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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — »- signifie "A SUIVRE ". le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Stre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de I'angle sup§rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 K=> %^ •« \ \ iw*" . ^y v-^ ^- ^. .^v '1 •-*, A 'f iAT WESTERN RAILWAY. ^IBBABT, B :z" - L ^ -VT- s AND f ^tiilbpe 0I i "There is a kind of Physiognomy in the tif 'i of books, no less than in the faces of men by which a skilful observer will as well know what to expect from the one as from the other." — Butler. INSTITUTED 1806. HAMILTON: rniNTKD IT R. RAW, BOOK k JOB PRINT!*, 34 JAMBS STRIKV. 1872 rii I li kHi ^,.. r '? '^* I ■ ?'^ iu' •^r (S/ONTENTS. Page. vi ) • 'Jy-Laws Muthomatics. Astronomy Natural Philosophy Chemistry Geography and Geology Botany and Agriculture Anatomy, Physiology and Medicine Natural Hibtory Political and Social Science Mental and Moral Philosophy Biography History . Poetry and the Drama. ,, jg Novels.. 19 Essays and Miscellaneous Literature 28 Voyages and Travels..., t 30 A.rts, Manufactures and Engineering 32 Works of iJeferonce ,.. 33 Alphabetical List of Authors . 36 5 5 6 1 « 8 9 9 11 12 12 14 I 1 without putting it to Hh«m7 Se " ato ttf 1"?" "?""""" '«°°- ' ' « out rods of feruies. witJ.out hard worH« "'" '""«t"^« ^hut instruct w, , monej. If you approach them they are notir^"''',r ^^'^^ ^'»"'«-« «' interrogate them, they conceal notHnJ if '""P ' *' ">v>«tigating you grumble ; if you 'are ignoranttSeJ'i^io^S^rJI^ir'fyor'"'"' ''"'' "-" HICHARD DE RARRY Bishop of D„rham; "PhilobilVl"!,' ,;{.„. For books are not absolutely dead fhin„. i ^ i life in them to be as active «s that soS'5whi''''tK ""*"'" ** "^"^'"3^ ^^^ do preserve as in a vial the Dure/.t r-ffi L ?^" ****''^ •"■'"• Nay, tlu-v intellect that bred them I know th^v ar^„ «ncl extraction of that living productive, as those fabulous dragon rteetT an,! r^'^ ^'"^ *" ^'^^^'^^4 may chance to spring up armed men S 'vet oi'*."^ '?r" 'I** ''"^ ^"'^^ wariness be used, as good almost km f ^ ' °." *'"' "*'>^''" ''a"d. unless killsamankills'arcronaKreaiui G^«^•"'''"'?^'^'^''««^ "vi « a good book, kills reason Itseirkurs thf ^ma^.Tp' ^* '^^ ^'^^ d'-'«^^«y« eye. Many a man lives a bu dgn to the^affl. P"5 "" 'K^"'", «" "'« precious life-blood of a master spirH emtCn 1 h"/ ** ^"^^'^ '^""'^ '« the pose to a life beyond life. ^ ' *""*^'™ed and treasured up on pur- _^^HN MILTON, "Areopagitica." eAUTy J?c&stn?e:nnd^S;^Ltrrlt :r ^' ^" «*-' "»"- fulness through life, and a shield against Uni«! ''P'"'!:? *"** '^'"^^^^'- and the wotld frown upon rL° i wouW \\TT'. *l''"S« '"'Sht Give a man this taste, and the means of BratiTv^n ^. * *?" *^ *^"'' >-eading. fail of making a happV man unTess IndP^H ' ^'"^ i'.' '*"'' 3'°" <'«'» h«rdly perverse selection of books. You place SfrnfA conff.' ^!? Yl' ^""""^ " '""«* m every period of history-with th^wi "st th. wHr "1"' *^'':'^'-'«* ««'-'"-'tv est, the bravest and the purest charge ter/'th^^^^ ^^e tender". You make him a denizen of all natinnK T T '"^"''"''^ humanity. The world has been creal>d for h?m°S/,^f„«'"P«^,^^^^^^^ agel' irresistible coercion in a habit ofSing well di.^r."'' ^"* P'^''^^'^''^^ tenor of a man's character and conTict which «n*^^^^^^^^^ because it works insensible, and because 7ti«rLu°/^,'''' ^^'^'^^ual dreams of. It cannot in short Uhlti!! f*"^ *'^*' '"s* thing he ofthe Latin ,«fiX;.^^^^ ^S"" ^ *"'*" ''^ *^" ^-'^^ •t the conduct of men, a'nd suffers th^i^t to remain barbarous Address to the 8ubscribers_to the ^V^ndL'l'nf Si^;,,,^' .Who is to patronize us ? The people, I tell you, exclaimed Wvnkin "TK^ i, i • x. wants an , Abseybook. the maid if h.,Vi! ♦ i " . *^ ^^^^ »° the craflle wants his pie, tL voung lor" r want« . r '''^ ''*?*l* ^*"«<^. the priest mistress, the'lawyerwants hi sS ' te/ a^rh/ 1^'^^'^ *^ ''^•^^ t?h « •nd exclaim-"^„ Ao„«< 6c>a/fc'r<A/„oT/^r'.crr^ ^^r'^ *^' P^^*" P'^'"^'' 0. H. LEWES- 8ea-8ide Studies. 1. 9, 3. y< 4. Li I'l ha ab; sin c. der niit by the slia 1. 1 mei 8. A part ts in l*,ok», m igno;# ce struct w, . It clothes or tigating you , they never RRY. .'Ion,' .'MJ. I j)rop;ciiy of Nay, they that living vi'trorously p and down and, unk'Hs )ok Who ho destroys fro iu the I'ook io tho up on pur- 'Pagitica." L'ad under 'nd cheer- ngs might f reading, an hardly nd a most 8t society le tender- imanity. all ages, perfectly he whole effectual thing ho lie words rbarous. LL. ■Library. e cradle ' priest d to hig 8 Virgil graphy. genera, petuos- phrnso tud, 4. 5. '^i\i lle.'ittTn |(;iihiiai| jibmrii. B ^' • L A ^v s nfl r a„.uhe 1 ,o, o,- ,,..„ of ,1,,. J.i|„,uy. .shall he ve.,e,l in, helo,,.^ ,o a.ul >em.,„ the property of the ( ireat Western Railway Company. 3. This Library shall be for the l-enef,, of, and confine.l to employes, an,l wives of employes, of the Great Western Railway. ""'^ts *' yearJ^i:"!:;:;;;;;!;:" ''"" '"^ "" '-"^^ "^'- "'• '-^^-^ ---y- >-'^ c. 1. 8. leg. L.b.a.y, until such subscnpl.ons are, from time to time, f.rst duly paid. I'rl'len?r'"r "' •';^::'^«""^-"' ■^'-" ^'-' --P-«' of a President, Vice- resuknt, Se retary and Ireasurer, and thirteen members- ..v.n to retire one ha f year, a.u Is.x ,i,e next, and four to for.n a quorum ; and fany n-ember shall aU nt Inmself front three successive meetings, the other Co.nn'ittee .nembers .snail elect some one to take his place. dent'^a.^lTl"'/ "'T^rT'"''' "^ '^" ^'■"''' ^^''^■'''"" ^''^'^'^y ^'^-" '-- ^^e Presi- n i 1 offi • t': ^'''"■'"""''^ ^ ^"'' "-"'-- -^ "-• Com- mit ec ex-officio. 1 he Committee, and Secretary an.l Prcasurer, shall be chosen shall be electe<l ,n January and seven in July, to replace members retiring Previous to the election of officers, the general meeting shall appoint two members not being candidates to act as scrutineers. pa^iflhe'^ ';' "T'!r '"'""' '° ''"'' ^'^"" '"^ l''--l i" -"- conspicuous :;:!,; n'::^^:;'"''^ '^ '^^ ''""'^^^' •'»' '^-^ ^'-'y ''--^y-^ pr-ious to a half. f now witi out nioi intc F life do; int< pro miv wai kil ag ty« prf po( ev ful KO Gi fa:' pe in eg Y T ir te b< di oj '■J V I a '♦»• 'ihc I'riM.lini s||;,|| ...M .,,„.■, • ' "-■■'■ ■■'<;. ;„,i,;:.;:' ;;■;:";«,;•: ""■ '-■ "-■ », .,.. ,„„„. "■"-"^ '""—»--«-,.,„„„„„ „„„„„ ,,„,,^,^ "■ '":^"*-:"^^r:;:;i:;::;,-^rr -— - K'-naal nun-ting. ' ' "'"""' '" "'^■"- I'fii.f,- sul>,niit..l to (he nvx 13. -^" 'T-'t-'iinls. shall LcceitiC,..,] I.v,,, m '■*. TIr. J.ihiana.i -hnll sex- ilial ■ilM,„ i -^ co„.„non. a„„ ,,a, .,„,. : |' l^:;: ,,1-'""-'^ - ^^.'. in .o,.„ o..,,.r -'i shall ,,e,fonn (n,,,!.,. „., diivui , , ; T'^ ""''^' '"'"'^^ "^ "'i^ Ml-ary, .huics a,,,..,,aini„,. ... his ollicc. "'""""^■"■' "^ '^''^"-i.-n.cnt; a.;; l"-(c,l in the I.ii.a.y. ^ ^ ' ''"-"•^' ""••*■'""«« -shall |.c «ivc-„ by notice. 18. None of th.jsL' Rules shall 1 > It ^> a ,c.,eral n^cctin^ an.l mn U>^ utll °'"!f 'f'', '' ""''^'- ■■"'- -'''-1 except -'"' s'-Il eau,e such „oti.. ,„ 1", ^ """^'^ '^ ^" «'^-> '" "- >^-ct .-y, Lor I Mat! Miitl Hutt Recr The AriU Elem Oreei Math Engl Si'ier Tl,e ] The I Cham Elem T. TANDY, iHE Outlir Introt Comej Cosmc Astroi Astroi Practi Recen Astroi AstroK Astron Circle HecM.iry n„d Tna.unr. Ueol Great i The Gi Englisl Wondc Mcdftls Excursi Old Re( TcHtimi MATHEMATICS. "'"'»'"'■<■ "I-'m tl... aj.pli. AUTHOR 'l''!! applicalioii .,f m, Illv I'lti'ial iiK ill},' miIjiii ft nil. itlLil l'>L'\aiiiiiie nittec. nio kfpt ill _ TITLE OF WORK. Philosophy of Mnthemati. « Oomf« LoKic of Muth.mutic H Hn viAo Dictionary "iDaviafe Perlc Mftthcinatic 8 for Practical Men . . . Or«fforv ' Hiittons MHthcmaticB \\[[[\ pJi«*fory. Hccreations in Science .!.'!!.',' iHufcton Tlie Difficulties of Elementary Oeomrtry ' 'Newman Arithmetic and Algebra Smith, ' hlementary MatliematicB i Yoiincy (keens Euclid .".".'.".*.'."' **' Mathematical Sciences .....,!!.!!! i i EDUCATIONAL •■<-• Kept iMgn.KJ nnlcr I 1 HE Qucen-g English Alfn-rl e l.o,;ks of iiii, |.ih|,,,y^ j English Grammar ;,■;■.;; powler -»•■ of AJaiiayciiciit 1 any • fJ,i'ifnco of Language— 2 vols Mul'er ' ■^ 1 he New Dictionary of Quotations ' iile sliall he held on the lonary of Quotations. The Popular Educator— 3 vols Chambers' Information for the People. Elements of the English Language. all I'L- f^iven by notices "I'ers belonging to the led. ler rules added except ivcn to the Secret :iy, y at least seven d.ays 'osed. ASTRONOMY. DY, 1 HE Practical Astronomer Outlines of Astronomy Introduction to Astronomy Comets Co8mo8-5voi8 ;....'::.... Humboiat. Astronomy .'.ho-^^Jr- ' Astronomy of the Ancients Practical Astronomy Recent Progress of Astronomy Astronomy, Letters on Astronomy, Popular and Mathematical . Astronomy and Physics Circle ol the Science . .* 'fill I ■y mid T,,,nurer. Dick, Herschel, Hind. ardner, Lewis^ Loomia, Olmstead Read, W he well, GEOGRAPHY d GEOLOGY. GEOLOGICAL Gossip ' A nsf orl Great Stone Book. i^^Stea. The Geological Observer In^ t.^ Xieu\\\ -» English Cyclopedia-4 vols Kniiht Wonders of Geology — 2 vols JMan^ all Medals of Creation — 2 vols Excursion round the Isle of Wight Old Red Sandstone Testimony of the Rocks MiUer No. I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 i ^^ I 26 ' 27-8 I 29 30-2 I 33 I 34 61 52 63 64 66-9 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 100 101 102 103-6 107-8 109-10 111 112 118' GEOGRAPHY & GEOLOGY. TITLE OP WORK. AUTHOR Footprints of the Creator Popular Geology.. Cruise of the Betsy . . * ' Siluria _ History of Inanimate Creation Physical Geography of the Sea inSi^p"""' ^^•^«P»Ph3' of PalestinelV ^ol Ancient Geography, Manual of . Compn hensive Geography Smiths New Geograph v Physical Geography. * Canadian Hand Boo*' ,' ." Circle of the Sciences Elementary Geology, Maauaf of ' ! Wild s General Atlas . . . MiUer Murchison |Maury Ritter Schmitz Shaw i Somerville, Mrs' Small i LyaU No. 114 115 116 I 117 I 118 i 119 I 120-3' 124 ' 125 . 126 j 127 I 128 ; 129 130 131 CHEMISTRY. of Chemistry. ExVCYCLOP(EDIA .,. ^„..,,«,,v Medical Chemistry. . ^ Booth Brands and Taylors ciiemiVtrv , Bowman Agricultural Chemistiv The*"'*- — ■■-'■ - -•'•-• e Chemistry of a Candle Chaptal Chemistry for Students . . * ' Faraday Wements of Inorganic Chemistry Fownes Chemical TechnoIogy_2 vols Graham h^!?'f.'Z-J'„PPi^"'^*?A'ts & Manufactui-;;.,'^""^'" PhyMological Chemistry— 2 toIs Knapp General Notions of Chemistry. Laboratoryof Chemical Wonders oments of Chemistry— 3 vols Lehmann Practical Chemistry iMiller "" • ^ Odling Pelouze Pies3e Slater Th.ompson Wilhams xouman SS°'5£'-V-l Analy SIS. „ ^ ^ ly of Chemistry Hand Book of Chemical Manip.Yation ' Class Book of Chemistry 'P"'''*'"" • • Circle of the Sciences— 2* Vols Instruction for the Analysis oi^iu ^r^j^^^^ t^^^TU^ALH^ILOSOPHYr-'OPTICS. Optics Light, Renearche's'on Solar Spectrum, ISesea^ches "on". '. ' i^nosphorcscence The Uudulatory Theor>'of Light ' Polarized Light 150 151 152 153 154 155 158 117-3 159 160-1 182-4 165 166 167 j J68 I 169 170 171 172-3 174 Brewster Hunt Kirchhoft Phipson Powell Woodward u MINERALOGY. INERALOGY, Glossary of. IGrestow 200 201 202 203 204 205 220 El! OR [ No. 114 115 116 117 118 i 119 I 120-3' 124 ; 125 ; 126 j 127 I 128 ; 129 130 , mineralogy: , Mrs' 131 ; i 150 j 151 I 152 i 153 I 154 I 155 ' 156 l»7-8 159 160-1 182-4 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172-3 174 200 201 202 203 204 205 220 TITLE OP WORK. AUTHOR. i No. Mineralogy, Geology and Burkland Mineralogy, System of Dana Metallic Wealth of the UnitcdState« i Whitnev Minerals and Geology of Canada Chapman ELECTRICITY, GALVANISM, dc. 221 222 223 124 Rudimentary Electricity 'Harris Electro Metallurgy, Manual of Napier NATURAL PHILOSOPHY,— PYRONOMICS i 340 241 NQUIRY into the Nature of Heat Colbum Steam Boiler Explosions Colburn Caloric, Metcalf on — 2 vols ' ' .' ! Heat considered as a Mode of Motion! . . . . Tvndall Glaciers of the Alps [[\ u On Heat and Steam .......'....'. Williams Scheferer and Blandford on the Blowpipe. . Blowpipe, Character of Minerals Smith Q 260 261 262-3 264 265 266 267 268 METEOROLOGY. Mechanical Theory of storms Ifiassnet Practical Meteorology Drew Meterological and Ihysical Tablei IGuyot Meteorology JHerschel Practical Meteorology , 'Scoflfem NATURAL PHILOSOPHY,— MECHANICS. 280 281 282 283 284 CORRELATION of Physical Forces 'arove Mechanics Calculator Illustrations of Mechanics . . Indicator and Dynamometer Hydrostatics, Elementary . . . Analytic Mechanics Applied Mechanics Grier Mbseley Mani & Brown Phear Pierce Rankine Treatise on Motion of a Single Particle '.'.'.' 