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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSi and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^' 'PL.IED INA^GE Ir .-osf Main Street - -hesicr New York 14609 USA (Z'fi) 482 ■' OJOO - Phone *h tiii 0^ .^ / ^"^ j>-^'>t.^.^.Vlij5^i NORTii-\vi-:sT M()i'\Ti-:i) i^oi.icr: PATROL EDMONTON TO YUKON DISTRICT .8y; in INSI>I-CT()R j. 1). Moonii.; 55*. C)rTA\\'A <;<)V KliN M K\T I'lilXT.l M; I; iriMlAl :^ -<^. ^"J^^-^^/yi \'\ PATROL KHPORT YL'KON 18!)7. NoiiTH-WEST .Mounted Police, Office of the Com.missioxek, To Inspector Moodie, Hkgina, 27th August, 1897. North-west Mounted PoHce. thehiis'ii^s'ih^'Snymrro.;;^!;^^'"^ ^^t ^ '^^^^ ^•^— ^- o... the best road to take fon-artie \ o^^^ J" ^^^ '*^^^^, ^-^''-u-^tive information object in view you must map out" th^ route anl"/n "'"' T'^^ ""^' ^^'^^ this winch a wa^^on trail can be made wi hou exLnL ff^ '"'""'' *^"^ f^"''^'""« '^^•<''- duroyin. .ntding or ditchin J stltrn. wJethef T ' '"'? ''" V^?';"""^ ^'"'^ ""■"^'-e cor- portions of the road that c^nn^t It "tu ^ ^r'li J, irt' ^^ T^ '" """^^ '"■ ■'^'"^^'- '^^^^ expense, n.ust be reported on as practicable' rtt.i'\ori;%"-"P'/^-*^ •'^""••""'"^ over, etc., ami you must report on all creek. •.„,! • !. ^ '"'''' '''''^'n^ '''ittle their width, approaches, etc^ 'Ll all . om^h^r .^^^7^ "'"' '^'^""''^ •^'•"'««''' '"• ferries, feed and hay. ' '"'"'•- '''''' "'"^'^ y"" '""^t note the supply of fuel, :^!;^;±"^i;5:t::r S:^::.:'*^„:5-^- ^- ^^^ ^^^^^^^ then.when such reliable inforn:;tionU;u:'p^ ^ leavi^^lhn^'In^UfT '^^'^ "" '•^l""" *"^"P'"^ must expect at all points en ro.'^^ You nmsM . , '""^ ''''*'"■''>' ^^'^'^^ ^''^v stick to actual factl, and not ' e .nflulcedrln ^^f "' '" ^'''^^^^ V^'' -P-'^ to ^.3 unavoidable delay must occur in obtaining t.,i; inforn.ation. (Sgd.) L. W. HERCHM2i . (Commissioner. North-west Mouxted Police. To Inspector Moodie, Ebmoxton, 2nd September, 1897. Noith-west Mounted Police. ^^^'^^^t^';^:i^ been ablet, up the Peace Riverto the vicinity onie mouth oTtl^ H^"^ i,'^' ^"'^'°" '^ ^« ^°"«^^ along that river to its upper wate^w ere it omes out^? t^^ ^"f ' ""^ 'J"" *°*™^*^1 across are several lakes, one called Pyke and ZthL T . l °'?"*'^'"«- Immediatelv should get across to these lakes from wh;le tJere's said '^I't '^''^\ ^^ ,^o..M. you vestre on_I>ease River, and then down Deas^ t.^ ^ ilno'itnZt S llr^S .»* then up that river or its branch to Frances Lake. You may find it possible to strike the junction of the L.ard ami IJease rivers where there used to be a^vinter post and may st.l be without «o,ng to Sylvestre's, which will greatly shorten the dis ance Yout pom .s I e ly Jianks, and the shortest route you can make the better, alwa s bearin.' in .J^our party consists of 4 men and any Indian or Indians you may fron, time to time find It experhent to engage who have local knowledge. The surveyor w 1 ou * " t make hunself generally useful, and nmst take full no'tes for vou of eve ythh . 'en Zte You must read his notes dailv and see that he has evervthin- down ivirr^ Url^ . * • places suitable for settlement; hay available and land 'suited fr^a^mr'^I^lS"^ will be advisable for you to keep full particulars yourself, and if you hTi^hat you differ f om the surveyor, it will be advisable to talk the matter over wilh your men and settle the point on the spot. You have 100 lbs. of pemn.ican with you, tlds mu t be kept u^ It :t''Z"r''\r' '"^^ be the m^.ns of taking your paJty into the Klondik' It is inipossib;,. to give you detailed instructions, but with good men, plenty of nro vmons and fair luck, you should be able to get to Kiomlike durincr th; w'nter Re member that you have a reserve of provisions at Wt. John-.s, on whic^yo can l?ve ord rs" and take every chance of sending back letters reporting your progress. The H iTa; Lerto'^Jl^f J^Elir"'?^"'' ^^^•"•'"^^y- have^. letLr'from their commis- sioner to all H. B othcials It may be necessary at Sylvestre's or elsewhere to aet te the 1" '?• 1 ^T^ '7 """"^ ^ ^"°"- You have full authority, bu .•emembTr that the object is to find a horse and cattle track where a wagon road is imposs^ir ' (Sgd.) L. W. HERCHMER. Commissioner. DIA RY. Saturday, 4th September.