy manuf, 3 Kearny and 410 Hayes Gilbert House, 822 and 824 Montgomery Gilbert Mrs M, second-hand clothing, 243 Third Gilbert & Moore, man«fs furniture, 219 Bush Gildcmeester J P H, real estate agent, 621 Sansom GUFILLAN & HOHENSCHILD. fruit and vegetables, 33, 34, 45 and 46 California Market Gil foil Jno, fruit, NE cor Union and Hyde Gilfoy John, livery stable, 608 Mission Gilgen Mrs, dressmaker, 941 Mission Gillam J K, cabinetmaker, 346 Seventh GILLE & ROEHBIGS, fringe factory, 727 Market GILLEB. C L, engraver and die sinker, 430 Montgomery Gilleraii W, liquors, 159 Thirtl GILLESPIE C V, attorney at law and searcher of rccordo, 522 California Gillespy John H, mining sec, IWJ Mont Gillett C E, mitiinc sec, 21 1 Sansom GILL7 & MIGNON, merchant tail ors, 421 Montgomery Gilman C U, carpenter and builder, 615 Commercial Gimpel Maurice C, sign painter, 817 Mkt Gingg John, liquors, 507 Pine Giiiocchio (}, propr stores in San Diego, Fresjio Crossing and Yuma, Arizona, office 217 Sacramento ({inocchio P, wood and coal, SE cor Ma- son and Lombard Ginty & Blanchard, liquors, NE cor Third and Mission Giovannini D, wood and coal, 816 Pac Giovannini F, wood and coal, SE cor Keaniy and Broadway Giovanini & Gasparri, wood and coal, 1113Dupont Gipsy Queen G M Co, 330 Pine, room 26 Girard A, restaurant, 707 Pacific Girard E, turner, 625 Merchant GIRARD MISS E, dressmaking and costumcr, 142 Post GIRARD FIRE INS CO. Hutchinson & Mann gen agts, 3'J2 and 324 Cal Girard L, merchandise broker, 214 Cal Girard Louis, boot and shoe factory, 819 Market Girardin Jno F, barber, 1905 Fillmore (tiraudon & Jacquet, liquors, 229 Sixth Girty Mitchell, painter and grainer, 1120 Mission Giselman Wm, real estate, 636 Clay (Jitchell J M, register in bankruptcy and attorney, 636 Clay, room 10 6IUSTI JOE* oyster and chop house, 105 California Market Giutano F, wood and coal, 1516 Stock Givens Robert R, real estate, 324 Pine GLADDING, McBEAN & CO, iron stone sower pipes and chimney pipes, tops, etc, 1310 and 1312 Market GLADE F W, propr Spear St Planing Mills, 30 and 32 Spear Gladwin S F, dentist, 930 Market Glahn Von C, groceries and liquors, 120 Fourteenth Glasgow G & M Co, John Crockett see, 203 Bush Glansman Jacob, cigars and tobacco, 335 MontgoHiery Glazier I ft Co, stock brokers, 412 Cal Gleason P, house mover, 309 Mason CO CO CO \ a ni ■ i: ,1 •! Urn Partland. On* have Hi H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St, S. F. mmm mm f.i.v *fi!l p <0 0) > c o E CO I! c c (0 O O o < a. f- O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO.,»?JCr!fo.n,. 4. lU and lit B«M«rrM., g. r. 1164 San Francisco. ALrnAIIITICALLT. Glazier I & Co, stock brokers, 412 Cal Olcaiion P, house mover, 309 Mason Glcason Patrick F, grocer, J 717 Jessio Gleason P H, liquors, 304 Francisco Glenn Wm, liquors, \5S First Glcnnan M, butcher, NE cor O'Farrell and Jones GLENNT HENRT Wi sec and cash- ier The Nevada Bank of S F, 301 Montjjomory Glens Falls Ins Co, 200 Sansom Gless A, liquors, SJ5 cor 4th and Har Glickman David, watchmaker, 2102 Fillmore Glitt Mrs N, crockery and glassware, :+42 Third Globe Cons M Co, O H Bogart sec, 106 Ijeidesdorff Globe Gas Light Co, I W Knox pres, 237 First GLOBE HOUSE. Mrs Ann Bolger propr, SE cor Sixth and Brannan Globe Iron Works, 143 and 145 Fremont Glolxs Marine Ins Co, 308 California Gloistein A, f,'rocer, 832 Greenwich Glootz A, grocer, t»W cor Clay and Dup Glootz John P M, grocer, 706 Jackson Glory M Co, 330 Pine, room 36 Glover & Willcomb, manufs curled hair, 65 and 67 New Montgomery and 117 Minna Gluck & Hansen, brewery, S\V cor P^ilton and Webster Glung Chria, broom maker, 64i West Mission Glynn Dale Cons G M Co, 301) Montgy Glynn W, liquora, 158 First Gobbee E, watchmaker, 535 Folsom Gobey Frank, liquors, 228 Sutter GOBLE JOHNE, liquors, baths, boats, etc. Foot of Merrimac Godart J architect, 712 Montgomery Godchoux J, real estate broker, 609 Sac Goddard Clark L, dentist, 23 Post Goddard G, bakery, 914 Valencia Gof D, tailor, cor Leavenworth and Washington Ooldbarg M Co, jewelry and loan, 534 Kearny Goldber^' S, carjxjts, 933 Market Golden Chariot Mining Co, 318 Pino (iolden City Brewery, G Brokle propr, 1431 Pacific Golden City Chemical Works, Con O'Connor pres, cor Seventh and Town- send GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, D Hart- ncll propr, 401 and 406 Broadway "GOLDEN ERA,**! weekly), J M Bassett propr, 606 Clay Golden Gate Brewery, 717 Greenwich Golden Gate Con Hydraulic Mining Co, 318 Pine, room 13 Golden Gate Flouring Mills, 41 to 49 First Golden Gate Hotel, L J F Schnutenhaus propr, i;i4 Fourth Golden Gate Laundry, cor Sixteenth and Valencia Golden Gate Match Factory, Cohen and Davis proprs, SE cor Fourteei.'.h and Shotwell Golden Gate Mill 8c Mining Co, J J Ap- plegato secy, 320 Sansom Golden Gate Mining Co, (Bodie), 328 Montgomery, room 20 Golden Gate Mutuiil Loan Association, O Esche secy, 320 Sansom, room 8 Golden Gate Plaster Mills, Lucas & Co proprs, 215 Main Golden Gate Woolen Manufacturing Co, woolen mill, otiioe 302 Cal Goldeu Ophir Mining Co, 309 California m 30 m H O o CD m 30 O r m (A > r m > H ■n 30 m p S o m r 09 s ■0 o 3 a. 3 a o a M. WACHHORST. importer of j£%&y!%^;"ad.. 31 5 J St., Sac. I i I (/) e o I (0 c 73 (A U o o e b at u C9 3 O X tn m O •0 B USINESS PENMANSHIP '^'^;w< ir^^/,fe%';^>«,i;rt'S.^^^^^^ 1165 Mi r /Saw JFVandacc. ALPIIARVriOAIiItT. Oolden Sierra Mining Co, D F Verdenal secy, 327 Pine Golden Star Mining Co, 318 Pine GOLDEN STATE ft MINERS' IRON WOKFB, 237 to 257 First Goldou Suk- Gold Mining Co, 702 Market Golden Thomas, undertaker, 1248 Mkt Golden Thomas, broom factory, 109 Clay GoUlfi>ih B, merchant, 33 Battery Goldman Isnac, dry goods, 20!) Sanaom Goldman Jacob, grocer, SW cor R R and Fourteenth ave Goldman M, stock broker, 310 Moutgy Goldmanu J, butcher, 56 Wiiahiugton Goldmanu & Hon, clothiTig and dry goods, 216 Sixteenth Goldmeyer & Son, butchers, 307 Sixth Goldschmidt N, fancy gooda, 468 Sixth Goldsmith B, dry gooils, 001 Market Goldamitli D E, agt Iron Turbin Wind Engine, 411) Siiiisom Goldsmith (ieo & Co, 144 Polk Goldsmith I, boots and shoes, 231 Sixth Goldsmith H, dry goods, 4684 Sixth Goldsmitli P G, machinist, 1573 Market Golilsmith S, dress trimminsrs, 250 Third GOLDSMITH W E ft SON. card and seat engniver, 26 Montgomery Goldstein Bros, restaurant, 437 Bush GOLDSTEIN ft COHN> importers of human hair, wigmakers, etc, 808 Mkt Goldstein il H, propr Novelty Factory, 125 Sansom Goldstein fc Kernan, job printers, 19 Belden Place Gold and Stock Tel Co, Geo S Ladd pres, 222 Sansom Goldstone B, fancy goods, 901 Market Goldstone C, clothing, 435 Montgomery Goldstone Jacob, dry goods, 926 Diipout Goldstone M, importers and jobbers, dry goods and furnishing good, 2 Battery Goldtree Nathan, grain, 27 Battery Goldwater J & Bros, merchants. 111 Battery Goldwater Max, tailor, 134 Folsom Golly Ambroiso, watclnnaker, 301 Mont- gomery avo GOLLT J B ft CO, publishers, book- sellers, etc, 26 deary Golly Joseph, hairdresser, 1203 Dupont Golly & Uhl, stock brokers, 429 Cal Gomes S, boarding, 40 Commercial Gomez Jaun E, commission merchant, 30y Clay Goodall, Perkins & Co, agta Pacific Coast S S Co, 10 Market Goodell C, hotel, cor Second and Fol- som Gonclaves Manuel, bootmaker, 612 Post Oondouin A, liquors, 36 1| Fourth GOODFELLOW W H, atty at law, 531 California Goodman A, pawnbroker, 414 Koarny Goodman &, Co, gents' furnishing goods, cigars and tobacco, 635 Clay Goodman M, tailor, 255 Perry Goodnough A M, pianos and organs, 24 0'Farrell * Goodrich J H, wagonmaker, 110 and 112 Oregon Goodrich Taylor, wholesale stoves and ranges, 22 Geary Goodshaw Min Co, 327 Pine Goodwin C, pork dealer, 32 Centre Mkt Goodwin & Co, furniture, 319 Pine (ioodwin M & Co, wholesale liquors, 407 Battery Goodyear Rubber Co, R H Pease and T M Runyon agts, 577 and 579 Mkt Gordon AS, cooper, 417 Main Gordon & Burke, cigurs and tobacco, 1012 Market GORDON C P, secy Cal Min Co, 309 Montgomery, rooms 23 and 24 Gordon C W, printer, 320 Samson Gordon & Cory, livery stable, 1015 Market Gordon & Desmond, fruit, 517 Geary (lordon F Ij, atty, 606 Montgomery Gordon deo F, atty, 38 Nevada block Gordon G VV, attorney, 320 Sansom Gordon & Healy, saloon, Iti Hayes Gordon J, furnishing goods, 611 Mont Gordon James E & Co, wholesale hard- ware, 250 and 252 Market, 12 and 14 Front Gordon Mrs Laura De Force, atty at law, 29 Mo)itgomery block Gordf.n R, tailor, 803 Market Gorfiukel William, barber, 412^ Sixth Gorhan) Michael C, grocer, NVV cor Aimie and Jessie GORHAM SHERWOOD F, atty at law, 324 Pine, room 18 Gorla & Mai,'i8tra, liquors, 312 Mont- gomery avenue Gorman John, saloon, 100 Hayes Gorman M, groceries and liquors, 223 Folsom Gorom Nelson, sergeant U S Signnl Ser- vice, 42 Merchants' Exchange bldg Gorrett Francis, shoemaker, 364 Pacific GORRILL C Ht pros and secy Pacific Bridge Co, 4 California GORRILL R W, treas Pacifio Bridge Co. 4 California Gorsig H, liquors, 113 Davia GOSLING GEO N, manufacturers agt, ,320 Sansom Goslinsky E& Co, cigar manufr, 219 and 221 Battery GOSS ft ADAMS* mining machine and engine works, 114 and 116 Beale Goss Michael &Co, poultry, 510 Sansom Gossman Annin, fruits, 241 Seventh ay 30 w z S2 c5 w 30 •i S3 3 i '.rl M m 1" it i u I t I". 14' r'( 11 PURE PORT WINE, fv letitlul PuKoei. 302 Davis St., S. F. i i'- ^i' i W. W. MONTAGUE » CO., '•^UTi^STftV^'SSfSiSt. fi n I >' m IS ,: C O E c c « ■ O Q O Z: S o < a. H 1166 San Francisco, AlirHABKTIOALLT. Ootella & Batista, fruit and vegetables, 420 Union Gotta M, wood and coal, cor Larkin and Green GOTTIO L, pres Gorman Savings & Loan Society, o'iG California Gottlieb Louis, bootmaker, 320 Taylor Gottlieb M, tailor, 18i) Jessie Gottachalk C H, watchmaker and jew- eler, 507 California Gough H D, atty at law, 603 Wash Goueh Mrs M, groceries, 1016 Bryant Gould C G, builder and contractor, 322 Jackson Gould Chas A, mining snpt, 413 Montgy Gould & Curry Silver Mining Co, 30!» Montgomery Gould L K, varieties, 1612 PaciHc ave Gould Wm O, m^iager Pacific Mutual Life Ins Co, 512 California Goulet Isidore, merchant tailor, 415 Montgomery Goullette A J & Co, job printers, 811 Market Goulstone D, fancy goods, 746 Wash Gourdon A, plumber and gastitter, 404^ Geary Gove A J, North Point Warehouse Gove M D, druggist, 2403 Califoriiiii Gower & Gilnlan, Pacitic Free Wart- house, NW cor Broadway and Front Goy L, watchmaker and jeweler, 339 Bush Graaff Samuel, pawnbroker, 214 Mont- gomery ave ORABER J M> fish, poultry and game, 82 to 84 Centre Market, Dupont Grabill Geo D, ticket clerk P Coast S S Co, 214 Montgomery Gracchi & Baglietto, boat Vallejo Grace & Duval, shipping and com mer- chants, 40 California Grace H 8, machinist, 3013 Mission Grace J W, consul Uruguay and Peru, 40 California Grace Max, furniture, 333 Sixth Gracier Frank, bung and plug factory, sawing and planing mill, 21 1 Mission Gracier F J & Frank, agricultural im- plements, 211 Mission Gradwohl A, dry goods, 73 Fourth ORADWOHL M & CO, (Bay City Packing and Provision Co), San Bruno Koad; meat market (wholesale and retail), Bay City Market, 1146 Mkt Grady M, butcher, 613 Post Grad Carl T, atty at law, 623 Coml Graefner Mark, saloon, 804 Fourth Graf Geo, cixars and tobacco, 12 Leid Graf Geo, chop house, 510 Pine Qad Jacob, watchmaker and jeweler, 315 Keamy builders, 5 Graif A, bakery, 722 Lombard Graff J S, atty at law, 234 Montgomery Graff Louis, horaoshoer, cor R R and Fifth uvea Graham B F, mining expert, 408 Cal Graham Jno P, groceries. Twentieth nr Alabama GBAHAH & IINGOLN, grocers, 401 Ilaycs Graham, Lincoln & Daniels, wood and coal, 313G.mizh Graham M, milk ranch, SE cor Folsom and Twentieth Graham M A, machinist, 23 Stevenson Graham Wm G, Graham House, 1104 Market GRAINOER WM. mining secy, 211 Sansom Grail F, liquors, 662 Brannan Gramlich Sebastian, bakery, 245 Third Grand Arcade Market, Sixth bet Shipley and Clara Grand Central Market, Market nr Sixth Grand Central Mining Co, 327 Pine GRAND HOTEL, Johnson & Co proprs, 8 to 12 New Montgomery Grand Jules, physician, 101 Dupont <^rand Opera House, N s Mission bet Third and Fourth rand Opera Market, F Razzetto supt, 745 to 749 MiHsion and 238 Minna Grand Prize Mining Co, Stock Ex- change bldg Grand Theater (Chinese), Donu Quai Tuen proprs, 814 Washington Grand Western Market, 133-iBush Grandjean Chas, engraver and designer, 208 Sutter Graner & Strohl, hotel, 429 Bush Graney G P, horseshoer, 13 Bclden place Gratifield & Uynes, wood and coal, 1040 Howard Grange Numn, wholesale liquors, 711 Sauaom Grangers' Bank of California, Albert Mont[>enicr cashier and manager, 42 California Grangers' Business Association, D Inman manager, 106 Davis * Granniss (i W, real estate, 628 Montgy Granncchi Salvatore, butcher, 314 Montgomery ave Grant D W & Co, gen com merchants and agricultural implements. 111 Washington Grant Franklin, lumber, 20 Spear Grant G W, shipsmith, 13 Spear Grant John, marble works, 129 Town- send Grant John, carpenter and builder, 200 Seventh Grant Mrs J T, branch bakeiy, 510 Fourth TRY MURRArS MAGIC (ML L. Blumftuor d(€o^ ^SSXtSft BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '*^}!SA^JJ^W&* ■* PACIFIC BmHr CO San Francisco. ALrnABmoAi.i.v. 1167 c hi O Grant Mn M W, varieties, SB oor Ma- ■OQ and Francisco Grant V, groceries, N£ cor Fifteenth and Minna Grant ft Smith, hay and grain, 1141 and 1143 Market OSANT THOMAS C. gen agt North British k Mercantile Ins Co, German- American Ins Co, 213 Sansom Granz H, furniture factory, 617 and 619 Brannan Graea C B, liquors, SEoor Fourth and Mission Grass F, boots and shoes, 8 and 14^ Fourth Grassclly E, laundry, 916 Powell GrasshoffF, carpenter, 1510 Powell Graul F, bootmaker, 1806 Market GRAVE B & CO, carriage and wagon- maker, 421 and 423 Pucilio Graves ' — , brass instrument repairer, 434 Kearny Graves G E, liquors, 425 Pacific Graves H T, secy Masonic S & L Bank, G Post Graves Mrs M, confectioner, SE cor Bush and Devisadero Grav es O rmond F, contractor, 24 Fol GRAVES B K, mining, 406 Montgy (iravus \V H, merchant, 310 Pine GRAVES W J & WM, attys at law, '_'30 Montgomery GRAVES WALKER C, atty at law, 8 Montgomery avo, rm 4 Graves \Vm H, capitalist, 310 Pine Gravior A, fruit and vegetables, and 54 Centre Market Gray Mrs A, lodgings, 136 Sixth Gray A M, carpenter, O'Farrell Stockton Gray & Conger, fruiters, 539 O'Far- rell Gray Edward P, agt Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Co, 318 Montgomery Gray Giles H, atty at low, 530 Cal GRAT & HAVEN, attys at law, 530 Califomia, rm 6 Gray J D, bronze monuments, 23 Fifth GRAY MATTHIAS, music and musi cal instruments and agt for Steinway Pianos, 117 Post GRAT N & CO, undertakers, 641 Sacramento Gray Peter J, pastor St Patrick's Cathe- dral, 744 Mission Gray Wm, varieties and liquors, SE cor Twenty-second and Folsom Gray W Jr, liquors, SE oor Folsom and Twenty -seccnid Grayson Geo W, capitalist, 23 Stook ExchangiB bldg Great Blue Gravel Range G Min Co, 45 ^erchaats^ BxchaQge bldg 53 nr Great Eastern S Min Co, 310 Pine Groat Western Quicksilver Min Co, 314 Montgomery OREATHOUSE & BLANDING, attys at law, 324 Pine, rms 18 to 21 OREATHOUSE C R.atty at law, 324 Pino, rm 18 Greeley k ConnoU, blacksmiths, 108 Jessie Greeley F W, S F 4 Oakland Express, 3 Market Green Alonzo, wharfinger Washintrton St Wharf * Green Mrs Annie, milliner, 1003 Mission Green AT, commission, 204 California Green Kdmond, mining, 314 Montgy Green Geo W B, liquors, 38 Sixth Green G A; 8 Min Co, 8 S F Stock Ex- change bldg Green G & S M Co, John Crockett secty 203 Bush Green Harris, clothing, 505 Davis Green J J, stockbroker, 328 Montgy Green Jno C, coflFeo saloon, 8 Jackson Green M, boots and shoes, 810 Valencia Green M F, groceries. Fell & Laguna Green Mountain G Min Co, 314 Montgy Green R H & Co, carpenters, 2123 Miss Green & Seller, manufrs boys clothing, 689 Market Green T, physician, 10 Third Green Tree House, Louis Lang 20 Page Green T W, fruit, 105 Ninth Green Wm, rif;fger, 26 Howard Green Wm, furniture, 211 Ellis (Jreen & Foley, liquors, 246 Third Grecnbaum L & Co, stockbrokers, 306 Montcomery GREENBERG & CO, proprs Eagle Brass Foundry and Finishing Works, 205 Fremont GREENBERG HENRT, real estate agent, 306 Montgomery Greenman J F, mining, 320 Sansomo (ireeno &, Co, stock brokers, 314 Mont Gtecne H A & Co, stockbrokers, 314 Montgomery Greene John E, liquors, 222 Fourth Greene Michael F, liquors, 50O Fell Greene Thos, wood and coal, 242 7th GREENEBAT7M & CO, autioneersand com merchants. 1 15 and 1 17 Bush Greenebaum, Helbing k Co, stockbrok- ers, 232 Montgomery GREENEBATJM, SACHS & FREE- MAN, importer and dealers in men's furnishing goods, 524 and 526 Market and 23 and 25 Sutter Greenhalgh Jno H,plumber,6 Broadway Greenough C C, coffee saloon, 831 Kear Greenwood Geo, liquors, 124 Fifth Greenwood Henry, butcher, 1729 Mkt Greenwood L, fumitore, 94 Foarth m o S« 3 t ■ 'n i ■ . M; ' [ . ^ i it^'t ■ i>"'J t,--' .■.'*i1 1-1 i & FAUNEIi ft C0^ FriKtIoaaii Wine. 802 Dtvit SL S. F* W. W. mONTAGUE it CO., 'gg.nffaT.rKit'gygftA^Vf^ { It In wt'rl A c i « i i E II. c c m o o o z S < OL E O 1168 (Stm Frandaoo. ALPiiAin!noAi.i.r. Oreenwood Wm M, India rice mill, SE c or Frem ont and Mission OREFFE & TANBON. (successors to Geo Fischer), Ceutenniul Chair Fac- tory, furniture and cabinet makers, new patent rockers, Turkish frames and lounges a specialty, 141 and 143 Froelon near Fourth, and 560 Brannan Oreg /l Co, sawdust and sand, 410 Main Qreget Leopold, French nursery, SE cor Franklin and (•reenwich OBEGOIBE LOUIS & CO, foreign and educational books and stationery, Wf.'jhington and Montgomery avo OREGOEY A P & CO. Pacitio Ma chine Depot, 2 and 4 California OREGORT & LIEBSCHITTZ res taurant, SE cor Pino and Mont;?omery Greif ft Armann, barbers and baths, 636 Washington Greiner Fred, groccrieji, NW cor Sixth and JcBaie Grelis Joliu W, liquors, 208 Bush Gremke Henry, grocer, S£ cor Michigan and Shasta Grenewald B M, laundry, 35 Turk Groninger D, tinsmith and plumber, 542 Fourth GRENNAN JOHN, soda supt, no Tyler Grentz Joseph, tailor, 1319 Pacific Grenz Chas, restaurant, NE cor Sixth and Clementina Grey C V, iitty at law, 604 Merchant Greyhounit Mdl &, Min Co, 313 Montgy ORlES FREDKt wine and liquors, NE cor Howard anil Beale GRIESINOER R, stockbroker, 503 California Griesser Ad, cisjars and tobacco, 321 San GRIFFIN & CO. manufra and import ing grocers, 405 Fronti Griffin J D, bciat builder, 239 Steuart Griffin M, grocery, NE cor Fulton and Buchanan Griffin M S, saloon, 2239 Geary Griffin P, liquors, cor O'FarrcU and tto- viaadcro Griffith I) H, hotel, 218 Broadway Griffith Miss E & J, dressmakers, 412 Geary Griffith E manufrs and importers mirrors, window cornices, picture frames, 5S1 nnd 083 Market Guniportz & Spamer, piinters, Wl Bush (iuniilach Jacob (i, liquors, 007 Wash OUNDLACH J & GO. producers Cal wines angton St Wharf Guict-.y; Francois, pork packer, 230 4th Guide Publish 'g Co, publishers of *• Tlie Guid-!,"521 Clay Guierolo (Jiovanne, fruits, 453 Fourth Guilfoyle J J, harneasmaker, 2037 Miss Guignard Jno, jeweler, 5 Sixth Guigiie C Ue, agt Comptoird' Eocomptc de Paris, 401 California Guillaume Hotel, Ilambaud & Martin, 721 Pacific Guillet Chas, French confectionery, 200 Second Guillie Nicholas, lodgings, 438 Broadway (tuinasso & Ferrogitiro, wood and coal, 506 and 508 Green GuinassoG, groceries, NE cor Dupont and Green Guinaw John, fanc^ goods, 320 16th Guintiniva C, liquors, 412 Broadway OUISTI JOE, oyster saloon and restau- rant, 105 California Market Guittard E & Co, coffee, spices, clioco- lato, tc IS, yeast powder, 405 and 407 Sansom Gurnee Clinion, atty at law, 30!5 Pine Gurnett A G & Co, stock brokers, 310 California Gurnett W J, mining secy, 310 Cal Gusen Mrs M, books and stationery, 158 Se(!ond Gusman D, barber, 1053 Market Gusmani S, fish, 405 Merchant (iutbisrlet J, boots and shoos, 516 Wash Gutiurrcz C, real estate and mining, 402 Moiit'^om'^ry GUTMANN BEOS, com merchants, 202 Siinsom Gutta Pereha and Rubber Maaufg Co, 501 Market Gutte & Frank, insurance agts, 307 Cal Gntte I, shipping and com merchant, 307 California Guttman Samuel, slipper manufr, 522 Pacific (ruy John, shoe manufr, 106 Dupont Gwin Mining Co, 3015 Pine, room 11 (twin AVin M Jr, mining, 300 Pino Gysin t Mollis, hardware, 100 Japksou H Haaf Jacob, contractor, 516 Kearny HAAEE CHAS Ht restaurant, 337 Bush Haake & Dicdricks, groceries, liquors, SE cor Eddy and Leavenworth Haake & Hagedorn, groceries, 8E cor Bryant and Rincon Place HAAS BBOS, importers wholesale gro- cers, 100 and 102 Cal cor of Davis (New York office 99 Pearl st) 74 I CO <^ 3 pa 3 ^1 '^9 ?! n r n w m ,1; 'fell H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gai. SOje ItaviM Nireet, Mm Vruuclmco, I'- 1 WW MnMTARIIP A r.n Pnmimand Iron PInft, all ■lEes.llO, 11«, . W . muni I HUUC « UU., H4. no ,um1 I I» llat«>r.v «tr«M>t, «. P. 1170 San Francisco. Alil'IlABKTIOAlLY. m d c i 2 I > ■> c e E « 1 O E O Haas Gcorgo & Co, candy mauiifrs, 20 Keaniy Haus Jul, physician, 305 Kearny Haas Morris, tailor, 802 Larkiu Haaso Herman, liquors, cor Harrison and Spear and cor Spear and i?"yant Haber F A, stock broker, 421 California Habcr Henry, beer hall, 417 }3u3li Habergartena James, lunch house, SOS Dupout HaberllngJ C, liquors, 110 Dupont Hack & Bogt^B, liquors, NE cor Green- wich ami (Steiuer Hiich C, liquors, 5)14 Market Hachmeister Chas, fruit, 418 Third Hackberry JSuuth Miiiiiig Co, 1502 Mont Hacke C, groceries, 810 Sacramento Hacker 15, candy mauufr, 812 Market and 128 Third HACKETT & DEAN, dentists, 126 Kearny, room 11 Hackmtiiir Adam, hotel, 510 Bush Hadley D L, hay, grain, wood coal, 1704 Hadiey F W, stock broker, S F Stock Exchange Building '.i-i Pino Hadley Walter, hairdresser, 262 Third Haesloo)) D, hotel, NE cor Jackson and Drumm Haflner (J W, engraver, Geary Haft E E, atty, 507 Montgomery H.igau .las, wood .and coal, 42'.> Third Hagan J J, tailor, 83'J Valencia Hagan John, wholesale fruits, 419 and 421 U'itshiugton Hagan & Manheim, note brokers an i ins agts, .SI 6 Calif orniu Hagans G W, music pulilisher, 532 Clay Hageman & Ha(iuette, li juors, 5 Kearny and 12 (leary Hageman \Vm, liquors, t)27 Merchant Hagemaim Chas, butelier, 1117 Mission Hagemann I'hilip, bakery, '.i'20\ Fifth Hagen Henry, grocer, SE cor Duncan and Sanchez Hagan J J, tailor, S',V.) Valencia Hagcnow Mrs L, physician, 1221 Miss Hager ( Jeorge, liquors, 605 Commereial Hagtjr .lohn S, atty at law, Palace Hotel Haggeity Jolin, jjleater. 1) Geary Hagerup F C, silk and wool dyer, 148 Third Haggin .Tas B, .atty, 49 Nevada Block Haggin J B, physician and surgeon, 235 Kearny HAGGWT LOUIS T, atty at law, 309 Montgomi-ry HAOOIN & TEVISt capitalists and attys at law, ."09 Montgomery, rm 51 Hagler & Keuerleber, lifjuors, 925 Kear H.ivuian John, tailor, '2',V2 Bush Hagstrom H 1*, carriage trimmer, 128 O'Farrell Hague J.'is D, mining engineer, 240 M(mt Hahn A & Co, blacksmith, 14 Broadway Halin Bros & Co, importers dry goods, 1 Sutter HAHN FRANCIS J, cigar mauufr, •.:00 McAllister Hahn Mrs H, fancy gr^ods, 124 Ke.arny Hahn Uobert C, furnishing goods, 1003 M.arket Hahn Seligmann, wholesale liquor com, 123 California Halm Wilhelm, bakery, MO Ninth Hahn William, .artist, 240 Montgomery Hahnemann A, baker, 980 Harrison llaiue .^osiph, physici.in, 415 Sutter Haight Ge(/rge W, atty .at law, £07 San Haiglit House, I'atriek Biggins propr, 6'..'2 Brannan HAIGHT ROBT & CO, com mehts and produce dealers, 1:26 I'ront Hain Edw.ird, hairdresser, 1206 Polk Haines J 1>, propr electric pen writer, lOS Loidosdortf Hais F .1, pork packer, 46 Grand Cen- tral Market Haker & Hinz, imprs nullinery goods, 545 Market HAKES F, atty .at law, 313 Cal Halo and Norcross Silver Mining Co, 309 Montgomery, room 58 Halu & I'aehoeo, stock brokers, 317 Montgomery Hale W F, physician, 520 Kearny Halo Wni, atty at hvx, 531 Calitoriiiii HALEY C S» physician and surgeon, 12'v', Fourth HALEY & EDSON, Custom House brokers and proprs Terrace B.tths, .")04 Battery HALEY Ji liquors, NE cor (Jrcen and Stockton •H;dey .Ino M, physician, SW cor Turk and I/iguna HALEY K. grocer, 326 Bro.odway Haley Wm, hoots and shoes, Twi;nty- sixth and Bartlett Halk iMrs it H, dressmaker, 225 16th Halkett W, carriagemaker, 36 H.ayes Hall Alex ]), fruit and vegetables, cor Ootavia and Oak H:dl & Charles, stock brokers, 327 Pino HALL C I & CO. fv.edmill,310 Town- send HALL CHAS R, piano numufacturer, 12 Tyler Hall, V ur.i.i & Co,carpet8 and oil cloths, 230 Bush Hall E F & Co, stock brokers, 410 Cal Hall E M, mining secy. Stock Exchange Hall F, atty at law, 519 Montgomery HALL FRANCIS, leather finding and manufr boot and shoo uppers, 506 Market 1 H o 3J >3 (A O a SI 3 ■•«i (A 9 ■9 Xi 9 Pf A n ai ir (.9 t X 9 a r IK a a* TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. "^Jv. '"jf*"" «onii"«'rci«i caiicm kcrs, :«7 Pine nill,;UOTo\vu- miiiiufacturcr, and oil cloths, San Franasco. ALPIIABF.TICALI.Y. 1171 HALL JOHK C, atty at law, 240| Montgomery I HALL J V. propr Sacramento Boiler Works, marine, stationnry and port- able boilers, 214 and 216 Beale \ Hall & Kearney, saloon, 017 Mont^y I Hall & Laclunau, carpets, ntc, IIG !Sut Hall Italph, cigars, 11284 J-'olsom Hall 11 B, physician, 1415 Stockton I HALL R B & CO, detectives, (see advertisement under business headin^j;), I 6S2 Market ; Hall's Safe & TiOck Co, C B Parcoll;) raanaser, 20 and 2\'A California , Hall S H, physician, 517 I'ine | Hall Mrs 8 K, confectionery, 18 Fourth Hall T D, clocks and watches, .17 Sixth Hall Winslow, contractor, 424 Ellis Hallad J, fjrocery, cor Folsoni .vul Fre i HALLETTO G.H'in"'". i:< ^"''^ \ HALLIDIE, A S, manufacturer •vvire.j wire rope and cnJli'SS wire tramway, i California, (si c advertisement) I Hallidy Jno, fruit, MV^ Market i Halprunner W S, chiropodii/t, (') Y.My Halsty Abraham, mining 8ccj, 'll4Munt Halscy (Jhas K, judge of superior court! No 10, 628 Mont'^'omevy | Halsev H }1, artist, (5 Kddy. HALSEY MICHAEL, grocer, :^2g' Jiroad\>';ty i Halt;m cS: Horscn, carriage maker,?, 715 Folsom Hamberg-Amoricau Faekct Co, Henry! Balxer & Co agts, 20'.» Saiisom j Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co, 425 Ciiliforiiia ILnnburg Mrs W \V & Co, hotel, 220^ and 222 Pacilio HAMBURG-MAGDEBURG INSUR- ANCE CO, 'M~ Cidifornia Hinnbur^ Mining Co, 401 Cal, rm 4 Handnirj;h & Bro, clotliiuL', 60 Third Hi.Diflin Louis, physician, f/lO Bdwy HAMILL JOHN E, notary pid.liu and comniisBioiur of deeds for Orof;on, N«'vada, Colorado, Arizona, \Vanhiug- ton and Utah Territories, 321> Mont- gomery Hamilton & Burke, liquors, Hlinos nr Sierra HAMILTON, CHAS. carpenter, 445 Minna HAMILTON. GOLDSTONE & CO, mining brokers and ass.iycrs, 214 Sanaom Hamilton & Jackson, artists, 6 Eddy Hamilton Jos, liquoi-s, 802 Hansom Hamilton Jno Rao, ins agt, 210 Sansom HAMILTON J W, brokers and us- sayers, 214 Sansom Hamilton k McMuIleii, liquors, 1 Mor- ton Hamilton Mill & Mining Co, SOI* Mont Hamlin L, boots and shoes, 635 How Hammam Baths, Dr A M Loryea pronr. 11 and ISDupont Hannnerschmidt J, b;irber, 610 Laguna Hannner L K, agt Chickering pianos, 23 iJupout Hanunoud A C, secy United liand Asso- ciation, 401 California, rms 7 and 8 HAMMOND H T. notary public and attorney at law, :iO'.) Montgomery, rooms 1() iind 17 HAMMOND H T, atty at saw, .IIS I'ino Hammond J, millwri'dit and enciineer. 20:) .Market HaMimouil \V H, jihysician, 765 How Hanimctnd & Wliite, laniulry. Th:r- teentli bet Folsom ami Howard Hammond Wm, physician and surgeon, 85',t Mission H.-innnond Wm, tailors' trimmincrs, 320 PoHt Hammond Wm A, watchmaker and jowclcr, 1 Sixtl\ HAMMOND & WRIGHT, attys at law, .'^O.) .Moiitvonn'ry Hampshire (ico, cij^nrs,' 731 Davis H ana Fit, Ljrocer, XF corner Twenty- foui'th and Bryant llaubury .1 T, furniture, G'.t Fourth Himcock k Kilso, coutractorf, 335 Mont Hancock Samuel, Nevada House, 132 Sixth Hand .fohu S, tailor, 314 Kearny Haudbine J C B, sign and carriage painter, 2!) Videncia Handler ,1. bakery, 22;t Fifteenth Handy LN o: Ci>, coopers and gen com agents, 32 Clay llaney W W, licjuors, 221 Sacramento HanjeslO Henry, cigaitf, .305 California .Hanks Hi'ury C, chemist and assaycr, 6 lit Minti'oincry HANKS M W & CO, rubber stamps, l.'<7 Montgiimi'i'y Hanli'y .lohn, fam.'v good;<, 1313 Stock Ilanlcy & Snow, wholesale grocers, 126 California Hanlon Chas F, atty, 310 Fine, nns32 ami 34 Hanlon F, groceries, 747 Brunnan HANLY GEO T & CO, importers of tea, manufrs of cofloe, 8{)iee8, yeast powders, tlavoring extracts, 214 Sac- mmcnto a nd 022 M.arket Hanly .lohn, dry goods, 1313 Stockton 1 Hanna A W, atty at law, 628 Moutgy Hanna Ccorgc, hay, grain and feed, 859 Harrison HANNA J & F Hi importers cotton duck, twiuo and bags, 308 and 310 Davis m « o w t m I ^9 B si II if a U '!> ■II*, Mv. TRY MURRAY'^ LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM..^ WUf liAMTACIIP JL rn Mtavei* and Kansvn, 000 dlfleirant Htm*, nyln Mid . If. m\tn I MUUC « \f\9.f pfttterns, UO, 112, VU, 116 and 118 Bufurr 8t., S. F. IL ^ s s N i 2 B > O E « c c (0 O ■ O o o 0. O 1172 San Francisco. ALPHA BETIC ALLY. Hannis & Stilwoll, builderB, 1 704 Sac Hanchcn Henry, H^uora, 800 Moutgy Hans Geo H, groceries, NVV cor Chest- nut and Dupont Haas W, grocer, 1800 Stockton Hans^en A, liquors, S\V cor Montgomery ave and Kearny Hansen A & M, sawing and planing mill. Main bet Mission and Howard Hansen C R & Co, employment office, 626 Clay Hansen V C, cigars and tobacco, S\V cor Jackson and East Hansen Geo J, grocer, SE cor Polk and Turk Hansen Louis, harness and saddlery, 528 Montgomery ave Hansen M & A, door, sash, et j, 1 18 Mnin Hansen Peter, hay, grain, wood and coal, cor Railroad and Seventh aves Hansen & Peterson, restaurant, 644 4th Hanson, Akerson & Co, lumlier, pier 1 1 Stewart Hanson & Borgward, boots and shoes, 1108 Market Hanson & Co, butchers, 928 Post Hanson F, butcher, 1 1 and 12 Cal Mkt Hanson John, wood and coal, 127 Ninth Hanson J P, carpenter and builder, 1 502 Stockton Hanson, Kichl & Co, liquors, 103 Sutter Hanson Richard & Co, block and pump makers, 9 Spear Happy Valley Min Co, 330 Pine, rm IS Haque S, fruit, cor Sac and Stockton Harlior Commissioners (State Board of), J A MfClelland secy, 10 (-'alifornia Harbor View Soap Co, Heihnann IJros, 12 California, factory 70S Bnmnan Harbor I'olice Station, 522 Davis H;ircombe A \V, atty at law, 606 Mont Hardcastle Geo, dentist and uiagnati/,cr, :{1 ?:dfiy Harde '5, licjuors, SE cor Fourth and Hrann.-in IT,:- i' iliiii'Lih 1, i)lanin;j: mill, l.'U Main HA JliiEHBERGH J R, prcs Cai i:ict l,i/i)t « , 6 Kddy fAXDER PETER, liquors, 7 Market j( mIii' l> k (Jii. oarjiets and oil cloths, Tir. M.irkft H. / (iriian k Tiemay, wood and coal, 7 10 ('r^iinan HMr.briL' .1 W, atty at law, 7(M Montgy HARDING SAML C. law and collcc- l<;'tion ofhof, (i48 Wi^hin^tou Hiifilware B'Kinl of Ti h; of San Fran- ce., V(ri Market Hardy I'y^iij F, i)hysician, 20 Twelfth Hardy .f i', atty at law, 6'J.^ Montgomery Hanly I/>weli .1, atty .it law, 216 San Harilor, 24J Dupont Harmon & (Jalpine atsys, 402 Mongy Harmon Jno B, atty, 40"J Montgomiiry Harmon 1 IT lumber, pier 13 Stenart Harms H, wood and coal, 501 Brantiaii Harued J AM, real estate, 631 Sao Harney \Vm, notary public, 410 Cal Harold Chas, meat market, 704 Battery Harper & Co, Oakland & S F Express, 313 East Haiijer Jlargaret, boots and shoes, lif- tei/iith iKit P & Q, South S F Harpham < Seorge E, attorney at law, 302 Montgomery HARRIGAN J J, secty "The Daily Exeiiange" Pub Co, 306 Montgomery Harrington G M Co, 324 Pine Harrini'ton Rev J F, propr "The Moni- tor," (weekly), 622Cl.».y HARRINGTON JOHN, liquors, 510 Pino Harris A, bootm.akcr, 206 Sjicramcnto Harris Mrs A, fancy goods, oOOGrovo Harris B & Son, stationers and wrap- ping pyper, 2 IJattery Harris Bros, wholesale cigars, 313 Bat Harris Bros, importers of tobac and manufrs of cigars, 318 Battery Harris ("has, tailor, 502 Saeranieiito Harris Chas, cigar manufrs, 414 Sac Harris D, house mover, 916 Geary Harris E T, saloon, 310 Fourth Harris I'' W, poultry, 32 Grand Central Market Harris Flyshaker, (clothing, 810 Dupont Harris Herman, tailor, hf32 l*'ilhnoro Harris I, slioemaker, .■)02 I'.ioilic Harris J & Co, trunk makers, NE cor Kearny k Market HARRIS J A, attorney, 59 Montgoui- ii-y I)lock Harris .lames, blacksmith, 5 Beale Harris .las & Co, patent iron harrow fac- tory, 5 lieale Harris.! 1'', confectionery etc, 500(}rovo Harris J H, figt Univer.-'ity of Califor- nia Land r>epartn-ent, 310 Pine, nn IJG Harris M, clothing, 323 Paeilic H.irris M & Bro, clothing, 613 Davis Harris, Oswald & Noble, locksmithsand bellhangers, 208 Leidesdorff H. WACHHORST calls attention to liH 4li^nlllne Nter- Uuff Milvcrwaire, 315 J St BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practically tanirht at PACIFIC BFHr. TVr.»f^ CftM.lKiiK;. aiSA Pout «t„ »4. V. 1^, SIO Dupoiit \?.V2 Fillnioro 59 Montgom- ' <>te, 500 (Irovo C E 2 Id to a 1 o tt: 2 "S (0 o o « 75 » en e Z o H X o X (0 (San. Francisco. ALPIIARKTIOAbl.V. 1173 «8 < Harris R, painter and whitener, 170i) Sacramento Harris It W, livery stable, 807 Montgy Harris S, cigars, toys and 8tationery,402 Fourth Harris S, clothing and f ujiiishing goods, nOStouart Harris W & Co, clothiers, 809 and 811 Kearny Harris W H, agent Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, 4!:8 California Harris VV H, banking agent, 223 Cal Harrison & Co, gen merchants, 413 Cal Harrison & Dickson, match factory, 210 Sacramento Harri3on D J, liquors, NW cor Sansom imtl Merchant Harrison John, liquors and ci^^ars, cor Kearny and Montgomery ave Hiirrison Jiilin, li(iuor8, NVV cor Sutter and Diipimt Harrison.) W, com merchant, 204 Cal Harrison IJol)t, atty, 430 California HarrisDn \V(i, (H & Co), general agent Tham s & Mersey (Marine) Ins Co, of l,iv«'rpool, 413 (.'alifornia HARRISON WM P. propr "Hotel (Jazette," olS Sacramento Ha-risoii llalph C, atty, 2.30 Mont(j;y_ Harrold .James, commi!4 merchant, 52(i Front Ilarrold ,lohn, Kmpiro Brewery, 170 Harshall Ocrson, tailoi, 2.30 Third Har-fhall Cns, merchant t.ilor, oS Tliird Harahaw Mining Co, \Vni liCtts Oliver secty, 328 Montgmner^' HARSY GEO, bowling alley aaloop ami billiards, .lackson and K.-arny Hart A K. ciiiar facti)ry, G'.i\ Mcrch; HART CHAS B, state searcher records, iV_'3 Kearny Hart it (ioodnian, jvmltry and game, to 78 California Market Hart I B, atty, .'>23 Kc.irny Hart .lohn, saloon, Nl^I i: )r Turk and Steiuer Kavt 1., ' ap maker, loO'.) Market HART M, gents funiisliing guodi and ni.oinfaeturer of shirts and und'-rivear, 4(K) Kearny Hart M, livery stable, 814 to S18 Ccary HART W H H. atty at law, 230 M'.n"t HarUtnstein F O, li(|Uors, it'.V,) V'alencia Hartford Min ('o, 30(5 Pine, rm .3 Hart-r Louis, grocer, (519 anil (J'Jl Miss Harii.ird Ins (.'o, 313 California Hitrtigan P, groceries, ]M First Hartmi..n A, lM)ardini/, 45 Sacramento Hartman A S, 28 Third Hartman E, sign p.iintor, 1161 Mission Hartman t Freeau, caqjentors. 827 Sut Hartman J, butcher, 48 Grand Central Market Hartman P, liquors, 11 Spear Hartman S & Bro, fancy goods, 36 Kearny Hartmann A E, watchmaker and jew- eler, 28 Third Hartmann Chas, saloon, 804 Mission Hartmann & Dammajch, liquors, NE Cor Post and Kearny Hartmann Mrs M, crockery and glass- ware, 10(»2 Howard HARTNETT D, Golden Eagle Hotel, 404 and 401) Bro.adway Hartnett Lawreiice, butcher, NE cor Pacific and Leavenwortli Hartnett M, retail wood and coal, 343 .Jessie Hartog Edward, atty at law, NW cor Kearny and Commercial Hartshorn & MePhun, carpets and oil elotiis, 1 12 Fourtli Hartshorn & Waters, billiards, 126 Kearny Hartter LiuiH, groceries, 120 Fifth and 021 Mission Harty &. (hithrie, groeors, 213 Bdwy Harvey Miss Ann, bakery, 117 Kllis Harvey B, merchant tailor, 2(5.^ Fourth Harvey & Co, butchers, 2113 Howard Harvey Ivlward E, grocer. 2115 Howard Harvey .1, tish, 34<;rand Central Market Hai --ey Ii (!, secy Fanners' & Mechanics' Hu;! , 52S California HARW£I)EL C F. macliluist and en- gineers' supplies, 5t) First Hasbach Henry, attorney at law, 641 Merchant H:iseltine K K, groceries, 4"J3 Davis Hasenbalg Carl, cigars, 900 Market Hasey & Lancaster, fancy goods, 32 Kearny Hashauen Martin, junk, 50S Sixth Haskell B li, atty at law, 76 Nevada block Haskell C L, manufr atid impr harness and saildlery, 12 Bush Haskell 1) H, atty, NE cor Fourth and Towiisond Haskell Pliiiicaa, planing mill, Bryant nr Fifth Haskell II 15, mfi; jiweler, 206 Kearny Hasler Miss A, artist, 120 Gutter Hasselbaoh (leortre, butcher, 13 Howard Hassellirook Wni, cofFiJO house, 1236 Market Hasselburch .1 E, liipiors and bowling alley, 533 Sacramento Hasseuptlug F, druggist, SW cor Du- pont and (Sreen Hassett M C, atty at law, 637 Kearny Hassey F A, stockbroker, 402 Montay Hivs.der Mi>ja H, confectioner, 701 Filb 30 -< CO I c/> C pa » a a. -I (5* a*" r *•* 3? ■- ?| \: •*? fa HU ^1:! 1, II ii Wi "Jiil OLD P\1RT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. 'i 1' * h HI " W«,l, I IL ■I c '(5 o ■ o S (0 4> E M «) c c O O O z Z o < a z h H D O WW MnMTARIIP A rn WtoveMnndllaiiKes, boo different •tz«»,ityl«iim« . WY. mUtMl A U lit tt XtU.f ,,tttterni., 110, 112. Th, 118 and 118 BttUry 8t.B. F. 1174 San Francisco. ALPIIAIIRTIVALLT. HASSMER VALENTINE, lung and couyh syrup, 933 Washington Haste & Kirk, importers of coal, iron and English coke, 21 to 27 Bualc Hastedt & Ernst, grocora, NE cor Clay and Stockton Hastedt F, groceries and liquors, SE cor Stockton and Morton Hasterlick Simon, cip^ars and tobacco, L»l>'J EourLlj Hastm^^s H, drugijist, 1(501 Fillmore Hastings (J '\V cor Howard and Sixth HATCH J H. dentist, 2i;5 Ceary Hathaway & <'o, carpentirs and laiild- ers, 11)12 Mi.^sion H:itlu'rt(»n & Felton, architects, ;!.'?0 Fine, rm ol Hattertith & llu.ss, Hurgioal, dental and electrical instr-.unents, 321 Kearny Haul) (ieo, junk, (j(it) Howard Haiitlb Fred, liiiuors, 127 Sixth Hau.{ .luliuH, hardw;ii'o, llo Second Hauptli Mru Lena, hairgnodH, IIJ Sut Hauisur Hern.ird, l);>kery, 3li3 Hayes Hanser David, fruit, '.I'J^ Howard Hiuiscr H, haii'.lresser, 21.') Dupont Hau.ser .1 (.', liijuors, t)H7 JSroadway ]Iausler F, wiucs and li'[U.TS, 2() lOddy Hansman F If, e>)ni nai',liaut, 200 Front H.iusmiin F H it Co, grain find tlonr, .shipping and onrni.s.sion, 220 Clay HAUSMANN .BROS,.i'ril>rs looking- gla.sses, moldings, pictures, frames, and Idoking-ulass ph'.tes, 217 and 2li) Fine Hans.sler L F, eabinut ni.iker, 231 Jack Havt-okrr II. li(|Uor8, 331 Sixth HAVEN CHAS D, secy Union Insur- ance Co, 410 Calitornia Haven .lames M, atty .it law, .'530 Cal HAVENS A W, secy Con Virginia Mining (Jo, 'M\i Montgomery, rm 26 Havens A; Co, stockbrokers, 420 Cal HAVER3TICK W H. money broker, 500 Montgomery Hawaiian Consulate, H W Severance consul, 318 California Hawes Alex G, insurance agt, 220 San Hawes Oliver, gen insurance agt, 403 C alifor nia HAWEES C K, manufrs' agent and hardware, 258 Market Hawkins Arthur K, mining, 328 Montgy HAWKINS JAMES E & CO, stock l)r(jlier<, 301) Montgomery, room 1 HAWKINS J M, electro plater, G20 Merchant Haukina Wm, machine works, ,210 and 212 Beale Hawley C A & Co, wholesale and rotail hai'dware, 412 Market HAWLEY C J & CO, grocers, 215 and 217 Suttor Hawley David N, agrctl implts, apt for Howe's seajoi), 201 and 203 Market HAWLEY MARCUS C & CO, whole- isale dealers in hardware and agricul- tural implements, agents for wagous, mowers, reaper.^, engines, thredher.^, etc, :iOI tf) 3()i> Market HAWLEY NE, contractor and builder, 2840 Mission Hawxhurst 11 \V, speculator, 402 Mont H.iy Mrs C, dressmaker, .311 A Jissio Hiyden & O'Brien, meat mark t, 424 I'ourth Hayden P & Co, butchers, 525 .Seventli llaydeniiljer L, linuors, Bay bet Mason and I'owel! Hayes & Co, Cal Transfer Co, 524 IXivia Hayes & T'enlon, phmiberp, 1528 Polk Hayes ( Jeo & Co, metal cornices, 5;i!f 5tli Hayes (ieo Jl B, atty .it law, OOl Clay H;iyes & Clcnn, West Coiiiit carriasr. factory, Fillip rt but Wi:bster and I'ill H.iyes & (ly.sclaar, liquori, 822 Kearny HAYES J H & CO, carriage mmufr:) and blaekaniithn, I JO Washington HAYES J S, wagonmaker, J 1(5 Wash Hayes i'atrick, grocer, 123 Silver Hayessun .1 W, wooil and coal, 52\ IJraily Hayes Mrs S F, lodMings, 132 Fourth H.iyes .S & P, liijUorK, J(iO First Hayes Thos, grocer, 43S Third H.aye.i T P k Co, real estate, .331 Kenrny " llayes X'alliy Advei'tiscr, ' (503 Lajjuna Hayes Valley Market, SW cor Laguua .••ml (iiove Hayes Vilky St Car Stables, Turc, Fillmore and Steiner Hayman.ji A & Bro, locksmiths, 'J'.U Post n.iyne Kobt V. atty, 318 Pino Uaynert C, upholsterer and dccor.itor, 211 Post Haynts Willis I', manager Mcht's Union, '22 Jlontgomeiy O ■< O c: O -J o fur a •J U1 i'7) J* ■» o '3 t3 U M J* O S? o c w ? A) r CD 9) TRY MURRAY'S WAGIC OIL L, Blumaner & Co.. '•SS^'."KivX PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, opi**«^"i«nt!q«««.M.F. nook. *_ ww.i»».ww wvfc.i->.Mfc., keeping. Peiimanghlp, Tclenrai.hj. (5: CO (A la ■ < San Francisco. AI.rilAnRTlCALI,Y. 1175 Hays W K, music and stationery, 225 Sixth Hayward Alvinza, capitalist, 221 Cal HAYWARDS. SAN LEANDRO & S F EXPRESS, Til Arraatrong propr, 1 Coimn-Tcial Hazard Gravel Mining Co, 318 Pine Head A K, capitalist, SO'J Montgoinory Head Centre Con Min Co, 310 Pine Headligl)t Mining Co, 302 Monta;omery HEALFS BUSINESS COLLEGE. K P Heald and F C Wooilbury proprs, 21- Post HEALD E P, Heald's Business Col- lejre, 24 Post Hcald I A, nmolunist, 5 1 4 Commercial HEALD & WOODBURY, Busiue^s College, 24 Poat Health office, 124 Ceary HEALEY & CASEY, mannfrs boots ami hIioch, 120 .Si'.u8;(ni, room 2 Healey ('harlos T, surveyor, ii'M) ' 'lay Healey 1) A, boot and shoe dealer, 84S Market ?lealy 1>, real estate bntkcr, .")3I Cal HEALY CHA3 S, mining' secy, 45 Merchants' Ivxchanjce building Healy F .1, plumber, i);)(> I'uah Healy & Fa^le. livery, 332 Hush Healy Ternmei!, restauranj;, S 13 Market Heidy T & Son,- l)0'>tmaker, 70S Fols^m Hear.it (ieo, c.'ipitalist, 41 Xevad.i block Her.rt Piasiii (Jravi-I Miniiu: ('<>, '.VM) Pino HEATH, GALLUP & CO. «!.ip ehut.d- lery and naval storfa, r)SCl,iy Heath John A, barber, 231.'; Second Ilej'.ton .1 'Uies, b.M-bei', I7('7 Marki't Hoavev Bernard J, s/roetir, 53 ll\erett HEBBARD J C B. atty at. law, 231 Moiituiini ry Ifeb-r ii Moller. t>31 Waahin-rton HECHT BROS & CO, (branch Boston Mass), iniportora 'ooots a'i2S and 030 Market ami 27 and 2'.t Suiter! llecht JoHeph A, teacher drawing and; artist, 12t> Kearny Heekmann H, cum merchant, lOODavi- Hebersnntli 1!, pliy.sii'ian U S Apjirain er-i buiidinir, (virSansian and \Vanli H.ddrick Mrs If. fancy Ht.uv, 1 120 Hou HEDGIS & DILLENBUROH. all kinds of pump works, 32 I'remont Ilecdcr & Bcieliardt, lii|uors, 32."> Hii-ili Heegler & Bat/., baths ami b ubors, 2ltJ Fourth Hocrdiiik .Ino, carpet beating, 431 Va- lencia Hceth A, tail.>r, 421 Fast HelTerman J & Son, tailors, 01).")'. Mkt Hefferman Mietuiel, wines and liijuors, 223 Sansom Hofti B, shipping agt, 500 Battery Uegedora Julia, bakery, 722 Sixteenth Heick C, boots and shoes, 508 Fourth Heick William, druggist, SE cor Tyler and Polk Heidors ~, hairdresser, 310 Bush Heidhoff A H, groceries anil liquors, 16 I'xldy Heidmann Henry, grocer, SW cor Pol- anm and Spear Heil C, liquors, 103 S;u.>ramento Heilfronn Julius, barber, ,341 Hayes Hihnan Bros, Harbor ViewSo^ip Co, 12 California Heim F, boots and shoc.i, 121 Bupont Heiman Bros, clothing and furnishiuuo9, etc, DOS'; r.arkin Heineman n L. restaurant, 513 Valencia Heinimann Michael, physician, NE icor Jaoksiin and Moutj;.)uierv' Heinlen (^ A, atty at law, 302 Moatay Hi'iiu-icli Rudolpli, shoemaker, IS Tay- lor lleins N, florist, 3!) (Icary Heins VVm, ■ >cer, 12.36 Cniou Heinz .1 J, li |Uors, 114 Dupont If else ('has Kd, Custom House InMker, 510 Battery FItissjenberg C, liquors, 021 Kearny Ibissner I'raidt, carpenter, 510 Kearny llfitman k Bnnger, groceries, NW cor •loues and I5ii.sh flcituna Alivin ', liquors, 330 Pacilio ll.itmuller If, bakery, 1221 Polk llcitnini!i'p;s H, bakery. 1(505 (ieary [I.i/iniii .Ino. w;t;!inuiker. lOS (.'oml ilellmsli Henry, grocers, MH c >r »..'lay and I'olk fli:Id A, locksmith, 301)^ Third HEf-iD BROS & CO, imp.nt.rs .-vud v. hole.sale doal.>r.s in millinery and straw gdi.ds, 512 and 514 Market aiwl I.'! and 15 Sutter HELD & CO, Pacific Millinery Fiu- pniiii/i, wlnilcsde millinery g.^ds, ."ij(5 M.irkrt, (Mi)iS Mis'up'inf llellcr M, [iri'st Oild Fellows' Savings Bank, 23S .Montgomery Heller M it Bros, iinpors of dry goods, 1 12 and 1 14 Sansom Hellier Wm, restaurant, 1 10 Fourth H. PALMER A CO.. Frontianan Wine. 302 Uavis St., S, F. Wmi MnMTACIIP JL Pn (!ili«>*t iron, all Mum kimI IVvaibeni, no, . W. mUrilAUUi: « UU., tl«. I14. 11«. and Hh Battery Ht.M.F. U'J t ' af ^'^"■1.: ,; a 1 M' ,?:■ ■ ^ ': at 1 :-''/i' '-fi-^i;; ^^ ps t •■ , 'il^ T'^' ■!V: 1^1 i : nB ! >- h o o CO < O < s CO D III ttl CO lire San Fra7ici8co. AI,rilABKTICAILY. co a Q CK h < O III a Hellmnn Bros & Co, com merchants, 525 Front Hellstromer C H, board, lodging and liquors, 12 Washington HellM ig Fred, baker, 110 Diipont Hclmken J T, hardwaro, 516 Kcamy Helmrich & Hunsen, exchange and bul- lion brokers, 319 California Helms J E A, grocery, 18 Seventh Helms H VV, grcceries, SW cor Sixth and Mission Helmuth Wir, manufr ciirars, iJOG Jack Helvetia Hotel, Steiner & Uittnian pro- prietors, 431 Pine HELVETIA SWISS FIEE INSUR- ANCE CO OF ST GALL, Harry W Syz gea agent, *225 Sansom Hemingway Bros, briumi manufrs, 121 Washington *" Hemniu & Long, pianos and organs, 404 Montgomery Hemme & Keiiter, bakery, '11 Kearny Hemmelberg Henry, bakery, NE corner Fourteenth ave und N Hemjner J H, boot and shoo manufr, 635 Kearny Hemplu H E, groceries, NW cor Sacra- mento and Scolt Hencliy J J, salnon, 815^ Fulsom Henckeii M, grocer, lil8 Fourth Henderson F P, gen manager Standard Manufr Co, "216 Sansom Henderson J, sign )iniiiter, 823 Market Henderson Jas, marble works, s s I'oint Lobos jiVi! Henderson Jolin Jr, coal merchant, 117 O'Fnrrell Henderson T H, secty Kenton Co.il Co, cor (I'cary and Mason, 1:2, 24 and 26 Sacramento Hendtrsiin & The nipson, blaoksmitli and wagonmakers, SW cor Twenty- fuurtli and Mission Hendry Mrs i{, jigt Knropean Salicylic Medicine Co, 3!) (ieary HENDY JOSHUA, manufrs of minini.' and sa\Kniill macliinery, macliinists tools etc, 40 and ol Fremont HENEY WM J C & CO. furniture and ciirjiets, 7'-;") M.'irki't HeMke& Drews, buteher8,Twcnty-fourtli and I'dtn ro ave Henktd K W, tfiilor, 431 Dupont Henne.ssy D, tuilor, 142 Second Ilcniiinuer < ;, colhctor, 41'.* Pino llcnningsen H, cigars and tobacco. SOO Market Henricli A, pawnbroker, ()I7 Wasliington Henr'c'.is A, liciuors, cor Front ai \ Union Henrici E, jeweler and diiimotul setter, 423 Tine Henriksen 15 E, architect, 126 Kearny Henrioulli W, hotel, cor Beale and Fol- som Henry John, grocer and saloon, 223 Terry Henry Joseph, wo«d and coal, foot of Battery Henry L .>, physi:;ian, 34 Eleventli Henry & Osgood, wholsale groceries, 421 Clay Henry Saml H, atty at law, 708 Mont Henry Samuel, furniture, 10i3 Howard Henry Mrs W W, lodging house, 37 Second Henry W Warner, grocer, wholesale,426 Sansom Henschew .John, grocery, SE cor Ellis and Steiner Hensee S L, barber, 108 Sixth Hensell E. miinufr of cigars, 1U12 Polk Hent K \V, utty, 605 Clay llentrich L, provisions, 513 and 515 Front Ilentz A H, saloon, 200 McAllister Hcnz Henry, barber, 503;; liast Hepburn Ward A, com merchant, SE eor Davis and Sacramento Hepp (Jeorgc, boots and slioes, 1.325 Du- jKint Herber John, liquors, 527 Kearny Herber Wm & Co, cigars and tobacco, 222 and 224 Battery Hcrl)eit Ihcliard H, carpenter, 17 Stov Herbst .1, watchmaker and jeweler, 134 Second Hcrbst Louisa Mrs, bakery, 134 Second Hercules Min Co, .324 I'inc, rmsS and 10 Hereford W S, jiliysieian, 124 fJcary Hering C, saddles and harness, 2212 M ission Herin^bi Leopold, watchmaker .ind jew- dcri 38 .Sixth Herliby & Murphy, blacksmiths, !10!) Battciy Herman A, imprs dry goods', 518 Mar- ket and !'.• Sutter, up stairs HiTnian M, com stucklmikcr, 242 Mont llennan liMndoli)ii, liotel, SW cor Baker and 'IVriquin Hormann A, ei/ars and tobacco, ,30.) 4th Hi.TUiann !!, butcher, SOI t leai-y Ib'rmann L, ciwra, 242 Sixth Hermann Lncicn, mining secy, 220 San HERMANN THEO & CO, siucinu I'inis, ;;ohl li.-ili and coral-i, 630 Wash ferns & Co, grocery, cor Fremont ami Folsom Herrera F, consul Bolivin, Nicarapua and Costa lUea, 511 Califiirnia, rnil4 C3 m m so w n V cr CD (A (A o 3. 5* 3 a O 1 (D ua o 3 H. WACHH0R8T. importer of j.*:t'jrr.v'\Mim;iirt«, 315 J St., Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pmrtlmlly tnntrhC at PACIFIC HVMI. 013 Howard (/» 513 and 515 =• Kvkcr and j<;w- cksmiths, '.10'.) ids>, 518 ^^ilr• tairs ,1< Herrnvinn H, butcher, S\V cor Unioa and Montijoincry Herrmann Jas, atty at l.iw, 401) Cal Herold Charles, meat market, 701 Bat Herold Conrad, grocer, 1!) and 21 Zoj Hertweck C F, upholsterer, iK)2 Larkin Hertz Hermann, butcher, SE cor Seventh and Minna Hertz L, clothing and shoomaker, 108 Pacific Hertz Louis, butcher, G Metropolitan Market Hartz I, & J, butchers, 5 and 6 Centre Market Hertzhog Christian, blacksmith, 737 Broadway Herzburg 1, stock broker, 326 Pino Her/og .lulius, picture frames, 1514 Polk Hess Chua, optician, 51!) Kearny He.ss Hoary, gents' furuish'g goods, 21!) Montgomery Hess Lovi, insurance broker, 210 San Hess L )ui3, Dainiana bitters, 12 Mont gouKuy avo Hess Kobt, boots and shoes, 20 Dupont Hessler Ch.is, ship broker and custom house, .") 18 liattery Hest^ler Wm, bakery, 715 Pacific Hester Mining Co, o02 Montgomery HESTHAL AUGUST, Eureka soam less glove factory, "22 Sansim Hestres 10, mining secy, 32>S Montgy Heuer 1', yroeir, 713 Ijombard HEVEKlN M & E J, steam m:.rble wiirkc, 18 Larkin Heweleko H, liquors, 543 Merchant Hewson llobt, capitalist, 3'JO Sansom HEWSTON GEORGE, physician and surgeon, '^24 Kearny Hcydeualur L, liquors, SW cor Bay and Moiggs' Wharf Heydeufeldt Sol Jr, atty at law, 318 Piue, room 27 Heydeiifeldt Solomon, atty at law, .SOD Montgomery, room .'>4 Heye Henry, liquor.s, 613 East Heyer AU)ert, grocer, Tiiird and Bryant Heyermann & Freund, drugs and medi- cines, SW cor Bryant and Fourth Heyfron P, wood and coal, 716 Folsom Heymann A, p'lysieian ami surgeon, SW cor Bryant and Fourth Hoynamvn H, cigar.) and tobacco, 20 1 Calif urnia Heynemann Alex, atty at law, 16 Mont- gomery avo H'jynemanu & C.>, imprs dry and fur- nishing goods, 5 Sa'Hom lleynemmu Lionel, civil cngiaeer, 302 Montgiimory, r.unn 4'J Heyvvooil Bios & Co, chairs and rattan furnitur-T vnanutaeturers, 589 to 5'J5 H'syWOOD & HENDLEY, com mer- eliants, aienc crystal aalt, works, 222 and 224 Clay Hey wood M, wood and eo il, 753 Folsom HIBERNIA SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIETY, M D Sweeney pres, NE cor Montgomery and Post Hickey Edward, grocer, 1630 Mission Hickmann Henry, saloon, 1258 Market Hickox Ceo C & CJo, stock brokers, 412 Montgomery HICKS D & CO, bookbinders and blank book nianufs, 543 Clay Hieks K W, cigar.s and tob icco, 106 2d Hiekson H B «& Co, poultry, 48 and 4!) Wasiiingt )n M irket Hickstadt Hermann, bakery, 127 4th Hien An nist, liquors, 13J8 Uapont HIESTER & BUNKER propriatorj "Stock Report," Stock Ex bldg Higby Wm, J S collactor of internal revenue, U S Appraisjrs' building Higgiiis & Collinj", 271 East Higjiins & Eichol/i, lamps and oils, 27 Six til Higgius Mrs Margaret, grocer, 1116 Folsom Higgius W L, stock broker, 417 Cal Higgs H W, asphultum roofer, 535 Pac l^ligham E, sewing machine, !»0I Market Highbrid^e S Min Co, 310 Pine, rm 15 Hiiihland Cold Min Co, 30.) Mont,rm49 HIGHTON HENRY E, atty at law, 528 Calitornui, r.K)m3 11, 12 and 13 Hilbort & (ruehne, fiorists, !) Geary Hildl)urg Bros, wholesale dairy produce, 101) California Hildebrand August, butcher, 123 7th Hildelirand (ieo, boarding stable, 807 V'allejo Hildebrand W C, groceries, 416 O'Far- rell Hildebrandt Henry, grocer, 208 Sutter Hiklorbrandt Wm C, lii[Uors, 505 East Hill Bros, dairy produce, Bay City Market, 1146 Ma ket Hill Henry O, butcher, 140,) I'olsom Hill & Hood Mining Co, 211 San, ,m 5 Hill Horace L, capitalist, 326 Montgy HillJohn, real estate agt, 402 Montgy n SB -< CO o C/) •H O m m 1* 23 if ''a SI 51 i!'i 1 1- H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 uavis Street. S. K. ill 1 w. w. MONTAGUE & co.,''rt:;;.?^iv?r."j^rir..r,? BOO dtll«rent ittM, ttylM mm '~B*t.ter]rSt.,8. r. ■ f N :^' ;i P5 g 8 ■ IL CO c "5 S o 0) 0) c c (0 o O O O z o < 0. I- I- o 1178 S(in Francuco. AI.rilAnRTICAI.LT. HILL JNO B. agent Methodist Book Depository, lotl Market Hill John T, real estate, 206 Front Hill Mrs Mary, bakery, 21 3 24th Hill S, biituher^ 5 Mission Market HILL SAMUEL, gon dealer sewing niachineij, genuine parti, attachments and Hcooaaojies, (sec advt under sew- ing machines), (JM Market Hill Win H, li(|uors. Beach bet Hyde and Larkiii Hillebrund il, groceries, 5:20 Fourth Hillebratidt Albert, saloon, 1228 Mkt llillebrandt& Co, brewery, 2015 to 2019 Folsoni Hillcn I) H, grocer, NW cor Pino and Larkin HILLEB. F SR, physician, 112 Mason HILLER F JR, physician, 112 Mason Hillor .loJui, restaurant, 101 Stcuart Hillert F, i.rohitect and civil engineer, ()20 \Vashinj4t0n Hilhnau James, U S inspector boilers, U S A}){iraisurs' buil(lini{ Hills iS M, cai-penter and builder, 842 ('lay Hillsi.le Mill & Mining Co, XSO Fiiio Hillsinger Miss K .1, millinery, 1048 i'olk Hillytr C .1, atty at law, Falice Hotel Hilmer l>, drugj^ist, .*SW cor (it-ary and Ijarkiii Hilpvrt fj umanl, bakery, I22H Stockton HILTON G F, physician and oculist, j lilts J Mit-siou j Hil/iiiyer .1 (i, iniuin.Lf and eiigiuceriua a-'ciiuntaut, Ml Ciuforiiia 1 lliuiuiiihnanii J^l:inz, Spring Valleyj M.irkct, 1JS27 Union llinotlot & ('nllmni. wood muI coal,, lOoi) Folsoin Hiick H .1, u-roccrics, TOH Ellis HINCKLEY E, manutr Star Spring !'.(>!, Il'.i New Montgoiiicrv HT'^CKLEY. SPIERS & HAYES, prs I'ldtoii Iron W'oiks, niachiii- . and iioihrH, 2()7 to '2l',i {'"ri'munt , i liirs il, boots and shoos, S40 Ke;ir \i ik & lliins, grocers, 4;ii) Creenwich j II ink F il, ale house, 2 and 4 New Montgomery | Hink F 11, saloon, 715 Montgomery HINKLE J M, prest Sur^iical lasti- tiite, .SI'.) lUisIi Hinkle I'hilip, patent hydraulic and air pressure eli;vators, lit) and IIS Main HlNKLE W S, mining secretary, 207 Sansom Hinman H C, agt Merchants' Dispatch TranyKirtation Co, 411 California HINRICHS A & CO, liquors, SF cor Front and Vallejo Uinrichs .1 F, hotel, and II racitic Hinrichsen E, liciuors, SW cor Braunan and Seventh Hiusdalo O S A Co, 22 California Hiuton Isaac T, atty at law, 526 Mont Hinton W M, printer, 536 Clay Hiutz & Buck, hotel, T,\5 Brauaau Hiutzo I, tailor, 838 Bush Hinz C, to«)lmaker, 42 Spear Hinz Louis, restaurant, b06 Larkiu Hinz & Wertin, imprs millinery goods, 16 and 18 Second Hippmann & Schussler, fruits and veg- etables, 28 and 2!) California Market HirKst F, tailor, etc, 405 Broadway HIRSCH S B & CO, milliners, 748 Market Hirschfild J H & Co, jewelry and loan, 510 Kearny Hirschfelder .1 O, physician, 126 Kear HIRSCHMAN A, manufacturer jew- elry aiul importer diamonds, pearls, etc, :{28 Bush Hirsfeld B, crockery, 12 Fourth ilirsfcld C, stock broker, 314 Montgy Hirsfeld 1>, steam camly works, 23 Stov Hislop R C, furniture, 401 Hayes Hittoll T H, atty at law, 628 Montgy Hittinger A, liipiors, 105 Dupout Hixson H B, poultry and game, Bay City Market HIXSON, JITSTI & CO, commission nienhants, 204 Washington and iO'.'i Davis Hoadlt-y Milo, civil engineer, Mercliants' J'lxchaiigc, rm 2i) lloadl.'y (r C, dentist, 5^ Kearny Hoag Lyman 1$, physician, 61!> Howard HoagWm M, capitalist, 302 Montgy lloagland W C, architect, 432 Montgy iloarc.ule.I, li(|nors, I'.IO't ( J(!ary Holiart, Wood & Co, manutrs and im- porters boots and shoes, 15 Sansoiu Holibert Henry T, IwoUs, 218'riurd Hobl).s 1'', j^ruin broker, 402 Front Holilx, I'omer.iy i!fe Co, bjx ma'iufrs, Miii'krt, Bcale ami Main HOfi£S W J, searcher of records, (i .Mout^oimry, rin 3 HOBBS WALTER S, searcher 01 roc- or.ls and atty i.t law, 6 Montgy .'ive Hobro W D, plumber, 727 VV'iislungtoii Holiurg \V H, real estate, 60t) Montgy ilocldieimer Simon, insurance br()kei',31.! California H(K'hkoller 15, merchant broker, 203 Front liodistadtcr E & (.'o, stockbrokers, SW cor Sansom and California Hock & I'erazo, barbers, 548 Washington Hock Tobias, contractor, 516 Keaniy HODGDON DR W H A. seety S F Co Medical Society, 1063 Howard Hodgkins W L, oil store, 335 Hayos -< o c: o 09 c: o o a U1 S. 3' 09 5 1$ Si. O c in o ■a Market Hoey Owen, wood and coul, . Twenty fourth and Jlnrrison HOFEN & CO, J'^npiro stoam cofleo and apico mills and solo agts Kmpiro match factory, 412 Clay Hoir.lacob, oolFw liouse, 028 Fourth HoirS, tailor, .S Taylor lloftVnan Mrs A, physician, 14'J2 Folsom HOFFMAN & CO. importers .hy goods, notions, and gents, furnifhing goods, 17 and I'.t Rattery Hofl'minC, grocery, NW cor Twenty- second and Howard HoH'man J, barhir, 709 Davis Hoffman N, lii|uors, 14'.( Second Hofl'man Ogdoii, judge U S (list court U S court building, Sansomand Wash Hofl'man P, reytaurant, 7()t> Mission HOFFMAN & SCHENK, stc.icilcnt- tors and eniir.ivors, 414 Sacramento Hofl'man Southard, clerk U S dist court and U S commissioner, Sausom and Wjtsliington H'lffman W'ni, groceries, SK cor Page and Octavia Hoirman & Woonne, market, (iOfi Mkt liotlinann it Clinch, architects, ().'i7 Kearny Hofl'm.'inii &, llrndt, stoves, I 'il 4 Stockton Hofl'stetler R, ])hysician, .'!l.'5 (ieary Rolling Ff watchmaker, o Third Hofniiister Henry, bakery, o.'57 Hayes Rogan & Co, second hand barrels anci coopers, 10(5 Drumm llogan 1), liijnors, 411 Fourth Rogan .John, ins brokers, •Wi't California Hogan Michael, lish, .'W (}rand Central Market Rogan M C, groceries, SW Vallejo and Leavenworth Hagan M L, groceries and liquors, 219 Eleventh Hogo J P, atty at law, 628 Montgomery Hoger K, grocer, 525 Washington Hogg T Fgenton, capitalist, ;?02 Mont J Hoglan Mrs A, fancy goods, 120t Powell Hohenthal (ins, ruillings. Huting* and lace, lODi Fifth Hohlweg Fred, druggist.NE cor Polk and Jackaun Hoitt Ira < ''. real estate and stock broker, 4'27 Moutiromery HOKANSON OLOF, saloon, 527 East llolbert II S, Htalionery, 218 Third Holbrook C P, Jr, tlruggist, cor Ninth and Market Holbrook (J K, ])hysiciai), 6 Eddy Holbrook & Lewis, foreign and Amiri- can nheet music, 2o Duiiont HOLBROOK. MERRILL & STET- SON, imprs and dealers in stoves, sheet iron and copper. 111 and ll.'i Califor- nia, and 17 and I!) Davis Holcomlj Uros & Co, carri'igo ropoaitory and saddle and harness, - 1 1 California Hulcond) W A & Co, grr.iii and coumiia- sion, NE cor Clay and D.ivis, room 4 Holcomho S K, mini ntc engineer, ?.lo Pino Hidden A R, bakery, 702.\ Larkin Hiiltlen J & Sons, wood and coal, 818 Folsom lloldcn .loa, atty at law, :;02 Sansom H olden .1 If, cuop'jr, 105 Clay H olden S P & Ce, mdse broker, 4:W Cal Holder. Fos, lif|U(ira, (52 Halkck Holje .lohn i\, li((uor.^, SW cor R K and .'Sixteenth aves HOLJE MARTIN, C*al Clue Works, cor Hith and De Karo and 27 J^uoont [luIjtM John II, grocer, NW cor s"ixth and F Clay Hollar.d IVtor, liquor.!, 4 Washington HOLLAWAY & BRIGGS, grocers, H).') Front HOLLER B, wines and liquors, SE cor Market and l>eah! Holler it Schnl/, saloon, lOIM) Market Holliday Isidor, cigar.-*, 70;') Market Holling F, manuf cigars, ;V20 Clay Hollings Henry, groceries, SW cor Poet and Larkin Hollingsworth F C, cigars and tobacco, lol'.l Market Hoi lis & Harris, real estate agents, 2208 Mission HOLLIS WM, pros Real Estate Aaao- ciates, 230 Montgomery to 19 I? ^3 A^ i I »i -i p. i:Sisn H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine. 302 Davis St., S. F. Hi ' 1L to i c p s > c o E c c (0 O • O Q O Z S o < c I- C W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Pnnpnand Ir«n PI 114. It« Mid 1'" 1 PljM. all mimru, I lO. 1 1% 1180 San Francisco. ALPIIAHRTICALLV. Hollman H, grocery, NW cor Twenty- fourth and Mission Holly Oak Park Co, 330 Pknc, room 3G Holm Bros, linnora, 200 Fifth Holm John, blacksmith, 1013 Valencia Holm & iSaxtorph, lodgings, 8Gl) M.irket Holm Thos, grocer, 8E cor Suttt-r and Stockton HOLMAN F Ht agent Potrero German Compressed Yeast Co, general «lepot 1074 t^ilth Holmes E A, mining sco, 318 Pino HOLMES A J, c.ipit ilist, 318 Pino, room 31 Holmes Chas A, sec Consumers' Oas Co, 'J03 Bush, room 21) Holmes C .1 , dyer, 033 Market HOLMES D W, stationer, 31(5 Dupont H(dinus E A, niinin.r see, 318 Pino Holmes I'] B, mining aeey, 30J Mont Holmes i£ T & Co, maufrs Santa Cruz and Sacramento lime, impiirters of cement, phister, etc, 215 and 217 Miirket Holmes J, h )nt-jand slioes, 147 Second Holmes .James N, hutclier, cor Bryant and Rich Holmes li B, (lontist, 30") Kearny HOLMES M Pt carriage manut'actory, 327 ami 321) Sutter HOLMES S M, mining, 105 California Holmes Walter (J, atty at law, IJ h court building, cor Battiry ami Washington | Holmes W H, grocer, NW corColumbia! and Twenty-sixth Holohan J(thn, saloon, 100 McAllister Hoist Win, glass stainer, 1 IH Main Holsten •! B, grocir, cor Union and Kearny Holt Bros, manufrs importers of hard- wood luinl)er, wagon and carriage m ittria', 27 to 33 Beile Holt Martin, liijuors, 1 10 Jackson Holt Tiioni IS, U S supt of construction, 412 Washington Holt Thomas H, atty, notary pnb'.ic ami commissioner of eds, 320 M)ntuy Holt Thos M, restaurant, iilO Market Holt Warren, map publish'.r and axle grease, 717 Montgomery Holtermanii J, grocer, SW cor Pine and Webster Holtmeier Henry, grocer, NE cor Filbert and Taylor Home of the Iiu:briates, H J Burns pres, NE cur Stockton and Chestnut Home Ins (lire) Co, Hutchison & Mann gen agts, 322 and 324 California HOME INS CO OF NEW YORK. 323 Calirornia HOME AND LOAN ASSOCIATES, O Esche aeey, 320 Sanaom, room 8 HOME MUTUAL INS CO. C li story secy, 400 California Home Stake Gold Min Co, 309 Montgy Home Shuttle & Xow Homo Sowing Machine, 034 Market Homer E B, mining secy, 30!) Montgy Htmior M & Min Co, 330 Pine, room 5 Honeycomb (t Mining Co, 328 Montgy Hong Kong Packet Ijino, 20() Hansom Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Cor- poration, W H Harris agt, 223 ijal HONIG & BARUCH, denim duck ovi rails, 3()A Second Honigsberger H, fancy goods. 625 Lirk Honigsberger L, cigar'' and tobicoo, NE cor Bush and Battery Honi^b.Tger S, cigars and tobacco, 333 East Hood P B, atty, 005 Clay Hook Bros, books, statiifuery and music, :U Sixth Hook Charles, butcher, SW cor Mason and Union Hooker K C, stock broker, 338 Pino Hooper C A &Co, lumber dealer, Fourth and Channel Hooper F P & J A, lumber, 2.i Stouart Hooper, Hubbard & Hooper, California Cigar Box Factory, Berry bet Third and Fourth Hooper Wm B & Co, com merchants, 12 1 California HOOPMANN JOHN, liquors, 41 Sac Hoosiir Min and Wati.'r Co, 531 Cal HOP KEE & CO., Chinese merchan- dise, boots and slioes, 723 and 725 Clay Hopken L, ship chandler. 418 Davis Hopkins Caxpar T. ins, 318 California Hopkins (tco W. mining secy. 410 Cal Hopkins Peter, liquors, New Montgom- ery und(!r Granil Hotel Hopkins K 1), mining secy, 240 Montgy Hopkins T J, liiiuors, 023 Davis Hopkins, Taylor & Co, copying presses, 419 Sansom Hopkins Wm S, stocks and money broker. 320 M >ntgomi'ry Hoppe Clian, blacksmith, 140 Berry Hopjje Joseph, tailor, OH Pacitic HOPPE KEINHOLD. imp'orter and dealer in cutlery, 318 Pino HOPPER S E, glass bender, cutter, stainer and enamcler, 45 Fremont, cor MissicMi Hopps Miss Nellie, artist, 728 Montgy Hopps & Sons, house and sign paiutura, 420 Pino Horabin T. liquors, 1001 Mason Horan J I>, stock and sale yard, cor Ninth and Howard Horan M S, atty at law, 630 Clay,rm 11 Hor.ly J P, atty at law, 628 Moatgy C/) CO H m m "0 o H P" o m a Q (A ■ s m r (A Z (» » a a e t» :i CD ? o o 3 "< o 5" (0 a H. WACHHORST. Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street Sac. BUSINESS FEMMAN8HIP ■^'.^;CT^r,!^^>ff^^,«:t'{;t?CT: San Francisco. Al.rilABKTICAU.T. 1181 e e I e e IS z o C0 3 O z (0 •s Horgan Mrs & Daughters, millinors, 128 Sixth Horgan 8, dairy produce, 13 and 14 Oriiiul Central Market Horn C, liquors, 1100 Dupont Horn Jerome, magnetic healer, baths, ,S02 and 304 Post Horn J W, livery stable, cor Laguua and Walnut avo Horn K G, stock broker, 322 Pino Hornbcrg A P, tailor, 441 Bush Homo A F, fruit and vegetables, 2259 Misninn HORNE W J. propr Cal Elastic Truss Co, 702 Mark(>t HORNE &WEST, Electro Magnetic Belt Co, 702 Market Horner C W, druguist and physician, SW cor Sutter and Hyde Horner .lohn. shoemaker, I242Folsom Hornung J, butcher, 1005 Pacific Hornuiig li K, piano tuner, 813 Market Horrigon William, groceries, 1612 Leav Horse Shoe Bazaar, M J Flavin mana- ger, r»12 Kearny Horst Herman, restaurant, 218 .Sansom Horstman J, propr Bay View Chemical Works, Florence bet 14th and 15th Horstmann John, groceries, 700 Bush Hose Co No 1, S F Fire I>ept, 1 12 Jack Hosio Susan, ladies' underwear, 2201! M is8i(m Hosnur I> M & Co, stock brokers, 32 1 Montgomery Horsack Alfred, artist, Baldwin Hotel HOTALING A P & CO, wholesale liijuors (importers), 429 and 431 Jack Hotel l)e lloma, (» Bermio propr, 818 Sansom "HOTEL GAZETTE," W PHamson propr, 518 Sacramento HOTEL RHEIN, Louis Miller & Co Sroprs, Claus (ierken manager, 5I0U [earny Houette Constant, butcher, 205 Sixth Houghton S C, phonographic reporter, U S Court bids, cor Battery andWash Houna A W, atty at law, 028 Montgy Hough John, saUnm, 2 Turk Houpt Chaa H, druip, NWcor Kail- road and Eleventh aves House Madame, milliner and hairdres- ser, 308 Sixth House William M, barber, 206 First Houser Bonnet, bakery, 333 Hayes HOUSEWORTH THOMAS & CO, op^uciiM and photographci's, 12 Mont HOI SEWORTfl THOMAS, photo gri ))!ur, 12 Montgomery Rous, a Ki« hd T, tailor, 324 Dupont HOUSTON W J & CO brokers and commistiion merchants, 205 Front Hovey F A, painter, 1320 Bush Howard C Greenwich, atty at law, 652 Wttsliington Howard C G, atty at law, 724J Market Howard Chas Webb, ])re8t Spring Val- ley Water Works, 51() California Howard F P, land agency. 328 Montgy Howard Mrs M A, milliner, 24 Kearny Howard M B, ins broker, 213 Sansom Howard Mrs Mary J, bakery, NE cor Second avo and Seventeenth Howard R A, physician, 334 O'FarrcU Howard Volney, insurance broker, 213 Sansom HOWE & HALL, fruit and produce, commission merchants, 408 and 410 Davis HOWE SEWING MACHINE Cd. 873 Market Howe M P, agt W H Parker's estate, 18 Market Howell H W, boots and shoes, 1139i Pacilic Howell Jos L, stationery, 024 Montgy Howell M C, cigar manufr, 010 Montgy Howell M D, capitalist, 330 Pine, rm 28 Howell Louis V, min secy, 318 Pino Howes (Jeo fi. Co, shipping and com mer- chants, wood and willowware, 302 California HOWES & PITTS, commission mor- chauts, 504 and 500 Sansom Howland 15, patternmaker, 259 First Howland R S, com merchant, 3()Steuart Howland Wm P, meat market, 28 4th Howse H L & Co, coal oil stoves and lami)9, 809 Market Hoy A, hardware, 1012 Stockton liuant Paulin, liiiuors, 305 Mont avo Hubash, Larsen & Wilson, Cal Watch & Jewelry Co, 201 Kwirny Hubbard C Van Dyke, mining secy, 203 Bush, room 20 Hubbard G Van Duyck, 310 Pine, rm II Hubbard Geo A, dentist, 230 Kearny HUBBARD H H, physician and sur- geon, 22 (icary H ubbard J B & Co, kerosene goods and lamp stock, 1 110 and J 22 Front Hubbard Mrs E H, barber, 923 Market Hubbard Samuel, agent Telephone Ex- change, 140 Montgomery Hidibanl T W, sewing machines, 667 Mission Hubbart Jos, fancy goods, 720 Market Hubbell Saml T, cooper, 17 Merchant Hul)er Chas, barber. 1.007 Polk Hubert C, county and city treasurer, New City Hall Hubert Chas, ship chandler, 509 Davis Hubert J, wlujlcsale liquors, 13!^ Stock Hid)k'y — , carpenter, 14 l*aven worth Hovot A A, groceries, liquors, 221 Tylerl Uucks J Geo, photographer, 914 Mkt 9>! I r 3 I ■ •; ., • ill -mm OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 'V. z 1.0 I.I ISO m m 1^ i^ 1^ 12.2 ph Va O^M A f .^ ^^^ a:^ > ^^^ J^ y Photo Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WUSTIK.N.Y. )4SS0 (716) 173-4503 i ^ ^ i WW MnMTAftllF A nn t^^ect iron, all Sbsea anA NanilMMw, no, . W. mUW I AbUC a UU., na. 114, iio, aiul 11» Mattery St., S.fI jIP H S< - Uf'^ # ft '! (, r r 1! 1L ■ CO S C O E 75 CO CO O ' ■ O o 0. o 1182 San Francisco. AliPHABRTICALlT. Hudson Geo, brewer, SW cor Fifteenth and Dfdores Hudson freo, stockbroker, 316 Montgy Hue K.ii k, Co, manufra boots, shoes and clothing, 127 and 129 Clay Hueriie P, arcliitoct and civil engineer, 12(5 Kearny, i'm41 Hucrstel Laurence, cigara and tobacco, 738 Fourt'.i HTJETER BROS & CO, varnishes, colors, brushes, art iniiterials, paints, oils, 12 Second Huettinann Mrs A, hotel, NW cor Polk jiiid Fell Huettmnn Julius, hotel, NW cor Polk and Fell Huff G R, books, 424 Folsom Huffman Mrs, dressmaker, 331 Geary HUFSCHMIDT F (successor to H H Horstman & Co), imprand dealer in furniture, .'523 and 325 Pine Hufschmidt Louis S; Bros, plumbers and gasfitters, G37 Clay Hughes Artluir, gen manager S F & N P It R, 42G Montgomery Hughes E C, printur, 511 Sansom Hughes E E, real-catato agent, 724 i Market HUGHES & EDSOX, ship and custom- house brokers, 504 Battery Hughes & Foley, bakery, cor Fourth an d Jessie HUOHES H & CO, merchandise brok- ers, 302 California, rm 5 Hughes J, butcher. Mo Valencia Hughes John, groceries, 122(5 Green Hughes Jno, contractor, 22 Montgy Hug'^es John F, printer, (305 Montgy HUOHES L J, physician and surgeon, 460 O'Farrell Hughes W A, liquors, 515 Clay Hughes Wm, job and law printing, 421 Montgomery I Hughes Wm If, liquors, 43 Sacrament(>| Hugg Henry, nierchandiae broker, 203 California Huguenin J C, watches and jewelry, 8 Kearny HUHN & LUCKHARDT, niining en- gineers and metallurgists, 23 .Stevenson Hulbert Thomivs Fisher, atty at law, 424 Montgomery Hull Jessie Mrs bakery, 211 Eighteenth Hulse P B, agt Clark & Maynard, N Y publishers, 127 Montgomery Hulsman Fred, groceries, 1338 Pacific Humbert J, liquors, 120 Montgomery avenue Humbert P A, mining engineer. Twen- ty-third bet Mission and Valencia HUMBOIDT BREWERY, Wm Nol- thig propr, 1843 Mission Humboldt Mining Co, 328 Montgomery Humboldt Pavilion, Benj Kliogel propr, cor Erie and Mission Humboldt Savings and Loan Society, A C Weber pres, 18 Geary Humboldt Sulpliur Min Co, G H Perry secy, 320 Sansom Humboldt Mill & Mining Co, Stock Ex- change bldg HUMBOLDT STEAMSHIP CO.Searles & Stone asjts, 22 California Hume Geo W, shipping and commission, 318 Front, rni 12 Hume K D & Co, salmon packers and commission merchants, 30S) and 311 Sacramento Hummel (ico, dry goods, 1432 and 1434 Mark.!t HUMORIST (Max Burckhardt propr), 622 Clay Humphrey J, tailor, 227 Hayes Humpliroy P H, physician, 212 Kearny Humphrey J as, groceries, 516 Geary Humphreys J 'I", atty at law, 515 Kearny Humphreys W P, civil engineer, 62'J Washington Humphieys Wm F, atty at law, 234 'Montgoiiiery HUNT A B, atty at law, 302 Moitgy Hunt D D, apothecary, 300 Fifth HUNT GEORGE H, stock broker, 209 .Sanaam Hunt J D, 511 California Jfunt J L, stockbroker, 513 California Hunt John, judge superior court No 5, 628 Montgomery Hunt Jonathan, Son Sc Co, insurance asits, 313 California Hunt Mrs E, variety store, 1738 Market Hunt Mrs Jane G, lodgings, 7 Mont- "gomery ave Hunt Wm, boots and shoes. Filbert near Fillmore Hunter B, furniture, 1518 Polk Huntington F A, globe iron works, 143 and 145 Fremont HUNTINGTON. HOPKINS & CO, importers hardware, iron, steal, coal, etc, junction Bush and Market, S F, and 31 K st Saerameuto Hunter J A, physician, 321 Sutter Hunter k Shackleford, brick manufrs, 310 Pin , rooms 40 HUPFELS A & SONS, lager beer brewers (New York), Clias Sonntag & Co agts, 40 California Hurlbert C 11, atty, 202 Market Hurlburcli E J, saloon, 521 Fiiat Huilbut E T M, physician, 850 Market HURLEY D J, stair builder, 136 Main Hurley Michael, liquors, 213 Sixth Hurley Patrick, liquors, Nebraska near Twenty-sixth Hurst k Dove, upholsterers, 1209 Fill ? r h 9 o o o o o a D 5 •o O ■a ■ p? "I o e M CD ft r ft X o TRY GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. T», no, it.,S.F. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. The 9Iodrl Commerrlal 47ollrace of thi> Coast, 8!eO Post tit,, ti.V. rc9 :12 Kearny li (leiiry 515 Kearny jin'^or, 629 tt law. 234 ,02 Moitgy Fifth i bn)ker, 200 California court No 5, _[i, steal, coal, llarket, S F, . Sutter lick manufrs, I, lager beer laa Sonntag & Lrket Fiiat 850 Market ller, 136 Main 113 Sixth Tfobraska near |b, 1209 Fill X o e Iff • r i o o 5 a Is I §1 h CO da I u 03 CO R3 fifatfc Ftaneisco. AI.PnABUnCAttY. 1183 Hurtado Nicholas, hariiosa and saddlery, 2 St Charles Pluco Husing A, saloon and grocery, 874 Miss Husiiig M, grocer, NE cor Montgomery and Broadway Husaey A C, carpenter, 618 California Hussey Con Oolil and Silver Mining Co, Stock Exchange Building Huasoy H P & Co, impra ;ind com mer- chants, 2054 Front Hussey J L, capitalist, 402 Montgomery Hussey Joseph W, mining, 318 Pine Hus30!i Paul & Co, wholesale butchers, 535 C'liW HUSTEI) A, law and collection office, 331 Montgomery Husted F M, atty at law, eOfi Montgy Hutohings D F, bureau voritea, 318 Cal HUTCHINGrS J M> forest tree seed, 120 Sutter Hutchina C B, physician, 230 Tyler Hutchias E P, mining engineer, 240 Montgomery Hutchiris Jas M, dentist, 737 Market Hutchina & Kichardson, grocers, cor Twenty-fourth and Bryant Hutchinson D S, dentist, 54 Kearny Hutchinson E J, atty at law, 504 Kearny Hutchinson John, stockbroker, 5 Mer- chant's Exchange . Hutchinson Jas J, cashier Sather& Co's Bank, 518 Mr>ntgomory, room 15 HUTCHINSON & MANN, gen fire and marine insurance agts, 322 and 324 California Hutchinson Mining Co, 300 Montgy Huth Carl, bootmalcor, 72'.) Union Hutter J, tailor, 321 Jesijio Hyama Bros, imprs and m mufra cloth- ing, lOi) Sansoni Hyatt T H, short-hand reporter, 604 Merchant Hyde & Casey, wood and coal, 310 Leavenworth Hyde Henry C, atty at law, 41 li Cal Hyde Isaac, prea City 11 R Co, 14 Miss Hylaiid .Jos K, trunk manufr, 101 Mont Hyman Bros, gen mdse, 123 Cal HYKAN JOS, variety store and dry goods, 50'J Hayes Hyman Leon, barber, 2 Sixth Hyman M & Co, importers and manufrs boy's clothing, 518 Market and I'J Sutter Hyman Morris, second-hand furniture, 606 Broadway Hyman N J, impr jewelry, fancy goods, etc, 307 Koarny Hyman Nathan, barber, 21 1 Montgy Hyman W, pawnbroker, 16 Kearny Hynaixl Alonzo P, livery stable, cor Twelfth and Mission Hyneman S, stockbroker, 327 Pine Iburg Wm M, grocer, 5 Beldon Place Ida Gold and Silver Mining Co, 324 Pino Idaho Gold and Silver Mining Co, 324 Pine, rooina 8 and 10 Igstaedter B, manufr agt, 424 Sao Iken Fred, com merchant, 525 Front lis Jno G, foundry, stoves and tinware, 814 Kearny ILLUSTRATED CARD CO, W M Pearsall manager, 5 Post Imelli Max, saloon, 851 Market Imhana & Triebcl, hardware, 227 Hayes Imhoff S G, stoves and tinware, 3194 Fifth Immol Jane, stationery, 1647 Mission Imperial Ins Co, 317 California Imperial Photograph Gallery, Mrs Vaughan proprss, 7244 Market I M Wentworth Boot and Shoo Co, 400 Battery Incell Mrs Wm, dressmaker, 213 Dup Independence Mining Co, Stock Ex Bdg Independent Order Kedmena' Hall, 510 Bush INDIANAPOLIS CHAIR MANUFG CO, 1 •'-^4 Market and 160 New Mont Indian Queen Min Co, Merchants Ex- change, rm 25 Indicator Min Co, 203 Bush, rm 10 Industrial Iron Works, 233 and 235 Beale Ingalsbe Mary E, designer, 006 Montgy Ingersoll H H, physician, 323 Geary IngersoU (tco .S, storage, 1101 Battery Inyhani Mrs Mary, cigars, 1151 Mission Ingle wood House, Mrs A Rix propr, 126 Fifth Inglis John S, R R agent, 22 Montgy Ingraham Henry, atty at law, 4114 Cal Inguglia A & Co, fish, 513 Washington Inman D, manager Grangers Business Aan'n, 106 Davis INMAN LINE, (New York & Liver- pool), steamship ticket agency J F Fugazie, 5 Montgomery ave Innes Alex, agent East manufacturers, 545) Montgomery Innca k Co's, Alameda & S F Express, 313 East Inselmann Henry, fruit, 446 Third Inslee & Joseph, cigars and tobacco, 32S Pine Insurance Co of North America,313 Cal Insurance Min Co, 303 Montgomery INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, H C Patridge propr, 824 and 826 Kearny International Ico Co, 309 Montgomery INTERNATIONAL SALOON, John Koopman, 41 Sacramento lochner Max, nursery, NE cor Turk and Van Ness • ^ «^ T 3 a 3 «. PALMER A COn Pun Sherry Whie, 3D?7avis St, S. F. t fj em s: 1? ll Ill t! ■■;■ > ^1 :: |! SB in ir '«■: £' H ! ('it'' U ^n < .< WW MflMTARIIF A TO f9h«'«!t Iron> nil Mimi and Knnbeni, no. Ik ■ I > e E 1184 iSan Francisco. ALPHABRTICALLT. 8 a o < 0. h O Q Iowa Min Co, 41 1 i California, rm 3 Iradale Alfreil S, plumber, 957 Mission Irelan Wni Jr, assayor and chemist. Merchants Exchange building, rm 4U Irolau MrsWm, artist, 126 Kearny Irmscher H, boot and shoemaker, 204 Second Iron Gap Min Co, 324 Pinc< rmsSandlO Irviu H R, collector, 581 California Irvin Robt J, carpenter, 1925 Fillmore Irvine Jns, capitalist, 330 Pino, rm 52 Irvine & LeBreton, attys at law, 217 Sansom Irvin e Wm , atty at law, 217 Sansom IRVINE WM 0, cigars and tobacco, importer and retail, 118 Fourth Irving Henry P, atty, 90 Montgomery block IBVINO SAMUEL, fumishins goods, 219 Montgomery, removed to '106 Kear Isaac G, cigurs, 23U Sixth Isaacs A, clothier, 823 Kearney Isaacs B, trader, 404 Montgomery Isaacs Henry, metal signs, 404 Moutgy Isaacs Peter, barber, 412 Pacific Isaacs Samuel & Bros, dry goods, 122 Sixth Isaacs S, clothing, 527 Pacific Isaacs Samuel, tailor, 507 Jackson Isaacs Samuel, clothing, 417 Pacific Isaac Simon, clothing, 327 Third Isaacson & Cohen, jewelers, 2i5 Sixth Isaacson Mrs L, bakery, 110 Tyler Isabella Con (i & H Min Co, 330 Pine Iseli Jacob, 'i-;nors, 529 Pino Isidore Isaac, second hand furniture, 812 Montgomery Israel Jonas, clothing, 934 Dupont Israel Simon, clothiug, 356 Fourth Israelsky & Morris ^vliolesale fruits and com merchants, 210 Washington Israel Chas S, publisher, "S F Punch," 838 Market Issendorf C Frederick, grocer, SW cor Howard and Beale Isson S & Son, jewelry, 403 Pacific Isthmus House, Wm J Bailey, 54 Firat Ivemeyer & Dunker, liquors, cor Com mercial and Battery Ives G 1, stock broker, 402 Montgomery Ivors Richard, capitalist, 218 Sansom I X L Auction House, M J Flavin, propr, gents' furnishing goods, fancy goods, etc, SE cor Kearny and Com'I Jabson W G, wood t>.nd coal, 51 1 and 513 Bush Jaccard ]> H, watchmakers and jewel ers, 431 Hayes Jaccard J D, confectionery, 429 Hayes Jackf^ E, restaurant, 1035 Howard Jacks K, liquors, cor Twenty -second and Potrero ave Jackson Alexander, hotel, 66 and 68 Oregon Jackson Archibald, carpenter, 810 Jones Jackson Byron, machine works, cor Sixth and Bluxome Jackson D B, gen agts Pacific Coast Steamship Co, 214 Mouigomery Jackson George, manager Overland Ticket office, 2 Now Montgomery Jackson J G, pres Redwood Manufr Association and lumber, 8 Market Jackson Min Co, C N Shaw secy, 403 California Jackson P H & Co, illuminated tile manufr, 116 Beale JACKSON R W, manufr and dealer in abulone and tortoise shells and ivory goods, 014 Market, factory 411 Clay, (see adver under Abalone Shells) Jackson T W, mannfrs agt ana comniis- mission merchant, 12 California Jackson Walter, liquors, NW cor Clay and Davis Jacob David, clothing, 721 Sansom Jacobi A, grocer, NW cor Pacific and Montgomery Jacoblin M, iKjuors, 1.306 Dupont Jacobs A, hatter, 136 Third Jacobs A, real estate, 206 Washington Jacobs Abraham, pawnbroker, 613 Pac Jacobs & Co, ladies' underwear, 226 Kearny Jacobs & Easton, ins agts, 216 Sansom Jacobs (ieorge, bootmaker, 2013^ Mission ilacobs H, hatter, .'V24 Kearny Jacobs Mrs Harriet, fancy goods, 802 Market Jacobs I & Co, fruits and vegetables, Bay City Market Jacobs J, boots and shoes, ]9Third Jacobs J, tailor, 4261 Broadway Jacobs Jacob, hairdresser, 517 N^^nt avo Jacobs Julius, gen agt Germania Life Ins Co, 216 Sansom Jacobs L M & Co, general merchants, 20S Montgomery Jacobs \j N, stock brokers, 316 Montgy Jacobs Mnrk I, mdse broker, 208 Moiit Jacobs M & Son, manufr shirts and clothing, 20 Sansom Jacobs Myer, atty, 315 California Jacobs S & Son, dry goods and furnishing goods, 408 Kearny Jacobs Soloman, cigar store, 412 Hayes Jacobs & Wineburg, dry goods, 211 Dupont Jacobson P, grocer, 2019 Mission Jacobson C, fruits, etc, 1400 Clay Jacobson S, cigars and tobacco, 3 Mkt Jacobson J, birds and fishes, 1136 Mkt 3 3. CD 3 » 3 o o a a o* 3 CB n (A g» 5* or op o S w ■0 o 5" o 3 O 9 H. WACHHORST calls attention -/^^rv'SV^iSg'' 315 J St. pm, lip, 3 CD leooud and 3> « and 68 "^ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ""{uS^.SSSSi.'i-Ji '•Ugnphy. iter, 810 rorks, cor jific Coast nery Overland joinery »d Manufr Markut w secy, 403 niuatod tile nd dealer in 1 and ivory )r 411 Clay, Shells) and comniia- lifornia ISV cor Clay Sansnm • Tacilic and )upont i CB 3 1 O O o 3 a (D -» >< a ^ CD (A U P t fVashington i ^ Ler, 013 Pac y iderwear, *226 p* 10 Sanaom 201;H Mi^si"" ny goods, 802 4 vegetables, 19 Third idway 517 y~nt avo ermania Life [lerchants, 208 310 Montgy er, 208 Mont r shirts anil ifornia ind furnishing B, 412 Hayes goods, 211 Mission _ J Clay lacco, 3 Mkt |es, 1136 Mkt iisTsir £ e ■n 3 o o i ■0 o a a O 1 n o 3 C0 3 O Z O •0 sealed goods, NVV cor Broadway and Sar.som Jatos ft Co, iniprs and dealeri) paints, oils and lamp stock, 113 Front Jaujon E A & Co, syrups, liquors, cor- dials and bitters, 430 and 432 Jackson Jaynes Frank, aast gen supt W U Tel Co, 302 Montgomery, room 20 JEAUNEAU F & LEMAITRE J, all kinds of meats, 67 Centre Market, cor Sutter and Dupont JEFFERS. WELLS & KIPFS, paint- ers, portraits, etc, 1440 Market Jeftl'rson .Fno W, atty at law, 230 Mont Jefferson Silver M Co, 330 Pine, room 18 Jeffrcsa ft Moore commission merchants, 305 and 307 Washington Jeffrey Wm, coal and iron merchants, brokers, 204 California Jellet J H, atty, 320 California Jellings & Freeman, liquors, 534 Mercht Jellison B F, liquors, NE cor Kearny and California JENKINS W, dentist, 1402 Bush Jenkins Joshua, cigars and tobacco, 531 East Jenks Albert, artist, 415 Montgomery Jenks G H, physician and supt St Luke's Hospital, 120 O'Farrell Jennings D A, mining sec, 401 Cal, rm4 Jennings Mrs Eugena, bakery, 139 (jrOUgh Jennings F A, whitener, 23 Fifth Jennings — , bootmaker, 713 Mission Jennings John, propr Hooper South End Grain Warchouse,NW cor Town.- send and Japan Jennings Jos C, ins agt, 317 California Jennings Thomas, wholesale groceries, 410 and 418 Sansom Jennings William, lodgings, 502^ Bdwy Jennings William, tailor, 1602 Mission Jensen Annie, bakery, 37 Fifth Jensen Fred, meat market, 407 Turk Jensen Fredk, groceries, NE cor Beale and Harrison Jensen Julius, liquors, 1508J Powell Jeobanninni T, groceries, 100 24th Jentzsch liCnpold, hairdresser, 441 Si^.a Jerubek ft Schley, ladies' hairdressers, 137 Sixth Jersey Farm Dairy, R G Sneath, 837 Howard Jesse ft Drew, stair builders, Berry bet Third and Fourth Jossen Frederick, cigars and tobacco,' 2 Clay 09 erjf 76 J8 1 ! ill 5 ■I 5?i I! I PURE PORT WINE, liir HemcliiQ Pnrposei. 302 Davis St, S. F. im 4 m I ■mmm ^t: c S S ID I s IL c c m O • o o o s E o < a. E D O WW MAMTAfillP A rn fttOTen and Rancra. BOO d1ff«rnit iIbm, Mylaa •» ■ W. IfllFW I MUUC PC \*\9.f |,.itterini. 110. 112, 114, 116 mnd 118 Bftt.tary St.. 8. F. 1186 San Francisco. ALPnABRnCAIiI.T. Jessnp T C, dentist, 103 Montgomery Jewell A M & Co, Scroll Sawing and Turning Mills, Berry bet 3d ana 4th Jewell J a, physician, 2012 Mission Jewett, Sherman S & Co, stoves, ranges and iioUowware, O S Levy manager, 122 Battery " JEWISH PROGRESS," Abe Sdig- sohn editor, 313 Kearny Jewitt Jarvia, agt Palmer's patent leg, 21 Merchants Exchange Jtcha John, gunsmith, 619 Merchant Joachimsen H L, atty at law and justice of peace, 418 Ca)ifornia Joachimsen J P, atty at law, 418 Cul Jobmann Julius, liquors, 101 Mission Jochat Joseph, liquors, 27^ Commercial Jochim Jacob, liquors, 530 Sacramento Joeolis (}, bootmaker, 2013 Mission Joe Scates Con S Mining Co, 409 Cal Joel Albert M, necktie factory, 206 Bush Johannscn F, groceries, N\V cor OTar- rell and Mason Johannsen & Peteri, com merchants, 32 California Market John Hancock Mutual Life Ins Co of Boston, 417 California John Win, cigars and tobacco, 123 Dup Johnson A I), shoemaker, 426 Hayes Johnson Allen S, painter, 1209 Polk Johnson & Brown, liquors, NE cor How- ard and Steuart Johnson C E, cabinetmaker, 730 Miss JOHNSON & CO. proprs Grand Hotel, 8, 10 and 12 New Montgomery Johnson C O, liquors, 123.^ Sixth Johnson C H, wholesale butclier, 331 Montgomery, rm 24 Johnson Chas, restaurant, 199 Sixteenth Johnson Chris, liquors, SW cor Drumm and Sacramento Johnson E, boarding house, 19 Coml Johustin E A, hotel, 8 and 10 Berry Johnson Francis, atty at law, 628 Mont Johnson Hans P, bootmaker, 18 Annie Johnson H S, liquors, 401 Broadway Johnson J, boots and shoes, 127i Second Johnson Jas, fruit, NVV cor Geary and Devisadero Johnson J C & Coi, saddlers, harness and leather gooils, 12 and 14 Pine Johnson Jno, boots and shoes, cor Main and Folsom Johnson Jno, cigars, SW cor Washing' ton and Drumm Johnson Jno, barber, lOOOJ Market Johnson Mrs Margaret, clothing, 990 Folsom Johnson 0, grocer, NE cor Broadway and Kearny Johnson & Olson, oyster house, 902 Kear JOHNSON P» restaurant, 783 Market Johnson P. liqiiors, 24th and Bryant Johnson Mrs P, i'ancy goods, 2512 Miss Johnson Peter, liquors, 218 Montgy ave Johnson R C, capitalist, 120 Sutter Johnson 11 J, livery stable, 2611 Miss JOHNSON &SCHTJLE, manufactur- ers harness ornaments, badges, etc, 5 Post Johnson & Shay, restaurant, 917 Market Johnson Sidney L,atty at law, 523 Mont Johnson W, limiors, 819 Battery Johnson Wm, liquors, 505 Sixth Johnson Wm Henry, physician and sur- geon, 48 Fourth Johnson Wm S & Co, hardware, 2179 (ire u JOHNSON W J. agent Bay City Oys- ter Co, 72 California Market Johnston Mrs Ellen, fancy goods, 314A Fifth Johnston Mrs Sarali, bakery, 420 Third Johnson & Veasey, com merchants, 324 Davis, JOHNSTON WM D, assayer and chemical laboraty.l 18 and 120 Halleck Joice E V, notary public, commissioner of deeds of all States and Territories, Merchants' Exchange Joiner Jno J, engraver, 432 Kearny Jonas A & Co, butchers, 41 and 42 Washington Market Jonas 1 A, watchmaker and jeweler, 128 Piicilio Jonas N, auctioneer, 33 Kearny .fonasson S J, atty at law, 302 Montgy Jones C C, com merchiint, 214 Sac Jones C G & Co, clothing and men's fur- nishing goods, 712 and 714 Market Jones Clias, miner, 302 Montgomery Jones Chas A, wholesale dry goods, 113 Sansfiin Jones Clinton, gen traveling agt C R I & P R K, 2 New Montgomery Jones & Co, impra and wholesale gro- cers, 218 a»id 220 Front Jones D, real estate, 222 Montgomery JONES De WITT CLINTON, attor ney at law, 215 Sansom JONES E H & CO, importers and job- bers in fancy goods and notions, 535 Market JONES FRANK, liquors, 645 and C47 Merchant Jones H A, stenographer, 46 Mont blk Jones il, w.K.il and coal, 245 Stevenson JONES & JAHNi law and collection, 606 Clay ilones Jas J, carpenter, 322 Jackson Jones J B, jewelry, 649 Sacramento Jones J H, stockbrokbr, 320 Pine Jones J W, dry goods, 24 Sixth Jones & McDonough, liqi^rs, 338 Bush JonoB N W, photograph painter, 6 Eddy (A O 30 00 s o •.'■fc^ CD O) o 3 CO en S?. a' o -a -a o w X CD ■J 3 e uis & Co, moat market, SW cor Fulton and Laguna Jurgens A, cigars and tobacco, 136 2nd Jury Wm, shoe factory, 11) and 21 Van Ness ave Justice Min Co, R E Kelly secty, 419 California, rms 1 and 2 E Kacchelc & Roller, grocers, SE cor Ful- ton and Octavia Kafka Simon & Co, butcher, 9251 Folsom Kahn A, meat market, SE cor McAllis- ter and Laguna Kahn k Brod, optical goods, 335 Bush Kahn Bros &, Co, wholesale dry goods, 21 Sutter Kahn H, artificial flowers, 407 Kearny Kahn Herman, confectionery, 946J Miss Kahn Joseph, baker, 946^ Mission Kahn Joseph, saloon, 416 Pino Kahn Louis, butcher, 1 New Metropoli- tan Market a 3 (O u n I' it I' I S3 e I KING. a PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. ti' t' W, W. MONTAGUE A CO.,'^Z7nV\fo^mr'^^^'^'^'^''^'>^ iin nuA IIH Buttery St., H> V. Is: . . .■Mil; ;: m Ipi iii^iil i 'ii-!' :Mi| I o ^ o o g s o B. I- I- o 1188 San Frcmchco. ALPIIABRTIOALLr. KAHN L ft M* wholesale fine gold jew- elry and diamonds, ISO Kearny Kahn Sarah, florist, 716 Washington Kahn 8 8, physician, 215 Kearny Kahrs John, grocer, SVV cor First and Minna Kain M W, butcher, 6 and 7 Mission Market Kaiser Geo ft Co, retail butchers, 17, 18 and 19 California Market Kaiser H, locksmith, 31G Pacific KAISER WM> merchant tailor, 335 Bush Kaisky, Sternberg & Co, cigar makers, 513 and 515 Front Kalb T J, baker, 1 14 Thirteenth Kalisher E D, mdse broker, 321 Cal Kalisky C, clothing, lOi) and 1 1 1 Second Kalisky L, merchant tailor, - 1 10 Second Kallenberg Theodore, pattern maker, 32 Fremont KALLOCHI M. chief clerk mayors office. New City Hall KALLOCH REV I S. mayor and pas- tor Metropolitan Temple, New City Hall Kalmuk M, cigars and tobacco, 46 4th Kaltbchmidt O, artist, 1049 Mission Kalvelage Clemens, groceries, SW cor Fell and Franklin Kammerer & Koch, barbers, 542 Cal Kampe Fredk W, grocer, 38 Natoma Kampner Mrs Yetta, furniture, 155 7tli Kamps F W, restaurant, 16 and 18 Cal Kane Mrs Annie, fancy goods, 318 6th Kane & Co, steam printers add lito graphers, 410 Sansom Kane F B, physician, 338 Eddy Kane F P, physician, 46 O'Farrell Kane ft Heaney, dairy preduce, 11 to 40 Centre Market Kane James, grocer, SW cor First and Tehama Kane John, grocer, 1 1 Gilbert Kane M, liquors, SW cor Howard and First KANE, O'LEART ft CO, wholesale liq .or dealers, 221 and 223 Bush Kanisher Edward D, mdse broker, 321 California Kanugeisser Julius, sausage maker, 1409 Stockton Kaplan J, watchmaker, 409 Kearny Kaplan Louis, city and county registrar of voters. New City Hall Kappeler & Saner, saloon, 518 Battery Kappke H F, groceries, S£ cor Mason and Union KARASSON MRS MART, bakery, 9391 Folsom Karrae ft Bran, photographers, 18 Third Karstens Chas, grocer, NE cor Jackson and Sansom , ■ Kartchoko Edward, hides and skins, 11 SJ Washington Kasche William, wines and liquors, 18 Geary Kaskel Adolphe, hatter, 423 Kearny Kaskcl Bros, hatters, 617 Commercial Kaskel Louis, sausage maker, 10 Taylor Kast ft Co, boots and shoes, cor Market and Dnpunt Kastens ft Jaek, hairdressers, 1 102 Lar- kin Katz Fred, butcher, 94 to 100 California Market Katz Mrs H, music teacher, 103 Perry Katz J, butcher, (Traud Central Market Kaufman C, civil engineer, 42 Montgy Kaufman C, mining engineer, 330 Pino Kaufman F, grocery, SW cor Twenty- first and Valencia Kaufman S ft Co, stockbrokers, 304 Montgomery Kaufmanu A, shoemaker, 107 Jackson Kaufmann F, grocer and saloon, 329 5th Kautrmann Jacob, butcher, 407 Third Kauflman ft Brady, butchers, 209 6th Kaul Samuel, tailor, 405 Commercial Kautzmann George, carpet weaver, 39 Second Kavanagh ft Campbell, liquors, 244 3d Kavanagh John, merchant tailor, 6 Now Montgomery Kay E J, varieties, 120 Taylor Kay Samuel, painter, 1 104 Howard Kayser Bros, hay and grain, wo(>d and coal, 1118 Pacific Kayser M ft Bro, merchant tailors, 223 Montgomery Kayser ft Klose, Turk St Hotel, 22 and 24 Turk Keano Bros, dry goods, |cloaks and suits, 107 Kearny Keaney P, manufr carriages and wagons, 966 Mission Keany Mary, bakery, 1555 Mission Kearney .1 h\ tailor, 1122 Harrison Kearney P, groceries, 1300 Pacific Kearney P A, druggist, SW cor First and Folsom Kearney Thos, real estate agent, 408 California Keams M, wood and coal, 1523 Dupont Kearny P W, plumber, 1 149 Mission Keating ft May, plumbers, 2205 Mission Kedon Martin Jr, junk, 319 Davis Keefe D, commission and produce mer- chant, 211 Washington Keeff*} David, bakery, 309 Minna Keegan James, plumbing and gasiitting, 844 Washington Keenan Chas, saloon, 1154 Market Kcenan P, bootmaker, 506 Mission Keene C C, musical instruments, cor Market and Third ^ ■n o m a CO (D (A o o a a o' a s % ■0 o I H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. T5 m ijuon, 18 earny nercial 10 Taylor r Market 1102 Lar- Oalifomia )3 Perry ral Market 2 Montgy ., 330 Pino r Twenty- rokers, 304 j « yj Jackson on, 32« 5th 107 Third re, 2W) 6th nmercial weaver, 39 )r8, 244 3d ailor, 6N«JW lylor toward I, wood and tailors, 223 otel, 22 and ^inna ad gasflttingi Market I Mission _ iimeuts, cor | q I tn PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "" tr^?ariJ*^yj|r,.ff "yt^ in ALPHABBTIOAl.LT. 1189 Keene Jas K. stockbroker, 1 S F Stock Exchange Building Keeney C W, mining, 439 California Kceney J W, physician, 20 Montgomery Kehoe J W, butcher, cor Ninth and Minna Kehoe Peter, boots and shoes, 238 3d Kehoe Thos, junk store, 417 Drumm Keightley Mrs, dressmaker, 101 O'Far Keil Edward, photograplier, 34 Third yiiTL FRED C* druggist and apothe cary, SW oor Market and Fourth Keith W, artist, 8 Mercantile Library Building Kclleher & Simpson, saloon, 301 Fourth Keller Henry & Co, publisliers and booksellers, ] 16 Post Keller Joseph, groceries, IIIOI Pacific KellettC, livery stable, 2618 Mission KELLETT SAMUEL* plaster decora- tions, 763 Market KELLET BROS, wood, coal, hay, grain, etc, NE cor 11 K and 12tli avc Kelly Geo W, stock broker, 326 Pine Kelley Martin, manufr nails, files, rasps, etc, 248 Beak' Kelley Martin, liquors, 248 Beale Kelliug & Moore, livery stable, 420 Pac Kellner M, dry goods, :W)6 Sixth Kell'j,|g F H, capitalist, 444 California Ke'.logg J (x, capitalist, 314 California K'jUoggM B, atty, 530 California KELLT CHAS E, notary public and commissioner of daeds, 209 Sausom Kelly 4 Eigan, wholesale liquors, 406 Battery Kelly, Henderson & Gilchrist, importers liquors, 309 and 311 Front Kelly James M, contractor, 638 Market Kelly, Tames R & Co, paints, oils, glass, etc, 101 to 105 Front Kelly John, liquors, 43 Second Kelly John, liquors, 186 Jessie Kelly Jos, butcher, H59 Howard Kelly Mrs Kate, bakery, 327 Fourth Kelly L, merchant tailor, 27 Fourth Kelly C & M, pork packers, 433 Steven Kelly M J, meats, 3 Centre Market Kelly Owen, liijuors, 1018 Howard Kelly Rev O, editor "Pacific Church man," 605 Montgomery Kelly P, baker, 238 Fifth Kelly P, bootmaker, 238 Kearny Kelly Peter, groceries, 235 Fell Kelly Peter, liquors, cor Masonic ave and Point Lobos ave Kelly P W, junk, 38 First Kelly k Runnels, photographers, 31 Third KELLT THOS, sale and livery stable, SE cor Leavenwqrth and Geary Kelly R E, mining secy, 419 California Kelsey G & S Mining Co, 330 Pine Koltor Mrs Bertha, retail fancy goods and dressmaking, 37 Fifth Kelting & Tietjen, grocer, SW oor Washington and East Kemm J, atty, 328 Montgomery, rm 19 Kejimo (}eo, bakery, NE cor Leaven- worth and Broadway Kemp J & Co, planing mill, 109 Mission KEMP JOHN H, upholstery goods, tassels and fringes, 10 Post KEMP VAN E F, dentist, 1144 Market Kendall C VV, atty, 603 Washinsjton Kendall Mrs, dressmaker, 207 Kearny KENDALL F I, merchandise broker, 302 California, room 5 KENDALL & KELLOQG. Kendall's Patent Quartz Mill, 318 Pine Kendrick & O'Connor, stone cutters, cor Harrison and Tenth Kenealy David, grocer, NE cor Sixth and Brannan Kenealy Mrs E, fancy goods, cor Sixth and Brannan Kenitzer & Raun, architects, 601 Cal Kenna P J G, stock broker, 314 Montgy Kennedy, Brennan & Co, dry goods, 901, 903 and 905 Market and 2, 4, and 6 Fifth Kennedy & Brennan, dry goods, 1 16 and 118 Third Kennedy Dennis, grocery, SW cor Pierce and Eddy KENNEDY & DXJBR. dry goods, 834, 83(5 and 838 Market Kennedy E, tailor, 505 California KENNEDY FRANK, atty at law, 604 Merchant, room 16 Kennedy Hugh, horseshoer, 4 Spring Kennedy J H, varieties, 605 Mont ave Kennedy & McGruder, milliners, 62 Third Kennetly P B, dry goods, 232 Kearny Kennedy P J, stock broker, 106 Leid Kennedy & Spark, lime, 53 Beale Kennedy Walter B, job printer, 621 San Kenuelly & Sullivan, blacksmiths, 1123 Market Kenney B, oyster house, 89 and 90 Cen- tre Market Kenney & Dyer, stock brokers, 228 Mont Kenney Felix, carriagemaker, 966 Miss Kenney & Gilligan, wood andconl, 127 Eighth KENNEY JOHN, liquors wholesale, b05 Front Kenney Mr& K, board and lodging, 33 Eddy Kenney M, boots and shoes, 516 Coml Kenney Michael, liquors, Dunbar alley Kenney P, tailor, 307 Minna Kenney Patrick, shoemaker, 237 Jack Kenny John J, groceries, 1020 Pacific Kenny K, real estate, 22 Kearny I ?S 1 1^ i 1 i ^3 i H 1 ^ 1^ s^ |iw ft ill 1? % ii| II i 11 iff i'i |s 'i yll* til s8 ■: 'ife •»8 f li *? 1 TB ^ II 'i i, 1 s 1 i t,Sac OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER A CO^ 302 Davit SU S. F. . IV. mUn I AuUi: « UU., na. Il4. il«. and IIN Battery mCm.w, Ik ■ (0 i c 75 S p 0> 3 lb IL « c c (0 11 O O o a z Z o o z F h 1190 San Frcmcisco. AUrilABITICAkLT. Kenny & Sheohan, merchant tailors, 691 Market Kent D M, mining sec and collector, 3!^ Pine, room 18 Kent James, wood and coal, SW cor Fifteenth und Howard Kent R F, stock broker, 318 Montgy KontHeld John Sc Co, lumber, pier Stcuart Kenton Mining Co, 411 California Kentuck Mining Co, 3!0 Pine, room 15 Kenyon Curtis G, physiioiaa, GUI Miss KEOOH JOHNt upholstering goods, 73 and 75 New Montgomery Keogh M W, board and lodging, 360 Na- toma Kerchof — , cigars, NE cor Washing- ton and iSansom Kern River Land and Canal Co, 30J) Montgomery, room 4i> Kerner P, liquors, SE cor JcHsie and New Montgomery Kerr D, printer, 608 Market Kerr David, carriage, wagon and truck manufr, 47 and 4l> lieale Kerr Jno, wood and coal, 1150 Folsom Kerr ^f att, liquors, 1 1 1 ljciiles Market Keyes Orsen H, I)utchcr, 50 Stcuart Keyes W S, mining engineer, 310 Pine Keyle R, liquors, 304 Paciric Keyser Paul, com merchant, 206 Clay KEYSTONE BROTHEBS, whip fac tory, 262!> Mission Keystone Consolidated Alining Co, 310 Pine, room 40 Keystone House, Frank Nicolaysen, 127 Jackson Keystone No 1 & 2 Mining Co, Stock Exchange building Kcyt ft Co, bill posters, 506 Commercial Keuerleber Fred W, liquors, 39 Market Keuitz Chas & Co, liq^uors, 242 Sutter Kibbe Thos R, physician, 15 Taylor Kibble G It, robber stamps and printing, 331 Kearnv Kiefer Jno, barber, 310 Bush KieferJno, hairdresser, 230 Bush KIEFFER CHAS, liquors, 432 Bdwy Kiegenbcin Jno & Co, com merchants, 201 and 203 Davis Kicrnan C, furniture, 231 Sixteenth Kiernan Fr mcis J, fruit, 23'3 Post Kicrnan Michael, Hewing machine repair shop, 83l) Mission Kihlmyer iJacob, liquors, 601) Clay KIHN" E, Fifth St Furniture Factory, 545 and 547 Fifth K K Con Mining Co, 30!) Mont, rm 44 Kilcullen M, laundry, 21 Frcolon Kilday Bros, plumoors and gasfittcrs, 1138 Howard Kilday M, liquors, SW cor Mission and Second Kiliam Geo, harbor, 434 Pacific Killavary Patrick, butcher, 421 Eighth Killeen Mrs Mnry, boarding 31 Minna Killip & Co, auctioneers, Cal below Mont Killy M L butcher, 1840 Ellis Kimhall Chas P, book store, 510 Hayes Kimball Proctor W, music teacher, 510 Hayes Kinoaid S A, fancy goods, 403 Gough Kind Miss, dressmaker, 1022 Stockton Kind Mrs M W. dressmaker, 1017 Mkt Kindler A K, coifeo and spico mills, NE cor Mission and Fremont King — , saloon, 148 Fourth Kina (yivmeron H, attv at 'aw, 207 S;in KING & CHATTIN. notaries public and commissioners oi deeds for all the States and Territories, 442 California KINQ OF WILLIAM JAMES C & CO, hermetically scaled goods, NW cor Broadway and Sansom King D C, liverv stable, 1008 West Miss King(; F, Kin,''s Hall, 2131 Mission King H S & (/o, stock brokers, 312 Pine Kinx Mrs J, liquors, 113 First KING JAMES L. notary public, 442 California King Jno, liquors, 20 Turk King Jno S, Chinese employment office, 616 Clay King .los L, stock broker, 402 Montgy King M, sign painter, 3 1 1 Sutter King M L, anti({uate«l books, 205 4th King P, hairdresser, 323 Pacific KING & RODGERS, attys at law, 207 Sansom King Wm, liquors, 144 Steuart Kingwell J W, plumber and gasfitter, 502 Ellis Kinley J M, atty at law, 608 Montgy Kirkman J L, express 13 to 19 Front Kirkpatrick Ed, attorney at law, 609 Sacramento ai 09 B O PC 5* o 3 a o !1 ? o S o (A r » A' e TRY MURRAY S MAGIC OIL L Bluroauer & Co.* 'SSTSi^ST PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, n*. MO Pom Mtr«>«>«. IM» thnrnnvhH if»v NiioMipnm. [issinn and S CO •0 CO & CO s •H 09 O P< V p o o I (Sttn Francisco. ALPIIARITICAIiLY. 1191 Kirkuatriuk Jus, shoemaker, 13'2J Puc Kirsch Emil, butcher. U3D Third KIRWAN JAS. boarding and lodging, SW cor Kearny and Bay Kister & Vetter, blacksmiths and wiig- onmakers, 922 Krannan Kittelbergor & Bold, liqnors, SW cor Kearny and Cominercial Kitterman Jas, furniture and carpets, 131S Stockton Kittle & Co, shipping and commission merchants, 202 California Kittler C & C W, cabiuetmukors, 202 Powell Kitto Orlando, grocer, cor Minnesota and Solano Kittridgo E H & Co, manufs door^, blinds and sashes, 20 California KITTREDGE JONATHAN, propr Phujnix Iron Worka, 18 and 20 Kre Kitzmnller M, watroninuker, SoO Hownl Klaber (r, wood and ooal, 5tJ4i Howard Klahn John H, ci<_'nr factory, 4IS Sixtl KLAIBER FRANK, saloon, y Hardie Place Klaiii Nathan M, photoyrapher, 921 Mc- Allister Klamath Quartz M Co, 301) Montgomery Klauiiter & Co, fruit and ])roduce, 33 0th Klarenuioyer S, artist, 724.^ Market Klarman Mrs John, grocer, San Bruno Road l>et 27th and 2Sth Klatt Ferdinand, carpenter, 510 Kearny Klaus Jolm, tailor, 03t Pacific Kleeii Henry, liquors, 225 Clay Klein Mrs Annie, school, 170!! Sutter Klein K, grocery, NVV cor 22(1 ami f->l KLEIN J E» shooting gallery and am- munition, 745 Mission Klein J H & A I), grocm-ics, 105!) Tyler Kleiiihannner H, r)yster house, 210 Sut Kleiuhaupt A I, clothing, 109 Sixth Klemm C, cabinetmaker, I4S Kluxome Klemm Hugo, barber shop, 285 Ivist Klesviseh J O, stock broker, 422 Mont Klevcsahl E W, hotel, --07 Post Kleyn Mrs Helena, bakery, 14 Fifth Klibbeck Christoph, shoemaker, 522 Pac Kliudt H, cigars anil tobacco, 909 Kear Kline Abraham, fancy goods, 720 Mkt KLINE & CO. imprs mens, ' boys' and ladies' hats, 26 and 28 Battery Kline Louis & Co, imprs mens,' boys' and ladies' hats, 110 Hush Klinehnnpt A, tailor, 109 Sixth Kling W, watchmaker and jeweler, 213 Jackson Klinkenberg M, fruits and vegetables, 3 2 Mis sion Market KT^TNKNER C A & CO* manufs red rubber stamps and stencil plates, etc. Holt's patent printing wheels, 320 Sansom, rooms 40 and 41 "Cal Journal," fruit and vege- Klintworth I), propr 802 Montgomery Kliunak M N, retail tables, 500 L.irkin Klopper Fredk, leather and leather fiud- ings, 20O'Farroll Klopper Henry, bootmaker, 121 Davis Klopatock C & Co, manufs ciuars. 212 Front King & Fancourt, restaurant, 705 and 707 Mission Klumpke J (I, real estate, 432 Montgy Klnmpp VVm, engraver, 235 Kearny Klunder John, groceries, lOl and 103 •Fackson Knack J'no, propr Philadelphia House, 421 and 423 Bush Knapp .lames K, agt N P C R R & San Queutin Ferry Knapp Ludwig, fruit an- n O ft o h Q W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., 'triril^tSTt^ililSiriS^rM'!' tf f >< < ^ S 5 1192 (San Francisco. ALPIUBITICALLT. Knowlton J 8, artifleial tooth manufr, 6 Eddy Knownburgh J, carriage maker, 2623 Folsom KNOX GEO T, notary public and com miisioner of deeds for Htutos and Tcr ritories, 444 California Knox Henry E, dentist, 23 Post Kuux J F, wool, Townsond bet Fifth and Sixtii KNOX THOMAS, offi.;.iil reporter su perior court W o 2, Oaklnnd 120 Kearny Knudsen P J, broker, ll(i Front Knust H, grocer and saloon, 309 Fourth Knutson H M, liquors, 100 I'aciKc Koch Adam, stoves and tinware, 807 Market Koch Chas, salouii, 300 Haye^ Koch Edward, groceries, N W cor Vallejo and Polk Koch George A, mining engineer, 423 Ninth K«ich John, portrait painters, etc, 33i( Kearny Koch il M J, barber, 04fj Commercial Koch & Rogers, house and sign painters, J04 and 100 O'Farrell Koch VVm, Concordia Hotel, 907 Fol Kochmann Morris, toys and stationery, 214 Sixth Kock Claus, hotel, 207 Montgomery ave Koe'.'hler Adam, tailor, 2108 Fillmore Koehler August, trusses and shoulder braces, 507 Keaniy Koehlor Chiis, cabinetmaker, 20!) Mason KOEHLER & BITTER, manufr jew- elry anil silverware, 20 }'«)st Koehler & Ritter, watchmakers and jewelers, 20 Post Koehler W, bootmaker, 2407 California Koehncke A, groceries, 121 tSeventh KOELLER WM. druggist, cor Taylor and Eddy Koelzer A, barber, 1743 Mission Koen Frank, collector, ol'J Montgomery K(ENIO A, boots and shoes, 122 Kearny Koenig Ferclinand, saloon, 030 Pacific Koeper F, boot maker, 519 Montg ave Koerber H & Bro, coal and cliarcoal, 17 Washington Koermcr Mrs, embroidery and fancy goods, 940 Market Koerber H & Bro, coal dealer, 17 and 19 Washington Koerner John N, grocer, SE cor Market and Pearl Koerner M, barber, 4 Hardie Place Kohen William, butcher, 43 Grand Ar- cade Market Kohlbecken J, boots and shoes, 123 Fourth Kohlbeirg M P & Co, cigar manufg and leaf tobacco, 218 and 220 Battery Kohlberg 8, fancy goods, 40 Sixth. KOHLER ft CHASE, music ware rooms, wholesale and retail, 137 and 139 Post Kohler'& Frohling, wholesale Cal wines, 020 Montgomery Kohlman Holomon, grocer, 210 Sixth Kohn H Si Son, furs, 1114^ Market Kohn Henry, grocery, 408 Folsom Kohn Idaac, merchant, '.^1 California Kohn Jacob, retail cigars, 212 Sansom Kohn Jos L, R K contr, res 1717 How Kohn Jos S, 331 Montgomary, room 4 Kohnke John, cutler, locksmith and bell hanger, 405 J California Kohra William M, grocer, NWcor Page and Franklin Kolblo Joseph, tailor, 1210 Koamy Kolkminn H, groceries, 735 Geary Kommer E, boots and shoes, 023 Market Koneke A & Co, com m^irch, 10 Front KoniuL' Max, groceries, 1529 Dupont Konold F A, boots and shoes, wholesale, 023 Market KOOPMAN JOHN, intenmtional Sa- loon, 41 Saerumunto Koopinaii T, grocer, 1507 Franklin Kop.mkiuwic/ A, boot maker, 1421 Dev Kopp Charles, restaurant, 104 Seventh Kopsch Adam J, atty, 014 Merchant Korl)el F & Bros, planing mills, cigar box manufr, 30(» and 308 Battery, .uid cor Fifth and Bryant Kordmeyer & Underwood, liquors, Russ House Korn Abram 1, barber, 545 California Korn L, cigars and tobacco, 101 Sansom Korneck W E, liquors 41 Third Korner Gus, butcher, NE cor Jessie and Nineteenth Korts & Diercks, liquors, 314 Clay Kuscho Rudolph, hair goods, 420 Bush Koshland Bros, com merchants, wool and hides, 19 Sansom Koshlami S & Co, itnpr bags, bagging, dealer in wool, hides, furs, etc, and com merchant, 228 California Kosminsky & Bro, cigars and tobacco, 128 Kearny Kosminsky Samuel, litjuors, cor First ave and Kentucky Kossuth Mining Co, 300 Pine, room 3 Koster Henry, oils and lamps, 410 and 412 Sansom Koster John & Co, restaurant, 614i Merchant KOSTER JOHN L, manager Pacific V^iuegar Works, 415 to 419 Fulton, ofiSce 323 Front Koster Jos, licpiors, cor Central ave and Geary Kostering C, grocer, 1115 Folsom Kostering Chas, groceries, 1788 Folsom H. WACHHORST calls attention -ffljS?rv"eV"^i2^" 315 J St. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. The lloA«>l OoMMrr«l«l CellcM of thi> €na«t , »«0 Po«it Mt.. •.F. Ywrs, cor First I'iue, room '^ im\)», 410 and Ltiiurant, 614i lianagor Pacific V 419 Fulton, lA E e o 2 (A o SI o o x: C9 o X CO o «0 iSati Francisco. ALPHAIItTICAIiir. 1108 Kowaiaky SolomoUf clothing, 918 Dnp Kowalflki 8, fancy goods, 918 Dupont K0WAL8KT E H, com merchant, 227 and 229 >Va«hington KOZHINSKY H, impr wholesale cigars and tobac. , 202 Sansom Kraift Ferdinand, coffoo houHO, 428 Kearny Kr»gcn a Oeist, furniture factory, 73(i Brannan KRAJEWSKI FBED. mnchino and blacksmith tool in.niufaoturLTH, 7-t7 Fourth Kraker & Israel, ladies' furaiiliiir^i.(<)od!), 523 Market Kramer B, bakery, 630 Grove Kramer C, butcher, 2113 Fillmore KBAMEB ft CO. ii^pra ladies' fur- nishing goods, 28 8ar som Kramer Francis, bootmaker, 219 Davis Kramer Frederick, butoher, 229 Fell Kramer H, bootmaker, 114 M'ssio:' Kramer John, resiaurant, 407 Dupont Kramer J & Wm, grocers, 501 (ireenwli Kramer L, florist, NK cor Unior. and Webster Kramer & Me c o E To CO c c (0 O ■ O O < 0. h O 1194 San Francisco. ALPIIABBnOAIiLV. Kurtz AM, apothecary, 199 Hyde Kurz Louis, bakery, 215 Second Kuael S A, shirt factory, 808 Valencia KUSTEL & SIOTTE, metallurgists, 318 rine Kurtz F C H, liquors, 655 Third Kutner & Goldstein, cigars, 427 Front Kutner J, tobacconist, 1306 Polk . Kuttncr N, dyer, 821 Larkin Kutz Cr M & Co, stock and money broker, 318 Montgomery Kuzanick li, restaurant, 306 Dupont Kyles R, liquors, 304 Pacific Kyle K G, stockbroker, 317 Montgomery KYRUO H. reoacker, 224 Jackson Laats Charles, groceries, 1011 Harrison Label H, fruit, cor Taylor and O'Farrell Labine Oliver, coffee saloon, 641 Coml La Brie G, physician, 1018 Mission Labrut John B, grocer. Twenty-second and Potrero ave La Caisse (ienerale, Hutchinson & Mann agts, 322 California Lacazo B, carriagemakcr, 714 Sansom Lachapellu J J, wagon .n:uiufr, 230 Miss Lacher Isaac, hides, pelts, etc, 115 Drumm Lachman M, carpets, etc, 31 Post Lachman Abraham, olotliing, 810 Mont Lachman L, tailor, 518 Pine LACHMAN & JACOBI, Cal wines and brandies, SE cor First and Market Lachman S, cigars and tobacco, 22U Bush Lachman S & Co, Cal wines and bran dies, 401 to 411 Market LACHMAN & STEBNFELS, furs,i2i) Montgomery Lackman Hex-man, boots and shoes, 210 Bran nan LaConfiance Insurance Co, Hutchinson & Mann agts, 222 California Lacosti Frank, restaurant, 617 Sac Lacoste John, grocer, N\V cor Mont- gomery ave and Lombard Lacoiu' P, liquors, 117 Seventh Lacy Henry, money broker, 321 Cal Lacy John J, machinist and engineer, 17 Sutter Lada Madame, prof of music, lO'J O'Far rell Ladd C D, gunsmith, 821 Kearny Ladd G S, prest California Electrical Works, I'M Sutter Ladd P B, atty at law, 629 Kearny **LADIES HOME JOURNAL/ Hiram Morse editor, Geo D Shearer business manager. Chronicle bldg, cor Kearny and Bush Lady Bryan S M C», 203 Bush, rm 26 Laeremans Frank, furniture, 528 Wash Laewen Bryent, hairdresser, 163 Second and 672^ Mission Lafayette Brewery, 7-5 Green Laffey E N, shipping master, 508 Bat Laffi L, groceries, 186 Fourteenth LA FLaTJBi y, cork-sole bootmaker, 436 Bush Lafiin J, shipping agt, 41 Vallejo Lafontaine A J, printer, 625 Merchant and 622 Clay Lageman Henry, wood and coal, 812 McAllister Lagomarsino L, boots and shoes, 708 Montgomery Lagoni H, dairy produce, 1515 Market LA GRANDE LAUNDRY CO. E P White prest. Thirteenth bet Harrison and Folsom, otiice 648 Market La Grange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Co, A Halsey secy, 314 Montgomery La Grange Cien O H, mining, 324 Pine Lagrave J P & Co, liquors, 656 Pacific LA^ GRAVES WOT, dentist, 210 Kearny Lagust J, grocer, NW cor Montgomery ave and LomKird Lahaney P W, harncssraaker, cor Fifth and Uailroad aves Lahuy & McNeil, lostaurant, 133 Fifth Lahl .r, tailor, 513 Pine Laib Anton, boots and shoes, DOO Pacitic Ijuine .1 & S(ni, lapidaries, 618 Merchant Laing Chas D, stockbroker, 337 Pino Laird Uanl, furniture, 1062 Howard LAIRD D W» manufacturing jeweler, (S F Jewelry Manufactory), lapidary, watches and jewelry, 27 Post Lake Delos, atty at law, 310 Pine, rm 'Mi Lake & MeKoon, attys at law, 310 Pine Lambert MrsM, confectionery, 249 Bran Lake k Sweetser, groceries, 995 Market Lake View Min Co, 330 Pine, rm 36 Lake Wm B, advertising agent, cor Post and Kearney Lakemau Louis, grocery, 242 Fourth LALANDE A, jeweler and diamond • setter, 420 Sutter Lalich & Lucich, fruit, 911 Kearny La Malia. J F, advertising broker, 628 Montgomery Laman Wm, shoemaker, 241 Fifth LAMAR INS CO. F F Stone agt, '.'OD Sansom Lamar J B, atty at law, 628 Montgy Lamb F H, suiit first < t Pacific divis- ion W U Tel Co, 302 Montgomery Lamb .lohn, liquors,. 150 Steuart Lambert K, wool, 5 Spear LAMBERT WM P, livery stable, 875 Folsom Lambucci F, bootmaker, 812 Sansom Lamen T D S, carriage maker, 540 Vain Lammers Mrs M. confectionery, 933 Miss o 20 o -4 -1 *< 39 s o x- ST CO o 3 (0 a CA 'O •a o u a o "I e P TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL LBIumauer&Ca, 'Sl^.l!: PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •''^LvSKn'Tp. ?;.^^^^ Book* , t»4'2 Fourth ami diamoiicl G'28 Moutgy t Pacitic lUvis- Montgomery , I Steuart [very stable, Siu I, 812 Sanaom Imaker, 540 Valu psrtlandTore* 1. iMive tti San Francisco. ALPIIABBTICALLY. 1195 LAMPE T C & BRO> hairdressers and baths, The Baldwin Hotel and 114 Sutter La Monte & Downey, wholesale tobacco and cigars, 2'2'S Sacramento Lamson Geo F, auctioneer, 425 Kearny LANCASHIRE FIBE INS CO. Falk ner, Bell & Co, 430 California Lancaster & Northoii, tailors, 013 Mont Lancaster T& Co, merchant tailors, 531 California Lancey T C, propr "The Pioneer," 432 Montgomery Land Chas, capitalist and real estate;, 405 California Land Investment Co, R Wegener socty, 414 California •♦LAND WORLD," Cyrus H Street propr, 331 Montgomery LANDER G & SON. hay and grain, Fourth and King Landers k Co, coppersmiths, 421 Miss Landers & Co, agts Manhattan Life Ins Co, ;^0!) Mongnmery, rm I Landers P, importers of hai-dware, 406 nndiOS Market Landers \Vm J, agt Guardian Assur Co, 40t)i California Landgruff &; Knauer, barber, 105 Miss Landis C, tan baths, 53 Minna Lando H, clothing, 317 Kearny Landon Alfred, crockery and glassware, 1207 Stockton Landon G .Tr, marble dealers, SW cor Sanaom and Broadway Landry & Babin, rent collector, Gl".: Commercial Landsberg Henry, cigars and tobacco, 1'23 Sansom Landsberg H, boots and shoes, 34 Sixth Landsbergcr I & Co, wholesale liquors, 10 and 12 Jones Alley Landschneidcr H, board andlodging,5]2 Fourth Lane & Green, Amalgamating Works, 250 Fifth Lane J & Co, marblo works, 1 13G Miss Lane .F J, grocer, 220 Fifth Lane J J, real estate agt, 700 Mission Lane Levy C, physician, 052 Mission Lane W, boarding house, 600 Davis Lane Wm E, plumber and gasfitter, 505 Kearny Lang A, funiitui-e, 104 Fourth Lang & Co, liquors, 210 and 212 Dupont Lang & (xriilith, house and sign painters, 31G Washington Lang J F, locksmith, 13244 i'^lk Lang Henry, cooper, 112 and 114 Jack Lang L, boarding house, 20 Page Langdale A, China crockery, 903 Stock Langdon ^ Rebman, hardware, tools and cutlery, 13G Market and 31 Sixth Lange Chas H, liquors, 258 Steuart Lange H C, grocers, NW cor Dolores and Twenty -second LANOE J C R, basket factory, 12 Montgomery ave Lange P N, liquors, 246 Townsend Lange Z A, variety store, 2544 Folsom Langhorne J P. atty at law, 421 Mont LANOLAND N P, stair builder, 407 Mission Langley Henry (r, directory publisher, 14 Montgomery ave Langley & Jones, blacksmiths and car- riage builders, 27 Washington LANGLEY & MICHAELS. Havoring extracts and druggists, NE cor Front and Pine LANGREHR HENRY C, ship tin- smithing, plumbing and manufactut ■ ers ship lantei'ns and stoves.'io Market Lannan & Utley, butchers, 1318 Pdlk Jjanouetto E, bootmaker, 4?J Third Lantheaume Fred, restaur'iut, 331 Bush I^inzweert Ijouis, druggist, 4 GO Fourth Ijfipachet Mrs C & Co,f.incy goods, 1503 Stockton Lapariat Blaise, bakery, !)36 Howard LAPHAM L. Wester. 1 Straw Works, 108 Fourth Larat Frank, candy factory, 609 McAl- lister Lardner Henry F, U S commissioner, U S Court bldg, cor B»t and Wash Lnrdner & Leu, wool merchants, 440 Townsend Lariba Chas, carpenter, 803 Buchanan Larkin & Flaherty, roofers, 35 Post Larkins & Co, carriage builders, 631 and G33 Howard LARKINS & SPOSITO, fresh and salt lish, 101 and 10:' Cal Market liiirrabee-Smith Mrs 7{hoda V, lodging houHo, f>!)5 Market Larroche F, tripe, tongue, etc, 21 S-F Market Lnrsen C G, cofiFee saloon, 18 Eddy Tiarsen, Liindberg k t'o, liquors, 7 Merch Larsen S, veterinay surgeon, 12 Merch Larsen Soron, liv3ry stable, 12 Merch Larson Anton, rertaurant, ilG2 Kearny Larson Geo, coopev, 101 Clay Larson Jas, wood and coal, 250 First LARZELERE & WITHAM, produce and commission, SW^ cor Clay and Davis lia Salle Co, cigarmakers, 304 Dupont Lasar D & Co, dairy produce, 52 Centre Market, cor Sutter and Dupont Lasar L & Co, wholesale fruits, 229 Washington Lash H, fancy and laco goods, 537 Mkt Lashier F H, cigars, 29 Sixth Lasawell C H, plumber, 38 Sixth ms CO- m CO s CO O S5. ',, f j 1 I] m ".I K*? I H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. w. w. MONTAGUE & co.,'^&»^fo.'Mrir^«j^wr IL 1196 San Frandaco. ALPHABITIOALLT. o E « "8 C c O ■ o o o z S o < I- 3 O Lasswell M D, plumber, 240 Minna Last Chance Mining Co, 328 Montgy I^ast (rlinimer Mining Co, 405 California Lastreto L F, com merchant, 423 Wash Latapee P & Co, liquors, cor Railroad and Sixth aves Latham F B, treasurer N P C R R, 328 Montgomery, room 9 Latham Milton S, preat N P C R R, 328 Montgomery, rooms 10 and 11 Latimer L D, judge superior court No 1, 628 Montgomery LATIMER & MOAROW, attorneys at law, 309 Montgomery, rms 75 to 77 LATON CHAS A, secy Commercial Insurance Co of California, 405 Cal Latter Wm, shoemaker, 521 Valencia Laubenbcimer Chas, hairdresser, Grand Hotel Laufenburger Chas, agt Eagle Soap Co, 209 Clay Laugel A, liquors, 1410 and 1412 Dupont Laughna W O, ins broker, 322 Cal Lijumeister C S, feeed mills, 118 Miss Lauricella & Co, barbers, 1339 Dupont LAURISTON A, liquors, S\V cor Bat tery and Green LAUTEN A & CO, liquors, NW cor Filbert and Powell Lauterwasser & Smith, hay, grain and feed, 1214 Folsom Lautheaume H, restaurant, 520 Merch Lauzet M, bakery, 132 Hayes Lauzct Mrs Mary, fruit and vegetables, 132 Hayes Lavaimiiio Mrs, fruit, 1 14 Fourth LAvAKE & ORUBR plumbers and gastitters; also proprs and manufac- turers of the "New Era Waste Pipo Cut-off and Valve," cor Second and Stevenson, under Grand Hotel Lavulley L P, bakery, 408 Broadway Lavenson, Winter & Co, Bay Soap and Candle Works, 119 to 121 Front; fac t«ry, M from Sixth to Seventh aves South S F Laventhal Samuel, clothing, 547 Wash Laver A, architect, Stock Excliange bldg Lavery .1 G, mining secy, 327 Pine LAVERY JOS G, Paeitic Coast agent Bethesda n)ineral spring water and mineral waters, 414 Sacramento Lavery J V, grain warehouse, cor San- son! and Chestnut Lavezzari M G, milliner, 1520 Stockton Laveugi P, boarding house, 3 Vallejo LA Villa R, com merchants, 41 1^ Washington "LA VOCE DEL POPUU" (weekly), G B Cevasco editor, (i03 Washington "La Voz del Nuevo Mundo " (semi- weekly), F Santiago Fierro editor, 622 Clay and 625 Merchant Lawler Francis, groceries, 429 Minna Lawler Frank W, atty at law, 507 Mont Lawler Jno M k Co, manager Commer- cial Hotel, NE cor Montgomery ave and Kearny Lawler Michael, groceries and liquors, 411 Fifth Lawler P J, shooting gallery, cigars, etc, 522 Bush LAWLER THOS H, business manager The Daily Exchange Publishing Co, 30G Montgomery Lawless Bros, saddles and harness, 628 Front Law Library, 628 Montgomery Lawlor James, atty at law, 324 Pine Lawrence & Brown, wholesale sheep butcher, Fifth ave LAWRENCE & CO, tanners, Eleventh ave bet Q and R Lawrence E A, atty at law, ,410 Cal Lawrence J V, carpenter and builder, 621 Sacramento liawrenoe W H, propr Watkins' Yo Semite (iallery, 427 Montgomery Lawson & Cullumlier, coopers, 506 Front Lawson Thos, capitalist, 217 Battery LAWTON C D, wood and coal, 1925 Bush LAWTON E & CO, manufrs carriages a;id wagons, 1330 Market Lawton Franklin, stockbroker, 320 Mo itgoniery Lawton G T, mining. 401 California Lawton Mrs H W, dressmaker, 131 Turk LAWTON & CO, imprs of crockery and glasvsware, 60i( and 611 Market Lawton W B & Co, manufrs shirts and underwear, (iOS Market and 9 Post LAWTON W F, manager Olympic Club, »'9 Post Layres Mrs Elizabeth, artist, 1212^ How LAZARD FRER£S(L>/ard Bms & Co, London; Lazard Freres, N Y) bankers, 205 Sanaom Lazarus S, dry gootls, 1235 Stockton Lazure L T, stockbroker, 304 Pine Leahy M, liquors, (512 Howard Leaming Petroleum Co, R Wegener secy, 414 California Learn 11 B, dentist, 838 Market LEARY A J» printers, publishers and stationery, 404 Sansom Leary J, wood and coal, 1426.\ Howard Leavenworth Mrs Eliza, millinery, 21i) Dupont Leaves W M, machinist, 39 Eleventh Leavitt C H, Pioneer iron Works, 2^5 and 227 Beale Leavitt Mrs Clara, bakery, 134 Fifth LEAVITT S B & CO. stationers, 5:>6 Sacramento H. WACHHORST. importer of j„'^:rnuSl;!^;*.ia.. 315 J St., Saa BUStWESS PENWIAWSHIP '^V^yJ\"oT.!g?;.a!:ri^^;^t'St"gfc , 429 Minna 1 law, 507 Mont nager Commer- ;ontgomery ave tea and liquors, gallery, cigars, lusiness manager Publishing Co, ind harness, 628 d tgomery law, 324 Pine wholesale sheep ! lanners. Eleventh ; law, .410 Cal iter and builder, pr Watkins' Yo Montgomery coopers, 506 Front ist, 217 Battery od and coal, 1925 , manufrs carriages larkefc stockbroker, 326 |401 California dressmaker, 131 ■ imprs of crockery land Oil Market auufrs shirts and Irket and i) Post |manager Olympic artist, 1212^ How Is (Ijiizard Bros 4 ird Frcres, NY), tn 1235 Stockton fker, 304 Pine fi Howard Co, R Wegener l3H Market Icrs, publishers and Isom loal, 1426.\ Howanl |Uza, millinery, 219 -list, 3i) Eleventh If Iron Works, 225 lakery, 134 Fifth ICO. stationers, 526 I San Frcmciaco. ALrilABRTIOALLY. 1197 t o e o d» in » I % L. t. Leavitt W F & Co, shirt manufr, 230 Kearny Leavy C M, cigars and tobacco, 121 Montgomery Lebatard M, stockbroker, 418 Montgy Lebenbaum & Co, groceries, 529 Kearny Le Bert Victor, butcher, SE cor Eigh- teenth and Capp Lebhard Jean, florist, cor Post and Ceu tral ave Lebenbaum, Goldberg & Co, grocers 1447 and 1449 Polk Lebenbaum & Goldberg, groceries, 121 Post Le Breton A J, attorney at law, 217 Sansom Le Boncher E, restaurant, 308 Mont ave Le Burdeck Louis, cotTee saloon, 6<10 Commercial Le Count Bros, stationers and blank book manufrs, 417 and 419 Montgy Le Counte L J, civil engineer, 533 Kear LEDERER GEO M.& CO, silver plated amalgamating plates for quartz mills and gravel claims, gold, silver and nickel plating on all metals. 731 Miss Ledgett 11 D, livery stable, 1325 Bush Leduc P, liquors, 509 Bush Ledyard W E, physician, 128 Second Lee Geo H, dry goods, 1209 Polk Lee Jas D, grocer, 1.18 Fulton Lee Jno, wool, NW cor Townsend and Fifth . Lee John & Co, mauufa tin and sheet iron, galvanizing and japaniug, 34 and 36 Main Lee N A, liquors, 214 Dupont Lee Patrick, grocerico, 1821 Hyde Lee W L, show card and sign painter, 434 Kearny Lee Wm, painter, 410 Sacramento Leeder & Dietrich, liquors, 049 Clay Leeds Mining Co, 327 Pine Leege W & Co, wines and liquors, 113 Halleck Lefevre E, fish, 3 S F Market Lefevre & Kahn, druggists, 1102 Mar kct, also Kearny o E « c c IS O O o < a. I- I- D O 1198 San Francisco. AbniABKTICALLT. L^ntall & Powell, carpenters, 333 16th Lentz D, boarding and lodging, 2206 Powell Leon J V, varieties, S.*) and 37 Fourth Leonard C, pattern maker, 133 and 135 Beale Leonard H, boots and shoes, 805 Bryant Leonard J C, dentist, 5^ Kearny Leonard Mrs M, bakery, 564 Mission Leonard P J, publishers's ajjt 021 San Leonhardt Chus, boot and shoemaker, 108 Stevenson Leonhardt P & Co, cigars and tobacco, 918 Market Leontzini Paniogioti, fruit, 1000 Mkt T/jopard Mining Co, Stock Exchge Bldg I oopold Louis, tailor, 428 Dupont '•LePetit Journal," (French weekly), Georges Francfort editor, 603 Wash Lepping Mrs, dressmaker, 846 Wash Leroy Mmo E, dressmaker and fiincy goods, 121 Sutter Le Roy Theodore, capitalist, 720 Montgy Lerond Th, J'reuch laundry, 302 Dnp Lesser Bros, boots and shoes, 1)0!) Larkin Lesser * CO (0 M I ■ i- Levy Joseph, junk, 932 Harrison Levy Jules, impr embroideries, ] 26 Kear Levy L, boots and slioes, 528 Kearny Levy & Levitzky, real estate agts, 306 Montgomery sljcvy Louis, tailor,. 227 PaciHc Levy M & (Jo, fancy goods, lOf Battery Levy M, barber, 358 Fourtli L%vy M, butcher, 810 Buch Washington Levy P, Boston Auction Store, 25 4th LEVY S & CO, commission merchants) 218 Washington Levy Solomon, clothing, 235 J&.ckson Levy S W, boot and shoe factory, 29 and 3' Battery Levy S \V, ina agt and com merchant, 21 Battery Levy S W, manufr and impr of boots, shoes and findings, 31 Battery Levy Walter K, atty at law, 8 Mont av Lewuld Geo, coal, C07 Sacramento Lewellyn K, liquors, 14 Clay Lewenthal W, dry goods, SE cor Bush and Dovisadero Lewil I, tailor, 23 Hyde Lewin L & Co, fruit, 32 Sixth Lewin M, bootmaker, 122 racitic Lewin M, dry goods, 416 Broadway Lewin Mosos, barber, 419 Fourth Lewin 11, blacksmith, 10 Hayes Lewis A & Co, impr of cigars, 319 Sac Lewis Bros, manufrs of cigars, 213 tn 217 Battery Lewis Con Silver Min Co, 310 Pine Ijcwis E M, carriage trimmer, 538 Vain Lewis H, barber and varieties, SW cor Front and Pacific Lewis Henry L, wholesale grocer, 215 Sacramento Lewis H L, com merchant, 209 Sao Lewis H M, watchmaker and jeweler, 655 Clay Lewis & Harris, barbers, 822 Kearny Lewis k Harris, liquors, 226 Montgy LEWIS J B & CO, real estate and house brokers, 500 Montgomery LEWIS J F, tinware, SW cor Kailroad and Fourteentli aves Lewis J M k Co, butchers, 1 1 1 Fourth Lewis J as F, atty at law, 230 Montgy Lewis John, fruits, etc, 138 Post Lewis Max, tailor, 424 Hvyes Lewis Mrs R G, dressmaker, 126 Kear Lewis R P, atty at law and col, 321 Cal Lewis S, picture frames, etc, 6()8 Miss Lewis Thos, second liand furniture, 1 104 Stockton veterinary surgMU, 439 manufact- Lewis ThoB, Jessie LEWIS WM & CO, cigar urers, 30 and 32 California Lewis Wm J, civil engineer, 628 Mont Lewitt Wm, i)hysician and surgeon, 16 Turk Leydecker& Wiebold, liquors, 631 Davis Lhemer Lefevre, fruit, 28 and 30 S F Mkt Lhez Jno M, liquors, 1 1 18 and 1120 Dup LIBE WABREN C & CO. printers, 325i Bush Liberty Hill Mining & Water Co, 310 Pine, room 15 Libbey M L, dentist, NW cor, Kearny and Geary Libbing H H, private detective with Harry N Morse, 328 Montgomery Liberman P & Son, imprs and jobbers of furnishing goods, 125 Sansom Licht Louis, fancy goods, 145 Second Liohteuberg C, watchmaker and JHweler. 1410 Powell Lichtenstein B H, pawnbroker, 221 702 Kearny Lichenstein M H, general merchandise, 6124 Montgomery Lichtenstein Morris, ladies* furnishing goods, 9 Dupont Lichtenstein S, clothing, 427 Pacific Lick House, ws Montgomery bet Sutter antl Post Lick Trust Co, H E Ma* ^hews secy, 606 Montgomery Licot Leon, laundry, 1507 Powell LIDDLE & KAEDINQ, sportsmen's emporium, guns, pistols, tackle, etc, 538 Washiii:.;ton LIES C WARREN, printer, 325A Bu«h Liebenberg Albert H, grocer, NE cor Fourth and Bryant Liebenlwrg H, restaurant, 39 Market Liebes II & Co, furriers, 1 13 Montgy Liebes Bros & Co, imprs and manufrs of cigars and dealers in leaf tobaoco, 203 to 209 Sacramento Liebert B, dairy produce, 1631 Polk Liebort Mrs Bertha, bakery, 1631 Polk Lieberman Theotlore, money broker, 313 Montgomery Liebemiann Theo, stockbroker, 307 Mont Liebschutz Charles, restaurant, SE cor Pine and Montgomery LIEBSCHU'i?Z & GREGORY, Elite Restaurant, SE cor Pino and Montgy Liekefelt August, liquors, NW cor Stockton and Pacific Licnard Mrs, lace cleaner, 621^ Larkin Lie« Eugene, atty at law, 103 Mont ave Licsch & Bauman, liquors, 245 Fourth Lic»enfeld P, billiard manufr, 585 to 589 Market Ligon L k Stork J, restaurant, 445 Bush Lightner Joel F, mining secy, 309 Mont m o CA S3. 3 CA i 'U: Ml pwrtUwC OM. TRY MURRAY'S LJUNG Alio LIVER BALSAM. W.Hf.MONTHWSUE^eO., 114. 11« and lis Batieirjr •«Mct, m,W. IL i 9 1200 San Franciaco. ALPHARmOALLT, o Q X S o o E d o Lightburu S, sewiiig machines, 235 16th Liguria G & 8 M Co, A B Cooper secy, 328 Montgomery, rm 4 MUENTHAL & OOt wholesale wine and liquor dealers, 223 California Lilienthal Herman, butcher, 22 Grand Arcade Market Lilkendey O W, liquors, NW cor Pow- ell and Francisco IaTTJ ^TR L, secy Colorado Commercial Land Co of Arizona, 607 Washington Limmermann H, grocer, NW cor Post and Mason j Limoni Giuseppe, fruit, 929 Sacramento Linari John & Bro, wood and coal, 1210 Stockton Lincoln Jerome, ''ice-pres Security Sav- ings Bank, 215 Sansom Lincoln & Parkin, groceries, 541 16th Lind A W, express, 331 East Lindaner Gus, wood and coal, 526 Fourth Lindvoker J H, tailor, 787 Folsom Lindemann C H, manufg jeweler and diamond setter, 601 and 339 Bush Linden Edward, liquors, 611 Davis LINDENBAUM I, manufr boots and shoes, 52 Steuart Lindenbaum M, tailor, 32 Garden Lindenborn D, jewelry, 647 Market Lindheimer M Jr, plumlier, 225Dupont Lindholm O W & Co, gen mdso (Eaft-e-n Siberia), 122 California Lindley & Co, J C Croxall manager, 405 Front Lindner & Kron, clothiers, 237 and 927 Kearny Lindo J & Co, auctioneers and commis- siun merchants, 609 and 611 California Lindow J, tailor, 913 Pacific Lind rum Otto, carpenter, 541 Vallejo Lindini J G & Co, Hsh, 32 and 33 Grand Western Market Lindley & Co, wholesale grocers, 405 Front Lindman Anna, hair goods. 500 Stockton Lindo J &Co, furniture, 609 and 61 1 Cal Lindsey W, real estate agent, 9 Geary Lindsley A A, city and county surveyor, new City Hall Linehan Daniel J, barber, 503 Howard Linehan Mrs Mary, saloon, 40 First Linforth Alfretl, saw maker, 318 Jackson Linforth Edward J, atty at law, 401 Calif ornia LINFORTH, RICE & CO. iron and steel, agricultural implements, hard ware and bells, 401 Market LINFORTH & RAWLINOS. cabinet makers, cor Mission and First Lingley & Beatty, real-estate agents, cor Bush and Kearny Link C, liquors, 505 Washington Linne T [enry, restaurant, 732 Fourth Lionhardt P, cigar manufr, 608 Sao Linsley A L N, groceries, 312 Sixth Lintott Jas, wholesale and commission butcher, 62 to 64 California Ml^rket Lintott Jas, butcher, 914 Market LION FIRE INSURANCE CO of London, Hutchinson tc Mann general agents, 322 and 324 California Lipman A, crockery, 15 Fourth Lipman H, com merchant, 220 Wash Lipman & Hyman, barbers, 403 Pine Lipman Morris, fruits, 919 Larkin Lipman S, imprs dry goods, 418 Market Lippi B, liquors, 712 Pacific Lippi Bros, frames and looking-glass makers, 818 Market Lippman J, jeweler, 517 Kearny Lippman Bros, dry goods, 443 Hayes LIPSHER GEO. brush manufr, 410 Sansom Lisman J, boots and shoes, 31 Third Lissak A H, stockbroker, 1 12 Leid Litchfield J M & Co, merchant tailors, 415 Montgomery Lithauer & Co, clothing, 38 Kearny Little H W, mining secy, 520 Kearny Little C C N, saddlery and harness, 703 Front Little John T, real estate, money broker, bonds, etc, 302 Montgomery Little Mac S Min Co, 328 Montgomery Little & Cumming, carpenters and builders, 108 Geary Little & Lawson, stove:; and tinware, 603 Battery Little Sisters Infant Shelter, Mrs Jano Temple matron, 512 Minna Littlefield, Allison & Co, com miirchants, 309 Washington LITTRELL H W, secy P G & S Mia Co, 330 Pine Livurmore O, real estate, 522 Montgy UVERFOOL ft LONDON ft GLOBE INSURANCE CO, Geo Mel secy, 422 California Liverpool G & S Min Co, 330 Pino Liverpool Salt Works, 321 Davis Livingston A, crockery, 717 Market Livingston & Co, importers of wines and liquors, 220 and 222 California Livingston D, fancy and dry goods, 1328 Polk Livingston Howard, mining, 331 Montgy Livingston Jas M, min and real estate, 331 Montgomery, rm 3 Tiviugston M, physician, 208 Kearny Livingston Mark, capitalist, 414 Cal Llewellin Reese, propr Columbia Foun- dry, 135 Bealo Lloyd Mrs Ellen, employment office, 1308i Polk Lloyd John, attorney at law, 411| California 3 a i » a PI a a ? ? a I a 9 o IS I a. ? 1 I H. WACHHORST. importer off jSilt^i&S^:^^^^, 815 i St.. Sac PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "" ty^,y..'*ari&,.g«y*^ i V ves. and tinware, a ,te, 522 Moutgy ..JON & GLOBE Geo Mel secy, 422 I Co, 330 Pine I, 321 Davis U, 717 Market [irtera of winea and [2 California fid dry goods, 1328 Lining. 331 Moutgy In and real estate, lian, 208 Kearny Vtalist, 414 Cal pr Columbia Foun- Lmployment office, ey »t law, 4lli tt> s I I £ t e e 1 o 1 e e o o (0 c Z C9 O z ■ (San iVanctsco. ALPHA '>XnCALLT. 1201 LLOYD R H, atty at law, 309 Mont- omery, ims 9 to 13 Lobenstein M, toys and notion, 1528 Turk Lobenstein S, butcher, cor Post and La- guna Lochbaum A H, jewelery case manufac- tory, 134 Sutter Lochhead J, machinist, 252 Spear Locke E C, civil engineer, 340 Pine,rm 18 Locke Chas E, bricabrac and articles of vertu, 25 Geary Locke & Thomas, carriage and wagon- makers, 817 Market Lockhart & Porter, undertakers, 16 O'Farrell; coffin manufactory, 27 and 29 Bluxome Lodi Min Oo, 328 Montgomery, rm 20 Loeb Henry, butcher, NVV cor Mason and Vallejo Loesch Valentine, liquors, 638 Pacific Loeven Emil, cofTee and spice mills, 520 Front Loewe Bros, wholesale liquors, 217 Bat Loewel A & Co, wholesale butchers, 12 S F Market Loewenhayn H, wholesale fruits, 428 Sansom Loewenhorst AL, chiropodist, 331 Keaj Loewenthal Jos, clothing, 927 Market Lofstad John N, furrier, 813 Market Loftis & VViskotschill, saloon, 809 Mkt Loliezar A, fruits, SE cor Taylqr and Ellis Lohman & Coghill, imprs and whole- sale grocers, com, 313 and 315 Front Lohmaiin & Frerichs, groceries, 1501 Folsom Lohr J & Co, pickle mauufr, 46 Clay Lone Tree G & S A in Co, 21 1 Sansom Lone Star k Eclipse Con Min Co, 309 Montgomery, rm 80 Lone Tree G Min Co, Henry Cluskey secty, 434 California Long Claude, hardware and tools, 654 Washington Long E H, mining secretary, 313 Montgomery Long S H, pres Hemme & Long piano manufacturing company, 31 Dupont Long Thos, liquors, 34 Minna Long Thos J, fruit and vegetables, 53 and 54 California Market Longhead J, paint and paper hanginK. 1603 and 1605 Polk LONGSHORE JAMES. trunk8,26 New Montgomery under Palace Hotel Longtin J B, boots and shoes, HI 7th Loo & liahaille, restaurant, 641 Wash Loomis Henry, agt Japanese Persimmon trees, 320 Sansom Loomis Georjie, tobacco and clothing, 706to716Kcaruy Loorya Max, tailor, 231 Pacific Lord A J, painter, 23 B'ifth LORD THOMAS H, watchmaker, 773 Market ORENTZEN A P, mdse, ship and ins broker, 36 Market Loreiitz R, coflee saloon, 7 Stockton Loretz Madame, corset maker, 109 Ellis LORNGE JOHN C R, baskets, 12 ]Mont- ijomery ave Loriug Mrs, dressmaker, 12 O'Farrell LORSGH BROTHERS, opticians and whi>lcsiilu jewelers, 120 Sutter LORQUIN E F. naturalist, 410 Kear Loryea A M, Hanimau Baths, 1 1 Dup LOHSE JOHN F, secty Cal Powder] j^oskay F J,' billiards, 8 Eddy Works, 230 California 1 j^^g <;.jt„3 j^jme Co, Keni.ed' liohsen 1), saloon, Market and Hayes | 5;} \^>-x\ii Looiza Wenceslao, com merchant, 323 'California Loker Wni T, cigars, 256 Third Lolor Chas P, ship and freight broker and forwarding ayi, Merchants' Ex- change, rms 30 and 31 Loudal (r C, wood and coal, cor Twenty- six and Valencia Loinlon Asauranci! Corporation, 317 Cal Fiondou Mill & Min Co, '.VM Pino, rin 36 London & Cal Min Co, 320 Sansom London Furniture Co, 637 Markot LONDON & LANCASHIRE FIRE INS CO OF LIVERPOOL, Balfour (riitliric & Co, agents, 316 California London Provincial Marino Insurance Co, Hutchinson k Mann gen agts, 322 and 324 California London & San Francisco Bank (liniit'.'d), Arthur Scrivoner tnanagor, 424 Cal Londre Jos, capitalist, 446 California ly & Spark, Mark LOTTA COFFEE SALOON, Lf)vely, 650 Market Lottritz John, grocer, NW cor Sixteenth Lotz Chas, confectionery, 1007 Market and Kondel Place Louch James, liquors, 514 Mission Loucks Orlando, com merchant, 126 Clay Louderback Davis, atty at law, 607 Kearny LOUDON & HANSCOM, gen com mer- chant antl mdse brokers, Merchants' Exchange I)uil(liiig, rm 65 Loughborough Alexander H, atty, 507 Montgomery Loughran B, soap manufactory, e s Rhode Island, but El Dorado and Ala- meda Louideck Mrs Mary, florist, 1229 Stock Louis & Harris, saloon, 226 Montgy Louise Milling Co, 302 Montgomery 76 i I A* CO r 3 c/» so 3 I 1 SET 55 r ' il"' 'If Hi! f t;ir 1 I ' 1 i ^ ■' '■l;!;(^' (!, "If H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 perga!., '^'^i.SV^l^t^^' :im '■.M U- d WW MnMTAftllF A nn ■"ompM nml Iran Pine, all bIkmi, 1 1iO, 11«, 1202 San Francisco. ALPnARMTICAlbr. 8 i I c e E 1 O o o 0. D O Louisiana and New Orleans Ice Co, 309 Montgomery, room 49 Louisson M, clutliicr, 525 Kearny Love & Ecker, cigar nianufrs, 10!U Mkt Love John L, iitty at law, 21^4 Mont^'y Lovell E C & Co, real estate, 415 Mont Lovell Jas M, fancy goods and agent S F Taylor's system journals and patterns, 201) Post LOVELY KARK, Lotta Coffee Saloon, 650 Market Lovett W K, Jiss't U S district atty, U S Cnurt Buildinc, cor San and XV'ash Low A, tailor, 12 Turk Low A F, atty, (50(5 Montgomery LOW G ADOLFHE & CO, merchants, 208 California Low & Chartrcy, city iron works, 20 and i 28 Fremont ; Low Chas A, atty at law, 028 Montgy 1 Low J B, mining engineer, H31 Montgy Lowbock VVm, bootmaker, 50 i'irst Lowe S, sliirt mannfr, 331 Kearny tLowenberg H, notary public and atty, • 30G Montgomery Lowenborg ■? & Co, gen nidse, 306 Mont Lowenlniick John, butcher, 1207 Miss Lowenson L, fruits and provisions, 800 Geary Lowcnstcin I, boots and shoes, 931 and 1208 Stockton Lowenthal H H. atty at law, 411 A Cal Lowenthal J, second-hand clo ,iiing, 927 Market Lowenthal, Livingstone & Co, gen com and shipping merchants, 409 Cal iLOWEREE WM H, paper hangings and window shades, 715 Market Lower Comstock Mining Co, 310 Pino I owrie John, gasfitter and plumber, 225 Tyler Lowroy J & Son, blacksmiths, SE cor Howard and Eighth Lowtli John & Co, dry goods, 700 Mkt JjOX Jom, liquors, S W cor Bay and Mas Loyal Lead Slining Co, P M McLaren socy, :i\8 Pine, room 39 Lozier H, foreign and domestic birds, fish, etc, 337 Kearny liubcck S, capitalist, 309 Montgomery Lubelski L, physician, 103 O'Farrell Lubin S C, Juhiishing goods, 609 Mont Lnbke Nicholas, bootmaker, cor Sixth! and Railroad aves j Lncaa Mme A Getty, preserved flow-' era, 743 Howard i LUGCHETTI F. Italian restaurant, 519 Davis LUCHBAUM A H, jewelry boxes and silver cases, l:M Sutter Lucier J, shoe store, 101 Sixth and 1911 Fillmore Lucke H, boot and shoe manuf r, 40 Oenry Lucky Kock G Mg Co, Chas S Hoaley, secy, 45 Mchts Exchange bldg liuco Juan M, real estate, 628 Montg Lucy (r 11 & Co, soap works, Brannan liet Eighth and Ninth Ludingtoa Chas S, cigars, NE cor Third and Howanl Li "lington (ko C, capitalist, 337 Pino Luders Otto, liquors, 507 Davis LUDLTJM, MATHER & G0,» mines and mining pro2Hrty brokers, 21 1 San- som, rooms 6 and 7 Lucdera Fred K, architect, 515 Cal Lueders Mrs IJ, hairdresser, 222i Miis LUESMANNE,li8 Montg iS, Brannan [E cor Third s 337 Pino — r o ao tavia t CO* mines Lcrs, 211 San- 515 Cal ,cr, 222 i Mi^a 39 Califoraia tnufra, 123Cal •'02 Sixtconth nl, 812 McAla r, NEcor2l8t :;aUforniii itgomery Uk l'S.ii> Dupont shippiu},' ami •214 Cal t, 123 Stockton zv and jeweler, s8 and jewelry, ^ shoes, 311 Bat Sansom Montgy ave •y, 18l7rowell watches etc, 7 lY O A Lunt, [k 320 Post ■ Calif oniiaCor- Iket V G Clay St Mkt lie fruit, 534 and .) St Ann's hUlg troccr, SW cor lery, 107 Valu 1^ 444^ Third 11)13 Polk fel9 Uupout Itary, 3:i0 Pmc ]SS,stockbrok- lO Pine, room .) Ind mining, 330 land 4 Cal Mkt Taylor 15 Oak X Kearney INSTmANCE praig & Co gen- CO CO CO San FrancxHco. AbPHABKTICALI.Y. 1203 KING. I^ydon Daniel, painter, 23 Sixth Lyford Mra L A, boarding and lodging, 33 Fifth LYFORD L DEXTER, physician and surgeon, 405 Ken ray Lyle W M, S mining, 300 Montg, room 54 Lynch Edward, atty, 318 Pine, roo.n Lynch (leo W, collector, 7*2!) Montgy Lynch Hannah, grocer, 470 Tehama Lynch Henry, tailor, N VV cor Jessie and Third Lynch J D, agt Bartlett Sprhigs mineral water, 715 llowartl Lynch Jas H, li(]uora, 325 HauFoin Lynch Jeremiah, stockbroker, S F Stock Exchange bldg Lynch Timothy, lodgings, 610 Fonrtli Lynch P, wood and coal, 0!0 Larkin Lynch P, l»rick mamifr, I'aoilic St Wharf Lynch & Buridiam, grocfiies, 1134 Miir- 'ket and 323 Sixth Lynch Jas, miloon, NW cor Minna and Fourth Lynch Mrs Ellen, lodging house, 234 Bush Lynch Minhatil, ;itty at law, 502 Mont Lynch P. lirjuors, cor Sansom and Pac Lynde & Hougli, wholesjdc fish and com merchants, 41(5 and 418 Davis Lyne & Dempsey, dry goods, 1022 Mkt LYON DAVID, atty at law, 05!) Clay Lyon J E, mining, 314 Montgomery Lyon & Kinsey, auction store, 043 Mkt Lyons E ( r & Co, wlioloside Cal wines, 50G and 508 Jackson Lyons i m (TTRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM..^ 1 1*1' I* \'rS: • tt'M, f:m' m ■',: ■ '■-■' rll - ' WUf linMTAfillP Jt rn Mtov«-M>n«IRanBeii, •oodtflervmal ■ If* mun i nunc <■ uviy i o E 75 CO 1 (0 O ■ o o < Q. h O 1204 San Frandaco. ALPHABmOALLT. Mageini Chas k Co, fruit, 1102 Clay Magill Arthur E, ins agt, 323 California Magill Thos W, stationery, 101 8 Market Maginn I, variety store, 230 Third Maginnis J J, stenographer, 636 Clay Magistra & Giacomiui, liquors, 310^ Montgomery avo Magner Bros, grocers, 815 Broadway Magner Frank J, grocer, 22 Langton Magnes A, boots, shoes and dry goods, 306 and 308 Sixteenth Magnes D, fancy goods, 814 Market Magnetic Elastic Truss Co, 704 Sac Maguire Bros, dry goods, 2236 and 2238 Mission Maguire Sc Clougli, atty, 402 Montgy Maguire Jas, metal roofer, 1075 Market Maguire Jas G, atty, 402 Montgomery Maguiro M & O, hay, grain, wood and coal, 133 Hayes Maguire P& Son, produce and com mer- chant, 110 Clay Maguire Thos, manager Baldwin Theater, cor Powell and Market Mahan H, real estate, 339 Kearny Mahcr D F, groceries, 441 Jessie Maher E, groc-er, NE cor Sac and Taylor Maher Joseph W, carpenter, 163 New Montgomery Maher & Mauion, dry goods, 1026 Mkt Maher Wm, cigar manufr, SW cor Sec- ond and Stevenson Mahler Chas, liquors, 733 Davis Mahler P H, notary public, 422 Mont Mahlmaiin Henry, liquors, 603 Cal Mahlmann Peter, litjuors, 614 Montgy Maholm J B, mining secy, 331 Montgy Mahoney D, boarding, 444 Sixth Mahoney D J, painter, 255 Third Mahoney Daniel, horseslioer, 801) How Mahoney J, plumber, 1202 Lark in Mahoney J F, mining secy, 214 Sansom Mahoney J H Jr, stockbroker, 408 Montgomery Muhouoy Jas, liquors, 501 Sixth Mahoney Mrs Johanna, grocer, lOTeha Mahoney John T, barber, 1102 Market Mahoney D, merchant tailor, 1513 Polk Maier Chas, boots and shoes, 834 and 836 Kearny Main A V, accountant, 309 California Main Edward, boot and shoemaker, 315 Folaom MAIN & WINCHESTER, manufr and imprs harness, saddles, etc, 214 and 216 Battery ^laisalo N, grocer, SW cor California and Larkin Mairhofer Leonard, saloon, 426 Fourth Miiitland Wm, boarding, 105 Clark Malagamba C, Ii(iuors, 1 128 Folsom Malatestii (iioNftniii, ]»aker and confec- tioner, 1313 Dupont Malatesta H, real estate agent, 402 Montgomery Malatesta Louis, liquors, 311 Pacific Malbo Frank, carpenter, 204 Dupont Maldonado S, atty, 228 Seventh MAT.Tg 0, wood and coal, hay and grain, cor Eighth and Brannan and SB cor Bush and Van Ness ave Male James, hay and grain, SE cor Van Ness ave and Bush Malech (t H, physician, 300 Stockton Malech H F, physician, 300 Stockton Mallady Wm J, undertaker, 763 Mission Mallet Mrs K, fancy good8,l408i Powell Malley Wm, liquors, 21 Vallejo Mallon John, ornamental glass cutter, stainer and binder, 19 Fremont and 1213 and 1215 Howard Mallon Pet*r L, stained glati«, windows, 1213 Howard Malloney Peter, butcher, NE cor Sixth and Harrison MALLORQUIN JOSE, wine and liq- uors, SE cor Davis and Washington Malone J, liquors, 526 Third Malone .1 H, furniture, 22 Fourth Malone Miss J H, furnishing goods, 925 Market MALTER & LIND, mill builders, 419 California, nn 17 Mamer J P, liquors, 329 East Mammoth Bar G Min Co, 310 Pino Mammoth (iravel Min Co, W H H Hart secty, 230 Montgomery Mammoth Min Co, 302 Montgomery Manani S, grocer and hardware, 131 23d MANASSE N, optician, 20 Montgy Manchester Mrs J B, hotel, 44 Sixth Mancusi & Frenna, fruit, 109 Sixth Manderson John, cigars, 106 Sixth Mandeville F de L, physician, 26^ Kcar Mandlebaum F, importer of liquors, 310 Sacramento Maiifrediui Pietro & Co, grocer, 124 Pac Mangels C & Co, groceries, Third and Mission Mangels H, grocery, SW cor Folsoiii and Twentieth Mangels & Hcdemann, grocers, SW cor Railroad and Eleventh avcs MANGELS M & CO. wholesale grocers, 319 Clay, P box 19(59 Mangeot & Duclir, blacksmiths and wagonmakers, NE cor Jackson and Sansfim Mangles H C, cigars, 301 Kearny Manhattan S M Co, John Crockett secty, S F Stock Exchange building Mangoiu Fred, groceries, 1701 Market Manhattan l;ii<, m'coml-hand furni- ture, 1004 II. .ward MartciiHtein & J>unuiig, propm Mational Flour Mills, .S\V cor Buttery and Pac Martha Waaliin^iton Coffee House, 42!) Pine Marti Jacob, lirjiiors, 507 Conimerciiil Martial Juliua, glove uianufr, 752 Mkt Martin — , oyster saloon and restaurant, 15 Third Martin A, liiuiors, NVV cor Kearny and Coinniereial Martin Antone, barber, 113 Jackson Martin & Bariiea, groceries, NE cor Cali- fornia an, 311 and 313 Clay Martin G & Co, wood and coal, (>35 Vallejo Martin George, commission, 592 Mont Martin & Harton, li(iuors, 545 Clay Martin J C, carpenter, loO.I Stockton Martin J K, hairdi-csser, 4 Hardie Place Martin J R, asst secy 8 F Art Assn, 430 Pine Martin John B, dep clerk supreme court, 640 Clay Martin & Jaume, liquors, 532 Pacific Martin L, liquors, 1024 Stockton Martin & Libenow, restaurant, 705 Bat Martin Louis, liquors, 1024 Suocktou Martin M 8, stockbroker, 106 Liedesd MARTIN P. Pac.rlc Cement Co, ce- ment drain manufrs, 542 (/alifornia Martin Mrs R, dry goodx and notions, 420 Fourth Martin ThomoM, boota and ahoea,. 1418 Pacific Martin k Torry, wngonmakera, iG04 Mission Martin White Mining Co, 30!» Montgy Martin k Weber, carponterii, 417 Bush Martin W H & Co, bridge builders, 7 Spear Martin Wm, secy Cal Steam Nav Co,. Wnwhin^ton St Wharf Martinache N J, physician, 5J^ Kearny Martindale Law and Collection Assn,. 217 Sansoni, roomiS Martineaut E I), pkysician, 109 Dupont Martineaut Mrs J, ladies' furnishing goods, 031 Sutter Martinelli B k Co, bootmaker, 422 Bdwy Martinon A, collecftor, 420 Montgomery Martinovicli S k Co, litjuorfl, NW cor Sacramento and East Martins J, grocer, S\V cor Steiner and Geary Marwedel C F, Machinery, 50 First MARWEDEL E H, window shades and fixture!, a[{t for \V 'I' k J Mer- sireaus' stair rods, 541 Mai';et Marx Jacob, atty at law, 30!> Montgy Marxcn Julius, butcher, 208 Francisco Mary Ann nro«inMp. Telc»T»|.hy. », IG04 1^ [ontgy 7 Bush ildutH, 7 Nav Co^ Koaruy an Asiin,. 3 Dwpont iirnishing 4'22Bt\wy |W ntf^omory "" I, NW cor tejner ivnd i First nv ehaclea ■ & J Mer- tet Montgy Francisco 314 Mout ,g Co, 1202 S| out, rm 20 cl coal, 117 £2 sul, 3lOCal lo. I'inc lie, 6 Mer- i^ [iiaker, 152' jg* [licstuut $ ami min- \^ |ant and agt j » n Market 405 Cal lOlU Third 1230 Mkt f, A G Abell cy, NW cor CD SL :arket,rm 10 | »* icilic Work •rpool Salt Bank, H T Is, SW cor L 651 Sao [sixth 434 Bush tiand. Or«r ■ have II, g e CO CO 4*- 1 'I ■ C d C '5 c 3 O Ik o CO 6 ■ rnt!y8, 5'_0 .Montgomery MiiBtick K B, iitty, 520 Mont;,'oniory Mastick J W, atty, 520 Moutgoinory Mastick S \j & Co, liunlwr, pior 10, .Stcu Mataiiiora Consolidated Mining Co, 702 Market » Match Factory Co, >Iloventh and liar MATHER. MOORE & CO. miniii; agency, 211 Sanaoin Mathers Chas, groceries, 730 Bush Mathews Samiiol, harnuasniakcr, 123: MATHEWS MRS S, Branch Vienna Model Bakery, 705 Luguna MatliewaT, lK».>t maker, 81(5 Battery MATHEWSON, S R & CO, patent i.il Hard tables, uniler b'aluce Hotel, 2S Now Montgomery Mathewson T, physiciaii, (ilO Kearny Mathi(!U & Maison, manufg jewelers, 15 Trinity Mathiou 'ao MATTHEWS & CO., real estate and business agents, 5\ Kearny Mattiiews 11, real estut'.', til I Clay Matthews Jul) M, physician, 'JOO 23d Matthews Wm, atty, 120 Sutter Matticevich N, saloon, cor Wash and Bat Mattullath Alanufacturing Co, Cooper- age Slack Barrel Works, 41 1 and i 13 Eighth Martziloril' Moritz, cigars and tobacci>, 025 Uni«n Mau Albert & Co, importers and whole- sale grocers, cor Front and I'ine, 24l5 and 248 Market Mau Albert & Co, grocers, 212 and 214 Market Mau C, fruit and cigars, 2401 California MAU WM F & 00, groceries, 1022 Mkt Maugcin Mme, ladies' hairdresser, 1324 \ Polk Mauran Joseph U, civil engineer, U S Treasury bldg Maurer Leo, Columbia Hotel, 741 Mkt Mauri Bros, importers of cork and cork wood, 411 Sacramento Maurin J B, hatter, 1047 Market Ma\i8 & Staudo, lirocories, 815 I'acitic Maxheld (;oo, earixjntor. Twenty-fourth bet Mission and Howard Maxwell Uiehard T, physician, 135,Ke:!,r Maxwell Wm, stenoj/rapher, tiO-l Mei-ch May Flower (Iravel Mining Cu, 328 Montgomery, room 24 MAY PROSPER, ( i:m Meyer »ue<:eewir) wi.iesand liijuors, 33 Sutter Mayln-'llu Con Mg Co, 310 Pino, rotiin 25 Mayer Chas, groceries, NE cor Folsjom and Beale Mayer Chas, ladies' cloaks aad luits. 145 I'ost Miiyer Chas, poultry and game, 24 Xew Motrop«ilitan Market, cor Missiioa and Now Montgomery Mayer Chas, restaurant. Grand Central and Mission Markets Mayer k Hartman, butchers. It New Me- tropolitan Market, cor Mission and New iFoutgonwry Mayer Henry, grocer, SW cor (Jeary and Lacuna Mayer Henry, merchant tailor, lO'J .Sut Mayer Jos, nvanfr and repairer of ujusi- cal instrnmeuts. 