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Les diegrammea suhranta iiluatrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 I • u?H-i-'H^ Lr^'iAVl:^ ■^~-'^^'m:Ss I *■ ■'•."ti to KjlOW WHW|E JrtiB 810!» W^ 0tSTiia4d>e^y'ofth^Mdnw«mt^ the dij yoahireth< ^f^pi:fkc^ of di€ Moon in ? tJi(B 6t|i CoHunfi. llien findbg Um UfM ruM Twiurj 8tGN$ <ir ||i^geadfn4 Fioethf Rfm 4f^^ S ^«r li» Aitti tiMJhftMMikktri ftiU tkc Twini Frdilci 'm Bi«»i» 8«i«Mif||'fliki» 4MClv)ekedCfib 4o|li iiilei « Tic Balhfal iOMpi fMfni ^^ ti| The Scorpion yoiUlit io i wt pni do IWiy, ^ T^ cqHoiIi, Ar^ 4^ci l|t Tlliikf cIM : isf So dpth tbf Qmrnrmm Im^Mfm^ ;^' *; * «|)<MMMi««M^^ ^^■'****tftSSfctf»^^ ^ ' I Kfy@!i>ffi^ 5 & ^Qolden Number *'-- _ ^, _ _^ tvtet, . r . • >s .Rogation Sunday. May to .Roman (ndiflion, " - Q- Whitfundav, June It ' Sunday*! after Epiphaify,'' - O Sundays after Trinity. . ss Septumiima Sunday/ ' Feb. io Advent Sun<liyi^'' r' AmW^ntidtf, ^ March 9 -^'^^ tR A Li ft" CHARACTsai OF THi TLAkBTtW itPi'KntWP f "JlieMbbik, If Mercuiy, K O P E S. ■.€^ c. Q Hie Mdold't; ot toy otW ^hiii^ A^ndiaifTf^; ^ As pise 1^ ^«v^;^'?:*-^"'teca;'^rfT ^ Conjanftion, or Planets (ituate in theitune Lon^tude» S Oppofition« G^ Piknets Htuatc in Longitudes di0enng iis $lgiit O . aQ^jai^Ici wii& tl^y are 90^ dillant from each A Trine irwKeti''t^i^ arc 1 ioP degrees diftant, . ' /, « SeztaeJfl^Me^^eyarc6f,^§^atf^^ is. Semifeztile, is when they are jodesrees^iiUnt,..^ .^ vc. Qgincunz* ik iiirHeii tfey i{^ fv^^i^li, o^^^ltli^ia Aant. ...t-.^^^, i.iiiii>» .;■• ■•-r! V Aries, the Ram« b Taurus; tiwliUa n Gemini, the 7Svins« ^H Leo, the Lion, ilftil Virgo, the'^^fgin^ Tak $iost. Of TMs^. Z PD I A Oi Libra, the Balance, ■.:i.^Qiyi ^*'^;J 1^ Scorpio, tile l^^rfMM > ^ Sagittaries, the Afcber^ 1^ C|i|>ritoiB. th» Oditi': , p Aquarins, die Water bea0B% , X Pifccs, * K^^. theFiflies. ■■i»mm rhS'SVf^ ^Cflf 1 ^ S IS S ht the tear i79». I^HEHR^tt JN four E^if^ei jn thu Yei|r. ¥». Tuiro of the Sas i^J' tW(^ «f the Mo6B, in m following Ordtr. ' M'^'xW iirft wiliVt dc the kuB Am^l 3d, VifiUe i( tho WciMher, ^^ fur. idSie End- - ""•©tttirion Digi^Ecliprca 1 1^. 18^ -»•*• ' H H 635) 9 5 (in hcibrcnooa 2 30 J Appwent iVf Ip Bjr the T^et otone euthor, the Sun*^ fouthern Linvh will be obfasred t 'iBdby-tho^o^iiliothipr.itWillbeaitnular, and nea^lv jfq;i(ral.-^Time iwSlibtwyrKhi^ dft^ Table* are" th^moft correal;, , ^ t Tht. fecond wiH be of the Moon, April iBth —Middle at oh. 9tm. Afternoon ; coni^uently Inyifible. [i**. The Third will be of the Sun September 27th, inv\fible ^ at 7h wulbe centnilly Echpfed on the Mecioifin a( Xn> ftm^joi. tp Xion^tode 176^. 7' call of London, and lat. 54*^. TbutE. The feoith will be gf |he Moon, Qftober 1 ith, Vifible if the Weather be faii*^ by calculation ai foUowt, ftiX .:tH kf A' * Beginning ~ «t Middle End - ])iuattoA ^^ S^p'c H M s M*«- rTBSIbllowtng SIGNS ihewthe NEW, PULL and Quartering of the MOON, at they eppiat in every Menih. NB^'MOON Frnt^OyAETEK. full; MOON. .-'■ -rV ■■■•■ ,• V ^ LAS^Cg^TEH; jmm JANUARY >«di xxzi I liiitii ■'MiMy. k ik NOWWinMr rffMdf y# wkk i>MMiM. Ana horrid Dcf f |«tkMi f^pm y . No VerdttrffdeekilKir'OiotMiA^ Dead it theircfKt«tfU World. Dumb U the tiinefttl » ill lil^ffl'd In fad Coafadon rooad. -^ mmmtrnfm' 4ilLi|]U.ski9>t iTum. iiotH d^Xt ill 34iiif ithdijr, ih. i4iii.toon| f t ^Bt* ftT^udaf , aJl. 5901, lad ... jaf«4THjr». (?f ITi^RHF II f CiiiciKM. Sup. ^ O t i»li 9I B id ^M. aft Gh. (Mmlbre 4 3 i fb;^&. lint; wJ MiddlJ|ij 5 4 ;*ie moment i ihtn (iMii* ^1 6 A 1 1i eme^gtbfiolftmhiirit) * *i<0 "am >rTr{\ 3 ;u«^ 4iin^ v^itl^ all fntnklM '4 #'4r4; 1^^ €tlfar%tg <9l4* •5 ' ■* "• '#^ A|fefe«. -' r- ;tr Iditff fh )0i^: AJIiirm dd^fi^M 'cor. , i4'6xfVidfter£p|i liStA. jUMblitk {itih^sAm. tftem igl CilAlif^OvbiftHdijr U^t Ljiybi;i#.34f (r'tion. JT ^ Aqiilii ^ ' % 3^< S^ii. if^er E#tf n. fM/« r J^Sf I? il^.*4 <» 40 M4 V^y 9r« 4»i «4|4S*ll* l« _„ tll^ift Mm. 36C AfctfT 3; X^fftjrer. St Pavl. t Snitl « A 1^1 10 Jtrtt.Jfuo >^p^m\! 1*4 44ttnia M « ^6li.nin iftMim [7 154 4jad all i.iii^ '«;:s*f?s**^x«fi'?if7i?'->**!>*«^*w*^' 1 ^Jl^klOCjIh lY luMh XXVIIb-D^w^ V t im Faft b<mii4 In Fr«lt fllnaliift limA} . The Wiaten IUvt» and ftrSf Itrtamt TKeir Irontid eoiific W%|ilfi | But OUl wUb «WMr Maleiiiiiit lUv. . The Unn cxcciuli jhc IcstChiniAgjDiy -^ I . aT1_ 34 4iX(.il(<la^ mim. > irnrin JU ^^L^ r8thdiy,;h.2im^ afS|^ i^ - y5jli day , itdi:4|in.1flr^ii iitifiHAriteMftAoie l'' !y » k > !. 31315 W .1 jfc«l| jjpii9 IS 4 >4^ k.w. 7^5 8 io 9 10 IP o * -^ 3 3f 4 »$ !*♦ 5 10 SI! « k ii^it^is>!ifeti^a«>- ^«WWSfJ^;#A'^^:- ,.',». *,ter-!