'Sandeman NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 Elements of Physics Natural Philosophy, Element of '. Magic, Letters on Positive Philosophy. ........... Natural Pnilosophy ',.... Amott Bird & Brook Brewster Comte Draper 350-1 352 363 354 300 I 4 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. TITLE OP WORK. AUTHOR. Natural Philosophy, Letters on— 2 vols... Buler Physical Technics Trick The Childs Book of Nature w ^nr,h-^r. Natural Philosophy Herschel Natural Philosophy, First Course LaSner Natural Philosophy, Second Course " Natural Philosophy | " Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences LeweS Natural Philosophy, First Principles of Lynn Nature, Observation of Mudie Natural Philosophy, History of Powell Physical Sciences SomerviUe Natural Philosophy Tomlinson Experimental Essay << History of the Inductive Sciences 2 vols.. Whewell Inanimate Creation, History of Woodward Circle of the Sciences Nature from Nov. 1869 to April 1870 Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy, dc. Mathematical Theory of the Steaml Engine Baker Catechism of the Steam Engine Bourne The Steam Engine Practical Metal Worker's Assistant.... Practical Mechanical Engineering The Management of Steel Eder Mills and Mill Work Pairbairn Byrne Chapin Useful Information for Engineers Useful Metals and their Alloys. . . Iron, its History and Manufacture Mechanics Calculator Grier Experiments on Wrought Iron and Steel Kircaldv Brass and Iron Founder s Guide 'Larkin Assayci 8 Guide Liber Elements of Mechanism \ JNasmyth Metallurgy Percy Practical Assistant, F chinist, &c Templeton Architecture and Civil EngineeHng, No. ; 356.J 357 I 358 j 359 I 360 361 ; 362 i 363 I 364 I 365 366 367 368 369 370-1 372 373 374 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 Adams Austin Bland Roads and Rail Cements, A Treatise on . „ !!!!!... Principles of Construction in Arches, Piers ] Ac i R,",il way Construction, Sclonee of, V. ' [*.*.'.'. | " Carpenter and Joiners Hand Book | Holly M-Hiern Architecture jL^ Pever Carpenter s New Guide Nicholson Civil Engineering JRankiae 450 461 452 453 454 455 456 457 Hi DR. No. i sne-j ! 357 \ sr 358 359 360 ' 361 ' 362 363 364 365 366 i 1 367 , 368 369 : 370-1 1 372 i 373 374 ' ', dc 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 ini. 460 4S1 462 453 4&4 455 456 457 Architectural and Civil Engineering, TITLE OF ■WORK. f AUTHOR. Arcliitecturo and rainting, Lectures on. Seven Lamph of Architecture Stones of Venice — 3 vols . jRuskin Laborer s Healthy Moral Homes Thompson Warminjf and \ entilat.on Tomlinson National Architect IWoodward Drawing, Painting and Decorative Art. ! No. 458 459 460-2 463 464 465 A HE Practical Draughtsman Painting, Lectures on Manual of Wood Carving Hand Turning, Practice of Coal Tar Colors Turning & Mechanical Manipulation, Svols Art Hints Treatise on Box of Instruments & Slide Rule P^ine Arts History of House Painting The Universal Decorator Pre Eaphaelitism and Economy of Art. . . . Modern Painters — 5 vols Elements of Drawing & Perspective Student, Draughtmans & Aitizan's Manual. 'Armengaud 'Barry Bemrose Campin Dussause Holtzapffell Jarvis Kentish 'Lossing Massery Ross Ruskin Warren 500 501 502 503 504 505-7 508 509 510 511 512 513 514-18 519 520 Miscellaneous Art Manufacture &c, Heraldry. Manual of Taxidermist's Manual Cyclopa'dia of Practical Receipts Art of Saw BMling The English Cyclopaedia — 8 vols Perfumery, Art of The Dyer' s Instructor Music, Treatise on -. Illustrations of Art and Manmucturcs Dictionary of Arts, Manfrs. & Mines, 2 vols, " " " " Supplem't, British Mechanic Beeton'g Dictionary of Universal Informa- tion — 2 vols. Boutell Brown (Capt.) Cooley HoUy Knight Piesse iSmith Spencer jTomhnson lUre 550 551 552 553 554-61 562 563 564 565 566-7 568 569 670-1 Anatomy, Physiology and Medicine. Structure of the simple Tissues 'Beale 600 The Stomach, Medically & Morally Consid-' erod Bealo 601 Human Physiology iCarpenter 602 Physiology of Temperance and Total Ab-j stlnance I " 60 J J constitution of man Combe 603 n 'U ^ ^n^lomy, Physiology and Medicine, __Tm^B_OT;^RK^__^ AUTHOR."' Digestion and Dietfiti?s "^ ^ " , The Management of Infancy Ocmbe Mcrtical Dictionary_3 vols i ^ , Hnman Plivsiologv iCopland M«dical Dictionary {Draper Cui rents and Connter CiiVrentii i ^^rdner Border Lines . IHoblies Art of Prolonging" Life .' .' " !„ l\ ^ Atlas of Comparative Osteolo-V Kufeland Physiology, Lectures on "^ Huxley Popular Physioloev ijawrence .Servants of the Stomach L , Health by good living,. jMace Xotes on Nursing .'. i Comparative Anatomy". .' .' jFl. Nil.- i^tingale Pharniacologia ... Ov/en Histiology, Le.tures"on-!^9 Vo'ls iS^^^^ Anatomical Plates— 2 vols Queckett Obscure diseose of the Br,aiii'ari"rl'Afi",J ' " " Q^ain Talk about Peoples Stomachs ^^^"^"^ " " " " Winslow New Physiognomy [Liewia Alcohol, its place and "po'Ver." .'.'.'. ." ." [][y i^f/^^ B ^o^^ny and Agricuiturs, No. 604 605 606-8 6C9 610 611 612 613 614 Clo 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625-6 627-8 629 630 631 632 OTANISTS Companion. -r. ,„ tlines of Rntnnv Balfour 650 651 652 653 654-5 656 : 657 I 6,-)8 Outlines of Botany. .. Cryptoganiic Botany," introduc"tion' to -o^'-! •, Trees of America Berkeley Fniiners' Instructor'-l-"2 vo"'s Brown Vcgetabls Physiology Bxxel American Fruit Growers' Guide" ". k^Pfi^^^^^ The small Fruit Culturist ^^?^'' American Husbandry— 2 vols %. ^^x o r„ . i Structural & Systematic Botany" Apost>-p.,?5Tu'kr 659-60 Manual of Botany ^\f^ 661 Dictionary of Botanical" Terms ' ." 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AUTHOR, i No. iVietaphysics, St. Lit Trans I.rgicnl Treatificfl, Lit Trans.- ,,'s Ethics ■•■•; Essay on Opinions and Tnith'. '. . . . . . .-. . . ". Psyohclof'ical Inquines . —'.i vols .. . , Natural Theology [[] Anatomy of MelanchoryV— 3 voIb Cicero's Work, Lit Trans '.".'.,'.' History of Modern Philo8ophv._2 vols..'.'. Lectures on the True. Beautiful and Good Isyllabus of Logic , . . ' Metaphysics, LecturcR uii ".'........' Logic, Lectures oh Critique of Pure Reason Locke's Hii]o.sophical Works —2 vols Biographical History of Philosophy.-2 vol's" isystem of Logic _ Moral and P( litical piiilosjphy ." '. ". .' ' '. *. . . ] ' Classification of the Sciences ........ Illustration.s of Progress First Princi))les Principles of Psychology . '. '. . ' " " ".".''."""" Essays '. * ' ' Education '...'."...'. Elements of Rhetoric .................. Elements of Logic 1 ".! 1 .".'."!!! ! 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AUTHOR HiUard Hue Hum bodt HaU Irvingr Travels 1000 Miles in the Rob-Roy Canoe Lord Elfin's Mission to China and Japan Last Travels and Visit to Madagascar Second Journey around the World. . ... .' 8..vage Africa Jo.n-nal of Discovery ^^ Source of the Nile' Nicaragua The States ©f Central America !!!!.! i i A I'our Round England.— 2 vols North America _ " The West Indies and the Spanish Main Wanderings o'er Bible Lands and Seas " " 21 Years in the W. Indies & Central Africa' Travels in Alaska Mountain Adventures Red River Expedition .....!!!.'!'!.''..'."" Routledges Guide to London A Winter in Florida ..!..... Fred Markham in Russia ... Kippia Kraff Kingsley Kingston Lindley Martineau McClintock Miller Mungo Park Viscount, Mil- ton & Oheadle Marco Polo MacgTearor OJiphant PfeiflFer Reade Speke Squier (I Thornbury Trollope Waddell Whymper Huyshe Ledgard King-eton History. 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Qu w: ueen Vic'ta. harton. ordsworth, C II Adams, W-H.D. 14T9 1482-.3 1484 1485-6 1487 148:-92 1493-4 I49,%7 1498-01 502 1503 1604 T 150,5 1506-11 1612-14 1515 1516 17-18 1519-20 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 I62G 1527 1523 29-30 1531 1532-3 1534 1535 1536-9 1540 11541 1642 1543 1544 1545 1546-7 1548 1549 1550-1 1552 1553 1554 1565 1556 1557 1558-9 1560 1561 i; Natural History. 13 R. No. Sc'r H rs. 7. c. rs C D. 1479 14S0-1 1482-3 1484 1485-6 1487 1480-92 1493-4 I49-)-7 1498-01 1502 1503 1604 1505 1506-11 1512-14 1515 1516 1517-18 1519-20 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1523 1529-30 1531 1532-3 1534 1535 1 536-9 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546-7 548 1549 1550-1 1552 1553 1554 555 1556 1657 1558-9 1560 1561 TITLE OP WORK. AUTHOR. A PirKt LiHuion in Natural HiHtory t^craaaW -Mr. Contribution to Natural HiHtoryof U. g i-^B'f»»^*- ^r^ 4 vols Ernsay on ClasKiflcation Halinoa Fishing in Canada. ... ChamoiH Hunting Practical Aids to tho Study ot Natural 'Xrendts Ilistoryi Alexander. Boner. 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No. I7fi| 1762 11763 1764 1 7r,.-.7o I77i l77L'.3 1771 l'770-G 11 777 '778 I 779 I '780 |I78| I7H2 1783 1784 1 785 I 780-8 j'789 I '700 '791 '792 I 793-4 ' 795-OG 1807 l808 l809 i. seof 2000 2001 2002 20o3 -'004-5 2006 2007 2008 2009-11 2012 2013 2014 2014J 2015 2016 2017 2018 20 -9 2020-1 12022 I 15 TTTfjig oii' WOBK rropeVfy iind I-ulior.T.; ;..7"; " Nutiinil HyNtouiolPoliticu! Kcoi'ioinj ConsidoriitioiiH on Ki'|iifHuntHtlyi Udvera- niunt, -2 voIh. AU THOR. Lieber. List. Mill. I'tilitiiiiiiniKm I'olitital Economy Prim ipl'cs'ol- On Liberty The .Sul.j,.( tioii <if Women ' * ' . . ." ' " \ \ [ '/,'," \ '< i; Kcon,,., , i.;;c;tun.; on! j; ! ! ! ! ] [ i i !^s^^°^- Tiie H.iHil,lic &,•.: ipinTn Unto this Lust '. R,f«V,-„ iiy of I'roHtitution . Moi'JHl StiltiOH Wi itlth (if Nations '. . . ." ,' ". ' .' ' * * * ' ,' [ Cycioiicdiii of Political kiiowUdJc- J'liu tjuvcn Cnrs.s of London . Social Politi( H -4 Tola i Sanger. iSpencer. Smith. , Greenwood. Kirk. 2023 3034 U025 2026 2027-8 121129 '2030 2031 i;032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 20;tS.41 2042 2043 Tales Si<3tc;.es Legends dc. D. S.,2jO() 12401 12402 |24<'3 /-I . 12404 S^'^P®^^ Agular;2405 rJret Harte •»4o6 Bremer. 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 A ini Doolnn -or tnc Irish Emigrant 'Arthur I en Nights in a Bar Room ... • -a-r uiur Arabian Nif,dits Entertainment ' Sketches of Cliristiun Life in England .a-Jsoj) s Fables Ilomi! Scones .'.'!'.".'.'!* Th(! Luck of Uoaring Camp Diary ....'.",* The Neighbonrs and other" Tali's H. Family and other Tales '.'.'.\\ The In"oldsliy Legends Mutineers of the Bounty Oaseoyne, a Tale of the Pacific '. .' .' ." .* .' \ A. Sister's Story Wilhelm Meister U UScTs, Tieck Riehter ..',...'..'..".'" t'ulvf of Edinbui- ;h in Ceylon .....'. J' •• 'iribaldiaL ia Sicily....'."."..". ^Jt^°t,' 'jp.'ua Eater i^^"^^?- The Avenger '.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' '.'.'.'.'.'.'."" P^ ^Uincey . Sketches — 2 vols \\\ Amrrican Notes aud Reprintecl'pi'ecVs Her Majesty's Tower— 2 vols . . . Popular Tales-..-2 vols , Wrio-A-nVr Stories for Children . . . , H^dgewc Moral Tales " '. ; „ Widow Green Representative Men. .. Scenes of Clerical Life Barham- Lady Belcher Ballantyne RM24ia Craven, Mrs. Carlyle . (( 'Capper, J- Dickens- Dixon, H. rth. -1 Riglit at L;, and other Taler Legends of the Black Watch . German Popular Tales Ellis, Mrs. Eniorson- Eliot. Gaskell Grant . Gumma. 2413 2414 2415 24l« 24I7 24)« 24l» 2420- 2422 2423-4 2425-6J 2426 2427 2428 2429 124.30 2431 2432 2433 16 It^ I Tales, Sketches, Legends dc. . Haliburton. . Irving. TITLE OF WORK. ~~ | AUTHORrTl^ 8Idrmishe« and Sketches. ~ V-o-itt ""' Twice Told Ta!e . ^r^^> Hamilton -^ I'U Our Old House Jtiawthorn ' True Stories . . . .' " Mosses from an old M/iiVse '. J lie Snow Image . Tanglewood Tale " Wonder liook ,' ;,,'™ °' '^ •'' Mayings and Doings ilie Alhambra. .,, Woolftrts Roost '.'...,'. Salmagundv • ■ S'sSh ''^;r'' r'*^^ " "^^^^ ^«-^k : ; << ine tiKeteli Hook..,. „ Studies and Stories " Sketeiies of A rt Jarneson, Mr. Ginxes ]ial)y... " Alen of Oiaracter Jenkins . Story of a Featlier Jerrold, D . Cakes and Ale " Water Eahies, and Land iia'bi;.; ^- " , Kecolloctions of Geoftry Ha in gp^S ey, C. No Gains Witl.out Pains ^"lg'«ley, H. Tales from Shakespeare -K-nig-ht, H. C. Sketches of Modern Paris uamb. A Days Hide ' Locok, P. Irish Stories and Legends Lever, C A Hero and otlier Taks ' Lever, S. Tales and Sketches ' Mulocll . Popular Tales— 7 voU Miller. SX \l°T^- M"»r : :::;:: : : : '^"^^^'^ ■ A QuietNeighlorhood Wlen Montgomery's Book-', M:i5 m;;7 '^+:l :->l42 2i (;] 12444 lL'i45 "J446 '2447 '2448 '24-i9 j246o ,2451 24S- -ir);,' l;!B|. 245,-. 2456 2457 2458 2'59 12460 ^24G0i '2.6 1'^ 2462 :246;:;.9 |2470 2471 Bad The Flow -shelf. 'McDonald. Pacill.Mrs.H. B fceid- Richter. People »-onipana Thai Theatrical Mana-reii'it 'in +i' ' V.; ;Swift. Yankee Drolh^fes " "'' ^^ ^^«* & SouthiSmith. Sol Breakfast in Bed I'rcamthoijic Waste Not, Want The Doctor.. cjaia . Not. '?lie;^^'^''"'^J^'--«VOlH; 'o r^Sllier anc other <J1- f I 'I'll.. D . >-"■"' I ijlvetclies iiie Rose am tl,,, (,•■•„.. --^"i^h. Smith, .4. Sherwood, boutiiev. Scocfc. 2476 ,2-! 77 12478. !2-!K0 1 24 .Si 248-> 2-1 8.S 2,8i. Mrs'-'-85 p ' "?,. '^'^''feli B(,„]i 1 hackcn-v. Kealituvs of I,.,-,], Lif^, « ^ An Editor's Tale ,......: French, W. S ' iTroliope, A. 248C |2-'.8r-92 .- .J. I2l9i: 24 9 ^ 2.90 1..97 dc. rTHOR. Tales, Sketches, Legends dc. No. Hamilton '^cu horn. 24.'i5 ■L>-i:i6 j-'>;;7 |24;j8 I'24;i9 l-_M.;o :-'+;l ^rton. -M42 !-M 1;} 2444 '1\^\U L'446 .i.'447 ''-'448 m, Mr. !L'4-i9 {246 r. 3. '2461 D. 245- ~\:y.' IMSl- y, c. 245,-, y, H. ,2456 H. C. 2457 2468 P. ,2 '59 J ,'2460 >. 24G0i :2.,G1 12462 lu, H. .246;i.9 c. 12470 osh. 'iii71 l*'-'?'^ I~''- |1: j.,;j [d. ;;;474 fs.H. B -^"5 2;7<) ,2)77 i-'478.9 ; ol. 2i.Si 24S2 2)83 2,8i. i, Mrs' 2. 85 i 2-1 8 G -'•18 7.9 J Miss. .'.9,] M9i • i49. ST. S. ; ;.96 A. .97 77 TITLE OF WORK. Diary of a Physician --3 vols 1 ales of the Borders-1 vols AUTHOR. Warren Queens of Society " l^i?«on Pilgrim Street; a taie"orManchesi;r Life'^^^''^'''' Patraua or Spanish Stories er i.iie^ Barthell Winkler and other T^ies otars in a Stormy Night Nimmo's Popular Tales-'-n 'vols Remarkable Adventures from real " life ' " Leisure Hour 1870 | Jones's Courtship . _ , Married Life . . Darley Alone in London . .' McKenzie British Workman . '. Hunday at Home .... Miscellaneous Literature, I No. 2498-25 2601-10 2511 2512 2613 (2614 J2ol6 2516-20 2521 2522 2523 12524 1252,-, '2526 i2&27 Trans.