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Las diagrammes suivants iilustrent la mAthode. : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 V To all to whom these presents shall or may come, ' StnOb) all iWen by this PubUc instrument and Indenture, that we, the subscribers hereunto, P«eambie. have entered into and formed an Association of h'mited extent, and in manner and form hereinafter more particularly described, foi the sole and only intent and purpose of Insuring against accidents by the perils and dangers of the seas and navigation, in our collective capacity, and under the guarantee of the Joint Stock hereunto subscribed, only ; by and in the name, firm, or style of the CANADA MARINB INSURANCE COMPANY. St^'e* And we do hereby mutually, individually, and jointly covenant, declare, and agree, that the following Articles, to which we have hereunto subscribed, are, and shall be, the fundamental terms and conditions of this our mutual agreement and association for the purpose aforesaid, by which, we the subscribers, our assigns, heirs, executors, and administrators, (being at any time or times hereafter Stockholders in the said Company,) as well as all and every other person or persons, who at any time or times hereafter may or shall enter into, contract, or transact any business, A Capital Slock ufluirs or concerns, either directly or indirectly with the said Company, are and shall he regulated, afid hound to conform to, in all respects and particulars whatsoever. ARTICLE riRST. See. Ist, It is hereby provided and mutually covenanted and agreed, that the Joint Stock of the in 1560 ' aforesaid Canada Marine Insurance Company shall £ioooachf *^o^ exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds, current money of this Province, divided into one thousand five hundred shares, of one hundred pounds each. Sec. 2nd And from and after the day of the date PerBons hcfeof, Until thc period when one thousand five cising the hundred shares in the said Stock shall have been r.'a^p«biB"of subscribed for and taken up, any person or persons, Holding jj^^y suhscribe for, bold, have, and enjoy any, and so many share or shares, as he, she, or they shall think fit ; provided, however, that no person or persons, not exercising their rights, — married women having no separate property, and sous puissance de mari, and minors, non-emancipated, can either by right of pur- chase, inheritance, or otherwise, become Stock- holders of this Company ; but the Guardians, Cura- tors, Tutors, or other legally authorized representa- tives of such person or persons as aforesaid, not exercising their rights, may in the case of inheritance be permitted to receive any dividend or dividends, accruing upon the Stock so inherited, upon granting and lodging with the said Company, sufficient and approved security for the fulfilment of the Rules and Regulations of the said Company, and more especial- ly for the payment of Instalments, should any be demanded. stock. Proviso. r 3 Sec. 3rcl. Provided, however, and nevertheless, anything- to the contrary herein notwithstai^ding, that no transfer or transfers, assignment or assignments, j^^J'^J"^';] of any share or shares in the Capital Stock of this ijv conaent Company, shall be made or pretended to he made, oroi oirec- in any manner or way whatsoever become valid, legal, '""' or effectual, or confer any right, privilege, or interest in the said Company, until the same shall be ap- proved of, agreed to and perinilted by a resolve of a legal meeting of Directors, and subsequently regular- ly entered in the Register of tiie proceedings of the Board of Directors, and therein duly attested by the Secretary of the said Company for the time being. — And in all cases where transfers of Stock shall be so as aforesaid permittted to be made, the party so^^^'^'"' transferring shall return his, her, or their Certificate of Slock, into the hands of the Company, duly endorsed in favor of the Transferee, who shall there- upon sign the Rules and Regulations of the Com- pany ; — and provided also, that the Transferee, having so as aforesaid, complied with the Rules of the Company, shall thereupon take out a new Certi- ficate of Stock, which shall be duly Registered by the Secretary of the said Company for the time being, in a book appropriated for that special purpose. bs ARTICLE SECOND. Sec. 1st. And it is hereby further covenanted and affreed, that the Shares in the Joint Stock aforesaid of the said Company, shall be, and the same are hereby vested in the several persons, bodies politic or corporate, whose name or names, iirm or firms, style or styles, are hereunto subcribed.and in their several respective heirs and assigns, (having legal succession in virtue of this deed,) proportionally to the sum or sums, which they, and each of them, may or shall ^ub^cribc, and such Stockholders (having conformed to the stv«)ulations of this deed,) shall severally and frTtll'^Je' lespectively be entitled to receive from and after the cdvji divi- period, when the said Company shall have actually profit." been established and in operation, the entire and nett distribution of one proportional part or share of and in the profit and advantage, that shall or may arise and accrue, on each and every share of and in the Joint Stock of the said Company, which such Stock- holder or Stockholders may respectively hold and own, and so in proportion for any greater number of shares, which each and every such Stockholder or Stockholders may hold and own. Sec. 2d. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that upon every or any subject, proposition or question which shall occur, be discussed or be put, relating to the affairs of the said Company, each How votes inemb.r holding five shares or under, shall have one are to be yoicc or votc, for and in respect of each share which 0ivnn. 1111 » he shall hold or possess in the said Company ; each member holding not less than Six Shares^ nor more than Eight Shares, shall have Six Votes ; each mem- ber having and holding not less than Nine Shares, nor more than Twelve Shares, shall have Eight Votes; each member holding not less than Thirteen Shares nor more than Nineteen, shall have Ten Votes ; and each member holding Twenty Shares or up- wards, shall have Twelve Votes, and so in propor- tion, that is to say, for every Twenty Shares in ad- dition, Twelve Votes ; whicn vote or votes may be given by any such member or members as aforesaid, either in person or by his, her or their proxy or proxies, appointed by writing under his, her or their hand or hands, and such vote by such proxy given, shall be as effectual to all intents and purposes as if the principal or principals had voted in person, and given Vote by proxy. 5 whatsoever question, election of officers, or other matters or things shall be proposed, discussed or con- sidered in any Public Meetin<^, to be held as tierein provided, the same shall be finally determined by the majority of votes and proxies then present, and the Chairman at every such Meeting, in case of a divi- sion of equal number, shall have the casting vote, al- though he shall have voted before. Provided always, that no person shall vote by proxy, unless he be a proprietor, and that a part or parts of a share or shares, bhall not entitle any person to vote in person or by proxy. ARTICLE THIRD. Sec. 1st. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed that, to direct and superintend the generalafFairs, business and concerns of the said Company, a Presi- dent and four Directors shall be chosen from amongst the Stockholders, each of whom shall be holders of at least Ten Shares in the Joint Stock of the said Com- pany, and shall be subjects of His Majesty, resident in the city or district of Quebec, and shall be chosen at the time or times, and in the manner and form as hereinafter it is provided aud stipulated. Sec. 2nd. And it is hereby further provided, coven- anted and agreed upon, that Jameb Bell Forsyth is hereby declared to be in virtue of this deed, the first PresiderU, and that Jeremiah Leaycraft, Francis Bu- teau, James Dean and David Burnet, are in like manner by virtue of this deed, declared to be the first Directors of and for the said Canada Marine In- surance Company, and shall for the purposes afore- said, remain, continue and act as President and Directors as aforesaid, for the period hereinafter men- tioned and limited, that is to say, until the first Mon.. day in April, which will be in the year of our Lord, Companys aflfairs tu be man- aged by a President and four Directora. Qualifica- tion. Names of first Presi- dent and Directors. Mode of election. May be re-elected. To retire when dis' qualified. one thousand ei<>'ht liuiidred and thirty-ciu^lit, when and on which day (two weeks previous notice havinj^ been given in one or more of the newspapers pub- lished at Quebec and Montreal,) a President and four Directorti, duly qualified as aforesaid, shall he elected by the Stockholders of the said Company for the time beiiijr, entitled to vote, votin<j^ by Ballot, and according' to the manner hereinbefore provided, with respect to votings at General Meetings ; which Ballot shall be deposited in the Ballot Box at the Company's Office, at the city of Quebec, between the hours often in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, on the day of the election, at which hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of the said day of election, the said ballot box shall be opened and the ballots therein verified, and numbered in the presence of such Directors or other Stockholders as may then be pre- sent, not being fewer than three ; and the persons (duly qualified to be chosen President and Directors as aforesaid,) that shall, by such ballots, be found to have the greatest number oT votes, shall forthwith be declared duly elected President and Directors for the said Company for the twelve months, then next ensuing. Provided, however, that nothing in this Deed contained shall be so construed as to prevent the President, or any Director for the time being, from being re-elected if duly qualified as aforesaid. Provided also, that no person or persons, so elected as President, Director or Directors, shall or may con- tinue to hold or exercise such office or situation of President or Director, for any longer period, than he or they may remain and continue, duly qualified and competent, according to the stipulation of this Deed. Provided also, that the President, or any Director or Directors refusing, neglecting, or delaying to sign any document or documents, writing or writings. 1 t, vvlieii C' having rs piib- enr and sliull he )any (or Ballot, rovidetl, whirli at the 'cen the ernooii, of one jlection, ballots J of such be pre« persons •irectors bund to >rthwi(h tors for en next in this prevent being-, )resaid. elected ay con- ition of han he ied and i Deed, ctor or .0 sign 'itings. 