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Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la dernlAre Image de cheque microfiche, uelon le cas: le symbale —^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". t.0S cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre film«s A des tauK de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seiil cllchA, il est filmA A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'Images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 D 32 X 6 \ZZ«^ y^/ ' A '; / ^■,\ EBPLY Of the Bale des Chftleurs Railway Company, to the Report of the Special Commiasioner, Mr. Charles Lapgelier, dated the 26th , Fehruary 1890^ respeoting the Company and it^ Contractors. • - . ■ i Quebec, 30th December 1890. ■****>^<"">|QV Hn ty --"-^c:t^A.^-'- . - \ Ti BiiiE DKs mmn umw m?m. Docomber, A. D. ]8!i(P. ' ^"""J"/ '!'« t'TOnty-seveotl, day of ''^oBepoi-tofMr. CI.M-Iesljan.'elior ll„. r- • • mto tl,„ f,uble, ,vl,icl, »r„s„ durin Mb (1"^ , 7'°''°°"'''''''''"'<''' '" «>l»iro .-act that the «„.|f™e„ anTcmplX! e .' ^'k'' ° ""'" ^"""P""^' -"■•^' tofhe tol not ),=enp,id for several ZtL tL ,1 ™''-'°""«">'-. M. Jlenry JTaoKM-lane, o tbeCompaoy do prepare a Memorial ad^e, ' I to miT' ° ""''' ''"'™™ C.over„„r ,„ reply to t„e »ld i,„,,.rt and J.tntT;' Z uo'tVof Z cX^;'' """*■ An i.:x.ract .Vo. t„e Minu.e.s oltbo Bale de, Clear, Ka,-.,v„y Compa.,,'. True copy, (Signed) L. A. KomTAiLLB Secretary ^ / Sp 18 TO lias i Pebrt enqui the A bat \ 11th ( nnliqc cm iht \ ^ ^ / mi REPLY Of the Baiu den Clmleurs Railway Company to the Report of the Special CommiHsionner, Mr. Charles Langelier, dated the 26th February, 1890, respecting the Company and its Contractors. Quebec, 30th December, 1890. o- *>« '' TO HIS HONOUR THE LIBUTENAOTGOVERNOR, of the PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. enquiry into th. troabiM which took- place on !L«K>Vl? '"^°''°'' *» "«^« the Aatnmn of 1880, '^ ° ^°" ''°' Chaleuw Eailway, doriDg lUhof Wemb,Ha,t wZa Ist^rafr'' '""'■'6 "-t me a copy ofitonthe Your Commissioner has divided his Report into nire Chapters. 4 — IN CHAPTER SEVEN he explains his method of conductin^^ this enquiry. It does not appear that Mr Langelier notified the Company respecting the said enquiry. As a tact, the Compttn>- was notified, by telegraph message, only after the Commissioner had closed IiIh enquiry on the claims against Mr MacFarlane, and alter I had romarkod upon this omisfcion to the Jfonorable the First Minister, at (iuel.oc. And tlion it was too late for the Company to act ellectively lor the protection of their inforesto. Mr Lnngelicr states that Mr Giroux, one of the Directors of the Company, was present durin:-- tlio inqiiost. Mr (Jiroux did not attend in his quality ol Director oV the Compaiiy,bat watched his own personal interests, in as much as lie had executed cer- tain works and larnished material along the line ; and he attended in order to , upon which the Commis- sioner bases the conclusions of hi8 report, were taken without the knowledge of the Company, which was never noLilieJ oltho pjuco wiioce, or the time wh'on tlioso declarations wore going to be taken. As to the evill.v disposed persons who, acording to Mr T/.inguIior, worodesirou> Of preventing tlie people from tiling their claims, tlio Company knows notiiing. This (ientleman should remember, however, that he himself did on many occasions daring the enquiry, declare to the crelitors of Mr MacFarlane, tlint it was not necessary for tliem to swear to the correctness of their claims, that ail the clainn whicli agreed with the pay-rolls of MacFarlane would bo jiaid without any other formality, as appears from the de( lanition atmcxed of Mr .1. 