IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^"3 /. 4!. i^ £4 ^o :/ ■ W i ^#r^ V] Va / p% c> / /^ 1.0 I.I 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 III 1 ^ < 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716) 872-4503 h%% I i ■ ■(•*■' .it mi d I'M 4 i '4t f t ■-'f H •; ■:# lit.' ift- 92 GAELIC CLASS-BOOK. gach cruadail. Chuir na Laoich o na ghineadh sibb, le taic nam Beann, le misneacbd an Dan, 's le faobbar an claidheimb, na Roimhich o sbean, air ais do'n tlr cbein, ged cheannsaich iad earran nibor dbe 'n Donihain. 'S amis na blaraibbcian-iomraideachathugadhanuadb, air feadh na b-Eorpa, 'n uair a bhagair Aintighearna na Frainge, gu ladarna, aon tigh-daorsa a dheanamb de 'n t-saoghal gu leir, sbeas sibhse, mar bu dual, ri gualainn bhur R\gh dhuthchasaich, gu calma, curanta, cunbhall- ach, bhur n-anamaibh bras 's'a chath, le nieamnadh Ghaisgeach na Feinne, agus fhuair sibli, mar iadsan, moladh ann an diinaibh gach Duthcha, nach leigear air diochuinilm gus an sguir na soluis neamhaidh a thomhas bhliadhnaclian agus linntean. Gum a fad a mhealas sibh an cliii sin a tha cho dligheach d'ar muinntir, anns gach deadh bheus agus deadh ghniomh. Lionmhor bitheadh *ur sliochd mar Reultaibh neimhe, cruadalach mar an darach nach c\osnich e\an a gheamhraidh ; a's gun robh saorsa, agus sonas, gu brath, ag aiteachadh tir nam Beann, 's nau Gleann, 's nam Breacan !!! DO 'N ULSEIG, r'a h-'oran feasgair. 'Fhilidli eibliinn Sin, a dh'eireas Do na speuraibh, Far nach leur dhomh — 'S mi gad' oisdeachd, 'S trie mi 'g eigheadh 'X ann o sheraph Ghoidthu gleusan6rain sin? 0, 'eoin mo ruin, 'S na ribheid chiuin, — Le d' rann gun smiir, 'Sled'phronntachd luth'r, Tha mi 'n leth-dhiiil Gur spiorad thu Bha fada 'n dhi. Far nach mill iiine 6igeal- achd. An guth 'n chlar Chuir gean air Saul Bard bheag mo ghrMdh? ]N"o 'n Oisein aigh Tha 'd riochd, gu h-ardi 0! Rlgh nam Bard! Ma's e, cha nkr Ged tha 'n ce61 tl^th 'toirt dheoire nam. DO N UrSEIG. 03 !■ A MhJc nan neiil, Tha gnth do hheil A' cur 'an ceill Gu bheil thii'n gaol : — Gun dol do'n t-saogli'l Os ceann nan reul, Cba-n fhaigliearsgeiil Air dad cho neamhaidb, sholasach ! O ! Rm\ thn 'n km\ — Mar nliaidh am taidh Do thir an aigh, — No anam B^ird, 'Nuair leaghas gradh A chridhe blath, *S e 'seinn a dhain Do'n ribbinn mhidt is Ce61- raidh dha. Feuch mar d' f huair thu Nis a suas ort ! Ne^il mu'n cuairt ort, Ce61 a's suaimbneas ; — *Bheil do smuaintean, Air do hiaidb. 'n sin 1 No *ni fatb dnain dhuit Kigb nan sluagb a ghloirea- cliadb ? Pill, mo leug thu ! Pill mu'n teid thu Far nacb feud mi Tuiilidh d' oisdeachd, '8 mu 'm fag troubban Jjinn nan spouran Air bheag gl^usaidb An clair f^'in, a db-f b6gbluin nait ! O ! stad dbe d' dbuan, Tba 'n la 'san naigb ; Tba 'gbrian 'sa' chuan ; Tba 'n druid 'na suain ; Tba 'n rionnag sbuas : — A nuas, a nuas, A's ftiigb do dbuais 'An cneas do luaidb — 'so Ghl6muin e. DO 'N GHREIN ! thusa fein a sbiubblas sbuas Cruinn mar lan-sgiatb cbruaidb nan triatb, Cia as tba do dbearsa gun gbniaim, Do sbolus a ta buan, a ghrian ] Tbig tbu ann ad aille tbrein, Is foluicbidb reil uainn an triall, A* gbealacb 'g a dubbadb san speur *G a cleitb fein fo stuaidb 'san iar. Tba tbusa ann atl astar a mbain, Co tba dkna bbi 'nad cb6ir1 'if.:-- V^ jh l^ »*<. * H .'.'ft IV*:- t (i'.' ;■■!* ■ ■ :'-•. ' ;t-t ■I ;f-/f • rSk '"' ■■' )iW .: i(m ■ ■ rf ly lyiy- \ ^p?- t i ' '4 , ''<• t ■■•'. V <,,,S- . '*.rf" ' v: f : •&' LU ■-<^^;^ : >•••'<■ ^ , t . . .5 ■ h f^t .M ■; ^■^1 \' . » ' rh, • -'b 94 OAELTC CLA«S-ROi>K, .-.* f Tuitidh damg o'n cbniaich aird, Tuitidh cam fo aois a's scorr : Traoghaidh agiis lionaidh 'n cuan, Foluichcar slmas an reul *san speur Tha thnsa (V aon a ohaoidh fo hhuaidli All aoibhiieas buan do sholuis f(5in. *Xuair dhiibhafi in' an domhan stoirm Le torran borb is dealan beitlir', 8o;illaidh tu 'lia d* aille o'n toirm, Fiamli-ghair ort am l)niaillean nan speur. Ach dhombsa tha do sholus faoin, 'S nacli f;}ic mi chnoidh do ghiiui?-^ Sgaoileadli ciiil is or-bhuidh ciabh Air aghaidh nan iie5il san ear : Ko 'nuair a chvitheas anus an iar Le do dhearsa ciar air lear. *S maith dh' f heudadh gu bheil thu mar mi fiSiii, 'S an km gu treun, 's gun f heum air am ; Ar bliadhnaibh u! teamadh o'n speur A' siubhal le ch^ile gu 'n ceann. Biodh aoibhueas ort f<$in, a ghrian, 'S tu neartmhor, a thriath, 'nad 6ige ; *S brbnach mi-thaitneach an aoia, Mar ghealach f haoin san speur, A' ruith fo neul air raon, %S an liath-cheo air taobh nan earn, An osag o thuath air an r(iith ; Fear-siubhail fo bheud 's e mall. IT An d*f hag thu gorm-astar nan speur, A mhic gun bheud, a's 5r-bhui cial)h ? Tha doi-san na h-oidhche dhuit r6idh, Agus ptiilliun do chlos 's an iar. Thig na etuaidh mu'n cuairt gu mall, A choimhcad fir a*s gloiiie gruaidh ; ii^ill, SGEVL COMAfr^ A togail fo eagal an ctjaiin : -Ki d' f haicinn cbo aillidh 'nacl shiiain, Iheich ladsaii gun tiuir o d' thaobh. trabhsa codal ann do chos, A gbrian t is till o d' chlos le li-auibhneaF, SGEUL COMAIL. Bha Comal o Alba fein ; Thar cend l^einn bu thriatli an triatli s mbile sruth dh'61adh 'f h^idh ; ' Chhiinnt' a choin air mile sliabh ; Bha 'nghaidh cho scimh ri 6igbe/ -Bu bha8 a lamli mh6r do laoich. Bha 'rim do ainnir, '» bu chorr i, Kighinn Chomhluich nan c6ni 's nam foobh, B IS an gath-greine 'measg bhan -, Bu duibhe na litheach a ciabh ;, Bu luath a caoin sheilg air traigh ; Chluinnt' a bogh' air ghaoith nan sliibh, Bha h-anam air Comal a' tamh ; 'S trie thachair 'an gr^h an suil, 'S a' mhonadh bha iomairt an lamh, Bu taitneach an sanas air chiib Bu rim do Ghruamal an 6igh ; Triath Ardbheinn nam m6r neoiL Bha 'aire mu h-astar o shloigh, Is^amhaid Chomail nan gorm-sgiath. Aon la 'n t seilg, is iad sgUh, Ceo a cleith na fiith o 'n t-sluagh, Thachair Comal is ainnir gun cTditli *N cos Ronain aig srith nan stuadh, Aite-c6mhnuidh do Chomal o 'n t-seilg, Bha fein is do airm nam buadh. Bha ceud sgiatli urd gun mheirg, Ceud clogad treiin de chniaidli. 'it 95 ¥: >«t' M" pai r . '-.'•'j ':, •.,ii i'}\i- . /■•^t ■if :vK Si •'»! It •^'. .vVK * *'■ •■"■'» ' if:; 96 GAELIC CLA8S-n00K. ' Gabli tuinidh,' 's e thulihairt an t-6g, * A Gliealmhln a's aillidh snuaf,'h ; Gho,th-soluis a's ainneamh 'an c6s ; Clii mi cabrach mbv mu' n chruaich ; Falbhaidh, ach tilleam gun tamh.' * Tha m' eagal mu namhaid,' thuirt 6igh, Mu Ghruamal nach eirich 'an dan, Dha's annsa Ronan 's a chbs. Ach fuiricheam am measg nan arm Gu d' thilleadh o thoirtn na seilg.' Dh'fhalbh e gu Mora an fheidh. Chum feuchainn nach d'thr^ig a ghradh, Chuir ise na h-^irm oirre fein, Is luathaich i 'ceum gu traigh. Shaoil e gur namhaid a bh'ann ; Bhuail a chridh' gu h-ard a chliabh ; Thionndaidh a dhearg-chruth gu ban, Mu 'shuile bha dorchadas ciar ; Tharruing e 'm bogha gu 'chill ; Leum 'thaifeid iuthaidh reidh ; Thuit GhealmMn 'n a fuil, a run. Thainig 's b'fhiadhaich a ghnuis 's a cheum, Ghairm air nighinn Chomluich nan long Gun fhreagradh o th6m no sliabh, * C' aite bheil thu, riin nan sonn, Ainnir ghasda nan tr6m-chiabh V V)\m 'cridhe-se 'clisgeadh thall Mu 'n iuthaidh a dh' f hag a lamh, * An tus' a nighinn Chomluich a t' ann V 'S e 'tuiteam gun dail mu 'braigh. Fhuair sealgair an dithis a b' ur *An aros an fheidh ri stuaidh. Eu dorch a laithean mu 'riin, Bu lionmhor a cheum mu 'h-uaigh : Thainig luingeas naimhd' o thuath, Bhuail 'us chuir fo ruaig an daimh. '^' TllANSLATION. 97 Ag iarraiilli a' bhais roimli *n t-sluagli, Co a bhriseadh a chvuaidh air traigli .; Thilg e 'airni dhubli-ghorm air reith^ Fhnair iutliaidli a dire gun bhiiigh. Tha 'chodal, a Ghealmhin, ri d' thaobh Mil iomairt n.a gaoith air chuan. Chi maraich' tin iiaigh maraon 'S e 'g eiridli air driiiin nan stuadh. <#» EXERCISES IN TRANSLATION. 1. Sleighing is good. Walking is bad. That action was wicked. Where is the hair-brush 1 ** Well" (Ma ta), he replied, " I do not believe in get- ting drunk as some folk do (ni), but I like to have a good time, now and then." To-day is fine. Take a chair. Bring your chair up near the fire. Exhausted by fatigue, I lay down to rest. A young man of talent and perseverance may reasonably have hope of success in life. The valiant do not taste of death but once. 2. He cut the paper with the scissors. He writes a good hand. Ring the bell. Did you hear the news. He is to he intled (Is niairg) who holds out (infinitive, §85, E. 41) the hand of poverty to a hen's heart. Shut the door of the parlor. The snow is well-nigh gone. The students of that college honour their Pro- fessors. He said he would l)e here at seven o'clock. My friend is charitable and kind. 3. There is a voice from the tomb sw(^oter than song. There is a remembrance of the dead, to which we turn even from the charms of the living. Oh, the grave ! the grave ! — It buri(\s every error, covers every defect, extinguishes every resentment. — Iniiivj. 4. Your favour of ]\r;u' 11 ill was duly received. The book of anecdotes, for which I am much obla/ed to 5 ' (■ ■I*' ■• <" ■ ' .■■'"' I ■« ■ ■-(■ :" • !. '■ ^ . '■ *. M '*■'. ■■■■■» "f ■it 4jl!| ■""^^m. Sit' 98 OAELrC CLASS-BOOK. j/oM (m6ran 'nad chomuin), arrived a few days IcUer ('na dh^igh). I and all your other friends here ariB well. John has gone (chaidh) to Halifax and will probably call to see you. Nothing of importance has disturbed the usual monotony of our country life. / am (I'^ Bifise) ever (a huile la a chi 'lis iJach fhaic) your faith- ful friend, Evan. ■♦»•«- GAELIC-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Note. — Accent all words on the first syllable; except compound words whose parts are separated by a liyphen (-), which are accented on the first syllable of each part. z.fPOS8.pron.(^x. XIII) his. See §48. ach, conj. but, except, ad, after ami, =:do, pers. pron. thy. aghaidh, n. 6./. (-nean),face, countenance ; an aghaidh, against; air aghaidh, for- ward. Sigh, 71. 2. m., prosperity, delight. Mile, n. 6. /,, beauty. fflidh, a. 2.y beautifal ex- quisite. ainneamh, a. 7., rare, seldom iinnir, n, 2. /., (-an, ^.), virgin, maiden. aintighearn,?^. 3. m., tyrant. aire, n. ^./., heed, attention. aireamh, n, 1, /. (-a, or -an, n.\ number; v., p. dh' aireamh, fut. kirmheidh, number, reckon, count. aii*d, n. 2. /., height, prom- otory, point of the com- pass. Mridh, a. £, worthy, ex- cellent. ais, n. always used with air; air ais, comp» adv.j back, backwaKls, a redundant pass. pron. is s.-t. pld. betw. air & ais. aite, n. 6. ?w.,(-anor-achan, n.) place ; 'an aite, comp^ pi'ep. instead of; kite- c6mhnuidh, dwelling, abode. aithne, n. 6. /., knowledge ; is...dhomh, I know(§73) .> })ui]le,??. 6./. (-an), astroko- buils<4('an, V. G, m. (-an)V centre, midillo ; 'am buil- Rgean, (uniip. pnp., in the mid«t of. cabrach, n. 1. ???., a stag. Cailean, ;/. 1. m., Colin. caiimt, n, 2. f. (-an /.. (-an,M.)brcast clos, ?/. 