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RlLi:S 01- CdNVdCATlUiN 
 Slnttirrsitv of titoronto. 
 •tBn- Hi«m-i»i 

 or THF. 
 ?anfljctsCti> of j:ovouto, 
^ m *o V 
 TiTi.i: r. 
 § 1. It is ihi ojjirc. (,( the Chiinnllor {or in his absmn or it!- 
 caparity of the Vire-CfmnaUnr. nwl in his ahsnirr or i/irrijmri/,/ 
 of the Pro- Vice-Cheinrrllor) to summon Co/wfiea/innn, avil. {vitk 
 ihr concunenre of the mnjority of the Hotise) to mljoiirn. prnro<rur, 
 and ilissoive thciii ; to preside over thrm ; to authorize the l,ri>ii:in<r 
 foricard of business ,• to direct tin' takin <r of votes ; to conffr ili'L-rees ; 
 'to iiicorpoVate nicmhers ot'otlior (Jnivcrsiiios ; to admit tliose cntillecl 
 to scats in Convocation, and to carry into execution ])enalties mllicted 
 upon members of the House. 
 § -2. Tlie Cliancollor, before assuniiiii,^ his place in Convocation, 
 pliall take the following engagements before the Vice-Chancellor, 
 Pro-Vice-ChancelU)r, or Senior Proctor, and shall receive from him 
 the insignia of otlice : — 
 (].) "I do sincerely promise that I will be faithful and bear true 
 alleiziance to her Majesty Queen Victoria, as lawful Sovereign of the 
 United Kingdom of Creat Britain and Ireland, and of this Province 
 dependent on and belongiin: to the said KinLniom ; and that I will 
 defend her to the utmost of my power airainst all traitorous conspira- 
 cies or attempts whatsoever, which shall be niadi' against her person, 
 crown and dignity ; and that I will do my utmost endeavour to dis- 
 close and make known to her IMaiesty, her heirs and successors, all 
 treasons and traitorous conspiracies, and attempts, whicli I shall 
 know to be against her or any of them ; and all this I do promise 
 without any equivocation, mental evasion or secret reservation, r.nd 
 renouncmi: all pardons and dispensations from any person or power 
 whatsoever to the contrary." 
 (2.) " Tu dabis fidem, quod ea omnia fideliter exequeris, qua; ad 
 oflicium Cancellarii spectent." An-^wer, •• Do."" 
 (3.) '* Tu dabis fidem ad observandum omnia statuta, privilegia, 
 consuetudines ac libertates istius Universitatis." Answer, " Do." 
 § 3. The Vice-Chancellor, before taking his seat, in Convocation, 
 shall take the same engagements (mutatis mutaiidis) before the 
 Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Cliancellor or Senior Proctor. 
 § 4. The same engasiements shall likewise he taken by the Pro. 
 VL-.-^-rhTrscohnr ^mutnti'; mutandisV before the Chancellor. V^ice- 
 ~ - * * ■-*■'•- V. * '* ' 
 Chancellor or Senior Proctor. 
 liTM' 11. 
 'If 'I'm: I'liocTons. 
 ^0 I. Tin- than, nf r.ruln.s .>r:U rorr/yr !h, fuvrt!ons nn,l 
 uiy//iirv> I'l, ,/,if>,s ,if l>ni>h,i:.. 
 InraJt,, shall l>c ^>resn,t^l I,;, th, I),,:,, ./ ,hn, l-,„uln,: ,rl,iht 
 ihr o/l/rr Dnni^ art «.v Pmrlor.s mi i In nrra.'inil. 
 ^■^■'^" "11 "'Inr ,„_ru.n,u. n„ Ihuns Judt act as Prr,^tor.^, 
 acaiiihi, n- /,, III, JoHoirinu- nitnliiia ; 
 //. Mirhu,lmiis -I',,,!! Hi, Ihnn.s nf L',,'- niu! . \\, ,// /,,, 
 /// ///A//// 'r,n,(ih, -lh,iHs of Ijnr ami Arts. 