^!Wf ill.. MARCH hadi XXXI . b«y*T iV^jil .J.. Now ^alut from h» airy cav.i» His vaflals fendi» and Boitat nvti. Sec from his tnfon free ; Around the Scene the big Winds Yoar, And howling Tempefts best tht ^»re^ And laih the foaming Sea, h'rn. ,•1^ *.<irr>n 4Ffy. m ',^^*' 1 ' ^ it ■^^n } IT- t •^ ■• j« 1 \^^v. ■'<■ .i ■ *•■ • .3^ • HIH? 4th day, 4h. 14m. aftem. 1 j Q^ 20th dlay, ah. 59111.111019. '^^ I2thday,7h. 45m. astern. I } ^T 26th day, 6h 38m. aft$mi mmMmrw^TTTW'^ WlATHIR, ^|. DaVid, great. ^ioiig.g 6 $9. el fait 12m. 25f. $ # fo. ioh« 24m. foren. 61 7'7*»sf. 54m. mo. cl. f. I tm45A B |QviN^.$VND# 7 * 6 OSi* *h. 45m. foren. » 5!SH|l0Va TUISDAY. • 4* Ash Wbpn. 9 Apogee. It€ 5iclock fait 10m. 3cf. hi| 6 n (bath ^h. 36m. aftem. 1 21 7jOEB.a0J(Y. 13|B lit Svii. in Lent, si 3c]ocliftft^m.7f. 4| (morn. 5 St. Pat R. SOU 3H. 45m ^Tjaw.K.ofW,SAX. 7*'8rmid. S ^l^cl. faft7m. 55f. 2d. 1^0- in Li Gen. t iih BiKBpict (2omfor.<S >'U i§ifo. zh. 24m. morn, fktni^ Perig. 7'**sf. iih. 44m aft 5 nvii/ytt h fito Wt nuhffrf (HA91. of V. M. d. fait 6m. iS, 34. Sun. in Lent. - ^. > 7**s fet I iji. 25m, skftir|i. ^ Olf oh i5in>>fQrcftj.f 7 IfaficiNswi^lirdied ' J- i^ jJ^^J'. . JutM m A P It 1 t htth XXX Dvfu. i|9t.^ Bttt Mir bMId hrlf^t Flusbtit ridts* To bMotf Cttmt «()t!i haft/ Stridci, AikA it^retdi t foM njr : Whjit tncct affctomBg Qneti, i^ to beaoti^^ tht Scc:ic, A|iiiifttpfi6iehfaig Mty. ■««« |4 4ay. th 17111 l^fi ■If®' Stli dty, oh. 34m aftei^n. "Ifc iitlldif. ik* im. afiera. r I ^p S5th<iay, 3^.33111.1110111 •M W| RfiMARKABLB DAYS. t*|0 ITtATIlit. Ifc. I 6AUPo0ls./t*'irnh.itm.afc a 7 ptAuitot. ^ > IT 1/^'"^*^ , I i 4iii€^ li. in t. <) Bdip vifibk 5 I clock £ift 2m. 45f. ^mttim, m Apogee. Let fcrvanti dreCt ' $ i 7*^ ^ loK. fzm. tft. Sne tMi^legaieeiM^ moiie ftliSvit.wL. el.?, im. ijt^M [#ft:4ll. i4«i aft. Mndeman.^ *Vferfrli.»ftn.aft. M^fttrfy &0 99k' 1501. ^ren. ) y wt«/jr mttirmin, 1 iliNltf. Befcreroa become iathituNe, conndcr that 8vli. So liOnt. Palm Sv. S^-ittviGblt. familiarity A|# 1 A. "ieftioyi rcfpea, ^ Jit.^el|.4iii- mom. #Per. ^' ~"|ll itm.ffotii. b9t i#t; lAtioifcflo^ _ ^ir. ScMAitt. tpv. d. IbM^ tfli. t5f ^ ^#4. if46. Im.m.h. M II w 1^ te^iiMCJil^Piii^l t6$^ Moan'f '' ) i Plaee. h- m »i H to J V 3« 4 *^ «7 4if 1^ 40 6 so 396 21 35*6 25 346 26 326 s8 306 fo|i5 j 296 31 2S6 52 266 34 246 3616 51 411 Setf ^i t 30 9 H 36 t 26 it i6 9 24 3 n 14 tt> 19 4 44'»>» 7 o «•! 7 40 26 58 91ft 1 21 19 3 a 54 »t lOl Mor^l 226 38 :zo6 40 186 42 •7543 160 44 146 46 12$ 48 116 49 86 52 5,1 55 f ^ o«»R 14 26 ifl 7 • 5^ ti tit 58 28 t3 t *7 45 12 Vf 9 Morn 16 7 9 XT 4c 6 $6 2« 50 5H4e 1% It o«ir 29|^ 3 35 o 45 t :|6 « 5 * #^ ft ft ;2 I 4 14 ifc. a 24|i6 9 35 17 10 4; t8 11 44 3Sti 1 20 t 5521^ 24 I 2 3 4 I 7 9 12 •3 4r«4 M. M* 8 zo\ 9. 5' 9 50 to 3 II to' « I » 35 3 f w 45 4 50 1 5$; h 9 o 9 4$ fiO 3P 19^11 15 2012 i i» 45 t 30 t If Ml I, ^Al||iiU|>«il|M|lpa UsL' Irn? I -y^toafti 7 o 7 40 8 ao[ 9. $'. 9 yol to %f ft to 1 ^'1 1 fo ■■'1 Hf 3 30^ 4 '5' 4 *«; 1 7 3Sj 7 4* 8 • «, ^ o 9 45 iO 3P II »5 It la 4^ 1 JO Mm 'mr^^^^'W'^' ^m ^ V. M A t hich XXXI Dtyi. 1791 PloriS|tinh«r Pride reHuMtf .a Tht Flo«v«n fprMd thdr lUh Ffrfamcf » AiulgAUy p«'*t th« Ctooikd r ; . ^. Tht God of Daf . wi^ »f HiiAf i«tfM, Difpclt tho Uaiig ualof kf die Streama* AomeI Beiaty fliioet tfound. *m ,k^ 9 3d dufi ih* 6mt »oni> lifkdMfi all. jftiil' mn^ mniMMiisrvm: t B iS^u, »• Ea4 St. Fm J.*J J I4tli4ay« ah. i(Sl^. tlbeiiL 1* ,^ 4 57 7 $ 6}$i6 Wri«fer. ii^4 547 * o« s • *13t |^r4^Jii#M«^^*^4 $»7 «i» $1 ^"J W ^|» lab. a4ar^ aft. It/iioiri 4 5579 «3 _ 4* «« *»0 >(fst 7I1, $0111. A. Set !>Q. 4 56 7 10 5 * 41 .M » Jilt ^i^iimiaM.4ji^% A aA** t9 of^attf^iiiUiionaan|mnii^«U 4f 1^ % tl flkwr |» -54f. j*«J«<sH4yq7 J4 _ a ^* 5* -, ™^ V ?'^ i V%^ ral they'«r«4 4^7 »«<; 3© 14 7 i^ah. 4^ •ft. cAitttem 4 4« 7 «9 A 37 ji |dS«K.oa]klAi*. cl.f 4m 4 407 »" :« a^ ;^ofpfcce. »i 4 397 *«|6n| a |#mlg' 7»Vict8lk. ia«i. A.|4 3» i: 17 18 a0 at t3 841 .«7 :'>i8 4 ^ I«ati6|ftf)r BloA people 4 37 7 ^3{ 6 i I liyiiK Ciitt.bi8t»i744- 4^3^7^4*1 39 d^^fiowyoisiC milUte tlie 4 35 7 ^5 ^}f1fi 7 <^ u oK.4pm. «iO. A J 1^ 4 34 7 »6 7 12 o^ 16 Mori. 7 aa^i if ,,«^Jir«.paftEA«t.meaii»fo^4 337 »7 SiSPaaMom a #<b 4V1. mortis theend.ricl^ 4 ^%i*$%^ t^ 6 di i^iatioiiMy. forli«Miste(t,4 3^ f ^9 ; X t4 <^ 4 idij^fiow tm# sdf. Ieifinii|foi4 1^7 5010 3 1 i I Atfo. t«.*l^.Ct«i.vc.>lif4 t97 31 a7 > 30 i t 2 <5riife, At, «^ifi>i^f «irtr.4 »^ S^ 3» 9 V 4© f jSm jr«ii««i^«*^*r U I* *2 7 -tl «t 4« * I ^iSi|yiii.k-CMA.I|.5 Ji7i4 3 tf 3«f 1 10 !1 3Mi8 fi I I ■r Of l« 7 t •4J1 t5» I $0 1« 4 t s Si II 14 (6 1 *«^ i4« [t| 6 J6 8 »li| 8 Ij 9$iW 9 H 16 foiTlo *3 11 ifliti i$«ii^ 51 M ^AM ^.