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I ifM>" '.' v' . / alMli -te-- -40 - 1 fill! 'h m 't' ■'»% t**4| i n 'i-f ; n ti '5 TIPl M I !■ TBI MISSIOI^ BOOK: ▲ MAHUAL er INSTKUCTIONS AND PliVIlS AOAPTIS TO PBB1I»VB THE FBUITS OF THE MISSION. DfeAWM OHIIFLT FBQM THB ■9- Ti WORKS OF ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI. POBLISHBD UNDBB THB DIBBCTION OP TRS FATHERS OF THB OONORKOATION OF THl MOST HOLT BKDXSMER, L D. k J. SADLIER k CO. BOSTON :-128 FEDS MONTREAL :— OOB. OP VOTRB DsAMB 1858. ^iOW) . nmfmmmmmmsm?!^* fm ^Mipi iPipmii »v f'\ rflw?^ itiitered aoeording to Act of CoBgreM. In the year 1858. Bt TBI R«T. Oboboi RplARO, fa tlio dwk'i Ofllee of the DittrioC Court of th* UnHed States for the SoBthem District of New York. 4 -.'J. :5 -".^^c,'^-^ j>JSs«0'ir -yr^'.^ L4j V The ^'ICanoB Bock^ has received the oommeiidar tion of many dittinguished Prektes in Europe, ae a work eminently fitted for the instmotlim of the fidthftd, and the promotion of aoUd pieiy • We eheerfiilly permit Ita pahlieation. AB0HBI9HOP OF miW TOBK. Mmr Tou, Aai<#m&0r SM^ 16S8L 4 jnl ,ufs i.i H's' PREFACE. juiAB UBBiBRAH Rbadkb, — The GoDgregatioii of th« Most Holy Redeemer are nnwiiling to delay any longer the pablieatioii in English of this little manoal of in^ struction and devotion. Although now entirely remod- elled, and enriehed with muoh additional matter, it is snbstantSally the ttLme book which, in oth^r countries^ particularly in Austria, Bohemia, Belgium, Holland, and France, has been already so greatly blessed. It contains all the most necessary and general devotions: namely. Morning and Night Irayers, Prayers for Holy Blass^ for Vespers and Uie Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, and also very excellent pra vers for Confession and Com- munion. It contains also aU the particular devotions ini most common use among Catholics, and other very use- ful and animating devotions^ such as the Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, and totfae SAessed Vir^n Mary. Beddee these it contains wholesbme re# flections for daily or frequent Meditation, Which will prove a poWejrful means to maintain you in the fear of mortal sin, the desire of a holy life, and the practice of virtue. In this little book you will find also a short Catechism, by way of questions »nd answers, which contains all those great truths of your religion which it is most nec- essary for your salvation to know, and by means of which you will be able to instruct your children and* your ddn^cs in |lie same necessary doctrineSi Here Also are containedf't^ plain and ample instruetions on every purt of the Sadrameht of Penance, like those you heara in the Bllssion, and moreover a Httle treatise on o rmmwAGM. 0«ii«r»l Oonfe«lon, with a ftill and exaot esMiiiiiAtioA of Conicienec. But, after all, dear Chriftian, of what use to toq will the MiMion be, and all the sermons and inttmotions yoo heard, and even that good eonfeesion which you then made so earnestly and carofnUyy if, by foiling back again into your former sins, you expose yourself anew to evert lasting damnation ? It is not enough, therefore, to re- turn to God by severe penance, but you must also en- deavor for the future to continue in this happy state, and to practise a holy life. In this respect, again, the Mission Book will prove to be of sreat value to you. It will serve as your guide to a truly devout and Christian life, for be^ ■ides the rules it gi^es for pasting every day in a holy nianner, it contains the best and most neeessarylnstrue tions on tiie Duties of Particular States of tife, so that yoa may know how to order your whole life in such a way as to secure the salvation of yoor soul, as well as tli« souls of those who may be intrusted to your care. In case of your being taken ill, there is also a Manua) for the Sick, which you can make use of with great profit, and where you miiy learn to assist others in their sick- nesa. . And lastly, you will hnd herein most interesting and iMtracUve lessons for Spiritual Reading, ealcnlated to prfjferve ^1 your mind the holy impressions whieh you yecclived during the Mission, and to fortify the ffob^ rescdutions you made. A few jt>eaiitiful hymns are a£led^, which you may ^ngin your Idsnre moments when alone, or with the rest of your fiuuily at home, in the tveningp^ or on Sundays. ; Use, then, this little book diligently, for the saki^ 6| your eternal salvation. Use it also for the good of tbos^ who may be intrusted to your care, that y^u may resoti# them also fropn the general ruin. Many a soul,, oy lueh a little book, has been turned from the path <^ d^tru^ tion, and brought back penitent to Gk>d ; and many,^tQO| have been preserved by it in the right way. And thii will be the case with you also, dear Christian, if yon af^ w^U disposed, and read this little book with a right heattki t. 1" Attd BOW, dear Chrltdan, do yoa ?«ftUy with id|iM- lenre always in your soul tj^e firuiU of tlie MiitioD ; that Si to lay, Ihe frimdihip of God, togethir witli that pcaea and joy of heart whieh the miwion brought yoo— that Uvely fiiith, that tenderness of conscience, that generoui ardor to lead a holy Christian life f Then yon must not Begleeb the following necessary means: BOW TO PtBSSTBBB IK THK ORA0« OF OOD A1TB» THE MISBIOir. «>/ EvU (^v !• You muit avoid the oeeasiont oompaiiy and danffierous jamusements are the great highways to sin and helL In your baptism you promised to renounce the devil and all his pomps. Renounce, therefore, now and for ever^ Ihe ball, the dancing party, the theatre, the circus^ the tavern-bar, the liquor-shop, and every place of temptation. Above all, abandon for ever the person whose company has already proved dan* gerous to your purity. ** He that loveth danger (Aall perish in it." Eccli. iii. 27. ^^2. 'You must 'read good books. What was it in the 'Mission inspii^ed you with so many holy thoughts— with such noble resolutions 1 Was it not die Word of God, ehamng away from your mind the fidse maxims of this world, and mling |t with the eternal truths of futht Lay ande ^en the fi>olish romance, the dangerous novel, and the mUy tales of the newspapers, and oocura your^ minds every day with us^ul and holy readr ing, such as the Lives of the Saints, the worloi of St. Alphonsus, and othw devout writers ;of tile jOathcuio Qiurch, and above all tilw^ GospeUi e£ the Jlew Teetamoit^ yfUA eontain.the life of f ^BSVAOIU OQT Lord Jeems Christ cm esrtl^liial^ lessoiui to man, and the history of his death./ 'f fessioQ ai4 ooimimmo^ fountain of grai^ whieh Grod has placed at our doors ibr oonimcm use. Without confession vbur oonsciencet^ wiU soon become hardened, blinded, and loaded wi A guilt The Body and Blood of CErist is the f<^ of the Oiristian's soul. Without fre- quent communion that soul will fiunt for want of nourishment, and /all into adn. How; many «fo to the grace and fri^dship of 6od frpi^ pure tlanration^ because they let monies and ladonths go by without Gommunimu The Saviour of the world says, that unless you eat his flesh and drink his bloody you diall have no life in you. 8* John, Ti. 54. Resolve then to receive this Bread of Heaven at least once in the mpnftu . /L You mmt pray. ^Without ^e,*^ says J^ BUS Christ, ^Vyou can do nothing.^ S. Jclm, xv^ 5f» l^ou cannot do any thing whatever for your souI^s good ; you cannot take a single step in the. way of salvation mthout the grace of God, and that .pace you must obtain by prayer. ^' If any of lU want wisdom, let him ask of Grod, who^vedi aU abundantly." S. James, i. 5. . Be constant, bre, in tihe babit of prayer, ^y every day, without ftil, your morning and evening prayers. Be present not only at the Mass on Sundays and Kify days, as the Church commands, but ias oft^i as you ban on the week davs also, and ^ray; de<> Toutly then. Pray eqpedwy in the m^i^t o^ temptation, before the evil Jhoughtv has, ,tifP0 to gsbi strength, and God will always give you the victory. The promise of final perseveranoe and of salvation, is to those who are constant and persevering in prayer: *'And it shall be that every one that shall have called upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved." Joel, ii. 32. ' Often then, dear Christian, recall to mind the graces given to you during the Mission; and renew the firm resolution to put in practice the above means so necessary to preserve them. Do not doubt that all those graces were obtained for you by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, and that she may help you to keep them, offer to her the following petition : PRATER FOR PSRSEVEBANOS. Oh ! Mary, Mother of God, and my own be- loved Mother ! I cast myself at thy feet to thank thee for all the graces which thou hast obtained for me during the Holy Mission. How sweet it is to remember all those eternal truths which en- lightened my mind, inflamed my heart, and taught me to prepare for death and judgment! How joyful was that moment when first I resolved to change my life, and keep the comimandments of GodT How great the peace of my heart after I had made that sincere confession of all my sins! Never shall I forget that delightfiil hour, wh^i I recommended my soul and salvation to thy motherly care I — ^that solemn hour also when I renewed the vows of my baptism, and then re- ceived the Papal Benediction, with the plenary Indulgence of the Church. How happy would I iO FBIVAOk be, ooiild I persevere !n that cteune state of life until the last breath of life! But, alas! the world is full of dangers. Satan is seeking always to ensnare my soyl, and the frailty of the human heart is so great! Oh! no, Mother of God! I cannot persev^e by my own strength* y I should fidl into mortal sin; and, oh! if that i$in should be my last, and remain unforgiven ! Therefore, oh ! Mother of God, take my heart into thy keeping, and maintain me in these my firm resolutions. Never wUl I sin any jaoro. Never will I utter sinful words, never ijbUow dai«erous amusements, keep evU eompaiiy, or expose my soul to the occasions of sin| never more will I neglect prayer, or the sacraments of the Church, and so lose again all the iruits of my conversion. Now I am a diild of God. Jesus CSurist, thy divine Son, is my ,fHen4, the angels are my companions. Oh! Holy Lady I am I liiot a deal? duld of thine t Keep jne ey^er in^ t^y loving heart MiuntMU these resoluticms ki mj^ (K^L Pray for me, thy child, to Jesus thy dil vine Son; and should Satan ever come to seduce 19^ IKiuiy then will I pray to thee. tI^IpII^ me, watch over, me, suppcxrt ^^'^t^lil)^ let my soul be separated from JesUs piili^ iiiy Son and my Bedeemer*^ % A. f-^ ..4 A " v.- M-'-'^^^- USElfUL S$fitiMlB of (KDbligattoiu ^%i0 MoTftble FeMti sre: lA8m ^XOIT, WHIT-SinlDAT, And ALL BUVDATS Ib tll« JMI^ The A80U8I0K and Corpus Ohristi. ^ Th0 InmoTable Feasta are : Jan. 1.- Tn CiMvuonndS. Jan. 6. Thb Epiphaht. tiiJU^ Har. 25. TBI Amhumoiatiox. ^, r V, Aug. 16. TBS ASBUMPTIOV. NoY. 1. All-Saihts. ^eO. 1K(» OBRBITliAS. tN. E— In the dioceses of New Orleamr. St. tioids, MobOe, Ttnceils ^ePk I>id>QqQe, Little Kock, and Chicago, the CmovucmoM^ EPtra abt, ipHraoiATioir, and Corpus Christi are not festiyalB of obligation. QIasB of iTaetitig. 1. TBS Yrwats IK Adtiht. f:% Etbrt DAT IB Lbvt, Sundays excepted. 8. Tbb Embbr-dats, which occur four times in the year ; ▼is.vtho Wednesdi^, Fridays^and Saturdays,— Immediately alter the first Sunday in L^t,->-in Whitsun-week,— immediately after the 14th of Septembeir imme^Ately after the Third Sunday of Advent. 4 Tbb vigils or cbrtain Frabts; vis., of Whit-Sunday, of the Aaramption, of All-Saints, and of Christmas. N. B.— When a fasting-day falls upon a Sunday, it is kq>t on the Saturday before. To fast consists In abstaining from flesh-meat, and eating only one Aill meal in the day, which must not be before noon. Besides this, a collation or light refreshment Is allowed in the even* Ing. All who have completed their twenty-first year are obliged to 12 V8BFUL TilBLBS. obftnre the llMti of tht Ohorch until the age of ilxtj, imleM ex- wopted for aome legitimate ^oie. In the above-mentioned dBoceseaof New Orleanti St. Lonli, Ac, Me.t the Friday of the Ember^ajrt Is the only Friday In Advent on whldi there li an obligation to fait. IDasd of Qlbatitbnce. 1. Thb Stnrn^t'S in Lbmt. «» ; S. All FbidatSi except when Christmas falls npctk a Friday. 8. All Sa'Vvrdats, except those Saturdays which fall between the 90th of December and the 2d of FM)ruary inclusively. Dispensation, however, to eat flesh-meat on all Saturdays ** not restricted by a fast/* was jranted by his Holiness Pope Gregory XTI. to the faith- IbI of the unlt0. States for the spac^ of twenty years firom.lj340. ; \i N. B. — ^A day of abstinence Is that on which we are not Wlowed to eat flesh-meat. All who have attained to the age of reason are obliged tto observe these days. •■0 Sl)e dDtMnats Pragers. The Pfttyers, Ac^of most necessary and common use will, hi fonndasfbllowi: ''^' ' ' ^ Turn Loao*s Pbatsb, • . • < • • • • • • St ^^ TBI Hail Makt. . . • V • • • . • • 17 TBS Apobvlm' Ombd, • . • . « . • • 17' TBBXfll COMMANDMKSTIi; . * • .••..., TtfflniiOSPTS or thb Chvbgh, . • . • » ; • Tii iivt 6t>AitB, Hon, ahd Ohabitt, . • ; • 1S,1! Thb OoximoB, . . . • • ' • • • 9i Tin Act ov CkMiTBiTidx (for Confession), • . -. • .279 Tbs AxoBLua, . . • . . « • • • 99 ' Bow TO Bapticb M OASB or NaoiMiTr, • • • • HA j£ : a . ■« <,. ■ • I ■ GENERAL DEVOTIONS. •«♦•- fragm fat ^nlz^tMiaii. HOW TO PRAY. '* Before praver prepare M ioul, and he not ok a man thai tm^tth Go£''-^Bet^ zyiiL 28. "pT&jetiti the lifting up of tiiemind and heart to God, and constitutes one of the first duties' of a true Christian. Ther0 are two different kinds of prayer, namely, mental and Tocal.' Mental Pbaybjii, or Mbditatjon, is when we pray silently in our hearts, witlM>nt using any set form of words, or speak- ing with the Toioe. ToCal Pratbr is that which is uttered bjr^the Toice, and comiiipnly is made according to some form ; in other words, it is to Say, or recite prayers. To make our prayers good and pleasing in the sight of €kid« they must DC offered : 1. With a pure heart, or at least a sincere desire to obtain a pure heart through penance. " IVie Lard is far frmn Mtf vi>¥iked : andhefmilnear the prayers qf tkejugt." ProF. zr. 29. < 2. A liTelv faith. We ought to Imve a firm and childlike trust in Goo, that he will grant our prayers, if what we ask is really for the good of our souls. '* Mhim ask of Ood^ hd let him ask infatth, nothmgf wavering, for he that wavereth it Hie a warn of the sea that is moved (ind carried about hy the wind. Tktlrrfore let not that man think that he shaU reoekf^- any HiMt/g of ^ Lord,^* St. James, i. 5. 8. Profound humility. ''^ He hath luid regard to ike wwutr qf the hmnUe, and he Mh twt despised thdr petiHon. Ps. cL 18. 4. Earnest attention. "I cried unth my whdU hearty heat me, OLardr Ps. cxviu. 145. 5. Unwearied patience. We must not leave off praying, eren if our prayer is not heard at once. " The oon^nwUpraiyer qf a Just man awiiieth mtvh.*' St James, t. 16. I^^<^' ■. 14 OBnUAL DXTOnOIIB. MORNING DEVOnom i ..■ - - " Hie wise man wUl give hie heart ^ to resort earlu fo^tkf Lord thai made him, and he will fray in the ^stgnt 6f th^ Most High : he will open his moyth %n pra^, and makk supplication for his stns,** Eccli zzxix. 