1'. Armstrong (B). I thought that 1 ouglit, as a preliminary, to take notice of these two assertions in order to put your Honour in a position to judge whether tliis enquiry was carried on in a legal and equitable manner, and wlielhor your Commissioner exercised all the prudence and diligence requisite to produce a just and impartial report. IN THE FIRST CHAPTER of hin report Mr Langelier gives an historical sketch of tlie Company, and he sets forth the subsidies to the Goirpany on (he first one hundred miles of their road. He heads his second chapter as folilows ; — " Were these subsidies sufKcient ", and closes it by stating that the company should Imve all that was nocessarj- to pay its conti'actors. >■ * **»! r- tliat Mi- Compjiny :Iose(l liiH upon this )o late for )any, was tor of the 3utcJ cer- ' to I'hock . the very « appears nowledge q[uiHition. ' for the I'rom tlie mo, sulj- Commis- goot'the ion these desirous nothing. )ccasions ooessary h agreed lality, as saertions carried cisod all he sets of their ficient ", ■ to pay * has l'( I at ,fHCr„l!'w"''MV"*V^'' '^^P^cl to the paying <.f thocontractorH thecompan^ ultillod all Its ohliirations « • -> i . MrLangeherappearHtohocomplotoIx ignorant of the terms of the contract between the company and C.N. Armstrong, of the (ith Juno, iss I, for the luiildin.- of the farst hundred miles ot its railway (C. Still it wa.s necessary in order to establish the position and respo,„il,ilify of the parties respedivoK , to ascertain the clause, of this contract, as well as of the contract of the sub-contractor Mad'arlano , who wassubioct to the obligations imposed l.y the Armstrong coatract. The cost of this .ontracl is based upon a uniform rate of «2<»,nii(( per mile, pavable to the contractor, pirtl.v in money from tho suhsMios and in part hv debentures or obligations of the Company. Tl iai debentures .is contractor has u right to all the subsidies urante.l bv the !• e loral and IVn. LigMlatures an I tho balance „f tho contract price is puyablo to him by Ihore IS no oc,'.-as,on, thorotore, for asking if these subsidies were sufficient, seeing that the contract obliges the contractor to build the one hundred miles ot road by means ot the payment to him of the whole of the subsidies, plus the araountof the debentures necessary to make up the 820,000 for each mile of roi.d. It. is quite ovulcnt that the company did not receive subsidies onou-h to build tl). entire road Ihs to deliver up to the .-ompanv ]>ossession of the load. Ihe company has brought an action against MacFarlane to obtain such possess- lOD, and 18 in hopes of succeeding shortly in this action. The company has faithfully fulfilled the obligations of the contract with respect to the paying over of the subsidies granted for the first sixtN- miles already built. It has kept back no portion of the moneys of these subsidies, which have been mad. ovei and paid to the order of the contractor, who had a right to them bv virtue of vTute IT 7e )' ^""^"""^ ''''''^'^^' "^ ^'* ^' ^•.'^'•™«t^o°S. the contractor in chief, It is expedient to examine tl whether the company has fairly cairieJ >e subcontract of M. MacFarlane to ascertaia oat its obligations in this respect. MACFARLANE'S SUB-CONTRACT (F.) fortv L rr " T"? '""^ ^^"'■''^"' •"■'"'''»^' '•- completion oVhn forty m loH of the rouj, which uuh f„r the most part built, and, further 1 1 e construcfon ol ,ho twenty milen .xton.lin. as far as .he river (Wap^iiac ' Under thiHcontrncf, M. MacKarlano wan oMiL^od to finish thoHo «i*»v i road to the satisfaction ...the ...vernn,ent Kn.ineo'r, ho^^u::;Z::2;:m^ In ordiM- to juake wc.uro the paymont oi his lontniot i)iico Mr vraoF».