-3vol8.... AthenaJTOs Busk, Hans JJeipnosophists Lit. Mother's Recompence >» ., Bacon's .^omplete Worksl-Vs 'vols -f^iTllUer, Grace Burke's Works-.G vols : The Book Hunter . . _ The Navies of the Worid ^^H^^^. Broken Columns Fireside Words. .' ' Past and Present Burritt, B Sartor Hesartus Carlyle Cicero's Works, Class '. " Trans' '.'-'^ Vol's " ' ' " i " Hints to Riflemen . ^ ' " " ' U, What shall my Son be Cleveland S: SL^-^""' ■""■»'„'ii:, -Vc EtlT"'- ^ Note Book '.'. " '. pe Quineey Memorials I '' Table Traits, and's'omethin- iu' "t'hem ir, " -r^ Lnghsh Traits " Doran, Dr. Conduct of Life lEmerson Miscellanies { " Society and Solitude " Treati se on Business. K.isterianu , Freedley, B Hallams Remains : ' ' " {P'oster Ju ventiKs Mundi .." ' Fowler Discussions on PhiKiso.'i'iu i'r U" ' \ Gladstone Hoggs (iuidc to Zinm. ^'*'^^™^"''^'- • -Hamilton Sir W| Hone Sul,S('( jva'. , Italian Poets EnplLsl, p,„.(s,. ." <Tjarles Lumlii-; V\ I'iifina, . . or!;s_2 Hogg', Joseph John Brown Hunt, Leijh jLamb '2700-2 2703 12^04-16 2717-22 2723 2724 2725 2726 ;2727 |2728 ,2729-32 2733 2734 12735 [27,36 '2737 27,^8 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2746 2746 2747 12748 2749 2750 'J 75! 2752-3 •-•754 18 Miscellaneous Literatur 'e. TITLE OP WORK. AUTHOR. Lemon Mark MoKenzie Muloch , The Jest liook Miscellitnits ' \ Headship of Cbiist . .* ' " * ' . .' , .' '. ..'.'" Ecce Homo ..'....,. Ecce Deiis ] Dissertations and Discussions— 3 vols V'ill The Deans Englisli \ ivt^^,, r- Standard lic.iding .■■.:..■::;: M ovoii MoutaiKn(;'s Works— 4 vols ^-u.iuu Our Year Tlie Fairy Book .......'.'.'...'.[ iStudies from Life ... \\ .'...,', Tlie Satyroniean of Petronjous Arbiter' riato's Works, Lit. Trans-G vols. Sevana The Eighth Commandment The Koran ".'.'.'.'.'. ^Esthetic and Miscellaneous" Works '. ' ' The Commonplace ]}ook Songs before Sun Rise SelfHelp '...'!'.'..".;! Our Exemplars [/ Game of Draiights ........'......,., Wallier's Lueian Rifles and Ri fle Pratice Physical Exercises . The Tatler— 4 vols . . ] . .' i ' ] . ' ' ' The Spectator— 8 vols ...'.'......, The Guardian— 3 vols The Rambler — 3 vols ........ i . The Adventurer— 3 vols The World~3 vols ".'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'. The Connoisseur — 3 vols The Idler '/.'.".'. The Mirror — 2 vols'. '..".'!".." i .'.']*'* ." The Loung(>v — 2 vols The Obserx vr— ;? ....'!'.!.'.'."'.."."';; The Looker on — 3 vols , The Index ."."..'.'.'.'.' Natures Wonder The Silent Partner '."..'.'!'.."" ■ t^, , „ -, Routledgc's Comic Reciter . .' | i;J-ieiPS. -Hj o w. Richter Reade Sale Schlegei •:iouthey Swinburne . Smiles, T Stowe. H B Spayth, H Wilcox Wood, W Talks to my Patients Natural History of Comme'rce '.'.'..'. rHo'me.s Wives, and Happy Good Servants, Good John and Stern Necessity Fishing in American Waters Chess Player Science fo Carpenter, J E Gleason, Mrs Yates D Walker, T H Scott, O the People.. jStauuton Noctes Ambrosiante— 5 vols ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.,', \\^leon^ No^. |2755 '^ 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760-2 27g;; 27G4 27G5-8 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773-8 2779 2780 27hI 2782 2783 C2784 2785 2786 27s 7 2788 2789 2790 2792-''> 2796-'^ 28n4-G 2807-9 2810-12 U)8]:^15 28)6-lT 281S 2819-20 2821-22 232.1-25 2826-28 2829 '2830 '28:U ■2832 ^2833 12834 |2835 ]2836 |2837 12838 12839 2840-4 Novels. 7 9 ark No. TITLE OP WORK. AUTHOR. W. !.-,-8 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760-2 27g.; 27G4 276,1 2760 277n 2771 2772 2773-8 2779 2780 27hI 2782 2783 AC 2784 •2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 |2790 l2792-;"> |2796--'{ i 2804-6 1 2807-9 I281O-12 128)6-17 2818 '2819-20 2821-22 232.-!-25 2826-28 12829 I283O '•2S:n 2832 '2833 i2f*34 !28.'i5 ;283e [2837 2838 28.^9 2840-4 Star Chtimbur Ainsworth lowir ofLoiai Tin .III on. ^Iietifltlirift, ility. Austen, Miss Davanants 'Anonymons Aldiich, J B Badeau, A Borrow Bremer limes the St'coiul. Old St Pauls' ■.'. The Misers Diuigiiter , Windsor Castle.. Kookwood 0-uy Fawkr.s Creigliton Hilary St Ives — ;{ vol.s Mansfield Park Pride and Prejudice .' ! Northanger Abbey Emma Sense and Sens Persuasion The Draytons and' the Winifred iJertraii) Diary of KiUv Trevyfynn Out of his H.'ad Alelbourne House .....'.".'.' Pio-f.!.,,-:; t "t The Va.rabon<l . . lUS^}^^' P '^ Lavengro Romany iiye The President's Daugliter The Home Strife and Peace .Tauci Evrii . The Professor.".. Villetto ., Shirley .';.'.■'; Wuthering Heights.'...'.".' i-n x t- Tenant of Wildfell Hall ... !g^'°"!*^' ? The Vilhigo of the West—;! vols'. ..'.'. The Monarch ot Mincing Lane---;; vols Little P>ook about Great Britian, . Don Quixote The Peauelerc ..'[....['..'.[['." Bon Brace Tom Bowling Exiles of Siberia 1^ ... Salathiel ... ICottm Trumps... .'■ 9,^'^^'^ Valenlino Vox . . , ". i2"^^? Precaution . |Cockton, .Hy The Spy !.'.".!.'.'!!.'.".'..'.';;..■ ". '. .'.'■■ ■ i^ooper The Deer Slayer '.'.'.'.'.'.' I ;< The last of tlie Mohicans it Tlio Pathfinder l]'.'.'.' " « The Pioneers '.'..,....... ' « The Prairit! ' ' ' i ^^ Lionel Lincoln ! k No. 3001) 3001 .iUo:i 3i,o;i ;j()n4 -005 Dooe 3007 I3II08 j30(l9 3ol0' ::o].-. :ioio ;)0i7 :!018 30 If) o02o l>2 12 Bronte, O Bronte, A Bocldeley, R W ■" Black, W • Batick, C Cervantes Clarke Capt Chamier .>■' :;"23 i;i'J24 .■,02r. 3006 :i027 3028 3>i-'9 .S0;^0 80:^1 {032 >os;i 035 .■(O.S9"H ;H0J1> ;<oi3 ;iOl4 ;',e45 ;',046 3047 j;>(h8 I3049 j30.>0 130 5 i |.3(i52 !;;os.'> |S054 i;;o">5 {.3057 3('58 20 Novels, w\ II t> It II II II II II II II it II II T-h7w~r^-— "^"^^^ I AUTHOR 'i'lie Pilot " The Bod Hover , 'I'lie Two Adniirai; I " Wing and Winj? i " The Water Witch ; ! " Afloat and Ashoiv , " Miius Wallimrfoi'd ' " The OnitcT. Jack Tier " The Sea Lions !'.'.■■■ The Heideuniaiier 'I'lie Headsman ..... Tlie Monilviu,s " Uoraeward Bound. .. Jlome as Found. '.'] Mercedes of Castiie" Wyandotte ' ' Sutanstoe Tlie Chainbearcr. . . " . The Redskins. . .. , Oak Opening. The Way of the Hour. „,. . Basil or tlic Crossed Patll ' : WlUtie, Collius The Queen of Hearts.. ' 'i'ho Woman in AVliito ' " light Afoot.. " After Dark,.,, Antonina, o r tii'e Fall'of lioni^ Man and Wife...3 vols. The Dead Secret Hide and Seek ...,\ " Armadale •' _' i " No Name ..... .".'. " The Moonstone ... . .,\ " Metas Fait li . . ' 1 vol" «ijcristan« Househol'd I ■1 'le Old I.ove and the New- -i ^ «audfordand Merton ' Creasy, Sir, ;ilio .Mormuns ; or Kith and'Kin'-:.'' Vols' Thu War 'J'iger . . Annals cf an Fven'tfui Life:.'; Vols iiobinson Crusoe > >oi.>( . , , Capt. Singleton Col. Jack .'.■■ Memories of u Cavaliei- ■ Oai.t. Carlclnn. . Dickey Cronke BIoU KhmderB . . . ." History of the D lio.xami .... Day l^niry, Anua K Daltoii .■10 96 Daaent, G Defoe W Jevil ■•{1(10 .•;ioi.2 ;i I o;{ ;,io5-7 i.'jli ;ili() o'lil .•!H2 :!Jl;j ';!II4 ••1115 .'1116 ;i)i7 9 [■HOR. i No. Novels. 21 'ollim 305'J 1306(1 13061 '3oeo •iO(};) 1 3064 :.20fi5 M66 3067 30es :"7o :07i :072 ua W ::o74 •075 •*077 •1078 3079 •'"80 3081 3' 82 3083 3084 SOSo •^086 3087 30H,S •;089-: 3092 300 ! 3094 3095 3096 J 3(197-9 3100 K;; 10 1-2 :i 1 03 310^ ;.ioe-7 |3li 9 31)0 31 1 1 3112 .•:ii,{ .1114 3/15 3 1 If, TITLE OP WORK. AUTHOR. Mother Ross Duncan Campbell &c . , &c Our Mutual Friend Pickwick Papers — 4 vols Nicholas Nickelby — 4 vols David Copperfiokl — 4 vols Old Curiosity Shop — 3 vols , , . . , Martin Chuzzlewit — 4 vols Barnaby Rudge — 3 vols Oliver Twist — 2 vols Domby and Son — 4 vols , Bleak House — 4 vols Little Dorritt — 4 vols Hard Times — 2 vols Two Cities — 2 vols , Christmas Stories — 2 vols Great Expectations — 2 vols Lothalr Venetia Ixion Sybil Vivian Grey Coningsby Contarini Fleming Alroy The Count of Monte Christo . . . , Marguerite de Valois Three Musketeers The Half Brothers Vicomte de Bragelonne — 2 vols . Twenty Years After Beau Tancrede Catherine Blum Defoe Dickens, Chas. Disraeli • B Dumas Popular Tales — 2 vols Rosamonde, and other Tales Conquest and self Conquest Pride and principle The Cousins , Woman, an Enigma. Novels and other Tales — 10 vols. 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Garrett, B AUTHOR. No. Fitzgerald 11 Le Fanu II Gaskell GodAvin Goethe Goldsmith Gore Grant Sorrows of Werter Vicar of Wakefield f he Birthright Peers andParveniies Banker's Wife . . Boyal Favorite Queen of Denmark Captain of the Guard " Oliver Ellis Philip Rollo... '*,■.■.■; Yellow Frigate.. " " Adventures of an Aid-dclcamp Scottish Cavalier ^ Jane Seton Bothwell ... Mary of Lorraine".". Arthur Blaine ' " ". Laura Evcringhani Frank Hilton .... I'Ucy Arden '.'. Romance of War Harry Ogilivo LettyHydi's Lovers.". Les Miserables The Toilers of the'sek Victor, Hugo Hans of Iceland Hughes Tom Brown at Oxford_2 vols Scouring of the White Horse illithesdale Ronrance -Hawthorne Scarlet Letter. I Marble Faun— 2 vols I Sam Slick in search o'f'a ' Wife L-r , Nature and Human Nature ♦ Hallburton Daisy Nichol_.3 vols.... V. L ", Bracebridge Hall ... Hardy, ±jady The Club Book .' Irving • James Novels 23 [OR. No. 3219 3220 3221-3 3224 3225-7 3228 3239 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 13235-7 3238.4» 3241 3242 324;; 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 13252 [3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 13259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 i 3269-70 3271 3271 3273 327 1 ?275-6 B277 J278 1279-81 13282 3283 TITLE OP WORK. The hiring of Pearls , The Robber Gentleman of the Old* School John Marston Hall Corse De Leon . The King's Highway . The Man at Arms AUTHOR, James Philip Augustus. Darnley Mary of Burgundy '. '.','.'.',', Ticonderoga .' , . . Agincourt '...".*.','.", Arabella Stuart. . . ...'..,'.".'.' . [ One in a Thousand . . .' . . . . ] Morely Ernstein ...'.'.'.' L)e L'Arme The Jacquerie ] * ,', The Ancient Regime Charles Tyrrell The Huguoeuot !!!!!."., The Gypsy / [ The Desultory Man.". . . ........ Henry Masterton .... ..... Rose D' Albert.... The Fate '.'.'.'.'.'.".'.".'.". A Whim, and its Consequences The False Heir .' Arrah Neil Beauchamp Heidlebery The Convict .... . .'. '. '.".". .* .' 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No Chronicles of Clovovnook . ^ .7. . . ; ;..::. jjerrold Kingsley, K Tun v,..,-., 'a Johnston AUo.S;s;?^^::::;;:: iKin^"iey Ad ventures of Amyas Leiirfi ' « Yeast i „ The Hmwits....'.' ' „ Austin Klliott The Hillyars & tlie Btinton^ oilvm Gil Bks, Adventui-oH of Against Wind and Tide Charles O'Mallay. Tom I3urke of Ours Knight of Owynno.. Arthur O'Leary Jfick irinton .............. Harry Lorrequer ...,'....."" Con Cregan [[]\ I>avenport Duiin Luttrell of Arran..,'!! .. Fortune of Glencoro Onqof I'hem .".'.'.".'."" Kato O'Donoghuo . ! " * Horace Templeton r rrington \ The Martins of Oro Martin! ' Roland Cashol Sir Jasper Carew, Knight ," ,' .' ' IheDodd Family Abroad. Gerald Fitzgerald The Daltons '.'.'..'.." Sir Brooke Fosbrooke Maurice Tiernay Handy Andy ' Theodosius & Constantia.'." Under the Ban Pelham Pilgrims of the ' Rhine' Lucretia Lelia !.,!!! My Novel— 2 vols ..'. Zanoni [ Night and Morning Paul Clifford T ".','.'. ,* Last of the Barons '. Devereux Godolphin The Caxtons....'!! The Disowned ,3338 13339 13340 13341 13342 13343 3344 3345 3340 Kavanagh Julia 3347 Le Sage 3348 Lee ,3349 Lever Ohas ;335o .3861 Lover Sam Langhorne Le Mandit Bulwer Lytton S363 3.364 13365 1.3366 |3357 3358 .3359 3360 .3361 .3362 .3363 3364 3365 .3366 8.367 .3368 .3369 j.3370 ,.3371 .3372 '.•3373 13374 3375 l3;}76 13377 13378 3379 13380 3383 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 1 Novels. 25 DR. No. TITLE OP WORkf. |33.38 3.S.39 I.3.S41 ).3342 I.S.343 .^314 B '3345 3340 Julia 3347 3348 .3349 S 13350 13361 3353 '.3.354 1.3355 13356 13357 3358 33.')9 .3.360 .3.361 .3362 3363 3364 3365 i.3366 18.367 i.3368 j.3.369 i.3370 ,.3371 3372 '3373 13374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 ton 1 it — 2 vols . AUTHOR. No. Marsh Ernest Maltravers . Alice What will he do with Harold Eugene Aram _ Rionzl .....,., The last Aay^ of Pompeii .!!!!!! 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I " Mellville MacDonald Maryatt Bulwer, Lytton 3390 3392 3392-3 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 .3399 3400 ,3401 3402 3403 3304 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 ;!413 3414 ;«16 3417 3418 .3419 .3420 .3421 .3422 .3423 :M24 .3425 3426 3427 .3428 3429 3430 3431-3 3434 3435 3436-7 3438 3439 3440 .3441 3442-3 3444 3446 3^45 Maryatt Pl'nce Martineau II Mcintosh II 26 Novels. TITLE OP WORK. Head of the Family Avillion UtHtresH AUTHOR. Muiock his Family. I (I and Maid " ' " " John Halifax, gentleman .'." ] A Life for a Life . ChriHtian'8 Mistake ." .' A Brave Lady—;! vols ." .' Napoleon and Queen Louisal-V 'vols liur, ii. , Lousia of Prussia and her Times ^ulback, L Mane Antoinette and her Son ' Henry the Eighth and his Court '. innce Eugene and his Times. Napoleon and Blucher.. Joseph the Second, and hiV Court J redenck the Great and EmpreH« Josephine. The Daughter of an Empr'ess Goethe and Schiller Old Fritz [[\\ Andreas Hofer !!!.!]'. 