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 Published bt S. Hewson, Kjsq Street, 
 185 3. 
L / 
 rriHE Author of these Letters, having been frequently addressed, 
 ■■■and earnestly solicited by a great number of his friends, who 
 occupy high positions in society, both at home and abroad, to pub- 
 hsh, for the information of the Public, hs Correspondence with the 
 Canadian Government, on the subject of Emigration, &,c., has at 
 length been mduced to yield to their reiterated reque t ; and in com. 
 phance with their wishes, now presents to the Public that portion of 
 his Correspondence which is more immed ately connected with the 
 subject of Emigration, and settlement of the Huron Tract, which 
 dates from 1842 to 1847. 
 No doubt but many will very naturally observe,— What good 
 can now result from the publication of these Letters at this late pe 
 riod?-to which the author would reply-that the subject matter 
 contamed and set forth in these letters, &c., bears as much, even 
 at this present time, on emigration, and settlement of the waste lands 
 m Canada, as when they were first penned-and that there can be 
 no true and genuine intelligent Loyal Patriot living, within the limits 
 of the province, who can for a moment view, with any other feelings 
 than those of painlul disgust, the impolitic and ruinous course which 
 our Canadian Government pursued during the last twelve years-a 
 course which in its destructive tendency paralyzed every loyal feel 
 ing in Canada, and caused the current of Emigration from the Brit 
 ish Island to flow to the Seaports of the United States-not to men 
 tion the vast number of families from all sections of the Province 
 that have been yearly removing, for the last thirteen years, to our 
 neighboring rivals. Instance the undeniable truths which are re 
corded in the Public Registers kept at the different Sen-ports in the 
 United stales, during the last five years ; which will show that forty 
 millions of pounds sterling (principally in gold) were carried there 
 by emigrants from the United Kingdom of Great Britain. When 
 to this is added the vast strength and wealth which that already over- 
 grown Republic is receiving yearly from Canada, the subject be- 
 comes painfully melancholy, and truly harassing to the feelings of 
 every true and loyal patriot in Her Britannic Majesty's Dominions 
 —even to contemplate — more particularly when the immense and 
 valuable resources of this hitherto ill-fated Province, arc duly con- 
 sidered and born in mind — so many millions of acres of fertile soil, 
 in a salubrious country such as the Huron Tract containing twenty, 
 two Township., is well known to be, the greatest part of which re- 
 mains at this very day in a state of unproductive wilderness. — The 
 author's fondest hope, and most sanguine expectation, would be 
 fully realized should the publication of this work be the means of 
 calling the serious attention of the inhabitants of the Province to 
 the different subjects npon which it treats ; and induce them here- 
 after to adopt such measures as in their wisdom they may deem best 
 calculated to prevent a father extension of the evils that have alrea. 
 dy so evidently resulted from, and are still growing out of, the unbe- 
 coming apathy (to use the mildest term) which has been hitherto ob- 
 served on the part of the Canadian Government, with respect to this 
 all-important subject, — emigration and settlement of the Waste 
 Lands of the Province, upon which the future destiny of Canada 
 wholy depends — whether it will continue an integral portion of the 
 British Empire or not. 
 )ort8 in the 
 V that forty 
 rried there 
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 fertile soil, 
 ng twenty. 
 which re. 
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 would be 
 means of 
 rovince to 
 hem here< 
 deem best 
 lave alrea. 
 the unbe. 
 itherto ob. 
 ^ect to this 
 he Waste 
 }f Canada 
 tion of the 
 Montreal^ 2oih April, 1842. 
 My dear Sir, 
 I have been this moment informed that you are in- 
 vested with authority to plant a Colony in the Huron 
 Tract. I hope this report is true, and in that event I 
 shall feel anxious to compare notes wiih you, as I am 
 about taking measures preparatory to escorting a number 
 of my Highland Friends both at home and abioad to 
 the Shores of Lake Huron this seaion. The class of 
 people who will accompany me as well as those who 
 are making arrangements to follow are of a high order; 
 — we shall have our own Ministers, Schoolmasters, 
 Doctors, Surveyors, and tradesmen of every description, 
 such as may be required in settling a new Colony. I 
 have made a Tour through the Huron Tract last summer 
 and satisfied myself touching the valuable resources of 
 that portion of the wilds of Canada so far as to induce 
 me to come to the determination of settling there for 
 life, provided that I shall receive any reasonable encour- 
 agement from Government to whom I am about applying ; 
 but as you arenas report says, invested with the Com- 
 mission of settling that Country, I shall await your 
 answer before doing so. Let me therefore intreat 
 that you will be pleased to convey me your views and 
 sentiments soon after you receive this as possible, in 
 order that I may take my measures accordingly. 
 My claim on your friendly pulse as a countryman 
 and ati old acquaintance induces the hope that you will 
 favour me with a reply at your earliest convenience, 
 and with sentiments of the highest consideration. 
 I remain, my dear Sir, 
 Your*8 trulv, 
 Rob't Mo Vicar. 
 To Colonel Fraser, 
 &C., &c., dec. 
 Fras>;rfield, Glengarry, 30th April, 1842. 
 My dear Sir, 
 I had much pleasure in receiving your letter of the 
 25th instant, as it affords me great satisfaction to hear 
 that you are likely to become a settler in the Huron 
 Tract as well as that you will direct the description of 
 Settlers to it that you mention, which if you do, cannot fail 
 to give the settlement a character equal to any part of 
 theProvince. I think about 500 Scotch will follow me 
 *rom Glengarry several of whom have been seeing the 
 Country, and on their return have disposed of their 
 property even at a nominal price. 
 As you have been there, I need not tell you the 
 advantages it has in its fine climate and excellent 
 Fisheries. My present undertaking with the Government 
 is the settlement of Owen Sound to which a road has been 
 opened last year from Oakville, and a plank road will be 
 made to it from Lake Simcoe next year. 
 There are about 23 Townships in the Tract the whole 
 of which I expect will bo under my superintendance ; I can 
 therefore assure you that I shall put aside a Township, 
 Fronting on the lake for you and your followers, in which 
 I shall take a lively interest. I purpose leaving this on 
 the 20th May, and should be most happy could you make 
 it convenient to accompany me, so as to make your choice 
 of a location for yourself, not an acre has yet been granted 
 to any person and I am fully authorized to dispossess all 
 squatters which I shall undoubtedly do, as 1 feel confi- 
 dent they have taken possession of what appeared to them 
 the best siUiation. The price of the land has been fixed at 
 8s. per acre, Cy., Cash. I shall, however, have it in my 
 power to grant poor settlers that may wish to settle on the 
 roads leading to the Sound 50 acres each ; say a family of 
 three sons 21 years of age, who with their father, might re- 
 ceive 200 acres gratis: it is my intention 16 erect Mills 
 where the Town is laid out and I shall bestow on persons 
 of Capital good Mill Sites in convenient places throughout 
 the tract. I shall be glad to hear from you and will thank 
 you to let me know how many settlers I may expect to 
 follow you this season, and how soon. I think the best 
 route at present will be by Lake Simcoe as the road and 
 water communication are good, besides there are up- 
 wards of 500 settlers in the Townships of St. Vincent* 
 on the map called Zero, to which a good road from 
 Lake Simcoe has been made. When the Plank Road 
 is finiahed, one day may bring « from Toronto to tho 
 Believe mo to remain, . 
 Your'a truly, 
 Uob't McVicar. Esq. Alexander Fb.see. 
 My dear Sir, 
 Montreal, Otii May, 1842. 
 ftis wuh feelings of.ho most unfeigned pleasure f 
 .uo up t .0 pen to acknowledge tho receipt of your very 
 k^md and (nendly communication of tho 30lh ultimo. 
 iae mvitafon therein contained to accompany you to 
 O.v.on Sound I mo.t cheerfully accept, and ff «p„rcd. 
 ■vil be at I-raser's Field on .he 19th ins.. I would have 
 ^•-■p.iod to your favour at an earlier date were I really 
 aot overwhelmed with a pressure of business of a nature 
 •i.. serious to my ulterior movements as not to leave me a 
 moment to spare to address you, and even t„ this late 
 iiourmy mind is so involved in the winding up of mv 
 private alTairs in the province, preparatory .o our con- 
 templa.ed journey to tho shores of Lake Huron, llmt 1 
 n.n unable to convey to you ,ny opinions touching the 
 arduous and philanthropic undertaking in which you hav,! 
 embarked so satisfactorily as I would have wished- 
 however, when we meet I shall submit to vour consid.' 
 eration all my views and p|„ns candidly an.J sincerely • 
 In the meantime permit mo to assure you that so far 
 as the utmost oxer lions both of my mind and body aro 
 capable of, to further and promote your views as well 
 as the bust interests of the Colony, 1 shall be unwearied, 
 and you may at all times under any circumstances 
 safely rely on receiving my most cordial co-operation 
 and support, in the adoption and execution of every 
 measure calculated to raise the character of the settle- 
 ment above that of any other in the Province of Canada. 
 Immediately after your Letter reached me I opened an 
 extensive correspondence with the diflerent sections of 
 this District, and circumstantially explained to the In- 
 habitants thereof the superior quality of soil, advantage 
 of climate and productive fisheries of the waters, of the ' 
 Huron settlement together with its numerous water 
 privileges for Mills and Machinery of every description, 
 &c., and in order to direct the course of the emigrants 
 coming out this year to the settlement, I have employed 
 competent persons in Quebec and Montreal to give 
 ihem the necessary instructions as to the route by 
 which they are to proceed to Owen Sound. I have also 
 secured the best services of all the Steam Boat Captains 
 and Crews plying on the Ottawa Waters, to insttuct 
 and advise all classes of people travelling to the Upper 
 Province for the purpose of settling there, to proceed 
 direct to the Huron Settlement. Report states thstt 
 nearly 500 families from my native Islarrd, (Islay) ttte 
 ooming out this year, all of them will doubtlflfisfy prociwd 
 to ^he settlement direct, 
 relatives and Countrymen 
 fi-squesing; ~ 
 of T 
 as the whole host of their 
 m tlic Townships of Caledon, 
 ^any othor places in the vicinity 
 Boats, &C.. emnlnv.^ .. .,_ ... ° "*"^^^^S, Cj 
 employed on the VA^'^tc 
 to and above Toronto will 
 ews of 
 's to and from this 
 •'■ent .his emJJlZ '"'" 7"'" '° ""^ ""'■°" Settle. 
 «nd ..,0 pirnvST.,; tro"? r :°"'^ '"^^ 
 , pan of t„e country con-oct: a rree'S rr'S^ 
 protection during the first two yenrs LTolT 
 thousands of their friend, and lo , ^°'"^'""'"'^«' 
 ^vill follow tliem «e,t v >. '=°"»'0™en at home 
 of taking th?rstr:;d tr:,;'^ ~"^ '^^- *^ 
 the possibility of th. ,L Tf^ measures to obviate 
 there this seL. uff' ' "^'''''"'^ '"""'"'^^ ^l'" g" 
 food. The fi2;,^f ™\"t' t'- ft-"- the want of 
 productive toenarthaGovele:;':: "" "'"'^''^""^ 
 expense to proru-e anv T . "^ """^ """"'"al 
 required ^o i::Z2JZZ^ !^^^ "^'^ '^ 
 expected to aettle this yea T hould Jr 7 "'" "" 
 respectfully but candidly, off , ; ,3 '1 '''«'«f°'-\ "-os, 
 would be advisable for you tl ilTy^r TZV^ ' 
 to the important obiept in * i • ^°"^ ^ ^^ attention 
 .are, to ensure hetrt^illf I? • f'"^""""""^ ">^ ^■ 
 J^henes estaUishedrSrltr"! Tf^lTr*'" 
 the same unerring system as t!./ % V ^^' '"' 
 Hudson's Bay Posts ilL j i ^"'""^'' "» "» 
 Pi.1.. • . " "'* ^^'aa Country Th«.^ 
 ■upenntend myse f at leaM for th« 
 f rst season, and for the effeclual accomplishment of this 
 object it would be necessary to take one or two expe- 
 rienced fishermen from this Province. I have already 
 partially engaged one who has been for eight or nine 
 years employed as head Fisherman in Lake Superior in 
 the service of the American Fur Company, and who 
 is perfect master of drying and sailing Fish in all the 
 departments required. Should you deem it proper that 
 I should employ this individual at moderate wages fot 
 the year have the goodness to say so, and I shall 
 secure his valuable services at once, and by your direc 
 tions will gladly provide the necessary supply of materials 
 for nets &c., dec, which will amount to but a trifling 
 Bum of money. As to the exact number of actual settlers 
 that will follow me this season it is impossible for me 
 to say, but I have no hesitation in stating that in the 
 event of your investing me with full power, holding out 
 reasonable encouragement to the • stranger to draw 
 settlers to the Huron Tract, you might safely calculate 
 on one thousand settlers a year for a number of years 
 to come. No confidence can be placed on the miserable 
 useless sort of ^migrant Agents at present under 
 Government pay in this Province, and I have much 
 cause to apprehend that many of the same class are 
 holding similar offices in the Upper Province, to the 
 manifest injury of this Country ; and I may, without 
 any fear of contradiction add, the destruction of thousands 
 of industrious families who were comp(;Ued to quit their 
 homes and that of their ancestors by direful necessity, 
 in the expectation of finding that protection in the 
 Wilds of Canada under the fostering wing of the British 
 Government which their own native land so unnaturally 
 demed them. The views of these office holders do 
 not extend beyond the consideration of the yearly salary 
 which they receive from the Government. Beneficial 
 advice and instruction to the forlorn stranger who visits 
 the shores of Canada in search of a home they ar^ 
 not capable of imparting, because they do not possess 
 the necessary knowledge of the resources of the Coun- 
 try, and much less benevolent traits of character to 
 enable them to do so. It cannot be therefore reasonably 
 expected that such persons will take the slightest interest 
 m the welfare of the poor broken hearted stranger 
 To the voice of distress they evince a callous indiflx;rence- 
 in consequence of meeting with such frozen and icy 
 reception at the hands of the officers of the crown 
 those poov strangers become weakened and disheart' 
 cned, misery and starvation ensue, and from this source 
 thousands of industrious and Loyal British Subjects 
 after visiting our shores, are left to their unfortunate and 
 malancholy doom, to wander about from one place to 
 another in search of employment or a home, till at 
 length their little all is exhausted and in the last ga^p 
 of despair, as the only alternative left them, ho# 
 repugnant soever it may be to their British feelinw 
 thrair themselves on the protection of tho AmttitJ 
 Government. By this criminal neglect our strength in 
 this fertile colony is weakened by making it a nursery 
 to supply the Army and Navy of the United States 
 with the best of our British subjects. ' 
 Viewing the important task which you have under- 
 taken, the settling twenty three Townships, in all its 
 bearings, tendencies and relations, it appears to me ev. 
 ident that there is an absolute necessity for your employ, 
 ing an Agent to secure from the grasp of the Vultures 
 employed by the Canada Land Company and conduct 
 to the Huron Settlement the OifTerent flocks of Emi- 
 grants expected from the old country this and following 
 seasons. In the absence of a more qualified person to 
 perform the duties of this important appointment I beg 
 to tender my feeble but friendly services. 
 Reserving to our meeting on the I9th instant, further 
 lemarks and suggestions, I remain with sentiments of 
 Vhe greatest regard, 
 My dear Sir, 
 Your*3 most truly, 
 To Colonel 
 dtc, &c 
 Fraser, > 
 ., &c. ^ 
 Rob't Mc Vicar. 
 Cornwall, 11th, May, 1842* 
 My dear Sir, 
 I was this moment handed your letter of the 9th in- 
 slant, and I am much pleased at your determination of ac 
 companying me to Owen Sound. I shall not leave before 
 the 22nd, therefore if you are up by the 19th or 20th it will 
 be tune enough. On the 24th I make my final arrangement 
 with the Government, and which day I trust we shall be 
 able to make a good one. I have already engaged an 
 experienced fisherman on whom I can depend and several 
 others of the same cast will accompany me, so that it 
 may not be necessary at present to engage the person 
 you allude to. I can no doubt procure twine at Toronto, 
 and in the event we find the Government liberal I agree 
 with you in opinion that an active person should be em- 
 oyed to direct Emigrants on their arrival to the settlement 
 at once. All this we shall be prepared to submit on 
 going to Kingston. 
 Your's truly, 
 P«k». n/r ir- t:* ALEXANDER FbASEB. 
 Rob't Mc Vicar, Esq. 
 .. , „. Montreal, 20th May, 1842, 
 My dear Sir, 
 It is with feelings of deep regret I have to acquaint 
 you that circumstances of the most unavoidable necessity 
 ""• * — ^^'^ "^'^ ^o coiitruui, places It beyond my 
 power to accompany you to Owen Sound. Being deprived 
 of this pleasure has proved most painful to my feelings ; 
 I shall however, follow you the very moment I can leave 
 this place. The long pending litigation in which I was 
 engaged in Quebec is at length decided in my favor, 
 holding forth some prospects of my being able to carry 
 to the new settlement sufficient means to support my family 
 for at least a few years. This new change in my favor in 
 the cause of my detention here. About the 10th proximo 
 I shall hope to have all the matters connected with this 
 important case completely wound up, and accompanied by 
 some followers will proceed direct to the shores of the 
 Lake. I have already shipped off several respectable 
 families with instructions to take the route by Lake Sim. 
 -1 hope you will overtake them and direct them to 
 the Townships you intend for myself and followers. To 
 your own friendly judgement I leave the selection of the 
 Townships. Ihave printed cards of information and in- 
 struction which will guide the stranger to the spot of their 
 destination. Before leaving Eraser's field have the good- 
 ness to address me so that I may know where to find you 
 when I do move up. I would also feel thankful by your 
 imparting to me the actual extent of the protection which 
 destitute settlers miy expect to receive at the hands of 
 the Government, in order that I may act accordingly. 
 For your information I subjoin a copy of a letter 
 which I have this moment received from n;y Brother. 
 Pray are those who settle on the shores of the lake en- 
 titled to 50 acres gratis ? if not, I fear the distinction will 
 oporate injuriously against your views. As I shall be ad- 
 dressing you ere many days I shall close these hasty lines, 
 and >vith the highest regards I remain, 
 My dear Sir, 
 Your's most faithfully, 
 R0B*T McVlCAR. 
 To the Honorable ^ 
 Alexander Fraser. J 
 ' ■ 
 Rob't McVicar, Esq., 
 Montreal, 30th May, 1842. 
 I understand from many sources that you possess a 
 thorough knowledge of the capabilities cf the wilds of Ca- 
 nada West, and that you are taking an active and philan- 
 thropic interest in sending Emigrants to settle there under 
 the protection of the British Government on the shores of 
 Owen Sound. I have long had reason to believe tha^ the 
 Huron Tract would prove an eligible home to the indus- 
 trious or monied surplus population of the old country. 
 It will only want a few years steady support and fostering 
 care from the Home Government, with the active local 
 assistance of well informed and enterprising men in di- 
 recting the tide of emigration, to become one of the richest 
 Jewels in the British Colonial Crown. 
 That these views may be the more effectually carried 
 into execution allow me, though a compaTStive strange* 
 to you, to tender you humbly a few bints, of advice, aiirf to 
 plead as my excuse for such intrusion, my warm wishes 
 for the welfare and happiness of my fellow-man, knowiag 
 that such feelings will touch a responsive chord in your 
 It will be of the greatest advantage and benefit, both 
 spiritually and temporally to your laew settlement, to make 
 early arrangements for securing Ministers of the Gospel, 
 and competent School Teachers. You ought also to se- 
 cure well qualified Medical men to look after the bodily 
 wants and diseases of your sctllcrs immediately upon their 
 arrival ; of tli^s you must at once see the indispcnsible 
 necessity. If you could induce the Government to securii 
 to me such remuneration as might induce me to leave my 
 present practice, and insuie me the means of supporting 
 myself and family I shall go with you, and if all turn out 
 as I expect I can bring out from BanfT and Aberdeen, 
 shire, in course of the second year, at least from 80 to 
 100 families with plenty of means and appliances to boot. 
 With regard to my own testimonials of character 
 and competency, I have only to say that I have beea 
 upwards of eight years in the north of Scotland and four 
 years here, in the full exercise of my profession; and, if re- 
 quired, can produce satisfactory certificates from many of 
 the most respectable individuals both at home and here. 
 With regard to professional education I have only to refer 
 to diplomas now in my possession, or to the recordsof ab- 
 erdeen, Edinburgh, and London Colleges. 
 If you should think of employing my services, be 
 kind enough to grant me as early an answer as is possibly 
 convenient, in order that I may bo able to make early ar. 
 rangements to meet the occasion. 
 1 am Sir, 
 Your most ob't Servant, 
 Al. Scott. 
 To Rob't McVicar, Esq., 
 22nd June, 184 . 
