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Las di&grammaa suivants iiiustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 5 6 TH p wiT^tL^x^ urn M§ The following Poem — composed by Master ^ Canada 'ollege, and recited by bim on Fric at the Pu')lic li]xaraination — vvas adjudged i Composition, and the prize was awarded tc THE ATLANTIC. Come Emulation, (hou *vl>o canst impart Moiives to rouse, and zail to nerve the heart. Who, fvhen our vetit'r )ii« stiivju^^stiave their scope Enftvinest lounJ oui brows the vrrcath of hope, Rtt thou loy mu«o, and by thy power inspire T^o kiudhng fervour •( a youttil'ul lyre. Hail, va«t Atlantic ! visible io thee, I view '.f porter, ao awful mystery ; III thjo d Npby'd thy Maker's wisJaro shines. Thy structure grand, his might and skill combines ; In dll thy part» a hand di ine is riear, ^Neati) all thy forms us attributes dppear,— Wheihor wo view thee when the »luggish deep Deneaih the azure sky a,)pears t « 8lf>ep i When tlie calm'd vessel spread* I.ei snowy sail. Ami vvoos the kisses of the nckie gale ; Or A'hen at eve briijhtS'd i-etirea to rest Beneath tiie covert of thine ample brenst ; The western waves reflect each tinted cloud. Rich vviih the splendour which its mtstn en«htoud : Or .vhoa dark fio-^ns detorm thi* pi and skies. And disunt sounds of rushing winds arise ; W:i3n thro' the .»ir the conscious sea-birdi sweep. And reckleds storms career along the deep i When heaving billows viuk to gulfs immei»se, Or lift their heads in dread m ifjnifipenoe ; When vivid flas les round the horizon dart, Aiid tfansieat gleams amid thf* giooui impart, When giowling thunder roils m grandeur on, And joins the winds in fullton'd unison ; Wiieiher wa view thee wh<»n the leiui'Oiit raves, Or when soft .eptiy s f.ui thy trduquiJ waves, Slil lhoue.;!iiblt'il but lIis varied form, V/ho3o breath can rouse, whosa nod cxa calm the eloiin. Tho deep thus dread, thu3 ?purnins end or bound, Emblem of posver, and proof of skill profound, Whatdaiiu|,; genius, wti.it aspiring mind. The boM adveiiiuce tirst in Ihoug a denigii'd, Toidutich liio bark upon the biiMVou- main, And uiiknotvn siiorea, inid unknown ^eas lugain i When time and science both were in their prune, id J.tsuii diir'd to «eek a fuieign ihme ; E>u o'er the b Oi dares ihe irt By this the east Out iif the wci Hei form in all Bt;am'd as a si a And he nhosp Unhonour'd liv Ab ! hidsjtho When Greece a Their giateful « And iiaii'd ihet But we " pki Frnin ihia fair Where Nature Wood.sfj: tier c Heie liou'idegij Thee beauteou Thesei-like lat And With thoir There the Supi Each to il8 lor T'i»i> the vast i Heihatst tti? roc And there fatn Auitd the ^n\l^^\ Its banks appio And heiecunif Unniflled m tt Till .-hallows tl Then oea'vs tl Tlien struggiin IiripetuouM still Till ru-*hinjilv ' Wher»- m-t ui Into thediz/.yii Tt:e pn'nd'rous sctnds. And it" »* iid r Th. M- attM'd t AnJ liis spans Ajain in poa Tao rival pTwt Tln"min2;!od *li Ciilfiilv faliitei So the dg'd Wy Pp4»I2!^ IPOIEdM* osed by Master Scaddtng of the Upper ted bv bim on Fi-iday ihe i7th Dec. l>; 0, 1— was adjudged to be the bei^t Eni-lish ze was awarded to iis author accord ini'l v. EVu o'er (he burnins line he winss his way, Oi (lares ihe »re-b..un(l a-ctics to e«»ay ; By fhig the eaitcn -.01 Id .»'t!i 'von-rring oyag, Out iif (he «re6t beheld ,1 fisier ri^^t^ Hei form in all !(• nati e gniri? rcveai'd Btfam'das a »iar, v\hich distant mists (•on:eflrd. And he nhosp pro*e>»sdre«v the veil ai^ule Unhonour'd livM, and unrewarded died, Ab ! hids: thou lived, Columbus, id the day ^ lien Greece aufj Rq no uossesMed imperial swr.j-, Their gi.uef.ii sous ro ('iho tj .d > nsel ihe stirint-. And i.aii'd ihee .vuh rhe title of iljviue But we ' pkdg of t !y rt'lio »ii nu^ tike From ibis fair reidm <if forest du ) jf hike. Where Nature bus iu Mujes-y dluu.