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PRiKTEb AT THE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL OFFICE, ST. THOMAS* 7 i ; BY-LAWS. M . This Lodge fully acknowledges the supremacy of the Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted lilasons of Canada ; and will, at all times, pay respect and obedi- ence to its Laws, Rules, Orders and Regulations. KEGULAll MEETINGS. ' 2. The Regular Meetings of this Lodge shall beheld on the Second Tuesday of every month ; and also on the Festivals of St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist ; or should they fall on Sunday, then on the following day, at such hour as the Master shall appoint, of which the Members shall be duly notified. 3. Emergency Mootings may be held as provided by the Book of Constitution; but should a Lodge of Erner*. gency be called at the solicitation of a Brother, for his own benefit or advancement, all the expenses of the Meeting shall be defrayed by him. 4. The elective Officers of this Lodge shall be an- nually elected at the Regular Meeting, immedhitely preceding the Festival of St. John the Evangelist ; and on the day of that Festival, (or should it fall on Sun- day, then on the following day,) the election of the Master being first confirmed, all the Officers, elective and appointed, shall be installed and invested. 5. To secure that regularity so highly necessary for the good government of a Lodge, it is expected that every Officer will attend punctually at the hour named in the summons, under penalty of censure by the Master, unless exonerated by some reasonable excuse, or cause ot absence. C. Brethren shall at all times appear, when in Lodge, in the proper Masonic Clothing, as prescribed by the Book of Constitution. 7. Every Brother, w- hen speaking, shall address him- 3 BY-LAWS. self to the Master; and no Brother shall speak twice to the same question, unless in explanation, or the Mover in reply. No motion shall be entertained unless it be ma«\e in writing, and duly seconded. No new business shall be entered upon after " 10 o'clock" p. m. 8. No visitor shall speak to any question without leave of the Master ; nor shall he, on any occasion, be allowed to vote. During his continuance in the Lodge, he shall be subject to its By-Laws. 9. The fee upon initiation shall be Twelve Dollars, which shall be in pa} ment of the three Degrees in Craft Freemasonry ; and the Grand Lodge Fees, for Registra- tion and Certificate, Three Dollars. The fee ior a Joining Member shall be Three Dollars, to include the fee for Registration ; but should he require a Grand Lodge Certificate, he must pay an additional sum ot Two Dollars. In every instance, the Member who proposes the Candidate, is responsible for the whole fee, which must be paid at the time of initiation or admission. 10. Any Brother not initiated in this Lodge, may be passed or raised in it, after a regular ballot, for the sum of Five Dollars for each degree, provided he produces satisfactory proof ot having been initiated and passed, as the case may be, in a Regular Lodge. The proposer is responsible for the fee— which must be paid at the time of initiation, or before the Degree is conferred. 11. No person shall be initiated in, and noBroihcr shall be admitted as a Member, or have Degrees con- ferred upon him, as provided for in By-Law No. 10, if, on baUot, one black ball appear agamst him ; but to prevent mistakes, the Master may direct the ballot to be passed a second time, which shall be .mal. The Secre- tary shall apprize all Lodges in his District, and also the Grand Secretary, of such rejection. 12. Should any Candidate, who has been "approved for initiation, not attend for that purpose within seven months, after being notified by the Secretary of the V msm ipi^p BY-LAWS. 3 ^ :« - Lodge, he shall forfeit his initiation fee, and new appli- cation and re-balloting for, shall be rendered necessary. 13. Should any Member retire from t)ie Lodge, or cause his name to be erased from the Book, or be ex- cluded for any cause, except non-payment of dues, he ehull not be re-admitted without a ballot and joining fee, as fixed by By-Law No. 9. 14. Any member desirous of withdrawing from the Lodge, sluill signify the same at a leguhir meeting, either personally, or in writing, to tlie Secretary ; and it" in good standing, and his dues are all [jaid, upon his resignation being accepted, a certhicatc to tliat elfect shall be fur- nished liim, if required, by the Secretary under the Lodge Seal. 15. No brother shall become an Honorary Member of this Lodge until he has been regularly proposed and seconded at one regular meeting, and his name been in- serted in tlie summons ibr the next regular communica- tion, at which he must be elected by unanimous vote of the Lodge. lo. The annual subscription of each member, except the Secretary, who shall be exempt, shall be three dollars payable quarterly. 