127 I'age Mayer J'hillii), groceriou, NW cor Kiev. enth and N'atoma Mayer U, shirt maker, 14 Duiwnt iMayer Simon, real estate, (i3l> Clay Mayer Thomas, carriaue maker, 2315 Miss Mayer W, saloon, SWcor Mont,' and Cal Mayers Alfred, stockbroker, 240 Montg Mayers C, oyster house, Mission Market Mayers H & (Jo, jewelry, watdies and diamour\imm McBride H E, attorney, 507 Montgy McCabe Bernard, grocer, 20 Antl'f ny McCain H, furniture, J28 Fourch McCabe James, atty at law, 640 Clay McCabe John, cooper, 116 Oregon McCabe John H, theatrical agent 235 Keaniy McCal)e Owen, feathers, 921 Market McCafferty Wm, livery stable, 2417 Nission McCaflrey Miss Mary, fancy goods, 89 Ninth McCahon G, house and sign painter, 124 Fourth McCann J, liquors, 216 Eighth McCann Mrs Maria, bakery, 143 Third McCann N, plumber, 716 Laguna McCann Robert W, pile driver, 718 Kear McCann Wm, cigars, 718 Kearny McCarrick Mrs K, milliner, 126 Kearny McCarrol & Hughes, livery stable, 610 Howard McCarron Jas, liquors, 312 Pacinc McCarthy BROS. coiree and spice mills, 417 and 419 Sacramento McCarthy Chas, plumber, 1217 Fillmore McCarthy Daniel, boots and shoes, 312 Sixth McCarthy Daniel, livery stable, 797 Miss McCarthy P, boots and shoes, 222 Jack McCarthy Wm, hotel, 17 Vallejo McCarthy Wolf T, groceries, 701 Hayes McCarty D, stoves, 931 A Market McCarty James, butcher, 323 Third McCarty Jas, blacksmith, 107 Oregon McCAKTY L P, editor, publisher and propr "Statistician," 414 Clay McCarty M, liquors, 1600 Mission McCarty Mrs A M, 'iM;mo'«d.. 315 J St., Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prart|4>ally tancht at PACiriC 51RMM HITMI. »«0 PoMt Mt.. M. P. restaurant, U and ne ami boiler manuf, roceries and lifiuors, Jones. I i to I in B U o o o flO o 75 (A o 0} o H X 3 O (0 •0 San Francisco. ALPHARBTirALLT. 1209 McCormick Hugh, grocer, NW cor Tay- lor and Filbert McCormick J W, ins broker, 322 Cal McCormick, Lewis & Co, proprs Indus- trial Iron Works, 233 and 235 Beale McCormick Patrick, grocer, NW cor Georgia and Sierra McCormick W H, marble mantels and headstones, 86] Market McCovey Owen, groceries, 961 Bryant McCoy C L, mining sec, 203 Bush McCoy & Gallagher, grocers, SE cor Howard and Eighth McCreagh Thos, groceries, 919 Harrison McCreery A B, capitalist, 211 Sansom McCrorey J H, assayer, 825 Kearny McCrystle Chas, tailor, 217 Fourth McCUE G St editor " The Telephone," 605 Clay McCue M J & Co, carriagcmakers, 1319 Market McCuUough H V S, capitalist, 318 Pine McCumiskey J, boots and shoes, SW cor Twentieth and Valencia McCurrie Jno P, secy British Bck-^vo- lent Ass'n, 730 Montgomery MeCurry Jas, fruit, 122 Seventh McDELANY CHARI, atty at law, 19 Montgomery, room 5 McDermott Bros, butchers, 405 Folsom McDemiott B F, groceries, 132 Eleventh McDevitt Edward, grocer, 109 Shipley MoDevitt Jas, baker, 504 Minna McDevitt Miss M, painter portraits, etc, 1404 Polk McDonald 1), druggist, 1002 Stockton McDonald D L, mining, 310 Pine, nn 15 McDonald Mrs E D, furnishing goods, 304 Sixth McDonald & Heritage, childrena' cloth- ing, 324 Sixteenth McDonald J, boots and shoes, 536 16th McDonald Jno, liquors, SW cor Sixtli and Market McDonald J F & Co, livery stable, 13 Webb McDonald Jno W, contractor, 528 Cal McDonald Mrs Kate, grocer, NW cor Seventeenth ave and Q McDonald M, supt Eureka Stone Co, 306 Montgomery McDonald M J, stock broker, 203 Bush McDonald Mark L, capitalist, 327 Pine McDonald Michael, 1633 Market McDonald Michael, fruit, 404 Folsom McDonald P A, wood and coal, 809 Fol McDonald R H, prest Paoiilc Bank, N W cor Pine and Sansom McDonald & Williams, Merchant tailors, 14 Montgomery McDonnell J J & Co, drug store, 400 Hayes McDonnell Jas J, druggist, 999 Market McDonnell P, poultry, 10 Grand Central Market McDonnell P, real estate agt, 410 Mont McDonough Bridget, grocer, 10 Jessie McDonoughD& Co, fancy store, 135 Hayes McDonough James, com merchant, 212 Washiiigton McDonough M, groceries, 724 Howard McDougal N, boots and shoes, 3009 Miss McDougal S P, saloon, SE cor Fourth and King McDougall B & Son, architects, 330 Pine McDowell Geo, whitener, 803 Folsom McDowell Mrs, lodging house, li:l Mont McDowell s & co, s f carpet beating machine, 1321 and 1323 Mkt McDowell WM, show card writer. 608 Market McDowell T W, grainer, 1615 Powell McEachren & Rowe, mirror and picture frame manufrs, 132 Main McElrath & Eells, attys at law,230 Mont McElrath J E, atty at law, 230 Mont McElroy Andrew, grocer, 642 Mission McElroy Gravel Mining Co, L Lillie secy and supt, 607 Washington McElroy Hugh, blacksmith, 1048 Miss McElroy J G, physician and surgeon, 822 Howard McElroy R, real estate agt, 519 Montgy Mcl^nvoy T, boarding, 414 Folsom McFadyen A, blacksmith, 1711 Mission McFarland & Co, crockery and hard- ware, 324 Sixteenth McFeeley M, house and sign painting, 2200 Fillmore Mc(Jann P H, hatter, 25 Third and 822 Market McCiary Edw, real estate, 310 Pine McGauley Mrs J F, private school, 628 O'Farrell Mcfrearry Miss Eliza, millinery, 240 Sixth McGce F A, niin secy, 32 Merchantp' Ex McGee J B, mining, 330 Pine, rm 20 Mc(Jee Jno J, hardware, 30'.; Sixth McOEOOHEGAN J T. mining secy, 318 Pine, room 18 Mc(iill R E, ship and Custom House broker, 508 Battery (Jhan Chas M, butcher, 2113 Mission McGinerty Frank .1, saloon, 821 Folsom McGinn Miss A, ambroidery. 218 0'Farl Mc(iinn Jas, undertaker, 863 Market McGinnis Edw, grocer, SW cor Twen- ty-fourth and Alabama McGinnis T, saddler and harness, 775 Market McGlone Jos, coffee and spice mills, 1147 Mission McGovern C C, physician, 9 Geary n 39 -< CO S o CA o ao m :.fl H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Oavis Street. S. F. 1 9 1 i [f 1 'V" '.I . W. mUn I AtaUC. O UUm jbUems W>. 112. 114, 118 and US Battery St.. 8. F. CO i c '(5 S o o » 0) (0 s ■I v> B IL c c (0 ■ O o o z s o < Q. I- o 1210 San Francisco. ALniABBTICAU.T. McGovern Phil, liquors, NE cor Keaniy and Market McGovern Peter J, dairy produce, 325 Sixteenth McGOVERN & SON, grocery, 325 and .327 Sixteenth McGowan P A, grocery, NW cor Frank- lin and Ivy McGrane H & Co, grocers and saloon, 874 Folsom McGrary Thomas, liquors, X]0 Sixth McGratli — , hotel keeper, 512 Mission McGrath Ed, marble and mantles, 935 Market McGrath Mrs M, bakery, 335 Fifth McGrath 0, wood and coal, Twenty -six and Mission McGrath Patrick, bakery, 135 Fifth McGrath Thomas, expressman, Wash- ington anil Montgomery McGrath Wm, car^junter, 107 Shipley Mc(Jregor Elizabeth, grocer, 3257 Miss McGregor J, liquors, 242 Brannan McGreil Patrick, grocery, cor Seventh and Bryant McfJrow A F, stockbroker, 420 Montgy McGrew E W, atty at law, 50 1 Kearny Mc(irouther Samuel, Branch Bakery,;il5 Fiftli McGuire A, stairbuilder, 415 Mission Mc(Tuire & Diamond, poultry, 03 and 04 Centre Market McGuire L, physician, NW cor Howard andThinl Mc(j>uire Dr L, pliysician, 722 Montgy McCiuire Phillip, groceries, lO'Jli Mkt McHenry John, atty at law, OOi! Mont McHenry John, liquors, S\V oor Sixth and Brannan MoHENRY S, com njercliant,425 Fri)nt McHugh K, wood and coal, 047 Bryant McHugh John, propr Bealu St ^Vare- house, cor Beale and Bryant McHugh P, liquors, 20S First Mclnarny T, horsoslnnM', 10 Tyler Mclnerney M J, stockbroker, 501 Cal Mclniies J H, hardware and varieties, 027 Larkia Mclnues J H, carpenter, 813 Larkin McINTOSH DANIEL, tailor, 2550 Greenwich Mclntyre Geo, carpenter, 205 Ellis Mclntyre John B, book binder, 423 Clay and 422 Comnurcial Mclntyre \Vm, plumbing and tinning, 240 Sutter McJnnlcin H K, atty at law, 402 Mont McKay Allan, lumber, 4 California McKay & Brown, wiiolesale groceries, 427 Davis McKay David, capitalist, 215 Sansom tfcKAY P B> moulding manufr, 130 Main McKee Jno, silicon, NW cor Battery and Vallejo McKee S B, associate justice, 640 Clay McKeney Patrick J, batcher. Mission Market McKenna & (Jreany, hay and grain, Drumm bet Clay and Washington McKenna Mrs Margaret, bakery, u s Gunnison ave bet 27th and 28th McKENNEY L. M & CO, publishers Pacific coast, district, county and city directories, 543 Clay McKenon & Montgomery, harness man- ufacturers, 327 Sutter McKENZIE C. marble works, w s Cemetry ave nr Post McKenzie Sherwin, architect, 310 Pine McKenzie Wm, wood and coal, 310 Geary McKeown Wm, tinsmith, 51 1 Sixth McKeune Henry, carpenter, 500 Mission McKew John, wood and coal, 431 Union McKeweu J C, liquori-, 427 Washington Mclvewen 1* & Co, phimbers, 2 Turk McKeweu Thos, carpenter, Point Lobos ave near Johnson ave McKibbin & Ptittei'son, proprs Eureka Wrought Iron Works, 317 and 312 Howitrd McKindlay W, liquors, 707 Market McKINLAY A, agent Bank British Nortli America, 221 Sansom McKiuley Con ({old Min Co, 327 Pine M c Kinney (feorgo, bootmaker, 47 Sac .MoKiunie M, wood carver, 40i) Misbion McKin.stroy E W, associate justice, 010 Clay McKusiok II J, supt II R mail service, I'ostollice building McLAIN L Ci secty surgical institute, 310 Hush McLaiie Mrs Catherine, cuafeetionery, 410 Fourth McLane Chas E, capitalist, and atty, 300 Mouti:onK'rv, room 08 McLANE ^LOUlS. pres The Nevada B.-tnk of S 1'", 301 Montiioniery McLaren Daniel, secy Odd Fellows' Mu- tual Aid Ass'n, 325 Montgomery McLai'cn i' M, mining secy, 318 Pine McLarkey James, grocery, NW cor Fil- bert and Webster McLaughlin A M, physician, NW cor " rd and Howard Mci.aughlin Chas, capitalist, 10 Mont- gomery ave McLaughlin F, stair builder, 839 Geary McLaughlin Mrs, variety store, 129 Eleventh McLaughlin Thos P, harness and saddles, I SOO Polk McLaughlin W S, liquors. King bet Sec- ond and Third TRY PR. CUriri'a RHEUMATISM KING. tt«ry8>..B. F. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '•"■ya'?.!r>^,';gj;iv:,!;,'s,^'B*{.: i o ■< Dr Battery and ice, 640 Clay ;cher, Missiou ly and grain, ashingtoii , bakery, u s and 28th 30, puliUsliers lounty and city r, harness man- I works, w s itect, 310 Pine and coal, 311) ,, 511 Sixth ter, 5G0 M ission coal, 481 Union [27 \Va8hin!:iton bers, 2 Turk ;er. Point Lobos j proprs Eureka qj a, 317 and 312 Ol o CD CA O pa 767 Market ^ t Bank British 1 3* ansoHi |i Co, 327 Pine laker, 47 Sivc Iver, -iO'J Mission liate juatici-, (5 10 R ma,il service, Irgical institute, I, confectionery, Lilist. and atty, I ® ti08 l-es The Nevada jq Itnoniery B Idd Fellows' Mu- |g lontgoniery Ley, 31 S Pine |ry, NW cor I'il- Lician, NW cor Llist, IG Mont- g" llder, 839 Geary O Jety store, 120 [^ aess and saddles, U, King b«t Sec- (=> CO ex. fit It H S c Q. c '3 c 3 (0 M (Saw Francisco, ALFHABETI :AI.Lr. 1211 McLaughlin Wm H, druggist, NE cor Twenty-second and Folsom McLay (r B, physician, 2430 Mission McLean Mrs A, Branch Bakery, 410 4th McLean A A, book and job printer, 605 Sacramento McLean John & Co, house and ship plumbers, 6 Broadway McLEAN ROBERT A, physician, G03 Merchant McLENNAN J Dt magnetic physician, 220 Stockton McLeod A, li(piors, 5 Morton McLeod A E, liquors, 1071 Market McLeod H R, cigars and tobacco, 544 Fourth McMiioarty Morris, liquors, 1600 Miss McMahon'J, dry goods, 224 Sixth McMahon J B, harnessmaker, 217 Ellis McMann Jas, variety, 413 East McMann Wm, wood and coal, SW cor Polk and Washington McManus Thos, litjuors, 1602 Mission McMcaus A C, mining secy, 328 Mont McMeans G & S M Co, 302 Montgoniery McMechan Jas, moneybrokcr, 405 Cal MeMenamin Wm, wood and coal, 1415 Jackson McMenomy Jas, undertaker, 1057 Miss McMenomy John H, butcher, 8 to 10 California Market McMillan & kester, syrups, cordials and bitters, 714 Front J^IcMillan 11, physici; n, 722 Washington McMillan DONALD, manufr dealers in syrups, bitters, essences and Cali- fornia wines, 714 Front McMillen Silver Mining Co, 328 Montgy McMullen J, manager S F Bridge Co, 14 Leavenworth McNally Edward W, atty at law, 41 U California, i-oom 13 McNally & Hawkins, plumbers and gas fixtures, 607 Market McNamara M, boots and shoes. Market iKit Sixth and Seventh McNamara & McShane, painters aiul whitencrs, 2 Jones McNamara N! E, li(|uora, SE cor Valen- cia and Twenty-Hfth McNamara Wm, hatter, 1224 Market McNeal J, liquors, 821 Kearny McNEAR G W, grain, 20 California McN'ear J, li(iuors, 514 ( Jreen aMcNeil D R, carriage manufr, 21 7th McNevin E, navigation school, 406 Beale McNulty C A, atty and iolicitor U S revenue, U S Court building, cor Bat- tery and Washington McNulty J M, physician, 118 Hupont MoNUTT W Ft physician, 121 Mont McPheeters W S, atty at law, 331 Kear Mcl'hersou B K, yeast powders and fla- voring extracts, 402 Front McPherson Mrs, dressmaker, 108A Pow MePherson (ieorge, coffee saloon, 221 Dupont McPherson (i E, physician. Twenty- fourth nr Valencia McPherson Horatio, com merchant, 202 Sansom McPherson J, liquors, 26 Stenart McPiko Henry C, atty at law, 604 Clay McQuesten Chas, physician, 121 Mont McQuinlan B, mouldings and frames, 215 Fourth MePaith John, retail grocers, 356 Jessie McSweeney D, bootmaker, 604 Ellis MeSwegan J, plumber and gaslitter, 703 O'Farrell McTernan Bros, shipsmiths, 31 Conil McTernan Thomas, grocer, SE .or Fourteenth ave and N McVerry Thos, contractor, SEcor Hyde and (iroenwieh McVEY CAL A, liquors, Hardie PI MoV'icker Chas, contractor, 727 17th McWilliams Geo, real estate, 208 Mont McWillianis Hugh, saloon, 8ISI Market Meacham J/i. Bacon, wood and coal, 2735 Mission Mead Chas H, saddlery and harness, 522 Front Mead Frank W, physician, U S Marine Hospital, ofHee U S Appraisers build- ing cor Sansom and Washington Mead Mrs Kate, fruit, 1202 Howard Mead & lUitiyon, com merchants, 225 AVashington Mead & Son, saddle and harnessmakers, 821 Market Meade Calvert, mining secy, 324 Pino Meade John, li(iuors, 1616 Mission Meader H P, express, 333 East Meadow Valley Mining Co, T W Col- bourn secy, 414 California Meader J J, collector, 607 Montgomery Meagher Jeremiah, harness & saddlery, 136 Seventh Meagher Wm, cooperage, 114 Oregon Mea;^'her Wm F, ladies' shoemaker, 111 (Jeary Meares — , physician, 124 Geary Mearns (ieo, searcher of records, 621 Clay Mearns James, varieties, 1;"»00 Powell Meeartiiey A, capitalist, 6 Montgy ave Mechanics Foundrv, 217 Front MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, Horace Wilson librarian, 27 Post Mechanics' Mill, doors, sash, etc, SW cor Mission and Fremont Mechanics' Pavilion, NE cor Eighth and M^sioii Meda^ G H, groceries, 1401 Baker CA II >i % s §• •! tl St B? m S **% ^ ,'•', - ; I j;i (lit i m I ■r. '&if KING. H. PALMER ft CO., Pure Sherry Wm^ W Payis St., S. F. w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., 'i'sri!^vsriri:iS^iy''^:iin}¥!' 1212 San Fra^iciaco. ALFIIABRTICALLY. W''<:i ' i '; i» ^M-; ■ j c S 5 p 1^ 0) c o E 75 (0 c c (0 O O o o < o I- O Medau J & P, cigar manufr, cor Mont- gomery ave and Pacific MEDALL J & P) cigars and tobacco, UOl Montgomery ave Medauw J J H, wholesale liquors, 970 Folsom Medical Department of The University of California, corStockton and Chest- nut Medvirch & Co, coffee saloon, 5 Brooke Mee James, atty, 622 Clay Mee Joseph, aity, 622 Clay Meehan J, tanner, Twenty-sixth and Uba Meehan John, tanner, SW cor Serpen- tine and Bernal Meeker & Banks, architects, 126 Kear Meeks W, atty, 330 Pine, room 47 Meeks William N, capitalist, 237 First Mefret Xavier, school, SE cor Mason and Pacific Megzera P, sculptor, 805 Montgomery Meherin Bros, com merchants, wood and grain, 525 Front Meherin Thos, nurseryman, seedsman and florist, 516 Battery Mehrtens Bros, grocers, SW cor Polk and Sacramento Meier Chris, groceries, NW cor Taylor and Pacific Meier John, saloon, 5 Mason Meier Joseph, boots and shoes, 835 Pac Meier Louis H, liquors, cor Seventh ave and N Meierdierks C, liquors, NW cor Post and Powell Meiggs' Wharf Co, 330 Pine, room 36 Meighan J J, atty, 22 Montgomery Meiglian Rebecca A Mrs, bakery, 1425 Polk Meigs & Co, com merchants, 401 Front Meigs Lumber and Ship Building Co, pier 1 Steuart Meinbergs Mrs M H, hair goods, 323 Sut Meinecke Charles & Co, wholesale liquors, 314 Sacramento ^einers K Jr, coffee saloon, 923 Market Meiners Rudolph, restaurant, 306 Post Meinhardt F W, carriage trimmer, 1146 Mission Meininger Louis, shirt manfr, 2)7 Turk Meiiike Henry, liquors, NW cor Mis- sion and Steuart Meinke J F & Co, Hamburg- American S Ship Co, 401 California Mcircke F & C, liquors, SW cor Twenty sixth and Mission MeJsel Herman, grocery, NE cor Union and Montgomery Meissner A, liquors, 423 Dupont Meiyer C, grocer, NW cor Pt Lobos ave Melceer William, agt Potrero Distillery Co, 123 California Melcher Jesse A, insurance, 240 Montgy HELDE JOHN, locksmith and bell hanger, 817 Market Mellon J S, house and sign painter, 35^ O'Farrell Melone Drury, loan and commission, 418 California Melones Con M Co, J C Oughinin secy, 419 California, room 21 Moloney Wm W, grocer, SE cor Mont- gomery and Vallejo Melsing Gus, bakery, 120 Third Memnon Mining Co, 203 Bush Menberg Mrs M R, ladies hairdressing, 323 Sutter Mencarini D, plaster ornaments, 12^ Fourth Menchin A, retail fish, 28 Fourth Mendelsohn David, capitalist, SE cor Geary and Webster Mendelsohn D, grocer, cor Gear and Webs Mendes David, liquors, 341 Sixth Mendheim & Hoffman, ore samplers, 415 Mission Mendleson E, clothinj', 223 Pacific Mendocino Lumber Co, cor Beale and Bryant, and West Berkeley, office 40 California, room 1 Mendoza A, jeweller. 320 Montgave Menesini G, butcher, 1528 Dupont Menesini V & Co, butchers, 619 Broad wy Mengel John, meats, 46 Centre Market Menne C, mercliant tailor, 533 Wash Mentel ^Villiam. groceries, 623 Broad Mentz Chas H, druggist, SE cor Polk and Sacramento Mentz F C, furniture dealer, 1637 Polk Menu J H, general agt, (509 Sac, room 18 Menzies, Bingham & Co, stevedores, 512 and 514 Battery Merani E, boots and shoes, 1409 Dupont Merani Louis, shoemaker, cobble office, 896 Fron* Mercado Mrs M R, fire and marine insur- ance broker, 307 Montg«imery MERCANTILE AGENCY, THE, R G Dunn & Co proprs, Jas Lugsdin man- ager, 320 California Mercantile Agency Printing office, 620 Merchant MERCANTILE COLLECTION BU- REAU, S G Beatty & A L Whitney managers, 216 Sansom Mercantile Dealers Protective Associa- tion, 213 and 215 Sansom, room 10 MERCANTILE LIBRAR i ASSOCI- ATION* A A Smith pres, 216 Bush Mercantile Union, 22 Montgomery Mercer Bros, candy manufrs, 916 Mkt Mercer C H, candy store, 518 Kearny Mercer M A, candy manufr, 518 Kearny MERCER ROBERT J, secy Pacific Land & Trust Co, 513 California S H CA m m 30 H O 30 m • S o m r M X (D P> a a e t» 2 (D e O o a e 3 o «< e o » H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. k.'?' $ Aontgy ad bell ter, 35i ion, 418 la Becy, r Mont- dressing, uts, 12i th lO SE cor I 35 m 30 w H \W iH 30 m m ■m O 30 and Webs cth iplers, 415 uific Beale and , office 40 itg ave ipont ^Broadwy tie Market Wash 'A Broad cor Polk a 1637 Polk 10, room 18 edores, 512 m Dupont jbble office, arine iusur- gsdin man- office, 620 riON BTI- L Whitney ■6 Associa- room 10 i ASSOCI- 210 Bush ornery 3, 1)16 Mkt 8 Keaniy 518 Kearny pi secy Pacific jjf tfornia eet, Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP lA s I s ? 1 S ■ 10 &) 1 tn ^ 1 £ BD 1 Si « e e X 3 O m O Prmetlpally tsnKht at PACIFIC BVMI. NRMM rOMTKMK. SCO Pout Ht.. H. F. /Sian Francisco. ALPHABBTICALLT. 1213 Merchant Joseph, wholesale wood, foot Battery Merchants' Credit Bureau, Shainwold Bros proprs, 218 California Merchants' Dispatch Transportation Co, 411 California Merchants' Exchange Ascociation, s s California bet Montgomery and San MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE BANK OF S F, R tx Smith manager, 320 San Merchants' Exchange Building, s s Cali- fornia bet Montgomery and Sansom Merchants' Overland Transfer Express, C M Smith propr, 541 Sacramento Merchants' Town Boat Line, Capt P N Preble agent, 271 East Mercier E, liquors, NE cor Fol and 7th Meredith Jno H, atty, 328 Montgomery Merguire John L, box factory, cor Bry- ant and Fifth Merkle Ernest, gun casemaker, 722 Mont Merklebach Wm, butcher, 13 S F Mkt MERLE CHAS F, mdse broker, 218 California Merrell I L, felting and roof paint, 314 Townsend Merrill Annis, atty, Clay St Bank Merrill Chas R, ins liroker, 425 Cal Merrill fxcn B, atty at law, 310 Pine Merrill I M, wool, 320 Sansom Merrill J C & Co, shipping and commis- sion merchants, 204 California Merrill Parker, carpet beating, 453 Stev Mcrritt Mrs H A, school, 2204 Steiner Merritt S, capitalist, 22 California Merry, Faull & Co, butchers and pork packers, 532 and 534 Market Merry, Faull & Co, provision packers, 125 and 127 California MERSEREAXJ A S, carriage painter and maker, 1H27 Mission MERSICH D, foreign and domestic fruits, SE cor Front and Washington MERTEN, MOFFITT & CO, manufs chemists, 322 Clay Mcrvy & Co, druggists, 1510 Hylo Mcrvy A & Co, drugjiists, 539 (Irecn Merz Wm, grocer, SE cor Sutter and Powell Merzbach F H, atty at law, 426 Cal Mesenburg Henry, grocer, 34 Jessie Messenburg Herman, bakery, 1 124 Har Messer, Bacon & Co, stock brokers, 2321 Montgomery Messcrmith J L, variety store, 2501 Miss Messing .1 B, groceries and liquors, NW cor Folsom and Eighth Mcssner k Serres, bakery, 402 Pacitic Metallic Con C & S M Co, 330 Pino ^letillic M Co, 300 Montgomery, rm 20 Metastazia A, wood and coal, 1823 Pow Metcalfe J B, atty, 230 Montgomery METCALFE W L, atty at law, 12 Montgomery Metcalf Victor H, atty at law, 409 Cal Metchke Otto, mining sec, 328 Mortgy METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORT, Rev J B Hill agent, 1041 Market METRIC BUREAU, (American), Pa- cific Coast Depository, Alex W H Mac Ewen agent " Metropolitan Banner," (local weekly), I S Kalloch editor. Fifth and Jessie METROPOLITAN LOAN ASSOCIA- TION, Esche sec, 320 Sansom, rm 8 Metropolitan Market, cor New Mont- gomery and Mission Metropolitan Plate (tlass Co, 202 San Metrovich Philip S, fruit, 1222 Polk Metz Chas W, dairy produce, 14 Hayes Valley Market Metz F, ornamental painter, 722 Howrd Metz Jos, commission mcht, 321 Cal Mctzger Louis, impr and jobber station- ery, 208 Bush Meunter Chas, bakery, 215^ Second MEUSSDORFFER J C & SON, hat- ters (wholesale, retail and importers), 653 and 655 Market MEUSSDORFFER K. hats and caps (wholesale and retail), 15 Kearny and 625 and 627 Commercial MEUSSDORFFER M, manufr and iinpr hats and hat materials, NE cor Montgomery and Bush Meux Jos P, atty at law, 217 Sansom Mexican G & S Min Co, 203 Bush, rm 9 Mexican Mining & Real Estate Co, 217 Sansom Meyer A, bootmaker, 613 Laguna Meyer A & Bro, hay and grain, SW cor f(eary aifd Broderick Meyer & Akmann, butchers and grocers, 1() and 18 Sacramento MEYER A W, watchmaker, 1014 Mkt Meyer B, butcher, 904 Larkin Meyer Hurnai-d, grocer and saloon, 233 Fifth Meyer Bros & flaerdes, grocers, SW cor Bush and Piei'co Meyer & Burmeister, hotel, 529 Valencia Meyer C, fancy goods, 1 1 2 Second Meyer Charles, gents' furnishing goods, 1303 Stockton Meyer Charles, grocer, NK cor Folsom and Beale Meyer C H & Bros, imin-s hats and caps, 28 and 30 Sansom Meyer I), li(|U()rs, NW corOreenwich Moyer Daniel, bunker, 212 Pino Meyer Deidrich, groceries, NW cor Ele- venth and Howard Meyer K, nurseryman, 31 Geary Meyer Mrs E, bakery, 159 Sixteenth OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. ' !m I -il i I i M t .': Is' :} '.':•; ^^^ ]■.': .1 i ; > !. i? i.lM. ii'.': W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., n'iSS'n^f"a'!!riV""^""'- ""*'-**• tlK Uuttory Ht., M.F. g-f cd cd in CD tn 03 Cd 12 1214 (Sail Francisco. ALPHABKTICALliY. cd S2 cd o CO Is ^1 MEYER EM. (successor to ProsperMay) iinpr wines und liquors, S'.i Sutter MEYER EM, Horist, 31 Geary Meyer F W H, hairdresser, 1741 ^lission Meyer F R, liquors, '2*23 Pacific Meyer H, liquors, Broadway and Front Meyer Henry, paperhangcr, 407 O'Farrell Meyer Henry, groceries, 1046 Folaom Meyer J, restaurant, 1007 Market MEYER J G H, turner of ivory manufrof billiard-tables and balls, 3*20 Kearny and 10 Stevenson Meyer J H, groceries, cor Mission and Fourth Meyer John, groceries, NW cor Twen- tieth and Siiotwell Meyer John H, provisions cor Third and Brannan Meyer Joseph, baker, C17 Post Aleycr Joseph, tailor, 430 Sixth Meyer Julius, tailor, 507 Commercial Meyer L, saloon, 22 Leidesdorff Meyer L (i, groeeriesi, 204 Steuart Meyer Louis, restaurant, 1007 Market Meyer Louis, gents' furnishing goods, 513 Kearny Meyer M 1), grocers, S\V cor Washing- ton and Stockton Meyer Martin S, atty at law, 330 Pine Meyer Nanitte, bakery and confection ery, 785 Polk Aleyer T Lemmen, com merchant, CHS Market Meyer W, liquors, 323 Sansom Meyer Wm, cigar factory, 217 Eleventh Meyer Wm, florist, 33'J Bush Meyer & W^alker, merchant tailors, 90S Market Meyerbaek & (Jarbarino, house and sign painters, 2'20 Montgomery ave Meyerbaek S, grocer, SI] cor Green and Mason Meyerborgh A, groceries, SE cor Front an>l Pacific MEYERS ADOIPH, musical instru- ments, strings, etc, wholesale and re- tail, 4G Geary Meyers Bros, blacksmiths, 32 Clark Meyers Christian, plow works, 50 Bluxome Meyers Harris, pawnbroker, 044 Clay Meyers J, tailor, 501 Kearny Meyers & Larpin, mussel dealers, c s Kentucky bet Sonoma and Nevada Meyers & Loewenstein, tailoi-s and dress- makers' trimmings, 22 Dupont MEYERS M J. tailor, 1 Hardie Place Meyer3 & Son, loan office and jewelers, 227 Kearny Meyn R C, groceries, 1520 Folsom Meyerstein J, junk, 124 Commercial Meyeratein & Lowenberg, manufrs furn- ishing goods, 23 Sansom Michael Jos, cigars and tobacco, 539 Clay Michael S, tailor, 118 LeidesdorflF Michaels A, tailor, *209 Fourth Micliaelis Henry F, grocer, NW cor Twenty-ninth and T3olores Mi.hal C, clothing, 214 Third MiuhalGustav, boots and shoes, 348 3rd Michalitschke Bros, importers cigars and tob iceo, 239 Ke:irny Michalitschke Charles, cigars, Third and Mission Alichalitschke Gustave, cigars and to- bacco, 501 Kearny Mielialson. Rasmus T, grocer, 21 Alta Place Miuheletti Bros, butchers, NE cor Du- P')nt and Filbert Miohcls, Friedlaudor & Co, importers of furuiihiiig and fancy goods, 7 and 9 Battery r^liciielson M, livery stable, cor Eddy and Plyde Miclielssen, Brown & Co, pork packers, 308, 310 and 312 l-'ront ?Jichi Jno, fruit, 810 Kearny MicroscDpical Sociiity, H C Hyde pres, Chas H Donison seety, 120 Sutter Miildlo Hill Min Co, 328 Montgomery Middleholl'G F, grocery, 701 Laguna Middlemas & Boole, shipwrights, spar- makers and caulkers, pier 19 Steuart Middlesworth H C, cofiFee saloon, 131 6th Middlcton & Co, ships and chandlery, 521 Front Middleton Mrs Eliza, fancy goods, 447 Natoma MIDDLETON & FARNSWORTH, wholesale and retail coal, 14 Post Miildlcton Jno & Son, real estate, 419 Pine Midcs G ASM Co, 327 Pine .Midke Mrs M, fancy goods, 212 O'Far Midson Frank, confectionery, 117 Sutter Mierson, Jewell & Co, clothing, 828 and 830 Kearny Mi;.dian Mrs R A, 1425 Polk Mighell AVm E, new and second-hand ship material, 105 Steuart MIGNOLIA Gt wood and coal, 2420, Post MIHAN JAMES B. real estate and gen business brokers, 224 Montgomery Mikulich J C, restaurant, 333 Wash Miles K 0, furuishiug goods, 320 Sixth Miles John E, com merchant, 402 Front Miles & King, stock broker, 413 Mont Miles AI, contractor, 402 Montgomery Milford Henry E, stockbroker, 494 Mont Military Library, 328 Montgy, rm 21 Milkmens Mutual Aid & Protective As- sociation, 35 Eddy TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. utt fry »«»' w. 1" . PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Thv 3Ioi1«>l 4'ominerrial ColIrK* of t!M> CoBMt, aao Post Ht., H.V. nd tobacco, 5;«> Leidesdorff FoiirtU grocer, NW cor >olorcs ■I Third aid shoes, 348 3rd jportera cigars and 3s, cigars, Tliinl ve, cigars and to- P rrrocer, 21 Alta 2her3. NE cor Du- & Co, importera of ucy goods, 7 and 9 jr stable, cor Etldy fc Co, pork packers, L'^roiit Ke;irny by, 11 C Hyile Pres, jecty, 1-20 Sutter , , :Vi8 Montgomery eery, 701 Laguna 3, ahipwriglits, spar- vcrs, pier 1^) Steuart coffee saloon, 131 6th ihips and chandlery, za, fancy goods, 447 FAENSWORTH, ail coal, 14 Tost Ion, real estate, 419 327 rine ,„ 3y goods, '212 Far icctionery, 117 butter >, clothing, b28 and 425 Polk ew and second-hand 5 Steuart ood and coal, 2420, B. real estate and 5 ^crT, 224 Montgomery '" liurant, 333 Wash S goods, 320 Sixth Imerchant, 402 Front Ik broker, 413 Mont Ir. 402 Montgomery Ltockbroker,494Mont >28 Montgy, rm 21 Aid & Protective As- |y h ii u U H "5 to C/1 03 U M ra San Francisco. AliPIIABRriCAIiLY. 1215 'J i\ Millar John E, searcher of records, 230 Montgomery Millaret Thomas, boots and shoes, 522 Dupont Milk-r Albert, capitalist, 22 Cal Miller Anthony, butcher, 718 Brannan Miller B, poultry and ^amo, iiu Centre Market Miller C L, physician, 523 Kearny Miller C A, watchuiaker and jeweler, 406 Fourth Miller & Co, com merciiauts, 10 Davis nr Market Miller E, stock broker, 402 Montgomery Miller E L, veterinary surgeon, 1321 Mission MILLER E H JR, seety C P R R, cor Fourth and Towiisond MILLER F A, nursery and seedsman, exotic gardens, 1727 Mission Miller Fredk J, butcher, 1103 Folsom Miller F AV, hairdresser, 206i Sutter Miller fieorge, fniit and produce, 609 Laguna Miller G W, hatter, 112 Montgomery Miller Henry, cigars and tobacco, Tyler and Market Miller Henry, liquors, SW cor Davis and Jackson Miller H L, agt Sacramento Wood Co, 2 Mission Miller H II, mining secty, 40o California Miller H \V, propr New England Com- bination liooling Co, NW cor Main and Mission Miller Henry W, butcher, NW cor Broderick near Pine Miller Jeremioh, pros S F S & T Co, Jackson St Wharf MiUer Mrs John, wines and Utjuors, 139 Beale ^liller Josephine, liquors, 702 Front Miller J A, physician and druggist, 1018 Valencia Miller J A, cabinetmaker, 1029 Market and 325 Turk Miller J H, atty at law, 421 Montgy MILLER J M & SON. show case manufacturers, 545 California Miller JPG, atty at law, 214 Sansom MILLER LOUIS & CO. proprs Hotel Kheiu, 909 Kearny Miller L &, Co, upholsterers and decora- tors, 122 Geary MILLER L JR. manufacturing jcw- Miller Ludwig, tailor, 204 Stevenson eler, 335 Bush Miller & Lux, wholesale butchers, 533 Kearny Miller Mrs M A, millinery, 8 Fifth Miller M & Co, boots and ahoes, 909 Market Miller Mark A &, Co, advertising acts. 60S Market Miller O C, mining, 324 Pine Miller & Iteese, grocers, SW cor Twenty- third and Shotwell MILLER & RICHARD, Scotch type foundry. elecLrotypc, paper warehouse, 5l.'5 to 529 Commercial Miller 4; Van Wyck, stockbrokers, 308 Pine Miller W, restaurant, 5 Washington Miller W C, druggist, 1124 Pacific Miller W I), pnysician, 214 Kearny Miller W H, grocer, 319 Green Miller William, hairdresser, G14 Post Miller \V l\ mining engineer, 81 Ne- vada block MILLER'S GERMAN COMPRESS- ED YEAST, J A Spanner agt, OHl Mission MiUett E V, collector, 501 Kearny Millicini E. butcher, 314 Montgy ave Milliken Isaac T, mining and real estate, 528 California, room 1 Milliken P & J, dairy produce, 56 Centre Market Milliteh & Abramovieh, liquors, 120 LeidosdorfT Millmeistor H F, bakery, 312 Hayes Milloglav M P, restaurant, 138 Fourth Milloglav N P, restaurant, SE cor Pa- cific and Battery Milloglav P P, restaurant, 217 Sixth Mills Edgar, capitalist, 426 Califonia Mills D O, capitalist, 426 California MILLS & GIBB, of N Y, C H Cannon agt, importers fancy goods, 126 Kear- ny, room 48 MILLS, LEAE & CO,manufrs of buck, kid, goat and dog skin gloves and gaunts, whips, etc, 22 Sutter Mills Ogden, capitalist, 426 California Millzner L, watchmaker and jeweler, 422 Kearny Milne A, tailor, 625 Merchant Milne (jreo, plumber and gasliftter, 119 Dupont Milton Mining and Water Co, H Pichoir secy, 320 Sanson! MILL WARD A & SONS, needles, lish hooks, 511 Market Minoker E A, carpenter, 617 Tyler Minehaji 1*, meat market, 536 Fourth Miner Andrew & Co, patent roasting ap- paratus, 405 Kearny Mineral Fork Mining and Smelting Co, 328 Montgomery, room 20 Mineral King M& M Co, 315 California MINER'S ASS'N, VV A Skidmore secy, 320 Sanson! " MINING & SCIENTIFICFRESS." Dewey & Co publishers, 202 Sansom Minjo Bros & Co, poultry, 422 Clay Ui Ui w t/i U3 ■I ; : I y 'I'ill :|iiP 'ill H. PKLMia & CO^ Pun Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. WW MflNTAfillF A rn Mhorc iron, all Mbcw and Nnnbcn, iio. . W. IfiUW I AbUC a IfU., iia, 114, ii«, t^A 11H Battery 8t.. Ifl.vl 1216 m i c i I Q e E CO c c « O ■ O o Q O h h O (San Francisco. ALPHABmCALLT. Minor B B, secy S P C R R Co, 309 Montgomery and Cal and Nev Ice Co, 356 Tehama Minor John F, physician, 767 Howard Minor S B, liquors, 13 Third Mint Gold and Silver Mining Co, 409 California Mintern Mrs E, physician, 329 O'Farrell MINTIE A E, physician, 11 Kearny MnrriE a E & CO, proprs sir Ash ley Cooper's vital restorative and pa- tent medicines, 1 1 Kearny Mintzer Pierre B, physician, 710 Bush Miraglia C, barber, 902 Front Misgiil Timothy F, blacksmith, 1213 Steiner Mish P k Son, imprs millinery goods, 539 Market Mission Chemical Works, Harrison bet Sixteenth and Seventeenth Mission Market, cor Sixteenth and Miss Mission Rock Warehouse, Chas H Sin- clair supt, 318 California Mission Soap and Candle Works, M Morgenthan propr. Sixteenth bet Fol- som and Harrison Mission Woolen Mills, I Cohn manager, Folsom liet Fifteenth and Sixteenth, office 115 Battery Miasler Benno, liquors, 819 Kearny Misters I, copper and tinsmith, 811 Montgomery MITCHELL D C, supt Eastern Cider Co, 719 Bryant Mitchell E, wood and coal, 4S2 Sixth Mitchell Ferdinand, barber, 108 Steuart Mitchell Frank, saloon, cor Turk and Market Mitchell George H, agt Hektograph and Magic Lotion Co, 507 California Mitchell Harrold D, architect, 217 San MITCHELL H W, manager Overland Freight Transfer Co, C V R R depot Mitchell & Hobe, carpet-beating ma chine. 230 r,nd232 Fourteenth Mitchell J, grocer, NE cor 24th and Har Mitchell J C, ins broker, 425 California Mitchell J E, elevator boy, 419 California Mitchell Miss M, millinery, 4 Sixth Mitchell Mrs Mary, bakery, 8 Seventh Mitchell Wm H, saloon, Oregon off Bat Mitchler G, capitalist, 22 California Mitrovich Philip, fruits, 1222 and 1224 Polk Mix L W, stockbroker, 317 Montgy Mixen J, butcher, 208 Francisco Mixer Geo H, manufr patent bungs, etc, 51 Beale Moan Edward, hardware, 1627 Market Monckel Christian, butcher, NW cor Union and Kearny Mocker & Newniark, plumbers and tin- smiths, 327 Turk Modoc Con Mining; Co, 310 Pine, room 15 Modry Marcus, cigars, 312 Third Moebus F, shoemaxer, 333 East Moeller Chas, bakery, 2007 Hyde Moeller & Grauffel, li(j[uor8, 609 Jackson Moenning G, hardware, 614 Octavia Moeser J, musical instruments, 811 Mkt Moeser Julius, impr and dealer in mu- sical strings, 81 1^ Market MOFFAT E & H, cattle dealers and commission butchers, 238 Kearny Mogan Joseph R, furniture dealer, 1804 Market MOGAN F J, atty at law, 22 Montg MOOAN T J, atty, 22 Montgomery Mogling Charles, liquors, 1143 Mission Mohlfeldt & Wallman, wood and coal, groceries, NW cor O'Farrell and Jones Molioly John, horseshoeing, cor Ken- tucky and First ave Mohr Carl, hairdresser, 1437 Mission Mohr & Steffens, groceries, NE cor Polk and Pacific MORIO C F. jeweler and lapidary, Cen- tral Mills. Berry bet Fourth and Fiftii Mohrmann Fred, groceries, 501 Bdway Moisant Alfred, groceries and li(iuors, 13 Van Ness Moise Mrs S H, fancy goods, 416 Larkiu Mokel C, meat market. 400 Union MOLERA & CEBRIAN, civil engi- neers, 40 Merchants Exchange bldg Molineux Henry, manager Seth Tliomas Clock Co, 132 Sutter MoUar A F T, tobacconist, 1314 Polk Molleno C F, hairdresser, 1616 Polk Moller Fred'k, blacksmith, 197 Stev Moller Gustav, carpenter shop, 1 Webb Moller Jno H, cigars, 312 Sixth Moller R, carpenter, 28 Geary Moller Richard, cigars, 1314 Polk Moller & Schroder, grocers, NW cor Filbert and Dupont MOLLOYF C, real estate agent, 116 Montgomery Molloy John, produce aiul com mer- chaHt, 54 Clay Molloy M, boots and shoes, 223 Sixth MOLLOY P C, real estate and house agtitit, 116 Montgomery MOLN RUDOLPH, secty S F Stock Brewery, 21 18 Powell Moloney J, groceries, 535 Stevenson Moloney P E, bootmaker, 103 Fifth Molony P S, merchant tailor, 138 Mont Molter Chas, harness maker, 19 Seventh Moines & Smith, li([uors, 327 East Monaglian J, lifiuors, 60 First Monajihan I'atrick, boots and shoes, 458 Sixth Monaghan T H, plumlier, 1506 Cal Mouiilian John & Co, saloon, 434 Pino Mdiiarch Gravel M Co, 328 Montgomery H. WACHHORST calls attention ^"iS^iii'VI.'.T "*'"'■ rwai'c, 315 J St. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »" teoKgW'^Jl^T&^gaa!'- 3 CD 3. a CD A 1 P> 3 [» a 10 Pine, room 15 J12 Third V^'^ East 007 Hyde Lors, 009 Jackaon G14 Octavia um^nts, 811 Mkt nd dealer in mu- arket jattle dealers and , 238 Kearny liture dealer, 1804 i law, 22 Montg 2 Montgomery iiors, 1U3 Mission n, wood and coal, O'Farrell and Jones shoeing, cor ^.en- «r, 1437 Mission ceries, NE cor Polk rand lapidary, Cen- ^t Fourth and Fifth oceries, 501 Bdway cerles and luiuors, U a o a* O e a e 3 (D i "» O a (A 8" cy goods, 416 Larkiu ket, 400 Union ■its Exchange hldg fianager Seth Thomas tfist, 1314 Polk lesser, 161b Polk k smith, 107 Stev '.penter shop, 1 Webb J •s, 312 Sixth ! P- ir, -28 deary , bars, 1314 Polk S ?r, grocers. NW cor O lal estate agent, 116 \r Lluce and com mer- Id shoes, 223 Sixth leal estate and house |j^| [i::Sy S F Stock Towell La, 535 Stevensou Itmaker, lO^^^Jt^v lant tailor. i:W Mont *ess maker, 19 Seventh |i,.uors, 327 East W 60 First I, boots and shoes, 45S lluml>er 1506 C^^^^^i^^ 1 Co, saloon, 4.^4 1 nw \\ Co, 328 Montgomery ^s^^^^^^'sTsTsT k avc, ** " »' el ■31 11 1 Ifl E to I V B O S « 75 s "5 San Francisco. ALrilABITICALLT. 1217 o o (0 8 C0 3 O X w d I • < I • MonoBch Julian, tailor, 2001 Mission Moudon Calixte, clothing, SW cor Du- pont and Vnllejo Mono J J, atty and court commissioner, Nevada block, rm 12 Mouiori Simon, cigars 1339J Dupont Monitor Belmont Mining Co, 30'J Mont "Monitor" The, (weekly), Rev J F Har- ingtou propr, 622 Clay Monk S, perfumer ami wigmaker, 14 Stockton Monnier G, lifjuors, 817 and 1153 Larkin Monnin Bros, boots and shoes, 603 Mont- gomery an, stockbroker, 316 Mont Montealegre J M, physician, 1114 Bush Monte Cristo Cou Mining Co, 30J Mont Montezuma Mill and Mining Co, J T McOeoghogan sec, 318 Pine, room 13 Montezuma Mining Co, 330 Pine, rm 36 MONTGOMERT CHARLES, propr Mdiitgoniory Hotel, 2*J1 to 22!) Second MONTGOMERY HOTEL, Charles Montiioniery propr, 221 to 220 Second Montpellier Albert, cashier and manager Grangers' Bank of California, 42 Cal Monumental Quicksilver Mining Co, 380 Pine, room 18 Moock (Jeo, butcher, 4 Grand Central Market Moock J, butcher, 31 Valencia MOODY & PARISH, wool and com- mission, 310 Davis Moody J C, drngijist, 1401 Pine Moon, Scully & Co, wholesale liquors, 316 Sacramento and 321 Commercial Mooney Daniel J, groceries, 1800 Mkt Mooney Hugh, liquors, 244 Sutter Mooney P, restaurant, cor Taylor and Market Moonli:;ht Mining Co, 21 1 Sansom Moorbrink J B, tailor, 1079 Market MOORE A D & CO, lumber dealers and commission mercnants, 103 Cal Moore & Bums, liquors. 111 Jessie Moore Calvin, dentist, 6 Eddy Moore Charles \V, physician, 652 Mkt Moore D C, physician, propr of the Trail HyL'ionic Sanitarium, 8 Ellis Moore Mrs E D, ladies' physician, 8 Ellis Moore E J & J H, attys at law, 628 Mont Moore, Hunt & Co, wholesale liquors, 32 California Moore H H, bookseller, 116.\ Post Moore Mrs H, hair restorer, "l03 Stock Moore H K, atty at law, 528 Cal, rm 8 Moore J, milling secy, 309 California MOORE J C. impr China and Japan teas, 317 Broaflvvay MOORE J G, U S appraiser, U S Ap- praisers' Building Moore .Ino, Branch Bakery, 415 Fifth Moore Jno, boots and shoes, 1057 Fol Moore Mrs Mary, bakery, 415 Fifth MOORE & McLARElN.hay and grain, 1416 Spe:ir MOORE & MONTGOMERY, stock- brokers, 324i Montgomery Moore & Murphy, boots and shoos, 138 Sixth Moore N W, propr Urban Academy, 405 (Jeary Moore Peter J, liquors, SE cor Wash- ington and Davis Moore S, wood, coal, hay and grain, 835 Valencia Moore W, liquors, 518 Mission Moore & Wilkie, doors, sashes, etc, SW cor Mission and Fremont Moore Z W, 37, 38 and 30 Cal Market Moorecroft Frederick, stone seal engrav- er, 126 Kearny, room 47 Mooser Wm, architect, 302 Mont, rm 46 MORAGHAN M B, oyster saloon, 68 C.ilifornia Market Moran Frank, grocer, 422 Fourth' Mora-i J M & Co, dry goods, 204 and 206 Sixth Moran M, liquors, 63 Jessie Moran Thos & Co, real estate, 605 Sac Morande C, li^iuors, 650 Sacramento Morcel Jos, blacksmith, 12 Stockton PI Morcliio A, impr of ostrich and fancy feathers, 720 M vrket MORCHIO MRS. M & SON. Bodie Restaurant, 6 Leidesdorff More Mrs L, lodgings, 1126 Market and 21 Turk More, Reynolds & Co, wholesale liquors, 212 California Mareal H P & Co, real estate, loan and collection, 402 Montgom3ry Moreno Miiin:? Co, 217 Sansom, room 8 Moretti P, liquors, 420 Jackson M oretti & Tr'^zziii, fresco painters.G Eddy VLiME&W THOMAS, dentist, 120 I Suttjr I M>rgaa Beo% fruit, 800 J Market "^ 77 ■ S3 m i -< CO o CO r i •m CO' I; 3; I 5; 1: n H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal., ''1^%V:^tlS^'' IW VJ LSriMTAnilP A r.n rcnjpMin 1), photographer, 417 Montgy Morse Harry N, private detective and collection auenev, 328 Montgomery MORSE SIRAM, editor "Ladies' Home Journal," Chronicle bldg, cor Kearny and Bush Morse John, butcher, 141 Page Morse Mrs S P, lodgings, Frank's bldg Morshead J W, livery stable, 25 Wash Morsiegren A, bakery, 237 Fourth Mortee" Thos Bagney, sec Park Comniia- sioners, 309 Montgomery, room 74 Morti Jacob, liquors, 507 Commercial Mortimer M Co, 401 California, room 4 Mortincvick S & Co, liquors, NW cor Sacramento and East MORTON ALBERT, magnetic physi- cian, 1 1 O'Farrell MORTON H A, physician, 987 Har MORTON H R, dentist, 205 Mont ave Morton J B, carpenter and builder, 3 St Mary Morton J & Co, draymen, 204 Battery Morton T & IS S, wood and coal, 628 and 630 Geary Morton Wm H, cigars and tobacco, 18 Market TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th<' Moilfl r4>tal Cvlln or tiK' CoiMt, H«<» PoNt Mt. o -< o a 33 O 190 » o a IS. |9 ;oal Co, NE nanufr, HO ,U, 575 Bran ifth , ,. meer Tlating ,r Ninth and ist, 310 Sac cor Mission !!s Fifth , ^, stico Supreme Q .er anil sewing ( m irket ato, 419 Vi»P U-2*.)!. Mi'^s»">^ 'l<-\V corTwen- •cr.'ilO Fifth ashoea, :WComl J, Howard ," grain and com- taliat, 414Cal G, propra Tacitic a 117 First utty, 75. 7b and o\7 Sansom \Xi ivnhoru MaV ""^^ 'alifornia , broker, lt> Mont l,er, 417 Mon^gy ,te detective and Ih Montgi'iiiery , 'fiditor "Ladies „roniclo hldg, cor 1141 Page tg, Frank's Ijldg f8taUe.*^5\Va8h I '^^l Fourth L;cParkOomnu3. Imery, room i* 1507 Commercun l'alifornia,room4 f, liquors, NW cor 5* magnetic physi- |.3ician, 987 Har [tist, 205 Mont avc \r and builder, 3 fst ■men, 204 Battery Kd coal. 628 and Lrs and tobacco, 18 m KINO. CO CO (San Francisco. Al.PIIAHKTICAI.LV. 1219 O 03 O o o ♦a CO I Mosbacher Geraon. boots and shoes, '212 Steuart Moalxirg A, cofTeo saloon, 3 Hixtli Mose Neil, bakery, "JG Pane Mosebiich FC\ erdlector, 330 Pino, rm 3S MOSES C S & CO. wool buyers, packers and traders, IJrannaii jir l''ifth MOSELER SAFE & LOCK CO, Cin- cinnati, .1 I) HruiRT agt, 405/; (.'al MOSGROVE S & BRO. imprs dry goods, cloaks a)id suits, 114 and 11*) Kearuy MOSGROVE S & SON, dry go..ds, 1 14 Kearny MOSHEIMER JOSEPH, assaycr and niiniiig school, 507 Montgoniory Moslier .1 P, atfcy at law, 408 California Moss Clias, capitalist, U30 Moiitgoini ry Moss Joseph, poultry, 10 Hayes V Mkt Moss J Mora, capitalist, 718 Battery Moss Mrs L, bakerv, L"J.S First MOSS W S & CO, I'roprs daily and weekly "Examiner,' ulJi") VVasliington Mi)tt (Jordon N. atty at law, (530 Cl.iy MOTT J H & CO, furniture storage warehouse, (U7 Market Mott Wm JI, atty at law, 03(5 Clay, rin'Jl Mou Chon, cigars and tobacco, 'iOl> Dup Moulder A J, secy Pac Stock Exchange, 314 Montg.on»cry, room I MOULTON D S, mangr Ilowe Machine Co, 873 Market Moniton & Edmondson, California Mt Potosi Con Min Co, 318 Pine, rm 31 Mountain Ice Co, S D Smith manager, 554 and 55G Mission Mountain Tunnel (Ira vel Co, 328 Mont MOUSER B T, physician, 200 Post Mouser S M, physician, 200 Post Mouthon J. liquors, 508 Hush Mowbray II C. dentist, 200 Stockt»n Mower A H. plumber, 334 Sixteenth Mowry L I. atty at law, 402 Montgy MOWRY RICHARD D, com mchnt, wholesale poultry, 103 and 104CalMkt MoyersC J. carri;igo makers. 1148 Miss MOTNIHAN & AITEIN, boiler works, 31 1 and 313 Mission Moynihaa Lawrence, boots and shoes, 410 Sixth Mozart E H, ladies cloaks and suits, i)32 Market Mucha P, tailor, 448 Third Muecke. Victor & Co, «om mchnts and agents Germanic Lloyd, 109 California Much N k Co, liquors, 1411 Stockton Muehe & Duggim, restaurant and bakery, 211 Sutter Mueller Fred'k W, blacksnjith, 1 128 Miss Mueller (ieo, li(|uor.s, 414 Market Mueller o E 75 CO (0 O ■ O o < flL h O 1220 San Francisco. ALniAHKrinALkY. Mullins W F, saloon, IfiOl Turk MoUoy C W, hluckstnith, '218 Fifth Mulloy Potor, colluctor, 315 Ciiliforniii Mulreuny (J, bootmaker, 915 PoHt Mulvillc N B, atty at law, «i04 Morch Mulville I'Mward, fruit, I'Ju Fiftli Muncy Wyndham, cij^ars, NW cor Montgomery and Californiii Mund li A, watchmaker, 720 Market Mund & Wadman, stoves, plumbers, tin and coppersmiths, 5 Taylor Mund Wm, watchmaker and jeweler, 18i Fourth Mundell O C, livery stable, 7^5 Market Mundct Mrs Johanna, bakery, cor Fran CISCO and Midway Munk M, printer, 709 Market Munkeu Martin, grocer, NW cor Grove and Buchanan Munroo John, horaeslioeing and t;encral repairing, SB cor Greenwich MTJNSELL JAMES JR, iuauranco, 215 iSanoom Munson J H, sawfiler, 504 Stevenson Munson James, liquors. Long Bridge, nr Kentucky Munsou J no A, manager St (zcorge Ho- tel, 812 Kearny Munter Joseph, pictures and frames, 1047 Folsom Murasky Chas, carpenter and builder, 541 Twenty-third MTTRCHIE & S MININO 00, 328 Montgomery, rm <> Murdock C A & C», printers, 53l' Clay Murfey S S, atty ana notary public, 607 Montgomery Mui'ken Martin, grocer, NW cor Grove and Buchanan Muro G R, wood and coal, 20 Stockton Murphey & McVeigh, groceries, 500 Ellis Murphy A, real estate agt, 511 Cal HTJRPHT A H> coffee and spice mills, 5 First Murphy Charles, barber, 135 Third Murphy & Connors, foreign and domestic fruits, 508 Sauftom Murphy Daniel J, atty at law, C3G Clay Murphy Daniei J, fruit, 429 Fourth Murphy Dennis, boots and shoes, 2304 Folsom Murphy D H, barl)er, 303 Sixth Murphy D T, groceries, SE cor Folsom and Seventh MIJBPHT D W & CO, real estate agts, house brokers, partnerships ne gotiated, 60S Market MUBPHY E H & CO. printers and publishers, 415 Market Murphy E P, stockbroker, 409 Pine MTJRFHY, GRANT & CO, importer foreign and domestic dry goods cor Sansom and Bush Murphy & Horn, wholesale butchers, 53a Kearny M urphy Mru H B, dressmaker, 456 6th Murpliy J, liquors, SW cor Mission and Seventh Murphy John, liquors, cor liberty and Townsend Murphy .las, barber, 334 Bush Murphy James, physician, 659 Clay Murjihy James Jr, physician, 1613 Van Ness ave Murphy John Luttrell, city and county atty, New City Hall Murphy J F & i'o, real estato agts, 402 Montgomery Murphy J H, wines rind liquorn, 800 Market Murphy J J, liquors, 231 Kearny Murphy Jno, carpet Iwating, Alabama bet Twenty-tifth and Twenty-sixth Murphy J W, groceries, 1641 Mission Mnrphy P, poultry, 74 and 75 Centre Market Murphy Kobt W. physician, 1601 Oounh Murphy S (>, cashier Pacific Bank, NW cor Pine and Sansom Murphy T (i, atty at law, 629 Kearny Murphy W, liquors, San Mij^uel Station Murray A & Co, lish, 72 and 73 Centre Market MURRAY H, com merchant, 202 Clay Murray H R, i>ub "Olympian," 419 Sac Murray J, liquors, NE cor 2d and Bran Murray John, barlior, 9 and 11 Pacific Murray J F, physician, 1234 Dupont Murray J F & J B, custom house dray- man, 241 Jackson Murray Mrs M, fancy goods, 1001 20th Murray Mary Mrs, bakery, 3J8 Sixth Murray Thomas, hotel, 510 Davis Murray Wm, poultry, 39 and 40 (irand Western Market Murray Wm B, stockbroker, 308 Pine MURRAY W H, managers F "Journal of Commerce," 414. Clay Murtha Wm M, gas fittings, 1417 Buch Muser Bros, gloves and laces, 541 Mkt Mussel Slough Ditch Co, FMoyer, secy, 408 California Musto Bros, marble saw mill, 707 to 715 Battery Mutschler Chr, shoemaker^ 1 Tyler MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR- ANCE CO. of New Jersey, J Munsel Jr, a«t for Pacific Coaat, 215 Sansom MutuaiBuilding and Loan Association, 232 Sutter MUTUAL ICE CO, John Kirkpatrick president, .John Cashin, aeey and supt, 321 Francisco MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF N y, A B Forbes general agent, 214 Sansom i I H. WACHHORST calls attention "^iSkmNir^^" 8ft» JSt ,.r»!«..8. F. alo butcher*, I3. iiker, 456 tith I 3 r Miauiou and I* r liberty anU n (UBb ^ 059 Clay an. Itna Van » ty and county state agta, 402 V «< vw, 629 Kearny m- tn Mi,!?«el Station ^ 2 and 73 Centre ^ o prchant, 202 Clay » Upian.-419Sac « cor 2d and Bran y ) and 11 I'acific , 1234 Dupont torn house dray- i ^ goods, 1001 COth N ifery, 3IS «ixth rf I, 510 Davia 1 «■ 39 and 40 Grand , ^ liroker, 303 Tine g. lagerSF "Journal i fc. 1417 Buch ij ■ud laces, 541 U^i ^ lo, F Moyer, secy, ^ ^wmill,707to715 (g BUSINESS PENIWANSHIP ""^'i^yl'Mriftf^i^R* rActm himi. n«{e EJ, photographer 4 17 Mont- gomery Muwinte C, fruit and vegetables, 1332 Dupont Muy.i<)& Ir J M Hinkle manager, :il9 Busli National Temperance Society Di^posi- tory, 1041 Market Nauglitoii Naum.in Davis Nttumkcag Min Co, 310 Pine, rm 15 Nannton <{fo, shipping agt, 524 Battery Navajo Min Co, Stock Exchange bldg Navon & (Jreen, blacksmiths, 012 Bdwy Neal Charles S & Co, stockbrokers, 'SAO Montgomery Neale Vincent, atty at law, 320 Sansom Nealy P, nursery, NE cor Folsom and Twentieth Neary Bernard, boots and shoes, 85 Stev Neary N, bootmaker, cor U 11 and Ninth aves Ne.iry Thds, wood and coal, 739 Guerrero NEEDELS A P, atty at law, 520 Monti;oinery Neilsen Mrs A, varieties, 1213 Fillmore NEIS PHIL, hop dcialer, .S22 Davis Nejhuis Hjinn, li(|uor8, 500 Pacific Xelligan Wm H, shoemaker, 303A Fifth Ncllman .Ino, hiiy and grain, wood and coal, 901 (ircenwich Nelson Alhert N, liquors, SW cor Wash- ingti)n and I.h'umm Nelson Bros, cabinet makers, 190 IGth N'dson (J & S Min Co, 309 Montgomery N'elsftn Henry, j rocer, ;i44 Bryant Nelson & Ive.", liciuors, Si Pacific Nelson .lames, butclier, 55 (irand Arcade Market Nelson .lohn, liquors, 27 I'acific Nelson P D, shoum iker, 529 Kast Nelson T H, furniture, 130 Fourth Nelson Wm F, hardware, 200 and 208 Jackson NESBITT I & BRO, imprs of Eastern white oak staves, shooks and heads, and dealers in California wines and brandies, 21 to 25 Bluxome Nestel A, hairdressen, 320 Francisco Neuber Adolf, saloon. *?0 Turk Neubert & Turk, dairy produce and de- licacies, 25 and 20 California Market Neuburger, Reiss & Co, impra dry goods, 510 Market and 17 Sutter 0$ CO I (A to 3 a. b3 P h I? •J .«! fa 91 :> '.1. I 11 OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 30? Davis St., S. F. 1 I IH if M Bni m fUt ■HhR aa IH ^^mHH 1 1 II :<-B|'' CO c 'a S o ■ o s a Si C c (0 o O O a z S o 0. h h O rl' WIAf MnMTAPIIC 9i l^n NtovoMBnrt RaiiBrii, 600 different iriM*, itylnanl • ¥¥• IflUn I AUUC OtUU., patterns, 110, 112, 114, 11* »nd 118 Battery St., S. F. 1222 San Francisco. ALPIIARBTICAI.hT. Neuciiburg Jno, grocer, 400 Pacific NEUENSCPiWANDER R. liquors, 422 .Sacramento Neuman (Justave, dairy produce, 114t) J'olsoin Neuman P, carpets, 117 Sixth Neuman & Putznian, wholesale liquors, :{40 I'ino Neumann Albert, jeweler, 9 (ieary Neumann & Kielilioff, attys at law, i'M Mont;_(inu'ry Neuuiann Leoipold, dentist. 8 Kearny Neumann & Wagner, butchers, cor '2'.U\ and Hampshire and Potrero avo Neunaber H, groceries and liquors, S\V CUV Boale and Folsnm NEUSTADTER BROS, wliolesak clothing and shirt factory, NW cor r'ine and liattery NEOVAL & SOMERVILLE, usphal tiun rootiuL', 4'20 .f acksou NEUWAID WM, earriage and wagon factory, 4'_'1 ami 4'2'.i Pacific NEVADA BANK OF S F, H w (ikim cashier, SOI Montgomery Nevad I Laml 4 Clay Newell W A, physician, CSO Howard New Ei.gland Combination Rooting Co, cor Main and Mission New England (J & S Mining Co, 327 Pine NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO of Boston.Wallaco Eversou gen agt Pacific Coaat, 328 Montgomery, rm 2 NEW ENGLAND SOAP FACTORY, H Fishbeck & Co, N K cor Nebraska and New Potrero New Era Ci & S Mining Co, 328 Moutgy New ii Jorge, grocer, t)04 Natoma Newlall (t 1), agt Cha8 McLaughlin, 16 Montgomery ave New nail H C, atty at law, GOO Sac is'ewhall 11 M & Co, auctioneer.'} and com merchant-', SOl) to SIS Sansom New Helvetia House, C A Keuneri -opr, 01(5 C.ilifornia Newhutt" F, loeki. atty at law, SO'J Mmitgomery, rm IS Newlands Jas, mining secy, "JOS Bush Newma.laeob, livery -sttble, 2',I12 Miss Newman A, livery stable, SI.") (Jeary Newman A A Co, meats, 1 and 2 Centre Market Newman B B, atty nt law, 72!) Moutgy Ni^wman S & Co, dealers in luM-f, pork, venl, mutton, smoked and corned meats, (J rand Opera Market NEWMAN JAMES, g-ld leaf and dental foil, 202 i'o.st Newman Mrj, restaurant, fiOl Montgy Newnianu I' H, nie.d market, o-JO Ei.st Nt'wman Sanutel, pl'\siei:in, 10 Third Newman S, tailor, 105'.* Howard Newman Wm .1, drv goods, 102;") and 1027 Stockton ' « Nt'wmark H & Co, wholesale grocers, 214 Caiifornia Newmar't. .) 1' & Co, gen c. in n.iiich.Tut, 214 (.'alifornia Newmark N, atty at law, S.SO Pine New Metropolitan Market, ^»1'] cor N.,v Montgomery ami Mission New Orleans Ins Assn, Hutchi'.son & Mann agts. S22 California New Botrero Co, fertilizers, SSO Pine Newsom S & .loseph C, architects, .S20 ISansom Newth K '^', photographer, (520 Clay NEWTON BROS & CO, imprs of teas ami wholesale urocers, 204 and 20(5 Cal Newton E D, liquors, S\V cor Sacra- mento anil Montgomery Newton H A, stock broker. 327 Pine New Washington Hotel, Henry F Maass l)ropr, <524 Fourth NEW WISCONSIN HOTEL, Tr.,ni. bath & Evans jtroprs, iM)2 Montgy New York Board of Marine Underwrit- ers, Oliver Eldridgo agt, 318 Cal NEW YORK CITY INSURANCE CO (Fire), Hutchinson & Mann gen agts, 322 and 324 California CO -< o 3D -J 03 c5 co" o 3 CO 3 3* O X3 ■a o J* CD » 5? CO -I X o c (A CD r (a CD O ;%' 0> TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumaner & Co., '^^?l£;£lt PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •^nr'^p'n ««""*•*•• *••»»*- keeping, Penmanghip. Telcjirnplvy. law, :*'J §» o .'OH Uush rS :U'2 Miss "> ( roary ^ I 'J Centre C/> I o l\) Moutgy 3 »cuf, ptivlc, I * id corned "^ liiif nutl U1 \ Moiitgy ~. 10 Third (/>. lu irrocL'i-s, ha O u.iiioUnut, 3f 0» \Mne < SK cor N-.'V ^ tchi'.sfm &. (9 :i;W Pine lutects, IV-K) (WO Clay nprs of tei\3 iind'iOtiCal |p r' ccr ^iiicra- 55 ;127 Tine \^ iiry F Muass p;- DEL, Xrein- L^ t Montjiy » V Untkrwnt- >< InSCal _ Iranceco ^ Inn gen agts, g. ItlnnA. Or«. I. b»«»4t. (Sif/n Francisco. ALI'llAliKTlCALlV. 1223. CO CO OS bO a J c li 3' IL Si (0 o N Y HEKTOGRAPH CO, J D Brnncr agt, 405 \ (California New York Life Ins Co, '220 Sansom New York M Co, D L Thoniaa aecy, 20:J Bush New York Min Co, S F Ex hldq, nn 8 New York Min Co, 20:{ Bush NYfc S F Collar Co, J E Richards maiiauei" anil a<^t, (5 Battery NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS^' AGENCY, H Balzer & Co agents, '20i> Sansom New Zealand Insurance Co, :?07 Cal New Zealand f>oan and Mercantile Ag- ency, .W California Noylan .las, luinhcr, 1 8 and 20 Spear Niagara Instinmce Co, UKi Sansom Nia<,'ara Silver Min Co, .'V_'4 Pine Nich'-;ll Chiis F, physician, 7015 Post Niehv.l riold and Silver Min Co.'V.iO Pine Xiehol Wm, collector, (50") Sacrameuto Nic'holas & Atwood, hay and grain, Perry het Third and Fourth NICHOLAS GEORGE, harin-i shop, lodsiines anil saloon, 'M to H7 Sacra- mento art barh'.'r shop and lod;^iugs, NK cor Sevi'iitli and Folsom Nicholas Mrs Mary, groceries, ,'}0S Te- NICHOLS A C & CO, agout-i Weut- worth's iMiots and shoes, and leather, hides and tallow, 402 Battery Nichols F C, iiiiuors, 'M Stocktou Nichols H 1^, physician, :.'.S0 Kearny Nichols L H, atty at law, :W1 Mont-y Nichols W M, liquors, N\V ofir Powell and Francisco Nicholson ■!. MacUsmith and wagon- niakor, 18.'!') Mission Nicholsun .1 .1, hlacksmith, lOt 14th NICHOLSON WAS, t^tty at law, iS'M Mont;;onicvy NICKEL JT L, conimission lu'^rcliant, l-j;{ California Nickelshurg S, ^'cu mdse, 71'2 Sansom jNickersou & Co, liunl)or,'JOJ Sacramento Nicol W. real estate, liO") Sajramento j Nicolai \V, tailor, I'-'P; Polk ] Nicolayseu Frank, h)aril and lodj^ings, V2i and l'J'.» -lack inn Nicolajsen .1, li![uors, NK cor Ix-ides- dorrt' aad Halleck Nicols Mrs Soplirouia, homd'opathio physician, IPJG Market Nicols Kichd, cii,':'.rs and tobacco, (ioO Fourth NICOIiL THE TAILOR. 7-.>7 Mar- ket, IS Kearny and 505 Montgomery, (see ad vt back cover) Nicott, Eilward & Co, soap mauufrs, NW cor Seventh and Mission Niefer F, liquors, '-'S Third Nielsen Chris, restaurant, G3'2 Vallejo Nielsen Wilhelm, coffje saloon^ --'27: Moiiti,'omery ave NIEMAN IGNATZ, iunk, (5-27 Pacific- Niemaiin H, pattern shirts, 1'20 Suttus • J Niemann .Ino, groceries, 4 IS ,h>m»: U Niese Fred, bakery and groceries,. 'J Hi > ' Harrison " [ ^ Niessen .Ino, restaurant, i:i24 Stockton l( Ni, bodts ai'd '^lioL-H ! I Thjrd Nolan M J, atty, 51';) Montgoni'-ry NOLAN P F & CO, wholesale boots- aud shoes, 414 Market Nolt<> August F, grocer, SE cor Hyde- and Filbert Nolte C IJ, -rocery, I^OOt Missioi) Nolte Hv'rinau, tailor, 4t»i Dujjitut Noltt Win F. taxidermist, 27 Turk Noltlieiiius vS: Schmid, Ini'tchcrs, Ml! cor i o\i\bard .'Hid Stocktou Noon A, physician. 102 Kearny NOON JAS T, atty at law. Olil Sac Noonan .Jeremiah, l>akery. 40 Siivcith Noonan 1' .1, liquors 2(i;i)> I'ost Noonday M Co, 810 Pine, room 2."» Noorden Th, liquors, I1'20 l^arkin NORAGER, HJUL & CO, coiiec sa- lo.m, -22 Fifth Norcross & Co, maunfr rogalias, army ami navy dt'corations, GPost Norcross \V F, editor and propr " New Age," 4*20 Kearny Nordbruch Henry L, groceries,. (>42 .Tack N- WW MnMTACIIP Ml rn Mh«>ct Iron, all MIceB mini Nnmbrni, llO, , ft. WIUW I AuUC; tt l/U., na 114. lia. nnd 11» Bnttcry Kt . H.P. I- o CO O < S CO o Id ftl < 4 ■ H CO VM C 3 1224 IT •- 3 I- o III San Franciaco. ALrUAliBTICALiiY. Norman Y G, hardware, SiO Valencia Noiman M Co, 302 Montgomery Morris Charles, oysters and clams, do Washington Market Norris E J & Co, cigars and tobacco, 946 and 948 Market Norris Wni, sec Spring Valley Water Works, 516 California Northam K F, capitalist, 120 Sutter North Anurican Con Co, V.&l Montgy North American Ice Co, IJHU Montuy North Beach & Mission Street R K, cor Fourth ami Lcuisa North Belle Isle VI Co, Stock Exchange building North Belmont M Co, 8 S F Kxchango building NORTH EICOMFIELD GBAVEI M CO, H Fith< r stc, liiO Sansi n» North BonaiiZii M Co, bO!) AJontuomery N E T H BKITISH & MEKCAN- TILE FIRE INS CO OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH, Thon C Grant gen agent, -i;i .Saii.v ni North Bulwer G & S M Co. 'JOli Bush North C. life rui:t V, & S M Co, .'ii;8 Mont North China Ins Co, LOti Sr.nsoni North Conistoek S M Co, '.O.S Bush Nrrth (on Virginia M Co, at);t M(nt Nortli Dayi.Mi (i V S M Co, :<2S Mont Noit!.(.rn It.'.ilroad, olfuvj NKc*-r i'onrth and Tov nsend NORTH IGEEMAN FIRE INS CO OF HAMBURG, Hy Balzer & C gen aiients, -(M) Simsoni North ('oimiiii Hotel, Wieac & Wagner, jjroprs, 2li SH(r:inienlo Nortli (lernian Lloyd Sti.'anit.hip Co, C DuisenlxTg agent, ;{14 Sacramento North Keystone M Co, 6 S V I'.xehange NORTH?' LEWIS & DEAL, attys »t law, '2','X) .Moi:' ;oun.'ry Nortii Mammoth M Co, .'lOi' Montgomery Ninth Noonday M Co, SIO l'i;i.>, rm '.;") NORTH PACIFIC COAST RAIL- PtOADt iliiees .S'.;s Montgomery, nus 1>, 10 and II North Point U S Bomled Warehouse, .'^ansnni NORTH SAN FRANCISCO HOME- STEAD AND RAILROAD ASSN, A 1) Smith KL'ey. .SIO Calitoniia Nojth Soorjiion Mining Co, 211 Saiisoni North Standard G & S Mining Co, '.niiiu >iecy, 210 .Nlontgy Nuhert &, 'l\i <. V i> -if and delieaeies, stads25aj •. . , i;.)rnia Market Nucleus Hotel, 1 Stern &■ Son propr, cor Third and Alarket Nuinenherg Chas, groceries, NW cor Broadway & Polk Numa Mining Co, :'>28 Montgomery Nunan Mathew, Hilierniau Brewery, I2-.7 Howard Nunes l.ni/. A, clothing, 115 Jackson NiinnG it H, coal, wood, hayandgrain, USi5 Union Nniiirt L, li(juors, 318 Bryant NuMsa William, boots and shoes, II II NUTTING CALVIN & SON. iron doorM, girtlerr", fences, etc, 121 Fre- mont Nutting M P, poultry, 7 r ' iO Great Western Market NYE A F & CO, iinp" ^la lix- tares, 313 and 317 I'ii Njc A (i. pi(.tiiri'S anil ar.i'» .ucdx, "1033 Market Nye J W & Co, real estate, ?;M Kearny Nygii W A, atty at law, J03 Montgy Oakhin.l Con Gold Min Co, 314 Montgy Oakland (.'reek I'otite Ferry, foot Mkt Oakhunl Ferry Pareel Delivery Co, Mar- ket St Wharf Oakland Freiglt Tr'ui'-;. .- Co, Oakland Ferry Oaklaml Gold Min Co, V^* It I sk prest, 240 M ontgomery o a m > 3 (A 3 a » •3 •vr ■ n S' O O o 3 2 o 3 (9 .■» s (A a o a H, WMIHHORST. importer of j.';i;?rr;\5}:;lL';':;d.. 315JStMSao. imbeni.llO, •ry «t .W.F. 5 How.-vrd loarding stable, NATIONAL ' "^ • Milwaukee, A jrniti , rporation, 317 Miuing Co, 309 ^ :o, 318 riiic liuiiu' Co, 310 (i 1023 Folk _ f)frage, 1 1'2 Sac 1 «» i m-oceriei*, *241 y, ■S icuUth, ')U5 Wear K» FIRE INS CO, '^ ^0 Calit'uriiia ™ factory, 133 and t law, 4114 Ciil p \v 4'-i0 Ci.lifon»i:v ^ y Htal.U', 4'i7 .lac), y, •2\0 Moiitiiy a ■•,. and dL-licaiies, ^ ,)rni;». Market <^ 1 & Soiiin-opr, cor |- roceries, NW cor Montgomery l)ornian lirowury, BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''■^^^sa'yM^r,?,!^.^A*H^^rpX'tit:'!i;fi.: o ,i.r, n5.I"Ck8oa )'od, hay and gram. ^ O Bryant 3 and Hhoo>', 1111 o Si N & SON. iron 5* Vb, cto, lv:l l-ro- 3 ,ry, 7 -■' •'i <■»■*** r iinp<' r ^" ''''■ I'll. , and iU-.v- ' » .unlH, e E 40 CO lA e o (0 C9 t a> o o 0) Mont Oakley A D, rubber stamps and light- ning copying tablet, 712 Mout^^omery Oakley (> H, capt steamer "Ellen ' Oakley R 0, real estate agt, 42'J Mont Obenauer Oeo, baths and liailx-r, 3H 2il O'Beirne Arthur, meat nnirket, 'JIO 4th Obradovieh S, rtNtaurant, '.01 Stockton O'Brian Michael, linuors, NW c<>r Clay and Drumm O'BriiUi P, grocer, 111 Vallejo O'Brien Mrs A, dressmaker, IIT-O .Mkt O'Brien Daniel, pk.mlier and )^a.-^titter, '1 Sixth O'Brien E A & Co, stock and money broker?, 4'-'4 Montgomery O'Brien Edw, liquors, *i7'23 Sutter O'Brien Edw A, sioekhrokcr, 424 Mont O'Brien Mrs Eiizalieth, bakery, I20i» l)evis:idero O'Brien (ieo, boarding house, !) Bdwy O'Brien & Holton, li(iuors, NW corner Folsom and .Steuart O'Brien J, blacksmith, 218 Post O'Brien .las, saloon, 1320 Market O'Brien Jno, harness and saddlery, 20^1 Ki-hth O'Brun J J & Co, dry goods, t»24, 920 and 1128 Market ISriiu M, ;dumber, 432 deary O'Biieii Michael, liquors, 1700 Mission O'Hrioii Mrs L, dressmaker, 40;) < iuary O'Briou Patrick, fruit .stand, 500 Mkt O'i'iien P .1 & Sons, manufrs carriages ;>nd wagons, 483 Kiuhtii O'Brien K, liquors, SIO Mission O'Brien T A, atty at law, 324 Pine O'Brien Thos, butcher, 4t)2.\ Natoma O'lhien T'li'is, grocer, li") Mission O'Bi'icn '1' \', atty at law, 302 Mont O'BRIEN & WARD (■'M.nO'P.rieu & ,l;ime^ \V'ard), employment oilice, tilO CIr.y O'Brien William, wholesale butcher, 520 Clay O'Brien Wm, liquors, 41 1 East O'Brine I>, restaurant, N W cor May and Montgomery ave O'Broek J I>, veterinary surgeon, 1324 Market O'Hryen & ilolten, li(|uors, NW corner Folsom and Steuart O'Calldian I) J, livery stable, 838 How OCCIDENTAL BABBER SHOP, Henry W Stable, 233 Bush Occidental Consolidated Oravel Mining Co, W T Smith secy. 402 Moiitiiy OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Chas 1/ Weth erbee mangr, E M Crenford cashier, Montgomery bet Bush and Sutter « Occidentid MiningCo, 301> Montgy, rmOO Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co, olHce cor Fourth and Townscnd Ocean Market Butcher, 417 Eeiiihlh O'CONNELL D A, atty at law, 614 Merchiint O'Connell J, painter, 781 Folsom ()]Connei W M, liquors, 150 First O'Connell & Balfrey, boots and shoes, 501)', Howard O'Connor, livery stid.le, 1014 Polk O'Connor Bros, produce and commission, SE cor Clay and Orumm O'Coniior C, real estate, Nevada blk, rm 6 O'C.'onnor I), li(iui'rs, 412 Main O'Connor Frank, atty at law, 429 Mont O'Connor, J B & Co, books and music, 103 Sixth O'Connor J & Co, groceries, cor Geary and Taylor O'Connor.) ohn, produce and commlaBion, cor Clay and Drumm O'Connor, Moll'at & Co, importers of dry goods. 111, 113 and 115 Post O'Connor M P, plumber and gasfitter, ii05 Larkiii O'CONNOR P J, architect, 413 Bush 0;CONNOR R, hotel, 424 Broadway O'Connor & Shcehy, undcrtaker^, 1034 Market O'Connor Tlios, stockbroker, 304 Montgy O'Connor Thos F, secy and librarian of Supreme Court, 040 Clay O'Day M, groceries, S\V eir Union and Larkiu Odd Fellows' (,'emetery Ass'n, Geo W liolx'rts si.'cv, 3v:5 Mouttry Odd Fellows' 'Hall l)l(|u, 3'J.;) Montg ODD FELLOWS' LIBRARY, (i A Carins iihrarian, 3'J5 Montgomery Odd Fellows' Mutual Aid Assn. Daniel Mcljarcn secy, 3i'5 Montgomery Odd Fellows' Savings Bank, M ' Heller prest, 23S Montgomery ')'l)ea John A, plundvr, 210 24th O'Dea .M, liquors, SE cor Uninn and l.ar Odell it Pollock, carpenters, 008 Howard Oderless Excavating Apptratus Co, D E Poot prest, T W Eaton secy, 432 Kea*- Odey J, iruit and vegetaldes, 41 W Miss ODoherty .lobn, saloon, lOIOi Market O'Oonneli V, tannery, 007 and 00i» Bran O'DONNELL C C. physician and sur- geon, 8-5 Kearny O'l)onnell .Matt, liquors, 10 Fifth O'Donncll I', butcher, '.127 P.rya\'C ()'Oonn"ll Patrick, liquons, co:; Ken- tucky an Muiit^^y O'Haiilon ,las & (.'o, l)ootsandshoe!<, 7\\) Montgomery and 10 Montgomery av'e O'Hara Mrs A, stamping and embroi- dery, l-lOlii I'owell OHLANDT N & CO, bone works, sec- ond lori!^ bridge, L'otrero ')hlsen (,'liris, liijuors, 1005 Kearny 'hm K F, watchmaker, <)01 Merchant >hm V A, boot maker, 430 Folsom OHMEN W H. inanufr of vertical en- gines and boilers, 51 Fremont ( >hnsteiu 0, restaurant, 'Jt'J Fourth Ohrt Christ, (.ig.irs and tol)acco, 515 Clay O'KANE J, saddles and harness, 7(57 Market O'Kane John, livery stable, 1408 Folsom O'lveefc David, wood an Opitz Fred W,wagonmakcr, 1073 Market Ophir Con Mill »t Mining Co, II Hewson secy, 320 Sansom Ophir S M Co, 203 Bush Oppenheim John, stockbroker, 307 Mnat ()p]>enlH'im S B, merchant tailor, 413 Kearny Oppenhenn & Stiobcr. barbers, 12 Sixth 0[)1 aihuinier B, eio very, etc, 037 :Mkt OPPENHEIMER & BRO. imp .rt rs cigars and tobacco, Nl'^ cor Front and California Oppenheimer Elias, butcher, 430 (irove OPPENHEIMER & BRO, liijars, 200 OPPENHEIMER IVAN, hides, leath- er, tanners, 45 Clay Oppenheimer & Salinger, money brokers, 422 Montgomery Orainas Theo, cigars and tobacco, NE cor Front and Market and 1000 Mkt O'Regan I>aniel, bootmaker, 715 Davis Orcier Alexander, laundry, 42G Bdwy Ord J L, physician, 60(5 Montgomery Ordensteiii & Co, cigar mauufrs, .306 and 308 Battery Oregon City Woolen Mills, 24 and 2G Sansom • Oregon Con (J & S Mining Co, 328 Mont Oregon State Boanl of Immigration, John E Shepard agt, 504 Battery TRY DR. *QUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '''T^;:f!'?.Ar.f/?;.y r*VpZr'?it!*£ff: barbers, 12 Sixth ;ery. etc, M.M Mkt ; BRO, iniporl.M NJ'l cor Front ami |)iitclier, VM r.rove BRO, li^t'irs, •:oo fer, money brokora, anil tobacco, N'K Iket ami HW() MWt Imaker, 715 Davis indry, 420 Bdwy loo Montgomery ligar mauufrs, 306 li Milla, 24 and 26 lining Co, 328 Mont E of Immijjration, \t, 504 Battery San Francisco. ALPHABETICALLY. 1227 Oregon Steamship Co, K Van Otendorp agt, 210 Battery Oregon Stoamsliip Landing, foot Folsom Orcifon Stock & Butchering Co, Caleb H Johnson manager, wholesale bntchers, ,S31 Montgomery O'Keilly J, grocer, 337 Fonrth O'Reilly John P & Co, saloon, cor Spring and Summer Ortila P V, hiiirdre.ssnr, 238 Kearny Orient Mining Co, 327 Pine Oriental Con <} & S Mining Co, 411 Cul Oricntfd Dock, Pool & Harris proprs, cor First and Brannau ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY, gro cers and tea niorehants, Bay City Mar- ket and (J rand Arcade Market Oriu'inal Amador Mining Co, 320 Sari Original Empire Mill and Mining Co, 401 California Original (lold Hill & S Miu Co, 30i) California Original Hidden Treasure Min Co, 401 California Original Keystone Silver Min Co, 320 l^ine O'Biley Pat, wood and coal, i)15 Post Orjubin F M, cleaning and dyeing, 003 Montgomery ave Orleans Con Min Co, Jacob Stadtfohl ,h secy, 410 California Orleans Miu Co, 31 T) California Ormsliy Eaton, photograplier, 014 Mkt Oro Blanco Min Co, 328 Montgomery Ore) Min Co, 320 Sansom Oro Mining &. Milling Co, 217 Sansom O'lJonrke B, shoemaker, ()0(5 Mission O'Bonrke Bedelia, groceries, 401 Union O'Hourke J, horseshoor, 21") Ellis O'Koiirke P, groceries, eor Twenty fifth and Hampshire OrovilleC ravel Min ("o, 318 Pine Orplian Asylum (C.;tholic), N bet Eight- eenth and Twentieth aves Orphan Asylnm (Hebrew), Devisadero bet Hayes and (!rovc Orphan Asylum (Protestant), Haight bet Buchanan and Laguna ORR & ATKINS, gents' furnishing goods, 123 and 12,') ^lontgomery Orr J H, liquors, 110 Third Orr Samuel L, physician, 18 and 20 St Ann 8 buldg ORRICK S, agt for Avorill Mixed Paint and Pennsylvania Oil Keliiiery, 417 Market Orsi P, fruit, S\V cor Vallejo andHydo Ortet J F, sawtiler, 524 Commercial Ortiou Augusto, diamond setter, 110 Sutter Osborn & Alexander, hardwaio, tools, mechanics' and builders' materials, 628 Market OSBORN E E, mechanical engineer, 320 California Osborn (i W, real estate, 309 Montgy OSBORN R F & CO, imprs liardware, wagon material, upholstery goods, car- riage and pressed ornamental wood, 751 Market OSBORNE D M & CO, M Aycrs miui- ager,m;iuufrs of harvesting machiuerv. 'i54 Market ^ Osbourne S, stenographer, 05 Nevada block OSCHER H 0. groceries, SW cor Pierce and O'Farrell Osgood & Co, com merchants, 214 Cal Osgoo.l Arch, carriagi; painter, 431 4th O'Shea C, li'piors, 240 Minna Osi (iiacomo, house and sign painter, 420 .Jackson Osnu'r & Co, liipiora, cigars and t, bacco, J«iW cor First and Branuan and NI'] cor Folsom and Steuart Ososke Isaac, butcher, '.VM Fifth Ososke Morris, tailor, 372 ClenKintina O.-rterloh H, salt and com, 37 Coml (JstlioiF J, grocer, cor Twenty -third and Alabama OstromMiss Julia, artist, 435 Turk O'.SulUvan D, liipiors and juidc, 20 Cond O'SULLIVAN J M, Hepiors, 30 Mont O'Sullivan M J, liquors, 900 Larkin O'Snllivan Patrick, >)arber. 10(ii» How O'Sullivan P D, liquors, J741 Mission Oswald Wm, butcher, 1012 Pacific Otis Si Co, stockbrokers, 30(5 Montgy Otis Frank, atty at law, 520 Montgy Otis Ceo E, atty at law, 420 California Otker Fritz, liipiors. 225 Steuart O'Toob; M C, physician, oculist iind iuiri^-t. (i Eddy OttA. /ti tier, butchers, NE cor Pierce and Eddy Otten C, grocer, SW eor Post and Oct'a Often iV Cordcs, groceries, NW corner Strcktoii and Vallejo Ottt.'uheimer Isaac, butcher, 21) and 30 (irand Western Slarket Otterstedt F, li({Uor8, N\V c«r Seventh and Howard Ottignon Lucy, bakery, 1920 Ellis Otto Chas, locksmith, 020 Fourth OuL'hin .1 C, min soey, 419 California Oulife Mine Blanche, milliner, 1 Dupont Oultoii Millediie, groceries, 750 Branuan OUTCALT PETER.seey Western Fire & Marine Insurance Co of Cal,409 Cal Ovcna Orestes, general attorneys' clerk, ,523 Montgomery Overend J A T, steam power works, tlOOA Commercial OVERLAND FREIGHT TRANS- FER CO, H W Mitchell manager, C P R 11 Freight depot 09 O L s ft? H 1 H:*- 5 I H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Oavis St., S. F. r , If. IflUN I AUUC and (iO Wash- ington Market Owens B W, com wool mercliant, 40") Front Owens James, groceries, SK cor Fulton and Bnclianan OWENS JOHN B, pottery, stone and e;irtht'nw;in', •_*2 (.'aiifornia Owens Thos, liquors, 4(Xi Montgomery Oyen S C, tailor, 548 Fourth Oyo\if Mme, dress maker, OI.'J Tost P FACE C, chronometer and watchmak- er, 418 li.-.ttery Pace Job & Co, poultry, 1 1 Cl.iy St Mkt Pacific Anatomical Museum, Uanlie I'l nr Kearny "PACIFIC APPEAL." (weekly), Wm H Carter propr, 022 ('lay Pacific Asphaltum ( 'o, Neuvnl »t Somer- vell proprs, 422 Montgonu-ry Pacific Bank, Hdw«y and Battery Pacific Bone, (.'oal & Fertilizing Co, 52.S Mi:rket Pacific Brewery, 271 Tehama PACIFIC BRIDGE CO. c H Gorrill pres and sec, 4 California Pacific Building & Loan Association, L \j Dennerv sec, 72i( Montgomery PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, .-{'.o Post opp Union Sijuaiv The design of this institution is to im- part sucii an education as will l»est prepare students for tlie practicid af- fairs of life. It proviiles thorougli, Bystematic and practical courses of in- struction, and employs a full corps of competent and faithful teachers. Every available modern improvement lias been introduced, and wliatever a lib- eral expenditure of money and well directed energy could do, has been done to make the school wh!>t it should be, and to maintain for it i reputation worthy of its rank. The Business Course, both theoreticiil and practical, is as near perfection us it is possible to make it. The system of A i'Uuil Jiii.tin€i^s Tr(iinin)['.> Ci.iy Pacific Cloak and Suit Manuf Co, 212 Sutter PACIFIC CLUP, 204 Mont.^omery PACIFIC COAST HOTEf. REGIS- TER CO. 5j:{ Clay PACIFIC COAST LAW PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO, w T Baggeit & ('opropr,-<, 511 Montgomery "PACIFIC COAST LAW JOUR NAL." W T Baggett editor, 511 Montgomery Piicific Coast Packing Co, canning tiah, Julius Kramer propi, tS05 Sansom Pacific Coast Oil Co, 402 Montgome-y Pacific Coast S S Co, (ioodall, Perkins & Co agents, 10 ^Llrket I'iicific Coast S S Co's Ticket Olfice, I) B .iackson gen pres an»l ticket agent, 214 Montgcnnery Pacific Collection Bureau, L Jacobi man- ager, 42G California Pacific Cordage Co, W C Gibbs sec, 318 California H. WACHHORST. Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. jUSINESS PENMANSHIP '''^^^y^«lr,'g.^;{!t^f^r;^r^S, !*L'*&;_ AW PRINTING CO, W T B.iMgLtt SlontL'onicry K LAW JOUR ivgt^ett tditor, i)ll lug Co, canning tiah, Ijii , iSOa Siinsiim 140-2 Mmit^oinory 1), (;o(kIii11, I'erkius lurktt j'a Ticket Omw, D and tiokit agont, Lrt'iui, LJacobi m;ui- la m C Gibb8 BGO, 318 lA S I I s t « e e « e e I H X C0 9 O X CO IE (San Francisco. ALrilABBTICALLT. 1229 PACIFIC DENTAL INSTITUTE, G Haas D D «, M D, S\V cor Sixth, and Natoma i PACIFIC DETECTIVE BUREAU,' K B Hall & Co, ii:V2 Markt-t, (see ad- vertisement under Busiiit'ss heading) | Pacific Diapeuaary Hospital, cor Alissionj and Twenty-second | PACIFIC FRUIT MARKET, 534 and, 53() Clay " | Pacific H all, ns Bush Ixjt Kearny and I)up Pacific Homeopathic Dispensary Associa- tion, 843 Howard Pacific Glove Works, 511 Market Pacific lee Works, l.loyd Tevis prest, 3*20 Sansom ( I'acific Coast Immigr.mt Aasn, Arnold Bros manag(.rs, 'JO? Kearny I Pacific Ink Factory, L Schwabacher' propr, 017 to (i^l lirannan I PACIFIC JEWELRY CO, manufrs' and import Ui i> ■' IL ■ n c '(5 S o s c o E ii 10 ? c c o O ■ O o < Q. h O 1230 Siin Fnmcisco. AliPIIABKTICALIiY. PALMER C N, impr and mainifr of mena' iiiid hoys' clothing, 7'2() Market PALMER E C, New (Jity Hiill Livery Stabif, UU Tyler Palmer tr H, physician, 424 I'ost PALMER H & CO, California wines, :{0'-' l^avis i rainier lee &. Refrigerator Co, J S C()X| prcs, •J'24 Krenjoiit I I'alnier .1 !>, furiiitking goods, 104 Sixth] J'alnier T F, millinery and fancy goods,! 7:50 iM ark et j I'altenghi A, marble yard, SE cor Kllis^ and Devisadero | Palusi S, fruit and produce, Fillmore Itet Eddy and Turk Panama Transit Steamsiiip Co, Williams, ' Dimoi.d & Cu agts, '202 Market I'ander E, stoves and tinware, 'A'2 deary Pandler .loaeph, plumber, 77^^ Mission | Pape & I tissland, groceries, 101 Stockton Piipiiia (J, fruits and vegotahlea, 801 Lark ill I'aiiuet I>, hariiessinakcr, 434 Broadway Paquette A F, wholesale liijuors, HIO, I'ine I Paradise Red I>e<;r .Mining Co, 31S Pino Paradise Valley Mining Co, li'JS Mt)utgy Pardee E H, physician, G'JI Clay i Pardee J, oeculist, (j'Jl Clay I I'ardini & Silvestri, wholesale fish deal-| crs, 500 to 510 Men'hant i Pardini E, boots and shoes, (il4 Wash I Pindini M E, boot.s and shoes, 7-'4 Wash Pardou Alfred A, atty at law, 5()i> Kear Pardy Ceo, patent agent, 402 Montgy 1 Pr,nly John, 8urveyi>r, 402 Montgomeryl Pare Aime. carpenter, 'Xi5 Montgomery' I'arent C L, contractor and buihlcr, 2H2 Fremont i Paris Underwriting Assn (Marine), Hut- chinson & Mann gen agts, 822 and •S24 California Paris Victor, plmnl>«r and metal roofer, 1408 l)ui>ont I Park. E W, hotel, NE cor Twenty-fourth' and Mission PARKE & LACY, niining machinery,! 21 and 23 Fremont i Parker C H, atty at law, 628 Montgy | i'arker E II. carpenter, 534 Sacramento Parker E L, mining secy, 01 Nevada block Parker J M, Japanese bazaar, CO!) Sac PARKER J M> livery stable, 60 New Montgomery Parker L A, fruit and Tcgctables, 200 ■Sixteenth Parker M W, fancy goods and embroid- ery, 126 Post I^arker k Waterman, attys at law, 628 Montgomery Parker W H, blacksmith, 1509 Polk Parkhurst V S W, scales, 416 Market J'arki)! C, fruits and nuts, 306 Ihipont Parks Si, I'oole, junk, 113-i Dupimt Parinciitier Madame, dressmaker, 238 Taylor Parnell Jolui, re:il estate, 507 California Parratt Freilk, mdse broker, 405 Front Parrish I'^d, real estate, 007 Montgy PARRISH WM W, niiiiiiig secty, 330 Pine, rm Mi Parriittit Co, com merchants, 306 Cal Parrott .Ino, capitalist, 414 -Montgomery Parson E, physician, 103 .Montgoni.'ry Particelli A, gold and silver plater, !)52 Mission J'artniann (< P, groceries, N\V oor Fifth and Fols in Partiidge P (i, real estate, 328 Montgy J'ascal, i)ul>cilat& Co, wholesale liijuors, ■i:H') and 42S Jackson PASQtJALE B, nianufr Hags and ban- ners, regalias and r()sc'ttes,()50 Washiiiir. ton and '.167 Howard PASQUIER L & CO. French Nursery, loTJ iJroadway PASSENGER AGENT C P R R,(gen. eral) T H (iooduian, cor Fourth and To« nsend PASTENE ANTONIO, com m.r chant."', ^03 and 205 Washington Patehel K, whitener, 124 Fourth i'atent lirick Co, cor Montgomery ami California Paterson ,li>s, stock broker, ,">13 Cal Paterson Johnston, collector, 330 Pine PATON W, nianufrs agent, (steel wire cablt^s), 430 California Patrick A li & Co, tanners, SW corFol- uom and Eighteenth Patrick Jas(", pres Merchants' Exchange Ass'n, 63 Merchants' Exchange buildg PARTRIDGE HC, Intemationalllo tel, 824 ami 826 Kearny Patten C \V, gas jjOvernor, 34 Cal Patterson IJroM, livery stable, 8 Capp Patterson & .Meade, fruit store, 721 Polk PATTERSON J, of the Pacilic Manufrg Co, 17 antl 10 l-'remont Patterson J.,nies W, advertising agent, 2 New Montgomery Patterson .iohn, grocer, cor Twenty- eighth and Church Patterson Wm, metallic sign maker, 432 Kearny Patterson Wm, supt of streets, New City Hall Patterson Wm, watchmaker and jew- eler, 1125 Sutter Patterson Wm H, atty at law, 609 Sac Pattee Solon, accountant, 507 Montgy Patton A F, stationery, cor Kearny and Clay Patton Wm, architect, 41 1 ^ Califomiii I ' ■0 C H r a e o CO o a N 3 a $ o o 5" a D •0 s o ■o X (D ■1 z o e M a (0 r TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. Nnmbent, 110, ntt«'ry «*t., J*. V, 08, 410 Mnrket its, 30l> Ihipout i;{4 Dupiint (Ireasniiiker, '2:iS be, r)07 Calitoriiiii roUt-T, 40o Fi-out , 007 Montgy niiiii'.ig HDcty, HIIO ivhants, SOli Cul ,414 Montgomery ():i Montgomory I silver plater, •.).")•_> ries, N\V oor Fifth ;statP, 3'28 Montgy ),wliolesiileru]uors, III niufr Hags and ban- sc'tteb,()r)0 Washiag- ril }, French Nursery, I *" laii, eor Fourth ami i - ONIOt com mcr- J,-) Washington l'J4 Fourth l,r Montgomery ami broker, :'.13 t'al collector, :i:H) Fine irs agent, (steel wire Innia ;!inners, SW cor Eol- ith iMerchants Lxchange Vits' Exchange huil.lg fC, International Ho- Kearny bvernor, 34 Lai ry stable, 8 C'ai)p fruit store, T'il i'oWi \i the I'acilic Manufrg miont , ail vertismg agent, - K-ocer, cor Twenty iallic sign maker, 4S'2 It of streets, New City latchmnker and jew- latty at law, 609 Sac luntant, 507 Montgy nery, cor Kearny and «ct, 41 U California iiii"lciNor PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE . Ol'tlu* CniiM<. »!eu PoMt Ht.,H.r. C3 cd San Fi'dnviwo. AMMIAllK.rieAI-LV. 1231 I'attridge R K, lumber, pier 1 1 Stouart Faugli \V J, physician, (Ji'l Chiy Paul Almarin B, mining engineer and operator, 32« Montgomery, rm '20 Piuil (t .1, grocery, N 10 cor (Irecn and Montgomery I'anl & Wilson, restaurant, 'I'M) Montgy Fauletti Antonio, fruit, .SK cor Facilic and Davis I'anli F (.', sign painter, 43'_' Kearny I'iiuli (rustav, grocer, Nl- cor Green and Montgomery I'aulicca Abcle, fruit, I'-Ml Steiuer PAULIN MRS S F, costumer, SOP. Moutgcimery Paulsen H, groceries and liquors, 27 Taylor Paulsen .lolin E, grocer, 2(»H Stevenson Paulsen Wm, groceries, l^kil Mission Paulson & Sanders, cabinetmakers, i)P.) and o'Jl Jones Paulson Mrs W, fancy goods, 501 O'Far I'aupitz F NV, liquors, P2;i Jackson Pausen Fr»iik, clothing, '.t4'J Mark«t Pausman Jl, W(>od and coal, liay and grain, NE cor Mason and Francisco Pai'soa Henry, boots and shoes, 5'J8 IV.c Pavuvginia A, hotel, 'I'l'l Ihoadway Paveleiii (I, liquors, 7 Vallejo I'awlieki La, physician, 700 Sutter Payne J II, li(|Uor8, 7-'l Davi» i'ayne W H, U S pension agt, (5*20 Wash Payne Wm, bolt and nut mfr, 133 Beale PAYOT, UPHAM&CO, wholesale sta- tiouers, "204 Sansom P(.aho Folsom Pellegrini F, frtsco painter, 517 Cal Pelliceiaja L, liipiors, 018 Front Pellicciay Pieto, liijuors, 018 Front Pel/. David, liquors, 1011 Market PEMBROKE S Jt jeweler and repairer of nuisic boxes, French clocks and tine fans, (for tlie trade) 220O'Farrell Peiidergast M rs Annie, fancy goods, 1'204 Pacific Pender'^ast J A, com merchant, '200 Clay PENDERGAST SMITH;& CO, proprs .^Etna Iron works, mauufr iron east- ings and machinery, 217 to 221 Fre PENGELLAY R W, liquors, 570 Foi- soni cor Second Penney John F, boat builders, cor Kttn- tueky and Solano PennicI C, lawyer, 708 Montgomery I'cnnsylvania Fire Insurance Co, Jona- than Hunt, Son & Co, 313 California Pennycook Jas, j)ainter, 419 Chesunut Pentacost J, mining secy, 702 Market Pentony John, livery stable, 033 (Ireeu Peuwoll S A, secy Berkeley L & T I Assn, (552 Market Peoples Ins Cio, Hutchinson & Mann general agts, 3*22 and 324 California Pera Francisco, boot maker, 413 Broad Perata John, groceries and liquors, 1501 Dujwnt Perata Nicola, fruit, 837 Pacific Perboner Mrs, ladies iinderwear, 1010 Stockton Percy &, Hamilton, architects, 318 Pine PEREY P, coppeismith, 312 Market I Pericr Mrs, rcBiauraut, 507 Pine (/) -< w o z I IS 'Am Vi I H. PALMER & CO^ ?ure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis S'u, S. F. •J 'W' m IL ■ CO WW RilflNTAnUI^ A rn Mhi><>t iron, mi mmnt an«l Mumbrni, no 1232 tkin Framcisco. AliPHAHrnCikLLT. ^^,^t^OOK^;> ■rcaiE ETHODIST Book Depository, 1041 Market Street, Between 6th and 7th, SAN FRANCISCO C O E 75 €0 c c n O ■ o o o < a. h Q It ia the Pacific Coast Dranch of the Blotll- odist Book Concern of New York City, '"»1 reprtMnU its enlins Um of bviiine.-tH on thi!* coci-xt. It 1ki8 one of the moat commodious ami cheerful of 8torei>, in the building erected for the aecommodation of its (jrowing business, ut the centre of tlu city o/tlm wry 7tear future. ■> . ! iU4 Market fttreet, M. F. lietwoeii Ct)i and Tth. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT of the Dpjtoa^tory is always well hfockcd with the vjry b^'Ht KUpplitM of LIltRARY AND MlJHir ItOOKH, CARDS, MAI'S. UKyriSlTKS, I'ERIOUHIAI.S, ic. These emhracc not only Vio iiili lino of the "Mktiiodht Hook Conckiin," "Puhmsiiino liuuxK of tuk M. 12, (.'iiiiiicil, Sdhvii,"' ami "National Tkmpkrancr 1*i'bi,ication SotiRTV's" Isaui'S, but also e/toitm ivleetiont /ram aU thi very best I'U'lisliers o/ the countni. Attontion of I'asturN and s'liperintondcnta is espoclally ln\itod to the varUtjf and tioellince of uj)plie.ii. THE BIBLE DEPARTMENT . fnibrares /itf'-ri/ variety of Fhf and uti/le.lrora vestixwket Itiblus (the smallest mvlu in the w i>rM) to the splundid I'ui-lor and Pu'pit editions— and at prices from flfty cents (and lo«) t) as many dollar!. THE SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT offe^ra/int induceiimnti to enteryrisitij; Agentd in any andevcry section of tlis oountry msst of tht fiMky ilount'iini. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. The I'pposltory Im '• llcudquartors ' on the Coast of the " Natiunai. Tkmpkrancu I'mtMOATio-t So- ciKTV," wliii'h WIS urGraiiizcd in 18.')(5, for the siteciaJ work of croatmif and clrcul»tia|f asounii l«m |HTincc liittTptMro. It is conHtnntly issuinu tnictH, paniphlctH and bound volnmos, presenting the tumporani^e quoi- tlon in all itviriud a-ijieots, S(d(.ntiflc, Keli'ious, St)cial, Ktiianelal, Lei^il, etc. Tcmi>evnnct Worheri< aiul S icictit'g iihnitld nendfitr Catahtjiun, end ihoald «'/iii;> tltamiielDft from this arsenal of xi/jiplien. Tho I'ublicatloiiB of tlio "i'UBi.iHiiiNo HoiHKor TiiR M. B. Ciu'itcii, South," are in full llae or. our .shelves. STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. Our Stationery Dopattiuent ^s well HUpplied with plain and txnoy Stationery, QM Pens, Crow' Stylojfntflj Fountain I'en, etc., etc. Our B.K)k-t are 8 dd at KAtiTKRX (JATALOGVE I'HICES, »"d Mat preptia it those rates. Agency for the Pacific Coas: of "Stylograph," or Rapid Letter Copying Book, " EleCtPOgraph," aud "Stylografic Fountain Pen." It is our pleasure to have viJtors call and examine onr excellent stock of Tlieolos^cal, Temptr anco, Sund.ty School and Miscellaneous Literature and .Stationery. (g Correspondence from abroad invitml. C'ata!oKiiPS8U|>))lied. Any books pi'0>.'urod and forwarded, whether from the San Kraiieisco or Eiistcrn Market. 3 AddreBs. Rev. JOHN B. HILL, Agent. H. WACHHORST calls attention ••ii;^I."v"J,-;^«^«" 315 J St 3 I a « o a » a a •n 3 a o O o a a o a (D ^5 (0 O 5" » •i O (A IB a 5" 3 a NumborM, itO, twry m.,H.V. 1ST ;itory , jl Street, 3 a i FKANOISCO of the Meth- n of New ts iU etUkf. line of otu and chftrful of i« accommodation of yftlu eUyo/Um vrry MENT .IIUIARY AND MC^IC iraco iiol only t'lo mil \. CiliiBCH, SiHiTii," and MIX* from aU th« very rUtit ai^ tioeliiiict of est miwlo In the w >rM) (and lo**) t.» M nvaii)' lENT Vis country «xM( of tht J-KRANCK l*um.iaAno!« t'*«"»««l*» Irii," »w in ♦^" "■" *■"' Inery, 0)lJ PenH, Orow' \s, »"d ••"* prejulJ »l itrograph," ^^^ LfTl»eoV»8rl«1, T8mp«^ Iproourod wid Jorw»rdei, IlLL, Agent. ISF* 315 J 81 S e u o 2 e e «> C9 3 O X (0 ft u 4 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "'^^S^S^SSS^.j 'klTi^ST San Francisco. ALPIIARRTICALLT. ELECTROGRAPH FOR MULTIPLYING COPIES OF ANY WHITINO OK DRAWING, etc., with great eoiivetiuificc and rapidity. Heady in tieo minutes, tOO copieit in Jive minute.i. Worked by a child. LantH /or years. Writina in leveral eolorg copied at once. Does the work of tlic Piipyrugraph more expeditiously, easily, and perfectly. UTILITY of the ELECTROGRAPH. Circnlarg, Prxo-Lis^s, I'roj.Tamnieg, Rcjiorta, Stock LiHt8, Killx of Faro, Invitntioiis. Mki-tcliuH, I'lanH, Music, Bchool ReportB and Itlanka, Snbhath Sclioul biio No. .', 8)xll. SuO Ickvea, ixgcd nnd indexed, |.1.0< Kote " " 8, 7x10, 301 •' •• ^.wi », 7x10, noo " " •■ •l.'iii l*g«lCap»tM 10 BJxlO, BOO " " •' AM JOHN B. HILL, m Markst St„ S. F. Ottieral Agent for Pacific Coast. Attention of Dealer* and Canvassers bivited. Send tor Circulars. 78 «; 1233 t* ^J-S 5 C *" ft o o « o o -' 2 &.+» Set*! ,•• ^ rt i > C C Si's O I.. X ^ o n -) w ; I? - 2 « Sf to e -^ ^ -2 ^ e: .S o p e "> 1? S .£ s rt g "t ^: « >.§ J S " c« fct !r, " 5» » .-i'"-+»^5rcp ^O j£ -^^ r<-l .£1 J *> »^-C: ^ ■" ^ « ^ ts a;^ ■S o .-^ 5 :? c ••; g a c« s u c9 e J3 t 3 PURE PORT WINE, (Dr ledlcliiid Pbtdoim. 302 Davis St, S. F. SI 'tV' ii! ■til' WW MONTAfiUE A CO MtttT4>iiaa«Ran||ra.aMdlff«r«ii%ilm.ii|yl«u4 ■ IT. IWmi I fmWK W VV., ,,wtt^fnn. 110. m. ri4. tl« mmI 11« Ifottary g|., S. r. I u li lb <6 c s N 6 m f E IL c c o • o o o z s o (IL E o 12:h ints. Tliia in the material with which gold peuM aro tipinid, and is, practically, indostruetihle. Nos. 5, 0, 7 and 8 aro of friduni and I'latinuni alloy, and with fair usago should last for years, ■; . Cailtrion* — Tho proprietors havo found it nocosdary to publish as fi)llow,i : 'Ever} Genuine Pen bears the name of the inventor, A. T. CRUSS." This is th original pen whose nierit.i have niado tho world- wido reputation. The name was not protected by law, and hence inferior imitations have been sold under the same name. Wo now put " A. T. Cross' Stylografic " on «11 circulars, placards, &c., andtl mc of "A. T. Cross " on every i^it, and shall prosocutu any infringement of tb name title. For TerniM to AgcntH aMtl Uualei'8, uii«l for C'irc.ularM, addrcHS REV. JOHN B. HILL. lOil M\rk3t Streat, San Pransisco, (leneral Agent for Wyoming, Montma, Id.tho, Utah, Washington Ter., Oregon: Nuvada, California, Ari^,ona, Sonora, Lower Calil:< 'uu, &c. I'erino N P, felt roofer, 6:18 Market Perini & Feiini, Italian restaurant, 105 and 107 Dupont Periuo Frank, barber, filO .Sacramento PERKINS A J, l)hoto^'rapher, 'S61 PERKINS & CABNEAL, atty at' law, 1207 Sansom ' j Perkins (J C, pres Franco- Americiui Savings Bank, 4'J8 Montgomery Perkins & Howard, San Rafael and ilay- ward Express, 1 Commercial Perkins JasC, atty, '207 Sansom Perkins Jos, broker, -40(i Market Perkin.s L G, cigars, 1(3 Third Perkins, Logan & Co's Agency, 21 1 and 213 Clny Perkins Wui, Spencer House, 9t51 and 903 Mission Perpoli & Co, wood and coal, GOS Bdwy Pcrpoli Madame, dyer and scourer, 33 Fourth Per(j[«y John V, fancy goods, 955 Market I\'rratta N, fruit, 837 Pacific Perrault Jno, physician, 4 13 Keaniy Perrault Maurice N, li'iuors, 312 Wash Perrazo G, cigar maker, 1421 Du^wnt Perrett Eugene, laun.lry, 321 Fifth Perrin Eugene, cigars and tobacco, 200' Fourth Perrin E I estate agent, 402 Kear I'errin Itobt, real estate, 402 Kearny Perri'i li .), physician, 214 Sutter Per-ine N P & Son, mastic roofers, C3S Market PERRY ALFRED W, physiciaii, loi Stiickton Perry V% H, atty at law, 320 S.niH(>ni Perry Crattan, mine broker, 32-1 Pino I'erry John Jr, stock and bond broker, 413 Montgomery Perry J W, bodtmaker, 1025 Howard Pestner k HiKlerbranclt, wholesale lii|- uors, 411 and 4 1 3 Itattery Pete Joseph, boots and shoes, 2 Fifth Peters F M L «& Co, fancy gooils, toys, etc, 207 Montgomery Peters (Jeo S, fruit, 84(1 Valencia Peters Jacob, liiiuors, 505 Pacilic Peters John, li'iuors, SE cor Fourth and Berry Peter" f M, livery stable, 2335 Wafih PETERS J a & CO. I'lu.tographen! New York Gallery, 25 Third Peters Pearl L, artist, 223 Kearny Peters Wm C, liquor.**, 024 Clay Peters Wm J & Co, carpenters and builders, 28 Turk Peters & Cowie, hay and grain, NE cor liuss and Howard TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. r CD O A* ? ry8I..H.» PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Ko.8,*3.25. !§ of Price. * inches long. I O kt gold. W ;d. . J '^ muterial with ir ttsaga should l^ 09 lish as f.illow.< : I = ." Thia 19 th IS Th9 name was * sold under the |fi» C/) o 3 1(0 irda, &e.,andthe 1® iugeuioiit o£ this in rran:isco, rtonTer., Oregon; 1^. C/} e agent, 40-2 Kour i te, 402 Kouruy lO *Jl-l Sutter '^ lastic roofers, OJS I'D O XV, '.ViO S.ir.s<>iii n-oUer, -.V:-! \'ux>^ and bond broker, 5r, 10t;r> Howar.) idt, wUolcsulo h'l- buttery ,,.^^^ ldBhoe8,2lifth jfAucy tiooda, toys, |ry 14(5 \ alcucia I, uOn IVcilic , TSE cor Fourth and r (able, inSS Wash J CO. V^'"*'"**"^ « , '25 Tliird g; t 2'!'^ Kearny »< L C'24 Clay r [Co, carpeiitersand I and grain. NEcor jr iMTKINC. San Franc'iHio. ALFIIAUKTICALI.Y. 1 23.5 •e CO I'etoraon A, liquors, '2'28 I'acilio Peterson & Alarntu, hairdressers, 1 133 Dupont Peterson & Co, wood and coal, 4*27 O'Farrell retcrsou Chas & Co, proprs Union tSoap C», 23'2 Front Peterson & Docker, roataurant, (J44 Fourth Potoraon & iJowliiig, undertakers, 815 Market Peterson & Dickliotf, liijuors, '228 Pacific Peterson li, collector, ;il4 liusli l'cturs;)n (» B, graiiier, 310 Minna Peteraon k Hanson, restaurant and lod^f• ings, (542 and 04(3 Fourth Pftereon H, butcher, cor iSeventh and Bryant Peterson John, wines and liquorn, 32G Miin PETERSON L, lir,s and rtstaurant, 5\il Kast Peterson MP, cij,Mrs and tobacco, 421 l''ast Peter8..n Nick, saloon, NW cor Fourth and Towns'.'nil ' Peterson (), liquors, 2*20 Kearny I'eterson & Olsson, model makers, 328 Bush Peterson Sl Palmer, groc is, 716 Market Petersen Peter, restaur.i.a,, 1)07 | Kearny Petersen tJ B, shipping,' and com, 58 (.'lay Petersen, Shepherd & Co, real estate, .'{2b California, room 3 Peterson Soren B, sliip and freight brok- er, 5S Clay FETERI JOHN H, (!ermau doUca- eies, 32 California Market Petibeau V., druggist, cor lluw and 9th Petri C, cigarmaker, 1341 l>upont Petri J no, cigarmaker, 325 Pacific Petrie Henry, hairdresser, 1743 Mission PETTERSON J. liquors, 324 Main Pettcuati I'eter, grocer, 1028 Kearny Petti^rew & Farlesa, collectors, 217 Sail PETTIT & RUSS, label and show printers and cni^ravera, 320 Sansom Penlecka H L, carj tenter, 421 Coml Peva A, barber, l'"2 Broadway Pew .1 \V, min secy, 310 Pine, room 15 Peyser Mrs C, clothinL,', 521 Montgy Peytona Mining ('o, 310 Pine, room 15 Pfatr Henry, cabinetmaker, 5 1 2 Mont av Pteiffer Jno W; locksmith, 1015 Kearny Pfeiffer Mrs, grocery, SVV cor Twenty second ami Folsom Pferdiier& Co, gen export and com 515 Market Pfile Jno F, blacksmith, 675 Branuan FFISTER J J & CO,crochet and knit ted goods, 120 Sutter PUueger H, jeweler, 38 Sacramento Ftiug L C, mining broker, 40 California I'forr Christian, grocer, NK cor Fourth and .lessie I'fnrr Jno, real «'atate agt, 32!) Montgy I'helan k Donahue, li(|uors, 33 Seooiul I'holan (r J, physician, 503 Third I'helan Jas, capitalist, 51!) Montgomery I'helan Jos 1', atty at law, 217 Sunsom Phelps & Miller, «Uamond imprs, l'.iOSut Ph(ll)s & Wetmoro, real estate ftgts, 331 .Mont;<rumm PHELPS W S & CO, shijismiths, 715 Dnunm PHENIX FIRE & MARINE IN- SURANCE CO OF BROOKLYN, Brown Craig k Co gen aj;t3, 215 San Plienix Insurance C'o, 215 Sunsom Phil Sheridan Mining Co, 8S K Kx bldg PHILADELPHIA BREWERY, Jno Wiuland propr, cor Si^jond and Folsom Phihui Jno, stationery, cor Sutter and Kearny Philip, Sheridan * I'o. exchange, com and ins agts, 425 California Phillips Mrs S D, confectionery, '28194 Mission Phillips B. barnessinaker, 303 Fifth Phillips C, bakery, 2S1'J,\ Mission Phillips D T, atty, NE cor Fourth and Townseml Phillips Kd, boots and shoes, 412Ji. Pac Phillips K, painter, 515 Hyde Phillips & ( JiVison, stoves and tinware, 3001 Mission Plnlli))3 (. M, picture frames, etc, cor Sixth and Natonia Phillips (r M, fancy good*, 130 Sixth Phillips H, restaurant, 21'.> Mission Phillips J:is It, l)aths, 114 Sutter Phillips J B, atty at law, ()36 Clay I'hillips J B, salm.n, ll4i Market PHILLIPS J S« consulting enginee-, examiner of mines, mineral assayer and metallurgist, 702 California Phillips J S & Co, bookbiii'lera, 409 Clay Phillips Mrs, ladies' hairdresser, 122 Ellis Phillips P A, butter and eggs, '27 Centre Market Phillips Stephen H, atty at law, 2-20 Snnsom Phipps A B, stockbroker, .321 California Phipps J, harnessmaker, 665 Howard Ffl(£NIX ASSURANCE (FIRE) CO of Londtt«ry 8t.. 8. F. 1236 tSan Francisco. ALPIIABITIOAl'IiT. Fhtenix Mutual Life Ins Co of Hartford, 318 Montgomery Phoeuix Silver Min Co, 327 Pine PhoederviuB Wm, groceries and liquors, cor Washington ave and Mission Piaggio A, liquors, 1G22 Stockton Piche riodor, harness and saddlery, 636 Broadway Pidge D M, show cards, '20 Post Pickens J H, mining stcy, 439 California Pickering Wm, druggist, SE cor Stock- ton and Broadway Pickett E, restaurant, 1126 Larkin Pico P & Motroni A, livery stable and feed store, 517 Green Piedmont k Ai-lington Life Ins Co, D M Kent agt, 330 Pine, rm 18 Pieper H C & Co, stationery, toys and crockery, 1010 Buchanan Pieper Ijeon, liquors, 643 Washington Pieper M, restaurant, 156 Second Pierce & Son, truss dealers, 704 Sac FIERCE CHAS L, physician, specialist for diseases of head, throat, eye and ear, 108^ Powell Pierce EGA Co, draymen, 20 California Pierce James P, capitalist, 315 Cal Pierce P, mai'ble works, 1 140 Mission PIERCE WALTER S, pianos, sheet musio and nuisical instruments, agt for S Brainard's & Sous music books and publications, 30 New Montgomery Pierce W H, artist, etc, 843 Mission Piercy Bros, cotfee house, 437 Bush Pierre Jean, boots and shoes, 1333 Dup Picrron Emile, bakery, 304 Montgy ave PIERSON WILLIAM M.atty at law, 616 Siicramento Pietzch & Co, sausages and dairy pro- duce, 803 Larkin Piguaz A, restaurant, 29 Third Piguo E, piano and guitar teacher, 130 Turk Piguot John, laundry, 822 Mission Pike & Hayes, restaurant, 626 and 628 Kearny Pike J M, propr United States Restaur- ajic, 548 Clay Pike J M & Co, wholesale cigars and to- baccos, 327 and 329 Front FILLSBTJRT E S, atty at law, 306 Pine, rms 1 to 3 PILLKBTJRY & TITUS, attys at law, 30(' Pine, rms 1 ti) 3 Pine Lumber Assn, Pier 5 Steuart Fine St Cotfee House, Nor.-.ger & Hjul nroprs, 516 Pino Pinkner Gnstave J, cigars, 1231 Mission Pinto A, tailor, 817 Vallejo Pitt Mrs Elizal>eth, grocer, 457 Tehama Pionfjcr Brewery, 209 Treat ave Pioneer Con Miii Co, 309 California Pioneer G & S Min Co, 330 Pino, rm 20 Pioneer Hall, 808 Montgomery Pioneer Iron Works,. 225 and 227 Beale Pioneer Mill & Mining Co, Stock Ex- change bldg PIOITEER VARNISH WOKKSr Hueter l>ros & Co proprs, 12 Second Pilcher & Co, real-estate and house brokers, 134 Post Pilgrim G & S Min Co, 314 Montgomery Pilot Commissioners, 34 Merchants' Ex- change bldg Pinchring R L, physician, 1502 Pine Pincus M, clothier, 54 Third Pindo J, coflFoe stand, 723 Davis Piukham Min Co, 310 Pine, room 44 Pinkish Morris, tailor, 407 East Pininini B, fruit, 629 Lombard I^iuncy B B, night contractor, 312 Pine Piper & Co, decoraters, 207 Montgomery Piper J B, bay freighting and brick mauuf, 7 Cl.ay I'iper Wm A, capitalist, 606 Montgomery Piperliiig & (Jo, butchers, SE cor Hyde and Union Pircher Bros, liqufu's, 707 Mission Pissis Albert, architect, 302 Mentgomery I'issis J E, phyHician, 825 Mission Pistolesi August, grocer, 752 Washington Pitcher & Co, real estate agents and business brokers, 33 Kearny Pitman, Middleton & Co, stevedores, 38 Market Pitts J, jeweler, 309 Sixth Pittsburg G M Co, 414 California Pixley & Harrison, attys at law, 430 Cal PIXLEY FRANK M, pres Argonaut Publishing Co, 522 California Pizzala C, sausagemaker, 1132I)upout Plagemann H & Co, cigar manufrs and leaf tobacco, 305 Siicramento Plagemann J C, plumber, 204 Powell Plagemann Wm, tailor, 14 Geary Plaisance L O, atty, 526 Montgomery Phmz Henry, tailor, 525 Geary Plass K N, dairy produce, 316 Sixth PLATE A J & CO, guns, rifles, pis- tols, sporting material and sole agents Remington celebrated tirearms, Mason- ic, society and military goods, S'.'5 Montgomery Plato & Hoense, bar))ers, 108 Sixth PLATSHEK & HARRIS. commi8si.>u merchants, wool, hides and pelts, 31L' Sacramento Plath J, groceries, NE cor Ellis and Steiner Piatt H G, atty at law, 320 Sansom I'latt Mrs R, ladies' furnishing goods, 6 Sixth Piatt's Hall, Montgomery bet Pino aud Bush Platz J, plumber, 223 Post Plego Louis, tailor, 337 Geary Q c z -1 30 ■< C3 m > n m 3S 0} rt 0> a cr « (0 c CD a o 9 CD » n o a S" 3 o a 9 s » a a « 3 e ? H. WACHHORSTp Age^it for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Saa ■i PACIFIC BDSINESS COLLEGE, ■"• g^'Sa .'^A-ggf'" V B e Hi o « iKirs, 108 Sixth IRRIS, commission tides and p^lts, 312 I NE cor Ellia ami | Lw, 3'20 SanBom ffuruiBhing goods, 6 (0 -I 8 cs a o X CO ■ IB ALPHABtinCAbLT. 1237 Pleiades G * S JI Co, 328 Montgomery PLinif GEAS M & CO, carpeta and upholstering goods, 641 and A, engraver and die sinker, 417 Kearny Poly, Hebron & Co, wholesale butchers, 33!) Kearny Pomeroy Carter P, atty at law, 211 San Pomeroy Jolin X, atty, 211 Sansoni Pond C H, machinist, tool and model maker, 318 Mission Pond I'M ward B, capitalist, 318 Pine Pen Jean P, cofTec and spice mills, 1025 Pacific Pons Mrs H, corset manufr, 219 Post Pontiac G & S M Co, 302 Montgomery Ponzo P, artist, 311 Jessie POOLE A W, U S mar-'al, U S Ap praiscrs building, Sanson) and Wash Poole J P, atty, 604 Merchant Poole Miss Sadie, portrait painter, .30!( Eddy Poorman S, atty at law, 310 Pine Pojw E K, atty and min sfcty,2i7 San PojKJ G, restaurant, 540 First Pope Hurry E, collector, 652 Market Pope C, min engineer and assayer, 220 Sanaom Pope & Talbot, lumber, 204 California Popovioh & Co, liquors, 1654 Polk Popp H, boarding and lodgings, SL. cor Powell and Chestnut Poppe Charles, manufr cigars and dealer in tobacco, 305 Battery Popper L. manufr shirts and under- shirts, 431 Kearny POPPER S, manufr shirts, underwear &c, 233 Kearny Popper V, chiropodist, 127 Montgomery Porcella & Guinasso, grocers. N\V cor Dupout and (ireen Porep L, watchmaker, 140 Third Porteous A, crockery, 1314 Dupont Porter A A, w Ines and liquors, 4.32 Cal Porter, Opj)cnh.eimer, Slessinger & Co, mfrs and importers boots and shoes, 117 Battery Porporato Francisco, butcher, 1224 Dup PORT BLAKELY SLEAM SAW- MILL, Puget Sound, Kenton, Holmes & Co proprs, pier 3 Steuart Port Discovery Mills, lumber, pier 10 Steuart Portland Hotel, James Carr, 54 Sac Port Or ford Cedar Co, lumber, .36 Mkt Porteous A, Btoves etc, 1314 Dupont Porter David, wine merchant, 405 and 407 Montgomery PORTOIS P, architect and civil engi- neer, 621 Sansom Port Wardens' office, J P Jourden secy, 525 Montgomery Posener H, millinery, 920 Market Posler Phillip, cigars and tobacco, 337 Hayes Poatel Atnandus C, grocer, SE cor Twen- ty-sixth and Alabama Fostel C D, groceries, SE cor Taylor and Pacific Postel John, grocery, 205 Sixteenth Postoffico, Custom Hou.ho building, NW cor Battery and Washington Postoffico Station "B,"' cor Seventh and Market Postoffice Station "C," NW cor Twen- tieth imd Mission "POST" PUB CO, Col J P Jackson, NE cor Sacramento and Monti^omory Poston J M, atty, 320 Sausom I'otosi Mining Co, 203 Bush Potrero and Bay View Uuilroad (street), ofMce NE cor Fourth and Townsoud Potrero Distillery and lleiining Co, cor Minnesota and Nevada POTRERO GERMAN COMPRESS ED YEAST CO, F H Hohnan agt, gen depot iOTi Fifth Potter A W, sawmill supplies, 137 Mont Potter Ed E, gen fire ins agt, 415 Cal Potter F A, crockery, lOS Thinl i'ott'Ji- Geo C, capitalist, 426 CaI, rm 2 Potter Mining Co, 318 Pine, room 39 Potter W, veterinary surgeon, 8;'t Fol O ft* o \ 3 I i 1% i Hi •ft «5 IS I II I OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER k CO.. 802 Davis St.. S. F. M * 1 '1 1 i t 1 % I i!';- "Si- • ■ i:4 ■Mm i!.-:i I'" I' M' ' ':. ^ MP'' '<: ' rV'^l WW RAnMTARIIP A Hh Mhcet iron, all Ulaes and Namhcmi, UO^ , W. M«Un I AUUC « UU., n«. 114. Im. an; llNBatt4>r.v »C».W, Ik ■ CO s c MM 10 s p ■ (0 «> S ■> S IL c c CO O ■ O o o z S- o < a. h O 1238 San Franei8C0. ALriURBTIRALLV. Pottet Heniy & Co, llorists, 41 Sixth Poulterer Thos J, auctioneer, 24 Mer- chants' Exchange Poultney J, watclimaker, 137 Alontgy Pouyal J. florist, 102i) Sutter Pouyallet Chas & Co, florists, 1 1 Stock POWELL H A. attorney, »07 Montgy Powers Geo H, (Powers & (iilders), phy- siciau, 215 (tcary Powers & (ioiild, liijuors, 413 Sansom Powers J, groocT, cor ijarkiii and Union Powers .(as D, l)utcher, 1531 Turk Powers M J, mining engineer, 320 San Powers N, grocer, o.ll Howard Powers Chas, Imtcher, Kailroad ave bet Fourteenth and Fifteenth Poy Kee, Lung Chong & Co, nianufrs shoes, 11!> Pine Powers T J, butcher, 130 Hayes Powers & Wihlcr, physicians, 215 (Jeary Pozzi P, liquors, 3'-io Montgomery ave Prada (i, liquors, 611 Montgomery Pracht Aug, groceries, 2G00 Sacramento Prag Marten, stoves, tin, copper, sheet- iron, etc, 135 Cliiy Prazcr A J, dry goods, 827 and 820 Kear Prosch Chas, portrait painter, 240 Mont PRATHER J A. dentist, 305 Kearny Prather W J, dentist, 305 Ke^irny PRATT GEO C. mining secy, 30i) MontgoL.ery, room 25 Pratt Ijconidas K, atty, 230 Montgomery PRATT & METCALFE, attysaf law, 230 Montgomery Pr.att H (i, carpenter, 51 Clay Pratt L I), restaurant, Stockton Pratt L (), restaurant, 312 Hush PREBLE & CO, Califoniia ami Oregon cider works, 218 Davis Prendcrgast Patrick, groceries aud licj- uorc, 22S Folsom Prenvielle li, painter, 538 (Jreen Presbyterian Hoard Of Publication, 757 Mark«t PRESCOTT HOUSE, O F B]som Prmce Chas, livery stable,. 2125 Mission Prince Miss i G, Young Ladies School, 218 Eddy Pringle & H.ayne, attys at law, 318 Pine Pringle (Gilbert, boots and shoes, 1015 Market Prindle 1) S, carpenter, S(i2 Mission Prior .1 K, gas fixtures aud plumbers' materials, 1 128 Market Prior Mrs K, grocer, 107 Silver Probst F, tailor, 1210 Kearny I'rootor .ino, capitalist, 201 California ProffMacob, show casesaiwl fixtures, 215 O'Fan-ell ProflF Mrs .1, candies and toys, 215 O'Farrell Proll Bros, jewelry and stationery, 1417 Polk Proll Henry Jr,. butcher, SWcorLarkin and Cl;iy Proll John, wirpenter, 516 Keanjy Proll \Vm & Co, show casa manufrs, 537 California Provines K 11, atty at law, 204 Sutter Prosch Chas, artist, 240 Mxintgomcry Prosehold Chas, barlwr, 844 Valencia ProsehoUl T, barber, 624 Fourth. Prosek .1, physician, 6 O'Farrell Prospect (J & S Mining Co, 27 Mer- chant's Exchange Providence Washington (fire) Insurance Co of 1{ 1, 4 1 1 California ■ Prozolt C, liijuors, 419 Montgomery ave I'runty Owen, liquors, SW cor Eighth and Folsom Pucell I), saloon, Central avo bet Post and Sntti r PUCKHABER JOHN, groceries. SW cor FifteentI) ave and P Puetz Mrs, midwife, 80-t Folsom Puget Sound Lumber Co, pier 17Steu.Trt PULVERMACHER GALVANIC COMP, W T Bogertsupt, 511 Montg PuUen Geo (J,, liquors, 833 Kearny Pullen Miss Kiite, bxlgings, 206 Kenrny PUMARIEGA JOSE & CO. cigarmak- era, 441 Bush Point Arena Railroad Lumber Co, 408 Gal I O -< o 00 B o ST o a (0 3' (0 e •a ■a o M s o If iX" o e TRY MURRAY S MAGIC OIL L.BIumauer&Co., "^n'^v^fr hem, i\9i >6 Pine >r8 cutlery, 1 agent, 17 Sacramento [4 r C R K, Larkin i9on uua ■ Clementina (Isom . '2 lt!5- Mission j^ .iwiies School, 1 55 1 C law, 318 Pine \ ^ il shoea, 1015 j g- ! I Misision _ I ft* jul plumbers' 1 ^ O >Uver 3 )l e'aliforniii 1 jQ a lixtures, 215 1 g» s. nd toys, 215 ationery, 1417 y\V cor Larkm \ :♦ Keaniy a inanufrs, 537 O ■a ■a o , l>04 Sutter 2. iLfintgomcry 1 9 44 Valencia ' < Kourth. i 5 5? I'aiTell Co, 27 Mer- (fire) Inaurance i'^ ■ Ig lontj;omery ave < JJ ^V cor Eighth |0 iivo iK't Post y (-rocerieH,. Sn 1 IP Folsom I X pier 17 Stcunrt I • GALVANIC o upt, 511 Montg » W Kearny ,r 8, 200 Kcnrny | g COf cigarmak- ; j ,berCo,408Gal ,• PACIFIC BUSINESS C0LLE6E, »'- ,'SS^X,r^li,J^X:r S Si m o San Francisco. AD'HABBTICALbT. 1230 PuHy Daniel, cabinetmaker, 1 lOt Miss Purely G W, oculist, cor Kentucky and Merrimac Purdy G W, liquors, Lonj} Bridge Po- trero Purdy Owen, liquors, Folsom and 8th Purdy Saml, mining, 331 Montgomery Purdy Sol V, watchmaker and jeweler. 16 Fourth Pursell Mrs S V, dresamakiTig, 506 Hayes Putman 8 N, atty, 328 Montgomery Puvogel John, grocer, NE cor California and Larkiu PYRAMID G & S MIN CO, H W Lit- tle secty, 520 Kearny Pyser Ijouis, tailor and clothing, 428 Pac Pythian Castle, James Patterson janitor and librarian, 913 Market Pysar M, tailor, 1325 Polk Q Quaekenbush Thos M, carpenter, 511 Jackson Quaig & Tyler, restaurant, 1021 Market (^»unrtz Mountain (t M & T Co, ;101» Mont Quartz Mountain (i M Co, E Hestres secty, 72!> Montgoinery Queen Bee Miu Co, 324 Pine, rm 1 Queen Ins Co, 317 California Queirola Geralomo, fruit, 543 Fourth Quellmabz Otto, nistaurant, 1737 Miss Quezada L, eitrarmaker, oOS Broadway QUICK JOHN W, Sail Francisco Screen Works, 32 Fremont Quigg Miss M B, dressmaker, I2t> Kear QuilAngelo, fruit, 1^11', P.. welt I Quillici A, li()Uors, Nbint.L'omery ave Quing Ah, manufr . i I I Batter\ j Quinlin A O, physician .md ^nrj{e<>n,>74 Mission Quinn John, shoemaker, 310 Kwn.ih Quiun John, saloon, !• Merchants' 'a Quiiui John, bootmaker, 223 Fifth QuinnJno F, fancy dry i;ooda, 1400 l'rs trimmings, 2(> and '2S Montgciii'ry Rabjohu Edwin, locksmith, 85S llowird Ilac'iech Andmw, restaunuit, 41'.) Davis Radford Thos bootmaker, 1> Spring Kadhoe& Flanidy, laundry, cor Twenty- third and }{ampshire Ra I., ;■ :. estate agt, 12 Mont Uanicktl Frii.k, rt;^taurant, 421 Fourth Itank'.'n If, li(]uors, SF cor 7th and Mkt RANKIN. BRAYTON & GO, !acitic hdu W iks, 1'j7 First RANKIN OH AS E, blank book man- ulnrturcr. Ti 1 i V'lay Ranb tt H l>, com mcrcliMiit, 214 Cal RanKcim Kiidha & Co, grain and com mrivhants, 204 California Ransom f>yman W, justie;; of peace, SE cfir Kearit\' and Washington Uansoinc I' . artihcial stone, 10 Rush Uapli • ' niirnrs and frames, 041 Fol Uapii.i 1 1, tailor, '.• Tayh^r Raphai'l Isaac, clothing, 032 Montgy Rapii lel Isidor, cigars and tobacco, 430 Kearny Knpozo M S, shoemaker, 415 Drumm Uap[> A, jeweler, 'J Geary Rapp Chas F, hairdresser, .S25 T>upont Rappin (I, physician, 515 Montgy ave Rasmus Wm, cotfce house, 300 Dupont Rasmussen I'eter, bootmaker, 305 Third o o f 17 il \^k ,l. il m ■?■■': I 09 |f;.f-| 3 'M *« u' 1 ■■A V':'- ;■ -«J ym -0 ■\tWi 'i^'IP S3. ' ' h>- €/> : ■!■' 2* •!■■■ '" JJ, ., ,|U-,_. in \:M. :i m ls»u. b»ve It H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. m il •' If ' - ■ " £' ; n't I*' B ''1 iHW li : ; ;-p ;■ ; ^B'ft ^ S- • ^H " ■ , 'sjf ■■ ' -S ,; Hni''' ' ;?. _ : HJUki S"' ; ■ ;■! .1 H hi l;J:5i •■I . tr^-i >' I f H t 1- o o 9 S HIT. W. MONTAGUE & CO. PnmiMi and tron Mp<«, «1I •!■«■, 110, 11% 114. 116 and 118 Battery Street, ~~ 1240 jSan Fra/ncisco. ALPHABRTICALLV. t [ Pcloo& Arata, fruit, 511 J Fourth Katto B, bakery, 502 PoPt and 427 Pac Kattray A, physician, 606 Sutter Ratz WTn, barber, 202 Fourth lltM Mra L, dairy produce, 132 Fifth BAU & VAN KEiyr?, dentists, 1144 Market Rau Henry, dentist, 779 Mission Raum J M, note broker, 430 Montgy Ravelcy S W, printer, 518 Clay Ravenna, Ghirai.lelli & Co, mamifrs of raaccaroni and vermicelli, 421 and 423 Buttery Ravn Hans, groceries, SW cor Dupont and Union Ray Chas C, barber, 1627 Fillmore BAY W S & CO. stoves, tinware, ship stores, sto'e brick, pottery and projirs O K. Foundry 228 Main, office 12 Market HAYE A F & GO, carpets and oil cloth, 739 Market Raymontl & Ely Mining Co, 328 Mont Raymond H, fancy goods, 1708 Polk Raymond Israel W, capitalist, 315 Cal Raymciid S A, miner, 302 Montgor'ory BAYMOND & WILSHIBE. ngcnts McNeale & Urban .Safes, Biiflalo Scale Cos Scales, trucks and tills, 215 and 217 Californiu Raj'ntT VV^m, hotel, 04G Harrison BAYNOLDS C T & CO, manufrs and iniprs ))aiiit8, oils and varnishes, !) Front Riiia«;tto F, supt <» rand Opera Market, res i)l3 Howard Ra/x'tt<«T, liijuors, 619 Mission Rea E V, paiuts, oils and wall paper, 1131 Dupont Read hi, tai!>r, 164.', Jessie BEAD & RAFFERTY, notai-iea pub- lie and ooinniissioinjrs of deeds for New York, M.issaoliufletts, New -ler- sey, Nevadii, Arizona, Idaho, W.nsh- ini,'t<)ii Territory and <)r(!j;on, 333 Mont Rrad it, linuiifH, NE cor .Sutter and I'olU lU',:idii I-' W, ;.♦ • v at law, 230 Montgy Uvad^ IJooJinv ' '>, I'oofurs, 422 Montgyl I{/*ag!in fc .NivNainara, salnnii, 3 iind 4 Merclinnts' KxrliauL** i Ji<:agaiis T A, restaurant, •> 1(5 Sac .H*iil J>el M(»nte Min Co, 203 Hush.l TOOTH 36 BEAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES, NVm •Hollis prc'stK, 230 Mont','<>mi'ry BEAL ESTATE AND BUILDING ASSOCIATES. E VVTaggart prest,, 230 Montgomery . " Uea^ Kstato (Circular," monthly),] Thomas Magee pub, ".0 Mnuti ornery ' **BEAL ESTATE PRIC. LIST,"! (ivo \V Chapin pub, 313 Montgomery Real Estate Protective Assn, 301) Mont BEABDEN TIMOTHY H. atty at law, 636 Clay, room 5 Reardon A J, grocer, VV s San Bruno Road nr Twenty-seventh Reardon Mrs M, grocer, 225 Perry Reardon P, liquors, 702 Mi^Jeion Rebhan Andrew, hairdr isser, Folsom bet Twenty-second and Twenty -Third Rchsook & Brendlc, marble works, cor ! ost and Lyon l{ebstock,Endres& Co, wholesale liquors, 322 to 326 Sansom Rebut A, liquors, SW cor Filbert and Van Ness ave Hecarte D H, cigars and tobacco, 130 Cal Reche D K, druggist, NW cor Jackson and Montsomery BECKENBEIL F, liquors, 30t) Dup Rechter J, furnit'ire, 1136 Dupont Red Clouci Con Mining Co, 309 Montgy Reddington J H, grocer, 1316 .Sac REDDING B B) gen land agt C P & S P R li, cor Fourth and Townscud Reddy Jolin, wines and liquors, cor Beale and Bryant Redenston H H, lodging house, 704 Kear Itedtield L H, ntty at law, 402 Montgy Red Hill Hydraulic Mining and Water ( 'o, 328 Montgomery, room 20 Redington & Co, drugs, paints, oils, etc, 531 Market Redington 8 M, insurance broker, 322 (.'aliforuin Redington H W, mining secy, .328 Mont Red Jacket Con Mining Co, 8 S F Ex building Redington 's Quicksilver Co, 531 Mkt Redlich Alex, capitalist, 37 Battery Redmond D, tailor, 1 14S Folsom Red .Star Steamship Line, 208 Montgy Redstou .Julius, cigars, 200 .Sixth Redstone A K & ( 'o, (juartz mill manu- fjictnriTs, 135^ Heale REDSTONE J"H & CO. patent iigts, 22 Montgnmerv REDWOOD LUMBER CO, Um.ber. (ionilall, Ni^son & Perkins proprs, 10 Mi'fket Itedwood M.unifrs Assn, J (r Jackson prest. K I, Allen secy, 18 Market REEB E, pro[)r Di.-imond Shirt Facto- r3-, mauufr shirts, undershirts and d^awer.^, 19 S.nisom Reetkniann A, grocer, NK car Powell and Francisco Reed Chas, lii|Ui>rs, KM .Tackaon J{eed Chas, upholsterer, 1563 Market Reed Fr iiicis, cigars and tobacco, ,537 Sacramento Reed (leo W, custom house broker, .503 Battery Reed Jas, restaurant, 608 Qay Reed John, boat builder, 316 Main a WACHHORST calls attention "^{ilVmr^SP^i^lT' 315 J St. H, atty at i San Bruuo I •< m (A cr o (D 5 Perry j |^ 38er, Folsom Cwenty-Third e works, cor )lesalo liquors, r Filbert and nbacco, 130 Cal N cor Jackson ors, 309 Dup 6 Dupont :o, 309 Moutgy 1316 Sac and agt C P fc md Townscnd nd liquors, cor house, 704 Kear iw, 402 Montgy niiig and Water , room 20 paints, oils, etc, •anco broker, 322 j 2. Ic secy, 328 Mont 'ng Co, 8 S F Ex Co, 531 Mkt r 37 liattery \s Folsom le, 208 Montgy 12(K) .Sixth iiiitz mill nianu- |C0. patent agts, CO, lumber, Perkins proprs, 10 |a!i, .1 <' Jackson 'l8 Market [ond Shirt Facto- undcrshirts and (K car Powell and ^ L Jackson \, l.")C3 Market fi'ind tobacco, 531 house broker, r)03 08 aaj O A (A O O O 3 1)08 aay Ir, 3VG M da in SOLE AGENTS MACNEALE & IJRBAN'S SAFES. TH13 OUT ILLUSTRATES OUR WELL-KNOWN PATENT INSIDE BOLT WORK. Factory, Cincinnati, Ohio. SALESROOMS, 215 & 217 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, SE/^^ FO'R CI'RCULJ^RS JJ^Ti fREy?yREj\CES. m m. iq jS;;.l| F- 315 i 8i mw. ii" '.i: :\ SOLE AGENTS BUFFALO SCALE CO.'S SCALES. Postals, . Even Balances, Counter, Grocer's, Oand/. Tea, ^, Canner's, Union. >.-=.5*^ Scales of Every Description, P::VERY SC^VLE AVA-RRi^^NTED. Factory, Buffalo, N. Y. SALESROOMS. 216 & 217 CALIFORNIA STREET, qan f&anoisco* Send for Price List and References ■' t OL^ SCALES EXCHJMuEO O'R (RE^PAME'L, PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Jf^lu^t^^ OttmBifrelal Collp loant. a«0 PttHt HC. tl '1? A^NTED. !^IA STREET, ERENCES I i I CO lO Id 1 ri u M o e n « (0 /Sian Francisco. ALPHABmCALLT. 1241 C9 3 (A • Reed Jos, lodgings, 521 Pacifio Reed MraS, liquors, 1110 Dupont Reed Theron, atty at law, 504 Kearny Roepen H, liquors, 154 Third Reese Geo, liquors, 931 i Folsom and 319 Fifth Reese J, barber, 402 Pacific Reese M, real estate, 410 Montgomery Refterigo Peter, fruits and nuts, 1000 Market Regan B, grocer, "JtiS Stevenson Regan J F, .gruoer, 21 Minna Rcgaudiat A J P, barber, 24 Mont ave Regensburger A K, physician, G27 O'Far Regensburger D il, atty at law, 43S Cal Regensburger J, pliysiciau, 1 12 Powell Regensberger S H, collector, 028 Mont Rehn Chas, plumbing and gasfitting, 20S Sixteenth Reich GAD, physician, 118 Post Reich Jno C, liquors. 318 Pacific REICHERT THEO, chief clerk U S surveyor's office, 610 Commercial Reichers & Harms, groceries, SW cor Ellis and Larkin Reichert & Co, junk, 9 Clay Reichert J os, saloon, 1 14 Tyler Ueichling F & Co, bullion buyers and assayers, 400 Montgomery REED & BROOKS, crockery and glass ware, 524 aiid 520 Sansom Reid Catherine, grocer^ 106 Ninth Reid Geo W, groceries, 1141 Pacific Ileid Henry H, atty at law, 636 Clay Reid Jolin, tailor, Wi Market IJeid Tiios, wood and coal, 958 Mission Keid Wm, restaurant, 52 Third Reil Lawrence, tin shop, cor Seventh and 11 11 avea Reilley C T, plumber, 320 Montgy ave REILLY & COf •20TO»i'»'*i<>" nierchants, grain, (lour and produce, 309 and 311 Davis Reilly Jas, groceries, 1710 Ijeavenworth Reilly J, liquors, 51 1 Fourth ReiUy P, wood and coal, 915 Post REINHARDT H 0, propr Pacific Ele vator Works, 6 Eddy Reiuhardt 11 O, hydraulic and steam ele- vator, 6 Eddy Reinharfc Chas, restaurant, 767 Mission Rcinhart Simon, capitalist, 412 Cal Reinking E, pianos and organs, 117 Post Reinle & Fuchs, butchers, 3 Grand Cen- tral Miu-ket and 24 Grand Arcade Mkt Reiustein J B, atty at law, 217 Sansom lleinstein \V, gents' furnishing goods, 411 Kearny Reis Bros, real estate, 316 California Reis S, watchmaker and jeweler, 20!) Montgomery ave REISS BROS & CO. ii"prs cloths and tailors' trimmings, 113 and 115 Sutter Reiners C A, soda works, 723 Turk and 222 Elm ave Reley W, liquors, cor Fol and Steuart Relief Con M Co, 310 Pine, room 25 Remaasa L & Co, restaurant, 607 Clay Remer J A, architect, 230 Montgomery Remington Sew ing Machine Co, \V) 2d REMINOTON A D & CO. paper warehouse, 413 and 415 Sansom Remillard Brick Co, l)rick manufrs, Pa- cific Wharf Remle F & Fiichs N, pork paokerj, 3 Grand Centrul Market Remmol & Otersen, liquors, 16 Third llemond E, tailor, 1511 Stockton Renault 1, coiil, 1505 Pine Renault L J, dyer, etc, 427 Bush Reno Mining Co, 318 Pine, room 13 RENTON, HOLMES & CO. lumber, pier 3 Steuart Renwick & Kent, com merchants, 231 Washington Renz J, bitters and wholesale liquors, 219 Commercial Repenn F, bootmaker, 521 Sacramento Republic G & S Mining Co, Stock Ex- change Building Republic Con Mining Co, 310 Pine Resolutt Tunnel Mining Co, 240 Montgy Resenstern J, physician, 312 Stockton Reske Peter, liquors, 343 Hayes Retail Tradesmen's Protective and Col- lection Bureau, F A lugersoll secy, 434 California Rethy Geo, boots and shoes, 933 Market Rcubold M, boots and shoes, 325 Bush Reuben M, stationer, 628 Montgomery ReuUng E W, manufrs agent and com merchant, 318 Front REVENUE MINING CO, A J Bun- ner secy, 41 1^ California, room 3 Revere Insurance Co, Hutchinson & Mann agts, 322 California Rex Montis Mining Co, D Henshaw Ward secy, 309 ^Iontgomery, rm 18 Reymert Theodore D, mining and real estate agent, 40 California Reynolds B A, public administrator, city and county, 6i;6 Washington Reynolds C H & Co, real estate agents, 333 Montgomery REYNOLDS GEO, chemical works, cor 28th and San Bruno Road Reynolds G E, physician, 40^ Geary Reynolds G L, merchant tailor, 638 Clay Reynolds Geo W, atty, 616 Sacrfvmento Reynolds Jas S, atty at law, 636 Clay REYNOLDS JOHN, propr California chemical works, cor Twenty-eighth and San Bruno Road REYNOLDS L & CO, shipping and commission merchants, wire rope agency, 16 First and 3 and 7 Mission m o w ^. en f S. Mi 09 li ■I' J ' i in.. I: H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. m .!.■ .! '■ifi' '■' i:wi ■ i ; W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Pamim »nd Iran Plp«, all sIm)*, 110, 11% 114. It« and lin Battery lltrrrt. llur. IL ■ CO i c n p of c o E c e (0 O ■ o o o z S o < a. c 1242 San Francisco. ALrllABBTIOAI/bT. atty at law, 626 clerk superior BoynoKls I^eonard, Washiugton Reynolds Leonartl C, court, New City Hall RETNOLDS, RIX & CO, Ingcreoll rock drill and mining machinery, 40 Fremont Kcynolds Thos, sail maker, SE cor Mar- ket and Stouart Beynolds W O, wood and coal, 2310 Larkin Reynolds W S, real estate broker, 531 California Rhein B J, dentist, 703 Market Bhein & Siegcl, merchant tailor, 414 Snnsom Rhode Island Ijvery St^iblc, (estate of H Mc(Jlinn), 126 Fourth Bho Montgomery, rm62 Bichmond Harry H, carpenter, 2120^ Mission RICHMOND MRS L & SON. print ers, 424 ft'ontgomery Bichtcr C Max, physician, 1 ^6 Kearny Bichter Henry, barber, SE cor Railroad and Seventh aves Bichter Maxmillian, saloon, 529 Jack RICHTER PAUL E. importer works of art, decorations and fine \ipholstery goods, supt <.f European Fresco Artist Ass'n, office 20i» Sansom, residence 1220 I'ino Bichter W H, hotel, cor Kentucky and First ave Bick F, liquors, 508 Sixteenth Bickborn Fernando, groceries, S\V cor Oak and (tough Bicotti A, watchmaker and jeweler, 320 Montgomery ave Rider F, druggist, 504 Bush RIDER, SOttER & CO, whole sale and retail hay and grain, agent Warm Springs Landing Packet Co, pier 22 Steuart Bider W H, agt Ronton Coal Co, Mis- fcion Bulkhead Riddell D Csecty San Bernaitliuo Borax Mill Co, 4;J0 Montgomery RIDGEWAY BROS, Hie manufrs, 305 Howard RIDOEWAT C W & CO. spring mat- tress and lounge factory, 21 Tyler RIDGEWAY JOSEPH, mill pick manuf r, 305 Howard RIDLEY A E & CO, stencil plates, 323 Front, rm 16 Jiieble Mrs Jacob, bakery, 1633 Post Bieck C & Co, liquors, NW cor Sutter and Stockton Bieck H, liquors, Sixth nr Channel Biegelhaupt Philip, tailor, 506 Market Biegelhuth J, hotel, 407 Pacific RIEGER P & CO, manufrs of tlavoring extracts and lemon sugar, 511 Front Biegel David F, confectionery, 127i 4th Bieiil Frtnl, physician, 10 Sixth Biehn, Hem me & Co, assay ers and bul- lion dealers, 404 Montgomery Biekels & Weise, liquors, NW cor Six- teenth and Mission jo- I ■< e 30 i ' e I ''*' lo- co o a s (9 5? (D ■I X' O tfi •.X i" io r e 9 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer&Co., 'TK.'."£2v?[r PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. "'^^Sn.'Si^^.t-Z -^Sr^- 1 'il i i I (D tifi c *>» a t 0) J a £ a s Si) o ;SiMn Franc'iHco. AI.rilARRTICAM.T. 1243 Rieman & Tuttle, photographers, 1!C Montgomery Rierman R & Co, wowl and coal, hay and grain, Mission bet 2'2d and 'J3d Rics li, real estate, 641) Washinj^jton Riewerth Cornelius, cigars, 31) racific Rigeza Min Co, ,S20 Sansom Rigney P, silver plater, 107 (^eary Riley Allen, linuors, SW cor Folsoin and Steunrt Riley Benjamin F, wholesale li(iuorH,.'J18 Front Riley, Osbonie, Maxwell A Kinsey, shoi't-hanil reporters, 30!) Montf^oniLry Riley PS, advertising agent, lil4Montgy Riley Miss Theresa, hairdresser, '210 Willow ave Riley k Vest, hay and grain, 507 East Rimassa E, boots and shoes, 720 Wash Rincke Fredefick, cigars and tobacco, 3'J5^ Fifth Ring — , specialist tapeworm curer. 109 Dupont Rinz Adolph, foreign wines and liquors, 1I2I Mission Riordan Mrs, milliner, 031 and 710 Mkt Riordan Mrs Margaret, groceries, 225 Perry Riordan Thomas D, atty at law, 6 Mont- gomery ave Riordan T 1', real estate agent, Post Riphenburgh W, livery stable, 102 Clark Rippey W C, restaurant, 525 Clay Rippmau Brothers, drug goods, SK cor Sixteenth and Valencia RISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS* patterns, machinists and boitermakers, SE cor How and Healo Risdon John X, agent mill and inininij machinery, 421 California Risi A, bootmaker, 806 (Jreenwich Rising Alfred, atty at law, 210 Sansoni Rising Miss A, artist, 12»i Kearny Risley A A, tailor, 24^ Dupont Ristow John, grocery, NW cor Turk and Van Ness Ritchie N B, carpenter and builder, IttOl Hyde Rittore A & Co, fish, 5 Clay St " Market Ritter A, watchmaker and jeweler, 303 Keiirny Ritter Paul, cigars, 1118 Howard Ritzau Henry, military band, SE cor Post and Dupont Rifczau & Obermeyer, liquors and bil- liards, SE cor Post and Dupont RitzmuUer M, carriage and wagon fac- tory, Soo Howard Ritter H H, cigars and tobacco, cor Sut- ter and Dupont Rivolette Jules, groceries, 1403 Powell Riverside Mill Mining Co, 211 Sansom Rix Mrs A, Inglewood House, 126 Fifth Hix Hale, atty nt law and police judae. m Washington Rix Henry A E, engraver, L'Ol Kearny Rix Julian W, painter of portraits, 734 Montgomery RIXFORD E H. atty nt law, fi:W Cal Roach D D, liquors, 1317 Mission ROACH JOHNt inatlicmaticid iustru- muHts and opticiini, 005 Sacramento and 420 Montyoinciry Roach L, groceries, cor Twcntyfou/th and York ROACHE JAMES, lir8, G36 Fourth IJoath k Kolt, fruit and confoctionerr. 1028 Sutter Robbins Jaa J, mining, 30(5 Pine, rm 10 liobbinsJ W, liquors, 1012 Potrcro ave Hoborts JasB, ins agt, 315 California ROBERTS G F, candy factory, NW cor Polk and Bush Roberts Mrs C, dressmaker, 114 Geary Uoberts (Jeo W, nicy Odd Fellows' Cemetery A^sn, 325 Montgomery i{ol)erts Mrs H, physician, l(i21i Powell Rol)erts .1 M, cigar factory, 327 Pacific Jioberts & Kearney, butchers, SE cor Filbert and Taylor Roberts J W, mining, 3'JS Mont, rm 17 Uolterts Thomas, blacksmitli, 161!) Mkt Rolierts W A, mining, 21 1 Sansom Rolwrts Wm, merchant tailor, 8 Mont Robertson E B, physician, 28 St Ann's building Robertson John A, on? reducing process, 22 Montgomery Robertson J B, real estate, 330 Pine Robertson R L, varieties, 900 Howard Robertson Robert, liquors, 727 Montgy Uobertson S J, liquors, NW cor Kearny and Sacramento Hobcrtson William, florist, 108 Califor- nia Market; Roliie 1!, plumbing and gasfitting, 3005 Mission Rfibinet Eugene, capitalist, 7 Montgy ave Robinett Thos, carpenter, 1 1 3 Ijcidesdorff ROBINS F A. machinist, 7 First Robin Adrien & Co, saloon, 614 Fourth Robinson Alfred, trustee Los Angeles Land Co, 120 Sutter ROBINSON CHAS H. librarian Free Public library, 428 Bush Robinson C A, vinegar works, 15 Van Ness ave Robinson Cornelius P, atty, 310 Pine Robinson Crittenden, short-hand re- porter, 310 Pino Robinson E N, mining engineer, 320 San Robinson Henry, liquors, NW cor Davis and .Jackson Robinson & Highman, col agents and Pacific Coast Delivery and Transfer Ck), 134 Post m ao CO 09 m ao CA Ui a 3 •< O (0 c/» I 1 11: < ■'I- H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.,-^JK2:!irifo.%'KrixM^ Iff in I CO c « e (A iS > o E « c c CQ O ■ o Q < CL O 1244 San Francisco. ALPIIADRTICALLT. Robinson I, ladies' and gents' goods, 142 Third Robinson J A, attorney, 507 Montgy Robinson L L, capitalist, 320 Sansom HOBmSON, OINET & BTRNE, attys at law, 310 Pine, rms 35 to 41 Robinson Peter, drayman, cor Battery and Filbert Robinson R, atty C P R R, NE cor Fourth and Townsend Rohison A C & Co, birds, shblls, etc, 540 Kearny Robitschuck H, stationery, 416 Sao Robitscher 8, shoe store, 1589 Turk Robson Henry, saw filer, 300 Jackson Roche & Desbeck, attys at law, 628 Montgomery Roche John J, atty at law, 628 Montgy Rochonfield Win, barber, 441 V^alencia Rochester German Ins Co, 216 Sansom Rocbicioli R F, bronze gold, silver and nickel plating, 8 Tyler Rockwell Miss E A, artist, 103 Montgy Rodd C, fancy goods, 850 Washington Rode Emil, painter, portraits, etc, 659 Clay Rodefeld Fritz, liquors, SW cor Kearny and Post Roden AG. livery stable, 1715 aud 1717 Sacramento Roddeu Hugh, barlwr, '2'M Folsom Rodgers Arthur, atty at law, 207 San Rodgera Benj, liquors, 252 Branuan Rodgers F S, sign painter, 62i> Merchant Rodgers John & Sons, hay and grain, cor Market aud Hayes Rodgers Lee O, physician and surgeon, 12Si Fourth Rodgers N", hides, 818 Battery Rodgers P, liquors, 1727 Market Roeben O, boarding, 37 Pacific Roebuck Thos f«, boilermaker, 137 Beale Roe C S, atty at law, 217 Sansom Roe James, liquors, cor Fifth ave and L Roeder Clement, physician, 1838 O'Far Roemer & Burck, bakery, 205 Kearny Roomer Eugene, gen agt (Jerman General Beiifivolent Society, 1 14 Dupont Roes L B, liquors, cor .facksou aud Bat Roesler C, liquors, 703i Davis Roefiler H, carpenter and ciibinet maker, 225 Post Roethe Christian, druggist, 501 Third Rogat J, coiTee stand, 816 Front Rogers Daniel, atty at law, 604 March Rogers Geo A, restaurant, 1244 Mission Rogers H, agt vSamuel Merritt, 22 Cal Rogers H D, physician and surgeon, 410 Kearny Rogers R F, stock broker, 80 Nevada block ROOERS S D> mining secy, 328 Mont Rogers S L, atty at law, 628 Montgy Rogers Z, physician, 308 Sutter RogK'a J, plumber, 440 Broadway Rondo Henry, liquors, SW oor Front and Washington Rohdo J, grocer, SW cor Clay and Tay. lor Rohde Peter, liquors, 8 Clay Rohe Mrs M^ varieties, S W cor Webster and Ellis RohlfTs C C, groceries, 1 Mission Rohlffs & Woebke, liquors, 1 Mission Rohr J N, painter, 6 Tyler Rohrs D, grocer, 1101 Clay Rohrs Geo H, liquors, cor Sutter and Central ave Rohrs J D, groceries, 1501 Mission Rohte Bros, Doots and shoes, 50J Jack Rokusck Albert, cigars and tobacco, 316 Bush Roley J & Co, liquors, 308 Kearny Rolff M, restaurant, 2019 Fillmore Roller & Layng, printers, 61 1 Clay Rollet Chas, bakery, 639 Broadway Rollins R R & Co, auctioneers and ap- praisers, 535 California Rollins Wm, real estate, 6 Montgy ave ROMA HOTEL, G & P Beronio proprs, 818 Sansom Roman B, clothing and furnisliing goods, 940 and 942 Market Romani 8, liquors, 437 Broadway Romani Scbastiano, bakery and vermi- celli, 1518^ Dupont Romberg W, groceries, 1049 Howard Roney E, wood and coal, 1312 Pacific Roony James & Bro, grocer, Potrero ave bet El Dorado and Sixteenth ave Rooney P H, liquors, 813 Battery Roos Bros, clothing, 25 and 37 Kearny Root & Sanderson, wholesale grocers, tobacco and cigars, 122 and 124 Mar- ket, 19 and 21 California Root T E, pres Odorless Excavating Apparatus Co, 432 Kearny Roquos Marie, confectionery, 1507 Dup Rorke B B & Co, stock brokers, 304 Montgomery Rosa Jos, barber, 433 Pine Rosa J P, barber, 657 Clay Rose A W Jr, mining secy, 302 Montgy Rose D, groceries, 106 Howard Rose Edw J, cigars, 316 Bush Rose Fred, groceries, 731 Brannan Rosckrans H M, house painter, 517 Cal Rosekrans H & Co, hardware, tools and builders' material, 638 Market Rosenbaum ASA Co, imprs cigars and leaf tobacco, SE cor Cat and Battery Rosenbaum Charles, shoemaker, 658 Mission ROSENBAUM & CSO, importers white goods, laces and embroideries, 22 and 24 Battery 1 m m m 30 -< > m (A m 30 m S n m r s ■0 o 3 a O 3 IS o 3 H. WACHHORST. importer of je^J;Ly!%ii^?.i«.. 315 J St., Sac. ffft«* BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ••^'■Sa!v.r.«^a-£i'a£;{i."g'fc C 1 sr Iway oor Front r and Tay- C/) or Webster Bion I MUsion in Sutter and O Mission 8, 50J Jack nd tobacco, W8 Kearny illmore ill Clay Broadway leers and ap- Moutgy av» sronio propra, nialiing goods, m m I i o lA S a> o e e e CO oadway |y and vermi- \-^ t9 Howard 1S12 Pacific if, Potroro ave jenth ave Buttery ,d 37 Koamy leaale grocers, and 124 Mar- la Excavating ■ny fry, 1507 Dup brokers, 304 ^, 302Montgy jjward [Bush iBrannan Vnter, 517 Cal vare, tools and [Market tors cigars and El and Battery ^loeinaker, 658 importers white lideries, 22 and J St., Sac o o C0 Id o X C0 (0 •8 San Francisco. AliPIUBlnOAUT. 1245 BOSENBAVM F IE ft CO. French, German and English window glass and crystal sheets, 567 Market Boscnbaum Jno H, liquors, cor Rail- road and Fifth aves Roscnbaum J I & Co, mannfrs and deal- ers in cigars, SE oor Battery and Clay Rosenbaum Moses, capitalist, 206 Front Roscnbdum 8, attorney at law, 302 Montgomery BOSENBAVM ft SCHEELINE, at torneys at law, 302 Montgomery Rosenberg"B, boots and shoes, 108(Jeary Rosenberg G, butcher, 1 Mission Mkt Rosenberg Jos, capitalist, 410Montgy Rosenberg L, butcher, 3 Metropolitan Market Rosenberg M, butcher, 51!) Franklin Rosenberg S S, butcher, 1501 Powell Rosenblum D, barber, 504 Hayes Rosenblum P, shoemaker, 207 Sixteenth Roseucrana \V S, manager Safety Pow- der Co, 202 Sansom Rosencrantz L, dry goods, 252 Fourth BOSENDALE A C ft GO, importers fancy goods and novelties, 549 Slarket Rosener Bros, capitalists, 213 Battery Roseuer H, tailor, 402 Sixth Rosener S, tailor, 808 Folsoin RosGiifeld A, fancy and dry goods, 1302 Polk Rosenfeld Jno, coal and com merchant, 310 Sanson! Rosenfeld S, manufr ladies and child- ren's underwear, 539 Market Rosenfeld S, glove factory, 125 Sansom Rosengarn H, liquors, 202 Post Roseushine & Bn)ther, impr tobacco and cigars, 604 and 606 Front BOSENTHAL ADOLPHt consulate German Empire, 321 Battery Rosenthal A S & Co, wholesale dry goods, 202 Bush Rosenthal Bros, dry and fancy goods, 810 Market BOSENTHAL, EEDEB ft CO, man ufacturerers and imprs boots and shoes, 33 and 35 Battery BOSENTHAL & FBOHMAN. imprs cigars and tobacco, 627 and 629 Mont Rosenthal Mrs G, furnishing goods, 120 Sixth Rosenthal & Germain, job printers, 538 California Rosenthal I, boots and shoes, 202 Pac Rosenthal I L, boots and shoes, 1326 Polk Rosenthal Jos, furniture, 47 Third Rosenthal L, atty at law, 419 Pine Rosenthal M, hairdresser, 225 Dupont Rose nthal M, fancy goods, 908 Dupont BOSENTHAL HABCUS, attorney at law, 635 California Rosentreter Otto, grocer, s s Lombard nr Sansom Roseta Frank & Co, restaurant, 607 Clay Rosie Walter, secy U W Boot & Shoe Co, 416 Market Ross A, grocer, 629 Front Ross Alex, bootmaker, 503 Hayos Ross Brothers, wood and coal, 313 First Ross Bros, millinery goods, 938 Market Ross D W, carpenter, 416 Sacramento Ross Erskine M, associate justice su- preme court, 640 Clay Ross & Hutchinson, carpenters, NW cor Linden and Van Ness ave Ross Mrs Mary,confectionery,503 Hayes BOSS WM T. A H, teacher of elocu- tion, St Ann's bldg, cor EJdy and Powell, rooms 78 and 79 Rossbach F VV, propr S F Packing &, Provision Co, 513 to 521 Washington BOSSETEB & SMITH. French calf skins and shoe findings, 545 Market Rossi A & Co, liquors, 521 Commercial Rossi & Co, druggists, SW cor Green and Dupont Rossi G, butcher, 515 Broadway Rostein Louis, fancy goods, 110 Seventh Rotenberg A, dry goods, 127 Seventh Rotenstein Alexander, liquors, 6?3 and 635 Clay Roth Charles, butcher, Sixteeenth Guerrero and Dolores Roth & Co, wholesale liquors, 214 216 Pine Roth John, fruit, SJV cot Battery California Rothchild J S & Co, gen ii'dse, 28 San Rothchild & Marx, attys at law, 315 Cal Rothernian & Stolte, liquors. Fourth bet Townseiul and King Rothermel & Muller, butchers, 702 Bush Rothermel P H, bootmaker, 403 O'Far Rothganger Frederick, wagonmaker, 834 Harrison Rotger & Bishoff, confectioners, 307 East Rothman H, variety, 1513^ Dupont BOTHSCHILD ft EHBENFFOBT, steam candy factory, 408 Clay Rothschild Henry, groceries and liquors, NE cor Powell and Ellis Rothschild Joseph, attorney at law, 604 Clay Rottanzi Antonio, physician, SE cor Third and Folsom Kottanri G, liquors, 1027 Market Rotterman Chas, liquors. Sixth bet Mar- ket and Mission Roturier & Zabaldano, druggists, SE cor Kearny and Pacific Rouard Joseph, grocer, cor Liberty and Townsend Rouleau F A, searcher of records, 328 Montgomery, room 1 bet and and ao el s o CO -H O 30 m II 'f I |6 H II h q ^t PURE PORT WINE, ir Irtlclial PiTDOses. 302 Davis SU S. F. WW MAMTAfillP A rn *•>"'*** Iron, all MIm* iin1!) Montgomery Rovcgno I>, restaurant, (> 1 5 Commercial Rowe Elj\atic Truss Co, 702 Market ROWELL CHA8, phyiacian and sur gcou, 4'J<) Kc:trny Rowland Mrs l)r, physician, 917 Mkt Rowley & Co, manager I'rofesaional Pro tectivc AHSociatioti, 008 Market Roy Th & Co, laundry, 1 1 'J Taylor EOYAL FIRE INS CO, Falkner, Bell & Co, 430 California Royal Mail Hteam Packet Co, E Clarke & Co agents, 108 LeideadoriF Royal !^t John Sewing Machine Co, 30 Second Royal iSoap Co, W J Houston & Co agentf -05 Front Royal \Vm, atty at law, 504 Koarny Roy CO CE, atty at law, 1214 Kauaoni Royer Herman, belting and lacing, 855 to (SGI Jiryaut Royer, Myer k Co, 8hipi)ing and eoni- miaaion merchanta, and agents Marine Ins Co, U12 Battery ROTLANCE J* manufrs of plumbers' bi'aaa and silver-plated work, 45 and 47 Fremont Roysdon A W, atty at law, G3G Clay ROZIERE Ct impr and dealers wines and li(]Uora, 21 Stockton Ruby S M Co, 10 Merchants' Exchange Ruddock J U, plumber, 820 Sutter Rudec Isaac, dry goods and variety, 129 Second Rndee J, varietiea, 120 Second Rudkin J A, stock broker, 14 Leid Rudolph A, butcher, NE cor Folaom and Sixth Rudolph Charles, liquors, cor Dupout and O'Farrell Rudolph vJ A Co, pianos, 4 and fi Fifth Rudolph Wm, oils, 1567 Market Reubar J G R, physician, G49 Broadway Rued J C, commission merchant, 3-1 Clay Rucser Charles, carriagcmaker, 335 McAllister RUFFINO L J ft 00> marblo works, 9G4 to 970 Bryant Rugg S P, physician, 302 Stockton Uuggles I> \V, junk, 310 Jackaon RUHL BROSi importers and com, 522 Montgomery Ruiz Hros, cigars, NE cor Stockton and Paeilio RULE FERDINAND K. gun ins agt, (lire, life ami marine), 310 Pino Rule J VV, apothecary. Third and How Uulhranir A r,picturo mats, 7G9|jMark()t Rumetseh Jacob, licjuors, N\V cor l>u- poiifc and Sutter Riunpinaky August, liquora, NW cor Mission and lioale Ruppjl Conrad, dairy produeo, 228 4th Riippeliui W, watchmaker andj jeweler NK cor Mission atid Fifth Ruaehcr.), licjuors, 103 Jesaie Itnah Ed, liquors, 941 Market llush M, clothing, 21 Mic -Ivct Ruslonevea \V .J, plumbing and stoves, 2325 Mission Rundo C li, grocer, N\V cor Eighteenth and Sherman Rnngo F, bjotmaktr, 1120 Taylor Rungo F W, grocery, 40 Third llunge (J M, grocer, NE cor Union aud Ootavia Russ (! A, merchant, 320 Sunsom RUSS HOUSE, S H Seym)ur & Co propra, 215 Montgomery cor Huah Rush J & Co, lumber, 3G ^\i irket RUSS. MEYRINK <^ r„ wholesale Mexican oranges and lime.i, 225 San Rusaack I, chiro])odist, 31 Eddy lluasel Edwin, note and loan broker, 31^ Pine Uuaaell Broa, Ijarber, 02 Second Russell David F, boots and shoes, 536 Sixteenth Itussell E, liquorH, 6 Polk Pusaell.J, hatter, 13G Third Russell J B, boots and ahoea, NW cor Dupont andCJeary Rusaell \V F, aecty and fl;onl freight agt N i' C R R, 328 Montgomery, rm 10 Russian River, Land k Luml)er Co, 328 Moiittjomery, rm 10 RUST R C, «itty at law, 509 Kearny Rustemoyer W J, stovea etc, 2325 Miss l{uttger Joe, saloon, 710 Montgomery Ryan E,|boots and 8hoe8,Twenty-8evouth and San Bruno road Ryan James, grocery and liquors, 116 Seventh Ryan .1 B, harnesamakcr, 639 Broadway Ryan J 1>, capitalist, 524 VVoshiugtou Ryan J W, grocer aud liquors, SE cor Fifth and Minha Ryan L, auctioneer, 537 California Ryan Michael, saloon, 818 Howard ■< (A O a o a a ^ o o » a a 3 ■o O 5? (0 1 X o c M O « r X s TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauar & Co., 'S£^v?fr 87t I1A, H.V. worka, I S jin, 5'2*2 ;ton ami 1 ^ ins agt, SJ«| mil How 05 )^Mark«t Bj ■ cor I>u- 1"" NVV cor 1 OB J, 'I'lS 4th gi ii; jowulor, jy e tml stoves, la Eightoenth nyltir d Union and nsoin iiuir & Co or liusli rket , _ wholesale |» k U-iS San 1 Illy 1 5 broker, 330 \ pi (D 31 BUSINESS PENMANSHIP freight a«t I — kcry, rm 10 o, ^ilH-T Co, 3-28 ■» X |0 Kearny O Ic, '2;V25 Miss 5 onti^omury | p [enty-sevonth I I ^ |U(iuor8, 116 3 30 Broadway p j^aahiugtou X luors, SE cor 1 " lifornia iHoward CO •6 San Fravciiico. alpiiahrticali.y. 1247 CO C a c (8 4^ C 3 u (? S & o 0) •k (0 (0 ■ « Kyun R F, «tty at law, «540 Clay Ityau Thos, livory stiihlo, <)J5 Kllis Ilyckniau W L, stoekhroker, 317 Mont Kydcr Mini* E, urtiMt, l.'(5i Koarny Kyiier Mrs F S, artist, '.'(Ji Kearny Rye Patch Con Mill & Min Co, 3'27 V a, ruul estate, 330 Ry Ryer W T room 4 2 Ryhnur Citas, coinmissiou, 21G Uuvia luo rine, Sabatia a K ft * 'o, liquors and com mer- cliauts, v>l7 and Oli) Sansom Sahatio I' (k & Co, wholonalo Ii(iuorH, 330 Hush Snhiu F, cigar manufr, .102 Montgomery Sabine Mining Co, 40'J Calilornii Sablatschau J, boot and ahoeniakor, 810 I/agiina Sachau & Mueller, Tark Hotel, t.'0 and •2H Turk Sacha L & M A; Co, imprs dry goods, 8\V cor Battery and IJuah Sacha, Strasaburger & Co, imprs fancy goods, iSK cor fSan.iom and I'ino Sachso Louis, bakery, 315 .Stockton Sack John C, olectro-magnctio instru- ments, 18 Market Sacramento and I'lacervillo R R, oflice NE cor Fourth and Townaond Sacramento River Packing C'o, W Rrad- ford secy, 318 Front SADLER & CO, iinpra notions ajul stationery, 005 Mariict SAFETY FUND BENEVOLENT ASS'N, C \V Uryant \n\-6, Muitiu L'i Theihnann aocy, I'JO Kearny Safety I'owiler Co, W 8 Rosecrans aupt, '202 Sansom Saffold & Meux, uttys at law, 217 San SatlbldR B, atty at law, 217 Sanaoin Sagehorn H, gn)cerioa and litjuora, 520 Union Sage Louis P, Lowell's warehouse, XE cor Battery and Union Sage'a Oil Warehouao, SW cor Union and Front I Sahrbachor Chas, butcher, 904 Stockton and SK cor Clay anil Taylor Sahla F, toys, 2054 Minna Sahnke II G, co-operative groceries, SE cor Sixtoeuth and Dolores Sainaot F'rancis, restaurant, 200 Miaaion Saracen E, re staur ant, 814 Third ST DENIS JULES, house and sign painter and paper hanging, storo 1305 Stockton St George Hotel, Jno A Muxsom mana-l ger, 812 Kearny ST GEORGE STABLES, A B Butler, Bush above Kearny St Ignatius College, Hayes and BVaaklin St .lolin Edward P, carpenter, NE cor Wiisliinjiton and Maplo ST LAWRENCE STABLE, McCord, Bridge i C'.), 212 Sutler St Uuia llotfl, Nicholas Baker, 13 Pac St LoiiiM Miiiiufj; Co, •^03 Buah St Luke'a Hoapitiil, terminus of Valencia St Marya llosiiital, cor First and Bryant St Nlcholiia lua Co, 210 Sunsom .St Patrick Con ( Jold Mining Co, Stock Exchange Buihling St Paul A, phyaici .n, 850 Markot Sk Paul lua Co, Hutcliinaon & Mann ,.m,,,t-^ .(22 California St V'inc«mt School, sisters of charity, 071 Mission Sahunaiidor Felting Co, 317 California Salamon E S, atty at law, 432 Montgy Salas & Moore, cigars and tobacco, cor \Vaal>in,<.;t<)n and Montgomery Sulich L, fruit, '.111 Keiirny Siiliedo Alex, barber, 535 Sacramento SALFIELD C, physician, 30 Kciiruy Salomon J L, pawn broker, 022 Koarny Salomon J, broker, 502 Kearny Salomon N, grocer, 00 Center Market Saltnjan Cliaa, butcher, 1800 Bush Siim Joa, liquors, 038 Commercial SAM KEE. Chinese Employment office, 511 Buah Saminy Ceo, groceries and liquors, NE cor Tyler and Larkin Sample & Beyer, saloon, 10 to 18 Lcidcsdorff SAMPLE SS, liquors, 211 Kearny Siuupa 1' It, ate.im sodi worka, 201 Clciiiontina Samanitlier George, lodging house, 411 Pacific Samuel A, saloon. 311 Fifth Samuel, Cupplea & Co, wooden and wil- low ware, cordage, axle grease, matchea, 123 California Samuel H, tail.r. SOS Third SAMUELS Df Lace House, 102 Kearny Samuels \V K S, surgeon and accouchor, 7 lit Market SAMUELS W R G, physician, 719 Mkt Samuels J, dry goods, 2S Kearny San Bernarilino Borax Mining Co, 1) Riddel secy, 430 Montgomery SAN BRUNO HOTEL, John Schaer. proprietor, cor 20th and San Bruno R San Carlos G and S M Co, 040 Market Sanders Mrs H S, physician, 2510 Fol Sanderaon Silas, counsel for C P R R, cor Fourth and Townsend San Diego G and S M Co, 046 Market S F Abend Post Publishing Co, 535 Cal S F Art Association, Irvmg M Scott, prest, Jennings S Cox secy, 430 Pine S F Benevolent Association, R Beeching oecy, charity public, £0 Webb n. o J^ \ 3 e 3 SI (A ■ H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S, F. B& \% Si £* -V Ui i iil ! m m 1^! W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., yi?.'7Jy^'d'Yir'g^'SSa»*Vg IL ■ CO i c S 5 e if & CD V i B IL 1! o o o a z S o < Q. O 1248 San Francisco. ALPBABanCALI.T. W S P Board of Provision Packers, F Rossbach secy, 517 Washington S F Box Factory, South Point Mills, Berry bet Third and Fourth S F Bridge Co, J McMullcn manager, 14 Leavenworth S F Brush Factory, R W Simpson pro- prietor, 613 and 615 Brannan S F CALL CO, 525 Montgy and 710 Mkt S F CANDLE CO, Judson &, Woodman Bros, 402 Front S F Chemical Works, Judson & Shep- ard, 4^'" Front "S F CHRONICLE," Chas De Young & Co proprs, NE cor Bush and Kearny S F Clearing House, 211 Sausom S F Co-operation Yard, cor Folsom and Steuart S F Cordage Co, Tubbs and Co, proprs, 611 and 613 Front S F Directory Publishing Co, 518 Clay H F Female Hospital, 030 Clay S F Fire Co No 1, 419 Pacific S F GAS LIGHT CO, Peter Donahue, prest, N S Baunett secy, cor First and Natoma S F JEWELRY MANUFACTORY. D W Laird propr, 27 Post "S F JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. W H Murray manager, 414 Clay S F Last Factory, Levegue & Potter proprietors, 10 Stevenson S F Laundry, office 33 Geary, Eddy bet Fillmore and Steiner S F Literary Bureau, 511 Cal, room 35 S F LAW LIBRARY, G ti W Hope librarian, 628 Montgomery S F Lying in and Foundling Asylum, 915 Tyler SF MANUFACTURING AND RE FING CO. Ja8 Robinson secy, 408 Cal S F Market, Clay bet Sansom and Mont "S F MERCHANT THE," Alex and D Bell editors, 323 Front S F NEWS CO, Emil Bauer manager, Robt White treas, 413 and 415 Wash ••S FNEWS LETTER" (weekly) F Marriott propr, 607 attd616 Merchant S F AND NORTH PACIFIC R R CO. P Donahue prest, 426 Montgomery S F Pacific R R Co's Steamers, P S Guerin act, Washiniiton St Wharf 8 F and Pacific Glass Works, (IJarlton Newman manager. King near Fourth S F Packing and Provision Co, 513 to 521 Washington S F Petroleum Co, L D Fisk secy, 402 Montgomery S F AND PIONEER VARNISH WORKS, HueterBroB proprs, 12 2nd S F Pioneer Woollen Factory, 1 15 Bat B F PLATING WORKS. E G Den nisten proprs, 653 and 655 Mission "S P Public School Record," Georges Francfort editor, 603 Washington "S F Punch," 838 Mar ket S F SAVINGS UNION, James De Fremery prest, Lovell White cashier and secy, 532 California "SF STAR," Geo T Hanly & Co pub- Ushers, 214 Sacramento S F STEAMBOAT & TRANSPORT- ATION CO. Jeremiah Miller pres, Fred W I'aton secretary, Jackson St Wharf S F STOCK BREWERY, 21 18 Powell SF stock and Exchange Board, E P Peckham pres, 333 to 337 Pine S F Surgical Home for Women, 516 Sut S F Tannery, Anton Kreig propr, cor Twenty-seventh and San Bruno Road S F Telephone Exchange, Samuel Hub- bard agt, 140 Montgomery S F Trade Protection Assn, H W Bax- ter manager, 438 California S F TiTink Manufg Co, NW cor Sutter and Montgomcrv S FTurn Vcrein ilalle, 323 Turk S F Typographical Union, W G Smith secy, 600 Montgomery S F WIRE WORKS, C H Gruenhagen propr, 660 Mission San Geronimo G & S Min Co, 646 Mkt SanguJnetti Andrew, fruit, 718 Green- wich San Joaquin & King's River Canal Co, F L Palmer secy, 533 Kearny San Jose Fruit Packing Co, George W Hume agt, 318 Front San Jose Woolen Mills, John R Mason agt, 541 Market San Mateo Water Works, 224 California San Pablo & Tulare Railroad, office ME cor Fourth and Townsend San Pedro G & S Min Co, 646 Market San Pedro G Min Co, 328 Mongomery Sen Pedro Min Co, 301) Montgomery San Quentin Ferry, foot Clay SAN RAFAEL EXPRESS. W M White propr, 1 Commercial San Rafael Min Co, 646 Market San Xavier Mining &, Smelting Co, 32 Merchants' Exchange Sanborn A W, manufr cr.rriages and wagons, 24 and 26 Bcale Sanborn Map tc Publishing Co, C W Morse agt, 420 California Sanborn T C, stock broker, 314 Montgy Sanborn, Vail Sl Co, pictures, frames and moldings, 871 Market Snchez R B, com agent and broker, 215 Sansom Sancken C ft Co, groceries, etc, NE cor Eddy and Steiner Sand Bros, barbers, 50 4th and 23 3rd Sand Ferdinand, hairdresser, 23 Third 3 3 3 1 ^ a ■ ^ o ■ M sn ■ a 1 £ o ■ ^ 3. 1 ^ SI 1 r o 1 B a ■ o 1 ^ » «0 ••♦ o 5 S 9 © M £ • "5 ; ^ th 3 F gg P 8 % « s Q $ ^^ Si A z ? C Sa S Si* O 7 a da\ *• o ^ X Sav 1 ^ (0 8av r I H. WACHHORST. importer of afw^SW^S^^nd.. 315 J St.. Sao. law H. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "-' t'SS^^^r.^S^JiJ^--^^ 3 CD 3 a o a a o a , <» a I E San Francisco. ALFIIABRTICALTT. 