 1,1 F.u^t,,- 'l'n-i„ lh< Ihniis i,j M,,lirii„' inul Jr/^. 
 J- '; ''^'" ':•'":'",'/ "f "" i'r..-t.r. ,hall U' rr<^ui,d€d hu the 
 frfreiknn iij tl„tr Farulf.ies. " •' 
 ,-/ '''','''!' f"' "•^' ^'''""'"'' ''' ^-""'■'^'•"fion is to presrrvf order 
 'ni<l n„lrcf the votes on a >l,visioru mul to prrform such other HufUn 
 <t^ nrv as.s,.nc,l to (hem In, thr W.^alu, ions of Comrjcntinn. 
 >: <i. Th. Snnor Prortoy shnll ,v,, that ilu Minuter of Convora- 
 tioii (in t>cr>ii(,irli, kept. * ^^wflTOfa- 
 § 7. Each Prorim .shall ,s.r, wh^n n,nssary, that the resulfM of 
 thr pjrnln,^ of Vonvnratum are, tatZZtt 
 unrrr,tr,Hnthcm,acconlin. to th, anuJn„ica/ r,nk of the\,CuZ 
 ^ S. The Proctors .hr.U take the first and socnd of the on<.n«'. 
 meats contained m Title I. ,^ 2, (mutatis n.utandis) beror;X 
 Chancellor or Ins represemative, on the next meeting if Coovocl! 
 tion alier their election. ^ « *^« v.w«yoc»- 
 TiTi.f; itr 
 § J. The Scrutators shall be ciiosen from nuMnhers of Convoc»tion 
 vN 2. It shall he their l>usi„.-ss to assist the Proctors in the discharge 
 01 their dtities particularly hy takin. the votes m Convocation a^d 
 by acdii.^ t„r then, in their absence. "o^-^wn, ana 
 hil.""^' ^''''^ ^'''"""' ''"'" "'^"^'""''-' »^'« Scrutator who shall act for 
 § L The Scrutators shall take the same en.rafrements as the Proc- 
 tor, (mutati. tnutandis), before the Chancellor or hi. represt^utTe. 
 5 =. (■ "'" «".*: ;:.": „;::'«;; -irlcs'"'™* °' ^"" '• 
 hJih' nf" '^'^'n'"-' '"?•' ''*" '"'•'■ ""■'"I"''- "<■ Convocation, if aDnroved 
 brthe Chancellor or his representative and the Procto";. ^^ 
 • Statute of Senate. No. 4. 
 .■s I. f'.,nvr,rr;firv"; f''li- ;J"'-r n 'jir ' '"■ fjryf fin^U •■•t ' ' • 
 (if mil/ I'liin. 'li 11 ii'l'Jtk III th<- J<ji " • 
 -1. O/Ih r ( imvnrniionit mnij take plncf tUirinfr Term, /"/ /^r- /o- 
 a-ii'lidii tu »nii, iithtr dmj at any v^nvijic liotir^ or hijiiiljuiinuiu ii: tn 
 Mini, of id I- liniir nf tlif Slime ilnif, or by >'}Kcinl nummona uj Lhc 
 I'liiin'rllur "I- his II jtiescnliitive. 
 i ;;. .In iifKK ('< iivitfiiiinn shnlt br tokfn to ht nih >'i, irl,i,l> nil 
 thr mciiilnis I, I' I In I 'ni rorx/fi/ liare tlit n'^lit tu fi* ii,l,iiiii,<l mi,/ 
 s/iii/l III' iiihiiitinl ill III jircsi'vi ,ii)v1 at irJn'rh jit-rMitis ,i,it m, i/ilirr\ 
 (,f Coiiriini/ii.ti /III 1 1,' I" iiliitiliiil fiif o/lirfm or ninnliir^ ';/' ''//»■ 
 'l')iiri'/>i'i/, iK'iinliiij: /'I iln n^ii'sr nf Kttig^s i'oJlef^Cf i^f iu any 
 ri'<n//i/f'<'iis til lit' frn/iiitl /"/' //'■ /inr/ms,-, 
 t-. A// iiicdiitiis iif i'liiiri,. Ill/nil. sliiiH III iiiini ti- //ninln'/^i of 
 ike Semite. 