 My dear Sir, 
 Notwithstanding I took all the trouble and pains pos- 
 Bible to see the Honb'le Mr. Sullivan in the course of the 
 day, I regret to say that I failed. He goes up to-morrow 
 by the stage, and I shall meet him at Lachino where I shall 
 communicate all to you. 
 Your's truly, 
 Alexander Fraskk. 
 Mr. McVicar. 
 1 1 f 
 Montreal^ 23rd June, 1842. 
 My dear Sir, 
 Colonel Fraser left this yesterday for the express 
 nnrnose of meeting Mr, Sullivan atLachine, who, it ap- 
 j — i- - 
 pears is invested with full power to close a final settlement 
 or complete an arrangement with the Colonel touching the 
 settlement of the Huron Tract. The terms and consider- 
 ations of the Colonel arc so severe that the Government 
 seems to'cvincc an unwillingness to comply with them, and 
 it is my opinion that an arrangement between them will not 
 take place. 1 shall hope to receive a despatch from him 
 (Fraser,) to-morrow, conveying every particular which 
 may have taken place between him and Mr. Sullivan, and, 
 in the event of no arrangement having been effected be- 
 tween iho p-.vlics, in that case I would wish to consult you 
 as to the propriety of my following the Governor General in 
 order to have a personal interview with him in Quebec. It 
 is to be regretted that the Petition was not presented at an 
 earlier date ; it is now, however, too late to complain and 
 we must do the best we can. Will you have the goodness 
 to say when it will be convenient for you to favor me with 
 an interview, and with every kind wish believe me, with 
 sentiments of the highest consideration, 
 My dear Sir, 
 Ever your's truly and faithfully, 
 Rob't McVicar. 
 Lewis T. Drummond, Esq., 
 To the Editor of the Montreal Herald : 
 I feel assured that a fellow feeling will induce you to 
 devote occasionally a column of your widely circulated 
 M j 
 journal to the publication of a few Letters intended humWy, 
 but with a heart warmly devoted to the iiap|)iness and the 
 best interests of my fellow-men, to draw tiie attention of 
 the public in general but more particularly of the nu- 
 merous Etnigrantg daily disembaiking on our wharves, 
 to the subject of Emigration into Canada. 
 When the United Kingdom of Great Britain and 
 Ireland, is groaning under the weight of a population too 
 Jiumcrous to be sni)portcd on their native soil, it would 
 argue a want of loyalty and philanthropy, in any British 
 subject intimately acquainted with the resources of Can- 
 ada, to withhold from the Government and the people, 
 a full development of all he knows regarding its easy 
 capabilities of becoming a prosperous and happy home 
 to all Emigrants, willing and determined to live under 
 the sway of the British sceptre, and a nursery for rear- 
 ing up Sons, who both on Jlood and field will add fresh 
 strength to the parent country, and bind new laurels 
 around the British Crown. 
 During last summer, I travelled over a large portion 
 of the Huron Tract for the express purpose of devel- 
 oping its various resources, and, after a careful examina- 
 tion of the capabilities of the soil, with the signal 
 advantage of the genial climate, for the purpose of 
 agriculture, and ai the Waters for the establishment of 
 Mills and Fisheries, I feel it my duty publicly to record 
 my belief, that, with a iew years fostering care from 
 its Agents, the Huron Tract is destined to become the 
 Garden of Canada West. 
 In my next I shall enter into details. 
 I remain, Dear Sir, 
 Your ob't Servant, 
 Rob't McVicAR. 
 To the Editor of the Montreal Herald : 
 Another season has opened upon us, and the tide of 
 Immigration seem^ to have set in towards our shores 
 with increasing force. 
 The redundant population of Great Britain and 
 Ireland must find a channel in soma direction or other » 
 and British North America holds out the greatest 
 inducements. Thousands of Immigrants have already 
 landed on our wharves, and in all probability tens of 
 thousands are yet to follow ere the close of the season. 
 This might be a source of the highest gratification 
 to everv genuine Patriot, who ardently desires to see 
 the connection between this country and the parent State 
 fixed more firmly, by the prosperous settlement of 
 persons who, if I may so speak, have been ejected 
 from the land of their nativity, for want of room or for waht 
 of employment. But the question is painfully forced upon 
 our minds. Is this likely to be the case under the 
 present system of things ? Alas, the answer is apparent. 
 Tho experience of years is tlirown away ; and 
 the year forty-two iimU us as destitute of any system by 
 wliicli tlie great ends of Immigration ni;iy Ijo attained, 
 and tlie interests of all parties consulted, as vvc were ten 
 years ago. It is true that Immigr.uit Agencies have 
 been cstablislied, at the principal landing places under 
 the auspices of Government, and sums of money ex- 
 pended that leave no doubt of tiio good intentions o^ 
 Government on the subject. But tho question stili 
 recurs, how far the interests of Emigration are served 
 by tlie means and money at present set apart for that 
 purpose ? 
 Tlie present system, if such it sliould be called, 
 may be briefly stated : It consists in printing a number 
 of hand Bills, and posting them up in conspicuous 
 places, directing Emigrants where the Agent's Office 
 may be found; in putting a few advertisements in the 
 Newspapers, soliciting information from persons at a 
 distance, and, in sending poor Emigrants to their des- 
 tination ; and when the Boatmen have pushed off their 
 Boat, and the Emigrant is gone from among us, so that 
 we no longer see his wants, nor hear his cry of disuo , 
 the feeling seems to be, that all that is necessary is done 
 for him. But where is the Emigrant's destination ? Alas, 
 who can tell ! Does he know it himself, or is the 
 Emigrant Agent more wise ? Does he know it ? no. Sir, 
 neither of then ^'.mi tell. .The Emigrant, generally 
 speaking, is dii /en t*i seek a home in this distant region, 
 oilLcr l.y imin.diat. necessity, or by gloomy foreboding 
 ol' coming want. ,■ „ 
 l.-cw corno to C:ii.acbi for the purpose of spending a 
 fortune, but many arc induced to come in tbe l.opc of . 
 acquiring one, but in wlmt particular way or place the 
 fortune is to be n.ade, is a subject upon winch he 
 Eini-rant has scarcely ventured to bestow a thought 
 lie lurivea in Canada with very little knowledge of 
 ,1,0 Country and with le.s capital. Me fn.ds himself a 
 strancrer in a strange land, .vithout resource., and without 
 the necessary information to enable him, to turn his time 
 to the best account. Then the poor Emigrant leels the 
 sad reality of his position. He applies for counsel at 
 the A-encv Office, and he is tliere told he can be forwa.ded 
 up the Country. He has probably lieard some one say 
 that, Kingston, or Toronto is a good place, and 
 tliis is enough to induce him to proceed to the place, to 
 which his hopes have been already directed. But here 
 he finds himself surrounded by Thousands who, like 
 himself, have been attracted to the good place, the sha- 
 dow flies before him ; thus, Mr Editor, Emigrants are 
 tossed about from place to place, along the great tho- 
 rou"hfare of the Province, without any fixed purpose, and 
 without having their minds drawn to any fixed object, 
 till sickened by disappointment, many cross over to our 
 neighbouring States, while not a few, sink under acoumu- 
 lating misfortunes. . . 
 1 .shall resume this subject with your permission, and 
 shall in future Letters, point out ths deficiencies in the 
 present system. I shall also suggest a system of Emi. 
 gration which I trust shall be found to be strictly practical* 
 having for its object, the permanent ar.d prosperous settle- 
 ment of all industrious Emigrants, and at the same time, of 
 fully securing the interests of all parties concerned. Emi- 
 gration will prove, if conducted on a proper basis, the 
 sovereign remedy for our political disorder. It will relieve 
 Great Britain and Ireland of a useless and redundant 
 population, and prove the Sheet Anchor of the parent State 
 by which, this Colony will be permanently and indissolubly 
 connected to it. 
 I have the honor to be, Sir, 
 Your obedient humble Servant, . 
 To the Editor of the Montreal Herald : 
 In your Journal of Thursday, I was pleased to find a 
 long and sensible Letter on the subject of Emigration into 
 this Colony, signed '-Philanthropy." I enter fully into your 
 Correspondent's views as flir as they extend, regardino- the 
 protection and instruction necessary to be afforded by Gov- 
 ernment, to all Emigrants on their arrival at the Ports of 
 Quebec and Montreal. The agents at those Ports, capa- 
 bio of direciing the tide of Inmigration into useful channels, 
 so as to meet the liberal intentions of Government in set- 
 tlinK theWaste Lands of Canada, must be active, mtelhgent, 
 and Pliilanthropic men, well acquainted with all the secUons 
 and resources of the country ; who, thus qualified, will bo 
 able to direct mor.ied settlers to advantageous locations, 
 and with necessary Government funds placed at their 
 command, to forward destitute Immigrants comfortably 
 to an eligible destination. 
 It is not at By.Town, Kingston, or Toronto however, 
 that either of these Emigrants will find it most advan- 
 tageous to remain, no ; from my intimate knowledge of the 
 Huron Tract, and of the libera! Terms on which Govern- 
 ment have decided to settle that part of its possession, I 
 sincerely advise all Emigrants, especially Agriculturists, 
 to proceed to Owen Sound without delay, as soon as the 
 Government has caused to be surveyed and laid out con- 
 venient Lots of Land, .n which the settler can immediately 
 commence operations, to build for him.elf and family a 
 house and home, with lands in his power, to clear for the 
 reception of the seeds of next year's Crops. Government 
 has fixed the price of its lands, to those who can pay for 
 them, at 8s. per acre, but to families destitute of means, «-ho 
 may chose to settle on the line of roads leading to the 
 shores of the Lake, Government will grant to anyyo^S 
 aian over 14 years of age capable of --"^'"S '^«."'i^;, ^^^ 
 acres of land, say a family of five sons who with their father 
 will receive 300 acres in one block, but I would recom. 
 mend lo the Government, to grant to the venerable parent 
 100 acres more, as a provision for the wants of his de- 
 clining years, and a suj)port to the female members of 
 his famil3^ 7'lic title deeds for tliis Icnus. I should strong. 
 ]y recommend to bo granted, after the expiration of the first 
 year's possession, provided the settlers have within that 
 time, cleared re;uIyfor cropping a proportion of G acres 
 to the 100. These terms are certainly liberal on the part 
 of the Government, but its agents must be strictly watched, 
 and when found ineapabie of discharging the duties of 
 their office i'oc the public good, let them be discharged* 
 and their places filled by men competent to meet the 
 requisite responyihility. Allow me liore to quote a few 
 extracts from a Sctlier's letter dated Norval, 17th June, 
 1842 :— 
 *' I remain as I was when you saw me here, out 
 " of pay and out of bLVsiness. The Government owes me 
 " £d2 lis. lid. Tile suulemont, for advances out of my 
 " own pocket, for the public — good, owes me about one 
 " hundred pounds, and all monies having been kept back 
 " from individuals by government, is much to the hurt of 
 " the prosperity of this section of the Colony, and renders 
 " repayment to me in the meantime impossible. I hope 
 *' you will intercede for me, as I would like to get into my 
 ** old situation. My sons and I will go to the Bay, and I 
 " think as many as 20 Families will follow us, but I shall 
 " make no movements until I see you", 
 " The fine Saw Mill you saw in progress at Arthur 
 has been allowed to stand still and do nothing, ever since 
 j< I I- 
 " October last, upon a mere quibble of dispute belwcu. 
 " the agent and the person who leased it." 
 « No sales of land allowed here, and many a man Hart 
 " to return with the money in his pocket in consequence. 
 « Many a fine loyalist had to return from this pl^cc, 
 " Arthur, without having had an opportunity of acquumg 
 » a lot of land while real rebels of the worst kind, got 
 " some two, and some three lots each ; this is a liard 
 " saying, but I think him no friend to government wao 
 " would not expose such conduct." , , . , 
 Previous to the receipt of the above, I had advised a 
 great number of families, each posse.dng from A-200 
 to £600 slg, to proceed to the Huron Tract in the Urm 
 faith, that, whatever lands they wished to purchase would 
 at once be apportioned to them,-you muy imagme the 
 painful nature of my feelings, when I contempluio the re- 
 ception they are likely to meet with. Many others who 
 have arrived here since, in equally good circumstances 
 I have been obliged to shun, in order that I might not be 
 tempted to mislead them. That is bad- enough, but sup- 
 pose the passengers of any one of the six vessels, .atoly 
 orted.astaki:,ginat Greenock a full eomplei^n. o^^ 
 Emigrants for different ports in America in such a state 
 of destitution, as to depend on public Chanty to to 
 me-ns of subsistence on their voyage across the Allan ic, 
 Ze anded on the wharves of Montreal, what earth y 
 "vision has been made for them U see nothing ready 
 ' >. them but misery and starvation, but it .s time 
 1 ' ' ■ 
 ! I 
 to drop the curtain upon such a lamentable picture, and 
 to implore the Government to look behind it. 
 I am, Sir, 
 Your ob't Servant, 
 A Settlor. 
 Montreal, July, 2nd, 1842. 
 Fraserfield, 7th July, 1842. 
 My dear Sir, 
 Your Letter of the 2nd instant and that of the Com- 
 missioner of Crown Lands was received by mo yestor- 
 day, and I lose no time in sending you a copy. From 
 its contents, you may judge how unpleasant it is to be 
 kept in a state of suspense. I could not find the llon'ble 
 W. Sullivan previous to my leaving Montreal, neither 
 did I meet him at Lachine, else I would have written to 
 you. iMy own opinion is, that the Council will deter- 
 mine to keep the new settlement under their own mis- 
 management, rather than grant me the conditions I have 
 asked, and without which I shall not undertake it. Under 
 these circumstances, it will be more prudent for you and 
 I to refrain from holding out any encouragement to in- 
 tending settlers to that part of the Province. The mo- 
 ment the decision of the Council is communicated to me, 
 I sliall inform you of the result 
 Believe me to remain in haste, 
 Your's truly, 
 Alexander Phaser. 
 Rob't McVicar, Esq. 
 Crown Lands Department, 4tft July, 1842. 
 ' I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of u 
 Letter addressed hy you to His Excellency, on the 21st 
 of June, 1842, which has been referred to this department ; 
 and to acquMint you that as it embraces so mucii new 
 matter, it cannot be disposed of without submitting it to 
 the consideration of the Council, which cannot be done 
 until the members re-assemblc at Kingston. 
 I have the honor to be, 
 Oil , 
 Your most ob't servant, 
 John Davidson. 
 The Hon'ble Colonel Fraser. 
 - , - Montreal, liUh July, 1P<1'^- 
 My dear Drummond, 
 Having wearied my very soul out of patience nwait- 
 insr vour return, now that you have arrived will you do 
 ^1 the favor t^ say at what hour this evening or to 
 morrow morning, I can have the pleasure of seeing you, 
 as I have much of importance to communicate, iho 
 Government will not grant the extent of Colonel Fra- 
 ser's demand, consequently he will have nothing further 
 to do with the Huron Tract Settlement. There are hun- 
 dreds ia the field about soliciting what he has refused. His 
 support he has promised me. My wish is to see his 
 Excellency in person. On this point your advice is m- 
 dispensable and no time is to be lost. I sincerely trust 
 your amiable mother and Cousin are enjoying the blessings 
 of good health, and with every good wish, 
 I remain. 
 My dear Drummond, 
 Ever your's most truly, 
 Rob't. McVicab. 
 Lewis T. Drummond, Esq. 
 To the Editor of the Montreal Herald : 
 When Lake Huron and its tributary streams are 
 teaming with fish, in such abundance as at a very trifling 
 outlay could easily bo made to supply thousands of set- 
 tiers, with not only a healthy but a luxurious meal, and 
 the surplus produce of the Fisheries made a valuable 
 article for exportation ; when the Shores of the Lake 
 and the adjacent country are capable of yielding, to tho 
 Agriculturist, an eligible field where ho may reap a 
 rich reward for his industry, and when the Home Gov- 
 ernmeut holds out to the starving thousands, who can nei. 
 iher find employment nor room to enable them to live on 
 their natiye soil, a readily available and happy home, m 
 ,hi3 part of the British dominions, on the liberal terms 
 mentioned in my last letter ; every right thinking man 
 must wonder and deplore that so many hundreds of Emi- 
 grants are daily landed on our ^vharves. and afterwards 
 huddled together in such masses with such miserable 
 accommodation as is sufficient to breed a pestilence, and 
 that our Provincial Government does not see the immodi- 
 ate necessity of providing a safe and quick transit for all 
 Emigrants to the place of their destination, where lands 
 ought to be ready to be apportioned on a day s warning 
 to both the mDnioJ and the poor settler. 
 The distress I have to day witnessed at the Emigrant 
 Sheds has induced mo hurriedly to pen the foregoing re- 
 marks, and my only motive for so doing is the ameli. 
 oration of misery to my fellow men. The same feelings 
 prompts me to suggest to the Government the necessity 
 of its interference, in protecting the public against the 
 accidents whieli so frequently occur from high pressure 
 steam Engines. It has long been known that the danger 
 of bursting between high and low pressure Engines is as 
 41 to one. Your details of the awful and heart rending 
 ci'rcumstances attending the blowing up of the Shamrock 
 yesterday, must plead my excuse for troubling the Gov. 
 crnmont with the above suggestion. ■ 
 Yon will soon hear from me again, mean time 
 I am, &c., &o., 
 A Settler. 
 10th July, 1842. 
 Montreal, IQth July, 1842. 
 My dear Drummond, 
 I was twice at your oOice yesterday. At the time of 
 my first visit you were engnged, at my second you were 
 absent at court. Your contemplated interview with liis 
 Excellency will, I am satisfied, be productive of much good, 
 not only to my personal interests but also to the thousands 
 that are now starving on our shores, as well as to the hun- 
 dreds of families who, possessing moans, I have been 
 instrumental in sending to the Huron Tract this season 
 and who, after experiencing much toil and misery, accom- 
 pained with heavy and vexatious expense were under the 
 necessity of returning in consequence of the Government 
 Agents there having neither the power, nor probably the 
 wUl, to locate them on land.-^ which they were both willing 
 and able to pay for Cash down. It is a lamentable state 
 of things, that that fine Tract of Land on the shores and 
 vicinity of Lake Huron lies dormant, and has virtually 
 been a dead Letter to the Crown, sitlce it was purchased 
 from the Indians during the administration of Sir Francis 
 Bond Head, whereas by judicious management during a 
 few years, it might become the most important and valu- 
 able Section of the British dominions on the Continent of 
 America. Do draw the immediate attention of his Ex- 
 cellency to the "Letters of the Settler" in the Herald news 
 paper, and to those in the same paper signed « Philanthro- 
 py" and to the Editorial remarks. I am pledged to 
 upwards of a thousand respectable families, both at home 
 and hero, to see them comfortably located in the land of 
 Promise. A reasonable renumeration for my services 
 sufficient to support my family from the appearance of 
 want, is all that I look for. ■ Should the Government feel 
 disposed to meet my moderate views, I have no hesitation 
 in pledging myself, if spared life and health, that before ho 
 expiration of 'ten years from this date I will have settled to 
 the satisfaction of the Government and the perfect comfor 
 and happiness of the settlers every acre of the Twenty 
 three Townships in the IIa:on Tract. Touching referen. 
 ces as to character, experience and capability for the faithful 
 dischar<reofthe arduous duties of an undertalung of such 
 an important nature, please to direct the attention of His 
 Excellency the Governor General to the narratives of the 
 first and s'econd land arctic expedition under the command 
 of my friend Sir John Franklin, now Governor of Van 
 Diemans Land. Also to the narrative of Lieutenant Ingal 
 commander of the exploring expedition via the River ^U 
 Maurice, in the Summer of 1829. and if further reference be 
 required application can be made to 
 The Hon'ble Matthew Bell, Three Rivers. 
 Baron Grant, Montreal. •, 
 Alex'r Fraser, Gkngarrg. 
 Alex'r Grant, L'Orignal 
 The NcNab of McNab, Otlawa. 
 : n 
 Peter Warren Dease, Esq., Commander of the ex- 
 pcdition to explore the North West Passage. 
 Alex'r Buchanan, Esq. Quccn'3 Cauncil, Montreal. 
 The members of the Bar of Montreal, all the inhabitants 
 of the County of Two Mountains, am^ng whom I resided 
 for Ten Years, and to the Inhabitants of all the Scoteh 
 Settlements in Canada West. 
 I feel convinced that all your principles are based 
 upon a heartfelt wish to do good to your fellow creatures, 
 thousands of whom are at this moment sufiering under the 
 scorpion lash of neglect and absolute want on our Shores, 
 and that you will not withhold from Ills Excellency the 
 information which it is in your power to impart, so well 
 calculated to enable him to accomplish the important ob- 
 ject of his mission to this hitherto neglected and convulsea 
 Province. , 
 For my own part, I am as I have ever been ready 
 and willing to espouse the cause of humanity, and to exert 
 every energy of mind and nerve of body, with which God 
 has endowed me, in endeavouring to ameliorate the heart- 
 rending distress under the pressure of which so man> of 
 my fellow beings are now groaning. 