1249 09 (0 IA S e e "S « «< o m <»- ^ tf} lia 3 t! ^E P- 0> y 1 •J 9 >) M 5 s 1^ „.. ft Z and y 1- X C0 "*, W ^ 3 L/ " g o . a- X ntgy 5 1 aau S ,215 ^ CO d e •9 IS cor 3 • ird 1 lird ~ < • Sander Louis, propr Horticultural Hall 305 Stockton Sander P F C, atty at law, 207 Sansom Sanders A, poultry and game, 81 Centre Market Sandera C, groceries and liquors, NE cor Eighteenth and Shotwell Sanders P, hotel, 823 Battery Sandersfield F T, groceries, 1501 Leav SANDERSON BROS, wholesale crock- ery, 310 and 312 Battery SAl^DEESON & HORN, manufrs ci gars and dealers in tobacco, 327 and 329 Front Sanderson J A, li(juors, Oakland Ferry Boat Sandford & Marx, liquors, IG Steuart Sandmann E, liquors, 233 Sixt.i Sanford & Robinson, manufrs shirts, col- lars and cuffs, 120 Kearny, rm 32 Sangninetti N A, barber, 1512 Stockton Sanguinetti Paul, boots and shoas, 1518A Stockton Sanguinetti Stephen, liciuors, 526 Bdwy Sankey Chas A, mining secy, 331 Mont Santa Clara Petroleum Co, L 1) Fialc secy, 402 Montgomery Santa Mina (> Min Co, 330 Pine Santiago G & S Min Co, 04G Market Sarano John, grocer, N W cor Union and (J ough Saratoga Music Hall, Jacob Sleicher propr, 814 Ceary Sargent A A, atty at law, 310 Pine Sargent S insurance broker, 322 Cal SARONI LOUIS & CO. wholesale con fectionery, 420 Sacramento Sarret M, liquors, llUl l>upont Sars E, grocer, 715 Natoma Sartor & Stetfani, li(iu()rs, 1 107 Dup Sass AH, li(iu(>r?, 1042 Folsom SATHER &.C0, bankers, 51 S Montgy Satterlee W, insurance, (528 Montgy Saucelito Ferry, foot of Clay Saufley Wm B, atty at law, 202 San Saul J, confectionery, 314 Fifth SAULMANIT & LAUENSTEIN. res tauraut anil coffee suloun, ,')20 Cal Sauluier John & Co, wholesale li(]uors, groceries and drugs, (i()7 and tiO!) Front Saunders Joseph, carpenter, (i3ti Coml Savage Mining Co, E B Holmes secy, 30'J Montgomery Savage & Son, proprs Empire Foundry, 137 to 141 Fremont Savings and Loan Society (The), Samuel Cowles prest, Cyrus W Carmany casli- ier, (>15 Clay Sawtelle Mrs C M, pliysician.Pil) Kearny and 2027 Mission Sa wyer A F, physician, 302 Stockton SAWYER B F & GO, leather dealers, wool, hides and tallow, 323 Front Sawyer & Ball, attys, 502 Montgomery Sawyer E D, atty, 502 Montgomery Sawyer Lorenzo, judge U S circuit court, cor Sansom and Washington Sawyer L S B, atty at law, clerk and com U S circuit court, cor Sansom and Washington Sawyer Otis V, notary public, 4iM Mont Sawyer \V D, atty at law, 022 Clay Sayre J H, mining secy, 330 Pine.rm 36 Sawyer Lorenzo, atty, U S Appraisers' building Sayers \V F, atty, 214 Sansom SBARBORO & CO (Andrea), whole- sale and retail grocers and w ine mer- chants, 531 Washington Sbessa Uacoi'^.o, fisherman, boats, 37 Sac Scalmanini Carlo, wine cellar, 712 Front Scandinavif'a Hotel, A Carlson & C Swenson, 28 and 30 Clay Scanlan John, shoemaker, 546 Fourth Scanjiell David, chief engineer S F Fire ^ Department, Old City Hall, 722 Kear Scarry John, carpenter, 40 22d Scully Jeremiah, grocer, 1313 Sansom Sehada A, boots and shoes, 331 16th Schadler H. saddlery, 2004 Mission Schaefer C. liquors, 1129 Mission SCHAER JOHN, propr San Bruno Ho- tel, cor 28th and San Bruno Road SCHAFER & CO, clothiers and mer- chant tailors, 1 1 Montgomery Schafer F, artist, 432 Montgomery Schatf Janie, dressmaker, 507 Broadway Schammel H, pickling works, 610 Lom- bard I Scluirfenberg Adolph, tailor, 27 Stock Scharowaki Mrs, dressmaker, 321 Powell Scharpen 1', licjuors, 506 Sixth SCHAWL C, agent for the Royal, St John and Remington sewing machines, 30 Second Scheele Adam, boot and shoemaker, SE cor Union and Octavia Scheeline Nathan, wholesale butcher, 331 Kearny Scheer Henry, bootmaker, 737 Vallejo Scheggia C, lodgings and li(piors, 1205 Stockton Schehr W, tailor, 510 Montgomery ave Scheinei Catherine, bakery, 203 Second Schelleuburge A, tailor, 10 Stockton Scheper A, grocer, NW cor Pine and Bryant Scheper C, groceries, SW cor Fifteenth and Capp Scheper J H, liquors, NE cor Baale and Bryant Scheper John H, grocer, NE cor Ciay and Larkin Scheper Joseph, grocer aud liquors, SK Fifth and Berry Schoppler Wm, jeweler, 24 Post 79 H m -< O r 3 09 3 HI m m \ ■ 'I jr? j (ao. H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal. »o;« Umvi« Htr«et, ttan ynuivUKM. WW MflNTAfillF A nn Pnmits an«f Iron Pipe, all sls««, I tO, 11% . W. mUW I ftUUC « \/V., 114. im and 11« Battery tjltreet. H. vT I f- I ■j i E .f m *9I !l.' ^ c e E a I c O o o m o B I- O 1250 ALPIIABBTICALLT. Scherr, Bach & Lux, hops, corks and brewers materials, 50'J tu 513 Sac Scherr ¥, Pioneer Malt House, 210G Stockton Schetzel M P, collector and gen agt, 601 California Scheurer Christain, tailor, 147 Fourth Schieble Gea, carpenter, 710 (ireen SCHIEFFER C H, dealer in leather and tiudings, 'J.lii iJusii Schienere Fr, locksmith and bellhanger, 785 Folsom Schilber F, cooperage, 4i;^ Drannn Schimpf Mrs Lena, confectionery, 1018 Powell Schiller Henry, gold and silver engraver, 33<» Bush SCHINTZ J H. corkscrew manufr and cutter, 10 .Stevenson Schirmer E, cement and iron stone pipe manufr, 430 Montgomery Schirmeier Frederick, bellhanger, 785 Mission Schlabertr Bros, manufr cigars, 629 Wash Schlechtweg Chas, groceries, 1721 How Sehleef »I H, grocer, 815 Jackson Schleiden & SchoU, ship and Custom House brokers, 418 Battery Schlesselmann John, grocers, NE cor Fdlmore and Turk Schlichter Pli, drygoods, 52 and 54 4th Schlichtiiig H F, grocer and liquors, 440 Fifth SCHLICKER HENRY, liquors, 717 Davis Schlingman & Mark, groceries, SE cor Bartlett and Twenty-sixth Schloss Benj & Co, grocers, SE cor Sut- ter and Larkin Schloss M, coal, 28 Turk Schloss S, furnishing goods, 24i Sixth Schluster & Volbcrg, carpets and oil olotlis, 70i) Market SCHLUKER N, Hfiuors, 717 Davis Schluter D, liquors, 508 Davis Schmalz Wm, pawn broker, w a Fourcii Schmalzlen G, liquors, 121 Fourth Schmidt Adolph, saloon, NE cor Fifth and Berry Schmidt Anna, clairvoyant, 320 Dupont Schmidt E H, cigars and tobacco, 1317 Stockton Schmidt & Fretz, pickles, 119 Com Schmidt (r, dentist, 1747 Mission Schmidt Henry, boots and shoes, 1402 ^ Powell Schmidt Henry, cigars and tobacco, 800 Kearny Schmidt Hubert, liquors, 534 Mont ave Schmidt H W & Bro, drugs, 542 Kearny Selnnidt John, tobacco, 427 East Schmidt John F, cigar manufr, 206 Bush 8chniidt Joseph, dry goods, 1307,Dup SCHMIDT M & CO. litographers, trin- cographers, 411 Clay and 412 Com Schmidt P R, architect, 103 Post Schmidt Peter, cigars, 325 Lhipont Schmidt & Thomsen, batchers, 1405 Bush Schmidt W, 'iquors, Mission Market Schmieden Henry, stockbroker, 330 Mont Schmitt F A, hairdresser, 403 Dupont Sclnnitt Geo, liquurs, OnO and 922 Mkt Schmitt J L & Co, stockbrokers 6 Mer- chants' Exchange Schmitts Wm, candy factory, 323 Bdwy SCHMITZ JOHN P, wines and liquors, (wholesale and retail), 1032 Market Schmolz Wm, mathematical instrument maker, 420 Montgomery Schnabel C, dressmaker, lOi?^ Ellis Sclmeider Benj, liquors, SE cor .Mont- gomery and Clay ■Schneider F (r, locksmith, 512 Hayes Schneider Geo, liijuors, 11'25 Dupont Schneider H, bootmaker, 305;^ O'Farrell Schneider J ;ic»b, bakery, 115 Oak Schneider John, fruit and candy, 1705 Polk Sclineider W H, dentist's material, 28 Geary Schneider Mrs .J, pianoforte teacher, 505 O'Farrell Schnetzler & Bill, sausage factory, 21 Sixth Schneider Ph, boots and shoes, 071 How Schnibbe Chris, groceries, NE cor Mis- sion and Thirteuntli Schnittger Henry, groceries and licjuors, SE cor Clay and Filmoro Schnitzer Jacob, cigars and tol)acco, dealer and manufacturer, 312 Fourth Schober & Sefrin, niauufrs of malt mills anil malt kilns, etc, 'J03 Fremont Schoenlicht Jolin, fruit, 10094 Folsom SchoUe & liankershim. Union Warehouse Co, cor Union and Battery Schnoor Chris H, bellhanger, 219 Sixth Schoellhorn F, tailor, 1528 Stockton Schoemaker A, tailor and variety, 262ifi ilission Schoen David B, SE (!or Kearny and Montgomery ave - Schoen L L, barber, 1250 Market Schoene Hermann, photographer, cor Montgomery avo and Filbert Schoeneman Fritz, sportsmen's empo- rium, 517 Kearny Sciio.iili Id A, furnishing goods, 14 Sixth Schoenfeld ISios, drygoods, 515 and 517 Haves SCHOENFELD JAGOR stock-raiser and wholesale bu teller, 321 Kearny SCHOENFELD JONAS, wholesale to- bacco and cigars, 423 and 425 Jackson Schoenfeld Max, cigars, 902 Market Oi o 39 za CM o s S o ■a 5? to X o r ft <• o 5 TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. "^J*:; '^'?J'*'* Commercial collect i it it sr- vy ra, ent -< lo a 139 ir o SB )nt- ■rell il o 1705 I ? "-Ma ,505 , Y. 21 =• How \(A Mis- r mora, \-^ bacco, Ijl 'oiirth 1 ;^ mills <• l>t ^ |som I fi >house I yp Sixth p ly ami |w I* t;r, cor :f empo- pi Sixth • i-raiaer 1** jirny Isale to- Fackson j-f Iket CO c/> cu: cd SI San Francisco, A!,I'IIAnKTICAI.l,Y. 1251 Schoenholz Bros & Co, tlry goods, 1 10 and 112 Sixth and 1913 Fillmore Schoenmaker Constant, contractor, 654 Washington Schoenstein F B, machine shop, 511 Fulton Schonwald Albert, barber, 2209 Geary Schoenwald Otto, barber, 127 .Secoml Schohay Albert, silversmith, 302.^ Hayes Scholiay F, groceries, 020 Pacific Schohay & Miller, real estates, 3021 Hayes Scholl & Wheeler, custom house brokers, 608 Battery Scholle Antony, groceries and liquors, NE cor Turk and Leavenworth Scholle Bros, capitalists, 232Montgy Seholler H, barber and baths, 2755 Miss Sehomberg W, upholsterer, >J E cor O'- Farrel and Mason Sclxiaft'ld Simon, cigur.s and tobacco, 20 Powell Schonfelder John, liiiuors, 1113 Dupont Schonwasser B & Co, ladies underweai-, 222 Kearny Scliortemeire, H H, grocer, 816 Cal Schotcher & Cibbs, canned fish, 31b F'-Jut Schott Chaa, groceries, 713 Brannau SCHOTTLER A & CO, gro(;er, NE cor Vallejo and Montgomery Schottler J F, real etatc, 224 Montgy Schrader J, butcher, cor Point Lobos and Collins Schrader & Lehman, groceries, 455 Stev SCERAFF CHAS, furniture, 279 San Bruno Boad Seliraubstadter Wm, pianos, Geary nr Montgomery Schreiber J, liquors, 033 Missiun Schreibor J, real estate, 633 Mission Sclireppel Mrs A, physician, 338 Third Schroder — , liquors, 213 Montgomery Schro o E 75 (0 i c c CO O ■ O o o z S o < IL I- 1252 San Francisco. ALI'IIAHKTICALLY. Schumacher E A, grocery anil liquors, SW cor Mission and Nineteenth SCHUMACHER F, liiiuora, 36 Steuart Schumaka & Willkis, grocery, >SE cor Twenty-first and Valencia Schuman E (r, dairy produce, 37 Centre Market Schum.ann Louis, meorschaum pipe man- ufucturer, 341 Kearny Schunels R, bakery, a'JIi Valencia Schunemans Henry, groceries, 318 Fifth Schupp'ert Chas, saloon, 545 California Schussier Chris, hatter, 'J08 Montgy ave Schussler H, civil engineer, 215 Front Schussier H, chief engineer Spring Val- ley Water Works, 51ii California Schussier Louis, butcher, 1343 Dupont Schuster Bros, stoves aiid tinware, 300 Sutter Schutte Jno H, grocer, NK cor Battery and Green Schuur Edw J, oyster saloon, Montgom- ery ave nr Kearny Schwab & Breese, jjictures and frames, 624 Market Schwabacher Bros, gen mdse, 223 Bat Schwamm & Ludwig, (jlerman sausage makers, 3 Stockton Schwan Frank, harness and sadillery, J>34 Folsoni Schwan Mrs Mary, bakery, 930.^ Har Schwantz D, grocery, SE cor Twenty- fourth and Valencia Schwartz Bros, liquors, 133 Montgomey Schwartz Conrad, dairy produce, i)32 Gtli Schwartz II, cigars and tobacco, 133 and 321) Montgomery Schwartz & Husing, grocery, SE cor Mis sion and Eiohteenth SCHWARTZ. HUSING & MEYER, liquors, 1 Market Schwartz J, liquors, NE cor Powell and Chestnut Schwartz M, clothing, 104 Third Schwartz Saml, barber shop, 653 Sac Schwartz Kaufimann, tailor, 333^ 4tii Schwartz \Vm, cigarmaker, 51 Sac Schwartz Wm, cigars, 51 Sacramento Schwarz Chas, liquors, 220!) Powell Schwarz Custav, liquors, 540 Clay Schwedt A F, liquors, SE cor Washing- ton and Drumin Schwegerie Jno & Co, hay and grain, 549 Fourth i Schweinle Louis, tailor, 36 Eddy I Schweitzer J & Co, wholesale butchers,' 16, 18 an(' 29 Clay St Market SCHWEITZER, SACHS & CO, im- porters fancy and white goods, ladies and gents' furnishing goods and hosi ery, 25 and 27 Batteey Schweitzin & Bro, Eureka Brewery, 235 First Schwemm C H F, saloon, 12104 Mkt Schwerdt & Adler, boots and shoes, 22 Sixth Schwerin Henry W, bakery, 1129 Dup Schwitters & Miere, liquors, 220 Diip Schwob A & Co, liquors, 925 Howard Schworn Michael, barber, llOOi Stock Sciallero Mrs T, manufr artificial flow- ers, 343 Kearny Scia;'oni & Zeiro, liquors, 621 Bdwy Scofifcld & Tovis, coal oil imprs, ship- ping and com merchants, 120 and 122 Front Scollay W A, Ii H. WACHHORST calls attention ^Ai;Si;viV"^iSl!" 315 J St. I B 2, ■5' 3 ff> CD -1 3 c» 3 ■T» E 2 o 2o lA BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practl(>all.v tiintcht at PACIVIV BUMI- TVRN'i I'oi.f i^«a*:. a«« p«Mt «♦.. «. p. San Francisco. ALPIIABRTICALLT, 1253 Seckel Geo, stockbroker, .12 Fourth Selz Mrs Cecilia, bakery, 907 IJryant Security .Savinga Bank, 215 Sansom { Sulzer Ed war J, druggist, 331 East Sedgewick John, stockbroker, 317 Mont^ .SeniLr Mrs A, liquors, NE cor Green- Sedgley Joseph, wool, 533 Kearny | wich and Baker Seeback Edward, grocery, N\V cor Turk' Songatackeu P, wines and liquors, SE and Scott | cor Fremont and Mission Seober Chester, atty at law, 0315 Clay j Sennett J & Co, stevedores, 317 Cal Seegcr A, groceries, SE cor Bush and Sepiitou Mrs Martha, grocer, 543 How Powell Seeley C M, physician, 1 105 Powell Scriat, Sim & Co, colfees, 41 S Coml Seriglielli S, watchmaker, 219 Mont ave 3 1 CO ^H ^ ■ a B *c O ^H t. "^^ H i CD ^H ^^1 c« C3 ^H o 1 'S << 1 2 p 1 « '^ H ^^1 (0 20 ■ ca (/) ^H P ^B V CD ^1 ti ^H (0 ^H « ,^ ^ 1 ■n 1 i ■fi ^H ci S. B • ■IB m g •0 3* m Ik S- 21 2i -a x: ris 2 >a. J ler (g X C9 • 3 -0 ion n • ifi 3 a ish Oi via ino «9 1 "^ jeo (9 md Tehama and 820 Mission Seymour \V H, manufrs' agt, 120 Kear Seidl Jos, candy manufactory, 754 Mkt Shabcr J A, "furniture and bedding, 707 Seifert Charl, restaurant, 14 Steuart I Market •ifert Moritz, bootmaker 980 Harrison Shackleford T .1, mining secy, 310 I'iue Seitigsohn A, editor "Jewish IVogress, 313 Kearny Seipel Charles, butcher, 2302 Mission Selliy J V, manufrs agents, 218California Shadburne (ieo J), atty at law, 623 Mont Shatldock Thos, picture.^, etc, 110 Sixth Shade (i \V, boot and shoemaker, Green- wich nr Steiner Solby Smelting and Lead Co, shot tower,' SHAEFFER J W & CO, iniprs and cor First and Howard I wholesale dealers in tobacco and cigar SELBi SMELTING & LEAB CO.' manufrs, 321 and 323 Sacramento I'rentiss Selby supt, 410 Montgomery | Sliaeii A, hairdresser, 321 Bush SELBY THOS H & CO, i>nportors ofl Shafer & Co, costumers, 720 Mission metals, a^t for Hazard Powder Co and, SHAFIELD CHAS L, Curled hair Hendricks & Bros braziers and sheath- ing copper, 110 and 118 California Selig A, crockery, 3 Fourth Selig I, genti' furnishing goods, 21 S Kearny Selig M, liijuors, NW cor Bash and San Selig M, wholesale butcher, 33! Koarny SELIG & NEWMAN, iuip--^ millinery goo(ls and manufr of trinumd Kats, 31 Sutter Selig S A, barl/er, 903 Market Seligman M, atty at law and collector, 51 1 Montgomery Seligsohn Hermann, cigars and tobacco, ShannonThomasB, collector of customs, manufr, Tennessee nr Butte Shafter James McM, atty at law, 028 Montgomery Shafvner C H, barber, 21 15^ Fillmore Shaiiiwald Bros, merchant, Credit Bureau & Collectioii A'.',ency, 218 California SHAINWALD R L,seeifctiry Vulcan ami Tunite Powder Cos, 218 California SHANKLAND JOSEPH H, atty at law and secy Board ot Trade, 202 Mkt Shannon John, groceries, SE cor Grove and Octavia Shannon T, liquors, 1474 Harrison 1012 Market Selk Charles, grocer, 254 Jessie Selleck Jacob, dry goods, 234 Sixth Sellenger F, liciuors, 615 Pacifif Sailers J C, whitener, 3 O'Farrell Selling & Cutter, livery stable, O'Farrell 113; Custom House Shanon Mrs S, bakery, 400 Third SHAFTER T B. atty at law, 528 Cal Shapter Thomas, shooting gallery, 9 Powell SHARKEY J M, lihysiciau aud sur- geon, 034 Washington Sellon Mrs French, physician, 556 Minna Sharon William, capitalist, 305 Sansom ao -< o I 3 (Q ^^^H 33 II 13 m n 1^ ?j . R it m « •- '- Hm n ll u ' '^''"^ ff" • '' 'wb ?l \ H^i9 "s» -, ■'■'■ jl^H •oa "' mSl f* '^•'■' nm . ifH n ■ 4 i ;:i 1 n M tto • jH0 ', ih'iiggist, NVV cor .Sut- ter and Powell SHAW HENRY G. publisher of " Pa- cific Life" ftad propr Pacific Life Printing Co, 588 California Shaw John, atty at law, 2S0 Montgy Shaw John W, capitalist, 408 California Shaw Mrs M J, Branch Bakery, 1'54 Fourth SHAW & SHARP, coal dealers, 10 Fremont Shaw S W, artist, 120 Sutter Shaw W E, carriage maker, 1621 Market Shawmut Ins Co, 210 Sansom SHAY B Jrreal estate, 222 Montgy Shay J, restaurant, '.M7 Market SHAY JOHN, fifficial reporter superior court >i(> 2, I2t) Kearny SHEA, BOCQUERAZ & McKEE. wliolesale wines and liquors, 527 Front Shea C, liiiuors, 240 Miima Shea Michael, books and stationery, 805 Market Shea Timoth, grocer, SVV cor Bryant and Converse Shear Mrs M, milliner, 24 Second SHEERER REV FRED'K E, secy American Tract Society for i'acitic Coast, 757 Market SHEARER GEO D, manager "Ladies' Home .lournal," agent Sehooley's(}as Regulator and purchasing com mer- chant, " Chronicle" buililiug and 757 Market Shearer Lewis, atty at law, 213 San Sheba Silver Min Co, 314 Montgomery Shed C 1>, landscape and marine painter, 10 California Sluiehau Daniel, fr\iit, S\V cor Folsoin and Seventh Sheehan .Jolm, liquors, NW cor Green- wich and Hroderick Sheehan Joseph, litjuors, 40(i Market Sheehan Maurice, boots ami shoes, 300 Third Sheehan Patrick, butcher, 1018 Alabama Sheehy & Hayes, wood and coal, 5 Oak Grove ave Sheehy Kobt, grain merchant, 218 Cal Sheeline Simon C, atty, 302 Montgomery Sheerin D, marble works, SW cor Brod- erick and Ellis SHEFFIELD C P, Pacific Saw Manufg Co, 17 and 19 Fremont Sheipley Chas, butcher, 2302 Mission SHELBOURNE HOUSE, Mrs C c street, 523 Kearny SHELDON MARK, agt Davis Semng Machine, 130 Post Sheldon Mrs M L, insurance broker, 322 Cidifornia Shelly .Ino, saloon, cor Howard and 4th Shelly Jiio, confectionery, 504.\ Sixth ShemanskiH, dry goods, 1102 Stockton Shepard Brotliers, plumbers and gas fit- ters, 704 Mission Shepard E A, money broker, 501 Mont Shephard Mrs & Co, ladies" hairdressers and wig makers, 8 Stockton SHEPHARD JOHN E. commissioner of inunigratiou for Oregon and Wash- ington Territory, 501 Battery Shcplar S H & Co, manufr printing wheels, rubber stamps, daters, etc, 702 Marl;et SHEPMAN W E, propr Pacific Gold, Silver, Nickel and Cojiper Plating Works, 41 Geary Sheppard F A M, asphaltum roofing, 1331 Mission Shepperd M A, bakery, 120S) Devisadero Slieridan D, liquors, 33 Dupont Sherman David, plumber, 807 Valencia Siierman, Hyde & Co, music dealers, pianos and organs, 131) Kearny SHERMAN J B, contractor, 740 4th SHERMAN J S, contractor, 740 4th Sherman & Loyd, shirt factory, 45 2d SHERMAN W, Treas U S sub-treas- ury, 010 Commercial Sherman W B, cabinet maker, 408 Fol Sherwood Con Min'g Co, 30!) California Sherwood Uobt, capitalist, 301) California SHERWOOD W J, jeweler, 517 Mont Shew Myron, patterns, etc, 10!) Dupont Shew Wm, pliotographer, 523 Kearny Shewsbury W H, saloon, 1 10 Fourth Shewet/en Al>e, barber, 321) Sixteenth Shewetzen J, tailor, 321) Sixteenth Sheyer M & Bros, wholesale dry goods and hosiery, 103 Sansom Shields Mrs J, millinery, 1)07 Market Shields R H, harness and saddlery, 530J Sixth Shields Wm, real estate, 314 Bush Shillaber & Seymour, fruits and nuts, 208 First and 539 OTarrell Shillaber Theodore, capitalist, G7 Ne- vada block Shilling Jos, tailor, 104G.i Folsom Shinkwin J W, liquors, 1035 Folsom Shirek R & Co, carpets and dry goods, 1121 to 1125 Stockton Shirek & Tenner, shirt mannfacturers, 124 Sansom (/) ■< O ao > F o 30 •■^ H -1 00 c o CO o a CO U1 (A T3 O CA 3r CD O CA CO (n Pi r p> PT TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Biumaner & Co., ''^L'r£;!v?Sr kf, 8. r. Manufg ioaion [rs C C PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «>pi»u»ion »q«ai«. » f. n^u. keeping, Penmanghip, Tolegrnphj. -< a Sewing 30 ■oker, 3-22 1 and 4th [ Sixth : Stockton id gas tit- 501 Mont lir dressers nmissioner ind Wash- T . ^. L' printing Laters, etc, icific Gold, )er Plating un rooling, Devisadero )nt ,07 Valencia sic dciders, vriiy 740 4th •, 740 4th )ry, 45 'id 8ub-trea9- O 30 03 c Ifio o CO w \» 09' r, 408 Fol 1) California >>J California ,517 Mont flOl) Dupont h Kearny [■) Fourth Isixteenth lecnth dry goods Market Jdlery, 530!s Bush and nuts, 11 list, G7 Ne- ilsom Folaom dry goods, infaoturers. land. Ore* i. have It. o ■a •a o (A CD CD O c CD P CD CO v> a> eto CO i I s ■ c o 0. c '5 ** c 3 O IL » (8 CO w San Francisco. ALPIIABKTICAI,. V. 1255 SHIBES WM, glove manufr, office 50G Market Shirpaer I, real estate and mining agts, 208 Montgomery Shoal Water Bay Oyster Co, wholesale oysters, 89 California Market SHOENFELD & HEYMAN, Furni- ture & Upholstery Co, 740 Market Shohay F, grocer, \)'20 Pacilic Shorb J C, pliysician, 407 Post Shores Lcaiuler, capitalist, 2H0 Montgy Short Michael, merchant tailor, 400 and 411 Montgomery Short M D, livery stable, 2414 Cal Short Peter, merchant tailor, 1 Montgy SHORT ROSANNA, japanery, 240 l^iv SHORTT L H. civil engineer, 120 Sut Shotwell J M, 8tf)ck broker, 324 Mont Showers A. photograplier, 402 Kearny Shrader A J, butcher, wholesale, 2 First SHREVE GEO C & CO, watches, dia- nionds, jewelry and silver ware, 110 Moiititomery SHREVE GEO W. impi- guns, pistols iiiul ammunition, 214 Bush Shrier E & V, clothing, 201 jVIontgomery Siiubeiuer \j, dry goods and notions, 504 Fourtli Shuck Oscar T, notary public and atty at law, (528 Montgomery Simla & Son, liquors, 27()4 Missiim SHUPE P T, book agent, 120 Sutter Shurtletl' (J Miri Co, •X\0 Pine, room 2t> Shute I) S. carriage nianut'r, 11 1 O'Far Sichel & Ivichards, deiiti^^ts, 103 Posb Sichels .1 E, coffee saloon, .'502 Dupont Sickler & .Folinson, grocers, NE cor Sec- ond and Natoma Sicotte iioger, carriagemnker, 85() How Sideman Abe, cigar dealer and manufr, ()82\Vashii)L;ton Sideman A, cigarmaker, ()51 Washington Sideman, Eachman & Co, wholesale ci- gars, (501) and (508 Jiiitt.n-y Siebe Bros & Plagcinann, whol(>saie liq- uors, 425 antl 427 Sacramento Sielie Ludwig, groceries, lo3 Fourth 1 Siebenhaur L & Co, manufs cigars, 318 Sacramento Sieberst H Biit Silberberg Max, dry goods. J52'.) Turk Silberstein & Co, gen m(be, 535 Kearny Silberstein .1 & Co, pawnl>rokers, (5 Gth Silberstein Philip, dyeing and scouring, 8(51 p^olsom SILBERSTEIN S, men's funiiahing goods, 050 and 052 Market. Silck Andrew, livery stable, ,'5 Wash- SILESIAN FIRE INSURANCE CO, plate glass department, Esche & J a- col>y gen agents, 411 California Silva Frank A, barber, 530 Fourtli Silva Jos, btrber, 001 Folsom. Silva J T, photographer. 28 Third Silva Manuel, barber, 141 1{, Stockton Silva M J, hairdresser, 112 First Silver City Mining Co, 300 M.,nt, rm 09 Silver Hill Mining co, 203 Bush Silver .lacket Mining Co, 203 Bush Silver Joacjuin A, shoemaker, 117 Jack Silver Jos S, physician, 423 Seconil Silver King North Mining Co, 330 Pine Silver Lick Con Mining Co, 309 Montgy Silver Prize fiold & Silver Mining Co, 328 Montgomery, room 8 Si) vera Jos V, barber, 518 Fourth Silverberg S, v holesalc' sheep butcher, 320 Sansom Silvermmn 1, fancy goods, 222 Thiru Silverojtolis (!old & Silver Mining Co, 30i5 J'iue, room Silversteiu E, locksmith and bellhanger, 121 .bickson Silversteiu Elias, locksmitli, 517 Montav Silversteiu L. boots and shoes, 422 P.ac Silversteiu Loui.s. l)fillhanger, 511 Moiiii- gomery ave Silverstone S H, crockery, 214 '6th Silverstone H, boots and shoes. il(>4.\ Gth Silvester (J K, seeds, etc, ;517 Wash Silvestri A & Co, tisii, Bay City Mkt Simms Jno, carpenter, 417 Turk Simmonds (I, wholesale liquors, 312 Sac- Smnpons Howe & Co, hardware, 52 Clay Simmons S, jeweler, 517 Kearny SIMON & BRESLAUER. wool and com merchant, hides, pelts and akin, 13 First Simon Geo, tailor, 533 Fourth Simon H, restaurant, 131 Sansom 0» o (^ m If H 'I I* \m M. 1' I !» 'ipt 8s H ■■: ■■ |i h H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, ¥. WUf MnMT AfillP JL Cn Clh«et Iron, all II1b«s mmI MiiMbenh tlO, . W. nlUrilAuUCOl l»U., 1 1 ». 114. 116, and UN Battery lit, M.r. ]V.; > >- h o < O < CO o u u 1256 San Francisco. ALPIIAIIRTICALLV. H CO 5 Q 3 ft Hi I- < X I- o ■ o u o Simon Mra H, second hand clothing, 305i Tliird Simon H A, pianos and organs, 647 Market Simon J, crockery, 302 Sixth Simon J, bootmaker, 818 Montgomery Simon Jos, second hand furniture, 12'JU Stockton Simon Theo, groceries, 901 Larkiri Siuions Mrs Louisa, costumer, '2'A lillis Simons U, Sons & (.'oqk, hats and caps, 3 Siiiisom Simonsen A M, liquors, 1011 Kearny Simontou T B, awning and lentd, 771 Mission Simonton F W, Stockton express, 418 Sacramento Simpkins Clias H, mining, .'il3 Montgy Simpson A M & Bro, maimfr lumber and shipping mercliants, 44 Market Simpson C, searcher of records, ')'22 Cal Simpson & Deering, attys at law, 34 Montgomery block Simpson & Fisher.sail makers, IW Steuart Simpson .fames, physician, '234 Post Simpson K W, broom and brush maun facturer, 3*20 Sacramento Simpson It W, S F brush factory, GI3 and til 5 Branuan Simpson S C, atty at law, ti'28 Montgy Simpson Wni, druggist, (!0!( Davis Simrak Mitchel, fruit and vegetables, NE cor California and Fillmore Sims H L, physician, 703Market,rm 18 SIMS JOHN R, iron doors, shutters &c, 123 and lll.'iBeale Simsou liobt, atty, 803 Montgomery Sinclair A, books, Si'", cor Dupont and Sutter Sinchiir S F, real estate, 432 Moutgy Sindel .Jacob & (."o, blacksmith an8i Howard Siowall E P, liquors, First ave Skae Jno, capitalist, Mr Barlow J, hygienic, medical and phrenological institute, 035 Cal Smith C A, varieties, 55 Fifth Smith Charles, liquors, 718 Kearny Smith Chas, restaurant, 1013 Folsom Smith Capt B, (Julf of California Steam Ship Co, 211 Sansom Smith Claude L, atty at law, 12 Montgy SMITH C W M, Pioneer Patent Offices, patent lawyer, established 1862, 137 Montgomery, rm 1 H. WACHH0R8T. Importer of j*;iSfr,^.?f2S.?uda. 315 J St., Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSKiP ■*"^'irS!'Jii?".1*'* •» PACIFIC 111 Ml __XRM«iboiil>.«K. S«0 PoMt St., H San Francisco. ALrilARRTICAIiIiY. V. 1257 vholesivle), 'c'o stalile, t)21 and )ker, :il8 Pine list, '240 Montgy bate and money in o ctf « (A O e OQ o 75 (A « o B CO IhiM-, 12 Montgy Ir Patent Offices, lished 1862, 137 X C0 CO •8 Smith C W, copperamith and plumber, 520 and 522 Davis Smith & Davis, doors, sash and blinds, 132 and 134 Berry Smith C M, manager Merchants' Over- land Transfer & Express Co, 430 Mont Smith D P, cigars and tobacco, SE cor S;>n8om and Washington SMITH E D, physici.in. •J-J3 Kearny Smith F, moni-y broker. ;1M) Montgy Smith F, watcli case maker, 417 Hush Smith & Fi.yK.r, C 1' & H 1» \l It and street car a blacksmithing and agricul- tural implements, NW cor Fourth and Bryant Soule & Farquharson, capitalists, 400 Montgomery Soule S P, dairy produce, 232 Mont ave Souter Mrs P, fancy goods, 1137i Pac South Beach Drainpipe Works, — Mo- nomy propr, 43(5 Montgomery South Belvidere (4 & S Mining Co, 330 Pine, room 20 South Bodio Gold Mining Co, 30!) Mont SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSUR. ANCE COS, of New Zealand, W J Callingham & Co getd agts, 213 Sansorn South Bulwer (iold Mining Co, 320 San South Comstock Con M Co, 309 Cal South Europa M Co, I) L Thomas secy, 203 Bush South Feather Water and Union Mining Co, 314 Montgomery South Ijady Bryan Con M Co, 309 Mont South Star Mining Co, Martin White prest, 006 Montgomery South Noonday (Jold M Co, 320 Sansoin South Navajo Mining Co, Stock Ex bid South Overman S M Co, 328 Montgy SOUTH PACIFIC COAST R R CO, A 1^ Davis prest, B B Minor secy, 30'.) Montgomery, rooms 20 and 21 S P K K Machine and Car Shops, .1 T Wilson master mechanic, cor Fifteenth and Harrison SOUTH PARK MALT HOUSE, Hor- mann Zweig propr, Brannan bet Fifth and Sixth South PotosKi and S M Co, 640 Market South San Francisco Dock Co, Wni Stuart secy, 320 Sansorn South Side Canal Co, F Moyer secy, 40S California South Standard MininsCo, 331 Montyy SOUTH UTAH MINING CO.w ,s Hinckle secy, 207 Sansom Souther Joseph N & Co, bitters, Abncr's ginger brandy, 122 Market Southern Nevada (iold and S M Co, 327 Pine SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R, NE cor Fourth and Townsend SOUTHERN T R, Writing Aeaj^emy, 24 Post Southwell (ieo, carpenter, 926 Wash Swan Brewing Co, ale and porter manu- facturers, SE cor 15th and Dolores SPAFFARD FRUIT PACKING AND PRESERVING CO. 3io and 312 Clay SPAFFORD J M & CO, com merclita, 310 and 312 Clay Spangler D B & Co, crockery and glass, cor Eleventh and R R ave SPANGLER D B & CO, new and secondhand furniture, SE cor Eleventh and R R ave TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''"'^^V[y!^^«^^.^^,y ,•;>/,'•* tv uiJiii. 2 Co, 30'.» Mt>ut D NATIONAL INE INSUR. 1 B» Zealand, W J "^ igts.'ilSSansom ling Co, 3'20 San H Co, 309 Cal \^ L Thomas secy, III Union Mining § M Co, 30'J Mont | • , Martin White \l Co, 040 Market O Dvjck Co, Wm H loom ® 1-' Moyer sucy, 408 ^ LrCo, :«1 MoiitL'y TG CO,w s Lnsom lo, bitt M arket and S M Co, :V27 he R R, N'^ '^"'^ lid ^Vriting Academy, Winter, '.W6 Wash Ig J and porter nianu- Ith and Dolores l~ T PACKINL IG CO. aiO and CO com merchts, CO CO i*- ft ■ c Q. c '5 c 3 IL 63 >» 0) (0 (0 bi ■ ih ■ San Francinco. ALPIIARRTICAU.T. 1259 Spanagel J C, baker, 115 Seventh Spanier Jos, liquors, ll'J Post Snalding V, physician, \'2'2'2 Pino brANNER J A. Miller's (rerman com- pressed yeast, 037 Mission Sparks Mrs, physician, 9'Jl Union Sparks Mrs Agnes, physician, '217 Geary Sparrow Jos, grf)cor, ',i',\ Clementina Spaulding Andrew, wntclimaker and optician, 1*2'.' Fonrth SPAULDING GEORGE, book and job printers, 414 Clay Spauldin,' H K, atty, '220 Sanaom Spaulding .1 & Co, carpet beating, .'!53 and 355 Tehama SPAULDING N W, manufr of in- serted tooth anil circular saws, 17 and 19 Fremont Spear A F & Co, stevedore, pier '2*2 Stcuart Spear E S k Co, auctioneers, 7'29 Mkt SPEAR, MEADE & CO, wholesale dried fruits and com mchnts, 31(5 and 318 Washington Spear Thomas K, dentist, '235 Kearny Spear Wm .1, cigars, 970 Harrison Specht John, cigarmaker, 033 Broadway Speer H J, physician, 11 Kearny Speokman F T, gi-oceries, cor Fourth an 1 1 H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. mi ■r. M'i^: ' ' (1 ' t hd 8l ■ €0 C CO S o If S > o E 75 CO c c a O ■ o o a < 0. I- h D O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ?,WlV:l■^T»^gfffrV!g;i^.V.Vg 1260 St bulkhead STEAMER GUSSIE TELFAIR, v,.o F CotKn & Co agts, 13 Pine Stearns H M, teacher Heald's Business College, 24 Post Stearns Mrs E F, millinery, 325 Hayes Stearns & Smith, com merchants, 4'.'H Front Steele, Elder & Co, wholesale eoniniia- sioners, 204 Front STEEN E T, engines, boilers, iron pipe and mining machinery, 225 Market Steen John, z o • o ag m fl) o 2 ■ n X m r M Z a a e » H. WACHHORST. Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP >hn E Sliei)hard bh¥ and in- ; und 'i'iO Sansom vnufrs pianos and ? llinery, :i'ir) Hayes J pm iiuTchauts, 4'j:i "5 wholfsale coinmis- )akland, Mills Sem- roas, :U3 Kast ur, 114 First groceries and liq- , Occidental Foun- lerchant tailor, 733 ors, IVil Kearny cries, NW cor Kddy hes, SW cor Union SWcorNiueteeutli orted carriage trim- ison ,3 Washington carpets, 1234 Market ISan Franchco. ALnURRTICALtV. 1261 (0 stein Robt, baktiry, 11H7 Fulsom STEIN SIMON & CO, impr of foreign and domestic cloth ami wool, "xS") Mar- ket, SK cor Seconngwill, fancy goods, cromoes, monhlings, toys and brack- ets, 2(5 and 29 Second Stevenson K, real estate, 331 Montgy Stewart Mrs Ann, bakery, 1829 Union Stewart*, Birkeland, grocery, NVV cor Twenty-fourtli and Folsom Stewart & Buckley, fruit and com mer- cliants, 513 Sansom Stewart David, livery stable, 134 7th Stewart Frank, jeweler, 509 Sixteenth Stewart (ieo, real estate agt, 022 Mkt Stewart Irwin, mdse broker, 218 Cal Stewart Jas, grocer, 1920 Bush Stewart .1 C, variety store, 1829 J Union Stewart Jno W, snpt Cal& Nov Ice Co, 350 Tehama Stewart Sewing Machines, 139 Sixth and 1 1 1 Sutter Stewart, Vanclief & Herrin, attys at law, 310 Pine, room 28 Stewart W M, atty at law, 310 Pine Steylaars & Kossi, druggists, 1222 Dup Stievler Jacob, bootmaker, 212 Pacific Stier & Weitner, harness and saddles, 550 Fourtli "Stillee-HafsPosten," (Swedish news- paper), Youngl)erg & Meyer pubs, 417 Bush Stillman Alfred, gen agt Manhattan In- surance Co, 232 California Stillman J U B, physician, 336 O'Farrell Still W G & Co, lamps and oila, 627 Kear STITT ROBERT, carriage and wagon manufr, 121 and 123 Market Stobz & Weideureich, shirt factory, 202 Bush "STOCK REPORT." (daily and week- ly), Hiester & Bunker pubs. Stock Ex- change building Stockton & Copperopolis Kailroad Office, NE cor Fourth and Townsend Stockton E A, cabinetmaker, 411 Miss STOCKTON MILLS, (saw and plan- ing), A Washburn propr. Berry bet Fourth and Fifth Stockton Transportation Co, Charles Gawne prest, Jno Gawne secy, 124 Cal 7 OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. m rt;':?': p'.' ii' ~^4 niiiiik IL ■ (0 C o 0) 2 B & > m c o E a (0 c c « O a o o o z S o < WW MnNTARIIE A Hf) t^^eet iron, all 8ls«s and Knmbcrti, 110, . W. mxin I JIUUC OC UU., ng, H4, ne. and IIW Buttery Ht.,m.t', 1262 ;Sare- Francisco. ALPHAnKTlCALIiV. Stoekwitz E, clothing and furnishing goods, 250 Foiirth Stoeten H R4; 'Jo, lestaurant, 33U East Stoetzer Ed, board and lodging. Filth and Brannau Stoeven H, grocer, S\V cor Union and Powell Stohlmann Wm, bakery, 33!) Turk Stoltz Fred, groceries, '201 Valencia Stolz — , barber's agency, 3 Hardie Place Stolz Bros, fancy goods, SKi Market Stolz Philip, butcher, 12(5 Elevcntii Stolzenwald H F, dyer, etc, 217 Fourtq and 1037 Folsoin Stem Geo A, hairdresser, 104 Ninth Stone Chas L, saloon, 1144 Market Stone Rlward F, mining secy, 306 Pine STONE FRANK F, gen agt Lamar Ins Co of N Y and AUemannia Fire Ins Co of Pittslujrg, 20i> Sansom Stone H S, mining secy, 41'J California Stone & Hayden, saddlery, 422 Battery Stone J R, watchmaker and jeweler, 255 Third STONE & HAYDEN, sa Merchants' Exchange bldg Stone Wm, groceries, 202!) I'acitic Stoppelkamp A H, groceries, '1528 Stock Storck C Ij & Co, butcher, 30 1 Hayes Storm & Co, wood and coal, 333 Montj;y Storms G F, fruit, 1802 Bush Stout A B, physician, 1310 Mason Stout W C, engraver, 137 Montgomery StoutenburL'h Ike A, stoves and tinware, 117 Washington Stover Henry, liquors, 175 Sixteenth Stowell Wm H, merchandise broker, 214 California Stozen & Myers, liquors, SE cor Four- teenth and Mission Strachan Mrs M Srong, Armadale House iiOi) Mission STEAHLE JACOB & CO, i>npr and manufr standard billiard-tables and agts Delaney's patent steel-wire cush- ions, 533 Market Stratton C A & Co's Agency, 211 and 213 Clay Stratton & Co, furniture auctioneers, 829 Market Stratton J S, housemover, 854 Harrison Straub Fr, upholsterer, 8 Hayes Straub (rustavo, bootmaker, 7 Trinity Straub J N, tailor, 307 Hayes Straub John, sausage factory, 23!) 4th Straub Joseph, liquors, 25 Sixth StrauH A, watchmaker, 427 Kearny Strana, Kohnstamia A Co, crockery, 104 Battery STRAUS & LEVY, clothing, SW oor Sansom and Bush Straus M, artist, 319 California Strauss & Frohman, dry goods, 1203 Stockton Straus S J, real estate, 316 California Strauss L, dry goods, 1213 Stockton STRAUSS LEVI & CO, importers and jobbery dry goods an(l clothing and manufr riveted clothing, 14 and 1(5 Batti-'ry STRAUSS M, loan office, watclies and jewelry and pawnbi'oker, 18 Kearny Strauss Sloses, bootmaker, 1503 Market Strauss Samuel, collector, 302 Montgy STRAUT W C, « agons, carriages and lumber, NW cor I>rumm and Sac Strecker & Kern, barbers, 33 Post Street & Blanche T & M Co, 203 Bush STREET MRS C C, lodgings (Shd. bourne House), 523 Kearny STREET CYRUS H, real estate, 331 Montgomery, rin 10 Street & LeiiiMied, real estate and mine agts and pubiisliers " Tiand World" (weekly), 331 Montgomery Stiehl Phillip, btirber, 20 Stockton Strehl Chas, butcher, 50 Metropolitan .Market Streib.l & Bro, barbers, S Merchants Ex Streuli Chas, propr Swiss Brewery, 414 and 4!0 Dnpont Striby Mrs Louisa, teacher of music, 2041 Mission Strit W & (.'0, butiness brokers, 323 Kcar Strong C « i, physician and druggist, 21 Third Strong & Co, assay ers, 10 Stevenson Strong Miss E, artist, 728 Moutgoinory .Strong G W, fancy goods and stationery, 2030 Mission Strong J OS 1), iirtist, 7 Montgomery ave Strothoff.i, litjuors, 215 Sixth Strothotr Mrs M, stiunping and em- broidery, 10224 Market Strozynski Mrs K, drei:ani!'.ker, 311 Turk Strozynski S, ladies hairdresser and wig maker, 27 Ellis Stryker & Kiernan, stevedoro pier 5 Steuart STUART C D, liquors, 525J Sansom Stuart James F, atty at law, GOO Moutg Stuart .foseph, cigars and tobacco, 28 Mkt Stuart Wm, mining secy, .320 Sansom STUART WM A, County Clerk, Old City Hall, 722 Kearny Stubbs 1) I), secy OandO Steamship Co, cor Fourth and Townscnd Stubbs J C, geul freight agt C P R R, cor Fourth and Townsend Studley Benj W, Wivtchmaker, 24 Post Studwick Joseph E, boots and shoea, 141 Fifth a o S" 0) o 3 in at 3 a o o io 3 c » •a o 5 TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACtFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tho Model Commercial Colleaw olthe Vowmi, »ao Post Wt.,W.F. .Acr, 311 Turk Iresser and wig S-JoJi Sansom law,' 000 Moutg tobacco, 28 Mkt ;V20 Sansom nty Clerk, Old li ^1 t. if 09 u ■ ■MM es, es o 03 es CO San FroAicisco. AliPIIABKTICALLV. 1263 Stuhr A, soap in.inufr, E side San Bruno road, near Fifteenth ave Stuke A, varieties, 1411 Dupont Stukens «& Hollings, yrocers, NVV cor Third and Brannan STULE MRS J B, shirt nmfr, -22 Dup Stiimpf B, bakery, 220 Pacific Stuinpf J, bootmaker, iiOl O'f arrell Stmmpf J, bootmaker, 1000 Push Stunipf John, liquors, First ave, S S F STURGES T B, solicitor L -M McKeu ney & Co's Directories, ~A',i (.'lay Sturla G B & Co, liquors, 1402 Dupont Sturnan B, jjhysician, 108 Stockton Sublet & Tracy, dentists, 1 12 Fourth Suhl C F, blacksmith. 114 Drunun Suhling H H, wood and coal, 124 24th iSuckow Clias. cabinetmaker, 23 Mont ,t;omery avt Suley Frank I'j, dentist, 3:i'J Kearny Sulicsahn & Co, dry goods, l.'iiS Third Sullivan Miss A, Branch Bakero, 540 Fourth SULLIVAN'S CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE, for ladies, 120 Kearny Sullivan & Craig, atty at law, 600 Mont Sullivan 1), grocer, 4.H2 Tehama Sullivan Daniel, grocor, SW cor Fourth and Freelon Sullivan DT, atty at law, 000 Montgy Sullivar. i) O, juuk and liquors, 20 Com Sullivan Francis J, atty at law, 310 Pine Snllivan Miss II E (), fancy goods and Lulies' uuderware, 1222 Market Sullivan Mrs. I, groceries, 922 Howard Sullivan ,1 F), li(|Uors, -Or)? Washington SULLIVAN JD, atty at law, 234 M.^nt Sullivan Mrs James E, blacksmith, 2JS Post Sullivan Jas F, pliysiciau, I'Iddy Sullivan James [\ collector, 80 St Ann's building Sullivan .1 F, atty, 46 Montgy Idock SuUiv.an J F, judge superior court No 2, 628 Montgomery Sullivan J J, tailor, 303 Washington Sulhvan John, wood and coal, 3;i Lafay- ette Sullivan M, bootmaker, 221 Folsom SULLIVAN JOHN, boot and shoo manufr, NE cor Jackson and Battery SULLIVAN MATT I, atty at law, 120 Kearny, room 30 Sullivan Michael, boots and shoes, 213 Folsom Sullivan M J, liquors, 21 Montgy avo Sullivan M J, saloon, NW cof Taylor and Tyler Sullivan P, livery stable, 915 Folsom Sullivan P, npholaterer, 010 Post Sullivan P, saloon, 12 Broadway Sullivan P J, real estate, 001 California Sullivan Robert P, real estate, 310 Pine Sullivan & Sanborn, dentists, 905 Fol Sullivan Mrs, stamping and t.nbroider- ing, IIS^ Post Sullivan Thomas, groceries, 1701 Miss SULLIVAN THOMAS, importer an.l manufr ladies' cloaks and suits, 1::0 Kearny Sullivan Timothy, saloon, 1242 Market Sullivan Timothy, butcher, 1117 l<'oIsum Sul/.bacher J, stockbroker, .S20 Pine Summer Charles A, stenographer, 004 Merchant Summers J, grocor, 2710 Folsom Summerfield A Jr, wholesale coal, NE cor Folsom and Spear Summerhays William, photo( niphcr. 12 Clay Sunnnit Gold Mining Co, 309 !.fonti;y SUMNER W B & CO, hides, leather, tallow and skins, 415 Front Suiuiol .1, physician, 210 Montgy ave Supreme Court, 11 F Morrison, chief jus- tice, 040 Clay SURGICAL INSTITUTE NATION- AL, J M Hinklc prcst, 1. C McLaui secy, 319 Busli Suss A, stock broker, 214 Montgomery SutcliUe James, bakery, 703 Van Xess ave Suter Mrs Jeanette, dressmaker, 424 Sut Suthfi'huid F E, atty, ()45 Clay Sutlicrland & (iray, practical plumljers, 230 Sutter Sutlitf' Henry, cigars and tobacco, 832 and 330 Kearny SUTRO & CO, bankers and brokers, ■ins Montgomery Sutro Tunnel Co, E J Moore prest, P W AniL-s secy, 320 California Sutter E V, notary public, 513 Coml Sutter Street Railroad Co, ,James Me- Cord supt, cor Sutter .ivd Larkin Sutton C Jr & Co, oil clotldng, 34 Cal .Sutton J B, cigars and tobacco, SE cor Keariiy and Pine Sutton O P, cajtitalist, o.'M California Swain A E, restaurant and bakery, 636 Market Swaiu Edward R, architect, 507 Mont Swain Henry C, insurance, 202 Sansom Swain J H, bootmaker, 5 Post Swain .1 H, livery stables, 417 Folsom Swi'iu R A & Co, crockery and lamp stock, 1 12 and 114 California Swain R M, atty at law, 030 Clay Swain R R & Co, bakery, 213 Sutter Swain Wm B, real estate, 37 Merchants' Exchange Building Swamp ^igel Mining Co, 315 California Swan Benj R, physician, 214 Sansom Swan Benj R, physician, 310 Stockton Swan E S, produce, vagetables and fruit, 21 California Market CO -I m CO o z CO o CO I i CO a s, 3 ■a 2. CO ' il H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Hhcet ir««. -ll 8l.eji,«d 5n«be«,no. I Ifl. and ItW Battery Bt.. S. F. i V I s m IL i 1 Q > C O E CO e c O ■ o o a z 2 o < Q. O 1264 San Francisco. AliPIIARBnCAbLt Swan George W, propr Union Box Fac- tory, 114 to 124 Spear Swan .r F, sign painter, 727 Market SWANBERG & WEST, wholesale oysters, stall 10 California Market Swansey P A, grocery, NW cor Ritch and Clay Swanton Mrs M T, milliner, 1221 Stock Swarts E L, cigars, 545 California Sweden and Norwegian Consul, Aug Berggron, 406 Montgomery Sweeney A, felt, 309 Eighth Sweeney J, marble works, 7 Lark in Sweeney John, grocery, 729 Brai>".an SWEENEY J P & GO. seeds, trees and bulbs, 409 and 41 ) Davis Sweeney Miles D, pros Hibernian S and L Society, NE cor Montgy and Pimt Sweeny N, merchant tailor, 41 Second Sweeney & Sharkey, cattle dealers, cor Tenth and Howard Sweeny & Vance, plumbers and gastit- ters, bz? California Sweet B C, express, 1005 Market Sweet H A, stockbroker, 3;]1 Montgy Sweet & Co, com merchants, 227 and 229 Washington Sveetser & Co, junk, 740 Pacific audi 550 Mission { Sweetland Mrs A L, artist, 120 Sutter i SWIFT CHAS J, atty at law, 21 7 i Sansom, rooms 1 and 2 I SWIFT J D, pres The Creneral I.andl Agency of California, 408 California ' Swift \Vm, restaurant, 517 California Swim D K, stockbroker, 314 Montgy Swineford Newton, Ii(iuors, SE cor Pine and Kearny Swiss Brewery, Chas Streuli propr, 414 and 4U) i)npont SWISS HOTEL, John (Jantner propr, G27 and 029 Commercial Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co,PhiIip, SneyiT Ik Co ai.'t8, 42;") California SW ISS MARINE INSURANCE GO'S ' 'oml)ine(l, (Haloiseof Basle, Helvetia of St (iall and Switzerland of Zurich), Harry W Syz gen agt, 225 Sansom Swordstream E J, groceries and saloon, 33() Fourth Sylvester L, tinware, 811 Larkin Syndicate (i & S Min Co, 328 Montgy Syndicate Min Co, Jacob Stadtfeld Jr, ♦ 19 California, room 2(5 STZ HARRY W, gen fire and marine . .■iiiranoe agent, 225 Sansom Syawasli S D, druggist, NE cor Powell and Filbert TABER, HARKER & GO, importers and wholesale grocers, 108 and 110 California Taber I W, propr Taber's Photographic Parlors, 8 Montgomery TABER'S PHOTOGRAFHIC PAR. LORS. I W Taber propr, 8 Montgy Tadioni Antoine, painter, 1419^ Dupont TAGGART E W, pres Real Estate Association, 230 Montgomery Taggart P & Son, lime, hay and grain, NVV cor Nineteenth and Folsom Tagliabue F, mining engineer, 327 Pine Tagliaferro A & Co, restaurant Tait (Jeo, capitalist, 07 Nevada Block Tait & Haiiujue, proprs Cj'olopa engine anil machine works, 1 15 and 1 17 Bcale Taliaferro T W, notary public and com- missioner of deeds, 32G Pine Tallant & Co, bankers, NE cor Califot- nia and Battery TAMBLING MRS W H, mclimu and baths, 505 Hyde Tanim A W, groceries, NW cor I'l'-c and Taylor TANNANG & GO, cabinet maker. 141 143 Freelon Tarbox E T, laundry, 121 Lcidesdovff Tardos Louis, wines and I'quors, 400 (Jeary TATU"M & BOWEN. agent for R Hoe & Co, N Y and Uindon, gen machin- ery agents, 329 Market Taiifer Mrs A, grocer, 328 Broailway Taussig Louin & Co, wholesale liquors, 303 Battery Tavenier Jules, artist, 728 Montgomery Tay Ceo H & Co, hardware, stoves and metals, 014 *o 018 Battery Tayac C J, is ortetl wines and lifiuors, 31 Fourth Tayler & Moore, horse radish, 29 Center Market, Sutter and Dupont Tayler R L, secty Butte Creek Hydrau- lic Min < 'o, 230 Montgomery Taylor A C & Co, real estate, 314 Bush Taylor Chas, livery stables, 1 1 Powell Taylor C L, shipping and com merchant, 34 California Taylor Mrs Cyrus I), bakery, 207 Sixtii Taylor Edward R, atty at law, 207 Sim Taylor F B & Co, wholesale gasoliiu', 1013 Battery Taylor Frank F, atty at law, 429 Mont Taylor & Haight, attorneys at law, 207 Sansom Taylor Jatnes, bakery, 903 Bush Taylor Jas M, atty at law, 410 Montsry Taylor James S & C'o, i.^uaufr clia'ji- pagne baking powder, 116 Front TAYLOR J W, manager Guit.-^ Peroha & Rubber Manufr Co. »)01 Market Taylor John, broommaker, 403 Bay Taylor John & Co, druggist's sundries and assayers materials, 118 and 120 Market, 15 and 17 California CD 2 n » n CD -i 3 3 a n ar a o 3 p CD 1 » zr o 5" » •< Tl T (D a ■ 00 wmt f) X s (A TJ 5" ? a « (fl 3 H. WACHH0R8T calls attention *"/?i««%' Uonnino liter* vi^Tware, 315 J St. bers, 110, lotographic lie PAK- S ?>Iontgy I9i Dupont leal Estate ery and grain, i'olaom r, 327 Pine ■ant ■ada Block dopa engine mdin Beale )liu and com- tne cor Calil'ot- PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, opq* i^»i«" e^Mr^, «. r. a« lle*>(* > 3 CD 3 n CD n 3 3 P 3 a. 3 n 3* o O 3 medium and 3^ 1 CD it maker, 141 I^cidesdovrt" I liquors, 400 ;ent for U Hoe , gen maohiu- \ Broadway lesale liquors, Montgomery lire, stoves and ery L>3 and liquors, liali, -29 Center pout reek Hydrau- n\t!ry ute, :$U Iks!) II I'owell ;om merchant, ery, -207 Sixtii law, '207 San iesalo gasoline, O 3 (0 , -1 !*< OP »< 1 (D a, ■ s o r (D law, 4-29 Mont ys at law, 207 3 Bush 410 Montay iOiiiiuir euuui- 116 Front dult.-^ Peroha iOl Market ir, 403 Bay riiiat'a sundries 118 and 120 iornia (fi n (fl 3 E o ctf CO in 75 (0 ^ ■ 7 ■ o o ■ o CD I CO i? 1 o ^ 1 f« ? 1 (0 ' ■ o e ■a C0 o X CO o •9 < San Francisco. AliPIIABETlCAIXY. 1265 Taylor John W, city and county supt of pub instruction. New City Hall Taylor & Nevin, printers, 535 Com TAYLOR J P & CO. wholesale paper paper dealers, 416 Clay Taylor T, fish, 59 and (i'2 Grand Arcade Market Taylor W H, prest Kisdon Iron and Locomotive Works, SE cor Beale and Howard TAYLOR WM J, mining secretary, 310 Pine, rm "25 TayUr W >S, stockbroker, 420 Montgy Teuge & Cane, dentist, \4'2\ Fourth Teague & Kamlade, furniture, 550 Miss Teague Wm, whitener, 137 Fifth Teaf Benj, .ittorney, 523 Montgomery Teare Philip, U S dist atty, U S court building, Sansoin and Washington Tecluui II J, oystor house. Summer nr Kearny Teese Lewis Jr, wines and liijuors, 432 Kearny Teisseire A, artist, cor Turk and Hyde Teixeira F L, hairdresser, 505 Broadway "TELEPHONE THE," ti s McCue editor, G05 Clay Telfair .Min Co, Arizona, 702 Market Teller J D P, mdse broker, 405 Front Temple M & Min Co,. 313 Montgomery Ten Boscli N & Co, shipping and com merchants, 28 MerchauN' Excliange TeiJiiant Mrs J, shirtmaker, 102 Powell Tennant Thos, chronometer ant' mathe- matical instrument maker, IS Market Tenney IJichard P, com grain and pro- duce, NEcor l>avis and Market Tenthorey fl P& Co, macaroni and vermi- celli factory, 55S Mission Te])aille M, French baJcery, 1504 Turk TERKELSON L & BRO.wliolesaleand retail wood, cor Channel and Fourtii TERME MADAM LOUIS, costumer, t)12 M(inti;ntre Market Terry W N, saw tiler, 7 Spear Terwilliger & Fink, dairy produce, 50 and 51 Washington Market Terwilliger N 15, hxluiniia, 840 Mission TESMORE SOLOMON, oystc r dealer, 57, 58 and 59 California Market Tet/en Ch, mdse broker, 202 California TEUBNER & HOFFMANN,showcase manufrs, 532 California Teutonia Ins C'(j, Hutchinson & Mann gen agents, 322 and 3'24 California 80 Tevis Lloyd, pres W, F & Co, NE cor Sansom and California Tewes Fred, basket manufr, NE cor Kearny and Market Tewkshnry M R, physician and surgeon, 719 Market Texas Ice Co, 309 Montgomery Thatcher Geo & Co, wholesale liquors. 214 Front Thain A Jr, candy factory, 781 Market Thalia Verein Club House, 414 Pine Thames & Mersey Marine Ins Co of Liv- erpool, W ( r Harrison general agent, 413 California Thanuhanser & Co, commission mer- cliantsand ins agents, 311 California Tharp E H, notary public, 328 Mont Thay.T liB, cliemist, SE cor New Mont- gomery and Market Thryer C C & Co, real estate and com- mission brokers, 20 Montijomery Thayer V, physician and surgeon, 13G Post Tlie American Beef Co, <>, 7, 8 and 9 Hayes Valley Market Theas Philip, carpets and furniture, 1115 and 1117 Dunont THE A ROMAN PUBLISHING CO, pnl)lishes "The Californian, " 202 San THE BALDWIN HOTEL, H H Pear- son manager, cor Powell and Market The Baldwin Tluatre, Thtnnas Maguire pro])r, Market "THE CALIFORNIAN," (monthly), The A lionian Co pulia, 202 Sansoin The California Powder Co, '230 C.d The Central .U II Co's Stables, Turk bet Webster and Fillmore The Chinese! Ins Co of Hong Kong, De- gencr & Co ayents, 308 California THE COMMERCIAL AGENCY, Ed- wards, Pickens & Fulton proprs, 401 California "THE DAILY EXCHANGE," The Daily Exchange Publishing Co proprs, 300 \Iontitomerv THE GENERAL LAND AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA, l n Swift pres, C W Adams sec, 408 California The Glolu^ Marine Ins Co of England, Degener & Co agents, 308 Californiii "The Golden f! ate," (weekly), 140(5 Turk THE GRAND FAMILY CHEMI- CAL, OLIVE AND CASTILE SOAP FACTORY, Kichard Brown propr, Channel bet Fourteenth and Fifteenth THE HOWE MACHINE CO, sewing machiuea and bazaar patterns, D S Mo niton manager, 873 Market The Hcmme k Long Piano Mainif Co, S H Long pres, 31 Dupont Theil Frank, wines and liijuors, 300 Third m as CO Oi 09 m 39 CO CO I 3 p> a xa :* CO n CO - 315 J St. PURE PORT WINE, for MedicUial Purposes, 302 Davis St„ S. F. r'lil b'vl Kk'I. -^f^^-^; ,'N- ■'■' t,' , ; ,, ''1 , t'?' ■ " 'V| ' • -IS-,... „,:: ■; n^ .; V !'•.:: . !'■ ,:, .,,•::' K''' '&' -t* '' ' ■ 11 iMiJK''! 1 . fV. WIUW I ftUUI. PC \iV,f LnttemB. 110. 112. n«. llg and 118 Battery St.. S. F. -"I : |il;< '; K'! M;--^ C S I S IL 7 o o z S o < a; E 120G (Sa-n. Francisco. ALPHA BBTICALLT. Theilmann Martin 0, sec Safety Fund Benevolent Assn, 120 Kearny Theiaen J .f, planing mill, cor Valencia and Twenty-eighth THE INS GO OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. (Hre and ma- rine). Brown, Craig & Co gen agents, 1215 San!3oni THE LACE HOUSE, D Samuels, IW. to 108 Kearny THELLER SAMUEL L, real estate agent, .'i30 I'inc, room 5 The Morgue, 10 O'Farrell The Nevada Bank of S F, Louis McLane pres, Henry \V (Ucuny sec and cash- ier, 301 Montgomery Theobald Geo .F & Co, shipping, com merchants and marine ins agents, 41!) California The Olympic Oyster and Chop Hous e, •210 .Sutter The Original Keystone Silver M Co, 330 Pine, room ") THE PACIFIC COAST COMBINA TION LOCK AND KNOB CO,' l> *Swift manager, 408 California The Pacific Coast Dredging & Reclama tion Co, Vincent Neale sec, 3'JO San " The Pacific Life," (weekly), 538 Cal "THE PACIFIC,'', (weekly), S S .Smith and John Khnball publishers, 7 Montgomery ave The Peking Tea Co, Hayes Valley Mkt The Peoples' Ice Co, J S Thompson pres, 312 Mission "The Pioneer," T C Lancey propr, 432 Montgomery Tlie tt)uicksilver Mining Co, .1 B Kandol manager, 320 Sansom THE RISDON IRON & LOCOMO MOTIVE WORKS, W H Taylor prest, Jos Moore supt, manufrs of raining machinery, engines, boilers, etc, SE for Beale and Howard ''THE RESOURCES OF CALIFOR- NIA." .1 P H Wentworth propr, 320 Sansom "^HE SAN FRANCISCO ILLUS TRATED WASP," (weekly), F Korlwl , .shoe'i a. , 432 Pacific Thoun Wohrden 1 N, liquors, corner Fourth and Ste . ouson Thome Isaac N, atty at law, 215 San Thornhill Jas, contractor a i bricklay- er, 35 Post Themis F, dyeing and clerning works, 734 Washington O CO -< o 3D H O 30 *< 00 c o (A o CO 01 5' (A O ■a o v> A' 3r (D -I O c w (D r to g •< c 3" TRY DR. GUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tii<- >io(t>-l 4'4iiiiui«>r«>laii Collrcv Oi th < ..H„|. »e«) PoNt W.. H.V. San Francutv. ALPIIABKTICALtiV 12G7 CO ed CO c/> CO CD Si Sa «l «? II THORN S F, business manager Grand Hotel, SE cor Market and New Mont Thornton Crittenden, atty at law, 420 California Thornton H I, atty at law, S F Stock Exchange building Thornton J D, associate Justice, 640 Clay Thornton J F, fruit and vegetables, '2005 Polk Thoroughfare Hotel, Edw .Stoetzei* pro prietor, NE cor Fifth and Brannan Thorpe II C, bootfitter, 500 Market Thors Louis, photographic gallery, 1025 Larkin Thorsen Teter, liquors, G"23 East THORSON NICOLAUS, merchant tador, 1 5 New ^Montgomery THRALL H H, dentist, 1 18 Geary Thi'i'.m C, cigars, 815 Battery Three Brothers (Henry C, (Jeo and Clu.s Itoeth), com merchants, 517 Sansom Throckmorton S K, capitalist, 313 Cal Tliron Mrs W, dressmaker, 1 Cedar ave Thunder Chas, bootmaker, 28 Turk Thumm L groiier, 840 ^Market Thummler C L, bootmaker, Sacramento Thummler H, bootmaker, 5 Beale Thurston (ieo P, mining secy, 315 Cal Thycksoii& Baganza, coffee saloon, "00 Mission Thyes Jno B, cigars, N E cor Third and Mission Tibboy Alex S. furrier, 507 Montgy Tibbitts Steplieii M, physician, i)31 How TichiMior H B & Co, manfrs lumber, 42 Market Tiolienor S J, licpiors, NE cor Battery and Bush Ticlinor A C, metallurgical works, Blux onie near Fifth Ticoulet & Pinot, restaurant, 30Si Sut Tiild & Diickman, licpiors, SE cor Sac and Kearny Tieck John, groceries, SE cor Post and Jones TIEDEMAN|f D & CO. produce and commission merchants, 210 Clay Tiedemann M, grocery, 702 McAllister Tiedemann & Schomacker, groceries, NW cor I'owell and Pacific Tieden H J, att\ , 533 Kearny Tiegeler J H, grocer, 18 Natoma Tiurnan P J, atty, 50 Montgonn'ryblk TIERNAN R '& CO, wo...l and coal, 2622 Mission Tierney E P, physician. 111 Broadway Tierney Martin, groceries, 1!) Km ntt Tierney Thomas, liquors, NE cor New Montgoniery and floward Tietgen D VV, groceries and liquors, co! littst and Wash Tietjen H, liquors, DOC Kearny Tietjen H, grocer, 520 Pine Tietjen Henry, groceries, S\V cor Broad- way and Leavenworth Tietjen Hermann, liquors, NE cor Pine and St Mary Tii.; n- Gold and Silver M Co, 330 Montg Tiger Mining Co, 30!) Mouthy, room 02 Tiger Mining Co, 331 Montgomery Tijous Mme, laundry, 004 Broadway Tilesto.'i (I \V, locksmitli, 225 Post Tilden C L, carpenter, 8 (iHiiney Tilden .lo.suph, stockbroker, 31 ti Montgy 'Fillmaii A, saddles and harness, 313 Min I'illinau k Bendel, wholesale groceries, cigars and toliaeco, 325 and 327 Bat- tery, 407 to 41 1 Clay, and 408 and 410 Commercial Tilson Chas, city and county tax col- lector, New City Hall Timney Ellen J, cnnfoetionery, 1505 Pow Tinnemann L, fruits, 1502 Polk TiuocoJ M& Co, Consul of San Salva- dor, 323 Front Tiutrop H & Co, fresco painters, 417 Post Tioga Con Minin.; ('o, 30;» Montgomery Til» Top Silver Mining Co, 327 Pine TIRRELL C & P H & CO. wholesale boots and shoes, 4111 Clay TishlerGeo, books and stationery, 2.'5 0th Tishler Mrs H, fancy iroods, 801) Larkin TITCOMB A C & CO, importers and wholesale dealers watches, diamonds jewelry and silverware, 24 Post Titcomb & Thurston, imprs and com merchants, agt for Vallejo Broom Fac- torv. 205 Sacramento TITtJS DANIEL, attorney, 300 Pine, rooms 1 , 2 and 3 Titus 1 S, physician, 34 Kearny Tivoli Carden, Eddy befr Powell and Mason Tevin Peaks Mining Co, T W Colbourn secy, 414 California Tobbe D, liquors, 511 and 543 Mission TOBBENBOSKE HENRY J, groceries and licpiors, S^\' (;or Howard and 2d T(jbbenboske Herman, liquors, cor Sec- ond and Market Tobelman F', cigars and tobacco, 5 Dup Tobelmanu Henry, groceries, hay and grain, wood and coal, 237 Hayi's 'J'olK-y Curtis, Metropolitan Foundry, 230 Fremont Tobin, Davison 6. Co, imprs fancy goods, and 8 Sutter Tobin E M, piano tuner, 113 Turk Tobin John, bootmaker, 440 Valencia TOBIN J H, merchant tailor, 114 Mont 'J'obin K C, stockbroker, 314 Montgy Tobin Richard, atty at law, 8 montgy Tobin Hol)ert, atty at law, 8 Montgy Tobin 'Thomas D, brick mauufra, 3.15 Montgomery 3D -< I I C/) c pa CD 0> (a si u 'J ?S SB §9 a? ?8 ^1 5* \ im \m 11 il H PJU.MER A CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F, Im tt't I ilf! "1 ','1 : «.;:' I , i ! Hi 09 » ■ 09 C o • o f U) (8 s "5 IL C c o ■ O O Q < Q. h O WUf UnMTAPIIC JL Pn HtovPM and Ruiisea, 600 different BlzM, (tylM ui4 • fVi mUll I nUUb « UUi, pnttemn. 110, 112. 114, 116 and 118 Battery St., 8. P. 1268 tSan Francisco. ALPIIABRTICAILY. Toby & Toby, Mission and City Trans fer Co, 524 V^alcncia Todd A H & Co, com stockbrokera, 411) California, room 16 Todb & Bass, blacksmith, NW cor Front and Market Todt John, cntler and blacksmith, 1 19 LeidesdorflF Todt & Waf(ner, copper works, 565 Miss Todtinan Theo E, watclimaker, 614 Merchant Toedts H, Oakland and S F Express, 26 Sacramento Tohde John W, grocery, 544 Hayes Toietti D, artist, 223 Leavenworth Toietti Pjdward, artist, 223 Leavonwortli Toietti Virgil, artist, 223 Leavenworth Toklas, Brown & Co, manufra clothing, 24 and 26 Sansom Toland C G, physician, 7 Montgy ave Tollas Chas H, stenographer, 402 Mont Tolo Mining Co, 40i) California Tomalty V J, groceries, SW cor Sixth cand Minna Tompkins F ^V, atty at law, 320 San Tompkinson J, livery stable, 57 to 61 Minna Tompkins Thos T, coffee saloon, 135 Post Tompkins Walter H, atty at law, 504 Kearny TONO WO & CO, importers and dealers in Chinese merchandise, 722 Sac TONQ TIE &. CO, importers and deal era in Cliinese merchandise, 728 Sac Tonnemacher Jnlius, liipiors, 'J 13 Kear Tomsky L, piiiuter, 417 Bush Toniiii -M C, Italian hooka, 26 M'.mtave TONITE POWDER CO, R L Slmin- wald secy, 2IS California Tonks J, goUi and silver engraver, 614 Merchant Tooliey C, groc^T, 601 Market TOOriY & JONASSON, attys at law, 302 Montgomery, rms 14 and 15 Toomey ILnry, capitalist, 424 Montgy Tooiney Henry, real estate, 528C.il rm 2 Toomey Kicliard, slioumaker, (506 Miss Toplitz 1'' & Co, wholesale millinery goods, 571 Market To(inerville Mining Co, 310 Pine, rm 15 Tormey Francis, hootmaker, IS Tyler Torni S, nidooii, 316 Broadway Torrenee ./ S, stationery, 1070^ Howard TOTJCHARD GTJSTAVE, pros, Unio. Ins Co, 416 C.ilit'ornia Touret Chis, confectionery, 2008 Taylor Tnirnel Madame, Froncli laundry, 120 (Jeary TowleCeorge \V Jr, atty at law, 606 Montgomery Towie W VV, lumber shipper, 308 Town TOWNE A N. g'en sui.t C P R It, cor Fourth and Townsend TOWNE C & CO, cabinet and chair- maker, 141 and 143 Freelon Townaend A H, atty, 526 Montgomery Townsend Mrs Annie K, artiticiul tlovv- ers, ] 14 Turk Townsend Fredk, manager Bank of Brit- ish Columbia, SE cor Sansoin and Cal Townsend F J, carpenter and builder, 1012 Potrero ave Townsend James B, atty, 636 Clay,rm 32 Townsend Mrs, flowers, millinery, 114 Turk Townsend TT, confectionery, 1152 Mkt Townsend W, min agt, 618 California Townsend W S, retail and wholesale con- fectionery, 627 Market Townsend & VV^yneken, architects, 5J5 California Towiisend's Candy Factory, Kearny st branch, 203 Kearny Tox J, liquors, SW cor Bay and Mason TozerC \V, mining, 310 Pine, rm 47 Tracy & Buckley, 'icinors, 1000 Market Tracy Chas E, dentist, 1 12 Fourth Tracy J, shoemaker, 112 Washington Traders Ins Co, 216 Sansom Tradesmens Ins Co, 216 Sansom Trainer J VV, carpenter, 206 Leavn Traube E & Co, confectioners, 643 Kear TRANS-ATLANTIC FIRE INS CO OF HAMBUR,a, C Marcus & Co agents, 304 California Trans-Atlantic Marine Ins Co, 311 Cal TRAPOLLI B, Victoria winecellar,710 Sansoin Trask J as L, real estate broker, 6 Mont- gomery ave Trautner Bros, tailors, 307 Dupont Trautner C, cigars and tobacco, 244^ Sutter Trautvetters A, shoemaker, 2515 Miss Travelers Life& Accident Ins Co, 319 California Tnivers C H, atty at law, 402 Mont^'y Travers .John, livery stable, 805 Green- wich Trebois F, merchant tailor, 222 Mout- goninry ave Treadwtll John B, mining engineer, 137 Montgomery Tread well .lames P, atty, 606 Kearny Treat .f W. chiropodist, 523 Kearny, Trugellat Mrs I, dressmaker, 838 Mkt Trehone.fohn, atty, 502 Montgomery Trejos .] & Co, importers and com mer- chants, 123 California TREMBATH & EVANS, proprs Now Wisconsin Hotel, 002 M'mtgomery TRENKLE E, physician, 1111 Jones TRENKLE E, physician and oculist, 318 Kearny Trenschebd A, liquors, 748 Brannan I Tresselt Charles, hairdresser, 553 Fourth rt o c H 30 ■< Q m r m 30 » 3 O" (D (A B ■o •o o' o o 3" O a CO o 3 n a (D -1 I (A I ** ■ 2 5" a a 1 (9 (fl O ? H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, *"• /ESL"***."*. •*/'*';i' ««""««'« tory, Kearny at -o broker, 6 Mont- -• r, 40-J Mont^'y il)le, 805 Green- ;iilor, 222 Mout- mg engineer, l.>/ \ ifi ;y, ()0l> Kearny I 52:^ Kearny, nakor, 838 Mkt j I Montgomery , rn and corn niiT- : !l I lNS, proprs Now Mo'ntifoinery lan, 1 1 1 1 J'>»*^3 •ian and oculist, p, 748 Brannan resser, 553 Fourth g i 0) c Si « e I u o e CO C9 (0 San Francisco. AlPlUBKTICAi.I.Y. 1269 Tressler E, tailor, 1210 Kearny Trevor Frank, wood and coal, 706 Bush TRUMBULL R J & CO, seedsmen and nurserymen, 419 and 421 Sansom Truesdell Mrs A C, board and lodging, 1104 Market Treuschel G A, liqu(/rs, 20 Sacramento Triary Antonio, liciuora, 410 Druinm Tridon L, liquors, 757 Chvy TRIEST & CO, imprs and jobbers of hats, 116 and 118 Sansom Trinidad Mill Co, F T & J A Hooper proprs, pier 2^ Steuart Triniiy Hydraulic Mining Co, 324 Pine Tripp George A & Co, coppersmiths, 2'_'6 Fremont Tripp Dwight K, atty at law, 401 Cal Tripp J W, atty at law, 408 Califoi-niii TrittenbacliEmil, butcher, 1321 Stock Trojiin Mining Co, 328 Montgomery Trost L P, liquors, 308 Francisco Trost Wm, bakery, SE cor California and Steincr Trouette H, dri'ggist, 304 Fourth Trout James M, atty Mercantile Collec- tion Bureau, 216 Sansom Trout Mrs J S, millinery, 210 F(Hirth Trowbridge Mrs S A, employment ofHce, 1 1 Stockton Trube H, jewelers, 643 Kearny TRUGKEE LUMBER CO'S BOX FACTORY, (Briekell & Krugcr propr, 3-20 King True Blue Min Co, 405 California Truelson T, grocer, SE eor Loav and Sac Trueman & Duckett, dentist, 25.j Sixth Trumbull Wm, harness and saddlery, Hi) and 121 Davis Truinpour •) I', dentist, 40 1. ^ Hayes TRUSSEAU P C, atty at law, 604 Merrhant TRUWORTHY F M. .-itencil plat.s, 318 Front Tschurr & Dingeon, restaurant, 217 Kearny TUBBS & CO. proprs S F Cordage Co, 611 and 613 Front TUCKER'S S F & OAKLAND EX- PRESS, 3 Market Tucker J W & Co, watchmakers and jewelers, 131 Kearny Tuckey A, jeweler, 13 Trinity TUESMAifN ERNST, iOintracht Sa- loon, 53'J ''alifornia TuUy John, groceries, N\V cor Sansom anil Union Turnbull ,Ino, carpenter, 638 Minna TurnbuU Walter, stockbroker, 31 (i Pine Turner it Co, wood and coal, (ilKlvist Turner E Q, stationery, 2403 California Turner George, atty at law, 331 Montgy Turner Pi B, business auent, 640 Clay- Tuft H N, hainlresser,"818 Third Tuite Jas, bakery, 217 Eighth Turner John, capitalist, 414 California TURNER, KENNEDY & SHAW. wholesale dealers in lumber, doors, sashes and blinds, 840 Fourth Turner & Kundle, agts Tahiti I'acketand •ship builders, lii'J California Turner K B, real estate, 640 Clay Turner Wm, watclunaker and jeweler, 524 Battery TURPIN F L, propr Capitol House, 537 Market Turpin J no, carpenter, 711) California Turrell George, boots and shoes, 1010 Market TUSTIN W I, windmill, horse power and pump nianufr, '.) Beale Tuttle, Michaels k Co, fur-dture, 6id Market Tuttle S E, r<;;.itaurant, 13-_'0 Howard Tweithmann Nicholas, grocery, NK eor I'olsoin and Tenth TWICHELL GEO H, mining 411i California, room 3 Twing 1) \V, stockbroker, 307 Montgy Twoiiig Jvlward F, fruit, ^'550 Folsom Tybo Coil Mill Co, 330 Pine, room 16 Tyler (;co VV, atty at law, 636 Clay Tyler S H & Son, spices, baking pow- d( rs, cream of Tarter, 221 Commercial Tynan Wm D, tailor, 504 Post Tyrrell Jiio H, maiiufr carriages and wagons, 658 Mission Tyson A J BalKJ & Co, butchers, SE cor Wasliington and Stockton Tyson & Bill, butchers, SE cor Wash- ington and Stockton Tyson 1) S, liquors, 122 Eoidesdortl' XJ Ubliaus J & F, barbers, 12 (Jeary Uebner & (Jropi), bakers, 112!) Dupont Ullrich Mis L, bakery, 1321 Stockton Ulnier M, cigars ,uid tobacco, 527 Mont Ulrich 1-lenry, tailor, 1210 Kearny Ulricli .loseph, bakery, 1321 Stockton Ulrich & LeojHild, florists and nursery- men. 35 I'osii Uncle Sam Min Co, 417 California Underbill Henry, atty at law, Ni') eor Fourth and Townsond Underbill Jacob, wholesale hardware, 308 California Ungaretti F & Co, fruit aiul poultry, 521 ( ieary Unger Louis, butcher, 1500 Leav Un'ger M, tailor, 72t) O'Farrell Unger & MeiuUieim, real estate, 208 Montgomery Ungrott Aug, saloon, 18 Hayes Union Brewery, Christian Hess propr, 326 Clementina 09 T I h n §^ p xs • i OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO. 302 Davi$ SU S. F. :1S ■' I- \'\ hi t,JbJ^S I , il: WW MnNTARIIF A no Mhopt Iron, all Mi»«>s and Iiunlb«ri^ no, I i 1 1 *.?! S ti fci ^^L' CO c iS o ■ o (A c c (0 o O O O z S o < Q. h O 1270 San Francisco. ALHIIABKTlOALIiV. Union Con S Min Oo, HOO California Union Furniture Manufg Co, Spiegel, Schnntenhaus & iSpiegel, HUO Brannan UNIOX GRAVEL MINING CO, H Pichoir secy, ;V20 Sansom Union (Jrocery Co, 47 Second Union (Jrounds, NE cor Seventh and Townsend UNION HOTEL. Tno Burke, 51 1 Miss UNION INSURANCE CO (Fire and Marine), (liistave 'rouehard pres, Chas D llaveu secy, 416 California Union Lumber Assn, cor Beale and Bran Union Malt House, 1411 Folsoni Union Mutual Life Insurance Co, J M Fox nianauer, 001 California UNION NllWS CO, Fre 3" PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "-,r™M,",'r&„i.™. Rdn<>«««« ^j W Sherman iiiman cashier, (regents) 1510 gating Canal Cn, Leidesdorff iter, 4:<5 Broad restaurant, I^'i't j Portland, On* gon. have It San Francisco. AI.PIIARRTICALI.Y. 1^71 V^ftlianos Geo, fruit and vegetublos, 11. 'U Market Vallers & Bro, groceries, 97 1 Harrison V^allet Charles, wines and li(juor.s, .S47 Fiftl) ValparisoCJold and S MCo, 302 Montgy Valpey J W, physician, "JliSl INliasion Van Alen W K, real estate antl iusur anee, N VV cor Sansom and Washington Van Alstine A & Co, bitters, 8i Bren- ham Place Van Bergen \, li(|uors, 4'25 Sansom VAN BEF EN N & CO. imprs and wholesale .Kjuors, 413 and 415 Clay Van Blarconi A L, wool, '214 Sansom Van Brunt K JST, mining secy, 'MS Pine Vance .lohn, bakery, 1128 Folsom Van Clief 1', atty at law, 310 I'ine V^an Court Jno F, carriage trinnner, 108 Jessie Vancouver Min Co, 40!) California V^an Cromlnugghe A L, dentist, (iO!) Sac Van Denburgh A, dentist, 134 (Jeary Van Denburgh D, dentist, 'J2'.) deary Vanderbilt Con Min Co, 327 Pine Vanderbilt M & M Cp, 328 Moiitijomery VANDERHORST, FISHER & WALKER, pi'inters, 510 Sacramento Vandei-slice \V K & Co, wholesale jew elers, 13(i Sutter Vandersweep J, photf)grapher, ()4 'riur, fancy goods, loO.l Stock Vail Duser S V U, fruits, 24 (« rand Wes- tern Market \'an Duzer A P, asst U S dist atty, U S Court bldg, cor Sansom and Wash Vandyne & Cooper, carriage maker, 1013 Valencia VAN DYKE & POWELL, attys at law, 507 Montgomery Van Dyke Walter, atty 507 Montgy Van (reistetields H Iv, barber and den- tist, 033 Pacific Vail Hortan LfJwis, grocer, N\V eor Sixtli and Brannan Van Housen Wm, butcher, NE cor Eddy aiul Mason Van Laak I^, broom factory, Seventeenth nr Howard VAN NESS T C, atty at law, 411 A California, rm (5 Vainiier L A, tailor, 1302 Powell Van Norden W, liquors, 1747 Mission VAN NORDEN & OILMORE, real estate, 007 Montgomery Vannuchi Antonio, fruit, SW cor Jack- son and Hyde Vannucchi S, fruits, 428 Broadway Vanoni & Scott, restaurant, 140 Second Van Orden John, mining, 330 Pine Vanpel H J E, furniture, 2122 Mission VAN RENSSELAER P S, capitalist, 310 Pine VAN REYNEGOM F W, utty at tiw, 531 California Van Schaick I^ H, atty at law, (iOli Montgomery Vansteenl)urg Joseph, watchmaker, 401 Montgomery ave Vansteenburg M, confectioner, 401 Mont- gomery ave Vautine John, barfjcr, 20!)!) Mission Van Vlack (r J, physician, Eddy Van Vleck D, wood engraver, 432 Mont \'an \'liet Leon, jewelery and hmas, 500 Kearny Van Wie A, eariK^ntor, 125 Nintli.' VAN WINKLE I S & CO, iron, rteel and heavy hardware, agents Perkina' horse shoes, and (ilobe, Putman aail Xorthwestern horse nails, Cumlierhuui eoal, (jompleto stock of axles, springs, lilacksmiths' tools, etc, 4t:'- and 415 Market \'an AVyiik H L, stock broker, 308 Pine Van Zaudt J AV, physician, 801! Leav Varndall Catherine, bakery, 004 Vain Vaseoncellos J J, stoves and tinware, 524 Washington VASLIT F S, physician, 515 Kearny Vassaidt PYTdinand, money broker, 808 Montgomery Vasselin H, fancy goods, 540 Hayes N'asseur Emile, civil engineer, 1033 Miss VAUGHAN FRED, manager Union Xews Co, SE cor Sansom and Wash- ington and 002 Montgomery X'auglian H B, carpet-Ijeating and ivno- vator, 132 Fourth \'augl)n A H (estate of), saloon. 21 Leidcsdorff VaUL'im Mrs, photographer, 724J^ Mkt Veeci \ r, tailor, 1 18 Nioiitgomery ave N'eitcli F, shoemaker, 2()th and Mission Vdciieh V, physician, 818 i'^llis Venard J, cotfee and spice factory, (>25 Front Veimekohl Bros, groceries, 1200 I'acilTc Ventura Hock Soap Co, soap manufi-s, 410 Kitch Venturi E, boots and shoe:s 1717 Stock Veranda House, J L Vickers propr, 50!) NVasliington Verlinrg Henry, groceries and liciuots, VERDENAL D F, mining secy, 327 Pine Verdenal J M, atty at law, 520 Montgy N'erdenhalven J, groceries, 400 Sixth VERDIER, MdREAU & CO, gloves, 100 Montgomery VERDIER, MOREAU & CO (City of Paris), wholesale and retail dealers dry goods and silks, NE cor Mont- gomery and Sutter CA 3 M. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. a ;. ; 1 1 ■. i'ii CO lit ill III I Pi-": Sir"- ■if-^ ■:■ ¥Shm: i|: cf i^i ■ '■ fl* < > f- < o I- I- X < HI < o o w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., YiTrJiVio^i".r«:t.-.y;KA;eV.v;^? 1272 San Francisco. ALIMIAHRTICAIiLT. Vemieil J L, hay and ;ineer, 6 S F Stock Excliangu budding, Pine Verrill C Si, saw-filer, (545 Miss Verzur Chas, tailor, 1058 Mission VETTER F, tailor, 1 145 Market VIAUD LEON, carpenter, 1004 Stock Vibert M, liiuors, 518 Valencia Viciid Peter, fruit, SW cor Pacific and Mason Vickury W K, dealer in engravings and etchings and rare books, I'JO Kearny Victor Mill & Min Co, 327 Pino Victor Sewint! Machine, 034 Market Victoria & Impeiial T & M Co, 30: Montgomery ViotT, atty at law, 230 Montgy Vincent, Scvin & Co, seeds, 007 Sansom Vinnay A. silk factory, 300 Post Violicli A, cotlee stand, 727 Davis V'iolich Nichid.'S, liquor.s, cor Kentucky and Merrimac Virginia & (Jold Hill Water Co, 301) Montgomery, rm 01 \'irgiiiia & Truckee It K Co, 1) O Mills pres, 420 Califoruia Virtue tiold Min Co, Stock Exchange buildincr VITS JACOB, bakery, 1205 Polk Vivian Mm Co, 203 IJuah Vivien A, llorist, 120 VAUh VlantiuJ, coffee stand, 715 Davis Vlautin Joseph, restaurant, 2S3 East V>)cke & Jordan, cigars and tobucco,SW cor Montgomery ave and Pacific Vogel & Haliii, booksellers, 423 Wash Vogel M, boarding house, 1 14 Hayes Vogel T, tailor, 40;t Bush Vogelsakery, lOi) Third Von Ahnden J H, cigars and tobacco, 5 Kearny Von As^HTn J, liquors, 415 Pino Von Bostel jno, collector, Jackson St ^ Wharf Von dtr Lieth, druggist, 1400 Powell \'on der Xiinburg W A, saloon, SVV cor California and I)runnn Von Enulen .1, wagonmakor, SE cor Fifth and Clara Von (Jardanovvsky E, physician, 103 Post Von "ni«>rriai coium rison Cal I 39 Piicilic and I -< • 1 In uru tobaoco, 5 m "^" 1 S Jackson St j w D Powell 1 P ),m, S\V cor or, SE cor 1 ® yaician, 103 ^ l-o ,510 Battery j g {EcorTwen- ^8, IGOl Pow ICc iu3, NW cor lysician, t20l» R rdrcsaer, 701 ^ !3 and liiiuors, ale I $ ler, 4:V2 Mont 5 ;cr,'j:V2}. Mont S. Cft oi'raplior, 007 , apothecary, :al estate and estate agents, \m merchants, engineer, 808 Irrocers, corner I [w cor Steuart J ^>. v^.^'^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. // A I/. 1.0 1.25 IA^ |21 |2.5 ■U Bi 12.2 £ lu I.I l.*^ H^ U 11.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ '^' 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WIBSTIR.N.Y. MStO (7l6)t72-4S03 '^ 0^ S w. w. MONTAGUE A CO. y,7r?,yiinr.".rg:kVj;ig;;;>vvA^ CO ■I i n S 5 9 > c o E Q CO ? c c (0 o ■ O O a o < h O 1274 San Francisco. ALPHABETICALLT Walters Geo, pork packer, 308 Fifth WALTERSON & DEWET, commis- aion merchants, 10 California Walterstein F, liqnors, NE cor Kearny and Washington Walther P H, liquors, 221 Diipont Walton N C, roofing and Ijoiler casing, 219 Mission Walton N C Jr, mining sec, 41!) Cal Walton Thos J, barber, 302 Folsom Walworth J J baths, swimming, cor Bay and Dupont Walz Chas, boots and shoes, 403 Sutter Wambach Chas, liquors, 1135 Dupont Wanbath Max. barljor, Stockton Wand Samuel & Co, dry goods, 212 Sixth Wandesforde J B, artist, 530 California Wane Mnio K L, hnnian hair, 6"';) Mkt Waneich Wm, tailors' irons, 757 How Wanek Edward, hairdresser, 144 Third WANOENHEIM SOL & CO, hermeti cally sealed goods, 118 to 126 Davis Wangenheim, Sternheim & Co, imprs and jobbers crockery, glass and china 127 and 129 Sansom Wannenmacher & Kroncnlierg, brewery, NE cor Franklin and McAllister Wanz Mrs John D, bakery, 204 24th Wanz John W, butcher, NW cor Col- umbia and Twenty-fourth Wanzer li M F, physician, 130 (reary Wanzer Merritt L, carpenter, 1331 Bush Wappel & Collins, restaurant, 204 4th Warburton Mis A M, dressmaker, 10(30 Howard Warburton J P, physician and surgeon, 309 p:ddy Ward Andrew J, hairdresser, )i()5 Miss Ward Beecher Con, 401 California, rm 4 Ward C, tailor, G81 Mission Ward D H, mining secy, 309 Montgy Ward Sac Ward M & Co, wholesale liquors, 313 and 315Battpry,and 400 and 406 Coml Wardwell — , sewing machines, 634 Mkt Warncke & Griffiths, hotel, NW cor Sixth ave and M WARNER A. dentist, 224 Kearny Warner A, liquors, Meigs' Wharf and Francisco Warner Geo, butcher, SW cor Clay and Polk WARNKEN H F. grocer, cor Fran- cisco and Dupont Warren August, confectionery, 107 6tli Warren C A, contractor, 528 Cal, rm 1 Warren & Co, propr '* Cal Farmer," 320 Clay Warren F & Son, painters, 7 10 Buchanan Warren Henry, plumbing, 847 Valencia Warren John & Co, collectors, 200 Mc- Allister WARREN R W & CO. manufrs ori- ginal Vulcan Blasting Powder, 24 Merchants' Exchange Warren S P & Co, stockbrokers, 41 1 Cal Warsch.-iuer Mannheim, cigars, 321 Cal Warschauer Moritz, harness and saddle • ry, 305 Davis WASHBURN A, propr Stockton Plan- ing Mills, Berry bet Fourth and Fifth WASHBURN H, Great Eastern and \Vestern Horse and Mule Market, 8E cor Fifth and Bryant Washington Brewery, Claus Wieden & Co, cor Lombard and Taylor WASHINGTON HOTEL, Patrick t ..i- lins, 519 Mission Washington Insurance Co, 200 Sansom WASHINGTON IRRIGATED COL- ONYt "f Fresno county, Wendell Easton gen manager, 22 Montgf>inery Washington Market, E G Niles supt, Wasliington bet Montgy and Saiisora Washington stills, Dohrmann & Co proprs, cor ^Vashington and Dninim Washington Mining Co, 328 Mont^'y Wass G & H, liquors, SE cor Stciner and Hermann Wassiamull & Assomull, India goods, 909 Stockton WATERHOUSE & LESTER, wagon material, 31 Fremont and 1 17 Market Waterman Fredk H, atty, 13 Mont blk Waterman M & Co, grain and com- mission, 113 Clay Waterman J Ci, greceries, 733 Montgy Waters A, livery stable, 1000 Geary Waters Chas, plumber antl gaslitter, .'!() O'Farrell WATERTOWN FIRE INS CO. Hutchinson & Mann gen agts, ',]'2'2 and 324 California Watkin ^Vm B, real estate and note broker, 438 California Watkins Carlton E, photograplier, 4:'" Montgomery ^ WATKINS YOSEMltE ART OAI- ERY, J d Gook propr, 26 Montgy WATSON &C0, corks, druggistsSuii- dries, agts Holman's iiver pads, 12'-' and 124 Market Watson C H, accountant, 302 Montgy '-< 30 Is O IS" (A :0 13 CO S » a (0 ,"0 e i» » r 9 X r » 9 51 e TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer & Co., "^'."E&hT PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. »1»H: V»io»>SMa8re, M.F. B«oh pinjf, Peninansbip, Telegraphy. In, luilia gooils, Lester, ^vagou ^ and 117 Market ij? ty, 13 Montblk ^(D /rain ami com- |es, 7:V.l Montgy L lOOOCieary 1 4 ID c a la t J p a (8 » c a (8 I n San Francisco. ALPIIABBTICALLV. 1275 Watson Geo P J, accountant, 302 Mont Watson, La Grange and Gibson, bank- ers and brokers, 324 Pine Watson Mining Co, 302 Montgomery Watson N A, insurance, 31 G Montgy Watson S B & Co, cigars and tobacco, 327 Front WATSON WM H, mining secy, 302 Montgomery, rooms 5 andC Watt Blue Gravel Mining Co, R Weg ener secy, 414 California Watt Kobt, bank commissioner, 202 San Watterman J G, grocer, SE cor Jackson and Montgomery Wattiez L, liquors, 604 Sixteenth Wattles J B & Co, atockbrokers "03 Montgomery Wattson S B & Co, wholesale cigars and tobacco, 327 and 320 Front cor Clay Waugeman Asa L, saloon, 1 Sumner Waugh A & Co, junk, 112 Main VVaymireJas A, atty at law, 320San8om WEAVER D S, ranges, stoves, hard ware, 153 Third and 124 Sixth Weaver H, liarness and saddles, 14 Turk Weaver P L, mining, 328 Montgomery Webb H Watson, atty at law, li36 Clay Webb Jas Philpot, physician, 937 How WEBB MATTHEW R, com merchant, impr foreign cloth and woolers, 041 Market Webber Alpha A, capitalist, 306 Montg WEBBER L N, manager American Salt Co, 217 Sacramento Weber A C, pres Humboldt Saving and Loan Society, 18 (ieary Weber Chas Sr, collector and ins broker, 425 California Weber Chas, barber, 152 Steuart Weber E, butcher, 5 Metropolitan Mkt Weber F C, shoemaker, 02] California Weber G, boot and shoemaker, (525 Com Weljer G, saloon, 418 Broadway Weber J, baker, 'JOO Eleventh Weber John, blacksmith, 025 Brannan Weber M, watchmaker and jeweler, 1200 Market Weber Martin, carpenter and builder, 417 Bush Weber T H, grocer, Point Lobos ave Webfoot Silver Mining Co, 330 Pine Webster Thos, boots and shoes, 023 How Webster W W, manufr of saws, 45 Fre Wedderspoon & Co, com merchants, 24 California Wedel J G, liquors, SE cor T)rumm and Pacific Wedemeyer Fred'k, liquors, s s Railroad bet Fifth and Sixth aves Wedemeyer & Voll, cooked meats, 51 Centre Market Weeboldt Bros, groceries, NW cor Twen- tieth and Valencia Weed & (iorie, wood and coal, 927 Mkt WEED & KINGWELL, California Brass and Bell Works, 125 First Weed Sewing Machines, 034 Market Weeden Miss E H, prin The Clarke In- stitute, 229 O'Farrell Weedon E M, livery stable, 2111 and 21 13 Polk Weekes W J J, plumber, 1520 Stockton Weeks F L, physician and surgeon, 514 Kearny Weeks W H, liquors, 509 Valencia Weems Jas P, wood and coal, 403 Clem 'VVeems J P & Co, coal, 234 Fifth Wefelsburg A B, physician and surgeon, 808 Mission Wegener F O, notary public and com of deeds, 404 Montgomery Wegener K, mining secy, 414 California Wehr Chris, groceries, SW cor Clay and Stockton Wehr Fred'k, ca^j^jenter, 40 Jackson Wehr Henry, liquors, 40 Jackson Wehser H & Co, poultry, 25 Grand Cen- tral Market Weichha.t J, machinist, 143 Beale W^eighe Aug, money broker, 400 Montgy Weil Bros, wholesale liquors, 213 Jack Weil Bros & Co, imprs dry goods, 21 and 23 Battery Weil M, sausage maker, 108 Dupont Weil «& Michels, imprs and mauufrs fur- nishing goods, 8 Battery Weil & Woodleaf, imprs fancy goods, 113 Battery Weinberg L, tailor, 303^ Third Weindorf J & Co, fruit and vegetables, 140 Fourth Weinen M H, stationery, 334 Sixth Wciuochl & Co, carpenters and builders, 137 Thirteenth Weinstock & Lubin, of S.icramento, gen mdse, AUiert Bonlieim agt, office 524 Market WEIR JOHN, veterinary surgeon and dentist, 211 Ellis WEIS WM, manufr cigars, 154 Second Weisel Philip & Co, dairy produce, 1405 Stockton Weisenborn Fre G> 09 m ao CO 3 4 II is I I o to J, .. ■ ■ 1 '•"''■: Im H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. m w. w. MONTAGUE & co.,«^^s.rifo.^5;tir^r«a^TiiLft'g'??r 1276 C o E « CO c c (0 o O O o < a. Welch A J, atty at law, 434 California Welch & Co, liquors, 333 Third 1¥£LCH & C0« shipping and com mer chiint, importers, 109 California Weldon W E, physician, Twenty-second and Folsora Wellbrock & Schroder, grocers, 214 Davis Weller C L.pres Pacitic Stock Exchange, 1 1 Cosmopolitan building Weller J B, atty at law, ()-28 Montgy WELLINGTOIT BF, seedsman, impor- ter and dealer, 425 Washinton Wellington Min & Smelting Co, R Weg- ener secty, 414 California WELLMAN PECK & CO, wholesale grocurs, tobacco and cigars, 120 to 132 Market Wells Chas H, com merchant, agt Puget Sound Packet Line, 20 California Wells C J, books, stationery and confec- tionery, SM Sutter Wells Mrs E, dressmaker, 230 O'Farrell Wells F H, atty at law, 402 .Montgy WELLS, FAEGO & CO, Lloyd Tevis pres, John J Valentine supt; express 3'?0 Sansom, bank NE cor California and Sansom Wells, Fargo Min Co, A Colburn sooty, 3] 8 Pine Wells Geo R, atty, 6 Nevada block Wells J" H, watchmaker and jeweler,2iU") Sixteenth Wiills Ijcvi, horseshoer, 1330 Market Wells Ransford Jr, atty 502 Montgy WELLS RUSSELL & CO, mechanics mills, cor Mission and Fremont Welp (} H, shoemaker, 2052 Mission Welsh Henry J, liquors, 115 Sixth Welsh John, liquors, NW cor Twenty- fifth and Howiird Welsh John, shoemaker, 658 Mission . Welsh M, planing mills, NW Twenty- second and Valencia WELSH T J, arclutect, 302 Montgy Welspiel & Co, florist, 1 17 Sutter Welspiul &, Fahrenholz, florists, 121 Sutter Wempe Bros, paper boxes and collars, 56i> Market Wempe II, plumber, SW cor Valencia and Hill I Wende P D, stationery, SE cor Sixth iind Market j Wendel ( Jeorge, confectioner, I419Stock; WENDEL H) furniture aud storage, 31 Stockton WENSINGEE F S. real estate, 024 Sacr amento WENT WORTH J P H, propr "The Resources of California," 320 Sansom Wenzel Fr, liquors, 538 Commercial Wenzel Goo F, jeweler, 109 Sixth Wenzel Herman, air clocks and watch re- pairing, 328 Kearny Wenzel, Rothschild & Hadenfeldt, pro- prietors Cal Jewelry Factory, 37 Post Wenzell Wm T, chemist, 852 Market Warder Max, homoeopathic physician 36 Geary ' WerUng Jacob, carpenter, 1132 York Werlicz Henry, cigar manufr, 36 Sixth Werner Geo, butcher, 1643 Polk Werner Jno, tailor, 631 Merchant Werner Louis, butcher, 910 Bryant Werner Mrs K, milliner, 708 Market Werster T D, bakery, 217 Sixteenth WERTHEIMER M & BRO.manufrs of cigars, 5 IS Front Wertheimer L & E, imprs cigars and to- bacco, 300 to 30(5 Front ^Vertheimer & Simon, groceries, 735 O'Farrell AVertscli Wm, carriage and wagonmak- er, 102 Tyler Wessell Jno, liquors, SE cor Powell and Union Wessling Henry J, hay and grain, 1515 Geary Wesson Jos W, lumber, cor Spear and Howard West Coast Furniture Co, C D Cush- man agt, NW cor Fourth and Bryant Westchester 1 nsurance Co, 200 Sansom West Comstoek Gold & Silver Minin" Co, 230 Montgomery West E H, carpenter, 619 Hyde West IJnd Distillery, (^coan House Road bet Mission and San Jose Roads West Miss Mary B, school, 1001 Sutter WEST PACinC MINING CO. D F Verderal secy, 327 Pine West R B, watches, clocks and jewelry, 407 Kearny West Side Silver Mining Co, 330 Pine WESTHALL JOS, feathers,7(54 Miss Wi'stcott A . , confectioner, 1535 (ieary A\'esterfeld Herman, president Portrero Yeast and Distillery Co, cor Nevada and Minnesota AVesterfeld & Page, restaurant and bak- ery, 745 Market Westerman Jno, tailor, 008 Howard WESTERN FIRE ASSUEANCE CO OF CANADA, Butler & Haldau gen agents, 413 California Western Electric Light Co, 328 Montcy WESTERN FIRE & MARINE m- SURANCE CO OF CAL, PJ White prcst, Peier Outcalt secy, 409 Cal Western Hotel, Hugh Doherty propr, 214 Broadway Western Iron Works (foundry),316 Mis* Western Mining Co, 203 Bush WESTERN STRAW WORKS. L Lapham propr, 108 Fourth m m ■n m o m ao -< z o t- m (0 > r- m ■n 30 m a ■ S o ?^ m r CO s 0) O 3 a O' 3 H. WACHHORST. importer of jf^^l&y^^lSK.'kd.. 315 J St., Sac. ant and bak- e E o ctf 09 i!!51?!KlPENii«A^^ San Francisco. _ALPIIABI8T1CALI.V to I Western Union Minine Co ano \r-. ^ WESTERN UNION TEIOPH^ Jas Gamble gen sunt 'Mil^Xnif ^^^' Westneimer ft^KahTcoS' SH^^ Montgomery ' •'-- '"^.t^Sfer-^ -^livery '^Horard'''''"'"'^^'«^--Varand Weston & Sparks, blacksmiths and wa-r onmakers, 210!) Polk """uwag- WESTON WM,bakeryandrest;i„... ^ 9 Stockton '^ restaurant, Wetherbee C H, real estate agt oil Ci WETHERBEE CHARLP«» t Occi.lental Hotel^^-^^ ^' """"'' ^^:^^^-^-^^^., Wetzel Th account the estate of T T A ^^^ , -•'-• Pioche, 522 Montfiomerv ^^ ''^'»» J A, shinwrmJ,* , . t. , Weyl Bros, watchmakeriTo Suifer" X^^^'^T^ ALket '^"^ ''^^'' '' VVeylJ, diamond importers lin«** VVhitnnmJ. xr a. , ^ 1277 Wwfcft«:J--|es, 230 13th wSr.l^i^^^'^n^.^^'^SPine.roomS VVheeler'c h' X*- '' ^'^^ **'««*«« „843MissiS; P'^y^'^""' and surgeon, Wheeler E D * « Montgomery '"' ^'^^^ ^* la>v, 328 Wheeler F a +^„ i ^ California ' *'" "'"^ ^^^^^ broker, 128 - Jij^^'^l^r -fas, atty at law 094 « H heeler AI Alliao,, .T- • * Ransom •'^1 3l5Califor,3.a ""' '""""^ engineer. lirr >Vheeler Samuel H „• 1 Fremont "' "^'^ engineer, 213 coal, HW cor Sv7' *^'"'*'"' ^^'"O'l and Whelan Johnrsaloo ' '^•;,*'^ ^'"^ ^iss ^^ and Tyler ^* ^^ cor Fillmore m •Ji to 01 3 ^^ffi^"^' ^"^"•''*^«'- on wood, ^S.l^°''""''^^'^'-«'«0«and Wh*'*)"" m\" "' ""y "* Jaw, 640 Clnv wS'" S' ''°»*"'aker, 252 Beale ^ Wha en Wm, .rocory, 237 Minna TnnUl4''^'-*^^*-">-«-.er,,04St Ta"".*'" ''' ^'' ^'-« -'^ker, 229 Whan W W & Co, coal dealorM snfi 1 808 Buchanan "eaicrs, 806 and What Ch e ™use Is.ao H v . xv'l!^' ^'^ ^^^rk* ^'''°'^' ^^""■ 529 .Sacramoa o • "'"" My^l" mangr, White Fred'k, contractor ni.ht work WHEAT c -n nnfn. .-,.•. . . . .,;iL^i>«pont "'S'^* ^ork, 529 .Sacramento WHEAT C D, notary public real estifp gnt^andcommi3sio.i;rofde.^^^^^^^^^ '''vfbeKd^^^^^^""' «-"*-*"' WHEATLY & COOK, real estate and Wheaton & Luhrs, wholsale provisions wrA'°'"J"r'"*'^*«' 21i) Front ' Wheaton M A, atty at law, 1 Mont blk ""tntofn;!;;-^™' atty'atr:S vvi V . "" -warket Wll^Sl''';^*?.S?«5 Third Wln'S: K rrntr"* *^"^'' '^^^ ^"J-"" stock, 13 ami I - ' a^-^''^^ ^^d wagon White Car orL;/^'"^"; ^ «»d 7Cal 3-'0 Hansom ^ *''' P''*""' °»t«ides. ''Shc&'^^^rtionofthe Market ' " ^^°'^ manager, 807 white"* rn"'"« ^°' '"^O^ ^^""tgy WHITETpfc^^^^^^^^^ .. 'Iry. W8 mS®S. La Grande Laun- 220 s and '«;. 614 and Kearny , '^16 Dupont WHITE HENRY, hatt Wi:ef';?rc,ay'''"^^"'-*-''-«bI«and WhiieiB ;;.'-ir^^rS^^«' 221 sac wmTE^AMEr^rior^^ . 1^ Appletoir&\o N Y L?"',r °^ wSl^r^''^'^;:'''''^«7^^o.ytW '^^^"-^ Sir^l^^^^'^^Montgy «,,_ ~ ■ ^^ ' '"«' '--amorr I . Si** a " y u IE *Jf ^ la W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., '*!?;SS'm.'y,'!!5?iyig,?t^'^?^A.^g- CO i c •Ml CO 5r Q 1278 /Sati Francisco. AI.PUABBTICALLT. c o E CO i c c CQ P ■ O o o < Q. t- WHITE & PRICE, general com mer- chants, 320 Davis White R, crockeiy and glass, 224 Third WHITE ROBT, treasurer S F JS'ews Co, 413 and 415 Washington White Sewing Machines, 634 Market WHITE STAR LINE (New York and Liverpool), steam ship ticket agency, J F Fugazi agt, 5 Montgomery ave White T A, mining secy, 328 Alontgy W^liite Thos, liijuors, 217 PaciH.c White Wm, wood carver, 445 Ninth White Wm E, collector, 318 California WHITE W M, .San Rafael Express, 1 Commercial WhitelawTPH, macliinery. ship chand- ler and steam ship owner, foot Second Whitely T & Co, stock brokers, 314 Montgomery Whitely W H, atty at law, NE cor Fourth and Townsend Whiting MS, "Winu Dealer's Gazette," 722 Montgomery Whitman S 1*, real estate, loan and business agt, 302 Montgomery Whitmore E, carriage maker, 1507 Polk Wliitney A L, collector Mercantile Col lection Bureau, 21 G Sansom WHITNEY & BEATTY, managers Mercantile Collection Bureau, 216 San Whitney & Cos Oakland and S F Ex- press, 3 and 5 Commercial ; 855 Broad- way, Oakland Whitney G H, stevedore, Pier 10 Steuart Whitney J D, physician, 204 Sutter Whitney J P, physician, 204 Sutter Whitney J R & Co, com merchant, 012 _ Clay WHITNEY & MARSHALL, iron, steel, coal and hardware, 22 and 24 Fremont WHITNEY, SUMNER & CO, pub lishers and importers of law books. G13 Clay Whitney & Webster, wool graders and packers, Townsend bet Fiftli and Sixth WhitsteadP], real estate, 320 Sansom Whittemore & McKee, attys at law, 318 Pine WHITTIER, FULLER & CO, whole- sale glass, paints and oils, 21 to 25 Front Whittle Robt, capitalist, 302 Montgy Whittock W H, fruit and dry goods, R R ave bet Eleventh and Twelfth aves Whitwell N S, physician, 703 Market Whitworth Jno M, atty at law, 120 Sut Whyte John P, carpenter, 014 Cal Wible T B, restaurant, 3 First Widmer Godleib, bakery, SE cor Vallojo and Stockton Wichman & Lutgen, wholesal* liquors, 321 Clay Widber J H & Co, druggists, cor Mar ket and Third Widmann T, mining secy, 404 Montov WIDOW A FINKES CALirORNU CHAMPAGNE. 80<> Montgomery Wiebalk N, groceries, SW cor Bush and Polk Wiebe Wm, barber, 2 Morton Wieboldt Bros, grocers, NW cor Valen- cia and Twentieth Wiel H, dry goods, 101(5 Larkin Wieland Bros, imprs and wholesale dairy Wn-oduce, provisions and fish, 328 Front lELANJ) JOHN, propr Pliiladclplna Brewery, cor Second and Folsom Wieland & Swartout, liqno. % 828 Mkt Wiemann Chas & Co, liquors, 05 4th Wienberg & Spocker, liquors, cor Chan- nel and Fourth Wiener (Jarten, NW cor Sut and Stock Wiener Isaac, branch bakery, 225 5th Wiener M H, books, 334 Sixth Wiese & Wagner, proprs North German Hotel, 2(5 Sacramento Wiesenhavern L, ruches and rutllinus 1021 Polk * ' Wiess Phillip, druggist, NE cor Mission and Nineteenth WIESTER & CO. manufrs and whole- sale dealers in oil stoves and house- hold utensils, 17 New Montgomery WIOOER HENRI, Geiman atty at law, 240 Montgomery Wightman A C, stockbroker, 331 Mont Wightman Bros, conmiission, 117 Clay WIOMORE JOHN, impr and dealer iu cabinet woods and veneers, 12H to 135 Spear Wilberth J L, dentist, 18 Third Williert John S, cigar factory, 418 Hayes Wilbur .1 B, architect, 137 Montgomery Wilcox Mrs Lizzie, bakery, cor Geary andJones Wilcox Willard J, glue factory, Fif. teenth ave. South S F WILDE JAS M, merchandise broker, 218 California Wilder A M (Powers & Wilder), physi- cians, 215 Geary Wilder David, mining secy, 328 Montgy WILDES J, H, chief draughtsman U S surveyor's office, 010 Commercial Wilford A, liquors, 1 155 Missicm Wilhclm A, physician, 29 Kearny VVilhelmi H & Co, wholesale liquors, 109 California Wilke Lewis, liquors, 34 Second Wilkens & Co, grocer. Third and Bran Wilkens & Co, shipping and com mchts, 109 California Wilkins Mrs J S, hair goods, 940 Har Wilkina J M, grocer, NE cor Chestnut and Mason H II n 5" (A O 3 O o 3 O 2 ■o 9 e 5? (D ■I z O e M O « (0 r X o TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.BIumauer&Co., hATStt. «va, 110, flt..fl.P. cor Mar- i4 Montftv IFOENIA tgomery jr Bush and 11 ' cor Valen- irkin .olesale dairy ah, 328 Front rhiladclphia jt'olsoin ,. s, 828 Mkt ira, 05 4th rs, cor Chan- ut and Stock •ry, 225 5th Sixth !^orth (ierman and rufliings, ^E cor Mission ifrs and whole- vea and house- Moutgoinery |Gkmau atty at )ker, 331 Mont siou, 117 Clay it and dealer in eers, V19 to 135 P Third itory, 418 Hayes 37 Montgomery :ery, cor Geary e factory, Fif- •handise broker, Wilder), physi- O » a a. o I o 3 u (D 3 1^ .Mc c-i — I „* t^„ 1 \yiigo„ Wm, asphaltum roofer, 012 Miss Wilson W F, plumber and gasfitter, 25 Stockton Wilson & Wilson, attorneys at law, 420 California Wiltoa E F, tailor, 412J Geary CO m u» 3 3 S. CO 'A t 't ■■'r, ' HI?/ IUIT«ti H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. 'rfl.t *Iil «S^ WKL, » '3i iff.'j ttw^^ff?V ^JHF'^iv' mm i^;<^j|<^ jMJg g;«Btt.:i v-maf ISII si IL > CO i c S o » B Ik t C C a O O o o S o < a. E O W. W. MONTAfiUE & CO.. y.TTffli^Vr.rjSSftVyVtSSi.VVj^^ 1280 (San Francisco. ALFIIABSnCALLT. WILTON JOHN M & CO, dairy pro duce and cnniied fruits, '23 and 24 California Market Wilzinski S, costuiner, 417 Bush Winans, Belknap & Godoy, attys at law, 604 Merchant Winch Walter, hardware and crockery, 532 Hayes Winchell & Cole, real estate, 304 Montgomery Wiachester Chas W, boarding stable, 13 and 15 Stevenson Winckelmann Henry, groceries, 601 Hayes Wind Moritz, tanner, iSan Bruno Road WINDEL H & CO, Pioneer Furni- ture Storage Warehouse, 310 Stockton Windle E, physician, NW cor Valencia and Twenty-third Windt C, liquors, 518 Merchant Windt H A, groceries, NE cor Hyde and Broadway Wing & Allen, photographers, 342 Kear Wing T, physician, 2235 Mission Wing W H & Co, maiiufs lasts, boot trees, etc, NW cor Mission and Fre WINOATE I C, Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley & S F Express, 6 Sacramento and 852 Broadway, Oakland WINKLE A & H JR. bakery, cor Vallejo and Battery WINKLE B C JR, bakery, SE Vallejo and Broadway Winn T J, tailor, 313 Sutter Winrow J, butcher, 3000 Mission Winslow C W, liquors, 314 Third Winter Adolpii, tailor, 308 Post Winter Miss Alice, ladies hairdresser, 1601 Polk Winter Bros, steam sausage factory, 43 Fremont Winter J H, grocer, 1600 Bush Winter James H, druggist, 659 Clay Winter John F, grocer, SW cor Union and Filbert Winter J W, dentist, 206 Kearny Winter & Pauli, beei hall, 411 Bush Winter W, real estate, secty Territorial Pioneers, 838 Market Winter W (i, dentist, 206 Kearny WINTER & WINTER, dentists, Kearny Winterbnm Joseph & Co, printers electrotypers, 417 Clay Winterhalter W, architect, 29 Post Wintjen John, groceries, 2201 Gearj' Wintz Joseph, liquors, SE cor Nine teenth and Mission WIRSING CHAS H. manufr trunks and valises, 628 Market Wirt N S, atty, 51 1 Montgomery Wise & Goldfish, gen mdse, 33 and 35 Battery SE cor 206 and 1 WISE JOHN H. (Christy k Wise), prest Commercial Ins Co of California 607 Front Wise Tully K, atty at law, 16 Mont- gomery ave Wisluzil J, merchant tailor, 10 and 605 Montgomery, 302 Kearny Wiss G, physician, 1800 B>upont Wissing F J, wood and coal, 1054 Pol Wissinger & Payson, carpenters, 408 Jackson Witgen Deidrich, groceries, 1201 Dupont Witschen H, grocer, NW cor Dupont and Broadway Witt H, fruit, 235 Sixth Witt J, fruit and vegetables. Bay City Market Witt Julius, manufr clothing,22 Sansoni Witte William, groceries, SE cor Powell and Vallejo Wittman k Bignc, restaurant, 412 Pine Wittmeier John G, liquors, 513 Pacific Wittram C, atty at law, and real estate, 230 Montgomery Wittram Frcdk, real estate, 230 Montpy Witzel J F & Bro, grocers, cc- Davis and Pacific Witzemann Wm, butcher, N W cor Mer- chant and East Wohber Bros, grocer, 2001 Powell Wobber E A, liquors, cor Beale and Brannan Wobber Henry, groceries, NE cor Leav- enworth .and Geary Woch atz C, liqu ors, 4 11 Bush WOENER DAVID, cooper, 104 Spear WOERNER CARL, dressmaker and costnmer, 223 Kearny Woerz C liquors, 1607 Polk Woerz G H, liquors, 5 Hardie Place Wohlke John, saloon, 31 Fifth Wohlke & Mensen, rustic window shades, 413 Mission Wolbern & Eisner, painter, 606 Post Wolf A & Co, boots and shoes, 208 Sixth Wolf Fredk, stockbroker, 316 Montgy Wolf F C, wall paper, 1228 Stockton Wolf Jno, hairdresser, 221 Dupont WOLF JOSEPH, jeweler, 120 Sutter Wolf M, ciijar manufr, 356 Third WOLF PHILIP & CO, commission merchants, 304 Battery Wolf W H, carpenter, 931 Mission Wolfarth J M, bootmaker, 1322 Pacific Wolfe Jos M, traveling agt, 545 Wash Wolfe M A, dry goods, 820 Market WOLFE & SON. architects, 240 Mont Wolfe Wm, fancy goods, 1210 Stockton Wolfen Max & Co, com merchants, 216 Washington Wolfenstein V, photoarrapher, 1144 Mkt WolflF August, bookbinder, 310 Post Wolff Chas H, atty at law, 401 Cal 3 o 3. s 0> (ft 3 a o 3 e a a J or ■n 3 t e I fl I H. WACHHORSTJmporterof j£i:Ly!%!:;lL7ud.. 315JSt..Sae, Mi,tlO,lt», sty & Wise), I of California, aw, 16 Mont- or, 10 and 605 iiy Dupont coal, 1054 Fol arpentera, 403 es, 1201 Dupont W cor Dupont ables, Bay City thing,22 Sanaom 8, SE cor Powell aurant, 412 Pine uorSj 513 Pacific ', and real estate, tate, 230 Montpy •< rocers, cor Davis ) |g ler, N\V corMer- 2001 Powell 8, cor Beale and lies, NE cor Leav- jf [1 Bnsh cooper, 104 Spear drcBsmaker and ,/ Polk Hardie Place 31 Fifth rustic window Inter, 606 Post |L Id shoes, 208 Sixth ' tker, 316 Montgy 11228 Stockton I, 221 Dupont leler, 120 Sutter [, 356 Third (30 commission tery ,. . , 931 Mission ttker, 1322 Pacihc [g agt, 545 Wash b 820 Market Riitects, 240 Mont Us, 1210 Stockton i p tm merchants, 216 J Irapher, lU* M^* " [nder, 310 Post \i law, 401 Cal iisTstsaij. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «•• trroir2S«, -^^ri . Ednoates thoroushly for Bniiini'as. San Francisco. i o (tf e o "(5 (A 0} 1281 11 X o o 0) « b fli o H Z C9 O X (0 ■ o ■ < en- near Wolff Jacob, bootmaker, 606 Mont ave WOLFF & LOZE, watches, diamond setter and watch materials, 120 Sutter Wolff M A A, physician, 233 Mont avc Wolff Marcus, plumber, 260 First WOLFF & BHEINHOLD. importers and com merchants, cement, wines and liquors, 324 Washington Wolfrom A, cigar manufr, 646 Market Wollitz T, baker, 1425 Dupont Wolters Bros, imprs wines and liquors, 221 California Wolters & Co, produce, pickles and sauerkraut, 69 and 70 Cal Market Wolters Jros, grocer8,NE cor Twentieth and Guerrero Wolters Wm, grocer, 29 Clementina Women's Christian Temperance Union, coffee house, 029 Sacramento WOMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE PEINTING OFFICE, Mrs L G Richmond & Son proprs, 424 Montgy Wood B & Co, com merchants, 612 Clay Wood Chas, plumber, 138 Seventh Wood Geo T, stationery, 133 Fourth Wood Geo M & Co, stationers and gravers, 120 Post Wood Mrs H, dressmaker, 1007i Stock Wood Horace V, butcher. Mission Twenty-ninth Wood Hugh, ftimiture, 677 Mission Wood H H, secretary S P Laundry, 33 Geary Wood Mrs J, fancy goods, 212 Second Wood J M, atty at law, 704 Montgy Wood Jno, bootmaker, 408 24th WOOD M F» manager Pacific motor, 5 and 7 Beale Wood Si ml, tailor, 775 Market Wood W C, sailmaker, 44 Market Wood W E, stockbroker, 318 Montgy Wood Wm H, atty at law, 715 Clay Wood Wm S, atty at law, 309 Montgy Woodbri dge A F, printer, 224 Montgy WOODBURT F Cf Heald's Business College, 24 Post Woodbury Geo W, box factory, Berry bet Fourth and Fifth Woodhams & Ludlum, Empire Storage Warehouse, Beale nr Market Woods F H, dealer in securities, 412 Montgomery WOODS F N & CO, poultry, 65, 66 and 67 California Market Woods G^o L, atty at law, 320 Cal Woods Preston, foreign and domestic fruit, 13 Fourth Woods ThoB, carpenter, SE cor O'Faixell and Broderick Wooster, Hubbell & Co, wholesale dairy produce and proviaiona, 317 Front WoodviUe Con S Min Co, R E Kelly Beoy, 419 Califoniia 81 Woodward's Gardens (estate of R B Woodward propr). Mission bet Thir- teenth and Fifteenth Woodward Wm A, dentist, 920 Market Woodward W A & Co, job printing, 529 California Woodworth John, restaurant, 614 and 516 Pacifio W;OODWORTH. SCHELL & CO, imprs pianos and organs, 12 Post WOOLF D B. secy California State Democratic Club, 630 Commercial Woolhouse 8l Hijliard, groceries and butcher, SW cor Nineteenth and Capp Woolsey E W, sheep raiser, 418 Cal Woolworth R C, pres First National Gold Bank, 315 Montgomery Wooster David, physician, 746 Mission Wooster, Hubbell Sc Co, commission, 317 and 319 Front, 310 to 314 Coml Wores Joseph, hatter, 609 Washington Workman Jno, restaurant, 605 Davis Workingmen's Free Library, 1235 Mkt Worn George A, real estate and money broker, 438 California Worsham L, physician and surgeon, 413 Bush Worsham W S & Co, groceries and pro- visions, 301 Tyler WORTH & M£RRILL,mannfrs paper collars, cuffs and bosoms, also manufr of suspenders, 35 Second Worth Sidney, pliysician, 426 Sutter Wortman — , liquors, NW cor Clay and Kearny Wortman Henry, liquors, cor Howard and Steuart WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES, Truman S Clark propr, 21 New Mont Wrede C, liquors, 419 East Wrede & Co, liquors, NW cor Clay and East Wrede D, grocer, NE cor Seventeenth and Guerrero Wrede H, wood and coal, 1218 Pacific Wrede J, wood and coal, 1623 Powell Wrede John, saloon, 222 Washington Wrede Wm, cigar manufr, 423 Wash Wren J, wo»d and coal, NE cor Twenty- second and Harrison Wright — , physician, 850 Market WRIGHT & HANCHETTE, station- ery and news dealers, 433 Montgy ave Wright's Hotel, David T Griffiths, 218 Broadway Wright John, pickmaker, 13 Fremont WRIGHT JOHN A, atty at law, 309 Montgomery, rms 16 and 17 Wright Mitchell, groceries, 20 Sixth Wright R Percy, atty at law, 310 Pine Wright & Riley, sewer contractors, 126 Geary Wright & Sanders, architects, 418 Cal 3 J -< fit o z CO T m 3 a CO I 3 Ill 1^1 m I H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. '}> .It' 1 fill hi, ! o o a z 5 o Ol I- I- 3 O w. w. MONTAGUE & co.,»ST^:^rm.^!s;.'iM'ir^fff ff?r 1282 San Franciaoo. ALrHABITIOALLT. Wright Selden S, »tty at law, 306 Pine Wright Wm, lamps and oil, 300 Mont gomery ave Wright \y H, atock broker, 420 Montgy Wright W J, confectionery, 928 Larkin Wueatefeld J O, saloon, 308 Fourth Wulburn John, grooories, NW cor Fil- bert and Laguna Wulff Bros, grocers, NE cor Sixth ave and L Wulff Peter, pickle and saur kraut fao tory, 422 Da\'iB Wulyen D H, groceries, cor Ninth and Folsom Wunderer & Seeli, confectioners, 1233 Stockton Wunderlich E, varieties, 1877 Mission Wunsch & Co, wholesale jewelers, 206 Kearny Wunsche C G, restaurant, 46 Steuart Wunsch Nicholas, barber, SE cor Rail road and Eleventh aves Wurkheim ft Co, cloaks and suits, 125 Kearny Wuthrich John, butcher, 415 Geary WTATT, HASKQ) & CO, oommis- mission merchants, 118 Front Wybell & Tedford, dress and cloakmak ers, 209 Sixteenth Wylie James, oarriagemaker, 20 and 22 Seventh Wym an C, liquors, 777 Mission WyHAN C F, secy Board of Trade of San F'raucisoo, Union block, junction Pine and Market Wyoming and Ditkota Water Co. A Borland prest, Theo Widman secy, 404 Montgomery Wyrich Christian, liquor, 16 Clay Wythe J H, physician, 39 Sutter Wythe W T, physician, 39 Sutter Wyttenbach E, artist, 432 Montgy Yager Marten, butcher, 211 Folsom YALE LOCK MANTJFG CO. Rich- ards & Snow agta, 408 Market Yanagiya Kentaro, consul Japan, 309 Jones Yang Tszelns Assn, 206 Sanaom Yarttdley Mrs R. milliner, 2500 Cal YATB S A & CO* commission mer- chants, 127 Washington YATES & CO, paints, oils, lamp stock, varnishes and brushes, (whole- sale), 113 Front Yates Fred, artist, 4 Mercantile Library building Yates GC, wood and coal dealer, 531 Pine YATES B B, agt Cal Sil Mannf Co, 585 Market Yeagor Thos T, umbrellas and parasols, 3 Dupont Yeaton Mrs J H, dressmaker,407 Taylor Yeazel A H, livery stable, 1639 and 1614 Eddy Yelland R D, artist, 408 California Yello w Jacket G & S M Co, 203 Bush YEBBY ft &OSEBERBY, commission merchants, wool and grain, 202 Col York & Whit worth, attys at law, 120 Sutter York Wm, imprs of liquors, 204 Cal York W M, atty, 120 Sutter York W R, house painter, 312 Minna Yost DZ & Co, stockbrokers, 441 Cali- fornia and 332 Montgomery Young America South Mining Co, Stock ExWdi Young & Bro, butchers, Greenwich near Sterner Young Conrad, dairy produce, 1317 Dup Young James, watchmaker, 57 Second Yo ung Joseph, drugtrist, 1114 Folsom YOTJNO DB. J C, Medical Institute, 7 Stockton Young Mens' Christian Association, H Cox secy and librarian, 232 Sutter YOTJNO NESTON A, supt and mangr Permutation Lock Co,, 531 California Young Thoraas, real estate broker, SE cor Suttiar and Montgomery, up stairs Young W D, tailor, 307 Minna Youagberg & Meyer, publisher "Swedish News," 417 Bush Youngclaus J D, boots and shoes, 417 Sutter Younger E A, M D, dentist, 224 Stock Younger Wm J, M D, dentist, 224 Stock You ths Directory, No 1417 Howard YUBA OBAVEL RANGE MINING CO, H Hchoir secy, 320 Sansom Yuill James, furniture, 343 Sixth Yule Gravel Mining Co, 302 Montgy Yuma Mill Mining Co, 309 Montgoraory Zabel J, hat and cap manufr, 125 Sansom ZABRISKIE JAMES C, atty at law, 620 Washington ZACHARIAS ft GREEN* wholesale jewelers, 126 Kearny Zacliartas L & Bro, jewelers, 2P Kearny Zacharias M, watches and jewelry, SOS Kearny Zacharias S, watchmaker, 308 Kearny Zadig & KuUmann, stockbrokers, 307 Montgomery Zacpffdl Xavier, confectionery, 785 Eddy ZALLO B, florist, 246 Sutter Zambelich J & Bros, restaurant, 609 Clay Zanovich L V, fruit, 1122 Stockton If 00 e CO e a o o o « a a •o 9 e ■o •o • 5? (0 n X o e (0 9 r o O 5 TRY DR. CUNN'S RHEUMAtlSM KING. ■Iim; itylM tn4 btury Bt., 8. F. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE "**• /?® ■***<. ««r«*«- «iw«tM rnviriw ww*jii^>-««j w%fi-i.fcq&, thni-onBhly Iter BvMlnAMH. and parasols, ;er,407 Taylor 1639 and 1614 !ali(omia J, 203 Bush Y, oommission uii, 202 Cal 8 at law, 120 >n, 204 Gal '. 312 Minna kera, 441 Cali- naery ining Co, Stock Greenwich near | (duce, 1317 Dup iker, 57 Second 1114 Folsom Lical Institute, 7 I Association, H a, 232 Sutter 8upt and mangr )„ 531 California state broker, SE ;omery, up stairs J Minna iblisher "Swedish and shoes, 417 ntist, 224 Stock .entist, 224 Stock 1417 Howard NQ£ UINING 120 Sansom 343 Sixth ), 302 Montgy 309 Montgomery O » a a $ o o « s •o o e ■o Lnufr, 125 Sansom , C, atty at law, 5X wholesale ker8,2PKeamy land jewelry, 308 ler, 308 Kearny ttockbrokers, 307 Itionery, 785 Eddy 1 Sutter restaurant, ooa il22 Stockton KING. X o n 3 e e (0 p (A 2. I* p I 5 San FrancMco. 1283 Zaubitzer Albert, liquors, 248 Sutter ZAHTZINGER B Rt com merchant, sole agt Pacific coast for Holbrook To- bacco Works, Louisville, Kentucky, 232 California Zech J, piano manufr, 21 1 Ninth ZecherFW, butcher, 1817i Powell ZECKENDOBF & STAAB, (Tucson, A T), gen mdse, 324 Clay Zeglio D, Carrara Marble Works, 1328 Howard Zeh L, butcher, SE cor Dupont and Union Zehfuss Wm, carpenter and cabinet- maker, 840 Mission Zeile Chas D, drugs and baths, 524 to 528 Pacific Zeile F, physician, 524 Pacific Zeile Fred'k, Russian and Turkish baths, 524 Pacific Zeis John, boots and shoes, 222) Second Zeisenburg & Stamen, groceries, 721 Fol Zeiro A; Sciaroni, liquors, 621 Broadway Zeiss Louis, com merchants, 106 Clay Zelner Wm, druggist, 873 Mission Zeller H, stucco worker, 1043 Market Zellerbach A, stationery, 413 Sansom Zemanskey H J, manufr cigars, 986 Fol Zemansky S, millinery, 210 Sixth Zengeler Mrs S, coflFee saloon, 24 Dupont Zenovi'^h L, liquors, 640 Pott Zenovich Lucca, fruit, 1122 Stockton Zent Gold Min Co, 314 Montgomery Ziegler F E, stationery, 634 Montgy Zihn A, carpenter, 432 Fifth Ziinmer Clias K, barber, 6 Summer Zimmer G W, Kroceries, 422 Post Zimmerman Edw, hairdresser, 336 Sixth Zimmerman H L, stationery, 703 Bdwy Zinnamon A, tailor, 308 Bush Zinnaman & Outmiin, tailors, 223 Bush ZINNS CHBISTIAX , merchant tail- oor, 611 Sacramento Zinns L A, stockbroker, S F Stock Ex- change building Zissig Chas, dry and furnishing goods. 802 Kearny Zocchi F, acting Italian consul, 625 Front Zolfor Jno, furniture, 25 Stockton Zolner, Henry, stationery, 238 Sixth Zook Frank L, civil engineer, 313 Mont Zosiel G, restaurant, 305 Sixth Zschiesciie Chris, bootmaker, 1422 Dup Zschiesche K, cigars, tobacco, 621 Kearny Zundorf Jno, tailor, 422 Sacramento Zvietich & Garrone,fruit com merchants, 519 Sansom Zwald Mrs Mary, fruit, 1019 Howard Zweifel Mrs Ellen, fruit, 1060 Howard F. M. L. Peters. F. M. L. PETERS & CO., F. Aug. Meyeb. T:E3:Ees Archery, Tags, Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Optical Goods, Musical Instruments, Croquet, Purses, Satchels, Work Boxes, Base Balls, Etc., Etc., Etc. Mo* SO? IHontgomery Street, Bora Honse Bloek. CA o z 5 3 CO I • Pi at r? 9 h r h ; ' i' ■'■ m m l8i H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. m ■i n ' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST! ■■ ■ ■■ " "■ ■ Ulnliig Curs for outlnit purpospH only. Onoother ItB main lino ruas frum Chicaito to Council Bluffs, passiriK tlirouKli Jollot, Ottami, La Hallo, Oenesoo. Molinc, ItDuk Island, Davenport, VVust Liberty, Iowa City, Maronno, Brooklyn, (irinnoll, Des Moines (the capital of lowu), Stuart, Atlan- tic, and Avocu ; witti branches from Bureau Junction to I'eorta ; Wilton Junction to Musca- tine, VVashinKton, FuirlloUt, lilldon, Belknap, Centreville, Princeton, Trenton, (ialhitln, Came- ron, LeaTonworth, Atchison, and Kansas City; Washington to Sigourney, Oskulooso, and Knox- Tllle: KeokuK to FarminKton, Bonaparte, Ben- tonsport. Independent, GIdon, Ottumwu, Eddy- Tille.Oskuloosa, Pella, Monroo. and l><>9 Moines: Newton to Monroe; Uos Moines to Indlunolaanu WInterset; Atlantic to l^ewis and Audubon; and Avoca to Harlan. This Is positively the only Railroad, which owns, and operates a througn line from Chicu^zo Into the State of Kansas. Through Express Piissenuer Trains, with Pull- man Palace C'ars attached, are run each way dully between CuiCAOU and Pkouia, Kansas Citv, Council Blupfs, Leavenwouth and atchi- BON, Through cars arealso run b'. treeen Milwau- kee and Kansas City, via tho "Mllwaukeo and Rock Island Short Line." The "Great Kock Island" Is magniflcently equipped. Us road bed Is simply perfect, and lis track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and Iowa, in one of our magniUcent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You get an entiro meal, as good as Is served In any flrst-cluss hotel, forseventy-Hve cents. Appreciating the fact that a nja*orlty of the people prefer separate apartments i>>r different purposes (and the immense passent^o ■ business of this Hue warranting It), we are pleased to an- nounce that this Company runs Pullman Palace SUepinn Car$ for sleeping purposes, and Palaca ng r great feature of our I'lilaco Cor.s i»'u SMOKlSlO ALOON where you cau enjoy your "Iluvaua" at all hours of the dny. Magnltlccnt Iron Bridges span the Mlsslsslnpi ond Missouri rivers at all points cros-wd by this line, and transfers are avoided at Council IJIuits Kansas City, Leavenworth, and Atchison, con- nections being made in Union Depots. THli PKINCII'AL 11. n. CONNECTIONS OF TIIW GUKAT TIIUOUGII LINE AUE AS FOLLOWS : At CHICAGO, With all diverging lines for the East and South. At ENOLFiwuoD, With tho L. S. ft M. S., uiul P., Ft. W. AC. U. lids. At Wasuinotok Heights, with P., c & st. L. It. U, At LA SALLE, with III. Cent. R. R. AtPEOKIA. with P. P. Jt J.; P. D. &E.; I. B.4 W.; III. Mid.; and T. P. & W. Rds. At ItucK Island, with "Milwaukee & Kock Island Short Line," and Rock Isl'd & i'co. Kds. At DAVGNI'OitT, with tho Davenport Division CM. &8t. P. It. K. At West IjIuertv, with the B., C. R. & N. R. k. At UUINNIJLL, wttli Central Iowa U. It. At Des Moines, with D. M. & F. D. it. R. At Council bluffs, with Union Pacific R.R. At Omaha, with B. & Mo. R. R. R. In Nob.) At Columbus J uNCTioN,with B.,(;. K. A N. it.a At Ottumwa, with Central Iowa H. R. ; W., I St. L. & Pac. and C. B. & Q. R. Rds. At Keokuk, with Tol., Peo. &War.; Wnb.,St Louis & Pnc, and St. L., Keo. & N.-W. U. lids. At CameiioN, with II. St, J. R. R. At Atchison, with Atch., Topeka & Santa Fe; Atch. & Neb. and Cen. Br. U. P. R. Rds. At Leavenworth, with Kan. Pac, andKaa Cent. R. Rds. At Kansas City, with all lines for tho West and Southwest^ PY7K>l>Bf AN PAI'AGE CARS «re ran thronsh to PEORIA. BBS MOINES, COfTNGIL. BLVFFS, KANIiAS CITY. ATCUlSON, and LEAVENlRrORTH. Ticket* Tla tbU I" are sold by all Ticket Aceuts In the United State* and Canada. For Information not obtainable at your honie tleket ofllee» addreaat G«n'l SapertntflDdairt. Gan'l Tkt. and PMrgr Agt, ,^ Cblcia(i,v ITRY, WILL IC R. R. : I. B.& & THE WEST! ijoyyouf-lluvaua" nt» crossoil by,"'"' leant council BUitTs. nml Atchison, cou- ^",-S?rNEtTIONS OF 11 LlNli! AUK A9| ,etglng Uncs for the I ,L.8.*M.3.. an J P.. TS. with P.. C, & 8tj J.; P. U. & l"'! ^•MUwauUeo & Kockl * Uaveuporl Division theB..C.n.ftN.R.B rul Iowa »• «•„ t^-uUn>ac|cnB. J-Topeka* Santo le; all lines for tUo West . UBS MOINES.I Sum Francisco. 1285 I Large 16 Page Paper, Devoted to UT, MUSIC, mm FASlllS 1 EiS PS. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Erery Lady should subscribe for this excellent family paper. It contains much useful information for each member of the family, aa well as bright, sparkling letters from correspondents. Cheapf:^st Journal in the World. ><;eiit8 wanted in each State in tlie Union. Office, 3 Chronicle Building, San Francisco. Office, 1116 Broadway, Oaicland, Gal. HIRAM MORSE, Publisher. MISSION ROCK GRAIN DOCK & WAREHOUSES, SAN FRANCISCO. Storage Capacity for 50,000 Tons of Grain. The California Dry Docic Company, Proprietors. OLIVER EliDRinOE, PreHldent. W. C. GIBBIS, Secretary. C;HAI». H. MINCLAIR, Saperlntendent. Office: 318 CALIFORNIA STREET, Room 3. We have also connected with this ExtenHlve Grain Depot, New and Improved Ma- ehlnery for Oleanin^r and Oradint; Wlieat for expurt, to So», 1, 9B and o,Cal. o. San Fratieisco. 1291 Makers' Supplies. t>o, €a1. Ilustrated Catalog*. WonieriAge! The Mathmsnn World lt<>iinmil<>te. Less Wooden Balls. Less Wooden Bed. 20x40 inplios . . !i|>;?5 00 !?27 50 (i5 00 ?S25 00 28x56 (( 75 00 60 00 :{6x72 48x96 54x108 <( 125 00 175 00 200 00 117 50 165 00 185 00 8. R. MATHEWSON & CO., No. 88 New Montgomery Street. San Francisco. m Til m M !i«l 1292 Sa/n Francisco. ^SIJO 11 Smi & 323 Sacramento Street, Have finally conchuled tliat further foritciinmce would cease to bo a virtue, and thcireforo ofler FOR TBE DETECTION of the DISHONEST PARTIES WHO TRRSISTKNTLY III.L OUR Jioxes with counnon (^'hina ciffars, jiiul pahn them uli' upon unsuspect- ing customers as tJie genuine article, in tint production of whioli we use only the best of Havana Tol)acco, and employ all the skill which we have acfjuired by an experience «)f ovei' thirty years in this trade. m ■Mil 1 liiiiH w.« }Iave given universal satisfaction, by i-eason of their inti'insic merii, and we decline to sutfer any longer through tlip avarice of unprinci- palied vendors. The United States Revenue Laws impose a heavy tine uj)on parties guilty of this otfence, and we shall take all means to bring the ofleiul- ers to justice in future. J. W. SCHAEFFER & CO. ase to bo a San Francisco. 1293 JAMES C. STEELE & CO., Smm „._- Mil Anrt Ikcnh'rM in CALIFOR NIA MEDICINAL PLANTS. Agents for H. Thayer A Co's Third Extract. Pills, &c. 4« •• Burroueh Bros. Third Extracts. .♦ «• John Wyeth & Bros, unequalled Pharmaceutical Pre- parations. •• '* Allaire. Woodward & Co's Pressed Herbs. «• «• Theo. Metcalf & Co's Wrellin's Food. &c. A Full Mtoek of Botanic Medicines, Concentrated Remedies, Powders, Tinctures, &c. Humphreys' Homoeopathic Remediea, Minimi Waters, Granulated Eflfer- vescing Salts, Sponges, Patent Medicines, «fec., on hand. JAIVIES G. STEELE & CO., Palace Drug Store, 635 MARKET STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. nD QPTMMFY "^o. I I KEARNY STREET JL/lv* OX 111 ll JJ X TrrutH ail liiroiiic A MpiM'ial I>Im<'U84>m. YOUNG MEN Who may be Buffe riiiff f roni tlio tflfccttt of yimthful fdllies or iiuliBcretion, will do well to avail thcniselvfs of this, the trruatcst b(M>ii ever liilil ut the iiltttr of suflVring liunmiiit.v. DR. SPINNEY will (guarantee to forfeit SWO for every case of Si'iuliial Weakiiuss or private Uiaease of any kind or character which he undertakes aiul fails toeur.:. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There arc uiany at the age of thirty to sixty w ho are trouli'.ed with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often aeconi|ianied by a sll>;lit slnartin^' or biirniij}r sensation and a weakeninpr of the sybtcm iti a manner the j atient coiiuot ai count for. On examining the urinary de))08itj) a ropy Bcdiment will often Iw found, and sometimes sniill particies of albumen will ap]>ear, or the color will be of a thin, milkihh hue, a),'ain chanffiusr to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this diflieulty, ijtiiorant of the canse, which is the seeond stajje of seminal weakni'M.' Dr. S. w ill guarantee a (lerfect cure in all, such cases, and a healthy restoration o( the Rcnito-urinary orphans. Office Hours-- 10 to 4 and ti to 8 Sundays from 10 to 11 a. .m. t^onsultntion free. Thor- ough examination and advice, ![!■■. Cuiror Ailclress, IIR. ISPISISEY A CO., No. 11 Kearny Street. San FrancijCO. ELSIE CRiNDLE, FbTsical Test ai Business leliii, 939 {MISSION STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. Circles, Sunday, Tuesday and Friday Evenings, 50 Cents. Prompt Attention g^ven to Private Sittings. Only $1 00. i "'il 1294 San Francisco. £::U iV ' ' !■ CLADDING, McBEAN « CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in >SSP Terra Cotta Chimney Pipe and Tops, Garden Vases, Flower Pots, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Etc. » - . I 1310 & 1312 Market St., San Francisco. \ ^^^^^, McAllister Street. Oakland, 1 1 70 & i 1 72 Broadway. Manufactory at Lincoln, Placer County, Cal. CiOIXU TO Albany, Troy, Montreal, Quebec, Boston. Springfield, Wor- cester, Portland, New Haven, Hartford, and all points in Canada and New England, Be sure that your Tickets read ** Via the Erie Railway to Binghatnpton and Del- aware and Hudson Canal Co*s Railroad from Binghatnpton to Albany," And you will save time and Expense. JOS. ANOELL, Gkn. Pass. Agent, Albany. MONTGOMERY STREET, Extending from Pine to Bu.-li Street. SAN FRANCISCO. S. H. SETMOUR & CO., Proprietors. TERMS SI.60, $2,00 and $2,60 per Day. And Lower Kiites by Special Agreement. PMNngtn «ad tlitir Baggage Convsjei to tha latil fm sf Cbarg*. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TRAVELERS. Upon the arrival of the Train at the Ferry crosslnij the Bay to San Francisco, polite and respon- lible coachmen, wearing the Rus8 House Badge, will meet you on the Boat, talce full charge of your Trunks and Hand-Baggage, and conver yourself and Baggage to the Hotel free of any charge whatever. m ,i 1296 Tucson, Arizona. ESTABLISHED IN 1870. DAILY AND WEEKLY Tucson, Arizona. R. C. BROWN, Publisher and Proprietor. ma mvii a Smma ^' WEEKLY, per Year 90 00 " Six Months 3 00 " Three Months 176 DAILY, per Year 8IO00 " Six Months 6 00 REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS. HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE TERRITORY. Mincellaneou^. 1297 9 CLIAB L1.K1 HOTEL J. N. MILLER, Proprietor. Board by tha Day, $1.00. Boari ani Lodging, per Week, $5.00. The Clear Iiake Hotel U now .ipon for thu ii(;comin'xluil..n of tho imblic. where irood board and lodging i-ati bu had at ruaMoiiablu rutos. The Table will always be supplied with the Best the Market affords. And no trouble will bo nparod tn mvko customuin eoiiirortiiblc. BOAKI* by tho DAY OR WEEK. Romemlwr tho Place, Cleor Ijake Hotel, Lakeport, Lake Co., Cat. n??3T MEDAL jrCHANICSFAIR 1077 OOOi) WORK LOn'pRWES /^ CEY8ER Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Corner Went and North HtM., HEALDSBUIIG. CAL. Uorees boarded by the day, week or month at the lowest rates. Stagea (or GeyBers, Skaggs Springs, and all points of interest, on favorable terms. Carria- ge*, UuKiries and Saddle Horses always on hand. N. W. BOSTWIOK, Proprietor. CHAS. E. PROCTOR, DHAYMAN, stand in Front WellH, Farxo St Co Healdsburi;, Sonoma Co. All orders left with me will be attended to with promptness and at reasonble rates. Particular care taken in moving Furniture, Pianos, etc. Orders sent by mail or telegraph will receive immediate attention. " lilve and I0 to S6.00 _ Sl.OO I Cents. UwUhln one Block ot iHlated on reMonable >uHe. . OF CLM. ogg's Patent) 8e9,»3a.O0 30.00 28.00 26.00 24.001 lit i*< Alameda, Col. 1299 Established September i6th, 1869. ALAMEDA, CAL. A PURE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. CIRCULATING IN THE BEST FAMILIES OF THE STATE. TIBIIS: Per Year, ia Advanes, $3.00 To any part of the United States. I attended to. ■ I — at L®W1ST RATIS. But no illegal or immoral advertisements will be taken at any price. F. K. KRAUTH, Proprietor. 1 ib ^1 m ■tff- h' ■ ! r f ; ■ I 1300 /Sicwj< ^romcisco. [ESTABLISHED 1809.] PATJBMTEES OF Steel Wire, Wire Drawers, Galvanizers MANUFACTURERS OF PATENT STEEL AND IRON WIRE ROPES Ronnd, Flat, Parallel and Taper, For Mines, Inclines and all kinds Heavy Hoisting, Ships* Rig. gingf. Telegraph Wire, etc. Steel Cables for Street Railroads, and Underground Haulage, manufac- tured by Special Patent Process, producing a hard tempered skin, more toughness and llexibility than any other description of rope. Contractors aad Wire Hope Makers to the Lords of Admiralty. Awarded the only Prize Medal at the Havre Maritime Exhibition out of 27 Competitors. WORKS— WEST GORTON, MANCHESTER. Bngfineering Branch, 23 and 25 CrookBton street, Glasifovv, Ships' Rigging Branch, S3 Bath Street, Liverpool. Representative (or the Paciflu Coast, W. PATON, 304 California Street. AND \YOLO DEMOCRAT (Weekly), Official Papers of Town and County. WEEKLY Established 1867. DAILY, 1877. Office : Freeman's Block, Main Street. WH. SAUNDERS, Editor and Proprietor. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «''^el?srpe^TO.?;,5i.5S m /anizers E ROPES ig. Ships* Rig- ulage, manufac- lered skin, more on of rope. of Admiralty. le Exliibition out flESTER. gging Branch, 2S Bath ornia Street. eekly), JLY, 1877. IStreet. Proprietor. ABA e e E fi o (0 I lA e b e , «> e lea lo i M San Francisco. CLASSIFIBD' AMU 1301 SAN FRANCISCO. (CLASSIFIED.) Bee alsoi Liit Beceived too Late for Be^ar Iniertion. ABALONE SHELL JEWELRY. JACKSON RW, 411 Clay ABALONE SHELL JEWELRY. R. W. JACKSON^ Manufacturer. 614 Market Street, ISan Francisco. Offers special inducementr to the country trade. Call, when in town, and select an assort- ment from his varied stock. ADVERTISING AGENTS. Brown D, Crane C W, Earlp Halford, Fisher L P, Keyt k Co, Lake Wm B, La Malfa J F, Miller M A & Co, Patterson Jas W, Riley P S, Smith & Faylor, 606 Montgomery 318 Pine 415 Market 20 and 21 Merchants' Ex 506 Commercial cor Post and Kearny 628 Montgomery 608 Market 2 New Montgomery 214 Montgomery 140 " » DAVIS G A. 327 Market FRANK BROS, 319 and 32 xMarket GOSLING GEO N, 32U Sansom Granger Business Assn, 106 Davis Harris Jas & Co, 5 Beale Hawley C A & Co, 412 Market Hawley David N, 301 to SOS) " HAWLEY MARCUS C & CO, 301 to 309 " LINFORTH, RICE & CO, 40i <' Meyers Christian, 56 Bluxome OSBORN D M & CO, 254 and 256 Mkt SOULE E. NW cor 4th ahd, Bryant MARCUS C. HAWLEY & CO., Importers of AMERICAN &. FORBIC^K Hardware and Agricnltnral MDleieEts^ aoi and .^00 Market Si. SAN FRANCISCO. ?et. Van Norden & (Hlmore, 607 ' ' AGENTS. (See also Advertising, Real Estate, News, Manufacturers, Publishers and Purchasing Agents.) Cahen Aug, Crane E J, De Courcy E, DORETY J Harris VV H, Jacoby A, StiUman Alfred, Wolfe Jos M, 320 Sansom 211 120 Sutter H, 120 " 223 California 20 Sansom 232 California 545 Washington AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS. (See also Hardware.) Ayers & Co, 254 and 256 Market BAKER & HAMILTON, 1 3 to 1 9 Front BONNEY 0, '221 Mission Sole Agents for Howe's U. S. Standard Scales, " Scliuttler " Wajfons, " Ruckeye " .Mowers and Reapers, Oaar, Seott & Co's Thresher Eng-ines and Separators, Haines' Hetvdcr.s, Rice's Straw- lUirner Knsjines, Dceic's GanK Plows, Tlie "Rea'- iilator" Winilmllls, " Perpetual " Ilay Pres-^t^i, Ktc, Etc. 83 m ci» CO' fit 3 ALE AND PORTER. BURNELL & TURNER, 519 Sac Marks Samuel, NP] cor Clay and Mont WARD WM & CO. 509 Sacramento AMUSEMENTS. Adelphi Theatre, 607 California Bfvldwin Theatre, (Thos Maguire), 932 and 934 Market Bella Union Theatre, 803 Keamj? Bush St Theatre, (Chas E Locke), 323 Bush California Theatre, 414 " Chinese Theatre, (Grand), 814, 816 Wash Chinese Theatre, (new), 623 Jackson Grand Opera House, Miss bet 3d and 4th Jordan's Anatomical Museum, Hardie Place near Kearny Maynard's Gymnasium, 232 Sutter SI PURE PORT WINEp flir Medicinal PflTDOsei, 302 Davis St., S. F. I ; \:\ ■'i Vi •^ « ••-I ID 0) IL .C CQ -« o a F V¥. W. mUWIftUUC PC OU.| pnttema. 110. 112.114. Uemd 118 Battery St., S.r. 1302 AMU San Francisco. CLASMIFIKD. ABT McCabe Juo H, (agent), '235 Kearny Patiilic Aniitomical Musuem, Hardie Place near Kearny riatt's Hall, 216 Montgomery STANDARD THEATRE, (M H Kennedy propr), 3*20 Bush TTivoli Garden, (Krelling Bros proprs), '28, 30 and 3'2 Eddy Vienna (iardens, NW cor 8ut and Stock Wiener (Sarten, ' Wooduanl'rf (Iardens, Mission bet Thirteenth & Fourteenth APOTHECARIES. (See Druggists. ) ARCHITECTS. Bayless W H, Bennett A A, Bcstor II 'i; Bordwell (leo, il>i(rd\vell (Jeo A, Cleavcland Henry W, Cliudi Bryan .1, Ciirlctt (fe Eisen, DICKIE EROS, Fr;vzce V, (i ay nor .) P, nt;4onn;ry llOi McAllisti-r 515Califonua ll 510 Commercial 1 92 St Ann's W4' tf Oil Clay 1* 408 California 7244 Market Eddy 612 Fourth , 11 Kearny fc'OAETISTS' 209 Sansom 6 Ed.ly Bt and 608 Market | 137 " 240 Montgomery 6 Eddy oi- til- <'oiMt. ttieo Pout Ht., IS. F. ART San Francisco. CLASSIKIKD. ASS 1303 96 O O eo v> S> cd a. k f 9 m « P A !;< It •I t I? n u Hamilton & Jackson, Hassack Alfred, Heath Miss Eugenia, Hecht Joseph A, Hopps Miss Nellie, Irclan Mrs Wni, JEFFEBS, WELLS 6 Eddy Baldwin Hotel 92 St Ann's bldg 126 Kearny 728 Montgomery 126 Kearny & KIPFS. 1436 Market Jenks Albert, (portrait), 1415 Montgy Jones N W, 6 Eddy Keith W, Mercantile Library bldg Klarenmeyer S, 724J Market KNIGHT GEO H, 114 Turk Koch John, 339 Kea-ny Layres Mrs P], 1121A Howard Lussier & Hill, 99 St Ann's bldg MACDONALD H W, 6 Eddy McDevitt Miss M, ] 404 Polk Moretti & Trezzini, (fresco), (5 Ivbly MorLjan Miss S E, Nahl H W A, 0;4ill)y Robert E, Ostrom Miss Julia, Pebbles A W, Pebbles Frank, Peters Pearl L, Pierce W H, Ponzo P, Prescott J F, Proscb Chas, RICHTER P E, (fresco). Rising Miss A, Rix .Julian W, Robinson Chas, Rockwell Miss E A, Rode Eniil, Rouse C S, Ryder Miss E, F-. BOASTER, ARTIST, No. 146 Mission Street, SAN' FIIANCISCO, CAU. H. W. MACDONALD & CO, •' The Club " Portrait Studio, No. 6 Eddy Street, S. P. rortraimeiilar^'edfiniu small I'hotdffraphs i.r other pii'Uircs and painted in Oil, Water Coloj-s, India Ink or Crayon. O'Furr II 318 Kearny 803 Montgomery 435 Turk 328 Montgomery 415 223 Kearny 843 Mission 31 1 tJcssie 6 Ivldy 240 Montgomery ill 7 Sansom 126 Kearny 734 Montgomery 728 103 6.")9 Clay ]':ddy 26i Kearny ARTISTS' MATERIALS. San Francisco Art Assn, (Irving M Scott prest), Schafer F, Shaw S W, .Slied C I), Smith Miss Lizzie, Springer Mrs 11 C, Steuder H, Straus M, Strong Miss E, Strong J D, Sweetland Mrs A L, Tavenier Jules, Q I Teisaeire A, r CQ Tojctti I), Tojetti Eilward, Tojotti Virgil. UNIVERSAL 430 Pine 432 Montgomery 120 Sntter 10 California 737 Market 6()'Farrell 126 Kearny 319 California 728 Montgomery 7 Montgomery a\o 120 .Sutter 728 Montgomery cor Turic and Tyler 223 Leavenworth Bancroft A L & Co, Bass T .1 & Co, Cohen Herman, Denny Edward & Co, 721 Market 27 Dupcmt 19 " 512 Sacramento HUETER BROS & GO, 12 Second M«)rri.s & Keimody, 21 Post SNOW & CO. 20 " Schwab & Breese, 624 Market HUETER BROS. & CO., rnipiirtors of ARTISTS' MATERIALS and luannfaiturersof SHEET WAX, 12 Second St., under Grand Hotel. ASPHALTUM WORKS. (See Hoofers.) F. N. Nkivai,. W. S. SomkrveI/L. Pacific Asphaltum Co. ANphaltiiin aiul Folt Roofs, SUle- . wuIkM, aH«l Ollai' Floors, Reiiiiiriiij; (lone. All work {ruivriintoed. Asplml- t 3 ex !■• P KING. H. PALMER A CO., Pure Slierry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. Fill >■ WUf UAilT APIIC JL rn stoves and Bances, boo dlflerent siiw, ityletMid • W • WIUN F Abut a VO., pattenn, no, 112, 114. lie *nd H8 BatUiiy 8t;, g. ^ I CO i c S o o i « s IL c c (0 O ■ O o < Q. h I- O 1304 ASS San Francisco. CLABBIFIRD. ASS JOHNSTON WM D, 120 Halleck Kuh Leopold, 611 Commercial KTJSTEL & RIOTTE, 318 Pine Lane & Green, 520 Fiftli McCrorey J H, 825 Kearny McOullouj?h H V S, 318 Pine MOSHEIMER JOSEPH. 507 Montgy PHILLIPS J S. 702 California PRICE THOMAS, 524 Sacramento Keichling F & Co, 400 Montgomery Riehn, Hemme & Co, 404 Strong & Co, 10 Stevenson A METALLURGICAL ^M^i^^ WORKS. 1^ 318 PINE STREET. ^ ^ (Basement.) Ores Crushed and Sampled, and Workini,' Tests made by any process. Assaying, in ull its branches. Analysis of Ores, Minerals, Waters Etc. KUtSTKL A RIOTTK. Assaying and the Metallurgy of Uold and Silver taught theoretically and practically. W. D. JOHNdTON, (Formerly Chief Assayer with Thus. Price.) Assayer and Analytical Chemist, IIH and iseo Halle«'k Street, Near Leidesdorff, SAN FRANCISCO. Personal attention insures prompt retunis. Medieo-legal investigations a specialty. Bullion Hooms, 024 Sacramento St., S. Francisco Assay Office, 524 Sacramento St., 8. Francisco THOM PRICE'S BULLION and MELTINQ BOOMS 5964 Sari*aniento St., S. FraneiHco. Deposits of Bullion Melted and Coin UeturnH made in '24 hours. L)e'.Hisits may be forwarded to this office, from any part of the interior, by express, and returns matle in the same maimer, or by check or certificate of de|X)sit. ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIE- TIES. Aid Union, 2f> Kearny American Home Missionary Society, J H Warren supt, 7 Montgy ave American Sunday School Union Fred'k E Shearer agt, 757 Market AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 757 Market Bar Association, OJH Saer.imento Bibilotheque de la Liequo Nationale Francaise, 120 Sutter Bohemian Club, 430 Pine British Benevolent Association, (John P McCurrie secy), 730 Montg Cabinetmakers Co-operative Ass'n 304 Mission CALIFORNIA FIRE ASSOCU- TION, 16 Frout CAL STATE DEMOCRATIC CLTJB. (W W Cope prest), G30 Com California Stock Exchange Board, 20 Leidesdorf! Central Gardens Association, 41 IJ Cal Congregational Publishing Society 757 Market French Mutual Beneficial Associa- tion, (Chas Maubec secy), 729 Montgy German General Benevolent Society, (ERoemer) 114Dupont GROCERS PROTECTIVE UNION, (M Leisen mangr), 005 Clay Little Sisters Infant Shelter, 512 Minna Masonic Hall Association of S F, (A G Abell prest), NW cor Montgomery and Post Master Mariner's Benevolent Ass'n, (Chas H Aitkin), Druid's Hall MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, (Horace Wilson librarian), 27 Post Merchants Exchange Association, Merchants Ex bldg, California Microscopical Society, 120 Sutter Milkmen s Mutual Aid and Protect- ive Association, 35 Eddy Mining, Mercantile and Dealers Protective Assn, 213 Sansom Mutual Security Fund, (J p Naughton secy), 331 Kearny Odd Fellows Mutual Aid Association, 325 Montcomerv OLYMPIC CLUB, (W F Lawton ^ manager). 111* Post Orphan Asylum (Hebrew), Devisatlero bet Hayes and Grove Orphan Asylum (protestant), Haight bet Buchanan and Laguna PACIFICCLUB, 204 Montgomery Painters Protective Union, 771 Market Portuguese Benevolent Association, (A P and M P Abreo), 41 5. i Drumm Professional Protective Ass'n COS Mkt SAFETY FUND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, (C M Theilmann secy), 120 Keaniy S F Benevolent Association, (R Becching secy), 20 Webb S F Stock Ex Board, 3.33 to 337 Pine S F Typographical Union, G0() Montgomery S F Trade Protective Association, (H W Baxter manager), 438 California S F Turn Verein Halle, (gymnas'm), 323 Turk Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (N Hunter sec), G14 Mereh Spanish Mutual Benevolent Society, (P Aguierre), 730 Montgomery e c z 3 s r m M Pi » 3 uikcley L E, Hun.li Jno C, Burnett J M, Burnett W C, Byrne .1 K, Campbell A & H C, Canii)bell Alexander, Campbell Alexander Jr, 526 Campbell Colin, 530 California Campbell Joseph, 629 Kearny Campion B W, 023 Montgomery Carpentier E R, Montgomery ave CarpentitT H W, (> " CARSON JAMES G. Montgomery bik Canson John B, 1 Montgomery Carter k Coli-, 328 Montgomery CARUSI THORNTON, OU Merchant Cary J ames V, and 7 Montgomery blk CASSERLY EUGENE, 31,S California CastellmnFJ, 609 Sacramento Chadbourne .labez, 528 California Chamberlain (ico W, (ilO Sacramento CHICKERING & THOMAS, 214 San CHICKERINGWH, 214" Chipley T L M, Chittenden N W, Chretien John M, Clark Chas, Clark J Jr, Clark L S, ^ Clark Sam'l J Jr, Clark Wm H, ("lark Alfred, darken Matthew, darken Richard M, 515 California 80;} Montgomery 230 Montgomery 515 California 520 Montgomery 60() " U S Court building 808 Monttromery Old City Hall 611 Washington 611 a> e (/> 3 S. ™l , M ImJ : in^h : I 'il tm. Ureet, Sac U. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. %' km -. < a < > u O CO tt! < O ■k K o U I- K < I- O CO O o w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., ytT^%y^ri"iri:iJffy''ff;^eV. \y 1306 ATT /5)'(m Francisco. att ^S'ttn, Francisco. 0LA88IFIKD. Clement R P & H M, ClouKli Frank M, Clyde R S, Cobb M G, Coffey Jas V, Coflfey John J, Cohen Alfred A, Cole C, (U S Court), Cole I'^lward V, Collins ^V H, Colton A (), Cook Carroll, COOK G W F, Cooney M, Cope & Boyd, Cornwall Wm A, 600 Montgomery 402 715 Clay 103 Montgomery flUO California 053 Clay 328 Montgomery cor Hat and Wash 32.S Montgomery 501 ' " (>"_'!< Coinmerci.'il ;K».» Mcntgoniery (>3(i Clay 324 Pine (540 Clay COSGROVE CHRISTOPHER, ()r)2 Market Dwindle J W, Dwindle Samuel H, Edgcrton Calvin, 331 Etlmonds Marcus A, 8 Montgomery block 509 Kearuy 526 Montgomery EQAN M J, Eickoff Henry, Elms John D, Emmet C Temple, Englander lA'opold, Eiio frank, Epinaims E E, Hsteo it Boalt. Estee Morris M, Kvaiia Oliver P, Eyre Manuel, Kairweather J A, 4U!> California ;)34 621 Clay (!21 " 20!> Sausom ()0t5 Montgomery 328 328 213 and 215 Mansom Cousins Wm G, Cowdery & Preston, Cowles & Drown, Cowles Saml, Craddock C F, Craig A, Craig & Meredith, Craig Wm, Crane H F, Crittenden & Moses, 5!) and 60 Merchants' Exchange Crockett J B, 438 California CROSBY WM, 05-) Clay Crowley S ,F, 42!( Montgomery Crowley T J, 42!t Culver Wm H, 202 Market Cummins P, 630 Clay DAINGERFIELD W R. 324 line Dameron Jas P, 640 Clay Dane Jas Henry, 531 California Dann F P, 004 Merchant D'Arcy John, 214 Sansom DARWm CHAS B, 630 clay DARWm & MURPHY, 636 " DAVIDSON J M, « Montgomery Davis L H, 50'J Kearny De Brutz F C M, 234 Montgomery Decring E P, 628 Deering F P, 34 Montgomery Block De Fiennes J B, 835 Mission DELANY CHAS McC", 5iy Montgy DENZIER Q A, iJcsbcck John, Dcsty liobt, Deujircy Eugene, DICKINSON J N, Doyle & Barl)cr, Doyle .J no i', DRAKE E B, Drown A M, Drum — . Dudley & Dudley, Dugro Frank A, Dunand Louis, Du Py Octave G, 4H> Pine (i28 Montgomery O'l Cluy 214 Sansom 234 Montgomery 323 California It •< 646 Washington 021 Chiy 715 " Old City Hall 420 California Montgomery ave 315 California 103 Montgomery 436 " «' 215 Sansom 224 " 036 Clay 531 California 420 411) ■' 419 " 9 Montgomery block 6:i6 Clay 12 MonttK imery 729 M'-ntgoniiTv 230 " •' 40,") Kearny 528 California 127 Kearny 217 Sansom 426 Califoniia 330 I'ine Wl Ki'arny Fair weather & Metcalfe, 12 Fcnner Channing G, Jil3 and 215 San Ferral Robt, Fifield Wm H, Finley J K, FIREBAUGH H C, Fitch W S, Fit/Maurice Wm M, Fieminu .1 F, Flint Wm C, Flood Noah F, FOLTZ CLARA SHORTRIDGE, 51 Montgoniery l)l(ick Forbes U C, 402'Mont4(imLTy Foster Wm, _ 224 Sansom Kowle Geo W Jr, 606 Monti.'omery Fox ('has N, 530 California FOX & KELLOGG. 530 Francis AVm M, II Mtintgomery lil.ick FRANK & CARSEN. I3i MuntLw Frank (ico W, 131 Frank Nathan H, 628 Freelon Tho8 W, S MontgoiiKiry ave Froideiirich David, 426 Mout^onioiy French V J, (Jalan Carlos F, 36 Clay Nevada block HAGGIN LOUIS T, :w:) Montgo.n y HAGGIN & TEVIS, ^O!) Hai:,'ht ' ieo W, HAKES F, 207 Sansoni 3 IS California 534 51".) Monti^oniury 623 Commercial 240 Monti;om(!ry 318 I'iue u n P n 1 H.ile Wui, liall F, Hall H K. HALL JOHN C, HAMMOND H T. HAMMOND & WRIGHT. 31 S Pine, rooms 30 and 31 Hanlou Chas V, 310 Piiu; Hiuiua A W, 62S Montgomi.Ty Harcnmhc A W, 606 Hardinu' •( W, 704 HARDING SAML C,64S Washiu-ton Hardy .1 1*, 628 Montgomt^ry Hanlv TiOWfll .1 Jr, 216 San.som HARKNESS & DTJNAND. 7 Montgomery avo Harkness H M, 7 ' " Harmon & (Julpiii, 402 Montgom"ry Hanu)n Jno B. 402 HariiiinmdcoE, 302 HARRIS J A, 50 Montgomery hlock Harrison Kalph C, 230 Montgomery Harrison Uobt. 430 California HART JESSIE B, 523 Kearny, rm ! HART W H H, '2-M) McMitgomery Hariog Ivlw, NW t;or Kearny and Coml Hasl)ach Henry, " V>'M\ ( 'lay Haskell H(i, Nevad.i Mock Haskell D H, NE cor 4th and Townseiid Heudenfcldt Sol Jr, 318 Pine HIQHTON HENRY E,528t.*aUforni». Hillyer V, J, Pal;,t;u HoteJ Jiinton Tsaac T, 526 Montgomery HitteUTH, (508 "^ ^- HOBBS WALTER S,"6 H(.thnan ( )gden, U S Appraisons' bUl'? H"^'e •' 1', 628 Moil tgomwv Holden Jos, 202 Sansom Holladay S \V, .-,02 Montgonvr.^' Ho land N, «05, CLvv Holmes Walter (^, (IT S court hldg), "^ Battery and \Vash 605. < 'lay 630-. « ' 724,VMiivkot (i28 Montgomerv 424 " 234 302 '■* 42 Montgomery T)lock 202 Markei OlitttV Hood P B, Horan M S, Howard (,' (i, Howna A W, Hulltert Thos p'isher, Humphreys \Vm F, HUNT A B, Hunt J no Jr, Hurlhurt C U, HUSTED A. 511 Cal and 331 "m Hustcd V M, Hutchinson E 1, Hyde V A, Hyde Pfenry, Hyncs Andrew K, Ini^raiiam Henry, Irvine & LeBreton, Irvine Wm, Irving Henry P, Jacobs Myer, Jalm AUn-eclit, .larboe c& Harrison, Jarhoc.lohn P, .IclVorson.lno W, JcUet J H, Joachimsjen H L, Joachimson J P, Johnson Francis, Fohiismi Sydney \j, .loiiassoM S .1, JONES DE WITT CLINTON. 215 SansKuo Hassett M C, HiLstiiiL's Hobt P. HASTINGS S C, Hatch Ciiaa E, Haven Ja.s M, Hayes (ieo K B, Ha'vuc Itobt Y, HEBBARD J C B, Heinleu (J A, Henry Saml H, Heut R W, Herriu W F, Herrmann Jna, Heumphreys J T, ti37 Kearny Nevada clock (mO Clay 507 Montgomery 530 Califrrni'.; OOK'lav 31S Pin'e 234 Montgomery .302 708 ()05 Clay 310 I'ine JONES & JAHN. Joni's Walter F, Kelloug^I B. . Keniin .1. Kendall C W, KENNEDY FRANK, KING CAMERON H, KING & RODGERS, Cftt 606 Montgoniory ■"oOi Kc iri^v 623 Commercial 4JMCalif,Knua !»32 Pacilfo 4n.iCaliforni:»i 217 iSanaouj 217 !H) Montgomery blixk 315 California 606 Clay 230 Montnomorv 230 ^ " * 230 ;J20 Califoru iii 418 418 *>2S Montgomerv .'>23 302 60() California 32S Montgomery 603 WashiugiJorii (KH Movcbiiia' 207 ■aiisonj 207 40!) California' liai Kiulcy.l M, Kirkpatrick Edward, Kopsch Adam, Ladd P P., I^akc Dolos, Fiakc A MeKoon, Lamar J B, 60t> Moutgon'inrv 60'.) Sacramento- 614 Merchant- 620 Keannv 31 a PinV." 310" " 628 Montgom«r\ 421 515 Kearny LATINER & MORROW* 300 Heydeufeldt Soloman, 309 Montgomery! I^atimcrlj 1), OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO^ 302 DavIs SU S. F ! v^ '18 JE CO IE u S tn c c 10 O O Q S S o < 0. c p I- IW W MnMTAISIIF A PH Mhe«^t iron, all MUm anil l«ainb«ra, no "• W. imiW I AbUC « XtU., im. 114. i|». and IIM Battwy Wt.. w'fI 130» ATT San Francisco. 0LA88IKIKD. ATT Lawler Frank W, Law lor iiiiiiiea, LuwrenoeE A, Le Brutou A J, Leggett Jos«3uh, 507 Montgomery 3ii4 I'iiie 410 Montgomery 217 Snnsoni (505 Chiy LEWISTON WM & GEO. « Mont uvo Luvy Walter H, 8 Lewis James F, '230 Montgomery Lewis li r, 321 Californiu LEWISTON WM & GEO, (} Montgomery avc Lies Kngine, 103 Montj;oniery ave Linforth Edward J, 401 C'alitornia Lloyd John, 411.i LLOYD R H, :Wl» Montgomery Liiuderbaek Davis, 007 Kearny Loughborough Alexander, 507 Motitgy Lwve Jno L, 234 " Lovett \Vm E, U S appraiser's buildin Low A F, Low Charles A, Lowenberg Harris, Loweiitlial HH, Lull Louis it, 3^ Lyneh Edward, Lynili Michael, LYON DAVID, Magmre& C'lough, Magiiire James tJ, AJ aldoiiado S, Marshall EC, Marx .lacob, OUG Montgomery 028 Montgomery 300 411.1. Californiu Montgomery bloek 318 I'iiie 502 Montgtimery (ioO Clay 402 Montgomery 402 228 Seventh 8 Montgomery ave ■15 Nevaila block HASTICK, BELCHER & MAS TICK, M astick ]•; B, Miiiitick.I \V, Matthews \Vm, McA Ulster & liergiii, McAllist-r Hall, Mcliii.le H E, McCabe James, McCeney J C, cor Commercial and Mi 'at WcCltllan IKiuy, 330 "^ McCLURE, DWINELLE & 520 Montgomery 520 Montgomery 520 120 Sutter 30.1 Montgomery 30it 507 Montiiomery 040 Chiy PLAISANCE, McClurc David, MclJr.itli J !•; McCJrawE W, McHeiiry John, Mc.lnnkin 11 K, WcLaut! Clias E, McNally Eilward W, McVulty C A, Mc)'bcet(;ra W S, Wcl*ike Henry C, Moe J as, Mae Jos, Mceks W, Mei^han J J, Mereilith Jno H, Merrill Annis, Merrill (Jeo B, Merzbaoh F H, Metcalfe J B, METCALFE W L, Meteah Victor H, Meux Jos P, Meyer Martin S, Mhoon John B, Miller J 1' Ci, Miller J H, Mugan Patrick J, MOOAN T J, Mone J J, Moore E J & .1 H, Moore H K, MORGAN F J. Miirgeiithal Anthony, Morrison Uobt F, MORROW WM W, M.. slier J P, Mcitt (Jiirdon N, i\iott \Vm H, Mowry L 1, MULLAN & HYDE, Mullauy Michael, Mulvill'eN H, Murfey Siimuel S, Murphy l>aniel J, Mur[)hy John !•, Muiphy P(i, Myers I'^dward, Na;ile I' B, 230 Montgomery 40!) California 217 Sansoin 330 Pine 10 Montgomery ave 214 Sansoin 421 Montgonioiy 22 " 22 " 12 Nevada Block 028 Montgomery 528 California 22 Montgomery 421) " ' 040Cluy Nevada Block 40S California 0:;ii Cliiy 030 " 402 Montyoinury 1)23 ("onnncrcial 520 Monlgonicry _ ^004Mcrch:mt ()07 Monti;onicry tWli Clay New City Hall 02!> Kearny 224 Sansom ')ll Mont^ionicry 52(> Montgomery 520 ' " 30 504 Kearny r»00 Montgomery 402 08 Nevada block 41 U California U S Court Buildiiii: 331 Kearny 004 Clay 022 •' 022 " 330 Pine 22 Montgomery ;i28 Clay St Bank .'110 Pine 420 California NAPHTALY, FREIDENRICH & ACKERMAN, Niipthaly B F, Naughtnn Jno F, N(NiK' Viticent, NEEDELESAP, . Ncisniann & Eiekhotl, Newhall 11 C, Newlands Fraidi li, Newman B B, Newmann & Eiekhoff, 430 Newmark N, Nichols L H, NICHOLSON W A, Nolcn M J, NOON JAS T, NORTH, LEWIS 420 California 055 Washiiit.t()u 331 Kw.rny 320 Saasdiii 520 Montj,'i)niery 432 ' " OO'.l Sacramento 301t Montgomery 72i) 330 I'iiie Montgomery Xougiu's Jos M, N'oursc (J A, Ny-h \V A, O'Brien T A, O'Bri.^irr V, O'COKNELL D A, O'Connor Frank, Olney Warren, Otis Frank, Otis (leo E, Packard A, I'age Chas, Fage J I) Jr, I'ardow Alfred A, 331 520 510 031 Saerr: laito & DEAL, 230 Moiitgomcry 41i.\CahforMia 420 103 Montgomery 3lM Tine 302 Montj^omery 014 Mcrchnnt 42i> Montuiimcry 3101'ine 520 Mont;jomtTy 420 California 103 Montgoi-.jry ave 224 Nansom 224 " 50!) Kearny Pardy Cleo, (patent), 402 Montgomery o c « ■< O s r HI 20 M o t» 3 9 O (A C "O ■o (D a or o X r m so o a o w e (WO Clay S^cvada Block 408 California l>:Ui Clay 0:50 " 2 Montiiomery 2;i (.."onimercial :0 Montgomery 004 Merchant i7 Montgomery 0:iO clay New City Hall 02'.t Kearny 224 Siinnom 11 Montitiiuery ' DENRICH 420 California ]'m Washington X\\ Kei.rny '.VJO Sansoni 20 Montgomery :V2 (HV.t Sacramento liO'.t Montnoincry 2'.> •M Xia Pine ;U Montgomery 1,20 " : -,10 OHl Sarr; . unto DEAL, >;^0 Montgomery 41 1 •\ California 420' 10:5 Montgomery ;WI rinii :«)2 Montgomery (514 Merchant •'(» Miintuonury ;<10l'inc 520 Montgomery 420 California iMontfioi-.-ry lue 224 Sansom 224 " 50i) Kearny 1402 Montgomery a a or 71 I'a i o IT" o I (A Si « o O 3 ^1 CD O PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. '■'■**'. nod«l Cooiinerrlal Collrse o*^ tlu; €oaat. a«0 Pout St.. iJ. F. ii ATT San Frandttco. OLASHiriRD, ATT 1309 3 a 3 «a e a to I* (0 Parker C H, 628 Montgomery Parker & Watorman, 028 «« Patterson Wm H, (iOi) Sacramento Pearson R W, ()2h Montgomery Pennie J C, 708 PERKINS & CARNEAL, 207 San J'erkins Jas C, 207 " I'erry V, H, :i20 " phelan Joseph I', 217 " Phelps C H, 4S2 Montgomery Phillips D T, NK tor 4th and Townsend Phillips J B, PhilHpi^ Stepljcn H, Kosenthal L, ROSENTHAL MARCUS, Rothchild & Marx, liothsehild Joseph, Royal Wm, Royce C E, Uoysdon A W, RUST R C. Ryan It 1', Saffold & Mcux, SaflFold R B, 0:{(( Clay I Salomon E S, 220 Siiiisonil Sandor 1' V C, FIERSON WM M> <>'<> Sacramento: Sanderson Silas W PILLSBURY E S. :«)0 Pine, rms 1, 2, 3 PILLSBURY & TITUS, '^oo Pii.e 410 Pine 535 Cal 315 California (i04 Clay 504 Kearny 214 Sansom 036 Clay 500 Kearny 640 Clay 217 Sansom 217 " 432 Montgomery 207 Sansom I'ixley & Harrison, Plaisance L O, Pliitt H (i. Plunkctt Wm A, Pomeroy Carter P, I'omeroy John N, Poole J P, Poorman Samuel. _ PopeER. 5] poaton J M, 1 POWELL HA, I'ratt Kt'oni .as K, 430 California 526 (d O 2 (0 X o tD| « • I 0! 1*1 9 e: V 310 Pinoj 217 Sansom 320 " I 507 Montgomery! 230 •' I PRATT & METCALFE. 230 I'ringle & Hayne, 318 Pine Provines R R, 204 Sutter Putnam S N, 328 Montgomery Quint I;, 603 Wastliingtou Keade K W, 230 Montgomery REARLEN TIMOTHY H, (^M clay llcilli. 1<1 1/ 11, 402 MontgonuTy REDSTONE J H & CO, -••. NE cor Fourth and Townsend Sargent A A, 310 Pine 202 Sansom 502 Montgomery 502 " • U S Appraisers' bldg cor Sansom and Wash 622 Clay 214 Sansom 1 Montgomery block 502 Montgomery SauHey Wm B, Montgomery J»^^'y<^r & K^H, 320Sans..,n!'^'^^^y^''-t^l>' 530 California! ^''^'^'y'"' ''"^T"' 211 Sansom' '^^^^'y*^-- ;«B. ojj ,, Sawyer W I), 604 Merchant' J'y*'"^^''} •Siiiivner J ,), ^■e 3 ^^^1 9 ^■e T ■^c ^^m** $ ^^^H •> ^ ^^■0 (A ^^Bh rM ^^Hx (A ^Hu r* ^^H3 Keed Theron, llfgeushnrger 1) H, Kcgensburger S H, jteid Henry H, lieinstein J B, l!evm)ld8(!eoW, Reynolds .las S, Reynolds Leonard, I'lhiules A L, '; Uliodes k Barstow, j llionlan Tiios 1), I llising Alfred, ' l!ix Hale. Searle A C, Sears W H, SEAWELL J M, Seeber Cimster, Si'liuman M, SEVERANCE J 0, Sliadburne (Jeo D, Shafter .lames McM, SHANKLAND J H, SHAPTER T B, 528 Cal. rmsll, 12, 13 SHARP GEO F & WM H, 400 Cal :i24 Pine 50!) Kearny 636 Clay 511 Montgomery 12() Kearny 623 Montgomery 628 Montgomery 202 Market .")04 Kearny 438 California Montgomery Hlk O.'Ui Clay 217 Sansom 616 Sacramento 636 Clay 626 Washington (i06 Montgomery (i()6 Sharp Louis H, Shearer liCwis, Sheeline Simon C, Show J no, Shuck Oscar T, SielKn-t H a, Simpson C C, 215 Sansom 213 302 Montgomery 230 " 628 " 214 Sansom 34 Montgomery block Simpson & Bearing, 34 Simpson SC, 628 Montgomery Sinison ilobt, Skiniu'r T L, Smith Clamle L, Smith (J Frank, 6 Montgomery avo 216 Sansom; Smith .1 Howard, 64(5 W^ashington Smith K L M, RIXPORD E H, 530 California, room 4 Smitli Sydney V, Itolmison C P, _ ^ 3H) Pine Smith Sydney V .Ir, linliiiison J A, 507 Montgomeryi Smoot David L, ROBINSON, OLNEY & BYRNE, i smyth .) H, 310 Pine'Sp.-vuldingH K, 628 Montgomery! Spencer H, 628 " j Spiller Frank F, 207Sans(inr Sydivalo A D, 217 " ; Stanly John A, 604 Merchant! Stetson & Houghton, Roche & Desbeck, itnehe John J, Rpdircrs Arthur, Roe C S, Rogfere Daniel, Rogers S L, CO m o CO 628 Montgomery ROSENBAUM & SCHEELINE, 302 803 420 " 12 502 " 502 " 628 " (530 Sacramento 630 " 8 Montgomery ave 623 Montgomery 220 Sansom 408 California 622 Clay 628 Montgomery (504 Clay 315 California Stewart, V'anclief & Herrin, 310 Pine Stewart W M, 310 " Stuart James F, 606 Montgomery o 3 S. 09 F315 J St. H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. IL CO tz S 9 4> > C O E n c c o ■ o o O < a I- O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., y.WATi^'dT.r^ia/S SI^y VA* 1310 ATT San Francisco. CliAMHIKIRn. AUC Sullivan & Craig, 600 Montgomery Sullivan D T, 606 '; SuUiviiu Friiiiuia J, 310 Pino SULLIVAN J D, 234 Moutgoniory Sulliviiii ,1 V, 40 MontgomtTV blf)ck SULLIVAN MATT L lii6 Kear,rni33 Sutherland F E, Swain K M, SWIFT CHAS J. Taylor Kdward R, Taylor Frank F, Taylor & Haight, Taylor Jus M, Teal Ik'njiimin, Toaro I'hillip, Thom.m K W, THOMAS WM. Thompson A W, ThomiisonJ D, Thompson J{, Tliorno Isaac N, Thornton Crittenden, 645 Clay 636 Clay 'J12 Sansoni, rm '2 '201 Sansom 421) Montgomery 207 Sansoin 410 Montgomery 523 U S Appraisers' l>ld^ 318 Pine 214 Sansom 3-JO " 405 Californiii 628 Montgomery 215 Sanson) 4'J6 Calitornia Thornton HI, S F Stock Ex bldj; Tiernan P J, 56 Montgomery block Tilden H J. 533 Kearny TITUS DANIEL, 306 Pin.-, rms l.'J, 3 Tobin Kichard, 8 Montgomery Tobin Robert, Tompkins F \V, 3l.'0 Sansom Tomijkins Walter H, 504 Kearny TOOHY & JONASSON, 302 Montg.> Townsend A H, Townsend .James B, Travers C E, Treadwell James P, Trehone.lohn, Tripp Uwij^ht K, Trii)p J W, Troutt James M, TRUSSEAU P C. Turner (ieo, Tyler (ieo \V, Van Clief P, Van Duzer A P, 526 Montgomery 636 C'ltty 402 Mont^jomery 606 Kearny 502 Mont-Toniery 401 Caiiforni.. 40S California 216 Sansom 604 Merchant 23 Montiromerv 636 Clay 310 Pine IT S App bid] VAN DYKE & POWELL, 507 Mont Van Dyke Walter, 507 VAN MESS T C, 4 1 1 i California VAN REYNEGOM F W, 531 Van Shaick L H, Verdenall J M, Vincent (} T, Vooriiees James Wade John Waldnm Daniel K, Wallat, M H. Wallacu Wm T, Waterman F H, Wayinire Jas A, Webb H Watson Welch A J, Weller J D, Wells F H, Wells Geo R, 606 Montgomery 526 230 405 Kearny 628 Montgomery 230 California 418 418 628 Montgomery 320 Sansom 636 Clay 434 Californi; 628 Montgomery 402 6 Nevada blk 502 Montgomery 640 Clay 331 Montgomery 1 Montgomery blk 628 Montgomory 30S Pi,,,, 328 Montgomery 234 Sansom Wells Ransford Jr, Whalen JohnH, Whaley John D, Wheat(m M A, VVheatcm & Scrivner, Wheeler Alfred, Wheeler E D & Son, Wheeler Jajnes, Whitely W H, NE eor Fourth and Townsend Whitemore & McKee, 3is pim, Whitworth .Ino M, 120 Sutter WIOGER HENRI, 240 Montgomery Wilkins J H li, 438 California WILLIAMS GEO R, 528 Cal, r..om 4 Williams John J, 14 S F Stock Kx blilt; Wilson Edgard M, 507 Montgomtry Wilson J N E, 2I6.Snnsom Wilson & Otis, 420 California WILSON RAMON E, 411) Cal, room l!> Wilson ThoB K. 40 Montgomery bjk Wilson & Wilson 420 California Winans, Belknap & (lodoy, 004 Mercli o 3 Wirt N S, Wise Tally 1{, Wittnim C, WoltlChasH, Wood J M, Woo.l Wm H, Wood Wm S, Woods ( Jeo L, WRIGHT JOHN A, Wrijiht li Percy, Wright Selden S, York W M, ^'ork & Whitworth, Zabriskie James C, 511 Montgomery 16 Montgomery ave 230 Moiiti.'(miery 401 California 704 Montifoniery 715 California 300 Monti;onu'ry 320 California 30',) Montuoinery 310 1'inc 30ti '' 120 Sutter ■ < II 620 Washintjtou In (A o a (0 3 S. 5' (A MENZO SPRING, .Maiiuf;i(turcr of tliu Best Improved Artificial Limbs t e e (D WITHOUT Tiatt'ral iVotion. IMVEIISAL Aiiklf 9lotioii. O^Iioi; and Ailih-thH, 9 (iuary Street, Siin Kninuis- CO, Cal., (Junction Kearny and Market Sts.) All kinds of Artiflclal Uinbx repaired with skill and (ii«|>atcl!. Send for Free CHreular. AUCTIONEERS. . Piendit Saml, 536 and 538 California BOWLET BROS, SW cor Mission and New Montgomery a am k 1 nU ^ ikI » ^oH >t JM TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Biumauer & Co., ■^;;lf'i::;?;r »'20 Waahiugtou l.( tlif ' ^ lificial Limbs ^ _ WITHOUT littU'ittl Motion. Ltrcet, Sun Krancis- r aiul Market Sts.) PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. »pi>(J,»io"«qu«r«. m.k. R«ok. I AUC San Fvandxco. CLAfHHKIRI). BAK 1311 i \ ID c a J ■I Butterfield Wm, 109 Montgomery CobbHA&Co, 4l()l'ino Cohii A & Co, 1 148 Market Crittenden Parker, 'J5 Merchants V.\ DAVIS R D W & CO, '-'11 Tine lX)re, Maurice & Co, 410 " Klilri( iper ^Vnl, ' CumminL'S C C, Cnrran Slichacl, Daly Mrs M A, Davis Wm .1, !