6, 7. If yon would spend a lioly day, dear Christian, yoa mast be^n it in a holy way. As soon therefore as you awake, and it is time to ge| up, ndse your thoughts immediately to Ood, inake Sie holy sign i>f the cross, dress quickly, Hsll upon your knees, and begin to pray. L Thank God that he has again permitted yo^ io see another day, and guarded you against every evil durlug^ the nightb II. Ask him with childlike confidence to keej> vou^ during the day, from sin, and every other evit ''^ ^^ in. Offer to him all your thoughts, words^ and aQtiont of the day, uniting them to the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ' i X*i JY, Make a firm resolution to commit no sln cluii^ tile Whole day. Be on guard especialiY against your most frequent and besetting rin. Consider well all the dangers and occadons of ^n, which you*ar# Ul^y to"' meet with, and refieot upon the means by which yoa may escape from them. Make a firm resolution to renst manfully every temptation which may fell in your way,^ and ask of God the necessary grace to doso^ ^ ^1 All this can be done inwardly in yctur own hearl|, without any sound of your voice, or motion of your lips; but if you find it eaner to recite vocal pray^ you can make use of the following tatm. ■hxk'-mM ^m'^n^s^ nyutLt vBAimM. ii MOBNING PRAYEBS. t&t name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. j^^,. THAKKSGIYIKO. OMY God ! I adore thee, and I love thee idth my whole heart. I thank thee for all the benefits which thou hast granted me, and espe- cially for having protected me so mercifully tliis night. PRATER FOR NBOSSSART ORAOB. OMY Jesus ! bear me in thy hands this day. Mary; holy Virgin ! may I find shelter under thy protecting mantle. And do thou, O heav^ enly Fadier ! help me for the love of Jesus and of Mary. My Guardian Angel, and all my pat- rpn 3aint», help me by your holy prayers. GOOD INTKNTION. To thee, m^ God, I offer all that I shall do, all that 1 may suffer during the day whi(^ is now begun. I unite all my actions and suffer- ings to ih» sufferings of Jesus and Mary, and I make 1^ bltention now to gain all the indulgences to wUili^may be entitled, for any good works of^iniDA lUs day. M OBKBBAL DBTOTKmS. B880LUTI0K. MY God ! I firmly resolve to fly from sin, and I implore thee fbr Jesus* sake to grant me the grace of perseverance. And especially I am resolved that in every trial| taking refuge in thy holy will, the prayer of my heart shall be, *'0 Lord I thy will be done !" Here set before your mind the labors, and other occupa- tions in which you are likely to be engaged ^through- out the day. Consider well how you can order all your affairs for the honor of Ood, ana the ffood of your neighbor. Call to mind your usual faults, also the dangers and' the occasions of sin to which you will be exposed, and make the firm resolution to ffuard your- aelf carefully against these temptationa ana occasions; and especially against that one which you know to be the greatest and must dangerous of alL Say then^ with a sincere heart : MY God ! I am resolved to avoid this sin of — — above all others, and with the greatest care, and to be on my guard against this danger* ous occasion — ^— . Then recommend* yourself to the intercession of Mary, to all the Saints, and to your holy Guardian Ai)gel, , OMOST Holy Mary, Mother of God ! and all ye blessed Saints of Paradise, pray to God for me, that I may not offend him to-day by any sin. And thou. Holy Angel, who art given to me by God for my Guardian, k^p me this day from fidling into any deliberate sm. > IMJLT PRATBB8. | t7 Th«ii r«clt« with the grMtett poiaible devotion Mid %U tention the following prayers : TBI lord's PRATBB. OUR Father who art in heayen! hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom ocnne: thy wiU^ be done on earthy as it is in heaven. Give us this day onr daily bread : and forgive us our tres- passes, as we forgive them' that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptatacMi, but de- liver ub from evil. Amen. HAIL MART. HAtL Uarj, fiill of grace ! The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst w(»ne% and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Hary, Hotber of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. tan VKKKD. BBLieVB in God the Father AlmightTV "^reatc^ of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, b(»m of the Yir^n Mary, suffered under Poptius Pilate, was crucified, dead and biir^edp He descended into hell: tlietl^rd day he i^ose^ ^^^ llie dead: he ascended into J^ei9(y^JM^4itteth at tl^ right hand of God^ the Falihe^ j^ndj^ty ; from thenee he shaU eome to j^f^lh^ Ihing andr t^ t^ Holy €%08t, ths holy Catholic Church, the com- osirnAL DxronoNfl. manion of Saints, the forgiroiiesii of tbiS) tlui reBurreotion of the body, and the life everlaating; Amen. Afterwards recite three Hail Marys more, in honor of tha purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. " Hail Mai^/* 4«. Then make the following Acts of Faith, 'Hope, Mni Charity, which should be done also before you go to . sleep at night . * AQT OF FAITH.* A MY God! thou who art infallible Truth! I believe every thing which the H0I71 Church commands me to believe, because thou hast re? vealed it to her. I believe that thou art, the C^tor of heaven and earth, that thoD do^ reward the just in Paradise, and punish th^ wicked eternally in Hell. I believe that th For thia purpose yon can make use of any approved boelc of Meditation or pious reading, as for example, one of those devout Kttle works composed by Si Alphonsns Liguori, <' The Way of Salvation,'* " The Clock of the Passion," " Preparation for Death,'* dec, Ac, or read a chapter from the celebrated "Following of Christ," by Thomas ^ Kempis. In case you have none of these bboks^ end^vor to reflect upon something you retnem- ber of the pasnon of Christy something which shows how much ne suffered for sinners, and how much he, loved them ; apply it to yourself, and try to find some goo4 lesson* or some holy resolutiL'' OnOBAI. MTMIOm. HOW TO PASS THE DAT IN A HOLT ICANNBIL ,tx Whororer jou go. whaterer jou do, be always like one who walks in tne presence of Qod Remember Uiat be 18 present ererywbere, that his eye foUows you tfi iywb e w^ and that he knows your moat secret thouf^ts. ( Begin 9fwy thing you undertake with a good in- tention, and keep in mind the words of the Apostlei ^ Whether you eat ordrinhy &r whatever eke yeu doi^ do Mfor the glory qfOod:'-^! Oar. z. 81. : ■■ •'■! M Ibr thee^ At WCiXK. Before jou beghi your work, 8ay<^'* Lord— my Jesus, all for ^oo r IN tsxptahoKp When you are tempted to anger, say — "0 my #esus,giTe me patience I Ke8sme,Miiei7,myM^itfaerr If wkked tlM>ttdit8 come in your mind, say quickly —** Jesus and luury, help meT Repeat the ffioll Maiy, or soine other prayer, until you We^ biimisheil them. -^;^-. i' When the bell rings for the ^* AngeluflL'V«t miNmkig, BOOB, and ereiiing, r^nember how the Son of Ood ne- came man in the womb of Mary, and say es ffdkyws : The Ang||l of the Lord declared unto Hii^f AndfUe conceived qf the Holy (lho8t Hall, Mary, i^ ■• I my '■■:^ \>\ ^JJLY PRATBM. ./ •I tmXt... !>' Behold the handnudd of the Lord. May it he done unto me according to ihywufi^ Hail,M«7, Aa And the Word was made flesh, And dwelt among tut. Bail, Ifaiy, *a Prayer* POUR forth, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ thy Son was made known by the message of an angel, may, by his passion and cross, be brought to the glory of his reft> urrection, through the same CSirist our Lord* Amen. [Whoever says the Anselns dally at the soand of the bell, for a whole monUi» and in the oonrse of the same /" month ffoes to eonfeseion and oommnnion, gains a ple> nary indulgenoe. Benedict XI1I,'\ BSFORX MXALS. Before meals, say*->^^ Bless us, O L<»rd, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through CihHst our Lord. Amen.^ AFTER MSALS. Aft^ meals, say— '^ We give thee thanks, Al mighty God, for £JI thy benefits, who livest an4 reignest world without end* Amen. *^Ma)r the souls of the &ithM ^b|^irted rest in peaoe! Amen.^ s» OKiimAt inyoflWirs. EVENING DEVOTIONS. :.l ^, " O Lcrdt ^'ay «0^f Have I not sinned this day— '' In thought? By willingly entertaining scMiie nn^ chaste, uncharitable, or covetous thoii^tsl In word f By using immodest language— uttering oaths— curses— ues — ^passionate^ slan&rous, profiine, or irreverent words ? Have I given scandal so ? In action f By being idle? — slow «nd inmatient about my work ? Have I not been in evil or (unger- ous company? Done any immodest action! Been too free in my manners? Been nide, ooss, or dis- obedient towards my parents or superiors? Been un- kind, insolent, malicious, xaruel, or uiijust towards my neither? Have I given any bad example to ji^ diildren, m^ servants, my nei^bors ? By omission f Have 1 refused or neglected to do any act of charity ? Been watchfhl over my childrjeh and o^ers d^iending upon me, and csrefbl M their salvaticm ? Have t omitted my prayeHi ^7 penaiioe^ or fiome odier duty ? Finally, ezamine whether you have kept the resohitloii you made in the morning. If not, consider well ifirfaat was the cause of your falf^ and seek mit the m^hs td preserve you ttom falling in future. For be assured, that your whole Christian perfection depends upon tMs diligent examination of conscience. Having finished this examination, say with all your heart theS>llowing OONTBITB PRAYEB. FATHER, infinitely good and mercilul I I ^ve offended thee again to^y. Is this the thanks I owe thee for so many Hud so grea( DAILY piumna. 85 tikroTBl Alas! I confess mj guilt I am not worthy to be called thy diild. But still, O heavenly Father/ thou art infinitely good and merciful : therefore I return to Ihee with confi- dence, and on my knees, and in sorrow, I pray thee to pardon all my sins which I have com- mitted this day, and all the sins of my whole life. From the bottom of my heart I repent, Mid am sorry for them, not only because I have deserved punishment^ but because through them, my Godj I have displeased thee, my Ust and dearest friend, and my Sovereign good. O that 1 had never offended diee ! O that I could make amends for what I have dcoie ! GOOD RESOLUTION. I AM seriously resolved to make a sincere con- fession of all my sins, and that soon ; to shun . all the occasions of sin ; to Ailfill all my duties perfectly from this time forward, and to die rather than to be guilty of any mortal sin, and before all and widi all my power I will endeavor to overcome that sin which I commit the most: {name it.) With all my heart I foi|[ive all my enemies: pardon me also, O God of mercy! Grant me thy powerful assistance that I may lead a holy life, and remain faithful to thee until death. Reooramend yourself now to the protection of Mary, and ai all the Saints and Angels of God, saying : ^ peace, and letX hl2^Z '**°^^^ i* «^«gh Jesus ClSiZSt.Tr '"'"y"'' Blessed Virmr. Ttr •^T^^^LorA protector, and all %u^ »? P«*«>» Saint ^d p me during my ]Sf!^®*"*"<»'«odf pn»T death. ^ °»7 life and m the hour of my Mi^ilSS, O Lord, aU mv »»7o« »« the Bishops andPrifj^^ ^' ^**P« (J*^ «.» ^* spiritual ind teZi,%"" ""f «»Perior? "^Jho are afflicted, priZL f^^. ** P^'' «»<» «<* and the dyin^ . ^!*^*^ tearellers, the heretics; enligh^l.; ST "^l •^«"/and O »ie«rifWGod!^vt^2^ r^ «>e heathen. f^' » Pnisatonr : ^^ J^'^ «^ on the poor :^ «<^ b4 i STete^-^^ «•- suffer- Then saythA r^j» ». ■'' *"** ' in^lore thee DAILT VKATSBS. 87 -.iHm't^ to watoh over me also during this night, and to preserve me from every sin. I dedicate to thee all my sleep, that with every breath I draw, I may praise thee, thank thee, and love^thee as tlie Saints do in Paradise. Amen. Go to bed now, with holy tiioaghts, or repeating with your lips some short fervent ejacalations of love, and continue thus until you fiiU asieejp. If you awake in Hhe night, lift up your thoughts immediately to God, . that no evil imaginations may enter your mind, and if they should, say promptly. O Jesus ! O Mary ! No, nr I will die rather than do, or wish, or even think of such a thing ! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Am^u [the [ct» Der- , ,1. ^tMim at |0ls Itirss. f'' ; t >, **]ih)m the rkmg of the aun wen to the gwng dfiw^y my nameie great among me GentUee; and in everyplace there u eaerifieef and (here te offered to mjf name a clean oMaHon : for mv name ie great among the Gentilee, eoMh (he Lord more dominion over him,^^ Jesus Christy dying once on the cross, offered him- self up for us to his heavenly Father: ^^ He has blotted out our sins by his blood that was shed/or uSy and by hispaii\ful deathj^^ and thus he hath reconciled us to his Father. But in order to leave us a perpetual me- morial of this, his great love, at that last supper which he partook with his disciples, he took hread in his holy hands, and after giving thanks to God, hroke it, and gave it to them to eat, saying, ^' 7%is is my body which is given for you; do this for a commemoration ofme^ Also he took the chalice, and said, *^ This is the chalice^ the new testament in my blood which shall be shed for ydw."— St Luke, xxii. 19, 20. Bv these words, ^^Do this in commemoration of me^^ Jesus gave to his Apostles, and their successors, the Bishops and Priests of. the Church, the power to change the hread and the wine into his most holy Body and Blood. The Priest blesses the bread and wine as Christ did; he speaks over them the same words of consecration which Christ spoke; and thus the bread and wine are changed now on the altar, as they were at the last supper, into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ As Jesus Christ sacrificed himself on the cross to his heavenly Father for our sins, so here on the altar he offers himself up to the same heavenly Father, by the hands of the Priest ' After the consecration which the Priest makes by saying over the bread and wine the same words whim Jesus Christ said at the last supper, there is no lon^ any bread and wine oh the altar, but the true and liv« ing Jesus Clirist, at the same time God and man, really present, although hidden imder appearances of bread and wina «p OSVBIUL DITOTIOVS. The Priest offers tip Jesus Christ to his heavenlj Father, in the name of the holy Catholic Church, and the prayer of the Church, together with the pious de- sires and prayers of the fiiithful, is united with this holy sacrifice. It is Jesus Christ rather who upon the altar offers himself up, and prays for us, and we may confidently hope, that what we cannot obtain from God by our prayers alone, we can obtain through the Holy Mass, in which Jesus Christ himsetf prays for us, and with us. It is an excellent practice, therefore, for those who can, to be present daily at this most holy sacrifice, of which St Augustine says : ** One who deftoutly hewn holy Mem wul fall into no mortal «in, and mil olh tain the pardon of hia venial eins.^^ I say it is good to be present every day: for to hear Mass on Sunday or a Holy day is, of course, not only good, but % ne- cessary duty; and to be absent without a strctog rear son, is a mortal sin. Be present^ then, as often as you can, and while the sacrifice eoes on, imagine yourself standing near the Saviour when he celebrated his last supper with his disdples; or, if you plea^ on Mount Calvary, at the foot of the cross, upon which he offered himself to his heavenly Father for the sins <^ the worl4 In order to have a part in the merits of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, either you must follow the ao* tions and prayers of the Priest, especially at the three principal points ; namely, at the Offertory, the Ccmse- oration and the Communion; or make a meditation upon the passion of Christ ; or you may make use of devout prayers as you find them in your prayer-books ; or you may say the Bosary-beads in the meanwhile ; or' in fine, make use of any other devout exercise best suited to your own feelings of devotion, uniting all the while your intention to the intention of the saciifidng Priest ■ . ■. ■ \ . ■ .■ m HOLT MASS. 81 PBATBB BBFOBB MABB. ALMIGHTY, infimte and holy God ! Behold me here before thine altar, a poor wretched mortal, who am come to take my part in this precious siacrifice of the Holy Mass. Of every sacrifice this one alone is worthy of thine infinite Majesty, because it is here thine only and eternal Son is ofiered up as the victim. In union with that most pure and perfect will with which that beloved Son has given himself to be a sacrifice for us, I offer this holy Mass in adoration of thy holy Name, in thanki^iving for all thy past mer- cies, and in satisfaction for my many sins. I offer it, moreover, that I may obtain all those graces^ which I need for my salvation, and a bless- ing upon my daily life. {Here you may call to mind any special favor which you desire to ask of Ood.) I offer it, also, for the help and consola* tion of all those for whom I am in duty bound to pray, and for those who desire or need my prayers the most ; for those who are living (name them if you like) and for those who are ie&d (riam>e them). O God ! prepare my heart, purify my mind, blot out all my sins, that I may assist as I ought at this most Holy Sacrifice. S9 •BNnui. Dsronom. PRAYERS FOR MASS. -r i When tb« Prioil at the foot of the ahar beglni the M«m with the sigii of the cross, bless yourself at the same time, call to mind for a moment your sinB^ and then recite with him also the ** CoNFmoR," thus : I CONFESS to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the Saints, and to you, Father,/ that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fitult, through my fault, through my most grievous fault, {here eiHke your breast three times:) therefore I beseech the blessed Mary ever Virgin, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the Sahits, and you, Father, to pray to the Lord our God for me. Phty then for pardon, thus: MAY God have mercy on me, forgive my sins, and lead me on to eternal life. May the Almighty and Merciful God grant m» tte pardon, absolution, and remission of my sum* Amen. At the ** Ktsib Eleuom^ repeat in your own kn^pag^ PRATBR8 VOR MASS. 88 LORD, have mercy on us ! Christ, have meroy on us ! Lord, have mercy on us ! At the ** Gloru in Exgklsis,^ repeat that beaatifnl hymn of the Angels, as follo'ws : nLORY be to God in the ^ highest! and on earth peace to men of good will! We praise thee, we bless theeL we adore thee, we glorify thee, we give Uianks to thee because of thy great glory, Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ Hbe only begotten Son: Lora G<^ Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayers. Thou that sittest at the right hj^d of the Father, have mercy on us. For thou only art holy. Thou only art the Lora. Thou only Jesus Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Ametk Alter Ihe/* Gloria," the Priest turns to the people and {fiaQlo^lloe9 the salutation. Don^us vobiscum. The Lord be with you. Te which the Acolyte replies for the people, 8 GLORIA in excelsis Deo, et in terr4 pax hom- inibus bon» voluntatis. Laudamus te, benedici- mus te, adoramus tei, glo- rificamus te. Gratias agi- mus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam, Domine Deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens. Dom- ine Fili unigenite Jesu Christe. