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The grand Commil 
 Mr. Monroe^ for repealing thofe A6ts 
 thus circumftanced, the CESSION of 
 RITORY^ to . ic United States^ fo far 
 Beg Leave to REP O R F,— 
 TH A T by the refoliUF ^^ *- f ^^ - i 
 commended to all the s ha in* 
 ry, to cede tu \une to the Uni: States 
 That on tiu i ( f Oiftober, 17-0, 
 fhould be fornu i uitc itates, and aumiue 
 as the thirteen ori2:inal f^ 
 That previous to the \ d recommenda 
 it^ Virginia and MafTachufetts have made 
 That by fuch ccllions, all the territor 
 twenty miles weflward of the mofi: we 
 the wefrern boundary of the Hate of Penn 
 the lakes^ is fubjedl to diviiion^ and en 
 the principles aforefaid: 
 That further ceHions of jurifdidion wi 
 of territory thus circumftanced, and pro] 
 teen old ftates. How far this princi{)le ( 
 confederacy, fliould^ in the opinion of t 
 admitted. It is therefore neceiiary to en 
 be obtained by fuch ce/nons. 
 Heretofore they appear to have been tw 
 their power and refources, by leifening tl 
 on of the right of foil for the purpofe c 
 the limits which thefe ceHions have i^iven 
 equality with the other m.embers of the u 
 had any foundation for it^ is already full) 
 the committee apprehend that a ceillon ( 
 will be equally advantageous to the Unit^ 
 ^ r - 
tee, confilling of 
 to whom was referred a Motion of 
 )f Congrcfs \xhich rccotnmcnd to the States 
 s they rcfpeft the Jurifdiilion of the fame^ — 
 th )f September^ 17S0, they find it was re- 
 chums to vacant and unappropriated territo- 
 for their common bejierit. 
 It W'as refolved that the territory thus ceded 
 1 into the confederacy^ with the fame rights 
 [on, Ne\x^-York had, and in confequcncc of 
 fuch ceffionsas aforefiid. 
 ^ lying between a meridian line to be dra';v'a 
 terly berit of the river or ilrait of Niagara, 
 ylvania, the rivers Ohio, ^he iViiffiiippi and 
 irlcd to admiilion into tl"ie confederacy upon 
 [ add of courfe, in the degree, to the extent 
 ortionabiy contrad and limit that of the thir- 
 trended further, will be (^f advantage to the 
 e committee, be xxeli iinderiiood bv-iore i: is 
 uire what the objccls are tl\at are fought, to 
 ) — 1 ft, the diminution ofthelarge^ Hates in 
 2 extent ^^f th^^ir territory — 2d, th^" ; oiitiil- 
 'a revenue. But wlien i. is c^nlh^lvred that 
 to fuch iiates, have C'.MML.tied tl'cm tv.; an 
 ion, it is fupp^fed that t/.is ob'.cCi, if it e\~ef 
 obtained ; and for tlie purpofe of a revenue, 
 1" foil, independent of that cf jurifdiciion, 
 i States ; the circumllancvrs wluch would an- 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 ( 716) 872-4503 

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ply to the iVrrlcrs on the territory ceded 
 the (hites to which it belonged, caniiot, t< 
 fumed, under the g(jvcinment of one ot 
 rights in the confederacy, are already ell: 
 fell as high, as it would under a new ila 
 that further celfions of jurifdiciion, c • 
 influenced the United States, are unnccc 
 Other conlkierations occur xxhich il/oi 
 cefTions of jurifdidion* The committee 
 that unanimity in council depends on a fij 
 pole it; they hold it alio equally true in 
 creates divifion in council. It lliould the 
 States to make, fo far as it depends on thi 
 bounds, asfliall create and preferve this li 
 rity of interefls in Itates, depends on aiin 
 tive refources, their commercial ajid polit 
 confiderit as unneceHiiry to examine theG 
 all the territory vithin the government 
 view of thofe parts which bound upon the 
 depend upon the weflern waters, fepar 
 traverfe from fouch to north thefe flatcs^ 
rcflward of the Ohio^ ir. ili<:ir dif-'^fici^ t'n •••^ 
 thofc cifiward (>»t" ic ; r.nd the IdiI, ir ;s p'*c- 
 thc old ihitcs^ x^liofcLiv , . ' 'Pliiuiij'Mi .li.^! 