 'i. 'rill pill''' i" fhii'ii '• I'liiiriinil inn j* to It heUl sitill I Lr 
 itpjwinti'd lit/ lilt Cliiiii'ill'ir ur lii\ /; /him n.'n/iri'. 
 5 6. .i noti'i spirifi/i/i'^ thr linn mi I jiliiif if (\inv<K-iiti'in . nm! 
 the piirticit/iirs of iln- ImsiixsK h, In Innn >jhl fn-intnl. slmll In si /i/ , 
 uiuler the ilirulimi nf lli'' i Ihiin i ilnr nr Ins r, /n; si iifiitirr. in mil/ 
 mfmhrr of ('o/iri,i:ii//oii mi'l nf tin-- Si/m/r iisniiitij: villun thr 
 Provi/irr, ihroinjh thr Post ()fli,-r. t/r,, iIh/k I,, fur in tiir rii.fe of 
 rrffulcr ('nnvnnitinns, mnl fmi' 'Ini^ hijnn : ,i lln cisi- ,ij spn n/} 
 ConV'JCiitioits ; anil nut in of np'ii I'onr'nnl ions skull hr irirrii nt 
 tuclk previous tiinr ninl in, smh //iniuur ns shull njijicitr mnU i.rjif- 
 dient to thr ('liiinrcllor or his ri-pirsi iii,il irr. 
 § 7. The pirsHiiy of .ima inmilnrs sinill he nrrcfoifirjf for thr 
 transaction of'nni/ hnsiiuss. r.rn pi i n 'j: proro-jntion <if mljonenmeat, 
 which inaij te ilnnr hij « mnjoritij of llms,- prrstitf. 
 § 8. All questions m Cnnnnilinn slmll h, fninlhj derichd hj tin' 
 majority of rohs of thr mimlwrs jinsmf. 
 § 9. l'po?t (ill ipnslioiis thr rotrs slmll be nikrn opnilij, nnd shull, 
 if required by any tiro mi/iilicrs, he enlrred on thr nitniitcsi. 
 § 10. Vntil other riilis he nunh . thr rules for i^iddin'j: (he pro- 
 ceedings nf the Srn'itr shall cipntil ij njijdij, ns fur (is prnctirable, to 
 all meettngs nf Concocaliun, under the ilirertioii of the j)residing 
 1. Thnt the follmrin'j. shall In llm linhsrelnlive to the procrrd- 
 ino-s of the Scnalr ; irhiih nil is slmll he observed, unless the uhole 
 Senritc, or a mnjoritij thereof, slmll iliml, , fir some sujlieient cause, 
 thnt it is nceessan/ or espedirnt In disjiciise irilh nny piniion of 
 • SUlule of Senate, No. 12. 
ti. .\*i fnisinrss shnU fn- jirnir,,!,,! i/-''>i 
 tipoinied km$r. 
 7. .\ M /,»<>/»< V--' >/,"/// ''" ',',''.'■"•/'.■ 
 t^l'i! sprrifir/l in tin Mimiil'J/ls: I'mriiln' ,il ini ijs. ifuUthitfuhk 
 applioihlf o)i/ii to \j)iri,(l ;nf I i/n:':^. fill'' ik' 'd rf^ufnr wttttinat 
 but Jim/ fill /i>\. ilidi I III i-'iti (III iiiiij iiiitiiiHi put. j'nf the ftnt lim 
 at (I rciii'hir /'I'-itimc '"'"/ /"' ■!< f>rnil to the next metiing lU |A 
 (/c.sirr. of mil/ t/ir/r im diIh rs i.f iln Si iiute i/resetU, 
 s. 7'/"' Siiwrnuiisi i >liiill lir /^^Ui il !,ii iJii Si- ■'■/■>/. 