— Left Edmonton. Sunday, Monday, 5th and 6th September— En route to St. Anne. at thlNiLr^lf S"''''"~7f "'"i;'^*"f ^^^^ ^'- ^""^'« ^' 11-15 a.m. andarrived for wJoPs Sent \^^?,P-"^-,'l'f*'^"'^« ' ^'^^^- ^'^d trail, but can easily be made good ror wagons. .Sent H B. Co. s boat over by team and freighted our packs Swam horses andcrossed packs 4.1op.m. Packed horses and left at\40 p.m., made o m^s and camped Heavy ra.n at 7.30 p.m. Good pack trail 8. W. along lake through tim ber, veiy little trouble to make good wagon trail. From end of lake we struck or„ country with low willow scrub. Fine feed and water at camping ground. ^ tVo,.^?'^"l'?"^«f •' September.-Heavy rain until late in afternoon, followed by sharo treat at night. Stayed in camp and practised packing ponies. ^ ' ^ Thursday 9tli September.-Breakfast at 5.30 a.m. Made one drive of 15 miles to wa'v' "Fir?S:"thrV7 '^f ""''" ^^'^^ *°" ^"^^ *''°^- ^-^l P-^- traH air the Ztl: 1 1^ T '"'!''=', •''"""M'l fa'rly open country covered with thick willow scrub and scattered t.mben Course N.W. Then heavier timber with fallen burned trees and undergrowth. Every mile or so open spaces with good feed and tate These are usual y covered with low willow bushes. No trouble to make a cart trail and not mifch ITIT ''°'P' ""Jergrowth A few wet places which could be bridged vit^rpX a^iy soft swampy places can be avoided by taking the ridges. Twelve mile from tJe I ^kXek ^^'^"^,^f ^' '^ «««^ --d piece of wate^. Camped for the nigh a '' Stoney LakeCreek^ A bad camping ground, in timber, but good feed for horses in swamn cl ,se to. Day's travel about 15 miles. Course last 12 miles nearly W ^ croJnTol'^'vl^Z^^^^^ ^'''^ ^"^1 camped for the night at first ?C ,"^o\v ,f '%;^T' ^^ 5.15 p.m., distance about 20 miles. Course, 3 mil- N Ijmil. o.^\.. then ^^. by J.. Rolling country with bush, but trees ar^ not large 3 S:;:^^dtb:c.,r^!;f,^^^ -i;::.,^;rr/^- ^'^'^ ^-,. ^o... of ... in making road. CvossJth^ Pe.Xina /i „t> ' '"' 'T ^'''''^' '" ^"*- ^^" ''i'«^-""tv frou. th,. bench land : a,.prL ^h Zrncei so ne Z^^ >""' ''''" '^"'^ '*'*"'" '"""^"^ or another trail found. River is shallow urT ^ *''"f /^■'"^•'' ^v-uuld be easily ,lone, bar for about 500 yards. F.on s ^ on hn^T\ ""/'"' '""1 "^^ ^''^ "^•«'- ^^'""^' '^ l.igl. and .swift in .spring. Actll w ItT • ", 1 '.ol''' , Iv^'' '^^^'•^, "^'^'- ^" ^''^ ^'^''V timbered as E. or S Froa. cmss nl I I \ ^f'^""- ^^ ' "'' -^- '''''"k not so heavily 3 miles brush and sn.dVtim^: Xf o fe iU^'^ ^ ?''T^n'"l'^^ "''*"" -'""^••-^' ^"- and fordable, only recmirin-r about vnr ]« '^ I' '^'"*' '^'""■- ^''^^ '^ '"^'•'■ow really only a creek and couTdt? briZe^d w tlf n^^^^^^^^^^ '^1^'""'' "" """'' ^'^'*^- ^' '^ W. of the Pembina is Deep Creek with 1 fl ' "^''', ""'"'' '" "?""«■ '* ""'e" approaches. East side is the v's't S ^^t ■hT' f^''^' ""'"'""" ^'^^'^^ ^"''"J'^d fillincr in with brush and poles \o hav co, kf .'''^'" V°^' '"''"' "" ^'•''" """''' ""luire cattle, wagon or ca.t trail A -an^of To me^f ° , ."" "'"^ ""'^^ "' ^'^'•- '-'-"V ^r least. ^ »''"^ °* ^^ f"^" «""'fJ ^"t out (J or 7 miles a day at Saturday, 11th September.— Eneafed tur. M..ifi i l River with some Americans (they ale from St "'^'^-'^.'7^^^^ ^^^o came to Paddle and help us across; also to mck etc Ar . :^""'•V' '" -"" '" ^^^ Paddle River again to-day Conmrv "''* '"''^■' '" '^'^ ^J"^««- ^'r'^sed patches of pr:,irie. Splend d feecl b? Z\ "'°''' °f "' • "'^'' ^''''^'l"""' -"'^'l trouble in makin- <.ood rouds SW ll i ^'"'^'*'. ''"""-^' P'«'"^^ t'^'' ^'aying. No but are not more" than 50 or 100 , "' '"'^ ^''"''"'^"^ "'"^''^ •'><^''« are op^nin^^s ^lou.ngtheridgeS^'lanSd -JC ^3:::f';;i'tS ''^A;^'^"'" '" '"^l '^^ ^^ -'•7 miles from first crossing of Paddle Rh-er is -fin; >""" ""? ?'"P"'' '"""'sht, with tine water (Paddle River a^ainf • t ed /p n/l . ^^y,'"^l"^o«' '>* '^bout 600 acres, AlK>ut four miles east of thTs we buck 5 if *" "" '^^ "*' ^^'- ''"^' "^ "'^^"'ow .standing and fallen, all bu ned Vl^ s was aE. '"'•?'""''"■ "7^"^' ''^^«^ ^'■^^^' '-^'' altogether by keeping to the south alonririr- ' if ''f °^^''' ^^"t ^'ou'd be avoided got I think by keeping .south of prLSf tin I ^ f"n "^^"•" trail culd be I engaged the\wo Half-breeds as Sa d^stV t^ J^^^^^?""*- bourse to-day W. N.-W. Constable Fitzgerald was a clost .s"cld itlr n l.tH °^^ 7''"-' f^-^^ P^'^'*^*"-' '^'^^"""h and as time is everything at this late e In Tt) t ^T''''^ ' ^^ '^ " ^P'^'^'J"! '"^"'. through to St. John's as^soon as possible ' ""^''^^ '' •^'"''" "^ ''"'^ '^«'P- -"^ so get west'^S^'tJy 1' SuTn:;;:; tltkrwCd^''"^^^ r-^^^ ^^ «-^ ^^-^' 10 '»"- lOmileswefoLwedtherWges cS^ ^^'"f.^'^d P''^'''^^- ^^or first the valley of the AthabascrATonll VI ''''"" ™''^^' which all trended towards bridging iould have\o bedoneot to'StToutVbun'hVltT"'''-,;"'^''"^'^'!