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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as « required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiimis d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre ^eproduit en un seul clich6, il est fiimd A partcr de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 • 5 6 T rt--^ REPORT OF MICHAEL SAWARD, ESQ, (Actuary of the Promoter Life Assuraymt Company,) ON IHF. OBJECTS AND PRACTICAL WORKING OF THE TRUST AND LOAN COMPANY Ot UPPER CANADA. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. RIDER, 14, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, 1846. H E P O H r. •^ • I HAVE perused the printed statement of the o})jects and practical working of the sclieme of the Trust and Loan Company of Upper (.;anada, and also the Canada Act, the Deed of Settlement, and the Royal Charter, under which the Company is instituted and empowered. I am of opinion that the scheme presents a legitimate, extensive, and safe op- portunity for the employment of the surplus capital of this country, and that, with common prudence, the plan cannot fail not only to prove highly useful and beneficial to the Colony in which its operations are intended to be carried on, but to yield a considerable profit to the Company : That the Canada Act and Royal Charter give the Company ample powers to raise the necessary capital, and to carry on its operations with safety and effect : That the interests of the shareholders are fully set forth, protected, and defined, and their responsi- bility strictly limited to the amount of their respective sub- scriptions ; That the bond holders and other obligees have an easy and effectual remedy against the fund of the Company in case of need, and they have the opportunity of knowing the state and condition of its affairs at all times by having the right to inspect the books and balance sheet of the Company. ij 2 With respect to the mode of investing tlio Company's funds, I am of opinion that it vill l)e by far the wiser and more prudent course for them to i)e invested in safe and unciuestionable securities, such as mortgages, at the legal interest of the Colony ; than that securities of a hazardous nature should be taken, or that s])ocu]ations, however safe they may appear, should be entered into, in order that a higher rate of interest may be ob- tained; indeed, I am satisfied that the success of the undertaking will mainly depend on the ado})tion of this prudent course, for it nmst be borne in mind that a great part of the Company's profits will arise from borrowing money in England at a low rate of interest, and lending it out in Canada at a higher, and that that operation cannot be successfully carried on unless the English capitalist is inspired with confidence ; and it will be precisely in proportion to the nature of the security which the Company has to offer, and the prudence with which its affairs are conducted, that that confidence will be secured, and loans obtained by the Company. It appears to me to be conclusive that the Company cannot expect to borrow on the best terms in England, unless it can be shown that it deals only with un- doubted securities in Canada. Hence it follows, I am opposed to the investment of any portion of the Company's funds in the stock of the chartered banks of Canada; and my impres- sion is, that even were that mode of investment deemed ad- visable, the Company is prevented adopting it by the 82nd section of the Royal Charter. I would, however, strongly urge the Company to use all its influence to obtain a repeal of the Canada usury laws, as the profits of the Company must be considerably curtailed whilst those laws remain in force; and I have no doubt that the reason why so little British capital has hitherto been invested in those Colonies, and why u Canada Trust and I-.oan Company has now, for the first time, been called into existence, can be traced to the operations of those laws. I have appended three statements, pvin^ several examples of the operations of the Company, on the assumption tijat a given amount of capital has been subscribed and paid u[), and that money is borrowed in England, at 0, Oi, and 4 per cent., and invested in Canada at (» per cent. The results are very favourable for so secure a mode for the em[)loyment of capital; but it is highly necessary that a wise economy should be exer- cised in the office expenses, and that great care should be taken that the estimated amount should not be exceeded, at all events in the infancy of the undertaking. I have likewise given, as desired, the value of the Com- pany's stock at the several periods, upon the supposition that the dividend shown by the results had accrued and been realized. I do not consider tha^ the power of reserving part of the profits, or of anticipating the calls on the shares, requires particular observation. I have revised the prospectus, as requested, in accordance with my view of the subject. M. SAVVAllD, Acfmiry. 