 !*. /'■'/'• nri/ir nf /iro'-'-iiliifj; slinll !,■• ; 
 1. I'lti Sirntiirij 'ii raid iJu: ^trortedirtT^ nf Jati tunting 
 /'or njii/irmiition. 
 '2. Liiti'i-s nn ivril siiiii' I'li.s/ neetingf to 6e read* 
 .'{. J\'iJiif^ oj iitli iitiiiii !o intriiiluct St.ititn.-. Ri,!, 
 Onlinmiiis, or not ions nhitiri' to tin inmrnl lnis'iiu-f- 
 of //it' St null', !n lif irn; n. 
 \. Rp/iorts of Coin III ittee» to be rtaii, according to prioriti 
 of iipfioinl incnt. 
 r>. liitsinr.iJii rfinninin^ since hst mrttins to it tiJii'i^ './>, 
 t>. Dniftidf Sratiiffii, Uiilt'xnHdOf(linanrei,ttififtii^' II., ' 
 10. A'o mcm/ifr tJioli itpfnk morr iluni <niir on 'tny !~tttijtrt.,txcem 
 thr int/-(Mliicer of f/ir siih/irt umhr i/isrns.\ion, ir/io sltnll //♦■ rntilUa 
 to repbj once. Evrrif mtirJitt-, honntr, .\/iiil{ have fhr riu'ht tt 
 rxpluin tiimsflf on some mutiriu! piAnt of his ohsirvniions, hnvini 
 firxt nht'iined (ht kavc vf the Stni.-te, and xt(bjti,t ta the dii-t<:li-tin oJ 
 (hi Chfiir, 
 11. ^'o mfmfjf'f sh'iU xprak *m any svhj^rt ithich Atrr not Urf[ 
 rommittfd fo uriTin'j nnd /norrd and seconded ; or uAicJi Ae doet Hoi 
 intrnd to mnkr tlie auhjrit of a motion, 
 12. jS'o motion prefactd 6y a urrUttn prtamhie thtdt he rettitxti 
 by the Semite, 
 13. Ever// memhtr, vhilit spenkiiii:;, shall wfdr fan the Prexidittg 
 Officer; and the mf/nbt/s khnll riot i/Ui'rruj)t,ht/ c0iivtntiliun,tAt 
 proceedin^i^ u/iile the Sennfe i.s .yiitin^'. 
 H. iVhen the (jvestion has brrn nitirffi/ pt/t l>y the Presidina 
 (>ffu:er, no member mhidl speak on l/w subji-it bifirr- voti/t<f, 
 16. In all vnproi'idi'd crises, i-fsoft shall be h/ul to tfut Tults, 
 u^uge* and forms of the Le^nslaliit Counril of Cunad/t.* 
 § 11. The full araclcrnical liahit s^hal! be worn at all opoit fti»vuti'i.s 
 of Convocation ; and no ineniher shall attoiul itthcr nioetiug* willidut 
 •ome academical habit to which he may be entitleti. 
