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Caemoniea "■ IS.-..-.. ,...,„l,.„ w„„ „,„.„, ,!,„ s. ,:.„,.. ,„„H^, „,, „,„ ,^ „_,,^^ ^ .i,;?*^""^,""?*" f"*" "embers : I km about to ooen hlnW V "f ^°' "'^ '^*'P»"='' °f business and Sril" Jhank^you for your attention and assistance bTo H. —Select Councilor. S. C.-Your first duty in this Council ? H.-To see the Council properly guarded reclngVnrro%:Lrte;'^^ ^^t'^r ''"'^' '^'• H.— Select Councilor. S. C— Bro. Herald. H.— That duty is performed. S. C— Your next duty in this Council ? H.-To see that all present are qualified to remain. S. C.-You will attend to that duty. H. — Select Councilor. S. C. — Bro. Herald. H. — All present are Royal Templars. S. C. — It is well. The officers will assume their respective positions. Are the officers on duty ? IThe'Heralil reports tlie .ilisent nrticc-rs (if an\ ). coiiiiiienciiit' uitli the liiuhi-st .iiul when all arc filled, reports ;| H. — ^I'hey are. Select Councilor. S. C. — Brothers and Sisters : It is my duty to pre- side in this Council, conduct all business coming before it to a proper termination, see the rules of order enforced, and do all in my power to advance the interests of this Council and the cause of Temper- ance, which duty I shall endeavor to perform with diligence. I trust that the officers will be prompt in the discharge of their duties, and that the members will be obedient i > the just requirements of the officers and Council. Let harmony prevail in our midst ; let tolerance pervade our discussions, and let it be re- membered that in union alone there is strength. S. C. — Please sing our opening ode. [ode.] S. C— You will now give attention to the services cf our Chaplain. OPENING PRAYER. Our Heavenly Father, we humbly implore Thy favor to rest upon the deliberations of this meeting. We are conscious of our many imperfections, and that all the good we do, and the evil we overcome, is alone effected through the aid of Thy Almighty Power. Help us to be the instruments of Righteousness and Truth, and grant that the cause of Temperance, and the interests of suffering humanity, may be advanced in our land. Bless the unfortunate ; have mercy upon the erring; turn the hearts of evil-doers, and make us all more sensible of our dependence upon Thee. Be with us in all the duties of life and prosper us m all righteous undertakings. Hasten the day when the fatal scourge of Intemperance shall be driven from the land ; and when we are done serving Thy righteous will on earth, may we be received into that temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. We ask it in the name of Thy dear Son. Amen. S. C— Ofificers and members : You will come to order as Royal Templars. Attend the signs. Vice- Councilor : V. C— Select Councilor. S. C— Are you a Royal Templar ? V. C.—I am. S. C. — How do you prove yourself ? V. C.— By salutations [salutes, members folloiu'] and signs of distress [gives the distress sign, members give the same tn concert]. ^ . p'^.'—'^^^'j proper signals [gives the signaL which is responded to by V. C, Guard and Sent.-] Herald, you will attend at the altar. to hls'piac"|'"'' ■"''•'"""' '" ""^ "' '^- '^'">"'' '""' ■'"■■"'«•■- the Hible. .alu,cs,,n> hu ^;9''~"}^'^'^^ balls elect, black balls reject. Be careful and make no mistakes. S. C— The members will now ballot, commencing I mv nent. * on my right TWhen all have voted who wish :] L ,?• C.— Have all balloted who wish ? If ballot IS closed. so, the i.. S. C.— Bro. Vice-Councilor. V. C— Select Councilor. S. C. — How stands the ballot ? V C.—Clear [or not clear, there beitu! hvo or more adverse ballots]. Select Councilor. r xa^!„"A ilr''* '''^^' "" ""* '■'■""' '"« »'"»■• ■■'"cl presents i, ,o ,he Select Councilor, who ,.^- C.j-I SO find it, and therefore declare the an- plicant duly elected to {or rejected from] membership in this Council \pr, the Select Decree], The P. C. will see that the Declaration is executed. The'^.^«?^.;^i;^t.S,,^r;:;^il'{o' -^^^^^ u .„»<,.. S. C.~Bro. Herald : H. — Select Councilor. o ?• S~^?" "^'^ ^^^•'"^ »"<^ ascertain if any person seeks admission to membership in this Council IHeraW salutes and retires. i;,.„„ re-entering, salutes ..ncl reports :| H. — Select Councilor : S. C— Bro. Herald. H.