-I«nn i „^ demanded and had oh..ned fro. Mr. Arn.tron. a^^-.^:^;:;^ b, ho lodorai and Provincial govornmont. to an amount which he considered aft. u personal oxa.n.nation of the lino and hi. own calculation of the cost If ho -orks, -unKMcnt to cover ,i,o total price of his contra.., namely-.S260,OoT in trusr^\nd'tl 1'" "T "'""''"'1 '' ''' ''''''''' ''' ^''« ^"^"'-'^ B'"''- "^ '^lo'-treal, • ^^"'^ ^'" '""' '^"'"'^ ^^'«'« ^^'^'^^'IV paid in to this JJank, loss $28 546 retained by the local (Jovornmont, and .?;]1.825 retamed by the Federal Gove nment In o Ir to. guarantee the completion of the work, whichf according to t rrZ,ts of U e l>y Mr Macl'arlanc. estimated at about siJO.OdO. Mae l' !!' ''f'.TJ'' ."'"*' ''"''^'''^ ^^" ^"^"'^'^-^ transferred to the Bank Mr ^:i::!n;^::Uo:r' '-- ''-• ^'-^^'-^ « --*- - ^-^ municipj-^i-a^ As (1,0 /Uiiure ol suh-ooiilract..!- Maefarhmo to ,an-y out his conti-a.-t 1,«. I .. he cte^i-te ,.,„... „r ,„„ troab,™ which arose on ti liae t Z li v. • > roi' dlSti':i:r"""''';"""'°'-'" ^"""■""' -"- "'° -p°°»''»"y '"S These clauses read as fellow«j .— 8pco,6,at,ons rae,uioae.i in the said contfact. _ „ bi.l. ,.o„t..,„. ,J .51"'. arc hero mentioned as for.nia, the basis oa .hieh the sai-i ti:,:, t::^ tTbe ^S W •rl r •ng, snb-Iet ►f tho flFBt rthor, the y milos of rv, 1889. lulano had 3H payable ionflidored •8t of tho Montreal, > retained , in order ts of the icted for mlc , Mr. /grants as l)een .*, and oi' >rincipal )r these I of the to that h'st ot ngation to the ler the IDS and cutions carried of the w 1 I- -I r " .3- -The Haid works ^hall ho coinDlotrwHiv tiio ««-♦ i <• t -and eight hundred and eghty nine.' ^ * '" ^' ^""""""^ ' ^""^ '^'^"■ The oontracf passed between tho contractor and the company bein-^ the Mr:;:;;:;;r:„:^"^ ^^^^'^ '-'-- '-'"' "- j- '-- «'«^--^"« ^''e >f iKh ^' "'°. '°"^'""°^:^'' «'•"" ^"'"!«»'. »t his own coHt. all ti,o labor and every kind tnis conformably t , tl„. pla,,, .,nd H,)oc,iti..ition alroadv p.-opurod, and which mav bo horoaftor j.ropared, for tho purpose of tho said work..' ' ' ' '"' '' '"^^^ ^° H..";" 7';° "^''^"'■''^'^ ^^ ''0 ^''nployod in tho conslru.tion of tho works shall bo tbobostottho.rrespoctivokind.,anlthoxv.H<. masf I., earriod oat n tL m. customary with skilful workmen, und all in a munnor ■ i^ :,l.r:';u: this contract and with tho specifications thereto annexe! and Jh ZZn^Ti drawing. whiH. shall U. in the future prepared and fuTni.ho v ' tra " an 1 ^^::ou::t:nj:::-^^^^ -' ^^'■'^" ^^^•' ^^ --^ •-" ^^- " •^- 'r'|« e"^/noer Hhall bo tho solo Judge of tho quality and quantity of worl dono. and Ins doc.s.on and his measurement shall be fiial and coodSsi "^^01. In U railway company and the contractor.- oeiweontho Mr. MacFarlano cannot ignore or repudiate those latter stipulations which are as binding upon him as upon tho principal contractor. By order of th« engineers of the two governments, certain changes were made cost ot tho works There were also some alterations judged necessary bv tho «nid boon transferred to him was sufficient to satisfy hi. claim. April laai. ^*' '" "■"Supenot.r Coart at (Jacbec. in February and "f tbo subsidies trr„,Vlei „ m™ ' , t.T ' 7," ■""'''' S™'"™'""" H'" a">oant engineers ™. „T. e'eoldb • l°™ n """'" "f" '''^''"■^ "■'• ""> order to alle™ th,.tl. iT: • ■ '^° "^""°' 1'°' f""' ""» P™'«« in Claim «42 o, a:L':i„'r '"""' "" "™'"'"' ^^"'"^■'<- ""* "'» -™P-.v » But your commissioner goes still further. appr( k I, effect 51-52 . . ferre IN CHAPTER THREE Jmiuotes, in the tir.t phce, the follo^^■ing clause talcea r.