1 requiring the signature or signatures of the President or Directors, agreeable to the stipulations of this iiodJidul Deed, when duly rcauired so to J<ign, or refusing, ^^^ neglecting, or delaying to attend any Meeting, or Meetings of the Board of Directors for three or more times successively, without giving notice to the Pre- sident of the said Company, for the time being, of the reason of such non-attendance ; shall (having been duly notified to attend such Meetings, and "ot en^„„, y^. being absent from Quebec, or confined by sickness,) cn»nfB lo in either of the above mentioried cases, be held and wii'lin "^ considered to have resigned his or their situation of '^^^^^ President, Director or Directors; and in the event ofany vacancy in the Presidentship or legal number of Directors for the time being, by death, absence, sickness, inability, disquahficiUion or otherwise, the same shall within three weeks from the period the said vacancy shall be reported, to the Board of Direc- tors, or as soon thereafter as possible, be filled up by a new election in manner and form aforesaid. Sec. 3d And it is hereby further provided, that the President and two Directors, or any three Direc- „ tors shall form a legal quorum, or board for the dis- nnduvo patch of business, and every question, motion, matter ^r'Th"'"^' or thing proposed or submitted in the said Meeting |2''}r or Board of Directors, shall be decided by the roajo- quorum rity of votes present ; no Member shall have more Directors than one vote in the said Meeting of Directors, on^vore excepting the President, who in case of a division of '""'''• equal numbers shall have the casting vote, that is to President say, a double vote. Provided that the Secretary for vote, the time being, whose duty it shall be to attend, secretary and be present at all and every Meeting of the Board "° ''°'^* of Directors, shall not have any vote in any meeting oi Directors aforesaid ; but he shall, nevertheless, be r«p rectors rm a i^ 8 Meeting of Directof^, How call- ed. pcrmitled to have a deiiberulive voice, on luatlcrs touching the daily and ordinary transaciioiis of the Company under his charge, und on iiiea8urc8 by Urn submitted to the consideration of such meeting or Board of Directors. The said Board of Directors to meet once in every week, on such day as may here- after be fixed by the President, with the con«<ent of a quorum of the said Directors. Provided also, that no meeting of Directors (except the weekly meet- ings, before mentioned,) shall be legal unless the same shall have been called by order of the President by a written or printed notice, signed by the Secre- tary, for the time being, stating the principal object or matter, to be submitted to such meeting, and directed to each of the said Directors, present in Quebec, for the time being. Sec. 4lh. And it is hereby further provided, that the Directors shall, each one week in rotation, and as notified by the Secretary, attend at the Company's Office, to see that the business and affairs thereof are duly and properly conducted ; and the name of the said Director for the week, shall be inserted in one or more of the Newspapers printed and pub- lished at Quebec. Sec. 5th. And it is hereby further provided, that neither the President nor any Director shall be en- titled to demand or receive for his service, in the said Company, any salary or emolument v^hatsoever. ARTICLE FOURTH. Sec. 1st. And is hereby further covenanted and B Laws agreed, that the President and Directors of the said to be made Company or quorum thereof, as aforesaid, for the dJnfind time, being duly assembled at the Office of the said Dicectora. Company, in manner aforesaid, shall have full pow- er .nd authority to make, ordain and enact all and Duly of Direcior for the week, and ot the Secretary. Presidetit and Direc- tors to serve gra- tia. i 9 s of the * by Lin» jeting or ectors to Ay hcre- nment of ed also, ly meet- ess the resident 3 Secre- I object ig, "and sent in d, that m, and ipany's thereof lame of rted in id pub- d, that be en- in the soever, id and he said for the he said povv- ill and every ;md so many By-Luws, Rules, Orders and Re<^'iilatioiis, not being; repu!;'nant \o (he Statutes, Customs, or Laws of this Province, or to ihe express condition of (his Deed, as by the said Directors or quorum thereof, as aforesaid, shall be jud<j;ed neces- sary and expedient, as well for the Direction, con- duct and well governinij^of the said Company, its Officers and Servants, as of the property and estate by ihe said Company held, and the snino to revoke, alter and amend, as in their opinion will more cifec- tually promote the true interests of the Company. Sec. 2nd. And it is hereby further agreed, that all By-Laws, KdIcs, Orders and Regulatiois of the said ^''^f'^'^f Con'.panv, which shall exist at the time of enterinii: ""t to afl • * ^ . . .,1 ^ foe exiat4 into any contract or agreement, with any [)erson or ing con- persons in their private and individual caparity, being SSjuiu a Member or Members of the said Conipany, or with any other person or persons individually or collectively, not being a Member or Members of the said Company, shall in respect of such person or persons be considereil as the only By-Laws, Rules, Orders, and Regulations of the said Company, until such contract and agreement shall have been utterly accomplished, or otherwise legally discharged ; any subsequent By-Law, Rule, Order, or Regulation of the .said Company to the contrary notwithstanding. ARTICLE FIFTH. Sec. Ist. And it is hereby further covenanted and a ccounts ag-reed, that the President and Directors for the time ""^""'p'" being as aforesaid, shall cause to be kept by thementaio Officers and Servants of the Company, therewith * *'''* charged and entrusted, just, true, and fair accounts of all Deposits, Instalments, Premiums, Rents, In- terests, Dividends, or other Monies or eflects received by them, or either of them, or their assigns, from the B i i 10 ( Annually made U|) to Ist Alarch and Hiib- iniiind (u general meetinet Ist Mon- day in April. Referred to 'I Commit, tee ofaudit To report thereun to President and Direc- tura. Who