 N.B. — Any of these Rules, as applied to Coiivocalioii. rnav he. rrjipated or 
 changed by that body, under [ 10 of Tilie V. 
thii nik it 
 witttingg f 
 « JirH lime 
 tug at tkt 
 » ..,.,».•, 
 'I I /ill si ill \^ 
 U» priitrittf 
 ■tJcr/t up, 
 f'fcty except 
 !»■ rntillni 
 c mxlit to 
 nv, hfiving 
 lutctwn of 
 r-t not 6etn 
 ht uttited 
 ■sfi/ion, the 
 1i fli»'f till'.'.-! 
 lg» witlldUt 
 Tpjipatf'd or 
 '^ 1. 'I'll'' ;rT:j'i>r^ 
 till ft!' Ill- 1 ■ ' .— 
 ' i, i-n<iiiL:l- : ?, 17<v. r/,.. ■■,.•.//„ r 
 Vice-Ch.iiir.lh.: : .'. I'r.'tn-: . ,; 
 tiir linns iif tfhir (:iijr,iiih:iiii:> : 'i 
 M..\. : li'. H.C.I.. : 1 I. : 
 ■.■■:. Tin I'r^'-l'-i 'l.'ii"/i'i//i>.'. ir/ii/s/ 
 !■! IM l' 1 MM'??, 
 I ; ill- rink nul prerd'-rw^ I'f. 
 l'.;,f)\\.\<,r.<. itcrori/iif'j ><) 
 D.r I.. : V. M.l>. ; '.*. 
 1-J. '•..!/. 
 '/ .^'7Ui) 
 ViefC/'"ir ■'!/'"■. 'nu/.s nh,:v 
 f 1. T 
 !hi Pifstil 
 -Lrtn'^ t'W 'lufl''.S I J 
 '.ill II ' 
 I ITI.i: VM. 
 cii' .<! i.s ri'iv^. 
 :'lic tri-nis in v.iiirli ;iny (|ursii(iii is tc lie !)ruiiL'ht lorward fitr 
 ilisi-iissioii III ( 'onvoi'jitioii shall In' pi-es-iously r;cttlctl iiy thi' C liaiici'l- 
 l.r or iiis ropivsonlativc. ami tlic Proctors: aiul having; been read in 
 that foriii i)y ihc Senior I'roctor, 
 that loriii i)V Uio >L'nior I'rocior, siiaii i)c cajialilo of alti-ratioii hyUi'. 
 iTiajority of ('ouvocalioii, With ih.- coiisoiit of the Presidiiii,^ OlViccr 
 uiul Prui'tors. 
 ^ 2. When till' tonus shall liavr Ik'cii >cu1(m1. iho questiim shall 
 ho (lociiled ill the alliriiialivo or iit"^'ativc accordiiitr t" the diroctiou<» 
 ol'tlu- Statute, cuntuincd in Title V . § (J. 
 ■liTf.i; VIII. 
 * 1, 'riie, nu'iuhors of Convocalioii shall wait upon ihe Senior 
 rroc-ior previously to taking their places iu the House Tor the first 
 § -i. 'I'he members sliall he presented (o the Presiding; Olfioer by 
 the Deans of their respective Faculties; and previously to admission 
 to their seal, shall take the first engagement contained in Title I. the Junior Proctor, and the third before the Senior Proctor. 
 3. When these eniraiieinents shall have been taken, the Otlicer 
 Presiding shall a(',.iiit the pc-rson in these words: 
 « Domine (or Oomine IMa^ister or Doctor) e^o adniitto to in banc 
 Joiiuim Coii\ucationis."- 
 TITLi: ix. 
 i)V (iKAcr.s FOR I)K(;ri:i:s'. 
 >' 1. Application foranvdiace must be made either to the Senior 
 Proctor, if the deiiree be tliat of M.A. or any higher degree, or to tho 
 .lunior Proctor, if the degree be lower than that of M.A. and by him 
 commimicated to the Otlicer Presiding and the other Proctor, pre- 
 viously to the Convocation in whicli it is to be brought forward. 
 vN 2. All candidates for dei:rces are reciuired to produce the certi- 
 ficate of the President that they are of the rccjuisiie standing, and 
 have kept the requisite number o'f terms.— of the Dean of the Faculty, 
 that they have perforni'-d the requisite exercises —and of the 
 iii.\airiiiieL'Sij li'ial liicy iiavi; p.loSCU uit; :cqu::v.i •...-.a •■.:■■. - 
 • Statute of Senate, No. 12. 