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" " Norton, Mrs Oliphant Mrs Philips Porter Jane Pardoe ■Reade Riddell Mrs II Richter Ritchie Sala II Saunders Stowe H B Stall, Mrs L Sewell B M Scott No. 3J.47 448 4 49 490 3651 3662 345;i-, 3456-' ;1458 3109 346U 3461 346J 3463 3^64 |3466 13466 13467 |3l68 3469 3470 3471 3472 ;i473 3474-6 .1476 3477 3478 >*479.8i 3482 348.J ^484 3486 3486-7 3488 3489 3490 349OJ ^497.8 3499 36n0 35oi 36o'> 3503 3504 36o5 3506-7 3508-9 ^^510-11 Novels. OR. No. 27 ■i, 8^.47 448 4 49 450 3561 ;{662 345.1-, ;{456-' ;i458 3109 846U 3461 3482 3463 13164 |346S 13466 13467 13168 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474-5 .1476 13477 13478 ^479-81 13482 !3483 |3484 |3486 3486-7 3488 3*89 3490 3490J >*491-3 •^4 94-6 M497.8 3499 35, ,0 3501 35o'> 3503 3504 35o5 3506-7 |3508-9 13510-11 TITLE OP WORK." AUTHOR. SCOTT. K U Surgeon's D(iughter-l2 vols Fair Maid of Perth— 2 vols '.'.'.'.'.." Qucntin Diirward volg Count Robert of Paris— 2 vols Woodstock— .2 vols Kenilworth — 2 vols The Abbot '.'.'.WW'.'. The Monastery 2 vols , Ivanhoe — 2 vols Rob Poy— 2 rols.. ..WWW.. WWW.. WW The Bride of L,ammennoor-1.2' vols ' ' The.ljartofMid Lothian— 2 vols " Tho Hlack Dwarf— 2 vols . ' ' * The Red Gauntlet— 2 vols The Talisman— 2 vols . . Peveril of the Peak— 2 Vol's St Ronan's Well— 2 vols ...."..'!"."". Anne of Geierjtein — 2 vols Old Mortality — 2 vols The Fortunes of Nigel— 2 vols The Pirate— 2 vols The Antiquary — 2 vols. W, Rejected Addresses Charles Auohester * " iSmith J & Hor No. Almost a He.-oine ..,..,,. Counterfeits ." * ' Humphrey Clinker !...!...* i ! i Roderick Random , | Peregrine Pickle— 2 vols Ferdinand Count Fathom . . ' *. ' Sir Launoelot Greaves. . Paul and Virginia ....!!..'!."'",.' A Sentimental Journey i Tristam Shandy Played Out Tin Trumpet .....*.'.',".'.,' Framley Parsonage ..*.'.'... Castle Richmond .. .W...... Doctor Thorne The Three Clerks" . '.'.W.'.'W.'W The Bertrams " " The small house at AiiingVon Orley Farm Rachel Ray ..W. The Vicar of BuUhampton A. Siren— 3 vols ; Pendennis — 2 vols ...!.!!.. The Newcomes .',,',' Adventures of Philip ' ' ' ' ' Sheppard Smollett St Pierre Sterne II Thomas <t Trollope A « « u Trollope Anth. Trollope Adolp Thackery 3612-13 3514-15 3516.) 7 3518-19 3520-1 3622-3 3624-6 36'j6-7 3528-9 3530-1 3632-3 3634-5 3536-7 3638-9 3540-1 3542-3 3644-5 3646-7 3548-9 .S550-1 3652-3 3554-5 3.')56 3657 36.'9 3560 3561 3562-3 3564 3565 3666 3567 3663 3669 .S670 .S575 3676 .3677 3578 3679 3680 3r.8l 3682 .'5683 3671-3 3674 3584-6 3587-8 3589 3590 (li 28 NoYels. Tho Vi 1., Vanity Vn\ TITLE (inlaiiH OP WORK. AUTHOR. J( r. iimfs' Diiiri H'iiiucca (iiiil Rowuim FitzlmodI l>unniH Duval I'oiifuH.siona. Novell tJic Widowur'.l ]■.;."■ Tlif Ortat Ho-arty Dianio'tiVl." n Wood Mrs H fiiry I'.snioniJ U«nsy KaiK'— 3 vols U<'o CatitiTl)ury-.s Willi.';} vols Mo Appeal—:; vols i •Tubcz OJiphni'.t-;} vol's " .' | riio Ilcjr Expc.tant— 3 vols j ' orgott.n l.y the World— 3 vo'ls I 1- <nton's guest— 3 vols i C'usimir Jroienini,i_2 vol's ! Wide wide world ' Mark Sea worth Wetherell I No. 13691 3692 ;?69;) 13594 I3596 i;!696 13897 I.SOOI-3 3604-0 3607-9 36|0.1i> .3Ci:i-i.'i 3616-18 1361 9-2i. Eliz :i62i I" H Duubar . . , . ' Kingston W G 3622 BracTdon Miss :!G23 JE Pootiy and the Drama, sdivl -,- , , '"'' 'i'lnffedics (class. trariH "> .Kschj'' Tragedies (At. trans) .'^^': Poetical Works .... Comedies — 2 V(ds ... .roanna Haillio's Works The Age ;.^ Festus jBailey Poetical Worli.s . . ".". Boaun-ont and Fletcher— Poetical Works — 5 vols .... —5 vols Aurora Leifrh Poetical Works „ u o;,„,l iBryant ~ll± iBurns ■-2^°^« iButler vols. Akeiiside Aristophanes P J jBeattie J Bloomfleid ,..,. 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No. Dobell -6';oi;;.v.'v:::;:;: i5°^« EurlpKles' Works (class, trans.)'— 3 vols* " (lit trans.)— 2 vols. Poetical Works.... u It —3 vols —2 vols. Homer's Works (class, trans.)— 3 vols. Homers Works (lit. trans.)- 2 vols n-.ii -• ,,. . 4 vols 2 vols ) Poetical Works Horace and Phoedrus (class, itrans.j Horace, works of (lit. trans ' Horace's Odes vols. Poems — 2 Comedies '......,. Comedies and Dramas .... The Battle Day '.'.'.'.'.'.'.. Ben Johnson's Works ..'.'.'.'... Juvenal and Perslug (class, trans.) " (lit. trans.) Poetical Works * Dramatic Works — 2 vols. . ....... EngliBh Dramatic Poets The Noble Heart ;'.".■; The Spanish Drama '. Poetical Works— 2 vols. ...... Lyrics of Ireland ','//, On th3 Nature of things .....,...'. Poems and Dramaa— 6 vols Poetical Works . Massinger and Ford . , . < ', Poetical Works— 3 vol« .....,..". " —iyola,....',.' ,",'.'..', « — evol« " — 2y6lg , Ossian's Poems ^f" Poetical Works (class . trans , yLi V'oii '. Metamorphoses (lit. tnins.).... .... . Fasti Triasti &c . (lit. trans.) ' . Art of T.Q»» /Hf *~.«.. \ Poetical Works ..'."." Petrarch's Sonnets and Life ..,.'* *,' * Dryden Emerson Falconer Ford Gay Goethe Goldsmith Gray Halleok Heine Herrick Herbert Hood Leigh Hunt Jerrold Jones Keats Knowles Shet Lamb Lewes 11 Longfellow Lover Liicretins Bulwer Lytton Marlowe Marvell Massey Milton Montgomery Moore Morton Mrs Ovid Pamell 6059 6060 6061-66 6066 6067-9 6070-1 6072 6072J 6073-4 6075 6076 6077 6078 5079 6080-1 6082 5083-5 6086-7 6088-91 6092-3 6094 5095 6096-7 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 5103 5104 5105-6 6107 5108 51C9 5110-11 5112 5113 5114-18 5119 6120 6121 5122 6123-5 5126-30 6131-6 tl37-8 5139 5140-1 5142 5143 5144 6145 614« S9 I nil fif Poetry and the Drama. jriTLB OF JWOBK. Pindar and Anacreon (classTtranl) AUTHOR. — •) vols. . . " 2 vols , . . „ " 2 vols Propcrtius Secimdus Ac. &c Eloctron Poetical Works . .* 9 vols. Dramatic Works 12 vols Poetical Works 3 vols Dramatic " Poetical 3 vols . .... '.'. Life Drama .' 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Poe Pope Praed Prior Richards Rogrera Scott Schiller.., Shakspeare Shelley ,;;; Sheridan Skelton Smith Southey Spencer Surrey Swift Tasso Tennyson Kf Q*""^ ^''°**^'^ Bal'lad;'8 Vol^ SlrS,.''"^'' I""«*™t«i Book of ; u-erijiah Songs, " „ Scol;tish Songs, <» „ ^dg Treasury ofSongs and Lyrics::::;: Thompson -•■nackerv Tickell Vaughan Virgil Voltaire Watts White wS^«^«^ Young- iHarteBret 5147 5148-9 5150 5I51-,3 61.-;4-5 5156 5157 515S 5159 5160-68 5169 5170 5171-82 518.S-5 51H6 5187-9 5190 5191 5192-01 52-,2 5253 5204-8 5209 52r0-I2 6213 '5214-15 5216 5217 5218-19 5220 6221 5222 52f23'4 15225 |SS28 8227 5228 5229*35 52.i6 5237-a 6289-46 5247 5248' 5219 5250 15251 m 5M7 5148-9 5150 5151-3 51.-; 4-5 5156 5157 5153 5159 5160-68 5169 5170 5171-82 5l8,S-5 5186 5187-9 5190 5l9l 5192-01 52-,2 5253 5204-8 5'2o9 5210-12 5213 5214-15 5216 5217 5218-19 5220 5221 5222 522,1-4 5225 5226 6227 5228 5229*35 52,S6 5237-9 5299-46 5247 5248 8219 5250 5251 Alphabetical List of Authors. SI AUTHO Adams B 'Roads TITLE OP WORK. No. and Eails. Adams W H D Memorable Battlesin EngliVh HiVtoV; if?n, Great Battles of the .Inelish Armv \\\1 Neptunes 'He'ro";;;"' ^^"^"''^ ^"^'"^ ^ iContributions to Nat. Hist.' oifU.s'/ivolV ' 701 4 lEssay on Classification JI°. * A first lesson in Natural Histoty .' ." ,700 Tragedies [class, trans.] \\lZ Tragedies [lit. trans.] ^°°? Comedies ^ 5001 AiaswbrthW Hi'Tlie Star Ctamber V'l^l'^ Tower of London.. |3^°? The Spendthrift... ..' ,3°^^ James the Second '3;°^ Old St Pauls. ■ 3OO0 Agassiz Prof II .iE33oh,ylu.3 i( Aristophanes (I i< (( (I Austea Miss Akenside M Alford, Dean Anacreon Anderson C J Ansted S D The Miser's Daughter Windsor Castle Rook wood 3O04 3OOS 3OO6 Guy FawkeV.'.".' '.\'.\\.\"\ 1!°?! Creighton Hilary St Ives 3 vols' Mansfield Park Pride and Prejudice 3OO8 3009 3010-12 3013 A.' «( Arentds Dr. Aristotle Armenj^aud M Arnold T II Arthur L S' 3015 3016 .SOI 7 3018 5002 25 5147 ca 1000 1001 100 lul 1400 Arnott W Athenaeus Atkinson T \KT Austin J G Alexander Sir J Northanger Abbey. . ..". ^2}^ Emma .....!...'.*!.' Sense and Sensibility !!!.'..". Persuasion \\\ Poetical Works ...!.!.*!. ] The Queen's English. ......'.,',,'" Pindar and Anacreon [class ."trans ] Lake Nagami ; or waud'gs in S'h. W. Afri The Okavanga Eiver, Adv. in S'h Africa Geological Gossip Great stone Book Biographies of Dia inguished QcientYfic' Me^ First and Second Series Balboa, Cortez ajid Pizarro Practical aids to the Study' of Natural' Hi's Metaphysics &c. [lit. trans ] Logical Tr^atiijes [lit. trans.]— 2 vols" ' ' ' Ethics Rhetori c and Poetic .'.'.'.'.' .' ' .' ' .' ." ..'.'*'"" Politic s and Economics ,,..,, The Practical Draughtsman '.'..... Fistory of Rome Lectures on Modern History. !..'.".' Tim Doolan or the Irish Emigrant Ten Nights in ft Bar-ropm Elements of Physics 2 vols ••••'• Doipnosophists [lit. trans. ] 3" vols' Onenfal and wogtorn Siberia Travels in Regions of Upper k Lower Amoor Treatise on Cements Salmon Fishing in Canada. .!!['."' 1708 700 TOl-2 703 900 2000 600 1100 II03 2400 2401 3f0-l 2700-2 1002 1003 451 1706 32 M'i Alphabetical List of Authors. _AOTHOR__|^^^^TITLBOP WORK, Argyle, Duke ofJThe Reign of Law. Aguilar Grace IMothers Recompence . Home Scenes Out of His Head No. Aldrich J B Babbfigre G Bacon Francis Bacon L W Bailey S Bailey P J (( Baillie Joonna Baird 8 P W Bard S A Barth H Baker T Baldwin W Cj Balfour J H ler. Bancroft Geo i< Barrow Sir J Bamum P T Bassnett T Beale L S " LJ Beard J R Beattie Jas " W Beaumont F Beeton S O Bemrose W Berkeley M J BirdG Blackwell J Blane L Bland W Passages from the Life of a iphilMonh Complete Worlds 13 vols *^''''°^''P'^ ff««« Hyacinthe's Di8cour;;;"anci L/f;* iSssayB on Opinions and Truth The Age . Pestus .....!..'!!.,!...",' Complete Works.'!.'^ Birds of North America *2 vols Natural History of the British EntomoVtraca Waikner, Adv on the Musquito Shore Discoveries m North and Cell Africa 3 vols Mathematical Theory of the Steam EnJi Hunting m fcjouth Africa Botanists Vade Mecum. ...'.'.*.'""* Botanists Companion Outlines of Botany History of the Unit^j Stote^V vols.' :;■■•• uL.n Literary and Hlstortoal Miscellanies « jj^^^ Voyages within the Attic Regions fSSfl Struggles and Triumphs .... JJ?, Mechanical Theory of Storms . It J* Structure of the Simple Tissues ." ^?" ? r^f 5.*^?*^'^*]'? * Morally considered Life of Touissant I/An-a**™.^ me 2001 2703 2405 3022 1402 27«4-16 904 704 5006 6007 6005 1709-10 1711 1005 1007-9 400 1004 650 Touissant L'Overture Poetical Works Thomas Cambeirs Life and Letters 2* Vol^ Dramatic Works 2 rola Bloomfleld R Booth J O Borrow G (( Boswell J Boume^J « Bowen F Bowman J n Boutell O Brahde W T Bremer P I Dictionary of univenwW information V vols Manual of Wood Oatving Introduction to Cryptogamie"R,tany' Elements of Natural Philosophy Hist, of Spidert of Orea B. & Ireland 2 vol's History of th6 French Revolution of 1789 Principles of Consttuction in Arches Piers 8««f« of Railway GohstructJon " Poetical Works ..... Encyclopedia of Ohemi'stry Lavengro Romany Rye ..'.......] ^ Life of Johnson i vols..** Catechism of the Stehm'Enidne' The Steam Engine .... American Political Econoiny Medical Chemistry . Manual of Heraldy .!.,.'.* ^ Chemistry ..'.'. ' " " The Neighbours' 'and other Taleg.'! * ' The President's Daughter [Home Strife, and 'Poaf <» iDiary, H '- TAmllyAc!''.'.'.:',',]'" 600 GOl 1403 5008 1404-5 5009-10 570-1 502 652 352 1712-13 1112 462 453 5011 150 3025 2026 1406-7 401 402 2003 151 650 162 2408 3927 J3028-29 12407*9 No. >her. Life. )8traca re. . 3 vols Sngine 2001 2703 2406 3022 1402 2764-16 904 704 5006 6007 6005 1709-10 1711 1005 1007-9 400 1004 red vols. vols 650 1651 1104-11 |800 1006 1402J 280 600 601 1403 5008 1494-5 5009-10 570-1 502 662 352 1712-13 1112 462 463 5011 150 3025 2026 1406-7 401 402 2003 151 650 162 2408 3927 . i3028.29 . |2407'9 I vols 1789 Piers Alphabetical List of Authors. 33 AUTHOR. TITLE OF WORK. Brent D P Canary, and othcr^^ii7bkd7 Brewster Sir D Martyrs of Science Britain Bristowe H W Brodie Sir B Broderip W J No. 1715~~ Letters on Magic^ .'.'.'.'.*. \t}^ Life of Sir Isaac Newton ,'.'. '. ', <i ^ ;Optics, treatise on \\l\^ Early Britain ^00 Glossary of Mineralogy * ' l^T,! jScychological Inquiries, 2 vols .' .' .' .' ". 170" a ■D X -r^.- T,. ^"''logical Recreations. .. 7:7 Bronte Charl'te Jane Eyre ' ''■* jThe Professor;::::.". & Villette. ... ^°-^l IShirley. jf^l Emma Wuthering Heights". '. \il^^ V, -^T ^i?'.'r"*"f^^iidfeiiHaii. ",;::::::: S- Brougham Lord Life of Voltaire I , ■^•' jSocial and Political Sp'JeVhJs '2 vol^ V://: 120SJ , Statesmen of the time of George 3rd, 3 vols 1400?, Ihe British Constitution. . ......' oQn? Natural Thsology ... i,"2'' Rhetorical and Literary" Dissertation".". ! ' ' " '90I Historic^al and Political Dissertation ... * J2007 Men of Letters of the time of George 3^^ " 14?! Plulosophers of the time of George^rd I 4 .^ England and France under the House o'f Lancaster 1 1 1 7 i:\l |5012.16 ^'*"' 5017.21 (1 «« (( Browning F Mrs Browne 11 J R D J Poetical Works 5 Aurora Leigh yZf/l P '''"'!i C.^l'f°/»i''' 'ind Washoe! : '. '. fml Yusef, a Crusade in the East ,om fTrees of America 'i:^ ' * " 6 )3 '^r-or^JT'i.'"'p**'- .''"•^ Dynamo' net;;: ;;;:;: ^2 . „^ Capt Ihe Taxidermist's Manual .?•? Bryant WG Burns R Butler S Byron Lord Buckle H T Butler Fanny 1: oner C Burke B ft Buckland Wi Buell J Burton Robt R P (( Byrne Oliver L'eulio do La Barry Bright J Poems Poetical Work's 3 Vols! . .„,, Poetical Works 2 vols. . ..^i'^ 0.)1 5023 Poetical Works 10 vols ,5027-8 Historj' of Civil/zation inEngU;!;/ '2 Voh. l'"''"'^' lys "—"'"" ill ii.ngiana a vols. ;|1I3.14 ^Jif^uS^::^:!:'^^^'^'^"'^'"^ Works &c. 6 vols. Speeches 2 vols. .:::". „. Geology and Mineralogy' 2 voYs'. '.'.'