-, Woods f J: tier c ovrn and loouut uurf t.jr he tnrone; Heie hou'jdess forests aie<.-i ihe sun liisky,— . Thee beauteous streams, aud stately rivei* tie ; ThcKe.i-like lake- pt-seat thi»ir waves between, And with their utnph; ijdes fill up tiie scone ; There the Superior u.ida itsthousdnd springs,— Each to Its lopl it.-i »\'ai'ry f ibulf brin^i ; T'«»i> the vast Hur .Nci.oled round with woods, KeHwtJ> the rock* wt.icii fio \n upun it-i fl jods; And tliere fatn'd F.rie sprends iis gl.jp>-y b;ei?t Amid (he punsbine c i' jily lull'd to r^si : — Its banks approach— rontrcttd ue its iides, And heifconlest (he swift Ni ig'irt glides ; Unriirtled .n the silciit vvaiets ?peed Tilt .-lidllows thwart, rinJ liidden ro'ks ifni.pdr, Then h'ea'vs the c.dm, and rapid wniripoois ri^e— - Then struffgliiig waves in fearlil strife ^ri;; .ge, Iripetuouisiiilsur^e h:nTiHS ovpr RM>g« Till rij-*hinjilv they ie<irh the cu 'ing veifji?, Wher»- m-t III I lie sunhiiK-, teirtfic -^weep Into thediz/.ymg depth tiie b tiiKhnii; torren'-i leap Tt:e pt'itd'rous slieet with ihnnd'nug thocU U'j- KCtnils, And it" \*iid rage in rircling rriisj exr^'id? ; Thf M- itter'd tides mount up in rlo'uN of iprai', And liis spans them with her varied ray. A2:aii» in pearn the (ranquil river glides.— T-vonvrtl pnwerg its umiure roijise divide!», Tln^ minglod »lr(^a n, by strif» (lerplf xt-^ no more, Calfiily saliitei Ontari >'•. pirie crowa'd jhjre ; So the ag'd Warrior grfr-t'i Herurt> rt'po-^t The Jenp llxis (Lead, th<jn fpijrnii»<j en^l or bound, EmUtein of power, and proof of tikill profuuud, Whatdiiiuf; geoius, wti.it a:>)Mriiis iiiiud, Tiie bold adveiimre lirst io Ihou^; ii deriigu'd, Tuiduuch ttiu bdik upou trie b MstVou< miiii. And uiildiutvn shores, luid uiikiiuwii :>ed* tu^^ain ? Wtiiu lime and scieoce both were in ttieir pritue, And Jadoi) diir'd to feek a foreif^n clirne ; When Gieece held forth each ^loiious hero's ndiue And left it stauip'd u|ion liie scroll of fame, Ti.eir navdl area v* as the land-gir: sea Thai wialiM their shores ;— btyond \va* mystery: Fam'd r^re aud Uume iiisl lau^; it their vcnt'iuus fkifls To pass the limits of proud Cidpe's cliffs. Yet Hiiil their birks but coisted Dig') the inhere, M'hilsi their rude ficighis from iale to isle ihey boie. No lonpfir now the rnighty doep impedes,— To other rlimes, lo other worlds it leads ; O'er ev'ry p .iut the daime; vessel moves. And the die id sea a grand conneclie proves ; Brit tnnia here the trident hrmly holds, And high nloft her honor ,d fluj unfolds In every |>nrt her busy trade prevails, The wing« of comoierceare hei swelling sails : And navi;j;ation at her nod outpours Euiight'iiing gifts on distant savage shores ; To the etera plough the wilds are taught to yield, Trjiisforin'd to smiling sceoe-i of farm and tie Id ; Kno > ledge the chains of ignorance unbinds, And brcuks the fetters of imprison'd minds ; Thi* ejusffl sun its ray divinely throws On 'oulheni deserts and on northern snovs. And e'en from untill'd wastr-s and forests rude, AsceiiJs the voice of pious gratitude. But say — when tempests sweep along the main, And idise the .surges on the liquid plain ; Wheti the broad bog )in of e-ich to veiing wave Ya vns as it breaks, and threats a hi«ieinis grave, Tlio heavens above the boist'rons sea below. No path to Ifiad, no mark the trj^rk to show, What then directs the pilot's steail\ hand The prow to rule, t:ie rudder to eomrnand t Stands there an angel aiding at his "side. 