-Ot-n MaeFa-lane's contract which ^.as s,gned on the eighth of June, 1883 .— contractor to uT" ,"", ''''' ^'^'"'"'^ "^''^''' '^^'^ ^" ^^ ^^ --^^ ''^ the said contia.toi to the Paul subcontractor, the said contractor binds hinmolP hv fi Then ho refors to the deposition, made at the enquiry bv Mr. Ilenrv MacFarhn- M i payab t a ^ comp: — <> — , on the 6th Bt the said i-uar^- and iing to the ho amount 5d by the •rotext in 3inpany a At the date of the MacFarlane contract, namely the eighth of June 1888, the appropriation of the subsidy coming to the Gaspi section had not been carried' into effect. Thisjadditional subsidy was only granted on tlie 12th of Juh', 18SS, by the Act 51-52 Victoria, Chapter 92. Consequently this subsidy could not have been ti-ans- ferred to Mr. MacFarlano, and he liad not tlie rioht to touch it. I will cito a few extracts from the sworn declaration of the contractor, M r C. N Armstrong, before Mr Charles Langelier, the special coiamiesioner, of tiio 6th of Feb. 1800. contract the said by these ''ei-nment I ill sixty le sum of > miles to ment of wers and Jeposited inj to bo •ned.and Farlane, ) worth Jmt Mr. having be total grants > all the id were rtion of Si / t r " Xeithcr the company nor myself have in any manner touched the subsidies which were transferred to Mr MacFarlane, after the signing of his contract. The Quebec Legislature passed an act authorizing tJio payment to the company of a certain amount in subsidies, payable in particular in connection with the section included between the 20th and GOth mile of t.' roal. The.^e subsidies were not transferred to M. MacFarlane, and he had no right to them. At the date of the signing of the contract with Mr. MacFarlano, to wit: the ei,i;-hth June. 1S88, no arrangement had as yet been made with tlie Government ofQaebec, providing for an additional payment in connection with the grant of land to the Gasp^ ''section converted into money. " T declare positively that no promise was mudo to ^fr. MacFarlano thatany subsidies would be tran^-fcrrcd tojiim other tlian tlio-io mentioned in the contract. " By. my contract with tho company Tliavo tho right to ^20,000 per mile, payable Avith tlie federal and local government subsidies, and the balance by the compeny's deiienlnros. " These suli^^idies have been paidlo mo, in accordance with the terms and on account of the price of my contract. Considerable sums had boon expended on the first 40 miles of road, and a heavy balance wasi duo to me by the company. "I had been obliged to obtain from parties, to whom certain sums hiid been transferred to cover advances made on tho first 40 miles, a suriondor of their transfers, in order to transfer to MacFarlane tho amount of subsidies nccessarv to cover his contract ; and those persons wore obliged to wait until other payments on account of the subsidies were made, in order to draw what was owing to them. These parties were paid out of the additional sums so collected from the Quebec Government so far as the amount received from the government procured the means of doing 3b. " If MacFarlane had touched other subsidies than those that had been transferred to him under his contract, he would have received much more than ho was entitled to." — 10 — it i» not '^"ZT.Z fel'to rta'tt «;aM"""'' f- '''■"''°"" '°°''' ■«" "' 'S"—'. fl.m the a.Wdio, „™ di.e;.::t„"S:: ;ro7":tj?ct!" ^""'"" "'° ■""■"^ "<""'"« «>"Id not ,,ave LIL^^'^!?"'' 'T"''^ '' "-^ '^™» "' '- contract Tie"„° f'is point i, erroncuain*;:™," "y'Z -"r ""'""'" '"■"'° -""i-ioner o" 1.M done in Cl.aptc, 4 _ " Zt ,', „ ' '" " """'" J-^^^W" '" conclude, as he MacFarlane worL .