 Soliciting the favor of a few lines from you at your 
 earliest convenience after your interview with the Gover - 
 nor General, , _ , 
 I remain, my dear Drummond, 
 Ever your'a faithfully, 
 Lewis T. Drummond. Esq. Rob't McVicar. 
 Kius^ton, Dooenriber, Tth, 1842. 
 My dear Sir, 
 I arrivcl here on Sunday evening, and called on 
 my friend Mr., tl>o Deputy Surveyor General, 
 with whom I am staying, at the B.arding House of Mr. 
 Warry, WelUn;;ton Dailding,, Wellington Street. On 
 Monday tnorning I proeeedad to the Government House 
 and had a long interview with my friend Capt.un Bagot, 
 I was extremely sorry to find Hi. Excellency S>r C arles 
 Ba^ot had b.en so iU on Friday that the famdy and Inm- 
 self thought he was dying ; however, since then he ha» 
 been daify gaining strength, and Cnpt-n Bagot .n ormed 
 me that he was glad to hear of my beu.g here bah. 
 Physician thought I had better defer hun fo. a day 
 or two. Lady and the Bagot were very kmd and 
 friendly. I called there again yesterday twice ; when l.o 
 he expressed the kindest anxiety to promote my mterest 
 as much as he can. I find i>e never saw nor heard of 
 your application, he thinks it will be des-rable for mo o 
 proceed to Toronto and see you and the land, and re- 
 Lrt to him if it is salubrious and free from Swamps, 
 which he is informed is one great fault ; howe^^r, he says. 
 he should depend upon my judgment of it. have men^ 
 tioned the appointment of an Em'gra.t Agent and sta ed 
 Jour experience, qualifications and .eriU, and f-m w - 
 \ can learn I think you may have an annual Grant of 
 Land in addition to tlio fixed salary j but this .s to be pr.- 
 f V 
 I Hi 
 vate ag no appoiatmcnt will ba m:ule at present. Col. 
 Antrobu^ CiK-d to wi'ito ina an orJor on Capt'n Jones, tho 
 rroviuicial Sjcrctxry, for nny account of £17 4 4, but 
 he not bjuifj'luro C.ipt'n Bagot wait3 his return from 
 Montreal, and it having coat mo to Kingston between 
 £1: and £') moro than I cxpjctcLl, having to travel by 
 eleigli nftcjr sotting out, I shall fuel much obliged by your 
 enclosing to mc, per return of post, 15 or 20 Dollars; and 
 please to write particularly whether you will meet mo at 
 Toronto, or if I .shall proceed to your farm. If you could 
 also send t'le stick for His Excellency I think it would bo 
 a 'n-atifyin'' remembrance to him. Do not fliil to enclose 
 to me, and write per return of Fir^t Post', hoping you 
 found iMrs. MjVicar and your family all well, with best 
 I am, my dear Sir, 
 Your's respectfully, 
 J. TiMMIS. 
 Rob't McVi':^ar, Esq., 
 Village of Nerval. 
 Kingston, 15th Decemher, 1842. 
 My dear Sir, 
 After a long interview which I have had with Mr. 
 Morin, of the Crown Lands Office, and naming the dis- 
 appointment which numerous families and individuals 
 39, tho 
 4, but 
 vcl by 
 »y your 
 fs; and 
 mo lit 
 1 could 
 3uld bo 
 ig you 
 th best 
 r, 1842. 
 ith Mr. 
 the dis- 
 experienced who were invited to the Huron Tract for 
 Settlement by the roprescntutives of tho 1 1 onoraUo Co- 
 lonel Fraser and his Agents from no agent being there 
 authorized to reeeive the monies, for such purchases as they 
 chose to m:ike, and locate them on th. L'uuls ; and that 
 there are now 150 to 200 headn of Families at St. An- 
 drews and its vicinity waiting in su<prn.e, since my 
 arrival, orders have been given for tlu3 immediate survey 
 and layin- out of 12 Townships ; and as I liave named 
 your great experience and ju.lgm.nt in such matters, 
 and named tluit you would undertake an agency, I am 
 told you must make application, if you really wish it, for 
 altho' Cap. Bagot will exert himself to promote my views, 
 and a recpicst from him has its proper wel-ht, tho Go- 
 vernmnt vou must know will not hu trill .d with. I have 
 the satislUction of seeing that the Townshii)s oF Hagot, Peel 
 and Yimmistown, is laid out, and my fri.n.l B.uchette 19 
 now occupied by the T.».va o( Bagot to b. immeduitely 
 laid out. I wrote vou last week of my arrival, and to 
 know if you wished mo to proceed to Toronto, and also 
 requesting you to oblig. m ) with Vo or 20 Dollars per 
 return of Post, as Colonel Antrobus' Salary is not yet 
 receivable, and you have not attend.-d to any one request. 
 You will oblige me by enclosing the above amount of 
 Cash, and name if you wish me to proceed to Toronto as 
 according to the Governor's wish we may judge of the 
 Land from the Timber. Waiting your attention with 
 tUe needful, 
 I am, dear »Sir, 
 Your's respectfully, 
 Rob't McVicar, Esq., 
 Kingston, December^ 30/A 1842. 
 My dear Sir, 
 Your favor of the 20tb is duly to hand, 
 and I presented your order upon Mr , who says 
 he willpay it as soon as he can and siys ho has written you. 
 1 have been desirous to procure Aylwin's interest to pro- 
 mote my applications to the Council, and as he met me 
 on my return on Monday from the Government House 
 and very cordially invited me to visit him, as he had heard 
 of my being here, I have since been with him at his house, 
 and this morning accompanied him to his office, and had a 
 long discussion with him, in company with Mr. Lafontaine, 
 to urge the immediate Survey of the Huron Tract, and 
 the inefficiency of the agents now there, and the tender 
 of your services to undertake that most important duty. 
 They wished me to see Mr. Morin again, the Commissi- 
 oner of Crown Lands, with whom I have since had a long 
 eoDversation ; he was extremely courteous and promised 
 »■(' ■*, 1 
 with to promote my views in any thing that will benefit th» 
 Province . I read to him an extract from your letter 
 discribing the fertility of those parts, with which be wai 
 much pleased, but stated as there was an Agent at Owen 
 Sound and another at Garrafraxa, you had better look over 
 one of the Townships that you thought best for your 
 friends, and make a written application to be laid bcfora 
 the Council as the appointment would be one of greater 
 responsibility than you seem aware of, and large sums of 
 money will be paid into your hands. The Council say 
 you will have to give securities to the customarj Amount. 
 Col'n Anlrobus has not yet sent his order on Capt'n Jones , 
 and of course I shall have to wait the arrival of my friends 
 here. I must thank you for your Polite invitation to your 
 dinner party, but wish to finish the business in hand hero 
 before coming on to your place. I am very glad to m- 
 form you that the Governor is recruiting in health very 
 nicely. I wrote your Brother to accompany me to your 
 place a fortnight back, and ho seems as prompt a corres- 
 pendent as yourself, for there is no reply from him yet. 
 With respectful compliments to Mrs. McVicar and 
 your family, as well as to yourself, and wishing you a 
 happy New Year, 
 1 am, my dear Sir, 
 Your's respectrullr, 
 To Rob't McVicAn, E^q. ^ Tnuiis. 
 Kingston, January 5ih, 1843. 
 Dear Sir, 
 I had the pleasure of seeing Captain Bagot 
 this morning, and ain very glad to inform you that hia 
 Excellency is getting in pretty good heaUh again, he has 
 gone out in liis slei,'.'ii. I find there are such numcroua 
 appUcation for the Crown Land Agencies; and those for 
 Arthur and Sydenham Townships heing ah'cady filled ; 
 from the Commissioner having handsomely promised that 
 you shall have the choice of any Township you wish, 
 as mentioned in my letter to you, as there aro 8 more 
 Townships on the road laid out between Sydenham and 
 Arthur ; you had better determine on one, and come here 
 on receipt of ihU ; as Mr. Bouchcttc will kindly give you 
 every information on his maps ; and it is likely he will 
 go to the Saguenay below Quebec very soon, and I intend 
 to accompany him. I think the next Township to Arthur 
 will be best for you, as you might have your store there, 
 and for your fiiliing you could purchase a Town Lot for 
 £>b at OwcHVs Sound, and place your Brother there or 
 else De la Ronde. Mr. has not been able to pay your 
 order ; but his brother, Captain is coming down from 
 Toronto to collect his freight accounts, and you had better 
 come with him and he will furnish you with such funds 
 as you want. Now I must request your iuunedmie aUentlon 
 to tliis, or else Mr. Morin will give the appointment to an- 
 other ;and I perceive by your Brother's writing that he is not 
 Competent. I therefore shall expect you on return of the 
 Mail if Captaur has set out, and bring any documents 
 with you that may promote your interest, also do not forg^.t 
 the Governor's stick. Th-ie is about to be some cl,ange 
 in the Council. I fiad 1 am too late for this day s M:ni 
 and have therefore been to Mr to see if hi. brother 
 had arrived, and he appears to think from your nesWctnig 
 to write him. as you aught to done, yo.> n>ay he 
 ,,,0 car. les- or indolent to attend to your intero3t hero with 
 the Government, after all my exertions and a|,|.Ucat,onf 
 for you -. shonM this bo the case, as I shall not now come 
 on to Toronto, I rr.u^t request you to wrilc me por return 
 „f, s. ch excuse as you judge proper, lo exonerate 
 mo from any blame in ibr'.nally applying to the Uouncu 
 for von, as' Cupt. Bjgot was yesterday very uKiu,s,tivc 
 il-votu iudgracnt of land was to bo depended upon. 1 
 iee'l that mv honor and credit are at stake, i:i having re- 
 ,,rescnted your qualiiieations and competency ni i.mcli 
 strong terms. , „ , <, 
 Mr. Bouchette says that the mouth oi the Saugme 
 River Townships will be best for you, now lymg out. 
 Relying upon seeing you per return of Mail, 
 I am, dear Sir, 
 Your's sincerely, 
 J. Tdimis. 
 Rob't MoVicar, Esq., 
 Kingston, I6th January, 1843. 
 Having taken an early and lively interest in the wel- 
 fare and prosperity of the new settlement, at present form- 
 ing under the auspices of Government, on the Shores 
 of Lake Huron, and been actively employed during the 
 whole of last summer in sending settlers there, I beg 
 leave to tender my best services as an agent to settle with 
 respectable families one or more Townships fronting on 
 the lake and bounding on the Saugine River. Having 
 traversed a considerable portion of that country made 
 me acquainted with its soil, fisheries and resources. 
 Touching respectability of character, talents and the ne- 
 cessary qualifications required to discharge successfully 
 the important duties connected with an appomtment of 
 this high trust and responsibility, permit me to solicit 
 reference to the accompanying documents, also to Sir 
 John Franklin's narratives of his first and second Land 
 Arctic Expeditions, and the narrative of Lieutenant In- 
 gall, 15th Regiment of foot, of his Exploring expedition 
 via the River St. Maurice, during the Summer of 1829. 
 Should any further recommendations be required, refer- 
 neces can be had to 
 The Hon'ble Matthew Bell, Three Rivers. 
 Baron Grant, Montreal, 
 Col. Alex'r Eraser, Glengarry, 
 Aiex'r Grant, VOrlgnah 
 The NcNab of McNab, Ottawa, 
 Peter Warren Dease, Esq., Commander of the ex. 
 pedition to, and Discoverer of the North West Passage. 
 Alex'r Buchanan, Esq. Queen's Council, Montreal. 
 The members of the Bar of Montreal, all the inhabitants 
 of the County of Two Mountains, among whom I resided 
 for Ten Years, and to the Inhabitants of all the Scoteh 
 Settlements in Canada West. 
 I am acquainted with the English, French, Gaelic 
 and Indian Languages, and am also a practical Farmer. 
 I have the honor to be, 
 Your most obedient Servant, 
 Rob't McVicab. 
 The Hon'ble. A. N. Morin, } 
 Commissioner of Crown Lands. S 
 m< r 
 Kingston, 22nd January, 1843. 
 I trust that the subject of the present application will 
 justify the liberty I thus take in addressing you a second 
 time. My domicile is in the Village of Nerval, a distance 
 of 214 miles from this place. From thence I was called 
 down here by Mr. Timmis, merchant in Quebec, for the 
 express purpose of waiting upon you, and receive my ap. 
 nointmciit as agent to settle ouo or more Townships in 
 tlie Huron Tr:ict, as you will sco by his letter to me bear- 
 ing date l")f!i instant. 
 Tho piiniul tlisappointmont which T experienced at 
 not finding an appointment ; ■ or mo on iny arrival 
 here, can be more easily conceiv.J tlian described. Im the 
 present state of the road.:i, the journey from and to Norval 
 is liarassing and dangerous, not to mention the heavy 
 expense unavoidably attendant on so long a route. I 
 have a large Family to support, and my circumstances in 
 a pecuniary point of view are not so good as they wore 
 a few years past, I am therefore but ill prepared to meet 
 disappointments and expenses of so vexatious a nature, 
 particularly after the trouble and exprnse I was at during 
 last summer in sending settlers to Owen's Sound. Under 
 these considerations may I solicit the favor of your having 
 the goodiiess to oblige me with a reply in writing to my 
 letter of application of tlie lOth instant, in order that I 
 may be enabled to take the necessary measures in di- 
 rcctinrr the ulterior movements of tho numerous families 
 who where and still are making preparations to follow 
 me to the Huron Settlement. 
 I know how unreasonable it is to trouble you with a 
 communication of this kind, at a time when you are over- 
 wlielmed with business of importance, but your own expe- 
 rience hath long ere now taught you that how trivial 
 soever the affairs of a private individual may appear 
 to the public, they are still of importance to himself and 
 every one expects to escape neglect. 
 I have the honor to be, 
 Your most obedient humble Serv't, 
 Rob't. McVicah. 
 Hon'ble. A. N. Morin, ^ 
 Commissioner of Crown Lands, ^ 
 Kingston. ) 
 Government House, March eth, 1843. 
 I beg to forward to you the papers. &c., belonging 
 to Mr. McVicar, which 1 have read according to your 
 wish, and which bear testimony to the high character of 
 the owner. Tlie Governor General's state of health quite 
 prevents me bringing his case under notice I regret to say. 
 I am surpr' ;ed and annoyed at seeing some letters 
 from a Mr. Timmis to Mr. McVicar, who appears to have 
 made use of the Governor General's name and my own 
 in a way that he has not the smallest authority, and most 
 perfectly unwarrantable, never having seen him at King- 
 ston but once then without reference to any thing he states 
 in his letter. I feel it necessary in consequence to put 
 myself in communication with Mr. Morin, the Commis- 
 sioner of Crown Lands as he miiy have lakcn the sam» 
 liberty tlicro, and I rocommcnd you to guard I\Ir.*iMcVicar, 
 against liis placing too much con(klenco in him. Should 
 Mr. McVicar not be "oinj; to leave Kingston, I would 
 gladly see him if such should be his wish. 
 1 have the honor to be, 
 Your humble and obedient Servant, 
 M. Bagot. 
 To Thomas Hammond, Esq. 
 Kingston, March iSlh, 1843. 
 Rob*t McVicar, Esq., 
 Having witnessed such scenes of misery and distress 
 for many years past among the poorer class of Immigrants, 
 who are by far the greater portion of the number that 
 yearly land on our shores, as were indeed calculated to 
 harrow the soul of every philanthropist, and call into action 
 every feeling of deep sympathy in their favor, I havo 
 been led to investigate the cause, and to endeavor to dis- 
 cover an antidote for those evils which, I am sorry to 
 say, are daily on the increase. After mature deliberation 
 and close application to the subject, I find that no less 
 than a simultaneous burst of public indignation is likely 
 to rouse tho authorities of the land to adopt measures 
 for preventing a recurrence of the evils of llie past ; there, 
 fore, Sir, tho sooner something ean be done fur that 
 purpose the better. I take the liberty of addressing you 
 on the subject, as the friend of the child of adver- 
 sity, from the interest which you have always taken in 
 the Immigrant's welfare, and the settlement of the waste 
 Lands of"the Province by a hardy and Loyal population, 
 that you will use all your abilities and induence yourself 
 and every efljrt to enlist into the service, men of talent 
 and inHuence from every part of the Country, in order 
 that overwhelming evidences may be produced to expose 
 the folly of the present system, if such it may be called, 
 of Immigration, as also the Land selling and granting, to- 
 gether with the miseries to which poor Immigrants are 
 subjected after arrival here, and the vexatious delays and 
 disappointments which thwart the purpo'.es of such Immi- 
 m-ants as may arrive with some means; delays and disap. 
 pointments which eventually induce them to cross tho 
 lines, to add fresh State and Territories to the already 
 too widely extended Republic. As it is my intention to 
 trouble you with a series of letters on this subject, I will 
 merely draw your attention to a few lamentable facts 
 which indicate "something rotten in the state of Denmark," 
 something wrong in the policy presented both here and 
 at home as regards Emigration ; a policy which entails 
 a train of miseries for years on the poor and ignorant 
 Immlgrnnts, who listened to the speechifying syrens of 
 Imnligration. U is a fact in the first plico, that while tho 
 Colonial Govornincnt sells no land under 8s. per acre, 
 and that under stipulations beyond the power of the indi- 
 gent settler to comply with, having only a few months 
 allowed him to pay the whole amount. Agents remuner- 
 atcd by government, private comj)anies and individuals, 
 travel from the Dan to the Becrshcba of tho British Isles, 
 urging these poor people to leave their ancient houses, 
 where indeed they find but little encouragement to remain 
 and Emigrate to the feitile wilds of Canada, where they 
 may in a few years live in indepcndanco and comfort. 
 Endless forests lino and fertile, swarming with deer ; Ri- 
 vers and Lakes abounding with Fish, overshadowed with 
 trees, abounding in sugar growing on land requiring no 
 manure, and so productive as to exceed belief, are painted 
 in such fanciful and fascinating colours and passed before 
 the eye of the imagination, with such skill and elTect as 
 almost enough to set the poor creatures frantic with joy 
 at their expected prosperity. But, mark the result ; fam- 
 ilies divided in expectations of soon meeting again in the 
 arms of love and comfort, every thing is sold that is 
 not required for the voyage to pay their passage, and 
 the remaining portion of the money laid out in provisions 
 often less than will serve them on the ocean, in full ex- 
 pectation that on arrival in America employment is easily 
 and readily obtained, wages ample and money plenty ; that 
 lands arc choai) and easy of access ; terms of payment 
 most liberal, mid clearing theiorest an easy matter ; but, 
 alas ! once Ituided at Que bee, the delusion which drew 
 them iVom home is vanished alter being led by it, as by 
 Uio [gnis.Ihtuu.s to the boys, and marshes of troubles and 
 diiricultic-s of a new order requiring years of hard la- 
 hour, present privations and future perseverance, reso- 
 iutions and industry to overcome, flush with hope and 
 confident of immediate commencement to prosperity the 
 poor Emigrant loaves his flimily on the whaif and calls 
 on the Emigrant Agent whom he thinks has every pow- 
 er of making'him happy ; but, behold, he is handed over to 
 another at the next port, by a line or two of writing," and 
 a few pounds of Bread and Pork, and so on from one to 
 another, till tired of going Westward with no better en- 
 couragcment, he sinks down in despair, cursing the day 
 he Mi his native home, or crosses the linos to the United 
 States, throwing oif his shoes the dust of his allegiance 
 iu the face of this portion of the British Empire, vowing 
 to raise his arm against it, whenever a collision takes- 
 place betwixt both powers, and why 1 Because he was 
 disappointed at firsc, and next rejected by the Colonial 
 Government, which prefers keeping millions on millions 
 of acres in the state of native uselessness, and which may 
 be unproductive for half a century to come, than to give 
 the moneyless and working man a few year's credit, or 
 make roads into the bosom of the forest whereby such 
 M 'fl 
 as could purchase land would have a chance of reaching 
 it. Ihe prcs(int system of land granting and selling is 
 quito impolitic, and very injurious to the pn sperity of 
 the Country ; it would be far better to warn Kmigrants 
 from leaving their homes, if they could not avail them- 
 selves of the terms which Government offers them, than 
 laying out thousands of pounds yearly for their convey- 
 ance and sustenance, till arrived far in the West of Can- 
 ada where they are allowed to scatter like sheep without 
 a shepherd, on the mountains of want and dificulty, and in 
 danger of falling into the mire of despair, whereby they 
 arc forced to cross the lines in anticipation of a better 
 fate, and from which place, however willing, they cannot 
 retrace their steps. Thus, Sir, is the Canadian Govern- 
 ment turned into a nursery for bringing up hardy labour- 
 ers and soldiers for their rivals the Americans, all from 
 the pet notion that laying out money in making roads in 
 the forest is not economical ; and that it is unsafe to trust 
 the hardy loyal Emigrant with £40 worth of uncultivated 
 land, which land if left so for a century would not be one 
 copper's worth of help to the country. I see that Mr. 