 bliilicd and knoxxn^ xxill be -js'% :nid 
 e. 1 he coninnuce arc thcrci ;re ot (jpimon, 
 I upon the principles \v hicli i;.ivc li^»vwv...^, v. 
 jly urge the | iw^^ricty of prcv ciiili:^ i.;iihcr 
 hold this pi-opolirion to be invariably true, 
 lilarity Oi iiiterells in the Ihuvs \ hivh corn- 
 the reverfe, that a contrarierv Cif interels, 
 etore form a priicij'al obicCt v nh the Lr.irtd 
 m, fuch divaiion ot the territory vithin thvir 
 lilarity of intereA in every Ibate. A limih;- 
 larity in their circumflances, in tii^ir rcfpec- 
 ^7i\ relati(;n to other pox^ers. 1 he connnirrce 
 principles of relaiic^n in their a(plicaiii;n tci 
 )f the United Stare.> j but ivum :\n atttntix e 
 atlantic ocean, and thole ^J( hich bound and 
 ted by alfHM^^ ridge of rnount.iuns, whach 
 they are led to b'.lieve, from purfuing them 
in their diflcrcntclireclions^ that in ihmt vcSptcis ?i di^< 
 acconvmr)dation vnll be necelLiry to promote thofe inter 
 to each. U therefore the Unued Stints fnould admit a le 
 to commit that lying on each fide to a leparate line of 
 would create fuch a diverfity of intereRs as would exc 
 councils^ and impede and obftrufl all their operations. 
 If then the feperation above fuggefled, will create tl 
 celTarily follows^ that the prcfervation of the ilates in tl 
 will prevent it ; and this in the opinion of the commd 
 concern which m.anv of the old ftates now have in the 
 tent of territoty within their refpedlive jurifdidions dep 
 in common with thofe which (hall be eretkd beyond the 
 that funilarity in their circumftances, neceffary to bind 
 federacy together by the fame tie of one common inten 
 therefore conlider it as a fortunate circumilance that 
 and ihould in no event fufier them to be contradled or 
 In addition to this it is to be obferved, that in propoi 
 tanrs that fuch ceffions take from the old ftates, will thei 
 quilitions be diininiflied ; and that the new dates, unti 
 of ftrength, inftead of being able to contribute to its ^u 
 affi (lance of the federal government. Why the United 
 contravene the principles upon which they confederated, t 
-ent kind of arrangement and 
 (Is which particularly belong 
 aration of faid territory^fo as 
 flares^ they are of opinion it 
 edingly embarrafs the federal 
 sdiverfity of intereft^ it ne- 
 I jurifdidion they now hold^ 
 tee, will be the cafe. The 
 weilern country, in the ex- 
 nding on the weftern waters, 
 )hio, forms in their opinion, 
 he feverai parts of the con- 
 ft : The United States fhould 
 uch ftates hold thefe bounds, 
 ion to the number of inhabl- 
 apportionments in future re- 
 they acquire a certain degree 
 )port, ^'ill require the aid and 
 States fhould thus invert and 
 le committee cannot conceive. 
Upon a thorough conlideration therefore of the moti 
 mittee fubmit the following refolucion. 
 Refolved^ That the refolutions of the 6th September^ 
 recommending it to the ftates holding vacant and unappr 
 beral furienders thereof to the United States^ for their o 
 refpedthe iurifdi^^tion of the fame^ be repealed ; and th 
 flates thus circumftanced, to make liberal furrendcrs asaf 
 to themfelves the right of jurifdidlion. 
n referred to them^ the com- 
 and loth of Oftober, 1780, 
 priated territory^ to make 11- 
 mmon benefit, fo far as they 
 Lt it be recommended to the 
 refaid, of foil only, retaining^ 