6. y/^., rest, stillness, sleep; v. tr. ^' lid., hush, still, be still. cluinn, ?\, hear; chluinnt' for chluinnteadh. distant, far away. lx)som. cianalas, 71. 1. m., melan- codal, n. 1. m., sleep. choly, dulness, sadness, jcoindiead, v. lid., look, be- ciar, a. 1., dark, dusky, | liold, see. dark brov/n, dark grey, jcoir, ^/.i., just, riglit, honest, ciatach, a. ;?,, elegant, beau-! virtuous; v. 4- f-i I'ig^^^j tiful, lovely, beeomiug. | juctiee, probity ; vicinity, ciosnaich, 0. yvj_7., overpower, mm »ireaeh,/<. ;:'., guilty, faulty. conquer, subdue, weary out. c6m, 71. 1. III., the abdomen, the region of the viscera, ■i I I ■ 102 Com GAELIC CLASS-BOOK. diir the chest ; tho trunk of the bod3^ Comal, n. 1. m.y Comiil, a man' a name. Comhluch, n. 1. m., Conloch or Coloch, a man's name. companach, n, 1. in., a com- panion. c6rn, n. 1. m., adrinkingcup. craobh, n. 2. /"., a tree; foam. ere, n. 6. f. , clay ; dust; being. cridhe, n. 6. m. (-achan), heart ; middle, centre. cridheil, a. 1., hearty, cheer- ful. crith, n. 2. f. , trembling. cruach, n, 1. f. ( an, v<), a pile, heap, stack, hill. cruadal, n. 1. m., difficulty, hardship, danger. cruadalach, a. ;?., dangerous, hazardous ; coumgeous, energetic. cruaidh, a. 2.., hard, firm; difficult, painful. cruaidh, n. Jf. /"., steel; a declivity, a hillside. cruinn, a. 1. round ; gath- ered, assembled, collected cuan, n. l.m, (-tan, w.), sea, ocean. cuairt, n. 2. f. (-an, g.^ circle, circumference, circula- tion ; expedition, jour- ney, sojourn. cuid, \i. 4. /*. ((l, fxccllcnt, alirai/f^ />hi<'<''l before Us 1I0UII, (§f^3, Jl. 21.) loiiiliaii. II. I. III., tlic world, tli(! uiiiv^TSL'; till) ocean. lor(;h, '/. L, l)lack, daik, (luiky. (lorcliadas,//. 1. ///., darkness. dean, v. irrcr/. (§71), do/druini, //.,;.//?., (-n. f/.)back, make, perform, act. I ritl^,^', roof. dearbh, v. rey. tr., prove, druid, n. ,i. f. (-an, [/.), a try, conlirni ; a. 2. sure,! starling. certain, particular, iden-!du;ds, v. 2. /. (-an, [j.), re- tical. I ^vard, prize. dearLh-bhrathair, n. 5. ?/^,,diial, //. 1. //^, lock of hair; brother, l)rotber-gennan ;j duty, hcretUlary right; j^rQ-jK — Nouns C()riipoiu}'(-\ hereditary dispositiiui. cd with adjectives are ^/^ (Uian, ii. 1. //?.,poeni, canto; fleeted in their men De] oration. dension ; the ahorin,'/.l , ./., the east. f, &' w^y. "' .^ If;.'-. . vS'''.-" %i:-- ■i'..' ;' :■ , '■ i-'-?;,; ■ , '.. i-:«'.«' ^r: '''■<■ :|; ■A ■ ; ■ I 1 1] r -i 104 ear GAELIC CLASS-BOOK. feu faoin, a. £, vain, weak, foolibh,mcan, unavailing. far, adu., where, used ajirm. (^ relatively. fa til, n. G. 711., cause, reason ; opportunity ; ambuscade. feadh, ado. (inost frequently am feadh) whilst, during; n. 6. VI., extent, length. fearn'>n, n. 1. vi., land, country, field, farm. fear-gleidhidh, 7i. m., a keeper ; Note. — When two nouns unite in one, hut are separated by a hi/phen, the Jirst noun is declined in its jyroper declension <|* the second is declined as an a. 2. fear-siubhail, n. m. a travel- ler. feasgar, n. 1. m. (-ean, g.)^ evening, afternoon. Feinn, n. 2. m., the Finga- lians^ a hody of heroes following Finrjal the arch- patriarch of Scotland ; Ossian teas the last of the Feinn. feoil, n. 3. /"., flesh, falbh, i'. /;iA, go, walk, de-ifeuch, v. tr., show: try; earrann, 7^. 1./. (-aL, ??.), a share, portion, j)art, sec- tion. dibhinn, a. 2., joyous, hap- . py, glad. (jigh, V. iry., call, cry, clamour. (jirich, V. int. (fut. eiridh), rise. (iisd, V. int., hear, listen. E6bhann, n. 1. in., Ewen, Evan. E6rpa, n. 6. f, Europe. ]'4)hraim, n.S.m., E])hraim eun, n. 1. m., a bird, fowl. eunlaith, n. 6. /., birds, fowls. fa, prep. ; fa chomhair, coinp. prep), before, op- posite. fada, a. 2., long, of time or distance ; adv. long, for a long time. fag, V. tr., leave, (|uit. faic, V. irreg. tr.,iHio, behold, look. faidh, 71. 6. rn. (-ean), pro- phet. faigh, V. irreg. tr., get, find, obtain. part, perish. faobh, n. 1. m., spoil. faobhar, n. 1. m., (-ean, (7.), edge of a cutting instru- ment. look, observe. feud, V. def, can, may; 'a math dh' fheudadh, per- haps, mayhap feum, V. def., must ; be in ,>•',(- fia VOCABULARY. 105 ''eak, [ling. Irm, ison ; ;adc. \enthj [ring; hgth. land, need of; n. S. m., need, use. fiadh, n. 1. m., deer. gairm, v. tr. (.f inf., call, in- yile ; n. 2. /'. (-an, g.), a call. iiadhiucb, a. 2., wild, iin- gaol, n. 1. m., lovo ; object tamed ; savage ; Loister oils, fiamli-gliair, }f. m. (fiamli n. 3 m.) a smile, filidli,?^ 2. 1)1. (-an,^.) a poet. fios, n. 3. m., knowledge, information ; a dh' f liios, coinp. i^rep., to, towards, firinneach, «. 1., true, faith- ful, just, righteous, fitheach, 7i. 1. m., a raven. f6ghluim, V. tr., learn ; n.l. m., instruction, fois, n. 2. f., leisure, rest. foluich, V. tr., hide, conceal. Fraing, n. 2. f., France, freagair, v. tr. (fat. freag- raidh), answer, reply, frith, n. 2. f., a forest, of deer; profit, gain, ad van tage. fuil, 71. 3. /., blood, fuirich, v. intr., stay, wait. gach, a. indef., each, every. of love, gaoib, n. 1.& 2. /, (-an n.) wind. Igarbli, a. 1., tbiek ; rough; buisteroius, stormy ; harsh, gasda, a. 2., excellent, hand- some, beautiful, gath-greine, n. m., (gath, n. 3. rn.), a sunbeam, gath-soluis, ri. m., a ray of light, geal, a. 1., white, gealach, )i. 1./., the moon. Gealmhin, ri. 6. /.,Galvina, a u'oiiUD/'s name. geamhradh, n. 1. rn. (-can. (J.) winter, gean, n. 3. rn., good humour, cheerfulness; favour, love; mood or frame of mind, gille, n. 6. m. (-an), boy, youth ; man-servant, gin, V. tr., beget. giidain, v. tr., carry; sup- ])ort ; endure, permit, gadaiche, ii, 6. m., (-an) alglan, a. 1., clean, pure, in- thief. I nocent, sineciv. Gael=:Gaidheal, ??. 1. »?., a gleaiin, n. 1. cj* 2. rn., valley, Gael, Scotsman, High- lander, gaisgeach, n. 1. m.., hero, "warrior, champion. glen. IciLsadli, n. 1. m., (-ean^^.), tuning, act ol tuning or arranging. ,■ J' , M^--" ■ r ' * • V * ■ ; 106 gli GAELIC CLASS-nooK. loa i.'^'^. ; 'li.; - . H I I glic, a. 2., wise, prudent, gliocas, 71. 1. ??i. t^. /., wis- dom, prudence, gloin, n. 2./.,glass=gloine, n. 6./. gl6irich, v. tr. praise, glorify, gl6muin, n. 2./., twilight, dawn ; a woria. gniomh, n. 3. m. (-ran, g.), deed, act, action, gntiis, n, 2./. (-an, (jr.) face, countenance, gold, V. tr. steal, gorm, a. 1., blue, azure; green, as grass. grad, a. \.y sudden, quick; adv. suddenly, gradh, n. 1. 7».,love, charity, grian, n. 2. /., the sun. gruaidh, n. 2. ^ 4. /., cheek, countenance, gruaim, n. 2. /., gloom, sul- lenness. Gruamal, n. 1. m. Gruamal. gualann, n. 1. /., a shoulder, guidh, V. tr. ^ int., pray, beseech, guil, V. int. weep, bewail, cry. gum a fada, be it long, be it far. gwn^prep. without, gur, conj. that ; v. see page 76. guth, n. 3. m.y (-an & -annan, n.) voice, word. iasg, n. 1. m. (-an, ??.), fish, a iish. iar, n. 6. /., west; adv. west, westerly, iarr, v. ask, request ; iniin, iarraidh. lochdrach, a. 1., lower, lowest, ioghnadh, n. 1. m. (-ean, g.)^ wonder, astonish- ment, surprise, iolair, w. 2./., (-an, ,7.), eagle, iomadh, a. 2., many, much, divers, iomairt, n. 2. m. (-an, g.) employing, exercising ; contest ; confusion ; row- ing, ionad, n. 1. m, (-an, w.), place ; room, ionmhas, n. 1. m. ?., the sea. leasachadh, n. 1. ?«., im- provement. leig, V. /r., let, permit, allow, l(!;ir, adv; gu leir, altogether. leth-dhiiil, n. 2. /., half ex- pectation, hope. leum, n. 1.& 3. m. (-an, n.) leap; leaping. leug, w* 1. /, (-an, w.) jewel. l^ur, V. def. tr.j see, behold. liath-cheo, n, 3. 7n., grey mist. linn, w. 2.m, (-tean, r/.), age, race. lion, a. 2., as many as; v. tr.^ fill, replenish. lionmhor, a. 2., numerous, plentiful. Ibchran, n. 1. w., a light, lamp long, n. 2. /., a ship. luaidh, n. 2. /. (-an, f/.), a beloved object. luathaich, v. tr. ^ int., has- ten, speed. luath, a. "1., swift, fleet, quick. luingeas, n. 1. ??i., ships, navy. liith'r=luthmhor, a 1., strong ; able ; nimble, agile. ma, conj., if. mac, n. 1. w., a son. niach, adv. ; a mach, out, without. mall, «. 1., slow, modest. mult, a. 2., mild, gentle, calm, modest. mar, j;rf?/>., like to. mar ri, /v/vi^;. with, together with. maraiche, n. 6. m. (-an) mariner. maraon, adv.f together. marbh, a. 1., dead, lifeless. marc-^shluagh,7z. 1. ??i., horse- men. math, a, 1., good; skilful. meal, t\ (r., possess, enjoy. meamnadh, n. 1 . w. , courage, magnanimity, pride. measg, or am measg, coinp. jyrep. among. meirg, n. 2./., rust. meirleach, ii. 1. m., a thief. mhain ; a mhain, adv. only. mi-chiatach, a. 1., unseem- ly, improper. mile, 71. 6. m. (plur. miltean), thousand. milis, a. 2. (1. comp. milse) sweet. mill, V. tr. spoil, injure ; destroy. misneachd=misneach, n. 1. /., courage, fortitude. mi-thaitneach, a. 1., dis- agreeable. moille, n. 6. /., delay, hind- rance. r Tip' ■•fa •'.-■^i * ♦ , - . TH ;-";-^ .1. 5^ ^r i. ,.<•• »i .'•- •»■ ■ f ::, (^1^4 ff ,. -^t^ ■ "w vV}./: ■ M - • ii'-'VV ■ . ; • ,P' .:• *-^ ■ *•' V? I .^ 'i •• ■ . . v.^ '•^7. .*> . j, ii. * t't '.1 j'..: ^!»'v, 'J' '* '■ ,'' •f i'' ^^■' '' ' /. t.£.-.r »^*-\' ''Iff ''1'\ •;'./ f 'i^'!' , ^ ..ii*"j'. '( ,- rH; 108 mol GAELIC CLASS-BOOK osa mol, V. tr.y praise, extol; recommend, moiiadh, n. 1. m. (-eaii, .(/.), mountain, lieathy plain, mor, a. 1., great, large. Mora, n. 6., Mora, the name of a 2)lace. m6rachd, n. G. /., greatness, majesty, mbr-ghradli, grea love, mil, ^?re^?. about, around. concerning. muinntir, n. 2. ^ 4. /., peo- ple, inhabitants. mu'm 2)rep. Sf rel.-=i\\\\\ am, about whom or which, cencerning whom or which. nach, rcl. vron. who not, &c. (§'i:i^) ; wlv. and con j. that not, not ; interr. part namhaid, n. 5. m. (pliir. naimhdean), an enemy. nar, n. 1./., shame, disgrace. n^anih, ??. 1. cj* 2. /><., heaven, the skies. neamhaidh, a. 2., heavenly, divine. neartmhor, a. 1., strong, powerful. neo-thoileach, a. 1., unwil- ling, disinclined. neul, n. 1. 7/?., cloud ; blem- ish ; swoon. ni, n. 6. m. (plur. nithean &s.-t.nithe), thing, afiair, circumstance. nighinn, 7i. G. f. (-an), daughter, maiden. nis, adv.=zii nis, adv., now. no, coifj. or; nor; other- wise. nochd, V. fr. shew, disclose, reveal ; present, offer. 'nuair=:an uair, adv. when. nuas ; a nuas, adv., down, downwards. 6g, a 1., young; n.X.m., (-an, n.), a youth, young man. oganach, n. 1. m., a young man, youth. oidhche,?^. 6./., (-an), night. 6ige, n. G. /., youth. oigealachd, n. 6. /., youth, youthfulness. oigh, n. 2. /., (-an, rj.) vir- gin, maiden. 6irdheirc, a. 2., famous, il- lustrious, noble, honour- able. Oisein, n. 6. ??^., Ossian. 61, ?\ tr., drink ; n. 1. m., drinking, drink. 5r, n. 1. m. , gold ; 6r-bhiiidh, a. 2., golden, yellow. oran, n. 1. m., (-an, n.), a song. osag, n. \.f., (-an, n,), blast, breeze. 0f I .■••*^ 'li I • -■ pal VOCxVBULARY. sao 100 pailliun, ??. 