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris, qui toDis peocata mundi, miserere nobis. Qui tollis peocata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis. Quoniam Tu solus sanc- tus, Tu solus Dominus, Tu solus altissimus Jesu Christe, cum Sancto Spir- itu, in glori4 Dei Pams. Amen, 84 QjnmtLAL DBTOnOHi« Et oum spiritu tuo. : And with thy spirit Then, as if to inyite the whole coogreg»tioii to vnite thelf intentioos to his own intention, the Priest says Omniai, Let us pray. Then follows the OolUet, that is to say, the collection, because the Priest gathers together tne desires and prayers of all present, and as a mediator offers them to God in the name of all the Faithfid. Bepeat here the following prayer; THS OOLLBOT, ALMIGHTY and Eternal God! hear the prayer of thy people, and turn not away fh>m U8 thy most holy countenance on account of our sins. Graciously listen to the prayers of thy servant, the Priest, who prays for the salva- tion of thy people, and through thy mercy grant that we may obtain what we confidently ask of thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, TBI SPISTLB. Then folloWs the Epistle. It conrists commonly of a por- tion from the writings of the Prophets or Apostles. While this is read, you can repeat the following prayer: OM Y God ! I adore thy Holy Spirit, who has spoken by thy Prophets and Apostles, and still speaks tlurough the holy Church. I receive with humility all the commandments a^d instruc- tions which the holy Church gives me through her Priests. Grant, O God, that 1 may always believe what thy Qiurch teaches, and do w&at •she commands ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, \ N. rSATlM VOE IIAB8. to TBI OOSPIL. When the book it carried to the other end of the altar, stand up while the Prieit i» reading the Ootptl, and pray thua: DIVINE Saviour, how great was thy love to come thyself upon the earth to lie our teacher, and show us the way to heaven. Grant me this grace, that I may listen with humility to all the truths which thou hast preached ; enlighten my mind that I may understand them; renew my heart that I may love and follow them. Grant me thy divine assistance that I may never be ashamed of thy holy Grospel, but confess the same always in words as well as in works ; who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen. THB OREBD. While the Priest is repeating the " Credo!' remain stand- ing, and redte it also with him» as follows: CREDO in unum Peum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem ooeli et terrse, vis- ibilium omnin* t invis- ibilium. £t in unuu. Dominum Jesum Christum, Filium Dei unig^aitum, et ex Patre ni^m ante onmia ssBCuh; Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, Deum T^nundeDeo vero; geni- tum non factum, consub- staotialem Patri, per quern I BELIEVE in one God, the Father Afani^ty. Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and hSm of the Father before all ages : God of God; Lig^t of Light; true God of trae G^; Degotten, not made; of me same substance with the Father; bj 86 GENERAL DEVOTIONS. omnia fudA sunt Qui, propter new homines, et propter nostram salutcm, descendit de coelis ; et in- camatus est de Spiritu Sancto, ex Mari4 Yirgine ; ET HOMO FACTUS EST.* Crucifixus etiam Sx> nobis, sub Pontio Pi- to^ passus, et sepultus est Et resurrexit terti& die, secundum scripturas et ascendit in coelum sedet ad dexteram Patris et iterum venturus est cum glorid judicare vivos et mortuos ; cujus regni non erit finis. Et in Spiritmn Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre Filioque pro- cedit; qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur, et conglorificatur ; qui locu- tus est per prophetas. Et unamsanctam Catholicam et Apostolicam Ecclesiam. Connteorunum Baptisma in remissionem peccato- run^ Et expecto resur- reciionem- mortuorum, et vitam yenturi ssoculL Amen, whom all things were made. Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and became incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, AND WAS MADE MAN.* He was^ crucified also for us, suf-' fered under Pontius Pi- late, and was buried. And the third day he rose again according to the Sa*ip- tures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father. And he is to come again with glory to judge the living and the d^d, of whose kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and I^e-giver, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; whO| together with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified ; who spoke by the Prophets. And one Holy, Catholic, and Apos- tolic Churdi. J confess one baptism for the remis- sion of sins ; and I loole for the resmrec^n of t^ dead, and the life of world to come. Ameik * Kneel in rtrerence of 0brlit*e IncMnMrtHq. PBAYBRS 90R MASS. ^ 118- THB OFFERTOBT. Here follows the Offertory ; that is to say, the bread and wine which are to be changed into the most hoi v Body and Blood of our Saviour, are offered to God Say the following prayer : "DECEIVE, O Father, infinitely holy, almighty Xli and eternal God, this offering which thy Priest presents to thee for us. I believe most firmly and surely that it will soon be changed into the true body and true blood of Christ. Receive this offering, O heavenly Father, for the glory of thy most holy name, for the pardon of my sins, in thanksgiving for all thy mercies be- stowed on me, and that I may obtain new graces still, especially those which are most necessary to my salvation; and also for all my superiors, both spiritual and temporal ; for my friends and my enemies, and for all Christians, living and dead. Amen. TI19 Priest presently turns to the people, and Bays, ** Orate Fratrics, Pray, my brethren." By this, he asks those present to pVay with him, that this sacrifice may be pleasing to God. Then say : MAY the Lord receive this sacrifice from thy liimds, to the praise and glory of his own name, a^d also for our benefit, and that of all his iioly Omrch. THE PREFACE. The Pipefoee is the introduction to the Canon of the Mam Th« Priett aay^ in a loud voice, " Per omnia tmeula 88 aKNBBAL DBYOTIOirS. saeulcrum: World withoui end:** which are the lAst words of the Secret, or nUni prayer, which he has juBt been saying. He then begins the Preface with the following appeals to the devotion of the people, in whose name the Acolyte duly replies : P. Dominus yobiscum. A. M cum ipiritu Puo. P. Sursmn corda^ A« HdbetMu ad Domir num. P. Gratiasagamus Domino Deo nostro. A. Dignum etjustum est P. The Lord be with you. A. And with Hfvy spirit, P. Lift up your hearta A. We da l\ft them up to the Lard. P. Let us give thanks to the Lord our €k)4 -^^ II It is ^eet andjuet The Priest then goes on with the Preface. Unite with him in the same prayer of praise and thank^ving, and say: - ■ - ■ ^^ r^ is truly meet and just, right and salutary, that we should always, and in all places, give thanks to thee, O holy Lord, Almighty Father, Eternal God, through Christ our Lord: by whom the Angels praise thy Majesty, the Archangels adore it, the Powers tremble before it, the heav- ens, and the Virtues of heaven, and the filessed Seraphs, also, with united exultation praise it. We pray thee let our voices ascend with theirs to thee, while with the deepest awe we confess, and cry (Sanotus), Holy ! holy ! holy ! Lord God of Sabaoth ! Heaven and earth are full of thy glory! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest ! ^ PftATXBB torn MASS. S9 ASfkr the Sairatiis, repeat the following words, which are nearly the same as those with which the priest begins now, THE OAKOK. V£ earnestly pray and beseech thee, most merciful Fa^er, through Jesus Christ our Lord, that thou wilt accept and bless these gifts, these offerings, this unspotted sacrifice We offer them, firsts for the holy Catholic Church, that thou wilt be pleased to keep it in peace, to protect, unite, and govern it throughout the whole world : together with thy servant N ^ our Pope, and N— — ^ our Bishop, and all the true believers and followers of the holy Catholic Faith. B MBMBNTO FOit THE LIVING. £ mindful, O Lord, of thy servants— [Here pray for those of yonr Mends still livinff, whose welfiire yon wish to recommend to God in uiis holy Sacrifice.*] Be miiidful, also, of all here present^ whc^ faith and devotion are known to thee, for whom we ofifer this sacrifice of praise, or who offer it up fo^ lliemselves, their families and fnend^. We pray for the safety of their souls, for their final perseverance and eternal happiness ; and in fine, w# tecommend all their desires to thee, the living, true and everlasting Grod. 40 GENERAL DEVOTIONS. r f. V; t ^ At the same time, we honor the memory of the ever glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord and God Jesus Christ ; and also of thy blessed Apostles, and all thy hol^ ' Martyrs and Saints who have lived and died in . this holy taith which we profess, and tjiis only l church in which we live. For the sake of their , merits and their players, grant us in all things thy help and protection, throi^gh the same Christ c our Lord. Amen. ' ^ ■ ^ We beseech thee, also, O Lord, graciously to accept this sacrifice at the hands of us, thy ser- vants, and of thy whole family; bless the days/ of our life with thy holy peace, save us from everlasting damnation, and may we be counted^, ever among the number of thy elect, through. Christ our Lord. Amen. i . v„I O God, may this offering be blessed, and in. every way acceptable and agreeable to thee ; and for our salvation's sake be changed into the Body^. and Blood of thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesiis Christ. Am£n. At the Ck>iiSBaRATioN, represent to yourself, in a liTely i^ manner, Christ as at the last supper, When he: took ; bread in his holy hands, blessed it, and said, " 7[hU U ' my Body tohieh is given for yow;** and when he took also the^cup of wine, saying, " This is ths cMiU^f my Blood," Cherish and cling to this article :of;yotir^ faith, that Jesus Christ, who died for you on i]i|«'erO^ is really, truly, and substantially pr^ent, ailioir aii the Priest pronounces the saored words ol «|i0njB«efa- 1 PRATBR8 FOR MASS. 41 flon. With firm foith, and deep humility pny to your Sayionr and say, TTHEN THE SACRED HOST IS ELEVATED. I BELIEVE, O Jesus, that thou art truly present here, as God and Man^ under the form of bread. I adore thee with the deepest reverence, as my Lord and my God. O Jesus^ may I live for thee only ! may I die for thee gladly! O Jesus, living or dying, let me be thine! AT THE ELEVATION OF THE CHAUOE. OMY Saviour, I believe that thou art here. I believe that thy most precious Blood, which was poured out once upon the Cross for a sacrifice to atone for our sins, is substantially present in this cup, under the appearance of wine. Ah ! holy blood of my R^eemer, I be- seech thee, wash and purify me from all my sins. Aftei* consecration, say with the Priest: BEING mindful, therefore, O Lord, of Jesus Christ thy Son, our Lord, of his blessed pasp sion, his resurrection from the dead, his glorious ascenmon into heaven, we offer before the throne of tt^ Qiost excellent majesty, of thy gifts and presf^% H holy, pure, and unspotted Host, the holy |»read of eternal life, and the Chalioe of evetlftMikg salvation. B|^ j^iNMli^ to look upon them with a propi^ tioul ftfid bmiignant countenance^ and graciously mmr—mummm «t OXKBRAL DBVOTIOim. aooept them as thou didst aic69pt the gifts of thf just servant Abel, the sacrifice of the Patriarch Abraham, and the holy sacrifice, the unspotted gift which was offered to thee by thy High Priest Melchisedech. Prostrate here before theey O Almighty God, we beseech thee, command these offerings to be brought up to thine altar on high, into the sight of thy Divine Majesty, that all who partake of the most sacred Body and Blood of thy Son at this altar, may be filled with every heavenly grace and blessmg, through the same Quist our Lord. Amen. ■ B MEMENTO FOB THE DEAD. E mindfid likewise, O Lord, of thy servants, Jf and N- ^ who are gone before us with the sign of faith, and rest in the sleep of peace. {Sere make mention of those departed friends whom you wish to recommend espeeially to the m^rcy of Qod^ that their sufferings may be hssened, or that they may be taken from their place of torment to the abode of eternal bliss.) To these, O Lord, and to all who sleep in Christ, grant, we beseech thee, a place of refreshment, light, and peace, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. To us, also, sinners though we are, yet thy servants, and trusting in the multitude of thy mercies, deign to grant some part and fellowship PBATSR8 rOE MASS. 48 with thy holy Apostles and Martyrs, with John and Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alex- ander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicitas, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia, and with all thy Saints : Into their company we be- seech thee graciously to admit us, not weighing our merits, but thine own mercy, through Christ our Lord; by whom, O God, thou dost create, sanctify, quicken, bless, and impart all these thy good gifts to us. By him, therefore, and witfi him, and in him, to thee, O Grod, Almighty Father, together with the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen. PATBR KOSTBB. Here, with tbe Priest, repeat the " Lord's Prayer," Our Father who art in heaven, ^e. Then offer the follow- ing petition: ¥£ beseech thee, O Lord, to deliver us from all evils, past, present, and to come, and through the intercession of the blessed and glori- ous Mary, ever Virgin, Mother of God, of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, of Andrew, and of all die Sdnts, mercifully grant peace in our days, that we, through the help of thy mercy, may be iklways free from sin, and safe from ev- ery troupe, through the same Jesus Christ thy Sd^jOm* X^d. Amen. WMilpi joiest breaks the sacred Host, and drops a par- of it into the chalice, say wiUi hun. omn' 44 OBNXBAL DBVOTIOHB. ■\ MAY this oommingling and consecration of tih0 Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, become to us who receive it the source of eter- .iu;,.. nal life. Amen. , ^,,. AGNUS DBI. bac At the "Agnus Dei," strike your breast three times, and Sray to Jesus, the incarnate Lamb of God, for the par- on of your sins, saying with the Priest, LAMB of God, who takest away the sins of tha world, have mercy on us / Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us ! Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, give us peace. O Lord Jesus Christ, who hath said to thy Apostles, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you," look not upon my sins, but upon; the faith of thy Church, and be pleased to keep her according to thy will in peace and unity. O Lord Jesus Qirist, Son of the living God, who, according to thy Father's will, and by the coK>peration of the Holy Ghost, hast given life to the world through tldne own death, deliver me by this thy most sacred Body and Blood from all my sins, and from every evil. Make me cling to thy commandments always, and never let me be separated from thee. If during the Mass, or after it, you receive holy 6ommu- nion, you may repeat with the Pri^t th# following additional prayer : PBATSB8 FOR MASS. 45 of the IJhrist, f et€ir- . )0 . -1 lies, ftnd thepar- 3 of the )d,who ,ercy on \ sins of to thy peace I it upon |tokeep aty. God, by the en life [deliver idfrom kke me never [aomniti- Lowing \} OLOBD Jesus Christ, let not this communica- tion of thy Body, which all unworthy as I am, I venture to receive, turn to my judgment and condemnation, but rather through thy tender compassion become my safeguard both of body and soul, and a merciful remedy ; O thou who livest and reignest with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, one God« world without end. Amen. THB COMMUNION. At the Bound of the little bell, when the Priest takes the sacred Host in his hand, before his own communion, strike your breast three times also, repeating with him each time : . LORD! I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof, but only speak the word, and my soul shall be healed. If you do not receive holy communion in reality, you can at least make a spiritual communion, uniting yourself in desire with the Priest and the others who do com- manieate. Or if you are so unfortunate as to be in mortal dn, and unworthy of communion, you shoald. make an act of regret at your un worthiness. See Spir- itual Communion, page 114. . ^ TB8 LAST OOLLBOT. ifter the communion, while the Priest U repeating the ^ ^-^ Collect, pray as follows: LMI^HTY God! I thank thee with my wbcd^ Jheart for all the mercies and benefits |;hou ^tt|| lieitowe^ on me, but above all that lliou hast^gi^ thy Son Jesus Christ to be the 46 QimSAL PKTOnqMK I propitiation for our sins, and his Body and Blood for the nourishment of our souls. O merciful God, watch over me, and forbid that I should ever assist at this holy Sacrifice in an irreverent manner, or receive unworthily this most sacred food; through: the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. At the In misba sst, and the BENSDionon of the Priest^ say, MAT this service which is now ended be pleas- ing to thee, O most holy Trinity, and grant that the sacrifice here offered by thy servant the Priest, may be acceptable in thy sight, and may bring reconciliation and salvation to me, and to all for whom it has been offered : tiirough Christ our Lord. Amen, ^ May, the Almighty God, 4* Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, bless us now and evermore. Amen. THB LAST GOSPEL. At the last Oospel, stand up, and say« JESUS ! eternal Word of the Father, thou didst become man for love of us. I adore thee, t trust in thee. I love thee. Thou didst come into the world to show us the way of eternal life. Guide me, O Thou who art the true lighi:- of the world, that I may not wander in tiieldark- ness of this life, but according to thy light lead a holy life, and die a blessed death. ^' \. PRATKR8 FOR MA88. 