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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bonom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsqua le document est trop grand pour iue reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film^ it partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■';•-"' i«e'' jiativ ,>:s..r A. ^flBP^i:-; 11 O. H. M. 8. LABORATORY INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. BULLETi:Nr No. 189 CREAM 5780—1 t if LABORATORY OF THB INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. BULLETIlSr ZSTo. 189. cream: Ottawa, September, 23, 1909. W. J. QeRALD, Eflq., Deputy Minister of In Sir, — I beg to hand you > '«r' uf work done up«m 65 ''67 •M7M MUM MulV, 31 21 4n.v> :»> I-"* 1(74 ....:«) t«i Nil. 417i! 2!l 7."i almvi- 25 ' 4ir.Il.. •-"•» 7--' 41.')I2 *• '.T 3tl772 «■«' ;iitf.2-.' »■(«. 4i:«!i '^ '<' ;«t:VJ4 2M Ik". :t7ti!tri -'7K!> !I71 27 23 4I2S'J 2B '•»< :t7f.!i2 aj »i :«».".•-':) -f. 74 4tl'.'70 -"B-Wt 41.".!.''. 2ti 42 :«r.2i 2.5 !« 412to 25;(i ;;iiT:;l 25-4'.» \,, 411.-,C, 24 '.i:t alMive 2tl 4ll5 24 tui Fii. :i.".;t71 23 72 »•».><• ■Ji) - m.5s 2:t lii 4I72I 23 ;«S ;».ViK;i 22 !•■- MUm 22 lil :4i:(42 22 40 44»27!» 22-2!t 4)»27H 22 22 37t>!»4 21 77 41M4 21 r.2 41723 21 til 3SNI0 21 22 41264 21 1» 37fi9B 2n HI 41725 an»7 X... 412(i« in 3«al...».15% 41721 1!» 01 412»i7 11* M 38.V« I(t 31 3K*r m 13 :«ftM« i7tii» iVMii 17 3ti 39625 170lt '.170 lB-91 X>!M l«-24 3.'V»74 IGim •.a:6« 11 '77 ul-.v,- 10 % 41341 11 42 .%5it73 1110 11 In Bulletin 121, the late Chief Analyst .suggests .standards for cr"ani a.s follows : — Wliipping cn^am, not less than 2.') per cent, butter fat. Table I '-5 Mv impression is that it would be to attempt the establishment of stAndanls for ditleient grades of cream. The time may const! when lesjal standards of quality HHogniziiig dilferent grades within the species, may lie justifie seriously considered, it would still be necessary to fix a minimum for fat in the article. The present report shows that only 3 samples out of 64 sold as cream, contain less than 15i)ercentof fat. Twenty-nine samples reported in Bulletin 121, show an average of 22 ■ 76 jier cent tat, with only one sample below 16 per jeiit. On the other hand, V.'i jier cent of these two collections (totalling 93 samples), show more than 20 per cent of butter fat in the article sold as cream. The standard for cream established by the United States Department of Agri- culture, (Circular 1!), of June 26, 1906), is 18 per cent fat. Several Statf I ji'^'laml til wliicli n.-feiHiKi' will !»• iiiaiie later) HU|i|>litKj ri-fiaiii I'ontainiiiK leuM tliaii 40 |.' I I'fiit iif liuttfr fat. In iiiiist cast-H tlin cream vuiitaiiieil wll alxive iIiih i|uaiility ; >li>iiil '>0 pi-r ct>iit lN>in;{ a iiHual amount. Sampler from tw<> creauieries Hliowmi on iri:kly»i'< as iiiucli ax 51) p<>r ot'tit uf fat. In ;^ni>ral a iiomewhat liiKhnr fat content wa^ olisrrved in cream su|iplitHl hy the Hrmx viMited in the Houth of Englaiielief that no injustice will be done to the dealer, and that i> much needed pi'otm'tioii will be •itfonled t4> tho conHumer, if the following detinition of cream lie iiiiiilf le;;:il : — 1. Cream is that )K>rtiparated from it by centrifugal force ; is tresli and cleui, and loritniiiH not lc8S than eighteen (IH) per cent of milk fat. 2. When guar. Kvaporate) per oent of milk fat. It is pretty well known that a number of articles