^ A.M .. . -^ ^VjL ' . -^ ^ . Mmm>~ mm ••'"^••'■'W^ k^m^m yi. J U N E, hath XXX Buys , 179;, The teeming Earth now g«irQiib*tl o*er« Spreads all around hcjr vipioiut SitbrCt Where'er we tarn oar ^y^i > Jhe Swain, .with lay liad {^eet Delight* Reioices at the gladdiiing Sight, With Wonder and Surprize. MlMl^Si mmmm ^tjl^daf, oh. tSinv aft^i .) « # i^tK day, jih 29m. mom. 35d day. ^h. i5m. nliifeB. H^lMRKAtMiE DAYS, f^tK »h. t4m. tto. dmdtr^ 4. 23^ 57 Gioi. IH. ho. 1738. «llf:Asc. Pr.Ern^.Ang.b. lljl i^tk 4h. aft. (Inf. 4 ^ 4 21 3 S^^taeaii often linie etfe than U 41 ohiruAed pcri]Hrati(ite», 4 2017 40 5 7*'l id. ill* 619. no.' cl dim* 4 20 7 40 9n^iJi« LI A b. 4 ^ % (1 5r 7$|.Ba1I19S1A8. i M^iiiTtviiOAir* , , , 2 ^f4, Mo^ d O ll^h I pii.af. 4 197 41 3iF#XTT«E8. •Perig. 4 19 4g3. lEo. tf, .0 fo. iih i2maC|4 19I7 1 ^*Vnlet I hi 15m. aaorn. 7 jiklbiitk ihr. |i^ laom. B Till II 1^ Y Su N . (faft 1 m. i f 2 t<ivof£p . X of W Sax. cU I #^etttefl »9h. 2301. Torcn. 4 fbuHdtr all^ttth^h. «6iit. momv mui ^^c*llt cl. faft 2m. 6f. E tft Svfi. sf. Trim, Sprlghtli* ^i^i# inchBdnm is noUgfi of ^Ifofiee. fatiiisi iMfit aa^ 4 1 4 ft*ftT» ^ eU|» |^l(|g(9aMnt, jMl^l^Milp.•^te I. noffttt mOtni \. 540 8 J5 m JU CY feiA XXXI Day. XTn Vaiiter •IJot'TioW moonced hrgli» Hii foaring Beams around the Sky • Throws forth in Hamin^ R^Vs : . A nd well the parching S^afofi fiiits. To ripen Grain andr mellow T^fults, Againft Autumnal D^ys- i h ■ I— f »■» I I Ml iji ifi day^ 6h. 271a. itybrh. ^B^ 8th daj, 7h. 4Dm. #clti.;| ] M M|W{ R£MAiE^KAfitik DAYS, Weathbr^v^V. ^^ 1 5ili day, loh. j^ou&ieii. ' ^4 day, 6K.44lit. '^^» 30th day, 8h. 2501.4^. 60 In Afhd. ^h. 3^11). mornJ4J9 jlsVifiu. y. Mah-y. 46 iVr 1-207 « id Su ». t£c. TtA. ^Agirj^riyiff 4 2Q 7 a It* MARTtM. .MiTlJ^tMJet. 4. jtlj 7 3|iBl.iaift4ra,4f. 4 417 ^r^. 2k. 24111. aft0ris« 1ft U a 4 29 7 good way, to^ain^fteem, to 4 a 3^ 7 letvevfoine adv«iitagee y^n 4 t2?3 7 * ^ ^' 7**'* '*'^'**^ inidn. h«vir4 rj 7 3d8.^af, Tft. D fci 8h. 45niV4 24 7 # Bcrigec* (for. cl , f . 4m . c 1 f.'4 a 5 7 • right to, as mei^ 01 quality 4 95 7 ^ >.^. «tevepa|^armori?4.»^7 || Rmiabkithan ivhan their iSWiTHiN- cl.faft5m. 28r f f^ rife 11 h. 24in. A. # To. B |t^ S u«r « «ft T 114 , (at aoon> 4 jcj 7 ^ , dfcftii plain. U 51 7 19 f i*k^/mUjbo^'erj and flounder ^ 327 SO 4 11 A R G aMt . cl. fa|b, $m. 5 af. 4 .jf 7 rt*in » 1W -»*^ 271 r 497 jt i$^0v;i9g w^ihir* J4 34J7 f**tri.iiht6m.A.(af.D^ f '4 367 th SvN« aft. Trim. (^^'«<i4 377 It. j A JM M. • Apq. D0g dM94 4387 t. Ah K. (d. Kill 6in« jli 4 39 7 up..^ I 9h. 30m. fortiL. 4 40 7 *V rife loht 4$m. a(^em. 4 '407 ^.il ib.n^. 24m. foren^ 4417 TJtt&ftfiii, 591; 4 4*7 IptbSnii. lift* Ttiir. ' %i^^ 49^ ^Sj .. . , 4<? ^iCt/W l;36 35«'9 '3^4 '34 2 ''HI 5 4II18 36.^0 4* f7 *« •*»• 37 *S 57 i^iPM 4 35 »4 . ^ 34 A3 3^ 3* 3» IQ 29 28 8 Itf .4^ 23. ,30 8:«P I, 5 iX i^ «r s H '34* «S*!^ 47 27 26^ 24^ V 46 ^!lon» $^ ?3 20 311 o i|43 8,29 9 p8 to 52*9 i1 10 516 i^ 22 i 26 .21 m 17 &8 2026 1|. 20 8 fB 24 1920 41 18 3<l«7 17 10 3 a 3t? M I 7 t^l 4 5 k ■immmmmivMmimmm* <^ "''*'i.r,Aimtiu^m- MM«*Nn>ilMfiMmipmFtf '^"HP^f^P^N^Pb*^ mm ■ H " M «Pi Vlllr AUGUST htth XXXI Day». 1794. , And now^ behold* the Wy ^(^ To vtrloiis LabcMr etUf ftWif , And Btrth'i oii^tdcd qttitt | Before the Froft bcimmbi the Ofoond, AadXHcdcnt* Mf adi* and Fieldf iroosd Are clad in wint'rx Whitt , 7th 4<x» ih* iioir pom ^^ L3th dtjr, 7h. S391. a^. Q^ f)ftda)r,oh. i6ai. ajftern. apth da7> 8h. igm,.(orta' :'taMf 9 ni#T ;b WlATIIgR, (|f#. •*■•*•■ 51 1 (fivh^jom* A*4 4$ 7 f fof sh^ ifii|, aftam, . > 4^ 7 vildan Ata waf siavai^ 477 « Mij^d»uC Uoh. lom.A. 4 48 7 !itttiifii.ottttrtoi)d.7*'irUa!4 497 B |7thSvii» aft. Ta4* Naiiie 0^4 |o 19 $ll»«maft. ehe|iffftnc>--tha^4 517 f ?!• fraiidfocbara i$y ii^ 57 7 ,$vir.aft. Tai, waabatfar{4 58 7 tMiM 4m, 7f» Timai whe^4 59 7 ipp, Prid* bonit they warM5 7 17I 4|t*'f rii^ 9ii. 30IB. A. yo«nt-J $ a 6 ^M 1%^ J^' >^n(* "M>nt. their'ie 46 ^i|' miikBfm: ^' 5 5|6 Aft3iir. jf. 8v#ipw aft, Tain. PrW. ill %9 *S;%^PQ|t^* (Hai^av born. ^1 ikmftHm ah. 34111. mora. #4 4^* BAitritai»'OMaw. ^ ff**i«fc ph. 90m. A, a|B|lej^f^|r/aft. Taiir« St^ I 4' tt fo< th, ^« aft A 1 I N I , •¥**!• 5 '*$ 49 5 »3$ 47 < »l$ 4J I '76 4S ^ 186 4a q$ at 6 40 5 aif 39 S 146 36' ,*■ *. "»♦. ■:-HMIllMSitm^<i»'i- * iw )»i WP ^ i iX. S E P T E M BE % hath ^XX Days. i?9 Now Swains prepare th<;irBarm and Floors^ To gather in Autumnal Stores, while Sol puffues his Way ;, And downward now ,^ with full' Career, To Libra's Beam he doth repair. Te balance Night with Day., inoin* y 5th day, 6h. zjm. m<irii. | j ,^v 20th day, 6h. 57m ^^ 1 2th day, 6h. 49ni. ovita. I | |Hk 27th day, 7I1. 