1. m, (-an, 7i.), tent, tabernacle, pavilion. peanas, n. 1. m. (an, n.), punishment, penance. pill, V. tr. tj* int., turn, re- turn, come or go back. pr\s, n. 2. y!, (-an, g.), pr>.e, value, worth ; esteem. pronntachd, n. 6. f., mut- tering, singing, humming. rach, V. irrcg. mt., go, pro- ceed. ri\dh, 71. 6. m.j a saying, word, adage. rami, w. 1. m., part, portion, verse, distich; poem, song reed, rocd of a hag-pipe on ichichfhe fingers play y chanter; music. ribhinn, n. 2. /., (-an, g.) my mph, beautiful female. righ, n. G. in. (plur. rigli- rean,) king. riochd, n. S. m. (-an, n.), likeness, form, appear- ance ; state, condition. rloghachd, n. 6. f. (-an) kingdom. rionnag, n. \. f. (-an, ti.) a star. rinn, v. past ind. of dean (§71), did, made. robh, see pages 49 & 50. raoir ; an raoir, adv., last Roimheach, n. 1. ??i., a night. raon, n. l.y!,(-tean, g.) field, plain. rathad, n. 1. m., (-can, g.), way, road; airrathad, on the way, walking abroad. rathail, a. 2., prosi)erous. reidh, a. 2., plain, level ; smooth, p(jlishcd ; re- conciled, safe. r6ith, n. 2. m., a plain. reudan, n. 1. m. (-an, n.), moth. reul, n. l.y!, a star. reult, n. S.f. (-an, /i.), a star. Roman. Ronan, n. 1. w., Ronan. ruaig, n. 2. f. (-an, - Mr'': ■•■'., 4'.- ^ J , I'" ",<•:;' I'M '* 'i- Mil"': VA -■..S.i?: tilpj, ?;. ^r., cast, throw, till, r. int., return, tiinuliioll, )i. 1. m., circuit, compass ;/'n'^>. gon. [icn., about, round ; adc. arouu' I. tioniidaidh, v. fi\, turn, tlr, n. 2. m. (^jy!,(-ean, n.), laud, country, ru<^ion. tiugh, a. 2., thick ; dense, tliith, a. 1., mild, kind, gentle ; smooth, delicate, toilichte, v. past prtc. of toilich, V. tr. please, satisfy, toirm, n. 2. f., noise, sound. t5m, n. 1. 7)1. y (-an, n.), a round hill, a rising plot of ground, toill, V. tr., deserve, tog, V. t)\, lift, raise, build, tomhais, v. tr., measure, compute. t5rr, n. 3. m. (-an, n.), hill, lofty hill, mound, traigh, n. irreg.f.y sea-shore, beach, tr^th, n. 3. /«. (-an, ??,), time, season. trMg, V. tr.y leave, quit, desert, treun, a. 1., brave, valiant, treubh, n. 1. / (-an, n.), tribe, family, triall,?;. int, go, depart,set ou t, triath, n. 6. m., lord, king, chief. trie, a. 2., frequent ; adv.f lri'(|ucntly, often, tnimh, /^rq^- tlirough. trom, a. 1., heavy; griev- ous. |truaill, n. 2./., sheath; v. tr., pollute, detile. tuar, 71. 1. 7n. (-an, w.) colour, hue ; hardship, tuarasdal, n. 1. w*. (-an, w.), wtiges, reward, fee. tuath, a. 2., north, northern, tuillidh, n. 6. m., more, addition ; adv.y more, any more. tuinidh,w.6.??j., abode, place of residence, residence, tuit, V. int., fall; happen, tiir, n. 1. in., tower. uaighe, see page 22. (-an, 7i.) uair, 71. 4. /. (-ean, 7i.), hour, time ; air an uair, im- mediately, uasal, (7. 1. (1. comp. uaisle,) noble, g(3ntle, well-born, genteel. Liine, 71. G. /., time, season, uinneag, 7i. 1, /. (-an, ii.), a window, uile, a. 2., all, whole. Uilleam, n. 1./., William, uiseag, n. l.f. (-an, n.), lark, sky-lark, umhal, a, 1., submissive, obedient, hum bio. ■ftr-' hv VOCABULARY. def 113 1:^ i tir, a. 1., fresh, new, vigor- ous. iirramach, r<. 1., noble, hon- orable, reverend. *^^ urrahm, n. 0. m. (-can), autlio' ; ability ; is uraiun dhomh, I am able, I can. ENGLISH-GAELIC VOCABULARY. action, w., gniomh. Alexander, n. Alastair (pa<:(e 23.) all, a , na h-nile. alphabet, n., ail)ideil, ii, G./. anecdote, ii., sgeul. arm, n., gairdean, n. 1. m. (-an, 11.) arrive, v., ruig (§71). become, v, thig do ; it be- comes me, is ion dhomh. bed, n, leapa, n 4f, (-icheaTi, n) mod frequent! 11 mr it- ten leabaidh in nom. sinj. believe, v, creid bell, n, clag, n 1 m black, a, dubh, a 1 blood, n, fail, n 3f blue, a, gorm boat, n, bata book, n, loabhar boot, 71, brog, n 2 f, (-an, w) bring, v, thoir (§71) bury, V, amhlalc, v rercj), ftigus, fagus do (-an, n) news, n, naighcaclid, n 6 f nigh, prepy fagus ; at?/;, cha nih^)r nach night, n, oidhche now and then, «. Wit*,: r ,'1" .,, ■- :f:if ■^'•■■, . ,,' roccivo, '', ^'abli rcni(.';)il)r;inc(i, n, ciiimhno reply, i\ froagair, v int rescntincnt, n, ini-ruii n\m (see run) rest, w, luid riglit, «, coart, a 2 righteous, f/, iiriuiieacli ring, r, buail round, rt, cruinn, a 1 say, r, ahair scissfjrs, n, beanmlan n 1 m (-an, ?i) Bce, /', faic, seall sick, (t, tinn, a 2 silent. ((, ciidn, a 2 sleighing, w, slaodadh, n 1 tn small, (t, heag snow, n, sneachd, n 3 m son, n, mac soul, n, annni si)oeeh n cainnt strong a laidir, a 1 student, n, sgoilear, n \ m store, n, hiith, w 3 m success, n, soirblisas, n 1 m take, r, gal)h talent, n. call, n 2 f (-tean, n) tall, <^, ard taste, n, bias, « 1 m ) /:, blais there, adv, 'an sin thong, «, iail, ?i 2/, (-an, n) thorn, H, cluaran, n 1 m (-an, 7i) time, ^i, nine tomb, n, uaigh town, ;i, baile, ??, G wi (bailt- ean) to-day, fclr an diugli true, a, lirinneach turn /; tionndaidh nnhappy, ((., mi-sliona, « 2 undertaking, ?i, gnothuch, 71 1 771 unsi)ai'ing, '(,nach caomhaiu usual, (I, abhaiseach valiant, a, treun very, a' year, 7i, bliadhna young, a, og youth, 71, oige, oigcalachd ..UJTirjF.VIATION!^. UT ABBREVIATIONS. a. adject iv(! adr. ;i(lv('i1) ln'tir. l)L't\V(". 11 vomp. coiiipoutid, r-oinpjsito ciimpiir. 01)111] Kimtivu CDUJ. coiijiinctioii C(int'i\ ooiitractioii dat, dative ff, r/cn. gcintivo '////. /////■//. iniiiiitivo int. iiitransitivc! hitevj. iiitcTJi'ction mvv/. iriTo-ular m. iiiasci'.liiK! n, iiuuiiiiat ive, nouu pl.d. placcn] j)lm\ pluitil 2)rep, i)roi)osition 2>rtc. partici])lo R, reg. rc\L,'iilar s.-t. sometinif's ir. transit! vo ?'. Yorl) Voc. A'ocal Hilary = equivalent to t marks cipital letters winch ^luntlil Ix; acccntod ,.- 118 GAELIC CLASS-BOOK. f^'.JTi. ' ' CONTENTS. Dedication ... Page 2 Peeface • • • 3 i/''-^ , :■' Orthography. Wi Letters P age 5 Pronunciation . 6 Vowels ... 5 Spelling . 8 Consonants .. 6 If. ■ Etymology. Accidents Page 10 Relative 43 Article .. 10 Interrogative 44 I^OUN .. 11 Verb 45 ^ .''-if ■ Declension .. 11 Accidents 45 ■ ' 1., ■ *' General Rules .. 12 Formation tenses Gender .. 12 Active Voice 46 First Declension . .. 13 Bi, to bo 48 , v- ■' Vowel changes .. U Glac, catch 54 Definite Declensior L 16 Changes of ag 57 ,} Second " .. 18 Consuetudinal tenses 57 Third .. 20 Formation tenses Fourth " .. 21 Passive Voice ... 58 Fifth .. 22 Glac, Passive Voice 69 Sixth .. 23 Bris, Active " ... 61 ",» Irregular Nouns . .. 24 " Passive " ... 63 ■ f--- Distinction of Sex. .. 27 Alp, Acti\^ " ... 65 Adjective .. 28 Fuin " "... 65 Declension .. 28 Irregular Infinitives 67 Comparison .. 31 Irregular Verbs 74 Irregular Comparisc )n 32 Defective " ... 75 *". " ■ Numeral Adjectives J 34 Composite " ... 77 Demonstrative" . .. 37 Impersonal " 78 Indefinite " . .. 38 x\dverb 79 K-* .;-. Distributive " . .. 38 Preposition 79 Pronoun .. 39 Conjunction 80 - ((■ 'J^ Personal .. 39 Interjection 80 Possessive 42 , :■**• ERRATA. iPage 3 line 9 for the reari its. 3 line 24: for it ?'ea(^Z its. 6 last line for orras read forms. 14 line 13 for snathad read snath. 32 line 14 for an clarsach read a' chlarsach. 34 lines 1 and 2 for an clarsach 7'ead a' chlarsach.] 38 line 20 for airde read airde. 40 line 7 for do reac? de. 42 line 6 jf^r tuaradal rert(i tuarasdal. 53 line 20 for bhata I'ead bhata. 67 line 3 from foot^br pairt 7'ead pairtich. 91 line 3 from footybr as read a 's. 93 last line /or dana read dhii a. 95 title for Comail read Chomail. The accent has been omitted in several words in the '* Exercise in Reading," because of their being printed, with some corrections., from the works of other editors. Note. — Construe o na (page 92 line 1) thus : o an a, from (the) whom. (( it . 0r ETYMOLOGY. 29 ed in the singular in the masculine like nouns of the rii*st Declension, and in the feminine like nouns of the Second. Deas, dheas, ready , right. K&A. G. D. V. Q,. { Masc. Deas dlicis deas dheia ^"^o \ Fern. Dheas deise dheis dheas Plur. Masc.^Fem. Deasa deasa deasa deasa §33. Irregular Adjectives of the First Declension : Odhar, pale ; bodhar, bhodhar, deaf. Thus declined : Sing. K&A. G. D. V. Mase. bodhar bhuidhiu hodhar bhuidhir Fern. bhodhar buidhir })huidliir bhodhar Plur. M.^F. bodhar bodhar bodhar bodhar Exercise Xl. Learn §83, R. 16 and 17. c6ir, 1. honesty virtuous. gnionih, 3. m. an act (-aran, crl'^u, 1. liitle. n.) breac, 1. speckled. gu-n d'thainig (c), that (he) fial, 1. liberal, generous. came. Gyjyron. he, him. is y. is, are. Mor, 1. large, balbh, 1. >dumh. great. 1. Cuir teine air. Tha an duine sin bodhar agus balbh. Ceann mna buidhir. Innis do m' athair gn-n d' thainig e air Diardaoin le mnaoi choir. Duine m6r le mnaoi chrin.. Gamhainn breac. Is fial a' bhean agus riim i gmomh mor. Cuir dimeas* air an duine eucorach.* 2. A little harp and a great poet. A virtuous deed is (Is) tcomineudable.* Honour (Place honour on) *See page 9. |VVhen a word within brackets begins with a capital, it must jje placed first in the sentence. After U place the adjective of the predicate. !«' 30 GAELIC CLASS-BOOK •<<; m if,- 0. D. V. * 1 chci^rr cuarr ch(jarr cl'iiTT eh(*arr cli^arr i ^ „ V T T cc'urra c(jarra 1 1 tho generous man. Tell my grandfather that he camo with a speckled cow. Tlie servant is deaf and duml'. Th(} riglit hand. God is liberal ui h/'.i ('na) acts to tli'> sons ot' nieij. THE SFX'OND DECLENSION. §34. Adjectives of tlic Second Declension are in- declinable except as imlicated by tlie General Rules iu §31. C^arr, ch(kirr, wrong. Sing. N.(^A. Masc. Ct%rr Fern, Ch(jarr Plur. M.i^'F. Cearra Exercise XII. Learn ^85, R 35. Note.— All words used in this and the subsequent Exercises which have not been given before or in tho headings, will be found iu the Voca])ularies at the end of the book. bu wasy were, tha agani, / hare ; tha agad, thou had ;, he has, Fhuair mi, / received. 1. Bu cheart an radh. B' f hada an oidhche. Tha 6glach math again. Ehuair mi leabhar beag le sgeul ciatach air duine airidh. Thug e caor mhor gheal do dh-Alastair agus clarsaeli (ir do n' fhilidh. Bruach shleapjluunu. Ingliarach tiugh. Duin an dorus iochdraeh. CJiair e (lie put) ceann na h- iuchaire [or h-iuchracli) tixjiuih an uiuneig, ^ 2. He tma (Bu) a strong man. Thou liast a kind Y/iie and a generous son. Ho has a speckled cow with a emoked horn. A good man has (Tha aig duino ) honour. Place the blue book on the round table. • !«> 4: I ETYMOLOGY. 31 aft The pants loore made (Rinneadh) of good cloth. Givo me thy little hand, my son. book, my silent companion ! my kind ami unsparing counsolior. COMPAKTSON OF ADJF.CTIYES. §35. Adjectives of quality are inflected for Degree. There are three degrees called Degrees of Com- parison : — Positive, Comparative and Superlative. There are three forms of the Comparative, known as the First, Second and Third Comparatives. §3G. 1. The First Comparative. In tlie First De- clension, tlie First Comi)arative is like tlie genitive singular feminine; mall, slow, moille; i)an,A//r,baine. In the Second Declension adjectives whose last vowel is broad add a to tlie nominitivB singular mas- culine, .ind adjectives whose last vowel is small add e to the same, for the First Comparative; as, bochd, poory bochda ; reith, 2}1ain, reithe. 