>ellwij. T Dieilrieh H, DoaneC W, Diilir/ensky Mrs Julia, Dresen Jos E, Elnrt Mrs E, Eck A. Edi is W, Ej^an Mrs M, Ej;gersMrs M, Eiiifeldt Mrs Mary, Elder Mrs M, lCngell)erg Emil A, English J, Enj^ter (ilerman, Ennis Miss H, Farrell J()hn, Fitzgerald Mrs E, Fit/.^erald Mfu-y, Fleishman J, Flynn Mrs M, Fogarty Mr3 M, Fortier Mrs S, Friday C H, 9 ae Oi 09 r- m as CO CO 3 p> S3 Ok 84'2 Vallejo 450 Sixth 1087), Folsom 958 Bryant 7 \Vebster 5'21 Fourth •2549 Folsom 15-2 First 717 BranTiau 13(5 Folsom 28 )i Second 1811 Polk cor Hyde & Green iei9 Howard 21 Sixth 1012 Pierce 3-23 Fifth 804 (Ireenwich 778 Folsom 41(5 Hayes 1019 Paeitic 509 Mission 25(5 Firot 41(5 Kearny 1885 Mission 40J Union 1905 (ieary Farndaeher & Himmelstose, 12184 Fol 442^1 4 Turk 148 Second W.\ Valencia 1-20G Howard 8-20i Twentieth 219 Tyler '2311 Bush f ll lit la 3s • • I fi. (» -J o Daj^aia Lieo, Aiauaina auu x weuiy-iiiin rruuiy yj n, ^oix £>usi H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. liM? 'j'W I', » , 'i i- Si I J J mT'\\ iili" ft II fci W. W. MONTAGUE & C0.,»^:!Lr?o.WRrCJJ^.V!Rr7^ li S 1:^ IL ■ CO i c « Z o 0) c o E (0 (Q o ■ o o o mm < a. o 1312 BAK San Francisco. CLAH-tflRD. BAK Frie4r>i Mission 1 14 Thirtwnth KARASSON MRS MARY, i>3i>i Fol Keeffe David, Kelly Mrs Kate, Kelly ]', Kniuht Chas M, Kranu^r li, Kurt; Louis, Lanzet M, Lapariat Blaise, Lavalley L 1', Mathews Mrs S. 30'.> Minnn 327 Fourth 238 Fifth 37 Sixth 630 (i rove 215 8econd 1.32 Hayes !»3(; Howard 408 Broadway 705 Lagnna Maylo Mrs J, SE cor .Tones and (ieary Leonard Mrs Margaret, Le Mar Mrs Catherine, LielMjrt Mrs B, Luther Mrs Eleanor, Madden Mrs Mary A, Malatesta (•iovanni, McChuu Mrs Maria, McDevitt .lames, Mclirath Patrick, McGrouther >Samuel, McLean Mrs A, Melsing Gus, Messner k Serres, 504 Missioi 813,1, Folsom 1631 Folk 107 Valencii. 117 Seventh 1313 Dupont 143 Third 504 Minna 135 Fifth (brunch), 345 5th 410 Fourth 120 Third 402 Pacific Meunter Choa, Meyor E M, Meyer Joseph, Meyer Manette, Meyer Louis, Millmeister Henry F, Mitchell Mrs Mary, Moeller Chas, Moore .lohn, (branch), Moore Mrs Mary, Morgan .losiah E, Morrell Mrs M, Morseigreu A, Mose Neil, Moss Mrs L, Muche & Duggan, Mulcahy Mrs A, 21 5 J Second 169 Sixtefiiith 617 Post 705 Polk 1007 Market 312 Hayes 8 Seventh 2007 Hy.le 415 Fifth 415 " 1 104 Montgomery 738 Howard 237 Fourth 26 I 'aire 228 First 21 1 Mutter 8071! V'alenuia Muller (reo, SE cor Mission and Ijth MuUer (Jirard, cor Mission and Eleventh Mulmeister H T, 312 Hayes Mundet Mrs.lohanna, cor Francisco and Midway 318 .Sixth 142 Eleventh Murray Mrs Mary, Mysell .1 G, Niese Frederick, Noonan .lercniiah, Ottignou Lucy, Overstreot VVm F, Pedroni G, Pliillips (!, Piirrou Emilc, liandall Mrs I 11, 913 Harrison 40 Seventh l!»-JOKllis 208 Fourth 1407 Stockton 2Sli)A Mission Ml Montgomery ave 315 1'olk Katto B, 427 Pacific and .'iOl' I'ost liii;hards(m Hicliard, NE cor.Miss A 20th liieble Mrs.lacob, 1633 Post Koemer & Burck, 205 Kearny UoUot Chas, 6.39 Uroadway Uomaui Sebastiano. 1518.1 Dupont lk(uire .Joseph, NE cor Dup and Union Sachse Louis, Sclu'iiier Catherine, Seluuider .Jacob, Schmud U, Schroth C, Schulz .1, Schwan Mrs M, Schwerin Henry W, Selz Mrs Cecilia, .Severy Mrs Ann, .Slianon Mrs S, Shaw Mrs M .J, (branch), Shci)perd M A, Slaviii Patrick, Smith Chas, 315 Stockton 203 Second 115 Oak 523 Valencia 228 Kearny 736 Union 930.', Harrison 112!) Dupont 907 I?ryant 14 Folsom 406 Third 254 Fourt!' 120i» Devisade.u 1324 Dupont 1013 Folsom Smith Mrs Mary A, (branch), 31") Fifth Spannagel .J C, 115 Sc - ith Spruegel Henrietta, RR and Ninth x\e! Stein Robt, 1137 Folsom Stewart Mrs Ann, 1829 Uniflu Stohlmann Wm, 339 Turk Stumpf B, 220 Pacific Sullivan Miss A, (branch), 540 Fourth Sutcliffa James, 703 Van Ness ave 1 X m 1 ■0 ( 1 c 1 :o m (A ^ ■H O Si o 91 2 ^ ■n m m ^ o to O 1 2 S V 9 ■< 5 > e H > b ^ e ■n m o • S o m r CA Til ai H. WACHHORST. importer of je':t;;rry!%$:£rr 1137 Folsom 18'2fl Uniou 330 Turk '2'2G Pacific 540 Fourth Van Ness ave JsCsacT - ff I BAK San Francisco. I'LAHtriRD. BAR 1313 lA I b O e « Swain A E, 636 Market Taylor Mrs Cyrus D, 207 .Sij^lh Taylor James, 5(03 Bush Trespaille M, 1504 Turk Tuite James, '217 Eighth Trost VVni, SE cor California and Steiuer Uelmer & (Jropp, Ulrioh Mrs L, Unselliui Mrs Anna, VITS JACOB, Vogley Bros, Volz Augusta, Weber J, Westerfeld & I'age, WESTON Wit Wheeland Broi., White Mrs Dong, 11*20 Dupont 13'21 Stockton •2 1 Si Sixth 1'205 Polk 915 Market 100 Third 200 Eleventh 745 Market Stockton •2232 Mission 16*29 Dovisadero Widmer (iodleib, NEcorVallejoft Stock W'wwc fsiuvc, 2*25 Fifth Wih'ox Mrs Lizzie, cor (Jenry anil Jones Wilif^nner Mrs, 447 Twentietli Wil.wn A, 1139 Folsom WINKLE A & H JR. SE cor ViUlejo and Battery WINKLE BC JR. hVj cor V allejo and Broadway Wollitz Theodore, 1425 Diipont Wooster Mrs Sarah, 217 Sixteenth e IS \% e Id IJ w lb 10 Alpers Ohas, BLUM MM, Ritzan Henry, Wetterman A, BANDS. 16'23 Powell 647 Market SE cor Post and Dupont 137 Post BANKS AND BANKERS. Anglo-Caiifornian Bank, Cal and Leid Bank of British Columbia, SE cor Sansom and California BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. (A McKinlay agt), 221 Sunsom Bank of California, (Wui Alvord pres), 404 California Bank of San Francisco, 23 Stock Ex bldg BELLOC & CO. 5-24 Montgomery BEBTON & GALLIARD, 527 Clay Borel Alfred & Co, 601 Montgomery Donohoe, Kelly & Co, 436 First National (lold Bank of S F, (R C VVoolworth pres), 312 Montgy Gansl & Culleii, N VV cor Mont and Conil Grangers Bank of Cal, (Albert Mont- pellier manacer), 42 California Hopkins Wm §, 326 Montgomery Hongkong k Shanghai, '223 California LAZARD FRERES, 205 Sansom London & San Francisco Bank, (lim- ited), 4'24 Californial ^fj^NTS* EXCHANGE BANK OF S F, 3'20 Sansom Meyer Daniel, 212 Pine MoKINLAY A, 221 Sansom Morgan h D, 315 Montgomery National (Jold Bank & Trust Co, (Henry L Davis pres), 401 «• NEVADA BANK OF S F, (Louis McLane pres), 301 •' OESTERREICHER LOUIS, 137 " Paeihc Bank, NW cor Pine and Sansom iYl'illlL'''"' ■*'•* Montgomery SATHER & CO, 518 ** " ^ SNEATH R G, 320 « SUTRO & CO, 408 Montgomery Tallant & Co, NE cor Cal and Battery Thompson k Co, 421 California Townsend Frcdk, SE cor San and Cai \Vat8on, La ( } range k Gibson, 3*24 Pine Watt Robert. 202 Sansom WELLS. FARGO & GO'S BANK, NE cor Calif or. a and Sansom BANKS, SAVI1UG3 & LOAN. California Savings k Loan Society, (D Fartjuharson pres), 1 Powell Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, (A Dobie pres, C G Harvey sec), 528 Cal Franco- American Savings Bank, (G C Perkins pres), 428 Montgomery GERMAN SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIETY, (Geo Lette sec), 5'26 Cal HIBERNIA SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIETY. (Miles D Sweeney pres), NE cor Montgomery k Market Humboldt Savings k Loan Society, (A C Weber pres), 18 Geary Masonic Savings & Loan Bank, (H T fJraves sec), 6 Post Odd Fellows' Savings Bank, (M Hel- ler pres), '238 Montgomery SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, (J as De Fremery prea), 532 California Savings & Loan Society, (The), (Saml Cow les pres), 615 Clay Security Savings Bank, 215 Sansom Societe Francaise D'Epargnes et de Presoyance Mututlle, (French Mu- tual Provident Sa\ing8 & Loan Society), 534 California THE GERMAN SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIETY, (L Gottig pres), 526 California BARBERS. (See Hairdressers.) 0> o 30 ii I "I '4 e A ^^ *s PURE PORT WINE, fir Ne«i:liil mpom. 302 Davis St, S. F. m W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Bihoet Iron lis 114. 1L ■ i c a Z e 2 S & > c o E m m c c a O ■ o o o < a. I- h D I, all ISIcoM anit Numbers, lin IIP, and IIW Battery stT. H. v'. 1314 B.VS San Francisco. CLASSIPIBD. BEL BASKET MANUFACTURERS. (See also Wood and Willow Ware. ) BECKER WM, 0"2S Market Cottura Peter, 720 Front LORNOE J C S. I-' Montgomery ave Tewes Fred, NH eor Kearny and Market Wackett & Blower, (340 Market BATHS. (See also Hairdressers.) Bamber J J, (swimming), foot Mont ave Bazan F, (Turkish), 1G83 Mission Corrivearr Louis, 113 (jJeary Driseoll C E, '2210 and '2212 Powell Fischer Alexander, S)23 Montgomery Gates Justin, (Russiin and Turk- ish), QOBLE JOHN E, Grief & Armann Griunn Adam, Hamniam Baths, Horn Jerome, King Philii), Knoeolitjl & Brand, LAMPE BROS. Landiti C, 722 foot Merrimac 0.3G Washington Lick House 11 and 13 Dupont 202 and 304 I'nlk 325 Pacilic ()2,l Montgomery Baldwin Hotel S.'iMiiniu Loryea A M, (Humniam), 1 1 and 13 Dup Moore D 0, 8 l-illis Phillips Jas K, 1 14 Sutter Kosa .f, 057 Clay baud Bros, 50 Fourti; Smith J Barlow, (hygienic, medi- cal and phrenological institute), 035 California Stable & Bernard, IJuss House TAMBLING MRS W.K. 505 Hyde ^Valworth J t5, (swimmiiiif), cor Bay and Dupont Zeile Fred'k, (Russian and Turkish), 524 Pacific BEDDING MATERIAL AND COMFORTERS. DU ROSE F F, 20 Second and 506 Mkt KEOOH JOHN. 73 and 75 New Mont BELLHANGERS. (See also Loc'csmiths and Bellhangers; also Klectricians.) Browning August, 051 Clay Camons Andre, 430 Bush Crowe Timothy, 115 Fourth Crussell F II, cor Fifth and Brannan Davidson Jaa D, 812 Market Dexter A G, 203 Seventh Hay maun A, 130 Post Kohnke Jno, 405^ California Joost Bros, NE cor 11th and Mission Malicr Jos W, 103 New Montgomery MELDE JOHN, 8I7 Market Mornss Pneumatic M'f'g Co, IO15 \i|^j. Newhoff Frank F, 328 Bush SehirmeierF, 785 Aliasiou Schnoor Chris H, 219 Sixth hilvcrstein Louis, ol 1 Mont<'omurv avn WILL&FINCK. 70i)MarS BELLOWS MANUFACT- URERS. CAMPBELL JAMES. (Cal) 32 Frem't -0 o .lAMKS OA.Ml'BEr.L. - Supkrintendknt. califo£:nia Bollows Manufacturing Company. Maiiiifacturers (if uU kinds of liellows No. 32 Fromont Street, S.m Francisco, California. BELTING AND HOSE. Baker & Hamilton, 13 to l!l Front COOK & ELLIS. 37 /remo COOKHN. 415 Mark DEGAN L P, (Cal O'lk tanned), lo Fre (niodyear Kuhlier Co, (R H Pca.so Jr and S M KunyiJU autn,) 577 Markpt GREGORY HP & CO. 2an;i4Sl Koyer Herman, 855 to 801 Bryant H. N. COOK, Mmii'f,',< tiirer .if 0.\li-T.% WKU LEATHER BELTING & HOSE 415 I'larkft '^t., Man KnuiciNi-g. SATISK'.uTlON (lUAHANTKEI). The Kiiiost l.i'.'ini,' in Cut Striiijfs or Sides alwav' on lianil. Muil, KxiiresH «na liiillion li^gt. ' COOK& ELLIS, i?| 37 Fromont Mtrrot, Nan Fi-aiifimro. Maimfai;turcrs of | r ■< FACT- !? ,5- il) 32 Frcm't |s§ •BRINTENDKST, 09 e o y Company, if of Uellows, I jj, t Street, ^^ ifornia. S HOSE. s ICEN, I flways on hand. Xetti* Market, O, CAl.. ' t. Iwvett BUSINESS PENMANSHIP **"£*JLl!*3!iA?".«*»* »* PACIFIC BITISI. ]»«»» COLLKOBS, aieo Post St., •*. *•, BIL San Frcmciaco. t'LASSIKIBD. BLA 1315 CO 00 (/> cs 0- Dunniifcin & O'Dea, I E\vin Front 1© 37 I'remont I (A 415 Market 1 q} tanncl), 10 Fre ' 3 H lVas(> .h- "* \ 577 Market 2 and 4 Cal r/to 801 biyaut [nG&HOSEi|! luAN'l'KEl). I , liiijrs or Sidf!" always !' Ina llullion Bags. LtIS, ^aii Fran«'l«»'0 m Irs of I ither Belting I, ace Leather mj^J I Sirin<^s. h arreil & Mehcriu, Broileriek luul Gear 306 hitter J,. ,1 & (.,,^1 5 j^ BILLIARD TABLE MANU FACTURERS. BETJNSWICK J M & BAIJCE (see advt), 053 and 055 . Drouilhat J no, 308 fSutter i,'„ley & Ciirlev JungbUit Aug & Co, 10 to 10 Tyler Friedhofer Paul', HAERY GEO. cor Jackson and W Gallagher Jamc; & Son. Liesunfeld V, obo to 58'J Market, < .-^0^,^ ^ ^^^^^ I^"'*'!i!^i.,if««-«r „ -n ^ r,n, '' ^l t^ilmour John D, MATHEWSON S R & CO, | Grace Jno, (patent billiard tables), 28 .ncv Mont, ^^J,.^^Y ^p^j, JIEYER J G H, :VJO Koar and 10 Stev Oraney G P STKAHLE JACOB & CO, 533 Mkt (j^ogan M T, (iroaso C, BILL POSTERS. HahnA&Co. ; Harri.s James, BLASCHARD ALMON, 620 Comli HAYES J H & CO, CITY ADVERTISING & BILL POSTING CO. 020 Keyt & Go, 500 130 Post 856 Howard •y Mission Iverett 5 Belden Place 203 Clementina 843 Harrison 2'.I44 Mission 20y Main 1108 Howard cor Tl R and Fifth aves 13 Belden Place 833 tJearj 31 Clark 14 Broadway 5 Beale 1 10 Washington BITTERS. (See also Liquors.) c 3: IlL, I * b \t. I*' Cahen Louis & Son, 410 and 418 Saci I'^^^^l^^ r '|^^ '* '^' Ewald F, 27tb bet Mission and Howard " • Henderson & Thompson, j SW cor Twenty-fourth and Mission : Herliliy & Murphy, j Hoey B & Co, I Jung J C, ! Kennedy Huiih. Kenuelly & Sullivan, Hess Loui.s, (iMmiana) 1 Juujon E A & Co, Lyons E(f & Co, McMILLEN DONALD. liottan/i (i, 8outher .Jos N & Co, Walter M & Co, Iwangley & Jones, Leiiuou J( ' Lewin R, .'Montgyave Le,-.uou John, 4 50 Jacksoii - ' 500 714 Front 1027 122 M 90y Battery 802 Harrison 110 Main 4 Si)ring n23 Market 714 Saiisom MO Valencia 27 Washington 20 Folaoin 10 Hayes Market ,,^-,,^,- Danl, ^..,j ,, ^'^'l^^'t' Manson Ja... wiLFF & RHElNHOLD;":i:^^';Sr JlilS^Gii^; McArnm .John, I McAskill John, j MeCarty James, Fett"'ti Jacob, 271 First] NfoCarry J Jr, HERMANN THEODORE & CO. | McCkllanJoim, 030 W'asiufigtonI MeCloskey & Co, JiiC'.l.'on J, 1130 Market McCK)skay M, LozicrA, 3.37 Ko.iriiy Robinson A C, 540 Kearny Lodt & bass, NW cor Front and Market '( Lownej J & Son, SE cor Howard and 8th 80!) Howard BIRDS. FISHES, ETC. BLACKSMITHS. Barton A & Co, Brannan P K, BnMrty Danl, Atkinson k Kister, Biiipby John, Burns Pat, Carl David E, Cark^u Wm, Craii; .1 & Co, ('«mming8& Grace, Daley David, I>oyle Rodney, Dumore Wm, Duncuu Wm, 22 Tyler 821 Geary MeHlroy Hugh, MoKayileii A, Mcliiarny T, Meyers I'.roa, Mi.sgill T r, MohiJy .lolm, Moller Fredk, 01 y (Jrove! Morcel Joseph, 42 Vallejol '^l"ir A, 2 Jones -MuUer .lacob, 13l> Fifth! 1^ 1' '^ve bet 14th and loth aves llt)Beale 702 Sansom OIK Front 528 Fourth 324 Fifth 107 Oregon 770 Missioi) 1048 2214 " 104 Tyler 1048 Mission ITll 19 Tyler 32 Clark 1213 Steiiier First ave South S F 197 Stevenson 12 Stockton Place 10 i 5 Battery l.Wl Vallejol ^^wllcr & Schneider, 722 Broadway Mulloy C W, 14 Tyler ^I'mroc John, cor Leav & Ellis ^^i!" iL^'^Hli' . 6tt0 Sixth NEWKIRK D J, 822 Folson)! Nicholson J, CO m o 3 Anna 220i Leavenworth Nichol 'u J J, O'Briei. J, 18 Hayes 218 Fifth SE cor Greenwich 012 Broadway 2723 Mission 1835 104 Fourteenth 218 Post H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ?tT Pampa and Iron P| '-' lie and lis CO <> i Si E IL C C (0 O o < D. H D O Ine, aU alaea, lio. iia. Battery Street. A. f7 1316 BLA San Francisco. BOI CLA88IFIRD. Oester Chas, O'Rourke Jno, Parker W H, Pfile Jno F, Roberts Thomas, Schiilz & Mayer, Siiidel Jacob & Co, SOULE E, NW cor Sprague Benj, Suhl C F, Sullivan Mrs Jas E, Weber John, Wells Levi, 315 Mission 215 Ellis 1509 Polk 675 Braiuian 1619 Market 770 Mission 424 Pacific 4th and Bryant 1509 Polk 114 Drumm 218 Post 625 Brannan 1330 Market BLACKSMITHS AND WAGON- IVSAKERS. (See also Blacksmiths ; also Wagon- makers.) Farren Jno W, 121 Beale Gallagher & Son, 843 Harrison Kister & Vetter, 922 Brannan Schroedcr & Stockman, cor Railroad and Fifth aves, Soutli S Y Weston Weston Sparks, 21^'* P( BLANK BOOK MANUhAC TURERS. CUNNINOUAM. CURTISS & WELCH, 327 and 331 Sansom JIvans J J, 319 Sansom mCKS D & CO. r>43 Clay Jje Count Bros, 417 and 419 Montg' RANKIN CHARLES £. 540 Clay BLOWERS. GREGORY H P & CO, '-' and 4 Cal POARDING HOUSES. Douglas James, Dowd D, Enos Joseph L, Fitsgerald P, Hartman A, Hellstromer C H, Johnson E, Kcnney Mrs K, Keogh M W, Killcen Mrs Mary, 215 Broadway '^25 Davis 11 < ^ackson 411 Drumm 45 Sacramento 12 Washington 19 Commercial 33 Ed,ly 366 Natoma 34 iMinna KIRWAN, JAMES, cor Kear and Bay 512 Fourth H, (See also Hotels. ) 32 Fourth 311 Sutter Al>bott Wni, Alexander Mrs R, Allason E C, NW cor Fillmore and Francisco Arini Santi, 894 Front Asmussen W A k Co, cor 8th and Bryant Baker Nick, 11 and 13 Pacific Bannister L, 1 12 Pacific Bartolucci (Juiseppe, JW Broadway Blundell James, Boyne T, Cardozo John &, Co, Carr James, Clark (;, Cosgrove Mrs M, Cosgrove P, Dieuering Leo, 1 Fifth 45 Vallejo 415 Drumm 54 Sacramento 1 10 P:,cific 100 MeAllister 43 Vallejo 556 Brannan Laudschneider Lane W Lang Tj, Lantz D, Laviggi B, Lyford Mrs L A, Mackey P, Mahoney D, Maitland Wm, Manchester Mrs J B, McKnvoy T, Nico'iysen Frank, 127 and 129 JacksoU O'Brien Geo, 9 Broadway Perkins William, 961 and 963 Missioii Popp H, SE ccr Powell and Chestnut ^oebcn G, 37 Pacific iiith J, 407 aTid 409 Drumm Stoltzer Ed, Fifth and Brannan Strachan Mrs M Srong, 969 Mission Thompson VVm, 10;< Clark Thompson W S, 820 Battery 1104 Market 506 Davis '-'OPage 2206 Powell 3 Vallejo 33 Fifth 919 Battery 444 Sixth lOf) Clark 44 Sixth 414 Folsom Truesdell Mrs A C, BOARD OF TRADE. BOARD OF TRADE OF S F, (C F Wyman secy), cor Pine and Market Shankland Jos H, (atty), Union Blk, junction of Pine and Mkt WYMAN C F, (secy). Union Blk, junction Pine and Market BOATMEN. GAL ^'!».TT JAMES, V .i'. iK (ict Fourth and Kentucky GOil'LI ' J '£, foot of Merrimac BOILER MAKERS. (See also Foundries. ) HALL J V, (Sac uto Works), 214 and 216 Beale McAfee, Wheeler & Co, '.MO to 214 Spear McCone Robt, 40.-} Beale F ;YNIHAN & AITKEN, NK cor Fremont and Howard (fir-'AN W H, cor Fre and Mission Pi f' rJtia. Trowbridge ^ Co, 141 First RICE H Wf 56 Bluxome o I ? m a a n o o o a « o S* ■»»l 3 V ! H. WACHKORST. importer' of sliltry'^mS::,^.. 315JSt..Sac^ PACIFIC BUS'^NESS COLLEGE. of th<> €oaat. IMO PMt St., i*.^ BOI (San. Francisc C:.A88IFIBD. (0 EISDON IftON & LOCOMOTIVE Collier P F, 621 Sansom WORKS, SE cor Howard and Beale Cooper J K, 746 Market ^rJ.««Pm'P' ■ ^ ooKt ',' J ^^^i^",,^ ^^' 930 Washington STEEN E T, (engines), 225 Market Croiulace F W & Co, 620 Merchant ^wS9JS^^^'*' CURTISS & WELCH, 327 to 331 Sansom Dance Henry, ]803 Polk David L N, 625 Washington Dewing F & Co, 207 Dupont Diddmant 150(5 Polk Ldgerly S A, 203^ Montgomery ave Fairweather Julian, 542 Hayes Si^^' ,Njlth*n. 60 Second llood Michael, 831 Market Frey VVm 404 Kearny Geisendorfer Mrs Mary, 158 Second Gellatley Jm R, SW cor 4th and Jessie ««-?^'',V^k 1127Fol3om GOLLY JB& CO, 26 Geary GREGORIELOXnS & CO,{French and foreign). Wash and Mont ave 158 Second 218 Third 34 Sixth 424 Folsom 116 Post 519 Hayes 205 Fourth 830 Market 1018 Market Palace Hotel DEPOSI 1041 Market 116iPost llO'Farrell Sacramento Boiler Works. ftl4 Jk *tO Bealf Street, San Francisco, Cal . PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER H'arine Statiiniory and Portable Boilers. A.II kinds of Hheet Iron "^Vork, Repairing promptly atteiuleil to at lowest rates. BOLTS AND NUTS. PACIFIC ROLLING MILLS, 10 rirst PHELPS MANUF'G CO. (W S Phelps pres), 13 to 17 Drumm^ j^" ' ''Co K, Payne Wm, 1 33 Beale' teller Henry 4 Co, ^ Kimball Chas P, BOOK BINDERS. Althof k Bahls, Bartling & Kimball, Buswell A & Co, Cooke Wm B & Co, HICKS D & CO. Hoilge J < 1 A Co, Markey Kichard, 320 Sansom 505 Clay 521 *' 721 Market King M L, I^evin L & Son, Masill T W, McArdle Simon, METHODIST BOOK TORY, (J B Hill agt) ^ rwi fM..„ l^tofre H H, 314 California NORTON ALBERT, 51S Sacramento' ^"f'-itx^'-^l Temperance Society De- S;K ' 420;Kl^rn^; ;PAYOTj^ UPHAM & CO, 204 Sansom Guscn Mrs M, Hobbert Henry F, Hook Bros. 310 Post Woolff August, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. (See also Stationery — wholesale.) 'Importers and wholesale. Afeld Jos, 805 T.arkini Shearer Fredk E, American Sunday-school Union Dc- iiository, 757 Mr.; AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. (FE Shearer secy), 757 " Amlerson Rollin C, 408 Third „„„„ „ „„„ . „ Bailey Jos H, 1513 Stocktoni SORGE OSCAR, 'BANCROFT A L & CO. "21 Market Tishler.Cleo, vet Sutter and Kearny Kichardson Bros, 212 Dupont Robertson R L, 121 Seventh San Francisco News Co,413 Washington Scott James C,22 3d cor Mkt and Geary Seaders J H, m'.i Davis Sevin & Son, 830 Ma-ket 757 Shea Michael, 805 «' SHXIPEPT, 120 Sutter Sinclair A, SE cor Dupont and Sutter Smith H F & Co, 225 Kearny Smith James, 1208 Valencia 26 Geary 809 Larkin ■ I I 'Barkhaus F \V & D, _ 213 Kearny Beach V, 107 M cm Kearny Weude P D. SE en S. H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gaU "SJI^K^f^^r* PI £ B 2 I > e I 1 c ■ 8 E < E D O WW MONTAfillF A CO Mh<-et li-on. all Mixes and "Vamlien. no . fV. mUW I HUUC « UU., tia. 114 110. and llMBuitcry BtT. (5. p^ 1318 BOO (Stt'H Francisco. BOO CLASSIi'lIID. Wiener M H, Ziegler F E, Zimmerinen H L, Zollver Henry, 334 Sixth 634 Montgomery 703 Broadway 238 8ixtli BILLINGS, HAEBOUHNE & CO., (Successors TO C. Hkacii.) Whf)lesale and Retail Baoksellers and Stationers, No. St Moiittionif*ry Mitrwt, San Francisco, Cal. Libraries supplied at Spe«ial Rates. /tS' At'ent* National School Kurniture Co. Alt C'hriH, Armstrong & Wright, Atinger C, Attinger Gotleih, Axt Ludwig, Barton J, Baumgarten J, Berglund N, Betger Ed, Blume H, Borrcmeo A, Bussolino S, Cases A, Cavixgnaro'F, Beran E, Cohn .1, Cohn L, Cohn M, Cohn Max, Coleman I), Callaghan K O, Camera P, Carli C, Costello P, Cotter Wm, BOOTMAKERS. (See also Boots and Shoes; also Boot and Shoe Factories.) 608 Vallejo 07. and GO Stevn I17Leidesdorlf 117 " 1056 Howard 81!) Battery 426 Fonrth 518i (Jeary 543ij Merchant 64'J 317 Pacific 1505 Dnpont 702 Broadway 1427 fhipont 922i Fotsom 103 Pacific 500A PaciHc 910 Lark in 23 Hyde 15 Hayes 216 Twenty-fourth 618 Broadway 503 Green 706 Larkin 531 VaK'ncia COX P & BEO, (manufrs), 320 Sansom Davidson D E, 7 Mission Demartini G, 239 J Montgomery Devoto D, DIETLE CHAS. Douglas Jos, DOLAN JAMES W, Donohue E, Donovan T, Dorler A Hilzenger, Driscoll C, Dunne Jas, Ehron R, 609 Vallejo 235 Bush 533 Pine 414 Market 20 Hayes 15 Merchant 317 Fourth Chestnut and Francisco 1622 Mission 4054 Turk EMERSON D Wt 77 New Montgomery Etthofer H, Eureka Shoe Factory, Eureka Shoo Factory, Fassman A, P'engeler H, Finigan B, Fischer Wm, Fisher M, Flynn J, Fogarty J, Foley J, Francisco Joe, Francisco L, Franke K, Fritsch W, Garrett Francis, Gaasner V, Gerken Henry, Goepcl K, Gottlieb Louis, Graul F, Grimes John C, Grove H, Harri.-i A, Harris J, HEALEY & CASEY, Healy T, Heiiirich Rudolph, Hemmer J H, Hertz L, Hobart, Wood & Co, Horner John, Hue, Kai & Co, Jacobs a, Johnson A D, Joques J, Joseph Chas, Juml H, Jury William, Kaufman A, Kast Si Co, Keenan 1', Kelly P, Kenney Patrick, Kirkpatrick Jaa, Klibl)eck Christopher, Klopper Henry, Koehier W, 602 Fourth 221 Davia 125 Sansom 10 Third 539 Clay 526 Valencia 202 Montgomery avo 611 Calitornia 44 Second 3 Turk 789 Foslom 423 Drunim 812 Saudom 512A Geary ^04 Mission 364 Pacific 402 Post 416 Fourth 132 Post 320 Taylor 1806 Market 803 Folsoin 24 Stockton 206 Pacific 302 I'acific 125 Sansom 708 Folsom 18 Taylor 635 Kearny 108 PaciHc 15 Sansom 1242 Folsom 127 and 129 CLy 2013 Mission 426 Hiiyes ia)3 Market 316 Kearny 635 California 19 and 21 Van Ness ave 107 Jackson cor Market and Dup mt 506 Mission 238 Kcaruy 237 Jackson 132i I'i.citic 522 Pacilic 121 i>*vi8 2407 California Koe[)er F, 519 Montgoineiy avu Kopankiewicz A, 1421 Dcvisadero Kramer Francis, 219 Davis KULLMAN, SALZ & CO, I06 Battery O -< O > F o 30 ••J H »< 00 s o O w o a (0 3 SJ. a' (A o ■o ■o o (/) Mil (D Oi -1 1 ^i of c tfil (SI LA FLEUR V. Laman Wm, Lam'nicci F, Leiijar>l 'J" U, Leonhardt Chas, Lewin M, Lester Charl, Levinsky Bros, Levy S W, Lowbock William, 430 Bush 241 Fifth 812 Sansom 805 Bryant 108 Stevenson 122 Pacific 12 Steuart 349 and 351 Market 29 and 31 Battery 60 First Lubke Nich, Sixth and Railroad ave TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. iliers, HO, 1319 o CO a. 00 Lucke H, «0 Lung, Eat & Co, Main Edward, Magee & Moore, Mariani A & Co, Marks & Jierlinor, Martitielli B & Co', Mason John, Matthews J, Mathews T, McKiiiney (leo, McSweeney D, Moagher Wm F, Merani Louis, Moebua F, Moloney P E, Muller Frank, Mulreany G, Mutschler Chaa, N^eary N, Nelliyau Wm H, Nelson P D, Kewdorfer H, Nussa Wm, Ohm F A, Oisen J, O'Regan Danl. O'liourkeB, Peck John, BOO 40 Geary J51I Battery 315 Folaom 4-iJ Sansom 810 '• ^ 414 Marked 422 Broadway J52I Ellis 'J-i oacramento 816 Broadway 47 Sacramnnto «04 Ellis 111 Geary 8W Front 333 E.ist J03 Fifth 24-2 Sutter 915 Post it K and Ninth aves 30;5i Fifth 52!) East 615 Davis '111 ]>Unont 430 F(.Lom 521 Hyde. 715 Davis «00 M 'Swjuu J H ilionett Jno riiumler Chas, Valz Chas, »» eljer F C Wd,cr (i, ' VVelph (J if »)'elsh John,' Vl.alen M, \Vood John, VV"olffJ.veoI,, U oolforth J M '^schiesehe Clnis, artlett li'ision pout ummer 62 California o-J Commercial -v-o Mission 65S '« 4ns- T '^^~ ^°^le 408 J vveaty .fourth "00 -Montgomery ave 1322 Pacific •422 Dupont l'^^r,-C3i^enheime?J!^!S^i-" IVkc^TungChong^Co/^Sl^^^;;^ — ^ — »-, -. II Quinn John, Quiun John C, K.idford Thos, Ifapoio M «, Kasmusseu Peter, Uepenn F, Eisi A, Kosenbaum Chas, Kosenhlum ]», 310 Fourth 223 Fifth _!> 'Spring 415 Drumm 305 Third i>- .Sacnunentt. bOOGreei'wioh 058 Misiion 207 ."Sixti.onth ^ BOOTS AND SHOES (■Ve also Boot,,..,!.. , „ ' Boot BOSENTHAt, FEDEIl''&''co; EOSENSTOCK S W &"co? ^'""'"^ l?08«AIex. '''^^^"'•'^^"^omLulBush Kothermel P H, -n-f n J ^''^ ^« KungeF, ' 40. O'Farrell Sablfitschan J, i.n r^"-^''"'' Scaulan John, r.T.V/'^""" Simou J, Stievler Jacob, Straub Gustave, Stumpf J, Stumnf J, JJootmakers; also •^lioe Factories.) 'Iniporcers, Wholesale. Alexander Isaac, A kus Emil, Alst-nz Jacob, Apprill (i, Bacigalupi — . Hahr WmA, Btvsthorn Herman mST '""^' Boisseau & Son, Bourguinon A, ' 40-1 Pacific 26 Fourth ,^^ 521 Hyde 303 Stockton 1404 Dupont 107 Sixth 20t> Post 117 Jackson S18 Montgomery 2l2pacilic 7 Trinity 601 O'Farrell SiflilVAW JnWW NT M 1 WO Bush ^^l tolsom avoren Jno J, •pOlANJASW. l>i>inenici Giovani, Donovan Danl, Edgar Jno, Ehrhardt Geo, Ehrhorn Chas, 402 Third 132 " 522 Sixth 414 Market 413 Broadway ^412 Stockton 104 Jackson 106 Dupont 305 II _~ "' 305 '« 'f."4 '« f? iii;? 'is a :'il ■ ►U':: IL ■ CO c S e o E CO 7 O ■ o o S o < a. w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., y.7'7,r^n^T,riKiff;?y*'gr;!;ieV^A' j.«' 1320 BOO San Francis "o. BOO CkAHSIKIKD. Eiselbacher S, Emmeraon D W, Esstnanu Ernest, Evers .las, Farley Jas, Fsmiessey Jno, Ferris David, Fiesher F, Flenuikeii liobt, Frank C & Co, Freiberger Chas, Frese H, Friedel F, Friedmiin P I, Frohmann S, Gallagher Wm P, Gauggel Leo, Gerbier J B, OETLESON Goldsmith I, Grass F, Green M, Guerin M, Gutberlet J, Guttman Saml, (slippers), erg H, Lanouette E, Lehmann S, Lesser Bros, Lesser J, Ivevy Aaron, Ijcvy Adolpii, *LEVY, DIAMANT & CO, i()7 Bat Ijevy L, 528 Kearny LINDENBAUM I, 52 Steuart Lisman I, 31 Third IjongtinJ B, Lowensteip ', Lucier J, MacNamr^raA, M agues A, Maier Chas, Marshall J D, Mayers John, McCarthy Danl, McCarthy P, McCumisky J, McDonald J, McDougal N, McNamara M, Meier Jos, Merani E, Michal (Justav, Millaret Thos, Miller M & Co, Molloy M, 1 1 1 Seventh 931 Kearny 101 Sixth 306 and 308 Sixteenth 834 and 836 Kearny 413 Hayes 1712 I»avenworth 312 Sixth 222 Jackson SW cor 20th and \'ivlen 536 Sixteenth 300!»Mmion Market bet 6th and 7th 835 Pacitic 140!) Dupont 348 Thinl 522 Dni)ont 909 Market 223 Sixtli Mnnaghan Patrick, 45,s (Sixth Monmn Bros,_603 Montgy and 804 Rear ~"~ ~ 1520 Polk MONNIN J B. Moore John, Moore & Murphy, Mosbacher (Jerson, Moynihan Lawrence, Murphy Dennis, Nagel J, Neary Bernard, 1057 Folsom 138 Sixth 212 Steuart 410 Sixth 2304 Folsom 646 Clay 85 Stevenson ary NICHOLS A C & CO, (Hgts AVent worth's wholesale) 402 Battery Nolan Bros, 738 and 740 Market Nolan E D & Co, 71 Stevenson Nolan M 1>, 1 1 Tninl *NOLANPF&CO, 414 Market NussaWni, lUlDupont O'Connell & Balfry, 506A Howard O'Haidon J & Co, 719 Montgy and 10Moiit;,'y ave Phal liichard, 77 Fourth Panson H, Bardoni E, Pardini M E, Perry J W, Phillips Edward, Pierre Jean, Pringlo (Jilbert, Haffetto L & Co, Jtethy (ieorge, Kenbold M, Kice A, Himnssa E, Robitscher S, Rohte Bros, Rosenberg B, Rosenthal I, Rosenthal I L, Russell David F 528.^ Pacitie 614 Washinijton 734 1025 Howard 412,1, I'aeitic 1333 Dupont 1015 Market 1304 Stockton 933 Market 325 Hush 1206 Sutter 720 Washington 1589 Turk 509 Jackr ju 108 deary 302 Pacific 1326 Post 536 Sixteeath 3 n CD i M a 3 O 3" O 3 a s* 3 (D e o (A 0> 9 < ■n 3 a ■ o , T O Si m Russell J B, N W cor Dupont and Geary Ryan E, 27th and San Bruno E Sanguinetti Paul, 151 8i Stockton Schade A, 331 Sixteenth H. WAGHHORST ealls attention to hin «<)>enalBe 8ter« 315 J St. O, lift. H.V. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP "■^»}^/>?n!g,^a%'^^«^r>itPS?^: 3 o It CD 3 3 1 Seventh I Kearny 101 Sixth 12 Fifth Sixteenth \(i Kearny US Hayes Eivenworth 'M'l Sixth 2*2 J ackson and Valen () Sixteenth M) Mission lith and 7 th 8^5 I'auitic i40'.) Dnpout :U8 Third 5'2'2 Dupout 90i) Market 2'1',\ Sixth 45S Sixth and 804 Kear 152G Polk 1057 Folsom 1S8 Sixth 21'2 Steuart 410 Sixth 2304 Folsom (546 Clay 85 Stevenson gta ^Vent- 1 402 Uattcry rnd 740 Market 71 Stevenson 1 1 T'oinl 414 Market nil Dupont 501) !i Howard ■n a o O o 3 •Hi CD a O 3 CD 3" lO » (A ,9 a , 10 Mont;;y ave 77 Fourth 528 li Pacitic 1)14 Washington 734 1025 Howard 412!> Pacitic i;V.«'Dup"nt 1015 Market r.104 Stockton «);$;i Market 325 Bush 120(5 Sutter 1 720 Washington 158'.) Turk 509 .Tack^ou 108t!eary Wr2 Pacific 1326 Post 536 Sixteeuth hipont and Geary Lnd San Uruno R 151 8 i Stockton 331 Sixteenth O X $1 ^1 BOO San Fravcisco. CLASMIFIKD, BRE 1321 in 'e u o It- 's (0 :« o e CD o 75 (A « o 0) e '■5 ti o c Schmidt Henry, Schneider P H, Schroeder & Co, Schultz John, Schwertz & Adler, Seifertz Moritz, Sheehan Manrico, Siefke Ferdinand, Silbcrsteiii L, Silveratone H, Skcrrett Tliomas, Staib C, Stein G, Steitc J B, Studvvick .loseph E, Sullivan Michael, 1402 J Powell 671 Howard 103 Third 74 Minna 22 Sixth 980 Harrison 360 Third 240 Sixth 422 PticiHc 464.'. Sixth 226 Sixth 932 Folsom 3 Washinf^ton 1409 Polk 141 l''ifth 213 Folsom TIRRELL C & P H & CO. 419 Clay Tohin John, 446 Valencia Trautvetter Andrew, 2515 Mission Turrell (ieo, Utschij,' A, Utschig .John, Wagner M, K K Walsh Jerome, ^Valsh M, Weber (J & Co, Wtl)stcr Thomas, Wentworth I M, Wilkinson W, Wolf A &■ Co, Youngclaus J D, Zeis .loiin. 1010 Market 1613 Polk 320 Bush bet lltli&12th aves 445 Twentieth 27 Third 025 Commercial 623 Howard 400 Battery 1212 Polli 208 Sixth; 417 Sntter 222.\ Second JAMES W. DOLAN, AoKNT Kon Eastern Boot & Shoo Manufacturers IraCiiMtk'lil, -Ir., New.uk, N". .1.; Hurt >^ I'aik- ard, liroiktnii, Mas.^.; Haniilloii, I'nitt iV •'<«.. New York; S. Watuibury A; Smi, Nuw Y.irk; T. & A. S. Kiiliske, New Yurk; iJiiy State Sliou .mil I.eutlier <'i>., New York; WiHitisoikft KutibtTl'ii., I'riiviilemv, K. I. Orders pioiiiiitly ulU'iideil fi). Office, 414 lllurk«'t Ktl'«M't, Nail Fi-Hiu-iMi'o. BORAX. Borax Factory, 417 Chestnut Bromley W L, 417 <• Saji Bernardino Manfactnring Co, 430 Montgomery BOX FACTORIES Austin B C, 414 Front Hcdibs, Pomeroy & Co, 10 Market, cor Beale and Main Hooper, HuhUard & Hooper, Berry bet Third and Fourth Korbel F & Bros, cor Fifth and Bryant BECKER WM, 628 Market Merguire John L, cor Bryant and Fifth Myers, (Jilman & Bacouillat, cor Ninth and Harrison S F Box Factory, Berry bet 3rd and 4th Union Box Factory, 1 14 to 124 Spear AN aldstein A, Berry near Sixth W oodbury (ieo AV, Berry bet 4th and 5th BRASS WORKS AND FOUND- DRIES. Band Frank, 522 Fulton F.ngels Wni,eor Twenty-fo: rth and Utah (iarnitt \VT. JS Fremont GIOVANNINI & CO, (U.u.n Brass ^V I irks), 417 and 4 lit Mission QREENBERG & CO. (propra Ka- le Brass Works), 205 Fremont ROYLANCE J, 45 and 47 WEED & KINGSWELL, (Cal Brass & Bell Works), 125 First Z h Z (9 3 O Z M Q 4 BOOT AND SHOE FACTORIES. (See also Bootmakers; also Boots and Shoes.) BUCKINGHAM & HECHT, NW cor Haight audOou^di CASEY M FRANCIS. • 25 Sansom CHASE & CO. >059 Market COHNREICH BROS, «W and S()6 Mkt COXF&BRO, 320 Sansom (iirard Lewis, 819 Market HOP KEE & CO, 723 an.l 725 Clay KULLMAN, SALZ & CO. lOli Battery aOSENSTOCKSW&CO, SE cor Sansom and Bush U W Boot and Shoe Co, 416 Market e» WEED & KINGWELL, CALIFORNIA BRASS WORKS Xo. 1:25 Fii'Mt NtrtM't, Opjxwito Minna Street, SAN FUANCISCO. ManufiU'tiirers of all kinds of Briu^s, Composi- tiiin, ZiiH- and liabbil .Mutiil C;islin;;s, Churoh and Stuaio'iinit Itt'lls. AIsd ii full as^sortnient of .Sli'ani ami Water Cocks and Valvcst, llydrauliu ri|ies, No/zles iind Hose (Jouplinjjs, ete, liniss Ship Uiiik, Spikes, Sliuattiinsf Nails, Uudder I'.raees, ete. BREWERS* MATERIALS. BAUER J C & CO, 632 Sacramento Shorr F, (I'ioneor M alt House), 511 " HERMANN & CO, 313 « MixerOeoH, 51 Beale NEIS PHIL. 322 Davis Union Malt House, 1411 Folsom ZWEIG HERMANN, (South Park Malt House), Brannanl)et 5th and 6th h lr« 315 J SI H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. w. w. MONTAGUE & co.,'*^,!^r.?';?o.'ftyf,r{ir.„r.rBvr!:^-g^t.^ IL i c 5 o (0 s C c (0 o O O O z S o < Q. h O 1322 BHE San Francisco. CLA88IFIKD. BRE BREWERIES. Adams Jacob, 'Broadway), 033 Bdwy AHRENS iiENRY & CO, (Chi- cago), 1420 to 1434 Pino Albany Brewery, 71 to 75 Everett Albion Brewery, fi I'J Sacramento Bavaria Brewery, (P I'Vaueiiholz propr), Mont ave 1>et Vallejo & (Jreen Boca Brewinji Co. 41.") .Saoraniento BURNELL & TURNER, (Ali.iou ale aiid jK»rtt;r), 51'.) " California Brewery, cor 'Jtith & Sorjjontinu ave Christ .1, cor -5th and San Bruno Koi.d Empire Brewery, 4"J() (.'hestnut FAUSS & CO, SEcor MLss and liHIi Frederick Win A, (.Jackson), ] 128 Miss Gehrig, Luhnnann & (iaiiiiM, (xH 7th Uhick k Hangen, >S\V cor Fulton and Webster (iclden City Brewery, ((r Brockle I pmpr), I4.SI Pacific j (Jolden (tate Brewery, 717 ()) 5 to 'JOiy Folsom Hoelscher A & Co, cor Kadmad & 14th aves Hudson < o a 3 » 5' (A o O (D ^m ^ $ » ^m ^ n H ® Z ^H 04 1 A c •• 1 ^ r* r ^^B » X 9 ■ BD Is ' c ^B (D ^ m^ I TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumaner & Co., ■'SiL'.*!:^;?;:- BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ■'■^wtSj'yJS'SR!!?' ■' PACIFIC? BITMI. ^KWW ^OI^anglada, MAYHEW & TAGGARD, 417 Wash Mc( Jill Ji E, 503 Battery Peterson Soren B, 5S Cluy Reed (ieo W, 508 Battery Schleiden & Scholl, 418 SchoU & Wheeler, 508 HUGHES & CO, room 5 302 .Jacobs Mart L, 208 Montgomery detfray Wm, 204 California KENDALL F I, room 5 302 Kanislicr Edward D, 321 " Knudsen 1' d, 110 Front LOUDON & HANSCOM. ()5 Merchants' Exchanne lORENTZEN A P, MERLE CHAS F, Ovcracre Peter .1, Pai ratt Frederick, Ricliardson k Field, Steuavt Irwin, Stowell Wn» H, Teller J 1> P, Tetzen Cb, Underbill .L;cob, \V heeler K A, WHITE & CO. WILDE JASM, William C L & Co, Zeckendorf k Staub, :U) Market 218 Ciiliforuia 123 405 Front 214 California 218 214 405 Front 202 California 308 128 310 218 417 Washington 405 Front BROKERS-MONEY. Anthony G W & Co, SE cor Buaii and Kearny Antnony G W, 240 Austin Marcus E, (539 S " r 3 la u I! Si Am P ft* OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER « CO.. 302 Davis St.. S. F. ,s I. If Ml"''- J m O ¥1 f f- o 3 III I- X < O yi IN, w. MONTAGUE Sansom Ciohlbaum L, N E cor Kearny & Market HAVERSTICK W H, 500 Montgy Helmrich & Hansen, 'M\) California HOUSTON W J & CO, 205 Front Knudson T J, 110 Front Lacy Henry, ;i"21 California Liebermann Theodore, 'Mli Montgomery Little John T, McMechan .lames, Isieville E H, O'Brien E A & Co, Oppeuheinier & Salinger, Perkins Jos, ARMSTRONG J L, Atkinson, Doud & Co, Atkinson Thos F & Co, AYRES JOHN G, Baird A, Baldridge Mieliael, Barl)ee Julin, Pforr John, lUidsel Edwin, Scliuller A, Sliepard E A, Sillierstein J & Co, Solomon J, Smith F, Warn Ceo A, Wei he Aug, Whitman S P, 302 Montgomery 405 Califoriiii. 11(5 Montgomery 4'J4 Montgomery i'2'2 Montgy 400 Market •S'J'J Montgonury :<30 I'iiie iI0!» Sansoni 501 Montgomery (i Sixtli 50"J Kearny 31(5 Montgomery ■138 California 400 Montgomery ."iO'J Montgomery BROKERS-PAWN. 1 10 Kearny 718 Washington Aronaon ( ! & Co, Brock J, Edwanls l>, Franklin A, Franklin J(din, Franklin N J, CiblMn E F, (ioldberg M & Co, (fOodman A, Craaf Samuel, Henrich Mrs A, HirscliHeld J H & Co, Hymon W, Jacobs Abraham, Levy Edward, Levy Isaa*!, Lichtenntein B H, Myers Harris, Myers H & Son, Solomon I li, STRAUS M, Van Vleit Leon, 1)53 Washington 40y and 813 Kearny il05 Kearny 110(> Market (i'Jo Kearny 534 Kearny 414 Kearny :I14 Montgomery ave 017 Wasliingtc-n 510 Kearny Mi 013 Pacific 8'_0 Kearny 047 Washington 702 and 704 Kearny 1)44 Clay 023 Kearny 022 18 500 BROKERS-STOCK. Abbot <)slH)rn, 310 Culifornin Ackersuu G T, 314 Montgomery BARRETT & WALKER, Bear Solomon, Bernhard .Joseph, Blow A \V & Co, Bos well S B & Co, Bourne J B, BOYCE S B, Boyd T C, BOYCE S B. Bradrthaw (J H, Brooks S H, Budd W C, Burling James W, Cahdl i: & Co, Carter (ieo Edward, Cautin Joacpli P, ("lute & Lovcl.uid, 44^1 California 337 Pine 337 " 429 California 312 314 Montgomery 4 Liid'lf 140 Montgomery 404 " .. ■^ noi Pino 318 California 12 Li.idesddrff 307 Montgomery 210 Saiiaom 307 Montgomery 410 Califoruia 43!l 440 " 413 400 Montgomery .•107 '■ 31 1 ("aliforiiia 242 Montgomery 312 I'i no ,oiiiery S F Stock Kx l)l,l,r :<14 l-iac 300 MontHoiiiiTv ■105 California 2IS I'iuu Collin, Sanderson &, Cook, Coleman .lames \', 301* Monti Coleman John \V, Copi' & Davis, Curds llobt, Coursen (J A, Crocker Si Suydam, GROSSMAN & BAKER, 324 " Crowley & (Joodman, 43() California L>idd BF, II 1\ Leide*l,„tr De Pass .1 M, 511 Caliloniia DEWEY EUGENE E. :m i-ine I'insnioM U, Dixon Sanuiel, Doud A, Doyle \ & Co. 317 D'Dyley Niyei, 317 Duncan Wm I,, 300 lUuieau Wm T, Kdwards Wm & Co, Fhriich James E, Klliott iticliard, EPPSTEIN & CO. Kpsiciit K, Eyre & . I ones, I'V.rrell.lno. Fay .leremiah (!, Fay Piiilip S, FERNALD J S, Fiteh J i{, Flatt V J, FLOOD J C & CO, Fox A W & Co, Fox C W, Fox Henry L, Frank (Justave, Frank Sand & Co, Franks & Cray, Frank .Samuel, 228.]i Moiitnonierv 238 o ^ -m I'iue Mout;^(inii.Ty 312 Piue 303 " 3-J(i " 45 Mcrcii Kx hi,];. ■m I'iue cor Sansoui ami I'ine :i':0 I'iue 113 Lfidesiloitf 310 Montgomery 3;!0 I'ine 213 .Saiisiim 312 I'ine 317 Montgoniery 300 " 300 439 California 439 " .'!07 Montgomery 318 Pacific Board O C Q S s a e> •< 7» OB 9 (D W PI 9 o| o a S* §1 Oi a ■I I S H. WACHHORST. importer of j,'2sr„>'SKS;;",;d.. 315JSt.,Saci >rfi, 110, 4t., M. F. o California WM Pine :V37 " Culiforuia It ontgoniery 4 Liid'tf loutgomury O m > r [3 ?m Vino 8 Culiforuia > Lciilosdorff Muiiti;i)mcry '2V^ 8Huaom Mont;4inuury 1'.) California :v.» ti:i I Montgomery (A 8 a V I'D a 9 ■ I (A ;?\1 Ciiliforuia •2 Mout^omcry , -M-l I'iiiu m Mout!;mi\(Ty Stoclv Kx lAtlj; :4U I'iiie Ji) Montjionicry 40.') CiiUf'irnia •21 S I'iiic IR, '-w-i " VM'i California J 1 )i LeiiU'JtiloilV rAl Calitoruia ;W>S I'iiie ts', Moiiti;omery ol^7 I'iut! Iu7 Mont;;omfry 17 •M-l riiic \m " Mcroh 1a1)1>1;; ;ii)4 I'iue unsoiii and I'iue •,V:U I'iue UH Lfi'lesdoitf ;IU) Montmmiery :V.iO I'iue 'JlH Sansimi :il'J I'iue ;U7 Monti;oiuery •.uv.» 30li 4;VJ Califiirma 4;«» :>07 Montgomery l>acitic Board nl o 3 o , a a •1 $ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLI.EGE, ""fc'Slrp.'^'"' * "' ""*" Pennuuuhip, Ttlegfvhjr. BRO (San Francisco. LXAHHIKIKU. BRO 1325 i I "rcebom & Co, fry.Wattlea & Co, (Jamba H, (;iiriot A Jr, (Jlazier I & Co, (ioUlman M, Golly & Uhl, Grailiner Baldwin, Greeiibaum L & Co, (iret'ue& Co, Greene H A & Co, (Jreone J J, 310 Pine 303 Montgomery 304 California 418 Montgomery 412 California 310 Montgomery 4'-".l Californiu 314 Montgomery 301) 314 314 32S Greeuehauin, Helbing & Co, 2:'.0 Moiitjj y GRIESINGER R, •"•>:* California GvirnettAfi&Co, 310 Guthier E & Co, 30U Montgomery Haber F A, 421 California Hailk-y F NV, S V Stock Exchange bhlg Hale & V'achcco, 317 Montgomery Hall & Charles, 327 I'inc Hall E V & Co, 410 California HAMILTON, GOLDSTONE & CO (and assityers), 214 Sansom Hashcy F A, 402 Montgomery HavcnH& Co, 42!» California HAWKINS JAS JE & CO, :^o«.) Moat/y Henriques David, HerglM-'rg 1, Herman M, Hir/.horg Isaac, Hiekox '♦ Moiitealcgre .1(1, MOORE & MONTGOMERY. \24}, Montgomery (0 Hoehstadter E& Co,SWc()r San andCal Hoitt lra(J, Holladay Ben Jr, E lldoker 11 C, Hoiikins NVni S, Horn U(!, Hosiiier D M & Co, lluds(m (!eo, HUNT GEO H, Hunt .1 L, Hutchinson John, Hyncman S, Ives G 1, Jacobs \j N, Jones .1 H, Ketne James 15 , Kaufman S & Co, Kelley(ieo\V, Kenna P J (.!, Kennedy P J , Kenney & Dyer, Kent U F, King Homer S & Co, King Joseph L, Klervisch J O, Kutz G M & Co, Kyle K (i, Labatard M, Laing Chas D, Langland B F, M'.rgan W P, Moulder Andrew, Murphy EP, Murray \Vm H, ' Ncal Chas S & Co, 427 Montgi)mer.d x,.„ ton H A, 14 Leidesdorlfl Xoblc H H & Co, 330 Pine o'lJrieu Edward A, 320 Montgoinery ()'j',„„ior Thomas, J22 1 me Oppcnheim John, 321 Montgomery oti^ ,1^ Co, 310 '■ Patterson .Fames, 200 Sansonr Peckham E P, 513 California Perry (Jrattan, 5 Merchants' I'.x! Perry .lohii Jr, 327 Pine Ptlug L C, 402 Montgomery Phipps A B, 310 Montnomery Plnml)er H VV, 32(» Pine Itich David, 1 S F Stock Kx bldg Kogers U F, 301 Montgomery Korke B B & Co, 320 Pine l{ountree .1 Jr, 314 Moutgomeryi Uountree & Langland, 10() Leidesdorir Kudkiii J A, 228 Montgomery Hyckmau W L, 318 Montgomery Said)orn T C, 312 Pine Sehmiedell Henry, 402 Montgomery! Schmitt J L & Co, 422 318 317 418 it Scott H H & Co, Seiikel Geo, Sedgwick Jno, " Shotwell J M, 337 Fine Skaife Alfred, 327 " Smiley .los E, 310 314 40!) Pine 308 " 330 Montgomery 327 Pine 435 California 424 Montgomery 304 307 300 " 313 California 3U Montgomery 324 Piiie 413 Montgomery 40 California 321 California 310 Montgomery 310 80 Nevada block 304 Montgomery 327 Pine 327 " 14 Leidesdorff 317 Montgomery 314 330 Merchants' Ex 307 Montgomery 32 Fourth 317 Montgomery 324 215 Sansom 240 Montgomery ao -< ta II r. 5(W 4S 9 «3 liii'^p. :f ■;!? f fislst Sac. ■ H. PALMER & CO., Frontianan Wine, 302 Davis St., S, F. «$ d m c e E 75 CO c c O ■ O o < Q. h O W. W. MONTAGUE it CO.,'*s;;y?o.% "^^*uyagg,^ 1326 BRo San Frandsco. bus /San Francisco. CLAHHIKIED. Speyer BroB, Hulzbncher .1, SusH A, SUTRO & CO, Smiley (;eo W, Smiley T J L, Smithaon Thos B, XVJ Pino 214 Montgomery 408 318 Pine .'JOG Montgomery 113 [.eiifesdortf SUTY J S & THELLE S S. (real estate), 330 Pine Sweet H A, Swim D K, Taylor W S, Tiltlen Jos, Tohiri K C\ Todd A H & t^o, TurnbuU Walter, Twiug D W, Van VVyck H L, Von Loesecke P, Wakerield S B & (Jo, Wallace (!eo, Warren S P & Co, Watson, T.a (irangc & Gibson, 3'J4 Pine Wattles J B & Co, 303 Montgomery Weller Chus f., li03 Busli Wightman A C, 38 Stevonaon building Wilson & Hutcliinson, 3'J'J Pine 331 Montgomery 314 4'JO 316 314 4 Ml California 316 Tine 307 Montgomery 308 Pine '_>32.^ Montgomery 3'_"2 Pine 25 Nevada block 411 California Wilson J S, "Wilson KicJid, Whitely T & Co, Wolf F, Wolf Frcil'k, \\'ood W E, Woods F H, •. Wright W H, YostDZ&Co, 441 Zadig & Kullmann, 322 " 415 Montgomery 314 316 *' 316 318 412 420 " Ca! an.l 332 Mont 3')7 .Mf>ntgomury Ziiins L A, S F Stock Kxchangebldg BROOM AND BRUSH FAC- TORIES. (See also Wood and Willow wjin'.) ARMES & DALLAM, 115 and 117 Front BUTT C C & AHRENS, SW cor Nineteenth and Stevenson COLE & KENNEY, • !•* Sacramento Coojier Alfred, 638 N'allejo ConklinTC, 418 Fourth CopsoTi B, 322 Davis FELDMANN L & CO, 315 and 317 Sacramento Figer Bros, (Cal), 615 (jrlunz Chris, 64^ West Mission (ioldenThoH, lO'J Clay GOSLING GEON, 320San8om Harrison & Dickson, 210 Saoramento Hemingway Bros, 121 Washington Howes ( reo & Co, 302 California Kunge & Brakman, . 260 Third Ln»SHER GEO, 331 Bush and 410 Sau S V Steam Brush Factory, (J{ W Simpson), 325 Sac, 613 and 615 Brim litcombft Thurston. 205 Sacramento Unnat .1 acob, | f,7 New Montg,„nerv AXr'" Yr^} '" ■'^'^•'^"tecnth nr Howard WnrdThoH, 27Dru,mn >\ hite Horace F, id-i *.i YATES &C0.' ,',?,\S Concordia Broom Factory, 0. 0. BUTT & AHRENS, IIKALKIIH IN nivoiiiM, nriiHht'N an«i WhlMitm Wooden and Willow Waro, Cor. Nineteenth and Stevenson Sts. SAN KItANCIHCO, TAL. No Chinese Employed. BUILDINGS, BLOCKS AND HALLS. Academy Building, 3:{o i>i„c Custom House, NW cor Bat and Wash Druid's Hall, 413 Sutter Harbor I'olice Station, 422 Davi.s Independent Order Iledmen's, 510 Hush Ixont Hall Co, TX\ Mission Mechanics' Pavilion, NK curSthAMisa Odd Fellows Hall. 325 M<)utgom..iy I'acific Hall, Bush Ix't Kearny anil Diip Pioneer Hall, 60S Montjidiiiery Piatt's Hall, Mo!it bet Pint and Hush I'ytliian Castle, <)i;{ Market Sander lAinis, (Hcrticultural), .'105 Stnok S F Postortico, NW cor Hat an, I Wasii United Californian'x, 4|7 Kwiriiy U S Aitpruiser'w.San Ix't.Jack and Wash BUSINESS AND GENERAL AGENTS. Aitken & Co, Alpero Chas, Baird Andrew, Bear Solonmn. Bernhard Hobt, {shij)) 331 Koarr.y 700 Mission 312 California 140 Montjfomery 302 California Herton F & Co, (bullion), 5:7 flay Boyart tl M, (grain), 214 Saoramento Brown D & Co, 60() Moiitj,'nnitry BURTJASGTJS. IIG Front Cameron H M, 232Suttir Doyle & Wilson, (ship), 38 California Durkin .lohn M, 507 FISK ASA, '-'40 Montj/omery liay Chas, 523 Montgomery Hill Ceo A, - 634 Market P O OB e » M o a C9I o ra e » TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. ■ti In mA »v,8. r. ml 410 Sail (R W G15 Urrtu ■^acramoiitn lontKomery nr Howard '27 Drumm \'l•^ Clay 113 Front Factory, KVhiHpN, lllow WaiMv vcnson Sis,, CAL. iployed. 139 lea iB CKS AND S 3:10 Vine r Bat and Wash 41 "A Sutter 4'-'"2 Davis tti-n's. alOUush 73:1 Mission 1 2. a o O' r[ or eurSth&y.isa '.Vi') Moutf^imvry irny and l)ii\) COS Moutjit'inery t riuc and r.Msli \)V.\ Marlat tural), '.W") Stnck ,r Uat and Wanh 417 Kwway t.Iack and Wash GENERAL [8. •X.\\ luMrv.y 7 IK) Mission 31 '2 California j MO Montuomery j 30-2 California 1 bi), '•-■' ^"'"i' '•214 Sacramento OW) MontL;onary 1 IG Front 23'2 Sutter | 38 California ' 507 '240 Montgomery 5<23 Montnomcry 634 Market BUSINESS PENMANSHtP ^\ Kf* ^ r<»i.M:4.:K, a«o Vw*t hi., m. v. BUS Fan Fvdnc'ixeo. HUT CLAHHiriKD. i:!-27 % I BO cs Hobson Henry B, 3'21 Buttery Holcomb W A & (^o, NE cor Clay imd DhvIh '20<> Washington Tii Kearny t»0!) Sacra men to '2-24 Mt>ntgy 43<5 Montgomery 430 •1 |r \t >« 0) Mark ley i^evi a ». o, MATTHEWS & CO. Menu J H, MIHAN JAMES R Morsenstern M, Raiim J M. Ri'ichling V k Co, (bullion), 400 Mont^y RiohanU O S, (grain), NE cor Front and (.'lay Riehn, Hemme & ('0, (l>ullion),404 Mont Russell Edwin, (note and loan), 330 Tiue Stewart ( leo, ^'I'l M a rket Strut W & Co, 3'23 Kearny Sutn> & Co, (bullion), 408 Montgomery Turner K B, 040 Clay WHEATLY & COOK, i Eonrth Willey James, 34 Kearny BUTCHERS. Abraham Felix, 140'2 Stockton \dler Uavid, 3 Hayes Valley Marktit Adler M, "0-2 Bealo AdarinF, Twenty -fourth and IJryant AUari Joseph, ;")(} California Market Aiitz Henry, 1 and '2 Grand Weatn Mkt Arnold & M' lug, SE cor *23d and V'aKn ArtiguesE & Co, 14 S F Market Astorg Bros, 5 and G (Jrand AreuileMkt Aubert A, 10 S F Market Au!5U8tiny John, ^ ')43 Turk Bacciis U T, N\V cor O'Far and Mason Bailey Nathan J, 515 Bryant Bailly Bros, 71 California Market Band Joseph, N W eor Valencia and Kith BARTATJDEH, ^ ^, ,.^ ^^^^^f^ Bayle John, 7 California Market IWck Adam »»03 McAllister Beck & Hamung, 10 and 1 1 Misai(m Mkt B;^'> Fifth Dahl Henry, '2 Hi Second Daly Edward, NEccr lGthand(!uerrero Dastufiue y St Market '251 '2 Bush 50t) Bush '-*7 and '20 S F Mkt 1338 Dupont 'j33 Third 313 Ninth Dickenson J E, NW cor Pine and Brod Dickson & Nelson, N W cor '2d k Bryant Di Vccehio S, 440 Hayes Di Vecchio Stephen, :^71 Mission IXidge D.aniel, 15i) Stewart Duane E, 6 (Jrand Central Market Dulion Leon, 705 Pacific DulionHJ, il03 Pacific Duiiker Christian, 3'2'2 Folsom Ellenbergcr C, '2 Mission Market Elleid)erger (!, Gl Centre " Erasniy John, 1!)'21 Bush EVERS A C. SE cor Mont and Vallejo Fabry E M. 545 Hayes Farrell & GafTney, 43'2 Third FaubclJ, 15G Sixteenth Faubd John, NE eor Sac and Fillmore Faubcl P, NE cor '20th and Shot well Fay Aiiilrcw, NE G7 Mission FeiistT Charles, cor \{ R and 15th avesj !'\rreiibauk Otto, cor Van Ness and Mkt Ferricr J S, 44 ami 45 (J rami Cent Mkt I'inley & Dickinson, 5 and G Cal Market Fisher c o E ? c c es O • o o o o o z h h O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., '*!?;SN'a°ii'a',^'S?iyig,?t^g jr »£■ 1328 BUT San Franoiaco. CIiASSIFIRU. BUT Coldmana J, 56 Washington Market Goldmeyer & Son, 307 Sixth Gootlwin Clias, 15 and 32 Centre Market Grady M, 613 Post Grannoclii Salvatore, 314 Mont ave Greenwood Henry, 1729 Market Guichet Francois, 230 Fourth Gunn Hugh, 717 Howard Hagemuun Chas, 1117 Miision Hais F J, 46 Grand Central Market Hanson & Co, J)2S Post Hanson F, 1 1 and 12 California Market Harold Chas, 704 Battery Hartnian J, 48 Grand Central Market Hartnett Lawience, cor Pac and Leav Harvy & Co, Hassebach Geo, Hayden & O'Brien, Hayden P & Co, Heinenian & Stern, tongues), Heiike & Drewes, Herold Chas, Hermann B, Hermann H, Hertz L & J, Hertz Louis, Hilde brand August, Hdl S, 21 13 Howard 13 424 Fourth 525 Seventh (sausage and 908i Larkin 24th and Potrero ave 704 Battery 801 Geary SW cor Union and Mont 85 and 86 Centre Market 6 Metropolitan Market 123 Seventh 5 Mission Market Hotfman & Wocnne, 606 Market Holhies .las N, cor Bryant anil Kitch Hook Chas, SW eor Mason and Union 1005 Pacilic Hornung J, HowlandC P, Houette C, Hughes J, Hughes Jolin .1, Jacobsiin Jacob, 28 Fourtli 205 Sixth 645 Valencia 48 Centre Market 805 Howard JEAUNEAU F & LEMAITRE J, 67 Centre Market Jensen Fred, 407 Turk Jonas A & Co,41 and 42 Washington Mkt Junker Louis & Co, Fulton and Laguna Junker Chas, 137 (iougli Kafka Simon fc Co, 025^ Folsom Knhn A, SK cor McAllister and Laguna Kain M AV, 6 and 7 Mission Market Kaiser (Jec & Co, 17, 18 and 10 Cal Mkt Katz Fred, 94 to 100 California Market Katz J, 7 Grand Central Market Kauttinann & Brody, 209 Sixtli Kantfniann Jacob, 407 Third Kehoe J \V, Natoma and 11th and 9th ard Minna Kelly Cornelius, Kelly Joseph, Kelly M J, KeyesOH, Killavary Patrick, Killey M 1, Kirscii Lmil, Kohen VVm, Korner (ius, 433 Stevenson 1159 Howard 3 Center Market 50 Steuart 421 Eightli 1840 Ellis 639 Tiiird 43 (irand Arcade Market NE cor Jessie and 19th Kramer C, Kramer Frederick, Kramer & Medley, Kramer Wm J, Kroeger G, Kroeger Wm, Lannan & Utley, Larroche F, Le Bert Victor, Lehmann L, Lehmann M, Levy Jacob, Levy M, 2113 Fillmore 229 Fell 2113 Fillmore 819 Jackson 1202 Stockton 1202 „, ^1318 Polk ^,. 21 S F Market Eighteenth and Capp NE cor Ellis and Larkiii 2616 Bush cor Geary and Buchanan 810 8 and 10 Cal Mkt I52S Dupout 619 Broadway 46 Centre Market 13 S F Market LewisJM&Co, Hi Fourth Lilienthal H, 22 Grend Arcade Market Loeb Henry, Mason and Vallejo Lobenstein S, cor Post and Laguna Lowenbruck John, 1207 Mission Lutz & Co, 3 and 4 California Market LutzJohnP, i:!o()ak Maessen W, 2 Metropolitan Market Malloney Peter, NE cor 6th andHarris'a Marxen Julius, 208 Francisco Mayer & Hartnian, 6 New Metropolitan Market xNLvywald W & Co, 34 and 35 CJrand Western Market McCarty James, 323 Third McDerniott Bros, 405 Fnlsom Mc(ilianC M, 21 13 Mission MeKeney Patrick J, 4 Mission Market McMouomy John H, Menesini G, Menesini V & Co, Mengel John. Merklebach Vni, Merry, Faull & Co, 532 and 534 Market Meyer & Akniann, 16 and 18 Sacramento xMeyer B, i pj m n 2 Ml 705 Montgomery ave 141 Page 13 California Market H. WACHHORST calls attention '^tiS.mr^e?:^:^'- 315 J St lers, 110| 13 Fillmore 229 Fell 13 Fillmore 819 Jackson 02 Stockton :02 1318 Polk S F Market ith and Capp L3 ami Larkiu 2616 Bush ,nd Buchanan JIO 111 Fourth ircaile Market lU and Vallejo at and T^aguna 1207 Mission ifornia Market i;55()ak politan Market th and Harris' ii 208 Francisco j. )politan Market j Wj ^Vcsteru Market i " 32'.? T\>ird ' 40.'i Folsom I 211 '•? Mission i Mission Market 1 and 10 Cal Mkt 152S Dupout G19 Bi-oailway ' .0 Centre Market j 13 S F Market I', and 5:H Market iid 18 Sacramento 904: Lark in | pont at thoronghly far IdnMncMw. BUT f 1 I u e IB San Francisco. CLAS81KIRD. BUT 1329 Northmoore S, O'Beirne Arthur, O'Brien Thomas, Ocean Mpvket Butchers, O'Donneh P, Sn p 'T S*';?^^ ^'''^«' 56 Metropolitan Market 426i Natoma Terry L A, 7 Centre Market 097 tt American Beef Co, 5«ilvie Rob,- cor Ellis and WeKj; Tyson & Bill.' ^rslS^^^^^SSt jVnhoimerElias, ^^J^^-- ui;i Felix ' ' si^i^lsTL'rltt Ososke Isaac, irf p^'^? ^.'y V^' 1903 Geary 1012 Pacihc Van Housen Wm, NE cor Eddy and Mas a « « e , 9 |z Ih 1(9 la ix Oswald Wm, Ott & Zeitler, NE cor Pierce and Eddy Ottenheimer Isaac, 29 and 30 Grand Western Market Owens & Co, 59 and 60 Washington ' ' Pacific Sausage Factory, 526 Fourth Peterson H, cor Seventh and Bryant Pieperling A; Co, SE cor Hyde and Union Porporato Francisco, 1224 Dupont Powers .Jaa D, 1531 Turk Powers T J, 136 Hayes p,)\vser Ciias, II R ave Ijet 1 4th and 1 JHh Proll Henry Jr, SW cor Laj-kin and Clay Kaxbo Geo A, 1 145 Folsom Rimel Frank, 65 Centre Market Uii.lel Conrad, 1417 Dupont Reinlc iV Fnchs, 3 (Jrand Central Market and 24 dirand Arcade Market Roseiihurgh G, 1 Mission " Rosenberg L, 3 Metropolitan " Rosenberg M, olOFrankin Rosenberg S S, 1501 Powell Rossi (J, 515 Broadway Roth Chas, 1 6th bet Guerrero & Dolores Rothermel & MuUer, 702 Bush Rudolph A, NE cor Folsom and Sixth Sahrbacher Chas, 904 Stockton Saltman Chas, 1806 Bush Schmidt & Thomson, 1405 " Schrader J, Point Lobos and Collins Wagner Chas F, 536 Kearny Wagner & Hanb, 1505 Stockton V\ agnerP, NE cor Fillmore and Sutter Wahlheim 0, 912 Twentieth \\aier8Geo, 308 Blfth \V anz J no D, N vV cor Columbia and 24th Schuck E & Co, Schussler Louis, Seibel Fred, Siebel Philip, Seipel Chas, Sern Chas, Seufert F A, Sheehan I'atrick, Sheipley Chas, Shyne Jas G, Smith Jas, Smith Jas, Warner Geo, Weber E, Wcisheimer C, Werner (Joo, ^^'erncr Louis, Wetzell Wm, White John, 211 Folsom 1343 Dupont 2 Clay St Market 2 2302 Mission 1604 Howard 1604 Polk 1018 Alabama 2302 Mission 330 Fourth 1119 Harrison 2203 Polk SW cor Clay and Polk 5 Metropolitan Market cor 16th and 2d ave 1643 Polk 910 Bryant N^V cor 22d and Folsom 1102 Clay A\ ilson J Y & Co, 508 Mkt and 9 Sutter Wuirow Jes, 3000 Mission AV^itzemann William, Merchant and East Wood Horace V, Mission nr iVJth Woodhouse & Hilliard, 19th and Capp Wuthrich Jno, 415 Geary Yager Martin, 211 Folsom \ oung & Bro, Greenwich and Steiner Zecher F W, 1817i Powell Zeh Louis, SE cor Dupont and Union BUTCHERS-WHOLESALE. Andrews Oliver, Fifth ave bet K and L Avy Eugene, 320 Sansom Brandensteiu M & Co, (sheep), 5'?9 Clay (^atlow John, 331 Montgomery Donnelly, Dunne & Co, 601 California Dunphy & Hildreth, 533 Kearny GRADWOHL M & CO. 1142 6 Market Husson Paul & Co, 535 Clay James J G, 331 Kearny Johnson C H, 331 " Lintott Jas, (commission), 914 Market and 62 to 64 Cal Mkt Smith Wm, NW cor Mont ave and Lom SniffinsE, 2436 Mission Solfoorman S P, 1503 Franklin Solomon Sam'iel, 1-2 Grand Cen Market Stark Luke, 529 First Starck .lohn 4 Co, cor Leav and Ellis SteffensJno, 154 First Stelling Bros, NE cor 24th and Mission Stalling & Tiiebe, 155 and 157 Second Stephan John G, 1 and 2 California Mkt Stienfels Chas, 1702 Hyde Stolz Phil J, 126 Eleventh Storck C L & Co, 301 Hayes Loewel A & Co, Mayson .foseph M, Miller & liux, MOFFAT E & H. Murphy & Horn, O'Brien William, 12 S F Market 314 Pine 533 Kearny 238 Kearny 533 52'J Olay « e* Oregon Stock and Butchering Co, (Caleb H.lohnson manager), 331 Mont Poly Hebron & Co, 339 Kearny SCHOENFELD JACOB, 331 " Sohelline Nathan, 331 " Schweitzer J & Co, 16 Clay St Market Selig M, 331 Kearny Shrader A J, 2 B'irst ave Silverberg S, (sheep), 320 Sansom Wagner P C & Bro, (pork), 15 S F Mkt fTTRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. ':!■;:', CO i c 75 Z 'iiffi'iB nj^ >![wP^|h l^m 'l« c o E CO O ■ o o o z S o < a. o z h 3 O (Srt/t Francisce. CLA8SIFIKD. CAP CABINET MAKERS. 1523 Market 403 Natoina 308 Sutter 261 First 217 Market 314 Jackson 18 and 20 Sutter 346 Seventh Brendlien Geo, Buckner & Co, Drouilhat J, Easton John, Forbes A J, Francis G C, Gilbert & Moore, GillamJ R, GREFFE & TANROX. 141 Fourth and 560 Brannan Haussler L F, 231 Jackson Herring, Murphy & Reeve, 566 Brannan Johnson C E, 730 Mission Kittler & C \V, 202 Powell Klemm C, 148 Bluxome Koehler Chas, 20!) Mason UNFORTH & RAWLINGS, cor Mission and First Miller J A, 1029 Market and 325 Turk Nelson Bros, li(6 Sixteenth Paulson & Sanders, 5 IS) and 521 Jones Pfaff Henry, 512 Montgomery ave Purdy Danl, 1 104 Mission Roesler H, 225 Post Schubert H & Co, 225 and 227 Beale Mercer Bros, Mercer M A, ROBERTS F, ROTHSCHILDS & Schmits Wm, Schroder & Albrecht, Seidl Jos, Thain A Jr, Wilson Mrs Mary A, 916 Market ol8 Kearny cor Bush and Polk EHRENPFORT, . 40s (Jluy 323 Broadway 226 Battery 754 Market 781 342 Fourth Sherman W B, Suckow Chas, Thiele R, Weismann Henry, WIOMOREJOHN, Wolf W H, Wyman C, ZehfuBs Wm, 408 Folsom 23 Montgomery ave 657 Mission 532 Stevenson 129 to 135 Spear 931 Mission 1317 840 CANNED GOODS. Artigues E & Co, Bay City M irket Booth Sydney, yjy p , Code Eltelt, 314 Washin.'ton CUTTINa PACKING CO. " 17 to 41 Main Hume R D, 309 and 31 1 Sacramcuto KING OF WM JAMES C & CO. ^«« « ^\^ ^ll"" ^I'O'^^lway and Sansom LUS R A & CO, 534 an<] 536 Clay Pacitic Coast Packing Co, 805 Sansom Sacramento River Packing Co, (Wm B Bradford manager), 318 Front San Jose Fruit Packing Co, 318 " Schotcher & Gibl)8, 3is '< SPAFFORD FRUIT PACKING AND PRESERVING CO, 310 an.l 312 Clay WANOENHEIM SOL & CO, 118 to 126 Davis CAPITALISTS. CAMELUNE. (For the Complexion.) WAKELEEHF&CO. SE cor Bush and Montgomery CANDLES AND SOAP. (See also Soap.) Bay Soap & Candle Factory, 1 19 Front JDDSON & WOODMAN BROS, (S F Candle Co), 402 Frmt Mission Soap & Candle Works, 108 Bush CANDY FACTORIES. (See als© Confectioners.) Bradshaw A, 508 Sixteenth Brind C, - 1508 Polk Demartini & Co, 21 1 Post Estrada Fred, 421» Kearny Fontuua& Bartlett, 519^ Post Gilbert Aug, 3 Kearny and 410 Hayes Haas Geo & Co, '20 Kearny Hacker B. 812 Market and 128 Third Hirshfeld D, 23 Stevenaou Adams Edson, Aldrich W A, Alvord Wm, Ames Sam'l A, Baldwin A R, Baldwin E J, Banks T C, Barron Edwd, Beaver ( >eo W, Beldeu Josiah, Bigelow S C Blythe T H, Bolton James R, Booth E J, Booth H L, lk)wie H R, Boyd & Davis, Boyd J no F, Brittan N J, Brown Richanl, Brown R •), Bruce Samuel, Brush C W, Bull A, Burgess C A, Burke John H, Bye Frank W, Carpentier Edwd 91 and 92 Montgomery 314 California cor Cal and Siiimom 320 Califoruia 328 Montgomery BaUUviii Hotel 1 16 Califoruiii 21 Nevada blk 414 California 314 314 724i M,irket 618Mt'rclnnt 320 Califuruia 419 318 126 Kearny 52 Nevada bk 314 California 215 Sannom 328 Montgomery 410 California 320 401 62 Nevada blk 502 Montjjomery 226 California R, 6 Montgomery ave 00 e (A O a o 3 fit a ^ o O j a I 3 o 3 TRY DR. CUMN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP -" ffaTy^^^g ,'^V«:,'S.rS?fe CAP San Francisco. CLAgHIKIHD. CAP 1331 s i I I* » (S » « b Carpentier H W, Carr Wm B, Carroll John, Castle M, Center Jno, Chapiii S A, Cheesman Morton, Clay Fred, ( '. igan James, Cougdon Henry B, COOK DANIEL. COOKSETH, Cooiiey Patrick H, Cooper J B, Crim Samuel, Crosby Fred'k W, Cummings J M, Cutter Horace F, Deane Coll De Laveaga J V & M A, Dewey S P, Dewey W I', Dixon Jno, Dodge Ceo S, Donahue Peter, Duncan Jos M, DussdI Gustavo Earl Jno 0, Embody Obadiah, Emerio Joseph, English Joseph M, Epstein Henry, Fair James G, Fttull John A, FeltonC N, Fernbach M, Fiui,'an Peter A, FISKASA, 6 Montgomery ave 310 Pine 410 Montgomery 213 Front 420 California 7 Montgomery ave 309 Montgomery llSLeilesdorll 403 California 240 Montgomery 4 Nevada blk 4 " 420 Montgomery 328 420 California 228 " 417 523 Montgomery 238 258 Marlvet 308 Pine 308 " 238 Montgomery 302 420 312 Pine 522 Montgomery 401 California 232 Montgf)mery 621 JSaiisom 328 Montgomery 21(5 ^>ansom 6 Nevada block 320 Montgomery 402 Montgomery 327 Pine 400 Montuonu'ry 240 ' " WOOD J f! & CO, 30'.t Mont, nns 6, 7, 8 Floyd P i.i.s. Foonnaii inon, Frank Josepb Fry Col J 1 ), IJiishwiler Jno \V, Graves Kobert N, Graves Wm H, (irayson Geo W, lirim A K, Grogan Alex B, 000 Montgomery l)lk 70 " 131 Montgomery 41!l California .s F .Stock Kx blii. 400 Nlt)iit^omer\ 23 Stock Kx buil.li.ig 331 Montgoiiii'ry 705 .Saii> (ui HA&GIN & TEVIS, 3oy Mont, ..7 Haunay Kdward 1, 412 Battery HASTINGS S G, Hawx hurst R W, Hayward Alvin/a, Heiul E A, Hearst (Jeo, Heywood Frank, Hill Horace 8, H..ag Wm M, HobartWS, UoggTE, HOLKES A J. Hopkiuu Geo W, 630 Clay, rm -' 402 Montgomery 224 Califdrni.i 30ik pier 13 Steuart 320 Montgomery 302 412 California 302 Montgomery 318Piue, room 41 419 California Howell M D, Hunt John D, Hussey J L, Irvi- J Jas, Iv .18 R, Jacobs David, Johnson R C, KELLOOO F H, Kellogg J G, Kraner P H, Land Chas, Latham Milton S, Lawson Thoa, Law ton G T, Lent W M, Le Roy Theodore, Livingston Mark, Londre Jos, Lul)eck S, Lunniiig N, Lyle Williams, Mac Dermot Chas F, Marsh E B, Masten N K, Maynard Jno H, MeCreery A B, McCullough H V S, McDonald Mark L, McKay David, McLane Chas E, Mecartuey A, Meeks Wm N, Meloue Drury, Merritt Samuel Miller Albert, Mills D O, Mills Edgar, Mills Ogden, Mitcher G, Morrison Jno C Jr, Morrow Icobt, Mm.is I. 'has. Moss J Mora, Nortbam E F, D'N.ill Itichd, I 'age !• rank B, Part tJiio, IMiel.ui •li'U), Pierce Jas P, I'Hier Wm A, I'hune Jno V, Pond Edw B, P ter GeoC, I loctor Jno, wiymond Israel W, Uiuihart Simon, Reis Bros, Robinet Eugene, Robinson L L, Rosenbaum Mosea, Rosenberg Jos, Rosener Bros, Kouaaet Paul, 330 Pine 513 California 402 Montgomery 330 Pine 218 Sansom 705 120 Sutter 444 California 314 314 Montgomery 405 California 328 Montgomery 217 Battery 401 California 309 Montgomery 729 414 California 446 •• 309 Montgomery 211 Sansom 54 Nevada block 328 Montgomery 309 California 18 Nevada block 315 California 211 Sansom 328 Montgomery 237 Pine 215 Sansom 309 Montgomery 6 Montgomery ave 237 First 418 California 22 " 22 " 426 " 426 426 22 310 Sacramento 414 California 230 Montgomery 718 Battery 120 Sutter JW9 Montgomery 306 414 519 315 California 606 Montgomery 232 California 318 Pine 426 California 201 315 412 316 7 Montgomery ave 320 Sansom 206 Front 410 Montgomery 213 Battery 619 Montgomery 30 -< Z o H O m 99 •; In is Is S3 is i ::8 r ?3?| OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER « CO., 802 Davis St, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., HtOTi'M and Jtaiii |;attcm». m IS {If IL ■ CO ■I i c 75 S p iitl RaiiMB, BOO different licM, atylM mmt Un. ng. 114. lie »nd -.18 Battery Btf . S. F o s IL 6 o o z S o h 1332 CAP San Fra/ncisco. CI ARBIFIRD. CAR RyanJI), Ryer Washington M, Scholle Bros, Sharon Wm, Shaw Jno M, Sherwood Robt, Shillaber Theo, Shores Leander, Slorah Jas, Smiley Jos E, SneathRG, Soule & Farquharson, Steinhart Sigismund, Stevenson Robt, Stone H S, Sutton P, Tait Geo, 524 Washington 330 Pine 242 Montgomery 305 Sansom 408 California 30!) " 67 Nevada block 230 Montgomery 708 Sansom 240 Montgomery 320 Sanaom 400 Montgomery 2(> Merchants' Ex 331 Montgomery 419 California 531 G7 Nevada block Tevis Lloyd, NE cor San and Cal Throckmorton S R, 313 California Toomey Henry, 424 Montgomery Turner Jno, 414 California VAN RENSSELAER P S, 3io Pine Walkcrley Wm, WeblKjr A A, Whittle Robt, Williams & Bixley, Worn Geo A, 322 Montgomery 306 302 *' 320 Sansom 436 California CARPET BEATING. Brock N P, 27 Tyler Kaut/.mann Geo, (weaver), 39 Second McDowell s & co, (San Francisco), 1321 and 1323 Market Merrill I'arker, 453 Stevenson Mitchell & Hobc, 230 and 232 14th Muri)hv Jno, Alabama Ixjt 25th and 26th Spaulding J & Co, 353 and 355 Teliama Vaughan H B, 132 Fourth W. Oon.i). S. McDowEU.. s. McDowell & co., na:v »'ka>'€«*t4 and 26 Beale UlO'Farrell [streetSac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «-«S!--p.«sS£^>.,f. g»pfa»g. Penmrnnihip, Telagmphy. CAR San Francisco. CLA88IFIKD. CHR 1383 United Carriage Co. (Jas McCord supt) 2 New Montgomery Whitmore E, 1507 Polk Wylin James, 20 and 22 Seventh 10 (0 A. 8. MERSEREAU, 10»7 MliiiHion St . i>et, Between 16th and 16th, SAN FUANCISCO, Cutiagoa and Wagons of all kinds made to order. THE CRA!VDAIiIi PATKIVT Sktictoa & Basiatsa Baggy aSpscialiy. The very Beat, for reasons of Durability, Light- iiesB, and Ekisy Hiding, and at Less Exixinse than any other. S. C. BOWLKY. BOWLEY Importers H. L. BoWLEY. BROS., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in every deseription of Harness, Saddlery, Whips, Blaniiets, Robes, Etc. AUKNTH FOR ''amesll. Hill &Co'8 Celebrated Concord Harneaa. No. 9 New Merchants' Kxchanice, California Street, San Francisco. Repository and Sale Stables corner New Mont- gomery and Mission Streets. Auction Sales -Tuesdays, ThursdayB and Sat- urdays, at 12 o'clock, noon. X 9 IZ I » r I % r CARRIAGE REPOSITORIES. BOWLET BROS, SW cor Mission and New Montgomery Eastman T S, cor Miss and New Montgy Gallagher Bemard(al80 hear8es),222 Miss Holcomb Bros & Co, 41 1^ California Willey F & Co, 427 Montgomery CARRIAGE TRIMMERS, Coughlin J J & Co, 903 Folsom Hagstron N 1\ 128 O'Farrell Holmes M P & Co, 327 Sutter Lewis E M, 538 Valencia Piche M, 036 Broadway Meinhardt F W, 1 146 Mission 8T12N C W, 265 Stevenson CEMENT. (See Lime, Cement and Brick.) CHAIR FACTORIES. CARMOUCHE K P & E, 124 Main Coulter Robt (agt Wakefield Rattan „.Co), 38 Geary «^^iiS["..2?°' 427 Twenty-second GREFFE & TANRON, (Centen- nial), 141 andl43Freelonand 550 Bran INDIANAPOLIS CHAIR MAN- ^ OTACTURIKG CO, 1«0 New Mont Nougaret Chas, 135 Reale CHEMICAL WORKS. Bay View Chemical Works, Folsom bet Fourteenth and Fifteenth ^4Ai^^^?.I^ CHEMICAL WORKS, (John Reynolds propr), Twenty-eighth and San Bruno Road CHURCH A S. (agt Rainford Che- mical Works), 405 Front Golden Cicy Chemical Works (Con O'Connor pres), cor 7th and Townsend Judson & Shepard, (S F Chemical Works), 402 Front Mission Chemical Works, Harrison bet Sixteenth and Seventeenth REYNOLDS OEOROE, Twenty-eighth and San Bruno Road CHINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS. Chin Lee &. Co, Chy Lung & Co, Deakin W F, Doyle C A & Co, HOP KEE & CO. Lung Chy & Co, March G T & Co, MAYERS ROBERT, TONO TIE & CO, 521 Kearny 640 Sacramento 628 " • 4 New Montgomery 723 and 725 Clay 640 Sacramento 625 Market 621 Market 728 Sacramento TONG WO & CO, 722 CHIROPODISTS. C. W. STEIN, No. 266 Stevenson Street, Bet. Third and Fourth, San Francisco. DKALRR IN CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Cowan R H, Feistel & Gerrard, Halpruner W S, Loewenhorst A L, Popper V, Kussack I, Treat J W, 236 Kearny 838 Market 6 Eddy 331 Kearny 127 Montgomery 31 Eddy 523 Kearny 85 CHRONOMETERS. (See Watchmakers.) 0» I 3 m J6 i1^'a:|i;i! m i'n and 119 Pine CULP J D & CO, 16 Front and 511 Mkt CURTIS. DIXON.& CO. 309 Clay DENICKE BROS, 310 and 312 Wash Diez & llamon, 416 Battery Eisenberg Bros, 603 Front FALKENSTEIN & CO, NE cor Battery and Sacramento FAKKEL D & CO, (cigarette), 414 Sac Gaffke E, 443 Busl Gallcauo A, 802 Montgomery Garcia Jos»f A, 413 Sacramento Gelieri 11 G, 315 Davis Goslinsky E & Co, 219 and 221 Battery HAHN FRANCIS J, 206 McAllister Harris Bros, 318 Battery Harris Chas, 414 Sacramento Hclmuth Wm, 506 .facksim Holling Bros, 109 California HoUing F, 320 Clay Howell M C, 61 6 Montgomery John Wni, SW cor Post and Dupont Kaisky, Sternberg & Co, 513-515 I'ront Mayrisch Bros, Mayrisch Otto, Meyer A, Me;) er Wm, Orclenstein & Co, Perrazo G, Petri C, Pctry John, Pike J M & Co, I'lagemanu H, PoUak Arnold, Poppe Chas, „,„„ 405 Battery 213 Montgomery ave 535 Commercial 217 Eleventh 306 and 308 Battery 1421 Dupont 1341 " 823 Pacilic 327 Front 305 Sacramento 217 Sacramento 305 Battery FUMARIEGA JOSE & CO, 44i Bush Quezada L, 508 Broadway Koberts J M, .327 Pacific Kosenbaum J S & Co, Battery and VUv ROSENTHAL & FROHHAN, ^ 627 and 629 Montgomery Sabin F, 802 Montgomery SANDERSON & HORN. ^ 327 and .329 Front Schlaberg Bros, Schmidt Jno F, Schnitzer J, Schnitzer Jacob, Schula & Son, Schwartz Wm, 629 Washington 206 Bush 312 Fourth 804 Folsom 2764 Mission 54 Sacramento SCHAEFFER J W & CO. 321 and 323 Sacramento Sideman Abr, Sideman Lachman & Siel)enhauer L& Co, Sikes E & Co, Smith Wm N & Co, Soboslay Julius, Specht John, Stepp C & W, Urban Hugo, Vuscovich V, Weis Wm, WERTHEIMER M Klahn John H, Xlopstock C & Co, Kohnberg M P & Co, Kudner & (Joldstine, KuUman &, Armer, La Salle Co, Leu & Harms, Lewis Bros, LEWIS WM & CO. 418 Sixth 212 Front 318 and 220 Bat 427 Front 306 and .308 Sac .304 Dupont 1247 Mission W' hito I K. Wilbert John S, Wolf Morris, Wolfrom A, \Vrede William, Zemauskey H J, 632 Waslungtoii Co, 608Battu_v 318 klacramento 419 Battery U2 l-ifth 11 27 Mission 633 Broadway 709 Mission 1028 Market Montgy ave and Stockton ir)4 Second & BRO, 518 Front 221 Sacramento 418 Hayes -m Tliird 64G Market 423 Washin;,'ton 986 Folsom Liel>e8 Bros & Co, 203 to 209 Sacramento' Lio.diardtP, 608 " I Love A Ecker, WM Market CIGARS AND TOBACCO. (See also Cigar Manufacturers,) Abelino k Calles, 328 Montgomery ave Alexander Chas, 975 Market Anderson N, 522i Sixth Antht'iiy (; \V il Co, Bush and Kearny 415 Sacramentoj Armstrong & Fegel, IBS Bush ;W California; Asch Wm, 215 Sixth Asher C, Banks J, 1044 Sutter 1264 Market Maher Wm, SW cor 2d and Stevenson I Becker F W, Mann & Co, 324 Clay I Behnseu Chris, Bassignano Peter, NW cor 6th andHor 705 Davia 18 Sixth TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. g'^tho Tom CIO «^^ „ ' «0| BellJoeS, 00 1 Berroa E, Block Israel, Blum A, Blum C, Booth Thos, SBorbeck John, -, Bramlenstein G H "'BRIGOSE&Cd. Brigga S R, ^ Buckley Frank Jr, Bura Adolph, San Francisco ^^^an8oin Huer^foi r ' SoOThirdH'tfl^i^^^— ^N CIO 402 fourth 900 Market 222 Fourth •>•»„ ,^00 Market -22 and 224 Battery 242 Sixth ,„ 30!) Fourth 204 California '06 Second 705 Market loll) Castle Charles, j2 Cemogorato P, ^e Christopher L, Cohan H, Cohen Aaron, CohnEd&Co, , I Colaci) Max, Coiistans P C, I Cramer Edwin F, Davis David, Davy Silas, Devlin John, Dezaux A P, Drathen P, Diinlap D L, Eamcs M, Eckstein Alfred B, I . Emanuel L & E he EngelbertPH, U I f^nglander F E, Ensign S, loii, Union InsW* I 1405 Polk' TPT^TsiTP'i. 620 Murketi P^^ WM G. „„^ 231 Kearnyl '"''^•r «• 225 Montgomery! T'™ « 'Solomon. -«„ 785 Market! r^-'^^^^'iM, 009 Montgomery ^'^f'^son S, , 450 Thirdir"'''"^ -Joshua, 545 California -^?*'''" *''redk. 1330 xMarket 124 Fourth vr ,"-7 -. 832 Marketi ,.'.'"'" ^ -M. 70 Fourth' ^'"'''* Henry, P. f alck A, „ i^itT and I FELDMANN CHRIS F B '\-^i « i ! ;^'""'t'r i- h Ferg,.son Jno, "* .* , m , "'' | ^^"^ ^' M, Fernandez P, -ww' J ''"''' f "•'^''•■»m Nigrnund Fitschen Jno, ..-.^V ,'>;"''"y p^^nhardt P & Co' Flanagan Edward, 617 u',^"""'"' J^overentz Chas, ' V. i.lJ T„.,.. r ,."'"'' _ ^ I Foss A iS, IQ Frankenl)erg Bros. I" GaffkaE, 1^1 OANXON PETER T Ath and Mkt and iui Garcia M E, SW eor uCl. ""'i'"'!?'^ ^"^ Gehrenbeck Albert ^iS\?'"V^""'"'" GethingsJE ' 'S^ ^[""^"•y "ve Glassnian Jacob. gv? ^Jo'ityon.ery Goldbaum L NE or r k ^"""tfe'«"'eiy GrafCleo, 321 Sansom 211 Kearny „ 731 Davis 305 California Holliday isidor, fjollingsworth T C .-T "-"•'^ei; Wonugsberffer T xru '^ID «< Honigtbergfr S • ^^ •^^'^ ^"^h and Bat '^■— ' ' • 333 East 738 Fourth 424 Folsom ,, 328 Pine il8 Fourth 236 Sixth .,io ,,^'2 Hayes -'•i Montgomery , o,.u«. 3 Market -Jessen Fredk, 531 East •Johnson Jno, SVV cor W. I , 2 Clay ll^urgens A, ^ ^^««'» »" '^"^ Kearny , , ^ 635 Clay Mattat C (J ^Vrl"?"?"'^*"" Hotel 12 Leidesdorff Matzdorff Morif , ^^ontgomery ave ""••"• • • "^' 625 Union Griessor Ad, Guiist M H, Hampshire Geo, Hanjes E Henry, 31au Christian o^^. T" ^"luii McLead H li * ^'8 Kearny "" -«• 544 Fourth ,|.,. jTpTQjip-----^ ---------Jl_* Montgomery ave 1 W. W. MONT(^GUE & CO., 3' J It'Wllt Ml r " HI s p « s I c ID o d o o < I- h O Twttenwi, HO. Itt. 114, 116 mi 118 Bat.fry fi' g. f* 1336 CIG iS'cm Frandaco. CIiAB8iriRD. CIG Michael Joa, 539 Clay Michalitschke Bros, 226 Montgomery Michalitschke Charles, Third and Mias Michalitschke Gustav, 501 Kearny Miller Henry, cor Tyler and Market Modry Marcus, 312 Third MoUar AFT, 1314 Polk Moller John H, 312 Sixth Mon Chon, 206 Dupont Monieri Simon, 133*.)^ Dupont Monsen H, 255 Steuart Morris Julius, 32 Third Morton Wm H, 18 Market Muncy Wyndham,NWcor Mont and Cal Nicols Richard, 650 Fourth Nolan James, SE cor Bush and Kearny Norris E J & Co, 946 and 948 Market Oehlert Heiiry, 146 Fourth Ohr t Christ, 515 Clay OPPENHEIHER & BRO, 200 Front Oramas Theo, NE cor Front and Mkt andlOOO Mkt Overstreet W F, 222 McAllister Pearce Wm, 6:i4 Fourth PEABLMAN A M> June Mkt and .Sut Peiser Harry, Perkins L G, Perrin Eugene, Peterson MP, ' Pinkner G J, Posler Philip, Radston J Jr, Raphael Isidor, Recarte D H, Redston Julius, Reed Francis, Riewerth Cornelius, Rincke Frederick, Ritter H H, Ritter P \ Rohuaek Albert, 17 Sixth 16 Third 200 Fourth 421 East 1231 Mission 337 Hayes 200 Sixth 430 Kearny 130 California 200 Sixth 537 Sacramento 39 PaciHc 325,^ Fifth cor Sutter and Dupout 1118 Howard 316 Bush Root & Sanderson, 122 and 124 Market, 19 and 21 Cal Rose Edward J, i}16 Bush Roundey Chas H & Co, 412 Kearny Ruiz Bros, NE cor Stockton and Pacific Salas Moore, cor Washington and Moiit Schmidt E H, 1317 Stockton Schmidt Henry, 800 Kearny Schmidt John, 427 l':a8t Schmidt Jno F, 206 Bush Schmidt Peter, 325 Dupont Schoen David B, cor Kear and Mont avc SCSSOENFELD JONASt 425 Jackson Schoenfeld Max, 902 Market Schoenfeld Simon, 20 Powell Schulte J H, 214 Brannan Schultz Louis, Lombard and Sansom Schwartz H. 133 and 329 Montgomery SHAEFFER J W & CO, «• K f nu 1 ^^* '^^ ^^ Sacramento SiebwertCharl. 24 Steua ? Sideman A, 651 Washington Sisenvine L, oi i R ' Smith D B, SE cor Sansom ami w2 Smith Peter, 58 v„„ , Smith WM&Co. mviui SoUey S J, 824 K.!** Sontag Emil, SE cor 7th and HoS Solomon Lazarus, 48 Steuart Spear W J, 976 Harrison StemhartL, 434 California Stuart Joseph, i>8 Market Sutliff- Henry, 832 and 330 Kearnv Sutton J B, SE cor Kearny and Pine Thomas J G, cor Turk an.l Market Thrane C, gis ^.^^^ Schwartz William, Segelcko W F E, SeSlel Wm, Seligsohn Hermann, 51 Sacramento H:« Market 17.t Fourth 1012 Market Thyes Ji 5 B, NE cor Third and MuS Tillmann & Bendel, 327 Bat and 407 t'lav Tobelmann T, 5 dupont Trautner C Jr, 244A Sutter U'T'^^'r 1 527Montgon»ery Vocke & Jordan, cor Mont ave and Pac Vogelsdorff Julius, 221 Sacramento VonAhndenJH 5 Kearny VonTiedemannI', 421 Sixtl^ Walsh Thos, 121 19 and 221 Battery 318 Battery 202 Sansom 223 Sacrameuto 319 209 " 239 Kearny 329 Front cor Clay 217 Sacramento L'o corCalandBit PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »- .rrJ2K •£?*«-»«. thoroMKhiy tor Ba»lBe««. CIO San Francisco. cLAmiriBD. CIT 1337 1 1 I I Rosenshine & Bro, 604 and 006 Battery ROSENTHAL & FROHHAN, "^ 627 and 629 Montgomery SCHOENEELD JONAS, 425 Jackson t BEST PLUG JiT THE WOULD, KiEPTUNE, Bt. Blue Tag;. FLUSH, Bt. Blue & Red " ROVER, Mahog. Red " On each Plug. iSullivan J F, judge superior court VVM° ''^'m ^ 628 Montgomery Wilson T K, judge superior court, No 3, 628 " tarcy Jas C, judge superior court ^o4, 628 '« Hunt John, judge superior court No 5, 628 " Edmonds M A, judge of superior court No (5, 628 •• Evans Oliver P, jud<;e superior court No 7, 628 Montgomery Allen Jas M, judge superior court ,,. " **' _, 42 Montgomery J* inn J no F, judge superior court u^"'*'^, ,, New City Hall Halsey Lhas h, judge superior court No 10, Frocl 028 Montgomery SMOKINCS. PEERLESS, Extra Choice. CUT CAVENDISH, 2 and 4 oz WORLD'S FAIR, 2 and 4 oz. BOB TAIL, 2, 4 & 8 oy.. Bags. 101 Wall Street, New York. 315 Battery St., S. Francisco. Falkenstein & Co., SOl>K AOENT.S "OLD JUDGE" CIOASETTES AN1> SMOKING TOBACCO FOR PACIFIC COAST. CITY AND COUNTY OFFI CERS. Latimer L D, judge superior court No 1, 628 Montgomery •oclon T W, judge superior court No 11, 70() « Ferrall itoht, judge superior court No 12 Ilix Hale, judge police court Old City Hall Kcynolds Leonard C, clerk superior ■«-^««A«^ New City Hall DESMOND THOMAS, sheriff, „»,^.« Old City Hall STUART WM A, county clerk, " Blauey K \V, prosecuting attorney, " Snioot iJ L, (list attonrpy city and county, 8 Montgomery ave Hubert C, county and city treas, . . New City Hall Dietrich Win K, city and county recorder, " Hadlain Alex, city and county as- sessor, " Tilaon Clias, city and county 'tax collector, " KNOX THOMAS, official reporter superior court, Oakland, No 2, 126 Kearny SHAY JOHN, official reporter court No 2, 120 " Lindsley A A, city and county sur- veyor New City Hall Dorr L L, coroner, 118 Dupont McAllister Win F, quarantine of- ticer, 502 Battery Prichard Wni B, gen supt Golden (J ate Park, Park Lodge KALLOGH REV I S, mayor. New City Hall CROWLEY P, chief of police. Old City Hall Reynolds B A, city public adminis- trator, 020 Washington Dunn Jno P, city auditor, New City Hall Murphy Jno Luttrell, city atty, " Kaplan Louis, city register voters, " Taylor Jno W," city aupt public schools, " lit' 'Si' fii' ! < '5 j I ] Street, Sac H qld port WINE. H. PALMER A CO^ 802 Davis St. S. F. w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., *^ssf I'lTii'giL'rrirASgysgi 'g. IL c S p i n S s IL c c CB O ■ o o < a. h O 1338 CIT San Frcmdaco. CLABSiriltO. CLO Durkee John L, tire marshal, Old City Hall Sinton Bichard H, city license col- lector, New City Hall Scannell David, chief engineer S F fire department, Old City Hall Patterson \Vm, supt of streets, , New City Hall Gerry 8 R, resident physician City Alms House, 640 Washington BLACH CHARLES, city physician and police surgeon, 214 Kearny CLEARING HOUSES. Sleeper Chas, (manager H F), 21 1 San CLOAKS AND SUITS. Berkowitz Mrs R, 1008 Stockton Bloch Leopold, 115) Sixth CALIFORinA CLOAK & SUIT MANUFACTURING CO (The), 521 and 5'2H Market Fratinger & Noll, 105 Ktamy Heller Mrs J, :n5 Ihipont Keane Bros, 107 Kearny Ivenoir P, 1 5 Powell Lezynsky & Zekind, 212 Sutter Mayer Chas, , 145 Post MOSOROVE S & BRO, IH Keamy Mo/art E H, 1>32 Market O'Connor, Moffatt & Co, 113 Post SULLIVAN THOMAS, li.'4 Kcamy VVurkheim & Co, 125 Kearny Brown N ft Co, Cohen Ben,''*;:^ Cohen D ft Bro, Cohen Jos, ;,^ Cohen M, Cohn Aaron,^ Cohn J, Cohn J M, Cohn M, Cohn Marcus, Cohn M B, Cohn Simon, Coleman Mrs Catherine, Cooper A, Ehrhanl Adam, Erl) A ft Bros, Estrem Jos, Ferrick A, FIOEL JOS, Fisher Samuel, Flavin M J, : 108 Battery 215 Seventh [58 Fourth 216 Pacific 51(5 Fourth iplC Montgomery 824 Market and 228 Sixth 516 Fourth THOMAS SULLIVAN, IMPOKTEa AND LADIES' CLOAK AND SUIT MANrFACTrUKK, 120 Ssuaj Streot, bat. Post and Suttsr, HAN KKANCIWO. CLOTHING-RETAIL. (See ahjo Clothing — Wholesale.) Abraham A, Abraham J, Abrahams Louis, Abrams I, 431 and Adler Moses, Alexander H, Altahuler L, BAUMOARTEN Benjamin Mrs R, Betzel Ij, Bloch A B, Boris Laml>ert, Bomatein Bros, 400 Pacific 108 Jackson 4 Clay 433 Piicitic and 48 3d 034 Dupont 772 Howard 237 Sixteenth A & CO. 7 Montgy »84 Folsom '20 Sansom 204 Montgomery ave 1 127 Dupont 844 Market Flenniken Robt, Fogel Ceo, Frank E, Franklin G, Franklin S S, Froomlwrg 1, Gilbert Mrs M, Godfrey W A H, CJowenthal J, (irecn Harris, Hamburger ft Bro, Harris ft Hyshaker, Harris M, Harris M ft Bros, Harris W ft Co, 244 131 Jackson 421 Kearny 227 Third 130Paeitic 264 Third 244 and 246 Sixth 345 Kearny 350 Tliird 211 Montgomery 403 Kearny SE cor Kearny and Com 726 Montgomery 10 Clay 537 Kearny 511 Davis 213 Pacific 815 and 817 Kearny 243 Third 101 .Secoml !»27 Market 505 Jackson <)<) Third 8101)ui)i)nt 323 Pacific 613 Davis 80!»and81) Kearny Hastings C C & Co, SW cor Montgomery and Sutter Heiman Bros, 102H Market Hertz L, 108 Pacific HONIO & BARUCH. (denim overalls), Hyams(Jeo J S, Isaacs A, Isaacs S, Isaacs Samuel, Isaacs Simon, Israel .lonas, Israels Simon, .lacobs M ft Son, Jones C (i ft Co, 30 i iSeoond 435 Montiromcry 823 Kearny 5127 Pacific 417 " 327 Tiiird •.•34 Dupont 350 Fourth 20 Sansom 712 and 714 Market I O ■< o ao s r o as •>» B n ?r 5" o a Pi IQJ re] *<> o] Joseph Bros, SW cor Montgy and Pine Kalisky Chas, 10l» and 1 1 1 Second Kayscr M ft Bro, 223 Montgomery Keser Ijouis, 15 Sixth Kleinhaupt Abraham J, 10!) Sixth | Kowaisky S, 018 Dupont ' Krouse S K, 48 Second Lachman A, 810 Montgomery Lando Henry, 317 Kcaniy ; Leon J V. 35 and 37 Fourth Ijeszynsky Mrs Sarah, 918 Montgomery Lcvanthal Samuel, 547 Washington ! TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumauer & Co., ^i^^ (8 Battery 5 Seventh 58 Fourth 216 Pacific )U> Fourth ontgomery A 228 Sixth 516 Fourth 244 131 Jackson 421 Kearny 227 Third r.WPacitic 264 Third ind 246 Sixth 345 Kearny 350 Tiiird Montgomery 403 Kearuy amy a^d Com i >U)ntgomery 10 Clay 537 Kearny 511 Davis 213 Vacitic | ind 817 Kearny | 2431'hird 101 Second 027 Market ^ 505 Jackson srj m Third SlODupuut 1 1 323 Pacific 613 Davis ,, and 811 Kearny p r InuTy and Sutter | 102S Market I 108 Pacific 1 (denim 30(1 Second [435 Moutsiomery 823 Kearny i 5'i7 Pacific i 417 " , 327 Third '.);U Dupont 350 Fourth ' 20San8om 1 L and 7 14 Market |\lontgy and Tine ; V» and 111 Second ' '>23 Montgomery 15 Sixth 109 Sixth I ' <)18 Dupont 48 Second 810 Montgomery , 317 Kearny I 35 and 37 Fourth 918 Montgomery 547 Washington PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "> .'g'JttaJ'g^..^.^ CLO San Francisco. CtANHIFIRD. COA 1339 9 Jauksun 42Jack8oa 227 Pacific 25 Fourth 235 Jackson 427 Pacific 929 and 237 Kearny 38 " 927 Market 706 to 710 Kearny 525 132 Pacific 30 Steiiart 529 East 324 Sixtoeutli 223 Pacific 214 Third hi I^vey Marcus, Levy & Hyman, Levy L, Levy P, Levy Solomon, Lichtenstein S, Lindner & Kron, Lithauer & Co. Loewenthal Jos, Loomis Geo, Louisson M, MarKot J C, Marks E, Marks S, McDonald & Heritage Meiidleson E, MichalC, Mierson, Jewell & Co, 82S and 830 Rear Mondon Calixte, >SW cor Uupund Vallejo '- • — 407 East 92!) Market 818 Montgomery 115 Jackson 710 Montuoniery 942 Market 214 Sixth 20 Third 521 Montgomery 54 Third 939i Folsoni (»32 Moiityoniery 940 and i>42 Market 35 and 37 Kearny 21 Market 1 1 Monti^omery 104 Third 840 Market 201 M(tnti;omerv 305;, Third ISSteuart 250 Fourth Morris Pincus, Nathan Mrs Lena, Nathan S, Nunes Luiz A, O'Hanlon Jas, Pauscn Frank, I'eckorman S, I'eiscn l^ane, Peyser Mrs C, Pincus M, Rafeld Isadore, Raphael Isaac, Roman B, Roos Bros, Rush M. SCHAFER & CO, Schwartz M, Seeligs(dm & C(«, Shrier E & F, Siuion Mrs H, Solomon Lazarus, Stock witz E, STRAUSS & LEVY, ___ SVV cor Sansom and Hu»h STRAUSS LEVI &C0, 14- K; Battery Sutton (J Jr & Co, 34 California 1 oklas, Brown & Co, 24 and 2(i Sansom Witt Julias, .JO «» CLOTHS & TAILORS' TRIM- MINGS. BAUMGARTEN A & CO, 7 xMontgy RAAS E & CO 26 and 28 REISS BROS & CO, 113 and 1 15 Satter STEIN, SIMON & CO. r,85 Market WEBB MATTHEW R, 541 " REISS BROS & CO. IMIH)ltTi:US OK Cloths, Beavers, Cassimeres, AiHl TailorM' TrininiinKH. U3 & U5 Sutler, tet. Kearny & Moatg'j, Lick House, San Fninui.^co. House in Paris, - -j Rue dc Chateiiuiiun. s CLOTHING-WHOLESALE. Alexander S O & C, '4 Battery Asher & Smith, :VJ5 Davis Banner Bros, cor Sausom and Market BAUM J & CO. 7 and 9 Sansonj Colman Bros, NW cor Sutter and San ELFELT A B & CO, 108 and 110 •• Fechheimer, (Joodkind& Co, l(i-18 " fireeii & Seller, 089 Market Hyman Bros, 109 Hyman M & Co, 518 Mkt and 19 Sutter Jacohs M & Son, 20 Saiusom 1 Marks M k Co, 52 Clay Nathan Pulverman & Co, 29 Battery NEUSTADTER BROS. NW cor Battery and Pine PALMER C N. 7-it) Market IlEISS BROS & CO. 113-115 Sutter STHHHART W I & CO. 3-5 Battery COAL. (See also Wood and Coal.) *WholesaIe. Alheri^ii Deuietrio, 315 Broadway Allen Chas K. 120 Beale *ANDERSON THOS. 1« Drumm ARNOLD N S & CO. :tlO California * Barnard I- -auk & Co, 213 Jackson Bolliuj^ham *iay Coal Co, Spear and Fol Biehard Niertdas, IG Howard BLACK DIAMOND COAL MIN- , ING CO. H cor Spear and Folsom BRUNS NICHOLAS, <>17 ."k (iP.) Davis Caliloruia Coal Co, SE cor Turk & .lones Chandler 11 D, 120 Pacific Cliureh S H, NW cor Main and Fcdsom Coleiujin Wni P, Front and Union Coos BayCoalCo, 31 Merchants' Ex bldg Coos Bay Union Coal Vo, 413 Pacific Drake (J W, India Dock, fnot of Battery Piinstnuir k Digi,de, 020 East Klil>ets Arthur M, 115 Sacramento I'lldcr & Harpster, Buciianau and Hayes Empire Coal Mine & 11 II Co, SW eor Steuart and Folsom (!il)l)s (Jeo, 33 Fremont Haste & Kirk, 21 to 27 Beals Henderson John Jr, 117 O'Farrell HUNTINGTON. HOPKINS & CO, junction Bush and Market Kershaw M, 19 Spear Koerl)er H & Bn>, 17 Washington I^merman & Atzeroth, SW eor Eddy and Buchanan S^ . 1 \i'\'^ J?!. H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. u . >- s < o 9 I- w. w. MONTAGUE A CO,, ?;T'7tViiyrir<;;ia.'teJi.! «A'i»^ 1340 COA San Frcmciaco, OLASftirilD. COL Lewald Geo, 007 Sacramento Lugcrtnan Henry, 812 McAllister McDonald P A, 809 Fojgom McUonough J, 25 Market *MIDOL£T0N &FARNSWORTH, f 718 Sanson! and 14 Post Morris T B, NE cor Sutter and Larkin Ncwbauer .loseph, iiOO Bush Pedler Thomas 0, SWcor Steuart & Fol Kamsdell B H, 100 Jackson Renault I, 1505 Pine Itichurd Nicholas, 18 Howard Kobinson & Uighinan, I'M Post Kosenfeld Jno, 310 Sansom Schoss M, t:8 Turk Heattle Coal & Transportation (-o, (Geo C Bode X)re8), 34 Market Shaw &, Sharp, 10 Fremont ^oreiisen VV, Lajjuna and McAllister 'Summerfield A .rr,NE cor Fol and Spear Van Winkle 1 S & Co, 413 Market Wainwright Wm, 11 Ninth VVeoi ne J P k Co, 1234 Fifth WHALEN & CO, SO0-SO8 Buclianan Whaw VV VV & C, SOS Bucliauan WHITNEY & MABSHAUL '2'2 anil '24 Fremont COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. ADAMS A P, (compressed), Nl']ci>r Mission and Fremont ADELSDORFER ERNST & CO. 40() and 40S Saiisom tin mercial BOTHIN, DALLEMAN'D & CO. 30") and 307 Frr.nt BURR C C & CO, (JHUstard), 13 Pine Carit .1 A, 3 PJ California COTREL THOMAS JR. 4or. Front UemiKsterit Keys, 'JO'J Market Din^ley T F, 3'J5| Fifth ]<]agle Coffee, Spice k Drug Mills, (N I'earson & Coprours), 10 Stevenson EMPIRE STEAM COFFEE & SPICE MILLS. 41 J Clay FINCK- H, 2.'<04 Mission FISHER J H, 50i» Connnercial FOLOER. SCHILLIN6 & CO. (Pioneer), 104 and 100 California GHIRARDELLI & DANZEL. 415 and 417 Jackson Gnittard K k Co, 40") and 407 Sansom HANLEY GEO T & CO, '-' 1 4 Sac Kiudler A K, NK cor Mission and Front Loeven Emil, 520 Front McCarthy bros. 417 and -iw sac McGlone Joseph, 1147 Mission MONTEALEORE JO. 218 Sac Murphy AH, .5 First PonJeauP, 1025 Pacific Seriat, Sim & Co, 420 Commercial Venard ii, 625 and «27 Front BERNARD CHARLES. 707 & 70!»Sai lit^rtiu L C, 'i'J7 Commerciii J. C. MONTEALEORE 8iccrji»oH TO liiA Mardrn k c'o. * Manufacturer and Dealer In COFFEE and 8PiC£8 No. 218 Sacramento Street, 8AN FKANCiSCO. CaracoliCoffeejM Spice Factory. Miinut'iuturiT of COFFEE and SPICES Xo. ie»04 SliMMioii Ntreet, SAN KKANCISCO. COLLECTORS. Allen W H, 85 Montgomery hlnck Ath-rfon F A, 507 Monti-onierv Black John W, 41 G Monttiomerv Bollinger J C, 624 .. ^ Boyer'W H, 500 California Boyle Jonn, 43(5 Moutgonierv BUHLERT JULIUS. cm ( i2 Burling Fred'k, -Jl'.l Snnsdm Califnrnia Collection Co, (J^u l•\.^^y Capp Clias S & Co, 418 Montgoiiiu'rv CARDINELLJN0A.-'34 " .^ C.iviillctti 1), 837 Broadway Cleoii> Uolxjrt, 2'J4 Montgonierv C..' '-'.iT, 328 .. -^ l)ePa.sCiia8 B. 025 Wa8liini;toii Durand Adrian, (i()4 Meruhant FINLEY J K & CO. to.-) K,.arnv GROCERS* PROTECTIVE UNION ( M Liiseii jiianager), liO.") Clay HARDING SAMUEL C, 048 Wash Honniager C, 4]!H'iiie Hoag Jared C, 32 O'Karreil Hughes Kvan E, 724.\ Market HUSTED A. 511 Cal, rm 14; 331 Mont Irvin H B, 531 California Jacohi Leopold^ 426 " JONES & JAHN, GOG Clay Kemm Jos, 328 Montgomery Kent DM, 330 Pine Koen Frank, 51!> Montgomery Lanilry & Buhin, 012 Commercial Lynch (Jeo W, 720 Montgomery McFarlaue T W & Co, G0() Magee \V H, 224 " Martin F H, fill) Kearny Martiudale Law Collection Assn, 2I7Saii Martinon A, 420 Montgomery McCombe John, 302 " Meagher J J, «i07 " MERCANTILE COLLECTTOH BUREAU, (Beatty k Whitney j managers), 216 Sanwrn o ■< o m so (A a a- o M e ■o ■o 5' a o x- CD 3- O O M to O o 3 5? U. WACHHORST calls attention ««/g; «*»"•»• «*'- miverware. 315 J St v» ■CESla troet, \ ^ m Facton. iS >ICE8 reet, O >. omery block Montgomery I ^ t'aliforuia Moutt^omery 0!) California Moutt;iiincry tiOo (.'lay •2Ht Sanmmi ()r)H I'lay < Montgomery i'XJ Broadway Montgomery a or 3" O « (A O o a 3", ai o a (Bl ■1 Waalungton ti04 Mi'rohai\t \{)7^ Kearny TIVE Ivner), <■>*>■") Clay , G48 Wash 4Ut Pine a2 0'Farrell 7-24 !; Market 14; :W1 Mont fiSl California 4-26 COC Clay | «J Is Montf^omery 3;W Pine !'.» Montgomery ;i'2 Commercial K» Montgomery « fir.) Kearny „ Asan, '217 San >0 Montgomery tEcnoH Whitney 'il6 Sansom "315 J St PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Of thf (!oMt. H«M» Powt Mt.. «. F. COL iian Francisco. CLADIIKIKD. COM 1341 Mercantile Dealers' Protective As- i i (P I I e e e 1 « M SI gociation, Millett E V, Moreal H P & Co, Morse Harry N, Mosi'bach F C, Mulloy Pctor, Nichol Win, 21. 'i Sansom 504 Koarny 402 Montgomery 328 33 Pine 315 California 005 HncranuMit Pacific Collection Bureau, (Ij .lacohi manager), 4*_'() California Paterson Johnston, IVM) I'ino Peterson K, 314 Bush I'cttigrew & Farless, 217 Sunsimi ]'-,po Harry E, (i52 MarUtt Regensburgor S II, (!2S Montgoinory Ketail Tradesmen's Protectivo and CclUcMon Bureau, 4;W Califo.nia S F Trade lrrotectiveAssn,438 " Sc'ietzel M P, 001 California Shaiuwald Bros, 123 and 218 Strauss Samuel, 302 Montgomery Sullivan James P, 86 St Ann's building Swarts E L, 545 California Thompson K, 541 Sacramento U S Law Ass'n, 202 Sivnsom Warren John & Co, 200 McAllister Weber Chas Sr, 425 California White WmE, ' V, sis Whitney A L, 216 Sansom JOHN A. CARDINELL, COLLlJCTOn, Office, ^9. 234 Kontgamery St., Raom. 5, San Frantisei), Cal. With J. 1». MHIiLIVAX. Collection of Hi'ln, KontH, k>\, promptly uttun- dcti to. Kesiilt'ueu, 4:i(i Valeiiciu Stiuot. iz \h Z b z u COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. Benjamin A F, 417 California Blinding Wm, (State Harbor), 324 Pine BLOOD J H, .'<04 Montgomery Coleman W P, 307 CRAIG LEE D, 413 Montgomery CRAIO & HOSEBACH, 401 Montg> HAMILLJOHNE, 32i) lioltThosH, 320 Juice E V, (States andTer), Mer Ex KELLY CHAS E, 30'J Sansom KING & CHATTIN. (States and Ter), 442 California KNOX GEO T, 444 Pilot Commissioners, 34 Merchs' Ex bldg BEAD & EAFFERTY. •<33 Montgy Smith Holland, 307 Montyomory Taliaferro T W, 326 Pine Wegen er F 0, 404 Montgomery Wheat C D, 501 California COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ABENHEIMER JULIUS, 20 Sansom Ahem & Co, 208 Washington .«iiAll*'^'^' -^- t-'al n»'l Portland, ^5Tt%SI 8 & CO. 514 Sansom ARNOLD N S & CO. 310 California Arta & CasasHa, 515 Davis Auger B !-: & Co, 40!) Battery i|'i'V''!;,'',t''„ ' '•'^ Washington BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO,3i(5 Cal Hallard. Duane & Co, 2-2 California BALZER HY & CO. 20!» Sansom BANiJMANN, NI^LSON & CO 2!0 Front Harney James M, 315 California IJassott C F Si Co, 304 Davis Hulli«J&Co, P20 Clark Bendit Saml, 530 and 538 California Hiagi I) & Co, 'm and 502 Washington BIDDLE & DOUGLASS. 123 " BOWLEY BROS, SW cor Mission and New Montgy Bradford W B, 318 Front Bniy Bros, oofi Clay BREEZE & LOUGHRAM, SW eor Washington and Davis Brigbnin, Wiiitney & Co, 320 Front Bruns H H, 7 and 'J Beale BRiANT&COOK, 8 Davis Bullard .lames PI, 102 Drumm Bnrro\v.s H L, 423 Washington Bush !■: 1), 405 Front Cabrera i^oma & Co, 123 California Campk-ll .1 \V H, 433 California Campbell W H, 402 Front Cant J A, 312 California CarUscm & Currier, 509 Market Chainn.in .1 V &. Co, 22 California CHRISTY & WISE, 607 Front CHURCH A S. 405 •' Clayton Charles, 400 " Clements (;ill)ert, 318 " Coobran .1 T & Co, 122 Clay COFFIN GEO F & CO, 13 Pine COLEMAN W T & CO, SW cor California and Front COLLINS & FEILING, 426 Sansom Coiikling Tiioinpson & Co, 123 Cal Coons, J W, 325 Washington Corbitt & MaeCay, 218 California COXJ W& CO, N W cor Front and Green Cullinan Dennis & Co, 406 Commercial CUMMINGS, GIMMEL & CO. 425 Battery Cummings W B, 528 California (-^utter James H k Co, Clay and Davis CUTTING JOkN T & CO, 407 Front Daley V T, 307 Washington BALTON & GRAY, 404 and 406 Davis DALY P J 305 Washington 09 09 t •'^ 1 '•' 111 a- 'nm l^i; H. PALMER A CO.. Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. \M^'^ t ' I* I CO c o m « i > o E CO c c (0 O ■ O o a z S o < a. a h h C W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ?.?.'7iVl.'r.°.rJK^"te;^,'VI>. 1342 COM /S^aii Francisco. COM CLASHIPIBD. DAVISRDW&CO, de Castro D & Co (N Y), De Fremery James, Degener & Co, Dellepaine & Co, Dempster & Keys, DSEUBYEM. 211 Pine '213 Sansom 410 Battery 308 California 425 Battery .'02 Mkt and 3 Pine 226 Clay DE SABLA ETJOENE, 40 California Dibbles Albert, 10 California DICKSON. DE WOLF & CO. 412 Battery Dodge, Sweeney & Co, 114 and IIG Mkt and 11 and 13 Cal Donaldson & Co, 124 California Douglas W A & Co, 10(5 Washington DOYLE HENRY & CO. 51 1 Market Drake & Eme rson, 521 and 523 Sansom DRESBACH WM, 3 1 6 California Dubois & King, Duflf&Co, Duisenberg Charles & Co, Dumont Victor, Dutard H, EARL J & SON, Earle W, Earnest Wall & Co, 416 Battery 316 Davis 314 Sac 712 Sansom 21i) Clay • 329 Mark ; 226 California 302 Davis Edwards, Pickens & Fulton, 401 Cal EOERTON HENRY C, 169 California Eggers & Co, 208 and 210 California EUerhorst H D, 117 Drumm Elliott & Co, 509 Sansom ELLIOTT H A, (Wadhams & El- liott), 206 Front Ellis & Tindal, 500 Sansom Ellsworth H M, 331 Montgomery ENGLISH JOHN F,313 and 315 Davis EPPINGER G &C0, 31« California Erlanger H, EVERDINOJ &C0. Everett A P, FALKNER,BELL&CO. Fay Ca leb T, FEINBER & CO, Feinberg & Mayer, Flint, Peabody & Co, Foley J F & Co, FontanaM J & Co, Forbes Broc, Francis (Jeo (», Freeman, Smith & Co, Fuukenstein C, OALLIA&CO, Garlick James 0, Gerberding A, Getz Bros & Co, Grace & Duval, Grant D W & C», Green A T, 300 Front 43 Cliiy 405 Front 430 Cal 320 Sansom 324 Clay 405 Front 408 California 321 Oavis 217 Sacramento 308 California 117 Pine 122 California 320 Sansom 516and{y8 " 329 Market 214 California 301 and 303 Front 40 California 111 Washington 204 California GREENBAITH ftCO.ns and in Bush Grinbaum M S & Co, 214 California OUTMAN BROS. '^02 Sansom Gutte I, 307 California Hahn & Seligmann, 123 V HAIGHT ROBERT & CO. 226 Front Handy L N & Co, 32 Clay Hannhauser & Co, 31 1 California Harrison J W, 204 California Harrold James, 525 Front HATCH & BARCLAY, 20 California Hausman F H. NE cor Bat and Clay Hefti B, (shipping), 500 Battery Hellmann Bros & Co, 525 Front Hepburn Ward A, SE cor Davis and Sac HEYWOOD & HENDLEY. 222 and 224 Clay Hickmann H, 400 Davis HIXSON.JTJSTI&CO, 204 Washington and 403 Davis Hobson Henry B, 321 Battery Holcomb W A & Co, cor Clay and Davis Holden S P, (copper ores), 41^ California Hooper Wm B & Co, 124 " HOUSTON W J & CO, 205 Front Mooher Wm B & Co, 124 California HOWE & HALL, 408 and 410 Davis Ho wes ( jco & Co, (shipping), 302 Cal HOWES & PITTS, 504 and 506 San Howland K S, - 36 Steuart Hume Geo W, 318 Front Hussey H P & Co, ' 205 " Iken Fred, 525 " Ingersoll ( reorge S, 1101 Battery Isralisky & Morris, 210 Washington Johnston & Veasey, 324 Davis Jones C C, 214 Sacramiinto JOOST HERMANN. 4iociay Jordan J W, . NE cor Clay and Davia Koyser Pa»il, 206 Clay Kittle & Co, 202 California Knowles J N, (shinping), 36 " Koneke A & ('o, 16 Front KOWALSKY E H, 227 and 229 W^wh (A ■< O cr 30 Lasar L & Cn, Lasti-cto L F, Lavilla R, liCvy A & Co, Levy Chas & Co, LEVY S & CO, Levy S ^^ , Lowis H L, Lindo J & Co, Lipman H, {13 and 315 423 " 41 1 i " 234 " 612 California 218 Washington 21 Battery 209 Sacramento 60!) and 611 California 220 Washington O I. I s o I jr Is e a (0 S a (A le I'D e \^ Littlefiehl Allison & Co,31 1 Washington Loaiza Wenceslao, 323 California Tx)ewenhagea H, 4'28 Sansom Lolor Chas P, (shipping), 31 Merch Ex Loucks Orlando, 126 Clay LOUDON & HANSCOM, 65 Merchants' Exchange LOW C ADOLPHE & C0,(8hippiug), 208 California Lowcnthal, Livint{Btono& Co, (ship- ping), 409 California Lund Henry, 214 MACONDRAY & CO, 204 and 2O6 San Maguiro P & Son, 110 Clay PI 5?l 9 >X \0- Si '9 i» TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumauer & Co., 'S^^lli^ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •pr- "?•«•»»«""*. »r. ^^ — — «fc, keepinjr. PennuuwhiD. Telemnhv. COM San Francisco. COM CLAHBiriRD. 1343 '•I MARCUS GEO & CO, 304 California Sabatie A E & Co, 617 and 519 Sansom Markley Levi & Co, 200 W aslungtoni Safliii J, . ^ 41 Vallpio Martens F& Co, 427 Front! Sanchez R B, —^"^ '>15Sanaom MARraff.FEUSIER & 3TEF- IScofiekl feTevis,"^ 120 and 122 fS FANI, 30t) and 313 Clay|Scoteliler& (abba, 318 " Martin Geo, 502 Montgomery; Scott S M, 202 Sansom Mason John E, 541 Market Searles & Stone, f^2 California Mayhew Ernest & Co, Clay and Davis | SHEARER GEO D, 757 Market .„.> w' P'^"'™"! Silvester Cieo F, 317 Washington Washinuton Simpkins Chas H, 314 Montgomery 425 tronti SMITH & HATCH, 122ClaJr Dn,rnm nr Llay ; SONNTAG CHARLES & CO, 40 Cal 20 California SPAFFORD J M ^ CO. 310—312 Clay 202 Sansom 225 Washington 402 Front 204 California 321 McBride & Cluin, McDonogh James, McHENRYS, McKenna & Greany, McNear G W, McPherson Horatio, Meade & Runyon, Meigs & Co, Merrill J C & Co, Metz Joseph, Meyer T Lemmen, Miles Jno E, Miller Albert, Miller & Co, Mitchler G, MONTEALEGRE&CO MOODY & FARRISH, MOORE A D & CO, MORROW GEO, MOSES C S & CO, Brannan nr Fifth Theobald ( ieo J & Co, Muecke, Victor & Co, 109 California Tliree Brothers, Miigan D & Co, 32"' Davis Titcomb & Tliurston, Murray H, 202 Clav' Trejos J & Co, NICHOLS A C & CO. 400 to 404 Bat Urruela & Urioste SPEAR, MEADE & CO. Spencer A Carleton, SPERRY & CO. SPRECEELSJD. Starr & Co, 258 Market! STARR GEO R, 402 Fr ,,nt , Stearns & Smith, 316 Wash 5 Spear 22 California 215 Front 16 California 308 and 310 Wash 423 Front 22 CaHforniaj Steml)e£«er Ajlalisher, 321 California 612 Clay 513 Sansom and 229 Washington 210 Davis I Taylor C L, 34 California 109 California Ten Bosch N & Co, 28 Merchants' Ex :«) Clay! Teiiney Richard I, NE cor Dav and Mkt ' ~- - 419 California 517 Sansom 205 Sacramento 123 California 405 Front 608 Fourth 123 California 124 Clavl ^'♦^'•'nt-'il ■' U '-' '-'i'lVICKELJL, 214 Californi NEWELL THOMAS, Newhall H M & Co, 309 to 313 Sansom! WADHAMS & ELLIOTT, 706 Front O'Connor John, cor Clay and Drnmiii ' „/'\'^''',"^''^' '" ^' " California ONESTI & CONNOR. ">01 and 503 Hiur );."!} •' ''^ A <->-.. ^^ ^or Clay and Davis 08f{ood& Co, 214 Californiiij Osterloii Henry, 37 Commercial! Parrntt&<'o, 30(5 California I PASTENE ANTONIO, 203 and 205 Washington Peudergast J A, Peterson S B, Wallace ,1 .1 & Co, 108 l^idesdorflF WALTERSEN & DEWEY, 10 Cal WEBB MATTHEW R, 541 Market 24 California 28 " 109 Pferdner & Co, Philip, Spcyerct Co, PLATSHEK & HARRIS, Pollard Thomas, Pollard W C, Presho James & Co, Kaulett H T, Hansom I'^lisha, BEILLY & CO, Pfiuvick & Kent, EEYNOLDSL&CO, Rogers, Myer & Co, Roseiifeld .Jno, Rouse & Laws, Rousset Paul, Rueil J C, Wcdilerspooii & Co, Wells ( 'has H, 206 Clav^ WELSH & CO. 58 " IWheutleyED, 312 Sac 17 Steuart 402 Front 124 Clay Calif jrnia 1 Fourth 219 Front ;120 Davis 612 Clay BUHL BROS. Ryan L, Ryhner Chaa, 515 Market] Wlieatnu & Luhrs, 425 Californial WHITE & PRICE, Wlutiu'v J R & Co, WHITNEY & MARSHALL. 22 and 24 Fremont Wi^htman Bros, 117 Clay Wilkins & Co, 109 California Williams, Dimond&Co, 202 Mkt-3Piaa WOLF PHILLIP & CO. 304 Battery Wolfen Max k Co, -l(» AVashington WOLFF & RHEINHOLD. :i24 Wash Wood B & Co, 612 Clay Wooster HubbcU & Co, 319 Front and .iH Commercial WYATT. HASKIN & CO. 1 1 8 Front YATES A «B; CO. 1 27 Washington YERBY & ROSEBERRY. 202 Cal ZANTZINGER BARTON R, 232 Cal Zeiss Louis 106 Clay 214 204 309 and 311 Davis 231 Washinirton 16 First 212 Battery 310 Sansom 306 Davis 619 Montgomery U Clay 522 Montgomery 537 California 216 Davis H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. m (O 13 tn 'n« llil Ui»« U' mtmmmi'miitim'm^^ wmtm , '(111 1L ■ s Sd > E CO "8 a o o < -0. 4- I- o W. W. MONTAGUE A COM»yjS^rx&.^fffirixt:.S^ril^^^ 1344 COM San Francisco. CLAS.JIKIBD. CON Ziegenbeim Jno & Co, 201 and 203 Davis Zvietich & Garrone, 619 Sansom T. H. Hatch. P. T. Barclay. HATCH & BARCLAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the Sale oi FliOVR, (i^KAIIV, HAY, 1^ OOli, And other Farm, Dairy and Orchard Proii'.vta, SO Callltoriiia St., ISan Francisco Graves Mrs M, cor Bush and Devisadero GEORGE MORROW, COMMISSION MERCHANT And Dealer in Hay and Grain of all Kin«li«. Consignments solicited to which prompt atten tion will he jfiveii. Boats sent to order. SO Clay and 'ZH 4^om|lit>roial NtM. GEO. D. SHEARER, COMMISSION MERCHANT And litcntrai I'lircliaMins A^cnt. All kiiMls of Goods l)on^''ht at Lowest Trade Price. Country Mercliantu can huv cheaper tlirouy:h me than by ord'. rini; direct, ."i per cent, coiii- mi.ssion charged. 7S7 Market tiit., Man Fran**iM:>o. SPEAR, MEADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Dealers in Dried FruitN, !VntM, Jkv., 316 and 318 Washington Street, SAN FaANflSCO. CONFECTIONERY. (See also tJatuly B'actories. ) Allegretti J, Brady TJ'\ Coghlan D VV, Conant B H, Corcoran F, Culvers M, Dobrcnsky Mrs 1{, Dobryensky Mrs H, Drasen Jo8ci»h M, Field Mrs Nina, Estradit. Frwl'k Finck 4, (iundlach, Fogarty M T, Fogertv Miss Mary Foster T W & Co, Gendar J W, Grant Mrs J O, i4:w Polk 11)03 Fillmore i>24 an.l <>2() I.arkiii 1 !37|^ Mission 1(»4.S 1214 Market OK) Larkiii »>l") 1012 Piene 3208 California 421) Kearny 1.112 Dupont 2021) Fillmore r. 8264 Twentieth 10.'>5 Market 26.i Sixth 510 Fourth Guillet Chas, Haas Geo & Co, Hacken B, Hale O F, Hall Mrs S R, Harris J F, Hassler Miss H, JaccardJ D, Lammers Mrs Mary, Levin M, Lotz Chas, LundinAC, ■ Malatesta G, Markham Mrs B, Masson Freres, McLane Mrs Catherine, Mercer C H, Mercer M A, 518 Kear, 916 Mkt and 17 Powell Midon Frank, 117 Sutter Morison Mrs T, U-JJ piftjj Phillips Mrs S 1), 281i).\ Mission Pickett Elizabeth, SEcorBush'& Larkin Poehlman Wm, S\V cor Post and Powell 206 Second 20 Kearny 128 Third 1055 Mission 18 Fourth 500 Grove 704 Filbert 429 Hayes 933 Mission 1520 Polk 1007 Market 1817 Powell 1313 Dupont 221 Tenth 415 Commercial 410 Fourth 518 Kearny Protr Mrs J Hieglo David F, Roberts Geo F, Roquos Marie, Ross Mrs Mary, Kotgcr & Bischoff, Saul J, Scheiner Catherine, Schimpf Mrs Lena, SeidI dosepii. Shelly .Ino, Siskron Mrs Clara A, Staake Ernst, Tinney Ellen J, Townsend T T, I'ownsend W S, Traulw E & Co, Vansteenburg M, Warren August, Wells C), WcndelGeo, Westcott A R, Wheeland Bros, Williams .1 W, Wilson Mrs M A, Wright Wm. I, Wunderer & Seeli, Zaepffel Xavier, 215 O'Farrell 127Ji Fourth 1301 Polk hW Dupont 503 Hnyes :«)7 East 314 Fifth 203 Second lOKS Powell 754 Market 504.i Sixth 201l.\ Second 1411 I>up(mt 1505 Powell 1152 Market 627 Market 643 Kearny 401 Montgomery ave 107 Sixth 334 .Sutter 1419 Stockton 15H5(ioarj 2232 Mission .'>40 Bush .342 Fourth 92S Larkin 1233 Stockton 785 Eddy CONFECTIONERS -WHOLE- SALE. Dexter Frank. 526 Washington Fahrbach ft Seidl, 405 Davis Larat Frank, 609 McAllister ROBERTS F, NW cor Polk & Bush SARONI LOUIS ft CO, 420 Sac m 30 m (A o z m o m 39 ■< X O r- m (A > r m > H Tl 30 m • S o m r (0 IB o 3 H. WACHHORST. importer of je^4;Sr,!%^1i«.. SISJStMSac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''^rL«*?.AK*iSl?li* PACIFIC BVMI. CON ! I 10 (0 I. » e o o San Francisco. CLABSIFIBD, CON 1345 Louis Sabohi. Simom Koiin. LOUIS 8ARONI & CO., Wholesals Confeetionsis And Dealers In Kntt*. 420 Sacramento Street, near Sansom, SAN FRANCISCO. CONSULS. 528 California 1571 Market 7G4 Howard 208 Stevenson 638 Market 320 Jackson 641 California 528 528 X o « u b Z h X (9 a X « I u 4 ■ < Argentine Republic (Chaa Baura), 510 Battery Bolivia (F Herrera), 51 1 California British (W L Booker), 319 California Chili (K Palacios), 405 Front CHINA (<^her IShu Tang,) 5(17 Clay (.'lu.ia (F A Bee),. 5U7 Clay Danish (U Connichsen), 317 California GERMAN EMPIBE (A Rosenthal), 321 Hattery (iuateinalii (l- B Parrott), 306 California Hiiwaiiia (H W Severance), 318 Cal Italy (Biirrilis Diego Lorenzo), 525 Froni, Italy (Acting Consul F Zocchi), 525 " Japan (K Yanagiya), Hyile bet Eddy and Ellis HEXICO (Conde Joaquin G), 215 San Norway and Sweden (Aug Berggren) 406 Montgomery Salvatlor (J M Tinoco), 323 Front Spain (C Martin) 312 California CONTRACTORS AND BUILD- ERS. Acker F V, Ackerson Chas H, Alexander I E, Amos John (millwright) Anderson Richard, Barber & Whitney, Barrett W H, BOMANCE. BondeJ, Bovyer W L, Bowles k Darrow, Broohar E C, BROTHEBTON B, Buckman A E, Buckner & Kley, BURKE FRANK R. Buswell W F, (millwright), 223 Missiini Carson M H, Chase W T, Classen J C, Cohane L, CONRAD H A, Cook K, Cook S S, Cook 4 Tronnson, Cook Z Leslie, Craig Jno, Delaney P, (well borer), Dcnsmore J, Dixson Isaac DeWitt & McCausland, Diereks H, Diggins A C, Diggins Wm, „^„ Dikeman Daniel, (street), 220 McAllister Docking Joel, 634 Vallejo Dudgeon M, (street), 22 Montgomery v^T'^Hxr, 528Califomii hastman Webster, Tehama and Fourth MiottCB, 417 Kearny r''\« ,., 620 Jones Lniery S S, cor Eddy and Leavenworth Enricht Louis, 932 Union Evans Wm, 822 Larkin Eyre Jus, e sCasti-o bet Beaver and 15th Falconer Jno, 807 Market FANNING EDWARD, 320 Chestnut i,!''"'"" ~.' , 4 Spring 1 itzpatnck A G, 516 Rear and 328 Pine f mt M M, 1 125 Hutter Hood A S, 509 Bush i rancis G C, 314 Jackson i reese A C, 3 Mission tnchette L D, 106 Washington < .1 man C H. 515 Commercial Gilmour Wm, cor Laguna and Birch aves (iougeon F X, SE cor 19th and Valencia 1207 Polk 215 Kearny 7 Trinity 211 Mission 2 Tyler 403 Clementina 537 Valencia 13 Stockton 1110 Dupont 212 Loidesdorfi 223 Post 14 Howard 405 California 704 Montgomery 1 10 Geary 528 California Gould CG, 322 Jackson <'raff A, 2127 Mission Grant Jno, 2OO Seventh Gray Alonzo M, 534 Bush Green R H & Co, 2123 Mission Gross A P, (millwright), 51 Fremont G rover S B, 1617 California Haaf Jacob, 51G Kearny HAMILTON CHARLES. 445 Minna Hammond J, (millwright), 209 Market 1518 Broadway 24 Howanl 516 Kearny 7 10 Turk 635 California 1703 Fillmore 528 California Hancock & Kelso, Hanley N E, Hannis & Stilwell, Hartmann & Freese, Hathaway & Co, HAWLEY N E. Heissiier Frank, Hills S M, Hock Tobias, Hubley — , Hughes Jno, Hussey A C, James Wm H, Jones T D, Kolley Jas M, Kerrison Geo, Klatt Ferdinand, Knopf G, Kohu Jos L, (R R), Krrger Wm, C^ II Si 514 Pine] Liiribe Chas, 335 Montgomery 2704 Mission 1704 Sacramento 827 Sutter 1612 Mission 2840 516 Kearny 842 Clay 516 Kearny 14 Leavenworth 22 Montgomery 618 California 419 G'Farrell 1120 Taylor 638 Market 2126 Bush 516 Kearny 328 Montgomery ave res 1717 Howard 115 Davis 803 Buchanan ^^ '1*1 ?v "i '*. c PURE PORT WINE, ftr leAiciial PirDOsei. 302 Davis St, S. F. mmfmnimmm W.W. MONTAGUE & CO , •^JIS'nrilSSi7i^M:-f^«*. to c B i > c E I c O 5 o < A. h D 1346 CON San Francisco. OLABHiriBD. coo Lawrence J V, Lehmann C, i Leibert J G. Iieutall &, rnwell, Linforth & Rawlins, Little &, Gumming, Luger J, Maher J bs W, Malbo Frank, 621 Sacramento 516 Kearny 328 Tine 333 Sixtciint*! Fremont and ^Jiss 108 Geary 202 Sixteenth 163 New Montgomery 204 Dupont MALTER & LIND, room 17 419 Gal Martin J G, 1309 Stockton Martin & Weber, 417 Bush Maxfield Geo, 24lh bet Misa and How McGann llobt W^lpil^ drvr), 718 Kearny McCauU Michael, McDonald Jno W, McGrath Wm, Mclnnea J H, Mclntyre Geo, McMullen Jno, McVerry Thos, McVicker Chas, Miles M, MoUer Gustave, MoUer R, Monroe G C, Morris Lemuel P, Morton J B, Mueller V, Murasky Chas, Norton & Walker, C31 (jrreon 528 California 107 Shipley 813 Larkin 105 Ellis 14 Leavenworth Hyde and Greenwich 727 Seventeenth 402 Montgomery 1 Webb 28 Geary 26 Pine 905 Jones 3 St Mary 906 Paoitic 541 Twenty-third 516 Kearny Odorless Excavating Apparatus Co, (night work), 432 Kearny Ogden B F, • 435 Hayes Onderdonk A, 309 Montuomery Odell & Palloct, 668 Howard Pare Aime, 335 Montgomery Parent C h, 232 FVemont Parker EH, 534 Sacramento Penney John F cor Kent'ky and Solano Peters Wm J & Co, 28 Turk Poulecka HL, 421 Commercial PinneyBB, 312 Pine Plummer H L, 534 Sacramento Pratt H G, 51 Clay Prindle D S, 862 Mission Proll John, 516 Kearny Quackcnbiish Thos M, 511 Jackson Rechter.I, 311 Montgomery ave Richards Israel, 434 Kearny Richmond H H, 2125.J Mission Ritchie N B, Robinett Thos, Rolsler Hermann, Rosa D W, Saunders Jos, Scarry John, Schieole Geo, Schoemaker Constant, Shaw C H, SHERMAN J B. Sims John, Small Dominique, 1901 Hyde 113Lied.«dortr 225 Post 416 Sacramento 636 Commercial 40 Twenty-second 710(;reen , 654 Washington 638 Market 740 Fourth 417 Turk 424 Jackson Smith G J, 329 Sutter Snyder A A, jy ijj,lle k Southwell Geo, 926 Washinaton Stevens M V, (well boror), 1500 Fofsom Ihomason E R, 528 California Thtiirison S E, 528 << Thomson, Waterburg & Co, 327 Turk Thornhill Jas, Tilden C L, Townsend F J, Trainer J W, Tnrnbull Jno, Turpin Jno, Van Wie A, VIAUD LEON, Wagner Jacob, Wanzer M L, Warren C A, Weber Martin, Wehr Fred'k, Weinochl & Co, Weisman Louis, West E H, White Fred'k, Wiiite J B, Whyte Jno P, Williams C B, Williams H F, 35 rost ,-, , „ SQuincy 1012 Potrero ave 206 Leavenworth 638 Minna 7l9Culif„r„ia 123 and 125 Ninth 1601 Stockton 516 Kearny 1331 Bush 528 California 417 Bush 40 Jackson 137 Thirteenth 818 IVdfic . «' it Hyde 316 Dupont 20 I'ine 614 California 528 .. "40 Fourth 40s Jackson 931 Mission Wissinger & Payson, Wolf W H, Woods Thos, SE cor O'Far and Broder'k Wright & Riley, (sewer), l-JG (ieary Zehfuss Wm, 840 Mission Zihn A, 4;<2 Filth N. E. HAWLEY, CONTRACTOR .V- BUJLDER, Xo. $t704 MiMHion Ntreet. .lOIUllNCi I'KOMITUY ATTKNDKD To. Wiio Hrrocns ntid l>oors a 8j)ei'ialt}'. I'laiis .ind S|H;cilk'iitlotiH (Irnwt) and Kstitrmtes iiiadu Work (.iuaruiitoud. Hoi*iilcii' , 2H40 MiHHi'.n Street, San Fraiidscn COOPERS. ALHOlii' D & CSO, 3S ("oniinurcial ARMSTRONG RUDOLPH, 121 Jackaon and 7'J Orei'oii Arnold F W, Bucking D, Carl Andrew, CARL WM H. Dempster & Keys, Egun & Buckley, Felvey Loury, Hogan & Co, HoldenJ H, lAng Henry, Ijarson Geo, Lawson & Cullumbor, 60'.t Battery 7')8 J^ryant 204 ComiiKiFcial 10") Ort'ifnii 20-J Mark-t 14 Oregon 5 Dnimm 100 105 ('lav 112 and 114 Jackson 101 Clay I 500 Front I "I 09 B O 9 (A o a s o » 3 o o 3 Dl 0{ TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer&Co., 'SSTS^nT BUSINESS P ENIIAMSHIP »„.„,«,, „^ 1347 MadsenOIe, ion wr ,. Mattullath Manufg Co. 4ii Tf^^'.'?^*"" McCabe John, ^ u'a „, j -*]^ ^J»ghth Meagher Wm, ^* ''"'* {J Oregon n • TiTi • Importers of "' I Men ffiite Oat Slaves, H«s and Stonh OAM CASKS ASri) BARREij^ California Wim^i'Tnd » ^<^'"- Francisco m I. MESBl^irrSiSyr- ''T'" "n" Dressmaker - '"—• ■' ' J^"- 112 Post street. J^^I^^Peia and Tragedy JAHM & FOSTER COPPERSMITHS. ol-l Kearny 421 Mission »'J Montgomery •"i 12 Market .>-'0 ami 522 Davis 5«r) Mission 226 Fremont lis Jolin (x. Landers & Co, Mistre .S, PEREYP, Petersen & Olaen, Umith C W, Todt & Wagner, Tripp tJeo A, CORDAGE, (tipples Samuel & (.'o, Hallidie A S, (wire),' ^"OCKERY^AND GLASS- Pacitic Conliigo Co, I'acitic Jute Manufg Co Koyer H, (raw hides), SFCordageCo. (T«bI,s&r,;;l^Jj:f «^11 andGlSFro'i 123 California , ''tl^alifornia ,.r " I r^'^'^'- JOS 'Ij) Nansom "crnard T, Sa") Bryant! J'ishopK, ' """ ' ' *i5rown H J. . *J>nporters Ackerman Bros, Adler D APWnT'',;^^''^'-&Co. Harnett J, *' ** * '^U. Hacker Joseph, - --. •>wviui,> rront «i CORKS AND LIFE PRESERV- t! ERS. 'ront I t-erf J & ev t lioin A, ERS. Mauri Bros. Soherr, Haoli & I,ux WATSON &00. 122 and 124 Market 'Mneri Antonio, 123 Kearnv 1009 Stockton 119 Battery •^10 Caiifornii 314 Sixth 039 Sixteenth 700 Market 517 and 519 Market 1615 Polk 420 Battery 411 Sacramento ff'^^idson M, i>09 i. J.bert Julius and lo.« »r-.i . EHinrn.. n ' J>avis Bros. 4l<» k-«— _ ^-0 Battery I>avis& Co • '^«*™y and 718 Market " - ■ ' - 39 Fourth COSTUMERS. OIRA&DHISSE, >41 7 Stockton «23 Pacific 700 Larkin 1503 Stockton 1429 Dupont 214 Pacific 131 Second „, 342 Third J09 Flf "^ I ^'""s'lt^ld B, "^10 Mission oili p !l -la^tzen F. 122 ''.fl, a«i i^ '^ Fourth I->5i;. '* '^"^eph A, "'' ^^' ^^^'^ «n'l 131 2d 1-5 hansom joy,|: p^^;^ ^ 929 Market *Koch Adam,' ooVi/'^^^*'' f andon Alfred. . ,12\ ^^I«rket 1 ^« T, I l''n»sdale A , ' 'Stockton 142 Post *lAWTnW A A «« y03 ______'J;^^|™« & CO, C09 and 61 1 Mkt '! D.' I iHff » ', 1'%' 11 ! m .!;1 W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Pumps and Ir*B Ft 114. llOuiil l'" ' i|f;t'i it, :■ 'M h'-, :1a :a:' ■>i ■ iH* I'i'H :i ■ 1. !il I «■>■•■ I' ■I' Hi ■ S p « i B Ik I c CB O ■ o o u S o < c z E O ■ Ptp«. all •!■«% 110. lis 1348 CRO /San Fya/nciaco. CLAB8IFIRD. I>AI Levingston A, Lipman A, Lyza P, Mariaui G D, Marks M, •Marsh H F, McFarland & Co, Muller A C, *Nathau B & Co, Oppenheimer B, Patten F A, Porteous A, Potter F A, *BEID & BROOKS. 717 Market 15 Fourth 9.36 Folaom 10'J8 Dupont 925i Market 577 324 Sixteenth 115 Third 126 Sutter 937 Market 2510 Mission 1314 Dupont 108 Third 424 and 426 San SANDERSON BROS, 310 and 312 Bat Selig A, 3 Fourth Silverstine S H, 214 Sixteenth Simon J, .302 Sixth •Sinsheimer Simon, 9 Dupont Spangler D B & Co, 11th and R R aves, St-Jm Jacob, 1119Fol3om *Straus, Kohnstamm & Co, 102 and 104 Battery •Swain R A & Co, 1 12 and 1 14 Cal •Wangenheim, Sternheim & Co, 129 San White R, . 224 Third CUTLERS AND CUTLERY. Adams C, 508 Commercial Allen ET, 515 Market Bemmer Aug, 1521 Post EOERTON HENRY C. 169 Cal, m 7 HOPPE R> (importers), 318 Pine Kohnke John, 405J California Langdon& Rebman, 1036 Mkt and 31 6th Marks A, Ortet Bros, Price M, Schintz .1 H, SON BROS. 506 Clay 524 Commercial 415 Kearny 10 Stevenson .300 and 302 California WILL & FINCK, 769 Market Bielski & Maunheim, 13 Centre Market Block J, 60 >i Brincatt & De Manuel, 4 Clay St Market Carlton Frank H, 20 and 22 Grand Western Market Chever MR, 31 Centre Market COLLINS & FIELDING, 426 Sansom Davie John, 32 California Market Deloche J B, 2, 4 and 6 S F Market Derby C W, 19 Metropolitan Market Edward Perry, go.j j^j^^,, Eldridge B (J, New Metropolitan Markt Erzgral)er & Oesting, 108 California Mkt Friot Alfred, 43 and 44 Wasliinton Mkf FullerA F, 27 Grand Central Market Getz & Hirahfeld, 17 Grand Central Mkt Getz Levin & Co, Bf» City Market Grosskurth Wilhelm, 1329 Dupont Hill Bros, "f- Market Horgan S, 13 and 14 ('-^ < tijil Mkt Jost Peter, Vallejo Kane & Heaney, 11 and 40 ». atre Mkt Lagoni H, 1515 Market Lasar D & Co, 52 Centre Market Lemoine, Gambert & Co, 15, 17 and 19 S F Market Levy H, 22 Centre Market Lielwrt B, 103 1 Polk Martens F, 57 and 58 Washington Mkt Martens F & Co, 427 p.,,, x POCKET CUTLERY. SADLER Sl CO., 00s Market Ht., Mun FraiiciNeo, Iniporturx uiul Johbcra uf KniElltih, Gei'inan and American Pocket KnIveM and NeiNNort*. Specially adapted to California IVade. Lowest Market Kates guaranteed. DAIRY PRODUCE-RETAIL. Atchinson B M & Co, 10, 17, 28 and 30 Centre Market Atkinson & (iilmore, 22d and Shotwell Bennett Jno K, 35 and 36 California Mkt Bergen Andrian, 425 Clay BmDLE & DOUGLASS. i'23 Wash Millikcn P & J, Morlock F, HulKjrt&Turk, Phillip P A, Pietzch & Co, Plass E N, Plummer G E, Ruppel C'onrad, Schwartz Conrad, Shuittan E G, Soule S P, Spence J P, Spotonio Jno B, 427 Front 56 Centre Market 25 .' 25 California Market 27 Centre Market 803 Lark in 31 8. Sixth 12 Centre Market 288 Fourth 532 Sixth 37 Centre Market 232 Montgomery ave 425 Broiidway 47 California Market Terwilliger & Fink, 50 and 51 Wasii Mkt Thierbach J, 19 Grand Central Market Weisel Pliilip & Co, 1405 .Stockton Whitocomb C M, 21 and 22 Mission Mkt WILTON JOHN & CO. 23 and 24 California Market \Vitt Henry, 235 Sixth Witt Johanna, 10 Bay City Market Young Conrad 1317 Dupont DAIRY PRODUCE-WHOLE- SALE. A hern & Co, 208 Washington Brigham, Whitney & Co, 320 Front 1 Dorfce, Sweeney & Co, 1 14 and 116 Miit FORSAITH & DODGE, 32.') Front I f Jetz Bros & Co, 301 " I HAIGHT ROBERT ft CO, 226 " 3 a i m a a a 9 a S* a A H. WACHHORST. Importer of , "SSLyTSfaVod.. 31 5 J St., Sac ■ g 10.1t|l, 3 tre Market 1 3» St Market ~ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ''•• I^ *••?•. "**'^»- K<»neat»» rwmrm Mwwii^www vw^i-i-ttu, thoroughly for RonineMs. i 3 a o ;ern Market ntre Market 426 Sansom iruia Market , S F Market Utan Market •AVI Sixth loUtan Markt alifornia Mkt aahinton Mkt jntral Market I Central Mkt City Market 13'29 Dupont ••*■■, Market "T,ial Mkt Vallejo 40 V .itre Mkt 15i5 Market Centre Market 1 19 S F Market I Centre Market 1(531 Polk Washington Mkt 427 Front 6 Centre Market P alifornia Market Centre Market 80» Larkin 318 Sixth 2 Centre Market 288 Fourth 532 Sixth 7 Centre Market Montgomery ave 425 Broadway alifornia Market nd51 Wash Mkt I Central Market 1405 Stocktdu 1 22 Miaaiou Mkt California Market r 235 Sixth kay City Market 1317 Dupout ;E-WH0LE- "08 Washington i ijo' 320 Front l'l4 and lit) Mkt i"E 32r) Front '*" 301 " & CO, 2*26 " lisIstTsac f I m (0 Hi \ii . % 10 e U |j \> lb lb 10 DAI San Francisco. OLABfllPIKD. DEN 1849 HETWOOD & HENDLET. 222 and 224 Clay Hildbura Bros, 100 California HABTur> FEUSIER & STEF- y^UI. (commission), 309 to 313 Clay McHenry, S & Co, 425 Front MOTJLTON E S & CO, 305 Clay Steele, Elder & Co, 204 Front Von Ronn & Hencke Bros, 414 Clay Wheaton & Luhrs, 319 Front and 307 Sacramento Wieland Bros, 328 Front WoUen Max & Co, 216 Washington Wooster, Hubbell & Co, 317 Front DANCING ACADEMIES. 771 Market 119 Post 320 " Grand Western Mkt FitzGibbon D, Frazer J W, Lunt P, McCarty Mrs A M, DENTISTS. Austin H, 634 Washington Barstow F 0, 1336 Sacramento BEERS & HUBBARD, 230 Kearny BirtieJJ, 313 Blake A Y., 5i " Blake Chas E Sr, 5i " Blankman Wm, 208 Stockton Bloch Con, 318 Hayes Bolton Thomas, 804 Howard Bouniuin Chas, 121 Powell Boyle (ieo S, 223 Kearny BREWER FRANCIS A, 8 Montgy Brown G H. Bunnell E F, Bush Louis, Bush k Neumann, Calvert Wm, Cane & Teague, CARD WH, Case Chas JJ, Christopher Telfer, Cochrane E 0, COGSWELL JAS L, Conrndt J, Cool G W & Son, Crawford C I), Croome Wm, Crossett Truman, Crowell J P, Cutlar U, Davis & Sanger, Dean G S, 1612 Mission 319 Kearny 8 ' " 8 209 Geaiy 142i Fourth (540 Market 209 Kearny 135 " 850 Market 10 Third 215 Kearny Teague & Cane, 715 Clay 137 Montgomery 765 Market DUTCH WM, 24 Montgomery 1' erguson T H, 22 Geary B ox H B, 120 Fourth and 762 Folsom Fuller CH, Gladwin S F, Goddard Clark L, (toc Samuel E, GRAVES W LA Griffiths Allen, Griswold W F, HAAS G, D D s, T. 6 Eddy 930 Market 23 Post 26 Montgomery 216 Kearny 400 Geary 6 O'Farrell --_-_ _, -, M D, propr Pa- cihc Dental Institute, 6th & Natoma HACKETT & DEAN, 126 Kear, rm 11 Hardcastle Geo, HATCH J fi, Hoadley G C, Holmes L B, Hubbard George A, Hutchins James M, Hutchison D S, JENKINS G W, •lessup T C, KEMP VAN EE F, Knowles Samuel E, Knowlton ,) S, Knox Henry E, Learn R B, Tjconard J C, 31 Eddy 213 Geary ^\ Kearny 305 230 737 Market 5J Kearny 1402 Bush 103 Montgomery 1144 Market SE cor Post & Dup 6 Eddy 25 Post 838 Market 5. J Kearny Liblwy M L, NW cor Kearny and Geary TiUiidborg JAW, 123 Stockton Luther H A, 1913 Polk Massie Henry C, 19 Sixth McAllister Wm B, 702 Market Mobray R C, 200 Stockton Moore C'alvin, 6 Eddy MORFFEW THOS, 120 Sutter MORTON H R, 205 Montgomery ave Neumann Leopold, 8 Kearny PRATHER & HOLMES, 305 Keamy PRATHERJN, Ran Henry, Khein B J, Richards W H, Schmidt G, Schultze E H, Sichel & Richards, .„, Smilie Elton R, 232 Sutter Spear Thos R, 821 Keamy Stanley W H, 22 " Stevens Mrs H H, 1415 Stockton Sublett & Tracy, 823 Market !^"ley Frank E .„„,.. , L!..llf. «. U._ Sullivan & Sanborn, DECKER CHARLES W, 9-25 Dennis S W, 33 Kearny Dentler E F, 205 Montgomery ave Doyle George S, 331 Kearny Drucker W E, 224 Stockton Dunbar L L, , 23 Kearny 305 779 Mission 703 Market 481 Jessie 1747 Mission 44 Third 103 Post 649 Washington 235 Kearny 115 106i Third 112 Fourth 339 Kearny 965 Folsom 142i Fourth 118 Geary 112 Fourth 25i Sixth 401 i Hayes THRALL HH. Tracy Charles E, Trueman & Duckett, Trumpour J P, .. . .^ ^ „ Van Crombrugghe A L, 609 Sacramento Van Denburgh A, 134 Geary Van Denburgh D, 229 " Wade Thos, ' 27 " WARNER A. 224 Kearny s 1 i i c« u w T 3 CO I f 4 h u H s H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.,«»*ff^!^ri?o.^!rRrir»"«,^^^ 11 IL c o E 75 CO c c O ■ o o o < a. I- I- o 1350 DEN San Francisco. DOO OliABHiriBD. Whinnery J L, 1033 Sutter Whitoomb N T, 206 Third Wilbert J L, 18 " WINTER & WINTER. 206 Kearny Woodw ard Win A, 920 Market Younger E A, 224 Stockton Younger Wm J, 224 " COLTON DSNTAL ASSOCIATION OiSS Market Mt., op p. MaMon. DIAMOND CETTERS. MPKCIAI.TY. The sc-ientiflu adiuiiiistiatiou of Pnri' "Ml trouN Oxi 4i>as for the jialnlcss cxtmction of tt-eth. And uUo perforin all operations in Dentistr.v. a. H. ZEIECHBAUM, JJENTIST, Office. 1 1 13 BROADWAY, Oakland. Office Hoirs- 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. H. H. THRALL, Si^^ Ofltfc and KesiiU'nt'e : No. 118 Gcar.v Street, opp. 1st Unitarian Church, Uetweeii Dupont anil Stockton. DENTISTS' MATERIAL AND INSTRUMENTS. COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 925 Market FOLKERS J H A & BRO. 1 1 8 Mont NEWMAN JAMES, '^02 Post Kchueidcr VV H, 28 Geary DETECTIVES. Deasy Jerome, 328 Montgomery HALL R B & CO, t>32 Market Libbing HH, 328 Montgomery Mac Farlane T W & Co, 006 Morse Harry N, 328 R. B. HALL & CO.S, PACIFIC DETECTIVE BUBEAU OSa Market Mt., Man Francisco. liKFEItKSCES: Hon. T. O. Phelps, L. W. Noyes, K.\ U. S. Spe clal 'lYeiisurv A(rent, San Francisco. Hon. II. C. Uaskill, Agent Wells', Farffo & Co. Fox & Kello^'ir, Attorneys, 520 I alifornia St. All communications, (Jral or Written, arc stictly vonfldentlal. BRAND H J, Brunet Eugene, Cal .Jewelry Co, KOEKLER & RITTER; LAIRD DW, Lalande A, LEVISON BROS, Lindemunn C H, Lundy Thomas, Meiidoza A, Neumann Albert, Ortion Auguste, VVagner F Jr, 2:10 Kearny 614 Merchant 134 Sutter ; 26 Post 27 '• 420 Sutter 134 " 601 California 7 and I) Tliird 320 Montgomery ave y ( leary no Sutter 223 Kearny L. THOMPSON, WliolcMale and Retail, 4 Chronicle Building, Corner Hush and Kearny, upstairs. r. WAGNER, Jeweler and Diamond Setter. No. 22:i Kearny Street, SAN FRANC ISUO. ititf'Ciieneral Repairinic. DISTILLERIES. Amazon Distilling Co, 123 Ciilifomia Bay View Di.stillory, 18tli nve andH CALIFORNIA DISTILLING CO. (Antiocli — Jost & Aiiler) ,3^1 g^t Cuahmg Koljert, 328 Montj^omerv Rebstock, Endres & Co, .322 to .i'.'6,Sau Voorman & Oulton, Pierce andClustiiul West End Distillery, Ocean House l!uad York Wm W & Co, 218 California DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. (See also, Planing Mills ; also Lumber.) Bradbury W B, 566 to 572 Brannan DOE B & J S. 44 to 48 Market EXCELSIOR PLANING HILLS, SW cor Bryant and Fifth Hanson M ct A, llSMaia Haskell Phineas, SW cor 5th and Bryant Kittre••« iit.t«t. iM.e.te« _. ' thoroughly ft>r BoNlnomi. D'O San Francisco. CLASSIFIBI). DRU 1351 rERS. 2:M) Kearny 6U Merchant > 134 Sutter 1 ^ L. '26 Post 4'20 Sutter 134 " 601 California 7 and « Third vlontgomery ave y < ieary 110 Sutter 2'23 Kearny PSON, i«l R4>tail, Building, larny, >il' stairs, amond Setter, »b b bvny Street, N( ISCO. ma. .ERIES. r23 Culifornia 1 Stl) :ivo and H aTILLINGCO, Aaier) S-:i Bat 3-28 Monti;omery Co, 32*2 to 3-26 8aii Pierce amlCheatnut Ocean House iload '218 Calif Driiia AND BLINDS. [ills ; also Lumber.) 566 to r>72 Brannan 44 to 48 Market iNlNGKII'^ Bor Bryant and Fifth j 118 Main kv cor 5th and Bryant 26 CaUfornia Misaion and Fremont i^lission and Fremont iNEcorSpeartMin Howard 4 Spear Segari Uriah, 160 Main Smith k Davia, 132 and 134 Berry SFBINOER JASON & CO. SE cor Suear and Mission TURNER. KENNEDY & SHAW. (wholesale) 840 Fourth WILSON & BRO (wholesale), 18 and 22 Drumm DRAUGHTSMEN. Bradford W, Bugbee Chas L, Fuukenstein E, Merritt H P, BEINHARBT H 0. 137 Montgomery 318 Pine 3'20 Sansoni 318 Pine 6 Eddy DRESSMAKERS. 915 Stockton 1551 Market 32 Fourth 1-20 Sutter 32 Ellis 115 (ief.,/y 413 Liirkin 3 Mason 16 Mason 328 Sixteenth 42UO'Farrell 128 Fifth 336.\ Bush 620 Market 126 Kearny 1 10 Ellis 048 Howard 25 Taylor 438 Hayes 1 100 Stockton 16 Aaron Mrs D, Abbot Mrs A, Abbott Mrs N A, Ashley Mrs W H, Banning Miss M, Bascom Mrs M E, Bhiino Mrs A, Bollinger Mrs H R, Borlanil Mrs S H, Brace Miss, Brosse Mme, Bryant Mrs A, Buckley Mrs C A, Butler Mrs T B, Carey Miss A M, Chase Mrs Ellon, Clow Mrs Sarah, Coginasse Mrs A, Coney Mrs S A, Curley Miss M A, Curtis Mrs E H, Dermot M E, — Doouan Miss M, SE cor R Rand 10th aves Dunning Mrs K M, 126 Koarny Bilwards Mrs D, 121 Stockton Faico Mme, cor Post and Dupont Farrand Mrs R B, Foster Mrs S K, Funel Mad, Gagan Mrs T, Uaudron Mme, Gilgen Mrs A, lOIRARDMISSE. Halk Mrs H H, Hay Mrs C, Hodges Robert, Holland Miss H Huffman Mrs, inxcell Mrs William, Jacoby Samuel, James Miss M, Julian Chas, Keigk''ley Mrs Kelter Mrs Bertha Kind Miss Kind Mrs M W, Kindoll Mrs, Lawton H VV Mrs, Lenoir Mme Lapping Mrs, Leroy Mme Lewis Mrs R G, Loring Mrs, Lovell J M, Marchand Mrs, Marsh Mrs C A, Marston Miss D, Mason Mrs S A, McPherson Mrs, Muleahy Mrs H, Mulhern Mrs M A, Murphy Mrs H B, O'Brien Miss A, O'Brien Mrs L, O'Neill Mrs Ozouf Mme, Parinentier Mine Pur.sell Mrs S V, Quig),' Miss .M B, liobert Mrs C, 10'22 Stockton 1017 Market 207 Kearny 131 Turk 15 Powell 846 Washington 121 Sutter 126 Kearny 12 O'Parrell 1623 to 1629 Polk 735 Ellis 28 Ellis 868.1 Folsom 106.1, Third 108 i Powell 631 Post 141 Fourth 456 Sixth 1150 Market 401) Geary 815 Mission 613 Post 238 Taylor 506 Hayes 126 Kearny 114 (Jeary Homer Mrs L, SE cor Post and Kearny ScliaiF .lanie .Scharowski Mrs, Schnabel C Smith Mr.-( .1 W, Strozynski Mrs K, Suter Jeunette Mrs Thomas Mrs W, Throii Mrs W, Tregellas Mrs S, Warburton Mrs A M, Wells Mrs Emil Whans .Mrs W \V, Williams Mrs J B, WOENER CARL. Wood Mrs H, WyU'll & Pedford, Yeaton Mrs J H, 71 Valencia 39 Fifth 240 Sutter 1517 Market 235 Fifth 841 Mission 507 Broadway 321 Powell 1094 Ellis 819 Howard 311 Turk 4'24 Sutter 1007 McAllister 1 Cedar ave 838 Market 1060 Howard 230 O'Farrell 229 Hayes 404 Twenty -second 223 Kear.ny 1007 i Stockton 209 Sixteenth 407 Taylor e E « CO 1 c to O 8 O z S o < IL O Bryan W J, New Mont and Mkt Turk and Taylor; 003 Merchant and Second and Howard Bumetv G G, 327 Montgomery Calvert John, NW cor 4th and Howard Oortin & May hew, SE cor 16th and Valencia and NW cor '20th and Val'a Coggeshall J H, SE cor Bush and Pierce Colton C F, NW cor Polk and Eddy Curragh J M, 413 Bush Dannenberg Walter, SW cor (5th and Fol Dawson John H, SE cor '24tli and Alabama and NW cor Val'a and 23d Devine Jaa, 214 Kearny Di Nola Leon, 1000 Howard Drossel J H, 1201 Powell Edwards T M, NE cor Kearny & Jack Evans A, NW cor Hayes and Laguna Flatow P, NE cor Geary and Jones Fowler G H, SE cor 7th and Mission Fowler M H, SE cor 0th and Harrison Fox & Horner, SE cor Third and Hunt Foye J E, 2002 Sacramento Gates J H, cor How and New Montpy Gates Justin, 722 Montgomery Gove M D, . 2408 California Gros Alfred, Wash and Kear and 1 1 1 Dup Hanks Henry G, 019 Montgomery Hassenpflug F. SW cor Dup and Green TT;i8ting8 B, 1601 Fillmore eick Wm, SE cor Tyler and Polk Heyermann — , SW cor Bryant and 4th Hifmer L, SW cor Geary and Larkin Hohlweg Fred, NE cor Polk and .lack Holbrook C B Jr, cor Ninth and Market Horner C W, SW cor Sutter and Hyde Houpt Chas H, cor 11th and R R aves Hunt D D, :«)0 Fifth Joy Edw W, • SW cor Post and Maaon Judson H H, cor Butte and Kentucky Kearney P A, SW cor First and Folsom KEIL FKED C, Market and Fourth KOELLES WILLIAM. cor Taylor and Eddy Kurtz AM, 1«M» Hayes Lanzwert Louis, 400 Fourth Ije(evre & Kahn, 1 102 Market and cor Kearny and Pine Leipnitz (J & Co, 230 Sutter Lengfeld A L, NE cor Geary and Stock Mann Drug Co, cor Spear and Market MARKET ST PHABMACT. Fred C Keil propr, S W cor Mar and Fourtli Mayhew Wm E, 144 Fourth McBoyle A k Co, 504 Washington McDonald D, 1002 Stockton McDonnell Jaa J, WM) Market McDonnell J J & Co, 400 Hayes McLaughlin Wm H, SE cor 20th & ^Iis8 Mentz Chas H, SE cor Polk and Sac Mervy A, " 539 Green Mervy & Co, 1519 Hyde Meyer R C, NW cor Union and Powell Miller J A, NW cor Valencia and HiH Miller W C. U2i I^ifi Moody J C, 1401 p: Morrison W P, NW cor 22nd un.l xS Pttcitic Homceopathic Dispensary, S43 Howard Painter Emlen, SE cor Clay and Kcariiv Petibeau E, cor Howard and Ninth Pickering Wm, SE cor Stock and Bdwv Heche D E, NW cor Jackson and Mont REIE T, SW cor Market and Fourth Roethe Cliristian, f,oi Third Rossi & Co, SW cor Green and IJunont Roturier & Zabaldano, SE cor Kear & Pao Rule J W, cor Third and Howard Schmidt H W & Bro, 542 Koarny Searby W M, 809 Market Seizor Edward, 331 j^^^^j. Shaw Henry B, NW cor Sut and Pow Simpson Wm, GOi» Davis SLA YEN H A cor Market and Powell Staub H, SW cor Sutter and Larkin Steele J G & Co, 035 Market Steylaars & Rossi, 1222 Diipont Strong C G, .ji i>,,jjj Szarash S D, NE cor Powell and Filb Thayer B B, SE cor New Mont & Mkt Thompson N S, cor Steuart and Market Trouette H, 304 Fourth Von der Lieth F H, 1400 Powell Von Luedinghausen O W, olO Haves WAKELEE H P & CO, SE cor Montgomery and Bush Ward M M, cor Second and Mission Weiss Philip, NE cor 19th and Mission Wenzell Wm T, 852 Market DRUGGISTS -WHOLESALE. Abrams & Carroll, 3 and 5 Front BOERICKE & TAFEL, 2:)4 Sutter CRANE & BRIOHAli, 520 and 522 Market; 19 and 21 Sut Downing A F & Son, 14 Second Gates J II & Co, 417 Sansom HODOE, DA VIS & CO, 1 1 6 Front LANOLET & MICHAELS, NE c or Front and Pine MERTEN. MOFFITT & CO. li-J'l Clsy Redington & Co, 531 Market Richards C F & Co, 427 and 429 Sansom Saulnicr Juo ft Co, 607 Front DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. Marsh Henry F, 577 Market SPENCE A S & CO. 537 " TAYLOR JOHN & CO, 118 and 120 Market; 15 and 17 Cal WAKELEE H P & CO, SE cor Montgomery and Bush 3 9 3. n i a » a a ■ni 3 a o o a ^. |l ai (D; m H. WACHHORST calls attention to hid Ctenalac flter- llns Sllyerware, 315 J St ^il''**'!*!! , no, ll«, icia and Hill 1124 Pacific UOl Pine 2nd und Mist pensary, 843 Howard y and Kearny ird and Ninth )ck and Bdwy son and Mont et and Fourth 504 lUish 501 Third en and Dupout cor Kear & Pac rd and Howard 54'2 Kearny mi Market 3:U East jr Sut and Pow (50'.) Davis rket and Powell tter and Larkin G35 Market 12'2'2 Uupont •21 Third Powell and Filb few Mont & Mkt mart and Market 304 Fourth 1400 Powell |\V, 510 Hayes CO, goincry and Bush cond and Mission 10th and Mission 85-2 Market IHOLESALE. 3 and 5 Front |et;'l9and2lSut 14 Second 417 Sansom JJO 116 Front IHAEIS, or Front and Pine CT & CO. ^ 3-22 Clay 531 Market ^7 and 429 Sansom 607 Front SUNDRIES. 577 Market 537 " h CO, ^ ,_ , Li; 15 and 17 Cal i CO, Itgomery and Bush BU SINESS. PENMANSHIP KiK>»** «'oi.i>. Clay Young Joseph, 1114 Folsom Zeile Chas D,' 524 to 528 PaciHe Zelner Wm, 873 Mission DRY DOCK COMPANIES. California Dry Dock Co, 318 California North's Ways, foot Louisiana and Potrero I'oint Oriental Dock, cor First and Brunnan South San Francisco Dock Co, Wm Stuart secy, 320 Sansom DRY GOODS-RETAIL. Alexander P, 2702 Mission Apple Miss J, ^ 28 iSixth Asinusscn A, cor Eighth and Harrison Aainussen Mrs S, 401 Eighth Basson & McDonald, oor 22tl and Miss Berkowitz Mrs Rachel, 1018 Stockton Blumenthal B, i:U Sixth Borreman Chas, 10P.» Stockton A H, SE cor lOth ami Valencia Isaacs S, Jacobs S, Jac(d>8 & Winehnru, Jones J W, Kahn Bros & Co, Keano Bros, Kellner M, 122 Sixth 408 Kearny 211 Dupont 24 Sixth 1 Sutter 107 and 115 Kearny 306 Sixth Kennedy & Brennan, 1 Hi and 1 18 Third Kennedy, Brewer & Co, Market and 5th Kennedy & Durr, Kennedy P B, I^aziirus S, Lee < leo II, Levy Isadore, Lewin M, Lewenthal W, Lipman S, 834 to 838 Market 232 Kearny 1235 Stockton 120!) Polk 25 Fourth 410 Broadway cor Bnsli and Devisadero 418 and 420 Market Bowen Bowen H D, Byron Thos F, Castagnoto John, Chester F & Co, Clar J, Cohn, Kosenblum Cuueo Francisco, CURTIN CALLAGHAN, oi3 Market Danielwiiz Miss, Pans Isadore, Davidson J W & Co, Dewiins A, DINKELSPEIL & CO. Uoano & Henshtdwood, Dobner Morris, Donovan Danl, Eber Albert, Elder Bros, Essmatni F>ne8t, Fwler M M & Co, Feder Robert, Fiala Mrs I, Finkenstedt H, Fitts Edward C, Lippmim Bros, 450 Vain and 443 Hayes Livingston D, i;j28 Polk Lowth John & Co, 704 and 700 Market Lyne & Dempsey, 10'22 " Maguiro Bros, 2230 and 2238 Mission Maher & M anion, 1020 Market Marks Adolph, |01(J Dupont Martin Mrs 1!, 420 Fourth McMalioiiJ, 224 Sixth Messersniitli ,1 L, 25oi"Mi8sion Momlon C, pjs; Dupont Moran J M & Co, -204 aiKl20{i Sixth MOSQROVE S & BRO, 1 1 4 Keamy Miirpliy, (Jrant & Co, Bush and San My.T Wm, 1113.1 Stockton Niiihtshcim Mrs Fredk, Butte and Ky Nathan k Co, 27 and 2!) Fifth Neiiburger, Ituiss & Co, ... . ..,..,v...w. 510 Market and 17 Sutter 1400 Dupont N'twman Wm J, 1025 and 1027 Stockton 841 1315 Stockton 1234 Dupont SK cor Sut and Mont 1220 Polk & Co, 1337 Pacilic 540 (Jrcen 510 Sixteenth 101 Kearny O'Brien .1 J & Co, 024 toy28 Market 118 Folsom O'Connor, Moflatt&Co, 1 31 Battery 132 Kearny 1120 Stockton 1501 Market 102 Sixth 317 Hayes 714 Montgomery 33 Battery 410 Hayes 1512 Polk 1307 Stockton :« Fourth 150 Sixth . 11 to 115 Post O^ Dm yer & Euihorn, 30 and 38 Third O'Neill, Kennedy & Stuart, S75 Market FlauiganP, Flenniken Robert, 724 and 720 Montgy Goldman Isaac, """ " Goldniann & Sons, Ooldstone Jacob, Oortinkel Aaron, Gradwohl A, Guinaw John, Hanly John, Hartman S & Bro, Hummel (Jeo, Palmer Joseph D, Peckerman Simon, Peixotto & Silverman, Prager A J, (,>uiu J E, Uich L, Rosencrantz L, Uoaenthal Bros, Rotenlwrg A, Hudee Isaac, EYKAN JOSEPH, SAMUELS D, Sanniels.l, 200 Sansoiii Schlichter Phillip, 210 Sixteenth Schloss S, 920 Dupont Schmidt Joseph, 402 Sixth Schoenfeld Bros, 73 Fourth Schocnludz Bros & Co, :i20 Sixteenth 1 10 and 1 12 Sixth and 1913 Fillmore W13 Stockton Selleck Jacob, 234 Sixth 30 Kearny, Selligsohn & Co, 330 Hayes and 158 3d 1432 and 14:i4 Market Shemanski H, 1102 Stockton 104 Sixth 214 " 42 to 40 Third 827 and 820 Kearny 1400 Polk 1400 Geary 252 Fourth 810 Market 127 Seventh 129 Second 102 to 108 Kearny 28 52 Fourth 24i Sixth i:i07 Dupont 515 and 517 Hayes Fi 509 Hayes' Sheyer M & Bro, 103 Sansom i^^ii Vs :i'^#;' f: 'm hi. -Ma I :i5: iv».l.''. E -V- ■, iff mm ^rflsTsT ^1 H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. w. w. MONTAGUE A co.r::t::„r.t'^T^K:iTJi'^iL:^^^ W\i\ .|2 SI':! ill 1^ ■ Ik I 5 p O if s s lb c c IB o • o o z Z o < Q. h O 1354 DRY San Francisco, ENQ OLAHRiriEO. Shubeiner L, Hilberbers Max, Stange ft Hink, Solomon S, Stolz Bros, Ntone K L, 604 Fourth 1520 Turk 549 and 55 1 Sixteenth 713 Polk 538 Keitrny 1211 .Stockton Fulton A L, Hiigerup F C, Molmea C J, Knopp & Plaff, Kuttner N, Or Juliin F M, I'erpoli Mme, Uonault L J, Sahla F J, SillHirHtein Philip, 028 Harrison 148 Third 6:<3 Market ii21 Lark in 603 Montgomery ave 33 Fourth 427 Bush 2054 Million 8«l Polnoin Snow Juo F & Co, ()33 Mar; Ki'J.I Mjsg Steen John, 1)25) Folsom Stolzenwnlil H F, 217 4th and 10H7 Fol Tiiomann Chas, 2601 Sacriiiaento Tlioinas V & Co, 27 10th and 904 Market Winn Thos, 313 Sutter ELECTRICAL APPARATUS. California Electrical Works, 134 Sutter 420 Montgomery 70!» llarket Schniolz Wm, Will & Finck, Strauss & Frohman, 1203 Strauss 8, 1213 VEBDIER. MOREAU & CO, cor Montgomery and Sutter Wand Siimuel & Co, 212 Sixth Whittock W H, K R ave bet Uth and 12th aves Will H, 1016 Larkin WilsOii Robert, 2514 Mission Wolfe M A, 820 Market Zissig Ciias, 802 Kearny DRY GOODS-WHOLESALE. BAC^MAN BROS, 10 and 12 Battery Cobliner Bros, 543 Market DANNENBAUM J & S, (importers and jobbers), 124 and 126 Sunsom Davidson J W & Co, Kearny and Post DDVKELSFIEL L & CO. 37 and 39 Battery cor Pine Franklin M & Bros, 18 and 20 Battery Goldstone M, 2 Hahn Bros & Co, 1 Sutter Heller M & Bros, 1 12 and 1 14 Sansoni Herman A, 518 Market and 19 Sutter Heyncmann & Co, 5 Sansom Hoffman & Co, 17 and 19 Battery Jones Ciiaa A, 1 13 Sansoni Kahn Bros & Co, 21 Sutter Keano Bros, 107 to 1 15 Kearny I Schmolz Wm, Levinsohn & Meyerstien, 117-ll9San HOSGROVE S & BROS, 1 14 1 16 Kear MURPHT, GRANT & CO, cor Sansom and Bush Hinkle Philip, 116 and 1 18 Main Rosenthal A S & Co, 202 Bush REINHARDT H 0, 6 Eddy Sachs L & M & Co, Bat and Bush SCHWEITZER, SACHS & CO, •J5 and 27 Battery Sheyer M & Bro, 103 Ransom CROSSETT & CO, 2:^0 Sutter STRAUSS LEVI & CO, 14-16 Battery, i,'„„ton Mrs J .1, m " VERDIER, MOREAU & CO, \ Free Labor Exchange, 33-35 O'Faricll NE cor Moiit-uiiury and Sutter Hansen C R & Co, G'Jti Jlay Weil Bros & Co, 21 and 23 Battery King John S, (Chinese), GIG " I.WSi Polk GIO Clay GIO " 511 Bush cor First and Brannan 11 iStoc' )n Bosmiet Mme A M, 726i Howard Youth^DSory, 1417 Howanl CAMERON MISS AGNES. ii6rayi Chariot L, 719 Valencia _.,^,.,-.__.^ mini uiki Christian Richard. . 41 Geary ENGINEERS — CIVIL, MIN CohnWL, 425Pine| lyp pTP 35 Sixth! INb, tlU. ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPA- NIES. CAL ELECTRIC LIGHT CO, room 17 G Eddy Weston Electric Light Co, 328 Montgy ELECTRO MAGNETIC IN. STRUMENTS. FOLKERS JH A&BRO, 118 Montgomery 420 " ^ ELEVATORS. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. DYERS AND SCOURERS. Ash I, Bartin P, Berger R, Bertin A, King John S, (Chinese), Lloyd Ellen, O'iiRIEN JOHN. ,,, „ O'BRIEN & WARD, Im "K SAM KEE, J-l^V. , Sisters of Mercy, _„. „ T, . , , ,^. Jx , X ** Trowbridge Mrs S A, 143 Post and 1205 Stockton WAJtl) JAS, Dreyfus Th, Filicourt Esther, 1205 Stockton; ADAMS & GARTER, 109 California I o ao o ■» 09 B O 5" (0 o a 01' 3 a Cf!>l o -a (A TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.Btumaner&Co., 'Si^^ I, MylM hot rW..». r. 8 Harri«on 148 Third i:W Market 135 FoUom 8'Jl I^rkin gomery ave 33 Fourth 4'27 BuBh 054 Mit^iiou 801 FoUum r; l(>23 Miss yj« FoUom ind 1037 Fol Sacrftiuento d 904 Market 313 Sutter ARATUS. 8, 134 Sutter Montjjomery TG'.t Alarket COMPA- -4 > r o !•< CO B o (A O LT CO. loi jom 17 I) Eddy W 3'J8 Moutgy 1 2 ETIC IN. ll' rs. IRO, 8 Montgomery m o -a •a I IRS. and 118 Main 1® () Eddy lOFFICES, I •2:W Sutter 334 " 133-35 0' Fan ell G'Jt) Jlay GIG " 1 i:i084 Polk GIO Clay GIO " 511 Bush Irst and Brannan 11 Stoc' in GIO i. ay 1417 Howanl iviL, MIN Ic. 109 California ,ortlsnd.Of«* goB.lwvett, BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '^Big't.^MSA.. ■aa';..£»l!»i- ESQ U I i\ h' k If :■. it P A ^an Francisco. ObAHIIIiriliD. ENO Amea Robt C, Allardt G F, Arenti A, Ashburner Win, Barton Robt, Benson Juhn A, Birch Wm H, Board of Coast, Bordwt'U & Rodgers, Bowie Aug J, Bruckner W, Cahill E J, Clot .f, Culver John P, Cununing J M, DEACON WM. Uo Crano K (i, '.Wl BuHhU)ridt!rdonk A, 432 Moutgomury """" 328 240 " 40(5 " 507 119 Buale Kngineera of the PaciMc 533 Kearny 540 Montgomery 217 Sansoni 328 Mont'^omery 3IU Californiii :403MiHHton 204 Sutter 417 California 131 Main ."•27 I'iiu! Peering M, cor Fourth and Townsund Deliroot, Birge & Co, 318 L'ine Del Mar Alex, 21(5 SaiiHoni D'Erlach Arnold, 135 M.iin Dc Veuvo Henry, 330 J'inn 309 Mont (KIBORN E E, (mechanical), 320 Cal Page r W, 507 « i'iili Alinarin B, 328 Montgouiory ^"rffl^'^.'S. (mining), 702 Cufifornia lottt Alfred, 419 Pine PORTOIS p. (civil), (521 Potter « i C, ;k).j Montgomery REINHARDT H 0, (mechl), 6 Eddy Uichards Jos, ;i,» pj^y Kohinson E N, SchuHsler H, SHORTT L H, (civil), Sniitli H Jr, Sniitii W P, Stetcfeldt C, Tanlifihuu F, THOMPSON E H, THOMPSON & EVANS, 320 Sansom 215 Front 120 SuttiT 320 Sansom 533 Kearny 320 Sansom 327 Pino 51 Beale tiiston O W, Irank L.J, Freeman .) E, Hc;iK 408 California 240 Montnoniery 209 Market 535 Cliiy 302 Montgiinu-ry 020 WauliDi^'tnii 507 Califcnii 29 Merchants' Exehaiigi! 318 Pine 12(5 Kearny chuuieal), Treadwell John B, \'on licicht — , \o\\ Schmidt A W, Wheeler M Allison, Wlieeler Samuel H, Williams (I F, WILLIAMSON R S, (U HouaiO, 110 and 112 " 137 Montgomery Wilson Uichurd M, /ook Frank T, HUHN & LTTCKHARDT. (min ing), 23 Stevenson Humphreys W 1', (529 Washington Hutchins E P, 240 Muntgoiiiery JANIN HENRY, (mining), 327 Pine I I Janin L, Kaufman C, Kaufman C, Keyes W S, l,aey John .1, Le Counte L J , Lewis Wm .1, Locke E C, Lochhead John, Low S B, Mason John E, Mauran Jos K, 310 " 402 MonttronuTV 3;?0 Pine 310 " 17 Sutter 533 Kearny 028 Montifomery 330 Pin- 'J52 Sp' iir 331 Montgonu'iry 30(5 J'iue U S Treasury building McAfee, Wheeler & Co, 210 to 214 Spear MeClellan H G, 4 California Miller W P, 81 Nevada block HOLERA & CEBRIAN, (civil), 40 Merchants' Exchange building MOSHMME& J, (mining), 507 Mont ENGRAVERS. BANCROFT A L & CO, 721 Market BOSQUI EDWARD & do, 523 Clay and 518 Commercial Burr Alfred, 518 Saeriirnento HutlerTA, 517 Clay CITTI CLAUDE, G05 Montgomery CROWE & COOKE, (steel and eiipporiilate), 22 CROWE M L (Crowe & Cooke),22 ' \)yT.\, 137 DEAVES C, (wood), (50S Market DWENEY & CO, 202 Sansom Eitner iludnljdi, 029 Clay FRANCIS, VALENTINE & CO, ;>17 Clay and 510 to 51G Commercial (iilihons Eleanor P, (wood), (500 Montgy ( iihon Thns, (card ami 8eal),109 " OILLER C S (seal and die sinker), 430 '• GOLDSMITH W E & SON, (card and se.il), 26 GRANDJEAN CHAS, 208 Sutter HafTiier (J W, 9 Geary HOFFMAN & SCHENK, 414 Sac Ingalslx! Mary E, 600 Montgomery Isaacs Henrj , (metal sign), 404 " Joiner Jno J, 432 Kearny Klumpp Wm, 235 « OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F, 432 808 •* 315 California 213 Fremont 41 li California S Light 120 Sutter 314 Montgomery 313 " w. w. MONTAquE A CO., '*!f;ss'iTAi'gan'iyiSa?t^yi;; f »g. 1356 ENQ 8cm Francisco. cbAsairiBD. FAN >- o IOC < o < Z CO o III u < H flO O o 3 Hi < X I- d o yi 611 Clay 611 Washington 126 Ken my 5J55 Clay 648 Sacramento 320 Saiisom 417 Ke«rny 201 Kearny Kniger A, Kuner A, Moorecroft Frederick, Oliver W F, I'apoH Jules F, PETTIT & RUSS. FOILHAMUER A. Rix Henry A E, Kobbins F A, (seals and dies), 7 First Schiller Henry, 339 Bush Schultze E, 321 California Stout W C, 137 Montgomery Studley B W, 24 Post Tonks J, 614 Merchant Van Vleck D, 432 Montgomery Wenzel, Roihschild & Hadcnfeldt, 37 Post WHAIEY M J, (wood), 120Suttci Wood (Jeo M & Co, 120 Post Steel and Brass Stamps. Oniamuiital Kiij^raviii) A. FOLLHAMMEE, ENGRAVER and DIE SINKER. 417 Kt'araiy Htreot, Room H, SAN FKANCISCO. Monofjranis, S(.*n!s and Alphalieis. CHABLES GEANCJEAN, Engraver and Besigner, 208 Sutter Street, ABOVE KEARNY, MAX fr'RAK4'IM<;0. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER COMPANIES. Anderson (J W & Co,(()aklaiid).33l Kust AlaniedaA S K Express, 331 " ARMSTRONG THOS C, (Huy ward & San Ixiandru & S F), I Com) Boyd ,) no, 7l7 Montycniery Califmy,(\'aUejo),41S .Sacranient< GRULEYS S I & ALAMEDA EXPRESS, 3 Market (lulf of Cid Nav & Ex Co S S Line, (i Andre agt, 724^ Market Harper & Co, (Oakland), 313 East Inncs & Co, (Oakland), 313 " Kirkman .1 L, - lil Front Mc(Jratli Tlios. cor AVaah and Montu'y Meader H P, 333 East Merchants' Dispatch & Transporta- tion Co, 411Cahforuia Merchants Overland Transfer Ex- press, 436 Montgy and 541 Sac Oakland Freight Transfer Co, Oakland Ferrv OVERLAND FREIGHT TRANS- FER CO, (H W Mitchell manac") C P R R Freiijht Depot Pacific Transfer Co, i \q .Sutter Perkins k Howard, (San Rafael & Kaywarda), 1 Commercial Robinson & Highman, (Pac Coast De- livery * Transfer Co), 134 p„gj. Roundey & Co,(Brooklyn),l Commercial SAN RAFAEL EXPRESS, 1 •' Simonton F W, (Stockton), 418 Sac Snell Bros & Co of San Jose, S F (South Pacific Coast), 22 Mont Spencer's San Francisco & Oakland Express, ] Market Stcere& Colby, (Ecist Oakland), 31 :i Kast Sweet li C, 1005 Market Ten Cent Parcel l>elivery Co, k; p^st Toby & Toby, 524 Valencia Tocdt H, (Oaklau.l), 26 Sacramento TUCKER'S SAN FRANCISCO AND OAKLAND EXPRESS. 3 Midat Union J'jicilic Transfer Co, 40') K-ist WELLS. FARGO & CO'S EX- PRESS {"'no J Valentine, Uvn. oral Sui)t), 320 Sansoni WHITE W M (San llafael), 1 (',„„i Whitney A Co, (Oakland), 3 and 5 Com Williams & (Jraham (Oakland) 28 Mkt WIN6ATE I C (Oakland, Ala-' nieda, lierkeh y and S F), 6 Sacramento FANCY GOODS. (See also Dry (loods.) *lmi)orter8. Abraham P & Son, 44 Sixth •Ackermaii Bros, 123 Kearnv Anchick Mrs E, 703 Br.innaii Anshel Sanniel, 214.'r:tunau 2Uf^i: Battery Dixon Mrs HH, 1018 Polk Donovan M A, 1501 M:u-ket DowlandMrsS, 1321t Bi-sli Meyer C, DriscoUMrs, 1553 M.irkol Dubois E & Bro, 204 Filth Eber Albert, 102 Sixth Ellis Mrs C, 922 Larkin *fEIGENBAUM & CO, 120 to 120 Sansom; 217 a Levinsohn & Meyerstien, *Levy Jules, *Levy M & Co, Locke Chas E, Lovvtli Jno & Co, Lovell J xM, Macy Mary F, Magnea D| I Muher & M anion, Mallet Uioiuu-d, Mansbacli E, Marcus H, McCinn Miss A, (0 . ,, a Mrs I, i'idkenstedt H, Fitzgerald Mrs E, Flanigan P, 'Krankenthal & Co, Frey Wm A, (hlison Mrs 'i'hos, (Jodfrey W A H, (Idldschniidt N, Goldsuiith S, Goldstone li, (Jost B, Goulstone 1), Hahn Mrs H, Hartman S & Bros, Hasey & Lancaster, ILnhlriok Mrs H, • •Heller M A Bros, HOFFMANN & CO. Kdhenthal Crts, Houi'4sl)erger Henry, Hubbart .loseph, *Hyman N J, Jacobs Mrs Harriet, Jacobs S & hon, i JONES £ H & CO. Joseph Nathan i"fe Co, Julian Chas, Kahu H, 119 Sansom 121) Kearny 10!) Battery 25 < reary 70-1 Market 1 023 to 1620 Polk 2008^ Mission 814 Market 1026 1408;, Powc'1 26 Kearny 1238 Folsom 218 O'Farrell 1 12 Second t :md2H) Pine 1512 Polk 1307 Stockton 4 Turk 150 Sixth P21 Battery 404 Kearny 1920i Howi.ril 101 Second 468 Sixth 250 Third 901 xMarket 135 Fourth 746 Washington 124 Kearny 36 32 " , 1 120 HiiwardI 1 12 Sansom 17 Battery 109.1, Fifth 625 iiarkin 726 Market 307 Kearnv 802 MarkJt 408 Kearny 535 Market 611 (May 1513 lAipont 124 Kearny 318 Sixth 37 Fittli Kane Mrs Annie, Keller Mrs Bertha, . Kenealy Mrs K, cor Sixtli und Brannan Kincaid S A, 403 Cough Kocrner Mrs, Kohllwrg S, Kowftlski S, Kline Abraham, Kuhl Mrs H, I/ipachet Mrs C & Co •Lash H, Licht Louis, Loroy Mmo E, Levingston E, IMO Market 40 Sixtii 918 Dupont 720 Market 807 Larkin 1503 Stockton 537 Market 145 Seciind 121 Sntte 800 Larkin 'Micihols, Friedlandcr & Co, <) Battery Middletou Mrs Eliza, 447 Natoma ^V-, -^^■■^ ^^' -' - 0' Farrell Miles E 0, ;^oo Sixth *MILLS & GrBB(of N Y). 12(rKearny *MishP&,Son, 5.31) M.a-lcet MoiseMrsSH, 416 Larkin Month.n C, i-j:}7 Dupont ^MOSGROVE S & BRO, 1 14-1 16 Kear "xMurphy,(irant&Co, cor San and Bush Murray Mrs M, 1001 Twentieth ".Muser Bros, 537 Market Newman W.T, SEcor.Faekson and Stock O'Connor, Moff.itt & Co, HI Post O'Xeill Edward, 401 Geary Palmer T F, 73O Market I'aiker.l M (.lapanese), 609 Sacramento Parker W M, 126 Post P.uibon Mrs W, 501 O'Farrell Peniuy .lohu F, 955 Market Peters V M L & Co, 207 Moiitsomery ^PFISTER J J & CO, 120 Sutt/r I'iulhpstiM, 130 Sixth Kaiidall Mrs M .1, 1827 Market l-'yn'"!i H, 1708 Polk RICHARDSON MRS H. 873 Market Jvodd C, 850 Washington *ROSENDALE A C & CO, 5 p.» Mkt Koseuteld A 1302 Polk Rosenthal M, !)08 Dupont Uostein Louis, 110 Seventh "Suciia, Strassburger & Co, San and Pine *Sadlor & Co, 605 Market Schmidt .losepli, 1303 Dupont SCHWEITZER, SACHS & CO, 25 and 27 Battery "SIERING H & CO. p.* Montgomery Silverman I, 222 Third Smithsnn Mrs B, 414 Geary 'SPENCE A S & CO, 537 Market Stevenson & Longwill, 26 and 28 Second .Stolz Bros, Strong ( ; W, Sullivan Miss H E 0, Tishler Mrs H, "Tohiii, Davisaon & Co, Van Doren (J, Vasselin H, 816 Market 2039 Mission 1222 Market 809 Larkin 6 and 8 Sutter 1505 Stockton 540 Hayes "Verdicr, Moreau & Co, SutaiulMontgy -o I » ca is r t^ «^ IB " an 5! P 1% I «3 rs f m ^.'£%ni\ tfj.i • *.i! P *^ H. PALMER A CO.. Frontianan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. i "i. "' « I ', '- MS' i ' If I h I 1 M M ' I il f ■ IL i c i e E a CO 1 c (0 O ■ O o o < a. O w. w. MONTAGUE A coM^^^g..?i?o.%?Rt%r..?d"irB*,;i:sgt?:^^^ 1358 FAN San Francisco. CIiAQSIFIBD. FIS Walsh Mrs D, 905> Market WaasiamuU & AssomuII, 406 Kearny •Weil & WoocUeaf, 113 Battery Whittock W H, cor 20th and R R aves Wilson R, 2514 Mission Wolfe Max A, 820 Market Wolfe Win, 1201 Stockton Wood Mrs J, 212 Second FELTiNG. A. COPLIN, General Af;ent fur WARNER BROS/ CORSETS. Special iuUuceinentii to tho trade auU Caiivaiwers. Address, A. C'OPL.l!V, 1171 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Notions & Fancy Goods. SADL£R^& CO., 605 ]Mark«*t Wtrt>«>t, Man Fvan<>iMC*o. ImporttTs and Jobbers ipf all descri|iti.ins of Staple Notions & Fancy Goods. Ijowest Market Itites liuanuitueii. FEATHERS. * Importers. •BALNY A J, *DUCASS£ A, Dupuy T, Gabriel <>, Glover & Willeoinb, Haker W & Hinz, Held Bros & Go, KEOGHJOHN, 73 McGalHj Owen, Morchio A, Westall Joseph, 008 Market 870 ,\ Mission 7;il) BroadM ay (■(.'{7 Washington 07 New Montgy 54."> Mark' t 512 and 75 New Moiit ;t21 Market 7l!0 704 Mission J. W£STALL, IniportLT and Dealer iu ull kinds of F«'atli«'rM, l>o«vn, 4ii4>i*inaii liiiit'ii aiKt TiokiiiKH. Fiathci Warehcmse, Hed and I'illiiw Manufactory, 7»4 MiNMion Ht., nvar 4th, N. F. All Keiithois soM warranted to lie well ilrebseil with (iiir fanionts i'atL'iit Steam Keriivutiir. Feather Htddini,' made to onler. old Feathers B'.-novdtod. KrderB promptly attended to. FEED MILLS. (See also Flour Mills.) HALL C I & CO. 310 Townstfn 1 liaumeister C S, 118 Mission Cole Seward, (manager Salamander Felting Co) 317 California Fowler C C , (Yucca Boiler Covering Co), 413 Paciic Hanna J & P N, 308 Davis Sweeney A, > 30i) J^ighth FERRIES. Alameda Ferry, foot Market Berkeley Ferry (Jackson St Wharf) office 652 " Oakland Creek Route Ferry, foot " Oakland Kerry, foot « Siin Qiientin Ferry, foot Clay Saucelito Ferry, foot " FERTILIZING COMPANIES. Davis J T, (supt Pulverizer Co), 4().") Cal New Potn-ro Co, 330 Pin,. OHLANDT N & CO, 28 Long Bridge, Potrero PaeiHc Bone, Coal & Fertilizin • .Ma- terial Co, 023 Murktt FILTERS. Cooi^er D T, (Silex), 433 California Little Giant Filter, 028 Moutoomery FIRE KINDLER. AINSWORTH D H & CO. 770 Hry mt FISH. * Wholesale. Barretta K & Co, 31 S V Market Beaven D B, 35 and 36 Mi».sioii Market Ik'll I) n, 31 (I rand (.Viitral Market BEANSTEIX ABE, 20 and 2! Centre Market Brenner L, 02 " Camilluni J, 5 Clay St Market Curtis & Son, .