0'- speeds noine shaff of fir" hin couise to guide i N If «o — biit yet a talisman l-e owoi — Thf» faithful magnet,— previous stone of atones. R'liigh thil(l of eirth, hut vet a v*rv gem M'' •< to iidoro a Sfa-nymph's diadpfti : Wth this he sail** the foam crownM billows o'er. And fearless steers bid bdili liom shore to shore ,* Th. ,»e.tteiM tid And Irs spjits tl Aaain in peaer T to rival piweij The minglod mtre; Caliiilv sal.ite* O So the dg'd Wair tUdiev'd at lengt In Kinglv rrid<^ ! Anrl ouwaiil fli)« Till 10 ihedi'ep I Its far-boine tiihi Upon itsvhoirs ii The beauteous dr Thefuresj there Will nature's va Where ju*tico re Whence guard iai Where na'.uie joi The heaven spei Where Science t Her twin -born ai And opes henigii The flov.er srrew These may we tr, And as ne trace The glow of gril For oui's and lea Nor e'er forget m O^vDs tor Its sout Which link our h< And all our fonde But this Appeal n Who must not Ic As the -soft prelu' A siU'ty influenc So, Britain, rnust A glow of pride I To all ivho hail t Thy name recal-* A 11' I by gone jovi Sweet as they wi And o'er them ye Bending wi»hg' Then, whei, aroui Sh'-oudiiig their «i When m their l>r OVi ! then tiieii- to And pariot love s W»"< h tune nor f •Sir J. C. I ./ / Tin ^c.itoiM tidns mount up iu . lo'id-* of iiTJ}', Ad J IrsspjiiS litcni wiilt her vuiied ray. Asaiii ill pram {he tranquil river •jlid. -j.--, T vorivrti piwerg its uinpire r njise divide-i, The ininjjUx] »ire;« n, by Mrif.' perplext- ' no morc, Ciiltuly fal.ite* Ontari >'•. pine crown'd ii:(jre ; So Ihe iigM Warrior gr»"Pt-* serure repn^^e, tJfliev'd ;it length from ni.irtial tods nd woes — • III Kiogly pndrt St LiAreiio-" i«r.'ii"? Iiince, AiifJ ouwaiil fli)«g in bi:).Kl mrtgnififtnce, Tdl 10 ilip deep \ho trif-nt livi-r iAes Itii f.ir-buine tiiliute ot embodied lnkes i Upon il8 choirs in snr.'.Iiiip; oalMstirid, I'lie beaulGoua driti^titera of .<ne parent land ; Tliefurpst (hore Can.dia st.mds (onfes-'d Will ndtuii'^ii v,iiieil gifts prof ujiel^ bl''»>'(! ; WliPre justice reigns upheld by virtuous Mwg Wl.pnre guardian freedom life and vigour draws ; Where iia'.ijre joins with iiidu-tiy and ail The heat en- sped »ifi8 of plenty to impait ; Where Science (hron'd amid->t her new-found seat9, Il'-r twill-born siiiier educniion gieets ; And ope» benignani to a-pinng youth. The flov.er strewn paths of uisdoin and of truth. These may we tr.ice with never-tiriug zeal, And as we trace thecu, cease we not to leel The glow of gritenil heart? to Hiin* wiios* caro For oui's anil learning's weal, these vails declare ; Nor e'er forget we 'hat the good we piize, Owns tor lis source those de.ir inatem il ties W hich link our heart? and fate to Brit'Hu'n naniei And all our fondest, pioudest feelings ilaim,— But this «ppe.il no fjitliful heart rcqui'-i s, — W'ho must not love the birth-i lace of his sires .? As l^e -soft prelude on the lyric .^;:ing«, A fil.'iv influence o'er rh* spirit fl; g-«. So, Britain, tnust thy cheiish'd namo impni t A glo'v of pride to each Canadian he;Kt ; To all vvho hail thee as Iheir n.ual rlime Thy name reral-* their chil'lhorjii's laugliing tims, AnI by gone jovs their r/iptur'd visi-»n fill, Sweet as they were, in rncnn'iy sweeter still ; And o'er them yet in untolil tho<i'jjht t'lffy d '.el?. Binding wjMig' dues** t:> the high-wrought spci! : Then, whei, around them fl lat'^ the thrilling cha to, Sh'-oudiiig their *nn\i> in faeling pure ind warm, When m their Iweasts the island heart heats high, Oh ! then ttieir tongues shill boast that kiud ed tie, And pariot love shall tw ne v» mystic chain. Wt.'f h tun* nor force may neither break nor siiain. •SuJ. C. / .. / P J €