ixT ot' (!(>ii\'()Cii!'i)n wli 
 liirwai'i! till' ( ii;n'i> 
 ^ 3. Till' iin^m 
 ^llalI do il in Uic t'ullouint; ti-niis:- - 
 '' Siippiicat V'fMcrahili Doiiiui (^>iiV(icaii(>nis A. 15. Scliolaris l-'aciil- 
 tatis Artiuni (oi" as the casi' iiiav lif) (juatiMiii-; Dimiia compk'vcni ar 
 pra'sliterit (|ua' jxt sialiita iH"(|uiuiiitur, lit ailmittatiii- ad ::i-adiiiii 
 Barcalaurei in Artibus," (or as llu- cast; may bo). 
 § * . Wlicn this |H'titi(ni shall havr \n-ru rrail, loL-'dlier with the 
 certificates reijuired by the statute, ihe Proctdis vi- Scrutators (by 
 direction of the OllicerPresidinii) shall taki- the votes ; ami if there 
 be a dissentient vote, the scrutiny shall be repeated, it" necessary, 
 until the third time, eith -r on that or some snbsecpient meeting ol 
 Convocation, at the discretion ot' the Ollicer Presithnii' and Proctors, 
 when the question sliall be decidetl by the majority iit' those prese it. 
 § 5. If the Grace he n^jected, t!ie ])tM-~on supplicaun'i shall he 
 disqualified from auain comini: loruard diirinL'^ an entire year, 
 § G. All Graces slial! be irrauted or rejected unconditionally, and 
 without reference to any other proceeding of Convocation. 
 § 7. If the Grace be granted, the Proctor shall make llie foUowiiijj 
 declaration : 
 " Ha?c i^ratia concessa est, et sic pronunciamus concessam." 
 If the Grace !)e rejected, the lorm shall be: 
 " Ha!C gratia denegata est, et sic pronunciamus denegatam." 
 ft, is compftent to Canvordtion to dispense v-ith the mitutahJc 
 ref/idrcments for drtrncs in tlir case of Professors nf thv Unive-rstf// 
 and with their cnnscnl to confer on them, such deirrres as may k 
 conferred on them consistent! >/ \rith the hws of the Province.' 
 § 1. Every person desirous of being presented for hi.-* degree 
 must wait upon cither tiu' Senior or .[unior Proctor, according to the 
 rank of the degn-e (as stated under Title IX.), on a day previous tc 
 that on which the degree \.< to lie conti^-rcd. 
 § 2- The precedency of presentation shall be rcL'utated as lollovvs 
 The candidate shall be presented by the Dean oi the Faculty ir 
 which the degree is to be conlerred. 
 § 3. If there bo several candidates for degrees of the same rank 
 but of dilFerent faculties, the candidates shall take preceilence accord 
 ing to the rank of their respective faculties. 
 § 4.. If the decree be diflercnt, the candidates shall be presentee 
 according to the rank of their decrees. 
 § f). If bo'.h the deirrce and lh(> faculty be the same, the seniority 
 nf thp norson* nrcsentcd shall be the criterion. 
 • Statute cc Senate, No, 13. 
 fill' ( il'IICt' 
 Jir'is l-';iciil- 
 (I L;i'ii(liim 
 >r with till' 
 iitators (liy 
 mi iltlu're 
 IMfOtill^ ot' 
 tl Proctors, 
 se preso It. 
 iir shall he 
 )nally, and 
 e following 
 .} li. K;ii'Ji i-imliilaie shiill lie [tre^entcil separately in tli'.' follovviiijj 
 form 1)1 words : 
 ■• Insiiinissinio Canccilarii- ( ViccCanurllaric or Pro-Vice-Canccl- 
 lai'ic), voscjue oirresii Procuralores, pra'scnto \-ohis A.B. Scliolareni, 
 (or as tlie ease may he), in Facultatc Artiuni, (or as the case may 
 he), ut achnittatiir ad sradmn Hacealaurei, (or as the case may he), 
 testorcjue eum, (jnod ad omina qua' statuta requirimt, aptum «'t 
 idoiieum esse." 
 v} 7. He shall then take the enfra^^ement of allegiance l)efor(> tlie 
 Ji "ior Proctor, and alteruards proceed to the Senior Proctor, hclorc 
 whom he .shall take the third eniia^ement contained in Title 1. 