~I herewith present the Declaration of . Who \% •nitt.out, awaiting the pleasure of this Council! fHenild rends DecUration.) S. C. — Bro. Recording Secretary. Rec. Sec— Select Councilor. 8 5. C.— You have heard the report of the Herald ^avithQ persons named been regularly elected to membership in this Council ? Rcc. Sec— They have. S. C— Are their rods inscribed and on the altar? Rec. Sec— 'i'hey are. S. C— What is the pleasure of this Council ? Shall we proceed with the initiation? [If „o one obJectsA 1 here being no objections, I shall proceed. 6. Initiation of Candidates. INITIATION. .^.... be upon the P. C.s pedestal! 'a^.l'X tn«'*V-raTe^"£"'o',?V/^'ifapr„\' S. C— Bro. Herald. H. — Select Councilor. , ^- 9:~^^ the Council Chamber in complete order for initiation ? ^ H. — It is, Select Councilor. K \ ^f—Yo" will r.^pair to the Court, accompanied by the Deputy Herald, and introduce the candidates ytticers and members, I solicit your co-operation to make this ceremony solemn and impressive. file. LTin Ji,Trs i[ u!" tin.' er isl %Z^'''-'tuX H ''Tr'^^f ""i"' '" ^''""^^ "■'" '" s,„«, is ready, the Sonti„el':^lliX|,^-„,,i;i-»-^;,4^1'-^ -;^da,es. Whe,.-^ „Je hen all Guard— Select Councilor. S C. — Bro. Guard. Guard— There is an alarm ai the door. S. C— You will ascertain the cause and report. Guard— The Heralds, accompanied by friend? Hho seek admission to our Order. ^ n?' ^'aT^^ "u^ ^" ^°'" ^" ^'"&'"g ^^€ First Initiation Ode. Admit them. [ode] o.^U^, turnin, the corners s.uare.'^^^S^ hI ^a !^ r^'^^^^^offio^'fa^!;;;: • S. C— My friends, it is with pleasure that we wel- come you among us. You understand that we are united to promote habits of total abstinence, secure ioml?P'v ''°K ^^ '^^ "^"°'" ''^^^ ^"d protect our our pL °" *i''' subscribed to our Creed, accepted our Pledge, and entered into our Covenant. We are thereby assured of your hearty co-operation ; but be- fore we receive you into full membe^hip, we desire to our Order. Herald, present our friends to the Vice- Councilor for instruction. H.— Vice Councilor, I present to you /runjs who ^«r. been elected to membership in this Council, and «« desirous of learning more of the principles of ouT lO I ^' ^'T^y friends, our triple motto is «* Rnoc Love and Trttth " i^u^^^ j '"^^uu is, hope, great fou„dI:;oTsionelu;rw°fc''eTe"VuirdL'"' magnificent superstructu?e-tW RTyaf Telt^of Temperance. First in fhic ki^. j . • /^™P'® of 'bright " HoPF "nro.i" ^•'"'^ ^^f^^ed trmity, gleams of aBoetitP nr\. P'°^^^"«»"g deliverance to the slave even ik to 7he dead "" Tr^V"'/' '^' '"^'""^' ^"^ nrst loundataon princm eof our OrH^- a . trusTfn Coh' '°h' "" «^-''«^'""« Ump. biddTng you r:t,:,s^d°oi^"ta^ro"r" "'^ """^"^ '"--- [Herald proceeds to I', c.'s chair.J t,^'^^''^\ ^"°""<:il'5f. I present to you friends whn 'TdeZut oM '" "'^-'^f ^l^P '•" this doJ^d :„d Degree '""'"^ "^^ ^^"""^ '^^^o" "f 'his t»'. C. holds eiiibleni in his hands.] is \'5,:^^\^Ti"^'' ?/ '^■"'''«"'' «ke our motto. Ihree Z L, ^^ *" .'""*'"' "-^'"•4 Composed of tnree distmct pieces, this trianui,. illostrit^ >^--- t«.l elements Simpuctv/eJuIutv and Strength" It IS the simplest of geometrical figures veMtkJ^; Ltoptl"ff"V^r"««^°"^'^■ ''^^^^^^^^^ luc p operties ot all other figures are obtains/I tu^ ^mphcity of the pledge of* total absrineTcr^'is Jery II marked, but it is, nevertheless, the fundamental step of the great temperance reform, and through it we shall reach the grandest achievements of the age. [Puts emblem to^^ether]. As you advance to the high- er Degrees of the Order, the elements of Equality and Strength will be illustrated and applied ; but keep fresh in your memory the simplicity and impor- tance of the total abstinence pledge, [Exhibiting tri- color side of emblem). This is the emblem of our com- plete Order, exemplifying the colors, virtues and prin- ciples of the three Degrees. [Turning over t/ie emblem.'] This side, in simple white, exhibits the color of this Degree, emblematic of purity, and teaches consecra- tion to the service of God. Shining upon its bars are the three lessons of this Degree— Hope, the sheet anchor of our craft. Simplicity, the fundamental ele- ment, and Fraternity, the bond of vital union. The beauty, utility and power of Fraternity will be illus- trated by our Chaplain. |M. ami candidates proceed t(» CIia|iJaiirs cliair.J H.