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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 mmmm ACTS OF INCORPORATION AND BY-LAWS OF* THE MONTREAL MATERNITY MONTREAL: Printed by the Gazette Printing Coi-npany, 1887 m m ^^ ACTS OF INCORPORATION AND BY-LAWS OF THE MONTREAL MATERNITY MONTREAL : Printed by the Gazette Printing Company, 1887 i \ 1 + f I s ACTS OF INCORPORATION ANT) BY-LAWS or The Montreal Maternity, ACTS OF INCORPORATION. 18 VICT. CAP. 61. An Act to incorporate the University Lying-in Hospital, in the City of Montreal. lAssented to 18th December, 1854.] Whereas an Association hath existed for several years, in the City of Montreal, in this Province, under the name of the University Lying-in Hospital, the object whereof is charitable and to afford the means of furthering the ac- quisition of obstetrical science, and supply scientific aid to destitute females at a critical period; And whereas the said Association is composed of the persons hereinafter named and others, who have set forth in their Petitions that the Incorporation of the said Association would greatly increase and secure the advantages resulting there- from, and have prayed that they and their successors may be incorporated in conformity with the regulations and provisions hereinafter mentioned : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majestv, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the — 4 — Legislative AKH.mbly of the Proviuco of Canada, constitut. ed and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, An Act to re- unite the Provinces of U.per and Lower ^^^'^^^^f {"' ^^^ Government of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, as follows :- I Margaret Lunu, Mary Fulford, Eleanor Ostell, Direct- rosses; Augusta Durnford, Seer, tary of the Univer- Hity Lying-in Hospital; Andrew F. Holmes MD ^ W. Campbell, M D., Bruneau, M.D, W. Sutherland, M D., jles cLfo.d, M.D., William «• «-"' M.D Wil mm Wright, M.D., Robert Palmer Howard, M.D., and William Eraser, M.D., Consulting Physicians to the same ; Archi- bald Hall, M.D., Physician in attendance, and Benjanam Workman, M.D., Medical Registrar, also Ofhcers of the said Lying-in Hospital, and -^^^ <^*\- ^f^^ ^^ "7 are or shall, under the provisions of this Act and the By- Laws of the said Association, be or becorne Members thereof, shall be, and they are hereby constitutei a Cor- poration, under the name of - The University Hospital," and shall be entitled to acquire, hold, possess, take and receive for the purposes of the said Corporation, but for the use and occupation only of the said Corpora- tion, any real or immovable property, .nd stocks and securities of any description not exceeding in yearly value the sum of one thousand pounds currency, and the same to sell, alienate and dispose of, and acquire others in their stead for the purposes above mentioned II All and every the estates, real and personal, belong- ing to the said Association, and which the said Associa- tion or the Members thereof as such, may hereafter ac- quire, and all debts, claims and demands due to the said Lsoiation, shall be, and they are hereby ^^^^ m the said Corporation hereby constituted, and the said Cor- poration shall be liable for all debts due by, or claims against, he said Association. f r 1 + ', ^5 — III. The Hy-IidWH, Hales and lUgulatiouM of the Hiiid Association, in force at the timt; of the passing of this Act, Bhall be, and i ontinuo to be, the By-Laws, Uules and lieK- nialiiMis of the said Corponition ; and t lie Officers of tlie said Association, at tlie time of Mio passing of this Act, and each ot them, sliall continne to fulfil their respective duties as Oflicers of the said Corporation, and to manage and conduct ihe afl'airs tliereof, until others shall be ap- pointed in their stead, under the said By-Laws, Rules and Orders. IV, This Act shall be deemed a L'ublic Act. 1 1 47 VICT.. Cap. 61. An Act to amend the Act 18 Victoria, chapter 61, of the Statutes ot the Parliament of the late Province of Canada. (.'Uxented to 10th June 1884.) Whereas "The University Lying-in Hospital" has, by its petition, represented that it is desirous of changing its name to that of "The Uuiversity Maternity Hospital," and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer thereof; therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows :— 1. The name of the said Corporation, created by the Act of the Parli iment of the late Province of Canada, 18 Victoria, chapter 61, and intituled " An Act to incorporate the University Lying-in Hospital in the City of Montreal," is hereby amended as follows, the words » The University Lying-in Hospital" in the first section of the said Act, are hereby struck out, and the following substituted therefor : " The University Maternity Hospital." 