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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film^ d partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droits, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 12 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHAPT No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 Hi 063 Uuu 28 iilllM IIIIM 14.0 1.4 I 2.5 2.2 ?.0 1.8 1.6 ^ APPLIED IIVL-^GE inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 USA (71 6) 482 -'^300- Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax ^^< V- / ^ .^: '^^'" ' : -^ U-' L i._^ A'TA c T -OF- INCORPORATION, — —AND- B ^ ^ LAWS^ OF THE BRITISH (M)LUMBIA. VANCOUVER. NEWS-ADVEKTISEK : I'JUNTIM^ AND BOOKBIM.IN,;. 1889. V Ncoia SUET mm mm OF VANCOUVER. / / (, 1 { T( AN ACT 1 I I I! :( A To Incorporate the Vancouver Street Railways Company. WiiHUKAS, (leui-ge Turner, Ricliiird Pluiikett Cooke miuI Frederick Colleton Tnnes Jiave ])y their petition prayed for an Act of Fneor- poration foi' tlie j)urpo>f of constructing and ojH!rating Htreet Railways in the City of Vancouver and tlie lands adjaicnt ther(>- to and for ohtaining })o\ver to cany the objects of the proposed Coni})aiiy into eti'ect ; Anj) \\'iii.;;;i:as it is expedient to ;;i'ant the prayer of the said petition : TllHHKFOKl':. Her Majesty, liy and with the ailvicc and consent of the Legislati\-e Assein"r)ly of the Pro\iiice of Uritish Cohindjia. enacts as follows : 1. The said (Jeorge Turner, Richard Plunkett Cooke and Fred- vniHMUv.r sti.,-t erick Colleton Tnnes and such other persons as shall hereafter become i,,,',,""' shareholders of the said Company are hereby constituted a body corpor- ate and politic, under the name oi "The Vancouver Street Railways Company," hereinafter called the "Company." 2. The capital of the said Company shall ])e two hundred and r-.qMM. fifty thousand dollars divided into two thousand five hundi'ed shares of one hundred dollars each, but the capital may be increased by the shai'eholders as hereinafter provided. liciMcrs. 3. No shareholder in the said Company shall be iti any manner i.iiihimy m siian- lialjle or chai-ged with the payment of any debt or demand due by the said Company beyond][the amount of his, her or their subscribed share or shares in the capital stock of the said Company. 1 I'liivl'tliiiiiii i)ir..,t- I'.Miiid Hi rihict.iis. Klcrtiiili ,_i>f Kill ri'i'siii, >r ;ii"ai(i rtiils mill 111. 2 I. Jl'" >.u.l lM'...!i« T.„n,.M, l{ifl,a„l P k.|t c...,k,. ,u„i K,,,] onck C„l .1,,,, In,„.s si,. t|„. ,,,„,;,,„„,, ,,i,.,.^.^,„., „^. „^^ ^^^. ; ^; ' ,«ny t„ ol,t,„n sul,sc,.i,,ti,„„ f„, ,t„,k ,„„, ,.,,.,,„„. „„. ,,,. , - vi;il.,i fo '. ■" """' "" '■''"""" •"■ '''■■""""■»'- l--i-ft- p.'" --i. «■•«""""» t,.„ t|,„„„„„l ,l„||„,-s „f tl,„„.|,ital st,«.k has 1„.,.„ Dl,ooto,.s f,,,. ,,|„. ».„, Co,„p„„y ,.,ul the ,„„vis.„,„U .H.-oct,,,. .„■ ,, n"il".-|ty of «,,.,„ »h,JI .,11 ,. ,„«.ti„g„f the «l,„,,.|,„l,l,.,.. f,, t,„>t , , pose, f„,t g,v„,j. two weeks' notice thereof to the sh;.rel,ole,y ,,,„.sti„„ to be ,leci,le,l at such olectlo,, shall be ,leci,le,l b, a ,,lu,,,lity of the votes of the stoekhoM -s p,-ese„ ,„ ,.e,.,„ ,„. ,,.,,ese„te,l l,y w,.itt,.„ p,.„xy, each sha.e to have one ^ote The .h.-ecto.s so chosen shall i,„„„.,liately elect one of thei,- own „,„„he,. t« he p,.esi,|e„t, wl,i..|, ,„,.si,,„„t „n,l ,„,,,,„,, ,,„,, „„,. t„,,e , n olhce fo,. one y,-,.,- ,u„l „„til such „tl,e,.s shall be chosen to All the.,, places ; a„,l ,f any vacancy shall at any thne happen by ,Ieatl, .■es,«nat,o„ o,. othc-wise d„..i,.g tl„. sai,l yea,- in the offi" of p,.esi,l or d,..ecto,.s the remainh.g ,li,.„ct„,s shall supply such vacancy f„r ,l.e .e,n„.„,le,. ,.f the yea,-; ,.n«.s,ir ily t'l li,' iiiiiili 7. If the election of ,li,ecto,-B be not n,ade o„ tl,e ,lav appointed ■ ™ .« •'y ";■» Act the C„n,pany sl„dl not for that ■•«.,,„ be diLo I'ved lu the sha,.e hoi, e,s n,ay hold the eleotio,, o„ any „«,«. ,l„y ;„ ,,,„ ,„,„ dnecto s u„t,l the.r successors a,, elected shall be valid and bindin. upon tlie Company. ^I'luni^ I'owirs iif Diroi't- ,»rs. ^. The directors shnll have full power to make all by-laws for he management of the Company, the acquirement, management and aspositmn of Us stocks, property and erteets and of its affairs In busmess, the entermg into arrangements and contracts, the declaration I k t I i « I uiid [)!iyiu« nt of dividends out of the profits ut tin- said Coinpaiiy, the form anrl issuiiijif of shai'e certificates and the traiisfei- of shares, the calling,' of special and j^jeneral meetinj^s of the Conijtaiiy, the appoint- ment, removal and remunei'ation <»f all otlicers, aj^ents, clerks, work- men and servants of the Company, the fares to he received from persons transported over the said I'ailway or any pai't thei'eof and the remuneiation foi- the transfer and (U-livery of all or any ^oods, chattels or efleets transferred and delivered throuj,'h the agency of the said ('om)xiny and in L;en«>ral to do all thinj^s that may l>e necessary to carry out the oi)Jects and exercise any powi'rs incident to the Com- pany. 9. The directors may from time to time increase the capital ''' stock of the said Company for such amount or amounts as occasion may reipiire and als(j raise or lK)r!t>\v for the puipose of the Company any sum or sums t»f money not exceedinj^ in the whole fifty pei- cent, of the syhscrihed caj)ital stock by the issue of bonds or debentures in sums of not less than one bundled dollars, on such terms and credit as they may think pi'oper and may pledge or mortgage all the property, tolls and incomes of