 § S. He shall then kneel hefore the OiTkhm- Presidinc, and be 
 admitted by him to his dcLn'ce in the appointed form of words: 
 "Ad profectnm Britannici Impeiii Provincianjue, etio, aiictorit&te 
 nica et totius Universitatis, admitto te in gradnm Bacialanrei in 
 Artihus (or as the case may be), licentiamque tibi do omnia ea 
 faciendi, (|ua> ad ^radiim istiim pertinent." 
 § 9. Eacii graduate, after admission, shall si<:n his name in the 
 register of Convocation: he shall then retire to the Vestibule, and, 
 havMiff arrayed himself in the lull habit of his det;ree. shall re-enter 
 the Hall of Convocation, make his obeisance to the OtlicerPresidinji;, 
 and repair to the })!ace assigned to him. 
 mat lit able 
 OS moi/ be 
 incc. ' 
 his ilec-ree, 
 ding to the 
 previous to 
 as follows: 
 Faculty in 
 same rank, 
 ice accord- 
 :' presented 
 le seniority 
 § 1. Students or graduates of any Uni\ersity in her Majesty's 
 dominions may he admitted respectively to the same or a similar 
 standing, or to the same or a similar degree, on producing satisfactory 
 § 3. Every graduate admitted by incorporation ranks after all the 
 members of the University, who sliall have taken the same degree 
 previously to his incorporation. 
 § k No graduate can be incorporated, unless he shall have taken 
 his degree in the manner [irescribed by his own University. 
 § 5. Eveiy candidate for incorporation must wait upon tiie Presi- 
 dent with the documents which establish his standiiis or rank in his 
 own Univeisity; which documents shall be examined by him and 
 the Dean of the faculty to which the candidate belongs; rind if they 
 find them satisfactory, they shall grant a certiticate thereof in the 
 following form : 
 '■' We hereiiy certify that we have examined the doctiments sub- 
 mitted by N., whose petition lor incorporation is before the House 
 of Convocation, and that we regard them as satisfactory evidence 
 ♦ linf \mi \^ /•.i.M^f :^-^.^itwr 4l.,-» c-4n.^,nii.p ^.. ,l,im.i%iv\ in t ln-» T * i . i » -.Tt*^ i f ,. >^C 
 '' "" V'" ■•■■■■■■■■■■■■A ■•■■ --i^vvITi; ••: ■:\^:v y ■ : _r --r 
 N., [that he lias taken the degree in the manner prescribed by the 
 stiitutes of his University], and that lie is (niahfinl for incorpuration 
 in tlie L'niversitv of Toronto,"' 
 Signed, .President.^ , 
 , D.-an of Faiiilly. 
 , Junior Registrar. 
 N.H. The words included beUveeri brackets sliall lie oniittinl 
 when the candidate is not a graduate. 
 § tj. It is competent to the ofTieers signing tliis certificate to ascer- 
 tain the fact of ([ualification, should it appear necessary, hy examina- 
 tion of the candidate. 
 §7. F]ver\- candidate for incorporation shall, before tlie meeting 
 o( Convocation, present, either to tiie Senior or to the Junior Proctor, 
 (according to his academical rank, as stati'd under Title IX.) a peti- 
 tion lor incorporation, in the following terms: 
 " Supplicat Venerabili Doniui Convocalionis A.B. BaccalaureiiF 
 in Artibus (or as the case may be) in Acadernia N. creatus, ul 
 admittatur ad eundem (or simiiem) gradum. stntuni et dignitatem 
 inter Torontonienses, quibus ornatus est apud N.'' 