^ '^' poles and logs, which are alon« ^^'^^ to the Athabasca. ^There is good f d1u\ o n/'buTfo S "^"f '^T'' '^" "°* ^"'*^' in any quantity. Water plentiful and Lod^Yvnn ^ ""^''^ ^^^ "''"'•' ^^ ««' breeds "Hoodie's Creek,'' U m le takS us t . f h "'"" ^'^'J),!;:'. "^"^^^ by the Half- miles to the mouth of the MacLeod At nl . , '''^■'- ^^'' ^'^ ^"^'"'^ ^^^ ^i current is very swift at the tnct'ion H.T '^'''''''r' ""'^ ""•"^ 1°^' ^^^ the or some good boats. The Hudson R«v"Vf^"^ 7?/"^ ^^^ *^ ^^ P"* i" ^^^'-e, (formerly interpreter for tie polt at Edlnt.;n^'"^ ^^Z- ^^^^''^f^^''. ^ Half-breed trading posts h^re. The Athr^/Ri^^r Ter^S-l'u "45o"v? 1' ^-'r'l '""f •^*^''*'"« sides are Some heavy cutting o, t .f ?i - i , ^'"'^^ '^"''^ • ^^'"•^"s "» both done in last three nUes Good fe?d «b t ^""^ '^'^.^^'^^ '''"•'"'• ^""''^ ^ave to be Bay Co. put up ab"ut 20^ons ofhay here'thir "^ '^"f °^ ''"■^'■- ^'^^ H"^-»'« Califo-rnian party which left Edmonto^ ^ . ^''''"'' **"''' '""''^ ''""'^^ ^ SOt. The direction_forViay's mai:!.! awt^tLy^r '^" ''"^"P^' onnorthside. General i.1 Zj >romlay, I •Jth,.mbor Crosse,! outfit this a.m. in ,lui,' out hired from Stony Indians camiv-.l h<-. ,- hunting. These killed four hears hi«t w. ek. ^ Tuesday, UthSetpeniber-- Heavy rain all morning. Swan, across \tha- »sca a. noon, and s, .ted in heavy rain. Hired two Stoney.s for .^4. to cutand clear ' n ilesot old trail by which we save about 1 1' mile.s. This trail runs W. u,. rh''r t he other, and one used ately goes N. and then S.W. forming two sides of triangle 'p' ir mi hav niea,i,w about 1 nnle from cmssing. About K) loads he cl her srwthL-,l.'L '■-''--'^'•y^-'-'king cart, trail. Distance 5 miles. SpHnkle'lf Wednesday 15th September, -Two horses missing this morning; country is so heavily tin.bered that horses cannot be picketed, all are' hoppled^und iS id's A\ aited unti 2 p m. tor return of men hunting for these Then went on (i i les an i campe,! ,m Owl Kiver Trail very bad with fallen timber and .soft places bu a little work would make It all right. Uar.listy and Pepin arrived a, 7 p.m iith mi s n' 'if ."•^^'7' ;'';■•; ''"rP>- .-1,1 returned to old camp on S.'side of Ath d^a^: J'lne night. Indians failed to complete their contra.a, only going half way, .so I refused to pay them anytlung. They to a bad family by repute. Thursday l.ith September. -Left camp at 10 a.m. i^ivakfast over before 6 am but It is ^^ry hard to collect horses in the timber, and the ,.,irty is L, ki 'e fo e > ster.laN dul 12 To day was very bad travelling, the w.rst we have had, throu.d. fallen burnt timber with here and there small muskegs. A good road, ho. e^ er, cou dbe cu U siial cost, as all the timber for bridging creek^s, corduroying^ Av^, is ^lon 'side The Macleod creek was crossed about 4 miles from nights ,.amp It is a 1, u t vi ■ k wide, shallow and g.,od gravel bott Good app.whes. Somewhe e in t'^ li k tnubur we lost a horse ami only discovered it on arriving at an open spot wleeey could be counted. Two men returned to hunt for it, and' we went'^nto la np i •' m at a beaver dam wit h hne feed, open ground and good water. Cal.fornians ul ed^^ut of this camp yesterday. W e passed the Ow] lliver a.'ain to-dav Tt ,\ .,1 „V inn i wi,le here^ with a numbed of bars, and very JhXwl^^res.!.^t wUunt^Sor wagon trail. iJista.ue about 8 miles. Course W.X.W. ^ countiv toi Friday, 17th September.-Hardisty and Pepin returned at W a.m. with lost horse I had returned to old camp. We pulled out at noon and made about 9 n iTel best country for travel ing we have had. About o or .1 miles out we crossed fKd Ri Jr shallow and good bottom. Good camping here, and also 3 miles farthei on where we W X. W.' '""""^'' "P'" P'"'^-''- ^" '^"*^ '■^'l"-''^'- l^i"« night Courle Saturday, ISth September.-JJreakfast at 5 a.m. Started at S a.m. ( )pen countrv to make road through up till noon when we camped. ( iood feed and wl^er Dk' tance 13 miles. In afternoon trail for 8 miles very bad, through fallen tinber wo ^d muskegs and some small ones, but none of them Ion-' \o feecf for '> n^ f ' ll than camp. Camped W. side of second large muskeg and toot ^ns^s "'..::«:..'; of a mile to feed. Quite dark when we unsaddled. Muskeg about 200 yardsw' de and very bad. Passed 3 camps of Californians east of here. Course slightly -South of W J horses very bad colds. " - ""utn ui vv., Sunday, 19th September.