the Company or any part thereof (aij may be expressed upon the face of any bond <>'• debenture) for the repayment of the moneys so raised or borrowed Jind the interest thereon ; Provided always that the ctmsent of the holders of a majoi-ity in value of the st(jck of the fare when dema.uled by the conductor or driver aiul refusing to .,uit the car when renuested aan .s 00 recoverable with costs, l,efore any two Justices of the 1 c.ic«. Police Magistrate or .Stipendiary Magistrate in the said Province ... manner as fines are recoverable before Justices of the Peace under any Act for the time l,eing in force in this Province Aiithn ityiiiiill'inv IT f -^ -^ the streets and roads and nghways aforesaid as may l,e required for the of their railway track, the laying of the rails and the running of their cars, Provided al- ways that the consent of the Mayor and Council of the said City, within the said City, and the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for the tune ])eing of the Province of British Columbia, ,,djacent to the said City .■espectively, sh.dl be first had and obtained, who are hereby respectively au honied to grant permission to the said Company to construct their railway a^ aforesaid witliin their resj.ective limit, across and alone, ^nd o use and to occupy the said streets or highways or any part of ^hem tor that purpose upon such condition and for such period or periods as .nay be respectively agreed upon between the Company and the said ;) City or tlio Cliief Coinniissioner of Liiuls aiul Works uforesiiid i»r cither of tlicin. l."i. 'Flic Count'il of the said City imd the sjiid Company arc licrc ^ by respectively authorized, suhject to the provisions of this Act, to make and to enter info any aj^reenient or ctivenant relatlnj,' to the construe tion of the said i-uilway for the pavinend, repeal and enact the same, for the pur})ose of car- rying into ert'ect any such agreement and covenants containing all ueceswiry clauses, pz-ovisions, rules and regulations for the conduct of all i)arti«>s concerned and for the enjoining olM'dience thereto, and also for tluf facilitating the running of t>he Company's* cars and for regulat- ing the traffic and conduct of all persons travelling u})on the streets and highways through which which the said railway may pass. 17. It shall be lawful for the said Company to i»nter into and carry out to completion any agieement with any person or persons oi- body corporate now having or hereafter acquiring the power or r-ight to construct or work street railways in the said City of Vancouver or now having or hereafter ac« >«»»I«P«' published ,n t,.e Cty of Vancouve,-, at least once i„ each week for two week, prece,!,,,. the date of such n.eeting, which notices shall be .signed by t e P,es,de„t, or «ec,.eta,.y of the Con.pany ; hut the „„,i.,sio„ ^f notice of sue , n,cet,n3s, as he,e,„ provi.led, .shall not invalidate the p,,.cee<|. vMed ""^ """" ° '"''' '" "'" '''"" "■"' P''"--" '"=™"' I'"- 4 Special n,eeti„j.s of the k,> „.i • . ^.i n « ' Hcrvi^r ii)(,'s. T nt.M('ct- time and place as may be named in the call for such meetin G. At all meetings of stockholders, whether aimual or special, the PiWent,orin his absence the Vice-president, shall preside, and the Secretary shall ac* as secretary of the meeting. In case of the absence of any of the above officers, a chairman and secretary r^r. (e>nporrJ ^uOl be chosen by the stockholders present, who shall act in the places ot the absent officers. All elections shall be by ballot and tlie presiding officer shall appoint two Inspectors of Election who shall examine all proxies, shall receive and deposit all ballots, and shall make a report in writing of the names of the persons voted for, and the numlK^r of votes cast for each. At the annual meeting the polls shall be open for at least one hour. 7. _ At any meeting of the stockholders, whether annual or special niKllWJUt; ul.r.11 U« 4. .L 1 1 , , , - i ' Olii--liiill' (hi' Ciipi- till stuck t.i )»■ . , ,, , " ' •• ■'^^'■^' """i"in or special, 2::T " ^ ''Tr ' t-"--eted unless holders of at least one-half of the capital stock of the Company are represented in person or bv proxy. '^ •' I'idxys 8. Any stockholder may be represented at any meetiim- by proxy, but no proxy shall be recognized unless his authority shall be in writing Votes. 9. At all meetings of stockholders each share of stock shall entitle the person in whose name the certificate appears by the books ot tlie Company, to one vote. Boa.,oro.eoto.. 10. Tlie Board of Directors shall be composed of 5 persons, each of whom shall be the holder of at least one share. They shall be elected at the annual meeting of the stockholders, and shall hold office i> ^ 9 '(■ tor one year, dating- from the second Monday in Fel.ruarv and until then- successors aie elected. A majority of the votes east at anv election for directors shnl' necessjiry to a choice. 11. The Board of Directors shall hold its a.nmal meeting for the e^ction of otKcers on tl,e first Monday of Felnuary in each year, at the othce of the Company m Vanouuver (exceptin,;. the year ISSQ), imn.e- diately after the general meeting at which th(.y were elected, or as soon utter as may l)e found convenient to all. Regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors shall 1„. lH>ld v. n ! 