47 Blood erciful should verent sacred Lord. J ^ )Priest» epleas- d grant rant the ad may and to Christ m, and >udid9t thee. I )t oome eternal lel^ht i^dark- leada PRAYER AFTER HOLT HABS. OMOST merciful God, I thank thee for having permitted me to take part in this holy sacri- fice. Pardon me all my faults, my coldness, and my distracticm. I make the firm resolution to sin no more, but to be so watchfid over all my thoughts, words, and actions, that I may not lose the fruits of this holy sacrament. Grant me every necessary grace, that I may sanctify my- self in this world, and possess thee eternally in heaven. Amen. BJAOULATIONS. I adore thee every moment, O Living Bread of Heaven, Great Sacrament ! Jesus, Heart of Mary, I pray thee send thy blessing on my soul. Holiest Jesus! loving Saviour! I give thee all my heart The same Pope Leo XIL, by the same Rescript, grant- ed— The Inditloicnoe of 100 days to every one who sa^s the above EjacalatioDB with contrition, adding the following : May all know, ^ore, and praise every mo- ment, always, the most holy and most divine iSacram^l* v-> )■ 48 OBRntAI. DBVOTIOira. MASS FOR THE DEAD. [The prayers given in this Method are compiled from th« Missal, the Breviary, the Ritual, and the works of St Alphonsus liguorLj AT THB BBOINKING OF MASS. I DELIVER me, O Lord, from eternal death in that tremendous day, when the heavens and the earth shall be shaken, when thou shalt come to judge the world with fire. Seized am I with trembling, and I fear for that approaching trial, and that wrath to come. O ! that day, that daiy of wrath, of calamity and misery, that great and bitter day indeed, when thou shalt come to judge the world' with fire. Eternal rest give them, O Lord : and let per- petual light shine on them: may they rest in peace. Amen. . THE OOKFITBOR. CONFESS to Almighty God, to blessed Mary, &c. As in the other Mass. Pray, then, for pardon, thus: May God have mercy on me, forgive my sins, and lead me to eternal life ? May^ the almighty T fi ^ iUMB worn TBI DEAD. 49 and merciful God grant me the pardon, absolu- tion, and remission of all my sins I THB IKTBOIT. When th« Prieit monnts the Bteps of the Altar» imagine yon hear the poor soala in rargatory repeating the followiag venei^ as if to implore your prayers: HAVE pity on me, have pity on me, at least you, my fHenda, because the hand of the Lord hath touched me. My flesh is consumed, my bone hl^th cleaved to my skin, and nothing but lips are left about my teeth. Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you, my fiiends. iFob zix, 21. {Then pray,) Eternal rest give them, Lord : and let perpetual light ahine on them. May they rest in peace. Amen. KTBIS BLSISOF. LORD, have mercy on them ! Christ, have mercy on them ! Lord»: have mercy on them I Repeat eaeh three times. THB OOLLEOT, 06OD, the Creator and Redeemer of aU^l^ie ftithfiil, give to the souls of thy servant? 1fe. parted the remission of all their sins, that through the help of pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired: Who livest tnd reignest, wx^rld without end. Amen. GBNSBAL DBVOTIOl^ THE Bl^ISTLE. IN those days, the most valiant Judas, having made a gathering, sent twelve thousand draohms of silver to Jerusalem, for sacrifice to be offered for the sins of the dead, thinking well and religiously concerning the resurrection. (For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should rise again, it would have seemed superflu* ous and vain to pray for the dead.) And because he considered ^t they who had fallen asleep with godliness, had great grace laid up for them. It is, therefore, a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins. — 2 Mach. xii. (GraduaL)— Grant to them eternal rest, O Lord; and may perpetual light shine on them. The just shall be in everlasting remembrance : he shall not fear the evil hearing. — ^Ps. cxi. (Tract.) — ^Release, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from the bonds of their sins; and by the assistance of thy grace, may they es- cape die sentence of condemnation, and enjoy the bliss of eternal light. Here, Bometimes, is said the following hymn:; when you perceive it is not said at the altar, you may pass it over also, and go on to the Gos^eL PIES IBJB. Nigher still, and still more nigh, Draws the Day of Prophecy, Doom'd to melt the earth and sky. ^ fi IIA88 FOR THl DBAD. 0, what tremblibg there shall be When the world its Judge shall see^ Coming in dread majesty! Hark, the trump with thrilling tone, From sepulchral regions lone, Summons all before the throne. Time apd Death it doth appaU, To see the buried ages all Rise to answer at the calL Now the books are open spread ; Now the writing must be read, Which condemns the qmak and dead: Now, before the Judge severe, Hidden things must all appear ; Naught can pass unpunished here. What, shall guilty I then plead f Who for me will intercede, When the saints shall comfort need f King of dreadful M "i H. T I w THS OOSPBL. AT that time, Jesus said to the multitude of the . Jews : Amen, amen, I say unto you that the hour cometh, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Grod, and they that \ HASS FOR THB DBAD. 53 hear shall live. For as the Father hath life m himself, so hath he given to the Son also to have life in himself; and he hath given him power to do judgment, because he is the Son of man. Wonder not at this, for the hour cometh wherein all that are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of Grod ; and they that have done good, shall come forth unto the resurrection of life ; but they tihat have done evil, unto the resurrec- tion of judgment.— /S/, John^ v. THE OFFBBTOBT. OLORIi Jesus Christ, King of Glory! deliver th^ souls of all the faithful departed from the flames of hell, and from the deep pit. De- liver them from the lion's mouth, lest hell swal- low them, lest they fall into darkness; and let thy standard-bearer, St. Michael, bring them into the holy light, which thou hast promised of old to Abraham and his posterity. We c^r thee^ O Lord, a sacrifice of praise and of prayer : ac- cept it on behalf of the souls we commemorate this day, and let them pass from death to life. Here make an offering, also, of your own death and Buf- ferings in union with the Holy Sacrifice, thus: OMY God, I offer thee, also, the hour of my death, and all the pains I am destined to suf> fer from this moment until my last breath. Give me strength to bear them widi perfect conform* u GSKSRAL DSVOTIONS. ity to thy will. I cheerfoUy offer thee, moreover^ nH the pains which thou shalt prepare for me in purgatory. It is just that the fire should punish in me all the insults I have offered to thee. O holy prison, when shall I find myself shut up in thee, secure of never again being able to lose my God? O holy fire, when wilt thou purify me from so many stains, and render me worthy to enter the Land of bliss ? I offer all these pains to thy glory, uniting them with the bitter pains of Jesus' passion. Eternal Father ! I sacrifice to thee my life, and my whole being. I entreat thee to accept this my sacrifice, in union with, and through the merits of, this great sacrifice of Jesus Christ thy Son. Amen. Almighty God, who art the guardian of souls, the safeguard of salvation, and the confidence of all beixevers : look mercifully down upon us, and through the merits of thy dear Son, whose sacred Body we offer in this sacrifice, bless the graves of our departed friends, that those mortal bodies which there repose, after the course of this life is ended, may with their happy souls at the great judgment day, be found worthy to participate in the rewards of eternal life. Enter not, O Lord, into judgment with these thy servants, for with thee shall no man be justi- fi^, except through thee the remission of all his sins shall be accorded. We beseech thee, therer t h t )6 Di- lls 1CA88 FOB THE DEAD. t t f 55 fore, let not the sentence of thy justice lie heavy upon those whom the earnest prayer of Christian faiUi recommends to thee ; but rather, by the succor of thy grace, may they be found worthy to escape the avenging judgment, who were sign^ with the seal of the Holy Trinity while they lived. Graciously regard, O Lord, these gifts which we offer thee for the souls of the faithful departed, that by celestial remedies made pure, they may repose in thy compassionate mercy. Through Jesus Christ thy Son, our Lord. Amen^ When the Priest, tunilng towards the people, says, " Orate Fhatbes, Prat, ht Brethren," answer: MAY the Lord receive this sacrifice from thy hands, to the praise and glory of his holy name, for the salvation of our souls, and for the repose of the faithful departed. The Secret LOOK favorably down, O Lord, we beseech thee, upon this Sacrifice which we offer for the souls of thy departed servants, that as thou wast pleased to bestow on them the merit of Christian faith, thou mayest also grant them its reward, through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen. THS PREFACB. IT is truly meet and right, just and salutary, that we should always and everywhere give M AXNXRAL DSVOnOHa thankis to^^ O Holy Lord, Almighty Father, EverlaslSMp^od, through C9irist our Liord ; who by dying hath destroyed death fgr us, and rising again hath renewed our life ; and who hath left us this tremendous sacrifice as a propitiaticm for our sins, and for the sins of the FaithM departed. Mercifully grant, therefore, that they, for whom it is offered this day, may speedily be released from all their sufferings, and find eternal rest and perpetual light with thee in Paradise ; that th^re we, with them, may praise and celebrate thy Majesty, in company with all the Angels and Archangels, the celestial Powers, the blessed Seraphs, and the whole Host of heaven, who chant thy glory, evermore repeating: Holt! Holt ! Holt ! is the Lord God of Armies ! the heavens and the earth are full of thy glory ! Ho- sanna in the highest ! Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord I Hosanna in the highest I THE CANON, ¥E therefore suppliantly beseech thee, O Father of mercies, through Jesus Christ thy jSon, our Lord, graciously to accept and bless this holy Sacrifice, which we offer thee; for Ae peace and prosperity of the Holy Catholic Church, for thy servant our Father, Pojje N ^ for our Bishops and clergy, and for all Uiy futh* lUm VOE TBI DBAD. ffF ■ if ? ^ o LSt le fill Catholic people ; Ifbr the livii%, tliat they may prepare for death, anoUiSir the dead, tliat they may obtain eternal rest. MBMBNTO OF TBI LIYIKG. BE mindftil, O Lord, of thy servan N — and N— , {Here pause and recommend to Ood any living friend for whom you feel urged to pray during this Mass,) and of all those friends who are very near and very dear to me, and of all those who have asked for, or desire my prayers, or for whom I ought especially to pray ; and so direct and str^igthen them by thy holy grace, during life, that at the hour of their deatih the enemy may not prevail against the' ^ ; through Jesus CSirist our Lordr O Almighty and Merciful €rod ! who hast be> stowed on the human race both the means of sal- vation and the gift of eternal life, look graciously upon us thy servants, and cherish these souls which thou hast created, that in the hotii of pur departure, being free from the stain of sin, we may merit to be borne upwards by the hands of the holy AngeW to thee, our Creator. Accept, O Lord, we beseech thee, this Sacri- fice, which we offer thee for the souls of the faithful departed, and grant to us also, who f^riil remidn, the grace of a happy death, that by it being pui^ed of all our fwilts, we who in this 98 aXNSRAL DSVOTIOVii; life are afflicted by the scourges of thy dispensa^ tion, may receive our eternal rest in the life to come. When the first sound of the bell announces that the Priest is about to begin the consecration, say : OGOD, may this offering be blessed, and in every way acceptable and agreeable to thee i and for our salvation's sake, and for the comfort of departed souls, be changed into the Body and Blood of thy dear Son our Lord Jesus Chriftt^ Amen, THB CONSECRATION. At the elevation of the Sacred Host, profoundly bowing, say: HAIL ! true Body of Jesus Christ, my Saviour! O bless and sanctify my soul ! {Then add:) Give them eternal rest, O Lord. At the elevation of the chalice, say : HAIL! true Blood of Jesus my Redeemer! O wash me pure from all my sins ! (Then add:) Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May they rest in peace. AFTER THB OONSEORATION. ^ nOMMEMORATING, therefore, O Lord, the ^ blessed passion of Jesus Christ thy Son our jrd, his resurrection from the de^ and his* glorious ascension into heaven, we offer before the throne of thy most excellent Majesty, in be^ It A88 FOB THX PSAD. 0» IS' half of these departed souls, whom thy justice still detains in the pains of temporal punbhment, this most holy, pure, and unspotted victim, the holy Bread of eternal life, and the chalice of everlasting salvation. B A special Memento of the dead. E mindful especially, O Lord, of thy servants N and N ^ who are gone before us with the sign of faith, and rest in i.\.o sleep of peace. {Here make mention of those departed friends whom you vnsh in particular to recom- mend to the divine mercy,) To these and to-all who sleep in Christ, grant, we beseech thee, a iplace of refreshment, light, and peace; through the same Christ our Lord. Amen, Grant, O Lord, to thy servants departed, that they may not receive a return of punishment for their deeds, who in desire were observers of thy will ; and that as here true faith has joined them to the company of thy faithful, so there thy mercy may associate them to the choir of Angels. O God, whose attribute it is always to show mercy, and to spare, we humbly beseech thee for the souls of thy faithful servants, whom thou hast called out of this world, that thou wouldst not deliver them into the hands of the enemy, nor forget them until the end, but command them to be received by the holy Angels, and sq onniRAL DBYonoKa be led to Paradise, their true country ; that as they have believed and hoped in thee, they may not suffer the pains of hell, but possess everlast- ing joys. O God, the light of faithful souls, be present to our supplications, and grant to all thy servants and handmaids whose bodies rest in Christ, a seat of refreshment, a blissful rest, and the light of glory. We humbly pour our prayers to thee, O Lord, for these thy servants, beseeching thee, that whatever guilt they may have contracted through human frailty, thou wilt mercifully pardon, and place them in the seat of those happy souls whom iiiou hast redeemed: through Jesus Christ our Lord. To us also, sinners though we are, yet thy servants, and trusting in the multitude of thy mercies, deign to grant some part and fellowdaip with all thy saints : Into their company we be- seech thee graciously to admit us, not weighing our merits but thy mercy : through Christ oi|r^ Lord. Amen. PATBB KOSTER. Repeat with the Priest, "(hir Father who art in heayen,'^ 4&0. ; and then offer the following petition: DELIVER, O Lord, I beseech thee, the souls of thy servants from all sorrow and suffering, and bring them to the participation of my he^v- MASS VOB TBB DBAS. « enly joys; and through the interoession of the blessed and glorious Mary, ever Virgin, Mother of God, of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and Andrew, and of all the Saints, mercifully grant to me also the pardon of my sins^ grace to the remnant of my days, and peace in the hour of my death, that so through the help of thy mercy, in the awful hour of judgment I may stand before the face of my accusing enemy without alarm : Through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen. AGNUS DEI. At the ** Agnus Dei,** pray thus : Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world ! grant (hem rest. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world ! grant them rest. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world ! grant them eternal rest. OLOBD Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who, according to thy Father's will, and by the co-operation of the Holy Ghost, hast ^Ven life to the world through thine own death, de- liver me by this, thy most sacred Body and Blood, from all my sins, and from every evil : make me ding to thy commandments always, and never let me be separated from thee. O Almighty and Merciful God! I beseech es OnriBAL DBYOTXOKS* thee, may all these sacraments in whioh it is our privilege to participate, be the means of our puri- fication ; and grant that this, thy sacrifice, may not be to us a ground of accusation for our pun- ishment, but a salutary interoession for our par« don : may it serve for the washing away of our guilt, for the strengthening of our frailty, and for a support against all the dangers of the world, and to all thy faithful people, whether living or dead, for the remicision of all their sins ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THB COMMUNION. At the Bignal given by the little bell, when the Priest, before receiving the Sacred Host, strikes his breast ^ree times, do the same, and say each time, LORD ! I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof, but only speak the word, and my soul shall be healed. Here you may make the Spiritual Communion (see page 114,) uniting yourself in desire with the communion of the Priest After which recite the following prayer of the Church : TO Almighty God, O dear departed Brethren, we now commend you. May the bright company of the Angels come to seek you ; may the senate of the Apostles come to greet you \ may the triumphant army of glorious Martyrs come to meet you; the glittering throng of Confessors encompass you with their^ lilies in 11188 FOE TBI DBAD. es n. •a fheir hands; the choir of "VH^ginB receive you with 8ongs of joj ; and a happy rest embrace you on the bosoms of the Patriarchs. May Jesus Christ appear to you with a mild and cheerfU smile, and give you a place in his pres- ence for eyer. May you be far removed Arom the horrible darkness, the hissing flames, the agonizing torments. May Christ, who was cru- cified for you, deliver you from your paint*. May Christ, the Son of the living God place you in the ever green and pleasant pastures of Para- dise, and may he, the true Shepherd, acknc wa< edge you among his flock. May he absolve you from all your sins, and place you at his right hand in the inheritance of his elect. May you see your Redeemer face to fac«, and always in his presence, with the happy company of the Blessed, enjoy the sweetness of the vision of God for evermore. Amen. THE LAST GOSPEL. For the last Gospel, read what follows: I ENOW that my Redeemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise out of the earth : and I shall be clothed again with my skin, and in my flesh I shall see my God : whom I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. This my hope is laid up for me in my bosom. Job, xik. 25—1 am the Resurrection and the 64 OKNIRAL DBYOnOKB, iJ Life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live ; and every one thut liveth and believeth in me, shall not die for ever : S. John, xi. 25— And I heard a voice saying unto me: Write,^blossed are the dead who die in the Lord ; from henceforth now, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their works fol- low them. Apoa xiv. 13. jB. Thanhs he to God. Plnally recommend yoorselves to the souls in Porgatory, andsdy: BLESSED Souls, I have prayed for you: I now entreat you, who are so dear to God^' and so secure of never losing him any more, to pray for me. a miserable sinner, that am exposed to sin every day, liable to die every day, fmd in danger of being damned and of losing Gk>d for eivOT, \ ■ (Bn \miq t\t Matti 0f i&ah u. ^^Ee that u of God, heareth the worda qf CML^ St John, viii. 47. An important part of the Christian worship is list- ening to the word of Gkxi from the mouth of the Priest. Let no one think himself so wise and so learned that he can do without it Preaching is the means ap- pointed hy God to speak to our heart Therefore, ne who will not hear the preachers of the Catholic Church, shuts his ears against the voice of God, and despises Jesus Christ, who says : ** He that heareth you, heareth me, and he that de^pueth you, despiseth meJ* Let no a. Y. 4< Incline unto mj aid, ?]rod. R. Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father^ and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world with- out end. Amen, Before and after each Psalm is enng an Antiphon, which varies according to the Festivala ul9»^. Dixit DomiDus. | Antiphork The Lord said-T- PSALM cix. (Dixit Dominus.) A prophecy of the exaltation and everlasting Priesthood of t^iUB Christ. 1. Diidt Dominus Do- mino meo, * Sede k dextris meis. 2. Donee ponam inimi- cos tuos, "^ scabellum pe- dum tuorum. 8. Virgam virtutis tuse mnittet Dominus ex Sion : The liOrd said to my Lord: Sit thou at my right handy until I make thy enemies thy footstooL The Lord ^1 send forth the sceptre of thy YBSPIRS. te to in id If* ^# '*' dominare in medio in- imiconim tuorum. 4. Tecum principinm in die virtatis tu89, in splen- doribus sanctorum: * ex ntero ante laciferum genoi te. 6. Juravit Dominns^ et non pcenitebit eum : * Tu es sacerdos in sBternum^ secundum ordinem Mel- chisedech. 6. Dominus k dextris tuis : * confregit in die ir» Bu»reges. 7. Jndicabit in nationi- bus, implebit ruinas: * conquassabit capita in t«r- ra multorum. 8. De torrente in via bibet: * propterea ezalta- bit caput. Gloria Patri, &e. Ant Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Sede i dex- tris meis. Ant Fidelia* power out of Sion: rule thou in the midst of thy enemies. With thee is the prin- cipality in the day of thy strength, in the brightness of thy saints: from th^ womb before the day-star I begot thee. The Lord hath sworn, and he will not repent: Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedech. The Lord at thy right hand hath broken kings in the day of his wrath. He shall Judge among nations, he snail fill ruins, he shall crush the heads in the land of many. He shall drink of the torrent in the way : there- fore shall he lift up the head. Glory be to the Father, <&c Ant The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand. Ant All his command- ments — w GENERAL I>BV0TIUN8« PSALM OX. (Confitebor tibi, Domine.) The Prophet gives thanks to God, and praises him for all his graces and benefits to his Churoh. 1. Oonfitebor tibi, Do- mine, in toto corde meo : * in conoilio justorum, et congregatione. 2. Magna opera Do mini : * exquisite in om- nes Yolimtetes ejus. 5, Confessio et magni- ficentia opus ejus: ♦ et jnstitia ejus manet in ssa- culum ssBCuli. 4. Memoriam fecit mi- rabiliam suomm, miseri- cors et miserator Domi- nus : '•* escam dedit timen- tibus se. 6. Memor erit in ssbcu- Inm testamenti sui : * vir- tutem operum suorum an- nuntiabit populo suo. lit det illis hseredi- tatem Gentium: * opera manuum ejus, Veritas et judicium. 7. Fidelia omnia man- date ejus, confirmate in I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart : in the assembly of the righteous, and in the congregation. Great are the works Of th€i Lord; exquisite and agreeable to all Ms de- signs. His work is his praise and glory ; and his justice remaineth forever. The merciful and gra- cious Lord hath appoint- ed a memorial of his won- derful works : he hath given food to them that fear him. He will be forever mindful of his covenant : the greatness of his works will he publish to his peo- ple. To give them the in- heritance of the G entiles : the works of his hands* are truth and justice. Trne and lasting are all his ordinances, confirmed TB8PBR8* 71 cs # afldcnliun sfiBcnli : i* facta in yeritate et sequitate. 8. Redemptionem miBit populo suo: * mandavit in ffitemum testamentam 9. Sanctnm et terribile nomen ejus : * initium sa- pienticB timor Domini. » 10. Intellectns bonus omnibus facientibiis eum: * laudatio ejus nuvnet in ssBculum ssBculi. Gloria Patri, &c. Ant, Fidelia omnia mandata ejus ; oonfirmata in ssBculum seeculi. Ant, In mandatis. forever and eyer; made in truth and justice. He hath sent redemp- tion to his people : he hath appointe^l his covenant forever. ^ ^^ Holy and awful is ffll name: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. ' All understand it right, who practise it : his praise endureth forever and ever. Glory be to the Father, &c. Ant, All his command- ments are faithful, con- firmed foreveo* and ever. Ant, He shall delight — ., ^ ' ! •.pfH P8ALM OXI, . (Beatus vir.) This Psalm teaches us tbat the good will be surely happy, but the wicked shall perish forever. 1. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum: * in mandatis ejus volet nimls. 2. Potens in terra erit semen, cgus: * generatio rectoru^ benedicetur. ■"X. 8. Glorif et divitisB in domo ejus : * et jnstitia Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord: in his commandments he shidl take great delight. Mighty on earth shaU be his seed: the genera- tion of the righteous shall be blessed. Glory and wealth shall be in his house: and hia 72 OSNBRAL DBVOTIONS. '^/ €|jas manet in saBculom 88Bonli. 4. Exortnm est in tene- bris lumen reotis : * mise- rioors, et miserator et Jus- tus. 5. Juoundus honio qui miseretur et commodat, disponet sermones suos in judicio: * quia in sater- num non commovebitur. 6. In memoria leterna erit Justus: '*'ab au^tione mala non timebit. 7. Paratum cor ejus sperare in Domino, con- firmatum est cor ejus: * non commovebitur donee despiciat inimicos suos. 8. Dispersit, dedit pau- peribus, justitia ejus ma- net in sfBoulum seBCuli : * cornu ejus exaltabitur in gloria. 9. Peccator videbit et irascetur, dentibus suis firemet et tabescet: * de- mderiiim peccatorum pe- ribit. Gloria Patri, &o. Ant. In mandatis ejus capitnimis. Ant Sit nomen Domi- ni. righteousness endureth forever and ever. He is risen in darkness, a light to the upright : ha is merciftd and just, com- passionate. Acceptable is the man that showeth mercj and lendeth : * i e shall order 'his words with judgment, and he shall never give way. The righteous man shall be in eternal remem*' brance: he shall not fear an evil report. His heart is ready to hope in the Lord : his heart is strengthened : he shall not yield till he de- spise his enemies. He hath distributed and given to the poor; his righteousness remaineth forever: his power shall' be exalted in glory. The sinner shall see it, and be enraged: he shall gnash his t^th and pine away: the desire of sin- ners shall perish. Glory be to the Father, Ant He shall delist exceedingly in hia com- mandments. V Ant Blessed be the name— I {•• 7S PSALM CZII. (Landate, pneri, Dominiim.) The Prophet exhorts us to praise God, because although infinitely high himself, he does not forget the poor and the humble. 1. Landate, pueri, Do- minum : * landate nomen DominL 2. Sit nomen Domini benediotam : * ex hoc nunc, et nsqne in sacn- lum. 8. A soils ortn nsqne ad ocoasnm: '*' landabile nomen Domini. 4. Excelsns snper om- nes gentes Dominus: * et super coelos gloria ejns. 6. Quis sicut Dominus Dens noster, qui in altis habitat : * et humilia re- spicit in coalo et in terra ? 6. Suscitans 4 terra in opem: * et de steroore erigens pauperem. 7. tit oollocet eum cum prindpibus: * cum prin- cipibus pdpuli sui. a Qui habitare fiicit steriiem iii domo: * ma- trem filitHTtttii IwtantenL Praise the Lord, je ser- vants of the Lord : praise ye the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be blessed : now and for evermore : From the rising of the sun to the setting thereof: worthy of praise is the name of the Lord. High is the Lord above all the nations: and above the heavens is his glory. Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwell- eth rm high : and bdiold- eth what is bcdow in heaven and on earth ? Who from the earth raiseth up the needy one : and from the dungmll lift- eth up the poor one : To place him with the princes : wi& Uie princes of his people. Who maketh the barren woman to dwell in her house : the joyftil mother of many dwdreiL 74 OBNBRAL DBVOTIOVB. ■''Jl. Gloria Patri, dba Ant Sit nomen Do- mini benedictum in sse- cula. Qlory be to the Father, Ant Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever- more. ^n^. Nos qui vivimus. 1 Ant But we that live— PSALM orvi. (Laudato Dominum.) The Pealmist inTites the whole world to join in praising God for his mercy and truth. 1. Laudato Dominum, omnes gentes: '*' laudato eum, omnes populi. 2. Quoniam oonfirmata est super nos misericordia ejus: 1* et Veritas Domini manet in aeternum. Gloria Patri, &>c Ant Nos qui vivimus benedicunus Domino. praise the Lord, all ye nations ; praise him, all ye people. i For his mercy is con- firmed upon us: and the truth of the Lord remain- eth forever. Glory be to the Father, Ant But we that live bless the Lord. '^ THE LITTLB CHAPTER, 2 COR. I. Benedictus Deus, et | Blessed be the God and Pater Domini nostri Jesu j Father of our Lord Jesus Chnsti, Pater misericor- 1 Christ, the Father of mer- diarum, et Deus totius consolationis, qui consola- tur nos in omni tribula- tione nostra. R. Deo Gratias. cies, and the God of all comfort, who comforteth us in all our tribulation. R Thanks be to God. Then follow s the Hymn, which is not always the saibe. The one here ^ven is usually sung on the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin. \ YB8PER8. 76 ither, the ever- live— HTMN. msmg all ye all ye I con- id the )inaiii- its • . ^ aiher, live 1 and Jesus mer- l>f all Tteth on. iibe. >fthe 1 •^ I m (Ave Maris Stella.) Ave Maris Stella Dei Mater Alma Atque semper Virgo Felix Coeli porta. Sumens illud Ave Gabrielis ore, Funda nos in pace Mutans Evss nomen. Solve vincla reis Profer lumen csecis Mala nostra pelle Bona cuncta posce. Monstra te esse matrem Sumat per te preces Qui pro nobis natus Tulit esse tuus. Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis Nos culpis solutes Mites file et castes. Vitam praesta puram, Iter para tutum, Ut videntes Jesum Semper coUaBtemur. Sit laus Deo Patri, Summo Ghristo decuSi Gentle Star of ocean ! Portal of the sky ! Ever Virgin Mother Of the Lord Most High I Oh I by Gabrielis Ave, Utte^d long ago, Eva's name reversing, Stablish peace below. Break the captive's fetters ; Light on blindness pour ; All our ills expelling, Every bliss miplore. Show thyself a Mother ; Offer him our sighs, Who for us incarnate Did not thee despise. Virgin of all Virgins I To thy shelter take us ; Gentlest of the gentlc> ! Chaste and gentle msike us. Still as on we journey, Help our weak en« deavor ; Till with thee and Jesus We rejoice forever. Through the highest Heaven, To the Almighty Three, 76 OBNBRAL DBT0TI0N8. r Spiritui Sancto, Tribus honor unus. Amen. y. Dirigatur, Domine, oratio mea, R Siout inoensum in conspectu tuo. Father, Son, gnd Spirii^ One same glory bOi :i8 y. May my prayer, Lord, be directed, R As incense in thy sight Before and after the Magnifioat is Bung an Antiphon, which Yaries with the di£ferent Feasts and seasons of the year.. THB MAaNIFIOAT, \ or Ocmtiele of the Blessed Virgin Mary. ' 1. MAGNIFICAT * an- ima mea Dominum. 2, £t exultavit spiritus mens: * in Deo salutari meo. 8. Quiarespexithumili- tatem ancill» suib : * ecce enim ex hoc, beatam me dlcent omnes generationes. 4. Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est : ''^ et sanc- tum nomen ^us. 6. £t misericordia ejus k progenie in progemes, * tunentibus emn. 6. Fecit potentiam in brachio suo: * dispersit superbos mente cordis suL 7. Deposuit potentes de sede: '*' et exaltayit hu- miles. My soul doth magnifr the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour : Because he hath r^ curded the humility of his handmaid, for behold from^^ henceforth all generations; shall call me bles?^ .r For he that is mighty hath done great things tor me, and hxSj is his name^ ^ And his mercy is froni' generation to generation, to them that fear him. He hath showed might in his arm : he hath scat- tered the proud in the con- ceit of their heart He hath put down the mighty from thdr seat^,^ and hath exalted the hum- ble. i'l i- ▼nrsBS. 77 i. ,4 I • ''i w, i fhf, •i 4U * year. spirit Ki my V i of his 1 from ationa^ kcs fo 8. Esurientes implevit bonis: * et divites dimi- sit inanes. 