29111. tftenit^ REMARKABLE DAYS,1© n © i. Moon ^t H.M* Gi LE».' 6 9% O V i [5264 34 19 ** '9 * LoNDOKburnt J666 O.S.J5 2^6 3* jni?* 7poe D AT s E»i> .^ > fo. 4h aft,U «W$ *o|l7 *l 4!^ Ill ONDON burnt 1 666 0;S. J5 2^6 %t 3 III ?3 ocI>AT8E»i>> >fo.4H a/tj $^ jrfi^ 30 17 *' ith6vu.*ftVTRiti.Itroa|j^ jil6 29 I ^4; ^'Pcrig. cl. ilbw m S^r^S 3#,«7i3 . 5; do to laugh men out of their^i; gr.Elong. ¥ D » 5 '^olUeiU5 NAT.of».y»MAay.';t»'8Hft5 3$fe but not drive p8]lt. 46m. af^ 5 39'6 21 4. flow' 3m. 1 3f. them, for y<?il 5 41 6 19 Uth Su Hi, tft. 1* R I N . cannot 5 43 6 1 7 ^ ib. I ik. 1 2m. aft. make ap 5 44 6 A 1> ^) ^isinto an Elephant.k 4d6 |(cMioW4m 57C intbhmontp. $ 7» *s rife yh. 4om^ a*Wr». 7 Lambbkt. ^ V B i3tlfSuN.aft.T^iiNv#Ap^ li^ibuth 4)1. 48^.'m(*|i }P)ck 4ew 6m. 43r. : ^ A, St. Matt h eW. |^ Stitiona JltJaEO.inCrown'dl76i. Pm. ALFf bpjfii. (O^nters^ y " (ih. im. 1^ B i4tH SvN. aft. Tun. % ii^yrk* 7*sri i6h. ^lm.A< 3 QEcltp.Iaviiibkt A 4 1 I iStatibniiY. |8k.Micif. |lb.ph%4»«*ft fl8t.JtEo|i*.d;flowioiiB.4f.|6 11 S 41 9 »3 o ^ 2$ !6 24I14 12 1.2 ^tf .4 25 .45 22 ■ £4 ^i*y*»^.7: #5.9 o » 201 1 IP f J loi 4^ 12 39 ?.43^»«« 31 30u» «9I^« ^1 2« 9 59 «9 « tf 00 811 f ^ C 3 1 1,2 8)Mora^3 3 jf In O 24 21 5$ 7 ^ . « 5819 39 57 it49 55 »6 •o 54 oAia 915 5» 5 49l»3 o 2024 < «5*| 2 1426 »7 28 24 6 42 6 «l «7l 7 3 >7 Seu« 6 12 5 I 3313 4 5 I 7 9 10 m 5«l^ i%«i^) 'liJMir* > i||l |. II . W W l |ll ll III .iP«. ^■■m».m^tiM!fki;.^U&tti*-i-'f'iirimiMi«ii •^ iC. OC t Q B i R.fti* XXStl toiyr, 1791. gM|>-g>rtrilTTfi"TT~-|TO-'T.n ''■"••! r -I '■ ' - ' lYwuMCi III I — IM— — 1— M— iM^^— Now JQDnc)ia| mtD^Bou^iem Skiel Behold at Itter Houri doe* rift* The brillUnt God of Onv ; While chilling Monn «kid lober Eves, Difmaittled Esnh and fidling Leavrs, "^ . dreary Scene difplay< 'if iS-intwwfT--'iMrrrm- w 4P 4fl day; oh. 50111. aft^n. j \2^ ««thiay, ih, 35m. moift. ^^^ 27th day* 6h. 8in. mprn*; ■^'*il'-i,7rr-»itiii-t I-; "iittiTrr' "iiiiii-i'^-irii ■iiilMl* illMoon'i pl^iiijBDK^tft^Ta IR. #r titte^ aolllbly oditiet ^/i ^$ #«&^fi(1|ii. 44111. il^» r«yi 'I iwJI»# ^in. 59fi. Kowmjij "3 llMi^llt^Vw. ctNilit||pinivi ^1 4 fl*a|llr^; cm aft. Mrt r|t I |!#^1L.%dV. Goiif. |«ti ^f^^l^/ art |ippi^dii% ' c ^1 1|0)^ ||q# ;i4j»ii. iDf. Wan i«Ik 44 «6 , 44 rH^4i 16 1:^55 J M 11 in I T 17 4 t#,l 3«I }0!i6 lit 10 nil sa cLiticji. gr.ildig. |ii[^P^m!i|(h.4cm.WtlBnik ;^ 4351^ if R-*.*.;:^ II t Mf A* 8 16 9 10 10 ijf 11 4 Mom o lOi ^3 * '^ 5B! tSth ShtD/aft.'Fai.^tfnt.tli^ 4Se ii 4S*D*III. ?%• 7*^trlpB <3f [II an^'" ^ • l?^^^- >*^ ^ Slid fJ M 7 4 »|«i 8u*«d*T^;^ P<ir. cl?« li I 4 *i^ m 'f J9 14 >|,Q|ii|il< SI •- i.|6 4d$ 2^1^ i^il Ml* 6 4a j. 40 « It I0:il0t». J 4« o •ft4 I IIS 91** ?l 1 W* d II, 14 H%^ I " , ■■ i> I' P^ .-.^i^-m* ■^■mmimifamM, "•••« ^F*^^fl|^^Wf^*Tr ■ XL NOVEMBER hAth XXSf *w|rf. 179^ ^ iii . i 'i II . 1* II ■■■« 1 I mmmmmmm ii - . nn' i n . i , m I Now Swains behold the naked Pl«in ; S«e hoary Winter comet agaittf And Mortals bar the Door 'Gainft pelting Ram or fleecy Siiow ; While in their Sheds the Oxen \vw. And Autumn lau^ha no more. 2d day, 8h. j;4ni. a£tem. \^ toik day, 2h. 53m. aftfiii. s ^mmf tStb day, 6h. 58m. a^ftit. a5tli day, 4h. «4m. ^ftth|| MSW D D REM AUKA^LE DAYS, Weather, Cff^: 0r.|@ i.f Moon's 1? 1, 5 4 5 6 7 $ .9 - 10 »3 »4 <5 16 »7 18 »9 ^ All Saihts. □ ^ ^ >^ Pr. l^DW. b. #fo.4.h. 48m. Ptss. Sophia, (aft. AH Sonls. , (bom iSoe.f; Powder Plot. D. of Cumb. b. 7 2 3 4 i H.M.IH*M r 595 1 «4 59 «*58 44 56 «J4 55 7 B 20^ 21 6 8 9 10 II 19 13 Place. 4 4 4 H4 15,4 4 4 20th Sun. aft. TjtiN. Cool mornings and tvinings, Prs. Avo. Soph. b. ^baps f Stationary. /iia*w. ^ I $ cl. (low 15m. 49r. St Martin. 7**5 To. oh.ly _ Apogee. ( 20m. Morn.[7 lift Sun. aft. TftiN. Men 7 #fo. 2h, 1:4m. afk. arefome 7 3 cl. flow 15 m. 7f. times accHfcd 7 7 ♦'» fo. oh. 2ni« M. of pride 7 HveH Rp. of Lincoln. 7 6 mefely l!)ccaufe their accnfers 7 20 woula be proud themfelves. 7 21 lad Sun. aft.^TR. Edm. K.7 22^ ^w Cold and Jwnu. (& Mart. 7 *3l4 37I 3)Cbcilia. O enters $ jh, 7 244 36 il 18 19 W 22 #3! 4 St. CLtMiiiT. (lom.Tnorfi^ 7 24f 5 Hmrdfrtfi, JPrttiffuafidn*7 6 D.of GLOu.b™ clu.t2m.39f. 7 tIIR^*"^* #fo. oh. 48m. afE. 7 7 7 7 21 I:f 20 5'«23 19 4 2K24 54I28 9 4 sAoTsa 4 5»>* 57 4 50 5 H: 6 49 »:^ «« 4829 7 47 »< 9 « 46 2C 5^2 45 4«44 44 »6 J7 42 28 56 4110 a 44 40*3 5 39 5'«44 38.