'V'^^T '^. '''' ^""'1"">' "^ *''^' ^'''y '>^ Vancouver, on the first (1st) Tuesday ni each month, at four (4) o'clock in the afternoon or at .such other time and place as may l,e mutually agreerl upon. _ Special meetings shn\] be called at any time by the President or in his absence by the Vice-president oi Secretary, on the written request of at least two directors. Xotice of such .special meeting shall »)e given personally to each director, or by written or printed notice mailed to each director at his residence, at least two days l^efore the date hxed for such meeting, unless all can make it convenient to attend at shorter notice. 12. The Board of Directors sball at their annual meeting proceed to elect a President and Vice-president from their own number, and a hecretary-Treasurer, who shall hold their ofHces for one vear and until their successors are duly elected, subject to removal at the pleasure of the Boaid of Directors. Animal M..,.|iii-s 'rilillV .M.-rtipii; .>|.'-.-!^ll .M.rtill-S nllirrrs. 13. In ease of any vacancy in the Board of Directors, the v,.,. ,. ,, board shall have power to fill such vacancy till the next annual ^'■'"- meeting. 14. The Board of Directors may appoint such Committee.s, either <.„„„.„..,., permanent or special, as shall been in their judgment for the interest of the Company's business. They may also appoint such other ofKcers or agents as they may deem best, and may prescribe their duties, and shall fix all salaries for such ofKcem and for other employees. 15. At all meetings of director.s, three of the number must be >■-"- r !"r«.t- present in person to form a quorum for the transaction of "ijusiness, Z'TZ^:.!: 10 I'lCBllJlMlt. VI I'ro.s i^iT-Tri'iis. iSit-Ttois. setting .ortlj the special object of such proxy. 16. The duties of the President shall be to exercise a general pervision over the business of the Company, and perform sucli dutij! as shall bo presented ]>y resolutions of the Board of Directors. He shall preside, .hen present, at all meetings of stockholders and the Board of Directors. He shall affix his signature under the seal of e ompany to all certificates of the stock, contracts or other legal pape to which the corporation may be a party. ' ^ The duties of the Vice-president shall be to act as President .nd to perform all his duties, in his absence or disability. The duties of the .Secretary-Treasurer shall be to keep a correct record of all meetings of U.e stockhplders, and of the Board of Direc tors, to take charge of and safely keep the corporate seal of the Com- pany and all papers and records belonging to the corporation, to issue countersign all certificates of stock of the Company, to keep a to the nspectors of election at any stockholders' meeting a list of the s tockl^.,, f the corporation, and the number of sh.ils upon wh each stockholder is entitled to vote. To receive collect and safely keep all moneys belonging to the corporation, and pay all current expenses of the corporatio: s:bject to •such regulations as the Board of Directors may from time to time provide. He shall take and preserve vouchers for all payments he shall so make. He shall keep accurate books of accounts of all receipts and disbursements, shall make such reports and statements as may be ordered by the Board of Directors, and shall prepare a statement for the annual meeting of the directors showing the business of the pre- vious year and the financial condition of the corporation. He shall give a bond for such amount as may be considered by the directors necessary, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Boai-d of Directors. 17. CertiHcatos of stock of the Company shall be issued without ,o nei'«njiu oii+Jfla/^l 4-,^ 4-1. „ _„ i • • .... <'y e,>,;„rse,„ent the,..,, ■Wy .■xeote.l ,„ w„f„.., I,y the pa,.tyi„ „.hose „„„,e suoh stock , s ,„„ls ,.eco,,le,l o„ the hooks of the t;o,„,,a„v. P,,„i.le,l, howev, , ».n,e ,s e„te,,..i i,. the „„„ks of the C,„„pa„y ,„,„ a'ttestd ,.y e 1.^. Tf several j ersons are legisteml as joint holders <,f any dn ulend payable ,n respect of such share or shares. s..t,- /^; ^^ '"'1' r'.*"^^''^*^ ^' ^^•••'•■^ '>"t "'• 1-^t, it n>av be renewed on by two or more certiHcates, shall be entitled to receive sud. two or more certificates without fee. 20. The directors may from time to time make such calls upon Z:7^r:V''''1 1 ^"'^^^^ --^'^^'^ •- th^r share, provi^; t Lit no call shall exceed the sum of twenty-five per cent, of the share 'mZ^ri' twenty days' notice shall be ,iven of each call cnl s n 1 . ' T '"""-"•■ ''''^" '^^ '^'^'^^^' *" P'^v the amount of alls so made to the persons aiHl at the times and ph.cls appointed by the directors. Provided that the first call shall be payable forthwith «.r on such notice as may be given by the directors. 21. A call shall be deemed to have been made at the time when the resolution of the directors authorizing such call was passed. 22 If the call payable in respect of any share is not paid before o. on the day appointed for payment thereof, the holder for the time being of such slwu-e shall be liable to pay interest at the rate of one p cent, per month, payable montidy from the day appointed for L payment thereof to the day of actual payment. 23 The directors may, if they think fit. receive from any mem- ber willing to advance the same, all or any part of the moneys due TniiHfiTf. I'lvlptK liir Divi- 'I'MJlls l,v .i,,li|| l(o:,|,.|s. r. riiiiiMi,. CilllK Clllfi. Cilll^'. •i'lli I'Mil III ,\.|. viilir.-. 12 Tniiisfcrs. Ti-aiisfiT liouks. I)i'liiii|iii.rit linMcls. Sluing upon the shares hehl I>y hin, hey,.,ul the su.ns uetually culled for, unci upon the moneys so puid in udvunce, or so nmch thereof us fron. tin.e to time exceeds the amount of the calls upo.i tin, in respect of which such udvnnce hus been made, the Company may pay interest at such rate us the me.nher puyin^^ such sun. in udvance und the direcfctus Jigree upon. 21 The Compuny may decline to re;,dste.