called Cream tkicktiiers are on iIl(> market. These are intended to be added to cream for the purpise of giving it an .i{j|ii>ariknce of greater density and richness than it really possesses. Oelatine is a con.s- Miiicnt of most of them; but calcium sucnite (Hucrate of lime) gum tragacanth and '.tlicr substances are often present. Some of the Cream samples of this collection were < xainined for 'thickeners', and evidence of gelatine was quite definitely found in 4 -ini|ilcs ; while reactior * sutficiently clear to justify a declaration of trace of gelatine «rrc obtained with 9 other samples. Evidently the cream priKlucers of Canada are not above suspicion of employing 'ill se I'litirely dishonourable methods of giving a fraudulent appearance of richness to : ill' article. This mivle of fraud is particularly harmful in cases whem a Dairy Com- I' iiiv, counts among its patrons, a few who are guilty of the use of tbickeaers. It may i" ill" aim of such company to supply honest cream ; but, by intermixing ignorantly, I lew gallons of tho sophisticated article, a whole day's output may be contaminated. ' It I Murse, in such case, the co:npany must b.; held responsible, should adulteration l>a •I tcctcd. It is quite true that the guilty patron of such a company could not possibly i)> any advinta'.;e to hirasulf, provided that his cream was sold on its fat content ; I It ait^nts inteiiisied in the sale of these ' cream thickeners ', have been known to .so I lisn'present them, as to lead the purchaser to believe that his cream was actually im- tiiv. rj by their use. The only safeguard which a Diiry Company can have, is the I'lii'dical testing of its cream for these thickeners. On our next collectiim of cream, I shall see that a .systematic examinatiim for I i.uii tliickciiers is miuic. I U'g to recommend the publication of this report as Bulletin No. IU9. I have the honour to be, sir. Your oDedient servant. A. MctJIlJ^ Chief Analyst. 3|l jlf - V ill ( T^ ft t " = i = .•|ilm«sJ<>'"V • ill "(M ••'1"1"S l«t"X til Ml o CO •3 1^^ "= 2 « .■■ S g^ - •»!J,I ■.(luiiKu;) •A Ste irtefaUiry Wttt-r. fi H S f! S •rflilums J" '"K ■ e tl S T. ■< JS - s a ss 2 S < »r irrfatory iHlrr. •V M v^ •p ?? 1? X '* r- t« t^ u ^! 5 s ?1 to .«■• I-* » sAs 3 a SVifi » 8. "^"sr-fe S S' ?:s% 8 8 ssis a s !■ « » r> 1. S C; ?] « >« -^ s!» ^ n s is $ » a « 1 S*f-6 •o ? = S ' •.HiIui»yii)-oi^ ■,TlI '1B_4 i ^ § ii •»f -^ ■^ ■^ -f cc 3 3o is r^ I, t- i-t^ «H I-* tO CC 3i S S S 2S iS 00 f^ S» S SJ S iii? i'2^ r c o o o o o o :- O O O -i; t £• .t :1 ■55- « * « I ^' 2=S5| «.-_» _P__E-__£-_ ail. a l3 te ss K ?$ N 55?S ■5 tg I; S V t . in »r5 to 1^ '^SiSSS si^tei- - saass" sss?s sasjjs^ s^s-^s?-; iri ^ s CO ;; M ■"J" ^ p. s 5 u s « l- t- 1- 1^ fe s 5 ^ s s s ^ U *- g 'a a ?. s s Si 5l S c ■ ' ' t - - -■■ S S S !^3 6C D 95 I I I I _ 1111:1 IP g H •? W S_ : -s O f- P» CO I S « « « t ^ -^ I- § d >5 o a fa o PS SS'*2?? . -r ~ ^ ^ e C V i s- 1 . .* O <-» Cl so ^ •g = ■- = = 6780—2 o a. of » K I Pi i (g : : ■ . . I -< : . ; : : , -j _= ! o : : ■ ; ; ! fa : :S ; • I O 3; 9> one^) s iEoSs; o coco c c c e V ^ V f, a > »» 2 §iii c 00 00 55 £Ofi#« I fa Z fa £ i n n CQ n n gg ■ S9 '■is S5 §35 s;5 i .a 000 OS B f ass >^* C2fa_ SBS 11 SSS S3e 3 = 1-8 -* 49 S IB ^s gj s e - fi $;S? u 5J S S? w !S s ^S s s S!? s 3S S.S I' ==> _a5_ 9 SS S S IS I > > ^ufau :3P3 a «<: fa : B ■ < 1 S > 6 o 0.3 £> is a a ^^ e^ec •f to iQtn in ■f ^■^ •* ^ S «5 «-5 .5 I 1