™ o.i^ ". .Xr il' ' ? '"''-■" ""''^" '°°'^ »'"- ™ '"e -opt back a portion „a),o sn£id c p, d L If ' '° T""""' °'' "^ ■■''-''■■'"•"■stives tosub-contractorMacFarlano. " ^ " " '■'"•«■""'<""«, "'hich bolonjed m.0»7ac°c'o;'n4°o''l',L !"™ ati!"""'';n' '° "'■■ '^-<^''-'^-'"> '- 'ma been paid '.oroderalGo.orL,en to ,"12 "'"^ '•™-"» •'■».8« -the hands^f «ojernn,„„t l.aa paid over to Uc diZ";,""'"" °' '''" ™'"™'- ""<' *° P'-o^-oia' l'«dbeen tra^sfa-Ld to l,ia Ht L To ," ^V ^"'''"^ "''""' «^«.2^'' ^vhich of « 2W,000 mentioned in l,is conlrac, '™ ^""^ ' "" '''^'<''' '"■■>'<« "P "'O total i THE TRUE CAUSE OF THE .STKIKE »280,000, tbat ino say more fhan hit. " ■""'' '™"' "'= 0"'"° '''"'I-' "b"-' Superior Court ofMontreal, at the tTme of l,T'l ""^^'4"°" '» ""' «»«<■ ■" the It is strao.»e that Mr T ,„ t , ^''''"' '° November, 1889 i G ) the a,ri,.e uponCoomlv "i: rifr'* ""7'" '" ""-"'^ "■" -Ponaab lit,- ,or the contractors in aoooX^^ w M, i •''rr ''"' *'; 'T' """^^ "■' P"^--'' '» contractor MacFarla„eb.dfail7,o™!™:'?,t'/?'*^''''°'' '^ P™™" «>at sab- -red ™ore n,one, than the tota, sTi. t:::;r;r„7Ml:;r^^^^^^^ Mr. «-^x;tire:'t;v„'Lr:;r'rt: <'-?™ "«<'-'«-«on .ade b^ contractor, as follows; '^ " '^^"''"' ^'- "• MacFarlane, the sab- would have been able te continue the ZrK , ., ^■"°' *' ''»" "■''''^' "'at you strike ? Answer. Yes with "ut any L™."' '"'' " '™'*"""'- ""<* P^^^"' "-e Sorely, if Mr. MacFarlane hod, •«o".-~.i«fM„„p. ,, -■-~ofhisooatract,a^dtrh:z\rptrd't:x^^^^^^^^ y — 11 — t be ignorant, \ loney coming MacFarlano tract. There i imissioner on nclude, as he place on the jrcsentatives ch belon which up the total V )r four or 5ank about 's contract, ect in the ability' for yments to that sub- ter having made by the sub- ich were that you vent the required n able to > money v^hom he declared thai he owed $220,760, and that:.e had not completed the works called fo^ under h,8 contract, the declaration of his son, who was also his partner, does not strenghthen the commissioner's statement. The cause of the ntrike is too clear to make it possible for Mr. Langelier to throw the responsibility upon the company. As to the payinont of the worlcmen employed by Mr. MacFarlane, tliis payment was made by the local ^-overnmont out of the subsidies transferred to tiie hunk by Mr. MacFarlane. The biilance of the wages owing should be paid by tlie Ontario Bank, according to the iigreement made to that effect ; but the Ban< declares that it has never been able to obtain tVom the special commissioncM-, M. Langelier, a statement showing the sums paid out and those that are still owin '■•■«>-■ so. The .oatraotors and eubc^trao ^ oft,„ , '"T"''' '" '"' '^ " '™' ■""« *» <"<> of holding an ^j,ur>. inquty"- ani 'tZt'^'"" ^°' "'"'^ ''""S"' ''™ "'» ■•<'»"" a anmber of erro.8 and eii^-atilnf f-?'""'^ ™ ■"" permitted to point out commissioner dm-ing"ho!S o„; .' r™"'" '""^ '""«'»»'•>■ '" ^^O'v ,o tl,e companybj-MrTh/ophilX V ofCaHr "," "■" ''^■' ''™«'" "«"'-»' »''» was necessary for a station and .Ihtl^ ' """"^ ° ''^^^' '^■"' "^ '"'"'■ »">i<'l' company on condition thaUho ,1ft '" ?,7 ^"^^ '""' "*'•»<' freeofcost to the ia..itndedbyMo,,e" oltl:: r::;fr , ,°'''"T' ""^ "• '''"' """"" '™ return of Mr. La„..elier com™ 1 ^ ' Lingel.or, advocate.., immediately after the proper to p„«„ ,1° cite ' *"'' '" "'"• "•^"' ""'' "'« Pl»mtiffhas notthonght IN CHAPTE^J EIGHT Mr. Jjanijeiier treats of ihe ,\r,n-in - "'-■ to the Justify the company i„ he I, i ,„' ';*''l'"-t°"""' "f Public >V'„rk-s, i„ order to found in tin-, Lord , „ A, [ '^T '' '''■ ''-•'■- fite o. ,i,»«.a,io„. U will be Mr. Kidout, iu.pecti„. e ..