2. The Second Comparative is formed by adding id to the First Comparative ; but if the First end in c, e is dropped before id ; as bochda, poorer, bochaid ; bi\ine, fairer, bainid. 3. 'The 'Third. Comparative is formed by adding ad to the First Comparative ; but if the latter end in a, d alone is added ; as boidliclie, 7)i ffntfr tlie prf-tf'f'r far that : <-]r,\ bu mhisd , \ '^ •*i| ''I ^-t r 32 GVELIC CI.ASS-DOOK. ,„i ., /,.,.. mnr tl,r. v'orsn for If; is IJ'jtirnl im na ri.m e air iiio sh.).., T mufhn h.thr of wl,d he mat dmrer (lit. nu'al is going into dearness). EXERCISK XIII. Loarn §83, 11. 24 and 25. 1 Xi 's oli,.,> ua eunlaith nan spour. Ts tusa i^ firinni.-iLO n^rndse. Blia (• ni h' urmniaIclK3 ma Lhraithrean. Tha an tdasg a' (hd andaoimul _ iha iad ni 's mils'- ua a' mini. Is luaithe lad na i(dairean. Tha e ni 's siu',' na Se^Snaid. Idia an elarsaeh nis ann an deisoad Tha e dol an laigcad gaeh la. •> .Tolin is more handsonie than Jiiincs. I ani more irddeous than tlion. Silk is heeoniing dear. 1 am older than Alexander. The waggon is now m rcadi« BOSS, rave moaswil'trr horse and stronger harness. Ludovick is more liljcral than Mrdcolm. §38. IRREGULAll COMPAEISOX. Potiitlce. r.(>ag, little, Coir, /))'()per, Cnmhang, near 1 Coiiip. Iiigha, higo eora euinge diVdia dorcha, dniicho. (hnlghc dorra dueha i'usa laisge. . .1 '•V 1 * .^. ETYMOLOGliV. 33 Grnvr, (iimrid, f^hort, ("Jour, s//nrj», Ion, propi'r, Jll, Tonmhuinn, ih slr<>/, pjiorra. • ri'il'C, g'.'lt'UV, ioun. ioiiiLsa, ann:;a. trcasa. IV'iirr, footlia. lilt). iniosa, duua.* tt'otlia. ) ^g 3 Corn}). ih'dvvtm. i'eotlias. iii(jid, Tiieiid. olcas, luiosad. Toi-h, toigheacli, j^^^^^^^^^;^^^^ jtodia, docha. Note.— Tho Second and third Comparatives, wliCL such exist, arc formed regularly in the above Adjectives from the First, except the following 1 Comp. - Oontp. Geire, geuraid, Fearr, feaird, Feotha, f(.'.uthaid, J\I6. moid, Tyloisa, niisd, ^ Tucha or docha, (hichaid. §39. T\m supcrJafivn (hKjrec is mertdy the First ConiMurativc preciMU'd hy a's and not followed by na; as, am fear a's triiime dhiuhh, the hea/'iest one of them ; mar an tor a's gloine, <(S the finest (jold ; sagart an .De "ill a's i'o aii'dr, j)rlr4 nf llie nnxl J'/'j/> (ron ; so a cnaor a's fearr 'nam measg, tin's it; flo- best shrcp wnoiuj them, ExEiicisL WW a, U'liirJ), '.rJio, ilt'tt, i, ■'ilte, Icr, if, dha, tu r,r fur I'uii, is f'air Icaiii, I prefer. is iravr luul:, tluni prrf:rrsi, U irurr lei^, //^' prefers. Ihis ali'o a positive domf, bad. :]\ CAEi.iC (jr-A.s.s-r.o<»K. 9^; I. ' ■» t 1. Is (loii.'i nil ^nAoiiili a rinn •'. TV llH^-nrr dha an cliirsach na .'in fliiodhnill. Ls flioarr loam rio<;Tiachd iia 's wioihliii'c na i ,siii. 'I'lia <■ iia 's Miiilli*; anus an tiL;ii an (liu,L^li na air rallinl. 'I'lia (,'aiJi'an na 's In.i^ha na I''.«M)liaiin. Ls v. so ciiid a 's Liairbliu do 'n (dirauil)li. Is iraiT gliucas na an t-or. 2. Tlwra i>^ vothiihj* swcctor than lionoy to tlio taste. T/njre /> Nf)fh///(/''' sweeter than friendsln'p to the soul. Love is stronger than fear, and more desir- ahle than gold. The night is hcc(n)iui(f (hirl'er (going into darkness). ('S ann) it is becoming smaller. N UM Kl^VL AD JL:CTI VK8. §40. Numeral adji^ctives are such as denote an exact number of the thing spoken of; as, seachd laithean. Oirdlnal numbers are such as denote hoio many ; ordinal, such as denote wliat place in order. Ordinal. Lst. an ceud, ??i. a' choud, /. an t-aona, m. S^'f, 2nd. an dara. 'h'd. an treas, triamh. •1th, an ccathrandi. HLh. an coigi^ainh. (itii. an soathandi. 7fli. an scaelidandi. 8th. an t-ochdandi. Oth. an naoidhcamh. lOlh. an deich(\nnh. 1 1th. an t-aona dcug. llJth. an dara deui Cardinal. 1. Aon 2. da 3. trl 4. ceithir 5. coig, ciiig 0. so, >l\i 7. sea el id 8. ochd 9 naoidh 10. doicii 1 1. aon dcULT 12. da dhi-ug 13. tri doug. 'g- *■ Cha-n 'ell ni ann. .>4i J 3 I! KTVMOLOGV. 35 Cardinal. !20. ficliciid. 21. noil Diiir riiichond. 22. dli thai' fhichoail. 30. doich thar fhichend. Ordinal. 20th. am Uchcadiindj. 2] st. ail t-aoiia tliar fliiclioad 30th. an dciciht-amh thai* ihichend 31. aondcugthar ihichead 32nd. an dara deug thar 40. da Ihichead. ihichead 41. aon thar da i'hiclied absolutely the |»artic]e a is prefixed ; thus, a ceithir; and then aoiiy d() and uclhi arc aiipiralod ; thus, a h-aon, a dha, a h-ochd. 36 GAELIC CLASS-COOlv. . 1 ■■»»u 2. PVom ami to dojch tlio innnoml i^roccdos it;^ noun, in (JanlinulH and OnlinalM. Fichcud, dii fhicheud, trl lichoiid, (fcc, coud, niUo, niuillion, and their Ordinals nlso procedo tlio noun. In tho otlier numerals tlio noun conu's after tlie unit ; a.s, aon uair deu«<, (eleven hours), rJeccn o('Jc Exercise XVI. a h-uile fear, every man. riut, (see §47, Hi). ch:4 robh, icas not, icere not. to 6. f. a ivoman, a female^ 1. Tha an c'^ beag ud amis an tigh ud thall. Thainig a h-uile lear cVa ionnsuidh (to him). Gach ni a chunnaic mi. ('ha robh a h-uile duine cho rathail riut*. Clod (what) air bith a rinneadh, rinneadh (5 le Dia. Sud iad. So an duine. An duine so. Kinneadh an leabhar so an Albuinn (dat.) Nuaidh. Thainig tt^ eile an raoir. Tha an duine ud na 's airde na Uilleam. Is 6 an duine so a's airde. 2. This little town. He came from (o) yonder house. These twenty-four years were not m'^re pros- perous. Give mo that large book oi songs. ^very house in the town. Death was in every family. Each man has a work and a power to do it (a dheanamh). Whatever ho was, lio was a ('n a) good friend. Every nian wuo m)t as (cho) true as lie (li.s). * riut, as thou. 'W' ETYMOLOGY. 39 THE rRONOUN. §44. A pronoun is ;i word which stands for a noun. There arc four classes of pronouns : Personal, Rela- tive, Possessive and Intcrrocjafive. Personal Pronouns are of two kinds : Substantive and Preijositional. §45. A Personal Substantive Pronoun is a word which merely stands for a noun in the nominative or accusative case. There are three Pronouns of this class : First, Second and Third. The First and Secoiid are inflected for number only ; the Third, for number and gender. First Pers. Sub, Pronoun, Sing. Mi, Mhi, /, me, Plur. Sinn, we, us. Sing. Tu, thu, thou, thee, Plur. Sibh, ye, you. e%./i, f^» 'in,he, him. Second " Third " (( (( It (t inn \^y'^^hhe,him,\ *'* (i,/. she, her, j Phir. lad, they, them. There is also an emphatic form in use : Sin*^. Plur. First Mise, mhiso sinno. Second Tusa, thusa sibhse. Third J'lsau, m, ise, / iadsan. XoTE. — Final a or c is frequently dropped in the emphatic furu), exce[)t in tlie First l*lural. 2. The adjective feill, StJf, may also be joined to either form of these Pronouns for the purposes of emi)hasis ; as, mi fein wyself; miso fein, my own self. 3. Tlie nominative of the Third Pronoun singular is sometimes written se, m. si, f., and the plural siad, m. & f. ■ ■ .* 'V .* ■ ' *;■■ . '- y» ■■■4- v. Ki- .t' ' ' - •if ».,, 40 GAELIC CLASS BOOK. '^ 1 '-*■; J ,.ir. 1 '.f;> f 1 ■* P'S'- "', 4. In addrossing superiors in age and rank the plural of the sc^cond person is used in this and the prepositional prunouiiy. Exercise XYIT. Learn §80, 11. 45. and §88, E. 54. am feasd, adv. eirr, forever, .tog, v. life, rawe cho, adv. so, as. dh', contr. for do.(SeG Voc.) 'us, or 's co?ttr. for agus. ro, adv. very, much, too. 1. Tha mi na's socraiche na bha mi. Cha robh mi cho bronach 's cho dall. Tog iad am feasd. Bha an talamh uile dh' aon teangaidh agus a dh' aon chainnt. Thainig sinne air Di-sathuirne, agus sibhse air Di-luain. Thug se e seachad. Bha iad rathail. Ghabh thusa a* bhuaidh. Cha-n 6 an duiiie ud e. Thainig thusa ro thrath. 1. I am sick. He was not sick. You your-self ar© very kind. They came on Wednesday. You were not prosperous in that undertaking. He came very early. Raise him to honour (§87, K. 49, note). Give nie the little child. §46. A Personal Prepositional Pronntm is]['a con- traction of the Personal Substantive Pronoun with a preposition. §47. We give the following list of Prepositional Pronouns as those which occur most frequently. Aig in the pos-^-esston (f, sing. 1. agam, in my p^os- session, mine, 2. p^id, 3. aige, m. aiQQ f. phir. l,againn, 2. agaibh, 3. ;>ca. Air, on, concerning, sing. 1. orm, on me, concerning me, 2. ort, 3. air, m. oirre, /. plur. 1. 6irnn. 2. oirbh, 3. orra. Ann, in,, sing. 1. annam in me, 2. annad, 3. ann, m, innte, /. ^>/?/>'. 1. annainn, 2. annaibh, 3. annta. ■M>'3 ETYMOLOGY. 41 i' le 10 As, out of, sing 1. asam, 2. asad, 3. as, m. aiste,/. X>lur. 1. asaiuii, 2. asaibh, 3. asta. De, of, (iff, sing. 1. diam, dhiam, 2. diat, dhiat, 3. de, dhe, m. di, dhi, /. plar. 1 . dinn, dliinn, 2. dibli, dhibh 3. dill, dhiii. Do, to, sing, 1. domli, dhomh, 2. duit, dhut, 3. da, dha, m. di, dhi, /. plur. 1. diiinn, dhuiiin, 2. duibh, dhuibh, 3. dhoibh (dhaibh). Eadar, between, plur. 1. eadarainn, 2. eadaraibh, 3. eatarra. Fo, under, sing. 1. fotham, 2. fothad, 3. fotha, m. ibx^a, f. plur. 1. fothainn, 2. fothaibh, 3. fopa. Gu, to, in the direct ion of, sing. 1. h-ugam, 2. li-iigad, 3. h-uige, m. li-uice, /. j;/<*r. 1. h-ugainn, 2. li-ugaibh, 3. hiica. Lc, with, sing. 1. loam, 2. leat, 3. leis, m. leatha, /• plur. 1. leinn, linn, 2. loibh, libh, 3. Ie6, leotha. Mil, about, sing. 1. umam, 2. umad, 3. iiimc, m* iiimpe, /. jjZwr. 1. umainn, 2. umaibh, 3. umpa. or hho, from, sing. 1. nam, 2. uat, uait, 3uaithe, m. uaipe, /. plur. 1. uainn, 2. uaibh, 3. uapa, uatha. Ki, to, si'ig. 1. rium, 2. riiit, 3. ris, 7n. rithe, /, plur. I. rinn, ruinn, 2. ribh, ruibh, 3. riii, riutha. Kiomh, before, sing. I. romham, 2. romhad, 3. roinihe, m. roinipe, f. pdur. 1. ronihainn, 2. roinliaibh, 3. ronipa. Thar, across, orer, sing, ]. tliaram, 2. harad, 3 tliairis air, m. thaiiis oirre, /. [jhir. 1. tharuinn, 2. tharaibli, 3. tharta. Troinih, through, sing, troniham, 2. troiuliad 3. troimhe, m. troimpe, /. plur. tromliainn, 2. tromhaibh, 3. tronipa. ■.,- w' '.. ■■ i _^- -^ 'V ;■.■■('! W J. ' i'. M u If ' 43 GAELIC CLASS-BOOK. i, fc 4- J ^^5^ EXERCLSE XVIII. Note. — For phrases compounded of /v and a pro- positional pronoun witli a noun or adjective, see section on Ctniipositc vtrbs. 1. Cha-n 'eil agam ach ficliead. Is beag leam an tuaradal agus is ni6r leani an dragh. Is toigh leam thusa agus do bhrathair. Is fada leam an rathad. Is beinu leam an t-6ran. Is cruaidh leam an Cc\s. Tlioir dha an t-airgiod. Thug ^ leis an t-each. So an 16chran agamsa. Innis sud . orra. Tha cridhe annad, Bu bheag sud eadarainn, 1. He tuok-away (thug) the ink witli him. He esteems that man. I am acquainted with William. I delight in music and I hate discord. It becom(3a him tu say so (sin a radh). I think that heavy. I love learning for (air son) the mind and friendship for the heart. I do not care for that. ^?a* i' POSSESSIVE PRONOUIs^S. §48. The Possessive Pronouns are adjectives corres- ponding to the personal substantive pronouns. They are three and are inflected for number only. First Post^essive ProJionn, mo, /ay, sing. : ar, ^,»/z^/*. our, {Second " " do, thy, siny. ; bhur, jv/ii^r. your. Third '' ** a, his, her, its ; an, am, j;/?