- uny transfer of shares made by a nieadier who is indebted to them. •2r>. The transfer books shall l,e closed duriT,,!,' the fourteen days immediately preceding the annual meeting of the stockholders in each year. I'G. If any sharehrWer fails to pay any cull on the day appointed for he payment thereof, the directoivs n.ay advertise in anv newspaper published m A^mcouver the name of the delinciuent shareholder, with the number of shares standing in his name in the Company's Ix.ok. .'u.d that such shares or so many thereof as will cover the amount due' together with interest und expenses, will be sold at auction within 60 days after such advertisement. If the amount due on such shares with interest and ex,.enses shall not have been puid before the day adver- tised for sale, thvn such shares shall l,e sold in accordance with the Hc vertisement. Provided that this article shall not apply to the first call, but if any member fails to pay the first call on the day appointed for the payment thereof after one week's notice of such delincaieMcy the share or shares in respect whereof such call has been made shall without further notice to the n^^mber making default, be absolutely forfeited to the Company. .Sale (ir Di'liiiiiui'iit fSlmivs. 27 If at the sale of any delinciuent shares, they will not realize the amount then due, with interest und expenses, they may be bou-^ht by the directors for the Company, and they shall then be the property of the Company, and be disposed of by the directors at such time and in such manner as they shall think projier. ''t::::t"s,.:::: , ^ -^- ^"^ ^J'^reholder whose delinquent shares have been disposed of l;y order of the directors, shall be liable to the Company for .my antount due on them at the time of such sale, less the amount realized trom such sale. "11 ti. Ill' ,,:,. "'■rvcil III n, . -I"''-' llf Il/'lll,. 'I'li'iit Sliiiri's, -*9. A Stjitutoiy (leclarutioii in writin.u-t»,..l,i,, „|,all be delivered to n ,""' " "■'■'"!""'■ o* ..e deemed ti.'e iioide,. Jtr:^zx!::;z-^::i '^i^':!": """"•'" to ™oh puiehase, and he «ha t „ houn.ft ' "'"" ""' .1"""- 31. Subjecttoany direction to the contruv H...t . i i>y the n.eeting that sanctions the increase of • T^ '■'^""- ""''''■""''' " shall be ofiered to the members n^^^t^. T^' '^". ^ 1"'' ' 1-Id by the., and such o«e. shall l^ h v n^ '"^'::^ ^'"^'r^^ number of shares to wt.; ^ fi i ' "^ «P«-ifyni- tiie w.ithin.;;;;:i:X"j::r^^^ dined ; and after the expiration of sue ht n "'" "' '" '^'- intin.ation from the men.ber to whL . I- "" '""'"f'' ^^^ '"' declines to accept the shl"oldtl7 T '' ^'"'"' ^^'"^^ ''^ s.-une in such manner as thlvHr ''''" "'"^ ^'^"^l^''^^ «^ t'.e n^annei as they tlunk most l,eneticial to the Company. 3:^>. Any capital raised by the creation of new sh-vres sh.!! 1 tu..e of .ha.., on non,:! 3 ^i!^ rrx : r.!: -t 'I- ,-*'■ part of the original capital. ^^^^se, as it it had been 14 Viitrs. Hciiiiiviii ,,r iiiiv Ills. Iihiclciuls. lllvlili'Mlls Killiils I'di- Ciiiitiu- Iiriliutiiiii-s Iriiiii llhidc'iiils. N"tif(Hiri)lviil,.ll(lH Dlvlilriuls. Notices ; Hnw to In- Served, •"W. Xi) iiuMnl)!>r shall h- entitled to vote a' any goicial iiifetinj,' unlt's.s all calls due from him have been paid, :{•"). Tlie Coini)aiiy in «,'(Mieral iiiectiiii^ may by a s|)C(!ial n-suhition remove any director before the expiration of his pei-iod of otUce, and may by an ordinaiy resolution api)oint another person in his stead ; the person so appointerl shall U.jld otHce durinj,' such time only as the' director in whose place he is appointed would have held the same had he not l)eeii removed. •■{C). The directors may with the saiiction of the Company in ^'cn- eral meeting declare a dividend to be paid to the members in proportion to their shares, and such dividends are to be declared semi-annually. 37. No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits arisin- from the business of the Company. .•58. Tlu! directors may set aside out of the i)rofits of the Com- pany, before reconunending any dividend, such sum as they think propel-, as a reserved fund to meet contingencies, or for eipializing dividends, or for i-epairing or maintaining the works connected with the business of the Company or any part thereof, and the directors may invest the sum so set apart as a a reserved fund upon such secui'itiJs as they may select. 39. The directors may deduct from the dividends payable to aay member all sucli sums of money as may be due from him to the Com- pany on account of calls or otherwise. 40. Notice of any dividends that may have been declared shall be given to each member in a manner hereinafter provided. 41. No dividend shall bear interest as against the Company. Not Iocs. 4-2. A notice may be served by the Company upon any member personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, addressed to such membar at his registered place of abode. 43. All notices directed to be given to members, shall with respect to any share to which persons are jointly entitled, be given to which- ever of such persons is named first in the register of members ; and notice so given shall be sufficient notice to all holders of such share. IS ..".p».-i, ,„„„..«, a,,;,,,,;;,,::::,,;;;,::;':;:;;:;' « < i-- -.. at a previous me^tin.^ '""."'"" "* '"^^ J*^*"' ^nv.-u i,, uritin- ,„on,. ' ""' '"'''""•"' "'"■'■■■'""". ■ l"i-t „„„.„.,. N..ti,. IIM'lltl "Ai.fiiil. i n ' ►'.^i 'i 17 AGREEMENT «KT\VKK\ THE CITY OF VANCOUVER AND Tin; \A.