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ORfJANlgT. ;..; ,'■ ■ .->, .*■■ ■'.;'■■■..; ^fw::v^,\A(o^: ■»■■■ A Hyi . f '■■'VA- tKIKLi*. laoisi. fOV. r/ M O R N I N or. 1 ^^ome, let our voiccK raise *^ _ V A son- of grHtcAil pmiso A Bong of grateful praiN<^' . " And thankful love. ' • Xet each a tribute bring, I^et all ftwake and sing, ' I I^raise to our heavenly King,. • Who dwells above. 2 The gospel's sacr^ page ^^^^ ^^^ ' :^ Reveals to every age Reveals to every age' Salvation free. ' O send the joyful sound, , And let it echo round, Till praises loud r§owid, ^ ^ OGod, tothee. * ■■.■ .'•■ AXxiviinsAKV irvM;N?; r Ti AvtC|)t OMi' ot^i'»'iiii;>i, Loril, . To s]jrca(l tliy trutli abroad, T<» sprc'a«l thy truth abroad, Our hibonr.s own ; At Kaij^th, at tliy right hand, Aluy no twj^iither «tanU, And with the angcl-haud , Surround thy throne. *'/ OXCK MOUKOUU YOUTHFUL THRONG. Authtin. ^-— 122, Golden Cenaer, I- Ouce more our youthful throng In sweetest union raise To God our choral song ^^ Of gratitude and praise. Sfini Chorua — When shall we join the holy angels, Tuning their harps on yonder happy shore ? i When in the smiling fields of Eden, ■ When shall we meet the loved ones gone before? Jf^WZ jC^orws— Hallelujah, sweetly pinging, ^ Through eternal ages ringing ; Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Praises to the Lamb. ;2 From yonder world of ligh^ Our Father bends his ear, ': With angels robed in white. Our grateful song to hear« H| ->. . .^^MV^;l{^vvv iiva.?!s. ••> ->. els, ' >efore? amb. 3 Hit* iiyo, tlint iiovcr xiccpN, • Witli over wut( hfiil ?, S>vvr? Si«trr 1 Invited hy a SuvI^mm'k 1< Vf, We niijct to pi-nisV' yis s;i. i-iMl u;,;ii(' ; The cliurcli bt'loM, t!!'Vutliful v And joutjifiil Voices join loj;\\^^ The eliorus to ijurNniu. 1. 2 Do any ask why eli:]dvvn KiiijLC, - ^ And why upiuoMch tliy lu uv( i^ly s ul ! It is that we, Lord, may '>iiii|^' And I{i3' our tribute at thy {.yX : . • :' ' Sinee thou for clnidreu too v.usi rtlairi, ,'■ yj Thou wilt not dec in tlieir ;»iiiises v.un. r. f ^ AKdilVEHRARY IIYMNfl. \ 3 Lord, with thy love oath hoHom nil, And bid oach heart uipiro to thoe ; Make ub ileftiro to do thy will, From Bin and folly sot uh free : Did JoHUR die that we might lire ? To JoHUH then our souIh we giro. THE DAY-SPRING. Hymn 3. — . . s, Sweet Singer. 1 Christians see the orient morning BreakR alon«r the heavenly Kky ; liO, the expeeted d«y iv dawning, GloriouH tlhy-Hpring from on high : C//OiM»~HalIelnjah, Ilallehijah, Hail the duy-H[>ring from on high; HalleUijah, Hallelujah, Jesus reigns. 2 Heathens at the sight are Hinging, • Morning wakes the tuneful lays ; " Precious offerings they are bringing, First-fruits of more perfect praise, 3 Zion's sun, salvation beaming. Gilding now the radient hills, llise and shine, till, brightjjr gleaming, .AH the world thy glory fillK. 4 Lord of every tribe and nation. Spread thy truth from poje to pole; Spread the light of thy salvation. Till it shine oii every soul. ir"' **, >' II) « • . .r'-:.-r- ■•■ ■■■•■■■ ] .. ■.;•;.■•■■• ■■ ■•••• ■■ ■:, ii '^ ' . . . ■•, ■"•.'■.'.'■ ■■■■■ ' ■ ...;_ ■.-' ;' ■ I/-; ^ •: • / At'^rKHNOON. r .■'■■••^. :^« ■'■' . ' ;. ■ • ;^ ■ . . . '■••,,■■ ^. ■_;,,, ■■ 'W. JteSrs COMKS TO llEKiX. ' 1 §^r%imt\ o«.t«l 4jlfti«k< «i«l4l« a^ks* ««kk^1 «mI a%^] >« »^M >inger. gni. V Klcvatc yom- lioartH in jiriiiHc ; ,, ^Somc, dismisH all.;:Iouni luid HudhcKt, . \ High yoiu- Ktniprs (•xultln;^ rulHt-. Choru/t-^ComCy and RwtM'tly tuuo 3'ouv voitt's, Kaiso tlicm to a lofty Htrnin ; * Sinj^ alond, while litavon rejoicoB, Shont, for Johuk tomt'« to roign, 2 With tlie angel choirs nniting)^ 8ing of JesuH' wondronn love ; ' -^ 'Ti9 a suljject no delighting, • Thrilling all the harps aboTC. v) Glory, hear the angels crying, Glory to the Saviours name : Shall not childron, with them vieih^, Here on eaVth his praise proclaim. 