^?'. their. NoTF. — 1. The enclitics of emphasis are not con- nected with the possessive pronouns, but still are used with them and suffixed to the ncains they qualify. These enclitics are : -sa for the First and Second singular, -se for the Third singular, when feminine -San when masculine ; -ne for the First plural, -SQ for the Svnmd, and -san for the Tliird, ETYMOLOGY, 43 2. Moy do and a when masculine throw the nouns they qualify into the aspirate form. 3. The Flrd and S('C(fnd .sin.i^nlar elide their hnal o before a vowel and after a [)reposition endino- in a vowel, thus: m', d'; and the. Th/'nl .siu<^adar when used instead of a masculine noun, is elided altogether hefoix) a vowel and its place is occupied by an apostrophe ('). 4. Ann mo, in my, cinn do, in thy, are contracted into 'am and 'ad, 5. Ar and hhur take n- before a vowel ; and a feminine takes h-. Exercise XIX. 1. Is mise fear-gleidhidh mo bhrathar. Is m6 mo pheanas. Is ^ ar dearbh-bhrathair 6 agus ar fe6il. Th6id mi sios do 'n uaigh a chum mo mhic ri brou. Mar so (thus) rinn 'athair caoidh air a shon. Is mise do bhanoglach. Thainig i air a h-ais. Thug bhur Bia fois duibh, agus thug e dhuibh an tir so. Tha an tuarasdal aca. 2. The value of my sheep md my cows. He took- away your horse with him. Thy death-bed. The thongs of his boots. Her face was as fair as (§88, II. 54.) morning. His eyes were full (§83, II 22.) of love. Their hands are full of blood. EELATIYE PROXOU^N^S. §49. A Rehttii-e Pronoun is a Pronoun which con- nects two clauses in a sentence. There are three liclative Pronouns : The Afmiudlce, a, an, am, wlio, whom., which, that. The Negative, nach, n-lio (lot^ whom nut, wltich not^ that not. The OoUectice, na, the things which^ the persons who^ all that, wh'd. H' 44 GAELIC CLASS-BOOK. §50. Tho noun to wliich tlio pronoim refers is called its Co-relative- When the Co-i'('l;itivo is ext(^n(l(!(I, a ff'jnn of refcri'iicr is iutnuluer'd iiumcdiatoly biit'ore tlio Ivclative ; as An Ti a ta beannaiohtc, aj^nis a mliaiii ciiinlidach, Jligii nan rigli a.i,'iis TiglKnirn nan tighearna, ncaclt iiaeli faca diiino 'sani Litli. 'i THE INTERROGATIVE PRONOU:?iS. §51. An Intitrrogativa Prnitoun is a pronoun which asks a question. There are tliree Interrogative Pronouns : Co? who .^ v'liicli ? A()plied to living beings. Ciod? irhdfl wliat kiiid of? Cia? wliU'Ji? Applied to inaniniatxi objects. ISToTio I. —An interrogative pronoun asks a question witliout the assistancje of the verb Is t(} he, but when it implies the Jlelative, the verb to he is used. 2. Interrogative jironouns precede nouns to whieh they refer and tiie prepositions which govern tlieni ; as co an duino ? cu as an triath ] eo th* aim ach triath a' chiiil niliuir 1 3. Co is sometimes used in the genitive case ; as, a broinn co an d' thainig an ei'di 1 (Job 38, 21 ■^n n 59). 4. If the sul)ject of inquiry be in view or its gen- der and number known, the Personal ])ronoun is used, as, CO e an guth ? (Oigli-nam-mor-shuil, 122). 5. The iuterroLfatives are also useil in iiidirect siuestions. f l^XRRCISE AA. 1. Co e? Cind e su.l ? Co iail? Co i am boirionnaeh uasal ud ] ('o ('• am fear so 1, Is euina learn co t)ia ann. Co dhiubli tliainig 1 Is uithne dliondi CO rinn e. 'o Tha lios agani ciod e rinn e M ►i^*f ETV>[OLOCJY, 4.1 ± Who is tliat youtli] Whn.^c ? (Co Ini Icisl) Whoso })Ouk is this?' Wliicli of llicm (li'l it ^ ^^ho is thai lull .'.■vnth'iiian? What j.riiKv is thai ^ Who caiiiol AViu) is the jxx't that gavf you tl at \ oliu ? THE \VA\\\ §52. A Yi'-rh is a word wliich iis^>orts. Verbs arc of tliree kinds ; Transit'tv>', Infymmflve and Cojuiht. A Transitive Verb duuutes action which passes over to an object. An InfransitU'6 Vvrh denotes action ^vhich docs not i>ass over to an ohject. A Co[)nJn^,J asserts in the form of a com- mand or exliort-ition. 'X\w l!,l!hiti>:e IlL^od merely ]iames the action denot- ed by the vorl>. The Ijid'rafire M"-d asserts wi'li certainty. The Potential Mood indicates desire or liberty to perform an action. 4' 1 LASS -HOOK. TYw C'»Kh'f/(i/i/(I .!\f'>'i,J o\\)Yi'i^^A>H ;\ ronditioiial action or stntc, ui»on whicii anotlxr ai iion or state (Icpcnds. The Si.hj.iiirf irr .][" J 1 v| »U' -cli) s til*' ii< lioH t'X- [iivsscd )>\ it as ( i>ntiii,t;c!it. §•")."). 'I'lu-i't- ar-" Cuiir tdiM's : P/wr///, Pr//', Si'i'ninl Vii.-^t :u\k\ Viitii'i'' . The I'nsi'rl Ti:ii!^<: ^>xpr action as Ix-ing done in tlic jiii'scni liui''. Til,' /V^s•/ T'.iif/ Pdsf 7V//>Y' cxiH'osscs an action as being done in sonic time j)revious to tli'^ immediat(i past. 'J he F/////ri' Ti'iist' expresses an action as to be done in I'ntnre time, FOIfArATlOX (IF Till-: TEN-SES.— A(^TivE Voice. §50. There are two prlmdrn jinrt.^ in the Active Voice iVoni winch idl tlu^ other tenses are forined, namely tin; '2ii(l prr,^. siny. pre-^cnt Imperative, and .^j the i>rt'SL,it Participh'. fj 1. In ih^' Iitdicatlvt' Mood. The Prrs'/';/f T''i/.<" is foiMti5 v' IJk' vc.rli ///, t<» ]h.'., and the pi-cs.-ni [.articipii' ; as, Tha, ■': )iii ir rat lln / Sf/,'/ or 7 '//ji sn >////!/. NoTi;.- A ol is ehilt'd aftei' a \o\vel. Tlic /V/x/ is toivmcd from the '2\\A sinu'nlai' liiipera- liv(^ by a-;p!i';.i ion ; as, llliiiail lei, I -fr/zr//. ilntil'thi'. veil) be'.:;iiis wiUi a vowil, this teie-e is loiaiicd by ]>vr- nxiii^;' dii' (!i r '/" the old si-n <•!' tin- I'n'tei'itc) ; il'the verb !.)!';^ins \vith _/' jtnre, /" is aspirateil and m'//' is yw Ir-ed ; as d'.i' or mi, I gilded ; dh' t'liaighnich e, he eit- (imV' d. I'j, lljo, si;(ii i;l the present [)art icii>Ie, ^j 1 Tlio Vufurr. Tcufic is loniu'd l-y !i(Miii.^ -kill <>r -an \,^ tlio2n(Uin<,-. IiniH-nitivi' ; as, l;iigliiucliiah lai, / n-Ul enquire;'as mi, /'/"'// /-.-■''''//i-. ;?, hi i'/r Pi'ti'iiii'il M'>'>'/, Tlio Ffid Tv.n^^c is formed from the_ 2n(l sill|^^ Impoii^tivij 1.V as[)irat\uu iinJ by adding -inn inc, 1. Eitheaniaid, let irs he, 2. r.i,^'/"bi thus i,l)0,be tliou 2. lUtbibh, he yCy he j/o/r, 3. Jjitlieadli e (i), let him 3. r>itheadh iad, lot them (her) lie. be» In'finitive Mood. Present Tense, Gn bhi or a bhi, to he^ to he ahoui to he, IJitli, G. m. lieing, Indioatj ve Mood. Present Tense. Past Tense. SINCULAK. 1. Ta or tlia mi, I din, 2. Tha tlm, ilmn art, 3. Tha u, he is, PLURAL. 1. Tlia sinii, )r>' ar>'^ 2. Tlia .sibh, ]inn are^ 3. Tha i,id, //.'.y a,r-:. SINGULAR. 1. llhii mi, / was 2. IJha thu, thou wast 3. l>ha e, lie was PLLRAL. 1. lUia si I in, //''' were 2. l)ha sibh, //<>// Jrerr. 3. Uha iad, thet/ were I **< mmmmmm v:n^ioif-uc.Y. 41» [iturc 211(1 a-ta he. i "Shrj. 1. r.itliiflli mi, [ s^f'dl <>r will lie L\ IJithi'lli tu, ///'/// .^JHilt or win lie .'}. Ilitltidh •', A" fltdll or will litt Phir. I. JJitbitih siini, we flmll or will he. 2. Ditliidli sibli, ynii i^kull or will br. 0. Ditliulh; flu'ij "■IkiU or will he PoTf.nttat. Moon. Pad Tt'n>*c.. 8lNG. 1. liliHluiiM, / cjHfId or would )>e 2. JJliitli-eadh tu, ihoa t'oaldyf or wonhUi (ni 3. ]>hitlioailli /', he could or fiJioidd ha Plur. 1. Jiliitlicamaid, we coid-d, <^r.., he 2. l^liitheadh sibh, yon could, <)•(•., fte 3. IJhitlioadh iad, fhrij cnuJd, tjv;., he. Conditional Mood. SINGULAR. .SIN(iUIvAn. !, ;M;i tlia mi, // / hr 1. IVfa l»li:i mi, //' T "rye 1'. iMa ilia llm, if III off h" 2. ^la 1)ha lliii, if fluiKWert 3. jMa tha «'•, if lir he 3. ?>Ia Mui r, ?/ ^f were I'LUHAL riXRAL 1. ^la tlia .^iini, if wr he 1. Ma Idia siiiii, // uie wnro "1. Ma tha sildi, if yoHf h <) i\I;i Mia sil>li, if \joH were 3. Ma tha ii^l, //' ///f'^ />^' 3. Ma bha iad, // M«"// leerc. Pad IJiipothetind Tv.nse. Sixii, 1. Na-n robh mi if I icerc :!. Na-ii robh tliti, if llinii wert N M 11 Vohll (', / fh I' Wri'r I'LiJR, L Na-n i'ol)h ainn, if we were 2. Xa-n rol^h sibh, if you 3. Xa-n robh iad, if Ihey were 3 ir 50 ii ■i- :• t I ¥: * . •'1. !■: SiNO. i. 2. a ?LUIl. K 2. ». Si NO. t 2. ?r. JPlur. 1. 31 ^ING. 1. 2. a Pluu. 1. 9 a SiNO. I. 2. 3. Pluu. 1. 3. GAPrrrc cl.\ss-booii: ^ijciyyid Pa bHhinn, if I Imvl fx'nn. ^I^a-m l)it!K>c'ulI> ti!>, if thou haild bcmi Na-m ]Htl?o;iflh ('•, if he had h>en Na-m h?t,hrair;ni(>, if wc had been 2. Na IK l^'fclseadlt sibh, if ifou had fjeor >I^a-ii^ Hth^fuTlv iad, i/ /A/:y /^r^ifi ^^^tv^, ]\fa l)l>ffch'{>s n :^ ifiJii>H»h(dt or wilt he Ma bJniCbwis- (6, //'/^^ fiiut'l. or it/ill Ifc Ma blpHhea;^ sfim, tf nm shalf, tj'c, ^6^ Ma li-bitlvuaa sil)b, if you shall ^ tf<^, /;c Ma bbitbx'a.'* iail, if they aimlly ^c, Im 8u J« U N CT F V K Mo t>l>. Pre.i^nt Tcnxe. (t\x T>hoiI im, //^f^^ / am Gu blyt'.jl t^biT, tlnd thou art (rii IjJxiil ♦'', ihat he is (fU l)beil siniJ, ////«/ /re r/>v7 (tu blioil .sib!i, Z/^d/ //r/7r <<;vT (ill bhcil iad, ///,'<•/ tliey ore PaM Tense. Gti-n robb n>i, that I tms (Jn-n robb tbn, tlmt thou, wnd Gu-n robb t's ///r// he u'as ( rii-n robb siiin, thtd we lucre Gii n robb sil)b, that you were (Jii-n robli i;i(l, ffiid Uiry tri're Srcoud Past Toisfi. (iu-ii) l)ithiiu>, that / had, hen (j»u in bftbivulb in, that tlnai liadsl U'cn a Gum bitliwidh c, that he had been I 'i • mTMOl.OGY. 51 ho )a he t'Cii riAin. 1. riii-iii <>itii<».i!naiorn 2- (Jwm Uiihi'irxlU wl»^Ji, flttf ynu ?Kf,i I'm ti. (»irm MiIh'.uUi iiul, /Av/ ////;// f:i'rn Ftifurc T-cunc, SixG, 1, Ow-m h\ i.ii, Halt I fc PaUTICU'LES. I^ULSEXT, liitli, n. ^ lu. hciihji. .St>G0NO pA.ST, ail' bitli, mocliitj heeii. ExKiwjasE XXL 'na, *iiiu', 'iia, 'nar, 'niir, 'nan or ^uun, f //« w?/, w /////, //i /«/.s' or //^r Sf'c.) arc used as particles of i-eferuiicc il)oforo nouns tlt^^iotin^ couditUm, fvwle as 'na fliilidli taf^Iita. lUia bainis ciidlu-ii agaiuH., Tlia in^nean J';iy. Ho is a fri(^iid to 5)10. He is doar to all. lit- shall bo a Ikto in his ilay. Wo should Ivj ihoro, Ilo said ih.ilJohn was right. §58. Copula Verb— Bi, to be.— Negatively. Imperative Mood, Isa. bitlieam, &c., a^ aliirniativolj, wiiJi iin. :v .'V 1' 4-' 7 •i.' 3J '» . Wl ■!■ .Ii i.ifi aAEfJc CLASS- rrooK:, iNDicATivr Mood. Presenty Chan 'cil mi, (^'c. T'rY.s/, Cha roLh mi, »S;ci Ftitid'c, clui blii mi, c^x. PoTfcjNTfAL Moui>. pi'-sti Cha hhitliiim, c^'c. Conditional ^loorv. Fresettf, Mur '(jil mi, (^c. Post, ^Inr rohh mi, &;o, Secomi 2'^^-^) Murbitliinn, <^c. Ptifure, Mur bi mi, &c. Sltbjunctive Mooix Present, Nacli 'eil mi, &c. P(t»(, Nach pobh mi, bi'thinu,&c, Fuhtre; Nach bi mi, &a §59. Caimla Verb— Bi, to be.