\a)u\|.;R Stkhet Railways Comi-axy (LiMITKn). February 11th, 1889. Sihis 3n^cIItllrc, n,a,ie i„ ,,u,,ii„.t.3 ,i,i. k,„,„„, ,,, UKTWKKN AXCOUVEH, TiiK CORPORATION OF THE CITY (JF V hereinafter called the Cokpohatiov, or the City, 0/ the First Part, AND Thk VANCOUVER STREET RAILWAYS COMPANY (I nnrr. LiABiLiTv), hereinafter called the Company, O^'mih-^I) Of the Second Part. V^imiAH the parties of the second part are a body oornonte I • their head office in the City of Vancouver; ^ ' '"- I \l -P.VSS.,, .„.^ the Con.,any hn. sine. I...,. ,„.,..,, acc.>nlin,i; ; Nou- Tr,,. IxDEvn m, WrrxK«HKTn. that in .onsuln.ti ,f th. 'o^ prnd hy ^1,0 f',,mpai.y to the CorjK.ntti.u M.e .vjeipt whe.vo s UM.el.y uckuowIed^, they the Co,,.,>,.ation, U. Ihen.sehes H"cl then- successors, do hereby .ntnt unto the Co.npunv, their successors and assigns, the ..ight, full pennission nnd auVhoritv construct, e,,uip, n.aintain and operate, for the tenn of thirt'v years fron. the date of the passing of said by-law, a sin-le o"r Rouble track street railway, with all neces.u. sivitche. sidl acks, urn-outs and other re,uisite appliances in connction the.ewith, upon and along the streets <,f the said City as herein- |tfter n.e,rtiou..d, and subject to the tenns and conditions contained iH the J3y-Law and amendment thereto hereinafter in part recited. * Stri'Pti to ln' iio'n- pled liy (HIT. riMit Wi'tlcilH. Xwt un 1. .Si'..ti"ll L' Sei'tiuii ;). dle Street to Hastings Street, thence easterly along Hastings Street to AVestaunster Avenue (where it will intersect with section two) hence southerly along Westminster Avenue and across False Creek hn.\ge to the intersection of Westminster Avenue ane.-,„issio,. is he,-eby .iven shall '•''''''' '''' ^'^'"'^t.-uc-tio,. whnv. f ^vithin Mi.,etvdav/f. ;. , ''^' ^•^'"•»e..eeiii.iitlis;si.|'t|i>ii> <• "' iiiiil (1 »||||. ill tliri.|. yi.,.|r»: "'•'■tliiii 7 «|,|, ill fi)iir jr-'iirs. ''"Ill] .y ti. I,,. I"". I III l!..Mil "f « 11,(1011 til '■l>lll/.lftl( HP,- fl'>U> wit 111 II -I"'| 111 I tinii. f-n. L'O li.lllwil.v t > In ■ ap piMVcMl l,y Clly Kli;;liii'i '1. M.iiivr, Spt'iul. I'lvs Mill inpi In III- run t«i-i'li I'J I mil I'l ^1. III. I'lll'i'i I IV. I pv.Mi tlH.n, ti.f.„,stnu-t;in(l ..i>(M-ut.' s.-iM sc lions sliall hr .U'Wymhv.H, and nt an md f..r ull suJi particns of sauic as slull not tlicn 1. • i,. <>|KM!ltio|l. TV. Said railwjiy may, until tli(> present teiiiporarv lilankin- aiul 1"."I-I><'(1 of M.e st.-eets tln'ou-l. wl.ieh it is to ,,us.s is replaee,! l.y ,'u,e of a peruvanent eharaeter, h- constructed in such teun.ora.y manner as may Im- approved by the city en-ineei-, ,„• other person appointed by tlie City, provided no unnecessary obstruction is oll'ered to oixlinary trattic durin- or after construction. When, howev(.r, th.' road-bed ..n such streets is constructed by the City on a solid an continuous trip from point to point within the city shall be limited to five cents. i^ii-iK' , iMN. r:ti' Vrr, Till" ij;auu<' of sv.>A\ r;ii!\\;iy slial ! !.;> fiMiv t\:.A n'Ui itt'i fi;;iii aiHi one- I i 'tcilllfll'.'ff icii li • ill ikiiii,' and by (iiic uf .■mncr as intcd by ordiii.'iry (IIxhI on 'lit basis^ bstnntial or otbcp !i,i?lit and /, If as OK or tVoHj t cxcccd- lall cars ■ ofttMici- lOCll tlu'- lu' aftcr- ' council •rtion of ■ent the as they convey- t of the ■! of any tiucted. litl'tM-cnt vncis of ly ; pi«)- to point 11 ill one t'..ll-l IIM-I I .111 M I half inclics. The tcniporaiT rails of said road may Ik* strip-iron, at the option of tho Conii)any.' Tlu- tracks of said i-ailway shall be laid in the ccntn; of the streets through wliidi it i>ass{>s. In the event of a oai-d «if Works shall be had and ol)tained by the Company. The Jiei'iiianeiit track of the Cs of constiajctin,!,' said railway, the Coni- ])any sjiall ^ive to the city en,<;incci- \\>v the time bein-.^ ten days' notice ill writiii:,' ot their intention to do so : and ici more than fifteen hun- dred lineal feet of the said streets shall be lirokcn up oi opened at anv time, uidess authority sn to do shall have been yiveii by the IJoard of \N'oiks. And when the work thereon shall have been commenced, it shall ))(> proceeded with so far as practicable without intermission and Jis rapidly as tlie same can be cari-ied on, with due re<^a!-d to the projjcr and etlicient construction of the same. IX. During the time of constructinjj; the railway and layinj^ the r'-nii, i,„r t„ i,,. lails, or thereafter re])aii'in,i,' the same, a free passage foi- vehicles over ""i""'"'- the streets shall be maintained ; and innnediately after said lails have been laid, or i-epaiis done, the surface of the streets shall be reduced to ;i condition as nearly as possible similar to that iu which it was befoi-e the commencement of the work of construction or repairs. X. The city authorities, or any duly authorized person, persons i iiy t.. iwv i„„v,r or companies being tirst authorized by the city council, shall have the '" '"'""^ "'""'' right to take up and to remove all lails, roadways or ti'acks necessary for the purpose of paving, grading, gravelling or macadamizing said .streets, and for all otiier purposes witliin the province of said City, or sucli duly autliorized person, persons or comjjany as aforesaid, witliout being lial)le to any claims or demands for compen.sation oi' for damages ju-ising from any delays that may be occasioned to the W(»rking of the railway, or to the works connected therewith, ])y reason of such taking up of any such sti-eet or removal of any such rails, ti-ack or roadway as iifore.said, other tlian for negligence ; provided always, that .should tlie said city authoi-ities or duly authorized person, persons or company take up any such street, streets or highways necessary for the purposes aforesaid, the .said city autjiorities or duly authorized person, persons or company shall, without any unnecessary delay, repair such street far I-.