9. Susoepit Israel pue- rum suuin: * reoordatus misericordisB suae. 10. Sicut locutus est ad piatres nostros : * Abraham, et semini ejus in ssecula. Gloria Patri, &o. He hath filled the him- gry with good things, and me rich he hath sent away emdty. ne hath receiyed Israel his servant^ being mind- Ail of his mercy. As he spoke to our fi^ thers, to Aoraham and to his seed forever. Glory, &0. PRATER. FS beseech thee, O Lord, let all thy Saints assist us wherever we may be : that while we venerate their virtues, we may also feel their protection: Grant to these times in which we live thy holy peace, and drive away all evil from thy Church : Direct our lives, our actions, and our wills, and those of all thy servants in the prosperous way of thy salvation: return an everlasting reward to all our benefactors; and to all the faithful departed grant eternal rest* llirough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. After the Prayer, which is different every SotLday, fol- low the veraiclea and reBponsea. V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit y. Benedioamus Dom- Y. Let us bless the ino. Lord. K Deo Grataas. R. Thanks be to God. Y. Fid^um animss per | Y. May the souls of the 78 OBKERAL DXVOTIONS. misericordiam Dei requi- escant in pace. B, Amen. ^ faithful, through the nier? cj of God, rest in peace. B. Amen. Then repeat, " Our Father,^ Ac;, and afterwards, V. Dominus det nobis Boam pacem. B. £t vitam sDternam. Amen. M* -I V. May God grant os his peace. B. And everlasting life. Amen. Then follows the Anthem in honor of the Mother of God, . which differs accordiag to the season. \ (JDuHng Advent, and until the Purification,) ALMA REDBMPTOBIS MATER. Alma Bedemptoris Ma- ter, qnsB pervia coeli Porta manes, et stella maris, snccnrre cadenti Snrgere qui curat populo ; tu qn» gennisti, Fatura mirante, tuum sanctnm G^nitorem, Virgo pritis ac posterids ; Gabrielis ab ore, Bmnens illud Ave, pecca- torum miserere. V. Angelus Domini nnntiavit Marias. R, Et conceit de Spir- itu Saneto, Mother of Jesns, heaven's open gate. Star of the sea, uphold our fallen state. O thou, whose sacred womb thy Maker bore, Bemaining ever virginal and pure. From sinful lips receive that earnest Hail, Which first from Gabriel, hallowed herald, fell. V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary, B, And she conceived hy the Holy Ghost. PRAYER. GBATIAM tuam, qusa- sumus, Domine, men- tibus nostris infiinde: ut "pOUB forth, we beseech -^ thee, U Lord, thy grace into our hearts, that •^ j YESPEBB. 79 qui angelo nuntiante Christi Filii tui inoarna- tionem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem ad resarrectionis gloriam perducaraur. Per eun- dem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. we, to whom the incarna- tion of Christ thy Son has been made known by the message of an angel, may, by his passion and cross, be brought to the glory of his resurrection, thro' the same Christ our Lord. Amen. {From the Pv/rification until JSaater, AVE, RBGINA CCELORUM. Ave, regina ccelorum, Ave, domina angelorum, Salve radix, salve porta, ) y^ Ex qua mundo lux est orta. Gaude virgo gloriosa, Super omnes speciosa ; Yale 6 valde, decora, £t pro nobis Christum exora. V. Dignare me, lau- dare te, Virgo sacrata. B, Da mihi virtutem contra hoitea Puos, Hail Mary, Queen of heaven above. Whom radiant Angels own and love I Hail fruitful root, hail portal bright. Whence streamed on earth celestial light. Hail glorious Maid, with beauty blossed, Far lovelier than the loveliest, 01 crowned with grace and glory thus, Pray, Mary, pray to Christ for us I V. O deign to let me praise thee, Sacred Vir- gin I JS, And give me power agaimt thy enemies. ' ; 80 GBHBRAL DBVOTIOMS, PRATBB. pOKOEDE, misericors ^ Dens, fragilitati nos- tra prsBsidium: ut qui Eanotffi Dei Crenetricis me- moriam agimus, interces- sionis ejus auxilio, 4 nos- tris iniquitatibus resur- gamus. Per eundem Christum Dominum nos- trum. Amen. r}.RANT us, O mercifhl ^ God. a safeguard against all our weakness, that we, who celebrate the memory of the holy Mother of Gk)d, may, by the help of her interces- sion, rise again fk'om our iniquities, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. (From Easter until IVinity.) BBOINA OCBLI. Eegina coeli lastare, Al- leluia. Quia quem meruisti por- tare. Alleluia. Hesurrexit sicut dixit, Alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum, Alleluia. Y. Gaude et IsBtare, Virgo Maria, Alleluia. H, Quia mrrexit Dom- inu8 vere. Alleluia, Joy to thee, O Queen of heaven. Alleluia! He whom thou wast meet to bear, Alleluia! As he promised, hath arisen. Alleluia! Pour for us to him thy prayer. Alleluia! V. Eejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia! B. For the Lord is truly [risen. Alleluia/ PRAYBR. T\EU8, qui per resur- ^ rectionem Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Chris- ti mundum Isstificare dig- natus «8; prssta quffisu- OGOD, who, by the res- urrection of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, hast been pleased to fill ihe world with joy, grant, TSftPXRS. 81 mu8, ut per ejus genitri- cem Tirginein Mariam perpetasa capiamas gau- dia vitaD. Per eundem Christum Dominum i\os- trum. Amen. we beseech thee, that by his Mother, the Virgin Mary, we may receive the joys of eternal life, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. (From Trinity Sunday until Advent,) SALYB, RSGINA. Salve, Regina, mater mi- sericordissl — vita, dul- cedo, et spes nostra, salve! Ad te clamamus exules Filii Hey». Ad te suspiramus gemen- tes et flentes in hac lacrymarum valle. £ia ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. El Jesum, benedictum fruotum ventris tui, no- bis post hoc exilium ostende. O Clemens, O pia, O dul- cis virgo Maria. V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei genitriz. 6 Mother of mercy, hail ! O gentle Queen I Our life, our sweetness, and our hope, all hail I Children of Eve, To thee we cry from our sad banishment; To thee we send our signB, Weeping and mourning in this teaiftd vale. Come then, oui Advocate, 1 turn on us those pity- ing eyes of thine : And, oar long exile past. Show us at last Jesus, of thy pure womb the fruit divine ; O Virgin Mary, Moth- er blest! O sweetest, gentlest, holiest! V. Prav for us, holy Mother of God I 82 GBNXBAL DBVOTIONS. m . R, Ut digni eMeiomwr promisaionihm Uhristi, R That we may he made worthy of the pro- mises qf Christ •■■^' PRAYER. AMNIPOTENS sempi- ^ terne Deus, qui glori- 0S8B Yirginis Matris Marias corpus et animam, ut dig- num Filii tui habitaculum eflRci mereretur, Spiritu Sanctx) coM)perante, prae- parasti : da, ut cujus com- memorationelaetamur, ejus pia intercessione ab instan- tibus malis et a morte per- petua liberemur. Per eun- dem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. ALMIGHTY and eternal God ! who, by the co- operation of the Holy Ghost, didst prepare the body and soul of the glo- rious Virgin Mother, Mary, that she might become a worthy habitation for thy Son, grant, that as with joy we celebrate her mem* ory, so by her pious inter- cession we may be deliv- ered from present evils, and from eternal death, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. V. Divinum auxilium V. May the divine as- maneat semper nobiscum. sistance remain always with us. R. Amen. B, Am^n. CONCLUDING PRAYER. TO the most Holy and undivided Trinity, to the crucified humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the most blessed and glorious and ever- faithful virginity of the Virgin Mary, and to the assembly of all the Saints in heaven, may ever- lasting praise, honor, power, and glory be given, by every creature, and to us, also, the remission BBNEDIOTION. 88 bf all our sins, through never ending ages. Amen. V. Blessed be the womb of the Virgin Mary, which bore the Son of the eternal Father ! M, And blessed be the breasts which nourished Christ our Lord, " Our Father," anc? *VHail Mary." BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACEAMENT. Ordinarily at the close of the Sunday Vespers, and some- times on other occasions, is given the Benediction with / the Blessed Sacrament This is done in the following manner : The Priest, or sometimes a Deacon assisting the priest, goes up to the altar, and opening the tabernacle, takes out the Most Blessed Sacrament which is kept there, and leaves it thus on or above the altar, elpused in full view to the adoration of the faithful. The Priest then descends from the altar, and while he incenses the Sacred Host, the Choir sing the following hymn, the people remaining all the while on their knees, in prayer and adoration. HYMN. (0 Saluta/ris Hostia.) Salutaris Hostia, Quad coeli pandis ostium : Bella premunt hostilia : Ba robur fer auxilium. 1 Salutary Sacrifice I Whose death has opened Paradise: By hostile war oppressed, afraid, To thee we look for strength and aid. 84 OXHBRAI. SSVOnONS. t. Uni trinoque Domino^ Sit sempitema gloria : Qui vitam sine tennino, Nobis donet in patria. Now to the triune Ood in Heaven, Be everlasting glorj giv- en; Where life eternal in hil hand Invites us to our Father- land. Sometimes, also, other Anthem? are here sung, or the Litany oi J;e Blessed Virgin, during which time you can m»ikf i^e of that Litany, or of one of the Vi^ts to the Bl tion : Thou who livest and reignest world without end. Amen* After the Priest has sung this prayer, the white veil is laid over his shoulders, and he then mounts the steps of the altar, and taking in his hands the monstrance which contains the Blessed Sacrament, gives the Ben- ediction by making with it over the Congrcgatioa tht sign of the cross. At this moment kneel more pro- foundly than before, to receive this divine blessing of your Saviour, and say : OMY God, I am sorry — ^I am sorry for my sins : forgive me t>hem, and give me my part in this heavenly blessing ! I love thee, I will love thee always, and seek ' ) please thee in every thought, in every word, and eve"* ' action of my life. »{« In the nar^e of the ^ and of the fik)n, an : of the Ho; Ghost Amen. '♦I €Bnitiiin. EXERCISES OF DEVOTION, PREPARATORT TO CONFESSION. Call to mind that this confession may be the last of your life. Therefore, prepare yourself for it, as if you were lying sick upcn your deathbed, and alrea^ at the borders of the grave. Ask God to give you the grace to make a good examination of conscience., and the light to see your sins clearly, and as they really are^ INVOCATION. OGOD, the Father of light ! Thou who &[0 lightenest all men that come into this world,' send into my poor soul a ray of the holy light of love and cx)ntrition, that I may know, detest, and confess the sins, which I have committed against thee. I desire to see my sins in all their enormity, and just as they are in thy sight : I wish to detest them for the love of thee, and to confess them with the same sincerity, as I should wish to do at the moment of my death, Jesus, my God and Saviour, I offer to thee the examina- tion which I am going to make, and I look to thee with confidence for the grace to do it well. And do thou, O Mother of God, assist me, thou who ar.*- so full of compassion for siifners that desire truly to repent of their sins. l< OONVXBSIOir. 87 Help me, my holy Guardian Angel ! help me to know all the offences which I have committed against my God. O ! all ye Saints in heaven, pray for me that I may bring forth worthy fruits of penance. Amen. Now make your examination of eonseienee,* Having finished this examination, make the three follow- ing short meditations, in order to excite in yourself a true contrition for your sins: L Consideration. 0/ the enormity of sin. Consider, first, the enormity of a mortal sin. It is an insult to Almighty God, and a contempt of his holy law. Call to mind that you have sinned before Him who knows all things, and sees the most secret actions, and the silent thoughts of the heart ; that you have given the death-blow to your immortal soul ; that you have drawn down upon yourself the anger and pun- ishment of the living God, a God who in his just ven- geance is awful and terrible ; that he it is who cast for- ever into hell the holy angels when they first rebelled against him ; that, alas I many of the damned who are now groaning in the eternal pains of hell, have not committed so great, and so many sins as you ; and thai while death is perhaps already very near, it is only * Persons whose consciences are 'tender, and who often receive the Sacraments, ought not to dwell too long upon this examination, but make it quietly, and without scruples. For such souls, it is sufficient to cast a careful glance upon those faults and imperfec- tions into which they fall the oftenest, or they may use the fo#m of Examination on p. 22. On the contrary, those who have been a long while without con- fession, should £^ve all that time to the examination of conscience, which so important an affair really demands, so that they may call to mind, as far as possible, the nature and number of their mortal sins. For this purpose, they make use of the form of WiamJnaUon glTen in Ihls Manual, page 817. OSniRAL DlVOnONS. the infinite patience of thig most mercifiil God that makes him wait until now for your conversion. CONTRITE PRATER. OMY God ! O infinite and holy God, what have I done? I confess that my sins are more in number than the hairs of my head, or the sands on the sea-shore. And yet only a single one of them all was enough for my ruin. Yes, one of these mortal sins was enough to roh me of heaven, enough to bring down thy anger upon my defenceless head. Hell opened under my feet when I committed the first, and yet Others followed, imtil now, like a mountain they Be heavy upon my soul. Alas ! why am I not penetrated with horror and fear at the remem- brance of my guilt ? Siaful soul, what hast thou gained by all these sins i Nothing, O my Lord, nothing but shame and sorrow, guilt and remorse. "^ V have left me without joy in the past, or ' "beyond the grave. xjut no, my most merciful Lord, there is still hope for me : for I know that if I do penance thou wilt forgive me. I do repent of ajl my sins. I hate and detest them from the bottom of my heart. I am truly sorry for my mad and senseless conduct, and I am resolved to sin no more. From this moment I devote the rest of my days to penance and a holy life. ,Tes, holy and merciful God, hear my firm resol^ : For- 1 ^ l^tlWill iiiin>i»:W-rtl%gji OOHFISBIOH. 89 give me this onoe, and rather will I lose, a thousand times over, all the world has of goods, pleasures, honors, health, even life itself, than ever separate from thy grace again I n. Consideration. Of thefa/oors f'eeeivedfrom a God who ha» been offended by our .^. Hear, sinner, the voice of God t ^ither and ben- efactor, who complains thus of the etum which thou hast made him for a thousand thousand benefits. Tell me, ungrateful sinner, what could I do for thee that I have not done ? I created thee out of nothing, and made thee in my own likeness, without having the least need of thee. I redeemed thee by the blocd of my only Son. I made thee a Christian and a Catholic, while millions of men like thee were left in the dark- ness of infidelitv ^nd heresy. I have borne with thee ritienily until 'his moment, in all thy sins and vices, have given thee so many and so easy means to secure thy salvation. And on thy side what hast thou done ? For all this, thou hast only returned ingratitude I I made all creatures for thy sake, and thou makest use of them only to offend me ! — " Hear / ye hea/eens^ and give ear, earth f I have brought up children^ and exalted them^ but they have despised me,^^ Isa. 1% CONTRITE PRATER. OWHAT base ingratitude ! No, there is not, there cannot be any thing like it under the Bun. Yes, my most tender Father, and loving Benefactor! this is the way I have shown my gratitude to thee for having drawn me out of that nothing where I was, and where I should be still, except for thee. Alas! alas! so have I ^ A'#< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. // A J&n % :/. 1.0 I.I If IIIM ISil •^ 1^ ill 2.2 li: ii£ lllllio 1.8 IL25 IIIIII.4 IIIIII.6 V] <^ .