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Thosa too larga to ba entirely included in one exposure ere filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right and top to bonom. as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Un des symboles suivants spparaitra sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: la symbols — » signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols ▼ signifie "PIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre fiimis A daa taux da reduction diffArants. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film* A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et da haut an bas, an prenant la nombre d'imagas nAcesseire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mMhoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I'KMoam nsowTioN tut chart (ANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No 2) ^i^ ^ rJgPU ED IM/OE Inc •^B^, 1653 Eost Mam street g^a J*,"??,"'"' "" 'O'l' 1«609 USA I^B ("6) «82-0M0-PBor„ ^^ ("6) 288-5989 - fa> l\: ••": RCYAL CAMADIAM INoTITUTI CANADA i.PARTMENT OF MINES [B COMBU. MwnTBB; R. W. BiocE. Dbpdtt Mumit. MINES BRANCH EucaNB Haanbl, Pb.D., Dibbctoi. C;A\T*nt ^ M\ I BULLETIN No!n ^^^ ^ ^^^^ Investigation of the Peat Bogs and Peat Industry of Canada 1911-12 GEOCOGY C1BRA«^' A« T> AiDfVP .^ OTTAWA GovBBMMinr nummo Bcbbav »14 1fe.2M Mi- :■« CANADA l)K l'.\ KT.M KNT ()K M I \ KS Hon. I.iil l« I llliKMKK MlM"!! M: H W.llK.uk. I»H'I l\ .MlM>IKt MINES BRANCH Kl 1.1 Nf IIXWI I , I'M |> . IIINI I |oM I Btl.LETIX No. 9 | Investigation of the Peat Bogs and Peat Industry of Canada 1911-12 HY A. V. Anrep ( ) r lAU A ('.OMiHNMKNT I'nISTIM. Hi KKM 11)14 No. 26b LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. 1)K. KicKNi: Hawki., Director Mini's Hraiiih. Dt'partnu'iit of Mini-s. Ottawa. SlK — I Ih'K to siil)mit, lurewitli. a ri'iM)rt on thi' in\TstiKati<»n of the ptat hogs and pt-at indiisstry of Canada, during 1<>11 12. This nport includes a detailed exaniination of nine peat hojjs in the Province of (Jiiel)ec, and an account of a preliminary iiuestij^ation of a luiniherof peat hojjs situated in the immediate vicinity of Sudbury and SellwtMKl, in the Province of Ontario. In addition to the foregoing, I have included profiles illustrative of the high (hochmooren) hogs fre(|uentl> found in the eastern provinces of Canada; together with translations of a number of \aluable official docu- ments on the utilization of peat: dealing with recent developments in Kuro- pean practice. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, i Signed} A. v. Anrep. March 18, I'M.V CONTENTS. InvestiKalion of peat bnKs and pwii industry cif Canada. I'd 1-191 J 1 MothiMl of InvrMJK.ilioii Classilication of IVal Botany of the prat bogs: illustrated Large 'IVa Kield |x>at ln.g, Huntingdon, tjue. Small Tea Kield peat hog, llunlingdon, (Jue l.anoraie peat bog, l.anoraie. Hue St. HyaiintheiK'at bog, St. llyacinthe. Oiie. Ki\ieredu l.oup|KMt bog, KiviereNT.\HII) — .Alfred peat bog, .\lfred, (hit 3 (JlEBEC — Chemistry of liog^ _j Detaileil desiript ion of bogs investigated 5 (JlKRHC — Large Tea I-'ield |K'at bog, llunlingd(m. One 5 Small Tea I-'ielat bog, St. llyacinlhe, (Jue. 11 Riviere du Loup |H'at tM)g, Riviere du Loup, (Jue. \.i Cacouna iieat bog, Carouna, (Jue ](, Leparc (K-at bog, Leparc, (Jue 17 St. Denis |M'at bog, St. Denis, (Jue ig Riviere Quelle peat bog, Ri\ iere ( )uelle, (Jue 2(1 Ont.\ri() — Moose .Mountain peat iwg j? Notes on special applianees for the manufacture of peat fuel 25 Farnhain peat fuel manufacturing plant 2.S Krupp excavator j^ Kriipp spreading device y- Alfred peat-fuel manufacturing plant — -Notes on new machinery ji, Improved peal storage shed 2<> International statistics — Canada ,, Russia ', Holland ■.''.......././...'.'.'....[, ,, Denmark " Sweden ,. ^ I f i VT TABLES. I'M.K Table I.— ShowinK W(>rkal>li- iirt-as of pi'at Ihjijs invi-stigatcrl 2 "•^ " t'iniparalivc analyses of (XMl and iMMt littiT from (JiiefK-c hoRs 4 "1. - " the aniDiint of peat nianufacturcil in Holl.inil M 'V. — " the lolal aniouni of niuhini' |K'at nianufaclurcd in Denmark, 1«11.. 32 ^. " various information in conneetion with the manufaclurint! of peat in I )enniark, I'M 1 ?2 VI. - " the manufacturing of Tranip IVat and peat cut by hand in Denmark, 1'>I 1 ,?4 ^ "•— " the total amount of peat litter manufactured in Denmark duriuK l'>1 1 .?6 ^ "I. — " the iK'at manufactured and sold in Denmark during l'>12 <(> 'X. — " the manufacture of i)eat liltiT in Denmark during I'M2 .?6 ^- — " the manufacture of (H'at fuel in the Province of Skane, Sweden, ii III. pL-al l).)„', (l.iiu' .\-»i .?. -Cicneral arraiiKeim'tit of Kriipp I'.vcavalor 4. — HikIcci, Kriipp I'xravaior 5. -Krupp si.ri-adiiig and cmtliirf niachinf 6. -Shed, iiiiprovt'il, for storajji' of peal fuel 21 24 26 27 2.S Maps. Map Nc i. 26X- 2b<). 270. 271.- 272. 273. 274 275 276 277. 278. Map of (Jueliec , — I.arije Tea Field peal Ihjk, (Jueliec 4 —Small Tea Field peat bojj, — I.anoraie i)eal l>oj;, — Si.llyaeinihe peat bog —Riviere du Loup peat t«)g, — Cacouna peal bog, -I.eparc peat hoj;. —St. Denis peal bog, -Riviere Ouelle peat bog, 6 8 10 12 16 16 18 20 —.Moose .Mountain peat bog, Ontario 22 INVESTIGATION OF PEAT BOGS AND PEAT INDUSTRY OF CANADA. 1911-12 MKTHOI) OF IWKSTIf.ATlOX. Wlu'ii ihf Mirf.Kv of a peat hoj. is to l.f ma|)|)f!iiiK of catue. sanitary purposes; fruit pr.ckini;, and tile like. C to He indicating lirst class litter; while each a— - £3 ? £-3 5 aT! I ; I.SI? I ■ Jif*i ■ t: Hi a. Hi s -ti L^ 6r- X J = s 1 ^ e .3 II 3 ^ r. . M ,.3 £ I I I £ I I s r; i E E lllll 7 T. T. T. -^i "5 ■« '^ T! "! S { i i \ I I S S £ 2 iS| 5 M^ * i. Ifci i: -i t S Ha:J-5 ^ ^ 5 iS :i o u ;j •s i! a = = — £ t h- H 1^ \l 7. X. ,t c- 3t I, K. I. I. I. V. V. 1. [I. Mii f ft? v-ii#f: !I. X. ly. of DtMHTMINT IW MlNW -MlN» HkAWH Rast map. jmm plates of Dtpt. oj Interior. 9 Peat fuel bogs © Peat litter bogs PEAT BOGS INVESTIGATI Scale 35 Miles to I Im Mame of Bog I — L4irff Tfit Fifid 2 -Small Tf,i FUld 3 — Liinonr 4 — Si. H\tut)^'ie ? — Kiiiere Ouiilt 6— Ml. Penu 7 — Rhtire du Limp S- -Cut'OUHll 9—Lf Pan 3ATED IN QUEBEC i to I licli i i Hjii i HOTANV OK THK PKAT IKH.S. A nuinU-r >>f ph-MitKraphn Here taken of the iiuwM-n .iml plains fnuiul in the |h%iI \xtv,^ invt'^iiKatt-d in (lie I'roviniv of (Jiu'Im'i' ilurinK I'M I M. TlH'Hf ha\T Urn ri-pHxIiu't-il in thi'* rc|Mirl im-v Plan-* II Will, and mtvi- to hHow the* tunoiitut-nt uruanii- KrowihM from whirh thi- |N-at in t|if rt>|Mi-> livf Imh{s has iKt'n fornu'd. Nine photographic prints, ilhistrativc of tht' iMitany of the Alfrck, Ont., wiTi- inror|niral«Kl in Hullctin No. H, 1«>1(> 11: IMatfHVil i XVI, p. 4, ami iht'M- haxi- U-rn siip|)lcnit'nii-(l in ihf pri'M'nl rf|M>rt hy iwo .iddi- tional photoKraphs taktn in I')!! 12: sit' Plates X\ li' and XIX. The following is an inventory of the plants found in the various I>oks: gUEBICC. Large Tea Field peat bog, Huntingdon, Que. SphaKntim aciitifoliuni PoKonia ophioKlossoides IL. Ker) Alisina plantaKo a(|uatii'a 1 1,1 Iris versicolor (L) Sniil icina stellata (I. iK'sf.) Plat! Small Tea Fieid peat bog, Huntingdon, Que. Maiantheniinn (anatlense Lanorale peat bog, Lanoraie, Que. CypriiK-dium hirsutuni (Mill.) St. Hyacinthe peat bog, St. Hyadnthe, Que. {'arex ri|Kiria (\V. Curtis) Riviere du Loup peat bog. Riviere du Loup, Que. Kriophorum callistixcham Carex canescens (I., var subioliana) Andromeda K'aucophylia Cunmiune poKtrihum Cladonia ranneferina Cladoiiia uracilis B(K'mus aerUKinosus Pettinera II. Ill IV. \. VI, VII VIII. IX. X XI. XII. XIII. XIV. x\. XVI. xvn. ONT.\RIO. Alfred peat bog, Ontario. Cypripediimi acaiile (Ait.), Hypnum kneiftie (Sch.).. . , XVIII. XIX. The peat bogs investigated in eastern ("ana(ia a.-e formed, chietiy, of Sphagnum mosses, and a few of Hypnum and ("arex; hut more often of SphaKiniiu inu-rmixt'd with Hypiuini, Cari-x, Kriophoruin. and otluT a(|uati(- plants. TIk' 1.:)hs in ilu- IVininif of Oudur an- formed mainly of Sphagnum moss, slightly inurmixid with Hypnum, Carix, Kriophorum, and other a(|iiatic' phints. The l)()j;s in the IVovince of Ontario are mo^tly intermixed with Carex. Hypnum, Kriophorum, and other a(iuaiie plants; i>ut there are some fairly clean S])hanninii hoKs. The hogs in the Provinre of Manitoba consist principally of Carex grass peat, intermixed to a certain extent with Hypnum, and Sphagnum; occasionally a Sphagninu hog is found. The hogs in other provinces have not, as yet, been investigated. UUEBEC. COMI'AKATIVK AXAI.VSKS OK I'ICAT. The following table gives the chemical composition of dry peat from the various bogs investigated in the Province of Oiiebec. TAHI.I-; II. Analyses of the different peat samples collected from bogs in the Province of Quebec. .\^.\l.^■sl•;s()l• i'i:.\r i.\iK,,iMniv(irvi No. of ■ \ iiliii' sa HI pit's Ciloriti l-'m-l IroHi I.tKUiion I'ixcil \ ol.iiiU- .\sh Niiro- raliii t'ach hoj. ..ii'Ih>ii Mi.inc-r Cil-. H.T 1 . 20 . _> (i.i - .' ,i-6 1 -0 [HT 111. l.arj,;*' IVa Kit-Id ,sio() ')2'){l 0-45 " " " 2<> ■ 1 (l.'i - 8 5-(l 2-0 ,^2'»0 <)5,^0 0-44 Siii;ill I'ca l-iclil M)-[ f)4-<) 4-7 1 - / 4')7() sino 0-47 " i:-7 (i4-2 S-1 2U .vilO ')550 0-4.* I..innr,(it- JO- 4 04-4 ()._> 2-(l 4't4l) S')01) 0-41 _),« . _) 0(1-4 .^■4 2 - * ,^120 ")220 0-42 " I'd-."* 0,^-(l S-7 2-0 4S')() •SSlO 0-40 St . liy.ic inlllr Ml?. 0.>-<( 0-0 I •<» 4S')0 ssoo 0-4') ". . '-S 1 (1 .^000 ')()7l) 0-41 " IS ■ (1 0').,^ -•-1 1 -(( 5041) '>l)70 0-41 »• 1. ,. 17(> 7(1 -.^ 1-') OS 5000 ')0i)0 0-,*') " _'S ■ 7 ()') ■ 2 M (1 ') 4')00 S'IMt 0-41 .")-4 (i7 -.s 2-S 0-1) 5020 'MM) 0-4,* .'S - ,f OS - ,s 2') 1 -0 50,^0 '(OOI) 0-41 " " " 2~ ■ 7 71) 1) .>-,( ()■') 4')50 S'lll) 0-40 J<)-() 07-1 ,i-') 1-1 5100 '»1S() 0-4.* is - (< 07 -J 4-.> II 5,iOO ')050 0-4.* 10 2s ■ It OS - s J-S I -0 1<)00 S')SO 0-42 I.i*l>iirc 27 -S It') ■ 5 ) , - 0-1) 5000 ')(KIO 0-40 kivit Tf Oiu III- 2S - .X o7.<) .*-.< 1-1 5050 1)1 IS.1 1 0-42 ~ 2H'> 07-0 .?-.S 1-1 5100 02S0 0-4' IIT ■ 111 ler •x. TIL- ex in; le i S Canada DEPARTMENT OF HoN.LouK CoMii»i,Hi)iitTi».RW.BMeK MINES BRANC LARGE TIL^V FIEIi] QUEBEC Scale of Fee woo O lOOO 2000 3000 <0O0 tada 4T or MINES l».ltW.B«eCH.D(»UTV MlNltTIH. •RANCH u.r»D..Oi*tm* ELD PEAT BOG .BEG 269 of Feet 4OO0 SOOO TOOO I'l.ATK 11. Sphagnum acutifolium. 3 I I I'1..\TK III Pogonia ophioglossoides. (L. Ker.) I'l-ATh I\'. Alisni.i plain.itjii n.|ii.iiiia. ll.. '4 I'IMI \. Iris Ncrsirolor. 1I..1 I'l. Ml \ I. Siiiilaiin.i strllai.i. 1 1.. Dot, I 8 3 ! '.All.: \ II Miiianthenuiii C.in.iilrnso. 1 I'l.Aii; Mil. Cypri|K'iliuni liirsutum. (Mill) Plate IX. Carcx riparia. ( \V. Curtisl I'l.ATI X. Kriophoruin callitrixihain. I'l \rr: XI Carcx iMnusnns. 1.. \,ir sulilDli.iciM. I'l \ii Ml. AridrDiiU'il.i sjl.iunipliy!!,! I'l Ml Mil ( (iiiiMHiiic |H.I\ irii hum. PlatkXIV. ( Uxliinia lanjji'fi'rina. 4 I'l.ATK XVI. 3 Bu'nius a-riii;in(i>sus. I'l.ATI X\ll. J l'illi^;ir.i. I'lMI. Will. t 'yprip"diuni acaule. I Ait. i ,-p« & I'lAII. XIX I Il\|intini kiu'itTii. (Sh.) I Tlu' riititi'iit iif ,i>|) ill vinit' Ihi^^ i>. niiti|Mr.ili\t'l\ \\'\v.\\. Imt llii^ i> .iit'iitlnti'il lor l>\ llir (ill lli.il llu •tiirl.ur nl tln'M' Im»k'» h.l-» U'fii liiiriud iiMT M-vrr.il liiiii-. lunic till' ,i>li li.i. .iicttiDtil.iti'il in iltr ii|)|ht lii\«r i>r|illvr l'lii>«|>hii- \ilrouiii -.ini|>lr. I.ih iiiiiii »,iiniilr iiMii-niri'. t.n icir, tii«, .m.ilv M-'l. ' , 1 Kix ii'ri' (111 1 .ip >/><(. /i;h/()(; \o|-i.ii..1 U > (I IHT I 1 Kiviir.- (hull. " " 1! .' II HIT <• '» i)i:s( kii'TioN OK v\:.\\ n()(.s iwi.stk.ati.d. Ut KBK<:. I.arjite Tea Field Peut Bog. rill- I.aryf Tea \"\M pc.it Im^ i> -itiiatt-d aliotil 2 iiiiio iiurilnvol of lliiniin^;
  • ii elation, in ilu' i(i\vii>hii) "f < .(MlmaMtholrr.cuimiy iit IIiiiuIiik- doii, HiK'., and runs in a imrilu'a^'l ami suuiliwrsi liiri'ction iScc Map Nd. IWi, cownuii niurt' > dI' l.dts 20 U lanuf III luwii-llip 111' ( i(Hlnian('lu'- 20 » 11 " 10 20 "111 .. ,5 _,,, .. ,\- Thf lota! ari-a cuviTi'd li\- tlu' lio^; i>. apprn\imaU-l\', ?i.2f>S Mrv>. Of ilii> .iri'a sdini' 1 ,')()(> acri-s liavt- a dtplli of lr» than 5 ffti, ilu- avfraiuic Approxiinatfly '>,4^4,000 ctiliic vards, in an ariM ha\ in« a drpih of lf>s than 5 fi-i't. Approxinialfly 24.065,0(M) ciiliic yards, in an .irca ha\iiin a di pili of 5 10 fcc-t. Approximately 22,786,000 cilliir yards in an ariM liaviii),; a di-ptli of niori' than 10 fiTt. That portion of the lioj; which lies east of the road rnnniiiK through r '.niddh' of l.<'.t N- 20, in a lonjiitudinal clir<-i-i:nn, i- ^ipi-riaUy united for jtiic inanufaiture of niachini' jieat, as it is wi'll liiiniified. and i^ of eonsider- Ir. Ir;f ahk' (li-pih, s() that lonn workiiiK liius ran hi- dbtaiiUKl. A snialliT portinn of tlu' !)()(> situali-(l iniiiudiatily west of tlu' above imntioiud road has a fairly himkI deptli. and is also suitabk' for ihi- nianiifactiiri' of niaihinf prai; liiit till- urialir part of this area is roini)arativily shallow. Moroovir, tlu siirfaii- has hiin sivoral tinu's burnt o\cr, and in sonu- places is thickly covered l)y ashes, which makes the percentage of ash in the peal hinlr. and, due to the fact thai the larger part of this portion of the bo^ has lieni [ under cultivation, the cohesixe i)r(iperties of the i)eat has been alTected, and | reiide s it inferior to the eastern part, which is practically untouched. The eastern portion of the boj; consists mainly of Siihagnum. Tlu- bottom layer of the bon about 2 feet in thickness, seems to be intermixed with a lar^e (|uaiility of a(|uatic plants, together with a certain amount nl Carex. ( K-casionally. Kriophorum can be seen ^row in^ in ^roup^. indicalinn | the present and previous formation of the peat. Through the northern i)art of the <'astern p(,rtion of the bog runs a I wide and well dug drain, which has drained, considerably, that section nf the lioj;. This drain would be very suitable as a main 12 thi' prices of hard coal varied from S7.1.> to SS..^() ix-r ten; soft coal being S() per ton; soft wockI S4 to S4..S() a cord, and hard wfrvi IT OF MINES I. R W Bmck.Diputv MiNi«T>*. BRANCH ..PHO..Oiiiflrr«« >'^^,"«5rt">" '--'f' I 20 Z.£G£JVf) Margin of Bog r« ' «• I Wooded areas I i Contours of bottom I H 3o«ii(iar}p 0/ Pro/ farm ianrf IndicaliHi a ptat mart or Irss suitable for moss lilfr. Indictlint a peat more or less suUable for fuel ! N I G ■|v«;;^^ I D IS fc.S. .' ^X t ^^' r •' * ':^y ^j» *• v ^ V i^ •* -aj ./' . -^ '? ^ ^ "* ,*^ w '"'//ff^rrf^^r. '---•/■^/•/y-L-A- N 10 ELD PEAT BOG B E C of Feet 2 70 1 1 J, 1^1 .icri'- h.ivitiiL; ,m ,i\rr.ii;c dfplli nl ,i|)|)rc(\im.ilil\ .