if required are lo or- der a Gen. eral Meet- ing of Stock- lioldera, and sub- mit the same to them. Committee of Audit empower* «d to call for books and papers. Secretary, enjoined to E reduce ooks and papers, to Cummttee* aforesaid stockholders^ and fioiii all other persons, on accouiit of and appertaining; to the said Com- pany ; and also of all monies by them or their assigns paid or expended, for and on account of the said Company; of which receipts and payments, the said President au'! Directors, shall on the first Monday in the month of Aprils annually, submit a clear state- ment or statements, (made up and closed to the first day of March preceding,) to a General Meeting of the Stockholders, duly called and assembled for that purpose, and for the election of a President and Directors for the ensuing year, which statement or statements shall be by such General Meeting referred to a Special Committee of Audit, (the members of which Committee to be Stockholders of the said Company, not being Directors or Officers thereof,) with instructions to report thereon, to the President and Directors of the said Company, before the first of May then next ensuing, and in such report the said Committeeof Audit, are to state whether they require the same to be submitted together with the said statement or statements of accounts to a General Meeting of the Stockholders of the said Company, and the President and Directors are hereby required to call such General Meeting of Stockholders as here- inbefore provided, if required so to do by the said Committeeof Audit; and the said Committee of Audit, or any three of them, being assembled at the office of the Company, shall have full power and authority to call for and examine all the books, papers, accounts, vouchers, or other documents therein contained, and in any way appertaining to the said Company, which the said Secretary for the time beings is hereby authorized and enjoined to produce when so as afore- said called for, or required by the said Committee of Audit. If 11 Sec. 2n(l. And the said Presidenf. and Directors, shall also keep, or cause to be kept, just, true, and fair accounts of all and every the profits and advanta- ges, arising from, or accruing to, the said Company; prflsUent and shall on every first Monday in April, declare aiid "."g}^'^*"* pay a yearly divicJend of the clear profit and income de'^'^r*^ of the said Company, all contingent costs, charges, annually. expenses, and losses incurred or expectant, being first deducted, and shall publicly notify the Stock- Notify holders, the time and place ap[)ointed by the Regu- ''["^p""!^ ]ations of the said Company, wlieu and wiiere pay- payment. ment of such dividends is to be made. Provided always, that it shall be lawful for the President and Directors to reserve and keep on hand, such portions of the profits of the said Company, as a reserved Rpserved fund as to them shall seem fit. " '""''• Sec. 3rd. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that the President and Directors, now before first named, or majority of them, being duly assem- bled at such time and place as may be appointed by prM.ipnt the President, are hereby empowered and authorised ^^^'l ^"'"" to appoint a Secretary, Agent or Agents, and such empowerfi Clerks or other Officers and Servants, as they, or a secTmry majority of them may deem necessary, for the proper "jJliera, conducting the affairs of the said Company, and to*^^- grant such sums as salaries, or commission to such to fix Secretary, Agent or Agents, and such Clerks, orof"Sriea other Officers, and other contingent expenses, as «"'• . g'^''"' Ihey may deem fit and proper ; such Secretary, ex|<en=e8. Agent, Clerks, or other Officers, to be continued in Tocomin- such office, so long as the said President and Board urv^^S of Directors may deem proper. office" " Sec. 4th. And it is hereby further provided, that the said Secretary for the time being shall be charged, emmJI entrusted, and invested with the custody and safe ,'*^''''h"'"- keeping: of all books, papers, deeds, securities, vouch- I'ooka, * " 'II' ^ ^ inpeif&c. 12 Except Cash or Bunila, convnriible into Cash. Cash, &c. Iiow dis- posed of. Duly of Secretary define'i. ers, accounts, or other docutncnts or writings, and of all real estate, property, moveables and effects, of whatsoever nature and kind appertaining, or in any wise belonging to the said Company ; cash, monies, notes or bonds, convertible into cash alone excepted, which said cash, &c. shall be entrusted jointly to the safe keeping of the President or Director for the week, and the Secretary, and not paid away, or in any way disposed of without the signature of the said President or Director for the week, and Secretary, and he the said Secretary for the time being, shall moreover be entrusted with the general management and superintendence of all the said Company's affairs, business, correspondence, and concerns, under the immediate controul and direction of the said President and Board of Directors in their collective capacity ; and he the said Secretary as aforesaid, shall more- over do and perform all such other business or affairs relating or appertaining to the said Company, as are specially provided for, and stipulated by this deed, or as shall or may at any time or times hereafter be legally enacted or ordained by the By-Laws of the said Company duly made, ordained, and enacted as herein before provided. ARTICLE SIXTH. Sec. 1st. And it is hereby further covenanted and Business agreed, that the said Canada Marine Insurance Company CoMPANY, shall uot directly or indirectly be engaged fiSd."'