^- /2 m.. /: 0% ''•; >^ 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 Sf./% k ld> Ci^ m OKNmAL DXtOnOKS. kitherto prized all tiiose preoioiM graces whkh tbou hast showered upon my thaakl^M^head. O, ungrateful sinner that I am! Who wil) give sighs enough to my heart, and tears to my eyes, that I may weep for the death of mj" soul^ and do penance as I ought for this treachery liO my Qodj of which I have been guilty ? O, most merciful Lord, have mercy on me ! I have a sii£^ cere desir^ and make now the firm resolutioh to offend thee no more. i ^ Alas ! was it just, was it right, that after IMing brought into existence by God, and receiving in- numerable benefits at his hand, I should so of^^ and so deeply offend him as I have done ? When this unseen and omnipotent Land formed mef ill my mother^s womb, and gave me hands, feet^ eyes, ears, and a heart, was it for me to use them in this way AS 60 many instruments to insult and violate thy sublime majesty! Ah! unhappy ^es! O wicked hands! O fiuthless heart! you by your sins have been the cause of grief to f^ God of infinite goodness, the most loving ai^ tender of Fathers. in. Consideration. Up^n the lave qfjesui Gkrist^ uiho miff eted for OUT sine. Look upon your loving Saviour on the cross of Cal* ?aiy ! His sacred hands and feet are pierced throu^ ana through with rude nails luacmerea deep into w0 wood: his kinji;ly head is crowned with thorns: his sacred body is covered widi marks of^^the cruel C0inpii80ioii. M iOMirgtt; tod lus unspeakable aoonj sppeare hk his l^^g ^J^ 9Xid the oonTulsipDS of his fiunering limlw. ^vho is it? and what is Ihe cause of this bloody sbiSibtacle t Ah ! sinner, it is your Saviour, and your sms have brought him to this sad extremity. Tes,for lour sake he became man, for the pardim of jour sina lespffeired and died. Cn^el Jewsl cruel soldiers! )ut rar more cruel sinners who, in our day, still crudfy Iheir Lord and mock at his pams; for the Apostle speaks of them when he says : '* They erueify a^mnk to thenmhetthe Son^f GoIL and make a VMckery of Mm:' Heb.vl6. , ^ OONtRITB PRATBB. ALAS! accursed sins! how could I treat the Son of God so cruelly? Miserable that 1 am, who will give rivers of tears to my eyes, that I may weep according to the multitude of my sins! Is this thy reward, my dearest Saviour, for that innocent blood which thou hast shed with so much love and sorrow for my sake 1 Could I make thee no better return than this?— by my guilty pleasures, my brutal passions, my cold contempt of thy holy laws, to cover again thy face with shame, and open thy bleeding wounds afresh? J> laanb of God ! sacrificed and lifeless on the cross, remember that I a^ a "IM redeem^ by thy |»Mous blood : pardoiii ixte iny^sk% fer t am sorry for them from the bottom df lay^^ heart. Yes ! raise ihy wounded hand to bless and r»iu*don mg^ Receive the traitor that now easts hLoaelf ft enranui. itoivoitiom» '. f i& sorrow at thy feet. My sins MI terror, for I know that I deserve' to bdln hell tib^ moment, but surely^ since tibcu hast died for itie/ thou wilt not now refuse me meroy : Beliold n^^ here, O my Ood! what wilt thou hare t^e 4o1 shall I weep over my sins? Indeed; IfiM atittf fi^r them, and detest them with my whole sbtdp Shall I forsake them I I do renounce them, noifl^' and forever. Shall I spend the reniainder <^ my life in loving thee, and serving thee! This il tt^ 4esire, and I am resolved to do so. Bi^old now I go to confess my sins! Great Gh)d! give me' grace to confess them thoroughly, sincerely, andi humbly, and from this moment, never, never dS&oA thee any more. Holy Mary, motlier o| mercy 1 I recommend myself ta tiiee, in thii solemn hour. My Giiardian Angel, and aQ mf'^' patron Saints, pray to the Lord my Grodibr mei'^ For pardenlar directions as to the manner of making your oonfefluonsy aee iNsniWTnoivH or ihs Saormxemt oi^^ Tkmakoe, page 286. . A SHOBTER EXERCaBE. {Fin' pcrioru who confeu freqmnUff,) IKVOOATIOK. OHOLY God, who art always ready to re- ceive sinners into thy favor, and to pardon them, look merciAilly upon my poor soul, whidf aftar4M naaay oflbqcss returns again w th^ee, in W^ to obtflbi pwrdoB tbrough thy l&olj Saorft* rneni <$vant me the neoeaaary prepan^on fbr t)iii(: enlighten my understanding, that I may see aUmyaiiis; soften my heart, that I may be truly sorry for them; direet my words, that I may maiie a good eonfession, and thereby obtain for* ^veness; and let not my self-love Uind me ui any way. Holy Mary, Mother of meroy, and refiige of poor sicoiers, pray for me now, that I may make ttiis eonfession well, and so obtain pardon, and tibiegraee to amend my life. ^ T"^. ^ ►'■A,'.?''*'. OOKtRITS PRATER. IHOU seeet at thy feet, O God of infinite : Majesty, the traitor who has so often ofiended thee, but now humbly implores thee to pardon him. ^^ A contrite and humble hearty Ghdyihou mlt not despise,*^ I thank thee that thou hast waited for me until this day, and h^ not left me to die in my sins. I hope, through the merits of Jesus Christ, that haying been patient with me hitherto, thou wilt pardon me now in this eon- fession all die sins which I have committed. O my God, I repent of all my sins, and am deeply grieved for having committed them, because I have sinned against a merciful and loving Father, and at the risk of my eternal salvation. Yes I I am sorry for thmi all^ and wi% my piiole 9* OKMBBAL BSTOnOHS. beart, but not so much because of the puninhmient which they deserve as because they haye offended thee, O ii^nite Goodness ! O my supreme and only Good, I love thee, Mid because I love thee, I lament all the offences which I have been guilty of towards thee, i have neglected thee: I have not paid thee that hcHior which belongs to thee: I have despised thy fitvor and thy fri^idship, and I have deserved to lose thee forever. For Jesus' sake forgive me aU .my sins ! With my whole heart I rep^t of them. I detest them. I repent not only of every mortal sin which I have ever committed, but also of my venial sins, because by them.also I have ofiended thee. I resolve for the time to come^ with the help of thy grace, to offend tliee no more. Yes ! my God, I prefer to die rather than to &11 intQ sin any more. If you should confess some sin into which yon are in ei|? pecial danger of falling again, make a particular reso- lution not to commit that one any more. Promise to avoid those occasions which expose you to it, and ask your Father-Confessor to point out to yoii the surest means of amendment PRAYBR AFTER CONFESSION. JESUS, how worthy art thou of my love, and what thanks do I not owe ! I hope that through the merits of thy blood, thou hast for- give m.3 my sins. For this I thai^ thee with ooxnrBBSiov. »S my whole hearty and I bum with the desire to praise thy mercy in heaven through all eternity. Until now, O my God, I have offended thee often, but for the time to come, I will never offend thee again. I am anxious to change my life. Thou dost merit all my love, and therefore I will love ihee truly and dearly. I will never SLgam be separated from, thee. 1 have already promised thee rather to die than offend thee again. Once more I make this promise, and hope through thy mercy to keep it. I promise also to ^hun the occasions of sin, and to take the following means to keep me jfrom fidling again (here name the meane). But thou knowest my weakness, O my God. Give me thy grace, Ihat I may remain true unto thee until my death, and teach me, in the hour of temptation, to Imve recourse to thee. Mary, help me ! Thou art the Mother of perseverance, I place all my hopesinThee. ^ ^\ f 0ls 60iRmnm0n. INSTRUCTION. {^ah&hftom ^ wriUngi of St. Alphontui Liffuori} Of all the holy Sacraments, ihe Sacrament of the Altar is the ho^j^t, the most excellent, and the greatest The other sacraments contain the graces and nfts of God, but has appointed, not the angds, but the priests, to be to i you in the place of God. *'But wluit will people say,^^ you answer, '^wheii:^ they see me goin^ so often to communion ? They will ; either look' upon it as a pro&nation, and bUune li^ or/ ridicule me, and make a laughing-stock of me." Tp^-^ this I answer, make your communion as often as jonjt j) Father-Confessor permits, and with the good intention of advancing in virtue, and let people say what they ,?, wiE The celebm^ John of Avila says, that those ^ who blame others for frequently approaching Holy Communion, pcdorm the ofBce d the devUi and wul you be so foofish as to care for them? i^ Hear, too, what S£ Francis of Sales says t *^lf the children of the world ask you why you so often receive Holy Communion, answer them : Two classes of ipen should go to communion often ; namely, the perfect and the imperfect: the perfect, tnat they may contiaue 00^ and the imperfect, that they may attiin perfection. .3 Holt oommuhxoit. 90 The strong, that they may not become weak, and the weak, that they may become strons. The sick, that they may recover health, and the nealthy, that they may not become sick. As for yourself^ go often to commmiion, as one imperfect, side, and weak** Q my Godt of what avail are all these miserable evasions and excuses ? Speak the truth, say it out- rigjbt, that you aire not willing to go any oftener to Holv Communion, because then you must quit the vamties and sinful satisfiMstions of the world, and that vou do not love this food of angels, because you still love creatures with inordinate affection ; that you do not dare often to receive Jesus Christ, beouise you (bar the reproof which your Saviour might give you, on ac- count <^ your disorderly and sinful wi^ of life, if you were to receive him often in the most Lolv Sacrament But take it seriously into consideration, lest your sin* ful lukewarmness should be jour ruin. Never fear that on your death-bed you will reproach yourself on account of these communions which you have received with contrition and devotion ; but fear lest then — alas! perhaps too late ! — ^you may repent of havine robbed- yourself of so many graces, which you mi^t have ob- tained through the frequent worthy recepuon of Holy Communion. Go to comtnunion then, often, my dear Christian, as often ai your Father-Confessor wiU permit you to do sa At leasts never omit to receive it on tlie prin- cipal Feast^ays. Live, nevertheless, in such a way ihat you might go to opununion daily ; for St Augustine t^hes us tmit 8uci% the desire of the Holy (^tholic Church. PBBPASATION FOB OOMMUNIOV. To go to the table of our Lord, it is necessary : 1st, To b^m » stote of grace. Woe to him who woidd ventur^ approach the most holy table of the Lord 100 omsAL SBTonoirt. with a consdenoe stained with mortil sla Sudh bud Christiui would be guilty, like the tnitor Judas, of sacrilege ; fbr of such an unfortunate one, it is writ- ten: ^^Aniqft&r thsmonel (the Holj OommmiitNi,) Satan entered into Atm." Thereibre, St Paul in words of earnest warning sap to us: ^^But let a man prove himeelf^ and eo let htm eat qf that bread, and drink qfthe ehaliee; for he that eateth and drinheth unworthily^ eateth and drinheth Judgment to himeelf, not dieeeminff the Body qf ike Lordy 1 Oor. zL 2a By this is meant that he who recelTes comifiunion unworthily, commits the greatest outraee agsiill^t the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and, uke thef' Jews who killed Jesus Ghrist, becomes also guilty of his murder. 2. One must live with his neighbors in peace and CSiristian unity. Communion means union, and is so called because it is the imase of the perfect union and brotherly love of all the fiuthful in Christ Jesus Christ teaches us that we must not bring our sacri- fices to the jdtar, if we remember that our neighbor has any thing against us ; with how much greater reason are we bound not to approach the table of the Lord, if we ourselyte cherish in our heart a hatred against our neighbor I We must &rst be recondl^ with our enemy. 8. On the evening before communion, you ought to prepare fof it by devout prater, and by reai^iig some pious book, and withdraw, in reverence for Uie holy Sacrament, from all noisy and distracting ^usementEL 4. The Body of Christ must be reoeiv^ftsting^ that is, we must neither eat nor drink any thin^ after mid- ni^ht But those who are dangerously sick, and re- ceive this holy Sacramrait as a viaticum, are dispensed from this. 5. Everyone should approadi the tablf of Uie Lord HOLT OOMMinilOir. 101 with defodon, deoentlj and modflBtlj dnssed, and wiUumt anj yaln oniameDta, or display of tehion. ^t-^PBAYERS BEFORE COMMUNION. ? ACT or FAITB. ^ " ieftotd he eomiih, leaping over the moimlajfu.* Gani 1118. AH t mj dearest Sayiour, what wonderfijl and almost insurmountable diiRoulties thou hadst to break through, in order that thou mightest oome and unite thyself to me in this holy Sacra- ment! Being God, it was neoeb^^ry to become man; being infinite, to become an infimt; being Lord of all, to become a slave ; from the bosom of thy eternal Father, thou must pass into the womb of a yirgin, from heaven into a stable, and from thy throne of glory to an infamous gibbet. And this morning again from thy heavenly home thou dost come.to dwell in my heart. ^,^ Behold he standeth behind our wall^ looking ihrougk the toindows^ looking through the httieee.'*^ (Cant. iL 9.) O my soul, behold thy dear Jesus all burning with that same love which he bore thee, when he died for thee on the cross — behold him now under the sacramental species ! Like an ardent lover he gazes upon thee from the con- secrated Host, and desires to have thee answer to his love. From there, although himself un- seen, he sees tiiee; closely he watches thee thai SOS OSKBBAL psYonoirs. goest this morning to feed on his sacred fleshy that he may discover what thy thoughts are, what thou lovest best, what thou desirest, what thoii wouldst have from him, and what offering thou hast to present him in return. f\ Ck)urage ! O my soul, and prepare thyself to receive Jesus, first, by faith, saying : Is it then true, O my Beloved Redeemer, that in a few mo^ ments thou wilt come into my heart? O ! my God, hidden and unrecognized by the mosft of men, I believe that thou art really present 2^ th^ most holy Sacrament of the Altar, I confes9 thee with my whole heart, and adore thee in thisi sacr&ment as my Lord and Saviour, and to con* fess this truth I would gladly give my life, IIk)!! dost come to enrich me with thy graces, and tQ unite me wholly to thyself: how great theQ should be my confidence in a visit so loving as this! ACT OF dOKFIDENCB. OMY heart, open wide to receive Him ! Thy Jesus can enrich thee with all good, he loves thee so much ; hope, th^ for great favors from thy Saviour, who comes to thee so full of tender- ness and love. Yes, dearest Jesus, thou art my hope. This is what I look for from thy love- that since thou givest thyself entirely to me this day, thou wilt enkindle in my heart a beautiful flame of pure love, and excite in m^ a sincere HOLT ooMinnnoin^ 108 uoa 4esire to please thee, that fbr the time to come my only wish may be to do what is pleasing to thee. ACT OF LOVB. MY Grod, my God, thou alone art the true friend of my soul. Couldst thou do more to Win my love than thou hast done for me i Thou hast not only been willing to die for me, O my Plvine Saviour, but thou hast even been pleased to institute this holy sacrament, in order to give me thyself altogether, and thus unite thyself in<» timately with so mean and ungrateful a creature as I am. But this is not all — ^thou dost invite me tiiyself to receive thee, and this is thine ar dent desire. O infinite, O incomprehensible love t a God desires to give himself wholly to me ! O my soul, dost thou believe this 1 What art thou doing then 1 Hast thou nothing to say t O yes, my God ! infinite God ! worthy of all love, tiiou alone dost deserve the love of all thy creatures* I love thee with my whole heart. I love thee above all things ; I love thee more than my life. O I why can I not see thee loved by all, cherished by all hearts as thou deservest ? I love thee, O my Grod! and in the fervor of my love, I unite my poor heart with the hearts of all the seraphim, and with the heart of Mary, and wish that I might have the same love for thee which all the saints bear thee, the same with which thy divine Mother* mt cmtnatM'^iBm { Mediately, retire and make room for them ; otherwise, especially when the Communion is given out of Masi^ you may remain until the Priest gives his benediction. ! THAlfESGIVING AFTER 60MMUNI0K Jbero is no prayer more aopeptable to God and more profitable to onr own sonls, than that which is offered in thanksgiving after holy Communion. Christ otir Saviour remains present with ns until the Sacramental species are consumed. During these sacred n]foments» we may imagine that we hear from &e mo^th of Jesus Christ himself these words, wi^h he s|>ake formerly to his disciples : '^ But me ye have Hot aksa/ye noith pauy S. John, xii. 8. lit is not well immediately after Communion to be- ffin reading in a book ; it is far better to pass some few moments in a solitary and confidential conyers^^ tibn with Jesns Christ, thus kindly present in onr heart, siiKl to give silent enconragemeftt to those ^motions and desires which natnrally arise. It will not do, however, to lose this precious time ; and if the mind begins to wander, we must fix our atten- tion immediately by means of the Prayer-Book. O what treasures of grace can a pious soul obtain if she converses in spirit with her beloved Jesus a| least a half-hour after holy Communion I During the rest of the day the devout soul should often think of that great guest, whom she has xb^ ceived in her communion. .