■<70 Natonia Dowliug J, 11 and 12Gniii(l(Vutral .\Ikt L>ucato(;, 21 Metropolitan Maikit DuH'»-y K, 237 Sixth Kdwards & Stephens, 3.3 Centre .Market Ferrari S, 37 Clay St .Market GRABER J M, 82 Centre Market (iuetlet E F, 1515 Diipont (jusmani S, 505 Mcreli.mt Harvey J, ;14 (iran.l Central Market Ho-a» >'ic!i?iel, 30 Ii'.oujr'.ia A & 0*^; i'13 VVaBhingtim "Kessing J H, 79 and 80 Cal Mkt and 7 Clay StMkt TRY DR. OUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. ■< (0 o a 8 s a CO -a o v> a: o ;,13 Washington BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ^' ••'•f - f€iv,. HUn Pout »».. (4. V. FIS s DP cd s (San Franciseo. CLASSIPISn. FBI 1359 I c Q. c I* c 3 Ik I If (S » Landini J G & Co, 32 and 33 Grand Western Market LABKINS & SPOSITO. 101 and 102 California Market Lefevre E, 3 S F Market Lusinchi *. Tavolara, 6 Clay St Market *Lynde & Hough, 416 and 418 Davis Marchai N, 20 Metropolitan Market Mariali N, 37 S F Market MjCollam Thos W & Co, 208 Clay Meuchin A, 28 Fourth Murray & Co, 72 and 73 Centre Market Paladini A, 33 and 35 S V Market Rittore A & Co, 5 Clay St Market Silvestri A & Co, Bay Citv Market SoubierV, 1322 Stockton SPENCE & JOHNSON, l>3 Cal Market FISHING TACKLE. ETC. Browning A, 651 Clay C'labniuKh J 1' & < 'o, 630 Moiit^iroinery DOYLE HENRY & CO, 511 Market IXiiin H D, 405 Front GALLANDETT JAKES, Merriniac bet Fourth and Kentucky MILWARD A & SONS, ")11 Market Sclioeneman F, 517 Kearny FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Cohn P, CotrcU Thos .W, 326 Clay 405 Front Langley k Michacu: cor Front and rinc Mcl'herson B K, 40'J Front Kedinffton & Co, RIEQER P & CO. TliDinpson F I», 52VI Market 51 1 Front 414 " FLOUR MILLS. Cii!ifi>rnia Mills, 701 Sansoin DURK & HINZ, (Voio), cor Mission and Main (Jcnosoe Mill Co, Cohlhet Mont andS.m (inlden A>;c Mills, 717 to 721 Battery (loldi-ii (iate Mills, 41 to 4'.» First Martenstein & iKinin^^, S\V oor Battery and Pacilic NORTH STAR MILLS. (M C KUis & Sou), 220 Clay PIONEER & ALTA FLOUR MILLSf (^'isen Bros), Stevenson nr Ist SPERRY & CO. -'•-' * 'alilornia Starr & Co, 16 " Washington Mills, Wash and Dnunin FLORISTS. (See Nurserymen and Florists.) FOUNDRIES AND IRON- WORKS. (See also Machinists.) Bigelow & Morris, 316 Mission Deacon \V, 131, 133 and 135 Main Whot Benj, 41 Fremont Borderer .IF, 226 Mission Callagher D W, 151 and 153 Beale G%DEN STATE & MINERS* ^ IRON WORKS. 237 and 257 First GOSS & ADAMS, 114 Beale Hayes < !eo & Co, 539 Fifth HINCKLEY. SPIERS & HAYES, (Fulton), 213 Fremont Huntington F A, 143 and 145 Fremont lis .Idhn (I, 814 Kearny JARDINE J B, 135 Beale KITTREDGE JONATHAN, (I'huniix), 18 and 20 Fremont Mewellen Reese, 1S5 Beale Low & Chartrey, 26 and 28 Fremont Marshultz & L'antrell, cor Main and How McCornnck, Lewis & Co, 233, 235 Beale McKihhin & Petterson, 317 and.^1!) How Mechanics" Foundry, 217 First Morrow it Strong, 115 and 117 " NUTTING CALVIN & SON, (d'xirs, liirdcrs and fences), 121 Fre PACIFC MOTOR CO, (M F Wood ">'tiiiiu"T), 5 and 7 Beale PENDERGAST, SMITH & CO. ( ■ I'tna), 2 1 7 to 22 1 Fremont Pierce*; L, 215 First Pioiu'cr Iron Works, 225 and 227 Beale PRESCOTT, SCOTT & CO. (Union), cor First and Mission Ualston H & .1, 220 Fremont RANKIN. BRAYTON & CO. (I'acidc), l'J7 First RAY W S & CO, (0 K loun- dry), 22s Main and 12 Marke.^ RISDON IRON & LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, (NV H Taylor pres). SK cor Healc and Howard Sava-j;t' iV Souh, 137 and 141 Fremont SMITH FRANCIS & CO, (sheet iron pipe), 130 Beale STUGER & KERR, (dcoiden- tal), 137 First Thompson Bros, 129 and! 31 Beale Tohcy Curtis, 230 Fremont ^Vestern Iron Works, 316 Mission CO T CD 3 a> FRINGES. AUERBACH & THOMPSON. (Piicilic Fringe Factory), 751 Market ETTINGER S. 105 Post GILLE & R05EHRIGS, 727 Market KEMPT JOHN H. 10 Post e* ii CO ^ CO m « '* ffi 2 |ii| I '-I iM! ii H. PALMER A 00^ Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., *!ffS?i'mi'g;5l57ig&S^yir4?^: ii ,HI1 81';' V I' 'i )! ( ■ c e c o E (0 • O O o z S o < fl. I- O 1360 FRU San Francisco. CLAB8IKIBU. FRU FRUIT DRYERS. Alden Fruit Preserving Co, 220 Sansom cuTima PAGKmo co. (canned goods), 17 to 41 Main Fresno Raisin and Fruit Co, 30!» Mont Walter's Fruit Dryer Manfg Co, 815 Cal FRUITS. VEGETABLES, NUTS, ETC. Abramovich Bros, 1501 Polk Abramovich & Herovich, 1706 " Abrams H & Co, 2:^8 1- ourtli Alkisou & Gilman, cor 22d and Vain Allman Mrs H, 1)23 i Foiaoni AngeloQ, 1814 Powell Appostolo Lazare, cor Taylor and Ellis Aronson 1, 3 8ixtli Arpe Domenico 630 Kearny Ash Alfred 233 Eighth Asher M L, 1027 Larkiu Avery D K & Co, 18 Centre Market Bacigulupi & CaHasaa, 507 Washington Bacigalupi & Chelini, cor Uni^n & Mason Barsi Miehele, 130>S J.>upont Basilouski A, 17 and 18 Grand ^V Alkt Basluglia C, Beall R B, Beard W H, Birchall Edmoud, Blensi (J, .S\V Brickett J B, Brignole (}, Brown W H & Co, Cain & McKay, Calenger Mrs, Camplx-'U Mrs Sarah, CarralMj J no, Catechi Joliii, Cella A, CcDiogorato F, Centanro Eoreuzo, 741 Vallejo 612 Laguua 42avis and Clark 3-J5 Turk 504 Third 30 and 31 Cul Mkt cor Turk and Taylor 530 .Sixteenth 120 .Sixth 1580 Folsoni 204 .Second 1 16 .Second 1810 Union 704 Turk 045 Bryant Chelini & Bacigalupi, Chepernich L, 8E cor Clay and Market Chile D, 423 Washington Chretien.!, 4001! », M ' Mrs KuU'. [.'. tcl.i .lohn. Miller (!eo, Mitrovich I'hilip, 1 102 Clay 10,» Sixth 5.31 Mt.'rchiint 2401 Californi.i 122 Fourth 413 Fast 1202 Iloward 810 Battery 609 Ijaguna 1222 and 12LM I'olk Moore Z 'Y. 37, .38 and 39 Cal Market Morgan i.ros, 8(X).\ Market Morgan Bros & Canhan, 616 Market S 30 to (A ■H 30 m m ■0 o ao Q m C3 Q 2 M « m m r \ n ■J o e a 1^ lO [I* 9 H. WACHHORST calls attention '•iVi;*,iVi'V'iV";:«*^:'- 315 J 8t PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ^'»'!^ ■*«•« m,^^ Bdar«t» g i o I 10 (0 e u o s FRU /San Francisco. CLASSlnUD. FUR 1361 Morris Samuel, Morrison Mrs J, Mulcahy Mrs Bridget, Mulville Edwd, Murphy & Conner, Murphy Daniel J, Muzante C, Muzio & Largomaisino, O'Brien Patrick, Odey J| 428 Sixth l42i Fifth 410JiSixth 125 Fifth 508 Sansom 429 Fourth 13.32 Dupont 801 Bush 506 Market 41 West Missior » & CO o « (A £ e « « Oelfrich Bros, 60 Centre Market O'Malley P, 2146 Mission Orsi P. SW cor Vallejo and Hyde PACIFIC FETJIT MARKET, 534 and 53(5 Clay Palusi S, Fillmore bet Eddy and Turk Papilla ri, 801 Larkin Parker LA, 200 Sixteenth Parkin C, 301) Oupont Patt'trsou & Meade, 72 Polk Pauletti Antonio, SE cor Pac and Davis 121 1 Steiuer 181 U Powell 837^ Pacific 846 Valencia 62upont Bosontiial Mrs (J, 120 Sixth * Brown V & Co, 108 Battery BULLUCK & JONES, 105 Montgy C.K.ciany & Crosett, 25 Kearny Cei .Mid Cuff and Collar Co, (W M Snath ft J B P Teller agts), 405 Front *Colu'n W ft Co, 13 and 15 Battery Cohn II, 912 Market Cohii S & Co, 152 Third *( 'olinan Bros, N W cor Sutter and San Coukliiig (J W, 610 Market I)a\i(l LasaruH, (secondhand), 7 Bdwy EAGLESON & CO, 4 and 6 Kearny % (TTRY MURRAY'S LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. ii} fii :Ji i!: ■m W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., yir^yS,V"»"irJKiJgy'Sr;:ieV.^'A*' m% >■>, i O E CO i c c CB O ■ o o o < flL I- h D O 1362 FUi; San Francisce. CLARHIFIKD. •ELFELT A B & GO, 108-1 lO Kearny Farrar L & Co, 10 " •Fechheimer, Goodkind & Co, 16 and 18 Sansom *Feeder M M & Co, 33 Battery Federlein B, NW cor 24th and Howard Fogel G, It Clay FRANK E. 535 and 537 Kearny Friedman P.I 16 Sixth Furat Philip, 1413 Stockton Gibson & Preston, 34 Montgomery *OR£ENEBAUM. SACHS & FREEMAN, 5'24 and 526 Market Godfrey W A H, 101 and 103 Second *Goldstone M, Goodmann & Co, Gordan J, Hahn Robert C, Harris S, HARTM, Keiman Bros, Hess Henry, * Hoffman & Co, IRVINQ SAMUEL, Jacobs S, *KRAMER & CO. Levey Chas, *Lil)ennan P & Son, Lubin S C, Maloiie Miss J H, Markus Lonis, iMiDonald Mrs K D, Meyer Chas, Meyer Louis, *Meyerstcin & Loweuberg, *Micl\els, Friedlander & Co, Miles E (), 2 Buttery 635 Chty 611 Montgomery 1008 Market 1 !0 Stenart 400 Kearny 1028 Market 219 Montgomery 17 and It) Battery 206 Kearny 408 Kearny 28 Sansom 424 Kearny 125 Sansom 60n Montgomery 025 Market 1152 304 Sixth 1303 Stoekton )13 Kearny 23 Sanson! : and !> Hat 320 Sixtl *NEUSTADTER BROS, NW eor I'iiU' and Battery ORR & ATKINS. 123 and 12.-. Mn.itgy Palmer .J D, 101 Sixtli Keinstein W, 411 Kiunis l{obin."ion I, 142 'I'liirtl Schlosa S, 24^ Sixtli Sch.ioiifcld A, N Sixtli "SCHWEITZER. SACHS & CO, 2;") and 27 P.:itt0 and D.VJ Market Stock wit/ I-;, 2.')0 l-'ourtli WORTH & MEB.RILL. :^5 Sec nd PACIFIC MANUFACTURI^O CO. HONiG & BARUCH, Prop rs. Miiniufi turerh, ImpoitirH ami .IdIiIicisch Denim & Duck Overalls, Jiiiui>tTs, Shirts, ami (Jeiit, ' rurni-liini? (lomls of all kinds. Siicciul SiztjH iiiadf to Diilcr. 30 '2 ^i-'<-'">d Si., near Market, 30 '2 HAN KKANtlBCO. mZ. J. B. STEELE, Shirts I Qsnts' Un demsa? No. 22 Dupont Street, SAN FRANCISCO. FURNITURE AND BEDDING ^Manufacturers and Wholesale. Abrahams .John, Aronsoi. A, Bare Bros, Baum (J, Bernard & Pouzadoux, Bernstein Klias, liest .lohn (oliiee), Bonaeina .) M, Burb.ink Chas 1), lOloFolsom 1326 Stockton 308 Hayes 11S2 Market 312 Sutter 151 Third 40,').^ Calif oraiii 17 Montgouiery ave 1!> Dupont *Burnham J AV & Co, 018 Market and 15 and 17 Post Burrell & Boweher, 07 Sixth *Cal P'uroiture Manfg Co, 220-22() Busii Civro W, 510 Kearny ^"I'rrP.I, 27.J7 -Mission *Chadl»ourne F S & Co, 7;;,') Market Clark H, 531 California Colin it, 1028 Howard Connelly .1 & Co, 312 Bush Connelly James & Co, 217 Busli Conroy.l (!, 242 Third Davis H, 730 Mout^'oniury Deuian Paul, (seeoud hand), 502 Bdwy Doyle Daniel P, 214 Fourth Kgan U .1 & Co, 807 Howard *Kmanuel L & K, 311) and 321 I'inc Httiiiger Saml, lOlti Howard l-'i'ig Alixaiidcr, l.w Third FELDMANN L & CO,:5i5 and :ti7Sac •FIFTH ST FURNITURE FACTORY, (H Kiln lu-opri, 545 anil 547 Fiftli l-'iselicr Sigmund, 113 Third Kleteber .1, 271 First Fraiuo & Kennert, lO.M Market Fr;inU B, 1301.', St.iuktiui ' FRANK HENRY, 2 1 2 to 2 1 « ( oml * I'reilrii'ks itdercke. Berry lict Hd& Uli *Frei A, .3:{7 and :t3!l Kill^' (iallaghiT \Vm I{, 20 Fourth ( Jeisliaker A, S\V cor Mission and Main *(iill)ert & Moore, 2 111 Bush (irace Max, 3.'t;t Sixth ¥olaom ;V2G Stockton 308 Hayes li;V2 Market 'M'l Sutter 151 Third tO.'iS California outgomery ave 1<) Du\)out 15 and 17 Post BUSINESS PENMANSHIP 09 c o tA o a >i7 Sixth S '220-"2'it) Busli 510 Kearny '2757 Missimi 7;)5 Market 5:11 California 1028 Howard :il'2 liush '217 Hush '24-2 Third 7:10 Montgomery .nd), 502 Udwy •214 Fourth 807 Howard iW.) and;V21 I'mc 1^ 1010 Hovvanl « 1 55 Third | q ;U5 and'.inSac 1^ P) a a 1$ o o » a a Its CD Ieniture 1,45 and 547 I'ilth n;i Third '271 First 1051 Market r.101.', Stockton •>\-2 to'21I^Cnml k'rrylHt :idJtUli |;Vd7 and :W'.t Kinj; I •20 Fourtli ' Mission and M»iu •jl'.) Bush ;»;w Sixth '24 K»)urth ION. „ and 501) 15r:mn;m r2l<7 Mission O') [•'mirth (JO 725 Market (Df NKStPt COIiI%6li, S«0 Post St.. 8. F. FUR San Francisco. CLAHalFIKD. GAS 1363 S i 0- ft *Heywood Broa & Co, (chairs and rattan furniture), 580 to 505 Mission HINCKLEY £. (Star Spring Bed), 1-47 New Montgomery Hislop K 0, 404 Hayes •Hoey Eugene, 1001) Market •HUFSCHMIDT F, 323 and 3'25 Pine Hunter B, 1518 Tolk Hyman Morris, 606 Broadway Isadore Isaac, (second hand), 81 "2 Mont be I C a. (9 c 3 IL » (0 » ID i Joseph Simon, Kanipner Mrs Y, Kiernan C, Kittcrman Jus, *Kragen & ( ieist, *Laeremans Frank, Laird Daniel, Lang A, Levy E, Lewis Thos, Lindo J & Co, Vaupel H J E, Walcom Ceo WENDEL H & CO. W est ('oast Furniture 21'21 Mission 10!) Stockton 310 rniture Co, (doors, sush, etc),603 Mkt and 4th and Bryant \\ ilkius A, 132 Fourth Wood Hugh, C77 Mission ^""1 J"''*. 343 Sixth 1'2'26 Stockton 155 Seventh •231 Sixteenth 1318 Stockton 736 Branuan 528 Washiugt"ii 1062 Howard 104 Fourth 772 Mission 1 104 Stockton 601) Calitornia FHOM THE INDIANAPOLIS Lohezar A, SE cor Taylor and KUis * London Furniture Co, 637 Market Malone J H, 22 Fourtli Marks Michael, 426 Sixth Marquardsen & Schellenburg, 157 lOtli Martens N, . 1004 Howard McCabe H, 128 Fourth McCarty U, (second hand), OiSlJi Miirket Mentz F C, 16K7 Folk Miller Jos A, 1029 Market Morgan Bros, 800.1. " Morgan Jos K, 1804 Nachnian A, (spring beds), luoNewMont Nathan Mrs (.j, (second hand), 1)'20 Mkt Nelson T H, 136 Fourth Neumann Isaac, 117 Sixth I'earlnian J M, (auction house), 11'24 Mkt "I'luni Clias M & Co, 641 Market Preston Edw, 10 Fourtl Keehtor J, 1136 Dupont •RIDGEWAY C W & CO, (spring mattrass and lounge f;'.c- tory), 21 Tyler Rosenthal Jos, 47 Third 'SCHOENFELD & HEYMAN. (Furniture Uidiolt-tery (.'o), 740 Mkt •SCHROFF CHAS, Tweuty-soventh and San Bruno Koad •Sliaber .), 707 Market Shattuck & l)e Vega, 118 Filth Sinii>n Jos, (second hand), 1226 Stockton *Snydei & Co, 574 Brannan SPANGLER D B & CO, (now ami second hand), 1 1th and K U aves •STAMPER J W & CO, '215 Busl stein M, 1234 Market Stern I'hilip, 2KS Sixth SteuartThos, 775 VVdsom Terry J T & Co, 747 Market Theas Philip, 1117 Ihipout 'Tuttle, Michaels & Co, 640 Market *Uuion Furniture M'f g Co, 560 Bran Manufiuturers of SoMWalit Furniture & Mrs 160 New MoRtgomery St., SAN FRANCISCO. FURRIERS. ALASKA COMMERCIAL CO, ^ (J F Miller prest), SIO Sansom Knunb^Tij Henry, 114 Post KohiiH & Sim, 11 Hi Market LACHMAN & STEINFELS; 121) Montgomery LiebesH&Co, 118 liofstail J no X, Muller Adolph, Tibbey Alex & S, 50' 813 Market 644 Montgomery GASFITTERS. (See Plumbers and Gastitters.) GAS FIXTURES-IMPORTERS. (See also Plumbers and ( i astitters. ) ALLEN WM R & CO, 761 Market :4 KING. OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. It'.'! ji. ' t I IL ■ CO i c « o I IB s s IL I C (0 O O o a W. W. MONTAGUE « C0.» p»Tto*"in. n2.mriie»ndi1?B>MSTy 5???. ¥* 1364 GAS San Frcmdsco. C( ABSiniO. GLO BTJSH DAVID, 22 Port Coghill Jno .Tr, NW cor 2d and Stev DAT THOMAS, 122 and 124 Sutter Fritz &Kean, 130 Geary NYE A F & CO, 315 and 317 Pine GAS LIGHT COMPANIES. Globe Gas Licht Co, 237 First Guatemala Gas Light Co, 8 S F Ex bldg Holmes Chas A, (secy Consumers' Gas Co), 203 Bush SAN FRANCISCO OAS LIGHT CO, (P Donahue prest), 1st and Natoma GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Adams Amos, (secy Grangers' Bus- iness Association), 106 Davis Altmayer Abram, 29 Battery Clement Jno, 211 Sansom Derby Thos, 320 Sansom Dondero C, 423 Washington Dorn G W & Co, (Chico), 316 California Edwards D, •653 Washington Flavin M J, (auction house), 620 Kear GALE J W & CO. Gibson C W, Grunhaum Henry, Harrison & Co, Hyman Bros, Isaacs B, Jacobs L M & Co, Kohn Isaac, Kuhl H G, Levy I Danl, Lichenstein M & Co, Lindholm W & Co, Lowenberg S & Co, Nickelsburg S, Rothchild J S & Co, Russ G A, Schwabacher Bros, Shainwald Bros, Silberatein & Co, 402 Davis 205 Sacramento 108 Sansom 413 Calif oniia 123 404 Montgomery 208 '• 302 California 302 " 647 Washington 612i Montgomery 122 California 306 Montgomery 112 Sansom 28 320 223 Battery 123 California 535 Kearny 228 " Sinsheinier Bros, SIS80N, WALLACE & CO. 226 Cal SNn)EK A. 328 Montgomery, nn 6 Steiner, Klauber & Co, 312 Sacramento Ward Joseph, 30!) Montgomery Wein9t7 Mkt San Francisco &, Pacific Glass Works, King nr Fourth GLOVES AND GLOVE MANU- FACTURERS. •Importers. Asche H T ft Co, cor Kearny and Oearv BLUMENTHAL, QUINLAN & ^ CO, \m Post BUSBY FRED H, 412 Market Canagnier V, S Kearny Conklin P & F G, 535 Market EUREKA SEAMLESS GLOVE FACTORY, (A Hesthal Guittard Omer, *Heynemann & Co, Martini Julius, *MILLS, LEAK & CO, •Muser Bros, Pacific Glove Works, Rosenfeld S, *Sanin(>l8 Da\id, *SHIRES WM. *VERDIER, MOREAU propr), 22 Sansom 608 Market 5 Saiisom 752 Market 22 Sutter 541 Market 511 125 Sansom 104 Kearny 500 Market & CO, 100 Montgomery B. Hlumenthal. J. Walkt r Quinlan. K. C. Clark. DANICHBPF GLOVE FACTORY. BLUMENTHAL QUINLAN & CO.. 1 14^ PoMt Mlreet, fSan Franrisro- Manufiu'turcrs and Dealers in Every description of (iloves & Gauntlets, Fine Kid OIovcs a Specialty. Ilij^hest Price paid (or Deer and liucksikin. 3 (D 3. s 3 a a o o 3 3* o 3 "tj?air,«as&^^^ 'if '"•ail I OLO San Francisco. CLASalFIID. QRO 1365 WILLIAM SHIRES. Manufacturer of 10 4 mXKEi STREET, CORNER SANSOME, San Francisco, California. 1 c H S (B 9 e z < ■ 1^ GLUE IMANUFACTURERS. CALIFORNIA OLUE WORKS. (Martin Holje), 16th and De Haro; 27 Dupont Codington W H & Co, 412 Market Francis WH, 117 Pine Wilcox WillardJ, Fifteenth ave, South SF GOLD & SILVER PLATERS. (See Platers.) Oold, Mllver, Xirkel and Copper PLATING WORKS, W. E. SHEPMAN FROI'UIETOR, 41 GEARY STREET, Silver-Plated AmalKamatlns Platea tarnlHhed to order. Watches and Jcwclry of»U descriptions gold «>r Hilvorplated. Kepair ing done on all kinds of worlc. GOLD BEATERS. KEWMAN JAMES. 202 Post GRAIN BUYERS & DEALERS (See also Commission. ) Alteritz P, Anderson Jno C, Anstett — , Acheson Kobt, Bent £ F & Go, Bryant k Cook, 8 Davis Doming, Palmer ft Co, 204 " Duff & Co, 3] 6 «i Ernest Wall & Co, 302 •' Gale J W & Co. 402 " Hixson, Justi & Co, 403 " McNEAR G W, 20 California McNeil Bros, 217 Davis Kansom Elisha & Co, 204 California Richards S, NE cor Front and Clay Rouse & Laws, 3or, Davis Sheehy Robt, 21 8 California Spear, Meade & Co, 316 Washington Vermeil J L, 608 Fourth GRAIN-COMMISSION. Chadbourne J & C o, 208 Davis DRESBACH Wtf, 31G California EPPmOER & CO, 316 Hobbs F, 402 Front PAGE. MOORE & CO, 21 1 and 213 Clay Riley & Vest, 507 and 50!) East Tenney Richard P, Davis and Market Waterman M & Co, 113 Clay GROCERS-RETAIL. Abbott Mrs M E, 51 Louisa Ahlers k Bockman, cor Polk and Austin Ahlers J D, SW cor Valencia and 23d Ahrens D 4. G, cor Third and Everett Ahrens k Shattuck, cor 2d and Minna Albers M, 335 Fourth Alcayaga Jose, 524 Broadway Alceroth k MoUer, Gough and Austin Alferitz Peter, 521 Montgomery ave ALLDAGC JOS, Bush and Devisadero 521 Montgomery ave cor 2i)th and Sanchez 331 Fifth Anthony k Maass, Mary Lane and Berry Anthony Frank, 1042 Folsom Arata David, 321 Broadway Armstrong Christopher, 1016 Folsom Aschen E F, NW cor Bush and Octavia Asmusscn W A & Co, cor 8th and Bryant AszlaloB S, N W cor Mason and Francisco Attridge James, 2001 Leavenworth Atzeroth k Moller, Gough and Austin Bahart Martin, 311 Seventh BailevMaraaret, 71 Mmna HATTRIl. HEIOS* cor Sutter and Taylor Baker I M, NW cor Eddy and Mason Barner Wm, NE cor Ninth and Natoma Barrman J C, cor Eighth and Howard Barron Wm, .925 Clay Barrott E, SW cor Fillmore and Post Barry Matthew, cor RR and 1 6th aves Barry P, 540 Natoma 122 Clay Baruth Wm, SW cor Clay and Webster 18 California Battles k Gillerand, cor 4th and Clem 87 0» OB m CO r 8> I? II • M SB \i ft t I O CO I PURE PORT WINE, flir MeiUciiuil Pnrsosei. 302 Davis St., S. F. ■ i e; III rif I'll) ■i, - \ i' III M ) 1 W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., piitternn, lin. 1 12. ru. lie M(i 1 1« B»t.t«f7 at' 8. IT 11 i^ '' ■1 ^1 l,ill I* Ik h IL . • CO 4 JO o CO a 1 I'lL 10 O a .IB 2 E 1366 ORO San Francisco. ORO OLASHiriBD. BECKER BROS, t^K cor Turk and Lar-| kin; cor Geary and Larkin; cor Sutter and Taylor; cor Sut and Leavenworth 'Be cker Wm, cor Miaaion and Spear Beckman Broa, SW cor Hyde and (ireen Beckman P W, SW cor 15th and Mias 'Behnemann & Jooat, Taylor and O'Furj Be hrena F, cor 24th and Potrero avesj Benecke H D, 520 Broadwiiy; Benning A, cor Mont ave and Cheatnuti Benaen H, cor Sixth and Bryant Berroa Andreaa, \^'2ti Dupoiit Bertolani P, NE cor Main and Folsom | Beveraen Broa, cor 7th and Stevt-naon! Bielenberg P H, 31 Tehama! Billinga D K & Co, 1311 Stockton Bischoff D, SW cor Geary and Jonea BiachoflF Fred, 1422 Powell Bischoff &; Leichen, cor 4th and Harrison Blohme Broa, NW cor Sutter and Polk Blumenthal H M, 125 Waahington -Boedeker & Spencer, cor Kearny & (ireen Baeae N, !)13 Bryant Boggan Owen, cor Buah and Buchanan Boham James A, 921 Howard: Bo ma F, HE cor 22nd and Mission | Borboa J, 1330 Dupont! 'Boschen N, NE cor 5th and Minna' Bofle A, cor Folsom and Rauach Bose Chas M, SE cor Ellis and Fillmore' Bose D, 10«1 Howard; Bose Fred, 731 Brannan Botcher Albert, NE cor Fell and Laguna Bowe W & Fricke F, cor IGth & Potrero Bowen Bros, 432 Pine •Brandt Frederick, 417 Third Brandt Otto, 1038 Market Brede H J, 1501 Market Breuer Herman, 1301 Dupout Broad Chas Vj, NE cor Hyde and Pine Brock James, 239 Perry BROCKHOFF WHH, N W cor Twenty-fourth and Bryant Browning & Scheele, cor Miss and lOth Brownatone Isaac, cor Post and Larkin Broyer John, 623 Second Brunjes Henry, 432 Brannan Brunjes J, SE cor Kearny and Vallejo ^Bruns Bros, 8E cor Mission and 16th BRUV8 NICHOLAS, 617 & 619 Davis ' BirTins Nicholas, 407 Broadway ^iBruns Peter, cor Third and Berry Buck John, cor Second and Clementina BUCKING &PIISTER, | SW cor Hitch and Bryant Bnckihan J W, cor Greenwich & Taylor Buelman Fred, NE cor 8th and Minna Burmeister A & Co, cor Cal and Leav B-urmeter & Mehrtens, 1300 California Bumap J, • 425 Davis BVRHHAM& LTNCH, 1134 Market Bushman Jno, NE cor Third and Folsom Bustillos Dolores, 313 Montgomery ave Butenop H, 625 PacKic Butt C C, SW cor 19th and Stevt-nson Butt P N, SW cor Sutter and Laguna Buttelman O D, Buxton k Co, Cafcrata A, Cagney Tim M, Cahil James, Calhoun D T, Callaghan J J, Campe Freak, Ciunpe Henry, Canty Thomas, Cappeli L, Carleton F H, Carroll Bros, Carroll Dennis, cor Miaaion and 23d 137 Fourth 403 Pinvell 349 Miniia 737 Brannan 517 Misaioi 1426 Kearny 218 Secmd 1601 Howard 523 Fourth 1719 Stockton 19 to 22 Grand W Mkt 123 Thir.1 Seventeenth and Capp Carsten Fred, NW cor 17th and Mission Cassidy Edwd, Post and Larkin Caatagnetto P, 1406 Dupont Catania Jos, cor California and Larkin Cattermole Chas. NW cor Davis and Broiulwiiy and cor Mason and V'allejo Cavagnero D, 628 Broadway Cavaliera S, cor Ellia and Mason Cliarbonnat F & A, cor 9th and Minna Cheesman F S, 826 Twuntitth CLUFF BROS. 40 and 42 2d and 9 and 1 1 Mont ave >1 and223Tliird 19 .Sixth 15 Valencia 501 Hayes 1 Franklin cor Vallejo and l^eav i:w Fifth 1577 Mi.rket 170 Ninth 211 Tehama Clutl& Dewitt, Cluff W B & Co, Cochran Michael, Cohn Samuel, Colin William, Collins Michael, Collins Patrick, Concannon L, Connerton Owen, Considine Jno, Conatine Bros, Ellis and liarkin and Eddy and Leav Cook Geo, 446 Ckinentina Cooney Thomas, 132 Ninth Cordes Jacob, SE cor 26th and Vakiicia Corkery & Quill, cor Fifth and Howard Cornahrens H, . 988 Howard Costa John, 843 Pacitic Costello M, 230 Minna Crogan Thomas, cor Sixth and Brannan Cronin David, 15!) Minna Crowley Cornelius, 334 Third Crowley D F, 1338 Washington Culligan Mrs Hannah, 218 Kitch Cuneen Arthur, cor Mont and Filbert Cuneo J, 502 Francisco Cunniua T, SW cor Vvd and Mission Curley & Hughes, 2od m\<} Alabama Curtin Jas, 480 Jessie Cunan J, cor Sixtec".Vn and Guerrero Cusack T B, 715 Brannan Dahl C & Co,NW cor Pacific and Mason Dahmke F, cor Berry and Ritoh Dale R, cor First ave and Sixteenth I O (/> ■< o c 3 o "J H 1 *< 09 C o 5" (A o 3 (0 3 s Ml o "a o w a TRY DR. CUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ot H>. Vntmt, ]MO Pwwt *«.. H.K S o I <8 l" h I IS U GRO San Francisco. CLAHMIKIKI). ORO 1367 Daley & McCarthy, 1021 Howard Dullman Louis, 741 Mission Danuers Bros, N\V cor Post and Lagunu Dankomeyer & Toatman, SE cor (ienry and Dupont Dannmeyer M & Co, cor Seventh & Miss DurroU D, N W cor Capp and 1 7th Dasmann Wm, lyOl Howard Deasy John, SE cor 5th and Sliipley Decker John H, 10:il Hydo Doely James, SW cor Polk and Pine Desirello & Inola, cor Miss and Ciodoua Detels M & Co, SE cor Main and Hai' Devany Jno A, l(j Heron Dickermann & Rahlmann, cor Railroad and 15th aves Dickson & Nelson, cor '2d and T'lyant Dierker & Hans, 4;^'.' FoUoni Dieter Henry, UJOti Mission Dillon J, 1147 Howard Dimmer N, cor Broadway and Powell Diss & Co, 5)57 Market Dix & Straub, cor Filbert and Fillmore Doe J S, 109 California Doescher& Secgea, 541 Nati.nia Dmahue John C, i3ryant and Bryant ave Doui^au M, 1317 Sansoni Douohue Cornelius .T, U'J7 Bryant Dolan M Mrs, cor BVanklin and Fulton Dooley Patrick, Bjiy and Hyde Doran Joseph, . 745 Brannan Dorgeloh Bros, 1250 Mission Dorman Wm F, cor Howard and 15th Doscher C, cor Battery and ilaekson DOSCHER H, cor Pierce and O'Farrell Doscher Henry, cor Michigan and Shasta Doscher & Von Bargen, 1 101 McAllister Douglas Bros, SE cor Oak and Oetavia Downey Mrs C, 450 Tehama Dreyer Uiederich, cor Napa and Illinois Fourth and Minna cor Sixth and Mission ia:U Howard OiDUOAN PATRICK. Driscoll Bros, Drucker John, Druhe.Ino (i, Ihifly E, Duttey Jno, I .0 n k 914 Sansoni (551 Mission 5i:0 First 3'_'0 Fifth ;V27 Tehama Duuigan Mrs Mary, Duiilap John, Dunlay Wm, cor (J rove and Buchanan Dunn .) , 718 Stockton Dunning Thori, 25S C^lara Durban Joseph, 143 Dwyer Geo U, cor Dup and Francisco Ebbinghausen Henry, cor How and 3d Ebbinghausen H & Co, Edwards W T, EGOERS HENRY, Ehlen & Co, Ehlers Wiechen, Kearny and Vallejo Ehrich II, SE cor Vallejo and Battery Eickhorst & Lehmus, cor Greenwich and Pierce Eldredge B G, 17 Metropolitan Market cor '21 at & Miss 1003 Mission '2L>8 Brannan 813 Washington lOuright P, Kspel (ieo, Fahor U, Fabian Bros, Elli'nbrock Fred & Co, I'll- ... ^r McAllister and Buchanan 't f"" y. 1438 Pacific ;'''""" •'"«. 335 Tenth hlmers N cor Powell and Greenwich ^n;4lu & Mdler, corO'Furrell and Powell Ki.nght.ohn '21'.) Fourth Knr.ght 1 atnek, Folaom and Main JM.n.ht K P. g-JG Fifth cor Howard and Uausch 500 Sixth 1911) Fillmore „ , , . cor Stockton and Filbert 'a irenkeugo k Co, SE cor 19th and Fol tahreukrug Wm, io72 Howard I'annmg Jno, N W cor Mason and Green Hure Jas, 45s ,v,,toi.-)a Jarre John 303 fourth 1' airelly & McGruder, 3(} •' FausttT T, NE cor IGth and Howard ?'^j; Mi's ^iary, 1213 Kearny teehan Mrs Mary A, 142 First K'hnemanu M, N W cor Green and Lar bei hush Marcus, Franklin and Fulton I'ed L D, Feldman John D, Fernan Chas E, Feron Mrs Mary, Fett Chiis, FiUiot F, Finck W, Fincke H, Finuegan John, Fit/patrick & O'Brien, Fieltz Wm, NE cor Fourth and Folsora Fietjen H, 520 Pine Flanagan Michael, SE cor 3d and Clem Fliiin Thos H, SE cor 8th and Mission Floyd & Co, 12 Fourth Foley Edmond, Montgy and Alta Place Franois A, 2IOO Bush Frank Henry, NE cor 21st and Valencia Free Bros, 819 Market French F J & Co, 2331 Mission Friedrich Bros, cor lOth and Guerrero Frisch Joiui W, 132 Seventh ( Jaerdes Bros, 534 First (raestelJos, 1028 Kearny (JaillairdP, 14'2Gi Dupont (Tulvin Martin, NE cor 8th and Shipley Garland L, 1901 Fillmore (iarms Peter, '20 Everett Gasque H F, 701 O'Farrell (iavin John, 21 Natoma Geary D, NE cor Folsom and Fremont Gearty Jas, '2'24 Clara (Jehrt Henry, 703 Dupont Gerhow Fred, 2 and 4 Mission Giblin Jas, cor Zoe and Freelon Giese Bros, NE cor Battery and Pacific (Uahn Von C, 1'20 Fourteenth Gleason P F, 1717 Jessie Glootz Jno P M, 706 Jackson (502 Ellis 7(55 Folsom 426 Natoma •W Jessie 931 Fohom 123 Sixth 1019 Pacific 2501 Post 137 Hayes 106 Fourth s ? ex ■",'■'!■'. 'f i 'it 4V! I I9t ,. I , r :m '' ';'"lM t;lii i;f'r" -'■im^i^ H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. ;L:(^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. {./ .*- -.V ^. i ^ A fc 4& 1.0 11.25 b^l^S |2.5 ■50 *^~ H^H U! lii 12.2 £ lit I.I l"^ ■- 1.4 HLd V ^ *>1^ '^v'^ '^ fliotographic Sdences Corporation ^'4^ !.^ vVIST MAIN STRUT WUSTER.N.Y. USIO (716) •72-4503 4r ■J % ^ v^ c^ ^ . W. IflUN I AUIIL tt l/U.f nnUrm)! 110. 113. 114, 116 ■nd UR Buttery St.; 8. r tt. c IB S p S IL 1368 ORO o o o m S o < a. h D O San Francisco. 0LA88iriRD. GRO Glorstein A, 832 Greenwich Goetjen Bros, SW cor Stockton and Sac Goetjen H & J, 1328 Jackson Goetze H, 1523 Webster Goldman Jacob, cor K R and 14th aves Gorman M, 223 Folsom OOTJGH JOHN* 1016 Bryant GRAHAM «: LINCOLN, 401 Hayes Grant P, NE cor 15th and Minna Graves WH, 310 Pine Greene M F, NW cor Fell and Laguna Greiner Fred, NW cor Sixth and Jessie Grevnke Henry, SE cor Mich and Shasta GrifiSn M, NE cor Fulton and Buchanan Grosbauer J F, SE cor Fell and Gough Grosskurth Wm, 1329 Dupont Grote H F, 2230 Geary Groth D, NW cor Sutter and Webster Groth ft Eggers, 534 O'Farrell Gudehus F, 316 Dupont Guinasso G, NE cor Dupont and Green Gunter August, Fillmore and Herman Haake & Diedrichs, Eddy and Leav Haake ft Hagedom, SE cor Bryant and Bincon Place Haas Bros, 100 and 102 California Hack s C, 810 Sacramento HALET M, 326 Broadway Hallad J, Folsom and Fremont Hanlon E, 747 Brannan Hanly Geo T ft Co, 922 Market Hanna P R, NE cor 24th and Bryant Hans Geo J, NW cor Chestnut and Dup Hans W, 1800 Stockton Barter Louis, 619 and 621 Mission Hartigap P, 164 First Ha.rtter Louis, 120 5th and 621 Missipn Harty ft Guthrie, 213 Broadway Haseltine R E, 423 Davis HASSMER VALENTIN, 933 Wash Hastedt ft Ernst, Clay and Stockton Haatedt Ferdinand C W, SE cor Morton and Stockton HAWLET C J ft 00. 215-217 Sutter Hayea Thos, 438 Third Heavey Bernard J, 53 Everett Heidhoff Albert H, 16 Eddy Heidman Henry, SW cor Fol and Spear Heineman ft Aschen, Bush and Octavia Heins J D ft Co, Fremont and Folsom Heitman ft Bunger, cor Jones and Bush Helbush Henry, NE cor Clay and Polk Helms H W, SW cor Sixth and Mission Helms J E A, 18 Seventh Hempel Hermann E, cor Scott and Sac Hencken M, 218 Fourth Henry ft Beveraen, 13 Seventh Henry John, 223 Perry Henschew John, cor Ellis and Steiner Hems ft Co, Fremont and Folsom HeuerF, 713 Lombard Heyer Albert, cor Third and Bryant Hickey Edward, 1630 Mission Hildebrand Henry, -.'.OS Sutter Hildebrand ft Knop, Bdwy and Montinr Hildebrand W C, 416 O'Farrell Hillebrand H, 520 Fourth Hillen D H, NW cor Pine and Larkin Hinck H J, 743 Ellis Hink ft Heins, 439 Greenwich Hoelscher W, 41 Eddv Hoffman G, NW cor 22d and Howard Hoff^man VVra, SE cor Page and Octavia Hoelscher W, SE cor Eddy and Mason Hogan M C, SW cor Vallejo and Leav Hogan ML, 219 Eleventh Hoger E, 525 Washington Holies Jno H, NW cor Sixth and Fol Holland Jos, SW cor Fre and Folsom Hollings Henry,SWcorPost and Larkin Hollman H, NW cor 24th and Mission Holm Thos, SE cor Sutter and Stockton Holsten J B, SW cor Union and Kearny Holterman J,SW cor Pine and Webster Horrigen Wm, Horstman Jno, Hovet A A, Hughes Jno, Hulsman Fred, Humphrey Jas, Husing A, 1612 Leavenworth 700 Bush 221 Tyler 1226 Green 1338 Pacific 516 Geary 874 Mission Husing M, NE cor Montgy and Bdwy Hutchms ft Richardson, 24th ft Bryant Iburg Wm M, 5 Belden Place Issendorf Fred'k, cor Howard and Beale Jacobi A, NW cor Pacific and Montgy Jacobsen P, 2019 Mason Jacoby A, SE cor Pacific and Montgy Jacoby Mrs S E, 1222 Fols^ Jakobe Jno C, cor Jack and Buchanan Jansen Fred'k, NE cor Har and Bealc Janson L, 901 Poit Jarsa«n F A, NE cor 23d and Mission Jasper E, SW cor Powell and Jackson Johannsen F, cor O'Farrell and Mason Johnson O, NE cor Bdwy and Keamj Jones Wm, 18 Fifth Joost M ft Bro, 701 McAllister Joost J, N W cor Stockton and Franctico Junck Bros, SE cor Sac ft Prospect PI JunckD, 101601*7 Kaechele ft Roller, Fulton and Octant Kahrs Jno, SW cor First and Minni Kalvelage Clemes, oor Fell and Franklin Kampe ^red'k W, 38 Natonu Kane Jas, SW cor First and Tehisu Kane Jno, 11 Gilbert Kappke H F, SE cor Mason and Union Karstens Chas, NE cor Jack andSn Kaufman F, 2lBt and Val'n and 329 Stt Kearney P, 1300 Psdlie Keller Jos, 1301 " Kell^ Peter, 236 Fel Kelting ft Tietjen, cor Wash and Est Kennedy Denuis, cor Pierce and Eddf Kenny Jno J, 1020 Psciic H. WACHHOR$t, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Si6 llft1»»t.terrB«-.o-'- GRO ;,08 Sutter J. Bdwy and Montgy ^' 416 O'Farrell 520 Fourth r cor Pine and Larkin 743 Ellis 439 Greenwich 41 Eddy V cor 22d and Howard 1 cor Page and Octavia E cor Eddy and Mason V cor Vallejo and Leav 9A9 Eleventh 525 Washington [W cor Sixth and Fol iW cor Fre and Folsom SWcorPost and Larkin W cor 24t,h and Mission cor Suttgr and Stockton f cor Union and Kearny V cor Pine and Webster 1612 Leavenworth 700 Bush 221 Tyler 1226 Green 1338 Pacific 516 Geary ' 874 Mission IE cor Montgy «md Bdwy ichardBon, 24th & Bryant I 5 Belden Place I'k. cor Howard and Beale f, cor Pacific «dMon^^ PACIFrC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '^^ .^^ig>, J^j^,,yjs>«^ m cor Pacific and Montgy 1222 Folsom cor Jack and Buchanin NEcorHaran^^BeJj NE cor 23d and Mission W cor Powell and Jackson cor O'Farrell and Mason NE cor Bdwy and Keay^ 701 McAllirtet :;r Stockton «idFrm»j SEcorS«.*fi;j(Jn»i«» '^ 1020 PiiA f (0 ro 1 \i Ti « 1^ 10 QRO San Francisco. OBO 1369 oLAsairiBD. KinneThosH, 301 Octavia Kitto Orlando.cor Minnesota and Solano Klarman Mrs Jno M, San Bruno Road bet 27th and 28th Lel^nbaum & Goldberg, 1447 Polk Klein E, NW cor 22d and Folsom Klein J H & A D, 101j9 Tyler Klunder Jno, 101 and 103 Jackson Knoche Henry, 423 Third Knoop Bros, S£ cor 16th and 2d ave Knoap D, N£ cor Page and Octavia Knust H, 300 Fourth Koch FAw, NW cor Vallejo and Polk Koehncke A, 121 Seventh Koemer Jno M, SE cor Mkt and Pearl Kohlman Solomon, 216 Sixth Kohn Henry, 408 Folsom Kolkmann U, 735 Geary KoningMax, 1529 Dupont Koopman T, 1507 Franklin Kostering Chas, 1115 and 1788 Folsom Kramer J & Wm, 501 Greenwich Kreye John, SW cor First and Natoma KroegerH A, 1600 Polk Kroenke ft Lutjens, 26th and Mission Kruger & HoUings, cor Mason and Geary Kuhlmann D, NW cor 4th and Branuan Kurtz Adolph, SE cor Folsom and 12th Laats Charles, 1011 Harrison Labrut John B, 22d and Potrero avenue Laffi L, 186 Fourteenth Laguat J, cor Mont ave and Lombard Lake & Sweetser, 995 Market Lakeman Louis, 242 Fourth Lamemian & Atzeroth, Eddy and Buch'n Lane J J, 229 Fifth Lawler Francis, 429 Mission La wler Michael, 411 Fifth Lebenaum & Goldberg, 121 Post Lebeiibaum & Co, 529 Kearny Lebenbauni, Goldberg &, Co, 1447 Polk LeeJD, 118 Fulton Lee Patrick, 1821 Hyde Leisen G H, cor Union and Leav Lemaire Antoc, 114 Seventh LEHRKE HENBY, cor Mariposa and Indiana Lamkan John, SW cor Sutter and Stock Lemmerman H, cor Post and Mason Lenunermann Richard, 200 Valencia Lenormaud Bros, cor Dupont and Pine Leesmann Joseph, NE cor Bush and Lar Levey P, SW cor Jackson and Mason Levy B, 537 Clay Liebe Ludwig, 133 Fourth Liebenlterg Albert H, cor 4th & Bryant Limmermann H, NW cor Post and Miis 541 Sixteenth 312 Sixth 1200 Larkin 1010 Polk 1501 Folsom Lincoln Parker, Linsley A L N, Liasmann & Windhaus, Livingston L J, Lohmann & Frerichs, Lahmensen Mrs W, cor 2lBt and Vain Luna Pvomulo, 1236 Dupont Lustenberger H, Mason and Greenwich Lynch & Burnham, 1 134 Mkt and 323 6th Lynch Hanna, 470 Tehama Maass H P, 622 and 624 Fourth Magner Bros, 815 Broadway Magner Frank J, 22 Langton Maher D F, 441 Jessie Maher E, NE cor Sac and Taylor Mahoney Mrs Johanna, 19 Tehama Muloney J, 535 Stevenson Manfredini Pietro & Co, 124 Pacific Mangels C & Co, cor Third and Mission Mangels H, cor Folsom and Twentieth Mangels* Hedeman, R R and llthaves Mangoin Fred, 1701 Market Mans & Staude, 815 Pacific Mariaui S, 131 Twenty-third Marsalla N, cor California and Larkin Martin & Barnes, California and Steiner Martins J, SW cor Steiner and Geary Mass & Rathjen, cor Bush and Stockton Mathe Chas, 730 Bush MAU WM F & CO, 1022 Market Mayer Chas, NE cor Folsom anl Beale Mayer Henry, cor Geary and Laguna Mayer Philip, cor Eleventh and Natoma Mayrhofcr Peter, 613 Braunan McAuliffe & Co, 146 Sixth McCarthy Wolf T, 701 Hayes MeCone Mrs R, cor Harrison and Beale McCooey Owen, 961 Bryant McCormack John, cor Tyler and Jones McCormick Patrick, Georgia and Sierra McCoy & Gallagher, Howard and 8th McCreagh Tlios, 919 Harrison McDerniott B F, 132 Eleventh McDevitt Edward, 109 Shipley McDonald Mrs Kate, cor 17tli ave and Q McDonough Bridget, 10 Jessie McDonough M, 724 Howard McElroy Andrew, 624 Mission McOOVERN & SON. 325 and 327 16th McGowau P A, cor Franklin and Ivy Mc(Jrane k Co, 874 Folsom Mc(Jreil Patrick, cor 7th and Bryant McGuire Philip, 1601 Market McLarkey James, Filbert and Webster 356 Jessie 14th ave and N 1401 Baker Polk and Sacramento Meier Chris, NW cor Taylor and Pacific Meisel H C, cor Fifteenth and Dolores Meiael Herman, Union and Montgomery Meiyer C, NW cor Point Lobos ave Meloney William W, Mont and Vallejo Mendelssohn D, cor Geary and Webster Mentel Wm, 632 Broadway Mersing J B, cor Folsom and Eighth Merz Wm, SE cor Sutter and Powell Mesenburg Henry, 34 Jessie Meyenborg A, SE cor Front and Pacific McKaith John, McTeman Thos, Medau G H, Mehrtens Bros, 3^57^ii;^^H OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & COh 802 Davis Si^ S. F. n o N i « s IL 1 c c (0 O ■ O o o < D. h I- o WW MnMTACIIF A m M>t««t r o -4 "I m e o 9 (0 o a 81 s s. a •o e t*. t\ Si ■» I San Francisco, ciiAssrnKD. ^mlntmm. ORO oor Union andlS SKcorFifth^aSLt 1371 P^etcS: ""^ ""' ^^M «°d 4th aiewert Wm k^i h,'"** Broadway Simon Theo ' Montgomeiy a^^e «''•"- - -' 901 Larkin ^ Range F W, Runge 6 M, Ryan Jas, Ryan J W, Sagehorn H, r"" Vt*"""I "^""on Theo s^wiwy ave Sahnke H G, cor Sixteenth and dS"'"" I^^PP^'" J C,' 901 Larkin Salomon Newman ^ rv x i^olores Slurhen A Hnli;« 202 Fitth Sammy Geo.^E'cor Ty&dK?* t"^^'^ U"""'"«^' '^'^'^ --^ ^rkm^ Sancken C & Co, ror IWdv f^ of ';'''" ^""*h Louis „ 18 Clay Sanders C.cor E gthtoenth L J^l®^'"^^ ^"»'th & SeVken« ,^' CaliforniJ SandersfieidFTf iJoiT ?^''°*^^"r'««la«kiG ^'''' 10 Washington. Sarano Jno, NW cor Un on Tn'^°''*^ ^^^I J, ^e ^^^ ^ 829 Pacifi" Sara E, ' . ^ '^ *'«'• ^"'""fnd Oough Sonnenberg L B n^'^I'" .""'^ Francisco SBARBOEO & CO S^l l^ ?^*°'»* ^orensen ^ cS tT ^*°''''*°» ^nd P«* Scheper A, NW cor Pinl 1 p"'*^^'??? gf^'^kman F F, cor PouH-h ^1^?,^°*^ Scheper Jno H N^F „ A? * Broderick Staats I p, ' °^ *o«rth. and Miasiott SchS jSs'^f'"^ ""«J Larkin Staden Von DC . o. ^^^ Harriaoa SchleefJH, «,- ?'*V'*rd^teer Henry, "^ '^ ^"er & Fillnjose Schlesselmann Jno, Fillmore .^f-^^J^'^H t^T^ ^''mecke, ,,f Jl ps* SchlichtingHF '""""''« a^d Turk Stege& Co, ' 1^7a^»18«» Schlingman & Marx Barf U.f * ^^/'"'^ i*^f"ke & Bro, cor m^ ^^^ Pacific 8CH0TTTPP a' m. nA '*• C!aI'fornia Stone Wm, ^^6 Eleventh BtilUliL£K A & CO, Stoppelkamn A w 2029 Pacific Wutert August, cor mh. ml H,"S''l'''n'»'I., "" Monl|om«y .v^ SohuWt Herman, NVV cor Silver andS Tieek J„h'„, g^ ™ P ?" J'"'''* M.|.h«H. ~W cor Polk „.,K-ldled™^^^^^^^ Schwartz D, SE cor 24th anHV„i^ m,,'"^"^" Henry, no, „ Schwartz * H..u1t X '**''> and V alencia Thode John W . ' Haye» hSsr- ?E"'co7Bl;iJl:yi?,»if,tei«Ec„rwve.wo2iS!:; ffcht, «'=<»'-"«h'»d Powell S'.?."" «?.■?•■•._ mSho^M ■lyaon A J, Bell G & Co Wnah a s*« T SiokUr * rlk *'°'^*"^yant and Converse Van Sonstpn I au t, . '' Harnsoa Sickler A Johnson, cor 2d and Natomaj VennerohTfiros ''""' ^"^'",^'U^ '^'^ "y — ~ - — . . _^^^ ' ^^00 Pacific -U-j~— ~" ' i'-im Pacific PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "••^^ p^m st»»t. ^.^ ORO San Francisco. CLA88IPIRD. ORO 1371 1 * t? & Runge F W, 40 Third Runge G M, cor Union and Octavia Ryan Jas, 116 Seventh Ryan J W, SE cor Fifth and Minna Sagehorn H, 520 Union Sahnke H G, cor Sixteenth and Dolores Salomon Newman, 66 Centre Market Sammy Geo, NE cor Tyler and Larkin Sancken & Co, r or Eddy and Steiner Sanders C.cor Eigtlieenth and Shotwell Sandersfield F T, 1501 Leavenworth Sarano Jno, NW cor Union and Gough Sars E, " 715 Natoma SBABBOBO & CO. 531 W^ashington Schepen C, SW cor 15th and Capp Scheper A, NW cor Pine * Broderick Scheper Jno H,NE cor Clay and Larkin Scheper Joa, SE cor Fifth and Perry Schlectweg Chas, 1721 Howard Schleef JH, 815 Jackson Schlesselmann Jno, Fillmore a^d Turk Schlichting H F, 449 Fifth Schlingman & Marx, Bartlett and 26th Schloss Benj & Co, cor Sutter and Larkin Schneken Bros,SW cor Bush and Taylor Schnibbe Chris, NE cor Miss and 13th Schnittger Henry, SE cor Clay and Fill Schohay F, 920 Pacific Scholle Antony, NE cor Turk and Leav Schortemeier H H, 816 California SCHOTTLER A & CO, NE cor Vallejo and Montgomery Schott Chas, 713 Brannan Schrader & Lehman, 455 Stevenson Schreka H G, SE cor 16th and Dolores Schroder C, 601 McAllister Schroder H, NE cor Grove and Gough Schroder Herman, cor Fell and Gougl Schroder Jno F, SE cor Sac and Drumm Schroder J H, cor Geary and Buchanan Schroder J H, 330 Vallejo Schroeder W J H, 117 Second Schroth Julius, 101 Hayes Schubert August, cor 19th and Howard Schuldt Herman, NW cor Silver and 3d Schulken Julius,McAlIister and Octavia Schultheis H, NW cor Polk and Clay Schultz T, 426 Green Schultz W, 500 First Schumacher E A,SW cor ^'iss and 19th Schumaker Wilkens, 21st and Valencia Schunemann Henry, 318 Fifth Schutte Jno H, NE cor Bat and Green Schwartz D, SE cor 24th and Valencia Schwartz & Husing, cor Miss and 1 8th Scully Jeremiah, 1113 Sansom Seebeck Edw, NW cor Turk and Scott Secger A, SE cor Bush and Powell Selk Chas, 254 Jessie Saphton Mrs Martha, 543 Howard Shannon Jno, 3E cor Grove and Octavia Shea Timothy, cor Bryant and Converse Sickler & Johnson, cor 2d and Natoma Siele Ludwig, Sievers Chas, Siewert Wm, Simon Theo, Skipper J C, NE cor Everett and 4th 734 Broadway 641 Montgomery ave 901 Larkib Gi ^t - i^r; ,.. 202*^th. hlurhen & Holhngs, cor 3rd and BranBAtt .^mithjohn, 18 Clay ^"'^*^ Louis, 641 California Smith & Merkens, 10 Washington - lT/^^*^.r, 829 Pacific- hohl J, NE cor Mason and Francisco. Sonnenberg L B, cor Stockton and Po«* Sorensen W, cor Laguna and McAUistey Sparrow Jos, 33 Clementina Speckman F F, cor Fourtb and Missioa StaatsIF, 955 Harrison. Staden Von D C, cor Steuart and Miss-. Stapelfeldt Wm, cor Waller & Fillmojw Steer Henry, 451 pj^ SteflFens & Rainecke, 137. Folsom Stege & Co 719 pacific Steinke & Bro, cor Eddy and Pierce Stem A D, cor Nineteenth and Valencia Stellmg C, 1926 Ellis Stevens Henry, 1627 Powell Stewart & Birhelard, cor 24th and Fol Stewart James, 1926 Bush Stoltz Fred, » 2OI Valencia Stoltz Phillip, 126 Eleventh Stone Wm, 2029 Pacific Stoppelkamp A H, 1528 Stockton Stuken & Hollings, cor 3d and Brannan Sullivan D, 432 Tehama Sullivan Daniel, cor Fourth and Freelon Sullivan Mrs J, 922 Howard Sullivan Thomas, 1701 Mission Sumke Bro, SW cor Union and Octavia Summers J, 2710 Folsom Sweenuy John, 729 Brannan Swordstream E J, 336 Fourth Tamm A W, NW cor Post and Taylo? Taufor Mrs A, 328 Broadway Tliomford H A, 701 Montgomery ave Thumm L, 846 Market Tieck John, SE cor Post and Jones Tiedemann M, 702 NcAUister Tiedemann & Schomacker,cor Pow & Pac Tiegeler J H, 18 Natoma Tierney Martin, 19 Everett Tietgen D W, cor East and Washington Tietjen Henry, SW cor Bwdy and Leav TOBBENBOSKE H J. cor How and Sec Toltelmann Henry, 237 Hayes ThodeJohnW, 544 "^ Tomalty P J, SW cor Sixth and Minna Toohey C, 604 Market Truelson T, SE cor Ijcavenworth and Sac Tweithmann N, cor Folsom and Tenth Tyson A J. Bell G & Co, Wash & Stock Union Grocery Co, 47 Second Vallers & Bros, 971 Harrison Van Soosten & Ahrens, Folsom and 16th Vennekohl Bros, 1200 Pacific 6J^ nai Mapa« m «««k bi-Ai ■•«• AAA B- > 5 1 ^ M-H 1 )-'!t' 1 ■:- ^ I d" jlt; 9 (K I 3 r!i-;i:-^'\ ' 1 ^ 'i!' 'fir J ^^^ HMfflB|P-"i'-M^M[ H' § 9 ss I ^ 1 W wliM^ffli 1 ' w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., Ta.qffiL'niriaa/iiSi^t^vg < Z I- 1372 OBO (Stom Frcmdaco. OLABSIFIBO. GUN Verbars Henry, Verdenhalven J, VoUmer John, Von Hadeln John, Von Harten Louis, Von Issenaurff C F, Vorralh H, Walbrok & Schroder, Waller & Bros, 156 Clara 400 Sixth 737 Turk 1601 Powell Sixth and Brannan Howard and Beale Point Lobos ave 214 Davis 137 Oak Waller A; Fisher, Jackson and Drumm Walsh James, 2501 Jaekson Walter Hermann, 231 Tenth WABNXEN H F, Francisco & Dupont Watermann J O, 733 Montgomery Weber T H, Point Lobos ave • Wehr Chrs, SW cor Clay and Stockton Wellbrock & Schroder, 214 Davis Whalen Wm, 237 Minna Wheelan Jno S, 220 Thirteenth Wherity P k Son, 218 and 220 First Wiebalk N, S W cor Bush and Polk Wieboldt Bros, HW cor Vain and 20th Wilkens & Co, Third and Brannan Wilkens M, HE cor Chestnut and Mason Williams John, 1506 Powell Windt H A, cor Hyde and Broadway Winkelmann Henry, ' 601 Hayea Winter J H, 1600 Bush Winter John P, cor Union and Filbert WintjenJohn, 2201 Geary Witgens Deidrich, 1201 Dupont WitsohenH, NW cor Dupoutand Bdwy Witte C, w s Georgia bet Shasta ft Sierra Witte Wm, SE cor Powell and Vallejo Witzel J F & Bro, cor Davis and Pac Wobber Henry, NE cor Leav and (ieary Welters Bros, 20th and (iuerrero Woiters Wm, 2t) Clementina Woolhouse & Hillard, cor I'Jth and Capp Worshem W S & Co, 301 Tyler Wortheimer 4 Simon, 735 O'Farrell Wright Mitchell, 20 Sixth Wulbern John, cor Filbert and Laguna Wultf Bros, NE cor Sixth ave and L Wubsen D H, cor Ninth and Folsom Ziercnburg & Stamen, 721 Folsom Zimmer G W, 422 Post GROCERIES - WHOLESALE. •Importers. Adams, McNeil & Co, 405 Front Athearii & Co, 6 Steuart Bigley Bros, NE cor Clay and Davis *CASTLE BROS, 213 and 2 1 7 Front Church & Co, • 405 " CLUFFBROS. 40 and 42 Souond r,iid 9 and 1 1 Mont av Corbitt & Macleay, 218 California SAHERI F ft OO, 27 and 29 California I>odge, Sweeney ft Co, 114 and 116 Mkt and 11 and 13Cal Dodge W W ft Co, cor Clay and Front *Ehrman H ft Co, 104 to 1 10 Front Foster S ft Co, 36 California OAOUARDO ft CHICHIZOLA. 725 and 727 San GIBSON C W. (Lor Angeles), 209 Sac *GRIFFIN ft CO, 405 Front HAAS BROS, 100 and 102 California Hanley ft Snow, 126 California Hellman, Haas ft Co, (Los Angeles), 101 and 102 California Henry ft Osgood, 421 Clay Henry W Warn n, 426 Sansom Hyman Bros, (Nevada City), 41 1 Front Jennings Thos, 416 Sansom Jones ft Co, 218 and 220 Front Kruse ft Euler, 209 and 211 Front Levi H ft Co, 221, 223 and 225 Front Lewis Henry L, 215 Sacramento Liudley ft Co, (Sacramento), 405 Front Lohman ft Coirhill, 313 and 315 " MANGELS M ft CO. 319 Cky Mau Albert ft Co, 246 and 248 Market MATT WM F ft CO. 1022 « McKay ft Brown, 427 Davis Newmark H ft Co, 214 California *NEWTON BROS ft CO. (teas), 204 and 206 California Perkins, Logan ft Co, 21 1 and 213 Clay Root ft Sanderson, 124 Mkt and 21 Cal liountree ft McC'ure, 404 Front Sabatie A E ft Co, 619 Sansom Saulnier John ft Co, 607 and 60!) Front Stratton C A ft Co, 21 1 and 213 Clav TABER, BARKER ft CO, ^ 108 and 1 10 California Till ft Bendel,327 Bat,41 1 Clay, 410 Coml Wadhams ft Elliott, 20C Front WELLMAN. PECK ft CO. 126, 128, 130 and 132 Market GUN AND LOCKSMITHS. (See also Guns, Pistols and Ammuni- tion.) Adams Christ, Beck August, Browning August, Clausen Geo, Holier ft Moller, LaddCD, 408 Commercial 510 Broadway 051 Clay 10.30 Sutter 631 Washington 821 Kearny GUNS, PISTOLS AND AM MUNITION. (See also Gun and Locksmiths.) ^'Importers. ALTiEN E T, 515 Market Annes ftDallam, 1 17 Front Clabro ugh J P ft Bro, 630 Montgomery *CTJRRT N ft BRO. 1 13 Sansom e 3j H. WACHHORST calls attention c* 111* Genalne 8ter- Has miverwara. 315 J St PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. »^?H?n2.?35Sr «r«lal Coll Fwt at.. 8. c«? ■««eet N o ir Clay and Front 104 to 110 Front 36 California [CHIZOLA, 7-25 and T21 San Lngelea), 209 Sac 405 Front and 182 California 126 California (Los Angelea), and 102 California 421 Clay 426 Sansom la City), 411 Front 416 Sansom 218 and 220 Front 209 and 211 Front 1 223 and 225 Front ' 215 Sacramento amento). 405 Front 313 and 315 CO. 3'*' ^^''y 246 and 248 Market CO. ^^^^ " ^' 427 Davis 214 California 8 & CJO, (t«f). . m and 206 California C^, 211 and 213 Clay 124 Mktand'21 Cal 404 Front 619 Sunsom 607 and 609 Front p 211 and 213 Clay uJsaudllOCaUforma iat,411 Clay, 410 Coml T 200 Front ICK & CO. |8, 130 and 132 Market re, o, H ISO J" 1> ,r n d a er • e o a Tl 5 o a o 7 w SI le' 3 I a a nj .0CKSMITH8. Iristols and Ammuni- tion.) 408 Commercial 510 Broiulway 051 Clay 1030 Sutter 631 Washington 821 Kearny lOLS AND AM IITION. and Locksmiths.) iporters. 515 Market 117 Front Bro. 630 Montgomery BRO. llSSan'on^ GUN San Frandaco. CLASSiriRD. GUN 1373 • Tioha John, 619 Merchant HbINJB&CO. 745 Mission UDDLE & KAEDINO, 538 Wash ♦PLATE A J & C50, 325 Montgomery Schneider W H, ^, ^^ ««"y Schoeneman Fntz, 517 Kearn, ^hreveOeoW, ^14 Bus.. SkinkerJohn, 115 Pine *SOHNTAG CHAS & CO. 40 Cai ViUeffia L J, 624 Washington Wilson H H & Son, 513 Clay CEO. W. 8HREVE, Importer, Wholesale and Betoil Dealer in Guns, Sportsmen's Goods, &c S14 Bush St. San Francisco. Careful attention given to orders. Lowest prices, NATHANIEL CUBB? & BUO., Importers and Dealers in Shot Guns, Rifles and Pistols Of every description. Sharp's Sporting Rifle- Model of 1874. lia tiiansom Street, be- tween Pine and Bush. San Francisco^ have con- Ntantl_v on hand Remington's and Shaip's Sport- ing RifluH, Evans and Winchester Repeating Ri- tttiti, Siiiitli ill Wesson Pistols. Also Cartridges r>; every description. Repairing of every descrip- tion done in the neatusc manner and warranted. J. E. KLEIN, Centennial Shooting Gallery, And Ammunition Store, 746 Mission Street, bet. 3d and 4th, SAN FRANCISCO. The Longest Gallery Range in the Ciupont 1743 Mission 222 Broadway 108 Sixth 844 Valencia 624 Fourth 325 Dupo'it 202 Fourth Folsom bet 22d & 2:^1 402 Pacific 24 Montgomery ave 770 Howard Schultz Philip, Schwartz Saml, Schworn Michael, Selig S A, Shaen A, Shaftner C H, Shewetzen Abe, Silva Frank A, Silva Joseph, Silva Manuel, Silva M J, Siver Joseph V, Smith Geo L, Smith Wm, Sperl Charles, Stable & Bernhard, STABLE HENRT W, dental), Stern S, Stevens Joseph. Stolz David, (supplies), Stom Geo A, Strecker & Kern, Strehl Philip, 220 McAllister 653 Sacramento llOOi Stockton 903 Mitrket 321 Bush 2115A Fillmore 329 Sixteenth 530 Fourth 901 Folsom 141 li Stockton 112 First 518 Fourth 1210 Market Mission Market 444 Third Buss House (Occi- 233 Bush 801 Keaniy 234 Fifth 3 Hardie Place 104 Ninth 33 Post 20 Stockton Streih J & Bros, 8 Merchants' Exchange Strozynski S, 27 Ellis Teixeira F L, Thomas John, Tresselt Charles, Tuft H N, Ubhaus J & F, Uszynski Mrs B, Van Geistefields H L, Vantine John, Richter Henry, cor Railroad & 7th aves Riley Miss Theresa, 210 Willow ave Rocicenfield William, 441 Valencia Redden Hugh, 2114 Folsom Rosa Jos, 433 Pine Rosa J P, 657 Clay Rosenblum D, 504 Hfiyes Rosenthal M, 225 Dupont Russell Bros, 62 Second Salcedo Alex, 535 Sacramento Sand Bros, 50 Fourth and 23 Third Sanguinetti N A, ' 1512 Stockton Schmitt F A, Schoen L L, Schoenwald Albert, Schoenwald Otto, Schollers H, Schuoh ft Witte, 403 Dupont 1256 Market 2209 Geary 127 Second 2755 Mission 434 Montgomery Voininet & Thomas, Wall Robert, Walton Thos J, Wanhath Max, Wanek Edward, Ward Andrew J, Webber Chas, WielH) Wm, Williams N F, Wolf Jno, 505 Broadway 107 Jackson 553 Fourth 818 Third 12 Geary 2247 Mission 633 Pacific 2999 Misson 545 Merchant 313 East 302 Folsom 6 Stockton 144 Third 665 Mission 152 Steuart 2 Morton 799 F«urth 221 Dupont Wunsch Nicholas, cor R R and 1 1th aves Zimmer Chas C, 6 Summer Zimmermann Edw, 336 Sixth HAIRDRESSERS-LADIES. Chariot lyime M D, 1638 Polk Chroniger Mme, Deler J, Dupuy Mrs Hattie, Godemeyer Mrs D, Harmon Mrs E J, House Mme, Maugein Mme, Menljerg Mrs M R, Phillips Mrs. Scully Miss N, Shephard & Co, Wilkins Mrs, tVinter Miss Alice, m s 115 Stockton 12 Kearny 1023 Market 709 Filbert 313 Sixth 308 Sixth 13244 Polk 328 Sutter 122 Ellis 1021 Larkin 8 Stockton 339 Fourth 1601 Polk H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE « COtr p»turBriio, uiTRT, iw —d m d S p I I > e E r 6. 1 C CB O <5 o o z S o < ft. 1376 HAI San Francisco. oiiA&'!irniD. HAR O HAIR FACTORIES. Olover ft Willoomb, 66 and 67 New Mont and 117 Minna SHAFIEU) Ci yAg L, Tenn nr Butte HAIR GOODS-HUMAN. Andrew Misa C E, Cook Mrs A 0, Gardmeyer Mrs D, Garisaere F, GOLDSTEIN ft OOHN. Hannan Mrs £ J, Koache Kudolph, Lindman Anno, Meinberga Mra M R, Monk S, (wigmaker), Shepherd & Co, (wigmakers), 8 " Spitz Mme Bertha & Go, 328 Kearny Strozynaki S, (wigmaker), 27 EUia Thompaon Thoa, 722 Market Wane Mme K L, 621) Murket Wilkina Mra 8 J, 940 Harriaon 261 Third 115 Kearny 709 Filbert llSDupont 808 Market 324^ Hiiyeo 420 Buah 600 St )ckton 323 8utter 14 Stockton GOLDSTEIN & COHN, Importera, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in And manufacturers of HwltcheM, CTurls. Chignons, Ar. 808 Market Street. '.binKs made up in any sitvlc. Country orders l»romp"v executed. HARBOR COMMISSIONERS. Blanding Wm, 10 California EvanaGeoS, 10 " Green J J,(a88't chief warfinger),10 " Barlow Marou8,(chief wariiuger),10 " Holmea H C, (aaa't engineer), 10 " Lamar J B, 10 " Lucaa R H. (aupt of dredgea), 10 " McClelland J A,(8ecy Har Com), 10 " O'Brien Jno J, (aaa't secy ♦' ),10 " Phillipa W A, (State Har " ),10 " Smith laaac VV, (chief engineer), 10 " HARDWARE. (See alao Stovea and Tinware. ) Archer Wm, ARNOLD N S & CO. Bachman Jacob, BeeF, Caire Justinian, Campbell Murdock, DAViS W, (saddlery), »INO£R CHRIS, UNO W A, 919 Folaom 310 Califuruia 729 Clay 346 Third 628 Broadway 7 Steuart 410 Market 623 Pacific 1108 Market Gyain & Molua, 106 Jackson Haseltine R E, 423 Davis Haug Juliua, 115 Second Hehnken J T, 516 Kearny HOLBROOK, MERRILL ft STET- SON. Ill Calif. )rnia Imhaua & Triebel, 227 Hayes Johnson W 8 & C*, 2179 Green Lanodon & Rebman, 1036 Mkt & 31 6th LDffORTH, RICE ft 00,401 Market Lung Claude, 654 Waahington Mariaui G D, 1028 Dupunt McGee Jno J, 309 Sixth Mclnnea J H, 927 Larkiu Moan Edward, 1627 Market Moenning G, 616 Octavia Nelaon Wm F, 206 and 208 Jackson Norman F G, 840 Valencia Oaborn ft Alexander, 628 Market OSBORN R E ft CO, (cabinet). 751 Market Otto Chaa, 626 Fourth RICHARDS ft SNOW. 408 Market Uosekranz H & Co, 638 « SELBTTHOSHftCO. 116 and 118 California Stemplemann Henry, 623 Pacific Vale Chas, 1309 Polk WEAVER D E» 124 Sixth Williams 8 G, 255 Fourth Wilson J S. 408 Hayes Winch Walter. 632 Hayes HARDWARE -WHOLESALE. ALLEN £ T. 515 Market ARNOLD N S ft CO, 310 California BAKER ft HAMILTON. 13-19 Front CAROLAN. OORT ft CO, .117-119 California Daneri Antonio, 420 Battery DUNHAM. CARRIOAN ft CO, 107 to 111 Front Gor don J E & Co, 252 Mkt and 14 " HAWXES C K. '^68 Markst Hawley C A 4 Co. 412 HAWLET MARCUS C ft CO, 301 and 309 Market UUNTINOTON. HOPKINS ft CO. junction Bush and Market Joost Bros, cor Mission and Eleventh Landers P, 408 Market OSBORNRFftCO, 75i •< Parkhurst V S W. 416 RICHARDS ft SNOW, 408 SELBY THOS H ft CO. 116-1 18 Cal Simmons, Kowe & Co. 52 Clay Tay George H & Co, 614 to 618 Battery Underbill Jacob, 308 California VAN WINKLE I S ft CO. 413 and 415 Market WHITNEY ft MARSHALL, 22 and 24 Fremont m o H O Z m ao z o r m (0 > r rn > m o ■ 5 o X m r « (0 e ? 3 4 J 3j a al H. WACHHORST. importer of jiS:&,!%t:£r;«.. 315 J St., Saa BUSINESS PENMANSHIP -^VSa'f^Kfg/.g »«a£.'S."Sn- lO I EAR San Francisco. OLAHiriRD. HAT 1377 ffi R. F. OSBORN & CO., lAEDWME 751 Market Street Between 3d and 4th, 0pp. Dupont, SAN FBANCZSCO. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. (Set) alio Harness Makers and Saddlers.) Backstedt Wm, Folsom and Sixteenth Blake John, 222-Second BOWLET BROS* Miss and New Mont 268 Krst 248 Third 410 Market 178 Jessie 528 Montgomery ave 618 Mission 2212 •• 411 California 14 Pine HARNESS MAKERS AND SADDLERS. (Soe also Harness and Saddlery.) Acton R, 2760 Mission Colman J J, 412 Folsom Conway MO, 673 Mission CosbieWm, 423 " Cnells Joseph ft Co, 525 Pacific Delphino ft Ross, 721 Sansom Deutsoh Julius, 1408 Polk Dieu — , 1614 Mission Doyle Patrick, 8 Taylor Fennell Itennis, 622 Battery Floret Trinidad, 1010 Kearny Frankenberg Joseph, 220 Drumm Freeohtle J, 81 1 Larkin Fuller Thos, 312 Jackson Oulilfoile J J,Twenty-sizth and Mission Haskell C L, Hoesh Wm, Jameson H D, Jones Wm, Lahaney P W, Markey H W, Mathews Samuel, Mead Chas H, Mesd ft Son, Mc^^ennon ft Montgomery, M'.Laughlin Thos P, KoMahon J B, iilolter Ohav, O'NeUl M, Paquet D, PhUips B, Phipps J, 12 Bush &05 Hayes 306 Market 2104 Fillmore oor Fifth and R R aves 420 Hayes 1232 Market 622 Front 821 Market 327 Sutter 1809 Polk 217 EUis 19 Seventh 728 Fourth 434 Broadway 303 Fifth 665 Howard Calnan Jno J, Cram Wm, DAVIS WM, Dunlevy J, Hansen Louis, Helke Chas, Herring C, Holcomb Bros ft Co, Johnson J C ft Co, JOHNSON & SCHULE, (harness ornaments and badges), 5 Port Lawleas Bros, 628 Front Little C C N, 703 " MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 and 216 Battery McCJinnis T. 773 Market Mead Chas H, 522 Front Meinhardt F, 1146 Mission O'KANE J, 767 Market Piche Medor, 636 Broadway Schwan Frank, 934 Folsom Shields R H, 530J Sixth Steir ft Weitner. 550 Fourth STONE ft HATDEN, 422 and 424 Bat Tillman A, 313 Minna Warschaner Moritz, 305 Davis Weaver H, 14 Turk HATS AND CAPS. (See also Hatters.) BERWIN P ft BRO, (imprs). 111 Bat { DAVIS BROS. 718 Market Fisher ft Co, 9 Montgomery Fleisher W, 109 Sansom FRANK E, 535 and 537 Kearny FRIEDLANDER BROS, 10 and 12 Sut Gam W, 423 Pine KIINE ft 00, 26 and 28 Battei7 Kline Louis ft Co, 110 Bush MEUSSDORFFER K, 15 Kearny; 635 and 637 Commercial Simon U ft Sons ft Cook, 3 Sansom TRIEST ft CO, 116 and 118 " Zabel J, 126 " Ryan J B, Schadler H, Trumbull Wm, Will«>n G W, 639 Broadway 2004 Mission 121 Davis Greenwich and Steiner Blade ft Hubner, Boysen Julius, Collins C J ft Co, Fe rnandez P, FISHER ft 00, HartL, ;l HATTERS. (See also Hats and Caps.) 910 Market 604 Merchant 227 Montgomery 604 Kearny 9 Montgomery 1509 Market PURE PORT WINE, ftr ttilcliil Pimotti. 802 Davis St, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ^l^lr^i!SSrtiT^fXff^i;^l 4 c s N i I > o £ 1 o o o 0. I- h D O 1378 HAT San Francisco. ULAWIKIBD. HID fiEBBMANKC. Jacobs A, Jacobs H, JANSEN & THIELE, Kaskel Adolphe Kaskol Bros, Kuiiifjk & Hodman, Maurm J B, 336 Keariiy 13'J Third| 324 Koarny; 118Hixth| 423 Keiiniy} 617 Coinineroiul 3l'8 Koarny 1047 Market! MaOann P H, '26 Third and 8'i2 McNamara Wm, 12*J4 MEUSSDORFFEB J C ft SON,(im- porters and tufr8,)653 and 655 Market KEUSSDORFFER K. 15 Kearny and 635 and 637 Coml MEnSSDORFFERM,(infraand im- porters,) NE cor Mont and Bush 402 Kearny Meyer H & Bro, Miller G W, Norieea P, Russell J, Schussler Chris, Stack & Lacombe, WHITE HENRT, 614 and 616 Coinl aiid 335 Kearny Wores Joseph, 609 Washington an 28 and 30 Sansom 1 12 Montgomery 528 136 Third 208 Montgomery 639 Market HERRMANN ths HATTER 336 Kearny Street, S. F., Has She Bent Hats, And is the Favorite and Popular Ilattcr OF THE PACIFIC COAMT. K MSUSSSOBFFEB. HATS and CAPS Retail and Wholesale. lSEcarDy&63i&637C0Mercial8ts SAN FRANCISCO. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED. (See also Grain — Commission.) Adam & Bletter, 44 Clay Blair & Chase, 1912 Market Bricnone D & Co, 616 Broadway Ballerdieckft Mertz, 1632 Mission Chase WW* Co, 1912 Market Curran Jno, Sixteenth and Guerrero Depuy & Bowman, 9 and 1 1 Bluxome Doane J G, ,NE cor Tyler and Webster DruRunond ti Lemont, 433 Valencia Dunn & Bl ucher , cor Fillmore and Lorn SUTTOH HENRY JR, pier 7 Steuart JSLUS ft MTT/L|^H. , 21 and 23 Dupont Flinn P T A Son, Howard and Eighth (irant and Smith, 1141 and 1143 Markut Hadley D L, 1704 'Mdy Hanua George, 859 Hariison Hansen Peter, cor Kailroad and 7th aves Healuy C S, SW cor Mission and 2»th JONES. THOMPSON ft CO, 1535 Migg KELLEY BROS, cor UK and 12th avos Kiioblock Jacob, cor Butte and Tunn KRUSE J H, SE cor 23d and Shotwell LANDER ft SON, Fourth and King Lauterwusser & Smith, 1214 FoUotn Law ton C D, 1925 Bush Maguire M & O, 133 Hayes M ^TfF 0- cor 8th and Brannan and SE cor Bush and Van Ness Meachan & Bacon, 2735 Mission MOORE ft MoLAREN, 14 and lO fSpuur Moore S, 835 Valencia MORROW GEO. 39 vhy N icholus & Atwoo ],Berry bet 3d and 4th Nunn G B, 1825 Union Puuienjiin H, cor Mason and Francisco Peters k Cowie, cor Russ and llowurj RIDER, SOMERS ft CO. pier 22 steu Uierman 11 & Co, Miss bet 22d and 23(1 Kiley & Vest, 507 East llodgors John & Sons.Market and Hayes Schroder Clark, 1619 Eddy Schulte Tlieo, 422 Valencia Schwegerie Jno & Co, 549 Fourth SCOTT ft McCORD* pier 21 steuart Suhling Henry, 124 Twenty-fourth Taggart P, NW cor 19th and Folsom Tiernan & Co, 2622 Mission Tobelmana Henry, 237 Hayes Vermeil J L, 608 Fomth Wessling Henry J, 1515 (ieary Whelan John, dW cor 17th and Mission GEORGE MORROW. flay, Efrain & CommissioD Hercbant, 39 Clay Street, San Francisco, California. HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW (See also Wool — Commission.) ABENHEIMER JVLHTS, 20 Sansom BISSINOER ft CO, »02 Front Blochman A Cerf, 26 California CAHEN BROS ft GO. 4i Clay Clayburg Albert, 306 Batterr Clay burg ft B ear, 320 and 322 Batte^ FALE^TER, BELL ft CO. 430 Cal and cor 6th and Towusend FRANZ J ft SONS, 406and408B*t I CB B O (0 o a fii a a ^{ o e 9 a Si 3 ^\ TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.BIumauer&Co, ■ur.y, hrnnH 'W'?^ •9 CO i-'04 Clav HBlWo^ »»!™»___- HOT J3„ Kartchoke K 'ward KoBhland Pros, ' Koahland 8 ft Bro Kullman Salz St Co gi Lacher Isaac, ' B »,5;5i'^'* J ^ & Co. « NICHOLSAOA GO d; Platohek i'ffiS. ^i Pohl Geo O 4: SAWTER BFACn ^^ Broadway R .„ " '?r*'"».. manager) U Simon AjSeSauef ^' •^2;^ Front ^'^Jl^^f Josenh. cor Piff^'^'i' ^^^ ^Ikt Jfi VVhitneyJ R & c? ' *'^ ^'^ont ^orol P, * *^' <"^ ^ootz) 435 Pi„e Wl ' «12 Olay^rogar, M, «37 Pacific HOPS. '"^'ttYKHOTEL,,'^.\r£S?"»^ fill? A*:-...- J^ •iiSJ Sacramento A«t;.r House, ' „„, ^27 Keani^ 818 Broadway L .„ p*^*''".. manager) 32:^ i,v„..ll Bareille, .r„„„-. .•,!>'^ell and I&kt nurs. (Sec Brewers Materials,) HORSE 8H0ERS. (See Blacksmiths.) Buckley D, t'luiforni;, T'l, woxi, (r ft I'urpm) Carlo De,:, ^37 Sacramento lV?'^^ ?\"ma8. 416 Pacific •""-' l^'arlo De,:.,o, ^•*7 Sacramento I HOSE MANUFACTURERS iS"**'' .aV^^ — -__ J-. ""ago Hotel, oon „ . ^8 fourth 415 Market! ^-i'"* *'="*i") C lucago Hotel, CUsen&Hieads. I * \^ 8 MX *7 ^ — — _ X »«a«o ifotel, oon „ , ^» fourth '6 $ H. N. COOir ^'t\^*Co, ' ^ia»dl3Clay fl3 3 ICATUCn M^ ^' ^I-ONADE HOTEL ^«T*f'^*«k8on E^ LEATHER, HOSP A Rci Tiu«%L. * ""^^. (^ l smith) g' iL M •. rT ""^t « DtLTlNGK^'n'nercial Hot«I m l^Oti Market S9 * Mad, E.xpress and Bullion Bags ^'«"-rd'^ «S • """"^ ^^^^^ ^f ^anfy* jf : "o. 416 Market Street, L^S^/£^ ^--^.TbSS g . . uu,„on jjags, No. 416 Market street SAN FUANC/.SCO. HOSPITALS. I>e.lerkey Henr'v - »« Jl-erks & Johnson ^^4 Fourth ^ickenson E J, ' 18 First DohertyH, ' o,. b225 Bush ,,, „ ^ZT' -I>upontrnTGS £sM^W„.sHospitaft^^^^ ^"" «^3!iVtrcl;rn City and Countj^ Hospital, ' * ^*''^*H ^fiert W,' 619 Broadwa? Sr%u«I„4f;„„^jj 9MCJ.J, -""XUSE, «»AmiJfc|g„) W. W. M0NTA6UE it CO. Panips aad Itwa ri| ii4rTi« ud lis ^ ■ IL c n Z N I i £ k. I c s ■ o o o 0. E 1380 HOT San Frcmdaco. CLASBiniD. ICE GBAHD HOTEL. (S F Thorn) cor Market and New Mont Griffith D N, 218 Broadway OuilUame Hotel, 72 Pacific Hackmeier Adam, 512 Bush Haesloop D, N£ cor Jackson and Drumm Haight House, 622 Brannan Hancock Samuel, 132 Sixth Hanaa Hotel, 429 Bush Helvetia Hotel, 431 Pine Henry Greo W, cor Beale and Folsom Herman Rudolph, Baker and Tonquin Hinrichs J F, 9 and 1 1 Pacific Hintz & Buck, 735 Brannan Hotel de Roma, 818 Sansom HOTEL BHEUr, (Miller & Co), 909 Kearny Huettmann Mrs A, cor Polk and Fell INTEElTATiiONAL HOTEL. (H C Patridge), 824 and 826 Kearny Jackson Alexander, 66 and 68 Oregon Jakes C, 619 Pacific Johnson E A, 8 and 10 Berry Jung Mrs L, SW cor Wash and Drumm Kayser ft Klose, 22 and 24 Turk Klevesahl E W, 207 Post Koch Claus, 207 Montgomery ave Kuhn Geo, 959 Market Kuhl & liangpoap, 530 Third Lehrke C H, 618 and 620 Fourth Lick House, Mont bet Sutter and Post Lyons Michael, 1027 Market \Ianhattan Hotel, 106 First Manhattan House, 705 and 707 Front Maurer Leo, 741 Market McCarthy Wm, 17 Vallejo McGrath J, 612 Mission Meyer ft Brumeister, 529 Valencia MOVTOOMXRT HOTEL, (Chaa Montgomery), 221 to 229 Second Murray Thos, 510 Davis New Helvetia House, 616 California New Washington Hotel, 624 Fourth NEW WISCONSIN HOTEL, (Trembath ft Evans), 902 Montgomery Nucleus Hotel, oor Third and^Market North German Hotel, 26 Sacramento OOdDEHTAL HOTEL. (Chas L Wetherbee), Montgomery O'CONNOR E, *24 Broadway Overland House; 533 Sacramento PALACE HOTEL (A D Sharon lessee), Market Park E W, NE oor 24th and Mission PATBIDOE H C, 824 Keamy Pavavginia A, 222 Broadway Pedroni M ft Co, 621 Broadway Portland Hotel, 54 Sacramento PRE8C0TT HOUSE, (O F Becker propr), SW cor Mont ave and Keamy Philadelphia House, '" ' Rix Mrs A, BOKA HOTEL, proprs), BUSS HOUSE, Co), ^ St George Hotel, St Louis Hotel, 126 Fifth (G ft P-Beroni 818 Sansom (S H Seymour ft 215 Montgomery 812 Kearny 13Paoific St Nichol as H otel, 212 and 214 First SAN BRUNO HOTEL, (John Schaer), 28th and San Bruno Road Sacham ft Mueller, Sanders P, Scandinavian Hotel, Siegfried's Hotel, Stanford Hotel, Stem D, Stevenson E F, SWISS HOTEL Rayne Wm, Riegelhuth J, 421 and 423 Bush 946 Harrison 407 Pacific 26 and 28 Turk 823 Battery 28 and 30 Clay 228 Bush 618 Fourth 148 Sixth 632 Market Lii, (Jno Gantner ir), 627 and 629 Commercial TAL HOTEL, (Buckley ft Sheridan), 606 Fourth Ticin o Hotel, 518 Pacific UNION HOTEL, (Jno Burke), 511 Miss Vickers J L, 509 Washington VogelM, 114 Hayes Wagner A, 34 " Wameke ft Griffeths, cor 6th ave and M WASHINGTON HOTEL. (Pat- rick Collins), 5;9 Mission Western Hotel, 214 Broadway What Cheer House, 529 Sacramento Wie se ft Wagner, 26 «' WH TELL HOUSE, F Gercke propr), 317 Bush Wilson ft Holland, 10 Broadway Wright's H«tel, 218 '< Zeiro ft Chiappari, 621 << HOUSE AGENTS. (See Real Estate Agents; also Collectors.) HOUSE MOVERS. Burt W J, Coyle John, Gleason P, Harris D, Stratton J S, Wilson O ft Co, 2817 Mission 922 Harrison 309MaK>n 916 Oesiy 854 Harrison 857 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. (See Painters.) ICE. American-Russian Commercial Co, cor Broadway and Battefj! California ft Nevada Ice Co, 356Tehuu Georgia Ice Co, 309 Montgoinetj| International Ice Co, 309 ' i a m a a J a o a ^\ a H. WACHHORST. Importer of ^SSitr^HSSSIi^B, 315JSt..SM PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE/"'- .'gtJa'.J'gri.g.'S'^ 126 Fifth ' -Beroni 818 Sansom ymoar & Montgomery 812 Keamy 13 Pacific I and 214 First I, (Solna. iv Bruno Road 26 and 28 Turk 823 Battery 28 and 30 Way 228 Bush 618 Fourth 148 Sixth 632 Market , Gantner L 629 Commercial r (Buckley ^ 606 Fourth 518 Pacific , Burke), 511 Mi»8 509 -Washington 114 Hayes 34 " cor 6th ave and M '* 519 Mission 214 Broadway 629 Sacramento 26 " ¥ Gercke 317 Bush 10 Broadway 621 a I s. I ICE San Francisco. INS CLASSIFIED. 1381 9 lO (0 i i S AGENTS. ito; also Collectors.) lOVERS. 2817 Mission 922 Harrison 309 Mason ' 916 Geary 854 Harrison 1 857 |GM PMNTER8. laintersO iE. [commercial Co, 309 MontgoB"! 309 Louisiana ft New Orleans Ice Co, 309 Montgomery Mountain Ice Co, 554 and 556 Mission MUTUAL ICE CO. (John Kirk- patrick pres), 321 Francisco North American Ice Co, 309 Montgy Pacific Ice Co, 320 Sansom Palmer Ice ft Eefrigerating Co, 224 Fre Peoples' Ice Co, 312 Mission Texas Ice Co, 309 Montgomery IMMIGRATION AGENTS. Bunker Chas D, 508 Battery CAUFOBNIA nOHORANT UIIIOIf,(W H Martin agent), 533 Keamy Pacific Coast Im migra nt Assn, 207 " SHEPHARD JOHN E, 5»1 Battery STATE BOARD OF IMMIORA- TION FOR OREGON AND WASHINGTON TERRI- TORTi (John E Shephard), 504 Bat INK MANUFACTURERS. Pacific Ink Factory, 617 to 621 Brannan INSTRUMENTS -MATHE- MATICAL, OPTICAL, ETC. Edwards R M, Hatteroth ft Russ, Pace Chas, Rahsskopflf Carl, Schmoltz Wm, Tennant Thos, WOLFF & LOZE. 325 Kearny 321 " 418 Battery 412 Commercial 420 Montgomery 18 Market 120 Sutter k INSURANCE-ADJUSTERS. Chalmers Wm L, 322 California DIMON CHAS L. (fire), 323 GibbsCVS, 318 OIBBS W C, (marine), 318 " Staples J C, 322 " INSURANCE-BROKERS. Abrams Samuel, Aronsoh.. S, Baoon J S, Bshrs A, Beatty ft Lutz, Beck L, Blumberg J P, Bremer W m H, Brown C F, Brunner J A, Csrlin John, Carlton C C, Carpenter Mrs Florence, 140 Montgomery 322 California 318 322 310 Pine 413 California 306 Montgomery 310 Sacramento 37 Merchants' Ex )}ldg 225 Sansom 319 California 311 317 California 88 Cole Oliver H, cor Battery and Cal Cottrell Edward M, 218 Sansom Cunningham R B, Dannals Chas W, Davis John B F, Deasy Jeremiah, Dickson Robt, Douzelnann Jno P, Earl Halford, Eddy N B, Eistelder Wm, Eldridge Oliver, Faraday Richard, Figel S, Fischer Henry I, Foster G H, Frank Isaac, Fuller 0, Gamiss Jas R, Hagan & Manheim, Harris W H, Harrison WG, (H Co), Hawes Alex G, Hess Levi, Hochheimer Simon, Hogan John, HoUis ft Harris, Hopkins C T, Howard MB, Howard Volney Jennings Jos C, Laughna W 0, Levison M, Levy S W, LORENTZEN A F, Mac Donald Wra, Marks E, Mayuard J C, McCormick J W, Melcher Jesse A, Mercado Mrs Mary R, Merrill ChasR, Mitchell J C, Polack S, Reddington S M, Roberts Jas B, RULE FERDINAND life and marine), Sargent S A, Satteriee W, Sheldon Mrs M L, Shubart Elias, Stillman Alfred, Swain Henry C, 320 •» 504 Kearny 406 California 405 " 317 " 225 Sansom 415 Market 322 California 202 Sansom 318 California 210 Sansom 409 California 429 Montgomery 210" 210 " 322 California 320 Sansom 316 California 423 '« 413 220 Sansom 210 " 313 California 405 " 2208 Mission 318 California 213 Sansom 213 " ■^ 317 California 322 " 322 " 21 Battery 36 Market 3 17 California 409 " 401 " 322 " 240 Montgomery 307 " 425 California 425 " 413 " 322 " 315 " K, (tire, room 31 310 Pine 322 California 628 Montgoatfiiiy 322 California 104 Front 232 California 202 Sansom.' I Van Alen W K. NW cor San and Wash Watson W A, 316 Montgomery Weber Chas, 425 California Wetzlar A J, 406 INSURANCE COMPANIES. 311 California 504 Keamy yEtna, .^tna Life (Hartford), H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. nUU rW 'MAMTAfilll? Jt i^A tiltoVcAatidltanieeii, 800dtfIfMntsiiM,it7lMhn.l i-W. ¥¥• InUll I nUUC a \f\t.f patterns, HO, 112, 114, 116 and 118 Battery St., 8. F. >«6 c IB 3 N I' ? « O o c S o ••< 1382 INS San Francisco. INS CLA88I?IBD. Agricultural Fire Ins of Watertown ^Hutchinson & Mann a^^ents), 32*2 and 324 California I&IXEMANNIA FIRE (Pitts- burg), 209 Sansom AMAZON, (Cincinnati), 310 Califurnia American Central Fire, 319 " American Fire, 313 " Berlin-Cologne, 322 and 324 " Board (lire) Underwriters, 418 " Boston & Philadelphia Marino Board of Underwriters, 318 " Bremer Underwriters, 209 Sansom SRITISH AMEBICAN (FIRE) ASSURANCE CO OF CANA- DA» 413 California BRITISH & FOREIGN MA- RINE, (limited), 316 Butl'alo German, 216 Sansom California (tire & marine), 318 California California Farmers' Mutual, (lire), 310 Pine Charter Oak, (life), (Frank Eno agent), 531 California Citizens' (fire), • 202 Sansom COMMERCUL FIRE & MA- RINE, (California), 405 California Commercial Union Assurance Co, (Jno Rae Hamilton manager), 210 San Commercial Union Assurance (ma- rine) Co of London, 419 California •Commonwealth (fire), 216 Sansom land, 307 C; lifnraia Niaaara, 21 (i Sansom NORTH BRITISH & MERCAN TILE, 213 " North China, 200 " , NORTH GERMAN, (H Bulzcr v"t Co agents), 20;) " NORTH WESTERN NATIONAL, (Milwaukee), 310 Cahfomia Northern Assurance, 817 " NORWICH UNION, 430 Oakland Home, 415 " Pacific Mutual Life, 512 Paris Underwriting Association, (marine), 322 and 324 " Pennsylvania Fire, 313 " Peoples', (fire), 322 and 324 " PHmX FIRE & MARINE, ( Brooklyn), 215 Sansom PH(ENIX ASSURANCE, (fire) 41.1 California PHCENIX FIRE. (Hartford,) 323 " Phtpuix Mutual Life, 318 Montgomery Piedmont & Arlington, 3:^0 Pine Providence Washington, 411 Califoroit •0 C -J r 0? 00 B O (0 o a i o » 3 a $ o O; D| 31 TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. tl 313 California ire) OF ST 225 Sansom J22 and 324 Cal agiU), 323 •• ** 406 " 317 " sa, 313 " Life, 417 22 and 324 agt), 209 Sansom R 430 California n), 324 •poration,3l7 Cashire „ 310 2 and 324 " 1. Craig & '^o 215 Sansom iUERAL OF Gutte & Frank 307 California 309 MontRoniery 317 California ,vark).403 " (N V), (A B 214 Sansom [B MUTUAL iW 318 Montgomery •t iind 324 California Marine Under- 318 •Y FIRE, ^ " ■ * »'20 Siinaom liSEWElT- 209 Sansom 307 Ci lif'Ti^ia 21l)S;ui80in &MERCAN-.. 20G " ■M (H Balzcr '"' "0>.) " O e > r H ■< 1?? 09 B O o e> 0) o 3 s. o Hi 1 3 , INNATIONAI. 310 Calif on pe, ttN, ifomia 317 430 415 le 512 lii Association, ■§22 and 324 ,^ 322 and 324 " ** 2l5San80in| I (Hartford,) 323 \ie, 318 Montgomery Pnrt^n.4llCaliforau isSriciNcT PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »«• .»:»* ■*«*< ^tr^et. m.^.t.'. __^ ^ ' thoi-omrhly for nnNinoMH. INS /San Francisco. CI.A88IFIKD. IRO 1383 Cal Queen, 317 California Revere, 322 and 324 " Rhode Island, 313 " Rochester Grerman, 216 Sansom BOTAL FIRE, 430 California Security, (Ne-v Haven), 403 '* Shawmut, 216 Sansom SILESIAN FIRE, 41 1 California SOTJTH BRITISH & NATIONAL. (tire and marine), 213 Sansom Star, 215 " St Nicholas, 216 " ST PAUL, (fire), 322 and 324 California Star Fire. 215 Sansom Swiss Llovd Marine, 425 California SWISS MARINE, (Combined), 225 Sansom Tentonia, 322 and 324 California Thames & Mersey, (marine, Liver- pool), 413 *' T)ie Chinese, (Hongkong). 308 " THE INSURANCE, (Pennsylva- nia), 215 Sansom THE STATE INVESTMENT, 218 and 220 " Traders', 210 " Tradesmen's. 216 " TRANSATLANTIC, (fire), 304 Transatlantic Marine, Travelers' Life and Accident, Union Mutual Life, United Firemons, Universal Marine, Wiishiugton, 200 Sansom Watertown, 322 and 324 California Westchester, 200 Sunsom Western Assurance, 413 California WESTERN FIRE & MARINE. (California), 40.) Yang Tszo, 206 Sansom INSURANCE-GENERAL ACTS AND MANAGERS, BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO, (fire and marine), 316 California BALZER HENRY & and marine), Beunet Thomas, Blair, Van Tassel & Co, Boardman Geo C, Booker \V Lane& Dickson R, 317 Bromwell L L, 318 BROWN, CRAIO &C0, 215 Sansom Bryant A J, 218 and 220 " BUTLER & HALDAN,413 California Byington J S, 417 California Carlton Henry Jr, 311 '* CALLINOHAM W J & CO. (fire and marine), gen agts South Brit- iiih and National, 213 Sansom Craig Hugh, 307 California 311 319 im 401 419 CO, (fire 209 Sanson 319 California 216 Sansom 31 1 California 318 California 218 220 Sansom 504 Kearny 308 California 410 • " 318 " Crowell Z, CushingChasH, Daunals C W, Degener & Co, Desmond & Sons, Eldridge 0, Eno Fran' , (agt Charter Oak Life „ijiL^ '• 531 California ESCHE & JAC0BY(fire)4i i EVERSON WALLACE, (life), Tl • T t^n'n-^ «^-^ Montgomery, rm 2 FALKNER, BELL & CO, (fire and marine), 430 California Farnsworth E D & Son, 202 Sansom l^^-ni,a' . ,T«« =^13 California FORBES ANDREW B, (life), 214 San «« l'lTm1?;ilil*^>' 5 ' 2 California GRANT THOMAS C, 213 Sansom GUTTE & FRANK, 307 California Hanulton John Kae, 210 Sansom HAVEN CHAS D, (secy Union Ins Co), 416 California llawes Oliver, 403 '« Hopkins C T, 318 " Hnnt Jonathan, Son & Co 31 3 " HUTCHINSON & MANN, (fire and murine), 322 and 324 " .racobs & Easton, 216 Saasom Jacoby Lonis, 4II Ca'ifornia Landers & Co, (life), 309 Montg'.mery Landers Wm.T ((Guardian Assurance Co of London), 406^ California LATON CHAS A, (secy Commer- cial Ins Co of Cal), 405 " Macondray & Co, 206 Sansom MAGILL ARTHUR E. 323 California MARCUS GEO & CO, 304 MEL GEO, (secy Liverpool & Lon- don & (Jlolw Ins Co), 422 " MUNSELL J JR, (life), 215 Sansom OUTCALT PETER, (secy Wes- ; ICtern Fire & Marine), 409 California Philip, Spyyer & Co, 425 " Potter Kd E, (fire\ 415 " Rogers, Myer & Co (marine), 212 Battery SMITH A D (fire and marine), 310 Cal SNOW H W. 319 " STAPLES D J. (pres Firemen's Fund), 401 " Stillman Alfred, NE cor Bat and Cal STONE FRANK F, 209 Sansom STORY C R, 406 California SYZ HARRY W, (fire and rine), Thannhauser & Co, Theobald (leo J & Co, TOUCHARD Union), ma- 225 Sansom 311 California . 419 " GUSTAVE, (pres 416 California IRON BEDSTEADS. CLARK TRUMAN S & CO, 21 New Montgomery CA -< o o T I B P> ^1 • p. I? » •jS. -el 2 = SB h =? H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Pnmim and If«n PI 114. Ilttand 1 I Pipe, all •!««!«, I lO.liaL IB Battery titiwt. A. r. i 8 N i 2 I > e e E s 1 8 O z S o < IL h 9 O 1384 mo San Francisco. CIiASBIFIKD. JEW IRON AND STEEL ABNOLBNSftCO, Bruna Henry, Carolan, Cory & Co, Chandler R D, Doble A. 310 California 11 Beale 117 California 120 Pacific 15 Fremont DUHHAM. CABBIOAN & CO. 107 to 111 Froat OIBBS GEO W & CO. 34 to 40 Beale HUNTINOTON. HOPKINS &C0. i' unction Bush and Market ! H, (doors and vaults), 225 Beale imFOSTH, RICE & CO. 401 Mkt McDonough ,-, (pig), 25 " SELBT THOS H & CO. 116 and 118 California SmSJOHNR, (doors and shut- ter8)j 123 and 125 Beale VAN WINKLE I S & CO, (whole- sale), 4 1 3 and 4 1 5 Market WHITNET & MASSHALL, 22 and 24 Fremont PHENIX IRON WORKS lTo3. 18 & 20 Fremont Street, Near Market Street, San Francisco, Cal All kinds of Forging and Machine Work. Prison Cells and Bridge Work Wrought Iron Qirdem and Beanw. Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes, Bank Vaults and Bank Locks. Wrought Iron Doom and ethntters. All kinds of House Smith Work. Dry Air Compressors for Steam or Water Power. St«im Engines and Horse Powers made to order Estimates given for all kinds of Machinery. JONATHAN KITTREDGE, Proprietor. JAPANNING. SHORT ROSANNA, Verhagen A, 240 Fremont 202 Powell SHORT'S JAPANNERY, S46 FreihoiitSt., H, Howard & Folsom Factory, 12 Baldwin St., bet. Fremont & First, (Rear of 240 Fremont,) San Francisco. Tin and Iron Ware Japanned. Plain and Or- namental Japanning done in all its branches. Pearl, Ornamented and Plain Machines a S|)e- cialty. Oildbig, Bronzing, Lettcrinu', Uraiiilng. Pearling, Etc. N. B.— Orates Re-Japanned and nade as good as new by fire-proof Japan of our own manufacture. All mrk warranted. JEWELERS-MANUFACTUR. ING. BAEHR WM, 649 Sacramento Bellemere A, 331 Kearny Bohm W, 616 Merchant BRAND H J, 230 Kearny Brunet E, 614 Merchant CALIFORNIA JEWELRY CO, (Levison Bros), (see advt), 134 Sutter Ebeling &, Richter, 620 Merchant Edwards & Son, 618 " ELLEATJ H, 208 Sutter Haskell R R, 206 Kearny Henrici E, 423 Pine Hirschman A, 328 Bush Hubash, Larsen ft Wilson, 201 Kearny JACKSON R W, (abalone and tor- toise shell), 614 Market KOEHLER & RITTER. 26 Post LAIRD DW, 27 " Lalande A, 420 Sutter Lindemann C H, 601 Cal and 339 Bush Mathieu & Maison, 15 Trinity Miller L Jr, 335 Bush Mo rris B & Co, 643 Sacramento PACIFIC JEWELRT CO. 6 Battery PEMBROKE S J, (tor the trad. ), 220 O'Farrell Pohlmann Gus, (enameler), 417 Kearny S F JEWELRT MANUFAC- TURING CO. 27 Post SCHULZ& FISHER. 513 Market WAGi^R F, 223 Kearny Wenzel, Rothschild & Hadenfeldt, (California Jewelry Factory), SE cor Post and Kearny WOLFF JOSEPH. 120 Sutter JEWELERS-WHOLESALE. CALIFORNIA JEWELRT CO. (Levison Bros), 134 Sutter Dinkelspiel S B & Co, 313 Bush Hirschman A, 328 " JLAinX LAM, 126 Keamv LORSCH BROS, 120 Sutter Mayers H k Co, 205 Montgomery PACIFIC JEWELRT CO. 6 Battery THOMPSON L. cor Buah and Kearny TITCOMBAC&CO, 24 Post Vanderslice W K & Coj 136 Sutter ZACHARIAS ft GREEN, 126 Kearny SADLER r CO., 605 Market Ht., San Franelsf •. Importers and Jobber| of GILT* PLATED JEWELRT, Rings, Studs, Buttons, Chains, Earrings, Bnce- leto, Hair Pins, &c. 3 a S a « « a s a. ■n 3 a ii a* O o I 3 Q a Si 7 O »' M 9 l\ I H. WACHHORST calls attsntlon '•JSilt^^ii^SS" 315 J St JFACTUR- > — 3 a « 1 PI 549 Sacramento 331 Kearny 616 Merchant 230 Kearny 614 Merchant BLUY 00, ^ ivt), 134 Sutter 620 Merchant 618 208 Sutter 206 Kearny 423 Pine 328 Bush son, 201 Kearny ilone and tor- 614 Market *xm 26 Post 420 Sutter Cal and 339 Bush 15 Trinity 335 Bush 643 Sacramento lYCO, 6 Battery for the tradv I, 220 O Farrell melerV417 Kearny I M^^^tpost Ijo 513 Market ^"^ 223 Kearny & Hadenfeldt, y Factory), or Post and Kearny 120 Sutter a n o a cf a o a e M 2. WHOLESALE. iWSLB.Y CO. Kinrxoi^ j3^ gutter 313 Bush 328 " 126 Kearny 120 Sutter 205 Montgomery y C50. 6 Battery orBusb and Kearny fu\ 24 Post % 136 Sutter jjjESaS, 126 Kearny 3, 5 • I Si BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ^'V^SJi'Unif^hV ^"^^^"^^^ ■«»•■ JEW ^aii Francisco. CLASSlriED. »H0 Pumt at.. fl.F. LAM 1385 r. CO.f aaw Franelw*' land Jobbem ot I Chains, Earrings. Bn» | j| lilt Pins, *c. "itSrStTTSl 10 I" (0 e u £ 1 I e s e J Montgomery Easterby Ranche Co, li' Eastern Oregon L Co, 20 " French Mutual Bldg & Loan & Ass'n, 721) Montgomery Fresno Enterprise Co, 306 Pine Fresno Raisin & Fruit Co, 309 Montgy GOLDEN GATE MUTUAL LOAN ASS'N. (O Esche secy), rm 8 3i'0 San Harris J H, 310 Pine Holly Oak Park Co, 330 " HOME & LOAN ASSOCIATES, (0 Esche secy), rm 8, 320 JSansom Kern River Land & Canal Co, 309 Mont Land Investment Co, 414 California Lick Trust Co, 606 " METROPOLITAN LOAN ASS'N (O Esche secy), rm 8, 320 Sansom MT mABLO HOTEL & LAND CO, (E Conklin secy), 513 California Mutual Bldg & Loan Ass'n, 232 Sutter NORTH S F HOMESTEAD & R R ASS'N, 3 1 California Old Saucelito Land & Drydock Co, 330 Pine Pacific Bldg & Loan Ass'n, 729 Montgy Pacific Land & Invest Co, 309 PACIFIC LAND & TRUST CO. (R J Mercer secy) 513 California Russian River Land & Lumber Co, 328 Montgomery THE GENERAL LAND AGENCY OF CAL, (J D Swift pres, C W Adams secy), 408 California THE PACIFIC LAND & TRUST (Wm Andrews secy), 613 *' WASHINGTON IRRIGATED COLONY, (of Fresno; W Easton manager), 22 Montgomery LAPIDARIES, Atkinson David, - Russ Alley BiarnezMrsA, 918 Larkin Cantel Mme A, 955 Howard Cedicy Mrs F, 733 O'Farrell Chauvel J, 411 Sixth Clement Mme F, 1056 Howard Contra Costa Laundry, 28 Sacramento, 30 Geary and 158 2d Cottc Mme, 411 (Jeary Uanlt Mrs Mary, 106 Stockton tiolden (iate Laundry, 16th & Valencia Grenewald B M, 35 Turk Uunn & Medland, 948 Folsom Jonselme A, 426 Broadway Joubert P, 1402 Powell LA GRANDE LAUNDRY, (E p White prest), 13th bet Harrison and Folsom: office 648 Market LA GRANDE & WHITE'S LAUNDRY,(Hammond &^Vhite proprs) 13th bet Folsom and Howard L'Eglise Mme Alcide, Lerond Th, Licot Leon, Marcow Mme, Arcier Alexander, Perrett Eugene, Pignot John, 51 1 Hyde 302 Dupont 1507 Powell 1424 Dupont 426 Broadway 321 Fifth 822 Mission Radhoe & Flanidy, 23d and Hampsljirc Bosq R, Bretonnel J V, Conor F, Laine .) & Son, LAIRD D W, MOHRIG C F. 17 Trinity 328 Bush 223 Kearny 618 Merchant 27 Post Berry bet 4th and 5th LAUNDRIES. Andler Mrs A, . ' Filbert bet Gough and Octavia Roy T)- *, Co, San Francisco Laundry, Sitter Joseph, Tijeous Mme, Tournel Madame, U S Laundry, What Cheer Laundry, WHITE E P, 112 Taylor 33 (ji'ary 768i Ho.; ard 604 Broadway 120 Geary 328 Broatlway 121 Lcidesdorff 648 Market LAW BOOKS. BANCROFT A L & CO, 721 Market WHITNEY SUMNER & CO. 623 Clay H. WllITNKY. J. IlASBItOL'CK. SUMNER WHITNEY & CO., Publishers and Importers of Law Hooks, No. 613 Clay Strekt, SAN FRANCISCO. LEATHER AND SHOE FIND- INGS. ABENHEIMER JULIUS, 20 Sausom Bloch t Davidson, 223 Battery Bowme R A, 108 Geary Brack Oswald, 523 Pacific Cahen Bros, 41 Clay O (0 o > r o •< 09 e o X" (A o a 3 S. 3 0) e •a o u o B> j?i O z| e » 9 •4 r »[ or 'I el 9[ 9| TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumaner & Co., 'SS.'^vJsr BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '*'^*Ji*'*"y taosht at PACIVK; BUMI. tBA San Franckco. CL^SSIKIRD. LIQ 1387 to CO I V' I eg • ^ u It e COOK H N, (leather belting and hoae manufr), 413 Market Dolliver Bros, 107 and 101) Post QETLESON & lANDIS. 548 Market HALL FRANCIS. 506 Market Johnson JC & (Jo, 12 and 14 Pine Klom)er BVedk, 20 O'Farrell KULLMAN, SALZ & CO, 106 Battery Mattern &, Moore, 42 (leary NICHOLS A C & CO, 400 to 40t Bat ROSSETER & SMITH. 545 Market San Fmncisco Last Factory, 10 Steve SAWYER B F & CO, 3-23 Front SCHIEFFER C H, 232 and 234 Busli STERNFELD BROS & CO, 5;«) Mkt VV^illiams Bros, 569 Market Wing W H ft Co, (last factory), NW cor Mission and Frenient if ROSSETER & SMITH, Iinporters of FRENCH CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINGS, &G., No. 545 Market St., opposite Sansome, SAN FRANCISCO. G. H. SCHIEFFER, Successor to A. Schuinaohor, Importer of Fi'i'ncli Kips St TairNkiniii. Dcnivr in Leather A FintliiitSH. And Manufacturur of Hoot liPtc*!* and Nlioe llpperr'. No. 234 BUSH STREET, Bet. Montjfoinery and Sansome, Siiii Franc'-Bjo 01 LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS. FLANAGAN & VISSCHER. (literary hureau^, 501 Kearny FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. (Chas H l!ol>insoa librarian), 428 Bnsli French Library, 120 Snttei Kni,'hts of Pythias Library. 013 Market MECHANICS' LIBRARY. 2o Post MERCANTILE LIBRARY AS- SOCIATION, (A H Smith prest), 216 Busl Military Library, 328 Montcy, room 21 ODD FELLOWS' LIBRARY, (<> A Caruea librarian), 325 Montifomery 8 F LAW LIBRARY. ((4 G W Hoge), 628 Montgomery Workingmens* Free Library, 1235 Mkt Young Mens' Christian Assn Li- brary, 232 Sutter LIME, CEMENT, HAIR, ETC. Blochman & Cerf, 24 and 26 California California Portland Cement Co, 330 Pine DAVIS &C0WEIiL,211 &213 Drummv Holmes H T & Co, 215 and 217 Market Loa Gatos Lime Co, 53 Beale DAVIS Sl COWELL, Manufauturora of SANTA CRUZ LIME, Manufaeturers anil Importers of Cave Valley and Marble Valley Lime. Wothcrspoon and Golden Gate Plaster. Rosedale, English Poitlanci, Enn;lish Ro- man and Keene's Cement, Marble Dii.st, Co;it and Cattle Hair, Fire Brick, Tile and Clay, Brick Dust, Monterey White Sand, &c. 211 & 213 Drumm Street. SAN FRANCISCO. LIQUORS-RETAIL Abbiatti Albino, 1108 Stockton Abrahm N, 521 East Abraham.son Solomon, 208 Steuart Adam & Kibbe, junc Market and Geary Adams Conrad, 7 Washington Ahem Jno M, cor Ash ave and Larkin Ahlborn & Boeckman, 323 Dupont Aiders Geo, 229 Spear Ahren.T H, 211 Davis Ahrens D & G, cor Mission and Main Alber.'i Marcus, 335 Fourth Albright Fred, Long Bridge Allen M, 301) Pine Amolung Julius C, 65 Merchants' Ex Anderson Andrew, cor Wash and Drumm Anderson Andrew, 250 Spear Anderson C A, 20S) Jackson Anderson & Co, 20!) Anderson F A, 215 Davfe Anduran C & Co, 515 and 517 Sacran»etito> An.sberi.' B, 34 Aiistini ANTHES PETER. »02 Geary Apnel Louis, 315 Montgomery are- ARDARD ALBERT. Post & ixipont Ariaui Santo, 8i)4 Front Armbruster Adolph, cor (Jth and Shipley ARNAUD ALBERT. Post and Duijont Astredo A, Aatrico J A, Atkinson James, Auman Fred'k, Aumann Fritz, Ayres Fretlerick, Ayres Harry, 635 \Vashington 207 Fourth 622 Market 610 Jackson 622 Keaniy 969 Mission cor Ellis and Stockton Portland. ©!«• OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & COh 302 Davis St., S. E. il f in Wi I i W 'W MnNTAfillF jt rn 9h*«t iron. aU SIm« hI« RaailMni, tin ft. If. mUW I MUllE « 0U.» im. H4. if, »Md Hi* Battery «<.. w'yl 2 I- 2 1 < 5 o 9i I-- < z •- ■ o o w c Bacon G, Bacquie H 4b Oo, Badovich Boeo, BAEHRJW, BAILEY BS. Baku* and Jamos, Ballantano Robt, 605 Grove cor Bdwy and Stock 1201 Fillmore 414 Sansom 222 McAllister 825 Mont((Oinery 4'25 Bush Banken >?, cor Cemetery ave and (ieary Barber E, cor Bush and Central uvv Barra Hall, NW cor First and Minna Bartels P H, SW cor Front and Union Bartl»el Robert & Co, 1304 Powell Biu'toloni E, 76ti Brannan Barut & Bellocq, 1401 Powell Batrom Chas L, 541 Jackson BATTER J C> 7 Merchants Exchange BaumWm, 101 Powell Bi^yl«y C A, «>5'.> Clay Becker Elsie, .008 Kenrny .Beoker.& Fisher^ 1152 Market iBeckcr Peter, 1 l.'J Sixth JB^ronfl (Ico, 638 Commercial Benard A F, NE cor Fifth and Howard Bendt William, 12 Clay Benkilman Mrs Rosalie,- R R & 9th aves Benneo B, 1507 Dupont Bennett F, 230 Brannan fienaett Patrick, 837 Mission Beandtit Woi, 510 PaciHc Beatham Harry, 538 Market Berkhauer Herman, 229 Montgy ave Bernert & Schroeder, 823 Market Bemzott k Krikal, cor Main and Market Berre A, NE cor Lombard and Octavia Beiteloui fi, cor Seventh and Brannan Beater -lohnH, 543 Jackson Besthorn H, 7 Stevenson Beth Adolph, S£ cor Post and Kcurny Boyer A, 236 Sixt««ntn fieyer G, 2221 Powell Beyersdd. f & McCrellis, 842 Market Bi«denbach August, cor 3d ami Mission JBiziou L, 1413 Dupont BlaiicJ^, , 217Bualc Kandiard & Combatalade, Dup and Pac ■Blauey Jas A, SVV cor 4th aiul Mission Blodea Then, 1243 Folsoni tHobiu John, 923 Kearny Bl(^m Peter, NE cor Mission and Bealt Blome H & Co, 3 Clay Bogel C H, SVV cor Mason and Francisco Boise Richard, Bolts J F, Boothby Mel, Boradt Henry, Bordenave John, Borel Florentine, Borwslty M, Bottle Meiers, Bouciiet& Boyer, Bourjade C, BouTyade Ci, Boutts J F * Co, 2508 Bush 903 Market 333 East 528 Valencia cor M and Fifth ave 637 PaciHc 514 Hayes 513PaciKc 1122 Dupont 1513 1509 511 Washington Bovo O, Bower Ceo, Bowman Wm J, Bozio & Lcturc, Brady & Farrclly, Brady Thos Brugu Frank, Brumstcdt J H, Brauer k Peters, Brecde H A, Bretlhoff Henry, Brennan Wm, 1302 Dupont 2208 Powell 1565 Market 149 Fourth 610 Market 4 Foil -til 415 J Drumm 251 Steuurt 314 Post 813 Clay 423 East 815 Clay Brennan T W, NE cor Keaniy and Breslin John, l'2'2 Fremont Breuss C H, 28 Stockton Brewer R G, 512 Front Brewton J G, 422 Kearny Brickwedel Jacob, Mission and Fremont Brickwedel & McGreery, Spear and Har Brizzive & Moresi, cor 0th and Misbion l^roiighton Chas, Brown k Johnson, Brown & Perkins, Brown S M, Browning W, Brunings k Myers, 818 Clay Howard and Steuart W^ash and Montgy 621 Merchant 541 Clay 600 Market Brunns & Waterstein, 800 Kearny Bruns k Bormann, cor Bryant and Main Brnns Conrad, i:W3 Kearny Bruns Henry cor Folsom and 26th Bruns H F, S W cor Fifth and Townsend BRUNS & KOHHKA, 120 California Bruns N, NW cor 3d and Berry Brunsen Martin, 530 Pacitic Bryen k Holton, Folsom and Steuart Buchi k Leemann, Kearny and Morton Buckley k Tracy Bnneman H k Co, Bunton Richard, Burke John, Burke Mary, Burke k McAsey, Burke W J, Burkhofer M, Burnell k Turner, Burr L, Bush Mrs Rosa, Butler Chas G, 1000 Market 414 Sansom 640 Market NW cor 7th and Ho wan! 47 Clay 232 Brannan 1014 Market 206 Steuart 519 Sacramento 5 and U Bay 421 Drumm 310 Montgomery Butler John, 506 Market and 7 Sutter Butler Michael, 846 Howard BUZZINI G & CO, Cal and Central ave Buzzini k Gianettoni, 2i) Sixth Byrne M, 1142 Folsom Cahill Jas, SE cor Fell and Webster Callahan & Dcnchy, IS Sixth Callua Thos, 616 Montgomery Callender J T, 5 Broadway Candaii F k Co, 206 Third Cane J no, 16 Steuart Cantus k Eybs, S W cor Stock and O'Far Cardano (>uiseppe, 1220 Dupont Carr Thos, Ii06 Minna Carroll J F, NE cor Pine and Sausom M. WACHHORST. importer of j«':t::rr,;%i;;£r^4a. 315 J St Saa ll«aii>«fl«. 110. itt«ry iiH..<*.F. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, opiiv-i«i •«•«•.«. v. ^ 8 C 1302 Dupont 2208 Powell 1565 Market 149 Fourth 610 Market 4 Foi'-t'ii 415^ Drmnm 251 Steuart 314 Post 813 Clay 423 East 815 Clay r Keaniy and " 12'2 Fremont 28 Stockton 512 Front 422 Kearny [ission and Fromout jery, Spear ami Har cor ath and Mission 818 Clay Howard and Steuart Wash and Montgy 621 Merchant 541 Clay 600 Market ;in, 800 Kearny cor Bryant and Main i:i03 Kearny cor Folsom and 26th ,r Fifth and Townsend yyj^ 120 California NW cor 3d and Berry 539 Pacific Folsom and Steuart Kearny and Morton 1000 Market 414 Sansom 640 Market cor 7th and Howard 47 Clay 232 Brannan 1914 Market 206 Steuart 519 Sacramento 5 and Bay 421 Drumm I 310 Montgomery Market and 7 Sutter ' S46 Howard •0 Cal and Central ave ' : 29 Sixth ' ' 1142 Folsom 1 cor Fell and Webster 18 Sixth i '' 616 Motitsoraery 5 Broadway 206 Third IG Steuart iVV cor Stock and OTar 1229 Dupt :i06 Minna cor Pine and Sausom > Ir la |8 la la ,9 1 * in I of ;i LIQ San Francisco. CLASBIKI RD. LIQ 1389. Carroll R T 4 Co, SE cor San and Sac Casey J, SE cor Howard and 1 '7th ID ID I I r e e I 1 ii P I |j Castagiiet ft Co, Chambille A ft Co, Chandler Chas, Chartier Auguste, Cliatonet A, Chenot Eugene, Chin Ten, Chincovich Peter, 530 Merchant 36i Fourth Bush 324 Sixth 500 Broadway 258 Fourtli 724 Pacific SE cor San and Pac S'^^yT. 709 Davis Dainmer ft Centner, 821 Market Dainon _Jj^ cor Post and Central ave Christ Edward, cor Wash and Montgy Christensen F H C, 245 Towuseud Christin Charles, 313 Hiiyco ClaffeyChas, 212 San-som Clark WM, 40.) Fourth Classen Bros, 1 Front Coates C, 56 5 Mar ket and 37 Sutter CQELHO JOAQUIH. 60 Clay Coen Frank, 531 Jackson Cokely J, 236 Townseud Collins J. SE cor Fourth and Howard COLLINS S P & CO, 51 1 California and 329 Montgomery Colraann Martin, cor Kearny and Piue Commerford P, Condon P ft Co, Condon Jno, Conn ft Connelly, Counolley Edwanl, Connolly ft Kiernan, Conrad Adam, Conway Bcrnald, Conway D, Conway Jas, CookE, Cook M ft Co, Cook Nathan, 1911 Hyde 208Thinl 733 Howard 213 Montgomery 10 and 18 Leid 643 Merchant 7 Washington « 993 Market 993 1200 221 Ellis 519 Washington 221 Ellis DANERI F & CO, Uauen Juo, Davis Alexander, Dawson Geo, Day A, 1 >i! Castro T, Docker B, De Corsey Jno, Desebrock F, Detels & Co, Dotels & Schneider, Uet^eu Henry, Duttmer Juo, Deucher Alphouse, Dovaurs F, Dickey Jas R, Dixon Clement, 27 and 29 Cal 131 Pacific 13 Steuart 321 California 816 Oreenwich 406 Pacific 530 Valencia 261 Third WE cor 4th and Brannan 8 Sacramento cor Pac and Davis 61 9i East 415 Davis 243 Second 643 Broadway Sixth ave nr Fulton 8 Sansom Dobrogoiski ft Ezquerro, 627 Wash J^ockuig Joel, 407 Montgomery ave Do an W B, 145 ^^hird Dolmann Henry, cor 9th and Brannan Domerque Gaston, Donerque ft Bourdill, Donohue Jno, Donohue ft Phelan, Dooley ft Boylan, Dorcy ft Co, Dorgeloh Louis, Dorran F, 630 Commercial 618 Sacramento 827 Folsom 33 Second 316 Fourth 112 Dupont 130 Fourth 736 Montgomery Cooper John, Waahington and Montgy Corbett ft Roche, 23 Second Costa C, 314 Pacific Costello J V, 850 Howard Craig Jas, 258 Spear Crane, Hastings ft Co, 121 California Ci«gan J H, SW cor Sixth and Howard Cmghton P, SW cor Fifth and Folsom Crittenden M, 627 Clay Crittenden M C, 114 Second Croskey Robert, 229 Hayes Cuilici A, 306 Montgomery ave Cuilan T, NW cor Ellis and Devisadero Cuneo C, 639 Washington Cunningham T H, :M)1 Kearny Curley J, NW oor 26th and Valencia Curley P, bulkhead bet First and Fre Curran ft Bernhardt, Clara and Berry Curran Patrick, NW cor 4th and ' Currie John B, 156 Steuart Curry John, 523 Mission Dahlquist O P, 433 Bush Daily John, i:i4 Hayes Daiss E ft Schmitt, cor Bush an Ellis 533 Pacific « T 1520 Market ^*'' l(i Hayes 312 Montgomery 100 Hayes 113 Davis 804 Fourth 562 Brannan 617 and 619 Brannan ,r Foorth and Mission 425 Pacific 38 Sixth 222 Fourth 124 Fifth 208 Bush 562 Braiman cor How'd & Beale 2239 < leary V Sutter and Kearny * ' 16 Market 2 and 4 Leidostlorff 124 4th and21S;W 1 12 Drumm 607 Wnshiiiuton Horrison and Spear 110 Vh\\m\t 914 Market 510 Bush 5 Kearny 627 Merchant 605 Commercial •125 Kearny I , 123 California | ,r Green and Stockton 617 Montgomery 13 Post Illinois near Sierra 802 Sansnm uUen, ,1^^"'*';% 221 Sacramento i 800 Montgomery ■or Mont ave and Kear 26 EtWy IPn 108 Sutt«r ' -' 1 Market BUSIN'cSS PENMANSHIP (0 >r lette, ber, M.-* «0|.l>«jl!. a«o Pont Ht.. IIITMI. W.I'. LIQ San Franciseo. ciiAHHiriKn. LIQ 1391 Har*: Patrick, 140 Fifth HarenhurR Edward, 130 Berry HiAUINOTON JfOHN, 510 Pine Hams K T, 310 Fourth Harrison D J, cor Sansom and Merchant Harrison Jno, cor Kearny and M ont ave Harrison John, cor Sntter and Dut)ont HARRY OEO, cor Jackson and Kear HARSET OEO, cor Jackson and Kear Hart John, NE cor Turk and Steinor Hartmann Chas, 804 MiHBion Hurtmann & Dammasch, Post mid Kchp llartsliorn & Waters, 126 Kearny Hasselbursch J E, 533 Sacramento Hatch .fnmes, oor Howard and Nixth HauffeFrod, 127 Sixth Hauler F, 26 Eddy Hauser J C, 637 Broadway Havecker H, 331 Sixth Haydenaber L, Bay bet Mason & Powell Hayes S & P, 160 First Hays & Oyselaar, Hccder & Iteichardt, Hetl'ernan Michael, Heil C, Heinz J J, Heissenbcrg C, Hettmann Alivine, Held & Miller, Hellstromer C H, Henchy J J, Henrichs August, HenriouUi G, Henry D, Hentz A H, Berber John, Heweloke H, Heye Henry, Hickmann Henry, Hien August, Hilderbrandt Wm C, Hillebrandt Albert, 822 Kearny 325 Bnsh 223 Sansom 103 Sacramento 114 Dupont 921 Kearny 530 Pacific 1026 Market 12 Washington 815i Foisom Front and Union 317 Dupont 219 Second 200 McAllister 627 Kearny 543 Merchant 613 East 1258 Market 1328 Dupont uOi'i East 1228 Market 715 Montgomery HOTALINQAP&CO. Houfrh John, Hourcade J, Huant Paulin, Huber Henry, Hughes W A, Huj{hes Wm H, Humbert J, Hurlburch E J, Hurley Michael, Imelli Max, Fsoli J, Iseli Jacob, flink P H, HINRICHS A & CO. Front and Vallejo Hittinger A, 105 Dupont Hoffmar N, 149 Second HogauD, 411 Fourth EOKANSON OLOF, 527 East Holder Jos, 62 Halleck Holje John B, cor R R and Kith aves Holland Peter, 4 Wafihin^jton HOLLER B, SE cor Market and Beale Holler & Scbnlz, Holm Bros, Holohnn John, Holt Martin, HOOFMANH JOHN Hopkins Peter, Hopkins T J, Hopps F, Horn C, HomC, 1036 Market 200 Fiftl 100 McAllister 110 Jackson »«. 41 Sacramento 13 New Montgomery 623 Davis 1017 Battery 5 Broadway 1100 Dupont Boss J, NW cor Sutter ,and Kearny 431 Jttckson 2 Turk 15)09 Geary 305 Montgomery ave 417 Bush 513 Clay 43 Sacramento 120 Montgomery uve 521 First 213 Sixth 851 Market 29 Morton 529 Pme Ivemeyor & Dunker, Commercial & Bat Jnckel C, C19 PaciHc Jacks R, cor 22d and Potrero ave Jackson Walter, cor Clay and Davis Jncoblin M, 1306 Dupont Jansen Geo, NE cor First and Brannan Jnrret Mathien, 1 101 Dupont Jarvis k Dutra, SW cor Davis and Pac Jellin^s & Freeman, 534 Merchant Jellison B F, NE cor Kearny and Cal Jensen Julius, 1508^ Powell Jobmann Julius, 101 Mission Jochat Joseph, 27* Commercial Jochim Jacob, 536 Sacramento Johnson & Brown, Howard and Steuart Johnson Chris, SW cor Drumm and Sac Johnson CG, 123^ Sixth Johnson H S, 401 Broadway Johnson P, cor 24th and Bryant Johnson Peter, 218 Montgomery ave Johnson VV, 819 Battery Johnson Wm, 505 Sixth JONES FRANK, 645-617 Merchant Jones & McDonough, 338 Bush Jf.nea W G, 413 Pine JoostensChas, 1017 Kearny Jordan A, 1228 Dupont- Judge Patrick, 204 First Jnlitz H, 612 Sacramento JuUienJ&Co, 617 Pacific Kahn Jos, 416 Pine Kampa F VV, 16 California Kane M, SW cor Howard and First Karstens Chas, cor Jackson and Sansom Kasche Wm, 18 Ocary Kavanagh & Campbell, 244 Tliird Keenan Chas, 1154 Market Kellcher & Simpson, 301 Fourth Kelley Martin, 248 Beale Kelly John, 1 86 Jessie Kelly John, 43 Second Kelly Owen, 1048 Howard Kelly Peter, Masonic and Pt Lobos aves Kenerleber F W, 39 Market Ktnney Michael, Dunbar Alley Keppeler & Sauer, 518 Battery Kerner P, SE cor Jessie and N Mongy Kerr Matt, 111 Leidesdorff Kerrigan P, 236 Brannan Kewitz Chas & Co, 242 Sutter i ■< a* CO CO I I cs 3 ;j^jjjj~7^iJ^KL PALMER « CO^ Purr Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. W. W. MONTAGUt A CO., lis. 114. il«. *■« IIH Mmuerr m,m,W. ■ Ik ■ i c a :-l 5 Q I- O 1392 LIQ iSan Francisco. CLAIHIKIRU. LIQ Keyl e R, 304 Pacific KUBFFEB CSHASi 432 Broudwny Kihhneyer Jacob, 001) Clay Kilday M, cor Mission and 2iul King Mrs J, 113 First King Wm, 144 Stcuart Kittelberger & Dold, Kearny and Coml Kleon Honry, 2*25 Clay Kliegel fienj, >ior Erie and Mission Kneeland J H. 070 Howard Kniupenberg E R, cor Howard und >Steu Knoblouh CFiristian, South S F Knoop Jno, Sixteenth and Second ave Knottnor F, NVV cor Kearny and Oeary KnutHon H M, 100 Pauitic Koch Chas, 300 Hayes Koenifir Ferdinand, 0;)0 Pacific XOOPHAN JOHN, 40 Sacramontu Kordmeyer & Underwood, Russ House KorneckWE, 41 Third Korts & Diereks, 314 Clay Kosininsky Saml, cor Ist ave and Ky Koster Jos, cor Central ave and Geary Kreye John, SE cor Jackson and Batte-'v Krouse Thos E, New Mont any Missic Krouss Bernhardt 53f Commerciai Kruckmann Fred, cor King and Fourth Krueckel F& Cha8,cor First and Market Krug Martin, 1725 Mission Kucks C H, 121) Clay Kuhlke & Elvin, cor Mission and Beale Kuhlwein Mrs E, 400 Dupont Kupper W, 211 Market Kurtz F C H, 055 Third Kyle Robert, 304 Pacific Labine Oliver, 641 Commercial Lochmann & Jacobi, cor Mission and 2d LacourP, 117 Seventh Lagrave J P & Co, 650 Pacific Lamb John, 150 Steuart LangeChasH, 258 LAllO & C0> 210 and 212 Dupont Larsen, Lundberg & Co, 7 Merchant Latapie P & Co, cor K R and 0th aves Lattuel Andrew, 1410 and 1412 Dupont LAURISTON At cor Battery and Green LAUTENA&CO. NW cor Filbert ond Powell Leahy M, Leduc P, Lee N A, Leedes k Dietrich, Leege W & Co, Lehrke & Mayer, L ehnh ardt Chas, LEIBEB FRANK & CO. Lennard R K, Lesser L, Lesamann k Windhaus, Letroadec Louis, Levey Alex, Levy Dave P, ' Lewellyne R, 012 Howard 501) Bush 214 Dupont 049 Clay 113 Halleck 910 Market 401 Pine 9 Hardie PI 4 '"'Kearny 902 Mission 1057 Market 132 Dupont 18 Stockton 607 Sacramento 14 Clay Lewis & Harris, 226 Montgomery Leydecker & Wieboldt, cor Clay and East and 631 Davis Lhez John M, 1118 Dupnnt Liekefelt Aug, cor Stockton and Paciflo Lilkendey O W, cor Pow and Francisco Linden Edward, 611 Duvig Linehan Mrs Mary, 40 FirHt Link C, 606 Washington Lippi B, 712 Pacific Livingston & Co, 220 and 222 California Loeacn Valentine, 638 Pacific Loewa Bnis, 217 Battery Loftis k Wiskotschill, 809 Market Market and Hayes 34 Minna 514 Mission 226 Montgomery 507 Davis 539 California 446 319 Dupont 18 Taylor 903 Kearny cor Minna and Fourth 326 Sansom cor Sansom and Pacific Luhaen D, Long Thos, Lou^h James, Louis k Harris, L udcr s Ot to, LTTESMANN E, Lukin J A, Luttringcr Bros, Lutz Jacob, Lutzen M P, Lynch James, ■nch Jas H, nchP, ^«faack Ernst, SW cor Kearny and Cal Maosfi H, NE cor Fremont and Howard Maass J, cor Howard and Main Mackert Frank A, 010 Sacramento Madel k Mastow, cor Howard and Spear Madson 0, 14 Sacramento Magg F, 636 Commercial Magistra k Giacomini, 310^ Montgy ave Mahler Chas, Mahlmann Henry, Mahlmann Peter, Mahouey James, Mairhofer Leonard, Malagamba C, 733 Davis 603 California 614 Montgomery 601 Sixth 426 Fourth I128Fol8om MALLOROVm JOSE,I>avis and Wash Malloy Wm, 21 Vallejo MaloneJ, 626 Third Mamer J P, 325) East Manning k Erwin, 1004 Kearny Manning T, 109 Jessie Marchebout k Boudin, Sixth and Folsom Marchini M, 401 Davis Marmovich M, 334 Bush Marshall Wm, 626 Sacramento Martin A, NW cor Kearny and Coml Martin Chas, 632 Pacific Martin C H, SW cor Vallejo and Davis Martin k Horton, 545 Clay Marti Jacob, 607 Commercial Martin k Jaume, 632 Pacific Martin Louis, 1024 Stockton Martinovich S k Co,Sacrameuto and East Masson & Dumont, 434 Rush Mattes John, 208 Sutter Matticevich N, Washington and Battery Mayer W, Montgomery and California H. WACHHORST calls attention "^^^r^^^^'- 315 J St « —ttery t . M. 1*. LIQ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. *•• tl*»j:;?R^ •i'^i- ■--'•^ s 2 226 Montgomery )oldt, 111 Eaat and 631 Davis 1118 Dupont r Stockton and I'acifio or Pow and Francisco 611 Davis yr, 40 First 505 Washington 712 Pacific 220 and 222 California 638 Pacific 217 Battery shill, 809 Market Market and Hayes 34 Minna 514 Mission 226 Moiitaomery 507 Davis 539 California ' 446 '• 1 319 Dupont 18 Taylor 903 Kearny cor Minna and Fourth 325 Sansom cor Sansom and Pacific SW cor Kearny and Cal jr Fremont and Howard cor Howard and Main A 610 Sacramento ir,'cor Howard and Spear 14 Sacramento 636 Commercial 310i Montgy ave 733 Davis (i03 California 614 Montgomery 501 Sixth 426 Fourth 1128Folsom N J0SB,I>»vi8 and Wash 21 Vallejo 526 Third 329 East krin. 1004 Kearny 109 Jessie Joudin, Sixth and Folsom *^ 401 Davis 334 Bush 626 Sacramento W cor Kearny and Coml 532 Pacific }W cor Vallejo and Davis on, 545 Clay 507 Commercial he 532 Pacific ' 1024 Stockton & Co.Sacramento and East lont. 434 Bush 208 Sutter .Washington and Battery ontgomery and California (ft H m H H > 1 >l \n\ ffi e «l ■ I «[ nl rl A lomini, r, I. ard, lfeal J, McNenr J, McPhersiin J, MoVET CAL A, McWiiliam Hugh, Meade Jno, Medauw J J H, Meier John, Meier Louis H, Meierdierks C, Meincke F ft C, Meinke Henry, Me issuer A, Meades David, Mercier E, Meyer D, 767 Market King hct 2d and 'M 5 Morton 1071 Market 1000 Mission 1602 " 821 Kearny 514 (ireen 20 Steuart 220 Kearny 819 Market 1040 Mission 970 Folsom 5 Mason cor Seventh ave and N cor Post and Powell cor 26th and Mission Mission and Steuart 423 Dupont 341 Sixth NE cor Folsom and Sixth cor Greenwich and Fillmore Moran M, Morande C, Morgan Patrick, Morkoii H F, Morretti P, Morrison John, Morti Jacob, Mouthon J, Mueh N & Co, Mueller Alois, Mueller Geo, per May), Meyer F R, Meyer H, Meyer L, Meyer W, Miller Henry, Miller Mrs John, Miller Josephine, Millitch ft Abramovich, Minor S B, Missler Beno, (successor to Pros« | 33 Sutter 223 Pacific Broadway and Front 22 Leidesdorff 323 Sansom SW cor Davis and Jack Mitchell Frank, Mitchell Wm H, 139 Beale 702 Front 120 Leidesdorfif 13 Third 819 Kearny cor Turk and Market Oregon off Sattery Moeller ft Granfiel, 609 Jackson Mogling Chas, 1143 Mission Momes ft Smith, 327 East Monaghan J, 60 First Monidian John ft Co, 434 Pine Monnier G, 1153 Howard MonnierG, 817 Larkin Mooney Hugh, 244 Sutter Moore ft Burns, 111 Jessie Moore Peter J, SE cor Wash and Davis 63 Jessie 650 Sacramento cor Baker and Beach 328 Pine 420 Jackson cor Ninth and Mission 607 Commercial 608 Bush 141 1 Stockton 602 Market , 414 Muhans Jos, cor Commercial and Kearny Muhlner Wm J, 200 Hyde Muller Geo, 213 Pine Muller H, 20 Sacramento MulliT Henry, 6 and 9 New Montgomery Muller John .1, cor Steuart and Howard MuUerJM, 702 Front Mulliii ft Wiggless, 200 Steuart Mullins W F, 1001 Turk Munsou Jas, Long Bridge nr Kentucky Murphy J, SW cor Mission and Seventh Murphy J H, 800 Market Murphy J J, 231 Kearny Murpiiy John, Liberty and Townscnd Murphy W, San Miguel Station Murry J, N E cor Second and Brannan Myer H, 724 Front Myers & Markel, 710 Miss and 318 Bush Nelson Albert N, cor Wash and Drumm Nelson ft Ives, 27 Pacific Neuber Adolf. 26 i Turk ]>feuenbur g John , NW cor Poo and San NETJENSCHWANDEB E, 422 Sao Newell E D, 1 13 Natoma Newton E D, cor Sac and Montgomer}' NICHOLAS GEO* 31 Sacramento Nichols PC, 30 Stockton Nichols W M, cor Powell and Francisco Nicolaysen J, cor Leid and Halleck Niefer F, 28 Third Niquet Chas, 8 Sixth Nischwitz A, 14 and 16 Geary Nis8en Christian, 25 Montgomery ave NitzW, 211 Stevenson Nolan J, SW cor Bush and Kearny NoonanPJ, 2033 Post Noordau Theo V, 1120 Larkin Norton Jos, 1923 Polk Norton P, 241 Eighth Nupert L, 318 Bryant Nyhuis Harm, 503 Pacific Brien D, NW cor Clay and Drumm O'Brien Edward, 2723 Sutter O'Brien ft Holton, Folsom and Steuart O'Brien James, O'Brien Michael, O'Brien R, O'Brien Wm, Ochler Minna, O'Connell W M, O'Connor D, 1326 Market 1700 Mission 516 •* 411 East 405 Drumm 156 First 412 Main O'Dea M, SE cor Union and Larkin s ^SS^S"- 315 i Si TRY MURRArb LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., n^iTI'i'irSnVrirj^i/^^/lSS^YVi? 'M i 9 e E fi CO c c IS O 6 o o z S o < a. a z h h 3 O 1394 LIQ San Frdncisce. ULASHIFIBO. LIQ O'Doherty John, 1016J Market O'Donell Patrick, Kentucky and Itith Odoul August, cor Fifth ave and L Oells £, cor Sutter and Central ave O'Gonnan P, 410 Foisom Ohlsen Chris, 1005 Kearny O'Kelly M, 1111 Howard Olfs W, 3 Broadway Olsen & Wall, cor Kearny and Mont ave Olson J, 1110 Battery O'Xeil John, cor M and 5th ave S 8 F O'Neill Joseph, 124 Fourth O'Neill R, 1513 Larkin O'Beilly John P & Co, Spring & iSummer OrrJH, 110 Third O'Shea C, '240 Minna Osuier & Co, cor Ist & Bran; Fol & Steii O'Sullivan I), '20 Commercial O'SULLIVAN JOHN M. 30 Montgy vJ'Sullivan M J, 900 Larkia O'Snllivan P D, 1741 Mission Otker Fritz, '2'25 Steuart Otterstedt F, NW cor 7th and Howard Kadovich L & Co, I Kadovich 9c, Uhrlandt, Kamson A, ' Kanken H, Kazetto T, I Head R, Reardon P, Owens Thomas, Paupitz F W, Paveleni G, Payne J H, Pechin C, Peliiociaja L, Pellicciaja P, Pelz David, FENOELLAY R W, Perrault Maurice N, 31 Peters Jacob, Peters John, SE cor Fourth and Berry Peters Wm C, 024 Clay Petersen Nick, cor 4th and Townsuntl 400 Montgomery 123 Jackson 7 Vallejo > 701) Davis 417 Front 618 " 618 *• 1011 Market 676 Folsom Washington 505 PaciHc Petersen & Diuckhoff, Peterson John, Peterson A, PETERSON L, Peterson O, PETTEiiSONJ. Pluilau & Donohue, Phillips J B, Piaggio A, Picper Leon, Pircher Bros, Popovich & Co, Porter A A, Powers & Gould, Pozzi P, Preda (i, Prignor P, Prozelt C, Prnnty Owen, Pulleu Geo G, 228 Paciiic 326 Main' 228 Pacific; 531 East 220 Kearny 324 Main 33 Second 1144 itjarket 1622 Stockton, 643 Washington 707 Mission 1654 Polk I 432 Califarnia 413 Sansoni| 325 Montgomery ave 611 Montwnneryl 2546 Folsom 419 Montgomery SW cor 8th and Folsom 833 Kearny Puriiell l>, Central ave bet Post and Sut Purdy G W, Lcmg Bridge, Potrero| Purdy Owen, SE cor Folsom and Eighth' Quillici A, 306 Montgomery ave Quinn John, 9 Merchants lixchange; Radke M F, 255 Steuart| 877 Market 306 Kearny 7 Commercial SE cor Seventh and Market . 619 Mission NE cor Sutter and Polk 702 Mission Rebut A, cor Filbert and Van Ness ave RECKENBEIL F, 308 Dupont Keddy Jno, cor Beale and Bryant Redtield Fritz, SW cor Kearny and Post Reed Chas, 104 Jackson Reed Mrs S, 1110 Dupont Reepen H, 154 Third Reese Geo, 931^ Folsom and 319 Fifth Regan & McNamara,3 & 4Merchant8 Ex Reich JnoC, 318 Pacific Reichert Joa, 1 14 Tyler Reikols & Weise, cor 16th and Mission Ueiliy Jno, 51 1 Fourth Reley W, cor Folsom and Steuurt Remmel & Otersen, 16 Thinl Jiv'ske Peter, 343 Hayes Rice & Hinrichs, cor Miss and Stuuart Rice Jas, 350 Brannan RICE P Bt 1^8 New Montgomery Riclmnls J E, 227 Hush Richardson C, . 739 Folsom Ricliter & Maxmillian, 529 Jackscn Rick F, 508 Sixtuiiiith Rieck C & Co.NW cor Sutter and Stock Riekels & Weise, cor Miss and 16th Kiley Allen, SW cor Folsom and Steuart Rinz Adolph, 1129 Mission Ritzau & Obermeyer, cor Post and Dup Roach D D. 1317 Mission ROACHE JAMES, 636 Fourth Robbins J W, 1012 Potrero ave Rolwrtson R<>l)t, 727 Montgomery Robertson S J, NW cor Kearny and Sac Robin Adrien & Co, 614 Fourth Robinson Henry, NW cor Davis and Jack Rodefeld Krcd'k, SW cor Kear and Post Rodgcrs Benj, 252 Brannan llodgers P, 1727 Market Roe Jas, cor Fifth ave and L Roes L B, cor .lackson and Hattery UoeslerC, 703 J Davis Rhode Henry, SW cor Front and Wash Rhode Peter, 8 Clay Rohltls & Woebke, 1 Mission Rohrs <«eo H, cor Sut and Central ave Roley J C & Co, ;«)8 Kearny Romani S, 437 Bromlway Rooney P H, 813 Battery Rosenbaum Jno H, R R and Fifth avea Rosengarn H, Rossi A (Ik Co, Rotenstein Alex, Roth & Co, Rotherman .Ino, 202 I'ost 521 Commercial 635 Clay 214 and 516 Pine cor Fourth and King Rotherman & Stolte, Fourth bet Townsend and King TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUn»ATI8M KING. .110.IM. nil ffiMmm, m. >^^ ■ "■" LIQ DClt, 877 Market 306 Kearny 7 Commercial p Seventh and Market , 619 Mission E cor Sutter and Polk 702 Mission bert and Van Ness ave ■o 308 Dupont cor Beale and Bryant V cor Kearny and Post 104 Jackson 1110 Dupont 154 Third I Folsom and 319 Fifth ara.3 & 4Merchants Ex 318 Pacific 114 Tyler cor 10th and Mission 511 I'ourth cor Folsom and Steiuvrt „„ 10 Third ' 34:i H.iyes cor Miss and Stcuart ' 350 Brannan 148 New Montgomery 2-27 Bush 73!) Folsom iiiUian, rvJi) Jackscn 508 Sixtuiiiith \V, cor Sutter and Stock e ' cor Miss and IGth ir'cor Folsom and Steuart 1120 Mission lever. cor Post and Dup | j ^ 1317 Mission ' HIES, **"^^ Fourth 1012 Potrero ave 727 Montgomery NW cor Kearny and Sac „ (jo^ 014 Fourth Y >f\V cor Davis and .hick Si k! S\V cor Kear and Post t| 252 Brail nan . 1727 Market cor Fifth ave and L iacksou and Pattery 703^ Davis SW cor Front and NViish 8 Clay I bke 1 Mission , co'r Sut and Central ave ;i08 Kearny i 437 Browlwiiy 813 Battery xo H, II R and Fifth avj^ , 521 Commercial ■ox «=^" ^^"y ■^ 214 and 510 Pine lo, cor Fourth and King Stolte, , , ^-. ;h bot Townsend and Kmg 3 cor u, BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '•"^'&l!VtS!ig|g,'^Va:,'&!»gfe LIQ San Francisco. liq 1395 n s la. u a San Francisco. CLASSIKIBD. Rottanzi G, 1027 Market Bottermann C, Sixth bet Mkt and Miss Rotter tnann Chas, 119 Bush ROZIEBE C, 21 Stockton Rudolph Cha8,cor Dupoiit and O'Farrell Rumetsch Jacob, NW cor Dup and Sut Rumpinsky August, cor Miss and Beale Rusclier J, 103 Jessie Rush Ed, 941 Market ilussellE, ^ 5 Polk Ruttger Joe, 710 Montgomery Ryan Michael, 818 Howard Sagehorn H, 520 Union Saiiisot F, NW cor Main and Mission Sam Joseph, 638 Commercial Sample & Beyer, 10 to 18 Leidesdorff SAMPLE SS. 211 Kearny Samuel A, Sanderson J A, Sandford & Marx, Sandmann E, Sangxiinetti Stephen, Sarret M, Sartor & Steifaui, Sass A H, Schiwfer C, Scharpen P, Scheggia C, Scheper J H i^ott E, 106 Steuart Sears & Foley, cor Wash and East; Bdwy and Davis Seipel C, SE cor Mission and Erie Sehg M, N W cor Bush and Sansom bellenger F, G15 Pacific Semler Mrs A, Greenwich and Baker Fremont and Mission 632 Fourth 102i Stockton 1474 Harrison ou , - r , 240 Minna hheehan John, Greenwich and Broderick Sheehan Joseph, 400 Market Shelly John, Howard and Fourth Hengstacken P, Severts A P, Seydel E, Shannon T, Shea C, 311 Fifth Oakland Ferry Boat 16 Steuart 233 Sixth 526 Broadway 1101 Dupout 1107 1042 Folsom 1129 Mission 500 Sixth 1138 Dupout NE cor Beale and Bryant SCHJCICKER HENRY, 717 Davis Schluter D, 508 Schmalzen G, 121 Fourth Schmidt Adolph, SE cor 5th and Berry Schmidt Geo, 920 Market Schuiidt Hubert, 534 Montgomery ave Schmidt W, Missitm Market SCHMITZ F P, u»;!2 Schneider Beuj, Montgomery and Clay Schneider Geo, 1125 Dupout Schoenfelder Jchr, Hi.. Schreiber J, 633 Mission Sciiroder — , 213 Montgomery Scliruder A Saeiiger, 425 Kivst Schroeder Chaw, 833 Kearny Scliroedcr Wm, 28 Stockton Schulty Wm, 308 Dupout Schultz & Koch, Broadway and Davis Schultz L, 439 Jackson Sehul/e & Kuntz, 331 Bush; 314 Hayes Schumacher F, 30 Steuart Schuppert Chas, 545 California Schwartz Bros, 133 Montgomery Schwartz (iustav, 540 Clay SCHWARTZ. HUSINQ & MEYER, 1 Market Schwartz J, cor Powell and Chestnut Schwarz Chas, 2201) Powell Schwedt A F, Washington and Drumm Schwemm C H F, 1210 i Market Schwietors & Miers, 220 Dupont Schwob A A. Co, 925 Howard Sheridan D, Shinkwin J W, Shoufe & McCrum, Shrewsbury W H, Sievers Wm, Sieweke Louis, Simousen A M, Sippel F E, Sjowall E P, Skuce J, SMITH ADAM, i^n.ith Chas, SMITH HARRY, Smith ,lohn, Smitii John, Smith Wm, 33 Dupont 1035 Folsom 208 Market 116 Fourth 1 1 Jackson 611 1011 Kearny 638 Sacramento First ave 536 Jackson 633 Sacramento 718 Kearny 59 Clay Greenwich and Steiuer 102 Jackson Mission Market Sciaroui & Zeiro, ScoUay W A, 621 Broa«lway 1522 Stockton Snivoly J H, NW cor Third and Bryant .'iomerville & Ellis, cor Mont ave& K'iar Sosao A, 810 Kearny SpanierJos, 112 Post Spencer Dp I'id, cor Beale and Folsom Spengemann Chas, 25 Summer .Spiegel A, 614 California Sprague A, 900 Market Stuck M, 1831 Mission Statlelbach E, 108 Steuart •StahlE, . 228 Bush Stihl Henry N, 613 and 615 Sansom .Stahl & Vonaspen, Stapff Wm, Steer Henry, Steicher Jacob, Steiner N, Steiuhart M, Stcinkamp C F * C, .Steimer Henry, Sternberg & Hancbnann, 415 Pine 116 Dupout 451 First 1814 Ceary 5 Leidesdorlf •. 1024 Larkin 327 Sacramento 921 Kearny 610 Merchant .Stevens Geo, SE cor Battery and Union Stone Chas L, .Stoven Henry, Stozen & Myers, Straub Joseph, Strothoff J, STUART CD. Stumpf John, Sturla G B & Co. Sullivan D 0, Sullivan J D, 1144 Market 175 Sixteenth cor 14th and Mission 25 Sixth 215 " 525^ Sansom First ave South S F 1402 Dupont 29 Commercial 657 Washington m iS ^^^^jjjPJ^dJlC. ■ OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. Will linMTaCIIF A rn lltOTe»aii.. 8. F. 1396 hi<$ San Frcmdsco. LIQ CIABSinBD. i c 75 I i i s 8 1 IL 1 e o d o 0. E Sullivan M J, 21 Montgomery ave Sullivan M J, cor Taylor ft Tyler & Larkin & Geary Sullivan I*, 12 Broadway Sullivan Timothy, 1242 Market Swineford Newton, cor Kearny and Pine TaetGS, 812 Clay Tardos Louis, 400 G«ary Tayac C J, ' « 31 Fourth Teese Lewis Jr, 432 Kearny Tetz Joseph, SW cor Geary and Dupont Theil Frank, 300 Third Thomas Chas J, 35 Eddy Thorn Whroden Tn, cor 4th and Stev Thorsen Peter, 623 East Tichenor S J, NE cor Battery and Bush Tir"d ft Doekum, SE cor Sac and Kear Tierney Thos, New Montgy and How Tietjen H, 906 Kearny Tietjen Hermann, cor Pine and St Mary Tobbe D, 541 and 543 Mission Tobbenboske Herman, cor 2d and Mkt Tonnemacher Julius, Torni S, Tracy ft Buckley, TBAFOLITE & Trenschel G A, Treuschel G A, Triay Antonia, Tridon L, TUESMANH ERNST. 911 Kearny 316 Broadway 1000 Market TlO.Sansom 748 Brannan 20 Sacramento 419Drumm 757 Clay 539 California TVson D S, Ungrott Aug, Unruh A, Urban J, Umer J, Vallet Chas, Van Bergen August, Van Norden — , Van Norden T, Vaughn AH, Vibert M, Villedieu Chas, Violich Nicholas, Voges Geo, Waas G ft H, cor Steiner and Herman Warner A, Meig's Wharf and Francisco Waugeman Asa L, 1 Summer Weber G, 418 Broadway Wedel J G, SE cor Dumm and Pacific Wedemeyer Trederick, Railroad bet 5th and 6th aves Weeks W H, 509 Valencia Wehr Henry, 40 Jackson Weisenbom Fred, cor Lyon and Lombard Weiss ft Walter, 333 Bush Welch ft Co, 333 Third Welsh Henry J, 115 Sixth Welsh John, NW cor 25th and Howard Wenzel Fr, 538 Commercial Weasell John, SE cor Powell and Union Whelan John, cor Fillmora and Tyler White Thos, 217 Pacific Wiemann Chas ft Co, 65 Fourth Wienberg ft Specker, Channel and 4th WilfordA. 1155 Mission Wilke Louis, 34 Second Wilkinson E J, cor Bay and Fillmore 122 Leidesdorff 18 Hayes 329 Dupont 317 Montgomery ave 2122 Mission 347 Fifth 425 Sansom 1747 Mission 1120 Larkin 21 LeideadorfiF 518 Valencia 111 Dupont cor Ky and Merrimac 125 Post Vollmer H, SW cor Pacific and East Von Aspem J, 415 Pine Vonder NienburgWA, cor Cal ft Drumm Von Ghetaldi Emil, Von Staden Geo, W^ohmeth Wm, Wagner Ed L, Wahl Chris, Wahl Louis, Waldeck Bros, Waller Claus, Walsh E, Walsh E, Walsh Mrs Mary, Walter ft Harmann, Walterstein F, NE cor Walther P H, Wambach Chas, 516 Battery 901 Kearny 2008 Mission ! 1232 Dup-^nt 615 Merchant 506 Clay 22 First cor Jackson and East SE cor Bay and Mason 641 Mission 422 Drumm Kearny and Sutter Kear and Wash 221 Dupont 1135 Dupont Willand ft Swartwont, Williams ft Scbreiber, Wilson Andrew, Wiltmeier John G, Windt C, Winslow C W, Winter ft Pauli, 828 Market 21 Kearny 111 Jackson 513 Pacific 518 Merchant 314 Third 411 Bush Wintz Joseph, SE cor 19th and Mission Wobber E A, cor Beale and Brannan WochatzC, 411 Bush WoerzC, 1607 Polk Woerz G H, 5 Hardie place Wohlke John, 31 Kfth Wortman F ft Co, cor Clay and Kearny Wortman Henry, cor How'rd and Stuart Wrede.C, 419 East Wrede ft Co, NW cor Clay and East Wrede John, Wuestefeld J G, Wyman C, Wyrich Christian, Zaubitzer Albert, Zeiro & Seraroni, Zenovich L, 222 Washington 308 Fourth 777 Mission 16 Clay 248 Sutter 621 Broadwiy 640 Post LIQUORS-WHOLESALE. ALLEN D H & CO, 322 and 324 Front ANOTJRAN C & ^0, 515 and 517 Sac BACH, MEESE v . Jg. 321 Montgy BRICKWEDEL, HEN&T & CO, 208and 210 From CARROLL R T & COf 328-336 Sansom Cartan, McCarthy ft Co, 513 Sac CASSIN F & P J, 12 and 14 California CHAUCHE A G, 615 and 617 Front Chenery, Souther ft Co, 204 California CHEVALIER F & CO* 520-522 Wash Chieiovich E ft Co, 601 Front Cockrill T G ft Co, 324 Oay H. WACHHORST •ells Watehea ebeaper than any house on the Coast W diawtnt rim. i^riM HM and 118 BattoiT St., 8. F. LIQ )r Steiner and Hermaa 's Wharf and Francisco J, 1 Summer 418 Broadway cor Dumm and Pacific erick, id bet 5th and 6th aves 509 Valencia 40 Jacksou cor Lyon and Lombard 333 Bush 333 Third 115 Sixth J cor 25th and Howard 538 Commercial I cor Powell and Union Bor Fillmora and Tyler 217 Pacific ; Co, 65 Fourth 3ker, Channel and 4th 1155Miss>i>n 34 Second cor Bay and Fillmore ;wont, eiber, 828 Market 21 Kearny 111 Jackson 513 Pacific 518 Merchant 314 Third 411 Bush B cor 19th and Mission cor Beale and Brannan 411 Bush 1607 Polk 5 Hardie slace 31 Kfth , cor Clay and Kearny cor How'rd and Stuart 419 East NW cor Clay and East 222 Washington 308 Fourth 777 Mission 16 Clay 248 Sutter 621 Broadwiy 640 Post -WHOLESALE. CO, 322 and 324 Front ^% 515 and 517 Sac , JO, 321 Montgy HENRY ft 208and 210 Front ft COt 328-336 Sansom K4; Co, 513 Sac , 12 and 14 California , 615 and 617 Front & Co, 204 California ft CO. 520-522 Wash |o, 601 Front 324 aay t I s PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "'^iSSr^SS^i.VLJR Jo 8 LIQ San Francisco. CIiASSIFIKD. LIQ l39T Commins & O'Connor, 7 and 9 Pine and 238 and 240 Mkt Denaveaux & Maison, cor Jack and San Dreyfus B k Co, 521 and 523 Market FAROO £U^ ft F, 316 t'ront cor Commercial Fenkhausen & Braunschweiger, 414 Front FISHER WJft CO, FLANAGAN JAMES B, Goodwin M & Co, Grange Numa, Gundlach J & Co, Haberling J C, 407 537 Bryant 407 Battery 711 Sansom cor Market and 2d llODupont HOELSHER WM ft CO, 504 Market HOTALINO A P, 429 and 431 Jackson Hubert J, 1330 Stockton Janjou E A & Co, 430 Jackson JOEiT ft ABLER, 321 Battery KANE, O'LEART ft CO, 221 and 223 Bush Kelly & Eagan, 604 Battery Kelly, Henderson & Gilchrist, 309 and 311 Front KENNEYJOHN, 605 " Kittelberger & Dold, SE cor Market and Dupont Kohler & Frohling, 626 Montgy and SE cor Sutter and Dupont Lachman & Jacobi, cor Market and 1st Lachman S k Co, 401 to 41 1 Market LANQ ft CO, 210 Dupont Lenormand Bros, 40 Clay LIIIENTHAL ft CO, 223 California 417 Battery 508 Jackson 311 Pacific 310 Sacramento 408 Front 540 Market 314 Sacramento 33 Sutter Sabatie P G & Co, 330 Bush Saultier Jno & Co, 607 Front SCHMITZ JOHN P, 1032 Market Schroder Henry & Co, Battery and Washington S chul tz & Von Ba^en, Front and Cal SHEA, BOCQUERAZ ft MoEEE. 527 Front Siebe Bros & Plagemann, 425-427 Sac Simiuonds G, 312 " SPRTJANCE, STANLEY ft CO. 410 Front SROTJFE&McCRTJM, 11 and 13 Pine; 208 and 210 Market Steinhagen P, 612 Clay Taussig Louis k Co, 303 Battery Thacher Geo & Co, 214 Front VAN BERGEN N ft CO, 415 Clay Vignier A, 429 and 431 Battery yiLLEDIEU CHAS. HU Dupont Walter M & Co, 621 Sansom Walters Bros, 221 California WARD WM ft CO, 509 Sacramento Warde M & Co, 313 and 315 Battery; 400 and 406 Com Weil Bros, 213 Jackson Wichman & Lutgen, 321 Clay Wilh elmi H & Co, 109 California WILMERBING ft CO, 214-216 Front York Wm, 204 California J. Gundlach. CUA8. BUNDBCHN. Loewe Bros, Lyons E G & Co, Malatesta Louis, Mandlebaum F, Martin £ & Co, McAran k Co, Meinecke Chas k Co, Meyer Em, Moon, Solly k Co, 316 Sacramento and 321 Coml Moore, Hunt k Co, 32 California More, Reynolds k Co, 212 NABER, ALFS ft BRTJNE, 413 Front Neuman k Putzman, 340 Pine Noisat Bros, 1334 Dupont Palmer Henry k Co, 302 Davis Paquette A F, 310 Pine Pascal, Dubedat k >Co, 428 Jackson Pestner k Hilderbrandt, 411 and 413 Bat Porter David, 405 and 407 Montgomery RADOVICHBOZO, 29 Geary Ramm H, 215 Van Ness ave Rebstock, Endres k Co, 322 Sansom RenzJohn, 219 Commercial Richard k Harri8on,316 and 318 Battery Riley Benj F, 318 Front Roth & Co, 216 Pine ROZIERE C, 21 Stockton iSabatie A £ & Co, 617 and 619 Sans6m J. GUNDLACH & CO., Dealers in and Growers of CaliiafiieniBMies, mwm. LionB mx m mum Proprietors " Khin«farm " Sonoma Wino Vaults. Comer Market and Second Sts., 89 SAN FRANCISO. CO CO ? I m fii.ii ise on the Coast PURE PORT WINE, IDr HeiUciul PnrpoKi, 802 Dnvis St, S. F. ;r!i' IMH i'r • CO 10 c IS S p f s i f 6 o a III 111 imMTACIIE' Jl rn meiwmmmAMmMmtik,MMtn»Ad»mr*jimtliA III If ■ mUn I AbUC « UU., patterns, llO, 112, 114, 116 and US BittteiT »., ~ ~ ,8. r. 1398 LIQ San Francisco. LIV 0LAB8IPIED. M. J. Nbwhark. F. O'Lrarv. Max Orubnbbro. Michael K^b. KANE. OlEARY & CO., (Biitablished 1H60.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Fine Wines | Liquors. 221 & 223 Bush Street, SAN FRANCISCO. LITHOGRAPHERS. BAKER OEO H, 329 Sansom BANCROFT A L & CO, 721 Market BRITTON & REY, 525 Commercial Elliott W W & Co, 106 Leidesdorif GALLOWAY W T, 640 Clay SCHMIDT M & CO. 41 1 Clay; 412 Com Waldstein A, ,320 Sansom ^^Sc iacns:- LiTHOGRAPHEftS LIVERY STABLES. Archibald P L & Co, Baettge P, Banks Geo S, Barney M, Boettger Chae, Boyd Wm, 1009 Burk e John, BUTLER A B, CaBsidy M, 1 324- 132G Market 110 Washington 709 Jones 1623 Market 55 Clay and 101 1 Valencia 955 Folsom 135 Montgomery 62 Minna Charlton & Groeper, 9 Washington Clayburgh & Brandenstein, 112 Post Collins D B, 222 Fifth Conlon M, 1513 California Corbett P J, 618 and 520 Hayes Coyne Jas, 14 Fourteenth Craie Jas, 713 Commerciul CRITTENDEN C S, 409-41 1 Taylor Daly John, Donnellan T, Dowling Edward, Dowliug Richard, DOYLE E H. Dryer C F, Eggleton Geo, EHLERSJ. Ferguson J P, Fitzgerald & Conlon, Flood John, Folley D J, French J B, Gilfoy John, Gobey F, Gordon & Cory, Harris R W, Hart M, Healy & Fagen, Hennessey P, Hildebraad Geo, 908 Harrison 719 O'Farrell 610 Howard 621 and 623 Grove 248 Third 1315 Stockton IJ9 and 121 Jackson 1221 Pierce 814 Mission 1515 California 823 Folsom 1812 Powell 919 Tyler 608 Mission 228 Sutter 1015 Market 807 Montgomery 818 Geary 332 Bush 765 Mission 807 Vallejo Hynard Alonzo P, Twelfth and Mission Joyce E, 721 Valencia Kellett C, 2618 Mission Kelling & Mopre, 420 Pacitic KELLY THOS,Leaven worth and ( Iwiry Kerr Wm, 106 Valkjo King B C, 1608 West Missiou LAMBERT WM F, Larsen Sorron, LAUBERT W F, Luwton C D, Ledgett R D, Mahead M, Mann J D, Manning M, Marabello John, Margetson F G J, Marshall A, Marsilli & Co, Marson C F, McArdle Henry, McCaflFerty Wm, McCarrol k Hughes, McCarthy Daniel, MoCORD. BRIDGE & CO. 212 Sutter and 221 Elli McDonald J F & Co, 13 Webl 875 Fokom 12 Merchant 875 Folsom 1925 Bush 13':5 " 2619 Mission 918(Jeary 625 Fulton 686 McAllister 178 Jessie 734 Folsom 320 Broadwav 196 Stevenson 610 How.in 2417 Missioi 610 Howan 797 Missioi Michelson M, Morshead J W, Mundell C, Nathan S, Newman A, Newman Jacob, Nolan John, cor Eddy and Hyd 25 Washingtni 775 Marke 726 Unio 815 Gear 2912 Miaaio 1311 Californi TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. I md in Bfcttery »• » ■■ ^- LIV PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1 Q (Al al : q| =b| •41 "Hi Q| el H M ttl al ;per, 9 Washington •andenstein, 112 Post 222 Fifth 1513 California 518 and 520 Hayea 14 Fourteenth 713 Commercial NCS, 409-411 Taylor 908 Harrison 719 O'Farrell ^ 610 Howard J 621 and 623 Grove 248 Third 1315 Stockton 119 and 121 Jackson 1221 Pierce 814 Mission onion, 1515 California 823 Folsoin 1812 Powell 919 Tyler 608 Mission 228 Sutter y 1015 Market 807 Montgomery 818 Geary n 332 Bush ' 765 Mission eo 807 Vallejo zo P, Twelfth and Mission 721 Valencia 2618 Mission pre, 420 Pacific ] OS.Leaven worth and ( Iwiry 106 Vallejo I 1608 West Mission i WM P 875 Folsom h ' 12 Merchant Tir p 875 Folsom " ' 1925 Bush 1325 " 2619 Mission 918(ieary 625 Fulton bhn, 686 McAllister ■^fj J 178 Jessie 734 Folsom o 320 Broadway * 196 Stevenson ,„ry 610 Howard VVm 2417 Mission Hughes, 610 Howard ►aniel, 797 Mission ■!212 Sutter and 221 EUu F&Co, 13Webl) 1, cor Eddy and Hyde] W 25 Washington ' 775 Market 726 Union 815 Geary •cob, 2912 Mission 1311 Calif ornu S I CO (S ier«laljc«ll«M LIV San Francisco. CLAssirrRD. LUM lJ(t)9 Norton Henry M, Novella & Pitto, O'Callahan D J, O'Connor D, O^Leary James, O'Neil D & Co, O'Neil Thos, PALMER E a Turk and Larkin 427 Jackson 838 Howard 1014 Polk 2113 Pine 836 Howard 1616 Mission (New City Hall), 134 Tyler Parker J M, Minna and New Montgy Patterson Bros, 8 Capp Pentony John, 633 Green Peters J H, 2335 Washington Pico P & Montroni A, 517 Green Prince Charles, 2125 Mission Rhode Island Livery Stable, 126 Fourth Eippenburgh Wm, Roden A G, Ryan Thos, Selling: & Cutting, Short D M, Silck Andrew, Slocum Ix)t D, Smith A B & Co, Smith R, 102 Clark 1717 Sacramento 615 P:1H8 113 O'Farrell 2414 California 15 Washington 921 and 923 Siitcer 1209 Folsom 524 Third ST GEORGE STABLES, (A b Butler propr), Stewart David, Sullivan P, Swain J H, Taylor Chas, Tompkinson J, Wade W W, Waite A T, Wall C L & Co, Waters A, Weedon 1-: M, Weston A S, Wilson J F, Winchester C W, Yeazell A H, Bush above Keaniy 134 Seventh 915 Folsom 417 1 1 Powell 57, 59 and 61 Minua 7 10 Broadway 1209 Masoij 38 Sixth 1000 Goary 2111 and 2113 Polk 1537 Mission 126 Ellis 13 and 15 Stevenson 1639 and 1641 1641 Eddy LOCKSMITHS. Adams Christ, Beck August, Browning August, Camos Andre, Claussen Geo, 508 Commercial 510 Broadway 651 Clay 43() Bush il030 Sutter Davidson J D, (bellhanger), 812 Market Edelman Jos, 721 O'Farrell Garnsey C A, ' 2004i Mission Harris, Oswald 4; Noble, 208 LeidesdorfT Haymann A tc Bro, 234 Post Held A, 306i Third Kaiser H, 316 Pacific Kohuke Jno, 405J California Lang J F, Melde J, Morris & Son, Newhoff F, (bellhanger), Pfeiffer Jno W, Rabjohn Edwin, 13244 Polk 817 Market 1045 Market 328 Bush 1015 Kearny 858 Howard Rich Geo W, Schneider F G, Silverstein E, Tileston G W, Todt Jno, 119Leid, 430Caland Wallman & Claussen. WILL &FmCK/ 1654 Mission 512 Hayes 121 Jackson 225 Post cor 6th and Fol 1208 Sutter 769 Market LODGING HOUSES. (See also Hotels ; alsoJBoarding.) Atidrews Miss, kqr Markpf BEHRENS ANDREW, 22iMonrave Branch House, 424 Sansom cor Clay Breslin Owen, cor Sierra and Louisiana Burkett Mrs 0, 17 Third Ku ? ^' , 107 Fifth Church W A 636 Commercial Connolly M G, 222| Fourth Coso House 411 Sansom Creighton Mrs Patrick, 81 Natoma Daley Mrs A, Drell Mrs F, Dulion L, El.ner Mrs M E, Faneher Mrs E, Furman Mrs C J, Cr.) C C CO O O o o z o < Q. h P 1400 LUM San FraTidaco. 0LA88iyiRD. MAC Cook I & A M, pier 2^ Steuart Dean E B & Co, 22 Califnrniu DINGLET C L> pier 10 Steuart DOE CHAS F, cor Spear aud Howard, cor Beale and Bryant, cor Sixth and King Dolbeer & Carson, 22 California Duncan's Mills, pier 10 Steuart Engle & Son, cor Fillmore aud Francisco EVANS WEST, Howard St Wharf Falk, Cliandler & Co, 128 Steuart Fish Jaa H, pier 1 " Germon A & Co, 113 Mission Grant Franklin, 20 Spear Hanson, Akerson & Co, pier 1 1 Steuart Harmon S H, pier 13 Higgins & Collins, 217 East Hinsdale G S & Co, 22 California Hooper C A & Co, cor 4th and Ciiannel Hooper F P & J A, pier 2^ Steuart Jackson J G, pier 4 " Kentfield John & Co, pier y " Knowland J, 22 California Knowles Geo B, cor Mission aud Main Macpherson & Wetherby, 12 and 14 Cal Mastick A L & Co, pier 10 Steuart McKay Allan, 4 California Meachan & Bacon, 2735 Mission Meigs Lumber & Shipbuilding Co, pier 1 Steuart MENDOCINO LUMBER CO, (J B Ford prest), cur Beale and Bryant and 40 Cal MOORE AD & CO, lOO Morrison G H, 575 Brannan MORRISON JONAS J, cor Miss and Spear Neylan James, 18 and 20 Spear Pattridge R K, pier 1 1 Steuart Pedler T C, cor Folsom and Steuart Pine Lumber Ass'n, pier 5 Steuart Pollard Thos, 17 Pope & Tablot, 204 California Port Blakely Mill Co, pier 3 Steuart Port Discovery Mills, pier 10 " Port Orford Cedar Co, 3G Market PRESTON & McKINNON,pier 5 Steu Puget Sound Lumber Co, pier 17 " Point Arena K li & Lumber Co, 408 Cal RanduU James, 572 Brannuu REDWOOD LUMBER CO. 10 Market Redwood Maiiufrs Ass'n , 18 " RENTON, HOLMES & CO,pier 3 steu Russ J & Co, 30 Market Russian River Land & Lumber Co, 328 Montgomery SPIRRA LUMBER CO, 320 Sausom Sierra Nevada Wood & Lumber Co, 224 California Simpson A M &Bro, 44 Market and Howard & Beale St Wharves Smith J C, 1 Howard Sonoma Lumber Co, 328 Montgomery Springer, Jason & Co, cor Spear and Miss STARBIRD & GOLDSTONE. 101 to 107 Market Tichenor H B & Co, 42 '• Towle W W, 308 Townsend TURNER,KENNEDT & SHAW. 840 Fourth Union Lumber Ass'n, Beale and Bran Watson Jos W, Spear and Howard Weston G W,SE cor Spear and Howard Whetherbee Henry, 12 California White Bros, 13 and 15 Maui White L E, 15 Steuart MENDOCINO LUMBER CO.. Ofltce: 40 California l!it., Room 1, WholcHalu and Uvtail DEALERS in LUMBER Rodwootl Lumber Sawttd to Order. Yards : Cor. Beale and Bryant Htti. Sa.i FraticUco, Cal. An J at WEST HEUKELEY, Alameda Co., Cal. MACARONI AND VERMI- CELLI. Ravenna Ghirardelli & Co, 421 and 423 Battery Romani Sebastiano, 1518^ Dupout Splivalo C R,6th and Berry and 704 Sac Tenthorey J P & Co, 558 Mission Valeuta L, 210 Broadway MACHINERY. (See also Machine Shops. ) Acer E C, Greenwich bet San and Bat AllNOLD N S & CO, 310 California Berry & Place, cor Market and Fremont Bragg Robert, 322 Main California Kamie Machine Mfg Co, 4] 1 California Craig R R, Ditmar A C, I'ish A L & Co, (Jarciu L P & Co, GOSS & ADAMS, 401 Montgomery (320 Fourtli 9 First 2t)4 Howard 114 and 11 U tWIe GREGORY H P & CO, 2 au.l 4 Ca HENDY JOSHUA, (quartz mills), NE cor Fremont and Mission KENDALL & KELLOGG, (Ken- ilall's patent quartz mill), 318 Pine Miner, Andrew & Co, 405 Kearny Pacific Motor Co, 5 Beale PARK & LACY, 21 aud 23 Fremont QUICK JOHN W, (S F Screen Works), 32 Fremont Risdon Jno N, 421 California H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac tnd n8B*tt«ryBt.."-f- MAC [ Co, cor Spear and Miss [ Co, cor Spear ai GM)LDSTONB. , , 101 to 107 Market 308 Townsend raiBDY&SHAW. 840 Fourth Lss'n, Beale and Bran Spear and Howard 3 cor Spear and Howard iry, 12 California 13 and 15 Mam 15 Steuart 9 LUMBER CO., lifornia St., Boom 1, Icsalu and Uctail tSin LUMBER uinber Sawed to Order. leale and Bryant Sts. 1 Francisco, Cal. illKELEY, Alameda Co., C'»l. Ml AND VERMI- CELLI. Mdelli&Co, '^ 421 and 423 Battery ;iano, 1518i Dupout j ith and Berry and 704 Sac I & (jo 558 Mission I 210 Broadway \CHINERY. i 10 Machine Shops.) Ircenwich bet San and Bat S & CO '^^^ California cor Market and Fremont , ' 322 Mam |. nie Machine Mfg Co, 41 1 Calitornia 401 Montgomery 1 026 rourtli I) First (jo 2^»4 Howard _ (VMS 114 and 110 Beale J iP)&CO, '2 ami 4 Cal HTJA. (quartz nulls), i ' cor Fremont and Mission & KELLOGG. (Keii It quartz mill), 31b I'me ,w & Co, "405 Kearuy . r Co, ,? ^'^"i^ : N W. {S F Screen ! »" " 32 Fremont 1 421 California PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, > I I J lA 1(0 i'e . 8*0 Poat Street. Bdn«at*a thoronghly for Bnnln^^T^ MAC (San Francisco. OIiASSIKIED. MAC 1401 STANDARD INOCO. STE£NET, Steiger & Kerr, Todt & Bo8,s, Weichhart J, Whitelaw T P J, MANTJFACTUR 216Saimom cor Harrison and Main 137 First cor Market and Front 143 Beale foot of Second IiCachinists' & Engineers' SuT^plies. C. F. MARWEDEL, 56 First (iltroet, Foot Lathes, Twist Drills, Taps. Set Screws, Ma chine Screws, Lathes, Chucks, Moulders' Tools, Stubs Steel, Pattern Letters, Etc. San FranciHco. let le MACHINE SHOPS. (See also Machinery, also Foundries.) Arnold & Richmann, 13 Fremont l^!*^" "Joseph. 412 Commercial p'n^^xi?^' 119 Beale n«T2m^« 115 Stevenson CRIST W E & CO, (machine model THOMSON & EVANS, Mecbanical Engineers & MacMiiists Machinery of all kindg made and Repaired. Steam Pumps & Steam En lbs "JO Fifth Size, weighs IS lbs 10 Address, A. K. BRimTO\'R A 4<0.. Oakland, 4'al. A park of four of the 150 pound MiichineswUh one 000 lb. Mill, is the most C()in])'cte mill in tlio world; runs with less power, pulverizes more, with leiiB wear, than atiy other mill. 1: :f. a.. i^OBBinsrs, MACHINIST, Manufacturep of PBS55ES hM BUS, Canners' and Soap Mikers' Tools and Fine Machinery, ^'0. 7 First Hi., Man Franeiseo. A specialty made of .lewelers' and Silversmiths' Tools. Itulls ^:niun(l to onlcr and warranted. MACHINISTS AND ENGI- NEERS-SUPPLIES. MARWEDEL C F, 56 First B -a v- I? I: 1; h S3 I 'W w v., :';r \'- ;, 315 J Street, Sac ■ OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO^ 802 Dtvis St, S. F, mmm i" r r "* ft. mwill AQUC a UU.y n*. 114. li«, ^nd IIU Battery 8t.. II.f1 c p o (0 V 1 •1 (0 ♦;» 3 IL C C (Q o o o o z < a. O 1402 MAC ISan Frain^tsco. CLA8RIKIRD. MAC MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. ALLEN E T> (guns, pistols, etc), 515 Market BRUTON DANIEL, (Morburg Bros, Md; S Jacoby & Co, New York; (ieo Bruco, N Y), 206 Front Carson Samuel, 120 Suttei DAVIS G A, 327 Market DeConroy Kdward, 50(5 " DOLAN JAMES W, DORETY JOSEPH , DOYLE HENBY & CO, EARL J & SON, HSHER G A, Foye Bros, Francis W H, GOSLING GEO N, Henderson F D, Innes Alex. Jackson T \V, Morris HI), (steel), Overacre Peter .J, 414 512 Coml 511 Mnrket 32!t 10i> California 507 117 Tine 320 Sansoni 21(1 " 540 Market 12 Californi.i 21 and 23 Fremont 123 California PANONW, (steel wire cables), 430 Cal Phelps & Miller, 120 Sutter Keuil.iK K W, 318 Front RICHARDS & SNOW, (axes and tacks), 408 Market Schetzel MP, 601 California 8chol)er & Sefrin, 203 Fremont Seymour W H, 126 Kearny Selby J V, 218 California MANUFACTURERS - BIL- LIARD TABLES. BRUNSWICK J M & BALKE CO. (si'e advt), 653 and 655 Market Drouilhat Jno, 303 Sutter .lunsd.li.t Auf; & Co, 10 to 16 Tyler HARRY GEO. cor Jackson and Rear Liesenfeld F, 585 to 589 Market LoskayFJ, 8 Eddy MATHEWSON S R & CO. (patent billiard tables), 28 New Mont MEYER J G H, 320 Kear ami 10 Stev STRAHLE JACOB & CO, 533 Market The Largest BILLIARD TABLE Mannfactiirin'^ Company in the World. THE ^J. M. BRUNSWICK & BALKE CO., Sole UlanunartiirerH A PutonterH OK THK STANDARD, MONARCH, NONPAREIL, NOVELTY, And the Famous ECLIPSE Billiard and Pool Tables. Sole Amenta for the U.S. for tho Hyatt Billiard and Pool BallN. Th<> J. M. BRIJXMU'ICK A BAIiKK 4;0. arc the l.ai^ust Ililliard Tabic Homo in the World, cniplii.Niii;^' 5 skilled workmen. Buin^ direct Importers from Europe of all goods UHcd in our line, xuch a.<< liilliard (.'lothH, Billiard MhWa, etc.. we can Hupply Bi'ttrr UooiIh at l<0«vt'r PrIcOH than has ever before offered on the Pacific Coast. THE UNRIVALLED MONARCH CUSHIONS (with which our Tables are fuinished) are the only Perfi'Ot CuMhion in existence, and are exclusively uscM by the Eastern Professional and Amateur Billiard I'layerH, and are cmiorsed b;, one and all to be I>K11KK(>"TI()N. Tho Honarrh Clnnh- ionM are );uarantccd for T<*ll Vi'arH. All are invited to call and examine our Tables and Judi,'e for themselvet as to the superiority of our fi^iiods. Our Pric«'M will bo fonnd to be f rom !i!t to 33 per cent, lower than any other house. Don't fail to visit the Wararooms of the J. M. BrunsTTick & Balke Co., 653 & 655 Market Sreet, opp. Zearny, TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer & Co.. ^SH^fiiv^lt t> Battery tW.. ». ■*« PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, MAC 120 Sutter 318 F'ront mow. (axes and *"" ' 408 Market (iOl California 203 Fremont 126 Kearny 218 California URERS - BIL- I TABLES. J M & BAIKE , 053 aucl (555 Market 303 Sutter r-o, 10 to 16 Tyler cor Jackson anil Koar 585 to 589 Market 8 Ed:?3 Market M*. 890 PMt Street. B thoroBKhly ft»r Raftli mpany in the World. THE JRUNSWICK LIKE CO., kOturerH A PatcntecH OK TllK VELTY, and Pool Tables. nd Pool BallN. B,aiKost Wlllard Tabic House « tors from Europe of nil Ro-hIs | 8uiM>ly Better «ooilH at ,» CUSHIONS |p| Hhion in exiatonco, and aro n ITdfessional ami Anwtour \. The Monart-h Vamit "examine our Tablea ami ju.U;c will be found t4> bo from »» lO Warorooms of the ; S reet, opp. Keainy, | MAB San Francisco. CliAHSIKIRD. MER 1403 MARBLE WORKS. Bianchi Charles Black Wm, Campodonico S, DANIEL JOHN & CO, Pempaey J, Duffy Bros, 1250 Market 1121 1061 421 Pine 1069 Market 23 Tyler Eiigleson & Devean, cor Bdwy and Sai. CROSSINI & CO. 1049 Mkt and Uold bet Mont and San HEVEBIN M & E J. 18 Larkin Morgan T, 941 Market Kesseler .1 & F, Brannan E of Sixth Landon (i .Ir, SW cor San and Broadway Lane J & Co, 1 1 36 MiasiDii McCormick W H, 861 Market MoHrath Kd, 935 Market McKENZIE C» W8 Cemetery av nr Post Mezzora P, 805 Montgomery Morris J & A, 214 and 216 Fifth Musto Bros, 707 to 7 1 5 Battery Myers Leon K, 28 and 30 Main Paltenghi A, cor Ellis and Devisadero Pierce P, 1140 Mission Kehsock & Brendle, cor Post and Lyon RUFFINO LJ & CO, 964-970 Bryant Sweeney J, 7 Larkiu Zeglio D, 1328 Howard Marble Tepot & Steam Saw Mills. L. J. RUFFINO & CO., SueeosMors ti> K. HRIONAWDELI.O, Importers and wholotalo Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Marbles 004 A »70 Bryant l^trert, P. O. Box i:W3. Country Orders promptly attended to. Italian Vegetable Market, Davis bet Jackson and Clark Metropolitan Market, N Mont nr Miss Mission Market, cor 16th and Mission New^ Metropolitan Market, SE cor New Montgomery and Mission Rosedale Market, 1812 Union San Francisco Market, Clay bet Montgomery andSansonx Spring Valley Market, 1827 Union Washington Market, Washington bet Montgy and Sansom MATCH FACTORIES. ARMES & DALLAM, 1 1 5- 1 1 7 Front Cohn & Davis, 14th and Shotwell HOFEN & CO, (agts Empire Match Factory), 412 Clay Match Factory Co, Uth and Harrison Newbauer & Co, 217 Sacramento MATTRESSES. Beal Samuel, 49 to 53 Second CLARK, RICKOFF, BLACK & KERBP- (Pacitic Manufg Co), SW cor 16th and Harrison CLARK TRUMAN S & CO. (woven wire mattresses), 21 N Mont Cohn M, SW cor Fifteenth and Dolores Farrar B F, 1557 Market Jaraliek Schley, 137 6th and 1024 Market Pacific Spring Mattress Manufg Co, 79 New Montgomery RIDGEWAY C W & CO. (Spring Mattress and Lounge Factory), 21 Tyler STAMPER J W & CO. 31 Second MARKETS. (For Meat Markets See Butchers.) Bay City Market, 1 146 Market California Market, 416-424 Pine and Cal Centre Market, cor Dupont and Sutter Chinese Market, 731 Sacramento Clay St Central Market, 520 Clay Colombo Market, Pac Iwt Front k Davis Fishermen's Market, TokM for sale. ALBERT & E. G. MORTOX Spirit Mediums, No. I I O'Farrell Street. MERCANTILE AGENCIES. BRADSTREET CO "THE," (improved), New York and 230 Cal DUN R G & CO, (J Lugsdin man- ager), 320 California EDWARDS, PICKENS & FUL- TON, (proprs Commercial), 401 " § «< 3 S. CO ■ rn J! Ill lir:'' I t HI ; &Co., '^'S!il2v?ir ■ H- PAI-MER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S, F. i;Pl i !:« ?^vi 'Mb 111 1 '''^'itHHi i i#SK H| i!#:>'AH r§ iTi'iH M 'w' ''.^HHH H' Wi '■ -f^^K ^^Hfl Hk •vJ f !<^^H^^^H Kvt tte f^^^v^^Hl Hn '1 1'!' ^-^^■^Hi IB W m 1^1 1 > o s ft < o h < < s o o W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ViT^iVLSViriXSf/SS^eV.V^!- 1404 MER 8cm Frcmciaco. oLAMiriro. MIL Hutchinn D F, 318 California Mercantile Union, (Willis Haynea manager), 22 Montgomery Merchants' Credit Bureau, (Sham- wald Bros proprs), 218 California New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, 307 " METALLURGICAL WORKS. (See also Assayors.) HUHN ft LUCKHABDT. 23 stev KUSTEL ft RIOTTE, 318 Pine NEVADA JIETALi^TJBOICAL WORKS, 23 Stevenson METAL SIGNS. Isaacs Henry, Patterson Wm, Perkins Jos, 404 Montgomery 432 Kearny 400 Market MILL & MINING SUPPLIES. BERRY ft PLACE* Market and Frf: DTJHEM C, (gold and water-saving machine), 73i> Market OXTNEAM. GARRIOAN ft CO. (tools, etc), 107 to 111 Front EOERTON HENRT C, rm 7, 169 Cal GREGORY H P ft CO. 2 and 4 " HEHOY JOSHUA* (manufr niin and saw-m ill machinery), 49-51 Fre JARDINE J B, 1 3d Beale Parke ft Lacy, 21 and 23 Fremont Potter A W, 137 Montgomery REDSTONE A E ft CO, (quartz mill), 135i Beale REYNOLDS. RIX ft CO, (Inger- soli rock Drill), 45 Fremont RIDGEWAY JOS, (picks). 305 How STEPHENS E W. (dry ore and concentrating machine), 269 First Stetefoldt Furnace Co, (C A Stete- feldtpres), 320 Sunsoin WAGNER JOS ft CO, 105-107 Mission METAL WORKS. PACIFIC METAL WORKS, 115 and 117 Ellis F. U. Morrow', N. R. Strono. PACIFIC METAL WORKS. Importers k ManufactarerH of Metals. Bar And Wiping Moldcr. Itar I.«ail, I'.ar Tin, nnil Rabbit MetaU of all Ifideti. Vin Load, Tin, Antimony niid Zinc. NOM. lift and 117 Fl mt Street, San F ■ancitfuo, California. MILITARY AND SOCIETY GOODS. PLATE A J ft 00, 325 Montgomery 4« i« wmmm £ ^# I. O. a. F. EIA-L.L.. Manufacturers and Importers of •f Militapy, Masonic and Society Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Masons. Odd Fellows. Knights of Pvthias, A. O. U. W., K. of H., and all ;:k>cieties furnished at Lowest Kates. kf, h% Moiil M, aid M Uirms & E^iupii!, Robes, Jewels, Caps, Gavela, Seals, Swords, Ballot Boxes, Costumes, Banners, Flags, Etc., on band and made to order. No. 325 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. H. WACHHORST calls attention "^iSc^^fS^^SS'- 315 J St M, all BlMlS. 11*l11»> 21 and 23 Fremont 137 Montgomery A E & 00, (quartz 135i Beale RIX & CO, (Inger- 11), 45 Fremont JOS (picks), 305 How B W, ('iry °™ *"*^ g machine), 25» First nace Co, (C A Stete- 320 Sanaom DS & CO, 105-107 Mission ETALWOBKS, 115 and 117 Ellis N. R. Strong. METAL WORKS. NanufactnrerN of N«tals. id Wiping Moldpr. Tin, nn4\ Babbit MetaU of all ,oad. Tin, Antimony aiul Zinc. ind ll» VI Ht Street, F •ancisco, California. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ys.?«iaKigi..«ug r & 00, 325 Montgomery cioisr. U. W.. K. of H., and all iatea. Hot Boxps, Coatumes, ide to order. MIL San Frandaco. (ILAgSIKIKD. MIN 1405 MILLINERS. Adcock Mrs E, Altaliuler Mrs L, Auger Mme F, Badier Mme F A, Bardot C, Blachman Mrs E, Bley A, Boaine Miss Ida, 221 Post 237 Sixteenth 621 Larkin 406 Kearny 225 Montgomery avn lOl'J Lurkin 760 Markut 54 Third Borgstrom Mrs .Juiiny, 122 Montgomery ave Borgstrom Mrs Minnie, 322 Braid Mrs D, BUTLER MRS MA, Carr Miss Julia G, Carter Miss Lizzie, Casswell Mrs E £, Cobliner Bros, Cohn Miss T, CosgritTMrs AG, Coughlan Mrs, Cowles O W M. Crall Mrs Geo, Decourcy Mrs F, Dixon & Putnam, Eakins M A, Eggeling Mrs C, Flinn Mrs, Green Annie, HELD ft CO. 15 Sutter and 526 Markut 512i HaycH 31 Kearny 116 Sixth 906 Market 28 Post 543 Market 122 Fourth 56 Third 919 Market 1017 " 1527 1907 Fillmore 48 Geary 24 Kearny 1120 Market 106 Tliird 1003 Mission Hillsiiiger Miss E J, HIRSCHSBftOO, Morgan Mrs, House Madame, Howard Mrs M A, Kennedy & McCiruder, Lavezzari M (i, I,eavenworth Mme Eliza, Mark Mrs S, McAndrews Mrs Helen, McCarrick Mrs K, McGearry Miss Eliza, Miller Mrs M A, Mitchell Miss M, Muller Mrs S, Oulif Blanche Mmo, Posener H, Riordan Mrs R, Ross Bros, Shear Mrs M, Shields Mrs J, Skidmore Mrs E T, Slocum Miss Maria Stearns Mrs E F, Swantou Mrs M T, Thomas Mrs T, Trout Mrs J S, Werner Mrs R, Yarndley Mrs R, Zemansky S, 1648 Polk 748 Market 128 Sixth 308 " 24 Kearny 62 Third 1520 Stockton 219 Duuont 1 14 Third 6 Eddy 126 Kearny 240 Sixth 8 Fifth 4 Sixth 1108 Stockton 1 Dupont 920 Market 631 and 710 938 24 Second 907 Market 1114 141 Post 325 Hayes 1221 Stockton 30 Third 210 Fourth 708 Market 2500 California 210 Sixth MILLINERY GOODS-WHOLE- SALE. BUTLER PP, 31 Kearny nnrAMS""/' 543 Market If iP^S-^' «70i Mission linker & Hinz, 545 Markflt HELD BROS ft CO. ^***^"''«t UWT it'ii! Ao ^l^'ket; 13 and 15 Sutter H^ *^.^9' 526 Market Hinz * VV cTlm 16 and 18 Second Mwh P & Son, 53(j Mark«t SELIG& NEWMAN, siSuttel Spencer llros 1016 Market iophtz F & Go, 571 •< MIMOX HEL1 » Manmse^ Pacific MILLINERY Emporium HEXjU «Sb CO., IMI'onTKKH OV tlowerM, FeatherM, Mtiaw Uooda, MIIkH, VelvetH, Kibbonct, &e. Full Line of Trimmed Hats. 526 Market St., San Francisco. THK BAlXrOBOX. B. S. HIRSCH & CO., Importers of MILLINERY GOODS, 74N market Street, Between Dupont ami Kearny, San Francisco. Uirtjest Assortment, Best Goods, Lowest Prices. MINERAL WATERS. BENJAMIN H A & CO, (J S Hen- shaw), (Pacific Congress Spring Water) 29 New Montgy, cor Jessie CALIFORNIA VOLCANIC MINER- AL WATER CO. 36^ Fourth DAVENPORT J P. 36i •• LA VERY JOS 0, (Bethesda) 414 Sac Lynch J D, (Bartlett Springs) 715 How MINING. Adams Bros, Allen H H, Barry Edward, Beverly W, Bibbing & Townsend, 330 Pine 318 " 415 Montgomery 414 California 314 Bush f« Biabee, Williams & Co, 32 Merchants Ex Blair A J, 330 Pine Blake Geo M, 309 Montgomery Booth H J, 419 California Booth Wm H, 320 Boyd John F, 309 Montgomery i W h-'" B ¥: ■alneSter. 3)5 J St H. PALMER A CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. WW. MONTAGUE A CO., '^^srui^vmn^^srssth^Vfi Wmm I ' i'-'i c S p I > o E a CD c c O ■ o o < a. 1406 MIN Saw Francisco. OI.AHIIKIRD. MIN Bro water Rolla E, Brooks H S, BUNNER A J. CavalUcr J P, Ciprico Oeo M, Cole Thos, Conffjlon (^ flo. COOK DAinEL, Cook Seth, Cortla Rdbt, Craii; Il<'in(li)lph R, Earl Jno O, Egu'crs J C, English Job M, Fitch Henry S, FLOOD J C. FOLLIS R H. Gashwiler J \V, Gibson Oeo R, Givin Wm M Jr, Gould Chns A, GRAVES R N. Green Kdmond, Grim A K, Gutierrez C, 314 Montgomery 318 Fine 41 IJ California 41!) California 328 Montgomery 331 40 Nevada block 307 Montgomery 309 306 " 413 " 401 California 41!» 328 Montgomery 240 " 309 309 327 Pine 32t " 300 Pino 413 Montgomery 406 " 314 " 331 402 " Hamilton, (Toldstone & Co, 215 Sanaoni Hawkins Arthur K, 328 Monti(omery Hilzinger J S, HOLMES S H, Hussey Jos W, Jones Chas, Keeney C W, Kraner P H, La Grange Gen O H, Lawton G T, Lcffingwell Wm Ij, Livington Howard, Livingston Jas M, Lnbeck V. 507 California 405 318 Pine 302 Montgomery 439 California 314 Montgomery 324 Pine 401 California 331 Montgomery 331 331 •• 309 «• LTJDLUH. MATHER & CO, 21 1 Han LHTY J S, 3'*W) Pine, rm 2 Lylc Wm S, 309 Montgomery L\ >n J E, 314 MATHER. MOORE & CO. '2ii San McAncny Geo B, McClinton J G, McDonald D L, Mc(Jee J B, Miller O C, Mill ik en Isaac T, :W)9 Montgomery 330 Pine 310 " 330 " IMX " 528 foJifoniia MINERS ASSOCIATIOK. Sansom 310 Pine 507 California 331 Montgomery 302 306 Pine 328 Montgomery 211 Sansom 137 Montgomery 208 314 59 Nevada block Townsend W, Tozer C W, TWICHELL OEO Utter Wm, Van Orden Ji.o, Wadsworth J C L, Wallace Geo, Wallace Thos, Weaver P L, Willard E L, 618 California 310 Pine H, 4114Cal, rniS 112 Leidesdorff 330 Tine 401 California 309 Montgomcrv 240 " ' 828 310 Pine J. B. JARDINE^ Maniiffte'turer of Portable and Prospecting Quartz Niilfi, And nil KIikIh of Mnchinurv. Corliss Engines a Specialty. ^35 Beale St., San Francisco. KENDALL & KELLOCC, 818 Pine Street, Munufnc'turcrs and Patontni'M of UISINO UACBINSB? Kendall Pat. Quartz Mill. Kendall Pat. Water Wheel. Kendall Pat. Self-Feeder. Perfect! Snooessfal I Cheap ! Strong! 