^ Icct. 1.177 .icro li.ixiiiy an .i\iT.iv;r depth ni .ippnixiin.iii'ly Id Itti. Makiiii; a lnl.il n\ Sd.l 7').(lll(l < iihi. \ani-. .\>>iimins; lli.il "iif ciiliii- \.inl ut ilic drainicl Imu wniild lnrr\i-li iii:i piiiiiMU nl dry pi Ml -iilp^laiuc. ilic lui.il liiiiiiauc wmild In- .v.>l T.lliin [nn- nt _'.()( Id pull lid-. Ill 4.S2.^.ddd liin> III piMl liiil lia\ iiii; -.^ prr i iiu iiini-i me. \'iilalilc m.illiT. I'ivcd carl II 111. .\>li. N'ilnimii C.iliiritir \ .iliir U 1.1 ( al> r'liil nil ill .\iliilysi\ III l>cal 'ulisiihitt'ly ilryi 1. (i5 -' _'<> .' 1 (1 p.T 111, ').")() .^Wid d-45 ."» .' Jd <).>.^d 5J')(l d' U Small Tea Field Peat Hog. Tlii- liiii; i- -ilualtil .iliniit 41 iiiili"- nniiliwc-i nl I liiiilinvdnii -lalinii, iir 1', milo MiiilluM>l 111 I'lirl l.i\\i> wh.irl. in liii- inwii-liip nl ( niilni.iii- rliolir. ciiiiiiuiil Hiinliiii;diiii. I'rii\iiu'i' iil (hicliti . ,iiiil run- in .i iinriiuM-l ,ind >(inlli'A(-l dirii linn, par.illil In llii- I..iri;c Ti-.i I'iild pi-.ii Im;; >i i Map \ii. 27d' invcrins; ir.nri- nr Ic— nl l.iM- S 11. r,ini;r I. Inun-liipnl ( '■• idm.inriii-lir; • \.\ .v^. '• I. •• S M. ■• II. Tlic Ini.il ariM ciiMrcd li\ llii- Imt; i-. ,ipprn\iin.ilil\ . 1.1''d ,uri-. 1)1 I hi- ana .\pprn\iinalcl\ l.Sdd ain- h.ivr .i dciuii nl U-- ili.ni .^ li«r. wiih ,in avcrai;!- licplh nl .< lid . .\ppriisiniatfly \.^M) acre- li.i\f .i diplh n| - m liiln i w ii h .in .ixtr.i^i' (U'pih I if 7 I'cii . .\pprn\imalrl\- Sdd .irrc- h.i\r .i dcplli nl mnn- iii..n Id Iri-t. wiili ,iii a\ (Tillcr diplll nl 11 111! . The (|ll,inlil\ nl llu- |)r,il rnllMillrd i- .\pprn\iniaU-l\ S.71_'.ddd rnliir \.inl-, in .iii ariM wilii a diplli nl If— ihan .^ Icil. .\pprii\iinal - •• ;j :^ ■,:::;: ir,:;;ntrr:;;s:o.:^:-;:n.^>. -- ™- SL:ft;:n^3i'^-f:^ .a-^-^^- s-'^iur rr'^:;i;.:s;-:cr .: ra.- « "-^ri.r:;j:;'»:;^r-;::^!:;^- -^^ « ■- ,„, .i:.,..,-,,,.! i....u.,..h .;;^...^ ;:;; nn;;;i::;:.. M.- a,.., ».... , .!» "< "'v ,-->»'»- ;:;;;:i;;;''';;r. S,.-: I..:.: ... ,»., .....i would be 2.48().().«) tons of 2,IH)U poumi^, having 25 Jht ic-m nv.istun-. ..l«utt MiNiniii. :• ■RANCH Th hkI J<>l iircclio ll Sul Sol Th. Ill i|)i> .\|.| .\p, App App Api» The v.; Appr I Appr Appn 1 Appr. I A()pr( i< Appr. il Thv n "I UtrthiiT •' i> -uilali l"'i;. as ri'K "lifi'li is sit I.anoruie Peat Bog. ;..Zt;:^i:;;;-:-:'-:;;;;;r;;;:-;;-;-;,;:;-;..-..Mw ■Iircii.m. (Sec M,i|. Nm. jri), ""nil. .i,i .mil x.iiiliw..^, Ii iiiorc i.r lis, ni Soiithrrn pan .,1 ihr ,,miimx .Ml.ril.i.r S<.utli.Tn pan ..I il„.n.iniv -.1 .nli.trr. "if tDlal arc.i (cimtciI I.\ iI.; i 1.1 rhisariM ' ' "" '^ •.|MT"M.nai..|v 7.5.H. am.>. ■\|M.r..ximau.|> .for.,, arn> liav. „ .|..p,i, ,„,..., „,„„ - . •Ii'plll lnillK 4'W," '"■"'•" IKI. 111.' a\.r,,i.f •'''■:t:ti-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ '-' ^•.. .... A|.pr,.ximaU.iy10,Sa.r,.,|iav..a.l..p,|,.,,-,V,,,,, ,5,,, ,,,,,.,. ,, 'Ifplli iH'iiiK K. I.ri. "'-"lMt.tlu..,wra^;.• .\ppr,.xi,i,..,..|y 5 a.n> |,,.v.. a ,l.,„|, „f ..„ ,., ,, ,..,„ ,. Ap,.r..xi.„a,..|v4a.n>liav..a,|.,,,l..,,,,.,.r..,l,an'.f..., ,„.. n... 'Ii'plli l.<'iii]i; if, I,.,. I. "'1,111, a\.r,|... TllC VoIllhU- ,.( IKMI ,u,l|ai|l,.,| i> A,.|.p.:a,..K_ p.,,,^^^ ••■-^ than ,1 Ict't. Ai.l.roxin.au.jy ,4((.(MK) ,ul.i,- xar.l. ""'";f;:;'S:';"'"'"' ""•- ^-"- •■'- - > '""^m;™;,'^,:""-'"" - >■■"'•■ -■ »> i- '"'r':-"^-,,""""' '■ ''"■'•■ -' » v.<. .,. >5 I (Uplll III '" •'" •"■«•■> Hilli a .l.ptj, „t Api.rox 111 more tn hinh liaiiks ri>.inn on the imrili ami ■«iiiih -idi-, it i" iikI likil> ih.n llii» |i,iri Iff ihi- 1h>h (.111 In iiiili/«il .mil turiitd iitio m.iihinf |hmi I>\ iiuiIumN known .It till' |iri>Hiil lime Tiu' p.irt III' till- Im»h lyiiiK in ilif -kuiIutii mil ul ilu' rmintx nf Jolirili-. anil iluinviriiiiiiiK |Mrt of tlu- niiilillf ixiriion of ihf \«m lyiiiu in tlu'>*'ini'- ior\ of Mirihirr, i- ri>in|Mr.iiiMl\ -hallow, ,ini| |MMtrl\ liuinilnil. Ihim i i«* not stiit.ililc for tin- m.imil.u inrr of in.irliinc |k-.iI. If, liowrvcr. llir hi'.ivily wiMxIiil -urf.iri' w.i- ric.irtil of inis .mil tlioroUKlib ilr.iimil. iln I, mil coiilil ln' iiiili/fil for .i!;rirnltiir.il |uir|HiM-. 'I'lii- woiilil iinoUi- .i l.ir(;f »'X|M'nilinirc of moiiiv on .iiroiint of it^ < oin|>.ir.ili\«-l\ low -Ixinv; «ilii.ilion: l>ut l.tkinj,; into .tcroiiiii tlir iinproMiiicnt ill, it woiilit rt-uli in tin- >iirrotmilinn f.irniinn lainl in i onMiimin !• of ihi- ilr.iin.iuc llii' niiiltr- t.ikinn woiilil fVfUin.illv U' .1 |ia\ini; pro|>ositioii. Tlu- 1m)h ron-i«i- il\ of Spli.iKiiiiin .mil ll\|tnuni, .mil i- litflitK I inirrinixtil wiili l>ioplioruin. Aroimil ilif in.irKin, C.ircs .iml .ii|ii.iii( plant!' .ir«' tlu f.uti The Imitoni of ilu- lion i> fornuil of >.mil, liyhlK inlcrinixcil with ^ri'V (-lay. The Mirf.ici' i- licivilv overgrown with >prnri'. (('(Lir, |Hiplar, alili-r. anil otla-r Hifi-w»KKl tri-t>. The 1m>h is very well -.ilii.itiil. Uilh .1- rin.inl- -.hipiMnn f.uilitics .mil ni.irkil. Inin^; traxcrMil through the norihcrn part liy the {anaili.m I'acitii r.iilwa\. h.i\inn l.moraii' -i.ition in the niiilillc with l.av.il'ric -t.itioii aUiiit 1 mile from tlit: woi end of ilic lion, .md Hirthicr >t.ilion .ilioiit .' miles from the east end. It is alioiit 4(1 niile> from Montreal, .md 7 mile- from Juliette. The price of h.ird ciliI ai the .lUive pl.iits, in \'>\2. v.iried from .S7..SII to .SS per toi., ,\llowin^j for the decrease in depth ihroUKh dr.iinane. .md dediictini; ,?,<>(><) .icres with a depth of le» than .^ feet, we h.isc left 2.HM) acres with .m .ivirane depth of appro\ini.tlil\ .^ feet .^(K) !<).> 4 '• haxin^ it total \oli 1(1 1<> 24 '• of ,?,>.(),<(). 2'>.^ iiiliic x.irds .Xssumin^ that one il)ic \.ird of the dr.iined \m>v. «'!' furnish Jim IMUinds of dry pc.it siil)st.mce, the lot.il tonn.iKc of dry snhsi.ince .iv.iil.ilih is .?,.S6,?,(),^() tons per cent moisture. )f 2,(KM) pounds, or 4,7,^1 ,.^0(1 tons of jK'at fuel with .l/;i//vw\ ()/' Pnit. 1, 2. .^ Volatile matter 64.4 <><>-4 foil Fixed carlxin 2()-4 2H-2 2f)-.^ Ash y-2 5-4 H-: Canada DEPARTMENT OF MINES Hon Lou., Coot ■•«M,»„T„,«.»i,B«c«.O.PuTvM,N,»T.i, MINES BRANCH CUMNI H..litl..P»0.PilltCTO« -, '■■•■•-fS"-.. -;-' ^'' w>-" J^ *? «3" ^ »• ►• M V« ^ „ ^« „ .^ ' V , -^ •'i ^ . * « ' j • • , •\ T lEI E '4> x / / 1'^ ■'^ ^ yi S'S 2 s S t-if X'i:X.X //• . . i' ''' At- At-ll i> i. 1/ \ * "%> SIT ^ ^"^-ft^"^^^^^- InJicalimf a ptai more or las smUaiU for fuel k~ I Contours of bottom I"'"— -I Boundary of PnU Farm Land ST m:\CINTHE PEAT BOG QUEBEC 272 SraJp of Feel J2!* topo «>oo ■«ooo .VMm i»>y .^T«A'^l»C Nitrogen,. Calorific Vii Cals Fiit'l ratio. The c( that the su tic value i? This 1)( station, in t Province of (See Map > county of ! H\acinthe, The toi this area - Ap[)ro.\ (le, .\pprox av( •Approx a\t Appro.x (le, Hie \olun Approxi tha Approxi .'^ t< Ap|)roxi 10 .Ap|)roxi thai llie pe.i <''!; lait on .1 \tr several '"ilidii of til rhe mid 1 luiniiticd \> fuel. 11 '"•"K*^" 2-« 2-2 2-0 ilurific value- B.T.I '. |kt 11) ^i>,M) y220 8810 ''"■•; 4«)4« .S12() 4890 ''■''■«''« (»-41 (I 42 0-4() The content of ash is romparatixfiy high, aciouniwl for l.\ the fact [»t the surface of the \h>h has been se\jral tinie^ l)iiriit over. The calori- value is siitisfactorw St. Hyacinthe Peat Bog. This i)on is situattHJ aU.ut 2 miles southeast from -.i. Hvacinth.- ( P.R. lion, in the iwrish of St. Hvacinthe. counties of St. Hva. inthe ami Bc^ot, )vince of yuelK-c, and runs in a northwestern and southeastern directirjn! ■e Maf) No. 272) and covers more or less of the s,nitlnMstern part of the inty of St. Hyacinthe, and the M.uthem part of the parish of Si. acinthe, county of Hajfot. The total area co\fred hy this bojj is approxiniatei\ ,^.8<«l ,,cres. ()f s area Apr)roxiniat< !>■ 1„^94 acres have a depth of les, than .=; fc-et. the axera^.- depth i)ein}{ ,? feet. .\ppro.\imaIel\- l.,W) acres have a deixh of from .=; to 10 f,.,.t, the average depth bein^ 7 feet. .Approximateh 1.074 acres have a depth of from 10 to 15 feet, the axerajte depth l)einj{ 12 feet. ApproximateK M acres ha- e .* depth of more than 1.> feet, the averaRe deptli heinji 1-^ feet. "he volume of the |)eat contained is - .\pF>roximalely 6,746,0(H) ruhic yards, in an .irea with ., depth of less than ,^ fei'l. .Xiniroxim.iiely l.r6th of 10 to 15 feet. Approximately IK^.Mm .ubic yanls, in an ..re,, with a depth of more than 1.S icci. I lie pe.it located in St. Hx.icinthe coiiiils i- coniiur.iiiveK well hunii- Ihu on .iccount of its inconsider.ible depth. ,ind of its having i)een burnl several limes, it is not -uiiable for nuichined peat: but the larger ""1 ol this part of the bou ...iild be ntili/ed lor aKricullural puriwse- I he middle part of the \,„^ located in the coinitv of H.i^ot is very liumified, and compar.itiveh deep, li will pnnluce a verv i-'xhI and > fuel. I'raitiiallv, llie wholf ami of thi- p.m of tlu' !><)>{ lyinn t-ast of Si Doniiiiii- road is l)fin(j iist-d for aj;ri(iihiir al luirpo-os, and most of tlic mar fjin anunid the niiddli- iiortion of tlu' Iwn;. iNUiuiinn UHMl fort and nw.rt is undrr cilUivation. Till' fornialion of tin- ixiy consists ni.iinly of S|)hai;ninn. intt-rmix*'. with Kriopliorum, and a coiisidrralilf (iiianiiiy of ( arrx riparia. TitrouKi the Spliannuni can Itc seen a network of \a(ciniuni oxycoccos (small crau licrry). In some places the> were in such (iiiantities that the SphaKnuni plants were invisiltle. Around tile soutlit-rn niarKim a larRf growth o| Iris versicolor, and lar^e varieties of Carex plants, are to he found lertaiii parts of the Im)^ are heavily wo ver\ well sitilalehipi>inu acilities and market, heinn only 2 miles from St. Hyarinthe station: and .. siding n-r shipping; could he huill only 2(Nt feet west of the hog on th.- Canadt^^tj l',iciti( r.iil«a\. I St. Myacinthe has .i popul.ilion of more tiian ')(MM», ami is .i larp- '_ agricultural centre. Il is situated about .vs mik-s from Mo«ireal. j The price of fuel .it St . Hyacinthe v.iries H.ird lini . I milv ,)f Pent uili.sniiitciv drw. Vol.iliU m.itler ''-'' Fixed ..irbon •"'■^ (>•() 6.< ,\sh Niirogei Cllorilic \.ilue H. T I '. per lb I al • uel ratio I') SSO(t 4«')0 0-4<) ^1 (I S<) ill 4<)-ii (1- I' M ll n| 1(11- imi; .'(Ml DEPARTMENT HoM.Leuit Caenmi.HiiiiiTiD.RV MINES »m Cu«CMK Haanil.Pn.I RIVIERE DIT uni] Q U E B E Scalp of Kec S4ENT OF MINES niMi>Tii>.RWBuTvMiMiiTf* NE8 BRANCH It Haahil PmOOiMCT** B R "K.. 'V V t\^ y s^;# ^.-:/-^-T UMTP PEAT m% E B E C «• of Feet 273 1.4 Rivi^e du l.oup Peat Bog. riiis 1 1 >K i'« Nilll.Ucd .iIm.uI 1 mile xiiith i.f Kixiin- du |. ill <\u- l*ari;,luN of TtmlM.ir., Riviirc Diil W liiiworlh, citiiiiix' III' 'I Viiiiscouala, I'roviiKc of Oiuli •ii|) >talioii, oiip. and l.t|i,ir< , lowii-liip of A«^I and »asl dinction (See map \o. IH I i;.i-itrn pan of the parish of nrrtli '<■; and rini-. in a I'.irish of kivitri' dii i ) coMririK more nr 1 lis, loiniiv of 'I'cniixdiiata; .f: .H is a|)pn.xiinaicl\ 7,.>.>0 acn-. out of is siiitalilr for thf niamifactiirc of |Kat Approximately X'>.4 acres have a depth of less than 5 I .,U«.00() cnl.ii- \ 5 to 10 feel yanis. in an ,irea having a depth of Appn)ximai< 'v 5f!.i,4.4.(;(H) cniiic \anU i)f 10 to 15 f lit. Approximately .<5. 710,000 cuImc vanls 15 to 20 feel; A|)pn)\Mnately 12.250,000 culiic vanls 20 to 2S feet. . in an area lia\inn -^ depth in .111 area having' .i depth of in .111 area havinj; a depth of Appn)xiinaiel\ 7.440,000 cuhic vani 2^ to M) It-el. ApproNim.itely 5,222.000 cubic yanl> more than M) teit. s. in an area havini; a depth of an an-a having a (le|)th of tl u ll Ir-r-- •f \ I I U L -^ HI J -i i! t i f ^ ll J! 4 --1' 15 This Im>k is txci'piionallv hinh (hix hniorf). iiiul suclls up lu cuormou* .|M,ii({i-!t in (lilTm-iit p,irt>. A Klaiuc ,ii the Imukmii < niuurs, indii.iUMl on (m. 1. will shdw thai iIm' I . vk whii-ji winds a w.itcr. Till' slojH's 111 tin- 1)111 A mil H. map No. 2".< KiK ctnsisis ol six hills, surronndtil l)v a narro roiniil ihini .ind suppliis tin- growth of SphaKntim with s ran !«■ •.cm Uith on Fi^. 1. and on ihf lino With ill. xtipiion of thi- 5(M» atn- Ivi iciil, thi' 1m)h Is viTv wfll humitiid. i of dii(«' a vt-n- k'mmI fuel. nn las t of the I rnuM-ouata ((HisidiTalili- iN'pth, and will pro Certain |)ortioii> of the Iwig an luaxiiv wikkUiI Mtk, while arounit ihr m, ^pru i > at li The I) rillifol »K shall. IK is prin, ipally formed of Sphajjiiiini fiisi um ami SphaKnnm ium. In a lumiLer of plates heavy lav ers o| I Iriophorum ( allitrixeham li,i\ei)een found. .Around the margin of the |Minds. which mrur in theih-eiH |>.iri of the 1m)k. Sphagnum can la- seen, intermixed with different s1h-( it "' ,i(|ualic plants. ( arc\ cancsrens is very plentiful around the mar^fii Itt'iH-r li I'l northwestern i^irtioii of the I ill vil\ tovcreti with CUuioiiii ranijel e Ik)h, I ertain parts of the surface ar ill ru)iinosus. and PeltiKi'ra. mneferina. ("lad. lia urarilis, M.h-i .\ 1, iirtje amount of Commune ixj|ytri<-.ini, intermixed with variou.s |Kat liirminn plants, m,i\ U- oliservetl on the hanks aliove the Ixi^. The JKUtom oi lie Imij; is formed of hhie day, hence, while drillinn, very few stumps or tree riMits were toucht-d. raiiiane, and deckutinK leet. together with .SIM) a( rc> suitable Allowing for the diirease in dipth throunh d W.^ acres having ,i depth of less i h.in ,> lor |)eat litter oidv , \\v have left 1 .MH) acres having an average dep( ii of approximately (> fi .'.'XK) « ....... \.M)2 " ...... .. 125 « u u .. „ halving a total volume of '>4.579.lM)() cul lie van Is Assuming that one cubic vanl of the diaint-d |«miil().(t(Ml tons ol peat fuel with 2-^ cent moisture. Amilyses of I'eat -uhs: utcly dry). Ilvnl ciirlMm \iil.iiilc mailer Niimni'ii. (■.il- [t .ilurific viiliu-sin HT.I |HT III ' ratio 1 -' ■' 4 5 (, 7 s <) ' tt) iHOiSh.r (. 28-7 29-4 2« ,<27-7:») 02!-H 10 1(1 (IS n.>)| (I'J 1(1 (h'), 11 M i-o Clori/i, MM) 5tM(l ,SU(IO 4''60LSn2(l SOMt 4<».Sl)!5l(K) xWt 4400 ')()7() <«)7() y(XK) 89301 91 Un 9000 «'»10,91S() 96.S0 M9.?(( 41 0-41 ((•.W0 4liO-4,Ul-4IO-40,0-4.»,0-4.< 0-42 1 MlOOCOPr lESOlUTION TBT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART ^■, 2) ^ APPLIED IIV!>1GE I S^m ^6^3 East Uoin St>e«t BVS Sochester, New rori, U609 uSA ■■^ (^'6) *82 ~ 0300 - Phone ^S t^'^) 288 - 5989 -Fox 16 I'KAT IIITIK. Part of RivicTi' dii Loup pi-at l)on;, siiiiatfd oast of the IVmicoual.i road. TIh' total area coxered !)>■ this portion of the i)oj; is approxiniatil\ 500 acres, having an aMTage deptli of 2() feet. Thi' volume ot i)eat litter contained in an ariM having an a\erai;f depth of 26 feel = 20.