9, Chatham Place, London ; Fehruary 10, 1845. Examples of the Operations of the (Jompntaj, supposing Money to be. borrowed in Emjlund at 3 per cent, and invested in Canada at 6 percent. ; (fivinrf also the relative value of the Stock at the several periods, upon the assumption that the Shares in the Company were taken originally to pay F) per cent, on the Investment. Shares £'20 — and £5 paid vv thereon. Paid up capitnl £125,000 Invested at 6 per cent.rr Expenses Nett Gives about 3.] per cent, on capital. £. 7,500 3,120 4,380 Capital £125,000 Borrowed at 3 per cent. 125,000 250,000 Invested at 6 per cent. := 15,000 Expenses ...£3,120 Interest on borrowed money at 3 per cent. 3,750 ~ 6,870 Nett 8,130 Gives 6^ per cent, on capital. Value of stock at this period, 6/. 10s. per share. Capital £125,000 Borrowed at 3 per cent. 250,000 375,000 Invested at 6 per cent, zz 22 500 pPe«ises £3120 ' Interest on borrowed money at 3 per cent. 7,500 10,620 Nett 11,880 Gives 9^ per cent, on ciipitai. ■"— "" Value of this slock at the period, 9^. 10.v. per share. ('■'^nUi\ i*l'2r),00l) borrowed ir jtiey. 37.3,000 £. .000,000 Invested at (i per ci-iit. z:r .10, 000 Expenses £ 3,120 Interest on bonovved money at -i per cent. 1 1,'2.>() I4,M70 Nett \r,,r,M) Gives I'i.^ per cent, on capital. Vaino of the stock at this j)cri{)(l, 12/. 10,*. per share. Capital paid up .£12.5,000 Borrowed at 3 per cent. 500,000 625,000 Invested at 6 per cent, rr 37,500 Expenses . £ ;j,|20 Inten.'st on borrowed money 15,000 18,120 Nett 19,380 Gives 15^ per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period, 15/. 10.?. per share. Shakes £20 — £10 per shake paid up. Capital paid up £250,000 Invested at 6 per cent, zr 15,000 Expenses 3,120 Nett 11,880 Gives 4| per cent, on capital. Capital £250,000 BoiTowed at 3 per cent. 125,000 375,000 Invested at 6 per cent, zr 22,500 Expenses £3,120 Interest on borrowed money at 3 per cent. 3,750 6,870 Nett 15,630 Gives 64 per cent, on capital. V^dne of the stock at this period, 12/. lO.v. per share. 8 Capital £'2.50,000 liurruwcd at 3 per cent. 'i.OO.OOO f. 500,000 Invested at G per cent. z:r 30,000 F'Xpenses £3,120 Interest on borrowed money 7,500 10,fi20 Nett 19,380 (fives 7.,' per cent, on capital. Value oltlic stock at this period, 15/. 10s. per share. Capital £250,000 Borrowed at 3 per cent, 375,000 625,000 Invested at 6 per cent. = 37,500 Expenses £ 3^120 Interest on borrowed money H ^250 — '■ 14,370 Nett 23,130 Gives 94 per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period, 18/. lO.v. per share. Capital £250,000 Borrowed 500,000 750,000 Invested at 6 per cent. = 45,000 Expenses £3,120 Interest on borrowed money at 3 per cent. 1 5,000 — '■ 18,120 Nett 2H,880 Gives 10,f per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period, 21/. 10s. per share. Examples of the Operatinm of the Company, supposing Money to be borrowed in Enyland at '>\\ per cent., and invested in Canada at 6 per cent. ; fjivini/ also the relative value of the Stock at the several periods upon the assumption that the S/iares in the Company were taken oriyinally to pay 5 per cent, on the investment. Shares £20— and £5 vmd therkon. Capital paid up £. £125,000 Invested at fi per cont.n: 7,500 Expenses .'3,120 Nett 4,380 Gives 3.^ per cent, on capital. Capital £125,000 Borrowed money .... 125,000 250,000 Invested at fi per ccnt.rr Expenses £3,120 Interest on borrowed money at 3 A per rent. 4,375 15,000 7,495 Nett 7,505 Gives 6 per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period, 6/. per share. Capital £125,000 Borrowed money .... 250,000 375,000 Invested at 6 per cent.zz 22,500 Expenses . ' ^ 3,120 Intero:>t on borrowed money 8,750 11,870 Nett 10,630 Gives 8^ per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period, 8/. 10s. per share. 10 <'-^'M*'»^"l £125,000 l>on owed money ijfj OQO £. 500,000 Invested at 6 per cent.— 30 Expenses f '^ l on 3,120 000 • Interest on borrowed money 13125 16,24 Nett, 13,755 Gives 11 per cent, on capital paid np. Value of the stock at this period, 1 U. per share. (Capital paid up £125,000 Borrowed at 3.] percent. 500,000 FxDensPs ^'^^'^^^ '"'"'^"'^ ^^ ^ P"^' ^^"^•= ^7,500 i^xpenses £ 3 J20 Interest on borrowed money 17*500 ' 20,620 Nett 16^880 Gives 13i per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period, 13/. 