3 •1 Q so a If (A MINING COMPANIES. } Acme, 300 Montgomery, nn 80 Addenda (gold and silver), 23S MoiitjQr • Etna, 420 " Ajax (gold and silver), .309 California Alabama and Humboldt Con, 302 Mont ALACRON (silver), Alameda, Aliiska Min & Com, Alexandero, Alhambra, Allen Con, Alinaden (quicksilver). .320 Sansom 606 Montgomery 318 Pine 328 Montgomery 414 California 310 Pine, rm 15 214 Sansom Alpha Con M Co, .309 Montgy, rm 29 Alpine (gold and silver), 328 Montity Altar (gold and silver), 32 Merchants' Ex Alta (silver), 'Mfl Montgomery Altoona (quicksilver), 521 Market Altura, 309 montgomery, rm 80 Amador, 318 Pine, rm 27 Amazon Con, 203 Rush American Flag (mill and min), 310 Pine •r TRY MURRAY S MAGIC OIL L.BIumauer&Co., Pertlaad. On- tea. luiT* It it«rr ^V PACIFIC BUi>INE8S COLLEGE, «»i-,,t>iM ■,«»,. ^r. e«-|>lnir, Pcninamhlp, Tvlugnphv MIN i\ 3 A 18 California 310 Vine SO H, 4114 Cal, rni3 11*2 Leidestliirfr 330 Vine ,, 401 California 309 Montgomery 240 328' " ^ 31«Vine gi ISO. lARDlNE, ifncturer of I af ispeetingQnartz Mills, Q kIb o( Mathlnery. | _ NE8 A SPBCFARTY. [b L San Francisco. !| 1 • , & KELLOCC, » *ine Street, '(d TH and Plitentnt'n of _ UACBINEBY luartz Mill. { jj it. Water Wheel. j* dall Pat. Self-Feeder. I' — ? essfol! Clieap ! -0 Strong! I \t COMPANIES. II wo Montgomery, nn 80 ,d silver), '238 Montgy 4'20 ver), 301) California imboldt Con, 302 Mont "1 k-er), om, 320 SanBom | 606 Montgomery i 318 Vine 328 Montgomery 414 Californiii 310 Pine, rm 15 lilver), 214 Xansom 309 Montgy, rm 29 silver), 328 MontKy lilver), 32 Merchants' Ex :W2 Montgomery ilvcr), 521 Market 309 montgomery, rm 80 318 Vine, rm 27 203 Bush mill and min), 310 Vine 8 MIN San FrmieiHco. CI.ANHIKIKP. MIN 1407 American Flat, 331 Montjn, 309 :«)<» 310 Vine 330 .300 California 318 Vine 327 203 Bush 331 Montgy 328 Cumherland, Curtis Con, 1 )aney (gold iind silver), Dardanelles Con Gravel, Dardanelles, Davis Vulverizer, Diiy (silver), Dayton (gold and silver). 328 419 California 310 Vine .328 Montgy 41 1 California 405 310 Vine 203 Bush Bulwer Con, 309 Butte Basin Gravel, 324 Vine Butte Creek Hydraulic,230 Montgomery Cabinet Con, 328 Ihiubasas (laud and min), 32 Merch Ex tsluveras (gold), 328 Montgomery Caledonia (silver), 414 California California (gold), .306 Vine CALIFORNIA, 309 Montgy, rm 23 k 24 Dcndwood (gold), .309 Montgomery Defiance (gold), 309 " De Haro, 409 California Derby, 203 Bush Diana (gold .ind silver), 318 Vine Dixon Bar (min and hydraulic), 21 1 San Double Standard (gold), .309 Montgy Dudley, 309 " Eagle (silver ind copper), 310 Vine East Crown Voint (gold and silver), 328 Montgomery Eastern Belle (gold and silver),309 " East Mammoth(gold and 8ilver),330 Vine East Mt Diablo, 324 " East Noonday (gold and silver),203 Bush i CO P m s 3 i il a W ? I 9 t Pa Pertluid. On> vllty ^B. have tt. H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. 'if IL o i i c o E « CO c . c O 8 < a. W. W. MONTAGUE « CO.,'^ »mttMiJMio,iS!*fitrii«Mdi"«h»t.*«iy(S?'^^ 1408 MIN iSr^?yJ?/.a^^^^^'S.»lI'*l- MIN n, avel), ^er), I, 327 Pine ilver), 309 Montgomery vel Range (gold), rchants' Exchange bldg ilver), 310 Pine u .cksilver), 314 Montgy jilver), 8 S F Ex bldg (cold), 314 Montgomery 203 Bush and mining), 313 Mont 306 Pine li, 302 Montgomery I (silver), 30i) Moiitgy 401 California ind mining), 309 Mont 330 Pine 324 " 328 Montgomery 306 Pine 318 " 310 " 302 Montgomery 3S0 Pine 324 " 302 Montgomery 310 Pine 309 Montgomery i^ll Siiasom nd mining), 330 Pine d mining), :J:W " Id), 309 Montgomery Id), 328 Montj^omwy id water), 531 (.!ulu"ornia 328 >hur), 320 Sausom 309 Montgomery Iver), 324 Piue silver), 324 " (mill and min), :5 Metchauts' Exchanj;e 203 Bush 309 Montgomery 41 H Ouliforma 324 Pine lid and silver), 330 " 408 California t-), 3:W Pine 409 California 419 California |ver), 203 Bush 419 California .silver), 3:WPine 411 California 310 Pine 310 " 309 Montgomery |z), 309 306 Pine Iver), 'i03 Bush Ln Con, 302 Montgomery |h and hydraulic), 314 Montgomery :m Pint MIN San Francisco. MIN CLAB8IFIBD. 1409 5? Last Chance, 328 Montgomery Last Glimmer, 405 California Leviathian, 330 Pine Lewis Con (silver), 310 " Liberty Hill (min and water), 310 " Ligura (gold and silver), 328 Montgomery Little Mac (silver), 328 Liverpool (gold and silver), 330 Pine Lodi, 328 Montgomery London & California, 320 Sansom London (mill and min), 330 Pine Lone Tree (gold and silver), 211 Sansom Lone Tree, '*'* ^^"'-^ — •- Lone Star & Eclipse Con Louise, Lower Comttock, Loyal Lead, Lucky Rock (gold), 45 Merchants' Exchange bldg Mackey (gold and silver), 309 California Ma^ali" (gold), 325 Montgomery Mauiinoth Bar (gold), 310 Pine Mammoth 'gravel), 230 Montgomery Mammoth, 302 Mammmi, 203 Bush Manhattan ( gold), 310 Pine Manhattan 8 S F Exchange bldg Manhattan (silver), 203 Bush Margarita (gold and silver), 328 Montgy Mariposa (land and min), 309 Montgv Martin White, 309 Mary Arm (gold and silver), 314 " Maryland Con (gold and silver), 202 San 434 California 300 Montgy 302 310 Pine 318 Moonlight, Moreno, Morisco (silver), Morning Star, Mortimer, Mt Potosi Con, Mount Dana, 211 Sansom, rooms 6 and 7 217 Sansom 324 Pine 331 Montgomery, rm 7 401 California, room 4 318 Pine, room 31 309 Montgomery, rm 80 Maryland, Matamora Con, Maybell Con, Mayflower (gravel), Mayflower, McChnton, McElroy (gravel). 331 Montgomery 702 Market 310 Pine 328 Montgomery 310 " ;W)9 Montgomery 607 Washington McMTais ((,old and silver), 302 Montgy 328 Montgomery 414 California McMi!' u (silver), Me.Mow Valley, M'ionesCon, 419 •' »ietallic Con (gold and jilver), 3110 Pine Metallic, 309 Montgomery, room 29 Mexican (gold and silver), 203 Bush Mexican (real estate), ; 217 Sansom Middle Hill, 328 Montgomery, rcom 13 HILTON MININO & WATEH CO (H Pichoir sec), 320 Sansom Mineral Fork (smelting), 328 Montgy Mineral King (mill), 315 Califoniia Mint (gold and silver), 409 " Modoc Con, 310 Pine, room 15 Monarch (gravel), 328 Montgomery Monitor Belmont, 309 Mono & Cross Con, 309 California Mono (gold), 309 Montgomery, room 62 Monte Cristo, 309 Montezuma (mill), 330 Fine, room Montezuma, 330 Mount Diablo (silver a.id mill), '408 Cal Mount Hood, 409 California Mountain Tunnel (gravel), 328 Montg:' MURCHI G & S M CO, 828 " ' Napa Con (quicksilver), 330 Pine, rm 16 Naumkeag, 310 Pine, room 15 Nelson (gold and silvc-^ 309 Montgy Nevada (land), 302 Montgomery ^evada, 318 Pine, room 13 New Albany, 27 Merchants' Exchange NcA^ England (gold and silver), 327 Pine New Era (gold and silver), 328 Montgy New Homer, 203 Bush, room 26 Now York, 203 Bush Niagara (silver), 324 Pine Nichol (gold and silver;, 330 " Nob Hill (gold and silver), 330 " Noonday, 310 Pine, room 25 Norman, 302 Montgomery North American Con, 302 " North Belmont, 8 S F Exchange bldg NORTH BLOOMFIELB (gravel), (H Pichojr sec), 3f20 Sansom North Bonanza, 309 Montgomery, rm 61 North Bulwer (gold and silver) 203 Bush North California (gold and silver), 328 Montgomery, room 2'* North Comstock (silver), 203 Bush North Con Virginia, 309 Montgomery North Dayton (gold and silver), 328 " North Keystone, 203 Bush North Mammoth, 309 Montgomery North Noonday, 310 Pine, room 25 North Scorpion, 211 Sansom North Standard (gold and silver), 309 Montgomery, room 44 North Star (gold), 401 California, rm 4 North Utah, 203 Bush Northern Belle (mill), 309 Montgomery Northern King (mill), 318 Pine Northern Light (gold and silver),310 " Numa, 328 Montgomery, room 21 Oakland Con (gold), 314 Montgomery Oakland (gold), 240 " Oakland (quicksilver), 309 " Occidental Con (grave) ), 402 " Occidental , 309 Montgomery Old Channel (gravel), 230 Mont Oliver, 331 Montgomery Oneida 27 Merchants' Ex Ontario (silver), 309 Montgy Ophir Con (mill and min), 320 San Ophir (silver), 203 Bush Oregon Con (gold and silver), 328 Mont Orient, 327 Pine Monumental (quicksilver), 330 Pinel Oriental Con (gold and silver) , 411 Cal «£ M ri". i ;«..315JSt.,Sa& IpURE PORT WINE. Ir Uldul Pimosu. 302 Davis SU S. F. 49V wm m W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., ^\\^ i'a'i.'«^ff5?»yig,?t^gg g;i'S 1410 MIN San Francisco. min San Francisco. CI/ASSiriKD. Original Amador, 320 Sauaom Original Empire, 401 Cal Original Gold Hill (gold & silver) 30S) " Original Hidden Treasure, 401 " Original Keystone (silver), (Nev) 4'20 Tine Original Keystone (silver), 330 Orleans Con, 419 California Orleans, 315 Oro Blanco, (Arizona) 328 Montgomery Oro (mill and min), 217 8ansom Oro, 320 Oroville (gravel), 318 Pine Ovrermau No 2 (silver), (Nev) 328 Montgy Overman (Nev), 414 Caliioriaa Paradise lied Dteer, 318 jVine Paradise Valley, 328 Montgoraery Peytona, 310 Pine Phil Sheridan (gold and silver), 203 Bush Pilgrim (gold and silver), 314 Montgy Pinkham, 310 Pine Pioneer Con, 309 California Pioneer (gold and silver), 330 Pine Pioneer, 310 " Piitsb'irg (gold), 414 California Pleiades (gold and silver), 328 Montgy Plumas Com (gold), 240 Montgomery Plutus (gold and silver), 04ti Markel Puntiac (gold and silver), 302 Montgy Potosi, 203 Bush Potter, 318 Pine Price & Davies, 30G I'lne Prospect (gold and silver), 27 ttl'sroh Kx PYEAMir, (gold and silver), :)20 Kear Quartz Mountain (G & tunnel), 'Mi\) Mont Quartz Mountain (gold), 729 Montgy l^ueen Bee, 324 Pino Quicksilver, 320 S(»HSom Kainbow (gold), 419 California Raymond A Ely, 32S Montgomery Real del Monte, 203 Busii Red Cloud Con, 309 Montgomery Red Hill Hydr'iic (M & water), 328 Mouc Kcdington Quicksilver, 531 Market ban Rafael, 646 Market Santa Mina (gold), 31^0 pj^ Santiago (gold and silver), 646 Market San Xavier, 32 Merchants' Excharce Savage, 309 Montgomery Scorpion (silver). Segregated Europa, Seventy-six (silver), Sheba (silver), Sherwood Con, SnurtleflF (gold). Sierra Buttes (gold), Sierra Nevada (silver). Signal, Silver City, Silver Hill, Silver Jacket, Silver King, Silver King North, cJilver Lick Con, Silveropulis (gold and silver). Silver Prize (gold and silver). Slate Creek (gold). 310 Pine 240 Montgomery 3U« Pine 314 Montgomery 309 Ciiliftirnia 330 Pine 320 Sausom 61 Nevad.i blk ^03 Bush 309 Montguuiery ii«3 liush - :^"? " 315 California 3;50 Pine 309 Montgomery •'•'"-' '.m I'iue 328 Mout 240 Soliil Silver (gold and silver), 320S;ui8om South Belvidore (gold, silver), 330 Pine South Bodie (gold), 309 Mout.;oner-r South Bulwer, ^-jo tiaiim ■ 1 South Comatock Con (silver), "Dii ■ South Europa, *.' South Eeather Water and Unu.ii, 314 Montgomery South Justice, 'joa Bush Snuth Lady Bryan Con, 309 Montgomery South Nooiulay (gold), 320 rtansou South Overman (silver), 328 Montgomery South Potosi (gold and silver), 640 Mkt Red Jacket Con, Relief Con, Reno, Republic Con, Resolute Tunnel, EEVENUE. Rex Montis, Richer, ^ Rigeza, Riverside, Robert Emmett Con, 203 Busli 310 line 318 " 310 •' 240 Montgomery 41 li Cal 309 Montgomery 309 320 Sansom 211 401 California Ruby (silver), 19 Merchants Exchange Sabine, 409 California St Louis, 203 Bush '2 Market Temple, 313 Montgomery Piger (gold and silver), 330 Pine Tiger, 309 Montgomery Tiger, 831 " Tioga Con, 809 " Tolo, Ik loquerviiie. Trinity Hydraulic, 409 Califo-nia 310 Piae 324 " TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer ACo., 'SSTfl^ Hnmbeni, iianiel, 309 Montgomery, rm 80 BUFPINGTON J M, 309 California, rooms 3 and 4 Bnnker R F, 606 Montgomery Bur.is Butler, 309 Montgomery, rm 2 Bush H P, 27 Merchants' Exchange i;:;i;er F S, 318 Pine, room 31 CHAPMAN W E, 306 Pine Charhs H A, 419 California, room 21 Chickering W H, 214 Sansom Cluskey Henry, 211 " Collmrn A, 318 Pine, room 15 Colburn T W, 414 California Cooper A B, 328 Montgomery, room 4 CraneC W, 318 Pine, room 39 CROCKETT JOHN, 203 Bush Curtisa C S, <203 " Dunks J W, , 306Pinp, room 11 203 Bush, room 8 315 California . 309 Montgomery, rm 37 WashiuKton, 3'28 Montgomery, room '20 1 l>>jrbrow A K, 309 J '• 69 WnsonCen, 3'27 Pine, ^ril^'^""'^" *'"»3. 330 Pine, room 26 Watson. 302 Montgomery! 1;"'"* ^^ V „'\28 Montgomery, room 17 Watt Blue Gravel, 414 Curiforiiiaj Lf^V.^^^^'i:^'' ^ ^' '-'"'-^ ^'^"^o" W'ebfoot (silver), 330 Pine, room 47 Welling M (smelting), 414 Culifornii, Wells Pargo, 318 Pine, room 15 Valparaiso (gold and silver), 302 Mont Vancouver, 409 California Vanderbilt Con, 3'27 Pine Vanderbilt (mill and min), 328 Montgy Victor (mill), 327 Pine Victoria & imperial (tunnel), 302 Mont Vivian, '-^03 Bush Vortex, 324 Pine, room 1 Vulcan, _ 302 Mons-gomery - Walker (mill), 328 Montgomery, rm '20 tj^*" »;, [t' Ward IVcherCon, 401 California, rm4! ,T''" ">\\/y' Ward (gold and silver), 419 Cahfornia S'':^;^\ ^). t 0' West Conistock (gold and silver '2'M Montgomery West Side (silver), 3:<0 Pino Western, 2*>3 Bush Fields J L, 240 Montgomery Fisher Geo \V, 3'24 Pine, rooms 1 and 2 Frankeiithal F, 3:iO Pine, room 28 Frankiades 1>, 312 California Freeland E G, 19 Merchants' Ex bldg Frisius F A, 330 Montgomery (Jilk'spy John H, 309 Weston Union, 309 Montgomery rm 80 ' ^"iHett C E, 211 Sansom White Cloud, 309 Mont-oniory, rm '25 GORDON C P,rms 23 and 24, 309 Mont White Lead, 302 M.mtgomery QRAINGER "'VM, 211 Sansom Woodville Con (silver), 419 Calitornia (iuructt \V J, 310 California Yellow Jacket (gold and silver), | Hall E M, 20 Stock Exchange bldg 203 Bush, room 10 Halsey Abraham, 314 Montgomery TVBA GRAVEL RANGE. 3'20 San HAVENS A W, rm 26, 309 Montgy - il) Gravel, 302 Montgomery HEALY CHAS S, 45 Merch Ex bldg ;•! v,«,.,, (mill), 309 Montg.n,.ery, rm 73, Hermann Lucien, ,,:,i.<^,old), 314 Montgomery Hestres E, Hewson K, ;■ JIBING SECRETARIES. gJ^j^^J^-^g Adams (Jrove, 25 Merchants' Exchange Holmes E A, * Allen W^m H, 306 Pine; Holmes E B, 521 Market^ Hopkins K D, 3'20 California^ Hopkins Geo W, 513 California' Howell I^uis V, 320 Sansom Hubbard C Van Dyke, 405 California' Jennings DA, &n Leidesdorff Kelly R E, Ijli " j Kent DM, 315 California Leavitt Lcander, 308 •' I Lemmon Geo, 816 " ' Lent W H, AllenlHirgCbas, Pines P W, ANDREWS WM JR, Applt^gate J J, ArkiiiBon Thos ii, Atwell .los F, Aycrs Joshua, Badger Chaa W, Me Jimes, B *ir A W, m o €/» \ rti ;f 1 lil 111 ! 220 Sansom 328 Montcromery 320 Sansom 634 Market 207 Sansom 318 Pine 309 Montgomery 240 " 419 California 318 Pine 203 Bush 401 California 419 330 Pine 309 Montgomery 439 California 309 Montgomery '< ' ■ 3 e St 5S Oi rwti«ii«.OM* H. PALMER A CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. < 1 CO i e i S ■I £ E IL 7 CD o o o o < a. E w, w. MONTAGUE A CO., ?g.'?ffLvyir«tJarS£&avg 1412 MIN Scm Frcmcisco. MUS CLAB8IFIBD. Lightner Joel F, LiUie L, UTTELLHW, UTTRELL HW* Co), Long E H, Luty F E, Long E H, Luty F E, Manolm J B, Mahoney J F, Marks W S, McCoy C L, McGee F A, 309 Montgomery 607 Washington 520 Kearny (PG & S M 330 Pine 313 Montgomery 330 Pine 313 Montgomery 330 Pine 331 Montgomery 214 Sansom 203 Bush 203 32 Merchants' Exchange McOEOOHEOAN JT, 318 Pine, rm 13 McGrew A F, McLaren P M, McMeans A C, Meade Calvert, Metchke Otto, Miller H R, Monroe F S, Moore J, Morizio Josepi;, Morse C A, Mulloy Peter, Newlands James, Noyes R B, 420 Montgomery 318 Pine 328 Montgomery 324 Pine 328 Montgomery 405 California 310 Pine 309 California 328 Montgomery 217 Sansom 315 California 203 Bush 240 Montgomery OIIYER WM LETTS, 328 Mont.rm 13 Oughiu J C, Parker E L, FASSISH WH W, PECK E A> Pentecost J, Perry GH, Pew J W, PICHOm H, Pickens J H, Pope E R, Potter A W, PRATT GEO C. Redington H W, Riddefl D C, SODOERS S D, Rose A W, Sankey Chas A, Sayre J H, Scott E W, Scoville J J, Shackleford T J, Shaw C N, Smith W T, Spinney Geo R, Stadtfeid Jacob Jr, Stetson VV W, Stone Edward F, Stone H S, Street & Learned, Stuart W, TAYLOR WM J, Thomas D L, Thompson J W, Thurston Geo P, 419 California 61 Nevada block 330 Pine 646 Market 702 320 Sansom 310 Pine 320 Sansom 439 California 217 Sansom 137 Montgomer / 309 328 " 430 328 302 " 331 330 Pine 137 Montgomery 309 310 Pine 408 California 402 Montgomery 310 Pine 419 California 309 Montgomery 306 Pine 419 Califoroift 331 Montgomery 320 Sansom 310 Pine 203 Bush 310 Pine 315 California Van Brunt R N, 318 Pine VERDENALDF, 327 " Walton N C Jr, 419 California Ward David Sc Henshaw, 306 Montmr WATSON WMH, 302 «''*^ Wegener R, 414 California White T A, 328 Montgomery Wilder David, 328 " ' Willis Wm, 309 MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS. ANTISELL T M & CO. (wholesale pianos), NW cor Eddy and Powell AfeldJ, Arnold N S & Co, Badger Wm G, Balcli H M, BANCROFT A L BENHAMAM. Burke W A, Curtaz B, 805 Larkin 310 California 7 and 13 Sansom 843 Mission & CO, 721 Market 647 520 Pine 20 O'Farrell EATON CHAS S.(Hazelton)647 Market FEIQENBAUM & CO, 120 to 126 Sansom and 217 and 219 Pine FRANKENTHAL & CO, SW cor Battery and California Frey Wm A, 404 Kearny GESSON J W & CO, 647 Market Goodnough A M. 24 O'Farrell GRAY Matthias, (steinway), 117 Post Hammer L K, 23 Dupont Heald I A, 514 Commercial Hemme k Long, 404 Montgomery HENRY D W, (music boxes), 226 O'Farrell Holbroofc & Lewis, 23 Dupont Hook Bros, 34 Sixth Keene C C, cor Market and Third KOHLER & CHASE, (Decker Bros and Emerson), 137 and 139 Post \Iagill F W, 10164 Market MEYERS ADOLPH, (wholesale), 46 Geary Meyers & Larpin, Kear bet Sonoma and Nevada MoeserJ, 811 Market O'Connor J B &. 103 Sixth Paillard M J & Co, 117 Post Peters J M L & Co, 207 Montgomery PIERCE WALTER S, 30 New Mont ReiukingE, 117 Post Rudolph G & Co, 4 and 6 Fifth Schraubstadter Wm, Geary nr Dupont Sharp W T, 825 Market Sherman, Hyde & Co, 139 Kearny Simon HA, 641 Market Smith J S, 200 Post SPENCERFWftCO. 23 Fifth Statham &, Cone, 23 Dupont H. WACHHORST. importer off ^e';';i^!%&tr;«.. 815JSt..Sao, Be CO, itoM.iM.iia. •trect, tl. V. IS 318 Pine 327 " 419 California ,w, 306 Montgy 302 " 414 California 328 Montgomery 328 309 CAL INSTRU- rs. COt (wholesale •r Eddy and Powell 805 Larkin 310 California 7 and ISSanaom 843 Mission 721 Market 647 520 Pine 20 O'Farrell aazelton)647 Market CO, ind 217 and 219 Pine ittery and California 404 Kearny D 647 Market ' 24 O'Farrell ;. (Steiaway), ' 117 Post 23 Dnpont 514 Commercial 404 Montgomery imusic boxes), 226 O'Farrell 23 Dupout 34 Sixth |or Market and Third ISE. (Decker Bros ^137 and 139 Post 1016^ Market IpH. (wholesale), ' 46 Geary Sonoma and Nevada 811 Market 103 Sixth 117 Post 207 Montgomery I g 30 New Mont ' 117 Post 4 and 6 Fifth Geary nr Dupont 825 Market 139 Kearny * 641 Market 200 Post . CO 23 Fifth ' 23 Duponi PACr!C BUSINESS COLLEGE, ^«- Soir^S'iv^/J?*"^ thorouKhly for BiiHlneas. in (0 MUS San Francisco. CLASSIFIED. NEW 1413 WOODWORTH, SCHELL & CO, 12 Post Zech Jacob, 211 and 213 Ninth ZolIverH, 238 Sixth NEEDLES. DOYLE HENRY & CO 51 1 Market Largest MUSIC HOUSE On the Pacifi c Coast. BAN!) INSTEIMEirTI Violins, Guitara, Accordeons, Violin Strings, Band and Orchestra LIusic, &c., At New York Prices. KOHLER & CHASE, Import3r3 and Wholesale Sealers, 137 and 139 Post Street, SAN FRANCISCO. ADOLPH MEYERS, Dealer hi • Musical Instruments, Italian Strin^'H, Etc., Whulosalu and Hetuil, 40 tiieary (St., Man Fraiirist'o. Best Italian Slniiurs for Violin, Guitar and llaujo onli' V.'.ii centB, Orders from the Country promptly attended to, MUSIC TEACHERS. Dama Signor, DeWoloski Alex S, Fisher Miss E, Formers Carl, Kimball Proctor W, Lada Madame, Mausuci (1, Marsli Henry, Pagett Mrs F, Pique E, Schneider Mrs Julia Solano M, Sperauza D, Striby Mrs Ix>uisa, Striby Wm, NATURALISTS. Bhmt W a, CHAPMAN HENEY, LoaauiN £ F, NECKTIE FACTORIES. Fobs k Schoof, Heineman H M, Joel Albert M, NEWS AGENTS. (See also Books and Stationery; alto Varieties.) BrunnerL, 339 Hayes Currie Arthur L, 514 Post Macowsky & Adelaon, 600 Market ProU Bros, 1417 Polk SAN FRANCISCO NEWS CO. (Kmile Bauer man), 413 and 415 Wash Smith H F & Co, 225 Keamv SORGE OSCAR, 20 GearV UNION NEWS CO, (Fred Vaughn man^r), cor Sausom and Washington Voael & Hahn, 423 Washinsiton WRIGHT & HANCHETTE, ^ 433 Montgomery ave NEWSPAPERS AND PERIOD- ICALS. "ALTA CALIFORNIA," (Fredk MacCrellish & Co pulw), 529 California ''American Druids Journal," (Dane Brown pub), (iOG Montgomery "ARGONAUT" PUB CO, (Frank M Pixley pres), 522 California "Avalanche Insurance Monthly," K B Caverlv editor), 410 " "BULLETIN," ( ar.lt) C'2-' Clay "ILLUSTRATED WASP," (weekly), (K Korliel .V I'.ros) liO'J Cal "Jewish I'rogress,'' (Abe Seligsohn) '.i]'A Kearny "JOURNAL OF COMMERCE," (weekly), (W H Murray) 414 Clay " LADIES' HOME JOURNAL." (Hiram Morse) Chroniele hhlg "LAND WORLD," (Cyrus & street) 3S1 Montgomery "LA VOCE DEL POPULI," (weekly). (C B Cevaseo) 00:{ Wash "La Voz del Nnevo Muiuli>," (.semi- woekly), (F S Fierro) O-J'J Clay antl G-'5 Merehant "Le Petit Journal," (French weekly) ((Jeorges Francfort) l>03 Washington "Masonic Monthly and Paeilic Workman," (J W Kinsley) :VJ Sutter "Metropolitan Banner," (local weekly), (1 S Kalloeh) Fifth and Jessie -MINING AND SCIENTEFIC PRESS." (l^i--^- • y & <-'") -^- ''>aiis.)m "Monitor," The, (weekly) (Ue\ J F Hnrrintrton) ()-J'2 Clay "MORNING CALL." (daily and weekly) 5'J5 Montgy and 710 .Mkt "New Age," (weekly) ' 420 Kearny "Olympian," (The) (H K .Murray) 411) Sacramento '•PACIFIC APPEAL," (weekly) (Wm H Carter) G'J'J Clay -PACIFIC COAST LAW JOURNAL."(W T Baggett) 51 1 Mont "PACIFIC LIFE," (H a Shaw) 538 California "Pacific Medical and Surgical Jour- nal," (H (Jibbons M 1> & Son) 20 Montgomery "Pacific Methodist," (W B Parsons) 320 Sansom ••PACIFIC RURAL PRESS." (Dewey & Co) 202 Sansom "Pacific School and Home Journal," 838 Market "Pacific Workman," (J W Kinsley & Co) a24i Market "PARADE REVIEW." (M u Bates & Co pubs), 423 Washington "Beal Estate Circular," (monthly) (Thomas Magee) 20 Montgomery "lieal Estate & Mining Agi, ' (monthly), (Cyrus H Street) 331 Moat "REAL ESTATE PRICE LIST." ((Jeo W Cliapin) 313 Moiitgonierv "S F ABEND POST," (daily ami weekly) (S F Abend I'ost Co) 535 Cal "S F CHRONICLE," (daily and weekly) eor Bush and Kearny "JOURNAL OF COMMERCE," (weekly), (W H Murray) 414 Clay •S F MERCHANT," (THE) (Alex DBell) 223 Front "S F NEWS LETTER," (F Mar- riott) 007 and 015 Merdiant "S F Public School Keeord," ((Jeo Francfort) 003 Wasiiitioton "SF Punch," 83S .Market "S F STAR," (NNeekly) (<,eo T Hanley) 214 Saeranieuto "Sountags (last," (weekly) (DKliut- worth) 802 Montgomery ♦'STATISTICIAN," (L i' MeCarty) 414 Clay "STILLEE-HA F S-P S T E N," (Swedish), (Voungbrog & Meyer) 417 liush "STOCK REPORT," (.laily and weekly) S F Stock E.xelianLje bid" "THE CALIFORNIAN,' ° (monthly) (A Kcman I'ub Co) ."ill I'al "The Evangel," (weekly) (J K Prior) cor Fifth ami Jus.sie "The Farmer," (Ayers& Co) 25G Market "The Footliglit, " (dramatic dailj) (.J 1) Kobinsonl <'21 Sansom "The IJoldenCate" (weeklv), UUliTurk *' THE GUIDE,"(tri-weekly), (The . (iuide Pub Co. H Day man) 521 Clay "THE PACIIiC." (weekly), (S S Suiitii & J Kimball), 7 MontL'y ave "The Pacific Churchman," (semi- monthly), (Rev DO Kelly), tWJMout "THE PACIFIC LAND JOUR- NAL," (\Vm Andreus pub), .^13 Cal "The PacilKc Eife," (weekly), 53S'' "THE RESOURCES OF CALI- FORNIA," (J 1' H Went worth l)ropr), 320 Sanaom "THE TELEPHONE." (weekly) (.1 S McCue) GOoClsy •' Wino lAjttlerB' Gazette," 722 Montgy NOTARIES PUBLIC. ■0 Q Z O -i c r •< c o 9f (A O 3 Bcnjamiu A F, BLOOD J H, Campbell W S, 417 California 304 Montgomery 503 TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. 8M KING. NOT o ri :^^^jw Bnwinwww. «"^ 1415 • Aloutgomerv r f ^® ^ & CO. .. « Eddy m£lt OTAs'p "'■"''»'■'»' K«i.S i:;- *''««^ ■?«'>"'-y pox GEO T, 444 K'l^'I'ardJean "p^"'«»-'»»'nVel7ster 628 <' V , '"inlens), -tU-t H.nd & t* ^^' ^"J-' Broadway i-'-58 Mont';;;;,.:;"! f "".vai .i, '"- 4i ^ij, 4-'>S Alon 4 S- "I'^f l^'t < 'iu..s & f„ »0^S Sutter ' ^'uvors .(„|,„ If' '"" <- Ellia 'J7 'Sutter '-1 Sutter NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS c.,w.,^N ,,„,,, ; Feder M M&tV. ''^Market Goldsti'iii J H ' •'•'Battery Hoffman &C"o' i- /,-'|^>S'"iaoni S?!A^ ." ■• ^ J^« ^«. I / Neu- Mo;:tgomer NURSERYMEN AND FLOR *STS. (See also Seodsmeii.) Allen Hugh, Appleby Wm, y32 and it.S4 McAllister f. , ^ OCULISTS. "arkan A ^ " v», FERRER HENRY '^^^ ^^'''•"y illLTON 6 P „:; ' Kearny I'ardoe i; H ' 808^ Mission ''"'■•y <^ ^V, Half wav Coh""' ^^'^^^ SMITH WF>'' ""• ""y '^"'l MeVimac IVuukle K, • ;JIS Bush "18 Kearny , o E 75 CO c c O ■ O o o z S o < 0. h h O 1416 OIL San Francisco. CliAHHIFIKI). OYS OILS. Allyne & White, 1 12 and 1 14 Front Alpers (Jhas, 700 Mission Alves D (Diumond), 1244 Market Burdick J C, 208 PaciHc California Star Oil Worko Co, 402 Mont COLUMBIA PETROLEUM CO of Ventura (G VV Blake pres), 408 Cal Continental Oil & Transportation Co, 120 and 122 Front Daley James F, 2011 Mission DEITZ A & CO, 224 Front FELTON C N, 402 MoutKOmery FISKELD, 402 Hoilgkins W L, 335 Hayes Leaniing Petroleum Co', 414 California Pacific Coast Oil Co, 402 Montgomery Kudolph Wm, 15G7 Market S F Petroleum Co, 402 Montgomery Santa Clara Petroleum Co, 402 Montgy Scofield & Tevis, 120 and 122 Front Standard Oil Co, 123 Califonua Standard Oil Co of California, 402 Mont Taylor F B & Co, (wholesale), 1015 Bat OPTICIANS. BEBTELINO & WATBT (scien- tific), 427 Kearny Ewing Chas G, 120 Sutter Hess Chas, 519 Kearny HOUSEWORTH THOMAS (opti cal goods), Kahn & Brod, LORSCH BROS, MANASSE N, MULLER C, Myers H & Son, O'Neill J, ROACH JOHN, Seamans J ob M, BBItTELINO's TATKNT. Adjiistinif S|)uctaolo8 to siilt all the varloiis (.'oiiditiciiiM iif the s\\(\\t our Npecialty. Wo aro tliti only opticiaiia uu the I'aolffu Ouast who niako Sjicutuulo lieuso^ to order. BERTELIN6 & WATRY. Scifiiliflo Onticiana, 4!«7 K«*arny (»tr»M«t bi'twuoii Pine utid California, San Francisco, Spaulding Andrew, 12 Montgomery 335 Bush 120 Sutter 20 Montgomery 135 333 Kearny 41 Fifth 605 Sac and 42U Mont 207 Montgomery 122 Fourth JOHN ROACH, OPTICIAN AND Mathematical Instrument Maker, 480 Montgfomery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Instruinerits made to order, Kepaired and care fully adjusted. trj' Vvlifem Reduced. (tJk MULLER'S OPTICAL DEPOT 13.') Montgomery St., near Bush, S. F. Spet'iuity for ."JO years. Established S. F. 1863- l'ouiiti-.v OrderM attended to. OYSTER SALOONS. (See also Restaurants.) ALBERS A, 50 and 51 California Mkt Alleon Frank, 87 and 88 Centre Market Althof Theo, 020 " Bernstein Abe, 1 140 Mkt; Central Mkt Brady & Donleavy, 530 " COLLINS S F & CO. 511 Cal; 32ct, foniiu, San KiunuUc I Reduced, (tj) PTICAL DEPOT St., near liush, S. F. EHtabliflhed S. V. 1883' ierM attended to. SALOONS, Restaurants.) and 51 California Alkt and 88 Centre Market 62G 40 Mkt; Central Mkt f, 530 " CO,511Cal::i2yMont 50Grand Central Mkt 15 Stockton 105 California Market imU Stockton 337 Bush 826 Market V cor Davis and Clark 902 Kearny 415 Pine 210 Sutter 426 and 428 Tine Centre Market cor Market and Sixtli Mission Market 138 Fourth 221 Pacitic I B, 68 California Mkt 3 Clay St Market , Mont ave nr Kearny Summer nr " Oyster and Chop 210 butter IS-RETAIL. [2 Grand Western Mkt 92 California Market tens, 33 Centre " S^'" 315 J 8t (D 3. S i a> 3 » a a a n a- Ol o a §1 o a (D r*\ t\ or u ^^?!!!^lPamHmp Praetiealis OYS San Francisco 1417 JOHNSOWWJ 72rai,7« .. ~T~ Manni,j^ H J? '' ^' ^''''^"^'^ Market Griffith J„h„ fi TESMORP bSt*^^^ Califor„& fe^ «"«wold & Be ' "larKet Harrison Kmil B OYSTERS-WHOLESALE hSEJob' DOANE & CO 7" f 'J~f^ •''■"^' '^"^t •''"•"'•■"» H G Efnej^o,,. Corville & Co '^'^.r J"'"'^^* ^1^^ «'''nuei; MORGAN & rn s? n i-r '^^^ 'Ransom Ivuig M ^'7 summer andlOT California Market!::^or.^„ PAINTERS-HOUSE, SIGN ''"''"'' AND CARRIAGE (See also Paints, Oils, Glass! etc ) Anson I'atrick F, ' Aypr & Morrow, Ballard Geo, Barker H, Barron C J, Baxter A Blank, Bernanl C A. Black E H, Bradley B, Brandt B L, Brewster ,f f)hn BBOOKS JBHOS Bush lahonev I) J 1^8 California Mardy Ed, "^ * ^®' Mr,T • kl''"-*'" & Co, 5./Montgo„.ep ,JMcCk.llj;^i.., «^» Market McDowell TW ^?^Alo;.tJtt;r^»SENEAU A S 216 Washington 837 Folsom cor lovi. ^^cramento ''or 19th and Mission 1161 ' 29 Valencia 823 Market ■^•52 Sixteenth 1104 Howard Ku 1 , "^^1 Sutter 104andl06O'Parrell *io Sacramento "^34 Kearny TQ- ^^29 Pi/e 63o California 1601 ,,23 Fifth J»03and 1605 Polk 23 .Sixth 255 Third 423 Pine 120!) Fillmore 891 Market 124Fourth 435 Hayes 1C15 Powell 22 Fillmore 0-1 ,2 Jones 3yi O'Farrell (carriajre) 1927 Mission 722 Howard ;•«» 20!) Post V n *';!'* ^'^'mondso^ --<> ^^^"'%y ave 1711 Missim: J " ''*^ '^'•"«. ' '^, ' D'-^vis - ^^^.«.e. ^'^^"Hfo^:;issf/^^^'-. Clavil L, '''■""''^ ''^^ ^^"'•kot and Geary fe^^ ^'•?;'' Coles A b, 824 Pacific S *p J""'"' J. Coleman .fohn E W o!;f^/,''''"'^'" I'elle.rri.n'p tostcllo M & Co, • "oQr/Vi'""'", J'<^^""ycook".his Counter CE, IS-f \^'".'"'^ IVtorin G b '' Deferrari <; B, ;^07 and 309 vfn, ?''""''"^ P''illip« E ' Dterbaum John C, ''"•' ^Vt a?^' l^^'" '"'Per & Co Jonovan M J & j j inn« m^">'^«i '^"^^ors F S ' J^^^nimg Thos, ' ,7i' Mission I{ohr .In' frank August W ^^r. a, ^ '^"^ Hayes Smith <- t ' Frank F, ^ ^' -^' Montgomery ave S J,, iV ' Frank F, Frassi A, Frost & Richards, fiadsby E H, Gallagher e'm, 'oilman P L, Ginipel Maurice C, •'18 I ac.hc Stanton .las, ^If .&t;jSt:;,ft^ 4m ,, «^2 Clay 404 Montijomerv 1053 xMarket 781 FoLsom 431 Fourth 50!) Bush _, 432 Kearny 517 California 41!) Chestnut 310 Minna 007 AT '"''^ J^ytie -"/ Montgomery 5.38 Green 629 Merchant 6 Tvler 517 California 4 Lily ave ^ 32i» Sutter 524 Valencia .„ '214 Polk 1305 Stockton ,^727 Market 1*1 9i Dupont 1J>22 Union 417 Post 417 Bush f'l; '"''^^^snsjs.isng^sff^sS WW WUI MAMT AfillP JL m WtAYfK anil Hiuisvm, aoo diltarenv Mm*. Myim .n.! , ff . mura I MUUC n UUm ..bHmt" ho. ne. 114. lis and 11» ll»»t»i-» Ht . R. K ill mm a Im IL ■ CO 10 s o o if « I z iL c c o ■ o o z s < IL 1418 PA I San Francisco. CLAMHiriKD. PAP Wagner Henry, Warren F 4 Son, Wolbern & Eisner, York W R, Oxo. C. Broork. 037 California 710 Buchanan 00(i Post 312 Minna .Iah, F. Bkoukk. BROOKES' mmm WQMum BROOKE BROS., Prop'rs. 717 Market Htroet, Man Fraii«'iH«'o. GluB4 Sibils, HanncrH, Piotiii'cs, I'uriirutnivs, ami ull kinds of Scciiic ruiiitin^, Fence Ailver- tiHinfc' ill City uiul ill! eountry towns, IIounu iuhI S.ore Cuintini; promptly iittciiiled to. Ja|>aii TliiM in Uold lor liiMuruii«*«' Caiiipaiiit'H. Affuiiey "TiiK Amkku'an Skin Wkitkk," *').Cki per ti>py. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. *Manufacturers and Wholesale. AmnitTup (i, l'2'JO Market Basler & Jewell, 1005 *CAL PAINT CO, «-' \N- Beach manager), 41!) .lackBon Cooney .1, 113 Fourth •DIETZ A C & CO, _ -'-'4 Krnnt Doerrer Wm (J, 1744 Market Downing T, G15 Mission Grossman Marx, (gla/ier), 517 California *HU£T£R BROS & CO, 12 second Kelly Jas K & Co, 101 to 105 Front and 1 10 Pine Lydon Daniel, 23 .sixth Marcus Bros, 521 Market Moulton & KilmonsoH, 510 Davi.s *OR£ICK S, (Averill mixed ijaint), 417 Market *PACUIC RUBBER PAINT CO. (Whittier, Fuller & Co), 21, 23 Front 'RAYNOLDS C T & CO, o " ReaEF, 1*31 Ihipont •Redint^ton &, Co, 520 Market Wolf F'-f, 1228 .St.)ckton *Yates&Co, 113 Front AVERILL MIXED PAINT, Prepared Ready for Uae. O. S. ORRICK, General Agent, 4 i 7 Market Street. MAX FBAX€IM4;0 PIONEER VARNISH WORKS HUETER BROS. & CO., Prop'7^ Detilun in PalntM, OIIm, nrnMh«>H, and Artist MatcrialM, Office : 1 2 Second St. Kaitorv, a4tll Mtre«'t, Itlocic 140. MA]W KRA9iC;iMC'0 PIONEER VARNISH WORKS HUETER BROS. & CO.. .MiiuufiicturerH of Fiii<> Coavli, Railway and Furni. tur«' VuriiiMlivM and Jaiiaim, Works, 24tli and Kansna ttrccts, Jjtpot. aio. lie Meoond Mt., Cirand Hotel. PAPER BOX MANUFAC- TURERS. Thiehaut C, Waizman M, Wempe Bros, 744 Mission 53!) Market 509 T. I,. Mkiuiu.l. K. WijiiTii MEEEILL'& WOETH, .Miuiiifiictuiers of Paper Collars, Cuffs and Bosoms, IXniler^ in (jciit-.' l"'urni>.hin^ (looils ic SuN|ieii(lcrs, 'A~* M«'«>nnd Nt., Nan FraiiviHeo. PAPER HANGINGS AND WIN- DOW SHADES. (See also i'aints, Oil, (Jlass, etc.) I o 0) •< o c r o H n c o T 9 CA o 3 (Ol Ull si 3 Clark (leo W, Connell & Smith, LOWEREE WM H. Aleyer Henry, Smith & Tillman, ST DENIS JULES, 045 Market 5 Hi (Jeary 715 Market 407 O'Farrell II l'03t 1 305 Stockton PAPER WAREHOUSES. (Sec also Stationers — Wholesale.) BLAKE, ROBBINS & CO, (bags), 510 Sacramento BONESTELL, ALLEN & CO, 413 and 415 Sansom B)wieWA, ' 120 Tyler CALIFORNU PAPER CO, (Kg ber Judson pres), 10 California TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumaner & Co., "^"UlivTir "m BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ""'Vv^VUVV^hV lA^J'*^ »v»^ IP €l1*t!0 Q isH WORKS r; CO.. Prop'rs^\^ 4hvM, and ArtlMt IttlH, M iecond St. p Irfi't. lilu^'k no. Q NISH WORKS L R.OS. & CO.. IQ liuerM i)f llway and Fuiiil- g" 'H and JaimnM, U, Kansas fctrcots. S rond m., lirai.ailotd. « ( MANUFAC- lg| a 744 Mission Litl y.V.) MMi'kot UOI DG'J •' 1"" RERS. — — »L K. Wiiimi. S'l & WORTH, L] ..ttiiitrs of r Cuffs and Bosoms, |'p niler.-. in ., Han Fra.M'H'o. 1 01 ;|NGS AND WIN- ,^j SHADES. ts, Oil, t!la88, etc.) 04.') Market f)!!) (jcary "O 715 Market 1 407 O'FarreU 11 I'oat LeS ' "^'^ Stiickton Iarehouses. lioners— Wholeaale.) IS & CO. (^>»«»)- , 510 Sacramento [,LEN & CO, , 4i:i and 415 hansom 120 Tyler PAPBaCO.lKg- LA 10 Californu pit to o o eo (/> a. PAP San Fi'andsco. CI,AHHlriKD. UK. nmt p nmt m... n,r, 1410 PAT i'j Flint Frank P, 420 Clay Frounil ft Co, 'J04 Bush MILLER & RICHARDS. 525 to 520 Commercial nich'inlson W fJ, 507 Montt/omerv SONNTAO CHAS & CO, n>aga), 40 California TAYLOR S P & CO. 416 Clay BONESTELL, ALLEN & CO., PAPER WAREHOUSE. Dcniero in BOOK, POSTER, NEWS, MANILLA, if I lliudwaro iaiid Straw Wrapping Paper, >ranuf>U'turerg (if PArKK n,4 >rters iiml .luMiors of S i Staple, Writing &Wnr)ping Pap 3n ('l)tton, .lut^' HMll H(!Ml|l TwitU'S. (,llWl"st Miirkot KiilL's ariiurantcud. 605 Market St., S. F. PATENTEES' AGENTS. BOONE & OSBORN, •{-'<) California Browcll J, SOO Moiittioiiiery Dakiii K A. 21!t Saiisoin DEWEY & CO, '.'02 HaiiifsJ 1), lOS Lei.l.wdoitr Manust! .luliua, »52l Sin.sMin Pa,i;i! & Hilziiigor, 507 Califurniii PaniyAieo. 40J MoiitijDtiuiry PULfERMACHER GALVANIC CO, (W T Ho.r(.rt .su|)t), 51 ; Montsij REDSTONE J H & CO. 22 SADLER & CO, tJO'i Market SMITH C W M, i:<7 .M..nt^'..mcry WIESTER & CO. 17 Now YALE LOCK MANUFG CO. (Uichards & Snow agts), 40S Market PATENT MEDICINE. Hendry Mra R, 'M) < Jcary FRAZIER F F. (agent Kerr's Sys- tem Renovator), 325^ Bush Hasstner Valintin, 933 Washin^'ton Mitchell Geo H, 507 California Stark Wm, 502 Washington \Nr> AnORHElfS AT UW. ciiT"'"'*"" '*"'*"''* "' *'""'"'-'*'* i^'latlnir Ixi.Pat Infriii^fonKnt suitH condiiuU'il. I he L.«i,li„j. i>at.,.nt A;^-noy on tlic Coa-st . « ireuliirH Kent free. 330 California Street, SAN FRANCISCO. DEWEY &CO„ WSmH SOLICITOBS Kor the tJnitfi.l States ami h'orei;fn Countiies, and Experts In Patent Cases. ('on all niiilt('is coinircti'd with Patents. I'aiii|ililet ( ircnlars cmtainiiig Leifnl Points iiiicl viii\iaMe infonniitioii fnf Inveiitori* and Pa- tentees. ^^■nl Kive on reeeipt 01 a r.wt.ii'e Stamp. OHUm', aoa NnnMomc Ntr(>e», S. K. cor. California, .SAN FRANCISCO. flai 3 f MRANCH OFIhivS in Wiishintrton, 1). C, r.nis, LoikIoii, .Melti.inrne, and in other ForeiKn cities. J. H. REDSTONE & CO., Solicitors of Patents, No. 12 Montgomery Street. •SAN FKANC18<0. Will Attend to Patent Suits in the Federal Courts. I'r.ienre Tiiiteci Stiitesand Forel.n Patehts for Inviiitor.i. Knrnisli Minlels at sl\ort notiee, and assist iinentors in pcrfoL'tinj,' tlieir in\entimi,s. TIIK 4^KLF.BK.\TK1> GERMAN GREEN SALVE (HIRKS Cancers, Burns, King's Evil, Old Sores, [te., Etc, Price, 50 CVnt*. R. HUSINC & BROS., M. K. ror. HiHMion and 18tli Sta. (^ F. n u Is a I il I f I 1 I a a* ?! ^rrSJSS;^^^^ ■ OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER A CO., 302 Davis St., S.^v !'iv ;■'■'■! WW MnNTIRIIP A m «!*<*<'* Iron, all MIsea anil NnmlirrH, no. 1420 PAT Sa/n. Frandaco. CLABHIKIRD. PHO ■r o o 1 o ttl Id s S 5 c 3 It! < 'X m o ■ o m 1 14 Boale 228 Miiisioii ]4:i imd 145 Freinont '2r)l) Kir^t 133 and 13") Btak 328 Hush PATTERN AND MODEL MAKERS. (See also Foundriea and Iron Works.) Anderfurer Broa, Biuwell W F, Dunn Jno J, Howland R, Leonard C, Peterson & Olsson, SISDON IKON & LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, «K cor Hi)\var.l and Buale Stei^jer & BuHhinaii, 310 Mission PATTERNS. (Sec also Dressmakers. Barringer Mrs E, 901;^ Mission Craven Sisttrs, 12(i I'ost DEMING & BABBETT, (Bntte- lick it Com), 124 Shew Myr.Mi, 101) Dupont EVANS J W, 224 Moekton PEN MANUFACTURERS GOLD. BAPTIS J H. Pearce 11 1), 328 Bush (524 Montgomery PERFUMERY. CJarissKj F, (ierichtcn Philip, PECK P. 113 Dnpont 1212 Market 120 Sutter PBHFUMBRY. SADLER & CO., OOS Marknt Ht., Man Franciiico. linporturH and Jobbers of Cologrne, Hair Oil, Toilet Soap, French Nail A Hair Brushes. Lowest Market llutos (fuarntitood. PHOTOGRAPHERS. 832 Market 402 Kearuy 429 MontniMnury OOli Koaniy Baxter & Blank, Betancne J P, Bradley & iiulofson, BROWN T A. BUSH H, SE cor Clay and Kearny COOK J J, (propr Watkin's Yo 2(i Montgomery 22 KiMrny 715 Market 73i» Semite (lallery), Craij^ & Mosher, I)aini^H & Hayes, DUHEM C & CO. Diitclur Mrs S L, I'^donart it C'. Kitoii, PERKINS A J, PETERS J H & CO, 1 Third Vaujihan Mrs, 724^ .Market Watkins Carlton E, 427 Moat^oniery Wiuir & Allen. 342 Kearny Wolfenstein V, 1144 Market ? H. WACHHORST. importer of j.'lii:^,;^!:!^*.:!.. 315 J St. Saa 10 Sl CO., Han FranolMVO. Jobbers o( I, Toilet Soap, Sair Brushes. htos nuariMitooJ. (APHER8. 8:^2 Market 429 Moiilnouiury >§ ' GOU Kuiiniy '"O ^or Clay luiil Kuaruy ,r Wutkin's Yo 20 Montgomery 22 Ki'iirny PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, o»p,V"i«- «««»•. ».» T^^rnfiht PHO (Son Francisco. CkAHHIKIItl). PHY 1421 iirny 715 Market 7:v.) ' 8 Mt)nt>ioinery r>Ol Kwiniy lis Fourlli 811 Mnrket :U 'I'liir-l THOS & CO. 1'2 M<>i\ti;"i»t^fy ill 4 "^liirkct ^ipi'^ ;,•)•'' " [SON & CO iilkTy), is _.^tt ;u :m y2l McAUisttT 444 \ TMnl 417 Mouti^i'mnry 020 ("luy «.)14 Miirktit :v.?7 llivyw ^"' ^ 2r.'l'hira JTTLE. -*' Mi'iitsy I, ,.(.!• Mout:vve ami Kill) Wl^ Koarny 402 " •Jy Tliird (P2 C.'liw )T0ORAPHIC W TuIkt), « ^"^1""^!^^ 102') Lirkiii (i4 Third 724Js Market V 427 Mout'^«)mery ' ;U2 Kiarny 114-1 Market I 1 lA (0 I c e B e PHOTOGRAPHERS' MATE- RIALS. I)oll J H, 018 an.l 020 Clay Foas Oauur, 612 to 618 Wushiiigtou PHYSICIANS. A. AllHirtson J A, Alers A, Alexander Mrs T, Allan r M, Anunican iSumiisoii, Antonio Clurii, Anderson .1 A, Aronstcin A, Att« ootl Alioo, AYER WASHINOTON, Balilwiu H tS, KttUlwin S C, BALLARD MRS L Bargor 1) K, Barstow F O, Bates C M, Bazan F, Bull reus H C F, BcliiiKe 1'' A, Bcnuott Thus, Bennett Wni, Butlencourt J Ve S, Bird N J, BLACH CHAS, Uhikol lias K, Blako .) \V, l)lii.\<»ne .1, Bclau M .1, li■ I'Vriiando C. I..0.1iowar.l,c,,,l,.ttKiizah.th'.), HK>(K,.iylCoryell.lnol{, Cowan 1{ H, Cowlua S, Curran Mary H, 920 Mkt and 22 Oeary C/apkay L J, 107 Montgomery Davidson .) l{, "•- • ^ D.ivisCi K, Dean H I), DeDerky F F, UoFrtyo B C, Ikiiicko F, Dennis F H, iKpierria H A, 217 Post 108 Stockton '•Y-i Kearny 17 Dupout 1230 St.-ckton 639 Caliloriiia 305 Kearny 223 Montgoinery uve D .uulas W A, Dunlai) Anna W, Duiiuy K, du I'y Krnest H C, Dwyur.l, Iviton .) allies, Kckol.Ino N, loggers Mr.s F, ....„ . i;iiruul)erg T A, Brown Mrs Charlotte lilako, 435 (Jouy Kiolicrs.ino, Bnicli A, NOO IN.wcll Kllinwood C X, Burns A K, • 22 Kearny Kly W A, Briiier \V H, 2:{ l'..st| Ivi-Iisli John, l>evuning Henry C, 44 i'hird DeWitt T H, cor Butte and Kentucky pohcrty W K 210 Kearny Dohnnann W illiiiin, 535 Bryant Donnelly K, 802 Howard "<>'|>C \V, 630 O'Fivrrell Dorr L I., 118 I>ui)ont and 538 Turk I' UllS Win, 820 (irecMwii'lii I^iijilirat Freil, 413 i'.u.sli; K. rowel' W (i, 305 Sutter! Favor ,\. luck ley C F, BuoknalMi J. inirgcs.s I) O, _, Burleigh W Fj, SKcor Howard and (llh Cachot M A, 34Ti)ird Callagliaii J D, 826 Folsoin Callaudreau J, 1234 Stockton (Janiiey F E J, 032 Howard Carman Wm, 410 Post Ciia|iman C B, cor Jackson and Montgy Castello Itey, I51'.ii Duiumt International Hotel 1200'Farrell 2l4i Sixth 317 Stockton 607 Chestnut 219 Pacific 314 Hayes 324 Kearny 1807 Steiiier 310 Sutter 3lOMontgy 716 Clay 111 Powell 305 Fifth 706 McAllister 413 Post 14 (Jeary 329 (Juary! FERRER HENRY, (laryngoauo Chase A, CHASE ROBT F, Chi'sley Chas 1*, Ohipman M, 121 Turk 764 Howard 810 Mission I'ist), l"\:rris A S, Finigan Holmes, I'lniiigan Peter, Fnke H M, Fitch C L, Fit/.-ihhon U J, Fletcher C A, Flint Mrs E, FI00.I P H, Foto J H, Forbes C F, lOUeary 142 Fourth 622 Clay 807 Kearny 652 Market I4 (ieary 100 Fourth 23 Kearny 317 Mason 720 Market 402 Kearny 417 Bush 03 as -< CO CO S 3 3. (a 3 it IB 'I 31 1 ! '1 315 J St., Sac ■ H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St., S, F. ^w i I > C o E 7 c c a O ■ o o < 0. h O Will UAMTATIlXT JL rn MtoreMandKanses, aoodiSarmttlM*. ttylwut . w*. IWUW I AUWC PC l»Ui> uftttemw. 110. 112. U4. IH Mid 118 Brttety St.. S. F. 1422 PHY SoM Francisco. CbASBIKIXO. PHY Formes L R, Foster N P, Frank M, Franklin D, Fraser E J, Freeman G M, FULTON G F, Funke R, Gardanowski E V, Garwood Wm T, Gerlach Geo, Gerry S Hussell, Gibbon J F, Gibbons Henry, Gibbons Henry Jr, Grand Jules, Green T, Griswold W N, GROSS G, Grover Wm A, Haas Jul, Haggin J B, Halo W F, 222 Turk 43 Second 905 Market 137 Montgomery 221 Powell 1019 Folsom 608^ Mission 324 Kearny 103 Post ' 225 Dupont 1313 Tyler 640 Washington 623 Kearny 2() Montgomery 26 101 Dupont 10 Third H 6 Eddy 319 Kearny 869 Market 305 Kearny 235 520 " Keeney J W, Kenyon Curtis G, Kibbe Thos R, KUNKLER J £. La Brie G, HALET CHAS STAXWOOD, 128>\ Fourth Hall R H. Hall « H. Hamclin Louis, Hammond W H, Hammond Wm, Hardy Beiij F, Harris Frfd" W, 1415 .Stockton 517 Pine 510 Battery ^ 765 Howiird 85',) Mission 20 Tw elfth Valencia nr I6tli Heinimnnn Michael, cor Jack nnd Mont Henry L J, .'14 Eleventh Hereford W S, 124 Kearny HEWSTOM GEO, 32:1 Suttot Heyermann A, 8W cor liryant and 4tli "" " Tlie Bddwiu 1 12 Mason 1 12 Mason 80S.'i Mission ■SOSi 517 Folsom 126 Koainy 649 Howard 1063 325 ( !ro(>n (i Kddy Hiller Albert D, HILLER F SR, HILLEH F JR, HILTON G F, Hilton Wm M, Hinckley ( Jeo E, Hirschfoider J O, Hoag Lyman B, HODGDON W H A, Hoffstctter B, Holbrnok C K, Homer C W, SW cor Sutter and Hyde Howard R A, HUBBARD H H, HUGHES L J. Hunter J A, HurlbutETM, Ingerson H H. JenksGH, Johnson Wm Henry, JORDAN L J JOSSELTN BENJ F, Josslyn Jos, Kahn >S .S, Kane F B, Kane F P, 3.34 O' Far roll 22 Geary 620 Market .321 Sutter 850 Market .323(Jeary l20()'Farrell 48 Fourtli 21 1 Geary 7 Stockton 214 Sutter 216 Kearny .338 Eddy 020 Market Lane Levi C, Ledyard W K, Lehmkuhl H, Le Roy Theodore, Tjevingstone M, Lewitt Wm, Lewitt Wm B, Ix)ryea A M, Lubelski L, Luppo .1, LYFORD L Macbeth RS, Macoary G, Machintosh Robt, MaoRae Alex, Madill David, Maleeh G H, Malech H F, MandeviJle F De L, Manning (teo, Marks .Joshua E, Marsliall B, Mariinach N J, iMartineaut E D, Mathewaon T, Matlicws .Ino M, M.iys Wm H. Maxwell Richard T, McHride .1 H, McCLURE A T, McKlroy .1 G, McGovcrn G C, McGuite L Ij, McLaugiilin M A, McLayG B, McLean robt a. McLENNANJD, McMillan 1!, M.Nultv J M, McNUtTWF, Mcl'herson G K, Mcuesten Glias Mea.l Frank W, Moareo I L, Mervy A, Miller CL, Miller W D, Minor J no F, M intern Mrs E, MINTIEAE, MINTIEAE&CO. Mintzer I'ierre B, Moore Chas W, Moore DC, Moore Mrs K D, M org. in Laura, Montealegre J M, Moreeno J M, 20 Montgomery 664 Mission 15 Taylor 514 Kearny 1018 Mission 652 " 128 Second 509 Kearny 729 Montgomery 208 Kearny 16 Turk 15 Sixth 11 Dupont 103 G'Farrell 205 Montgomery ave DEXTER, 405 Kearny 402 1009 Stockton 1013 Mission _ 222 Post 813 Mission .300 Stockton .300 27 i Kearny 275 Mission 615 Stockton _ 905 Post 5^ Kearny 109 lhi]...rit 619 Kearny 909 Twenty-third 5l8Sutti'r 135 Kearny 124Tyl,"r 21 Powell S22H.nv.ar.l 9 (u.ary 722 Moatijoinury cor 3d and Ilowaril 24.30 Mission Q 3 r Q 9 a^ CD e » a 6.30 Merchant 220 Stockton 722 WaHhin!.'toii 1 18 Dniiimt 121 MontiioMUTy 24th near Valencia 121 Mont<,'oniLry cor Sansoin and Wash 124(;oarv 5.39(iivcii 532 Kearny 214 767 Howard 339 O'Farrell 1 1 Koaniy 11 710Bnsli 652 Market 8 Elhs 8 Kills 708 Sutter 1114 Bush 771 Market TRY DR. CUNN'8* RHEUMATISM KINC. IB Batter y 8*- «»-'^- HY 20 Montgomery (564 Mission 15 Taylor 514 Kearny 1018 Mission 652 128 Second 509 Kearny 729 Montsomery 208 Kearny 10 Turk 15 Sixth 11 Dupont 103 0'FarreU >'05 Montgomery ave CTER. 405 Kearny 1009 Stockton lOr.i Mission 2*22 Post 813 Mission 300 Stockton :wo 27 H Koarny "' 275 Mission 015 Stockton •t05 Post o}, Kearny 109 Dupont 619 Kearny •109 Twenty -tliinl 1 ■ 518 Sutter n^ 135 Kc;«rny *' 124 TvW 21 PoWlill S'i-H<>\var'l <> (iL-ary 722 Monti^oinery k cor3dan4th near Valencia ' 121 Montgomery cor Sansom and Wash 124(".oary 539(lroen 532 Kearny 214 " I 767 Howard i 339 O'Farrell 1 1 Kearny j U 710 Bush 652 Market 8 ?:ilia 8 Kllia 708 Sutter , 1114 Bush 771 Market J CO, BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''™;^V:""r/4"«'f* »« im^«f«^ ««••■- /* ^ P.S a «*l.l,lR«rfli. a«0 Pout Ht.. W. V. 1423 PHY San Francisco. CLASeiKIRD PHY M< irison W F, MORTON ALBERT. MORTON H A, MOUSERBT, Mouser S M, Murphy James, Murphy Robt W, Murray J F, Newell W A, Newman Saml, Nichell Chas F, Nichols H L, Nicols Mrs Sophronia, Nightingale John, Noon A, O'DONNELLCC, N'Neil A A, Ord J L, Orr Snnniel L, Osi Samuel L, O'Toole M E, Page Wm M, Palmer O H, Pardee K H, Parson E, Paujih W J, Pawlicki La, Peabody W F, Pease (! M, Perrault (no, Pcirin U J, PERRY ALFEEDW. PhelanOJ, FIERCE CHAS L, Pi' liiijt H L, Pis H J K, Powers & Wilder, Prosek J, Quinlin A f!, Happin (J, Rattray A, Rcgensburger A E, Regensburgor .1, Reich (I A D, Reilil Fred, Reynolds (} E, Rieh 1) W, RichterCMav, Robertson E B, Rogers Lee (), Roedor J A Cleniont, Rodgers H 1), Rosters Z, Rosenstirn J, 1429^ Mission 11 O'Farrell 987 Harrison 200 Post 200 " 659 Clay 1601 Gougii 1234 Dupont 630 Howard 10 Third 70(5 Post 230 Kearny 1126 Market 906 " 402 Kearny 825 652 Wacibington 606 Montgomery 18 St Anns building 18 and 20 " " 6 Eddy 628 Sutter 424 Post 621 Clay 103 Montgomeiy (521 Clay 700 Sutter 200 Kllia 125 Turk 413 Kearny 214 Suttc^r 104 Stockton r.03 Third lOs.i. Powell 1502 Pint 825 Mission 2I5fifaryl 6 O'I'arreil 874 Mission 515 Montgomery avi' 606 Sutter 627 O'Farrell 112 118 Post 10 Sixth 401.', (ie.iry 28 Dupont 126 Kearny 28 St Anns bld'g 128.1 l.\,„rti 1838 O'Farrell 410 Kearny 308 Sntter 512 Stockton Rottan/i Antonio, SE cor 3d and Folsom ROWELL CHAS, Uuebar J H. RuKgS P, St Paul A, 8ALFIEIDI, SAinEIDjU, ; SAMUELS W R G. Handera !ur8 H S, 426 Kearny 649 Bromlway 302 Stockton 850 Market 216 Kearny 30 Oak and Market 2610 Folsom Sawtell Mrs, Sawyer A F, Schrepp^d Mrs A, Scott E B, Scott J, Scott J G, Seeley C M, SEELEY F E, Sellon Mrs French, SHARKEY J M, Shorb J C, Silver Jos S, Simpson James, Sims H S, Slfiuth Arthur B, Smilie Elton R, SMITH E D, Smith H .1, Smith J Barlow, SMITH WM F, Sobry B. Soule A (i, Sj)alding V, Sparks Mrs Agnes, Speor H J, Spillnnc P J, SPINNEY & CO. Spr.igne U W, Stalled J H, Steiidiart P, Stillman J D B, Stout A B. Strong C (i, Sturnian B, Sullivan Jas F, Sunuol J, Swan Honj K, 'IVwkslmry M K, Th.iyor V, 'I'hicse A A. Thiunpsoii N L, Tibbitts Stephen M, Tiorney K P, Titus 1 S, Tol.nid C<;, 126 Kearny 302 Sutter 338 Third 225 Second 816 Sutter 8 Mason 1105 Powell 1105 Valencia 556 Minna 634 Washington 407 Post 423 Second 234 Post 703 Market 808 Montgomery 649 Washington 223 Kearny 118 O'Farrell 635 California 313 Bush 3139 Mission 325 Larkin 1222 Pine 217 Geary 11 Kearny Third 11 Kearny 34 SE cor I'ost and Keamy II Kearny 336 O'Farrell 1310 Mason 21 Third 108 Stockton 6 Eddy 210 Montgomery ave 310 Stockton 719 Market 136 Post 322 Sntter 17 Third 931 Howard 419 Broadway 34 Kcvirny 7 Montgomery ave TRENKLE E,318 Kcar and 1 1 1 1 Jones Valencia D, 1609 Powell VanVlackGJ, 6 Eddy VASLITFS, 515 Kearny Vigowreux A \\ . 224 Sixth Von (Jardanowsky E, 103 Post \'on Hofl'maiui Chas, 209 Geary Von Tiedemann Mrs T, 421 Sixth Wigncr John, 1 15 Stockton WanzerLMF, 130 Geary Warburton J P, 30.) Eddy Webb James P, 937 Howard Weeks F Ij, 514 Kearny Wefelsburg A B, 868 Mission Weiss EM, 2114 " Welden W E,Twenty-8econd and Folsom Werder Max, 36 Geary Wheat R W, l7th ave bet K and L €^ W > -M:^ : 1« iSM KINC. B. PALMER & CO^ Puit Sherry Wine, 8Q2 Davis St.. S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ^ViSS'S^iiS! """^^^ «•—•••«. no. ». and IIM Battery »* , m, F. 1424 PHY 10 CO e '(5 1 Q > c o E « ? c c O m o o o z o a. I- O ^an, Francisco. CLASSIFISU. PIC Wheeler C H, Whitney J, WhitwellWS, Wilhelm A, Willey J M, Williams R E, Wilson Matthew, Wilson Wm, Wilson W T, Wiudele E, N W cor Wing T, Wiss G, Woltf M A A, Wooster D;ivid, Woraham L, Worth Sidney, Wright W H, Wythe J H, Wythe W T, YOUNG J C, (Medical Younger ¥j A, Younger W J, Zeile F V, 843 Mission 204 Sutter 703 Market '29 Kearny 949 Mission 123 Stockton 1043 Mission 515 Kearny 1042 Mission Valencia and 23d 2235 Mission 1800 Dupont 233 Montgomery 74G Mission 413 Bush 426 Sutter 850 Market 39 Sutter 39 Suttei Institute), 7 Stockton 224 524 Pacific MRS.L.A.BALLAIID, M.D. HOM(EOPATHIST, »05 Powell Hi., Han FraiiriHro, Oflli'C HourM-1 1 A. n. to I P. M. 5 I». M. to 7 l». M. B. T. MOUSER, M. 0., OCULIST. AURIST, Physician for IliMeatseM of the Tlirout, 200 Post Street, cor. Dupont, SAN FHANCISCO. Officb HoiRs— From 12 to 3 P. M. J. H. JOSSELYN, M. D.. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, itSta Mutter Mt., Man Franfi « m 6} 2 « PICTURES, FRAMES, MIR- RORS, ETC. Altcudnrf Julius, 32 Fremont B ikor A & A, 724 Mission BANCROFT A L & CO, 72 1 Market BRADY DAVID, 226 Fourth BURKHARDT MAX,545 Washington Cohen Hermann, 19 Dnpoiit Currier Amos, . 103 " DAMPF LOUIS. Montgy and Market DAVIS BROS. 718 Mkt and 41 it Kuar Flood M, 831 Miirket GUMP S & G, 5S1 and 583 Market HAUSMANN BROS, ->17 and 21'.l Pine llurzog .Julius, KuUmycr \V A, Ll'wIs S, Lippi Bros, Mcl'>iu;iiran & Rovve, Mcliuillan B, AUnris & Kennedy, MunttT Jos, Nye AG, Phillips (r M, i!aph.iul H, Uosonbaum F H & Co, KuhlraulffAT, Sanborn, Vail & C'o, S(;hwal> & Brceso, Shaddock Thos, SNOW & CO, Stevenson & Longvvill, 26 and 28 Second Vickery W K, 126 Kearny |; WumpoBros, 569 M.irket " WORTH & MERRILL, '^ ««con(l 1514 Polk 312 Post 668 Mission 818 Market 132 Main 215 Fourth 21 Post 1047 Fols-im 1033 Miirliet cor Sixth and N.itoma 941 Folsom 507 Market 769 87! 624 119 Sixth 20 Post S of ^\ mj '"I m »l &i fii e A *i 3 of li H. WACHHORST calls attention ^^a^ViVirwiSir- 315 J St. I Battery 8* . w. g. PIC D ORGANS, isical Instruments), RS AND RE- tERS. mfr), 12 Tyler 813 Market 113 Turk KLES. sgar, Cider, &c.) 2422 Bryant 314 Washington ING C0.17, 41 Main I, 207 Seuond 509 Commercial 15y4A Bush 40 Cluy 119 Commercial 008 and 010 Lomb inl 422 Davis FRAMES, MIR- S, ETC. &C0, 32 Fremont 724 MiBsion 721 Market 220 Fourth !AX,545 Washington 19 Dupont I 103 " I Montgy and Market j bus Mkt undHitKear 831 Market 581 and 583 Market •OS. -17a"il-l''l''"« ' 1514 I'olk 312 Post 008Mis»ii)U 818 Market 132 Main 215 Fourth 21 Post 1047 Folsom 1033 Market lor Sixth and N.itoma <»41 Folsom 507 Market 709 87! 024 " 119 Sixth 20 Post vill, 20 and 28 .Second 120 Kearny 509 Market IRILL, '^5 ^"cond $ M H (0 m m H > 2 a I n 2 U Si 'I m n X It isl 3 Co, l| 9[ M al >l ><| s 71 of a rr" 315 J St. ll 0) E lio |C9 e Itf) 1^ lo Jo IGB ]o « (0 e 0) e PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. ^<>-.^ p^t »tr««t. ieS'rt7i Franciace. CLAS8IPIKD. POU ■I Lano Wm E, 50.' Kearny lANOREHR HENRY C. -'5 Market Lassweil C H, . 38 Sixth Lasswell M D, 240 Minna LAVAKE & ORITBB, 8ecoud and Stevenson Lempke J, Levy Bros, Lindheimer M Jr, Lowrie John, Mahoney J, Manning \Vin, Marcy Z C, PLUMBERS' MATERIALS. (Ses also Plumbers and GasKttors.) Goger Chas, Krueger L & Co, McNaily & Hawkins, Patten (J W, Prior J K, RICHARDS & SNOW SELBY THOS H & 80G Mission 439 Bush 225 Dupont i2(^1Ss^barg5eod: 777 Mif'ion 202 Dupont 515 Commercial 607 Market M California 1128 Market ,», 408 Montcv CO, 116-118 t'al Smith Wni, 757 Market 2 ! Montgomery ^ve 5 Hi bush 1650 Polk 716 Laguuiv 1217 Fillmore RICHARDS & SNOW, (.SuccessDis to Barker it Snow.) 246 Sutter Iron Pipe, Plumbers' and Gas- ' ? 2 Turk Fitters' Stock and Tools, Cop. per Boilers, Bath Tubs, &c. 406 6r 408 Market Street, SAN KKANCISCO. (5 Broadway: 703O'Farreil 119 Dupont 327 Turk 15U() California: 334 Sixteenth 125 Post; • 5 Taylor 2 Sixth 432 (Jeary 905 Larkin 210 Twenty-fourth 1730 Market! ^^o"''*", 773 Mission Michelssen, Brown k Co, PORK ACKERS. BERTAND E H, 1515 poik BUNKER R F, 74 and 75 Cal Marktt COUTOLENC D, 303 Montgomery ave Donliard J. Voll llonry, Wagner F & \\'alter < ieo, Bros, 313 \iutli 1420 Stockton 30,S Front 51 Centre Market 1 to 5 S F Market ;i08 Fifth s a < a. H H D O I Mayers & Peterson, McCann N, McCarthy Chas, Mclntyre Wm, McKewen P & Co, McLean Jno & Co, McSwcgan J, Milne (tc*). Mocker & Newmark, Monaghan T H, Mower A H, Muller Geo, Mund & Wadman, O'Brien Daniel, O'Brien M, O'Connor M P, O'Dea John A, O'Neil John M, Pandler Joseph, Paris Victor, Plagcmann J C, I PlatzJ, ! Prior J K, Raisnh Fred, Uehn Clias, Keilley C J, Kice Richard, Kobie K. Roggio ,(, ROYLANCE Ruddock J U, Rusleneyer W J, Shephard Bros, Sherman David, Smith C W, Snook G W, Stoutenberg J A, Sutherland & Gray, Sweeny & Vance, VValmsley \V W, Warren Henry, Waters Chas, Weekes W J J, WempeH, SW cor Valencia and Hill Conolly T, 7 to 11 S F Market Williamson Bros, Powell nr Sutter Cook .Jolin H, 541 Mt^rcliant Wilson Edward V, 608 Larkin^ Cox Chas, 81 and 82 California Market 25 Stockton! l^utfey Mros, Bay City " ; 260 First' l-lckhi)!. fc Grr.ber, 82 to 84 Centre Mkt ' 9 e '•i POTTERIES. J, 1408 Dupont 204 Powell 223 Post: [1-26 Market! 144 Eleventh I 208 Sixteeuthl 320 Montgomery ave CALIFORNIA P T T E RY & 107 Geary] TERRA COTTA CO, (W i; 3005 Mission Stevens agt), Hayes and Market ' 440 Broadway PACIFIC POTTERY (N Clark ind 47 Ficniunt l»«'>l'i). l*^-*" '"i^l 16-H' Minket 829 Sutter ^AY W S & CO (AntiochPotte.y), 12 and 14 Market 45 81 :a a e 3 3 « ff "91 2325 Mission 7ai " ; 807 Valencia' 522 Davis' 630 Sacramento} 1 ir Wasliii^tonl 230 .Sutter' 623 California' 923 Market 847 Valencia 30O'Farrell| 1526 Stockton- POULTRY. (See also Produce.) Ambro.Hc fi Horan, 78 and 79 Centre Mkt Auradou A L & Co, 615 Merchiuit Briucatt & De Manuel, 4 Clay .St Mkt Burbank Albert E, -44 California Burr Bartlett, 34 Missii.n CapisC. 33 (i rand Central CardiiutE H, 85 California " ' r. Wilson W F, Wolff Marcus, Wood Chas, 138 Seventh! Gosa Michael & Co, 510 Sanbom TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. POU MATERIALS. santlGastitters.) •202 Dupont 515 Commercial ,^ 607 Market ;M California 11*28 Market OW, 408 Montgy &C6. ll«-118(Jal 757 Market '2 1 Montgomery tive o! ":«."' e 1(0 a iS S & SNOW, Barker iSc Snow.) nbers* and Gas- and Tools, Cop. Bath Tubs, &c. Market Street, liAiSClSCO. ACKERS. 1515 Tolk Sj '74 and 75 Cal Market nj 30» Montgomery ave sl 3i:< Ninth i*! 1 4'20 Stockton ' ^1 ^i&Co. 308 Front qI 51 Centre Market Oj 09. 1 to5S F Market 9\ aOS Filth ,^l QI 3 POTTERY & '3' TA CO, ^^,J Hayes aiul Market 'q 'ERY (N Clark fl (Antioch Tottery), 1'2 and 14 Market 151 rERIES. ILTRY. L) Prodnoe.) i 78 and 71t Centre Mkt -, 515 Merchant , Luel. 4 Clay St Mkt I- L' 44 CalifiTuia i ;U MisHiun ^^ j (; rand Central '| , sr> California ' ' 7 toll SF Market 541 Merchant III S" Calif orni'v Market ' Bay City " j . 8>» to 84 Centre Mkt ,' 510 Umaoa BUSWESS PENMANSHIP s 11 60 1^1 '*"x\s?r4'^<{ri5i^;^,5* j-acifm _ Btn»i. ««0 Post St., ». F. POU /San FraTicisco. CliASStlKIBU. FBI 1427 ERASER J M> 82 Centre Market Harris F W, 32 Grand Central " Hart & Goodman, 76, 77 and 78 Cal " Hickson H B & C ,48 and 49 Wash " Hixson H B, 19 Bay City " Lemoine, Gambert AC, 15 S F " Levy K & Co, 22 Centre " Mayer Chas, 24 New Montgomery " McDonnell P, 10 Grand Central " McGuire & Diamond,63 & 64 Centre '* Miller B, 85 " •• Minjo Joe, Bros & Co, 422 Clay Moss Jos, lO Hayes Valley Market MOWRY RICH D, (com)104 Cal " Murjjhy V, 74 and 75 Centre " Murray Wm, 39 and 40 G Western " Nutting W r, 7, 8, 9 and 10 " '' race Jos & Co, 11 Clay St " Sanders A, 81 Centre '' Sv)otorKO J B, 47 and 48 California " VVi'hser H & Co, 25 Grand Central " WOOD F N & CO, 05 to 67 Cal " POWDER. (See also Guns and Ammunition.) Atlantic Giant Powder Co, (Albert Dibbles prest), 10 California BANDMANN, NIELSEN & CO, (agents Giant Powder), 210 Front CAL FUSE ASSOCIATION, lo CAL FUSE WORKS, ('as i:va & Co pruurs), 230 California HARDY POWDER CO, (A H Cliiskev secy), 434 LOHSE JOHN F, 230 KoS'Ocrans W S, (mana,c;er Safety Powder Co), 202 Sansoni SELBY THOS H & CO, (agents Hazard Powder Co), 1 16 and 1 18 Cal SHAINWALD R L, (secy Vukan Powder Co), 218 California skink'-r Jno, (agt Diipont'H), 1 15 Pine THE CAL POWDER WORKS, (■I no V Lohse secy), 230 California TONITE POWDER CO, (U L Shaiuwald secy), 218 U S CARTRIDGE CO, (Lowell, Mass), (Chas Sonntag & Co), 40 " Vulcan Powder Co, 218 " WARREN R W & CO, (manufrs Orignal Vulcan Powder), 431 " PRINTERS- BOOK AND JOB. Bacon & Co, 508 Clay and 509 Sansom Hagj^ett it Co, (law books), 511 Montgy BANCROFT A L & CO, (an.l lithographers), 721 and 723 Market BARRY ik BAIRD. 419 Sacramento and 320 Sansom BOSaUI EDWARD & CO. 523 Clay and 513 Commercial BRODIE J R & CO, 420 Clay Brown J F, 535 « "^ S«iV«JS^^-'« *19 Sacramento BRUCE DONALD, 018 BUSHNELL A M, 722 Montgomery Cahlornia Printing Co, 325 A Bush California Label Press, 536 Clay « !« « A & Co, 1 1 ■ > Leidesdor flf CARMANY J H & CO, 409 Wash Chaigneau K & Co, Conger B T, CROCKER H S & CO, CROWE & COOKE. CUBERY & CO, 536 Clay 329 Sansom 403 22 Montgomery 415 Market ^Wt^?5^m; curtiss & WELCH, 327 to 33 1 Sansom Daly B H, 609 Merchant De iionwray L & Co, (pictorial), 11 Geary podge Bros, m; p^st Dore Benj & Co, 512 Sacramento Dougherty P K & Co, 412 Commercial and 41 1 Clav EASTMAN F & CO. ^ 509 Clay and 513 Commercial Eloesser Elo, 414 Clay Evans J J, 319 Sansom iargeon Sol, 621 Sansom Fi-scher & Walter, 535 California FRANCIS, VALENTINE & CO, 517 Clay and 510 to 516 Commercial (ioldstein & Kernaii, (Jordon C W, Goullette A J & Co, Heughes Wm, Hinton W M, Hodge J G & Co, Hughes E C, Hughes John F, Kane & Co, Kennedy Walter B, Kerr D, Kibbe Vt H, KNARSTON J H 19 Belden Place 320 Sansom 81 1 Market 421 Montgomery 536 Clay 314 California 511 Sansom 605 Montgomery 410 Sansom 621 008 Market 831 Kearny 329 Sansom Lafoutaine A J, 625 Merch and 622 Clay LEARY A J, 404 Sansom LIBE WARREN C &C0, 3254 Bush Mcljcan A A, 605 Sacramento Mercantile Agency Printing Office, 620 Merchant Mor.son !i H & Co, 506 Commercial Munk M, 769 Market Murdock C A & Co, 532 Clay MURPHY E M & CO, 415 Market PACIFIC PRESS PUB HOUSE 126 Kearny Parsons H G, 518 Clay PEARSALL W M, 5 Post PETTIT & RUSS. 320 Sansom Kaverly S W, 518 Clay Bice & Farjeon, 621 Sansom ROLLER & LAYNG, 61 1 day Bosenthal & Germain, 538 California SLOCUM AMANDA M, 612 Clay 1 W • » I ,kiii> j!!/ *? iSM KINC. ■ OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. (» ' '-'^^■^ (IJ^Hi ''H^^Hl i^^H. V s I B 1 '11 IL • CO ■I i c 75 S p (8 s IL I c (0 o 6 o < IL E D O . W. IWUW I MWUC « UU.> lattertiH. 110, 112. Tu. 116 »nd 118 BatUry St.. 8. F. 1428 PRI San From CISCO. PRO 0IA8BIFI80. SPAULDINO OEOBOE, 414 Clay Spencer & Co, Stanley D S, STEIiRETT B F, Taylor & Nevin, Thomas P J, Upton John P, 500 Folsom 612 Clay 632 *• 534 Commercial 505 Clay 518 Sacramento VANDERHORST. FISHER & WALKER, Sacramento Wallace & Hassett, 419 WEISS M, 319 Battery vVhceler C E, 2123 Mission Winterburn Joseph & Co, 417 Clay WOMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING OFFICE, (Mrs L G Richmond & Son proprs), 424 Mont Wood Geo M & Co, (copper plate), 120 Post Woodbridge A F, 224 Montgomery Woodward W A & Co, 529 California FRANCIS, VALENTINE £ CO., ENGMAVEBS AND 5 1 7 Clay Street, ANP 510 to 516 Commercial St. SAN FRANCISCO. Ori^nal Design* Supplied for Engraving. Commercial Printing a Specialty. J. H. KNARSTON, 329 Sansome St., 8. F. Ordera from the country promptly attended to. BRUCE'S SACRAMENTO' STREET, Above Montgomery, SAN FRANCISCO. PRINTERS' MATERIAL. (See also Type Foundries.) DORETY JOSEPH H. (printers' material, inks), 512 Commercial SHATTUCK & FLETCHER, (rollers and ink), 520 Commercial KLINKER C A & CO, 320 SansDm Marder, Luce & Co, 528 Sacramento TATUM & BOWEN, 329 Market PRODUCE. (See also Dairy Produce ; also Commis- sion Merchants.) BamettMrs, 211 Sixth Bassett Joseph, 221 and 223 Cl;iy Beer B& Co, 224 Washington Blumenthal H M, 125 COLLINS & FEILING, 426 Sanaom Duffoy J J, 9, 10, 42 and 44 Centre Mkt DALTON & ORAT, 404 and 406 Davis Dutard H, 217 and 219 Clay Foutana M J & Co, 217 Sacramento Freeman & Baker, 111 and i 13 Davis GALE J W & CO. 402 Davis and 122 and 124 Wash Garrett & Greegan, cor Clay and Sausom Grangers' Business Assn, 106 Davis Gravier A, 53 and 54 Centre Market j^AIGHT ROBEET & CO, 226 Front HIXON. JTTSTI & CO, 403 Davis Holland D & Co, 202 Washington KeefeD, 211 " LARZELERE & WITHAM, SW cor Clay and Davis Lasar David, 52 Centre Market Levy A & Co, 234 Wash and 500 Front LEVY M W & CO, 209 Washington Molioy John, 54 Clay MG'JLTON E S & CO, :«)5 and 307 " Nubert & Turk, 25 and 26 Cal Market O'Connor Bros, cor Clay and Drumm O'Neil Bros, 217 Davis H. WACHHORST ■*"IJK^***" than any house on the Coast ) dlflennt tlem, nylM mat ^nd nSBatterr 8t.,8. r. PRO JCE'S no* STREET, lontgomery, LANCISCO. MATERIAL. ype Foundries.) PH H. (printers' 512 Commercial FLETCHER, ), 520 Commercial Sc CO, 320 ScansDin to, 528 Sacramento fjTES, 329 Market )DUCE. 'reduce ; also Commis- ^erchants.) 211 Sixth 221 and 223 Cl;iy 224 Washington 125 " ilLINO. 426 Sanaom , 42 and 44 Centre Mkt AY, 404 and 406 Davis 217 and 219 Clay /o, 217 Sacramento r, 111 and 113 Davis CO. and 122 and 124 Wash n, cor Clay and Sausom S8 Assn, 106 Davis I and 54 Centre Market ERT & CO, 226 Front [ & CO, 403 Davis 202 Washington 211 " & WITHAM, 5W cor Clay and Davis 52 Centre Market U Wash and 500 Front ; CO. 209 Washington 54 Clay & CO, :^05 and 307 " 25 and 26 Cal Market cor Clay and Drumm 217 Davis 3 CD 2 fflf t 3 » 3 Pi al a| "n| a 3 n| or a ? - 3 nl of fill 5[ P jse on the Coast m 1 1 i:l I I ¥i aif, '!!' II as n if, i1 !k, a *f' BRADLEY & RULOFSOirS POETEAITS. M ? SAN FRAN C I S CO . .-=» fiZ^) s^'?^Aif^i jk.^4l?i&^ ^&:so>r rs:??: l';:>^^jn the J** :^ FOR THE FINEST AND MOST ARTISTIC PHOTOG^R^PHS, Go to BRADLHV & RULOFSON, RememlDcr the Number — 429 Montgomery Streelj SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «i>>!rJSr.**"pJ^*»fr' «•,'• kMpinir, Penmanihlp, T«lignphy. PRO San Francisco. CLASSinED. PUM 1429 i e c s: 0) 2 o JO OBESTI & CONNOR, 501 and 503 San Overman Wm, 1604 Pacific ave Failles A, 318 Davis Reilly & Co, 309 and 31 1 Davis Sweet S 4; Co, 229 Washington Tenney Richard P, cor Davis and Mkt TIED£MANN D & CO, 210 Clay Volkman CM, 319 Washington Waltersen & Dewey, 212 Clay Wolters & Co, 69 and 70 Cal Market PROVISIONS. BAY CITY PACKING & PRO VISION CO, (M Gradwohl « Co), 1144 to 1148 Market FORSAITH & DODGE, (whole- sale), 325 Front Hentrich L, 513 and 515 Front Schammel H & Co, 608 and 610 Lombard S F Packing Si Provision Co, 513 to 521 Washington Wielland Bros, 326 and 328 Front PUBLISHERS. (See also Newspapers and Periodicals.) Bacon & Co, 508 Clay BANCROFT A L & CO, 721 Market BATES, MORRIS U & CO, 423 Washington BLACEMAN A CO. (music), 647 Mkt CARMANY J H & CO, 409 Wash CHAPIN GEO W, 313 Montgomery COAST REVIEW, 320 California Daltoti & Co, 8 Montgomery ave DEWEY ft CO, '20-2 Sansom Dewing F & Co, EDWARDS J G. Garretson Wm & Co, Gebbie & Barrie, GOLLY J B ft CO, OEAY MATHIAS, (music), 117 Post HOLLOWAY ft BRIGGS, 405 Front Holt Warren, (map), 717 Montgomery Keller Henry & Co, 116 Post Lanpley Henry G, 14 Montgomery ave LEARY A J. 404 Sansom McKENNEY L H ft CO, (direc tory), 543 Clay MURRAY W H, 414 PACIFIC COAST LAW PRINT- INO AND PUBLISHING CO, 511 Montgomery FACinC PRESS PUB HOUSE. 126 Kearny PAYOT, UPHAM ft CO, 204 Sansom Presbyterian Board of Publication, 757 Market SHAW HENRY G. 538 California WENTWORTH J P H, 320 Sansom White Carlos, (patent outsides), 320 " 207 Dupont 320 California 629 Washington 120 Sutter 26 (ieary WHITE JAS T ft CO. (D Apple- •«,SIi^5L£2)' 107 Montgomery WHITNEY SUMNER ft CO, lawbooks), 613 Clay PUBLISHERS' AGENTS. (See also Books and Stationery.) Hulse P B, 127 Montgomery Leonard P J, 621 Sansom WHITE JAS T ft CO, (D Apple- ton & Co), 107 Montgomery Hoitt Ira ii, 427 «« Morse C W, 420 California PUMPS AND BLOCKS. (See also Machinery. ) Currier C H, 28 Market fish A L & Co, 9 and 11 First Ooss & Adams, 1 14 and 1 16 Beale GREGORY H P ft CO. (steam and hand), 2 and 4 California Hanson Richard & Co, 9 Spear ( Jratit D W & Co, 111 Washington Hawley M C & Co, Market and Beale Hedges & Dillenburgh, 32 Fremont Jackson & Wardwell, Market and Beale Tay Geo H & Co, 614 to 618 Beale THOMSON ft EVANS, HO, 112 " TUSTINWL 9 " 91 HEDQES & DILLENBURa, Mai'hinisU and Manufacturers of Power Pumps, Hand Pumps, Wine and Beer Pumps, Windmill Pumps, Double Acting Pumps. Deep Well Pumps, And Steam Pumps. PumpH Reimired in a most thorough manner, and at the shortest notice. Also Steam and Water Pipe Fittinjj. 32 Fremont Street, Retwcen Market ami Mission, San Francisco. If you want a gooct Pamp give us a call. THOMSON & EVANS, Mechanical Engineers & Machinists. Steam Pumps, Steam Engines, AND All kindp of Machinery. iC^Repalring promptly done. 110 and 11« Beale l^treet. ». F. SB m OS 3 63 «< 2t €9 n5: i4ki ' lil'li ■it PURE PORT WINE, for Medicinal Firm. 302 Davis St., S. F. in.% MONTAGUE & coM'^;::;.r!?o.'MrirJ^yi!^g?.y:' 91. -«, I i ID ffs 1430 PUR San Francisco. 0LAB8IPIBD. REA PURCHASING AGENTS. lABENTZEN A P. 36 Market JXUfBEBO & CO, 324 Hay A, P. LORENTZEN, Merchandise, Ship and Insurance, BBOKEB, 3Ko. 36 MARKET STREET. SAN FKANCI8C0. SS' All C'oiiinii88ii)iiH carefully attended to. STANTOBD LELANI), (pros C P). cor Fourth and Townsend Stanwood HP, 2 New Montgomery STOCKTON & COPPEBOFOLIS. cor Fourth and Townsend STUBBS J C, (gen freight ag* C P), cor Fourth and Townsend TOWNE A N, (gen supt C P), cor Fourth and Townsend Virginia & Truckee, (D O Mills res), 426 California ILLCUTT J I, (gen passenger agent S P), cor Fourth and Townsend REAL ESTATE. RAILROADS AND OFFICIALS. Bedell Wm, 22 Montgomery Serkelcy Ferry and II R Co, 320 Ransom GAUFORNIA PACIFIC, NE cor Townsend and Fourth CENTBAL PACIFIC, gen office, NE cor Fourtli and Townsend Chico & Colusa, 309 Montgomery, rm 44 Daigneau Frank, (Iowa Line), 2 N Mont Da vies J Meredith, 208 Montgomery DAVIS A E (pres S P C). 309 Montgy SEABBOBN T H. (gen agt Over- land Ticket office), 3 Montgomery Donahue James M, (S F & NP), 426 Montgomery Eureka 4^ Palisade, (Edgar Mills pres), 426 California QOODILAN T H. (gen passenger agt C P), cor Fourth and Townsend In^is John S, 22 Montgomery J^ackson Oeo, (manager Overland ticket office), 2 New Montgomery J-udson, Belshaw & Rouse, (Empire), 402 Front IQLLEB £ H JB. (secy C P), cor Fourth and Townsend Northern, NE cor 4th & Townsend HOBTH PACIFIC COAST, 328 Mont Punta Arenas, (F Moyer secy), 408 Cal BEDDING BB, (gen land agt C P and S P), cor Fourth and Townsend Russell W F, (N P C), 328 Montgomery SACBAHENTO & PLACEB VILLEi cor Fourth and Townsend S F & North Pacific, (Peter Dona- hue pres), 426 Montgomery SAN PABLO ft TULABE, NE cor Fourth and Townsend Snrith F M, (G S P & 0), ^Qoma Valley, (P Donahue pres), 426 Montgomery SOTTTH PACIFIC COAST, (A E Davis pres, B B Minor secy), 309 Montgomery, rooms 20 and 21 SODTHEBNPAOdhC, N£ «or Fourth and Townsend Abrams Samuel, Adams C W, Adams Edson, Ahumada Jos M, Aitken W, Arnold Bros, Asliton Clias, Atkinson N, Atkinson Thos, Bacon H D, Bailey C A, Baldwin A S, Barry Edward, Bates Thos D & Bro, Beatty & liUtz, BECKEBB A. Becker M R E, Booth L A, BoveeWm H, Bowman A W, Bradford (reo B, BBANDON W Bullock LL, Butterfield ^Vm, 140 Montgomery 408 91 Montgomery block 137 Montgomery 331 Kearny 207 138 Montgomery 330 Pine, room 5 520 Seventh 305 Sanaom 320 502 Kearny 415 Montgomery, rni 1 cor 4th and Stev 310 Pine, room 11 33t Kearny 334 " ' ' 402 Front 509 California 314 413 Montgomery 223 Kearny 606 Montgomery 109 Brocklebank N T & Co, 606 Brown C F, 37 Mchts' Exchange bidg Brown E 0, 535 Clay Brown Richard, 2I5Saii8om Brown S C, 320 Brumagin J W, 34 Nevada block Buckley E P, 424 Montgomery Cal Real Estate Co, (J B Whitcomb manager), 208 Montgomery Canovan P H, 328 Montgomery, rm 5 Capp C S & Co, 418 Montgomery CABNALL & CHAPMAN. 320 Sau CABTEB B W rms 14-15 302 Montgy CHAPIN GEO W, 313 Montgomery Chapman R, 137 CHAPIIAN WM S, rm 6, 306 Pine Classen J M, 62 Nev block CobbHA&Co, 410 Pine Cole Chas D, Collins J C, Congdon Geo, Congdon H B, 304 Montgomery! 509 Bush I 309 Montgomery j 240 COSGBOVE CHBIS ft CO, 662 Market DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING.! PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. n', I? , lol 139 H H !•< e (Dl ul ^thanaTownsend 2 New Montgomery iPPEBOPOIilS. ourthauclTownsend freight agM^ i ). fourth and Towuaeud laen 8«P* ^ ^^' , ?ourthandTown8end Be 331 Kearny d. 334 402 Pront 509 California 314 413 Montgomery 223 Kearny C06 Montgomery lT&Co,G00 |37Meht8' Exchange bldg 215 Saiisom 320 " 34 Nevada block 424 Montgomery ieCo, (JBWhitcomb 208 Montgomer) 3^8 Montgomery, rm 5 ,„ 418 Montgomery £ CHAPMAN. 320 San ?llJ^lSfl4^302Monti!y '^— 31 3 Montgomery 137 " 'rm 6, 306 Pine 02 Nev blocK 410 Pine 304 Montgomery 509 Bush 309 Montgomery 240 'CHBI8&C0,662 Market i, pow, WHS, -;o, r Th<- M««tel Coi 'rrJal c«iirM f'nnat. fVM P«Mt m.. M.1C. •6 CO o .A \& o o BBA San Francuco. CLAH8II'IR1). REA 1431 Gotten J W, Cowell J H, Coy Frank & Co, Crane A £, Crane E J, CroBsett Jas L, Damon J E, Davis Samuel, DeVercy A F, Dore Mburice & Co, Duane C P, Durkin John M, Durkin P & E, EASTON & CO, Ellon K, English J W, Esciie Otto, Everson & Co, FINLET J K & CO. Fisher C C, Fitch T S & Co, Frank Chas, Frencli J M, Friedman Jos, Frink Geo W, Funkenstein J, (iildemeester J P H, (riselman Wm, Godchiiux J, (Jranniss G W, OREENBEBG H, viunn Wni J, Gutierrez C, Haggin & Tevis, Harned J A M, Healy B, Helling F W, Hill John, Hill John T, Hoburg W H, Hoitt Ira G, HoUis & Harris, Howard F P, Howe M P, Hughes E E, Jacobs A, James C A, Jones D, KayesTP&Co, Kearney Thos, Kenny K, Klumpke J G, Land Chas, Lane J J, LeflSngwell Wm L, Levy Jerome S, • Levy & Levitzky, LEWIS JB& CO, Lincoln Jerome, LindseyW, Lingley & Beatty, Little John T, Livermore 0, 604 Merchant 621 Sansom 430 Montgomery 410 211 Sansom 230 Suttor 607 Montfijomery 316 California 418 Montgomery 410 Pine 636 L'hiy 507 California 507 22 Montgomery 310 Pine NW cor Folaom and 20th 320 Sansom 128i Fourth 405 Kearny 218 Pine 436 Montgomery 509 California 206 Front ' 607 Washington 638 Market 320 Sansom 621 63() Clay 609 Sacramento 628 Montgomery 306 410 402 " 50 Nevada block 631 Sacramento 531 California 9 Post 402 Montgomery 206 Front 606 Montgomery 427 '' 2208 Mission 328 Montgomery 18 Market 724i 206 Washington 402 Montgomery 222 " 331 Kearny 408 California 22 Kearny 432 Montgomery 405 California 700 Mission 331 Montgomery 25 Montgomery ave 306 Montgomery 500 Montgomery 215 Sansom 9 Geary "Chronicle" bldg 302 Montgomery 522 Liviinrston James Los ell E C & Co, Luco J„an M, LUTYJS, Lynch H H, M, 331 Montgomery 415 62« 3:i0 Pine 320 Sansom MADISON & BURKE, NW cor Montgy and Sacramento Magee Thomas, ' 20 Montgomery Mageo W H, Mahau H, Malatesta N, Man row J P, Martel J L, MATTHEWS & CO, Matthews H, Mayer Simon, Maynard J H & Co, 224 339 Kearny 402 Montgomery 424 " 636 Clay 5i Kearny 611 Clay 636 " 315 California McAFEE BROS. (broker8),202 Sansom McDowell P, McElroy R, McGary Eilward, McLaughlin Chas, McWilliams Geo, Middleton J &Son, MIHAN JAMES B. Milliken Isaac T, MOLLOYPC, Moreal H P & Co, Morison & Co. Morran Thos & Co, Morrell A J, Morrison Thos, 410 Montgomery 519 310 Pine 16 Montgomery ave 208 Montgomery 410 Pine 224 Montgomery 528 California 1 16 Montgomery 402 436 605 Sacramento 420 Montgomery 419 Pine MULLER & GWYNN, 126 Keamy Murpliy A, 51 1 California MURPHY D W & CO. 608 Market Murphy J F & Co, 402 Montgomery Mutual Keal Estate Co, 320 Sansom Nichol Wm, 605 Sacramento Northam R J, 120 Sutter Nye J W & Co, 339 Kearny Oakley R O, 422 Montgomery O'Connor C, 6 Nevada block OESTERREICHER LOUIS, 137 Mont Oliver V P 531 California Osborn G W, 309 Montgomery Parnell Jno, 507 California Parrish Ed, 607 Montgomery Partridge P G, 328 " Perrin E B, 402 Keamy Perrin Robt, 402 Petersen, Shepherd & Co, 528 California 331 Montgomery 134 Post 33 Keamy 329 Montgomery 12 Phelps & Wetmore, Pilcher & Co, Pitcher & Co, Pforr Jno, Randolph D L, Real Estate Association, (Wm Hol- lisprest), 230 '* REAL ESTATE & BUILDINO ASSOCIATION, (E W Taggord prest, Louis F Emilie secy), 230 " Reese M, 410 " Regensburger D A, 320 Sansom ;s r i? s 3 a> 1. IE I- a? I? s; ,J.,,ry M ft ..™ fil Iti r-^:^^jjjpjj[^^JcV H PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. I Wt W. MONTAGUE « C0.> puTtarntl'llO. luTmr^H >"<» "» B^tUryB*-. ■• >• :<;iii ■ IL CO i c a i o N ■ i (0 I c c o o o o z s < flL I- h 1432 REA 8an. Francisco. OLAHRiriRD. REQ 316 California 40 333 Montgomery Reia Bros, Keymcrt Theodore D, Roynolila C H ft Co, Reynolds W S, Riea L, Riordan J P, Robertson J B, Robinson Alfred, (trustee Los Ang- les Land Co), 120 8uttor 531 California (549 Washington 9 Post 330 Pine Rollins Wm, Rosenberg Jos, Ryer W T S, Schohay & Miller, Schottler J P, Sohreiber J, SchuUer A, SHAY B J, SHEABER GEO Shiels W, Shirpser I, Sinclair S F, Sloan Wm R, Smiley Jos E, Spring F S, Spring J R, Stanyan C H, Steinbach R, Stevenson R, Stewart Geo, Straus S J, STREET CTRXJS Street & Learned, Sullivan P J, 6 Montgomery ave 410 Montgomery 330 Pine 302J^ Hayes 224 Montgomery 633 Mission 209 Sansom 222 Montgomery D. 757 Market 314 Bush 208 Montgomery 432 526 California 214 Sansom 705 705 " 59 Nevada block 729 Montgomery 331 622 Market 316 California H, 331 Montgy 331 " 601 California 310 Pine Sullivan Robt P, Swain Wm B, 37 Merchants' Ex bldg Taylor A C 4; Co, 314 Bash Thayer C C & Co, 20 Montgomery THIXLER SAML L, 330 Pine The 8 F Real Estate k Business Agency, 541 Sacramento Tienier R B, 640 Clay Toomey Henry, 528 California Trask Jas L, 6 Montgomery ave Unger & Mendheim, 208 Montgomery VanAlenWK, 625 VAN NORDEN & OUMORE, VoUmar Jas, Von Rhein & Hyland, Von Rhein F & Co, Wallace J S, Walsh S T, Warn Geo A, Watkins Wm B, WENSINOER F S, Wethe rbee C H, " WHEAT C D, WHEATLT & COOK* ' Fourth Whitman S P, 302 Montgomery Whitstead E, 320 Sansom William H F, 740 Fourth Winchell & Cole, 304 Montgomery Winter W, 838 Market 607 40 California 644 Market 401 Montgomery 606 330 Pine 438 California 438 624 Sacramento 511 California 501 Wittram F, 230 Montgomery Young Thos, 8E cor ^Sutter and Montgy c. W. McAkks. r.. C, MeArxK. McAFEE BROTHERS, Real E8ta«e Brokers, No. 808 Saiuome Street. N. E. Cor. SaDHome and Pino, Ituom 3 up stain, t4an VranolMvo, Cal. JAMES B. MIHEN, Real Estate, Land and Business BROKER, 884 MONTGOMERY STREET. Betwcun KuHh and Pine Streets, lAan FranrlHco, €al, MATTHEWS & CO., Real Estate and Business Agents Office, Si K«amy Street, Up Stairs, SAN FRANCISCO. City and Country Property, Farms and Steele Handles for Hale or Exchange. Wheatley, Cook & Co., Real Estate and Business Agents OfBce. No. 1 Fourth Street* Comer Market and Fourth, San Francisco. £. D. WHEATLEY, Commiision Broker. Iioans on Collaterals. REFINERIES. Gold & Silver Refinery, 7th and Bran S F MANUFACTUBINO & l^INING CO, 408 California REFRIGERATORS. California Meat & Refrigerator Co, 727 Fourth Cox J S, (prest Palmer Ice & Re- frigerator Co), 224 Fremont WA TBTATff B & CO* 126 to 130 Sutter REGALIAS, FLAGS, ETC. Norcross & Co, 6 Post FASQTJALE B, i>07 Howard PLATE A J ft CO, 510 Sacramento and 325 Montgomery H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, S«c PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "'•• 8AN FKANCISCO. « y Farms and Stock ()r ExohonKe. | ^ mrth Street. San Francisco. mmisaion Broker. ll«teral«. i 1 (0 lA Id 1 o (0 e & 1 0} Pom StNet. B«a«at«a thorough ly <»r B«»lm»». REP ^Sa-n FvanciHco. CLANHiriEl). RES 1433 REPACKERS. Anthony E T & Co, 407 and 409 t'oml BYAHnO G H^ (rtoaeer),'224 Jackson ColliuB D, Pringle court nr (rfoonwich RESTAURANTS. (Sec also Oystei Saloons.) C9 O X ft U as Abrahamson Nels, Alex J F, Althof Bros, Andorsou A, AnUcrs Mrs 0, Antunovich F, Antunovich F k Co, Antunovich Nich, ARIZONA CHOP HOUSE. (Mar tin Urossetta propr), 5*27 Commercial Bttcier Lucas, (548 Fourth Bailey Frank & Co, . 10 Mason 521 East 1408 Stockton 6'2U i>fark. 1 540 717 Mission 520 Sacramento 403 East cor East and Conil 58 Steuart Carlton 4 Johnson, 425 Drumm Carstulovice John, 1022 Larkin Cttstia N, 140 Sixth Chiiicovich Steve, 2G Turk CLIPPER RESTAURANT, ((ieo Dettner propr), 311 anil 'M'A PaoiHo Cocian N, 1025 Dupont Collins F, 822 Montuomery Collins S J' & Co, .329 " Collins & ^Vappel, BAKER AUG, Baldwin D, Banchetta .FuUe, Barhieri & Danziart, Barrcoif (r, Bclien Kocco, BECKER A, 341 Bush 35 and 37 Geary 1120 Dupont 235 Montgy ave H) Vallejo cor Broadway and Dup .341 Bush Becker Christian, Becker Geo J, Belhner J H C, BerboraCi N, Beriics P B & Co, 737 Mkt and 531 and 30 Sixth SOOFourtli 104 First ■ G24 Kearny 523 Commercial Bergez & Klein, Bernharaer Harry, Bicdermann L, Bill C, Boccanovich P, Biickou & Baccala, Bonacina A, Boothby Adolph, Bordeoux V & Co, Bordenave A J, Boucher Edmund, 308 Bdvee & Crago, Bowron & Brown, BRADY ftDOXLEAVT, Brady \V, Broderick John, Brom Fred, Broneer & Smith, Bruner M, Bunnell R P, Buriihans J H, Conrades Fred, Cook Peter, Cousins A H, Cressaglia M, Dalland A, Do buo H J' & Co, Do Constant — , Desmu Mme R, DETTNER GEO, Deutsch M, Divisich & Buja, Dixon (t L, Domnick F, Donadieu Maisan, Donley & .faiiues, Donovan & O'Donnell, Drodaz Mattio, Dubraveic Dinke, Ducan \Vm, 204 Fourth 612 Market 7 " ■i"o T-rjaom 15 Third 522 Pine 004 Montgomery 1119 Dupont 327 Montgomery ave 313 Pacific .122 and .324 Bush 332 East 20-15 Mission 10 Kolsom 425 Bush 304 Market 1303 Polk 503 East 1400 Polk 113 Seventh 1055 Market (Lieb- DutTey Wm, ELITE RESTAURANT seiiutz & Gregory proprs), SE cor Pine and Montgomery 530 Washington 504 MaVket 1 1 i:ddy 29 Drumm 1(51 Steuart 540 Connnercial 535 Merchant 312TownBend 539 Jackson 70 I Montgomery MontgoniL'ryave 7I9M"ikct 519 Clay 530 Market 253 Steuart 41 Pacitic 10 Steuart 24 Third 826 Market 927 i 202 McAllister Engclberg Emil, I'Vldsehan Adolpli, Ferini J, Finch \y G, Fletcher & ifaith, 416 Kearny 015 Montgomery 12 Ellis 522 California 201) Davis BURHIN & YERKOVICH A. 813 Stockton Burns H W, Battery and Filbert Csesar J, Calderwood & Bradley, Calevi E, Campe'a Restaurant, 1022 Market 5 Leidesdorff 535 Merchant 533 Clay Fowler Chas, cor Pacific and Kearny Franciscosioh Matthew, Fourth Franicheivih N, 15 Vallejo FRAZIER F F, 325A Bush Frederick B, 2.S4 Sutter Freitas M T, " 43 Second tialimberti C, 522 Pine ( lallagher John P, Fiont and Market ({allugher Frank & Co, 718 Montgy George .' ohn, (riannini .1, (iibsou J E, Glosich G, (!raf George, Greenough C C, 205 T'lird 617 Mission 10 Sacramento 212 Brannan 510 Pine 831 Kearny Groben Henry, cor R R .and Tenth aves (Jrundies John, 15 Pacific GUISTI JOE. 105 California Market Haake<,' H, Habergartens Jaa, Hansen & Peterson, Hasselbrook Wm, Healy Terrance, Heinemanu L, Hellier Wm, 337 Bush 208 Dupont 644 Fourth 1236 Market 813 513 Valencia 110 Fourth « S I fi v- 1 I H • t m' (,■•■: Hi w OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER k CO^ 302 Dtvit St, S. F. WW MflMT AfillF Jt nn Sii^'Ct iron, all BIm* and Haniben, il«, . n, mUN I AtaUC a OU., ii«. 114. im, »nd us Battery St.. ».rl I'' I4* r- CO c e O 0) s •t C c C) O o z s < CL h O 1434 RES San FroMcisco. RES CljABBIFiiiO. Henry W W, Hibbard Mrs Mary, Hiller Joiin, Hinz Louis, Hittinger A, Hoesch H, Hoif Jacob, Hoffman P, Holt Thos M, Horst Henn uu H, Horst & Matthey, Jancovich Luco, Johnson Chas, Johnson E A, JOHNSON P. Johnson & Shay, Jordan Jackson, 519 Clay 715^ Howard 101 Steuart 800 Larkin 105 Dupout 417 Pine 628 Fourth! 706 Mission 510 Market 218 Sanaom 8()7 Market cor Davis and Clark 199 Sixth ■ ' 5 East I 783Miirketi 917 " I 605 Commercial I Mikulich J C, Miller W, Milloglav M P, Milloglav P P, Mooney P, MORCHIO MRS M (Bodie), Morrell J W, Mosberg A, Muliu! & l)»iggan, 323 Washington 5 138 Fourth 217 Sixth cor Taylor and Market & SON, 6 Leidesdorff 537 Sacramento 3 Sixth 211 Sutter Jovovich L, cor Jackson and Drumm Jugassovich A & Co, 106 Sixth Kamps F W, . 18 California Knauth C W, cor Kearny and Bay Kopp Chas, lot Seventh Koster Jno & Co, 61 4J .Merchant Krafft Ferdinand, 42'^ Kearny Kroger H, ^05 Pacific Krosher H i, 540 California Kruse M, Chestnut and Montgomery Muller Jno, Mulicr L, Newman Mrs, Nielson Chris, Nielsen Wilhelm, Niessen John, NORAGEE, HJUL & CO, Stockton near O'Farrell 307 Battery 504 Montgomery 632 Vallejo 227 Montgy ave 1324 Stockton 22 Fifth Kupper Benj, Kuzanick L, Labine Oliver, Lacoste Frank, Lahey & McNeil, Ihas, Grand Central & Miss Mkt McCaulley & Young, 1 1 and )3 Sixth MeClean vVm, McPherson Geo, Medoirch &, Co, Meiners Rudolph, Meiners R Jr, Meyer Louis, Middlesworth H C, 1427CaKfornia 221 Dupont 5 Brooks 306 Post 923 Market 1007 131 Sixth Peterson & Decker, PETERSON L, Peterson Peter, Phillips H, Pickett E, Pie]^)er M, Piercys Bros, Pigna^ A. Pike & Hayes, Pindo J, Pope G, Pratt L D, Pratt L O, Presti Alo, Priet P, C^uaig & Tyler, Quellmalz Otto, Raciech Andrew, Radovich Antony, Ranickel Frank, Rassinno Wm, Reed Jas, Regans T A, Reul Wni, Reinhardt Chas, Remasso L & Co, Ribby — , Richards Geo H, Rippey W C, Ronerson Nelson, Rogat J, Rogers (}eo A, Rolff H, RolffM, 644 Fourth 531 East 907 Kearny 219 Mission 1126 Larkin 156 Second 437 Bush 29 Third 628 Kearny 723 Davis 549 First 9 Stockton 312 Bush 19 Powell 115 and 117 Dupont 1021 Market 1737 Mission 419 Davis 254 Steuart 421 Fourth 306 Dupont 608 Clay 616 Sacramento 52 Third 767 Mission 607 Clay 525 Clay 315 Fourth 525 Clay 103 Washington 816 Front 1244 Mission 1602 Geary 2019 Fillmore TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL LBIumauerACo., 'SL\-£iv?S!' PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "««• SSO Pom fNvcwft. IBdveatMK. thoronarhly (V»r Bnalnt^MM. Washington ^ •9 S) CO RES SctM, Francisco. lOjABBIKIEn. RUB 143ii Roseta Frank. & Co, Rossi A & Co, Rovegno D, Sainsot Francis, Ssracen E, 607 Clay 521 Commercial 615 Commercial 200 Mission 814 Third SAVLMANN & LAUENSiTEIN. 520 California Schroeder & Saenger, 425 East Schroth & Westerfeld, 228 Kearny SchultK Jos, 267 Third Schwur E J, cor Montgy ave and Kear Scott F R, SefiFobricli Tripo, Seifert Charl, Severance H W, Shay J, Simon H, Smeth A S, Smith A V. Smith Chas, Smith John, Smith L F, 503 Washington 827 Market 14 Steuart 612 Montgomery 917 Market 131 Sansom 1004 Market 17 Washington 1013 Folsom 214 Washington 153 Seventh Sotzen & Meyers, cor 14th and Mission SOS Kearuy 302 Dupont Spiro R, Sickels J E, Steiner L C, Stoeten H K & Co, Swain A E, Swain R R & Co, Swift Wm, Tagliaferro A & Co, Thyckson & Baganza, Tiooulet & Pinot, Tompkins Thos I, T8clnirr& Diugeonj Tuttk S E. United States Restaur"-nt, UZZOVICH JOHN, Vanoni & Scott, Violioh A, Vlantin Joseph, Vlantin Paul, Vorwerck C, 1120 Market 33 U East 636 Market 213 Sutter 517 California )33 Washington 700 Mission 308i Sutter 135 Post 217 Kearny 1320 Howard 548 Clay 3244 l>avis 146 Second 727 Davis 283 East 715 Davis 1819 Powell RICE MILLS. Greenwood Wm M, cor Fremont feMfes ROLLING MILLS. PACIFIC ROLLINO MILL COw (W Alvord prest), • 16 First ROOFERS. (See also Tinners.^ Bocarde & Whittier , 608- ThihT Bruggemann Henry, Bry&n J M, Burke FH,. Coulin & Roberts, Cronan W J, Duncan George & Co, Fiske H G, (irimm A, Higgs H W, Larkin & Flaherty, Maguire James, . Merrell I L, Xew England Com Roofing Co, N W coi Mission and Main Pacific Asphaltum Co, 422 Montgomery and 420 Jacfcsoii PcrineNP, 8:^8 Market lloady Roofing Co, 422 Montgomery Sheppard F A M, 1331 Missioa Snook G & VV, (530 Sacram«itt> SONXTAG CHARLES & CO, (iron), 40 California TeasueWm, I18Edlt RoofM, liMftc. u-alkM, and Collar Vloors.. . Itepairitiffiloiio. All work iruuranteetK A»|)hal- tum fur .siilo. Sun Fnuu'isiMv Offii'c .• 4*0 iVnckSftii Ht^ Ijetween Moiit(ri>inery ami Sudsdhu^ RUBBER GOODS, HOSE ANH LEATHER BELTING. COOK & ELLIS. 37 Fremont FOLKERS J H A & BRO, ns Mont (ioodyear Ittibher Co, 577 and 579 Mkt GREGORY H P & CO, '-' and 4 (i»! GUTTA PERCHA AND RUB- BER MANTTFG CO. (l W Tay- lor mau;'3!er), 501 Market, .Sutton Chas .'r * Co, M and 36 Cftl Williams, Dimond & Co, 202 Mapfcet ;-«8 rportlaad. Ory- H. PALMER & CO., Native: Wines. 302 Davis Street S. F. H '*^'|, W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., '^Snr^LTiimiSiy*'S^}X¥^ < > >- < h 9 1 h < < O o h 1436 RUB (Soil Francisco. SAV CLA88IFIKD. RUBBER STAMPS. Dodge Broa, 1 16 Post HA^S MW&CO, 137 Montgomery Kibbe G R, 331 Keaniy KLINKNEB C A, 320 8au8om Oakley AD, 712 Montgomery Sheplar S H & Co, 702 Market SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Safe Deposit Co of San Francisco, (J D Fry prest), SE cor Mont and Cal SACKS-GRAIN. (See Bags.) SADDLERS. (See Harness Makers and Saddlers.) SAFES AND SCALES, BIGELOW & MORRIS, (iron girders and prison cells), 316 Mission ERUNER JAS D, (agt Moseler Safe), 405A California Bryant & Taylor, 312 California FAIRBAIIXS & HUTCHINSON. (Fairbanks' Standard), 417 Market Hall's Safe and Lock Co, 21 1 & 213 Cal Leavitt C d, 225 and 227 Beale Xauman P V, 20!) Davis PACIFIC COAST COMBINA- TION LOCK AND KNOB CO. (J D Swift prest), 408 California Paige S B, 28 New Montutomery Parkhiirst V S W, 416 Market Raymond & Wilshir, 215 and 217 Cal Sims Jno R, 123 Beale SONNTAG CHAS & CO, 40 California SAILMAKERS. Blakiston J S. 6 Clay Bi onsoti & Armitage, 1 1 1 Broadway Courtney Jno K, 516 Davis Funk C V, 46 Clay Neville & Co, 31 and 33 (.'alijornia Reynolds Thos, cor Market and Steuart Siinpson & Fisher, 34 Steuart A't'ood W C, 44 Market SALT. AMERICAN SALT CO. 217 Sac BARTON B F & CO. (Pioneer Salt Works), 211 and 213 Sacramento BARTON JOHN. (Union PaciHc Salt Co), 216 Sncr.imento Block E M, 207 Front HETWOOD & HENDLET. (agts Crystal Salt Work8),222 and 224 Clay Liverpool Salt Works, 321 Davis Osterloh H, 37 Commercial SASH FACTORIES. (See Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc; also Plan- ing Mills,) SAUSAGES. ANDERAN JOSEPH, (Swiss), 27 California Market Devrieze F, Englen B, Ooekecke L, Kaniigeisser Julius, Kaskel Louis, PETERIJOHNH, I'izzala C, Schnetzler & Bell, Sell vv' an ion & Ludwig, Str.'.ub John, Weil M, Winter Bros, ' ^ 823 Pacific 213 Fourth 1322 Dupont 140!) Stockton 10 Taylor 32 California Mkt 1132 Dupont 21 Sixth 3 Stockton 239 Fourth 108 Dupont 43 Fremont SAVINGS BANKS. (See Banks — Savings and Loan.) SAWMAKERS AND FILERS. American Saw Co, Biaiiconi I, BONNEY 0, (mak Brown \Vm, Derbin_& Mej'er, Liuforth Alfred, Munson J H, Ortet J F, PACIFIC SAW (N W Spauhling Robson Henry, Seculovich PT, Terry W N, Webster ^^• W , Whaley, Bowley & 20 .Spear 2420 Fo4 ;er), 221 Mission 222 Jackson 27 Connnercial 318 Jackson 504 SteveuHon 524 Commercial MANUFG CO, & C P Shatfield), 17 and 1!) Fremont 300 Jackson 504 Stevunson 7 Spear 45 Fremont Co, 105 Sacramento O. BONNEY, No. 221 MISSION STREET. Hnn FrunciMco. Maiiufivtui'ev cf IIA!I[I> AX1> €IR« r DLEY. (agts^, ,222 and 224 Clay 321 Davis 37 Commercial TORIES. is, etc; also Plan- Is, ) GES. o o e z H la > r m Im PI 3 9 CD (A e ■a ■o CD a «< o T (ft or a, (Swiss), California Market 823 Pacific 213 Fourth 1322 Dupont 1409 Stockton 10 Taylor 32 California Mkt 1132 Dupont 21 Sixth „ 3 Stockton ^' 239 Fourth 108 Dupout 43 Fremont BANKS. vinga and Loan.) AND FILERS. 20 Spear 2420 Fo.^t 221 Mission 222 Jackson 27 Commercial 318 Jackson 504 Stevenson 524 Commercial MANUFGCO, & C P ShatheUl), 17 and 19 Fremont 300 Jackson 504 Stevenson 7 Spear 45 Fremont Co, 105 Sacramento >NNEY, ilON STREET, IJ |ri»neiH«*o. 3 Ifaiiui'ev I'f MACHINES Implementa. draper Sticks, ftc. t in V B e Si » I « , "I •J PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. iflVL''?^*" C^ommen-lal Coll«n . -*-**^' Of the Coast, HXO Po«t Bt,. «. F, SAW San Francisco. CLASSIKIRD. SEW 1437 I |o Ih- SAW-MILLS. Enreka Mills, pier 9 Steuart Hansen A & M, Main bet Miss and How Hardenburch Isaac, 134 Main FORT BLAEELY STEAM SAW MILL, (Puget Sound), pier 3 Steuart Prescott & Sanborn, Howard and Spear STOCKTON MILLS, (A Washburn propr). Berry bet 4th and 5th Trinidad Mill Co, pier 2A Steuart Welch & Co, 100 California SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, Academy of Natural Soiouees, cor Cal and Dupont Augier Miss, ()18 O'Farrell BARNARD'S BUSINESS COL- LEGE, 120 Sutter Bergerot John, 611 Stockton Clarke Institute, 229 O'Farrell Espina's Writing Academy, 33 Kearny Filippe's Academy, 235 Kearny Forster Mme Louis. 912 Sutter HASTINGS S C, (law), rm 2, 0315 Clay HEALDS* BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Post Klein Mrs Anne, 1709 Sutter Mc(Jauley Mrs J F, 628 (3 Parrell ^ledical l)ep University of Cal, Stockton and Chestnut Merritt Mr^: H A, 2204 Steiner MooreN'W, 405(»eary PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, 320 Post Prince Miss I G, 218 Eddy St Ignatius" '^ollege, Hayes and Franklin St Vincent's School, 071 Mission SOUTHERN T R, (writing), 24 Post University School, 320 Eddy Ward Mrs M E, I.") 1 9 Sacramento West Miss Mary B, 1001 Sutter SCULPTORS. (See also Marble Works.) KERTELLCHAS, ho O'Farrell SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Berry Chas E, 619 Montgomery Clement Joseph & E B, 710 Washington CRAIG &MOSEBACH, 40i Moutgy 522 California 41 J I •' 523 Kearny 6 Montgy ave 6 621 Clay 230 Montgomery 214 Sansom 328 Montgomery 522 California GILLISPIECV, (iillespie W M, HART CHAS B. HOBBS WALTERS, HOFFS W J, Msarns (ieo, Miliar John E, Miller J P (i, Rouleau F A, Simpson C, SEEDSMEN. (See also Nurserymen and Florists.) BOWEN E J, 815 Sansom Cox Thos A & Co, 409 " Loomis H, 320 •' HUTCHINGS J M, 120 Sutter MILLER FA, 1727 Mission Silvester (I F. 317 Washington SWEENEYJP&CO, „„ „„ 409 and 4 1 1 Davis TRUMBULL R J & CO, 419 and 421 Sansom Ulricii .t Ixiopold, 35 Post Viiuent, Sevin * Co, 607 Sansom WELLINGTON B F, (impr and ^lealer), 452 Washington SEWER AND IRRIGATfNG PIPES. GLADDING, McBEAN & CO, 1310 and 1312 Market KNIGHT J H, 1314 and 1316 MARTIN P, (Pacific Cement Co), 524 California SEWING MACHINES. American Button Hole, 1216 Market Bigaze L A, 1227 Stockton Cohen Wm, 904 Market and 1 39 Sixth Doualnie Henry, 304 Hayes DWELLE J fi, 507^ Stevenson Esfuleaton A T, 124 Post EVANS J W, (Domestic), 29 " (irover & Baker, 29 " Highatn E, 901 Market HILL ARTHUR M, (manager Samuel Hill estate, agt Eldridge, Florence, Crown, Victor, Wilson, Wardweil, Weed, White, Home Sliuttle, Home, Peerless, Daunt- HOWJB MACHINE Moulton iiumaner), Hubbard S W, Jossclyn H K, Kiermau Miciiael, I.cnhardt K & Co, Lightburn S, Morrison I! !!, New Auiericau, CO, 634 Market (D S 873 667 Mission 111 Sutter 836 Mission 1 Stockton 235 Sixteenth 1252 Market 1216 '' REMINGTON & ROYAL ST JOHN, (C Schawl agt), 30 Second SHELDON M, 130 Post SINGER MANUFG CO, (J K Mackenzie agt), 118 Sutter Stewart Sewing Machine, ■ 139 Sixth and 111 Sutter WHEELER & WILSON. 526 Hayes and 20 Geary tn « pS^^15 J St ■ware, *• " H. PALMER A CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. h; it\t '■f i w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., TO-TiySnyyiriSjarsss^ny Mr 'II* L M?«l n«' if 5:;! ■ IL CO m i c 'i S p c o E 75 CO c c (0 O O o < a. I- O 1438 SEW San Francisco. OLASBinilD. SHI THE ROYAL ST. JOHN ISRWIWd} MACHIXIS Is the only inouhiiie whiuh vuim either forward or backward without ntayiiiif or ohiinning' direc- tion of work. It U positively the siinpleHt, lightest runiiin;,', most durable machine ever made. It SewN .liiythint;! It ItctttM Evt'i'ythiiiK! It PlfaMeN Kvcryliody ! Send for (UrciUar. Address, €. SCHAWL, No. 30 iSeivind St., San Francisco, ('a' " It Stands at the Head," The fiis^ht Itunninj; "DOMESTIC" Se^ng Machine. Pomittvely the rii^rlitest Ruuninir Lock Stitch .Machine in the ninrli«t4*o Pacific Coast Agents for tliu Exuclsior Needle Co. We have always on hand a full stock for the Home and Furcl^n Markets. For all Sewing Machines. Needles fur manufacturing a specialty. Lowest Market Itates guaranteed. Sewing Machine Hea-Jqnarters. 6S4 Market Mt , ^4an FraiioiHco. (Opposite Palace Hutci.) General Afffncy for the White, Crown, Eldredge, New Homei Wilson, Florence, Victor, Weed, Peerless, Home Shuttle. Howard's Needles for all machines. Parts, Attachments and Accessories. SAMirEli HlLIi, «»«n'l AffAnt. SHIP AND BOAT BUILDERS, RIGGERS, SPAR MAKERS, ETC. Alexander R S, 15 Drumm Allen L S, 107 Bryant Boole Geo, 5 Spear Campbell Murdock, 7 Steuart Christy Jas, 126 Berry Coleman D K, 9 Vallejo Crockard H, 20 Mission Davis R P, 508 Battery DICKIE BROS, IS Market Direks J J, Ni.ith ave Edmonds & Taylor, Union bet Battery and Front Ervin H J, 5th ave bet J and K, S S F Farenkam O F L, 9th ave bet G and H Farnham & White, 11 Steuart Gilmour John D, 209 Main Gracchi & Baglietto, 5 Vallejo Griffin J D, 239 Steuart Kerruish Mward, , .'00 Battery LANOREHB HENRY a 25 Market Lenon John, 26 Folsom McTernan Bros, lil Commercial Middlemas & Boole, pier J9 Steuart PHELPS W S & CO, 15 Drumm Reed John, 316 Main Turner & Rundle, 122 California Whelan J A, 11 Folsom SHIP CHANDLERS. Carty L. 1329 Sansom Coffin & Hendry, 2-8 Market and 1-7 Sac CRAWFORD A & CO, 2527 Market FOARD LORENTZ, (new and sec- ondhand shij) material), 3-5 Steuart HEATH, GALLUP & CO, 58 Clay Hopken L, 41 8 Davis Hubert Chas, 509 and 51 1 " Josaelyn (i M & Co, 38 and 40 Market Middleton & Co, .'521 Front Mighill Win E, 105 Steuart PATON W, (steel wire cables), 41^0 Cal Whitelaw T P H, foot of Second SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. (See Commission Merchants.) I X O Q C 39 r o so -i -I *< c n ap 15* (0 o a S s. 3 (A H. S. BUNKER, Ship S Custom House Broker. SUM Battery tjtt.. fHan FranelHco. RBFEliENCES: J. v.. Mekdill Si Co.; Stbvrnn, Bakrr &Co. ORE r o *< m s o 9 ILERS. o a to p) (9 1 IS |« 1 n 1329 Sansom irket and 1 -7 Sac 25-27 Market [new and sec- d), 3-5 Steuart CO, ^S Clay 418 Davis J9 and 511 " !S and 40 Market 521 Front 105 Steuart cables), 430 Cal foot of Second lOMMISSIONi^ ITS. is lerchants.) ' T I w ■■9f IKER, louse Broker. in Finmolnoo. knSVRNH.BAKKR&CO. p. L. Tavlob & Co. SB c SHI Sail Francisco. CLASSIFIED. SIL 1439 SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Aaron Simon, 106 Dupont Atkinson L k Co, 22 Sansom Basch Louis, 206 Kearny Beamish P, cor Inird and Market BLACK HOWARD, Cavasso I, duett Geo B & Co, Crook E W, Eureka Shirt Factory, Falkenstcin A & Co, Fenn & Co, » Flaherty John, Gedge F J , Hess Henry, Jacobs M & Son, Kusel S A Lawton W D, Leavitt W F & Co 39 Sutter 618 Washington 126 Kearny 126 " 124-126 Sansom 20 " 1505 Market 328 Bush 126 Kearny 219 Montgomery 20 Sansom SOS Valencia 9 Post 230 Kearny LEMO L.615 Kearny and 1007 Stockton Levey Oias, 424 Kearny Lengfield L, 121 Sansom LOWES* :«1 Kearny Mayer R, 14 Dupont Meiuinger Louis, 217 Turk Meyerstein & Lowenberg, 109 Satisoui MORISON, HUTCHINSON & 00, (Star Shirt Factory), 1 12 Bush NEUSTADTERBROS, (Standard). NE cor Battery and Pine Niemann H, Popper L, POPPERS. R EEB E, (Diamond), Sauford & liobinson, Sewerth Mrs A, Seymour W H, Sherman & Lloyd, Silberstein S, STEELE MRS J B, Stobz & Weidenreich, Tennant Mrs J, 120 Sutter 431 ivearny 233 19 Sanson! 126 Keanry .520 c o E CO c c o O O a z s < I- o 1440 SME San Francisco. CLA8.'o Candles and Soaj). ) Alta Soap Co, 109 and 1 1 1 Oregon Argonaut Soap Works, Potrero a\ e bet El Dorado and Center Bay Soap & Candle Factory, 119 and 121 Front Bettman M, 311 Commercial BROWN RICHARD. Channel bet 14th and loth CAL BLEACHING SOAP,(Peake & Fisk), SE cor Folsonj and Sixteenth CHAMPION SOAP FACTORY, (TIjos Dolr.n), Alal)amaan(l El Dorado CHEMICAL SOAP FAC TORY. (Kichard Brown), Channel bet 14th and 15th Clark Bros, Xe1)raska bet 15th and Kith Commercial Soap Co, (Dakin & Libby), XE cor Sacramento and Davis Eagle Soap Co, 209 Clay Ehrman M & Co, 110 Front Harbor View Soap Co, 708 Bran, 12 Cal Lougliran B, Rhode Isl'd bet El Dorado and Alameda LUCY R & CO, 123 CaUfornia Mission Soap & Candle Works, 108 Bush Moirenthau Max, lOtli bet Fol and Har NEWELL BROS. (N Y Soap Co), 221 Davis and 17 and 19 Diamond NEW ENGLAND SOAP MANU- FACTORY. (H Fishl)eck & Co), NE cor Nebraska and New Potrero Nicott Edward & Co, cor 7th and Miss Peterson C A & O), Juniper bet Fol and Har and 2.32 Front Royal Soai) Co, 205 " SEIDEL F E, San Bruno Road nr 29th; office 48 Clay Smith Lucy & Co, 405 Front Standard So!lp Co, 204 Sacramento Stuhr A, San Bruno Road nr 15th ave UNITED WORKINGMEN'S SOAP MANUFG CO, cor Potrero and Sixteenth RICHARD BROWN, Manufacturer of The Grand Family. Chemical, Olive and (5astile SOAPS, And Grand Waiihing Powders, Channel St., I»et. ]4t1i and IStli, SAN FRANCISCO. A. A. Pkake. J. U. Fisk. California Bleaching Soap Co. Manufacturers of HALL & WAGNER'S CALIFORNIA BLEACRING IP, Factory, corner of Folsoiii anil Sixteenth Stg. .Sun Francisco, Cal. ARM[E:t!i A l»AI.riA9I. Atfents, 113 & 117 Front (Street. SOCIETIES. (See Associations.) SODA AND SALERATUS. (agt CHURCH A S. & Co), Doe J S, Empire Soda Works, GRENNAN JOHN, Pacific Soda Co, John Drt'ight 405 Front 109 California 1721 Market 110 Tyler Bryant near Fifth Reiaers C A, 7L'3 Turk and22l> Ehnave SODA WATER MANUFAC TURERS. BAY CITY SODA WATER CO. (J O (irennan supt), 110, 112 Tyler Braining \Vin, 733 Union (Jrystal Soda Water Co, Stock and " Somps P (t, 201 Clementina Thompson Geo C, 1015 Mason Ward John T, 1 1 Drumm SPOOL COTTON. CLARK GEO A & BROS, 511 Market SPRING MANUFACTURERS. Belts Spring Co, 218 Fremont CAUFORNIA SPRING MANU- FACTURING CO. 147 New Montgf H.WACHHORST. importer Of Fine Watchea, Jewelry, Dlamouda .31 5 J St., Sac. 18 Bfcttwy ■>•.*■>. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP SPR X ■« e IKOMEN'S J CO. trero and Sixteenth S m W BROWN, r burer of qI rnily* Chemical, jj d Castile ^1 itfhing Powders, t. 14tli and 15th, ANCISCO. J. B. KisK. aching Soap Co. icturers of JfORHUBLtliClllllGlP, olsom ami Sixteenth St». mciBco, Cal. VliliAM. A»»ntB, Front Streot^ lETIES. ssociations.) ) SALERATUS, (iv't John Dwight " 405 Front 109 California I Irks 17-21 Market ^\^ 110 Tyler ' Bryaut near Filth Turk and '22-1 Elm ave ER MANUFAC IRERS. bA WATER CO. Cupt), 110,11-2 Tyler Iter Co, Stock and " '201 Clementina 1015 Mason 11 Drumm COTTON. & BROS. 511 Market Ianufacturers, 218 Fremont [spring MANU- C0» 147NewMontgy 1(0 ■■« llO k s ^■*i£yL'y'y,i?H«L'«» »» PACIFIC HVMl. SQU San Francisco. CLAB8IFI8D. STA 1441 SQUIRREL POISON. WAKELEE H F & CO. S£ cor Montgomery and Bush STABLES. (See Livery Stables.) STAIR BUILDERS. Drew Jno R, 218 Spear HURLEY D J, 136 Main JESSIE & DREW, (South Point Mills), Berry bet Third and Fourth LANGLANP N P, 407 Mission McGuireA, 415 Prescott *" ^. Howard and Spear STATIONERS. (See also Books and Stationery.) Amheim SI, 8 Steuart Bailey J H, 1513 Stockton Barkhaus F W & D, 213 Kearny Bell & Camp, 639 " BILLINGS, HARBOURNE & CO. D. J. HvyRLEV, STAIR BUILDER, No. 136 Main Street, Between Minsion and HnwunI, SAN FRANCISCO. JESSE & DREW, STAIR BUILDERS, South Point Mill, Berry Street, Between Third and Fourth, SAN FRANCISCO Blake Sumner C, Blaxham C, Bowles James, Bush P, Choyinski I, Coghlan John, Conkliii Frank, Cook Bros, Copper F, Cordeii Thos J, CUNNINGHAM. WELCH. Constantly on hand and made to order, Stair Baila, PoBta, Balusters, &c. N. P. LANGLAND, STAIR BUILDER, Wood Turner and Scroll Sawer, 407 Mission Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Cunningham Robt D, Denny Edward & Co, Dixon Mrs H H, Dodge Bros, Dutton & Withington, Fairweather J, Fish Nathan, Frank & Co, cor Freund & Co, Frey W A, Grube Max, Harris B & Son, Harris S, Hays W K, Hodge Jno G & Co, Holbert H S, HOLMES D W, Hook Bros, Howell Joseph L, Immel Jane, Kochmann Morris, LEAVITTSB&CO, 3 Montgomery 617 Mont & 503 Kear 304 Sixteenth cor Leidesdorff & Com -248 Fourth 28 Sansom 519 Taylor 310 Sixth 34 " 436 Kearny 524 Fourth CURTISS & 327 to 331 Sansom 131 Fourth 512 Sacramento 1618 Polk 116 Post 306 California 542 Hayes 60 Second Sacramento & Sansom 204 Bush 404 Kearny 340 Third 2 Battery 402 Fourth 225 Sixth 314 California 218 Third 316 Dupont 34 Sixth 624 Montgomery 1647 Mission 214 Sixth 526 Sacramento STAMPING, ETC. CAMERON MISS AGNES, 1 16 Taylor Kreuser Mme C, 323 Sutter O'Hara Mrs A, 1406i Powell Stettin Mme H, 443 Bush Strothoff Mrs M, 1022^ Market Sullivan Mrs, 118^ Post STARCH. CHURCH A S, (agent J J Wood), 405 Front Cutsinger S & Co, 205 " Eaierton H C, 109 California EVERBING J & CO, 48 Clay Jones C C, 214 Sacramento LeCount Bros, 417 and419 Montgomery Martin E T, 5 " Metzger Louis, 208 Bush Patton A F, cor Kearny and Clay PAYOT, UPHAM & CO, 204 San Philan John, cor Sutter and Kearny Pieper H C & Co, Reuben M, Robitscheck H, SADLER & CO, Scott H & Co, Scott J C, Smith H F & Co, SPENCEAS&CO, Stanley G W, Stevenson & Longwill, Strong G W, Tishler Geo, Turner E Q, Vaughan Fred'k, 1010 Buchanan 628 Montgomery 416 Sacramento 605 Market, 138 Fourth 22 Third 225 Kearny 537 Market 4 Seventh 28 Second 2039 Mission 2i Sixth 2403 California 602 Montgomery m ¥&. L 315J8tM8ac. HPURE PORT WINE, ftf MHiclial Pimoses, 302 Davis St, S. F. WW MnMTARIIF A 1*11 Mhe«t iron, all MIxcm tuid MiualMsn, llo, I 1 e £1 > e E CO 1 (0 O ■ O o o < 0. I- h 1442 STA San Francisco. STE CbAHSIKIBU. Weiner M H, 334 Sixth Wood Geo M & Co, 120 Post Wood Geo T, 133 Fourth WKIGHT & HANCHETTE, 433 Montgomery ave Zellerbach A, 413 Sanaom Zolhier Henry, i!36 Sixth Envelopes and Writing Paper. Importers and Jobbers uf Euvelopos, Note, Letter and Cap I'apers. AgeutB for Mor^m Envelope Co., and National Paper Co., MasxacliuMctts, 60S Market «4t., under Cirand Hotel, SAN FRAXCIHCO. Lowest KateM Uuaraiiteed. STATIONERS-WHOLESALE BANCROFT A L & CO, 721 Market BLAKE, BOBBINS & CO, 516 Sac BONESTELL, ALLEN & CO. 415 San CEOCKER H S & CO, 40i and 403 ." CUNNINGHAM, CURTISS & WELCH, 327 to 331 Sansom Dutton & Withington, 30G California Hodge J G & Co, 314 LEAVITT S B & CO, 52e Sacramento Le Count Bros, 41i) California PAYOT, UPHAH & CO, t.'04 Saaaom SADLER & CO, 605 Market STEAM ENGINES. GREGORY H P & CO, 2 and 4 Cal THOMSON & EVANS. 110-112 Beule STEAMER LINES AND AGENCIES. California & Mexican S S Co, 10 Market CALIFORNIA STEAM NAVI- GATION CO(T C Walker pres), office and landing Wash St Wharf California Transportation Co, NW cor Jackson and East CENTRAL PACIFIC R R STEAMER AGENCY, Washington St Wharf COMPAGNE GENE RALE TRANSATLANTiaUE, 5 Mont ave Cunard Line (Williams, Dimond & Co), 202 Market Eel River & t'rescent City Steamer Line, foot Second Entfpire & Marshiield Steamer Line, 213 Jackson EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP TICKET OFFICE, 5 Montgy ave Fritch Geo, 120 PaciKo FUGAZI J F, 6 Montgomery ave Generate Transatlantic Co (Belloc & Co agt), 524 Montgomery Guerin P S, Washington St Wliarf HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACK- ET CO (Henry Balzer & Co), 20ii San Hongkong Packet Line, 206 " Howes (ieo & Co, 302 California HUMBOLDT STEAMSHIP CO (Searles & Sto ne), 22 California INMAN LINE, 5 Montgomery ave HARRINGTON JOHN, 5 10 line Laflfey E N, 508 Battery Meinke J F & Co (Hamburg- Ameri- can), 401 California Merchants' Tow Boat Line, 271 East Merrill J C & Co, 204 California North-German Lloyd Steam Ship Co (C Duisenberg), 314 Sacramento Oregon Steamship Co, 210 Battery Pacific Coast S S Co, 10 Market Pacific Mail S S Co, Mail Dock Pacific Steam Navigation Co, 202 iMkt Piper J B (Bay and Biver Schrs), 7 Clay Bed Star S S Line, 208 Montgomery Royal Mail Steam Packet Co, 108 LeiJ 1 SAN FRANCISCO STEAMBOAT & T R A N S P ORTATION CO, (Jeremiah Miller pres), office and landing Jackson St Wharf Simpson A M & Bro (Coos Bay Vessels), 44 Market Smith Capt B (Gulf of Cal S S Co), 211 Sansom Steamer Ellen (G H Oakley captain), Jackson St Wharf Stockton Transportation Co, 124 Cal STOW LINE HONOLULU PACK- ETS (f^eo F Coffin), 13 Pine Turner & Bundle (Tahiti Packet Line), 122 California Victoria & Nanaimo Steamer Line, 118 Pacific Wells Chas H (Puget Sound Pack- et Line), 20 Califoruii WHITE STAR LINE (New York and Liverpool), 5 Montgomery ave Williams & Guion Line (J F Fugazi), 5 Montgomery sve STEAM POWER. Overend J A T, Pacific Power Co, 506i Commercial J 314 Califoruii i STENCIL CUTTERS. HOFFMAN & SCHENK, 414 S«i KUNKNER C A & CO, 320 Sansoij RIDLEY A E & CO, rm 17, 323 Front! Smart & Co, 209Claj| Smart G B, 28 Marketl TRUWORTHY P M. 318 Front! TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Biumauar & Co., 'S£"£iv?!r< M Wattery »*» »*. F. Lloyd berg), lip Co, S Co, SCO, STE 120 Pacific 5 Montgomery ave antic Co (Belloc & 524 Montgomery Washington St Wharf [EEICAN PACK- r Balzer & Co), 20y San , tLine, ^^20tt" I ;W2 Caluorma ITEAMSHff CO . lie) 22 California ' 5 Montgomery ave Iff TOHN. 510 Pine NJOaa, 508 Battery (Hamburg-Ameri- 401 California r Boat Line, ^271 Kast 204 California Steam Shiv 314 Sacramento 210 Battery 10 Market Mail Dock ^[avigation Co, 202 Mkt amUliverSchrs),7Clay ^iiie 'i*>8 Montgomery Dam'Packet Co, 108 Leid 4&C0 STEAMBOAT SPORTATION CO, I lillerprea), i landing Jackson St Wharf | & Bro (Coos Bay 44 Market (Gulf of Cal S S Co), 211 Sanaom (GH Oakley captain), ' Jackson St \\ hart .Bportation Co, l^t'al Coffin), ,, /Y"'' ,,aie (Tahiti J-\fLa ,,aimo Steamer^Liue, .^^ (Puget Sound Pack- ^ ^ 20Caliform» R LINE (New York ,ol) 5 Montgomery ave uiouLine(JFFugazi), 5 Montgomery ave JAM POWER. fr 5064 Commercial ji •Co, 314 CaliformiJ CIL CUTTERS, 28 Markelj BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ^»^£*SM»iIr tan«ht At PACIFIC B1TIII« STE San Francisco. STO 1443 CbAHHIKIRO. Stencil Plates, Burning Brands, RUBBER HTAMPtil, Etr., A. E. RTDLEY & CO. 323 Front Street, Room No. 7, Oorner of Commercial, SAN FRAMCIHCO. STENOGRAPHERS. Belden E T, Bennett Clement, Brown & Maxwell, Cherry F W, Darneal H, Gearhart J W, Houghton S C, Hyatt TH, Jones H A, Maginnis J J, Marsh Andrew J, Maxwell Wm, Osboume S, (537 Kearny 434 California 004 Merchant G3G Clay 604 Merchant 636 Clay U S Court bldg 604 Merchant 40 Montgomery block 636 Clay 708 Montgomery 604 Merchant 65 Nevada block Riley, Osboume, sey). Kobmson Crittenden, Summer Chas A, TollesChasH, Von LowenfclsC, Maxwell & Kin 309 Montgomery 310 Pine 604 Merchant 402 Montgomery 60' STOVE BRICK. RAT W S & CO, 12 and 14 Market STOVES AND TINWARE. . (See also Tinners.) •Importers. Abrahamson P, Alexander C M, Ballard G, Bohn John, Briggs G W, Broc)k & Kneass, Brown A & Son. BROWN CHAS, Bryan J M, Buchoiz Henry, Bucknam & Langrchr, Butterwortli J, Corey Thos, Crowley (ieo, Culley & Brook, *De La Montauya, Douglas Wm, Dyer M, Elder & Dobbie, Fiiikbeiner G, Freeman & Wren, *(Joodrich Taylor, HofTmann & Ernst, *HOLBROOK, STETSON. STEVEDORES. Allen & Young, Battery nr Union CHASE & WOLFF, JMH) Front Freese AC, 3 Mission Menzies, Bingham & Co, 514 Battery Pitman, Middleton & Co, 38 Market Sennett J & Co, Spear A F & Co, Stryker & Kiernan, Whitney G H, 317 California Pier 22 Steuart Pier Pier 10 lis Jno G, ImhoflF S G, Jewett, Sherman & Co, Judkius E H, Kilday Wm, Koch Adam, LANGREHR HENRT 939 Market 211 Fourth 215 Second 112 Seventh 532 Montgomery ave 1006 Market 39 Eddy 18 Dupont 120 Third 222 Sixth 22 Steuart I14»i Folsom 202 Pacific 230 Sixth 1006 Marlcet 214 to 220 Jacl son _240 Fourth 749 Mission 606 Clay 1429 Dupont 326 Third 22 Geary 1214 Stockton MERRILL & 113 Cal and 19 Davis Leiser Louis, Levy Elias, 814 and 816 Kearny 319A Fifth 122 Battery 2120 Mission 1138 Howard 807 Market & CO, 25 81 Fourth 872 Folsom STOCK YARDS. Aherne M J, 331 Montgomery Colbert & Lynch, cor Market and Tenth CunnitF Wm, cor Twelfth and Market Dumphy &; Hildreth, 504 Kearny Horan J D, cor Ninth and Howard Mason M H A, 405 California MOFFAT £ & H, 238 Keamy S F Hor se M arket, 37 New Montgy SGHOENFELD JACOR 331 Keamy SweeneyA Sharkey, 1 1th and Howard WASHBURN H (Great Eastern & Western Horse tc Mule Market), SE cor Fifth and Bryant LEWIS J F, SW cor R R and 14th av Little & Lawson, 603 Bat and 306 Jack McCarty — , 9334 Market •MONTAGUE W W & CO, 110, 112andll4 3attery Mund & Wadman, 5 Taylor Pander E, 32 Geary Phillips & Gibbon, 3004 Mission Porteous A, 1314 Dupont Prag Martin, 125 Clay *RAY W S & CO, 12 and 14 Market Rehm C, 208 Sixteenth Reil & Lawrence, cor 7th and R R ave Rustemeyer W J, Schuster Bros, Snook G & W, Stoutenburgh Ike A, Sylvester L, Tay Geo H & Co, SE cor Cal and Davis and 616 Battery 2325 Mission 306 Sutter 630 Sacramento 117 Washington 811 Larkin 09 m o tn 3 3 CO M- 13' 1 !lB' "' i 1 &Co.,'S£^?H ^' ^^^^^^ ^ ^^'> '^^^'v^ ^'"®^* ^^ ^^^'^ ^^^^^^* ^' ^' w. w. MONTAGUE & cOm 'iY:rt»U'iriri^&'':siU\^K' i c S S i i I 1444 STO (San Framciaco. TAI OLABSirilD. •Vasconcellos J J, WEAVER D E. Weaver D S, Williams S G, 524 Washington 153 Third 124 and 263 Sixth 253 Fourth STRAW WORKS. ATLANTIC STRAW WORKS, 132 Fourth Cowles G W M, 1017 Market EXCELSIOR STRAW WORKS, 120 Fourth Hill M H, 753 Mission PACIFIC STRAW WORKS, 16 Fourth WESTERN STRAW WORKS. 108 STREET RAILROAD COS. CaIifornia,NE cor California and Larkin Central, 32 Front City, 14 Valencia Clay, SW cor Clay and Leavenworth Geary, cor Geary and Buchanan Market, 440 Valencia North Beach & Mission, 4th and Louisa Omnibus Railroad, 725 Howard Potrero & Bay View, 4th and Townsend South S F Park, Railroad and Ninth a\ ' Sutter, cor Sutter and Larkin SUGAR REFINERIES AND DEALERS. AMERICAN SUGAR REFIN- ERY (The), (C Adolphe Low & Co), 208 California California Beet Sugar Co, Cal and San SFRECKELS A B, (secy Califor- nia Sugar Refinery), 215 Front Chai>in C A, 313 Montgomery Currier Willis J, (agt Buffido Grape ' Sugar Co), 205^ Front Standard Sugar M'f'g Co, 2324 Montgy SURGICAL INSTITUTES. NATIONAL SURGICAL IN- STITUTE* (J M Hinkle manag- er), 319 Bush SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. CahillEJ, 528 California Freeman J H, 12 " Gibbes C, 628 Montgomery Gihlies J T, 628 '* Hoadley Milo, 20 Merchants' Exchange Jasper Thos, 1544 Howard Pardy Jno, 402 Montgomery SUPREME COURT. Finkler Henry, bailiff, 640 Clay Belden E C, phonograpic rep'r,640 " Smith Geo H, reporter, 640 " O'Connor Thos,8ecy and libr'n,640 " Gross Frank W, clerk, 640 " ihornton J D,as80ciate justice,640 " Sharpstein J R, " " 640 " Ross Erskine M, associate jus, 640 " Myrick M H, " " (WO " McKinstrey E W, " " 610 " McKee S B, " " 640 " Morrison R F, chief justice, 640 " FOLKERS J H Schneider W H, Will & Finck, A&BRO, llSMont 28 Geary 769 Market SURVEYORS. Allardt G F, Benson J A, 432 Montgomery 607 TAILORS. Abendroth F, Abraham Abraham, Alexandra A, ' ppel Simon, ission Jos, Assion Jos C, Attell Seymour, BALOUN JOSEPH. Baruth H, Bascom H, BENEDICT & SMITH, Bercyits Simon, Bernstein D, Bernstein S, Bine Sc Georges, Blake J, Block John, Bloch Leopold, Bogner Chas, Borkhim Herman, Brodigan Patrick, 2515 Mission 402 Pacific 303 Stockton 786 Folsom 205 Montgomery 625 Market 53 Third 613 Washington • 556 Natoma 115 Geary 136 Montgy 534 Pacific 729 Folsom 791 Mission 119 Sutter 422 '* 648 Commercial 119 Sixth 11 Sutter 632i Polk 304 Minna m ■0 c :o m (A H O o z ■n m o H m < > z o r m w > r m > ■n m S Oi m r (0 BRUOGEMANN HENRT,526 Mont Bull James, 107 Third BULLOCK ft JONES> 105 Montgomery Burkhard John, cor R R and Tenth aves Burr B J, Burr & Fink, Canty T, Caro Morris, Cavanagh James, Chandler Geo, Chisholm D, Claire John, Cohen A, Cohen E, Cohen G, Cohen L, Cohen Michael, 22 Montgomery 22 " 820 Howard 414 Pacific 141 Fifth 16 Anna 7 Auburn 105 Jackson 516i Mission 635 44 Geary 408 Pacific 410 Pacific i\ H. WACHHORST. Importer of ^fJS&yT'iSJSSkd.: 815 J St.. Sac. 1 PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «o. »*o Po«t iit«*». K.i.<..t. thoroiiichly firtr nuHliirMM. 528 California 12 *' 628 Montgomery 628 , " shauta* Exchange 1644 Howard 402 Montgomery COURT. 640 Clay picrep'r,640 f 640 adlibr'n,640 640 be iu8tice,640 •• " 640 m I"' c m (/) o ciate jns juBtice, 9RS. 640 (UO 610 640 640 \m -< > 2515 Mission i 402 Pacific | 303 Stockton i 786 Folsom 205 Montgomery 625 Market 53 Third 613 Waahiagton ^ 556 Natoma 115 Geary TTH. 136 Montgy 534 Pacific 729 Folsom 791 Mission 119 Sutter 422 " , 648 Commercial 119 Sixth 11 Sutter 532i Polk , 304 Minna -jB, 105 Montgomery MaR and Tenth aves o2 Montgomery 22 820 Howard 414 Pacific 141 Fifth 16 Anna 7 Auburn 105 Jackson 616i Mission 635 " 44 Geary 408 Pacific 410 Pacific { 6 » E S i lO s m O I e e e o e TAI San Frandaco. CLARHIPIRD. TAI 1^5 Cohen N, Cohn T, Colemun H, Collins J, Colman Solomon, COOPER JOHN. CorODran D P, Cuddy J G, Curley J H & Co, Curtiss J, Dannheimor L, Dantzacher Otto, Davis A, Davis Edward, Davis I, Davis Jacob, 931 i Market 821 Juckson 521 Hyde 610 Post 412i Pacific 24 New Montgomery 614i Post 904 Folsom 32 Montgomery 304 Jackson 539 California 633 Washington 606 Third Ml " 404 " 131 Second Davis Mark, R R ave bet 8th &9th aves Degenhart Louis, 136 Montgomery ave Denis Henry, Dippel W G, Dodge k Gorevan, Dodge M M A Co, Doherty D, Domenicle B & Co, Drady Thomaa, Dunphy L, Eckford R, Echler Henry, Eidinger E, Eisenberg J, Elwell Frank, Erb Manuel, Ernst Aaron, Esby Jno, * Farmer H W, Pass A, Pass Nathan, Feder Isidor, nOEL JOSEPH, Fink J L, Finking Richard, Flood B, Fogel B, Frank N, Franklin S S, Freiter A, Friedman L, Frischling P, Fross M B, Garlick Samuel, Geimann Wm, Gellert Louia, Ghio Felix, Ghiselli G, OILLT & MIGNON. Gordan R, Gottlieb M, Goulet Isadore, Grenberg Louis, Gross P H, Haas Morris, Hand John S, Harmon E, 1210 Kearny 106 Dupont 511 Montgomery 80!»A Market 625 Slerchant 1335 Dupont 151 Fourth 2010 Polk 122 Tyler 7 Turk 2239 Mission 139 Montgomery 313 Sutter 23 Harriet 802 Jackson 605 Broadway 187 Jessie 808 Stockton 603 California 907 Larkin 211 Montgomery 22 222 O'FarroU 959^ Mission 907 Battery 135 Post 213 Pacific 18i Fifth 1003 Post lt» Geary 515 Bush cor Sixth and Howard 509 Montgomery 521 Sacramento 721 Montgomery Clark near Front 421 Montgy 803 Market 186 Jessie 415 Montgomery 5 Trinity 629 Montgomery 802 Larkin 314 Kearny 24^ Dupont Harris Chaa, 502 Paoifio Harshall Geraon, 230 Third Harshall Gua, 58 Third Harvey B, 26i Fourth Hastings C C & Co,cor Mont and Sutter Heeth A, Hetferman J k Son, Henessy D, Henke) E W, Herbert P, Hintze Isaac, HoffS, Hogan J J, Holland Edward, Hornberg A P, Houston Richd T, H uber John, Hutter J, Isaac M. Isaac Saml, Jacobs J, .laretzky Mendel, Jennings Wm, 421 East 995i Market 142 Second 431 Dupont 405 Broadway 338 Bush 3' Taylor 839 Valencia 119 Post 441 Bush 324 Dupont 448 Mmna 321 Jessie 639 California 507 Jackson 4264 Bromlway 36 First 1602 Mission Joseph Bros, SW cor Montgy and Pine 225i KAISER WM, Kiilisky C, Kiiul Samuel, Kavanach John, Kayser M & Bro, Kearney J F, Kelly Lawrence, Kennedy Edward, Kenney P, Kenny & Sheahan, Kilinehaupt A, Klaus Jno, Klinge Wm, Koechler Adam, Kolble Joseph, Kruger Chas, Lachman L, Lahl J, Lancaster k Northon, I^ncaster T k Co, Leopold Louis, Levi li, LEVISONH. Levy A, Ijcvy Jacob, Levy MS, Lewil I, Lewis Max, Lindecker J H, Lindeiibaum M, Lindow J, LitchfieldJM&Co, Low A, 335 Bush 1 10 Second 405 Commercial 6 New Montgomery 223 Montgomery 1122 Harrison 27 Fourth 505 Califoniia 307 Minna 691 Market 109 Sixth 634 Pacific 119 Fifth 2108 Fillmore 1210 Kearny Montgomery ave 518 Pine 513 " 613 Montgomery 531 California 428 Dupont 227 Pacific 323 Mont and 733 Mkt 466 Sixth 816 Stockton 176 Minna 23 Hyde 424 Hayes 787 Folsom 32 Garden 913 Pacific 415 Montgomery 12 Turk Lynch H, NW cor Third and Jessie Mahony D, 1513 Polk Marks Henry, 628 Commercial Mayer Henry, 10;) Sutter McCarthy M, 187 Jessie McDonald k Williams, 14 Montgomery 92 r8i5JSt..SaG. H H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. kf & c^ 0^' 3 s 3 I 9 n H i :i'l ^ ■; M 4 I o E 75 CD 10 O ■ O o o < 0. I- • If • mUll I nUUC V UU.f patterns, 110, IIS, 114, lie and 118 BMl«7 St., 8. P. 1446 TAI 8cm Franoiaco. TAI OUAMirilD. XoINTOSH DAHISLt 2550 Greenwich Menne C, 533 Waahin^on Meyer Joseph, Meyer Julius, Meyer & Walker, Meyera J, Meyers & Loewensteiii, MEYERS M J, Michnel !S, Miller Ludwig, Milue A, Molony P S, Monusch Juliiin, Moorbrink J B, Morris A, Morritt William, Mucha 1', Newman S, 430 Sixth 607 Commercial 908 Market 501 Kearny! 22 Dupout 1 Hardie Place I 118 Uidesdoril'i 204 Htevonson' 625 Merchant j 138 Montgomery' 2001 Mission 1070 Market! 110 Third! 95'->4 Howard! 448 Third 1050 Howard! Siegel M, Solomon Isadore, Hoiomon S, iSpelman J, tSquoglia O, Staah H O, STEIL HENRY, Stephen B, Sternberg M, Straub J N, Sullivan J •!, Sweeney N, Thomiis Thos, 1502 Stockton 530 PuciHo 616 Jackson 506Bu8h !M)2 Montuomery ave 310 Montgomery 237 BiiHh 118 Ninth 7 Spring 307 Hay eg :«)3 Washington 41 Second 140 Minna 1210 Polk Nicolai W, NICOLL THE TAILOR, | 727 Market, 18 Kearny and 505 Mont TFORSON NICOLAUS, 15 N Montgy TOillN J H, 114 Montgomery Trautner Bros, 307 Dupout Trebois F, 222 Montgomery ave 1210 Kearny Noltc Herman, Nordwell W, 0' Neil Charles, Oppenheim S B, Ososke Morris, Oyen S C, Pinkish Morris, Plagemann Wm, Pluuz Henry, Plege Louis, FOHEIH JOE. Probst F, Pyser Louis, Pyser M , Raphael H, Bead E, Redmond D, Redmond E, Reid John, Reynolds Ceo L, Rhein & Siegel, Rhodes S R, Riegelliaupt Philip, Risley A A, Roberts Wm, Rosener H, Rosener S, Rourke John, 431 Dupout •218 Bush G'23 Merchant 413 Kearny j 372 Clementina 548 Fourth; 407 East: 14 Geary 525 '• 337 '• 203 Mont; 724 Market 1210 Kearny 428 PaciHc 1.325 Polk 9 Taylor 1(34^ Jessie 1 148 Folsom 1511 Stockton 907 i Market 038 Clay 414 Sanson! 008 Montgomery 500 Market 24 i Dupmt 8 Montgomery 402 ■"■ixth 808 Folsom Tressler E, Tynan Wm D, Ulrich Henry, Unger M, Usselini A, Vecci Z, VETTER F, Vogel T, Ward C, Weinberg L, W'eiss J, Weiss J, Werner John, Westerman John, Wilton E F, Winn T J, Wirter Adolph, 504 Post 1210 Kearny 726 O'Farrell 219 Sixth 1 18 Montgomery 1 145 Market 409 Bush 681 Mission 3034 Thirl 1 iMhly 223 Kearny 631 Merchant 668 Howard 412i CJeary 313 Sutter 308 Post II 3 !a |J e 111 Montgomery 21 Market Rush M, Samuel H, 808 Third SCHAFER ft COt n Montgomery Scharfenberg Adolph, 27 Stockton Schehr W, 610 Montgomery ave Schellenberger A, Scheurer Christian, Schoellhorn F, Schoemaker A, Schweinle L, Schewetzer J, Shilling Joseph, Short Michael, Short Peter, 10 Stockton 147 Fourth 1528 Stockton 2629^ Mission 36 Eddy 329 Sixteenth 1046 i Folsom 409 and 411 Montgy 1 Montgomery Wisluzil J, 605 and 10 Mont: 302 Kear Wood Samuel, 775 Market Young W D, 307 Minna Zinnaman & (rutman, 223 Bush Z inna mon A, 308 " ZINNS C, 611 Sacramento Zundorf John, 422 Wontlemen can be acconimodated with DRESS COATS Kor t|p(>«>ial OrrasIonM at the Tailoriui; KHtablishnieiit of • J. COOPER, 24 New Montifomery Street, Palace Hotel Block, | For (Sale or Hire. JOE POHEIM, THK TAIIiOR. 203 Montgomery St., 103 Third St,, 724 Market Street. PerflRPt Fit Guaranteed Or No Sales. Salts Made to Order from tM Pants to Order ftrom iM. TRY DR. CUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. t n»B»tury8>«»-^ TAI 2 ^\ ■HI PI 1 i 160*2 Stockton 530 PuciKc 615 Jackson 506Butih ;W2 Montaomery ave 310 Montgomery •237 liuHh ' 1 18 Ninth 7 Spring 307 Hayes 303 Washington 41 Second 140 Minna OLATJS, '5 N M«)ntgy 114 Montgomery 307 Dupont •>22 Montgomery avc 1210 Kearny 604 Post 1210 Kearny 720 O'Farrell 211) Sixth 1 18 Montgomery 1 145 Market 40'.) Bush 681 Mission 303^ Tiiird " . 1 Kdily 223 Kearny 631 Mercliant 668 Howard 4124 (ieary 313 Sutter 308 Post 10 Mont: 302 Rear 775 Market 307 Minna ttman. 223 B«.h 611 Sacramento 422 in, and can be acconimodated with ^8 COATS JrraslonM at the Tailoring ItabllsViinent of ;OOPER, pry Street, Palace Hotel Block, Male or Hire. POHEIMI, |B TAILOR. iierySt.. 103 Third St, (Market Street. jjuaranteed Or No Sale*. ade to Order from •» Irder trom •<>• PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. "•- ISS'JSSS.-Srk.J!!:sr^ (/> TAI San Fi'jticiHco. ULARHIKIRI). TIN 1447 W. C. ROBERTS, Merchant Tailor^ 466 Eighth St., Oakland. FOKEIUX A UOMKMTIC «OOI»H Of the Latest Styles, anil a Perfect Fit Kuurnii- teetl. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. (See also Cloths and Tailors' Trimmings.) Marcus I, 125 Sunsnm Meyers & Loowenstoiu, 22 Dupont RilAS E &C0>26 and 28 Montgomery Stein Simon & Co, SE cor 2d and Mkt TANNERIES. (See also Leather and Findings. ) BALZ L & CO, San Bruno road Beisel & Cook, Pennsylvania uve Bloom W, Kolsom bet 18th and littli Cahen Bros& Co, 41 Clay Counihun J no, Carolina bet 27th k 28tli Curtis It, 28th and San Bruno road Dauforth E P & Co, 723 Battery Dietsch G, 26th bet Howard and Capp FUNCXE&CO, 312 Sansom, factory 9th near Brannau HEINBEEG B. 4i) Clay Krenz O, cor Filliert and tJough LAWRENCE & CO, Eleventh ave bet Second and H, S S F LEIDAL T A, 21)th and S Bruno road M(!Ale O E 75 CO 1 c c « ■ O o a s S o < I- h Q w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., '^rtt^virtn^uiiy'^^ai v^ 1448 TOB (Sa-n, Francisco. tul CL^88inKD. TOBACCO. (See Cigars and Tobacco.) TOOLS. (See also Machinists.) AHOSKEAG AXE CO, (iiichards & Snow pjjtints), 408 Market Bauer Bros, ()o4 Mission HinzC, 42 Spear Kelley Martiu, 248 Beale XRAJEWSKI FRED, 737 Fourth Kuhling A, MS) Fifth RIDGEWAT BROS, (file), 305 How SCH£BTZ J H, (corkscrew), 10 Stev WeichhartJ, 143 Beale Wright John, 13 Fremont TOYS. (See also Fancy Goods; also Varieties.) Ellis Mrs M, 20064 Mission FEI6ENBAXJM & CO, 120 to J26 Sansom and 217 & 2J'.> Pine Fox Robt, 1415 Sti.ckton Peters F M L & Co, 207 Montgomery SADLER & CO, 605 Market Sahla F, 2054 Valencia SPENCE A S & CO. 537 Market TRANSFER COMPANIES. (See Express and Transfer Companies.) TRIMMINGS. ETTIXGER S. 105 Post GILLE & ROEHRIGS. 727 Market 8. ETTINGER, Manufacturer of Fringes, Gimps, Cords. Tassels, Buttons, And all kinds of fja«li<>M' DreHs Trini- DlinKM, UpholHtei y and Military Trim. iningfH, Etc., 1 06 Post Street. California Trimming Manufactory. G/LLE &~R0FHRIG8, Ladles' DresH and UpholstcrerB' Trimmingn, Kringes QlmpH, CordH, TaasclB, ButtonB, Ktc. 7X7 Market Street. ITp Stairs. All kinds on hind and manufactured to order at Cor. Ninth and Harrison Sts. Saves v.' per c«nt. In bruokaire and 20 per cent. 0\ .;r Niooll the Tailor, SAN VKANCISCO.| in weljcht. TRUNK & VALISE MAKERS. BEHRENDT H & CO. 107 Sansom Fochheimer & Steele, 109 Battery Harris J & Co, cor Kearny and Market Hyland Joseph R, 101 Montgomery LONGSHORE JAS, 2t> New Montsy Martin D S & Co, *' 2 Post and 258 and 301 Bush Norgrove John, \1 Geary San Francisco Trunk Manufr Co, NW cor Sutter and Montgomery WIRSING CHAS, 628 Market JAMES LONGSHORE, 26 New Montgomery Street, Palaee Hotel. Han Francisco. F'aetory— N. W. Cor. Montgomery & Sutter. Travelers* Eqninase of Every Des- erfption. Trunks, Valises anii Bags, wholesale and retail Trunk Covers and Sample Cases to order. tUs. iwiring done at short notice. TRUSSES. 3EEMAN WM, GlG Clay CAL ELASTIC TRUSS 00. (W J Home propr), 702 Market Dieterich C, Twentieth and Hampshire Folkers J H A & Bro, 118 Montgomery I X L Elastic Truss Co, 605 Sacramento Koehler August, 507 Kearny Magnetic Elastic Truss Co, 704 Sao Perforated Frictional Belt, (505 " Pierce & Son, 704 Sacramento B. y. Oilman. L. Racwuillat. GILMAN & RACOUILLAT, FATEITT TULS COYSBS FOB FHAGILE AND SLASS WABES, The BeNt Packing in the World. Only has to be tried to be appreciated. _. K. WACHHORST ca !s attention *«/[:;«Sti%"eV";^^'- 315 J St »laea,110,lt«, r atrert. it. F. JL ^E MAKERS. ), 107 Sansom 109 Cattery amy and Market 101 Montgomery 26 New Montgy 258 and 301 Bush !•? Geary Manufr Co, and Montgomery 628 Market fGSHOEE, > 3 2. n P omsry Street, San Fruncisco. iontgoroery & Sutter. gn of Kvery Des- Jon. Lgs, wholesale and retail e Caaes to order. Ro- iSES. 616 Clay RUSS CO. (W "^ 702 Market jieth and Hampshire 0, 118 Montgomery Co, 605 Sacramento 507 Kearny •U88 Co, 704 Sac a\ Belt, 605 " 704 Sacramento zr\ Ol o 3 «?. 3:1 o a o e « L. RAOOuaiAt. UCOUILLAT, IS COVEBS OR aLASS WAEES, nit In the World. id to bo approciated. n lanufacturedtoorderit .d Harrison Sts. oBkaRe and 20 per cent. ¥rel(fht. 1^^^315781 BUSINESS PEWMAf»iSHIP ''"^VrJ'?;^r.5!?;.y ^v^v:/St!T^ M.P. i n 3 i a £ a (0 a m ■n 1 Ift n ^ a (0 TUR (S'lTn Francisco. CLAHSIFIED. uso 1449 TURNERS AND CARVERS- WOOD AND IVORY. Atwood Henry, Bryant bet 5th and Oth Atkinson Geo F, 259 First Brehm A VV, 221 Mission Bryant & Hofifman, 308 Mission Cameron & Hull, 409 Mission Edwards G F, Bryant bet 5th and 6th GRUNDEL J J, 811 Market Gurard E, 625 Merciiant JACKSON R W, 614 Market Kemp J, 109 Mission KERTELLCHAS, 227 Post Kewing & Eisel, 10 Stevenson Kreuger J H, (canes), 769 Market McGuireA, 415 Miasion McKinnie M, 409 Meyer J G H, 320 Kearny and 10 Stev OSBORNE F&CO, (wood orna- ments), 751 Market Pederson B, 221 Mission Prescott h Sanborn, cor How & Spear White Wm, 445 Ninth JULIUS G. GSUNDEL, Mantifuetui'cr «f Billiard KuIIm, <;au«8, M«>i>rHClinuin IMpuM. HolderM, Ktf. Turner and Carver in Ivory, Amber, Shell, Pearl, Hard AYood, Eti;. So. 811 Market Street, San Francisco. KepairinK: done nn Meerschaum Pipes, Moun t inj; in Sliver. Fancy Uoodii, Fans, t'tc.. a spe cialty. Flanagan & Gallagher, (iolden Thos, GRAY N& CO, Lockhart & Porter, 16 0'Farrelland27 Massey & Young, Mallady Wn>, Mc(;inn James, McMeniomy .James, O'Connor & Sheehy, Peterson & Dowling, 20 Fifth 1248 Market 641 Sacramento and 29 Bluxome 651 Sacramento 763 Mission 863 Market 1057 Mission 1034 Market 815 Market UPHOLSTERERS. Abury & Son, Bartels H, lUck Kobt, Bo'i'-n Jolm, SE cor Bo^v ...• S M, Hayuert C, Hertweck C F, Hoey Euujene, Hurst & Dore, •lansen Alex, KEMP JH, McAlister Thomas, Miller J A, Miller L & Co, Reed Chas, Sohonberg \V,NE cor Straub Fr, Sullivan P, Voss H, 2609 Mission 426 Hayes 209 Mason Taylor and illlis 1322 Polk 211 Post 902 Larkin 1009 Market 1209 Fillmore 946 Howard 10 Post 928 Larkin 1029 Market 122 Geary 1563 Market 'Farrell& Mason 8 Hayes 610 Post 804 Larkin TWINES, ETC. BARBOUR BROS, 51 1 Markrt Burhank Chas D, 19 Dupont DOYLE HENRY & CO, 51 1 Market TYPE foundries; MILLER & RICHARDS, 529 < ou.i Pacific Typo Foundry, 528 Sacramento Paintei * Co, 510 Clay UMBRELLA MAKERS. ALSOP J S. M\ Bush Barr J D, 323 " Caronte Jos, 138 Post Creiuht a J, 61 Third GhislaS, 1314 Stockton Yeager Thos J, 3 Dupont UNDERTAKERS. Craig Peter & Son, Dierks Theodore, 22 to 26 Mont ave 1218 Market UPHOLSTERY GOODS. CAHN M, (Eureka hair), 416 Sac Dunlap Albert, 1520.^ Dupont Glover & Willuomb, 65 and 67 N iMont KEMP JOHN H, 10 Post OSBORN R F & CO, 751 Market PLUM CHAS M & CO. 641 and 643 Market RICHTER PAUL E, 209 Sansom U S. OFFICERS. Army Medical Purveyor's Depot, 31 iVew Montgomery ChamlHirlain C H, rec U .S land of- fice, 610 Commercial Clarke SanilJ .Ir, reg in bankruptcy, U S Court building Coey .las, postmaster, cor Wash and Bat Curtis J M, wine and spirit gauger, 123 California Dent Geo W, U S appraiser, U S Appraisers' building Fulton .las, U S navy paymaster, " Higby \Vni, col internal revenue, " Hillman .las, inspector boilers, " Hoffman Ogden, judge U S District Court, cor Sansom and Washington 39 -< CO C/9 I CO ja CD (O 2.3 ft* If » n U an • B •2. I* -J My ii 1 m 'J \^ is- 1' If. 1 [■■ , 1 !j,ni I'll $ ! !i: 'i\ ■ I ■(■ ' ■■'h. ' 1 "^ u \ m H. PALMER A CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. 't^ m '•Jl 1' ■ 4 - IL '■ CO ■> 9 CO c « o o if CO «) Z 3 IL C c O ■ o o < a. i P I- O w. w. MONTAGUE A co.,^Tt£;!;.r!fo.'^"firiit^fd'^rBv;{:^^^^ 1450 uso Scm Francisco. CLABBirUD. VIN Holt Thos, supt construction, 412Wash Hoffman Southard, clerk U S Dist- ric Court, cor Sanaom and Wash U S Signal Service Office, (Nelson Gorom sargeant), 42 Merch Ex bldg Lardner H F,court com, U S Court bldg Lovett W E, asst U S dist atty, " '« Morrill Paul, surveyor of customs, Custom House MOOBE J G, U S jippraiaer, U iS Appraiser' building Sawyer Lorenzo, judge U S Circuit Court, cor Sanson and Washington Payne W H jjension agent, (i'iO Wash POOLE A W, U S Marshal, U S Appraisers' building Sh.innon Thos B, collector customs, Custom House SUB-TREASURY. (W Sherman treasurer, Frank Bornemann cash- ier), <510 Commercial Stevenson Col Jno D, shipping com- missioner, 118 Jackson Teare Philip, U S dist atty, U S (?ourt building Van Duzen A P, U S dist atty, ' " Wagner Theodore, U S Surveyor (Jeneral, 610 Commercial Waite Edwin (», naval otiicer of cus- toms. Custom House Wheaton W R, register U S land office, , 010 Commercial VARIETIES. (See also Toys; also Fancy Goods.) Adams Joel, Ahleiifehl M D, Andrews Wm, Asher A F, liowen H D, Byrnes Mrs S A, Clever Mis' C, Oabli Henry, l>(>rr .M.irtin, I)f>/le iSri. A, 725 Hrannan lOH.i Fifth :Mli " 408 Fourth 841 Valencia 2100 Stoiner '2'2'A Sixteenth S0() Twentieth 124 Second '>'M Sixteenth I>r[pt G F C. cor Sixteentii and Mission l>x,rmY **»»8 I. ' •''•^'-' Tyler kAttiilfsi, ^aml, I72() Eddy F. aves I)ohs i\: Buchanan, Donahue F, Dunn James, Farren Jno W, (iallagher B, (ioodrich J H, GRAVE B & CO, Halkott W, HAYES J H & CO, no WashinwL Henderson h Thompson, cor Mis8 k 24tli Henney Felix, 9(;(i Mission Higgins .Ino, 747 " Holcomb Bros vt Co, 411 California Hottua & Hansen, 715 Folsoni Kerr David, 41 to 49 Beale KitzmuUer Mich.iel, 850 Howard Knownliurgh J, 2(523 Kolsoni Laeaze B, 714 Saiisom Lachapelle Joseph, 230 Mission Umer T 1) S, ;>40 Valencia Laugley & Jones, 27 Wiishington LAWTON E & CO, 13:«) Market Lvick e & T h ( ) mas, 817 Maiigeot & Daclin, 702 Sansoin Martin & Torry, 1004 Mission M:iss;:neG, 019 Front McNeil DK, 21 Seventh M?!SEREAU A 8, 1927 Mission Meyt:- Thomas, 2315 Mullcr F W, 1128 NEWKIRK D T, 2723 Opitz Fred W, 1073 Market D. I. NEWKIRK, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKER Horssshoeing & General Repairing Done to order with (Iis|)atcli. Milk WattoiiN alwayM on liaiul. No. 2723 Mission Street, HlI. Twiil.v i'iii.1 andTwetity-Koufth, SAX FK.>NCISCO. E. SOTJLB, MiuiiifactunT of WACONS, TRUCKS, And As;ri«-iiltiiral Impleiiii'iitN. Ore and Freight Wagons a specialty. Cwi'iioi- 4th and Hr.vaiit MtM. SAN ^•lUN■cls(■o. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MA- TERIAL. H<.lt Bros, 27 to 33 Beale OSBORN R F & CO, 751 Market I'lumhe t ; F, oor Mission and New Montgomery STRAUT WILLIAM E, cor .Saoranieiito and Drumm WATERHOUSE & LESTER, 31 Fremont and 117 Market WJiite Bros, 111- 1 5 Main and 5-7 Cal Wiginore .Ino, 129 Spear A :k r 0» PI 3 It u % I? Am H 3' 11 1 I % Portland. On* havett. OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER A CO., 302 Davis St.. S. F. O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., '*!f;SS'iTiJS!J^'5^yig,?«".S^ no. 1452 WAR H O O u •- X < Z: d o M Q Scm Francisco. OIiABBIFIBD. WAT WAREHOUSES. A dams & Taylor, Berry bet 3d and 4th B angs E & Co, cor Channel and Fourth Bo Clay (ii4 Mercliaat 101) Mont>{omory 417 Hush 120 Sutter Cfoce & MarchantJ, Falco A, Gtaonini P A. Smith F, WOLFF & LOZE, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. (Se'i also Jewelers — Manufacturing; also Watchmakers and Jewelers. ) Abrahams k S^iiro, 13 Kearny Ahrons C, 010 Washington BRAND H J, BravermaH & Levy, Callender H A, Canfield M T, Chatellier & Spence, Clausen F, DAVIS Br '>S. Dewey & Joruan, Eisenberg A, Errico F A, GIANNINIPA, Hall T D, Hartman A S,^ HIRSCHMAN A. Hul)ash, Larsen & Wilson, Huouenin J C, Hyman N J, Isaacson & Cohen, JACKSON R W, KOEHLER & RITTER, LAIRD D W. LALANDE A, LEVISONBROS, Lichtenstein B H, Ijiiideuborii 1), Lorsch Bros, Lundy Thomas, Mayers H & Co, Meudoza A, MILLER L JR. Millzrier I., Muud W, Myers H &Son, Proll Bros, Uahweiler A, RANDOLPH & CO, Scholiay Albert, 235 Kearny 119 Montgomery 734 Market 1524 Polk 120 Sutter 410 Kearny 718 Market 433 Montgomery 206 Keaiuy 230 109 Montgomery 37 Sixth 28 Third 328 Bush 201 Kearnv 8 '• 307 225 Sixtl, 014 Market 20 Post 27 Post 420 Sutter 134 " 221 and 702 Kearny 047 Market ■ 120 Suttur 7 Third 2030 Kearny 52 Market 5 CO, TiyClay gomery ave 135 Kearny lontgomery 734 Market 1524 Polk 120 Sutter 410 Kearny 718 Market VIontgomery 206 Keaiuy 230 Montgomery 37 Sixtli 28 Third 328 BubU 201 Kearny 8 307 225 Sixth 014 Market 20 Post 27 I'ost 420 Sutter 134 " kd 702 Kearny 047 Market 120 Sutter 7 Third Montgomery ontgomery ave 335 Hush O (A 422 Ivearny 18.!i Fourth 333 1417 Polk 031 Kearny il Montgomery 302 !i Hnyes 132 Sutter & CO. 10 Montgonifry 537 Markiit 18 Kearny 50'.» Sixteenth Chronicle hhl.; 24 I'ost 223 Keaniy 2*.)5 Sixteenth 328 Kearny 407 " 1 10 Sutter 120 " 120 " 201) Kearny 210 " j-N, 12G " BTsITSac. o 3 -* a o a » a « la a m <0 10 r" 10 I I c V e e 1 e PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''i'i^J^">«"«ne J R, Straus A, Stwdley Benjamin \V, T'dtuiau Theo E, 210 Saoramentoi rrube H, 28 Third Tucker .1 W 408Connner e e E c ■ O o < Q. h O o WUf MflMT A Clip *Jt rn >«•<»▼•'•» and KaacM. "» oiaermi msm, itylw u . W. IMQNTAuUk « bu., p»tMnw, ilO, lU. ru. lie »nd us B»atwy 81., s. r 1454 WAT Scm Francisco. OliASSinBD. Vvfll Wenzel Geo F, Wenzel Herman, Weyl Bros, Young James, Zacharias Bros, Zacharias L & Bro, Zacharias M, Zacharias S, Zacharias S, 109 Sixth 328 Kearny 110 Sutter 57 Second 63] Sacramento 210 Kearny 308 007 Sacramento ROB. MAYERS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Also Finporter and Dealer in JAPA.^l4Ml!i C'liKlOMITl^Bl!*. Jewelrv of every description made to order anil (^.arcfully repaired. Palace Hotel Bloek, Oiei Market IStreet, next to entrance. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS AND MATERIALS. DINKELSPIEL & NORDMANN, Studley B W, WOLFF & LOZE. 120 Sutter 24 Post 120 Sutter WATER COMPANIES. Black Hills Canal & Water, 309 Mont California Water, 315 California Candelaria Water, 327 Pine Excelsior Water, 202 Sansom Hound Valley Water, 314 Montgomery San Joaquin & King's River Canal, (F L Palmer secy), 533 Kearny San Mateo Water Works, 224 California South Side Canal, 408 Springdale Water, 271 East SPRING VALLEY WATER WORKS (C W Howard pres), 516 California The Santa Cruz Water, 314 " Virginia & (Jold Hill Water (W W Stetson secy), 61 Nevada Wyoming & Dakota Water, 404 Mont WEATHER STRIPS. s BURRCH&OW, 667 Mission WHARFINGER. EVANS WEST, 10 California WHIP MANUFACTURERS. Fay M, NW cor 26th and Misaiou KEYSTONE BROS, 2629 " Main & Winchester, 214 and2I6 Battery MILLS. LEAK & CO, 22 Sutter O KEYSTON BROTHERS, f r »f k ajBBi iJUl HflTl !) lltMlilll I VRRY VAKIKTY OK Buggy Whips, Whip Stocks^ Whip Lashes, Black Snakes and Rawhide WorKi Constantly on hand and inanufactuicd to order. OFFICE AND FACTORY : SeSQ Is/lilSSIOIN" STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. c» e a 8 s a e M a: o IT (D "1 X e e M O r TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. ' "" ^ numi nm'> BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''■^'^*^;?^!'? ,«?!;?>;?/. at pacifk; Bum- iK. 8SeO Pont Ht., tH. F. WHI San Francisco. CLAHMIKIKD. WOO 1455 eo i I ■ C Q. c '5 c 3 IL s CO » (0 (0 ■ <■ WHITENERS. Bolger & Davis, Gartield John Q, Harris B, Jennings F A, Marrin Con, McDowell Geo, McNamara & McShane, Norton G F, Patchel E, Sellers J 0, Teague Win, Wetzler & Nelson, 46 Fourth I 807 Marketi 170!) Sacramento} 23 Fifth! 823 Market 803 Folsom 2 Jones 803 Howard 124 Fourth' 3 O'Farrell 137 Fifth 2 Tyler Krogh F W & Co, TUSTIN W I, 51 Beale 9 " WINES-NATIVE. ANDUEAN C & CO, 515 md 517 Sac' Barry Theo A, 116 Montgomery! Dreyfus B & Co, 521 and 523 Marketi Fetz Jos, cor Geary and Dupont! FINKE'S A WIDOW, 809 Montgyi FEAPPOLI B & CO, 710 Sansoml Groezingcr T, NWcor Pine and Battery! GUNDLACH J & CO, | SE cor Market and Second Kohler & b'rohling, 626 Montgomery' LACHMAN & JACOBI, j SE cor First and Market \ Lachman S & Co, 401 to 411 Market' Landsberger I & Co, 10 & 12 Jone3 alley LANO & CO, 210 and 212 Dupont WINDOW SHADES. MARWEDEL EH, 541 Market WIRE WORKS. Boringer J, 10 Stevenson CALIFORNIA WIRE WORKS CO, (A S Hallidie pres), 6 California Krnse & Euler, 209 and 21 1 Front PACIFIC WIRE WORKS, (A M Fuhrm.inn), 751 Mission REYNOLDSON L & CO, lO First S F WIRE WORKS, 669 Mission STRAHLE JACOB & CO, (De- laney's steel wire cushions), 533 Mkt SAX FRA!V€IM<'0 MaltestaL, McMILLEN DONALD. NESBITT I & BRO, PALMER H. Sealmaiiini C, Seiirle James J, Wolters Bros, 311 Pacitic! 714 Front! 21 to 25 Cal I 302 Davis! 712 Front; 434 Jackson 221 California! 669 Mission Street. WIRE WORKJF^ All KINDS. I Wire Fly Doors & Window Screens A SI'KCIALTY, C. H. GRUENHAGEN, 669 Mission Street. Wiro (;ioth. tVire Haillne WINES. NATIVE-WHOLE- SALE. Bacigalupo T D, 1419 Dupont Bulotti & Perrini, 3041! Montgy ave Dreyfus B & Co, 521 and 523 Market QUNDLACH J & CO, SK c'lr Market and Second HOELSCHER WM & CO, 504 Mkt Lyons E G & Co, 506 Jackson Wolff & Kheinhold, 325 Washington WINDMILLS AND HORSE POWER. Althouse Windmill Co, 13 Front Bachelder Windmill Manufacturing Co, cor Market and Bcalc Baker k Hamilton, 1 3 Front! Bodwell H H, 21 1 and 213 Mission Goldsmith D E, 419 Sansom OREOORT H F & CO, i California A. M. FUHRMANN, PACIFIC WIRE WORKS 751 Mission Street, liet. Third and Fourth, Sun Kranoisuo, Cal. Sieves, Fire Fenders, Coal Serceus, Window Guaids, (Jarden Arches and Arbors, Iron and Wire Store Fixtures, Flower Stands, and all kinds of Plain and Driiaincntal Wire Work. Wire Fly Dooi'm and Window Nereons a liipecialt.v. WOOD AND COAL. (See also Coal.) Abbott Chas H, cor 5th and Bluxome Ahem .las, U 13 Bryant AIKEN & OGLE, N NV coi- Twenty-second and Valencia Alberigi D, 315 Broadway Alexander Jas, Berry St Wharf (fi ffl Ui Pi 11 r ■\ ^ % H. PALMER & COh Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St.. S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.. 'I^Sn-u'i'SSrfff&S.'S^S^Sl: J :l Pi [i fj? r. IL ■ c > C O E a c c (0 O O o < 0. I- 1456 woo San Francisco. woo CLA8SiriRII. AUdack J, 333 Third Allen C R, 118 and 120 Beale Arnold Jos, 333 Third Asmusscr G, 8W oor 20th and Hhntwell Bailey H, 128 O'Farrell Behrmann I H, 838 Harrison Belando & Co, 1210 Powell Belamlo J & Co, 438 Minna Bizi^olara & Raccalagliala, 1015 Wash Bocarde & Whitticr, 608 Third Boitano F, 1516 Stockton Bozzo F & Co, 739 Vallejo Br;mdt Otto, 1038 Valencia Bnuinan T, 1161 Howard Brown J D & Co, 22 Montgomery ave Bullerdieck & Mertz, 1632 Mission Burns N, BYRNE F, CaHisch L, Cahill James, Carroll 'Ino, Casciani 8 & Co, C«reghiiio B, Church S R, Clark M, Connelly Martin, Conway Pat, CORNING & CO, Cunmi.iie & Farrell, 617 Davis cor Fifth and Harrison 2247 Mission SE cor Fell and Webster 238 Eleventh U07 \Vashington +28 and 430 PaciKc 11 'J Dupont 1537 Howard 1068 133 Second 11 Taylor 424 Fulton Deverell R, NW cor Union and Kearny Doano J (J, NE cor Tylor and Wehstor Dougherty Daul, 1321 Minna Drake 'ieo W, foot Battery Driscoll M J, '.H)4 Howard DriscoU T, cor Seventeenth and Capp Drumn»f>iid & Leniont, 433 & 435 Vain Duggan T, 101'.> Clay Dunn J. ;>05 Pacific Eaton J F& Son, Third Street wharf Eaton & .Son, 717 Valencia Engle & Son, cor Fillmore and Francisco Fal<;(mer & Hansen, 112 and 114 Wash Falkner, Bell & Co, Farniii" (' A & Co, Fern- i B, Firt' seph H, Flai \n L (J, cor Flyi. Hugh, FlyiHi Jf>hn, Folsom John, Fox & Dnley, Franchi A, Gallagher C, Gatto A, Gatto Michael, Geverin J no, Giltner F, Ginnocchio P, Gintano F, Giovannini D, 4;i0 California 410 Larkin 515 Pacific 625 Howard Kighteciith and I"\)l 1^56 Howard 1 1 15 Mission 2815 1713 Mission 1503 Fillmore l»17 Eighteenth 1505 California Larkin near Green 412 O'Farrell 1411 Octavia cor Mason & Lomliard 1516 Stockton 816 Pacific Giovannini F, cor Kearny an«l Broadway Goetz B, 514 Unioi< Graham, Lincoln & Daniels, 313 Goughl Granfield & Hynes, 1040 Howard Grovanni Grampaoli, 908 and 910 Stock Guerin Jno, 412 O'Farrell Guinasso & Ferrogiaro, 506 & 508 Green Hadley D h, 1704 Eddy Hagan James, 429 Third Hansen Peter, cor R R and Seventh aves Hardiman & Tiernay, 710 Brannan Harms H, 501 •' Hartnett M, 343 Jessie Healey C S, SW cor Mission and 29th Henry Joseph, Hoyfron J, Heyfron P, Heywood M, Higgins & Collins, Hincelot & Coburn, Holden J & Sons, Hyde & Casey, Jobaon W (i, JOHNSON S. Jones Henry, Joseph W P & Co, Kearns M, foot of Battery 330 Sixth 716 Folsom 753 East nr Market 1056 Folsom 818 310 Leavenworth 511 and 513 Bush 321 Seventh 208 Stevenson 506 Post 1523 Dupont KELLEY BROS.cor R R and 12th aves Kenny & Gilligi'.n, 127 Eighth Kent James, SW cor Howard and 15th Kerr .Ino, 1 156 Folsom Klaber (J, 564^ Howard Knoblock .Jacob, cor Butte and Tenn ERTJSE J H, SE cor 23d and Shotwell 1925 Bush I426A Howard 1510 Broadway 1210 Stockton 526 Fourth 26th and Valencia 610 Larkin 133 Hayes LAWTON C D. i^eary .1, Leveroni &, Co, Linari John & Bro, Liudauer (ins, Loodal ( I C, , Lynch P, MaguireM & O, MaleiS, cor lOighth and Brannan Male James, cor Van Ness and Bush Martin G & Co, 635 Vallejo Masalli (J C, 1620 Stockton Maschio V & Son, 117 Seventh McAulitFE, Twentieth and Hampaliire McCleskey & Co, cor Sutter and Laguna Mc(!rath O, Twenty -sixth and Mission McHugh E, 947 Bryant McKenzie Wm, 819 (Jeary McKew.John, 431 Union McMann Wm, Polk and Washington McMenniman Wm, 1415 Jackson Meachan & Bacon, 2735 Mission Metastazio A, 1823 Powell Meyer A & Bros, Geary and Broderick 2420 Post 2 Mission 432 Sixth Mohlfeldt & Wallmann,0'Far and.lones Moore S, 835 Valencia Morton T 4, S S, G28 and 630 Geary Mnro a R, 20 Stockton Nellman John, cor Greenwich & Taylor MIQNOLIA 0, Miller H L, Mitchell E, S 30 ■H m m ■0 o so P- > O n o 0) ■n 03 m r- 9 » a e CD t M 3" O o a a S o a a e 5" (0 £. 9 H. WACHHORST calls attention '•ASSuVlV'VJiSS:" 315 J St >-*> •' I 'o m i m- PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. "«•»'»<' ''^ «<'«<'>. ««.«.ir d I I o e o M AC o o flO o o H X C9 3 O (0 O •9 < ■ woo San Francisco. CLAMIKIKD. WOO 1457 Narelle S, 1803 Mason Nunn Geo B, 1825 Union O'Keefe David, 814 Folsom Pausman H, NE cor Mason & Francisco Pedler T C, SW cor Stuart and Folsom Perpoli tc Co, Peterson & Co, Pollard J B, Reid ThoB, ReiUy P, RENTON COAL CO, Reynolds W 0, Rierman R & Co, Mission bet 22d & '23d RoneyE, 1312 Pac o Ross Bros, 313 I" t Schroeder & Millman, IGlOEuay Schulken Julius, cor McAllister & Octv Schultt: Theodore, 422 Valencia SHAW & SHARP. 10 Fremont Sheehy & Hayes, 5 Oak Grove ave 608 Broadway 427 G'Farrell 1 Valencia 958 Mission 5)15 Post 22 and 24 Sac 2310 Larkiu Smitli John, Staud F & J N, Stnrm & Co, Suhling H H, 223 Post 211 Mason 333 Montgomery 124 Twenty-fourth J. H. KRU8E, Dealer in WOOD, COAL HAY AND GRAIN, Cor. 23d and Shotwell Strests/ tian Fraiidaco, Cal. WOOD CARVERS. MoKINNE MURRAY, cor Mission and Fremont Tiigs,'art & Son. NVV cor I'Jth & Folsom TERKELSONL&BRO. cor Channel and Fourtl TIERNAN R & CO, Miss bet 22d & 23d Tobelmuun Henry, 237 Hayes Trevor Frank, 70« Bush Turner * Co, 619 East UiriTED STATES WOOD & COAL YARD, (S Johnson propr), 321 Seventh Wagner NV H, Berry bet 4th and 5th Weed & Gorie, 927 Market Wessling H J, 1515 Geary Wettig Theo, 363 Clementina Whelan John, S W cor 1 7th and Mission White B B, Williams James, Wissing F J, Wrede H, Wrede J, Wren J, Yates G C, 924 i Folsom 28 Natoma 1054 Folsom 1218 Pacific 1623 Powell NE cor 22d and Harrison 531 Pine R. TIERNAN & CO., Deal«vs ill WOOD. COAL. HAT AND aEAIN, Flour. Bran and NhortM, Lime, I^thB and Plaster, Anthracite, West Hart- ley, Chili, iJellin^'hani Kay nnUCooH liay COAIj, Cliaruoal and Colce, XlSHion Ht., bet. te^d and *SA 8to., MISSION DOLORES. AIKEN & OGLE, Corner ftltA and Valencia Mtreets, Dealers in WOOD mid COAL. Coke, Charcoal, Hay aud Grain, Sold at Lowest prices and delivered free. MURRAY McZINNIE, WOOD CARVER. Iron, Kinr an«I OompoMition Orna- ni«>iitM, illoaia MinkiuB. nodeln, FigureM and Pattern Work. Nerhanies' Mill, Mission Street, Corner ot Fremont, San Francisco. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. ARMES & DALLAM, 115-117 Front COLE& KENNEY, 114 Sacramento Cupples Saml & Co, 123 California FELDMANNL & CO, 315 & 317 Sac Gilman & Kacouillat, cor 9th & Harrison Harrison & Dickson, 210 and 212 Sacramento and 215 Coml Howes Geo & Co, 302 California WOOLEN MILLS. Doming, Palmer ft; Co, 202 & 204 Davis Golden Gate Woolen Manufactur- ing Co, 302 California Mission Woolen Mills, (depot) 115 Bat Greiron City Woolen Mills, 24 & 26 San y F Pioneer Woolen Factory, (depot) 115 Battery San Jose Woolen Mills, 541 Market WOOL -COMMISSION. Avy Eugene, 320 Sansom Bailey J C, 218 California Bailey Thos ft Co, cor Bluxome and 5th Ball & Julian, Townsend bet 5th k 6th Bissinger ft Co, 600 and 602 Front CHRISTY & WISE, ^ 607 Front Doughty W, 3 Spear Dowda G W, 202 California FALKNER, BELL & CO, 430 Cal Flint B P. Foot of Battery Foley F ft Co, 219 and 221 Drumm FontanaM J ft Co, 217 Sacramento Grisar £ ft Co, 6th and Townsend lil TRY MURRAY'b LUNG AND LIVER BALSAM. .!» Ik c e E s I c O ■ 8 < 0. h W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., ViT'7iya/dT»rKiff,yte>vv ir;^ 1468 woo 8an Franciace. yea OLAHHirlRD. Hale J W, NE cor 5th and Bluxome HIXSON JTJSTI ft CO, 403 Davis Knox J F, Townseud bet 6th and (ith Koshland Bros, 19 Sansom and 228 Cal Lambert £, 5 Spear Lardner & Lee, 440 Townsend Lee John, NW cor Fifth and Townsend Meherin Bros, 525 Front Merchant Joseph, foot Battery Merrill J M, 320 Hansom Milter & Co, 10 Davis MOODY ft FARISH. 210 Davis MOSES C S & CO, Brannan nr Fifth Newmark J P, 214 California Owens Bern W, 405 Front PAOR MOORE ft CO, 'n i, 213 Clay SIMON ft BRESLAIJER. (com- mission), 13 First Platshek & Harris, 312 Sacramento Sawyer B F & Co, 323 Front SLOSS LOUIS ft CO, »10, 312 San Van Blarcom A L, 214 Sansom Whitney & Webster, T«)wnsend bet Fifth and Sixth TERBT ft ROSEBERRY, ^02 Cal Zacharias M, 004 Kearny FALKNER, BELL & CO,, T Corner Sixth and Townsend 8t8. liTOCK YAKnM: Corner 14th and tifoond Mtrvotii. OFKI€KM; 4SO Califbrnla m. Han FranciMCO. Advances made on Wuol and Stock in transit t<> our ciinsi^rnnicnt. Stock of all di>8cri]itionH re- ceived (or Hale. Feed, Water and attendance at moderate ratcH. Fairbanks' Cattle Scales on tlic premiseB. YEAST. HOLMAN F H. I07i Fifth MILLER'S OEkMAN COM- PRESSED YEAST. 