 Merritt, in his letter to Lord Stanley, asserts that the pro- 
 duction of the soil is the true wealth of the country. Gov- 
 ernment seems to admit the fact, but does not adopt the 
 principle. Leaving this part of the subject for another 
 day, let me draw your attention to the misery to which 
 such poor Emigrants are exposed, when left on our 
 )lling is 
 erity of 
 1 ihcm- 
 m, than 
 of Can- 
 , and in 
 by they 
 a better 
 r cannot 
 ill from 
 roads in 
 to trust 
 t be one 
 hat Mr. 
 the pro- 
 . Gov- 
 dopt the 
 ) which 
 on our 
 wharves unwilling to go further, and obliged to sock 
 charity when employment is not to be hud. Familici 
 are broken up and scattered over the country among 
 strangers, exposed to every evil temptation never to meet 
 again with their former innocence. Families young, mo- 
 dest and virtuous, are exposed to the idle guze of tho 
 profligate and licentious ; and to answer their unfeeling 
 and impertinent interrogatories, much to the conluin- 
 ination of their morals, and finding themselves disappoin- 
 cd and left for days and nights on the wharves, feel them, 
 selves degraded, and consequently get careless of their 
 conduct or character ; and hence the great change which 
 takes place in their morals, after arrival here. I shall 
 leave tho darkest shades of this picture untouched until 
 another opportunity, as this communication is merely a 
 rambling introduction to a series of letters which will 
 I remain, 
 Your's respectfully, 
 The Tourist of the Woods. 
 Kingston^ March 2lst, 1823. 
 Rob't McVicar, Esq. 
 Having in my letter to you of the 18 inst. brought 
 the miseries of deluded Immigrants under your notice, 
 ,.fe ; 
 earnestly soliciting your aid in bringing the matter before 
 un enlightened public, with the intention of enlisting 
 general sympathy in their behalf, and if possible to effect 
 a change in the system adopted by tne government for 
 the disposal of the Waste Lands in this Province, as also 
 to induce the Home Government to take into serious 
 consideration the great importance of concocting measures 
 wlicrcby Emigration mny prove a bcnrnt instead of a 
 curse to the parent ylate, as wrll as to the Emigrants 
 themselves. I now beg leave to drav/ your attcaition tn 
 a few facts which, if well understood on the othicr sidr- 
 of the Atlantic, would open the cyo^5 rf the British Pub- 
 lie to sec plausible reasons, little thought of before, foi 
 the uhenation of British feelings wliich increased by dc 
 grees in this Province for years, and ultimately burst 
 forth in open Rebellion, a Rebellion which was supresscd 
 through the loyalty of thousands whose British feelings 
 drevv them round the British Flr.g to protect its honor, 
 while the usages they received in tliis portion of the 
 empire, were sufiicient to overcome tlic most devoted 
 attachment to the British Crown, if that enthusiasm which 
 British Subjects feel towards their country's power and 
 (rlory did not, in a peculiar manner, outvie that of most 
 other nations. Facts, Sir, which would satisfactorily 
 explain the cause of that inveterate enmity, which thou- 
 sands of british born Subjects living in the United States, 
 bear towards the Government of this country. Great 
 5r before 
 to effect 
 ment for 
 , as also 
 > serious 
 ead of a 
 (uition to 
 ihcr side 
 lish Pub- 
 ^•fore, foi 
 ;d by dc- 
 2]y burst 
 1 feci in us 
 is bonor, 
 m of tbc 
 t devoted 
 sm wbicb 
 )\ver and 
 it of most 
 lich thou- 
 ed States, 
 y. Grea t 
 indeed, must the loyalty of that man be, who can with- 
 stand for many years want, misery and neglect, in the 
 land of his adoption, and that land British; while fo- 
 reigners receive the cordial support and patronage of 
 high officials, in posts of honor and lucrative situations, 
 in preference.- Great must the loyalty of that man be, 
 that stands the brunt of national ingratitude and scorn for 
 years, and the denials which cause him to seek a liveli- 
 hood in an enemy's country, and swear fealty to a foreign 
 power ; whose aggressions were repelled by the loyalty 
 of his forefathers, whose blood has been sacrificed at 
 the shrine of British Glory, and is forced to say concern- 
 ing this Province something similar to what our Saviour 
 said to this world. Plac; hunting loyalty finds favor 
 and support ; Foreign speculators meet with encour- 
 agement ; and Anti-British feelings, lucrative berths and 
 places of honor ; but the loyal son of a loyal British 
 subject cannot get a place to rest his head on, nor a foot 
 of land on credit, if he happens to be poor, on which to 
 employ his strength, and by industry realize comparative 
 indcpendance, by which in a few years he might become 
 its legal possessor, increasing not only both the true wealth 
 of the country and the demand foe British Manufactures, 
 but the Power of the British Nation. It is a fact, Sir, 
 which defies contradiction that, once, Upper Canada stood 
 a monument of British Loyalty and of unparalleled attach. 
 'a J 
 ment of a neglected Colony to the Parent State, unequalled 
 in the history of latter days ; and yet how are its defenders 
 treated, and their friends and countrymen used, on seeking 
 an asylum here from the hardships which they suffer in 
 their native land, arising from a superabundant population 
 and scarcity of land for cultivation ? In reply, 1 may refer 
 you to the Act of Council which puts the waste lands 
 beyond the reach of the poor Immigrants, being tanta- 
 mount to prohibitory duty on all Loyal or British eubjects 
 which the public Statesman, the Patriot and the Philan- 
 thropist endeavour to introduce for the double purpose 
 of relieving their distress at home, and for the other 
 beneficial purposes I mentioned above by which means, 
 a liberal system of land granting or selling, and by the 
 expenditure of a few thousand pounds yearly, in getting 
 the Immigrant's interest watched from the time he leaves 
 his ancient home, till settled in a new one here, a second 
 British Empire of a loyal and contented race, glorying 
 in the fame of tjieir fathers and their fathcr-land, would 
 be formed or created here ere many years, whose power 
 would equal its parent worthy of a Crown, and a King 
 of England's Royal Blood to wear it; an Empire, Sir, 
 which would, following the steps of its parent, spread 
 honesty and honorable principles, moral and religious 
 sentiments, the spirit of improvement and adventure; moral 
 and political integrity, together with the blessings of arts 
 and sciences, and civil and religious liberty over the 
 Western World. But it would appear, Sir, to a casual 
 disinterested observer, as if the minds of the present 
 rulers of the land were too contracted to harbour any 
 idea, as that such would be possible, but it appears to 
 me from the experience which I have had in the matter 
 for twelve years past, as if it were the thing most to 
 be dreaded even under every restriction which can be 
 put on its progress. I could have mentioned many who 
 have fullen victims to the notions of certain Officials of 
 the Coloaial Govufument regarding Emigration, and many 
 more whose praiseworthy endeavours to settle the Wilds 
 with sturdy ani even wealthy settlers, were frustrated 
 through stumbling blocks thrown in their way by sorno 
 of the Government's Officials; but I need not go further 
 back than the settling of Owen's Sound, and the Lands 
 by the Garrafraxa Road. How many thousands, Sir, 
 have been disappohited and disgusted with the manner 
 in which that has been conducted? how many thousand 
 enemies to British power {aid rule has it made of loyal 
 eubjectS; and how many more is it making daily ? With 
 what feelings of indignation, do all men of honor or of 
 honest principle receive the intelligence that such shuffling 
 has been used between Government and its Agents, as is 
 capable of depriving the poor man of not only the prom- 
 ised chance of purchasing the 50 acres adjoining the 50 
 of free grant, but the Grant itself, and all the labour and 
 expenses laid out upon Which, opportunity is to be taken 
 ' ' ''ll 
 ■ 1 
 f 1 
 * : 
 ' ■"■ \ 
advantage of in the poor Emigrant's not being able to 
 pay cash down, for the said adjoining 50 acres. Heavens ! 
 is such conduct understood in the least by the poor Emi- 
 grant at home? certainly not; nor was it by me when -I 
 encouraged them publicly to come and take advantage of the 
 offer. What will bo their disappointment on arrival here, 
 or the feelings of such as you nnd 1, who took some pains 
 in urging them forward, and how many more enemies 
 will it make to the Britiali Nation ere another vear. Jf 
 your own loyalty had not been of the highest order, how 
 could it withstand your disappointments on finding that of 
 the two thousand four liundred families which you had been 
 mainly instrumenlal in forwarding to the IJuron Tract 
 last year, poscssing wealth to the amount of £350,000, 
 to expend in purchasing land and cultivating that fertile 
 soil, few if any remained after t lie sacrifice of time and 
 means which you have made to the cause, but returned 
 disappointed and disgusted with the Agents of Govern- 
 ment and Government itself, wreaking vengeance against 
 them and packing up their all. crossing the lines, crying 
 " What have we to do with Victoria or the daughter of 
 the Duke of Kent, come, let us pitch our tent in the camp 
 of her enemies ; " and so they did, to the present loss to 
 the Province of £250,000, besides a much greater loss 
 on a further time both in money and protectors of the 
 soil, a greater loss by far than the desertion of the soil, 
 tt greater loss by far than the desertion of an entire Reg. 
 able to 
 savens ! 
 )r Emi- 
 when I 
 e of the 
 \\ here, 
 D pains 
 ar. Jf 
 3!', llOW 
 that of 
 id been 
 I Tract 
 ne and 
 hter ol" 
 i camp 
 loss to 
 er loss 
 of the 
 be soil, 
 e Reg. 
 iment of hired Soldiers; but this is the policy of the 
 Canadian Government, and who dare say nay. The pro- 
 diice of the soil being allowed on all hands to be the true 
 wealth of the Country, its increase and its prosperity ; 
 hence it follows that the producers, if British subjects, 
 bound by bonds of gratitude to the Government are its 
 strength and bulwarks, the greatest pledge Britain can 
 have for its remaining long an integral part of herself, 
 and a guarantee for employment of her manufacturers at 
 home, and her stability as a great nation abroad ; yet, sir, 
 all this is risked for the sake of fostering the pet scheme 
 of the Canadian Government, for raising a fund for pre- 
 tended present necessity by demanding 8s. per acre, for 
 the waste land they have to sell, almost down ; by which 
 more men and money leave the Province yearly, than 
 would maintain the glory of Britain single handed, ere 
 but a few years in this country, against any force our 
 neighbours could raise, which desertion from the Province 
 comes two fold against us another day. 
 I have many applications from my native land for 
 advice regarding Em^ration, and all I can say is that I 
 was informed lately at the Crown Land's Office that the 
 best way of settling the country was to allow it to settle 
 itself, by people paying for their lands and finding roads 
 for themselves. I had at the time the offer of 800 heads 
 of respectable families to settle in the rear of Idngston, 
 who could pay for the land if roads were made and agents 
 on the spot, to locate them on the lots apportioned for 
 their ultimate destination and permanent homes, none of 
 whom will come by Quebec but for the sake of a cheaper 
 passage from home, free conveyance and rations from the 
 Government till they got pretty far West, so as to require 
 little time or expense to reach across to the Western 
 Your's respectfully, 
 Tun Tourist of the Woods. 
 Kingston f 6t/i, Apriff 1843. 
 My Dear Sir, 
 Now that Sir Charles Metcalf has arrived, no time 
 is to be lost in submitting to his consideration all tho 
 documents in your possession illustrative of the important 
 object you have in view ; and in my humble opinion it is 
 quite unnecessary for me to write one word more on the 
 subject, or for you to collect any other information till 
 such time as his Excellency's opinion may be had relative 
 thereto. If the evidences you are to lay before him are 
 not sufficient to rouse the mind of so highly talented and 
 so able a Statesman, and according to all accounts so 
 good hearted a man, no other eff)rt of yours, or of such 
 as feel as you do, will avail anything. 1 feel so confident 
 that his Excellency cannot fail to make further enquiries 
 ned for 
 none of 
 'rum the 
 no time 
 ail tlio 
 on it is 
 1 on the 
 ion till 
 lim are 
 ted and 
 unts so 
 of such 
 that I am fully of opinion that you will have ample oppor- 
 tunity of bringii)g before him such a mass of inforniution 
 regarding the evils which heretofore were so fruitful of 
 baneful consequences to British power in this Province, 
 arrising out of an irregular Immigration and impolitic 
 system of settling the Waste Lands of the Province as 
 will be the means of affecting very important change's, 
 unless, he like others before him, may be led to disregard 
 truth unless emanating from higher quarters. I cannot 
 for a moment doubt that his Excellency is well aware of 
 the great importance of the preponderance of a loyal 
 population in this province ; the manifold advantages to 
 be derived from settling the waste lands, with a hardy 
 and industrious people ; even should they be all poor, 
 but much more so, if mingled with a proportionate number 
 of small Capitalists, of which there will be no lack should 
 proper encouragement be holdout to them. 
 The great evil rests in too many of them coming out 
 here yearly, and being obliged to go to the United States 
 in search of what is denied them here : thus draining us 
 of both a physical, mental, and monetary strength, thereby 
 gives a compound ratio of power to that of our rivals. 
 We have Agents encouraging Emigration travelling tho 
 British Isles, overcoming the minds of the people with the 
 most flowery speeches, containing the most logical whole- 
 • ealc reasoning on the subject, calculated to attract the 
 attention of not only them, who erasn at every thino-, that 
 is likely to afford thcnm relief through industry, but even 
 such as are living in comparitive independancc, who for- 
 gake their native homes in search of a Paradise in Canada; 
 but what is the result? they meet with disappointment, 
 lose all faith in British Philanthropy, public engagements, 
 and honor ; and steer their course to the far West sworn 
 enemies to the land of their Fathers ; and is it any won- 
 der? what have all the Immigrant Societies organized 
 through the province done in the cause of those Immi- 
 grants who arrive through the persuasion of eminent 
 orators, and on whom they depended on their arrii^^l 
 for guidance, information, aid and protection? nothing, 
 absolutely nothing ! When they looked for such bodies, 
 all the information which they could find concerning them 
 was that they were organized, but never had gone into oper- 
 ation!!! Where were the extensive tracts of fertile sur- 
 veyed land, were the Poor were to have Grants, and the 
 men of means hnvo advantages of purchase? Where were 
 the Roads loading to the unsettled portions of the Country 
 which offered ony chance of location to the swarms of 
 houseless, homeless, moneyless and friendless families 
 yearly arriving, entirely dependant on the generosity of 
 Government? wliy, Sir, all these things were merely on 
 paper, preparatory to being transferred to the flice of the What are the Emigrant Agents able to do, to 
 whom the Immigrants are recommended and on whom 
 they depend? nothing further than to inform them that 
but even 
 who for- 
 st sworn 
 ny won- 
 36 Immi- 
 ' arrival 
 1 bodies, 
 tile sur- 
 and the 
 )re were 
 rarms of 
 osity of 
 erely on 
 ;e of the 
 3 do, to 
 n whom 
 em that 
 there is plenty of Land to be had in the Province from 
 83. upwards per acre, but in general unaccessable for want 
 of Roads. That the C mada Company are able to give 
 more favorable terms than the Government, from which 
 they purchased their lands, and if they proceed 3 or 4 
 hundred miles more to the West, if they have no means 
 they, the agents, will give them conveyance and bread 
 and Pork till they afrive there, or to some Pojt where 
 work m:iy be had. In the name of all that is good ; what 
 kind of policy is this, or what is the poor Emigrant to 
 think of a country whose Government with more than 
 sufficient Land to contain the redundant population of 
 Britain for centuries, listens with a deaf ear to the cry 
 of the poor Emigrant, and who through false economy, 
 leaves the vast untrodden regions of fertile soil unap- 
 proachable to both rich and poor ! 
 I have seen them at home, sir, in all stages of want, 
 poverty and misery ; for I made it my duty to travel for 
 two years for that purpose in a capacity which afforded 
 me access to the Elalls of the great as well as the Cottage 
 of tlie poor, yet I never saw any thing capable of drawing 
 a bitter tear from the eye for the distress of strangerg 
 than I have witnessed here.* 
 * As it may 1)6 observed in a pamphlet that was published 
 in Edinburgh, on the changes that took place in the County of 
 Biitlierland (Scotland,) entitled McLeod's Letter?, and although there 
 has been an afemp^ made to suppress their circilafion by the local 
 Bgents of that noble house, there was no effort made to contradict 
 any one solitary fact therein contained, 
 , ■! 
 I have travelled through Canada and the states, and 
 I know the general feeling existing on the subject, and 1 
 hesitate not to say that it weakens British Power, love, 
 and loyalty on this Continent, more than all our rivals the 
 states could by any other means efTect. I have as you 
 know edited a journal in English and Celtic solely for the 
 benefit of Immigrants for 18 months, through which I 
 could draw settlcirs for hundreds 6f thousands of acres 
 yearly to the country, but seeing that they came only to 
 fill up our neighbour's territorifis and increase their com- 
 merce and revenue to our disadvantage, I discontinued 
 it in utter despair, but if you will be more fortunate than 
 such as followed the same tract before, it will be a source 
 of gratification to yourself but of much more importance 
 to the welfare of the Immigrant and British Power in 
 America. That you may succeed, is the earnest wish of 
 my heart, and if my feeble aid may be of any importance 
 you shall not fail in receiving it, meantime I remain 
 Your's respectfully, 
 The Tourist of the Woods. 
 For the British Whig. 
 Mr. Editor, 
 In my addressing you I would emphatically call to 
 ates, and 
 ct, and 1 
 ^er, love, 
 •ivals the 
 3 as you 
 y for the 
 which I 
 of acres 
 only to 
 eir com - 
 late than 
 a source 
 Power in 
 wish of 
 h Whig. 
 ' call to 
 the consideration of the British puhlic, the immense im- 
 portance of the subject of Emigration, upon which many 
 useful letters have already been written at ditfercnt pe- 
 riods ; yet, as there is a dormant spirit showing itself in 
 the Canadas, as to its proper working by a regular system 
 for the occupation and settlement of the Waste Lauds, 
 through the opening of Roads, with p oper agents to whom 
 the Emigrants must be referred to have such location of 
 Land apportioned to him for his immediate settlement, 
 a system which I am pained to find is little if at all atten- 
 ded to, I would ask what right has the Canadian Govern- 
 mcnt, through its agents, to encourage Emigration, unless 
 they couple with encouragement to the Immigrant, atten- 
 tion to his wants on arrival here, in forwarding him to 
 such land as he may wish to settle either through purchase 
 or free grant ? 
 Mr. Editor, as I am aware that your attention is 
 directed to the well being of mankind, you will not, I trust, 
 consider it intruding on any portion of your valuable 
 time, that I should hereafter trouble you with commu- 
 nications respecting this serious subject, but altogether 
 important to the future welfare and prosperity of this 
 valuable appendage to the British Crown. 
 Kingston f 3rd Aprils 1843. 
 ,«■■ *> 
 To IIi.s Excellency, The Right Ilonorublo Sm Ciiaulm 
 TiiEOPiiiLUd Mktcalf, &c., &:c., &LC., 
 The Memorial of Robert Mc Vicar, Esq , &c., &;c., at 
 present residing in the Village of Norval, near To- 
 routo, Canada West, 
 Humbly SuiiWETii :— 
 That the well earned rcput'ition acquired by your 
 Excellency in the various other portions of the British 
 Dominions which has graciously pleased your Sovereign 
 to confide to your care, for a careful and attentive regard 
 to the best interests of the Crov/n and the prosperity 
 of the connnunity at large, induces your memorialist to 
 approach your Excellency on the present ocasion. 