17. Any member who neglects payment for twelve months shall be notified by the Secretary, and again at the end of the ensuing three months; and any member who shall remain in arrears, and become indebted for one y(\ar's dues, shall, after special notice from the Secretary, be excluded until all arrears are paid. No member in arrears for twelve months shall be qualified to ballot or vote upon any question, or hold ofhcc ; and the signing by him of the By-Laws, is hereby declared to be an acknowledgement by each member, that he considers these dues a debt due by him to the Lodge. 18. The Master being responsible for the Grand Lodge fees, shall forward "the same to the Grand Secre- tary, as soon as possible after the Festival of St. John the 3 4 BT-tA-vrs. '^i^^'rr?^\r^[- "^"''n "'0 Evansclist, respective! v be'^To ,u^i^ H,^^"'!'"'"" '^ ^"''"'ttee, whoso duty it shall DC to aiclit tlie Treasurer's accounts, and all accoiint<i before ti.ey are presented to tl.e Lod^ am certHV to their correctness, and at all times to nm intdn a ccner^^ supervision over the iinances ^ud property oHhe fod'" fi™,Hmpf ."'''"!'"' ''" '""" o"'w com^nitte s as Su- clZm^f n n?i?„ v^ necessary. They shall choose thei-r meml?P?^,.f tii I „T ^'V''"'- '" """"^^ "'« nttendance of IheLod'r ''^tT''r,T' ■•'•■''?" "'"oa^tLVai^t ' A tlie J^odge. The AurUt Conimttce shall make an -innnnl report on the Festival of St. John the E^ui^Xt 20. TJie Master, on the clay of his installation ^h-ill apponit three brethren a Cliaritabl (^^ nnSe to whom all applications for relief shall be referred in d whose duty it shall be to report to the LodTeal cases deserynig aid and assistance, unless those of urgent the Lommitte to issue an order on the Treasurer for a sum not exceeding five dollars, i eporting ^ s'an e to the Lodge at is next regular communication. In places where more than one Lodge is held, and a General Fund IS formed, the Master shall represent the Lod "e a the Lnited Benevolent Fund Committee. *" fnrnUn;J^p'' Books, Papei's, Jcwcls, Paraphernalia, and furniture of every kmd, belonging to the Lodge, bein- at all times vested in the Master and Wardens tbr the fine nnmfn 1 w'J ""'' .^es^ponsible for the same. They shall be annually examined previous to the mstalation of the officers elect ; and an inventory of them shall be kept in nnnnnil'^"^" ^^n^ ^^ '^'^ ^^^^^c The Master si aU LXLVdg^e^L^iaT^^^^^^^ ^'^^^ ^^^^^' ^- -^^^ ^"- 'WB?# BY-LAWS. 5 ing expenses, without the approbation of a maioritv of the members, neither shall the Books, Papers Furniture Jewe s Paraphernalias and other i)mperty of tEod'^ e sold, alienated, or in any way disposccl of. exce nt bv the unanimous consent of the members. ^ ^ 23. Ko alterations shall be made in these IU'-T.iwq 'Ss^yt'bf ^^^^ ^''''' -^^^^^^^^s: J Inch Shall be duly entered on the minute?, and insert^ Jf «^l"\mons for the next regular meet n.^ v 1 en ho proposed alteration shall come up for discussion u' on resolution regularly moved and seconS be ..' p 's^d m tavor thereof, by two-thirds of the vo'tes p?e e t Ser''''"'' ^^''''' ''^'''' sanctioned by the Gi and oi n"i"*' T^i^^e By-Laws, when f-iirly written in a book thoS.^.l «!p,r ^^^y *>'« M^v.ter and Seen, ary, nd mve' the Seal of the Grand Lodge afiixed. E verv Brother is also to sign them as a Declaration of subniisslon o hem and two copies shall be delivered to each mem bei free o expense ; but should he require nnother ",py he sM Lodge.' ' ■ * ■ ' ^^'^'""'^ ^"^ ^^'"^ ^^^"^^'^^1 ^^"i^'s of ti^^' THE JfASTEIl. 25. Beyond the Antient Charges and Pvcndation^ and the Duties laid down by the ifook of C ms u o,' the Master s responsible ti,r the safe Lep n 'f ! SVarrant, and other Lod'^e Records I^,u.l-« p J ' ,• with the AVardens, hoM^^ll^trX:^^]^'^^ phernaha, and other property of the L()(:.u trust ft r the Members, and shall see to the emcient insurance <J the sanie against loss by lire, llo shall inTlOrde,^ on the Treasurer for the or jinary expenses of the T od. and shall be, c'-ojicio, a member of all Committees ^' THE SENIOK WARDEN. the &tet^^]?;t^^^^^^ Bee to safe and proper kcepins of the Jewd^'^frlpiS ^ BY-LAWS. iialia and Fiirnituro of the Lodge ; and shall examine tiie Inventory of the same, immedintcly before entering' Jnto office. He shall be assisted by the Stewards. THE JUNIOIl WARDEN. Beyond tlie regular duties appertaining to his office, the Junior Warden shall attend to the necessary arrann-e- liientshirKofreshmcnts, on all ordinary occasions, and IS, ex-ojicio, Chief of the Stewards. THE CriArLAlN. . The duties of tliis ofTicer speak for themselves; but It IS very desn-able to have Ills punctual attendance, that tlie Lodge may not oidv be oi)ened and closed in due and antient iorm, but with solemn Prayer. THE TREASURER. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Lod^-e and discharge accounts for ordinary exi)enscs, duly si^nied by the Master and Secretary, as well as those certified by the Audit Committee, and approved by tJie Lod"-e and orders of the Charitable Committee, lie sh.-ill kwn books, m which his receipts and disbursements shall be regularly entered, so as to exlubit, at one view, the bal- ance in hjs hands, at every regular meeting ; and should the balance, at any one time amount to more than One llundred Dol ars, he shall give special notice thereof to tlie Lodge. Ihe account with the Grand Lodge shall be kept separate and distinct, and the Grand Lodge Dues handed by him to the lAIaster for transmissioS to the (irand Secretary. His accounts and voueliers shall be annually submitted to the Audit Committee, at least one week previous to the Festival of St John the Evangelist and the balance in his hands shall be transferred to his successor in office, on that day, unless the Lodge shall then otherwise direct. THE secretary's DUTIES. T j'^^^ Secretary shall be exempt frcni the pavment of ^ Lodge dues. He shall keep a fiuthful record or tho np^. BY-LAW3. ceedings of the Lodge, and Bhall preserve in proper order all papp''s and documents relating thereto. He shall keep a correct register of the members, and their respect- ive accounts with the the Lodge ; he shall sign all auth- orized certificates, and affix the Lodge Seal thereto; issue all necessary notices and summonses for meetings, &c., and countersign all orders and charges of the Master; he shall prepare all Returns required by the Grand Lodge, and notify the first nnnied Brother of (;verv Committee of his appointment, the names ot his associ- ates, and the nature ot their duties ; he may receive monies for the Treasurer, transferring the same amount to him without deduction, before the next regular meet- ing ; and shall generally discharge all other duties apper- taining to the olhce of Secretary. THE DEACONS. The Deacons shall attend the ^Laster and Wardens, to assist in opening the Lodge at the appointed time, and the Ceremonies and Prei)aration of Candidates and otherwise, as the Master and Wardens may direct. THE DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES. The Director of Ceremonies shall see that the Lodge is properly prepared ; that all Brethren appear in the Lodge in the clothing prescribed by the Book of Consti- tution; and, to the best of his ability; that every Brother when in the Lodge or at refreshment, is placed accord- ing to his station. STEWARDS. The Stewards under the direction of the Senior Warden, shall see to the safety and careful keeping of the Jewels, Paraphernalia and Furniture of the Lodge ; and, under the Junior Warden, shall have the arrange- ment and ordering of refreshments. THE INNER GUARD. The Inner Guard shall attend each meeting punc- tually at the hour named in the summonses, to guard the 8 MY-LAWg. interior of the Lodge at its opening ; to receive visitors, and examine all candidates for admission, and give direc- tions tr» thn T^rioi. ' O »^'Vl**wv. tions to the Tyler. Tyler's duties. The Tyler shall attend punctually, and diligently watch the exterior of the Lodge, and see that all Candi- clHtes for admission are properly prepared ; he shall deliver, when required, all summonses and other notices to the members; he shall see that the Furniture and Ornaments of the Lodge are kept in good order, and perform all such other duties as he may be directed bv the Lodge or Its officers, for which he shall be paid the sum of six dollars per annum, or fifty cents per night, on a certificate signed by the Master and countersig?ied bv the Secretary. * ^ Jb •f wv^^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, ST. THOMAS. C W, A large and varied stock of Standard Works in iSk-Ji Kept constantly on hand. Orders for BRITISH PUBLICATIONS And Periodicals despatched for England on Monday of each week ; and for A.MER10^N l^rORKS to New York, Daily. Ani/ Work published on eitlier Gontment can therefore he procured to order on, short notice. In Plain and Fancy styles, executed promptly, and at moderate charges. THE CANADIAN HOME JOTONAL An excelleu|.^.fiim)ljr Newspaper, printed neatly in a quarto form, containing 12 pages, is issued from his Book @and Stationery Establishment, every Thursday morning, at a Dollar and a half a year. kjj (5^^_„.. ^^^ /I ' .1 d* I mim i^ ■^ m m M n<*t ^tt ^i'.-r'f'm xy^-^^'^-'*'**'