. ."Jo f ' farmer s Instructor 2 vols " Anatomy of Melancholy 3 vols Lake Regions of Central Africa 1 he City ol the Saints The Book Hunter Practical Metal Workt-M "Assistant liJe Geologicui Observer |]n.> Lectures on Painting... ,->ni «^-^'- ....■.■.■.•. •.•.;::::;:;::C 1707 2717-22 C5-)-5 708-10 1012 1013 2723 403 w 34 i '^ Alphabetical List ofAutliors. AUTHOR. TITLE OF work; Bury Viscount jExodus of tho West Juunsen Chev — No. W ■tiigrelow L J <' Bret Ilarto <i Busk Hans Burritt E ■Badeau A Bodcleley R Black W Botick O Braddou Miss iionner Brig-htwell Barham Belcher Lady ;barantyne R M ^•'aejar II Carapbel] T CaHipin P .1 Carey H O (' Carlyle T T •<• , r -fin Nations. . , , ,. Life and Letters of Niobuhr Iiir,-16 lU'nch andUar... i416 iMelbourne Hou.s 2002 TJk! Luck of KoaiinL' Camn '^O-'S Poems, ' '•'-'" The Navi JOG CK of the ' World ■''^51 xiroken Coliunns 1^721 Fireside Words l2;25 The Vagabond j27:6 The Village of the West sVois fe^^i lie Monaruhs of Mincing Lane' "i'vo^ V'^'-'-G-^ Little book about Great MtSin L'-^^" ' ' Henry Dunbar l-i04L> Life and Adventures of Becku'-HrH". i'' *^ ' ^ Annal of Industry and QcS " ]|i Ingoldsby Legends ' ^ 1 8 Mutineers of the Bounty ^^'^ Cfascoyne a tale of the Pacific ^ Vvorks of Lit trans Works of Class trans Poetical Works rhe Practice of Hand Turning' Practical Me-'---- ■ " ■ ^' chanical Engineering lH 2411 •2412 1122 II2'>.21 riO.g 503 PrinciplesofPolitical Science 3 Past, Present, and Future ,.„ , , Past and Present -^ ' 2 vols. 9-11 (I 27 2008 -^728 '422-3 '128-1 U2L9 802-3 °04 Uso _, " ^ Rev A Carpenter W II JO Cervanter HI Chaptal L O tvhapnian E J t-'hatterton T Chatman M Chaucer C Chevalier M Churchill T CiCero Chartism •Sartor llesartus Oliver Cromwell 2 ' v'ols '.'.". *" 1 he trench Revolution 2 vo'ls Frederick the Great 6 vols Miscellaneous Essay 2 vols ' ' * Latter Day Phamplets Schiller and Sterling, lives of" Lecture on Heroes. " i,-- Memoirs of Catherin^ 'the Se'c'ond: & Wilhelm Mcister. "^'^^ Musocs Tiech RJchiter .'.'."* .' Autobiography Vegetable Physiology Principles of Human Physiology 'ioutledge's Comic Keciter I)on Quixote, Adventures of Agricultural Chemistry ?n?r™'.\t"'',^''''°«^J' of 'Canad;: : '.'. 2 Poetical Works 2 vols 2414 2415 1419 6.56 602 602A 807 *832 •^043 ^53 24 Great Invasions of France is'] 'alii Ilooa Poetical Works L*^^" On the deni-Pfint;^,, IJ r^' ',', L042 •1 jprcciation of Gold . Political Works, 3 Works, Class-trans voLs . . . 4 vols . 2013 a-)43-5 2729-;j2 Alphabetical List of Authors. 85 No. .... ij ••••il4l6 •••• :i002 MO23 '•••240(3 •••'5251 •••,272t •••;2;2r, •• -12716 ••• a024 ••■ :;o;:c.8 •••|;{0;^9-ll • • • \M4-2 ■•.j;:6i5 •■• UI7 ■••1418 •••2410 ■ ■ . 241 1 •■ -2412 •• 11-22 •■ 1I2'L21 .. 50,: 9 .. 60.3 . . 404 ••20 9.11 ..2112 ..'2727 . . 2008 .. 2728 ■ . '422-3 • \m.i . '42-1.9 • '«2.3 . 804 . I430 ■ ksi . U32 . 2414 , 2il5 , I4I9 6,56 602 602A 807 '-U2 ^043 224 040-1 l29o ^012 2oi3 043-5 2729-;j2 16 5 AUTHOR. Cicero Clark N G Clayton Ellen Cleveland H Cobbett W Cobbold T S Cuvier Barron Chambers TITLE OP^WORK. WorkH, Lit-trans ~. ~ "" Orations, Lit-traiiK ....'."" jOn Oratory, Lit--trans 'Kl.intnt.s of the English LangunVe" Qnc't'ns of Song & b • Hints to Kiflemfn ..........', Advice to young Men*.'. iManncl of Kntozoa ....".'.' '. ". '. .'.'.'"" Animal Kingdom History of Zoology, Cockburn Lord Life and corrospondence'of Lord Jiffiev' Colbum Z Collins W CoIp ridge S T Combe Gr Copland Jas Comte A Cornwall B CI Cousin M V Co-vroer W Crabbe G Craik G L Croly Geo Cmnming R J Curtis G W <( i< Cottin Chamiei Capt Cockton H Cpoley A J Chaillu Du Collier Capper J Clarke Collins Wilkie (I (I (I II II No. II ;906 !8or) !34 143.3 27.33 1717 1718 1716 Steam Boiler Explosions "^""7--. 1434 In.iuiry into the nature of Heat". '...'. l.l Poetical Works . j-^" Poetical an,l Dramatic" Wo;i;s 3 ^oi;; '.V t^^ „ Biograplna Literaria . . >j047-9 Constitution of Man '. | \%^ Digestion and Dietetics! W'. f/''* The management of Infancy 'J^l Medical Dictionary 3 vols \l r Philosophy of Mathematics i , ^"^ £iaS*K''"''*""^'^'^^"^^'*'-^^"-t«4 Er glish Songs l-'"50 15(151 uood. 17 14 rji giisn riongs History of Modern Philosopi/y '2' voLs' Lectures on the True, Beautiful, and Gt Poetical Works 3 vols 1 Poetical Works (5052-4 & Language 2 vols vols. jHist. ofEng. Literature Salathiel the Immortal 'A Hunters Life in Africa 2 Crumps Lotus Eating \ . . Howadjii in Syria. .'. ... Nile Notes Potiphar Papers "^'^ Exiles of Siberia.. i^": Ben Brace '^0^7 Tom Bowling '-"O^^ Valentine Vox '■.','.'.'.'.'. i.2"^6 Cyclopedia ol Pract-'--' '^" '•"■ ^"''<^ 15055 1125-6 ,"0-18 !0l5-:6 .•;o49 1017 1018 ical Receipts, Adventures in equatorial Afri( British History History of EnglishLJteVature Duke of Edinburgh in Ceylon ' oli« The Beauclercs... I.,*^ 552 I020 l|l8 II9 Basil, or the Crossed Path The Queen of Hearts .... The Woman in White..." Lights afoot After Dark ".'.''" Aiiionma, 3044 308.3 3084 3085 3086 or the fall of Rome .'..,.[ |.3o88 Man and Wife 3 vols iopn„ „, iThe Dead Secret . . 1^^-^^ 1.1092 36 Alphabetical List of Authors. AUTHOR. Collins Wilkie I TITLE OF WORK. illide and Seek. No. (I (I II II lArmadale . . -^og,! No Name •^C!)4 The Moonstone ^ 3<^95 " Metas Faitli I 1 vo! ' -, " jSacrif^tans Household j Creasy Sir BdwjThe Old Love, and the New 3 vol« Carey pante's Poems •- ^"w 3 vols. Cooper J P Precaution Tin^ Spy ..■.'..■::.■.■.■::.■.•:::; The Deerslayer ,, The last of the MohieanV The Pathfinder The Pioneers The Prairie .'.■ Lionel Lincoln... Ths Wept of Wish.t;n:wish ! ! '. ; .' ] [ [ ,.,,,^ 1 he Bravo 1.5059 |The Pilot.. '3060 iThe Red Rover "' ^061 130 9G 3097-9 5056 :^05l 3052 3053 3054 3055 .3056 3057 .3058 |The Two Admirals. jWing, and Wins.. 11 II II II Craven Mrs << Dallas W S (I Dana R H " J D Dante D'Arblay Mad Darwin C Davis M L The Waterwiteh I^float and Ashore iMiles Wallingford [The Crater.. '[ Jack Tier .....'.",' " The Sea Lions ........',. The Heidenmauer The Headsman .' .'.", I'he Monikins .' * Homeward Bound Home as Found Mercedes ot Castile Wyandotte ''' Satanstoe * The Chambearer The Red Skins. ..V. 'ihe Oak Openings. The ways of the Hour A Sister's Story Cyclopedia of Political" Knowiedg;: 4 Vol^ Invertebrat.d Animals ^ ' *^°^^^ „ Vertebrated Animals J^'^ Poems '1720 System of" Mine'ral'ogy ^°^'^ DMRcent of Man iBirds and Birds liifi 3062 306;} mei 3065 soeG 3067 068 o069 3070 3071 3072 ■^073 3074 3073 307G 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3062 2413 2038-41 1723 1808 ! Mathematical Diction.aiy ,■."".■..■.";;; i.' ^°^ tematics . . ." L II II II i> II <i Alphabetical List of Authors. I No. ■ SOM '3C94 1.3095 30 9G 3007-9 r)056 3051 3052 305;j 3054 3055 3056 3057 13058 {3069 '3060 3061 3062 3063 3061 3065 3066 3067 30(38 3069 3070 3071 3072 • • 3073 -. 3074 . . 3075 . . 3076 .. 3077 ..3078 .. 3079 ..3080 . 3081 . 3062 . 24] 3 Is 2038-41 . 1719 . 1720 . 5057 . 222 . 5056 . 1436-42 3 1721-22 . 1723 1808 1809 3 la 37 AUTHOR. Davis ML Davenant P Dawson H B Day Thos Darley Dela Beche De Lomeaie De Morgan A Demoetnenes De TooquviUe DiKdin C Dick Thos Dixon W H Dobell Sidney Dcnne J Doran Dr (I Doubleday T Drew J Dryden J Du ChaiJIu Dufferin -Lord DuHsaunce H, Draper J W Dwigrht Dassent G W Defoe D (( TITLE OP WORK. De la Chapelle De Quincey T Memoirs of Aaron Burr, 2 voU wu^'tV?,"''"''' of Aaron Burr, Vv'ols.' Whatshallniy Sonbe. The Federalist \[''\ Sandford and Merton'. . '. Jones's Courtship....'." *.'," Geological Observer Beaumarchars and his tiircs Syllabus of Logic Oration, Class-trans V vols Orations, Lit-trans 2 vols No. The old Regime, and the ReVoVuition Memoirs and Remains, 2 vols oea Songs. ' Practical Astronomer .' Personal History of Lord Bacon Her Majesty's Tower, 2 vols Poems _ Poems ,. Annals of the Stage .'..'. Table tracts and something on them' Monarchs retired from business The true law of Population . . Mundane Moral Government Practical Meteorology . Poetical Works, 5 vols! Adventures in Equatorial 'ifrica Jo^tVa^cS!:.!'^'''^'^^''^'*"^- Natural Philosophy ." " 355 1443-4 1445-6 2733^ 2ol4 3100 2523 102 1453 715 907-8 909-10 1127 1457-8 5058 51 1452 2423-4 5059 5060 1450 1 1^7.38 1449 2015 2016 281 5061- 1020 1021 504 -65 Human Physiology' History of InteliectuaVDeveiop-t in 'Eu;op: tilves of tlie Liflrnera ^ 18. 3105-7 609 1228 1447 1456 illO .111 ni2 3113 of the Ligners. ..... Annal of an eventful' Life," '3 vol Capt Singleton.. Col Jack WW Memories of a Cavalier Capt Carleton Dickey Cronke...."".'. ,,,. Moll Flanders... U\\\ History ofthe Devil IWl Roxana ; ^^^^ Mother Ross. ...'..,....*,'.. The Great plague/Fi'r'e of London" 4c" Duncan Campbell ' ' ^ oyage round the World* Robinson Crusoe, Life and Adventu'res The War of 1870 Opium Eater. iBiograph ical Essays ..'.'..'. Miscellaneous Essays ....*...'.".' The Cajsars ' " ' Literary Reminiscences, 2"voi8 Essays on the Poets . . Mil ;118 2734 tll9 .il09 1201 -'418 1455 810 2735 811-12 813 s^^ IH IP m A/phatetMl List of Authors; w K AUTHORS, j.:."^!'. J^vnmO'S WORK. ^f_ Wo> De 'Qnincey T jEHsays, BistdHoAl and Critical, 2 vols \kA-\b , ,^..,. '. lAutObJography Sketches.. !! |l454 .' II ((<. . Dickens Chas II Kssftys on PIiiIosoi)bical Writors' V volf ! j^l6,l7 - t Letters to a young Man . ; ,,j ].r%\i : ; /, *',':i Theoloffioal KHdawo <> «/^l. ' IsiSt^ "^ ^*' ' 2730 ';'. '.'I ..1* .^ViP-, . <M1 a-W. li'- (I ">KT: . 'feiii; (»>_.,,.. "la.i' ■ '■ »■■■.;. Disraeli 6 II II '^'•^ ':.;■. iV, ' ' If ' ' • ■ Theological EwSays, 2 wlS; Note Book. . ..... Memorials, 2 tola The Avenger Logic of Political Eoonoiny Pickwicfe Papers, 4 vols.. Sketches, 3 vols.... ', Nldhblris Ni(ikl«by, 4 vols. David Coppeyfleldj 4 vols .... . |31-29-;<2 Old Curiosity Shop, 3 vols. .....'..."!.*.' ' Jl38r5 •if) '2420-21 .^u 3i-2r - ' .VI..., .'/I iVI >■< DeGasperinMrs Dumas A 11' ii' DruaryAnne H Dalton ^ Edge G Edwards M Eliot G : Martin Chuzzlefvrit, 4 tols Bamaby fttrdge, 3 vols... Oliver Twist, 2 vbls. ,.,..• Dombey and Son, 4 vols . . Bleak House, 4 vols . . . . ; Little Dorrit, 4 Vols . . ...'■' V Hard Tlm'es,' 2 vols. . . . . .' ,',"■' Tale of two C?itie8, 2 vols . . v . ... Ohristoas Storied, 2 vblB.i. .'..■"'.'.* *;'".',*. Great flxpectations, 2 vols; . . ' ' " ■Women of Worth ... ....... .'. '.,", American Notes A Reprinted Pieces! ', ' i Our Mutual Friend ..... ^ ,,■■ l TroetiaV. " • -• • •"•••.••... .(*«i! Ixion,,., .. .. ■ - .1- .., . , sybfi ..•^^..;^:;v;!.l-.;^;t';';...::y}:j Vivian Grey. v.v'Vi-ri.i^iaWM ..T. ^ttiflg;«byr.V. :..,.. :;....ViUJ.... Contarini Fleininii': . Aifoy.. ;■.!..... 77.. Lothair .,-.... .;;,. By the Sea Shore. ..... . , : ; :!!!."" Vicomte de Brag61onne, 2 vols , Twenty years after. ...... ... ..7! .... . Bean Tancrede ..'.....;...,....'. Catherine ^lum .... . . . .'.'.,'. \'l ...."** * Count ■ of Monte Chrlsto . '.■ [ ] . . ) ', ". ..,',.' Marqpierite de Valois ,..;:. .7 .".'."".*.' .' Three Musketeers.. /. i ' ' " i ' The half Brother, i . , '. •..'. ' ' ' 77! ! The Garibaldiafas ih Pieiiy ." ! ! ! ! Thq Monnanfe, or Kith and kiu, 2 vols" The 'tiger Prince.;,. . ' The War Tiger...... .. .. ; The management of Sfc^eJi Manual of ^Oology;'. .•. . Adam Bede ...7;. . ..'..! Silas Mamer .... . . . . . / . . bfe Floss . ki . Romolo.. . ; .;'. .7 ...".' ■■.■ 3143-4' ^l^Sr,a i3i6a.e. 315YJ8 3159*60 . '. • i # • '• • • • • 1 . ' \ • k • f « k t*.' 3i7a. m :: ' 'i7'2r-^- 3177-3 3179. 318a 3181 3178 3174 .3176 3176 2417 210].a 3103 1746 "' 3205 3206 ^ 3207 3208 ,') No* , ..1454 . 242U*£l ..rtl 29-32 . . 3143-4 , . 3157'^ ' •■ ,. 3159*60 ■ .^=**« ■1(1 ■ 31'60 3l7& Ml' :, m:. 1724' 3177-3 3179. ' 3180 3181 3178 3174 3176 3176 2417 2101-3 3103 1746 ^' 3205 3206 * 3207 3208 :<I Alph^bfitieal U9t of Authors. ■ - ' ■ • ■• , .. ■'. ; . vi;.,. ; ' ^l A UTHOR. Eliot G EUiott T Emerson R R W TITLE, 0J5', "WORK. No. It H Ellis Mrs Edwards Elliott G EiloaxtMrs Euripedes Evelsrn John Euler Everitt B BwaJd Edgrworth Miss 1'" Scones of Clerical Life 2430 Felix Holt ........'.';. !■! l320» American Fruit Growers Guide. .... ., *|667 Essays, 2 voir. '.'..'.)'. \SiiX>.2lr English Traits , 2TJ9 Uepresentl ve Men .......,., 2429 Poems . Conduct of Life;. Miscellatiies . . .'. Society and Solituddi''; '. \:\ i' } ' v*. '. ". '. . London, how the great Oitv grew., Widow Green '. ." Half a Million of Money.-, !...•.'.. hnnniKli Ovrispv ' ' •' J .' r Falconer W Pairbairn W Faraday M Paurill O C Fenelon Alp Pield^ H Fletcher J FldruS Florence ForcJJ Forster J Foster J Fowler WG • lEngi bpanish Gypsey From Thistles, Grapes . . . . , ;. ........ Works, (class-trans ) 9 Ydii .....[:.'. VVorks, Cllt-trans.) 2 vols. ........ .... Di^ry and Correspondence, 4 Yol's .... Letters oft Natural PhUcsophy, 2 vols Rebellion, record and cotnpaniori to, 8 vols Our Constitution, Ldws and System of Gov Practical Education .... ... .i'^ Popular Tales, ? vols, ..^.;-iii.. ... .'.!!.'! Stories for Children: Moral Tales ; ..'.....'.., ilosamonde arid othe» Ttfies . i . .' . . . . . . '.'.'.'. Conqne«t and Self Conquest Pride and Principle. ......;.. , , The Cousina ....... ;; .... ; ....^ , V'oman an Enl^a. ....;... . ,.:, \,. Novels and other Tale^, 10 tolft <.>. .;, . Frank and Maria, 2 roYa . . v Harry and Ltlcy*, 2 vols PopulM Tales, 12 vols „,. , Poetical Works i , Mills and Mill Work ....... ^ Useful Information for Engineers Useful Metals and their Alloys Ifon, its History and Mauufactnre Chemical History of a CSandlo ,,.. History o# Ptovenbal Poetry ■.., , Lives of Ancieat'Pfailoaopherai : Toil Joties.'