„ er o U ; ITT ""'""''' "' ""^ '"='" «»™rnment, or's engiener, M.J.C f iC' L T SO™"""""!. M. L,Duc ,l,c contrac ractor fn chief, and »; Ma, •■.;,"!„» Tl'r"' ^ "'T"'""'' "'■ °' '"-' '^™»"o.,g, con- to the choice of the p,'se„t ,; T 7 T''""'"'' "' "'" """P""-'- »" "S™" »» divided on this nue»il Tl, , t ^^ ^" '>''l™'''tiO" "f 'he municipaliTv was ■ station near th cC "rriSonhT';f! "T'' '""''* " '■"^°'"«°" '■"--- »f ' t-^e Church, ne other'co:;. t:t^;; ti :r;h;::;t:':,^r ' "- "-- -- ..»nil';r;:::n:r;roire::':^:d;^ to arrange for c„„vo„i„„fdI„ces bctue ,' '" " '' '" "*" "™ " "■'" '"""•""•■y station,. oistances between those two stations and the nei.-bborin^ to Mar;:tt,di::;'';:strst t^rr^"-^-;",' -"' -»"'- - ■■™<>-'»tBer™e As to connLtion with ea na Iga if utawllT'' V population of Maria would poll' al d?v n T ^ """■'" *° P"'"'*"'' "'"t the Crletoa, „hich i, ten mi.esdis':^™™ it V:? Mal'Tt^-"'"'^ '° ""' ''"""" ft wUai.f as »"«" .,...• ' , luouuuiLii or Maria. It la nnn/»saa»M- frv hn-*''» ' ^ ''^'■' "^ ""^'""^' ^^^ ^^»« ™-^t convenient places in that locality/' 1 o — 18 — Jvnfencep, mis- ois, and com- f any of these n certain casea lit to the know- was able to do ly, tliat these are tlie result d to point out D show to the against the ' land, which of cost to the 3 action was tely after the 3 not thought eier to the in order to It Avill be lovernment, the eontrac- itfong, con- all as^rce as ipalitx' M-as 1 favor of a '> lives near ons in this s necessary eighborinff int service nicipality. d that the e wharf at • THE NINTH CHAPTER contains general remarks by the commissioner. He says in the first place that the i . company, in 1883 or 1884, made a contract with Charles N. Armstrong for the building of 100 miles of the road lying between Matapedia and Paspebiac. Here again is an erroneous statement. This contract was signed on the Cth of June, 188G. I Then Mr. Langelier quotes extracts from the depositions of Messrs. Light and LeDuc, engineers, containing the'? opinions on tlie manner in which M. MacFarlane carried on his work. It must be remarked, liowovcr, that neither the one nor the i>ther of these engineers alleges that the works were finished. On the contrary Mr. Light made a report to the Quebec Government that there still remained about $28,000 worth of worlcs to be constructed. Mr. LeDuc declared '' that ho was ready to give to Mr. MacFarlane an estimate of the work done up to this day ( I4t]i January 1890). " Farther on, he says : the sixty miles of road on which Messrs. MacFarlane & Sons are working are not completed by reasons of the bridges and stations '' Now neither the one nor the other of these gentlemen had seen the MacFarlane contract. Mr. Light declares so under oath : '• I have never seen the contract but I understand that Mr. MacFarlane was not obliu-ed to furnish the superstructure for the bridges." This answer of Mr. Light's is a mistalcen one. By readino- the MacFarlane contract he would have ascertained " that this said sub-contractor is required to built and complete the GO miles of" road according to the contx*act of Contractor Armstrong with the Company, and under the direction of the chief engineer of the company (Mr. Light) and conformably with the ])lans and specifica- tious mentioned in the said contract these works are required to be completed to the satisfaction of the engineer of the Government of Canada." Now the engineer of the Government of Canada made a report in September 1880, stating that there still remained works to bo executed to the value of 831 000 including therein the superstructure of certain bridges. As to the changes made in the plans and specifications, by the