— Did not leave until Q '^n r>^.7;r.., f„ u l.iis was t.,e fault.of ^the Half-breed andYhirtn'u'; trirji^a' ou7t,S"an! S things^ He has given a great deal of trouble. Fallen timbei- bad holes a. d muske's were the ru e to-day. Lots of water but no feed until we camped after 17 miler^ravel Monday, 20th September. -Very hot day. Travelled 3 hours throueh bad mu<, St tS ^t'^^'Noted "' r '^ "" '"'■ '°"i 1 '""^ ^"^^^''' "'-^ -^" '«^ o't-ubT; 10 get tnem out. JNo teed. At noon we camped for the d-iv ■^^ ttr^A f- i i H.rfis^y, Const. FiUgerald, Pepi,. .„d H.,It.bLd J„t'o„ thlLil*K:^"d'',i:S ) W ir C m i' through" Long .luske,/' ,u„| some small ones for ,al.,ut r, mile. Xrlv. Americfins arrived at 4 p.m. Altliou.'h tliese .nn L-«„ Ari\ance party „f a roa,l could be put through at s aU ; s f" u-k hor '"■?;;"' ^''•''•' '^''^ '''y '»«'' >-^^ is thick but not Lu-e as a n.le ''T. tm 1 f t i •' '■'''^''' '"' '''»''*-^' "^ ^^'*' ^i-"'"'-' head of stock for a day or t^: Cour^^^JC -uJj^V^ ""' ^'"''' '"'^ ^"""«'' ^"■- •^" for i:;:;;;:^il::^::!r;;;lr:-,„-^^;^ .nuske,s wen. bad, l.u I, i" to :,; k ^' ^^ l!'^ 'f '\'''^>'^ ^^"-'- ^ ^- --'H ^ve camped. Sou,e Indians killed :'C;u-l!;re t^S r' ""'"" '" •^'^"" ^^'^"' ^^•'"■••'• .oodb,,, ...,.,,. T.,eiarG„:i^r;!o^us^:Hyt;;o v''t[ r'r;"?' i"'"''"^ meadow „f \V. side of small rivf... « 1,; .1 "*^'^'^'> / ' ou'>- splendid t.ed ,,n on east side of river allT^ .. a ' I'^^T," "'" ^^"""V'"*' '^ '^'"'"^ ^^ '-'« river. Cross tl. river .^bl^t l^^' 'Z:l:rX:^T^^'\ :-,:!;;; :::; winding Tliursday, L';5rd September. — Lav over a ake. Trad cro^e. the creek (about 4., v^rd^J^^^^ ::;:;;; r' ^T'yt '" V'"^ lot very much of it. " "Moose '^ tl.e T>.rli'., i ''^V > ,, ' •'""<' teed here, but ■ or south of ,l:Z, pa^^U^Zn^t ^ "[h '''^'^T''''''' I'' '^'^'P'''^ .ut that the country is 'ove.'ed Lth f.J i :..„.f .f' 'r' '' '''^l '.""^'^'^"^^ '-^'^» ''^ avoided, feed and water. j ,KJian si, Lck here VI ' ' . V "" "" '" "^"^ ^''•^''- <'"od Course about W.S.\\- ^^ U , "ch of f td tlT T';h"'*" ' ' ' ^'i'"'" ''"'^''^'^'■^ "^ '^ '"i''^- l.ere (just after leavin-^ la nuie W H "Jf '."'r"' " "'"' '"-^ '""^■^ ^'^^^ -^ clo,o to ,.amp, and same f. ni iiTlvf^^-Ill .' I^.'"'it'»"U»'l"^"« billed one last night lake. Trail Vrosse^r..!;:^';-,!':"';;'!!!-.:^!':^? ?«^«^ -'"h. (;o..d Hsh in Uns not eit .Lev ,i„„-t ,,„.e .„ ™.' ;;;T.::;'ii:" s >;i;:;Lr ■'*" ''° ■"" '"■""■■ ""■"■ "-''■ »'"i ;:^2^S^::d-;'s^^^^ Fairly good 4^ ^^nl^hr^''^- ^^ ^.^1^1!^ t^lu ^.l::^ --Smiles: l.ou^at 1 p.m.. andSet hXs t?ed w thout „n.?J'"t'- 'T''^ f-"-, three-^uarters of an wesi side of Little S„.iri{ v^T f J -^ ^^^^^ unpacking. Camped for night 4.:{0 p.m. on ing through deep villev We?..' P'"' '''' *"'"^ ^'fe'^'^'' this river runn- fee^d of consiSb e ': ent bu br7k n uo T" " T '^ ''" ''''1\ ' ^"^'"^ ^'-*- ^^ «-^ ^^er and camped on ie" ^ide ]W lEou^ "ST (";■«-'.;-' burn.). Followecfthe .^igns of a rapiH stream in flood. G^odbo . .."'cr: VtV"\^^^ '^"^ '"T' valley ,s first struck. Distance to-day, L5 miles. Wet nVht ^^''^^^ ^■•-"^I't -l-ere miles and camped I^ W^^'mLr^r^^^^JX^k;^ tS" ;r:::it ^ 7"^ 1 ^'"-'' Course near y north First three mJinc „ a ^ ,,. *'^' •f''"''" of men. crossed the second twne about two miles from last nights camp. Hain in afternoon with T7'"" r;""' '^' r°"- "^"7'^^ "^"^^l^:- ■ hutn^ ienretuS ^^ ith 4 horses at G p.m. One pack horse and one belonging to Hair-breed H li iJ"^ i^ ^^' '^'T" 'T^ chestnut mare ridden by Tobin «"'■•' "■'"'■ »■'»'"«■■ ■ ' •»■»'w.',';;;:',,.!;:;:' ■r„';.,„;,:nu;;::rr:„L"'"'' I i.u, ,■ I.,,];,,, s,x ii,il,,sl,„m last I, ,'its,-ai„,> is „„„i f,,,,,l i,, f.„.t ,,„„. ■ c "oon at Distance about IG miles. W. N. \V. i'lu.slvogs or bad holes. i Mondiiy. 4tli October.— From oaniD thp tnil ..,„ < w couloe about * n.ile. The course contZeSs. ' .„:" .^ilt .ukU ^I ''T' '\ ''''''' <.I.e.l spaces witl. some times ti.nber, Splen, i S al ; r ^ •!■ ^^"'""r'' ''""^ -.Id pease. Then reaebed small lake with son^ C tbou S m T^"V ^'"^''""^ '""' Hh.n^rrid-e.,t^nount.Muvvith(leep vHIevofSmol'von ., S^ 1 *'°'" '''""P ''"» are usually l,i,h. V.ry H.tle si,L of frLt so " ^ ^^Z^l't^f' f "T ""^^ ^reen st.ll. Arrived at Smoky at 12.45 n m Afte H . . ^ > '""' '■''''^"'' 'l"''^' all the outfit in a du-'out Some baloni;.ks:,..l. ?,''''"" ''"''"^'■^ '^"^^ '^'■««*«d travelle,! about 13 .nd^s. Co'^ S w'^ ^: v't^W w'" 1^^ ■''r''- ^^'^^-'- bush and keep, , vdlev vl,Z S' i , ^^ »'*^<'e this detour to avoid Hiverat pn.sLt about lSoU;^s'ii,el:a s^'llul^^t "if P'"" '^"^^", ^" "-■ be about ;500 yards. ' t ana mow turreut. At hi-h water width would onedlir'^^:'';::;"';;:::-^;:;;-^,;::^^-'^'"' ''•""•"^■^'' '" •^^■'-'^' '^'--ta .mie and country, a level phuelu';!: ' ui^tZ^Z^J^. ^C t i'''''^ "/"^ "•^'" steep, lonR pull to bench land, but i,ood road cmdd t V. • V"" "'"'" '' " From top of this the trail fullows. tmt„ • ■ '^ '^y Nvuidin- up coulees, l.usb, but even tlno.