<>7.<.0(l() cuhie yards. The l)ojr is very little huniitied; is of considerable depth; hence shotilil lirodiice a very j;ood peat litter, suital)le for hechMn^, packinjj, etc. es|)ecially as thi' upper layers are coni()arati\eK free from humus. .Allowing for the decrease in ilepth due to drainage we ha\e — .^00 acres having an axerajje depth of 24 feet approximateK • gixiaK a lOtal volume of iy,.?(>0,000 cuhic yards of peat litter. ("alculatin}; that one cubic yard of the hog will furnish about 12(1 pounds of peat siilistance, the total tonnage (»f dr\ peal litter sul)sian(c available is approximately l,U)1.00(t tons (»f 2.000 pounds; or 1,927,001) tons of peat litter with 20 per ceiit moisture. The peat is principally formed of S|)hajjnum moss, earth, etc. ; excepting; the bottom layer, iti which a large variety of ("arex plants are found. The surface of this portion of the bog is fairly free from trees, but is dotted with small ponds, which are |)artly oxeigrown with Sphagnum and other peat forming plants. AiKilv.sis ol Peat Litter. Li Kind of sample analysed Sphagnum Content of moisture not stated Absorption factor 11-4 Phosphorus 0-(),?7 Nitrogen l-O The bog is conxenienlly situated both as regards shipping facilities and market, being onK- 1 mile south from Riviere du Loup station, on thf Temiscouata railway. Rixiere du Loup has a population of over 1000, and is well supplied with waterfalls, but fuel rates are high. Prices oi fuel at Riviere du Loup, 1912 - Hard coal from S9— 812. Soft " " S.S— 85., SO. Rixiere du Loup is situatensh of Leparc. county of Temiscouata. ,#-'■' \. '^ ^. '«>... / €nnnbn DEPARTMENT OF MINES Hon Louis Coo. «»t,M,NHT«».RWB«ocK.OiPUTYMiN.»Tt( MINES BRANCH tgaiMt MuKii.Pii.D.DiiltCTaii : ^ I s c 6S y " 'V *r? '" "-0 mTWCO^ywI tL , HAILi^ .v I -'J^v. • . . * • f L / / • *•♦ ~ t .• • • _ •••. • * •• • II E p ^ . Indtcattng a peal more or less suitable for moss litter D B + AB AB- AB + , Indicating a peat more or less suitable for fuel R I- -I CoHloun of bdOom CACOITNA PEAT BO« QUEBEC SpbIo of Feet 274 ZAIiO ,HMKI a 1 S o a Note: B B + AB AB- AB ;l Indicati less suit DEPARTMENT OF MI'^ES HOMlOU.»C00«»»l M,».5>,, H^a«.>(I..DlBL". M.N, ST IK %^V^ T '^ r- • '• * * 4 * I ^a. il'sssuiUMe for fuel '--'J^7-^;.|..£^;Z*„!^i|uVV.r*^ ;-:rcr"--'--' -^"^^ • if'// .^^r!^' / LEGEND i„WA\ ifargin of bog \i'j_'lj Wooded areas [ ^^4 Contour of bottom. L.EPARC PEAT BOC, QUEBEC Scnle of Feel _ MO »»»»^ 1500 aooti 3SOO ^OOO 275 Q ^- f. a 1 ii I o a 17 I'hc Cotal iin-a rovi-rwl by thi- U)^ \s, approximali-ly, H45 airtt. Of this ar»'a — Appnixiniatflv 2(>2 atTfs havf a (U'ptli of 5 ft-i't, with .in avcraKO (U'pili of ^ fi'ft ; A|)proxiinat«'l\- 215 aero havf a lU'pth of 5 to 10 fiTi, wiili .in aMT.iKf (li-pih of 12 fci't ; .\ppro\iniatfl\' 1(14 acri's lia\«' a drptli of nmri' th.in 15 fr«'i. ilif aviTa^i' (Irplli JK'inK 1(> fi'ri. Ih V \-oiuni'' III ail ari-a iia> )f the |K'at cniii, lined is approxiiu.il .jy H a (Uplli of li>s ili.ni 5 fiti - l,22,0(M) The jH'ai is prinripall\ fornu'd (»f Sph.iKnun) moss, l>ui towards the lar^in it is intt-rniixi'd with ditlVrcnt s|H'fii's of ("art'X plants. This Im»k is not siit'ticit'iiily luinutit'd to \h- iiiili/cd for fin'l purjHisfs, 1(1 it contains too much hiiniiis to prtNliicc a first class litter. Howt'\»T, I liy iisinK suitaltic niaciiiiu-rN', and pro|H'r nu'th(«ls of di^'KiiiK. the l)oj; should L'ixf fairly ^;osed mostly of youiiK spruce. The iKittom of the Imi^ is formi'd of a compact la\er of nrt'> 'lay. Deducting 2h2 acres having a depth (»f le?s than 5 feet, and allowing [for the decrease in depth due to unds iif (lr\' peat siii)stance. the total tonnage of dry (u-at litter suiistance avail- ;)lile will lie approximately 502,(K)() tons of 2.000 ixninds, or f)02,(eoiisly situated as re>{ards shi]>pin^ facilit - traversed by the Intercolonial railwa\-, while Cacouna station is :ed directly on the bo>;. Leparc Peat Bog. This bon is situated about 5 miles east or Riviere du Loup station, and 500 feet west of Cacouna station, in 'he parish of Leparc, in the count\ of Tcmiscouata; and runs in a west and east direction (See Map No. 275), Eiiilir.icing more or less of the parish of Leparc, county of Temiscouata. Tl" bog comprisc-s ap[)roximately 614 acres. ( 'i his :.rea — .\pim)ximately 12,' acres ha\e .i de()th of less than 5 !'eet, average dept . 4 feet; i m w» .ij. IS Approxiinatily 14H iuri's* have a elcpth of 5 to t(» fift. aviragf depih 7 fitt. ,-\ppr..xiinatil> 2M> airt-H havf a dipth of 10 to 15 fitt, avuraRC dcpih 12 fill; Approxiinatily 14 arns »iav» a tlt-pth of mori- than 15 fttt. avcraae (It-pth U) fwt. Thf vohinu- of jn-at contahuHl is approximati-U In an a«a with a .lcF>lh of U«s than 5 fwt V>.^,m> fubif yanis u u u u u u u 5 to 10 f«-t 1,675.0(M) " " « « « « « « " 10tol5fti't 4,631.000 " « « " « « » " more than 15 fift 358, 5(K) " " Thf ptat is formwl chiefly of Sphagnum moss, is very w.-il himiilird, and will pnKluce a very Rmxl fuel. The 1k)k is well situatek. TwcKe years ago an attempt was made on this l)og by the QueU>c Feat Fuel to., to manufacture peat fuel in the form of briquettes. Tht process c.msisteil in macerating the p-at and drying the raw prtnluct in a small electric tlrying furnace. When a certain dryness was reacheverage depth of approximately 5 feet -,3Q a u « « u « u 10 " J^ « u u u u u u 14 " giving a total volume of approximately 5,373,000 cubic yards. Assuming that one cubic yard of the drained iK)g rould furnish 2(H pounds of Iry peat substance, the total tonnage of dry substance availal)lt would be i.,,proximately 537,300 tons, of 2.000 pounds, or 716,400 tons i.i peat fuel having 25 per cent moisture. Analyses of Peal (absolutely dry). Volatile matter f>'^-'' Fixed carbon 2 ( • n Ash 2-7 Nitrogen " Calorific value B.T.U. per lb 9000 Calorics -^000 Fuel ratio "-^O BIO* / E3( 1 DEPARTMENT OF MINES Hon Louis Coo«»i«i Minhtih, RW Buock.Dcputy Mini«t«» MINES BRANCH CuSENC HaaNIL.Pm D .DiOKCTOM QUELLE S? DEIVIS PEAT BOG QUEBEC 276 &00 tooo Srnlp of Keel 1»00 lOOO JtUM Q •«* C. r.;i 19 St. Denis Peat Bog. This 1h)k is situated alxnit t iiiik- south of St. Denis wharf, al)Out 7 miles north of Riviere Ouelle station, in the parish of Riviere Ouelle, county of Kamouraska (See Map No. 276), covering more or less of the p;irish of Riviere Ouelle, county of Kamouraska. The total area covered by this liog is, appro.\imately, .<15 acres. Of this area: - .Approximately .^4 acres ha\e a depth of less than 5 feet, average tiepth ^ feet: Approximately 6,? acres have a depth of .S to 10 feet, aNerage depth 8 feet: Approximatel>- 77 acres have a dejith of 10 to l.S feet, average ilepth 1,? feet; ApproximateK 81 acres have a depth of l.S to 20 feet, average depth 18 feet. Approximately 60 acres iiave a depth of more than 20 feet, average depth 22 feet. The volume of the peat contained is 164.000 cui)ic yard- in an area with a depth of less than .S feet 797,000 " " " " " " " " " 5 to 10 " 1,622.000 " " " " " " " « « 10 t„ 15 « 2,426,000 " " " " " " " " « 15 to 20 " 2,118,000 " " " " " " " « « more than 20 feet. The peat is chiefly formed of Spagnum fuscum, slightly intermixed with Eriophorum callitri.xcham. The hog is not sutiticiently humified to I)e utilized for fuel purposes. The upper layers from .? to 4 feet deep are comparati\ely free from humus, but below that depth it is fairly well humified. (Jn the average, there- fore, it would produce a fairly g{ is situati'd aliout 1 niik' nortlnvi-st of RixiiTf Ouclle station, in the parish of Riviiri- Oiii-llo, county of Kamoiiraska, Province of Quehtc , and runs in a west and east direction (See Map No. 277) coverinR more <.r less of the pari-h of Riviere OuoUe, county of Kaniouraska. The total area covered by the lion is, approxiniatei> , 4521 acres. Of this area 2MW acres are suitable for the manufacture of peat fuel; while 2221 acres are suitable for the manufacture of peat litter. This bon is a hijjh more (hochmore). A refeience to Fiji;. 2 will show that the bottom contours of the bo^ swells considerably in the middle. The slope for drainage can be seen on both Fijj. 2. and on the line .A and H. Map No. 277. IMC.M IlKI.. That iiortionof the bog; suitable for the manufacture of peat fuel i- situated between the niarj{in of the bo^ and the bottom contour lines whidi surrounds the area ha\intj; a -k-pth of 15 to 20 feet. The total area covered by this part of the bo^ is, approximateh , 2,300 acres. Of this area— Appro.ximately 802 acres have a depth of less than 5 feet, the averaKc depth beinji .? feet; Approximately 879 acres have a depth of from 5 to 10 feet, the average depth i)einji; 7 feet; Ai)proxiniately 919 acres have a depth of from 10 to 15 feet, the a\erage depth ijcinj; 12 feet. ^•1 c IT- ■ J. *w The volume of the peat contained is Approximately .?,88S,()0() cubic yards, in an area with a depth of Ie>s than 5 feet ; Approximately 9,924,000 cubic yards, in an area with a depth of .^ to 10 feet; Approximately 17,786,000 cubic yards, in an area with a depth of ID lo 15 feet. This portion of the bog is fairly well humified, and has a suflicieiii depth to produce fairh- good fuel. It is comparatively free from wood: but spruce, cedar, and occasionalh young poplar trees, are found towards the margin of the Ixjg. The lU'at consists mainly of Sphagnum fuscuni, and S|)hagnum aciiii- folium, but in some plac-es Hypnum is found. The surface is covered with Eriophorum callitrixcham. The bottom formation is intermixed with Carex and aciuatic plants. Allowing for the decrease in depth, clue to drainage, and deducting 802 acres having a depth of less than 5 feet, we have left 879 acres with i.n (dans DEPARTMENT Hon lou'S CootniiK Himtrfii II MINES ■ CWAIMB HAAttfk P' RIVIERE OUELLl q u E B Scale of F 1000 1000 MCNT or MINES I Mi«,iti» HWSur ii.O«»oT»Mii.itTI» IINCS BnANCH DmtCTSB ELLE PLAT BOG E B E C BC- BC I Indicalinit a peal more or less BC+ I suitable for moss titter B- I B \ B + [Indualint a peal more or A B- j less suittMe for fuel A'B I A-B Line of ProfUe, see Fit. i 277 de of Feet tOM MOD ,3 IV p 21 t i I »' f; I f -J l1 I !i r jj I j! =• Urn ii ^1 <: •/- -ti i; 22 aviTiiK*' ileplli <»f 5 ftft; am! '>!«> acrt-s having an a* i-raKf ic yards. .NsMimiiiK that our iiiliii- yard of llu- draiiu-d IntK will fiirnij
  • »■•) ()7() 17 Kixtil carlxHi 2N ■ !< Volatile mattiT '>" • '' Ash •<■•< Nitro^iMi 1 • ' Calorific valiif in calories |)er ^ram in H.T.I '. irt II, 2«0 falories SO.M) 51WI Fuel ratio «-42 ()-4.? The content of a»h is contiKiratively low, and the calorific value satis- 1 factory. i'i;.\T i.irri K. Tiiat |v»rtion of the Im)k suitable for |)eal Utter is situated in the mid- dle, atid is environed by the lK)ttom contour line representinn an are;, hi.viiiK a depth of \S to 20 feet. [ The total area covered by this |>orti<>n of the bo^ is ajiproxitnati ly 1921 acres. Of this area: Approximateh 1,105 acres have a deptii of 15 to 20 feet, the aver.iKi | depth i)ein>{ 16 fei-t ; Approximately <>.?.< acres have a depth of 20 to 25 feet, the avir.ii!t| depth l)einn 22 feet ; Approximately 183 a'-res have a deptii of more liian 25 feet, with ,in| average depth of 26 feet. The volume of the peat contained tlurein is - .Approximately 2S,5(M,OOl' cubic yards, in an area with a depth h!| from 15 to 20 feet; Approximately 22,464,0(K) cubic yards, in an area with a deptii (ii| from 20 to 25 feet ; Approximately 7,70.<,(KH) cubic yards, in an area with a depth of iiMn j than 25i feet. The peat consists chiefly of Sphagnum fuscum. and Sphaunum aciul folium. Large groups of Eriophorum callitrixcham and other peat fornii!ii;| plants are found on the surface. DCFAPrrMKNT or MINES Nm Law* Cmm i. MuMtrta. *« •Mn.OtMinr MiMWta. MINKS BMANCH Mill A|.| HIM will t!>.. 111.11 re ill the Cm ImI UM ; V.v\\ aim in 1 lor ami p.ir a.N MOOSE MOUNTAIN PEAT BOG ONTARIO ScaUefFwt 2J The |H-at U vi-ry liltlt- hiiitiiliiil, ami i^ of ruti-^itli-r.iMc ilt-pth, hciu-c will |>riMlii(v a M-ry k'xmI |H-ai liitiT m' ilili- ftir '.HildiiiK, iKiikinK. t'lc. i -iHiiallv ao ilu- upiHr l.i\trH art' i itniMrativtU frtf from liunui<«. Allowing lor tlt'irt'aM- in depth, diu- to draiiuiK^-, wt- have: A|i|>ri>ximalily 1 105 aiTo having an aviraKt'dipili of Hftrt 1M 21 1 tii\iiiK .1 tni.il \oliinic of .<(i,44l),iNM) riiliit' \ard>< of |hmI litlrr. (°alrtil,.tint{ thai ont> rtihic yard of xiiili Imik will furnish alHiut 12(1 ixitinds of |K'at •iuliHt.iiii'c, thr total tonn.t^c of dr\ |)fat litliT ftuli^tancc .i\.iilal>lt- is 2.1Xfi,IHKI tons of 2.IMN) |)ounds, or 2.(i2.<.7.U tons of inal lillir «iili 20 |Hr i«ni loisiiirf. riu' siirf.uf of this (Miriion of ihf In>k in pr.ictically frtr from in-is; t!tiom is formiil of l>ltir clay. . I titily.si.s of I'luif Lillfr. Kinil (if •iampli' an.ilys«'s Spha^mmi. Conti-nt of moisliirt' not statfd. I'hosphoriis 0.(M7 Nitronin 0'' Thf 1h>j{ is conM-nii'iiiK sitiiatt'd ImiiIi as rrnards shipping f.iciiitii-s and m.irkit. U-inn only 2,(H)0 tin north of Kivitn- Outllf station, on llu' Inttr- icilonial rail\va\- which is siirroimdcd li\- s»'\cral sm.dl parishes. In the siirroimdinK district t'lc fuel vahu's art- comptirati\i'l\- hinh, 'lie prices iK'inn very much the same as those at Kiviere fet'i. Th«' in\i'sti^;ati()n of this northern Ontario ho^ which was continued aliiiui two weeks in Jidy shows that [K-at fuel areas ma\' ultimately be found in ilie Sudhiiry district; liut a consideraltle length of time would be refpiired fi)r ,1 ihc«rou>;h in\estij;alion of such a larjje area. I'ndcr the circmnstances, and taking into consideration the present s])arsely settled condition of this p.irt of the Province, it was not considered advisable to atlem|)t, at iiresent, a ilrtailed examination of these larij*' areas. / / •^'-VA* ^ V..-- ■- ■~-^-, -rt^ V- ' y ■^" i ■ •CB .■/■' .^;^:/ '^¥'-^ ■0'^-'' ''cr'"\, -' >^^:\^.-^W\ V-. [■'k.. .*. lop view ami sidi- clovatiim nf 1 IT :i ■V!\i -.^ 'Ui' ' -rt. ^ ■A -^> 1^ -i- I: i^ a ]^^^__,_,.-^ r. ■.^fc;o;[}yji?5y' nHa ^^^^ ft ;.^ t.ez^ij'iit'i" -:3^- ration of Krupp PxravatinR mucliinc. i IS 25 NOTKS ON SI'KCIAI. AI'PI.IANCKS KOK THK MAM FACTIRK OF I'KAT Fl HI.. A Krupp excavator for 11-12 on tlie Farnliam |)eat Ikik; which is traversed l)y the (entrai Vermont railway, about 40 miles from Montreal. During my visit to Farnham the plant was in opera- lion for onK- two hours, as it was the close of the season, and the manu- facture of peat was discontinued. MACHINERY EOUIPMKNT. A platform resting on caterpillar rollers is pi. iced direclK- on the surface of the hojj. on which are mounted the e.