— Chaplain, I present to you friends who have been elected to membership in this Council and are desirous of learning the third lesson of this Degree. Chap.— My>/V«//j, we rejoice that you have recog- nized your duty to yourseb^^ and have taken the simple pledge of total abstinence, the fundamental step of the great temperance reform. We rejoice still more that you are ready to do your duty to your neighbor, and have enlisted for a war of extermination against the liquor traffic. Standing alone, the battle may seem hopeless. [Pick up rod.] This single rod may be easily broken. [Bend the rod, but do not break tt.] The single soldier is easily discouraged and crushed. [Pick up bundle of rods.] This bundle of 12 rods firmly bound together, offers powerful resistance svmhnr lf'7j'^ "■"'' '''""8*- ^his is the riking symbol of fRATERNiTY. Bound together bv ou? Creed, our Pledge and our Covenant. Sg in one tiU.'^ '^°'"« u '" ^" """'' '»'= become an irres"s tible power, marchmg tocertain victory. Each rod nthL this Courdl trt"r'°J " ""■?■ ^-'hfuTm °mbe 'o inis council, and to night we hope to increase tho strength and power of the Symbol by adding a rod for eaa o/you. Before we can do so it wm ^ necessarv for you to take upon yourselm a solemn and bS &f7hiT n r " T '° '"* principles and teaih* Can. — I am. oblTg^tio'rr^^''"*'^' ''''"'^"''' our>/.«^^ to the altar for tu o«#irerd'fe "'^ZK^e^c''^^^^^^^^^^ ^'-" be made si.nultane proceed to forni a hoUow sauare inT «,o;„i;'» r " °^ *""^ = the members will all rise a.. rl of the Cotmcil Chambe?T t?e V^C takS! ooi?Hn.°'' «*%.^*de and acrosT he K |i'^ the RC. and Chap, take positions at t^esi^^nr/h ^ the candidates- ?"uty cross their OBLlGAlION. You, of your own free will and accord, in the ore. ence of these witnesses, do solemnly promi e that vou will never reveal any of the private'work. ce^eS cross their '3 or business of this Order to any person not entitled to know the same ; that you will never communicate the Quarterly Token to any person except the proper officers of the Council, or in the discharge of your duty as a Select Councilor ; that you will abide by the Constitution, By-laws, Rules and Usages, of this Order ; that you will carefully preserve and protect any property of the Order which may come into your hands, and deHver the same up when legally called upon so to do ; that you will not present the name of an improper person for membership ; that you will not wrong a member or see one wronged if in your power to prevent it ; that you will assist any worthy member who is sick or in distress ;' that you will work devoted- ly to advance the interests of this Order ; that you will use your nK)ral, social and religious influence for the promotion of the cause of Temperance, the suppression of the liquor traffic, and the elevation of our race, and that you will not cease to labor— God giving you strength— while life shall last, or until the evils of in- temperance are destroyed. To all of which you pledge your sacred honor. If so, answer, " I do thus promise." Can. — I do thus promise. Mem. — We bear witness. S. C. — Let us all kneel while the Chaplain implores Divine favor to rest upon us. [Heralds lower their Staffs, 1 INITIATORY PRAYER. Almighty God, King and Ruler of the Unive? ,e, to whom all hearts are open, and from whom no secrets are hid, bless, we beseech Thee, the promises that have just been made in Thy presence. Grant that these Jrtends may be filled with Thy Divine Spiri* that they may have Grace to perform those things which are acceptable in Thy sigi , and to avoid those erroi* «iat are displeasing to Thee. Teach us to reverence 1 hy will and to place our dependence on Thee Bless us in the addition which has been made to our Council this night. May we all become living stones, fitted for Thy great temple in Heaven. Assist us to be useful wljiie we live, and finally receive us into 1 hy Heavenly Kingdom, which favors we ask for the sake of Thy dear Son. Amen. S. C— My frtends, you have added to your simple pledge of total abstinence a solemn and binding obli- gation to be governed by the rules of our Order and to acquiesce in the action of the majority. • You have thus given us the stror.gest assurance of your faith in the principle of Fraternity. This union should strengthen our purposes and efforts to perform the three great duties of life— our duty to ourselves our duty to our neighbor, and our duty to God. I now welcome you to full membership in Council No . with the true fraternal grip of a Royal Templar! 