^ 1 ' ^n u ^^..1 ".:;i7 ^'TV^'^^ ^-re and there son.e About 10 n,il..s frou. river a deep l;; l!^ w^^ S^^' s^S d ( m F "^ 'T Z''^'^"^- i« ta.rly easy for ca.t trail but \V. side is verv bid , nd . ,T^' ^'"^ '''•■^'■''"'^ pack trail. The .,nly ap,,arent way oul.rb .\ . . ''*?''^ ™"''* ''** '"«•'» *''<^'» Thepu.ktranuptl]si^^d;.m;; ^v^ Ji^; ,r pj,^^^^^^^ -«•'-- tJ,e hill. cou.Ury to tins ni,ht;s can,p. ,n fact it uj;1,n;;' , uL r'^t^''.:;.^ ^^r ''"'' '' th,s ,lay s „,arc,. except at coulee u.entio-. ■ • The east side ortir'ou e (lone on Sr;..!r'lJ:i";"" Y""i''."-'- " --^ -- ■" - ^lay at most. The feed .s s.!-udid and IS steep in soil good, only drawback being scarcity of water The cr,.el nt ,.„„i i , , being all there was near trail Creek will be in-.d.T,, " '''"'' """ "'""«'' about 1(1 or 17 n.iles from river Vb- lOO iSl beT''''^' ^' "'"'P*^'' *'^'"«''* i.*In;!r::'s.j:::;'r;;r™;':;j:r;;irir',;;ri;;::i^,L- il:::;. , :^^-;,::;:;:, ■;;^^ ^i:t- ?;•;■■ ""i- "'- 'r^« - ' -' pS in .....;, pK,.» ,;,„„„;■»',;: !i;nl»t''i':;::::7„! *:i^r :':„;,;;T;;:!;rt x .'' """> praine. \ erv itt e sio-n of fr,i«t r >,.. f i i • '"^"> fan (I Ij^ the line of vill cover am^un^li bulJ.p,^::! th t^^ ' Hoti; 'tllir ll^ /::;';" 'i*^"^ T "'"^^ .» K-. w.g.,„ tr.,1 to M„„v.,„„ 15 ,„ik., ntrtl, not .1. ,„ ,l,™„ ,1 .nliT'-Ti/Jri" col loo ' '■■' ^^'^f -'^ (Nvest side) is steeper and un act !. hi f i ,'• f'"'' "''^'' "" ^'"' "^h*"'' '^i'l^ coulee a ciisiderabli ciisuLr II : ^k ' ,H eS ' t£ T" '' '"7- "' «^ "'^ ^'•'^"^'' nules of fallen timber, but small thi 1 us ' 'l '^*^^' ,''''^'7"fi f'"« we struck two Distance traveUecl about f.uutt'ennes- "';;''', ""''^'■'^7'^'' ^ "^'^^y '•"'^'' »"^lii«l.t's camp, been closer to wate ""^ '""^'^ "" ^'"^ ^''•>- ^''•^^k C'-'^' "'ilo back) wouUi ha\^ of s,SIS'timb.:r:s;;'''h;^t.;ni!;;:^^ ^--'^ ^^-^ '-^'. trouble to cut trail At noo c', 1 oP i ' 7 .''^ "•"'^'•'"'"^l'. Timber open and no grade down to, an. up fro" "■ ^i oX ^h^h ' '""'' ^'^^^ 'T""'' '''' -^>' <^ ^-^ f'"> It is known as '• Tu,..I Creek 'or" pnhSc;:^^" ^ rr"l '/"5 "'" '"' ^"^''' '" ^P''"«- side. At about a ,„ile farther west i another i ,1 of '?^ '" r^T" ''"'"' '"^ '''''' cumpin,.. plac... Then bush and fal en ti l-r f . TT '"'^^' ^'^^ '«^""'' f-'ed, «ood About four miles fron, •' t c rl v- " ■ ''•^^'""■'■- ''"' '»'t '«d travelTin- -""t.7, fallen b r u;d:.^;dmri: ";;'"' ?'"'"'■ ^^■'''' ''^'-g" p'^^<^''- <'f ope;^; aeross this space. Then l.ush fo si n li . ' '"''"• V'"''' ""'>" '^'^'^"^ '"^'f '^ ""le this is ,ood [raveiiin,, h'^:^ b^-nit 1 r;:;"!;;?^;;;:^ '''■^;'''^«; ^^ '•;■'■-• z^--, where a horse slipped down the bank in j Crossed cre.'k a-a.n at 2 jogs out awav to ^e, it^ n„ V /, 'r dm V' i V''!;' '""' '" ''" ""P'^^-k^.l and some . g .r nt , no „,trni done. Good teed on west sid-. Distance to-day inile.s. (Jeneral direction nearly west. 9 said to be 19 or 20 miles ; I call it about 17 Heavy ram to-nifrht ; rain. ' nearly all day. .roJ:Xrni l^^nJ^:^ e v^^'ll'S/eZ"! ' '"'' ' ""'^ '" ' '^•'"- ' --•'" -"<'• After andth^reopen'spaer'Go; rueih ?;; nT ''"l ""? •^'""""^' ^•'"''-. -'*!. here east .side of sn.all creek • -Co fee 1 1 / !- "'"" »"l"s ^vl.en vv. to open .space on ^i ::,rr; : "™^r3 ., £r ?'•'-- -f"--' -■ ■ ™^-::r =st twenty nnles ; .enJ.;^::^^^^^'':':::^::^ Tu V ''h""^'^ "'^^^"^'l '^'-'^ Tins fork runs into west fork .Inch rise; i:ri!;ke^'^.;7i:;iLn wj^^ ^^ '""•'*' -*'^^- untii^:S^:,.i:^^i;:;!t;eii^:::';:r\^^">-^''^ iastnigi.tand ...did a,. „... ...p most places. M^lZ^Z^:::'^^:^" rr'"^' 7 '"^'' '!"^ ^''''•'^- ^-■""- »"'-h ■" Water to the south-east h ^ . L , ''r.''/';'^' *^^ '•"""'"« nearly east and west. nearly ^V^S,\\^ a i?ulLll^^^ '^'■'"' "•"^'^^■■'^ ^•■«^1< '""I '''.us niJis.,n. we aiped ,n hst nM^ the valley with furk of IVar farther ciry 3ee u nin "£^ arther a^ain touch san.e ; a u.ile t 1 1 \i <-"uitt, lunnni;,' ((own t(j above river V f>rv lifti.. i ,, i . i /• feed anywhere. To-night we camped on west .iZ .1 >' iv^ ■ '' ^"'^''^ ' ^'"^ open ground, line fced^water an Cd • .mcd \ 1 n ''"' t"'"' • " ,""' ^""'^y' "" '^'"^ valley (about half a m le lon^) but rt too^ il f ^'^'i '^'^1^' '""'"'" '° '•'"^"'" "^ miles good • cours<. W S w" fj *'f ,'""^'' ^"•' ^"""1 trail. Distance travelled l,s arevisfbleali; Iwaytftle^ourrtraP "'"""'"■^ ''""'!'"" '''■"'" «1'-^ '^'-r almost always fordal.fe except win 1 •" /^ ^ T '";\ '^'^''^ «^ '^P'"-'^. li^ar River is or two. If ford wl e v r i7crmso i V" ?"'