 § 8. After the reading of the supplicat and certificate, the petition 
 for incorporation shall be either granted or rejected in the sanu 
 manner as a grace lor a degree. 
 § !». The candidate for incorporation shall be presented in the A>1- 
 lowing form of words: 
 " Insignissinic Cancellarie, (or Vice-Cancellarie, or Pro-Vice-Can- 
 cellarie), vostpie egregii Procuratores, pra-seiito vobis liunc Bacca- 
 laiireum in Artibus (or as the case may be) in Academia N. creatum 
 ul sit eodem (vel siniili) gradu, statu et digmtate apnd nos, quiba 
 ornatus e>t apud suos." 
 § 10. He shall then take the first engtigement contained in Title I 
 helore the Junior Proctor, and the third before th.' Senior Proctor 
 and be admitted by the Otlicer Presiding in the following form 
 '• Dominc (or as the case may lie) ego admitto te in eundem (o 
 simiiem) gradum, statum et dig'nitatem hie apud nos, quibus ornatu 
 es a})ud tuos." 
 § 11. Each person, after admission, shall sign his name in ih 
 register ef Convocation. 
 § V2. No petition for the incorporation of a Doctor in any faciilt 
 shall be l)rou<:ht forward, witliout having been previously communi 
 cated to tiie Presiding Otlicer and Proctors, and the Dean, if any, t 
 his Faculty. 
 TITl.K Mil. 
 Of' DlSl>i;.\SAT10NS. 
 § 1. Every person desiring a dispensation for the non-performanc 
 of any dutv or evercise reiiuired for the obtainiriL' a ilegree in an 
 facult.v, must communicate iu!^ wish to the S-nior Proctor, by whoi 
 it shall be communicated to the Presiding Ollicer and Junior Procto 
 )f Faculty. 
 )0 omittod 
 t' to nscer- 
 ,• cxainiiia- 
 le meetiiiL^ 
 or Proctor. 
 X.) a peti- 
 creatus, ut 
 lie ])Otltinri 
 till- t^auii' 
 1 in the lol- 
 iric Hacca- 
 s'. creatuiii, 
 iios, quibua 
 > 2. Di.-ncnsatioMs sliall I'O (■arrn_'<l thienigh Coinocaiiou iii tlic 
 saine manner as graces for ilei^rees. 
 c> ;{. The fnnn of petition is as f.'ilow:*; 
 •' Supnlical Venerahili D:)niiii Coiivocationis A.FJ. Scholaris in 
 Faeultate Artiiim (or as the case may he) ut irratiose ilispensetur 
 secuni." vVc. ; .staUn;; the ohject and grounds of the dispensatiuji 
 TTTM'-, XIV. 
 ol' !'F. .HALT IKS. 
 ^ 1. The pcnahies to which members of ('ouvocation shall he 
 lial)le are hnes, suspension or exclusion. 
 (s -2. Tiiese penalties shall be imposed hy the Presiding Otlicer 
 •iiul Proctors conjointly ; and the offences of wliich these officers 
 shall take cognizance shall be, absence without reasonable excuse, 
 and irregular conduct durini.^ any mectini; of Convocation, 
 6 ;5. The amount of fine shall not exceed one pound, nor the 
 periotl of suspension one term, unless witJi the consent of the 
 innjonty of membern of the House present; which consent shall 
 ;ilro 1*^ required iu every ca«e of exclusion. 
 din Title I. 
 or Proctor, 
 vins form : 
 I'undem (or 
 bus ornatus 
 amu in tho 
 any faculty 
 ^- communi- 
 n, if any, uf 
 jrrco in any 
 ir, by whom 
 nor Proctor.