2. The said Corporation, after the passing of this Act, to be known as the University ^Maternity Hospital, is vested — 6 — witli ftll tlie rights, poweiH, prop»'rty and obligations of the UniverHity Lying-iu Hospital. 3. This Act shall come Into force on the day of its sanction. 50 VICT., Cap. 30. An Act lo amend the Acts respectin.? " The University Maternity Ilospitnl," and to change the nam<* thereof to that of «' The Montreal Maternity." i^Ai^mitrd to 18<'i Mwi, 1887.) WhcrcHfl, tiie " Univirsity Maternity Hospital " has, by its petition, represented that by the Act of the Legis- lature of Quebec, 47 Victoria, Cliapter 61, Section 2, it was vested with all the rights, powers, property, and obli- gations of the " University Lying-in Hospital," and where- as it has prayed for certain amendmtmts to the charter of the said » University Lying-in Hospital," owing to certain provisions thereof, as to the qualiiication of the membt^rs of the said Corporation, the number, choice, and quali- fication of the Governors thereof, and the extent of their powers of administration, and other matters, being found inconvenient atoration, any de- scription of contract which the Corporation may, by law, enter into ;"] ["They may, from time to time, make By-Luws not contrary to law nor to this Act, to regulate the term of service of the EUctive Grovernors, the appointment, functions, duties and removal of all resident medical officers, and all agents, officers, and servants of the Corporation, the tivu<, at which and where the annual meeting's of the Corporation shall bo held, the calling of meetings, regular and special of the Board of Governors and ot the Corporation the procedure in all things at such meetings, the management and disposition of the funds and charities, the appoint.nent and duties of a Committee of Management to which they may delegate any portion of their own powers, the rules to be observed for the admission of applicants, and the conduct in all other particulars of the affairs of the said Corporation ; and they may, from time to time, repeal, amend or ^e- enact the same ; '] [''8. There shall continue to be elected by tiiQ Board of Governors, from among themselves, as soon fc.s con- veniently may oe, after each annual election of Governors, a President and a Vice-President; and also, from among themselves or otherwise, a Secretary and a Treasurer oi the said Corporation, who shall have such powers and discharge such duties as by law in that behalf may be or- dained, and shall serve for the verm of one year and until their Successors shall have been elected ;"] [" In case of the death, resignation, or disqualification of any of the said officers, the Board, as soon as conveniently may be thereafter, shall elect another of themselves to serve as such for the unexpired remainder of his term of office ;"] 9 — [«9. The said Corporation shall be entitled to acquire, hold, possess, take and receive for the purposes of the said Corporation, but for the use and occupation (>nly of the iiaid Corporation, any real or immovable property, and stocks and securities of any description not exceeding in yearly value the sum of ten thousand dollars, currency, and the same to sell, alienate, and dispose of,, and acquire others in their stead for the purposes above mentioned ;"] [" 10. The present by-laws of the Corporation, in so far as they may not be contrary to any provision of the said Charter as hereby amended, or to law, shall remain in force until duly repealed or amended ;"] [" 11. Any five or more of the Governors of the Corpo- ration shall be a legal meeting of the said Corporation, and they shall have full power and authority to adjourn from day to day, or for any other time, as the business of the Corporation may require ;"] [« 12. The Professor of Midwifery in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of McGill College, for the time being, shall be, ex-officio, the Physician-Accoucheur of the " Montreal Maternity," and the other members of the same Faculty shall form a Board of Consulting Physi- cians thereto ;"] III. This Act shall come into force on the day of its sanction. lO BY-LAWS. 1. The Annual General Meeting of the Corpo- ration shall be held on the first Friday in October, for the reception of the Annual Reports, the Elec- tion of eight Governors, who shall serve for one year, the alteration or adoption of By-laws, and the transaction of general business relating to the affairs of the Corporation. 