1 he Quarterly Token for the current term is . \Give token in a whisper.'] The Vice-Councilor will invest you with the color of the Order. f '"-^"Jj^j " private work, used to distinguish members of the Order, to guard against intrusion or imposition and to maintain uniformity and order in the Council Chamber, which I will now give. {Gives a complete exemplijicatton of unwritten work.] You will become familiar vrrth this work in your atteniiance upon the meetings of this Council.] The Vice-Councilor will give you places in our chain of Fraternity, line exceTtlle'^S T "i^'Uf^tl^f-l^' ^- ^- ■"!"' ^^^ap. assist, all talcing places In the As I now add to our fraternal symbol [p/ace neTo- rods tn bundle] the strength of these new rods, our new members take their place in our fraternity. As I bind the rods together [tie up the bundle] our members will complete the living chain of fraternity, and in the loving links that bind us as one. give a hearty welcome in Hope, in Simplicittv and in Fraternity, Xo those vibo^ have to-mght added their strength to ours, for the over- throw of intemperance. Let us all join in singing our 3rd Initiation Ode. {Sing th. Ode.} Five minutes for congratulations. Herald will close Bible on Altar. [After Recess.] Temp^rT?^''''^^^'* ^^'^^^ * ""'^ ^" '''^'^"^ ^^V^^* (Herald satisfies himself that no intruders are present, and reports :J H.— They are, Select Councilor. /??; ^-T^?" ^1," a"end at the altar. [Herald opens. Bible and salutes.] We will now resume our labors. 7- Reception of Commimications. 8. Reports of Sickness. 9- Reports of Board of Relief. 10. Reports of Trustees. 11. Reports of Officers (quarterly )k i6 Reports of Standing Commiftees Reports of Special Committeef fjnT-';'ru°^^"'««"d Accounts Unfinished Business. New Business. Exercises for the good of the Order Announcements for next meetbe cS evening. ^' CLOSING CEREMONIES. 5Mrting advice. '"t-moers will hsten to your 12. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. • ^* — Officers and memhprc . w^ m-ngle in the pursuits anTtemp ations o^'r. "«"!." '" «s perplexities and trials, foS not 2 h^- '^""■<* have heard so frequentlv nnW f u, ^ **""«« yo" in this Council. ^0"^ this ak/r 'h ^ ■'ecommended ed our sacred proinises to Thl- J """^ ''^^" "-^nder- that can .nto.ic'aran" ,0 p^t^^ ~™ '^e use of all in our power, the growth cfiZT ^ ' J"*' ""e^ns feer yoir obligations? be HndiTP"""'^^- ^^^^e™' callings, consiftem"n aH yon Zw'" ^""'^ ^*^P^«'>« your faithfulness and in eSVS. 1'' ',"? "''"^''t ^y Council have not beenTn va"n. ^* '^''°^'' °' ""^ S. C— Please sing our closing ode. [ode.] by^ouFaaS;'" ^'''' '"'""■°" '° '''^ closing prayer 17 CLOSING PRAYER. Gracious and most merciful God. we thank Thee for the privilege of the present meeting, and for whatever good we may have been enabled to accomplish Assist us with Thy Holy Spirit ; impart to our feeble- ness strength, to our counsels wisdom, and to our eiforts patience and forbearance. Bless our Order and every instrumentality whereby men are made better and 1 hy kingdom extended. As we are now about to lZ^?^%u^\7'^^ ^"n S"'^" "'• ^^">^« "s at last, and to 1 hy Name will we ascribe the ^^rlory. Amenl ,^'.^'~^^'^'^^^ordGra^ Royal Templars; attend the signs [a/^er which the closing signals are ,^iven same as at opening], S. C— Herald, you will attend at the altar. fThe Herald salutes, closes the Bible on the altar, and resu.nes his ,.n„K.r place. | S. C.