*8^ 44 2 A 10 16 5 4 4 4 4 B ADVBNT»StIW.7<»'8 fo, I ih a Rawnndndand (20m. Night y^ fSt. Andrew. aJi^. U «7 28 35 34 4 33 4 12 *9 4 3 « 30 3* 3^ 4 30 4^ «S 4 19 o;:f 4.8 85^ 15 4^7 :^l 7'47 l?o w-f «iii ^ -'^'P^^I'P* "▼ if** ■«iil« •«««i^»«Uii(^iti^€U<,i-lr<u»rA«#u. mim XII. DECEMBER httb XXXI Dtyt. 1791. j|| Here fee, fond Man^ min$ QUA, Life's virioat Sctfonf ho# thejr poTtf And this ihon Muximsktii ;, Thus Life's ihprt fpting iE«ll (bon decijn Sttmiaer and Aatuptin£uieiiwa]r« A«d Winter clofe tfic Scette. . ^M s4 dtfj III, j7ni. mom* I loth day, gh* 50m. for^s. I , 3 5 A JP ? 7**8 fb. loh; 5501.^* '~ '* ►^ jhL |diB« Aft. Frf/#jf HlMARKAfiLB 0Ar»» nr^ 1 8ch, day, loh ^ni.^ren. • sjthday, 2h. 15m. mora. IdiSuM. In Ajitc nt. virgin atflif^HoiAs. d. il. Sin. f/C I ^fo. 8h« 49m. Aft* Aunts 9I 4 envy lidi and Laj9^f» whofe II lD(»iia;i:r;V.UA^7nfo. 10^^ _ nyitJii gay (jj^m.N. I 7 #At»og, <a. fl. 601. 4^1. <Ie- ilP P 9ir^* ^ AoYSftT. $ »;y ••s fo. loh. 10m, ?N. light l|c*r^ Q > ^ loh, 30m for. I am. mora. ici ^%|te^o,cl. flow4m. Sff. 16 ' i iAttojcentlf pa^s. 17 7 7^'a io\ ^. 4iE|m. Nighf . jJ^ii phearlychriftians fill to Bac lip ^3 d. flow im, ^4f. chuff he 21 4 St. Tho. 0«nt. 1{f ^h. |gro. 7 jii I Hio. ghi j|6ili. mora, (after. 7 S| I «^ |(ilai!dj^m n^piag coldi 7 14 7 #l*erig. WiHe^HI warm uf, 7 s| H CTHRISl^BOKN. cl tali |6r. 7 16 d ^ J^ir H. t<yve will wrecJt 7 97 9 ^'I^*^* iEt^v^* Venui gow ii 7 if '4 im,^44at^^tuni^igkfiid 7 M wr.SloiM^ f MnrimHltrMiUf 7 ^^ *^^ iP^fflpi;«h.i^rt.aft. ciXar, 7 iLViiT. namtndtkiYHr. .Ill"*' •• I . II. mil i A An EPttfiMERIS f*-1 .^DMljMt k.^ Province OF N OVA-SCOtlA. His ixciLia^cT ^ ; , THP RIGHT HONOURABLE GV YLom> D Q %C W.E S T 51 K Capimi^<»enerdl 9tnd Gonfemer in Cbiif ik dni hver iiii^ Mijififi Pr9. vincis 9f QuEBBC ; NbW'Brvvswick ; Nova-Scotia ; and HIS BMBLLE^CY J a H N- f A H R, E«Q«i^E. ^ tff^tpu^ govirmt' indX^omlfindfr in Chif in and^over ^t Majejh*t r. J*nw/i«^;«/f jKov A.&tOT 1^ i'mdjtf ptpndineietg Vice-Jdmiiol 9f Hon. T^mai Jmfrrw Strange, 11 H;)i|»; 'thffmas Cochran, Arthur. Goold, Jiftxanwtr jnyntfr, ^chamfs, OF TUB HOU$E cvp ASSEMBLY, Charlis Mdrris, ffohti Hi^lJihuttong Htnrf Difttcatt, Mr,ki€bmlWMunt^ ^Qharlm^itm*^ Etj J Co V.^; of A|CK k F0L Iff. Co^ ^fC^M^ B RS AND JohnMnm Biikt, Efij: il/r . lMii^M»tfei}^t9n, . Qu BS iflCo UM * T » !«««» Pirrlte Efqj Afr. Bewi^ak C'^lHnst Co. 0^ E V is M st Rf G . rl^^p'rCovNTv. '^lifnkJQ^rfnfif, Bfy 1 |^ CovsiTi^ of Hah T 8^. COXI, of Sfl B L SiU 1( NB^. Jkxandet; LscJtie, JBiib; (:^^J/-iVME% > CotfNTY of SVDNI^V. , HpRl«o*r, Qurd, Pmnifin,. Coii:^WAii£i|/ Mr.M.Bekhi^, ,?A1! MOUTH. »7/i>« Ck*r«,. B%lj^^^ j5^^_,'jy,.j,^ ■ ' "Wlsp$OR. ^ -td i,>»»t»»>i» !• On$low, Ckarhs Dickfon, Efi|t Tburo. ilf r« M. Arch ihcddi London D BR RT Mr* M'Eih^nney. '• Col. Dflancty, Or; ANVIL LB, Binj.jam^s, E%r l^tlN^liBVR^O^; .« . LlVERPOOtj. yXa^ovjTH.v ^i ^heldmPfiP^, ^^'-'^ f Pre- and pccitttfr ^m^k'&ittsmi. flail. flii^:^i^.^i IChief Surve)^ot t>l*Jtirl(Si, Churlit mfrih^<{f. , ,^ ," "■£8 mfmmmmK^m^'V^mf^t m : *n " Hon. i?ifW4/ ^N*«ftK. Ji^d»«# »^ ICte/f^tdlllrfit.EfcH^^^^^^^ IIisMajesVy's SUPREME Court rot. th^ Pwf i^KClv *. H0fiottf«l:»ltf -H- •■1^ I ft'-ii'fn'|lW"-iir. I Couiuy of ANNAjoLif. :^^» ir(wv#* 7#/*« ^«^r fifi>r- #<w^#y ^ Blackt E'qrt. ' s '■ ■-■■'■ *"■' e'^' 'i Gotiifty <^CtJMBtRi.iCM». SimtoH "^erkini^ WUlim^kiffiae^ Smm ©Miii!^ Of H A » T s. ' W, Tongtt Jtfefh Gr^f (^(Vfgi M^/m^s» D»iil*6f Cotewm^it. :35«w«« F«&w^ i«#^ JrekiMlnCM^ ■ i » i ^j' " ■ ■ i ii. V 't " iii m i n ii'i JXTSTIC Ef of tW PB A CB. Wm i^mMt^^m^'M^' -hMilm^>«m-' ^ ^ V'i^''*«^ ''*¥ tuswMrfo i 1«» •arpWMT VpRMpWb Wi^jW# < , -^ ••"F ^*r^ ^ mmmmmm^ rSTiqtt«r tilt PEACE dmMdMNtlilif ritOVINCE : $.$.MImmm u4 MkkMf^/ JiAnVm'^tii, EUitu ■*M|MM*M*1 •ymmim COMMISSIONEAS fortsMngSpeekd BiU faicke. Cotmtrj on Aet\mt$ CoRKWALis: J, BMriiUti, EA|; D^iofvi XiihMiUi Wq; Houston r «««. />M»jSi|r, Elqi CvMifRLANs: C<^.lM«r« i^a&if , SHERIfrt in ^« fcveral Countiei i^ thii PEOVlNClt, ' f"f*R i..- .'"'\ GoOiity <rf Hax 1^ Mjci, ——ofAiiiiAPOi.it: Wm.fyiuniittt — — — ofLuNEmwRo ; ^ ^^ Kutmit * / * ' <jtyflil*8 COUKTY 5 #%!«**-*-0f HAHTf: 'V ' fivf<f^ of SKlLBytNtf oiFSTowivi H y M - w% r J^I^ES of the COURT Arth^EOBATE of WUUUi^b^ <j 0S^ 0/ ImiHhtrg : ' Joih«(Creisbton. -V* aiMi<^ir«Mw^: E^^ WSpr tte OFWCBIts: of Hi. MAJESTY'S CUSTOM^ jfotm Sl«]rt«ry £f^ | CMi^tf$^, \ Mr. RowrkiiiSayige, 6««^ " *' L! > f'ff€*i !' « ' ^" »' it 'mmma/trntrntmrntiklm " I i* fe 'I , ; I I l iiu 1 , 1 11 m il ^i : - -y^ ''■ ' ■ \/ ■ ' ;• , ■ ^ pFFICEES li|rf#E)^g the PnovntciAi ]D^vtiB»* •^MMi* ^1 ,*»i >lB'Aa^ Attgiiftlit limki^ Efq} Cli^liyvlfrr. r* Elehard Bnixel» Gmutr. iA jsr*^*? ntti)«a$ li lUftrtB* cotng||»^ii>a swwoms b tw. ■ \ 8V P n SM M C.OU RT. ^ICi^/ur : The fiift Ttttfltar ^J^'}}*^^?