637 Mission Potrero Yeast & Distilling Co, cor Nevada and Minnesota POTRERO GERMAN COM- PRESSED YEAST CO. (F H Holman agt), gen depot lOJ Fifth YEAST POWDERS. Adelsdorfer E & Co, 40(5 Sansom BARTON B F ft CO, (peerless), 211 and 213 Sacramento BXTRR C C ft CO. 13 Pine Calliighiin 1) & Co, 121 Front COLEMAN W T ft CO, SW cor California and Front COTRELL THOS JR, (baking), 405 Front Ehrman M & Co, 104 to 1 10 " HANLEY GEO T ft CO, 214 Sac McPherson B K, 402 Front Taylor Jas S 4; Co, 1 IG " Tyler S H & Son, 221 Commercial Westticld Herman, (compressed), cor Nevada and Minnesota M. SCHMIDT & CO., IiITMCXB^AFlIIEIRg DESIGNERS. ZINCOGRAPHERS, 411 Clay Street, ANI> 412 Commercial St. SAN FRANCISCO, BERKELEY ADVOCATE AN INDEPENDENT JOUBNAL, Devoted to the Interests of Berkeley and Alameda County, It circulaten freely throughout the State and will be found at TBI PBIHCIPAL HOXILS, B8ADINa BOOltS, Ito. SUBSCRIPTION, p er Ann u m- ■■■ 82.00 H. N. MARQUANO, Publisher. e n *r » (A O a I o 2! a a ^ o o 9 a O 3 o 3 « e •o t 5? o z e e M (0 r TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KINO. «o CO O (8 cue 10 0) « o I- ■ BUSINESS PEHHHNSHIP "^aSa'RSMaffjac^.'c.g,.. SAN FRANCISCO. NAMES RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR REGULAR INSERTION. Anchor Line, J C Merrill Sc Co agts, 204 California Anderfuren Bros, pattornmkrs, 1 14 Beale AKOEL TEXAS, ntty at law, (128 Mont, Bucon H D, real estate, 305 Sansom Bamer Wm, grocer, cor 9th and Natoma Baruth H, tailor, 550 Nutoma Beaver Geo W, capitalist, 414 California Bee Frederick A, consul China, 917 Clay Bell Amory F, collector, 411^ California Bogart J M, grain broker, 214 Sac Bowie H K, capitalist, 318 Californifi Boyee W H, collector, 509 California Brittan N J, capitalist, 314 California Broobar E C, contractor, 14 Howard Brooks & Co, manufr coal oil stoves, SK , cor Minna and Sixth Brown S M, liqnors, 021 Merchant Bruce Samuel C, capitalist, 410 Cal BRUNSR JAS ,D, agt Moseler Safe & Lock Co, of Cin, Beard &, Bros Time Lock, N Y Hektograph Co, 405i Cal Brush C W, capitalist, 320 California Bull Alpheus, capitalist, 401 California Bye Frank W, capitalist, 226 California Cal Beet Sugar Co, sugar, cor Cal & San CAUFORNIA VOLCANIC MIN ERAL WATER CO, J P Davenport manager, 3Gi Fourth Casciani S & Co, wood & coal, 907 Wusli Cavaney John, butcher, 210 Ninth Center Jno, capitalist, 420 California Charbonnat K & A, grocers, 9th & Minna CHEN SHU TAlfO, consul general China, 917 Clay Chy Lung & Co, imprs Jap goods, 640 Sac CLARK TURMAN S & CO, manufrs woven wire mattresses and iron bed- steads, 21 New Montgomery Clayburg Albert, hides, pelts etc, 306 Bat Cleary 1' M, bootmaker, 510 Mission Cobb M G, atty, 103 Montgomery Codington W H & Co, glue 412 Market CoghiU Jno Jr, gas fixtures, 2d k Stev Cohn R, furniture, 1028 Howard Collier P F, books, 621 Sansom Collins J, liquors, SE cor 4th and How Condon Jno, liquors, 733 Howard Conlon ?.i. livory stable, 1513 California Cook Z- licsli);, \.ontractor, 528 California Cooney 'I'hos, i.rocer, 132 Ninth Coos Bay Cdal Co, (Eastport), 31 Mer- chants' I'xobange, Caliiomia Corrigan Mrs Mary, fancy goods, 18 Har Courtney Jno £, aailmaker, 516 Davis Crun SamI, capitalist, 420 California Crosby Fred'k W, capitalist, 228 Cal Cumnung J M, capitalist, 417 Cal Darneal H, stenographer, 604 Merchant Davis Wm, junk, 715 Sansom Davoren Jno J, boots and shoes, 5226th Dearing Jos, manufr carriages and wagons, I04S Misson pe Boer H .1 & Co, junk, 1239 Mission Decker B, liquors, 530 Valencia De Crano E (t, min engineer, 327 Pine De Fiennes J B, atty at law, 835 Miss Del Mar Alex, inin engineer, 216 San DIETLE CHAS, fashionable boot and shoemaker, 235 Bush Dircks J J, shipwright, etc, Ninth ave nr Soutli S F Doherty D, tailor, 625 Merchant Dohrmann Wm, physician, 535 Bryant Dolmann Henry, liquors, cor Ninth and Brannan Domeniue Gaston, liquors, 630 Coml Domerque L F, fruits, 1131 Howard Donohuo Cornelius J,s;rocer, 997 Bryant Drew Jno R, stair builder, 217 Spear Dubois E & Bro, fancy goods, 204 Fifth Duffey Jno, grocer, 615 Mission Dunbar Wm F, painter, 1015 Market Dunigan Mrs Mary, fruit, 326 Fifth Dunn James, manufr carriages and wagcuis, 145 Valencia iXi Py Ernest H G, physician, 507 Chest Earl Thomas J, hairdresser, 145 Ninth Earnest Wall & Co, wholesale bags and com merchants, 302 Davis Eastman Webster, carpenter and builder, NW cor Tehama and Fourth Eccles J S, plumber, 2525 Mission Eckhorst & Lehmus, grocers, NW cor Pierce and Greenwich Edwards G F, turner, s s Bryant bet Fifth and Sixth Egan & Buckley, coopers, 14 Oregon Egan John, liquors, 1 129 Folsom Eggers Mrs F, physician, 1807 Steiner Elmer & Amendt, liquors, Kear & Hardie Emery S S, carpenter, cor Eddy & Leav English John, physician, 305 Fifth Enricht Louis, contractor, 932 Union Epstein Henry, capitalist, 216 Sansom Erb Manuel, tailor, 23 Harriet Ernst Aaron, tailor, 802 Jackson Erwin H J, shipwright etc. Fifth ave bet J and K Esby John, tailor, 605 Broadway Escne Otto, secy Loan Ass'n, 320 San 0» I SM 'i; I'i *M OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 802 Davis St., S. F. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ // "A J v.. 1.0 I.I 1.25 lAi lM |2.5 150 *^" HHB 1^ 1^ 12.2 I ^ 1^ iiiiim U Ml 1.6 6" — V /] ">> ^>' "^ ^^^^^^ Photographic Sciences Corporation n VtflSr MAIM ;rXIIT WIMTi. f'Y. 145W (716)172-4503 ^ v^p <^.^ :^l^' k ../w z nl . ff . NlUri I AOUC « UU.f pattemm. 110. 112. 114. 116 and 118 Battery St., S. p u CO i c p i I s Ik I c IB o 6 o < h h O 1460 Names Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. shoes, 537 How Espel Geo, grocer, 500 Sixth Evers James, boots and Evertz Jno P C, manfr pluah and velvet, 1907 Vallejo Ewald F, bittera, 27th bet Miss and How Eyre J, carpenter, Castro bet Beav & 15th Fabian Bros, grocers. Stock and Filbert Falk Chandler & Co, lumber, 128 Steu Farenkam O F L, shipwrighc etc, Ninth , ave bet G and H Faulstich T, liquors, cov 4th and Miss Fernan Charles E, grocer, 426 If atoma Ferst P, liquors, 1st ave near Kentucky Field Mrs Nina, confectionery, 3208 Cal Filicourt Esther, dyer, 1205 Stockton Finnegan Peter, physician, 807 Kearny FIBEMAirS FUND INS CO. 401 Cal ifornia; (see advt back of cover) Fischer F, boots and shoes, 602 19th Fischer Geo, chairmaker, 422 22nd Fish Ji^es H, lumber, pier 1 Steuart Fleming J F, atty, 426 California Foubert & Biart, watchmakers and jew- elers, SE cor Sixth and Clementina Frischling F, tailor, 115 Geary Gahen Mrs Mary, bakery, 1050 Howard Gallagher E M, sign painter ,438 Jackson Gans & Katz, butcher, 7 Grand Central Market Garlick Saml, tailor.cor 6th and Howard Gavin John, grocer, 21 Natoma Gearhart J W, stenographer, 636 Clay Gibson Mrs T, fancy goods, 1920 J How Gilk pie W M, searcher of records, 41 1 J California Glosich G, restaurant, 212 Brannan Goldberg M & Co, lc:',n office, 538 Kear Gorfiukel Aaron, dry goods, 462 Sixth Gougeon F X, carpenter, SE cor 19th and Valencia GOUGE JOHN, grocer and liquors, 1016 Bryant Grace Jno, blacksmith, 1 108 Howard Graff A, carpenter, 2127 Mis.sion GRAND HOTEL, S F Thorn busi- ness manager,SE cor Market and New Montgomery Gray Alonzo M, contractors, 534 Bush Gray C V, atty, 604 Merchant Green ilerome B, crockery, 2510 Miss Gnawold N W, secy Royal Soap Co, 206 Front Gschwind Remi, bakery, 523 Valencia Gurard E, turuer,625\lerchant GUTTE & FRANK, insurance, 307 California; (see advt back of cover) Hale J W, wool, cor 5th and Bluxome Hale F, confectionery, 1055 Mission Hall H E, atty, 623 Commercial Hannay Edward I, capitalist, 412 Bat HAMBURG-AMERICAN STEAM- SHIP CO, (J F Meinke & Co agts), 401 California HAMBURG-MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE CO of Hamburg, Gutte & Frank gen agts, 307 California Harberecht Wm, hairdresser, 1432 Cal Hardenbrook D D, fruit, 306 Francisco Harenburg Edward, liquors, 130 Berry Harris Frederick W, physician, Valencia nr Sixteenth Harrison Emil B, painter, cor Nine- teenth and Mission Hatteroth & Russ, electro-magnetic in- struments, 321 Kearny Healey C S, hay and grain, wood and coal, SW cor Mission and 29th Heath Miss Eugenia, artist, 92 St Ann's bldg Hellmann, Haas & Co (Los Angeles), wholesale grocers, lOO and 10'^ Cal Henderson k Thompson, wagon manufrs, SE cor Mission and Twenty -fourth Hendy Joshua, machinery, NE cor Mis. sion and Fremont Hennessey P, livery stable, 765 Mission Hibbard Mrs Mary, coffee saloon, 7l5J Howard Higgins Jno, manufr cartilages and wa- gons, 747 Mission Hill George A, gen broker and mining secy, 634 Market Hill W H, straw works, 753 Mission Hoag Jared C, collector, 32 O'Farrell Hobart Walter S, capitalist, 412 Cal Hobson Henry B, com merchant (floar and grain), 321 Battery Hoflman E J, fruit, 87 Ninth Holcomb Bros & Co, carriages, 411 Cal HoUing Bros, manufrs cigars, 109 Cal Hopps F, liquors, 1017 Battery Horgan T, marble works, 941 Market Horn C, liquors 6 Broadway House Edward, W, barber, 3008 Mission Howard Chas W, prest Spring Valley Water Works, 516 California Huber John, tailor, 448 Minna H yde F A, att y, 623 Commercial IRVING SAMUEL, furnishing goods, L'06 Kearny Italian Hospital, 28thnrNoe Jackson tt, V'ardwell, pumps, etc, SE cor Market and Beale Ja cobi Leopold, collector, 426 California JOHNSON S. wood and coal, 321 7th JONES. RULOFSON & CO. Elite Photograph Gallery, 838 Market Jones Samuel P, fruit, cor Front k Cal Koshland Bros, hides, wool and furs, 204 Clay LEMO L,Bhirt mannfr, 615 Kearny and 1007 Stockton Lynch H H, real estate, 320 Sansom Margctson F G J, livery stable, 180 Jessie McCarthy M, tailor, 187 Jeasie 9 S a « e 3 H. WAGHHUKST rheapvr than any house on the Coast nd U8 Battery 8t.. 8. F. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''^^^^^SS^^.'^iS^.S^ [neertion. > 3 o ■I s 3 9 i P) 3 QDEBTJRQ FIRE [X) of Hamburg, Gutte ;a, 307 California hairdresser, 1432 Cal , fruit, 306 Francisco d, liquors, 130 Berrjr \V, physician, Valencia J, painter, cor Nine- sion 1 I, electro-magnetic in- Kearny ' and grain, wood and lission and 29th inia, artist, 92 St Ann's I & Co (Los Angeles), ers, 100 and lO": Cal >mpson, wagon manufrs, 1 and Twenty -fourth aachinery, NE cor Mis- ont rery stable, 765 Mission iry, coffee saloon, 715^ anufr carrLages and wa- p sion gen broker and mming ket w works, 753 Mission ftollector, 32 O'Farrell a, capitalist, 412 Cal B, com merchant (flour ;1 Battery •uit, 87 Ninth t Co, carriages, 411 Cal lanufra cigars, 109 Cal ■8, 1017 Battery )le works, 941 Market . 5 Broadway W barber, 3008 Mission \r, 'prest Spring Valley 1, 616 California ilor, 448 Minna 623 Commercial furnishing goods, S 28thnrNoe tdwell, pumps, etc, SE UBeale . collector, 426 California vood and coal, 321 Tth JFSON & CO. Elite fallery, 838 Market fruit, cor Front & Cal hides, wool and fura, I manuf r, 615 Kearny and [ estate, 320 Sansom J, livery stable, kilor, 187 Jessie 180 lA S 9t t M e o o i O »- X u o X CO 6 •8 I m TO^ATNS RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR REGULAR INSERTION. Alameda, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Babcock W B, carpenter, cor Railroad ave and Park Bancroft Amos J, butcher. Park Barnum W S, groceries, Park BAROTEATJ AUQUSTE, groceries, restaurant and Family Garden Encinal Beckmann •) N, groceries and liquors, cor Pacific ave and Chestnut Bishop M F, dentist. Park Bleymann Edward, liquors. Central ave Bochse Chas, liquors, Webster Brannack L H, hay, grain, wood and coal, Webster Britt P, hotel, cor Central ave and Web Brouillard J, blacksmith, cor Pacific and Webster , Bruns D, hotel. Park BTLER W P, atty at law and jus- tice of peace, Webster Cannon Adam, hotel. Park Cannon Thos, plumbing and gasfitting, Park Clark W P, contractor and builder, Webster COOK ALTSY, liquors. Park Daemon R, bakciy and restaurant, Park Davidson A W, groceries. Park Diedrichaohn A, restaurant. Park Diers F & Co, groceries. Park Dingman D J, variety store, cor Park and Railroad avo Doyle M C, harness and saddlery, Park Durein Juo, boots and shoes. Park Engel S, stoves and tinware. Park Gilbert & Br own, real estate. Park 6LAS FRANK* liquors, cor Railroad ave and Park Godfrey Mrs, bakery, cor Railroad ave and Oak Greene Theo,dry goods and notions. Park Gundlach Max, hay and grain, cor Rail- road ave and Oak Guy A, marble cutter, Railroad ave Hally Frank, blacksmith, cor Santa Clara ave nr Park Hasslinger Jno, barber, oor Webster and Railroad ave Hegelund Jacob R, oysters and fish.Park Hey man Abraham, glass, cor Railroad ave and Oak and Innes & Co, express. Park Johnson Jas, baths. Central ave Karstadt F, li(iuors. Park Kay I N, hotel. Park Keene E B, drugs, Park Kenneys J J, hotel, cor Central Third ave Klelisch & Fuetterer, cor R R ave k Oak Koch Adam, bakery and restaurant, Park Koerber Henry, wood and coal, 15 and 17 Santa Clara ave Konigshofer J J, dry goods, Park Liese Conrad, butcher, Park Malatesta J, liquors, Encinal Station Marcuse F, grocer, Bay Station Mattheis J G, butcher. Park McVey & Dean, groceries and produce. Park Metzger & Banta, painters, cor Railroad ave and Park Meysel Oscar S, barber. Park Moore G B, carpenter and builder, Web Mote Jas, livery. Central ave MuUer P F, Pine Grove Summer Garden, cor Central ave and Bay Muth Juo F, jeweler. Park NATIONAL SALOON. (J Ouillette propr), next to Schutzen Park Nelson H, liquors. Park Noy W H, butcher. Bay Station Parks J C, furniture and upholsterer, • Park Petersen Carl, liquors, Park Ramsell I M, fancy goods and confec- tionery. Park Reinecker Bros, cor R R ave and Oak Renz H R.groceries, Stanton and R R av Reynolds — , physician and surgeon. Park Riegelhuth Jacob, hotel. Pacific Robertson Jno, grainer, Park BOBmSON HENRY, real estate, co» Park and Central ave Rosmarin George, florist, cor Central ave and Bay Sinkwitz Wm, liquors, Park Steere C W, carpenter, cor Morton* and Railroad ave "1 Stritzinger Jacob, liquors, cor Webster and Pacific i^ Vogt Frank C, liquors, Park ^ Vosburgh J B, stoves and hardware. Park Webb A C, hardware, Park 03 m CO CO' co< 3 f5 u se on the Coasf ^B ^^^^ ■'ORT WINE, IDr MeiUciiil PBrpei. 802 Davis 9t, S. F. m ■S 48 O I 1 Ik I a o W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.^^r^rfo.^yf^ir^'^TilL^lS^CTr 1462 TWtw Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. Albion, CASSIA COUNTY, IDAHO. It) the county seat, has a population of about 100 souls who gain support by stock-raising, and fanning to a vei^ lim- ited extent ; is bituated on the Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage line. ALBION HOTEL* J E Sullaway propr Alney & Wilks, reeat market Chase C, county judge Cobb Chas, postmaster, atty at law and agt Wells, Fargo & (Jo Galuspe R, livery stable Herring Zeb^ sheriff Robinson M G, county treasurer SULLAWAT J E,propr Albion Hotel Van Loneu C L, gen radse Weatherman S P, county clerk, auditor and recorder Welden & iSnodgrass, gen blacksmiths Alder, . UNION COUNTY, OREGON. Hambleton E J, wagonmaker Hambleton L, blacksmith HcCOiniELL M B & CO, gen mdse McCONNELL W & postmaster Soule M B, pliysician Annabella, SEVIER COUNTY, UTAH. Asay Joseph, machinist Bryant Henry, school snpt OLEAVE JOHN, justice of peace and postmaster Oleave Walter, poundkeeper Hewing Jos, gen mdse Huntsman Ezra, constable Locks J as W, physician and surgeon Palmer Wm, school teacher Roberts Edw K, wool Thomson Lemuel, builder Applegate, PLACER COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. APPLEOATE GEO W. postmaster, fruit grower and manufr of wine and brandy Geisondorfer Geo, wood and lumber Holmes H T & Co, lime dealers Skelluger W B, wood and lumber Ashley, WASATCH COUNTY, UTAH. Bentley C, blacksmith Black J H, notary public Britt & Dillman, gen mdse BBITT W Catty at law and justice of peace Gibson Jas, gen mdse Johnson Lycurgus, postmaster Kelley Jno, blacksmith Aurora, ESMERALDA COUNTY, NEVADA, Is the county seat and a place of 500 in- habitants. It is situated on the line of the U. S. stage road to Bodie, distant from Carson City 100 miles. Its alti- tude is 7,600 feet above the sea level and its sanitary condition superb. At one time in its early history the place was the scene of great activity and bustle, incident to the discovery of rich silver- bearing lodes, but through the constant and unlimited demand of greed for the precious metal, these became exhausted to a certain degree, and for want of em- ployment, some of its mills suspended and its population of 3,000 or more dwindled. The Court House is a nice two-story brick, constructed at a cost of $15,000. Tliose 'vho remain are intelli- gent, liberal and progressive people. A revival of her mining industries is confi- dental anticipated ia the near future. The Exchange Hotel, a two-story brick, Messrs. Gordon & (xaulier proprietors, recently opened, is as line a house og there is in the State in every particular. ANTELOPE LODOINO HOUSE, Mrs A M Clark propr BANK EXCBANOE SALOON, C No- vacovic h propr BULFINCH THOS J, liquors BTJBXHARDT FRED* watchmaker and jeweler COBB S 0, livery, feed aiid sale stable CROCKER A W> attorney and county treasurer Davis E, boots and shoes Del Moutie Mining Co ESMERALDA BREWERY, F Staeh ler propr "ESiCERALDA HERALD." M M (xlenn propr EXGHANOE HOTEL. Godon k Oau- lier proprs TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Oa Ih i *mmt }|li«» PoMt HU, H. NTY, NEVADA, vttorney and county JIWERY. F Staeh HEEALD." M M c !EL> Oodon & Gau- CO CO Towns Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. 1463 FAB.WELL I W> county clerk, notary gublio and commissioner of deeds for alifornia OLENN M H* yropr "Esmeralda He ra ld," official paper of the county GLENN M M> job printing o<^ce GODFREY E J, hairdressir GOBON & GAUUEB, proprs Ex- change Hotel Jfkn VEV B Y. hairdresser HATCH G H« county assessor HATCH G H> drugs, confectioneiy, stationery, cisars and tobacco HISEEY J B, U S dept mineral survey- or and notaiy public Ho uston J M, county surveyor IBWIN JOHN G, Belmontie Saloon Jewet H W, house and sign painter KelleyC H, furnitu re an d bedding KTMhALTj & BOOKEB, gen mdse lAWBENCE W C, Opera Saloon LEVY & CO, wholesale and retail gen mdse LEWIS D J» county recorder, attorney and commissioner of deeds for Cal HABDEN H, freighter, contract«r and feed yard HoLEOp ANGUS* propr Aurora and Snnsiiine and Aurora and Carson toll roads, and grain dealer MILLEB JOHN, Sazerac Saloon Murphy S, restaurant Noble N, con fect ionery and fruits NOVACOVICH C, agt Wells, Fargo & Co's Ex and U S Stage Co OGG CLEM, sheriflF Seawell W M, district judge SMITH SILAS B, gen mdse and post- master STAJEHLEB F, propr Esmeralda Brew- ery STEWABT & NEAL, ExchangeMeat Market STOCK & TUCKEBt C'ourt Exchange Saloon STOWE JOEt dept sheriff IT S STAGE CO, for all points, C No- vacovioh agt VEBNON W J. carpenter and builder Baker City, BAKER COUNTY, OttEQON. Adams & Mitchell, attys Atwood & Biggers, physicians Bowen I B, hotel Clark k Thatcher, blacksmiths Franz H B, saloon Good John, barber Goos & Steffin, tobacco and cigars and notions Howard M J, hotel Keil J, shoemaker Lawrence A J, atty Patterson D, saloon Oraberger W G, harness shop Ottenheimer S & Co, gen mdse Shinn J H, atty Smith D, saw and planing mill Spark Mrs J, millinery Sterns & Ballery, attys TBACYGEOH, books and stationery Yantis R P, livery stable Bakersfield, KEPN COUNTY, CAL, Is a thriving place of 1,200 inhabitants, beautifully situated in a rich agricul- tural district and is the county seat. It is 1 orated on the Visalia Branch of the Southern Pacific Eailroad, 306 miles from San Francisco. ADOBE LIVEBY AKD FEEB STA- BLE, Anson Cross propr, AGENCY HAMBUBG-AMEBICAN PACKET CO, Weill Bros agts Anderson Clias, contractor and builder Arick K E, atty at law and notary ABLINGTON HOUSE, James Camp- bell propr Averan Mrs C, dressmaker Averan J, upholsterer and cabinet- maker Bailey John E, hotel and livery stable BAEEBSFIELD & SUHOTEB OM- NIBUS LINE, Anson Cross propr Bernard A P, county treasurer Blodget H A, ins agt Boise Clemente, restaurant Bower W R, sheriff and tux collector ' Brooks Wm H J, searcher of records Brundage B, superior judge Buckreus Frauz, barber and baths Burnap S A, druggist, county coroner and public administrator Calli P, cigars, tobacco, fruits, etc CAMFBmX JAMES* propr Arlington House Carlock Jacob, U S Hotel Carlock & Robb, lumber, doors and sash CHESTEB JULIUS, editor "Courier- Californian" CITY BBEWEBY, Miller & Massey proprietors Cohen Bros, drygoods and clothing Colby P T, atty at law and notary Collins T C, propr Overland livery and feed stable Condict H F, Bakersfield soda works Coons Alonzo. agt W, F & Co and dealer in books, stationery and fancy goods Coons W H, deputy sheriflF S r g 3 1 I .? I? a PALMER 4t CO., Pure Sherry Wine. 302 Davis St.. S. F. W. W. MONTAGUFi & CO., p«tterna. Ik ■ i c H f o ■d Baact*. BOO diSennt sImi, MvIm ..« lionia. n*. m »nd 118 Bttory Bt, g.f|" 1464 TotiMw; Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. O t ID O s s IL 18 C C • o o o z S o a c z E •'COUBIER-CALIFOSNIAN," Julias Chester propr, A T Warren pub Cowgill C C, atty at law Crawford W R, propr Bnena Vista liv- erv and feed stable CROSS ANSON, propr Adobe livery stable CUBELO At groceries, fruits, candies and varieties Denver W, blacksmith and wagonmaker Douglass James W, saloon DRuRT J S, druggist, paints, oils and glas s DuVALL C W. saloon ECTEL MRS Fr propr U S Hotel Fish H H, Union livery and feed stable FORE C W, cashier Kern Vtilley Bank FREEMAIf J W* atty at law and no tarypublic FRENCH HOTEL> A Thoms propr OALTES HALL, P Galtes propr " OALTES PAUL, gen mdse ana agricul- tural implements Gardemeyer Mrs A, millinery and dress making Gardemeyer J, barber Giesea F A, physician and surgeon Goodwich E W, manager WU Tel Co Haralson John A, atty at law Hardine T £, county assessor Hirsh feld H erman, county supervisor HIRSHFELD L & CO. gen mdse.hides and wool, hardware and agricultural implements Hofraiann A S, wines, liquors and cigars JAMES HOTEL, John G Marden t)ropr JEWETT S, pres Kern Valley Bank and woolgntwer "KERN COIJNTTCALIFORNIAN, A C Maude editor and propr rSERN COUNTY GAZETKfi,"(wt c k ly), J F Linthicum pub KERN VALLET BANK, S Jowi tt pres, C W.Fore cashier "LElCSRER ED & BRO, saloon Lee Chas, painter LIGHTNER A T. county clerk and re corder L ightn er Wm, county supervisor LufTHICUM J F, editor and propr "Kern County Gazette" Marley W C, saloon Matt son O O, harness and saddles Maude A C, pub "Kern County Cali- fomian," real estate agt and notary Maul C A, shoemaker Miller Fred, watchmaker and jeweler MILLER ft MASSET, proprs Cify Brewery and sahn^n, bowling all'.y and shootinqgallcry MOB DEN JOHN 0> propr James Hotel MORGAN J D. blaclismith, wagon- m'vker and horseshoer Morrel & Mix, saloon Murphy J J, gen mdse and agricultural im plements NIEDERAUR JACOB, furniture, bed. ding, carpets and undertaker G'Hare Peter, county supervisor Packard N R, deputy county recorder Packard Mrs N R, millinery and dress- making Palures L C, saloon Park H C, lumber and ins agt Peters Rev J H, pastor M E church Phipps Chas, physician and surgeon Plato I, groceries POSTMASTER, H A Wirkware Read G A, deputy 8heri£f Reich Geo, tailor RHODES THOMAS, atty at law and insurance agent Riley J A, painter Ross Geo, saloon Rodgers C A, physician and surgeon Scribner W H, watcnes, jewelery.books stationery, sewing machines aud news depot Smart, Borgwardt & McCord, meat mar- ket Smith A E, blacksmith, wagonmaker and horseshoer SMITH GEO VENABLE, atty at l&w, dist atty and notary Stem L, physician and surgeon Stoutcnbergh T A, under sheriff THOMS A 0, propr French Hotel THORNSEN OTTO, machinist and gunsmith Thornton G F, physician Touasaint A, stoves, hardware and tin- ware Underwood J G, teacher Unde rwood Mrs J G, teacher UNITED STATES HOTEL, Mrs F Eitel proprietress WALLACE F S, druggist, county supt of pub instruction WALTER JACOB, bakery and saloon WARREN A T, pub "Courier-Califor- man WEILL BROS, gon mdse, agricul im- Elements, hardware and agts Ham- urg-Ainerican Packet Co Wells, Fargo & Co, Alouzo Coons agt W U Tel Co, E W Goodrich managdr WHEELER E P, groceries and fruits Wheeler Geo H, gen mdse, agricul im- plements and hardware Wh eeler W D, physician and surgeon WICKWARE HA* postmaster Wilkes W P, county auditor Wilkinson N R, jnst'ce peace and ooUec- tcr Withington R W, saloon WOODROUGH J H» shoemaker C5 Q ■< Q S r rr ao (A -J 9 (0 c (D a 9 O M n o o a a s* a (D s & O 3. ft 3 o 3 P H. WACHHORSL ^flent for Am. WUches, 315 J Street Sao. rtion. and agricultural 8, furniture, bed- ertaker upervisor iounty recorder linery and dress- ins agt : M E church 1 and surgeon . Wirkware •iff atty at law and Q 3 -< m > r rr 30 (A rt P» a 9 o M e n and surgeon IB, jewelery.books, lachines and news IcCord, meatmar- lith, wagonmaker BLE> atty at law, I surgeon der snerifF rench Hotel machinist and ian lardware and tin- ier beacher HOTEL, Mrs F ggist, county supt bakery and saloon > "Courier-Califor- mdse, agricul inl- and agts Ham- cet Co ouzo Coons agt odrich manager oceries and fruits mdse, agricul im- are ian and surgeon postmaster auditor !e peace and ooUeo- oon shoemaker cr »< ■n ■ (0 o e 3 a e a (D s S9 O mm » a ,a O 3 P I CO I CO s cd E o S e e CD CO • • PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLECIE, "••.?• p«st mrm. iM.«.tr« --^*-y thoroughly ft>r Baatoewi. .-' J Towiw ifeceiwed Too Late f(yr Regular Inaertion. 1465 Banning, BAN DIEOO COUNTY, CAL. Taylor Miss Addie R, agt S P R R, W, P&CoandWUTelCo Worsham A J, gen mdse and postmaster Beaver City, BEAVER OOUNTT, UTAH, Clayton F R, supt schools Cox Wm J, probate judge • FOTHEBINGHAH WM.county clerk Hales Qeorge, county coroner Lochrie Peter, pros atty Lott Peter, sheriflF McDonough David L, county recorder Nowers W G, county surveyor Benson's Landing, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. FLAHA&TY B. postmaster Bethany, WASniNQTON COUNTY, OREGON. BOWMAN C, deputy postmaster Gerber W, postmaster Black Station, IDAHO, Is 16 miles from Boise City, has a popu lation of 50 inhabitants. Dunn J D, hotel Blue Lake. HUMBOLDT COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. CHARTIN CLEMENT, postmaster and hotel Boise City, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. ADELMANN B C, Gem saloon, Main near Seventh AONEW J D, livery, feed and sale sta ble, cor Eighth and Bannock Akins Samuel, Corral ALLINOTON MISS JENNIE, prin public schools Arohambault Rev Father ARNOLD BWIOHT, dentist. Idaho bet Eiglith and Ninth Ash Jas J, Pacific tel operator BACON D> editor and propr "Boiie City Republican," cor 11th and Main BALDWIN J C, blacksmith and horse- shoer, cor Main and Ninth BATHOUSE OEO, boots and shoes made to order, Main Beachy W C, city collector Blackinger V, Capitol market BOCK JOHN, fruit stand, candies, to- bacco and cigars. Main "BOISE CITY REPUBLICAN," D Bacon propr, cor Main and Eleventh Bollard W, rector Episcopal church Boomer A H, agt W, F & Go's Express BORLAND & MONSON, contractors and builders, cor Idaho and Seventh BOTAKIN A J. editor and publisher "Semi- Weekly Idahoan," Franklin bet Tenth and Eleventh Branstetter H C, under-sheriff BRAYMAN MASON, governor of Idaho, cor Main and Fifth BRODBECK JOHN, propr City brew- ery. Main BUSH J H, propr Central Hotel, cor Seventh and Idalio CALKINS & BEACHT. forwarding and com merchants, produce, etc, Main bet Eighth and Ninth CAVANAH FRANK. U S dept mine- ral surveyor and mining engineer, cor Idaho and Fourth CENTRAL HOTEL, J H Bush propr, co r Se venth and Idaho COFFIN & KENNALT, hardware, stoves, tinware, iron, steol, farm ma- chinery, paints, oils, etc. Main cor Eighth C07LE ANDREW. Gem saloon, Main CURRT I R photographer, cor Seventh and Idaho CURTIS EDWARD J. atty at Main bet Sixth and Seventh CURTIS THOS J, probate judge, Idaho and Eighth DANSKIN BROS, hardware, iron, steel and wagon material. Main cor 9th Dausman H Ljphysician DAVIS & HIMROD. furnishing goodi, boots and shoes, groceries, provisions, hats, crockery, tobacco, etc DYMOKE JAS, sewing machines, fur- nishing goods, fluting irons, machines repaired and attachments, gloves, etc, Main cor Sixth Early John, saloon EASTMAN BROS, proprs Overland Hotel, cor Main and Eighth ELLIOTT JNO, Elliott's Palace saloon, Main law. cor I Street Sae. OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER k CO^ 802 Dtvte St, 8. F. wmmm mmm. wmm W. W. MONTAGUE A CO ■I i c I o I 2 IL 18 o Q O z S o < I- I- •Meet lr*a. «il Maca •■« XwMkeis, ii* 1466 TowTW Received Too La/tefor Regular Imaertion. i EUg worth Mrs C, dressmaker EHSION' F Et atty at law and notary public, Main FAL^ B ft BBOt dry and fancy goods, notions, clothing, furnishing goods, KTOceries, etc FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Idaho, Jno Huntoon cashier 0E8S W ft CO. City meat market, Main Giffen Jas T, supt pub instruction Olidden W W, justice peace OBANHOLM CSHAS, billiard parlor and saloon. Main OBAT JNO S. atty, Maiu Gu ryun M B, city treasurer HAWTHORN N M, county clerk, au- ditor and recorder, Idaho cor Eii^hth HALL ft BALENTINE. carpenters and joiners, Idaho HAS]BiROnCK SOL, dry goods, grocer ies, etc, notivry public and U 8 gauger, Main cor Ninth 1TAP. T J S, sample room and groceries, Main HATCH J S, furniture, upholstering, painting, repairing, etc, .Main bet 8ixth and Seventh Hih n Fred, marshal HUNTOON JOHN, territorial treas HUMPHRJiT C B> watchmaker and jeweler. Main n>.ar Seventh HOUSTON ft 0RA7. attys at law. Main HOUSTON J W, atty, Main Kelley Miss Annie, milliner ^LLRT MILTON, editor and pub "Idaho Statesman," and manager Pao Tel Co, Main KINSET H H, painter. Main KINSET H H ft BROS, oandy manuf, confectionery, ice cream, etc. Main bet Seventh and Eighth Knox Doughlas. county assessor KROFF ft LAKE, millinery, fancy foods, dressmaking, hair work, etc, lain and Fiftn KroflF S W, real estate KURRAT H, bakery and groceries. Main "IDAHO WEEKLT STATESMAN" (weekly and tri-weekly), Milton Kel- leypublisher, Maiu JACKSON JAS N, gen blacksmith and horseshoeinu, Bannock bet 7th and 8th JAMES WM> Pioneer meat market, Main ^^ JAUMAN WM H, sample room, Main bet Sev enth and Eighth JACOBS CTRUS, manufr and whole- sale liquor dealer, groceries, provisions, etc, Main cor Seventh and Mayor Joslyn A J, minister M E church LANBIS DANIEL, propr sash and door facto ry, Ninth L AWR ENCE ft SMITH, saloon. Main LEVY DAVIS, bakery and grocery, Main Leyerzapf Chas, gun and locksmith Lotton J Cjgen blacksmithing LOUTHAif ROBERT ft CO. dry gDodfl, millinery and fancy goods clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, crockery, groceries, etc Maupin T C , cor Main and Ninth MoCfARTT J H, pres llrst National Ba nk, M ain bet Sixth and Seventh MoHENDRT A H. hairdresser. Main bet Seventh and Eighth MoKAT W W. physician and surgeon. Seventh and Grove MILLER JNO B, register U S land office. Main nr Sixth Moore C E, school teacher MOORE F, photographer. Seventh bet Main and Idaho Morgan John T, chief justice superior court, postoflice Oxford, Ouida Co MORRIS ft ROSSI, manufr and dealer in luml)er, laths and shingles, cor Main and Fourth NATHAN ft QREOORT. hairdress- ers. Eighth NEILLET ft CARNEY, boots and sh oes to order. Main nr Seventh NELSON CHAS F. Uverv, feed and sale stable, cor Eighth and Grove NYE WM H ft CO, druggist and phar- macist, paints, oils, etc, cor Maiu and Eighth OLDHAM J B, sheriff, Eighth bet Main and Idaho Ostne r Mr s J, dressmaker and milliner OVERLAND SALOON, Joseph Bury manager PARRAULT JOSEPH, controller PAYNTON MRS MAGOIE. millin- ery and fancy goods. Main bet Seventli a nd Ei ghth PEFFERLE M,,baiixlres8ing, shaving saloon and dentist. Main bet Seventh and Eighth Pefly P J, satldlery Perkins S P, groceries PERRAULT JOSEPH, hardware, tin- ware, stoves, saddlery and harness manufr, etc. Main cor Seventh Pinkham G B , restaurant POST JOHN A, postmaster and insur- ance i^nt REED R B ft CO. dry goods, clothing, queensware, nails, hats, groceries, etc. Main nr Seventh RICHARDSON A L, clerk 2d judicial dist court and supi«me court. Main bet Sixth and Seventii 0» o 30 8 9 e M O B ft r 9 5 ? TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. BlumainrftCOi, '^Sr&HS ropr aash and ister U S land iRYt hairdresB- Eighth bet Main goods, clothing, hats, groceries, ;lerk 2d judicial I court, Main bet PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. "••JS^ <*•«' <««r^c _ mtrmtmrnm Towns Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. 146T ft RidenbauKh W H, depot Morris Mills BOBIE ft STUMPF, proprs of the Capitol Restaurant, Main SAUSBUBT, HAILET ft CO, proprs Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage Co Savage Austin, U S int rev collector Sclmabel ChasA, groceries, etc SCWABACEEB ft 00. dry Roods, clothing, boots and shoes, funiishing goods, hats and caps, crockery, hard- ware, groceries, etc. Main Seaman J W, boarding Sears Chas E, civil engineer " SEMI- WEEKLY IDAHOAN." A J Boyakin propr, Franklin bet Tenth and Eleventh Side bot ham R A, territorial Becretary SIELAFF A, pumps, tiuwui-e and stoves, etc, Mam nr Ninth SINCLAIR JAS. tailor. Main SMITH C W, hairdresser. Seventh SMITH £, physician and surgeon Spiegel David, dry goods, boots shoes, hats, caps, clothing, gents' furnishing goo ds, g roceries, cis;ars, tobacco, etc SPOOHEEl ABRAM W, dentist, Idaho bet Eighth and Ninth STEP^iNS J Lt physician and surgeon TAYLOR JOHN, saloon. Eighth Territorial Law Library Thompson J M, school teacher Thurman W L, groceries TREADWELL P, physician and »ut- geon, cor Seventh and Idaho p:n^' P,^®^ P»?Q<>K STAGE wVSi yalisbury, Haley h Co proprs VAN DUSEir W & blacksmith and wagonmaker. Ninth WALTER L R, feed and> sale stable and corral, cor Ninth and Main Warner G A, carpenter Welch Jakejpainter, Main WEST JOHN, gen jobber, US Court House, Main Welters A, assayer WOOD JOHN, blacksmith and horse- sheer. Main Williams H, lumber WRIGHT J B, druggist and apothe- cary, Main CHAS. GBANHOLBT^ .tiaiii Mtr«et. Boitte City, IdaUo^ BILLIARD~PARLOR AND Choicest Wines. Liquors,. Cigars, and Tobacco^ ALWAYS ON HAND. J. D. ACNEW, Corner Eighth anil Bannoch Streets,. Boise City, Idaho. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Teams, Most Fashionable Turn- outs on Reasonable Terms. Hearse and other Livery in attendance at all funerals on order. Large Feed Yard for transient travelers. Teams boarded by day, week aud month. J. D. AGNEW, Proprietor. «i |: H. PAtmER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S» F. m [ > S < o (3 I- < < s o w. w. woNTAGUE A CO., 7vT'7iyiiV*rin::ia5?/teeVv;^ 1468 Towns Received Too Late for Regular IiMertion. G. W. BRUMM, lie I i*^ o o mmml m^^^.^ ^^^^^ UEALKK IN FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEIRT, SILVERWARE, fie. Main Street, between Seventh and Eighth, BOISE CITY. IDAHO. Special Attention given to Repairing of all icinds. iSiW. W. OALKINS. W. C. BEACHt CALKINS & BEACHY, DEALERS IN GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Storage at Low Rates. Consignments Solicited. Market Pri«*«> paid far Prod are. Boise City, Idaho Territory. VHAIVK 1 ^>Fri!V. BoiHe t .>. JOIIX KR^'XALY, Idaho €lty. COFFIN & KENNALY, c i, -I»»--jW'-j IPQIJJI r m SB M s a M e a 9 3" I W K o e a a o a o DEAfiKRS tX L STOTES, mWAEE, WAGONS, CROCKERY, And all kinds of FARM MACHINERY. Waf/on Wood anil Hard Wood Lumber. Barbed Fence Wire a Specialty. Main Street, Boise City, Idaho Territory. s 0) CO y 3 a J a H. WACHHORST calls attention -iiaSriT«V"JK.*rSf 315 J 8t PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE Th* atmiei CMniiipmsi coii«m kl all kinds. Towns Received Too Late for Regulwr Insertion. 14C9 i s I I B e o e IS Si 8 C9 O z c JAMES DYMOKE KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE LARGEST & BEST STOCK OK ALL Washers, Wringers, C00L£7'S COEZ AND QLOBE CORSETS, GLOBE AUPACAS AND MOHAIRS, NOTIONS AND NOVELTIES, Main Stresti Bdse Ziijt Idaho. Parts tor all Machines, Needles, Oil, etc. Also, General Agent for the White Sewinfir Machine for Idaho Territory. The WHIT£ is the leading machine, the best finished, easiest running and most popular machine in the market. All orders promptly filled. Tonng's Improved Paris Pleating llachins a Specialty. in a i .1 w D. FALK & BRO., Importers and Dealers in Clothing. Gents' Fnrnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Stationery, Pipes, Tobacco and Segars, Groceries, Produce. Miners* Outfits. Hardware Farminif Imple- ments. Crockery. Etc. Main Street, Boise City, Idaho. ROBERT LOUTHAN. C. P. MLDERBACK. ROBERT LOUTHAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dei GOODS QlOCllIll IDK.ESS a-003DS, ETC., Cor. Main and 8th Sts., opp. Overland Hotel, BOISE CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY. B \ 3 •< e % 09 %l H. PALMER k CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, 8. F. h4i I i !'i i Ik if e If 2 I > e E « CO c c (0 O ■ O o p < a. o h h D P w. w. MONTAGUE & CO.. v.7r?,y:Hr.".rg;u:v:r;:;A'^^ x470 Tovma Meceived Too Late for Regular Insertion. J. S. HATCH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fimltif 3 aid loiSw»«.» o as > r o QtrEEN AHKA PAELOR SETS, BAST USE BESBOOH StHTS, Office, Parlor and Dining Room Citairs, Folding Chairs, Wood Seat Kitchen Chairs, Marble Top Hat Racks. A GOOD ASSOUTMKNT OK llinors, Fieitt?6 f raniss and Mouldings of all kteds. FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND The LARGEST and BEST STOCK OF GOODS in the Territory, At the Lowest Living Rates. MaiPni Street bef m BOISE CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY. 'All Orders to J. S. HATCH will be promptly attended to. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. 09 e » (ft O a (n is; I ^ e ■o ts e M 1 5? o (0 p :¥ r ST Mr«'«>t. H, ic. P«rtlaBCOM> ■•a. luivelt PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "pi*; tiMivn **«ii.m^, m. v. hmh. r nwii "w vwwiivtaww wwB.b.kWk, keeping. Penroanahin. T«lc»nnhv I'lriK. Penra»n»hJp, Telegraphy •i t Towns Received Too Late for Regular Intfrrtion. 1471 C. J-A-COBS, Mnnufacturti and Dealer \n o c a J O. (8 IK a o » And General Produce of all kinds. Constantly on hand CALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDIES. Pure ONEIDA SALT, the Best in the Market, put up by myself. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, ETC. A large stock of Pure Liquors — Whiskies, Kraudies. Win^q Bitters, Gin — the choicest brands to be found in the market, aiwuy on hand. PROPRIETOR OF BOISE CITY MILLS. Bacon, Hams, Lard, Flour. I also keep on hand a large supply of Burnt River Lime. Place of Business, Main Street, cor. Seventli. Manufactory, i 6th Street, bet. Main and Idahb, Boise Cltyf Idaho Territory, All orders to CYRUS JACOBS will receive prompt attention. m s / IDAHO / Kniil Estate ^ Dollecti Hi / ANO KOTARY PUBIjIC. Transacts a GENERAL REAL ESTATE I COLLECTION Business. All BnMliirHH rf<>eiv<*M Prompt Attention from Ofll«te with «!it^«'.r<>tar.v of Idaho. Loans Negotiated, Tax«)s Pai(i, Interest and Rents Collected, Titles Examined, Abstracts Furnished, Pro])erty Transferred. Boise Cit3r, Id.a.l:LO- JOHN HUNTOON, ist National Banlt, SCHWABACHER & CO., Boise City, •IDAHO STATESMAN." H. PALWER & CO., Pui^ Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. VI y / I i: 1 1 m \'. m 1L a i n S J f' & o E c5 CO c c ■ O o o < a. I- O W. W. MONTAGUE Ot CO.. .iTtf.^. no \n mTn««T>H "» w«ttwvy ?.y 1472 Towms Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. H. B. EASTMAN. IJ^'SfS^^^S^P^' Corner of Eighth and Main Streets, EASTMAN BROS., - - - Proprietors. BOISE CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY, This hottil is situated in tlic most biisiiu!SH portion of the City. Has Jiist vnul(ir<,'prieno€Kl cook, and tin Tal)lt' is sui»j)lit' r m > H ■n 3D m a • S X m r t (0 (A ■5 O ? 3 a H. WACHHORST. importer o1 j.':i;!;^r%i:!r.'u4.. 315JSt.,Saa ntrtMi,MgrlWMi| noeil cook, and to «v«rv want BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''"^'itfL"?i'i'>K>*t «* pacific bvmi. pUOliifcijj r i.i^mfii^ 5 75 JAS. A. PINNEY ^ CO. Have in Stock, besides a large stock of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Newspapers and Magazines, all kinds of School Books used in the Territory at the lowest prices. Agents for and have constantly in sto<:k the GEO. A. PRINCE &. GO'S ORGANS Prices delivered in Boise City, $126, $150, $175 and $200. And Higher Prieed if wanted. EVKRV ORGAW WARRAMTllD. Also Agents for and have constantly in stock the lYON & HEAIY PI A Prices here 8250, $275, and $300. Hi<;her Hiiced if wanted. EVERY i»\¥. WARRANTED. Sh99t Music and M-a^ic Books furnished at Fublish:rs' Prices. Call and see us before purchasing inferior instru-^ ments at much larger prices. ^' Small Profits and Quick Sales is our Motto, A Large assortment of Toys constantly on hand. Stationery of all kinds— Inks, FluidH, etc., at lowest prices. Orders solicl ed and satisfaction guaranteed. All orders promptly filled. CO £2 c5 CO -I o 30 m ■ i! ;i at €@, e % at C0 CO ■ o CHWA Main Street, Boise City, Idaho. Dry floods, Fancy Millinery, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Hardware, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc. &« w® ^FtiMiB^ m^ n® i®$ 3 'I ..-,-j Idaho Street, between Eighth and Ninth, BOISE CITY, IDAHO TERRITORY. h 1 s9 11 I 'a I PURE PORT WINE, m Mediutii 302 Davis St, S. F. w. w. moNTAGUE & CO., *V!ss'arii'y^'rriyg,^!sygg^ia ■ CO £ p 1474 Towns Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. C e £ CO I c « O O Q < A. h O Boistfort, LEWIS COUNTY, W. T. Fry John, j)Ootinaker Harris Ed, carpenter and wagonmaker Joy H, carpenter Newland Jno T, usaessor Runyan J C, blacksmith STILLMANN JAY, lumber and post- master Boltonheim, PIUTE COUNTY, UTAH. BOLTOX CURTIS E* justice of peace and postmaster Dennis Wm T, physician Henry Geo T, ass.iyer HfuflF James millwright '^chson Ivar, machinist Bouldin Island, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Coleman Chas T, butcher Shelke & Co, blacksmiths Vyland H, I'ruit-grower anu gardener WROBIOFF HENRY, storekeeper and hotel Bonanza City, LEMHI COUNTY, IDAHO. Butters E, saloon Dodge H, liotel and saloon DonnoUy L, saloon Gill Wm, boots and shoes Hepburn J, saloon HYDMAN WM, atty at law Johnson T N, hotel Keisel F J & Co, gen mdse Kinney & Giles, saloon Mangan E, saloon O'Donohiic M, boots and shoes Patrick Bros, blacksmiths Pfeiffer A & J, gen mdse Savage J A, atty at law . Schmidt J, saloon Swenson F (), hotel * Thrope Geo L, gen !ndso ^ . Watson & Caley, saloon Wilson E M, mining broker •'Yankee Fork Henild, " M W Miisgrove propr Borden, rRESNO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Borden Rho.lea. agt C P R R and W U ' Tel Co FISHER £ Pt job express, hay and grain Ho dar Benjamin, barlwr LEVY HERMAN, gen mdse and in- surance agent McKay Hugli, saloon WOLTERS EDWARD, Columbia Hotel and livery stable Bozeman, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. Blakley & House, saloon Brnepee & Davidson, flour and feed Brooks Bros, fancy goods and notions Chamblis — , physician Clark & Robinson, furniture Davis .1 .1, atty at law Davis Wm l'\ atty at law Ellis & Davis, gen mdse Ferguson E 1), livery stable Frazier Mrs E, boarding house Tridley Bros, levery stable Malin A J, clerk district court McPherson A, painter McPherson A D, probate judge Morgan C, tinshop Mnlvany B T & Co, blacksmiths Pansford J W, saloon Powers T C & Co, agricultural imp iSowers Chris, confectionery Stahl Z T, harness and saddlery TAYLOR JH. postmaster, books, sta- tionery and fancy goods Vreeland Byron, architect Brown's Park, .SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH. PARSON JOHN, postmaster Burnt Ranch, TIUNITY COUNTY. CALIFORNIA. Francis & Co, gen mdse Gray D, gen mdse HUMEP2 M. postmaster Thomas It L, gen mdse Caliente, KEKN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. COCHRAN W A &MJ.gonmdge Cocliran W A, livery stable Cochran M .1, postmaster O c r |1 9f (0 O 3 3 to a a ^ o o S" a O 3 ■o a o 5? 9 1 z e » 9 r 9 T 9 H TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC GIL L. Blumauer & Co., 'SSL'tiX lattery mCn.9. WW MONTAGUE it CO.. KV^^I^*^ i/onpim. mi •!>«•. iio.iia, , fWi mvn I fiuwi. i» vw., 1^4^ ^^ ^^^ ^^f^ ^faitery Street, •.»/ rtion. , « E ^1 «. island, 2 ■ n ■ ■ 01 y, CALIFORNIA. s 1 iS ler r ■ ^ ths "< I c r and gardener ^ m i,Y, storekeeper h 1 nS 1 1 ^ Lan, '' 1 Y, MONTANA. m m I ■ IS flour and feed ar 1 «■ ods and notions n ■ s •niture » 1 s law (0 I ■ se stable ■ « iig house table s 1 riot court I s r '^ 1 »ate judge ■ • a ■ 15 iluck smiths a m B Ik ricultural imp ^ 1 ■ iiouery ■ d saddlery ■ naster, books, sta- ■ ^oods 1 litect lis 1 c — (Q ; Park, ? 1 ITY, UTAH. ■ ■0 ■ ■ jstmaster ^ m (D ■ lanch, z 1 ■ V, CALIFORNIA. z ■ ^ ise e ■ ? ■ < naster flL se nte, CALIFORNIA. y stable aster Pwrtlwi«.OM< M ■M.havali if z E D Towns Received Too Late for Regula/r Imertion. 1475 Love E B, aRt S P R R, W, F & Co and W U Tel Co Macking Fred, blacksmith MuUerfe Walters, hotel Camp Grant, CALIFORNIA. Cartwright Jas, liquors Dudley B, blacksmith Hansel A, justice peace HULBURT B G, hotel Perkins T, gen mdat Camp Folk, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. HmDHAN S H« botel and postmaster Candelaria, ESMERALDA COUNTY, NEVADA. Allen S S, carpenter Behrann & Wyatt, liquors Campbell Geo & Co, liquors Colter T J, chop house Decker R, justice peace Gamble Bros, livery stable Harrington T J, liquors Johl & Goodwin, butchers Jones Jos M, liquors Jones R J , mining Empt Jones S, boarding house Lewis J, liquors Marrote Dr, drugs, etc McClane B W, restaurant Newnan N B, barlwr Northern Belle Mi)ie, R J Jones supt Robinson W, liquors Root Talbot, agt Wells, Fargo & Co and postmaster Schiller Mining Co Schwartz & Koplan, gen mdse Traver & Root, gen mdse Vanderbilt Mining Co Victor M & M Co, A J Rhodes supt Garrison John A, seedman "Giant County News,'" S H Shepherd editor Gray & Bro, butchers Gundlach G & Bro, dry goods and gro- ceries HALL E, postmaster, notions, watch- maker, jeweler and news agent Hazeltine G 1, photographer and county judge Herbi'.rgger — , butcher Horsley F C, physician and druggist Howard J W, physician and druggist Hupprich A, shoemaker Johnson J B, county assessor Kuhl P, blacksmith Mack J W, supt schools McBean Frank, stage line Metschan Max, stoves and tinware Metschan P & Co, gen mdse Nunes J, shoemaker Olmstcad M L, atty at law Overholt & Jacobs, builders Overholt & Muldrick, gen mdse Parriah C W, atty at law Poindexter T W, county treasurer Rulison & Groth, hotel Schmidt John, builder Segerdahl Jno, hotel Sels F C, brewer Sels H R, gen mdse Siegart Henry, barber and baths Sired Sam, painter SOUTHWORTH W S, county clerk Stii'iislawsky H, watchmaker and jew eler Turk E ¥j, toys and notions Vaile & Co, stage line, (D & B C) Wash John J, sheritF Wood & Church, livery stable Woolsey & Housman, liquors 1 "^ m -o so m o o m o m so Canyon City, GRANT COUNTY, OREGON. Boyle N H, dentist Bonham C W, blacksmith Canyou City & McDermit Stage Line, Frank McBean propr Clark W H, gen mdse Currey Geo B, atty at law Dalles & Baker City Stage Line, V^aile & Co proprs Donthit Misses, millinery, etc Dustin M, atty at law Capetown, HUM150LDT COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Fox B F, cooper Stewart Thomas, hotel CarroUton, COWLITZ COUNTY, W T. HOSFORD THOS Jt postmaster and gen mase Castle Dale, EMERY COUNTY, UTAH. Bagley Emanuel, county clerk and no- tary public Crandal H 0, assessor and collector i m CO 3» 3— m ■n 30 S o m r- 00 o "J pi" o :3 I- U! ■;.i'-,r' . I I V. il' %-\ i ■ H. WACHHORST. importer of ,,f^?fo;\;[^l:;;'.id.. 315 J St., Sac BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pra«tl««llr tet NEHH hSSS^SS&TSlST l: CO 82. 1476 Towns Received Too Late for Hegular Insertion, Curtis Erastua, sheriff Jewks Samuel, probate judge BEID JOHN Kt county treasurer, postrai'.8ter and gen mdse Thornton Jos, supt schools Woodward James Sr, county coroner Cedar City, IRON COUNTY, UTAH. Ashdown Geo, carpenter Cedar City Co-op Sawmill Cedar Co-op Mercantile & Manuf Insti tution Chatterley S, merchant Nelson Bengt, mason and builder Parry Edward, mason and builder ifQi-ry Geo, nurseryman P-oysou Jas, furniture maker Cedar Creek, WHITMAN COUNTY, W. T, LA DOW JOHN> postmaster o Ik o Center Bend, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON. Baker C W, merchant Dimmick G W, stock dealer K< .nt Levi, flour and sawmill LiNODON A Q, stock raiser M'>on Wi", blacksmith McCollum — , cabinetmaker Roberts Jos, carpenter g ■ I- ■ < CENTER BEND, Douglas County, Oregon. I WILL SELL or rent my farm and 300 Sheep and 20 Horses. Time as long as purchoiicr requires, at 10 i>cr rent, interest. 600 acres best 8tovk Ran^e in the country. A. «. IiAN«DOIV. April SO, 1880. Centeryille, FRESNO COUNTY, CALIFORNiA, Is 16 milss southeast of Fresno. Anderson A O, saloon Bernard Mrs C, boarding Cochrane 8 K, physiciau Fraukenau Me ', postmaster and agt W, F&Co Fraukenau & Son, gen mdse and black- smith shop Graves W L, physician Kutuer, Goldstein and Phillips, general mdse Simpson Thomas, hotel Tullock D W, flouring mills Weike Ph> ip, hotel and saloon Challis, LEMHI COUNTY, IDAHO. Beerley J A, stables Dougherty J, saloon Ellis Wilson, butcher Galbreth T J, lawyer Hardenbrook & Casswell, druggists Heed A, lawyer HULL B W, watchmaker and deputy postmaster Jaquish H D, gen mdse Johnson W H, lawyer Keen C A, furniture and crockery Meahan M, shoemaker Pearce & Co, butchers Pickman H D, druggist - Rinebold F, barber Taponce &, Co, stages Wheeler Rollin, newspaper agent and tobacco WOOD J D, gen mdse and postmaster Charleston, WASATCH COUNTY, UTAH. Charleston Co-operative Store, general mdse, N C Murdock supt Murdock Jos R, t eacher HUKDOCK NTMPHAS G. postmas- ter Chestnut, MEAOIIER COUNTY, MONTANA. Dias & Steele, gen mdse HARRIS J A, justice of the pesoe and postmaster Chico, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. ATLSWORTH J H. gen mdse and postmaster Byam Lton L, physician Cone John, miner Davis H G, carpenter and builder Giesdorff P, physician Lee W H, stock raiser McDonald W, stock raiser Nutten B F, blacksmith 9 o D I § o (0 |S SI 9i v 'I s H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »- 1^ „ir:^,,?r^-.1?? Burgunder & Schwabocher, mdse Davenport & HmII, machinist Davia J A, f-t-ills . ' Ellsworth F M. atty at law Ford H F, hotel Hall Oliver, wagonmaker Harris J, mdse Hoover J, atty at law King C B, stable Liddle Bros, stable Lippit Bros, mdse Livingston C H, banker Madantz Oliver, saddler Mostin W H, mdse Perkins Jas A, real estate agent Sullivan P C, atty at law Sweet E N & Co, druggists Trumble F J, bakery Wilson R J, hardware ^ I Colton, 8AN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CAL. Is a very nretty place on the Yuma di vision of the Southern Pacific Railroad, 528 miles from San Francisco Emerson ft Bernard, saloon Gregory Henry S, atty at law Johnson J L, flour mills Kenniston & Bi izelton. livery stable Kenyoii Geo, meat market Laird J, hotel Mcintosh T W, gen mdse Mosher L E, agt S P R R, Wells, Fargo & Cos Ex, W U Tel Co and ins agt Murphy M A, ins and com agt Perry, Woodworth & Co, M A Murphy agt, lumber PINE MRS DUDLET, propr Trans- Uontinental Hotel Polhemus Wm, carpenter RADER H C, propr Cut-oflF liv'y stable Rider B H, windmill maker Russeck E, groceries and liquors , TRANS-CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Mrs Dudley Pine nropr White G T, justice of the peace, and agt drugs aud medicines Columbus, ESMERALDA COUNTY, NEV. Caldwell ft Doran, foundry Conn Fred, agt W F ft Co ft postmaster Doran R E, justice of the peace Petticord John, hotel and re: itauraut Thatcher A M, atty at law A notary pub Trudo E, liquors Cottonwood, IDAHO COUNTY, I])A60. Brown L P, hotel WILLSON H L, stable and P M Bolich Geo, shoemaker CHTrBBUCK C E> groceries fruits and produce •'COLTON SEMI-TROPIC," (weekly) Scipio Craiu pub CRAIQ 8CIPlO> postmaster and pub- lisher "Colton Semi-Tropic" CUT-OFF LIVERY AND FEED ST^E, H C Rader propr Davenport N, notary public Crab Creek, STEVENS OOONTY, W. T. Bacon R M, poatmaster Cannon A M, Co treasurer Labrie J E, probate judge Mosher J M, Co auditor Tappan N M, sheriflf CA< L a 3 CoupevUle, ISLAND COUNTY, W. T. Garrett Augustus S, justice of the peace Hnthaway Robt S, justice of the peace fflLL ROBT C, probate judge; auditor Libbey Joseph B, treasurer Lloyd Howell H, supt schools Lyons M J, justice of the peace Robertson Jno A S, shfriff and assessor ( 4Sil H. PALWER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, S. F. ■ip Vr. W. MONTAGUE & QO^'^^.^rnof^f^iifl^lS^.I^S^^tT mm i ■ €0 s i e £ €0 I 8 O z S o < A. O 1478 Toutw Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. Weekly, Colusa Sun, COLUSA, CALIFORNIA, ADDINGTON & GREEN, - - - PROPRIETORS. One of the Ablest Papers in the Interior of the State. The Leading Paper of Colusa County. Its Locality and Character make it the Best Advertising Medium in tliat Part of the State. Crawfordsville, LINN COUNTY, OBEQON. Crawford £ J, carpenter Orawford P V, machinist; carding mills Finley R C, flouring mills, Fuller, civil engineer and surveyor Laige E P, miller and lumberman Schackelford M, tanner Cross Keys, WASOO COUNTY, OREGON. BOLTER E 6, P M, gen mdse, hotel una notary public Cucamonga, «AN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CAL, Is a S. P. R. R. station, 42 miles aouth of Los Angeles. The village is situated about three miles from the railroad sta- tion. The chief interests are agriculture, vice culture And wine manufacture. Dallas, POLK COUNTY, OREGON. Brown James F, attyat.law and justice of the peace Gaby Daniel, atty at law Sweet A C, Co school superintendent Viglow Brothers, flour mills Beadman, COLUMBIA COUNTY, W. T. Edwards Geo, clergyman Hawley Bros, machinists Ruoelk Thos, postmaster Snoderly L R, clergyman Truax & Briggs, surveyors Blnm Simon, ^en mdse and P M t ncamonga Vintage Co, wine manfrs Fernandez U, hotd Eichi F L, gen mdse Russell & Araban, blacksmiths Diamond City, MEAGHER COUNTY, MONT. BAENES H H* clerk dist court Clintosk J F, aupt public instruction and treas Collins T E, probate judge and county clerk Rader Chas T, sheriff and amosaor TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. IPPPIPP"IPPIP">W"«<«^ {, ORKGON. at. law and justice DNTT, MONT. irk dist court public instruction I judge and county ffand aaaouor PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. "^ ,r™KS.-Sr».JSSS?~ i/» 00 Tovms Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. 1479 Dover, SAN PETS OOUNTT, CTAH. Alston C, carpenter ' Orundtvig F C, carpenter Hodge Root, blacksmith Nai,^ley John .T, shoemaker Robinson A T, stone mason ROBINSON WH* postmaster El Monte, Duncan's Retreat, KANE COUNTV, UTAH. RBBVH ROBT W, postmaster, sta tiouery and notions Theobald Arthur, building contractor Dwamish, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CAL. BURKE H, agt S P R R, W F & Co and W U Tel Co Elias M, saddlery KINO COUNTY, W. T. On Dwamish river, live miles' Southeast of Seattle. MILLER H H, postmaster and ferry Edison, WHATCOM OOUNTY, W. T. Dean Wm, merchant and ship builder Edwards A L, merchant • HANNAT THOS, postmaster McTaggart Edward, notary public Sampson B, justice peace Frevile J, telegraph operator Van Aukan Jacob, blacksmith Van Vronkan G, carpenter EM, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. GRAINGER JOHN> postmaster Elk Head, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON. Coats Ed, carpenter Neal C R, blacksmith Sherwood Perry, blacksmith Elsinore, SEVIER COUNTY, UTAH. Elsinore Co-operative Store, C J Jenson pres JliiNliON J C, postmaster Empire City, ORMSBY COUNTY, NEVADA. Arrild A, liquors BEER THOS. gen mdse and meat mkt Calhoun Geo N, VV U Tel operator FISHER J, liquors Hoover J A, boarding and justice Kalenberger MrsN, hotel K')hl Stephen, boarding LANG W M, collector Lebo k Bro, liquors and public hall LONGABAUGH SAM. wood ^ard Loudinghouse & Co, blacksmiths and wagonmakers McEntaa Owen, bootmaker MARTIN W H. gen mdse Mexican Mill, F McCuUough supt Miller Mrs Cynthia A, boarding Morris Jas, boots and shoes and post- master MITRRAT JOHN, hairdresser Santiago Mill, D McKay supt Vivian Mill, D H Brown supt WOLFERSBERGER GEO. liquors Elko, ELKO COUNTY, NEV. BRUCE C H. saloon BURNER J Ft prof penmanship and artist DORSET BROS, livery stable a PALMER & CO., Native Wines, 302 Davis Street, 8. F. a» CA Enchanted Prairie, coos COUNTY, ORG. ANDERSON M E> stockraiser and postmaster Fish A H, grist mill Mathews N, school teacher Erie, SAN BENITO COUNTY, OAL. BUTTON A T D, blacksmith and ? M Escalante, IRON COUNTY, UTAH. ADAMS DAVID B» postmastjr Adams R N & Co, blacksmith I I i '! It W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., Pnaipii and Ir»B Pi 114. llOMtd IIP IjMi. all ■!■«•, 1 1# iia i 8 i 2 I > ■> e e E § I m o o o < a. I- h O 1480 Towns Received Too Late for Megidar Insertion. Barker Josial), carpenter Coleman Geo, justice peace Deuel W H, conHtable Foy M W & Co, geii mdse Heaps Thos & Co, gen mdse MoNully J 8, miller Morton H P, carpenter Schurtz D C, furniture Sprague Edwin, teacher White H J, lumber Wilcox Edward, shinglemaker Eureka, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH. BATJGHMAN W T* postmaster Brown i*, inuut market Cambron J, atty at law Clifford E, livery Cn'?ick Pat, notary public Dymock Wm, saloon Eureka Hill Mine, J McChrystal agt Evans M R, bishop Fields Chaa, bootmaker I*Helds H, music teacher Foltz David, books and stationery Gillispie P, auctioneer Green L A, milliner Hatfield Wm, gen mdse Kennedy M >'s, dressmaker Lombard L, 8choiil teacher McCarthy J, barber McChrystal J no Jr, assAyer Nelson S, broker Ready P, brewer Sullivan Con, tailor Sullivan D, tinier Williams, Cusick & Co, gb.; mdse Williams L W, gen mdse Fairview, 0008 COUNTY, OREGON. Benham Wm, blacksmith and P M Palmer L H, notary public Waller k Fanton, grist mill Fall City, KINO COUNTY, W. T. Allen Watson, flouring mills Baxter E H, blacksmith BEJEIRT J Ft gen mdse and P M Fisk A A, bootmaker Farmington, WHITMAN COUNTY, W. T. iJlen C, physician Fish M, blacksmith Fisher P E, physician Grimes J S, notai^ public HARRTNQTOll V. postmaster Quarles J P, hotel Stratton & Harrington, gen mdse Zornley P G, justice peace Fayette, SAN PETB COUNTY, UTAH. Alston C, carpenter Cbirk Gus M, teacher HELLER JAS SR, postmaster Metcalf J E, miller Palmer L M, physician Fillmore, MILLARD COUNTY, UTAH. Gyles Jos S, surveyor and atty Holbrook L, coroner Huntsman Peter, sheriff KELLY JOHN. P M and gen mdae McBirde R A, justice peace McMahon Jos, marshal Partridge E, county clerk, recorder aad prosecuting atty Robinson B H, justice peace Robinson Jos V, probate judge Stailej^J, treasurer Fir Cap, SIERRA COUNTY, OAL. Davi son John, hotel JULIAN THOS J. gen mdse and P M Meredith (iritKth, saw mill Wolfe J W, hotel Forest City, MISSOULA COUNTY, MONT. Cameron H, blacksmith Higgins John, shoemaker Paul & Mitchel, butcher FossU, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. MTriiW BENTON, postmaster Four Lakes, STEVENS COUNTY, W. T. KENEDT J H, postmaster Morgan G H, gen mdae and notary a- 3 P- m « 8 C» e 2 5" a H. WACHHQRST calls attention '*^%-A!r-';^i^'" 315 J St BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ^'iSA'Ur^h''* "•Arinc »wi. iV t««F PoMi Mt.. M. r. irk, recorder and V, OREGON. lO .4 E o e I e 1 <5 «0 >e CO ^3: IVnww Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. 1481 Freeport, COWLITZ COUNTY, W. T. Oldson O, gen mdae Stone Ed( iteam sawmill Woods ft Caplea, gen mdse Ghi.ribaldi, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, ORKGON. Bayley D Df justice of peace Fuller G W, millwright Fuller J M, freighter Larsen E 8 L, merchant Lillie Thos, ship carpenter Melson ft Bro, hotel Oleneden, LEWIS COUNTY, W. T. mOALlS J W, postmaster Orafton, KANE COUNTY, UTAH. Hastings Wm, fruits and vegetables Rnssell A H, blacksmith STANWORTH SAMUEL, postmast er and nurseryman Grainland, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Cuddback D C, glove factory Frust J H, blacksmith Hansley T A, blacksmith HffAR nil JAS 0> postmaster, crock- ery, cigars, agt^WelU.Fargo ft Co and justice of peace Miller J A, saloon Nanzanat T D, wagoumaker Ogden Saml, saloon Spencer — , hotel HA7M0ND & MAaBUBEB, Omnt's Pa«ii, Oregou. Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Medicines, &;o. Cuitomera will flod our 8tock complete, oom- prlHingr many arUcle<) it i» impoitiible here to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices. 8. G. POST, ORANTVILLE. NEVADA. Dealer in Groceries, Hardware, Liquors CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Gravel Ford, CASS COUNTY, OREGON. Bright J, cooper Bright J S, blacksmith Fox J B, cabinetmaker Jackson A, money leaner Jolnson W, physician Lamb J, carpenter McCloskey J, druggist McCLOS&ET S J, justice of peace and postmaster Oberholzer J, teacher Wright J, saw and grist mill Gray's River, PACIFIC COUNTY, W. T. Barr Samuel E, justice of peace TiprTXTgH. Ji^S P. postmaster Grand Mound, THURSTON COUNTY, W. T. Laity Jno, postmaster Grant's Pass, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON. DXMUICK E. postmaster Haymond ft Ma^ruder, gen mdse, hard' ware and medicine Greenwich, PIUTE COUNTY, UTAH. Bailey Geo B, weaver Hatch Geo A, dairyman McCIellen Wm H, mechanic Moss Thos, harnessmaker PAGE J S JB>» postmaster and justice Guemes, WHATCOM COUNTY, W T. Alard Wm, blacksmith Bowman Amos, gen mdse Bowman H Max, merchant Card Wm H , blacksmith HANOEW T B» postmaster 30 -< r 3 •J I 2«^ 39 in h ■I H. PAL»lu.i f pftttorna. 110. 112. n*7ilt mmI 110 B»M«nr Hi' S. r^ (0 S s u. c c O ■ o o o z S o < 0. I- 9 O 1482 Toions Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. Munks Wm, merchant O'firyant H P, blacksmith Tade E O, clergyman Woodcock — , lawyer Hamilton, WHITR PINK COUNTY, NEVADA. Beene Horncc D, atty at law Blench C & Co, liijuora Flynu Mrs J, Indjjinga Herrick H S, physician and druggist Mathewson Bros, ^en mdse Riley Jaa, postmaster Hangsmau's Creek, gTEVENS COUNTY, W. T. • Driver Rev S M, clergyman Fanisworth, VV«>rley & Co, saw mill GrubbeW P, physician HARVET MRS H, postmaster Harrisburg, WA8HINOTON COUNTY, UTAH. Adams O B, winemaker CHrpenter A V, blacksmith FULLER MRS £ C. postmistress Fuller E H, justice of peace Harrisburg Co-operative Asa'n Laney Wm Jr, constable Laney Wm Sr, carpenter Mc Mull in (t W, stone m.naon McMulIin W J, stonemason Henshaw, ARIZONA TERRITORY. Abel J W, liquors Bounand J, hotel Davis J W, gen mdso Fagan & Steven^, meat market Janus VV H H, li luors Katz M D & Co, gen mdse Levine & Brickwood, liquors Martini ft Morgan, liquors McBain L C, gen mdse Mills W F, gen mdse O'Halloran C, hotel Reeves & Cawthorn, liquors Rowe & Le Febre, liquors Seawell A S, physician Hermansyille, coos COUNTY, OREGON. Herman Binger, gen mdse Racklif Wm, gen mdse Reed A Nelson, pen mdse SCHROEOER H, postmaster Hillhurst, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. McAllister H B, postmaster and general merchandise HoUister, SAN BENITO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Baldwin T L, county treasurer Breun Jas F, superior judge Brown Wm T, sheriff and tax collector Dowdy H, county assessor Harris H B, county clerk auditor and recorder Howard L R, county coroner and public administrator May J J, dist atty Thompson J N, county supt schools TuUaran M, county surveyor Honcut, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. HAUHO B 0. store Jones A P, wagonmaker McDanicl R H, physician Newbert D P, butcher Spillman C, blacksmith I O ■< o e r o 9 e n S" (0 O a Huntsville, WEBER COUNTY, UTAH. HALLS WILLIAM ft BROS, dairy, stock-raiser and postmaster Huntsville Co-operative saw mill, wood workers and gen mdse Peterson Christian, gen mdso Soren, Peterson ft Co, gen mdse Yeamans Wm, shingle mill Idaho City, BOISE COUNTY, IDAHO. Bonnett Geo, furniture Black W W, livery stable Boiae County Bank, F W Kwebcr vagr Brown ft Hull, butchers Cave ft Pitzer, blacksmiths Eli Mortial, carpenter Friedinger H, bakery and restaurant Oarrecht John, butoher Hang Frank, brewer Jones ft 8on, publishers Kimmel D B, jeweler Lodge B T, guasmith Morrill A B, carpenter Runyan Johin, painter 8 a o Q o u SS 9 » 5? o ■I z o e w 4 judtfo ana tax collector ■4 essor 5 clerk auditor and coroner and public 00 1 by supt schools , gen mdse X ie mill a City, X c TY, IDAHO. re 0) itable » F W Kwebormgr r* lers r smiths » T er (0 r and restaurant her 1* < len <• r c li ? »r y ler CO CO "^^r |u^^.« PAciric .mil. Bcm.aio rMt Mt. n. w. 11 OB o P4 pt4 o o 3'oi ms ifereiveci Too Zate /or Regular Insertion. 1 483 SohncU Fred, barber Stuck Geo, carpenter Taylor Warren, carpenter Independence, THURSTON COUNTY, W T. Bell Geo, postmaster and Indian agent Indian Creek, ALTURA8 COUNTY, IDAHO, Is 24 miles from Boise City, has a popu lation of 50 people, is situated on the route of the Utah, Idaho & Oregon Stage Co. O'COBDEB J, stock-rftiser, gen mdse, groceries, etc Iowa Bar, BEAR LAKE COUNTY, IDAHO. Bailey Robert, civil engineer Bevier T, blacksmith Crane Thomas, gen mdse Feeuy John, mining operator Gerhard & Standard, mining operator Gritfin Dan, mining expert MORE WALTER, postmaster Nealon M, mining expert Nelson Chus,. stock-raiser Piper A T, contractor Robinson John, capitalist Scot^ C, butcher Sweeny John, mining operator Traub F, contractor Willard Thos, machinist Johnson, KANE COUNTY, UTAH. Johnson Nephi Sr, gen mdse and justice peace Johnson W D Sr, gen mdse LAWS WM H. postmaster Junction, PIUTE COUNTY, UTAH. Huff James, county coroner Savage David, prosecuting atty Stark James A, probate judge Wright Joseph U, supt schools Kanab, KANE COUNTY, UTAH. Beebe J W, justice peace McAllister J W, school teacher Rawlings J G W, tjen mdse Udall D K, justice peace YOUNO B L, postmaster Eamilchie, MASON COUNTY, W T. Burr A J, gen mdse CAMPBELL JOHN, postmaster Elson J M, physician Kennedy Franklin, probate judge Sutton H M, notary public Eelton, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH. This is the main shipping point to Idaho, and chief supply to many gold and silver mines in the vicinity. There are one hundred and fifty inhabitants, who gain sapport by freighting, en- gaged in busi leas, etc. John Hume has the management of the Keltou House, where you can find accommodation in a style highly satisfactory to the average commercial traveler. GONANT, ELSWORTH ft GO, for^ warding and shipping merchants, gen mdse and livery stable KELTON HOUSE. Conant, Elsworth & Co |>r >prs, John Hume manager Mallory Wm, agt W, F & Co's Ex Co Mobery Wm, agt C P R R and Tel opr Moore John, hairdresser Kitchis, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON . Eddy James, shipcr.rpenter Elliot J S, machinist Firbairn Arch'd, blacksmith Freemin John, carpenter KaskiiiS Andrew, cooper MilKrr G W, sawmill Morgan Peter, postmaster Schapbart Jake, eagineer Swenston -p, carpenter Terwilliger John, shoemaker Terwilliger Peter, telegraph Thomas S, dentist S a> I it V I .-J PI s» J DF«rtl«aA. On* •» ■M.IUVtli OLD PORT WINE. H PALMER A CO., 302 Davis S^S.F. ^mm^ s Ik < o — ^— ^^— ^^— ^— ^— — ^— ^-^■^-^-^^^— ^^^^■^-.^■^-^^■^^^— ^^^— .^^^— ^^^— .^— ^^-^^^— *' * '• 1484 7Vnim« Received Too Late for Regular In«eHion. Klikitat landing, IKLIKITAT OOUNTY, W T. tHmmora D, physician Hunt W, boat builder 'Levitt Geo, oabinetmaker IiTLB JAMES 0( R^n mdse, hotel and poatmaster, hone* and vehiclea fur- nished at shortest r.otioe Olson P, stone maaun Perry J, butcher 8hotwell J, blacksmith Victor Van, blacksmith Whitoom Thos, physician Whitcom T M, notary public Hatch W, gon mdse PETERSON F&ANDS P, postmaster Rasmussen Peter, gen mdse 8 £ o u I- < z o s Koosharem, 8EVIKR COUNTY, UTAH. La&yette, YAMHILL OOUNTY, OREOON. Baker Lee H, school supt Calbreath J F, coroner Frasier Anroii, surveyor Kelty J M, sheriff Olda R, treasurer Phillips (ieo W, assessor Rogers Ellery, clerk Towusend W M, judge Lake City, UNION COUNTY, OUEUON. Johnson M, gen mdae Maley M, saloon McCall John, gen mdse Olson L, shoemaker Olsou R, blacksmith La Sal, PIUTE COUNTY, UTAH. SAY E Lt postmaster Lathrop, 8AN JOAQUIN OOUNTY, CAL. Berry Fred T, agt C P R R, and agt W U Tel Co, justice of peace and ius agt Eby J W, saddler Oeraty J, gen mdse Huusucker Jacob P, saloon Hanguinetti D, gen mdse Shannon R T, hotel Shannon 8 F, bootmaker and saloon Shepherd J A, I^athrop Hotel, agt W F & Co and poatmaster Willis }{ C, gen mdse, real estate and insurance agt Laurel, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. Mofl H C, sawmill MXJLLOTt A D, blacksmith and post- muster WTiitmore & Stone, sawmill Little Rock, THI;R8T0N COUNTY, W. T. BXTTIa. ''E THOS E, postmaster Loa, PIUfE OOUNTY, UTAH. AUred A J ft Co, gen mdse Jorgenaen J, gen mdw Morrel Wm, sawmill MoCLELLAM H M, postmaster ! Louisville, MONTANA TERRITORY Conford Geo, gen mdse Lower BoiscT, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. Peterson Mrs C E, postmistress PETERSON CHAS J F. asot post- master Mabel, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. DRTJRY ALFRED, postmaster Mammoth, ORK(iON. Dawson Wm, drugn and groceries (viriggs A a, market, provisions and livery stable Kennedy W C, blacksmith I o I a a i Burke W A, saloon, lotlging and barber WATERHOUSE DR W. postmaster, Campbell R B, asst div supt C P R R j notion store and medical laboratory ! 7 a a « 3 a ? H. WACHHORSTJmpoilerof jJiSW!%i£^«.. 315JSt,Saa 'tion. 9 loon 1 ■e ^ (er and Balona 5 Hotel, agt W, F r real estate and S Bl, S NTY, ORBQON. t sksmith and post- wmill — s l.ock, NTV, W. T. *4 E, poatmaster 7> t, I py, UTAH. % mdse f 1 9 piistmaater rille, 5RRIT0HT. ? e 3. o BoiscT, 1 , IDAnO. a a itmiatress ,■» J F, Asat post- : ^ el, AM , OKKQON. 9 , poatmaster •0 LOth, 1 ON. a nd groceries « , provisions and imith I W, postmaster, / idicul laboratory PACIFtC BUSINESS CQI LEGE, "^^^^^ t-Hnf. PwhwimMp. Tel— imDh? C0 aroi(m« Received Too Late for Begular InwHion. 1485 Harengo, COLORADO COUNTY, W. T. Carren John, saloon * Sohlenter Henry, milU? Teyde Cyrus, carpenter WALDEIF I S> furniture and post- master Marietta, ISMERALDA COUNTY, NKVAUA. Campbell Oeo, po«tmuster Carrigan Jumeti, liquors flndowment Mill and Mining Co, Dr Webber supt Mattingley W T, agt W, F 4 Co Ex McLaughlin Xhos, restaurant Wilson U F, livery stable May View, COLUMBIA COUNTY, W. T. OOX VniaiKlA I, postmaster Hemingway K L, store and warehoume Metallic City, ESMERALDA COUNTY, NEVADA. Abont one mile from Caudelaria. Be' ding Mill and Min Co, W F Belding supt Equator Min Co, Jas Cmss supt Mulloy Phil, liquors Metallic Miu Co, las Cross supt Mt Diablo Mine, — Jackson supt Sellers Jno, liquors Southern Nevada O jc 8 Min Co, Rhoades sup't Worley B K, boarding house A J Minersville, BEAVER COUNTY, UTAH. Baker Wm, hotel C arte r Wm, gen mdse DUFAIX J H, notary public, agt W, F &, Co, postmaster, and agt Conti nental Steumship Lines Hollingshead Nelson, Hour mill Kiesele G & E, brewfery Lightner Adam & Co, liquors Utah Co-operative Assu, gen mdse, J A Dup^ifk manager Mink Creek, IDAHO. RasmnssenR, postmaster Montesano, OIISnALIB COUNTY, W T. Snark M F, sawmill Mace Joseph, gen mdse Stevens Chas, saw and grist mill Moose. Creek,. DEER LODOE COUNTY, MONTAVA. Burues Sl Teiiiieut, ^tin mdse MuKeu J L, bluckwnith Redding C C, butcher KeiHl James, hotel Thompson J B, justice peace T&EANER JOHN* recorder and assis- tant postmaster Way Wm, constable Mount Carmel, KANE COUNTY, UTAH. Hoyt Silas, justice peace Ideley Haskell, teacher JOLLT HENRY B H. postmaster Jolly Wm, merchant Sevanger Neils, carpenter Marshall Robert, teacher Reid John W, merchant Mount Coffin, COWLITZ COUNTY, W. T. LaDU C> poatmaster,gen mdse and fruit gardens Mount Idaho, IDAHO COUNTY, IDAHO. Bower .John, probate judge CasoC W, sheritf -t Morris B F, clerk dist court ' Oliver Francis, treasurer WILLIAMS WS M, auditor and re- corder s Mount Tabor, MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON. Cougill B, contractor HT TABOE FOSTOFFICE STOBE, J Lewando propr Oaks W H, contractor Prettyman Wm, notary Vail & Peterson, starch mfr company I I' H. PALMER & COh Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St, S, F. tmrnm W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.,"V2:S.r!?o.^l5rii1Mri^t^5t^'S'r m% i'':^ lli i^!'!| IL ■ C e E a c c 19 o ■ o o < Q. D O 148C Towns Received Too Late for Reg^idar Insertion. apa Oilligiit^ ligtititi 3 •< Boarding School for Ladies and Gentlemen. Nine experienced Professors and Teachers constantly employed. COMMERCIAL AND MUSICAL DEPARTMENTS, ACADEMIC & COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSE, PAINTING AND TELEGRAPHY, TAUGHT BY PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS. Apparatus to Illustrate the Natural Sciences. For the Modern Languages a Native Teacher. Beautiful Location, Delightful Climate and Christian Influences. For Catalogue or Classic (Collegiate Monthly) adilress A. E. LASHER, A. M., Principal. Muck, PIERCE COUNTY, W. T. Botchfonl C, county judge Dean Aubery, physician DOXJOHEETT GEO J, postma-ster Hawk Melviii, justice ])eaco Kandic Henry, physician McAllister H, gen mdse Murray Robert, constable Yoimg Byron, sheriff C. H. WILLIAMS, NEWPORT, H«'iiton Co , OFogon. Dealer in New Bridge, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. Perkins, Bacaell & Co, gen mdse Newport, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON. Benstl R A, real estate agt Crow M M, sta&re and mail line Parker Allen, Oneatta sawmill Stanton k Frantz, livery stable Stevens Geo & Wm, hotel GENERAL MERCHANDISE. KEKP^ ON HANI) UrocrrifN l»i'.v oodM, Bootn and MhooM, Tliiwar**, Martlware and Vanki>«' Xotionn. ■^ Buys Hiilen, FurHunti Wool. Norway, C008 COUNTY, OREGON. Barklow Danl, clercrymaii Harklow Sam, shoemaker Hower Aaron k Co, saw and gristmill Meyer Asa, miller Perry W T, hotel Racklif \V, gen mtlse Reed Rasmus, C!iri)enter Schroder A, justice peace and notary REED & NELSON, Dculttrs ill GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Liquors, Hardware, &c. Sold Oheapor than nn any other part o( the Bty- Norway* Coca Ck>., Ore^n. Agricaltuimf Imple'nenU (urnivhed »t shor Notice. o •4 m e o o a a tl T3 O M (D S? o 1 X e B M O r e TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATiSM KINO. intfliiM, ■tylwuti 8B»tt«y8».,S.r LLIAMIS, iton Co , Orecon. I HAND oodM, BootH and Harrtwari* and Kotionft. ml Wool. Y, OREGON. man *ker , saw and gridtraill r other part of the B»y' Co.« Oreg^on. lU (uvniHhed «t short CO CO We 'I 0) Q. c "5 c 3 O IL » O (8 cue o (0 o 6 ■ BUSINE83 PENMANSHIP '^'^Vl;"J'x»"i«'»«» i^acifichcm. 7bt(m.9 Pgcetved Too Zafe for Regular Insertion. 1487 Oak Point OOWLITZ COUNTY, W. T. Abernethy Alex S, postmaster and ins agent ABERNETHT GEO, land and law con veyanciiig and notary Eureka Packing Co ^lalmon packers Knott Levi, lumber Old Agency, DEER LODGE COUNTY, MONTANA. Farmer Frank, freighter Gibs Qn Ja s, lawyer RA.MILTON £ B> postmaster HAMILTON & HAZLETT, gen mdse Hill A L, physician Kipp Jos, gen mdse Truuo Peter, carpenter Oneatta, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON. Bensall R, real estate Case 8, gen mdse Ham mon d B W, gen mdse ■ PARKER A, postmaster Williams '' H, gen mdse TITLE ABSTBACT • OF- Having Compi!ed a full and correct abstract to the titles of land^ in Butte County, Cal., I am prepared to furnish reliable abstracts and in- formation concerning real estate, from Spanish Records to date. PARK r.ENSHAW, OROVILLE, CAL. The only Abstract in the County. Osceola, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Smith Louice C, blacksmiths WHITE E 0. postmaster Fahreah. KANE COUNTY, UTAH. Brafet Geo W, cooper Potter Gardner G, shoemaker Smith R A, road supervisor SMITHSON NEPHI, gen mdse and postmaster Smith Thos VV, justice peace Panguitch, IRON COUNTY, UTAH. Davis J C, supt tannery Steele M M, city recorder Pataha City, COLUMBIA COUNTY, W. T. Campbell Jno A, justice peace Caples H L, atty at law Cunningham Thos, liquors Davis — ph^ jician Kye Chi-d, blacksmith Rait A G, tinsmith Houser & Spansail, flour mill Hughes J H, livery stable Lundy & Rice, carpenters Holbert M, milliner How.nrd .Tos N, merchant Hunsaker Joseph, druggist Ketchum N, bootmaker Kramer Philip, bootmaker Morgan Ross, banker Nichols B F, notary Pickett W G, gen mdse Powell McD, gen mdse Powers A W, furniture Richard Dan, gen mdse Somerville John, gen mdse Thomas D E, gen mdse S. J. CANEVASCINI, Contra Costa Liverif Stable, Cor. Western Avenue and Keller Sts, FETALUMA. Good Turnou'9 consUntly on hand at r«Monfc- blti rates. €l> CO T 3 s 3. H ! n H. PALMER & CO. Pun Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St. S. F. ' 1^ mMi k^m Mi r ^i^:ir CO i c « p c o E « CO c c O • o o a z i I- o W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., *ngi'K'ii'ygrririga?«?ys7^A.*» 1488 Town8 Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. J. F. REMARQUE, Fbysieiaa a&l Sargeoni Con Liberty and Washington Sts., PISTA1.V1IIA. MRS. DR. Ch, REMARQUE attends Ladies LAKEPORT Livery. Sale and Feed Stable, 8. W. KEXirOM, Proprietor. Hones and Buprgies, Saddle Horaea, Hay and Or*in, constani-ly on hand. Stock corralled and fed at moderate ra<^es. Haln Street, liakeport, I H lA ■ and collector 3t ■ IB# school supt p ■ to lasrTO- 301 ntf dark and m H 1 — a ■ jg ille, o H 2 ■ 75 ' ^^■[ o y, UTAH. ^^B er M H "S e of peace y 1 e [, postmaster and urative Association H o ^ H e ille, 0$ ■ CO y, OREOON. z H s I N* postmaster H o & ^1 o ^1 Rock, i INTy, OREQGN. en BPH. gen mdse, 3 ■ Ml gruph office ? ■ ^^B n H o — ■ .c ^1 •*- CROSS, '^^1 •^ ^^^1 o 9* f attt, ^1 C0 D ^ 9 3 O r RECORDS, s ■ Z VBEET, ; ■ CO • '!^^^l o ENTO. 1 1 •8 1 Court* careflilly ^ H ■ pd to. _ • PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «•• ,ejr^i.*S:i'il^«JRfAr' Si::'- 315 J St Towns Received Too Late for Regular Insertion. 1489 St. Louis, JEFFERSON COUNTY, MONTANA. FOSTER ELETCHEB., gen mdse and postmaster Salina, 8EVIEH COUNTY, UTAH. Co-operative Store, W McFadyen Fobs Willard, shoemaker Harner H C, carpenter Jensen J, wagonmaker Jensen K, wagonmaker , Johnson S L, ciirpenter King Solomon, butcher McFABYEN W, postmaster Olseu J C, blacksmith , ■ Robbins W, gen mdse Sorenson C, carpeiittir Steele J P, atty at law Thorsen Eric, gen mdse Salmon City, LEMHI COUNTY, IDAHO. Beatty E T, probate judge McDonnell John, assessor and collector Whitsett E C, treasurer Young S H, sheriff Salubria, WASHINGTON COUNTY, IDAHO. ALLISON R, postmaster Luddy John, nour and sawmill Reed Mathew S & Co, sawmill Robertson S A, physician Sate? G, physician Salt Creek, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH. Bigler J G Sr, county recorder Borrowman John, justice of peace BRYAN WM A C, county clerk Cazier Samuel, sheriff FOOTE CHASt prosecuting atty Grover Joel, probate judge Hague Alma, justice of peace Love Andrew, supt schools , ' Sperry Wm L, coroner Sutton Peter, constable Vickers Thos, constable Sanis Valley, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON. Coffin P B, carpenter Oscar Janiard, gen mdse PAYNE JOHN H, postmaster PAYNE & MOORE, gen mdse Selph & Jones, blacksmith and wagon- maker Thomas J B, sawmill Walls A J, sawmill San Pedro, PINA COUNTY, ARIZONA. McDermott John, liquors Drew Geo H, postmaster Marks S, gen mdse Mason R, hotel . Semiahmoo, WHATCOM COUNTY, W. T. Dexter Amos, sawmill Fields Eugene, cooper MANEL JAMES E, gen mdse and postmaster Miller D S, carpenter Stewart A VV, justice of peace Shearer's Ferry, IDAHO COUNTY, IDAHO. SHEARER F A, gen mdse, hotel, ferry and postmaster Sheet Iron, COLUSA COUNTY. CALIFORNIA. Font John, mineral springs GREEN WRIGHT F, postmaster Pugh Jno M & Co, stock raisers Smith John L, saw and flour mills Smith Martin, cabinetmaker and carpen- ter Weyard Julius, notary public Silver City, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH. Ethier A J, liquors Tyner R, blacksmith TRYITuMAYVTUNG^AND LIVER BALSAW. Silver Reef, WASHINGTON COUNTY, UTAH. Adolphsdy Mrs ITritz, dressmaker Allen E A, sec Stormont Co's mill and mines Aumond Chas, livery staHo Bachman A, watchmaker I ■""i^PMiPPPivpviiPVi VI m E I > e E c ■ 8 O z 5 o < a. w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., 'j'^sriis^VmVKiir^irs^i^XhJ i 14<90 Towns Meceived Too Late for Regular Insertion,. Bennett J J, photographer Brick Dan, shoemaker Bush Mrs, lodgings Byrnes Jas, shoemaker Carlton & James, butchers Chater Geo, contractor and builder Clark Gibson, notary public Finnagan John, contractor and builder Fortman & Harter, saloou Fortman John, watchmaker Friedman S L, dry goods Greenbaum S, gen mdse Hackethorn & Aliller, carpenters UalpuB J J, hardware Hanson Mrs Caroli&j, dressmaker Harenberg Mrs, brewery Hibbard J, bakery Hickox & Quirk, saloon Hoag J K, constable Houston A, livery stable Johnson J E, druggist and gen mdse Jordan & Woolf, gen mdse KRAUSE HERMAN, postmaster, news, stationery, cigars, notions, etc Levy A, saloou Lundt F T, lumber Lynch J M, livery stable Man tor J, physiciau McMahon Frank, millwright Moore A T, supt Christy mill i Morehous W G, tinner Nichols J C, dentist Paddock B H, justice of peace Parker A H, civil engiueer Phillips Kiv, justice of peace Pool Wm P, notary public Quillen M, liquors Ketallick Charles, blacksmith Rich W T, millwright Richards J R, news depot Rivers Geo, mining secretary Rolker Charles M, supt Stormont Co's mill and mine Sager VV B, gen mdse Savage S R, contractor and builder Schwaber John, tailor Schwartz Isidore, gen mdse Simsley A, blacksmith Smith Chas F, atty at law Spencer R A, contractor and builder ' Stevens John B, shoemaker Wahl £ A, mine owner Walker Phillip J, atty at law Whedon D P, atty at law Woolf Moss, gen mdse Skipanon, CLATSOP COUNTS, OREGON. Hunt J B, sawmill Rifeste G W, gen md«e and blacksmith Smith S, atty at law Warran D ft Co, butchers Wirt A C, gen mdse Snohomish City, SNOHOMISH COUNTir, W. T. Bartlett D E, drugs Blackman Geo, saloon Blackman H, boarding house Cathcart P, hotel Edwards Wm, shoemaker England G G, dry goods Ferguson E C, dry goods Hanson L, blacksmith Hilton J H, groceries Hughes R, butcher sho^ Jackson Bros, groceries Knapp S M, groceries Morgan H D, miller Romaines Wm, saloon ' Steaveus W B, restaurant Wilbur L, drugs Word W H, blacksmith ^ Spang^le, STEVENS COUNTY, W. T. Abott Bros, gen mdse Downing E M, gen mdse HuichbifiF C N, gen mdse Jacobs & Sterling, cabinetmakers SPANOLE WH* hotel and postmast Wimpy & Spangle, notions Winn Taylor, saloon ;er o » (A o a t o a PI a a ^ o o « a Spring City, SAN PETE CK)UNTY, UTAH. Acord A, butcher AUred R W, ropemaker Borrisen P, blacksmith , Burdick L, bootmaker Downan G, painter Mortesen M, furniture Olsen A N, butcher Olsen P M, carpenter Peoples' Co-op M I, gen mdse Peterson k. Co, sawmill Tullgren A, carpenter Z C M I, gen mdse Spring Lake, UTAH COUNTY, UTAH. t Sr 9 "I z e (* a if r JOHNSON B F & SONS* lumber, gardeners, fruit packers, nur- serymen, seeds, trees, floweii, etc. gen mdae, icke TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KINC. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pnu'tl«allir taacht «r PACIFIC Btntl. <0 il c a NTY, UTAH. 3 O iJL C8 o CO (0 (0 o 6 ■ ' ■ Towns Received Too Late for lingular tnaertion. 1491 Sterling^, WHATC50M COUNTY, W. T. Ball Jessie B, gen mdse, postmaster and lumber merchant Sawyer Wm B, hotel SMITH J E» notary public Sterlingville, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON. TATJOES GEO, postmaster Tern Piute, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEVADA. Baxter J, assayer Bradley C C, postmaster Dodge & Clark, saloon Graham J S.'physiciaH Isaacs E A, boots and shoes Schiller C, saloon Wau Hing, restaurant The Dalles. WASCO COUNTY, OUEOON. Bennett A S, supt schools Bird J H, county surveyor Burgess T, county judge Cropen J B, sheriff Ison L B, district attorney Savage S, county judge Toquerville, KANE COUNTY, UTAH, Allem John M, constable BATTT JOHN, postmaster, county clerk, stationery and varieties Bringhurst Wm A, probate judge Hammond & Batty, gen mdse Xail John C, whie manufr Savage Levi, justice peace Spilsbury A P, sheriff Spilsbury George, justice peace Stapley Chas, wine dealer Toquerville co-operative association, Wm A Bringhurst pres, gen mdse Williams David, blacksmith Tygh Valley, WASCO COUNTY, OREOON. Butler D W, lumber Chapman Wm, boots and ahoea McCo wn Cl ark, blacksmith HoGOWK W D, postmaster McKorkle M, flour mill Stailey U, Merchant Vernonia, COLUMBIA BAKEE DAVID F, postmaster COUNTY, OREGON , Vipond, BEAVER HEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. Allen Hay, arastra Monroe Silver Mining Co SFURRW G. postmaster Virginia City, MADISON COUNTY, MONTANA. DAVIS NAT J, county clerk and re- corder Edsall Andrew J, sheriff Morris Wm W, county treasurer Page Jas M, surveyor Purdam Amos, Supt public schools Smith G, probate judge Wales, SAN PETE COUNTY, UTAH. Killip J & Co, gen mdse " Lamb Wm, justice peace MIDGLEY J K, postmaster Rees H D, gen mdse J. K. MIDGLEY, Wales, Utah, Would be pleased to receive Price Liats, Sus., of Mach[;:-»-T Mechanics' Tools, Oeneral Merchan- dise, Liquors, &c. Wallsburgh, WASATCH COUNTY, UTAH. Camp R C, supt co-operative aasooiation, gen mdse West Portage, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH. Bailey Frank, carpenter Gibbs Chas T, bootmaker m KING. 4ILD PORT WINE, H. PALMER A CO., 302 Davis St, 8. F. r \ i J c! [>:;!;' 'S-,i Si ?e'; iiii;!!: CO c s p ■ t i « s 1 IL (0 O d o CL D O ■ If. IflUPI I MOUCi Ol UU.) pattemn. lln. 118. ~U. U9 uml l I M BMtory 8t.. 8. K 1492 Tovma Received Too Late f(yr Regular Inserttjtv. OIBBS JOHN D, postmaster and mana- ger West Portage Co-op Hale Martin V, school teacher Hall C S, school teacher Hoskins O C, supt Portage Co-op store Landon Chas P, blacksmith McCrary John M, carpenter Whitehall JEFFERSON COUNTY, MONTANA. Marsh & Perrine, dairymea STANLEY E J, publisht-T " Rambles in Wonderland" RAMBLES IN WONDERLAND. A Book roiitaining All About the Geysers, Cataracts, CanyoiiH, Mud, Volcanoes, Rolling Cauldrons, and th« thousand other curioHities of The YellowHtonc National Park. BY EDWIN J. STANLEY. VVIiiteluill, JefferBi'H Co., Oal. Wilsonville, EMERY COUNTY, UTAH. Boil A, mason Burdick A, saddler and hamessmaker, bootmaker and mining recorder Butler E, blacksmith Swasey C, butcher WILSON S> gen mdse, postmaater and hotel Winsor, SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. JOHNSON J, farmer Willit's. CALIFORNIA. NORTON BROS, lumber maaufrs Takima, YAKIMA COUNTY, W. T. Brooks L H, judge of probate MASTERS J W, county auditor, deputy clerk district court Parrish G W, school supt Pratt A J, county treasurer Schnebly F D, sheriff and assessor VACAVILLE, CAL,, I. F, DAVIS, PROPRIETOR. Contains all the Modern improvements WITH PLEASANT GROUND for CROanET Parties. Aa a Family Resort unexcelled. Beautiful Drives in the Vicinity. The Shortest and Best Route to the Black Hills Gold Fields IS VIA THE Central and Union Pacific R.Rs. AND SIDNEY STAGE LINE. The only Route affording Safe, I'leosant and Speedy Transportation every day in the year to ^eadwood, Rochford, Central, Rapid City, Crook City, Galena, Lead City, Rockerville. Rates always as Low as the Lowest. The Thoroughly Reliable '* South Side Route." For Turther information address THOS. L. KIMBALL« Ueneral Patiitenx'^r and Tit'k<^t AKent, Union Pu 'P '^. 'Mroad, Uniuba, Ncbroslu, H, WAOHHUtfbr "''^^h'^^^"* than any house on the Coast. •00 rtlfferant ■!(«•, ■tjlc* kn« IgKnil I I f BMKry gt., 8. V • Insertcja. sonville, COUNTY, UTAH. Her and harnessmaker, d mining recordtr imith ler in mdse, postmaater and rinsor, UNTY, CALIFORNIA. armer ikima, COUNTY, W. T. ige of probate W, county auditor, district court hoc] supt ty treasurer sheriff and assessor 3 CD s n i a M a 3 o o a (? S o a CD M - PROPRIETOR. lents OaUET Parties. 68 in the Vicinity. Hills Gold Fields » tificR.Rs. NE. «< ■n 3 o X" (D s 1 every day in the year to ly, Galena, Lead City, k>uth Side Route." KIMBALL. p and Tifkcit Asent, road, Oinuha, Nebraska, ■0 o 5" 3 a o 3 (hi ioJia , Neht uda. 1493 -i-t-yt- ■Jfj THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. There are very few who have lived on the Pacific Coast who are not familiar with the history of this great line of railway ; and to it the rapid development which has attended the Hight of time since its construction is universally con- ceded. The aid rendered by the Government in its completion has been rewarded in a permanent growth and an encouraging outlook for the near future. That vast stretch of fertile country lying to the north of its route in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho has been brought into easy reach and has been made the objective point of settlement for a steady flow of immigration. With the con- struction of branch lines of road means of rapid and cheap transportation will be inaugurated, and this great area of territory of unlimited capabilities will be made the source of boundless revenue. From Ogden to Omaha the scenery is unexcelled, and the ride over this wonderful route in magnificent coaches is one of constant pleasure. Nature has exerted herself and left evidences of her handi- work that are incomparable. The Union Pacific is the pioneer line, and its elegant coaches, substantial, well ballasted road-bed and efficient management deserve a recognition from the residents of the Pacific Coast replete with lasting appreciation. Its organization and completion met with many obstacles, and, since success has been plucked from the tree of labor, eiforts are being made to usurp its right to that remuneration by other companies. It is an old friend and ita interests should not be ignored. A^.' M;i>. J use on the Coast. 1494 San Fra/ncisco, Gal. CAHFOIU ELASTIC TRnSS Co. Market Street, San Francisco. -^■"■"■"^ MMnufaotarera of the ^|||53| iBest luprovei Trises,|iS^ Constructed on Soientifio em^i c ^n m principles and sell on BwaiLt. ^^ their merits. ^/OOUBLL'^ FROM A RAILROAD CONDUCTOR. Gilroy, Cal., Nov. Zlst, 1879. W. J. HoRNE, KsQ., Proprietor California Elahtic Tuuss Co., 8. F. Dear Sir:— I take great iileaaiiru in stating tliat tlie doublo truss I purehased from you for seven dollars, liascuMi-LETELV cuked my littlu son of rupture on liuth sides. The iteel trusses ho had worn before, lialetei,y cured my rupture, which vw small and not very bad. 1 have great faith in your trusses. They will cure any rupi ■ if it is not • very bad one. I do not know of any one in this vicinity that is ruptuiud but what has one of your trusses, and erty to make any proper use of this letter you may wish. 1 remain, yours respectfully, C. W. SMITH. A RBMARKABL.E CURB. FROM A LADY. Tomales, Marin Co., Cal., June 2, 1879. W. J. HoRME, Proprietor California Elastic Truss.— Dear Sir: I can cliecrfully testify to the merits of your valuable Tmss as it has elfected a permanent c\irc of my painful rupture. I purchased the Trusts of you June 18, 1877, price ijflO. it has done wonders for mo in perfoiniing this cure, as I had been ruptured from childhood, and never expected to get cured. I have not worn any tniss for overono year. I can hon- estly advise any one to purchase your Truss, for I know it, value after many years' experience with all kinds. Yours, respectfully, MKS. M. STUMP. LATEST MBDICAIi BNOORSEMENT. Martinez, Cal., February 17, 1879. W. J. HORUE, Proprietor California p:iastIo Truss Co.- Market St., S. F. Dear Sir:— In regard to your California Klastic Truss, I would say that I have carefully stud- ied'its mechanism, and applied it in practice, and I do not hesitate to say that for all Domoaes for which Trusses are worn, it is the best Truss over offered to the pu1)lic. •^ *^ Yours truly, J. U. CAllOTHKItS, M. D. PRICE LIST. BINOLR. DOUilLK. Plain Elastic Tnu», 1 J inch, Web Nickel Plated |J500 $8 00 Good •• •' IJ " U. 8. Web 6 00 10 00 Best " " iJ " Euroi>eanWeb " 8 00 12 00 Best '■ " 2 " IT. 8. Web " 10 00 15 00 Best " " 2 " EuroiHjauWeb " 12 00 16 00 Children's Tntss, all sizes, " 6 00 7 00 Adult's Umbilical (naval,) Trusses, 10 00 Endorsed and recommended by the medical faculty as the latest and best. The California Truss is reversible; hence will fit either side. Catalogues free. Trusses forwarded to all parts of the world at oiu: expense, on receipt of price. ^9'In ordering a Truss, send the amount by Registered lictter. Post Office Money Order or Draft. When required will be sent by Kxpress. C. O. D. Address all com- munications, giving size in inches, around the waist, to CftLIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY, Market St., Opposite 3d, San Francisco, IS HORNE & WEST'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MEDICAL BELT. HORNE^i^WEBT'a Ills ELE CTHO - MATSNBTic ' B eitI "WHY IS ELEOTEICITY LITE?" Thim BfiLT ia one of the wonders of the age, both ai a ucieutitlu instriiiiient, and, in its power to remove what has been supiioi't'd to be incurable diseaae, it an- swem the above qnui-.tioii. This belt is u »'/<' iliixiiture in Jllefll<;i(I Klfrtricitjs and its construction and uppliuitlon to tlie body is based on entirely A New Thpory, liistniitl}' reiiOTlnjt P«lii. It Kruppleswitb diseuse, unil ovcicduita it by ti ' nsforiu- ing electricity into tlie Wiulit'nud lite lorces, t thus restoring health uiid \ iuor. The Klt)rlrelt is based, were dis- covered ))y actual e.iiiriiiiinitiil njiijlicatioiin of Electric- _ ity to the cure of the discaseii named below, and while' the belt is Hifthlr Scirntiflf, nill last for }Mra. It is equally simple, practical and rii.:y of adjustment. It is so pov/erful in its action, that it is cuiiable of run- ning a Telei;raph an Hnnilred MUph, or of burning the Hesli of a iieriiDii, or it will reduce the strong current tuso gentle a tension tliut it will not disturb the N«vv«» of an Infant. in its passage. It produces a large „«, nilnti-iiln of nerve and nuiHcles arising from distiise. It will Cure the following Diseaiies: Female Diseases, - Pains in tlie Back, Hips, Head or Iiiiiibs, Nervous Debility, Lumbago. Oeneral Debility, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Disease of Kidneys. Spinal Diseases, Torpid Liver, Gout, Sexual Exhaustion, Hernia, or Kupture, Asthma, Heart Disease, Dysirepsia, Constipation, Erysipelas, Indigestion, Sexual Weakness, Impotency, Ciatarrh, Piles, Epile|)sy, Dumlj Ague. This modern hnproved belt not only restores the de- bilitated, weak and emaciated sy.stem to full health, but ! . enhances in both se.ves the pleumirex of life, sexually, mentally and physically. miC'KS LIST. Elet^tru-MnKiK'tlc Belt, Full Power $15 Elcctro^MtiKUelle Kelt, Full Power, wltli Applluuee 990 gSTIn ordering a belt, send the ^mount by Register- ed Letter, Post Oflice Money Urder or Draft. When required, will be sent by Express, C. O. D. Address all communications, giving size around the waist, to Home & West Electro - Magnetic Belt Co., 702 llarket St., Cor. Zearn7, Saa Frasoisco. 'n II: il" ^Mm ill 'J::Vr ;1 li ■'!■■'■■ ifcliiliiii •v^% 1496 Stoektor), Oaf. Nos. 273, 27S, 277 and 279 MklUpt^WT, STOCKTON, eAl«i ^'■■■^ '^''5^- Tffffff!KlJ nniiiiiT im'^'ir:is> I Ci HAJSHf PBOPSiZTOR ^STREET CARS TO AND FROM RAILROAD OBPO^ Pass the House every Fifteen Mioutei^ '^A Rates, 61.25 and 82.00 per Day. Tius,popuIar Hotel has been enlarged by the addition or « th'trvl story, with 3,ff:Mre(l-ii|>pptnted rooms, has been refurnished and refitted in the most el«^M ntanner, and i8>,iiow one of the most comfortable and commodious hotels in the (Atfi . Liige pleasant rooms for fwniKes. A 60A0H WILL BE AT ALL THJliiit To carry Passengers Free to th

, Freemi a Bros, FreemniE, Ruck Aj' 'one, Knopp Michl, Half Moon Bay Carpenter G P, Hay wards Alvnrado Amador Anaheim Angel's Camp Areata Auburn Bakerstield B.nici.i Berki'li'y i( Bodie Calistoga Camptonville Cliico Colfax Columbia Colusa Coulterville Dixon Downey City East Oakland Eureka French Corral Fresno Gait Gilrny Graniteville Grass Valley Turner G J, Healdaburg VelieAT, ManpieMrsS, Jackson Inland G A, Jamcstowa Beach Mrs J, Lakeport Bray Mrs A, HOPFERT C H, Lincoln Aiigelopula P H, Livermore Watteran Simon, * " Bertrand C H, Los Angeles Ciipitani F. " Crump& Young, " Davis Wm, " Dubourdien Bernard, " I'lbiuger Louis, " Lnmoreaux C L, " Olmcda Fabiana, *' Pelletier & Co, " Puisaegur Padro, " Kowan T E, SCHUMACHER H, Thiele W C, Martinez Knorsa J, Marysville Mehl Mrs C, WATSON THOMAS. Diacomber A, Mayfield Ondet J, Imfeld Louis, Merced Christ Herman, Modeato SIORIST MAXIMILIAN, Mission San Jose McClain John, Mokelumne Hill (iiovanini & Nichilini, Fisk F W, Begclspacher Max, Mason James, Murphy J B, Dreyfuss Loias W, GAtJLT ALEX, Hurst Jno, Schenerman Chas, Aker Christ, Bonnemazou & Bidache, Gniy Mrs M, . Photographic Sciences Corporation f ? Wl!£\ MAW $miT WtwSTIR.N.Y. MSM (716) 173.4303 \ V 4^^ ■^ <> i\ FA^ ^ If. If. muniflUUC « UU., ||«, 114 lia.an Id I- < » Id O I- o tt ;.j' wm ( ' IS. Id I- X < X H H O l; 904 BAK California. CLABSIPIin. BAN Rocklin Sacramento Wentz Henry, Bed Bluff Gmttaer O, Redding Pfrang J, Redwotjd City Carroll C J, Kiversidc La^ens M, " PibSIJACOB, Brendlia A, Kimze B, Lainet E, •• Reeber Gottlieb, " Sacramento Crack;ir Co, " Schroer & Bros, (£agle Cracker Co), " SCHBOTHOm SGHWEBO, Vok{el & Miiier, Rcinhardt E, Deamere P, Fletcher Elizabeth, Reutinger U H, Rothe & Kurtz, Griebnon F W, Winter L & Bro, j^oasounelli J & Co, Mualer L, Salinas City Sau Andreas << San Bernardino •< San Diego tt San Gabriel San Leaudro ABADIE JOSEPH, (French), San Luis Obispo Saner Andrew, " BAIIETS W R, (Eagle). San Jose B'lLTZ FETm. (Eldorado), BRADLEY MASK, (American), Cleal C A, (cracker), Cofte Frank, BELLWIOE, DOERR CHAS, (New York), t()ti CHRISLERA, (French). Miller John, Schwenn A, Mulier Fred, Solomon Mrs Mary A, SHERRITTJ, Hudson & Beaver, Turner G I, Brown D I, Faust John, Kroehle Jacob, BOWIE ADAM, Slight E T, Miirlett Mrs Mary, I'reuer Antoni, Thaler Conrad, WulffJohn, Trimmer Mrs Joseph, M.irks & Bender, Hawkins Wm, SCHLUER OTTO, (Union), Woodland WILUAMSCM, JENSEN & RILET. (United states), Yreka BANKS AND BANKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALAMEDA, (J E Baker cashier), Alimeda BANK OF ANAHEIM, (B F Scib- ort cashier), Anah'sim Davis P & Bro, ANDREWS &HOLENBECK. Aul)urn KERN VALLEY BANK, (S Jew ett pres, C W Fore cashier), i3i)ker8field BODIE BANK, (W H Pope cash- ier*, Bodie MONO CO BANK, (R Barton pres)," Br^dway H S, Boouville Brown J P & Co, Camptonville BANK OF BUTTE CO,(Chas Faulk ner cashier), Ohioo BANK OF CHICO,(A H Crew cash- ier), COLUSA CO BANK,(W P Harrinc?- ton cashier), Colusa Bank of Dixon, (R Harkinson cash- ier), Dixon Scannnan H, Dr)wnieville McClure E L, Dutch Flat NioholsW&P, " HUMBOLDT CO BANK, (W M Huntoon cashier), Eureka Burnham J H, Folsom HeiiitZ' ;i Chas, Forest City Cowden M H, Forest Hill Curlock A B, Fort Jones Bonk of Gilroy, (G £ Hersey cashier), Gilroy as H 33 -< a m m 30 CO » a cr o (A B CD o CB < C c CI % £ 10 .S c u o « o o OQ (0 C/l ■ M f» H ^ (D ■ -^ H ^ ^1 3 ^1 R> -Hi (0 H .e J a ■ "3 ■ « ( 3 CP P 1 ^ ^ S 1 ^ ^ ^^ a I ^' J2 • 1 ^l 1 ® -0 1 * t ;i P) 1 bI a a. 1 6 1 ^ I rfl 1 *^ PI 3 ■ I ^ aI Wm 3 • ^ fi] H. WACHH0R8T cklls attention '•fliSaVS'^JSl?" 315 J St PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, «»»^eSR?"Pe'SrSEr..?;.5;..^ o o 3S an I )ok ical i kee iah (< lejo (i liilia uUe << la-ad it II II :land Hows loton ilaud II 2d frcka m > r- m 30 w n P a a* CD a> e •a •a, a ts. imeda sib- o CD 3" O ■ « (D (A P Auburn ew- ersficld h- Bodie •es)," )oaville tonville ulk- Chiuo asli- II inc;- Coluaa sb- Dixon vnieville tch Flat II V M Eureka Folsom ■est City rest Hill irt Jones iiuer\ Gilroy O o 3 •0 O a a O ,3 o s I 09 in (0 O o OQ O "5 (A » o JC C5J CD a •o o v 3 CD o -1 JC N« 4^ $ z ^ O (/> H iUi X M C9 (0 ■ < BAN California. CLAHBiriKD. BAN 905 (I W fiabe inn Bros ft Co, Grass Valley BANK OF HEALDSBTJBO.C Jonas Bloom pres), Healdsburg Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Healdsburg, (D H Barnes pres), " Bank of Holliater, (T S Hawkins pres, J J Bowen cashier), Hollister Harris & Khine, Ind ;pendence BANK OF LAKE. (Alex F Tate pros), Lakeport FARMER'S SAVINGS BANK, (H U Bogg pres), Bank of La Porte, (Dixon Brabbon prf"<, La Porte HACK S L. Lemoore COHHERCIAL BANK, (E F ^pence cashier), Los Angeles ELUOTT J M, (cashier), FARMERS' AND MERCH- ANTS' BANK. (John Miluer secretnry), LOS ANGELES COTJNTT BANK. (J M Elliott cashier), SLATJSON I S. (pres Los Angeles County Bank), Temple & Workman, (Geo E Long asiiipiee). Bank of Martinez, (W M Halo cash- ier), Martinez DECKER & JEWETT, MarysviUe MARYSVILIE SAV NGS BANE, (M Marcuse pres), " RIDEOTJT& SMITH, MERCED BANK, (Saml C Bates I pjs), Merced MERCED SECITRITT SAVINGS BANK, (tlias Perkins pres,) " Moiletito Bank, (Robt McHenry Ciiwhier), Modesto Bank uf Napa, (WC Watson pres) Napa GOODMAN JAMES H & CO, " SEEIEY & BICKFORD. CITIZENS BANK, (JuoT Morgan cashier), Nevada City First National Gold Bank of Oak- land, (V D Moody pres), Oakland Oakland Bank of Savings, (C E Ses- sions pres), " Palmer H A, '' Union National Gold Bank, (A E Henry pres), " Union Havings Bank, (J West pres), " RIDEODT, SMITH, & CO Or jviUe BANK OF SONOSfA COUNTY, (Wm Hill pres) Petuluma First National Gold Bank, PETALDMA SAVINGS BANK, (H T Fairbanks^ pres) ALDER80N THOS, Placerville Wierson Jewell & Co, BANK OF TEHAMA COTJNTT, (W B Cahoone cashirr), Red Bluff| National Gold Bank, (D O Mills & Co proprs), Sacramento People's Saving Bank, (W Beckman pres), " Sacramento Savings Bank, (0 H Swift pres), " SALINAS CITY BANK, (W S Johnson cashier), Salinas City BANK OF SAN BERNAR- DINO, (Lewis Jacobs manager), San Bernardino Bank of Ventura, (Henry Clay cash- ier), San Buenaventura BnrdPR.(pres), Clay Henry, (cashier), " CONSOLIDATED BANK OF SAN DIEGO, (0 S Witherby pres), San Diego Fairchild J A, BANK OF SAN JOSE. (T Ellard B an, pre ), San Jose COMMEKCiAL AND SAVINGS BANK OF SAN JOSE, (H Hoff- man cashier), *' Farmers' National Gold Bank, (Jno W Hinds pres), " SAN JOSE SAVINGS BANK, (H Al Leonard pres), " Bank of San Imis Obispo, (J P An- drews pres), San Luis Obispo Stewart W E, (cashier), " Gordon U M & Co, San Rafael Irwin O, " FIRST NATIONAL GOLD BANK OF SANTA BAR- BARA, (A L Lincoln cashier), Santa Barbara HOLLISTER COL W W, Santa Barbara County Bank, (W M Eddy pres), " THE BANK OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY. Santa Clara BANK OF SANTA CRUZ, COUNTY, (Elbert Austin pres), Santa Cruz SANTA ROSA BANK. (E T Farmer pres), Santa Rosa SAVINGS BANK OF SANTA ROSA, (A P Overton nres) " BISHOFF VALENTINE, Sonoma Sonoma Valley Bank, (David Burris pros), " Bank of Stockton, Stockton First National Bank of Stockton •' San Joaquin Valley Bank, " Stockton Savings r.nd Loan Society, " BANK OF SUISUN. (Wm Wolf cashier), Suisun Nathan M, Susanville Bank of Tomales, (T J Abies cash- ier), Tomplea BURCKHALTER F AGO, Trackee n ss -I o aa m m t ''i J St H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. IL ■ CO (0 S 9 I 6 B IL 7 ■,r Mr, o o o z S o < 0. E w. w. MONTAGUE A co.,**?r,^:;r?o'?f2"ff:rir..ffiri^a^gr?. y 90G BAN California. C AUiniD. BLA Bank of Ukiah, (R McGarvey pres), Ukiah Bank of Vallejo, (W C Graves pres), Vallejo Vallejo Savings & Commercial Bank, (E J Wilson pres, J K English cashier), " Bank of Visalia, (J J Mack cashier), Visalia McLaine Lanchlin, Volcano BANK OF WATSOmnLLE, (J N Besse cashier) Watsonville Durst D P, (Farmers'), Wheatland FARMERS' BANE OF WHEAT- LAND, (W W Holland cashier), Wheatland Murdock W C & Co, Willows BANK OF WOODLAND, (C W Bush cashier), Woodland WADSWORTHEH, Yreka BARBERS. .; (See Hairdressers.) BASKET MANUFACTURERS. (See Wood and Willow Ware.) BATHS. Alameda Cook — , Oilman Jno T, " HALET & EDSON, (Terrace), Johnson James, " Pearson John W, I^ong Branch Buthing Association, " Traim Geo W. WONDERUCH & BR TAN, (Newport), " Dean J H I, Anaheim TABOR MRS F C. (medical), Lodi HUGHES ROBERT, (Kussian), Los Angeles Hovey D H, Modesto FACIFIC WATER CURE, (M F Clayton propr), Sacramento Barrett A A, San Jose Leibrandt — , Santa Cruz Santa Monica Bath House, Santa Monica Smith & Hayes, Yo Semite BILL POSTERS. SANKS ISAAC JONES C ED, StiUwell & Sun, Brush G M, Jersey D, Caswell Wm A, StiUwell &Son, Stafford W H, T, Grass Valley Healdsburg Oakland Petaluma Placerville Sacramento San Jose Santa Barbara BIRKENSEER GEO> Santa Crnz Buxton G A, Vallejo DURSTON FRANK, Woodland BLACKSMITHS. (See also Blacksmiths makers). and Wagon- Denehy Dennis, Ac. npo !i Morris G W, ^ , k« BrouillardJ, Alameda Hally Frank, <> Hartwick A S, << ?." Bowman & Short, Alturas * Breeding \V, ■\ 4< 09 Culbert T S, Amador Miller DR, i< White A E, Anaheim 3C Anderson Hans, Anderson 5" Wolf Samuel, < Cayucas II Cedarville II Centervillo Central House Central Point Centreville Ceres Chico Chino Chualai Clarksburg Clurksville Clay Clayton II Cloverdale Collegevillf Coli^ma II Columbia I ColusH II II Compton II Concord i< II Copperopolis II Corduli Cosumne Coultervilie II Courtlanil Covelo Cnoamnn:;a Cuff, y's Cove Davenport Decoto Delta Denvert'm Downieville It Drytown Doncan's Mill> Dnnnigan Dutch Flat II Eagleville East Oakland Elk Creek Elk Grove moine £, York Bros, Hindson Frnnk, Pottra David, Jefferson W H, Payue Jno, Eaton Alex, Walberg L E, Mc(^'uire Jas, Walker R..bt, H Istend & Sims, Ward H W, Hanse n H J, WEBSTER WM I, Petty J A, Parker Abraham, Lafever A, Parker % V lance H, Paquette & Girauard, Wi.terhouse Wm H H, Rreley Joe, N! array W J, Maguire P, French Creek Fresno Flats Garberville Garden Valley Georgetown •< Germantowu Grand Island 14 Grangeville Grass Valley Grayson Green Valley Greenw 'od Gridley << Grizzly Flat Guerneville Hauford << . Hansonville Happy Canrp << Harriaburgh Uavil.ih Haywards Heaidsburg t< Henry's •< Hicksville if HoUidtei ■I Hoopa Valley Hopeton Hueneme Hydesville i Ijr John, McOloud John, Uo, era A T, Corley & Manchester, Hnnson I M, En iter M J, Julian City Junction City Kemvilfe Kevesvilla Kibesillah Kingsburg Knight's Ferry <( << Knight's Landing Lnfjiyette Lakeport Lakeville Latrolie Lemi'ore Lewiston Little Lake Little Uiver Little Stoiiey Live Oak Livermore t< Lodi Lompiic Los Al tiiios II Los Angoles 11 11 << i( nchenter Murtihall 14 Martinez Maryaville Maxwell Mxyfield Mendocino 14 Merced S (A H M H as m ?i o 9 H O SB m n Q M s o m X 3 a s :i '9 3 9 o o I ? e f • e i^' ■■■- e « ir g M S So k Br <0 Vm (0 m Jo Pe I in (0 tt M O o CQ e m c '"S ca Q z o a (0 H. WACHHORST. importer of je'C:^!^S&£7i;«.. 315JSt., Sac. CU3INESS PENMANSHIP Piw>tl4>al1y ««mriit at PACTIVIC BVMI. NE»« COLLRttK, S«0 PMt llt« li. F. BLA Califoi'nia. CLAiwiriir. BLA 909 Ifl (0 e u o (0 2 Vi o o CO o 75 (0 m B Id u x: Z O H Z C9 3 O Z (0 o < MoDONALD WM, Muller John, Scbellencer H, Brown W A, Campbell Chas, Jones Andrew, Perry Henry J, Good Wm, ll«iini(2ke J, Kellogg J H, Anderson F, True Thaxter, Ki.lder R D, hidwell & Bros, KingD, Overmter C E, Boice k Topham, Olinder C F, McClellan J J, Oilrich J H, S'tui'tullotte, Anaya Felix, ENGLEHABT PHTLTP, llurtcr Juniea, Janiea .J W, Wagner E H, LOUTTIT T S, Ritchford James, Dodge Walter, Sanchez Audel, McKenzie A, Morrison H B, Munroe D, Gough Thos, Heustcn Joseph N, Dimmick C A, Smith * Mockbee, Baratini D k Segall, Anderson C A, FowKr & Shaw, GARWOOD & MABVIN, McCarthy J D, Moody T M, Myer:* W U, Hiiydon Z, JONES ADAM F, SHILLINO J S, Jii.rtcm Wm, BuHhell L, CLANCETFATRICIK. (ioodwin iS S, ROBINSON & FEENET, Cornwell E K, Boggs J K, Johuson & Jones, Bedurd Thomas, Hiuckley L M, Mills LF, Fiiher Jos ^ph, Apple k Beun, Garret C L, Dcukson J G, Dizoa Joseph, Merojd I* Meridan Michigan Bir Michigan Blu it' Middletown « Milbrae Mil ford Miller Millvilli Milpitas >< Milton << Mineriville ModcHto Mokelumne Hill Monitor Monterey II Monticello Moore's Station Mormon Itilaud Mount Shasta Mountain View Murphy'» M apa National City Nelson • I Nevada City Nicasio Nicoiiius El ' il < ■ i' e E 75 CO c c (0 O ■ O o o z z o < c h D o 912 BLA California. OLAairiBD. BLA Owens O Z, Smart Chas H, Smart C M, Fttneuf E K, P.irkfl & Son, ItobiuKon Wm, BUTLER WILSON, CAMPBELL JM. DREW & GIVEN. FORREST THOS M, Puulutte (too, Kobson Wm & Co, AduiiiB S S, Dunncu E, ProHser K, Pugh S H, Ohnatead I M, So..y C, Bird's Landing Blacks Station y C, Brownsvillu STJMIIERS & HACKNET, Cmibi ia i.'ivell & Purker, Ciijjiiy Morter & Mosher. Centreville Ki«er & Smith, Averill Mros, Ce es SHERWOOD W H, Chic« Egling L, Chinese Cump G rant & Bently, Clovtrilale WAITE Sc FRENCH. Culver J A, Colfax SWANK C, Colusa Jaquith E .1, Concord Russell John, Cosuuine Close J E, Danville COLLINS & CAMERON, Davis l«'t.er8 & Co, " tenter Milton, Dixon ^EYJNO. .. . Jf aSLEY & EPMPHILL, COOPER WF, Downey City HARRIS & TOWNSLEY. ]|olliaayJR, Wells T I), Hiimpel Henry, Kantze Jos, Ye.uUm Joshua, Chianick J T, McCullock J W, Chopj A & Son, Kotennund H H Jr, ROWE & HOLMES, Barton Wm K, Pij^eon Alfred, NADEATJ JOSEPH F, Vaudermark A, I/ee & Kirkland, Henry S W, ROBERTSON WM. SIMPSON T S. Evans Evan, Sparks & Baker, FeiiW & Phillips, WHITNEY DS, SELDEN A F, Dublin East Oakland Ed'^wood El Dorado Elk Grove Elliott Eureka Evergreen Ficldletow)» Florence Folsoni Freepoit Fresno Gait n Geyserville Gilroy Grangevillu CODE J K. CROCKER J R, Johns Kobt, Hart Thos, Hatch * Co, KNOPPRI, Blosser L W, FULLER JAMES. EOOERT HENRY, MEYERSFL Buruette J J, HOLLOWAYftSON, Sherman J S, Wells S T, Bass Robt, drowning Jno, Draper & Keetz, (liiigras A, Plumer J, Bates Mrs M J, Coakley Caleb, Jenkins C C, |{o88 (>eo, Wilson 11 F, Bennett Henry, ELDER SR, HAENNYL, Hie key L, Holmes N B, (irant Jas P, Stacy Ben j, Ames J P, Ci>i)e Robert, SMITH HARVEY, Harvey A C, Bath A L, Grand R, MeCiarvin & White, Pray John M, Raynol A, Soulage B, Wilson John, Huyck R A, EDWARDS D F, Bradley S H A Co, Kaston & White, KATZNER, RUSSELL CHASE, OQDEN W C & SON, Ruish Chas, ^n'xjd Jas A, SUBERS & CUTTS, WEBER PAUL. SACKETT & FRENCH, Di>nohue F, Ponce J P, Stanley James, Davis & Cilley, P'reenim Mia.'s, LAMBO W. Stocking J C, Whelan D, Meisinger U, Orau Vallpy Onadalonpe Half Moon B y i< Hanford •I Havwards Heafdsburg UuUister lone City Jackson Knight's Lan^'in:; La Grange II Lakeport II Lomoore Liucdu Livermoro Loukfiird •I Lodi Lone Pine Lus Aiigelct! Loyal ton Mad 'ra Marysv'ilie & MaxTell MuylieUl Mission San Jose Motlento 11 MontPfpy Mono Mountain Vidw Mount Eden 3 t a • (ft i o ar O o a ar 3. o a A PI e 9 ■< 3 P- OB 2, s ■ e 3 a « O 3 a e 3 •8 St, R < CI ^ Pr w H. WACHHOrtST. Importerof je^^Ly^iiJtiJLV^u.. 315 J St.. Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS C0LLE6E, "- .r,Jff,,'!SriSJSSr' y nl ■di ter ity son a t a a 3 a o o m^ ^ ..go • jnrt § " » oore T ctln P» «i* 11 \ more j [ford ; 14 ? Lodi 6 ac. BLA California. OLAUirilD. BLA 913 Seaman Wm, Nevada City Abbott A O, Newcaatie Seitz & Manwr, Oakland Merrow W C, Ophir HUKT W B, Orange GOBDT GEO H, Oroville LAUER FRANK, Whittook & Coburn, Qoulson John, KOSTER FREDERICK, Hiirter B, HOPES & CAMERON, Loranger John, WioRS & SFOTSWOOD, Williams J J, Wonderly N, Baucampen & Heacock, Van Camp k Hicox, Coffman A, BUZ J A, Wenzel A, Hutou & Cover, Lemlie & Tiedmau, Bidwell Bros & Co, BROWN JAS H, Jones T J & Co, Allen J, HILTON TITTia Ferguson Wm, Holderbach J oseph, Cunningham 6 D, Petcherer & Alder, Leach Frederick, Fitzgerald J M, KElmiER CHAS, Paskenta Pescadero II Petaluma 11 Pine Grove Placerville Plainsburg II Plainfield Pleasanton Plymouth Princeton Puriasama Red Blutl II Bowman E W ft Sons, Gannon & Gleason, Flopper St, Larsen, Bnyer Theobold, Dyer A, ANDERSON CHRIS, Brewer M, San Juan San Leandro II San Luis Obispo San Publo San Rafael San Ramon tf) Redwood City i< Rio Vista It Riverside II Rohnerville Roseville II Sacramento i< II ludry Geo, Son Bernardino San Diego San Leandro San Luis Obispo niv'!! BalinkMrsH, SanQuentin Downey City I^FLBURE JOSj^H, San Rafael Duncan's Milia Faulkner Danl, Sunta Ana El Dorado ^♦''•ly Jeremiah, Santa Cruz Eureka Mozzini Paolo, " •« I Poggi Geo, " French Corral, W«"te Danl Georgetown Drever Mrs Harriet, Santa Kos^ Gilroyl Kerrigan Mrs P, Smartaville Grass Valley ^Villiftms Mrs Katie, Stockton «. ' Burton H D, Tahoe Grizzly Flat! l^'o^eer Boarding House, (S P Tay Half Moon Bayi l"""). Tuylorsville Hay wards Cry an Thos, Vallujo «• I Woods Geo, •' HoJlister' Conrad Mrs L, Washington Judsouville! Layton Mrs J H, West Oakland Lincoln Caroy Mrs Mary E, Wilmington " I ^ogg> Rafael, •* COLEMAN JAMES F, Wriyhts Marysville t< Merced << Mission San Jose Modesto Mount Eden North Columbia BOAT HOUSES. MABIN BOAT HOUSE, (L John- son), Saucclito BOOK BINDERS. Miller Fred J, PACIFIC PBESS, FOSTER F, <>iebel Cornelius, SONNICHSEN CHAS, Woodman J L, Allan John, Oakland II Sacramento 11 San Jose Stockton Yountville BOOKS AND STATIONERY. L A, Alameda Knowlton Mrs I'orter B B, McCabe Edward, ERICSONAW, Willis J K, Coons Alonzo, Scribner W H, Kuhland W, Landers S Mrs, Merril S S, CALDWELL & FALEIimAM. Bodie ELLIS WM H. GILLESPIE MM, Antioch Areata Auburn Bakerstield II Benicia Berkeley TRY DR. CUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. Q -< Q Q SO r- o OB I 9 (A O a "a o M % ■m r o PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. Th el' th« 4 DowniovUIe Eurek Ferndale Fresno II II Onlt Georgetown (Jilroy Grass Vulley PHELEQER & SULLIVAN, BYMAN I, Hihhikfd & Hummer, Onashy J M, Butler .^. I, BEOOKo OBQ 0. HOEMEB W ». JONES J H & SON. KIRBT A, MuBritle E J, Orenr J W, BONSTELL W T, AU^ORD W B, REESE J W. SHANKLINJT, THOMPSON ft SATEB. Plichw F F, SffiELPHEBDBF, Hunter M E. McNeill C F, SPENCER WM K. STORY F F, DUNBAR JOHN, Pitcher H S, WRIGHT ft BROWN. JOST THOMAS, Mears Janies, Mally F, HANSON GEO F. 'JucUer B F, (iilhnore F J, HELLMAN 8, Hiruhfield P, I^win liouia ft Co, OLMSTED J C, Stoll S. MEEK ft DICKET, SPEAR A P, HAMON T. GARWINJM. LANDRAM C. Doblin J & Co, MEDLEY PH. SURBAUGH J T. HudscU & Iteed, Epicy ft Paccaud, Haas I) L, Brand ft Bassett, Welch Geo \V, Culver E W, Butler P H, BART. MORGAN ft CO. Bums T R, Cohen Mrs R, Hapgoo«l Chas, Kodolph ft Co, Scrantiin Theo E, Strickland Sidney L, Thompson Jno Kev, (dist Bupt Am erican Bible Society), Woodard W W,(agt Adams' Chron ological Chart), HARWOOD NATHAN B. C. BOYNTON S 8, Smith John J, Co won. Philip, Hall A P, Inch Shelley, BAHNEY W H. CLEMENTS JOHN. SCHOENFELD S D. SMITH L G, AinericMu Bible Society, Board M K ft Co, Oioville II PetPiuma Pluiterville II Red Bluff I. << Rocklin Sacramento GOpLOTA. CBf i< It i< II II i< G.-idley Qnadalonpt- Half Moon Buy Heoldsburg Hollister II Livermore Lodi Ijompoc Los Angeles II 11 II (< II Marysvillc II Mnyfield Merced .1 Modesto Monterey Nauii •i Nevada City i« Newcastle North San Juan Oakland 4* c e E a CO c c ID O ■ o o o z S o < a. O 916 BOO California. OLABSiniD. BOO Sutter Creek Tehama Tnickee Vallejo << Visalia Walnut Creek Dunlap ft Dennis, Aitkin R B, HAKBISON W, Frey John, Hirschfele'. S, Ward J (J, CBIBBEC, Hack William H, Washington Comers BENJAMIN CHAS N, Watsonville DOIMRD MBS M E, MABTINED, Baruikel J, Weaverville CHAMBEIlLAIN P B. Williams MOODY LOEENZO, Winters GERALD JAMES S, Woodbridge ELSTON J B, Woodland GREENE GW, BOOTMAKERS. (See also Boots and Shoes.) Cabral Alex, Alameda Alturas Amador Anaheim Angel's Camp <> Areata Chinese Camp i< Chualar Cloverdale Westlake J, McCarty J, Anderhalden Jos, Classen P, Bolich Geo, Callaghan D, Cummings John, PROBST B, HaunIR, Goller Michael, Juley A, Turner Jas, Cappuro F, OsDurn J R, Cameron Geo, TATE ISAAC E, Geiman Fred, Gicsecke August, Hamilton J T Shaw S F, Gagliardo M, Smith Joshua, HartlingV, Hoos J F, SQUIER D. Ncdderman Bernard, Swarz Antone, Shaver J, Bowsfield W, McKenney G R, Currie J, Warner Chas A, Balfry Wm, Bills L, Hyde D H, McCarthy J, McLaren w J, ParkJohnE, Lenenger G, Lieginger Chas, Littingt-r Chas, Saulsburg J, Geisselman John, Loveland A, STEIN HERMAN A, Sloat E A, Joerger Louis, Daniels F H, McFhail A S, VoUand Chris, WhetherbeoJ B, (ireer Andrew, Carmicliael James, Jonsen John, YOUNG AUGUST, Adams M, Thompson J W, Arvold I J, Yow J J, Barker C, Brucktle A, HoUoway Thos, O'Neil J no, Olox'erdale Colfax Coloma << Coltoa Columbia ti Colusa Compton Concord << Cordelia Coulterville Courtland Cuffey's Cove Davis Dixon Douglass Flat Downey City Downieville Dutch Flat East Oakland El Dorado Elk Grove 3 3 3* o O CD C9 S' 3 CD 1 < O CD W o ST CD ! 00 o o o 3 H. WACHHORST calls attention '•£:;%-V".?;^££" 315 J St BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pnwtirally tMCkt at PAriFlO BiJIII- IVRMH COIii>.C>B, S»0 ii-^t Ht., fl. F. T 3 3 \» 3 a. ■n -» CD 3 .t 3" o O 3 C? a o 3 (D < in Id e o o (A BOO California. 01 AflSinBD. BOO 917 ^ -« 1 (a 9 ■ o ^* » < 1 ^ Rn -n ■ «< nn 2 ■ (0 na (D B 0) • 1 e on s 1 ij " 1 x I > 2 2 Lakcport << Lath r op Lewistoii Lemoore Lincoln Li verm ore « <( i B Ik c c O ■ o o o z z < Q. a z h h D Q WUI MnUTACIir jfc rn mov4*iian(IRanf(«a,.abO«Urei«ntriiM,it]rlwM« 918 BOO Catif ornia. BOO CLAHBIPISD. Thomas Henry, Norton ville Goepel H. KURHNEL M, Sacramento Werth Wm (i, Oakdale II Balzer Jno, ,' , Oakland WEARY FRED, •I i< Sonoma Sonora i< •t Soquel South Vallpjo Schaaf Andrew, Berisford James, Blogg Henry, Crowe John, Jenkins John, Kennedy P J, Pelham Alex, RICH WW, Becker J G, Stanton M E, Campi Giovanni, Canipi John, Janaen J, Lynch Patrick, M alone T, Thompson A C, Hetherin£[tou H^ LYMAN JOHN, Maulbiitch S, ROOGE WM, Werner Fred, Zrnndowski Martin,. Flint L, McKay Edward, SPENC^ E W, M ell Jno, Barry Jno, Frazer Thomas, Fitzgerald R D» Shaw W, Neil T H, Keller Wm, Lemieux P, Phillip Frank, St impehl A, Williams Wm, Ukiab Vallejo ti. << . it, k 3 3 Mi. il it J? 'I u • ft li II ,'i * " I ■> I, 1)1 14 OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER A CO.. 302 Davis SL S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., "^rtVllXrilSS^iV&S^SS^SP, PAl > III o CO < CO o Ul u 920 BOO '■ 1 * r ; IK ft Ui I- X < o u a California. CLABBinBD. BOO SCaWABTZM, WALHEIMP. STBEBOST WM, BAKEB B B, Cohn DS, DIAMANT B, PETERS P d BRO, BHEINHART JAS. SCHWABZ L, BOEDEFELD JOS, GILMOUB JOHN, O'Brien Dennis, PBOBST B Meyer E & Co, Latreille B, Johnson John, Dressier Gustare, O'Keofe Dan, DEVLIN C L, Jacobson R, Cobb R, Einfalt 8c Hoslinger, Henderson J H, Heyman Jacob, SANDERS J, Vogelnian H, Buckley V J, Olsen S, Weisman J, ZAMBEISKT PETER, Ryan Patrick, Coleman R, Werz Anton, Myers W H, McNeill H, Mack M F, Bright James C, Hayes & Benjamin, LEWIS BROS, (M E & M), If '^DONALD A S, UESMER JOSEPH, Nagle D, NIGBOLS DARWIN, iScliinuler Herman, Seymour & Co, SLANET WH, SUSSKIND HENRT, TURNER GEO S, Wendt Chas, T.immasic M, NELSON A P. FISHER PHILIP, Flannery P J OILMAN BF, MOON & CR±OHT('N, TERSTEOOE F, HOHMANJ, Ryan 1' P, ItEiDYJL, I'» esly A Lambert, Perara Anthony, Johnson I, Connell M 0, Bodie assn Randal lEV^ DIMS GREA LIEfi] HORiS "Savage Carkee Arnold ! BaldecJ Dohert Hersey' Hoerr J KAISI LANE Liegingc Lusigna MELOl Mongel Streicha Undell i Weller ( ALDEI "Feehn i Jsmes & Worm A Vicini G AOOLP H.PAI PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, '""jJ^T^^SSti.'^SiJS. BOO i I 10 (0 » ft 1 o o e 00 o (A « B (d 0) z o X C0 a o o t < i California. CLAUiriBD. BRE 921 San Bernardino San Buenaventura San Diego San Jose Eddy Mrs E A, Meyerstein ft Co, Hirschfelder E, Roth Joseph, Brady Phil, Cohn J A, Mackintosh F J, MantaniaJ D, Bradlee & Gosbey, HEROLD PHIL, HETLEB J, KOENIOJACOE Lenzen J J, Loud S D, Osterman Wm, Redi P, sFsmo T w. Steiner A, SULUVANFATBICFv WIUIXE J, Zeigler & Althaus, BEEITBABTH JULITTS, San Juan SULLIVAN J J, (D Riordan man- ager), San Luis Obispo Alt VV C, San Mateo Dymodd J. San Rafael Magnes Bros, CHANDLER IRA, BELL & HUNT, Emerson & (Jo, Strieal Michael, Gosbey J F, Hicks B, N;ice J A, Wiissman G, Kaiulall Horace, LEVY M & SON. OLMSTED JNO C, CREAGHM, LIEBMANL. MORAL N & BROS, Savage G N, Carkeek Andrew, Arnold Fred, Baldeck I, Dohcrty Danl, Hersey Thos E, Hoerr Jno, KAISERS, LANEHARRT, Lieginger H & Sun, Liisignan T, MELONE W. Mongel Peter, Streichav W, Uiulell & Glass, Weller (Jeo E, ALDENEB&CO. Greehn & Asher, James & Long, Worm A W, Vicini G B, AOOLFH JULIUS, Santa Ana Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Santa Monica Santa Rosa Sonora Stockton Suisun Susanville Sutter Creek Trucke e SHERIDAN P, COLSON R W, WALLACE W H, WEILL BROS, Cota A C, Arkle Bros, LAU^ITZEN P, LYMAN JNO, Schall Louis, CLOUDMAN C H, Halloran Michael, Perdue T, Scherrer John, Pendegast ST, Owens J, Truckee Ukiah << Vallejo Valley Ford Visalia Watsonville i( Weaverville West Oakland 1 CO o E S IL c c O m o o o z S o < Q. 922 BRE Cati/ornia. BRB Kirat ft Bembanm Etna HABPEB JAMES, (beer and ale), Eureka Hnk ft Co. Schroder Henry, Anders J, Vulchor ft Weildman, Erpeldiug Mrs J L, Matzen P ft C, HERALD ADAM, Hartinan Wm, Biukelman D, Frank John, Fritz ChiiB, H»>d«e Thos, Muhlbach ft Albrecht, Tugniiii ft Tomassiui, Schubert Edward, Netf B, Paliiitiig l TRY DR. GUNN'8 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlrally taacht at PAt^lFlO BIMI. !VRM«4 VOtifMiiV.. a«0 Po«« Mt.. H. K. BRI California. CLAmiriBD. CAN 923 to •.1 ' ti S c a. c 'S c 3 IL » (8 tut (0 « BRICK MANUFACTURERS. Lakeport Los Angeles Weidemann Otto, Gobs Thos, Mullally Jos, Conneau Ernest, Bouman A, CLiy J P, NagleOeoD, Moilesto Mountain View New Hope Oakland BEMILLARD BRICK CO (P N Kemillarii, propr), *' Garnaey James, Santa Ana Bodie Dixon Los Angt^les ' BROKERS. Ephaim & Trapp (loan), \i^EIH£ EDWARD, Cabauis Lowis G (money), Feiier Simon (pawn), GRAHAM D M (loan), Richards P (money), Nevada City Boyce S B (stock), Oakland Fowler Jefferson (exchange), ** Levy M & Co (pawn), ** Arnold J M (insurance), Sacramento C.idwolader Edw t Co, " COLEMAN JO, Steinman U, " WINHAM W P L, Salinas City BRALY J M (stock), 8an Jode PORTAL J B J (money), Quinby F A & Co (money), " REED EP (money), " Turemaii W S (stock) " MADSONJO, Sonora TOLLY JNO (money), Stockton BROOM FACTORIES. Blood A F, Chico LE FAVOR W F, Marys viUe DUNNE THOMAS S, Los Angeles LUDEMAN OTTO (brush and broom factory), Oakland LEFAVORW F, Sacramento WILCOX M W, San Jose Giosa Geo W, Santa Cruz BUTCHERS. (See meat markets). CABINET MAKERS. HILDER CHARLES, Swift 1 G, Hill Milton, Dryden DA, Bremer Louis, KEYMERHJ, VVohler H, Crevling D H, STUART J M. Clinton & Finley, Bank Hermann, WILLIAMS J E P. Wilson Charles, Clayton & Kirk, VVemmer Jno, Weidhardt W, Porter W, Church C C, Le onar d Joseph, BAUER L, PRICE J J, SOPER T, Stocklin Jno B, Gaugler Bros, Reynolds W W, Morrissey P, Albertsou & Cunningham, Sinning Adolph, Eureka Geo "getown Geyserville Gilroy Grass Valley Hollister Lakeport Ijcmoore Los Angeles Merced Norman Oakland ^acramento San Buenaventura San Diego 11 San Jose San Luis Obispo Santa Cruz Tomales Ukiah Yo Semite Hawkms A, Averan J, JANSSEN J H, WOODS F H. Sinning A, Jonaon Max, Frautz & Wallis, Smith J M, Allen D B, Areata BakersHeld Cambria II Coulterville Downey City Etna II Eureka CANDIES. (Sec Fruits, Candies, etc. ; also Confec- tioneries; also Varieties.) CANDY FACTORIES. (See also Confectioners.) ^ARREN R E. Chicc Kirt-hheiner J H, East Oakland Seeba Chas F, Grass Valley Merriam A, Los Angeles Hardwick Edgar, Marysville Volks Wm J, Napa Eckart Mrs E J, Nevada City Blank G A, Oakland Kirchhcimer H, " FISHER HENRY, Sacramento Peterson VV F, Starr Warren, " WIEDMAN & HROMADA. " Buenaventura San Diego San Jose San Ruland Mrs H A, DAVIS HB, DAMONTE A, O'BRIEN MAURICE, Schroder C, Johnson Geo N, Beeler Mrs A J, LUTJE & GROSS, Blank A Mrs, GILBERT T S, Slight £ T, Santa Barbara Santa Monica Stockton Vallejo II Watsonville H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. a' •.';i ;n ij \<. •Ji- y 'ft' • '1 liU. .' Kr J' - 'IM '''!i■ :l;■ ■ ' TJ ! . ■ m if m ( 1 ^' i'it; u. ■ CO ■I i c 75 I 5 Q C O E a w c c O o O < 0. I- O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., "fffryiy^ATiglKitVySS^VVg 924 CAN CWi/omia. OLASairiBD. CIO CANNERIES. Pond, Leveridge ft Co, (fish), Bird's Landing Sacramento River Packing Co, (A Booth supt), CoUinsville Taylor & McDowell, Courtland Deuiorest ft O'Connor, (fruits), Los Angeles Newcastle Fruit Growers' Shipping ft Preserving Association, (i*) B Silva manager), Newcastle Hubbard Canning and Drying Co, (H G Hubbard supt), Placerville CARPENTERS. (See Contractors and Builders. ) CARPETS. NIEDERATJB JACOB, Bakersfield OBEY J P, Grass Valley Novitzky Sam, Dotter & Bradley, Sh arp A Bloser, COHNJG, Odum W VV, GILES JAMES & CO, MELIOR & SONS, Blumenthal A, Eisen A, Hook E. SOHREIBE& CHRISTIAN, starkweather & Son, TAYLOR CHAS L, Johnson Adolph, COHEN BEN, LOCKE & LAVENSON, Marston Geo W, FEIST BROS, Lion L, SPRINO T W. Bloclunan A ft C, Blood Jas A Jr, LIEBMAN L, MORAL N & BROS, Los Angeles *< Marysville Modesto Napa << Nevada City t< Oakland << Petaluma Sacramento it San Diego San Jose San Luis Obispo Santa Barbura Santa Rosa CARPET BEATING. Conklin Bros, Oakland HICKEY & BOWLINO, Kobinson A, " Hathaway A, Sacramento AVBERi' LOinS (steam), San Jose CARPET FACTORIES. BRUCE H, (manufr), Marysville Waltenbaugh J B, (manufr), Vallejo CARRIAGE TRIMMERS. Scherer Louis ROBERTSON CH, FISHER AMOS, Mashmeyer J A, Frank Theodore, CORDYJJ, Henschel J, Bobbins N W, Clans L P, Nebcl Chas, Covington E H, Schuiz R, DALBEYF, Kelyea S B, Hollister Martinez Marysville Merced Oakland Oroville Sacramento i< San Jose Santa Barbara Stockton << Wheatland Woodland CARRIAGES, CARRIAGE MAKERS AND CARRIAGE FACTORIES. (See Wagons^and Carriages.) CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ORIPP HENRY, Perkins F J, Ey Frank, Hulmsen Mrs E, LOBREEA, Calli P, Hotfman A S, Durner Chus, Alameda ' II Anaheim II Antioch Bakersfield •I Bcnicia CALDWELL ft FALKINQHAM, Bodio ELLIS W H, GILLESPIE MM, HYMAN I. James J & Co, " LOBDELLF, MOLINELLIPP. PHELEGAR ft SULLIVAN, SIEGEL ft CO, Weiler A 1, WALSH MF, Beatson Jas, CANFIELD £ E, Neubarth John G, PILLOTFA, Thiel A L, Mitchell Bros, BROOKS GEO G. JONES J H ft SON, MANN F F, SALLADY 0, HONEY MILTON. Castroville Cherokee Chico Cloverdale Colusa Copperopolis $ 9 (A (A m o (A a s c3 :k m r (0 e PI n 3 o o a o 3 9 I s\ 3 m 1 1 i m 1 1 H 1 ■ ID I I e o e e 5 £ e o e O X (0 s o z (0 d iK H. WACHHORST. Aaent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. OLD BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PvMtlvally tancht at PACIFIC Brill. ;oi4iiR«K. sao pwt Mt.. Nt. r. MRMH |H 30 m 39 O Els O 0) ■n ■ S o im P> a a B :i o « o a ^1 o 3. e (D Kile Ikee < |iico 111 lit !■< lale ^ lusa l<< tolls 3* e CIO California. OLAMIPIID. CIO 925 Eurek a FLAirr L J, Davis WEIHE EDWARD, Dixon Orear J W, Downieville Eckman T, East Oakland WARKEHANEDOAB, CHRISTENSON C, Domingo M, Hadley Wm, JOKES WABBEN, Loheide k Sanders, Reilincer Henry, STEWABT E J, ALFOBD W B, Dahlberg A R, MATEB SAMUEL, BEESE JW, SHANKim J T, THOMPSON & SATEB, Castro Y, Ferndale French Corral Fresno Gilroy II Glencoe Graniteville Grass Valley II II Gridley Half Moon Bay II Hanford HoUister Kisner M, BUBTJ, Bohanan M, Ellis (ieo, Kolirig Gustave, Walker F E, Heyman Jacob, Novitzky H, Tietien A P, FBICEJM. BOITANO & BBOS, Pitcher H S, SIMON K Couutney Wm, Fairchild E W, Graves G H, Harris S, Jackson CHBESEBBOUGH CHAS,Los Angeles Deinorest & O'Connor, Edelman Benj W, Greenbaum E, Hess J H, Johnson Mrs P F, KWONO, HINQ & CO, Lawrence A M, Leon Ralph, Levy Micheal, Merriam A, MEYBUBOBBOS, NOEL & FELT. STBAUSB. WTJLFF F M. LANOBEIN OSCAB, Block D, Douglas W J, Gill & Brown, Brass Joseph, Kettnauer Phil, KUHNLEOFOLD, HARCUSEM&CO. HcCABTTDAN. MEEK & DICSXY, MOSEB LOUIS, Madera Mammoth City Martinez II Marysville STBATTON C A ft CO. (whole- sale), Marysville WOODWABDJC. Browning W J, Merced HABBmOTON ft MoEBLAlTE. Jacob Joseph, " Oppenheim Benj, " Zirker M, " Clayos S R, Modesto OBOS GEO ft CO. MEDLEY F H, SUBBAUOH J T. WOLLNEB JACOB BOBDEN J B, Monterey SNIVELYJB. Weiaer A, MEBBILL D F« HAMMOND E, JACKSON MABTIN. Dulion E, Fibush Brot, Gray D T, Harding Frank, Keating Wm J, King A P, Maleton E, Montgomery Ed A, Palm C, Puniyea V D, Rosenberg L, Rosenberg N, Ruth J no, Schamian M, TICHENOB ft CONBADI, WEIDEB FBANK B, BOYNTON S S. FEBKINSLOGANftCO, BEYMAN M. SILVEBSTEIN IKE, Eraser. I K & Co, Haas D L, Newkorn S, Reed A K, Jack John, Nivens A, BASCHM. Horstmann A, Carthicke John, DICKINSON E, Underbill A, McCONYILLEA. Barnes Chas, BENNETT I, BUSH ED N, COLEMAN L, COOLOTA, Fuchs Peter, GATTMANNJMftCO, Ginsberg Saml, Heyum H, KEBTHJG, Kozminsky B, Leloy Louis, Moore's Flat Moore's Station Oakdale II Oakland II II II II II It II It i< II II Oroville II II O th Napa 11 II II Nevada City II Fetaluma II Placerville Redding Redwood City Rocklin Sacramento c o E CO (0 O • o o o z S o < Q. O 926 CIO California. CIO KANKmOFM, PETIT R H. NATHAN AARON, Kosonfvld Saml, SchiiuUer Mrs H, VVowIa Joaeph, Mautncr A, Schuchard C F, STRELLNAUER R, BLOW R T. Goodwin J \V, 8haw F P, BRADT ft SONS, Llewelyn D, LOIJISISIDOR, SCHNEIDER A, Wolfsheimer C, Arias Jesus, Broon Gold, SINKS B R, BUNEHANNF, Durienx J T, Fetherston (ieo, FREITAO C F, Hani Pedro, XOFPEL J C. _ LUTHER ft SCHROEDER, MORTON C, RINALDO BROS. WEIL EDWARD, Willard M, Cassncr Nathan, Kalisher J, CRONIN P, Schneider J J, Dibble H B, TURNER E, Levy .(, Maguire J A, Rossi Angelo, Thomas Geo W, STEWART JOSEPH. Colien Emanuel, Merrill Mrs .1 L, Osterhns J A, PETERS ft CURTIS, Curry J L, Kurlahnnder Jos, MUTHERS FRANK, PINAFORE CIOAR STORE, (Label & Bros), PAIOE C L, PREHN F, Butler P, Block Emanuel, CahiU S, CARO MORRIS, DevoU Wm, Gumpert K, OUNE AUCK, Haas H O, Horwinski M, Sacramento Salinas City San Bernardino San Buonaventuru San Diego t4 San Jose II II II II San Luis Obispo II San Mateo San Rafael Santa Ana II Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz II II II Santa Rosa Shasta II Smartsville Stockton II II II II II II * << Stockton II II II II II Kohlberff A, Marks M, OlTer ft Friedman, OULLAHAN D J, Smi^Ji Thos, Straus D, ALDEN E B ft CO, PALMER S 0, Greehn & Asher, James ft Longj Nathan M, THORP A W, HARRISON 6 W, Tautsbaum bamual,^ Hirschfeld S, ^ Kelly W S, Nowcomb C A, NicholsK.n W T, PLUMMER ft ROBINSON, ACOSTA FRANK, Biirr A, " Lcvinger Ike, " Lieves Philip, " SoliKmnn Louis, •' CRIBB E C, Walnut Creek BENJAMIN CHAS W, Watsonvillu Stewart J \V, Hanson D, Diiiley P J. Fisher ft Moriaon, lioniiford Tlios, CHAMBERLAIN P B, FOUCH BROS. Suisun •I Susanville II II Timbnctoo Truckco Turlock Vallejo •« II 11 Visidia Weaverville West Oakland II Maldtr>j Antonio, Salaziir A, Kahn ft Coblentz, Charmak Chas, P.isberg J, WilUnras II Wilmin}{ton Willows Woodland Yreka CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. (Sec also Cigars and Tobacco.) BaumI W L, Berkeley Ijevi ]j Los Angeles Zech Henry A, " Breen Jno, (Pioneer), Oakland Hcin Geo " OAKLAND WHITE LABOR CI- OAR FACTORY, Opitz B, Hutchinson B P, Bnptiste J ft Co, KERTH J 0, Lascano F, PETTIT R H, Girtin Wm, Brunst F, BUNEMANN F, HARTZOKE JOHN, Roehr Henry, Moore P L, Stroeter H W, Red Bluff Sacramento II II San Bernardino San Jose II 11 Santa Barbara Stockton ?; g a « \% (A o a •a g O a o o a 3 •o (D o ■o ■a 3P CO •1 Z o c M O 4'niMt, «W> PoMt At.. m.V, CIT California. -LAHilFIRD. CLE 027 r;iTY OFFICERS. city PALMJm N w, and collector, Bailey Alox, city jmlae, Melrose \\, town clerk, Payne I> K, city marshal, Seibert B F, town trustee, ABBUCKLE T B, city treasurer Alamecl Auahuin) marshal, Arbuckl Chico Crew A H, city treasurer, LUCAS A J, police judge, Rundell U Y, city marshal and as- sessor, " WnrreiiCO, city clerk and recorder, " Wescott Henry, town marshal, Colusn Dickson It B, police judge, Eureka Christy L M, city marshal, Gilroy Satter white Thos D, city olerk, " BETNOLDS WM, city marshal, Grass Valley Hilbon Gilley, marshal, Livermore Toberman .1 It, city mayor, lios Angeles King Henry, chief •£ police, Robinson W VV, city clerk of city council, Robinson W W, city auditor, Bilderrain K, city assessor, Krimer M, city tax collector, *' CAS^J) M B, city morshal, Marysville Gridley E S, city treasurer, Nnpii Casper K, city clerk, Nevada City Drey fuss L W, city treasurer, " luing \V S, c ity assessor , " Blevjn — , m ayor, Oakland FLETCHEBWF, capt of police " DODS JAMES, city cKrk and treas , " Mori?an (i L, city atty, " DELLON J M. city assessor, '* CUTTING JAS BjCity marshal, " By^iLABD JAS W, license col, " MORGAN T W, city ensineer, " LUTHE R H GARY, health offiV, " JENKINS T F, sanitary inspuc'r, " WELCH R C, police jud!,'P, Redwood City Grimmenstein H, city marshal, " Turner Jabez, mayor, Sacramento Henry W A, police judge, " Karcher M;\t, chief of police, " Chamberlain Wm, city treasurer, " Cog>4n8 Paschal.court commission 'r," Anderson W A, city atty, " McKee Ed H, auditor, " Spinks Alf, city clerk, " Putman Geo A, city collector, " Shepherd F A, city assessor, " Bassett L F, city surveyor, " LandesFL, snpt of schools, '' Kidder N A, harbor master, " Phillips F D, health officer, " Sullivan Con, chief engineer of fire Department, " Cunningham John A, engineer of water works, Huoramento Sheriden 8 N 8r, city marshal, San Buenaventura CHRISTIAN H T, city clerk and assessor, San Diego Hotchkiss A B, city atty, " Lockling \, L, city eugiiieer, " Stockton T C, city health officer, " Archer L, mayorj San Jose HASKELL DANIEL, chief of po- lice, " Ellis \V F, city assessor and clerk, " Lotz Josepha, city treasurer and collector, •* Pieper J H, city surveyor, " Finch J B, city supt schools, " Henderson W A, mayor, San Luis Obispo Forrester P A, police judge, ** MoCONAUGHEY WM.oity atty, ' ' Thornton O F, city assessor, " Small wo(kI A B, city tax collector, " Rdbbinn Geo \V, cit y marshal, " OIMBALL HENRY, chief engi- neer, " FITTS WM, marshal, Santa Clara CURTIS L, police judge, Santa Cruz Ikckner \V S, city marshal, Santa Rosa Mcllmoil John, street commissioner, " Ball H S, mayor, Salinas City Miller J L, city assessor, Sonora Hall J, city treasurer and trustee, " Coimclly .lames, city marshal, " Hyatt G C, mayor, Stockton Paulk C C, police judge, '• Fiangmaid O G, chief police, " Carter S L, city atty. •• Allen E H, city assessor, " Brownlie A J, city clerk, Vallejo Spangler Jno W, city marshal, Visalia CIVIL ENGINEERS. (See Surveyors.) CLERGYMEN. tn -< p ! i a » 3 I Alameda Dunn Rev T S, (M E), Newton Rev Geo, (M E), " Priddy Rev W B, (M E), Amador City Carrington John, (Congreg'l), Antioch Chilson — , (M E), Areata Todd S H, (M E), Auburn Peters Rev J H, (M E), BakersHeld Adams Rev Geo, (M E), Bi e IE « CO I c O ■ O o id O < Q. h O 928 CLE California. cLAimriio. CLE Sheriff Rov A R, (M E), Ceres Holbrook Rev A, (M E), Chico Conway Rev J M, (Catholic), Cloverdale Sheltou Rev J (i, (M E), " Whitney Rev S P, (Congregutional) " Stanley Rev O R, (M E), Colfax Martin Rev W H, (Christian), Colusa Barchard Rev J L, (M E), Cordelia Fisher Rev .Ino S, (M E), Covelo Sheldon Rev H B, (M E), Taylor Rev B F, (M E), Crescent City Woodward Rev T H, (M E), Dixon Appletou Rev Jno, (M E), Downiovillc Law Rev M, (M E), Downey City Moores Wm (M E), Settle M G (M E), Bander T J, Dunnigan King Rev E H, (M E), Dutch Flat Nales F W, Augwin Rev W, (M E), East Oakland Crawford Rev A K, (M E), Elk Grovo Kinkade G H, Elinira Hancock Rev L M, (M E), Eureka Lynch C N, (Catholic), " Kuykendall Rev J W, (M E), J:tna Dexter G M, (Congregational), Ferndalc Kennedy Rev, (Catholic), '' Palmer Rev T B, (M E), Jewell Rev J B, (Presby'n), Fiddleto' Wible Rev E A, (M E), Folsr Curry Rev W C, )M E), French C«mi Dooley Rov L, (Presbyterian), Fresno Hopkins Rev I L, (M E), " Kelley Rev D O, (thjiscopal), Corwin Rev W S, (M E), Georgetown Atkinson T A (M E), Gilroy Britton R J B, (Episcopal), " Bryant Rev J W, (M E), " Dryden D A, (M E), Hudson Rev Thos, (Catholic), Dolten Father, (Catholic), Grass Valley Gober Rev W R, (Methodist), Perkins Rev F B, (Congregational), " Powell Rev W C, (Episcopal), " Hubbard Rev J N, (Presny'), Grayson Jones Rev J H, (M E), Half Moon Bay Duncan Rev — , (Congrega'l), Hay wardw Mayne Rev W T, (M E), Tallman Rev H C, (M E), Healdsburg Reems Rev — , Hioksville Jones Rev S, (M E), Hollister Willis Rev F M, (M E), Independence Rhoades Rev B F, (M E), Indian Springs Sterrett Rev S L, (M E), lone City Buchannan Rev P G, (M E), Jackson Fox Rev B, Kelseyville Jones Rev C P, Mitchell Rev J A, Burris Rev B F, (Methodist). Lakeport Lillard Rev G H, Cheivers Rev Thos, (M E), Lemoore Featherston Rev E F, (M E South), " Scott Rev G W, (Baptist), Winning Rev E A, (M E), Linden Ross Rov O A, (Congrega'l), Little Luke Poroer Rev F E, (Catholic), Liverinore Pascoe Rev W H, (Congre'l)' Lockeford Smith Rev E, (M E), Haswell Rev C S, (M E), L,Kli Steward Rev WC, (Congregatioral), " Bollinger Rev G H, (ME), Los Angeles Mohoouey Rev M, (St Vibiani Cathe- dral), '" VEBDAOUER REV PETER, (Catholic), Miller Rov Martin, (M E), Marysville McCrackon Rov Geo H, (M E), Mnvtield Kirkland Rev — , (M E), Merced McLean Rev E (r, (Presbyterian), " Peck Rev H P, (First Presbyterian), " Price Rev Jas K P, (M E South), " VVilliamson Rev R W, (M E), Middlctnwn Rich Rfv C E, (M E), Modesto apa Clifford Rev (Jeo, (M E), N Damon Rev W C, Slattery Rev M I), (Catholic), Todd Rev E S, (M E), Maclay Rev W J, (M E), Wylie Rev R, (Presbvterian), " Mann Rev J L, (M E), Nevada City Meagher Father, (Catholic), " Powell Rev Mr, (Episcopal), " Simms Rev J J, (Congregational), " Beatty Rev G W, (M E), New Almmlen Larkin Rev Geo, (M E), Newcastle Trowbridge Edwanl, (M E), Oakdale Abbott Rov G S, (First Baptist), Oakland Afferbach Rev C H, (M E), Thompson Rev Jno, (M E), " Wythe Rev J H, (M E), Peck Rev N R, (M E), Ophir (ireen John B, (M E), Orange Hill Rev Patrick, (Catholic), Ortigalito Clinse Rev O S, (Methodist), Pasadena Noble Rev W F_P, (Presbyterian), " " " ' ~ Pescadero Fish Rev I B, (M E), Strong Rev J H, " Burton Rev Noah, (M E), Petaluma Dille Rev E R, (M E), Elliott Rev S C, (M E), Placerville (iraham Rev — , (Presbyterian), " Hazen Rev E A, (M E), Point Arena (Jafney Rev W, (M E), Point of Timber Clark Rev — , Potter Valley DunlapRevRR, Rhoades Rev S H, (M E), Red Bluff Woodward Rev M, (M E), " Bruner Rev J A, (M E), Richland Dinsmore Rev E F, (Congre'l), Rio Vista Cross Rev Wm H, (Congre'l), Riverside Nixon Rev Wm, (M E), Wilson Rev Wm, (Episcopal), " Ash Rev Geo 0, (M E), Rohnerville Fields Rev J L, (lTnit«d Brethren), 3 t 9 Pi a (0 ■n 3 a o o a a o a t O » (A a n n (A ■0 o J » 3 a O 1 (D lO o 3 H. WACHHORST calls attention *•]'•»" ««""•"• »'•'- lluK miverware. 315 J St. PACIFIC BUSINESS coLLEGL Zr^;^^tz\[:7s:vss'fS^'::v. 3 3. St a o e a ^t ' •^ y ^ e (D un W 1 o » le i— l« « 16 •• nd '^ ^ ■n , -1 (0 hir ft iito 5 o VIVA X " io 13) Suiaun 'ruckee i g Vallejo I* hington I ,8onville I ^ werville Oakland I rj Voodsiile s. a 09 IILLS. 1 Angeles Oiiklanil Lcrameiito Alauv H ArbucKle Areata Bakcrsiielil jOapistrano Colvisa Iwney City Jutvjh tlat Elmira -irangevillo Irasa Valley I HolU8t«r llulian City L,o8 An; PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 5rVh?na»?W^f«nT. COL Ccdifomia. CLAWinBD. CON 931 Los Angeles Marysville Napa Oakland Lockwood ii N, PHILIP P, BgvnE, HSks ft CO. Adams H L & Co, Coe John T, Hard R B, HcDANIELDJ, MOBS E H N, (Co llection agent), READ WINFIELD S &' CK), Parke -J V, Oroville Bristol A O Pasadena LANDRUM H L, (collecting agt), Peach Tree Hewitt Andrew, Pleaaanton COMSTOCK G A, Hed Bluff WEL^ R C. Redwood City Dougherty W J, Routier Lang Ceo F, Sacramento Swift Elijah, SMITH WAG. GOOK HENRY. Pauly A (city tax collector), RUSSELL JAS. GOTTRELL GHAS T, HOBSON JAGOB, SWARTHOUT EH, STEPHENS WM L, San Luis Obispo St Helena Sun Diego San Joae Turner Jasper N, Isabell J F, Rogers Geo I., Swett Frank H, Wiley Alex, Mor. issey — , MOWBRAY J L. PERRY GEO. Webater Samuel B, AOLER JAS. Levy J..'.. us, JESSEN CONRAD. Downing Major P H customs), STEWARD J P, San Marcos .Santa Ana Santa Monica Santa Rosa Sebastopol Stockton Tracy Visalia Watson ville (collector of Wilmington Winters Stewart N E, Napa Lewis M A, Oakdale Moulton A W, . r Babbit Manuel Gelpin, ^ Oakland Bankhead & Co, BARNARD W E, Beach J 6, Rouse Warren A & Co, WHARTON. BOYD & CO. THOMSON WM. Piano ARENDT H. Plcasanton Cordon Wm, Porters ville Wright IS, Ripon LEV Y Ri Sacramento Newmark J S, NOTTINGHAM J. SHERBURN& SMITH. STROBEL CARL Wyllie O C, San Andreas HITCHGOCK GEO N. San Diego Keating M, WENTSCHER A. BLYTHE & MADDOX, San Jose Fanning Wesley, '* RAGGI;> G, Driver Thos, Baggs W M & Son, BAOEY JH. Bostwick I S, Crawford T A, MELONS G W. Sperry & Co, Stewart & Smith, williams c e & go. j/aGfjon henry, F ardee Geo, PORTER J T & CO. Murdock W C A. Co, Banning Phineas, Jacoby Herman, San Leandro Stockton COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Miller I) E, Anaheim Hoadley J F., Cloverdale Murphy M A, Colton BELL FRED W, Eureka KINGSTON HENRY, (produce), " Leveutht.l A, *' BAIE THOS. Hoopa Valley Tuipin W M k Co, Lompoc BRADSHAW T & CO. Los Angeles Germain E& Co, " MAXWELL WALTON S. Northcraft W H, 4 Co, , " PHIIJPP. ROWAN T A , HARDEN ^OS, Maxwell BuysserL, Milton Watsonville Willows Wilmington CONFECTIONERS, (See also Candy Factories.) Durncr Chas, Manning; Mrs Mary, SWANN MRS F, Knowls M, Mitchell Bros, BROOKS GEO G. JONES BROS, MANN F T, SALLADY 0, Punly H H, JONES WARREN, DahllKirg A H, MAYER SAMUEL, REESE J W. SHANKLINJT. Castro Y — , Freeman Bros, Pitcher H S, PLUMMEREJ. O A* Benicia << Bodie Cherokee Cloverdale Colusa Downieville Eureka ""rench Corral Fresno Gilroy Grass Valley Half Moon B r- m (ft a er o o a o a Hi o e a <» s 2^ ■ e , al a H. WACHHORST, Agent for Am. Watches, 815 J Street, Sac. PACIF4C^USINESS COLLEGE, ''«• m — o iuct ' ** lum I ^ inta iton eley ie\)er alley 1 it\ Jodie I 30 nbria I ^ trano nteria I • .ayton 1 «| linton I C Colfax loloma lviml>ia Colusa o a berville Dixon ey City 1® o )rYtown O ch Flat 1 o lagleville g Oakland — I Dorado 1 fl ik Orovo O Felton 3i iFetndale § Folsom S ?ort Ro88 O lichCamp Fresno (Salt lorgotown (iilroy I ^ Irangeville m \b8 Valley '* Grayson J " "fl I Oridley tiz*ly Flat 4 Hanford | p Horiiitos Igo lone City , Hill 3. 3 Iowa ^ J Jackson a I Jamesville g Jolon S»0 P4M* Street. Kdvratra thoroarhly ftor B«nln«>M«. CON California. CLA88IFIBD. CON i 933 ID CO Dean Geo, , Koelkis G H, Welsh Jno B, McAlister S, LovelHce M H, NOONAN DENinS, HiuKer Geo, Curley J E, Hare M D, Lockwood G N, Lewis Jno, PattieJohn, Staker Danl, Wade J B, Dou Joseph, Brow E, Leeson Joseph, Ross W G, Greening David, Scott VVm, Northnp E, Birdo liovi, TilleyG H, Gray J T, Isliell J F, Brown — , PARKS J V, HEMMING BB, West Henry E, Bristol AG, Ciunins M, Bailey Jas G, Tucker Danl S, Donovan Danl, Ross A H, Hewitt Andrew, Ekel J J, SijrU'r W L, Boweu A S, Handy It D, Eckels S A J, Waldeu James M, Dougherty W J, Ciioper VVm J, Medley .J C, SWIi'T FBANK, Lu.diip AG, DriscoU D, COOKHENBT, RUSSEL JAMES, Carpenter Jno T, RiualdiCR, Hall J K, HOBSON JACOB, tjross Chas, Roach James H, Jewett Henry, STEPHENS WML, Huey Wm R, Wilcox John, Isaliell J F, Ritchey Wm, Phillips A W, Julian City Kelsey Kingsburg itnight's Ferry Lemoore Livermore Lockeford Los Angeles Maine Prairie Mammoth City Markleeville i( Mariposa Marysville Merced Modesto Moro Nevada City North San Jauu Oakdale Oakland Oleta Orange Orland Oroville Pacheco Pajaro Pasadena Pescadero Placerville Sumner Suisun itt Godfrey, HiJdreth J, Hubbell'Geo, Lloyd Wm, MASSHALL&SON, Lee G R, Paine A S, ^ Sandy John, Wilber John, Frvuch Creek Fresno Lower Lake Madison O (/> -< o Georgetown Geyserville << Grangeville Green Valley Greenwood Gridley (( Grizzly Flat Guadaloupe Han ford Happy Camp <« HoUister i< Hoopa Valley Imsdale Independence Iowa Hill Jacinto Jackson i< Junction Knight's Ferry Lakeport Lemoore Little Lake Little River Lockeford Lodi Loa Angeles O 30 1 00 e o CP (/> o 3 5' C9 o (A O P 5? a ■1 Z o B (A ff 0) P r p CD o »' ? TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Blumauer & Co., Fc?41and. Ore- PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, thOTMiKhly f¥p Bastaraa. CON California. CLA88IFI8D. CON d35. ca Buloer Bros, GrayCN, ' Monroe S, SWADT & HUDSON, Swift J P, Laulor T H, Smith C £, Breen N, Oliver W 0, Bleaks John, Hurd E D, Snedscau S T, Glascock T J, Connelly & Sons, Simon — , Adams M, OLIVER GEO, FRINZH, Dallas Jas, Little J D, * ' ; NifFNS, Wolever D, Wright J A, COELETT W F & SONS, Martinez Marysville Mayfield t< Merced << Michigan Blufi Milford Millville bir. Orland Oroville Ortigalito Piisaden* Lineger M D, Martin J F, SIBLETFW, Schmitt George, Banbury Jabez, Blatenberg J, Leg;ge Chas, Millanl E, Ridgway H, Squires' J B, Ackermann & Hunter,. Kingery S S, Dunn Nelson, Post B F. Russell George H, Flamcv Barrows O, Pleasant Grove- Kline Geo, Plymouth. NEEDH AM & ^^fltBSON, Bailor L J, Engleman L D, <« II It Paskenta. Petahima. u. Placeiville; Potter ValTey Point. Arena Newcastle Nicasjo Nicolaus North San Juan II Oakdale II Oakland Copeland Fred, National City Delavan L, Nelson BLOSS A A. Nevada City Dickerman J C, Smith Jos, Huff A, Wentworth J E, Anderson Peter, Halliker John, Jones T G H, Cain Charles E, Weston Geo B, Hanson N T, Mann M V, Allen William Beyer A, Burner & Loung, *' CALIFORNIA BTJILDINa CO, (Alfred Burrell pres), " CAVANAGH EDWAED, (sewer), " Child Ed, Clark W P, Deuschle John J, *' DowlingRJ, '• Flaherty Timothy, Higas Henry, " JORDAN BROS, RADEWACHER A F, (aewer), " Sears Edwin B & Co, " TANEY JOSIAHD, Underwood T A, (sewer), Veitch &, Knowles, Waite Cornelius, Watts S, Welch Walter, McCrellis J W, Occidental Meeker S A, Sutton W, Anderson N O, Quincy Red Blutf Redding Rieeville Richland Ripon « Sacramento II II II Chalfant A, Stevens S S, Robinson Duncan,. McLEAN ALEX, An derso n E G, ASHFIELD J, Williams &, Dickenson, Lown M, Latouratte P H, Funk Jno, Kinney David, Swett Jno, Abrams 4 Tuney, Carle & Croly, Coss R, Hook Wm, Hook & Falconer, McOTJIRE JAMES„ (house smith- ing), Murray B F, Neidhardt W, Pike & Seaman, Schindler C, Smith & Vannatta, Vaughan Geo W, WILSON WM M, Edwards Adam, CANTLIN MARTIN,. Curtis — , Leavitt J B, Steel SG. DREW CORNELIUS^ DREW H C. Hamilton A B, HAMILTON W C, Haynes N, McKeeJ D, Simpson J H, SORBRT, Stocklin Jno B, HODQDON J R, Royer Joseph, Olemaj Motz Henry, It <«. It <> . n it It. It <(. Salinas City San Andre«a. San Diegp w. «<- tt San Joae- •«. «i. ii I*. i: San Luis Obwy» PURE PORT WINE, IDr HeiUcliai Pimoses, 302 Davis St., S. F^ ll i i i 1 fl ■ir !■. ,*; I'll i 1^ > > < O K%^ 1 •»" p-f 9C U f "' * ;l , H 1 ■' i' ■' • M h: ^4 < . ■ i ■ X i' ■•■ ' \ < < O O o . ft. mUllI AUUC a UU.t us 114 11«. and IIMnattery Ht.,M.F. 936 CON California. OLABairiSD. COU Santa Clara i( Santa Cruz Santa Rosa Saratoga Saticoy Saucelito Sierra City Smartsville li Sonoma 3 a- o M e ■o ■o S' n (0 0) o O a a (D Ui (fi ■0 O :i 5" a a 3 la o a H. WACHHORST calls attention »< ■ O ^ 1 S£ aheim 9 ■ « ioUiias 5 ;joloma i I $ ^ Feltou " " ■ o Vngeles E 1 o rillville : " : ■ « Napa ^ ■ taluiua S H ■ X s. Fl C9 O ?l X • Oakland | 3^ ■ (0 tt V ■ • • « a ■ o and (4 «l •9 (1 1 ^B ■ t( 2 I < 3l. " St, " '1 i Alameda ■ Webster A B, aaseasor 3d dist, Brooklyn Hull A B, auesaor 4th dist, Ilay wards Osgood L E, assessor 5th dist, Ceiitreville McLeod A J,a8ses8or 6th dist,Liverinore Gilson J C, supt of schools, Oakland Castro L, county surveyor, Hamilton W T, county coroner, Marston S J, public administrator, ALPINE COUNTY. Amot N D Jr, superior judge, Markleeville Scott J B, sheriff and tax collector, Harvey W W,county clerk, recorder and auditor, Griffith S W, dist atty, Cronkite Jno, treasurer. Wade Jas H, assessor, Parker P W, supt of schools, ' Hawkins D &, surveyor, ' Bolton C F, county coroner and pub- lic admiuiatrator, ' AMASOB COUNTT. Moore Geo, superior judge, Jackson Vogan Jno, sheriff, " Fontenrose L J, clerk and recorder, " Meehun Jas, treasurer, " Caminetti A, dist atty, " Petty A, assessor. Volcano Miller L, supt of schools, Brown J A, surveyor, Sutter Creek Schacht B H, coroner and public administrator. Volcano BUTTE COUNTY. Hmulley P O, superior judge, Oroville SPRAUUE F A, sheriff, GREEN JAMEStCouuty clerk, " OSGOOD OABBNEB, county re- corder, " GALE JOHN, dist atty, Del.iiicy Kichd, county treixsurer, " McCLELLAN SAMUEL, asacsbor. " Le Laucie K, tax collector, " Wood Jesse, county supt schools, " Knowlton A L, county surveyor, Chico Washburn W A, coroner audx>ublic administrator, Orovillo CALAVEBAS COUNTY. Gottschalk C V, superior judge, San Andreas THORN BEN J K. county sheriff, Uedmoud K M, county clerk, audit- or and recorder, " Lewis W T, dist attorney, ** Treat J F, county treasurer, " Love A, county assessor, " Peachey Thos G, supt of schools. Angel's Camp Kelley W A, county coroner and public administrator, San Andreas COLUSA COUNTY. Colusa 4t <( << HATCH F L, superior judge, Steele Jno M, sheriff, De JABNATT J B, county clerk, auditor and recorder, " HABT T J, dist atty, i' Barnett Robt, county treasurer, " Houchins Saml, county supt schools," CONTBA COSTA COUNTY. Brown Thos \, superior judge, Martinez MAHAN D P, sheriJ, Wittenniyre L C, county clerk. Miller C Ed, recorder, Darby J VV, county auditor, CHASE E B, dist atty, Hathaway R B, county treasurer, " Stow J M, county assessor, " Shuey Wm, tax collector, " McMahon T A, county surveyor, " Bailey A A, county supt of schools, and coroner, ** Guy Jno W, pub administrator, " DEL NOBTE COUNTY. Murphy J E, superior judge, Crescent City Hughes Chas L, sheriff and tax col, '* Peveler P H, county clerk, recorder and auditor, " Mason Ed^ar, dist atty, " Saville Wm, county treasurer, " Woodhurii VV H, county assessor, " Miller Jno, county supt of schools, " Cleveland A H, county surveyor, *' Fruiitz J F, county coroner and public admtuistator, " EL DOBADO COUNTY. Williams Goo E, superior judge, Placerville BUBNHAM GEO, sheriff, Witmer E VV, county clerk, record- er and auditor, " Iiigham Geo H, dist atty, " BUBNHAK OEO.county treasurer, " (ialt Thoa A, assessor and collector, '* Mark ham C E, supt of schools, " Kimble Geo N, county surveyor, " Merrill C E, coroner. " Merrill C E, public administrator, '* FBESNO COUNTY. Fresno Holmes S A, superior judge, HALL EZEKIEL, sheriff, CLABK A H, county clerk and recorder, " Bramlet R H, auditor, " ThomA J, co unty treasurer, " McXENZIE W H, assessor, Bramlet R H,supt public instruction," Davis C D, county surveyor, " ui 3 3. it u II II n I 'I ■I "•| (• I l! I ! i '^U ■■■i . ^ If. §mi )JSi H. PALMER « CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. "i'f ;^ t .;} ■nil i 11* i •t », II fit 1^ «l] IL ■ CO c p of f Sc > o E A CO 1 c CO O O o < 0. I- O W. W. MO!