--I now declare this Council closed until our next regular meeting, unless sooner convened for the rmh'.'"'" ?f '^^^^^^f business, in which case alt members will receive due and timely notice 1$ J Caemong of ^guspeneion or • : €,vpiilsion : • S. C. — Recording Secretary. R. S. — Select Councilor. S. C-You will read to us the Declaration of .0 Ms promises: ' Ws. w'°Al":;rr """"" n^bl^rufd'n'oT .e^-Sd^:^ '^^ ^^ department of his Declaration File ^^pellgd] ^_ The Herald will bring hither the Symbol of Frater- of F^iteTn^it^Jhe^io'd^o^^ '"^^'^^^ ^^^'^ ^^'^ ^^-^^^ Td at'our^'^aV' Th' ^^e solemn obligation ;^;assum: fkic ^ • u [• ^ ^^ Recording Secretary will mark fjXl a"''b- vr'^-^ r^" cause'of suspensLr ™ A- V i o"" . ""^ *^ '" ^^^ unfaithful bundle \S C binds up Symbol and returns to ffera/d] ^ »9 ^Idmimon bg Iranefer. Directions— A member who seeks admission by transfer from another Council, should make application in the same form, and subject to the same usage, as an ordinary application for nnembership. After election he may be admitted to full member- ship as soon as his Transfer Card, original Declaration, and Rod are received. If the Declaration and Rod do not accompany the Transfer Card, the S. C. may either mal. j application for them, or order substitutes executed. The Transfer Card and Declaration having been read and filed, the following ceremony will be observed : ' S. C. — Bro. Herald. H. — Select Councilor. at the altar for ad- S. C. — Introduce Bro mission to our Council. (H. and applicant at the altar, members are called to the lu.Ilow square.) ^^rJJ^'l^- u ""if! \"^ of applicant to the altar. The chap, places the Symbol ..f Ir,.- ternity on altar ; all taking same position as in initiation, but omitthig the singing.) S. C. — Dear Bro., I welcome you to full member- ship in Council, No with the true, fra- ternal grip of a Royal Templar. The Vice Councilor will give you a place in our chain of Fraternity. As ' now add to our Fraternal Symbol (p/ace ne^v rod in bundle) the strength of this new rod, our new member takes his place in our fraternity. As I bind the rods 30 together (lie up bundU) our members will comulete the Imngcham of fraternity, and in the loving TinkTthat bmd us as one, give a hearty welcome in Hope ,n nLhVfdrH'r'' " FRA-rKKNlrv, to .5,>, who te'to mght added /S« strength to ours, for the overthrow of intemperance. Let us all join in singing our /rd Ci» t,onOde. (Sin,t,.eOde\ Five miLTes" fo^congrS SI ^e-in0tatement luiy simply be DiRK.ci IONS— After a member has been formally suspended, he can only be re-instated by a majority vote of the Council. A member who has been expelled, must present a petition, the same as a new member, and stand the ballot. In either case when a vote is favo.able, the P. C. will see that the applicant for re instatement executes a new Declaration. When the Rec Sec. receives the Declaration, he will remove the rod of the applicant from the Unfaithful Bundle, and endorse it in follow- , ing style : " Re-instated July 5, 1889." The same ceremony as provided for " Admission by Transfer" will then be observed. Mithbratoal. A member who honorably withdraws from the Order, should be permitted to take his rod from the Symbol of Fraternity, but h.s Declaration miist remain with the Rcc. Sec. The appiica- tion of such a person for re-instatement shall be treated exactly as a petition for membership. When elected, he shall be admit ted on the same ceremony as " Re-instatement." If he does not return his rod, a new one shall be executed for him 99 er of Ciior. Installation (Htwnonp^. S. C~i -others and Sisters, the next ord bi^smess .s the installation of offi;:ers. Bro v^-iH youbt kind enough to act as GrandCoun and perform the ceremony? p.e^'i^'e.r&lol^'^S^'ciSly.r '•«""<« officer, .he senior Pas, Co...ci..r th5!;«F-T^''^ff ' Councilor : I receive at your hands the official emblems of your office, and trust that von will be amply rewarded for the v;ry efficTem manner m which you have presided over the delibe atTons o this Council. Have tiie officers elect of this Cound anTuLgeT? " '""'^"" "'^^ ^"^ established ruTes S. C. — They have. on'^in^;"'?'"'* "■* 'f""^ ''^*" """*«' and an order GranTcouIX"" ""''" '"' '"^ ^-^ "- ">e S. C. — They have. G. C— Have the Treasurer's aad Financial ^t^nr^ S. C. — They have. 