^^^^ ^^i^^^' "^ ' — fceonaTaefduroirOdobcr. , ^ JtmrtiMi ThitkW^A^^ mSq^^ taa tW fettWh tueWty of Kbtcmbn'* Ji JUiu^ irhk r<Wth tiefaif of Miy, U»d tWrd Tacfa*)r of Sep- jkJmhrii T^ Te^onaTil^dtYofAwiili ^ ^iliW^; Spriiirfcir«»koMheTuefd.y tfterifc^^ ' |l«toiiiii-€S|«iat •» the Mondiy »«« ttter flmiig it ISFERIORXOVKTS $/COMtiON P LMJS. JtAwn^uUsi On thTfirft Tueftliy of^Ai>ril. «|id the irft Tuefday tf ilf li^huTi I On the fecpnd '^•^^g^^^F^rWid the fcconi Tttetd^ *^il^: <» Ae fitftTtteWey of Jwus, Said tiuj fiift Ttteldly o .||iwr#e^:Oiithefec^ '''»« of November. , • *. ,* rarmmi : On th« firft Tttrfg^^a, •»'» *? . *'» "^"f^ "fj '^JmiJ: Ontlitfif»T»tfl*yof A|pji/iiid the fit* t-W^lf ■■ ■ Ofioqer. • ■> v.,;^' ^ foftTue%pfNown5eir. , . ^j^- ^OmSU^i OathefiiftTiieiawofFehfWy, enddie firft Tiicfday —^ "s^" ' : ^ of AngoU* ■■ ' ■ ' ' '. _, ^;»W«r: ' Oiwth. fifft 'Tiw^ o^ ^4H^ M tlvfe Is* T«ll4fltPf ' . QQohei^w ' ' .■•.■vi JkJtf»«Mir : 6a thefefeoad tueiday <M^. «M the fecond Taeld^ ,^ V- i.> . A.\ SESSIONS,^ lit P\^4C*^ -. jr • A M^-/i» • Onlhe faftTieantof Martih, die fitftTa^of }bm, J, aI^/: or&«i^tfefl»r of Ap,». «»1 «^« fe» Ti»a»r Of Ji iMmtiGnmMm (econdf^ay JkV^PHlf anthl^l^dM "tlieaey ofApnl, imd/^e fecon 1'.^ ']li Utrrhgtti : On the flrft Ttt^t|r Jt rmrmtntb i On tbt firll iWday of April, _ AtAmhti^i Oathe firil Tucfdayof ApriU tnd the Uft Tiiel«UY cCI p6bber. ' Jt Onjhw : On the lift ^neCcUy of Felrarjr, aii4 tht kft TVtfiftftf ^ Attfmft. - ^/ Shtltum^ : On the UH TiMMty of Mfrch, tn^ ||^ ki TMfii«T «f Oaober. Jt Windfir : On the lirft Taer<li]r of AprU, and the Uft Tifiity if ^ OftoW. \ :. -«// Mtmcbtfiir : The feco»4 Tuefday of May, and the feeond Tncfday J ofOftober. ' ■ - ' «V D EAR A^i^i Sir RICHARD -^m^-. tlStofthf CQMIiB&IGNED OFFICERS of hit MAJ|STY*» ^ SHIPS at Halifax. ; - ADAMANT, 50 Gum, j^j 'Af<».- Thomag Prickard, . liiraftkr; ' " lirdine, 9&rgeon. John Dredge . - Purfcr. LientAiiant Klundy. Marinci. T H I S a, as Cufio 300 AdEnr. Rupert Geoige, Efq; - CaptauA C. Waifbn, ift Lleutenam, tRidiard Hughet, \±^lM%ieit^ George S^tt, AAiiig tieo -^ — Bacihottfe, V ymtf, liiaac Wijfon, . « *» V' $iirgeon; 1«nmam Moorr, f Pterfer. •— — wnith, - Lfttnemint. John Allen, - MM^er. PUi'l^H'. wgeoBi _ Ht^HRS, Bart. Comman- der, iw Chi4ff^<v tSt, Ife, E%><J%V Captain. -■^CS^wtary. iR Lieutenant, ad iictttenttnt. i w eei'i Twfiian ^ ^i>d Lieutenant, Thom^t WhitCi ' 4th tieufenant. JohiC Afleyii :U y *^- Miifter. 0. ftamfay^ * . Surgeon. Charles Howardi - Ptorfcr. ^apuki Farmer, 1 m^ • ' Lieutenant Darfev, J **«"«>«• FRNfeLOPE , ^i G»»/. a;j;oAri». .J...... ««w 'TOMMnipnav Ei<|; - Captain. J D* Bean^ iohn Pcrgafoh, i ft Lieutenant. | J«»hn Snipe, w-,5w„c amnel H; Lint^ee, U Lieutenant. ItiehMrd' Cud^ert, Lieutv Mi^inea. /"" ' ' ■ . t ■ ■■■.■■.. ^ ■ Kti Ma ji»T*i Naval.Yard, at HALIFAX in NOVA-SGOfTlA. P RINCI PAl OFFICERS. The Hisnojafa^ble.Heniy Duncan, Titu* Llvic, Efq 5 - ' PWFO* WaJlb, ©fl^j? Thomas^ Read, lEI^ ; .-> Mr. Jpk% Par^iiintcr, , -•; W|^*^ Afex. Faiquharfoi, hlr. I«»b ^ttHj, - ||PcAje*. ^^^^ ' ^ u -■#. (UmMWMut, mwyfeT Atttnutxnt t I CitrAftaibt Naval StoK^^g^, ;>i. -• ,'f mfiimm :-''<r/*mSti^vi7,:, .Mr. jQlm Km*, Mn «|<:liird QHei, Mt.^lbilUckhaiii^ Mr. Stephen Cidleii, fmiiuu of Smiths* F§retimHo/Smihtuikert4 }B§9ifrimns oftbi Bmrmtyerp/M^s, Pm*r9ffhQatt. ,'^ Hit M*ii»ir', NAVia-HOsnTAL M UhtttAX. •a* ■ rortm. "" ■ ' " * »■ ST A F F OF tBB A R M Y. Mr/i, QmmJ,/'Jlrit»ihr.G^^ JAMES OOII.V1«» ^,ft,| , l^tf-ji^W^ T, M0naicff;E% (CM of th$ atcL km«i Spry 9^9mm4ii^Jt990iMnginmst Cipt. ' " - -' ^ I ' A 1 < mil OL^'alL _1: ''•% * Alex. ^iheHaiid^ ■ ■ -Ewii ' 4M^i Gm^jfiry Gmrtd Fuel •^ mmk» Kbgcr Tohnfon, Efoj Porter, Eiq; /)^«(y ^4ira<i Mmfter Giueral, James Putnam, Efi|; 11 Ordttance Sieve Keener and Pof Mafler, James Mordcn, Efg; I rifin at Bcrr4ichMmfter, J. Mdrckn, Efq ; » M.H^a ^/yfCM, WilUamlliijrnoM^^^ ^tffa«/C/wif, Adam Fife,- ^ P«ma/0^ti the Fortes, AiflW tidtff Tl)al«roR, Efq } Comptrollerif Jrmf Jceotttttsg I. M. F. BulkeIey,sE^; ^*r|»»« to the Gmiri/h, botiM M'lntirc. AJ^^t^ dk» James Boggff. Surggettto the Ordksmee mid Jrtil, Wm. Jame« Almond, Chaplain to the Qai^fiAm, Reverend Mather Byles, Q. D. J^ing Depe^ty Chaplain to the Gar JM&r/fr. James Morden, Efg; ' | ri^ ^"M^iZ''''i^vennd7B. ■*"■"•'■ LEVEE PAYS at ^e GOVERNMENT MWP^E, i8th do. Q:.Charlotte't bkth 12th Aug. Pr. J Walw Wr&i djiy, «|#Apr». 