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I A n I2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 VIGTORIfl THEATRE PROGRfllWillE OFFICIAL PROC.»?AMME ^(>V. Ist. of tliv Vii'lnri'i'l'lii iilrv, i- li. WIl.l.l VM'^. ITIil.iSIIKK. I !"iiii»inij "iiivi '■" :'ii' I'rniiiniiiiii .71'- Itr ha't .'».'/ (ti)ithf'iiu (it Jmnif^tni lUi-: sinrc or '" '■' /'■ iViiiinniK nl lli nilf .1/ /'I. I'r.n'Inrr. I'Mlxiiiih; (,'i I'UICKS. rhrvHlll ncil !u' .iMV r.'j:iilnr n- c-'.i ui-'ii-.l prii-i'- lor Hiinu'in". ili.i ii" li I lii-'d 111 u|>|iiMr 111 il' Vn ; • -.lA I'liKAVHK. A'l iln' «lii!rlii: ' til • ■■iis.s
  • . , I -III t ,':^;;^;-'-| ' ir. if'irrt Ch .trs Or vira CiiiMi".. 111. - circK- .1 '.I* .1 I 1 I'ru'i's A-lll only l)u iidviim'Cil wlH'i iili-oliiu'ly iiecfs-nry. I.HrBo irn lif;,'li -aliiiii'il nimtmiilos i-Miiiiot !■ i'\|ii'i'tc I to pliiy III ii-iiml priiii's. Ilcii'l Tin: I'lioiiRAMMK, mid tnk • || lioiii.' with you and si'iid it lo your frii'iid- In the Kasl. I KII.KS AND RHl.ri.ATIONS. Tlu'i'v •Miliii,' iicrtoriiiiiiici-will coin ni'iHT III h o'clock, luid llic miilliioc . Kl 2 o'clock. Th '■ doors v.in lit open lU T.;'0 p 111 mil) [or nmliiiccs III l.:iO pjii. I'lii drcn til nrin^ not ndmlllcd. Scats call lie ordered liv tidcplioin' .1.-, micron's tlicatrc tck'iduiiic — iiiini- licr fi'l. rollers arc proliiliilcd f'uiii rccciv iinj fcc«. I'lense report lo tlic ninimiicni 'i.l miv incivility 011 the pari of llio employees. ('iiriin«es 111 -V Ijo ordered fir the cveiiiiiK performance at l".:fli p. i"., Htid for the malinee at 4.30. Joseph Sears L« .see and Manager R03ERT JAMIESON, . v"'-'f^.^\ t ■"':' XT c^ ■» MiSS ROSE COGHLAN * L. R. STOCKWELL — AM)- -^ COMl'AXY Ol' I'I,AYl«:il U'. (tvertiin! ■' S.'ldiiitiiiicl " liach ;!. '.Viillz " Ksiiitiiii " Wtihllnifel 4. Iilvll "The Mili ill tho I'.iri'st " Kilcuh'i-nj '• VICTORIA, B.C E. Z. BLACKWOOD, AKciit, (ioveriiinciit .^tri-c; -*;-»--t-4C^^^^ ^ P CHARLTON, Asst. lieiicnil riisscii'.;er Areiit. Is the Leading FOTOQRAFER PORTLAND, Or. Ladies illlllMIMDIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllltllllllllllllli = The Japanese ~ i ORIENTAL BAZAAR -OUH- Best Stock. New liiiiid^' idieapcr tlulll ever. Novcl- ticH 111 .Irtpaiiesc .Silks. A. WANIBE, 00 DOUGUKS ST, I Panou Dress Slippers Lowest I Prices, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii; GEO. A. SHADE, 99 Douglas St. , Have just arrived. A MagnlFicenl Line J. H. BAKER ,, 63 Government St. ; wmm iAiEDDiNC •?• Presents. Quadruple Silver Plate. Wrought Iron Table, Banquet and Train Lamps, Fenders, Fire Sets, Andirons, Rich Gold Finish Onyx Top Tables AND MANY HANDSOME NOVELTIES. Why buy old style goods at so-called low prices, when you can get the newest ioods made for a trifle more. Come and see our goods, even if you do not purchase. WEILER BROS.. Shovtfirooms 55 to 57. Vort Street Use LeValte & Ward's Worcester Sauce * FOUR DIPLOMAS AND FIRST PRIZIe: AT THE EXHIBITION uMm THB PROVINCE You Must USE WHITING'S STATIONERY If you w!sh to be correct: in your correspondence. Their papers have been in use for thirty years and the verdict of popular approbation is with them. WHITINQ'S STANDARD LINEN Takes the Lead. There is none " just as good." Insist upon getting this paper and you will have the best. ROBERT JAMIESON, I I Books and Stationery. 