['" ''"'' '^ *''™ ^'^'^ ^■"'' ""ly a week mile below wlno , Ys Iw- : 3^^^^^ ^T^ "i"-'" ''^ ,'^""'''"'' '^'""'^ '^ 'luarfr uf a s al\ avs good. Hiver is about 7o yards across from bank to binl It IS known as Hear River throughout the country, but ma,!; ';;n ^ mile below which with stony bed. Mud River. M.iiiii ,1.,,. .N„ „i|„,,, ca„ip,„„ ,,!„,.,. (,„, ,„||,. ,„ j||.|^^ ^^.^^, SO o;!^:^^:!^:^;:;r::^:::^^^:^ ^-^^ --. left at , a.m. ..rst mi.e or •south-west for ano ler wo h , p \h ?"f ^'j ^'''''Z "'"'"*'' ^•"' '^'"'"t two liour.s. Then heavy fallen .3 t , t X a id' hdt': ."'''' """^''^ '*f '"""' '''''*^" ■^^''-k could : very slow trave im C '.ur .I It wl 7 w"': '""^ '^"■""«'' ^'^« ''^'^^ ^^''^-V "e heavy fallen timber on a^skle^ 7, X . T„. l' P»\?T'''f "'>' '''-!<-' '»>' east, then edged into tamarack bs'7.n; f ' . ' 'V " ^ '''"' travell,.d south- down timbeit and .. i comi lo, n 10^ '.-avelbng about a milewest, again struck i.icluding time lost i lo ki t ,^ 1 iJ .T'^ "■'"■' " ''!'^'/''""I'- ''''--'""<' t-'ay, titne of travel about . even liou A iZdlv ""."'"'"• ''^''I.'""' " '"^'^' ''°"''^' '^^t"'^' average made barely two nnles an In V? ''"'"T' "''V:'""'^ ^"'•y '"^'1 ■•""' «1- ^ west. A good trail Lid b^s ^tliToui^r ^ts i^ utir't;:;lb^'^- VVednestJay, 20th October. .-P,.pi„ und Wi! r,,, n,,t tl ; . r , •, ' " water and fair feed for horses within no , i ' thi« .i.m, to fuhi trail. Got good 10 not back. » '-'^*''"^ • 'etui lied at 4 p.m. ; no success. Wilson the other two .,. on to follow trail S Joi^ , ''' "'" 'u'"'^ ^^^'» ^'^"^"^ '^"d should lla^■e gone north of fallen tinil ei h ist eu T '"!"'^' T''^' '^^^ "?"""" '^ ^ve round that way, and knowing notl i "f , t ' ,- t v th' "' ^''^''"«^"Ity is now to get h-re Wilson still absent at 9 am ami 1 v ^ /'' ""f^, ^^ '""''■ ^'"'b<^'' fl'>"vn look for him and it is unsafe to let any ^f " h ,ttv Zv" ■'* ^'^".^--^i- i" wi.ich to ^\ .11 wait to-day ami if Wil,.on has nJt n rn' ^, ,1 t^'" ^T "V" ''^^ ''"^^' '^'°»«- miles and strike north round down tiinl until JJ ."'^ ^''f "■''"' ^''' ''^''''^ «ix ourselves ami there .send back to look for WilTon " '''"' '^"'""^ '" *^*- -'"'"^'^ weret;rS'^^:;:;S-rSr^'";^^^^^^ 7- -- - ea^p .ust as .e ioundtrailaboutr.milesbaokinsra Lift in/ ^;?^ 'r "W"'"' *''•"'" ^'i*' '"'"'eh. nearly U. through open coun v an 1 ,; „ ."h C^u 'T^'n^- ^^ ^'"''"^ ti'nb.r then amongst burnt standing timbe, , Frar/k U "r v "^^ f 7 '"' ^^^ '^* ^^"' "'"' "*' ''»^h thumb. Wilson had found this trail uilsS U^' '"''I' ^"^ ^""^ '^^ '-- «? Sundav -nth nn^ 1 ^ T. ^ '•'"'^ '^''''-'"S return trail to camp. his ..r's ;^u":"u:s^S"StiHi:;'tt'r'V"^ '°t ^'^ ^^"- ^^^^-^^^ of amither by creek vervsteen !'«.:?;!' ,,'^'^^^'"!^ and crossed creek at th5 -.uth of another by creek vei^'stJ ^ .m d^'", l^- ., ,, tunber to -Kis-cab-is-kow" River ■ n„d /nn. ,. 1 /l'"" on U. over burnt fallen Heavy fallen timber. Fair feed .siigluS'oftow" ""'' ''"' '^'^^'^ '''«'' ^^-'^s. t-l.^ -V'; ^^'-entiinber which can b^;;ti^;;;;:-J,;-„;^- ''"^ '^ --' then, fl^m li;,-^,;;':;;;^::-;;;^^;;^/;™ ^ ^^'-^ %>^-'e and Indian bringing trail of Wilson was^going towl^ Is St t " ' fZ'^."'" "' '7'''? ''™'^^" ^•- ^«^ followed far. Went out to trv md fin a camp hre, but it could not 1)p Fouiul one, but too late tJ^o ^^""c;^ i:.,::;;{,';7<'/^"-> timber on S. side of rive" -.., when -'athercleared;mlsm.w:rd;;ap;';;;d^ •''"""• '"■ ^"^" "'-"^ '' anday. J^,maini;i in '«:::; '^^Z ^'p'^^r^Ilir ^ too weak ^o be moved.' Slept ANeather cleared CM rly in afternoon ^ ^ ''' '"''■•"^' ''ver to get lietter feed. lcow)'iS'li;r; it!;.?tl::d"w '''a;;:^^ '^•'PV" "• «"^« "^ --• (^--ab-is- St. Johns trail, and at 2 p n crossed the Sn "^' "'' ''■ '' "''""' '^ "'•'^■'' ^^« «t'»«k here flows N. an.l S. Cou.ft y ^^ at n- ^ "f ^""•'7' '^" ^^" -^e. Kiver pieces of open with fallen J J br f, V '\r^^ ^ -Muskeg about oUO yards with bu nt t nbe TliislsT' ^'T.""'- '^' "*' '--• -ossed weak, and as m> certainly of water lef Z /' i ■ V ?v' '^•>'"- "!'• '^'-bin still very theday. Distance aboirilmriF'S on the L'4tl. a due west course whereas i ^."^' character of country I tvavlwed of this valley very high and ^e ' dm ^-oo'l't Tr"^ was here 8 V. Banks carts. River about 100 yards wde Silms thn " ; i "''^ *" made practicable for f«c 7'-"'" '^'^'^ ^^-i toed at camp. Ab.ut 20 tons hnj coJ^U^^i b If l^llf ^i;: ^::;. ^™»' ^^^ 11 Friday, 29th October—Raining hard and lay over carcase of a cub for 8I..