^TACUE A CO., ?.T'7tVll,V^'irgk'a?y1iSiA*Vg' 938 cou CoZi/orwx. CLAMinSD. COU HUMBOLDT 00T7HTT. HATNES JOHN F, Ruperior judge, Enreka BROWN THOS,«heriff. Thomson Juo 8, clerk, recorder and auditor, " WILSON E W, diatatty, Kiuaey LT, treasurer, " Shaw <>eo H, assessor, " Casterlin J B, supt of schools, " Spring O H, public administrator and coroner, " INYO COUNTY. Hanna John A, superior judge, Independence CROUOH JOHN, county clerk, au- ditor and recorder, '* Lnird John W 1*, district attorney, " HARDY GEO H, treasurer. Smith Jas W, sheritTand collector, " May Thos, assessor, " Symes J W, county supt, " Seeley Jos, county surveyor, " Thompson V G, coroner and ad- ministrator, " KERN COUNTY. Brundage B, superior judge, Bakersfield Bower W K, sheriff, LIOHTNER A T, county clerk and recorder, " Wilkes W P, county auditor, " SMITH GEO VIABLE, district attorney, ' ' Beruani A P, county treasurer, " Harding T E, county assessor, " Bower W K, tax collector, " WALLACE F S, supt public in- struction, " Burnap S A, county coroner, " Burnap S A, pub administrator, " LAKE COUNTY. Hudson Rodney J, superior judge, , Lakeport Burtnett Peter, sheriff and tax col- lector, " Oliver H A, county clerk and re- corder and auditor, " Crump R W, dist atty, Williams David, county treasurer, " Phelan Nicholas, assessor, " Kelley J A, county surveyor, " Male James, coroner and public ad- ministrator, " LASSEN COUNTY. Hendrick J W, superior judge, Susanville Skandan H N, sheriff and tax col- lector, " II II Hall, W P, clerk, recorder and au- ditor, Susanville BranhaKi James, dist atty, " Hyer D C, treasurer, " Harris Edward, assessor, " Schooler W R, supt of schools, " Norboe P M, county surveyor, •' Johnson Robt, county coroner and public administrator, " LOS ANQELES COUNTY. Howard Volney E, superior judge, Los Angeles ROWLAND WM R, sheriff, FOTTS A W, county clerk, " Lamb C C, county recorder, " YORBA B A, county auditor, BROWN THOSE, dist atty. Potts J W, public administrator, " Liidley Milton, county treasurer, " Venable J W, county assessor, " Cullen W B, county tax collector, " Hinton J W, county supt of public instruction, '' WRIGHT £ T, county surveyor " Nadeuu H, county coroner, " MARIN COUNTY. Bowers T J, superior judge, San Rafael Townsend James, sheriff and tax collector, " Davis Geo W, 'lerk, recorder and auditor, Towle G M, dist atty, Dampier Wm, treasurer, " Rotche R A, asiwssor, " Augustine S M, supt public instruc- tion, Dodsfe Geo M, county surveyor, " ESIN E, coroner and public ad- ministrator, " MARIPOSA COUNTY. Corcoran J M, superior judge, Mariposa Clarke John F, sheriff and tax col lector, STREETER JARYIS, county clerk, recorder and auditor, " Goucher G G, dist atty. Counts Geo, treasurer, " Newman M. county assessor, " P2genhoff W D, county supt schools, " Thomas R B, county surveyor, " Kavanough W S, coroner, " MENDOCINO COUNTY. Mc(Tarvey R, superior judge, Ukiah Donohoe J H, sheriff and tax col- lector, " .Bransford W L, county clerk and auditor, " 2? CO o o o o c o o a 2 'O CD ;;; *• o •o 5? "I z O e M A « » r P) ?p o Hi 4 t J V Mi 0.1 A TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer ACo., 'SiTSfv^lT r a . Sp (B Jo k B( ? Hj 1 Ca >i Sh ** In, D Tri ' a <■ !5 ■« la «\es U 00 o o [Rafael P> o 3 o » 3 a n 'O A o 1T3 inposa lol 1 " It Ukiah col- land 5? A 1 X o e M (0 (A r X o O PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, •'»ttrp.l!rS^;.?;.f,;.,Sr'' cou California. ' cou 039 CbA§SIFIBU. Ukiah Morr>>w J J, county recorder, Yell A. dist atty, Fowzor Jaa, county treasurer, Day L T, county aasesaor, " Thomna J R, county auptschoola, " Hurriaon Thoa, county surveyor, " Maaon G T, county coroner and public aduiiniatrutor, " MERCED COUNTT. Marka Chas H, auperior judge, Merced Meany A J, Hluriff and tax collector, " SimouBonJuhn U, county clerk, " Quigley VV J, county treiiaurer, " Hamilton E J, county auditor and recorder, " FARRAB FRANK H, dist atty, " Aiken VV B, county assessor, " Dixon E T, supt pub instruction, '• Bost John W, county surveyor, " Kucker H N, county coroner and public administrator, " HAPA COUNTT. Napa MODOC COUNTT- Alturaa t< n Harris G F, superior judge, VVeller O D, slieriff, WELCH GEORGE W, clerk and recorder, Ewin(( F W, dist atty, Riiie N B, county treasurer, Howiird Jaa W, county nsttessor, (lru1il)8 E P, county supt of schools, StiUiIey J, public administrator and coroner, MONO COUNTT. Briggs R M, superior judge, Bridgeport iSIk > wers J ua. sheri ff, ]K fTTJ.Ti1l BEN H. county clerk, ruconler and auditor, Piirker Wm O, dist atty, Tiukum Z B, treasurer, Welch J J, aasesaor, Sulhvau Mrs C \V, supt school, Thompson J (J, county surveyor. Deal Dr D L, public administrator and coronor, MONTERET COUNTT. ALEXANDER J K, superior judge, Salinas City FRANKS CHRIS, sheriff. Dexter M L, county clerk, Speegle M M, county recorder, Joy J <}, county auditor, DORNNA. distatty, Hartnt'll U, county treasurer and tax collector, Carpenter W L, county assessor. Shearer S M, comty supt schools, Ingals F S, county surveyor, Trimmer Dr O H, county coroner and public administritor, Wallace Wm C, auperior judge, Bennett James, sheriff, " Neilson L N, county clerk, recorder and auditor, " Coombs F L, diet atty, " Henry Joanph, treasurer and tax col- lector, " Kean John, assessor, " Walker C M, supt of schools, '* De Woody T J, county surveyors, " Coleman F W, county coroner and public administrator, " NEVADA COUNTT. Caldwell John, superior judge, Nevada City Tompkins E 0, sheriff, " Carr J E, county clerk and auditor, " Rapp John A, county recorder, " (JaylordE H, distatty, *• Schmittburg (t Von, cjunty treas- urer and collector, '■ Collins D, county asscBsor, ** Wickea John T, supt schools, " Hart well A G, county surveyor, " Huss Frank, county coroner, " iShr < Alex Jr, public administrator, " PLACER COUNTT. Myres B F, sui)erior judge. Auburn B(>^gs J C, sheriff and tax collector, Nichols T J, county clerk, Adams FD, auditor and recorder, LARDNER W B. dist atty, Bisbae J (S, county treasurer, Mitchell J no H, aasesaor dist No 1, Muuson W L, ita^iessor dist No 2, McKinley J, assessor diat No 3, Van Eiion James A, dist assesssor, Bath SEAVT F, county supt schools Auburn PLUMAS COUNTT. Clough G (t, superior judge, Quincy Halstead P L, slieriff' aud tax collec- tor, " WH'TING F B, county clerk and auditor, " Ketchum J A, ♦• Variel R H F, dist atty, " Haggard Thos L, •• Black Thos, iissesaor, " Hiill F (t, county supt schools, •* Heudel C W, county surveyor, *' Fiak H W, coroner and public administrator, ■' SACRAMENTO COUNTT. Denson S C, superior judge, Sacramento CLARK ROBT C, superior judge •» Heilbron A, sheriff and tax collector," ao m o ao m II t I » Isl 1 ., ' ■«.Ofe> amlt H. PALMER & CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. I .i^i W. W. MONTAGUE A CCrtTJ^-^f .(ittem*. lift, m t«, MO dlflifMi liMi. Mjrta MM 4, iifl Mid ti« B*tt«i7 m., ■. r. i m I ■ i CQ i S IL 1 c IB o o o o z s o Q. t o 940 cou Coii/omia. CLAHinnD. COU , « (> << Berkey T H, oonnty olerk, Sacramento Oerber Wm E, couuty auditor and recorder, Buckley Henry L, diat atty, Callahan D E, county treasurer, " Houston Joseph W, county aaBessor," Bishop Chas K, county supt scliool, " PIEKSON JIM C, county Burveyor, Vermyla Abrain J, county coronor, Bronue (ieo F, pub administrator SAN BENITO COUNTY. Broen Jas F, superior judge San Juan Brown Wm T, sheriff and tax col lector, Hollister Harris H B, county clerk, recorder and auditor " May JJ, distatty, Baldwin T L, county treosurer, Dowdy H, county assessor, Thompson J S, county supt schools, " Tullaran M, county surveyor, " Howard Dr li R, couuty coroner and public administrator. " SAN BERNABDINO COUNTY. Rolfe H C, superior judge, San Bernardino King Jno C, sheriff and collector, McKenney A F, county clerk, recor- der and auditor, Rowell C W, dist atty. Yager Hardin, county treasurer, Johnson F M, county assessor, Rousseau J A, county supt public instruction. Parsons T M, county surveyor. Rice H W, county coroner and pub administrator, SAN DIEQO COUNTY. McNealy W T, superior judge, San Diego Coyne Joseph, sheriff and collector STATLER S, county clerk, Remm liilliert, county recorder and auditor, " SMITH WILL M, «li8t atty, Jorrt'S Wm, county treasurer, ** Ham ilton M D, county assessor, " HITCHCpCK GEO W, "upt public instruction, " Locklin L L, county surveyor, " Stockton T C, public administrator • and coroner, " SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. McMurtry Louis, superior judge, San Luis Obispo OAKES W J, sheriff and collector. King Nathan, county clerk, recor der, GRAVES ERNEST, dist atty. DANA E G, oouaty treaauror, San Luia Obispo Hardie A M, county aaaeuor, " Beckett John F, county aupt public instruction, " Carpenter Ezra, county aurveyor, " Hartnacke F, county coroner and pub administrator, " PAi^HURST RUSSELL, county physician, " SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. Bucklny W S, superior judge, Stockton Pttter son A V R, superior judge, " CUNNINGHAM THOS, sheriff, •• Weaver H W, county clerk, '• (Jrunsky Chaa, county recorder and auditor, CAMPBELL J C. dist atty, WEST FRED M. county treasurer and tax collector, " Ralph C R, county assessor, " Keniston C M, county supt schools,"" Compton H T Jr, county surveyor, " Ring C B, coroner, " Ruibensteiu R R, pub administrator," SA^ MATEO COUNTY. Head E F, superior judge, Redwood City (Jreen Geo \V, sheriti and colleclo.-, " Walker Henry, clerk and recorder, " Eikerenkotter E, auditor, " Barry Edward, dist atty, Wilcox W J, treasurer, Hartsough C' W, assessor, Hartley (r P, «upt schools " Cloud J .r, county surveyor, " Loveland E W, county coroner and administrator, " SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. HEACOCK E H, superior judge, Santa Barbara Sherman Chos E, sheriff and tax col- lector, " Williams A B, county clerk, record- er and auditor, " KINCAID J H, dist atty, Yudart N, county treasurer, " Ciarretson J M, assessor, " Thurman H E, county supt public instruction, " Barker J L, surveyor, " Finger H J, county coroner and public administrator, " SANTA CLARA COUNTY. Belden David, San Jose Spencer Francis E, " WILLIAMS FE, sheriff, SONTHEIMER J J, county clerk, " STEPHENS H W, county record- er and auditor, " S H ao m g 3 ao m o 09 m s m n 09 (• PI PI i 9 n o a o 3 a H. WACHHORST. importer of j.^^!^r'^!L7.;d. 315JSt.,Saa BUSINESS PENMANSHIP "^aS'f^-L-i&^ff^SSt'StfSrJ: PO % e ■^ o ao 1 09 2 •H o CO & m 5 #> IM • M 3 aa in iC (D o M •r. 10 (0 2 V cou CcUifomia. OLAMiriRD. COU 941 ■ ^H « 1 City <• II 5 1 ^ ■ m • ■ (A r* ■ O 0$ ■ ■§ II « <( X I o 4t ad H £ ^ ■ O) TY. e 1 (d urban) . 3 1 « iOl- ^ H o It H £ ■ #< rd- A 1 e ■ z It a ■ o K ? I H ii blic It (1 t X O aiul 3 1 X f u m tf) ** ■ rY. $1 • ISanJ 086 ■ ' ' 1 •9 H 1 county asseuor, Chiijman L F, county supt schools, Kiohanls — , county surveyor, Harris J T, coroner and public ad- ministrator, SANTA CBT7Z COUNTY. Logan J H, superior judge, Santa Cruz Daken Elmer, slieritf, Makiniiey U E, county clerk, record- er and auditor, STOEEY W D, dist atty, Stciiimetz Ch.irlcH, county treasurer and tiix collector, .]'■. Aston Frank, assesssor, Hobbs \V H, supt schools, Wright T VV, county surveyor, " Kobcrtiion 8 L, county coroner and public admiuintrator, " SHASTA COUNTY. Bell Aaron, superior judge, Shasta Hull S, sheriff and tax collector, " Tiffin F C, county clerk, auditor and recorder, " Taylor Clay W, dist atty, " Ripley R, county treasurer, " Kidder VV S, county assessor, " Coleman Mrs D M, supt schools, " Stockton J E, county surveyor, '* Bystte D P, county coroner and public administrutor, " SIERRA COUNTY. Howe A .1, superior judge, Downieville Fish W B, sheriff, 8TRAN0E H, clerk, recorder and auditor, Howard F D, dist atty^ Scott John, county treasurer, Luther W T, county assessor, Jones Isaac G, county surveyor, Mixsun J S, supt schools, McKinsey A .1, public administrator and coroner, bISKIYOU COUNTY. Steele Elijah, superior judge, Yreka Lash D N, sheriff and tax collector, Rice Joseph, county clerk, recorder and auditor, Gillia H B, dist atty. Burrows A H, county treasurer, De VVitt Elisha, county assessor, Morst; H A, county supt schools, Varnum L H, county surveyor, Cooley Wm, county coroner and public administrator. •I county recorder and auditor. Ware Allison B, dist atty, Aiken Muthew, county treasurer. Sparks (r W, county assessor. Smith J, supt public schools. Cox A L, county surveyor, Tighe Kelly, county coroner and public administrator, " STANISLAUS COUNTY. Hewell A, superior judge, Modesto Fulkerth A S, sheriff and tax col- lector, *' McCarthy john w, county clerk, " MoCOY JOHN* county recorder and auditor. Minor W O, dist atty, Hall M H, county treasurer. Tucker J F, county assessor, Robinson W H J, supt schools, pub- lic administrator and coroner, " Robinson R B, county surveyor, " SUTTER COUNTY. Keyser Phil W, superior judge, Yuba City Harkey W P, sheriff and tax collec- tor, LEE H W, clerk, auditor and rec order, Barney M C, dist atty, Van Arsdale A B, Peck W F, county assessor, Graves O E, supt schools, McMillan J G, county surveyor, " Alberti G W, public administrator and coroner, ' " TEHAMA COUNTY. Lewis E J, superior judge, Red Bluff FOSTER C F, sheriff and tax col- lector, *' II II II II II II II II T 3 3 ' I, t 1 1 '1 ' II ^;|;| , H ■•H' ■ :" '■ ', r im''JH^ Kk ". i " tMSac. PURE PORT WINE. Sir IMlfiliil mm, 302 Davis St, S. F. C i f p i a f S IL ? c c O ■ o o o z z < flL E O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO.,''*:!£'rtfo.^CTriiySnTri!L>t^a^ 942 cou California. CRO Greene Chwi H, oouaty olerk, record er and auditor, Red Blufl MATTOCK J T. diit atty, Soott P C, treasurer, Ely Jaokaon, asaesaor, Yea^er Myron, Mtipt achoola, Lilliard L, surveyor, Hickman Elijah, coroner and ad ministrator, TBINITT COUNTY. Jones T £, supnrior judge, Weavervillo Smiley J \V, sheriff and tax collec- tor Esfces Jno M, eouuty clerk, recorder and auditor, Philbrook Jno W, dist atty, Oritfiu M F, county trousurer, Marshidl A H, county aasuasor, Noonan Geo K, i-ounty school aupt, Lowden VV S, county aurveyor, Taylor Daniel, county coroner and public adminiatrator, TULARE COUNTY. Cross Wra W, superior judge, Visalin WELLS M J, ahoritf and tax col- lector, KNOX JNO G, county clerk, O'Bauuon (J S, county recorder, Jordon Jno P, county auditor, EDWARDS E J, district atty. Keener Henry A, county treasurer, Jetferds F G, county assBasor. ELLIS W J| county supt public instruction, Lovelace L M, county coroner and public adminiatrator, Leinoorc Smith Setb, county asaoaaor, Viaalia TUOLUMNE COUNTY. ROONEY J F» superior judge, Soiiora YANCEY F M, sheriff and tax collector, POTTER I J, clerk, recorder and auditor, Witt Thos J, district iittonicy, McLeon Donald, county treu.surer, Monahan John, county usacssor, Muriian Jno T, county aupt Hchool.i, Beanvuis A B, county surveyor. Van Harlirigcn John, public auinni istrator and coroner, VENTURA COUNTY. Hines J D, superior juiige, •San Buenaventura Detroy Joseph, sheriff and tax col- lector, ' " EASTON L F, ^l^rk, auditor and recorder, " Brooks J M, district attorney, " Ayers Alliert, county treasurer, " Conoway J A, MMMor, San Buenaventura De Mure D D, county supt of public instruction, " Hill U W, county ooronor and pub- lic adminiatrator, " YOLO COUNTY. Bush E R, superior judge. Woodland Rahm F M, sheriff, SMITH J K, county clerk and au- ditor, " Holcom W D, county recorder, " Garoutte C H, diatrict attorney, " Kean A C, county treasurer, " Schleiman F, county aaaeaaor, " OOIN J W, county aupt of achools, " Everett L I', county surveyor, " KRELLENBERO PETER, cor- oner, " Tucker A W, public administrator, " YUBA COUNTY. Koysor Phil VV, superior judj;^, Miiryaville MoCOY H L, »i»oriff, Sherwood T J, county clerk, " Gunning S O, recorder and auditor, " Howser B VV, diMtrict attorney, " .Slattery PC, county treasurer, " Wilder Louis, asscaaor, " Mc(Joy H L, tax collector, " Steele T H, county aupt schools. " Wright (i«o, county aurveyor, " Frank Geo M, county coroner, " Dunibersou A J, public administra- tor. CROCKERY. Alameda Colusa Eureka (Jilroy Holliitter Heyman Ahruhnm, MITCHELL a HORN GEO. Oberdeener VV, Rcither Jacob, Courtney VVm, Risdon F T 4, Co, CHILDS M W, Un Angeles GIBSON G W, ( RICHARD HEI- MAN mannger), '■ MEYBURG BROS. Myer Samuel, " Seymour &, Co, " ROSS £ C & CO. Marysville SCHWARTZ CHAS, WHITE, COOLEY it CUTTS, Bearwald Henry, McClelland J A & Co, Smith VV C S, Behring & Clirishohn, Barbagelata F & Co, Beverton S, (rreen & Maloon, HAUSER D & CO, Merced Napa I* North San Juan Oukluud 4 o ST ST » 0) o a H s. o -f (fi » •J o o D 3 o ? o ■o 5? 1 z O e M n « :t i O 1 o a CD 3UI1 2. t*k r* iuh O (ft llejo ,3 salia ville viUe O iland 1 5" Hand I » City 3 9- 'ton, i mt (ft ipelcs " ilttiul ^ O 3 aheim I O itioch 3 ligliton ' [saa PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, »^' t^roi:g./^i^.i,„,. Bdpsatr DIS E g ftf CO b e o « (A « O California. CLABBinBD. DRE 945 SOTOTOME WINEBT & DIS- TILLERY, (A E de Wieder- hold propr), Healdsburg BERNARj) JOHN J&, Los Angeles mOUAVACCA G, Napa Samorille B, Vail Bever P, Bfriuger Bros, St Helena Krug Chas, " SCHEFFLER W, SAINSEVAIN PAUL, (wine and liquor manufr), San Bernardino Short J De Bartli, (wine grower), Stvn Gabriel Stoneman Gen G, " DOCRS, SASH, BLINDS, ETC. (See also Planing Mills; also Lumber.) Binet Ed k Son, Clipper Mills HAMPTON W H, Davis jiarnes H W, Kast Oakland FROST & KINZEL, Ferndale DONAHOO J M, Fresn. Jackson, Kerchoff & Cuzner, Los Angelea Raphael Chas, ' Madera Flume & Trading Co, Madera California Door Co, (J P Farrell manager), Oakland Wiwwell J A, Petaluma RICHARDSON JOHN, San Diego California Door Co, San Quinten Gorham & Co, Santa Barbara X o o 0} « E It -i t CO c »- z C0 3 o o •9 < ■ Averan Mrs C, BOLAN MRS N M, Morris Mrs H D, Johns Miss J, Brown Mrs A L, BARKLEY MRS S I, Nye Mrs L, USHER MRS W H, Johnson Mrs H M, BERLIN MRS A C, Queen M>s Julia, 6ILM0UR MRS JOHN, Shaf ter Miss Nellie Bakersfield ' Bodie i( Calistoga Campton ville Chico East Oakland Elk Grove Eureka << Gilroy Grass Valley Hay wards Healdsburg DRAYMEN. Williams D K, Anaheim Skidmore E N, Downey City Stiles Edwin, Gridley FBOGTOR CHAS E, Healdsbur". EASTERBROOKS J S. Sacram ento Mclaughlin wm, LARSON & WESTCOTT, San Diego Page Jiis H, Hdlinan Jas, San Jose SANDERCOCL WM, San Luis Obispo (iarrison E P, Tulare Giddi.-.gs I D, • Turlock Stewart W C, Visalia DRESSMAKERS. (See also Milliners and Dressmakers. ) M J, Alameda Anaheim KmSMILL MRS UtilxTtson Mrs Jno, McKinnie Mrs A K, Sex Miss Julia, Wintield Mrs M J, Brizard Mrs Paul, Miuor Mrs E, Yocum Mrs C W B, McClellan Mrs S, Areata << CI Auburn Clarksburg Cloverdale Colfax Colusa .Concord O'NEAL & ZENDER MRS, Davis Ilgiier Mrs W, Dixon FULLER Mp.S W B, Downey City Ljirson Miss Emma, Martin — , Longenccker Mrs C A, Broderick Mrs 8 J, McCartney Mrs E, Mcdrath Mrs, PORTER MRS £, Snider Mrs V A, Hawkins Miss Louise, WILEY MRS HO^AUD, Woods Miss liOuise, B'lynton Mrs L D, Larralwe Mrs H F, Jenkins Mrs M J. McConnick Mrs S A, Magiiire Mrs Jno B, '' Wells S A, Hollister Carroll Miss c^ L, Lockeford HETHERINGTON MRS AURA. Lodi Ayon Mrs A, Los Angeles Baker Mrs M J D, " liuinell Mrs S E, •' Burkhanlt Mrs M S, " CORONA MRS D S, lish Mrs M S, " Hardy Mrs M, " Irwin Mrs 1 K, " Kimbal Mrs OF, Lecroq Mrs. " Logan Mias M, " Mussey Miss C E, " Peppa Miss Carrie, " Kowe Mrs, " Stott Mrs D C, Winter Miss U M, " Audett Mrs J, Vaoh Miss J, Launder Mrs I E, Sherwoo<\ Mrs, Sutherland & Seifred Misaee, Ashley Mrs Lizzie, Castor Mrs J W, Clark Mrs ME, Salter Mrs A G, WiUfMrs, Kogan Mrs G, 60 OB m o 0» 11 I! Madsion Martinez Marysville Merced 14 Michigan Bluff Millvill ■I ■'Hp., i'i • <\ i H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.50 per gal.. "Si^VZSi::^'' Will linilTAfillP Jt rn «!•▼»• and ]lMiK««,SOOdUtW«atiliw,i»yl«u« • Iff • IHUn I AUUC Of UU.y {Mtterna. HO. 118, 114. 11« and 118 Battwry St., S. F. |i' ' r i i O E I c m a z < t 946 DRE California. CLAiSinlD. DRE Woods Miss Laura, Milton Clark Miss C P. Modesto Harter Mrs J, Siranaonds Mrs L, Napa Jones Mrs A & Co, Oakd«le Dabuey Mrs N R Oakland Ellsworth Mrs L. Gage Mrs A, Hendry Mrs K, Hiltoa Miss S, HorrMrsF, Johnson Miss A A, Johnson* Mrs Edwd, Mee Miss M, Milliken S, Parker Miss S, Prenveille Mrs R, Smith Mrs A C, Spence Mrs VV G, Wallace H T, Wehrstadt Mias F, Wilson Jas A & W S, (Star system of measurement for ladies' cloth- ing). Wood A A, Wood John F, LEWIS J a Wear Mrs S, Congrove Miss A A, Jacobs Mrs A, Kooken Mrs A E, Peters Mrs Mary, Waters M/s S J HERBERT MRS M, MORRIS MRS H, Taylor Mrs Mary J, Hanson Mrs P, McGuire Mrs H N, Nolverta Mrs R, Robinson E, Jones Mrs M E, Bennett Miss M, Bertin Mrs E, BOTD MRS J W, Boyle Miss Katie, DALTMRSJM, DONOVAN MISS E, FAIRCHILD MRS S E, FAIRFIELD MRS CASSIE. (cloak), Gilligan Miss, ra 1$ |g 3 Suisiin busauvillc Stockton r I PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. JA'i.?r!;iSW^?'«?:'i««? Kt CO CO 09 etc : V « i b 0" ^• '} II I: O (0 o A-: o o CO DRE California. GLABBirillD. DRU 947 Himes Mrs M J, Stockton Klipple Mrs Rose, . " Laado l.]iss J C, : *,. " McClouii Mrs Ida, " Meehan Miss C k, Co, ' ' UpchurchS* Sister, ;y Urquhart Miss Kitty, " Wood & White, Guest Mrs, Tres Finos Chism MrsUC, Truckeo Barnes Mrs E M, Ukiah LAWEENCE MRS L M, Vacaville McMannies Miss M, v'^allejo Yager Mrs F, \ ina Jones Mrs Z C, Willows Putman Miss & Davidson Mrs, Woodland WEBBER MRS JNO, DRUGGISTS. McCash C A, Adin DE CHESNE HAM, Alameda GREENE A J, Keene E B, Dnnlap •! R & Co, Amador Ferguson & Lake, Anahoim HIGOINS WM M, Haker & Olden, Antioch HARKINSONMC, (iil)bons C H, Arbuckle MOTJLTON P, Areata Siiowden E C, Auburn Stevens S M, Hurnap S A, . BakersHeld DRURY J S, WALLACE F S, Fokom E C, Bcnicia Elder Mary, Berkeley BUTLER & HAWKINS. Biggs MUXFORD P H, Blocksburg BOISOT & STEWART, Bodie ELLIS W H, \'iin Voorhies A Webbor, WRIGHT HE, Butler J no, Wilson B F, Manderscheid Bros, Calvin Wm H, Smith Mrs C C, Cranston T J, PARKER JOHN. Vonseca D L, Rollers J H, , I'M-] J M Frank, GitAVES G W, LeeW, McCCRMACKBROS, NOON AN JC, INGRAM HENRT, Bogps J O, Morkell R S, Butler John, ,:... White G T, Butcher Ranch Calistoga Cambria Camptonville Capay Castroville Centreville Cherokee Chico Clayton Cloverdale Colfax Colton AliAIR&WEST. ROBINSON &BARNETT. Stover & Atherden, McFarland A, Latimer R H, CASEWMH. HONET MILTON, Adams Z T, Mestell D D, Collins A C & Co, WEST E F. EIRBT A, McBride E J, Jenison & Greening, Gray G W, Jones J T, Merrill S S, Conrad Willis D, Melvil & Co, Brown G J, Bradford C S, Diggles J A, McKay George J, MENTZ ciEQ^S, Week F A, ALFORD W B, W^right R B. Burnham J H, WESTON RS, Cowdeu M H, Burkes L, THOMPSON & SATER. Vt IJguth Wm, Wliitaker & Ray, SHEPHERD i F. Moroy H C, Nicl.ols C M, SULLIVAN G L, Williams T C, Loutzeuhcisor W, Mann"".g J M, MEEK J D, NORMAN GEO H. Ay res W W, WALKER CC. Collins A, Cooper Dr J G, Riley & Fox, WRIGHT & BROWi:, BoyertI H, Eaton Ed, Eby Bros, Blair J D, Schmidt Cliristian, Brusie L, Ford & Gray, Macy C A,* Schacht B H, Spagnoli D B, Versteagg P, BoAie JT. Scott W W, FRYETT8J, Colusa Compton Concord Copperopolis Coulterville Courtland Davis De Redwood Dixon << Downey City Dunnigan Dutch Flat East Berkeley East Oakland i< El Dorado Elk Grove Etna Eureka Ferndale Fiddletown Folsom Forest City Forest Hill Fresno Gait Georgetown Gilroy Gilroy Grangcville (< Grass Valley Gridley Guadaloupe Half Moon Bay Haywards << Healdsburg It Hollistcr Hydesville Independence (( lone City «( Iowa City Jackson Junction City Keysville Kiugsburg Knight's Landing '<•' 'i to m o €/» 4\ LING. «ff ' ,- i' ■i j . r 1 i ■■ m Hllr^ 1 .if-, i; i H ^mm . ip am > Mil ^ sHssf m HiTlf' b<« H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $^50 per gal.. »•» '**^*' **'^*^ SMt Vrmnthfm, jflllll iliii th ' ' i r' »i li W-4 ' ^M H, ) 1 P?i IL ■ CO c « 1 Q I > O E 75 CO c c CO O ■ O o < D. I- O WW MnNTACIIF A m PnmP" Mirt Iron Pine, all ■Ims, 11«, 11«, . If. mUW I AUUC KIRK H C ^, CO, Klink C F, MoMORRY TERRY, MEISTER JNO R, RIDGWAY S B, SPIEKER J J, TROWBRIDGE J a TUFTS AC, WAIT G S, BUSSENIUS H R. ABBOTT E K. St John W, Fox Sc Condee, Suhr F C, Delmont F, HAVELOCK W A Wagner John B, Chase Chas A, Millard F A, AMMEN R S, COLLINS R E, FISHER C W, (irardi ner H, PIE8NECKER H, Rhodes B J & Co, Schoenhsit A, Shaw ft Callisch, Wood & Brown, Plymouth Porter^villo It Potter Valley Prince ecu Point Arena Red Blutf 3 "n -J CD 3 .3 3- s 3 ' ^» CD 5' 3 CD -1 •< to o CO CD * o ^1 o ♦* ' CO] 1 0) ■ (0 J. II ? 1 mJ II (^ 1 >< n 97 1 U St Helena CD 1 is ^ Salinas City 1 2 A San Bemardiuo $ 1 5m II ■^ 1 g J! I s: San Buenaventura ^ 1 II I 3 ■ d M ■ 0) 90 ^ ■ -« in na g ■ S P ■ • ' ^ 1 ille _ ■ '•^^ . Tl ■ t/> ■ CD H d> Vlth => ■ 5 'iUo a- ■ B " ^ ■ ■^ Uey 5 t^ bcou 3^ tt rena CD C o diHff a " o (S Iding 3 fity S? ^ 0> •< Vista p Brside "^ » ^ o i)cklia =r £ $ irville 2. neuto 5J "S P i< — iSC * u 11 ■ o ii *- " ^ (0 II (A .. 2 ? ?• (tf 41 U a ick > iHcluna 2. 1 u lardiuo Iventura In Diogo sau[i JoBC -0 o p> a « O Id o a BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PnMttlrally tansht at PACIVIC BVMI- DRU cLAa^insD. DRY 949 San Juan San Leandro San Luia Obispo a o X o «9 CAHOnXCG, FILOXJCHEATT I>iukiii8oa F 8, Fleming E C, Booth A R, Dennis J D, KrebsE, FARKHURST RUSSELL, MORSE CM, San Mateo 'J'hompson L H, San Rafael WOLF JOHN, Dibble H B, Mosher C A, I*'increr H J, Santa Barbara OTJTIERREZ BENIGNO, Ruiz AM, Ol)erdeener M, Christal J F, Fay P & Co, HAZELS J T. Tanner J G, ( luilierson Dr S P, DOZIER&HALL. FRAZEE C D, Hudson TF, Rewl W C, Whipple J M; FAIOE C L, BULLERDIECK A, ,Swau J S, Long J M, McConnell Mrs M, McConiicll T J, Pearl Wm M, VVo.mHIco, CENTRAL BRUO t'richton propr), Mouron Julius, Sliuw John, Walker J, Clements O, Boscher E H, Hickiniin Win M, HOLDEN I D, MeCurdy W, PIXLEY W B, WILUAMS JNO B, Williams & Moore, STOGKMONDM. VANGEI& TAYLOR, Mucidy R F, Spaidding Z M, Duiilap & Dennis, Santa Ana Santa Clara Santa Crtiz Santa Paula Santa Rosa Saratoga Shasta Shaw's Mat Sheep Ranch Sheridan Smartsville Sierra Valley STORE (S Sonora SCUBAMORE. GO, Miller J M, Topley James, TROST JAMES, BISHOP & CO, Mack A, Boydstone S, Pearson Joseph E, Covert E, Hack Wm H, Patterson W A, Simons S S, Barnikel — , MARTIN & REYNOLDS & Upper Lake Vacaville Vallejo << Visalia << Volcano Walnut Creek Washington Corners <( Watsonville << Weaverville SANDELIN, West Oakland Miller & Harden, " SCOTT M A, Wheatland FOUCHBBOS, ' Williams Hansen Bros, Willows Putnam J C, Stover & Ath erden , " LAXJBERSHEIMER A, Wilmington BELL BROS, Winters GREGORY J D. CASLER & CO, Woodland ELSTONJB, W^hittemore & Higginson, " Dewitt R O, Yreka ROGLER FERNANDO, DRY GOODS. (See also Dry Coods and Clothing; also General Merchandise.) Spadra Stockton 1L.11 A T, Aitken R B, Miller J A, Dutton Dr O W, CURLESSWMftBRO. O^^slvie David, Murphy L D, Busier Barlwu, Hoffman W A, (J reene Theo, Koni^'shofer J J, Bradlmry J F, SCRIBNER J C, Jacobs M H, Cohen Bros, Sanders Mary, Henieria J, FORT J B. Haas A & Co, HOFFMAN C & BROS, SMITH SB, MANSUR C F. Kiritter Bros & Co, BarbeeMrsRE, Morris A, Carrie J A, Davis A, Wilson Mrs R, Wilzinski k Son, BOEDEFELD JOS, Solinaky H, Tomales McBAIN W, Truckee Jenison & Greening, " I Hudepohl H R, Tulare Schimmelpfenig F, Suisun «( Susanville O o 09 Sutter Creek Tehichipal Tehatnal Temcscal Ukiah D^ryer Mrs J W, Ryan Mrs J, Alameda tlrnl|y tavKht at PACIVIO HV»W- DRY California. cLAsairiM). ENQ 951 Auburn Houaer L, Lubeck D W & Co DIAMANT B, OOODDAT H & CO, Jacobs & Oaer, PETERSPftBBO, Meyer E & Co, Brilliant k Co, Cohn A k Co, (ireim Geo, Hyman Jacob, Kemler L, Loupe S & Co, Rosenbery VV, Dallman J, Menilenhall I A & Co, Bright Jainea C, Cohen Adolph, Cohn Isad or & Co, MEYER EUGENE & CO. Norton Hameon, FOLASKI L & SON, Praeer Chas, COHN J G. GILHANBF. Nathan Bros, Schoenfeld S, SEELIGT, Alexander Wm, Marks S, Sterling Mrs M A, Culver E W, Kozminsky S, Campbell Joseph, Iraiik Hermon, (Goldstein H, HALE BROS & CO, Ijisky B, l?ewburgh & Co, Show A J, Eiseii & Co, HARTENSTINE & STOVER. Pleasanton Goldstein A, Oroville (Joldstein N, Hecht & Eijhraim, * HARKSB&CO, OSTROSKI S ft CO. Cornell & Alvord, Red Bluff" MECHANICS' STORE, Sacramento RED HOUSE, (C H Gilman propr) Goodman A, 8t Helena Chico Downey City Downieville II Drytown Folsom Forest Hill Gilroy Healdsburg Lincoln Liverniore Los Angeles i< II II Marysville II Modesto II II Monterey Nevada City New Castle North San Jose Petaluma II II II II ° - O w ft < < z CO Q Id Id CO iiifi I- co o C 3 ft Id •- X < X I- o Id w. w. MONTAGUE A CO., ''vvss'.Tii'garriyig,7t^ys?:^^'8: 952 ENQ California. CLAHSIKIBI). FAN Swale H L, Oakland Banholzer F, Sacramento PHILIP BOBT, CU&TIS C W, (stencil cuttcr),San Joao ENGINEERS, MINING. (See Suryeyors. ) Anderson C L, (civil ), Bodie BUEGAR C C, (civil), SCO^DEN L A.(civil), Malby H U, Garden Valley Parker J B, Hiegins John E, Georgetown GoKlaworthy John, Los Angeles Holman G, (civil), Lockeford >iichols Ralph K, (civil), Lower Like Wurdlaw S R, (civil), Wright Geo, (civil), Marysville Bucknian O H, (civil), Napa LYMAN G G,(civii), C'opoland Fred, (civil). National City Bradley H IS, (civil), Nevada City Englebright W F, (civil), King M G, (civil), Oakland Wood A, Ueece T W, (civil), Orovillc Hcannel Wni, (civil), Ortigalito Bonney (fco J, riacerville PIEBSON JIM C,(civil), Sacramento Fox Chas A, (civil), tSan Diego Fox & Willcy, (civil), Allen Daty. ^an Fernando fJerrmann Bro8,(civil/, San Jose Cooper W S, (civil and mining), Sonora Dart J r, RipjH'y Wm, Sycamore EXPRESSES. (See also Wells, Fargo & Co.) Innes & Co, Alameda Baker & Olden, Antin<;h Driscoll J, * Benicia FISHEBEP, Borden BROWN L H, Haywards Farnswortli Jas W, Felton Cowden M H, Forest Hill PLUMB T, PVench (iulch iJ arris & Rhine, Independence Kinney E R, Kiugshiirg Reynolds & Callahan, l^os Angeles McFarland A J, (agt S P C Express Co), Los Gatos GREEN W H, Marysville Burgett, Moon & Co, Meridan Hfath J, (agt for C H West), Michigan Bar Oakland Dime Express, (J Rnth propr), Oakland Whitney & Go's Express (L Cahu propr), GILLIAM SM, Pool J no, Bottomley J M, Leghorn G H, (agt S South Pacific Coast Curley T P, Greenlee D M, Sprour Wm, Littletield & Co, Aiekman J W, Lee Bros, BUSCH AC&CO. Bowers G W, HOLT NATHAN, Meek B E, Thompson J D, Portersville Redwood City Sacramento PC Ex), San Jose Express Co, " Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Santa Rosa « u 0) e m S (0 1 o 2 o (A it o o tt o (A CD e ti O H X C9 o z Oroville Kod Bluff Redwood City Rio Viatel Sacramento Harris Jacob, Holmes Mrs J E, HTDEEHftOO, Hyde T J, Jonea Mrs M I, Kiirbary Mrs K, Naiamitli Mrs G, NHiamith J 8 M, Pawn Chu k Cn, (Japanese), Reichenljerg B V, BOTNTOIISS, KUSEL £ A & SON, HOSTENSTIHE & STOVER, I'loaHiintim HICKS MRS J B, SCHOENFELD S D. Weil Joaeph, Kaufman MraU, Piirker Misa A E, COOPER JNO F. DALE & CO, MORRIS SAMUEL, !S;m Lung & Co, (Chinese), Tri.'C Wm E, WASHBURNE & REDMAN, ZIEMER BROS. K(Uly Mrs E A, San Bernardino lliile & Reeves, (inodwiit J U, Archer & Eiinor, Co8|ier Mrs A A, Kiitti G, Taskor Mrs Mary, Lion (iu8, Stetle VVm, Wiieoler E \V, Wilhird L, Dennis .J I), Gnodrich J A, Young Mr. ' VV, Brouue Wm, Alicrn Misses, Hunier Mis M F, Mcl'hail H A C, Wliipnlo V M, RIOBDANMRSDF. Austin O, l>od«e D Y, Girard Miss Emma, HUQHES H J. JucoliH H, Jiiincs & Ijong, Gilliland Mrs Isabella, HAAS MISSES. BEBOWALL MBS L, Allen N, BOLLARD MRS M E. MARTIN ED. CLOUDMAN MRS N M. W. Oakland M«;yer MrsF H, S\«erny Miss Kate, Wildnian Mn Mary A, Wilmington FEED. GRAIN ND HAY. (See Hay, Grain, and Feed.) FEED MILLS. Culistoea CentreviUe Patterson Station San Jose Lillie Geo, Carner Richard, Hicka & Bryan, Berrin^er & Evana, BERRY RD. lJr.i|.er E W, " POULAIN A. (Alameda), Arinstruug J L & Son, San Luis Obispo Simp:jon J times F, Santa Cruz Elamore L H, Soquel SEANOR GEO. Wrights FEED STABLES. San Buenaventura Santa Cruz San Diego (t It San .Toac San Luis Obispo San llafucl Santa Barbara 'Saratoga Sonora Stockton Susanville Tumescal Ukiah Vallejo Vina Watsonville << Mitchell & Estes, Wakefield & Son, WILLMENT MRS G. Boone & Wright, MARDEN H. Hale.) J, MESSER W N. Bra.lford VY H, McMillan — , Soulea S, Harmon A & Co, Newman Joseph, Cox J L, DeTurk — , Herick .lohn, POUND W W, Freyberi^^r Fred, HINTZ^Ji OEOROE. •lenkina & (til^eapie, HICKS AMOS. Grimsti .lohn, Heii.lrick N W, PATTESON C D. Mills H C, Moore Chaa, McClanes W S, (stock yard). Young C, Crippm .1, GARWOOD WM, SkH'th C A, GEORGE J, Coy Z L, Grufmdler A, (Jreeiie S A, White D C, (sale), Elmore, Parks 4; Reyburn, Brown H, bidwell tJas, Schuette Henry C, La Fontain Edw, Greenman Geo, Alturas (t Auburn Bodie ti Bridgoville Chico Eureka Garberville Healdsburg Holliater Hydesville Keyosville Loa Angeles (< i< Marysville Merced Milton ., << Modesto Nevada City Newhall and sale Oakland Pittville Placer ville Red Blnff Redding Sacramento t'tr Salida San Bernardino San Diego It Summer Sau Jose H. PALMER & CO.. Frontlanan Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. -I 00 m ao s 5 3 ■ i li I* §3 • ■ ? I 00 00 . ■m ■,':)■ : i 11 Ut I 1 h\ 1 1 h 1 1 ^! M K i' w. w. MONTAGUE A co.rtT^rnrfo'TirKriirjs'iTiiar'^^ ,».r I ■ IL • ■ CO m n S s 0) S s IL c c IB o o o o z z < 0. H O 954 FEE California. CLAWirilD. FLO San Jose Hindlo Wm, Millard Levi, BICHAEDSON ft SON, Scott Robt, STEPHEKGj WM L, San Luis Obispo Schumann Jos, 8an Quentin Smith S H, Sonora McKindley I«, Ukiah Turner ft Whitmore, Woodland FILTERS AND COOLERS. HOBBT ft HAEPEB, Sacramento FISH. (See also Fruits, Vegetables, etc. ) East Oakland Lamb Jas, Pender J H, Hammett J B, Mattes N, True John, Millioni C A ft Co, Edward Bros, (oysters), Budd ft Forrest. DeBernardi D ft Co, Kahn Henry, HALONET BROS, (ialgiani V, Monotti A, Hurley Jno, Dunne G J, Marysville Napa Oakland It Sacramento tt St Helena San Jose Stockton Tahoe Vallejo FLORISTS. (See Nurserymen, Seedsmen ft Florists.) FLOUR MILLS. Aidin Alviso McDowell Aidin, Fr ay Fra nk, SMITH A, OUT ft CO, (grist), Anaheim MULES BEOS, (grist), Powell W H, (barley). Cave R B, (grist), Falk ft Chandler Manson J S, (millr/right), TOPPING C T, (barley), Percival W C, BLACK ft SON, (Castroville), Castroville Drouillard Wm, TuUoch D W, BIDWELL JOHN. Neal W W, Wolford S, Johnson J L, Gage J D, LuKes Bros, Duncan A, Beatty Geo, Antelope Areata t< Bangor Biggs Bloomfield Cedarville Centerville Chico Cloverdale >> Colton Colusa Dixon Duncan's Mills Elk Grove Bovard M ft Co, Elliott Kepplar Chas, Etna Stewart ft Armstrong, (barley), Gait Demuth R, Georgetowu Shinn McDonaugh ft Co, Geyaerville Burrel C, (Santa Clara Valley), Gilroy Thome ft Andrews, Grangeville Gladden W N, Healdsburg Hollister Flour Mills, (Shakilford ft Hinds proprs), Hollister Titlow M, (millwright), Hoopa Valley Austin J C, Imsdul* Arnold ft Schroth, Knight's Landing Brown W, Lafayette Starr M, Lakeport Ham I H, ' Lemonre Morgan ft Kelley, (grist). Little Ijuke Pullen C, (millwright), Little River LAUMEISTEE WM F, Livermore Mai^ee S L, Lockeford Ellis Ralph, L' di Coghill A J, lone City Cummings Jas, " Deming, Palmet" ft Co, Los Angeles Landersham ft Co, " Wouten S ft Son, Madison Jones J E, (Round Valley Flour Mills), Mammoth City BUCKEYE MILL 00, (G W Pea- cock secy), Marysville Dakin H H, Milford Wilkinson ft Ross, Millville Grunsty Jno, Milton Mission Mills, (Wm Gorgass propr), San Jose KNOWLES ft SON. Modesto Shepherd, Irwin ft Co, Mount Shasta Cooper VV R, Nnpa Nile's Mills, (Jos Rogers propr), Nilea Hamlin T T, (bariey), Oakdnle Hickok B E, (City Flour Mills),Oukland Samm Jacob, " Star Flour Mills Depot, (Star ft Co pr oprs). " WESTON ft WELSH, Howard M R, (millwright). Orange ANBEBSON J ft AULPAUOH. Orland Ireland Mrs J W, (Pacheeo), Pacheco Tufly John, Pescadero Bowles J M, Petaluma Oriental Flour Mills, (Geo P Mo- Near propr), *' Johnson ft Hilton, Portersville Aldersley ft Bent, Princeton May hew F J. Red Bluff Hurd ft Bunn, Redwood City irniiniATJ. JOSEPH B, Rohnerville Hicks G D, Routier MoCEEABY C ft 00, Sacramento NEUBOUEO ft LAOES, (Star Mills), POTTER W A, (new proocMs), 3 ^^M z ^1 o o ^M '*' (4 ■ *" -< H o o ^H O a ^M ^ 3D ^M (^ H 1 Sp > ^1 (0 H ^ o ^H "^ as ^1 •^ ^H tj4 ^H ft ^ ■ i^ •< 1 st ^ 00 ^H *^ *« B o H i| jr 5* ^1 s I ^M ,r^ A fi* ^m (A ^m C V o a ^^M jk ■ 1 jj s s H (S i»p &} a' H c (A ■ 3 Ci r* ■ ^^ e |il| •a ■D o ^H 1^ Du ■ U Sta s ■ ^ BF i IS JOI 5? 1 ■ \Vh z o •• B^ Suui ■ m Los ■ '*' Mer 3 ISfo r |2 11' o ■0 Swa 1 BAI o SI Wr' ^^^i < •• I I u e 5f ■ J Beys K utto TRY DR. GUNN'6 RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP PnM>tl«>allir tMncht nt PACiriC RVMI. NBMM rOT^IiROK. >I«A P«Mt «t., fl. P. FLO California. CLAHSIPIHD. FRE 955 CO •6 % «^ 10 I s ■ c 0. (8 C 3 IL es lb San Bernardino (San Diego San Diego San Jose : an Luis Obispo Santa Ana Santa Clara Santa Cruz Santa Paula Santa Rosa Sheridan Smith Kiver Sonora 1(0 (ft « Pritchard k Miller, . > > Sacramento Schroth & Arnold, " HUDSON ft HOLLOWAT, (Standard Mills), Salinas City TOBEY & HUDSON, (Empire Flour Mills), Davies Wm, Matthews Benj F, Laukcrshim I & Co, Flour Mills), Los Gatos Flour Mill, Pollard & James, Moody & Bro, F^TEE A CO, Miller & Eichler, BYNERSON C C ft SON. Santa Barbara Santa Clara Flour Mill, Butter J E, Blaiichard i, Bradley, Marther J & Co, Clcck & Daniel, Anthony J G, (grist), Bell James, Bray Jos, Divoll A M, DIVOLL, BRAY ft CO, Divoll J G, (Star Mills), Mason & Co, Springville Springville Flour Mills, (Rohner, (iushaw, Masson and Weber pro- prietors), CAREOLL JAS, (barley), Stockton LANE R & Sperry & Co, " Hilborn E P, Suisun Baker Wm, Tehichipa Dudley & Minor, Upper Mattolo Starr & Co, Vallejo Huntley & Cook, Valley Ford BEAL ft BEATTIE. visalia JOHNSON L A, (Eagle) Thomas Chas L, Brown Andrew, Wheatland Mill Co, Saulisbury D, (miller), Green L D, Los Gatos Manuf Co, Mering S N, EARL D W ft CO, Rooff Mrs. Sacramento Stillwater Cove Placerville Sacramento Watsonville Weldon Wheatland Willows Woor& Co, Coulter BF, DILLON ft KENEALT, FOXHB, ClillmoitJ F J, Hoff M & Co, Juc«)l)y Ij, Norten Siimeon, SU8SKIND HENBT, WEIL J, LANOBEIN OSCAR, ALDENEBftCO, Bloch M, HANSEN ft OLSEN, Schwar/ H, Bi rnstcin & Co, Ciiinp Bros (gents'), Coplin A, Hiirris Jacob (gents'). Smith C H (gents'), HirHliberg S (gents'), Ki'ller M J (gents'). Allien & Mcrriam, ABRAHAM JACOB, Hirsihfi'ldtT E, FAFSERM. Wiillack D, Biirrett M A, Davis Mrs C^ HEYLER C J & CO (hats and gents'), Fliif'lie A, HANAVER M, Art-ndt M, Bimnenthal L (gents'), MELONE W. Nuwniun Chaa (gohts'), Kosteiihaum D S (gents'), STAMPER ISAAC (gents'), Uiukll &(Jlii8s (gents ), ALDEN E B ft CO, Suisun IVidtT P & Co, Sutter Creek PLTJMMER ft ROBINSON, Vallojo CEIBB E C, Walnut Creek WEBB BROS, Woodland Raynes & Pyle (clothing), Yreka FURNITURE AND BEDDING. (See also General Merchandise.) NOBMANN JNO H, Alameda Parks J C, Backs F & J, Anaheim Baker Geo (manufr), Anderson Greenwood J, Amador Bodie Colusa Downieville Kagleville East Oakliind Eldorado Eureka (man- St Helena Salinas City San Buenaventura San Diego San Jose Santa Barbara Stockton BROPHT J E, Friund Mrs A C, KELLY ft CARDER, WARD H, Lwernnsh J H, Cloverdale FETTERS ft WILLIAMS, Chico HALLET ft LOY, LUCAS A J, .. BICKNELL THOS, Stackiiis T M, Smith L (manufr), Mayer Adolph, Olds & Shepardson, i'ratt W H, ROSCOE ft LUNDBLADE ufacturers), " CUMMINOS E C. Ferndale Miller .1. Folsom Slmmhiiru G VV (rustic chair), Forestville EINSTEIN LOUIS'ft CO(can>.ts). J'resno FOSTER BROS. KUTNER ft GOLDSTEIN, MoDONOUOH ft HYDE, Nichols Daniel C, Pryden D A, TRYON A B, Johnson B, STORY F F, Florence M, (manufr), Sawyer Bros, (Jriest & Young, Schnellf William, BLACK J M, \Vhi[iplu & Henry (factory), Schwartz B, GRAHAM ROB W, Laml>ert H H, DE FORCE JOHN, (chair factory), Lodi Cooloy W E, Los Angeles Day & Hodgkins, " Dotter & Bradley, " Geier & Bartholme, " Hoyt A E & Co, " Moore Chas. " SHARP ft BLOESER, COHN J G, MarysviUo Fro*t & Shaffer, KERTCHEM D J (second hand), " CLOUGH A G (bedding), Merced Stevenson D C, Millville i>e Yoc k Dovendorf, Modesto I^wis F J, Dauz J, Mokelumne Hill KelrttnipLG, Moore's Flat O'NEILL ft MEBACH, Monterey GILES JAMES ft CO, MELLORftSONS, Eustis & Sukeforth, Guild FC, Ellsworth Lee, Johnson Adolph, Gilroy Grass Valley Gridley Guernevillo Haywards Healdsburg Hollistcr Kibisellah Lemoore Livermore Lompoc Napa 11 Nevada City 9 p 9 ra . OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. I I ■j^ ft't i' I n .\i\ hi ^^: ,"i : ' i 'I i :. ■ 'ri J! W. W M0NTA6UF & CO., •!fSS'i"n-iffi5lS7iSrA.?i^5?'Sr;». i t/ i ■ I- ^1 ut - IL ■I c a z & N i I > o E (0 c c a O ■ 8 < flL 958 FUR (7aZi/omia OLASSinRD. GAB <« i< << II II II HOMBURG HA?ITIN, Antioch Hawkins £, Areata Mann V V, Auburn NIEDESATJB JACOB, Bakentield BeckH, Bodie RIESE FBED'K, Culbertaon AT, •' ■ Plaodrville BleBsmg^ Frost, Oakland Burgiss Rob (second hand), Davis H, Heney Wm J & Co, Hook £, Jacobs P, Kreiss L & Co, Lindenbaura Meyer (second hand), Raphael M (second hand), SchellhaasH, SCHREIBEB C, Seris James (spring bed manufr), Shaw C E, • Parker Joseph, TATLOB GHAS L, BIED HENRY, Oroville STOUT & BBANDT, FIOKERT C W ft SON, Red Bluff HUNTER S J, lORENSON S P, Rio Vista MOODY E P, Riverside CRABTREE S H, Rohuerville Bearnsen N, Sacramento BENNINO BROS, (new and sec- ond-hand), BREUNER JTO, Campbell Jno, OOiffiTOCK W D, COPPIN R ft CO. (second-hand), CAPITAL FURNITURE CO, (J M Avery pres), DAVIS JO. Kellogg Leouanl, Quinr. .lohu, Rosa & Bauer, Van Heuseu & Huntoon, WILSON J A, WOODWARii F, Lo;j;an J I, St Helena 90RT0N GEORGE. Stanley J P, Salinas City Brocker & Roinhold, San Bernardino MoDONALD WH. RICHARDSON JOSEPH. San Buenaventura YOUNOE JAMES M. San Diego Youn>i & Ci ray, " BAUER L, San J(>«e Bertelsmann C, " GREGORY, PLATT ft CO, Jaeger Chas A, " SAN JOSE MANUFACTURING CO, Blochman A & Co, »San Luis Obispo CORTESI D A. (mattress manufr), " GOLDTREE ^ROS, II II II II ry «C».F. ^ 960 OEN California. CLAHBIKIEO. OEN Berkeley 8 IS i I > o E To CO c c ff O O o < a. h I- Bmns H & Co, Gottshall & McClain, Morgan & Wangerin, WOHLFBOMT A, Graham P A & Co, HXJTGHINGS JAMES 0, BIEBER N & GO, Brownell Bros, COHN H & BRO, Davidson & Co, Smith G K, " DINKEISPIELM & A,Bird'o Landing HoHkiiigs Wm, " Fvfield J P, Black Bear STEPHENS JOSEPH, Black's Station Berlin Bernardo Bethany Biebor ti Biggs Huston Bros, LANGENOTmJD, LOUIS CHARLES, Blocksburger B, Helmke F, Knapp A H, K'lhinson A, STEWART C, Mosher A B, Petermon MrsS A, ■ Boca Mill Co, Brogan J B, Goodman & Co, McCAUGHAY & CO, BOONE & WRIGHT, Gillson, Barber St, Co, PAGE.WHEATON&CO. West & Bryant, Betten Wm, (iibson J C, Ch ang A Co . 'LEVT HERMAN, , Long Wa &, Co, MANNASSA N, Man Wa Chan, Gmn.uier L, Harriden H F, Hayes Bros, C.lwell A, Wicks A M, SCHAAFFW. Hankins &, Hawley, Shattuck T F, Paine Wm, SHARP ORRIN, WAGNER WILLIAM, Bucks Ranch Blanco Blocksburg Bloomfield Blue Canyon Boca << Bodega *( o Clarksvilie u Clay 0) Clayton 3 Clinton a Clipper Mills C overdale O 3 a II a H. WACHHORST calls attention '^'AS^^rJlTw^S!" 315 J St. 3 CD o pa a ia I CD 3 lU ( BCO It II •i rano «i teria 11 lapor 11 )viUe 3 ■n 2 o o 3 CD P CD yucas I p> r Flat [ Point .roville ,er ville erokce =r o CD (A P CO I n CD a Chico CD Camp Chiuo (I liolume Ihrintiue Icliui'lar Cisco Hrkaburg (( irksville Clay I Clayton Clinton II er Mill* loverdalB 0? •9 o a a O o (0 e 3 PACIFIC BUSSNESS COLLEGE. Tho Mod«l Oaanieratal 0*II«m' or the Coast, SSO Poat St., fik F. GEN Ccdifaniia. CI AUSIFIU). GEN 961 1 i 0) in >• u e o IP o 75 Cloverdale Colfax College City CoUegeville Collinsville <• Coloina Col ton Columbia tt Columbia Flat Colusa o o e Levy J, Liiiville B & Son, Marks 8, Schwartz M, Shaw Isaac E, Hayfonl, Perkins & Co, Thifflebeam J, LAWSEN A^DBEW, HOSKINO WILLIAM, Jont'S William, Lohry Adam, Mcintosh T VV, Bruuet L, KNAPP SEWELL, Aiiilerson \Vm, Cohii & Gosliaer, De Jarnatt & Kich, FURTH J, (iosliiier & (iratz, Nickelshiir^ M & Co, WARE G W, Jolinsju & Kuglchardt, Newmark Mux, BACON & CO. (ioodiilli J M, NAVAS C. NEUSTAEDTER B, MONTANA ANDREA. BuliiHieiater & Siebe, HOWELL S A. Bnisclii Fraiieisco, Canovia ii, Myers Henry, Tiscnrnia A, KAHNFAUL. Meycriii Henry, Blum Simon, Kichi F L, ^ Kiujball J S, Conway John, Cohu M, Conway Ji-hn, Wttterinan & O'Brien, WILLIAMS & CO. HcKENNEY & RAKER. Davis Creek Dublin Dunnigt^n Compton ii Concord Copperopolis Cord«;lia Coaumne Coulterville Courtland II Cucamonga It CuflFoy's Cove «i Danville II Darwin Davis Dutch Flat Eagleviiio Edge wood East Oakland Eldorado Elk Creek Elkgrove Elliott Elmira II El Monte .1 Emigrant Gap << Emmaton Epperson Etna i< Eureka Z O Z ts 3 O Z (0 o •8 t < HARE A J. iSuiliviin Dunnis, I'ilt IJolit, NURSE S K. Huni^i ihos, Blum M. Kpiiiagerft Co, Ferguson W 1{, Mason & I'hayur, (iiiKliirdo A, FERRY S A. ViikntoF, Coh. n T, FRANKEL BROS, Ljvy .Niuiuul C MITROVICHJA, Jeuuiugs W lu, OREENJ. EarllWm, Lewis & Fiuley, Cohn & Co, MAKEROS. NE£'if & CO. Berlirisrer & Bro, CAVANAUQHJOS, FONTE ANTONIO, Berns Bernard, DTJGHIB&CO, Hirsch & Cobleutz, Rodesine G, Houston J W, Everson J E&Co, Hickeyft Misener, Allison J & Co, Davidson N L, McLainc Thos, Melzer L, Hyatt M R, Oshorn R S, ITPHAMJM. Tucker W M, Bucktiey Geo, Denney & Brown, BARMAN HENRT. CUTLER & TAYLOR, Janssen E & Co, Snow & Co, SWEASEYWJ&SON, TAYLOR D SB, Taylor M S, Walsh Thos, SMITH F J, Bictiio C V, BRUNDAQE T J. Dyke & Co. Kent D L. Winter C H, B< A, Fl JT)ALE GRANGE NE.-S ASS'N, Knss, .^n'(rl(-rslcr ty Ayers I, Fort ' iwcll Birr A, Foi t. Jones Digj-les H J, Stone U D, WostorJB, BLACKFORD EARNEST. Fort Ross Lell>i^r F, " Drytownl Coster Lew, Fourth Crossing Decot. * «i Delta Denverton Diamond Springs Dixon Douglas City Douglas Flat Downey City Evergreen Fall Brook Farmersville Farmington Felton 11 Ferndale BUSI- Fiddlctown Fireli uigh Fisherman's Bay Kisk's Mill m •H m so CO COi S: 3 Iff • M H I- Ba at •* • ■ i I •i:i h f^J ii f'y. If:::: m \M J St. PURE PORT WINE, for Medicinal Pirposes. 302 Davis St., S. F. W'\: W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., T^rtl^LTi'iP- m, all •§■«■, 110. IM^ :ery Street, 8. V. 1 I IE •' -I fft. <0 962 GEN California. CLABSinBD. QEN IB SI if! O s IL O! •'Si Onoto L, Fourth Crossing £eddick Wm, EICHL F & SON, Fre.port Daraeal Bros, Froncli Corral Fraack E &, Co, rrench Gulch PLUMB T, Bruwnstone .1, Fresno De LouK C W, £INSTEIN LOinS & CO, KVTNER & OOLDSTEm. De Long Bros, " Silverman & Co, " " Laznr Sol, Fresno Flats Phelps Ml>, r helps N D & Co, SCHMIDTZ & LAZAB. BREWSTER JNO, Whitaker & llay, GABBER J G, Howe C & Co, Filijjpini K & Co, 'ClordcM J W, Itoberts & Thomason, Jackson I P & Co, J«rrett D, SHEFHERD B F, Biixklaue Bros, EPFIHGER & CO. Nevvmanu 1, HOORE A F & CO, Newhouae Henry, Woltera & Bro, BRIOOS H W. XA)EWIJ & CO, McitdesBollo B, Wins; Lee, J3XJRT J, McFoWe M, Tiurant H F, Lavris D A Co, Murphy .1 J, Wood L N, Oliver A, FOSTER & BROS, t'oster Frank, Ames N & Co, Carles 4; Witlernan, ACKERLYOF. DIEFENBORFFCJ, I'eart K C, SCHWARTZ B, Bohauau M, Bamberger Bros, (JeorRe Win, VAN ORDEir W B. MiiDoE.a J 1{, Carre John, ROHLFma HENBT F. ISmithEdH, lliuoi K, I^J^aglorChat, NedHH, Gait << Garberville Garden Grove Garden Valley Gaa Point Georgetown George's Slide Germautown Geyserville Giuaonville it Gilroy Glenooe len Kllcn Glenville Gold Run Goleta • I Gonzales (( Goodyear's Bar Grand Island (I (Jrange\ iil(! Granitevilii' Grass ValK y G rayson Green Valley 11 Greenwood i< Oridley 1 1. It Quomoville II Half Moon Bay D E B'E N E- << II Hamburg Bay Hanford ■I ii Hanson ville II Happy Camp Harrisbnrg Uavilah WHABTON H C & BBO, Oridley Hoskin S P, Grizzly Flat Fontana M J & Co, Guadaloupa Kaiser L M & Co, Phillips Bros, Marshall Jas, Sehloss S, Boitano Bros, CEBEOHINO & J)ETTI. Daniel Autone, Johnston T, LEVY BROS, Kosenblum Jacob, CALDWELL DAN. Melone J H, Oppenheimer ft Co, SIMON JACOBS & CO. Shattuck T F, Wotmore J M, Camp J & Co, Demick George, Evans A J, Gasquet H, lieeve C T, Peacock GW, Cohn E, Marpby J J, " Anspacher Bros, Haywards BBOWN L H. Nissen J K, " Wolff AVjraham, '' Bloom & Cohn, Healdsburg Business Association, (A B Nally pres) " Ldvo Bros, •' Meyer .Saml, " Kuirner W, " White WP, MOBOAN W C. Heniy's Barnes A L, Hill's Ferry Kahn Bros, " Newman Simon, " GIBSON D & CO. Hy lesvillo To.ter iiobt, Bablwin ft (Griffith, llMlHstcr Goldtioh J, Harris M, " McMahon Thos, Rosenbcrtr Bros, BAIR THOS. Hoopa Valley GRADE WMA, Hopeton MoCauuhi'y J, Howard LIVINGSTON R 0, Huemme Wolff ft Levy, • I Hnnsaker Henry, Hunsaker I Dunham ft Leitor, Igo I Willard ro, lone City •< o 30 •< 00 B c: S" (A o (O OI 3 O) o •a T3 o 0) to 5? P petim I J— )Wiird I saker I CD " I isdalo v< Idcucc |-^ iCity ? GEN California. CLA88IFIBD. QEN 963 lone City Iowa Hill Newman 6 &, Bro, Str^wart Daniel, Woolsey Geo, Brown J F, Hawkins Geo, McClary ^. C, Baker 8 £, t Smiley John, ,. Stone A J, Craner S, GARDNER FH, Aaronaoii W, Galland, Aaronaon & Co, (rinocchio E & Bro, Newman L, San< LatrolK' Lathrop Leesville guroy l, Mack J J & Co, MACK S L, Schwartz B, FoUett G W, Hays & Cunningham, Paulsen Jacob, ALDRICH GEO D, Lolise Herman, Barnett £, Lambert and Simouson, NORTON BROS, Willits Hiram, Coombs & Perkins, Corrigan J S & Co, Easton C D, Fox & Condman, Hill & Hudepohe, GODFREY H J, ANSFACHER BROS, COMEGYS, BLOCK &'C0, Gillis James, Levy S, OUDS & BARFIELD.: Briunl M, Locke D J, Green Bros, Ivory C O, Lsvinsky A L, RICH C A, McNealey H E, Rudolph & Sou, Webb J W, Eilwards E H, Lasky L, " Meysan C, " Zaun S, " LESLIE A, Los Alamos (iiuoccio A, Los Angeles KWONG, HINO & 'CO, (Chinese goods), Ue D W, Moya M, iSisson & Wallace, KORN M, W it^ner & Cohn, Poor irohn, Gotz Joseph & Bros, Levy M A Bro, Ensooe J, Levy Bros, Miulera Flume and Trading Co, Madera MOORE & DOOLITTIJ, Williams HS, HAINES A, Madison Sevty W, " FRENCH J A, Maine Prairie Watteraon James, Mammoth City Boaan & Co, Mariposa Ephraim & Korvalsky, Marshall Ephraim Solomon, " Ford & Cawalsky, ** Howard Chas, *' Lodi Lompoo Lone Pine << It Los Ban 03 Louisville Lower Lake Loyal ton 30 z o k 3 'J :? QIB ^ it Ii ! ;' * \J» PURE PORT WINE. Ir MMiil mm. 302 Davit St, S. F. :'^ ■it:; ;l !' ■j !.a i 5'iS ;.,iS; li i'l ; IL CO ■> «3 CO c To S o > e E « (0 . c c O o o o z s < a z p 3 O . If. mUH I MUUC « UU., pattenm, llO. 112, 114, U« mhI 118 BkOtwy M., S. ». 964 GEN California. OIiA*88IKIRD. GEN Hoey Jas, Martinez Blum S & Bros, Neisberger & Gartley, Weiss J , OILMAN B F, BACON J DALTON, Uich AG, Bosenblum J, Brown Eugene, Everson O W, JABVIS & lyOLIABD Kelly W H, Murray J.D, I'i Kee " Doyle M J & Co, Thyarks Geo, CASSACCIA AB, GOLDMAN M. Mclnerney Mrs M, 8im >n Jacol)s & Co, SIMON SILAS, Burgett, Moon & Co, Smith, Wiseman & Co, Byam M S & Co, West & Heath, Barrett E, Poifka Edward, Willey Walter, Asher J, Davidson A G, DoPeiieier Bros, Lobree D & Co, Mane &, Day, Harrison M, Anklin Mrs H, BAKEB &TEEL, CLABK P, Bunds J C, Empire Store, (C Wagner manager), Mineral King Johnson Frank, '* BATES F, Mincrsville EHRMAN & BACHMAN, Mission San Josf* Armstrong J L, Buisie James, Dettebach tl. Fun u ay A F, OIISERT I £ & CO. May .John C, Cohti K, Davidson & Peek, Jacob Chas, Nye D B, Wise R, Butter TE, Abretfo & Co, Escolle H, L'iporte Wm, HUNTER J & CO. Wright S E, Hegarty & Co, MERRILL D P. Marysville Maxwell Maylield t< Mendocino << << <( « << Menlo Park tt Merced << << W& Co, THORNTON & ZORLAND. New Hope Scribner B N, Newville Sinderman A, New York Landing ARENS & BARBEE. Nicolaus Mount Eden i< Mount Fairview It Mount Shasta Murphy's J» (dealer in Napa National City Natividad Nelson New Almaden Newbury Park Newhall Modesto II II II Mohave Mokelumue Hill Monitor Monterey •I Monticello Monseiiat Moore's Flat Moore's Station SNYDER WM. COLBY & POND. Gilbert & Thomas, CRANDALLTP. Simon N, Macchiavella A, WOODRUFF A L. RANKIN JAMES. Dodge WW, Spyer & Swi'fart, FAGGIANO J B. MACPHERSON T. Barton Jolin, Smith Frank, Emeny J S, (ireiersen (ieo, KERR JOHN S. Sandfoi'd Bros, MORLEY W W, >'^Cauuhy & Robinson, Ca^ANDELL WMOL. Freeillander Wm, Frietllander & Co, WALKER HUGE, Burt Jas, Erauw Peter, Head Jas R, BEERMANA, staples & Hathaway, Choaio Moses, Mulv.ier F, Crowder R L. . Niles Nord Nordhoff North Bloomtield 11 North Branch North Columbia Norton ville it Norwalk Novata Noyo Oak Bar «• Oakdalc Oakland Oak Run Occidental Olcma Oleta Olimpo Opliir Orange S o m CO ri M a a M O e 3 a o' P s a m o 3i 3 la o H. WACHHORSL Agent for Am. Watches, 315 J Street, Sac. PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, ''•• thoronshly ft»r BiiMlneMM. o ■< o m r* m as PI M e pe lie ag us es rd flf Id ch >ia lie ,k tta yo Jar ale .nd tal ma eta npo hir o 9 9 (A P» n o 3 O 3 CB 1 09 o 3 e 9 a> E 2 CO I •»- ,B >» u 03 B O tn u ; (0 C0 o X ci •9 GEN California. CI.A88IFIBD. GEN 965 Orleans Bar << i( Ortigalito Pacheco t< Pajaro Pali Pasadena Paskenta Paso De RoV)les Peach Tree II Penryn MoCLELLAin) A H, Orange JOHNSON W, Oregon House LEWIS & CO, Orland Michael & Co, •' PAPST & BRO, Bnphacl & May, Bnzard A, Arrata — , Wasmnth P W, CARNEJOHNIBA. Gamhs John, Kalisky M, Payne J S, Veal Wm, Williams R & Co, Scribner L S, Dunn Patrick H, Goldwater & Co, Greenboum Wm, Griffith G, HOLDER & SON, CEREGHINO & DEBENEDETTI. Pescadero OARRETSON JOHN, HXTOHES J H, THOMPSON A F, Canepa L, Schmitt (Jeorge, Symoiida & Lainoreanx, Rudolph, Gill & Co, Sanaers, Tohill &i Co, HilKir, Lawley & Patten, Stand iford Thomas, Wiirdiier & Muuaen, WHEELER J T, MARKS L, PENROSE a ALDERSON THOS, I'arliiiuton Abraham, Keespe Job, Mason & Kwd, Parkhurst O P, Simon M & Son, Wierson, Jewell & Co, Waldorf J W, All)cck A J W; Jacobs Alie, Jacob Abraham, Thorup .lohii, SALISBURQ S A. ARENDT H. Petaluma Petrolia Phoenix MiiK Pine Grove Pittville 11 Placer ville BRANSFORDZW, Pomo Alexander Leo, Pomona Ruth Theo, " Putnam R Porter, Portersville Baker Robt, " Field J T, COMPTON T J, Potter Valley Luce C S, Poway Smith Stephen, Princeton Rhode & Co, Purissimo California Q S Mining Co, Quicksilver Cohen A, Quincy Lee C, WhitlockJH, " TAYLOR EDWIN, Railroad Flat Riley James, Ravenna Mayhew G H, Red Bluff Olmsted M L & Co, " CHURCH J E. CLARK &MATHEW, CONE & KIMBALL, FINCH, BURTT & CO, Braslauer D, Redding Brelaner N & Co, " Kauffmann I, '* McCormick, Sealtzer & Co, " Miller Frank, " WILLARD & WIEL, CHAMBERLAIN & WILCOX, Redwood City Hadler C, Jacobson L, " Plump G, Prebble G W, . u Smith T J, •• StoflF.rd .1, " AITKIN /. B & CO, Riceville Cranal A H, Rio Vista CRANER S, ERLANOER & GALINOER, " Wadsworth Wm, " WILCOX. RUBLE & DOZIER, " Plaiufield Plaiusbnrg Pleasant Grove Pleasanton HORTENSTINE & STOVER, Coblentz S & Co, DUNCAN RH, Falk A, Williams J C & Co, Arthur ft McClure, Newlield M, Nickerson ft Co, O'Neal ft Wade, PETERS P, Lipman Isidor, YAPLE D F, Burt B 1) ft Bro, Lyon ft Rosenthal, Salaro Peter, Lavenson M, Levison Bros, FEIOENBAUM J Ripon Riverside II Robinson's Ferry Rocklia & BROS, Rohnerville Plymouth Point Arena II Point of Timber m o CO 9 OILL A M, PRATT J D, Roseville THOMAS & SON, Schlottleaur E L, Rough and Ready SCHRODER JOHN F, STOUTENBOROUOH JH, Round Valley Lockwood F E, Rutherford GRANGERS' CO-OPERATIVE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, W H Hevener manager, Sacramento HAYFORD BROS & GO, Si 3 S. m ni. ■ l. V, H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Davis Street, S. F. W. W. MONTAGUE & CO., "^r {H'i?^ ^^^^^ i^^m^r^h., N"'.- Ill ,' I'' <)". ' C4" (0 si c S o u » (A (0 V S s IL C c (0 o O O O z S o < Q. O 1 1«, and 1 1N Battery Mt.. M. P. 966 OEN California. CLAB8IPIBD. OEN St John Saint Louis Salidn Elmore o O A' F TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L Biumauer&Co., 'ISL'Slv^ST PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "- tr^5riy"Sr5«J!-.«. •so H > 30 CD (/) o a CO 5' C9 o (A a: (D p o CD ley sta CD •lat ich f 1 Ian ■« e CO ro c/> cs H • •• •S tt ft QEN Ccdifomia, OLASRiriRD. GEN 967 a 'A I I o 44 o o .1 o DECKER A. Sherwood Valley BURDIS JOHN, Shiugle Springs Hunter M A, II VVIiite T H, •1 BTJSCH A C & CO. Sierra City Nessler L, II ShafTine J, II Dolly L, Sierra Valley Rowland F M, II Olsen J, II Pearson & Co, Silverado SWORTZEL W J. Slide C'oBgrove J no, Smartsville Dougherty Danl, II Duh.im C C, II Excelsior Store, II Petit N .r, II (Joodmiiu & Co, Smith's Ranch HoCATJGHAY & 00. II Haight Daul, Smith River Lake J C, un; ft Kuhn, . FABIAN F & CO. MORERO G B. Sclie«;line B, BURCKHALTER F & CO. Tmckee SISSON. WALACE & CO. Childs Wm, Trinidad Mill Co, RUMFELT A, Durio Bros, (loldman J ft Co, Morris ft Michael, Sisson, Wallace ft Co, Lmder I C, Ward Isaac, UTTL, Russian River Laud and Luiuher Co Tyrone Ambrose ft Malony,. Ukiah Brown ft Co Julias, " Hoflfinan W A, '* Table Rocsk Ii Tehichipa ti Tehama 11 Teniescal Temecula Three Rivera Tia Ju)iaa ift Timber Cove Tiptoa Toll House it Tomales Tiacy It Tres Pinoa Trinidad >t Trinity Center Tulare it Twlock ii Ttestin City I K 9a s? ill I ,* ill- :r. & % -m '|».KI m 'Iffi' '91 ^^Biffi'^ 'tMeI' . LJgKwi ) ■ .f flJKi 'J J^ SIR SB) '■ i |-v ■Kt'i^Hffi Wm i^Hk ^i'ti OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & C(U 302. Davis SW&F« 1 n b m'H ' ^ iiiw ^ MyH ^ ^^H ' '^ nH m .flfffl aei 11 1^ WW MnilTAfillF A nn ■>>««< !r«B> aU MM* and ir«ailM»ni, ll«, O CD o 'J ' « U H X < Q O O 968 OEN California. cuAsairiBD. ORA HOFHAN C. Ukiah 1 X L Store, (Julius Brown & Co), " MARKftCOHN, MARKS A ft CO, XOaOANRH^OO, PHILIPSJGftF, Asher — ■, League J N, SCUDAMOBE. BETVOLSS & CO. BLUkM. Morgeiietein & Milzner, SBO^ & PETTIS. Kitching A C, Upper Lake Vacaville Vallejo Valley Centre Valley Ford Vallioitu Brown £ Le Baron, Arata J, Bacigahipi F, " Mitchell A M, Vi.llicitiiW A, LICUSSC, Vina Green H, Viaalin Jacob E, OOUOLASSBBOSftCO. howler Thos, JOHNSON LA. Xtevens & Wilcox, " SWEET S& CO. Clute P A, Volcano Colemnn J, " Carpenter Thoa, " Ciissinelle L & Bro, " Ito88i Angelo, " PurkhurstWm, Volcanoville Walker's Landing SHTJETMM, Walnut Creek WILSON & OAHBS. «< RADOESKT L. Walnut (Jrr.ve Kohler H, WaHhincton CLABK BBOS, Washington Comers HIRSH JOSEPH. WHERRY ft SAFFORD. Wrights It Yankee Hill Yankee Jims II Yocumville Yolo Snell & Jordan Lambert C, I'i.scornia A, Harris A, Bratten C, Clell.'ind ft Lchncrs, Kessler J, King F J, Klinire Mrs A, McManus P F, Miner M, Viince & Walbridge, Wiiickler A, Yon Bet Yountvillo Yo Semite If Yreka >< GLASSWARE. (See Crockery.) GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. PEARSON I N. BERGER M, Kingsley — , lieoiianl & Sawtell, Allmoiul (JeoD, DODGE V C. MANNING F M. SMITH MRS WL Bailey C P. Lion L, WILCOX M W. Olmatead Mrs F, Barr H, Nfip;» Petaliima Red Bluff rd o H 39 •< a m > n m 30 (/) a its I M B a liU =: ims 2 " I 1*< ille (t Ik Bet villo 09 o inito I 2. rcka O :rs. ]luina O O (0 o o a o S I Bluff I ^ " w lento (A Jose K cktnn IV ille I) IlIviso iBudie sT o ? a O 1 (D rris, Smith & Co, Nickellft riauk, Uwinny N. Price J no, WdUr E, CHUBBUCK C E. Uussuk K, Brady M, MoPherson & Hilton, SAN LIN SING ft CO. WO YE ft CO. Woodruff A L, JONES BROS. PUTMANFM, SALLADYO. WELSH P J, Heriiamlez J, CASE WILLIAM H. Humphreys .F H, THOMPSONS, Olufs O B & Co, BROWN RH. EATON BROS. PRICE J B, Barucli & Loew, Jenison & Greening, (Faribaldi Jos, Meroux J M B, Hpaulding, Mowry & Co, Bunckel J H, Chinese Camp «i Cinnabar Clayton Clovertlale o E « (0 O o o o < CL h o W. W. MONTAGUE & CO. lit Iwmm PIM, all slMih 11^ lia, 1 14. 1 1« M« 11* MMcnr (Miw^. M. v. ipmuiit 970 GRO California. uiiAaNiriKD. ORO Swenson & Chadwick, Dutch Flat' Huston R O. East Berkeley^ Croft N E. East Oakland Bruines Fred, Fish H V, «i Hill Thos, ti Maaou W C & Co, » m ■ IL ■ C a 1 S N if 4) s if s IL I c « O O O z S o < IL o If. Wf . IflUW I WOUC <■ \t\t.f imtternn. 110. Hi. 114. U» Mid tW gattory »>.. B. F. 972 GRO Callfcn^nia, ORO CLABSIKIRD. Mitchell John H. Oakland C'inpersmith J W, DAtJOHERTY & CO. Sacramento Nai^imith Oeorge S, i< II KASH. BB0WI7 & CO. i< OEVTNE MARTIN. II Naismith G iS, <( Dierssen D, II NyeE, << Dierdsen & Toland, II O'KeefeJno, ams L W, • 1 II Kebor. Jacob, KILOORE & TRACY. It It Lynch H A, II Km,' M .1, II Mitchell & <;leason, II Kiniiy Thos, II Naughton Hubert, Neodham F, II Koeuii{ R, KREUZBERGER L. ft It Neil & WinauB, 11 L:in»lMiit J ft Co, It O'Neil Thos, II Liiriway 0, LEWIS I. It O'Keilly iMartin, II It Perry M A, II LINDLEY&CO. II Veale & Roach, 11 Luttig F, It Wliitney A P, YOUNG CHARLES. II Marki-rt & Driver, It • 1 McCaraj^her J, ii (iravts & Hall, Placervillf Mc(Jiiinis3 C, II Landecker L, II iM(!Morry J & Co, II YARNOLD R. II Muierdierks C, II Atkinson & Hopkins, Planri Nc'non (Jeo, It Luce S C, Powny Nicilsen H B, II DAVKNPORT JS. Red Blull' NOBEL R. II Miller F A, Riverside Ortli 1!, It Crocker L L, Pjcklin Ostraniler C E, II SWEENEY JOHN. II P.iulk H H, It Balwin C G, Sacramento I'ichot & Andriot, II Bayer & Co, II Pike J T, It BAYER EMU. Berck L P, II II I'utnam Geo E, RAPPCW&CO. II 11 linTni1ll!TRT.Tl A WWrTH!. " RUSSELL F H. It Campbell M, II Schadeu A, It Cook T H, II Schiideu &; Rodegerdts, II s 3 H H 30 m ■0 o H r > o 30 m n o M ■ s n m r M X 9 » a a e I o T e a li e a a i I mm H.WACHHORST. importer of ii ri fine Watrhea, Jewe&nr. Ulaaianda .315JSt.,Sa& fvA r. CUSINESS PENMANSHIP Prartlmlly tancht at PACIVIO B1TIII. NKMM COIiOSCiK. S9M PMt HU, 8. F. s lento ■■ (A H H m << (I K l< II II II II 7E On' w > lo m In It i< S o m r M X a V a a e » 1 ll VI e II It J II II a II a II ^ II n f# II 1 II II II II ORO California. CI.AilKIBD. GRO 973 B O i c 0} £ (0 o 'S 2 0) e o o GO e M 0) e c 11 ll San Andi'eaH San Beruurdtiiu San Buenaventura O H X C9 3 O Z o I < 3i SERMONET 0£0> Sacrametno atoiiimeyer F W, " Wagner Jacob, " Weber F H L, WEBSTER J B. WETZEL M. White & Spihnan, WHYTE J F & CO. Yuhre Vlf F, Gila Bro8, Saint Helena HALE & BELL. ABRAHAM JACOB* Salinas City t'i>iig*li>u G W, Harris J H, Hay Jno F, Parker J W K, Scott J B, STRELLNAUER B. VVancii (ieo,. Airostina 0, ^LE SMITH. Oliver Harrison, Kowan Gea D, Wiggiiis W K, Beroiiio (i, Burch J D, Conner H W & Co, Corey J A, Feraucl Jules, Gai\(lolfo Alex, Kuhlinan J ohn A, Kighatti Francisco, Btei-8 W A, San Dii'go BRADT&SONS. CAEAVIA OABRIEL. Mauknitosh F J, " I'iili^eun US, Ui.mG, Weegar EH,, liiiioci^hio A, San Gabriel AUZERAIS & POMEROT. San Jose bulloliJ A, Ucnzel Conrad, *' BERNHARDT & REDMOin), " black .) C. " BOMFARD & CO, Bull (ieo »', CLOSE MC. Clark S A, " Corkery Denis, " Duviiie J J, Dunii.i) R B, EBKSON WM & CO. l!lSOH£R WM, I'Viaut A &Ct', " Hart Jus, Hertcl Chas A, LAOARDEA, Lawrence J M, " licnilium, Bums ti Co, " LirrHER&SHROEOEB, MaiiHtiulil Juu, " MoUe P, San Jose ni», 110, 118, m. ll< md 118 B>ttwy at . 8. F. ("t J'mIF it; >^lti' IL a « c a S o J? fO o S « 2 IL c c O ■ o o o z s < a. a z E 9 O 974 ORO California. CIiABSiriBD. ORO Origsby M E, Santa Boaa HoodTB, Matera F. JfcBREEir T. O'Kear & 8inith, Peery Thos E, Sacry D S, S£E»EUCEN A D & BBO, 8hane A, Spencer &, Armstrong, WiUiamsJM&Son, Brewer W S, Bellinde J S, Broderick J, Costa J, Lauriano Jos, KEMBLED. Lynch (r, WEONER EDWARD. Brescia J It, Chamberlain W H, Crepin H, Hall Josiah, MADSON J 0. McCOBMICE MBS M, Kotiier Wm, WykofF Wm, Zimmerman Mrs J, WoodJas, Warner Wm, ALEGRETTI 0, Bauilio L, Beisi* G, Black & Bro, BOISSEUER H G, Finncgun M, Gazzola Annie, Ghilliazza O & Bros, Oianolli G B & Bro, Hamman J C, Hampton Geo, Hansel L, HART & THRIFT, Hedges & Buck, Kraft H. LAXrMELillR LEWIS, Lertora P, Mnsto li, MOLLENHAUER I. I'erkiiiB Bros, Kinaro A, SCHMITT PHTTJilP, .Shepherd D C & Bro, WoUner Fred, Woolsey Wm, Greehn & Asher, James & I»ng, Brachman 8, I'inkham < Jeortje, DAVIS HAMLET, HARRISON W, JONES LEE, Holcomb 8 F, '^ Saratoga Saucelito Shasta (( Sonoma Souora Sweetland it Stockton << Ukiah Valle << Susanville <> Tehama Temescal Truckce Tulare Walsh's Washington Wataonville 11 Hooker G A, KINOSBXTRT & TLGKER, Bliven & Co, Brownlis Jas, \ Carey J C, DERWIN & MoCUDDEN, GOODS &RONEY, HARRIER D W. EHXIARDEM&CO. Kelly & Mclnnia, Lynch. P B, Lynch P C, Moran Jas, North John, Walsh J M, Smitli J B, Atteridjje & Sheehy, Coiilan 8, FONTANA & DEMARTINI, LAURITZEN P, Lo^cs M 8, Perret F (i, Richards W S, Xtoesser O, Tuck 1 A, Hocker Henry, Weaverville Lang M, •• BUHSEN DEDRIGH, West Oakland Caviero (i, " COATES EDWARD J. CoUens H M, " Dotel J F W, Dunbar John, " Fan-ell Mrs Jane, " Fisk L, GERMREICH & THORNBURG, ' Gibbons & Cunan, " Handcrs Henry, " McNamara Mrs Margarite, " MoMILLAN & COX, •Shaw John, " Smith A W S, Stowcll & Driver, " Winn A, Thomas E B, SYLVAJP. Elliott & Co, Culver C B, Eaton J H, Eaton J I, Porter & Co, Schwalm J G, Brown Mrs K, SWANL. Willows Wilmington Winters Woodland Yreka GROCERS-WHOLESALE. (See also Grocers — Betail.) HELLMAN. HAAS & CO. Los AnL'eles NEWMARK H ft CO. STRATTON C A & CO. Marysville ■0 c n H C > r H OS 09 e o o CO o a H » 5* 3 (tt o o (D 3 a ■a (■ 3 e ■a P (D 1 z O e M O « » r p» X 9 O TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.BIumauer&Co., '^iMd.or- 00 CO Vi CO B Bii Mi Ad BO C£ m Ha Ei Ml FA • « s c c c 3 c (8 ( (See Boy Paw Elde TH( Mar McE Lilit( WA Tottc Castr Cadir Pcrrv ABC: Fineli TAY Mayei woo: WES] (iood« KoclJ slot! Moon) LievcJ filOEJ PRic: Mills Herge< Krep Mct'lii Dohki 0) 0) ■M. h«T* II, Warne Allen ('Joen EfiER I <'Hte8 j Damcai I Craig J I Borry i Pitcher Doerine 'Schillin ZIHGC J>unu 8 Fisher J Soper M Preemai Yostlsa ^j^and ItP loMkr BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '"^'^sa'^*?S!iS/,{^*^«.i;St'StrS?fe |3 a 9 3 *« ■ ^m L > 1 % h a ■ •» T-l i €/) 3 C0 h a. <•*-> n 1 H <4 bS h'8 00 ton g 1 iUe S- i£ II •— (D * C fi> -»-' " «) ■ II 3 c ii " ? fl. ville 51 " 1 .land W c W (S 3 «i< .1 a c " ^ 3 Ik ORO California. CiJLWIFIBD. HAI 975 Butler P W & Co, Oakland Miller F B & Co, (and retail), " Adams, McNeill Sl Co, Sacramento BOOTH & CO. GHESLEYOW. MEBIUS&CO. Hammond, Moor e k Yardley, Stockton HART & THEIFT. MU8T0P. FASKEB B B & CO. GUN AND LOCKSMITHS. (See also Qnns, Pistola and Ammunition. ) Rhodes W H, Behmer Daniel, HESSE FBED& CO. Dobrowsky E, Moore E L, Ditz G, 8pra^ue Z, SCHIABBATJH 3H0 C. LAWBENCE W £. Leu V, Morey David, Nordheim G A^ Santa Cruz Santa Roaa II Shasta Slack's Canyon Stockton Ukiah Vaca ville Vallejo Watsonville Yreka Ii ■ 11 •a H •? ■ illowa ^ ■ ugton » m inters T ■ )illand " I It 1 ■ ex CO n 0) w Boyce Mathew, Pages B, Elder F A, THOBNSENOTTO. Marshall A, McElroyT, Liliie Geo, WADDAMS W H. Tottcn M B, Castro P, Cadman Geo, Perry A, AECHEBJA. FiiK'li W K, TAYLOB DAN S B. Mayer Wm, WOOLSEYJS. WEST WF. (ioodwyn T W, Rocliat Frank, SLOTTEBBBCK CHAS. Motiupy A, Liever John, BIOELOWB. FRICKETT £ S. Mills ]. F, Herget E W, KrepiHsr Bros, McClure Bros, Dubkins J A, Steiger P J, Wiirnekros A, Allen H S, (iieen Benj, EBERHABDTWM. (Jates Frederick, Damcaux Henry, Craig Joseph, Berry Wm J, Pitcher J S, DoerinerChas, Schilling Frank, ZniQQ JOSEPH. IhihuiS, gunsmith, Fisher J F, Soper W H, Freeman A A, Yost Isaac, linglandW P, Anaheim Antioch Auburn Bakersticld Biggs Bodie Calistoga Chico Colusa Coulterville Dixon Dutch Hat Eureka GUNS, PISTOLS AND AM- MUNITION. (See also Gnn and Locksmiths.) Chico Cohisa Downieville P^jureka Uollister Los Angeles WADBil JfS W H. BROOKS GEO 0, OreiirJ W, TAYLOB DAN S B. Lathrop (J G, ' Liever John, Folsoni Gilroy Grass Valley Hcaldsburg HoUistcr Lakeport Lemoore Los Angeles Marys ville II Nord Oakland 01 eta Petaluuia II Plncerville II Sacramento Salinas City San Andreas San Bernardino •I San Diego San Jose San Juan San Luis Obispo II San Luis Roy Santa Anu Santa Cruz Slottcrbeek H & Co, BIGELOW B. GEOBGE P. Hunt«!r (i W, - West William, Dench J W, Leonard & Sa^vtell, SGHOENFELD S D. ECKHABDT HENRY. FLOHB A. FLOHB CHAS. HEINBICH LOXnS. SOUBISSEAU F. ttchilling Frank, Saper W H, Thompson Jacob, CONDIT J H & CO. Van Vlear W H, Wood Geo, Mai-ysville II Merced Napa Placcrville Red Bluff II Sacramento San Diego Stux Jose II Son Luis Obispo Santa Ana Stockton Vallejo HAIRDRESSERS. (See also Hairdressers and Baths ; also Hairdressers — Ladies. ) Hasslingcr John, Kalis Frank J, Lcnikie C H, Meysel Oscar S, Dean J H I, I'^y Frank, Robinson L R, AnilterT Joseph, SIMPSON W A. Xizues F, Rapier R G, Reeves Thos, Buck reus Franz, (Jardcnieyer J, Reese Samuel D, CO m o w s • B» It's 'B .»? £■» It So ^^ •81 »§■ Alameda Anaheim II Angel's Camp Antioch Areata II Auburn II Bakersdeld o % S2 CD Bigg. i!- H. PALMER A CO., Frontignan Wine, 302 Davis SL S. F, :m A. pi 1 f f ' I •f ■i -M 1 M« ■IM IL ■ CO ■I c p 3 S & > 'C o E a "8 C c O ■ o o o < flL h D O W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., TO.TJggA'^-.rg^'afe eV V^ 976 UAI California. 0I.A88IFIBD. HAI O'Coimor John, Blocksbnrg O'Connor D L, << Dabner John, Bloomfield Anfleraon W W, Bodie BROWN T J. << Eyselee A, GILL F a << <• LOPEZ JOE* « Neblett W N H, << VIKKA J B. fC Hodar Benj, Borden Nichols J E, Calistoga Williamson H T, tt Tejado Miguel, Cambria Brown W H, Castroville Mathews Monroe, << Silver Manuel, Centreville DAILY C M. Chico Frank (ieorge, << Fink Honry, << HENDERSON B. « Jackson Peter, • it Lewis R, It Palmer T, Chinese Camp Lauk S, Cloverdale Fawcett Geo H, Colfax HuflF S VV, 41 Freitas A T, Columbia Koch Cha9, <( BINES & MANSO. Colusa Henderson & Lopaz, << FADILLA L. (< MARTINEZ I N. Concord Pablo Ituis, it Himcl A, Coulterville Lifoo Chas. Cuffey's Cove FUILLIBER CHAS L , Davia BarlMjr H D, Dixon SMITH W H, (baths). tt Wagner A J, tt Johnson I W, Downieville Decker Z:ioharias, Downey (-ity Duncan's Mills SLOAN CHAS F. Briuknian & Jameson, Dutch Flat Burnell & (irace, East Oakland ORESSLER CHAS A. tt Loud H A, H, Etna GALLAGHER & COLEMAN. 1 (baths). Eureka HAINES F M. tt RICHARDSON C W. (baths). •• STEWART JOS F. II Hart U B, Ferndale Nichols B B, II CADY H W, Folsom Holz Mark M, II A rf stein J C, Forest Hill Faure Edward, Fresno Frietaa M C, . II Noble (i W, . Wentworth A A, Gait U, Stoiii Nathan, " Storch J T, •• Turner Ben, " Wilsoa A'hj, " Wiseman & Newman, " Dvisoy Win St Helena UlfichJ, ' . 62 M m ' ■< o TSS. T o 3 (ta ST ?-* It 1 m m It m ■ t-:4 ;i!J'; :' ^::>1 t., Sac H. PALMER & CO., Port Wine $2,50 per gal.. «"* "'•^"* '*""^^*' Btiut ftV Salinas City John son Henry, "' WETZEL F, Pfortuor Win, Lambert S, Keen Chas, Sylveria Geo, Sanchez J V, SANCHEZ PEDRO. Keitzke A VV. HOLM&SUBEECK. Jo Bse Ada m, SCHWERER FREDERICS. SNIDER CHAS. Trask P H, Cuneo M, Biicquie E, Bosuutino G, Chanchua Jacques, Oerbcr Julius, Gerstmayo A, Graudi U S, Howard Franklin, Koch A J, Jensen & Mosor, Johnson Jerry, Lenz B, Muuoz Antonio, Setta G, SFEIGHTS R. Tichuor Chas, Zarcone G, BULLIER LEON. Soto Mariana, BARRADAS F C. coMt. a«o Post Mt. HAI California. CLAH8IPIRI>. HAR 979 CO •a CO : * «... Liibbelle O, Scott Thna, Brial L B. Surraro Juhn, Auto ie & Co, Masaa Auti all sIbmi, I lO, 1 1M, i> Hi ■ IL i 9 O E a (0 i c c O ■ o o o < 0. 980 HAR California. CLAMIPIKD. HAB WIGHTMAB & HAMPTON. Marysville DXJEHAM BROS* Muxwell Kocher J, Merced 8teveu8ou D C, Millville I'erkins Isaac, ModeHto Wood ft Turner, " CLARK A G & CO. Napa Ed« ards S & Co, San Bafael Santa Ana •I Santa Barbara Nevada City North San Juan Oakland Orange Oroville Pacheco Petuluma Fleasanton IMymouth Red Bluffl Redwood City Riverside Schwarz H, Legg ft 8haw, Turner Geo K, Menner ft White, B;.bc.)ck G W ft Co, Barbageluta F ft Co, Beverton iS, Briones ft Chnnaron, Everaon W ft M, Nash P E, PIERCE & CO. McClelland AH, BROCK & TABER, (tray J as C, Littlefield & Wiggins, All en & St John, BAUER L, Buckius W r> ft Co, WEATHERWAX & WOOD- WARD, Pinkuey Af , Heilrath J, Voluntiue ft Monasse, Fitch J S, Patton G S, Petton S S, OILL A M* Rohnerville BAKER & HAMILTON. Sacramento BATES GEO & CO, DAVIS S H. HAWIET MARCUS C ft CO. HOIBROOK. MERRILL ft STETSON. Holm m, .Sta»iton ft Co, " HUNTINGTON. HOPKINS ft CO. (wluik'sale), " Kellosp Leonard, " lEWISLL&CO. MARTIN JAM. CHIC'ES W G. (tinware), St Helena KETTIEWELLJRftSONS. " DREW H L. San Bernardino Ruffen & Biays, " BAKER F W JR. San Buenaventura Todd C D, Hamilton ft Co, San Diego Julian AH, Alvord Henry B, San Jose AUZERAIS ft POMEROT. BoBchken J, " T,AGARDEA, PFISTER A. (iron and atwl), " KNOWLES ft BAINBRIOGE. Sau Leandro Spenar F O, Buudy ft McFadden, Haywood J S ft Co, Edwards ft Roeseke, Boeder ft Ott, •" Dibbla J H, Santa Clara Madnn A, '* BOWMAN G. Santa Cruz COPE W T, Willey Henry, " Jones T ft 8on, Santa Maria Gnerne ft Ludwig, Santa Rosi Letold J (}, •« Morrow James Jr, " THOMPSON G W, Coleman A ft Co, Shasta (JallutT, Bonora MOORE WMK. AUSTIN BROS. Stockton ERNEST CHARLES L. Graham Wm, " Hoj;an Howard, •' Jackson Jno, " Mills Jus T, " ROWE ROBT, THRESHER M S, HOLLY SIDNEY R ( iraliel S W ft Co, Susan ville Greehn ft Asher, '« Callaway ft Mitchell, Sutter Cn^ek Stout H C, Tabic Uock SIMPSON JOHN, Tehama JONES LEE, Triickee Brunuer F, Ukiah Cliff ft Metzger, Walsh P R, Vallejo Wii^ht M J, DOUGLASS BROS ft CO, Visalia SWEET S ft G^ lillEIERMUTHGEOA, WatsonviUe Stoesser O, " Schuler E, West Oakland Freeman ft Klemmer, AVillown <; rover Bros, " Kennedy John, Wilmincton FREEMAN F S ft CO, Woodland WOOD HENRY B, TRIPP R 0. Woodside NEHBRASS ft HARMON, Yreka Stimmel HE, " HARNESS MAKERS AND SADDLERS. (See also Harness and Saddles.) Gagnon A, Alturas Payne A "0 0) 3 a. O O 3 :r m ;.: 1 H. WACHHORST calls attention '•£i*iaVS?w£Sl'- 315 J St. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Piwtlrally ffAashtAt PACIFIC RUMt. 3 2. I'' I p} 3 3 HAS California. CLAHBIV'IEU. HAR 981 -I CO O o 3 CD a o 3 CD < ■ < |p ille 3* O :ock , ^ .™.. I CD ima I (/) skee __ Liah I (D It lejo i» lalia li ille "I CD a. lan( '1 q lows o' CD bton land I" Uido }eka ND jras 00 -0 -J {» 3 rson o ■ iiKh S ■ ctta (£1 ■ uuia oley '1 I s « e o o o o o 1a o e (0 mi O H Z O 3 O if) Blnoksburg BloointieUl Bodie n Portorsvillo I'oiat Arena Redwood City River^iido Rohnerville Rough and Reiuty Sacramento St Helena Salinas City San Btriiardino San Jose << San Juan San Lorenzo San Luis Obispo Estrada Juan J, (spurs and bits), " Sanbrano Antuno, (bit and spur maker) " Valenzuela Guadalupe, " BARTLETT A T, San Mateo Anns & Hayden, San Queutin Curry T, San Rafael Moatijo Florencio, (saddle-treemaker) Santa Barbara Peterson A M, Werner John, l{oyalJE, Kennwly E H, Parson A 0, Darius C, iSiinsim Henry, Gi Oi •*9 MaiUsou BUSH OEOROE C Martinez Marysville M^ixwell Maytield Mendocino Merced it Milton Mission San Jose Monterey Nap.i Reid A G, Hilko N C, \V right John, Ashley J S, WILLIAMS RL. S.yer Alfred, P..ltenJno, BUSCHKE GAD. Riiyas J , Ackerman C H, Guinn & Braiuerd Kinsmill T E, Adler Joseph, HaiTis I W, Humphrey £ A, Cope Richard, Santa Cruz 3 ? Santa Rosa Saucelito Sherwootl Valley Sierra Valley Smith River «jouora >< Stockton It Sycamo • Tehumi Temescal Tomales Tr.icy Tres Piiios Ukiah Vacavillft Wulnut Grove Watsimville Winters Woodbridge »s •:■ * ! '•M ii H. PALMER & CO., Native Wines. 302 Uavis Street, S. F. r '•tf I • c « I s i CD i s IL 7 o o o Q z Z o < Q. h D O WUf linMT ACIir A rn MtAvm and Rsiikmi. MO diawmt •!••■, itjrtai ui4 . IT. HlUPi I HUUC « ItV.f imtunw. HO. lU. 114, 11« Mid 118 BttUry Bi.. ■■ f. 982 HAR California. HAR CLAHHiriBD. O 1 ^ Nickelaon George S, Wrijihts OEOBOE P. MaryaviUe Vi HuffJ, Yonntville HAn.n.Tfl H M- g 1 *^ m o LAWEENCEWI. HARNESS AND SADDLES. Harrington M S, Melville Leeker H W, Merced o c ao H C3 1 *** (S43U ulso Ilarness Makers and Saddlers,) Jones A, ' Milpitus Grollmun Wm, MuUivtu 1 £ 1 Doyle M C, Alameda Tregea Wm, 9to Warliiig O, Anaheim linger Chas, Mokclumno Hill F Hellwig C'h;i8 J, Auburn Weilliuiiner A, Mountain View o ^H Alttttson t) (), BakurMticld Jonkens Jos, Nevada City ao ^^^1 0*^^ Heniper F C, Biggs West W, Newcastle .^ H ij Beiitnu J B, Cahto GUBERT JACOB. North Uau Juan 1 H ' WIBBKE JULIUS. Calistoga iJuLiy O &, Co, Oakland H BIEKDON JOHN. Castrovilie Marston & I'almer, ^ " c; 1 ^l ' Keistcr L A, It UEATONAA, Orlaud ESPINOSA JOSE M. (bits and CLEMENTS L A. Oroviiiu OB BI)UI8), Chir iorry 8 J, I'uchuco H .6 Murray W E, Clovtnlak' Burgtoi f C N, Petaluniu ^1 Jn K Bcnjainiii Win, Cdlfi.x Gwinn & Brainerd, '• • BKOOKS.OEOO. Colusa FALMEB & HOLM. fr 1 It Keser L lui;'. • « Dench J W, Placerville 1 b n Nulaon & GruiTtiD, Danville Irvine It C, J'lyrnouih (A Hott'maii Geo, Davi.-t GdcffL-rt A A, • PniiLuUiii a « 1 Shortridu'e C S, Downey City Owens A C, [Bui Bluir GeoHert Uenry, Dixon Kichart & Collins, m^ 1 Kirsuh Jao 1', II STOLL PAUL, ^ 1 ■ k f Fl llaminer D, K-iet Oa'lnnd MOEltIS B K. Bedding 1 HANLEY WM, II SOHKOXEE G C, i l*'ity.i>atriuk Kdwurd, II Moll C M, Eio Vista 1 l^ i KliuB M, El Mont' \aMSTiiONG THOS. J^iei-umento a' 1 Hoiiblciii L, Folsoni oliriuii b'r»Ml, " ■ k V 0' Ittcr Louis, Fre8n< i GRIESEL JACOB. 1 '* cf 1 B' DI TouiI)s A 41 McKay D, Btckwith J W, Gait NELSON CLARENCE. e 1 Carson (ifo, Grass Valley PARKER J E, "^ 1 ELLISON A. Gridley Potter P, "O I BETJNER JOHN. GOOBELL GEO A. Doughty AK, Hall S J, Hanford Haywurda Uoaldsburg Both 8, STOLL J T, STONE R & CO, Kurpiiisky T, fit Helena < 1 1 — Pi Clark L C, Hneneine HUliHES M, Salmus City ^ 1 1 O Williams C F, lone Citv Walker J no, x* ■ 1 ^ Rohiiisori J L, Kik'sillah Culljcrson A J, Sfin Andreas 1 'So liaiiant Antony, Kin''8buri' Foy J no M, San Bemanlino X 1 1 O (Se Maytieia A C, II Harlow Chas, San Bueuaveutuiii 1 P* 01 i'oi-terti*)ld J W, Miti>es A 8, Lakeport Ijomoore L\ niann C C, " Kdwartlrt C J, Sau Di'go i 1 1 fi KI BEEAMANN CARL. Parsons A O, Linoiiln Little Lake May C L, Cl..rk Jas, Sau Jose p7 ^M Morette J P, Livennore EMPEY&LENNARD, Tf" m Wi " Wc 4A liot O'Brim Jas, 11 HATCH I C. . BELL A T. Los Angelo-i Keisor P, X 1 Bunebrake & McManis,. II ME8STNG H & SON, Fo Y s a It tsteru W, " 1 Grucia Domingo, II Reiil W W, San hemAro n 1 ^ Heina<.'h Hermann, 11 Aiatia If, San Luis Obispo a: ■ Moreno ,)esus F, « Brewster S R, o PAPINEAU OTTLEY It Harrington Dennis, " e ■ Bol Schubert A W, ii Johnson J C & Co, San Quentiu Workman E H, Darius C, Loyalton •Stone ft H.-iyden, " NEWMAN HA, Santa Ana p 1 Eamshielda V L, Marysville Thel«n C, 1 TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. B!umaner & Co., "^TJIIvX RIIQIMPQQ PPMMAMQIIIP l>ni<>tli*ally tanckt at PAriVI«^ HITMI. o r o ao OB e o a I City (0 U1 a' W e o » »p n 1 X o e (A O • Pi r p> a . BAR California. HAY 983 amlro » ■ Jl'iipo ^ 1 4» ^ ■ II ueiitin s I 11 ** H taAna ? ■ It 1 ■ Ore* ■ I o p< A4 o o m ''8 o Morono Francisco, S4'hiieick«Tt H, Withrow A A, Hioka A S, Buck land L H, Keaor Lewis Jr, SchDtor (I C, Taylor Alnx J, Amlrews J H, DORBANCE H T. liOonoy Th<>8, SIOROAN DANIEL. Tripi. U, WOOD A C. Fdrtiiner Tlioodoro, VioiniM B, SHERIDAN P. AckerniHii C H, Gwiaii ft Brniaerd, l.'iohart ii B, KERN FREDERICK, Sal;i/ar J, 8HVHAM & CX). Wnlk.r I) K, MORENO TE, HAMILTON & SiHxl^r.iaa Tlios, Flem — , Ooniclly ThoB, (i lover i>, Oiilc K, TOOMEY J B, Vail V«llkonhurg Honry, CiilriieH k Rons, DALBEY F, DIETZ U PRIOR TM, TobiiH 1) & liro, Kransc Frod, Kia^e F, HATTERS. Murysvillo Oiikland II oil3 and Clothing; also General Merchandise.) KLEIN WM. Marysville Qninii D H, Sacranientc SLATER J F, TropjAAJr, Trooo Pot-r, «' Williams Bros, . San Jose Womls J S, Ijothrop &. Noble, Stockton HATS AND CAPS. SCHWARTZ M. BOEDEFELD JOS. DEVLIN C L, Desmon d D, WEIL J. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED. (See also Grain Buyers.) Gundlach Max, Alameda S«hroedor & Victors, •• Kollogg it Pickens, Alta Ham J{ K, Alviso Hutchinson Robt, " M.irtiii .Ino, " McCallWm&Co, Ortli-y Jno J, " Wailo H (J, Fur/uson U P, Boca BOONE & WRIGHT. Bo, Cramer Vj, Fiirnliiim K (!, Bawa \V M k Son, BARNET J H. Bostw iuk I tS, Brown k Co, CARROLL JAMES. ELLIOTT A T. MILLER OEH JF&WC. Near (i W, PETERS J D. Keynolds Merrick, 8tew«rt k Hmith, Wright H E, Liiak L P, SWEET S & 00, <^onny& O'Brien, FmCu & BARNHISEL. Martin John, Weavcrvillc Orovillf Socrumeiito San Bernardino It W & CO. San Die^o Sun Miiteo Suu Jose ii San linfacl Santa Clara Santa Crux Sto<;kton Tcmwoal V'i^ialia West OAi-.lan.l HJDES, PELTS AND WOOL. (See also Wool Buyers.) Corder JO, East Oakland Merchant A, Eureka Ellis Volnpy E, . Los Angi les lEVT SIMOV. SIMON SILAS, Tyler Jerry, Morri-iA Co, WOLLNER JACOB Sawyer B F A Co, lAllrOE LED. KNIOHTS W R. tiOLLTREE BROS. San SHEPHERD & BRO. Mieijhenl D C & Bro, Biul)er N k Co, Meroed Milford Mjilusto << Napa Red Blutf Sacramento Luis Oliiopo Stockton •< Susanvillo HORSE SHOERS. (See also Blacksmiths; also Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers). Antioch Bakerstield Berkeley Chico Colusa Eureka CJilroy Hoi lister Los Angeles MnlXimottP, MORGAN J D, •lohos S, NELSON CHAS L, ROCHE WM, Chope A Jr, HILTON C. Katoii Alex, (Jates H O, (roodwiu Patrick, Toal Frank, Villa David, Hlu'in-lamop, BRYANT CHAS* Allen T H, Cn3fyJ"hn, rjibbs Wm T, rsilmore 1{, Kalluhan P, Maui9, " Horat Wni, " Kay I N & Son, " Konney J J, " KOHLMOOS BBOS. (Kohlmoos), " Malatetita J, " ]{iegelhuth Jacob, " Henrv •! B, Alamo ALLEV BBOS. Allen Springs Hooper VV N, Allofchany Thompson U E, " Cook Mrs M A, Alma Banyard K M. Alta ALTAVILLE HOTEL, (B K Prinoo nropr), Altaville PRINOE B B, Combs W J, Altnrns Pelle Julea, Alviso Thonipaon Thoa, " Wri^iht Wm, Biiinehctti B, Amador HendtTson F B, BUNHAM E, (Planters), Anaheim (irczty. Francois, •• i^NBERSON E, Anderson Ahlioti r \v, ANGEL ? HOTEL, (Oeorge Tryon propr). Angel's Camp Co8j:rovc Kate, Tryon d C, AMERICAN EXCHANGE HO TEL. (iMirifliii prcprt, Antioch FARIOBRS* HOTEL. (H S Stinch tifcld pn'pr), Johnson & Honning, Arnuo Joseph, 15 ice DM, STEBMAN W H. Walsh P K, Goringer Frodrica, Ruscr k Bailey, MARSH BR H W, MERRELL SETH 7, UNION HOTEL, ( l iachert propr)." AMERICAN HOTEL, (F lull propr), Auburn Burlands J, Lipaett A, PUTNAM HOUSE, (Terry & Co managura). Auburn Smith J J, OSGOOB E L, Baird B..iluy John K, Bakcr<>H.'ell Wm, Bieber Phillibcr C, PLANTERS* HOTEL. (Phil Greiu Biggs Bird's Ti'inpr), *♦ COMSTOCK HOTEL. (J B Flem- ing propr), " Hanak H. " Johnson W A, " I 'V. '^x IS ^ ^^R '' o '•^■■vi H'^ • ' ' ' .1- ^^H' H. PALMER & CO.. Frontianan Wine, 902 Davis St, S, F. WW MnMTAfillP Jt rn Mlov(>M«nd Ranees, mo diffemttaliM.ttylMaa« II ■ IL (0 (0 C a o 986 HOT 8 s to c c O o o o z z < D. h O California. OliAfMiriRD. HOT MONO HOUSE, (Kings & Bennett l iropre ), Bc^ie OCCIDENTAI HOTEL. (Kemp & Coleman Dropra), " STEWART'S HOTEL, (M Y Stew art propr), " Wylie Mrs E, Bnrge Geo, Bolinas McAbeo J W, Boonvillc COLUMBIA HOTEL. (E Walters propr), Borden Lewin Steve, " Woltera E, Elliott J, Taylor J, Alleu A, T^javitt H S, HALE J J. Kelley T B, Pugh S H, Wicks AM, Holmes Mrs Mary, Smith John B, Howell Wm, KNOXM. Buss A V, t'lark A B, Lawless Mrs L, Selvester Wm, Howard G C, Martin T P, Stiuiier Mrs R, Wilkeuinj? Henry, Simpson & White, MuUcr & Walters, Chcsebro J A, JOHNSON GEO W, (Calistoga Hot Sjirings), Williams Hichard, Young C E, Duffy M, Camanche PROCTOR HOUSE, (John smith propr), Cain'iria Bliss iNFra R H, Camptoiiville Damcille K. Aldvich J W, Cipay Apjdeby A, *' MfO'inald John, CaniJcr AMERICAN HOTEL.(F M Smith pi opr), C.-,8troville COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, (Mor ganti & Bri^iioli proprs), Ciiynoas Bonlder Creek >< Briilgep'irt Bridgeville a Brighton BroncK Brown's Valley Brownsville BuUard's Bi.r Buru'ettville Butte City Butuhor Ranch i< Byron Cahto Caliente C.di8t*>g Simmons & Morton, Cedar Fi ^t Hivonymcnie J, CVilarville Monchamp J, Simpson I'hos, Centcrville HOFFMAN L. Central Poi it BOTOES W R. Centroville Woihc I'hilin. UNITED STATES HOTEL, (Mrs B J Ixiwis proprps), " WILTON HOUSE, (Mm K Wor- ahan proprss), " Bagnelle — , Cheio'cee Fitter Mrs John, •• MOSTONJJ, Ryan A, " Wel(uighby N, CARY FRANK, (Junction), Chico (iarrott & Miigee, (Butte), " SCHWEIN MilRailroad), UNION HOTEL, (IraR Doolittle propr), " Wetherljoe & Wood, (Chico), " Soliiisky C W H, Chin'^ e Cimp (xunley Audixjw, Christiie Petcrsou M, Chualar Pidl Chr 8, " Blinu Harrison, " CAMPBELL R A, Cisco Tony Jni), Clarksvillu C.>ndio John, Clii>'t a S3 H "I »< 03 c o o CO o 3 o 3 5?. a (A r o p 3* CO 09 cue CO (X. 1^ C Q. c 3 o •a IL X3 o (^ Ui ■-» Q 0) (8 a 01 -t X o X c ^i' CO W t> P :? (0 y TRY DR. CUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pnu*tlrally tanxht at PAI^lt'lC BIWI> HOT Ctdifornia. CLASSIHKI). HOT 987 CO p6 est CO 00 CD tu: CO I If S C a. c c 3 IL ■> « Coaiimne Coulterville <> Courtlaml Covelo CiicnmongJi Cufft-y's Cr.ve ^ DeltM De IJedwood Diamond Springs Grimahaw W R Jr, Jones F M, .leffrey (ieo, Watrner Daniel, WINTERS LUIS, Craneer Dl!, Fernandez U, BeiTV Dr J U Kininnll Chas, IJoche Ihos, " Hansen C'lius, (Danville Hotel\ Danville Dingwell TI103, Davenport QAFFORD HOUSE, (J W (iaiford propr), Davis Mimlon W H, Kobson Win, Smith W T, Kenne<1y «^ West, lUohn .1 F D, K(><'h Barthd, HOHMANN V J, l>ixon King's Hotel, (BriukerhofT & King pri>i)r8), .1 ; " O'lVeill & Rochford, PALACE HOTEL, (E F Small & So n propra), " WILLOT P R, (Arcade), KschbackerT A, Downicville McDoii.dil Owen, RICKE7 J F, (Central), DowneyCity l^oiiard H W, Doucjlas City Biulinganie M B, Drytown Marsh Albert, Dublin Murphy Kd, Ijtiw is « Jeo B, Dunnigan DUTCH FLAT HOTEL, (K Mai- lows propr), Dnt.ch Flat PACER HOTEL, (C M Kopp pnprl, Huston It r,, (Berkeley) Fast Berkeley Crane W W, East Oakland Ikik Wm, De La'/una, " UNION HOTEL. Jas VVoodwiml proi)r), " Harvey ii K, El Dorado Nieh.-ls .), K.^eehiMraN, Elk Crock Martin H B, Elk drove Martin J VV, Uaasette .los, " <,'alahan M, Elniira Fawlkner E C, Ryan I), l)..d8on W R, El Monte CAFFYN D, Emigrant (Jap EPPERSON B 0, Epi)er«on Haker J L, Etna Messner •', " Smith N, •• BAT HOTEL, (Daby & Knntt),Enreka IINSON HOUSE, (W H Rowell), IICK HOUSE, (Daniel Murphy). REVERE HOUSE, (Peter Mc- George), Eureka VANCE HOUSE, (John Vance), " Bl.ck A W, Fairfield HOOPER T P, (Fairfield Hotel), " JOYCE THOS, (Fairfield House), " McDonald Jno, " Russell C C, P'armington ( reniPr Thos, Felton Hayes IN, Rountree A L, " CODY & McCOLLUM, Ferndale i t .ne R M, To.vnaend Mrs E, FidtUetown Voto Mrs M, " Voldeuberg Saml, Fircbaugh TiUttringer J. Fisk's Mill StevensoJi A C, " Warran B F, Jones (Jeorjre, Florin AMERICAN EXCHANGE HO- TEL, (Mrs Kate Hamilton), Folscm CENTRA!. HOTEL, (J C Rand), " Doll M, GERMAN HOTEL, (Charles Zim- mermanu propr), ArchamlHiaux U, KUery Henry, Lawrence George, Miller E, Hyland Mrs D, Uea Wm, KinlKr B, WELD H D, . liegg Thos, Hryant M R, Adams !>, Hughes Mrs A M, Sterling Mrs E, Berry D, BLANCHARD J M, Lewis K, Heter Fort Bidwell Fort Jones » c o E 75 CO ? c c O • o o o 988 HOT California. CI1A8HIFIRD. HOT Gerinantown Hotel, (A Koppa propr), Georgetown Hageman M, " OEYSERVILLE HOTEL. (C W Skugg), (.If'yserville Perry .?h8 E, Gibaouville Van Zine Alex, *' Aix;zart«ra M A Co, Gilroy mOGINSON MRS G:M, (Rail- roiul House), " Molitor Jno T, McGovem Ja«, BAILROAD HOUSE, (Mrs C M lli'^ginnoii proprss), " SEAMAN GEO, (Southern Paciflc)," iSlKtrt S T, (U 11 Exchange and Din- inn Hooin), SOUTHEEN FAGinC HOTEL, WILLIAMS HOTEL, (Lyade & Farrel pr.'prs), " Bii83titt 'S dk 80ns, Gloubrook Moses E R, Early Mrs, Jones Wm Sr, Kryger Chris, H-vrdwick C, Fluke Estate, McCABE JOHN, VVillinnid Goo W, Kitchener & Co, Hurlbut E R, Her t wick Joa, Uobb J \V, Andrew W, Itee Wm, Benson Wm H, " (f.mdryT, Hobby (; W. " HOLBROOKE D P, (Holbrooke), " Mitchdl W H, Thom;ia Henry, " Van Benscbotea J W, Grnyson Cram Mrs Julia, (Jridley GRIDLEY HOTEL. (Mrs E Tay 1(1! Droprss), Glenville Gold Run uuham Hayes, Thompson V G, ARCADE HOTEL, ley), Hoopa Valley Hojieton Howard Huenerao Hydesville Igo Independunco (Jas MeCau- lone City UNION HOTEL, (Frein), Ixieton Kinar F, Jiuinto CENTRAL HOTEL, (R Ix)ry), Jacks-m l)«yer 1', " NATIONAL HOTEL, (Evans & Askey pniprs). Jenny Lind Judtiouvilk) Junction City JuuL'ti .«K. SJiO PMt HU, *•• F. $ 30 (A H CA H 30 m m H o 30 H P- O 30 m o (A s o m r (A 3. 3 •41 O |l»ejr Ulle I « HOT California. CLAS8IPIRD. HOT 989 Kibesillah Kiagsbnrg (t Kaight's Ferry n ^H e ^ a ^ ^M ilkt s H • I a ■ ."ity tl>u ^ 1 CD H II ■ K '^ ■ II m ■ II « IB VI n V' fl fcrillo « ■ Huh 1 I" I I s t « e e 1 e « o •I f o o H X u a o z (0 ■ « t Smith R J & Sons, Draper E J, SimpHOti P Btru^B Mrs, MoCUin k Co, Muljeau A, " Uuiou Hotel, (J Taylor), Kuight's Landing Hastings N, Lafayctto Btxso Mrs M M, La Crunjje CLEAR LAKE HOTEL, (J N Miller prpr), Lakeport Greene W W, MOUND COTTAGE HOTEL, (Mrs S V Chapman propr), " Buckley H, La Porte Cay.tt Mrs, " Shannon li T, Lathrop Shei.henl J A, " xMillirJ H, Latrolte Bliss Wni, Leesville I'erdne Peter S, " Furnish Mr-*, Lemonre PARK HOUSE, (G N Furnish), " Ikrher W H, Ijcwiston WILKINSON H F, (Logan), Lincoln Brown * Pivis, Little Ltke Mahlnmnn A F, Little Ikivcr Mor.ijier Chr s, e«kir), II GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, (.1 J' Hill propr). ' II GMNQE HOUSE. (Mrs P J Vuini propr), KIKE PATRICK. ti Mourou VV S, i( IVUiisier Eugene, «< Schnu'lt John, «i Strohrid^'c T \V, ti UNITED STATES HOTEL, (Hamnul & Djukur propru), '* ThoMtonH WP, Los Banos Wicuii.:"* A, 14 Eilily Jam?s J, Los Giitos 'iol.lsmith \V C, Lower l^ake Slinsou J L. Loyaltou Audcrttou Miu'k, Mudcrii MACE'S HOTEL. (Capt R P Maco propr), Jesseu 8om, HillikerLW, Willard Mrs M A, Le>vls Mrs Rebecca, Bunker & Co, Elli )tt T H, Lynci) Mrs J, Giillison VVinslow, SCHLAGETTERH. JoiiuiionJ A, Peterson J P, Donneilv.Tohn, EXCHANGE HOTEL. Downer propr), Girvin Wni, (Morgan House), iiOUGH'S HOTEL. (D. E P Hougli propr), " Sturgia Josiah, (Alham^ra Hotel), " GOLDEN EAGLE. (A Furnham iiropr), Marysville MECHANICS* HOTEL, (B Peei), '• hiilliviin Mrs M, ** WESTERN HOUSE, (George Wappel), U S HOTEL, ("^cheu & Swank), MAXWELL HOTEL, (Mr« M G Madera II Madison Maine Prairie Miunmath City II II Mariposa II Marshall Martinez (VV M II II Minufee), Ducker Chas, Bever Bros, Carlson J E, Morton VV If, Thoinu^* Manuel, Fletciur A B, Clougli A \7- Evans Ch is E, Pahey VVni, MORAN M F. Northrop Kobt J, ROCKHOLD JW. Abranis John, b'er^uson Duncan, J'ouellP, Williania M H, Smith .) E, H ura Franz, BOYLE S A. Lhn.htH, Luytcn P, Mllirae Hotel, (P Luitoa propr). " Ovirniicr .1 D, Millville iSimpson T.l, ** Sniitli Jas L, " French A, Milpit;w DonnerH, Milton Hen.lrick N W, ClotUt'ttfT Chis, Mineral Kin;: HALF WAY HOUSE, (D Clottct ter pix)pr). Hoy J C, Smith S E, Sourtellotto — , Mineraville JMaxwell May field Mendocino Menlo Park Merced Meridian Michigan Bluff Middletown Midw.-y Milford Mdlbrao II II II x o \ •I m h If .a n II ••5 * r Hi m- m ic. OLD PORT WINE, H. PALMER & CO., 302 Davis St., S. F. m % IV.. m it'] WW MflN r ARIir Jt rn >^«>^t iron, an mK«fl and Wnnbeni, HO, . W. mUri I AUUC « bU., n*. xi4 ilO, ana 11» Battery »».. »*. fI i J i hi. m ! 'I ■ U ft IL ■ CO i p > O E CO c c CO O ■ O o a. h 990 HOT California CLAHSIFIKD. HOT International Hotel (J Colambet), Mission 8au Jose MISSION HOTEL, (0 Steyer prour), '* Aren«lJo)in A, Modesto DAWSON C W, (Modesto House), •• Duncan Moac, *' MODESTO HOUSE. (C W Dawson pror>r>, *' PBENTISS HOTEL. (J W Pren- tiss), • ROSS HOUSE, (J C Traner propr), " Boyd E H, Mohave Furaeson Mrs Mary, Mokelumjie Hill LEGER SISTERS. (Adolph Pe- chade manager), *' Mayer Fretl, " Larson Joseph, " McBeth D N, MoTiitor HAMPTON HOUSE, (O Hamp- ton propr), Monterey Lock wood AU>ert, " OCEAN HOTEL, (Mrs Milton Lit- tle pmprss), " ST CHARLES HOTEL, (R Wornes propr), Peacock E A, Morrow Mrs, 8hea Mrs, Mea«]o M, Steinkajnt J P, Foram James, Heiser Mrs A, BOOGSEW. GLEASON G D^ Mouutiiin View llotel, TAYLOR S A. Atwood Henry, tSporry Jamc!) L, COLEMAN MART MRS.(13rook- lyn Hotel), Napa Cowan J H, Devlin OhaH, HOGAN MRS A, (propr Napa Hot.'l), Kinji Mra M, Jacobaon Carson, (American House), " McEtierny Mrs, (K 11 House), " Nu!».sh(!rger J, " SWISS HOTEL, (Potter & Varozza propra), " Patton .r W, Natividad Tholke W, Eilarman F A, Nevatla City NAFFZIGERJ,(Union), PEARSON CHAS E,(National Ex- change), " Richards Wm, " Hund Fretl, Now York Landim; Mills H W, Newbury Park Wilson O W, Now Castle Fields D W & Co, Newhall Briard G H, Nicasio Monticello Moore's Flat (( Moore's Station << Mount Bullion Mount Eden Mountain Viow Murphy's Andrews Sarah, Nicolaus Virgil John A, Nilea Barrows F P, ' Nr rdhoff McKee \V S. OAK GLENN COTTAGE, (VV S Me Keo propr), " Edwards tieo. North Bloomfi.jld Lun.l P, Mobley F F, (xerman Jolm, North San Joso NATIONAL HOTEL, (A J Put- nam propr), " Schmidt JnoF, • " Weyor Fred, Oakdalo Baldwin A, Oakland Baxter J B, Bushell House, (E A Bushell propr), CHAPIE, TALLMAN & CO, Chartand Ivouis, *' Eureka Hotel (H H Meyer propr), " GALINDO HOTEL(F H Lathorp), " (Ublion J, " Hall Wm M, HAN3A HOTEL, (Hermann Kirch- ner, " Henry J M, . " Hoveuden John, " Kingsland Thos G, " La Clede House, (Mrs Kate Jurgens propr), " ManHion Hou30,(L A Willey propr), " Markwaldur H, " McAllister Mrs H A, Miller Flora, " Newland A, (prr)pr Newland House)," OREGON HOUSE, (J C Gage pro- prietor), " SNYDER S P, (manager Galindo Hotel oor Ki^hth ami Franklin), " Washington Hotel, (Uenoit Lavorel Longe propr), " Wilson Iluuse, " Winter John, " Winter's Hotel, '• Coiiiiully J 1), Occidental Oleina Hotel (J Nelson propr), Olema Townsend Mrs E, Oleta VotavvMraM, Wakeman A J, " L.savitt C H, Ophir RUBOTTOMWL, (Orange), Orange Housh ( 5eo P, Oregon Houso Pool C B, Orland SEAVY C T, AIht Mrs V, A, Orleans Bar UNION HOTEL. (Hiram Arents propi), Oroville U S.HOTEL, (Louis W Hoops pro- ^ EAgW HOTEL. (E Hadaoll pro- prietor), Pachooo Pajaro Hotel (J M Baldwin propr), Pajaro i O H C (A O a •a o a a, $ o o o 5 ■o 9 O n 1 X o e M O M r O 3 (7 TRY MURRAY'b lUNG AND LIVER BALSAM.^ PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. The Mo4«l OniBiiirrrlal Col lei or thf <;oMt. 8»0 Post St.. il. ff. 3 2 H C )leta 3P 14 (« '• -1 plur X ango e 0U8U « and II (/) Bar P 1 f* )villo ■" M 1' |C* ■ O ;he<^o 3 ijaro HOT California. CIiAHtilFIKn. HOT 991 Paakenta << CottGO, Turner Mrs E M, FASO DE BOBLES HOT SPRINGS HOTEL. (Blac!ibum Broa aad James proprietors), Pttso De Roblea Magiai John, Peach Tree Grant Elisha, Penryn Pence M, Peutz Sti;yker P O, Pescuderu SWANTON G W, (propr Swantou House), AMERICAN HOTEL, (W B Mat zoiibach propr), Petuluma CITY HOTEL, (A B Rood propr), COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, (H Matthies propr), Stockdale H, Tij;he Kelly, Union Hotel, (Gerkona & Pfau pro- prietor), ' Washington Hotel, (Soldt; ;e & Cereg- hino propr), Flarity P, Peter's Station Lidell Win, Phoenix Mine Einmona S W, Pine Grove BOWMAN HOUSE,(K Yamold pro- priet(»r), Plaoerville Bi-ian Henry, CARY HOUSE, (W M Donahue). CENTRAL HOUSE, (S M Voach piv.pr), Hufneister Freak, Kiei\e Mrs E, Abbott W ^V, Plainslmrg Bowden Wm, Stanton John, " Brownint; F H, Plonaant Grove FARMERS' HOTEL, (J acol. John- son proprl, Pleasauton 6ERMAHIA HOTEL, (H Detjoua pn-pr), " Murphy John J, " Pleasauton Hotel, " Coleman S C, Plymouth COMMERCIAL HOTEL, (U M Walker propr), " Forest House, (T \V Kostoii propr), Quinoy Red Bluff (J An- Hidght W H, Ivorson N, Lyman C, Wilkeninc H, Nutting H C, PartDn Mrs, Stoucman F E, Correo A, CAYA M. Iseman J, l/jwis .1, Baker H W, Boyes W R, Carroll W F, Dohorty S, Puiut Arena Point of Timlwr Pomo il Porters V I Uo Port Harfonl Port Wiuo Edwards J E, Lawrence H, Miller Henry, RED BLUfT HOTEL, drewa propr), TREMONT HOTEL, (J W Bur- geaa propr), " CASTLE A S, Redding REDDING HOTEL, (B Conroy propr), " Thompson F, " Ayera (Jhas, Redwood City GRAND HOTEL, (John Crowley Treniont House, Redwood City Gardner H S, Ricevihe Million Wm, RIO DELL HOUSE. (L Painter proju'), Rio Dell Central Hotel, (Mrs L E Runk propras), Rio Viata NEW WESTERN HOTEL, (Geo A Clarrids^o propr), Rio Viata RIYER VIEW HOTEL. (B B Brown propr), " Praetor A, Ripon Craig Wm, Riverside Cunnin'iham R F, " GLENWOOD COTTAGE HOTEL. (Frmk A Miller propr), GOVE MRS L, iSchlei'elmiloh Mra Mary, TROTT'S HOTEL, (G CrtHidy propr), KEYSER & CO. NEl^'F D S. Scott W, Smith K B, AMERICAN EAGLE (T 8 Wilkiaaon propr), Arcatlo Hotel, (Thos Guinean propr), " Brooklyn Hotel, (J E Mooney propr)," BROWN B F. (Bruce House), BRUCE HOUSE, (B F Brown propr), B'lker B, (Central House), BELVIDERE HOTEL, (J Frees pr.>pr), BREWER A, (Eagle Hotel), BRYDING PETER, (Tremont), CAPITAL HOTEL. (Blessing & (fUtlirio proprs), Central House, (B Baker propr). City Hutid (A Noono propr), I'onran John, (KMnxl House), Corrada B, Cri«ceiit City Hotel, (J E Dixon )ropr), (Fifth Avenue Rocklin <( W Mo- it Rohncrvillo Roseville ii Rutherford HOTEL. Sacramento it it It It It Pott«r Valley Princeton Purisaima propi DIETERLE ED. HOUHL'), Ehner's Hotid, (Dietrich & Rump proprs), EiiD&ED HOUSE, (<^ohn Conran propr). -I m -< CO o as CO H. PALMER « CO., Pure Sherry Wine, 302 Davis St., S. F. •,.,:.m :^i II WW MnMTARIIP A rn Mh<>rt Imn. all MIkm and Mnmltmw. 11A, f'"''^^ :( . t jf Q I > c o E a CO c c O ■ o o o z s < a. h o 992 HOT California. CLAHHiriKI). HOT It <■ ii Fox's Hotel, (F N Mertes propr), Sacramento Gleeson Mrs Ellen, ,, GOLDEN EAGLE h6tEL, (F A Horublower propr), Inteniatiunal Hotel, (Jos Lansing propr), Lus^i X, Mitnsioa House (WHodgdon propr)," McCarthy Michael, " MoFad.lea W F, MORSE HOUSE, (O N Morse propr), PHILADELPHIA HOUSE. (P Newman propr), Schmid Jacob, Solinler Frank, STATE HOUSE. (H Eldred propr). " Telegraph Houae, (H A Farr propr)," TEaLOBN JOSEPH. UNION HOTEL, (Isadore Towns- end propr), " Western Hotel, (Wm Land propr), " WILLIAM TELL HOUSE. (B Steinauer propr), " BARR W G. (Palace Hotel), St Helena RAMPENDAHL OTTO, (National H.tel), TONOLLA A, (St Helena Hotel), " Taylor Mrs, St John Swartz Christian, Saiut Louis Meyers Fred, Salida ABBOTT HOUSE. (E J Swift propr), Salinas City BARLOGIO & 6RESSCHINI, (Swiss Hotel), " Jeffrey J, I^APIERRE G. (French), Kossi K, " Byan Thos, TROPE F H. VVeilor B, McNally L & Co, Salmon Creek METROPOLITAN HOTEL. (B F iiuwes pr (pi), S:iu Andreas Warren Alfred, San Autoiii.. Leonard A, San Benito Williams W, Kurtz & Evans, (Southern Hotel), San Bernardino STARKE'S HOTEL, (A Starke ijropr), URTEEN MILE HOUSE. ( AuuuHt .Jencvein proiir), S;iii liruuo SAN BRUNO HOUSE. (Hichard CunningliiunjJi'Mir), " AYEBS' HOTEL. (Wm Aycrs projir), San Buenuventun PALACE HOTEL, (J M Miiler pN>|)r), " REVERE HOUSE. (Wagner & Co proprs), " UstusauHtegia Victor, " WAGNER & CO. (Kevere House), " it Argnilaz Ben. .rd, Saa Diezo BlIUDSALL J D. (Lyon Hotel), ••* H orto n House, (U P Gerichten propr), " O'NEILL PATRICK, (American), North San Diego PALMER OSCAR, (Palmer House), •' Loop T M, San Fermuido Twitchell C C, San Gabriel Kailroad House, (S Pope propr), San Mateo SAN MATEOJHOTEL, (E Walker propi), «« ALAMEDA PALACE. (J D Plitt propr), San Jose Auzerais House (S W Churchill propr), B irbare Mrs M C, Barry John, CARLSON & SWANSON. (Scan- dinavian Exchange), Caroll Wm, DONOVAN M L. (IrUh-American), Dotta Brosj FAULL WILLIAM, (Second St House), FORNI & BONNETTL (Swiss), GREELT MRS N M. (Heusley House*, JOHNSON JOHN. Lamolle & Ligrue, Lick Hous e, (I L Hill pripr), MAGUIRE P. (Atlantic Hotel), Manner G C, McCrosson J as, ' NEVADA HOUSE. (B G Allen propr), NEW" YORK EXCHANGE HO- TEL. (W O Barker propr), " PACIFIC HOTEL.(ChasM Schicle & Co), • " St James Hotel, •• SCHIELE CHAS M & CO. (Pa- citit! Hotell, «' SMITH WM, (U S Hotel), SPANSWICK MRS A E. [(Ar- gut'llo House), " Tr.ioy A, '' Weiinn I F M. WENSTROM JNO. (Central Ho- tol) " PLAZA HOTEL. (August Camoiirs jiDprj, Kan Juan I'ulluniieo, •' E3TUDILL0 HOTEL. (P Gol- cli.'iux propr), San Leandro GiblinC^e.., " HANSEN N L, (Scandinavian), " Nii'U Henricksun, " RESSER H. (White House), WebUr Mrs M, " Brancli A W, San Luis Obispo COSMO POUTAN HOTEL,(Black. burn & Godchaux proprs), " 3 I 3 (D i a » 3 a 3 o o 3 o o 3 n IT O « (A P) CT K C5 O (A o ;i » 3 a. O o (Q O 3 H. WACHHORST calls attention *«£i;S^7i"^JJLr 315 J St i: > 1 E — ll- Midro II II II i3po bk- II 8 ■0 o P 3 a O n ua o a o E HOT California. CI A88iriED. HOT 993 t V e o o 75 (A c e u o (0 t z o h X (9 3 O Z V) < 3i EAGLE HOTEL, (Stark & Cooks- ley Tirvj)r.s). San Luis Obispo FRENCH HOTEL, (Louis Pegot & Bro), Kiiap John P, " Lima J P, " (Toldbuum Simon, San Luis Rev Jeflbries Walton M, Sun Miguel Jetfreys Walter M, \ San Marcos Pope S, San Mateo B'errell J D, (Point House), San Qucntin McRae John, " Antoni A, San Pablo D.'ran P, " Quillman E, Miihon T G, (Mohon House), San Rafael CENTEAL HOTEL. (M O Connor GErSaN hotel, (Mrs Mahn- cheii propr), LBERT " (S C Ed- Santa Cruz St gilbert house, wards), ' Parisian House, (Eticnnc Sivieron), " Biirrett James, San Ramon Horan P, Paeiieoo Bros, San Simeon LAYMAN J W, (Santa Ana), Santa Ana Ryel P G, Arliugton Hotel (D W Thompson manager), Santa Barbara Birabent J M, Morris Jas F, OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, (James Munroc propr), BARBIEEI J, Frefry J H, Martin C C, (Santa Crnz), PACIFIC OCEAN HOUSE, (E J 8wift propr), Welxjr & Pratschner, (Gcrmania Hotel), WilkinsP V (Wilkins House), Johnson M D, San*" Monica PERKINS HOUSE, (Joseph Per- kins propr), PERKINS JOSEPH, (propr Per- kiiiH House), SANTA MONICA HOTEL, (M D Jolins()n propr), BaktT C N, Santa Paula Bync M, Santa Rosa Kninire Houso, (Wm Patterson), " GERMANIA HOTEL (John Haas), " GRAND HOTEL, (James Boyd), " OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, (G A Tuiiptr), " SANIA ROSA HOTEL, (P John- son), " Stiuckinan Mrs F, " GOODHUE C H, Sargent's Station CENTRAL HOTEL, (James H Uusdcy), Saucelito II Sheridan Rety Mrs E, Saucelito Bennet S, Savannah (irant & Patton, Sawyer's Bar Nally Jas, " Wilson Mrs E, Sebastopol G rider W, Seiad Valley Lowden J S, " EMPIRE HOTEL. (Jno V Scott propr), Shasta GREENE MRS HL, ANDERSON'S HOTEL. (Charles Andersfin propr). Sheep Ranch CENTRAL HX)TEL, (E J An- drews propr), " Degauna C, Adams W N, Parrott B R, DECKER G A, HALL T D, Meyer Franz, Bigelow H H, C(»ntar John, Lamar Joseph, Scott Jno A, Buxtem G Q, Dean M, Vandevere S V, Harvoy Casli, Pickorins: W, MORGAN EM, Tuttle T G, Fountain G, McCoy — , Moore Mrs Mary, Mooncy Thos, Pciirilon John, Smith Bnnicy, BROOKING JAMES. Anderson Mrs A B, HORSLEY J R, Soda Bay Hotel, (A K Gregg propr). Soda Bay Gregg A K, (Soda Bay), " Bear Chas, Solcds^d Steverscrop Peter, " PITTSBURGH HOTEL, (J E Seannaon propr), Soineraville Sonoma House, (Mrs E Glynn proprss), Sonoma Teoino Hotel, (A Tecino propr), " TRAVELERS* HOME,(Johu Gaff- ney i)ropr), " • Union Hotel (F Osttl propr), " CITY HOTEL, (O L Bemis), Sonora YO SEMITE HOUSE, (F A Freund Sherwood Valley Shingle Springs II Sierra City Sierra Valley Silverado i( Slack's Canyon Slide Slippery Ford Smartsville Smith River Suclliug propr), GET ■'" TZSCHMANN A (Park House), Sequel MANN T W, BLISS W, ' South Butte Marsh Mrs E, South Fork R> ynolds ('has. South Vallejo Watson Mrs I, " 63 n% CO o m so cs 3 CO I"" I" ? I O J3. CO '1 |l,| *m Wm: ' i-H 'S ..^ PURE PORT WINE, for MeiUcM Purposes, 302 Davis St., S. F. m^ 'sm I ^ o is CO 2 ii. C C CQ 4;> w. w. MONTAGUE & CO., y.T'7.ytl«r."l^Ki«yya^;:;leVV^^ 994 HOT California. CLASBII'IKD. HOT o o a: > .1- R«bottoin W W, Spadra THOMPSON & BLELLOGG, Spanish Kanch Tenrby Jno, Speiiceville Tuttle P G, (Star Hotel), Springfield Tiittle T O, SiirinL'vill AMERICAN EAGLE EX CHANGE, (It Tuttle propr), Stockton Briedenhack Jt>a, *' CENTEAL HOTEL, (Jno Hendcr- soiipropr), " COLUMBIA HOUSE, Alois Lutz propr), " COMMERCIAL HOTEL, (F C Hi.hii propr), " EAGLE HOTEL, (E H Allen), " ENGELHARDT A,(\Vel)cr House), " rallcu Owen, " Heit)nau Mrs E, " MANSION HOUSE, ( Jaa H Cross propr), •' Raab & Miller, IJossi Antojiio, " SAN JOAftTJIN HOTEL. (FStoct- ztr pnipr), " SCHMIEDER C &:H0LMAN, (U S Hottl), UNITED STATES HOTEL, (Jas Foi'd propr), " Vizelich Nirholas, " YO SEMITE HOUSE, (James Oiven propr), " Lewis !S 1'', Stony Point llobertson J H, (Columbus House), Strawberry Valley BARRETT JAMES, (Kailroa.l Housu), Suisun ^1\ a Frank, SK)U7A J J, (Premier Hotel), VEST JOHN, (Kobert's Hotel), Ji^nt's & Co, Summit ButFum (luirge 1), Sumner La f'liiitiiiu Edward, Millw D K, iJrivss & Sliitisincfcr, Susanvillf 'MERICAN EXCHANGE HO TEL. (A K Dudluj), Sutter Creek . >u Laiii^e (t B, Sutterville Morlath P, S;iy»TS VVni, SUTTERVILLE HOTEL. (M T (Jroenuvokl pmpr), MuNauuhton J'lieian, Buckor Frank H, Caskor Mrs C, Bay ley A I,), Pomin Wm, E:i«twood W'' S, Spene*r t Durnal, Heider Chris, MARIEY L H, (Tehama), TAITCHAS, HuubuKlt Park Hotel, Pagno — , Blunchard — , Yancy Chas A, Brady Mrs, Hegarty M, I'lank T A, TOWNSEND H C, Three Rivers Timber Cove Toll House Tomales Townaeud EL, (£ VYotiksmith II Tres Piiios Table Blufl Table Kock Tahoe II Tehichipa II Tehama Tcmcscal SAN JOAQUIN HOTEL, (Christ Ludwig propr), Tracy TRACY HOT"' '" '" * propr). Hooper J, Severa F, " WATKINS WARREN, (Occiden- tal Hotel), Trinidad Hall & Hall, Trinity Center American Hotel, Truekeo TRUCKEE HOTEL. (Jno F Moodypropr)j " FRENCH HOTEL, (Jacob Ashcr prijir), Tulare PACIFIC HOTEL, (D W Madden iiropr), '< ALLEN JAS M, (Turlock Hotel), Turlock iIummeltonl)erg C, " (J rand Hotel, Ukiah Tanner \), " UKIAH CITY HOTEL, (W A Hagaus propr), " Brink man Jno, Upper Lake liidgway J, " Woadiir.1 VV H, Hocy .1 L, Upper Uivtr flulcli DAVIS I F. (propr Davis Hotel), Vaeyville Itieu Mrs Ann K, Valley Ford Kohler Ch.is, V;illicita l>yar Mrs II E, South Viilluio HARRINGTON R J. (propr How- ard House), Vallejo Lee Mrs John, " McAuliffeJohn, " MICHAELIS F. (German Hotel), " Murray Mrs, " liadkeP, Cral)b Joe, Vina H ildcrbrand R, Clodfelter I>, Visalia EXCHANGE HOTEL. (J R Dailey propr), " FARMERS' HOME, (Eitd & .Sehmid proprs), " PALACE HOTEL, (Iko Harter propr), " j VISALIA HOUSE, (L A Johnson propr) " I Jonas Peter, Volcano ROGER'S HOTEL, (W B Rogers & Sou), Walnut Creek | Brown A, Walnut Grove , G BUISMAN H, Washington p» Grisscl C, " :r O c o o o 3 O 3 5' tn o ■a i"^ I M o » 3? CD T X o B (0 CD r o g UiJ TRY MURRAY'S LUNG AMD LIVER BALSAM, in PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. '![^l^rV.?:'ISlSToir^;''irX a le 1 1(1 cy 103 ? O 30 lad , ^ iter i»< ;kco , __ C3 c o vlare 1 ® (/) o rlock It Jkiah l-ake 1 » a' lukh iS2 I). iiiville ; o Ford .5 llicita jo allejo W. I'allejo CO if N' isalia 1 (0 Viua ter r CD [olcano ; -i lera »< , Creek r (irnvc , 5 liington . M ii u e HOT California. CLVBHiriKn. INS 995 Hanson C O, Washington Johnson R I & J W, Fostor's Hotel, Washington Corners Uttiuur II N, Yountville ZIHMERMAN C, DiiviH Ja», Watorford JESSEN CONRAD. Wutsonviilo LEWIS HOUSE, (A Lewis proiT), •' MANSION HOUSE, (J M iStaiilus propr), •' Mooiioy Jns, " W E S T E RN HOTEL, (Lorenzo :n propi WILLIAMSON J N. Coutlon Win, Loreitzcn propr), iriLLIAMSOr ouilon Win, Morris & Rule, Weavervillo! >< I FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL. (.lohii B Rohrer & Co pro[jrd), Yreka OWEN J C. Zem Zem Arcade Hotel, lone City. Amador Cc.,-C&lifoml?. JAS. McCAULEY, Proprietor. lai Volliners & Paulsen, J? S COMER J H, (propr Seventh St et *M J louse), West .kland Henniiiger John, Veuaglia E, Hepburn Mrs M, West Point AMERICAN HOTEL, (E J Sti -l hold proiJr), VVheatl.md SI NEUSTADT M M. (Central), ^ Trimmer Mrs Jostpli, White Jiis IJ, White's Bridge Potts J L, Wildtlower' Boca Ice Co, (Alex Mcintosh man- l{:ulcli to «9.00 p)>r l>ay. HOUSE PAINTERS. (Sec Painters.) ICE. HARVEY L S, (Cosmopolitan) ager», WILLIAMS W H. (propr Wil (M liams Hotel), .«! CENTRAL HOTEL, (G W Wil 'a\ liivHia propr), Price Wm, Willows Williams People's Ice Co, (J S Thompson Bronco u ca manayer), " COLUSA ICE MANUFACTORY. (J i\ L'ooku propr), Colusa COOKE J B, (Colusa Ice Manufac- tory), o i <4 .Ittckson A A, "I Lns Angeles Ice Co, (G E Milliken Ward Joseph, " | suiit), Los Angeles Edward I) P, Winters^ TOMB JACOB. MarysviUo LATON M F, (Parker House), " TWOMEYWM. Meroed PLUMMER E H, Woodhridge| WOLlNER JACOB. Modesto M.utiiisoii H, W nodford; ,sini„u Uolturt, Nevada City AMERICAN EXCHANGE HO- luordouJSC, Oakland TEL. (M Ii Torrauuot, Woodland' (J^y[^.^ j l k D II, (Sacramento Ico BUR(JE FRANK, (Helvetia Ho- Co), Sacramento r,tel), " Orulder & Sellinqer. " CAPITAL HOTEL. (Matt Tack- ^ I PACIFIC ICE CO, (Jacob Hoehn "'7). !', ! snpi), " Schindler Mrs H, (ice cream), " SUMMIT ICE CO, (Jacob Hoehn CRAFT HOTEL. (Jno Gassner), " GAS3NER JNO. (Craft Hotel), " McDonald l w, (YoIo uotei), ;; VjUilty John, ^ byrock Siunuol, CASTLE B. Uud S W, Slaughter Thos, Wri^iit J R, Hurleman John, Knight Leonard, lieid Jno D, Bernard John K., Biaek A G, Leidig Frederick, Snow Albert, Wrights supt), " Beach 'I'yler, San Jose Stockton loo Co, (Otis Pcrrin presi- dent), Stockton INSURANCE AGENTS. Yankee J ims Parkcs & Cutter, Yolo (Jilbert & Brown, '* McLean Stirling, Yo Semite PRINCE B R, " I Hanna Harry, " HANNA JOHN, " Langeaberger F, Adin Alameda K Altaville Anaheim <« tn 30 CO z CO I CO ja cs PI 3 p> 13. ca' Cm sl s9 '•1 s| it •'a ^1 tJ2 m \M PURE PORT WINE, ftr Irtlctul nnm, 302 Davis St^ 8. F. W. W. JWONTAGUE & C0.,»*!ir^-r!fn'?r,-|^hrJir,7!L'S w 99G INS California. CI.AHHIKIKI). INS Anaheim << Auburn Bakcrafield <■ i< Bnntn MULES D E, OLDEN WM B, Uiiiipuu Theodoro, Steinhart A W, Walsh E, Blodgot H A, Parka H C, RHODES THOS, WOOD ROYAL JR. BARRT JASt (Commerciul Uni(>ii Association Co), Boniciu GRAY SAMUEL C. EMERSON D L & L H. I^rkdcy WILLARD F P, Bodic HiuikiiiH & Huwlcy, Brownsville KamseyTJ, Chapman S, Calistoga Cofer E M, Cambria Miner R A, " Mendflson M, Capistrano Davis V, Chico Hobart C V & Co, Boper J W, Silver H C, Thiel A L. Murphy MA,- Colton CRAITOALL GILES G, Colusa Miles W H, Washburn P L, Cotten J W, Dixon WEIHE EDWARD. COOPER W F, Downey City DISQXJE H, Dutch Flat McClnre E L, Nichols W & P, Drew M, El Dorado HirscJi h Giblentz, " BARRETT J H, Elmira BELL FRED W. ^ Eureka WATSON & RANDALL, Week FA, Burnham .1 H, Folsom FAYMONVILLE BERNARD, Fresno KUTNER & GOLDSTEIN, Phelps M D, CRAWFORD E L, MOOBEAP&CO. Luck J C, Dwadle Jno P, NATHAN HERMANN, BBADYAB, SPENCER ^ME, Walker Siinil, Donacer Boiij, HEINLENJB, RUSSELL J, Hudson k Reynold, Johnson (» d, SMITH A I. Harris & Khine, BUTTEBFIELD B, Whipj.le F A, Berry FredT, l* regno Flats Georgetown Geyserville (iilroy Grangeville t. Grass Valley Half Moon Bay Han ford << Hay ward 8 Healdsburg Hollister li Independence Jamestown Kibesillah Lathrop Lathrop Lemoore *4 II II II II II II i< Made ra Willis H C, MACKSL. Elanuer E, GILROY L. (loodmau Joseph, Heinlen A E, Mitchel J L, Lirermore Meeker A C, Lodi MOWRY L Ci (real estate and ins), « Brodrick W J, Lo« Augelea Caswell S B, DRAKENFELD B F, Drakent'eld Oi^) B, HERDMAN & JONES. Krcuicr M, Leak Kdward, MoLELLAN BROS. MOORE WALTON S. Morford W E, PHILIP P, 'rol)crman J R, MOORE E, REDFIELD T. Bogan & Co, Weiss J, Abbott A. FULLER J B. GORHAMCHAS. Hoblitzell H M, KRAUSE FRED L. ERAUSEJH. Mi-rritt George, NEWBERRY & HOLMES, iSowell Newton, BATES SAMUEL C. (Iritti John. RALSTON J B. Turner W H, (tladden J M, Whcatly John, Rotjers Stimpson P, <:ilbirt J E&Co, MEDLEY PH. Widtliall L B, " TERRILL& PETERS, Mokelumne Hill Maripoan Martinpz Maryaville II II II •I (I Merced ii Meridian Millville Modesto II STOCKINGED. Boko J H, liogg W M, Knaijp ir H, LYIHANGG. SEELEYCB. (iiU'thu L, Stidger O P, Swan Anson B, Brown Craig & Co, Davis A G & Co, Diek B C, Doe (irifhn & Co, Edwards & Arthur, Fogg Jamea L, Fuller Hinds, Gardiner J J, Morro Napa II II Navada City North Sau Juau Oakland li II II II i mi •^ o je K X M Fiaher prea). Focitio Mutunl Lifo Ins Co, Koff Harry L, Snow & Kagadale, State Investment InB Co, Thuno J E, Thomson Samuel, Troy J H. Walker T L, Crowder R L, FOOO & FE&KIES. Lowry A J, PALMER JR. SCUDpBfiNW. YOimoOEOC. Chapman J M, Whitlock J H, HOOK MB. Walsli M, WELCH RC, EELANGER & OALINOEE. Rio Vista Brown E G, ('kiimingham R F, MILLER FRANK A. Cl demla le John, SMITH LG. B >riiuni W S, Agnnl J J, Brown J R, Cadwnlader & Parsons, CARET JNOT. CHANDLER L C CoK man W 1', DAVIS RICHMOND. Hayden C C, HICKMAN PL. JENNINGS E B, LEONARD A. Luehlx-riiig Jno, PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE IN- SURANCE CO, («ieo A Moore pres), Spinks k Acock, STROBEL CARL. SWEETSER & ALSIP. WHITMAN AT. SMITH W AC, 8traus J F, Van Tassell Theo, Elmore A H, GARRIGUSLH. Stov,!' it rCardley, WJNHAH WPL, Br ,iin I If, San Bernardino GO.'n)EE & BOTCHELL. Foy Jobu M, (Jranci Oroviiie Placcrville Ploiisunton Petuliimu II Quincy II Rebo Insurance Co), " BARTLETT a T, San Mutso E.iaton AS, " FishiT Vr H, " HUMPHREYS C W. Santa Ana Modher C A, " Cook Mortimer, Santa Barbara Frooui A W, McNolly C H, Rouers Bros & Co, (South British & National Insurance Co), Williims N W, WINTON N W, Wo.ulbri.lge VV H, Jenkins (r C, Heacock E (J, Pray & Drcnnan, Boyce M B, Evans W xM, Kdse & Ilillis, Swett Frank H, BUSCH A C & CO, Crawfonl M J, Pauli R J, Randal Chaa H, STREET H L, Cummiiig D J, Baker M D, Clark Z P, Clayes J R, «i II • I II 11 Santa Clara Santa Cruz II Santa Monica Santa Rosa Sierra Smartsville Sonoma Sonora II Soquel Stockton . v.. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V r v^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ ISO Ui m ^ iiO 2.0 ^ ^m y} ^ /2 /. Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ ^*^ w 2 J s.lST MAIN STUIIT WiBSTIt, N.Y. MSIO (716) •72-4503 M ^ WW MnMTARIIP Jt rn Hhoet iron, aU illaefi and Nomhera, llO, . f¥. mUniAuUi: « UU., ii« 114 l1«.and11Mllatt«^ry »*..<». v. r 1 is ^ f!' 998 INS Califorvia. OLAMIKIED. JUS II It Snsauville Sutter Creek >< Tehama Tracy Tularu <( Turlock <( Tustin City Vallejo Compton Wm T, Stockton CUTTING L M, Dohrnian Chas W, " Hogan W C, " Lyon L E, " McCarty Jas M, Meader D A, PERRY OEO, Eho(lanit;l3 N, Robinson E P, B.'yuton Ira, More A, Way A, Doty L W, Way A, Hilton J, Mulf.-rd P H, Cockiell L B, Newman Thos, PETERSON B L, Finnic T W, JuettHB, Ohenchain T J, Wilds K B, FOSTER SAMUEL G, Daggett D O, Garr J W, Collins T M, Ptamage G W, Bliss C A, Miller A G, Perkins E E, Daneri J B, Fuller J P, Way Wm, W.ightC W. Weloughby N, Cutting C B, HALLET ANDREWS* LUCAS A J, Thompson A» Tony G S, INGRAM HENRY, Spagnoli D B, Spagnoli S G, Haehl H, Adin Alameda It AL'arjulo Amador City Anaheim ii Anderson Angel's Camp Aqueduct Areata Auburn Bakersfield Baiita Bear Valhy Bcuicia i( Benton K Berkeley n Biel)er Bi<4g8 Big Valley Bird's Landing Blocksburg Bloomtield Bodie t< Bolinas Brentwood Bridgeport << , Brighton Brown's Valley Butte City Calistoga Cambria Camptonvilla II Capay Capistrano Oirpenteria CayuCiiB Cherokee Chinese Camp Chico II Cinnabsr Clarksburg Clayton Clintou II ClOTtrdale TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L. Blumauer &Co., 'SS.'tivX w -< o 30 > P O 39 CO s o o o 3 CO U1 p 3 o CB 5? -I X e B M CD {» s PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, "^^ « jrr.,?^riV„«T IIOHH. JUS Califm^nia. CLA88IFIED. JUS 99a en ffO C/9 03 buQ CO •kt, % •H e" W& €| I? *• If ft O 09 O p o o n Morgan D B, Kuenzly Jacob, HOSKOra WILLIAM, Young C P, White a T, KLTJBEB HENBY> BRASSFIELB W H, Wharton J F, Morris B F, Keed Jas W, Lander C H, BRADBURT E G. Brown (J P, Bu3te J VV, Justice Wm, Cliurch M B, Bcacou Thos, Jameson Jas, McCimnicle Wm, HOWARD ASA. Tracey H F, (lace Delos, BARRRETT JH. Hoppiier John, Sow.ird W, KDOALL JOHN H. Scott \i C, Van Vlear R Y, Rountree A L, I Brown R, FERRILL J D, Yates ]i: R, Hirrick H, Anderson H, BenS'vn John, Blackford Edwin, Woodward i*' J, HILL S H. TUPPER H C, Smith 1'' M, Smith I M, McLean L B, Dowdy Per/y, Pjyle Jno J, Worswick Wm H, Davis Henry, .Sheldon Wm H, Brown T C, NORMAN QEO H, t'liristiim W, DUNBAR JOHN. Prinple Wm, KNAFP R I, Miller John P, Austin J D, Emerson J P, LeeWG, McCroskey — , Owens J A, Carr S W, McElroy Alex, WEBSTER WM I, Kingsbury C N, Cloverdale Colfax Colliiisville Coloma Colton Columbia Colusa << Coultervillc <( Darwin Diamond Springs Dixon Downey City (I Drytown Duncan's Mills Dutch Flat Eagleville East Oakland El Dorado Elk drove Elmiri El Monte (I Eureka Fannincrtoii Felton Ferndale Fiddletown Florin Folsam Fort Ross French Camp Fresno (i Gait II Georgetown Gilroy Grangeville II Grass Valley II ' Grayson Gridley Grizzly Flat Guadal«>upe Halt Moon Bay II Havilah Hayward* Healdsburg HoUister Hornitos II Hydesville Igo Ford j; W, Schaltcn Jos, Swift C B, Stone P, Goldner H, Banghara E G, Jelleson J E, Swain Geo W, Nowell W^m, Cox J L, Claxton G W, Powell H T, Gasner Wm T, WARNER JOHN, Berry Fred T HAMMOND J A, Paul E M, liiarle L M, Washington Henry, Fowler W F, Bfoiighton W W, Huugerford M C, ORAHAM ROB W. Owens Geo, MOWRY L C. Fisher J A, L iwler W B, Traftord John, Miller D L, Luttges (j, NeidlJM, • Rei!ikin:j C W, Temple G W, Whorton L G, Clogston Wm, Maxwell M, FORD W H. Kilernian B, SWEZY CHAS E, Gwftil Wm N, Breen N, Leggett '1' A, (iault T L, Baker P Y, Cunningham Francis, Burney J amcs M, Davis W H, TIBBITS F, HOUGHTON D J, Seawell J H, Bliss W J, Stocking J C, Bniton Saml J, l\)nd J E, Towle G W, Anderson Jno, ROBINSON BE, Turner J H, Stotlar J, Wall W W, Emery A S, Carr L T, Church A M, Imsdala Indpendence: lone City. Iowa Hiu Jackson JanatvUle li. Julian City Kfilsey Keycavillo Kibesillah i( Kingsburg Knight's Ferry Lathrop La ( I range Itakeport Lancha Plana La Porte Lemoore Lompoc Little Stoney Livennore Lockfortl Lodi Los Angeles Lower Lake Maine Prairie Mammoth City Manchester Mariposa It Maikloevillc II Martinez Marysville 11. .Melville Merced n m 33 CO » a cr n (A CD a o- *< m s S" *: o 9 M O O 3 a o' a o ,"» S (A m ■0 o ;i 5* o 3 t. e E £ CO I u o &9 i2 « M o e CO e CO o» o e z O C9 a o X (A 6 ■ PMnwnihlp, Telctcnphv. LAD California. LIQ 1001 CLA88IKIR1>. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Foss Mrs O, Brandt A, Smith Mra W R, Oakland Sacramento Santa Ittisa Um OFFICES. (Soo T f nited States Officera. ) LAUNDRIES. Miller Mrs Maria, Dixon Kohler Fred, Kast Oakhuul HUNSON J G, Eun ka WEAVEB F A. GORDON E H. Femdale (ireeii MraUeo, Fresuo DE Li SrUX. HERTON& CO, (tVcnch Laundry Asa'n), Loa Augeles Javon A, (French), Napa Berkeley Laundry, (Chas Partonscky propr), Oakland Cheviuton & Galon, (French), " Coutnv Costa Laundry, " Scott Mrs, Placerville BOLTON J C, Kedding Cooley S B, Sacramento Coomb — , San Jose UNO HI. Santa Barbara Sciiilliiig Henry, Santa Cruz Stockton Laundry, Stockton Biirloggi & Maillurd, Vallejo Contra Costa I.aundry Association, West 0;vkland Flores M, Yo Semite LAWYERS. (See Attorneys-at-I^w.) LEATHER AND SHOE FIND- INGS. (See also Tanneries.) Danford E P & Co, B.>nicia TUENER GEO S, I^os At.gelcs Deneh J W, Placerville STONE R & CO, Sacramento HEEOLD PHIL* San Jose LIBRARIES. StippG H, Alameda Areata Library Association, Areata Cloverdale Library Association, (J Haneey librarian), Cloverdale Oranueville Library, Grani;;eville OAKLAND FREE LIBRART. (Pr.etun Moore prcs), Oakland Odd Fellows' Hall, (P J Ipaen libra- I rian), •' I Odd Fellows' Library, Sacramento Sacramento Free Library, (Cary G Hancock librarian), " San Jose Law Library, Son Joao San Jose Library Association, (G VV Fentress librarian), *• Childs Mrs G, (librarian Odd Fel- lows' Library), Santa Baibara SANTA CLARA FREE READ- ING ROOM Santa Clara Odd Fellows' Library, (Jas M Cut- ler librarian), Santa Crua Tulare Library Asa'n, (Herbert Treadwell librarian), Tulare V'allejo Lilirary Ass'n, (Jas Phillips librarian), Vallejo West Oakland Free Reading Room, S M Day curator), West Oakland LIME AND CEMENT. Schroder & Victors. Alameda Addison S, Folsom GRIFFITH J M & CO, (plaster), Los Angles GWYNN WM, Marysville RIPLEY C J, (agt Santa Cruz kiln«), " CONNER & MURPHY, (plaster ornaments), Oakland Mycr FF, '^ P.irish A, Pentz O'Brien W J, Sacramento STEWART W W & CO, San Diego BRODLEY E C, San J«>se Huntington & Russell, San Luis Obispo (iorham & Co, SantIeinken Fred, Nolan James, Pe«r8 H, KembreeW, Zayliss E, Kicc D M, Walsh P K, Bigg J (J. Howell k Lucas, BAIR& PARDEE, KALACICH MARTIN. Knisiht & Kichards, RICHARD GC, Snnth Maurice, Xizues F, Betton S, liryan G S, Barns H, Cain Thomas, Branch), Alameda Auburn << Albion I* I Alleghany; Alien Springs Alma Alta! Alturas << Amador Anaheim' << << •1 i< H l-< «c 9* oS li 09 e o ta >r o 1 ft» \28 (/) via o ;3 ^ ath -♦ lley P». out o ICUl 2i tl p p ■bnrg II Q II St « 4 lilt IS U) c a >® J a (3 lot (8 Ik 10 LIQ Calif omia. CLAM8IFIKD. LIQ 1008 Swan G O, Bloomiield Goodman L S, > Bjdojja Samuel & Co, Stump Jainea, ALim OSCAB. Boucher & Tiuff, Clark B, COWNOVEECW. DAVIDSON WM, De Guire Bon, Dii mia li, FAHEY PATRICK, Foster C W, Gidlagher P. HABRINGTOK & OOHES. Hril-iliorn .1 H, HOERCHNERHC. KEMP & COLEMAN. LYONS T H. MAHLSTEDT H, HARKS M& CO. MARSHALL & BLEAKLEY, McCormick M, McDonnald.T \V, McVARISH & McPHEE. MOLINELU P P, Olatn N, I'urdy J, Kooney J, BOTH & WAGNER, Scully .1 Junes, SHANNON D. SOUTHWORTHENOS, WAGNER JOHN. WITTMAN Alix. McKay Hugh, Bodie tl tl tl tl tl II tl II It II II tl It It II II It tl tl II Borden Boulder Creek Brentwood Bridgeport Bridgeville Brighton II Mc(iee Wm, Baci^'ulupi L, 8tanton \V, Look A P, Naglee J, Perkins TC, Sersanous M, Gove Gardner, Jepsen John, McMorris Perry, SCOTT ML, I'eers Chas, Glover & Ward, Stewart Ed, Ward J D, Cook J, Haeckel Sam, Hittell John, Stender Henry, Stratton W E, Dedose F, LawBon Laus, ORISINOHER LORENZO. dVILLIN JOHN. Wooley VV, Campo Seco McMurray V C, O^mptonville Lang John A, Cupay Brown's Valley BuUiird's B..r Butte City Byron Cahto Calistoga It tl tt t Cherokee Strohback H, Copay G-ircia Dolores, Capiati.'ano SALABERI JUAN & CO, W AuNER CHAS. Anderaoa Wm, CummingsJ, Heldt D, King J, Van Ahuen M, Hfury Walter, KING M, MEYER LOUIS, Kotli Uii-am, WALSH M F, WHITE GEO, (Salinas Brewery Saliou), •• Orisiugher A, Cayucas Anderson AG, " COLEMAN & SANDHOLT. C«atreYille Dyera M C, " IJiddle R F, •• Tifoch Jim, B.uKr C, Durriuk A S, GUiver M, ilornsman H, Medowich G, Parker L A, BELL & FITZELL, BICE & MOORE, BURK ISAAC, DAVIDSON A J, Hill & McLennan, KERBLE & DAVISON. Longdun J B, Meyer Aus^ust, Nichols EC, REGO EDWARDS, Kose E, Trimble J M, Utterback L, Welter Albert 0, Ijautcriiier G B, Mann J C, WhcelockSCW, Karonel J, JAMES MORGAN, Judkina — , Dixon JnOj Gerkhardt H F, Menihan M, Mitchell C E, Sims Thoa, Smith C W, Blanchmarie 1 { ■11"^ i'k' ^^H'*l n ^Hi'-' w. w. MONTAGUE & CO.. ^rttrvmriSk'Sf^s!:^^^}^!' WiH ■■-■ ^ ■ :1i IL ■ CO i c « I 1004 LIQ c o E « CO c c 10 O ■ O o o < Q. h O California. CLABBiriKD. LIQ Coloma Bothwell Wm, Grov J, McBride B, Storer Wm, Emerson Bernard, Coltnn Aahton J T & Co Columbi.. Bornhcim Henry, " BAVISJX. hiuklemau VVin, Kebm M J, Schooler Jnmes, Siebert k Vasaalo, " LAY HEE. 8cott Mrn (I Donqhuc Douglas City Downey City Downievilla DoncAn'd Mills Dunnigan I^uteh Flat Hennesy D, Allen A G H. MITROVICfl J A. Pollard LC, Blohm J A, Buzinut Lewis, Crignon A, Kaiser Fritz, Meany ^f U, Stewart J H, ORR JOHN. (iruy J B, Itablin John, Weeks C S, ANDERSON HANS. Boek Herman, Davis A, FALLERJR. Higgins S, HOOS F C. McINTOSH JAS, Pitts H, Bieler Frank, Fisher & Clayton, Fleniming & Traak, licnken J F, i^iebel J acob, Munefeld Goo, KoffJ C, Kupricii G A, Schneider John. Suiineider L, Schmidt Wm, Wolter Iteimer, Fisher Jno A, Miller J W, Kobcrta Henry, Walker John, Yeadon Wm, (jancat>ter V 11, Kiely B, Hopper Jno, McAfee Bros, Clark M M, Miihan J, McDonald A, Cambell J B, f'Ci:ay Henry, BARNUM U W. BRETT WM. Brown Christ, COLLINS CHAS, Curley J as, i*'ISHER GEO L. Fleming John, INMAN JERRY. JONES WARREN, (billiards), LI/mOSTON & 00, (Our Cor ner) Mcdiar agha n Pj MoKENNA THOS E. McNALLY LAWRENCE. MONTGOMERY JAS. (California \\iue), Eart Oakland li £ldorndo Elk Creek Elmira El Muate Elliott Emigrant (lap Etaa »i Eureka 3 (A m "9 O H r Q m 0) o m 5 o a« m r (A X « at a s 2 9 •I o 3 3 a " »♦ e f 101 (0 H. WACHHORST* importer of j^Jir'^try'^SiSi^m^. 315JS* Saa E( RI SA Mel Fen Flei Clas Thu De^ FE/ KA] TRi Burt Crool WoW ASli Eiigot Housi Levy Kigiia Shann Kluiii Ijovelf Kt'dnic SchefJt ^Ve8t i Hitcih Hcihnti j/ockha Scott J Stone I I Virt Ai Rontio . ('ibney Gatz & Alberts Mack J, Pickett Schlutiii Dulilber Hunter Miithuw Albiu J Aiii^lave Carroll .J Hahn CJ Krimier MULE ItOEia i^eia Geo, Hugo J, Hot;iio \\ Ingram I hivrain I mm. Hicks J a* Wall Job Dale & V^ Hardin A 'Staton C UASCl fOUBES Orelii A, farson U PURE (d M U £ (0 o e « M O o n BUSINESS PENMANSHIP Practlenlly tAncht «t PACITIO BUMt. HI BUM coi^iTkuk, sm fmt. mu ». P. iUe [ills bnat tt kland O 41 (I II II it r dorndo ii X 9 PI a Creek Ig Ehuira JJ Monte 4 Elliott 2 at (}ap M II o Etaa L> lEureka 3 '• a " lo a 9 Ur) " DllB LIQ California. n.^ \r bd. LIQ 1005 If) 12 V <0 lit o e GO C' « en e (8 Z O X Is X (0 u BENFROD K. SAWTIXL A L, McMuny Frank, Ferguson E F, Fleming J H, Classen H, Thurmond J, De Wolf S, PEABSALL JOHN. KAEBIOER AL£}i; TEACY T F. Burt F L, Crooks Diivid, Woldcuberg Samuel, ARNOLD A E. Eugesaur J'hilipp, Houston G M, Levy K li, Itignay Peter, Sliauuon John, Klein Jacob, lioveland (Jeo B, Rfdiiiond Henry, Scheller Oliver, West & Knowles, Hi'.cth J A, Hcilman Fred, liockhart Jeff, Scott J C, Stone P, Virt Aug, Roniio John, Gibney P, Gatz & Ward, Alberts J II, Mack John, Pickett Edward, Schlutius H, Dahlberg K, Huuter & Whitney, MiitkuwBon Mrs E, Albiu J N, Anglave A, Ciirroll Jos P, Hahn Chas A, Kriiiner Fred, MILLER J0H5, SOEUER HENRY, Zeis Cieo, Hugo J, Hoguo \Vm k Son, Ingram Daniel, biv'ram I) C, CONXNER JAMES, Hioka.lus, Wall John, Dale & Ward, Hardiu M U, Staton C 0, FBANCIS ALEX, FOBBES J JRi Oreili A, Parson G W, .1 Georgetown Qermantowu i< Qibsonville 41 Gilroy (< •I II JiIl II Eureka, Stevens W, •' White W J, Evergreen Gricp Hans, Fttirtiold McLaneW, fWnersvill>3| C'orbett & Frazier, Farmiugtonj Gould J, •' Apjzarera M & Co, Felton Bliiuchon J, Femdale! Canet, Victor & Co, " j Dcvi.i Francisco, " I MINES J, Fiddletown Horrel E, Fircbaagh' Korell Jiicob, *' ' L.issii Uichiird, Folsomi MAYER JOHN, O Donnell Martin, lUvard Lo, Sehaeter Fred, Sohunahan John, TURVIANCE S T, (Bank Ex cliiingu), BURT J, (M)siin J, HALEY J, Harrison J A, Hernnann Fretl, Loach I B, Van Buren J, I Weber P B, I Brauhman U, „ Burko T, Forest Hou8o| Hurdwick C. Forestville McCregarW, Daly Patrick, Hinchloc Bird E, Bohanan M, Ellis Geo, Ilohrig (iustave, Walker F E, Bell rich Chas, Collins John, (donnell .Fno, Cryer Robert, Daws Wm, Dnlmaue Frank, Fatterbert Chas, George J. HOUDEN J E, (manager DP Hoi brooke), Keathloy James, Konney .fosapli P, Jt!ftr«'v Rol)crt, JUDD JAMES F. Meagher D, Murphy P S, O'Connor Tim, ORCHARD EDMOND, Palmer J W, Rob-jrts Joseph L, Scaddon H, Scobel Jno, SHURTLEFF W T & CO. Stukes A M, Fort Bid well Fort Jones II Franklin II French Corral French iulch II Fresno II II II Fresno Flats II Gait II >i Garberville II Gas Point Georgetown i< II II II Glencoe Glen EUen Gold Run II II II II | imttemi*. no. m, \U, Itfl »nd 118 Bkttfiry St., H. V. ■I 5 1' if) :; t;*i mm- (0 i c 'io s p 1006 LIQ 10 S » tt. c CO O ■ O o o z s o < Q. h H D 4> California. ULAHDIKIRD. LIQ Tem)x>y & Quick, UpholFH, B^anUley John, Dryer John, Halo J J, LAirOLET WM, FKICE J M, WILLIAMS J M, BuUiinl J uo, Guthrie bl J, U«w ty D, JONES J E, Shoemaker 0, Ames .1 1*, BOITANO BROS. Daniel Antoue, Dunn F, Crarcia Salvador, lARKIN MICHAEL. Quiulin I' P, Valla.lon F C, CALDWELL D, Biejsle H, PARKEB A W, SCIABOUE ANDBEW, Dy kta VVm, Fried Sol, Jenacn L, Lacona August, Lauder Henry, I'anu John, Pajie Christian, Ra8niu83eul.Vrl, Kivers J L, Sorenaen Uana, Barlow B, Fried Henry, (lum & Z.iJU', P£U£TT EDWARD, Swain J H, Ganlner P F, Mannint; Pat, Ueeht Jacob, Ciddera F S, Conl.iu Tho8, Eastman & McCluro, (•raves (r H, Mans Alfred, McCarthy w t, palmtaq wm, Poole J K, Vache Theophilp, TARCOE HENRY, (HoUistor Sa- loon), Pau L, Ham James, KortH B H, WEBSTER WM I. Irwin John C, Mairs Bros, Scha ltcn 0, CORNEAL A, Farrier J P, Grass Valley <■ Orayson *i << Gridley r H -< If n e o s © 0) o 3 s. o » 3 a $ o o • « n 3 o 3 T3 O ■o ■ » T (9 1 z c V) p (ft p Lewiston Lincoln r T O o ■N to €0 CO >S In TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L, Blumauer tt Co. FartlaHtL Vr«> goa. luiv« ifc pro (0 OAU tJrinK Harb( H£R Kiefer KUC] KUC Levy MAl] Alayer McGii, McKei KOBI IT :ity Hill icton 41 cinto skaoii e z o H C > H -< 09 c n !8town it y Lintl louville 11 in City II [>a City II Kelscy yvillo •aville It bcsilliih 11 igaburg II Ferry (A o a s. O 81 a a % o a a 3 o 3 janding Grange II II iukeport II It 11 ja Porto Lathorp It It Lemonre o In S c V) • p ^owiston Lincoln ti It 11 IV* ii BUSINESS PENMANSHIP ''^V'H•4'^Ar.«^,';;^^r«rAr;?i.»^^^^ LIQ CO •6 i I ».< ■ a c c 3 IL (8 cue >» (0 » I- ■ California. CAMHIVIBD. LIQ 1007 Little Lake i( Livenno.'e Holman Bros, Hopper & Young, Bastinn Geo, FRANZEN PETEB. OAKDEMEYEB C & BROS, JAHNIOEN OUSlfAV. HoCARO D. FINK LEWIS, Schmidt Chris, 8CH0ENSTADT M T, SMITH XICOLAS. THOMAS DE EiiibcTS Win, Ramsdell 1 N, Cotton Jeremiah, Day & Fcnn, lUnger Geo, Chambers A C, Collard John, ]{ou8e & Co, KuHScll T K, Dockwelier C, iSbuItcs Juo, Vun Boesou V, Ktihii L, Martinez A, Snyder J D, Biiumrich John, BiUlarian JesuH Jaun, Bol)eurieth & Vottoler, Boottscher F C, BoiaBcranc Joseph, Breaon Jop, Bright & I'^Mgan, BBUNJES JOHN, Chauvau A 0, C. hn I, Collins M T, COSQROVE JAMES, Dockweiler Henry, Domhlidea i. Lemot, Etciieverry Pascal, P'oadulle Francois, Flieaclunan Jacob, FoL'h Ohas, Forpucs Jacob, FOUNTAIN SALOON, (D IJropr), GAUTHIER F, Urimoud J, Harbeck Adolphe, HIROLD FREDERICK, Kicfer J & Co, KUCKD, KUCK JOHN, (Philadelphia beer), Levy Micheal, MAIER JOSEPH, MATTEESEN PETER, Mayer L, Mc(iiiini8 E T, McKenzie Alex, NOEL & FELT, LoH Angeles Live Oak It Lockeford tt It Lodi ti ti It Lone Pine it ti Lo8 Alamos Los Angelos ti It It i< Kuck n James, Howard Chas, Ton isi Noah, Hoey J as, Hough W J, Kamp H Jj, Lawless M, McCann John, McOUIRE FRANK. McN.miara Ja», MILLER GEO. BARTJiE&PACHE. BENNiiTT CHARLES S, BHOWN JOSEPH. BUTTELMANN & STEWARD, Buttiin & Callawav, CARSTENBROCK JOHN D, Cassitlay Hugh, Dowi 11 J VV, EBERLEIN WM, ENOCHS R W, 1*LATHMANN J T, (rribner John, Hoffart VVm, Hoffman & Marker, Kerns J H, Mccarty dan, MILLERS. MULL E W, It It II ti II II II II II II II II II ti II If Ix>3 Banos Lower Lake It Loyalton Mudora It Madison tt Mad River Mahew Station Maine Prairie Mammoth City Marshall ft Mortinea Marysvilla tt II It It II II II II •I II II II II II II II It (/9 m o 9 ti I H. PALMER & CO., Frontignan Wine. 302 Davis SU S. ¥, f "^1 I: ;> )■■ ■i'-J Mi ;i ''+ mm Ik ■ I «f (0 S p W. W. MONTAGUE A CO., 'mr.'7.v^'^nrto'gris»«v^^ o E 75 CO c c n o ■ o o o < flL h h D O 1008 LIQ California. CLANIilKIRn. UQ MULLER ft BATJMQARTNER. Murray M B, Nescmaiin Mr* ft Co, Newhartl J \i, POWER T J. Koecra Henry, ROLLETT T W, TRICKEL WM, VAOEDES & BAHRFiNBURtf, Wacle & iirute, WARD WW. WEARMAN & SERRET. Maxwell Melville Mcndociuu t< Menlo Park Merced BORDONI A. CROW JOSEPH, (jrijialba H, Grimley P, HARTIH L J, MiiiHch A, Panillnu L, CORBTJL. TULLJM, Bay! Patrick, Bowman Fred, Eatell Fred, Flunigan John, Galbraith C, Casey Wm, KXrOELER A, Leuchan M, Quirk P, FRANCE MRS KATE. GriHin P, HARRINGTON & McERLANE. Lopuz M A, Packer E A, REULT & DWYER. Sesuscaros <1 E, Sherwood Wm, Smith J C, TWOMEY WM, Smith L N, Kuman C, Elsen John, Mearis Frank, Morgan John, Scott J W, Scott &, Squier, Snuier D I), Wissinger Jamca II, Argall H, Cireen J, Warren Geo, Thompson Geo A, Ganiot H, Boyle Pat, Pi X ley N, Simpson H L, Weston John, Bacigalupi T, Beaver Oscar, Burke H A, Danielson W, May Held Lamberton O, Modesto Mokolumne Hill Monte rey Mineral King Morysville Lagara K M, Miation San Jose MURPHY STEPHEN, Sigi'ist Muximiliau, Aulick Geo, Claypool Wm, COLEMAN B C. Biichman J B, Ducker ft Canebolt, Easton ft Light, Garner Barney B, Hanimrr Andrew, Husband Duvid S, Morris ft Co, Snyder A V, Sorousen M, Stuart J W, McFadin Peter, Fuller Jacob, DoFrageM L GieUng V, OXllARDIN ft CO, KuiHe Solomon, Leeso David, Sauchcz Bros, SHAY S T. (Union Saloon), SIMONEAU J, (Beer Depot), TIBBETTS WM, Fowler T B, Donald J O, He am W, Pneachol E, Flood R, Kirk Patrick Daniel, MERRILL D P, Christcnscii C, Whitney BC, CJrimley K, Hayes Kichord, MoKac — , WAGSTAFF G T, Christensen Christian, Lund Christian, Petorman H, Castracca A, Branch 11 H, Fisk ft Suckott, Bi.rth G, BEROREN B E, Capelli A, Donnelly James, <>ottschulk Mrs A. Habcrmihl C F, Howe A, Jacobsoa ft Wcstfall, Tjawrcnce J, Lynch P, Nichols J M. NICHOLS ft WESTFALI. ODay M, Pearson T A, Stoifiils ft Uorta, Silvea M, Meridian Michigan Bar Michigan Blutf Middlotown ft It Milford Millbrue Millville Milpitas Mdtou «< Mineral King Monticello Moore's Flat Moore's Station Monitor Mono Mountain View i< t< it/.ul .lolm&Co, <( 1)(> inilly J U, It Kd.ly s A, II Kaguii John, i< Jliinly M. It. UAMOIOND E, Kiithoi'toni & Olluhant Vincent K W. Albr.!eht Fr.id, Aiideriiin J 1*, * Baur Chriiit, Bjtz Philip, Block iSl NVerthcimber, Jioc(iueraz A, Biien CPU, Budhoir & Cordea, Carniy J, Callii^han Ch.'W, CASSABY JAMES, Casiwent A, Cohen & Anibroso, Cronin Stephen I), (."rowlcy (Jvir;ioliu», Iv, ,r H 10n Lo\iiH (.1, (ibiranUdli & Pctar, (tlor John, (Jr.iy I) T, o I c ua ■1 .^i 2.1 -5 fi • ? I!, r ALMER & CO., Port Wine $2.53 per gal •JO 6 l»MVll4 Mtfl'et, •• Man Vinuit'Utco, M^Br !^Bfliwv ';IH| ihP'' 'i^H H^^ ^^m \^Km: ''i.^^H I'^^Bnl^ .>I:BH:. i^^^K iifli'; ifl^K W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.. V.T'7.'ir^.^~.".r«Sit'iVv"!srr':t.V.VJ^^ ■1 ' ~J ii i I • t d E O S 9, 1010 LIQ Caifornia. LiQ 3 Q ■ " CLASSIKIKP. ^H Mnrp]iy Daiil, Oakland Pelissier Jos, Pajaro I ^ Murphy J W, <( Putteraon A D, Patterson's St.tiou 1 Oil Nol' J, ft Hagerty J H, Peiiryu •< NUaENT JAMES, (< Noyo Tims, «> O H C3 ^H era Neller & Fuegel, << Wheeler W H, l»erix* Wm, Querolo J as, << Casey B, C»iV!uiaus.'h Peter, II It r C3 1 iiwit Win, tt CHURCHILL MRS ELLEN, " at? ^1 "^ K«ct'r Juo, << Editniami (.1 W, (Cal wine. 0. •^ ^1 litniiui P, (* Class Philip, (» 1 la Kyau M J, (1 ilalpkeii A, IC H .Schlotzhauer V H, fcjoLiniilt & Tiebcrling, <• HANBRICH & LAMBERTS, " lless& Cerehino, " "I iSoliiii & Bfcht, Alderson llichd, Placerville O 1 A^ Sullivan Jta, II IJalliird & }^inm»oig. *I 1 ll < Teniey .Ino, If IMVd, Angels, (« Tiiayir E V, II CleesQ J P, t< w» 1 tf ; Thayor Ned, ff f>ii8 m Wm, 14 u» V.)i(t I), fl llainmaii W Tf. • i •Ml Welch Martin, fl KEMFTHORNE J H, (( 1 a ' Wilbert Jacob, >f Landeeker L, ';: Fred, If 31 Pan: L, If Mell Jno, If M I ^'^ '1 Burt F L, Olota MyciM i'-vo, II H c^ ^ (i(>inl»ert A, II PHILLIPS C E, (t m% Crothirs H, Olimpo Bnlleii .log. It 1 K ,^ (T.illinore Mrs, Opliir Seliultz H, fl HufccJjiuson Mrs W L, If Abbott & Hosa, Plains Ijnr:: Keller Adam, II ilow. til N, o fl ;^' B -v" ^ Micluils Mrs Caroline, If ANDERSON CHAS A, Pleasuntoii a ^B ConithtTd Juo, Coulter C, Orlatid f * BENETT JOHN. Diicy M, II 1 {?»' JAMES JOS, If HARMS AUGUST. II if I O ^ EANSON JOH^. Oroville Niijiicr Wni, II n HOi^MES & UEINTZ, ft Silva M S, II 'i O Bl a Bf O Al. Q W " M, M AI. O A rg A '^ Bi fa lie KLEIN CHAS, tf Briicc M S, Plymouth ■•a ijEEER PETEE. Moflrl (Y'.nmerrial CoUi'm Of tll<* <Ierr 11, EIKE^ENKOTHER C, Kitzpi.trick P P, Haimnn fns, Hu.!k K H, llyudiuu C G, Surtors K, Viiuii M B, (iaVi-iii foliti, ( JuriKV Jaciil), li.'vwsoii H, MoGniyuh Daniel, NoIhoii Cluis, Nonapi.Ta Miitts, ROBERTS G W, THOMPSON GEO, lioyd -lulm, Vid A, BTTRCHARD J P. CASSIUY JAMES. (Jraiit 1)mi1, Sclunitt Ailiiin, SOULE G £, SWEENEY JOHN. MIDDLETON THOMAS, Rohncrvilli Villi Si.kle I'lioiiiii!*, " WEEKS El. UAH, BEllit"X T A, RoseviU.- BfJ^IA JJSSSE. M.Miio * Klliott, " WATSON J R & CO. M» ll>t>iir lo h L, Rough and Re;vdy Sacramento Ricovillf; Rio Vinti" Rivcrilide Rock! in M.ihow IjWhi, Routitr AlBERS CONRAD. SucrAm«iit() ALLEN ROBT. It ALTHOUSEJOSIAH. «i BARRY J NO. 41 Ik'iinett Michael, II Biilin-r J()>ei)h, 4< BOWERS &LONGABAUGH. '' Brown IsiiMC, 4< CikIiic I'hil, «'< CASEY & CRONAN, l< COFflELD NICLES, <> Climssenius (ii!0. novau J, DiMcy LP, DWYER M, EWERS OTTO. t'ARR GEO M, FLAHERTY PETER, FRANK'S SALOON, (Frank Ruh- stiillcr propr), 'roiinet A, GRIFFITH S J, GROTH JAMES H, (Jnihliir John, HAGERTY PATRICK, :(Rail. r<».id Kx(-!i;i,nmj), HAHN JNO. HalUfi- Diiiiiul, llainiu Mrs Ma'.;2'io, ll.mly.j W, ll.iuiion Owen, Harris fi U. HASWELL ft ATSSDEN, HASTENPLUG P J, Hoc-t'ir I no, HEISEN C, Heniiau F, HUEB3CHMAN JNO B, .li,c(.l>.s K I', JohnsMii A I*. JOHNSTON F H, JOHNSON & HIGNETT. JOHNSON MRS L A. JOSEPH & GRIBBLE, Kally I*. KLEBITZ & GREEN, Kl. in A l{, Kohui) Henry. KORN LEWIS, KJHN WM. Lfiov \' '"is, LESLIE DICK, Linmte I'r.ink, LOTHHAMMER LOUIS, Luivy li, manning f m. McCarthy michael, McLiiu^^hlia Chas, Mcliaui:ldin .1 C. MEHARRY WM. ti II «' II II II II II 11 II II II 11 II II II II << II II II II 11 It II II m o ss o w a >^ »• pi CD I o (/} (/i -I CD CD w TRY DR. GUNN'S RHEUMATISM KING. s!(( m li (t ■' IL CO i c S p & > C o E To CO TJ c c (0 O ■ O o o z s o < 0. h O . W, mUraiMUUC « UU.. ,,„M<-.-n« Hn. il2,ri4, ll«»ndl18B«ttenr8t..8. p. 1012 LIQ California, CLAHHiriBO. UQ Sacramento Mendel C J & J II, MeniUe & Warren, MINT SALOON, (Gcorgo M Furr propr), Moorj ii W, Mott S C, (liiUiarda), Norton A II, OODEN W, O.sohWiiM John, OTTO H 0, Vi'Zuno l^'rank, I'ritz .Ino, I'rytz Jno, Eu^lemicher C, REIi'FARTH OTTO, I'yiin Martin, SAYRE J B, feclicihel (Jco Sr, Schniitt Jivcoh, SCHMIDT & MENKEN, Scrivt !• T D, SENATZ A J. SIUDONS W M. Siebentli.ilcr P, .Shear & Brewer, Slaut^httT Jes8c, Sperry V/in, Steinaner M, Strauas Louia, UHL FREDERICK, VALENTINE C B, VICE DAVID, WaitiuT M, WATT & VALENTINE, Winkleman Wui, Wohlck J, WOLFE JACOB, Z.ich Muthi-ia, Biric L, iSalinina Battista, Stanier (J, Hiiule« .lainos A, HcyiioMs Alcxanilcr, Br undine Clias, Murphy John, BIRLEM J F, Di'i.n S I,, JOHNSON TOSEPH, KERNS P, Jticliardsnn J A, Law renco F A, I'almtag (J, Shccliy Edward, STllELLNAVER R, Swfihting Jno V, TJjolcku Julius, Wallato Martin, (';usuy Wni, Donnelly llugh, Driscull D, MtiHterHon Patrick, BeniiinL'er .lohn, Bruunhart B, St Helena St John " Saint Loui» Sidida Salinas City ,1 II II San Andreas San Bernardino Brinkmeyor H, Choato ft Ititermellin, Hawley Wm, Kern Chas, Laurent Henry, MILLS MART. SIMPSON OLIVER. Wi, iklor August, Arellancs Luis, Beroniii (i, Krbur/i M, Feraud Jules, Franz i:, (ilaagow & Stiles, Kriog Jolui, Roth J F, Sjicar Henry, BAILEY BOB. Blaek John J, Brown H H, Burned Tillman A, Faruior — , Ferrer Manuel A, Son Bcmanliao >i (I (I II II II II San Buenaventura II ■I II Ban D leuo II II Fischer John " MACLAOAN HENRY, McCarthy M J, NcilChiis, Perigo VVm, *' Schuitte Henry C, " Ste>vai-t Mra Annie, " STOW JOHN P, Tighe Thomas, Verlaguc T, Courtney Wm & D, Son Fernando Oliun J, Murname M, " ShaugH L, Sliughter Frank, " (iinocchio A, San Gahriel LasHoro Dominitiue, " Tucli Nathan, *' Valencia C, " Keep F„ San Grogoria Moore Mrs, " B .r.sot v., San Joac BROHASKA J H, (Opera House). " Bniwn .lohn, • " Canon A J, " C.>rr Dave. ConliviolaO, " COUPE PETER* (French-Amoricaii S;doun), " DALBYEW, Davis Nick 4 Co, " Dittiuar (J K, Doerr Phillip, Dwytfr Wm, Kri..' Fred, Knist C 1{, lellom (• J, FISCHER PETER, FISCHER WM, P n CO -1 3 » » Z3 -J 3 sr O o 3 a 5* 3 %. zr o cr 3 Of o* 00 •I* (/) J2 MoH Oi Mul S;OD( "i A «; r.ih « PE] i PFJ $ PO] I J{aa 2* I{..h I RUSi S s,.h »: Sch: a, SEE ♦- ' Siui, _- Nink 1 Wail a wn 3 I ^V'l|.s^ 2 : Zie-l. a: , Zinler jv'MLO ^\ Huit ^ I SCH M j Bail Ml 1 GAT <|GOR ner) $; MA. H. WACHHORST calls attention ^-.-Jii^iurerw:;!:"- 315 J St H.P/ 3 Zi .> o o 3 -** O 5* a CO K O S" cr riel lose I *< (I 111 . T>li-;{mi|i.v. e E 2 (A e u o (0 u » o o « Td Sl o LIQ Caiifitrnia. CLAK IFIRU. LIQ 1013 11 II ii 3 t7> e a. TJ (0 C9 0) a a ll 00 4* Si m* H X: • 3i O (0 < OEBHABDT & MAOISTRETTI, (InCur.iatioiial Hull), !Sau Jo3c G i veils GeoFi^e, " GeKlesJC, " Graham & Carnriko, " (Jieeu VVm U, " Harton Owen, '* Haul) Jac(iV>, " HAYDENEB, HEGELY MRS ROSA, llellii'wn Chna, " HOEtBE RUDOLPH, HOF JNO, JohiiBoa A, '* Jundt K, .Tilth E, Lofriuic Chaa, *' I/iiiffiii Ch;i8, " LOVE&MULVENWA. LUTHER & SCHROEDER, Mi^nroJI, " jMiiUiiiey Kdwaitl, ' *' Maiti 1 I':, SEEBACH HENRY. ^ilva Jiio, NiuiiiHoii Janioa, Siitk John, V.;ll;i L & Co, Voltz K, Widkoiitin 1\ WILSON G C. WusttfoUl August, Ziu;ilt'r Otto, ZIhUt 'I'luiK, I ilLOUCHEAU M, I Hulitiilif J <), I SCHERRER LOUIS. I iSilviis Ixioii, I GATES DO. GORMAN JOHN, (propr OU Cor iior), MARTIN JOSEPH, MiKiuBtry Thos, II II II ii s(i!i Carl, Vail Valki'nlmr^ Edgar, GoMhiiii J K, Santa Clara Miciial.lohn, " ]{uli A, SANDL H, .Sihivll" V, WatKk'ior II, Walsh \\ •• WELTI CH AS, Wiilineior S, " Artn'^tionu; Thos, Santa Cruz BRUNI J, (NoNV French), Bueb i., •• San Ramon II Santa Ana II II Ii Santa Barluira 11 II II ti O SO -< CO O C/) ■H O m ?3 ?? .■'5 •A el •*- ?5i 51 •a if u ^\ 5? :;? If • Oi / n fti! SI H. PALMER & COm Frontianan Wine. 302 Davis St., S. F. WUf MAMTACIIF JL m Mh'*'* Iron, all fUMw and Vnnbeni, 11«, liviiiil a- fir s c 75 S I u. C c (0 O O o o < o z h o 1014 HC) California,, CLARHIKIBn. LIQ^ Cappelmann C, Santa Cruz McKay James, Sheep Ranch Ch:>in»)crlaiu W W. >« Smith Wm, (i CHRISTOFANIHI ANTONE. Ackerman Anna, Sheriihin CLEMENT HH, Kermeritz Mrs M V, 14 Copo Jesac, liolKjrtson Jno, «« ^ GRAHAM J A, Sliingle Springs Downing Wm, LEAKEY DONALD, fi Krnst Geo C, Sclimitgen Bernard, «i PJviins (leo, (JtMiorvich Joseph, Sierra City JJroonu) T B, Liiwrenoc Va\, •« Haug C'lirift, Bose John, 41 Johnson T B, Stewart David, (1 Kroepflie Jacob, Stewart T J» Sierra Valley Martin & Gondwin, Anderson D, Silvendo McMo.iomy J J, (lulligan L, Slide Molitor & IjCv, Buthr P, Smartsvillo Tib ulo E W," ( "himberlaiu Wm, II WelK>r IT, u Dcnahy J,. t< WERNER CHRTS F, (Arion), •• Cnd'.hy .lohn, Santa Monicii Mnrniy Thos, TharpA W, It II (iiroux HA Bro, «nnii^an & \V'ri;^ht, it Amiillon C, tl Fick Fred, l( liubsch A J i; Gerkon Jno, tl Laux Hermann, II HENFEY D & CO, l( liit/.i'us Kouivi, It JOaST JACOB, *l M.Donald W A,. 41 jaD CHRISTIAN, It MULPRY MARTIN. II KELLY FRANK, l( SMITH C R, B.ici;;aluui \t. II KOHLE AUGUST. <• Sonora LOUUKS A H, t< ^5 ^ ■ Bintler Jacob, tl T.yf.rd \V C HOLLER HENRY, II I'.oyd Bon, BUTLER BEN F, l( II PALACE SALOON,(.W H Morris Cojiir.tto B, ft jiroiir), RONEY & PRINCE, II (.'oiirnl Samuel, II tl I'rtjiin U II Koncy & NVixxl, II M:ia_'.t Kh'feker, II l{un«lu iinrr .Folin, II JOHNSON JOHN & A NDY. SEEGELKEN AD&BRO, Koil Fdward, tl .Soniiois F, II LEONARD THOS, II SproLlinle FA, tl Lilt ra(;. .1 SluM-U'y W M, Saratoga PARSONS EDMOND, II Whipph} Frank F,, •1 Hyiin Dennis, tl CRANE PETER, Saucelito Sjuilla W, • 1 Leazc A, tl SLOCUMB JOHN C. If Nickk-a A, II Steinfelder A W, II ByanJ H, i Reeng J, 41 MEAGHER ft SCHELER. JteynohJs Chaa, 44 XNOX R. " Sheridan D, • ( 3 ■< o 3 O 39 09 a o 9 a» o a U1 a' o T3 A* x* (» 1 X o Si n (/} r- K 9 ar TRY MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL L.Blumansr&Co., 'Kl"j;Jv?K- rUSINESS PENMANSHIP Pmrtlrally tsaKht at Fi%«7irte BITMIw eo •0 CO « a. Vi I ?! !i I! If u LIQ Califoi'nia. CLAMMIKIRI). LIQ 1015 South Vallejo 8pu(lra Spenceville Springfield Springville btocktc 1 O 4-> Traliy Wm, Scott \V U IT, Thompson Jos, Tearliy Win, >l«iid!.'r.si)ii I'xlward, OlfiLIOANL. Aheniathy J, Adams J F, ALE^RETTI 0. Bitswell SiiUi, llrcitli Chj;B, Campbell (Jco, Ciiri!iii;vro F, GASTELLI & WEBEB, Diin'Y * (tIiU, DARGY PETER, Douar.Ass j b, DRASCOVICH & DTJDICH, DniKCovicli M, (ii(nelli(J, (ir is'K'ryer & S men, (Irixsini Harry, Fowler \V S, KaiH'ir M [<, LAUMEISTER LEWIS, l,('l»L'ndLT k .Stadia^', Leslier Toter, L 'sher Wm, MAGERADAM, MA6NER MAX, Mnr'>'<' i"k Aldirs, MATHEWS H 0, MOLLENHAUERL. M.iss Frank, O'KEEFFE F E & BRO, Ovurton F, I'liyton St'tli, l{(!iiliiiid M, Hiik LS, (Hooa Beer), Itohlx ckrr & Hoeriier, ROH^BACHER & MAGEU, ROHBB/^GHER PHILLIP. ROTXANO A RUPERT GEO, SCHMIDT PHILLIP, ^l»;tv«M' .Illti V, Smith Frank E, Smith Si Hargravp, Soil'crliill David, TYROLEAN HALL, (Lcrchcr& Urm i»ropr.s), WEAVER J A, WEDEEIND F. Woiidsun J M, Ziiigg K, CookemJ P, Crocker Asm, Crowley .I.-uncs, KenndyWr, Ryan J no, SAlphonne P, Felice MIhs Victoria, Sauches Miss Silva, Susanville o o o s o Sutter Creek Cole William, Loni; Allen J, BISBEEROBTT. Byrne J as, Boro A, HOWARB F A. MYERS D. PAYNE &BREEDLOVE. RICHARDS CHAS. E, (Eunka. iSaloou), SERSALOVICH A, wn Turlock i< Ukiah <« t* If Cninn HoTise Vaoaville i« III 3* 1* If (?* '•» fi -lis ??| |l OLD PORT WINE. H. PALMER & CO.. 302 Davis SU S. F. it r ',.{1 "M > III >- o CO < z < S (0 o III Iti CO O z < h fO O a 3 lii h -X ,i*U)nrHt..H. y. 1010 LIQ Califo}'vi(U IIQ WHEELER WH, Vrtcavillc Bennor H W, Weavervillo MtmtovcrdoJ, Valluit« lleii!iley S J, ii Blum .l.ihii, (shooting gallery), Vallojti FiOve Alex N, ii iJrow n Tlu)8, Hunker .r, Wcat Oakland liiirtiii & Naglo, Elwood VV B, 41 COLEMAN RICH. (iii'sc Louis, 41 Coimnlly Henry, Haidey Michael, If L'rnwe Koht, Jfaiisen A H, <4 DERRIMAN & MITCHELL. Kohler E F, 14 l>oniiiii;i> .Sun I'lisco, Eoud \V, tl Jj'ERGUSON J N, Martens C, If il)it',J, QUINLAN JAS Gp 41 GAFFINEY B, (iiiiinon Thos, .Sehiiiliiiii 1' H, WALSH WM, 44 II Ualliii C T B, C'avilli .los, Wc«t Beiut Hayes John, .'^hciiJiker A, II Lyiicli Kdw, Zavjdli Joe, tl LYONS JEREMTAH, D.ilinaii Seli'', Williamrt M' CiuUlen .Ids, LONG M A & SON. II MICHAELIS R M.itlieson l>avi(l, If MINAHAN JCHN, MILLER ALEXANDER. Moonali .J, O'GRADY F» MORRISON SMITH. H..te8 Z. tl Willows Jioberts V \V, IWidge H W, tl i{oi/;irs Thos, Culver Sam, II SCHROTH GEO, CuKer & Troxel, 41 SLATTERY WM H, McNorton Frank, • 1 .Niiiitli HyeMDn, .Muiiion E, II WARD & McDonald, (biiuards), •• We;.'an Chan, If WILSON HENRY. It Anderson & .Forgcnacn, Wilmiugton \Vot)«b tti .John, 4f B:u'igalui»i T, Vidali;. llctliier (Jco, 4f Barr & llarter, • t Maldiiii Antonio, tl DRAIS A S, 41 l'f>HL'i Rafael, ft Hunkan W M, 4« SYLVA J P. t 1 Wreii.i N, «• SilvaS.itnuel, l( l>ei)/er P, Volcano THOMPSON S G. tl l>evitt iV Provi.s, II Keardim James, Wintera Hu.y E W, ii Hie A |{. If .1 en line AUx, 1' WILSON & HACKE. ft I-.ai.la^oiiiir Lino, 41 BRAY & LOWE. Wheatland Luciit Kn.'enc, tl Harvey (iei» \V, If Luunt Nicholas, 14 Wilson .F Fi, II Morau JJoht, 44 F{'>liiiictt Jnhn, Woodl)ri(I;;e Fr ivi.i .James K, tl BAKER B, W(KHlhH»d T.iMi Oisitii, 4» BARR C. II llurneo \V S, SCHUPBACH JACOB, Walnut Cnck ll-ntly(ieo \V, *f 1* Hruimer ("has. ft {•.Twu W M, Wasluafiton Cl.-.rk 1 Q A, f ( Murray K)})t, tl Fltililer Antou, It HoKrU 1», II iJryfiis Fi. II KIMMERMAN F.Wash ijigton Corners l.asUy M, II AfcL:ielilan — , It Emher E 1\. f 1 (.'iirtzui.kr i\ W; lerf.tni MOORE JNO, ft BREEN EDWARD, Wi.tconvillu PIERCE THOS, SCHLUER OTTO, ft Byr.l \Vn», II ff Dc'.St i'aul (!, 11 SIEBER CHRIS, (l'"-ii to). Iviikiii Patrick, II SMITH L W, II RXFDEBECK I PETER, If •steg.dl H, II Mnitli <';irl, 11 Vnoikee & Jicrry, i Ii Ninith J If, If \Vo«.d8 W W, II H. WACHH0R8T. importer of j.rjX>VDii;mrud.. 315 J St., Sac. BUSINESS PENMANSHIP '••^Vi^^^tr.-i^/.l^^^^^.iir.'S^r'^rfc c c ti 40 u e o (0 ♦-' « V) o u o 0) t. M -I O H X C9 O Z (A O LIQ Cidifomla. ( I.AHHIKIBI). LIV 1017 BUBPEN JAMES. CASTLE B. COLEMAN JAS F, Orr Uiivid, Firytin J no, r..x V. W, GREEN GEO, PoWCil'S J W, Smith & Hnyefl, Hunscn John, MoDondltlDW, DUENKEL H. lunker ChuH, I'ettcra C'hik«, Kluuer N, Tcah D, Youu^ T, Wrisht'« Yankee Jima Y<.U. YoU. Yo Semite You iJel Yountvillu Yreka LIQUORS-WHOLESALE. Peterson Carl, Ahimcil.i Arc.it;. Colnnihiii Eureka Los ATiiiC'le^ (Jro^'HWiild J, KI.UBER H. MONROE A & SON. I,evy Mieiiael, Miirtin E & Co, STRATTON C A & CO. Bolin Jaeoh, JlirslilHjrir Leon& Co, Sch;iyer H, V'oin'it I', IJdirer.s I']andr», STEINER. KLAUBER & CO, (> I" othee Hl'J.Saerumento). '"^i"' I'iego O'BRIEN JNO H, ht.Kkt.M. OULLAHAN D J, WEST GEO & CO. LIVERY STABLES. Maryaville C)ak 0) «-• s IL T> V c c CQ O m o o a z E o < CL O W. W. MONTAGUE & CO..''**r".""t*?rfit^,M'^'^p.?lr «''?'J?* 1018 LIV California. CLASHiniil)' LiV Chamt)ers Thos, Willia W E, 1/3 Cyr Jo«, Adams John, CRAWFOBD FRED, Covelo I«)U8cr & Hammer, Miller G, 8mulley D S, biamond Spriugi Dixon Downey City Downieville Duncan's Mills Diuiii^aii Dutch Flat East Oakland Klniira El M >ntv Emigrant (r;