\ca\ator, jnat machine, uul gasoline engine (See Plates Nos. XX and XXI). Plates XXIV, XXV, and XXVI illustiate the stackinn. loadinj;. and ^hippinji; of the [x-at at Farnham, (Jue. Description of the Krupp Excavator. (I'iileiil, No. I.?.S(l7.i.) .At the rear of the abovo nicniioiu'd platform a irani' is pivoteil so as lo swinjj alxiiil jri .1 vrrtiral axis The craiu' is pro\iU^ oulrint;i'rs, to ilic I'xlR-mitio of »hich are coniurtfd bloiks anil tackles acHi.itcd l>y drums, mounted so as lo '• •• "i Ik- platform. .\ imiwit shaft is ronnoclod by clutrlics toi'itluT of the drums. The ns'nt lK?ing such that, wlu-n the shaft is clutched lo one of the ilrum-;, the other , .,,.. ell tree. By tins,' means the crane may !>.• sv.iinn in either direction, at will. I poll ihe r.me is inounled a Ixmmii adapted to swinv; aliout a horizonlal axis. This boom is intended o carry the excavalinj! buckets and it may be raised or lowered according lo the depth il the excavation. iS'e I'imire .V) Near the outer end of the liooiii is seciire maile lo serve as the driving menilKT or il. -liain of buckets and the automatic de.iver. which will be described below. lo this end, ihe shaft is provided with two sprocUei wheels spaied apart somewhat es^ than the width of the boom. .At the free end of the boom are similar and • ' ' -p.iied spriK-kel wheels, thus making provision for driving two endless sprock •11 which the buckets are hung and which extend longiiudinalK iboui the boom. .Mong the upper side of the boom are twii parallel tr.icks, conveniently made „., lron>, each of which has one flange extending horizontally and ihe other liange extending iciiically. On the underside of the boom ,ire two double tracks, these being made of chaii- The endless chain of buckets is nipported on the tr.icks In means ' '■ similarK cket chains, of .ingle if shoes II I irons. I ne endless chain ol huckeis is nipported on the tr.icks In means ol shoes *liirli project l.iter;'.!!y f'-oni the sides of the buckets, at ihe top thereof. iS'e Fig. .No. 4.) 1 luse shoes nia\ conveniently consist of blinks of woihI shaped to fit into the channel- run ir.icks on the underside of the boom, the shoes being on the portion of the chain which il- ,ibove the b(«)m simply resting upon the tracks. It will thus be seen that the buckets iri lirmly supported while they remain on the underside of the boom, and must follow 1 K'ven path when the driving power is applied. ' St' "IVat iuul l.innitc »il-Tt. No. |i). llit'ir nianufiicluri- an I ll.ii's in Kuripi'." hy K. N'vurom (t'*!>H). Mines Kranrli ■VI- Drsiiiptiiin iil Kki'lumt I'n>.i'ss in Mini'* Hran. h Kri«irl. Nii. 71 '|iMNi. As the })fat in .1 r.iv 26 sl.iti' is ol a vrry slii' • \)Uikft \i\y sill IM.IIKT ll!^ll.Uly, (lied HiH'iif iherimti'iu i-rti'il ihedisiharK' ,i( ihf l)iukit will ninain in llie l.uikft it Kr-ivnv is aloiii' r.liid ii|m)ii i wh»ii ihr .lisiharniiiK ix.int is rca.lH-.l. T.. prfvc^nt lliis a |H.w.r .Irivcn ejiTtor, whi. 1 ■ 1,., is striiml to ihc shaft In-lwctm Ihf s|)n)cki whffls. Thf parts arf so pn)|H"-ii""-i '"'I Kliisifd. that as tach biickfl aDpro-iclu takes tlu- form of u'lLiiibU-ind-d luddU-, is siriirt'd to ihf shaft iH-twctm iht- sprock. whfi-ls. Thf parts are so proiH.rlioiu'd and adiiislt-d. that as tacli biickfl ai)prc).io 11 iho spriKkoi tthi-i'l, one of thr paddUs dfs.un(ls into tlu- lop ,if ilu- l.uck.-t and as thf biij-k. iravfis around ihf sprckft wlurls the |Mddle pa.-sfs into and llinjimh lIu; bmkct, pushin. Ihf lontfnls positiNflv ihrouKh lIu- bolloin. Il will thus \k siv n that as ihf buckets irav. i around the spr.H-kf t wh.fis ihf paddles swffp elfar ilirouuh ihf same and insure a .•omplel. ilischar^f of their t ontenls. [■■|r.. 4. Kru)>p exeav.itor biiikfl. Ilif shaft mav be ilriven in v suitable manner. Il is pnnidnl at one fiid with .1 near wheel which ineshes with a pinion carried by a coiinler shaft mourned on the crane. Thf counter shaft is neared to a secoml counter shaft, mounlf.l on the craiif near the base thereof, the KcariuLC l«-l»efn thf two counter sh.ifls c.mveii.eni y l.ikinn 1 he form o .i sprocket chain. At thf pivol.il axis o.' the crane is a horizontal level near, which mesh,-, with a pinion on the shaft. Thf nf.ir may bf drivfii by .1 drivuiK Rear, moiinlfd upon thf fnil of a sniiablf shaft. The shaft is mounted in sl.itionary be.irinKS on the c.irnane without interferiiiK with the tlriviuK connection betwefu ihf mfuilxrs when the crane i:, jwunn about im its axis. I'lie npertilion of the cxmvalor. The apparatus is moved to thf startinn point: the b n is swunj; laterally lo oiie boundary of the ditch to be excavated; the chain of buckets is set in oiKTation and th. boom is l,)Wfrfd until the buckets cut to a depth of about a loot . 1 he crane is then set in motiom it bfing simply swuik back and forlh in thf transvfrse direclion, the apparatus beinn move, forward the proper distancf for a new cm, .11 the end of ea ,1 tield pres> of a simplified ■Jacobsson constnicliou. iSee plate XXlll.) This ap|>ar,itus spre.id-, cuts throuKli .md divides the peal moss 11110 fifteen continuous strips. These rows or strips .ire cut by a speci.il cuttini; tool, htted w three steel discs, into blocks, with .1 ilimeiision ot 10' X .s X 4 . L.ibourers employed. 1 engineer, 1 man receiving cars, 1 man filling car-, 1 man du-iipinn cars at the field press, 1 man sprfadini; |K'at in thf fifld firess, 1 man cut linn pc-d strips veilically, t man dealing up the ground, I or .S l)(i\>. Total = 7 men and i boys. ii 5 i fi' Thr raiKirity of ihc inarhinr, .in unliiiK to iiiy iKliin.ilr, in M to 40 turn |i«r dav, I.I III liuiim work, without xiopiMKi'*. Ni>Ti;,— The nii'in oltjcition Id ihis i-xcavaior i», that it cuts jaKKfvi-siii' fan-, thi- wimIhc sha|Mil rut it li.ts made leaves a ri|{ht l)aiulte<| we feet Iodk. -^ feet wide, II) feet deep; which is a very ihitiKerous condition for Imiks in countries with a si'Vere chniaie, as the jH-al which is e.<|»ost'pri'ailini{ .in'l ciittinK ilevico. Thiii carriutie |4 mounted on whtt'l!), .inci suit aiili* traiks arc proviilcil to supixirt it. On the carriage .1 plitforni is pl.ict'd u|>on which is inou.ted a suilalilc cnKinc tor prupcllin ' the (.irriai-r Hill for actuating the spreading and cuttint- dcvirc. .\ special driving mechaniam isilexigned lur the pur|K)so of rotating the axle in either direction and thus nioving the carii.ige either kukwarils or furw.irds. A clutch which forms p^irt of this driving niichanisni serves lo ilisconni'ct the engine entirely from the diiving wheels si, as to (K-rniil the cariiage to ninain stationary while the engine is running (gee Fig. S). DrIiiilrJ Pisiriplion of the Sprcndinz Vrviir. One side of the carriage is provided with a platform fi:r rweiving the iK'at which is to be spread. The ap|Mr.itii» is divided into two \t.'.fn, the front hall U'ing for the purpose (it spreading and the tear h.ilf for the purjuise ci prinlucing cross-cuts over a strip equal in width to the new strip which is In'ing spiead at the front. The op«'n frame is divideil by a cioss ineiiibcr, which extends through the nii(,dle and the platform runs from the front end o,' the nuichine lo this cross memtior, along one side of the machine. The [X'at is re ived from the platform and spread in a layer In'tween the tracks by a spieading lioiird which is as long as the platform .ind is adapted to Ih- moved transveisely to the carriage'. The s(ireading IxKird is pi, iced in ixisition against the side of the frame above the plalforni VI that the hmd when deiMjsited lies inside of the spreading board, and is easily sciiiiwd Iriiiii ihe |)l.ilfcrm when the iKiard is moved toward the op|K)site side of the carriage. This s|)riMding boird is moved back and forth across the carriage and is controlled in such a in.iiiner that its lower edge moves in a hnrizontal plane, lying alxtve the surface of the ground a distance equal to the depth of the layer desired. The mass of peal flows Ix-forc the board and is spread in a uniform layer. The cariiagc is made of two .similar frames arranged one above the other and the crijss memlier also comprises two sejxirated parallel pieces, (onsequenll) the front incinlier of the carriage and the cross memlK'r forms tracks ada|>ted to luceive shoes con- lU'Ctcd to the ends of the spreading ooard and extended at tight .inglos thereto. Ashaft is extended longitudinally from the carriage above the platform, this shaft iK'ing suitably licared to the engine by niean.s of driving mechanism which includes a clulcii and .i reversing device, so that the shaft may either Ik- allowed to remain stationary or be driven in either ilircciion. On the frop' end of the shaft is a drum and a similar drum is sciured to the sli ift just back of the cross memlier. .\t each side of the front end of the machine is a pulley and siniil.ir pulleys are IcK-ateil jii^i bark of the cross member adjacent to the sides of the carriage. A cable is wound one (M more times about the drum, its ends extending from the drum in op|)osite ilirections .uross the pulleys, one end of the cable being then connected to one emi of the shoe at the IHPI11 end ot the spreading boiird and the other end ot the cable being connected to the ij|>|i(isiie end of this sh iirr.inti>'iiM'iii, whrn tlu- i>h.ifi \» nil.itiil in mu' ilintliixi, ilii' »|>rf.tclinK iNnir'! i« MMixiil .11 riMd the i.irri.iK<' in >li> iHt|>rc.it.ili'< in thi- ii|i(MMiii- iliri-iiion iht' !«|iri'.iiliMK IxNir I i« rctiirncil in iia initi.il iHwiiiun. A" ih<- ii|>|icr aiirf.ir.' nl thr l.ivrr nf (hmi i* .ipt to lie li-fi in ,> roiiKh cimililion anil ij' itrilrr lli.tl tl niiv lie iiuili' -iii iiili ami Irvrl, the a|>tkiraiii» it proviilnl with .1 aimailliin^ plair whirh licx U'liralh llir rriMt nirniU'r. I'lic (riMil cnil ■>( the aimaithinK iilati- in 1 nrvr>' upMarilly, »> that ii will riilr ii|M)n thr «|>rrail l.i>i'r anil cnKaKc it IriMii .lUivi-, thim prr\rntin. llir iMMi froiii liiliiiK ii|i in fmnt of the tiiiiHMhiiiK plate, whi'n tlu' rarriatit' i» nuixril (orwanl Kroni ihi- I'lirviil front pl.iir inwanl thr ri-.ir tliiTi- i« a Kfailnal ilownwanl iiti lin.iiiiM •HI th.it .1 Krailii.illv iiurtMoiiiK prcwiiri' i> priHltirnl ii|Min ihi' >urfai'c of tlii' |H'.it .mil it ' ■niiiolhcd anil roiii|i>irt<'il when the rarriaut* iiiovfs (urwanl. Ilii. ,S. Kriipp spri'.KJinK ami i iitlinj; iii.nliine. Tlu' layer of |xmi i> 1 111 .iloni; linen at rinhl anKle> 10 each other. l"or iross cuttiiii; of one strip while .1 new strip is lieinjj spreail in aiK.inee the rear half of the rarriaKe i^ provided with ,1 shaft whirh runs through it, ^uilalili rutting disis are mounted U|xin thi~ shaft so that when the I. liter is drawn .11 ross ilie iii.uhine the dis<-~ will lut through thi unilerlyinK laver .mil sep.irale it into a series of n.irrow transversi' sitips. rhe I'uttinn nieiiilur is .ictuated in the followinn way. The ni.iin shaft is exieiideil I" the re.ir of the ni.trhine .md is provided with drums, whiih are loated at the rear end ul iherarri.ine, direrlly behind the above mentioned drum. Two sets of pulle\ s, eorrespondirii; to the alHi\e mentioned pulleys hut liK-ated closer together so as to lie inside of the track^, are suitably mounted on the re.ir h.df of the carriaRe. .\ cilile is wound uinm the drum^ atid [xisses in opposite directions from the drum over the pulleys and hasitsendsconnecteil to one end of the shaft. .\ similar cable to the above p.isses .iround the drum over ihi pulleys and has its ends connected to the opjM)site end of the shaft. it will thus 1)0 si'en that when the shaft is diiven so as to mine the spreading '>oani atfi^ss the cirriaj^e in either dirccii. n a c.jrresponiiini; ir..)Vciiicn: of the cuttini; nunilic: is priKluced so that cross cuts arc made in one strip while the next snip is beinn spread. For the purpose of cutting the ()eat longitudinally to the (>iith of movement 01 the cir riage, the rear of it is provided with a horizontal croN-, shaft which is supiM)rtcd upon arm- IV tSKM PE.VT SHED Scale of Fret _iftss^^a_i lO 15 20 a a \i [\ FionJ t'.h-^nfioii ix Fi|. 6. Shed, improred, fa Plan of Car Tracks Side Elevation mprovcd, for •torage of pat fad. >■ c c A I'r.ATK Wll. I.oaiU'd tars U'.ivini; for llu' spn-atlin^ tield. > Q <■ a Pivri; XXIIl. IVat (luiiiiK'il into sprciiltT, I'arnhaiii, ijii M a X 1 i ;:l if. * t > <■ c. a i J I N «hil.iru"<. On ill'' r'< •iinil'ir 10 ihi' uiir^ i|i"miIIi<'iI .iIhim- I lir .h.ill jilil ilu iiiiiiiiii i|i«<« 111 IV Id' r,ii.«'c! ,iiii| I'lHiri"! Iiv iiH''in'< 'I •iiii'ilili' liMii iiiniiiili'tl nn llip i-.irri'iKi , wlii'ii ihi' .li.ili i» r.ii'M-'l, llir c irri.im' iii'iy tir ii:.ivri| t>,ii k 'iml iorili Kiiliniit 'ilKviiiii; (III- |a''il,.iiiil kIii'Ii iIii'.Ii.iIi I" l'i»rrnl, ilii- |k',ii will Ik' 1 iit l'iiitiiiur Inrw.inl Mh i< ili'iii'ilili' I'll III ilii'jK'.il iiiiii rr> i.itulcH iif .iii\ ili'rinl >>ii ilii'ir '•li.ifl in «iii li .1 iiiininr lli.ii ilii \ iii.iv 1 ohm nirnllv mil i|uii klv Ih' •»lii(U'ii il.iiiu ilirir ..li.idi .iml Ick k- I -•( iinK in iliiir .I'liu-U'c! ix-iiioii-, 'I'liix spriMilin^ ili'virt' w.iH nut in i>|M'r.iiiiiii iliirin^ in\ \Wn ,it harnli.ini. .Mfrml Petit Plunt, .Mfred, Ont. Uurin^ iii\- \i-.il lu ilir All'rnI |H'.it JMiy, | -aw rcrl.tiii |i,irl>' M'|i'ir.tti-lv in (ilHT'iiiiiii. riirx' riiii-ioii'il iif ihr Aiirt')) I'xc.ivatiir anil |niiiMr, Mimrt-'H .i«ro-tal)li' k<'il vi-ry proMii-inn, .mil \v,is iaihtIiiI iu lie in full ii|M'raliiin in ilu- -prinn ol t'>1,<. I'm- III lair in-.l,ill,iliiiii. .im'I M-wral iiirclianical ,illrr.itiiin>, niilv a few hnmlrcil imw ul air-ilriiil ix.ii Inel wi rrinanufailtirril. This wa-. ^nlil in the iniiniiliali- \irinil\ . No iKlailcil ilorriptiiin uf tlu' ininpUtcil plant ran Im' nixi'n until il li.i-. Iicfu in riiiniuirrial PF.AI' SIUII. Um ^ivfii (x'f Till' -lull illu-traU'il in Vi^. It\> a riiioiiltT.ililr iinpniMnuiil mi ihr -luils iiriKinalK iTrrti'il liv tlirl •uM-rnmiiit mi iIuih-.ii lioi; ,ii .Mini I. I 1 i- -iipplifil with .1 pl.illiinn iin wliicli ilimlili' ir.iik n.irii.w n.m^;i' r.iiU ari- plari'il, 'iml hich liMil into till' iip|Hr-iiir\ 111 till' -hill. Thi- iipiH-r -lorv ha- .1 -ini- il.irly .irran^cil iliiuliU' Ir.irk. Till' car- liiailfil with ilr\ \h:\\ .irr hui-lcil up li\ a wiiiih, .itui the pial (luni|H'i| into ihr -iuij un ilu- mihr -iilr of raili lit the trail itii th< inner -iiU- of ilu- track wluri- .III iiprii i.ir is -up|Hi-t-i| in run. This sIukI is inti-niK'il In In- Imill ,11 the i-inl nf tin- -iili- Ir.iik. a train can Ih- run in. > <■ £. a S . !