>0 afwe werr^.t "^ hk-^^^^^ 'f " /r"' v v .u"> ^"""''^ *^'« hour was standing bush, then 1.^^^^.:^^; w^ 'co^'de^:^,:'!^^ f""^ 'f "^. miles; then more green. Course nearly X.W. Th^n n^u v V I, ^'"' '^'r"'^ d..wn timber f.,r about a mile to open cou>.trv wit, Tnlirn' " ', '">' ^''''''y of sn.all creek at the crossing. ^ Xf e^a x J rS'" "'■ ' '^■'"'' '''' ^''^ ^ i;„j: w,„ ,„.„1,. ™, / «,• b 'i: -? »■;'« «»e,,td„».„ 400 i„ .^00 v,.,,l, l,c,f„„. t.-«c*t.duptowl,ers,„|,,,|iJw;^,,'i;i '^''S pi''''"."''' "\" .yen,,,,,! „|„,, it „„ not proper y an shiiiil but 'ir ln,rl, »r.^u.^ i \ " island. At .resent this is swim hoivses, Init only succeeded with „ f i' -r ^ \ ' "P-i'ked and tried to musicofswiftcurren^::ohr:;;.:SS. win r'\op ;;;;"" '""'''-"^ '''■/'''' ^'^^ there is good feed Mr ( 'nn.. fi.„ " . • 5l"'l'P'et^l^til;^\J^^;^:'''\ '" ^ 'l■"'^t"^'^*. ^''« "-•'' the water. This is the advu.fK^e ..f tl,.! !^ . ^ "'^',' '""' ^'' ^""'"'^ '"■''' '^^^ove M... Gunn sent .,u hi Vm ^ 1 , 'i^'' "T '""'?" "^^'"'^^ *'''"«'^''"^'' '^"''» '""isht. Francois Tho.nas uM^ 'f! " ^^ij „ ' 'h';;;";. ^.St'; f 'f'"' "'"'""•"^' '^^^ ^"^ wiien they overtook us^ -'"'"'"»■ ^ "■"' %"^'wl to tak<; him over from John.stone of hoS;:;:^;h::^i^^:^Ti:;ii;;tr;';;rr^ -king moccasin. ,.. v.. balance Fran^-ois (the Indian .'u de) i vaTtin" he ^ '^ T'^i' ^''T'-^' '^"'' '""'^^ 'i'^^' «»"^- giving hii rations in ^:l::r::::^:'' Jz::^^::^;:::^-:^;:: - ^--k-- i - St. j^:"-^2r:::nV:;,^:i:[£^^^'- ■> i ^- ^-'" m--- <^unn that oid Fort clerk killed. It wa« ti;;Zi:!:!Z^ tZ^';^ ^^ U;™T' ''^ '^''^"V";' ^''^ south side of river opposite iiere ,in,l fl.i .. u -y^tei'wards a was built on tier,, ,u„l |,n-vi(,u,ly ,,fcn«l teas the " l!e,ir~ Iti™, T , '" H"' In-"^' dn.,. fn.m tl,e hi^l, huuls m south .tiu" Pne " /o H ''Tp ""■' .'^''"' ''^ '^ «°-^ "-"*'« of the two. Th,s I should ju : .u he tl be t " ^''''' J"'^"^^'"" ''"' '""^'^i^" ing the "Peace" there instLd , f Sf T I T. ' ^"'' '' ''"'' *'''^''- '^"^ ''3' avoided. From the " Pea^'' ltd co,',,f ^ cross, ng of the "Pine" would be fro>„ there the hills .isetrulud Iv t^ T^^^-^^'^^.-'y «'-'^d«d to first bench up coulee, and I follow tV„,„ hereto"CrPn?tt fi.r"^ r"''''"r^.°^^ ^'^^^t'-^' ^" trail Ogil vie s trail. This would a o Eorten le d i T^'"] -'^ '''" " "'^'f^^-'^y/' mossing instead of two. " ^'''^ distance by taking one side of the triangle through a pass in the n.ount^Ur o^^'l Zl't:rZ " hT '''^'^t^'^^ ^'f' «-- nt a pos': on the oin,nsite side T f ke thiH 1 ; ?^ > ^'^'f^'ay ]!,ver, and traded to the mountains, lut on t e other ideth . T ^'7'"*'"- '*'""' '^ ^'^'^^ '" ''^ «"'^ick," out skins for caps, nn ts '^u d n^.tsins "^^^^'V'.'^ «'/\^^«"t here. Aho^e ban.l is taking pairs. They ar^ also makbl/^ri^X ^ ' nle'^tl^IJ^tnoT^t^t^* ''''' T where we are jroing. These slei„l,s I n„. h„>-; i , . ""^ ''"''■'^ "^'"f'^^" to be ■so that they can be car ed a lo h dl ^^ h^^^^^^^^^ with only a slight curve in front, fitting ove/one another ^^^^'^i:^ :J;:t:^:j^Zr'"' '" '•"'" "*' '^"^^^ ^'^^ Bay Sl'^^/^e^rSt^I^te '=^- I , ^-f-Y-k pony with Hudson's «ne. Heard some sh,.ts from Ha disty a p „, "Tfe h " """^ '.""" '''^^^''«'- down river. i-uuihty at / p.m. He has camped nbout three miles -•.- sleighs, some nSlSrlr'^ t^J^;^^'', ^-^*-, ^^'-8'^^ 3:5 dogs ssin. river on 2nd N^ov mW v;^ ; t,nn 1^'..,''" ^'T "'"'^'' T^'^y vhi.-h were ve. rrrv Unl^^J J V , "'-^ """'® ''"^ --o'^d meal grv. L .loaded boat and put stores in company's y. Writing report and copyini; diary for infornia- Saturday, 6th Xovembei with harness, t\\ drowned in crossi for the dogs, whi.-h were vei store-house. Snowing slightly t. tion of the commissioner ud to date Thn^t. , "i * \' ","' ""'v—- ""•■ly n>r inrorma- on our trail. i '^e^.m. Une pat ty of Americans arrived at Pine River Thor,a«,aHalf4.reedIronIs Jto'oie. J'-'!'- '" /°""'''^'' '''"'' ^^'^^^ ^^''^P^l'^o" if l.e gets back under l^r^X'^'S^y^T'- ^ '^'''f '""; '^^S a month, and average hunt for the winter vemnnf ^^ mcreased to s'JO a month. His if l.e can arrange abo lis e ,, ^H i^" t;;^^ '^ '"l^ ^^'^'^'^ "' *'"'-^- "'^ -"' ^«"- hunter in the district. H s Che DnL^n !'^^ ^''^^'^ ''« '« the best each moo-e he killed. '' Mont "ue '' tle^^^^^^^^^^^ "r^'' '"'^ *'^ «xtra for and I had a long talk with them \ty a h -e to beTi"' 7"" "^ -'*'' ^-'•"'en, according to the custom of the countrv be L. fl''' 8'^*"" ^'°"'« ^"bacco Nooskeyhay took the dogs to l^i K.UlTot h f'""''"!