4 Yes, it was the Saviour's pleasure That they should not hold their peace j And his blessings, without measure, He bestowed on stroll sm these. *jt It i-i'' M 5 tlieu to heaven, liigh ascending, • / Shall our anthems quickly rise ; With angelic voices blending, i ^^ Far above yon azure skies. ■ THK EARTH IS THE LORD^S^! ^ Anthom:' — 84, Harmouift Sacra. The earth is the LprdV, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwfell therein ; For he hath founded it upon the seas, an^ established it upon the floods . 5foIo--Who shall ascend into the hilt of the Jjord, and who shall stand in his holy place, IVio— He 'that hatti clean hands and a 'pure' heart, who hatli not lifted up his «oul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He ,^hall receive a blessing froi#*the Lord, ancl righteousncsB from the God of our ^Ivation.::- :;\,;';-,-;--'.-!^.:-;:.--:;- ^^'^X- ^^': :■-*■■■;' ':; .•;'■'■ v-. C%c^s-^Hc shall receive u blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from tlic God of our salvation. C%o,Ms^Lift]iip yeiir heads, O ye gates, andl)e ye lifted up, ye everlasting 4oorB, and the King of glory ahall come in, The King of glory i;hall come in. - 5o/o— Who is this King of glory ? fl CAoi'Ms— The Lonl, the Lord of Hosts, /He is the 'King of glory; ' . ' . ' H;- t STAND Ul* FOK JE8US. iiymn ;»/ - — ■ ' 60, CanadlanS.S .H. 1 This life is a battlij iiguinst Satan and sin, ': And wearo^ the Koldicrs thti victory to win ; ■; '\ And Christ is llu' Captain of our little hand, A Whatever opposes, for liiiu \ve will stand. ; CAon«— Tlien sUuid up for .ksus, wliatcver befall ; ' On OuiS'ury-s mountain he stood for us all ; ' Then stand up ft)r Jesus, Stand up for- Jesus, .-K: ■ stand itp for JeKUs, for Jesus. , : 2 To God for our armour we'll fail not to go ; : ; H^'ll clothe us \Vith truth luid witli righteousness too j The gospel of pea(3e «hall our footisteps attend, And the good shield of faith from all harm shall defend 3 Sal vfttion our helmet, the Bible our sword, Though wily our foe s, Ave are strong in the Lord, While watchingund jhajingour armor keeps bright,. Our Jesus will help us to stand for the right, 4 Though little temptations, the worst ones of all, Will often beset UK, to make us to fall, W«*ll stand up fi)rJesuM, and when life is; o'er. Fir us he'll be stnudin^vou Jordan's bright iihoie. GOD Srt.Kl>.T]lE RIGHT. HTmn G. • •*=■- -^2, Sweet finger, 1 Brotlnns, sln.^: witl) voiv-e united, -; • ' God 8p( ed tlie right ; r' 10 Sisters, join with h^iftvts delighted, God speed the right : Lo, the winds in silence bearing, Lo, all nature's voipjQf^ proclaiming, God speed the right, God speed the right. 2 Be ye firm^ and ^d enduring, God speed the right rs. Always in the right pursuing, God speed the right: When all Obstacles impede thee, Trust in heaven for strength to aid thee, ' God speed the right, God speed the right. 3 When life's conflicts all are over, God speed the right : May we ne'er prove faithless never, . God speed tlwi right : . When all earthly ties are#iundered, . When our days on earth are numbered, God speed the right, God speed the right. Hj« 2 : \ AXXIVERftART UYM>'ft. 11 '■y EVENING. ic right. THE VOICE OF PRAISE.. Hjmn 7 — _-. e, CanadianB.S.H. thee, e right. e right. ^■- -1. - '■ ■■■.,■ ■! .■ f / 1. The valleys and the mountains, The^ woodland and the plain, The rivers and the fountains, The sunshine and the rain. The stars that shine above me, / ^he flowers that deck the sod, Proclaim aloud the glory 6f my God. - Praises, holy adoration. Praises to the God above ; Praises through the wide creation, ^und aloud his greatness and his love. 2. And sjiall the voice of nature Tiius glorify its King; And- man, the noble creature,' [o grateful tribute bring ? Shiall n^ercy sire w his pathway, /And all the senses please, [And man Avithhold the sacrifice o^ praiic ? •[raise him, ye that live forever ; Praise him every heart and voice ; Praise him, he's the glorious Giver , Praise him in your sorrows and your joyt. 4b 12 / Antb^m, 3.' The word of life he gives us To gnide us to the sky J That He might justly save us, He sent his Son to die ; ' ^ To die in shame nnd anguish, ^ To die a sacrifice ; » • ^ To save us from the death tliat neyerdie«: Praise him, praise hini for salvation ; Praise him, praise hhn for his Son ; i Praise him, every tribe and nation ; Praise him for the buttle be has won 4. Then train your youthfu^voiccn To hymn his praise ahoV<>;: > For he whfo here rejoices \ j ^ in Jesus' dying love, Around his throne in glorv Shall all his love prbclalm, And sing the song of Moses and the Lamb. Praise him, thie eternal Father : ' ; Praise him, praise the eternal t^oii ; ' ; Praise him, praise the Tlmic together, Father, Son, and Spirit, Thn-e in One. : -';■ '■■■ '-V- ■ 'r '.' " " ' •'' ' . * •» ■ -^ — .