_ .1 > J :? <■■* c. 'I I ii r; ri ' ■ i1 _ I ('.KNKRAI. STATISTK S OF I'KAT MAM FA( Tl RK. Tin- following i;ililis nivc infornialioii n-Kanlinn tin- amount of piat manufaciiiml in Canada. RiisMa, Holland, D.Miniark, and Swidon, diirini; 1012: - *• CANADA. Acrordinn to the information meivcd from the maniifailnrtrs in tin- Province of Ontario ami OuiIk'c. thr followinK <|i>i"ili'ii''' "f jnat wm- manufac-liiri'd (luring 1<)12: Ontario 7(M) tons of |K'at fuel. Oiu'Ih'c 2(KK) tons of air-dried peat fuel, with 25 per ciiii moisture. Rt.S.SIA. Information received from tlie Imperial Russian Ministry of Agriculture, Reclamation Department, St. Petersburg. The area of the |H'at 1k>,i{s in Russia is estimated tr) he aliout 1(K),()()(),(K)() acres. rontaininK. 1,(MK).(M)().()(MMHM) eui.ic yards of peat, from which it is calcul.ited «1,MH),()(M),IM(0 metric tons of peat fuel may l)e m.mufactured. The average depth of the ho^s is supi)osed to l>e 7 feet ami over. For the last few years, the > early output of iM-.it containing 2.S per lent moisture, has lieen 2„S(M),1)()() ions; which is iisi-d in f.ictorics for imiustrial puriioses; as for in.stance, in the furnaces of the Hriatisl foundry works; in the smelting f'irnaces of the .i;la^-.works of S. Riii^- and Co.. I. u>;a district; in the IVovince of St. I'etersliurK, tor hrick manufacture, and for \arious other purjioses. Further detailed statistical information is ex|Hcted in the year 1<)14. (\i>le liy A. .V) In !'»».» rluT.- w.is in.imifactiiri-il in I>i,i, over 4,(l(tl),(HH) ions iil !';;■" '',"■'■ . ^""''' ',"•" ^\'-"' ''"■ rcKlu. lion i- ,ilirilini.-i| i<. ilu- low i.rici- of crude "il. liiil ni.i>nin(h .is ih,. pri.c ..I .rinl.- .,il h.is in.TiM..<>,l .iij.iin.ii is iaihhu-,| ih.il a ttre.it i\ iruriMsfil .iiniinnt ol [h'.u Inil will In- ni.iniif.utiirfil. .\o statistical information could he ohtained from (".ermany, .Austria, or Hunj{ary. Itl i i-* ii' M TAiu.i: III. IIUI.I.AND. Tuble of Peat manufactured in Holland during 1910. < iiiinlv N.iiiu's of pl.ni'!" Drt'lulii H.irm'rvn'»iiT\f<'h . , h.irmT(K»ii'r\i'i'it .... KiniiuTntni|t,iM tun WriTiliiimTiMMiid \ allluTinnnil . J»' l-AliM-niuinil Miili'iiwiik la- Wi-lilorp \i»'ii\v-I r-irl Itilal ( ■nininitcn KrifM,i!itl t IriHinA'ii'nimltk'r in Wi'Msul- linKWiTl KihurvtTiv 'liU'r (■riiK ItliH'kn (15 Ti.i.il <)\tTij>M*I Vnihi-llartU'iilHTv; \ rii'/t'\ffn .... /w.iri >luis, Arntii A iilirnliiiv ••. llasM-li, I >fflfiiisva.iri , A in lit- * hnnn-n, ( ir.mwlHT^i'n . In till' rt-tnaintU-r pan of tlit' Ctmnu < Kfrij-f^t-l. 1 irfthi N.irllntf lli>Uan.l Siiiiliiif IliilJanil ( itltltriani! Ntirih-Kr.ili.int anti lanil>ur^. . . Ttnal l').« 27 Id 4.' HI X I.M .SO 5 11') .S <)52 .S4(l.i««i 'tl.lKHI i 2.U-5 hllMKHI 24*< 5 b'NMKiil un IT.S.IHKl w .Ull.dllll 1) 1 1,><.(MIII .<.(K»I 18U .STlMKIIl K2.? .S .m6.(Kiii I (;ulili'n=4(t-2 crnis Ill 'I if b •n e e e y f r t t ; I ;l ::l ■■_,._ Z~ - - - ; - ». -• :„• „v-. •?s i?.?s3 .'s :s iSsasSS 8855! ••-:-• "if "ij-. 8 s •g 22»*:^23«'-« t- =«-2S2»«2« I " s ;'^ «4«i>i*i|1 -I' oc==aSS5io^S Srf == |:>f :-|s« SS2 io OQQ°oi: » H 5 iM»»»is'iiii} sssiiiniiisifiH I S853«32 :» Is^M If? I l ! inF=8ss»arH=sv ss I. -I I ">«"l">^«l«CN-»>.,„»»_„^ a Thr lol.il .iilHHiiil of iK'.il m.iniil.uliirril iliiriiiK llic \c.ir 1'»10- 1,N2.<,(NNI,IMN) IiIinW- riu- iiii.il x.iliii i>f |MMi ni.iniil.iiiiiriil iliirinu tin- >iMr l'>Ut- 5,n4«>,iNM) (.iililni. Il i-. ( all iil.iuil ih.il Marls la star* work i i>ii^i«i-. i.t llu- llirtt «iiiiiimr luiiiilhx) 5lt (Mi ifiil ">l llii' iiiii.iiv rfri'i\«, «<) it will '«■ miii lll.it a< nirilitiK Id tlii^, i.,MIO,(HH» ( iiililill wirr »|H'iil iili v\am-. Son llu- li.riuiiiiiK -i.iii-iii- ■'11 (111 ni.iniil.Miiir. nl i«mi hi IImII.imI iliiriiin llir M.ir |i»|li, *.i^ riiiiMil ihrciiiuli ilii' l»ii>.irlimiil nl Xurii iih iiti-. Itiilleiin \.i 7.">. dlh ,1 ,11. .Mill Ki|"itl Nip. I.'iil ill.' IHiMrliiHiil 111 (..ilKiiir, I'.iii.- ii 7, ll.iiiUi', ll.ill.iii.l DK.NMVKK. yV/i- .WiiHii/iiiliirf of I'nil ill Pniimrk iliiriir^ l>»tl. Tlic (iilldwiiiK is an alwlrait from ati arliiU- liv .|. KantmisMii, on ihi- almvc ~iiliji»t. in tin- |)ani»li I'tat SMiitv Journal. 'HkIimNU.iIhI' TiiU- krift,- Mar.h ->5th. t<>12. During iIk' vi'ar of I'Jlt. iiiforiii.it ion •w.i'. olii.iiiuil from ino-.t ol the owner', of Imih^. on ihr niamil.uiurf of jHsit fml ami |h.iI liiiir. The n-'iill'. t.ilitilali-(l art' st-on in tahli's. IV to \'ll. Tin- MMMiii of 1011 li.i> Uiii i'-.|«»ially f.iMiiir.ililt- for llu- inaiiuf.n liiro (tf iKMt fuel, on .itromil of llu- Mariilv of rain .mil ll»' .ilnintl.iiuv of miii- shiiir. TlicM' coiKlitioiis ciii-iil tlu' |m-.iI on ii-rl.iiii l"ii;* to Ik- lonsidfralily truniliU'il, lint lliisdm-. imi ilimini>li ilif v hand or tr.impli-d with .iddition of w.iti r. I)\ small inachiiu'sor l.ilxiurfrs. Thismaki-sa lot.iloi approximately 42t,(KM),(KM) |M'.it liriiks or 17.s.(MM» M.' tons of |M'at fuel with an avir.iKi' weight of 4IM) nr.inimes (kt (mmi lirick. In l'i iK-at liriiks .ire usi'd for industrial purposes, of which approxinii-iely 2I"' IMI.IMM) inal liricks .ire used l>\- HolniKaard ulassworks ,ii Nai -^txed. The i)rice of iH-at lo.uled on railway c.ir-. .it the n. .irt-i riiilw.iy station to the plant, v, tries from 4-4 J kronor (Rr 1000 (H-at U-.. ks. excepting some pl.ices where il is as low .is .<. andashiuli .is 6 kronor. The manufacture of i>eat litter is as yet \ery i;ic(msider.il>le. The yi-.irly priKluclion of fmm 12.(H)0 to H.IHM) hales is only a small item when compared to the aniount iiiiixirted from Swi-den. ' 1 nu'irii- ion = 2,240 lli^ lAlil.K \ 1. Tramp Peat and Peat cut by hand, in Denmark, 1911.* NKMi-; OK ri \i iiiM.- It!'' Ardiii .iiiil Mirriiiinilint; inat l"i>;' ...■ ' Allnip i«Mi 1h« - Aiming |Pi'.ll Inii; 'I Itirk.'iii.i-i-. \iilili.n Ik + IfnikMi pt-.n Iwij;. I Irrliiliii.i^lc ° lilvi |ii-.ii 1kp«. \ iiiiliiiii. \ lUir^; •_' \.iriiiiis Mii.ill lioi;-. in ll\, ilwi roiinu ' ( i.lllnin-r Hllll llu- .liliniiiili^; lici;^ Ni>ITr < lllinu' « ll.irrili\ I.Mlu. Nvk.'l.in:;, I .lUl.i "> llnliiiK.i.ir.i |..M1 l"'i;. >k.il>M. '<> Ihiinimllii'i^f. Iljrnii ]' lliinholm uiiil Hii.riiluilin im-.ii 1i..j;>, Tni-ircip li llol-lcv iHMl l".j;-. Il..i-l,v Y Kirkili.ii'k |n-.il lin^. ni.ii \ ilimn, i] Kiixlucr |HM1 luii; in \i.r>;oil .iixl ^iH'jlijrrn tnttii~lii|i, lltTiiinu 1.i KiiiMlniii«- nr.ir I Krniiin ]'_' K.inip |H-,ii linn jf l„in(lMi.i.iliri:.i.ir.l wiili .iiljniiiini; |kmi l«)n. • ■I.iihsIijitk r' I .iiiiinrli.iMK.i.inl «iili .iiliciiiiiii^; |mmi hot; Kiniir -<• l.illc l.(.iuv.lt;.i.inl iH-.ii !».>;. Sm-I.oI1.' 2\ r.-.it hiii;-- .ir.iiiiicl Aliilil A.i Nnrtli Iniiii \iilrlMik 22 " " " i:i«iic,rf.iiiii sk.ur*r> 2.' •• " " M,.-rrr.i.i(i.iU'ii —^ " " Ini Willi Kind, \iniliini .mil \'.iiiiU'l 26 " " ill Sk,il>.i.iil.ili'n 27 '• " ill '-^kjrrii \.i^ Kildropl.iiii! 28 " " .iiouiiil Tjili' ri\rr 2'> " " in X.i.iiili- I .riiiil>u-cl A.is Kililr.ipl.mil ■'•• " '• \iTM iiln; lowii^liip, Hri-il Si .'1 " " .iniuiiil Kmm'iiIimIih A.i -'2 Miinklindf |kmi Ilo^; liiiHirii INknv .ind Hiirdin« 3.< I'r.ii liMi;- U'twrin l.iiiylicill ;iiid \c«l~kciv •'+ i'.i.inip |KMi Imi^;. sonili (riiiii Kii>;i'>v,iiik -^^ K\llnl^;,l.l^d pc.u Imt; 'll.' Konliirrj; |K'.ii Iwij; -j' Sk.i.ipliiis pi-.ii l"iK. iiiMr IKkiix •"* Skcni. Il-u.ind lliiirilud- ■.ni.inii..i;^ .V) SkinilliiiTK .iii'l iiiliir Im^- .irniind \ iliir-c. K.irk. ncir < .rcn.i.i 4(1 Sp.irk.n-r ihmi Ih»k- ^\ spiTriiij! pc.ii l"i«, SiiM-rini; Si 4. S|( ckliMlin |KMi l"i«, l)iH'n><- 4.< riHlliirr>; ..iid I'.iiiniriip (hmI lioy. I.ysirnp Si 44 IckIIii,!, II in. II Kirn-. IK ( .j.ut-IkiI ih\ii \n<\i>. Tin 45 I'i;at MiM.N IN Till: Cm srv oi Kaik. I'c.il liov;s Uiwi-rn Itr.indsKov .uid llic l.irnr \ ildimsc 46 IV.ll liii);> .inilincl ltluil>lioll .illd li^lil 4/ I'c.il liut;> lii-lwri'il t .ifUrilp-Drnhcill-Sl.i.i 4.S I'lMi liiin-.iroiiiul l.indhiilm A.i frdinOriiiii lit.^; m ilii- r.iilw.iy . . . 4'> I'lMi lions .iroiind Sindholi, A.^llmll .ind \ ourli.ikkf .'>0 iy.il lions InMwiTii \ iKlskov ami \islliicrn .^1 {')riini .Illd .idjiiininn sni.ill liiiKS \ ^^ ~ Total i * Fi-.it wliiili i-* lr.niiiit.-.i l»y li.tr.i4'* .ir in.-n with tlii- ti.-l|i ol w.it.-r. Tlli« Mlili' w.i" mi.l In J. R.nnui^siii, p.-.il .■iimiu-.r. Ii.f.in- tllr D.ira^li ••IMi-scWkilhoI" Ti.l'krift." Mar. h J.'. I'M.'. M.imil.ll'lllK'd pi. It per IIKNI I 5. (KM) 1 .IMMI I IHKI mil 1. , JIHI 2M) I . .VKI 4.4(H> J.^l) ()M) 2.(I0<) 2.(KH) .S,(KKI I. (KM) I(I.(J(KI ,i.(IO() .s(KI 1,.^(K) ,i()(l .'(HI 44(1 2..''(KI 1 .(l(HI .s.(KI(l ,^,(HI(I 7.(HKI ,s.(MMI i(l.(MH) 1 ,(KHI 4.S.(HMI S.IKKI J.IHHI J.IHK) .sIMI I.IMMI l.(MI(l ."S.IMMI .SIKI IM) 14. (HK) l.(i(K) .^.(KHI 2(MI l..^(M) 20.(H)(l 12.(MHI TIM) (i.lHHI 7IK) I.IMMI !((HI 2.(xm 21.>(.,'<2(l l»,.;it Sni.iy J.iiirn.il, Till' MtiniifiHliire of Peat in Diniiinrk. !'>t2. Kxtnict fnmi tlir Danish I'c.il Society Jddrii.il "Hodvsclskalwts Tiilskrill," I Krcmlxr 25, l, \ IM.Miil IN.Ii.iM- 1.1(11 n.ni|iiliil I nun iiifi iriii.it i. .11 miMv.'il fnmi ilillirciii piMi iii.iiiiil.K Illicit, 111 hIiiiw ilii' ,11111111111 111 pen .inil |MMi liiuT in.inul.irliiri'il anil siilil (luriiii; ihr MM-iiii 1,1 1i»t.'. In .nlilitiun tn ilii' ^i.itisiicil infonn.iiion is also inrliidiil a '>nniiiur\ wliirli will vln.w iniiri' iIimiI-. .iiul cuiiiplrtily ihe nmiliiioii of alTaira ill. Ill ilir i.ililis i;i\fn in |)rr\i(Mi« \r,ir^. riir Siiiiiinar>' lalili- ilr.ilinn »iili l"al, wliicli is ciii liv li.iinl ami irainplnl In linrscs and nicii lur ilnnicsiii- iisf, i« uniiiti'il lu'i aii«c ii is inipusr-ililc luulii.iin ii-li.ililr iiiliinii.iiinn friuii a MTV laiKc niinilirr i)( liii^s, wlicn- |hmi i- iiianiil'amircil in iliis nianiUT. Tlir iiilal ainiiiint of [nai nianiilari urni iliirinn ilu' s.ason ul I'MJ is as f.illnws:— .\l 'Ml |.<,ii pl.inis appnixiinaliK J15,(MM),(HH) pcai liriiks iir appri)\iiiialflv ')5.(HK) inilrii I iiiii> 111 .lir dricil piai luci. willi an aviTa^i' «>iijlil of 4(KI uraninii-s per pciil lirirk. In l>)|l ihc priKliiriiiin was .'()5,(MKI,(KK» mat lnirks to appiuxinianlv >S,S,(M)() tons iir 7,(«NI,(MM1 prat liriiks less than I'd.'. I'rir.-s 111 inal liiadril on railway lars al the luarist station to the plant avcraRwl 4} kronor |Hr KMKl iH.it lirirks. Iliis shows that tin- pricrs have not rist-n since last war, in -piti- ol ilic iiii Tca^i' in till' prill- of cii.d. riif iiiatiiilai luif of |Hai limr i~ approxiniairlv 1I,IMHI |.,i|(s, wliicli ,|iows a divri-ase of i,(KK) liaU'^ r.iilipar.-d In lllr tablr of l')|l. TAIil.i: Ml. Total Amount of Peat Litter manufactured In Denmark during 1911 ' 1 >i^iiiti'i:ratrd and pressed pe.it litter Not itisinte^r.ited pe.it litter \\iii;lllper I'rire [XT \ii. of li.des li.ile. Kil«. I'''li-. Kr. Ore I. A "s l.iiiidel'K.i.ird [K-at Imii;, j .\aliy|iro .sfHIculiie feet .dioiit IlKKI alioiit ,sll 1 (M) 1. I'iiidstriipiHMt litter plant " 751H) " l(KI 1 UO .'. .\ S roiitoppidans [kmi litter pl.iiit, llerninu 7(HI.(MHI pities " l.stHI " 11(1 » JO Tul.il " U,lHK)i We tlierelore. -nppose ih.ii on the .i\er.ine. one heitolitre is ei|ii.il to forty kiloKr.iiiis I he weinht of the pe.ii liriiks .ilsii \.iried loiisider.dily .mil for this re.ison eaeh liriek w.is pre- sumed to have .111 .iMT.ine wei);ht of (l-.s kiloK'r.inis. The follow inw l.il le 1 No. \i -.hows thai in the disiriet of Kristi.insi.ids. U.l.stI Ions of pe.it fuel were ni.iniifaetiireil. In eerlain other ye.irs 2,(>(l(l tons more ili.iii this were iii.iniilai'tiired. In the distriet of M.ilniohii«, 1 1, Kid tons were ni.imifai inreil. Cert.iiii other vears litis amoniil w.is inereasi'd by i,.s(ll) ions. The lol.il amount lieinn ff't" -'-^.OIO toils to ,^(1,716 tons with an average priie of 1(1 kronor per ton, wliiih represents a value of from 2.Sn to ,<(K) tlioiis,ini| kronor. ' 1 in-lric Inn «= J, -Mil lbs. 'This i^ihli- wa< ri'nil hy J. K.isiiiii««,ii, ih.ii enulinvr. h..t,iri- ihi- D.iiii-!i I'r.it ShIi-Iv .lutirnul ■Ili.ili-«i.|»k;ilii.l< TiiKkrift." M.ir. h .'5. lurj. M Kriin.i =» J7.-. mil on- -1 Kron.i. 36 The plants wliirh ilid ni>i Ki\f indirnMlioii arr: — In the Kriatiun«tadii District. (iflin^r Him llin i- iii.u liim>. llvl!>ii)ft.i Hi>w Oil'' iii.nliiiu-. ltr,iiiil>lH-rK.i Hob Onr ni.iiliim'. (iliiii.ikr.i Hii« OiHratiiinMliMiMiiiniH'il. HjiirkilK-rnir llu^; N.«lala ' > Q. < IK Malmohus District. Mat;la>alH> Hon. Il^r t »nr mat llillr. lijra^jiilanaril I »'" iiia« hiiio. Sillakra Hd^ < •"•• mai liino. Si. K.Mau Hon l«i. mailiim-s. IVai niaiiulariuinl (or ilu' Sk,ilu-r>jo na> |ilaiH. rroll.lioliii> i;>tau' ai lioar|iSial.liarii~ Hon Uiic nurhini-. In tlux' .lisirin-. ai .main ^,Ucv>. ,HMt i> .ni by !i..i„l on a >nMll xal.' lor privalt- ronMHiiplion. At mi. Ii plaii> llic .apariiy .1.k> not rs.inl 1(K) ton,. Manufacture of Peat Litter. rill' rtrst iH-at liii.r plant wa, ir.rt.d in Swi.Un ..t Konn.holin, Hoj; in tS.ST 1,% s. ' "• 'mosI of ,!.<■ pL.nt, haw iH.n .r.vtnl in the priscnl .-.•ntury. In Sk.u.s '";;^' •'/'"»:';' arr .o-oiKr.itiv.- Lini.-s. which in U..- laM 7 or M yi-ars havr re.ulH.I a r.tnarkal.lr .U- "''"'in'ihr DiMri. t of Kristiansta.ls it will Uv s.rn front thy folh.winij; tablr j No.XI i tlut 1(, iH-at litt.r plants arc in n^KTMum. with .U pr.-ss,-s ,.n,l a y.-arly on pnt ol ,(i(...*(K) ill'"(l) l'.,l, '. In tlu. Distrirt of Maln.ohns arc 4 ,H..at litter plants with a yearly otttpnt of .>(..S,(HKI I..1I1S and nivinn a total \carly ttirnover of 1,(KKI,()(H) kr. In Krislianstads District thm- arc .S |K"at litter plants with one press each, front which no rivoril of their yearly output has lieen obtained. I.XHI.K IX. Manufacture of peat Utter in Denmark during 1912.* Nantes of jK'at plants NuiuIht of hales Weinhl IH'r liale I'rice |XT bale Kr ( Ire. 1, .\/S I.underK.iard |xMt bon, .Aabybro. 1. I'indstrui) [Hat litter plant, rindstrup 3. .VS I'ontoppidan |kmI litter plant, Hern- inn Total None iii.m iifactured. .S.tMKI ')») .riNK) 11. (XM) IIM) 711 'Ml «Tl,i. laW. vv;,. r,-:>.l 'n .f. R...,.,..-..-,,. K..,.. ,..-at .■nwm-.-r. l»-for,. tin- nani,!, P.a. S«iHy J..urn.l. '■Hnl.-s.-l«k.llx-t<' Tidslcrift " b.