.l. .1.;. . ..!,v ;..,..;, ; i . , Amelia. J, i... Joseph AndiewB'.iiv;'. ; < Jj; .'j.i. ^. ... Jonathan Wild.,'.'. .ti.Jj. ;.....: f).;. . Dramatic WoJkSj . .A i-a .^ . ^J.... i/f. {. . Works; lit. ta%*B. . ;^., ...... ... Of WorcesteiS, Chtonicle of English History Dramatifi Works ,....;.........., Statesiben df tha Commo&wealth, Walter SaT<age Laiidor. . . . . i. .;. . . . Fosteriena; ■.'i-. ..;-;..,.* GramfaMf •i)--^y . W'Ofl ...- .[Him . r .\V\M. . .^2742 1138 2428.' 3314 , 33ia > J210-1* 5067-9 :> 5o7o-i; 1 459-^62 356-J ii29-:i7 •2018 2017 31 8:5-4 2426 2427 3185 . , 3l8G K|187 . 3189 ..J 3190 3201-2 3203-3 3426-5^; . 5072 406 407 408 409 |54 1130 1463 3216-17 32,18 ,•> 3^19 \) 3215 1466. . ■) <vj'j*.j4;«»j^;'j.>. >, ''f^^- %.,! \\ S'-iMdC 40 Alphabetical List of Authors. AUTHOR. Fowler W O Pownes Geo Franklin B Prick J Fuller A S PrisweU J S Preedley E T Pitzqrerald II Le Fanu II Gait John Gardner Dr P Garneau T Gaskell Mrs II <« II u u <l Gay John Gibbon B ii Godwin W Goethe J W II Goldsmith O II (I Gosse P H II II <4 l< Graham T Gray Thos '/. A Gregory Green H Greene I R " JG Griffith J W GricrW Grimm Grote O Grove W R Guizot A Gal'd & Tucker Gilchrist I TITLE OF WORK. 2745 1P6 1466 357 658 82a Hallam's Remains... Chemistry for Students* .'.'.,'." Autobiography Physical Technics '.'.'.". The Small Fruit Cultunst Varia, Readings from rare book's" 1 reatise on Business ' i,,... The Second Mrs. Tillotson !>,„ Beauty Talbot, 3 vols All in the dark \\ Checkmate, 3 vols '.'.',.'. Life of Lord Byron Medical Dictionary .'.'.'.*.'. Hibtory of Canada, 2 vols.' I The Moorland Oottago ICranford ^_[[\ Right at last ...... . . . .' '.'.'.',." " Life of Charlotte Bronte, 2 vols Mary Barton ' _ My Lady Ludlow. ......', A dark nights work . . . , Sylvia's Lovers ....', North and South ... " .* Poetical Works, 2 vols ...', Roman Empire, 7 vols Rise k Fall of the Saracen Empire Adventures of Caleb Williams So rows of Wester , ""* Poems and Ballads . . .'.* '. '. Poetical Works ..'.*.'.". Vicar of Wakefield .... . . . ... . Animated Natur*. 2 vols' .'..'. Evciiings at the Microscope .... ' Canadian Naturalist A Year at the Shore . .' . .' ,' .**..** Romance of Natural History Sea and Land No. Elements of Inorganic Chemlstrv Poetical Works.... .; Structural and Systematic 'Botanv ' " Manual of Botany Mathematics for Practical iien Euclid Manual of Protozoa .' ." .'..,..... Insect Hunters compani'^n Micrographlc Dictionary. , Mechanicp Calculator .....'. German P.jpular Tales .!.!!..*..".' History of Greece, 12 vols! Correlation of Physical Forces Metorological and Physical Tables 282 pTf-!u':^r H"«¥Ddry, 2 vols .■.•.■; [ [ ] ] L^g.^^ Keeoilcctions oi i,o«^ Byron . i^ro 'Ii7j 220 3221-3 .3224 3225-7 1467 6l0 lUl-2 32;!3 .■i234 2431 146S.9 ;i228 3229 l23() 3231 3232 5073.4 1143-9 1 150 3241 3242 5075 5076 3243 1731.2 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 156 5077 681 662 4 10 1733 1734 1735 301-410 2433 1161-63 300 Richard Cobden No. 2745 1P5 1466 3S7 658 82a 274;} ;i22o 3221-3 3224 3225-7 1467 6l0 lUl-2 32:;3 ;i2;u 2431 1468-9 ,l2;i8 3229 .i23() 3231 52;J2 5073.4 1 1 43-9 ll50 3241 3242 5075 5076 3243 1731-2 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 156 5077 681 662 4 10 1733 1734 1736 301-410 2433 |l 161-63 300 282 1859.(50 1472 1473 Alphabetical List of Authors. 41 AUTHOB. Gladstone Gilbert W Garrett E Guizot T Grant James ii « « H U OP WORK. 3 vols. TITLE fJuventus Miindl The Inquisitor, 3 vols!! Hie Crust and tli« Cake History of Civilization, '4 vols.. History of the English ttevolution.'.' ' " "isto y of Representative Govornment bhakespeare, and his Times. Corndlle, and his Times Legends of the Black Watch* Captain of the Guard Oliver Ellis Phillip Rollo. ■.■.!"'. Vellow Friq;8te . . Adventures of an '.'..."" Scottish Cavalier .... Jane Seaton . . Bothwell. No, Mary of Loraine . . V. '. ^0^7 ArthurBlano ^^^^ 2746 3235-7 3238-40 1164-7 1168 1169 1470 1471 2432 3219 1250 3251 3252 3263 J254 <255 3266 Greenwood Gleason Mrs Gore Mrs Hallam A :: H << Halleck T Hamilton SirW Harland M Harris 8 « HaydonBB HemeH F^nslow J T H * of Hunton Herbert Geo Herodotus u Herrick Homer « Hood Laura Everingham Frank Hilton .... ". ".'.'. Lucy Arden .'.'.'..".'.".' Romance of War .....' Harry Ogilvie. . .!....'.'.'.. Letty Hydes Lovers .,!.*. The seven curses of London.". Talks to my Patients... The Birthright .'.■ Peers and Parvenues "..'.' The Bankers Wife . . ....".' '. ! The Queen of Denmark ! The Royal Favorite ..,' , Remains in Verse and Prose iHistory of the Literature of Europe," 2 vols History of the Middle Ages. ... ' Constitutional History of England Poetical Works Lectures on Metaphysical Lectures on Logic .... Discussions on Philosop'hy and LiVe"rature Common sense m the Household Rudimentary Electricity Insects injurious to Vegetation Autobiography, 2 vols Book of Songs Dictionary of Botanical 'Terms History of England ' Poetical Work ..'.'."!.' History' class trans, 3 vol's Works, lit-trans, \ Poetical Works, 2 vols . .* !!..!!.!"'•' Works, class-trans, 3 vols. .' " ' Works, lit.trans. 2 vols ... Poetical Works, 4 vols 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 2042 2833 3244 324S 3246 3248 3247 2745 1170-1 1172 1173 5078 718 7l7 2747 839 24O 1736 14. '-6 5079 663 1174 S082 1176-7 1178 5080-1 6083-5 5086-7 , 15088-91 42 Ui Alphabetical Lbt of Authors. i^UTHOa' Hood Horace ti H Howitf HoWand La ly !'. Lord V/ TiTLEJTXDP \V0Rk7 oJusH-truiiN, i; vofs Herschel] Sir Hibbord Slier Hillard G S Hind J K HoUy H W goltgranflel C goiyoake Q J ■noJraes O W Altinorials, 2 vols. |f"",i,vun(Jp|„iu(JniV, VvwkH, lit-tmiiB.. . 0(l(s HoiiioN of the PootH! "'j voJh I No. lr.096 1 1482-3 1476-7 1478 1471) 3A9 02 283 1 1022 53 HucM Hufeland W Hug-o Victor <( Hunt J Hutton C HuysheGL Huxley T H K l( (( Hooker W Hughes r (I (( Humboldt A liiminiscfincoii., . Natural i'hilowophy". ', OiitliDL'sof A8tioiK)tny Meteorology I'rofitableOarclunhiH'.'.... , „„„ J he- fresh water Aquarium . . llTt t>ix inonthain Italy.. ' ' ' lutroduction to Afitronomy Comets •^ , Carpenters ami JoinVrs Halidbook 454 riie art of ijaw filing; Hi m^u!^ * M'^^hanical M^kipuliiL'on, 3 vols 8r)5-7 History of Cp-oporation iu lioche.lal J 20 9 Currents ancl counter Currents . . . en Border Lines "'^ Travels in the ChineVo EmpiVe" ■2"vniV " " ' " i n- q . CJArt of Prolonging Life..T. ' \nil~^ Lus Miserables L"i^ Hie toilers of the Sea : ^^^ Hans of Iceland '. ^i*' ■''' rhe Negros Place in' Natii'ro • • • • • l • 1 he study of Anthopology Kesoarches on Light . A course of Mathematics' ' I "« Rncrcations in. Science £ Red Bivcr expedition.,. .'.' ,„„, Mans Place in Nature . . ' , 2f ^ Origin Qf Species .' [Lrl Atlas oi comparative Anato:. "v \ rj^ ■ttora Subjectiva) |Lay?eimon8 , b,„ The childs ?)ook of Nature.". . ..' ' " «! Tom Brown, school days at Rugby 3268 Tom Brown at Oxford, 2 vols., r.^' •;•••• S^o Scounng of the White Horse ... 327? Cosmos -^ •■"'" '^^^^ 3266 3367 1738 1739 56-9 (( Hunt Leigh <( ■ . n ' w (( Hawthorne N , 5 vols. Travels. 3 vols ,,„„„ „ Letters,. ....^26^ Views ,oC Nature'. ■.■.*/.■. ■Uail No ofby Kicncke.. ....v. :;;:;••••• ••/« AutobiQgrtvphy, 2 vols. . . . ' ''•'•484 Eng; Poets '. Book for a cornier..' lEssftys and Mj=.-...j!.'.lj.^_" ' IT wice told Tales, 2 vols. 275t> ...'f2'751 Ha\ Ham Hare Hall Halil Ho?8 India Ingul Irvinf II II II (I , («, <l It' (I II u ' II II Jaeger Jones Jamesc « Jarves , Jeaffres Johnsot Jonea T Jon«on ] Juvenal 2435 -I No. IUsf)-i lri09S 11482-3 1476-7 1478 1470 3.19 53 2R3 eee 737 1022 53 64 454 553 505-7 2019 611 612 1023-4 013 13265 3266 3267 1738 1739 201 5 Alphabetical List of Authors. 43 AUTHOIL Hawthorne N jSnow Imagos _TITLE OF WORK. No. II II II II II u II Hamilton Gail Hardy Lady Hall Ri " | from an old Jfanso ... ,?:;! irouH.. ..f tiit, ,ev..n fi'ibies". ■.■.■,■.■.:■.;::; ••••joij ItlithclaU; Koii.HncfH „!,* M.irl.le Faun, 2 toIh. . . . I' .fZ'/ Oiirold Home " True Stories.. ....".'•, Wonder Book...,..*/.",* Tivnglewood Talos..'"' ;.Slurmisli(!s and Sketches Daisy Niohol. 3:i7.'i-6 243C 24;<7 2441 2440 ■?4:u Hall Rev New'n Fn m Livornn * ♦ T.r ' ' •- 3279 Wahburton ^lu^ Attache or Slick in England. : .' .' ; J442 !1 II II ham Slick'8 Kayinps itnd doiuffw. aara Slick in search of a Wifu Nature and Human Nature f^oeg Jos India Inerulph Irvingr W 2442 2443 3277 5278 II II II II (I, II II ' ii II II Jaegrer B II ■ ■ Jones Jameson Mra II ~».»o ti "'. Jarves J J Jeafflresojj I Johnson P w Dr T ' ,r. c^ W Jones T B T " Ernest «J oneon Ben Juvensi The old Judge or life in a Colony Ho^gs guide to the Inns iny^g t^itto- I, Dcgcriptive.and Historical", 'loss C'roniclcH of Croyland Abbey. ... ' I fJa iLife of Goo Washington, 5 vols . .W ;; ' '''ultoi Umcebridge Hall , 1^11 X ales of a Traveller. .. f",.^ Astoria \H)'iis Crayon Miscdlany'.V." ' " ' " ' " " l)"^? BpnnoviUes Adventured ' . .V' ' „, ' L>fe of Goldsmith * V.' ' k^J, « Mahomet and his successors, 2 voIh Sif Conijuest of Granada , oa AUmmbra P'"" VVolferst'st lioost Ac.'.*.'.".'.'.'.';.. .* L^f j* (Salmagundi ... l^-^j^ Kch^Btk!:;'.''""^'^""^^ Life of Christopher f v.,umb„V, "i *to1s "495-7 life of North Amiirleiu.In.crt,.:;: ,,4! SSa-SSr' "" "^"""•' ^''^Hll" Sketches of Art ....■.'."" f * ' ' 2499 Italian Painters 2450 Art hints.. • 1502 Not Dead Ye v.;::.: :*.::'• ill! iafsSiT ^'' the Analysis-of Soiis::::: 174 : Science and Pmc'tice ofGardening ^667 The BattSSy"*^ °' ^•'^"'"^^ Kingaom 1744 Works 4c.. ...:;"•:•;(:::•:■::: I?;;? Works, class-trans. .•...- uLo Works, lit-trans ..''iiii::::':.::::]^ 44 Alphabetical List of Authors, AUTHOR. Jerrold D u u u » N U II Jerrold B Jenkins James Q P li i< <i (I II (I II II i< II II II II i< II II II I. II 11 II II 41 U U M li <• II It U II 4l 11 « II <l II TITLE OP WORK. St Giles and St James Men of Character .,.'.* Jaudle Lectures ,', Story of a Feather . . . .'.'." . * * Cakes and Ala / Punch's Letters to his Son Letter Write.- Sketches of the English.'.'.*. A man made of money Chronicles of Clovernook. . . Comedies \ Comedies and Dramas . . '.. .. Life of Douglas Jerrold .... Ginx's Baby R The Club book.... ;;'.".'■'," The String of Pearls . ..'.,' The Robber '.. ' Gentlemen of the old school John Marston Hall Corse de Leon !!!.'." The King's Highway ." .* .' .' ,' .' ' The man at arms ". Philip Agustus .' . .'.*." * .' Darnley j ' Mary of Burgundy .!!!'.! i | ' Ticonderoga !.*.!!!! i Agincourt ..'.'."!! Arabella Stuart ........'.'.',,', One in a thousand ....'*.*.'. Merely Ernstein .... DeL'Orme The Jacquerie ......'.' The Ancient Begine. Charles Tyrrell '.'.". *.". . \ The Huguenot The Gipsey !!.'.'!!** The disultory man , . Henry Masterton. RoseD'Albert ". The Fate '.'.'.'.'.'.'. A Whim and its consequences The False Heir Arrah Neil '. ! ! i '. ! ! Beauchamp . . . . : . . . . ! 1 ' * . Heidleberg..., The Convict. . . .'..'.'.■. .',' '.'.',,', Pequinello , .'.'.'" The Woodman .........' Gowrie .'.'..'.'." Russel .,', ,\\\\ \ \ \['/ Forest Days Sir No. 3336 2452 806 2453 2464 914 915 915 3337 3338 5098 5099 1503 2451 3283 3284 3285 3286 ;)287 3288 3389 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 33lt 3313 3S14 331S 3316 3317 3318 Kai Kee Kei Kei Kii: Kir Kip Kir Kir Kir Kle Km Kn Kn Kir 3319 rheodore Bioagbion, ,..,,,,, 13320 Thirty years since 3321 Kn Kir Kir Kii Kn Ka- La Lai No. 3336 2452 806 2453 2464 914 915 91S 3337 3338 5098 5099 1503 2461 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3389 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 329V 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3311 3313 .13314 331 C .|3316 3317 .13318 .3319 Alphabetical List of Authors. 45 AUTHOR. James 0- P R (I i< (1 Kant J Keats John Kennedy J Kentish T King Lord Kirby W Kippis A Kirk Prof Kirchoff G Kircaldy D Klencke Knapp Dr II Knowles S Knight Chas Kingsley C it i< (( (I H TITLE OP WORK. No. Kraft Kingston W G II Kingston WHS Kinglake A W Knight H Kavanagh Julia La Fever, M Lamb Chas A Life of Vicissitude The Smuggler ...... , The Old oak Chest . ; The Castle of Ehrenstein , The htep Mother , The last of the Fairies Agnes Lorel Aims and Obstacles The Old Dominion The Forgery Henry Smeaton The Commissioner Margaret Graham John and Stern Necessity Critique of pure reason Poetical Works Natural History of Man Treatise on box of instruments Life and Letters of John Locke Natural History, 2 vols : Introduction to Entomology Cooks Voyages Social Politics Researches on the Solai Spectrum Experiments on wrought iron and steel .... Lives of Alex and \Vm Humboldt Chemical Technology, 2 vols Chemistry applied to the arts & manufact's Dramatic Works, 2 vols Popular History of England, 8 vols Eug, Cyclop'a, 23 vols 103-6 554-61 1506-11 Passages from a working life, 8 vols Half hours with the best Authors, 2 vols. . Glancas 'J'wo years ago Alton Locke Yeast Water babies The Hermits Westward ho Adventures of Amags Leigh Geoffry Hamlyn Austin Elliot The Hillyars and the Burtons . . Travels and Researches in East Africa .... Mark Leaworth Fred Markham in Russia In the Wilds of Africa The Genial showman, Artemus Ward The Invasion of the Crimea, 2 vols No Gains without Pains Silvifi ........ ......................... Modern Architecture I Works, 2 vols 8322 3323 3324 3525 3326 3327 3328 3;{29 3330 3031 3032 3033 3034 2836 718 5104 17-45 509 1504 17.46-7 1748 1033 2043 202 411 lf05 1578 159 5105-6 1781-9 1750-3 1512-14 823 1740 3340 3341 3343 2455 3344 1035 3342 2456 3345 3346 1034 3622 1066 1036 151,0 1190- 2457 8347 4,05 2752. -1 H 46 Alphabetical List of Authors. AUTHOR. Lamb Ohas (I H Landor W S Liancrhorne J J-.ardner Dr Larkin Jas Iia-wrence W Lawson H Lehmann C Le Sag-e A Lever O « It (I Lewis G H H TITLE OP WORK. Talt-8 from Shakespeare Eliana English Dramatic Poets Travels, 2 vols .' .' .'.\' Thfodrius and Constantia' '. Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. . "." Natural Philosophy' and Astronomy jNatural Philosophy Brass and Iron Founders Guide Lectures on Philosophy Popular Physiologj Physiological Lectures, 2 vols Adventures of Gil Bias Charles O'Malley ",\" Tom Burke of Ours .......'. Knight of Gwynne ....'. Arthur OLeary .. Jack Hinton Harry Lorrequer !..,.". Con Cregan .....' Davenport Dunn ..,...!!!!][ Luttrell of Arran , A Day's Ride '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',' Studies in Animal Life. . ..'.,...' ^"«*?^^.„ a j=.baP*. from the hist," of science Sea Side Studies. The three Sisters Biographical History of Philosophy! 2 vol i he Noble Heart Lewis Dr Dia " SirGC Liber O M Lieber P Lindsay O T- ". W L L|P^^.cott(Pub Livingston Dr Livy T Locke John Longfellow H Loomis E Lossing-B J Loudon J O ^ " Mrs J Lover S 21-r 5108 ;^63 5109 630 022 61 Comte Philosophy of the Science The Spanish Drama ' Talk about people's stomachs . . '....., Use and abuse of some Political Terms Hist Survey of Astronomy of the Ancients Methods of Observations k Reasoning in Politic."), 2 vols.. : Weak Lungs and how to make thern' Strong Assayers Guide Property and Labor ..........'.'.,.,,' Life and times of Wm Lyon Mackenzie Popular History of British Licher s . . . . Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World National System of Political Economy Travels in South Africa Hiiitory of Rome, lit-trans, 4 voJs. .. ... Philosophical Works Poetical Works .'.',".'* .'.'.'/ .'.'.'.".'." \ Practical Astronomy 1 !!!!!! ! Recent Progress of Astronomy . '. . ... History of the Fine Arts \ IsTo Encyclopedia of Agriculturist .'.',".' " 669 Ladies companion to the Flower Garden 67o iLyrics of Ireland 5112 'Handy Andy '.'.'.'.'.W i3373 2020- 617 413 2022 1516 668 2024 1040 1194-7 719-20 5110-11 62 (i3 Alphabetical List of Authors. 47 No. . 2458 . 2754 . 5107 . 10.')7.8 . 3374 . neo-i . 60 . 363 . 412 . G15 . 616 . 160-1 . 3348 . 3350 . 3351 . 3353 . 3354 , 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 2460 1754 618 1755 AUTHOR. TITLE OP WORK. Lover S Lowe E J Lucan Lucian Lucretius Lyell Sir Chas LynnW T Lytton Sir B B it II i: II u u (I c< II l< It II II II (I II II II II II 11 Lindley Ctipi Ledgard Bill Lecky Locock P Lemou Mark Lee Le Mandit Lever Chas II II II II II . II II II II II Macauley T jNo. -i Irish Stories and Legends 2460 J Nat, History of British Grasses 671 Pharsala, lit-trans 1 1 98 Dialogues 2738 On the nature of things, lit-trans 5113 Manual of Elementary Geology \2l Antiquity of man 1 756 Natural Philosophy 3^4 Pelham 3376 Pilgrims of the Rhino ;i377 Lilia 3379 My Novel, 2 vols 3380-1 Zanoni 3382 Harold 3394 Lucretia 3378 Night and Morning 3383 Paul Clifford i3384 Last of the Barons J3385 Deveteux '33S6 Godolphin 13387 Eugene Aram. '3395 The Caxtons . . [3388 Rienzi 3396 The Disowned : '3389 Last days of Pompeii 3397 Ernest Maltravers 3390 Alice 3391 What will he do with it, 2 vols 13392-3 Poems and Dramas, 5 vols.h 5114 18 Life of Lord Palmerston, 2 vols i 1420-1 Log of the Fortuna ! 10;>9 A Winter in Florida il065 Hist, of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne 2 vols 1192-3 Sketches of modern Paris 2459 The Jest Book 2755 Against Wind and Tide ;3349 Under the Ban '3375 Fortunes ot Glencore J3360 One of them 336I Kate ODonoghue • 8362 Horace Templeton '3S63 Barringtoii 3364 The Martins of Cro Martin 3365 Roland Cashell 3366 Sir Jasper Carew, Knt 3367 Mace The Dodd Family abroad. Gerald Fitzgerald The Daltons Sir Brooke Fosbrooke Maurice Tiernay Critical and Mioellaneous Essays, 7 vols. 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 fl24-30 History of England, 5 vols |1202-6 St; .vants of the Stomach 620 48 Alphabetical List of Authors. AUTHOR. Mace Mackintosh J TITLE OP WORK. McDonald G « Mahoney Mackintosh R Mackay C Healthily good living History- ,t' England, 3 volV. Esrays A Quiet Neiglibour'hood . No. Mcintosh M J « <( u II Mckenzie W B " H McClintock McCulloch J •I McGregor Madden R R Magrendie P Mam T Mantell G A Marlow Chas Maryatt Capt i; II II Maryatt Plor'e Martineau <i <i i< Massurs? John Alex Forbes of Hawglen Father Prouts Relics .....*.'.'*. Life of Sir James Macintosh, 2 vols Memoirs of Extraordinary Delusions! ! ." " Ecce Homo Ecce Deus Aunt Kitty,s Tales .'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'. The Lofty and the Lowly, 2 vols Evenings at Donaldson Manor ...... Two Lives Charms and counter-Charms . . . .....' Two Pictures Married ^ife '..!..!!..!.." Miscellaneous Works . . .. ,, Fate of Sir John F'ranklin Discovered R Taxation and Funding On Currency and Banking .!.!!..., 1000 Mile^ in the Bob-Roy canoe ... .'.'..\ Memoirs of Countess of Blessingtoii 2 vols Life of Savonarola, 2 vols '. Treatise on Physiology Indicator and Dynamometer. ..'.' . '.'.,, Wonders of Geology, 2 vols .'. Fos.sils of the British Museum ...... Medal of Creation " '. ". Geological Excursions in the Isle of Wight [Dramatic Works Midshipman Easy Newton Forster ! ! . . . Japh -it in search of a father ...... Jacob Faithful The King's Own Phantom Ship '/.", \\ Pacha of Many Tales. . .'.'.'.'.'.'.".".'.'.".'.' " Peter Simple Snarlcy Yow The Poacher .'.' '*.■.■.■, '.""■■■■ Percival Kceno . . The Naval Officer .^ ....'.'.'..' '. Veronique, Svols Deei brook Keats on the Fiord "/ ' ' Eastern Life, Past and Present. ...... British Rule in India ......,, Popular 'J'ah's, 7 vols History of England, 2 vols ' Biop;raphicftl Sketclies \ Biographical ' ' Men of the time ' iiroK House Painting ,___ 1^','. 621 1199-01 8.SI 2474 ;M18 832 1.JJ7-18 2470 2758 2759 2471 ;H;iG-7 2472 Mm .34,S9 .3440 2524 275G 1042 20.'51 10i7 1519-20 1521 619 303 1078 1757 109-10 111 5119 .'J419 3420 .3421 3422 3123 .3424 .3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 30 3431-3 3434 ;-;435 1041 1207 2-16.?-9 ] 208-9 l.')23 1524 No. vols 621 1199-01 831 2474 3418 832 loJ7-18 2470 2758 759 2471 34,S6-7 2472 3438 3439 3440 2524 275G 1042 2031 1047 1519-20 1521 619 303 1078 1757 109-10 111 5119 3419 3420 3421 3422 3123 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3-^! 30 •I 343 1 -3 3434 3435 1041 1207 2.l6.?-9 120S-9 1523 1524 1525 511 ght Alphabetical List of Authors. 49 AUTHOR- Marsh Mrs II K C( II 11 <l II II u II II ll II II TITLE OF WORK. No. 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 IVIarvell And March Polo Massenger P Mason D Massey Gerald Mawrv M P MayT j3 Mazzini Jas Mellville Merivale C MetoalfLS Michelete J Time the Avenger .Triumphs of Time Adelaide Lindsay Rose of Ashurst Emilia Wyndham Lettice Arnold Heiress of E;-ughton ^^^ Mordaunt Hall 1'^"" Evelyn Marston g^ Normans Bridge L^J^ Ravenscliffe U^^g Castle Avon \mi3 Aubrey 34, . The Wilmingtons U^ Father D' Arcy • • • • • 34^^ Roto HoodVand hi^ merVy companions ] '. '. 3399 Poetical Works Uq^^ 2 vols, 5122 1526 5121 119 1210-11 1527 Mil Mi. netF J S II II II II II Miller W A Miller Miller Jas Miller Hugh II ti II u l< ll Milton John Travels . Dramatic Works Life of John Milton Poems ;:,•' *o Physical Geography of the Sea.. . Constitutional History of England, Life and Writings Ig^* ^^ Holmby House... • • ■ Iqio-IT History of the Romans, 6 vols L^'^^^^* On Caloric, 2 vols Ugig Modern History ■ l2i<»-20 History of France, 2 vols i" French Revolution, History of L^^i French Revolution, History of . . . ....... • ■ L*^^ Consid's on Representative Government. .1 025 System of Logic 2026 Utilitarianism • •'." ' ' ' 2097- Principles of Political Economy, 2 vols. . . . -=027 DissertAtions and Discussions, 3 vols. . . . On Liberty The subjection of Women Elements of Chemistry, 3 vols History of the Anglo Saxons Alcohol its place and powers L^^^ Old Red Sandstone L^^ Testimony of the Bocks L^g Cruise of the Betsy .... . . . • • U „4„ First Impressions of Englana L • My School and Schoolmasters • • ■ ■ L^^o Essays "'A' " V .114 Footprints of the Creator L^^ Popular Geology 2462 JTales and Sketches ••' -12757 jHeadship oi Christ. ' "15128-5 'poetical Works, 3 vol8.^._._. ^ • • |^^.^g 2760-2 2029 2030 162-4 I223 632 SSS vSountls.r-.b»c... P..«.e ^y I--- so Alphabetical List of Authors. AUTHOR. Mitford R R Montgomery J Montaigne M Moon G W Moore Thos TITLE OP work: Atherton . Morgan Lady " p J MorleyH Morton S O Mosheim J L Jo^eley H Motley J L Moxon Mudie R MuUer M Murchison R J Mulpck Miss (I « (I <i u Poetical Works,' a'vois Complete Works, 4 vols;." The Dean s English Poetioal Works, 5 vols T"!;'n^r.?":« ^-«J" '^nijournalVs vol.;; ' •^d the OFlahertys, 2 voIh; ^o. 3441 5126-30 2765-8 2763 5131-6 1529-30 3442-3 ln3l 1534 1532- J 1758 1224-5 302 Mulbach Miss The O Briene Diary Biographies of Celebrated Canadians |Life of Bernard Palissy, 2 vols jTypes of Mankind Ecclesiastical History, 2 Vols Illustrations of Mechanics standard Readings P""''''' ^ ^«'« |l 228-3( Observations on Nature 2764 jScience of Language, 2 vols .'." " ihiluria. ... OutyIm ^"*"'"'**'^ Creation '. '. '. The Fairy Book .','.". .' Studies from Life. '. John Halifax gentl'emkn A Hero and other Tales A Life for a Life The Ogil vies.... ■.■■■.; Agatha's Husband Head of the Family Avilloar * Mistress and Maid . ' ' ' Christian's Mistake Olive A Brave Lady.' 3 "vol's .' Napoleon and Queen Louisa,' '2 'vols i-ouisa of Prussia and her Times • 30 u u (( <( « 27-8 117 118 2 ''69 2/<I 3450 2461 3-151 H445 ;H46 :?447 3448 3449 3452 3444 ,345.S-5 3156-7 3458 3459 3460 3461 Mungo Park Napier J Napoleon L Nature Xr Ll, -r Newman P W Mane Antoinette and her Son Henry Eighth and His Court ^nnce Eugene ^nd His Times Napo eon and Bhicher . ,,.„, Joseph Secmd and His Couri; ." \^1 Frederick the Great and his Famiiy SS Empress Josephine ^ ^464 The Daughter of an Empre^; '^1^ Goethe and Schiller \l:lt Old Fritz ^467 Andreas Hofer P^^^ Travels.... 3469 Manual of EJecti^ Me't^ilu'r'gV.'.' JSof » History of Julius Cresar, 2 vols |Natuie Wonders jEiements of Mechanics " Difficulties of Elementary Geometry 7 [History of the Hebrew Monarchy . . .' ; .' ; ; Ju^ 1231- 241 2830 414 No. 3441 , , 5126-30 2765-8 , , 2763 , , 5131-6 Alphabetical List of Authors. 51 AUTHOR. Newman F W Crimefi cf the House ofHapsburg. Lectures on Political Economy. . . Mimmo's Popular Tales, 5 vols Lectures on Ancient History, 2 vols. 1237 2032 2510-20 1233-5 622 Nammo Si^HfSfirSe Fe'Notes on Nursery.. . --g Norton Mrs Ockley S OdlingWl, OliphantMrs Pcems, 2 vols.. ,j24o History of the Sarcens i ^ g^ Practical Chemistry i,,^. Life o." Edwrtrd Irving ..•••• • • • • • • „' . Historical Sketches of Georg« 3rd, 2 vols. . 1238-9 The Orphans and Caleb Field 3474_5 ■Tohn. 2 vols ■■! mjo Lord Elgin's Misaonto China and Japaii' • |^°*^j Olmstead D Ossian Ovid Miss Majoribank Agnes Letters on Astronomy Poems , ■"■',■■ Poetical Works, class-trans, 2 vols. II << 3472 64 '■A39 5140- 5142 Owen R PaleyW PacillMrs H E Paris J A Pardee Park Mungo Parnell Thos Pascal B II Pepys Samuel Percy J Percy Persins II Pelou?!e J Petraich Petronious PeflfFer Ida Phoedrus II Phear J B Phelps E S Phillips John Phillips^ Phillips G A Phipson T Li II Pickering 1761 1759 623 723 2475 1044 fl45 916 834 1536-9 415 Metamorphoses, lit-trans " j" Fasti Tviaeti &c L^^^ Art of Love &c ; * ' V I " •' ' " 'i On the Skeleton and Teeth of Animals Palocontology ;.••;■■;■•■' Lecture on Comparative Anatomy. . . . Moral and Political Philof«P*^y Ellen Montgomery's Bookshelf ^*^^ Pharmacologia L .^» The Jealous Wife ^*'" Travels Poetical Works Letters ' Thoughts • ■ Diary and Correspondence, 4 vols Metallurgy jj^^g Anecdotes |,jJq'2 Works, class-trans |' „ Works, lit-trans ; • • General notions of Chemistry Sonnets and Life, lit-trans The Satyricon • • Last Travels and Visit to Madagascar. Second Journey around the Woria. . . . Works, class-trans I Works, lit-trans Elementary Hydrostatics The Silent Partner Life, its Origin and Successions Speeches and Lectures Gypsies of the Danea, Dyke Phosphorescence Utilization of Minute Life The Races of Man I 166 J5146 '2772 1 1049 Il050 5092 5093 304 2831 1763 917 3476 203 1764 1762 52 Alphabetical List of Autliors. AUTHOR. Pierce Beny Pieaae GWS Pindar Piozzi Plato Plantus Pling Plutarch Poe E A Polo Marco Pope Alex Porter Jane Powell B Praed W M PreBCott W H Prior Matt " J Pritchard A Propertlus, Quain J Quatrefkges J Queckett J Quaintillian Rankine W. S Ranke Leo ReadelOhas « tt <( <i (( <i CI <t It ReadW W T Raid Capt M Rennie J Richards W O Ritchie A O Eichter J P TITLE OF WORK. Analytic Mechanics Laboratory of Chemical Wonders Art of Perfumery. . . WorkB, clasB-trarig ...'.'.".'*." (Thrale MrsO Autobiography," Letters Ac", Works, lit-trans, 6 vols ... Dramas, lit-trans, 2 vols Natural History, lit-trans, 6 vols Lives ^ ■ " Peems Travels '/[ ' ' Poetical Works' 3 vois. Scottish Chiefs .'■/ " ' " ' The Undulation Theory oSf Light History of Natural Philosophy . Poems, 2 vols Reign of Philip 2nd," 3 vols.'