^ ■'■ /• ■\-^.v CHILI) OF MORTALI^rr. ; ^'' -^ 19, Harnionia Sftcrft. V^' Treble Solo^-Chm, child of moj^ality; 2)Mcf--Child, chiid uf ^(^itality-; ^ ■ ■- ^ A . • . •'.■■ ... ■• - '■■■'■'.: \* ' er (lie«. ii:. J Lamb. m. M i Sftcra. Solu--A\ hancc. liost thou come. . / Base /Sbio*— From* the dark womb of earth I first derived my bii-th, And when the word goeth forth, that is my home. - - ■; J^ QMttr/6 s Tenor -5o/o— Child of a transcient day, Tiiero shalt thou rest. \ / ■ ; V Treble Solo — Nb; when this dream is o'er. Then the freed soul will soar, To where sorrow comes ho more. Realms or the blest. • GAorw*— No, When this dream is o'er j Then the freed soul will soai?. To where sorrow comes no more, Realms of the blest. Base Solo^-HeiVf heir of eternity, Heir, heir of eternity) Teach me the ro&d. Treble fi^o/o— -Trust a Redeemer's love, Faith by dbedience' prove, And share in courts above, Christ^s 'own abode..- :-, ■ -'■:■'■:■:■.■■-■■/■',. ■■^.':'-'-- G^ortts-— Trust a Redeemer's love. Faith by obe- dience prove,. And share in courts above, Christ's own abode; i^ ■ Dttci— There, there in etherial plains. Join, join the angelic strains. ^ •. . : ChoruS'-JoitL the angelic strains. , /Soto^-Jesus for ever reigns, Jesus for ever rcignt, CftofMj^Olpry, glory, glory to God. 14 ANKiy:BRSABY UYMN8. SolcHrrTheref in tie etctnal plains. Join ike angelic iitirai];is, Glory, glory/ glory, glory, Jesus tor ever reign tfj. Glory to God. CAort**— -JcHus tot fMt*r reigns, GlOry to God. 5o/o— Here, in the eternal plains, Join the angelic strains, OAorMs— Glory, gloryljflory to God. Hviian ft t DAY. 72 CaiiiidianS.S.H, A BRIGHTER Hymn 8. 1 " Lift your heads "\ with faith the morron- Dayrneth brightur than to day • Angel hands will lilt the shadows, Chase the gathpring gloom away. 7 Chorut — " Lift your heads,'Vthe day is breaking,^ Soo^n the morninig will appear : See the earth from Blumber waking ; • " Lift your hcadSjV the day draws iicar>^ 2 Art thou lonely, sad, and weary. Watching through tne silent night ? ' Dry your tears, i;he orient glistens .. Like a thread of silyeklight, 3 Does the night seem long and weary- Dangers threatening long the way ? Joy will soon return tb blM8 thee, ! Soon will d9w^ a brightdr4ayy A •> '^' 3 %.■ ¥«*^p^P^¥4»' n tlic Jesus ngelie 4 What, though war.s aucl tMirth'H conimoUoni J'ry your faith, and cause diKinay ; v «od your Father rule« tlu* uatiimH, He will Hend a brij^liter dtiy. w 1 Hyiian ». GLI^OlNa TO THK RfH^K. ^,— — - 158, Cana• 3;~ p»u r ^ < 'ar .■J 1 When the tempesl iW'^ h\gl), ,> . Sailinj? on Hft''K bolHtronsj-Kcu: . ^ Stormy Mllovv« T dof\ ; If I then.umy onh; he, y Anoiiored tothe rock, Aneliored to the Hook; Shelterfor me ever, Strength that faileth noTcr. \^nien the storniH i>f life are o'er, Look for me on Caunan's shore, ^' . ~ Olingini^ to the ioek. 2 When mid drifting w reeks I'm c«st, i - Darkness settling thiekly reund ; Hope shall lift her head at last ; •V If I then be only fb^ Clinging to the fiock,^c. ; a When the conquering wares ihall close, Proudly„ o'er me as I die .; Oyer these brief victor foes^ I shall triumph while I cry,^ Clinginff ^ tliC Rock, ke. X- u .1.' ^ NATIONAL ANTHEM; Throngh ev'ry changing .qcene, Oh Lord I preserve the Queen— Long may she reign! Her head inspire and move With wisdom from above ; And in a nation's love Her throne maintjun. May just and righteous law t Uphold the public cause, And bless our land. Home of the brave and free, The land of liberty ! We pray that still on the Kind Heaven may smile. -*> ■ \.J "/J / ''\^k {*■•' / J '•€ 1^ /'■ ■/■ / '■'''0§: ^ l^\ ■)<