-ivmlxT IS. IMIJ. ^. TABI.EVIII Table of Peat manufactured and soli 'If Vh \l 1*1 ^Nf^ r.ii \ is 444 ?2| 5^1 ^H ^i ^Ji ■ r I* JS 1 1^ " « 1 > - —Hi Zj:s.x yji 9 in II w u u 15 16 17 III IV id 21 22 2,1 24 25 2b 27 28 29 Ml .11 .12 Allingiikovitaanl (lent pliint. Silkeh AtlnitiK bog, .ViminK (1> Baks peat T*lant. Sparkacr H«dsted imit & I'lertrk- iilanl, HtMlstfil Hirknar* prat plant. <)«tt>irk Brandstreep peat plant. Ktidkaershro. BrokM> peat bogK, Hcrlilfinagle (2) Brunmaae peat plant, Ebeltoft BOgildgaarrl bog. Kellcrup Haagegaard l>eat plant. Tommerup EUing real plant. Moaelund Engeavang peat plant. MoHelund (fanderupgaard lieat plant. Uoenw (iatten peal i>lant. (>atten Ctrauballegaard peat plant. Silkeh Count l^ngel's tieat administration Heinstrup peat plant. OUtykke Holmegaard glass works. Olnrup Hvam peat plant, Kellerup HJirby [Mat plant. Hobro Jensen peat plant. Sindal (J) Kolbygaud peat plant, Laasby Kloaterlundgaard peat plant. Moseliind Kaergaard peat plant, Sfiarkaer. Lammehave peat plant. Kinge Lundergaard bog .\ S Aabybro Little U^jtvedgaar l>eat plant. Svebolle Moabjerg peat plant. Tolnc Malles peat plant. Sperring via Siiirring Meieril»kken peat plant. Rjby Motegiard peat plant. Trunderup. , MoMgaard peat plant. Rosen. Slruer Moflelund peat plants. Mosehtnd Nagbolgaard peat plants. I.tinderskov Onsild peat plants. Onsild Pindstrup peat plants. Pimtstrup I T T I I I II. I l-l. I K 2T 1 T IT I H I K I 1' 1 I- I 1' I Kl. 2T IFl. -'T I K 1 K I T I K I K 1 1' 1 1- 1 !• 1 V 1 T I 11. 1 T I H Ristrup peat plants. Mumlelstnip Rosenholm peat plants, Hornslet Rtinbierg peat plants. X'indenip Kimbierg " Rimbjerji Raakilde .Sliiv: ing Sparkaer Sparkaer Stokholm " Doense Large Kbnsmoso i>eat plant. Bonnet Stubbergaard t>eat plant. Vinderui Sibo peat plant. Trunderup S^intlergaard II . peat |>lant. Riinbierg. . . SOndergaard K.. " Srtrensen. N'.. " " . , . Tandrup peat plant, Bedsted Tang:iira:ird peat plant. Hutnlum Thoug & Moseg \ .at plant, Sparkaer .... Tu.'*trup i»eat plant. Randers Tvaerniose [leat plant. \'inderup Tvaermose .N'urthern peat plant, Vinderup. Underbj peat plant. l.omborg. Bonnet Vejrholt peat plant. Arden I I' 1 1- IJ T 1 T I H. VeHergaard peat iilant. Sparkaer Vigendalgaard peat plant. Ringtttti (4). Videbaek iieat plant. Videbaek Ydes i>eat plant, (".jersbol, Snedsted Ostetgrd (leiit plant. Hvaeskaer Bonnet. AamoKn. .\.S. \'iddt' 1 II II t>5 II P Kh IIP PftHP P<»HP 111 PM.HP I II K5 HP Dill IIP 1>45 HP IN HP 1)5 HP d; HP Dt HP • II 1)24 HP P4 IIP PH HP If) HP d; HP U4 HP 1)12 IIP K4 HP P20HP U.I HP DK HP H Pi HP 11.111' IX. 1' 4 1 :|)4.^.P^H1' 1)5 HI' 1)5 HP mil PI4I1P I II P» HP 1)22 IIP 1)1.' HP Total. 1 1- P6HP 1 T 1'5 111' 1 1 1 11 1 1- IH> HP IT I't HP 1 1- P» IIP 1 1' l)h HP 1 H 1)S HP i 1 012 I'd HI 1 1- IX. HP 2 1- 1)211 IIP 2 h I)J4 HP 1 1- 1 II 1 1- PI 5 HP 1 K PKHP 2 H IK D4 HP IT PI HP 1 K 1 11 1 11. 1)4 111' about »)it. 402 I 4 1.' 45 Ml .Mil I II m Mil I- It .ind MB MH MB IB FH IB IB IB MB l-B MB IB I- 11 MH MH \1H IB IB IB IB IB MB MB 1-1- MB MH and KH J-B l-K MB MB IK KB I 21 1 15 15 i2 I (1 I 5 II . 10 H 14 M M g f) K 1 ** 1^ S 1^ X t K .4 K n ft 4 M 1(1 8 ft K .10, K 10, X 4 » ft H 4 K in H 1 » II X KB ; Is 4 12 K I MB 20 1 20 T KB 1 , and 1 24 4 .1 X t MB 1 KB 1 5 in K KB MB ,1/5 22,; KB 2 5 25 7 KB K.r 211 7 KB ! '- 1,« 1 "•"" 1 and '(I 4 11 H ' MB : .MB 5 5 1 X MB 2I(,4 in X ! KB 15 Ift X KB .1 5 5,7 KB 2.1 4 10/X KB 10 4 lO/X va H /.' .11/7 KB j and \ ft 5 8/X 1 MB 1 KB l(S «/8 FB in/6 15,7 KB 1/5 8/8 MB I ft Jl/7 MB .10/5 li/7 MR 4 5 3/8 - — U) fVdt ill manufactured with several small horse tramphnK plants. (i) The tramplinfi is done by men. Lh The owner of thii plant manufactures peat by contract on ditirrent \wns. (4) The peat is trampled by horses in a floatinit plant. (5) As no information from above factories was available it is assiimni that an averaRP weiKht (if onv |>«ii brick is 4 11 K.r-27c... This f 'i»lr was ttiven by J. Kasmuwvn. peal ennlnwr, to the Danish I'eat Sotiply Jmirnal, 'Ht^li-<«'lMkatM'ti* Titlskrt lI.EVIII. and sold in Denmark during 1913. I'aoti ■ITIIIN. I »5 >\ "15 II 15 14 6 10 ,1 .10 1 12 5 16 17 260 l> 16 111 III 111 174 J 5 .10 M) 40 :ii ID so 17-5 i 50 10 5 15 10 2.111 5.1 .15 W\ 4 5 54 III) M) 40 15 5 5 III 25 20 5i) 111 IINI 111 1 110 \ KI4 1 II) 41) i 40 55 .10 IS 12 40 1 11 1 1 KM) 1 . IIMI :i)niiii l.SINI I,SIN1 WMl MMl 1 7IMI 1,1IMI 1,-00 220 450 2 , ,5IM) 21,. MM) 1 l,IMM) 1 IMNI 1 UN) 2. IMNI 5IM) I2,I«M) MM) 1,7IN) l,4IN) 2 , 4(J0 1 , WM) ^.(MMI KM) 5.5(M) 7,50 2 , MM) 111) 4,111 KINl 1 . 1 Ml 1 I.5IM1 1 . 7 111 2 . MNl II. IINI 2511 1.125 lO.IMM) . 7.. 50(1 4 . 4S0 2, INN) MNl 11 1 41 > 1 , 1!NI 1,'HM) 2 . MM) 1 .KIN) V.INN) I ,INN) ,H , 7IN) '). 170 MM) 2 , 2(M) l.liO 120 I.HIMI 21M) 150 .l.(HM) lUD.OWl ( >2il ' 1 IINI 'MNl MN) MM) 510 440 SSI) 112 IINI ; 7511 11.6511 '17 5 ,'(■0 1 . 120 7511 2IN1 6. INN) '25 12 5 7IN1 1 1 111 'HNI 2 , 5IN) 225 2.IK1.1 450 Sl)5 162 IS.l IINI ;w S.4INI 1.1112 1. 1511 s, SSIl IINI 1 . 1 7 .■ 1.5IN1 .1 ,175 1 liSII 'IINI tsl) 112 Mil TINl '1511 1 1 511 SID 1.1511 4511 .1,6*17 4.216 2711 KHI) 1 . 565 »«) 7211 IINI 175 I.SINI 114 . 7KS 7 rams. 400 (5)1 400 (5)1 1 500 ' 500 { 500 JOO 400(5) 500 [ 500 250 ,100 500 ! 125 2M) 4IM)(5) 175 4<>»• :itthrbaii. III Si In 1.000. tk Kr. Kr. Kr, 1 Kr. ooF:^!"" on 4 50 ' l.'H 4 H 4 about 4 4 .5 4 I .1 "5 J ,1 4 4 ,1 4 1 ' 1 1 JJ ... 00 . i . ! 00 4 L50 00 .1 1 5 ; 4 { 400 i 100 400 25 7 ;■'! ■■!■ i- ■ 5'l OO'I ; ' 1 . . 5 1 no ; 5 j .50 1 5 IN) 5 (M) 1 IN) 4 ! .15 200 20(1 .500 AOO 200 200 5.000 1.200 200 1.000 11 r 1 V 11 , 16 H 11 6 lu ; 20 7 14 N 14 I) 75 SO on : 75 00 50 75 l» 25 70 110 50 5 4 1 1 4! 1 '5 ' 4 4 4 4 ■5' 4 4 4 4 4 no 1 00| , , . 1 ,50 \ (10 : IM) I ,50 ' 100 i 'sdfc' i.4o6 160 6 H 25 , 4 ' in ' 4 1 ,50 1 1 K do 25 5 ■ no ! 5 1 70 1 15 » 15 » .1 K 5 1 00 1 . . ! .,.[.. . . .! 1 200 .1 H 13.000 ll.OOU 11 7 21 .6 4 1 00 4 i (Ml i 75 .150 100 4 « 4 75 4 00 3,5 50 75- 50 A 1,000 10 8 ; 1 3 '.5o'j 4 . . . ! , . . ' . .1 'S'; 00 !. too 6 H 4 5 ,1 5 6 ,1 ,1 5 5 4 4 .1 4 4 4 00 50 50 00( no .50 .50 00 00 25 00 75 00 ,50 on 1,250 10 7 15 M 27,7 7S "lis 1,400 3.200 .10, K 130 10. K 25 1 5 4 K 5 4 4 1 4 25 25 25 35 50 "♦ 1 25 70 00 (WO •WO 1 M 8 K ,. i,.,! 41 4 1 .50 j 5 1 1.000 30 300 4.200 ID X 1 8 ] 5 1 no 2.000 ,50 800 1,500 200 II H "4 75 4 75 3 40 ... j , . 4 .1 : 6 4 4 4 5 4 00 .50 .50 00 00 .50 on on 25 50 75 ,1 M II) S 4 .1 6 % 4 4 4 4 DO ' 1.200 400 100 200 I..500 22,7 .,.,1 , 450 25 7 .VI 51) 1 1 125 1.50 1 '■' ft .s 1 ■ 4 25 50 IN) 00 M) 400 400 ,500 2K 7 I II 2<>0 11 K 1 M 50 1.50 10 K "i.iaaa ■ 500 5,7 4 4 4 75 (Ml )0 10, H .500 500 lO/K 2,000 75 1,000 600 11/7 5 i ,50 1 jlM) 1 4 j no K,'« 4 ; 4 1 25 50 ,.,.. 75 4.50 15,7 1 4 i ,50 ! i 1 I 65 |. 1 .1 A 20 .500 1.50 475 ,11/7 \ 4 1 IM) I 5 i IM) 400 li/7 5 .50 4 25 ; 5 00 1 6 00 8 00 (too 1 28.380 29.183 1 ' ! 1 •Pat hriik ii 40<) Knuiis. aU-ti« Tiiidkrift." Urtfm»« ISiU I'>1.' TABI.F Peat Fuel manufactu^ In the Province ol PtAT Ft FX kKlSTIAN.'-TADs DISTKI' I l.oahultti iHtn^i l-t:tTkulU >iuu . . Xvfrngf IlKtolitrr welcht 111 kilocimmi.* Typr of pntt niachir Viitiin tartflh- i-'iiima])iinRa Ikil- MiMMmyr t )iltTljiint(a iiarisli. kxpiniie boR. . \'. Torups iiarnh. l.iiitlcToils luritti. Toraalntiis iKJii Nulla Im)k ' ir«>«. Mitnkaips par'^h. A|ier«ds :in(l Kaukarc iir:it r Mainmarhincla (Mriah. Silfakru itaridh Silfakra nynariU i<*-iit I Hare (it-al Imhc, KtiMjiiklrMitirra parialt. UoSJuklt'StCtH IHMt I" Siil)<'ru«ls i-'at Im>k VaJinKf iiarish. (iiisUfs tiari>li. ^liittiTijfli* I--: \ r Ifoknns nation W.'Ht It tin- railway station \it( Vwnhults wation - km north ol Pcrntorp. \f\t to wfSl Toriip'* ■itation. l-:;iit of the Torattorpfl (arm, ' ^ km. >- of I.imifr<»l!* *lat».ii ^ iif AnH'*holm lakr. ' kr». from Finja alalion \.-sl sjohnlmens station \ km. N. of Sjohlmrn Xvxt to L.'Irt.hIs -lation 1 km S. W. of the alaiiiiLi I > km. W- of ,\xeK'ol'U -t i km. N "f thf rhiinh I km. from Asker.xls stat,. II km. \V. of ihp station \t the iMiiith end of Biork> - J 4^ 4 « 1 ^7«ll. ill «. t'/tl;iliMi]iitrlyai fuel plant. S.W. Stalt'raMii.fHofMtrdm . Fmrnaliur^a prat fuel plant Krnst (Vr«on. , \'xi'n)iult> prat furl plant, Skanitka. Ihr iat'l: ^ll|>«'r|>ll04phate ariri Sulphiiru' Ati-' ; Urt, 1). sniulxtru. Kopinuf ttoK ('o-opentivc P«lt l.itter ^-ifivi. i*tt ! IjiinHa .15-40 \\ Sk.m( o^pvratlveSodfty ... 41 M.(lill< Skarw>«<.'o-oprrativeSnctrly Ml KatiMlmnt'SuiiarCo.. Ltd (7 Tvrmi;n in-at plant, limitrd H;H''l.'lt..lin-* I»«>at Plant. Ll-' - , Il.inl.i Fr.ir l.ittrr Plant. Ltd.. ttttrb-irv, i Ppat l.ittiT l-.irtoricf, Ltd., Turba IxmIitxI- iit-w i>eat fuelplant Brofi. I'*' Liklr imI- 'lid i«>at furl plant P. Johan«M)n Karstt'ii Irt-tlrikMoa. . SvaluH |x-al plant .\3(rlv<.i.|, IVat Ltd. Coiint I'Inliii iiondr. . . Il)iilar."i^ .-idte manaicrmrat R.iiil.- I.rt.k plant. L,.' Slaitirn-N i'ower i' . . td.. K.-Junk (i. Stiim-v .iTd, Jof-*'- ■ , I j Anrrp i I Anrpp I . and II h [■ Vnrrp I. and II . K,/»rnef Kkhol ro- Anrrp-Swdala otMKHl'i fi*"M iirrtw 1 Sparkjaer I Anrrp I • • -i Anrep II B I 2 Akcrman IMI .' Konwr. a ' I .Akcrman, 1 Knmer. I Kftrncr I KHmer : Akcrman K/^rner .\kerman K'lrn^r Anrrp II. Aki rman Cranr plant w-th hor« Anrrp-Svwlala II hflr Tint atatirtiral mliTnn!,. ' I hecUr- 12 arp* M hectolurr- *[> kilr.i;i.i!ii 1 kronaa 11 rrni* 1 kr.ma- t<»«(,.r,- I iiiftt'--^ -t .it'i'i' ^ ' 1 kiloiir.im'^ 1 -' '.*•> t kil'imitTt- i..(*i I" t I wa,« j;ivrn by E. Haitliind to i i.lisli Prat Sfjcii-ty. and piibisli'' ■v.-n-ka Mii'wkultiir juntur::;.-!!* Journal No .'. May. fU. TAni.K X. rovince of Skiuic, Sweden, during the ye«r Wll. PEAT Ft f.L PLANTS. The nuuiu- ai p«it niachinr. The tmouni manu- fwturiiw N'umher o( men factum! . — — Ut«tiMWKl ■prMMifH. Thit rutrn "1 R*t rK« foM.» fiMcktog or ptit In «tMd. OHllitbav. 2 . WO tona .1.200 torn Anrcit-Svrtl.ila Jak- . '( fi«"l-500toni 4SaT (tavB. J5/4-il,7 1.200 toni . . jik noRthi 50.000 hectolitra. iSOton 2.000 J.AOO 1,000 toiM .. 2-4.000 tow 45.000 hertoliirw. 4.000 .|i month«. 5,900 her Ion 45 nn hectolitre . 15 in per I.omt 11 kr. per itark of Ift tonfl i4roen;6women;7men! kr.b H^ per t .66o ^ ! ! jl5 ..it per I,»n6i.i«^ loading. 15.000 1,000 tons. . 2i month*. . ■i month! . . I )Iant With hoi^e 20,000 hectolitrra.i2 tnonthi. 1 million pieces. ... | .... . . . I 2-1 million pieces. 1 /5- 1 5 7 kr. MS per 1,000.. It men plus women andl 75 6r.' per 1,000 piecca. chiMreii. i 28 ,114 Ore per h«:toUtre\|2 Ore hi 10 ere hi., 'l drj peat , I ; <>re per 1 .000 t5Hrepcr 1,000 25Jireper l.non S2 AfeliectoUlrv.. 145 (irr hectolitre. . I SO W hectolitre.. 5til6rebectoUtre.. « are hectolitre. to kr. per ton. . . 'lOOre hectolttrv.. JPor own uar. i I ninnini metre -I 2< l»e«-liililfi' »• < 45- M) kam i nmt lit mfiir ^ i kr veo.kr twu . \. Akarr* iiariih. • I'mmentio b„a. 'iilrrljuriKu pariwi, Vmnkifva i«ruh. MyrfhoJiM« ton '>f,n "•ifja paruiii. V Torum LrtUMl. SmcilboOa b<.K MALMoias DrsTRK T Steiiagj pariah ■"•" i R'imicholma fmt hng Mdukari). paruh. AueroU. anj Ra. kar, prat bu^ ^ KSruni> pariih s>tad« boK TuraMorpa hot Konm pariiti. •"■illattigj bog ill I ill • N<»t lo HfikArii tuiM,,. iN>«ttoi»,..«.(ion W>«t of Ih, «,,!„„ |'-.'ikn,,\.w.„JHto,»«).,,u,„ |W«n of HetnmeMorp |i km. S. of Vitnla. . AV.of KophuU.lak, |Nr«t Yienhult J' J I, I jl«.in«ll.lely\v, „f,h,v.llaw ' j-kin. N.ofP„MorpiiUtion ! jtkm fromlMaU .ution Ikm. N. of the'iution. , |N««r Angiholm lakr I ■ ' "" >>• o' Torup* nation >1 I Near Sjafiolmena Maiwn I U km. N. o( Sjoholmen, ««,„„ •• ton. B. of SatwrniM aution. . llOkm. E. ofiKagerM 1 . . 12 .f-5 1-5 i J- 5 •IIIO,ire_| kroiia. 1 iruna- J7 cenu ™"«-.V4-'approx. I kilomcuc-approz. njl »«lulrlV.|,V j|. , ' '"'l nioi>i un- it It 17-J U I^' I moiaturr '"vf luuiaiiin-. .'0% moteure. ■ s moinun W; . 12-24 PMt M«er manufactured In th« Pi PI ' X'ciiiv. ,.,,,1 publijhni ,„ , owNPka .r*" '-""• =*"•- •»» "-^M. D...HC. ro^.. ' 0*» PMt Litt« Co. Lid |H«au«.«ofpiPtotLlttCTSij.i^-. ■,:::;;;;; ■knwpii r^i Li„„ (.^ j^ NAk.,p,p^L..UrSbd«y.B,ta,«. Acid Co.. Haiifi Kopinw boi Cp«,( "«P*«LltMfSocto,. '*'•"*'*"- '^' '-'«« -• ^- A. V. Und.««.. ^, r |A ". Tyriatr Pbi, Liner PtaBt, Ltd JV. Skuea Co^H*. "tiveP«„u.UrSocia.y. H«dKft„u..„Co..LM.,G«««u«,. icatuabaii "•"•■dFroauBMoniM. CoH.p.ralir, p,« utter Sod«r. ■""■"k. M,»«kullurfflr«,i "««>• Joym«L May. i»u. n^ 3 :cr and Jakobaoa. TABLK M « th# Provlnc. of Sk4 Sweden. P«AT LITTER PI vnt- during the y«r 1912. «PU& 37 SWEDEN. The Maniijaitiire of Peat in Svedeii diiriiv^ the year I9IJ. An ixiract from the Swc-dish Pi-at Sorietv Journal-" Svenska Moss- kulturfori-nniKins Ti.lskrift," May lOl.V Journal No. .?, I,y K. HaKhmd:- .\I.\M F.\< rrkiNii OF I'k.vt Ki ix. to oblain Ih,. ...mv, slaiiMir.il informal i.m on pral. Tw.ntv ,ii;h. . irriil r' v r ,. m n! m..nuf..rt,.rcrs of ,h-.u fu.l. of whi.h nun.U-r. onlv HkI,. ^ave I m I •, n i n ' I ^'^''r' •"'"*,■".'« '''-'..sonu- of ,l„. n,anufa.„,r..r. I,a.l\li(ti,„l. i C ^^^^ th ■ wa> Mnl onl lo wliiili iliirircn more rt-plicd, In a< ( t r>n to ilii- one i.lani h i I iris..,! o|HTat.ons an.l two ,n..nula.l..ml |K-at for th.-ir own ..«■ onK I ".r • " w n me answ.Ts «m. nl,i.,MU-.l l,y st-n-linK out iw.ntv-six . ir.-.ilar, l«u.i>-„ne I 111- K.ven h.rloliiri- v..rii.,l ,„nM.k.r.,l.lv up i,, 4.S kiloKra.ns. Thi. rtvinrc nn.l.r or,hnar> r.r.un.stan.c.s ,s t.«, hiKh as .1,. ..uali.y of ,K-a. v.iric-s «rva.l> in the- ,liCn. i,.t' 39 APPKNDIX I. A I'KO, I.ANr.MlUN ...VKN MV ,,„, koVAI. A- .KI, Tl. T. KM. ADMIMSTIM HON AisKM kii(>i..\i,s\vi;di;\. M.iy IS, l'»i(). .Sll|,J),>J ^t-- '•:•'•- "-''.'"M::i::n;;::;;:r:;j^^ - - ' Hill ■><•• I. M 111'' |»MI lir.T •.iriiiilr- l,,r,iii,ilv-,- .„.■ lo !»ri,l|,,t..,l ,,,.1 fil, i ■ i .• „ ■ ' "'■" "' " "'"••'" "'•■ ••""'''•• '-'•'^'■" >l">"l'l I- ..Mrk.vl. wIkii iIi.-\ ,,i. ,,i , mil. .in i,Mi,n- !«■ iiiix4i|, .111.1 ilifM' iiiiU I. ,"■■;; v." "'■"""•'""ml ,„..„ li,,,, .rami, MM, ,„„ll ..n- ,., |„. „„, .on >lm..l,l IH. ,.,k..„ ,r„n, ..,..,•, 10,1, l„.l,.. ,„ .. „„„|| !,„|k. „„„, ,.,, ,„, , .- >l..»l,l Ik. ,,.k.„ „.„„ ,|i,. i,„i,,, ,., „,.. |„.|.. ,ro.,i ,hr.... ,,1,H.., .„„.,,, „.,!..:' r"""'^'v'''- '"'"■"• ""■>■ •'- ""-"«''i^- "'i-'i. wi,i.,„„ ,i,.i.iv. 'ii.iiiK,' in llu'.li.Kr.-.. .,|-,|r\iu..-,.,„ ,„-,nr il..M..| ,iii ,„■ i;!,,., j,,r Hliirl, .-hunl.l 1„ ; kil..»;r.i in (.1 ilif -.iiiip!!. i- pill in m .lir.vih I,, ill,. ,l„.,„i,..,| |,,|,.„,i,„rv. IV....1, l,iri;i. mI.. tilt. I. -. Ill I .liv llu-y l.iilk, S.ini- il.. is ,< nil vmII- ' |.-.M.'. I..,- ,l„. U,.,r,l,.„i|., h,,.,. ,„ ,„„,..,.„, „„. ,,„„„;„^ ,,„„„„„,„ . """"h. n„i..s.... :.,;;:;;.:;:;,:;:':;,:'■"•■'""'■'■■"""•'— 'in^o.. ....„,,,..,,„, :!;ia'':xSMl':.::rr*;'':::;';''"V'''''''^"'''"--^ '■'-'-'•- |H..r..s„ll|i,. i„i„|.. ,, 1 I '^■" ""' """-""■'■ '■"""■'"■ 'I"' I'TKiT ' n i„.