 The subject which your memorialist thus ventures to 
 bring under your Excellency's notice, so soon after your 
 arrival on our shores, is of such vast importance as fully 
 to plead in excuse the abruptness of his appearance before 
 you, so immediately after the cares and fatigue? of your 
 voyage and to furnish in itself a suflicient apology. Your 
 Memorialist earnestly trusts, in coming before you with- 
 out the preliminary ceremony of a personal interview, 
 in submitting most respectfully for your Excellency's 
 careful perusal, the accompanying correspondence, com- 
 munications and suggestions, on a matter of such vital 
 interest as well to the Province of Canada as to the Bri- 
 tish Empire, to which every sincere Patriot and well 
 meaning Philanthropist will unite in giving a cordial and 
 (S^c, at 
 ear To- 
 by your 
 ) British 
 3 regard 
 rialist to 
 itures to 
 'tcr your 
 5 as fully 
 ;c before 
 of your 
 '. Your 
 ou with- 
 ;e, com- 
 jch vital 
 the Bri- 
 Hid well 
 dial and 
 candid investigation, j^our memorialist can truly intimate, 
 that nothing but a most elevoted attachment to the 
 British Ci\)\vn, n most earnest wish for the prosperity of 
 this valuable colony, a deep anxiety for its ])ermanent 
 continuance as an integral portion of the Empire, a sin- 
 cere regard for the success of a wholesome Immigration 
 i'or the permanent welfare, tem[)oral and spiritual, of the 
 immigrant, and a fervent intc^rest that unfortunate portion 
 of his fellow countrymen at home, who have for years been 
 depressed in their circumstances. Nothing bulthese pow- 
 crful conciderationj;, your memorialist would repeat 
 could have induced him to address you on such a mo- 
 mentous question which may be treated by others more 
 competent than himself, but by none more zealous, or 
 more devoted to its prosperity. These were the motives 
 which induced your memorialist instantly to attend to tho 
 invitation of a confidential friend of His Excellency Sir 
 Charles Bagot, to appear here to accept tho agency of one 
 or more Townships then to be surveyed, in reference to 
 which your memorialist takes the liberty of calling your 
 Excellency's attention to the communications addressed 
 to him by Mr. Timmis, and his letter to Mr. Morin still 
 unanswered. But as your Excellency's Memorialist feels 
 confident that, upon the fair consideration of the question 
 depends the misery or happiness of the thousands that 
 annually leave tho British Shores,, he h.opes your Excel- 
 ' -'I 
 , r 
 lency will excuse the liberty ho has taken, in addressing 
 you at a moment when so many matters of importance 
 will no doubt for some time continue to engross your 
 valuable time ; and should your Excellency feel desirous 
 of acquiring some knowledge of your Memorialist's po- 
 sition and standing in society, and the character he has 
 hitherto borne in British North America, your Excellency 
 will find ia the subjoined correspondence that he has re- 
 sided the greater portion of his life in these Colonies, 
 that he had the honor to be connected in a more or less 
 degree with the first and second Land Arctic Expeditions 
 to the Polar Regions, to which the published narratives 
 will bear ample testimony, and that during the unfortunate 
 commotions and disturbances of 1837 and 1838, he took 
 an active part in suppressing these outbreaks and main- 
 taining the supremacy of Her Majesty's Crown in this 
 Colony, in all of which lines and positions he trusts he has 
 done some service to his Queen and Country, thereby 
 entitling him to be considered as one whose interests in 
 the welfare of the Province arises from no sinister motives, 
 but springs from a pure sense of loyalty and philanthropy. 
 That your memorialist has witnessed with painful 
 feelings of regret, for many years past, many causes 
 whose effects bear heavy on the prosperity of the Pro- 
 vince, and which still exist although they might be very 
 readily and easily removed, causes which if not attended 
 to in due season, may prove more injurious to British 
 ►ss your 
 list's po- 
 r he has 
 has re- 
 ! or less 
 he took 
 id main- 
 iii this 
 3 he has 
 rests in 
 iG Pro- 
 36 very 
 ! ill 
 Interests than any of the political commotions which 
 have hitherto occured within the limits of the Colony. 
 Your memorialist would consider himself wanting 
 in duty to his beloved Sovereign, to the Country of his 
 adoption, and to the cause of humanity, were he to omit the 
 earliest opportunity of bringing the matter before your 
 Excellency, and to submit copies of various documents 
 bearing strongly on the subject to which he solicits se- 
 rious attention. 
 That the subject of the disposal of Lands, that are 
 public, by sale or grant, and that of Emigration have for 
 many years past attracted much of the public attention 
 both in Britain and in Canada, yet in reality nothing has 
 been done to remove the numerous evils to which the 
 thousands of Emigrants who annually land upon our soil 
 are exposed, nothing to foster a systematic Immigration, 
 or to abolish an impolitic mode of disposal of the waste 
 Lands of the Crown. These evils so far from diminution 
 are on the increase, steadily though perhaps impercep- 
 tibly corroding the very strength of the British Power in 
 North America, while every attention is bestowed upon 
 the discord of parties and factions with the benevolent 
 view of restoririg an order of things which will produce 
 amity and concord among people of different origins, poli- 
 tics, a,nd feelings, and lead to the security of British power* 
 a course which would more particularly lead, to such re- 
Ill II 
 suits and destroy every hope of an ascendency of an anti- 
 British feeling, is ahnost wholly overlooked. 
 Your Memorialist considers this will be found in an 
 efficient system of Emigration, whereby loyal British sub- 
 jects might be encouraged to settle in this eountry, and 
 a liberal system of laud granting, suitable to the wants and 
 circumstances of every healthy, hardy, and industriouf^ 
 Emigrant from the country. The present sy>tein is in 
 the opinion of your Memoriali-.t, one of the greatest stum- 
 bling blocks to the cause of Colonial prosperity, and the 
 nurture of loyalty and attachment to the Crown, and this 
 principally on account of the lands being withheld Worn 
 the poor Emigrant, unless he is prepared to pay eight 
 shillings per acre in Cash, for want of agents sufliciently 
 interested in the Immigrant's welfare and capable of bear- 
 ing fatigue of mind and body in seeing them settled in 
 the remote Townships, from t!>e absolute absence of pas- 
 sable roads to and from the market-towns, owin<j- 
 to these clauses thousands of Emigrant:} and Copitalists 
 leave the Province with disgust, and become setth^rs with, 
 in the already formidable territories of our rivals of the 
 United States ; oven after the great majority of them have 
 been provided for and conveyed at the expense of our 
 Government to the different ports of Canada West, while 
 agents from this Provinc(j are traversing the British Isles 
 ^ from one end to another encouraging almost every class 
 of Emigrants to leave their native Shores, those who are 
 an anti- 
 d in an 
 ish sub- 
 ry, and 
 mts and 
 m is in 
 it stum, 
 xnd the 
 \nd this 
 d from 
 y eight 
 )f bear- 
 ttled in 
 of pa5- 
 , owing 
 :>ita lists 
 's with. 
 of the 
 m have 
 of our 
 , while 
 h Isles 
 y class 
 ('ho are 
 itidaced to take sucli a step, find on their arrival, their 
 hopes disappointed, every resolution is paralized, and their 
 loyal attachment to their legitimate Government so severely 
 tested, tliat ixi too many instances they remove to anothor 
 land, claim the protection of a foreign power, and swear 
 fealty to a rival authority. To such an extreme point 
 has this evil extended its influence, that no further back 
 than last 3-ear, over 2000 families which your Memorialist 
 had guid:?d to the) Owen Sound settlement, at a great sac- 
 rifice of time and means, have left for the United States 
 with means to the amount of £250,000, and deprecating 
 the Government of this Pruvince as the cause of their 
 Your Memorialist's feelings on this occasion may 
 more readily be imdgincd than describe d, while millions 
 of acres are lying waste, and uncultivated, and even un- 
 surveyed, contrary to the promise of Government, upon 
 which a population might have been settled that would 
 have afforded two full regiments of loyal subjects, now 
 seeking a home among our rivals. 
 Your Memoiialist would beg leave to refer your Ex- 
 cellency's :.ttention to page ^5 of the accompanying man 
 uscript. Instead of such neglect and apathy rearardinff 
 the distressing circumstances in which these loyal people 
 are placed after their arrival here, every attention should 
 be paid to their wants, every care should be taken to- en- 
 courage them to remain in this Province, and to induce 
 their friends to follow them. And this is humbly sub- 
 Rob't. Mc Vicar. 
 Kingston^ April 16th, 1843. 
 King Street, April 18th, 1843. 
 Captain Higginson's compliments to Mr. R. McVicar, 
 and begs to say that by desire of the Governor General, 
 Captain Higginson will be happy to see Mr. McVicar on 
 the subject of His Memorial, to day at four o'clock, or to- 
 morrow, at 11 or 12. 
 Rob't Mc Vicar, Esq. 
 The more I look into the subject of Emigration the 
 more I see the necessity of bringing the matter before the 
 immediate attention of the Governor General, of making 
 the British public conversant with the great resources of 
 this country, and with the means and modes to be adopted 
 to make them available for the general good both of Emi- 
 grants and the British Empire. When I take into con- 
 sideration the hundreds of thousands of pounds periodically 
 distributed among the starving thousands of redundant 
 population of the British Isles merely for, I may say, 
 ly sub- 
 icar on 
 , or to- 
 ;ion the 
 ore the 
 irces of 
 to con- 
 ay say, 
 momentary relief, or at most a temporary one, and great 
 as these sums are, yet they are scarcely sufficient to keep 
 the poor from actual starvation, and no sooner one supply 
 for thousands is distributed, than a fresh call under the 
 most appalling circumstances is made. I say, wlien I take 
 into consideration the great probability of the continuance 
 of the same, I feel surprised that some effort is not made 
 by the British public, on whom such demands fall as a 
 voluntary tax of a heavy description, and which is likely to 
 continue so, to relieve themselves by degrees of such a 
 burden by paying for the passages of so many thousands 
 yearly, and applying to the Imperial Government for a 
 grant of Land for such persons, or for land on terms at 
 least as favourable as the Canada Company now offers. 
 But I do not see any reason vhy two or three millions of 
 acres should not be of more benefit to the British and 
 Colonial Government given as free grants, or at any rate 
 on easy terms to such persons, than to allow such land to 
 stand unproductive for a Century to come- The district 
 in the neighbourhood of Owen Sound if I remember well 
 contains nearly two millions of acres, where the whito 
 man has not as yet cleared an acre, and when I look at 
 the vast tract of country lying between the Georgian Bay 
 of Lake Huron and the Ottawa River, unsettled to within 
 a few miles of Kingston, a tract, through the centre of 
 which water communication extends uninterrupted, with 
 exception of a few portages, to the Ottawa, I feel aaton* 
 1 1 
 ished at Emigrants coming here to sciik Wild Land as 
 an asylum from the misery which they suffer at homo, 
 for want of work or land whereby to raise the means of 
 subsistance being refused land under 8s per acre, and 
 that to be paid within a f<i\v months. 
 This idst mentioned tract cannot contain less than 50, 
 0:'0 acres making every reasonable allowance for Lakes, 
 Rivers, Rocks, and mountains as represented on the maps, 
 the half of which will not, under the present system of 
 land granting or selling, be settled for at least two or three 
 centuries to come. Why then should not a road be made 
 from Kingston to some point of the above mentioned 
 water communications, betwixt the Georgian bay and the 
 Ottawa, and give Emigrants 50 or 100 acres all along 
 the route at proper distances, say of two or three hundred 
 acres, leaving the rest in Government hands to bo sold 
 to such as may be able to pay for them; many of whom 
 no doubt would bo glad to do so whoa such settlement 
 should take place, guarantc^eing to them labour at a cheap 
 rate from the poor who should be settled there. Why 
 should not the same be done in the Owen's Sound Tract, 
 more especially v/hen by such a system the land in a few 
 years would increase in value and price, so far beyond 
 its present value, as to be sufficient to cover any loss 
 which might be supposed to arise from gruating or selling 
 at a low rate every three hundred acres on each side of 
 the principal Roads ; should these two Roads be settled 
 Land as 
 it home, 
 leans of 
 ;rc, and 
 than 50, 
 r Lakes, 
 ic mans, 
 astern of 
 or three 
 be made 
 and the 
 11 along 
 bo sold 
 >f vvhom 
 a cheap 
 \ Tract, 
 n a few 
 nv loss 
 ' selling 
 side of 
 I settled 
 in this manner, two extensive fields for operation would 
 be opened to the poor Emigrant, and to the capitalist 
 and speculator. Thc3 country would ere many years 
 settle far into the Interior, forming a formidable reserve 
 in time of war, of able bodied and faithful subjects, who» 
 from the present system, are compelled to proceed beyond 
 the lines, from whence they may pour tiieir force upon 
 us at a future period, for the gross tieglect with which 
 they were treated on their arrival in Canada. 
 I would ask any sensible man the question whether 
 it would be more profitable or beneficial to this Colony 
 and to the Empire, to have three or four millions of these 
 acres of Waste Lands settled by a loyal, hardy, and in- 
 dustrious race of people to the amount of 50 or 100 
 thousand, leaving in the course of two or three or four 
 yearS; six times as much for six tinifs as many, who 
 would pay for it, and embark t'.eir capital in various 
 ways in these reijlons, tiiaii to have !h{)>e same Lands 
 unproductive, while the dkstaiit scttlcrnonts of our neigh- 
 bours swarm v.-iJi di-ap})ointed British suljjects. 
 It is my opinion ii" Government continues the plan 
 of allo'.virjg the L.;\nd to settle itself, that it will never be 
 settled unl<>ss the yXnioricans tala^ the lihertv of doino- it 
 some day wlujn {».i[>iia i-^ j^UiinjIiii;]^ .-v.-r iu>r interest, 
 and with'ir.'ovs hor so'fiiery from t'u> Province; yes, and 
 when peojjle will get ho disru.vtod at ihet^e measures, 
 which deny th( i:- cjuntrymen a chance of settlino-, that 
 they will be careless in repelling the aggressions of tho 
 enemy, particularly when the majority of them, may b© 
 those very friends of theirs who left this Province dis- 
 appointed. Would it not be a wise policy of Britain, to 
 adopt measures, by which she could safely depend on the 
 number of her yeomen in Canada, as well as on their 
 loyalty, without being under the necessity of sending 
 troops from home ? would it not be a wise policy of lier 
 to look forward to the day when, by a proper system of 
 land selling, of making great Branch Roads into the 
 uninhabited Regions, and by such other measures aa 
 would be found expedient by the wisdom of her nobles, 
 . she might place a Vice-Roy of the Royai Blood to rule 
 over this country"^ by laws suitable to it, as ruling by 
 Governors seems to be any thing but satisfactory or 
 successful ? 
 These matters which I wrote at random, I beg to lay 
 before you, that you may digest thorn properly, and bring 
 them into notice in which ever way you may think proper. 
 Your's respectfully, 
 The Tourist of the Woods. 
 Kingston, 18th Afrilj 1843. 
 Kingston^ 29th Aprils 1843. 
 In compliance with His Excellency the Governor 
 i of the 
 nay bo 
 ce dis- 
 tain, to 
 I on the 
 in their 
 r of l^r 
 stem of 
 nto the 
 ures aa 
 to rulft 
 ling by 
 ;ory or 
 I to lay 
 id bring 
 General's request, imparted through you to me, I beg leavd 
 to submit for his information the following plan and sys- 
 tern ; to provide for Immigrants and others, and for the 
 successful settlement of the Waste Lands of this imporf ant 
 Colony, now lying a dead letter to the British Crown, 
 which I have embodied in as small a compass as the 
 subject would permit with any degree of clearness, sufR. 
 cient to render it susceptible of being properly understood 
 to advantage, or used as the Ground Work of a plan of 
 such national importance, as I feel assured it is in the 
 Power of Government to make it. 
 But^ previous to my introducing my plan to the notice 
 ot His lixcellency, I consider it absolutely necessary to 
 explain the evils arising from the want of a regular system 
 being established, and that in as ^ew words as possible 
 having already had the honor of laying it at large before 
 Ills Excellency. Leaving the evils to which Emicrrants 
 are generally exposed, for the want of a proper system of 
 Lmigration being adopted in the Mother Country, from 
 the time they leave their native homes until they are 
 landed in Quebec or Montreal ; great as these evils are, 
 I shall proceed to point out those to which they are 
 subjected on arrival here. 
 In the first place, they are landed on our shores full 
 of hopes and expectations, dreaming of happiness, cnjov- 
 ment and prosperity which they have been led to believe 
 were assuredly awaiting them, through the representations 
 I I 
 mide by ageiil . •r'-nn f.liis country encouraging thcni to 
 emigrate Ikto, n*^ .iiu whom tlrjy understood were ap- 
 pointed by Gjvornmynt or sanctioned by it ; and lio\r 
 could they otherwise think, when the British Press daily 
 pours forth its eulDgituns on <hc praiseworthy exertions 
 ofsucii individuals, and the muniiicence of the Canadian 
 Government, which granted to the chief of the Apposllesol 
 Canadian Immigration Fine hundred pounds for his able 
 services in the cause, and when it had been published from 
 one end of the British isles to the other, that Immigration 
 Societies were forward in all parts of the j)rovincc, to act 
 in unison with liis efforts to make the Emigrants comfort- 
 able on their arrival here. But, alas, no sooner are they 
 landed on our shores, than ever vestige of iheir anticipated 
 prosperity and happiness vanishes, as, in the first place 
 those fertile lands which they expected would be granted 
 to them on terms suitable to their circumstances, are pla- 
 ced beyond their reach, through the means of the present 
 •ystem, no lands being granted undt^r 8s. per acre whether 
 it be accessible by roads or not, and that 8s. per acre, or 
 £40 for each Lot of 100 acres, to be paid down, or at least 
 within a very few montiis. I would here beg leave to 
 solicit His ExcolKuicy to meditate for a few moments on 
 the feelings of these poor and helpless people, who thus 
 disappointed after pushing their way up this Country, aro 
 compelled to seek daily labour at such wages as any one 
 the 111 to 
 were ap- 
 and liow 
 ress daily 
 pposlles oi 
 ' his able 
 shed fjonn 
 cc, to act 
 s comfort- 
 r are they 
 irst place 
 )e granted 
 3, are pia- 
 le present 
 Q whctlicr 
 r acre, or 
 or at least 
 ; leave to 
 omcnts on 
 who thus 
 untry, aro 
 s any one 
 chooses to give thenn in absenco of the Land, which was 
 their sole object before leaving home. 
 Heads of Families with their tender babes flocking 
 around, enquiring of their parents, at every post they ar- 
 rive, where was tiieir future home, or how far was it yet 
 away? what must be the feelings of the poor Parents 
 when unable to reply, post after post is passed and yet 
 perhaps no emj)loyment, night after night passes away 
 during wliich, tliey sleep on the decks of crowded steam, 
 boats, or in the hold of crowded Barges without changing 
 clothes for weeks, and are finally landed somewhere to 
 take up their lodgings generally in Immigrant Sheds, much 
 crowded and full cf disease, where they remain until cm- 
 l)loymcnt is found for thcai. But how is it generally found ? 
 It is found by breaking up this hitherto happy and virtuous 
 family in pieces ; a son is sent to a distance among 
 strangers, and a daughter young, innocent and inexper- 
 ienced in the world, is hired out by the month, the parents 
 know not with whom, or with whtt characters, and the 
 remaining portion aro obliged very often to remain behind 
 while the Father goes onward to earn their bread. But 
 evea hr- d as this is, it could be borne with some degree 
 of fortitude if there was any appearance of again meeting 
 by winter, around the hearth of a permanent home, where 
 even the most simple and scanty morsel could be enjoyed 
 with love, hope and cheerfulness ; but the present .system 
 ,, If 
 ii I 
 of Land sottling denies it. I have hero drawn a true 
 picture of the state of thousands and thousands ofEmi- 
 giants, who came here through tlic representation made 
 to them at liome, and who would never have come hero 
 to suffer as they must do for want of means to purchase 
 lands, had they known the true state of things. 
 Let mo next bring before Mi.-j Excellency's notice 
 another great evil, and that is one whieh falls to the lot 
 of the man of some little means. He arrives here like 
 the rest with his eye directed towards a lot of land, he 
 counts over his 20, his 30, his 40, or even his 50 pounds 
 which he had husbanded carefully and probably saved 
 with penurious economy, for the purpose of feeding his 
 family during winter, and for purchasing a cow, imple- 
 menls of forest husbandry, and grain to put in the ground 
 in spring; but mark his astonishment and disappointment 
 on learning that he must pay forty pounds for a lot of 
 land, cash down, before he can get " leave to toil" on it, 
 or rear a cot for the protection of his family from the 
 weather. His hopes are blasted, he wanders from place 
 to place for some other mode of living, until winter over, 
 takes him, during which time (should he have laboured 
 for money until then) his all is melted away in idleness 
 for want of land to work on; in spring, poorer than ever, he 
 resumes his travels westward, inactive in mind and unloyal 
 in feeling. Often a person of this sort starts at once to 
 the United States, where he can obtain a lot of land for 
 II a true 
 of Emi. 
 on inado 
 ome here 
 's notice 
 to the lot 
 here like 
 land, he 
 >ly saved 
 Lading his 
 w, imple- 
 e ground 
 r a lot of 
 )ii" on it, 
 from the 
 om place 
 ter over, 
 1 idleness 
 1 ever, he 
 i unloyal 
 ; once to 
 land for 
 £20 or £25 of the finest quality, requiring less labour in 
 clearing, and having the advantage of roads and a settled 
 neighbouihood, as well as the enjoyment of the company 
 of many of his countrymen who left Canada from the 
 same reason. 