— Interrogatively. Indicative Mood. Present, Am bhcil mi ? i^c. Past, An rcibh mi ? &e» Future, Am bi mi ? &c. Potential Mood. Pd6/, Am bithinn 1 &c. §60. Copula Verb, Bi, to ba— Negative-IntMV rogatively. Indicative Mood. Prc^eifty Nacit 'oil mi ? (^'c. Pad, Nanh i-obli mi ? i^'c Future, Nat>h bi mi? &e. Potential Mood. Past, Naeh bithinn 1 &c» iGl. Copula Verb— -Bi, to be— Impersonally. Indicative Mood. Present, Affir^ Tlxathas or thathar. " Ni^f. Cha-n 'oileas or 'cilear. " InfeT. Am bheih'usoj* bUeilearl .. ,; .li^r ETYMOLOGY. it;c5i (fee. &c. (fee. I, (fee. (fee. A. Bhathas, bhathar or bliatar. •* Neg. Cha robhar or robhas. " Inter. An robliar or robhas % Future, Ajjirni. Bitear or bithoar. " Ncff. Cha bhitoar or ])hithear. " Intei: Am l)itear or bithear 1 EXERCISK XXII. Learn §85, R. 31 and 33. Exs. Am bheil an Icabhar agad ? Cha-n 'oil. Have you the book ? I have not. Ciod c tha agad*] Clia-n 'eil dad. What have you ? I have nothiiuj. Cia mend cloinne tha agad ] Triiiir. How many children have you ? Three. Cha-n 'eil da Dhia ann. Chan 'eil ann .ach a h-aon. There are not two Gods. There is only one. Note. — Ged, though, although, in a negation takes the inteirugative form of the verb after it ; in an aifirmation it takes the place of cha. C ait, where ? 1. Ged robh 6 air a' bhata. Ged naeli 'eil nis ann ach a h-aon, bha a tri ann aon iiair. Mur robh mi cinnteach, cha bhitheadh an danachd so agam. Cha bhi deich daoine thar fhichead ann (there, lit. in it). Am bheil ni air bith do-dheanta do 'n Tighearn? C' ait an robh thu] Cha n 'eil cuimhne air na nithibh a bha ann roinihe (heretofore) ; clta mho a hhios (neither shall) cuimliuc air n;i nithibh a ta ri te.achd (to come.) Bi glic, a mliic. Mur 'eil ni agad gu dioladli {f'> pay). Mur hkiodh oiiir tcachd (if he had not come), bliithe- aniaid {. ' "I > V, » jj -^ .(! •I' . • ! ? . ... "vr-i 1 . f k 54 GAELIC CLASa-BOOK. on tho boat. ' \If now there be hut (Mur nch) on", and it tlioiv, w>u'i'. tlii*o(.>, two are ffnie (air talbh), No- tliiii;^ is impossibl'i tu iliM ]v>ril. Tho liel I was all groirii (air las) ."-v/' (siias) with tliijrns. It (o) was not grown over with nettles. If he be not at homo, he is at tho store. Have you my black book? I have (Tha). Is he a gooti man 1 I am not certain. §62. Regular Verb— Glac, catch. Imperative Mood, Present Tense. Sing. 1. Glacam, let tne catch 2. Glac, catch thou 3. Glacadh 6, let him catch Plur. 1. Glacamaid, lot its catch 2. Glacaibh, catch ye or you 3. Glacadh iad, let them catch Neg. Na glacam (1.), * Id me not catch. IxpiNiTiVE Mood. Presijnt, Glacadh, /^ 1. m, catchuiy^ act of catchintj. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. SiNO. Tha (2.) 'glacadh, I am catch I u(i, I catch. Pluii. I'ha a' glacadh, wo are catchin'^y wc catch. Nf'g. Cha-n 'oil 'glacadh, / am not catching, I do not catch. Inter. Am bheil 'glacadh? Am I catching? do Icatch^ Neg. -Inter. Nach 'oil 'glacadh ] do I not catch ? Past Tense. SrxG. & Plur. Ghlao , I caught. Neg. Ciia da ghlac , I did nut catch. Intf'r. An do g! .lac I did I catch ? Neg.-Infer. Nach i I catcliinrf ? Neg.-I)iter. Nach robh 'glacadh? loas I not catching? Future Tense. Sing. & Pi.ur. Glacaidh , I shall or icill catch. Neg. Cha ghlac , / shall or will not catch. Inter. An glac ? shall I catch ? Neg.-Intcr. Nach glac 1 shall I not catch ? Potential Mood. Past Tense. Sing. 1. Ghlacainn, / conhl or would catch. 2 & 3. Ghlacadh , Pluu. 1. Ghlacauiaid, we conhl or would catcli. 2 & 3. Ghlacadh , Neg. Cha ghlacainn, / conhl or would not catch. Inter. An glacainn ? ivouhl or could I catch ? Ncg.-Infcr. Nach glacainn? would ov could I not catch? Conditional Mood. Present Tense. Sing. ^li\ tha 'glacadh, // / am catching, if I cafch. Plur. Ma tha a' glacadh, if we are catching, if vm catch. Neg. Mur 'eil 'glacadli, if I am not catching. Past Tense. Sing. & Pi-ua. Ma ghlac , if I cangid. 2seg. Mur glihu; , if I did not catch. Second Past Tense. Sing. 1. Na-n glacainn, if I caught, or had caught, 2 S^ 3. Na-n glacadh ' u. M. H ^.1 it 'I •>r: -.1 ' ■ ■ '■* .|^' K) ' ,-*•, . •4k: 56 GAKLIC CLx\Sa-BOOK. Pluk. 1. Na-ii f(lacaniai(l, if we cmujlit^ or had canyhf, 2 Sc 3. Na-n glacadh Ncg. ^Im ^dilaeainn. If f had not caurjhf. Future Tense. Sing, t^ PfiUR. Ma glilacas if I ahall or will cafch. Nr.ij. M ur glac // / shall or will not catch. SuHJUNCTivK Mood. Present Tense. Sing. Gu Idieil ^^^hcadh, that I am catching, that I catch. Plur. Gu T)lieil a' glacadli, that we are catchinr/y that ICC catch. Nc(j. Nacli 'oil 'glacadh, that I am 7iot catchiin/. Past Tense. Sing. Sc Pfx'r. Gn-n do gldac , that I ccuighf. Ncij. Xacli do gldac , that I did not catch. Second Past Tense, Sing. 1. (Ju-ii glaoaiim, tlnd I coidd or would catch. 2 & 3. Gu-uglacadh Pluu. 1. (Ju-n glacaiiiaid, tiiat wti could or would catch, 2 t^ 3, ( I u-n glacadh Neg. Nach glacaiiin, that I could or would not ccdch. Future Tense. Sing, tt Pluu. Gii-n glac that I shall or will catch. Nc'j. Nacli glac tliat I shall or will not cafe//. Particitlks. Prc.<>f'nt. A' glacadh, catch inrj, in t/ie act of catching. Past. Glacta, cauyhf. ^.econ}is}(ctu(liiuil Teii.s'Ps. The Fiiliirr teuFsr h\ usimI to express an lialtitual action, with a iircscnt signilication ; as, brisidh Jui ]ti;)b .-^(.ai'lidan, I 'Ui^nidlij breal: ii pijn'. a ircd:. More iivtiuently presi'ut liabit is ('Xi)ressed by the coin)>(>;;it(! verb, is aliliaist dhondi, // is 7)11/ wont. The Pad ti'iit1 do 'n (M;.,']ais, if I ir-'n' nnf (irr/fs/oNii,/. in I/.) /n ,'iiiirrii. The I'asl ( 'itii--iii'! ndiniil toiisc is also cxju'rsscil hv llw I'ast U.'ti.-'c ol' /n '///// -''/n/ (Uioiiih, vi/., ))' altliaist dliMnih. / '■/■■/>■ //•m///, 4. The ^'-mril Pnsf 'J'i:it.<>\ ('Miidiiiotial and Sulv junclivt', has a future' >i,:j:ni;irii' is sonu'- tiines wi'ittcii 1)y ;j:raimuarians, A/r, Imt it seldom (K'ciii's in that I'liin in cunvcrsation or in jH'int. So \vo have; writuii it air, ijccause our do'si^qi is t(j introdm-o i\\v. student to Scottish Gaelic as it is now spokt'U and written. §01. Formation of the tenses in the Passive Voice. 1. /// iJie Imperative Mood. The P)'f.:r is lii'l'lind iVolil Mm- />/'' .-liltf / !/d/>''d /' 'T ol'thi \(l'll /.'/.'IMd \\\r jhl'l ,i;l rt ii-i j>l'. Till' ri(i yil ' !'■' A''fiie. '!'Ii<' .S'ivv.'< / /'•/../ '/''/.. is !on!i:'d iV.'in 1lie /'.,'.n/ ieii^u' of (ill' \y\-V Hi and (le- /"/>■/ i-: rl icin'r. Tin- Put'irr fr,/s,,' 'i< ''m!!!,, d l.y a'lding -ar 7 /r ;/N." is formed hy aspirating the i>n--t p'l/iicij)!'- ;iiid adding' -adli 1 > it. ttVMOUjGV. 5. In the Cou'Iillonal >1/onf/. ,.J!;;,T;ns.- the ])aiticU" ma; ^'xcfi.t, ,.,.,, , i^, nrcfix- ing na-n to tlic iV-^/ rnfmtlol nnaspinted. G. 7n //<^ Suhj'nu'li>-c Mood. Tl.c P".«.„/ 7V„.. Is r..n,,nl IVuiu tlicrrcsont Sul,- i„,u.tiv (if til.' v.-rli /,•; and tlir /«/■-' /•.(,■/-'•,/,/.•. ^ The /Vs/r-,-.- >.s n,v,.o.l l,v luvlixmt; gU-H do to §05. Regular Vcrb-Glac catcli-Passive Voice, Impkuativf, Mood. Present Tense. n -t, f'^ ,,. Tot mo ho c\\Wj\\i- l^rcscnf 1 ense> ,.,,;;:;';; i;;;,:t;i';::;5S!:,^.u:,';:S:;.'- /'a. -7 'i'nsi\ r, -,. /'IT 11. / If'.S- I'll III I/I I , Vr,/. ( nil ' • ) J, \u 'Ur-^Au i "■"■' I '-'"y'''-- ,,, r,() fiAF.hlC CLAS,^ tUml Pi Sccmii! Past 7V'//N('. SlNT.. v'v J*I,ri{. ['li;i .^lacl.i, //"/'/ In ('II fiDi'iht. A'>J, (.'ha nilil) ,:;l;ulii, / //"'/ ifif /.-,]i.....4^1a(jt;i? /'-/'/ / not been ('(lit (J hi ? Futurr 7'cnsc. ►Sing. Sc Vi.vii, (Jlacar , / .s7^/// or /'•/// />r raiKjhf. Ni'[i. Clia glilacar , / f^ltull ur //•/// ni>t (,r cnjiijlit. tiih'i'. An glacar ? .^I'kII t fn' ('(I'njhf? N>'[i.-l)itrr, Na//l'/, (y«'., / /"; I'dllijllt / N>''j.I-ii(i'r. Nach Lrlartadli \ W'niilil, tj'c'., I nnt hi ca/if/Iif ^ ('OXl)iriONAI, MoDD. P )'''.:<('.>) t yV/iS''. 8'N(t. il' Vlvu. M,! ilia i^'lac-ta, //' / If rxinjhf, o\ if [ (UV C'liirjlif. Neij. Mur 'cil '.^lacia, //* f hr rmnjhl. Pasf Tense. BiN'G. vV I'l.uji. Ma Lrlilat'adli //' / viWi' ra'i'/Jif, (»r if / irn.-! ci I //■/// 1. AV;/. .Mar i1m <;lila("iilii If I irrrr iiitl einnjlj Second Pa!<( 7 cnse blNG. A.: Vluk. >.'a-n ,L;la(:ladli /"/ J /(((<[ l>r( h ednijiiL i N>q. Mm -iactadll 'f lll-i'l i>r,f A. ■tl) '.''.UC. 'lit. if l.tVMof.DCY. 01 S.Ni,. ,V, l-Lui. M.,^u- .;/• I •■/'■'" ">■ "■■■" '"' A-,,-. Muv-l,u'!u'.'. .'..'.'>■ f--!i-" or .HI ..nt hn SuH.irNcT'vr. MixH}. ]^rr.<>']if Tcusr. SiN<;.^ r;.,l, ^arU,fhnt Imnnn,,hf iWv. Na<',h 'til !-;la('l!V, /Aa^ /(/'/^ "^^ rowj/if.. PdKt Ten^e. SiNO. & ri.nt. Cln-u.lo Khla..ah ,//»'/ / 'ra.cnyht. Ar,J. >-:,rl, .1.. -lllacadh ,//"/' /""•^' «"'' .SVro/n/ Pci'^f Tense. 8,N0. >tri.t-u. (!u-ngla.:la,lh , 0,.f I /,-' '"'•«■ A' ;,. Xa.-lL gla,aaa\,'.'.'."^.'. ''"'' ' /'■"' ""' '-'" """■'''''• ,Y.;/.Na.'l,,,krav., '.'.'! ',"'/../ / ./.-f' m' -//^ »""- <'tn/i//'t. m. Cn,;>"jnii.» of', l-r/. >nih n Labial initial 'w>\ . 1, ;//. {-C'DI _^/, ), hi'iixhhirj^ art I.NDIC VTlNi: MoOJ). ^resent i cusc. 7\Frii;M. Till 'bri.sciKlIi, I ((in hnalciiKj, Ihrmlx. Nki>. Chii-ii 't il 'hriscailji, I aiii not hrctililnj, 1nti;|{. Am lilu.'il 'itri.-cadli i Am I (ircKL-iini ? Xeg.-Intmu. Xacli 'cil 'l.) ulli ? Do I not hrcah- ? J'ast Tcnfic. Future Tense, /Vri'iitM. r.liris Ih-isidli Xixi. CIki (1(» Miris <,'lia Miris Imi;|{. All <1() lilni,; ? Am l>ris t -XiXt.-l:s'n.i{. ^•'a('ll (li»l)ljri.s ? y.MAi l»i.s ] roTllNTIAI. Mool). I\isi Tense Affiiim. S. i. IMiiisiiHi, 2. t^: W. Miriscadh 1*. ]. Iilinscamaid, L'. i^: .'^. l.'Iirisradli Xkg, Clia Idirisiiiii. Intkk. Am luisiiiu ? .Ni:(i.-lNTF:i{. Nach l>risimr? (,'o\i)rTj<»x,si, Mo()r>, I^rescnl Teusi . Affihm, Ma tlia 'l)ii-(Mi]]\ ^VAu Mur 'ri->inn. r.\uri'iri,Ks Futitre. Tense. (In-ni bvis \;ich l'ri>'- y »(/.,•/, JU'islo Present, a' Lrisoadli §G7. Regular Verb -Bris, break-Passive Yoke. Tresent, Affium. lUisU-ar , Xno. Xa brisiour 1ndi(.:ativh Mood. . rr , Pa. .lo l,liri....ah... I Futurf^ Tense. Affirm. IWis^'av Xku. rba bliiisear Intkr. Am l»ris»'ar '? Tsku.-Intkr. N;icb l.ii-var 'i roTKNTlAI. M'>")i). J^tLSt T(llSi'. Aff'.u^i. r.'iri^ti ;ulli ^vx). Clia l)br)>l.";'Mb IsT.Mi. Am ■n-isiea-lh I >;i:o.-lNTi:ii. N-'b lu'ish'adii < Present 1 ense. . , AT . tlv, briste Ma bbiiscadh -I , •4 •>' . 04 G\PA.IC i.'LArt.S-nOOK. Scroml Past Tonar.. Future Affiiim. Nam hristoadh Ma bhiisear ^[\v,. Mur])08itious and couibinations, aw : ri blii air a s^^'riobbadh, /o Jut written. air son s;^'ri()l)haidb, to t>e irrlttcii. *^\\ blii air a s^riobliadb, to he written. ^ni blii sgriobhta, to he written. Tlic Infinitive of Sinqde Futurity lias only one (nnu, coniposcd of tlie Infinitive of tlu; verb Jii an»l tii(^ /'(/.s7 Par/irip/n Adirt' ; as, a blii S!{ribta, tn Im) irritten, a bbi gluita, to f>e Cdiijld, a blii l»«', tit t>e bruli'eu. >" ^JK ISK XXIII. 