61 Qovernment Street. The Sale Still Continues At The Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co That is gone up Sugar w< right wit and plum Goto >Lj^ We j In th< , gooda i Gentle I luade trimini ! guaruD T.W.^ I PRACT i as Ti If you V UTC w Monday Cor. YA' Masquer Ro( ROOM The ji^ivoTPMEii^ cxjrr iiv ^^^ inC I'KSTIVE HOUSK FLY never troubles himself alrout the hereafter, but gives his individual attention ^ \ ^ to the livinj; present. Rain or shine, winter or summer, he is a stayer. If you smite him on one cheek, ^^^ he don't take the trouble to skip over to the other one, but is back in the same place in an instant. That is us. We are li^jhting in the same j)lace every time — tliat is spot cash. Prices are advancing. Hutter gone up again, and still going — so say the wise ones. We have some left at old price, and are selling at 25 cents. Sugar wor.se than a barometer; up goes the price a J^ cent, and down goes quantity to 20 lbs, for a dollar. We are right with it. New Valencia and lot)se Muscatelle Raisins, Citron, Uemon Peel, when you are ready for mince meat and plum pudding. DIXI H. ROSS & CO. 117 GOVERNMENT STREET. .' y Go to A U.U.W. Hall ^-^TeY.]^.]?^^* The Great Drama " LYNWOUD " We XL \ In th« line flniah of t^ goods tamed oat bjr M trimminlb, -mmI, good At guaranteed. DRIflRDBflR.""*'*'"'"*"^''^'' Theatre Curtain Bell at Rise ol Girab CAST OP CHARACTERS. Mr. Poeket, magietrate of Malberjr ft. Police Court Mr. L. B. BtoeinMl Mr. BalUuny, hia aaaociate magiato*.^ Mr. Brigham B«!]r# Oentlemen'a own ntatorUdi Ool. Lokjm, from Bengal, retired Mr. Edmund R*ytfr ^, ' . . . ,^ \ Capt. Horace Vale, Shropshire Fnalltera Mr. Chas. BalM ! made up witn nrawiiaak ^^ Parringdon, Mrs. Poakefs aon by her former hoaband Mr. Geo. W. Byw I, Achille Blond, Proprietor of the Hotel Dea Princes Mr. William Mandw^nj Isadora, a waiter Mr. Qeorge Banh»: Mr. Wormington, Ohief Clerk at Mnlberry Street Mr. Harold ViaH# i II Inspector Messlter Mr. Wataon Edug u t\ B SergwintLagg Mr. QajrOUHiM T.W.Waiker a tO.,l ConrtaWe Harris Mr. Harry ThoratoT ' ^yke Mr. Thos. A. BaaWb Chartotia, Agatha's sister Miaa Margarat Omvlk Beatie Toalinson, a young lady reduceil to teaching music Misa Emity l4Ftl|0 PRACTICAL TAILORS, 4Popham,b«IpatPoaket'a Misa Afin LmUI — AHO— Agatha Posknt (late Farringdon) Miss Bito O0|Ul|^^ pSAGE 82 Trounce Aveaua, Victoris. Hus Flv« Medals Awarded for Superior Fhotoa. Trj car Snpdrtor PORK SAUSAGE, PORK PIES. SAUSAGE ROLLS, POTTED HEADS, and PRESSED MEATS, (all oar own make.) Pickled and Fresh Pork, Hams, Bacon and Lard BEATY & CO., 45 Government St., (Next to C. £. Redfern's.) 1^ If you wish to learn the a , *'•"" UTEST SOCIETY DANcIs and lear quickly -GOTO- WINN'S HALL '1 Monday and Thursday Eve., S:is o'clock. Cor. YATES & trOVENNMENT St. We have all H.o latest styles, both American iinil English, to i ('hi)UBc from. DoyQU wmt § ^ ♦ JiR. 4. iRS. KflSfiHR ^g . ~ '!» ™ I Importers of Fine FreDcb Hair Goods Ma.squerade Suits to Rent at f ^ \ GARMICHAEL J CO. Rock Hottom Prices. \ I 65 Yates St. — LADiaa* HAIR DRESSERS Practical WIG 1g:mtL.* -^ For the Finest Candies and the Choicest Fruit in the city. ROOM a, TURNER BLK. JOHNSON STREET. Opposite Fire Hall. i^r^?^''" A Befreshing Drink of Arctic MAJilflu 1 Soda, only 6 cents a glass. Wigs for Hire H. A. LILLEY 81 GOVERNMENT STREET, I ,05 Doi.