„ J , ' i: ■:'':;:;:;;: "",;'";; ,'■:• ■'^'- -""■" '"- - ..■ '.e ..r..„.h ..'...,v..o...v...,.,,i,;;.r;;::.,j:.;;'r,'!':--^^^^^^^^^^ w....:::;-.,;;;;i..::;i::t.:n;;;.i- :.:;;:';;:«!;•■. , "•• "-" — ->- wirpii.in (.1 ni.ii,, iirr. iniii.ilion III iiiiii-itiirc i-niilini .iml ali w 40 S«v HI. Plan of .luii/vjcv. la) The analr-»is t>l ihc s-implc j> iliirif in ihr inllowiiii; ii..iiinir. l.i ilfitTiniiii- ilit- content of nioistun-, laki- ,i siiniplo irf !»' Kraninic^, .inil (lr\ il until ii InHcnifs ,i ronwani wiMKhl at a tfni|HTdliiri' of 105-! Kr^C. lb) Th«- .il>M>r|)tiuii <|uanlitv is (U'ttTiiiHU'd in iIj^ lollo^^in^ iiianiier. A sanipU- ol .<() ^ramini-ol iHMi, asure(l over il, ib«'n Mirrc.iuniler, and the w,iter th.it h.is iH'en alreadv poured e.ii ma-is is poured into .i Kr.idiMted lubi. sh.i|M'd wire b.isket, with ,i m.sh of from tl .' to 1 nwiUimotrc anri with .i <-onieiM of 1 litre The [K'dt substance which -ifts through the liaskc^l with the w.iter is l.ikcM .ind poiirisl back into the luiskei with the .ither (hmi .ind sieved through .ij;ain. No notm- should i-*- ta4«-n if the solution is inuildled .mil still coni,iins some small luriiclesof [hmi. Tlw- liaskti i~ then inclim-d at an .insle of 4.>' with one rcnier turned dowiiw.irds and kept in his |H)siti.«i until le.ss than a drop of water ,i init ule p.isMs frotii the Uiskei . The basket i^ then w< iufaed. Si l\ The following rules should be followed when ilelpa' or on s,iiiij>les of ,?0 |K-r cent. nioi«ttre, .md on the in.inufael iired |H-at litter and mull, on the <-onlem rf moisture tli.it the -simples contain. Tin- absorption ..liiacity of the oriKin.d s,impl< is obtained li\ deducting from i he water-s.ilnuly .Irv Minplr liim-, iK wfi«ht. Nimpl.- inuiMiMf ... 111,111 M> imt ,,iii ,i|,n^ ;,, „,^ht yn.>\ miu. >h,i.,l.l i«. i.ik.i. ol ihr kin.i ,il p.ukin„ i„ wl.i. h ^.mpi... „f riuniil... lurnl |HM. I.II-. ..rm.ill.imvnl.i, 1 hr UUir.u.iry. ami .,!.., .1... .on,..,,, ol „,oi„„rr .it win,!, I 111- ■irimiiin.inon )t.,^ i.ikcii pj.iir. ■^iiM kliolni. M.iy Is, \')\i), .,. ,.,.. %«!'/' IVl. von Feilizen. ll 1< A 1-i I. II <\ in-, lor col |IO Ilia 43 APPENDIX II. I'KAT (OKI.. (Hxir,,,! from "C,.,// .I^,,'- .l/,,r, .', .'.', /-y/,,' ./.„,,,. ,,- . , l.v-pr,.,!,,.-,. l„.i,„. , ,^ , ' ■ '^ '"■■'.•'"'' '■""■"'■^""« " "'"■■' h..r,| l„„n,lrv ,„k.., co„,..i„: .., pj;;;:;;,,, 7''''''; '''■'''«;' ^-f'' '"■'''''■ <•"''••■ m>i...uki, ,„.,„ ...k.. is s.i,!, has „..w be,l em ,.. I , "" '" "'" ""'■"'"« ""■"•"- ''"- " ...... I„ ai„c.l:..,ke.4./)r ;,'■"■'' '-"V'"'"- "••" "'^' '"'l-«inK r.^.l,. .lis.ill.-.l.xi..Mi„« LSI, „,..;, I '."T '•'' "•"^•^.•,-'"" ""- ■'■'"■ '•-,a„l,..u,r,Iu.r TlH- -ar «a,..r « ill M. 1 , I O^ " V '""".'" ' ' '""' '' "i" ''■ '"^ ^""-'< 1-...,,,,. APPENDIX III. NOIKS (»\ |>|.;.\|- |>(,\\1)i.;k '■ '"" '■"" """'■ '"'"--'^ '" ■' •^;.'/';V"-^/'"/'^"--^' /./>/./....,. r.., .,./,„/ ■■ l-"-.-n..T, Mr. II. I. v„„ |'„r„ l«"'l"- ra,I«a> has l..n. n,a,lr l,y ihr .M,. hani, al in,t,„-.ur,. i,. „„ „ ,,.,,,i' „J|'!r. ■ " ''' ''"' """I'.nn aurn,!-, ,„.■„■.•, a plan. an,l 45 INDEX. Mlr.il |KMI l,.,n, liui.iiiv ..f <<|iii|)niiiii .\ri.il\>«>, |«al, l.,iii.ir.iic Imn l-irKi' Tci I itiil |>,,^ l.rp.irr hoi; Kiviirr (III l.iiiip |„,y < )ii(lli- liii^ ^1 H\,i.iiiipli>, Imn, in niicl«., ■^'■I"' ^ ' l'r-.l...M.Mi..i, l,> K,.^„l .\,|,„i„i,ir,,.iM„. ^„..,|..„ II. I'cil cokr III. Nine, on IK..II iMiuiUr P.XliK J 29 10 7 IH 15 ii 12 4 K 16 i.? 5 .W 4J 43 Hiil.iin of tlirpr.u lio^s <■ ■».'>,«, III. U, I.\ 1(1, 17, l,s, I<),.)o .'.' C ("aiimna |hmi Im^, .irc.i. en- < anada, |mmi TMamifaiiiirid in I")12 D Dtnnurk, siaiisii.s „f jHat ami |hm. Miut „,.,ii,if.i,.,|,r,. i„ p,,,-!.' .i.\ lariiliaiii (hmi llo^, iii.u liiiiory iiisi,ill,,| ,it . 25 llollaiul, lalik'of |«..ii nMiiuf.unircl in l'>lo 32 Knipp r\ia\.ilor, dcscripliun of opcralion ol spriMilinv; ilrviir, iliMripiion of >() Labour fniploy.,1, (■•.irnli.im |Hai lioj;. I.anoraii- pi.u |,o^;. .in.ilysis of (hmi area, fH- iMitanv of -'(1 in I) 46 l.aik.. IV.i I'ii III I-.. II |«,K, .ituilv!.;* of |HMi " ariM, fir " 'or, my nl l.('|mrr |K .11 ln»tj, .m.il>»i» i,i |l^^»t .iriM, rir. 5 I" M.irhim rv r<|iii|iiiii'Mt .il r.inih.iin MiKiM- M.Mni.iiii |HMi l»,j;, .irc.i, 111 M .'5 "•nt.iiici, |HMl lic.i; iiivc»iixaU'il O Ml, .iii.iL i-, l..iniir.H. 1"!^ l.llKl' !• ■ I ill' I I'l.- " " I r|i.ir< l"i; " Ki\ilTf (III I ;) liiii; •• OlltlU- l„,i Si, II\ h inihc lii " ■• Siii.ill li-.i Kifld l«.n .11 tiiiK-. iMil.iiiy (il 111! iliiMJ i)f in\isiin.iii(iii " I l.is!-iH('.iiii>n III " (like, imiliiMl iif inamit.K iiiri', rir ttrani i., . iir.mr.mc iii.imilai liirt- in Swrdiii, priH l.ini.iiinn riv.|Hriiii>: " liilir. anaK-is, KivitTc ilii 1.1,11(1 Ixig " (hll'llf Imij; " iMiwdir, iiiiit ., on slalisiii .1 iiuiiiifacliiri' '. t. Il, S, III. 1.', \S, !(., 17, 1.S, '», til IK l.S 22 \1 H .'0, .>.' 1 I ».< M> Id ■U ii^;aliis .11 l.r|),irc. IS Kivii'n (III I otip ,1.11 |M>y, .in.ilv>is of |h-,ii ari'a, rtc Ixil.my of |H'ai liiiiT (if Kivi.rc < tiull( " .m.ilyr^is of iK-.ii aiial\>i> of iMMi llitei ariM, I'll- Ru^-i.i, siali>iir> of |hmi .in-.i. in.inuf.uiiirc, fii- 1.4 16 22 20 M Si. Drnis pen lion, area, cti Si. Ih.uiniiic pc.ii |m)k, aii.il\?.i-. of |K'al .iri'a, ii. lu't.lllV ol I'* 12 It i •17 ""'"•'" .'.•••''"■"■' I- a- U.« Km,,.i,k-.., ,, .iriM, n, . . I»il.iin 111. ''Mll-ll., .,( ,HM| IM.inill .rllln- '""■*'•■"•' "'"-••'"'""'"•" ".r...,f,H.,.,,„Hl,.,.,.i....r I'.,. I.ll.lr I. II III. I\ \ M Ml. Mil. I.\ \ \l I \V..,k,,|,|.. ,,,,, .., ,,.„ ,^,^^ i,„..<,i .., ', "•'^•'":-""''^«'-'|H-... .....I,-,., lin.r :'""" 'I"'" "MMNl,M,.„..,|i„ ||„ll,„„| xrr'ini '"■'''''''" '"■''■''•''''''•'•'''"■•''"''<■•'"'-'''•••. .> .Ml.unnn,,. Mr.. ,«...,..„. |,,,„„,„,, ,„, , ,"""""'"■■ -'•'-'... -nn.l in I... .nU V>U M.i.M.I... ,,,„„,, K.,., I„„.,i„|...,„„,ru ,„,," pr..\iii,,ul >k.iin-, Stt,. lill. r proMm.-..! >k.iiii-, I'M J •M.K N 7 .% Ji J7 4 3i M M M .<5 M .it, .it, MKtOCOrr tKOWTION TBT CHART (ANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No 2) 1h IM |W li£ ^^* ■h tii 1^ ■ 2.2 ■ 14 Im lit IS ■ 4^ y£ 1.8 1.6 A APPLIED IM/^GE Inc ST^ 1653 East Main Street S^S Rochester. New York 14609 USA ^S (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone CANADA DKPART.MKXT OF MI. NFS MINES BRANCH Et' '^"S^"'^ port of Spccul Conun,ss,on-by Eugene Haanel. I'h D IoVh ;™H •£,!*:;: •;;£""■ " ''-'^'" '---» "--■'■'": "• "rri-w/^Jini't^s,:" ^'" »• '■-«"■'"">■ «-- "■ "K;r:^£;t;!-t^:M^J:;i:'" ^-- - -v «. My.l„„lic &,„.„,. ,«„, i,„„|.„„ i„ „^„„ ,,„„,.„„^ "" "'■ iW"™"..'y i<,,,„„ „„^„. J „■ „.,„,. M^Cms ll'uhllcalfoni niarliH ,|iui t ,,„. „i|, of , .i,,,. tio. tu. tl2. tl6. tl7. Mica: Its Occurrence, Exploitation, and Ises— l)y Fritz Cirkcl M E 1905. (See No. MS.) ' • ■ • -. Asbestos: Its Occurrence, Exploitation, and Uses— by Fritz Cirkel M.E., 1905. (See No. 69.) Zinc Resources of British Columbia, and the Conditions affecting their Exploitation. Report of the Commission appointed to investigate- by W. R. Ingalls, M.E., 1905. 'Experiments made at Sault Ste. .Marie, under Government auspices, in the smelting of Canadian iron ores by the electro-thermic pro- cess. Final Report on— by Eugene Haanel, Ph.D., 1907. Mines of the Silver-Cobalt Ores of ihe Cobalt district: Their Present and Prospective Output. Report on— by Eugene HaancI Ph D 1907. ■ ■' tl8. tl9. t20. t21. 22. m. 24. 25. 26. 26a. Graphite: Its Properties, Occurrence, Refining, and I'ses— by Fritz Cirkel, M.E., 1907. Peat and Lignite: Their Manufacture and Uses in Europe— by Erik Nystrom, M.E., 1908. Iron Ore Deposits of Nova Scotia. Report on (Part 1)— by J. E. Woodman, D.Sc. Summary Report of Mines Branch, 1907-8. Iron Ore Deposits of Thunder Bay and Rainy River districts. Report on— by F. Hille, M.E. Iron Ore Deposits along the Ottawa (guebec side), and Gatineau rivers. Report on— by Fritz Cirkel, M.E. General Report on the Mining and Metallurgical Industries of Canada 1907-8. The Tungsten Ores of Canada. Report on— by T. L. Walker, Ph.D. The .Mineral Production of Canada, 1906. Annual Report on— by John McLeish, B.A. French Translation: The Mineral Production of Canada, 1906 Report on— by John McLeish, B.A. ♦A fpw cop.-cs of the Preliminary Report m06. are still available. IPublitatlons marked thus 1 are out of print. .lUal f Ill 27. The Mineral Production of Canarla 1907 Pr^lin • John McLcish, FJ.A. ''''"''"'»•' ^'"- Prelinimary Report on-by t27a. The Mineral Prcxlurtion of Canada lOdS P.^v ■ In- John McLeish, B.A. Prel.nnnary Report on- t28. Suniniary Report of Mines Branch, 1908. t28a. French translation: Su.n.nary Report of Mines Branch, 1908. CH.n.i.eat^^c?!i^i:^^-;:-7r;-;.,-t'o^ 32. Investigation of Electric Shaft Furnace Swe.len R Kugene Haanel, Ph.D. ^«e.Ien. Report on-by 47. Iron Ore Deposits of \ancouver and Texada Islands R„ . Einar Lindeman, M.!-:. ■"■'"a i.siands. Report on— by t.i5. Report on the Bituminous, or Oil-shales of W... H Sco^= also on the ^>n^.^tt:Zl^'^,^:r^)^'^-^^ 56. French translation: Bituminous or Oil-shales of New Hrunswi,!-- , •Nova Scotta: also on the Oil-shale In.lustrv of S^ot an R on— by R. W. E||s, l| j) ' - "' ^"tlaml. Report '" ' -tv Mn'rS: B^^-"^^' '^"^ -^' -• -"- Heport on t31 Procluciion of Cement in Canada, 1908 '^t::ii9ofi:;uS^'"'"^---'---"'^^— IHublications ,„_.rk«i thus t are out of ,„M,t. 44. Prixliirtion of Aslwstos in Canada during tho Calendar Years U«)7 ami 190,S. t45. rr(Mliicti(.n of C(i.il, Coke, and Teat in Canada during the Calendar Years 190" and 19(W. 46. l'ro .mcl.r ,1. a„ .r H^ "Si, K. J. Durley, Ma.K., ami oiIkts— Vol. I-foal Washing an.l Cokin); T.sl>. \ol. II -BoiliT and (,as I'rodiKer Tests Vol. Ill— A|)pcn|iendi.\ III Producer Tests and Dianranis Vol. VI- .Appen• ^-^P'- •^"''"■- Ueshorough. (Second Edifom; tPMWi,ations markod ; t are out of print. VI o.t. Mc)lybor T. I.. W.ilker. I'll. I) 10(). The ltiiil.lin« and Ornamental Stones of Canada. Rci«>rt on— by I'rofe^sor \V. A. ['arks, I'll. D. KKki. French Tran.slation: The Building and Ornamental Stones of f'atiada. Report on— by W. A. Parks. lOJ. .Min.rd l'r.Kliicti.jn of Canada. 1910. I'rcliminarv Rctior; on— bv John Mcl.iish, M.A. tlO.I. Suniniary Report of Mines Branch, 1910. 104. Cat.-ilogue of Publit.ilions of .Mines Branch, from 1902 to 1911; con- tainins Tables of Contents and list of Maps, etc. lO.v Austin Brook Iron-lx-aring district, Report on— by E. Lindeman, M.E. IKi. Western Portion of Torbrook Iron Ore Deposits, Annapolis county, N.S. Bulletin No. 7— by Howells Frechette, M.Sc. 111. Diamond Drilling at Point Mamainse, Ont. Bulletin So. 6— by A. C. I.ane, Ph.D , with Intro\ .\lr. .\. v. .Xnrcp; .il*> lran-,Ki- lion iif I.H'tii. i;kc'hinm, .Ic^ril.iiiK the ICki'luii.l !'riK-.'«s fnr ihi- .Manufacture of IVat I'owilcr, liy llaroj.i .\. I.ovcrin, t h.K. Uullilin .No. 4— l.y .■\. \ . ,\iircp, IVat Kx|icrt. iSccoiid Kiliilon, cnlarKcil.) I'>7. French translation: MoIyNlcnum Ores of Canada. Report IVofcssor T. I.. Walker, I'h.l). I'W on — by 201. French transl.iiion: IVat and Lignite: Their .Manufacture and L'aes in Kuro|X' liy Erik Nv>tro;n, .M.K., IQOM. The .Minei.il I'nxhiction of Canada during the Calendar Year IVIl. Annual Report on— by John Mcl.eish, U.A. Note.— r//c fotliniiiix Pair's uvre sepjralrly priitud and isswd in iidiviice of the Aniimil Report for IVII. 181. I'nKluction of Cenuni, l.inie. Clay l'ro;il tliu? t are out of print. IX 216. 2J9. .'22. 224. 226. th.- Moml.ke I).v.HU,n. Kq.ort on-l.y T. A. .Marl .■„„, H.Sr. 227. t229. 230. 231. 233. 24.S. 2.S4. 2S'>. 262. Sumiiuiry k<|)ort of the .MiriM Branch. 1<>U Frj-mh tr.u.Hla.i,,.,: (hn.,,,,. Ir„n Ore I)..,H„i„ „, ,h, !.;,„,,„ •,-.,.,,. ^h>,.,. .\|„n,>«r..,,l, „n^^|,y rri„ , irkel, .M.K. (S„,,,,l,.„,..nlarv l'r.,ft.,s.,r J. II. |'„rtcr. KM., |).S-.) "'^T-itN l.s Scii„n,of the Sy.lncy Coal FicM-by J. (;. S. ||„,|„,n. ^r.'r"'P' u:i7\"''^' ''^"^'■''•"■" ''"'' ■^•■""-'' '•-"- K-"rn.s of ( ana.l... 1<>12 -by !•.(;. t|,„,,,, a..\|. Se. No. 224.) KconoMiic MincraN an.l the .Mining Imlustrie, of Ca.u.ja. French translation: Gypsun. I).,«,sit. of the Mari.in.e IVovin.o. of JenniT'M.E ' ■'•'"'•""" '"'""''''• '"'""'' "-''V ^^^ »•■• Gyp,um in Canada: It, Occurrence. Exploitation, ami Technolosy Kep12. K«|».rl on l)y John Mrlii^h, H.A. US». I'r.KliKlion of tVwl and Coki- in Canada, . luring the Calendar Year t<>U. Hiillelin on— by John MrI.eish, H..\. 263. French translation: Kecent Advance, in the Conitruction of Electric Furnace, for the 1'r.xluciion of l'i< Iron, Stwl, and Zinc. Bulletin No. J— by Kugene ILiantl, I'h.l), 264. French translation: Mica: lt» Occurrence, Kxploiiation. and U«. Report on— by Hugh S. dc Sihmld. M.E. 265. French translation: Annual Mineral Prol.l I .. . i vi i .. M-..s,iuH„«;:;\.::;;:;;:::;;^;;,^;'--,fi-.-^ < .iriwriKlii, H.St. "iiniiin .,n^i,. ^ j The l'r,„hK-,io„ „l (..„„.,„. ,.,„„._ (.,_,^. , Economic Minerals .uul .Mini„« Industries of lanad . , K.v I. I . r ■ «./. «a, be „b,.,i„rd on ,.ppl.'Jor ' ' '"'"" "^ "" •N THE PKESS. • French tran-ilation: Thp ViVL- t i.. i > o> I rol. .\. [•. ( olciiian, I'h.l). French translation: H.jildinff i^ = f ,• Sumniar ""l^rt of .M, .. , liranch, 101,?. 289. 291. '"1..e c;i:r V^IrS''" Bull t-" ^'"' f^^ '" ^"--^^ "-'"« •ear l>u. Bulletin on-by John .\!cl.eish. H \ ."u. Bulletin otS:?;!'^:^"-!"!^:^ ""• ^■'"-"- ^-^ Petroleum and .Natural Gas Re.sr.urces of fanad . U ^■ <■'. Clapp. .A..M.. an,l others. "'■■"" ""-''^ XII 308. French translatidti: An investiKatiun of the Coals of Canada with refer- ence to their Kconoinic Qualities: as concluetcil at McGill I'niver- sity under the authority of the Dominion Ciovernnient. Rciiort on— by J. B. Porter, E.M.. U.Sc., R. J. Durlcy, Ma.K., and others Vol. I — Coal Washinj; and Coking Tests. \"(il. II — Boiler and das I'roing report No. 30.) ' ' ""'^ ^^ "■ ^"''f' "r:^"2ri^i;7c^" ^lir N^..P^H (K,aancH) to 1 inch. (Accon^panyiW report k ,7 )''''"^"- ^''^ '' '^" (Acco:.;t-ngrepo;7l',;.V""^™"- ^^"^ ^° ^^^ ^ ^ ••-'^■ 'TvTwr,"'''"?l' ""'•'^^■^ ""'' ''"""^<= '^"""ti'-'. Quebec. 1908- by J. Whtte and fr.tz Cirkel. (.W.npanying report No. 23 ) 'TirM °5"7"^'=^A^«-"^-' county. Quebec. 1908-by Fritz Lirkel. (Accompanymg report No. 23.) Out of print. The Productive Chronie Iron Ore Di.strict of Quebec-by Fritz Cirkel (Accompanying report i\o. 29.) "Y i-mz eirkel. """'■""2: ^^Z mlli^ Zl YHi" tj"'""^ °"'y '" reports. XIV t60. t61. t64. tes. t66. t70. t72. t73. 74. 75. t76. t77. t78. t94. t95. t96. t97. Magnetomelric Survey of the Bristol Mine, Pontiac county, Quebec— by E. Lindcnian. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 67.) Topographical Map of Bristol .Mine, Pontiac county, Quebec— by E. l.indeman. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 67.) Index Map of Nova Scotia: Gypsum — by W. F. Jennison. \ (Accom panyiiig IndexMapof New Brunswick: Gypsum— by W.F. Jennison report No. 84) Map of Magdalen Islands: Gypsum — by W. F. Jennison. j Magnetometric Survey of Northeast Arm Iron Range, Lake Timagami, Nipissing district, Ontario— by E. Lindeman. Scale 200 feet = 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 63.) Brunner Peat Bog, Ontario — by A. v. Anrep. Komoka Peat Bog, Ontario — by A. v. Anrep. Brockville Peat Bog, Ontario -by A. v. Anrep. Rondeau Peat Bog, Onlarii— by A. v. .Anrep. Alfred Peat Bog, Ontario — by A. v. Anrep. Alfred Peat Bog, Ontario: Main Ditch profile- by A. v. Anrep. (Accompanying report No 71) Out of print. Map of Asbestos Region, Province of Quebec, 1910— by Fritz Cirkel. Scale 1 mile to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 69.) Map showing Cobalt, Gowganda, Shininglree, and Porcu|)ine districts — by L. 11. Cole. (.Accompanying Summary report, 1910.) General Map of Canada, showing Coal Fields. (AcC'jmpanying report No. 83— by Dr. J. B. Porter.) General Map of Coal Fields of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Accompanying report No. 83 — by Dr. J. B. Porter./ General Map showing Coal Fields in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. (Accompanying report No. 83 — by Dr. J. B. Porter.) NoTE.-l. Maps marked thu9 • arc lo be found only in reports. 2. Maps marked thus t have been printed independently of reports, hence can be procured separately by applicants. XV ■'" 'A"t."'urs:7,;s;:l!'r; t:"'-; ""'-'■>: -'"'- No. III.) x^no 1 inch. (.Arcoinpunying report tll3. Holland Peat Bog. Omario-ln A V Wen ^Am No. 151.) > •»• \. .Anrip. (.Accompanying report > inch. (Accompanying repttx' IKS)'""- ''''" '"' '"'''' '° l.-nch. (Accomp:ny•nV^!;t'xo.^fi™'■ ^^'^ ^'^^ -•- to miles to I TnT ^1 '-^"•"'■'-by Hugh S. de Schmid. Scale 3 95 mies to 1 inch. (Accompanying report .\o. 118.) tl41. Torbrook Iron Bearine DistnVf A„„ r Frechette. Scale 4(^ 7e to 1 incT (V""''' -''■:'-'^^ "°^^"' 110.) '""''• (Accompanying report No. '"' t::^tr lir I?^;^;''^ 'T ^- '^--^ "" -He North C. Mackenzie Scale 100 mle?';?'''"''"' C^"-''-"'') Geo. No. 145.) ""'"'° ' '"'^''- (Accompanying re,«,rt can be procure JparSy by appSt',?''''*"''™'''' "' '*■»"•• "-nee tl39. tl40. tl47. Magnetir Iron Sand Deposits in relation to Natashkwan harbour and Great Natashkwan river, Que. (Index Map)— by Geo. C. Mackenzie. Scale 40 rhains to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. U.S.) tl48. Natashkwan Magnetic Iron Sand Deposits, Saguenay county, Que. — by Geo. C. Mackenzie. Sralt 1,000 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 14.S.) tlS2. Map showing the Location of Peat Bogs investigated in 1 Ontario — '.)y A. v. Anrep. j flS.I. Map Showing the Location of Peat Bogs investigated in Manitoba — by A. v. Anrep. tl57. Lac du Bonnet Peat Bog, Manitoba — by A. v. Anrep. tl58. Transmission Peat Bog, MarUoba — by A. v. Anrep. tlSO. Corduroy Peat Bog, Manitoba — by A. v. .Anrep. tl60. Boggy Creek Peat Bog, Manitoba — by A. v. Anrep. tl61. Rice Lake Peat Bog, Manitoba — by A. v. Anrep. tl62. Aiud Lake Peat Bog, Manitoba — by A. v. Anrep. tl63. Litter Peat Bog, Manitoba — by A. v. Anrep. I (Accom- j panying ] rc-port I No. LSI) tl64. Julius Peat Litter Bog, Manitoba — by A. V. Anrep. tl6S. Fort Francis Peat Bog, Ontario — by A. V. Anrep. (Accompanying report No. 151.) *166. Magnetometric Map of Mine No. 3, Lot 7, Concessions V and VI McKim township, Sudbury district, Ont. — by E. Lindeman. (Ac- companying Summary Report, 1911.) tl68. Map showing Pyrites Mines and Prospects in Eastern Canada, and their relation to the United States Market — by A. VV. G. Wilson. Scale 125 miles to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 167.) tl71. Geological Map of Sudbury Nickel region, Ont. — by Prof. A. P. Cole man. Scale 1 mile to 1 inch. (Accompanying reix)rt No. 170.) Note. — I. Maps marked thus • are to l)c found only in repDris. 2. Maps marked thus t have l>een printed independently of reports, hence can he procured separately by applicants. xvii tl72. Geological Map of Victoria mini— l.y Pr„f A ^ J . Coleman. j n73. Geological Map of Crean Mill mine-bv Prof ilA.. A. P. Coleman nime-b> Prof. > (Accompanying re j port No. 170.) tl74. GeoloKical .Map of Creighfon mino-bv Prof A I . Coleman. t.75. Geological Map .bowing contact of Norite Ind Lauren.ian in vicinity of Creighton mine— by Prof. A P Coleman. (.Accompanying report No. 170.) tl76. tl77. tl78. of Copper CliflF olTset-by Prof. A. P. Coleman (Accompanying report No. 170.) No. 3 .Mine-by Prof. A. P. Coleman. (Accom- 1 anying report No. 170.) showing vicinity of Stobie and No. 3 mines-by No 170 )''■ ^"°'^""'"- ('^^'•""•P.-'nyinK rep<,rt scale 200 feet to 1 mch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) t.85a. C-;;f;al Map.^a^^ , .• ,„,, ^ ,„^^„^,,,.^_ ^^^ (AccoC";^;'::^^,,^^^^^^^^^^^^ •""• Sca.. 200 feet .o. mch. 1 'nch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) (Acc^^mp^n";^^^ 'n^:' iST"' '''' '"'^ ^"° '^^ ^ ' '-"■ tl87. Magnetometric Survey. Vertical Intensity: St Charles n,;n» T m rffe''t;"n:rx^'°"'^-'^'^^ ■i-et to J inch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) tl87a. Geological Map St. Charles mine. Tudor township. Ha.- Ontano-by E. Lindeman. 1911. Scale 200 fee, to i companying report No. 184.) ounty, . (Ac- XVlll tl88. Magnetoinetric Survey, Vertical Intensity: Baker mine, Tutlor town- ship, Hastings county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) tl88a. Geological Map, Baker mine, Tudor township, Hastings county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 fset to 1 inch. (Ac- companying report No. 184.) tl89. Magnetomelric Survey, \'ertital Intensity: Ridge iron ore deposits, Wollaston township, H-^tmgs county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying r-^-^ort No. 184.) tl90. Magnetometric Survey, Vertical Intensity: Coehill and Jenkins mines, Wollaston township, Hastings county, Ontario — by E. Linde- man, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch (Accompanying report No. 184.) tl90a. Geological Map, Coehill and Jenkins mines, Wollaston township, Hastings county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 184). tl91. Magnetometric Survey, Vertical Intensity: Bessemer iron ore deposits, Mayo township, Hastings county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) tl91a. Geological Map, Bessemer iron ore deposits, Mayo township, Hastings county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) tl92. Magnetometric Survey, Vertical Intensity: Rankin, Childs, and Stevens mines. Mayo townihip, Hastings county, Ontario — by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) tl92a. Geological Map, Rankin, Childs, and Stevens mines. Mayo town- ship, Hastings county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accomiianying report No. 184.) tl93. Magnetometric Sun-ey, Vertical Intensity: Kennedy property. Car- low township, Hn^tings county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to , inch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) tl93a. Geological Map, Kennedy property, Carlow township, Hastings county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 184.) NoTB. — I. Maps marked thus * are to be found only in reports, 2. Maps marked thus t have been printed independently of reports, hence can be procured separately by applicants. XIX tl94. 1204. ♦205. '"^'re!lcrr'"^ ^"^•'>'' }''r'"^^ '""-"""y^ Bow Lake iron „re occur- 1 mrt^r,:2m^r;o"i„i"*^^^^^ '■■ '■■'^- .Tcaie.:uuieettolinch. (Accompanying report .NC 184.) '-by E^Li'Sri'rrrA"'''""*^ ""^ ^^"'"" O"'-- «-'-y Dy t. Lindeman, 1911. (Accompanying report No. 184.) Magnetometric Map. Moose Mountain iron-bcaring district Sudburv man. 1911. (.Accompanymg report No. 303.) t205a. Geological Map. Moo«. Mountain iron-bearing district Sudburv distnct Ontario. Deposits Nos. 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. and T-bJ E MndZ man. (Accompanying report No. 303.1 . . a/ Dy t. Unde- t206. Magnetometric Survey of Moose Mountain iron-bearing district Sudbury dtstnct Ontario: Northern part of Deposit No 2-by No 3otr Sca.e200fee.to, inch. (Acco^anying report Magnetometric Survey of .Moose Mountain iron-bearing district Sudbury district. Ontario: Deposits Nos. 8. 9. and 9A-bT E Lindeman. 1912. Scale 200 {ft>t tn i .-^-i, is . ^ No. 303.) ^^- (Accompanying report Magnetometric Survey of Mo«e Mountain iron-bearing district Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 303.) t208a. Magnetometric St,rvey. Moo«. Mountain iron-bearing chstrict. Sud- bury district. Ontario: Eastern portion of Deposit No 11-bv E Lindeman. 1912. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. Zom^^.'^^n t208b. Magnetometric Survey. Moose Mountain iron-bearing district Sud bury district. Ontario: Western portion of De^^ t No T-bv e" Lindeman. 1912. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (A^^com^^l, ^:^[ t207. t208. t208c. General Geological Map. Moose Mountain bury district. Ontario-by E. Lindeman. 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 303. > t210. Lo^tion of Copper Smelters in Canada-by A. W. G. Wilson. ^^^ ^ ""'*• *° 1 'nch. (.Accompanying report No. 209.) i-bearing district. Sud- -12. Scale, 800 feet to Scale Note.— 1. Ma^ marked thus » are to be found only in renorts '■ ''^^^''^:^':^^.,X^-^„^'^r..^y o. report,, .ence XX t2IS. Province of Alberta: Showing pro|)criiei from which latnple* of coal were taken for r.i* prodiicer tests, Fuel Testing Division, Ottawa. (Accompanying Summary Ue|)ort 1912.) t220. Mining Districts, Yukon. Sralt 35 miles tu 1 inch— by T. A. MacLean. (Accompanying report No. 222.) t221. Dawson Mining District, Yukon. Scale 2 miles to 1 inch— by T. A. Macl.can. (.Accoiiifwnying re|K)rt No. 222.) •228. Index Map of the Sydney Coal Field, Cape Breton, N.S. (Accompany, ing report No. 227.) t232. Mineral Map of Canada. Scale 100 miles to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 230.) Ui'i- Index Map of Canada, showing gypsum occurrences. (Accompanying report No. 24.'i.) t»40. Map showing Lower Carboniferous formation in which gypsum occurs. Scale 100 miles to 1 inch. (.Accompanying report No. 245.) t241. Map showinn relation of gypaura deposits in Northern Ontario to railway lines. Scde 100 miles to 1 inch. (Accomiianying report No. 245.) t242. Map, (>rand River gypsum deposits, Ontario. Scale 4 mites to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 24.S.) t243. Plan of Manitoba Gypsum Co.'s properties. (Accompanying report No. 245.) • t244. Map showing relation of gypsum deposits in British Columbia to railway lines and market. Scales 35 miles to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 245. t249. Magnetomctric Survey, Caldwell and Campbell mines, Calabogie dis- trict, Renfrew county, Ontario— by E. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 25-..; t250. Magnetometric Survey, Black Bay or Williams mine, CalabcRie district, Renfrew county, Ontario— by E. Lindem.->n, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 254.) Note.— 1. Maps marked thus * are to be found only in reporta. 2. Mapa marked thus t have tieen printed independently of reports, henci can be procured separately by applicants. XXI t251. MaRnctonieiric Survey, HlufT Point iron minr, Calabogie diitrict, Renfrew county, Ontario — by H. Lindenian, 1911. Scale 200 (cet to 1 inch. (Accompanying ri'porl No. 2.M.) t2S2. MjRnrtonivtric Survey, C'ulhanc mine, Calabogie district, Renfrew county, Ontario — by K. Lindeman, 1911. Scale 2U0 feel to 1 inc'' (Accompanying report No. 254.) t253. Maxnetomeiric Survey, Martel or Wiliion iron mine, Ca'abogic di«- trict, R.'nfrcw county, Ontario — by E. I.indeiiian, 1911. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 254). t261. Magnctoniciric Survey, Northeast Arn\ iron ransc Lot 3.^9 E T. W. Lake Timagami, Nipiaaing district, Ontario — by E. Nyslroni, 1903. Scale 2U0 feet tu 1 inch. t268. Map of Peat Bogs Investigated in Quebec — by A. v. Anrep, 1912. t269. Large Tea Field Peat Bog, Quebec " " t270. Small Tea Field Peat Bog, Quebec " " t271. Lanorie Peat Bog, Quebec " * 1272. St. Hyacinthc Peat Bog, Quebec " " t273 Riviere du Loup Ppat Bog " * t274. Cacouna Peat Bog " " t275. Le Pare Peat Bojr, Quebec * " t276. St. Denis Peat Bog, Quebec " " t277. Riviere Ouclle Peat Bog, Quebec " • t278. Mou3e Mountain Peat Bog, Quebec ' t284. Map of northern portion of .-Mberta, showing position of outcrops of bituminous sand. Sculc 12] milej to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 2S1,^ t293. Map of Dominion o.' Canada, showing the occurrences of oil, gas, and tar sands. Scale l'>7 miles to 1 inch, (.-\cconipanying report No. 291.) Note. — l. Maps market! thus • are to be found only in reports. 2. Maps marked thus t have been printed independently oi reports, hence can lie procured separately by applicants. 2t94. ws. tWft. 1297. t298. t302. 1311. t312. t313. XXii ReconnaiMancp Map of pan of Albert .ind WVMniw'ancI couniie*. New Kruniwick. Scale 1 n.ile eo 1 inch. fAcconip,inying report No. 2'>\.) Sketch plan of r.a»p* oil lieldi, Qutbec, ihowing location of welli. Scale 2 mile* to I inch. (Accompanying report No. 291.) Map •hewing gaiand nil fieldi and pipe-lino. in Southwettern Ontario. Scale 4 miles to 1 inch. (Accompanying report No. 291.) GeoloKiral Map ol Alberta, Saikalchewan and Manitoba. Scale Mi mile* to 1 inch. (Accompanying report .\o. 2^1.) Map, Geology of the (orty-ninth parallel, 0.9864 mile* to I inch. (Accompanying report No. 291.) Map ihow'ng location of main gas line. Bow I'land-Cnlgary. Scale 12) mile* to 1 inch. (Accompanyinit report No. 2'M.) Magnelometric Map, McPher«on mine, Barachuis, Cape Breton county, Nova Scotia. Scale 2(K) feet to 1 inch. Magnctometric Map, iron ore deposits at Upper Glencoc, Invernew county. Nova Scotia. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. Magnctometric Map, iron ore depoiiti at Grand Mira, Cipe Breton county. Nova Scotia. Scale 200 feet to 1 inch. Address alt communicalions to— Director Minbs Bra.ncb, DliPARTHENT OF MiNBS, Sussex Street, Ottawa. r Note.— 1. Mapa marked thus • ar« to he found only in report!. '■ "?a":rp^u';'e5Vp,'4'S,X".^pK.'."''"*"'"""^ "" ^^' •«"« r i