- riiiul'*. ilu < 'ai«. I'ivl«ht. 22 track or roadway, and replace such rails -if ih.i. charges, and shall leave such u , f "'" ,^""^""'" ^'"^'^ ""^ equally good condition as til t 1 :tn '" M ^1"^ """ '' "'' being taken up or removed. ""*' ''^ ''''^"' ^'^^^'"•'^ Xir. The C(mipaiiy shall not l,e ,.l,li..e.l t„ ,m-,v ,. l hajtsfngo or freight exceed...... ; " * Fukagcs, l)assenger. »ing in weight twenty-five pounds "f. or any oiie l'l)llllllr((irs. KoIllMVMl ul SHOW mill ic'i.. «e. T.j:::tzz :;;;; :;:; ;'""' ""-- '- "«■ '"-*- then.. ' public squares as the cars ,eack ordinary traffic. ' <»i)stiuct the lV.lli.,|i„i, wfliir...*. VAT" Tl f^ H<«n,. any .listanee within tht' cit, ., ,,!„,; , ''"'■''"■""'' Any person refusing to „,„ t|„ /,•'."'' ""' "' ''•"-'"I «"' -"<»- such car. ^ '"*' '""y '"^^ '™">™l fr""i ""y l.ialijliti,. puny. 'If Cnlll. Ciirs fr. Ii.iv,. Kiifiit ..f Way "-":"\ir':,:i":fti,f::!i:-'i;:rfV"' '«'■' travel on. along or across sai.I track but L" if T"'"' "'"' f.K.t.p„ssenger upon the t^ck shall t.. a,; ^Z :!;'';::; Z "' ear, so as to leave the track cle-ir f.... H.. • 7 'Wo-ith ot any '^^..PH,.,. ,f Hre the hose <,f the 7 ^ 1 ^''""'''^ "^ '''"'• ^"^ >'» ^'^^^ ■ ■} ^•- ■ ...i ,-;y, ard rhe cai/s .„£ tF.o Cnnii^a— ..:;,■;: Ivc out StH,,,,; 'if lars. l)/ft '23 . reH f„„t-c.,,,ss,„,.s, „, ,.« ,., ,e„.e the rear,,,.,,, „, „„„, Z e,|..„ "t the c.,„s»„,„ „s |.„ss,ble, nn.l „„ cars shall he left,.^ h, the »t,-eet at any t„ue, unless reeehi„s '•'■ leaving passengers. ' ,„,.,, 'I'*''; ■""''■"'■»••*«'■ '''"■l< »l-ll,le,Uvithe.,l,„e,l lights, «-. iv,. „,. ht.,, tan, rear: an,, at all a hell shall ,« attaehe,! t,? th h... m's„f eaeh horse „r „,ule, .,r if any ,.,her na.tive ,„„ver he „se,l sueh „ther s.gnal shall he attaehe,! t„ the ear as the e,„,neil y reasonably i-ecjuii-e. ^ pru,l,^,f:„nl',"','^""""7V''"" ""'■'"■' '■"■*■'"'• ■"'""■■ "■••l'l»-l»v«l -Mi .-,. , .tf,r I'll '?'"■' ■■" • "" '"'■ "^ p'"'''"'"-'^' '" i^-p "«ii-' .ml,.. """"»'""■'■'"«- "'7— "" f""t ...• h,„.ehaek, dt • .. th,. ,aek ,„. ,„,,v,ng t„„ar,ls it, an,l „n the first appearance „f .langer the ear .shall he st„ppe,l in the shortest ,„ssihle spaee an,l tin.e l,..ny «lm ni..y l„. guilty „t using profane, ,ihnsive .„■ insulti,,.. l-u, '■'■ ' "' '"""" «.,age ,u. „f overehargiiig, .u- „f heing ,|runlc „r ,lis,: ,.;'„; " ' e„nyi,.ti„n hefore the eity police magistrate, the mayor, juf ic,.' , .lustlces of the pea..e having iuris.lictio,i, shall he liahle to t e «,ie a penalties set forth in clause iiuniher thirty-t»„ „t the sai,l hylaw hvl„"Ii!?s"u„u;'le!'';T""*;' "r '-^"■"■'-y »'-«■■« '-"-e Itsca,. .> ,.,.,,.,. , hy l.,.is.s „i mules, ,,a,iway hetweeii the rails an,l eighteen inches ""'—"» hey,u„l ,ui either ,,i,.e shall he kept in cr ,u,,er at the ex^e e theCunpany; a,„l whenever the City shall ,|eei,Ie to gravel pave Lie I, ,:'';:■'"'■'''■'' ^^'--'''"''^ •■'«'"-' ■-"-- -i „. .. ■ "II rApense. itut m the p\Miit .>f +1,,^, Ki..tri,itv. (^>n.pany electing, to move its cars by electricitv in . which thpm P.„> 1 1 •'^ electricity, m connection with - hu h theie ciu be no wear and tear to the road-be.l from the passing of such ..r, then in that case there shall be no responsibili;^;;;: L>4 CoiiiiKiiiy I., n.iistiiict or keep in I'cpaif ■■iny pDi-tinii of said r(.a said i-oad bed can result except that pait under the rails and ei<,'ht inches on either side. XXIV. The privile.i^es hei-eby granted to the Company shall extend over a period uf thirty years from tlu; date of the passing of the .said bydaw ; but at the expiration thereof the Citv mav, after giving six months' notice prior to the expiration of said tei-m, of their intention to alter the terms of the said bydaw in such a manner as may be mutually agreed upon between the City and the Company, or assume the ownership of the railway and all real and personal property in connection with tlie working thereof on payment of their \alue, to be determined by arlntration ; and in case the City should fail in exercising the i-ight of altering the terms of the said bydaw as afore- said, or of assuming ownership of said railway at the expiration of thirty years as aforesaid, the Corporation may at the end of eAcry five years to elapse after the first thirty years exercise the same rights of alteration of the terms of the said bydaw as aforesaid, or assuming ownership of the said railway and of all real and personal estate there- unto appeitaining after one year's notice, to be given preceding the expiration of every tifth year as aforesaid, and upon payment of their value to be determined by arbitration. And the pi-ivileges herel)V granted to the Company shall be deemed to be extended until sa:il City shall ha\e exercised the right to purchase or of alterations of the 2.) •I ,s II r nl ||,.r IIIMIKIII ii'S ti> lli^tnl•■t sirii'l terms of the s;ii(l hy-liiw as afoi'csaid, and as if sii..-li cxtciKlfd Hinc liad been ori^diially fixed by the said by-law. XXV. Til tliecvcnt of any (itbcr parties |)r(>i)nsiin;' hi i-onst rnct "»' street railways on any of the .streets not occujiied by the Company to whom the privile<,fe is now to lie ,-;i'anted, the naluic of the pioposal '' thus made shall be comnuinieated to the Company, and the option of eonstruetin<,' sueh proposed railway .shall ' c oHered to the Conipanv : nnd the Company .shall have the privileife of building- sudi propo.sed railway, on the terms and t'onditions mentioned in the .said bv-law. iimtually ai,'reei aKi(joiii,.