'ast CoiiHcilar «3 G. C. — It is well. You v Hi now be seated with the members. Bro .will act as Grand Herald and collect the (>fficial jewels. The Secretary will announce the na » of the officers elect, and they will present themselves at the altar. G. C. — Brothers and Sisters : Behold the officers elect of this Council ; are they your choice, and are you willing to give them your hearty support and en- couragement ? Mem. — We are. G. C. — Officers elect : You have been chosen from among your associates to positions of honor and trust. Will you accept these positions, and discharge their duties to the best of your several abilities ? Officers. — We will. G. C — Welcome, thrice welcome, to positions of honor and trust. You will now assume the appropri- ate attitude, and/epeat the following OBLIGATION. I, (name) of my own free will and accortl- do solemnly pripinisc upon my sacred honor —that I will discharge— to the best of my ability— the duties ot the office to which I have been elected— in strict conformity with our Constitution —By-laws, Rules and Usages. Mem. Resp — And we are witnesses. G. C. — Grand Herald : you will conducf the Sentinel and Guard to their places, and they will im- mediately enter upon the discharge of their duties. G. H. — That duty is performed. 24 tarf fo? i-iTsulI^io,,"' ^"""^^^ '"" ''"""'^^^^ Score- (^^. H. escorts tl,,.s. officers to the cl.air ofthe Cr. C.) G. C— Brothers (;««;/w): Yon have been elPrf^H SeSe.a?;7o?ra,Sf ^ '^^'^"' "^^ ^--^'"^ e.e?t o?;HTs^Cr„^,ritai,2r"' ''' ^^""^ ry /^ r» hirco'ncfl I ?"'""^ """"^ '"« P^°°""d tgs o tms Council to keep an accurate minute of all ft, doings, entering them in the record book Your good 25 inclination to the cause of Temperance and the inter- ests of this Council will, I hope, induce you to dis- charge the duties of your otifice with fidelity, and by so doing you will merit the esteem and confidence of the members. I surrender to you the books and papers pertaining to your office, and you will immedi- ately enter upon the discharge of your duties. G. C — Brother {name): You have been elected Chaplain of this Council. It is your duty to perform those solemn services which we should constantly render to an Infinite Creator. You will take your place and enter at once upon the discharge of your duty. [Grand Herald will conduct all officers to their posts.) G. C. — Brother {?iame) : You have served faithfully as Select Councilor of this Council, and your experi- ence eminently fits you for the position which you are now to occupy. We cannot do without your counsel and advice. You will have a watchful eye to the welfare of the Council, jealously guarding its honor and integrity. You will, in the absence of the Select Councilor, perform the duties of his office. You will now enter upon the discharge of your duties. U.rand Herald will hand j{avelto v. Cat proper time.) G. C. — Brother [name] : You have been elected to the second position of this Council. You are to assist at the opening, initiating and closing services ; see that the Guard and Sentinel discharge the duties of their offices, and aid the Select Councilor in the discharge of his duties. The gavel in your hands is an emblem of your authority ; you will use it discreetly. Your regular attendance at all our meetings is essentially necessary. In the absence of the Select or a Past Councilor, you will take the chair and govern the Council. I firmly rely on your attachment to the principles and teachings of our Order for the faithful j: 26 discharge of the duties of this important trust. You Coundr ^°" ^'^''*' ^^ Vice-Councilor of this G. C— The Select Councilor's place ? G. H. — In the east. G. C. — His duties there ? act?on"fTi;J°c'om"r""=°"'"' '"' '"—' " -d G. C— You will present him for installation. • • • G.H.— Grand Councilor : Allow me the pleasure of mtroducmg Brother [«aH, who has bee^n eS fut£ o^rd:::"" °' '"' ^°''"'"' ""<» -'"'» v°- G. C— Brother [name, taking him by the hand\ I welcome you to the highest position in the gift of this wX''- f n"" ^V'' P^^^'^'"g ^"^ ^^^^"^'ve office We have full confidence in your skill and capacity to govern. I surrender to your keeping the emblems of this Council. i^/W/-The Holy Bible. Th s should always be on our altar. It will guide you h°.nnJ " ' '\ ""'". ^''""^ y°"^ P^^hs to the temple of happiness, and point out to you the whole duty of man. Consult it daily. ^.^^«^-The Constitution r^'ead inT/r '"^ Tt '' "" '''^'' ' ^^"«« ^' ^o be m^"l^.!.5^""^"' ^'^^I."^?^ !?