 The next evil which I would bring before His Ex- 
 cellency, is one which is more hurtful to the welfare and 
 prosperity of tiiis Province yes, and to the United King, 
 dom, th:ui to the Immigrant himself; and that is, when 
 a small capitalist arrives, and wishes to settle in the rear 
 Township of so.iic certain post he may feel inclined to 
 choose as his final landing place, and when he finds that 
 there are no roads made through such Township no agent 
 to point out lot3 for him, and few if any settled therein, 
 or prob.ibly the lauds not even surveyed, he follows the 
 same fuotstc-ps with the Immigrant who went last year 
 to Owen Sound settlement, and who returning in disgust 
 to Toronto, meet with thousands of their fc jlow countrymen 
 possessing extensive means, then on their way to the 
 same settlemont, who wearied and being disappointed 
 after hearing the report of tlie former party, retraced 
 their steps with them and crossed over to the United 
 States. Such is too often the case, and it can be proved 
 that about one sixth of the Immigrants arriving here, and 
 those chiefly of thit class who posess the most means 
 and who would be of the most importance to the colony, 
 loavG the Province in this way, and thus enrich and 
Il 'I' 
 Strengthen a rival power. To enumerate the evils 
 arising out of the present system would swell this doc- 
 ument far above the size of that already laid before His 
 Excellency, therefore I will briefly state that sotller.s are 
 scattered so for apart in many instances for want of 
 system, that they cannot help each olhc' in health, far 
 less in sickness. They have no prcachorc>, teachers, or 
 physicians. Females on certain occasions are, on this 
 account, lamentable sufiurers. The cause of r(-ligion and 
 morality suffer by it beyond v/liat people jrenorally have 
 any idea of. There is a loss of commerce, of trade, and 
 of military strength in time of war, or otherwise, besides 
 many other causes too numerous to relate, but which will 
 shortly be put before the public for their infonnation, in a 
 work preparing for the press. 
 I shall simply remark on this heri that the present 
 system is quite inapplicable to the condition of both 
 this country and the parent state, and entirely unsuit- 
 able to the wants of the great tide of Immigration 
 which is flowing yearly to our shores with increasing 
 force, I will therefore commence in detail my intended 
 plan of settling the wastelands of the Province, with a 
 few preliminary remarks. First, it is evident that it is 
 Immigration that made the lands which are now settled 
 in Canada so valuable as they now are, and raised the 
 Province so high in the estimation of the parent state and 
 of so powerful a support to the greatness of the Empire, 
 ihe evils 
 this doc- 
 jofore Hiri 
 :;tl]er.s are 
 ' want of 
 liealtl), far 
 achers, or 
 '0, on this 
 ligioM and 
 rally have 
 rade, and 
 3, besides 
 vhich will 
 tion, in a 
 3 present 
 of both 
 Y unsuit-- 
 e, with a 
 that it is 
 w settled 
 aised the 
 state and 
 hence it follows that Immigralion, if properly conducted 
 and if facilities are afforded to the thousands that yearly 
 arrive, to locate themselves according to their circum- 
 stances, will continue to produce vsimilar and beneficial 
 results. iMillions of acres, now lying waste, and unpro- 
 ductive, will, ere nnany years, bccoi-ne valuable and the 
 province so increased in power and strength and 1 may say, 
 impregnable to a foreign foe ; and as happily the Province 
 is beginning to enjoy a political repose, party and fac- 
 tious animosities dying gradually away, every exertion 
 should be made to attach the incoming strangers from 
 the parent stale to their adopted country, and to retain 
 both themselves £ind their capital within it, instead of as 
 is now the case, every thing being kept in a state calcula- 
 ted to wean away their affections to a rival power. If 
 the present administration found on assuming the reins 
 of Government, faUe systems and acts in existence, it 
 it is no reason that they should not make such improve- 
 ments and retrenchments in this respect, as they do in 
 others of less importance. If their policy be, as is set forth, 
 t3 govern according to the wishes of the majority of the 
 people, they cannot surely err in adopting a better ^^stem 
 of settling the Wild Lands of the Crown, than that which 
 is now become a crying evil, and one which will not fail, 
 ere many years, to bring forth disastrous consequences. 
 If Immigration is not required, if the lands are not intent 
 4 > 
 II -I 
 ded to be settled, it would be an act of charity in the Gov- 
 ment, to have it published in all quarters of the United 
 Kingdom, that the people might avoid the heart-rending 
 disappointments and suflferings they must meet here on 
 arrival, and it is a duty which every well wisher of the 
 Empire has a right to perform, to withhold from our 
 rivals such vast strength and wealth, as is yearly drained 
 from it, and conducted through Canada ; therefore I would 
 humbly suggest to Mis Excellency the following system 
 of settling the Waste Lands o^ the Province. 
 1st. To grant to every head of a family from 50 
 to 201) acres, according to the number of male adults in 
 each family able to v^rield an axe, and drive a plough, for 
 a certa'n number of years, free, if not possessed of capital 
 to purchase ; allowing the settler sufficient means to main- 
 tain his family for one year and to purchase implements 
 and grain to put in the ground, under stipulations of pay. 
 ing for the same in yearly instalments, after the first two 
 or three years ; when, it may be safely inferred, suste- 
 nance for the family could be raised from the Soil, for the 
 weaker portion of the family, while the stronger might 
 labour on the Public Roads or Gove'- iment Works, a por- 
 tion of the time, to pay for the Land. 
 •2nd. In order to fjicilitate the settling of the Waste 
 Lands, great ch:innels for the tide of Immigration should 
 be opened to a considerable extent into the interior, in 
 way of main roads, from the principle ports on the River 
 the Gov- 
 e United 
 here on 
 er of the 
 rom our 
 ■ drained 
 ; I would 
 [ system 
 from 50 
 adults in 
 >ugh, for 
 >f capital 
 to main- 
 i of pay. 
 first two 
 1, suste- 
 , for the 
 r might 
 5, a por- 
 ) Waste 
 I should 
 rior, in 
 e River 
 and Lakes, at the extremity of which roads, the nucleus 
 of settlements should be formed, where a Town, or Village 
 Plot would be laid out, and a Township or two surveyed, 
 in which every third or fourth 100 acres should be re- 
 served by Government for sale, at a future period, when 
 the increase of settlers and improvements would render 
 it valuable, like uncultivated land now in settled Town- 
 ships, the propery of Companies or Individuals, which 
 lots would, ere many years, be readily bought up by 
 small capiralists at more money than four or five such 
 lots would obtain at the first formation of *he settlement. 
 My reason, for commencing the Settlement at the farthest 
 ends of the main Roads is, that if once a c^ood settlement 
 was made there, the eountiy, betwixt that and the landing 
 place on the Lake, would sooner fill up and realize hight 
 er prices to Government. 
 8rd. Agents of the proper cast, should bo placed 
 in such Townships, with an assistant each, to point out 
 the lots to the Immigrants; and such agents and assistants 
 to be paid for iheir services, partly by land in thrir re- 
 spectivo Townships, on which they were to be permament 
 settlers, thereby adding confidence to thv- energy of the 
 settlejs, and fidfillitig their duty to the GovernmVnt more 
 faithfully, with more convenience and less trouble to fhem- 
 selves. Such agents to be men ot Philanthropic feelings, 
 of energy, mental and bodily capabilities, and fif not only 
 to point out the lots to the settlers on paper, but also on 
 the face of the forest itself. 
 a ) 
 if, I. 
 ! '■- 
 ill I 
 4th. To place Immigrants, who might have come 
 from the same scciion of country at home ir. one settle- 
 ent for the first year or two, that they might have an 
 earlier opportunity of having ihcir own teachers and phy- 
 sicians, two thirms, the Want of which, are seriously felt at 
 first in new setllomonts, and I may add, more so, many 
 years after, from the neglect of religious and moral cul- 
 tivation, as well as the want of laying a good foundation 
 for health. 
 5th. A good road to fertile soil is the most impor- 
 tant object connected with the Immigrant's location, to 
 draw them into the heart « f the forest ; for the want of 
 which they confine themselves to thickly settled portions 
 near the great thoroughfare on the Lakeside; from which, 
 on the least disappointment and inducement to cross to 
 the United States, thcv will have every fixcilitv of leavinof 
 British soil for ever. A competent surveyor with a suit- 
 able party, accom; anied by a man of scientific knowledge, 
 should proceed to survey the route of suc!i Roads, 40, 50, 
 or GO miles beyond the well settled parts of the country, 
 the season previous to its being opened for location, that 
 it might be ready for next year's Immigrants. 
 While the party, under the suveyo- are carrying on 
 their duties, it should be the province of the scientific 
 individual, not only to examine the nature of the soil and 
 its productions on their route, whither of timber, fruir, 
 grass or otherwise ; its geological and geographical struc- 
 lave come 
 3ne settle- 
 t have an 
 s and phy- 
 usly felt at 
 so, many 
 moral oul- 
 ost impor- 
 ^cation, to 
 le want of 
 d portions 
 om which, 
 cross to 
 of leaving: 
 'ith a suit. 
 h, 40, 50, 
 e country, 
 ation, that 
 irrying on 
 le soil aiid 
 ber, friiiT, 
 ical struc- 
 ture, at least along the line of roads and its vicinHy ; but 
 also, to see that the said surveyor and his party prosecute 
 their business energetically and faithfully; as from the evils 
 now arising, and the losses that have been sustained by 
 the Province, through the neglect of surveyors, their care- 
 lessness, delays and inaccuracies are' of a magnitude 
 not to be overlooked. Vast sums of money have been 
 expended toaio purpose, and parties have been known to 
 be left for days together idle, while the surveyor has amused 
 himself by hunting, fishing and visiting Lumberer's huis 
 at the public expense. Tn opening such a road, another 
 party of able men should follow, who were born or lived 
 for some years in the country, and who were well ac- 
 quainted with clearing the forest and making such roads 
 as the party with the overseer would direct such Immi- 
 grants to perform, who migiit want tc mporavy en:;->loy- 
 ment, befoie tiiey proceeded towards a location, or were 
 waiting until such :i tract of country could be opened. 
 6th. Temporary Huts should be erected on this 
 line of roads, lor the accomodation of these parties while 
 m.ikiiig the roads, at certain distances to suit their conve- 
 nience, with an acre oi Innd to be cleared, which huts 
 would, next season and every succeedii;g season, be found 
 exceedingly ^r^rviceahle to Immigrants on their arrival, an 
 temporary re. idences for the first season, until they could 
 during the v/>nter prepare others on the lands allotted to 
 them, in the ycttlomcnt or along the road ; the acre of 
 it ' 
 cleared land to be prepared, to raise potatoes and such 
 Other vegetables as are known to come to maturity in 
 proper season, even if not planted until the middle or the 
 end of June. This temporary dwelling would be of in- 
 calculable benefit to young and weak families, along with 
 an acre of ground , thus affording the same relief yearly 
 to incoming families. The hut to be erected and the acre 
 of land to be cleared, both by the first settlers, at the 
 government expense. 
 'Till. The expenses attendnnt on this, would be but 
 small, comnored with the benefits arising from it ; and 
 more so, when it must be borne in mind, that such loca- 
 tions would afterwards sell at greatly advanced rates : but, 
 should they not, a small rent might be charged during 
 their temporary residence, to be paid in money or produce", 
 during the three yiiars they were to occupy tiieir perma- 
 nent locations, without pnying any instalments. 
 8th. As mills are of the utmost importance to new 
 settlements, the government should cause them to be erect- 
 ed and lease them or afford such advantages to Capitalists 
 by lease or purchase, as could not fail to enlist their en. 
 terprising attention,, and advance he completion of such 
 works or contr;ic!:s, to be entered into, to have such mills 
 completed according to certain plans and at a given time, 
 under penalty of forfeiture and fine. 
 9th. Thf chief Immigrant agent, in such a section, 
 should bo chosen from among persons well acquainted 
 es and such 
 maturity in 
 liddle or the 
 lid be of in- 
 , along with 
 relief yearly 
 and the acre 
 tiers, at the 
 vould be but 
 ■om it ; and 
 t such loca- 
 J rates : but, 
 rjred during 
 or produce, 
 lieir perma- 
 nice to new 
 to be erect- 
 ) Capitalists 
 ist their en- 
 ion of such 
 3 such mills 
 given time, 
 h a section, 
 with forest life ; of an enterpnsing character and of Phil- 
 anthrupic feelings ; of good morul habits and energy of 
 purpose, well acquainted with all tlie advantages of the 
 forest and how sucli advantages could be used to tho ben- 
 of sound judgment, 
 r, vvho, on examinaljun, is 
 iO IS 
 efit of the Immigrant; one, not only 
 but of undeniable cliMacte 
 found to be well acquainted wit!i the subject, and wl 
 desirous of making himself useful to the strangers ; 
 who should take cognizance of the conduct °of survey, 
 ors and agents ; and who is capable of condu?ting 
 the business efficiently. 
 10th. Tliat in such places as O^vcn Sound, the Ri. 
 verSaugine, and the other parts of Lake Huron, which 
 are known to have extensive fisheries iu their vicinity, 
 and which require only a little capital and proper man. 
 agement to produce immense profits to government and 
 great relief in way of provisions to Immigrants, the chief 
 agents should be men well acquainted with this branch 
 of business, who should fee] a pleasure in prosecuting the 
 trade and who should attend to it not in their offices but 
 on the open lake as well as on the shore ; and whose ob- 
 ject would not be to pocket handsome salaries for report- 
 ing the services of others instead of their own. 
 As the prosecution of Lake Huron Fisheries are of 
 immense importance, measures to avail themselves of 
 their great income should be adopted by government in- 
 stead of allowing enterprising Americans to carry on a 
 5i I 
 lucrative trade of it in our waters and on our very shores, 
 to the amount of at least one hundred and thirty thousand 
 Pounds yearly, as lias appeared in the Public Prints, not 
 much more than a year ago. 
 During the winter season as well as throughout the 
 year all the Immigrants who might pour into the Huron 
 Tract could be more than well supplied with food there- 
 from. This is no fanciful idea but one which can be well 
 11th. The principle thing which the Immigrant of 
 any small moans stands most in need of on arrival, heinnr 
 a fixed homo after leaving his native one, every attention 
 should be paid to adopting measures for the purpose. If 
 settlements of the above description were formed, where 
 Capita;:;?ls ivould be encouraged to settle, there would bo 
 no danger of the poorer class wanting employment or 
 sustenance : and if the poorest Immigrants wore once 
 located among thsm or in their vicinity, we should never 
 hear any more of their distress. The most indigent that 
 we have heard of, who came out in a body, were those, 
 for two seasons from the island of Lewis, on the west of 
 Scotland; whojc lives I may say were preserved by sub- 
 scriptions raised in Montreal and other places ; and who 
 if not placed on land, would continue a burden on society 
 to this day ; but from being located among and near 
 others from'the same part, their distresses were not after- 
 wards heard of and they are now thriving rapidly. Du, 
ry shores, 
 ' thousand 
 Mints, not 
 ghout the 
 lie Huron 
 jod there- 
 in be well 
 ligrant of 
 ^al, being 
 ■pose. If 
 d, where 
 would be 
 ^ment or 
 ere once 
 aid never 
 gent that 
 re those, 
 e west of 
 i by sub- 
 and who 
 n society 
 md near 
 lot aftcr- 
 lly. Du, 
 ring the troubles of 1837, and 1838, tho young men, who 
 to a man stood in defence of the Crown, were known to 
 sell their rations of beef at a high price and to purchace 
 oatmeal with tho money, sufficient not only to maintain 
 themselves, but as many more of the young and nged 
 males and females of their friends, who were in wa°n{. 
 Among the older settlers of the Eastern Townships where 
 they were located, th^y dug Potatoes out of llie ground 
 at a certain per centago of the produce, by which and other 
 such means they were enabled to live during winter ; and 
 such, who had provisions granted them by way of loan, 
 have paid it punctually and thankfully, and arc now quite 
 independant of pecuniary aid, such proofs of the little 
 which a poor f.imily requires, when placed in a home in 
 the forest, arc suiiicient to urge the adoption of settling 
 the Immigrants inimodiately on land, instead of "grantino- 
 a temporary relief by way of bread and pork while con*^- 
 veying them from one place to another for employment, 
 without any fixed objec] or place in view ; and who, when 
 wmter arrives, are left to live on charity, without any 
 hopes for ppring. 
 12t,h. As the system is a plain and simple one, re- 
 quiring no extraordinary outlay or exertions on the part 
 of Government, farther than to lay out their large stock 
 of Waste Lands on, as it were, a compound interest for 
 the good of the Province, I shall merely mention that the 
 system may be summed up in the following few vrords, 
 viz : — 
 1st. To grant to all Immigrants who cannot pur- 
 chase, Land on 5, 6, or 7 year's credit, only charging 
 them a small sum to pay for constructing the main road 
 to tho settlement, during the first tliree years. 
 2th. To open main roads, us before described. 
 i3rd. To place well chosen agents in their^settlc- 
 mcnts with one or two assistants. 
 4th. To erect a certain number of Huts, for the 
 reception of Immigrants on their arrival, with an acre of 
 land cleared and attached, on tho line of roads, as stated 
 in article Gth. 
 5th. To place Immigrants from the same parts at 
 liomc, for the first two or three years, in the same loca- 
 liotis, allowing all who rnr^y choose afterwards, when tho 
 settlements are formed, to settle where they please, 
 6ih. To prosecute the Fisheries on Lake Huron, 
 for the benefit of the provijice, as well as the relief of 
 do-;titute settlers. 
 Tth. To send the Irum'grant immediately to his 
 loiiation on arrival. All that remains for me to do 
 now, is to show, by the following calculation, the in- 
 crease of population, by way of Immigration, it would 
 produce in ten years, as also, the revenue which would 
 arise from that increase, in way of taxes alone for tWQuty 
 years, all of which under tlic present system would be 
' :r^T-. wa-M. ' 
 kw vrords, 
 annot pur- 
 Y charging 
 main road 
 ts, for the 
 an acre of 
 , as stated 
 le parts at 
 5ame loca- 
 when the 
 ke Huron, 
 e relief of 
 :Iy to his 
 rnc to do 
 n, the in- 
 , it would 
 ich would 
 for twenty 
 would be 
 bst, as two or three years more must put a stop to 
 linmigrnl.on altogether, under the present system ; the 
 country having taken an alarm at the increase of paupers 
 and vagrants, without fixed homes, who are necessitated 
 to proc a living by every means they can devise bo 
 they legal and just or not. Crime is on the increase, from 
 the number that arc thrown on the world without a place 
 to lay their hearh on, who would otherwise be useful 
 Hnd peaceable members of society, if located on land. The 
 yearly expense t) the country, arising from supporting of- 
 ^'udors, 1:1 aiprelicnJing and incarcerating them, and every 
 other expense attendant on prosecutions, would go a great 
 lengm in settling some thousands. It has been ascertained, 
 t.icit the average number of Emigrants, for the last 12 
 years, was about 32,000 averaging 6,000 heads of fam. 
 jlies, two.thirds of whom were not able to purchase 
 land and who were consequenily spread about the coun- 
 try in quest of labour, and the same number may bo 
 expected this year, who will be obliged to follow the 
 «ame tract, and so on yearly, until labourers and mechanics 
 will exceed the number of employers ; as a proof of this 
 rnechanicnl and other labour is reduced in price one.* 
 third and m many cases more, since the commencement 
 ot the great Immigration of 1840, and the worst is that 
 there is no employment for one half the number, not 
 withstanding the reports of immigrant agents, who con 
 elude than when they get the poor immigrants off their 
 ^1^ m 
 U£ 1^ ill 2.2 
 L25 11114 111.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 
 (716) 872-4503 
 hands by findipg them, employment for a month or two, 
 or three duriqg the hurry of harvesting, being tho ti«ie 
 that most of them arrive, that they are provided for, 
 tliroughout the yet^r ; wliereas, proofd positive could be 
 produced, that the majority of them would have starved, 
 if the public had not, from charity, supplied them with 
 sustenance or employment for their mere maintenance ; 
 so that, it is evident, that they became a burden on so- 
 ciety or at least arc unwelcome iutrudevs. It is also 
 well known, that they congregate in thousand^} to the 
 Puplic Works, both here and in the United States, and 
 travel from one place to another with their familie8> 
 without any other object in view, but that of procuring 
 the scanty necessaries of life, without -looking beyond 
 the present day ; growing vicious in habits, immoral in 
 conduct, riotous in behaviour and disturboi-s of ihe peace 
 wherever they go ; who might, if located on land immi- 
 diately after their arrival, have become respectable mem- 
 bers of society. Hence it appears* that 4,000 heads of 
 families may annually arrive for the period often years 
 to come,, as was the case for tl>e last three years, un- 
 able to purchase l^nds under the present system, we 
 shall at 'thie expiration of that term, have 40,000 heads 
 of families, equal to 200,000 souls, depending entirely 
 ovk daily hi?e for sustenance, in addition to as many more 
 now similarly situated very few of whom can ever save 
 sufficient to, purchase a lot of land on the only terms 
 or two, 
 led fyr, 
 ould be 
 2m with 
 en a lice ; 
 1 qn so- 
 is also 
 } to the 
 ites, and 
 moral in 
 le peace 
 id immi- 
 )le mem- 
 heads of 
 ;en years 
 ears, un- 
 lem, we 
 m heads 
 my more 
 ver save 
 nly terms 
 now offered, if they should remain in the Province ; the 
 <5onsequence of which will be, that we shall ere many 
 years have alarming pauperism, crime and discontent, 
 productive of the most disastrous consequences ; where- 
 as by a proper system, before the expiration of ten years, 
 four millions af acres would be settled at the rate of, as 
 above stated, 100 acres to every head of a family of 4000 
 yearly, the taxes of which, according to the following 
 table, would amount £330,000, at the rate of 30s. yearly, 
 for each family, being be^ow the average of what would 
 arise from increase . of stock, Buildings, Qattle, 6(c. 