1. Clia ,uhl;!.o mi e an diu^di. fllac a' lucli sin, Cha do bhris e a' i»lira. IJliiis a' cbl.ich an uinneajj;. iMur do bliris so (i"t Lrun I'liios is tu is eoii-each. C o bl M'ls a e Idi us.irii < C'ba do bill is mia' e. Nacli do ghlac iad an gaduiciie ] Cba do ghlae, ni mo a gblaeas. Is'acli glacainn «' / Cha ghlaca«lli. Naeh brisinii an ijloin le auu buille '\ Cia t'hada a bhriaeus sibh lUQ >: ETYMOLOGY. G5 clii'iilho 1«; ])ii!»tliraibh? IVisidh mi s^oa nn tur so. Ihisidh do hIioIiis a mndi mar ii' mlcKluiiin. llrisihli siias l)linr luaranii trcaldiaidli. 2. lie broki) the M'iiidow. He did not catoh tho nioiiso. IC it were not Invikcn. Who ])roke tlie ink- stand 1 II" h(! v.nw^ht (2iid Past,) him W(juld ho bivak his logs and arms? \h\ will catch tho, ])oor man. Tln^y watcho ■ . '1 " v 1; ' 4 '■■^ f* 4i talk .1/--V WW- •>4SJ' #Ht i I 1,. G8 GAELIC CLASS-BOOK. Infinittm. amladh, cagnadh. aiiagladh. bruidloadh. caochladh. c6bhradh. cosnadh. caomhnadh. diobnulh, dlobairt. diogladb. diibladh. f6gi'iidb. f^ghiiadh. Ibsgladh. fiiasgludh.J fiiagradh. iiinsoadh. iobradh. iomradli. liiisruadli. inosgladh. seachnadh. toarnadh. tuiniadb. tionnsgaiii, ) i • j • f tiuiinsgnadh. •1 > begin, devise, < .. ", i, tionnsgaii, J ( tionnsgladli. togair, incline, togradh. tiuiirgin, distir-^i, tuairgneadh.* Lnperathe. A mail, binder. Cagiiinn, cliew. anagail. ju'etect, bruidil, poke, coachail, cliange, cobbair, assist, coisinn, earn. caoniliain, spare, diobair, forsake. diogail. tickle. d 11 bail. double, i'6gair. exile, fogbain, sudice, fosgaii, opc^n. fuasgail. untie. fuagair, proclaim, inais. tell. iobair, sac ri lice. ioniair. row, liiisir, teein. niosgjiil. awake, seachainn, avoid. teirinn. descend, team inn. save, 'O* 4. ^fanv otlier Inlinitives are formed too irregular- * Tlie imperative of these verbs (except in 2nd pers. sing.), and the parts formed from it, are contraeted like their infinitive; as, togradii e, i; tograniaid, tograibh, togradh ind; thograinn, thogradh tu, e, iad ; thogramaid, &c. — This list and note arc from Munro. «* ■ ' if ETYMOLOGY. r.*' xr- ell* bis ly to ho roflnrotl to rnlo, so avo f,MVO an ali»liaWtiral list of those of most freqiunit occurrenco. LIST' OF IIMIEGULAK INFlNITlVluS. Ln Iterative. Ahair, Acain, Affair, Aithris, Xireamh, Aisig, Anihairc, say, coir.piain, claim, relate, nuuibor, restore, look, Amais, eirmis, ti«(l, hit, At, Ikgair, P>ean, ]5eir, Bene, P>\<1, Wy, ]llaiR, J^lcith, lUeojjjhain, liruich, II r.ruclul, liiiin, Jiiiail, Hiiain, ivap, r.uaiiaich, 7?. ^ain, r>uaehaillicii, herd. swell, threaten, touch, hear, roar, chirp, taste, fjrind, milk, hoil, hehih, ihial with, strike. liiiir, Bui rich, (Jaill, Caidil, Caith, Caisd, Can, l)ellov/, l08l>, sle.ep, wear, listen. liijlniin-e. radii*, raite, rudUainu acain ao'airt aithris uireamli aiseag am hare amas, eirmeas at hagairt i heantainn, heantail, ( heanailt heirsinn, beircilt, hrcith heucaich, heucail hidil, higil hlasad hleith hleoghan l)ruich hriichdail huntuinn huahulh huain huaiuichd Imachailloaclul hiiirieh hiirach * call cadal eaitheandi caisdeaclu\ cantainn ■SI ■ , ■■1 1 S!'! '0 OAiaiC CT-\S»-HO<)K. I)iipP)'(lf>f'C. (.'M.'^,L,':iir, <'.■(••;, ill v;\iriiii.sii 1 V aiiK'iif, sh < -araicli, !ii<'ii<.l, ('i.'angail, tic, (/(•il, conceal, ClllM, gi'ow, {'k'achtl, R aecuriUnw, ("laist, hearken, (-■leasaieli, .sport, ('ol)hair, help, C'oini}u'aelievc, Ciini, keep, ('luinn, h(!ar, Cuir, ])ut, place, J)<'an, R d(t, Deoidiail, hini, n snek, I Mnl, A' pay, ninlijiaii'. Vomit,, ]tr(i<( «:i. laiiin, R injin-e, Kin, J)o(l I) I) i) oiri riiirtadl diu^hadli (iiinai;]niaeiiail gairoucluliiifl; {^ainii ^'caUuiun gearaii «,'«'illtiim, j^i'illrarlid.tiiin ;j;/>uiiiraicii, m'Miinnairh ( -intinn, j^i.>n1ui\»\« '^' '"' I <4i(>ninlini»ni Ll.ii'dhiiicli, ach .„lUM'^ld "( .11 -mil :'o';:dl ■'lotu-ail G.\ V.UC CLA;vS-BOr)\v. /llll>' l"fil'''- r.nil, ];itli, If. lar, Iiiili'h, l(iiiirai"n>. Joinain, loinair, iuiulri;-^, loiiiulraiu, l.aMiair, Lai*lh, Lean, L'UUl, T.iiiltliair, T.ouiair, MiV-;air, >! lir, Maivairli, .Meal, ^[ras, /i. Minn, Xai^-, t Oiili.-, • •aii'llu' iiiii iarraidh ii.i<'A<'lul iinlieli ioHii'a'n^ ioHiau ioiiiaiit' ionnlail f inn "I iiindrcuehiluiun. innstatlh i(.iin'uni. l/'umraiuli, Iniin trb pray, A\ i-ep, ^n<:il•^•^^ ask, li.k, mention, dvivc, vield, ^va^h, enter, tell, ivdss, speak li(! down, Imp, drlivcV, dill, shear, crawl, last, rid'', ejij"y, (■stin\at'', 1 M i 1 1 '.:• ' , hiiul, j"in, wash, Viinnt . diiid-;, I aieh liuhhairb IdUiairt mai^airt iiiair.^inn, uiair^arhd 111 irrahd jiicalluinn meas niiin iias^adh ni-;h.' oirli- -.1 *(' « 'fc,lt»OLOGt 7^ YiW, Ji liaiJ, :i:uiik, Siiltair, tSfali, 81'inH, S-al, Sj^aiii, Si^ar, R. S-aU.,K. So-.,ilt,, Htii-ios, S-uir, Siaii, ^^i^l])hail, iSuiiit, /»*- Sniiiiili, vSiiiiiiiili, Sranii, Stivaj), R Suidh, TaVtliair, 1\i('hvais, railiairj 'I'a^air, Ta-liail, 'lais-, II Talaidli, I .iniiiii'J, rt'turn, l^)au4,, it lar, niii, ■^ram]>l^o tliijik, stand, s(!rcair!, -call aloud, scpiU'aU', lop, >plil, ^If.stroy, . AL wind, in<'t't. ]>l«'ad, \i.-it, lay up, oavi'ss, tanns ntlrr, dl tNN. du', laii. ^nlllinn ? saltaitt in pcalltuinR. soa^anili st'inn F.i,'aiartai(d! s;^-ara«'lidainK: ;<^olt;;j;aitlli lid.i'lli lauV'-^''-'*^'^' tari'uin-^' tr.isd n o;ai:t.ic ( LA^^-i^x^r. 'I I, Tc;iini:t-il to.uail ^(i^airt, U)gratlh iniiiiui.s trialL tuiriin.LT, iiirsadi), tuitoaiu tuigeil pl. IKUKC^rLAR VERr^'. 'Ilirff an' U'H IrYc-iiIar Vt r1>> : I. Al>air, si\ )yrn',\; 1'. I'M'ir, ^^' f. '■,/"'/'".'/ /'•"■' ^'•■" •*'• < 'li.iun, A'^. TI'A-, '•"/'-■ ; I'V Tli'.ir, f//'-' . ( M" tli.-^c 7:r ^iv> till' Iu.Ur;it:v^' u:a>l r'-ttutial MhmIs v^itli 'he ranicipl^-s, from wliicli thr otiwr parts may lu- fortn.-il. fn this taM*' th«- stutlrui inu4. siii.j»ly tlv r;t.vtiek'rf Ml Mh' Ncu'atJvf ai;i< aiivk N?h:viit:t (luhhairt tlicir aliair. * Vv'\y air n\v:m< to f^cize ; :is, ru;,' ('• oriu, hr .^ciird w.f- XThubliuirl iwA aubliuirt iuc :tL^o wnttyutluiirt aivl auiit. 'i.T^ M''l II (TV. 7 *';.»■/ 'J't'ii^r. i-'ulllli 7^ //>'<*. Affir/n. i.V''7. ..V //-,/<•/' Alt' rill.. A'''>f. cV Infer, 2 liu^ • 1' ni'.!; iii'iritlli hvW} 3. ("hiiRa>>, '-.u ihr < I'uiiinidL •] liiiii.- 1. Kiiiii . A' faotaiiiL 7. AMmI f\ A' niiLTsim' \K A' t'M.h*'. "10. A I'iit c). ]''ai(jte. 1. A;^' radh 2. A' "l.n ith :\. A' rliiiiiinini) 4. A' (li-anaiub [t. A' lUiciiiJi 4. I)..'.'.!. la T\w S.MMinl Pas\ ranii'ii>'K' Ml' th<.* ^..tlit'rs— fDTiiKM} '*.y juariiiii air lu l^iv ili-,.')' Intiii.itivcs givt.';i in s^TO— ;>: lit'd iiistt-ail ..,'' till' ra:>t rarlicipiL. §7l>. IMa-KCTlVK VKKBS 1. Is mi, /.//.'., '/ '••^- /• __^ i..\r:T,f<; class-ik/ok Affikm. Is \l\y yii'M. (ha ( "Iia l>u Xntkii. 1. Am lai? Ai»- ^ Am bu '■ 2vi';i;.-J.Fii:!;. Xaciv ^»;u li hb; ? ( MXhll InN.VI, M(>(»1^ Pr>'xe,d .^ >',,}„! Pihf Tymc... AFFiitM. Ma 's Nam l-u NiMi. Mm- Mill' I m fe'uitrr N( TTVK M«.)or>. Affikm. (iur Neg. Xacli. J*«tyl Teller Uu-iii \)\l ^rach hu' I'AftTK'lI'JJ'i Presrnf, A' mis ((;(»ntr;ic-tod into *.s ) XoTi-js. — 1. Mi is rts]iiint*-(l (lulii) after l-it and clur. Cha Iji'L'cjmcrf rlta-ii and ]>u Ix^comc /•' }>ft"oitj ij vowel yoiind. 2, ITit^ Past Iiidicativo serves as the Past Potential of /.s' ; as, bu tiua^'h i\o eltor, yuiu staie woidd be mis- erable. .'>. The iVcsfiit T*arti('i]>ir nf /s, foji.-wod by an in- finitive (iT livM'iit l'arti'ii>li', is tiahslated l-y a'iit: i'artieii'ie , a , . (/ould VdU drinlv a dr.tuj^^lit running. -. Faod (oi teud) iivifj, fonii-i its an, used imprrsonally (see §71). •'». Feum (<"'r liiiiii'), hiii.' what manner. A Onnpouml Advcrh is an adverb consisting of two words ; as, gii bronacb, tion'owfnllij ; gu b-olc, badly ; am foasd,/cr ever. A compound adverb may l)o formed from any adjective by preiixing the prej)osition gu (equivalent to the I<' postfix -///); as, gu dona, hadlij ; gu peacach, s'nifnllij. An adverbial phrase is a phrasci liaving an adverbial signification and consisting of nior»^ than two words; us, a h-uilc iiair, cccnj time; cho luath agus, t/6* won us. <♦> TIIK riiErnsniox. §77. A I'repitsition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to .show its relation to some other word or phrase in a sentence. § 78. Prepositions are of two classes : Simple and Co/iipoiui'l. A Simple Prei»osition is a preposition consisting of one word. •J'. ';!.'e to. Ann, unns, in, into. VihiiYT, off, froni. (Jar, (hiring, whilst. Do, to, towards. Eadar, between. Fo, nnJer, tteneatJi. Feadh, among, thruur/h, whilst. Gu, < through, bj/. THE CONJUNCTIOX. §79. A Conjunction is a word used merely to con- nect the parts of a sentence. Conjnnctiijns an; also Simple (as, cho, as, .s'o ; gu, gur. That ;) and Compainnl (as air an aobhar sin, there- fore ; a(^li coina co dhiii, uei-ertheless, votwithstanding.y Sonic Conjunctions are used in pairs and are said to he (Mi-relative ; as cho v\,so as ; an noo, whether or ; araon agus, both and. THE INTERJECTION. §80. An Interjection is a word or phrase of ex- clanintion denoting some strong emotion, hut not enter- ing InU tlie grammatical coiistructi(m of the sentence; da, hdoidh ! hatto ! seall ! faic ! feuch ! Jjehold ! to ! thugad ! hook it ! ho \\) ! Jinzm ! ;;' KTYMOT,0GY. 81 ^fany phmsos arc used as Inkrjuctions ; tlius, mo naire 's mo lea^^'hudh ! i.) fy ! (kulail a dh-i'hoaraibh an t-sao^lial ! O dear ! i:xi:!u;i«i: XXIV. Noclid rigli iVraidh do dhuiiK! i^dic morad) I a rloghachd, agus meud a cliundiac.hd agus a bheartjiis : Acli an aite amharo airtrin agus air a slionas talndiaidli lo h-ioghnadli, timl)liairt an dniiic glic ris, " Is iad na nitho sin a ta 'g ar deanandi neo-tlioileach air an t-saoghal so fhagail, agus 'g ar dalladh a thaohli ar dleasdanais do ar i)ia agus ar iSlanuighuar. Ma's duino glic thu air do shon iein, tarruing do chridhe napa gu grad, agus guidh air J)ia gu'n stiiiradh e thu gu ionmhas a thapgadh suas 'san ionad sin far nach cladhaich am meirleacli, agus uacli truaill an reudan a chaoidh. 'Nuair a bha 6ganach ^raidh a' gul agus ri br6n air son a mhathar, a f huair bas beagan i-oimh sin thubhairt companach a bha aige ris gu'm bu cli6ir dha misneachd a ghlacadh, do bJirigh gu'n robh m6r-ghradli aig d'a mhkthair, agus gu'n roljh e iimhal di anns gacli ni a chuir 1 fa achomliair. '* Smuainich mi fein sin," orsa an t-6ganach, " lliada's bu bh<'6 i ; ach a nis, 'nuair tha i marbli tha iomadh ni a' teachd 'nam chuimhne anus an do ghiulain mi mi fi'in gu mi-cliiatacli d'a taobh ; agus tha so i^a m' f hugail bronach air an uair, do bhrigh nach urr.unu domli nis a leasacliadh. Impersnnal UfiC af the /^/sv/rti Voire. — 'X'uair chunnacas a' tighinn iad. Chualas e 'g radii. Dh' aithnich i aogas a K^annaiu, 'us clilisg a-cridhe 'na c6m. Gun ndioill(',j,gun taiiih l)uail('ar a dh' fhios na traigho, agus I'aigh'jar an hioch 's a dhauinu ni' a ihimchioU. J" I " ■■ ,1 A I /' 82 fJAELK: CLAHS-UOOK. SYNTAX, (Rialtachadh.) §81. TIIK AimCLK. Hulk 1. TIk? Article stuiids iminetUatcly before its noun ; a.s, an dim, iini pr<*ius. RuLK 2. Wlion an ailjcc ivc proceeds tlio noun, the anido stands bciorc tlio lulji.'ctive ; as, a' clieud la. Hl'lI': 3. Tlio article agaves with its noun in gender* case, nmii])cr and i\>rm ; as, am preas, nan oirean. IIULE 4. A noun which {governs ani>ther noun in the <:jenitive case does not take the article ; as, iuchair an doruis, the hey of the door. KuLE 5. The article is prefixed to words used in a collective sense, names of virtues, vices, metals, and kingdoms or states. KuLE C. A simple appellative to a proper name does not take the article, but a compound one does. i^oTE. — A simple appellative added to the full name takes the article. §82. THE NOUN. Rule 8. — Nouns rcferrini,' to the same thinvcrus another signifying a different thing in the genitive case. Note. — The genitive ioHows the noun that governs it. As, sohis hjchrain, the Jigld of a lump ; sohis an Ki, the lUjht of day, daylojltt. Rule 12.