8t.Gi»rge. /^othNov. 8fc JLfe^ew. ™ it.'aAJt>-taj«.:a: i« 4fc,;.,4ii!«!i»ii»,-.oi*('i'»*i.aj . >U1f»t»f0*\i FTRfi ENGINE COMPANY for the Town of HALIFAX. Benjamin Bridge, Captain; Willitm Miiword, George Jones. EphMim Whtfton, Juhr. Mirk Mullon, Siffluel King, Daniel Weir, John Head, Nicholai Smith, Stephen Dupee, Edvr. O. WUdom, Frauds Stevens, John Irvin, Philip Fofs, Wmiam Dnfas: An Account of BUOY S. Laid down for the better Qnidanee of Ships, (ailing in and ont of Hdifax Harhour, Whtf if laced. Depth •fWaltr. I Litchfield Roek * 15 Feet» Man Rock, between Cheda- ^ bu£lo and the Litchfield V at — • Rock. - - 3 Point Pleafant Shoal, the •||[* South EaU part. CoUnr 9ftheBuv^l White, L Shoal between Comwallis and George's IiUn4. I 30 — Ditto Ditto Red, The JEWISH CALENDAR. I ft Month Adur, begins sd Month Nifanorbib, - 3d Month Jiar, 4th Month Sivan, 5th Month Tamuz, 6th Month Ab^ 7th Month Elul, 8th Month Tifri. 9th Month Marehefvan, loch Month Cafleau, 11th Month Tebeth, « lath Month Shehat, Janttar3r 4th, ends Fcbruray 3d, March 5th> - 4«b, 4th, •! ad. . \ April May une ttly Aug. Aug. Septi Oft. Nov. ad, « ift. 31ft. 30th, a9*» A February March April May 'une ttly Aikg. Sept. oa. Nbv. Dee, ! ad. 4th. ift. 111. 31ft. 30th. aSth. 29th. 20th. 29th. m I :il The True Proportion of N A H's ARK. L4ng^ofth«Keel, <^ jool f Its Borden as a 1 Inadthdf the Midlhtpbiam. $0 yFeec< ManofWar, 4500 \% ^ hi the Hold, . 30 J tMercht.Man,473i}}.J -»v'5««fiS|HlWH*Ci'':' ^'■^^'i^jMm^" -^SEsE-Sl l4*i ■<■'- TABLE fbi^ttybg wl;ether any Balhel, half BuflKl, Peck dr Gallon |l be equal to the Standard. f^ A TABLE fhewing thetlmjei that the hour and minute hand of a Watch are in Ccnjnn€tion. Conj. H. M. Sc' Th. m 1 V. Pts. i I $ 27 16 21 ^V 2 3 10 54 3* 43 38t\ 3 3 16 21 .49 5 27tV 4 4 21 49 : 5 27 16A s S , «r to 21 49 5tV 6 6 u 43 '38 «o 54tt 1 r 3« la 54 33 r ^^^^ 43 38 10 ^^ 32X1? ;t 9 49 5 «7 J6. 21A 10 54 3» 43 38 loj^ 1* 12 6 - "'rmmmmf:0m bn » OF E X P E N C S S by the Week, or Year : From one Penny to foitjf] Shillings by tlie Day* One Day. For one ( Week. *• » ? •# L ktch i/. I 2 3 4 I 7 8 9 10 II > I 3 4 i 7 8 9 ID II 12 13 »4 //. o o o o JO o o o o o o o o I I I 2 2 2 3 3' 3 4 4 4 o I 1 2 7 2 9 4 tov ohe. Year. 2 II 3 6 4 « 4V8 5 3 6 5 7 H I 8 IS 2 9 i6 3 10 >7 4 II i8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o /. i. </. I lo 5' 3' o 10 4 i« 3 6 I 8 7 12 I 9 * ^ 10 12 II 12 3 4 »3 13 9 15 4 2 16 14 7 18 5 o 36 lor 54 »5 73 *> -91 5 109 10 127 15 146 o 164 5 182 10 200 15 219 o 237 5 255 10 t One f Dav, -I ■ I i'i»i f t ■t o o o o o o o o o o o o o i I t t t t .'I «7 18 «9 20 21 22 *3 24 :i 27 28 29 30 3» 3» 33 341 35 36 S7 38 39 For One WccTc. 5 5 I 5 12 1 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 3 10 10 13 o 7 14 I 8 »5 2 to II II II 12 1*2 12 »3 13 »7 4 II 18 5 12 'i >3 1/. o o o c o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o o For OIK Year. /. J. «• 275 '5 292 o V<^ 5 328 10 34'> "5 3<% o 383 5 401 10 419 15 |43« •^ ;<^. s 474 10 492 »s 51! q S^9 5 547 10 565 i; C84 o 602 5 62Q 10 638 15 657 o ^TS 5 693, 10 711 15 o o o o o o o o 6 o o o 6 o o o o o t o o o o o t o a ♦■■I is • < <« s ^ I o J5 i2 O so «* -^VO O "*• O I^ O »N.u^»n»* 000 In. tr\ »^ ^ •^ ""^ "^ '^ «*» «*» •« »* o o\w r*.iN. 00000000 o O — N «0 •^ w->\0 !>«. 00 o 00 o o C■,^^m f n ro '^^ iriN© In. o o o »>. o \ Q tN.N 00 pO »n m fN iM 3 qoo Noo u-tcrtM 010 ut vrt »r« tr% ^N00 ON| 1 < I 8 Os <<^ ON ^^ *^90 vf>C ONOO tN IN.'O SO ^rMTkVs o o 000 0000 ♦•^- ifeA.,.. .:^-.a, TO find the lioar of the day by this Table, take t ftaff» of what length y<mpletfe, and (with a pair of CompaiTes) divide it into ten equal parti, makiiig them upon the^aff, then in fome plain level place where the Sun Ihbiesiet it \fpright,tndmark wh«re the end of the fhadow thereof fallf f then meafure with your ftaff, the length of the (hadow,ind note the parti it conumt, whith find oat in this Table againftthe d«y of the morith^and over head vou have the true hour of the day . For example» fuppoie the Ifth of May or ^dth of July, Ifhould nnd the 0iadowof tht iUft' be ilbtty. three parts and one quarter (chat is four ftaff lengths three partf and ;;ime ouarter). therefore feeking in the Table againft the faid da^i* I iu [ovec ACidlhiC it is then other 6 o'clock in the morning or 6 in the eve- Tng^l fo that if vour obfervation was in the morning it was 6 oVlock, ot ue j^rnoon 6 o'clock. ..tfcfctjfflfe *s :.