 - ■ f 
 f . 
 . it .-rKtn '. f-'jiP " - 

 •<1 5^1 
 3 otb 
 P S^ H-" 
 3 t^ 
 *£ ►-• ^ 
 • CO 
 10 yi 
 a O . 
 S3 1^ 
 I » I 
 * -t 
 • 00 • 
 • • 
 : 3 ba 
 «1 ■• 
 ' ^2 
 W H 
 : So 
 • " o 
 • P o 
 • a 
 i>> 09 
 O O 
 > 2 CI 
 •^ c 
 CO c 
 p e 
 p^ H 
 52 • 
 tOH-pOQD^Oat*!. 00 
 M ^ 
 > o 
 OF T 
 3 ^ 
 H HI 
 » » ^ ^ ^ ^ cp 
 09 .r-i 
 : > 
 which sum of nearly a million and a quarter of taxes, 
 would amount to within one fourth of the price put on 
 such land at present, being for the four nnilliond thus 
 settled £1,600,000, shewing that the bare taxes alone 
 would in twenty years be equal to the amount demanded, 
 cash down, and that 520,000 souls would be added to the 
 population during this period, retrieved from want and 
 misery and made respectable Citizens, occupying four 
 millions of acres, which may be during that period in a 
 state of nature and unproductive, no mention being made 
 of such as can purchase land and may settle, the number 
 of whom would be, at the rat; . assumed for the last threft 
 years, in twenty-six years, 312,000 souls, in able circum- 
 stances. The next thing to be considered is the amount, 
 of mechanical labour required by these 40,000 heads of 
 Families, who would otherwise be wandering in search 
 of labour themselves, assuming at farthest that, after eight 
 years of each successive yearly settlement, each liead of 
 a family would purchase a Waggon, Harness, two Ploughs, 
 Harrows, &c,, amounting in value to, at the least calcu- 
 lation, twenty-five pounds, in all £100,000 for the portion of 
 each year's immigration, which, multiplied by that of ten 
 years, would amount to one million of money in the 
 course of the succeeding ten years ; and if it were ne- 
 cessary to calculate upon the consumption of British 
 manufactures, mills &c. the amount would appear worthy 
 •f trusting the Immigrant with a lot of land, which be 
 I- i 
 would ia no way injure but improve, and could not 
 take away. I Iiavo here merely taken into account the 
 results of granting land to such as cannot pay cash down 
 for it, and who are obliged to leave the Province, or 
 become unprofitable to themselves and in a great measure 
 a burden to the Province. I mast further remark, that 
 the trade for British Shipping, arising from their labour, 
 would be of great value and productive of furnishing Sea- 
 men for the Britis'-i Navy, sufficient for any emergency. 
 As this subjcict requires no farther illustration to arouse 
 intelligent minds to make the necessary investiguion, for 
 the pm-pose of adopting some system in preference to tho 
 one now existing. I will conclude by merely saying, that the 
 condition of thousands of sUch Immigrants as have settled 
 in the back Townships, at inogular and great distances 
 from each other and in want of even passable roads, are iti 
 a state of misery, which is heart rending ; but I shall only 
 introduce one section, which is that settlement which of 
 all others should produce the greatest share of comfort to 
 thd settlers but which, owing lo mismanagement, (to udo 
 no harder expression) is now in a state, iho most deplo- 
 rable. ■ "" '■""■ "• ' ■'''" 
 From the account given of it by the Revd. William 
 Ryerson, who passed through it, on his return from a 
 mission among the Indians,! learn that from the numbers 
 who left on account of the lands not being surveyed 
 besides other grievances, the few who remain aro neigh- 
 ould not 
 ;ount the 
 ish down 
 vince, or 
 ark, that 
 r labour, 
 liing Sea- 
 to arouse 
 ;auoii, for 
 ice to the 
 IT, that the 
 ve settled 
 ids, are iti 
 shall only 
 which of 
 comfort to 
 at, (to udo 
 ost deplo- 
 I. William 
 rn from a 
 e numbers 
 r surv€y<ed 
 are neigh- 
 bourless and unable, in any emergency in which they 
 maybe placed, to receive the aid of tiicir fellow settlers 
 at this sfjasoR, owing to distance and unfinished roads ; 
 and those who have expended their winter's provisions are 
 unable to reach a market to purchase any thing, and in 
 some instances thoy received even temporary assistance 
 from their nearest neighbours, by undergoing indescribable 
 hardships; in short, such were the scenes that Gentleman 
 had witnessed, that his feelings were overcome to such 
 a degree, that his heart felt pangs of sorrow, for the mis. 
 eries of his fellow men, who were before strangers to 
 it; the red man of tho woods in his slender wigwam 
 being many degrees more to be envied. From informa- 
 tion, through other sources, it appears that the said 
 settlement would have been, ere now, had the lands been 
 surveyed, the roads finished, and every* thing done in 
 accordance with the proposed system, the most flourishing 
 in the Province. Instead of the 2,000 Families which 
 returned from it in August with £25,000 in their pockets* 
 and whothrougli disappoinment went to the United States, 
 it would now contain 10,000 souls in independent circum- 
 stances ; half as many more with some small m^eans, to 
 support themselves for a time, and probably the like 
 number of poor Immigrants who would find labour and 
 Bupport among thom. In other parts, accounts have 
 been received of families, in great distress, and of one 
 :) !ti 
 !'» V 
 wliich actually starved ta death from absolute want being 
 at too great a distance from ueighbours. 
 Having trespassed on the bound? to which I limited 
 myself at first, and on His Excellency's time, permit nie 
 to solicit his careful perusal of this Document, which I 
 trust he will take into his most serious consideration, and 
 at his earliest opportunity. In the meantime, 
 I have the honor to be, sir, 
 Your most ob't and humble seryant, 
 Uob't McVicar. 
 To Capt'n Higginson, > 
 Private Secretary, &c. J 
 N. B. The annexed communication, a letter to Doctor Rolph 
 Signed Y, in the Montreal Gazette, dated 22nd April, 1843, which 
 came under my notice since writing the foregoing, is deserving the 
 uerio s attention of His Excellency, corroborating my statement 
 end confirming my views on this Important subject. 
 Mr. McVicar presents his compliments to Captain 
 Higginson, and would esteem it a favor if ho would lay tho 
 accompanying Document before His Excellency the 
 Governor General, at as early an hour as may possibly 
 oonvient ; Mr. McV. being unwell, feels anxious to 
 return to his family at Nerval, near Toronto, a distance 
 of 2l4"miles from this, having remained here, labouring 
 under painful suspence, attended with heavy expence 
 •ince the 13th February last, waiting an answer to his 
 nt being 
 [ limited 
 jrmit me 
 which I 
 ion, and 
 different communications to the Crown Lands Office, all 
 of which remain unnoticed. Ho would, under these sfjvcru 
 touches of feeling, take it kind of Captain Higginsou, tu 
 convey to him the opinion and ulterior views of ilis 
 Excellency touching the subject matter contained in said 
 document, at any time before four p. m. 3rd proximo, iir 
 order that he may bo enabled to take his measures cuu- 
 Daley's Hotel, 29th April, 1843. 
 stor Rolph 
 43, which 
 jrving the 
 d lay tho 
 ncy the 
 uous to 
 ;r to his 
 Private Secretary's Office, 2nd May, 1843. 
 In compliance with tho request contained in your 
 note of 29th. ultimo, I have had the honor of laying before, 
 the Governor General the communication which accom- 
 panics it. I am desired to inform you in reply, that His 
 Excellency had perused with great interest your suggest- 
 ion for the introduction of an improved system of locating 
 Immigrants on the Waste Lands of the Province, and to 
 convey to you his approbation of the zeal and assiduity 
 with which you have devoted yourself to so important a 
 subject. His Excellency is unable to offer an opinion 
 upon a question in which great and varied interests are 
 involved, without being in possession of all the information 
 within his reach, and with this view, has directed me to 
 transmit your Report to the Commissioner of Crown Lands 
 for hi3 consideration and remarks. Tl>e attention of that 
 officer will also be requested, to your letters to h.m that 
 remain unnoticed. 
 I havo the honor to be, Sir, 
 Your obedient and humble Servant, 
 Private Secretary. 
 Rob't Mc Vicar, Esqnire. 
 Norvat, 24(/i August, 1843. 
 Ilon'ble Sir, ^ 
 I bo" leave to acquaint you, that I have a few cays 
 since received intelligeneo of the movements of the sur- 
 vevin" party you sent out to the Saugine River in the 
 Huron Tract,' the party were in excellent health and 
 .pirits, and about completing the survey of one lownship, 
 ■ a report of which will doubtless be transmitted to tho 
 Crown Lands Office, ere many days will have elapsed. 
 The season is fur advanced, and the numerous families who 
 have made arrangements to accompany mc there thia 
 autumn are very uneasy, and most anxious to reach the.r 
 destination before the cold weather sets in. in order that 
 they may be enabled to clear some land to crop in the 
 8prin<', and build huts to pass the winter in, and take timely 
 advantage of the M fishing, considerations of great mo- 
 meat to them, and are applicable to all strangers settling 
 a of lliat 
 him that 
 ist, 1843. 
 I lew dayg 
 of the sur- 
 vey in llie 
 lealth and 
 ed to the 
 G elapsed, 
 milies who 
 there this 
 reach their 
 order that 
 crop in the 
 take timely 
 f great nno- 
 Ters settling 
 in the wilds of Canada remote from old settlcmcnls. Many 
 families who went to the Huron Settlement lalo lait au- 
 tLimn, sulFored most severely during the winter Trom cold 
 and auniiic ; indeed their trials were so great thit they 
 becamu quite d^scouriigeJ, and cansequonlly uiiuble to 
 make the necessary exertions calculated to alleviate their 
 wretclicd condition, even in the slightest dej^rce. Ilenco 
 the worst description is given of the settlement by these 
 sufferers, which deters both poor and rich from grjiug to it; 
 in this way vast numbers oi* wealthy and industrious fani- 
 ilief^ remdve from the Province to the United Slatca, who, 
 if they could meet with the least encourogement, wcula 
 rather settle in any part of the Britisii DomJnicns in 
 America. In my report to [lid LCxcelleney the Gfjvornor 
 Generai, to which I beg leave to solicit, this 
 subj^'.ct U touched upon at some length, I nccii not there- 
 fore cater into further details here, as that report must be 
 still in your possession. 
 Aetu;ited and circum-;tanced as I am at present, bar- 
 as3ed by counlle.s:} applications from lamilie^ to whooi I 
 am ple-Jged throughout the Province, you may leadiiy 
 conceive iiow auMiou^; I rnu?it feel to move for my winter 
 Quarters where I would wish to bo in time to en iblo me 
 to make thu necessary arrangements for the seeuiity and 
 comfort of the party who arc ready to accompany me, as 
 well ns those whom I expect will follow ; mny I theref ;re 
 be ))erniitted to entreat that you will have the goodness to 
 ;y . ~ L^^J^iy * 
 transmit to me your letter of instruction how to proceed 
 to, and act after my arrival at the Saugeen River. 
 I have the honor to be, Hon'ble Sir, 
 Your most obed't and very humble Scrv't, 
 Rou't McVicab. 
 Hon'ble A. N. Morin, 
 Commissioner of Crown Land.s, 
 Norval, I2th Seiterriber, 1843. 
 Hon'ble Sir, 
 In respectfully soliciting reference lo my communi- 
 cation of the 24th ultimo, to which I have not as yet 
 received a reply, 1 would be much pleased and obliged wero 
 you to have the goodness to honor me with a few lines 
 at your earliest possible convenience, in order that I may 
 be enabled to take my measures accordingly. 
 The numerous families who have disposed of their 
 property in the United Province, preparatory to their 
 following me to the Saugeen River, arc getting more 
 mpatient in consequence of the season being so far ad- 
 'vanced, and their capital rapidly diminishing in supporting 
 their families in a state of inaction, many other respecta- 
 ble families, possessing capital, who Immigrated this year 
 after reaching Lake Simcoe on their way to join me in 
 .he new settlement in the Huron tract, returned on hearing 
 that I was not before them to locate them on lands. These 
 . families have since crossed to the United Slates, where 
 :'i_:.:_j> » 
 % 1843. 
 as yet 
 ed wero 
 3W lines 
 it I may 
 of their 
 to their 
 ig more 
 I fur ad- 
 ihis year 
 n me in 
 I hearing 
 s. These 
 !, where 
 no doubt they will advise their friends at home and abroad 
 to follow them, hence the immense British Capital yearly 
 pouring from the British Isles into the United States which 
 by judicious management might bo retained in the Canadas. 
 I remain, Hon'ble Sir, 
 Your most obedient , 
 and very humble servant, 
 Rob't. Mc Vicar. 
 Hon'ble A. N. Morin, 
 Commissioner of Crown Lands, 
 Village ofNonal, 6th October, 1843. 
 Hon'ble Sir, 
 I had the honor of addressing you two communica- 
 tions bearing date 24th August and 12th September last, 
 which remain still by you unnoticed. I would feel thank- 
 ful, were you to have the goodness to favour me with a 
 few lines on receipt of this, and slate whether you received 
 the communications above alluded to. 
 And with respect, I remain, 
 Hon'ble Sir, 
 Your most obedient Servant, 
 Rcbt' McVicar. 
 Hon'ble A. N. Morin, 
 Commissioner of Crown Lands, 
 Village of JS'orval, 9ih November, iSA^. 
 My dear Chieftain, 
 I was happy to learn through ^^r. James RIcNab, 
 that vol are in Kingston, and in the enjoy m(int of good 
 health and wonted cheerfulness of spirits, which proved 
 a p-rcst source of pic?.sure and satisfaction to your friondrj 
 in this quarter. On the 9lh ultimo I had the honor of 
 addressing a letter to your friend Sir Allan McNab, in 
 which I enclosed an order to receive from the ITon'ble 
 Mr. Moriri, my manuscript, containing my report which 
 I have written on the subject of Emigration and settlement 
 of the Waste Lands of the Province, wliich mmuscript, 
 in the present state of things, may not prove altogether 
 undeserving of his early notice and serious consideration, 
 livery rrue Loyal Patriot, and sincere friend to the pros- 
 perity of Canada, will deeply deplore equally as I do, the 
 present lamentable state of th=ugs, and the disgraceful 
 manner in which the violent and angry debates that took 
 place in the Legislative Council on the 10th ultimo were 
 coriducted, having no parallel in the liistory of any session 
 of a British Parliament, and in theii- pernicious and fatal 
 tendencies more calculated to create general distrust, des. 
 troy confidence, and eventually spread the baneful influenco 
 of a most dangerous and destructive contagion, through- 
 out this unhappy and hitherto ill fined Province, than any 
 calamity with which the Inhabitants thereof have yet 
 been alHicted. 
to CANAD4. 
 r, 1843. 
 of jTood 
 I proved 
 r IViondrj 
 loijor of 
 cNab, ill 
 rt wliich 
 the pros- 
 I iiiO, the 
 that tock 
 Ima were 
 y .session 
 and fatal 
 U'ust, des- 
 than any 
 have yet 
 I am glad to learn through the public prints that 
 Mr. Sherwood, who perused my Report, brought the sub- 
 ject on which it treats bofore the Parliament, and supported 
 the reasonings and arguments therein set forth with his 
 usual dignity of style and becoming energy of purpose. 
 Notwithstanding the strong promises which the Hon'ble 
 Mr. Morin made to mo in your presence, that two Town- 
 ships near the mouth of thy ^augeen River, in the Huron 
 Tract, would be surveyed this last simmer for my superin- 
 tendance to settle, that Gentleman not only neglected 
 performuig these his solemn promises, but would not even 
 deign to acknowledge any one of those communications 
 which I addressed to him on the subject and in which I 
 clearly and explicitly stated all the arrangements I had 
 made with the numerous families that were to accompany 
 and follow after me to the new settlement in the Huron 
 Tract. Strange as it may appear, still all these my letters 
 yet remain unnoticed by Mr. Morin although they were 
 addressed to him on service. This extraordinary breach 
 of duty on the part of the Hon'ble Commissioner of Crown 
 Lands, has placed me in a position the most awkward and 
 painful, even to contemplate. By his criminal neglect, to 
 use the mildest term, my fondest hopes are defeated, my 
 time and means wasted, and the best interest of the coun- 
 try sacrificed to the gratification of private feeling, but 
 what can we Loyalists in reason expect at the hands of 
 the author of the 92 Resolutions which brought about the 
 Rebellion of 183V-8, now that be is placed in powerby 
 the very Government wliidi he struggles so hard to sub- 
 vert, and to anniliilate its Institutions in Canada. All my 
 friends who have disposed of their properties preparatory 
 to tiieir joining me in the Huron Tract finding my posi- 
 tion with the Government holding forth such cheerless 
 prespecLs, liavo since crosbcd to the United States, v/here 
 their friends purpose following them next season. In 
 this manner is Caifada through the ill-timed policy and 
 mismanagement on the part of the Crown Land Depart- 
 ment couverted into a nursery, daily furnishing the Gov* 
 crnment of the United Stales with additional wealth 
 and strength which may, at no distant period, recoil upon 
 the British Government with threefold vengeance, when 
 it may be too late to discover the apathy with which the 
 leadin<T Oaicers of the Crown in Canada seems to be at 
 present so lamentably afflicted. 
 With sentiments of the highest consideration, 
 1 remain, 
 My dear Chieftain, 
 Your faithful and oblig'd friend, 
 Robert McVicab. 
 Tiie McNab, of McNab. 
 Crown Lands DeparimenL 21st March, 1844. 
 have been commanded by His Excellency the Gov- 
 to Kub- 
 AU my 
 ly posi- 
 , where 
 on. In 
 icv and 
 le GoV' 
 i wealth 
 ■oil upon 
 :,e, when 
 liich the 
 to be at 
 M friend, 
 r-c/i, 1844. 
 r the Gov- 
 ernor General, to tender you the situation of Inspector 
 of Clergy Reserves, foa the Western District, and I have 
 to request you will please acquaint nne forthwith whether 
 you accept the said situation. The Inspection will be per. 
 formed joint y by you and George Duck, Esquire, Har- 
 wich, and will have to be proceeded upon so soon as you 
 have received the necessary instructions to that ciTect, 
 and continua without interruption. The amount of allow. 
 ance to the Inspectors ha^ been fixed 15s. cy. for each 
 per day, during the whole time they will be actnd'y em. 
 ployed on this^service, and also for a reasonable number 
 of days in preparing their Returns. This allowance is 
 to cover all claims whatever for travelling expences sta- 
 tionary &c. and to be strictly hmlted to the sum so fixed. 
 Books of Returns will be furnished by this Department. 
 It is expected that the iurpectors will fulfil their duties 
 with speed and in a spirit of economy proportioned to 
 the limited extent of the funds which will immediately 
 result from the disposal of those lands. 
 I have the honor to be, Sir, 
 Your most obedient Humble Servant, 
 RoVt McVicar, Esq. 
 ViUage of Norval 25th March, 1841 
 have the honor lo acknowledge the receipt of your 
 letter of the 2lst Ins't, and in reply beg leave to acquaint 
 you that I accept with every due consideration the situa- 
 tion which His Excellency the Governor General has 
 been pleased to ofFer me. 
 I have the honor to be, Sir, 
 Your most obedient humble serv't, 
 Robert Mc Vicar. 
 T. Bouthillier, Esq. - 
 Tovmship of Howard^ 23rd Julyy 18^ft. 