^ or concerned, do or transact any commercial dealings, trade or business whatsoever, assurance of ships and other property against the dangers and perils of the seas and navigation, and such dealings hereinafter described and provided for ap may be necessary, for the proper and beneficial disposal of the capital stock deposited as aforesaid alone excepted. 1. 13 Company shall not hold Mortgages exeept to secure debd. But majr invest part of capital and stock, &n. &c. Sec. 2nd. And it is hereby further provided, that the said Company shall not in any manner or way whatsoever, lend any money or monies, on mortgage or mortgages, or hypoth^ques, on real or immove^^ble property, or on pledge or pledges, excepting to secure the payment of any debt which may be bona fide contracted with the said Company, in the prosecution of its aforesaid business of Insurance, but the President and Directors for the time being, or quornm ther of, are hereby authorised and empowered to invest such part or portio.i of the Funds of the Company, as may or shall be at their disposal, and not otherwise re- quired by the exigencies of the said Company, in such Bank or other Public Stock, Funds, or Securi- ties, legally established within the Province, by charter or otherwise. And in such acceptances, ap.. proved endorsed notes of hand, drafts or other nego- tiable securities not having a longer period to run than three months^ as they the said President and Board of Directors, or quorum thereof, shall deem for the advantage of the said Company, and the said Bank, or other Public Stocks, Funds, Securities, Acceptances, Notes of hand and Drafts, to sell out, assign, tranfer or negotiate so often as they the said President and Directors, or quorum thereof as afore- said, shall deem fit, and for the advantage and benefit of the said Company. ARTICLE SEVENTH. Sec. 1st. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that all and every future General Meeting or General Meetings of the said Stockholders of the said Com- ^""""s* pany, shall be called and assembled at the Company's when Office, in the said City of Quebec, at the hour of One ""e'^^ied. o'clock in the afternoon, by special notice, published No,Jce ,o at least three weeks, previous in one or more News- '^^ s''''^" papers in Quebec and Montreal. si i' 14 May at any time be called by Preai- dent and Directors. President and Direc- tors to order a General Meeting when re- quired by firteen Stockhold- ers repre* ■entini; one-fifth of the whole stock. No busi- ness to be introduced at General Meeting except such as the Gen* eral Mee- ting has beencalled to decide upon. 8*^3. 2n(l. And the President and Direclors, or quorum thereof as aforesaid, for the time beini;-, may, and are hereby authorised to call any General Meet- ing or Meetings of the Stockholders whenever, and at such lime or times hereafter, as the said President and Directors, or quorum thereof as aforesaid, may or shall judge expedient. Sec. 3rd. And, moreover, they the said President and Directors, or quorum thereof as aforesaid, shall, and are hereby authorised and obliged to call any General Meeting or Meetin^rs of Stockholders as aforesaid, at any, and at all time or times hereafter, as may of them the said President and Directors, or quorum thereof as aforesaid, for the time being, be required or demanded, by any number of Stock- holders, not less than fifteen, and representing not less than one-fifth of the whole of the stock of the said Company. Sec. 4th. And it is further covenanted and agreed, that no Motion, Matter, Proceeding, By-Law, Rule, or Proposal, of any nature or kind whatsover, shall, or may be submitted or received, deliberated or debated, resolved or decided upon, at any or either of such said future General Meeting or Meetings of the Stockholders of ttie said Company, that shall or may hereafter be called, assembled, and held in virtue of this deed, save and excepting such motions, matters, proceedings, By-Laws, rules, or proposals, as such said General Meeting or Meetings shall have been especially called for to deliberate, debate, resolve, or decide upon, and as shall have been specified and detailed in the notices so as aforesaid, calling or assembling such General Meeting or Meetings. 1» or 15 ARTICLE EIGHTH. Stockhold- ers before receiving dividends or voting to ai{;n Deed of Associa. tion and receive Certiticata of Slock. Sec 1st. And it is hereby further covenanted and aj'Teed, that no person or persons, body politic or corporate, who, at any time or limes hereafter, shall, or may becon:e a subscriber or subscribers in this Company, or that shall or may claim any share or ^^hares therein, can or shall be a Stockholder or Stockholders thereof, or claim or receive any divi- dend or dividends of the profits of the said Company, or have any vote or votes, privilege or privileges, or be qualihed to hold or have any office or situation or place of trust or emolument, in and under the said Company, until he, she, or they, the said subscriber or subscribers, shall have made, given, and paid every deposit, security, and instalment demanded from the Stockholders of the said Company, for the time being, and shall moreover have agreed to, and signed this Act or Deed of Association, and all and every the Rules, Orders, By-Laws, and Regulations of the said Company, for the time being, and shall also have obtained a certificate or certificates of his, her, or their said stock, signed by the said President, and countersigned and registered by the Secretary of the said Company, for the time being, in ihe form hereunto annexed, and designated or marked •' Schedule A." ARTICLE NINTH. S i. 1st. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that the amount of the said shares so as afore- said subscribed hereunto, shall become due and pay- how pay- able as follows : — That is to say, each and every sub- ^^^^' scriber hereunto respectively, shall at the time of signing this deed, pay or cause to be paid to the President and Directors, or to some person duly authorised by them to receive the same ten 16 £5 pay. able Jilt May, £5 pay- able 1st July. Balance of shares to be paid to the Presi. dent and Directors by instal- ments. pounds per share (or each and every share, he, she, or they may hold in the said Company, or accept a draft drawn by the Secretary in favour of the President, for five pounds per share, for each and every share, he, she, or they may hold in the said Company, pay- able the 1st day of May next ensuing, and a like draft drawn by the Secretary in favour of the P.esideiit, for five pounds per share, payable on the first day of July next ensuing. Sec. 2nd. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that the remaining sum of ninety pounds per share, for each and every share, so subscribed and taken as aforesaid, shall be paid unto the said Presi- dent and Directors for the time being as aforesaid, or to their assigns, at such time or times, place or places, and in such Instalments as they the said President and Directors for the time being as aforesaid, may or shall from time to time appoint. Provided always, that all such said instalments shall be demanded equally from every proprietor or member of the Company, for the time being in due proportion to the number of shares they hold therein and that no instalment shall exceed the sum of five pounds per share ; nor shall any future instalments be exacted or demanded from the said Stockholders, as afore- said until thirty days previous, and public notice shall have been given in at least one of the News- papers published in each of the Cities of Quebec, and Montreal. ARTICLE TENTH. Sec. 1st. And it is hereby further agreed that until ?endi^to *^® ^"™ ®^ twelve thousaud pounds, shall have been be paid well and truly paid in by the Stockholders, aioresaid £12,000 is in current money of the Province, on account of the paid in. subscriptions to the said Capital Stock, no dividend 1 V' she, or a draft 'sident, r share, ^ pay- :e draft esident, day of ted and [ids per ed and J Presi- saidj or ' places, resident may or always, Tianded of the rtion to hat no ds per exacted afore- notice News- Quebec, li until been oresaid of the tvidend £13,000 ill cnsli uiul invpgl- nieiiiB 10 be ih» per< inanRnt deposit in lli« hands oflJH' Koard of Directurt. or dividends, of profits shall or may. or can be made or paid by the President or Directors of the said Company as aforesaid, to any Stockholder or Stockholders th. :'ein. Sec. 2nd. And the said deposits or instalments, not being less than twelve thousand pounds in cash, or that amount in investments m Public Stocks, Secu- rities, Acceptances, approved endorsed notes of hand, Drafts, and other negotiable securities, aforesaid in part, shall from henceforth and at all times hereafter during the legal existence of the said Company, remain deposited and in the possession and custody of the President, and Directors of the said Company, for the time being ; and in case of any loss or losses, whereby the said Deposits shall be lessened, no subse- quent dividend or dividends shall be made until a sum equal to such aiminution and arising from the profits of the Company shall have been added to the said deposits, aforesaid. ARTICLE ELEVENTH. Sec. 1st. And it is hereby further covenanted and agree^ that if any Stockholder or Stockholders, of any share or shares, in the said Company, shall or pe„„i,y for may neglect, refuse, or delay, to pay and make good JJ'J'nf.^in. at such time or times, and place or places, as may or Biaimema. shall be legally appointed as aforesaid, any instalment, deposit, or call, not exceeding the amount of his, her, or their share or shares, as may or shall be at any time or times, hererafter demanded for the use of the said Company, in manner aforesaid, he, she or they, the said Stockholder or Stockholders so refusing, de- laying, or neglecting, shall forfeit for the use of the said Company,the sum of One pound five shillings for each and every share held or owned by the said defaulter or defaulters ; and if the said instalment, deposit, or C •1 if * i Wf' 18 call, together with the forfeiture or penalty aforesaid, and all charges incurred hy reason of Haid delay, ne- JJJj','*'„'„j gleet or refusal, shall not have been fully contributed penalty aiid paid within two months after the said instahnent "wo'"" '" ought to have been paid, then and in that case such dXuUer said defaulter or defaulters shall lose and forfeit to «ock'*^&c ^^® Joint Stock aforesaid, all his, her. or their share * or shares therein, together with all, his, her or their the said defaulter or default6rs' former deposits or in. stalments, and all dividends, interest and property in the said Company. Company to begin business when £120,000 is sub. scribed. Secrelary and Direc- tor for ihe week to issue Po> Jicies. Policies how to be issued. ARTICLE TWELFTH. Sec. Ist, And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that as soon as the sum of One hundred and twenty thousand pounds currency or more, in part of the Joint Stock of the said Company aforesaid, is or has been subscribed for and taken up, notice shall, by the snid President and Directors or quorum thereof as aforesaid, bs given in the newspapers published in this Province, that the said Company are ready to commence making and granting Policies of Insur* ance against loss or damage arising from the perils or dangers of the seas