|it. J rciialfics for ikii,. rimi)ilijui((. Willi this ;4,'ivo)ii(iit. XX\ ITT. Til case the CoiiiDaiiv sh-ill f..;i f i«'fo,-e ii,„ite<,, „,. i„ ,.,,„ ^ft„, z'r. ;,,„,'" ""; "r •""""'• P»ny sl,all fail or ne-.l^ct to run !■," , """Pl<'t«l H'o Con,- provision, of the .,ai<;,l::,,';r'" ■" T"''"'™ ^""' ""^ »umc.ient fo,. that ,ujj. ,r ■ ? ow t r" """"' i'"" "'' ''" P""'" any portion or the'w, „1 ^ , Xe 'for tl'"'""'^ 1'" ' '"' "' "I*""'' ■-'.all .10 or o„,it to <• - nvtl.i ^ I, ' , '*'"' "' ''''' '""""'■•'■ '"■ d tl,e provisions of tl,. . 1 " f « "'' "'""'•''''" "' ^>'''^' ""J"' ie«e», franchise, an/ri'lt Xh'^ l";,:.!"'^ """" f"*" ''" ■"'"■ "" then, under the provision, f h ''", ""'""■" "'' '"" "'"fe™! ""^ i-.r L i-fi: , :: . !^':„r:;: ^'"■" /""■""" '"■ ;'"«en ,„,„,e, shall thereupon become and be ve.W i, ,. n t"" 'r valuatum to be ' "' "■ option of the city o! ' ;r P- ^^ »rb,trat,„n as aforesaid ; or at the said track o LZ rf Z^r'f^ '™"™ "-- ■■■'■'» ""n" »„rhi,d,j.yinac:i;H:t ;a::\,'::i::rir:;"^' "^-^^ of such street or highway n,ay then b, P t ''" ''"""''"''"• ■■"iv apply to .iifu, Lfauirt :;« cl:;:;;': *^ '■ -*"' (uu,s;iii'^ir:„t:;;i:— :-::j:'"Tr-- «ny part of it Within the respective time! I ■ '? '"''"ay or case after the sa„,e shall be cfmr kL ''!":'""'"'*'"'' '"'"'«'. -• i" iieglect to run regularly Z , "'"' *^°"'P""^ ^'"'" *»' "'■ -."« -rt « the ""'' ^^ '"y- And T,„s I.v„,„„„, r„,,,„„„ w,™,.:.,.,,;,.,,. that in oonsi, ol„.y, fulfil u.ul ke.,. h11 ..uul ,.<■, v tlu- cnn.liti.-us, and provisions upon, under and suI.j.tI to whid, the said ri-hts aro l,y the said l,y-law -ranted to tl'ic said Company .md will do so and p«M-forn) all acts, n.attcrs and tldn-. which the said I. y-law provides aro to l,.Ml<,ne l,y or on behalf of the said Company, and will not do anythin- which the said l.v-law pro- vides are not to be done by the said Company. And the sai.l Corporation doth hereby ratify and n.nfirm the said ))y-law and all the provisions thereof, and the ri-hts ami privi- U-es thereby ^M-anted to tin- said Company, subject, howev(T, to all the conditions, stipulations, provisions and conditions in the said ))y-law contained. ^1 I'O HV-I.AW Xo. 7(}. A Ky-Lciw to Amend I^ Xo. 7r3. WiiKHKAS it is necessary and expedient to amend a Jiy-Law of t!io City of Vancouver, authorising the Vancouver Street llailwa Company to law down, construct, e.,uip, complete, maintain aiul operate a Street llailway within the limits of the ('ify „f Van- couver, known as By-Law No. 73 of said city. TllKUKFOUK be it enacted by the .Alayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouvei-, ni council as.sem])led, as follows : That Section tw.) of said i5y-law l>e repealed, and the followin-^ section be substituted therefor: I. SiXTiONone of said Street Railway shall extend from (Jranville •street bridge northerly along Granville street to Hastings .street thence easterly along Hastings street to Cambie street, thence northerly along Cambie street to Cordova street, thence ea.sterlv alon-r Cordova street to Carrall street, thence northerly along Carrall street to Powell .street, thence easterly along Powell street to Westminster avenue Strr-rts (., 1m- .jivii- jili'il )iy illtl'i rent S''iti"n». :io ''•'•tii.ii I. wl,>.r„ it will ,.„,,,.« „.it|, „„„i„„ ,„.„ „f ^,,. I ^^^.^^,^ ij rirmed to Sixth avenue as s.h.i, as imicticable; -/--f 'Hn- striking out s,.,,,,. V tiie word and «,.,.^,„, ":;':^7^^'' "-' "^-icl Seetio.:.,., 'itte, thehi^ure"7"in.saidline. IV. .Skctiox ;n of suid Pv T ^ert,„g ,|,e fig„,,,, ..j^qq^ „ l>ut ..„.. of .,„i,| ,s,,.t,.,„ ,„„| .^^ • "I Hv. "I r.v. IJIU. "f liv. riiif,. / (•(.iiilH.i ruvvvri ii. i.ass.Ml rciKlin- -m tli- ''Hi .la.N 'I' MaH,. S, V. WooTToN. //'" ' I' I'' ■ IHPO. No. li'. M.. (>,;i; BILL. An A.-l iv.iurtiii- tin V.ucoi.v.T St n el lliiilwavs Coini;;! i.v ni.l t lir Vann.uvrr Klr.,i:c illuniina'jn- CMiiiiMuy, Liiiiih -I i-uihi;! y. V\MIKKIv\S the said tlic Vam-ouvr Stiv.t Kailways Coiiii-iiny was V\ inrorponit.-l l.v the -Vancouver Stn.-l llailway A.-:. I -y.>. ' passed l.y llu. l..-islativ.. Ass..M.hly in Ww nfty-M'.-.n.d y;M- oi ...,• Majesty's reij^ii : Xiuf NvlHTcas llie Vancouver Klrrlric llluniii.aliii- (VniyauN, Lial.ility,^ is a Couu.any duly incorporated und.r ihe ( o.,- ])anies Act, 1H7H :' \nd Nvliereas tlu' said Companies have l.v their petition repie.eiited that they are desirous of ..htainhi- power to an.a -aniale oy con^oll- Zt Ik the Vancouver KUrtric llailwav and L.^ht ( >|npany. Lhnited Lial.ility, hen^inafter called the sa.d (orporat.on. Ihmi.u a Cri any duly im'orporated under the prov.s.ons „ the '•( ompanies Act/Par't II. Companies Act, 1H7.S,-' , I'rovn.cial) and an.endn.. Act. and that the powlrs of the said ^'<>n!';n;tnn. shjmid he e dau^^^^ enahh' such or consolidation to he etlected Mh uit prejudice to the powers conlerre.l upon any ot the said ( on.panies . And wlua-eas it is expedient t.. comply with the prayer of ih.^ said petition : Therefore, Her Majesty, hy and with the advice and consent of the Lefiislatiye Assemhly of the Pimince of British Columhia, (..acts as follows : 1 It shall be hnvfiil for the said Companies to unite with each otlier and to enter into all contracts and a-reemeiits necessary to sucii union. 2. It shall he lawful for the sairaMons, .,n,l hL,, I 'J .^ . ' '"' '^""^^" "* — 8 — and wlio sliiiU 1m' the lii'.