 My Dear Hammond, 
 You will naturally feel no ordinary degree of sur- 
 prise at «iy long continued silence, for which apparent 
 neglect, I have no plea of excuse to offer beyond a se- 
 vere trouble of mind, which has not in the slightest 
 degree diminished since the date of my last communlca- 
 tion to you from Nerval, parting with my family in a state 
 of destitution, together with otlier touching and painful 
 reflections, of a nature altogether so distressing as to pre- 
 cludo the possibility of silting down with calm feelings to 
 write to any one, and muoh less to a friend such as I have 
 considered you to be since I had the pleasure of your 
 acquaintance. Let me now, however, be permitted to ex- 
 prefis the hope, that you are long ere this time restored 
 to tlie society of your beloved family, who, 1 trust, togeth. 
 er With your good self are in the full enjoyment of the bles- 
 le situfi- 
 ral has 
 yy 18M- 
 of sur- 
 )nd a se- 
 n a stato 
 i painful 
 s to pre- 
 lelinga to 
 as I have 
 of your 
 ed to ex- 
 ;t, togetb. 
 every other accompanying com- 
 forr reason-ably to be expected, while journeying through 
 this transitory vale of life 50 full of troubles, pains, and 
 A few days after my arrival in Chatham I met with 
 my young a^soi-i^te Mr. George Duck, a very gentlemanly 
 youth of phuisirig manners and apparently obliging dis- 
 position, and on ihe 5th of last month we connnenced 
 operations and completed, as you will see by our Returns, 
 the Inspecti<m of the Townships of Orford. tViat same 
 month. We are now actively ( mployed in the Town- 
 ship of Howard, and expect to complete the inspection 
 thereof by the latter end of this month. Our duty is very 
 laborious and painfully fatigueing, travelling through woods 
 and swamps und(3r the influence of a scorching sun tho' 
 occasionally under pelting rain storms, my aversion to 
 Rattle Snakes", which are very numerous in this quart^Tj 
 renders the dury to me more irksome and unpleasant 
 than it is to my young friend, and as we advance west- 
 ward, we will experience greater hardships, and fewer 
 comforts tlian we have hitherto done While journeying 
 through the townships of Orford and Howard, we could 
 always reach a kind of a Public house twice a week, but 
 these comforts we cannot expect near the shores of Lake 
 Huron where we must pass many a cheerless, and r||t. 
 less ni^ht, f'ul aiv' stormy weather, distant from any 
 human habitation. Speaking trqly and candidly, I mu8^ 
 '' t ', 
 t i , 
 it , 
 I •! 
 k , 
 : ^ 
 ,ay, that I have been placed in an office, the duties of 
 Vhich are attended with greater labour and d.fficnlties, 
 than the Gentlemen at head quarters can by any pos. 
 sibility be a»vare of, j i- , „f 
 Although wo have traversed many a good L.01 01 
 Land in the tract through which we have carried our op- 
 erations, still we have met in our progress Lots upon 
 which we found Squatters, correct and hard labouring 
 families, who, for the articles of food, have been fre- 
 nuenil driven to the necessity of leaving the mothers and 
 youngest branches of the families in their wretched huts 
 and seek for work wherever it was to be found, to keep 
 them in life ; the Lots upon which they squatted after 
 six and seven year's occupation and hard labour, so un- 
 productive as to deny them any returns for their unUed 
 exertions. These miserable and unfortunate creatures 
 willing soever as they may be to pay for the Lots which 
 they thus occupy it, on the terms now offered to the^m is 
 altogether beyond their power to accomphsh, and should 
 they be dispossessed without sufficient time given or any 
 indulgence extended to them to pay up the arrears of 
 interest already due, in such ease 'heyw.U be thrown 
 out on the wide world naked and with ruined consU 
 tutions i„ acual want of bread. The situation and cir- 
 clstances, in which such poor miserable creatures - 
 ,h«e alluded to, and there are m.ny of them in this D^- 
 riot forms » subject too painful even to contemplate. 
 ities of 
 ny pos- 
 Uot of 
 our op- 
 »ts upon 
 eea fre- 
 lers and 
 led huts 
 to keep 
 ,ed after 
 r, so un- 
 r united 
 its which 
 ) them, is 
 id should 
 ,ti or any 
 rrears of 
 3 thrown 
 jd consti- 
 and cir- 
 atures as 
 I this Dis- 
 We have not as yet met with a family of the above 
 cription, but who are anxious to retain possession of 
 lots and are most willing to pay for them, provided the 
 indulgence of time be extended to them. The IndiviJu- 
 als who have had the good fortune of squatting on lots 
 of fertile land, convenient to mills and market, will be 
 able to pay for their lots conformable to the terms and 
 stipulations [aid down by the Governor. This far I must 
 in candour admit, that I have experienced a great deal 
 of kindness at the hand of the Inhabitants of this district, 
 although I regret to state that a number of disappointed 
 office hunters, are in the field pursuing my confrere rand 
 self with all the implacability of personal resentment^ 
 and strange to say, that too by Individuals that never 
 saw or knew anything about us, to such criminal extent 
 will wicked envy lead some of the disappointed children 
 of the human family. We are, however, fully determined 
 to pursue a line of conduct in the execution of our duty, 
 that will bid defiance to the most crafty and malicious 
 slanderer. Should any thing in the shape of a complaint 
 of any description prejudicial to either of us reach your 
 office, I trust you will have the goodness to give the same 
 a flat contradiction as not having the slightest shadow 
 of found;ition in truth, but altogether emanating from 
 envious and truly depraved minds. 
 I had extensive communications from many parts 
 of Great Britain previous to my leaving Norval, by which 
 [^ < 
 it would appear that there is a great movement (<,r an 
 extonsiv. Immigration to Canada this yeur, b«t should they 
 meet with a similar reception as those who came out du- 
 ring the three proceeding years, the Wild Lands of thi. 
 Province will conlinue in a sl..te of miproducuve torrcst 
 to the Government for centuries to come. Had the Gov- 
 ernor General employed my services in sellUng tne Hu- 
 ron Tract, instead of inspecting the Clergy liescrves m 
 this district, I make no hesitation in stating that the Gov- 
 crnment would be benefited more in many ways, mas. 
 mueli that I feel lUlly convinced, 1 would be instrumental 
 in retaining in the Province the- thousands oi wealthy 
 families who have left Canada in comi.lcte disgust, and 
 crossed over to Yankee Land, to swear leahy to that 
 Governn,ent. and seek under its Star Spangled Banner 
 that encouragement and protection which they m vain 
 sought for at 'the hands of the Canadian Government. 1 
 trust you have brought my Ueport on this subject under 
 the notice and consideration of yoJ,- ftiend the Hon ble 
 DeBlaquire, if so, I w.uld be glad to be acquainted 
 with his opinion and sentiments thereon at your earliest 
 convenience. ., ,,. 
 Recent accounts received from Mrs. MeVioar, con- 
 veys the gratifying intelligence of her.elf and children 
 being in the enjoyment of the blessings of good hea th, 
 they are making the necessary preparations to follow 
 after me ; 1 have taken a small cottage for them conve- 
 for an 
 aid they 
 out du- 
 1 of this 
 for re St 
 tie Gov- 
 Luc Hu- 
 crvcs in 
 liG Gov- 
 fS, inas^ 
 ;ast, and 
 to that 
 y ill vain 
 mcnt. I 
 cct under 
 > Hon'blo 
 r earliest 
 Icar, con- 
 :l children 
 od health, 
 to follow 
 Lin conve- 
 nient to a good school within a short distance of the ViU 
 lage of Morpeth in this Township. 
 Have the goodness to convey to your Lady and 
 every member of your family the assurance ot my regard, 
 and sincere best wishes for their temporal and spiritual 
 welfare and oblige, 
 My dear Hammond, 
 Your ever faithful and affectionate friend, 
 Robert McVicar. 
 Thomas Hammond, Esquire. 
 Township of Zoottf 1st August^ 1847. 
 My dear John, 
 I have to acknowledge the receipt of your commu. 
 nication of 24th ultimo, which I received at a late hour 
 yesterday. With respect to the climate and soil on the 
 south and north, and bordering on the Saskachewan River, 
 from below Garlton House to the foot of the Rocky 
 Mountains, a distance of about 1,000 miles from east to 
 west, may be considered in every point of view equally 
 favorable to colonization as the settlement of Red River^ 
 embracing similar advantages and disadvantages, with 
 the exception of the danger that might naturally be ap- 
 prehended from the numerous hostile tribes of Indians 
 who inhabit that part of the country, and who are in a 
 ■VI >■ ^-»- 
 continual state of warfare with each other, particularly 
 those tribes that are spread over the country lying to the 
 south and south-west of the river, who seldom visit the 
 cstablishmont of the Hon'ble Hudson's Bay Company. 
 These would in my bpinion, be apt to view with a jealous 
 and suspicious eye, any encroachments upon their lands 
 by strangers, more particularly by Europeans who had 
 for their object the cultivation of the soil, and usurpation 
 oflheir teritory, which by the laws of nature they con- 
 Hidcv to be their infallible property being the aborigines^ 
 thereof. According to my views and understanding of 
 the subject of sending Immigrants to settle that remote 
 portion of the Wilds of British North America, while 
 there is ample room in Canada for the redundant starved 
 pHmlation of the British Isles, 1 consider the scheme as 
 ultocrether chimerical, and could only originate in the 
 mind of an individual who has not given the subject that 
 due consideration which it requires. If Mr. Sullivan has 
 any serious desire of proving to the community at honie 
 and abroad, that he is actuated by the true and noble 
 spirit of philanthropy let him at once obey the loud call 
 t'rt the voice of distress now resounding from one 
 conior of the British Isles to the other is at this very mo- 
 ment making on his acknowledged pre-eminent talent, and 
 .vithout a moment's delay, clothe himself wi^th the robe 
 of humanity, the armour of compassion and the breast- 
 pfote of christian fortitude, and thus equipped compare 
 Notes with our present Governor General, and advise 
 him to adopt forthwith, the system which I have had thn 
 honor to draft out at the request of the late Lord Metcalf. 
 for the settlement of the Waste Lands of the Province. 
 When these lands, including the 23 Townships in the 
 Huron Tract, at present lying in a state of unproductive,? 
 wildcrnes:?, shall have been successfully settled, Iho Gov. 
 ernment then may with safety and success continue to 
 extend the settlement of the country from Lake Superior, 
 through the shores of the Lake of the Woods, thence to 
 Lake Winepof^, thence to Lake Cumberland, Saskachowari 
 River, to the Rocky Mountains, and in course of timr-, 
 the settlement of the country might be successfully ex- 
 tended along the banks of Beaver River, from Green 
 Lake to the shores of Lesser Slave Lake, and thence 
 west to the Rocky Mountains. The tract of country 
 along the banks of the Pease River from, Athabasca Lake, 
 otherwise called Lake of the Mountains, to the foot of the 
 Rocky Mountains, u also susceptible of being settled, the 
 soil thereof being rich and productive, and the climate 
 salubrious. On the banks of the Saskachewan lliver, 
 the snow begins to thaw about the first of April ; the loaf 
 ber^ins to bud about I8th of that month, and all the trees 
 are in full blossom about the ^nd June. About the 22nd 
 October the forest is completely stript of its foliage ; th<j 
 frost sets in about the 30th October, and the snow begins 
 to fall about the 5th of November, the ice in the month 
 of March, when it attaina its full thickness, measures 3i, 
 feet when there is no current and the winter is unusually 
 severe ; the average depth of the snow during a period of 
 ten years has been ascertained not to exceed 2 feet 8 
 inches. The degree of cold during the months of January 
 and February ranges from 15 to 38, and has been known 
 us low as 42. The heat in the months of Juno and July 
 is oppressive ; its degree in 1814 was asccrtuined in the 
 shade, to be as high as 93 which accounts for the rapid 
 vegetation on the banks of that river. Before publishing 
 any report calculated to excite a general feeling in favour 
 of colonizing these distant regions, Mr. Sullivan should 
 cautiously ponder upon the subject, and by every means 
 within his reach, first ascertain the extent of the difficulties 
 and dangers to which the first settlement would be expo- 
 sed, particularly, during the first years. The melancholy 
 details connected with the history of the Colony planted 
 by the Earl of Selkirk on Red River, from its first forma- 
 tion in 1812 to the year 1821, when the coalition of the 
 Hudson's Bay and North West Companies took place, 
 are of so harrowing a nature, as to furnish ample nateri- 
 als to form a subject calculated to enlighten the kiriiv^; J e 
 and direct the ulterior movements of Mr. Sullivan, m the 
 adoption and execution of his fond and praiseworthy 
 scheme, having for its object, the opening a field wherein 
 to place tbf t'-mishing inhabitants of Ireland and Scotland, 
 thereby i .^^Idag a permanent provision for and relieving 
 them from the heartrending distress, under the pressure 
 of which they have been so long suffering. In the event 
 of Emigrants being sent from the British ports by way 
 of Hudson's Bay, which is the shortest and chenjHJSt way 
 of con .eying them, they must winter that your at or near 
 York Factory, and they could only reach their destination 
 in the Saskatchewan River the following autumn, at too 
 late a period to do any thing else than to build temporary 
 huts for themselves to pass the winter in, without any means 
 to subsist upon till ihey could get crops out of the ground, 
 which would be two years complete loss to them, besides 
 the immense expense the feeding alone oftlicm would 
 amount to during that time, and I am aware that the tra- 
 ding establishment of the Hudson's Bay Company are sel- 
 dom, if ever supplied with more provisions than is required 
 to carry on their trade ; and by sending Einiiirants to 
 the Saskatchewan, on the Ottawa Waters, by the means 
 of canoes and boats, the expense would be at least double* 
 and about the same time lost before they could get any 
 crops out of the ground. Viewing the subject of plan- 
 tine a settlemmit on the banks of the Saskatchewan River 
 in all its bearings, tendencies, and rel.uinns, it appenrs to 
 me a point of serious doubt whether the Hon'bie Hudson's 
 Bay Company, who are most tenacious of the powers, 
 rights and privileges vested in them by virtue of their 
 Royal Charter, would silenily acquiesce in the plan, and 
 afford the originalor and friends thereof the benefit of 
 .! 'is 
 whict. it would be, .a my Uumb e b.t can p ^^^^ .^ 
 ,o arduous an undertaking. ^^ ^^ ^^^„„. 
 „y ,ni„c!. I would ..ost -^P^-'f ''y;;,,hwith with Sir 
 ind Mr. S«U>van to -^o^P"" ^ „ ^^pert Land, and 
 Oeo,.ge Simpson, Go-rnor in C ^ "^ J^^^^^^ ^, ,^ 
 i"g earned into -^^ J ."^LiUe use of this letter. 
 You are at fuU liberty ^^^^ ^^.^^^^ „, 
 with the advice and consent of youi P 
 you may deem proper. ^^^^^^^^ 
 And with my good wi,U.^ y 
 I remain, My d"" John, 
 Your Loving Father, 
 Uob't McVicAU. 
 Mr. John McVicar, ^ 
 Crown Timber Ultice. > 
aranc<3 ot 
 )inion, the 
 embai-k in 
 ession on 
 to recom- 
 h with Sir 
 , Land, and 
 ince of his 
 be, Mr. S. 
 ction to hia 
 is plans be- 
 ; this letter, 
 )r officer, as 
 • welfare, 
 b't McVicah. 
 The Ibllo^ving Statistics furnish valuable information worth ex- 
 amination : — 
 Comparative view of Immigration for four years, at the port of 
 New York. 
 < J ermany, 
 8pain, . 
 rtaly, . 
 West Indies, 
 N'ova Scotia, 
 South America, 
 East Indies, 
 69,883 118,126 
 229,608 212,7J6 280,801 298,004 
 Number of passengers for the last 13 pears who landed in New York 
 :..-, •'■^c-rooT 1Q/1K R9 or.n 1849 . . . 221.71 
 If M 
 1 Letter from Robert Mc Vicar, to the Honorable Colonel Fraser, 
 dated Montreal, 25th April, 1842, 5 
 3 " " the Hou'ble Colonel Alexander Fraser in reply, 
 dated Fraserfield, 30th April, 1842, 4 
 3 " '• Robert McVicar to the same, dated Montreal, 
 9th May, 1842, 6 
 4 *« " the Hon'ble Colonel Fraeer to Robert McVicar, 
 daled Cornwall, 11 h May, 1842, 12 
 5 «♦ •' Robert McVicar to the Hon'ble Colonel Alex'r 
 Fraser, dated Montreal, 20th May, 1842, 12 
 6 •' *' Doctor Alex'r So tt to Robert McVicar, dated 
 Montreal, 30th May, 1842, 14 
 7 ♦« " The Hon'ble Colonel Alexander Fraser to R. 
 McVicar, dated Montreal, 22nd June, 1842, IT) 
 8 " " Robert McVicar to Lawis T. Drummond, Esq, 
 dated Montreal, 23rd June, 1842,... 15 
 9 " " Robert McVicar to the Editor of the Montreal 
 Her Id, dated Montreal, 25th June, 1842, 17 
 10 «« •» Phil nthrophy to the Editor of the Montreal 
 Herald, dated Montreal, 1842, 9i 
 11 A etter to the Editor of the Montreal Herald, dated 
 Montreal, 2nd July, 1842 22 
 12 " •* The Hon'ble Colonel Alexander Fraser, to R. 
 McVicar, dated Fraserfield, 7th July, 1842, 26 
 13 " " The Hon'ble John Davidson, Commissioner of 
 Crown Lands, to the H n'ble Colonel Fraser, dated 
 Crown Lands Department, 4th July, 1842, 27 
 14 " " Robert McVicar, to Lewis T. Drummond, dated 
 Montreal, 10th July, 1842, '. 27 
 15 " " A Settler to the ditor of the Montreal Herald, 
 dated Montreal.llth July, 1842, 28 
 16 •« " Robert McVicar to Lewis T. Drummond, Esq., 
 dated Montreal, 19th July, 1842 30 
 17 " " Josiali Timmis to Robert McVicar, dated King- 
 ston, 7th December, 1842, 33 
 18 '♦ " The same to the same, dated Kingston, 15th 
 December, 1842, •, 34 
 19 ♦* " The same to the same, dated Kingston, 30th 
 December, 1842, 36^ 
 20 •' '« The same to the same, dated Kingston, 5th 
 January, 1843, 38 
 » Robert McVicar to the Hon'ble A. N. Morb, ^^^ 
 dated Kingston, 15ih January, 1843,... •"''qq'a 
 " The same to the same, dated Kingston, 22nd ^^ 
 Hammond. K.q., dated Kingston, 6th March 1843^^^^^ 43 
 " The Tourist of the Woods, t^o Robert mcvicar, ^ 
 dated Kingston, 15th March, ^^.^^'V :;:„•-_:• •giVt 
 .» The same to the same, dated Kmgston, ^isi ^^ 
 dated Kingston, 6th ApriU 1843,...........vv-;"«;v:;^ 
 " Arboricus to the Editor of the British Whig, 
 dated Kingston, 6th April, 1843,.......j.....--------;i;.- 
 28 A Memorial o'f Robert_McVicar,to^His Excellency TJje 
 lemorial 01 '^^^^"q^^Y;""' Theopholus Metcalf, 
 McVicar, dated Kingston, 15th April. 184J,j.....v---- 
 30 Letter from th'eTouris.«f the Woods o Robert McV car, 
 Sr/t^rlSrw^reTK^fTeTrol^n'rS 7a 
 32 Note^Sa Mcvtar to Captain Higjinson. acoontpa- ^^ 
 nvJniT the above Communi ation, ";•••"• '^'„\^a 
 33 Lette71?L^ Ca^Lfli^^^^^^^ to Robert McVicar ua^d ^^ 
 Priv??te Secretary»8 Office, ^"'i-f ^y^; ^ n Moiin. 
 .. « Robert McVicar to the Hon'ble A. N. Monn, 
 r C T. dated Nerval, 24th August, 1343............. JO 
 « ^' V;^f;tme to the 'same, dated Nerval, 12th Sep ^^^ 
 . '"'^^Xin^i^^s^:^^'^^^^^^ 101 
 ^^^^ M cVicar 'toithe M Nab of McNab, dated 
 it ♦» Robert 
 N rvaU 9ih N»™"^"\f®t^- A-oUnrComnii'ssion^ 102 
 " fC L ."•rMcVc'ar!irMarcl,f^ 10" 
 .. "' 'i: Roberf McVicar irl eply to the same dated Nor- ^^^ 
 .. '"'^?tb"r'tvfctt\o Tho^tis'-HamntondrEs,., ^^^ 
 '^.f R"oi;TrSic'v^^ar'.o^;is So,;-ioinR;-MoV(ca;; 
 1 rr> u;^ />f TInnn- 1847. 
 > I • • ' 
 3,... 43 
 ^ic r 
 , &c., 72 
 a Oct., 
 I, dated 
 issioner 102 
 ed Nor- 
 1, Esq., 