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Tous las autres exempiairei origiriaux sont film^s an commandant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'Impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dee symboles suivants apparaitra sur la demlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — »>signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Lea cartea. planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiimto A des taux de rMuction diff*rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film<i A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de heut en baa, en prenant le norribre d'Images n^cassaire. ^es diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 EA^STERISr iJlVISTOlSr To Wit: IS Hereby given to the Elector Of the ProTiiice of Caninda^ thai in obedience U and bearing date the twent^y-fifth day of An^nst the twenty-sixth year of Her lleitt:iij I reqnire t part of In the Township of KEi\ Electors of the Eastern Division, KMlience to Her Majesty's Writ, to me directed, of Aiip;iisl, ill the year of our L<oi*d, 186!*, and in reifnire tiie presence of the said Electors, at that MaKIvI !» of l£Kr JV, icnown as In the Twentieth Coiieej^sion of i p now next ensuing, at twelve of the clock, noon represent them in the Legislatlre Conncil of tli And that in case a Poll shall be demanded ai such Poll will be opened on Monday, the^wen ensuing:, at each of the following places, viz :--- COUNTY OF GLENGARRY, TowMhip of Charlottenburgh, • - ■ • at the Village of Williamstown . Township of Lancaster, at the Town Hall. Township of Kenyon, at David Smith's, -Ith concessioD. Township of Lochiel, at the Town Hall, near Quigley's Corners. COUNTY OF PRESCOTT, TowMhipofEtot Hawkesbury, • - ■ at the Town HqU.' Township of West Hawkeibury, .... at the 'I own Hall, Vankleek Hill. Hawkesbury Village, at the School House. Township of Alfred, ...-,- at the Town Hall. Township of Longuiel, - • ■ ■ • at the Court House, L'Orignal. ^ ^ ^ Township of Caledonia, at the Town Hall, Caledonia Flats. * ■ * Township of North Plantagenet, ■ • - at the Town Hall. Township of Sooth Plantagenet, . . - ■ at tne Town Hall, Ki.'(^villc. Given under my hand at Cornwall this S9th day RETt *e8^ioii of the ^aicl Iirdiaii frauds on p lock^ noon^ for the purpose of electing a person to iineil of this Provimee. inanded and allowed in the manner prescribed^ 9 the-twentymHecond €Mayi of September now next 5es5 VIZ 2— COUNTY OF STORIVIONT, Cornei-s. Townehip of OBnabrack, Township of Finch, Township of Hoxborugh, Township of Cornwall, Town of Cornwall, East Ward Centre Ward West Ward at Poapst Corners, Osnabruck Centre. at the Town Hall, near John A. Cockbarn's. at Moose Creek Mills. at the Town Hall. at the premiees of Alex. McCracken, on 4tb Street. at the Town Hall. at the premises ol Vincent Annable,Esq,on 4th Street. COUNTY OF RUSSELL, »/ Township of Clarence, Township of Cumberland, Township of Cambridge, Township of Russell, at the Town Hall, at the Town Hall. Osborne, at Casselman's Mills, Casselnian. at Duncansville. ^9th day of August, in the yearof our Lord l^Ost. RETURNING OFFICER.