-^i Diivctors tlicrcnl', tlic miiuhcr of sliuivs of the capitiil stock aiul I lie aiiioiiiit or ]»ar value of cacli sliare, shall he as luav lie set foflli ill ilu,. said aj^a-fouK'nt. {). Upon tlic consmiiinalion of sucli act of consolidation as afoivsaid. all and siiin-ular. the in'opcrtv, real, personal and mixed, and all rij;lits and interests ai)j)urtenant tliereto. all stock, sul)scri])Lions and oHier (lel)ts due on wliatevei- account, and other thin,!j;s in action Ixdon^inu to such Cori)orations. or any of them, shall l»e taken and deemed to he transferred to and vested in the said Corporation without fui'thcr act or (leed, and no contract or a.^reement heretofore entered into l»v any of the said Cor])oratio!is shall he imjiaired or prejudiced hv such consolidation, hut ev(!ry such contractor a,m-eenient shall thereui)on he deemed to have heeii entered into with the said C'ori)oration, pro- vided, however, that all rij^hts of creditors and all liens u])on the pro- l)erty ()f any of siudi ("orjiorations shall he unimpaired hv sucli con- solidation, and all dehts, liahihties and duties of any of tlu' said C'or- ])orations shall henceforth attach to the said Corporation and he en- forced a,!;ainst it to the same extent as if the said dehts. liiihilities and duties had heen incurred or contracted hy it, and [.rovided. also, that no action or proceeding' hy or a.i'iainst the said Cori)orations so con- solidated, or any of them, shall ahate or he affected hy such consoli- dation, hut, for all the pui-poses of siudi action or ))roce«Mliii^. such Corporation may he deemed still to exist, or the said Cori)oration iiisiy he suhstituted in sucdi action or })i'oceedin;4 in the ])lace thereof. 7. The J)irectors of the said Corporation nuiy, from lime to time, increase the capital of tlu3 said Cor[»oratioii to siudi amount or amounts as occasion may require ; and also raise or horrow, for the pur})Oses of the said Corporation, aliy sum or sums not exceedin,^• in the whole, at any time, the amount of capital stock thereof, hy'the issue of honds or dehentures in sums of not less than SlOO ea(di, and upon such terms and credit as they may think projx'r ; and nvdv \)hd'^e or mort«;a^'e all the property,' tolls "and income of the s.iid Cca"- poration, or any part thereof, for the re-payment of the moneys so raised or horrowed and the interest thereon ; and the said liomls, when issued, shall he a first cliar^-e on all the property of the Company : Provided, always, that the consent of three-fourths in value of the shareholders of the said Corporation present or re^jresented h\- prox\ shall he first had and ohtained at a special meeting to he culled and held for either or hoth of the })urposes aforesaid. 8. All the powers and rights of any kind now held or heretofore given to any of the said Corporations shall, on such consolidation or » •V»"lffii,i,itio„, he v,.«t,.,l i„ i,„| , ^A 1 said it foil 'por- uvcr ;iii(} il» 01 f^ q WE, the undersigned, hereby certify that we desire to form, under the provisions of the "Companies Act" Part 2, "Companies Act, 1878," (Provincial) and' amending Acts, a company, as hereinafter men- ^'Tihe name of the company shall be " Vancouver Electric Eailway and Light Company, Limited Lia- ^^2!^"The objects for which the company is formed "% ) To construct, erect and operate, within the City" of Vancouver, and any otlier city or cities which are or hereinafter may be within the Province of British Columbia, and in any other place or places in the said Province without any such city, all worKs, plant, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, instru- ments, appliances and conveniences, used in or in ^nnectioii with the business of lighting by electricity and the use of electricity as a motive power for all and any purpose or purposes whatsoever ; and to pro- V dej urnish' and supply such light -"^^ -« -•^^Pj;^;^; or either of them, to any person or persons.body or WE, the nnderaiHnecl, licreby certify that wo desire to form, under the provisions of tlie "Companies Act," Part 2, "Conipanios Act, 187S," (Provincial) and amending Acts, a company, as hereinafter men- tioned. 1. The nanio of the company shall be " Vancouver Electric Railway and Lif^lit Company, Limited Lia- bility." . ^ 2. The objects for which the company is formed are : (a.) To construct, erect and operate, within the City of Vancouver, and any otlier city or cities which are or liereinafter may bo witliin tlie Province of British Colutnbia, and in any other place or places in the said Province without any such city, all works, plant, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, instru- ments, ai>pli«nces and conveniences, used in or in connection with the business of lij^ht in<5 by electricity, and the use of electricity as a motive power, for all and any purpose or purposes whatsoever; and to pro- vide, furnish and supply such li-^ht and motive power, or either of them, to any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, desiring to use the same within the Province aforesaid. lb.) To provide by sale or lease or otherwise any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, carrying; on business within the said Province, re(iuirinK the same, with any such works, plant, macliinery, appar- atus, appurtenances, instrutnents, applianc'cs and conveniences as aforesaid. (C.I To take or otherwise ac(iiiire and hold or sell shares, stock, debentures, or any other interest in any other com[iany or companies in whicli the liability of the members is limited, carrying; on business within the said Province, whether formed or to be formed, the object or one of the objects whereof is or involves the providin