2. A special meeting of the Corporation may be called at any time by the President, upon requi- sition to that effect by five members of the Board of Governors. 3. The Annual Meeting of the toard of Govern- ors shall be held as soon as convenient after the annual meeting of the Corporation, for the election of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee of Management. 4. A special meeting of the Board of Governors may be called at any time by the President, upon requisition to that effect by three members of the Board. 5. Notices of the Annual and all other meetings of the Corporation shall be given by the Secretary, by at least one insertion in one English and one French newspaper, published in the city of Mont- real, inserted not less than seven days previous to the date of said meeting. Notices of all other meetings of the Board of Governors and Committee of Management shall be given by the Secretary in i II writing, not less than three days previoiis to the date of said meeting or meetings. 6. The Board of Governors shall also nominate annually, five members of Corporation to cooperate with the Committee of Management as an Advisory Board. 7. The Secretary shall attend all Corporation, Board and Committee Meetings, and keep minutes of the same. She shall prepare the Annual Report for the Corporation. 8. The Treasurer shall receive and acknowledge all donations, subscriptions, fees and other moneys for the use of the Institution, shall at once deposit the same in the Bank desi^-nated by the Committee of Management, and shall pay such accounts as are approved by the Committee ; accounts shall be paid by cheque signed by the Treasurer and coun- tersigned by the first Directress. 9. At each monthly meeting of the Committee of Management, the Treasurer shall submit a finan- cial statement for the preceding month. ID. At the annual meeting of the Corporadon, the Treasurer shall submit a full statement of the re- ceipts and expenditure for the preceding year, together with a list of subscriptions and money donations. The Treasurer's accounts shall be audited by an Auditor appointed by the Committee of Management. II. The Committee of Management shall consist of not less than twenty ladies, appointed by the 12 Board of (Governors ; the Secretary, Treasurer and Physician-Accoucheur shall be ex officio members. The Committee shall engage, discharge and control the matron, nurses and servants, and shall have in charge the direct administration of the Institution. The Committee may call a moeting of the Advisory Board whenever they deem it necessary. 12. The Committee of Management shall elect from among their number a ist, 2nd and 3rd direct- ress, who shall be its executive officers. It may also' appoint a Corresponding Secretary to assist the Secretary of the Corporation. 13. The Committee of Managemmt shall meet on the first Friday of every month for the transac- tion of general business, when five members shall constitute a quorum. The order of business shall be : i,__Reading of Minutes. 2._Report of Treasurer. 3._Report of Resident Accoucheur. 4.— Report of Lady-Visitors. ^.—Report of Matron. 6.— General Business. 14. The Committee of Management shall make and enforce such House Rules as may from time to time be considered necessary for the maintenance of order, the regulation of visits to patients, the control of students, nurses, nurses in waiting and servants, and tho admission and discharge of patients. — IJ — , ? The professional management of the Mater- nity shall be under the control of the Physrcran- Accoucheur and the Board of Consultmg Phy- sicians. ,6 The Resident Accoucheur shall be appointed bv the Committee of Management, upon the re- commendation of the Physician-Accoucheur and Board of Consulting Physicians. H.s duties shall be defined by the Physician-Accoucheur. I, The Matron shall be appointed by the Com- mittee of Management, by whom her duties shall be defined, and to whom she shall be responsible. ,8. The fees, duties and privileges of students in attendance upon the Maternity, shall be fixed by the Physician-Accoucheur and the Board of Con- sulting Physicians. Any complaints regarding the conduct of students while attending the Maternity, must be made to the Physician-Accoucheur. ig. No additional By-law shall hereafter be made, nor shall any By-law be altered or repealed Except a special motion for such new By-law, alter- ation or repeal has been made and received at one monthly meeting of the Committee and passed at the next monthly meeting, before being submitted to the Corporation for confirmation.