^' ''"^''^'"«- ^'"''^'''y '^">' J"« them there and make l,ann,4s for led '""''' "'' the nver, and will keep ounJ:^;:s£!^rA?mJ^''^^iTS"^t '^.^° ^^"■""^'' - ^'°^ ^--.^e. Woods and for the coi.pany Is boatnmn V R-^°'' '^'' ^«.\f7'"ent at Lake of the these men are to be brou'ght'blkT ."' ^oast 'The">Tun" 'T ■'' '' ""f*''' ^^" to come back o^■erland. tsnow last night! buTneaHy ,^1 g^nl " ""'"" '" ^""^ ^'^' 13 ..f "''''' f^Ty'^' '^.^'' ^^^"^«"iber Snow, last ni<;ht, but Indians say " winter .s not TZt '""'^ n 'u"^' r '^'^''^ -'"•^'^' '^"^ i^' I '•^^■« t" ••"■« "tl'e.s at Wylveste . n- i^ V Th ' "^ 't" '"f* ^"'' Edn,onton, if I cannot send hin, back .Ibect viti, party. These are the only terms I can get hin. o„, and he i« the only one who kn ws the passes hrough the nmuntains. We «o by Half-way River to Fort <;ra un ml Thursday 11 th November.- ^Ve helped (iunn to draw up the bi-^ boat out of the ruer.,. dog harness and getting things UKule for trip, snowing. tH.^''"x^^fi\'''J' ^'°'T,'"'';-^''*^* '^l'"^' '""^'-^ to feed dogs and .nake dried meat for them .No fish here. The 100 dried ,neat fron, R^-gina was fed .,n the way ud from Dunyegan. No dried moose to be had. Heavy snow storm. ' ^ Saturday, 1.3th Noyember.-Woiking on dog harness, .Vc. Snowin.^ all day .Nearly IJmded by smoke in teepee. At night had t"> bam lage our eye.s. " ^^" sleiM^'""'^''^' •^"'r'^'''T,'"''"'T''''"' '"■'■-•'♦' '^"y- Indians can.e in this p.m with sleiglis, moccasins, itc. River closing fast. ^ _ -Monday loth November. -Making shafts for sleighs for horse.s. Fine day Pack mg supplies tor transport. Won.en working on clothing. River closing Is' the T."*""'''-^' "•^'', f;\"7™^^'"' -Jl'^^'^^T -"•>"■ ^turrn and rough day. liought bull from the company and killed him to make ilried meat for dogs, (iot "l75 ,>,.mds of dHe meat and two feeds for dogs out ..f him. I have to keep at least iVol'f le " horses for sleighs and to kill at the mountain.s, ,,„d the rest a,v thin ud very lite meat on them. Sold Pinto, pony, to Dick Kgg for 840 to go against h!s pay. ^ Wednesday, 17th November.- Napoleon returned from camp to-night. He is still uncertain about going with -.s, as he says his children are sick. I hope t.. -et in bu will not wait a ter things are ready. Two men looking for birch for ^sn wshoe 'it i hard work getting Indians to do anything, and they cannot be hurried like wh e men Snowing hare an.l rough day. Hauling wood for camp. I got a bad toss tV m s I'di upse ing against a hidden log, coming down hill ; was'sitting on the load to steer, n was tirown about 15 eet hitting my head against a gree"i log lying b th snow Nothing than a shaking up and loss of some skin. Working on shfvfts, sleighs,!^.' Thursday ISth November.- Work getting on slowly. Snowing hard It seems endless work, but there is no use starting out until everything is in order and I ca only keep on hoping for the best. Weather may change tbr . he be er '^'th clian ■ e in the noon, and the snow is very light for sleighing yet. Gave Nai.oleon me ci e for his children. Ice running to day. Very stiff in my neck and shoulLrsTrom fall Knlp!l"'^^^'^^^^^T'"^^•-^^•"fb•■ig'''day. Hard frost. Shafts finished to-dav Killed a horse which I took m trade for a sm.ll bay mare, and dried t!-e best parts for dogs Napoleon's children much better and he has decided to go with me ^Se 'o W00.1 for tu-o pairs snowshoes to-day. Women working on snowshoes Workin^^on sleighs and collars. Four of the American.s came^'over on the ice to-day Made out contracts for men to sign. •'■ -"'"'e Saturday, 20th November.-Snowing in morning. Afternoon fine. We hauled on si: Jhr^^c. ''ZT '"'^ *'" ''''""•^" ^' "' "^ ^"''"^^"8 ^""")- The rest wiTing Sunday, 21st November.— 42^ below zero last night, nor #!n°'"'7' f "l' November.-One horse "Stick in the mud " died last night. It was "ifrosrey;;' !' ^ick.""'' ^"' '''' ^-^ -^ ^°^ ^^^ ^-"- ^^-^-^ - ->•-* ^ ing Bligh.lj. Working „„ .leigHver, »"w ic pS '*,'■ , '^''' ''"'■ ^'""'■ it afresh. * ""«», collais, ic. Frank s wrist rloing well, dressed things t7» .l'ttZ!;i„-S,t''t;te serUcf- ?:'?" ^" '«? "l""'- ^""-8 chestnut horse for dry meat. V.rv Tarn to d.! H 7, °™ T '^ ''"'■«'- «>" wrist doing well. ""ly .^harp to-day. Hauled two loads of wood. Frank's 30- SSi s;* '"S.Tg-„-S™jL;t- ''"" '■-"' " -'» -™i -•*• Abou* Hudson's Bay Company Post, Fort St. John, Peace River. J. D. MOODIE, Inspector.