-#' swufxrwf » tickl CHRONOLOGICAL ANECDOTES. th * vn I u 4 }« d 1720 273 1494 I20I 1204 1274 1297 1304 1307 1320 1325 J 3^0 I381 1440 1508 1614 1637 AD The Creation of the World 5797 Noah's Flood 4141 The DeftrudUon of Sodom gg and Gomorrah ' ' Mofes received the Ten Com- _« mandmcnts « . ^ Solomon built the Temple 2802 The Temple dcllroy ed 2 3 78 The true ira ofChrift's Birth 1794 The common i£raof his Biitli 1790 ierufalem deftroycd^ lUther began Reformation New -found land difcovcred The King's of France, were without Ships or Sea Ports. Where Amflerdam now flands ^ there was only a fmall cafUe ^ and Village. ^The Firft commercial Treaty ^ between England 'and It Flanders. ]^jThe Pirft mention of the **?* Office of Admiral of the Englifh Seas. Forty men a fufficient Com- plement for the largefl fhips of War. Bills of Exchange Firft in Ufe. Gold firft began to be coined in Cbriftendam. England's firft treaty of com- merce with ^Venice. - Leather money coined in • France. Firft ad of navigation made in England. I The art of printing Invented. America difcovered byChrift- opher Columbus. The French firft fal up the River St. Lawrence. New England fettled New Haven built yl Great Earthquake, Nov» x8. 1755 111. ♦^i^ts^^ "775 ^77S 3» 2 m^ Fire at Bofton, March 20 Tea deftroyed at Bofton December 16th Bofton Port ihut up Jiine 1 Firft Con|refs, Sept 5 th Battle Lexington April 19 Crown Point, taken May G. Howe, Clinton and Bur- goyne arrived at Bofton, May 25th, Bat. Bunker's Hill June 17 Falmouth burnt O£to. 1 8 Battle of Grave's Ifland in Virginia Dec. 10 G. Montgomery fell Dec. Battle at Frincetown Jan. Bofton evacuated March 17 Quebec fiege raifed May 6 Battle Sullivan's Ifland June 28 ' Battle Long Ifls^id, Aug. 27 New York taken, Sept. 15 Fort Wafhingtou tak. Nov. 20 Battle at Trentown Dec. 26 D^nbury burnt, April 25 Gen. Prefcott taken July 18 Battle Bennington, Aug. 16 Battle Brandy wine, Sept. 1 1 Philadelphia taken, Sept. 27 Battle at German-Town, CWlober 4 Battle at Still-waterOflo. 7 ^fopus burnt, 0£to. 15 GeneralBurgoyne Surrendered Oftober 17 Red Bank attacked, 0£to. 21 Mud Ifland taken, Nov. 1 5 French Alliance, Feb. 6 Philadel*. evacuated June 19 Battle Monmouth June 28 m Sea Fight between Britifliaad ^ French fleets, July 27 Count d'Eftaing arrived at R. Ifland July 28 Battle at R. Ifland Aug. 29 4< i 1778 *^;^^vliatlilMii<rAifeui, i.^r^m:>M. ^ '/•stai'ik. ''*H»*^*l/fc: ^779 «779 At) iniea ttken by the FreBch ^^^^^^ September 7 ""^ Poiidicherrjr taken bjr the Eoglilh Oao. 17 St Lttcit taken by |hc Eng- _ liih December ij ^ Dark day in New* England May 19 St. 'Vincent taken by the French, June 18 Grenada by the French July 6 War with Spain begun Rattle between Byron and d'£ftaingjuly6 Fairfield burnt. Inly 9 NoTwalk burnt, July 12 ^toney-Polnt taken July 16 Fenobfcot taken Aug. 14 Paulut Hook taken Aue. 1 8 Count d'Eftaing arrived in Georgia October 10 He retreated 0£l. 21 ^Cfr Fort evacuated 0£t. 25 ~ dbille taken by the Spa- ttiardst March 14 :h«rleftown» S. C. tak^ \ Miy 12 readful riott in London, be- gan June 2» fuppreired June 8, New-Gate, Sec. burnt fnany lives loft. •— — ittlenea^ Camden Aug. 16 1780 ajor Andre taken* Sept. 2% •-«— ar decla. agaiaft the Dotch — ^— f between Tarl^on and Morgan, Dec> 20 , T^ w^ *f ^^ jr tt «• 1780 St BofttcU taken Feb. 3 Battle of Guilford cdart- hottfe March 1 e FartofNew'Lo^OB bomt Sept, 6 Battle off Chefapcik Bay 'Scptenber 7 Lord Comwallii'i fttrrender Oftober 10 Brittih and Dutch fleeti en- gage near Dogger -Bank Cf vlon uken b^ the Engliih January 11 Minorca taken by the Spa- niardf . February 4 St. Kitt'i taken by the French , February 12 "* ' French Fleet totally defeated by A. Rodney in the Weft. Indieff on the evermenio- rablf 12th of April Roval Geofge overfet at Spit* nead^ 850 fouli drowned, Aunift 50 Spaniih floating batteries Burnt in Gibraltar Bay, by the firing of red-hot balls from the gtrrifon • New luand difcovered in the North Sea, near Denmark Peace with France, Spain Se America* conclude^ Sep- tember $d, Peaee proclaiijied in the city of London, OAober 9 ADi 1781 1782 ,*» 1783 *ABL£ Viewing the Number of Chains. Links, 4tc. contained in the Length or Breadth of One Acre of ground. Sec, hkiAbfU. Length. *hXin. f-m ■j Ch. Lin. Parts of a lb 00 Link* 5 00 3 33 333 a 50 2 00 Ch.Lin. 6 00 7 00 8 00 9 00 10 00 BREADTH. Parts of a Link* 666 285 Ch. Lin. I 66 I 42 12$ 1 11 t CTO III '^i6^^ ■»*4 A Table of feveral Coins, calculated* DOLLARS at Foar Shilliiigi » and Eight Pence. ^ I>6LLARsi. GUINEAS. nSOTDORES. JOANNES't. ¥ •M •.4 •« a« ^rf^n •-» o O Ovo» 00 00 ^sKvO^6^0S0 ** **" *^, JJ ** **■ ' t S„ iiii;,i|| <^,,i* M •«, M mk m tm |!|_- JM IN n ■^5? -m^^n,.dM ,^ 4:^, A^r^^