«iut* street. Victoria, B.C. victori«, r.c. The Sale still continues at the Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co. 1'. (». Ilox 2«9. Tl:l^. IL'I U'lHt.ll.liMll'.'ll ISoS.) Biscuit Manufacturers 5r-59 FORT STREET, VICTORIA, B.C. gj^\\'\'\v l(ir [irirr list. WM, T. HARDAKER Central Drug Store General Auctioneer 77, 79, 81 DOUGLAS ST. Tho Iinr^cst iiuj Bust Appointed Auction Ko'imH in lln.« City. Tliiisc wlohiii).' In Micim' iiDiiKiliKl I fiirni tiiii', ill'., Ill II I'imilii. will ilo 'wW Id jmy me (I \ Wit. '1 l!" lit nil 'I'-i i(|.||(iiin Ki'ld 'lly i' r .ir.l. Siii'li iiii'.:iiiil«iif >iu liiiMlfi', 1! -nil-.'li, liiini'Vi'r llirdll. ini' III Mlliili Mllll.' ri.ni|iiirril WlUl llll' Mitt Inlirllt ii'i'ili-rf'. Ill «iiil>-iiiit; Iniiiiiiiillv hy III ''I ll • . I 111' 'llllKUlm l^ till' Tnil i;ir HI Vil. Till' ilnrllH |iri'-l'llU'^, llllt Uir iirv ■;«< I ri |iiiri'« tin' r'tin'ily. > nil r III l"iy ii|iii.i till' ri'llli-iii|..iiiiii|i'i| If \i',ii |,rii- c'lii' .t ;il III 1 . iitnil lirii'.' ■', iiii\ii-lc 'vi-'.Hi ifim. ri:iii-|M).scJ. AluiiiuiiJ mill t:iini|'<>-»:'J lot' <'"•■ Viii*. I'iiiiii) ni' iiiiy tiistriiincnt . OrJii.' can I'c Ittt at Jiinii.'-iin*.'' llnDU.stori, c Mmufiicturer and Dealer In BOOTS M SHOES ^c; Douglas St. Tho Don!/ ET vr'li'innA ■'•'>■■ •■"'•i>-'-*i' *■''■•""«--' ""J'"''>;"p»!'-*"c I Ilo Ddim bM)lld[10i)r::;;:';;;a:::r;;;,.,.:v:;:.:ij^^ ' i if SViNC)l»SIS. All' l-Tlii' I'liiiilly .-I,. I. li.ii. \i .Mr. ri.-k.r", IiLmuiivI my. A< I II It !■ MVi'»llM'ii|.liiiMri|. Knniii ill llir Hill. I ili'i I'ri.irr-. Mi'ili .-'iri'i't. ACT III II iiMiiil.l •'. 'I'lu' Mii),'isir.i;.\ ini.in. Miir.i'rry Sli i. ACT IV— Iti- l.iirii'.l. .\l "Ir. I'u-ki rM.'.:iiiii. BOOKIMCS. I.illiiiii I.i'h|!i, llll' |iii|>uliir mlrcMn, Ik In'liv,' n'l'i'lvi'il iiy liirK"< liiiiiM'-i liiiill cltii's wliiri' ^Ih' Ik ■.liiu'iii!,' till' >iii 1 liii'iiliir iiriiiliM'iiirn if >liiiki'ii|ii'nri' > " Ik'npiiln." Ml.-.'< I,i»il» in Iut iiiiiTiiri'liitinii lit till' ilinriirtrr 111 tlii' KKyi'liiin 'fiui'li, lm> ili'Viiiti'd riiiclilrriljly frnm tin- Niniuwliiit -tcrintv ].. i| liriiiliK't It' ii.-iniilly svi'ii nf tlil* pluy nf tin' llnnl nf Avmi. .Mls» l.i'U Ik' iiili'r|irrliitiiiii Ik ilivist.il ..f iiiiii'li I'l iK>ii' liiiririiiii'Kfi, |iiirtn iiM I'lliiiiniilril. iiinl ii lil.cnil liitrmliirliiiM nf iImx.IIiii,' iiiiil lirilliMiit tiilili'Hiix. iiiin>iiHl ctiorUM's tiiiil tii-H ilifiil Uiilli'tK, Ik miIiI tn li'ini mi tiililltiuiiHl I'liiirin tiii|iii "llliiii nf llll' Iiiiiii 'itBl Kiiuliuli ill- iiiiiiii'^t. Mi-.n f.i'WlK Ik iiMy Mi|iiinrti'il: lln' sh'Iiitn Ik In kri'iiiii'.: ^willi llu' iiii'i'i'. iili'l llll' cn.-liiiiU'Kiii ■ I'lrKi'iiiis ill till' I'Xiri'iiii'. I'lu' " .'<|n'iliii'iiiiir ('lri>|iiitra " will In' ]iiit llll llll- liiiinls lit Vil liirin 'I'lu'iilii ;;l.sl ninl ."Jiiil IiikP. 1. ;i SUPERIOR mi OF Mens' Ladies' I'liliiiiiilli-r nr lit T N. II iS' .'..-, .Iiiii'ii'* 111 K, lijivi'l'-iiii Hrn'... Hiiil Ciiiitl ■11. .v Mil. Iii'l:*. The Tyrolean Queen A Juvenile Operetta. I'liili'i' the ilin I'liiiii iif .Mrs. I'lri.l^ri's .iti i Mr.s. Wil! I's. will 111' iii'it.iriiH'ii in A. O. U. W. HALL, November 6th and 7th, CiiiiiT I'll' liiKliimiii^hi'il iiutr.iiiii;;!' ni tiie Cniiiiii-; iif .\i., ■• I.I 11 mill lirr I'liililri'ii, For th« Benefit of St. Joseph's Hospital. AiiVln.|li.S', .'illr. ; Cull. lilli:.\, -I'll'. \ Sll'l'h.l f '.lIllli' Wih li'll ClltlllK llrjll lii'tWl'l'll till' si'iiiinl llll. I lliiril iii'ls, glvi'ii .ly yn iii« IuiII'.'k In Niiulli'iil Cnsiiiin.'.