«y pretend ignorance v-x.. x^4uucuicnis. ruira—Ltie Charter, which is the authority by which this Council is held. You are Z!,M ^h 'k ^'"''Z^ ^"^ ^"^""^ "' ^"d '" no case should It be out of your immediate control, but be duly transmitted to your successor. J^ourth~The Gavel 27 in your hands [hands him the gavel] is an emblem of authority ; by it you will control the movements of the Council. You will now take your place as Select Councilor of ... . Council, No . . , Royal Templars of Temperance. Brothers and sisters, the officers elected to govern this Council for the ensuing term are now fully invested with their duties. They are sufficiently conversant with the rules of propriety and the laws of our Order to avoid exceeding the power with which they have been intrusted, and you are of too generous disposition to envy their preferment. I trust, therefore, that you will aim to please each other, and unite in advancing the cause of Temperance and the interests of this Council. Act together in promoting the principles of Hope, Love, and Truth ; and may the day speedily come when intemperance and its attendant crimes shall be driven from our fair land. Listen to the prayer of our Chaplain. INSTALLATION PRAYER. Almighty and Everlasting God, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, send down upon Thy ser- vants here assembled the healthful spirit of Thy Grace, that they may truly please Thee in all their doings. Grant, O Lord, power of mind and great understand- ing unto those whom we have this day clothed with authority, to preside over and direct the affairs of this Council, and so replenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine, and adorn them with humility of life, that, both by word and good example, they may faithfully serve Thee to the glory of Thy Holy Name, and to the advancement for all good purposes of our beloved Order. Amen. (RMurne the regular order of business.) I Pi i 28 inetitution • of • githi • : €ouncil0 : • Instructions to Organizers.— Leave nothinij undone that you can do before the meeting of institution. If possible get •every applicant to execute a Declaration, and pay entrance fee. Enter up carefully in the Cash Book the fees paid, and for every Declaration, endorse a rod for the Symbol of Fraternity. Ex- amine your stock carefully, to see that everything is in good order. Go early to the place of meeting. Put one friend immediate- Jy in charge of the blank Declarations ; another in charge of the Cash Book ; and a third endorsing rods as applicants sign De- clarations. This will leave you free to bring the applicants forward to sign and pay fees as soon as they arrive. When the hour for opening arrives, pursue the following ■order : 1. Singing and Prayer. 2. Make explanations or address. 3. Distribute copies of constitution, and direct particular attention to officers and duties, that thought may be given to matter of election of officers. 4. Read from the exi-cuted Declarations the signatures of applicants, and as each name is read, ask the applicant to rise to his feet and remain standing. You will thus find out if all have signed the Declaration. Any who remain sitting, if not Royal Templars, should be requested either to execute Declara- tions Of WitiuifuW. 5. Administer obligation. 6. Name the Council. 7. Elect officers. 8. (nstall officers. 9.. Exemplify Initiation by putting one of the members through the full ceremony. '4M 29 10. Read the completed return and get it signed by the pro- per officers. 11. Ask that an order be voted for the mount of the charter fee. 12. DECLARATION. By the authority vested in me as of the (iiand Council of ,1 declare Council, No y duly and regular- ly instituted, and invested with all the rights, privileges^ and duties, provided for in our constitution^ laws and usages. 13. General Business, 14. Closing. 3° ^urial (Serbia. The regular badge to Ire worn at the funeral of a deceased member shall be the same in form and style as that worn at the meetings of the Council, except it shall be draped with black ribbon or crape. In the absence of this badge members may wear a narrow st,rip of black crape or black ribbon, tied in a button-hole of the left lapel of the coat. Each member shall have a sprig of cedar. The members shall meet at the Council Chamber or some desig- nated place, and after clothing themselves in funeral regalia shall form a procession in the following order : * Herald and Deputy with staffs. Members, in pairs. Senior Past Councilors, in