. Conquest of Peru, 2 vols History of Ferdinard and' Isabel'lk History of Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols Poetical Works Life of Edmund Burke ..*."' History of Infusoria. .' Poems ' " ' Anatomical Plate, 2 vols . . .'. Ramble of a Natnalist, 2 vols Metamorphose of Man & Lower" Animal's Lecture on Histology, 2 vols Institute of Oratory, lit. trans Civil Engineering Applied Mechanics. !!.'..', i History of the Pope . .' . , .' " Love me Little Love me Long Clouds and Sunshine Peg Wiffington \\', .'.'.'. V.'.'.'.".'.* " " * Chistie Johnson .... .... , ,*,', \ Never to Late to Mend! ! '.'.','... The Eight Commandment Very Hard Cash * '. Put Yourself in His Pl"ace,*3 vols No. A Terrible Temptation '.'.'.'.'.' [\[] 348) Olive Varcoe. Griffith Gaunt ..'., . . '. '. ...'..!*"".' Savage Africa .... . , ! i .'.'.'.. | Popular & Mathematical Astronornv . Odd People History of Insects, 2 vols Natural History of Quadrupeds '." " ^, " " Birds '.. Elebtron Mimic Life . , Ti tan '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'; .' ■ ■ .'."*■ .■ .■ ■ ■ ■ The Campana Thai. ...'.'.'.':".".'.'.'.*.'* Levana 305 167 562 5147 1510 2773-8 614S-9 1766-70 1541 "^ISO 1046 5161-3 3477 204 ■see 5154-5 1241-3 1244-5 1247.S 1249-50 5156 1542 1771 5157 627-8 1772-3 1774 (J25-6 918-19 457 .S06 1261 3489 3490i 3484 3485 3486-7 2780 3488 3479-81 3483 *490 l051 65 2476 1775-6 1777 1778 6168 3493 3497-8 2477 2779 Aun Biohte Riddel 11 Bitter Bogen Bodge Boss I Bollin Boscc Routl Buski (I II I It <i t' Sala Sale Sallu II Saw: Sav8 Sane Sarg Saul StF Sch< Schi Sch Sch Sch Sch Sco See Sec Alphabetical List of Authors, 53 BiohteriP RiddeU Mrs Bitter Rogers S Rodgers Robs J W RoUin O Roscoe W^ Routledges Ruskin John Sala 11 G A SaleG SaJlust II Sawyer W Savage CluD Sandeman A Sargent Epe Saunders St Pierre Scheferer SchiUer F «i <« Schlege P Schleiden M J Schmitz Li Schwann Dr Sooftern J B Scott C Scott Sir W II (I <( <( (( II II II II II It II Flow Fruit and thorn Piece, 2 vols A Life's Assize, 3 vols Poetical Works The Cheyson Letters Universal Decorator Ancient History, 2 vols Life of Lorenzo Do Mfdici Guide to London • ■ ■ ■■■• ' • Pre Raphaelitism and Economy of Art. . . Lectures on Architecture and Painting. . . Seven Lamps of Architecture • ' . • • *o» Stones of Venice, 3 vols ^»" Modern Painting •. • ' Elements of Drawing & Perspective Unto this Last Seven Sons of Mammon Brt akfast in Bed Yankee Drolleries Quite Alone The Koran Works, class-trans Works, lit-trans 2478-9 3491-3 3494-6 120-3 5159 920 612 1252-3 1643 1064 613 458 459 514-18 619 2034 3600 2483 ,2482 3501 2781 1254 '1266 2035 History of Prostitution i i ! , ". , 035 SatiSn"he Motion ofa-^ingl^^^ Standard Speaker Bound to the Wheel Paul and Virginia On the Blowpipe......... Revolt of the Netherlands Thirty Years War St"'.nd KclUnVo". work. I^m The Plant , Uo^ Manual of Ancient Geography |;^* 307 922 3502 3666 267 1256 1257 5169 Microscopic Researches . Practical Meterology ... • Fishing in American Waters. Poetical Works, 9 vols Guy Mannering Waverly, 2 vol..... The Betrothed, 2 vols The Surgeons Daughter. P"*' ^ . . »i.:j „* Porfli t2 vols ^"^* 284 2837 5160-68 3506-7 3508-9 3510-11 3512-13 15 Fair Maid of Perth, 2 vols Uuentin Durward, 2 vols. . . . Count Robert of Paris, 2 vols Woodstock, 2 vols Kenilworth, 2 vols The Abbot, 2 vols ^^^^. The Monestary, 2 vols '.'./.i3528-9 Ivanhoe, 2 vols -j^ !*.*.'. 13630-1 Rob Roy, 2 volt 3516-17 3518-19 3520-21 3522-3 3S24-5 3526-7 34 AUTHOR. Scott Sir W « « u u <l II «l <l Alphabetical List of Authors. IITLB~0PWORK HtnrtofMidLothain 2voL R<' 1 Gmintl<.t, 2 Vols... Jalisiiian, 2 vols PeverilottheP,,ik;2vojV ht. Romans Well, 2 vols AnneofOipr8tic.n,2voJs Old Mortalety, 2 V^Is."'''. . tS PiT„ro'"^,^'»*^''2voi8 'in ."''*'' 2 vols.... J ho Antiquary, o vols Poi"''.'';""'''*''^*^^'-'«"v°'« After Life. ' ' ' Poetical Works Diamiitic Works &c Secundus Sewell E M onakespeare W Sheppard Miss SaT^i °i^^^^ «^^^''^^' Sheridan R B Sherwocd Mrs toiamondi J O « •I Sig-ournevr Mrs Skelton John Siater J w Small Smiles T Smith Adam Smith A Smith B Smith Sidney Smith D SmithAIex es Anchestf r Almost a Herpine Counterjest Dramatic Works nnciLiV;' Waste not, want not 5;^;°'y "/the Italian Republic . ?onti.n,r'^'*'''"'^*"'-""fthedo aouth 01 Luropp, •> vols Noble Deeds of American ,v omen i Poetical Works, 2 vols F''^'^7-9 Chemical Ani.lysis ••••108 Canadian Hand Book " ' ' ' 2S i-ife of a. Stephenson ::.■.■;::: l^-*^ Self Help... 2785 Wealth of Nations 20.^7 [Blowpipe character'of Minerals Arithmetic and Algebra Essays Memoirs by Lady H^iland; 2 Vo'lL Dyers Instructor .. Dreamchorpe oiat Life Drama rf°* 263 S 836 1476- 6;{ Smith R C Smith W Smith JBH Smith Sol Smith G Smollett Edw 90 in of Deira 'sigi 126 673 .3556 2181 1266 New Geography rSITI ^^'^ S>-«t^matic Botany'. Rejected Addresses . IJ heatrical Management; in' West * South [Lectures on the Study of History. iHumphrey Clinker.. ^ inR«,, u I Roderick Random . t,^ jPeregrina Pickle, 2 vols .■;.'.■.■ \3te2 •? jGerdinand Count Fathom Clt somer.iiie MrslPhySligiSr- '■■■■■■-- ::::::p 1367 Alphabetical List of Authors. 66 AUTHOR. TITLE OP WORK. Soir.erville Mrs Geography Sophocles Southey Robt II II Works, class-trans i Works, lit-trans Life of Nelson Life of Wesley, 2 Tols The Doctor Commonplace Book, 2 vols Po( tical Works 127 5202 5203 1548 1 546-' 2486 2983 lOvoIs 6192o'201 No. Sowerby GB Spaythll S penser Edw S peke Capt Life of by C. G Southey jPopular British Couchoiogy Game of Draughts Poetical Works, 5 vols Discovery of the Sources of the Nile . Spencer fierbt IClassification of the Sciences *^^ ■■ Illustrations of Progress II II K II II CO Spence Squier E Or a Stall Mrs S C Stanley A P Staunton Stephens J Sterne Law ce i< ii Stowo H B Susrey Bail Sumburne A C Swift J II Tacitus alfaurd T N Tasso T Tavlor A S " H " Theo Templeton W Tennyson A II Thackeray W First Principles Pdnciples of Psychology Essays Education Social Statics Treatise on Music [History of the United States . History of Scotland Nicaraqua The State of Central America The Whiteboy Life and Correspondence of T Arnold, 2 vol Chess Player Miscellaneous Essays A Sentimental Journey jLetters and Sermons JTristram Shandy Old Town Folks Our Exemplars Poetical Works ; Songs before Sunrise i Poetical Works, 8 vols iGullivers Travels &c Works, lit-trans, 2 vols Miscellaneous Essays jjevusalcm Delivered Chemistry Bee Keeper's Manual Tliackery the Humorist &c. jPractical Assistant for Machinists (Poems, -2 vols ;Enoch Arden &c iThe Four Georges iRound about Papers English Humoriit The Rose and the King Peiideneis, 2 vols The Newcomes The A<iventures of Philip ^^9° Tbi6*viiginians ^591 1549 1780 2787 5204-8 1052 724 725 726 727 728 729 2036 664 1261-3 1264-5 1053 1054 .-1504 1560-1 2538 837 3567 921 3568 .,503 2786 5209 2784 5210-12 2480 1267-J 837 5213 152 1781 If 53 416 5214 5216 1554 838 1555 2-194 3587-8 :^589 15 56 Alphabetical List of Authors. AUTHOR. Thackeray W u « Thackeray Miss Therlwell C Thompson J « p " S Thomas Thombury 'I'horneaii H D Thucydides TickellThos Ticknor G Tomlinson Trenek N S Trollope A <i « <i u « II ". Adolp's Turnmg TsmdallJ II Ure Andrew II Vaughan Hey Virgil TJTLB C J' WORK. Vanity Kiiir ■feamHs Diary ...',! 1 * ' Rebel, a and Roweiia Fitzbooilh.'H CnfcHHioiu Par sSitftch Book. Iti'iiiiis Diral.....',' "" Lovell till- Widower.' No. <S92 !593 Voltaire P M Orittt lIog.];arty Diamond ilenry Ksnioiid.. Haliads r.. Kstlier and other' Sk'etches History of Greece, 2 vols oetical WorkH, 2 vols Laborers Healthy Homes V\ ayside WeedH . . nietionnry of Chemistry Played Out... ^ Tin Trumpet.. '.' • A T.nir around England; 2 'vols'. '. 1 he Maine Woods., . Works, claHs-trans,' '2' vols'. '. Works, lit-trans.... Poems ; , History of Sp'a'nish i'itemture; ' 3 ' v'o'k ' Natural Philosophy.. Warming and Ventilati'on '. Experimental Essays Illustrations of art & manufactul 's " " Realities of Irish Life Family Parsonage . . Castle Richmond. .. Doctor 'I'horne . The Three Clerks .... i .'.'.'.' .' The Bertrams .!.'.'.' North America , rl!!: c^'^'^MS"^'*^" '^n'^ihc Spanish 'iiain.' Ihe Small House at Allington OrleyFarm * m.„, RachaelRay.. 3^°' in-Sr Sr '■^^"^■«- '^^^'. : : S Ralph the Heir, .S vols .■.';.•;.■;;: \ \3,] , The Vicar of Bullhampton .... kil\'^ A^ren, .S vols . o^J^ Science for the People . . . ". Uh^q Heat considered as mode of motion." ..'" 264 Glftciersof the Alps.. Ofl- Diotiony of Arts, Manu'fes, '&' Mine's 2 v'o'ls'sefi 1 Supplement to Dictionary. . .... . , .'.f Is^"^ 5222 5223-4 6225 1276 5226 1566 2105 <S94 3595 3696 1607 622'i 249J 1271-2 ■'•218-19 46:{ C74 169 M569 is 70 673 27.'- -4. 1275 • 52:>] 1268-70 68 46 t H60 ■"'es 2406 ■^575 3576 3577 3578 3579 1 05 7 1058 '^580 Poetical Works Poetical Works, class-trans', '2" vols Poetical Works, lit-trans History of Charles 12th of s'wed-n T7" i . _ jThe Henriade „_ Victona Queen iMemoirs of the Prince cSlfcrt'. . ' ' No. <692 159,1 2)05 (694 3595 3096 1697 622'i 2491 1271- •'■'218- 4eu 674 169 Hfteg (670 l0.',5-6 673 27r-4 273 • 52:>] 1268-70 ■ 68 46 t .^60 ■I 65 2406 •■<575 3576 3577 3578 3579 l0:)7 1058 '^580 13581 3582 3583 12497 3571-3 3574 3584-6 2«39 264 265 '566-7 I5fi8 5222 5223-4 6225 1 276 5226 1566 2 19 Alphabetleal List of Authors. 57 AUTHOR. Warby Dr Walpole H Walton Isaac Walker T H Warren S TITLE OP WORK. 178^ 1782 2s;j8 Anthropology .' (Jiwtlo of OtiantH ( .'iiuipletii Anglor U ;<)od Servants, Qowl Wived, k happy homes Diary of a Phynician, 2 voIh '2 ,98-23 Now and 'I'hon i Ten ThouHand n year, 2 voU Waddel Rev H 21 yearn in tly W. Indies and C. Africa. 10«0 "WRTiderinsB ' O^"" Land and Sea • • • • •.' Ji. WR?ren a iStudentH, Draughtsmen h k Artiwins Mann \ Si'* Watts Isaac iPoetical Works r'if j I wJtherefEliz [Wide Wide >yorld 3621 Fnglish Dictionary 1 Moral, Intollectual, k PhyHicial C'ultur . . ..34 New I'hytiiognomy !^3l Queens of Society • > 2j1 I Wits and Beaux of Society \^-i Elements ol Rhetoric <;]" Elements of Logic ^^ Whewell W Astronomy and Physics ■■■■••'•'•'■■••■ ,<zt„ « wneweu Elements of Morality, including Polity 2 v! 732-3 Webster N Welch Well S R Wharton G & P (I Whateley Abp u White H R " Q " J li Whymper Whitney J D Whiston Wilcox M WUliams C .T C W Wilson John Hist of Inductive Sciences, 2 vols Poetical Works Natural History ofSelborne., Eighteen Ohristian Centuries Landmarks of the History of Greece 370-1 6228 1784 1277 1278 England 127» Travels in Alaska • \}^l^ Metallic Wealth of the United States .... 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Wilkinson Sir Winckelmann WUd Winslow P Winohell Wood Rev J II II w " ' MrsH II Woodward O 11 " SP Q B Wyatt Sir T Wordsworth w II Xeifofhon Yates J Young B _ " IR Youman B L 266 1280 2840- t 839 Tales of the"Border8, 10 vols i?^,«l"o* Ancient Egyptians, 2 vols ,■••••• IJ'^roI; Ancient Egyptians, Art History of, 2 vols. 1283-4 Geneial Atlas ^r.-.V V Obscure Diseases of the Brain and Mind. 8 629 1807 1785 1786- 2790 3598-36 3601-3 |205 Sketches of Creation Illustrated Natural History Illustrated Natural History 3 vols Physical Exercises Bossy Rene, 3 vols George Canterbury's Will, 3 vols Folariiied Light , History of Inanimate x^reation .' 1^ ' - Recent and Fossil Shells 'l^«» National Architect Poetical Works Poetical fv orks, 7 vols ^ ..... » Memoirs of E Woodsworth, 2 vols Anebasis and Cyropaedie, class-trans. . Natural History of Commerce Poetical )lf orks, 2 vols ; • • ' i: ' " A Course of Elementary Mathematics. Classbook of CI tmistry 463 5236 5229-36 1568-9 1286-7 28U 5237-8 9 Itl '7 C-^-' 58 Alphabetiml List of Authors. AUTHOR. Yoiunans Anonymous TITLE OP WORK. « <( tl It (I « <l (I H II <i II . II II lli >« II II II II II II « No. rncs . Text Book of Botany... ,^,^ Bnghsh and Scotch Ball^dV « V i ^^* French Songs. Illu«t~ti!r?{ u"'' 6239-46 (Gennan So^b ""'*™*«'* Book of ; . ^4? I Scottish Songs British Workman' ** Alone in London Sunday at Bome English Mechanic " ' ' iponnu?!,?'''-^".'"'^ of Qnotations: nS^ V ^"^ucation, 3 vols .... |„„ , Chambers Information for thi Peonie" ' " ' ' oo" Circle of the Sciences. AstroSomy I? " Mathematical..! .■■ 'Ill 1 6247 5248 5249 6260 2622 2626 2.526 2527 6«9 29 372 172-3 126 1793-4 « « Natural Philosophy Chemistry, 2 vols;. Geog'hy & Geology JNatnrefrom Nov. 6,. SXriU87o"' ' '° ^;," Bota^iirts Vade MecSr.T fe?? Mountain Adventures ' ' SS-^'^L^"'*''' *^^ ^^^ <>f hiV life,' : ■ " ■ 522 Recreative Science, 1 2 vols ^o? o« Pfttrans or Spanish Stones VkA ThWe?|*^o*ls**'^ '' Fanbhester life:::Ll!r The Spectator. 8 vols r^2-5 TheOVardian'svols' fep^"^^ The Rambler's vo°8 ^804-6 TheAdrenturer,3voi8 ff°^-» The World 3 vols Um-U ^econnoi,eur,2Vois;-.:;;::;:::::;::::te The Mirror, 2 vols.'.' .'.'.■.'.'."■; ' " ' ^^'^ The Lounger, 2 vols! ! 281 9i20 The Observer, 3 vols! ! The Looker On, 3 vols The Index....! Arabian Night's Ente'rtkinmeit.' ! \fll Aesops Fable r*^^ Sketches of Christians' Life 'in England " " ' olno SX'eJ:"' ''""■'"• ■■'■■■'''■■ ■ ■ ■ : :F? Jabey Oliphant. ! * '. .'. 3604-6 The Heir Expectant, 3 ^ois'.V :: KVn'^, Forgotten by the Wor' ' 3 voi« * * ' • \i„^'^-^ 2 Fenton's QuLt, 3 vols. ' ' |f Jf-'S Casimir Moremma, 2 vols | Jt>l6.i8 IBarthell WinUI<.r ar-» ~'«^ " ^', laA— V" o". — ^ **"" "tucr rales .... Stvs in a Storn^y Nig( "•••■■ Nimmo's Popular Tales, '5' v^s ! 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