^-A noun which itself goV(!rns the genitive is put in the noniinativlural like its genitive singular the objective,' attached to it, is aspirated in the plural ; as, biiird cheolnihora, miisiral ii,)tA(<. Note. — An adjective beginning with d preceded by a n* black Rule 20. oun ending in /i is always [)laiii ; as, com cluhna h du])h CO Uect iv(^ noun tak es an adjectivt singular with its genitive and dative, but an adjective I i 9mmm^m^^ SYN'l \X. So tl n f lOll IVC ) 8 an dof after itiim en ted I'li »H', S, tllil iiic un in it)ii fh, •laced (UK illative taelicil il uihora dul)l led ui, Ijeetiv' Ijectiv i ])lural \\\\\\ its iiuiuinativi' and aeeusalivi' ; as, einiiea'li iiaoiidia, '( //"/// ,rifin)i • ii,i rlditiii* ''i,'-,^*', "/' /•'' lilth'. clilhll'(li. Rule 21. — An adji'f1i\f plicid lidurc its noiri .siillers no inllrxion in its lii niiiial i'>n. An adjeelivc jilatnd lirlun' \\- iiomi asjiirali-s that noun ; as, si-auii mhiiinhlir, i>I'l i»n^,ir ■ diocli diminc, (/ b,(d 11) (I II, ^<»TK.— 1. The adjcetivrs nidst coiiini. lul V |ihlc,id, srann, (ddy^ la^% v'i'iili. 2. iMany inonosvllaliic adjtc|i\rs .'nc j)rf(ix(d to nouns, vi'ihs or other adjiTtivcs and I'onii wiMi these one coiniioiind Avonl , ;is, ard-shuLfirt, " hl'jh jn'irst ; oi^ffar {=:o;^'d'iiear) " ijiniuij nnm : hanahhai'd, '/ /-m- /<.>■-•; .so tlie j)relixes -alh, iiijiiiii : alh thoi^^ rilmlld ; lith, iunifliiun^ ; hith-dlieananili, i-iii>.entalsare not H?^j»M-ated hy M-anii. r •» I. a!, I H f I.A--*; Ml " >l\. Rlllt^ 24. Tin' r.i|!j|i;nMiii" tl.ii-a till liii^i . //"" '/■' '■.'■/• I th'iii I. Ruh3 25, IT'' ' ""iiiiMtvlivi' (It'-ivr willi aiiv liflpr vciT til, 111 ■■■< ivduiifM nn's* iictoi-r it. ami II" all' r the first I'lpjt ft ('"iiiiiurcil. it' flu- i'i,|iijtaris<»ii lia\t' I' to I iiiH' pri'.scnt, '\\\v ( 'Miii]iaiMtiv(' (1. '41V.' With any 'tli'i' ■.•<'i'li than /> r<'(|uir<'s //'' /"" l-'i'l'i'iv it, aii'l ii ii"f 8'' (lit. I Will li'il H'c) iiyni i,//nr nmyr. (!'•.•<( fi 'IIS of hniinin' i/i'ih If , Ml a I iljiaiii na lai ^liaiiihiiir'' na lain, II ilii>iiii ir is rii-h'T (h'ln .Inlm. IIhIh 20. Tin Sii[Mi'lati\ r (l('L;ri'c is rnHdWij hy '!>' v.iicn si'lcct i'Ui is stati''l ; as. i< •• Iain a 's sine ijc 'a (lithis, ,lifli;i is tlh ,'hh r of tin fii-ii : is i M«ti' a 'h l"Tlli''lit' (lhin}>li, S'l'i'ih -">• //''' jii'i If'i'st 'If' III, 'III. .\i»i,:. Til'' Sii|('i l.i' ! \(' i> usnl in (larlir ulidi ■srlrctii'll tV"i:i t \S" '>lli\ is i!!i|ilii'il, a.^ \V''ll a> whru liMiii a uM'tati'i' iiunilii:!'. s<^l. Till-: I'K'oNolX. Rule 27. Pcisoiial, jiivjiii^it ir.nal ainl jiossossivr laMii'iiiiis ai^'i't'c \vitli tln'ir en i'<'lali\i's in i^cmiIi'P, nuni- lirr aii'l pcrsiiu ; a.s, dji' tli ill>)i Mairi 'iis tliii'^ i an IcaiiaMi Itatlia, M'lr;/ "'> nl 'iir,ni uini sin' /""/>• ///'■ rhlhl vlth 1 1 II'. ( ''illcctivi nMMii- rt'ijiiirc a jiniii'iiiii in tin; jilmal ; a.^, IS ai'U slua^h a t i ami a;4ii:i aon tcaiiga ai:ii. *nii )»;ij;(' .■>2, ill 's ;\ii' aro (rrroneoiisly '■! ) used for \\'\ '-; ami n;i !»' (cinih-. i'nr na Imi). W'c do not think it, is an «'iror llji' almost all writers use tlu'sc lornis, hut it is l) to abide by one mode of spelling; and pronunci.itlon. - YS- I \ V Kulo 28. — A I'MiiMiiii -.t.iii'liir.: [' ] ,1 rl.iiisr IS in tlic lliU'l ii'i'-Mii siiitjulai' iii:i-iii!iii,.. Rule 2i), A I'liiiiiii-.- ib'Uii .l'ip.tiii_' • 11' ilf re- quires a iii.isiiiliiic [Hi'iiiiii;, : aipl i iir--'ii!;ii ■ M'Un (.li'imt iii'j; ;i lc;!i:'.lf t ik(- .i !'• niiiiiii. i'l'mi'iiiu : :i<. 'stlt.'a.s am iM'irii'iiii.icli i ; i< ,.liii;ii; ;( rui !i. Ruin 1^0. .\ ii'iiiii ;iii,l i;,> ;.r' ii"'i;i in iv !•■ ilic 11i»Iii;li il l\' ■ In 1 lie >,ii!ir \- ; ;i ; ,|-., (.■ iT i|u i ! ] |, • d t 'il ] Ml >':-. ill! \'M:i: Rule 31. Tiic\ii'i: j)l 11 1 .! Iiri 1'. Its ii":;ii:i itiVi , as, triiiiii'j Mi( Lenid. M'n-h,,.! I, 'is <■..,,>., 'I lir K'llalivi' aii'i I nil ri''»L;at I V'' I '!i'ii"iiii ■ ['rf-ttlc their \-erl)s ; as, an duiiie a I'liuair » , ///-' ///'/// "•/uliie('t ill lUliiilier aiei ]tej'SMii; as, ;.;lae tliusa, 'V^/r// thou, Mmail au dnine an t eaeli, t}tv nniit .^tnnh- t/ir l(ur.-au (ijH'U //I' tl/r ,/,>, rs ; el' ellllilia! ic, 1"' is:4lai I ili.>e uada'saii- Rule 33. A ()iieNtiMn i.-, answrreil iiy tli^' Vfrh ami Icnsf w liieli a-ks i! ; as. an al|/ mi sm / ( 'lia n a![« ; an t^d 111! i til' id. Xfii;. — !. Tlie nuiidnali'.e i.^ n.»l expressed in tlic answer exiejiL : I.) I'ur em[il)a;ds ; as, an al^aii mi sud ris ^ (_'ha n a bail' timsa. '2.) afti r is, as, An •'■ an ihiiiie sn ri ( di i n ". < '(>nse(|nently a t|;!e tinn ;t.l;ed in tin 1' ilential ludcd in llie lir-^t is aiiswei^-d in t li^' t'lii'd I'eisnn; as, am Lilldnn t'ad air an ratliad I Khitheadli. Rule 34. — Wlien two (.r DKMv \erl)s lire joim-il l>y ,>,-; !',< >t 'Iv. " •' ^ . 11,,. i.iv'li'-i^' •"""■'' / /i.\ Nui; ti' .11 ; as /■■ If' ' 1 • 1.. I "IV ri. /•■'/ //'■'''• W\ ■■\iL'<'l' !'■ //i,' r/''/'"','/ ^^.,l Rule 38. v.i- "t .;:,(;.... ^.u.h- in --- ;nul til l,iivi nv- u;\- I ii'' ( >■. - u'j;us .. t\uv III iSI ll'J, ill.: tli<' II il I'l iii> ■ SVNTW. S'J I ^>, .IH Rule 41. A v< ill 111. IV 1>>' /(.vi'i'iicd in the iiilinitivc iivxnl Ii\' a iiMiin. an Mlii-i'tiv' i>v niol'i' v '•< fS : ;is. I't-'iinti'lli --iini jM-j;!.li!. .'•• //* ;•■■' _/■.'•/' ; till ;ni ! 'li' c'li t'.lihil. / "'/' ir»'l'' '/.'_/ /.' ■/", Rule 42. -A\'Ii''U llr ol,p;! ,,]' ;1.' i!il,iiii!\- [nv- rccils if, tiir llltir i> .i-j'MiM'l aii'i l.- jav(r.l(il \.\ d ; as, cliiiiM liiMU a L^liiMiiiii, /■- /''/.' ' //•/'. Nori:, 1. /y/aii'l \.'i'li- "t ,■! .'',,ii rfnairr a lni'a'i' llir inlinilivc ; as, ciia;''.'! »'■ a ^lll Vi'l iiii'M'-lhl. /'■ h'ls (/. 'lie fii ,''l/,'i' If If ll l,\ U. The Inliiiitivi' III' i.iir/">.<'' in tin Ailisr \'i'!><' is Mi'i'i''ili-il I'V '■/,,<>,> I'V 1/1/ , i-. rliiMii I'-i- :i r'iilli. /" r'i;i (I fiir. ; oi'tlii' iniiiiilivi' "i" jmi'jMr.r iiii\ '•'• fXpr''->'lf >'..>vt I'll tlifir itl.|i-ct plariil .tin 1 tlnin in tip' j^aiitivi'. 'I'lic inli!nti\(* aihl pivsiMit part naplf L;-..vrrn iImmi' .;liiccl itlircii ImIimv ihcni 111 llir ic,ai>ali\f ; a,^, |.as'^Mth- Rule 44. \\ i;.ii 111" ..hj'.t ..f u. in!in'.li\i' i-' .i iinni'aiii. a |mi,- ^. ■,;>i\ '■ [H'.fiiain i- ii->i'i'. .in 1 i-; nii'l'a^'t! .;:! . I' l.v a j-a -a,al !'i'a!"ii:i ■ a.-, lliir^ani' ' \]-\\ 1 iiin;.',. In '! rnir- ".• . ^i»;. T!!!'. Ah\ I i;i;. Rule 45. I'll'' >iin|'l'' .I' . lia. In, 'jl«'. ni, ni'ii'. in. |itc.f.|.' ;..ii I a^ji'iMif t lii' w 'I'is wuiiai 1 h''y ia'Miil'v ; i>, j \\> ■:hlai!. / ' /■// >-i''n\ .N'ii 1,. I. ( 'ha - l.l-ni i.-pii iti's a .li'n::il. 11 ( 'lia iM'tinirrs -// hrt'crc a vnufl ami f a.^ani'itf ; Mill iii i»M('iir(.'s // lii't"!.' a \'')\"/«'l -/// li't'M'f a La'-'al. 1)(1 GAKJ.IC (.I.ASS-llnoK ilinl -It lu'lnr*' ;i Iiii)4M;il ; .'is. clia jj l"ln>L;h;iiii sin, fh'if ■iriH lift h, .-.n I'lii-ii lit ; iii in I^i'i- :iii, / //■/// //"/ t,/-, ■!/:, M. 'ill is r\jiii's.-:;'il iMlitiT til" iii'st (Mi!y I'l' (u'd or 111"!'!' ,lil jrrf i\ I'S wllicll it lIKMlilic-, ; IillI if lIl.'V lltl (•(.;i|i|iil li_v a ('(iiiiuiji't lull, '_[[[ IS i'\j»i'.'.<,s((l uitliracli ailji'cliv. ; a-, liU liaLi^lii, mii', /,•///'////, l» in rnlinUij ; <^\\ Jhiclpl ;|r|i ■.;l| ! 1 < iH' if, k • ll , jinnrllj I'llt !,• illi yt I IJ . Rule 4H. A rMiiijMiiiii.l iiihril. nf ail ailvt'i'liial j'lii' isf is |i|,i''< il • i; ill !■ lict wfcii t lie ^ll^j.•(•t and o'ljfct, (»!' al'I'M- ill"' iilijtct (.( llir Mill i! ludililifs ; as, i'iiiii u UMi iiiatii f, /(' ///'/ /■/ /•/(f/it/t/ ; liiiii yr (' ^11 iliijia, In' id'il it I'liidij. §S7. Tlir riiKl'oslTh.LV. Rule 47. -Til" -imp!'- prf[)itsitiMiis a, ai^;-. air, aim, »!(', <1m, Id. I'riilli, l;ii. '^iiii. li'. mar, iini. n, ri, roimli, tar, Irdiiiiii, 'j^M\rMi till- (litivc cast' ; as, Ic tuirlouiii, iritli Ti-;.--l. Anns is uscil lirl'tiiv a r('lati\t' pninoini or Ih'' art it'll' ; as, annsan la, in thr ()i {n)ii I h'|'( ifn liluals) is ins( rtrd atti'r ami hcl'ir.' an indi'tinitr ii..nn tor llif sako di iM|iiii'ny ; as, aim an l^ddiar. /// n l>i il:. 'J. A-, 'j.\\>, his and lis arc u>cd liclurc the article and relative and pnssi -^sixa; iiT'inniins ; a>, Icis an rinii /, i; (.'. //// ii'tih-li h> III h -/. ;/. Rule 48. I'll'.!!, i:ii'. cInDiKnid and r'V'MVcrn the ;.;'iiilivc case ; a-. I'e ii i h .lidhelic, 'l.iriiri ijie itiijlit. Rule 49. • l)e, ih>, t'n, n-u, iMJndi. Ire, trniinh, as]iir lie a nuiiii wilhui wrhin! t he art iclc ; inai' and |.:un i.-^i'iiales a iiniin wilhuul the artiile ; as, d.) iki I 111 liii, /" f >!'■ '/" li|t.) Mai' .iml '4U.S -ovcni tin aonisalivi' <»( iptuns (Iftiiiitt*; aSj mar ail IcaMiai' s.i, h'/,; ////^ /mm//. Rule 51. - ( '«)iu|'i)iiiiil jii'c|»iisiliMii.s ;4;.ivrrii IIkj |.;oiiitivf cast' ; as, air .si»u a" ^.'hii'iihni' li, f'"r Ihr hnsiih'ss. Moii:— 'I'lic ^Tiiitivc miilir tlii,^ i'ul«' i.s Lr'ivnif.l liy the iKMiii coutaiiud in [\\<' tdirpMinKl iiU'pdsitiiMi. Rule 52. --'I li'" .siiii[il'' i)iv|ii)NiiiMii,s ail' }.;.'!icrally ro|iL'aliMl Iji'liin- each iii'Uii thry <;i'Vt'rn ; lail tin com- i)ouud liivito.sitioii.s an- iiut n;,.iiiTally sv) rt iicatod ; as, cleaii ceavtai do 'u Ijliuclid a^^us il(.> 'ii 'Ulkaclnlaii. 'jirt juatict to ih'' jidor (Uiil the ci'ijlian. §.S8. TlIK CONJ UNCTIOX. Rule 53. — CVjiijuticliuiis I'oimt-'ct luHiiis ami jiruiiuiin.s ill \\iv same case. Conjunctions connect verbs in the same voice, inooil, tense, numhi r and iierson, when thtj actions denoted are the sime ; a-, d'-allih tir a}ju.> nina, tin' Liicfiiri' of n ih'Iii '(n>! (I ivinnnii; tha iiioiMn ail I'.n i^airni ach hea'jan air an la'jhadh, hn/iu luw <:• tiled hni I'eirnrc ('//•'Xr;/. Rule 54. dn eonijiai'ix'U ri i- tlio (d-nl alive of dio; us, cli<" .u'eai v:-a!i t-snc.iclid as to oj>e/i i/,$ « <••»•■♦ EXERCISES IN READING. AldU.ANN NAN CAld..: (s dearhlita nach eil an diii^h Cinneaeh as aiide cliii iia sil)h t'ein aj4 aile.iciiadh an dond»ain. 'Thoill sil)lu mar n hhur sinn>ear. an hi lidh nirdheirc .-"'am hiiils'^ea.u