pairs. Sentinel and Guard. Secretary and Treasurer. Chaplain and Past Councilor. Vice-Councilor and Select Councilor. They will proceed to the house of the deceased member, where they shall open rank right and left and take reverse order, stand- mg uncovered while the corpse and mourners are passing to the carriages ; the procession shall then march in advance of the carriages to the place of interment. On arriving at the place of inteiment the members shall again open right and left and allow ihe corpse, mourners etc., to pass through, the members on either side, standing uncovered ; the procession reversing order and forming around the grave in such a manner as to bring the Select and Vice-Councilors on each side and near the head of the grave. After the performance of such religious service as the friends o^ th^e deceased may desire, and before the closing of the grave, the Select Counciior shall step to the head of the grave with the sprig of cedat in his hand and deliver the following ADDRESS. S. C— My brethren, we are assembled to perform the last rites at the grave of our departed brother. Let 3« us contemplate the scene, and be forcibly reminded that man is born to die. The coffin and sepulchre speak to us in language that cannot be misunderstood. Not- withstanding the various mementoes of mortality with which we are daily surrounded ; notwithstanding that Death has established his empire over all the works of nature, yet by some strange infatuation we go on from one design to another, add hope to hope, lay out plans for the employment of many years, till we are suddenly arrested by the approach of Death when we least ex- pect him. What are all the externals of majesty, the pride of wealth or charms of beauty, when nature has paid her just debt ? In the grave all works are levelled and all distinction abolished. While we drop the sympathetic tear over the grave of our deceased brother, let charity incline us to throw a veil over his follies, whatever they may have been, and not withhold from his memory that praise which bis virtues demand. Let the present occasion excite our most serious thoughts, and create in us resolutions of amendment. Life is held by a precarious tenure. Men appear and disappear '"rom the stage of action as wave meets wave and part upon the troubled wateis. Let us then so improve this lesson that, when the sum- mons of Death arrives, be it soon or late, we may be prepared to depart for that far distant country from whose bourne no traveller returns. (TheChaplaiu shall then utTer tlie following, or an extc-mpore prayer.) Chap.— Our Father and our God, who art the resurrection and the life, we would implore Thee- to draw graciously near to us at this time. May this dis- pensation of Thy providence deeply impress us with the shortness of life and the certainty of death, and may>e be prepared for that great change that awaits I: M- 32 us all. Comfort them that mourn ; be Thou their shield and protector. Guide our feet into paths of virtue, and finally permit us to enter within the portals of that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, for the sake of Thy dear Son, our Redeemer. Amen. S. C. — Farewell, brother, we part in hope. (The Select COiincU'ir and Vice-Councilor, eiicli at the head of their resDective file- he.; "/il P^''"" m'"' '''V,"( 'h^K'rave: and as each officer or nu-X^Si^s the head of the grave they shall d.-posit their .pri« of cedar. TIicv -hall then f\,r n in a approprlaie ""-' »'"'^""' •->'"' """I'- '' - l.ein« tilled, shall sing \he follo^illy or VJme ODK. Tho' often here we're weary, • There is sweet rest above, A rest that is eternal, Where all is peace and love ; O let us then press forward. That glorious rest to gain ; We'll soon be free from sorrow, From toil, and care, and pain. There is sweet rest in heaven. There is sweet rest in heaven. There is sweet rest. There is sweet rest, There is sweet rest in heaven. Our Saviour will be with us. E'en to our journey's end. In every sore affliction His present help to lend. He never will grow weary. Though often we request ; He'll give us grace to conquer, And take us home to rest. There is sweet rest, etc. • (After which they shall form in rctfjihr j.rder wi<.\ return to the hall for dismissal, i