and navigation ; and thereupon the said President and Directors or quorum thereof as aforesaid, shall and are hereby authorized to em- power and cause the Secretary of the said Company, and the Director for the week, to grant and issue such Policies of Assurance/ against the perils and dangers of the seas and navigation, for and on ac- count and risk of the said CanaDA Marine Insur- ance Company, in form and manner hereinafter des- cribed, that is to say : that it shall be the duty of the Secretary to submit all such risks as are approved of by him to the Director for the week for his sanction and approval, and in cases of difference of opinion, the 1 19 whole matter to be submitted (o the President, whose duty it shall be to attend once every day if required and notified by the Secretary at the office of the Company, and upon the risk or risks being approved as aforesaid, the Secretary, by and with the consent of ihe Director of the week, to issue a Policy therein, demanding; and receiving* such rate of Premium as may have been agreed upon and stip- ulated. Provided always, that no Policy shall be . issued upon one bottom by the Director for the week, and Secretary, for uny sum exceeding One thousand five hundred pounds currency, without the consent of the President and Directors, or quorum thereof. Sec. 2nd, And it is hereby further covenanted, agreed and provided, that on due application being made et the office at Quebec for the payment of any anToS loss or damage sustained by the dangers of the seas '"o" "rTd and naviii^ation, within the terms and meaninoof the^o "uie Policies issued by the said Company, the President and Directors, or quorum thereof as aforesaid, shall forthwith take such measures as they may deem most effectual to examine and ascertain, whether the claim be just and proof of loss sufficient, and to cause pay- ment of such loss or losses to be made within Sixty Days after such loss or claim has been adjusted and admitted by them the said President and Board of Directors. Sec. 3d. Provided however, that all and every Policy or Policies of Assurance shall clearly, specifi- desani' cally declare and make known that no officer, pro- "J.'^®'^*-^^ prietor or stockholder in or of the said Canada Ma- «o contain RINB Insu|iancb CoMPANY, shall be individually bound restSg by such Policy or Policies, to any further or larger K'i^"' amount than his or her proportion towards the ful- ^"'"'. filment thereof, according; to and in no case exceeding to be sign- the amount of his or her share or shares in the Joint p're'sldem w^ 20 I n aril Dirpc- lor for llin wprk and Hecy. The Com- pany (lis* own all iru Hiriiinrnta iioi (Inly signed, &c. and not con- taininir the clnuNe of reslriuiion of piivment of Joint iSiock. Director, &c. sign- ing, ^'V. any policy, <^>c. not containing said res- triction of payment of Joint Stock, To be made per" sonally answera. ble nnd forfeit iheir stock. nnd to be discharged from office Stock and securities in the said Company ; and shall also be signed by the President or Director for the week, and be duly Re<i^istered and attested by the said Secretary for the time being. Sec. 4th. And the Stockholders or Subscribers of the said Canada Marine Insuiiance Company here- by declare and make known, that no policy, engage- ment or other contract of any nature or kind soever, shall or can be legally entered into or made in the name of the said Company, unless and excepting the same shall contain and express a limitation or res- triction of payment thereof, to the Joint Stock afore- said, and be duly signed, attested and registered as hereinbefore lastly provided ; and the said Stockhoi- ders do hereby renounce and disavow all obligations as aforesaid, made in the name of the said Company, not being duly signed and attested and registered as aforesaid, and not containing the aforesaid restric. tion of payment to the Joint Stock aforesaid, and if any policy, or other contract or instrument be made or issued, or negociated in the name of the said Com- pany, being signed as aforesaid, by any President, Director or Directors thereof, and not containing the aforesaid limitation or restriction of payment to the Joint Stock aforesaid, such President, Director or Directors so signing, issuing or negociating the same, shall, in their natural and individual capacities be- come liable and responsible for the payment or fulfil- ment thereof ; and shall also lose and forfeit, for the use of the said Company, all his or their share or shares, interest or interests, deposits or instalments therein : and be discharged from his or their office or offices, situation or employment^ in and under the said Company. nnd Joi Insi at tl for afte ble due! 21 ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. Sec. I St. And it is hereby further covenanted and a;;reed,and publicly, expressly and explicitly affirmed and declared by us, the subscribers hereunto, that the Joint Slock subscribed into the said Canada Marine Insurance Company, and placed as herein provided, at the disposal of the President nnd Directors thereof, for the time being, is, and at all time or times here- after shall be alone and only responsible for, and Ha- ble for the payment of any debt or debts, due or dues, claim or claims, demand or demands, upon or against the said Company ; and no person or persons who are now or at any time or times hereafter may or shall become a subscriber or subscrihers, or Stock- holder or Stockholders of any share or shares in the Joint Stock aforesaid, is, shall, may or can be per- sonally or individually in any way or manner what, ever, responsible for any engagement or engagements entered into by or in the name of the said Company, nor liable to pay any sum or sums of money, debts, dues or demands, of any nature or kind, claimed or to be claimed against said Company. Sec. 2nd. Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby further agreed and declared, that process issuing out of any Court or Courts in this district, at the suit of any person or persons whatsoever, and duly served at the OfBce of the said Company, in the city of Que bee, either against the said Company, in its collec- tive name, or against the President or any Director or Directors, or other officer or officers of the said Company, for the time being, for and in respect of any alleged action, claim or demand against said Company, shall in due time be answered by such President, Director or Directors, officer or Officers of said Company, who by such process shall be made defendant or defendants in such actions (unless set.. Joint Stock aloiio rat< fionsible or all claimi a|;ainat the Com- pany. Proviso. Service o*^ process at ihe Com- pany's of- lice at Quebec, against the Company, or any of its Direc- tors, will be accept" ed and in due time answered. ?w I'i VViihoul kllegiiiK the aii* fence of ullier Htockhol* lien. Judgment of Court to be bind- ing on alt the Slock holder! in pro|)ortion to (heir iSiock. tied out of Court,) without alleging the existence of nny Stockholder or Stockholders, in or of the Hoid Company ; or the necessity of making^ such other Stockholder or Stockholders, in or of tnc said Com- pany, parties in or to such action, but that the de- fence shall he made before such Court, so as that the cause may be tried and determined on its real merits. Sec. drd. And provided also, that every order, judgment, sentence, and decree, which may or shall be given, rendered, or pronounced, in any such court, or upon such actions, claims, or demands so prosecuted, as aforesaid, shall be considered as equally binding upon all and singular the Stockholders in and of the Joint Stock of said Company, in propor- tion to, and not exceeding the amount of their respective shares therein. ARTICLE FOURTEENTH. Sec. 1st. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that this act of limited association, for the purposes aforesaid, shall continue and be in full force Company. ,^^^ ^^^^^^ y^jj| jj^^ ^^^^ j^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^j^^^ ^jj, ^^ ^^^ the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred, and no longer ; but it may be lawful for any number not less than two-thirds of the Shareholders to call a Two thirds General Meeting, tirst giving notice in one or more hoid«?" o^ the Newspapers in Quebec and Montreal, and SwVihe" stating the purpose for which such Meeting Is called, Company. \q dissolvc the Said Company. Provided always, that two-thirds of the whole of the Stockholders in number and amount shall vote for the dissolution of the said Company. Sec. 2nd. Provided also, and it is hereby expressed, stipulated, and agreed, by and bet;veen the parties to this Act, (without which stipulation this present Act had not been made,) that the limited Association Duration of the V' ence of tho HO id h other cJ Com- the dc- tliat the 1 merits. r order, or vhali ly such adds 80 I equally Iders in propor- >f their ed and for the ill force II be ill ed, and ber not call a )r more ai, and called, ilways, Iders in ition of ressed, rties to snt Act ciatioa 23 or Society hereby established, hhatl not cease or determine by or upon the death, natural or civil, bankruptcy, or faillit^ oi any Stockholder or Stock- holders, in or of the said Ass^ociation ; but that, not- withstanding' such death, natural or civil, brankruptcy or faillit^, this Company and the Association hereby established, shall be and remain as firm and solid us if such contingency hod never happened. Sec. 3rd. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that the By-Laws, Rules, Orders, and Regu- lations, or any of them contained in this deed, shall not be repealed, revoked, or altered, unless at a genera! Meeting of the Stockholders, specially called (or the purpose, in the manner hereinbefore prescribed. — Provided always, thht the Stockholders voting at such General Meeting, in favor of such repeal, revocation, oralteration, shall represent not less than five hundred shares, or onj-thiid of the whole of the stock of the said Company. ARTICLE FIFTEENTH. Sec. 1st. And we the undersigned hereuisto do hereby further covenant and ngree, having first heard f.'a'.^f/'*' Of ni'i or Hnnkr'ipt* cy of iiiilu vuliiiila nut lit aflcci (ha Jim- lion of ih« Com- puny. By Lnwi nui (o b« sllrred except by (lenient ui (itiH (hiid nt ihe SiockhoN (IrrH nil. ■einhlfil at (J*M»*riil Meetiiii;. ref this our mutual agreement duly read, to lake respec- <• mkeiha tively in the Joint Stock aforesaid, of the said Canada Hi'mresVn- Marine Insurance Company, the number of shares [IfJ'i^'^Jg. to our several and respective names, firms, and styles "•♦'"rfs hereunto annexed, on the several terms and conditions ly. of this our Act and Deed, and on no other terms or condition whatsoever. In Faith and Testimopy whereof, we the under- signed, have severally and respectively set and sub- scribed our names, done this sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-sever !■!« fl*^' 24 if I !■ li Schedul« A. No. M Canada Marine Insurance Company. Quebec, This is to certify, that is entitled to shares of the stock of the Canada Marine Insurance Company, transfer- able on the books of the Company only, agreeably to their Rules and By-Laws, by the said or Attorney. Attest, President. Secretary. i$ T * ' <. :^' ■ V* stock of transfer- greeably si * ■ s, - ■ ident. .t^"<> ■?»=■.