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NliW-STUKKT :C^ "1^ .,«'.^'^''^'^"-^W7/,.., ■ 60 4'^ / •Mffcuiru 60 48 iA8_ dIaCRAW OfVICTORIA AND ESQUjjmr HARBOURS^ iov Sciuare Umdoii ■« FACTS AND FIGURES jaor.ATINO T(l YANCOTJVEK ISLAND and BRITISH COLUMBIA sr :)^vl^'o AVIIAT TO EXPECT AND IIOAV TO GET THERE WITH ILLrSTRATIVB MAPS BY J. DESPAED PEMBERTON SURVKYOR-GENERAIi V. I. " If, as I firmly believe, it is our duty to maintain our great anil valuable Colonial empire, let us see that those principles are souni which we adopt in our Colonial administration " Lobd John Russell " I believe that much of the power and influence of this country depends upon its haviti^' large Colonial possessions iu different parts of the world that by tlio acquisition of its Colonial dominions the nation has incurred a responsibility of the highest kind, which it is not at liberty to throw off" Kari, flnKY LONDON LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, AND EGBERTS ISGO f ^v' ^ I2j4' la^ '% ■m. \rrA \ ;% lisUni Hodfin ' ( /> ^ /ianUroi to.-i ■K4 9. -I ^B ^ 11^ ■ 'f > .^ AND "Fn^lish Miles. "55 sr Tb %, W 4 ^ •^ * «■ ttur W"T^ ^ 60 ^ ^ r«wJ ^ :;A li I'^ ~v The BoiuiilaJ^ Jne ^^^^ v^ 4 ^...^j, *.* ^ta Omienuth- z je ^ "^^f-^ F. Wellor, 1 j9i. Bed lion Square t.ondoii w 1.19954 '% ^ :^ TO JOHN RAE, ESQ. M.D. F.RG.S. rn|inn«P()N|)i\() MRMIIER OK THK (IKOflRAPHICAI- SOCIKTV OF NFW YORK, ETC ETC. My dear Dr. Uak, I Avould ask you, in glancing over the following pages, which I do myself the honour of Dedicating to you, to bear in mind, that, as the circumstances of the Colonies to which they relate will neces- sarily vary with every fresh discovery and political change from year to year, and even from month to month, a studied composition would have been but labour lost. From abundant material I have endeavoured to select facts suffi- cient to support the opinions expressed, the whole being so roughly put together as to constitute a mere temporary literary structure, which I hope at leisure hours in the Colonies to rebuild and reproduce in a more complete and perfect form. 1 take the liberty of associating your name with the volume, not simply on account of private friendship or personal admiration, nor because you are familiar with and take a deep interest in the subject of it; but influenced in doing so by this additional motive: Arctic enterprise, in which you have taken so distinguished a part, may be said to be practically at an end; the idea revives painful recol- lections only,— of cold unendurable, ships abandoned, famine, and the tomb ; and I had hopes .of enlisting those energies, deprived of their object, but still unimpaired notwithstanding the hardships you have VI DEDICATION. undergone, in an enterprise of great national importance.-tlmt of connecting Englan.l. via the Canadas, Red River Colony, Sascatchewan, British Columbia, and Vancouver Island, with Australia, by one uu-' broken (^liain of commercial and postal communication. That the undertaking, largo as it may sound, is far from being i.npracticabhs will, I atn persuaded, be inferred from the evidence adduced. Rut it is to individual exertion and private enterprise that wo must look for the realisation of the project, towards the accomplishment of which it seems certain that