10... per share. SlJARES £20— AND £10 PAID UP TH EREON. Capital £250,000 Invested at 6 per cent.zr 1 5 000 ^^P^"^'^^ 3:120 cpei Nett Gives 4^ per cent, on capital. 11,880 S'H^'t*^' £250,000 Borrowed at 3.^ per cent. 125,000 Expenses .... .^.^f.'^!^^. . '"'''^'^ ^^ ^' per cent.zz 22,500 Interest on borrowe'd money '. *. '. ". * *. * ' '. '. ". ', "^4 '375 7,495 ^'^" 15,005 Gives 6 per cent, on capital. ■— Value of the stock at this period, 12/. per share. < t 11 Capital £250,000 Borrowed money 250,000 £. 500,000 Invested at 6 per cent. =z 30,000 Expenses £3,120 Interest on borrowed money, at 3^ per cent. 8,750 -^ 11,870 Nett 18,130 Gives 7| per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period, 14^. lOi". per share. Capital £250,000 Borrowed money 375,000 625,000 Invested at 6 per cent.rz: 37,500 Expenses £ 3,120 Interest on borrowed money, at 3^ per cent. 13,125 16,245 Nett 21,255 Gives 8^ per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period, 17/. per share. Capital £250,000 Borrowed money 500,000 750,000 Invested at 6 per cent.zr 45,000 Expenses £ 3,120 Interest on borrowed money, at 3^ per cent. 17,500 20,620 Nett 24,380 Gives 9| per cent, on capital. Vrdue of the stock at this period, 19/. 155. per share. Ifi Examples of the Operations of the Company where Money is borrowed in England at 4 per cent, and invested in Canada at 6 per cent. Shares £20 — and paid up thereon £5. ^ ' r *^' £. 125,000 capital paid up invested at 6 per cent. = 7,500 Expenses 3,120 Nett 4,380 Gives about 3^ per cent, on capital paid up. 125,000 capital paid up. 125,000 borrowed at 4 per cent. 250,000 invested at 6 per cent =s 15,000 Expenses £3,120 Interest on borrowed money . 5,000 8,120 Nett..,..'.!i.. 6,880 Gives 51 per cent, interest on capital. Value of the stock at this period 51. \0s. per share. 125,000 capital paid up. 250,000 borrowed at 4 per cent. 370,000 invested at 6 per cent =22 500 Expenses... £ 3,120 Interest on borrowed money 10,000 13,120 Nett 9,380 Gives 1\ per cent, interest on capital. Value of the stock at this period 11. \0s. per share. 1 13 £. 125,000 capital paid up. 375,000 borrowed at 4 per cent. £. 500,000 invested at 6 per cent = 30,000 Expenses £ 3,120 Interest on borrowed money 15,000 18,120 Nett 11,880 Gives 9 1 per cent on capital. Value of the stock at this period 91. 10s. per share. 125,000 capital paid up. 500,000 borrowed at 4 per cent. 625,000 invested at 6 per cent = 37 ,500 Expenses £ 3,120 Interest on borrowed money 20,000 23,120 Nett 14,380 Gives 11 1 per cent, on capital. Value of the stock at this period \\l, 10s. per share. 14 Example, -MouP!/ borrowed at 4 per cent, in England and lent w Canada at 6 per cent. SlJAIlES £20— £10 PAID vv. Capital paid up £250,000 Invt-stedut 6 per cent, zr 15^000 ^^''Penses 3J20 ^-'t^tt 11,880 Gives 4| per cent. 011 capital. """""""" Paid np capital £250,000 Borrowed at 4 per cent. 125,000 Fx..e.,se. '^^'^*^'^^** ^nvoMed at 6 por cent. :z: 22,500 Interest on borrowed money 5'o( 5,000 8;'120 Nett 14,380 Gives 5| per cent, interest on paid up capital. Value of the stock at this period 11/. lo.^ per share. Paid up capital £250,000 Borrowed at 4 per cent. 250,000 Expenses . 500,000 Invested at 6 per cent. — 30, ^ I — ^ '^ Interest on borrowed money . lo' . - £ 3,120 000 000 13,120 Nett ,. 16,880 Gives 6:^ per cent, interest on capital. ' Value of tiie stock at this period 13/. 10.. per share. ]■) Paid up capital £'250,000 I'lOiTowcd at 4 per <,miiI. ;{75,000 G-jr^.OOO liivcsied at (') per cpiit. r Expenses . £ 3, 1 '20 Interest on borrowed nioncv 15,000 £. 37,500 1 8, 1 '20 Nctt 19,380 Gives 7| per cent, interest on paid np capital. Value of the stock ar. this period 15/. 10s. per share. Paid up capital £250,000 Borrowed at 4 per cent. 500,000 750,000 Invested at C> per cent. = 45,000 Expenses £ 3, 1 20 Interest on borrowed money 20,000 — ■ 23,120 Nett 21,880 Gives 8f per cent, interest on capital. Value of the stock at this period 17/. lO-s per sliare. I inriiiTfWfc'iiiMfiatTiM'Trm I have given examples of one quarter and one half of the subscribed capital being paid up, and the operations of the Company being con- fined to the employment of that money alone ; I will now give the result on three quarters and the whole being paid up : — Paid up capital . £375,000 Invested at 6 per cent, rz 22,500 Expenses rr 3,120 Gives 5^ per cent, on capital 19,380 Paid up capital £500,000 Invested at 6 per cent. =: 30,000 Expenses n: 3,120 Nett 26,880 Gr.cs 51. Is. 6d. per cent, on capital. i: If ■:x ... /. ■: '■''■'■(, ^ * ' ! , ».. ■■=■■* * ( fl ♦ • • '■*{■ 't' > -'f. " . * t 1 f 1 1 -t" , * « < LONDON: J'niNTED BY J. niDER, 14, RAnTIIOrOMEW Cf.08F-. ." ■ « i. ■ ^ ' , ^ - ''^ •) , » ■-^ 4.' . 1 • i . : ■ ■ - -:•-