engineers of the Ottawa and Quebec Governments, the Company alleges that the contractors ou'>-ht to follow them, and carry out the works to the entire satisfaction of these engineers which he has not done, although he retains possession of the Company's road. The payment of the subsidies is conditional on his doing so, and the contracts of the contractor and sub contractor specially oblige them to do eo. The remarks made by engineers Light and LeDuc on a contract which they had E ver seen form a deceptive pretext, of which your commission vmideusawben lie said " that the sub-contractor was very willing to complete all his workg on condition of receiving pay therefor, but that the Company did not wish to pay, or had not the means of doing so." It would have been more fittioL' to have left thiH ou«sf,nn +« i , -j . , Courts, before which it has been carried leavinrto hYnA . ' ^"''^"^ ^^' *''« supporting their righte acco.-din/to theSo^Tn ohL^^^^^^^^^ *««'^- ^^ M. Langolier concludes his report by rcfeirinrr fn 1 1.<» .i^k-* .. . eontraetor M. Armstrong to pay i't a tolert'^ef. p ~ri .?""«'":'"» gra^tM by ,l,ego«rnm.„ta." These d^,ate, pro.e o„^ :r^^,::„,r ."''^"Z have been much more becoming for Mr Linirlli.,. ,n .,... . "'°,' . " """''' Ccpan. in the f^Uowllirii^^L^^ ^^^^^ ^'^ ^^^ t^;::;t^'^;^e^-s^;^:^^^^ ofhis own report. And this contractor had declared as f 2./- Bv' '' with the Company I have a right to 620,000 par mile pavab e out S .7 '?"""'' coming from the federal and local governments nnd fi A i f *''® subsidies the Company. These subsidies wefeTJdTom ' n ac tdatr:.". T f '"'""^^ ^' account of the price of my contract." accoidance u ith the terms and on ^^^''^ertoestablishmorepositivelythainlusticeof Mp To,, i- • • ^t me be pernutted t.q„ote a'n extrac't f.omte «^^^^^^^^ taken in the Superior Court, at on the 5th nPATnr k , •^''"'''°°S' 1339, MacFarlane ve.^us Armstrong etal o^ November last, in case No. Qaestion put by the Hon. Mr. Lan an opportunity of pr<»ving the falsity of those assertion. G. — Ho sets forth the question ot the Maria Station in au incomplete manner leaving out certain important facts whicli lead to conclusions opposed to those of his report. 7.— He concludes bv insinuating that the Company compelled its contractor Mr Armstrong to pay it a rather heavy percentage on the subsidies granted hy the two Governments ; and in order to sustain this assertion he falsifies the date of the Armstrong contract, without giving a shadow of proof for what Jie advances. 8.— This report, based upon irregular proceedings, is an unjustifiable attack upon the Company, to whom opportunity has been refused of being heard in the matter, and of contesting the erroneous or incomplete declarations accompanying it. 9. — This report, dated 26th of February last, was only forwarded to the Companx- on the 11th of November last, notwithstanding the oft repeated requests by the Company to obtain it sooner. The Company desires to protest firmly and respectfully againbt proceedino-s, whose object would appear to be, from the beginning, the causing of embarrassment to it of such a nature as to delay its ope»-ation8, in order to justify the demand which is now made for the annulling of iU Charter.' Whilst sincerely regretting the difficulties which have arisen during the buildino- of its road, this Company believed that it has fulfilled its part of the obligations. And it submits with conliaence to Your Honor the present memorial i Justification of its conduct. in (Signed) L. A. ROBITAlLLE, Secretari/- Treasure)' Qaebeo, 30th december, 1890. (Signed) L. J. RIOPEL, Managing Director 9/ the Company