$ i:^ Si'stj IM oiHBBAt Dstonoirs. PPAYERS AFTER COMMUNION/ ACT OF FAITH. BEHOLD ! already my God is oom# Wwtml^ me, already my Saviour is oome to dwefl in my sodi, already my Jesus is within me; \ih is come to be one with me, and to make me one'' wiUi ffim, so that Jesus now belongs to me, and\^ I belong to Jesus. Yes ! Jesus is all mine, and! ' I am all his. O infinite goodness I iufi^te mercy ! O infinite love ! a God has united him- self with me, a God who desires to be wholly , mine I O my soul, now that thou art so closely united to Jesus, now that thou art one with hiin«;j what tat thou doing ? Hast thou nothing to iaj^ ' to him, wilt thou not speak to thy Gt)d who Is present within ikeel Awakai then thy faith anew, remember that the angels are arotqi^^ about thee adoring their God, who now dwells in thy heart. Adore thy Lord with them! Keep recollected, and banish every other thought, call together all thy affections, and lay them bid; Ibre thy God, and say to him : ACT OF WELCOME. OMY Jesus! my love, my infinite Good, my all, I welcome thee ; be always welcome to this home which I keep for thee in my poof heart. Ah ! Lord, where art thou, whither haslli ^YO li Wsa oonmnRoir. 10^ 'I 'O Ito ^.i ■ t' I nm ■ 1 bn 1 tfiou oome? Into my heart, worse than the stable where tiiou wast bom ; into my heart ftill of attachments, of self-love, and of disorderly apjpetites. How couldst thou choose such a dwelling as thisi Well might I say to thee with St Peter: Depart from wie, Lord, for I am a sinner : I am too unworthy to have a God of infinite goodness for my guest. Go rather repose in those pure souls, who serve thee with so mudi love. But no, my Redeemer, what do I sayt Do not depart from me, for if thou leave me I am lost. I embrace thee, O my life, I attach myself inseparably to thee. I have been only too foolish in separating myself from thee for love of creatures ; ungratefiil wretch that I am, I have driven thee away from my heart. But now I Will never separate myself from thed any more, I am resolved to live and die united to thee. Ho9t holy Virgin Mary, seraphs, souls who love Ood with a pure love, lend me your affec- tions, that I may entertain my dear Lord as I ought. ACT 09 T^ANK80IVINa• IT^ANfi thee, O my Lord and my God, for l^^g^rac^ which thou hast shown to me this morning by opming to dwell in my soul. Would that I could> thank thee in a manner worthy of thee, and of the signal fii^cnr which I have re- 'I'^i 119 OBMlRAIi ^SVOnOllB. ^f ceiyedt Butwbatdol sayl vhatwi^lihytliaiiki oould I render thee, miserable creature that I ami Father Segneri says that the most suitable afi fection for a soul after oommunion, is the wcmdet which gives rise to this thought : a Grod mine ! a God mine ! *^ What shall I render io the Jj^df&t all that he hath rendered tofoeP So said David i and I, what shall I render to thee, O my Jesus^ to thee, who after so many favcnrs, hast given me thyself this morning? Therefore, O my aoul^ bless thy God, and thank him with all thy po^^er. And thou, Mary my mother, and you my patron Saints, my Guardian Angel, and eXL ye souls who bum with divine love, ^^ came and I will tell you what good things the Lord hath done to my 80ul3 Come bless and thank my God for me^ and $ii» mire the wondrous grace wMdi I have redeivedP ACT OF SBLF-OFFSRINO. ^JifTBehved to me, and I to him^^ {Qs^M J6.) If a king were to come and viiiit 'a poor shepherd in his hut, what could theshiej^ierA offer him but his hut such as it is? Sinc^ th^t^ O my divine King Jesus, thou art come to visit this poor house of my soul, I offer thee ihy fadii^^ apd my whole self, with my liberty and my will. ^^My Beloved to me, and I to himJ*^ Thou h^t given thyself all to me, I give myself all to^tjiee. No morci my Jesus, will I be my 6wn; heno^ 1 «dtT ocmmrtnow. lit ftipdi^t wiih to belong to thee, entirely to thee, iittd that all my senses may be so mtirely thhie, ttiat they may serve only to please thee. And heideed, what greater pleasure can one have^ said 8t« Peter of Alcantara, than to please thee, a €k)d most amiable^ most loving and most grate- iiil. I give up to thee all the powers of my soul, that they may be all and altogether thine. Let my memory serve only to recall thy benefits and thy love, my mind to think of thee alone, who tiiinkest always of my welfare, my heart to love only thee, my God, my all, and to will only that which thou wiliest* ^ To thee, then, O my dearest Saviour, I conse* ^ate and immolate all I have, all I am, my senses, my thoughts, my affections^ my desires, my tastes, inr^ inolinatiil*aMM»lilMArtli»f irtiiiiMtiBlifci Wirt riiMli'ilil fania HOLT ooMiimnoir. w Ilk flid how much thou art worthy of being loyed. Ghttnge mj heart, detach it fW>m all eurAly al^ Aotioiu, and g^ve me a heart perfectly conformed to thy hdy will, which seeks after thy good pleasure alone, and aspires to nothing else than to diy holy love. I do not deserre all this, O my Jesus, but thou deservest it, thou who hast come to dwell in my soul. I ask it through thy merits, through the merits of thy holy Mother, and by the love thou bearest to thy eternal Father. Here psnae for a time, and aek of Jeene some special grae« . for yourself or yoar neighbor. Do not forget poor sin- ners, an4 the souls in purgatory. ^]E!tenial Father! Jesus Christ himself has sud & us: ** Amen, amen, Lsay to you; if you ask the Father any thing in my name, he will give it you.'' John xvi. 23. For love of tlus thy divine Son^ who now dyrells in my heart, hear me, and grant me what I now ask. ! Objects of my dearest love, Jesus and Mary I I^t me sufler for you, let me die for you, grant that I may belong wholly to you, and never to myself any more. Praised and blessed forever be the most holy Sacrament of the Altar, and blessed be the holy and immaculate conception of the most holy.Vir- gmMary. a •Bimuii i^iTotiovt. OF SPIRITUAL OOMMUNION. Spiritual OommunioD, which unhappily at the pitf> aent day ia ao little pnustiaed bj Chriatiaiia, ia ao ear oellent a treaaure of derotion, that| aooordinff to the opfaiion of many aainta, it can produce in we ao^ when made aright, aomething like the same grace ia the actual reception of the moat holy Saaranent of the Altar ; that ia to aay, when we are prevented fixmi re* ceiving communion in reality. "' In order to receive Holy Communion q^irituiAy, nothing Hurther is necessary than to excite in thef heart a very earnest desire to receive it in reality, if i# wibre poasibleu St Thomas Aquinas teaches that aplrtttial communion oonaista in an ardent deaire to reoBhre Jeaua Christ in the most holy Sacrament^ and ih an intimate union of affection with him, aa if one had fustually received him. , • The holy Coundl of Trent bestows especial praises iqpon this kind of communion, and encourages lU ^# fiuthlul to make it, particularly during hsAj ifiisa^ wbeil they do not receive the sacrament in reah(y« e^ According to this, Qod will bestow great graces upori those who are desirous to recdve Jesus Christ theii^ loving Redeemer, but frequently cannot; but whii inake at least the spiritual communion. Thia can be, done very frequently, at any hour, any moment, anS at all places. One can make it without being observe^ by any one, without being obliged to &b% and WithdUi tfiepermission of a spiritual director. ri TiuB Spiritual Communion may be made in the form: AOT OF SPIRITUAL OOMMUNIQIT, MY Jesus, I believe that thou art truly pres- ent in this holy sacrament. I love thee MMilpMMa mm •rautvAif ooMinnnoir. 116 above all things, and I deaire thee with my whole Boul, but ainoe T cannot now receive thee sacra. DA^tally, oome at least spiritually into my heart l embrace thee as if thou wert already comei I tlidte myself wholly to thee. Never suffer me to be separated from thee ! It is B^oMtsry, how6T0r, to remark that any one who - fhonld know himtelf to be in mortal iin, would make this holy exercise in vain. Indeed, it would be no ; ODall otfenee for the rinner to embrace spiritually that J sacred Host, which it would be an awful sacrilege to - receive in reality. It is» nevertheless, always right for I such persons to pray before the Holy Sacrament, and ^ to lament that they are unworthy to receive it They 1 may, perhaps, obtain the grace of conversion by the V following prayer: ACT OF BSORXT. HOLY Lord Jesus Oirist, I believe that thott art truly present in this Holy Sacrament. Alas ! for me, that I am in mortal sin, and dare not go forward to receive thee with ^e rest; O forgive me all my sins, and restore me to thy grace, that I may become worthy of this heavenly food, ^est my Saviour, yes! I am resolved, I will go and copfess my sins, fully and sincerely, and then I will oome to meet thee here at this holy t^ble, never to separate from thee again. PAKTICULAR DEVOTIONS. a -•**■ ^Mim to % §U55t]^ Satrament. (I^cm the Visits ofSU Idguori,) ■^ Faith teaches, and we are bound to bdieve^ that Jesus Christ is really present m the consecrated Host, under the appearance of bread. But we must know, also, that he remains on our altars, as on a throne c^ love and mercy, there to dispense his graces to us, and to show his love. He remains with us night and day, in this hidden manner, that Christians may visit him in the Church, and by their devotions, their thanks^ givings and affections, gratefully acknowledge and onor the loving presence of Jesus Christ, dwelling in the Sacrament of the Altar. In the following visits you will find many examples of the tender aSTection with which souls inflamed with the love of God, de- sired to remain in the presence of the most Holy Sacrament You will find that all the saints have been enamored of this sweet devotion. On this earth we cannot find a more brilliant jewel, or a more lovely tre^isure, than Jesus in the Sacrament O how de- lightful it is to remain with fiiith, and with a tender devotion, at the foot of the altar, and to cohverse fiimiliarly with Jesus Christ who dwells in our taber- nacles, for the purpose of hearing the prayers o^ all who visit him ! How delightful to implore his par- don for our offences, to lay before him all our wants, as one friend does to another in whom he places all timliimktmmmmm TISIT8 TO THB BLB8SBD 8ACBAMBNT. 117 his confidence) to ask his grace, his love, and his glory t But what a Pftradise to continue in acts of love to that Lord, who remains on the altar interceding hefore his Father in our hehal^ and humine with love for us. Blessed Henry Suso used to say, that Jesus, on the altar, hears the prayers of the fiiithful more reacUly than he does in any other place. Make a trial of this devotion, and you will see the great fhiit whidi you will gather from it Be sure that of all the moments of your life, the time which you spend in devotion hefore this divine Sacrament will he that which shall give you the greatest support during life, and the great- est consolation at the hour of death, and for all eternity. And he persuaded that you will gain more in a quarter of an hour spent in prayer hefore the Holy Eucharist, ^an in all the other spiritual exercises of the day. Do not then, devout soul, refuse to hegin tms de- Yodon. From this day forward, retire each day from the conversation of men, and remain for some time, for a halfhour, or at least a quarter, in some church, hefore Jesus Ghrist in the Holy Sacrament VISITS TO THE BL. SACRAMENT. (For every day in the week,) PRATER BEFORE EACH VISIT. JESUS Christ, my Lord, who, for the love whidi thou bearest to men, dost dwell night and day in this Sacrament, full of goodness and love, waiting for, inviting and welcoming all those who come to visit thee, I believe thee here present in the Sacrament of the Altar. From the deep abyss of my own nothingness, I adore thee, and / 118 PARTICULAR DKVOTtONfil. I thank thee for all thy graces granted to m^ hitherto, and especially for having given thyself i, to me in this Sacrament, for having given me. also thy holy Mother Mary, to be my advocate^,^ and for having called me to visit thee in thia^ church. I adore thy most loving heart this day,] and I adore it with this threefold intention: first,' in thatiksgiving for so great a gift ; secondly, to make satisfaction for so many injuries which thou hast received from thy enemies in this Sacra^'- ment; and thirdly, by this visit I wish to adore^ thee in all those places throughout the world, where thou art least honored, and most neglected ^ in this divine Sacrament My Jesus, I love thee with my whole heart ! I am sorry for having offended thy infinite goodness so often in time- past. I am resolved, by the help of thy grace, to offend thee no more for the ^ture; and at this present moment, all miserable as I am, I consecrate myself entirely to thee* I give and abandon to thee my whole will, all my affections, iny desires, and all I have. Hereafter, do with me, and with mine, whatever thou wilt. My only desire and petition is, that I may have thy holy love, the grace of final perseverance, and may be able to fulfill in all things thy holy will. I recommend to thee the souls in purgatory, es- pecially those who have been most devout to thee in this Holy Sacrament, and to the Blessed ^^■ •^ n i 4 tUIMii mmm VISITS TO THB BLE88BD SAORAIIBNT. 110 ^y Id u. Virgin Marj. I recommend to thee, moreover, ah poor sinners. Finally, my dear Redeemer, I unite all my desires to the desires of thy own heart so full of love; and thus united, I offer them to thy eternal Father, and beseech him in . thy name tp receive them, and for the love's sake to grant them. FOR SUNDAY* Behold /tihe source of every good, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, who says to us: ^^If any man thirsty let Mm come to me^ S. Jo. vii. 37. ' O! bow many graces have the saints always di^wn at this fountain of the most Holy Sacra- ment, where Jesus dii^nses to us all the merits of his passion, as the Prophet foretold : " Pbti ihjM 4raw waters with joy out of the SavUyur*9 fountains,^'* (Isai. xii. 3.) The Countess of Feria, that distinguished disciple of the Venerable Fa- ther Avila, who became a Nun of the order of St. Clare, and was named the Bride of the Blessed Sacrament, on account of her long and frequent devotions in presence of the most blessed Sacra- ment, was asked one day, what she itras doing all those long hours she spent in the presence of her Lordt She replied : "I would remain ther«ii for all eternity. Have I not there the essence ^ God, who will be the aliment of the blessed ii heaven 1 Good God ! what is one doing before him t Ah 1 rather, what does one not do 1 One ffflf^mmiiti'^'mmmmimmmmmilfpmmtm 190 tMftfOVUM DBTonom. , sp r loves, one praises, one gives thanks, one prayk What does a beggar in presence of a rich mani What does a sick man in presence of his physi- cian ? What does a thirsty man before a foun- tain of pure water ? What does a hungry man before a table well prepared ?'* 3 OMOST lovely, most sweet, and dearest Jesus ! life, hope, treasure, and only love of my soul. O ! how much has it not cost thee to remain with us in this Sacrament ! It was necessary fdr thee to die in order to rema'n afterwards upon our altars ; land how many injuries hast thou not been made to suffer, in consequence of this presence among us ! But thy love, and thy desire to be loved by us, have surmounted all. Gome, then, Lord, come and occupy my heart, and afterwards dose the gate to it for ever, so that no oreatiu-b may ever enter there again to take away a pait of this love which belongs entirely to thee, and which I am unwilling to give to any other. Do thou alone, my dear Redeemer, reign over me! Do thou alone possess me entirely ; and if at any time I should not obey thee perfectly, punish me severely, that for the future I may be more care- ful to please thee, according to thy desire. Let me no more desire nor seek for any other pleas- ure than to please thee, to visit thee often ^.t thy altar, to converse with thee, and to receive thee in the holy communion. Let theih look for other i< L.* VISITS .TO THS BLB88BD 8A0BAMBNT. 121 .foods who will ! For me, I love only, I desire only the treasure of thy love. The only favor I ask at the foot of this altar is, that I may forget myself altogether, only to remember thy good- ness. Blessed Seraplus, I do not envy you your glory ! but by the love whieh you bear to your God and mine, O teach me what I must do, to love him and please him like you I Short prayer to remember and repeat. — O ! my Jesus, thee only I love, thee only will I please! To conclude, make yoar spiritual Communion. (See, at the end of Devotions for Communion, page 114.) FOB MONDAY. Jesus addresses to every soul that visits him in the most Holy Sacrament, the same words addressed to the sacred Spouse of the Canticles : ^^ArisCymak^ haste! my love^ my beautiful one, and corned (Cant. iL) Soul, who comest to visit me, arise ! come out from all thy misery ; I am here to enrich thee with graces. Come near to me : do not fear my majesty, which has humbled itself in this Sacrament, in order to take away thy fear, and to inspire thee with confidence. Thou art my friend. Yes ! no longer my enemy, but my beloved friend, since thou lovest me, and 1 love thee also. Thou art my beautiful one, for my grace has made thee beautiful. Come then, ■■i P